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Editor’s note: This blog was republished with permission from Robert Kim. You can view the original post on Heinemann.com. Watch Robert Kim, Cornelius Minor and Kass Minor talk about anti-CRT legislation as part of Heinemann’s ForwardEd series on Tuesday, August 24, at 7:30 p.m. ET.
Educators around the nation are grappling with so-called “anti-critical race theory” laws that are cropping up around the nation. What’s going on here, and how should educators respond to this development? Civil rights law and policy expert and Heinemann author Bob Kim breaks it down for us here:
What is critical race theory?
Critical race theory (or “CRT”) is a school of thought that explores and critiques American history, society, and institutions of power (including government and legal systems) from a race-based perspective. An intellectual outcropping of the critical legal studies and feminist legal theory movements of the 1970s, the CRT movement has contributed to a deeper understanding of how race has been constructed in and impacted the United States. It also poses key questions, such as: Has the American legal system and traditional civil rights litigation been effective at achieving racial justice? And if not, what should be done about that?
What are “anti-CRT” laws?
As of July 2021, 26 states have proposed legislation or executive actions banning or limiting the teaching of principles attributed to CRT in public schools. (To be clear: these proposals don’t have all that much to do with actual critical race theory.) So far, those bills have been signed into law in six states (Idaho, Iowa, New Hampshire, Oklahoma, Tennessee and Texas), and four other states (Georgia, Florida, Montana and Utah) have issued executive rules or memos with a similar purpose.
While the proposals vary in scope and content, one common goal is to discourage or prohibit staff training and/or curriculum and instruction in public K-12 and/or postsecondary schools that “stereotypes,” “scapegoats” or causes “discomfort or guilt” among members of a particular race or sex (or the government) by suggesting they are responsible for racism/sexism or are “inherently” racist, sexist or oppressive. Some proposals prohibit additional actions, such as “promoting or advocating the violent overthrow of the United States government”; “promoting division between, or resentment of” people of different races or classes; or even suggesting that “the advent of slavery in the territory that is now the United States constituted the true founding of the United States” (a direct response to the 1619 Project).
Where did this “anti-CRT” movement come from?
Many state “anti-CRT” bills contain provisions similar to those found in documents issued by the former Trump Administration. In September 2020, the Trump Administration issued a memo to federal agencies directing them to identify and cancel any staff training programs that focus on “critical race theory” or “‘white privilege,’ or any other training or propaganda effort that teaches or suggests either (1) that the United States is an inherently racist or evil country or (2) that any race or ethnicity is inherently racist or evil.” Weeks later, President Trump issued an executive order that purported “to combat offensive and anti-American race and sex stereotyping and scapegoating” by restricting the federal government and its contractors from conducting diversity training that examined systemic racism, white privilege and other issues involving race and gender bias. This executive order was revoked by President Biden on his first day in office, but its contents have since been replicated by state legislatures.
Can I still discuss and teach issues pertaining to racism or sexism in schools or staff trainings?
Yes. However, depending on whether an anti-CRT law is in effect where you teach or work or not, there may be a few restrictions on how you teach or provide training on these concepts. Check with your school administrator—and take a moment to look up your state to get clear on the rules of the road.
A scan of the provisions in states where anti-CRT legislation has passed reveals that educators and school training facilitators still enjoy wide latitude. For example, in Texas, educators can (and may be required) to teach topics related to the “history and importance of the civil rights movement” and “the history of white supremacy, including but not limited to the institution of slavery, the eugenics movement, and the Ku Klux Klan, and the ways in which it is morally wrong.” In Idaho, any curriculum that was allowed before is still okay as long as no student is “compelled” to adhere to certain tenets ascribed to critical race theory. In Iowa, any otherwise prohibited content is allowable in staff diversity trainings if those trainings are voluntary—and even in mandatory trainings, trainers are allowed to respond to questions related to critical race theory (as described in the statute). And Iowa and New Hampshire educators or diversity trainers can still teach or train about “the historical existence of ideas and subjects” related to race and gender; “the inherent humanity and equality of all persons”; “sexism, slavery, racial oppression, or racial segregation”; “promote racial, cultural, ethnic, or intellectual diversity or inclusiveness”; or teach any topic otherwise prohibited in the legislation “as part of a larger course of academic instruction.” (In fact, many of these “anti-CRT” bills contain similar provisions that allow educators to continue teaching topics related to racism, sexism, history, the civil rights movement and anything that is prescribed under state academic content standards.)
Are the anti-CRT laws legal?
That’s a good question. States do have the broad discretion to control the content of classroom instruction or school employee trainings. But they can’t enact laws with a discriminatory purpose (for example, if they are directed harmfully at specific racial or ethnic populations). Laws can’t be so vague that it’s impossible for educators or state-funded contractors or trainers to decipher what’s allowable or what’s not. And laws that unduly restrict academic freedom or the ability of students to receive a diverse range of information and ideas may violate the First Amendment.
Remember also: Public school educators enjoy free speech protections when they choose to speak out on issues of racism, sexism and other matters of public concern in their personal capacities (i.e., on your own time). That said, in our highly connected world, even personal speech may impact the school community; in general, for public school educators, the more unconnected to work your speech is (as indicated by what, where, when, to whom and how you communicate), the greater your right to speak freely. Government employees do have a right to speak out at work, but this right is more limited than when they are speaking in their personal capacities.
What can I do to address anti-CRT laws?
These “anti-CRT” laws are creatures of state legislatures and/or governors. If you are experiencing a problem or unnecessary restriction related to your job, report it your local or state elected representative (or your union representative, if you have one). That’s your right. You may also wish to pay a visit to civil rights advocacy organization defending free speech or educators’ rights. (As a former ACLU attorney, I always appreciated calls from educators; they helped me to understand how laws or policies impact practitioners on the ground—whether or not I later represented them in court.)
At the school and community level, you may wish to raise the topic of “anti-CRT” laws at a staff or supervisory meeting. Your goal is to understand clearly what’s prohibited and what isn’t. (See above: there are a LOT of loopholes in these laws!) School trainers may wish to have a dialogue with school administrators prior to conducting professional development sessions to clarify permissible versus prohibited content. Get this in writing! And remember to keep the language of the anti-CRT provision front and center in these conversations. | Kumbuka Mhariri: Blogi hii ilichapishwa tena kwa ruhusa ya Robert Kim. Unaweza kuona chapisho la awali kwenye Heinemann.com. Robert Kim, Cornelius Minor na Kass Minor wanazungumza juu ya sheria ya kupambana na CRT kama sehemu ya mfululizo wa Heinemann's ForwardEd Jumanne, Agosti 24, saa 7:30 pm. ET. (Kabla ya hapo) Walimu kote nchini wanashindana na sheria zinazoitwa "nadharia ya ubaguzi wa rangi" ambazo zinaibuka kote nchini. Ni nini kinachoendelea hapa, na walimu wanapaswa kujibuje maendeleo haya? "Mwandishi wa haki za binadamu na mwanasheria wa haki za binadamu, Bob Kim, aliandika hivi: ""Kuna maoni mengi kuhusu jamii." Nadharia ya ubaguzi wa rangi (CRT) ni shule ya mawazo ambayo inachunguza na kukosoa historia ya Marekani, jamii, na taasisi za nguvu (ikiwa ni pamoja na serikali na mifumo ya kisheria) kutoka kwa mtazamo wa ubaguzi wa rangi. Kama sehemu ya utafiti wa kiakili wa masomo muhimu ya kisheria na harakati za nadharia ya kisheria ya wanawake ya miaka ya 1970, harakati ya CRT imesababisha uelewa wa kina wa jinsi jamii ilivyotengenezwa na kuathiri Marekani. "Hii pia inazua maswali muhimu kama vile: ""Je, mfumo wa kisheria wa Marekani na madai ya haki za kiraia ya jadi yamekuwa na ufanisi katika kufikia haki ya kikabila?""" Na ikiwa sivyo, ni nini kinachopaswa kufanywa kuhusu hilo? Ni nini sheria za "kupinga CRT"? Kuanzia Julai 2021, majimbo 26 yamependekeza sheria au hatua za utekelezaji zinazopiga marufuku au kupunguza ufundishaji wa kanuni zinazohusiana na CRT katika shule za umma. (Iwe wazi: mapendekezo haya hawana wote kwamba mengi ya kufanya na kweli muhimu mbio nadharia.) Kwa sasa, sheria hizo zimetolewa katika majimbo sita (Idaho, Iowa, New Hampshire, Oklahoma, Tennessee na Texas) na majimbo mengine manne (Georgia, Florida, Montana na Utah) yametoa sheria za utekelezaji au kumbukumbu zenye kusudi kama hilo. Ingawa mapendekezo hutofautiana katika wigo na maudhui, lengo moja la kawaida ni kukataza au kupiga marufuku mafunzo ya wafanyakazi na au mtaala na mafundisho katika shule za umma za K-12 na au baada ya sekondari ambazo <unk> stereotypes, <unk> scapegoats <unk> au husababisha <unk> usumbufu au hatia <unk> kati ya wanachama wa jamii au jinsia fulani (au serikali) kwa kupendekeza wao ni wajibu wa ubaguzi wa rangi au <unk> asili <unk> ubaguzi wa rangi, ubaguzi wa jinsia au ukandamizaji. Baadhi ya mapendekezo ya sheria hiyo yanakataza vitendo vingine kama vile "kuendeleza au kuunga mkono kupinduliwa kwa serikali ya Marekani kwa nguvu," "kuendeleza mgawanyiko kati ya watu wa jamii au tabaka tofauti au kuchukizwa na watu wa jamii tofauti," au hata kupendekeza kwamba "kuanzishwa kwa utumwa katika eneo ambalo sasa ni Marekani kulifanyiza msingi wa kweli wa Marekani." Harakati hii ya "kupinga CRT" ilitoka wapi? Sheria nyingi za serikali dhidi ya CRT zina masharti yanayofanana na yale yaliyopatikana katika hati zilizotolewa na Utawala wa zamani wa Trump. "Mnamo Septemba 2020, utawala wa Trump ulitoa barua kwa mashirika ya shirikisho kuwaamuru kutambua na kufuta programu zozote za mafunzo ya wafanyakazi ambazo zinazingatia ""nadharia muhimu ya jamii"" au ""heshima nyeupe"" au juhudi nyingine yoyote ya mafunzo au propaganda ambayo inafundisha au inapendekeza ama kwamba Marekani ni nchi ya ubaguzi wa rangi au uovu au kwamba jamii yoyote au kabila ni ubaguzi wa rangi au uovu. "" ""Masharti ya Utekelezaji"" ambayo ilidai ""kupambana na ubaguzi wa rangi na ubaguzi wa jinsia na ubaguzi wa jinsia na ubaguzi wa jinsia.""" Amri hiyo ilifutwa na Rais Biden siku ya kwanza ya uongozi wake, lakini tangu wakati huo imerudishwa na bunge la jimbo. Je, bado naweza kuzungumzia na kufundisha masuala yanayohusiana na ubaguzi wa rangi au ubaguzi wa jinsia katika shule au mafunzo ya wafanyakazi? Ndio, nina hakika. Hata hivyo, kulingana na kama sheria ya kupambana na CRT iko katika athari ambapo unafundisha au kufanya kazi au la, kunaweza kuwa na vizuizi vichache juu ya jinsi unavyofundisha au kutoa mafunzo juu ya dhana hizi. Angalia na msimamizi wa shule yako <unk> na kuchukua muda wa kuangalia juu ya hali yako kupata wazi juu ya sheria za barabara. Uchunguzi wa masharti katika majimbo ambapo sheria dhidi ya CRT imepitishwa inaonyesha kwamba waalimu na wasimamizi wa mafunzo ya shule bado wanafurahia latitude pana. Kwa mfano, katika Texas, walimu wanaweza (na wanaweza kuhitajika) kufundisha mada zinazohusiana na "historia na umuhimu wa harakati za haki za kiraia" na "historia ya utawala mweupe, ikiwa ni pamoja na lakini si tu kwa taasisi ya utumwa, harakati ya eugenics, na Ku Klux Klan, na njia ambazo ni kinyume cha maadili." Katika Iowa, maudhui yoyote ambayo ni marufuku inaruhusiwa katika mafunzo ya utofauti wa wafanyakazi ikiwa mafunzo hayo ni ya hiari <unk> na hata katika mafunzo ya lazima, waalimu wanaruhusiwa kujibu maswali yanayohusiana na nadharia muhimu ya mbio (kama ilivyoelezwa katika sheria). "Wanafunzi wa Iowa na New Hampshire wanaweza kufundisha au kufundisha juu ya ""kuwepo kwa kihistoria kwa mawazo na masomo"" yanayohusiana na jamii na jinsia; ""ubinadamu wa asili na usawa wa watu wote; ubaguzi wa kijinsia, utumwa, ukandamizaji wa kijinsia, au mgawanyiko wa kijinsia; kukuza ubaguzi wa kijinsia, kitamaduni, kikabila, au kiakili au ujumuishaji; au kufundisha mada yoyote iliyokatazwa vinginevyo katika sheria kama sehemu ya kozi kubwa ya masomo ya kitaaluma." Je, sheria za kupambana na CRT ni halali? Hilo ni swali zuri. Serikali za nchi zina uhuru mkubwa wa kudhibiti maudhui ya mafunzo ya darasani au mafunzo ya wafanyakazi wa shule. Lakini hawawezi kutunga sheria zenye kusudi la ubaguzi (kwa mfano, ikiwa zinaelekezwa kwa madhara kwa idadi maalum ya jamii au kikabila). Sheria haziwezi kuwa zisizoeleweka sana hivi kwamba haiwezekani kwa walimu au wakandarasi wanaofadhiliwa na serikali au waalimu kugundua ni nini kinachoruhusiwa na ni nini kisicho. Sheria zinazopunguza uhuru wa masomo au uwezo wa wanafunzi kupokea habari mbalimbali na mawazo inaweza kuvunja Marekebisho ya Kwanza ya Katiba. "Kumbuka pia: Walimu wa shule za umma wanafurahia ulinzi wa uhuru wa kujieleza wakati wao kuchagua kuzungumza juu ya masuala ya ubaguzi wa rangi, ubaguzi wa jinsia na masuala mengine ya wasiwasi wa umma katika uwezo wao binafsi (yaani, wakati wako mwenyewe).""" Kwa ujumla, kwa walimu wa shule za umma, zaidi ya uhusiano wa kazi ya hotuba yako (kama inavyoonyeshwa na nini, wapi, lini, kwa nani na jinsi unavyowasiliana), haki yako ya kuzungumza kwa uhuru ni kubwa zaidi. Wafanyakazi wa serikali wana haki ya kusema katika kazi, lakini haki hii ni mdogo zaidi kuliko wakati wao ni kuzungumza katika uwezo wao binafsi. Ni nini kinachohitajika ili kuondoa sheria za kupambana na CRT? Sheria hizi "anti-CRT" ni viumbe vya bunge la jimbo na / au magavana. Ikiwa una tatizo au kizuizi kisicho cha lazima kinachohusiana na kazi yako, ripoti kwa mwakilishi wako wa uchaguzi wa eneo au jimbo (au mwakilishi wako wa chama, ikiwa una moja). Hiyo ni haki yako. Unaweza pia kutaka kutembelea shirika la kutetea haki za kiraia linalotetea uhuru wa kujieleza au haki za walimu. (Kama mwanasheria wa zamani wa ACLU, siku zote nilithamini simu kutoka kwa walimu; walinisaidia kuelewa jinsi sheria au sera zinavyoathiri watendaji kwenye ardhi - ikiwa baadaye niliwakilisha mahakamani au la.) Katika shule na ngazi ya jamii, unaweza kutaka kuinua mada ya <unk>anti-CRT<unk> sheria katika wafanyakazi au usimamizi mkutano. Lengo lako ni kuelewa waziwazi ni nini kinachokatazwa na ni nini kisicho. (Tazama hapo juu: kuna Vitu vingi katika sheria hizi!) Wafundishaji wa shule wanaweza kutaka kuwa na mazungumzo na wasimamizi wa shule kabla ya kufanya vikao vya maendeleo ya kitaaluma ili kufafanua yaliyomo yanayoruhusiwa dhidi ya yaliyopigwa marufuku. Fanya hivyo kwa maandishi! Kumbuka kuwa na lugha ya anti-CRT katika mazungumzo yako. | <urn:uuid:8616c8c5-b7df-4b06-859e-36e65d8b3953> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://www.learningforjustice.org/magazine/what-critical-race-theory-is-and-what-it-means-for-teachers | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
Preventive Wound Protection – Pressure Monitoring Stockings for Diabetics
Diabetes is one of the most widespread diseases and can lead to serious consequences. According to the German Health Report on Diabetes 2014 of the German Diabetes Association, statutory health insurance companies estimate that approx. 20 percent of their annual costs are spent on the treatment of diabetes. In the advanced stages of the disease, many diabetics no longer have feeling in their feet and, therefore, cannot register pressure or temperature signals. They do not notice it when there is too much pressure in certain areas of their feet. Even small uneven
spots or shoe pressure can cause open wounds or tissue damage, which can lead to chronic wounds, if noticed too late. As a result, many diabetes patients have to have their toes or feet amputated. A new type of pressure monitoring stockings can prevent this. A sensor system integrated into the stocking warns the person wearing it of pressure sores.
Smart phones evaluate signals
The sensors are made of a very elastic, soft silicon film. This makes them easy to integrate into textiles without disturbing the wearer. The film is coated with highly flexible electrodes on both sides. If the film is deformed by pressure or stretching, its density decreases and its surface simultaneously expands. The result: The electric capacity increases. The change in the capacity of the 40 sensors is transmitted by conductive and elastic threads to an electronic evaluation unit. The evaluated data is transmitted wirelessly to a smartphone or tablet, which shows the diabetes patient whether he/she should change his/her foot position or weight distribution. This way the patient can react quickly and protect himself/herself from dangerous pressure sores.
In order to guarantee washability, the project partners are now developing stockings from which the electronics can simply be removed like a Velcro fastener. However, commercial disinfectants already allow a hygienic treatment of the pressure monitoring stocking.
An additional area of application for sensors integrated into textiles is the area of fitness. Joggers, for example, would be able to check their running style and foot position when wearing the socks. It is also possible to manufacture gloves with sensors to equip robot grippers or prostheses. Further future developments make it possible to measure a person‘s posture in order for example, to prevent biomechanical stress due to prolonged sitting. | Ulinzi wa Majeraha ya Kuzuia <unk> Mfuatiliaji wa Shinikizo Stockings kwa wagonjwa wa kisukari Kisukari ni moja ya magonjwa yaliyoenea zaidi na inaweza kusababisha matokeo mabaya. Kulingana na ripoti ya afya ya Ujerumani ya kisukari ya mwaka 2014, kampuni za bima za afya za kisheria zinakadiria kuwa karibu asilimia 50 ya wagonjwa wa kisukari wana ugonjwa huo. Asilimia 20 ya gharama za kila mwaka zinatumiwa kwa ajili ya matibabu ya ugonjwa wa kisukari. Katika hatua za juu za ugonjwa huo, wagonjwa wengi wa kisukari hawawezi kuhisi miguu yao, na kwa hiyo hawawezi kutambua ishara za shinikizo au joto. Hawatambui wakati kuna shinikizo kubwa sana katika sehemu fulani za miguu yao. Hata madoa madogo yasiyo sawa au shinikizo la viatu linaweza kusababisha majeraha ya wazi au uharibifu wa tishu, ambayo inaweza kusababisha majeraha ya muda mrefu ikiwa itagunduliwa marehemu. Kwa sababu hiyo, wagonjwa wengi wa kisukari hulazimika kukatwa vidole vya miguu au miguu. Aina mpya ya soksi za kudhibiti shinikizo zaweza kuzuia jambo hilo. Mfumo wa sensorer uliounganishwa katika soksi hiyo humwonya mtu anayeivaa juu ya vidonda vya shinikizo. Simu mahiri kutathmini ishara sensorer ni kufanywa ya elastic sana, laini silicon filamu. Hii inafanya iwe rahisi kuunganisha katika nguo bila kusumbua mtumiaji. Filamu ni coated na electrodes highly flexible pande zote mbili. Ikiwa filamu hiyo imepotoshwa na shinikizo au kunyoosha, wiani wake hupungua na uso wake huongezeka wakati huohuo. Matokeo ni kwamba, uwezo wa umeme huongezeka. Mabadiliko katika uwezo wa sensorer 40 ni kupitishwa kwa conductive na elastic nyuzi kwa kitengo cha tathmini ya elektroniki. Takwimu zilizochunguzwa zinatumwa bila waya kwa simu mahiri au kibao, ambacho huonyesha mgonjwa wa kisukari ikiwa anapaswa kubadilisha nafasi ya mguu wake au usambazaji wa uzito. Kwa njia hii, mgonjwa anaweza kujibu haraka na kujilinda dhidi ya vidonda hatari vya shinikizo. Ili kuhakikisha kuweza kuoshwa, washirika wa mradi sasa wanaendeleza soksi ambazo vifaa vya elektroniki vinaweza kuondolewa kama kifungo cha Velcro. Hata hivyo, disinfectants kibiashara tayari kuruhusu matibabu ya usafi wa shinikizo kudhibiti stocking. Eneo la ziada la matumizi ya sensorer jumuishi katika nguo ni eneo la fitness. Kwa mfano, wanariadha wangeweza kuchunguza mtindo wao wa kukimbia na msimamo wa miguu wanapovaa soksi hizo. Pia inawezekana kutengeneza glavu zenye sensorer ili kuandaa viboko vya roboti au protesi. Maendeleo zaidi ya baadaye yanafanya iwezekane kupima msimamo wa mtu ili kwa mfano, kuzuia mkazo wa biomechanical kutokana na kukaa kwa muda mrefu. | <urn:uuid:914244d5-f009-48c4-82a8-d0cd08761e8d> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://www.materials.fraunhofer.de/en/business-areas/health/pressure-monitorin-stocking-for-diabetics.html | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
General medical consumables play a crucial role in medical care. They include a wide range of products that are used in different areas of healthcare.
Technical textiles offer a variety of advantages in medical applications. They are dust-free, sterile and offer electrostatic protection, making them ideal for use in environments where hygiene and safety are top priorities. These textiles are used in both industrial and medical settings to protect employees and patients from contamination and injury.
In medical care, sterile textiles are crucial. For example, they are used for surgical gowns, sterile drapes and surgical drapes. Due to their sterility, they minimise the risk of infections during surgical procedures. In addition, they provide a barrier against microorganisms and protect both medical staff and patients.
High-quality surgical sutures are essential for successful wound healing and optimal patient care. These special sutures are designed to provide safe and reliable wound closure. They must be both biocompatible and absorbable so as not to interfere with the healing process.
Industrial protection applications are used, for example, in clean rooms and laboratories to protect employees from hazardous substances. Electrostatic protection minimises the risk of explosions and fires in environments where flammable substances are present. | Vifaa vya matibabu vya jumla hutimiza fungu muhimu katika utunzaji wa matibabu. Wao ni pamoja na mbalimbali ya bidhaa ambazo hutumiwa katika maeneo mbalimbali ya huduma za afya. Vitambaa vya kiufundi hutoa faida mbalimbali katika matumizi ya kitiba. Wao ni vumbi-free, sterile na kutoa ulinzi electrostatic, na kufanya yao bora kwa ajili ya matumizi katika mazingira ambapo usafi na usalama ni kipaumbele juu. Vitambaa hivi hutumiwa katika mazingira ya viwanda na ya matibabu ili kulinda wafanyakazi na wagonjwa kutokana na uchafuzi na majeraha. Katika utunzaji wa kitiba, vitambaa visivyo na viini ni muhimu sana. Kwa mfano, hutumiwa kwa ajili ya mavazi ya upasuaji, drapes sterile na drapes upasuaji. Kwa sababu ya utamaduni wao, wao kupunguza hatari ya maambukizo wakati wa taratibu za upasuaji. Kwa kuongezea, huhifadhi viumbe wadogo na kulinda wafanyakazi wa kitiba na wagonjwa. Sehemu za upasuaji zenye ubora wa juu ni muhimu kwa uponyaji wa jeraha na utunzaji bora wa mgonjwa. Vipande hivyo maalum vimetengenezwa ili kufunga jeraha kwa usalama na kwa uhakika. Ni lazima ziwe zinapatana na viumbe na ziweze kufyonzwa ili zisiingilie mchakato wa uponyaji. Maombi ya ulinzi wa viwanda hutumiwa, kwa mfano, katika vyumba safi na maabara kulinda wafanyakazi kutoka kwa vitu hatari. Ulinzi wa umeme hupunguza hatari ya milipuko na moto katika mazingira ambapo vitu vinavyoweza kuwaka moto viko. | <urn:uuid:ef197dd0-2dec-4f04-ae5a-b58a9eefc3fd> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://www.medica-tradefair.com/vis/v1/en/catalogue/medcom.MEDICA.05.01?oid=80396&lang=8&_start=60&_rows=20 | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
By Steven Reinberg
MONDAY, Aug. 29, 2016 (HealthDay News) — Most American adults who suffer from depression aren’t getting treatment, a new study finds.
After screening survey data on more than 46,000 people, researchers found that 8 percent had depression, but only a third were being treated for the mood disorder.
The reasons why were varied.
“Some adults who experience depressive symptoms do not believe they are significant and require medical attention, or that they could benefit from treatment,” said lead researcher Dr. Mark Olfson.
For others, stigma or shame interferes with a desire to get professional help, said Olfson, a professor of psychiatry at the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Columbia University in New York City.
“In still other cases, the medical visits are oriented around more pressing and urgent medical problems, and the clinical opportunities to detect depression are missed,” he said.
The survey also found that some patients are overtreated with antidepressants. But, the percentage of people who fall into that category couldn’t be determined from the study data, he said.
“Some patients with less prominent, milder forms of depression may request and receive antidepressants, despite evidence that these medications have little or no therapeutic benefit for mild depression,” Olfson said.
While some Americans view antidepressants as stigmatizing, others see them as options to enhance personal and social well-being, and “as providing benefits that are well beyond their clinically approved uses,” Olfson noted.
Also, doctors sometimes keep patients on antidepressants, including those without a history of severe depression, “for years after their depression has resolved,” he said.
Olfson and his colleagues found that among all surveyed patients treated for depression, 30 percent were depressed, based on the results of screening, and 22 percent were suffering from serious psychological distress.
The most common treatments for depression were antidepressants and psychotherapy. Depressed patients were more likely to be treated by a primary care doctor, while those with serious psychological distress were more likely to be treated by a psychiatrist, the researchers found.
“However, over half of Americans with severe psychological distress were not seen by a psychiatrist, psychologist or another mental health professional,” Olfson said.
Patients with Medicare and Medicaid were more likely to be treated for depression, while uninsured patients and minorities were least likely to get treatment, he said.
One expert said the findings highlight shortcomings in how depression is both diagnosed and treated.
“Despite our best efforts, we still have a long way to go when it comes to bridging the gap between our evidence-based treatments for depression and the people who need them most,” said Simon Rego, chief psychologist at Montefiore Medical Center/Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York City.
The new study offers data that can help bridge this gap, he added.
“For example, we should tailor our intervention efforts by focusing on increasing the integration of mental health services into primary care,” Rego said. “This should help improve access to care in disadvantaged populations, as well as improve awareness of treatment options.”
The study was published Aug. 29 in the journal JAMA Internal Medicine. It relied on self-reported information, which can sometimes be inaccurate, the researchers noted.
View Article Sources SOURCES: Mark Olfson, M.D., M.P.H., professor, psychiatry, College of Physicians and Surgeons of Columbia University, New York City; Simon Rego, Psy.D., chief psychologist, Montefiore Medical Center/Albert Einstein College of Medicine, New York City; Aug. 29, 2016, JAMA Internal Medicine, online | Steven Reinberg, Mtaalamu wa Ugonjwa wa Kihispania, anasema kuwa watu wazima wengi wa Marekani ambao wanakabiliwa na unyogovu hawapati matibabu, utafiti mpya unaonyesha. Baada ya kuchunguza takwimu za uchunguzi wa watu zaidi ya 46,000, watafiti walipata kwamba asilimia 8 walikuwa na mshuko wa moyo, lakini thuluthi moja tu walikuwa wakitibiwa kwa sababu ya ugonjwa huo. Sababu zilikuwa mbalimbali. "Watu wazima fulani wanaopata dalili za kushuka moyo hawaamini kwamba dalili hizo ni kubwa na zinahitaji matibabu, au kwamba wanaweza kufaidika na matibabu", akasema Mark Olfson, mkurugenzi wa utafiti huo. "Kwa wengine, aibu au aibu huingilia tamaa ya kupata msaada wa kitaaluma, ""alisema Olfson, profesa wa magonjwa ya akili katika Chuo Kikuu cha Madaktari na Madaktari wa Upasuaji cha Chuo Kikuu cha Columbia huko New York." "Katika visa vingine, ziara za matibabu huelekezwa kwa matatizo ya matibabu ya haraka na ya haraka, na fursa za kliniki za kugundua unyogovu hupotezwa", alisema. Uchunguzi huo pia uligundua kwamba baadhi ya wagonjwa hutumiwa kupita kiasi na dawa za kukandamiza hisia. Lakini, asilimia ya watu ambao huanguka katika jamii hiyo haikuweza kuamuliwa kutoka kwa data ya utafiti, alisema. "Watu wengine wenye aina ndogo za unyogovu wanaweza kuomba na kupokea dawa za kukandamiza, licha ya uthibitisho kwamba dawa hizi zina faida ndogo au hakuna matibabu kwa unyogovu mwepesi, ""Alisema Olfson." Wakati Wamarekani wengine wanaona dawa za kukandamiza kama stigmatizing, wengine kuwaona kama chaguzi za kuongeza ustawi wa kibinafsi na kijamii, na "kama kutoa faida ambazo ni mbali zaidi ya matumizi yao ya kliniki iliyokubaliwa", Olfson alibainisha. Pia, wakati mwingine madaktari huweka wagonjwa kwenye dawa za kukandamiza, kutia ndani wale wasio na historia ya kushuka moyo sana, "kwa miaka mingi baada ya kushuka moyo kwao kutatua", akasema. Olfson na wenzake walipata kwamba kati ya wagonjwa wote waliochunguzwa waliotibiwa kwa unyogovu, asilimia 30 walikuwa na unyogovu, kulingana na matokeo ya uchunguzi, na asilimia 22 walikuwa na shida kubwa ya kisaikolojia. Matibabu ya kawaida ya kushuka moyo yalikuwa dawa za kukandamiza mshuko wa moyo na tiba ya kisaikolojia. Wagonjwa walio na mshuko wa moyo walikuwa na uwezekano mkubwa wa kutibiwa na daktari wa huduma ya msingi, wakati wale walio na shida kubwa ya kisaikolojia walikuwa na uwezekano mkubwa wa kutibiwa na daktari wa akili, watafiti walipata. "Hata hivyo, zaidi ya nusu ya Wamarekani wenye shida kubwa ya kisaikolojia hawakuonekana na daktari wa akili, mwanasaikolojia au mtaalamu mwingine wa afya ya akili", Olfson alisema. Wagonjwa walio na Medicare na Medicaid walikuwa na uwezekano mkubwa wa kutibiwa kwa unyogovu, wakati wagonjwa wasio na bima na wachache walikuwa na uwezekano mdogo wa kupata matibabu, alisema. Mtaalamu mmoja alisema matokeo hayo yanaonyesha kasoro katika jinsi mshuko wa moyo unavyogunduliwa na kutibiwa. "Licha ya juhudi zetu, bado tuna njia ndefu ya kwenda linapokuja suala la kuziba pengo kati ya matibabu yetu ya unyogovu na watu wanaohitaji zaidi, ""alisema Simon Rego, mwanasaikolojia mkuu katika Kituo cha Matibabu cha Montefiore na Chuo cha Matibabu cha Albert Einstein huko New York City." Aliongeza kwamba utafiti huo mpya unatoa data zinazoweza kusaidia kuziba pengo hilo. "Kwa mfano, tunapaswa kurekebisha juhudi zetu za kuingilia kati kwa kuzingatia kuongeza ushirikiano wa huduma za afya ya akili katika huduma ya msingi", Rego alisema. "Hii inapaswa kusaidia kuboresha upatikanaji wa huduma katika idadi ya watu walio chini, na pia kuboresha ufahamu wa chaguzi za matibabu. ""Utafiti huo ulichapishwa Agosti 29 katika jarida la JAMA Internal Medicine." Watafiti hao walisema kwamba ripoti hiyo ilitegemea habari ambazo watu wenyewe waliripoti, ambazo nyakati nyingine zinaweza kuwa zisizo sahihi. "Mwanzoni mwa makala hii, tulizungumzia ""Mwanamke wa kwanza katika Utafiti wa Utafiti wa Utafiti wa Utafiti wa Utafiti wa Utafiti wa Utafiti wa Utafiti wa Utafiti wa Utafiti wa Utafiti wa Utafiti wa Utafiti wa Utafiti wa Utafiti wa Utafiti wa Utafiti wa Utafiti wa Utafiti wa Utafiti wa Utafiti wa Utafiti wa Utafiti wa Utafiti wa Utafiti wa Utafiti wa Utafiti wa Utafiti wa Utafiti wa Utafiti wa Utafiti wa Utafiti wa Utafiti wa Utafiti wa Utafiti wa Utafiti.""" | <urn:uuid:2a1706e4-777f-4aa7-af0a-b4ac22039a3c> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://www.medicinetechnews.com/many-adult-depression-patients-are-not-treated-study/ | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
The cut in interest rates means the United States has lowered its benchmark to increase exports, stimulate markets and accelerate the recovery.
The Federal Reserve, the equivalent of the U.S. central bank, announced a cut in the reserve requirement ratio and interest rate, which is to lower the benchmark lending rate.
Normally, the Fed cuts interest rates to stimulate the U.S. market only when the U.S. economy is in recession or recession.
Lower interest rates will make prices in the United States go up, the cost of imports will increase, and the cost of exports will be flat.
As a result, the U.S. will export more products.”
On the one hand, the value of the dollar has depreciated, and the large flow of dollars in the United States has caused the price to rise.
On the other hand, it is the United States that is encouraging exports and reducing imports.
The Fed’s rate cut will also affect the gold market, and many investors will turn their investment attention to gold, which will also affect the rise of gold prices. | Kupunguzwa kwa viwango vya riba kunamaanisha kuwa Marekani imepunguza kiwango chake cha msingi ili kuongeza mauzo ya nje, kuchochea masoko na kuharakisha kupona. Fedha ya Marekani (Fed), ambayo ni sawa na Benki Kuu ya Marekani, imetoa taarifa ya kupunguza kiwango cha akiba ya lazima na kiwango cha riba, na kuimarisha kiwango cha mkopo wa msingi. Fed hupunguza viwango vya riba ili kuchochea soko la Marekani wakati uchumi wa Marekani uko katika hali ya kushuka kwa uchumi. Kiwango cha chini cha riba cha bei ya bidhaa nchini Marekani kinazidi kuongezeka, na gharama za kuuza nje za nchi zinazozalishwa nchini Marekani zinazidi kuongezeka. Kwa sababu hiyo, Marekani itasafirisha bidhaa zaidi. Kwa upande mmoja, thamani ya dola imepungua, na mtiririko mkubwa wa dola nchini Marekani umesababisha bei kuongezeka. Kwa upande mwingine, ni Marekani ambayo inahimiza mauzo ya nje na kupunguza uagizaji. Fed kupunguza kiwango cha riba pia itaathiri soko la dhahabu, na wawekezaji wengi kugeuka uwekezaji wao makini kwa dhahabu, ambayo pia itaathiri kuongezeka kwa bei ya dhahabu. | <urn:uuid:5cb0a4c9-b691-412b-8969-d7e919339424> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://www.mydayfinance.com/archives/4401 | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
Why Protective Eyewear is So Important
As employees we’re often given a book or sheet containing a number of guidelines and regulations that encourage us to wear certain items of clothing when working in certain environments to help keep us safe. Many see these guidelines as “over the top” and “unnecessary”, while others follow them to the letter to keep themselves safe from harm.
Those working in industries using lasers, flames, sparks and hazardous materials should all be wearing safety goggles on a compulsory basis, helping to keep any particles from getting into the eye and causing serious or irreparable damage.
Thousands of people are injured each year by loose particles coming up and hitting them in the eye because they weren’t wearing adequate eye protection.
A common misconception is that they’ll be fine because they are wearing their prescription glasses, or that because they’re working outdoors sunglasses will suffice. In many cases these glasses are not strong enough to withstand certain materials, and you could end up making things worse with parts of the glasses themselves damaging the eye too.
There are a variety of different styles of safety goggles and glasses on the market, enabling you to choose the style that suits your requirements best. Some people, such as welders, will require a more substantial style, such as the traditional hinged helmet kind of protection, while builders might require the clear goggles that provide all-round protection across and around the eyes.
Of course, if the worst were to happen and something was to get into your eye, you need to ensure that you have something to hand in an attempt to either remove the hazardous object or substance. Eyewash stations should be positioned around the workplace allowing you to either make your way, or be guided, to the solution that will help to remove it. If the object or substance cannot be removed using the eyewash, then immediate medical attention should be sought by going to hospital.
You should never take any risks when it comes to your own personal safety, or that of others, and your eyesight should be valued. It’s only once you’ve lost your vision that you could truly appreciate how much you can’t do so don’t take that risk, make sure you wear the protective equipment provided, or insist that you are given some.
More to Read: | Kwa nini miwani ya kinga ni muhimu sana Kama wafanyikazi mara nyingi tunapewa kitabu au karatasi iliyo na miongozo na kanuni kadhaa ambazo zinatutia moyo kuvaa vitu fulani vya nguo wakati wa kufanya kazi katika mazingira fulani ili kutusaidia kuwa salama. Wengi huona miongozo hiyo kuwa "ya kupita kiasi" na "isiyo ya lazima", huku wengine wakiifuata kwa usahihi ili kujilinda wasidhuru. Wale wanaofanya kazi katika viwanda vinavyotumia lasers, moto, miali na vifaa hatari wanapaswa kuvaa miwani ya usalama kwa msingi wa lazima, kusaidia kuzuia chembe zozote kuingia ndani ya jicho na kusababisha uharibifu mkubwa au usioweza kurekebishwa. Maelfu ya watu hujeruhiwa kila mwaka na chembechembe zilizofungwa zinazokuja na kuwapiga jicho kwa sababu hawakuwa wamevaa kinga ya kutosha ya jicho. Dhana potofu ya kawaida ni kwamba watakuwa sawa kwa sababu wanavaa miwani yao ya dawa, au kwamba kwa sababu wanafanya kazi nje miwani ya jua itatosha. Kwa sababu glasi hizi hazina nguvu za kutosha kuvumilia vifaa fulani, unaweza kuharibu sehemu za glasi hizo. Kuna aina mbalimbali za miwani ya usalama kwenye soko, na unaweza kuchagua mtindo unaofaa mahitaji yako. Watu wengine, kama vile welders, itahitaji mtindo mkubwa zaidi, kama vile aina ya jadi ya kofia ya chuma, wakati wajenzi wanaweza kuhitaji miwani ya wazi ambayo hutoa ulinzi wa pande zote kote na karibu na macho. Ikiwa jambo baya zaidi litatokea na kitu kiingie jicho lako, unahitaji kuhakikisha kwamba una kitu cha kutoa ili kujaribu kuondoa kitu au dutu hatari. Vituo vya kuosha macho vinapaswa kuwekwa karibu na mahali pa kazi, kukuruhusu kufanya njia yako au kuongozwa kwa suluhisho ambalo litasaidia kuiondoa. Ikiwa kitu au dutu haiwezi kuondolewa kwa kutumia maji ya kuosha macho, basi matibabu ya haraka yanapaswa kutafutwa kwa kwenda hospitalini. Usikubali kuhatarisha usalama wako au wa wengine, na usipoteze uwezo wako wa kuona. Ni mara tu umepoteza maono yako kwamba unaweza kweli kufahamu jinsi unaweza kufanya hivyo si kuchukua hatari hiyo, kuhakikisha wewe kuvaa vifaa vya kinga zinazotolewa, au kusisitiza kwamba wewe ni kupewa baadhi. Soma zaidi: | <urn:uuid:2a3929e4-3d78-4fe2-9094-59a8df494a07> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://www.myfavoritebuilder.com/guide/why-protective-eyewear-is-so-important-70566860.shtml | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
Article at a Glance
- Cholesterol, often thought of as a triglyceride fat, is very different in structure, and performs differently in the body than saturated and polyunsaturated fats.
- Although some are genetic hyper-absorbers, most people absorb very little of the cholesterol they eat, and when absorption goes up, the amount of cholesterol produced in the liver goes down. As such, the body tends to highly regulate cholesterol levels.
- In some genotypes, saturated fat and high fat diets significantly increase levels of LDL-C, which has been associated with greater risk of heart disease.
- Long billed as heart healthy, polyunsaturated fats are prone to oxidation and damage.
- #1. Cholesterol is not a fatty acid
- #2. Cholesterol is essential for life
- #3. Cholesterol is unique to animals
- #4. Most of the cholesterol in the body is made by the body
- #5. Cholesterol is hydrophobic
- #6. Cholesterol doesn’t cause heart disease, but LDL does
- #7. Eating cholesterol doesn’t always mean high cholesterol
- #8. Not everyone has the same reaction to dietary cholesterol
- #9. Saturated fat and cholesterol are two different animals
- #10. Dietary cholesterol interacts with the microbiome
- In closing
Who would have thought this one organic molecule could inspire so much controversy? Well, if you follow the diet wars, you certainly believe it. In fact dietary cholesterol is one of the nutrition topics that inspires the fiercest debates, with health experts like Dr. Mark Hyman and Dean Ornish completely disagreeing on what is the best approach.
At Gene Food, our passion is empowering readers with a personalized approach to nutrition. To that end, we have compiled 10 science backed facts about cholesterol that will, hopefully, bring some clarity to your approach.
#1. Cholesterol is not a fatty acid
Because of the various health guidelines, most people think of cholesterol as a fat similar to the triglycerides. However, whilst cholesterol is a lipid, it is not a triglyceride fat. Very different in structure, it contains carbon rings rather than long chains of carbon atoms which results in a very different activity in the body.
#2. Cholesterol is essential for life
Indeed, cholesterol is essential for life, forming about 30% of all our cell membranes and providing flexibility in our cells. Additionally, cholesterol is the key component of many hormones including estrogen and testosterone, and is also required for the synthesis of vitamin D.
Cholesterol also forms bile acids which facilitate the digestion of fats and oils in the intestine as well as aiding the absorption of the fat-soluble vitamins A, D and E.
#3. Cholesterol is unique to animals
Cholesterol is associated with meat and dairy products, with plant based foods containing little, if any, cholesterol. Cholesterol is a type of zoosterol, meaning it is a lipid that is only found in animals.
By contrast, fats that are unique to plants are called phytosterols.
#4. Most of the cholesterol in the body is made by the body
Because cholesterol is essential to life, our bodies make the majority of cholesterol in the body.
The liver makes cholesterol, as do red blood cells. Cholesterol made by the body is called “endogenous” cholesterol, whereas the 20% or so we get from cholesterol in the diet is called “exogenous” cholesterol.
#5. Cholesterol is hydrophobic
This means cholesterol can’t move freely in blood, which is essentially water, without assistance.
As with triglycerides, cholesterol is not soluble in water, and so to be transported around the circulatory system it requires assistance. 1
#6. Cholesterol doesn’t cause heart disease, but LDL does
To transport the insoluble triglycerides and cholesterol around the body in the blood, lipoproteins are required. Lipoproteins are particles made up of thousands of molecules which encase triglycerides and cholesterol allowing these insoluble molecules to be transported around the circulatory system.
There are several different types of lipoproteins, the most commonly known being low-density lipoproteins (LDL) and high-density lipoproteins (HDL).
LDL delivers cholesterol to the tissues within the body. However, where there is an excess of LDL, harmful depositions of cholesterol, particularly in the blood vessels, can occur, contributing to the build-up of fatty plaques on blood vessel walls. This is why LDL is often referred to as ‘bad cholesterol’, even though LDL is not made of cholesterol, it just transports it!
This is a key lesson: it’s not cholesterol that causes heart disease, it’s LDL and other lipid carrying particles. The inflammatory process of heart disease begins when an LDL particle deposits a piece of cholesterol, fatty acid, or plant sterol in the artery wall.
It should also be noted that damaged polyunsaturated fats, and trans fats, are not heart healthy, and the regular addition of these fats to processed foods in the form of vegetable oils has contributed to the rise of heart disease.
In contrast, HDL is responsible for transporting excess cholesterol from the tissues within the body (including removing cholesterol from the arteries) for disposal by the liver, and is referred to as “good cholesterol.” 2
#7. Eating cholesterol doesn’t always mean high cholesterol
Historically, studies proposed that eating high levels of cholesterol in foods like eggs, led to an increase in blood cholesterol levels, which congealed inside the blood vessels eventually resulting in poor heart health. And so, the idea that a high cholesterol diet is bad was born. 3
However, numerous studies have since pointed out several flaws with this hypothesis. 4
First, while a high level of total cholesterol is associated with an increased risk of heart disease, most people who suffer from heart disease have normal blood cholesterol levels. 5
Second, as cholesterol is so fundamental to life, it is directly synthesized in the body, mainly in the liver, but also in red blood cells. Excess dietary cholesterol is excreted in stool, and any dietary cholesterol which is absorbed results in a decrease in cholesterol synthesis in the liver. 6 7
Together this means that even a diet very high in cholesterol has little, if any, impact on the cholesterol levels in the blood which are maintained at a steady state in most people.
#8. Not everyone has the same reaction to dietary cholesterol
While much of the advice on dietary cholesterol has ignored the rule of cholesterol homeostasis, in which the body tightly regulates cholesterol levels, not everyone fits neatly under this umbrella.
In fact, there is tremendous variability in cholesterol absorption, with some of us absorbing only 20% of the cholesterol we eat, while others absorb as much as 85%! We now know that genetic variants in genes like ABCG5 and ABCG8 determine how much cholesterol an individual will absorb. Research by world renowned lipid expert Dr. Tom Dayspring also indicates that APOE4 carriers are far more likely to be hyper-absorbers.
In people who hyper-absorb cholesterol, eating high cholesterol foods like eggs will have an impact on their LDL levels, and as a result, their risk for heart disease over time.
It is shocking to me that, despite compelling science from some of our best medical journals, our nutrition experts and commentators still push one size fits all approaches with dietary cholesterol. There is no single rule for cholesterol, advice has to be tailored to each individual based on lifestyle and genetic predisposition.
For many people, eating eggs will have no impact on blood lipid markers, while others will be at increased risk. In a previous podcast, we covered the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition study on egg consumption and the impact on biomarkers like LDL-C. The ACJN study, which found minimal impact on cholesterol levels even when subjects ate 7 eggs per week, is well worth a read.
However, I also implore anyone interested in this topic to read the excellent 2020 paper from the European Heart Journal titled: Genetic variability in the absorption of dietary sterols affects the risk of coronary artery disease. So much of the cholesterol discussions you find online and via Google search are outdated and based on either old science, or partisan science.
A side note: you get op-ed style articles like this one, which appeared in the Guardian, discussing “cholesterol deniers.” We agree that cholesterol denial, to the extent that means arguing that LDL is not causal in heart disease, is a major problem in the nutrition community. There are two things to point out here:
- Yes, some people, tend to hyper-absorb cholesterol and plant sterol. These people need to keep a closer eye on cholesterol than others.
- The article lumps saturated fat in with cholesterol, but as we’ve learned, the two are very different. Especially in some genotypes, saturated fat may indeed increase the risk for heart disease, but let’s not conflate these two separate issues.
#9. Saturated fat and cholesterol are two different animals
In the majority of people, eating cholesterol doesn’t raise cholesterol levels because the body simply makes less cholesterol when it absorbs more. Conversely, when the body makes more cholesterol, it absorbs less. However, here is where the rubber meets the road. As pointed out in our first cholesterol fact, saturated fat and cholesterol are two different things.
The general rule for cholesterol is that eating it doesn’t meaningfully increase blood levels. If you’re in doubt, see the ACJN egg study cited above.
However, the same cannot be said for saturated fat.
The body doesn’t make saturated fat and eating it causes an uptick in LDL-C in all people, it’s just a matter of degree as to how much LDL goes up. In some of us with genetic predispositions, eating a high saturated fat diet causes the body to make a lot more cholesterol which results in lab results that make physicians very uncomfortable. To demonstrate this point, have a look at this study from 2019. Study authors measured blood lipid markers for 30 healthy individuals placed on a ketogenic style diet. On average the participants saw a 44% increase in LDL-C levels on the high fat diet, but the results varied by individual from between 5-107%! This means that some of us can incorporate healthy amounts of saturated fat in the diet without the corresponding rise in LDL, while others have to be much more cautious. Part of what we are doing at Gene Food is developing an algorithm that will help classify people into different camps so they have a good idea of how much dietary fat is healthy for them.
As I discussed in the point above, there are a lot of LDL skeptics, some of whom can rightly be classified as “cholesterol deniers.” For example, paleo advocates will tell you that there is no evidence that eating saturated fat causes heart disease, but this isn’t exactly right.
In order to conclusively “prove” that saturated fat causes heart disease, you would need to control the diets of different groups of people for decades and then report results. It is simply not possible to create the types of nutrition studies we need to settle the matter. Instead, we have biochemistry and cardiovascular trials. Paleo advocates suggest that statin trials which are aimed at lowering LDL-C, fail to show a drop in all-cause mortality, and therefore we needn’t concern ourselves with LDL at all. This is just flat out bad science. If you are eating a high fat diet and you don’t see the corresponding uptick in LDL, it could be a sign that that diet is working for you, perhaps as a way of controlling blood sugar. Conversely, if you go high fat and see severely elevated levels of LDL, you are very likely at an increases risk for heart disease.
There are a few things to note here:
- Some statin trials do show drops in all cause mortality when LDL-C is lowered. For example, this 2018 JAMA meta analyses of over 270,00 participants found that all cause mortality dropped when LDL-C was lowered from 160 mg/DL to 130 mg/DL and again from 130 mg/dL to 100 mg/dL, but that all cause mortality benefits ceased when LDL-C went below 100 mg/dL. In other words, lowering LDL beneath 100 mg/dL didn’t show increased drops in all cause mortality although heart attack and stroke risk continued to go down as LDL levels fell.
- Statin trials are designed to prove the efficacy of a drug as quickly as possible, they aren’t designed to demonstrate the lifetime impact of high cholesterol caused by a fat heavy diet. This issue came up when we interviewed Dr. Tom Dayspring last year.
- Lowering LDL-C, and especially APOB, is associated with lower incidence of heart disease across the board.
So, what is the bottom line here? Know your baseline levels of LDL and other heart health biomarkers. Watch how they change when you go on a high fat diet. If your numbers go through the roof, don’t think a healthy TG/HDL ratio will lower your risk. Eating cholesterol won’t contribute to heart disease in most of us, but eating loads of saturated fat will increase LDL and heart attack risk in some populations.
Know your numbers and listen to your cardiologist, not the blogosphere. If you have some time, listening to this podcast interview with Dr. Peter Attia and low carb diet advocate Dave Feldman is valuable.
Dr. Attia so throughly debunks Dave’s “energy model” of cholesterol metabolism that I have been surprised Dave kept on publicly advocating for it after the interview.
#10. Dietary cholesterol interacts with the microbiome
We close on cholesterol and the microbiome. It’s not just about how we make and absorb cholesterol, another important factor is what the microbiome does with the cholesterol we eat.
The New England Journal of Medicine has published some excellent studies on how eating eggs and dietary cholesterol changes the microbiome, specifically causing the production of a compound known as TMAO, which is linked to heart disease.
For example, in one trial, the NEJM researchers fed subjects eggs and measured TMAO levels, which went up. When the same subject were placed on antibiotics and then fed eggs, TMAO levels didn’t rise, suggesting that it is the composition of the microbiome which leads to TMAO production and the increased cardiovascular risk that comes with it. I’ve had the privilege of interviewing Integrative Cardiologist, and television personality, Dr. Joel Kahn on the Gene Food Podcast. Dr. Kahn tests his patients for TMAO and reduces eggs and supplements, like L-carnitine, that cause increases in TMAO when levels are high.
In closing, while it’s true that dietary cholesterol has been improperly demonized, there are exceptions to every rule.
In order to determine what the best approach is for your health, learn how much cholesterol you absorb, how your body responds to saturated fats, and last, the state of your microbiome.
As Carl Jung famously said, “the more a law lays claim to universal validity, the less it does justice to the individual facts.” | Cholesterol, ambayo mara nyingi huonwa kuwa mafuta ya triglyceride, ni tofauti sana katika muundo, na hufanya tofauti katika mwili kuliko mafuta yaliyojaa na yasiyojaa. Ingawa baadhi ya watu wana uwezo wa kuingiza kiasi kikubwa cha kolesteroli, watu wengi huchukua kiasi kidogo sana cha kolesteroli wanayokula, na wakati kunyonya kunapoongezeka, kiasi cha kolesteroli inayotokezwa katika ini hupungua. Kwa hiyo, mwili huelekea kudhibiti sana viwango vya kolesteroli. Katika baadhi ya genotypes, mafuta saturated na mafuta ya juu ya chakula kwa kiasi kikubwa kuongeza viwango vya LDL-C, ambayo imekuwa kuhusishwa na hatari kubwa ya ugonjwa wa moyo. - Kwa muda mrefu huonwa kuwa yenye afya ya moyo, mafuta yasiyo na unyevu ni rahisi kuharibiwa na kuharibiwa. - # 1. Kolesteroli si asidi ya mafuta - #2. Kolesteroli ni muhimu kwa uhai - #3. Cholesterol ni ya pekee kwa wanyama - #4. Cholesterol nyingi katika mwili hutengenezwa na mwili - #5. Cholesterol ni hydrophobic - #6. Cholesterol haisababishi ugonjwa wa moyo, lakini LDL hufanya - #7. Kula kolesteroli si lazima kumaanisha kolesteroli ya juu - #8. Si kila mtu anayetenda kwa njia ileile kwa kolesteroli inayopatikana katika chakula - #9. Mafuta ya saturated na cholesterol ni wanyama wawili tofauti - # 10. Cholesterol ya chakula huingiliana na microbiome - Kwa kumalizia Ni nani angeweza kufikiri kwamba molekuli hii moja ya kikaboni ingeweza kusababisha ubishi mwingi hivyo? Ikiwa unafuata vita vya lishe, basi unaamini. Kwa kweli, cholesterol ya chakula ni moja ya mada ya lishe ambayo huchochea mjadala mkali zaidi, na wataalamu wa afya kama Dk Mark Hyman na Dean Ornish hawakubaliani kabisa juu ya nini ni mbinu bora. Katika GeneFood, shauku yetu ni kuwawezesha wasomaji na mbinu ya kibinafsi ya lishe. Kwa hivyo, tumekusanya ukweli 10 wa kisayansi kuhusu cholesterol ambayo, kwa matumaini, itakuletea uwazi zaidi. # 1 - Mfano wa kwanza. Cholesterol si asidi ya mafuta kwa sababu ya miongozo mbalimbali ya afya, watu wengi hufikiria cholesterol kuwa mafuta yanayofanana na triglycerides. Hata hivyo, ingawa kolesteroli ni lipidi, si mafuta ya triglyceride. Kwa sababu ya muundo wake, ina pete za kaboni badala ya minyororo mirefu ya atomu za kaboni, ambayo husababisha shughuli tofauti sana katika mwili. #2. Cholesterol ni muhimu kwa maisha, kwa kuwa hufanyiza asilimia 30 ya utando wa seli na huwezesha seli zetu kubadilika. Cholesterol ni sehemu muhimu ya homoni nyingi, ikiwa ni pamoja na estrogen na testosterone, na pia inahitajika kwa synthesis ya vitamini D. Cholesterol pia huunda asidi za bile ambazo zinawezesha kumeng'enya kwa mafuta na mafuta katika matumbo na kusaidia kunyonya vitamini A, D na E. Cholesterol ni ya kipekee kwa wanyama, kwa sababu inahusishwa na nyama na bidhaa za maziwa, na vyakula vya mimea vina cholesterol kidogo, ikiwa kuna. Cholesterol ni aina ya zoosterol, ikimaanisha ni lipid ambayo hupatikana tu katika wanyama. Kinyume cha hilo, mafuta ambayo ni ya mimea pekee huitwa phytosterols. # 4 - Mfano wa Cholesterol ya mwili ni muhimu kwa maisha, kwa sababu mwili wetu hufanya kiasi kikubwa cha cholesterol. Ini hutokeza kolesteroli, kama vile chembe nyekundu za damu. Cholesterol inayotengenezwa na mwili huitwa "endogenous" cholesterol, wakati 20% au zaidi tunayoipata kutoka kwa cholesterol katika chakula huitwa "exogenous" cholesterol. # 5 - Mfano wa Uaminifu Cholesterol ni hydrophobic Hii ina maana cholesterol haiwezi kusonga kwa uhuru katika damu, ambayo ni kimsingi maji, bila msaada. Kama ilivyo na triglycerides, cholesterol haiwezi kuyeyuka katika maji, na hivyo kusafirishwa kuzunguka mfumo wa mzunguko wa damu inahitaji msaada. # 16 - Mfano wa Uwezo Cholesterol haisababishi ugonjwa wa moyo, lakini LDL hufanya Ili kusafirisha triglycerides zisizoweza kuyeyuka na cholesterol kuzunguka mwili katika damu, lipoproteins zinahitajika. Lipoproteini ni chembechembe zilizojengwa na maelfu ya molekuli ambazo hufunika triglycerides na cholesterol, na kuruhusu molekuli hizi zisizoweza kuyeyushwa kusafirishwa katika mfumo wa mzunguko wa damu. Kuna aina kadhaa za lipoproteini, ambazo zinajulikana zaidi kama lipoproteini zenye wiani wa chini (LDL) na lipoproteini zenye wiani wa juu (HDL). LDL hutoa cholesterol kwa tishu za mwili. Hata hivyo, mahali ambapo LDL ni nyingi kupita kiasi, cholesterol inaweza kuhifadhiwa, hasa katika mishipa ya damu, na hivyo kuchochea kuunganishwa kwa mafuta kwenye kuta za mishipa ya damu. Hii ndiyo sababu LDL mara nyingi huitwa "cholesterol mbaya", ingawa LDL haifanyizi cholesterol, inasafirisha tu! Hii ni somo muhimu: si kolesteroli inayosababisha ugonjwa wa moyo, ni LDL na chembe nyingine zinazobeba lipidi. Ugonjwa wa moyo huanza wakati LDL inapoweka kipande cha cholesterol, asidi ya mafuta, au sterol ya mimea kwenye ukuta wa mshipa. "Kama ilivyoelezwa hapo juu, ""mafuta ya polyunsaturated na trans si afya ya moyo, na kuongeza kwa kawaida mafuta haya kwa vyakula vilivyotengenezwa katika fomu ya mafuta ya mboga imesababisha kuongezeka kwa magonjwa ya moyo.""" Kwa upande mwingine, HDL ni wajibu wa kusafirisha cholesterol ziada kutoka tishu ndani ya mwili (ikiwa ni pamoja na kuondoa cholesterol kutoka mishipa) kwa ajili ya kuondolewa na ini, na ni inajulikana kama <unk>good cholesterol<unk>. Kwa kawaida, kula cholesterol haimaanishi kuwa cholesterol ni ya juu, lakini utafiti unaonyesha kuwa kula cholesterol nyingi katika chakula kama mayai huongeza kiwango cha cholesterol katika damu, ambayo hufyonza ndani ya mishipa ya damu na kusababisha afya mbaya ya moyo. Na hivyo, wazo kwamba mlo wenye kolesteroli nyingi ni mbaya ulizaliwa. Hata hivyo, uchunguzi wa miaka kadhaa umeonyesha kwamba kuna kasoro kadhaa katika nadharia hiyo. 4 Kwanza, ingawa kiwango cha juu cha kolesteroli ya jumla huhusianishwa na hatari ya kuongezeka ya ugonjwa wa moyo, watu wengi wanaopatwa na ugonjwa wa moyo wana viwango vya kawaida vya kolesteroli katika damu. 5 Kwa sababu cholesterol ni muhimu sana kwa uhai, hutengenezwa moja kwa moja katika mwili, hasa katika ini, na pia katika chembe nyekundu za damu. Cholesterol ya ziada hutolewa katika mkojo, na cholesterol yoyote ya mlo ambayo huingizwa husababisha kupungua kwa synthesis ya cholesterol katika ini. "Hii ina maana kwamba hata chakula chenye kiwango cha juu sana cha kolesteroli kina athari ndogo, ikiwa kuna yoyote, kwa viwango vya kolesteroli katika damu ambavyo huhifadhiwa katika hali ya kawaida kwa watu wengi. """ # 8 - Mfano wa Uaminifu Ingawa ushauri mwingi juu ya cholesterol ya chakula umepuuza sheria ya homeostasis ya cholesterol, ambayo mwili unadhibiti kwa nguvu viwango vya cholesterol, sio kila mtu anafaa vizuri chini ya mwavuli huu. Kwa kweli, kuna tofauti kubwa katika kunyonya cholesterol, na baadhi yetu tunameza tu 20% ya cholesterol tunayokula, wakati wengine wanameza hadi 85%! Kwa mfano, kuna chembe za urithi za ABCG5 na ABCG8 ambazo huamua kiasi cha cholesterol mtu anaweza kuchukua. Utafiti uliofanywa na mtaalamu maarufu wa lipid, Dk Tom Dayspring, pia unaonyesha kuwa waendeshaji wa APOE4 wana uwezekano mkubwa wa kuwa hyperabsorbers. Kwa watu ambao wana hypercholesterol, kula vyakula vyenye cholesterol ya juu kama mayai itakuwa na athari kwa viwango vya LDL na kwa hivyo hatari yao ya ugonjwa wa moyo kwa muda. "Ni jambo la kushangaza kwangu kwamba, licha ya sayansi ya kuvutia kutoka kwa baadhi ya majarida yetu bora ya matibabu, wataalamu wetu wa lishe na wasemaji bado wanapendekeza ""saizi moja inafaa kila mbinu"" na kolesteroli ya chakula." Hakuna sheria moja kwa cholesterol, ushauri lazima uendane na kila mtu kulingana na mtindo wa maisha na mwelekeo wa maumbile. Kwa watu wengi, kula mayai hakutaathiri viwango vya lipid katika damu, wakati wengine watakuwa katika hatari kubwa. Katika makala ya hivi karibuni, tulijadili utafiti wa American Journal of Clinical Nutrition kuhusu matumizi ya mayai na athari zake kwa viashiria kama vile LDL-C. Uchunguzi wa ACJN, ambao uligundua athari ndogo kwa viwango vya cholesterol hata wakati masomo yalikula mayai saba kwa wiki, ni thamani ya kusoma. "Kwa hivyo, kwa wale ambao wanavutiwa na mada hii, tafadhali soma karatasi bora ya 2020 kutoka kwa Jarida la Moyo la Ulaya lenye kichwa: ""Utofauti wa urithi katika kunyonya kwa steroli ya chakula huathiri hatari ya ugonjwa wa mishipa ya moyo.""" """Mazungumzo mengi ya cholesterol unayopata mtandaoni na kupitia utafutaji wa Google ni ya zamani na kulingana na sayansi ya zamani au sayansi ya upendeleo." "Kama ilivyoelezwa katika makala ya kwanza ya jarida la The Guardian, ""Kukataa Cholesterol"" ni tatizo kubwa katika jamii ya lishe." Kuna mambo mawili ya kuashiria hapa: - Ndiyo, baadhi ya watu, huwa na hyper-absorb cholesterol na mimea sterol. Watu hao wanahitaji kuchunguza kiwango cha kolesteroli zaidi kuliko wengine. - Makala hiyo inatia ndani mafuta yaliyojaa na kolesteroli, lakini kama tulivyojifunza, mafuta hayo mawili ni tofauti sana. Hasa katika baadhi ya genotypes, mafuta yaliyojaa inaweza kweli kuongeza hatari ya ugonjwa wa moyo, lakini hebu si conflate masuala haya mawili tofauti. #9. Mafuta yaliyojaa na cholesterol ni wanyama wawili tofauti: Kwa watu wengi, kula cholesterol haiongezi viwango vya cholesterol kwa sababu mwili hufanya cholesterol kidogo wakati unachukua zaidi. Kwa upande mwingine, mwili unapotengeneza kolesteroli nyingi, huchukua kidogo. Hata hivyo, hapa ndipo mpira unapokutana na barabara. Kama ilivyoelezwa katika ukweli wetu wa kwanza wa kolesteroli, mafuta yaliyojaa na kolesteroli ni vitu viwili tofauti. Kanuni ya jumla kwa ajili ya cholesterol ni kwamba kula haina maana kuongeza viwango vya damu. Kama wewe ni katika shaka, angalia ACJN yai utafiti zilizotajwa hapo juu. Hata hivyo, jambo hilohilo haliwezi kusemwa kuhusu mafuta yaliyojaa. Mwili haufanyi mafuta yaliyojaa na kula husababisha kuongezeka kwa LDL-C katika watu wote, ni suala la kiwango tu cha LDL kupanda. Kwa baadhi yetu wenye mwelekeo wa maumbile, kula chakula chenye mafuta mengi ya kutosha husababisha mwili kutengeneza cholesterol nyingi zaidi ambayo husababisha matokeo ya maabara ambayo huwafanya madaktari wasijihisi vizuri. Ili kuelezea hii, angalia utafiti huu wa 2019. Watafiti walichunguza viwango vya lipid katika damu ya watu 30 wenye afya waliopatikana katika mlo wa ketogenic. Kwa wastani, washiriki waliona ongezeko la 44% katika viwango vya LDL-C kwenye lishe yenye mafuta mengi, lakini matokeo yalitofautiana kutoka kwa mtu mmoja hadi mwingine kutoka 5-10%. Hii inamaanisha kwamba baadhi yetu tunaweza kuingiza kiasi kizuri cha mafuta yaliyojaa katika chakula bila kuongezeka kwa LDL, wakati wengine wanapaswa kuwa waangalifu zaidi. "Kati ya kile tunachofanya katika GeneFood ni kuendeleza algorithm ambayo itasaidia kuainisha watu katika kambi tofauti ili wawe na wazo nzuri la kiasi cha mafuta ya chakula ni afya kwa ajili yao. """ "Kama nilivyojadili katika hatua ya juu, kuna watu wengi ambao wanashuku LDL, na baadhi yao wanaweza kwa haki kuainishwa kama ""wanakataa cholesterol"" Kwa mfano, wanasheria wa paleo watakuambia kwamba hakuna ushahidi kwamba kula mafuta yaliyojaa husababisha ugonjwa wa moyo, lakini hii sio kweli." Ili kuthibitisha kwamba mafuta yaliyojaa husababisha ugonjwa wa moyo, unahitaji kudhibiti lishe ya vikundi tofauti vya watu kwa miongo kadhaa na kisha kuripoti matokeo. Ni vigumu sana kufanya utafiti wa lishe unaohitajiwa ili kuamua jambo hilo. Badala yake, tuna majaribio ya biokemia na ya moyo na mishipa ya damu. Watetezi wa Paleo wanapendekeza kwamba majaribio ya statin ambayo yana lengo la kupunguza LDL-C, hushindwa kuonyesha kupungua kwa vifo vya sababu zote, na kwa hivyo hatuhitaji kujishughulisha na LDL kabisa. Hii ni tu wazi nje sayansi mbaya. Ikiwa una chakula chenye mafuta mengi na huoni kuongezeka kwa LDL, inaweza kuwa ishara kwamba chakula hicho kinakufanyia kazi, labda kama njia ya kudhibiti sukari ya damu. Kwa upande mwingine, ikiwa una kiwango cha juu cha mafuta na viwango vya juu vya LDL, uwezekano mkubwa wa ugonjwa wa moyo unazidi. Kuna mambo machache ya kuzingatia hapa: - Baadhi ya majaribio ya statin huonyesha kupungua kwa vifo vya sababu zote wakati LDL-C inapopunguzwa. Kwa mfano, utafiti wa JAMA wa mwaka 2018 uliohusisha washiriki zaidi ya 270,000 uligundua kuwa vifo vya sababu zote vilipungua wakati LDL-C ilipopunguzwa kutoka 160 mg kwa 130 mg na tena kutoka 130 mg kwa 100 mg, lakini faida za vifo vya sababu zote ziliacha wakati LDL-C ilipungua chini ya 100 mg. Kwa maneno mengine, kupunguza LDL chini ya 100 mg dL haikuonyesha kupungua kwa vifo vya sababu zote, ingawa hatari ya mshtuko wa moyo na kiharusi iliendelea kushuka wakati viwango vya LDL vilipungua. Majaribio ya statin ni iliyoundwa kuthibitisha ufanisi wa dawa haraka iwezekanavyo, wao si iliyoundwa kuonyesha athari ya maisha ya cholesterol ya juu inayosababishwa na chakula mafuta nzito. "Hii ni kwa sababu ya mahojiano ya mwaka jana na Daktari Tom Dayspring, ""Mwanamke wa kwanza wa kwanza wa kwanza.""" Kupunguza LDL-C, na hasa APOB, inahusishwa na kiwango cha chini cha ugonjwa wa moyo katika bodi. Kwa hiyo, ni nini msingi wa jambo hili? Kujua viwango vya msingi vya LDL na biomarkers nyingine za afya ya moyo Angalia jinsi inavyoweza kubadilika wakati wa kula vyakula vyenye mafuta mengi. Ikiwa idadi yako inapita kupitia paa, usifikiri uwiano mzuri wa TG/HDL utapunguza hatari yako. Kula kolesteroli hakutachangia ugonjwa wa moyo kwa wengi wetu, lakini kula mafuta mengi yenye saturated kutaongeza LDL na hatari ya mshtuko wa moyo katika idadi fulani ya watu. Jifunze kuhusu idadi ya watu wanaosikiliza na usikie daktari wako wa moyo, sio blogi. Kwa wale ambao hawajui, podcast ya Dr. Peter Attia na Dave Feldman ni moja ya njia bora ya kuongeza mafuta. Dr. Attia kwa njia hiyo huficha "mfano wa nishati" wa Dave wa kimetaboliki ya cholesterol kwamba nimeshangazwa Dave aliendelea kuitetea hadharani baada ya mahojiano. # 10 - Kuhusu Cholesterol ya chakula huingiliana na microbiome Sisi kufunga juu ya cholesterol na microbiome. Si tu kuhusu jinsi tunavyofanya na kunyonya cholesterol, jambo jingine muhimu ni kile microbiome hufanya na cholesterol tunayokula. Jarida la New England Journal of Medicine limetoa utafiti wa kuvutia kuhusu jinsi kula mayai na cholesterol ya chakula hubadilisha microbiome, hasa kusababisha uzalishaji wa kiwanja kinachojulikana kama TMAO, ambacho kinahusishwa na ugonjwa wa moyo. Kwa mfano, katika jaribio moja, watafiti wa NEJM waliwapa watu mayai na kupima viwango vya TMAO, ambavyo viliongezeka. Wakati mtihani huo ulipowekwa kwenye dawa za kuua viini na kisha kulishwa mayai, viwango vya TMAO havikuongezeka, ikidokeza kuwa ni muundo wa microbiome ambayo husababisha uzalishaji wa TMAO na hatari ya moyo na mishipa inayokuja nayo. Nimekuwa na upendeleo wa kuhoji Integrative Cardiologist, na utu wa televisheni, Daktari Joel Kahn juu ya Gene Chakula Podcast. Dr. Kahn anafanya uchunguzi wa TMAO kwa wagonjwa wake na kupunguza mayai na virutubisho, kama vile L-carnitine, ambayo husababisha ongezeko la TMAO wakati viwango vya juu. Kwa kumalizia, ingawa ni kweli kwamba kolesteroli ya chakula imedhaniwa vibaya, kuna mambo yanayotofautiana na kila sheria. Ili kujua jinsi ya kuokoa maisha yako, unapaswa kujua kiasi cha cholesterol unachokunywa, jinsi mwili wako unavyoitikia mafuta yaliyojaa, na hali ya microbiome yako. Kama Carl Jung alivyosema kwa usahihi, " kadiri sheria inavyojitahidi kuwa halali ulimwenguni pote, ndivyo inavyofanya mambo madogo madogo yawe halali kwa kila mtu". | <urn:uuid:d68bb6ad-a974-40fa-bc6b-f8868c57b024> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://www.mygenefood.com/blog/cholesterol-heart-health-genetics-need-know/ | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
China Operations In China, the Flying Tigers were inducted into the AAF's 23rd Fighter Group on July 4, 1942, at which time Brig. Gen. Claire Chennault's force had an effective strength of about 35 P-40s and seven B-25 medium bombers. Designated originally as the China Air Task Force, less than a year later, in March 1943, Chennault's unit gained independent status as the 14th Air Force. However, the scope of the 14th Air Force operations throughout the war was limited by the tonnage that could be carried over the Hump and fuel shortages, which at times severely restricted fighter and medium bomber operations. Small in size, even by Pacific standards, the 14th Air Force fought against heavy odds defending the Chinese end of the Hump route and supporting the Chinese ground army. The arrival of B-24s enabled the 14th Air Force to begin heavy bomber raids in May 1943 against Japanese shipping off the Chinese coast. Much of the bombers' available flying hours, however, were spent hauling their own supplies over the Hump in support of bombing missions. Click here to return to the War on the Asian Mainland Overview. Find Out More Related Fact Sheets 14th Air Force in China: From Volunteers to Regulars Consolidated B-24D Liberator North American B-25B Mitchell Curtiss P-40E Warhawk Note: The appearance of hyperlinks does not constitute endorsement by the National Museum of the USAF, the U.S. Air Force, or the Department of Defense, of the external website, or the information, products or services contained therein. | Ndege za Flying Tigers ziliingizwa katika Kikundi cha 23 cha Ndege za AAF mnamo Julai 4, 1942. Jeshi la Jenerali Claire Chennault lilikuwa na nguvu ya ufanisi ya P-40 35 na mabomu ya kati ya B-25. "Kama ilivyoelezwa hapo awali, ""China Air Task Force"" (Kikosi cha Kazi cha Anga cha China) ilikuwa kikosi cha jeshi la China, lakini mwaka 1943 kikosi cha Chennault kilipata hadhi ya kujitegemea kama Kikosi cha 14 cha Anga." Hata hivyo, wigo wa shughuli za 14 Air Force katika vita ilikuwa mdogo na tonnage ambayo inaweza kubeba juu ya Hump na upungufu wa mafuta, ambayo wakati mwingine vikali vikwazo mpiganaji na mabomu kati shughuli. Kwa kuwa jeshi hilo lilikuwa dogo sana hata kwa viwango vya Pasifiki, Jeshi la Anga la 14 lilipigana dhidi ya vikosi vikubwa vya jeshi la China katika mwisho wa njia ya Hump na kuunga mkono jeshi la ardhini la China. Kuwasili kwa ndege za kivita B-24 kulifanya jeshi la 14 la anga liweze kuanza mashambulizi makubwa ya mabomu mnamo Mei 1943 dhidi ya meli za Kijapani kutoka pwani ya China. Hata hivyo, muda mwingi wa ndege hizo za mabomu ulitumika kusafirisha vifaa vyao kwenye Mto Hump ili kuunga mkono misheni za mabomu. Bonyeza hapa ili kurudi kwenye Vita katika Bara la Asia Mtazamo wa jumla. "Kama ilivyoelezwa katika makala ya ""Usaidizi wa Ulinzi wa Marekani"" na ""Usaidizi wa Ulinzi wa Marekani"" na ""Usaidizi wa Ulinzi wa Marekani"" na ""Usaidizi wa Ulinzi wa Marekani"" na ""Usaidizi wa Ulinzi wa Marekani"" na ""Usaidizi wa Ulinzi wa Marekani"" na ""Usaidizi wa Ulinzi wa Marekani"" na ""Usaidizi wa Ulinzi wa Marekani.""" | <urn:uuid:52a16303-8c84-4773-9571-b94bd44e3c4d> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://www.nationalmuseum.af.mil/Visit/Museum-Exhibits/Fact-Sheets/Display/Article/196654/china-operations/ | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
Sealants are a preventive dental treatment that can help to protect your smile from tooth decay. A dental sealant is created from plastic resin, which is painted directly onto the surface of the tooth. Dental sealants are typically applied to the back permanent molars because they are a common site of tooth decay. Sealants work by:
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Dental sealants in Newtown, Connecticut can be placed in just one comfortable visit to our dental office. The process of applying dental sealants is quick and completely painless. Our knowledgeable dentists, Drs. Condon and Golisano, often recommend sealants for children as soon as their permanent back molars erupt, which is usually between 6 and 12 years of age. Because of their effectiveness at preventing tooth decay, we may also suggest dental sealants to teenage and adult patients whose teeth are prone to decay. We welcome you to contact us at Newtown Dentistry today to learn more about dental sealants and preventive dentistry. | Vifuniko vya meno ni matibabu ya kuzuia ambayo yanaweza kusaidia kulinda tabasamu yako kutokana na kuoza kwa meno. Vifuniko vya meno hutengenezwa kutokana na utomvu wa plastiki, ambao hupakwa rangi moja kwa moja kwenye uso wa jino. Kwa kawaida, dawa za kufungia meno hutumiwa kwenye meno ya nyuma ya mgongo kwa sababu hayo ni sehemu ya kawaida ya kuoza kwa meno. Vifuniko vya meno huunda kizuizi cha kinga kwenye uso wa jino, ambacho huzuia chembe za chakula na bakteria zinazosababisha kuoza kwa meno, na kuunda uso laini kwenye jino ambayo ni rahisi kuweka safi kuliko mashimo ya asili na vijia vya uso wa kutafuna. Utaratibu wa kutumia vifaa vya kufungia meno ni wa haraka na hauhusishi maumivu yoyote. Madaktari wetu wa meno wenye ujuzi, Dakt. Condon na Golisano, mara nyingi kupendekeza sealants kwa watoto mara tu yao kudumu nyuma molars erupt, ambayo ni kawaida kati ya miaka 6 na 12. Kwa sababu ya ufanisi wao katika kuzuia kuoza kwa meno, tunaweza pia kupendekeza sealants za meno kwa wagonjwa wa ujana na watu wazima ambao meno yao ni rahisi kuoza. Tunakukaribisha kuwasiliana nasi katika Newtown Dentistry leo kujifunza zaidi kuhusu sealants meno na matibabu ya meno ya kuzuia. | <urn:uuid:6583caa3-814c-41d0-bf93-746b03a4b2b6> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://www.newtownctdentist.com/what-we-offer/sealants/ | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
By Debra Shapiro
Photo Ark Project
In 2006, National Geographic photographer Joel Sartore began the Photo Ark project, aiming to document the roughly 20,000 animal species living in zoos and wildlife sanctuaries worldwide. With portraits of 13,000 species and counting, he’s more than halfway there! The photographs—suitable for grades 3–12 and viewable on the Photo Ark website—are intended to spread awareness about at-risk species and to showcase the great diversity among animal species on Earth. In addition, teachers can access classroom activities to explore topics such as animal adaptation as well as how to teach students to think critically about species extinction and develop their own opinions about conservation.
Children's Museum Indianapolis Lesson Library
Educators from the Children’s Museum Indianapolis have developed a collection of standards-supporting lessons based on museum exhibits and other topics for K–8 audiences. The lessons, many of which explore science concepts, can be paired with books, online resources, or other museum videos, and include hands-on learning activities that students can complete at home or in the classroom. For example, Seed Dissection (grades K–2) engages young learners in observing the parts of a seed and identifying how a seed’s different parts help a plant germinate. In Tye Dye Paper (grades K–2), students characterize materials by their state of matter, then combine materials to create a piece of colorful, tie dye–esque paper.
Upper-elementary learners (grades 3–5) can participate in activities such as Mold and Cast, in which students define the term fossil, learn to identify the difference between a mold and a cast fossil, and discover how scientists use models to learn about the physical structure of something in the natural world. Build a Parachute (grades 3–5) lets students create their own parachute to explore how air pushes up against an object and slows it down as it falls. At the middle level (grades 6–8) students explore DNA through activities such as DNA—The Action of Extraction, in which students extract DNA from wheat germ to learn how DNA can be found easily in food, and DNA—The Ladder of Life, in which students create a DNA model to illustrate how DNA bases are a like a blueprint for each living thing.
Arctic Ocean Curriculum Unit
Arctic Ocean Curriculum Unit was created by the Arctic Research Consortium of the United States (ARCUS) with funding from the North Pacific Research Board. Targeted for middle and high school levels, the unit updates Arctic Ocean–related lessons originally created through the PolarTREC teacher education program. The updated lessons feature the use of recent data, support Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) and polar and ocean literacy principles, and encourage cultural relevancy. The unit traces the movement of energy throughout the Arctic Ocean environment through 18 lessons broken into two main components. The first component focuses on the physical sciences, emphasizing seasons, climate, salinity, temperature, currents, and density. The second component focuses on biological sciences emphasizing life cycles, predator-prey relationships, food sources, and survival.
NASA’s Power to Explore Student Challenge
NASA invites K–12 students in the United States to learn about Radioisotope Power Systems (RPS), then design a new RPS-powered space mission that would energize their space exploration dreams. RPS is a type of nuclear “battery” that for more than 60 years has enabled many spacecraft to explore some of the harshest, darkest environments and the farthest reaches of our solar system. Entries are due by January 17, 2023, and will be judged in three grade-level categories: K–4, 5–8, and 9–12. Student entries, which are limited to 200 words, should address the mission destination and goals and describe a unique “power,” or quality, the student has that can help the mission.
The grand-prize winner from each grade category (3 winners total) will receive a trip for two to NASA's Glenn Research Center in Cleveland to learn about the people and technologies that power NASA missions. All participants will receive a digital certificate and an invitation to a virtual event with NASA experts in which students will learn what powers the NASA workforce to dream big and explore. Fifteen national semifinalists in each grade category (45 semifinalists total) will receive a NASA RPS Prize Pack, and three national finalists in each grade category (9 finalists total) will receive a virtual session with a NASA RPS expert.
NASA and Future Engineers are seeking volunteers to help judge the thousands of contest entries anticipated to be submitted from around the country. U.S. residents ages 18 and older who can devote approximately three hours of their time to review submissions can register at https://www.futureengineers.org/registration/judge/powertoexplore.
Knowles Academy Free Online Short Courses
During October and November, Knowles Academy will offer free online short courses, covering topics like science practices, engineering design, project-based learning, equitable group work, and actionable norms. Led by experienced teachers, these courses are designed to improve science and mathematics teaching and learning. Participants will engage in interactive discussions with instructors and other participants as they explore new tools and strategies to use in their classrooms.
All online courses will be held via Zoom; participants must have internet access via a desktop or laptop computer or a tablet, with a camera. Class size is limited; register now to reserve your spot.
EPA’s Pollution Prevention Works: A Storytelling Challenge for Students
In a new challenge launched by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), high school and college students can win up to $5,000 by telling stories about pollution prevention (P2) using videos, written stories, infographics, or storymaps. These stories will illustrate how businesses identified through EPA’s Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) are reducing toxic chemical releases through innovative P2 practices and positively impacting the environment and communities. Entries are due by February 17, 2023.
EPA will hold a webinar on October 26 at 2–3 p.m. Eastern Time to educate students about the challenge. Students can register at https://abtassociates.webex.com/webappng/sites/abtassociates/meeting/register/1d58173fec37419d85524e69812bf904?ticket=4832534b00000005176283a17ac616a5fbb831027326c02afc9bc5cc222803cd020f95d020a93ac5×tamp=1665686488706&RGID=r45a1b030b2b215f76d6d2b23f34f1437.
Climate Change Curriculum Distance Learning Earth & Space Science Engineering Environmental Science General Science Instructional Materials Interdisciplinary Lesson Plans Life Science New Science Teachers News Physical Science Professional Learning Science and Engineering Practices STEM Teaching Strategies Middle School Elementary High School Postsecondary | "Mwanzoni mwa mwaka 2006, mchoraji picha wa National Geographic Joel Sartor alianzisha mradi wa ""Photo Ark"" ili kuelezea aina 20,000 za wanyama wanaoishi katika bustani za wanyama na hifadhi za wanyama wa porini duniani kote." Kwa kuwa amepiga picha za spishi 13,000 na kuongezeka, amefikia zaidi ya nusu ya njia! Picha hizo, zinazofaa kwa darasa la tatu hadi la kumi na mbili na zinazoweza kutazamwa kwenye tovuti ya Photo Ark, zimekusudiwa kueneza ufahamu kuhusu spishi zilizo hatarini na kuonyesha utofauti mkubwa kati ya spishi za wanyama duniani. Kwa kuongezea, walimu wanaweza kupata shughuli za darasani kugundua mada kama vile marekebisho ya wanyama na jinsi ya kuwafundisha wanafunzi kufikiria kwa ukali juu ya kutoweka kwa spishi na kuendeleza maoni yao wenyewe juu ya uhifadhi. Maktaba ya Somo la Jumba la Makumbusho la Watoto la Indianapolis: Walimu kutoka Jumba la Makumbusho la Watoto la Indianapolis wametengeneza mkusanyiko wa masomo ya kuunga mkono viwango kulingana na maonyesho ya makumbusho na mada zingine kwa watazamaji wa K-8. Masomo, ambayo mengi ya kuchunguza dhana za sayansi, inaweza kuwa paired na vitabu, rasilimali online, au video nyingine makumbusho, na ni pamoja na mikono juu ya shughuli za kujifunza kwamba wanafunzi wanaweza kukamilisha nyumbani au katika darasa. Kwa mfano, Dissection ya Mbegu (grades K < 2) inahusisha wanafunzi wachanga katika kuchunguza sehemu za mbegu na kutambua jinsi sehemu tofauti za mbegu zinavyosaidia mmea kuchipuka. Katika Tye Dye Paper (grades K <unk>2), wanafunzi sifa vifaa na hali yao ya jambo, kisha kuchanganya vifaa kuunda kipande cha rangi, tie dye <unk>esque karatasi. Wanafunzi wa darasa la kwanza wanaweza kushiriki katika shughuli kama vile Mold na Cast, ambapo wanafunzi hufafanua neno la fossil, kujifunza kutambua tofauti kati ya mold na fossil ya kutengeneza, na kugundua jinsi wanasayansi hutumia mifano kujifunza kuhusu muundo wa kimwili wa kitu katika ulimwengu wa asili. Kujenga Parachute (Grades 3 - 5) inaruhusu wanafunzi kujenga parachute yao wenyewe kuchunguza jinsi hewa pushes juu dhidi ya kitu na kupunguza chini kama inashuka. Katika darasa la kati (grades 6 - 8), wanafunzi huchunguza DNA kupitia shughuli kama vile DNA: The Action of Extraction, ambapo wanafunzi huchukua DNA kutoka kwa kijani cha ngano ili kujifunza jinsi DNA inaweza kupatikana kwa urahisi katika chakula, na DNA: The Ladder of Life, ambapo wanafunzi huunda mfano wa DNA kuonyesha jinsi misingi ya DNA ni kama muundo kwa kila kiumbe hai. The Arctic Ocean Curriculum Unit (ARCU) ni shirika la utafiti la Arctic la Marekani (ARCUS) ambalo linasaidia katika utafiti wa bahari ya Arctic. Lengo kwa ajili ya ngazi ya shule ya kati na ya sekondari, kitengo updates Arctic Ocean <unk> kuhusiana masomo awali iliyoundwa kupitia PolarTREC programu ya elimu ya walimu. Mafunzo yaliyotolewa yanaonyesha matumizi ya data ya hivi karibuni, inasaidia Viwango vya Sayansi ya Kizazi Kijayo (NGSS) na kanuni za elimu ya polar na bahari, na kuhamasisha umuhimu wa kitamaduni. Mzunguko huu unaonyesha mwendo wa nishati katika mazingira ya Bahari ya Aktiki kupitia masomo 18 yaliyovunjwa katika sehemu mbili kuu. Sehemu ya kwanza inakazia sayansi ya fizikia, ikikazia majira, hali ya hewa, chumvi, joto, mikondo, na wiani. Sehemu ya pili inazingatia sayansi ya kibiolojia ikikazia mizunguko ya maisha, mahusiano ya wawindaji na windo, vyanzo vya chakula, na kuishi. NASA inawaalika wanafunzi wa K-12 nchini Marekani kujifunza kuhusu Radioisotope Power Systems (RPS), kisha kubuni mpya RPS-powered nafasi ya safari ambayo ingekuwa nishati ndoto zao nafasi ya uchunguzi. RPS ni aina ya nyuklia betri ambayo kwa zaidi ya miaka 60 imefanya uwezo wa vyombo vingi vya angani kuchunguza baadhi ya mazingira ya ukali, giza na mbali zaidi ya mfumo wetu wa jua. Mawasilisho yanapaswa kufanyika kufikia Januari 17, 2023, na yatahukumiwa katika makundi matatu ya kiwango cha darasa: K <unk> 4, 5 <unk> 8 na 9 <unk> 12. Maandishi ya mwanafunzi, ambayo ni mdogo kwa maneno 200, inapaswa kushughulikia malengo ya utume na malengo na kuelezea "nguvu" ya kipekee au ubora, mwanafunzi ana ambayo inaweza kusaidia utume. Washindi wa tuzo ya kwanza kutoka kila darasa la darasa watapata safari ya watu wawili kwenda Kituo cha Utafiti cha Glenn cha NASA huko Cleveland kujifunza juu ya watu na teknolojia zinazotumia misheni za NASA. Washiriki wote watapokea cheti cha dijiti na mwaliko wa tukio la kawaida na wataalam wa NASA ambapo wanafunzi watajifunza nguvu za wafanyikazi wa NASA kuota kubwa na kuchunguza. "Wachezaji 15 wa kila daraja watapokea ""RPS Pack"" na wachezaji watatu wa kila daraja watapata ""Mkutano wa Virtual"" na Mtaalam wa NASA." NASA na Future Engineers wanatafuta wajitoleaji kusaidia kuhukumu maelfu ya michoro ya mashindano inayotarajiwa kuwasilishwa kutoka kote nchini. Wananchi wa Marekani wenye umri wa miaka 18 na zaidi ambao wanaweza kutumia saa tatu za wakati wao kuchunguza mawasilisho wanaweza kujiandikisha kwenye https: www.futureengineers.org registration.org Katika Oktoba na Novemba, Chuo cha Knowles kitatoa kozi fupi za bure za mtandaoni, zinazohusisha mada kama mazoezi ya sayansi, muundo wa uhandisi, kujifunza kwa msingi wa mradi, kazi ya kikundi ya usawa, na kanuni zinazoweza kutekelezwa. Zikiwa zikiongozwa na walimu wenye uzoefu, kozi hizi zimekusudiwa kuboresha ufundishaji na kujifunza sayansi na hisabati. Washiriki watajiunga na majadiliano ya maingiliano na walimu na washiriki wengine wakati wanachunguza zana mpya na mikakati ya kutumia katika madarasa yao. Kozi zote za mtandaoni zitafanyika kupitia Zoom; washiriki lazima wawe na ufikiaji wa mtandao kupitia kompyuta ya desktop au laptop au kibao, na kamera. Ukubwa wa darasa ni mdogo; jiandikishe sasa ili kuhifadhi nafasi yako. Katika changamoto mpya iliyozinduliwa na Shirika la Ulinzi wa Mazingira (EPA), wanafunzi wa shule ya sekondari na chuo kikuu wanaweza kushinda hadi $ 5,000 kwa kusimulia hadithi kuhusu kuzuia uchafuzi wa mazingira (P2) kwa kutumia video, hadithi zilizoandikwa, infographics, au ramani za hadithi. "Hadithi hii inaonyesha jinsi biashara zilizotambuliwa kupitia ""Hifadhi ya Utoaji wa sumu"" (TRI) ya EPA zinapunguza kutolewa kwa kemikali zenye sumu kupitia mazoea ya ubunifu ya P2 na kuathiri mazingira na jamii." Mawasilisho yanapaswa kufanywa kabla ya Februari 17, 2023. EPA itafanya webinar Oktoba 26 saa 2 pm EST ili kuwaelimisha wanafunzi juu ya changamoto hii. "Mafunzo ya ""Mafunzo ya Utafiti"" yanafanyika katika shule ya msingi ya Shule ya Upili ya Shule ya Upili ya Shule ya Upili ya Shule ya Upili ya Shule ya Upili ya Shule ya Upili ya Shule ya Upili ya Shule ya Upili ya Shule ya Upili ya Shule ya Upili ya Shule ya Upili ya Shule ya Upili ya Shule ya Upili ya Shule ya Upili ya Upili ya Shule ya Upili ya Upili ya Upili ya Upili ya Upili ya Upili." Mafunzo ya elimu ya umbali ya elimu ya umbali wa umbali wa umbali wa umbali wa umbali wa umbali wa umbali wa umbali wa umbali wa umbali wa umbali wa umbali wa umbali wa umbali wa umbali wa umbali wa umbali wa umbali wa umbali wa umbali wa umbali wa umbali wa umbali wa umbali wa umbali wa umbali wa umbali wa umbali wa umbali wa umbali wa umbali wa umbali wa umbali wa umbali | <urn:uuid:be73db74-a13b-44c1-ba4f-503488a0b9c7> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://www.nsta.org/resources/freebies-and-opportunities-science-and-stem-teachers-october-18-2022 | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
Supporting MultilingualStudents’ Scientific Sensemaking in the Context of Science and Engineering Practices
By Sage Andersen, Karina Méndez Pérez, and María González-Howard
Ms. Silva, who teaches sixth-grade science in a school with a large population of multilingual students, is reviewing lesson plans for the next science unit. Her school recently began adopting the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), which emphasize the importance of students jointly “figuring out” or “making sense of” science phenomena while engaging in science and engineering practices (SEPs). Last year, she collaborated with colleagues to reorganize units around engaging and authentic science phenomena. The focal phenomenon for the upcoming unit was grounded in the essential question: How do environmental conditions impact the growth of plants? Students would be exploring this question in the context of designing a sustainable balcony garden that can grow edible produce in small spaces. Ultimately, evidence gathered in learning activities and investigations throughout this unit should support students in constructing a scientific explanation based on evidence for how environmental factors influence the growth of plants, which students can use to justify their garden designs (MS-LS1-5; NGSS Lead States 2013). Last year, when teaching this revised unit, Ms. Silva saw a big change in students’ overall eagerness to learn. Yet she still wonders about the extent to which all students, particularly her multilingual students, meaningfully used SEPs to “make sense of” the focal phenomena.
With these thoughts in mind, Ms. Silva examines one of her tried-and-true investigations for the upcoming unit in which students conduct an investigation to determine what environmental factors influence the growth of plants. In this lesson, students compare the growth of a lima bean seed planted under direct sunlight with one planted in a shaded area. In the past, most students have been able to follow the prewritten procedure and reach the intended conclusion—that lima beans grow better when provided with direct sunlight. However, on deeper inspection of the lesson, Ms. Silva realizes that she—not her students—posed the question to be investigated and planned all aspects of the investigation. This prompted the following questions to run through her mind: How can I redesign this lesson so that students are the ones actively and meaningfully engaging in SEPs? What opportunities and challenges might arise for my multilingual students as they take on more of the sensemaking responsibility in this lesson, and how can I better support them?
This vignette poses a common dilemma teachers face as they seek to revise and improve existing curricula to better align with the NGSS, all while considering their particular student population. The NGSS calls for students to learn disciplinary core content by engaging in a combination of eight SEPs, such as planning and carrying out investigations and constructing explanations (NGSS Lead States 2013). SEPs support sensemaking by acting as a vehicle through which students actively work to “figure out” rather than “learn about” big science ideas (Schwarz, Passmore, and Reiser 2017). However, each SEP is inherently language intensive and requires students to use language in new and complex ways (González-Howard, Andersen, and Méndez Pérez 2021).
Multilingual students—an extremely diverse group of individuals who vary across countless factors, including the languages that they know and their proficiency in these languages—must navigate these demands while simultaneously developing their understanding and use of English. Similar to how students learn content through engagement in SEPs (Schwarz, Passmore, and Reiser 2017), research has shown that multilingual students’ language development is best supported in the context of content learning (Lee et al. 2019). Authentic and rigorous use of SEPs provides multilingual students with opportunities to engage in new ways of communication, expanding their ability to use language and other sensemaking resources to grow their understandings of natural phenomena (Lee et al. 2019).
For such learning to occur, however, teachers must learn to leverage and encourage the use of all the sensemaking resources available to students.
In this article, we explore how teachers can better support multilingual students’ scientific sensemaking in the context of SEPs, specifically through translanguaging—the ways individuals engage in sensemaking and express ideas using all of their resources for communication, which include linguistic and nonlinguistic modes (Suárez 2020). We first introduce and describe translanguaging, then explore concrete steps teachers can take to redesign science lessons using a translanguaging approach, focusing on moments when students meaningfully engage in SEPs for sensemaking. These steps will be illustrated using the opening vignette from Ms. Silva’s classroom. The examples used in this article come from an amalgam of teachers’ classrooms that we have worked with in the past and strategies identified in research literature as best practices for supporting multilingual students’ scientific sensemaking. While the strategies highlighted in this article have been demonstrated to support multilingual students, they will also help teachers to reimagine their lessons in ways that support all students, especially students across a spectrum of ability levels whose resources for sensemaking go unnoticed or underleveraged during science learning.
In science education, there is a tendency to prioritize linguistic modes of communication (what we typically think of as “language”) when supporting multilingual students’ scientific sensemaking (González-Howard, Andersen, and Méndez Pérez 2021). However, multilingual students have a variety of sensemaking resources that they can draw on to engage in and communicate science learning that are often left untapped. For example, students’ linguistic resources may include the multiple languages they speak (or are learning to speak) and range from less formal modes, such as everyday language, to more formal academic language. Students also have at their disposal many nonlinguistic resources, including gestures, drawing, and use of symbols in addition to those typically used in science such as modeling, graphing, or charting. Table 1 highlights many possible linguistic and nonlinguistic resources that multilingual students can use for scientific sensemaking.
It is not enough for teachers to leverage one or two of these resources in a given lesson. Instead, we argue that teachers should encourage multilingual students to move freely between them and use all of their sensemaking resources through a translanguaging approach. An important aspect of translanguaging is recognizing how all of our students’ nonlinguistic and linguistic modes of communication can be used synergistically to support and express scientific sensemaking. For example, a teacher using a translanguaging approach might encourage students to write and draw their explanation for a phenomenon, rather than relying solely on writing.
Table 2 provides a number of translanguaging strategies, which have been shown to support multilingual students’ sensemaking in science and can be incorporated into existing science lessons or used as a resource when designing new lessons. It is important to note that although we include recommendations that may address either linguistic or nonlinguistic resources, these strategies should not be used in isolation. Instead, teachers should seek to include strategies that draw on a broad range of students’ sensemaking resources simultaneously. When learning to incorporate any new strategy, it is helpful to picture what using this new approach might look and sound like. For this reason, Table 2 includes possible teacher prompts to illustrate how teachers might incorporate a translanguaging approach in their classroom.
To integrate a translanguaging approach in the classroom, teachers must recognize the language demands present in a particular unit, lesson, or moment in science instruction—including how language is used to engage in specific SEPs—and then find ways to leverage students’ multiple sensemaking resources. Figure 1 depicts a flowchart that can guide teachers through redesigning existing science lessons to take on a translanguaging approach. Through this process, teachers are asked to consider how they might leverage their multilingual students’ assets and address potential challenges they might encounter. In the remainder of the article, we explore these steps in detail and return to Ms. Silva’s classroom to illustrate this approach in practice.
Linguistic modes of communication
Nonlinguistic modes of communication
Teachers should consider the learning goals present in the unit, in the lesson, or within a single moment, so that revisions enhance multilingual students’ ability to achieve these goals. For instance, a lesson goal might be for students to develop models explaining how plants grow, while a goal for a learning moment could be to identify affordances or limitations of each model. To exemplify this process, we return to Ms. Silva’s classroom. Following the process outlined in Figure 1, Ms. Silva might identify the lesson’s learning goal as “students plan and implement an investigation to gather evidence about what environmental factors influence the growth of plants.” However, by posing the question to be explored and designing the investigation herself, she realized that she limited students’ ability to make sense of the many factors (aside from sunlight) that influence plants’ abilities to live and grow. Thus, her current lesson plan was not supporting the lesson’s learning goal.
To support authentic learning through SEPs, teachers must identify the practice or practices students will engage in. The focal SEP(s) may be explicitly described within the NGSS performance expectation the learning goals address. However, it is also possible that students draw on multiple SEPs to accomplish the learning goals. In her lesson, Ms. Silva identified planning and carrying out investigations as the SEP that she wanted her students to use to figure out what environmental factors influence the growth and development of lima beans. At the middle school level, this SEP involves students identifying questions to investigate and deciding what will count as evidence, what variables should be controlled, and what materials are needed to carry out the investigation (NGSS Lead States 2013).
When it comes to considering the role of language in SEPs, attention tends to be placed on those that are most obviously language intensive, such as argumentation and explanation. For example, when considering the practice of generating explanations, we immediately recognize that this practice requires students to communicate in productive ways (i.e., via speaking or writing). This often leads us to assume that multilingual students must first be proficient in English before they can engage in these practices. However, two issues arise from such an assumption: first, assuming English is a prerequisite limits multilingual students’ opportunities to engage in rich science learning, and second, speaking and writing are not the only ways multilingual students can represent scientific explanations. Students can also develop a drawn model or use their bodies and gestures to communicate their explanation for a phenomenon (Suárez 2020). It is important to note that all eight SEPs require students to use language in new ways and through both linguistic and nonlinguistic modes (González-Howard, Andersen, and Méndez Pérez 2021). Returning to Ms. Silva’s classroom example, Ms. Silva would need to consider the language demands embedded in planning and carrying out investigations. Ms. Silva may determine that to plan an investigation, students must use language to negotiate procedures with their peers, record these procedures, and communicate and provide peer feedback to ensure the investigation tests one variable at a time. While planning their investigations, students may also be introduced to new scientific terms such as variable and control in the context of meaningfully using them. Previously, Ms. Silva’s lesson provided students with a step-by-step procedure to follow and also pretaught these terms, both of which limited the ways her students were able to use language to engage in this practice.
Finally, it is important to intentionally incorporate opportunities for students to meet the associated language demands using all of their sensemaking resources. As previously mentioned, Table 2 includes a number of strategies teachers can employ when taking a translanguaging approach to support multilingual students’ sensemaking. Returning to our vignette example, Ms. Silva would need to consider how to leverage students’ many sensemaking resources as they work with peers to plan investigations. This lesson redesign might first encourage student groups to discuss ideas using a range of their linguistic resources to negotiate their plans, such as their home languages, their everyday language, and their developing English and academic science vocabulary. For example, Ms. Silva might plan to say, “What are some things in an outdoor garden environment that you think impact plants’ ability to grow?” Based on her students’ responses, she might ask, “Is there a word you use at home for this idea?” Second, Ms. Silva could ask students to document these ideas using a combination of words or drawings, intentionally leveraging her multilingual students’ nonlinguistic meaning-making resources. Here, she might say, “Use your hands to show what you mean by _____” or “What did you notice about how [student] used their body to explain their ideas?” Furthermore, Ms. Silva might encourage students to use their science notebooks to document ideas in the ways that make most sense to them, reminding students that “words are just one way to represent our ideas on paper.” Thus, their science notebooks become a place where students can make connections between writing and nonlinguistic representations to help communicate and track changes in their developing understandings of the focal phenomena.
With these revisions, Ms. Silva might expect students to form plans that involve one or more variables and controls. In previous years, Ms. Silva pretaught the terms variable and control. Her redesigned lesson, however, supports students in developing an understanding of these terms as the ideas behind them emerge authentically in students’ planning. Therefore, Ms. Silva also plans to help students give a name to the concepts as they are discussing them in their plans. For example, if students’ investigation plans illustrate the idea that they should only change one thing at a time, she can say, “I see in this drawn-out plan that we only want to change one ‘thing’ in our experiment. Another word we use in science for that is variable—or something that varies. Perhaps we can include that word next to the image of this investigation setup?”
Finally, Ms. Silva could plan to assess students’ progress using a gallery walk, where students explain their procedure to peers. While describing this activity, Ms. Silva could remind students to “be sure to use gestures or point to your drawings and written plans as you explain your procedure to peers so that they understand your plan and may ask questions or provide feedback.” This activity highlights the affordances of both linguistic and nonlinguistic modes of communication, allowing students’ current understandings and ideas to shine in whichever way they choose to express them. Ultimately, by providing multilingual students with opportunities to move seamlessly between these multiple modalities (i.e., engage in translanguaging), they will be encouraged to use language in ways that will not only push their understanding of the content (González-Howard, Andersen, and Méndez Pérez 2021) but will also better support them in showing what they know.
When shifting our instruction to better bring to life the vision behind the NGSS, it becomes our responsibility as teachers to ensure that all of our students have rich opportunities to participate and engage in authentic science learning. As seen in our example from Ms. Silva’s classroom, leveraging and encouraging translanguaging in the context of SEPs can support multilingual students in both their content learning and in developing deeper understanding of how language is used to meaningfully engage in SEPs. Encouraging students to represent new terms and ideas in multiple ways, switch fluidly between different modes of language, and make connections between their home language(s) and scientific phenomena helps multilingual students draw on their full range of sensemaking resources and ultimately helps them form deeper understandings of the focal phenomena. Incorporating a translanguaging approach will take time, practice, and much reflection as we continue to rethink what “counts” as doing science and, just as important, what “counts” as language in science (González-Howard, Suárez, and Grapin 2021). By recognizing and leveraging the various ways that multilingual students make sense of scientific phenomena and the various resources available to them for doing so, we have the potential to create more equitable learning experiences and classrooms.
The writing of this work was supported by the National Science Foundation project “CAREER: Developing Elementary Preservice Teachers’ Understandings and Abilities to Support Emerging Bilingual Students’ Scientific Sensemaking” (NSF Grant #1942912).
Sage Andersen ([email protected]) is a doctoral student, Karina Méndez Pérez is a doctoral student, and María González-Howard is an assistant professor, all in the STEM Education Program in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction, College of Education, at The University of Texas at Austin.
González-Howard, M., S. Andersen, and K. Méndez Pérez. 2021. Enhancing science lessons to address multilingual students’ engagement in science and engineering practices. Science Scope 44 (3): 24–31.
González-Howard, M., E. Suárez, and S. Grapin. 2021. A call to #retireELL in science education [Blog]. Arlington, VA: National Science Teaching Association. https://www.nsta.org/blog/call-retireell-science-education
Lee, O., L. Llosa, S. Grapin, A. Haas, and M. Goggins. 2019. Science and language integration with English learners: A conceptual framework guiding instructional materials development. Science Education 103 (2): 317–337. https://doi.org/10.1002/sce.21498
NGSS Lead States. 2013. Next Generation Science Standards: For states, by states. Washington, DC: National Academies Press.
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Web SeminarScience Update: Making Climate Science Matter: Expanding the Use and Reach of the Fifth National Climate Assessment, May 2, 2024
Join us on Thursday, May 2, 2024, from 7:00 to 8:00 PM ET, to learn about the fifth National Climate Assessment (NCA5) report.... | Msaada wa Wanafunzi wa Lugha nyingi: Utafiti wa Sayansi katika Muktadha wa Sayansi na Uhandisi na Sage Andersen, Karina Mendes Perez, na María González-Howard Ms. Silva, ambaye anafundisha sayansi ya darasa la sita katika shule yenye idadi kubwa ya wanafunzi wa lugha nyingi, ni kukagua mipango ya somo kwa ajili ya kitengo cha sayansi ijayo. Shule yake hivi karibuni ilianza kupitisha Viwango vya Sayansi ya Kizazi Kijayo (NGSS), ambayo inasisitiza umuhimu wa wanafunzi pamoja "kugundua" au "kufanya maana ya" matukio ya sayansi wakati wa kushiriki katika mazoezi ya sayansi na uhandisi (SEPs). Mwaka jana, alishirikiana na wenzake kurekebisha vitengo karibu na matukio ya sayansi ya kuvutia na ya kweli. "Mtazamo wa ""Mtazamo wa Mwili"" ni muhimu kwa sababu ya suala la msingi: ""Je, mazingira ya mazingira yanaathiri ukuaji wa mimea?""" Wanafunzi wanaweza kutafakari juu ya suala hili katika muktadha wa kubuni bustani ya balcony endelevu ambayo inaweza kukuza mazao ya kula katika nafasi ndogo. Kwa hivyo, ushahidi uliokusanywa katika shughuli za kujifunza na uchunguzi katika kitengo hiki unapaswa kusaidia wanafunzi katika kujenga ufafanuzi wa kisayansi unaotegemea ushahidi wa jinsi sababu za mazingira zinavyoathiri ukuaji wa mimea, ambayo wanafunzi wanaweza kutumia kuhalalisha miundo yao ya bustani (MSLS1-5; NGSS Lead States 2013). Mwaka jana, alipokuwa akifundisha kitengo hiki kilichobadilishwa, Bi. Silva aliona mabadiliko makubwa katika hamu ya wanafunzi ya kujifunza. Hata hivyo, bado anajiuliza ni kwa kiwango gani wanafunzi wote, hasa wanafunzi wake wa lugha nyingi, walitumia SEP kwa maana ili "kuelewa" matukio ya msingi. Kwa kuzingatia mawazo haya, Bi Silva anachunguza moja ya uchunguzi wake wa majaribio na kweli kwa kitengo kinachofuata ambapo wanafunzi hufanya uchunguzi ili kuamua ni nini mambo ya mazingira yanayoathiri ukuaji wa mimea. Katika somo hili, wanafunzi wanalinganisha ukuaji wa mbegu ya lima iliyopandwa chini ya jua moja kwa moja na ile iliyopandwa katika eneo lenye kivuli. Zamani, wanafunzi wengi waliweza kufuata utaratibu uliokuwa umeandikwa kimbele na kufikia mkataa uliokusudiwa - kwamba maharagwe ya lima hukua vizuri zaidi yanapopatikana na nuru ya jua moja kwa moja. Hata hivyo, juu ya ukaguzi wa kina wa somo, Bi Silva anatambua kwamba yeye - si wanafunzi wake - aliweka swali kuwa kuchunguzwa na iliyopangwa nyanja zote za uchunguzi. "Hii ilisababisha maswali yafuatayo kukimbia kupitia akili yake: ""Ninawezaje kubuni upya somo hili ili wanafunzi wawe wale wanaohusika kikamilifu na kwa maana katika SEPs?""" Ni changamoto gani ambazo wanafunzi wangu wanaweza kukabili wakati wanapoanza kufanya kazi kwa bidii na kwa njia bora? Hii ni changamoto ya kawaida ambayo walimu wanakabiliwa nayo wanapojaribu kurekebisha na kuboresha mtaala uliopo ili kufanana vizuri na NGSS, wakati wote wakizingatia idadi yao maalum ya wanafunzi. "Kama ilivyoelezwa hapo juu, ""NGS imeweka msingi wa masomo ya msingi kwa kushiriki katika mchanganyiko wa SEP nane, kama vile kupanga na kutekeleza uchunguzi na kujenga maelezo"" (NGS Lead States 2013)." SEPs kusaidia sensemaking kwa kutenda kama gari ambayo wanafunzi kikamilifu kazi ya <unk>figured out<unk> badala ya <unk>kujifunza kuhusu<unk> mawazo makubwa ya sayansi (Schwarz, Passmore, na Reiser 2017). Hata hivyo, kila SEP ni asili ya lugha ya kina na inahitaji wanafunzi kutumia lugha kwa njia mpya na ngumu (Gonzalez-Howard, Andersen, na Mendez-Perez, 2021). Wanafunzi wa lugha nyingi - kikundi tofauti sana cha watu ambao hutofautiana kwa sababu nyingi, pamoja na lugha wanazojua na ustadi wao katika lugha hizi - lazima waende kwa mahitaji haya wakati huo huo wakikua uelewa wao na matumizi ya Kiingereza. Kama vile wanafunzi wanajifunza maudhui kupitia ushiriki katika SEP (Schwarz, Passmore, na Reiser 2017), utafiti umeonyesha kwamba maendeleo ya lugha ya wanafunzi wa lugha nyingi huungwa mkono bora katika muktadha wa kujifunza maudhui. 2019) na Matumizi ya kweli na ya dhati ya SEP hutoa fursa kwa wanafunzi wa lugha nyingi kushiriki katika njia mpya za mawasiliano, kupanua uwezo wao wa kutumia lugha na rasilimali nyingine za maana ili kukuza uelewa wao wa matukio ya asili. 2019) na Hata hivyo, ili kujifunza kama hiyo kutokea, walimu lazima wajifunze kutumia na kuhamasisha matumizi ya rasilimali zote za kutengeneza maana zinazopatikana kwa wanafunzi. Katika makala hii, tunachunguza jinsi walimu wanaweza kusaidia zaidi wanafunzi wa lugha nyingi kupata maana ya kisayansi katika muktadha wa SEP, haswa kupitia translanguaging - njia ambazo watu wanajihusisha na kupata maana na kuelezea mawazo kwa kutumia rasilimali zao zote za mawasiliano, ambazo ni pamoja na njia za lugha na zisizo za lugha. Kwanza tunaanzisha na kuelezea translanguaging, kisha kuchunguza hatua halisi walimu wanaweza kuchukua kubuni upya masomo ya sayansi kwa kutumia mbinu translanguaging, kuzingatia wakati wanafunzi maana kushiriki katika SEPs kwa sensemaking. Hatua hizi zitaonyeshwa kwa kutumia picha ya ufunguzi kutoka darasani la Bi. Silva. Mifano iliyotumika katika makala hii inatokana na mchanganyiko wa madarasa ya walimu ambayo tumefanya kazi nayo katika siku za nyuma na mikakati iliyotajwa katika fasihi ya utafiti kama mazoea bora ya kusaidia wanafunzi wa lugha nyingi kufanya maana ya kisayansi. Ingawa mikakati iliyoonyeshwa katika makala hii imeonyeshwa kusaidia wanafunzi wa lugha nyingi, pia itasaidia walimu kufikiria tena masomo yao kwa njia ambazo zinaunga mkono wanafunzi wote, haswa wanafunzi katika wigo wa viwango vya uwezo ambao rasilimali za sensemaking hazitambuliwi au hazitumiki wakati wa kujifunza sayansi. Katika elimu ya sayansi, kuna mwelekeo wa kupanua njia za lugha za mawasiliano (kile tunachofikiria kama <unk> lugha<unk>) wakati wa kusaidia wanafunzi wa lugha nyingi kufanya maana ya kisayansi (Gonzalez-Howard, Andersen, na Mendez Pérez 2021). Hata hivyo, wanafunzi wanaozungumza lugha nyingi wana rasilimali mbalimbali za kutengeneza maana ambazo wanaweza kutumia kushiriki na kuwasiliana katika kujifunza sayansi ambazo mara nyingi hazitumiwi. Kwa mfano, rasilimali za lugha za wanafunzi zinaweza kujumuisha lugha nyingi wanazozungumza (au wanajifunza kuzungumza) na kuanzia njia zisizo rasmi, kama vile lugha ya kila siku, hadi lugha ya kitaaluma rasmi zaidi. Wanafunzi pia wana rasilimali nyingi zisizo za lugha, ikiwa ni pamoja na ishara, kuchora, na matumizi ya alama pamoja na zile zinazotumiwa kwa kawaida katika sayansi kama vile kuunda mfano, grafu, au chati. Meza 1 inaonyesha rasilimali nyingi za lugha na zisizo za lugha ambazo wanafunzi wanaozungumza lugha nyingi wanaweza kutumia kwa ajili ya utambuzi wa kisayansi. Si vya kutosha kwa walimu kutumia moja au mbili ya rasilimali hizi katika somo fulani. Badala yake, tunaamini kwamba walimu wanapaswa kuhamasisha wanafunzi wa lugha nyingi kusonga kwa uhuru kati yao na kutumia rasilimali zao zote za kutengeneza maana kupitia mbinu ya kuhamisha lugha. Kipengele muhimu cha translanguaging ni kutambua jinsi wanafunzi wetu wote 'nonlinguistic na lugha njia ya mawasiliano inaweza kutumika synergistically kusaidia na kueleza sayansi sensemaking. Kwa mfano, mwalimu anayetumia mbinu ya kutafsiri lugha anaweza kuwachochea wanafunzi waandike na kuchora maelezo yao ya jambo fulani, badala ya kutegemea tu kuandika. Meza 2 hutoa mikakati kadhaa ya kutafsiri ambayo imeonyeshwa kusaidia wanafunzi wa lugha nyingi kupata maana katika sayansi na inaweza kuingizwa katika masomo ya sayansi yaliyopo au kutumika kama rasilimali wakati wa kubuni masomo mapya. Ni muhimu kutambua kwamba ingawa sisi ni pamoja na mapendekezo ambayo inaweza kushughulikia ama lugha au rasilimali zisizo za lugha, mikakati hii haipaswi kutumika kwa kujitenga. Badala yake, walimu wanapaswa kutafuta kujumuisha mikakati ambayo hutegemea aina mbalimbali za rasilimali za wanafunzi za kutengeneza maana kwa wakati mmoja. Unapojifunza kuingiza mkakati wowote mpya, ni muhimu kufikiria jinsi kutumia mbinu hii mpya inaweza kuonekana na kusikika. Kwa sababu hii, Jedwali 2 linajumuisha maelekezo ya mwalimu yanayoweza kuonyesha jinsi walimu wanaweza kuingiza mbinu ya kutafsiri lugha katika darasa lao. Ili kuunganisha mbinu ya kuhamisha lugha katika darasa, walimu lazima watambue mahitaji ya lugha yaliyopo katika kitengo fulani, somo, au wakati katika mafundisho ya sayansi - ikiwa ni pamoja na jinsi lugha inavyotumiwa kushiriki katika SEPs maalum - na kisha kupata njia za kutumia rasilimali nyingi za wanafunzi za kutengeneza maana. Picha ya kwanza inaonyesha chati ya mtiririko ambayo inaweza kuwaongoza walimu kupitia kubuni upya masomo ya sayansi yaliyopo kuchukua mbinu ya kutafsiri lugha. Katika mchakato huu, walimu wanaulizwa kuzingatia jinsi wanaweza kuimarisha mali za wanafunzi wao wa lugha nyingi na kushughulikia changamoto zinazoweza kukutana nao. Katika sehemu iliyobaki ya makala, tunachunguza hatua hizi kwa undani na kurudi darasani kwa Bi Silva ili kuonyesha mbinu hii katika mazoezi. Njia za mawasiliano zisizo za lugha: Walimu wanapaswa kuzingatia malengo ya kujifunza yaliyopo katika kitengo, katika somo, au ndani ya wakati mmoja, ili marekebisho ya kuboresha uwezo wa wanafunzi wa lugha nyingi kufikia malengo haya. Kwa mfano, lengo la somo linaweza kuwa kwa wanafunzi kuendeleza mifano inayoelezea jinsi mimea inakua, wakati lengo la wakati wa kujifunza linaweza kuwa kutambua affordances au mapungufu ya kila mfano. Ili kuonyesha utaratibu huu, tunarudi kwenye darasa la Bi. Silva. "Kwa kufuata mchakato ulioelezwa katika Mchoro wa 1, Bi Silva anaweza kutambua lengo la kujifunza la somo kama ""wanafunzi kupanga na kutekeleza uchunguzi ili kukusanya ushahidi kuhusu nini mambo ya mazingira huathiri ukuaji wa mimea.""Hata hivyo, kwa kuweka swali la kuchunguzwa na kubuni uchunguzi mwenyewe, alitambua kwamba alipunguza uwezo wa wanafunzi wa kuelewa mambo mengi (mbali na jua) ambayo huathiri uwezo wa mimea ya kuishi na kukua." Hivyo, mpango wake wa sasa wa somo haukuunga mkono lengo la kujifunza la somo. Ili kuunga mkono ujifunzaji wa kweli kupitia SEPs, walimu lazima watambue mazoezi au mazoezi ambayo wanafunzi watajihusisha nayo. SEPs ya msingi inaweza kuelezwa wazi ndani ya matarajio ya utendaji wa NGSS ambayo malengo ya kujifunza yanashughulikia. Hata hivyo, ni pia inawezekana kwamba wanafunzi kuvutia juu ya SEPs nyingi ili kutimiza malengo ya kujifunza. Katika somo lake, Bi Silva alitambua kupanga na kufanya uchunguzi kama SEP ambayo alitaka wanafunzi wake watumie kugundua ni mambo gani ya mazingira yanayoathiri ukuaji na maendeleo ya maharagwe ya lima. Katika shule ya sekondari, SEP inahusisha wanafunzi kutambua maswali ya kuchunguza na kuamua nini itahesabiwa kama ushahidi, ni vigezo gani vinavyopaswa kudhibitiwa, na ni vifaa gani vinavyohitajika kufanya uchunguzi (NGSS Lead States 2013). Wakati wa kuzingatia jukumu la lugha katika SEP, tahadhari huelekea kuwekwa kwenye zile ambazo ni wazi zaidi ya lugha, kama vile hoja na ufafanuzi. Kwa mfano, wakati wa kuzingatia mazoezi ya kuzalisha maelezo, mara moja tunatambua kwamba mazoezi haya yanahitaji wanafunzi kuwasiliana kwa njia za uzalishaji (yaani, kupitia kuongea au kuandika). Hii mara nyingi inatuongoza kudhani kwamba wanafunzi wa lugha nyingi lazima kwanza kuwa na ustadi katika Kiingereza kabla ya kuweza kushiriki katika mazoea haya. Hata hivyo, masuala mawili yanatokea kutokana na dhana kama hiyo: kwanza, kudhani Kiingereza ni sharti hupunguza fursa za wanafunzi wa lugha nyingi kushiriki katika kujifunza sayansi tajiri, na pili, kuzungumza na kuandika si njia pekee wanafunzi wa lugha nyingi wanaweza kuwakilisha maelezo ya kisayansi. Wanafunzi wanaweza pia kuendeleza mfano uliochorwa au kutumia miili yao na ishara kuwasiliana na ufafanuzi wao kwa jambo fulani (Suárez 2020). "Kama ilivyoelezwa hapo juu, ""SEPs zote nane zinahitaji wanafunzi kutumia lugha kwa njia mpya na kupitia njia zote mbili za lugha na zisizo za lugha"" (Gonzalez-Howard, Andersen, na Mendez-Perez, 2021)." Kurudi kwa mfano wa darasa la Bi. Silva, Bi. Silva angehitaji kuzingatia mahitaji ya lugha yaliyojumuishwa katika kupanga na kutekeleza uchunguzi. Ms. Silva anaweza kuamua kwamba kwa kupanga uchunguzi, wanafunzi lazima watumie lugha kujadili taratibu na wenzao, kurekodi taratibu hizi, na kuwasiliana na kutoa maoni ya wenzao ili kuhakikisha uchunguzi unajaribu tofauti moja kwa wakati. Wakati wa kupanga uchunguzi wao, wanafunzi wanaweza pia kuanzishwa kwa maneno mapya ya kisayansi kama vile kutofautiana na kudhibiti katika muktadha wa kutumia kwa maana. Hapo awali, somo la Bi Silva liliwapa wanafunzi utaratibu wa hatua kwa hatua wa kufuata na pia walifundisha maneno haya mapema, ambayo yote mawili yalipunguza njia ambazo wanafunzi wake waliweza kutumia lugha kushiriki katika mazoezi haya. Mwishowe, ni muhimu kwa makusudi kuingiza fursa kwa wanafunzi kukidhi mahitaji ya lugha kuhusishwa kwa kutumia rasilimali zao zote sensemaking. Kama ilivyoelezwa hapo awali, Jedwali 2 linajumuisha mikakati kadhaa ambayo walimu wanaweza kutumia wakati wa kuchukua mbinu ya kutafsiri kusaidia wanafunzi wa lugha nyingi kupata maana. Kurudi kwa mfano wetu vignette, Bi Silva ingekuwa haja ya kuzingatia jinsi ya leverage wanafunzi'mengi sensemaking rasilimali kama wao kazi na wenzao kupanga uchunguzi. Mpango huu wa upya wa somo unaweza kwanza kuhamasisha vikundi vya wanafunzi kujadili mawazo kwa kutumia aina mbalimbali za rasilimali zao za lugha ili kujadili mipango yao, kama vile lugha zao za nyumbani, lugha yao ya kila siku, na lugha yao ya Kiingereza na lugha ya kisayansi ya kisayansi. "Kwa mfano, Bi Silva anaweza kupanga kusema, ""Ni nini baadhi ya mambo katika mazingira ya bustani ya nje ambayo unafikiri athari mimea uwezo wa kukua?""Kutokana na majibu ya wanafunzi wake, anaweza kuuliza, ""Je, kuna neno wewe kutumia nyumbani kwa wazo hili?""Pili, Bi Silva inaweza kuuliza wanafunzi kumbukumbu mawazo haya kwa kutumia mchanganyiko wa maneno au michoro, makusudi leveraging wanafunzi wake multilingual ""nonlinguistic maana-kufanya rasilimali." "Hapa, anaweza kusema, ""Tumia mikono yako kuonyesha unachomaanisha kwa... au ""Umeona nini kuhusu jinsi mwanafunzi anavyotumia mwili wake kuelezea mawazo yao?"" Kwa kuongezea, Bi Silva anaweza kuwachochea wanafunzi kutumia vitabu vyao vya sayansi kuandika mawazo kwa njia ambazo zina maana zaidi kwao, akiwakumbusha wanafunzi kwamba ""maneno ni njia moja tu ya kuwakilisha mawazo yetu kwenye karatasi.""" Kwa marekebisho haya, Bi. Silva anaweza kutarajia wanafunzi waunda mipango inayohusisha vigezo na udhibiti mmoja au zaidi. Katika miaka ya awali, Bi Silva alitoa mafundisho ya awali juu ya maneno variable na control. Hata hivyo, somo lake lililobadilishwa linawasaidia wanafunzi kuelewa maneno hayo kwa sababu mawazo yaliyo nyuma yake yanaonekana waziwazi katika mipango ya wanafunzi. Kwa hivyo, Bi Silva pia anapanga kusaidia wanafunzi kutoa jina kwa dhana wakati wanazozungumzia katika mipango yao. Kwa mfano, kama mipango ya uchunguzi wa wanafunzi inaonyesha wazo kwamba wanapaswa kubadilisha kitu kimoja tu kwa wakati, anaweza kusema, "Ninaona katika mpango huu uliochorwa kwamba tunataka kubadilisha "kitu" kimoja tu katika jaribio letu. Neno jingine tunatumia katika sayansi kwa ajili ya kwamba ni kutofautiana <unk> au kitu ambacho hutofautiana. "Hata hivyo, kwa sababu ya hali ya hali ya hali ya hali ya hali ya hali ya hali ya hali ya hali ya hali ya hali ya hali ya hali ya hali ya hali ya hali ya hali ya hali ya hali ya hali ya hali ya hali ya hali ya hali ya hali ya hali ya hali ya hali ya hali ya hali ya hali ya hali ya hali ya hali ya hali ya hali ya hali ya hali ya hali ya hali ya hali ya hali ya hali ya hali ya hali ya hali ya hali ya hali ya hali ya hali ya hali ya hali ya hali ya hali ya hali ya hali ya hali ya hali ya hali ya hali ya hali ya hali ya hali.""" Wakati wa kuelezea shughuli hii, Bi Silva anaweza kuwawakumbusha wanafunzi kuwa: "Jihadharini kutumia ishara au kuelekeza kwenye michoro yako na mipango iliyoandikwa unapowaelezea wenzako utaratibu wako ili waweze kuelewa mpango wako na wanaweza kuuliza maswali au kutoa maoni." "Kwa hivyo, kwa kuwapa wanafunzi wa lugha nyingi fursa za kuhamia bila shida kati ya njia hizi nyingi (yaani, kushiriki katika ""kuhamisha lugha,"" watahimizwa kutumia lugha kwa njia ambazo hazitaongeza tu uelewa wao wa yaliyomo (Gonzalez-Howard, Andersen, na Mendez-Perez, 2021) lakini pia zitawasaidia zaidi kuonyesha kile wanachojua." """Kama tunabadilisha mafundisho yetu ili kuleta maono nyuma ya NGSS, inakuwa jukumu letu kama walimu kuhakikisha kwamba wanafunzi wetu wote wana fursa nyingi za kushiriki na kushiriki katika kujifunza sayansi halisi." Kama ilivyoonekana katika mfano wetu kutoka darasa la Bi Silva, kuendeleza na kuhamasisha uhamisho katika muktadha wa SEPs inaweza kusaidia wanafunzi wa lugha nyingi katika kujifunza kwao na katika kuendeleza uelewa wa kina wa jinsi lugha inavyotumiwa kushiriki kwa maana katika SEPs. Kuwatia moyo wanafunzi kuwakilisha maneno na mawazo mapya kwa njia nyingi, kubadili kwa urahisi kati ya njia tofauti za lugha, na kufanya uhusiano kati ya lugha zao za nyumbani na matukio ya kisayansi husaidia wanafunzi wa lugha nyingi kuvutia rasilimali zao kamili za utambuzi na hatimaye kuwasaidia kuunda uelewa wa kina wa matukio ya msingi. Kuingiza mbinu ya kuhamisha lugha itachukua muda, mazoezi, na tafakari nyingi tunapoendelea kufikiria tena kile "kinachohesabiwa" kama kufanya sayansi na, muhimu kama hiyo, kile "kinachohesabiwa" kama lugha katika sayansi (González-Howard, Suárez, na Grapin 2021). Kwa kutambua na kutumia njia mbalimbali ambazo wanafunzi wanaozungumza lugha nyingi wanaelewa matukio ya kisayansi na rasilimali mbalimbali zinazopatikana kwa ajili ya kufanya hivyo, tuna uwezo wa kuunda uzoefu wa kujifunza na madarasa ya usawa zaidi. Kazi hii ilitolewa kwa msaada wa mradi wa National Science Foundation (NSF) - Career: Kuendeleza Elementary Preservice Walimu - Uelewa na Uwezo wa Kuunga mkono Wanafunzi wa Kilimanga wanaojitokeza - Scientific Sensemaking (NSF Grant # 1942912). Sage Andersen ([email protected]) ni mwanafunzi wa udaktari, Karina Mendes-Perez ni mwanafunzi wa udaktari, na María González-Howard ni profesa msaidizi, wote katika Programu ya Elimu ya STEM katika Idara ya Mtaala na Mafundisho, Chuo cha Elimu, katika Chuo Kikuu cha Texas huko Austin. González-Howard, M., S. Andersen, na K. Méndez Pérez. 2021 - Mwezi wa Mwezi Kuongeza masomo ya sayansi ili kushughulikia ushiriki wa wanafunzi wa lugha nyingi katika mazoezi ya sayansi na uhandisi. Utafiti wa Sayansi: 443 González-Howard, M., E. Suárez, na S. Grapin. 2021 - Mwezi wa Mwezi #RetireEll katika elimu ya sayansi Arlington, VA: Chama cha Kitaifa cha Ufundishaji wa Sayansi. "Kutoka kwa ""Mwanzoni mwa Utafiti"" na ""Mwanzoni mwa Utafiti"" na ""Mwanzoni mwa Utafiti"" na ""Mwanzoni mwa Utafiti"" na ""Mwanzoni mwa Utafiti"" na ""Mwanzoni mwa Utafiti"" na ""Mwanzoni mwa Utafiti"" na ""Mwanzoni mwa Utafiti"" na ""Mwanzoni mwa Utafiti"" na ""Mwanzoni mwa Utafiti.""" Mwaka wa 2019. Sayansi na lugha ya ushirikiano na wanafunzi wa Kiingereza: Mfumo wa dhana kuongoza maendeleo ya vifaa vya mafundisho. Mafunzo ya Sayansi 103 (2): 317 <unk> 337. (i) (ii) (iii) (iii) (iii) (iv) (iv) (v) (v) (v) (v) (v) (v) (v) (v) (v) (v) (v) (v) (v) (v) (v) (v) (v) (v) (v) (v) (v) (v) (v) (v) (v) (v) (v) (v) (v) (v) (v) (v) (v) (v) (v) (v) (v) (v) (v) (v) (v) (v) (v) (v) (v) (v) (v) (v) (v) (v) (v) (v) (v) (v) (v) (v) (v) (v) (v) (v) (v) (v) (v) (v) (v) (v) (v) (v) (v) (v) (v) (v) (v) (v) (v) (v) (v) (v) ( Mwaka 2013 Viwango vya Sayansi ya Kizazi Kijayo: Kwa majimbo, na majimbo. Washington, DC: Shirika la National Academies Press. Schwarz, C. V., C. Passmore, na B. J. Reiser. (Kushangaa) Mwaka wa 2017. Kuhamia zaidi ya <unk>kujua kuhusu<unk> sayansi ya kufanya maana ya dunia. Katika kusaidia wanafunzi kuelewa ulimwengu kwa kutumia Next Generation Sayansi na Uhandisi Mazoea, eds. C. V. Schwarz, C. Passmore, na B. J. Reiser, 3 21. Arlington, VA: NSTA Press. Suarez, E. 2020 <unk>Estoy Explorando Science<unk>: Wanafunzi wa lugha mbili wanaojitokeza wanachanganya matukio ya umeme kupitia kutafsiri lugha. Mafunzo ya Sayansi 104 (5): 791-826 "Kama ""Mafunzo ya Sayansi ya Hali ya Hewa"" ya Utafiti wa Hali ya Hewa wa Kitaifa wa 5th, Mei 2, 2024, na ""Mafunzo ya Sayansi ya Hali ya Hewa"" ya Utafiti wa Hali ya Hewa ya Kitaifa ya 5th, Mei 2, 2024, na ""Mafunzo ya Sayansi ya Hali ya Hewa"" ya Utafiti wa Hali ya Hewa ya 5th, Mei 2, 2024." | <urn:uuid:e4d35296-8f32-40ce-bf2f-5374953b5b61> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://www.nsta.org/science-scope/science-scope-novemberdecember-2022/reimagining-science-lessons-through | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
Advanced simulation on Titan contributes to breakthrough efficiency gains
In 2017, US-based General Electric (GE) delivered its newest heavy-duty gas turbine, the 7HA.02, to two power plants in Texas. The installations marked a milestone in natural gas–derived electricity generation, setting new marks in efficiency and emissions for utility-scale turbomachinery.
A key ingredient in GE’s successful recipe for this breakthrough technology was the ability to conduct critical modeling and simulation on the Titan supercomputer, a leadership-class system managed by the Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility (OLCF), a US Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science User Facility at DOE’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
In 2015, GE researchers—in collaboration with software company Cascade Technologies—used Titan to investigate an unexpected combustion instability that had been revealed during tests of a GE gas turbine 1 year earlier. Although GE had determined that instability would not affect gas turbine performance, the company wanted to understand its cause and whether it would manifest in a new gas turbine design.
A concern was that the instability might be excited and increase amplitude with axial fuel staging (AFS). Developed with DOE support, AFS enabled turbine operation at higher temperatures with lower emissions. It accomplished this by introducing a second fuel injection stage into the turbine’s combustion system at a point later than the current industry standard.
“To help meet our deadlines, we wanted to see if we could reproduce the instability numerically,” said Joe Citeno, GE Power combustion engineering manager. “But we didn’t have a predictive model or the internal computational horsepower needed to run it.”
The Cascade team, in partnership with GE, created a groundbreaking high-fidelity model on Titan to examine combustion physics at unprecedented resolution. The team successfully reproduced the instability numerically on Titan and then predicted it would not affect performance in the new 7HA.02 gas turbine design. Physical experiments later confirmed the prediction, validating that the combined GE–Cascade team had created a powerful advanced modeling approach that can predict a range of combustion performance variables for GE’s gas turbine combustor designs, including air-fuel mixing, flame stability, emissions, and exit temperatures.
“The availability of the Titan supercomputer enabled a breakthrough that otherwise would have remained unrealized,” Citeno said. The new 7HA.02 gas turbine was put into production on schedule, and the first systems were successfully installed in Texas in the spring of 2017.
Now, GE is busy fulfilling orders for this new turbine, which can achieve an overall efficiency of more than 62 percent in a combined-cycle plant; it is projected to exceed world-record efficiency marks set by GE’s 9HA turbine model. “For our customers, that means lower fuel consumption and reduced cost per megawatt,” Citeno said.
The 7HA.02 installations are more than 2 percent higher than previous 7F-class gas turbines in combined cycle efficiency. This improvement may seem small, but even a small change can produce an enormous impact. For example, just a 1 percent efficiency gain applied across the entire US combined-cycle fleet would save an estimated $11 billion or more in fuel over the next 20 years.
At the Texas plants, the new turbines can respond quickly to fluctuating power demands, filling a critical role in the state’s energy portfolio. During periods of high demand, the plants can provide power for more than 2 million homes.
Building on its simulation success and still working with Cascade, GE continues to use advanced software and its own high-performance computers to evaluate new product designs and test the limits of modern engineering—meaning high-performance computing will likely play a major role in the next leap forward in combustion systems.
“It’s enabling us to be more confident in the moves we make to increase efficiency and product flexibility,” Citeno said.
The OLCF is a DOE Office of Science User Facility located at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Oak Ridge National Laboratory is supported by the US Department of Energy’s Office of Science. The single largest supporter of basic research in the physical sciences in the United States, the Office of Science is working to address some of the most pressing challenges of our time. For more information, please visit science.energy.gov. | "Mfano wa ""Titan"" ni turbine ya gesi ya General Electric, ambayo ilitengenezwa na kampuni ya umeme ya Amerika, ambayo ilitoa turbine yake mpya ya gesi ya 7HA02 kwa mitambo miwili ya umeme huko Texas." Vifaa hivyo vilionyesha hatua muhimu katika uzalishaji wa umeme unaotokana na gesi ya asili, na kuweka alama mpya katika ufanisi na uzalishaji kwa mashine za turbomachinery za kiwango cha huduma. "Kifaa muhimu katika kichocheo cha mafanikio ya GE kwa teknolojia hii ya mafanikio ilikuwa uwezo wa kufanya ""mfano muhimu"" na ""mfano"" kwenye kompyuta kubwa ya Titan, mfumo wa uongozi wa darasa unaosimamiwa na Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility (OLCF), Ofisi ya Ujenzi ya Idara ya Nishati ya Marekani (DOE) katika Maabara ya Kitaifa ya Oak Ridge." Katika 2015, watafiti wa GE, kwa kushirikiana na kampuni ya programu ya Cascade Technologies, walitumia Titan kuchunguza kutoelewana kwa mwako ambao ulifunuliwa wakati wa majaribio ya turbine ya gesi ya GE mwaka mmoja mapema. Ingawa GE ilikuwa imeamua kwamba ukosefu wa uthabiti hautaathiri utendaji wa turbine ya gesi, kampuni hiyo ilitaka kuelewa sababu yake na kama itaonekana katika muundo mpya wa turbine ya gesi. Wasiwasi ulikuwa kwamba kutokuwa na utulivu inaweza kuwa msisimko na kuongeza amplitude na axial mafuta staging (AFS). Ilianzishwa na msaada wa DOE, AFS iliwezesha operesheni ya turbine katika joto la juu na uzalishaji wa chini. Ni kukamilika hii kwa kuanzisha hatua ya pili ya mafuta sindano katika turbine ya mfumo wa kuchoma katika hatua ya baadaye kuliko kiwango cha sasa sekta. "Kusaidia kukidhi tarehe zetu za mwisho, tulitaka kuona kama tunaweza kuzalisha ukosefu wa utulivu kwa idadi", alisema Joe Citeno, meneja wa uhandisi wa mwako wa GE Power. """Lakini hatukuwa na mfano wa utabiri au nguvu ya ndani ya hesabu inayohitajika kuendesha, timu ya Cascade, kwa kushirikiana na GE, iliunda mfano wa uaminifu wa juu kwenye Titan kuchunguza fizikia ya mwako kwa azimio lisilo la kawaida." Timu hiyo ilifanikiwa kuiga kutoelewana kwa idadi kwenye Titan na kisha ikitabiri haitaathiri utendaji katika muundo mpya wa turbine ya gesi ya 7HA-2. Majaribio ya fizikia baadaye yalithibitisha utabiri huo, ikithibitisha kwamba timu ya pamoja ya GE Cascade iliunda mbinu ya hali ya juu ya kuunda ambayo inaweza kutabiri safu ya vigezo vya utendaji wa kuchoma kwa miundo ya turbine ya gesi ya GE, pamoja na mchanganyiko wa hewa na mafuta, utulivu wa moto, uzalishaji, na joto la kutoka. "Upatikanaji wa kompyuta kubwa ya Titan uliruhusu mafanikio ambayo vinginevyo yangebaki yasiyotimizwa", Citeno alisema. Turbine mpya ya gesi ya 7HA02 ilianzishwa kwa muda, na mifumo ya kwanza iliwekwa kwa mafanikio huko Texas katika majira ya kuchipua ya 2017. "Geo sasa ni busy kutimiza maagizo kwa ajili ya turbine hii mpya, ambayo inaweza kufikia ufanisi wa jumla ya zaidi ya 62% katika kiwanda cha mzunguko mchanganyiko; ni projected kupita alama za ufanisi wa rekodi ya dunia iliyowekwa na GE ya ""9HA"" turbine mfano." "Kwa wateja wetu, hiyo inamaanisha matumizi ya chini ya mafuta na gharama iliyopunguzwa kwa megawatt", Citeno alisema. 7H2T ni moja ya turbines ya kwanza ya aina ya 7H2T ambayo imepatikana katika soko la kimataifa. Mabadiliko hayo yanaweza kuonekana kuwa madogo, lakini hata mabadiliko madogo yanaweza kuwa na matokeo makubwa. Kwa mfano, tu 1% ufanisi faida kutumika katika Marekani nzima pamoja-mzunguko meli, ingekuwa kuokoa takriban $ 11 bilioni au zaidi katika mafuta katika miaka ijayo 20. Katika mitambo ya Texas, turbines mpya inaweza kujibu haraka kwa mahitaji ya nguvu fluctuating, kujaza jukumu muhimu katika mfululizo wa nishati ya serikali. Katika kipindi cha mahitaji ya juu, mitambo inaweza kutoa umeme kwa nyumba zaidi ya milioni mbili. Kutegemea mafanikio yake ya simulation na bado kufanya kazi na Cascade, GE inaendelea kutumia programu ya juu na kompyuta zake za utendaji wa juu kutathmini miundo mpya ya bidhaa na kupima mipaka ya uhandisi wa kisasa, ikimaanisha kompyuta ya utendaji wa juu inaweza kucheza jukumu kubwa katika leap ijayo mbele katika mifumo ya mwako. "Inatuwezesha kuwa na ujasiri zaidi katika hatua tunazofanya ili kuongeza ufanisi na kubadilika kwa bidhaa", Citeno alisema. OLCF ni ofisi ya DOE ya Kituo cha Mtumiaji wa Sayansi iliyoko Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Oak Ridge National Laboratory inasaidiwa na Idara ya Marekani ya Nishati ya Ofisi ya Sayansi. Ofisi ya Sayansi, msaidizi mkubwa wa utafiti wa msingi katika sayansi ya fizikia nchini Marekani, inafanya kazi ili kukabiliana na baadhi ya changamoto muhimu zaidi za wakati wetu. Kwa habari zaidi, tafadhali tembelea science.energy.gov. | <urn:uuid:6d96193c-779e-4068-a975-0b8af5b951f9> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://www.olcf.ornl.gov/2017/10/17/olcf-helps-ge-deliver-next-generation-gas-turbines/ | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
1991: bottles turn upside down
POSTED: March 6, 2020
While talking to a group of students about how innovations can take very simple forms I wondered to myself who invented the upside down bottle and when.
I found one possible answer: Heinz introduced the upside down ketchup bottle on February 11 2002.
However further research (or ten minutes more googling until I found the right search term – “history” upside down shampoo bottle if you want to know) told me that
Paul Brown invented the upside-down bottle in 1991 and sold his invention to NASA, Heinz, and several shampoo manufacturers. He later sold his company, Liquid Molding Systems, Inc., and the rights to the design in 1995. He received $14 million and retired.
You can find a much more detailed version of his story at boxden.com. | "Mwaka 1991 chupa zilipobadilishwa na kuwa ""upside down"" (upande wa chini) na wakati nilipokuwa nikizungumza na kikundi cha wanafunzi kuhusu jinsi uvumbuzi unavyoweza kuchukua maumbo rahisi sana, nilijiuliza ni nani aliyevumbua chupa iliyobadilishwa na ni lini." Heinz ilianzisha chupa ya ketchup iliyoelekezwa chini mnamo Februari 11, 2002. "Kwa hivyo, utafiti zaidi (au dakika kumi zaidi ya kutafiti Google hadi nilipopata neno la utafutaji sahihi ""historia"" chupa ya shampoo iliyoinuliwa chini ikiwa unataka kujua) iliniambia kwamba Paul Brown alivumbua chupa ya shampoo iliyoinuliwa chini mnamo 1991 na kuuza uvumbuzi wake kwa NASA, Heinz, na wazalishaji kadhaa wa shampoo." Mwaka 1995 aliuza kampuni yake ya Liquid Molding Systems Inc. na haki za kubuni. Alipata dola milioni 14 na kustaafu. Unaweza kupata maelezo zaidi ya hadithi yake kwenye box.com. | <urn:uuid:e0ce4408-5757-4ace-8e5d-a6ee3cbe42c8> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://www.owenkelly.net/17535/1991-bottles-turn-upside-down/ | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
In 1983, the AIDS virus, HIV, was isolated by virologists at the Institut Pasteur. This new virus, which was completely unknown at the time, was a source of fear and rejection for infected people. And while there have been advances in scientific knowledge over the decades – for example, we now know that if a virus cannot be detected in the blood, it cannot be transmitted –, there are still many misconceptions about HIV, especially among young people, as Jennifer Pasquier, Scientific Director at French HIV/AIDS charity Sidaction explains.
This interview is the third in a series of testimonies from representatives of patient organizations to mark the 40th anniversary of the discovery of HIV.
12 to 17% of 15 to 24-year-olds still think that you can contract the virus by kissing, drinking from the same water glass as someone living with HIV, or even coming into contact with their sweat.
Jennifer PasquierScientific Director at Sidaction
What has changed over the past 40 years in the fight against HIV?
Jennifer Pasquier: There have been many changes in the past 40 years. We have learned a lot, largely as a result of science and research. But unfortunately, especially among young people, there are still a lot of misconceptions about the virus.
An IFOP survey conducted in March 2023 for Sidaction1 revealed, for example, that 12 to 17% of 15 to 24-year-olds still think that you can contract the virus by kissing, drinking from the same water glass as someone living with HIV, or even coming into contact with their sweat. Those are worrying percentages, especially as these misconceptions also still prevail among older people. Another alarming figure is that half of all young people don't know where to go to get tested.
So it's clear that we need to inform people, and that there is a real gap between progress in science, what we know about the virus, and what people know.
What has changed as a result of research? What discoveries have made a real difference?
J. P.: Research, which is central to the fight against HIV, has changed a huge number of things. It has saved many lives, and it has enabled many people living with HIV today to lead a "normal" life because of the treatments available.
In my view the key milestone was the introduction of antiretroviral therapy, the famous ART, in the 1990s. For people receiving effective treatment, this means that the virus no longer replicates, it is undetectable in the blood and can no longer be transmitted.
You have brought along a video cassette. Can you tell us about it?
J. P.: It's a video of the Freddie Mercury Tribute Concert, which took place on April 20, 1992, after the death of Freddie Mercury. My dad was a great Queen fan and I grew up to the sound of Freddie Mercury songs. When the concert was held, to raise money for research, I was around 10 years old. It was the first time I had heard of AIDS and AIDS research.
It had a decisive impact on my future, as 30 years after the concert I am now the Scientific Director at Sidaction. It made me want to find out more about the virus and to pursue a career in research.
What message would you like to share with scientists and society at large?
J. P.: The message that I would like to pass on to scientists is "thank you!" I would like to thank them for all their work over the past 40 years, and for their continued work, because the fight is not over, we still need new treatments and above all we need preventive and therapeutic vaccines to rid ourselves of the virus.
And with society more widely, I would like to share a message of empathy, action and education. Education, because people need to learn about HIV and AIDS. And action, because we need to stop the stigma, to stop discriminating against people living with HIV. Lastly, I would like to pass on a message of hope, that we would move towards a world where people no longer have to suffer from this virus. | Vipindi vya kwanza vya kuambukizwa virusi vya ukimwi vilipatikana mwaka 1983 na wataalamu wa virusi wa Taasisi ya Pasteur. Virusi hivyo vilikuwa vimepatikana kwa mara ya kwanza na vilikuwa chanzo cha hofu na kukataliwa kwa watu walioambukizwa. "Hata hivyo, licha ya maendeleo ya kisayansi katika miaka ya hivi karibuni, ""bado kuna maoni mengi yasiyo sahihi kuhusu virusi vya Ukimwi, hasa miongoni mwa vijana,"" anaeleza Jennifer Pasquier, mkurugenzi wa kisayansi wa shirika la misaada la Kifaransa la kupambana na Ukimwi." Hii ni mara ya tatu katika mfululizo wa taarifa kutoka kwa wawakilishi wa mashirika ya wagonjwa kuadhimisha maadhimisho ya miaka 40 ya ugunduzi wa virusi vya Ukimwi. "Wanaume 12 hadi 17 kati ya vijana wa miaka 15 hadi 24 bado wanafikiri kwamba unaweza kuambukizwa virusi kwa kubusiana, kunywa maji kutoka glasi moja na mtu aliye na virusi vya Ukimwi, au hata kuwasiliana na jasho lake. """ Jennifer Pasquier, Mkurugenzi wa Sayansi katika SidAction, anasema kuwa hatua za kupambana na virusi vya Ukimwi zimebadilika sana katika miaka 40 iliyopita. Jennifer Pasquier: Kuna mabadiliko mengi katika miaka 40 iliyopita. Tumejifunza mengi, hasa kwa sababu ya sayansi na utafiti. Lakini kwa bahati mbaya, hasa miongoni mwa vijana, bado kuna maoni mengi yasiyo sahihi kuhusu virusi. Uchunguzi wa IFOP uliofanywa mnamo Machi 2023 kwa Sidecon ulifunua, kwa mfano, kwamba 12-17% ya vijana wa miaka 15-24 bado wanafikiri kwamba unaweza kuambukizwa virusi kwa kubusiana, kunywa kutoka glasi moja ya maji na mtu anayeishi na VVU, au hata kuwasiliana na jasho lao. Idadi hiyo ya watu ni ya kusikitisha, hasa kwa kuwa watu wazee wana maoni hayo yasiyofaa. Takwimu nyingine ya kutisha ni kwamba nusu ya vijana hawajui wapi waende kupimwa. """Ni wazi kwamba tunahitaji kuwajulisha watu, na kwamba kuna pengo la kweli kati ya maendeleo ya kisayansi, kile tunachojua kuhusu virusi, na kile watu wanajua." Ni nini kimebadilika kutokana na utafiti? Ni uvumbuzi gani ambao umefanya tofauti kubwa? """Utafiti wa kihistoria, ambao ni muhimu katika kupambana na virusi vya Ukimwi, umebadilisha mambo mengi." Ugonjwa huo umeokoa maisha ya watu wengi na umewawezesha watu wengi wanaoishi na virusi vya Ukimwi kuishi maisha ya kawaida kwa sababu ya matibabu yanayopatikana. "Kama ilivyoelezwa hapo juu, hatua ya kwanza ya ""kuanzisha"" matibabu ya antiretroviral ilikuwa katika miaka ya 1990." Kwa watu wanaopokea matibabu bora, hii inamaanisha kwamba virusi havitazaliwi tena, havitagunduliwa katika damu na haviwezi kupitishwa tena. Umeleta kaseti ya video. Je, unaweza kutuambia kuhusu hilo? "Mchezo huo unaitwa ""Freddie Mercury Tribute Concert"" na ulifanyika Aprili 20, 1992 baada ya kifo cha Freddie Mercury." Baba yangu alikuwa shabiki mkubwa wa Queen na nililelewa nikisikiliza nyimbo za Freddie Mercury. Wakati wa maonyesho hayo, ili kukusanya fedha kwa ajili ya utafiti, nilikuwa na umri wa miaka kumi hivi. Ni mara ya kwanza kusikia kuhusu UKIMWI na utafiti wake. "Hiyo ilikuwa na athari kubwa kwa siku zangu za baadaye, kwani miaka 30 baada ya tamasha hilo mimi sasa ni Mkurugenzi wa Sayansi katika Sidecon.""" Jambo hilo lilinifanya nitake kujua mengi zaidi kuhusu virusi hivyo na kuanza kufanya kazi ya utafiti. Ni ujumbe gani ungependa kugawana na wanasayansi na jamii kwa ujumla? "Mfano: ""Nataka kuwaambia wanasayansi, 'Nashukuru!" """Ningependa kuwashukuru kwa kazi yao yote katika miaka 40 iliyopita na kwa kazi yao ya kuendelea, kwa sababu mapambano hayajaisha, bado tunahitaji matibabu mapya na juu ya yote tunahitaji chanjo za kuzuia na matibabu ili kujiondoa kwenye virusi." Na kwa jamii kwa ujumla, ningependa kushiriki ujumbe wa hisia-mwenzi, hatua na elimu. """Kutokana na elimu, watu wanajifunza kuhusu virusi vya Ukimwi." Na kwa sababu tunahitaji kukomesha unyanyasaji, kukomesha ubaguzi dhidi ya watu wanaoishi na HIV. "Mwishowe, ningependa kupitisha ujumbe wa matumaini kwamba tutaelekea ulimwengu ambapo watu hawatakuwa na mateso ya virusi hivi.""" | <urn:uuid:3c95efdb-994e-4a23-8602-667692991189> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://www.pasteur.fr/en/home/research-journal/news/40-year-fight-against-hiv-we-speak-jennifer-pasquier-scientific-director-sidaction?language=fr | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
Amnesia is memory loss that may be caused by a head injury or stroke, substance use, or a severe emotional event, such as combat or a motor vehicle accident. Depending upon the cause, amnesia may be temporary or it may be a permanent condition.
Amnesia can involve complete loss of memory of one or more of the following:
Events or circumstances
A specific period of time
An entire lifetime
Amnesia can also involve not being able to make new memories. Someone may not be able to remember things that happen after the event that caused amnesia.
The cause determines whether the condition comes on slowly or suddenly. Memory problems that come on gradually may be a part of ongoing mental decline (dementia). Transient global amnesia is a type of unexplained amnesia that begins suddenly.
Treatment options and results of treatment of amnesia depend on the cause of lost memory.
Clinical Review Board All Healthwise education is reviewed by a team that includes physicians, nurses, advanced practitioners, registered dieticians, and other healthcare professionals.
PeaceHealth endeavors to provide comprehensive health care information, however some topics in this database describe services and procedures not offered by our providers or within our facilities because they do not comply with, nor are they condoned by, the ethics policies of our organization. | Amnesia ni kupoteza kumbukumbu kwa sababu ya majeraha ya kichwa, uvimbe wa ubongo, matumizi ya dawa za kulevya, au tukio kali la kihisia, kama vile mapigano au ajali ya gari. Ikitegemea kisababishi, amnesia yaweza kuwa ya muda tu au yaweza kuwa ya kudumu. Amnesia inaweza kuhusisha kupoteza kabisa kumbukumbu ya moja au zaidi ya yafuatayo: Matukio au hali, kipindi maalum cha wakati, au maisha yote. Mtu anaweza kukosa kukumbuka mambo yaliyotokea baada ya tukio lililosababisha kukosa kumbukumbu. Kisababishi huamua ikiwa hali hiyo huja polepole au kwa ghafula. Matatizo ya kumbukumbu yanayotokea hatua kwa hatua yaweza kuwa sehemu ya kupungua kwa akili (kosa la akili). Amnesia ya muda mfupi ni aina ya amnesia isiyoelezeka ambayo huanza ghafula. Chaguzi za matibabu na matokeo ya matibabu ya amnesia hutegemea kisababishi cha kupoteza kumbukumbu. Kwa mujibu wa sheria za afya, elimu ya afya ya afya inapaswa kuchunguzwa na timu ya wataalamu wa afya, wauguzi, wataalamu wa afya, wataalamu wa lishe, na wataalamu wengine wa afya. PeaceHealth inajitahidi kutoa habari kamili ya huduma za afya, hata hivyo, mada zingine katika hifadhidata hii zinaelezea huduma na taratibu ambazo hazipakuiwa na watoa huduma wetu au ndani ya vifaa vyetu kwa sababu hazifai, wala hazikubaliwi na, sera za maadili za shirika letu. | <urn:uuid:6a3b2c22-f08a-4a42-9452-0e1fb9fea35c> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://www.peacehealth.org/medical-topics/id/aa72295 | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
Golden Retrievers are known for their gentle and friendly nature, making them excellent companions for families with children. However, it is important to prepare your Golden Retriever for interactions with children to ensure a safe and positive experience for both the dog and the child. In this blog post, we will discuss some key steps you can take to prepare your Golden Retriever for interactions with children.
Golden Retrievers are popular family pets due to their friendly and gentle temperament. However, it is crucial to prepare them for interactions with children to ensure a positive experience. By taking a few simple steps, you can help your dog and the children develop a strong bond while maintaining safety.
Socializing your Golden Retriever from an early age is essential to prepare them for interactions with children. It is important to expose your dog to various people, including children, to help them become comfortable in different situations. Taking them to parks, playgrounds, or arranging playdates with children can be beneficial. Socialization helps your Golden Retriever learn appropriate behaviors and reactions, reducing the chances of fearful or aggressive behavior when interacting with kids.
2. Obedience Training:
Obedience training is crucial for any dog, especially when it comes to interacting with children. Teaching your Golden Retriever basic commands like sit, stay, and leave it can help you control their behavior around children. Additionally, training them to walk nicely on a leash and not jump on people can make interactions with children safer and more enjoyable for everyone involved.
Although Golden Retrievers are generally friendly, it is important to supervise interactions between your dog and children, especially during the initial stages. This will allow you to intervene if necessary and prevent any potential accidents or misunderstandings. Supervision also helps you gauge the comfort levels of both the dog and the child, making it easier to address any issues that may arise.
4. Teach Children Proper Dog Etiquette:
Educating children about proper dog etiquette is equally important to ensure a harmonious relationship between your Golden Retriever and youngsters. Teach them to approach the dog calmly and avoid sudden movements or loud noises that may startle the dog. Teach children to ask for permission before petting or playing with the dog, and show them the appropriate way to pet the dog gently. Encourage them to respect the dog’s space and not to bother the dog while eating, sleeping, or playing with their toys.
5. Positive Reinforcement:
Using positive reinforcement is an effective way to shape your Golden Retriever’s behavior and create a positive association with interactions with children. Rewarding your dog with treats or praise when they exhibit calm and appropriate behavior around children reinforces good habits. This approach helps your Golden Retriever understand that positive behavior around children is rewarded, encouraging them to continue behaving well in such situations.
Q1. Can Golden Retrievers be good with children?
A1. Yes, Golden Retrievers are known for their friendly and gentle temperament, making them great pets for families with children.
Q2. Why is socialization important for Golden Retrievers?
A2. Socialization helps Golden Retrievers become comfortable in different situations and reduces the chances of fearful or aggressive behavior when interacting with children.
Q3. How can obedience training benefit interactions between Golden Retrievers and children?
A3. Obedience training helps you control your dog’s behavior around children, ensuring safer and more enjoyable interactions for everyone involved.
Q4. Why is supervising interactions between Golden Retrievers and children important?
A4. Supervision allows you to intervene if necessary and prevent any potential accidents or misunderstandings, while also assessing the comfort levels of both the dog and the child.
Q5. How can positive reinforcement help prepare Golden Retrievers for interactions with children?
A5. Using positive reinforcement rewards and reinforces good behavior, helping Golden Retrievers develop a positive association with interactions with children.
Preparing your Golden Retriever for interactions with children is crucial to create a safe and positive environment for both the dog and the child. Socialization, obedience training, supervision, teaching children proper dog etiquette, and using positive reinforcement are key steps in this process. By following these guidelines, you can ensure that your Golden Retriever and the children develop a strong bond based on trust and respect. Remember, each dog is unique, so it’s important to observe their behavior closely and tailor the training and interactions according to their individual needs. Visit PetWah for more information and products to help create a harmonious relationship between your Golden Retriever and children. | Mbwa aina ya Golden Retriever ni mnyama mwenye urafiki na mwenye fadhili, na hivyo ni rafiki mzuri sana kwa familia zenye watoto. Hata hivyo, ni muhimu kuandaa Golden Retriever yako kwa mwingiliano na watoto ili kuhakikisha uzoefu salama na chanya kwa mbwa na mtoto. Katika makala hii, tutazungumzia hatua muhimu ambazo unaweza kuchukua ili kuandaa Golden Retriever yako kwa maingiliano na watoto. Mbwa aina ya Golden Retriever ni wanyama-vipenzi wanaopendwa sana na familia kwa sababu ya tabia yao ya urafiki na upole. Hata hivyo, ni muhimu kuwaandaa kwa ajili ya mwingiliano na watoto ili kuhakikisha uzoefu chanya. Kwa kuchukua hatua chache rahisi, unaweza kusaidia mbwa wako na watoto wako kuendeleza uhusiano wa karibu na kuhifadhi usalama. Kuanzisha uhusiano wa karibu na mtoto wako ni muhimu sana kwa Golden Retriever, na ni muhimu sana kwa watoto wako. Ni muhimu kumfunua mbwa wako kwa watu mbalimbali, kutia ndani watoto, ili kumsaidia awe na starehe katika hali tofauti. Kuwapeleka kwenye bustani, viwanja vya michezo, au kupanga miadi ya kucheza pamoja na watoto kunaweza kuwa na manufaa. Utamaduni wa Golden Retriever hujifunza tabia na athari zinazofaa, kupunguza uwezekano wa tabia ya hofu au ya uhasama wakati wa kuingiliana na watoto. 2. Uwezekano wa kupata Kujifunza utii ni muhimu kwa mbwa yeyote, hasa wakati wa kuwasiliana na watoto. Kumfundisha Golden Retriever amri za msingi kama vile kukaa, kukaa, na kuondoka kunaweza kukusaidia kudhibiti tabia yake karibu na watoto. Kwa kuongezea, kuwafundisha kutembea vizuri kwa kamba na kutoruka juu ya watu kunaweza kufanya mwingiliano na watoto uwe salama na wa kufurahisha zaidi kwa wote wanaohusika. Ingawa kwa ujumla mbwa aina ya Golden Retriever ni wenye urafiki, ni muhimu kusimamia mahusiano kati ya mbwa wako na watoto, hasa katika hatua za kwanza. Hii itakuwezesha kuingilia kati ikiwa ni lazima na kuzuia ajali zozote zinazowezekana au kutoelewana. Ufuatiliaji pia unakusaidia kupima viwango vya faraja vya mbwa na mtoto, na kufanya iwe rahisi kushughulikia masuala yoyote ambayo yanaweza kutokea. 4. Uwe na uhakika Kufundisha watoto kuhusu tabia sahihi ya mbwa ni muhimu sana kuhakikisha uhusiano mzuri kati ya mbwa wako na watoto. Wafundishe kumkaribia mbwa kwa utulivu na kuepuka harakati za ghafula au kelele kubwa ambazo zinaweza kumshtua mbwa. Wafundishe watoto kuomba ruhusa kabla ya kumchoma au kucheza na mbwa, na uwaonyeshe njia sahihi ya kumchoma mbwa kwa upole. Wahimize kuheshimu nafasi ya mbwa na kutomkasirisha mbwa anapokula, anapolala, au anapocheza na vitu vyao vya kuchezea. 5. Uwe na mtazamo mzuri. Kuimarisha chanya: Kutumia kuimarisha chanya ni njia bora ya kuunda tabia ya Golden Retriever yako na kuunda ushirika chanya na mwingiliano na watoto. Kumpa mbwa wako zawadi au kumsifu anapokuwa mtulivu na ana tabia nzuri anapokuwa na watoto kunaweza kumsaidia kuwa na tabia nzuri. Njia hii husaidia Golden Retriever yako kuelewa kwamba tabia nzuri karibu na watoto ni tuzo, kuwatia moyo kuendelea kujiendesha vizuri katika hali kama hizo. Q1 - Uwezo wa kuamua Je, mbwa-mwitu wa aina ya Golden Retriever wanaweza kuwa na uhusiano mzuri na watoto? A1 - A1 Golden Retriever ni aina ya mbwa mwenye tabia ya upole na mwenye urafiki, na hivyo ni wanyama bora kwa familia zenye watoto. Q2 - Q2 Kwa nini ni muhimu kwa Golden Retrievers kuwa na uhusiano wa karibu na wengine? A2 - A2 Kujiunga na watu husaidia Golden Retrievers kujisikia vizuri katika hali tofauti na hupunguza uwezekano wa tabia ya hofu au ya uhasama wakati wa kuingiliana na watoto. Q3 - Uwezo wa kuamua Mazoezi ya utii yanaweza kuwa na manufaa gani kwa watoto na mbwa-mwitu? A3 - A3 Mazoezi ya utii hukusaidia kudhibiti tabia ya mbwa wako karibu na watoto, kuhakikisha mwingiliano salama na wa kufurahisha kwa wote wanaohusika. Q4 - Q4 Kwa nini ni muhimu kusimamia mahusiano kati ya Golden Retrievers na watoto? A4 au A4 Usimamizi unakuwezesha kuingilia kati ikiwa ni lazima na kuzuia ajali yoyote inayowezekana au kutokuelewana, wakati pia ukitathmini viwango vya faraja vya mbwa na mtoto. Q5 - Uwezo wa kuamua Kuimarisha kwa njia nzuri kwawezaje kusaidia Golden Retrievers kujitayarisha kwa ajili ya mahusiano na watoto? A5 - A5 Tumia thawabu za kuimarisha chanya na kuimarisha tabia nzuri, kusaidia Golden Retrievers kuendeleza ushirika chanya na mwingiliano na watoto. Kuandaa Golden Retriever yako kwa maingiliano na watoto ni muhimu kuunda mazingira salama na mazuri kwa mbwa na mtoto. Kujiunga na jamii, mafunzo ya utii, usimamizi, kuwafundisha watoto adabu sahihi ya mbwa, na kutumia kuimarisha chanya ni hatua muhimu katika mchakato huu. Kwa kufuata miongozo hii, unaweza kuhakikisha kwamba Golden Retriever wako na watoto wako wanakuza uhusiano wenye nguvu unaotegemea uaminifu na heshima. Kumbuka, kila mbwa ni wa kipekee, kwa hiyo ni muhimu kuchunguza tabia yao kwa karibu na kurekebisha mafunzo na mwingiliano kulingana na mahitaji yao ya kibinafsi. Kwa maelezo zaidi, angalia PetWash kwa habari zaidi na bidhaa ili kusaidia kuunda uhusiano wa upatano kati ya Golden Retriever yako na watoto. | <urn:uuid:faf83722-4e80-463a-9bba-3bb82073d72a> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://www.petwah.com/dogbehavior/preparing-your-golden-retriever-for-child-interactions/ | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
The cameras steal most of the headlines in the photography world. But it’s important to remember a camera is only as good as the lens that goes with it.
Here at Expert Photography, we know how essential lenses are to photography. So to help you get started, we’re going to take a look at the different types of camera lenses. We’ll show you which types of lenses are available and what you’ll use them for.
Camera Lens Basics
Photography is all about light. The camera needs the light from the scene to make an image. And the camera lens channels the light in the right direction, bringing it to the film strip or digital sensor.
The camera lens directs the light and determines how much passes through. This is partly done through the aperture settings. But also, the different types of lenses have a wider or narrower field of view. It means they see more or less of the scene in front of you.
The glass elements direct the light to a single point in front of the camera sensor or film. This is called the focal point. And from the focal point, we can determine the lens’s focal length.
A focal length is the distance between the focal point and the sensor. For a 50mm prime lens, the focal point is 50mm in front of the sensor.
The focal length helps us categorize camera lenses. A lower focal length, like 28mm, gives us a wide angle of view. A higher number, such as 200mm, gives us a narrower angle of view but greater magnification.
Prime and Zoom Lenses
Prime and zoom are both umbrella categories for lenses. The prime or zoom label denotes how the lens functions rather than what lens it is.
A prime lens has a fixed focal length. They have fewer moving parts than zoom lenses, making them lighter and cheaper. And prime lenses often have a wider maximum aperture. The downside is that they’re less versatile, and you might have to change lenses more often.
A zoom lens has a focal length that can vary between a particular range. With an 18-55mm zoom lens, the focal point can be moved anywhere within that range. The higher the number, the further you can zoom.
Zoom lenses are more versatile than primes. They give you more control over the shot without moving your vantage point. But zoom lenses are heavier and sometimes have smaller maximum apertures. And they’re often more expensive.
The Different Types of Camera Lenses
Now we’ll look at the different types of camera lenses you’ll come across in photography. We’ll see what makes each lens type unique. And we’ll find out how and why photographers choose these different lenses.
A standard lens has a focal length between 35mm and 85mm. They’re called standard or normal lenses because they give a field of view similar to the human eye. When we look through the viewfinder of a camera with a standard lens attached, it’s not so different from our normal vision. Prime and zoom standard lenses are both common.
The natural field of vision makes the standard lens a popular choice for many photographers. Standard lenses are common among street photographers, travel photographers, and photojournalists.
These characteristics also make them a suitable lens type for portrait photography. You can use a standard lens for close-cut intimate portraits. Or you can go for full-body fashion photography.
A 50mm prime lens is often called a nifty-fifty. It gets its nickname from being a versatile and reliable lens, popular in many areas of photography. This is also why they’re one of the most common lenses you’ll find.
The focal length of a wide-angle lens is between 14mm and 35mm. They give a wide field of vision, with a more broad scope from side to side. It’s more panoramic than a standard lens, similar to widescreen in cinematography.
Wide-angle lenses are essential for serious landscape photographers. This is because the wide-angle captures large and spacious scenes. The wide-angle stretches the horizon, allowing your camera to view more of the landscape.
A wide-angle lens is also vital equipment for architecture and real-estate photographers. For exterior property photography, they allow you to capture the whole building without moving further and further away. This is equally valuable with interior real-estate photography. You can photograph entire rooms from the inside.
Ultra-Wide-Angle / Fisheye
A lens with a focal length of less than 14mm is called an ultra-wide-angle lens. The field of vision is so wide the picture is bent and curved around the edges. This effect gives it the name of the fisheye lens because it’s like looking through the eye of a fish.
Ultra-wide-angle lenses offer an enormous field of view. But the warping effect means fisheye lenses have a limited appeal with photographers. They’re mainly used for the visual effect in fine art photography. But they are often used with extreme sports like skateboarding and surfing.
A telephoto lens has an incredible level of magnification. They contain many glass elements, which work much like a telescope. A telephoto lens allows the photographer to get close shots of far-away subjects.
There are two subcategories for telephoto lenses. There are short telephotos, with focal lengths between 85mm and 135mm. Then you have the standard telephoto lenses, which have a focal length between 135mm and 300mm.
A telephoto lens gives you excellent magnification, allowing you to shoot far-off objects. But the angle of view is very narrow. And a telephoto zoom lens will have a small maximum aperture.
The magnification quality of a telephoto lens makes them popular with sports and wildlife photographers. A sports photographer can capture action shots without venturing onto the pitch. And wildlife photographers can get intimate images of animals in the wild without scaring them or getting in harm’s way.
A super-telephoto lens has an even greater level of magnification than a standard telephoto. The focal length of a super-telephoto lens is anything above 300mm.
They’re big, heavy, expensive pieces of equipment. You won’t be buying one of these on a whim. But they’re excellent pieces of kit with incredible ingenuity. They have upwards of 10 glass elements, all precisely crafted.
Like the short and standard telephoto lenses, you’ll find them in the kit bags of sports and wildlife photographers. And their telescopic abilities make them ideal for astrophotography. You can capture incredible details of galaxies and nebulae in the night sky.
While telephotos lenses work like a telescope, macro lenses work like a microscope. They allow you to take pictures of things at very close range. You can capture tiny objects with a small minimum focus range.
Unlike the other camera lenses, you can’t categorize a macro lens by the focal length alone. They can have anything between 35mm and 200mm. The macro lens is defined by the ability to focus at a very close range.
Macro lenses are used for extreme close-ups and shots with tiny subjects. They don’t have a wide application, making them a specialist piece of gear. They can be used for portraits, giving an excellent bokeh effect. But this camera lens is mainly used for shooting very small subjects.
Tilt-shift lenses allow you to distort and change the perspective of the shot. You can tilt and shift the lens’s optics in relation to the camera sensor, which manipulates the focal plane.
Tilting the lens gives greater control over the depth of field. It allows you near-infinite depth at the greater end or pin-point focus point at the narrow end.
Shifting the lens controls perspective. This makes tilt-shift lenses ideal for architectural photography when shooting tall buildings. They can make it appear if the building is leaning over or ensure the vertical lines stay vertical.
The perspective control also gives you excellent creative options. For example, you can use a tilt-shift lens when shooting with mirrors. You can take the shot from the side of the mirror but change the perspective so that it looks like it was taken directly in front without the camera in the photo.
Tilt-shift lenses are sophisticated pieces of equipment. And they don’t come cheap. But they are excellent for visual effects and for capturing otherwise impossible shots. Many architecture and real-estate photographers swear by them.
Camera lenses can seem like a confusing topic. It’s easy to get lost in the jargon and specifications. But once you break down the different types of camera lenses, it all comes into focus.
There are prime lenses and zoom lenses. And within those categories, you have standard, wide-angle, and telephoto. For more niche areas of photography, there are super-telephoto, tilt-shift, and macro lenses. And if the names don’t stick, you can often find what you need with the focal length.
I hope you’re now ready to dive further into the world of camera lenses. It’s a vital area of photography. And once you get to grips with your camera lens, your photography will only improve. | Kamera huiba vichwa vingi vya habari katika ulimwengu wa upigaji picha. Lakini ni muhimu kukumbuka kamera ni nzuri tu kama lensi ambayo huenda pamoja nayo. Hapa katika Expert Photography, tunajua jinsi lenses muhimu ni kwa upigaji picha. Kwa hiyo kukusaidia kuanza, sisi ni kwenda kuchukua kuangalia katika aina tofauti ya lenses kamera. Tutakuonyesha ni aina gani za lensi zinazopatikana na ni kwa nini utazitumia. Camera Lens Basics Upigaji picha ni wote kuhusu mwanga. Kamera huhitaji nuru kutoka mahali pa tukio ili kutengeneza picha. Lens ya kamera huelekeza mwanga kwenye njia sahihi na kuufikia kwenye filamu au sensorer ya digital. Lens ya kamera huelekeza nuru na kuamua kiasi kinachopita ndani yake. Hii ni sehemu kufanyika kupitia mipangilio aperture. Lakini pia, aina tofauti-tofauti za lensi zina uwanja wa macho ulio pana au mwembamba zaidi. Inamaanisha kwamba wanaona zaidi au chini ya eneo lililo mbele yako. Vipengele vya kioo huelekeza nuru kwenye sehemu moja mbele ya sensor ya kamera au filamu. Hilo huitwa sehemu ya katikati. Na kutoka kwa uhakika wa focal, tunaweza kuamua lens ya umbali focal. Focal urefu ni umbali kati ya hatua ya focal na sensor. Lens ya 50mm ni lensi ya msingi ambayo inaweka lengo la 50mm mbele ya sensor. Urefu wa mwelekeo hutusaidia kuainisha lensi za kamera. Kwa sababu ya urefu wa focal ya chini, kama vile 28mm, inaonekana vizuri zaidi. Nambari kubwa, kama vile 200mm, inatupa pembe nyembamba ya kuona lakini upanuzi mkubwa. Lens za Prime na Zoom Lens za Prime na Zoom ni makundi yote mawili ya mviringo kwa lensi. Lebo ya msingi au zoom inaonyesha jinsi lensi inafanya kazi badala ya lensi ni nini. Lens ya msingi ina urefu wa fikira uliowekwa. Zina sehemu chache zinazoweza kuhamishwa kuliko lensi za zoom, na hivyo ni nyepesi na za bei nafuu. Lens za kawaida huwa na aperture kubwa. Ubaya wake ni kwamba hazitumiki kwa njia nyingi, na huenda ukalazimika kubadilisha lensi mara nyingi zaidi. Lens ya zoom ina urefu wa focal ambayo inaweza kutofautiana kati ya mbalimbali maalum. Lens ya zoom ya 18-55mm inaweza kuelekeza mwelekeo wa lengo kwa njia ya mstari wa juu. Kadiri nambari inavyokuwa kubwa, ndivyo unavyoweza kupanua. Lens za zoom ni zenye matumizi mengi kuliko lens za msingi. Wao kukupa udhibiti zaidi juu ya risasi bila kuhamisha mtazamo wako. Lakini lensi za zoom ni nzito zaidi na nyakati nyingine huwa na aperture ndogo zaidi. Na mara nyingi ni ghali zaidi. Aina tofauti za lensi za kamera Sasa tutaangalia aina tofauti za lensi za kamera utakazokutana nazo katika upigaji picha. Tutaona nini hufanya kila aina ya lensi kipekee. Na tutajua jinsi na kwa nini wapiga picha huchagua lensi hizi tofauti. Lens ya kawaida ina urefu wa focal kati ya 35mm na 85mm. Zinaitwa lensi za kawaida au za kawaida kwa sababu hutoa uwanja wa kuona unaofanana na jicho la binadamu. Tunapotazama kupitia kioo cha kamera chenye lensi ya kawaida, haitofautiani sana na uwezo wetu wa kuona wa kawaida. Lens za kawaida za zoom na za kawaida za zoom ni zote mbili za kawaida. Lens hiyo ya kawaida ni chaguo maarufu kwa wapiga-picha wengi kwa sababu ya uwezo wake wa kuona. Lens za kawaida ni za kawaida miongoni mwa wapiga picha wa barabarani, wapiga picha wa kusafiri, na waandishi wa habari. Sifa hizo pia huwafanya wawe aina inayofaa ya lensi kwa ajili ya kupiga picha za picha. Unaweza kutumia lensi ya kawaida kwa ajili ya picha za karibu za karibu. Unaweza pia kuchagua picha za mtindo wa mwili mzima. Lens ya 50mm ni moja ya lensi za kawaida za kawaida za kipekee. Linapata jina lake la utani kwa kuwa lensi yenye kutumika kwa njia mbalimbali na yenye kutegemeka, inayopendwa sana katika maeneo mengi ya upigaji picha. Hii pia ni kwa nini wao ni moja ya lensi ya kawaida utapata. Lens ya pembe pana ina urefu wa kati ya 14mm na 35mm. Wao hutoa uwanja mpana wa maono, na upeo mpana zaidi kutoka upande mmoja hadi mwingine. Ni panoramic zaidi kuliko lens kawaida, sawa na widescreen katika cinematography. Lens za pembe pana ni muhimu kwa wapiga-picha wa mandhari wenye bidii. Hii ni kwa sababu pembe pana huchukua mandhari kubwa na zenye nafasi. Pande pana hupanua upeo wa macho, ikiruhusu kamera yako kutazama sehemu kubwa zaidi ya mandhari. Lens ya pembe pana pia ni kifaa muhimu kwa wapiga-picha wa usanifu-ujenzi na wa mali isiyohamishika. Kwa ajili ya picha za nje za mali, zinakuruhusu kupiga picha jengo lote bila kuhamia mbali zaidi na zaidi. Hii ni ya thamani sawa na picha ya ndani ya mali isiyohamishika. Unaweza kupiga picha vyumba vyote kutoka ndani. Ultra-Wide-Angle Fisheye Lens: Lens yenye urefu wa focal chini ya 14mm inaitwa ultra-wide-angle lens. Eneo la kuona ni pana sana hivi kwamba picha imepindika na kupindika kando-kando. Athari hii inatoa jina la lensi ya jicho la samaki kwa sababu ni kama kuangalia kupitia jicho la samaki. Lens za pembe pana sana hutoa uwanja mkubwa wa kuona. Lakini athari ya warping ina maana lenses fisheye kuwa na rufaa mdogo na wapiga picha. Wao ni hasa kutumika kwa ajili ya athari ya kuona katika sanaa nzuri upigaji picha. Lakini mara nyingi hutumiwa katika michezo mikali kama vile kuteleza kwenye ubao wa magurudumu na kuteleza kwenye mawimbi. Lens ya tele ina kiwango cha ajabu cha kuongeza ukubwa. Zina sehemu nyingi za kioo, ambazo hufanya kazi kama darubini-upeo. Lens ya telephoto humruhusu mpiga-picha apate picha za karibu za watu walio mbali. Kuna makundi mawili ya chini kwa ajili ya lenses telephoto. Telephoto ni aina ya picha ya muda mfupi, ambayo ina urefu wa focal kati ya 85mm na 135mm. Lens za tele za kawaida zina urefu wa focal kati ya 135mm na 300mm. Lens ya tele hutoa upanuzi bora, ikikuruhusu kupiga picha vitu vilivyo mbali. Lakini pembe ya kuona ni nyembamba sana. Lens za tele zoom na lens za tele zoom zina uwezo wa kupanua aperture ya kipekee. Ubora wa kuongeza ukubwa wa lensi za tele hufanya ziwe maarufu kwa wapiga-picha wa michezo na wanyama-pori. Mpiga-picha wa michezo aweza kupiga picha za vitendo bila kwenda uwanjani. Na wapiga picha wa wanyama wa porini wanaweza kupata picha za karibu za wanyama katika porini bila kuwaogopesha au kuwa hatarini. Lens ya tele-tele ina kiwango kikubwa zaidi cha kuongeza kuliko tele-tele ya kawaida. Lens ya Super-Telefoto ina urefu wa focal zaidi ya 300mm. Ni vifaa vikubwa, vizito, na vya bei ghali. Huwezi kununua moja ya haya kwa whim. Lakini wao ni vipande bora vya kit na ubunifu wa ajabu. Ina zaidi ya vipengele 10 vya kioo, vyote vilivyotengenezwa kwa usahihi. Kama vile lensi fupi na za kawaida za telephoto, utazipata katika mifuko ya michezo na wapiga picha wa wanyama wa porini. Na uwezo wao wa kutazama mbali unawafanya wawe bora kwa ajili ya upigaji picha wa nyota. Unaweza kukamata maelezo ya ajabu ya magalaksi na nebulae katika anga la usiku. Lens za telephoto hufanya kazi kama darubini-upeo, lens za macro hufanya kazi kama darubini-upeo. Zinakuruhusu kupiga picha za vitu kwa umbali wa karibu sana. Unaweza kukamata vitu vidogo na kiwango kidogo cha kuzingatia. Tofauti na lensi nyingine za kamera, huwezi kuainisha lensi ya macro kwa urefu wa mwelekeo pekee. Inaweza kuwa na urefu wa kati ya 35mm na 200mm. Lens ya macro hufafanuliwa na uwezo wa kukazia fikira katika eneo la karibu sana. Lens za macro hutumiwa kwa ajili ya picha za karibu sana na picha za watu wadogo. Wao hawana matumizi pana, na kuwafanya kipande maalumu ya gear. Zinaweza kutumiwa kwa ajili ya picha za watu, zikitoa athari nzuri sana ya bokeh. Lakini lensi hii ya kamera hutumiwa hasa kwa ajili ya kupiga picha za vitu vidogo sana. Lens za kugeuza mwelekeo hukuruhusu kupotosha na kubadilisha mtazamo wa picha. Unaweza kugeuza na kuhamisha lens's optics kuhusiana na sensor kamera, ambayo manipulates ndege focal. Kuinamisha lensi hutoa udhibiti mkubwa zaidi juu ya kina cha uwanja. Inaweza kupanua kina cha karibu bila kikomo katika mwisho mkubwa au pin-point lengo katika mwisho mwembamba. Kubadili lensi husimamia mtazamo. Hilo hufanya lensi za kugeuza mwelekeo ziwe bora kwa ajili ya kupiga picha za usanifu-ujenzi zinapopigwa picha za majengo marefu. Wanaweza kufanya kuonekana kama jengo ni leaning juu au kuhakikisha mistari wima kukaa wima. Udhibiti wa mtazamo pia hukupa chaguzi bora za ubunifu. Kwa mfano, unaweza kutumia lensi ya kugeuza mwelekeo unapopiga picha kwa kutumia vioo. Unaweza kupiga picha kutoka upande wa kioo lakini kubadilisha mtazamo ili kuonekana kama ilichukuliwa moja kwa moja mbele bila kamera kwenye picha. Lens za kugeuza mwelekeo ni vifaa vya hali ya juu. Na hazipati bei nafuu. Lakini ni bora kwa ajili ya athari za kuona na kwa ajili ya kuchukua picha ambazo vinginevyo haziwezekani. Wapiga-picha wengi wa usanifu-ujenzi na wa mali isiyohamishika huwatumaini. Lens za kamera zaweza kuonekana kuwa habari yenye kutatanisha. Ni rahisi kupotea katika jargon na vipimo. Lakini mara tu unapovunja aina tofauti za lensi za kamera, yote huja katika lengo. Kuna lensi za msingi na lensi za zoom. Na ndani ya makundi hayo, una kiwango, wide-angle, na telephoto. Kwa ajili ya maeneo zaidi ya niche ya upigaji picha, kuna super-telephoto, tilt-shift, na lenses macro. Na kama majina si fimbo, unaweza mara nyingi kupata nini unahitaji na umbali focal. Natumaini sasa uko tayari kupiga mbizi zaidi katika ulimwengu wa lensi za kamera. Ni eneo muhimu la upigaji picha. Na mara tu unapopata ufahamu wa lensi ya kamera yako, upigaji picha wako utaboresha tu. | <urn:uuid:fc5ff1ac-43bc-42d0-b2b1-b5994800cb2c> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://www.photoeskape.com/understanding-different-types-of-camera-lenses-and-their-uses/ | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
PDF Download: Preservation Chicago’s 2012 Chicago 7 Most Endangered Booklet
The Maxwell Street neighborhood has experienced tremendous change and urban renewal over the past century. The structure at 1352 S. Union reflects this. First constructed as a German School in 1869, it later became home to a Romanian synagogue, an African-American church, and then briefly an arts center. All of these changes in use have reflected the changing ethnic and socio-economic character of what was once Chicago’s port-of-entry neighborhood. While the appearance of the structure has been partially altered and now stands in the middle of new construction, the Dan Ryan Expressway, and urban renewal, this context simply reflects the transient nature of the neighborhood and demonstrates the tremendous staying power of one of the few structures to remain from before the 1871 Chicago Fire.
As a pre-fire structure that served many purposes in the port-of-entry Maxwell Street neighborhood, Gethsemane Church has a rich history. Designed by Augustus Bauer (architect of St. Patrick’s Church) and constructed in 1869, the structure initially served as a German School (the city’s first, in fact) for the neighboring Zion Evangelical Church. Though it was tied in with the church, this was not an explicitly religious school. The congregation later moved west in the typical Chicago pattern of migration, and the building was transformed to a new use — a Romanian Jewish congregation moved in and the building became a synagogue in 1905. This congregation later moved west to Lawndale, and the building became Gethsemane Missionary Baptist Church – an African-American congregation – by 1935. Alterations to the front of the building took place soon thereafter. The church was noted as being “one of the most important institutions in family life” in the surrounding neighborhood (then known as “Black Bottom”), and the structure remained in use as Gethsemane until 2002, when it briefly became an arts/performance space called South Union Arts. While the structure has been altered over time (a new façade was added in 1944 when the building served as Gethsemane Church), the alterations reflect the changing uses of the structure over time to serve different populations that came through the Maxwell Street area.
The church has been vacant for several years. The John Paul II Newman Center at neighboring University of Illinois at Chicago is aggressively trying to purchase the property in hopes of razing the building and constructing a Catholic-centric dormitory facility. Neighbors are opposed to this plan, citing density and traffic. | "Kama ilivyoelezwa katika kitabu cha ""Preservation Chicago: Chicago's 7 Most Endangered Booklets"" cha mwaka 2012, eneo la Maxwell Street limepitia mabadiliko makubwa na upyaji wa mijini katika karne iliyopita." Mfumo wa 1352 S. Union unaonyesha hili. Jumba hilo lilijengwa mwaka 1869 kama shule ya Kijerumani, lakini baadaye lilijengwa kuwa nyumba ya sinagogi la Kiromania, kanisa la Waafrika na Wamarekani, na kwa muda mfupi likawa kituo cha sanaa. Mabadiliko haya yote katika matumizi yameonyesha mabadiliko ya kikabila na kijamii-kiuchumi tabia ya kile kilichokuwa wakati mmoja Chicago bandari ya kuingia kitongoji. Ingawa muonekano wa jengo hilo umebadilishwa kwa sehemu na sasa liko katikati ya ujenzi mpya, barabara kuu ya Dan Ryan, na upyaji wa mijini, muktadha huu unaonyesha tu asili ya muda wa ujirani na inaonyesha nguvu kubwa ya kukaa ya moja ya miundo michache iliyobaki kutoka kabla ya Moto wa Chicago wa 1871. Kama muundo wa kabla ya moto ambao ulitumika kwa madhumuni mengi katika kitongoji cha bandari ya kuingia Maxwell Street, Kanisa la Gethsemane lina historia tajiri. Jengo hilo lilibuniwa na Augustus Bauer (mjenzi wa Kanisa la St. Patrick) na kujengwa mwaka 1869, na awali lilitumika kama Shule ya Kijerumani (ya kwanza katika jiji) kwa Kanisa la Kiinjilisti la Sayuni lililokuwa karibu. Ingawa shule hiyo ilikuwa na uhusiano wa karibu na kanisa, haikuwa shule ya kidini. Baada ya hapo, kutaniko hilo lilihamia magharibi, na jengo hilo lilibadilishwa na kuwa na matumizi mapya - kutaniko la Kiyahudi la Kiromania lilihamia na jengo hilo likawa sinagogi mwaka wa 1905. Baadaye, kutaniko hilo lilihamia Lawndale, na kufikia mwaka wa 1935 jengo hilo likawa Kanisa la Gethsemane Missionary Baptist - kutaniko la Waafrika-Wamarekani. Muda mfupi baadaye, sehemu ya mbele ya jengo hilo ilibadilishwa. Kanisa hilo lilijulikana kama "moja ya taasisi muhimu zaidi katika maisha ya familia" katika kitongoji cha karibu (kijulikana kama "Black Bottom"), na muundo huo ulibaki kutumika kama Gethsemane hadi 2002, wakati kwa muda mfupi ukawa nafasi ya sanaa au utendaji inayoitwa South Union Arts. Ingawa jengo hilo limebadilishwa kwa muda (mfano mpya uliongezwa mnamo 1944 wakati jengo hilo lilitumika kama Kanisa la Gethsemane), mabadiliko hayo yanaonyesha mabadiliko ya matumizi ya jengo hilo kwa muda ili kuhudumia idadi tofauti ya watu waliokuja kupitia eneo la Maxwell Street. Kanisa hilo limekuwa tupu kwa miaka kadhaa. Kituo cha John Paul II Newman katika Chuo Kikuu cha Illinois huko Chicago, Marekani, kimekuwa kikijaribu kununua jengo hilo kwa matumaini ya kulijenga jengo hilo na kujenga makao ya wanafunzi wa Katoliki. Majirani wanapinga mpango huo, wakitaja msongamano wa magari na msongamano wa magari. | <urn:uuid:cc0f6c9f-90a3-49c9-8026-5df7bfe09638> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://www.preservationchicago.org/gethsemane-church/ | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
During the winter months, many individuals experience skin issues such as eczema, rosacea, seborrheic dermatitis, and psoriasis. These conditions tend to worsen in colder climates due to the extreme drying conditions. The drop in humidity and temperature leads to a loss of moisture in the skin, causing dryness, redness, and cracking.
It is not uncommon for individuals with eczema to seek treatment more frequently during the winter. In fact, over 31 million Americans have some form of eczema. Similarly, other skin conditions like rosacea and seborrheic dermatitis also tend to flare up in the winter.
The main culprit behind these skin issues is the disruption of the skin barrier. The skin barrier acts as a protective layer, sealing in moisture and keeping out irritants. However, the dry winter air can strip away this moisture, leading to dry and irritated skin.
Several factors can exacerbate these skin issues during winter. Indoor heating, hot water, vigorous towel drying, hand sanitizers with high alcohol content, and certain fabrics like wool and synthetics can all contribute to further drying and irritation of the skin.
To alleviate discomfort and protect the skin barrier, there are several measures individuals can take. Repairing the skin barrier is crucial, and using products with ingredients like ceramides, cholesterol, colloidal oatmeal, glycerin, hyaluronic acid, and vitamin B5 can help. Thicker creams and ointments are more effective than thin lotions. Petroleum-based products like Vaseline or Aquaphor can soften dry and cracked areas, while also soothing chapped lips.
Other preventive measures include wearing sunscreen with at least UPF 30, getting some sunlight for vitamin D production (or considering a supplement), staying hydrated, layering clothing made of 100% cotton, using humidifiers to add moisture to indoor air, and managing stress levels.
Taking a multi-pronged approach that includes these measures can help individuals maintain healthier skin during the winter months. Being mindful of the products used, avoiding irritants, and seeking medical help if necessary are all important steps in managing and preventing skin issues. | Katika miezi ya majira ya baridi kali, watu wengi hupata matatizo ya ngozi kama vile eczema, rosacea, seborrheic dermatitis, na psoriasis. Hali hizo huendelea kuwa mbaya zaidi katika maeneo yenye baridi kali kwa sababu ya hali kali za kukausha. Kupungua kwa unyevu na halijoto husababisha ngozi kupoteza unyevu, na kusababisha kukauka, kuharibika, na kupasuka. Si jambo lisilo la kawaida kwa watu wenye eczema kutafuta matibabu mara nyingi zaidi wakati wa majira ya baridi kali. Zaidi ya watu milioni 31 nchini Marekani wana aina fulani ya ugonjwa wa eczema. Kwa mfano, ugonjwa wa ngozi unaoitwa rosacea na seborrheic dermatitis ni hatari sana kwa wanawake. Kosa kuu nyuma ya matatizo haya ya ngozi ni kuvunjika kwa kizuizi cha ngozi. Barrier ya ngozi hufanya kazi kama tabaka la kinga, kufunga katika unyevu na kuweka nje irritants. Hata hivyo, hewa kavu ya majira ya baridi kali yaweza kuondoa unyevu huo, na kusababisha ngozi kuwa kavu na kuchochewa. Kuna mambo kadhaa yanayoweza kuharibu ngozi wakati wa majira ya baridi kali. Kuongeza joto, maji moto, kufuta taulo kwa nguvu, dawa za kuosha mikono zenye kiasi kikubwa cha pombe, na nguo fulani kama vile sufu na nyenzo za synthetic, zote zinaweza kuchochea ngozi kuoka na kuchochea. Ili kupunguza maumivu na kulinda kizuizi cha ngozi, kuna hatua kadhaa ambazo watu wanaweza kuchukua. Kwa hivyo, ni muhimu kurekebisha kizuizi cha ngozi, na kutumia bidhaa zenye viungo kama vile ceramides, cholesterol, oatmeal ya colloidal, glycerin, asidi ya hyaluronic, na vitamini B5 inaweza kusaidia. Krimu na matoleo mazito yana matokeo zaidi kuliko lotions nyembamba. Vifaa vya mafuta kama vile Vaseline au Aquafor vinaweza kuyeyusha maeneo yaliyo kavu na yaliyovunjika, na pia kutuliza midomo iliyochongoka. Hatua nyingine za kuzuia ni pamoja na kuvaa sunscreen na angalau UPF 30, kupata mwanga wa jua kwa ajili ya uzalishaji wa vitamini D (au kuzingatia kuongeza), kukaa hydrated, layering nguo zilizotengenezwa kwa 100% pamba, kutumia humidifiers kuongeza unyevu kwa hewa ya ndani, na kusimamia viwango vya mkazo. Kuchukua mbinu ya pande nyingi ambayo inajumuisha hatua hizi inaweza kusaidia watu kudumisha ngozi yenye afya wakati wa miezi ya majira ya baridi. Kuangalia bidhaa zinazotumiwa, kuepuka vitu vinavyosumbua, na kutafuta msaada wa daktari ikiwa ni lazima ni hatua muhimu katika kusimamia na kuzuia matatizo ya ngozi. | <urn:uuid:8886bd48-f167-4618-9f33-00d4f5e98b8b> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://www.pressrundown.com/health/tips-for-winter-skincare-and-what-to-avoid-for-healthy-skin | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
We finished the sixth part of this eight-part series on the PGCE with a paragraph titled “You can’t expect perfection in a single year.” It’s common to want to enter the teaching world and swiftly revolutionise a classroom and faculty with your incredible new ideas, youthful energy and unstoppable passion for education. The fact remains, however, that you cannot expect to get anything even close to perfect during your PGCE year.
It is well known in education circles that NQTs are prone to error. That being the case, how well do you think teachers still on their PGCE fare? We’re not saying that you are destined to be a disaster during your training year. We are just trying to remind you that it’s okay to make mistakes, and that you should probably be prepared to get things a bit wrong when you’re still learning.
Perfectionism is a common trait in aspiring educators. Teachers are often bordering on pathological when it comes to order, symmetry and balance. When you consider the relative rate of chaos that emerges in classrooms, it seems odd that such personalities are the ones that pursue careers in teaching.
One of the reasons PGCE candidates build up ideas of attainable perfection in their mind is that they are somewhat absorbed by the educational theory they have been studying. Some will take that knowledge and think it will apply universally to every school and every classroom. All we can say is that they are in line for something of a rude awakening.
It's not that theory or book knowledge is incorrect. It’s just that it is often formulated by looking at the big picture, rather than at every single classroom situation. You need to know it so that you can try out these ideas and your own with your students. Our advice in this article is saying that you should be prepared for it to fail at least to some degree.
There are many strategies you can use to avoid those negative feelings that can come as a result of imperfection. We’ll list some ideas below:
1. See all mistakes as learning opportunities
Simply saying “learn from your mistakes” seems a bit cliché, but there’s still so much truth and value in this assertion. Part of being able to learn from mistakes is you starting to see errors and failures as learning opportunities. This takes a great deal of reflection on your work, where you think about what you got right, but more importantly focus on what you got wrong and how you can avoid these things in future.
2. Remember where you are on your journey
It’s really important that you remind yourself each day of exactly where you are in your long career path in education. Many careers in teaching span some 40 or more years. The PGCE is literally the very beginning of your professional career. How many other professions can you think of in which practitioners are masters of the art at the very outset of their journey? All things take time to learn and to master. Teaching is no exception.
3. Ask for help from your mentor and department colleagues
If you can garner some really valuable feedback from a mistake, then you can regard that mistake as having been worth it. Your colleagues have all been in your position before, and so are uniquely positioned to give you the empathy and understanding you need. Furthermore, they can offer critical advice on what you may have done wrong, and how you can improve. This kind of feedback is like gold dust. We talked more about this idea in the sixth part of the series.
4. Breathe deep, and try not to dwell
One of the worst things you can do when things go wrong is endlessly replay the errors you made over and over in your mind. This is the kind of action that will distract you from your PGCE assignments and other work, and even prevent you from sleeping well at night. No mistake is worth torturing yourself over and over. Do your best to put errors out of your mind and move on.
In addition, don’t conflate “reflection” with “dwelling” in this case. Reflection is a positive learning experience in which you extract useful insight that you can use for the future. Dwelling and replaying simply occupy and distract your mind from things that it should be focused on.
Don’t let the PGCE get you down
You’re going to make mistakes both during and after your PGCE, so you just need to be ready for that. The most important thing is being able to regard errors as learning opportunities that help you develop professionally.
Don’t miss the eighth and final part of our series where we’ll be discussing maintaining a healthy work-life balance during that crucial PGCE year. | "Hatuwezi kutarajia kukamilisha chochote, tumeimaliza sehemu ya sita ya mfululizo huu wa sehemu nane juu ya PGCE na kifungu kilichoitwa ""Huwezi kutarajia ukamilifu katika mwaka mmoja."" Ni kawaida kutaka kuingia katika ulimwengu wa kufundisha na haraka kubadili darasa na kitivo na mawazo yako ya ajabu, nishati ya ujana na shauku isiyoweza kukomeshwa kwa elimu." Hata hivyo, ukweli unabaki kwamba huwezi kutarajia kupata chochote hata karibu na kamilifu wakati wa mwaka wako wa PGCE. Ni vizuri inajulikana katika duru za elimu kwamba NQTs ni prone kwa makosa. Kwa hiyo, unafikiri walimu bado wanapata faida gani kutokana na PGCE yao? Hatusemi kwamba umepangwa kuwa msiba wakati wa mwaka wako wa mazoezi. Sisi ni tu kujaribu kukumbusha kwamba ni sawa kufanya makosa, na kwamba pengine unapaswa kuwa tayari kupata mambo kidogo makosa wakati wewe bado ni kujifunza. Ukamilifu ni sifa ya kawaida kwa walimu wanaotaka kuwa walimu. Mara nyingi walimu ni karibu na ugonjwa linapokuja suala la utaratibu, ulinganifu na usawa. "Kama ukizingatia kiwango cha kiasi cha machafuko ambayo hutokea katika madarasa, inaonekana kuwa ya ajabu kwamba watu kama hao ndio wanaofanya kazi ya kufundisha.""" Moja ya sababu za wagombea wa PGCE kujenga mawazo ya ukamilifu unaopatikana katika akili zao ni kwamba wao ni kiasi fulani absorbed na nadharia ya elimu wamekuwa kujifunza. Baadhi ya watu watachukua maarifa hayo na kufikiri kwamba yatatumika kwa kila shule na kila darasa. Tunaweza tu kusema kwamba wao wako katika mstari wa kitu cha kuamka kwa ukatili. Si kwamba nadharia au maarifa ya kitabu si sahihi. Ni tu kwamba ni mara nyingi formulated kwa kuangalia picha kubwa, badala ya kila hali moja darasa. Unahitaji kujua ili uweze kujaribu mawazo haya na yako mwenyewe na wanafunzi wako. Ushauri wetu katika makala hii ni kwamba unapaswa kuwa tayari kwa ajili yake kushindwa angalau kwa kiwango fulani. Kuna njia nyingi za kuzuia hisia hizo mbaya ambazo zinaweza kutokea kwa sababu ya kutokamilika. Tutaorodhesha baadhi ya mawazo hapa chini: 1. Angalia makosa yote kama fursa za kujifunza Kusema tu "juzi kutoka kwa makosa yako" inaonekana kuwa ya kawaida, lakini bado kuna ukweli mwingi na thamani katika madai haya. Sehemu ya kujifunza kutoka kwa makosa ni kuanza kuona makosa na kushindwa kama fursa za kujifunza. Hii inahitaji tafakari kubwa juu ya kazi yako, ambapo unafikiria juu ya kile ulichopata haki, lakini muhimu zaidi kuzingatia kile ulichopata kibaya na jinsi unaweza kuepuka mambo haya katika siku zijazo. 2. Uwezekano wa kupata Kumbuka ambapo wewe ni juu ya safari yako ni muhimu sana kwamba wewe kukumbusha mwenyewe kila siku ya hasa ambapo wewe ni katika njia yako ya muda mrefu ya kazi katika elimu. Kazi nyingi za ualimu huchukua miaka 40 au zaidi. PGCE ni mwanzo wa kazi yako ya kitaaluma. Ni kazi ngapi za kitaalamu ambazo mtaalamu anaweza kuwa na ujuzi wa sanaa? Mambo yote huchukua wakati kujifunza na kuyajua vizuri. Kufundisha si jambo lisilo la kawaida. 3. Uwe na mtazamo wa kweli Omba msaada kutoka kwa mshauri wako na wenzako wa idara: Ikiwa unaweza kupata maoni muhimu kutoka kwa kosa, basi unaweza kuzingatia kosa hilo kuwa limefaa. Wenzako wote wamekuwa katika nafasi yako kabla, na hivyo ni kipekee nafasi ya kukupa hisia na uelewa unahitaji. Zaidi ya hayo, wanaweza kukupa ushauri muhimu kuhusu kile ambacho huenda umefanya vibaya, na jinsi unavyoweza kuboresha. Maoni ya aina hii ni kama vumbi la dhahabu. Tulizungumza zaidi juu ya wazo hili katika sehemu ya sita ya mfululizo. 4. Uwe na uhakika Puma kwa kina na jaribu kutozingatia jambo moja kati ya mambo mabaya zaidi unayoweza kufanya wakati mambo yanapoenda vibaya ni kurudia makosa uliyoyafanya mara kwa mara katika akili yako. Hii ni aina ya hatua ambayo itakukengeusha kutoka kwa kazi zako za PGCE na kazi nyingine, na hata kukuzuia kulala vizuri usiku. Hakuna kosa linalostahili kujiteseka tena na tena. Fanya yote uwezayo ili kuondoa makosa hayo akilini mwako na kuendelea na maisha yako. Kwa kuongezea, usichanganyike <unk>reflection<unk> na <unk>dwelling<unk> katika kesi hii. Kufikiria ni uzoefu mzuri wa kujifunza ambao unapata ufahamu muhimu ambao unaweza kutumia kwa siku zijazo. Kuendelea kukumbuka mambo hayo kunamfanya mtu awe na wasiwasi na kugeuza fikira zake kutoka kwenye mambo ambayo yanapaswa kuwa muhimu. Usiruhusu PGCE kukushusha Utakuwa na makosa wakati na baada ya PGCE yako, kwa hivyo unahitaji tu kuwa tayari kwa hilo. Jambo muhimu zaidi ni kuwa na uwezo wa kuzingatia makosa kama fursa za kujifunza ambazo zinakusaidia kukua kitaaluma. Usikose sehemu ya nane na ya mwisho ya mfululizo wetu ambapo tutakuwa tukijadili kudumisha usawa mzuri wa kazi na maisha wakati wa mwaka huo muhimu wa PGCE. | <urn:uuid:92e55a0c-27e7-4235-93f0-897a035ea3e0> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://www.primrosekitten.com/pages/pgce-dont-expect-to-perfect-anything | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
Ways You Can Make Life Easier for Someone With Hearing Loss
Until you have experienced significant hearing loss, you can only imagine what it’s like to struggle with understanding muffled, meaningless sounds. Even when someone is using a hearing aid, sounds may not be as clear as they are when heard by people with normal hearing. If you live with or know someone with hearing loss, make their life easier by doing the following:
Practice Patience and Empathy
A hard-of-hearing person does not want you to have to repeat something. When they say “What did you say?” or “What was that”?, they just want to make sure you know they are aware you said something. In other words, they are trying to be polite. Replying with a dismissive “never mind” or “it’s nothing–forget about it” is uncaring and rude. Take the time to repeat your words in a louder, clearer voice. Move closer to someone with hearing loss and face them directly when speaking to them.
Experience Hearing Loss Yourself
Explore this hearing loss simulator to learn what it’s like to have mild, moderate, or severe hearing loss. You may be startled to find out how genuinely incapacitating in can be to have even minimal hearing loss.
Tips for Talking to People with Hearing Loss
- Make sure the person can see your mouth moving and your hand gestures
- Depending on the severity of the person’s hearing loss, position yourself close enough to be heard but leave room for “personal” space
- Don’t chew gum, eat or cover your mouth while speaking to people with hearing loss
- Keep background size to a minimum if you are having a conversation with a hard-of-hearing individual. Turn off televisions and radios
- Show you are paying attention to them by using their name when speaking to them
Hearing Loss Apps
Helpful apps are available for people with hearing loss, such as apps that provide captions of conversations on cell phone screens. Facetime is another great app to use for individuals who can lip read.
To learn more about making life easier for loved ones who had trouble hearing, call Professional Audiological Services today. | Njia Unazoweza Kufanya Maisha Yawe Rahisi Kwa Mtu Mwenye Kupoteza Usikiaji Mpaka unapopata upungufu mkubwa wa kusikia, unaweza tu kuwazia jinsi inavyoonekana kupambana na kuelewa sauti zisizo na maana. Hata wakati mtu anatumia kifaa cha kusikia, sauti inaweza kuwa wazi kama vile zinaposikilizwa na watu wenye kusikia kawaida. Ikiwa unaishi na au unajua mtu aliye na upotezaji wa kusikia, fanya maisha yake yawe rahisi kwa kufanya yafuatayo: Fanya mazoezi ya subira na hisia-mwenzi Mtu mwenye shida ya kusikia hataki urudi kitu. Wanaposema <unk>Umesema nini?<unk> au <unk>Ni nini hicho<unk>, wanataka tu kuhakikisha unajua wanajua umesema kitu. Kwa maneno mengine, wanajaribu kuwa wenye adabu. Kujibu kwa njia ya kukataa "usijali" au "haijalishi" ni kutojali na ukatili. Chukua muda wa kurudia maneno yako kwa sauti kubwa na iliyo wazi. Piga hatua karibu na mtu mwenye upotezaji wa kusikia na umwangalie moja kwa moja unapozungumza naye. Uzoefu wa Kusahau Wewe Mwenyewe Chunguza simulator hii ya upotezaji wa kusikia ili kujifunza jinsi ilivyo kuwa na upotezaji wa kusikia wa upole, wa wastani, au mkali. Unaweza kushangaa kujua jinsi kupoteza uwezo wa kusikia kwa kiasi kidogo kunavyoweza kukuzuia. Usiseme na watu wenye hasara ya kusikia - Hakikisha mtu anaweza kuona mdomo wako ukienda na ishara za mkono wako - Kulingana na uzito wa hasara ya kusikia ya mtu, jisajilishe karibu vya kutosha kusikilizwa lakini uache nafasi ya kibinafsi - Usile gum, kula au kufunika mdomo wako wakati wa kuzungumza na watu wenye hasara ya kusikia - Weka ukubwa wa nyuma kwa kiwango cha chini ikiwa una mazungumzo na mtu mwenye shida ya kusikia. Weka televisheni na redio - Onyesha kuwa unawajali kwa kutumia jina lao wakati unazungumza nao - Programu za kupoteza kusikia Programu muhimu zinapatikana kwa watu wenye upotezaji wa kusikia, kama vile programu zinazotoa maelezo ya mazungumzo kwenye skrini za simu za mkononi. Facetime ni programu nyingine kubwa ya kutumia kwa watu ambao wanaweza kusoma midomo. Ili kujua zaidi juu ya jinsi ya kuwa na maisha rahisi kwa wapendwa ambao wana shida ya kusikia, piga simu Huduma za Professional Audiology leo. | <urn:uuid:588368f0-8e6f-4642-a6d2-bfe037663dbf> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://www.professionalaudiologicalservices.com/ways-you-can-make-life-easier-for-someone-with-hearing-loss/ | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
Slaughterhouse operations are evolving. Propelled by advancements in technology and methodologies, plants are producing higher quality proteins with a greater emphasis on food safety and the humane treatment of animals.
And with government regulators, third-party auditors and operators more closely scrutinizing plants, slaughterhouses are functioning more efficiently and effectively.
“Plants have never been better,” says Temple Grandin, professor of animal science at Colorado State University and a livestock industry consultant on facility design. “The U.S. Department of Agriculture has gotten really strict in monitoring the humane slaughter of animals, and the U.S. is much better than a lot of countries in that area.”
Slaughterhouses are leveraging myriad tools and techniques to enhance animal welfare and operations, including newer stunning apparatus.
Erika Voogd, president of Voogd Consulting Inc. — a West Chicago, Ill.-based consulting firm specializing in animal welfare, food safety, regulatory support and meat plant training — notes such equipment includes pneumatic captive bolt stun guns.
In search of straight shooters
The devices, which are geared for higher-volume plants, can be easily changed from a standard to a higher pressure setting for larger animals, such as older cattle and bulls.
Also available are handheld captive bolt stun guns for lower volume plants. The devices — which are designed for larger cattle, dairy cows, bulls, boars and older sows — have a longer barrel and penetrating bolt with more cartridge power to deliver ample force to effectively stun on the first shot, Voogd says.
A new captive bolt gun, meanwhile, has a fully retractable bolt and a heavier barrel for easier maneuvering. Such a bolt saves time and helps eliminate the possibility of the gun sticking in an animal’s head.
Advanced slaughterhouse technologies also are enabling plant operators to pinpoint the optimal points on cattle for stunning, Voogd says. “The best location is higher on the forehead and assures stun accuracy into the mid-brain,” she says.
Newer tools in the poultry sector, meanwhile, include guns that automatically adjust stunning amperage in accordance with a bird’s resistance and horizontal cones that hold birds in place and eliminate the need for hanging. Such gentle restraining during slaughter reduces stress and damage to wings and legs.
Another technique that is intended to reduce stress in birds is low atmospheric pressure system (LAPS) stunning. During the procedure, poultry are placed in chambers and rendered unconscious by a gradual reduction in the amount of oxygen in the atmosphere. It eliminates the discomfort associated with live-bird shackling.
The details are in the data
Cutting-edge technologies also are providing additional options for the electrical stunning of pigs.
Some devices, for instance, can detect a pig’s potential resistance to stunning and, in response, automatically adjust the amperage. Resistance can quickly change in accordance with such factors as how quickly tissue breaks down during the stun, the wetness and thickness of the skin, the amount of hair and the level of hydration.
Accurate assessments are essential as excessive amperage can cause broken bones, bruising and blood splash, in which blood leaks into muscles and causes discoloration. Such issues can affect product quality.
Technologies also enable stunning information and other slaughterhouse measurements to be automatically recorded on computer databases.
“Plants are becoming more data driven in looking for signs of animal insensibility as well as registering the accuracy of stun gun placement, amperage and voltage readings, and how long a stun lasts,” says Kurt Vogel, assistant professor of animal science at the University of Wisconsin in River Falls. “Monitoring stunning is like having a black box in that we can tell when something has gone wrong. Slaughterhouses, by collecting information, can catch potential problems before they become severe animal welfare issues.”
While more statistics give managers a clearer and more accurate assessment of plant operations, enabling them to make better decisions, it also creates challenges, Vogel says.
“Managers have more options to think about with the extra details,” he says. “The best operators will get information quickly and find ways to use it in a streamlined manner.”
Enhanced technologies, meanwhile, also are leveraged in niche sectors, including plants that specialize in the religious slaughter of animals.
A sharper cutting image
Joe M. Regenstein, professor of food science and head of the kosher and halal food initiative at Cornell University, says newer knife sharpening equipment is able to quantitatively measure the state of instruments.
Optimal blade sharpness helps reduce muscle and tendon strains in workers and limits such potential injuries as carpal tunnel syndrome during slaughter. Sharper blades also contribute to the humane treatment of animals, he says.
“With the proper sharpness there is less chance an animal will feel a cut,” Regenstein says. “It is important that the animal expires calmly and does not feel pain.”
Devices that measure knife sharpness are intended to replace such manual procedures as gauging the state of the blade with microscope examinations, Regenstein says, adding that methods which rely on qualitative rather than quantitative evaluation are often inaccurate.
“There are extremely strict rules for kosher slaughter, which includes having knives that are the right size, shape and sharpness,” he says. “It is critical that the knife is used correctly.”
In addition to upgrades in slaughterhouse tools and devices are advances in the monitoring of slaughterhouse operations by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and plant administrators.
“The USDA is doing more enforcement on stunning and is tightening up its procedures, which includes giving out more noncompliance records and requiring plants to suspend operations,” Grandin says. “That level of activity was not happening just three years ago.”
Such added scrutiny was triggered in part by the release of an undercover video in 2012 that revealed animal abuse at a Central Valley Meat plant in Hanford, Calif.
And unlike the 1980s and 1990s when broken equipment was common and workers often abused livestock, Grandin says today’s slaughterhouses “have never been better,” though upgrades are not often acknowledged.
Missing the big picture
“College students and others go to Web sites and read about the bad things that have happened in the treatment of animals, but they don’t know what is occurring overall within the industry,” Grandin says. “It’s frustrating because there are improvements, but many people are not aware of them.”
Indeed, she notes that only within the last year have plants’ noncompliance records (NR) and suspensions been posted online for public access. With only recent data available, viewers are unable to compare the number of incidents with those in the past.
“The situation is getting better but Web sites don’t show history,” Grandin says. “In the early 1990s, there would have been 10 times more violations listed. Ten years ago the USDA never would have shut down a plant for a noncompliance violation, but that has changed.”
Grandin says the USDA is more closely monitoring stunning and, as a result, “stunning is getting to be about as good as it is going to get.”
Such measures as having outside parties monitor plant operations through video auditing also are contributing to greater animal welfare.
Third-party video audits are typically only leveraged by the largest plants and it solves the problem of many workers being on their best behavior only when they are watched by managers, Grandin says.
While such technologies enhance operations throughout plants, Grandin says there still is room for improvements.
For instance, many animals continue to be stressed by practices such as plant workers parking vehicles near fences holding livestock, having workers stand in front of animals as they move into chutes and causing lights to reflect off floors.
Future upgrades to slaughterhouses will likely be incremental and involve changes to employee behavior, Grandin says.
“Enhanced animal welfare often results from small alterations, such as eliminating distractions, changing handlers, not routing too many cattle and pigs into a chute at one time and being quiet with the animals,” she says. “People are always looking for the magic new technology for animal welfare, but it’s the management that will make the biggest difference.”
Further changes will likely include additional cutbacks in the use of electrical prods to route animals into chutes. Prodding often causes stress in cattle and results in tougher meat.
“Plant workers are becoming much better,” Grandin says. “Especially because the USDA has gotten stricter and will shut down a plant if there is too much electrical prodding.”
Focusing on less stress
Other stressful behaviors that affect product quality include the herding of animals into areas of plants and trucks that lack adequate space, which can cause discomfort and bruising. Added stress to pigs, meanwhile, can result in the development of pale, soft and watery meat because of increases in lactic acid and decreases in pH.
Technical enhancements, however, are also contributing to a better understanding of animal handling techniques by workers. Electronic training modules, for instance, enable new workers to become more easily versed on proper slaughterhouse procedures and current workers to stay current on the newer devices and methodologies.
Future advancements in technology and procedures, Voogd says, will address ongoing challenges, such as effectively handling animals that continue to increase in size and maintaining an efficient operation despite continuing employee turnover.
The growing breadth of animals, some of which is the result of genetic engineering intended to increase weight, contributes to greater stress because of inadequate plant capacity and equipment. (See sidebar).
Voogd notes, for instance, some slaughterhouses are using stun guns that were bought 30 years ago for 1,000-pound animals and are now are being used on 1,600-pound cattle. Such devices, she says, might cause concussions but not insensibility.
“There have been dramatic improvements in plants over the last 15 years, but the work is not done,” she says. “Slaughterhouse operations need to be managed like any process and it is important that the industry continue to move to a better direction and does not slip backward.”
Advanced technologies, along with greater government and plant oversight, have been instrumental in making slaughterhouse operations more productive and less stressful for animals. While future improvements will largely be incremental, additional enhancements to devices and animal handling procedures will further reduce the prospect of violations with subsequent upswings in animal welfare and food quality
Newer knife sharpening technologies enable workers to more accurately gauge the state of blades.
The heavy-duty captive bolt stun gun with a larger penetrating rod is best for bigger animals.
The growing size of animals is making it difficult for many to comfortably fit into restrainers.
A need for harvest, fab makeovers
While advancements in equipment are enhancing animal welfare and slaughterhouse operations, additional improvements also will result from non-technical changes.
A key focus will be the renovation of plants to ensure facilities can effectively handle larger sized animals without causing stress or effecting food quality.
Enhanced employee training also is on agendas as slaughterhouses seek to remain efficient despite rapid worker turnover.
“If any cog on a wheel is not working properly, things can go wrong in plants,” says Erika Voogd, president of Voogd Consulting Inc., a West Chicago, Ill.-based consulting firm specializing in animal welfare, food safety, regulatory support and meat plant training.
She says many plants are designed to accommodate small animals, yet the size of livestock has increased over the decades. As a result, some animals no longer fit in restrainers and cattle often are reluctant to enter chutes because they are afraid they will scrape their backs — an issue that can necessitate the use of electrical prods.
While many large plants have expanded to accommodate larger animals, some small- and medium-size slaughterhouses have yet to revamp their facilities.
“Many slaughterhouses were built 20 years ago to handle 180- to 200-pound pigs and now you are trying to put 260- to 300-pound pigs in the plants,” Voogd says. “Some facilities also have sharp corners, doors that are not tall enough and entrances that are not wide enough for the livestock. Trying to push animals through the doors and chutes can result in agitation and cause bruising.”
She notes, however, that the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is giving more oversight to the state of facilities and “the majority of plants are putting more emphasis on humane handling whether the slaughterhouse is small, medium or large.”
Handling, she adds, is particularly challenging as each animal can behave differently with workers. Some cattle, for instance, are comfortable with people while others might come from ranges where they encountered humans only once or twice a year and therefore are afraid of employees.
“There is a lot of worker turnover in plants and the new employees often don’t know how to work properly with the animals,” she says. “The employees need to be seasoned and understand the process to be effective.”
Voogd says it is crucial for new employees to be trained adequately prior to working with livestock or poultry.
“An effective method is for the workers to ‘buddy’ with mentor employees that are humane-handling champions with excellent skills and calm demeanors and who can make sure that newer employees receive the right guidance and instruction on the job,” she says. “It also is important that the new and existing employee are versed on procedures at both the start of their jobs and afterwards.” | Uendeshaji wa mashamba ya wanyama unabadilika. Kwa kuongozwa na maendeleo katika teknolojia na mbinu, mimea inazalisha protini za ubora wa juu na msisitizo mkubwa juu ya usalama wa chakula na matibabu ya binadamu ya wanyama. Na kwa wasimamizi wa serikali, wakaguzi wa tatu na waendeshaji wakichunguza zaidi viwanda, mashamba ya kuua yanafanya kazi kwa ufanisi zaidi na kwa ufanisi. "Mimea haijawahi kuwa bora zaidi", asema Temple Grandin, profesa wa sayansi ya wanyama katika Chuo Kikuu cha Jimbo la Colorado na mshauri wa sekta ya mifugo juu ya muundo wa kituo hicho. "Wakati huo huo, Wizara ya Kilimo ya Marekani imekuwa na ""mfumo mkali sana wa kufuatilia mauaji ya wanyama, na Marekani ni bora zaidi kuliko nchi nyingi katika eneo hilo."" ""Mafuniko ya wanyama yanatumia vifaa na mbinu nyingi ili kuboresha ustawi wa wanyama na shughuli zao, ikiwa ni pamoja na vifaa vipya vya kuangamiza." Erika Vogt, rais wa Vogt Consulting Inc., kampuni ya ushauri ya Chicago, Illinois, inayohusika na ustawi wa wanyama, usalama wa chakula, msaada wa udhibiti na mafunzo ya mimea ya nyama, anasema vifaa hivyo ni pamoja na bunduki za pneumatic za kifungo cha kifungo. Vifaa vya kusafirisha, ambavyo vimeundwa kwa ajili ya mimea ya kiasi cha juu, vinaweza kubadilishwa kwa urahisi kutoka kwa kiwango cha kiwango cha juu kwa wanyama wakubwa, kama vile ng'ombe na ng'ombe. Pia inapatikana handheld captive bolt stun bunduki kwa ajili ya mimea ya kiasi cha chini. Vifaa hivyo, ambavyo vimetengenezwa kwa ajili ya ng'ombe wakubwa, ng'ombe wa maziwa, ng'ombe wa ng'ombe, mbwa mwitu na ng'ombe wa ng'ombe wazee, vina pipa refu zaidi na bolt ya kupenya yenye nguvu zaidi ya cartridge kutoa nguvu ya kutosha kuangusha kwa ufanisi kwenye risasi ya kwanza, Voogd anasema. Bunduki mpya ya bolt ya utekwa, wakati huohuo, ina bolt inayoweza kuondolewa kabisa na pipa nzito zaidi kwa ajili ya uendeshaji rahisi. Mfumo huo huokoa wakati na husaidia kuondoa uwezekano wa bunduki kugonga kichwa cha mnyama. Teknolojia za hali ya juu za mauaji pia zinawawezesha waendeshaji wa kiwanda kutambua sehemu bora za ng'ombe kwa ajili ya kuzingatiwa, Voogd anasema. "Mahali pazuri zaidi ni juu ya paji la uso na inahakikisha usahihi wa stun katika ubongo wa kati", anasema. Vifaa vipya katika sekta ya kuku, wakati huo huo, ni pamoja na bunduki ambazo huingiza moja kwa moja amperage ya kushangaza kulingana na upinzani wa ndege na koni za usawa ambazo zinashikilia ndege mahali na kuondoa haja ya kunyongwa. Kudhibiti kwa upole wakati wa kuchinjwa hupunguza mkazo na uharibifu wa mabawa na miguu. Njia nyingine ya kupunguza mkazo kwa ndege ni kutumia mfumo wa shinikizo la chini la angahewa (LAPS). Wakati wa utaratibu huo, kuku huwekwa ndani ya vyumba na kuangushwa kwa kupunguzwa hatua kwa hatua kwa kiasi cha oksijeni katika angahewa. Inasafisha hali mbaya inayosababishwa na kufungwa kwa ndege walio hai. Maelezo ni katika data Teknolojia za hali ya juu pia zinatoa chaguzi za ziada kwa ajili ya umeme stunning ya nguruwe. Baadhi ya vifaa, kwa mfano, inaweza kugundua nguruwe ya uwezekano wa upinzani wa stunning na, katika majibu, moja kwa moja kurekebisha amperage. Uvumilivu unaweza kubadilika haraka kulingana na mambo kama vile jinsi tishu inavyovunjika haraka wakati wa stun, unyevu na unene wa ngozi, kiasi cha nywele na kiwango cha hydration. Uchunguzi sahihi ni muhimu kwani amperage ya kupita kiasi inaweza kusababisha mifupa iliyovunjika, kupasuka na mtiririko wa damu, ambapo damu huvuja ndani ya misuli na kusababisha rangi. Masuala kama hayo yanaweza kuathiri ubora wa bidhaa. Teknolojia pia huwezesha habari za kuangamiza na vipimo vingine vya mauaji kurekodiwa moja kwa moja kwenye hifadhidata za kompyuta. "Mimea inazidi kuelekezwa kwa data katika kutafuta ishara za kutokuwa na hisia kwa wanyama na pia kurekodi usahihi wa uwekaji wa bunduki ya stun, amperage na usomaji wa voltage, na ni muda gani stun hudumu, ""anasema Kurt Vogel, profesa msaidizi wa sayansi ya wanyama katika Chuo Kikuu cha Wisconsin huko River Falls." <unk>Ufuatiliaji wa stunning ni kama kuwa na sanduku nyeusi katika ambayo tunaweza kujua wakati kitu kimeenda vibaya. "Wachungaji wa wanyama wanaweza kukusanya habari ili kugundua matatizo ya uwezekano kabla ya kuwa masuala makubwa ya ustawi wa wanyama, ""wakati takwimu zaidi huwapa wasimamizi tathmini ya wazi na sahihi zaidi ya shughuli za kiwanda, na kuwawezesha kufanya maamuzi bora, pia huunda changamoto,"" anasema Vogel." "Wameneja wana chaguzi zaidi za kufikiria na maelezo ya ziada", anasema. "Wafanyakazi bora watapata habari haraka na kupata njia za kuitumia kwa njia rahisi. Teknolojia zilizoimarishwa, wakati huo huo, pia zinatumiwa katika sekta za niche, ikiwa ni pamoja na viwanda ambavyo ni maalumu katika mauaji ya kidini ya wanyama. """ Joe M. Regenstein, profesa wa sayansi ya chakula na mkuu wa mpango wa chakula cha kosher na halal katika Chuo Kikuu cha Cornell, anasema vifaa vipya vya kusugua visu vina uwezo wa kupima hali ya vyombo. Uwezo wa kupasua upana wa kisu husaidia kupunguza misuli na misuli ya mfupa kwa wafanyakazi na kupunguza majeraha kama vile ugonjwa wa handaki wakati wa kuchinjwa. Yeye asema kwamba visu vyenye ncha kali pia huchangia kutendewa kwa kibinadamu kwa wanyama. "Kwa ukali unaofaa kuna uwezekano mdogo kwamba mnyama atahisi kukatwa", Regenstein anasema. "Ni muhimu kwamba mnyama anapumua kwa utulivu na haoni maumivu. ""Vifaa vinavyopima upole wa kisu vinakusudiwa kuchukua nafasi ya taratibu za mikono kama vile kupima hali ya kisu kwa uchunguzi wa darubini, "" Regenstein anasema, akiongeza kwamba mbinu ambazo hutegemea tathmini ya ubora badala ya kiasi mara nyingi ni zisizo sahihi." "Kuna sheria kali sana kwa ajili ya mauaji ya kosher, ambayo ni pamoja na kuwa na visu ambavyo ni ukubwa sahihi, umbo na ukali", anasema. "Kuna uwezekano mkubwa kwamba mashine hiyo itaweza kufanikiwa kwa sababu ya ""mfano wa mashine ya kuua wanyama"" na ""mfano wa mashine ya kuua wanyama"" na ""mfano wa mashine ya kuua wanyama"" na ""mfano wa mashine ya kuua wanyama"" na ""mfano wa mashine ya kuua wanyama.""" "USDA inafanya utekelezaji zaidi juu ya stunning na inaimarisha taratibu zake, ambayo ni pamoja na kutoa rekodi zaidi za kutofuata na kuhitaji viwanda kusimamisha shughuli, ""Grandin anasema." "Uchunguzi huo wa kina ulisababishwa na kutolewa kwa video ya siri mnamo 2012 ambayo ilifunua unyanyasaji wa wanyama katika kiwanda cha nyama cha Central Valley huko Hanford, California, na tofauti na miaka ya 1980 na 1990 wakati vifaa vilivunjika vilikuwa vya kawaida na wafanyikazi mara nyingi walitumia vibaya mifugo, Grandin anasema ""viwanda vya mauaji vya leo havijawahi kuwa bora, ingawa marekebisho hayajatambuliwa mara nyingi.""" "Wanafunzi wa chuo kikuu na wengine huenda kwenye tovuti na kusoma juu ya mambo mabaya ambayo yametokea katika matibabu ya wanyama, lakini hawajui nini kinachotokea kwa ujumla ndani ya sekta hiyo", Grandin anasema. "Ni jambo lenye kukatisha tamaa kwa sababu kuna maboresho, lakini watu wengi hawajui juu yao. " Kwa kweli, anabainisha kwamba ndani ya mwaka uliopita tu, rekodi za kutofuata (NR) na kusimamishwa kwa viwanda vimewekwa mtandaoni kwa upatikanaji wa umma. Kwa kuwa kuna takwimu za hivi karibuni tu, watazamaji hawawezi kulinganisha idadi ya matukio na yale ya zamani. "Hali inazidi kuwa bora lakini tovuti za mtandao hazionyeshi historia", Grandin anasema. "Mwaka wa 1990 na 1990 kulikuwa na ""mashambulizi"" zaidi ya mara 10 ya idadi ya watu waliohusika." "Mwaka mmoja uliopita, USDA haingekuwa imefunga kiwanda kwa sababu ya ukiukaji wa sheria, lakini hiyo imebadilika. ""Kama matokeo, kiwanda cha USDA kinazidi kufuatilia kwa karibu, na kwa hivyo, kiwanda cha USDA kinazidi kuwa sawa na kinachopatikana, hatua kama vile kuwa na watu wa nje kufuatilia shughuli za kiwanda kupitia ukaguzi wa video pia zinachangia ustawi wa wanyama." "Uchunguzi wa video wa mtu wa tatu kwa kawaida hutumiwa tu na viwanda vikubwa na hutatua tatizo la wafanyikazi wengi kuwa na tabia yao bora tu wakati wanaangaliwa na wasimamizi, ""alisema Grandin." Ingawa teknolojia hizo huongeza utendaji wa viwanda vyote, Grandin anasema bado kuna nafasi ya kuboresha. Kwa mfano, wanyama wengi wanaendelea kusumbuliwa na mazoea kama vile wafanyakazi wa kiwanda kuegesha magari karibu na uzio wa mifugo, kuwa na wafanyakazi kusimama mbele ya wanyama wanapokuwa wakiingia kwenye chutes na kusababisha taa kutafakari sakafu. Grandin anasema kwamba kuboresha mashamba ya kuchinjia wanyama katika siku zijazo huenda kukawa kwa hatua kwa hatua na kuhusisha mabadiliko katika tabia ya wafanyakazi. "Ubora wa ustawi wa wanyama mara nyingi hutokana na mabadiliko madogo, kama vile kuondoa vitu vinavyofadhaisha, kubadilisha wasimamizi, kutoelekeza ng'ombe na nguruwe wengi sana kwenye chute kwa wakati mmoja na kuwa kimya na wanyama, "anasema. "Watu daima wanatafuta teknolojia mpya ya kichawi kwa ustawi wa wanyama, lakini ni usimamizi ambao utafanya tofauti kubwa. ""Mabadiliko zaidi ya uwezekano yatatia ndani kupunguzwa kwa ziada katika matumizi ya prods za umeme kuelekeza wanyama kwenye chutes." Mara nyingi kuchochea wanyama husababisha mkazo na hivyo kutokeza nyama ngumu zaidi. "Wafanyakazi wa kiwanda wanakuwa bora zaidi", Grandin anasema. "Hata hivyo, ""Ufanyakazi wa umeme wa umeme"" ni moja ya sababu za kuathiri ubora wa bidhaa, na kwa sababu ya kuunganisha wanyama katika maeneo ya mimea na malori ambayo hayana nafasi ya kutosha, ambayo inaweza kusababisha usumbufu na kuumiza." Mkazo wa ziwa kwa pigs, wakati huo huo, unaweza kusababisha maendeleo ya nyama nyeupe, laini na maji kwa sababu ya ongezeko la asidi ya maziwa na kupungua kwa pH. Hata hivyo, maendeleo ya kiufundi pia yanachangia uelewevu bora wa wafanyakazi wa mbinu za kushughulikia wanyama. Kwa mfano, vifaa vya mafunzo ya elektroniki huwawezesha wafanyakazi wapya kujifunza taratibu sahihi za kufanyia kazi kwenye mashamba ya wanyama na wafanyakazi wa sasa kujifunza vifaa na mbinu mpya. Maendeleo ya baadaye katika teknolojia na taratibu, anasema Voogde, itashughulikia changamoto zinazoendelea, kama vile kushughulikia kwa ufanisi wanyama ambao wanaendelea kuongezeka kwa ukubwa na kudumisha operesheni ya ufanisi licha ya kuendelea kwa mzunguko wa wafanyikazi. Kuongezeka kwa idadi ya wanyama, baadhi ya ambayo ni matokeo ya uhandisi wa maumbile kwa lengo la kuongeza uzito, huchangia mkazo mkubwa kwa sababu ya uwezo wa mmea na vifaa visivyofaa. (Tazama sehemu ya upande). Kwa mfano, baadhi ya makundi ya wauaji hutumia bunduki za kugeuza fahamu ambazo zilinunuliwa miaka 30 iliyopita kwa wanyama wenye uzito wa pauni 1,000 na sasa zinatumiwa kwa ng'ombe wenye uzito wa pauni 1,600. Anasema kwamba vifaa hivyo vinaweza kusababisha mshtuko wa akili lakini si kukosa hisia. "Kulikuwa na maboresho makubwa katika mimea katika miaka 15 iliyopita, lakini kazi haijakamilika", anasema. "Uendeshaji wa mauaji unahitaji kusimamiwa kama mchakato wowote na ni muhimu kwamba tasnia iendelee kusonga kwa mwelekeo bora na haipatikani nyuma. ""Teknolojia za kisasa, pamoja na usimamizi mkubwa wa serikali na kiwanda, zimekuwa muhimu katika kufanya shughuli za mauaji kuwa na uzalishaji zaidi na chini ya mkazo kwa wanyama." Ingawa maboresho ya baadaye yatakuwa ya hatua kwa hatua, maboresho ya ziada kwa vifaa na taratibu za utunzaji wa wanyama zitapunguza zaidi uwezekano wa ukiukaji na kuongezeka kwa ustawi wa wanyama na ubora wa chakula, teknolojia mpya za kusugua visu zinawawezesha wafanyakazi kupima kwa usahihi hali ya mbao. Bunduki yenye nguvu ya kuangusha yenye fimbo kubwa zaidi ni bora kwa wanyama wakubwa zaidi. Ukubwa unaoongezeka wa wanyama unafanya iwe vigumu kwa wengi kuviweka kwa urahisi katika vifungo vya kuwalinda. Wakati maendeleo katika vifaa ni kuboresha ustawi wa wanyama na shughuli za mauaji, maboresho ya ziada pia itatokana na mabadiliko yasiyo ya kiufundi. "Mtazamo muhimu utakuwa ukarabati wa viwanda ili kuhakikisha vifaa vinaweza kushughulikia kwa ufanisi wanyama wakubwa bila kusababisha mkazo au kuathiri ubora wa chakula. """ Mafunzo ya juu ya wafanyikazi pia ni kwenye ajenda kama mashamba ya kuchinjia kutafuta kubaki ufanisi licha ya mzunguko wa haraka wa wafanyakazi. "Ikiwa hakuna kiungo kinachofanya kazi vizuri, vitu vinaweza kwenda vibaya katika mimea, ""anasema Erika Vogt, rais wa Vogt Consulting Inc., kampuni ya ushauri ya Magharibi mwa Chicago, Illinois, maalumu katika ustawi wa wanyama, usalama wa chakula, msaada wa kisheria na mafunzo ya mimea ya nyama." "Makampuni mengi ya kutengeneza bidhaa za aina hiyo yanajengwa kwa ajili ya wanyama wadogo, lakini idadi ya wanyama hao imeongezeka kwa miaka mingi.""" Matokeo yake, baadhi ya wanyama hawawezi tena kufaa katika vifungo na ng'ombe mara nyingi ni kusita kuingia chutes kwa sababu wanaogopa wao scratch nyuma yao - suala ambalo inaweza kuhitaji matumizi ya prods umeme. Ingawa viwanda vingi vikubwa vimepanuka ili kuandaa wanyama wakubwa zaidi, baadhi ya mashamba madogo na ya kati ya kuua wanyama bado hayakubadilisha vifaa vyao. "Vituo vingi vya kuua wanyama vilijengwa miaka 20 iliyopita ili kushughulikia nguruwe wenye uzito wa kilo 180 hadi 200 na sasa unajaribu kuweka nguruwe wenye uzito wa kilo 260 hadi 300 katika viwanda hivyo,"" alisema Voogd." <unk> Baadhi ya vifaa pia vina pembe kali, milango ambayo si ya juu vya kutosha na milango ambayo si pana vya kutosha kwa ajili ya mifugo. "Kujaribu kushinikiza wanyama kupitia milango na chutes inaweza kusababisha msukosuko na kusababisha majeraha. ""Hata hivyo, anasema, Idara ya Kilimo ya Marekani (USDA) inatoa usimamizi zaidi kwa hali ya vifaa na ""mashamba mengi yanasisitiza zaidi juu ya utunzaji wa kibinadamu ikiwa nyumba ya mauaji ni ndogo, ya kati au kubwa.""" Kwa mfano, baadhi ya ng'ombe hufurahia kuwa pamoja na watu, huku wengine wakitoka katika maeneo ambayo wanakutana na wanadamu mara moja au mbili tu kwa mwaka, kwa hiyo wanaogopa wafanyakazi. "Kuna mabadiliko mengi ya wafanyakazi katika viwanda na wafanyakazi wapya mara nyingi hawajui jinsi ya kufanya kazi vizuri na wanyama", anasema. "Wafanyakazi wanahitaji kuwa na uzoefu na kuelewa mchakato kuwa na ufanisi. ""Vogd anasema ni muhimu kwa wafanyakazi wapya kuwa na mafunzo ya kutosha kabla ya kufanya kazi na mifugo au kuku." "Njia bora ni kwa wafanyakazi kuwa ""ndugu"" na wafanyikazi washauri ambao ni mabingwa wa kushughulikia kibinadamu na ujuzi bora na tabia ya utulivu na ambao wanaweza kuhakikisha kwamba wafanyikazi wapya hupokea mwongozo sahihi na maagizo kazini", anasema. <unk>Ni muhimu pia kwamba mfanyakazi mpya na wa sasa wanajua taratibu zote mbili mwanzoni mwa kazi zao na baadaye.<unk> | <urn:uuid:b9430ea5-a8f9-4c8c-8a12-8c89116b02e1> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://www.provisioneronline.com/articles/101340-high-tech-answers-to-slaughtering-challenges | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
Diversity in medicine can save lives. Here's why there aren't more doctors of color
Sabina Spigner says she's always known she wanted to be a doctor. But, as a premed student at the University of Pennsylvania, she found herself struggling to balance a heavy class load while also working as many as 20 hours a week.
"I was always working, because I didn't have money and I was a work-study student," says Spigner.
Her grades suffered as a result. In her junior year, she turned to her pre-med adviser for help. "She was like, well, you know, you're just not going to get into med school with that GPA, so I think you should consider something else. And she didn't really present me with many resources or options other than just giving up," Spigner says.
That conversation happened nearly eight years ago. Spigner — who is Black and Southeast Asian American — says when she recalled the experience on Twitter last month, "unfortunately, a lot of people shared similar stories."
"You know, this is something that's happening across the country and it's very, very common, especially for students of color, to experience discouragement," she says.
For decades, leading medical organizations have been trying to diversify the ranks of physicians, where Black and Hispanic doctors remain vastly underrepresented relative to their proportion of the U.S. population. That matters, because research has shown that people from underrepresented racial and ethnic groups can have better health outcomes when their doctors look like them.
But arecent study in the journal JAMA Health Forum highlights the factors, including financial pressures and discrimination, that can keep determined students of color from actually making it to medical school.
The study looked at responses from more than 81,000 students who took the Medical College Admission Test. The standardized exam is grueling: People study for it for months, if not years, says the study's first author,Dr. Jessica Faiz of the University of California, Los Angeles.
"You paid for the test. You took all that time to study. You are definitely quite committed to applying" to med school, says Faiz, an emergency physician and fellow with the National Clinician Scholars Program at UCLA.
Even so, Faiz and her colleagues found that Black and Hispanic test takers were significantly less likely to go on to apply and enroll in med school than white test takers. Not only that, but Black, Hispanic and Native American students were more likely to say they faced financial barriers, such as difficulty affording test prep materials and already having large student loans.
"Even further, they're more likely to face discouragement from advisers when applying to medical school compared to their white counterparts," says study co-author Dr. Utibe Essien, an assistant professor of medicine and health equity researcher at UCLA.
Another key finding: Black, Hispanic and Native American students were more likely to have parents without a college degree and more likely to go to a low-resourced college, which the researchers defined as a college with a less-selective admissions process and a majority of students living off campus.
Those factors "really trickle down to your social networks that are really integral in succeeding as a medical student," Faiz says. For instance, the study found that students of color were less likely to have shadowed a physician — an experience that can burnish a med school application. Faiz says that likely reflects a lack of the kinds of connections that make it easier to set up that kind of experience.
Essien notes that decades of research have found that patients of color can benefit from having a doctor of their own racial or ethnic background. For example, studies have found they were more likely to have received preventive care in the prior year and more likely to be satisfied with the health carethey receive.
For minorities, says Essien, "having a doctor who looks like you makes you more likely to accept flu vaccination, to have a colonoscopy, to consider having a more invasive heart procedure."
There's even striking new evidence that Black people live longer if they reside in counties with more Black physicians. But that new study came with a sobering discovery: A little over half of U.S. counties were excluded from the national analysis because they didn't have a single Black primary care physician. Faiz says that finding, which was published on the same day as the study she led, underscores why it's so critical to better understand the factors that keep students of color from med school.
Adds Essien: "We're not just advocating diversity out of the goodness of our hearts. It really, literally is saving lives."
Dr. Jaya Aysola is executive director of Penn Medicine's Center for Health Equity Advancement. She wrote a commentary that accompanied the study in JAMA Health Forum. Aysola says the study sheds much-needed light on the financial barriers and unconscious biases that can block the path to med school for students of color.
"From who advises you to submit an application to who then eventually helps select your application, to those who interview you, there's bias all along those processes," Aysola says.
As for Sabina Spigner? She didn't let her premed adviser's discouragement stop her from pursuing her med school dreams. She decided to pursue graduate school first. She ended up with two master's degrees — in science and public health — before heading to the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine. When she graduates next month, she'll officially be Dr. Spigner at last.
She says she lives by the philosophy that "only you can tell you if you can succeed or not. It's not somebody else's job to say that."
"I'm proof that there's a way," she adds.
She'll start her OB-GYN residency at Northwestern University in June.
Copyright 2023 NPR. To see more, visit https://www.npr.org. | Tofauti katika tiba yaweza kuokoa uhai. Sabina Spinner, ambaye ni daktari wa rangi, alisema kuwa amekuwa akijaribu kuwa daktari. Alipokuwa mwanafunzi wa chuo kikuu cha Pennsylvania, alijikuta akijitahidi kusawazisha mzigo mzito wa darasa na wakati huohuo kufanya kazi kwa saa 20 kwa wiki. "Sikuzote nilikuwa nikifanya kazi, kwa sababu sikuwa na pesa na nilikuwa mwanafunzi wa kufanya kazi", asema Spigner. Matokeo yakawa kwamba alama zake zilipungua. Katika mwaka wake wa kwanza, alimwomba mshauri wake wa kabla ya matibabu amsaidie. "Amesema, ""Hata hivyo, kwa sababu ya GPA yako, unaweza kuamua kuchagua kitu kingine.""" Na kwa kweli hakunipa rasilimali nyingi au chaguzi nyingine isipokuwa tu kuacha", Spigner anasema. Mazungumzo hayo yalifanyika karibu miaka minane iliyopita. Spigner, ambaye ni Mmarekani mweusi na wa Asia ya Kusini-Mashariki, anasema alipokumbuka uzoefu huo kwenye Twitter mwezi uliopita, "kwa bahati mbaya, watu wengi walishiriki hadithi kama hizo". "Hii ni kitu ambacho kinatokea kote nchini na ni jambo la kawaida sana, hasa kwa wanafunzi wa rangi, kupata kukata tamaa, ""alisema." Kwa miongo kadhaa, mashirika ya kuongoza ya matibabu yamekuwa yakijaribu kugawanya safu za madaktari, ambapo madaktari weusi na wa Kihispania bado hawawakilishwa sana ikilinganishwa na uwiano wao wa idadi ya watu wa Marekani. Hii ni muhimu kwa sababu utafiti umeonyesha kuwa watu kutoka makundi ya rangi na makabila yasiyo na uwakilishi wa kutosha wanaweza kuwa na matokeo bora ya afya wakati madaktari wao wanaonekana kama wao. Utafiti uliochapishwa katika jarida la JAMA Health Forum unaonyesha kuwa kuna sababu nyingi, ikiwa ni pamoja na shinikizo la kifedha na ubaguzi, ambazo zinaweza kuwazuia wanafunzi wenye rangi ya rangi kutoka kwa kufanya hivyo kwa kweli kwenda shule ya matibabu. Utafiti huo ulichunguza majibu ya wanafunzi zaidi ya 81,000 waliochukua mtihani wa uandikishaji wa Chuo cha Matibabu. "Hata hivyo, utafiti huo unaonyesha kwamba ""watu hujifunza kwa miezi, au hata miaka, ili kuhitimu,"" anasema mwandishi wa kwanza wa utafiti huo, Dakt. Jessica Faiz, Mtaalamu wa Utafiti wa Chuo Kikuu cha California, Los Angeles "Uliilipia mtihani huo. Ulichukua muda mwingi sana kujifunza. "Kama unavyojua, ni rahisi sana kuamua kuhamia shule ya matibabu, ""anasema Faiz, daktari wa dharura na mwanachama wa Programu ya Kitaifa ya Wanafunzi wa Kliniki katika UCLA." Hata hivyo, Faiz na wenzake walipata kwamba wachunguzi weusi na Wahispania walikuwa na uwezekano mdogo wa kuomba na kujiandikisha katika shule ya matibabu kuliko wachunguzi weupe. Wanafunzi weusi, Wahispania na Wenyeji wa Asili wa Amerika walikuwa na uwezekano mkubwa zaidi wa kusema walikabiliwa na vizuizi vya kifedha, kama vile ugumu wa kupata vifaa vya maandalizi ya mtihani na tayari kuwa na mikopo mikubwa ya mwanafunzi. "Hata hivyo, wana uwezekano mkubwa zaidi wa kukabiliwa na kukata tamaa kutoka kwa washauri wakati wa kuomba shule ya matibabu ikilinganishwa na wenzao weupe, ""anasema mwandishi mwenza wa utafiti Dk Utib Essien, profesa msaidizi wa dawa na mtafiti wa usawa wa afya katika UCLA." "Wanafunzi wa asili ya Amerika, Hispania na weusi walikuwa na uwezekano mkubwa wa kwenda kwa chuo kikuu cha chini, ambacho watafiti walifafanua kama ""koleji na mchakato wa uandikishaji wa chini na wengi wa wanafunzi wanaoishi nje ya chuo kikuu.""" "Kama vile ilivyo kwa wanafunzi wa matibabu, ""mfano wa kufanikiwa ni kuwa na uhusiano wa karibu na marafiki wa karibu na kuwa na uhusiano wa karibu na marafiki wa karibu,"" Faiz anasema." Kwa mfano, utafiti uligundua kwamba wanafunzi wa rangi walikuwa na uwezekano mdogo wa kuwa na kivuli daktari - uzoefu ambao unaweza polish maombi ya shule ya matibabu. Faiz anasema kwamba uwezekano huonyesha ukosefu wa aina ya uhusiano ambayo hufanya iwe rahisi kuanzisha aina hiyo ya uzoefu. "Essens anasema: ""Utafiti wa miaka mingi umeonyesha kwamba wagonjwa wenye rangi ya rangi wanaweza kufaidika na kuwa na daktari wa rangi yao au asili yao." Kwa mfano, utafiti umeonyesha kuwa watu hao walikuwa na uwezekano mkubwa zaidi wa kupokea huduma za kuzuia ugonjwa mwaka uliopita na walikuwa na uwezekano mkubwa zaidi wa kuridhika na huduma za afya wanazopokea. "Kuhusu watu wa jamii ndogo, Essien anasema, ""kuwa na daktari anayefanana na wewe hufanya iwe rahisi kukubali chanjo ya mafua, kufanya uchunguzi wa utumbo, au kufikiria upasuaji wa moyo wenye kuathiri zaidi.""" Utafiti wa hivi karibuni unaonyesha kuwa watu weusi wanaishi kwa muda mrefu zaidi katika maeneo yenye madaktari weusi. Utafiti huo ulifunua kwamba zaidi ya nusu ya wilaya za Marekani hazikujumuishwa katika uchunguzi huo kwa sababu hazikuwa na daktari mweusi. Faiz anasema matokeo hayo, ambayo yalichapishwa siku ileile ya utafiti aliokuwa akiongoza, yanaonyesha kwa nini ni muhimu sana kuelewa vizuri sababu zinazoweka wanafunzi wa rangi kutoka shule ya matibabu. "Essene anasema: ""Hatuwezi kuamini kwamba kuna tofauti kati ya watu wa jamii moja na ile nyingine kwa sababu ya ubinadamu." "Hakika, kwa kweli, ni kuokoa maisha.""" Jaya Aysola, Mkurugenzi Mtendaji wa Kituo cha Penn Medicine cha Maendeleo ya Usawa wa Afya Alitoa maoni yake katika jarida la JAMA Health Forum. Aysola anasema utafiti huo unaangazia vikwazo vya kifedha na upendeleo usio na fahamu ambao unaweza kuzuia njia ya shule ya matibabu kwa wanafunzi wa rangi. "Kutoka kwa wale wanaokushauri kuwasilisha maombi hadi wale wanaokusaidia kuchagua maombi yako, hadi wale wanaokuhoji, kuna upendeleo katika mchakato huo wote, ""Aysola anasema." Kuhusu Sabina Spigner? Hakuruhusu kukata tamaa kwa mshauri wake wa kabla ya matibabu kumzuia kufuatia ndoto zake za shule ya kitiba. Aliamua kwanza kwenda shule ya kuhitimu. Alimaliza na digrii mbili za uzamili <unk> katika sayansi na afya ya umma <unk> kabla ya kwenda Chuo Kikuu cha Pittsburgh Shule ya Tiba. Wakati yeye kuhitimu mwezi ujao, yeye itakuwa rasmi kuwa Daktari Spigner hatimaye. "Anasema: ""Ninaamini kwamba ni wewe tu unayeweza kujua kama utafanikiwa au la." Si kazi ya mtu mwingine kusema hivyo". "Mimi ni uthibitisho kwamba kuna njia", aongeza. Atachukua nafasi yake ya kuwa daktari wa wanawake na uzazi katika Chuo Kikuu cha Northwestern mwezi Juni. Copyright: NPR Kwa maelezo zaidi, tembelea www.nl.org. | <urn:uuid:1dee1d81-8547-40e2-aaa9-9c7afa3e2298> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://www.publicradiotulsa.org/npr-national-news/npr-national-news/2023-04-20/diversity-in-medicine-can-save-lives-heres-why-there-arent-more-doctors-of-color | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
Mon Aug 30 2021 14:36
2 minutes Read
These skills should allow you to be able to complete the basic structure of any short essay. Once you have mastered these skills then they can be implemented when doing a larger scale article.
Good study skills require that you be able to write a five paragraph essay. Better marks will result from this ability and exams will become easier.
When writing a five paragraph essay the steps required are different from high school to college. Writing essays during exams is difficult and when you have limited time to complete them the level of stress greatly increases.
When preparing an essay outline it is essential that you have good notes. Great numbers of students go into essay exams after studying their notes only. This allows for missed information and creates unnecessary stress, but learning to write a five paragraph essay will help eliminate these things. Look at all of your lecture notes and textbooks before you prepare to create the essay outline.
Once you have completed an outline, practice writing essays to become more comfortable with the process. The primary reason that you learn the formatting is to make sure that nothing is left out when you write the actual essay. Make sure that you stick to the points as covered in this section to avoid unnecessary content and maximize your marks.
The principals always remain the same and the format is also unchanged. After you have written several short articles then there will be no problem moving into a larger scale article. Your comfort level also increases with each time you sit down and write an article. Good Luck with your future writing skills.
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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7503042
Vikas Hooda is an experienced content writer. He has been writing for over 10 years. His writing is clear, concise, and highly informative, making him a perfect choice for writing educational content.
Get a tutor for homework help 24/7 in 50+ subjects including Math help, Mechanical Engineering help and English. We help thousands of students get better grades every day. Get an expert tutor now. We assist students with their homework, assignment and quick sessions, essay writing, lab reports and project work | "Mwanzo, Agosti 30, 2021: ""Msomaji, kwa sababu ya ujuzi wako, unaweza kuunda maandishi ya maandishi ya maandishi ya maandishi." Mara baada ya wewe kuwa na ustadi ujuzi huu kisha wanaweza kutekelezwa wakati wa kufanya makala kubwa kiwango. Uwezo wa kusoma vizuri unahitaji kwamba uweze kuandika insha ya mafungu matano. Alama bora zitatokana na uwezo huu na mitihani itakuwa rahisi. Wakati wa kuandika insha ya mafungu matano hatua zinazohitajika ni tofauti kutoka shule ya sekondari hadi chuo kikuu. Kuandika insha wakati wa mitihani ni ngumu na wakati una muda mdogo wa kuzifanya, kiwango cha mkazo huongezeka sana. Unapotayarisha muhtasari wa insha ni muhimu kwamba uwe na maelezo mazuri. Idadi kubwa ya wanafunzi huingia katika mitihani ya insha baada ya kusoma maelezo yao tu. Hii inatoa fursa ya kukosa habari na kuunda mkazo usio wa lazima, lakini kujifunza kuandika insha ya aya tano itasaidia kuondoa mambo haya. Angalia maelezo yako yote ya hotuba na vitabu vya masomo kabla ya kujitayarisha kuunda muhtasari wa insha. Mara tu unapomaliza muhtasari, jifunze kuandika insha ili uwe na starehe zaidi katika mchakato huo. Sababu ya msingi ya kujifunza format ni kuhakikisha kwamba hakuna kitu ni kushoto nje wakati wa kuandika insha halisi. Hakikisha kwamba wewe kushikamana na pointi kama kufunikwa katika sehemu hii ili kuepuka maudhui yasiyo ya lazima na kuongeza alama yako. Kanuni daima kubaki sawa na muundo pia ni unchanged. Baada ya kuandika makala fupi kadhaa basi hakutakuwa na tatizo la kuhamia makala kubwa zaidi. Kiwango chako cha faraja pia huongezeka kila mara unapoketi na kuandika makala. Bahati nzuri na ujuzi wako wa kuandika wa baadaye. Kwa sababu ya tovuti nyingi za kuandika insha, QuizBuzz ni moja ambayo inachunguza kila hatua ya orodha ya juu na inaweza kuwa jukwaa lako la msaada kwa msaada wowote wa kuandika insha! "Kutoka kwa ""Kutoka kwa "" (Kutoka kwa ""Kutoka kwa ""), Vikas Hooda ni mwandishi wa maudhui mwenye uzoefu." Amekuwa akichora kwa zaidi ya miaka kumi. Maandishi yake ni wazi, mafupi, na yenye kuelimisha sana, na kumfanya kuwa chaguo bora la kuandika maudhui ya kielimu. Msaada wa kazi za nyumbani kwa siku 24 kwa siku katika masomo zaidi ya 50, ikiwa ni pamoja na msaada wa hisabati, msaada wa uhandisi wa mitambo na Kiingereza. Tunawasaidia maelfu ya wanafunzi kupata alama bora kila siku. Pata mwalimu stadi sasa hivi. Sisi kusaidia wanafunzi na kazi zao za nyumbani, mgawo na vikao vya haraka, kuandika insha, ripoti za maabara na kazi ya mradi | <urn:uuid:34c8cd84-beea-4431-a651-1c2cc0f0b724> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://www.quizbroz.com/blog/post/how-to-write-short-essay | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
We all know that smoking is not good for your health. It causes lung cancer, strokes and coronary heart disease, to name just a few.
However, many people don’t realise that smoking is also harmful to your musculoskeletal system. Smoking can increase your risk of developing bone and joint conditions, and can also have an impact on your recovery from a musculoskeletal injury or surgery.
In this article we discuss a number of the problems smoking can have on your bones and joints.
According to research conducted by Petre et al from Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine in 2014, people with sub-acute back pain who smoked were three times more likely to progress to persistent back pain than non-smokers¹. MRI findings indicated that smoking is changing how the pain signal is interpreted and processed in the brain, but further research is required to fully understand what is happening.
Studies have also shown that smoking may be directly responsible for intervertebral disc degeneration as it causes cell damage in the annulus and nucleus.
Smokers are more likely to suffer overuse injuries such as bursitis or tendonitis, and traumatic injuries such as sprains and fractures, than non-smokers. Fractures and broken bones take longer to heal in smokers, and for some people broken bones do not heal in smokers. This slow bone healing is due to nicotine negatively effecting the production of bone-forming cells. In addition, smokers who do heal are more likely to have persistent pain and other complications afterwards.
There is growing evidence that cigarette smoking adversely affects spinal fusion healing. New bone growth is necessary for a fusion to heal and smoking disrupts the body’s system that contribute to bone formation and growth.
Smoking leads to an increased risk of developing osteoporosis, a weakness of bone that causes fractures. People with osteoporosis have a much higher risk of fractures, particularly of the hip and vertebra. Women who smoke also tend to have an earlier menopause than non-smokers, another risk factor for osteoporosis.
The tobacco in cigarettes decreases your bone density as it adversely affects your bone cells. It reduces the blood supply to your bones, it slows the production of bone-forming cells (osteoblasts) so they make less bone, it reduces calcium absorption required for bone mineralisation, and it increases the speed at which oestrogen is broken down, a hormone that helps protect your bones.
Evidence of smoking causing decreased bone mineral density and roughly one in eight hip fractures was demonstrated in a meta-analysis in 1997 of 29 published cross-sectional studies². They concluded that the cumulative excess bone loss over decades is substantial and by age 80 this can translate into 6% lower bone mineral density. Hip fracture risk among smokers compared to non-smokers is estimated to be 17% greater at age 60, 41% greater at 70, 71% greater at 80, 108% greater at 90.
Rotator cuff (shoulder) tears
Studies have suggested that smoking is associated with the development of rotator cuff tears and often smokers develop larger tears than non-smokers.
Nicotine is a potent vasoconstrictor and decreases the delivery of oxygen to tissues as well as carbon monoxide decreasing cellular oxygen tension levels necessary for cellular metabolism, and is probably related to tendon quality in smokers.
Some research has also shown a negative correlation with tobacco consumption and wound repair at surgical sites. Nicotine delays and inhibits tendon to bone healing, which is required to recover from rotator cuff surgery.
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic inflammatory autoimmune disease caused by both genetic and environmental factors. RA causes your body’s immune system, that normally protects your body from attacks by foreign substances, to mistakenly attack your joints and causes swelling and pain in and around them.
Smoking has been implicated as one of the most important risk factors for RA development and severity. Smokers also have an increased risk of more-severe rheumatoid arthritis and they are less likely to experience remission. Smoking decreases the effectiveness of some drugs used to treat RA.
Many people with rheumatoid arthritis aren't aware that smoking is making their condition worse. | Sote tunajua kwamba kuvuta sigareti si jambo zuri kwa afya yako. Husababisha kansa ya mapafu, kiharusi na ugonjwa wa moyo, ili tu taja chache. Hata hivyo, watu wengi hawajui kwamba kuvuta sigara pia ni hatari kwa mfumo wako wa misuli na mifupa. Kuvuta sigara kunaweza kuongeza hatari ya kuambukizwa magonjwa ya mifupa na viungo, na pia inaweza kuwa na athari kwa kupona kwako kutoka kwa jeraha la misuli au upasuaji. Katika makala hii, tutazungumzia baadhi ya madhara ambayo kuvuta sigareti kunaweza kusababisha kwa mifupa na viungo. Kulingana na utafiti uliofanywa na Petro et al kutoka Chuo Kikuu cha Northwestern cha Feinberg cha Tiba mnamo 2014, watu walio na maumivu ya mgongo ya chini ya makali ambao walivuta sigara walikuwa na uwezekano wa mara tatu zaidi wa kuendeleza maumivu ya mgongo ya kudumu kuliko wasio wavutaji sigara. Utafiti wa MRI unaonyesha kuwa uvutaji sigara unabadilisha jinsi ishara ya maumivu inavyoeleweka na kusindika katika ubongo, lakini utafiti zaidi unahitajika kuelewa kikamilifu nini kinachotokea. Utafiti pia umeonyesha kwamba kuvuta sigara kunaweza kusababisha uharibifu wa diski ya kati ya uti wa mgongo kwa sababu husababisha uharibifu wa seli katika annulus na nucleus. Wauvi wana uwezekano mkubwa wa kupata majeraha ya matumizi ya kupita kiasi kama vile bursitis au tendonitis, na majeraha ya kiwewe kama vile sprains na fractures, kuliko wasio wavutaji sigara. Mvunjiko wa mifupa huchukua muda mrefu zaidi kwa wavutaji wa sigara, na kwa watu wengine mifupa iliyovunjika haiponyeki. Uponyaji huu wa mifupa wa polepole husababishwa na nikotini inayoathiri vibaya utengenezaji wa chembe zinazotengeneza mifupa. Kwa kuongezea, wavutaji sigareti wanaopona wana uwezekano mkubwa zaidi wa kuwa na maumivu ya kudumu na matatizo mengine baadaye. Kuna uthibitisho unaozidi kuongezeka kwamba kuvuta sigareti huathiri vibaya uponyaji wa mshuko wa uti wa mgongo. Ukuaji mpya wa mifupa ni muhimu kwa ajili ya mchanganyiko wa kuponya na uvutaji sigara huvuruga mfumo wa mwili ambao huchangia muundo wa mifupa na ukuaji. Uvutaji sigareti huongeza hatari ya kupatwa na ugonjwa wa mifupa, udhaifu wa mifupa unaosababisha kuvunjika. Watu wenye ugonjwa wa mifupa wana hatari kubwa zaidi ya kuvunjika, hasa ya kiuno na uti wa mgongo. Wanawake wanaovuta sigara pia huwa na msimu wa kupumzika mapema kuliko wale wasiovuta sigara, jambo lingine linaloweza kusababisha ugonjwa wa mifupa. Tumbaku katika sigara hupunguza unene wa mifupa yako kwa sababu huathiri vibaya chembe za mifupa yako. Inapunguza usafirishaji wa damu kwa mifupa, hupunguza uzalishaji wa chembe zinazotengeneza mifupa (osteoblasts) ili kutengeneza mifupa kidogo, hupunguza kunyonya kwa kalsiamu inayohitajika kwa mineralization ya mifupa, na huongeza kasi ambayo estrojeni huvunjwa, homoni ambayo husaidia kulinda mifupa yako. Utafiti wa mwaka 1997 wa utafiti wa utafiti wa 29 uliotolewa na utafiti wa utafiti wa utafiti wa utafiti wa utafiti wa utafiti wa utafiti wa utafiti wa utafiti wa utafiti wa utafiti wa utafiti wa utafiti wa utafiti wa utafiti wa utafiti wa utafiti wa utafiti wa utafiti wa utafiti wa utafiti wa utafiti wa utafiti wa utafiti wa utafiti wa utafiti wa utafiti wa utafiti wa utafiti wa utafiti wa utafiti wa utafiti wa utafiti wa utafiti wa utafiti wa utafiti wa utafiti wa utafiti wa utafiti wa utafiti wa utafiti wa utafiti wa utafiti wa utafiti wa utafiti wa utafiti wa utafiti wa utafiti wa utafiti wa utafiti wa utafiti wa utafiti wa utafiti wa utafiti wa utafiti wa utafiti wa utafiti wa utafiti wa utafiti. Kwa mujibu wa utafiti huo, kupoteza mifupa kwa miaka mingi ni muhimu na kufikia umri wa miaka 80, hii inaweza kutafsiri katika kiwango cha chini cha madini ya mifupa. Uwezekano wa kuvunjika kwa kiuno kwa watu wanaovuta sigara ni mkubwa kwa asilimia 17 katika umri wa miaka 60 na asilimia 41 katika umri wa miaka 70 na asilimia 71 katika umri wa miaka 80 na asilimia 108 katika umri wa miaka 90. Matatizo ya rotator cuff (mabega) Matatizo ya rotator cuff (mabega) Matatizo ya rotator cuff (mabega) Matatizo ya rotator cuff (mabega) Matatizo ya rotator cuff (mabega) Matatizo ya rotator cuff (mabega) Matatizo ya rotator cuff (mabega) Matatizo ya rotator cuff (mabega) Matatizo ya rotator cuff (mabega) Nikotini ni vasoconstrictor nguvu na hupunguza utoaji wa oksijeni kwa tishu, pamoja na kaboni monoksidi, kupunguza viwango vya oksijeni ya seli muhimu kwa kimetaboliki ya seli, na pengine inahusiana na ubora wa tendon katika wavutaji sigara. Utafiti fulani pia umeonyesha uhusiano mbaya na matumizi ya tumbaku na uponyaji wa majeraha katika maeneo ya upasuaji. Nikotini huchelewesha na kuzuia uponyaji wa tendon hadi mifupa, ambayo inahitajika kupona kutokana na upasuaji wa rotator cuff. Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) ni ugonjwa wa autoimmune unaosababishwa na vimelea na mazingira. RA husababisha mfumo wa kinga wa mwili wako, ambao kwa kawaida hulinda mwili wako dhidi ya mashambulizi ya vitu vya kigeni, kwa makosa kushambulia viungo vyako na kusababisha uvimbe na maumivu ndani na karibu nao. Uvutaji sigara ni moja ya sababu za hatari za kuambukiza ugonjwa wa RA. Wavuvi pia wana hatari kubwa ya kupatwa na ugonjwa wa viungo vya mwili wenye ugonjwa wa rheumatoid na hawawezi kupona. Kuvuta sigareti hupunguza ufanisi wa dawa fulani zinazotumiwa kutibu RA. Watu wengi walio na ugonjwa wa nyundo za uti wa mgongo hawajui kwamba kuvuta sigareti kunafanya hali yao iwe mbaya zaidi. | <urn:uuid:e5705259-2829-4d6d-a137-a587df8a3fae> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://www.ramsayhealth.co.uk/blog/lifestyle/four-effects-of-smoking-on-your-bones-and-joints | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
Flipper and Finnegan by Sophie Cunningham. Illus. by Anil Tortop
Flipper and Finnegan are are Little Penguins enjoying a glorious life on Phillip Island. They love their special place in the world alongside other wildlife such as seals, bandicoots and Cape Barren Geese. Their days are filled with fish hunting in the clear blue ocean and at night they waddle up the beach to their cosy burrow. When an oil spills covers most of their colony in oil the ranges at the Wildlife Centre know that the penguins are in grave danger. Oily feathers mean the penguins can't keep warm and if they try to preen themselves to remove it the oil will make them sick. Inventive thinking and lots of help from knitters all over the world results in the penguins being put in tiny woollen jumpers until they can be properly cleaned.
There is a small paragraph at the end of the story about the true history behind the tale of Flipper and Finnegan and what we can do to help Little Penguins. There are a few penguin facts scattered within the story and the illustrations and text give a wonderful sense of place (both of Australia and Phillip Island itself). Anil Tortop's illustrations use light to great effect and her animals are cute and cuddly. This is a heartwarming story about what can be achieved when we come together for a cause but is also a reminder of the damage human activity is having on the world around us. While great for younger children this presents the view that after the penguins have been cleaned up they are returned back to a perfect world. This may be a bit simplistic and miss out on teaching points for older children (however it could also be a useful springboard for discussing these issues). A second true story title by this same author and illustrator is titled Tippy and Jellybean: The True Story of a Brave Koala Who Saved her Baby from a Bushfire.
Themes: Kindness, Community, Environmental Issues, Oil Spills, Penguins. | Flipper na Finnegan na Sophie Cunningham. Illus. (Mwanamke mwenye umri wa miaka 18) Anil Tortop na Finnegan ni pengwini wadogo wanaofurahia maisha mazuri kwenye Kisiwa cha Phillip. Wao wanapenda mahali pao pa pekee ulimwenguni pamoja na wanyama wengine wa porini kama vile sili, bandicoots na Cape Barren Geese. Siku zao hujazwa na kuwinda samaki katika bahari ya bluu iliyo wazi na usiku wao hupanda ufuoni hadi kwenye shimo lao lenye kustarehesha. Wakati wa kuvuja kwa mafuta, pengwini hufunika sehemu kubwa ya koloni yao kwa mafuta, na hifadhi za wanyama wa porini hujua kwamba pengwini wako katika hatari kubwa. "Kama pengwini ana manyoya yenye mafuta, hawezi kuhifadhi joto, na kama anajaribu kuondoa mafuta hayo, ataugua.""" Kwa sababu ya ubunifu na msaada wa waandaaji kutoka kote ulimwenguni, pengwini hao wanawekwa ndani ya suti ndogo za suti hadi zitakaposafishwa vizuri. "Hii ni sehemu ya hadithi ya ""Flipper na Finnegan"" na ""Tunawezaje kuwasaidia Penguins wadogo?""" Kuna ukweli wa penguin katika hadithi na picha na maandishi kutoa hisia ya ajabu ya mahali (wote Australia na Phillip Island yenyewe). Picha za Anil Tortop hutumia mwanga kwa athari kubwa na wanyama wake ni wazuri na wenye kupendeza. Hii ni hadithi yenye kufurahisha juu ya kile kinachoweza kupatikana wakati tunapokusanyika pamoja kwa sababu, lakini pia ni ukumbusho wa uharibifu ambao shughuli za binadamu zinafanya kwa ulimwengu unaotuzunguka. Ingawa ni nzuri kwa watoto wadogo, hii inatoa mtazamo kwamba baada ya pengwini kuwa kusafishwa wanarudishwa tena katika ulimwengu kamilifu. Hii inaweza kuwa kidogo simplistic na kukosa juu ya mafundisho pointi kwa ajili ya watoto wakubwa (lakini inaweza pia kuwa muhimu springboard kwa ajili ya kujadili masuala haya). "Mwanamke huyo pia ni mwandishi wa vitabu vya hadithi, na mwandishi wa vitabu vya hadithi ya kweli, ""Tippy na Jellybean: Hadithi ya kweli ya Koala mwenye ujasiri ambaye aliokoa mtoto wake kutoka kwa moto wa Bush.""" Mandhari: Fadhili, Jumuiya, Masuala ya Mazingira, Mvua ya Mafuta, Penguin. | <urn:uuid:cbc23fff-7d00-4647-87a2-247adcf992a3> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://www.readplus.com.au/reviews/flipper-and-finnegan | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
Dissertation Writing Guidelines – A Brief Guide for Beginners
Published byat January 26th, 2023 , Revised On February 7, 2023
A dissertation is a scholarly work that is written after completing an undergraduate or graduate degree. It is a document that proves that you have fully completed your academic program and can now speak on the topic of your study.
Dissertation writing Guidelines provide a step-by-step guide for writing a dissertation. Dissertation writing guidelines can provide the essential information you need to write a successful dissertation. This article provides tips on structuring your paper, planning your research, and improving your writing skills.
By following these guidelines, you will be sure to produce a high-quality dissertation that meets the expectations of your academic institution.
Get to Know your Strength and Weaknesses
Assess your strengths and weaknesses as a writer. This will help you identify which areas need more work and which strengths you can build on in your dissertation.
Prioritize your Goals
Prioritize your goals for writing the dissertation. Once you have assessed your strengths and weaknesses, it is important to prioritize what you want to achieve with the document. Please do not get overwhelmed by the task of writing a dissertation; break it down into small, manageable steps. This will help you stay organized and motivated throughout the process.
Define the Purpose of the Dissertation
First and foremost, you should have a clear thesis statement at the heart of your dissertation. This statement should be based on your research and reflect your conclusions. Define the purpose of your dissertation early on. This will help you focus your research and writing.
Draft an Outline
Start by drafting an outline. A good way to get started is to create an outline corresponding to your dissertation project’s structure. This will help you stay organized as you write and will also help you avoid making any major errors in syntax or organization early on in the process.
Proper References and Citations
You should also ensure that your data is properly organized and cited in your text. This will help support your arguments and help readers understand how your findings relate to existing literature. Include research results in the manuscript by referencing each study you used in your work. The more attention you can pay to the format, the better.
Use Clear Language
Use clear, concise language when describing your findings. Many students need help writing clear, concise language. To start with, always use active and concrete language. For example, instead of saying, “I am not sure if I understand what you mean,” try “, Can you please clarify what you are trying to say?” This will make it easier for your reader to understand what you are saying and avoid confusion.
A dissertation can be in any format, but it most commonly consists of an introduction, body, and conclusion. The introduction will give the reader an overview of your thesis and how it relates to the field of study. The body will contain the research findings and arguments supporting your thesis. Finally, the conclusion will summarise your findings and suggestions for future research.
Be Ready for Unexpected Challenges
Plan ahead for any unexpected challenges that may arise. For example, be sure to account for formatting or citation issues that may come up later on in the process.
Be patient and consistent with your work – keep going until you’ve even begun! Remember, a good dissertation is worth its weight in gold – don’t let it go to waste by rushing through the process!
Proofread your Work
Finally, ensure you proofread your work carefully before submitting it for review.
It is essential that all dissertation writing be flawlessly executed in order to achieve the best possible results.
Why are Dissertation Guidelines Important?
The dissertation writing guidelines provide succinct and organized steps for students to complete dissertations. The guidelines are designed to help students stay on track and submit their work on time. These guidelines include step-by-step instructions, sample essays, and example questions. The guidelines also offer helpful tips for improving the quality of your work.
They can help you stay on track and avoid common mistakes in doctoral writing. Additionally, they can guide you on how to write a successful dissertation proposal. Finally, they can act as a benchmark for your work and help you to reflect on your progress over time.
Looking for Dissertation Writing Services?
We understand that choosing the right dissertation writing assistance can be daunting, so we make it easy for you to find what you’re looking for. You should always see the feature detailed descriptions of each service a dissertation writing service offers, as well as user reviews from other customers.
For the best assignment writing services, look no further than ResearchProspect! They offer the best dissertation writing services in the business, and their team of experienced writers is dedicated to providing high-quality work that meets your needs.
Whether you need help completing your research paper quickly and efficiently or you need help developing a comprehensive thesis proposal, their team of experts can help. In addition, they have a wide range of services available, so whether you need help with grammar or content, ResearchProspect can provide you with the assistance you need. | Maagizo ya Kuandika Dissertation - Mwongozo mfupi kwa Waanzaji - Kuchapishwa Januari 26, 2023 - Ilibadilishwa Februari 7, 2023 - Dissertation ni kazi ya kitaaluma iliyoandikwa baada ya kumaliza shahada ya kwanza au ya kuhitimu. Ni hati ambayo inathibitisha kwamba umemaliza programu yako ya kitaaluma na sasa unaweza kuzungumza juu ya mada ya utafiti wako. Dissertation kuandika Miongozo kutoa hatua kwa hatua mwongozo kwa ajili ya kuandika dissertation. Miongozo ya kuandika dissertation inaweza kutoa habari muhimu unahitaji kuandika dissertation mafanikio. Makala hii inatoa vidokezo juu ya kuunda karatasi yako, kupanga utafiti wako, na kuboresha ustadi wako wa kuandika. Kwa kufuata miongozo hii, utakuwa na uhakika wa kutengeneza dissertation ya ubora wa juu ambayo inakidhi matarajio ya taasisi yako ya kitaaluma. Jifunze nguvu na udhaifu wako - Jifunze nguvu na udhaifu wako kama mwandishi. Hii itakusaidia kutambua maeneo ambayo yanahitaji kazi zaidi na nguvu ambazo unaweza kujenga juu katika dissertation yako. Punguza malengo yako ya kuandika dissertation Baada ya kuchunguza nguvu na udhaifu wako, ni muhimu kuweka kipaumbele kile unachotaka kufikia na hati. Usiwe na wasiwasi juu ya kazi ya kuandika dissertation, kuivunja katika hatua ndogo, manageable. Hilo litakusaidia kuwa na utaratibu na kichocheo wakati wote wa kazi hiyo. Kuamua lengo la dissertation yako: Kwanza kabisa, unapaswa kuwa na taarifa ya thesis wazi katika moyo wa dissertation yako. Taarifa hii inapaswa kutegemea utafiti wako na kutafakari hitimisho lako. Fanya kazi ya kuamua lengo la dissertation yako mapema. Hii itakusaidia kuzingatia utafiti wako na kuandika. Kuandika rasimu ya rasimu Anza kwa kuandika rasimu ya rasimu. Njia nzuri ya kuanza ni kuunda muhtasari unaolingana na muundo wa mradi wako wa dissertation. Hii itakusaidia kukaa kupangwa wakati wa kuandika na pia itakusaidia kuepuka kufanya makosa yoyote makubwa katika syntax au shirika mapema katika mchakato. Maelezo ya sahihi na Utoaji: Hakikisha kwamba data yako imepangwa vizuri na imetajwa katika maandishi yako. Hii itasaidia kuunga mkono hoja zako na kuwasaidia wasomaji kuelewa jinsi matokeo yako yanavyohusiana na fasihi iliyopo. Ongeza matokeo ya utafiti katika hati kwa kutaja kila utafiti uliotumia katika kazi yako. Kadiri unavyozingatia muundo huo, ndivyo inavyokuwa bora. Tumia lugha iliyo wazi Tumia lugha iliyo wazi, fupi unapokuwa ukifafanua matokeo yako. Wanafunzi wengi wanahitaji msaada wa kuandika kwa lugha iliyo wazi na fupi. Kwanza, sikuzote tumia lugha yenye nguvu na yenye kutegemeka. "Kwa mfano, badala ya kusema, ""Sijui kama ninaelewa unachomaanisha,"" jaribu kusema, ""Je, unaweza kufafanua kile unachojaribu kusema?"" Hilo litamfanya msomaji wako aelewe kwa urahisi kile unachosema na kuepuka kuchanganyikiwa." Thesis inaweza kuwa katika muundo wowote, lakini kwa kawaida inajumuisha utangulizi, mwili, na hitimisho. Utangulizi utampa msomaji muhtasari wa thesis yako na jinsi inahusiana na uwanja wa utafiti. Mwili utakuwa na matokeo ya utafiti na hoja kuunga mkono thesis yako. Hatimaye, hitimisho litatoa muhtasari wa matokeo yako na mapendekezo kwa ajili ya utafiti wa baadaye. Jitayarishe kwa Matatizo Yasiyotazamiwa Kwa mfano, kuwa na uhakika wa akaunti kwa ajili ya kuunda au kutaja masuala ambayo inaweza kuja juu baadaye katika mchakato. Kuwa na subira na thabiti na kazi yako <unk> endelea hadi uwe umeanza hata! Kumbuka, dissertation nzuri ni thamani ya uzito wake katika dhahabu <unk> si basi ni kwenda bure kwa kukimbilia kupitia mchakato! Hebu angalia kazi yako kwa makini kabla ya kuipeleka kwa ajili ya ukaguzi. Ni muhimu kwamba maandishi yote ya dissertation kutekelezwa flawlessly ili kufikia matokeo bora iwezekanavyo. Kwa nini Miongozo ya Dissertation Ni Muhimu? Miongozo ya uandishi wa dissertation hutoa hatua fupi na kupangwa kwa wanafunzi kukamilisha dissertations. Miongozo hiyo imekusudiwa kuwasaidia wanafunzi waendelee kufuata utaratibu na kuwasilisha kazi zao kwa wakati. Miongozo hiyo inatia ndani maagizo ya hatua kwa hatua, vipindi vya mfano, na maswali ya mfano. Miongozo hiyo pia hutoa madokezo yenye kusaidia ya kuboresha ubora wa kazi yako. Wanaweza kukusaidia kukaa kwenye njia na kuepuka makosa ya kawaida katika uandishi wa udaktari. Kwa kuongezea, wanaweza kukuongoza juu ya jinsi ya kuandika pendekezo la dissertation yenye mafanikio. Mwishowe, zinaweza kutumika kama kipimo cha kazi yako na kukusaidia kufikiria maendeleo yako kwa muda. Kutafuta Huduma za Kuandika Dissertation? Tunaelewa kwamba kuchagua msaada wa kuandika dissertation haki inaweza kuwa ya kutisha, hivyo sisi kufanya hivyo rahisi kwa ajili yenu kupata nini wewe ni kuangalia kwa. Unapaswa daima kuona maelezo ya kina ya kila huduma ambayo huduma ya kuandika dissertation inatoa, pamoja na ukaguzi wa watumiaji kutoka kwa wateja wengine. Kwa huduma bora za uandishi wa kazi, tafuta tu ResearchProspect! Wao kutoa huduma bora ya kuandika dissertation katika biashara, na timu yao ya waandishi wenye uzoefu ni kujitolea kutoa kazi ya ubora wa juu ambayo inakidhi mahitaji yako. Kama unahitaji msaada wa kukamilisha kazi yako ya utafiti haraka na kwa ufanisi au unahitaji msaada wa kuendeleza pendekezo la thesis kamili, timu yao ya wataalamu inaweza kukusaidia. Kwa kuongezea, wana huduma nyingi zinazopatikana, kwa hivyo ikiwa unahitaji msaada na sarufi au yaliyomo, ResearchProspect inaweza kukupa msaada unaohitaji. | <urn:uuid:03568620-9d48-4f12-aa15-e64dbced3abf> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://www.researchprospect.com/dissertation-writing-guidelines-a-beginners-guide/ | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
Ankle pain is often due to an ankle sprain but can also be caused by ankle instability, arthritis, gout, tendonitis, fracture, nerve compression (tarsal tunnel syndrome), infection and poor structural alignment of the leg or foot. Ankle pain can be associated with swelling, stiffness, redness, and warmth in the involved area. The pain is often described as an intense dull ache that occurs upon weight bearing and ankle motion.
Initial treatment may consist of rest, ice, elevation, and immobilization, but may also include nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen, physical therapy, and cortisone injection. A foot and ankle surgeon can best determine the cause of the ankle pain and appropriate treatment options.
For more information on ankle pain see these valuable topics and articles:
Old Ankle Sprains Increase Risk for Newly Active Baby Boomers
peroneal tendon injuries
talar dome lesion
tarsal tunnel syndrome (nerve compression) | Maumivu ya mguu mara nyingi husababishwa na kupasuka kwa mguu lakini pia yanaweza kusababishwa na kutoelewana kwa mguu, arthritis, gout, tendonitis, fractures, compression ya neva (tarsal tunnel syndrome), maambukizo na usawa mbaya wa muundo wa mguu au mguu. Maumivu ya mguu yaweza kuhusishwa na uvimbe, ugumu, mwekundu, na joto katika eneo linalohusika. Mara nyingi maumivu hayo hufafanuliwa kuwa maumivu makali yasiyo na hisia ambayo hutokea unapobeba uzito na kusonga mguu. Matibabu ya kwanza yanaweza kuwa kupumzika, barafu, kuinuliwa, na kutoweka, lakini pia inaweza kujumuisha dawa zisizo za steroid za kupambana na uvimbe (NSAIDs) kama vile ibuprofen, tiba ya mwili, na sindano ya cortisone. Daktari wa upasuaji wa mguu na mguu wa miguu anaweza kujua kisababishi cha maumivu ya mguu na njia zinazofaa za kutibu. Kwa habari zaidi juu ya maumivu ya mguu tazama mada hizi muhimu na makala: Old Ankle Sprains Ongeza Hatari kwa Baby Boomers mpya Active peroneal tendon majeraha talar dome lesion tarsal tunnel syndrome (nerve compression) | <urn:uuid:2fa4dcee-241a-4c00-8937-de0bc2c47f5f> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://www.richmondfootandankleclinic.com/articles/acfas/category/47954 | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
The sign in the photo is probably too small in this reproduction to read, but it says that more than 600 beaver would be dropped that year and that 50 had already been dropped in the Chamberlain Basin, northeast of McCall and in the Lochsa-Selway area.
The crates, each containing one 80-100 pound beaver, were dropped in pairs, one male, one female, so that courtship could begin soon after the wooden containers opened on impact. Using cargo chutes, which would later be retrieved by employees hiking into the back country, the beaver boxes were dropped from about 600 feet.
This might seem a silly effort, but it was successful in getting more beavers into areas where they were needed. Yes, needed. Tens of thousands of beavers were taken for their fur in the 19th century, and trapping continues today on a smaller scale. The rodents can change the character of an area faster than anything, save fire. They create terrific habitat for dozens of species.
Beavers rarely fly, the previous example being the exception. They are the largest rodent in North America and the second largest in the world, edged out by South America’s capybara. | "Hata hivyo, ""kiashiria"" katika picha hii ni ndogo sana katika reproduction kusoma, lakini inasema kwamba zaidi ya 600 beavers itakuwa imeshuka mwaka huo na kwamba 50 tayari alikuwa imeshuka katika Chamberlain Basin, kaskazini mashariki ya McCall na katika Lochsa-Selway eneo." Kila sanduku lilikuwa na chombo cha kupigia kura, na kila sanduku lilikuwa na chombo cha kupigia kura, na kila sanduku lilikuwa na chombo cha kupigia kura. Kwa kutumia chutes za mizigo, ambazo baadaye zingechukuliwa na wafanyakazi waliopanda kwenda nyuma ya nchi, masanduku ya beaver yaliangushwa kutoka karibu futi 200. Huenda hilo likaonekana kuwa jambo la kipumbavu, lakini lilifanikiwa kuingiza beavers wengi zaidi katika maeneo ambako walihitajiwa. Ndiyo, ilihitajiwa. Katika karne ya 19, maelfu ya nyangumi waliuawa kwa sababu ya manyoya yao, na leo hii kuna watu wengi wanauawa kwa sababu ya manyoya yao. Wadudu wanaweza kubadilisha tabia ya eneo kwa kasi zaidi kuliko kitu kingine chochote, isipokuwa moto. Wao hufanyiza makao mazuri sana kwa ajili ya spishi nyingi. Nyangumi hawawezi kuruka sana, mfano uliotangulia ni wa kipekee. Wao ndio wanyama wakubwa zaidi wa kuogelea katika Amerika Kaskazini na wa pili kwa ukubwa ulimwenguni, wakishindwa na capybara wa Amerika Kusini. | <urn:uuid:8b707c04-be67-4f3d-9327-ba434765301d> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://www.rickjust.com/blog/flying-beaver | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
The Pharmaceutical Manufacturing industry stands as a pillar of global healthcare, tirelessly working behind the scenes to produce the medications that keep people healthy and treat various medical conditions. In this exploration, we delve into the multifaceted benefits and advantages that define the pharmaceutical manufacturing landscape, with a focus on the role of Pharmacy Manufacturers and the thriving industry in India.
Understanding Pharmaceutical Manufacturing:
Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Defined:
Pharmaceutical Manufacturing is the complex process of transforming raw materials into safe, effective, and high-quality medicines. This intricate journey involves the synthesis of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs), drug formulation, and the subsequent production and packaging of medications. The pharmaceutical manufacturing industry encompasses a wide array of activities, ranging from research and development to quality control and distribution.
Key Players: Pharmacy Manufacturers and Pharma Manufacturing Companies:
Pharmacy Manufacturers, often part of larger Pharma Manufacturing Companies, are the driving force behind the production of medicines. These entities play a crucial role in ensuring that medications are not only readily available but also meet the highest standards of safety and efficacy. The synergy between Pharmacy Manufacturers and the broader pharmaceutical manufacturing industry is essential for addressing the diverse healthcare needs of individuals globally.
Advantages of Pharmaceutical Manufacturing:
1. Innovation in Research and Development:
Continuous Exploration: Pharmaceutical Manufacturing is synonymous with innovation through Research and Development (R&D). Companies invest significantly in exploring new drug candidates, novel formulations, and cutting-edge technologies. This commitment to R&D ensures a constant stream of medical advancements, pushing the boundaries of healthcare.
Addressing Unmet Medical Needs: The industry's dedication to R&D allows for the discovery and development of new drugs that address previously unmet medical needs. This fosters a culture of innovation that contributes to improved treatment options for various diseases and conditions.
2. Job Creation and Economic Growth:
Diverse Employment Opportunities: Pharmaceutical Manufacturing creates a multitude of job opportunities across various disciplines. Scientists, researchers, technicians, manufacturing specialists, and marketing professionals all contribute to the industry's workforce. This diversity in employment fosters a dynamic and skilled labor pool.
Economic Contribution: Beyond job creation, the pharmaceutical manufacturing industry significantly contributes to economic growth. The production, distribution, and export of pharmaceuticals contribute to a country's Gross Domestic Product (GDP), stimulating economic development.
3. Quality Standards and Regulatory Compliance:
Ensuring Product Integrity: Quality standards and regulatory compliance are paramount in pharmaceutical manufacturing. The industry adheres to stringent guidelines, such as Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP), to ensure the integrity of the products. This commitment to quality is crucial for producing medications that are safe, effective, and reliable.
Meeting Global Regulatory Standards: Pharma Manufacturing Companies actively engage with regulatory authorities to ensure that their processes and products comply with international standards. This not only facilitates global trade but also instills confidence in the safety and efficacy of pharmaceuticals.
4. Accessibility of Medicines:
Generic Drug Production: A significant advantage of pharmaceutical manufacturing is the production of generic medicines. Generic drugs are cost-effective alternatives to brand-name medications, making essential treatments more accessible to a broader segment of the population.
Affordable Healthcare: The affordability of generic drugs has a profound impact on healthcare accessibility. Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Companies contribute to making medicines affordable not only within their home countries but also globally, particularly in developing nations.
5. Global Supply of Medications:
Meeting Global Healthcare Needs: Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Companies, especially those in countries like India, contribute significantly to the global supply of medications. Their capacity to produce a diverse range of drugs positions them as key players in addressing healthcare needs worldwide.
Emergency Response Capability: The global reach of pharmaceutical manufacturing is highlighted in times of health emergencies. The industry has demonstrated its ability to respond rapidly to crises, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, by scaling up the production of essential medications and vaccines.
6. Technological Advancements:
Automation and Efficiency: Advancements in technology, including automation and digitalization, are transforming pharmaceutical manufacturing processes. Automated systems enhance efficiency, reduce errors, and contribute to the overall quality and consistency of pharmaceutical products.
Innovative Manufacturing Techniques: The adoption of innovative manufacturing techniques, such as continuous manufacturing, allows for greater flexibility and efficiency in production. These advancements contribute to streamlining processes and reducing time-to-market for new medications.
7. Collaboration and Knowledge Exchange:
Global Collaborations: The pharmaceutical manufacturing industry thrives on collaborations between companies, research institutions, and healthcare organizations. These partnerships foster knowledge exchange, allowing for the pooling of resources and expertise to address complex healthcare challenges.
Technology Transfer: Collaborations often involve technology transfer, where manufacturing know-how is shared between organizations. This accelerates the adoption of best practices, leading to advancements in manufacturing processes and product development.
Pharmaceutical Manufacturing in India: A Case Study:
The Rise of Pharmaceutical Manufacturing in India:
India has emerged as a global powerhouse in pharmaceutical manufacturing, contributing significantly to the production of both generic and branded medications. The success of the Indian pharmaceutical industry is attributed to several key factors.
Skilled Workforce: India boasts a skilled and diverse workforce, including scientists, researchers, and manufacturing professionals, contributing to the industry's success.
Cost-Effective Production: The industry's ability to produce high-quality medicines at competitive prices has positioned India as a preferred destination for pharmaceutical manufacturing.
Research and Development Initiatives: Indian pharmaceutical companies actively invest in research and development, driving innovation and contributing to the global knowledge base.
Global Exporter: India's pharmaceutical industry is a major exporter of medications, meeting healthcare demands worldwide and contributing significantly to the country's economic growth.
Benefits of Pharmaceutical Manufacturing in India:
Affordable Medicines: Indian pharmaceutical companies are renowned for their production of affordable generic medicines, contributing to healthcare accessibility globally.
Global Impact: The global supply of medications from India addresses health disparities, particularly in developing nations, making essential treatments more affordable and available.
Capacity for Innovation: The Indian pharmaceutical industry's commitment to innovation ensures the development of new drugs and treatment modalities, contributing to global healthcare advancements.
Job Creation: The industry generates employment opportunities for a diverse range of professionals, supporting economic growth and development.
Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Companies are the unsung heroes of global healthcare, shaping the landscape of medicine through innovation, accessibility, and collaboration. From addressing unmet medical needs to contributing to economic growth, the benefits and advantages of pharmaceutical manufacturing are far-reaching. The industry's dynamic evolution, coupled with the rise of pharmaceutical manufacturing in India, underscores its pivotal role in advancing human health and well-being. As we navigate the future, the pharmaceutical manufacturing industry will continue to be a beacon of hope, providing solutions that improve lives around the world. | Sekta ya utengenezaji wa dawa ni nguzo ya huduma za afya duniani, inafanya kazi bila kuchoka nyuma ya pazia kutengeneza dawa ambazo zinawafanya watu wawe na afya na kutibu hali mbalimbali za matibabu. Katika utafiti huu, tunachunguza faida na faida nyingi ambazo hufafanua mazingira ya utengenezaji wa dawa, kwa kuzingatia jukumu la Watengenezaji wa Dawa na tasnia inayoendelea nchini India. Utaratibu wa utengenezaji wa dawa: Utengenezaji wa dawa ni mchakato tata wa kubadilisha malighafi kuwa dawa salama, bora na bora. Safari hii ngumu inajumuisha synthesis ya viungo vya dawa (API), uundaji wa dawa, na baadaye uzalishaji na ufungaji wa dawa. Sekta ya utengenezaji wa dawa inajumuisha shughuli nyingi, kuanzia utafiti na maendeleo hadi udhibiti wa ubora na usambazaji. "Wazalishaji wa dawa na kampuni za utengenezaji wa dawa, mara nyingi sehemu ya makampuni makubwa ya utengenezaji wa dawa, ni nguvu ya kuendesha nyuma ya uzalishaji wa dawa. """ Vituo hivi vina jukumu muhimu katika kuhakikisha kwamba dawa hazipatikani kwa urahisi tu lakini pia zinakidhi viwango vya juu zaidi vya usalama na ufanisi. Uunganisho kati ya wazalishaji wa dawa na sekta pana ya utengenezaji wa dawa ni muhimu kwa kushughulikia mahitaji mbalimbali ya huduma za afya ya watu ulimwenguni. Faida za Utengenezaji wa Dawa: 1. Ubunifu katika Utafiti na Maendeleo: Utafiti wa kuendelea: Utengenezaji wa dawa ni sawa na uvumbuzi kupitia Utafiti na Maendeleo (R&D). Kampuni huwekeza pesa nyingi katika kuchunguza dawa mpya, vipimo vipya, na teknolojia za kisasa. Kujitolea kwa R&D hutegemeza mtiririko wa maendeleo ya matibabu, kusukuma mipaka ya huduma za afya. "Kushughulikia mahitaji ya matibabu yasiyotimizwa: kujitolea kwa tasnia kwa R&D inaruhusu ugunduzi na maendeleo ya dawa mpya ambazo zinashughulikia mahitaji ya matibabu ambayo hayajakidhi hapo awali.""" Hii huendeleza utamaduni wa uvumbuzi ambao huchangia chaguzi bora za matibabu kwa magonjwa na hali mbalimbali. 2. Uwezekano wa kupata Uundaji wa ajira na ukuaji wa kiuchumi: Fursa mbalimbali za ajira: Utengenezaji wa dawa huunda fursa nyingi za ajira katika taaluma mbalimbali. Wanasayansi, watafiti, mafundi, wataalamu wa utengenezaji, na wataalamu wa uuzaji wote huchangia idadi ya wafanyakazi katika sekta hiyo. Tofauti hiyo katika kazi huendeleza idadi ya wafanyakazi wenye nguvu na wenye ujuzi. Mchango wa kiuchumi: Mbali na kuunda ajira, sekta ya utengenezaji wa dawa inachangia sana ukuaji wa kiuchumi. Uzalishaji, usambazaji, na usafirishaji wa dawa huchangia Pato la Taifa la Taifa (GDP) la nchi, na kuchochea maendeleo ya kiuchumi. 3. Uwe na mtazamo wa kweli Utaratibu wa ubora na kufuata kanuni: Kuhakikisha uadilifu wa bidhaa: Viwango vya ubora na kufuata kanuni ni muhimu sana katika utengenezaji wa dawa. Kampuni hiyo inashikilia kanuni za usahihi za utengenezaji (GMP) ili kuhakikisha ubora wa bidhaa. Kujitolea kwa ubora ni muhimu kwa ajili ya kutengeneza dawa zilizo salama, zenye matokeo, na zenye kutegemeka. Kujiunga na viwango vya kimataifa vya udhibiti: Kampuni za utengenezaji wa dawa zinafanya kazi kwa bidii na mamlaka za udhibiti ili kuhakikisha kwamba michakato na bidhaa zao zinakubaliana na viwango vya kimataifa. Hii si tu kuwezesha biashara ya kimataifa lakini pia instills imani katika usalama na ufanisi wa dawa. 4. Uwe na uhakika Upatikanaji wa Dawa: Uzalishaji wa Dawa ya Generic: Faida kubwa ya utengenezaji wa dawa ni uzalishaji wa dawa za generic. Dawa za generic ni mbadala wa gharama nafuu kwa dawa za bidhaa, na kufanya matibabu muhimu kupatikana kwa sehemu pana ya idadi ya watu. Usalama wa bei nafuu: Uwezo wa madawa ya kawaida una athari kubwa kwa upatikanaji wa huduma za afya. Kampuni za utengenezaji wa dawa zinachangia kufanya dawa ziwe nafuu sio tu ndani ya nchi zao lakini pia ulimwenguni, haswa katika nchi zinazoendelea. 5. Uwe na mtazamo mzuri. Utoaji wa Dawa Duniani: Kukutana na Mahitaji ya Huduma za Afya Duniani: Kampuni za Utengenezaji wa Dawa, haswa zile katika nchi kama India, zinachangia sana usambazaji wa dawa ulimwenguni. Uwezo wao wa kutengeneza dawa mbalimbali unawaweka kama wachezaji muhimu katika kushughulikia mahitaji ya huduma za afya ulimwenguni. Uwezo wa Kujibu Dharura: Ufikiaji wa kimataifa wa utengenezaji wa dawa unaangaziwa katika nyakati za dharura za afya. "Kampuni hiyo imeonyesha uwezo wake wa kukabiliana haraka na matatizo kama vile janga la COVID-19 kwa kuongeza uzalishaji wa dawa muhimu na chanjo.""" 6. Uwe na uhakika Maendeleo ya kiteknolojia: Automation na ufanisi: Maendeleo katika teknolojia, ikiwa ni pamoja na automatisering na digitalization, ni kubadilisha taratibu za utengenezaji wa dawa. Mifumo ya kiotomatiki huongeza ufanisi, hupunguza makosa, na kuchangia ubora wa jumla na uthabiti wa bidhaa za dawa. Uvumbuzi wa teknolojia ya ubunifu, kama vile ubunifu wa kuendelea, huwezesha kubadilika zaidi na ufanisi katika uzalishaji. Maendeleo haya yanachangia kurahisisha michakato na kupunguza muda wa kuuza dawa mpya. 7. Uwe na mtazamo gani? Ushirikiano na kubadilishana maarifa: Ushirikiano wa kimataifa: Sekta ya utengenezaji wa dawa inaendelea kwa ushirikiano kati ya makampuni, taasisi za utafiti, na mashirika ya huduma za afya. Ushirikiano huu huendeleza kubadilishana maarifa, ikiruhusu kuunganisha rasilimali na utaalam ili kukabiliana na changamoto ngumu za huduma za afya. Uhamisho wa teknolojia: Ushirikiano mara nyingi huhusisha uhamisho wa teknolojia, ambapo ujuzi wa utengenezaji unashirikiwa kati ya mashirika. Hii huongeza kasi ya kupitishwa kwa mazoea bora, na kusababisha maendeleo katika michakato ya utengenezaji na maendeleo ya bidhaa. Ujenzi wa dawa nchini India: Utafiti wa kesi: Kuongezeka kwa Ujenzi wa Dawa nchini India: India imeibuka kama nguvu ya kimataifa katika utengenezaji wa dawa, ikichangia kwa kiasi kikubwa uzalishaji wa dawa za kawaida na za branded. Mafanikio ya sekta ya dawa ya India yanatokana na mambo kadhaa muhimu. India ina nguvu za kazi zenye ujuzi na tofauti, pamoja na wanasayansi, watafiti na wataalamu wa utengenezaji, wanaochangia mafanikio ya tasnia. Uuzaji wa gharama nafuu: Uwezo wa tasnia ya kutengeneza dawa za ubora wa juu kwa bei ya ushindani umeweka India kama marudio ya kupendwa kwa utengenezaji wa dawa. Utafiti na Maendeleo: Kampuni za dawa za India zinawekeza kikamilifu katika utafiti na maendeleo, kuendesha uvumbuzi na kuchangia msingi wa maarifa ya kimataifa. India ni nchi ya kwanza duniani kusafirisha dawa, na inaongeza mahitaji ya huduma za afya duniani kote. "Kama ilivyoelezwa hapo juu, ""Kampuni za dawa za India zinajulikana kwa uzalishaji wao wa dawa za kawaida za bei nafuu, na kuchangia upatikanaji wa huduma za afya ulimwenguni.""" Utoaji wa dawa kutoka India unashughulikia tofauti za afya, haswa katika nchi zinazoendelea, na kufanya matibabu muhimu ya bei nafuu na inapatikana. Uwezo wa Ubunifu: Ahadi ya tasnia ya dawa ya India kwa ubunifu inahakikisha maendeleo ya dawa mpya na njia za matibabu, na kuchangia maendeleo ya huduma za afya za kimataifa. Uundaji wa kazi: Sekta hiyo inazalisha fursa za ajira kwa wataalamu mbalimbali, ikiunga mkono ukuaji wa kiuchumi na maendeleo. Kampuni za utengenezaji wa dawa ni mashujaa wasiojulikana wa huduma za afya za kimataifa, wakibadilisha mazingira ya dawa kupitia uvumbuzi, upatikanaji, na ushirikiano. Kutoka kushughulikia mahitaji ya matibabu yasiyotimizwa hadi kuchangia ukuaji wa kiuchumi, faida na faida za utengenezaji wa dawa ni za mbali. Mageuzi ya sekta hiyo, pamoja na kuongezeka kwa utengenezaji wa dawa nchini India, inasisitiza jukumu lake muhimu katika kuendeleza afya ya binadamu na ustawi. """Kama tunavyoelekea siku zijazo, sekta ya utengenezaji wa dawa itaendelea kuwa mwangaza wa matumaini, ikitoa suluhisho ambazo zinaongeza maisha duniani kote." | <urn:uuid:9bcbfcf6-18e4-49b6-8da4-cad280423c56> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://www.rklifecare.com/blog/pharmaceutical-manufacturing-industry-benefits | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
Introduction to Expanded Polypropylene
Expanded Polypropylene (EPP) is an innovative and versatile material that has gained significant recognition for its remarkable properties and diverse applications. EPP is a type of foam made from expanded polypropylene beads, resulting in a lightweight and resilient material with exceptional energy absorption capabilities. Its unique combination of strength, durability, and thermal insulation makes it a popular choice across various industries, ranging from automotive and packaging to sports and leisure.
In this article, we mainly introduce this excellent material from four aspects: its definition, type, characteristics, and uses. The picture to the left is some examples of what is possible with our EPP products. Send your 3D files and we can provide processing services for you.
What is Expanded Polypropylene (EPP)?
Expanded Polypropylene (EPP) is a highly versatile closed-cell foam material known for its exceptional energy absorption, impact resistance, thermal insulation, buoyancy, and recyclability, making it a preferred choice across various industries. With its lightweight yet durable nature, EPP offers a wide range of applications, from protective packaging and automotive components to thermal containers and buoyancy aids, providing reliable performance and sustainability.
What Is the History of Expanded Polypropylene?
Expanded Polypropylene (EPP) has a history dating back to the 1970s when it was first developed by JSP, a company engaged in researching new forms of polypropylene. Initially used in automotive products in Japan in 1982, EPP gained popularity due to its ability to improve energy management while reducing weight and providing environmental benefits. Since then, EPP has found extensive use in automotive applications, including energy-absorbing components in bumper systems, seating, and interior components. Its demand has grown globally, and it continues to be utilized in various industries.
What Is the Other Term for Expanded Polypropylene?
Another term for Expanded Polypropylene (EPP) is “expanded PP.”
How Is Expanded Polypropylene Made?
Expanded Polypropylene (EPP) is made through a molding process that involves expanding and fusing polypropylene beads. The beads are pre-expanded using steam and then placed into a mold where they are subjected to heat and pressure, resulting in the fusion of individual beads and the formation of a solid, lightweight foam structure with closed cells. The molding process allows for the creation of various shapes and densities of EPP products. Let’s delve deeper into the processing of Expanded Polypropylene (EPP):
The EPP manufacturing process begins with the pre-expansion of polypropylene (PP) beads. These beads are pre-expanded using steam or a physical blowing agent to achieve a specific density and expand their volume.
Once the pre-expansion is complete, the expanded beads are transferred to a mold cavity designed to create the desired shape of the final EPP product. The mold can be made of various materials, such as aluminum, steel, or composite.
3. Steam Chest Molding
The molding technique primarily used for EPP is called steam chest molding. During this process, the mold cavity is closed, and steam is injected into a steam chest surrounding the mold. The steam softens the expanded beads and causes them to expand further within the mold cavity.
4. Fusion and Shape Formation
As the steam continues to heat the beads, they begin to fuse. The pressure inside the mold helps shape the beads and create a solid foam structure. The duration of the molding process depends on factors such as the desired thickness, density, and complexity of the product.
5. Cooling and Demolding
After achieving the desired shape and density, the mold is cooled to solidify the fused beads. Cooling can be performed by circulating cool air or water through the mold. Once the EPP part has cooled and hardened, it is removed from the mold.
6. Trimming and Finishing
Trimming and finishing processes may be employed to remove any excess material or imperfections from the EPP part. This ensures the final product meets the required specifications and aesthetic standards.
7. Additional Processing
Depending on the intended application, further secondary operations may be performed on the EPP parts. These can include cutting, shaping, laminating, painting, printing, or assembling the parts with other components.
What Color Is Expanded Polypropylene?
Expanded Polypropylene (EPP) is typically available in a variety of colors. The color of EPP can vary based on the specific manufacturing process and the addition of colorants during production. It is commonly seen in shades of white, gray, or black. The picture below is an example of EPP raw materials:
What Does Expanded Polypropylene Look Like?
Expanded Polypropylene (EPP) has a distinct appearance characterized by its foam-like structure. It consists of interconnected cells, forming a lightweight and porous material. The surface of EPP typically has a textured or slightly rough texture. The foam structure of EPP gives it a unique and recognizable visual appeal. The specific appearance of EPP can vary based on factors such as the density, molding process, and any additional treatment or finishes applied to the surface. The picture below is an example of EPP parts:
What Are the Different Types of Expanded Polypropylene?
Expanded Polypropylene (EPP) can be categorized into different types based on its physical properties and intended applications. Here are some common types:
1. Automotive Grade EPP
This type of EPP is specifically designed for automotive applications, including energy-absorbing components, interior parts, and structural reinforcements in vehicles.
2. Packaging Grade EPP
EPP is widely used in packaging applications due to its cushioning and protective properties. Packaging grade EPP is utilized in cases, inserts, and trays to safeguard delicate and fragile items during transportation.
3. Thermal Insulation Grade EPP
EPP with enhanced thermal insulation properties is utilized in applications where heat or cold insulation is required. It can be found in building construction, HVAC systems, and temperature-controlled packaging.
4. Marine Grade EPP
EPP with excellent buoyancy and water resistance is suitable for marine applications such as floats, buoys, and marine safety equipment.
5. Sports and Recreation Grade EPP
EPP is utilized in sports and recreational equipment, such as helmets, protective gear, padding, and lightweight components for various sporting goods.
6. Industrial Grade EPP
EPP with high strength and durability is used in industrial applications, including material handling, load-bearing components, and equipment protection.
7. Customized EPP
Ruitai can purchase customized EPP raw materials for you or provide customized EPP raw materials yourself to meet the specific requirements of aerospace, electronics, healthcare, and other industries.
What Are the Characteristics of Expanded Polypropylene?
Expanded Polypropylene (EPP) possesses several characteristic properties that make it a sought-after material for various applications. Here are some key characteristics of EPP:
1. Lightweight: EPP is exceptionally lightweight, which allows for the creation of lightweight end products while maintaining structural integrity.
2. High Energy Absorption: EPP exhibits excellent energy absorption properties, making it ideal for impact-resistant applications. It can absorb and dissipate energy during impacts, providing enhanced safety and protection.
3. Excellent Cushioning: EPP has outstanding cushioning properties, making it an ideal material for packaging and protective applications. It can effectively absorb shocks and vibrations, safeguarding delicate and fragile items.
4. Thermal Insulation: EPP offers good thermal insulation properties, making it suitable for applications where temperature control is required, such as in building insulation or temperature-controlled packaging.
5. Chemical Resistance: EPP is resistant to most chemicals, oils, and solvents, which contributes to its durability and suitability for a wide range of environments.
6. Recyclable: EPP is a recyclable material, allowing for sustainable and environmentally friendly practices. It can be recycled and reused in various applications, reducing waste and promoting circular economy principles.
7. Versatile Processing: EPP can be easily molded into complex shapes and sizes, enabling the production of customized components for different industries. It can be molded with different densities and thicknesses to meet specific requirements.
8. Low Water Absorption: EPP has low water absorption properties, ensuring its dimensional stability and preventing degradation when exposed to moisture.
9. UV Resistance: EPP is resistant to ultraviolet (UV) radiation, making it suitable for outdoor applications where prolonged exposure to sunlight is expected.
What Are the Properties of Expanded Polypropylene?
In the table below, we summarize some common general properties of epp material :
What Are the Physical Properties of Expanded Polypropylene?
The table below lists some physical properties of epp:
|EPP Material Physical Properties Table
|Low to high density range depending on application
|Closed-cell foam structure
|Highly flexible and resilient
|High compressive strength
|Good tensile strength
|Excellent impact resistance
|Low thermal conductivity
|Low coefficient of thermal expansion
|Low water absorption
|Fully recyclable and environmentally friendly
|Good sound absorption properties
|Excellent buoyancy in water
|Typically -40°C to +100°C (-40°F to +212°F)
|Available in various colors
What Are the Chemical Properties of Expanded Polypropylene?
The table below lists some chemical epp:
|EPP Material Chemical Properties Table
|Resistant to most chemicals and solvents
|Low water absorption
|Resistant to biological degradation
|Resistant to oxidation
|Resistant to mild acids
|Resistant to mild alkalis
|Good resistance to UV radiation
|Self-extinguishing, low flammability
What Are the Mechanical Properties of Expanded Polypropylene?
The table below lists some mechanical properties of epp:
|EPP Material Mechanical Properties Table
|Good flexural strength
|Good tensile strength
|High compressive strength
|Excellent impact resistance
|Highly elastic and resilient
|Typically medium hardness
|Good resistance to fatigue
|Low creep tendency
|Generally high stiffness
|High fracture toughness
|Good shear strength
|Modulus of Elasticity
|Typically high modulus of elasticity
|Typically low Poisson's ratio
How to Compare the Main EPP Types?
The following is a comparison of several common epp materials:
|EPP Material Comparison Table
|Expanded Polypropylene (EPP)
|Automotive Grade EPP
|Packaging Grade EPP
|Thermal Insulation Grade EPP
|Marine Grade EPP
|Sports and Recreation Grade EPP
|Industrial Grade EPP
|Shore Hardness (D)
|Stress at Yield, MPa
|Elongation at Break, %
|Tensile Modulus, GPa
|Notched Impact Strength ASTM D256, J/m
|HDT A(1.8 MPa), °C
|Minimum Service Temperature, °C
|-40 to -10
|-30 to -10
|-40 to -20
|-40 to -20
|-30 to -10
|-30 to -10
|-40 to -10
|UL94 Fire Rating
What Are the Advantages of Expanded Polypropylene?
Expanded Polypropylene (EPP) offers several advantages that contribute to its popularity and wide range of applications. Here are some of the key advantages of EPP:
1. Lightweight: EPP is incredibly lightweight, allowing for the production of lightweight end products. This property is particularly beneficial in applications where weight reduction is critical, such as automotive and aerospace industries, as it can contribute to fuel efficiency and improved performance.
2. Excellent Impact Resistance: EPP exhibits exceptional impact resistance, making it ideal for applications that require protection against impacts, vibrations, and shocks. It can effectively absorb and dissipate energy, providing enhanced safety and durability.
3. Energy Absorption: EPP has outstanding energy absorption properties, making it highly suitable for applications that require cushioning and protection. It can absorb and distribute impact forces, reducing the risk of damage to fragile or sensitive components.
4. Thermal Insulation: EPP offers good thermal insulation properties, making it valuable in applications that require temperature control and energy efficiency. It helps to minimize heat transfer, providing insulation against both hot and cold temperatures.
5. Chemical Resistance: EPP is resistant to most chemicals, oils, and solvents. This property ensures its durability and suitability for a wide range of environments, including those exposed to harsh chemicals or corrosive substances.
6. Recyclability: EPP is fully recyclable, allowing for sustainable and environmentally friendly practices. It can be recycled and reused in various applications, promoting waste reduction and resource conservation.
7. Design Flexibility: EPP can be easily molded into complex shapes and sizes, offering design flexibility and customization options. It can be molded with different densities, thicknesses, and colors to meet specific requirements and aesthetic preferences.
8. Buoyancy: EPP exhibits excellent buoyancy in water, making it suitable for marine and water-related applications. It is widely used in floats, buoys, and water sports equipment.
9. Sound Absorption: EPP has good sound absorption properties, making it useful in applications that require noise reduction. It can help to dampen and absorb sound waves, contributing to a quieter environment.
What Are the Disadvantages of Expanded Polypropylene?
While Expanded Polypropylene (EPP) offers numerous advantages, it’s important to consider some of its potential disadvantages. Here are a few notable disadvantages of EPP:
1. Limited Temperature Resistance
EPP has a relatively limited temperature resistance compared to some other materials. It may deform or lose its mechanical properties when exposed to high temperatures above its recommended operating temperature range.
2. Limited UV Resistance
EPP may experience some degradation or color fading when exposed to prolonged ultraviolet (UV) radiation. To mitigate this, additional UV stabilizers or protective coatings may be required for outdoor applications.
EPP can be more expensive compared to other foam materials, such as Expanded Polystyrene (EPS). The cost of production and processing, as well as the customization options, can contribute to the higher overall cost of EPP products.
4. Limited Availability of Recycling Facilities
While EPP is recyclable, the availability of recycling facilities for EPP may be limited in certain regions. This can pose challenges for proper disposal and recycling practices.
EPP is combustible and can burn when exposed to a flame. However, it generally exhibits self-extinguishing properties and low flammability.
6. Surface Finish
The surface of EPP may have a textured, porous, or matte appearance, which may not be suitable for applications that require a smooth or glossy finish. Additional surface treatments or coatings may be required to achieve the desired aesthetic qualities.
7. Limited Chemical Resistance
While EPP is generally resistant to most chemicals and solvents, it may have limitations in handling certain aggressive chemicals or solvents.
What Processes Are Expanded Polypropylene Suitable for Processing?
Expanded Polypropylene (EPP) is a versatile material that can be processed using various manufacturing techniques. Here are some common processes suitable for processing EPP:
1. Injection Molding: EPP can be injection molded to produce complex shapes and intricate designs. The process involves injecting molten EPP into a mold, which then cools and solidifies to form the desired product.
2. Thermoforming: EPP sheets can be heated and formed into specific shapes using thermoforming processes. This method is commonly used for producing EPP packaging trays, automotive components, and protective casings.
3. Compression Molding: EPP can be compression molded by applying heat and pressure to pre-cut or pre-expanded EPP beads. The beads fuse to form a solid molded part. Compression molding is often used for larger, thicker EPP parts.
4. Cutting and Fabrication: EPP can be easily cut and fabricated into desired shapes using various cutting techniques such as die cutting, waterjet cutting, or CNC milling. This allows for the production of custom EPP components with precise dimensions.
5. Lamination: EPP can be laminated with other materials, such as fabrics or films, to enhance its properties or create composite structures. Lamination can improve the aesthetics, strength, or barrier properties of EPP products.
6. Welding: EPP can be welded together using techniques like hot plate welding or ultrasonic welding. Welding is often employed to join EPP parts, creating strong and durable bonds.
7. Foam-in-Place: EPP can be used in foam-in-place processes, where the molten EPP is injected into a mold or cavity and expands to fill the space, conforming to the shape of the mold. This method is commonly used for producing custom-fitted packaging or cushioning solutions.
8. Coating and Bonding: EPP surfaces can be coated or bonded with other materials, such as adhesives or coatings, to enhance their properties or achieve specific requirements like moisture resistance or improved surface finish.
What Is Expanded Polypropylene Used for?
Expanded Polypropylene (EPP) is a versatile material with a wide range of applications across various industries. Here are some common uses of EPP:
EPP is widely used in packaging applications due to its excellent cushioning and impact resistance properties. It is commonly used for protective packaging of fragile and sensitive products, such as electronics, appliances, automotive parts, and medical equipment.
2. Automotive Industry
EPP is extensively used in the automotive industry for various applications. It is utilized in interior components like door panels, instrument panels, headliners, and seat cores. EPP is also employed in bumper cores, energy absorbers, and crash pads due to its exceptional impact resistance and energy absorption capabilities.
3. Sports and Recreation
EPP is used in the manufacturing of sports and recreational equipment. It can be found in helmets, padding for sports gear, protective gear, flotation devices, and insulation for water sports equipment.
4. Construction and Building
EPP is utilized in the construction and building industry for insulation purposes. It is commonly used in insulation panels, roofing insulation, and concrete void forms. EPP’s thermal insulation properties, lightweight nature, and energy-efficient characteristics make it suitable for these applications.
EPP is employed in the production of furniture for its lightweight, durable, and comfortable properties. It is used in seating cushions, backrests, armrests, and padding for various types of furniture.
EPP is utilized in the electronics industry for the packaging and protection of electronic components. It provides cushioning and shock absorption, safeguarding delicate electronic devices during transportation and handling.
7. Medical and Healthcare
EPP is used in the medical and healthcare sectors for various applications. It is employed in medical packaging, transport trays, and protective casings for medical devices. EPP’s hygienic properties, resistance to chemicals, and ability to withstand sterilization processes make it suitable for medical applications.
8. Industrial Applications
EPP finds applications in various industrial sectors. It is used in industrial packaging, material handling trays, dunnage, and pallets. EPP’s lightweight nature, durability, and stackability make it suitable for these industrial applications.
What is the difference between EPP and EPS material?
Expanded Polypropylene (EPP) and Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) are both foam materials commonly used in various industries, but they have some key differences. Here are the main differences between EPP and EPS:
1. Material Composition: EPP is made from expanded polypropylene beads, while EPS is made from expanded polystyrene beads. The primary difference lies in the base polymer used for each material.
2. Mechanical Properties: EPP exhibits superior mechanical properties compared to EPS. EPP has higher impact resistance, flexural strength, and elasticity, making it more resilient and durable. EPS, on the other hand, is more rigid and brittle, with lower impact resistance.
3. Density: EPP has a higher density compared to EPS. The density of EPP typically ranges from 20 to 180 kg/m³, while EPS has a density ranging from 10 to 50 kg/m³. The higher density of EPP contributes to its enhanced mechanical properties.
4. Thermal Properties: EPP has better thermal insulation properties compared to EPS. EPP offers higher resistance to heat transfer, making it more suitable for applications that require temperature control or insulation.
5. Processing Methods: EPP and EPS are processed using different manufacturing techniques. EPP can be easily molded, thermoformed, and welded, allowing for greater design flexibility. EPS is commonly molded through steam molding or block molding processes.
6. Applications: EPP and EPS find applications in different areas. EPP is commonly used in automotive components, protective packaging, sports equipment, and insulation panels. EPS is widely used in packaging, construction insulation, and disposable food containers.
7. Environmental Impact: EPP and EPS have different environmental characteristics. EPP is recyclable and can be reused, whereas EPS recycling is more challenging due to its lower recycling rates and limited recycling infrastructure.
This article serves as an introduction to expanded polypropylene (EPP), a versatile material. It provides a definition, explores its properties, and highlights its diverse applications. We have also included commonly asked questions to enhance your knowledge of EPP. If you need further information, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our team.
Ruitai specializes in manufacturing prototype parts and offers a wide range of manufacturing services to meet various prototyping and production requirements. We are available to provide you with a complimentary quote at your convenience. Feel free to contact us.
Please be aware that the content provided in this article is for reference purposes only. Ruitai Mould assumes no responsibility for the completeness, accuracy, or validity of the information presented, whether expressed or implied.
Related Material Blog
Addressing Common Expanded Polypropylene Questions:
Q1: Is EPP environmentally friendly?
A1: Yes, EPP is considered environmentally friendly as it is recyclable and offers potential for reuse.
Q2: Can EPP withstand high temperatures?
A2: EPP has good heat resistance and can typically withstand temperatures up to around 110-120°C (230-248°F).
Q3: Is EPP water-resistant?
A3: EPP has inherent water resistance, making it suitable for applications where exposure to moisture is a concern.
Q4: How does EPP compare to other foam materials in terms of strength?
A4: EPP is known for its exceptional strength-to-weight ratio, surpassing many other foam materials.
Q5: Can EPP be easily molded into complex shapes?
A5: Yes, EPP can be molded into intricate and complex shapes using techniques like injection molding or thermoforming.
Q6: Is EPP chemically resistant?
A6: EPP exhibits good resistance to chemicals, oils, and solvents, making it suitable for various industrial applications.
Q7: Can EPP be used for food packaging?
A7: Yes, EPP is commonly used for food packaging due to its hygienic properties and suitability for contact with food.
Q8: Does EPP provide sound insulation?
A8: Yes, EPP’s closed-cell structure makes it an effective material for sound insulation and vibration dampening.
Q9: Can EPP be painted or coated?
A9: Yes, EPP can be painted or coated with appropriate surface treatments to enhance aesthetics or improve performance.
Q10: Is EPP resistant to UV radiation?
A10: EPP can be formulated with additives to enhance its resistance to UV radiation, increasing its outdoor durability.
Q11: What are the advantages of using EPP in automotive applications?
A11: EPP offers lightweight construction, energy absorption, impact resistance, and design flexibility in automotive components.
Q12: Can EPP be used for medical applications?
A12: Yes, EPP is suitable for medical applications such as packaging, transport trays, and protective casings due to its cleanliness and sterilizability.
Q13: Does EPP have any electrical insulating properties?
A13: EPP has inherent electrical insulating properties, making it suitable for certain electrical and electronic applications.
Q14: Can EPP be recycled?
A14: Yes, EPP is recyclable and can be processed into new EPP products or used as a raw material for other plastic products.
Q15: How does the cost of EPP compare to other foam materials?
A15: EPP generally falls in the mid to higher range in terms of cost compared to other foam materials, reflecting its superior properties and performance. | Kuongeza Polypropylene: Polypropylene ni nyenzo ya ubunifu na ya kila aina ambayo imepata utambuzi mkubwa kwa sababu ya mali zake za kushangaza na matumizi yake mbalimbali. EPP ni aina ya povu iliyotengenezwa kutoka kwa shanga za polypropylene zilizopanuliwa, na matokeo ni nyenzo nyepesi na thabiti na uwezo wa kipekee wa kunyonya nishati. Mchanganyiko wake wa kipekee wa nguvu, uimara, na insulation ya joto hufanya chaguo maarufu katika viwanda mbalimbali, kuanzia magari na ufungaji kwa michezo na burudani. Katika makala hii, tutazungumzia mambo manne muhimu kuhusu nyenzo hiyo: ufafanuzi wake, aina yake, sifa zake, na matumizi yake. Picha iliyo upande wa kushoto ni mfano wa kile kinachowezekana na bidhaa zetu za EPP. Kutuma faili yako 3D na sisi kutoa huduma ya usindikaji kwa ajili yenu. Ni nini Expanded Polypropylene (EPP)? Polypropylene ya kupanuliwa (EPP) ni nyenzo ya kioevu ya seli iliyofungwa inayojulikana kwa kunyonya nguvu ya kipekee, upinzani wa athari, insulation ya joto, uvujaji, na usindikaji, na kuifanya kuwa chaguo la kupendwa katika viwanda mbalimbali. Kwa asili yake nyepesi lakini thabiti, EPP inatoa anuwai ya matumizi, kutoka kwa ufungaji wa kinga na vifaa vya magari hadi vyombo vya joto na msaada wa kuelea, kutoa utendaji wa kuaminika na uendelevu. Historia ya Polypropylene Iliyopanuliwa Ni Nini? Polypropylene ya kupanuliwa (EPP) ni aina ya nyenzo ya polypropylene ambayo ilitengenezwa na JSP, kampuni ya utafiti wa aina mpya za polypropylene. EPP ilitumiwa katika bidhaa za magari nchini Japan mnamo 1982, na ilipata umaarufu kwa sababu ya uwezo wake wa kuboresha usimamizi wa nishati wakati wa kupunguza uzito na kutoa faida za mazingira. Tangu wakati huo, EPP imepata matumizi makubwa katika matumizi ya magari, ikiwa ni pamoja na vipengele vya kunyonya nishati katika mifumo ya bumper, viti, na vipengele vya ndani. Mahitaji yake yamekua ulimwenguni pote, na inaendelea kutumiwa katika viwanda mbalimbali. Neno Jingine la Polypropylene Iliyopanuliwa Ni Nini? Neno jingine kwa ajili ya Expanded Polypropylene (EPP) ni <unk>expanded PP.<unk> Jinsi ni Expanded Polypropylene Made? Polypropylene ya kupanuliwa (EPP) hutengenezwa kupitia mchakato wa kutengeneza ambao unahusisha kupanua na kuunganisha shanga za polypropylene. Matofali hayo huongezwa kwa kutumia mvuke na kisha kuwekwa ndani ya umbo ambapo yanashughulikiwa na joto na shinikizo, na kusababisha mchanganyiko wa matofali ya mtu mmoja-mmoja na kuunda muundo thabiti, mwepesi wa povu na seli zilizofungwa. Utaratibu wa kutengeneza huwezesha kuunda maumbo na wiani tofauti wa bidhaa za EPP. Hebu kuchimba kina zaidi katika usindikaji wa Expanded Polypropylene (EPP): EPP mchakato wa utengenezaji huanza na kabla ya upanuzi wa polypropylene (PP) shanga. Beads hizi ni pre-expanded kutumia mvuke au kimwili blowing wakala kufikia wiani maalum na kupanua kiasi chao. Baada ya kupanua, shanga zilizopanuliwa zinahamishwa kwenye shimo la ukungu ili kuunda umbo la mwisho la EPP. Mchoro huo waweza kutengenezwa kwa vifaa mbalimbali, kama vile alumini, chuma, au vifaa vilivyounganishwa. 3. Uwe na mtazamo wa kweli Steam Chest Molding ni mbinu ya kuunda ambayo hutumiwa kwa ajili ya EPP. Wakati wa mchakato huu, shimo la ukungu hufungwa, na mvuke huingizwa ndani ya sanduku la mvuke linalozunguka ukungu. Mvuke huo hupunguza unene wa shanga hizo na kuzifanya zipanuke zaidi ndani ya shimo hilo. 4. Uwe na uhakika Kuunganishwa na Kufanyizwa kwa Umbo Kadiri mvuke unavyoendelea kupasha makombora joto, huanza kuunganishwa. Shinikizo ndani ya umbo hilo husaidia kufanyiza shanga hizo na kutokeza umbo thabiti la povu. Muda wa mchakato wa kutengeneza umbo hutegemea mambo kama vile unene unaotaka, wiani, na utata wa bidhaa. 5. Uwe na mtazamo mzuri. Kuyeyusha na Demolding Baada ya kufikia umbo na wiani taka, mold ni baridi solidify beads fused. Baridi inaweza kufanyika kwa kuzunguka hewa baridi au maji kupitia mold. Mara baada ya sehemu ya EPP imepungua na imekaa, huondolewa kutoka kwa umbo. 6. Uwe na uhakika Kupunguza na kumaliza: Utaratibu wa kupunguza na kumaliza unaweza kutumika kuondoa nyenzo yoyote ya ziada au kasoro kutoka kwa sehemu ya EPP. Hii inahakikisha bidhaa ya mwisho inakidhi vipimo vinavyohitajika na viwango vya urembo. 7. Uwe na mtazamo gani? Kutegemea matumizi yaliyokusudiwa, shughuli za ziada za sekondari zinaweza kufanywa kwenye sehemu za EPP. Hizi zaweza kutia ndani kukata, kuunda, kupaka rangi, kupaka rangi, kuchapisha, au kuunganisha sehemu hizo na sehemu nyinginezo. Polypropylene Iliyopanuliwa Ina Rangi Gani? Polypropylene iliyopanuliwa (EPP) kwa kawaida inapatikana katika rangi mbalimbali. Rangi ya EPP inaweza kutofautiana kulingana na mchakato maalum wa utengenezaji na kuongezwa kwa rangi wakati wa uzalishaji. Kwa kawaida huonekana katika rangi nyeupe, kijivu, au nyeusi. Picha ya chini ni mfano wa EPP malighafi: Nini Expanded Polypropylene Inaonekana Kama? Polypropylene kupanuliwa (EPP) ina muonekano tofauti sifa na muundo wake foam-kama. Ina chembe zilizounganishwa pamoja, zikifanyiza nyenzo nyepesi na yenye umbo la mviringo. Uso wa EPP kwa kawaida una muundo au muundo mbaya kidogo. Muundo wa povu wa EPP unatoa rufaa ya kipekee na inayojulikana ya kuona. Muonekano wa EPP unaweza kutofautiana kulingana na mambo kama vile wiani, mchakato wa kuunda, na matibabu yoyote ya ziada au kumaliza kutumika kwa uso. Picha hapa chini ni mfano wa sehemu za EPP: Ni aina gani tofauti za Polypropylene iliyopanuliwa? Polypropylene ya kupanuliwa (EPP) inaweza kugawanywa katika aina tofauti kulingana na mali zake za kimwili na matumizi yaliyokusudiwa. Hapa kuna baadhi ya aina za kawaida: 1. Aina hii ya EPP imeundwa maalum kwa matumizi ya magari, ikiwa ni pamoja na vipengele vya kunyonya nishati, sehemu za ndani, na kuimarisha muundo katika magari. 2. Uwezekano wa kupata EPP ni aina ya kifurushi ambayo hutumiwa sana katika matumizi ya ufungaji kwa sababu ya mali yake ya kuhifadhi na ulinzi. EPP ya kiwango cha ufungaji hutumiwa katika kesi, viambatisho, na trays kulinda vitu nyeti na dhaifu wakati wa usafirishaji. 3. Uwe na mtazamo wa kweli Insulation ya joto ya hali ya juu (EPI) - Insulation ya joto ya hali ya juu (EPI) hutumiwa katika matumizi ambapo insulation ya joto au baridi inahitajika. Inaweza kupatikana katika ujenzi wa majengo, mifumo ya HVAC, na ufungaji wa joto-udhibiti. 4. Uwe na uhakika Marine Grade EPP (EVP) - ni bora kwa ajili ya matumizi ya baharini kama vile floats, buoys, na vifaa vya usalama baharini. 5. Uwe na mtazamo mzuri. EPP ni bidhaa ya michezo na burudani, ambayo hutumiwa katika vifaa vya michezo na burudani kama vile kofia za chuma, vifaa vya kinga, padding, na vifaa vya uzito mwepesi kwa bidhaa mbalimbali za michezo. 6. Uwe na uhakika EPP ya kiwango cha viwanda na nguvu ya juu hutumiwa katika matumizi ya viwanda, ikiwa ni pamoja na utunzaji wa vifaa, vifaa vya kubeba mzigo, na ulinzi wa vifaa. 7. Uwe na mtazamo gani? Ruitai inaweza kununua vifaa vya EPP vilivyoboreshwa kwa ajili yako au kutoa vifaa vya EPP vilivyoboreshwa mwenyewe ili kukidhi mahitaji maalum ya anga, elektroniki, huduma za afya, na viwanda vingine. Ni Nini Sifa za Polypropylene Iliyopanuliwa? Polypropylene ya kupanuliwa (EPP) ina sifa kadhaa za kipekee ambazo zinaifanya kuwa nyenzo inayotafutwa kwa matumizi mbalimbali. Hapa ni baadhi ya sifa muhimu za EPP: 1. EPP ni nyepesi sana, ambayo inaruhusu uundaji wa bidhaa nyepesi za mwisho wakati wa kudumisha uadilifu wa muundo. 2. Uwezekano wa kupata Uvujaji wa Nishati ya Juu: EPP inaonyesha mali bora ya kunyonya nishati, na kuifanya kuwa bora kwa matumizi ya upinzani wa athari. Inaweza kunyonya na kuondoa nishati wakati wa mgongano, kutoa usalama na ulinzi ulioimarishwa. 3. Uwe na mtazamo wa kweli Urefu wa kuvutia: EPP ina sifa za kuvutia, na inafanya kuwa nyenzo bora kwa ajili ya ufungaji na matumizi ya ulinzi. Inaweza kuondoa mshtuko na mtetemeko kwa ufanisi, na kulinda vitu vyenye utulivu na vyenye kuharibika. 4. Uwe na uhakika Insulation ya joto: EPP inatoa mali nzuri ya insulation ya joto, na inafanya kuwa inafaa kwa matumizi ambapo udhibiti wa joto unahitajika, kama vile katika insulation ya ujenzi au ufungaji wa joto. 5. Uwe na mtazamo mzuri. EPP ni sugu kwa kemikali nyingi, mafuta, na vimumunyifu, ambayo inachangia kudumu na kufaa kwa mazingira mbalimbali. 6. Uwe na uhakika EPP ni nyenzo inayoweza kurejeshwa, ambayo inaruhusu mazoea endelevu na ya mazingira. Inaweza kurejeshwa na kutumiwa tena katika matumizi mbalimbali, kupunguza taka na kukuza kanuni za uchumi wa mviringo. 7. Uwe na mtazamo gani? Utaratibu wa kubadilika: EPP inaweza kuundwa kwa urahisi katika maumbo na ukubwa tata, ikiwezesha uzalishaji wa vipengele vya kawaida kwa viwanda tofauti. Inaweza kuwa molded na wiani tofauti na unene ili kukidhi mahitaji maalum. 8. Uwe na mtazamo gani? EPP ina sifa za chini za kunyonya maji, kuhakikisha utulivu wake wa kipimo na kuzuia uharibifu wakati wa kuambukizwa unyevu. 9. (a) Kwa nini? Uvumilivu wa UV: EPP ni sugu kwa mionzi ya ultraviolet (UV), na inafanya kuwa inafaa kwa matumizi ya nje ambapo mfiduo wa muda mrefu kwa jua unatarajiwa. Ni Vipengele Vipi vya Polypropylene Iliyopanuliwa? Katika meza hapa chini, sisi muhtasari baadhi ya mali ya kawaida ya jumla ya vifaa EPP: Nini ni mali ya kimwili ya Polypropylene Expanded? "Kama ilivyoelezwa hapo juu, ""E-Purple"" ni aina ya nyuzi ya nyuzi ya nyuzi ya nyuzi ya nyuzi ya nyuzi ya nyuzi ya nyuzi ya nyuzi ya nyuzi ya nyuzi ya nyuzi ya nyuzi ya nyuzi ya nyuzi ya nyuzi ya nyuzi ya nyuzi ya nyuzi ya nyuzi ya nyuzi ya nyuzi ya nyuzi ya nyuzi ya nyuzi ya nyuzi ya nyuzi ya nyuzi ya nyuzi ya nyuzi ya nyuzi ya nyuzi ya nyuzi ya nyuzi ya nyuzi ya nyuzi ya nyuzi ya nyuzi ya nyuzi ya nyuzi ya nyuzi ya nyuzi ya nyuzi ya nyuzi ya nyuzi ya nyuzi ya nyuzi ya nyuzi." "Kama ilivyoelezwa hapo juu, ""Mchanganyiko wa kemikali"" ni moja ya viungo vya kemikali vya kemikali, na kwa hivyo, kwa sababu ya uwezo wake wa kuhifadhi, kuhifadhi, kuhifadhi, kuhifadhi, kuhifadhi, kuhifadhi, kuhifadhi, kuhifadhi, kuhifadhi, kuhifadhi, kuhifadhi, kuhifadhi, kuhifadhi, kuhifadhi, kuhifadhi, kuhifadhi, kuhifadhi, kuhifadhi, kuhifadhi, kuhifadhi, kuhifadhi, kuhifadhi, kuhifadhi, kuhifadhi." "Kama ilivyoelezwa hapo juu, ""Epipro"" ni aina ya nyenzo ya chuma ya epipro, ambayo ina nguvu ya kuunganisha, nguvu ya kuunganisha, nguvu ya kuunganisha, nguvu ya kuunganisha, nguvu ya kuunganisha, nguvu ya kuunganisha, na nguvu ya kuunganisha." "Kama ilivyoelezwa hapo juu, ""Mapato ya kawaida"" ni pamoja na ""Mapato ya kawaida"" na ""Mapato ya kawaida"" na ""Mapato ya kawaida"" na ""Mapato ya kawaida"" na ""Mapato ya kawaida"" na ""Mapato ya kawaida"" na ""Mapato ya kawaida"" na ""Mapato ya kawaida"" na ""Mapato ya kawaida"" na ""Mapato ya kawaida"" na ""Mapato ya kawaida"" na ""Mapato ya kawaida"" na ""Mapato ya kawaida"" na ""Mapato ya kawaida.""" Polypropylene ya kupanuliwa (EPP) inatoa faida kadhaa ambazo zinachangia umaarufu wake na anuwai ya matumizi. Hapa ni baadhi ya faida kuu za EPP: EPP ni nyepesi sana, na inawezesha uzalishaji wa bidhaa nyepesi. Hii ni hasa muhimu katika matumizi ambapo kupunguza uzito ni muhimu, kama vile viwanda vya magari na anga, kama inaweza kuchangia ufanisi wa mafuta na utendaji bora. 2. Uwezekano wa kupata Uvumilivu wa athari: EPP inaonyesha upinzani wa athari ya kipekee, na kuifanya kuwa bora kwa matumizi ambayo yanahitaji ulinzi dhidi ya athari, vibrations, na mshtuko. Inaweza kwa ufanisi kunyonya na kuondoa nishati, kutoa usalama ulioimarishwa na uimara. 3. Uwe na mtazamo wa kweli Uvujaji wa nishati: EPP ina sifa bora za uvujaji wa nishati, na kuifanya kuwa inafaa sana kwa matumizi ambayo yanahitaji kuhifadhiwa na ulinzi. Inaweza kunyonya na kusambaza nguvu za mgongano, kupunguza hatari ya uharibifu wa vipengele dhaifu au nyeti. 4. Uwe na uhakika Insulation ya joto: EPP inatoa mali nzuri ya insulation ya joto, na kuifanya kuwa muhimu katika matumizi ambayo yanahitaji udhibiti wa joto na ufanisi wa nishati. Inasaidia kupunguza uhamisho wa joto, ikitoa kinga dhidi ya joto kali na baridi. 5. Uwe na mtazamo mzuri. Uvumilivu wa kemikali: EPP ni sugu kwa kemikali nyingi, mafuta, na vimumunyisho. Mali hii inahakikisha kudumu na kufaa kwa aina mbalimbali ya mazingira, ikiwa ni pamoja na wale walio wazi kwa kemikali kali au vitu corrosive. 6. Uwe na uhakika Utafiti: EPP inaweza kuuzwa tena kwa njia ya mazingira, na inaweza kutumika kwa njia ya mazingira. Inaweza kutumiwa tena na kutumiwa tena katika matumizi mbalimbali, ikiendeleza kupunguza taka na kuhifadhi rasilimali. 7. Uwe na mtazamo gani? Uwezo wa kubuni: EPP inaweza kuundwa kwa urahisi katika maumbo na ukubwa tata, ikitoa kubadilika kwa muundo na chaguzi za ubadilishaji. Inaweza kutengenezwa kwa wingi, unene, na rangi tofauti-tofauti ili kukidhi mahitaji hususa na mapendezi ya urembo. 8. Uwe na mtazamo gani? Uvujaji: EPP ina uvujaji bora katika maji, na inafanya kuwa inafaa kwa matumizi ya baharini na ya maji. Inatumiwa sana katika mashua, mashua za kuogelea, na vifaa vya michezo ya majini. 9. (a) Kwa nini? EPP ina sifa nzuri za kunyonya sauti, na inafanya kuwa muhimu katika matumizi ambayo yanahitaji kupunguza kelele. Inaweza kusaidia kupunguza na kunyonya mawimbi ya sauti, na hivyo kutokeza mazingira yenye utulivu. Ni Hasara Zipi za Polypropylene Iliyopanuliwa? Wakati Expanded Polypropylene (EPP) inatoa faida nyingi, ni muhimu kuzingatia baadhi ya hasara zake uwezekano. Hapa ni baadhi ya hasara muhimu za EPP: 1. Upinzani wa joto mdogo: EPP ina upinzani mdogo wa joto ikilinganishwa na vifaa vingine. Inaweza deform au kupoteza mali yake ya mitambo wakati exposed kwa joto la juu juu ya yake ilipendekeza utendaji joto mbalimbali. 2. Uwezekano wa kupata Upinzani mdogo wa UV: EPP inaweza kupata uharibifu fulani au rangi ya rangi wakati wa kuambukizwa kwa mionzi ya muda mrefu ya ultraviolet (UV). Ili kupunguza hili, UV stabilizers ziada au mipako ya kinga inaweza kuhitajika kwa ajili ya maombi ya nje. EPP inaweza kuwa ghali zaidi ikilinganishwa na vifaa vingine vya povu, kama vile Polystyrene iliyoenea (EPS). Gharama ya uzalishaji na usindikaji, pamoja na chaguzi za ubadilishaji, zinaweza kuchangia gharama ya jumla ya bidhaa za EPP. 4. Uwe na uhakika Upatikanaji mdogo wa vifaa vya kuchakata: Ingawa EPP inaweza kuchakata, upatikanaji wa vifaa vya kuchakata kwa EPP unaweza kuwa mdogo katika mikoa fulani. Hii inaweza kusababisha changamoto kwa ajili ya utupaji sahihi na mazoea ya kuchakata. EPP ni moto na inaweza kuchoma wakati kufunuliwa kwa moto. Hata hivyo, kwa ujumla inaonyesha mali ya kuzima yenyewe na flammability ya chini. 6. Uwe na uhakika Urefu wa uso: Urefu wa EPP unaweza kuwa na muundo, porous, au matte kuonekana, ambayo inaweza kuwa haifai kwa maombi ambayo zinahitaji laini au glossy kumaliza. Matibabu ya ziada ya uso au mipako inaweza kuhitajika kufikia sifa za aesthetic zinazotakiwa. 7. Uwe na mtazamo gani? Upinzani mdogo wa kemikali: Ingawa EPP kwa ujumla ni sugu kwa kemikali nyingi na vimumunyifu, inaweza kuwa na mapungufu katika kushughulikia kemikali fulani au vimumunyifu. Ni Utaratibu Gani Unaofaa wa Kutengeneza Polypropylene Iliyopanuliwa? Polypropylene ya kupanuliwa (EPP) ni nyenzo ya kila aina ambayo inaweza kusindika kwa kutumia mbinu mbalimbali za utengenezaji. Hapa ni baadhi ya taratibu za kawaida zinazofaa kwa ajili ya usindikaji EPP: Injection molding: Injection molding ni mbinu ya kutengeneza umbo na muundo wa hali ya juu. Utaratibu huo unahusisha kuingiza EPP iliyomwagika katika umbo, ambalo kisha hu baridi na kuimarika ili kutokeza bidhaa inayotakiwa. 2. Uwezekano wa kupata Thermoforming: EPP karatasi inaweza kuwa moto na umbo katika maumbo maalum kwa kutumia mchakato thermoforming. Njia hii ni kawaida kutumika kwa ajili ya kuzalisha EPP ufungaji trays, sehemu za magari, na casings kinga. 3. Uwe na mtazamo wa kweli Compression molding: EPP inaweza kuwa compression molded kwa kutumia joto na shinikizo kwa pre-kuchongwa au pre-kupanuliwa EPP beads. Vipande hivyo huungana na kufanyiza sehemu thabiti iliyochongwa. Compression molding ni mara nyingi kutumika kwa ajili ya kubwa, nene zaidi EPP sehemu. 4. Uwe na uhakika Kupunguza na kutengeneza: EPP inaweza kukatwa kwa urahisi na kutengenezwa katika maumbo yaliyotakiwa kwa kutumia mbinu mbalimbali za kukata kama vile kukata kufa, kukata maji, au CNC milling. Hii inaruhusu kwa ajili ya uzalishaji wa vipengele desturi EPP na vipimo sahihi. 5. Uwe na mtazamo mzuri. Lamination: EPP inaweza laminated na vifaa vingine, kama vile kitambaa au filamu, ili kuboresha mali yake au kujenga miundo composite. Lamination inaweza kuboresha aesthetics, nguvu, au vizuizi mali ya bidhaa EPP. 6. Uwe na uhakika Welding: EPP inaweza kusokezwa pamoja kwa kutumia mbinu kama vile kulehemu ya sahani moto au kulehemu ya ultrasonic. Welding ni mara nyingi kutumika kujiunga sehemu EPP, kujenga nguvu na kudumu vifungo. 7. Uwe na mtazamo gani? Foam-in-Place: EPP inaweza kutumika katika mchakato wa foam-in-place, ambapo EPP iliyomwagika huingizwa ndani ya ukungu au shimo na kupanuka kujaza nafasi, kulingana na umbo la ukungu. Njia hii ni kawaida kutumika kwa ajili ya kuzalisha maalum-fitted ufungaji au cushioning ufumbuzi. 8. Uwe na mtazamo gani? Kufunika: Uso wa EPP unaweza kufunikwa au kushikamana na vifaa vingine, kama vile adhesives au coatings, ili kuboresha mali zao au kufikia mahitaji maalum kama upinzani wa unyevu au kumaliza uso. Polypropylene Iliyotengenezwa kwa Matofali Inatumiwa Kwa Nini? Polypropylene ya kupanuliwa (EPP) ni nyenzo ya kila aina na matumizi mbalimbali katika viwanda mbalimbali. EPP ni moja ya matumizi ya kawaida ya vifaa vya ufungaji, na hutumiwa sana katika vifaa vya ufungaji kwa sababu ya sifa zake bora za kuimarisha na upinzani wa athari. Ni kawaida kutumika kwa ajili ya kifuniko cha kinga ya bidhaa dhaifu na nyeti, kama vile umeme, vifaa, sehemu za magari, na vifaa vya matibabu. 2. Uwezekano wa kupata POP ni moja ya vifaa vya kawaida katika sekta ya magari na hutumiwa sana katika viwanda vya magari na vifaa vya magari. Inatumiwa katika vipengele vya ndani kama paneli za mlango, paneli za vyombo, headliners, na cores ya kiti. EPP pia hutumiwa katika mabomu ya bumper, absorbers ya nishati, na pads za ajali kwa sababu ya upinzani wake wa kipekee wa athari na uwezo wa kunyonya nishati. 3. Uwe na mtazamo wa kweli Michezo na Burudani: EPP hutumiwa katika utengenezaji wa michezo na vifaa vya burudani. Inaweza kupatikana katika kofia za chuma, vifuniko vya mavazi ya michezo, mavazi ya kinga, vifaa vya kuelea, na kinga kwa vifaa vya michezo ya majini. 4. Uwe na uhakika EPP hutumiwa katika sekta ya ujenzi na ujenzi kwa madhumuni ya insulation. Ni kawaida kutumika katika paneli insulation, paa insulation, na fomu za saruji tupu. EPP's insulation properties, nature lightweight, na energy-efficient characteristics make it suitable for these applications. EPP's thermal insulation properties, lightweight nature, and energy-efficient characteristics make it suitable for these applications. EPP hutumiwa katika utengenezaji wa fanicha kwa sababu ya uzito wake mwepesi, uthabiti, na sifa za starehe. Inatumiwa katika viti vya kuketi, mabega, mabega, na vifuniko kwa ajili ya aina mbalimbali za fanicha. EPP hutumiwa katika sekta ya elektroniki kwa ajili ya ufungaji na ulinzi wa vipengele vya elektroniki. Inatoa cushioning na mshtuko unyenyekevu, kulinda vifaa nyeti elektroniki wakati wa usafirishaji na utunzaji. 7. Uwe na mtazamo gani? EPP ya matibabu na huduma za afya hutumiwa katika sekta za matibabu na huduma za afya kwa matumizi mbalimbali. Inatumiwa katika vifurushi vya matibabu, trays za usafirishaji, na vifuniko vya kinga kwa vifaa vya matibabu. EPP's hygienic mali, upinzani kwa kemikali, na uwezo wa kuvumilia michakato sterilization kufanya hivyo yanafaa kwa ajili ya maombi ya matibabu. 8. Uwe na mtazamo gani? Maombi ya viwanda: EPP inatafuta matumizi katika sekta mbalimbali za viwanda. Ni kutumika katika ufungaji wa viwanda, vifaa vya kushughulikia trays, dunnage, na pallets. EPP's asili nyepesi, uimara, na stackability kufanya hivyo yanafaa kwa ajili ya maombi haya ya viwanda. Ni nini tofauti kati ya EPP na EPS? Polypropylene Expanded (EPP) na polystyrene Expanded (EPS) ni vifaa vya povu vinavyotumiwa sana katika viwanda mbalimbali, lakini zina tofauti kadhaa muhimu. Kuna tofauti kubwa kati ya EPP na EPS. EPP ni bidhaa ya polypropylene iliyoenea, na EPS ni bidhaa ya polystyrene iliyoenea. Tofauti kuu iko katika polima ya msingi inayotumiwa kwa kila nyenzo. 2. Uwezekano wa kupata Ubora wa kiufundi: EPP ina sifa bora za kiufundi ikilinganishwa na EPS. EPP ina upinzani wa athari ya juu, nguvu ya flexural, na elasticity, na kuifanya iwe thabiti zaidi na ya kudumu. Kwa upande mwingine, EPS ni ngumu zaidi na dhaifu, na upinzani wa athari ni mdogo. 3. Uwe na mtazamo wa kweli Ubora: EPP ina unene wa juu kuliko EPS. Kiasi cha EPP ni 20-180 kg m3, na EPS ni 10-50 kg m3. Kiasi cha juu cha EPP huchangia ubora wake wa mitambo. 4. Uwe na uhakika Ubora wa joto: EPP ina ubora wa insulation ya joto kuliko EPP. EPP inatoa upinzani wa juu kwa uhamisho wa joto, na kuifanya kuwa bora kwa matumizi ambayo yanahitaji udhibiti wa joto au kutengwa. 5. Uwe na mtazamo mzuri. Utaratibu wa utengenezaji: EPP na EPS hutengenezwa kwa kutumia mbinu tofauti za utengenezaji. EPP inaweza kuwa rahisi umbo, thermoformed, na welded, kuruhusu kwa kubadilika zaidi ya kubuni. EPS ni kawaida molded kupitia mvuke molding au block molding michakato. 6. Uwe na uhakika Maombi: EPP na EPS hupata maombi katika maeneo tofauti. EPP hutumiwa sana katika vifaa vya magari, vifurushi vya kinga, vifaa vya michezo, na paneli za kutenganisha. EPS hutumiwa sana katika ufungaji, insulation ya ujenzi, na vyombo vya chakula vya kutumiwa mara moja. 7. Uwe na mtazamo gani? Uwezekano wa mazingira: EPS na EPS zina sifa tofauti za mazingira. EPP inaweza kutumika tena, lakini ni ngumu kwa sababu ya viwango vya chini vya kuchakata na miundombinu ndogo ya kuchakata. Makala hii ni utangulizi wa polypropylene iliyopanuliwa (EPP), nyenzo ya kila aina. Inatoa ufafanuzi, inachunguza sifa zake, na inasisitiza matumizi yake mbalimbali. Pia, tumejumuisha maswali ya kawaida ili kuboresha maarifa yako ya EPP. Kama unahitaji habari zaidi, tafadhali usisite kuwasiliana na timu yetu. Ruitai ni mtaalamu katika utengenezaji wa sehemu za mfano na inatoa mbalimbali ya huduma za utengenezaji ili kukidhi mahitaji mbalimbali ya prototyping na uzalishaji. Sisi ni inapatikana kukupa na quotation complimentary katika urahisi wako. Jisikia huru kuwasiliana nasi. Tafadhali kumbuka kwamba maudhui yaliyotolewa katika makala hii ni kwa madhumuni ya kumbukumbu tu. Ruitai Mould haichukui jukumu lolote kwa ukamilifu, usahihi, au uhalali wa habari iliyotolewa, iwe imeelezwa au imeonyeshwa. Maelezo ya juu ya bidhaa za EPP: Maelezo ya juu ya bidhaa za EPP: Je, EPP ni rafiki wa mazingira? A: Ndio, EPP inachukuliwa kuwa rafiki wa mazingira kwani inaweza kurejeshwa na inatoa uwezekano wa kutumiwa tena. Je, EPP inaweza kuvumilia joto la juu? EPP ina upinzani mzuri wa joto na kwa kawaida inaweza kuvumilia joto hadi karibu 110-120 ° C (230-248 ° F). Je, EPP ni maji sugu? A: EPP ina upinzani wa maji, na inafaa kwa matumizi ambapo mfiduo wa unyevu ni wasiwasi. Q: Je, EPP inashindana na nyenzo nyingine za povu kwa nguvu? A: EPP inajulikana kwa uwiano wake wa nguvu-kwa-uzito wa kipekee, ukishinda vifaa vingine vingi vya povu. Q: Je, EPP inaweza kuundwa kwa urahisi katika maumbo magumu? A: Ndio, EPP inaweza kufanyizwa katika maumbo magumu na magumu kwa kutumia mbinu kama vile kutengeneza sindano au thermoforming. Q: Je, EPP ni kemikali sugu? A: EPP inaonyesha upinzani mzuri kwa kemikali, mafuta, na vimumunyifu, na inafanya kuwa inafaa kwa matumizi mbalimbali ya viwanda. Je, EPP inaweza kutumika kwa ajili ya kufunga chakula? EPP ni bidhaa ya kawaida ya kuunganisha vyakula kwa sababu ya sifa zake za usafi na kufaa kwa mawasiliano na chakula. Swali: Je, EPP inatoa insulation ya sauti? A: Ndio, muundo wa seli iliyofungwa ya EPP hufanya iwe nyenzo bora ya kutenganisha sauti na kupunguza mtikisiko. Q: Je, EPP inaweza kupakwa rangi au kufunikwa? A: Ndio, EPP inaweza kupakwa rangi au kufunikwa na matibabu sahihi ya uso ili kuboresha urembo au kuboresha utendaji. Q: Je, EPP inasaidia kuzuia UV? A: EPP inaweza kutengenezwa na nyongeza ili kuongeza upinzani wake kwa mionzi ya UV, kuongeza uimara wake wa nje. Q: Ni nini faida ya kutumia EPP katika matumizi ya magari? A: EPP inatoa ujenzi mwepesi, kunyonya nishati, upinzani wa athari, na kubadilika kwa muundo katika sehemu za magari. Q: Je, EPP inaweza kutumika kwa matumizi ya matibabu? A: Ndio, EPP inafaa kwa matumizi ya matibabu kama vile ufungaji, tray za usafirishaji, na casings za kinga kwa sababu ya usafi na sterilizability. Swali: Je, EPP ina sifa yoyote ya insulating umeme? A: EPP ina asili ya umeme insulating mali, na kufanya hivyo yanafaa kwa baadhi ya matumizi ya umeme na elektroniki. Q: Je, EPP inaweza kuuzwa tena? A: EPP inaweza kuuzwa kwa njia ya plastiki, na inaweza kutumika kama nyenzo ya msingi kwa bidhaa zingine za plastiki. Q: Je, ni nini kinachohusiana na gharama ya EPP na vifaa vingine vya povu? A: EPP kwa ujumla huanguka katika kati ya kiwango cha juu kwa gharama ikilinganishwa na vifaa vingine vya povu, ikionyesha mali yake bora na utendaji. | <urn:uuid:72a063dc-51c4-4470-a5ab-a8cc12093d3d> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://www.rtprototype.com/what-is-expanded-polypropylene/ | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
Please take great care in researching the origin of very old textiles and ensure you have the right information about your particular textile before proceeding to clean, repair or store it. These are my suggestions only.
Tips for Everyday Cleaning
Vacuuming is the easiest and least hazardous form of cleaning - especially for those pieces which hang vertically on display.
To wash or vacuum textiles on a horizontal surface, first cover them with a 1x1 metre nylon filament screen. This will ensure that you do not damage the item in the cleaning process.
Be very careful when washing delicate articles. When in doubt, consult an expert - either at a museum or a dry cleaner before proceeding.
If you are washing an antique quilt, try to determine if the “batting” is wool. If so, do not wash as it will shrink, pulling the blanket away from the binding.. You do not want the wool inside to shrink and ruin the piece.
Washing & Drying
Place a nylon filament screen in a basin full of room temperature water.
Dip the item into the water, and hand wash using a gentle detergent, such as Woolite.
Once you're done cleaning the item, pick up the nylon filament screen and bounce it up and down over the basin to remove the water. If the water in the basin is still visibly dirty, replace it, and repeat the process until the water runs clear.
Once your item is clean, replace the basin one last time with clean water (minus the detergent) and rinse using the process as above.
To dry, remove the nylon filament screen from the basin (leaving the item on top) and place on top of a dry towel. You can also take the item outside to dry, but ensure that you cover it with a bed sheet.
Large articles (do this on a HOT summer day):
Place a clean bed sheet in a bath tub full of room temperature water.
Put the item into the tub, and hand wash it using a gentle detergent, such as Woolite.
Once you're done cleaning the item, pick up the bed sheet and bounce it up and down over the tub to remove the water. If the water in the tub is still visibly dirty, replace it, and repeat the process until the water runs clear.
Once your item is clean, replace the tub one last time with clean water (minus the detergent) and rinse using the process as above.
Lay towels on the floor, and lay the item on top. Gently roll up the towels and squeeze the water out of the item.
To dry, lay the item on a dry sheet on your lawn and cover it with another sheet.
With the right side of the article facing out, use a linen roll (for example: a piece of cardboard covered with acid free paper) and roll it flat. You can put more than one article on the linen roll, so long as you separate them with a sheet of acid free paper.
Store in a cool, dry location, away from fluctuating temperatures and humidity.
Store larger articles in a flat box lined with acid free paper. You can put more than one article in the box, so long as you separate them with a sheet of acid free paper.
Ensure that you take articles out of storage every six months to re-fold in another location so as not to put strain on fibres. You can also insert an acid free or cotton tube along the fold to take stress off fibres.
Did you know!? Bugs eat starch! Therefore, you must remove any articles that have been starched before storing.
Concerned your items have been in contact with bugs? Put them into a sealed plastic bag and put it in the freezer for a couple days.
For more information and tips about caring for textiles, I highly recommend “Caring for Textiles” by Karen Finch O.B.E. & Greta Putnam. | Tafadhali chukua tahadhari kubwa katika kutafiti asili ya nguo za zamani sana na kuhakikisha una habari sahihi kuhusu nguo yako maalum kabla ya kuendelea kuifuta, kurekebisha au kuhifadhi. Hizi ni mapendekezo yangu tu. Usahihi wa kila siku: Vacuuming ni njia rahisi na ya chini ya hatari ya kusafisha, hasa kwa vipande vya nguo vilivyowekwa kwa wima. Kwa ajili ya kuosha au vacuuming nguo juu ya uso wa usawa, kwanza kufunika yao na 1x1 mita nylon filament screen. Hii itahakikisha kwamba huwezi kuharibu kitu hicho wakati wa kusafisha. Uwe mwangalifu sana unaposafisha vitu vyenye umbo dhaifu. Ukishangaa, wasiliana na mtaalamu - iwe ni katika jumba la makumbusho au katika duka la kuosha nguo kabla ya kuendelea. Ikiwa unaosha kitambaa cha kale, jaribu kujua ikiwa "vitambaa" ni sufu. Kama ni hivyo, si kuosha kama itakuwa shrink, kuvuta blanket mbali kutoka binding. hutaki sufu ndani shrink na kuharibu kipande. Kuosha na kukausha Kuweka nylon filament screen katika beseni kamili ya joto la chumba maji. Weka bidhaa hiyo ndani ya maji na uosha kwa mkono kwa kutumia dawa ya kuosha yenye unyevu, kama vile Woolite. Baada ya kusafisha, chukua nylon filament screen na kuipiga juu na chini juu ya beseni ili kuondoa maji. Ikiwa bado maji ya beseni yanaonekana kuwa machafu, badilisha maji hayo na urudia utaratibu huo hadi maji yatakapokuwa safi. Baada ya kuondoa, badala ya kuondoa, na kuondoa maji safi (na kuondoa detergent) na kuosha kwa kutumia utaratibu wa juu. Ili kukauka, kuondoa nylon filament screen kutoka beseni (kuacha kitu juu) na kuweka juu ya kitambaa kavu. Unaweza pia kuchukua bidhaa nje kukauka, lakini kuhakikisha kwamba wewe kufunika na kitambaa. Kwa mfano, kama unafanya kazi ya kuosha kitanda katika siku ya joto, weka kitambaa safi cha kitanda kwenye beseni la kuoga lenye maji ya joto la chumba. Weka kitu hicho ndani ya beseni, na usafishe kwa mkono kwa kutumia dawa ya kusafisha yenye upole, kama vile Woolite. Baada ya kusafisha kitambaa, chukua kitambaa cha kitanda na kukipiga juu na chini kwenye beseni ili kuondoa maji. Ikiwa bado maji ya beseni yanaonekana kuwa machafu, badilisha maji hayo na urudia utaratibu huo hadi maji yatakapokuwa safi. Baada ya kuondoa, badilisha chupa kwa maji safi (bila dawa ya kuosha) na kuosha kwa kutumia utaratibu uliotajwa hapo juu. Weka taulo ardhini na kuweka kitu hicho juu. Kwa upole futa taulo na uchujue maji kutoka kwenye kitu hicho. Ili kuuka, weka kitambaa hicho kwenye kitambaa kavu kwenye nyasi yako na ukifunike kwa kitambaa kingine. Kwa upande wa kulia wa bidhaa kuelekea nje, kutumia kitambaa roll (kwa mfano: kipande cha makaratasi kufunikwa na asidi bure karatasi) na roll ni gorofa. Unaweza kuweka zaidi ya bidhaa moja kwenye roll ya kitani, kwa muda mrefu kama wewe kutenganisha yao na karatasi ya asidi bure karatasi. Weka mahali pazuri na kavu, mbali na joto na unyevu. Weka vitu vikubwa katika sanduku tambarare lililofunikwa kwa karatasi isiyo na asidi. Unaweza kuweka zaidi ya bidhaa moja katika sanduku, mradi tu unawatenganisha kwa karatasi ya karatasi isiyo na asidi. Hakikisha kwamba unachukua vitu kutoka kwa kuhifadhi kila baada ya miezi sita ili kuviweka mahali pengine ili usiwe na mkazo juu ya nyuzi. Unaweza pia kuingiza asidi bure au pamba bomba kando ya fold kuchukua mkazo mbali nyuzi. Je, ulijua!? Wadudu hula wanga! Kwa hiyo, ni lazima uondoe vitu vyote vilivyotiwa wanga kabla ya kuvihifadhi. Una wasiwasi kwamba vitu vyako vimekuwa katika mawasiliano na wadudu? Weka ndani ya mfuko wa plastiki uliofungwa na kuweka kwenye friji kwa siku chache. Kwa habari zaidi na vidokezo kuhusu kutunza nguo, ninapendekeza sana <unk>Kutunza nguo<unk> na Karen Finch O.B.E. Greta Putnam | <urn:uuid:c417e7cb-6289-48c2-b4d1-3d2ca11026f5> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://www.sandysimmelink.com/post/caring-for-fragile-textiles | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
Teas, Decoctions & Infusions
One of the most accessible ways to make herbal medicine is through water based extraction methods. This includes teas, infusions, and decoctions. Teas are often made with leafy and flower plant material while decoctions are often made with roots, berries or material that uses heat for better extraction. Infusions are longer steeped teas from any plant parts.
We make teas with leafy herbs and flowers because they are generally more delicate and therefore require less time and heat for the medicine to be extracted. To make a tea bring water to a boil and pour over the herbs; let steep for at least 5-10 minutes. The general proportions are 1 Tbs of leaf to 8 oz of water. Add more herb for a stronger tea. Most leaves have volatile oils so it is best to cover whatever vessel you are using while the tea steeps.
DecoctionsDecoctions are often used for making teas from roots. Roots are denser and hardier and so require more energy and time to extract the medicine. To make a decoction place plants in a saucepan and bring to a boil, then simmer for 15-30 minutes. A general place to start is 1 Tbs to 16 oz of water, but play around, the more root & the longer you steep the stronger the decoction. Decoctions are also great for mushrooms, and can be used as part of your soup broths! | Mimea ya mimea, decoctions na infusions ni njia ya kawaida ya kuunda dawa ya mimea ya mimea. Hilo latia ndani chai, infusion, na decoctions. Chai hutengenezwa kwa majani na maua ya mimea, wakati decoctions hutengenezwa kwa mizizi, matunda au nyenzo ambayo hutumia joto kwa uchimbaji bora. Infusions ni chai zilizochemshwa kwa muda mrefu kutoka sehemu zozote za mmea. Twafanya chai kwa majani ya mitishamba na maua kwa sababu kwa ujumla ni nyembamba zaidi na kwa hiyo zinahitaji muda na joto kidogo ili dawa itoke. Ili kutayarisha chai, chukua maji ya maji ya maji ya maji ya maji ya maji ya maji ya maji ya maji ya maji ya maji ya maji ya maji ya maji ya maji ya maji ya maji ya maji ya maji ya maji ya maji ya maji ya maji ya maji ya maji ya maji ya maji ya maji ya maji ya maji ya maji ya maji ya maji ya maji ya maji ya maji. Kwa kawaida, kiasi cha maji ni 1 tbz ya majani kwa 8 oz ya maji. Ongeza mimea zaidi kwa ajili ya chai yenye nguvu zaidi. Majani mengi yana mafuta yenye harufu mbaya, kwa hiyo ni afadhali kufunika chombo chochote unachotumia wakati chai inapowaka. DecoctionsDecoctions ni mara nyingi kutumika kwa ajili ya kufanya chai kutoka mizizi. Mizizi ni nzito zaidi na yenye nguvu zaidi na hivyo huhitaji nishati na wakati mwingi zaidi ili kutoa dawa. Ili kuunda decoction, weka mimea kwenye sufuria na kuifanya ichemke, kisha uchemke kwa dakika 15-30. Kwa kawaida, 1 tbz ya maji ya mchanganyiko wa 16 oz ni bora, lakini kwa sababu ya kupanua, mimea ya mimea ya mimea ya mimea ya mimea ya mimea ya mimea ya mimea ya mimea ya mimea ya mimea ya mimea ya mimea ya mimea ya mimea ya mimea. Vinywaji pia ni bora kwa ajili ya uyoga, na inaweza kutumika kama sehemu ya mchuzi wako supu! | <urn:uuid:56c11d22-c5bf-4083-8abd-bd5b8733cbd2> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://www.sawmillherbfarm.com/pages/water-extractions | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
The discovery of the Clock mutant mouse in 1994 and the identification and cloning of the gene underlying the mutation, named Clock, was a landmark finding in the history of the field of mammalian circadian rhythms. Unexpected at the time, the discovery of the Clock mutant animal would eventually lead to an entire new approach to the study and treatment of obesity. The report in 2005 that the Clock mutant animal is obese and shows signs of the metabolic syndrome opened up an entire new field of obesity research. Although still in the early stages of discovery, linking circadian clock genes to energy regulation has clear implications for future studies on body weight regulation at the mechanistic level, as well as for the development of new therapeutic approaches for combatting the epidemic of obesity, as well as metabolic disorders, including diabetes.
ASJC Scopus subject areas
- General Medicine
- General Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology | Ugunduzi wa panya wa Clock mwaka 1994 na utambulisho na cloning ya jeni ya msingi ya mabadiliko, aitwaye Clock, ilikuwa ni mafanikio muhimu katika historia ya uwanja wa rhythms circadian mamalia. Ugunduzi wa mnyama wa Clock mutant uliongoza kwenye mbinu mpya ya utafiti na matibabu ya unene wa mwili. Ripoti ya mwaka 2005 kwamba mnyama wa Clock mutant ni mnene na anaonyesha dalili za ugonjwa wa metabolic, kufunguliwa uwanja mpya kabisa wa utafiti wa unene. Ingawa bado katika hatua za mwanzo za ugunduzi, kuunganisha jeni za saa ya circadian na udhibiti wa nishati ina athari za wazi kwa masomo ya baadaye juu ya udhibiti wa uzito wa mwili katika kiwango cha utaratibu, na pia kwa maendeleo ya mbinu mpya za matibabu ya kupambana na janga la unene wa kupita kiasi, pamoja na matatizo ya kimetaboliki, ikiwa ni pamoja na kisukari. ASJC Scopus masomo maeneo - General Medicine - General Biochemistry, Genetics na Molecular Biology | <urn:uuid:5ef331e2-d9c7-4bb2-bbec-8bec6ed93a9d> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://www.scholars.northwestern.edu/en/publications/discovery-of-the-clock-mutant-and-the-first-mammalian-clock-gene- | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
Even after more than 20 years in the ocean, everyday plastics can show very few signs of breaking up or degrading, according to a new study examining the effects of deep-sea submersion on this problematic material.
Researchers looked at two plastic samples recovered from 4,150 metres (13,615 feet) below the surface of the eastern Pacific Ocean, finding that the majority of the plastic was still fully intact, and had also influenced microbial communities growing on the plastic surface.
While it isn't difficult to find plastic in the oceans, it can be difficult to accurately date it, so the findings serve as an important warning about just how long plastic can stick around once it's been dumped into the sea.
"The present study results represent, to our knowledge, the first data set reliably integrating the fate and ecological function of plastic over a time interval of more than two decades under natural marine deep-sea environmental conditions," write the researchers in their published paper.
A food container and a Coca-Cola can wrapped in a plastic bag were the discarded items recovered by the researchers, found among many others observed on the sea floor.
Thanks to a code and brand name on the container, and the fact the can was part of a limited edition run, the team was able to date the items to between 1988 and 1996.
While the aluminium of the Coca-Cola can would have ordinarily wasted away, the plastic bag did a very good job of preserving it – so much so that the can's label was still clearly visible. After recovering these two items, the scientists were able to run a chemical and bacterial analysis of the objects.
"It turned out that neither the bag nor the curd box showed signs of fragmentation or even degradation," says biogeochemist Stefan Krause from the GEOMAR research institute in Germany.
Even though the container and the bag were different shapes and were made from different types of plastics, their impact on the surrounding bacteria was the same, the scientists found – the microbial diversity was much lower on the plastic than in the surrounding seafloor sediments.
We already know that hazardous chemicals leach out from plastic submerged in water, and that may be what's happening here. The researchers do point out, however, that two plastic objects constitute a very small sample size, so further studies are going to be required here.
The team of scientists was actually in the area to investigate how mining manganese nodules from the seafloor might affect the ocean environment, so the accidental discovery of the plastic – and the fact that it could be so accurately dated – means we're lucky to have these findings at all, even if the results themselves are discouraging.
While work continues on dealing with our plastic problem – more than 60 percent of floating debris in the ocean is thought to be plastic – next up for the research team is a project looking in more detail at where the plastic dumped in the ocean actually ends up.
"This study builds also an important basis for our new project HOTMIC [Horizontal and Vertical Oceanic Distribution, Transport, and Impact of Microplastics], where we aim to trace the plastic waste entering the ocean from the continents to the large oceanic eddies and further to their final sink, the abyssal seafloor," says GEOMAR marine scientist Matthias Haeckel.
The research has been published in Scientific Reports. | Hata baada ya miaka 20 ya kutumiwa, plastiki ya kila siku inaweza kuonyesha dalili chache sana za kuvunjika au kuharibika, kulingana na utafiti mpya unaochunguza athari za kuzamishwa kwa bahari kwa nyenzo hii yenye shida. Watafiti walichunguza sampuli mbili za plastiki zilizopatikana mita 4,150 chini ya uso wa Bahari ya Pasifiki ya Mashariki na kugundua kwamba sehemu kubwa ya plastiki ilikuwa bado haijaharibika kabisa na pia ilikuwa imeathiri jamii za vijidudu vinavyoishi kwenye uso wa plastiki. Ingawa si vigumu kupata plastiki katika bahari, inaweza kuwa vigumu tarehe yake kwa usahihi, hivyo matokeo kutumika kama onyo muhimu kuhusu jinsi muda mrefu plastiki inaweza kukaa karibu mara moja ni kutupwa katika bahari. "Matokeo ya utafiti huu yanawakilisha, kwa maarifa yetu, seti ya kwanza ya data inayounganisha kwa kuaminika hatima na kazi ya ikolojia ya plastiki kwa muda wa zaidi ya miongo miwili chini ya hali ya asili ya mazingira ya bahari ya kina kirefu, ""waandishi wa utafiti waliandika." Chupa ya chakula na chupa ya Coca-Cola iliyozungukwa katika mfuko wa plastiki zilikuwa vitu vilivyotupwa na watafiti, vilivyopatikana miongoni mwa vitu vingine vingi vilivyogunduliwa kwenye sakafu ya bahari. Kwa sababu ya jina la bidhaa na nambari kwenye chombo hicho, na kwa sababu ya kuwa chombo hicho kilitengenezwa kwa kiasi kidogo, timu hiyo iliweza kugundua kwamba vitu hivyo vilitengenezwa kati ya mwaka wa 1988 na 1996. Wakati alumini ya Coca-Cola inaweza kuwa kawaida kupotea mbali, mfuko wa plastiki alifanya kazi nzuri sana ya kuhifadhi <unk> hivyo sana kwamba lebo ya unaweza bado ilikuwa wazi inayoonekana. Baada ya kupata vitu hivyo viwili, wanasayansi waliweza kuchanganua vitu hivyo kwa kemikali na bakteria. "Iligunduliwa kwamba mfuko huo wala sanduku la keki halikuwa na dalili za kugawanyika au hata kuharibika,"" anasema Stefan Krause, mtaalamu wa kemia ya kibiolojia kutoka taasisi ya utafiti ya GEOMAR nchini Ujerumani." Ingawa chombo hicho na mfuko huo ulikuwa na umbo tofauti na ulitengenezwa kwa aina tofauti za plastiki, athari zao kwa bakteria zilizozunguka zilikuwa sawa, wanasayansi walipata - utofauti wa vimelea ulikuwa chini sana kwenye plastiki kuliko katika matope ya chini ya bahari. "Kama tunavyojua, kemikali hatari hutoka kwenye plastiki iliyo ndani ya maji, na huenda ndivyo ilivyo hapa.""" Hata hivyo, watafiti wanasema kuwa vitu viwili vya plastiki ni sampuli ndogo sana, kwa hivyo utafiti zaidi utahitajika hapa. """Timu ya wanasayansi ilikuwa katika eneo hilo kuchunguza jinsi madini ya manganese nodules kutoka chini ya bahari inaweza kuathiri mazingira ya bahari, hivyo ugunduzi wa bahati mbaya wa plastiki na ukweli kwamba inaweza kuwa sahihi sana tarehe ina maana sisi ni bahati ya kuwa na matokeo haya hata kama matokeo yenyewe ni ya kukatisha tamaa." Wakati kazi inaendelea juu ya kushughulikia tatizo letu la plastiki - zaidi ya asilimia 60 ya takwimu za kuteleza katika bahari ni plastiki - inayofuata kwa timu ya utafiti ni mradi wa kuangalia kwa undani zaidi ambapo plastiki iliyotupwa baharini inakwenda. "Utafiti huu pia unajenga msingi muhimu kwa mradi wetu mpya wa HOTMIC (Ugawaji wa Bahari ya Upepo na Vertical, Usafiri, na Athari ya Microplastics), ambapo tunakusudia kufuatilia taka za plastiki zinazoingia baharini kutoka bara hadi mabwawa makubwa ya baharini na zaidi ya sinki yao ya mwisho, sakafu ya bahari ya abyssal. """ Utafiti huo umechapishwa katika jarida la Scientific Reports. | <urn:uuid:f6d9dc02-1e96-4b01-b423-b9056a57fd87> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://www.sciencealert.com/here-s-how-long-plastic-stays-intact-deep-underwater-and-it-s-not-good-news | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
Coeliacs exposed to gluten due to poor food labelling
Around 44 per cent of respondents to a survey by dietary app Ubamarket said that food labels are difficult and at times impossible to read,while more than half of respondents said that the complicated nature of UK food labels make it difficult for people with dietary requirements to make informed decisions about their food.
A large proportion of food recalls by the Food Standards Agency relate to incorrect labelling on foods - an error stating that something does not contain an allergen when it actually does.
Coeliac sufferes have an autoimmune reaction to eating gluten which can not only make sufferers vomit and have stomach problems after eating anything containing gluten - but can leave them with long-term damage to their gut if they are exposed regularly.
Last week, Tesco recalled a type of cheese burger because of undeclared sesame, which could be a serious health risk to anyone with an allergy to the ingredient. Last year, Natasha Ednan-Laperouse, 15, died after allegedly eating sesame in food sold by sandwich chain Pret a Manger that they knew they were allergic to, but did not realise was in the food they were eating. The chain has since begun listing all ingredients on its fresh products.
Ubamarket's app features 'Allergy Alerts' which bring the small print to life and ensures that UK consumers are informed and knowledgeable about the ingredients in the food they look to purchase. The feature allows shoppers to scan items using the Ubamarket app and receive an alert for any allergens such as gluten or dairy and even if a product is suitable for vegetarians and vegans.
Will Broome, chief executive of Ubamarket, said: “The recent discovery that many supermarkets such as Tesco, ASDA, Iceland and Morrisons are having to recall food due to inadequate food labelling shows that what should be an informational tool, is not serving its purpose. Our research has revealed that 23 million Brits feel that food labels are difficult and at times impossible to read, so the importance of having systems in place that grant freedom for shoppers to shop according to dietary requirements has never been more apparent.
"Retailers, supermarkets and food outlets could enable easier ways to identify important allergens and ingredients on labels. With easier ways to identify important allergens and ingredients on labels using technology, more convenient store layouts and a smoother shopping format, consumers will be able to shop with ease.” | "Wanajamii wa Uingereza wanaopinga matumizi ya chakula cha gluten, na asilimia 44 ya watu waliohojiwa katika utafiti uliofanywa na Ubamarket wanasema kwamba ""maelezo ya chakula ni magumu na wakati mwingine haiwezekani kusoma,"" huku zaidi ya nusu ya watu waliohojiwa wakisema kwamba ""ubaguzi wa chakula cha Uingereza hufanya iwe vigumu kwa watu wenye mahitaji ya chakula kufanya maamuzi kuhusu chakula chao.""" "Kama ilivyoelezwa hapo juu, sehemu kubwa ya kukumbushwa kwa chakula na Shirika la Viwango vya Chakula inahusiana na kuashiria vibaya kwenye chakula - kosa linaloonyesha kwamba kitu hakina kichocheo wakati kwa kweli kina.""" Watu wenye ugonjwa wa celiac wana athari ya autoimmune kwa kula gluten ambayo inaweza kuwafanya wagonjwa kutapika na kuwa na matatizo ya tumbo baada ya kula chochote kilicho na gluten - lakini inaweza kuwaacha na uharibifu wa muda mrefu kwa matumbo yao ikiwa wanakabiliwa mara kwa mara. Kampuni ya Tesco imesema kuwa imekataa kuagiza bidhaa za aina ya cheeseburger kwa sababu ya sesame ambayo haijatangazwa, ambayo inaweza kuwa hatari kubwa kwa afya ya mtu yeyote aliye na mzio wa kiungo hicho. Natasha Ednan-Leperuse, 15, aliuawa baada ya kula sesame katika chakula kilichouzwa na Pret a Manger, ambayo walijua walikuwa na mzio, lakini hawakujua ilikuwa katika chakula walichokuwa wakila. Tangu wakati huo, kampuni hiyo imeanza kuorodhesha viungo vyote kwenye bidhaa zake safi. Programu ya Ubamarket ina 'Alerts ya Mzio' ambayo huleta uchapishaji mdogo kwa maisha na kuhakikisha kuwa watumiaji wa Uingereza wanaarifiwa na wanajua juu ya viungo katika chakula wanachoangalia kununua. Mfumo huo unaruhusu watumiaji kuchunguza bidhaa kwa kutumia programu ya Ubamarket na kupokea tahadhari ya allergens yoyote kama vile gluten au maziwa na hata ikiwa bidhaa inafaa kwa mboga na mboga. "William Broome, mkurugenzi mtendaji wa Ubamarket, alisema: ""Ugunduzi wa hivi karibuni kwamba maduka makubwa mengi kama vile Tesco, ASDA, Iceland na Morrisons yanalazimika kukumbuka chakula kwa sababu ya kuashiria chakula kisichofaa inaonyesha kwamba kile kinachopaswa kuwa chombo cha habari hakitumiki kusudi lake." "Utafiti wetu umeonyesha kuwa ""Wangereza milioni 23 wanahisi kwamba lebo za chakula ni ngumu na wakati mwingine haiwezekani kusoma, kwa hivyo umuhimu wa kuwa na mifumo ambayo inatoa uhuru kwa wanunuzi kununua kulingana na mahitaji ya lishe haijawahi kuwa dhahiri zaidi.""" "Wauzaji, maduka makubwa na maduka ya chakula yanaweza kuwezesha njia rahisi za kutambua allergens muhimu na viungo kwenye lebo. Kwa njia rahisi za kutambua virutubisho muhimu na viungo kwenye vitambulisho kwa kutumia teknolojia, mipangilio rahisi zaidi ya maduka na muundo laini zaidi wa ununuzi, watumiaji wataweza kununua kwa urahisi. | <urn:uuid:6c3cf798-bbf0-4b5c-b655-e1d328359330> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://www.scotsman.com/news/people/coeliacs-exposed-to-gluten-due-to-poor-food-labelling-1414215 | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
Surveillance of citizens is a clear manifestation of government power. The act of surveillance is generally deemed acceptable in a democratic society where it is necessary to protect the interests of the nation and where the power is exercised non-arbitrarily and in accordance with the law.
Surveillance and the Lawanalyses the core features of surveillance that create stark challenges for transparency and accountability by examining the relationship between language, power, and surveillance. It identifies a number of features of surveillance law, surveillance language, and the distribution of power that perpetuate the existing surveillance paradigm. Using case studies from the US, the UK, and Ireland, it assesses the techniques used to maintain the status quo of continued surveillance expansion. These jurisdictions are selected for their similarities, but also for their key constitutional distinctions, which influence how power is distributed and restrained in the different systems. Though the book maintains that the classic principles of transparency and accountability remain the best means available to limit the arbitrary exercise of government power, it evaluates how these principles could be better realised in order to restore power to the people and to maintain an appropriate balance between government intrusion and the right to privacy.
By identifying the common tactics used in the expansion of surveillance around the globe, this book will appeal to students and scholars interested in privacy law, human rights, information technology law, and surveillance studies.
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Stay in the know on the latest enterprise risk and security industry trends. | Ufuatiliaji wa raia ni wonyesho wazi wa nguvu za serikali. "Hatua ya ufuatiliaji kwa ujumla inachukuliwa kuwa ya kukubalika katika jamii ya kidemokrasia ambapo ni muhimu kulinda maslahi ya taifa na ambapo mamlaka hutumiwa bila kukata tamaa na kwa mujibu wa sheria.""" Ufuatiliaji na Sheria: Uchunguzi wa sifa za msingi za ufuatiliaji ambazo huunda changamoto kubwa kwa uwazi na uwajibikaji kwa kuchunguza uhusiano kati ya lugha, nguvu na ufuatiliaji. Inatambua sifa kadhaa za sheria ya ufuatiliaji, lugha ya ufuatiliaji, na usambazaji wa nguvu ambazo huendeleza mfano wa ufuatiliaji uliopo. Kwa kutumia masomo ya kesi kutoka Marekani, Uingereza na Ireland, inathamini mbinu zinazotumiwa kudumisha hali ya sasa ya upanuzi wa ufuatiliaji uliendelea. Mamlaka hizi huchaguliwa kwa sababu ya kufanana kwao, lakini pia kwa sababu ya tofauti zao kuu za kikatiba, ambazo zinaathiri jinsi nguvu inagawanywa na kudhibitiwa katika mifumo tofauti. Ingawa kitabu hicho kinasema kuwa kanuni za kawaida za uwazi na uwajibikaji bado ni njia bora inayopatikana ya kupunguza matumizi ya kimakusudi ya mamlaka ya serikali, inathamini jinsi kanuni hizi zinaweza kutekelezwa vizuri ili kurudisha nguvu kwa watu na kudumisha usawa sahihi kati ya uvamizi wa serikali na haki ya faragha. Kwa kutambua mbinu za kawaida zinazotumiwa katika kupanua ufuatiliaji duniani kote, kitabu hiki kitapendeza wanafunzi na wasomi wanaopendezwa na sheria ya faragha, haki za binadamu, sheria ya teknolojia ya habari, na masomo ya ufuatiliaji. Kupata yetu mpya eMagazine kusafirishwa kwa sanduku lako la barua kila mwezi. Kuendelea kujua juu ya hatari ya hivi karibuni ya biashara na mwenendo wa sekta ya usalama. | <urn:uuid:27dd405d-ec9b-46f4-979f-271d8f39eeb6> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://www.securitymagazine.com/products/category/2166-books/product/601-surveillance-and-the-law-language-power-and-privacy | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
The health department in northern Kentucky is enacting a new rule for all public pools. Children who are not potty trained are no longer allowed in public pools, even those wearing swim diapers.
The health department says it will protect the community from the highly contagious bacteria called Shigellosis, which can easily be spread, even in highly chlorinated pools.
“Even if your child is healthy, you don’t know about other children or other toddlers who are not toilet trained who’ve been in that water,” said Dr. Lynne Saddler, NKY District Director of Health.
Shigella is very common among children, and symptoms include diarrhea, fever, cramps and vomiting. | Idara ya Afya ya Kaskazini mwa Kentucky imetoa sheria mpya kwa ajili ya mabwawa yote ya umma. Watoto ambao hawajafundishwa kutumia choo hawawezi tena kuingia kwenye vidimbwi vya umma, hata wale wanaovaa vitambaa vya kuogelea. "Kama ilivyoelezwa, ""Hii italinda jamii dhidi ya bakteria ya kuambukiza sana inayoitwa Shigellosis, ambayo inaweza kuenea kwa urahisi, hata katika dimbwi zenye klorini nyingi.""" "Hata kama mtoto wako ni afya, hujui kuhusu watoto wengine au watoto wengine ambao si toilet mafunzo ambao wamekuwa katika maji hayo, "alisema Dk Lynne Saddler, NKY Wilaya Mkurugenzi wa Afya." Shigella ni ya kawaida sana miongoni mwa watoto, na dalili ni pamoja na kuhara, homa, maumivu ya tumbo na kutapika. | <urn:uuid:55995bf7-3ac9-4b79-97df-6384a6296600> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://www.shigellablog.com/shigella-watch/kentucky-shigella-outbreak-continues/ | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
Most people know that seeing a dentist regularly is good for oral health and the appearance of your smile. But not everyone knows that it can also improve your overall health. Oral health is more important than most people realize.
The Connection Between Oral Health and Overall Health
Oral health provides clues about your general health, and problems in the mouth can affect the entire body. The mouth is teeming with bacteria that are kept under control with good oral hygiene, including regular brushing and flossing. Without proper oral care, these bacteria can multiply and reach levels that can lead to infection, gum disease, and tooth decay.
Studies suggest that oral bacteria and inflammation associated with severe gum disease (periodontitis) may play a role in certain diseases. Conversely, diseases such as HIV and diabetes can reduce the body’s resistance to infection, worsening oral health problems.
Saliva neutralizes acids produced by bacteria and washes away food in the mouth. It helps protect against microbial overgrowth or invasion that can lead to disease. Certain types of medications can reduce saliva flow. These medications include:
Health Conditions that May Be Linked to Oral Health
Oral health problems may contribute to various conditions and diseases, including:
- Cardiovascular disease
- Premature birth and low birth weight
- Endocarditis (infection of the inner lining of the heart)
Diseases and conditions that may affect oral health include:
Other health conditions that may be linked to oral health include:
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Eating disorders
- Head and neck cancers
- Sjogren’s syndrome (immune system disorder that causes dry mouth)
How to Protect Your Oral Health
The best way to protect your oral health is to see your dentist regularly and practice good oral hygiene daily. This includes:
- Brushing twice a day with fluoride toothpaste
- Flossing daily
- Replacing your toothbrush when the bristles are frayed, or every three to four months
- Avoiding tobacco use
- Eating a healthy diet
- Limiting between-meal snacks
- Getting regular dental cleanings and checkups
Do You Need Dental Insurance?
Annual physicals and regular follow-ups with your physician are important to protect your overall health. As regular dental visits are equally important, it stands to reason that you and your family need dental insurance as well as health insurance.
What Does Dental Insurance Cover?
Dental insurance differs from plan to plan. The major differences between plans are what and how much they cover. However, most dental plans offer coverage for routine, preventative procedures, including:
- Dental cleanings (typically once or twice a year)
- Bite wing and panoramic X-rays
- Dental exams
How Much Does Dental Insurance Cost?
Costs of dental insurance can vary widely. Factors affecting the cost include location, the type of coverage, the type of provider (public or private), and overall dental health. Our experienced agency can help you find a dental insurance plan that suits your family’s needs at the best available rates. | Watu wengi wanajua kwamba kwenda kwa daktari wa meno mara kwa mara ni jambo zuri kwa afya ya mdomo na kwa sura ya tabasamu yako. Lakini si kila mtu anayejua kwamba inaweza pia kuboresha afya yako kwa ujumla. Afya ya mdomo ni muhimu zaidi kuliko watu wengi wanavyofahamu. Uunganisho kati ya afya ya mdomo na afya ya jumla Afya ya mdomo hutoa dalili kuhusu afya yako ya jumla, na matatizo katika mdomo yanaweza kuathiri mwili wote. Mkojo una bakteria nyingi ambazo zinadhibitiwa kwa kutumia usafi mzuri wa mdomo, kutia ndani kupiga mswaki na kutumia kitambaa cha meno. Bila utunzaji wa mdomo, bakteria hizo zinaweza kuongezeka na kufikia kiwango kinachoweza kusababisha maambukizo, magonjwa ya taya, na kuoza kwa meno. Uchunguzi unaonyesha kwamba bakteria za mdomo na uvimbe unaohusiana na ugonjwa mbaya wa taya (periodontitis) unaweza kuwa na sehemu katika magonjwa fulani. Kwa upande mwingine, magonjwa kama vile UKIMWI na kisukari yanaweza kupunguza uwezo wa mwili wa kukabiliana na maambukizo, na hivyo kuzidisha matatizo ya afya ya mdomo. Mkojo huzuia asidi zinazotokezwa na bakteria na kuondoa chakula kinywani. Inasaidia kulinda dhidi ya ukuzi wa kupita kiasi wa vimelea au uvamizi ambao unaweza kusababisha ugonjwa. Aina fulani za dawa zaweza kupunguza mtiririko wa mate. Matatizo ya afya ya mdomo yanaweza kusababisha magonjwa mbalimbali, ikiwa ni pamoja na: - Ugonjwa wa moyo - Kuzaliwa kabla ya wakati na uzito wa kuzaliwa mdogo - Endocarditis (ambukizi la utando wa ndani wa moyo) - Magonjwa na hali ambazo zinaweza kuathiri afya ya mdomo ni pamoja na: - Rheumatoid arthritis - Matatizo ya kula - Saratani ya kichwa na shingo - Sjogren's oral syndrome (matatizo ya mfumo wa kinga ambayo husababisha kinywa kavu) - Jinsi ya kulinda afya yako ya mdomo. "Hii ni pamoja na: - Brushing mara mbili kwa siku na fluoride toothpaste - Flossing kila siku - Kubadilisha toothbrush yako wakati bristles ni frayed, au kila miezi mitatu hadi minne - Kuepuka matumizi ya tumbaku - Kula chakula cha afya - Kupunguza kati ya chakula - Kupata mara kwa mara meno kusafishwa na uchunguzi ""Je, unahitaji bima ya meno?" Uchunguzi wa kila mwaka na uchunguzi wa mara kwa mara na daktari wako ni muhimu ili kulinda afya yako kwa ujumla. Kwa kuwa utunzaji wa meno ni muhimu, ni muhimu kwamba wewe na familia yako uwe na bima ya afya. Bima ya meno inashughulikia nini? Bima ya meno hutofautiana kutoka mpango hadi mpango. Tofauti kuu kati ya mipango ni nini na kiasi gani wao kufunika. Hata hivyo, mipango mingi ya meno hutoa chanjo kwa ajili ya utaratibu wa kawaida, wa kuzuia, ikiwa ni pamoja na: - Usafi wa meno (kwa kawaida mara moja au mbili kwa mwaka) - Mlipuko wa kuumwa na miale ya X-ray ya panoramic - Uchunguzi wa meno Ni kiasi gani cha bima ya meno? Gharama za bima ya meno zaweza kutofautiana sana. Mambo yanayoathiri gharama ni pamoja na eneo, aina ya chanjo, aina ya mtoa huduma (wa umma au binafsi), na afya ya meno kwa ujumla. Shirika letu lenye uzoefu linaweza kukusaidia kupata mpango wa bima ya meno unaolingana na mahitaji ya familia yako kwa viwango bora vinavyopatikana. | <urn:uuid:8c9aba0b-8a37-4ab0-adb5-6353b9e2fd04> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://www.stahlka.com/article/how-seeing-a-dentist-can-improve-your-overall-health/ | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
Is Google Maps distorted?The Mercator projection exaggerates the size of areas far from the equator. For example, Greenland is presented as having roughly as much land area as Africa, when in fact Africa's area is approximately 14 times greater than Greenland. Google Maps cannot show the poles as the Mercator projects them at infinity.
Are all maps distorted True or false?There are very few absolutes when it comes to depicting the Earth on maps and globes. All maps are created by humans with varying interests, and all maps necessarily distort, omit, and: yes, are a little bit wrong.
Why is the map distorted?This is because the world is a 3D sphere, but maps are 2D projections on a plane. That means distortion! Here is a static version showing the equator, to compare more easily and see how much the projection differs from reality as you move away from it: We should be wary of flattening balls!
What is the most accurate world map?AuthaGraph. The AuthaGraphy projection was created by Japanese architect Hajime Narukawa in 1999. It is considered the most accurate projection in the mapping world for its way of showing relative areas of landmasses and oceans with very little distortion of shapes.
Why is Google Maps so pixelated?As you zoom in with Google Earth, the software switches progressively to finer resolution imagery. When you get down to the finest resolution images and keep zooming, the boundaries between the pixels are blended by the software. Finer detail literally does not exist in the images, and so they appear blurry.
Why all world maps are wrong
Why is Google Maps not smooth?Google Maps will be extremely laggy when chrome is logged in with a user and hardware accelerator is enabled. Disable hardware accelerator or browsing in Incognito mode will be smooth like normal.
Why is my Google Maps being weird?The Maps app stores certain temporary data on your Android device. While this usually speeds up performance, this data eventually builds up and can start causing issues within the app. To fix this, you can safely clear out the cached data for the app.
Is there a 100% accurate map?It depends on who you ask. By and large, however, a few do stand out above the rest. The Miller projection, the Winkel-Tippel projection, and the Authagraph are three of the best world maps available to us since they mostly solve the problems presented by Mercator's map and others that came before them.
Which map does not distort area?On the other hand, one kind of projection that doesn't distort area is the Cylindrical Equal Area. Notice here how Greenland looks the right size as compared to South America. Projections which preserve areas are called equivalent or equal-area projections.
Which map projection has no distortion?The only 'projection' which has all features with no distortion is a globe. 1° x 1° latitude and longitude is almost a square, while the same 'block' near the poles is almost a triangle. There is no one perfect projection and a map maker must choose the one which best suits their needs.
Which map is distorted the most?Conformal projections preserve angles around all locations. Because the linear scale of a Mercator map increases with latitude, it distorts the size of geographical objects far from the equator and conveys a distorted perception of the overall geometry of the planet.
Is Africa bigger than Russia?Actually Africa can nearly fit two Russias. In fact, Africa has an area of 11.73 million square miles while Russian one is only 6.6 million square miles. One can refer to the image below to get the exact sizes of countries compared to what we are used to on a map.
What maps are distorted?The Mercator map, though created with the best intentions, is very distorted. The map does not follow the same scale throughout and as a result, the sizes of various nations are either too large or small.
Can maps distort the truth?Thus, maps inherently distort reality. A common example of this is the Mercator map projection, which gradually distorts size and distance as latitude increases, until Greenland appears larger than Africa.
Do all maps distort reality?Every map has distortions simply because you cannot map a spherical-type surface onto a plane without distortion. It's mathematically impossible. While the ignorant go on about equal-area maps being 'correct,' those projections can do some horrible shape (and distance) distortion.
Do all maps have some level of distortion?Since any map projection is a representation of one of those surfaces on a plane, all map projections distort. The classical way of showing the distortion inherent in a projection is to use Tissot's indicatrix.
Why is Russia so big on the map?The Mercator projection, the most popular world map, distorts the size of the shape of landmasses near the pole. This results in Russia looking bigger than Africa. Actually Africa can nearly fit two Russias.
What projection is Google Maps?Google Maps use Mercator projection for browser-based maps. When Fusion creates a map that uses maps.google.com imagery as the source, it uses Google Maps projection for the rasterized vectors so that they match the underlying Google Map tiles. This EPSG code is EPSG:900913 or EPSG:3785.
Why is Africa smaller on the map?Europeans continued to make maps with Africa disoriented to express their power. Ancient and modern conquerors chose to make Africa look much smaller to exert their power and authority. As we can see from the map, Africa is bigger than China, the U.S, Western & Eastern Europe, Japan, Mexico, and India.
How accurate is Google map?GPS: Maps uses satellites to know your location up to around 20 meters. When you're inside buildings or underground, the GPS is sometimes inaccurate. Wi-Fi: The location of nearby Wi-Fi networks helps Maps know where you are. Cell tower: Your connection to mobile data can be accurate up to a few thousand meters.
What is the only 100% perfect map?View the world in correct proportions with this map.
Is Africa bigger than North America?The continents are, from largest to smallest: Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Antarctica, Europe, and Australia.
What's better than Google Maps?
7 Alternatives to Google Maps for Navigation
- Waze. Actually, Google now owns Waze. ...
- Apple Maps. Apple Maps is the built-in maps app on your iPhone, iPad, and Mac computer. ...
- HERE WeGo. Say it in the voice of Super Mario! ...
- OpenStreetMap. ...
- TomTom. ...
- Mapbox. ... | Je, Ramani za Google zimepotoshwa? Makadirio ya Mercator yanazidisha ukubwa wa maeneo yaliyo mbali na ikweta. Kwa mfano, Greenland inaonekana kuwa na eneo la ardhi kama Afrika, wakati kwa kweli eneo la Afrika ni karibu mara 14 kubwa kuliko Greenland. Ramani za Google haziwezi kuonyesha nguzo kama Mercator inavyozionyesha kwa ukamilifu. Je, ramani zote zimepotoshwa Kweli au uwongo?Kuna mambo machache sana ya hakika linapokuja kuelezea Dunia kwenye ramani na dunia. Ramani zote zimeundwa na wanadamu wenye maslahi tofauti, na ramani zote lazima ziharibu, ziachane, na: ndiyo, ni makosa kidogo. Kwa nini ramani imepotoka? - Kwa sababu dunia ni mviringo wa 3D, lakini ramani ni makadirio ya 2D kwenye ndege. Hilo lamaanisha kupotosha! Hapa ni toleo static kuonyesha ikweta, kulinganisha kwa urahisi zaidi na kuona jinsi sana makadirio inatofautiana na ukweli kama wewe hoja mbali na hayo: Tunapaswa kuwa makini na flattening mipira! Ni ramani gani sahihi zaidi ya ulimwengu? Autograph ni mtindo wa sanaa wa kisasa wa Kijapani ulioundwa na msanifu Hajime Narukawa mnamo 1999. Ni moja ya mapambano sahihi zaidi katika dunia ya ramani kwa njia yake ya kuonyesha maeneo ya nchi kavu na bahari na kupotosha kidogo sana ya maumbo. Kwa nini Google Maps ni pixelated hivyo?Kama wewe zoom katika na Google Earth, programu hubadilisha hatua kwa hatua kwa picha ya azimio finer. Wakati wewe kupata chini ya picha bora azimio na kuweka zooming, mipaka kati ya pikseli ni mchanganyiko na programu. Kwa kweli, picha hizo hazina mambo madogo-madogo, kwa hiyo zinaonekana kuwa hazina uwazi. Kwa nini ramani zote za ulimwengu ni makosa? - Kwa nini Google Maps si laini? - Ramani za Google zitakuwa laggy sana wakati chrome imesajiliwa na mtumiaji na kiharakati cha vifaa kimewezeshwa. Kuzima vifaa accelerator au kuvinjari katika hali ya Incognito itakuwa laini kama kawaida. Kwa nini Google Maps ni ya kushangaza? - Programu ya Ramani huhifadhi data fulani ya muda kwenye kifaa chako cha Android. Wakati hii kwa kawaida kuharakisha utendaji, data hii hatimaye hujenga na inaweza kuanza kusababisha masuala ndani ya programu. Ili kurekebisha hili, unaweza salama wazi nje ya data cached kwa ajili ya programu. Je, kuna ramani sahihi 100%?Inategemea ni nani unayemwuliza. Hata hivyo, kwa ujumla, wachache huonekana kuwa bora kuliko wengine. "Mapango ya Miller, Winkel-Tippel, na Authograph ni mapo matatu bora ya ulimwengu ambayo yanapatikana kwa sasa, kwa kuwa kwa kiasi kikubwa yanatatua matatizo yaliyowasilishwa na ramani ya Mercator na wengine waliokuja kabla yao.""" Kwa upande mwingine, aina moja ya makadirio ambayo haisumbui eneo ni Cylindrical Equal Area. Angalia hapa jinsi Greenland inavyoonekana kuwa na ukubwa unaofaa ikilinganishwa na Amerika Kusini. Makadirio ambayo kuhifadhi maeneo ni kuitwa sawa au sawa-eneo makadirio. Ni ramani gani ya makadirio haina upotoshaji? 'Utangazaji' pekee ambayo ina sifa zote bila upotoshaji ni dunia. 1 x 1 latitudo na longitudo ni karibu mraba, wakati 'block' sawa karibu na nguzo ni karibu pembetatu. Hakuna moja kamili projection na mtayarishaji ramani lazima kuchagua moja ambayo inafaa zaidi mahitaji yao. Ni ramani gani iliyochanganyikiwa zaidi? Makadirio ya kawaida huhifadhi pembe karibu na maeneo yote. Kwa sababu kiwango cha mstari wa ramani ya Mercator huongezeka na latitudo, huchafua ukubwa wa vitu vya kijiografia mbali na ikweta na hutoa maoni yaliyopotoka ya jiometri ya jumla ya sayari. Je, Afrika ni kubwa kuliko Urusi? Kwa kweli Afrika inaweza karibu kufaa Urusi mbili. Afrika ina eneo la kilomita milioni 11.72, wakati Urusi ina eneo la kilomita milioni 6.6. Unaweza kutaja picha hapa chini ili kupata ukubwa halisi wa nchi ikilinganishwa na kile tunachokitumia kwenye ramani. Ramani ya Mercator, ingawa iliundwa kwa makusudi mazuri, imepotoshwa sana. Ramani haifuati kiwango kimoja na kwa sababu hiyo ukubwa wa mataifa mbalimbali ni kubwa sana au ndogo sana. Je, ramani zaweza kupotosha ukweli? Kwa hiyo, ramani zaweza kupotosha hali halisi. Mfano wa kawaida wa hii ni makadirio ya ramani ya Mercator, ambayo hatua kwa hatua hubadilisha ukubwa na umbali kadiri latitudo inavyoongezeka, hadi Greenland ionekane kuwa kubwa kuliko Afrika. "Kuna ramani ambazo zinaonyesha jinsi dunia inavyoonekana, lakini hakuna ramani inayoonyesha jinsi dunia inavyoonekana, kwa sababu hakuna ramani inayoonyesha jinsi dunia inavyoonekana, na hakuna ramani inayoonyesha jinsi dunia inavyoonekana.""" Ni jambo lisilowezekana kihisabati. Wakati wajinga kwenda juu ya ramani sawa-eneo kuwa'sahihi,' makadirio hayo inaweza kufanya baadhi ya aina ya kutisha (na umbali) upotoshaji. Kwa kuwa map projections ni uwakilishi wa moja ya nyuso hizo kwenye ndege, map projections zote distort. Njia ya kawaida ya kuonyesha upotoshaji asili katika makadirio ni kutumia Tissot ya indicatrix. "Kwa nini Urusi ni kubwa sana kwenye ramani? ""Mercator"" projection, ramani maarufu zaidi ya dunia, distorts ukubwa wa umbo la ardhi karibu na pole." Hii inasababisha Urusi kuonekana kubwa kuliko Afrika. Kwa kweli Afrika inaweza karibu kufaa Urusi mbili. Google Maps ni mfano wa ramani ya Mercator, ambayo ni mfano wa ramani ya Google ya Mercator. Wakati Fusion inajenga ramani ambayo hutumia maps.google.com picha kama chanzo, inatumia Google Maps makadirio kwa ajili ya rasterized vectors hivyo kwamba wao mechi msingi Google Ramani tiles. Nambari ya EPSG ni EPSG: 99013 au EPSG: 3785. Kwa nini Afrika ni ndogo zaidi kwenye ramani?Wazungu waliendelea kutengeneza ramani na Afrika ikivurugika ili kuelezea nguvu zao. Washindi wa kale na wa kisasa walichagua kufanya Afrika ionekane ndogo sana ili kuonyesha nguvu na mamlaka yao. Kama inavyoonekana kwenye ramani, Afrika ni kubwa kuliko China, Marekani, Ulaya Magharibi na Mashariki, Japani, Mexico na India. Google Maps ni moja ya njia za kugundua eneo lako kwa kutumia satelaiti kwa umbali wa mita 20. Wakati wewe ni ndani ya majengo au chini ya ardhi, GPS ni wakati mwingine sahihi. Wi-Fi: Mahali pa mitandao ya Wi-Fi iliyo karibu husaidia Ramani kujua mahali ulipo. Mstari wa simu: Uunganisho wako na data ya simu ya mkononi unaweza kuwa sahihi hadi mita elfu chache. Utafiti wa 100% wa ulimwengu unaonyesha jinsi ulimwengu ulivyo katika uwiano sahihi. Afrika ni kubwa kuliko Amerika Kaskazini? Mabara ni, kutoka kubwa hadi ndogo: Asia, Afrika, Amerika Kaskazini, Amerika Kusini, Antaktika, Ulaya, na Australia. Ni nini bora kuliko Google Maps? Njia 7 za Kupata Ramani za Google kwa Navigation Google sasa inamiliki Waze. - Ramani za Apple. Ramani ya Apple ni programu ya ramani iliyojengwa kwenye iPhone yako, iPad, na kompyuta ya Mac. - Hapa WeGo. Sema kwa sauti ya Super Mario! - OpenStreetMap. - TomTom. - Sanduku la ramani. ... | <urn:uuid:f9e84715-e978-4cdf-8358-6d8e34539304> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://www.studycountry.com/wiki/is-google-maps-distorted | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
Texas Coin has a large selection of Gold Jewelry.
Gold has a long and complex history. From gold’s first discovery, it has symbolized wealth and guaranteed power. Gold has caused obsession in men and nations, destroyed some cultures and gave power to others.
The Persian Empire, in what is now Iran, made frequent use of Gold in artwork as part of the religion of Zoroastrianism. Persian goldwork is most famous for its animal art, which was modified after the Arabs conquered the area in the 7th century AD.
When Rome began to flourish, the city attracted talented Gold artisans who created gold jewelry of wide variety. The use of gold in Rome later expanded into household items and furniture in the homes of the higher classes. By the third century AD, the citizens of Rome wore necklaces that contained coins with the image of the emperor. As Christianity spread through the European continent, Europeans ceased burying their dead with their jewelry. As a result, few gold items survive from the Middle Ages, except those of royalty and from church hoards.
In the Americas, the skill of Pre-Columbian cultures in the use of Gold was highly advanced long before the arrival of the Spanish. Indian goldsmiths had mastered most of the techniques known by their European contemporaries when the Spanish arrived. They were adept at filigree, granulation, pressing and hammering, inlay and lost-wax methods. The Spanish conquerors melted down most of the gold that they took from the peoples of this region and most of the remaining examples have come from modern excavations of grave sites. The greatest deposits of gold from these times were in the Andes and in Columbia.
During the frontier days of the United States news of the discovery of gold in a region could result in thousands of new settlers, many risking their lives to find gold. Gold rushes occurred in many of the Western States, the most famous occurring in California in 1848. Elsewhere, gold rushes happened in Australia in 1851, South Africa in 1884 and Canada in 1897.
The rise of a gold standard was meant to stabilize the global economy, dictating that a nation must limit its issued currency to the amount of gold it held in reserve. Great Britain was the first to adopt the gold standard in 1821, followed, in the 1870s, by the rest of Europe. The system remained in effect until the end of the first world war, after which the US was the only country still honoring the Gold Standard. After the war, other countries were allowed to keep reserves of major currencies instead of gold. The arrival of the great depression marked the end of the U.S. export of gold in the 1930s. By the mid 20th century, the US dollar had replaced gold in international trade.
The American Eagle Bullion program was launched in 1986 with the sale of gold and silver bullion coins. Platinum was added to the American Eagle Bullion family in 1997. A bullion coin is a coin that is valued by its weight in a specific precious metal. | Sarafu ya Texas ina uteuzi mkubwa wa Vito vya Dhahabu. Dhahabu ina historia ndefu na tata. Tangu kugunduliwa kwa dhahabu kwa mara ya kwanza, imekuwa ishara ya utajiri na nguvu zilizoahidiwa. Dhahabu imesababisha upendeleo katika watu na mataifa, kuharibu tamaduni fulani na kutoa nguvu kwa wengine. Katika milki ya Uajemi, dhahabu ilitumiwa sana katika sanaa kama sehemu ya dini ya Zoroastrian. Ufundi wa dhahabu wa Kiajemi unajulikana sana kwa sanaa yake ya wanyama, ambayo ilibadilishwa baada ya Waarabu kushinda eneo hilo katika karne ya saba KK. Roma ilipokuwa ikiendelea kusitawi, jiji hilo liliwavutia mafundi wenye vipaji wa dhahabu ambao walifanya vito vya dhahabu vya aina mbalimbali. Baadaye, dhahabu ilitumiwa katika nyumba za watu wa tabaka la juu. Katika karne ya tatu KK, watu wa Roma walivaa shanga zilizokuwa na sarafu zenye picha ya maliki. Ukristo uliposambaa katika bara la Ulaya, Wazungu waliacha kuzikia wafu wao pamoja na vito vyao. Kwa hiyo, ni vitu vichache vya dhahabu vilivyopatikana katika Enzi za Kati, isipokuwa vitu vya watu wa kifalme na vitu vya kanisa. Katika Amerika, ustadi wa tamaduni za kabla ya Kolombia katika matumizi ya Dhahabu ulikuwa umesitawi sana muda mrefu kabla ya kuwasili kwa Wahispania. Wasanii wa dhahabu Wahindi walikuwa wamezoea mbinu nyingi zilizojulikana na Wazungu wa wakati wao Wahispania walipowasili. Walikuwa na ustadi wa kutumia filigree, granulation, kushinikiza na kupiga, inlay na mbinu za nta iliyopotea. Wahispania walichoma dhahabu iliyokuwa ikitoka kwa watu wa eneo hilo na mifano iliyobaki imetokana na uchimbuaji wa kisasa wa makaburi. Mabaki makubwa zaidi ya dhahabu ya nyakati hizo yalikuwa katika Milima ya Andes na katika Kolombia. Katika siku za mpakani za Marekani, habari za kugunduliwa kwa dhahabu katika eneo fulani zingeweza kusababisha maelfu ya wahamiaji wapya, wengi wakihatarisha maisha yao ili kupata dhahabu. Mvua ya dhahabu ilitoka katika maeneo mengi ya Marekani, na mojawapo ya matukio hayo ilikuwa California mwaka 1848. Katika miaka ya 1850 na 1851, watu walipata dhahabu kwa wingi nchini Australia, Afrika Kusini, na Kanada. Kuanzishwa kwa kiwango cha dhahabu kulimaanisha kuimarisha uchumi wa dunia, na kuamuru kwamba taifa lazima liweke kikomo cha fedha zake zilizotolewa kwa kiasi cha dhahabu iliyokuwa imewekwa katika akiba. Uingereza ilikuwa ya kwanza kupitisha kiwango cha dhahabu mnamo 1821 na ilifuatwa na Ulaya yote mnamo 1870. Mfumo huo ulidumu hadi mwisho wa vita vya kwanza vya dunia, baada ya hapo Marekani ilikuwa nchi pekee iliyobaki kuiheshimu kiwango cha dhahabu. Baada ya vita, nchi nyingine ziliruhusiwa kuweka akiba ya sarafu kuu badala ya dhahabu. Kuja kwa Mshuko Mkubwa wa Kiuchumi kulionyesha mwisho wa mauzo ya dhahabu ya Marekani katika miaka ya 1930. Kuanzia katikati ya karne ya 20, dola ya Marekani ilichukua nafasi ya dhahabu katika biashara ya kimataifa. "Mfano wa ""American Eagle Bullion"" ni sarafu ya dhahabu na fedha iliyotengenezwa mwaka 1986." Platinum iliongezwa kwa familia ya American Eagle Bullion mnamo 1997. Sarafu ya dhahabu ni sarafu ambayo inathaminiwa kwa uzito wake katika chuma cha thamani maalum. | <urn:uuid:ac0b0aae-2463-4904-a83a-345329513ceb> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://www.texascoin.us/jewelry | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
Domestic violence, also known as intimate partner violence or family violence, is a pattern of abusive behaviors that occur within a home or domestic setting. It involves the use of physical, emotional, psychological, or sexual abuse to exert power and control over a family member, typically a spouse or intimate partner. Domestic violence can also extend to children and other family members within the household.
The consequences of domestic violence are far-reaching and devastating, leading to physical injuries, emotional trauma, and long-lasting psychological effects. It creates an environment of fear, intimidation, and powerlessness for the victims, making it challenging for them to escape the cycle of abuse.
In the heart of Peshawar, Pakistan, lived a young boy named Daniyal. He was bright, imaginative, and full of dreams. However, his life was shrouded in a reality that was far from ideal. From a very young age, Daniyal faced a form of domestic violence that was seldom discussed in society – the suppression of his dreams and desires by his own family.
In Daniyal’s household, decisions about his education, career, and even his friendships were made by his parents and extended family. He was never given the opportunity to explore his own interests or envision a future of his choosing. His parents had predefined paths for him, molded by traditions and societal expectations.
As Daniyal grew older, he felt increasingly suffocated, longing for the freedom to follow his passions and make his own decisions. But every attempt to voice his desires felt like an uphill battle against the weight of generations of cultural norms.
His dreams were simple yet profound. He wanted to pursue a career in the arts, to paint, write, and express himself creatively. However, his family insisted that he should become a doctor, a profession considered prestigious and respectable in their community.
The conflict between his dreams and his family’s expectations took a toll on Daniyal’s mental health. He struggled with depression and anxiety, feeling like he was drowning in a life that wasn’t his own. Each time his dreams were brushed aside, it was as if a part of his spirit was being crushed.
In the depths of despair, Daniyal found solace in a small public library tucked away in the heart of Peshawar. There, he discovered a treasure trove of books that transported him to different worlds and expanded his horizons. He found inspiration in the stories of individuals who defied conventions and pursued their passions against all odds.
One day, as he perused the library’s shelves, Daniyal stumbled upon an old notebook filled with poems and artwork. The name inscribed on it was “Rahila,” a talented artist who had lived in Peshawar generations ago. Rahila’s story resonated deeply with Daniyal, as she too had faced similar struggles with her family’s disapproval of her artistic pursuits.
Emboldened by Rahila’s journey, Daniyal decided to take a stand for his dreams. He began expressing himself through art and poetry in secret, fearing his family’s reaction. But the more he created, the more he realized that his dreams were worth fighting for.
The years passed, Daniyal’s dreams began to wither, buried under the weight of societal norms and expectations. He reluctantly pursued a career in a field that promised financial stability but offered little fulfillment for his soul.
In the backdrop of his silent struggles, Daniyal observed countless other children, teenagers, and adults facing similar domestic violence of dreams suppressed. Many in his community dared not challenge the status quo, fearing rejection and the loss of familial love and support.
Yet, Daniyal could not ignore the ache in his heart, the emptiness that grew with each passing day. He saw the toll it took on his mental well-being and those around him. Depression and anxiety became constant companions for many who had sacrificed their dreams to appease tradition.
Seeking an escape from the suffocating reality, Daniyal found solace in smoking cigarettes. It started innocently enough, a fleeting moment of rebellion hidden in the shadows. But soon, the simple act of smoking became a dangerous addiction, offering a fleeting sense of relief from the pressure he faced.
Even in his darkest moments, Daniyal was forced to conceal his addiction from his family. Smoking was strictly forbidden in their household, and the stigma surrounding it added to his feelings of shame and isolation. He became an expert at masking the smell and hiding his habit, constantly living in fear of discovery.
As his addiction deepened, so did his pain. The control that had once dictated his dreams now extended to controlling his every move. The once-bright young boy was now a shadow of his former self, carrying the weight of his secrets like chains around his neck.
In the depths of despair, Daniyal realized that he could not continue down this destructive path. The very thing he had turned to for escape had become a new form of control, and he felt trapped once again, this time by his own addiction.
Daniyal’s journey towards healing unfolded, he discovered that he was not alone in his struggles. Many others in his community grappled with hidden addictions and the pain of feeling controlled by societal expectations. He formed connections with support groups, where individuals shared their stories of battling domestic violence and addiction.
With newfound resilience and determination, Daniyal chose to break free from the chains of control that had bound him for so long. Every decision made for such people feels like a slap to their dreams, leaving them feeling trapped and devoid of agency in their own lives. This lack of autonomy can lead to immense stress, depression, and feelings of helplessness.
Daniyal’s addiction slowly loosened its grip on him, he found strength and purpose in sharing his story with others. Though the road to healing was not without its challenges, Daniyal emerged as a symbol of hope and resilience. He proved that even in the face of domestic violence and addiction, the human spirit had the capacity to soar when given the freedom to pursue dreams, seek help, and find strength in vulnerability.
As Daniyal shared his courageous journey of battling suppressed dreams, domestic violence, and addiction, his voice became a beacon of hope for countless others facing similar struggles in Peshawar and beyond. By breaking the silence surrounding these taboo topics, he shattered the chains that had held him captive for so long. Through his art and his words, he inspired a movement of openness, empathy, and understanding, sparking conversations that challenged traditional norms and redefined what it meant to be free. Daniyal’s story became a testament to the power of resilience, the strength in vulnerability, and the unyielding human spirit that could rise above even the darkest of circumstances. As others found solace in his experiences, he knew that his pain had a purpose – to kindle the flames of hope, drive, and compassion in the hearts of those who had once been silenced.
It is essential to recognize and address the impact of cultural norms on the mental health and well-being of children and young adults. Creating awareness about the psychological consequences of domestic violence and the suppression of personal autonomy can help break the cycle of violence and empower individuals to seek support and make their voices heard.
In recent years, mental health awareness has been growing worldwide, and conversations surrounding mental health and well-being have become more open. It is crucial for societies to continue promoting mental health support and breaking the stigma associated with seeking help. Only by acknowledging and addressing these issues can we create a more compassionate and understanding environment where individuals are encouraged to pursue their dreams and live fulfilling lives free from the shackles of domestic violence and oppressive cultural norms.
- ANUM HAMID is a knowledgeable and skilled media studies lecturer in Iqra National University, and journalist with a passion for sharing insights and perspectives on current events and issues.
- Cover photo by: Ammar Afaq | "Hii ni kwa sababu ya ""jeuri ya nyumbani,"" ambayo pia inajulikana kama ""jeuri ya mwenzi wa karibu"" au ""jeuri ya familia,"" ni tabia ya unyanyasaji wa kijinsia ambayo hutokea ndani ya nyumba au mazingira ya nyumbani." Inahusisha matumizi ya unyanyasaji wa kimwili, kihisia, kisaikolojia, au wa kingono ili kutumia nguvu na udhibiti juu ya mwanachama wa familia, kwa kawaida mwenzi au mwenzi wa karibu. Jeuri ya nyumbani yaweza pia kuenea kwa watoto na washiriki wengine wa familia ndani ya nyumba. Matokeo ya jeuri ya nyumbani ni makubwa na yenye kuangamiza, yakisababisha majeraha ya kimwili, majeraha ya kihisia-moyo, na athari za muda mrefu za kisaikolojia. Hii huunda mazingira ya hofu, vitisho, na ukosefu wa nguvu kwa wahasiriwa, na kufanya iwe vigumu kwao kutoroka mzunguko wa unyanyasaji. Katika mji wa Peshawar, Pakistan, kulikuwa na mvulana mmoja aliyeitwa Daniyal. Alikuwa mwenye akili nyingi, mwenye mawazo mengi, na mwenye ndoto nyingi. Hata hivyo, maisha yake yalikuwa na hali mbaya sana. Tangu utotoni, Daniyal alikabiliwa na aina ya vurugu za nyumbani ambazo hazikujadiliwa sana katika jamii - ukandamizaji wa ndoto na matakwa yake na familia yake mwenyewe. Katika nyumba ya Daniyal, maamuzi kuhusu elimu yake, kazi, na hata urafiki wake yalifanywa na wazazi wake na familia yake kubwa. Hakuwa amewahi kupewa nafasi ya kuchunguza mapendezi yake mwenyewe au kufikiria wakati ujao aliochagua. Wazazi wake walikuwa wamemwekea njia zilizowekwa kimbele, zilizofanyizwa na mapokeo na matarajio ya jamii. Kadiri Daniyal alivyokua, alijisikia amezidi kukosa nguvu, akitamani kuwa huru kufuata tamaa zake na kufanya maamuzi yake mwenyewe. Lakini kila jaribio la kueleza tamaa zake lilionekana kama mapambano magumu dhidi ya uzito wa vizazi vya kanuni za kitamaduni. Ndoto zake zilikuwa sahili lakini zenye maana sana. Alitaka kufuatia kazi ya sanaa, kuchora, kuandika, na kujieleza kwa njia ya ubunifu. Hata hivyo, familia yake ilisisitiza kwamba apate kuwa daktari, kazi iliyoonwa kuwa yenye kuheshimika na yenye kuheshimika katika jumuiya yao. Mzozo kati ya ndoto zake na matarajio ya familia yake uliharibu afya ya akili ya Daniyal. Alijitahidi kukabiliana na mshuko wa moyo na wasiwasi, akihisi kana kwamba alikuwa akizama katika maisha ambayo hayakuwa yake mwenyewe. Kila mara ndoto zake zilipopuuzwa, ilikuwa kana kwamba sehemu ya roho yake ilikuwa ikivunjwa. Katika hali ya kukata tamaa, Daniyal alipata faraja katika maktaba ndogo ya umma iliyokuwa katikati ya Peshawar. Huko, aligundua hazina ya vitabu vilivyompeleka katika ulimwengu tofauti-tofauti na kupanua uwezo wake wa kuona mambo. Alipata msukumo katika hadithi za watu waliopinga mapokeo na kufuata tamaa zao licha ya hali mbaya. Siku moja, alipokuwa akitazama rafu za maktaba, Daniyal alikutana na kitabu cha zamani chenye mashairi na michoro. Jina lililoandikwa juu yake lilikuwa "Rahila", msanii mwenye vipaji ambaye aliishi Peshawar vizazi vingi vilivyopita. Hadithi ya Rahila ilisikika sana kwa Daniyal, kwani yeye pia alikuwa amekabili mapambano kama hayo na kutokubali kwa familia yake kwa shughuli zake za kisanii. Akiwa amehamasishwa na safari ya Rahila, Daniyal aliamua kutetea ndoto zake. Alianza kujieleza kupitia sanaa na mashairi kwa siri, akiogopa athari za familia yake. Lakini kadiri alivyozidi kuunda, ndivyo alivyotambua kwamba ndoto zake zilikuwa na thamani ya kupigania. Miaka ilipopita, ndoto za Daniyal zilianza kuzorota, zikiwa zimezikwa chini ya uzito wa kanuni na matarajio ya jamii. Kwa kusita, alitafuta kazi ambayo ilitoa tumaini la kupata pesa lakini haikumletea furaha. Katika mapambano yake ya kimya, Daniyal aliona watoto wengine wengi, matineja, na watu wazima wakikabiliwa na vurugu za nyumbani kama hizo za ndoto zilizofichwa. Wengi katika jumuiya yake hawakuweza kupinga hali iliyopo, wakioga kukataliwa na kupoteza upendo na utegemezo wa familia. Hata hivyo, Danieli hakuweza kupuuza uchungu uliokuwa moyoni mwake, upungufu uliokuwa ukiongezeka kila siku. Aliona jinsi hilo lilivyoathiri afya yake ya akili na ya wale waliokuwa karibu naye. Mkazo na wasiwasi wakawa marafiki wa daima kwa wengi ambao walikuwa wamejitoa dhabihu ndoto zao ili kutosheleza mapokeo. Akiwa anatafuta njia ya kutoroka hali halisi yenye kusumbua, Daniyal alipata faraja kwa kuvuta sigareti. Ilianza kwa njia isiyo na hatia, wakati wa ghafula wa uasi uliofichwa katika vivuli. Lakini upesi, tendo hilo rahisi la kuvuta sigareti likawa zoea hatari, likimpa hisia ya kupumzika kwa muda mfupi kutokana na mkazo aliokabili. Hata katika nyakati zake za giza zaidi, Daniyal alilazimika kuficha uraibu wake kutoka kwa familia yake. Kuvuta sigareti kulikuwa kimefungwa kabisa katika nyumba yao, na aibu iliyokuwa ikizunguka jambo hilo iliongeza hisia zake za aibu na kujitenga. Akawa mtaalamu wa kuficha harufu hiyo na kuficha zoea lake, akiishi daima kwa hofu ya kugunduliwa. Kadiri uraibu wake ulivyozidi kuwa mkali, ndivyo maumivu yake yalivyozidi kuwa makali. Udhibiti ambao wakati mmoja ulikuwa umeongoza ndoto zake sasa ulikuwa ukienea na kudhibiti kila hatua yake. Mvulana huyo aliyekuwa na mwangaza wa zamani sasa alikuwa kivuli cha yeye mwenyewe wa zamani, akibeba uzito wa siri zake kama minyororo shingoni mwake. Akiwa amevunjika moyo sana, Daniyal alitambua kwamba hangeweza kuendelea na njia hiyo yenye kuharibu. Kitu ambacho alikuwa amemgeukia ili kutoroka kilikuwa kimekuwa aina mpya ya udhibiti, na alihisi amenaswa tena, wakati huu na uraibu wake mwenyewe. Safari ya Daniyal kuelekea uponyaji ilifunuliwa, aligundua kwamba hakuwa peke yake katika mapambano yake. Wengine wengi katika jumuiya yake walishindana na uraibu uliofichwa na maumivu ya kuhisi kudhibitiwa na matarajio ya jamii. Alianzisha uhusiano na vikundi vya msaada, ambapo watu binafsi walishiriki hadithi zao za kupambana na vurugu za nyumbani na uraibu. Kwa uvumilivu na azimio jipya, Daniyal alichagua kujikomboa kutoka kwa minyororo ya udhibiti ambayo ilikuwa imemfunga kwa muda mrefu. Kila uamuzi unaofanywa kwa watu kama hao unahisi kama pigo kwa ndoto zao, ukiwaacha wakihisi wamekamatwa na hawana uwezo wa kufanya mambo yao wenyewe. Ukosefu huo wa uhuru wa kufanya mambo kwa kujitegemea waweza kusababisha mfadhaiko mkubwa, kushuka moyo, na hisia za kukosa uwezo wa kufanya mambo. Uraibu wa Daniyal ulimnyenyekeza polepole, alipata nguvu na kusudi katika kushiriki hadithi yake na wengine. Ingawa njia ya uponyaji haikuwa bila changamoto zake, Daniyal aliibuka kama ishara ya matumaini na uvumilivu. """Hata katika hali ya unyanyasaji wa nyumbani na ulevi, roho ya binadamu ina uwezo wa kupaa juu wakati inapewa uhuru wa kufuatilia ndoto, kutafuta msaada, na kupata nguvu katika udhaifu.""" Alipokuwa akishiriki safari yake ya ujasiri ya kupambana na ndoto zilizofichwa, vurugu za nyumbani, na ulevi, sauti yake ikawa mwangaza wa matumaini kwa wengine wengi wanaokabili mapambano kama hayo huko Peshawar na zaidi. Kwa kuvunja ukimya uliozunguka mada hizo zisizopendekezwa, alivunja minyororo iliyokuwa imemfunga kwa muda mrefu sana. Kupitia sanaa yake na maneno yake, aliongoza harakati ya uwazi, hisia-mwenzi, na uelewa, akichochea mazungumzo ambayo yalipinga kanuni za jadi na kufafanua upya maana ya kuwa huru. Hadithi ya Danielle ilifanyika ushahidi wa nguvu ya upinzani, nguvu katika udhaifu, na roho ya binadamu isiyoweza kushindwa ambayo inaweza kuongezeka juu hata ya hali mbaya zaidi. Wengine walipopata faraja katika mambo aliyojionea, yeye alijua kwamba maumivu yake yalikuwa na kusudi - kuwasha moto wa tumaini, mwendo, na huruma katika mioyo ya wale ambao wakati mmoja walikuwa wamenyamazishwa. Ni muhimu kutambua na kushughulikia athari za kanuni za kitamaduni kwenye afya ya akili na ustawi wa watoto na vijana. Kuunda ufahamu kuhusu matokeo ya kisaikolojia ya vurugu za nyumbani na kukandamiza uhuru wa kibinafsi kunaweza kusaidia kuvunja mzunguko wa vurugu na kuwawezesha watu kutafuta msaada na kufanya sauti zao zisikike. Katika miaka ya hivi karibuni, ufahamu wa afya ya akili umekuwa ukiongezeka ulimwenguni kote, na mazungumzo yanayohusu afya ya akili na ustawi yamekuwa wazi zaidi. Ni muhimu kwa jamii kuendelea kukuza msaada wa afya ya akili na kuvunja stigma inayohusiana na kutafuta msaada. Ni kwa kutambua na kushughulikia masuala haya tu tunaweza kuunda mazingira ya huruma na uelewa ambapo watu wanahimizwa kufuata ndoto zao na kuishi maisha ya kutimiza huru kutoka kwa minyororo ya vurugu za nyumbani na kanuni za kitamaduni za ukandamizaji. Anum Hamid ni mhadhiri wa masomo ya vyombo vya habari katika Chuo Kikuu cha Iqra, na mwandishi wa habari mwenye shauku ya kushiriki maoni na maoni juu ya matukio na masuala ya sasa. - Picha ya jalada na: Ammar Afaq | <urn:uuid:950f4e30-7acb-436c-81f0-09d570bd41d8> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://www.thekhybermail.com/news/shattered-dreams-silent-struggles-breaking-boundaries/ | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
Years ago, a “lasting cough” was indicative of tuberculosis until proven otherwise. TB has almost disappeared, but the fear of a lingering cough has not, and it motivates many unnecessary antibiotic prescriptions.
The mechanism of a persistent cough is twofold. Either Jimmy has a strain of a virus that induces a long-lasting cough (several weeks, in some cases), or he has suffered from a string of recurrent colds, each of them with a new onset. In either case, the cough, which becomes dry with time, gains momentum at night when the mucus drips down the airway. To make matters worse, the constant forceful expulsion of air (the cough) becomes an irritant itself, which triggers additional coughing. The cycle becomes self-perpetuating.
Three or four days into a viral illness, the cough is no longer contagious, but you may have a hard time convincing the parents of Jimmy’s classmates of this fact.
If Jimmy has a persistent fever
If he has lost weight
If he is significantly less active
If his breathing is labored
If Jimmy has any of these symptoms, a doctor should listen to his chest and decide whether a lung infection is at work.
If the cough persists for a long time without any other symptoms (duration is not indicative of severity)
If Jimmy maintains normal activity, even if he seems a little tired from his disturbed sleep
“Cough in the Head”
As with any symptom that produces parental attention and anxiety, coughs can become psychogenic. In other words, when Jimmy has been hacking away for a while, he notices that two heads turn in his direction every time he coughs. This attention can reinforce the cough and turn it into a tic. In order to prevent or break this cycle, try to avoid displaying too much concern for your child’s barking, even if it’s painful to ignore.
Treatment of a Lingering Cough
A persistent cough results from an irritation, not an infection; therefore antibiotics are not useful in such cases. If you insist strenuously enough, you’re likely to get one, but I guarantee it won’t make a difference, and it will expose Jimmy to possible side effects. Other medications prescribed needlessly in these cases include asthma medications (these coughs are rarely related to asthma) and steroids (which can weaken the immune system). Once you’ve established that the problem is simply a lingering cough with no underlying illness, administer cough suppressants only if the cough becomes unbearable to Jimmy, and wait patiently for the resolution.
A lingering cough without any other symptoms does not turn into something worse. It just lingers. The chief symptoms of pneumonia are not coughing but high fever and a very sickly, pale, weak child. In that case, the condition is worse to start with. As far as bronchitis, any time Jimmy coughs, he has bronchitis, which is a catchall term that simply describes an irritated airway [See: Bronchitis].
Why do I hear it in the chest?
The sound is amplified by the air in the lungs.
Could it be an allergy?
Lingering coughs are rarely allergies. Nasal allergies can produce persistent coughs, but they are also associated with sneezing, tearing eyes, and skin rashes. Also, most nasal allergies are usually pollen-related and occur in summer, while lingering coughs are most common in the winter.
When will it get better?
It could take a while. A winter cough could be caused by a succession of colds, and it could last all winter.
In summary, as frustrating as it can be to hear your child hacking for long periods, a cough rarely represents a serious illness, nor will it turn into one. Your best option is to wait patiently until the irritation of the airway settles, avoid unnecessary medications or overt attention, and hide your anxiety to prevent the cough from moving out of the chest and into the head.
In summary, as frustrating as it can be to hear your child hacking for long periods, a cough rarely represents a serious illness, nor will it turn into one. Your best option is to wait patiently until the irritation of the airway settles, avoid unnecessary medications or overt attention, and hide your anxiety to prevent the cough from moving out the chest and into the head. | Miaka mingi iliyopita, "kikohozi cha kudumu" kilionyesha kifua kikuu hadi ilipothibitishwa kinyume chake. Ugonjwa wa kifua kikuu umepungua, lakini hofu ya kukohoa kwa muda mrefu haijapotea, na hiyo ndiyo sababu ya kuagiza dawa nyingi zisizohitajika. Utaratibu wa kikohozi cha kudumu ni wa njia mbili. Ama Jimmy ana aina ya virusi vinavyosababisha kikohozi cha muda mrefu (siku kadhaa, katika baadhi ya kesi), au ameteseka kutokana na mfululizo wa homa za kawaida, kila moja ikiwa na mwanzo mpya. Katika visa vyote viwili, kikohozi, ambacho huwa kavu kadiri wakati unavyopita, huongezeka usiku wakati umajimaji unapotiririka kwenye njia za kupumua. Jambo jingine ni kwamba, hewa inayotokezwa kwa nguvu daima (kikohozi) huwa yenyewe yenye kuchochea, na hilo husababisha kikohozi kingine. Mzunguko huo huendelea kwa muda mrefu. Baada ya siku tatu au nne za ugonjwa wa virusi, kikohozi hakina maambukizi tena, lakini huenda ukawa na ugumu wa kuwasadikisha wazazi wa wanafunzi wenzako wa darasa hilo jambo hilo. Ikiwa Jimmy ana homa ya kudumu, ikiwa amepoteza uzito, ikiwa ana shughuli chache sana, ikiwa anapumua kwa bidii, ikiwa Jimmy ana dalili yoyote ya dalili hizi, daktari anapaswa kusikiliza kifua chake na kuamua ikiwa kuna maambukizo ya mapafu. Kama kikohozi kinaendelea kwa muda mrefu bila dalili nyingine yoyote (kiwango cha muda si kiashiria cha ukali) Kama Jimmy anaendelea shughuli ya kawaida, hata kama yeye inaonekana kidogo uchovu kutoka usingizi wake kusumbuliwa <unk> Kikohozi katika kichwa <unk> Kama na dalili yoyote ambayo inazalisha wazazi makini na wasiwasi, kikohozi inaweza kuwa psychogenic. "Kwa maneno mengine, wakati Jimmy amekuwa akicheka kwa muda, anaona kwamba vichwa viwili vinageuka kuelekea kwake kila wakati anapokohoa. """ Uangalifu huo waweza kuimarisha kikohozi na kukigeuza kuwa tiki. Ili kuzuia au kuvunja mzunguko huu, jaribu kuepuka kuonyesha wasiwasi sana juu ya kupiga kelele kwa mtoto wako, hata kama ni chungu kupuuza. Ugonjwa wa kikohozi cha muda mrefu ni ugonjwa wa kukasirisha, si maambukizo, kwa hiyo dawa za kuua viini hazifai katika hali kama hizo. Kama wewe kusisitiza kwa bidii ya kutosha, wewe ni uwezekano wa kupata moja, lakini mimi kuhakikisha itakuwa si kufanya tofauti, na itakuwa kufunua Jimmy kwa athari zinazowezekana upande. Dawa nyingine zinazopendekezwa bila sababu katika visa hivi ni pamoja na dawa za pumu (kibofu hiki ni nadra kuhusiana na pumu) na steroids (ambayo inaweza kudhoofisha mfumo wa kinga). Mara tu unapokuwa umethibitisha kwamba tatizo ni kikohozi cha muda mrefu bila ugonjwa wa msingi, tumia dawa za kuzuia kikohozi tu ikiwa kikohozi kinakuwa kisichoweza kuvumilika kwa Jimmy, na subiri kwa subira kwa ajili ya azimio. Kikohozi chenye kuendelea bila dalili nyingine yoyote hakibadiliki kuwa jambo baya zaidi. Inabaki tu. Dalili kuu za nimonia si kikohozi bali ni homa ya juu na mtoto mgonjwa sana, mweupe, dhaifu. Katika hali hiyo, hali ni mbaya zaidi kuanzia mwanzo. "Kama ilivyoelezwa hapo juu, ""bronchitis"" ni ugonjwa wa kawaida wa hewa ambao unatokana na kukasirika kwa njia ya hewa." Kwa nini nasikia hivyo katika kifua? Sauti hiyo huimarishwa na hewa iliyo katika mapafu. Je, inaweza kuwa mzio? Kikohozi chenye kuendelea ni nadra sana kuwa kisababishi cha mzio. Madhara ya pua yanaweza kusababisha kikohozi cha kudumu, lakini pia huhusianishwa na kupiga chafya, macho yanayotiririka, na maambukizo ya ngozi. Pia, mzio mwingi wa pua kwa kawaida huhusiana na chavua ya maua na hutokea wakati wa kiangazi, huku kikohozi cha muda mrefu kikiwa cha kawaida wakati wa majira ya baridi kali. Ni lini itakapoboreshwa? Inaweza kuchukua muda. Kikohozi cha majira ya baridi kali chaweza kusababishwa na homa za baridi kali, na kinaweza kudumu wakati wote wa majira ya baridi kali. Kwa ufupi, kama inavyoweza kuwa ya kukatisha tamaa kusikia mtoto wako akipiga kwa muda mrefu, kikohozi mara chache huwakilisha ugonjwa mbaya, wala hakitakuwa ugonjwa mbaya. Chaguo bora ni kusubiri kwa subira mpaka uchungu wa njia za hewa utakapopungua, kuepuka dawa zisizohitajika au uangalifu wa wazi, na kuficha wasiwasi wako ili kuzuia kikohozi kutoka nje ya kifua na kuingia kichwani. Kwa ufupi, kama inavyoweza kuwa ya kukatisha tamaa kusikia mtoto wako akipiga kwa muda mrefu, kikohozi mara chache huwakilisha ugonjwa mbaya, wala hakitakuwa ugonjwa mbaya. Chaguo bora ni kusubiri kwa subira mpaka uchungu wa njia za hewa utakapopungua, kuepuka dawa zisizohitajika au uangalifu wa wazi, na kuficha wasiwasi wako ili kuzuia kikohozi kutoka nje ya kifua na kuingia kichwani. | <urn:uuid:09c73fca-713c-4701-83a0-cc1d608e35ec> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://www.thenewbasics.com/en/book-excerpt/cough-persistent/ | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
Seekers of eternal youth are documented as far back as the 5th century B.C. when Herodotus famously described a mystical fountain that restored youth to those who drank and bathed in its waters. While the mysterious fountain of youth remains to be found, scientists are hard at work finding new ways to slow down the visible signs of time. Of particular interest is the development of skincare that fends off “photoaging” or skin damage produced after prolonged sun exposure. Broad spectrum sunscreen is the first line of defense against harmful UV rays. However, according to the American Academy of Dermatology most people only apply between 25-50% of the amount of sunscreen recommended. Without proper application of sunscreen, some harmful UV rays penetrate the skin. This contributes to an increased amount of free radicals which damages skin cells and fibers. Overtime, the free radical damage becomes visually apparent and results in deep wrinkles, sagging, dark spots and even skin cancer (see picture).
How do we neutralize free radicals on the skin?
Lucky for us, our bodies already produce very effective molecules that neutralize free radicals in the body, these molecules are called antioxidants. Aging depletes the antioxidant defenses in the body, and as such the use of topical antioxidants is of particular interest. Nowadays, antioxidants are a staple ingredient in many skincare products, including sunscreen. The top natural antioxidants you will find in moisturizers and serums include vitamin C, retinol (vitamin A), α-tocopherol (vitamin E), resveratrol, polyphenols, and flavonoids often extracted from fruits and plants.
Well, while in theory these creams could minimize the effects of photoaging, the truth is that manufacturing antioxidant-containing skincare is a complex process. For starters, many commercialized antioxidants like vitamin C are very unstable and break down when exposed to body heat, air, and/or light. Additionally, a number of antioxidants fail to penetrate the skin, thus limiting the antioxidant options for topical use.
How do we fix that?
Nanoparticles have allowed scientists to create tiny mesh like balls, about 1,000,000 times smaller than the head of a pin, to protect antioxidants from rapid break down after skin contact. Recently, investigators from Università di Torino, in Italy, published an article in the International Journal of Pharmaceutics, detailing the synthesis of heat-responsive nanoparticles filled with a common plant flavonoid, quercetin, for skin topical application. Scientists found that quercetin-loaded nanoparticles were able to show a modest increase in antioxidant absorption by the skin. Even more exciting, the nanoparticle increased the free radical neutralizing effect of the antioxidant. Other studies employing a diversity of nanoparticles and antioxidants reveal similar results to those coming from Italy, all of which show that skin protection through topical nanoparticle containing antioxidants is achievable.
Though the mystical fountain of youth may never be found, scientists seem to be on the verge of uncovering the remedy to slow down the visible signs of aging through antioxidant nanoparticle-based creams.
Peer edited by Sean Gay | Watu wanaotafuta ujana wa milele walianza kuonekana katika karne ya 5 KK. Herodoto alieleza kuhusu chemchemi ya maji ambayo iliwapa vijana wale waliokunywa maji yake. Ingawa chemchemi ya ujana bado haijapatikana, wanasayansi wanajitahidi kutafuta njia mpya za kupunguza ishara za wakati. Jambo la kupendeza hasa ni maendeleo ya utunzaji wa ngozi ambayo hupinga "kuzeeka kwa picha" au uharibifu wa ngozi unaotokana na kuathiriwa kwa muda mrefu na jua. Kinga ya jua ya wigo mkubwa ni njia ya kwanza ya kujikinga na miale ya UV yenye madhara. Kulingana na Chuo cha Amerika cha Dermatolojia, watu wengi hutumia tu kati ya 25% na 50% ya kiasi cha kinga ya jua inayopendekezwa. Bila kutumia krimu ya kujikinga na jua ifaavyo, baadhi ya miale ya UV yenye kudhuru huingia kwenye ngozi. Hii inachangia kuongezeka kwa kiasi cha free radicals ambayo kuharibu seli ngozi na nyuzi. Baada ya muda, uharibifu wa free radical unakuwa dhahiri na matokeo katika wrinkles kina, sagging, spots giza na hata kansa ya ngozi (tazama picha). Tunaharibuje madini ya bure kwenye ngozi? Kwa bahati nzuri, miili yetu tayari inazalisha molekuli zenye ufanisi sana ambazo zinazuia free radicals katika mwili, molekuli hizi huitwa antioxidants. Kuzeeka huondoa ulinzi wa antioxidant katika mwili, na kama vile matumizi ya antioxidants ya ndani ni ya maslahi maalum. Leo, viuavijasumu ni sehemu muhimu ya bidhaa nyingi za kutunza ngozi, kutia ndani dawa za kujikinga na jua. Vipengele vya juu vya antioxidant vya asili ambavyo unaweza kupata katika moisturizers na serums ni pamoja na vitamini C, retinol (vitamini A), α-tocopherol (vitamini E), resveratrol, polyphenols, na flavonoids mara nyingi hutolewa kutoka kwa matunda na mimea. Ingawa, kwa nadharia, krimu hizi zinaweza kupunguza athari za kuzeeka kwa picha, ukweli ni kwamba utengenezaji wa dawa za kunyoa ngozi zenye antioxidants ni mchakato tata. Kwa ajili ya kuanza, wengi antioxidants kibiashara kama vitamini C ni imara sana na kuvunjika chini wakati kufunuliwa kwa joto la mwili, hewa, na au mwanga. Kwa kuongezea, antioxidants kadhaa hushindwa kupenya ngozi, hivyo kupunguza chaguzi za antioxidant kwa matumizi ya ndani. Twaweza kurekebishaje jambo hilo? Nanoparticles ni chombo cha kisasa cha kutengeneza nyuzi ndogo za nyuzi, mara milioni moja ndogo kuliko kichwa cha pini, ili kulinda antioxidants kutoka kwa kuvunjika haraka baada ya kuwasiliana na ngozi. Watafiti kutoka Chuo Kikuu cha Turin nchini Italia wamechapisha makala katika jarida la International Journal of Pharmaceutics, inayoelezea jinsi nanoparticles zinazojibu joto zimejazwa na flavonoid ya kawaida ya mmea, quercetin, kwa matumizi ya ngozi. Kwa mfano, wanasayansi walipata kwamba nanoparticles zenye quercetin zina uwezo wa kuongeza kiasi kidogo cha antioxidant katika ngozi. Jambo lenye kusisimua hata zaidi ni kwamba, chembechembe hizo za nanoparticle ziliongeza uwezo wa kiuavijasumu wa kuzuia viini vya free radical. Uchunguzi mwingine unaotumia nanoparticles mbalimbali na antioxidants unaonyesha matokeo sawa na yale yanayokuja kutoka Italia, ambayo yote yanaonyesha kwamba ulinzi wa ngozi kupitia nanoparticles ya ndani yenye antioxidants inawezekana. Ingawa chemchemi ya ujana ya ajabu inaweza kamwe kupatikana, wanasayansi wanaonekana kuwa karibu kugundua tiba ya kupunguza dalili za kuzeeka kupitia krimu za nanoparticles za antioxidant. Peer ilihaririwa na Sean Gay | <urn:uuid:15cf7a19-17ff-4468-bf17-1bde8b621b70> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://www.thepipettepen.com/not-your-topical-fountain-of-youth/ | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
Massage is often seen as a way to relax and de-stress the body, but it can also be used as a method of therapy for people with lymphedema. Massage helps improve lymphatic drainage, which is essential for those with lymphedema.
Lymphedema is a condition that can cause swelling in the arms or legs.
Other symptoms of lymphedema include:
- a feeling of heaviness in the limbs
- skin discoloration
Massage can help to reduce this swelling by:
- stimulating the lymphatic system
- improving drainage
- improves circulation, which can help to reduce the risk of infection
- can reduce pain
The services we use to address lymphedema are lymphatic drainage and compression, and perhaps a combination of the two.
What is lymphatic drainage?
The lymphatic system is a network of nodes and vessels that helps to rid the body of waste, and other unwanted materials. Lymphatic drainage is a type of massage that helps to stimulate the lymphatic system, which can help to reduce swelling and improve the overall function of the system.
What is Compression Therapy?
Compression therapy is a type of treatment that uses compression garments or bandages to help reduce swelling. | Massage ni njia ya kupumzika na kupunguza mkazo wa mwili, lakini pia inaweza kutumika kama njia ya matibabu kwa watu walio na lymphedema. Kupaka mwili kunasaidia kuboresha mfereji wa lymphatic, ambayo ni muhimu kwa wale walio na lymphedema. Lymphedema ni hali ambayo inaweza kusababisha uvimbe katika mikono au miguu. Matokeo ya lymphedema ni: - maumivu ya miguu, - maumivu ya miguu, - maumivu ya miguu, - maumivu ya miguu, - maumivu ya miguu, - maumivu ya miguu, - maumivu ya miguu, - maumivu ya miguu, - maumivu ya miguu, - maumivu ya miguu, - maumivu ya miguu, - maumivu ya miguu, - maumivu ya miguu, - maumivu ya miguu. Utoaji wa lymphatic ni nini? Mfumo wa limfu ni mtandao wa nodes na mishipa ambayo husaidia kuondoa mwili wa taka, na vifaa vingine visivyotakiwa. Lymphatic drainage ni aina ya massage ambayo husaidia kuchochea mfumo wa lymphatic, ambayo inaweza kusaidia kupunguza uvimbe na kuboresha kazi ya jumla ya mfumo. Tiba ya Kufyatua Ni Nini? Matibabu ya compression ni aina ya matibabu ambayo hutumia nguo za compression au bandages kusaidia kupunguza uvimbe. | <urn:uuid:f91239ee-f767-4503-8c0c-90a7f82fe0c9> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://www.thesupinestudio.com/how-does-massage-help-lymphedema/ | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
There are tens of thousands of genes in the human genome: minuscule twists of DNA and RNA that combine to express all of the traits and characteristics that make each of us unique. Each gene is given a name and alphanumeric code, known as a symbol, which scientists use to coordinate research. But over the past year or so, some 27 human genes have been renamed, all because Microsoft Excel kept misreading their symbols as dates.
The problem isn’t as unexpected as it first sounds. Excel is a behemoth in the spreadsheet world and is regularly used by scientists to track their work and even conduct clinical trials. But its default settings were designed with more mundane applications in mind, so when a user inputs a gene’s alphanumeric symbol into a spreadsheet, like MARCH1 — short for “Membrane Associated Ring-CH-Type Finger 1” — Excel converts that into a date: 1-Mar.
Studies found a fifth of genetic data in papers was affected by Excel errors
This is extremely frustrating, even dangerous, corrupting data that scientists have to sort through by hand to restore. It’s also surprisingly widespread and affects even peer-reviewed scientific work. One study from 2016 examined genetic data shared alongside 3,597 published papers and found that roughly one-fifth had been affected by Excel errors.
“It’s really, really annoying,” Dezső Módos, a systems biologist at the Quadram Institute in the UK, told The Verge. Módos, whose job involves analyzing freshly sequenced genetic data, says Excel errors happen all the time, simply because the software is often the first thing to hand when scientists process numerical data. “It’s a widespread tool and if you are a bit computationally illiterate you will use it,” he says. “During my PhD studies I did as well!”
There’s no easy fix, either. Excel doesn’t offer the option to turn off this auto-formatting, and the only way to avoid it is to change the data type for individual columns. Even then, a scientist might fix their data but export it as a CSV file without saving the formatting. Or, another scientist might load the data without the correct formatting, changing gene symbols back into dates. The end result is that while knowledgeable Excel users can avoid this problem, it’s easy for mistakes to be introduced.
Help has arrived, though, in the form of the scientific body in charge of standardizing the names of genes, the HUGO Gene Nomenclature Committee, or HGNC. This week, the HGNC published new guidelines for gene naming, including for “symbols that affect data handling and retrieval.” From now on, they say, human genes and the proteins they expressed will be named with one eye on Excel’s auto-formatting. That means the symbol MARCH1 has now become MARCHF1, while SEPT1 has become SEPTIN1, and so on. A record of old symbols and names will be stored by HGNC to avoid confusion in the future.
So far, the names of some 27 genes have been changed like this over the past year, Elspeth Bruford, the coordinator of HGNC, tells The Verge, but the guidelines themselves weren’t formally announced until this week. “We consulted the respective research communities to discuss the proposed updates, and we also notified researchers who had published on these genes specifically when the changes were being put into effect,” says Bruford.
As Bruford makes clear, the art of naming genes is very much driven by consensus. Like the lexicographers charged with updating dictionaries, the Gene Nomenclature Committee has to be sensitive to the needs of those individuals who will be most affected by their work.
This wasn’t always the case, mind. In the early, frontier days of genetics, gene naming was often a playground for creative scientists, leading to notorious genes like “sonic hedgehog” (yes, named for that Sonic) and “Indy” (short for “I’m not dead yet”; a reference to the gene’s function, which can double the life span of fruit flies when mutated).
Now, though, the HGNC has taken matters firmly in hand, and current guidelines don’t cede much ground to whimsy or ego. The focus is on practical concerns: how do we minimize confusion? For that reason, gene symbols should be unique, and gene names should be brief and specific, says the committee. They cannot use subscript or superscript; can only contain Latin letters and Arabic numerals; and should not spell out names or words, particularly offensive ones (a rule that should hold true “ideally in any language”).
Gene names should avoid offense “ideally in any language”
And while the decision to rename genes is not taken lightly, it’s not unusual, says Bruford. Many gene symbols that can be read as nouns have been renamed to avoid false positives during searches, for example. In the past, CARS has become CARS1, WARS changed to WARS1, and MARS tweaked to MARS1. Other changes have been made to avoid insult.
“We always have to imagine a clinician having to explain to a parent that their child has a mutation in a particular gene,” says Bruford. “For example, HECA used to have the gene name ‘headcase homolog (Drosophila),’ named after the equivalent gene in fruit fly, but we changed it to ‘hdc homolog, cell cycle regulator’ to avoid potential offense.”
But Bruford says this is the first time that the guidelines have been rewritten specifically to counter the problems caused by software. So far, the reactions seem to be extremely positive — some would even say joyous.
After geneticist Janna Hutz shared the relevant section of HGNC’s new guidelines on Twitter, the response from the community was jubilant. “THRILLED by this announcement by the Human Gene Nomenclature Committee,” tweeted Hutz herself. “Finally!!!” responded Mudra Hegde, a computational biologist at the Broad Institute in Massachusetts. “Greatest news of the day!” said a pseudonymous Twitter user.
Why did Microsoft win in a fight against human genetics?
Bruford notes that there has been some dissent about the decision, but it mostly seems to be focused on a single question: why was it easier to rename human genes than it was to change how Excel works? Why, exactly, in a fight between Microsoft and the entire genetics community, was it the scientists who had to back down?
Microsoft did not respond to a request for comment, but Bruford’s theory is that it’s simply not worth the trouble to change. “This is quite a limited use case of the Excel software,” she says. “There is very little incentive for Microsoft to make a significant change to features that are used extremely widely by the rest of the massive community of Excel users.”
Bruford doesn’t seem bitter about the situation, though. After all, she says, it wouldn’t do to wait on a hypothetical Excel update to fix these problems when a long-term solution can be introduced by scientists themselves. Microsoft Excel may be fleeting, but human genes will be around for as long as we are. It’s best to give them names that work.
Correction: The story has been corrected to clarify that Excel users can save spreadsheets that retain their formatting, avoiding the mistake where gene symbols are changed into dates. We regret the error. | Kuna maelfu ya jeni katika genome ya binadamu: twists ndogo ya DNA na RNA ambayo kuchanganya kueleza sifa zote na sifa kwamba kufanya kila mmoja wetu kipekee. Kila jeni lina jina na nambari ya herufi na tarakimu, inayojulikana kama ishara, ambayo wanasayansi hutumia kuratibu utafiti. Katika mwaka uliopita, jeni 27 za binadamu zilibadilishwa majina kwa sababu Microsoft Excel ilisoma vibaya alama zao kama tarehe. Tatizo hilo si lisilotazamiwa kama linavyosikika mwanzoni. Excel ni moja ya programu maarufu zaidi ulimwenguni na hutumiwa na wanasayansi kufuatilia kazi zao na hata kufanya majaribio ya kliniki. "Kama ilivyoelezwa hapo juu, ""Membrane Associated Ring-CH-Type Finger"" ni kifupi cha ""Membrane Associated Ring-CH-Type Finger"" (MARCH1) na ""Excel"" ni kifupi cha ""Membrane Associated Ring-CH-Type Finger"" (MARCH1)." Utafiti unaonyesha kuwa asilimia tano ya data ya maumbile ya binadamu huathiriwa na makosa ya Excel, na hii ni hatari sana kwa wanasayansi kuharibu data zao kwa mikono. Pia ni ya kushangaza kuenea na huathiri hata kazi ya kisayansi peer-kukaguliwa. Utafiti uliofanywa mnamo 2016 ulichunguza data ya maumbile iliyoshirikiwa pamoja na karatasi 3,597 zilizochapishwa na kugundua kuwa karibu moja ya tano ilikuwa imeathiriwa na makosa ya Excel. "Hiyo ni ya kuchukiza sana,"" Dezső Módos, mwanabiolojia wa mifumo katika Taasisi ya Quadram nchini Uingereza, aliliambia The Verge." Modo, ambaye kazi yake ni kuchanganua data mpya ya maumbile, anasema makosa ya Excel hutokea wakati wote, kwa sababu programu ni mara nyingi kitu cha kwanza mkono wakati wanasayansi mchakato wa data ya tarakimu. <unk>Ni chombo kinachopatikana sana na ikiwa wewe ni mchanganuo wa kompyuta usiojua kusoma na kuandika utaitumia,<unk> anasema. <unk>Wakati wa masomo yangu ya PhD nilifanya pia! <unk> Hakuna suluhisho rahisi, ama. Excel haina kutoa chaguo la kuzima hii auto-kufomata, na njia pekee ya kuiepuka ni kubadilisha aina ya data kwa safu za mtu binafsi. Hata hivyo, mwanasayansi anaweza kurekebisha data zao lakini kuuza nje kama faili ya CSV bila kuhifadhi umbizo. Au, mwanasayansi mwingine aweza kupakia data bila muundo sahihi, akibadilisha alama za jeni kuwa tarehe. Matokeo ya mwisho ni kwamba wakati watumiaji wenye ujuzi wa Excel wanaweza kuepuka tatizo hili, ni rahisi kwa makosa kuanzishwa. "Hili ni jambo ambalo limetokea kwa sababu ya kutofautisha majina ya jeni na majina ya watu, na kwa sababu ya kuanzisha ""Hugo Gen Nomenclature Committee"" (HGNC)." HGNC imetoa miongozo mpya ya jina la jeni, ikiwa ni pamoja na alama ambazo zinaathiri utunzaji wa data na kupata, na sasa, jeni za binadamu na protini zinazozungumziwa zitaitwa kwa jicho moja kwenye muundo wa Excel. "Kama ilivyoelezwa hapo juu, ""MARCH"" ni jina la alama ya kwanza ya MEP, ""MARCH"" ni jina la alama ya kwanza ya MEP, ""MARCH"" ni jina la alama ya kwanza ya MEP, ""MEP"" ni jina la alama ya kwanza ya MEP, na ""MEP"" ni jina la kwanza la alama ya MEP." Hifadhi ya alama za zamani na majina itahifadhiwa na HGNC ili kuepuka kuchanganyikiwa katika siku zijazo. "Jina la jeni 27 limebadilishwa kwa njia hii kwa mwaka mmoja, ""Elspeth Bruford, mratibu wa HGNC, anasema, lakini miongozo yenyewe haikutangazwa rasmi hadi wiki hii." "Tuliwashauri jamii za utafiti zinazohusika kujadili sasisho zilizopendekezwa, na pia tukawajulisha watafiti ambao walikuwa wamechapisha juu ya jeni hizi haswa wakati mabadiliko yalikuwa yakiwekwa katika athari", anasema Bruford. Kama Bruford anavyoeleza waziwazi, sanaa ya kutaja majina ya chembe za urithi huongozwa sana na makubaliano. Kama vile wasomi wa kamusi wanaohusika na kusasisha kamusi, Kamati ya Jina la Jini inapaswa kuwa nyeti kwa mahitaji ya wale watu ambao wataathiriwa zaidi na kazi yao. Hii haikuwa hivyo sikuzote, kumbuka. Katika siku za mapema, mipaka ya maumbile, jina la jeni mara nyingi lilikuwa uwanja wa michezo kwa wanasayansi wa ubunifu, ikisababisha jeni maarufu kama <unk>sonic hedgehog<unk> (ndiyo, jina kwa Sonic) na <unk>Indy<unk> (fupi kwa <unk>I'm not dead yet<unk>; kumbukumbu ya kazi ya jeni, ambayo inaweza mara mbili maisha ya nzi matunda wakati mutated). Sasa, ingawa, HGNC imechukua mambo kwa uthabiti mkononi, na miongozo ya sasa haitoi ardhi nyingi kwa whimsy au ego. Lengo ni juu ya masuala ya vitendo: jinsi ya kupunguza kuchanganyikiwa? Kwa sababu hiyo, ishara za jeni zapasa kuwa za kipekee, na majina ya jeni yapasa kuwa mafupi na ya pekee, husema halmashauri hiyo. Hawawezi kutumia subscript au superscript; wanaweza tu kuwa na herufi za Kilatini na tarakimu za Kiarabu; na hawapaswi kuandika majina au maneno, hasa yale yenye kuudhi (sheria ambayo inapaswa kuwa kweli <unk>kimsingi katika lugha yoyote<unk>). Majina ya jeni yanapaswa kuepuka kukasirisha - kwa njia bora katika lugha yoyote - Na ingawa uamuzi wa kubadili jina la jeni hauchukuliwi kwa urahisi, si jambo lisilo la kawaida, anasema Bruford. Ishara nyingi za jeni ambazo zinaweza kusomwa kama majina zimebadilishwa majina ili kuepuka matokeo mabaya wakati wa utafutaji, kwa mfano. "Kama ilivyoelezwa hapo juu, ""Mars"" ni jina la kwanza la mashine ya kupigia risasi, na ""Mars"" ni jina la kwanza la mashine ya kupigia risasi." Mabadiliko mengine yamefanywa ili kuepuka kudharau. "Lazima tufikirie daktari akimweleza mzazi kwamba mtoto wao ana mabadiliko katika jeni fulani", anasema Bruford. "Kwa mfano, HECA ilitumia jina la jeni ""headcase homolog (Drosophila) "" lililoitwa baada ya jeni sawa katika nzi wa matunda, lakini tulibadilisha kuwa ""hdc homolog, mtawala wa mzunguko wa seli "" ili kuepuka kosa linalowezekana. "" Lakini Bruford anasema hii ni mara ya kwanza kwamba miongozo imeandikwa upya haswa kukabiliana na matatizo yanayosababishwa na programu." Hadi sasa, majibu yanaonekana kuwa mazuri sana - wengine wangesema hata ni yenye furaha. Baada ya mtaalamu wa maumbile Janna Hutz kushiriki sehemu husika ya miongozo mpya ya HGNC kwenye Twitter, majibu kutoka kwa jamii yalikuwa ya shangwe. "NIMESHANGazwa na tangazo hili la Kamati ya Uteuzi wa Jeni ya Binadamu", Hutz mwenyewe alitoa ujumbe kwenye Twitter. <unk> Mwishowe!! !! alijibu Mudra Hegde, mwanabiolojia wa hesabu katika Taasisi ya Broad huko Massachusetts. "Habari bora ya siku!" alisema mtumiaji wa Twitter aliyejiita jina bandia. Kwa nini Microsoft ilishinda katika mapambano dhidi ya chembe za urithi za binadamu? "Bruford anasema kuwa ""kuna baadhi ya kutoelewana juu ya uamuzi, lakini inaonekana zaidi ni ililenga juu ya swali moja: kwa nini ilikuwa rahisi kubadilisha majina ya jeni la binadamu kuliko ilikuwa kubadilisha jinsi Excel kazi?""" Kwa nini, hasa, katika mapigano kati ya Microsoft na jamii nzima ya maumbile, ilikuwa ni wanasayansi ambao walilazimika kurudi nyuma? Microsoft haikujibu ombi la maoni, lakini nadharia ya Bruford ni kwamba haifai kubadilisha. "Hii ni kesi ya matumizi mdogo kabisa ya programu ya Excel", anasema. <unk>Kuna motisha kidogo sana kwa Microsoft kufanya mabadiliko makubwa kwa vipengele ambavyo hutumiwa sana na wengine wa jamii kubwa ya watumiaji wa Excel.<unk> Bruford haionekani kuwa na uchungu juu ya hali hiyo, ingawa. Baada ya yote, yeye anasema, haingekuwa kufanya kusubiri juu ya nadharia Excel update kurekebisha matatizo haya wakati ufumbuzi wa muda mrefu inaweza kuanzishwa na wanasayansi wenyewe. Microsoft Excel inaweza kuwa ya muda mfupi, lakini jeni za binadamu zitakuwa karibu kwa muda mrefu kama sisi ni. Ni afadhali kuwapa majina yanayofaa. "Kutengeneza: Hadithi imerekebishwa ili kufafanua kwamba watumiaji wa Excel wanaweza kuhifadhi karatasi za kupakia ambazo zinahifadhi muundo wao, kuepuka kosa ambapo alama za jeni zimebadilishwa kuwa tarehe. """ Tunahuzunika kwa kosa hilo. | <urn:uuid:3f56d414-bf16-45c2-9c2e-b655a954d7c3> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://www.theverge.com/2020/8/6/21355674/human-genes-rename-microsoft-excel-misreading-dates | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
When people are working together in a confined environment and each of them has different beliefs and opinions, it can be difficult at times for them to get along. While many employers in Missouri go to extensive lengths to help their workers feel comfortable around each other by implementing protocols for desirable and fair behavior, there are times when discrimination can still surface.
According to the Cambridge Dictionary, situations where a person is treated differently, given less opportunity or is harassed because of their sex, is gender discrimination. The discrimination can take place between same sexes and victims could be both male and female. The perpetrators could be a group of people or a single person. Employers who understand precisely what constitutes gender discrimination can better avoid it when they educate and train their workers on what is and is not okay, as well as the importance of being respectful to the differences of others.
The Society for Human Resource Management suggests that one of the most effective practices toward combating gender discrimination in the workplace is when companies inform their workers about common biases and then work relentlessly to create a culture that prevents such biases from taking root. If companies notice discrepancies between genders, such as pay scale differences, they should work quickly to correct those issues before they create a divide between dissatisfied workers.
Senior management should be well aware of the dangers of allowing gender discrimination or ignoring concerns from people who have witnessed or been a victim of a biased comment or action. If a concern is brought to their attention, it should be addressed promptly and efforts to prevent similar occurrences from happening should be made immediately. | Watu wanapofanya kazi pamoja katika mazingira ya ndani na kila mmoja ana imani na maoni tofauti, inaweza kuwa vigumu kwa wakati mmoja kwa wao kuelewana. Wakati waajiri wengi huko Missouri wanafanya kila wawezalo kusaidia wafanyakazi wao kuhisi vizuri karibu na kila mmoja kwa kutekeleza itifaki za tabia inayotakiwa na ya haki, kuna wakati ambapo ubaguzi bado unaweza kutokea. "Kulingana na kamusi ya Cambridge, ""mtu anayetendewa tofauti, anapewa fursa chache au anasumbuliwa kwa sababu ya jinsia yake ni ubaguzi wa kijinsia.""" Ubaguzi unaweza kutokea kati ya jinsia moja na waathirika wanaweza kuwa wanaume na wanawake. Watenda-dhambi wanaweza kuwa kikundi cha watu au mtu mmoja. Waajiri ambao wanaelewa haswa ni nini kinamaanisha ubaguzi wa kijinsia wanaweza kuiepuka vizuri zaidi wakati wanawaelimisha na kuwafundisha wafanyikazi wao juu ya nini ni sawa na sio sawa, na umuhimu wa kuheshimu tofauti za wengine. "Sosaiti ya Usimamizi wa Rasilimali za Binadamu (SHRM) inashauri kwamba moja ya mazoea yenye ufanisi zaidi ya kupambana na ubaguzi wa kijinsia mahali pa kazi ni wakati makampuni yanapowaarifu wafanyakazi wao juu ya upendeleo wa kawaida na kisha kufanya kazi bila kukata tamaa kuunda utamaduni ambao unazuia upendeleo kama huo kutoka kwa mizizi.""" "Ikiwa kampuni zinagundua tofauti kati ya jinsia, kama vile tofauti za kiwango cha mshahara, zinapaswa kufanya kazi haraka kurekebisha masuala hayo kabla ya kuunda mgawanyiko kati ya wafanyakazi wasio na furaha. """ Usimamizi wa juu unapaswa kuwa na ufahamu wa hatari za kuruhusu ubaguzi wa kijinsia au kupuuza wasiwasi kutoka kwa watu ambao wameona au wamekuwa waathirika wa maoni au hatua ya upendeleo. Ikiwa wasiwasi unaletawa kwa tahadhari yao, inapaswa kushughulikiwa haraka na juhudi za kuzuia matukio kama hayo kutokea zinapaswa kufanywa mara moja. | <urn:uuid:6f695192-e661-4a22-b2fe-4d96f4369e61> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://www.thornberrybrown.com/blog/2018/12/establishing-a-work-environment-free-of-gender-discrimination/ | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
Status: Funded - Open
Sweta Patel, MD
BACKGROUND: Household air pollution (HAP) from the burning of solid biomass fuels is a risk factor for pneumonia, the leading infectious cause of death in children. Accurate screening tools are urgently needed to reduce child mortality. GAP: Little is known about the health effects of HAP during infancy, due in part to the lack of accurate tools to quantify these exposures in infants. Questionnaires are often used but may be inaccurate given the many factors that may affect individual exposures. Levels of malondialdehyde (MDA), a biomarker of oxidative stress, are elevated in older children and adults with exposure to HAP, but its utility in the infant population is unknown. HYPOTHESIS: Our hypotheses are: 1) maternal-reported use of solid fuels will be only weakly associated with the incidence of respiratory infections among infants during the first 12 months of life; and 2) higher serum MDA levels will be associated with a higher incidence of respiratory infections during the first 12 months of life. METHODS: This project will be conducted within the context of an ongoing prospective cohort study of 300 mother-infant pairs recruited within 72 hours of birth in Gaborone, Botswana. Detailed information on household use of biomass fuels and serum samples are collected at enrollment; we will use high performance liquid chromatography to measure serum MDA levels at birth. RESULTS: Pending IMPACT: An accurate screening tool to identify infants who are at high risk of respiratory infections because of HAP exposure could facilitate targeting of public health interventions to reduce HAP exposure in children, which could in turn lead to reduced pneumonia-related mortality within the next 5 years. | "Sweta Patel, MD, Mkurugenzi wa Utafiti wa Utafiti wa Utafiti wa Utafiti wa Utafiti wa Utafiti wa Utafiti wa Utafiti wa Utafiti wa Utafiti wa Utafiti wa Utafiti wa Utafiti wa Utafiti wa Utafiti wa Utafiti wa Utafiti wa Utafiti wa Utafiti wa Utafiti wa Utafiti wa Utafiti wa Utafiti wa Utafiti wa Utafiti wa Utafiti wa Utafiti wa Utafiti wa Utafiti wa Utafiti wa Utafiti wa Utafiti wa Utafiti wa Utafiti wa Utafiti wa Utafiti wa Utafiti wa Utafiti wa Utafiti wa Utafiti wa Utafiti wa Utafiti.""" Vifaa sahihi vya uchunguzi vinahitajika haraka ili kupunguza vifo vya watoto. """Hakuna habari nyingi kuhusu athari za afya za HAP wakati wa utotoni, kwa sababu ya ukosefu wa zana sahihi za kupima athari hizi kwa watoto wachanga." Maswali hutumiwa mara nyingi lakini yanaweza kuwa yasiyo sahihi kutokana na mambo mengi ambayo yanaweza kuathiri mfiduo wa mtu binafsi. Kiwango cha malondialdehyde (MDA), biomarker ya mkazo wa oxidative, ni juu katika watoto wakubwa na watu wazima walio na mfiduo wa HAP, lakini matumizi yake katika idadi ya watoto wachanga haijulikani. "Hipothesis: ""Utumizi wa mafuta ya mafuta ya mafuta ya mafuta ya mafuta ya mafuta ya mafuta ya mafuta ya mafuta ya mafuta ya mafuta ya mafuta ya mafuta ya mafuta ya mafuta ya mafuta ya mafuta ya mafuta ya mafuta ya mafuta ya mafuta ya mafuta ya mafuta ya mafuta ya mafuta ya mafuta ya mafuta ya mafuta ya mafuta ya mafuta ya mafuta ya mafuta ya mafuta ya mafuta ya mafuta ya mafuta ya mafuta ya mafuta ya mafuta ya mafuta ya mafuta ya mafuta ya mafuta ya mafuta ya mafuta ya mafuta ya mafuta ya mafuta ya mafuta.""" Utafiti huo unafanyika katika eneo la Gaborone, Botswana, na unajumuisha watoto 300 waliozaliwa na mama na mtoto mchanga. Kwa mfano, kwa mfano, kwa mfano, kwa mfano, kwa mfano, kwa mfano, kwa mfano, kwa mfano, kwa mfano, kwa mfano, kwa mfano, kwa mfano, kwa mfano, kwa mfano, kwa mfano, kwa mfano, kwa mfano, kwa mfano, kwa mfano, kwa mfano, kwa mfano, kwa mfano, kwa mfano, kwa mfano, kwa mfano, kwa mfano, kwa mfano, kwa mfano, kwa mfano. """Kuweka chombo sahihi cha uchunguzi ili kutambua watoto ambao wana hatari kubwa ya maambukizi ya njia za kupumua kutokana na mfiduo wa HPA inaweza kuwezesha lengo la hatua za afya ya umma kupunguza mfiduo wa HPA kwa watoto, ambayo inaweza pia kusababisha kupunguza vifo vinavyohusiana na nimonia ndani ya miaka mitano ijayo." | <urn:uuid:f8acb726-e17a-4bc0-8e72-faf9c650f3ab> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://www.thrasherresearch.org/grant/14761?lang=eng | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
If you’ve been following the news lately, you’ve no doubt heard the term “Bitcoin” thrown around fairly often. So what exactly is it? Simply put, Bitcoin is a digital currency that exists solely in cyberspace. It was created in 2009 by mathematician Satoshi Nakomoto, a man so elusive and enigmatic that many doubt his very existence. Bitcoin is traded, generated, and stored on a peer-to-peer network using virtual wallets for each user. The rate and overall number of Bitcoins generated is limited, making it free from the perils of inflation that plague traditional official currencies. Bitcoin has been gaining in popularity, circulation, and media coverage of late, and while the number of businesses willing to accept it is growing, many people remain skeptical of its value and stability.
In his 2009 paper Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System, Satoshi Nakomoto describes one of the main benefits of using Bitcoin: the elimination of the need for third-party verification of online transactions. Currently, most online purchases involve both parties disclosing a certain amount of information to a bank or financial institution to ensure that everything is fair and fraud free (a service that usually includes a fee). The Bitcoin protocol is set up to make fraud during a transaction prohibitively difficult while allowing both parties to remain anonymous. This ostensibly means that deals are made person to person with no intermediate arbiter. One analogy that is often used to describe Bitcoin transactions is that they are much like sending an email from one person to another (sans NSA snooping). This is an apt comparison because during each Bitcoin exchange, the buyers and sellers have their own “address” for that particular transaction. Each transaction can be assigned a unique address, making it almost impossible to trace the spending patterns of one particular user. Because Bitcoin is operated on a peer-to-peer network, transactions are visible to everyone, but the details of said transactions are hidden from all but the parties involved.
Bitcoin is generated by computers that solve mathematical problems that increase in difficulty as a function of the number of Bitcoins in circulation. Any user may set up their computer to generate Bitcoin, a process referred to as “mining.” According to Nakamoto, this process is yet another deterrent to theft, as the amount of computational power required to steal Bitcoin from another user could be better served mining Bitcoin legally.
Despite its rather rapid rise in value, most experts still classify Bitcoin as a risky investment. While the value has reached over $700 USD per Bitcoin as of this writing, the Bitcoin market has not been without its ups and downs. After reaching an all-time high of $1240 in early December, the Bitcoin market plummeted below $400 per coin amidst new regulations by Chinese banks that make buying and selling Bitcoin in the country extremely difficult. China has been at the forefront of the Bitcoin revolution and is home to several of the world’s largest and most active Bitcoin exchanges. Although the currency recovered much of its value in the few days following the “crisis,” many critics point to this incident as proof of Bitcoin’s vulnerability. While Bitcoin has been billed by many as a currency that is beyond the reach of any central government or authority, these recent events might suggest otherwise.
Whatever the case, both excitement and controversy surrounding Bitcoin are at an all-time high. There is no doubt that Bitcoin as it currently stands holds real and significant value. Bitcoin has been used to purchase everything from cars, to mansions, to tickets to outer space. Many prominent business owners have come out in favor of Bitcoin, such as Virgin CEO Sir Richard Branson and Overstock.com CEO Patrick Byrne, who said: “Money is too important to be left in the hands of government officials.”
It comes as no surprise that those who are opposed to Bitcoin stand to lose the most from its adoption. Several major banks and governments have labeled Bitcoin as “not real money” and have warned against the inherent dangers of dealing with currency that is unregulated and anonymous. Despite the checks and balances built into the Bitcoin protocol, there have been reports of Bitcoin theft, as well as the use of Bitcoin for illegal purposes.
The United States government has taken a somewhat neutral stance on Bitcoin. During a November 18 hearing on virtual currency, many expressed a desire to understand the pros and cons of Bitcoin, but remained wary of its potential for abuse if left unregulated. This in spite of the fact that the FBI is suspected to be in possession of one of the largest Bitcoin fortunes in existence after seizing more than 144,000 BTC ($90 million USD) from Ross Ulbricht, alleged administrator of the illegal drug website Silk Road.
As with most issues, economists remain divided on the future of Bitcoin. Some believe that an eventual burst of the Bitcoin bubble will cause the value to drop to almost nothing, while others think it has potential to be a significant contender for a global currency.
It’s definitely worth keeping on your radar as we enter 2014. | Kama umekuwa kufuatilia habari hivi karibuni, wewe bila shaka kusikia neno "Bitcoin" kutupwa karibu mara nyingi. Kwa hiyo ni nini hasa? Kwa ufupi, Bitcoin ni sarafu ya dijiti ambayo ipo tu katika cyberspace. "Mwanamume huyo, Satoshi Nakamoto, aliandika kitabu chake cha ""Mwanamke wa Kihispania"" mwaka 2009 na alisema kwamba ""mwanamume huyo ni mtu asiyeeleweka na asiyeeleweka sana hivi kwamba wengi wanashuku kuwapo kwake.""" Bitcoin ni kuuzwa, zinazozalishwa, na kuhifadhiwa juu ya peer-to-peer mtandao kutumia mikoba virtual kwa kila mtumiaji. Kiwango na jumla ya idadi ya Bitcoins zinazozalishwa ni mdogo, na kuifanya kuwa huru kutoka kwa hatari za mfumuko wa bei ambao unashambulia sarafu za jadi rasmi. Bitcoin imekuwa kupata katika umaarufu, mzunguko, na chanjo ya vyombo vya habari ya marehemu, na wakati idadi ya biashara tayari kukubali ni kuongezeka, watu wengi kubaki shaka ya thamani yake na utulivu. Katika makala yake ya 2009 Bitcoin: Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System, Satoshi Nakamoto anaelezea moja ya faida kuu ya kutumia Bitcoin: kuondolewa kwa haja ya uthibitisho wa mtu wa tatu wa shughuli za mtandaoni. Kwa sasa, ununuzi wa mtandaoni unahusisha pande zote mbili kufichua kiasi fulani cha habari kwa benki au taasisi ya kifedha ili kuhakikisha kwamba kila kitu ni haki na bure udanganyifu (huduma ambayo kwa kawaida inajumuisha ada). Mkataba wa Bitcoin umewekwa ili kufanya udanganyifu wakati wa shughuli kuwa ngumu sana wakati kuruhusu pande zote mbili kubaki zisizojulikana. Hii inaonekana inamaanisha kwamba mikataba hufanywa kati ya mtu na mtu bila mpatanishi wa kati. Mfano mmoja ambao hutumiwa mara nyingi kuelezea shughuli za Bitcoin ni kwamba ni kama kutuma barua pepe kutoka kwa mtu mmoja kwenda kwa mwingine (bila NSA snooping). Hii ni kulinganisha sahihi kwa sababu wakati wa kila kubadilishana Bitcoin, wanunuzi na wauzaji kuwa na yao wenyewe <unk>anwani<unk> kwa ajili ya shughuli hiyo maalum. Kila shughuli inaweza kupewa anwani ya kipekee, na kufanya iwe vigumu kufuatilia mifumo ya matumizi ya mtumiaji mmoja maalum. Bitcoin ni mtandao wa Peer-to-Peer, na shughuli zote zinaonekana kwa kila mtu, lakini maelezo ya shughuli hizo hufichwa kwa kila mtu isipokuwa kwa wahusika. Bitcoin ni kompyuta ambayo hutengeneza matatizo ya hisabati ambayo huongezeka kwa ugumu kama kazi ya idadi ya Bitcoin katika mzunguko. "Mtu yeyote anaweza kuweka kompyuta yake ili kuzalisha Bitcoin, mchakato unaojulikana kama ""uchimbaji,"" kulingana na Nakamoto, mchakato huu ni kizuizi kingine cha wizi, kwani kiasi cha nguvu ya kompyuta inayohitajika kuiba Bitcoin kutoka kwa mtumiaji mwingine inaweza kutumika vizuri zaidi kwa kuchimba Bitcoin kisheria." Licha ya kuongezeka kwa thamani yake kwa kasi, wataalamu wengi bado wanataja Bitcoin kama uwekezaji wenye hatari. Wakati thamani imefikia zaidi ya $ 700 USD kwa Bitcoin, soko la Bitcoin halikuwa bila ups na downs zake. Baada ya kufikia kiwango cha juu cha wakati wote cha $ 1240 mwanzoni mwa Desemba, soko la Bitcoin lilishuka chini ya $ 400 kwa sarafu katikati ya kanuni mpya za benki za China ambazo hufanya ununuzi na uuzaji wa Bitcoin nchini kuwa ngumu sana. China imekuwa katika mstari wa mbele wa mapinduzi ya Bitcoin na ni nyumbani kwa kadhaa ya dunia kubwa na kazi zaidi Bitcoin kubadilishana. Ingawa sarafu ilipata thamani yake katika siku chache baada ya "mshuko", wakosoaji wengi wanataja tukio hili kama uthibitisho wa udhaifu wa Bitcoin. Ingawa Bitcoin imekuwa billed na wengi kama sarafu ambayo ni nje ya kufikia ya serikali yoyote ya kati au mamlaka, matukio haya ya hivi karibuni inaweza kupendekeza vinginevyo. Kwa vyovyote vile, msisimko na utata unaozunguka Bitcoin uko kwenye kiwango cha juu kabisa. Hakuna shaka kwamba Bitcoin kama ilivyo sasa ina thamani halisi na muhimu. Bitcoin imekuwa kutumika kununua kila kitu kutoka magari, kwa mansions, kwa tiketi kwa nafasi ya nje. "Wamiliki wengi wa biashara maarufu wamekuja kwa niaba ya Bitcoin, kama vile Mkurugenzi Mtendaji wa Virgin Richard Branson na Mkurugenzi Mtendaji wa Overstock Patrick Byrne, ambaye alisema: ""Pesa ni muhimu sana kushoto mikononi mwa maafisa wa serikali." Benki kadhaa kubwa na serikali zimeorodhesha Bitcoin kama "sio pesa halisi" na zimeonya dhidi ya hatari za asili za kushughulika na sarafu ambayo haidhibitiwi na haijulikani. Pamoja na udhibiti na usawa uliojengwa katika itifaki ya Bitcoin, kumekuwa na ripoti za wizi wa Bitcoin, na vile vile matumizi ya Bitcoin kwa madhumuni haramu. Serikali ya Marekani imechukua msimamo wa kiasi fulani wa kutokuwamo juu ya Bitcoin. Wakati wa kusikilizwa kwa Novemba 18 juu ya sarafu ya virtual, wengi walionyesha hamu ya kuelewa faida na hasara za Bitcoin, lakini walibaki kuwa na wasiwasi juu ya uwezekano wake wa unyanyasaji ikiwa hautawaliwa. FBI inashukiwa kuwa na moja ya mali kubwa zaidi ya Bitcoin baada ya kukamata zaidi ya BTC 144,000 kutoka kwa Ross Ulbricht, msimamizi wa tovuti ya dawa haramu ya Silk Road. Kama ilivyo na masuala mengi, wachumi bado wamegawanyika juu ya siku zijazo za Bitcoin. Baadhi ya watu wanaamini kwamba mlipuko wa Bitcoin utafanya thamani yake iondoke hadi karibu hakuna, wakati wengine wanafikiri ina uwezo wa kuwa mshindani mkubwa kwa sarafu ya kimataifa. Ni dhahiri thamani ya kuweka juu ya rada yako kama sisi kuingia 2014. | <urn:uuid:8d046fee-e3e6-49c2-b21c-e42ae7a57b43> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://www.thrivedetroit.org/post/what-is-bitcoin | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
The 8th (Midlands) Parachute Battalion was an airborne infantry battalion of the Parachute Regiment, raised by the British Army during the Second World War. The battalion was created in late 1942 by the conversion of the 13th Battalion, Royal Warwickshire Regiment to parachute duties. The battalion was assigned to the 3rd Parachute Brigade, serving alongside the 7th (later replaced by the 1st Canadian Parachute Battalion) and 9th Parachute battalions, in the 1st Airborne Division before being reassigned to help form the 6th Airborne Division in May 1943.
The 8th Parachute Battalion fought in Operation Tonga, the British airborne landings in France on D-Day, the Normandy Campaign, and the break out to the River Seine. Withdrawn to England in September 1944, the German winter offensive known as the Battle of the Bulge saw the battalion return to the continent. Their final mission during the war was the River Rhine crossing, followed by the advance to the Baltic.
1943 Lt Col Hildersly
1943-4 Lt Col AS Pearson, DSO, MC
1944-7 Lt Col G Hewetson, DSO
1946-8 Lt Col JHM Hackett, DSO
After the war the battalion was sent to Palestine with the 6th Airborne Division until January 1948, when it was amalgamated with the 9th (Eastern and Home Counties) Parachute Battalion (which had served alongside the 8th in 3rd Para Brigade) to form the 8th/9th Parachute Battalion.
Some Pictures of 8 PARA on the Plain and at Depot 1 between Tilshead and Westdown Camp are below.
Brigadier Alastair “Jock” Stevenson Pearson, CB, DSO & Three Bars, OBE, MC, TD, DL (1 June 1915 – 29 March 1996) was a baker, farmer and one of the most highly regarded soldiers of the Parachute Regiment and was one of the most decorated soldiers in the British Army who served in the Second World War. During the summer of 1944, the commander of the new 6th Airborne Division gave ‘Jock’ Pearson command of the division’s 8th Parachute Battalion, which was assigned to the 3rd Parachute Brigade. Pearson immediately began preparing the battalion for the Battle of Normandy. On the night of 5 June 1944, the battalion departed England for France. Upon landing, as part of Operation Tonga (the British airborne drops on D-Day), Pearson was shot in the hand but continued to command. The 8th Parachute Battalion went on to destroy several bridges over the River Dives and then take up defensive positions in the Bavent Wood, east of Pegasus Bridge. Pearson was awarded a fourth DSO in February 1945 for his contributions during the Battle of Normandy. On his return to England in September 1944, Pearson surrendered command of the 8th Parachute Battalion due to ill health.
There is a memorial to the Parachute Regiment in Tilshead.
Frank Druce and George Clegg | 8th (Midlands) Parachute Battalion ilikuwa jeshi la jeshi la Uingereza lililokuwa likijengwa wakati wa Vita Kuu ya Pili ya Dunia. Kikosi hicho kilitengenezwa mwishoni mwa mwaka 1942 kwa kubadilisha kikosi cha 13 cha Royal Warwickshire Regiment kuwa kikosi cha wapiganaji wa parachuti. Kikosi hicho kilipewa jina la 3rd Parachute Brigade, na kutumika pamoja na kikosi cha 7 (baadaye ilibadilishwa na 1st Canadian Parachute Battalion) na kikosi cha 9 (Palachute Battalion) katika Kikosi cha 1 Airborne kabla ya kupewa jukumu la kusaidia kuunda Kikosi cha 6 Airborne mnamo Mei 1943. Kikosi cha 8 cha Parachute kilipigana katika operesheni ya Tonga, kuwasili kwa ndege za Uingereza nchini Ufaransa siku ya D-Day, kampeni ya Normandy, na kuvunja hadi Mto Seine. Baada ya kurudi Uingereza mnamo Septemba 1944, vita vya majira ya baridi kali vya Ujerumani vilivyoitwa Vita vya Bulge viliona kikosi hicho kikirudi bara. Kazi yao ya mwisho wakati wa vita ilikuwa kuvuka Mto Rhine, ikifuatiwa na kuhamia Bahari ya Baltiki. Lt. Col. Hildersley Pearson, DSO, MC, 1944-1944 - Lt. Col. G. Hewson, DSO, 1946-1948 - Lt. Col. J. H. H. Hackett, DSO, 1943-1948 - Lt. Col. Hildersley Pearson, DSO, DSO, 1943-1944 - Lt. Col. G. Hewetson, DSO, DSO. Picha za 8 PARA kwenye Plain na katika Depot 1 kati ya Tilshead na Westdown Camp ni chini. Brigadier Alastair Jock Stevenson Pearson (Kib, D.S.O. & Three Bars, OBE, T.D., M.C., 1915 - 29 Machi 1996) alikuwa mkulima, mkulima na mmoja wa askari wenye heshima zaidi wa Jeshi la Uingereza. Wakati wa majira ya joto ya 1944, kamanda wa Divisheni mpya ya 6 Airborne alitoa amri ya Jock Pearson ya Kikosi cha 8 cha Parachute, ambacho kilipewa mgawo wa Kikosi cha 3 cha Parachute. Pearson mara moja alianza kutayarisha kikosi hicho kwa ajili ya Vita vya Normandy. Usiku wa Juni 5, 1944, kikosi hicho kiliondoka Uingereza na kwenda Ufaransa. Baada ya kutua, kama sehemu ya operesheni ya Tonga (mashambulizi ya anga ya Uingereza siku ya D-Day), Pearson alipigwa risasi mkononi lakini aliendelea kuamuru. Kikosi cha 8 cha Parachute kilishambulia na kuharibu madaraja kadhaa kwenye Mto Dives na kisha kuchukua nafasi za ulinzi katika Bavent Wood, mashariki mwa Daraja la Pegasus. Pearson alipewa DSO ya nne mnamo Februari 1945 kwa michango yake wakati wa Vita vya Normandy. Baada ya kurudi Uingereza Septemba 1944, Pearson alijiuzulu uongozi wa Kikosi cha 8 cha Parachute kwa sababu ya afya mbaya. Kuna ukumbusho wa Kikosi cha Parachute huko Tilshead. Frank Druce na George Clegg | <urn:uuid:3332ed65-321c-45c8-b970-b8fad153d031> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://www.tilsheadvillage.com/memorials/tilshead-airborne-memorials/the-parachute-regiment/8th-midland-counties-parachute-battalion/ | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
A mechanical timer switch, also referred to as an analog timer switch, is a timing device that employs physical components like springs, gears, and electric motors to regulate the power supply to an electrical device.
To learn more about this device, here’s a practical guide to get started.
How Does a Mechanical Timer Switch Work?
Operating in an analog manner, it utilizes clockwork mechanisms to determine when to switch the power on and off.
This type of timer switch is manually configured by adjusting a knob to set the desired time interval for powering on or off.
Although mechanical timer switches are cost-effective and straightforward to configure, they may be larger and require more maintenance due to the utilization of moving parts.
Commonly employed for managing lighting, appliances, and other electrical devices, they offer an economical means of automating various systems.
Despite the emergence of more intricate digital and electronic timers, mechanical timer switches remain a simple and budget-friendly option for overseeing lights and other devices.
Types of Mechanical Timers
Mechanical time switches, available in digital and analog forms, regulate the operation of electrical systems based on user-set time intervals.
They facilitate automation by adhering to predetermined on and off times, allowing efficient planning of circuit functionality.
Analog designs, also known as mechanical timers, coexist with modern digital alternatives.
These electronic timer options cater to diverse needs in various applications, including agricultural irrigation and fertilization systems, industrial lighting, signage, and advertising systems.
They play a vital role in controlling exterior lighting for commercial buildings, advertising signs, and large outdoor displays.
Notably, street lighting and irrigation systems in gardens or fields have long been under the reliable control of these timer switches.
Whether for agricultural practices or large-scale commercial applications, the versatility of analog and digital time clocks ensures their comfortable use in different scenarios.
Where Mechanical Timer Switches Are Used
Mechanical timer switches find diverse uses, ranging from overseeing lighting and appliances to managing various electrical equipment.
They offer a budget-friendly method for automating home systems, covering aspects like lighting, HVAC controls, water pumps, and ovens.
These switches, known for their cost-effectiveness, are applicable not only in homes but also in industrial facilities or businesses.
They are user-friendly, reasonably durable, and provide a straightforward means of controlling the timing of electrical devices.
Despite the presence of digital timer switches, mechanical timer switches remain a favored option due to their affordability and user-friendly nature.
How to Use Mechanical Timer Switches
To implement a timer or analog switch, you need an existing system, whether on an industrial or personal scale.
Examples of personal systems include regulating aquarium motors, filters, and lights.
While digital models allow precise adjustments down to the second, mechanical analog time clocks are user-friendly, indicating the start and end points with notches on a circular structure.
Deviations of + or – 5 minutes may occur in mechanical switches.
For digital models, weekly, daily, and hourly plans with precise minute settings are possible, providing detailed control.
Selecting the appropriate timer type and model—digital or analog—depends on the purpose and specific requirements of the task at hand.
How to Set a Mechanical Timer Switch
To configure a mechanical timer switch, follow these general steps:
- Connect the timer to the wall and the appliance to the timer.
- Adjust the dial to set the current time.
- Press down the pins for the times you want the device to activate and keep them pulled out for when you want the device to deactivate.
- If available, set the timer to “On-Auto-Off” mode.
- Switch the manual switch button to the “Timer” setting.
These steps might vary slightly based on the specific model of the mechanical timer switch.
Important: Always consult the manufacturer’s instructions for precise guidance.
How to Fix a Mechanical Timer Switch That Is Not Working
To address issues with a malfunctioning mechanical timer switch, consider these general troubleshooting steps derived from search results:
Step 1: Verify Timer Settings: Confirm that the timer is correctly set, as incorrect settings can lead to unexpected malfunctions.
Step 2: Check Timer Wiring: Ensure proper wiring and power distribution, addressing loose terminals that might disrupt the electrical flow.
Step 3: Inspect for Broken or Stuck Components: Examine the timer for damaged gears or springs, caused by factors like age, dirt, or debris. Lubricate stuck gears, and replace broken ones if necessary.
Step 4: Power Supply and Fuse Verification: Confirm an adequate power supply and check for a blown fuse, as insufficient voltage or a blown fuse can impact the timer’s operation.
Step 5: Battery Replacement: If the timer relies on batteries, replace them if the display is unclear or if the timer isn’t functioning correctly.
Step 6: Examine Tripper and Gear Alignment: Inspect trippers and gears for damage or misalignment. Clean gears and ensure proper alignment of trippers for accurate on/off timing.
Always consult the specific manufacturer’s instructions for comprehensive troubleshooting steps, as the process may vary depending on the mechanical timer switch model.
Analog or mechanical timers are devices that manage the operation of electrical machines or systems, turning them on and off based on a predetermined schedule.
The primary goal is energy conservation, making timers a practical choice.
By stopping energy-consuming devices when they’re not needed, you not only save electricity but also enhance user convenience.
This deliberate approach to controlling device operation contributes to both energy efficiency and system professionalism.
TOSUNlux specializes in low-voltage electrical and lighting items, featuring both digital and mechanical timer switches.
Notably, the THC-15A model provides a 24-hour timing capability for 7 days, supporting a contact capacity ranging from 16A to 30A.
The THC15A Programmable Periodic Timer Switch stands out as a flexible Digital Timer Switch designed for the scheduled operation of connected appliances or loads.
Through this automation, the device contributes to enhanced energy efficiency and resource conservation.
It offers additional functionalities like a countdown feature and the flexibility to tailor intervals, spanning from seconds to weeks.
With a capacity to manage electrical loads of up to 30 Amps, the timer switch accommodates various appliances, including lighting systems, pumps, fans, and motors.
Moreover, TOSUNlux’s product range extends beyond timer switches to include circuit breakers, isolating switches, contactors, distribution boards, and panel meters.
Other timer switch options available in the market encompass the Timer Switch with Pulse and Cycle Program and the DIN Rail Timing Relay Electronic Big Display LCD Digital Timer.
Contact TOSUNlux today via their website for a quotation. | Kipaza muda cha mitambo (MechS) ni kifaa cha muda ambacho hutumia vifaa vya kimwili kama vile spring, gear, na motors za umeme ili kudhibiti usambazaji wa umeme kwa kifaa cha umeme. Ili kujifunza zaidi kuhusu kifaa hiki, hapa ni mwongozo wa vitendo wa kuanza. Kifaa cha Kusahihisha Wakati hufanyaje kazi? Kwa kufanya kazi kwa njia ya analog, hutumia utaratibu wa saa ili kuamua ni wakati gani wa kuwasha na kuzima umeme. Aina hii ya kubadili timer ni manually configured kwa kurekebisha knob kuweka muda interval taka kwa ajili ya nguvu juu au mbali. Ingawa switches timer mechanical ni gharama nafuu na moja kwa moja kwa configure, wanaweza kuwa kubwa na zinahitaji matengenezo zaidi kutokana na matumizi ya sehemu kusonga. Kwa kawaida hutumiwa kusimamia taa, vifaa, na vifaa vingine vya umeme, na hutoa njia ya kiuchumi ya kuendesha mifumo mbalimbali. Licha ya kuibuka kwa vipima-wakati vya dijiti na elektroniki, vipima-wakati vya mitambo bado ni chaguo rahisi na la bajeti kwa ajili ya kusimamia taa na vifaa vingine. Aina ya Mechanical Timers: Mechanical Time Switches, inapatikana katika digital na analog fomu, kudhibiti utendaji wa mifumo ya umeme kulingana na mtumiaji kuweka muda vipindi. Wao kuwezesha automatisering kwa kufuata kabla ya kuamua juu na mbali nyakati, kuruhusu mipango ya ufanisi wa mzunguko utendaji. Miundo ya analog, inayojulikana pia kama vipima-wakati vya mitambo, inapatikana pamoja na mbadala za kisasa za dijiti. Vipimo vya timer za elektroniki vinakidhi mahitaji mbalimbali katika matumizi mbalimbali, ikiwa ni pamoja na mifumo ya umwagiliaji na mbolea ya kilimo, taa za viwanda, ishara, na mifumo ya matangazo. Wao hutimiza fungu muhimu katika kudhibiti taa za nje za majengo ya kibiashara, ishara za matangazo, na maonyesho makubwa ya nje. Kwa mfano, taa za barabarani na mifumo ya umwagiliaji maji katika bustani au mashamba kwa muda mrefu imekuwa chini ya udhibiti wa kuaminika wa swichi hizi za muda. Iwe kwa ajili ya mazoea ya kilimo au maombi makubwa ya kibiashara, versatility ya saa ya wakati analog na digital kuhakikisha matumizi yao starehe katika matukio tofauti. Wakati wa kutumia vifaa vya umeme, vipimaji vya umeme vina matumizi mbalimbali, kuanzia kusimamia taa na vifaa vya umeme hadi kusimamia vifaa mbalimbali vya umeme. Hizi ni njia ya bajeti-kirafiki kwa ajili ya automatiska mifumo ya nyumbani, kufunika mambo kama vile taa, HVAC udhibiti, pampu za maji, na oveni. Vifungo hivi, vinavyojulikana kwa ufanisi wao wa gharama, vinatumika si tu katika nyumba bali pia katika vifaa vya viwanda au biashara. Ni rahisi kutumia, ni zenye kudumu kwa muda mrefu, na hutoa njia rahisi ya kudhibiti wakati wa vifaa vya umeme. Licha ya uwepo wa digital timer switches, mechanical timer switches kubaki chaguo favored kutokana na bei yao na asili ya mtumiaji-kirafiki. Jinsi ya kutumia Mechanical Timer Switches: Ili kutekeleza timer au analog switch, unahitaji mfumo uliopo, iwe kwenye kiwango cha viwanda au binafsi. Mifano ya mifumo ya kibinafsi ni pamoja na kudhibiti motors aquarium, filters, na taa. Wakati mifano ya digital inaruhusu marekebisho sahihi hadi pili, saa za wakati za analog za mitambo ni rahisi kutumia, zinaonyesha pointi za mwanzo na mwisho na notches kwenye muundo wa mviringo. Mabadiliko ya + au < 5 dakika inaweza kutokea katika swichi mitambo. Kwa mifano ya digital, mipango ya kila wiki, kila siku, na kila saa na mipangilio sahihi ya dakika inawezekana, kutoa udhibiti wa kina. Kuchagua sahihi timer aina na mfano - digital au analog - inategemea kusudi na mahitaji maalum ya kazi katika mkono. Jinsi ya kuanzisha kifaa cha kuchunguza muda: Ili kuanzisha kifaa cha kuchunguza muda, fuata hatua hizi za kawaida: Kuunganisha kifaa cha kuchunguza muda kwenye ukuta na kifaa cha kuchunguza muda. - Rekebisha kiwambo ili kuweka wakati wa sasa. Bonyeza chini pini kwa mara unataka kifaa kuamsha na kuweka yao kuvutwa nje kwa wakati unataka kifaa kuzima. - Kama inapatikana, kuweka timer kwa <unk>On-Auto-Off<unk> mode. - Kubadilisha kifungo cha kubadili mwongozo kwa <unk>Timer<unk> kuweka. Hatua hizi inaweza kutofautiana kidogo kulingana na mfano maalum wa kubadili timer mitambo. Muhimu: Daima kushauriana maelekezo ya mtengenezaji kwa mwongozo sahihi. Jinsi ya kurekebisha kifaa cha kuchunguza muda cha mashine ambayo haifanyi kazi: Ili kushughulikia matatizo na kifaa cha kuchunguza muda cha mashine ambacho haifanyi kazi, fikiria hatua hizi za kawaida za utatuzi wa matatizo zinazotokana na matokeo ya utafutaji: Hatua ya 1: Thibitisha Mipangilio ya Muda: Thibitisha kwamba muda umewekwa kwa usahihi, kwani mipangilio isiyo sahihi inaweza kusababisha kasoro zisizotarajiwa. Hatua ya 2: Angalia waya za timer: Hakikisha waya sahihi na usambazaji wa nguvu, ukizingatia vituo vya umeme vilivyo huru ambavyo vinaweza kuvuruga mtiririko wa umeme. Hatua ya 3: Chunguza vipengele vilivyovunjika au vilivyofungwa: Chunguza kipimo cha muda kwa gia au chemchemi zilizoharibiwa, zinazosababishwa na mambo kama vile umri, uchafu, au takwimu. Tengeneza mafuta kwenye gia zilizokwama, na badala ya zile zilizovunjika ikiwa ni lazima. Hatua ya 4: Uhakiki wa umeme na fuse: Thibitisha umeme wa kutosha na angalia fuse iliyopigwa, kwani voltage isiyo ya kutosha au fuse iliyopigwa inaweza kuathiri utendaji wa timer. Hatua ya 5: Badilisha betri: Ikiwa timer inategemea betri, badilisha ikiwa onyesho halijulikani au ikiwa timer haifanyi kazi vizuri. Hatua ya 6: Chunguza Tripper na Gear Alignment: Chunguza Tripper na Gear kwa uharibifu au misalignment. Safisha gia na kuhakikisha usawa sahihi wa trippers kwa ajili ya sahihi juu ya / mbali wakati. Daima kushauriana maelekezo maalum ya mtengenezaji kwa hatua ya ufumbuzi wa matatizo ya kina, kama mchakato inaweza kutofautiana kulingana na mfano wa kubadili timer mitambo. Analog au mechanical timers ni vifaa kwamba kusimamia uendeshaji wa mashine za umeme au mifumo, kugeuka yao juu na mbali kulingana na ratiba iliyopangwa. Lengo kuu ni kuhifadhi nishati, na hivyo kufanya vipima-wakati viwe chaguo linalofaa. Kwa kuacha vifaa vinavyotumia nishati wakati havihitaji, si tu unaokoa umeme lakini pia unaongeza urahisi wa mtumiaji. Njia hii ya makusudi ya kudhibiti operesheni ya kifaa inachangia ufanisi wa nishati na utaalamu wa mfumo. TOSUNlux ni mtaalamu wa vifaa vya umeme vya voltage ya chini na taa, na ina viunganishi vya digital na mechanical timer. Kwa mfano, THC-15A hutoa uwezo wa wakati wa masaa 24 kwa siku 7, ikiunga mkono uwezo wa kuwasiliana kuanzia 16A hadi 30A. THC15A ni programu ya muda wa muda wa muda wa muda wa muda wa muda wa muda wa muda wa muda wa muda wa muda wa muda wa muda wa muda wa muda wa muda wa muda wa muda wa muda wa muda wa muda wa muda wa muda wa muda wa muda wa muda wa muda wa muda wa muda wa muda. Kupitia automatisering hii, kifaa inachangia kuimarishwa ufanisi wa nishati na uhifadhi wa rasilimali. Inatoa utendaji wa ziada kama vile kipengele cha kuhesabu nyuma na kubadilika kwa kurekebisha vipindi, kuanzia sekunde hadi wiki. Kwa uwezo wa kusimamia mzigo wa umeme wa hadi 30 Amps, kubadili timer inakaribisha vifaa mbalimbali, ikiwa ni pamoja na mifumo ya taa, pampu, mashabiki, na motors. Zaidi ya hayo, TOSUNlux ya bidhaa mbalimbali inaenea zaidi ya swichi timer kujumuisha circuit breakers, kutenganisha swichi, contactors, bodi za usambazaji, na mita jopo. Chaguo la kwanza la timer ni pamoja na programu ya pulse na mzunguko na DIN Rail Timing Relay Electronic Big Display LCD Digital Timer. Wasiliana na TOSUNlux leo kupitia tovuti yao kwa nukuu. | <urn:uuid:14bbe65f-cb6f-456d-b92a-328ddb102ba8> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://www.tosunlux.eu/blog/a-guide-to-mechanical-timer-switch | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
Introduction: Currently 1.9 billion adults worldwide are estimated to be overweight or obese. Weight loss sustainability is difficult, and weight loss rehabilitation programs have been criticised for having an individualistic approach. It has been suggested that occupational therapists could be used as part of a transdisciplinary approach because of their holistic perspective. During the development of an occupational therapy- based weight loss program five components arose as essential from earlier interviews with health professionals and citizens with obesity: diet, physical activities, social relations, habits and balancing everyday life. Before developing the program, we needed a clearer picture of which strategies should support the five components. The aim of this study was to obtain a description of strategies related to the five components that could support weight loss to become part of everyday life of people with obesity. Methods: This study took a participatory design by using research circle (RC) methodology. Two RC groups were created, one with occupational therapists and one with citizens with obesity. Researchers participated in both RC groups. Data was obtained through democratic principles. The two RC groups met four times over a period of 4 months. Qualitative content analysis was conducted. Results: Five themes arose: (1) Diet—Find the line between either-or, (2) Physical activity—Break the comfort zone, (3) Social relations—Stand strong together, (4) Habits—Focus on possibilities instead of bad habits, and (5) Balancing everyday life—Handling life's bumps. Conclusion: The strategies for a weight loss program including the five components should include awareness of senses and activity patterns surrounding meals, taking one step at a time when focusing of physical activities and be conscious of values, include family and friends in the program to find common ground and self-confidence and use re-placement activities. We suggest that the component of balancing everyday life should be seen as an overall component as all strategies are related to finding meaning and variation in activities which is part of an ongoing weight loss process.
- health, nutrition and quality of life | Kwa mujibu wa takwimu za WHO, watu wazima bilioni 1.9 duniani kote wana uzito wa ziada au wanene kupita kiasi. Utegemezi wa kupoteza uzito ni vigumu, na mipango ya ukarabati wa kupoteza uzito imekosolewa kwa kuwa na mbinu ya mtu binafsi. Imedokezwa kwamba wataalamu wa tiba ya kazi wanaweza kutumiwa kama sehemu ya mbinu ya interdisciplinary kwa sababu ya mtazamo wao wa jumla. Katika mchakato wa kuunda programu ya kupunguza uzito ya matibabu ya kazi, vipengele vitano vilionekana kuwa muhimu kutoka kwa mahojiano ya awali na wataalamu wa afya na wananchi wenye uzani: lishe, shughuli za mwili, mahusiano ya kijamii, tabia na usawa wa maisha ya kila siku. Kabla ya kuendeleza programu, tulihitaji picha wazi ya mikakati ambayo inapaswa kusaidia vipengele vitano. Lengo la utafiti huu lilikuwa kupata maelezo ya mikakati inayohusiana na vipengele vitano ambavyo vinaweza kusaidia kupoteza uzito kuwa sehemu ya maisha ya kila siku ya watu wenye uzani. Utafiti huu ulichukua muundo wa ushiriki kwa kutumia mbinu ya mduara wa utafiti (RC). Vikundi viwili vya RC viliundwa, kimoja na wataalamu wa tiba ya kazi na kingine na raia wenye uzani. Watafiti walishiriki katika vikundi vyote viwili vya RC. Takwimu zilipatikana kupitia kanuni za kidemokrasia. Makundi mawili ya RC yalikutana mara nne katika kipindi cha miezi minne. Uchambuzi wa ubora wa maudhui ulifanywa. Matokeo: Mada tano zilitokea: (1) Chakula - Kupata mstari kati ya ama-au, (2) Shughuli ya kimwili - Kuvunja eneo la starehe, (3) Mahusiano ya kijamii - Kusimama imara pamoja, (4) Mazoea - Kuzingatia uwezekano badala ya mazoea mabaya, na (5) Kusawazisha maisha ya kila siku - Kushughulikia matatizo ya maisha. Mkakati wa kupunguza uzito unaojumuisha vipengele vitano unapaswa kujumuisha ufahamu wa hisia na mifumo ya shughuli zinazozunguka chakula, kuchukua hatua moja kwa wakati wakati wa kuzingatia shughuli za mwili na kuwa na ufahamu wa maadili, ni pamoja na familia na marafiki katika programu ili kupata msingi wa kawaida na kujiamini na kutumia shughuli za kubadilisha. """Tunapendekeza kwamba sehemu ya kusawazisha maisha ya kila siku inapaswa kuonekana kama sehemu ya jumla, kwani mikakati yote inahusiana na kupata maana na mabadiliko katika shughuli ambazo ni sehemu ya mchakato wa kupoteza uzito unaoendelea." - afya, lishe na ubora wa maisha | <urn:uuid:4dff985c-ac90-4018-adea-a632ccc72417> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://www.ucviden.dk/en/publications/five-vital-components-in-an-occupational-therapy-based-municipal- | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
Without certain gods, the ancient Greeks believed that various everyday activities would cease to exist. The morning sky would not benefit from the illumination of the sun and rain would not fall upon crops if the gods did not make it so. In this article, you will learn who the Greeks believed was behind some of the important factors of everyday life.
Helios , Titan god of the sun
Not only was Helios the Titan god of the sun, but he also represented the guardian of oaths. The personification of this god was the sun and he was often portrayed as a handsome deity that wore a shining crown made from a part of the sun. His method of transportation was a chariot of the sun, which he drove across the sky each day. At night, he returned to the East after circling the Earth and visiting the “world-ocean.”
Horses connected to the sun drew Helios’ chariot. Sometimes, they were described as being able to emit fire (as Pindar claims) or said to have a solar connection (as Homer mentions in the Iliad). In some myths, the horses are called by names linked to fire , Aeos, Aethon, Pyrois, and Phlegon.
Over time, Helios was often linked with the god of light, Apollo. However, the two gods were quite different with Helios being a Titan and Apollo enjoying the status of an Olympian.
A well-known story dealing with the god involves his son Phaeton, who made an attempt to drive his father’s chariot. As a result, he lost control and the earth became set on fire. In the Odyssey, Helios is mentioned once again. Odysseus and the surviving members of his crew reach an island called Thrinacia, which is sacred to the sun god. It is at this location that the sacred red cattle and flocks of sheep of the sun are kept. Odysseus tells his men not to touch the sacred animals, but his men kill and eat some of the cattle. The guardians of the island are daughters of Helios and they alert their father to this misdeed. Helios asks Zeus to react and in return, Odysseus’ ship is destroyed. All of his men are killed, except for Odysseus , who survives.
Zeus , King of Heaven and god of the sky
When it comes to the ultimate god of the sky, Zeus holds one of the most recognizable positions. Aside from ruling the Olympians, the god is also responsible for the clouds, rain, thunder and lightning. In fact, the thunderbolt served as one of his symbols , along with the eagle, bull and oak. Zeus was the son of Cronus and Rhea. For being the most powerful god, he was also the youngest out of all his siblings, which included Poseidon , god of the sea and Hades , god of the underworld.
While he took Hera as his wife, he was unfaithful numerous times, which ended up in many different offspring and mistresses. With Hera, he had Ares (god of war), Hebe, and Hephaestus (who was despised because of his deformity). Other children of Zeus included Athena, Apollo, Artemis, Hermes, and the Muses. | Bila miungu fulani, Wagiriki wa kale waliamini kwamba shughuli mbalimbali za kila siku zingeacha kuwepo. Mbingu ya asubuhi haingepata faida kutokana na mwangaza wa jua na mvua haingeshuka juu ya mazao kama miungu haingefanya hivyo. Katika makala hii, utajifunza kuhusu mambo muhimu ambayo Wagiriki waliamini yalikuwa yanahusika katika maisha yao ya kila siku. Helios, mungu wa jua wa Titan Helios hakuwa tu mungu wa jua wa Titan, lakini pia aliwakilisha mlinzi wa kiapo. Mungu huyo alikuwa jua, na mara nyingi alifanikiwa kuwa mungu mrembo aliyevaa taji lenye kung'aa lililotengenezwa kutokana na sehemu ya jua. Njia yake ya kusafiri ilikuwa gari la jua, ambalo aliendesha angani kila siku. Usiku, alirudi Mashariki baada ya kuzunguka Dunia na kutembelea "bahari ya ulimwengu". Farasi waliohusishwa na jua walivuta gari la Helios. Wakati mwingine, walielezwa kuwa na uwezo wa kutokeza moto (kama Pindar anavyosema) au walisema kuwa na uhusiano wa jua (kama Homer anavyotaja katika Iliad). Katika hekaya fulani, farasi hao huitwa kwa majina yanayohusiana na moto, Aeos, Aethon, Pyrois, na Phlegon. Baada ya muda, mara nyingi Helios alihusianishwa na mungu wa nuru, Apollo. Hata hivyo, miungu hiyo miwili ilikuwa tofauti sana na Helios akiwa Titan na Apollo akiwa na cheo cha Mholimpiko. Hadithi inayojulikana sana inayohusu mungu huyo inahusu mwana wake Phaeton, ambaye alijaribu kuendesha gari la baba yake. Kwa sababu hiyo, alishindwa kudhibiti hali yake na dunia ikawaka moto. Katika Odyssey, Helios anatajwa tena. Odysseus na wanajeshi wake waliosalia wanafika kisiwa kinachoitwa Thrinacia, ambacho ni takatifu kwa mungu wa jua. Ni katika mahali hapa ambapo ng'ombe mtakatifu mwekundu na makundi ya kondoo wa jua huhifadhiwa. Odysseus anawaambia watu wake wasiguse wanyama watakatifu, lakini watu wake wanaua na kula baadhi ya ng'ombe. Walinzi wa kisiwa hicho ni binti za Helios na wanamwonya baba yao juu ya kosa hili. Helios anamwomba Zeus atende na kwa kubadilishana, meli ya Odysseus inaharibiwa. Wanaume wake wote wanauawa, isipokuwa Odysseus, ambaye anaokoka. Zeus, Mfalme wa Mbingu na mungu wa anga, ni mungu wa anga, na ni mmoja wa miungu ya mbinguni. Mbali na kutawala Waolimpio, mungu huyo pia anasimamia mawingu, mvua, ngurumo na umeme. Kwa kweli, umeme ulikuwa mojawapo ya alama zake, pamoja na tai, ng'ombe-dume, na mwaloni. Zeus alikuwa mwana wa Cronus na Rhea. Kwa kuwa alikuwa mungu mwenye nguvu zaidi, alikuwa pia mdogo zaidi kati ya ndugu zake wote, ambao walitia ndani Poseidon, mungu wa bahari na Hades, mungu wa ulimwengu wa chini. Alipokuwa na Hera, alimwasi mara nyingi, na hivyo akawa na watoto na bibi-arusi wengi. Pamoja na Hera, alikuwa na Ares (mungu wa vita), Hebe, na Hephaestus (aliyedharauliwa kwa sababu ya kasoro yake). Watoto wengine wa Zeu walitia ndani Athena, Apollo, Artemi, Hermes, na Muses. | <urn:uuid:d30bb934-5a7c-478c-99ea-bb95879d297c> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://www.unexplainable.net/ancients/greek-gods-of-the-sky-ii.php | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
Lake Teletskoye or Altyn-Köl, which means “Golden Lake” is a beautiful, large and very deep (up to 325 meters) lake in the Altai mountains.
The size of the lake is 78 km by 5 km and is surrounded by two mountain ridges, named Korbu and Al-Tyntu, at this location the Altai mountains and the Western Sayans come together. Its surface area is 233 sq. km, but because it is quite deep (325 m), the lake has up to 40 km³ of fresh water. The lake has very transparent water which makes that you can look from six to fourteen meters deep.
Lake Teletskoe is the largest and the most beautiful in Altai. Locals call it Altyn-Kel – Golden Lake. It got its name from Telesian inhabitants according to legends. A famine was throughout Altai. One Kalmyk had a large gold bullion, but passing around the entire Altai with his treasure, he could not buy a single piece of bread. Then he threw his ingot into lake and perished in its waves.
Teletskoe Lake sits at the height of 436 meters (1,424 ft), among high mountain ranges in the middle of deep taiga, surrounded by ridges Korbu and Al-tyntu on the crossing of the Sailughem Mountains and the Western Sayans. Teletskoe is a lake of tectonic origin, has 325 meters depth, 80 km length and 3,2 km width, as estimated. That makes it the second largest Lake in Russia, just after the Baikal.
Teletskoye Lake district has a very changeable weather. Perfectly cloudless day can be changed to a shower during 2-3 hours, and then comes back again. The winds are unpredictable. It can blow from four directions at the same time!
The lower reaches of Chulyshman River, Teletskoye Lake and upper reaches of Biya River form narrow and deeply embedded in high mountains a single valley. This is effective protection against south-westerly winds. Local winds blowing through the valley have a significant effect. It use a narrow valley as a kind of wind tunnel. South wind called "verkhovka", brings a clear cloudless weather, dry air of high mountains, warmed on a path through rocky gorges of Chulyshman River. Northern wind coming along Biya River called "Nizovka" brings humid air, summer rains and winter snowfalls from carrier of northern foothills of Altai.
Teletskoye Lake evaporates a lot of water, and saturated air moves by wind to the north of the lake along Biya River or by wind to the south along Chulyshman River. Moist air is not wasted on large areas of plain unlike steppe lakes do. Evaporated moisture is large amount enough to mitigate rough frosty winter.
Teletskoye lake freezes only at the end of winter even in the frosty years in the Altai.
As a result of these phenomena, microclimate of down Chulyshman River and Teletskoye Lake shore, unlike Siberia and Altai climate, is not a continental. It can be attributed to temperate climate, typical for mountain and lowland areas of north-west coast of Europe.
Yailyu village is the warmest winter place and most humid summer. The amount of rainfall reaches 800 mm for a year. The average temperature - 9.2 C in January,and average July temperature is only + 16.6 Celsius.
Teletskoe LAke is as powerful, as it is mysterious. Civilization passed by the Teletskoe and it outskirts. Northern part of the Lake is poorly inhabited, for 2 villages – Artybash and Yogach, as well as tourist camps, are located here. Many paths of active routes lie in the area of Lake Teletskoye. Village Artybash, where the road ends, becomes a kind of tourist attraction in the summer months.
All shores around lake are absolutely virgin wild. Mighty forest present itself as an impassable windbreak, where narrow path is hardly seen. An age-old cedars which age may indeed be hundreds of years old grow proudly. Miraculous atmosphere of silence and peace is only disturbed by birds singing and plenty streams murmuring, when forming waterfalls. Deep taiga presses the Lake still kept steady time around. Shores are steep almost everywhere, mountain sides are drown into transparent water, which allows to see the bottom even through the entire water depth. Mountain chains around the Lake has 2500 meters altitude, there is not even a single path along the shores, so people use a boat to get from one village to another. Thus, the impassable shores provide an opportunity for the outstanding variety of flora and fauna. Eastern coast of Lake Teletskoe is the part of Altaisky Natural Reserve which is under protection of UNESCO's World Natural Heritage Sites. The territory is inhabited by 70 mammal species, more than 300 bird species and 1500 species of plants. | Ziwa Teletskoye (Altyn-Kul) ni ziwa kubwa na lenye kina kirefu katika milima ya Altai. Ziwa hilo lina ukubwa wa kilomita 78 kwa kilomita 5 na limezungukwa na milima miwili, inayoitwa Korbu na Al-Tintu, ambapo milima ya Altai na Sayans ya Magharibi huungana. Eneo lake ni 233 sq. Kwa sababu ya kina cha maji ya ziwa hilo (325m), lina maji safi ya kipekee ya kilomita 403. Ziwa hilo lina maji safi sana ambayo hufanya uweze kuona kutoka mita sita hadi kumi na nne kina kirefu. Ziwa Teletskoe ndilo kubwa zaidi na lenye kupendeza zaidi katika Altai. Wenyeji wa eneo hilo huita Ziwa Altyn-Kel <unk> Ziwa la Dhahabu. Kulingana na hekaya, jina lake lilitokana na wakazi wa Telesia. Njaa ilikuwa katika eneo lote la Altai. Kalmyk mmoja alikuwa na dhahabu nyingi sana, lakini alipokuwa akizunguka Altai nzima akiwa na hazina yake, hangeweza kununua hata kipande kimoja cha mkate. Kisha akatupa chembe yake ndani ya ziwa na kuangamia katika mawimbi yake. Ziwa Teletskoe liko katika urefu wa mita 436 kati ya safu za milima ya juu katikati ya taiga ya kina, kuzungukwa na milima ya Korbu na Al-Tintu kwenye makutano ya Milima ya Sailugem na Sayans ya Magharibi. Ziwa la Teletskoe ni ziwa la asili ya tectonic, lina kina cha mita 325 na urefu wa kilomita 80 na upana wa kilomita 3,2. Hiyo humfanya awe ziwa la pili kwa ukubwa nchini Urusi, baada tu ya Baikal. Wilaya ya Ziwa Teletskoye ina hali ya hewa inayobadilika-badilika sana. Siku ya mvua ya kawaida inaweza kuwa na mvua ya mvua kwa masaa 2-3 na kisha kurudi tena. Upepo hauwezi kutabiriwa. Inaweza kuvuma kutoka pande nne kwa wakati mmoja! Sehemu ya chini ya Mto Chulyshman, Ziwa Teletskoye na sehemu ya juu ya Mto Biya hufanyiza bonde moja nyembamba na lenye kina kirefu katika milima mirefu. Hii ni ulinzi wenye matokeo dhidi ya upepo wa kusini-magharibi. Upepo wa mahali hapo unaovuma katika bonde hilo una athari kubwa. Inatumia bonde nyembamba kama aina ya handaki la upepo. "Mvua ya kusini, Verkhovka, huleta hali ya hewa ya wazi, isiyo na mawingu, hewa kavu ya milima ya juu, yenye joto kwenye njia kupitia maporomoko ya miamba ya Mto Chulishman.""" Upepo wa kaskazini unaokuja kando ya Mto Biya unaoitwa "Nizovka" huleta hewa yenye unyevunyevu, mvua za majira ya joto na theluji za majira ya baridi kutoka kwa mtoaji wa milima ya kaskazini ya Altai. Mto Teletskoye hufyonza maji mengi, na hewa yenye unyevunyevu husafiri kwa upepo kuelekea kaskazini mwa ziwa hilo kando ya Mto Biya au kwa upepo kuelekea kusini kando ya Mto Chulishman. Hewa yenye unyevunyevu haipotezi katika maeneo makubwa ya tambarare tofauti na maziwa ya nyanda. Unyevu uliopunguzwa ni kiasi kikubwa cha kutosha kupunguza baridi kali ya baridi kali. Ziwa Teletskoye huyeyusha tu mwishoni mwa majira ya baridi kali hata katika miaka ya baridi kali katika Altai. Kama matokeo ya matukio haya, microclimate ya chini ya Mto Chulyshman na Teletskoye Ziwa pwani, tofauti na Siberia na Altai hali ya hewa, si bara. Inaweza kuhusishwa na hali ya hewa ya wastani, ya kawaida kwa maeneo ya milima na maeneo ya chini ya pwani ya kaskazini magharibi ya Ulaya. Kijiji cha Yailyu ni mahali pa joto zaidi wakati wa majira ya baridi kali na wakati wa kiangazi wenye unyevunyevu zaidi. Kiasi cha mvua hufikia 800 mm kwa mwaka. Joto la wastani - 9.2 C mwezi Januari, na wastani wa joto Julai ni tu + 16.6 Celsius. Teletskoe Lake ni nguvu kama, kama ni ya ajabu. Utamaduni ulipita na Teletskoe na vitongoji vyake. Sehemu ya kaskazini ya Ziwa ni duni makazi, kwa ajili ya vijiji 2 <unk> Artybash na Yogach, kama vile kambi za watalii, ziko hapa. Njia nyingi za njia za kazi ziko katika eneo la Ziwa Teletskoye. Kijiji cha Artybash, ambapo barabara hiyo huisha, huwa kivutio cha watalii katika miezi ya kiangazi. Pwani zote zinazozunguka ziwa hilo ni za asili kabisa. Msitu wenye nguvu hujitokeza kuwa kizuizi cha upepo kisichoweza kuvuka, ambapo njia nyembamba haionekani. Miti ya mwerezi ya kale ambayo huenda ikawa na umri wa mamia ya miaka hukua kwa fahari. Hali ya ajabu ya ukimya na amani inasumbuliwa tu na kuimba kwa ndege na mtiririko mwingi wa maji ukibubujika, unapofanyiza maporomoko ya maji. Taiga ya kina hukandamiza Ziwa bado kudumisha wakati thabiti kuzunguka. Pwani ni mwinuko karibu kila mahali, pande za milima zimefichwa katika maji ya uwazi, ambayo inaruhusu kuona chini hata kupitia kina cha maji nzima. Mzunguko wa milima ya ziwa hilo una urefu wa mita 2,500, hakuna hata njia moja kando ya pwani, kwa hivyo watu hutumia mashua kwenda kutoka kijiji kimoja hadi kingine. Hivyo, pwani zisizoweza kuvuka hutoa fursa ya kuona mimea na wanyama mbalimbali. Pwani ya mashariki ya Ziwa Teletskoe ni sehemu ya Hifadhi ya Asili ya Altaisky ambayo iko chini ya ulinzi wa Maeneo ya Urithi wa Asili wa Ulimwengu wa UNESCO. Eneo hilo lina aina 70 za mamalia, zaidi ya aina 300 za ndege na aina 1500 za mimea. | <urn:uuid:e944069c-825f-4390-9b74-7a6a0b21e506> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://www.uvisitrussia.com/lake-teletskoye/ | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
Travel Has Changed, But Car Seat Safety Remains
Car crashes are a leading cause of death and injury for children. In many cases, these deaths and injuries can be prevented by use of car seats, boosters, and seat belts.
To keep your child protected in the event of a crash, here are some child passenger safety tips and reminders.
Finding the Right Fit
Any car seat sold in the United States must meet federal safety standards. The best seat for your child is one that fits their age, size and developmental level. The car seat should fit your vehicle(s) and will be easy enough to use correctly every time. Other considerations include your budget and lifestyle.
To help you select a car seat for your budget and lifestyle, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) publishes Ease-of-Use Ratings (click on Car Seats).
Second-Hand Car Seats
Obtaining a used seat sounds economical, but you need to know the history of the car seat. Was it ever in a crash? NHTSA recommends replacing a car seat after a moderate or severe crash, even if a child wasn’t in the seat at the time. Some manufacturers recommend replacing their seats after any collision. Lastly, most car seats expire six to 10 years from the date of manufacture because materials can degrade over time and hidden damage could cause the seat to fail during a crash.
Make Changes as Your Child Grows
Read the car seat manual and the labels on your seat to see what adjustments might be necessary as your child grows. For example:
- For an infant, you might need to remove the seat’s body pillow, as these are often only for newborns and small babies. The recline angle may also need to be altered for a larger or older infant.
- The harness may need to be moved. When a child is rear-facing, harness straps should be routed at or slightly below their shoulders. For forward-facing, harness straps should be routed at or slightly above the shoulders.
- You might need to change your installation from lower anchors to the vehicle seat belt. All lower anchors are rated for a maximum weight of 65 pounds (total weight includes car safety seat and child). Always use the tether with a forward-facing car seat.
When Your Child Outgrows Their Car Seat
Your child outgrows their rear-facing seat when they reach the weight or height limits of the seat, according to the car seat manual instructions. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends that infants and toddlers ride in a rear-facing car safety seat as long as possible, until they reach the highest weight or height allowed by their car seat. Most of these seats have limits that will allow children to ride rear facing for two years or more.
Your child outgrows their forward-facing seat when they reach the weight or height limits of the seat, according to the car seat manual instructions. The AAP recommends that once a child reaches the rear-facing weight or height limit for their convertible seat, they should use a forward-facing seat with a harness for as long as possible, up to the highest weight or height allowed by their car safety seat manufacturer. Many seats can accommodate children up to 65 pounds.
Booster Seats and Seat Belts
It is best to wait until your child is five to six years old to use a booster. At that point, they should have the right physical development and be mature enough to wear the lap and shoulder belt properly – no slouching, leaning or putting the belt behind their head or under their arm. Both New York and Vermont require a car seat or booster for children until they are 8 years old, but a child older than 8 years old should continue to use a booster seat until the adult seat belt fits properly. It is safest to keep children under the age of 13 in the back seat.
Get a Car Seat Fitting
Get current information and have your child’s seat checked in your vehicle by a certified Child Passenger Safety Technician at a car seat fitting (inspection) station or event. In most cases, an appointment for an inspection is required at a fitting station but not for an event.
List of fitting stations:
- Vermont - http://www.beseatsmart.org/permanent-car-seat-fitting-stations.php
- New York - https://trafficsafety.ny.gov/child-safety-seat-inspection-stations
List of car seat inspection events:
- Vermont - http://www.beseatsmart.org/calendar-of-events.php
- New York - http://www.safeny.ny.gov/seat-cal.htm | Usafiri Umebadilika, Lakini Usalama wa Viti vya Gari Unabaki Aksidenti za Gari Ni Kisababishi Kikuu cha Kifo na Majeraha kwa Watoto Katika visa vingi, vifo na majeraha hayo yaweza kuzuiwa kwa kutumia viti vya gari, vifungo vya kuimarisha, na mikanda ya usalama. Ili kuokoa maisha ya watoto wako katika ajali, hapa ni baadhi ya vidokezo vya usalama na mapendekezo ya usalama kwa watoto. Kupata kiti cha gari kinachofaa Kila kiti cha gari kinachouzwa nchini Marekani lazima kikubaliane na viwango vya usalama vya serikali. Kiti bora kwa mtoto wako ni moja ambayo inafaa umri wake, ukubwa na kiwango cha maendeleo. Kiti cha gari lazima kiwe kinafaa gari lako na kitakuwa rahisi kutumia kwa usahihi kila wakati. Vitu vingine vinavyohitajika ni bajeti yako na mtindo wako wa maisha. Ili kukusaidia kuchagua kiti cha gari kwa bajeti yako na mtindo wa maisha, Usimamizi wa Kitaifa wa Usalama wa Trafiki ya Barabara (NHTSA) huchapisha viwango vya urahisi wa matumizi (bonyeza kwenye viti vya gari). Viti vya Gari vya Nyuma Kupata kiti cha gari kilichotumiwa kunaonekana kuwa cha kiuchumi, lakini unahitaji kujua historia ya kiti cha gari. Je, iligongana na gari? NHTSA inapendekeza kubadilisha kiti cha gari baada ya ajali ya wastani au kali, hata kama mtoto hakuwa kwenye kiti wakati huo. Watengenezaji fulani hupendekeza kubadili viti vyao baada ya mgongano wowote. Viti vya magari vimeisha miaka 6 hadi 10 baada ya kutengenezwa kwa sababu vifaa vinaweza kuharibika kwa muda na uharibifu uliofichwa unaweza kusababisha kiti kushindwa wakati wa ajali. Fanya Marekebisho Mtoto Wako Anapokua Soma mwongozo wa kiti cha gari na vitambulisho kwenye kiti chako ili uone marekebisho ambayo huenda yakawa muhimu mtoto wako anapokua. Kwa mfano: - Kwa ajili ya mtoto mchanga, unaweza kuhitaji kuondoa kiti cha mwili mto, kama hizi ni mara nyingi tu kwa ajili ya watoto wachanga na watoto wadogo. Huenda ikawa pia inahitaji kubadilishwa pembe ya kupumzika kwa ajili ya mtoto mkubwa au mzee. - Huenda ikawa ni lazima kitambaa hicho kihamishwe. Mtoto anapokuwa amegeuka nyuma, kamba za mkanda zinapaswa kufungwa kwenye mabega yake au chini kidogo. Kwa mbele-kuangalia, harness straps lazima routed katika au kidogo juu ya mabega. - Unaweza kuhitaji kubadilisha ufungaji wako kutoka nanga ya chini kwa ukanda wa usalama wa gari. Vifaa vyote vya chini vya kuunganisha vimewekwa kwa uzito wa juu wa pauni 65 (uzito wa jumla ni pamoja na kiti cha usalama cha gari na mtoto). Sikuzote tumia kamba ya kuunganisha na kiti cha gari kinachoelekea mbele. Mtoto wako anapozidi ukubwa wa kiti cha gari, mtoto wako anapozidi ukubwa wa kiti cha nyuma wakati anafikia uzito au urefu wa kiti, kulingana na maagizo ya mkufu wa kiti cha gari. Chuo cha Marekani cha Pediatrics (AAP) inapendekeza kwamba watoto wachanga na watoto wadogo kusafiri katika kiti cha usalama nyuma-kuelekea nyuma kwa muda mrefu iwezekanavyo, mpaka wao kufikia uzito wa juu au urefu kuruhusiwa na kiti cha gari yao. Viti hivi vimewekwa mipaka ambayo itawawezesha watoto kuendesha gari wakiwa wamekabiliwa na nyuma kwa miaka miwili au zaidi. Mtoto wako hukua zaidi ya kiti chake cha mbele wakati anapofikia uzito au urefu wa kiti, kulingana na maagizo ya mwongozo wa kiti cha gari. AAP inapendekeza kwamba mara baada ya mtoto kufikia uzito wa nyuma au urefu wa kikomo kwa kiti chao cha kubadilisha, wanapaswa kutumia kiti cha mbele na harness kwa muda mrefu iwezekanavyo, hadi uzito wa juu au urefu ulioruhusiwa na mtengenezaji wa kiti cha usalama wa gari. Viti hivyo vinaweza kubeba watoto wenye uzito wa zaidi ya pauni 65 na zaidi. Viti vya usalama na Viti vya usalama Ni bora kusubiri mpaka mtoto wako awe na umri wa miaka mitano hadi sita ili kutumia kiti cha usalama. Wakati huo, wanapaswa kuwa na maendeleo sahihi ya kimwili na kuwa na ukomavu wa kutosha kuvaa mshipi wa kiuno na bega kwa usahihi - hakuna slouching, leaning au kuweka mshipi nyuma ya kichwa chao au chini ya mkono wao. New York na Vermont zinahitaji kiti cha gari au booster kwa watoto hadi umri wa miaka 8, lakini mtoto zaidi ya miaka 8 lazima aendelee kutumia kiti cha booster hadi ukanda wa usalama wa watu wazima uingie vizuri. Ni salama zaidi kuweka watoto chini ya umri wa miaka 13 kwenye kiti cha nyuma. Kupata kiti cha gari: Kupata habari ya sasa na kuwa na kiti cha mtoto wako kukaguliwa katika gari lako na mtaalamu wa usalama wa abiria wa watoto aliyehitimu katika kituo cha kukagua kiti cha gari au tukio. Katika visa vingi, miadi kwa ajili ya ukaguzi inahitajika katika kituo cha fitting lakini si kwa ajili ya tukio. "Mfano wa ""Vermont"" ni ""Vermont"" (Vermont) na ""Vermont"" (Vermont) na ""Vermont"" (Vermont) na ""Vermont"" (Vermont) na ""Vermont"" (Vermont) na ""Vermont"" (Vermont) na ""Vermont"" (Vermont) na ""Vermont"" (Vermont) na ""Vermont"" (Vermont) na ""Vermont"" (Vermont) na ""Vermont"" (Vermont) na ""Vermont"" (Vermont) na ""Vermont"" na ""Vermont"" na ""Vermont"" na ""Vermont"" na ""Vermont"" na ""Vermont"" na ""Vermont"" na ""Vermont"" na ""Vermont"" na ""Vermont"" na ""Vermont"" na ""Vermont"" na ""Vermont." | <urn:uuid:1391fc2f-0ef4-4843-b0de-e4c6dc77a10f> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://www.uvmhealth.org/healthsource/travel-has-changed-car-seat-safety-remains | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
Did Christopher Columbus really believe the Earth was flat? What was the real reason for his mission? Did he believe he was doing God's work? On today's program, Shawn and Jean discuss someone who has now become a controversial figure.
"Columbus Was Last"Starting at 3 min11 sec
There were many people in America before Columbus. Here are some examples.
Round Earth vs. Flat EarthStarting at 15 min06 sec
Christopher Columbus knew the Earth was a sphere, but that isn't really why he sailed around the world.
Why Did Columbus Sail the Ocean Blue?Starting at 21 min39 sec
Did Columbus believe he was doing God's work? | Je, kweli Christopher Columbus aliamini kwamba Dunia ni tambarare? Sababu halisi ya utume wake ilikuwa nini? Je, aliamini kwamba alikuwa akifanya kazi ya Mungu? Katika kipindi cha leo, Shawn na Jean wanazungumza juu ya mtu ambaye sasa amekuwa mtu mwenye utata. "Kulingana na ""Columbus"" na ""Siri ya mwisho"" (Mstari wa 3 na 11), watu wengi waliishi Amerika kabla ya Columbus." Hapa kuna mifano michache. Dunia ni mviringo na Dunia ni tambarare (Kristo Kristo Columbus alijua dunia ni mviringo, lakini si kwa sababu hiyo alisafiri kuzunguka dunia). Kwa nini Columbus aliendesha meli ya bahari? - Columbus aliamini kwamba alikuwa akifanya kazi ya Mungu. | <urn:uuid:f865ae52-c90d-4591-831b-1f9de958b7a1> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://www.voiceofprophecy.com/disclosure/episode/20107 | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
Weathering & Erosion
Free Games & Activities
Erosion is defined as the gradual removal of material from the Earth's crust. Most erosion happens through natural processes. Forces like wind and rain cause erosion but erosion is also affected by humans, especially from farming and agriculture. A river can create a large canyon over time by moving out rock and soil gradually. The Grand Canyon is a great example of how erosion shapes the Earth's land forms. There are many factors affecting the rate of erosion. One of the most important is climate. When there is a lot of wind or rain soil and rocks are removed easily from the landscape.
The environment is the circumstances and conditions that surround us. It involves the complex physical, chemical and biological factors like climate, soil and living things that act upon an organism or an ecological community that ultimately determine its form and its survival. In short the environment is the surroundings or conditions in which a person or animal lives and operates.
Erosion Environment Games | Uharibifu wa hali ya hewa na erosion michezo ya bure na shughuli erosion hufafanuliwa kama kuondolewa kwa hatua kwa hatua kwa nyenzo kutoka kwa ganda la Dunia. Mvua nyingi huyeyushwa kwa njia ya asili. Mvua na upepo ni sababu ya uharibifu wa ardhi, lakini pia ni athari ya binadamu, hasa kutoka kwa kilimo. Mto waweza kutokeza bonde kubwa kwa muda kwa kuhamisha mwamba na udongo hatua kwa hatua. Grand Canyon ni mfano mzuri wa jinsi mmomonyoko unavyofanyiza umbo la ardhi ya Dunia. Kuna mambo mengi yanayoathiri kiwango cha mmomonyoko wa ardhi. Mojawapo ya mambo muhimu zaidi ni hali ya hewa. Wakati kuna upepo mwingi au mvua udongo na miamba huondolewa kwa urahisi kutoka kwa mandhari. Mazingira ni hali na hali zinazotuzunguka. Ni pamoja na mambo magumu ya kimwili, kemikali na kibiolojia kama vile hali ya hewa, udongo na vitu hai ambavyo huathiri kiumbe au jamii ya ikolojia ambayo hatimaye huamua fomu yake na kuishi kwake. Kwa ufupi, mazingira ni mazingira au hali ambayo mtu au mnyama anaishi na kufanya kazi. Michezo ya Mazingira ya Uharibifu | <urn:uuid:04e8bbc3-8d7e-4422-b134-13ff6ddb0c55> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://www.wartgames.com/themes/science/erosion.html | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
Way down in the deep blue sea, even at the planet's frigid poles, there is much more life than you might think. Astonishingly rich biodiversity, say deep-sea mariners just back with the latest research.
Carnivorous sponges. Ultra-deep crustaceans. A red octopus with wings on its head. More biodiversity than the Amazon rainforest and Great Barrier Reef combined.
Good thing, too. At the rate that shallower sea life is being destroyed, the deep sea just might be the locker of life than restores the planet one day.
This hour On Point: a journey into the ultra-deep seas, and the life they hold.
Dr Katrin Linse, marine biologist for the British Antarctic Survey. She is part of the "Antarctic Benthic Deep Sea Biodiversity Project" ( ANDEEP) which completed a survey of the Weddell Sea region of the Antarctic.;
Dr. Lisa Levin, professor of biological oceanography at the Scripps Oceanographic Institution.;
Tim Shank, associate scientist in the Biology Department at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution..;
Claire Nouvian, nature photographer and filmmaker. She is author of "The Deep: The Extraordinary Creatures of the Abyss" and curator of the exhibition "The Deep," currently open at the Paris Museum of Natural History.
This program aired on May 30, 2007. | Katika bahari ya bluu ya kina kirefu, hata kwenye ncha za barafu za sayari, kuna maisha mengi kuliko unavyofikiri. """Ni ajabu kwamba kuna aina nyingi za viumbe hai,"" wakulima wa bahari wanasema, ""kwa sababu ya utafiti wao wa hivi karibuni.""" Sponges za kula nyama. Vitu vya baharini vya kina kirefu. Pomboo mwekundu mwenye mabawa kichwani mwake. Kuna aina nyingi za viumbe hai kuliko misitu ya mvua ya Amazon na Great Barrier Reef pamoja. Jambo zuri, pia. Kwa kiwango ambacho uhai wa baharini unaoharibika, bahari ya kina kirefu inaweza kuwa mahali pa kuhifadhi uhai kuliko kuirudisha sayari siku moja. Saa hii On Point: safari katika bahari ya kina kirefu, na maisha wanayo. Katrin Linse, mwanabiolojia wa baharini wa British Antarctic Survey. "Mfano wa mradi wa ""Antarctic Benthic Deep Sea Biodiversity Project"" (ANDEEP) ni utafiti wa kina wa bahari ya Weddell." Lisa Levin, profesa wa bahari ya kibiolojia katika Taasisi ya Scripps Oceanographic. Tim Shank, mwanasayansi msaidizi katika Idara ya Biolojia katika Taasisi ya Woods Hole Oceanographic..; Claire Nouvian, mpiga picha wa asili na mtengenezaji wa filamu. "Mwanamke huyo ni mwandishi wa kitabu ""The Deep: The Extraordinary Creatures of the Abyss"" na mkurugenzi wa maonyesho ya ""The Deep"" katika Jumba la Makumbusho la Paris." Programu hiyo ilitangazwa tarehe 30 Mei 2007. | <urn:uuid:9d0614ae-b923-42bd-ad95-96bfca755f35> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://www.wbur.org/onpoint/2007/05/30/deep-ocean-ecology | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
Men's Health Concerns by the Decades
The basic health message for anyone is the same – eat a healthy diet, don’t smoke, stay fit and limit alcohol consumption. As you get older, there are some specific things you should look out for. Find your decade and then keep your story strong by caring for your health.
Age 20s: Lay the foundation now for a healthier life later.
- The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) recommends that men aged 20 to 35 get checked for lipid disorders if they’re at an increased risk for coronary heart disease.
- Regularly check with your primary care doctor for a health assessment even if you feel well.
- Get regularly checked for sexually transmitted infections (STIs).
- Maintain healthy sleep habits and achieve 7 to 9 hours of sleep per night.
- Drink responsibly and avoid binge drinking.
- Consume a nutrient-rich diet and avoid junk food. Incorporate veggies into your meals.
- Perform a monthly testicular self-examination to check for unusual hard lumps, swelling, soreness or other changes.
- Exercise regularly.
Age 30s: Prepare yourself for changes in your health.
- The USPSTF recommends that men 35 years old and older get checked for lipid disorders.
- Starting at 35 years old, get your cholesterol and triglyceride levels checked every five years.
- Get health screenings for diabetes, blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
- Maintain healthy habits like a high-fiber diet, getting regular exercise and sleeping 7 to 9 hours every night.
- Get regular dental and eye checkups.
- Keep getting immunizations yearly, including flu shots.
- Regularly check your weight to ensure you’re within a healthy range.
Age 40s: Anticipate health transitions and be ready for them.
- The USPSTF recommends screening for colorectal cancer beginning at age 45.
- Talk with a doctor about heart disease risk and prevention measures.
- Maintain a body mass index (BMI) below 25.
- Limit high-fat meals containing saturated fats and trans fats.
- Exercise for at least 20 minutes a day.
- Maintain regular eye and dental checkups.
- Continue regular cholesterol, blood sugar and other health screenings.
Age 50s: Take care of your health and well-being.
- USPSTF recommends getting a vaccine for shingles (herpes zoster) at or after 50 years old.
- Get a hepatitis B vaccine if you did not receive 2, 3 or 4 doses in your younger years until age 59.
- Ask your doctor if you need screening for lung cancer if you’re 50 to 80 years old, especially if you have a 20-pack-year smoking history and are currently smoking or have quit in the past 15 years.
- Periodic prostate-specific antigen-based screening for prostate cancer may be recommended for men 55 to 69 years old. Talk to your doctor about the potential benefits and risks of the screening, along with your preferences.
- Exercise at least 30 minutes a day to help maintain your physical strength, energy and libido.
- Schedule a colonoscopy as needed based on your doctor’s recommendation.
- Get a physical exam. A checkup at least every two years establishes baselines so your doctor can watch for important changes.
- Ask your doctor about an electrocardiogram (EKG). Cardiovascular disease accounts for as many as one of every three deaths in the U.S.
Age 60s: Step up your health game.
- Consume enough vitamins. You may need to take supplements for essential vitamins such as vitamins B and D.
- Stay hydrated and add fiber to your diet to help protect against colon polyps, a common condition for people over 60.
- Get moderate-intensity exercise for 150 minutes per week to help lower your risk of developing coronary artery disease.
- Get recommended cancer screenings—your chances of getting cancer increase with age.
- Stay vaccinated. Shingles, pneumonia and flu vaccines may be helpful as you’re more vulnerable to catching these illnesses.
Age 70s: Embrace the aging process.
- Get your skin tags removed by a doctor. They will use freezing or cauterizing techniques.
- See your urologist to get your prostate checked for any issues.
- Defy cognitive decline. Exercise, intellectual stimulation and social interaction can help keep you sharp.
- Refuse to live with joint pain. Joint replacement surgery may be necessary and is quite common, with relatively quick recovery times.
- Get your eyes checked so doctors may provide you with options to help improve your vision.
Stay healthy and remember to have some fun – whatever your decade!
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
Baylor Scott & White Health
UMPC Health Beat
Urology Care Foundation
U.S. Preventive Services Task Force
World Trade Center (WTC) Health Program | Maswala ya Afya ya Wanaume kwa Miongo Ujumbe wa msingi wa afya kwa mtu yeyote ni sawa - kula lishe yenye afya, usivute sigara, kaa sawa na kupunguza matumizi ya pombe. Unapokuwa na umri mkubwa, kuna mambo fulani unayopaswa kuzingatia. Tafuta miaka kumi yako na kisha uendelee kuwa na hadithi yako kwa kutunza afya yako. "Mwanzo wa miaka 20: ""Tengeneza msingi sasa kwa maisha yenye afya baadaye.""" Shirika la Ulinzi wa Ugonjwa wa Moyo (USPASF) linapendekeza wanaume wenye umri wa miaka 20 hadi 35 wachunguzwe kwa ajili ya matatizo ya lipid ikiwa wana hatari kubwa ya ugonjwa wa moyo. - Angalia mara kwa mara na daktari wako wa huduma ya msingi kwa ajili ya tathmini ya afya hata kama unahisi vizuri. - Fanya uchunguzi wa kawaida ili upate magonjwa yanayopitishwa kupitia ngono (STIs). - Kuhifadhi tabia nzuri ya usingizi na kufikia masaa 7 hadi 9 ya usingizi kwa usiku. - Kunywa kwa njia yenye kuheshimu haki zako na kuepuka kunywa kupita kiasi. - Kula vyakula vyenye virutubisho vingi na uepuke vyakula visivyo na thamani. Ongeza mboga katika chakula chako. - Fanya uchunguzi wa kila mwezi wa testicular ili kuangalia kwa ajili ya bumps ngumu isiyo ya kawaida, uvimbe, uchungu au mabadiliko mengine. - Fanya mazoezi kwa ukawaida. Katika miaka ya 30, jaribu kujitayarisha kwa mabadiliko ya afya. USPSTF inapendekeza kwamba wanaume wenye umri wa miaka 35 na zaidi wachunguzwe kwa matatizo ya lipid. Kuanzia miaka 35 na kuendelea, kiwango cha cholesterol na triglycerides kinapaswa kuchunguzwa kila baada ya miaka mitano. - Fanya uchunguzi wa afya wa ugonjwa wa kisukari, shinikizo la damu na kiwango cha kolesteroli. Kuendeleza tabia nzuri kama vile chakula cha nyuzi nyingi, kufanya mazoezi ya kawaida na kulala masaa 7 hadi 9 kila usiku. - Fanya uchunguzi wa meno na macho kwa ukawaida. - Endelea kupata chanjo kila mwaka, kutia ndani chanjo ya mafua. - Angalia uzito wako kwa ukawaida ili kuhakikisha kwamba uko ndani ya kiwango cha afya. Katika miaka ya 40 na zaidi, utahitaji kuamua ni nini cha kufanya ili uwe tayari kwa mabadiliko ya afya. USPSTF inapendekeza uchunguzi wa saratani ya utumbo mzito kuanzia umri wa miaka 45. - Zungumza na daktari kuhusu hatari ya ugonjwa wa moyo na hatua za kuzuia. - Kuwa na kiwango cha BMI chini ya 25. - Punguza chakula chenye mafuta mengi chenye mafuta yaliyojaa na mafuta ya trans. - Fanya mazoezi kwa angalau dakika 20 kwa siku. - Fanya uchunguzi wa macho na meno kwa ukawaida. - Endelea kufanya uchunguzi wa kawaida wa kolesteroli, sukari ya damu na uchunguzi mwingine wa afya. Miaka 50: Jitunze afya yako na afya yako. USPSTF inapendekeza kupata chanjo ya shingles (herpes zoster) katika au baada ya miaka 50. - Kupata chanjo ya hepatitis B ikiwa haujapata dozi 2, 3 au 4 katika miaka yako ya ujana hadi umri wa miaka 59. - Uliza daktari wako ikiwa unahitaji uchunguzi wa saratani ya mapafu ikiwa una umri wa miaka 50 hadi 80, haswa ikiwa una historia ya kuvuta sigara ya pakiti 20 na kwa sasa unavuta sigara au umeacha kuvuta sigara katika miaka 15 iliyopita. Utafiti wa mara kwa mara wa kansa ya tezi-kibofu kwa msingi wa antigen ya tezi-kibofu inaweza kupendekezwa kwa wanaume wenye umri wa miaka 55 hadi 69. Zungumza na daktari wako kuhusu faida na hatari za uchunguzi huo na pia kuhusu mapendezi yako. Fanya mazoezi angalau dakika 30 kwa siku ili kuendeleza nguvu za mwili, nishati na libido. - Ratiba ya colonoscopy kama inahitajika kulingana na mapendekezo ya daktari wako. - Fanya uchunguzi wa kimwili. Uchunguzi wa kawaida kila baada ya miaka miwili huonyesha kwamba kuna mabadiliko makubwa. - Uliza daktari wako kuhusu electrocardiogram (EKG). Ugonjwa wa moyo ni moja ya vifo vya kila watu watatu nchini Marekani, na ni muhimu sana kwa afya ya mwili. - Tumia vitamini vya kutosha. Kwa hivyo, unahitaji kuchukua vitamini B na D, na kuongeza nyuzinyuzi kwenye chakula chako ili kujikinga na polyps za utumbo, hali ya kawaida kwa watu zaidi ya miaka 60. Mazoezi ya wastani ya dakika 150 kwa wiki yanaweza kupunguza hatari ya ugonjwa wa mishipa ya damu. - Kupata kupendekezwa kansa screenings <unk> nafasi yako ya kupata kansa kuongezeka na umri. - Endelea kuwa na chanjo. Shingles, nimonia na chanjo za mafua zinaweza kuwa na msaada kwani wewe ni dhaifu zaidi kupata magonjwa haya. "Mwanamke mwenye umri wa miaka 70 na zaidi: ""Ninaamini kwamba ni muhimu sana kuepuka matatizo ya uzee." - Piga daktari ili aondole alama zako za ngozi. Watatumia mbinu za kufungia au kuharibu. - Angalia daktari wako wa kibofu cha mkojo ili kuchunguza kibofu chako cha kibofu cha mkojo kwa matatizo yoyote. - Kupinga kupungua kwa uwezo wa kutambua. Mazoezi, kuchochea akili, na kuingiliana na watu wa karibu yaweza kukusaidia kuwa na akili nzuri. - Kukataa kuishi na maumivu ya viungo. Upasuaji wa kubadilisha viungo huenda ukawa muhimu na ni wa kawaida sana, na wakati wa kupona ni wa haraka. - Fanya uchunguzi wa macho yako ili madaktari waweze kukupa chaguzi za kukusaidia kuboresha maono yako. Kukaa afya na kukumbuka kuwa na baadhi ya furaha <unk> chochote miongo yako! Utafiti wa Utafiti wa Afya na Ubora wa Afya (Bell Scot & White Health) - UMHC (Ufiti wa Afya, Utafiti wa Afya, Utafiti wa Afya, Utafiti wa Afya, Utafiti wa Afya, Utafiti wa Afya, Utafiti wa Afya) | <urn:uuid:b15eaae9-358b-4783-ac83-f2d0c0d8d2e9> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://www.westbocamedctr.com/healthy-living/corporate-content/mens-health-concerns-by-the-decades | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
Over the last 10 years an increasing number of governments have adopted new laws and practices that constrain civic space – the set of conditions that allow civil society and individuals to organise, participate and communicate freely and without discrimination, and in doing so, influence the political and social structures around them. These constraints have taken a wide variety of forms, and affect a diverse range of actors, but many have targeted formal civil society.
Civil society does not, however, exist in isolation, being an integral part of democratic systems and societies. Therefore, current efforts by governments around the world to ‘shrink’ the space for civil society – or to keep that space at very minimal level – need to be understood as part of a wider trend towards electoral authoritarianism, illiberal democracy or political backsliding – a trend that is affecting all stakeholders in democratic societies, not only civil society.
The issue of closing civic space has important consequences for the work of democracy assistance providers. Parliaments play a critical role in shaping civic space. Governments often use new legislation to close civic space by stressing the need for effective regulation and oversight (often highlighting the value of preventing fraud, deterring terrorist funding, or stopping ‘foreign agents’ from unduly influencing domestic affairs). This argument provides a veneer of legitimacy, deflecting international and domestic criticism while ignoring the main purpose of this legislation: to weaken any potential opposition.
This guide is designed to provide democracy practitioners and other interested readers with:
- An explanation of what civic space is, and what attempts to close civic space look like in practice;
- An overview of data sources that can be used to measure changes in civic space, including the strengths and weaknesses of different sources of information;
- An explanation of some of the underlying risks;
- Practical action points for incorporating the issue of civic space into projects;
- Guidance on how to respond to some of the tough questions that may come up in this area; and
- Information on other useful resources that practitioners can draw on to support their work on civic space. | Katika miaka kumi iliyopita, idadi kubwa ya serikali zimepitisha sheria na mazoea mapya ambayo yanazuia nafasi ya kiraia - seti ya hali ambazo huruhusu jamii ya kiraia na watu binafsi kuandaa, kushiriki na kuwasiliana kwa uhuru na bila ubaguzi, na kwa kufanya hivyo, kuathiri miundo ya kisiasa na kijamii inayowazunguka. Vizuizi hivi vimechukua aina mbalimbali za fomu, na kuathiri mbalimbali ya watendaji, lakini wengi wamekuwa walengwa rasmi jamii ya kiraia. Hata hivyo, jamii ya kiraia haipo peke yake, ikiwa ni sehemu muhimu ya mifumo ya kidemokrasia na jamii. Kwa hivyo, juhudi za sasa za serikali ulimwenguni kote za 'kupunguza' nafasi ya jamii ya kiraia - au kuweka nafasi hiyo katika kiwango cha chini sana - zinahitaji kueleweka kama sehemu ya mwenendo mkubwa kuelekea mamlaka ya uchaguzi, demokrasia isiyo ya huria au kurudi nyuma kwa kisiasa - mwenendo ambao unaathiri wadau wote katika jamii za kidemokrasia, sio jamii ya kiraia tu. Suala la kufunga nafasi ya kiraia lina matokeo muhimu kwa kazi ya watoa msaada wa demokrasia. Bunge lina jukumu muhimu katika kuunda nafasi ya kiraia. Serikali mara nyingi hutumia sheria mpya kufunga nafasi ya kiraia kwa kusisitiza hitaji la udhibiti na usimamizi mzuri (mara nyingi ikikazia thamani ya kuzuia udanganyifu, kuzuia ufadhili wa kigaidi, au kuzuia "mawakala wa kigeni" kutoka kwa ushawishi usiofaa wa mambo ya ndani). Hoja hii inatoa veneer ya uhalali, kuepusha ukosoaji wa kimataifa na wa ndani wakati kupuuza lengo kuu la sheria hii: kudhoofisha upinzani wowote wa uwezekano. Mwongozo huu umekusudiwa kuwapa watendaji wa demokrasia na wasomaji wengine wanaopendezwa na: - Ufafanuzi wa nini nafasi ya kiraia ni, na jinsi majaribio ya kufunga nafasi ya kiraia yanaonekana katika mazoezi; - Mtazamo wa vyanzo vya data vinavyoweza kutumiwa kupima mabadiliko katika nafasi ya kiraia, pamoja na nguvu na udhaifu wa vyanzo tofauti vya habari; - Ufafanuzi wa baadhi ya hatari za msingi; - Vitu vya vitendo vya vitendo vya kuingiza suala la nafasi ya kiraia katika miradi; - Mwongozo wa jinsi ya kujibu maswali magumu ambayo yanaweza kutokea katika eneo hili. | <urn:uuid:2da877ef-b4b3-493f-a7d8-d3ef595478e8> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://www.wfd.org/what-we-do/resources/addressing-global-emergency-shrinking-civic-space-and-how-reclaim-it | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
An expert would break down a golf swing into the following components:
Address: The first component of a golf swing is the address, which is the golfer's stance and position in relation to the ball. The golfer should stand with their feet shoulder-width apart, their knees slightly bent, and their weight evenly distributed on both feet. The ball should be positioned in the centre of the stance, with the clubhead resting behind the ball.
Backswing: The backswing is the second component of a golf swing. This is where the golfer brings the club back and up, creating the potential energy needed for the downswing. The backswing starts with a slight rotation of the hips, followed by the arms and shoulders. The left arm (for right-handed golfers) should be straight, while the right arm should be bent at the elbow. The club head should remain on the correct swing plane, which is the angle of the club relative to the ground.
Transition: The transition is the point where the backswing ends and the downswing begins. It involves a shift of weight from the right side to the left side, with a slight bump of the hips toward the target.
Downswing: The downswing is the fourth component of a golf swing. This is where the golfer brings the club down and through the ball, generating clubhead speed and transferring energy to the ball. The downswing starts with a rotation of the hips, followed by the arms and shoulders. The left arm (for right-handed golfers) should remain straight, while the right arm should be close to the body. The club head should follow the correct swing plane, and the golfer should maintain their spine angle.
Impact: Impact is the moment when the clubhead meets the ball. The golfer should make contact with the ball with a slightly descending blow, compressing the ball against the clubface. The hands should be ahead of the club head, and the left wrist (for right-handed golfers) should be flat.
Follow-through: The follow-through is the final component of a golf swing. It involves the golfer continuing the motion of the swing after impact, allowing the club head to complete its natural arc. The golfer should finish in a balanced position, with their weight on their left foot and their body facing the target.
Overall, a golf swing involves the address, backswing, transition, downswing, impact, and follow-through. Practising each of these components individually and then combining them into a fluid motion can help golfers improve their swing and lower their scores. | Golf swing ni sehemu ya kwanza ya swing ya golf, ambayo ni msimamo wa mchezaji wa gofu na nafasi yake kwa mpira. Mchezaji wa gofu anapaswa kusimama na miguu yake imefungwa kwa upana wa mabega, magoti yake yamepindika kidogo, na uzito wake umesambazwa kwa usawa kwenye miguu yote miwili. Mpira unapaswa kuwekwa katikati ya msimamo, na clubhead kupumzika nyuma ya mpira. Backswing: Backswing ni sehemu ya pili ya swing ya gofu. Hii ni ambapo golfer huleta klabu nyuma na juu, kuunda nishati ya uwezekano zinahitajika kwa downswing. Mzunguko wa nyuma huanza kwa kuzungusha viuno kidogo, kisha mikono na mabega. Mkono wa kushoto (kwa wachezaji wa gofu wenye mkono wa kulia) unapaswa kuwa wa moja kwa moja, huku mkono wa kulia ukiwa umepindika kwenye kiwiko. Kichwa cha klabu inapaswa kubaki juu ya ndege sahihi swing, ambayo ni pembe ya klabu kuhusiana na ardhi. Mabadiliko: Mabadiliko ni hatua ambapo backswing mwisho na downswing huanza. Inahusisha kuhamisha uzito kutoka upande wa kulia hadi upande wa kushoto, na kutikisa viuno kidogo kuelekea shabaha. Downswing: Downswing ni sehemu ya nne ya swing ya gofu. Hii ni wakati golfer huleta klabu chini na kupitia mpira, kuzalisha kasi ya clubhead na kuhamisha nishati kwa mpira. Kupungua huanza kwa kuzunguka viuno, kisha mikono na mabega. Mkono wa kushoto (kwa wachezaji wa gofu wenye mkono wa kulia) unapaswa kubaki uliondoka, huku mkono wa kulia ukiwa karibu na mwili. Kichwa cha klabu inapaswa kufuata ndege sahihi swing, na golfer lazima kudumisha pembe yao uti wa mgongo. Athari: Athari ni wakati ambapo clubhead hukutana na mpira. Mchezaji wa gofu anapaswa kugusa mpira kwa kupiga kidogo, akifunga mpira dhidi ya uso wa klabu. Mikono inapaswa kuwa mbele ya kichwa cha klabu, na mkono wa kushoto (kwa wachezaji wa gofu wenye mkono wa kulia) unapaswa kuwa tambarare. Kufuatia-kupitia: Kufuatia-kupitia ni sehemu ya mwisho ya swing ya gofu. Inahusisha mchezaji wa gofu kuendelea na mwendo wa swing baada ya athari, kuruhusu kichwa cha klabu kukamilisha arc yake ya asili. Mchezaji wa gofu anapaswa kumaliza katika nafasi ya usawa, na uzito wao juu ya mguu wao wa kushoto na mwili wao inakabiliwa na lengo. Kwa ujumla, swing ya gofu inahusisha anwani, backswing, mpito, downswing, athari, na kufuata. Kujifunza kila moja ya vipengele hivi kwa kibinafsi na kisha kuviunganisha katika mwendo wa mtiririko wa maji kunaweza kusaidia wachezaji wa gofu kuboresha swing yao na kupunguza alama zao. | <urn:uuid:eb6a4314-6d41-4d77-a442-68d5475b1978> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://www.wickedtech.in/post/breakdown-of-a-golf-swing | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
Drug overdose deaths increased 30% in 2020 as compared to 2019, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention data released Tuesday indicated.
The data show the spike in overdose deaths was even more pronounced among Black and American Indian and Alaska Native people. The CDC said drug overdose deaths increased 44% among Black Americans and 39% among American Indian and Alaska Native Americans.
The CDC also noted a 24% increase in drug-overdose fatalities among white Americans,.
Illicitly manufactured fentanyl largely drove the increase, the CDC said.
The CDC also noted the pandemic disrupted “access to prevention, treatment, and harm reduction services” and likely contributed to this increase.
“The increase in overdose deaths and widening disparities are alarming,” said CDC Acting Principal Deputy Director Dr. Debra Houry, M.D., M.P.H. “Overdose deaths are preventable, and we must redouble our efforts to make overdose prevention a priority. We will continue to support and work collaboratively with communities like we do with CDC’s Overdose Data to Action. Providing tailored tools and resources to combat overdose and address underlying risk factors will ultimately help reduce health disparities and save lives.” | Idadi ya vifo vya watu waliojeruhiwa kutokana na matumizi ya dawa za kulevya imepanda kwa asilimia 30 mwaka huu ikilinganishwa na mwaka wa 2019, kulingana na takwimu za Kituo cha Kudhibiti na Kuzuia Magonjwa (CDC) zilizotolewa Jumanne. Takwimu zinaonyesha kuongezeka kwa vifo vya watu waliopoteza damu kwa kutumia dawa za kulevya kulikuwa na athari kubwa zaidi miongoni mwa watu weusi, Wahindi wa Amerika na Wenyeji wa Alaska. CDC inasema vifo vya dawa za kulevya vimeongezeka kwa asilimia 44 miongoni mwa Wamarekani weusi na asilimia 39 miongoni mwa Wahindi wa Amerika na Wamarekani wa Alaska. CDC pia ilibainisha ongezeko la 24% la vifo vya dawa za kulevya kati ya Wamarekani weupe. Fentanyl iliyotengenezwa kinyume cha sheria ilisababisha ongezeko hilo, CDC ilisema. CDC pia ilibainisha janga hilo lilivuruga "upatikanaji wa huduma za kuzuia, matibabu, na kupunguza madhara" na uwezekano wa kuchangia ongezeko hili. "Uongezekaji wa vifo vya kupita kiasi na kuongezeka kwa tofauti ni ya kutisha, "alisema Mkurugenzi Msaidizi Mkuu wa CDC, Debra Houry, M.D., M.P.H. Kifo cha kupita kiasi kinaweza kuzuiwa, na ni lazima tufanye juhudi nyingi ili kuzuia kupita kiasi kuwa kipaumbele. "Tutaendelea kusaidia na kufanya kazi kwa kushirikiana na jamii kama tunavyofanya na CDC ""Data ya Overdose kwa Hatua.""" Kutoa zana na rasilimali zilizoboreshwa kupambana na overdosing na kushughulikia sababu za hatari za msingi hatimaye itasaidia kupunguza tofauti za afya na kuokoa maisha. <unk> | <urn:uuid:f6eb7c56-560a-49d4-b5a8-096b3bd44a0a> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://www.wmar2news.com/news/national/drug-overdose-deaths-increased-30-during-onset-of-pandemic-cdc-data-says | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
By Dr Balkar Bains
Coccidiosis control in commercial poultry has been heavily reliant upon the application of anticoccidial drugs via feed. The development of coccidia resistance to anticoccidial drugs was a common occurrence and problematic because coccidia were resistant to all chemical drugs within the same family.
Coccidiosis outbreaks frequently require treatment to minimize morbidity and mortality. Affected flocks experience poor growth rates and feed conversion efficacy, resulting in adverse economic consequences. There were concerted efforts in recent times to identify and implement better alternatives to the currently range of chemical anticoccidial drugs.
Types of anticoccidial combinations
Chemical and chemical anticoccidials
The concept of combinations of different drugs first commenced with chemical anticoccidials, to prolong the use of chemical compounds and overcome coccidia resistance. Combining two chemicals in practice proved to be effective in extending the efficacy period of several anticoccidials. However, chemical anticoccidials in combination were not completely effective in preventing resistance. The combination concept was based upon the principles of synergy or additive effects with some complementary mechanism of action of both compounds.
Initial success led to the development of several combination products made available to the poultry industry including Amprolium plus, Pancoxin, Rofenaid, Toltro and Lerbek (table 1). These products must be carefully managed to avoid the emergence of coccidia resistance.
Chemical and ionophore anticoccidials
In subsequent years, the concept of ionophore and chemical anticoccidial combinations was adopted most effectively to improve the efficacy of ionophore anticoccidials. This new concept was based upon the use of both ionophore and chemical anticoccidials at a lower dosage levels while maintaining the desired anticoccidial efficacy. The efficacy of these combinations does decline over time following continuous use under commercial conditions.
The most widely used commercially available products of this combination include Maduramicin + Nicarbazin and Narasin + Nicarbazin. The chemical compound Nicarbazin is used at a reduced dosage level and thus prone to the loss of efficacy particularly in the control of E. tenella. In addition, all limitations for the use of Nicarbazin in combination still apply.
Ionophore and ionophore anticoccidials
The combination concept appears to be more suited to ionophore anticoccidials. Ionophore combinations have greater potential for limiting coccidia resistance development compared with individual ionophore anticoccidials used at present. Ionophores belong to the same family of compounds and their mechanism of action against coccidia is similar. The loss of efficacy of ionophores under commercial conditions is gradual and often different with each coccidian strain.
These observations can be interpreted as being strengths or weakness of an individual ionophore. The identification of strengths offers a greater advantage in selecting ionophores for a specific application or known coccidia resistance problem in commercial flocks. The mechanism of action is coccidiocidal, yet it permits enough coccidia challenge to generate sufficient immune response that may enable the withdrawal of the anticoccidial from broiler feed after 35 days. The efficacy of ionophore combinations has been the subject of research in the past, which is reviewed here to evaluate the use of combinations under commercial conditions.
Efficacy of ionophore combinations
- In a controlled series of battery trials (Untewale & Schildknecht 1985) the efficacy of Monensin and Lasalocid was compared with uninfected unmedicated controls (UUC), infected unmedicated controls (IUC) and three combinations (normal inclusion rate of each ionophore is 100ppm):
- Lasalocid 75 ppm + Monensin 25 ppm
- Lasalocid 50 ppm + Monensin 50 ppm
- Lasalocid 25ppm + Monensin 75 ppm
Field isolates of coccidia in the challenge included E. acervulina, E. tenella and E. maxima. Results of the trial in table 2 (below), following E. tenella and E. acervulina challenge, show that the weight gain of chickens increased linearly as the proportion of Lasalocid increased in each treatment.
Similarly, the feed conversion also showed linear improvement. Results of E. maxima challenge in table 3 (below) shows that the combination improved both weight gain and FCR as the Lasalocid content of the combination increased.
- Anticoccidial efficacy of Salinomycin combination with other Ionophore anticoccidials at different ratios was evaluated (Wolfgang Raether and G. Dost 1985) in battery trials. For the challenge in this trial, strains of field isolated E. tenella 48%, E. brunetti 20% and E. acervulina 32% of unknown drug sensitivity. The significant findings of the trials were that Salinomycin and Lasalocid combination have an additive effect against coccidia as compared to other Ionophore combinations with Salinomycin. The authors concluded that the limited effect of some mixtures of Salinomycin and related ionophores might have resulted from reduced anticoccidial sensitivity due to prior use under commercial conditions. The results of the trials are summarized in table 4 below.
- Another trial (Research report) evaluated different dosage levels of combinations of Lasalocid plus Salinomycin (table 5, below), Lasalocid plus Maduramicin, and Maduramicin plus Salinomycin (table 6) against the challenge of mixed infection of E. tenella, E. acervulina and E. maxima from field isolates. Efficacy criteria included weight gain and FCR as percentage of uninfected unmedicated controls. The combination of Lasalocid and Salinomycin showed the best results when both compounds are used at 50% of the dosage currently used under commercial conditions.
- For the Maduramicin and Lasalocid combination the best results (table 6 below) were at the higher dosage of Lasalocid (67 ppm) inclusion, which were reflected in both weight gain % and FCR. Results for the Maduramicin and Salinomycin combination at 50% dosage inclusion level were comparable with other combinations.
Learnings on anticoccidial combinations
- It is generally agreed that continuous use of ionophore anticoccidials invariably results in some loss of efficacy as determined by commercial parameters. The rotation and shuttle programs are often used to recover loss of efficacy, which primarily is the FCR.
- The combination of two ionophore anticoccidials at dosage levels of 50% each offers an alternative that minimizes loss of efficacy.
- Combinations also provide the opportunity to use those ionophores that, when used in alone, are less effective against some coccidia strains.
- Combinations of those ionophores that experienced some loss of efficacy when used alone are likely to be less efficacious and may lead to a loss of efficacy after a short duration of use under commercial conditions.
- The low dosage of each ionophore in combination does offer less chance of tissue residues yet effectively controls coccidiosis.
- Caution must be observed in regards to toxicity and known side effects even if the levels are used in combinations are lower than used by single ionophores.
Zamira is an Australian animal health company with a mission to improve the health, wellbeing and productivity of animals across the world. Read more about us here. | Kwa Dr. Balkar Bains Udhibiti wa Coccidiosis katika kuku wa kibiashara umekuwa ukitegemea sana matumizi ya dawa za anticoccidial kupitia chakula. Uvumilivu wa coccidia kwa dawa za anti-coccidial ni tatizo la kawaida kwa sababu coccidia ni sugu kwa dawa zote za kemikali ndani ya familia moja. Mara nyingi milipuko ya coccidiosis huhitaji kutibiwa ili kupunguza ugonjwa na vifo. Makundi yaliyoathiriwa hupata viwango vya chini vya ukuaji na ufanisi wa kubadilisha chakula, na kusababisha matokeo mabaya ya kiuchumi. Katika miaka ya hivi karibuni, jitihada nyingi zimefanywa ili kutambua na kutumia dawa mbadala bora za dawa za kemikali zinazopinga ugonjwa wa kibofu. Aina ya mchanganyiko wa anticoccidial: Anticoccidial kemikali na kemikali, pamoja na dawa za kulevya, ni pamoja na dawa za kulevya, kwa sababu ya kuimarisha uwezo wa kukabiliana na coccidia. Kuchanganya kemikali mbili katika mazoezi ilithibitika kuwa na ufanisi katika kupanua kipindi cha ufanisi wa anticoccidials kadhaa. Hata hivyo, dawa za kemikali za kuzuia kuambukizwa kwa wadudu hazikuwa na matokeo kabisa katika kuzuia upinzani. Dhana ya mchanganyiko ilitegemea kanuni za ushirikiano au athari za ziada na baadhi ya utaratibu wa ziada wa hatua ya misombo yote miwili. Mafanikio ya awali yalisababisha maendeleo ya bidhaa kadhaa za mchanganyiko zilizotolewa kwa sekta ya kuku ikiwa ni pamoja na Amprolium plus, Pancoxin, Rofenaid, Tolter, na Leberk. Bidhaa hizi lazima zisimamiwe kwa uangalifu ili kuepuka kuibuka kwa upinzani wa coccidia. Katika miaka ya baadaye, dhana ya ionophore na kemikali anticoccidial mchanganyiko ilipitishwa kwa ufanisi zaidi ili kuboresha ufanisi wa ionophore anticoccidials. Dhana hii mpya ilitegemea matumizi ya ionophore na kemikali anticoccidials katika viwango vya chini dosage wakati kudumisha ufanisi anticoccidial taka. Ufanisi wa mchanganyiko huu hupungua kwa muda baada ya matumizi ya kuendelea chini ya hali za kibiashara. Bidhaa zinazopatikana kibiashara zinazotumiwa sana za mchanganyiko huu ni pamoja na Maduramicin + Nicarbazin na Narasin + Nicarbazin. Nikarbazine ni kemikali ya kawaida ya dawa ya dawa ya dawa ya dawa ya dawa ya dawa ya dawa ya dawa ya dawa ya dawa ya dawa ya dawa ya dawa ya dawa ya dawa ya dawa ya dawa ya dawa ya dawa ya dawa ya dawa ya dawa ya dawa ya dawa ya dawa ya dawa ya dawa ya dawa ya dawa ya dawa ya dawa ya dawa ya dawa ya dawa ya dawa ya dawa ya dawa ya dawa ya dawa ya dawa ya dawa ya dawa ya dawa ya dawa ya dawa ya dawa ya dawa. Kwa kuongezea, mapungufu yote kwa matumizi ya Nicarbazin katika mchanganyiko bado yanatumika. Ionofor na ionophore anticoccidials dhana ya mchanganyiko inaonekana kuwa yanafaa zaidi kwa ionophore anticoccidials. Mchanganyiko wa ionophore una uwezo mkubwa wa kupunguza maendeleo ya upinzani wa coccidia ikilinganishwa na anti-coccidials ya ionophore ya mtu binafsi inayotumiwa kwa sasa. Ionophores ni mali ya familia moja ya misombo na utaratibu wao wa hatua dhidi ya coccidia ni sawa. Kupoteza ufanisi wa ionophores chini ya hali ya kibiashara ni hatua kwa hatua na mara nyingi tofauti na kila coccidian strain. Uchunguzi huu unaweza kutafsiriwa kama kuwa nguvu au udhaifu wa ionophore ya mtu binafsi. Utambulisho wa nguvu inatoa faida kubwa katika kuchagua ionophores kwa ajili ya maombi maalum au inayojulikana coccidia upinzani tatizo katika makundi ya kibiashara. Mchakato wa hatua ni coccidioside, lakini inaruhusu changamoto ya coccidia ya kutosha ili kuzalisha majibu ya kinga ya kutosha ambayo yanaweza kuwezesha uondoaji wa anticoccidial kutoka kwa chakula cha kuku baada ya siku 35. Ufanisi wa mchanganyiko wa ionophore umekuwa suala la utafiti katika siku za nyuma, ambayo ni kukaguliwa hapa kutathmini matumizi ya mchanganyiko chini ya hali ya kibiashara. Katika mfululizo wa majaribio ya betri (Untweil na Schildknecht, 1985), ufanisi wa Monensin na Lasalocid ulilinganishwa na udhibiti wa uninfected unmedicated (UIC), udhibiti wa uninfected unmedicated (IUC) na mchanganyiko wa tatu (kiwango cha kawaida cha ujumuishaji wa kila ionophore ni 100 ppm) - Lasalocid + Monensin + 50 ppm - Lasalocid + Monensin + 75 ppm. Matokeo ya majaribio katika meza 2 (chini) kufuatia E. tenella na E. acervulina changamoto, kuonyesha kwamba uzito wa kuku kuongezeka linearly kama uwiano wa lasalocid kuongezeka katika kila matibabu. Vivyo hivyo, kubadilisha kulisha pia ilionyesha uboreshaji linear. Matokeo ya E. maxima challenge katika meza 3 (chini) yanaonyesha kwamba mchanganyiko huo uliboresha kuongeza uzito na FCR wakati maudhui ya Lasalocid ya mchanganyiko huo yalipokuwa yakiongezeka. Salinomycin na ionophores nyingine anti-coccidial katika uwiano tofauti ilikuwa tathmini (Wolfgang Raether na G. Dost 1985) katika majaribio ya betri. Kwa mfano, katika majaribio ya majaribio ya majaribio ya majaribio ya majaribio ya majaribio ya majaribio ya majaribio ya majaribio ya majaribio ya majaribio ya majaribio ya majaribio ya majaribio ya majaribio ya majaribio ya majaribio ya majaribio ya majaribio ya majaribio ya majaribio ya majaribio ya majaribio ya majaribio ya majaribio ya majaribio ya majaribio ya majaribio ya majaribio ya majaribio ya majaribio ya majaribio. Matokeo ya utafiti huo ni kwamba salinomicini na lasalocidi pamoja na salinomicini ina athari ya kuongeza dhidi ya coccidia ikilinganishwa na ionophore nyingine pamoja na salinomicini. Kwa hivyo, matokeo ya matokeo ya mchanganyiko wa salinomycin na ionophores zinazohusiana na hiyo inaweza kuwa matokeo ya kupunguza unyeti wa anticoccidial kutokana na matumizi ya awali chini ya hali za kibiashara. Matokeo ya majaribio hayo yameorodheshwa katika Jedwali la 4 hapa chini. Utafiti mwingine (Research Report) ulichunguza viwango tofauti vya kipimo cha Lasalocid na Salicylic Acid (Table 5, chini), Lasalocid na Maduramicine, na Maduramicine na Salicylic Acid (Table 6) dhidi ya changamoto ya maambukizi ya mchanganyiko ya E. tenera, E. acervulina na E. maxima kutoka kwa maeneo ya mashamba. Kiwango cha ufanisi kilijumuisha kuongezeka kwa uzito na FCR kama asilimia ya udhibiti usioambukizwa usio na dawa. Mchanganyiko wa lasalocid na salinomycin ulionyesha matokeo bora wakati misombo yote miwili ilitumiwa kwa 50% ya kipimo kinachotumiwa kwa sasa chini ya hali za kibiashara. Kwa maduramicine na lasalocid, matokeo bora (tabula 6 hapa chini) yalikuwa katika kipimo cha juu cha Lasalocid (67 ppm), ambayo ilionyeshwa katika asilimia ya kuongezeka kwa uzito na FCR. Matokeo ya maduramicini na salinomicini kwa kiwango cha ujumuishaji wa kipimo cha 50% yalikuwa sawa na mchanganyiko mwingine. Mafunzo juu ya mchanganyiko wa anticoccidial - Ni kwa ujumla kukubaliana kwamba matumizi ya kuendelea ya ionophore anticoccidials daima husababisha baadhi ya hasara ya ufanisi kama ilivyoamuliwa na vigezo kibiashara. Programu za mzunguko na shuttle hutumiwa mara nyingi kurudisha hasara ya ufanisi, ambayo ni hasa FCR. Mchanganyiko wa ionophore anti-coccidial katika viwango vya kipimo cha 50% kila mmoja hutoa mbadala ambayo hupunguza hasara ya ufanisi. - Mchanganyiko pia kutoa fursa ya kutumia wale ionophores kwamba, wakati kutumika katika peke yake, ni chini ya ufanisi dhidi ya baadhi ya coccidia strains. Mchanganyiko wa ionophores ambayo ilipata kupoteza ufanisi wakati kutumika peke yake ni uwezekano wa kuwa chini ya ufanisi na inaweza kusababisha kupoteza ufanisi baada ya muda mfupi wa matumizi chini ya hali ya kibiashara. - kipimo cha chini cha kila ionophore katika mchanganyiko haina kutoa nafasi kidogo ya mabaki ya tishu bado ufanisi kudhibiti coccidiosis. - Tahadhari lazima ifuatwe kuhusiana na sumu na athari za upande zinazojulikana hata kama viwango vinavyotumiwa katika mchanganyiko ni vya chini kuliko vinavyotumiwa na ionophores moja. Zamira ni kampuni ya afya ya wanyama ya Australia na lengo lake ni kuboresha afya, ustawi na uzalishaji wa wanyama duniani kote. Soma zaidi kuhusu sisi hapa. | <urn:uuid:f84848f0-6391-407d-be86-0260790953f7> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://www.zamira.com.au/treating-coccidiosis-anticoccidial-combinations-poultry/ | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
Christmas has come early at Adelaide Zoo with the arrival of a special gift…a critically endangered White-cheeked Gibbon baby! Born in the early hours of December 10, the infant is the fourth offspring of parents Viet and Remus.
The birth is a significant achievement for Adelaide Zoo, as the youngster is one of only four White-cheeked Gibbon infants to be born at the zoo in its 130-year history.
The infant is extremely important to the international breeding program working to save the White-cheeked Gibbon from extinction. With a declining trend in the wild population of at least 80 per cent over the past 45 years, the species is classified as “Critically Endangered” by the IUCN. It is in serious decline in its native Laos, Vietnam and Southern China, due to deforestation and poaching for the wildlife trade.
Adelaide Zoo Senior Primate Keeper, Jodie Ellen, said Viet and Remus were doting parents, while older sisters Nhu and Tien were fascinated by the new addition. “The baby is absolutely adorable and is looking strong and healthy, clinging tightly to mum, which is important considering they live high up in the tree tops of their island home,” Jodie said.
“Viet and Rhemus are incredibly loving and capable parents and it’s heart-warming to the entire family caring for the little one. Older sisters Nhu and Tien are excited by the new addition to the family and will play a very hands-on role in the upbringing of the new baby,” Jodie added.
The new family spent the first few days relaxing between their night quarters and their leafy island habitat.
White-cheeked Gibbons are born a golden color before gradually turning black. Females turn gold again when they reach maturity at around five years of age while males remain black. The baby’s gender is not yet known and it may be many months before it can be determined. | Krismasi imekuja mapema katika bustani ya wanyama ya Adelaide kwa kuwasili kwa zawadi ya pekee... mtoto wa Gibbon mwenye mashavu meupe aliye hatarini mwa kutoweka! Mtoto huyo alizaliwa mapema Desemba 10, na ni mtoto wa nne wa wazazi wake, Viet na Remus. Kwa sasa, mtoto huyo ni mmoja wa watoto wanne tu wa kiume wa aina ya White-cheeked Gibbon waliozaliwa katika bustani hiyo ya wanyama katika historia yake ya miaka 130. Mtoto huyo ni muhimu sana kwa programu ya kimataifa ya kuzaliana inayofanya kazi ili kuokoa Gibbon mwenye mashavu meupe asiangamie. Kwa sababu ya kupungua kwa idadi ya wanyama hao katika mazingira ya asili kwa asilimia 80 katika miaka 45 iliyopita, IUCN imeweka jamii hiyo katika hatari ya kutoweka. Mnyama huyo anasafiri kwa kasi sana kutoka nchi zake za asili Laos, Vietnam na Kusini mwa China, kwa sababu ya ukataji miti na uwindaji haramu kwa ajili ya biashara ya wanyama wa porini. Jodie Ellen, mlinzi wa wanyama wa Adelaide Zoo, alisema kuwa Viet na Remus walikuwa wazazi wenye upendo, wakati dada wakubwa Nhu na Tien walivutiwa na kuongezwa mpya. "Mtoto huyo ni mrembo kabisa na anaonekana mwenye nguvu na afya, akishikamana sana na mama, jambo ambalo ni muhimu kwa kuzingatia wanaishi juu ya miti ya kisiwa chao", alisema Jodie. Viet na Rhemus ni wazazi wenye upendo sana na wenye uwezo na ni jambo lenye kufurahisha kwa familia nzima kumtunza mtoto huyo mdogo. Dada wakubwa Nhu na Tien wamefurahi na kuongezwa mpya kwa familia na watacheza jukumu la mikono katika kulea mtoto mpya, <unk> Jodie aliongeza. Familia hiyo mpya ilitumia siku chache za kwanza ikipumzika kati ya makao yao ya usiku na makao yao yenye majani ya kisiwa hicho. Wanyama hao huzaliwa wakiwa na rangi ya dhahabu kabla ya kuwa weusi hatua kwa hatua. Wanawake hubadilika kuwa wa rangi ya dhahabu tena wanapofikia ukomavu karibu na umri wa miaka mitano huku wanaume wakibaki weusi. Jinsia ya mtoto haijulikani bado na huenda ikawa miezi mingi kabla ya kuweza kuamuliwa. | <urn:uuid:509ad991-d68a-4173-acb4-2eb2c36e6421> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://www.zooborns.com/zooborns/adelaide-zoo/page/2/ | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
Rinat B. Klier Erich
Mold litigation is unique in that it is a cross over between design and construction defect, personal injury and property damage. Mold litigation is expert-intensive and it involves, construction law, personal injury law, contracts and insurance. Mold litigation in particular, has expanded into many forms of litigants including, property owners/buyers, employees, tenants, or merely building occupants. These claims gained a lot of publicity (for example, the Ed McMahom, the Tonight Show comedian). Yet, the science regarding mold and whether it can cause significant or permanent health effects is not established. Specifically, because when the exposure to mold stops, like most allergies, the symptoms disappear.
Molds are a type of fungi that strives in moisture. They grow on other materials. Outdoors, molds are an integral part of natural processes, breaking down leaves, wood and plant debris. However, indoors, they can be unhealthy. There are over 10,000 species of mold, of which around 100 can cause allergies in humans, approximately 50 are pathogenic (i.e., they can grow inside the human body), and about 50 are capable of creating “mycotoxins,” which are released by the mold and cause toxic reactions in healthy individuals. Toxic mold is different from regular mold. It normally exudes a dank, musty odor. It is also capable of producing mycotoxins. Among the types that are considered toxic and which are the subject of most lawsuits, are: Stachybotrys chartarum, Aspergillus and Penicillium. The most common toxic mold encountered in lawsuits is Stachybotrys (“black mold”).
Common areas for indoor mold growth include bathroom tile, kitchen (appliances and sink), basement walls, areas around windows where moisture condenses, and near leaky water fountains or sinks. Common causes of water or moisture problems resulting in mold growth include, roof leaks, delays in proper building and maintenance, condensation from heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems, condensation associated with high humidity or cold spots in a building, flooding from plumbing failures or heavy rains, slow leaks in plumbing fixtures and pipes, and the malfunction of humidification systems. Interestingly, mold infestation is an increasingly problematic issue in newer buildings and homes because more recently constructed buildings and homes are much tighter and more energy efficient, and occupants rarely open windows, resulting in less ventilation of the indoor environment.
Mold cases start with blaming the defendants for creating the moisture that allows mold to grow. Some cases however, also allege knowledge and failure to disclose, and others allege failure to repair or eradicate the mold properly once it is discovered. Plaintiffs in mold litigation allege a variety of illnesses and adverse health effects: from headaches, nausea, fatigue, asthma, hay fever-like symptoms (runny nose and scratchy throat) and respiratory problems, to fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, reactive airway dysfunction syndrome, difficulty with memory and other cognitive functions and even cancer. The more common allergic reactions in individuals are coughing, sneezing and breathing problems. The soft tissues around the nose, mouth, trachea, and lungs are extremely vulnerable to mycotoxin contamination. Yet, there is a lack of scientific consensus on the more seriously alleged illnesses and what level of mold exposure may cause such illnesses. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website states that a causal link between the presence of the toxic mold and pulmonary hemorrhage or memory loss has not been proven.
In addition to the illness to humans, the mycotoxins also cause a significant amount of property damage. Once inside, mold can contaminate anything in the surrounding area including clothing, furniture, and works of art. Once contaminated, these items usually have to be destroyed. Building materials and fixtures are also fertile ground for mold growth. Therefore, building material typically must be removed and replaced, which is quite costly.
As a result of many mold cases and large verdicts, some insurance companies have changed their coverages and either exclude mold claims or offer sub-limits only for mold claim. In California, the California Association of Realtors created a mold disclosure that each buyer receives during a purchase transaction explaining that mold can arise where there is water intrusion and the buyers are recommended to obtain mold tests if they learn of past water intrusion. Some molds cannot be seen (they may exist behind drywall, in the carpet or under the sub-floor) and therefore an air sample must be performed to detect mold spores in the air.
Currently there are no government (such as the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)) or industry standards that specify allowable or acceptable levels of indoor, airborne molds. However, the EPA issued a guidance document for mold remediation projects that provides some general guidelines for evaluating and responding to an indoor mold problem.
Given this scientific uncertainty, toxic mold litigation frequently hinges on expert witness testimony. The ability of the plaintiff on the one hand to establish causation between the alleged injuries and the particular species of mold, and the defense expert rejecting that link will determine how the case goes. In some cases, judges do not allow plaintiff’s testimony without a preliminary hearing establishing solid medical evidence of such link. The “Daubert” standard comes from the 1992 United States Supreme Court decision in Daubert v. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals, Inc., holding that any medical or scientific opinions must be reviewed by the judge as the “gatekeeper” to decide whether the evidence is admissible.
In addition to proving the existence of mold, plaintiffs must prove a chain of custody between the testing company and the results of the testing. An environmental testing firm or laboratory has to conduct mold sampling in the allegedly contaminated area at the time of exposure. A link also has to be established that mold existed at the time the defendant was involved (for example, if the claim involves a sale, that the mold existed in the structure before the sale). The hurdles of having a properly certified testing and lab facilities, physical connection between the contaminated area and the exposed plaintiff, and a link to the defendant’s wrongful conduct are significant challenges. The main defenses focus is on convincing the court to exclude the plaintiff’s proposed “expert” testimony as scientifically unreliable, which is a real possibility in light of the lack of scientific consensus regarding mold toxicity and the questionable methodology utilized by many environmental sampling firms.
It is important to consider any water intrusion as a risk. Property owners (sellers) and property managers must also understand how to treat mold-infested areas once it is discovered. If litigation arises, it is usually prolonged and costly, but despite large verdicts, testing methodology and causation are difficult to prove. | Rinat B. Klier Erich Mold kesi ni ya kipekee katika kwamba ni msalaba juu kati ya kubuni na ujenzi kasoro, majeraha ya kibinafsi na uharibifu wa mali. Mashtaka ya ukungu ni ya wataalamu na inahusisha, sheria ya ujenzi, sheria ya jeraha la kibinafsi, mikataba na bima. Madai ya ukungu, hasa, yameenea katika aina nyingi za washtakiwa ikiwa ni pamoja na, wamiliki wa mali, wafanyikazi, wapangaji, au wenyeji wa jengo tu. "Hii ni moja ya sababu za kuvutia zaidi za kuonekana kwa Ed McMahon, mwigizaji wa ""Tonight Show.""" Hata hivyo, sayansi haijathibitishwa kuhusu kuvu na ikiwa linaweza kusababisha madhara makubwa au ya kudumu kwa afya. Kwa mfano, wakati wa kuambukizwa kwa kuvu, dalili za allergy huisha. Kuvu ni aina ya kuvu inayopenda unyevu. Zinakua kwenye vifaa vingine. Nje, kuvu ni sehemu muhimu ya michakato ya asili, kuvunja majani, mbao na mabaki ya mimea. Hata hivyo, ndani ya nyumba, zinaweza kuwa zenye kudhuru afya. Kuna zaidi ya spishi 10,000 za kuvu, kati ya hizo karibu 100 zinaweza kusababisha mzio kwa wanadamu, karibu 50 ni pathogenic (yaani, zinaweza kukua ndani ya mwili wa binadamu), na karibu 50 zina uwezo wa kuunda <unk> mycotoxins, <unk> ambayo hutolewa na kuvu na kusababisha athari za sumu kwa watu wenye afya. Kuvu zenye sumu ni tofauti na kuvu za kawaida. Kwa kawaida hutoa harufu mbaya ya umajimaji. Pia ina uwezo wa kutokeza sumu za kuvu. Miongoni mwa aina ambazo huonwa kuwa zenye sumu na ambazo ni mada ya kesi nyingi za kisheria, ni: Stachybotrys chartarum, Aspergillus na Penicillium. Aina ya kuvu yenye sumu inayopatikana kwa kawaida katika kesi za kisheria ni Stachybotrys (<unk>kuvu nyeusi<unk>). Sehemu za kawaida za ukuaji wa kuvu ndani ya nyumba ni pamoja na tile ya bafuni, jikoni (vifaa na sinki), kuta za chini ya ardhi, maeneo karibu na madirisha ambapo unyevu hufinyangwa, na karibu na chemchemi za maji au sinki zinazomwagika. Vyanzo vya kawaida vya maji au unyevu vinavyosababisha ukuaji wa kuvu ni pamoja na kuvuja kwa paa, kuchelewesha ujenzi na matengenezo sahihi, condensation kutoka kwa mfumo wa joto, uingizaji hewa, na mfumo wa hali ya hewa, condensation inayohusiana na unyevu wa juu au sehemu baridi katika jengo, mafuriko kutoka kwa kushindwa kwa mabomba au mvua kubwa, kuvuja polepole katika vifaa vya mabomba na mabomba, na kutofanya kazi vizuri kwa mifumo ya unyevu. Kwa kushangaza, kuambukizwa kwa kuvu ni tatizo kubwa katika majengo mapya na nyumba kwa sababu majengo na nyumba zilizojengwa hivi karibuni ni ngumu zaidi na zina nishati ya kutosha, na wakazi hawafungui madirisha mara nyingi, na kusababisha hewa kidogo ya mazingira ya ndani. Kesi za kuvu huanza kwa kuwapa mashtaka washtakiwa kwa kutokeza unyevu unaoruhusu kuvu kukua. Hata hivyo, baadhi ya kesi pia zinadai ujuzi na kushindwa kufichua, na wengine wanadai kushindwa kurekebisha au kuondoa kuvu vizuri mara tu inapogunduliwa. Mwendesha mashtaka katika kesi ya kuvu inadai magonjwa mbalimbali na athari mbaya kwa afya: kutoka maumivu ya kichwa, kichefuchefu, uchovu, pumu, dalili za homa ya nyasi (mwiba wa pua na koo la kukwaruza) na matatizo ya kupumua, kwa fibromyalgia, ugonjwa wa uchovu wa kudumu, ugonjwa wa kupumua, shida na kumbukumbu na kazi nyingine za utambuzi na hata kansa. Madhara ya mzio ya kawaida katika watu ni kikohozi, kupiga chafya na matatizo ya kupumua. Viungo laini vilivyo karibu na pua, mdomo, trachea, na mapafu huathiriwa sana na uchafuzi wa mycotoxin. Hata hivyo, kuna ukosefu wa makubaliano ya kisayansi kuhusu magonjwa mabaya zaidi na kiwango cha kuambukizwa na kuvu kinachoweza kusababisha magonjwa hayo. Kituo cha Marekani cha Kudhibiti na Kuzuia Magonjwa (CDC) kimesema kuwa uhusiano kati ya kuambukizwa na ugonjwa huo na kutokwa na kumbukumbu haujathibitishwa. Mbali na kuambukiza wanadamu, sumu za kuvu husababisha uharibifu mkubwa wa mali. Mara tu ndani, kuvu kwaweza kuchafua chochote kilicho karibu, kutia ndani mavazi, fanicha, na kazi za sanaa. Mara tu vitu hivyo vitakapoharibiwa, kwa kawaida vinapaswa kuharibiwa. Vifaa vya ujenzi na vifaa vya ujenzi pia ni mahali pazuri pa kukua kwa kuvu. Kwa hiyo, kwa kawaida vifaa vya ujenzi lazima viondolewe na kubadilishwa, jambo ambalo ni ghali sana. Kwa sababu ya kesi nyingi za kuvu na hukumu kubwa, makampuni ya bima yamebadilisha chanjo zao na ama kutengwa madai ya kuvu au kutoa mipaka ndogo tu kwa madai ya kuvu. Chama cha California cha Realtors kiliunda ufunuo wa ukungu ambao kila mnunuzi hupokea wakati wa shughuli ya ununuzi, akielezea kwamba ukungu unaweza kutokea ambapo kuna uvamizi wa maji, na wanunuzi wanashauriwa kupata vipimo vya ukungu ikiwa wanajifunza juu ya uvamizi wa maji wa zamani. Baadhi ya kuvu haziwezi kuonekana (zaweza kuwa nyuma ya drywall, katika zulia au chini ya sakafu) na kwa hiyo sampuli ya hewa lazima kufanyika kugundua kuvu spores katika hewa. Kwa sasa hakuna serikali (kama vile Shirika la Ulinzi wa Mazingira) au viwango vya sekta ambavyo vinaelezea viwango vinavyoruhusiwa au vinavyokubalika vya kuvu za ndani, za hewa. EPA imetoa mwongozo wa miongozo kwa miradi ya kurekebisha ukungu, ambayo hutoa miongozo ya jumla ya tathmini na kukabiliana na tatizo la ukungu wa ndani. Kwa sababu ya ukosefu huo wa uhakika wa kisayansi, mara nyingi kesi za kuendesha kesi za kuambukiza kuvu hutegemea ushuhuda wa mashahidi wa kitaalamu. Uwezo wa mwombaji, kwa upande mmoja, kuanzisha uhusiano kati ya majeraha ya madai na aina maalum ya kuvu, na mtaalamu wa ulinzi kukataa uhusiano huo, itabainisha jinsi kesi inaendelea. Katika visa fulani, mahakimu hawaruhusu ushuhuda wa mwombaji bila kusikilizwa kwa awali kuanzisha ushahidi thabiti wa matibabu wa uhusiano huo. "Mfano wa ""Daubert"" unatokana na uamuzi wa 1992 wa Mahakama Kuu ya Marekani katika kesi ya Daubert v. Merrill Dow Pharmaceuticals, Inc., ambayo ilisema kwamba maoni yoyote ya matibabu au ya kisayansi lazima yakaguliwa na hakimu kama ""mlinzi wa mlango"" ili kuamua ikiwa ushahidi unakubaliwa." Kwa kuongezea kuthibitisha kuwepo kwa ukungu, walalamikaji lazima kuthibitisha mlolongo wa ulinzi kati ya kampuni ya upimaji na matokeo ya upimaji. Kampuni ya kupima mazingira au maabara lazima ifanye sampuli ya kuvu katika eneo linalodhaniwa kuwa limechafuliwa wakati wa mfiduo. "Kama ilivyoelezwa hapo juu, ""kuna uhusiano wa kuonekana kwa ukungu wakati mshtakiwa alipohusika (kwa mfano, ikiwa madai yanahusisha uuzaji, kwamba ukungu ulikuwepo katika muundo kabla ya uuzaji).""" Vizuizi vya kuwa na vifaa vya kupima na maabara vilivyothibitishwa vizuri, uhusiano wa kimwili kati ya eneo lililoharibiwa na mwombaji aliyefunuliwa, na uhusiano na mwenendo usiofaa wa mshtakiwa ni changamoto kubwa. "Mwanasheria huyo alidai kwamba ""ushuhuda wa wataalamu wa mwombaji haujathibitishwa kisayansi, ambayo ni uwezekano halisi kwa kuzingatia ukosefu wa makubaliano ya kisayansi kuhusu sumu ya kuvu na mbinu ya kutiliwa shaka inayotumiwa na makampuni mengi ya sampuli ya mazingira.""" Ni muhimu kuzingatia uvamizi wowote wa maji kama hatari. Wamiliki wa mali (wauzaji) na wasimamizi wa mali lazima pia waelewe jinsi ya kutibu maeneo yaliyoambukizwa kuvu mara tu yanapogunduliwa. Ikiwa kesi ya kisheria inatokea, kwa kawaida ni ndefu na ya gharama kubwa, lakini licha ya hukumu kubwa, mbinu ya kupima na sababu ni ngumu kuthibitisha. | <urn:uuid:8038845b-7e1b-4905-b598-7f768f2108fe> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://zelmserlich.com/2021/02/risks-and-difficulties-in-mold-litigation/ | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art, established in 1859 in Manhattan, New York, is among the nation's oldest and most distinguished institutions of higher education. The college offers an unparalleled education in art, architecture and engineering, and has given every admitted student a full tuition scholarship for 150 years. It was founded by inventor, industrialist and philanthropist, Peter Cooper.
Cooper (1791-1883) was a workingman's son who had less than a year of formal schooling. Yet he went on to become an industrialist and an inventor. Cooper made his fortune with a glue factory and an iron foundry. Later, he turned his entrepreneurial skills to successful ventures in real estate, insurance, telegraphy, and railroads. It was Peter Cooper who designed and built America's first steam locomotive, the Tom Thumb. Cooper also invented instant gelatin (for which he received a patent in 1845).
As a boy, Peter Cooper learned carpentry, beer brewing, and hat and coach making; but he was acutely aware of his lack of "even a common education." Though he later became one of America's richest men, he could not spell. In 1800, as a nine-year-old apprentice carriage-maker in New York City, he had unsuccessfully sought a place where he could learn scientific techniques and theory to supplement his innate inventiveness and manual skill.
As he grew up, Cooper never forgot his beginnings or his lack of education. He thought children of immigrants and the working class deserved access to education. Believing that education should be "as free as water and air" he spent the last 30 years of his life creating and nurturing a school for the "boys and girls of this city, who had no better opportunity than I."
As one of the first colleges to offer a free education to working-class children and to women, Cooper Union was a pioneer long before access to education became public policy. At first, Cooper Union provided night classes for men and women in the applied sciences and architectural drawing.
In addition, the college's Female School of Design, open during the day, offered free art classes as well as training in the new occupations of photography, telegraphy, "type-writing" and shorthand. Those free classes — a landmark in American history and the prototype for what is now called continuing education — evolved into three distinguished schools that make up The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art: the School of Art, the Irwin S. Chanin School of Architecture and the Albert Nerken School of Engineering.
Cooper, however, founded more than a college. From the beginning, Cooper Union also provided a public reading room and library, and a meeting place for artists and inventors. In the historic 900-seat Great Hall, the public heard social and political reformers as well as free lectures on science and government.
Today, the Great Hall continues as a home for public forums, cultural events and community activities. Cooper Union is also the place where Thomas Edison and Felix Frankfurter were students; where the Red Cross and NAACP were organized and where Susan B. Anthony had her offices. Peter Cooper's dream was to give talented young people the one privilege he lacked—a good education. He also wanted to make possible the development of talent that otherwise would have gone undiscovered.
Since 1859, Cooper Union has educated thousands of artists, architects and engineers, many of them leaders in their fields. “My hope is that the love and desire for scientific knowledge will cause unborn thousands to throng the hall of Cooper Union to learn the beauties and to obtain the benefits provided in nature for the use and elevation of mankind. These will be known and enjoyed where men keep, subdue and hold dominion over the world and all that is in it. I trust the young will here catch the inspiration of truth in all its native power and beauty and find in it a source of inexpressible pleasure to spread its transformed influence throughout the world." | Cooper Union kwa ajili ya Maendeleo ya Sayansi na Sanaa, ilianzishwa mwaka 1859 katika Manhattan, New York, ni miongoni mwa taasisi za taifa ya zamani na bora zaidi ya elimu ya juu. Chuo hicho kinatoa elimu isiyo na kifani katika sanaa, usanifu na uhandisi, na kimetoa kila mwanafunzi aliyekubaliwa na udhamini kamili wa masomo kwa miaka 150. Ilianzishwa na mvumbuzi, mfanyabiashara na mfadhili, Peter Cooper. Cooper (1791-1883) alikuwa mwana wa mfanyakazi ambaye alikuwa na chini ya mwaka mmoja wa shule rasmi. Hata hivyo, baadaye akawa mfanyabiashara na mvumbuzi. Cooper alipata utajiri wake kutokana na kiwanda cha gundi na kiwanda cha kutengeneza chuma. Baadaye, alitumia ustadi wake wa ujasiriamali kufanikiwa katika biashara ya mali isiyohamishika, bima, telegrafu, na reli. Peter Cooper ndiye aliyebuni na kujenga gari-moshi la kwanza la mvuke la Marekani, Tom Thumb. Cooper pia alivumbua gelatin ya haraka (ambayo alipokea hati miliki mnamo 1845). Alipokuwa mvulana, Peter Cooper alijifunza kazi ya mbao, kutengeneza bia, na kutengeneza kofia na magari; lakini alijua sana kwamba hakuwa na "hata elimu ya kawaida". Ingawa baadaye akawa mmoja wa watu matajiri zaidi wa Marekani, hakuweza kuandika herufi. Mwaka 1800, akiwa na umri wa miaka tisa, alikuwa akijifunza kutengeneza magari ya kukokotwa huko New York City, lakini hakufaulu kutafuta mahali ambapo angeweza kujifunza mbinu za kisayansi na nadharia ili kuongeza ubunifu wake wa asili na ustadi wake wa mikono. Alipokuwa akikua, Cooper hakusahau kamwe mwanzo wake au ukosefu wake wa elimu. Alifikiri kwamba watoto wa wahamiaji na wa tabaka la wafanyakazi walipaswa kupata elimu. "Kwa kuamini kwamba elimu inapaswa kuwa ""bure kama maji na hewa,"" alitumia miaka 30 ya mwisho ya maisha yake kuunda na kukuza shule kwa ""wavulana na wasichana wa mji huu, ambao hawakuwa na fursa bora kuliko mimi.""" Kama moja ya vyuo vikuu vya kwanza kutoa elimu ya bure kwa watoto wa wafanyakazi na wanawake, Cooper Union ilikuwa ya kwanza muda mrefu kabla ya upatikanaji wa elimu akawa sera ya umma. Mwanzoni, Cooper Union ilitoa madarasa ya usiku kwa wanaume na wanawake katika sayansi ya kutumika na uchoraji wa usanifu. Shule ya Wanawake ya Ubunifu, iliyofunguliwa wakati wa mchana, ilitoa madarasa ya bure ya sanaa na mafunzo katika kazi mpya za kupiga picha, telegraphy, "kuandika-maandishi" na stenography. Shule hizo za bure - alama katika historia ya Marekani na mfano wa kile ambacho sasa huitwa elimu ya kuendelea - zilibadilika kuwa shule tatu za kipekee ambazo zinaunda Muungano wa Cooper kwa Maendeleo ya Sayansi na Sanaa: Shule ya Sanaa, Shule ya Usanifu wa Irwin S. Chanin na Shule ya Uhandisi ya Albert Nerken. Hata hivyo, Cooper hakuanzisha tu chuo kikuu. Tangu mwanzo, Cooper Union pia ilitoa chumba cha kusoma cha umma na maktaba, na mahali pa kukutana kwa wasanii na wavumbuzi. Katika ukumbi mkubwa wa kihistoria wenye viti 900, watu walisikiliza wasimamizi wa mageuzi ya kijamii na kisiasa na pia hotuba za bure juu ya sayansi na serikali. Leo, Jumba Kuu linaendelea kuwa nyumba ya vikao vya umma, matukio ya kitamaduni na shughuli za jamii. Cooper Union pia ni mahali ambapo Thomas Edison na Felix Frankfurter walikuwa wanafunzi; ambapo Msalaba Mwekundu na NAACP ziliandaliwa na ambapo Susan B. Anthony alikuwa na ofisi zake. Ndoto ya Peter Cooper ilikuwa kuwapa vijana wenye vipaji pendeleo moja alilokosa - elimu nzuri. Pia alitaka kuwezesha ukuzi wa vipaji ambavyo vinginevyo vingeweza kutokezwa. Tangu 1859 Cooper Union imefundisha maelfu ya wasanii, wasanifu na wahandisi, wengi wao viongozi katika nyanja zao. """Natumaini kwamba upendo na hamu ya maarifa ya kisayansi itasababisha maelfu ya watoto ambao hawajazaliwa kuja katika ukumbi wa Cooper Union kujifunza uzuri na kupata faida zinazotolewa katika asili kwa matumizi na kuinuliwa kwa wanadamu." Hizi zitakuwa zinajulikana na kufurahia mahali ambapo watu wanashikilia, wanashinda na kushikilia utawala juu ya ulimwengu na yote yaliyomo ndani yake. "Natumaini vijana hapa watachukua msukumo wa ukweli katika nguvu yake yote ya asili na uzuri na kuipata katika chanzo cha furaha isiyoelezeka kueneza ushawishi wake wa kubadilisha ulimwenguni kote. """ | <urn:uuid:07b41707-23da-439c-a720-7e8831597901> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | http://pencilstubs.com/magazine/MagPage.asp?NID=4115 | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474674.35/warc/CC-MAIN-20240227085429-20240227115429-00712.warc.gz |
BACKGROUND Leptin is the hormonal product of the obese (ob) gene and is expressed by adipocytes. The level of circulating leptin is directly proportional to the total amount of fat in the body.1 It plays a role in the regulation of food intake and metabolism. Leptin acts on receptors in the hypothalamus of the brain. It counteracts the effects of neuropeptide Y and anandamide , both are potent feeding stimulants. Moreover, it promotes the synthesis of α-MSH, an appetite suppressant. Thus,food intake was inhibited. The absence of a functional hormone (or its receptor) leads to uncontrolled food intake and resulting obesity. Leptin also acts on hypothalamic neurons responsible for the secretion of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) and stimulating the sympathetic nervous system to modulate the balance between the formation and breakdown of bone.2 In addition to its effect on the hypothalamus, leptin acts directly on the cells of the liver and skeletal muscle where it stimulates the oxidation of fatty acids in the mitochondria. This reduces the storage of fat in those tissues (but not in adipose tissue). It also acts on T cells where it enhances the production of Th1 cells promoting inflammation. Mice without leptin are protected from autoimmune disease.3 Mutations in the gene for leptin, or in its receptor, are rarely found in obese people.
1. Houseknecht, K. H. et al: J. Anim. Sci. 76:1405-20, 1998
2. Margetic, S. et al: Int. J. Obesity 26:1407-1433, 2002
3. Ahima, R.S. & Flier, J.S.: Ann. Rev. Physiol. 62:413-437, 2000
Products are for research use only. They are not intended for human, animal, or diagnostic applications.
Target Protein Species:
No detectable cross-reactivity
with any other cytokine.
Store at 4°C. Use within 6 months.
ELISA Kits are based on standard sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay technology. Freshly prepared standards, samples, and solutions are recommended for best results. | Leptin ni bidhaa ya homoni ya jeni ya kunenepa kupita kiasi (obese) na huonyeshwa na adipocytes. Kiasi cha leptin katika damu ni sawa na kiasi cha mafuta katika mwili, na huathiri kiasi cha chakula na metabolism. Leptin huathiri vipokezi vilivyo katika hypothalamus ya ubongo. Inapinga athari za neuropeptide Y na anandamide, zote mbili ni kichocheo cha nguvu cha kulisha. Kwa kuongezea, huchochea utengenezaji wa α-MSH, dawa ya kupunguza hamu ya kula. Hivyo, ulaji wa chakula ulizuiliwa. Kutokuwepo kwa homoni inayofanya kazi (au kipokeaji chake) husababisha ulaji wa chakula usioweza kudhibitiwa na kusababisha unene kupita kiasi. Leptin pia huathiri neuroni za hypothalamus zinazohusika na kutokwa kwa homoni ya kutolewa kwa gonadotropin (GNRH) na kuchochea mfumo wa neva wa sympathetic ili kurekebisha usawa kati ya malezi na uharibifu wa mifupa. Hii hupunguza kuhifadhi mafuta katika tishu hizo (lakini si katika tishu ya mafuta). Pia huathiri chembe za T, ambazo huongeza uzalishaji wa chembe za Th1 zinazohimiza uvimbe. Panya wasio na leptin wanalindwa kutokana na magonjwa ya autoimmune.3 Mabadiliko katika jeni ya leptin, au katika kipokezi chake, ni nadra kupatikana kwa watu wanene kupita kiasi. 1. Uwe na mtazamo wa kweli Houseknecht, K. H. et al: J. Anim. Sayansi. 76:1405 1998-20) na ni muhimu sana. Margetic, S. et al: Int. J. Obesity 26144 - Ugonjwa wa kupindukia Ahima, R.S. & Flier, J. S. Ann: (Anna) Mchungaji. Physiol. 62 433 - 2000 - Bidhaa ni kwa ajili ya matumizi ya utafiti tu. Wao si lengo kwa ajili ya binadamu, wanyama, au maombi ya utambuzi. Aina ya protini ya lengo: Hakuna cross-reactivity inayoonekana na cytokine nyingine yoyote. Hifadhi katika 4 ° C. Tumia ndani ya miezi sita. Vifaa vya ELISA vinategemea teknolojia ya kawaida ya uchunguzi wa immunosorbent iliyounganishwa na enzyme ya sandwich. Viwango, sampuli, na suluhisho zilizotengenezwa hivi karibuni hupendekezwa kwa ajili ya matokeo bora. | <urn:uuid:a0e055cd-dcb9-4dc4-aed3-e6fa1c560c20> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | http://sputnic-group.ru/catalog/section_1386109/ | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474674.35/warc/CC-MAIN-20240227085429-20240227115429-00712.warc.gz |
Scientific writing can be a complex and arduous process, for it simultaneously demands clarity and conciseness; two elements that often clash with each other. In addition, accuracy and integrity are fundamental components of the scientific enterprise and, therefore, of scientific writing. Thus, good scientific writing must be characterized by clear expression, conciseness, accuracy of what is being reported, and perhaps most importantly, honesty. Unfortunately, writing, or for that matter the entire scientific process, often occurs within the constraints of tight deadlines and other competing pressures. As a result of these constraints, scientific papers, whether generated by science students or by seasoned professionals, will at times be deficient in one or more of the above components.
Insufficient clarity or lack of conciseness are typically unintentional and relatively easy to remedy by standard educational or editorial steps. Lapses in the accuracy of what is reported (e.g., faulty observations, incorrect interpretation of results) are also assumed to be most often unintentional in nature, but such lapses, even if unintentional, can have significant undesirable consequences if not corrected. Intentional lapses in integrity, even if seemingly minor, are by far the most serious type of problem because such misconduct runs contrary to the primary goal of the scientific enterprise, which is the search for truth.
In scientific writing, perhaps the most widely recognized unethical lapse is plagiarism. Plagiarism can occur in many forms and some of the more subtle instances, while arguably unethical in nature, may not be classified as scientific misconduct by federal agencies such as the National Science Foundation (NSF) or the Office of Research Integrity (ORI). Nevertheless, the ethical professional is expected to operate at the highest levels of scientific integrity and, therefore, must avoid all forms of writing that could be conceptualized as plagiarism.
There are other questionable writing practices, some of which may be quite common in professional scientific writing. One example is reporting and discussing results of one’s research in the context of literature that is supportive of our conclusions while at the same time ignoring evidence that is contrary to our findings. Another writing ‘malpractice’ occurs when another author’s review of a literature is used, yet the reader is led to believe that the current author has conducted the actual review.
- Avoiding plagiarism Plagiarism and authorship disputes
- Avoiding plagiarism :Guideline 9: Plagiarism and common knowledge
- Avoiding plagiarism :Guideline 7&8 Paraphrasing highly technical language
- Avoiding plagiarism :Guideline 6:Examples of paraphrasing: Good and Bad
- Avoiding plagiarism :Guideline 6: Paraphrasing and Plagiarism
- Avoiding plagiarism :Guideline 4 & 5: Inappropriate paraphrasing
- Avoiding Plagiarism Guideline 2 & 3: Plagiarism of text
- Avoiding plagiarism :Guideline 1 Plagiarism of ideas : Acknowledging the source of our ideas
- What is Plagiarism?
- On ethical writing | Kuandika kwa kisayansi kunaweza kuwa mchakato mgumu na mgumu, kwa sababu wakati huohuo inahitaji uwazi na ufupi; mambo mawili ambayo mara nyingi hupingana. Kwa kuongezea, usahihi na uadilifu ni sehemu za msingi za mradi wa kisayansi na, kwa hiyo, wa uandishi wa kisayansi. Kwa hiyo, maandishi mazuri ya kisayansi lazima yaonyeshwe kwa usemi ulio wazi, ufupi, usahihi wa yale yanayoripotiwa, na labda muhimu zaidi, uaminifu. Kwa bahati mbaya, kuandika, au kwa suala hilo mchakato mzima wa kisayansi, mara nyingi hutokea ndani ya vizuizi vya tarehe za mwisho nyembamba na shinikizo nyingine za ushindani. Kama matokeo ya vikwazo hivi, karatasi za kisayansi, iwe zinazozalishwa na wanafunzi wa sayansi au na wataalamu wenye uzoefu, wakati mwingine zitakuwa na upungufu katika moja au zaidi ya vipengele vya juu. Uwazi usio wa kutosha au ukosefu wa ufupi kwa kawaida ni unintentional na ni rahisi kurekebisha kwa hatua za kawaida za elimu au uhariri. Mapungufu katika usahihi wa kile kinachoripotiwa (kwa mfano, uchunguzi usio sahihi, tafsiri isiyo sahihi ya matokeo) pia hufikiriwa kuwa mara nyingi haijulikani kwa asili, lakini mapungufu kama hayo, hata ikiwa hayakukubaliwa, yanaweza kuwa na matokeo muhimu yasiyotakiwa ikiwa hayatasahihishwa. "Kutokuwa na uadilifu kwa makusudi, hata kama ni kidogo, ni aina kubwa zaidi ya tatizo kwa sababu tabia mbaya kama hiyo inapita kinyume na lengo kuu la mradi wa kisayansi, ambayo ni kutafuta ukweli. """ Katika uandishi wa kisayansi, labda kosa lisilo la adili linalotambuliwa sana ni uandishi bandia. Ulaghai unaweza kutokea katika aina nyingi na baadhi ya matukio ya kisasa zaidi, wakati arguably unethical katika asili, inaweza kuwa si classified kama tabia mbaya ya kisayansi na mashirika ya shirikisho kama vile National Science Foundation (NSF) au Ofisi ya Uadilifu wa Utafiti (ORI). Hata hivyo, mtaalamu wa maadili anatarajiwa kufanya kazi katika viwango vya juu vya uadilifu wa kisayansi na, kwa hiyo, lazima aepuke aina zote za uandishi ambazo zinaweza kuwa na dhana kama plagiarism. Kuna mazoea mengine ya uandishi yenye kutiliwa shaka, ambayo baadhi yake yanaweza kuwa ya kawaida sana katika uandishi wa kisayansi wa kitaaluma. Mfano mmoja ni kuripoti na kujadili matokeo ya utafiti wa mtu katika muktadha wa fasihi ambayo inasaidia hitimisho letu wakati wakati huo huo kupuuza ushahidi ambao ni kinyume na matokeo yetu. Mwingine kuandika "malpractice" hutokea wakati mwandishi mwingine'mapitio ya fasihi ni kutumika, bado msomaji ni kuongozwa kuamini kwamba mwandishi wa sasa imefanya mapitio halisi. "Kutoka kwa ""plagiarism"" na ""plagiarism"" ni suala la msingi, na kwa hivyo, kwa sababu ya ""plagiarism"" na ""plagiarism,"" ni muhimu kutambua chanzo cha wazo lako na kuepuka kuiba." - Juu ya uandishi wa maadili | <urn:uuid:7623ace8-2c80-40b3-8055-1985e324a4b7> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | http://written.co/2019/12/27/avoiding-plagiarism-self-plagiarism-and-other-questionable-writing-practices-a-guide-to-ethical-writing/ | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474674.35/warc/CC-MAIN-20240227085429-20240227115429-00712.warc.gz |
Antonyms for pillars are words or phrases that represent the opposite of stability, support, and foundation. While pillars symbolize strength and reliability, antonyms for pillars convey ideas of weakness, instability, or absence of support. By exploring antonyms for pillars, we can uncover a new perspective on the concept of strength and stability, considering alternative ways to represent these qualities within language.
Antonyms for pillars serve as linguistic contrasts to the traditional image of a strong, sturdy foundation. They offer insight into the diversity of language and the varied ways in which concepts can be expressed. By examining antonyms for pillars, we can enrich our understanding of the complexities of language and the nuances in how we communicate ideas of stability and support.
Exploring antonyms for pillars provides a unique opportunity to think beyond conventional representations of strength and reliability. By delving into the opposite meanings of pillars, we can challenge our perceptions and broaden our vocabulary to include a range of expressions that convey different shades of meaning related to stability and support.
35 Antonyms for PILLAR With Sentences
Here’s a complete list of opposite for pillar. Practice and let us know if you have any questions regarding PILLAR antonyms.
|Sentence with Pillar
|Sentence with Antonym
|The pillar of the company’s success is teamwork.
|Building on a shaky foundation is risky.
|Confidence is the pillar of high achievement.
|Doubt is a weakness that holds you back.
|The pillar stood tall and strong amidst the storm.
|The house shook with unsteadiness during the earthquake.
|The ancient temple’s pillars withstood the test of time.
|Without support, the structure will collapse.
|Traditional values are the pillars of our society.
|Being flexible allows for creative solutions.
|The stone pillars of the ruins marked a lost civilization.
|Deterioration of the building’s structure was evident.
|Education is the pillar upon which a future is built.
|A strong base is crucial for any structure to stand.
|The pillar of democracy is a fair election process.
|Wavering leadership can lead to chaos.
|Friendship serves as a pillar during tough times.
|Insecurity can hinder relationships.
|The marble pillar supported the weight of the arches.
|The tower began to topple from its shaky base.
|The pillar of dedication kept the team going.
|Surrendering to challenges is not an option.
|Family is the pillar that holds us together.
|Without support, the organization will crumble.
|Pillars of justice uphold the law in society.
|Instability in leadership causes uncertainty.
|The pillar of unity strengthened the community.
|Difficulties arise when there’s a weak foundation.
|The pillar of strength in the team was resilience.
|Mobility in decision-making is advantageous.
|The ancient temple’s pillars were beautifully carved.
|Over time, neglect caused them to disintegrate.
|The pillar of trust is crucial in any relationship.
|Lack of honesty can lead to erosion of trust.
|The pillar of tradition is held dear by many.
|Embracing alternatives is vital for progress.
|The financial pillar of the company was stability.
|Without financial stability, the company will crumble.
|Respect and empathy form the pillars of a strong team.
|Division weakens the bond of unity among people.
|Cooperation is a key pillar in achieving goals.
|A lack of coordination can disrupt progress.
|The moral pillar guided his decisions in life.
|Disregard for ethics can lead to negative consequences.
|The pillar of wisdom guided his every decision.
|Without direction, one may sway with uncertainty.
|The pillar of perseverance led him to success.
|Without a firm resolve, goals may never be achieved.
|The pillar of creativity fuels innovation.
|Being limber in thinking allows for new ideas.
|The pillar of health is essential for a good life.
|Neglect can weaken the body’s defenses.
|The pillar of learning opens doors to opportunities.
|Continuous learning helps strengthen skills.
|The pillar of protection shields against harm.
|Lack of safeguards can lead to vulnerability.
|The pillar of gravity holds everything in place.
|Without support, objects will float aimlessly.
Final Thoughts about Antonyms of PILLAR
In construction, support structures play a crucial role in providing stability and strength to buildings. While pillars are typically associated with being firm and reliable, their antonyms such as weak, flimsy, and unstable convey the opposite characteristics. Buildings constructed without sturdy pillars can become precarious, unreliable, and prone to collapse. Therefore, it is essential to ensure that structures are built with solid support systems to guarantee safety and durability.
A strong foundation is vital in upholding the integrity of a building, and choosing the right support structures is paramount in ensuring its longevity. By avoiding weak, fragile, and wobbly alternatives to pillars, construction projects can maintain their strength and resilience over time. Incorporating robust support systems helps safeguard against structural failures and ensures the stability and safety of buildings for years to come. | Maneno au misemo inayopingana na nguzo huwakilisha kinyume cha uthabiti, utegemezo, na msingi. Ingawa nguzo hufananisha nguvu na kutegemeka, maneno yanayopingana na nguzo huonyesha udhaifu, ukosefu wa uthabiti, au kukosa utegemezo. Kwa kuchunguza antonyms kwa nguzo, tunaweza kufunua mtazamo mpya juu ya dhana ya nguvu na utulivu, kuzingatia njia mbadala za kuwakilisha sifa hizi ndani ya lugha. Majina yanayopingana na nguzo hutumika kama tofauti za lugha na picha ya kitamaduni ya msingi wenye nguvu, wenye nguvu. Zinaonyesha jinsi lugha zilivyo tofauti-tofauti na jinsi mawazo yanavyoweza kuelezwa kwa njia mbalimbali. Kwa kuchunguza antonyms kwa nguzo, tunaweza kutajirisha uelewa wetu wa utata wa lugha na nuances katika jinsi sisi kuwasiliana mawazo ya utulivu na msaada. Kuchunguza antonyms kwa nguzo hutoa fursa ya kipekee ya kufikiri zaidi ya uwakilishi wa kawaida wa nguvu na kuegemea. Kwa kuchunguza maana tofauti za nguzo, tunaweza kupinga maoni yetu na kupanua msamiati wetu ili kujumuisha maneno mbalimbali ambayo yanatoa maumbo tofauti ya maana inayohusiana na utulivu na msaada. 35 Antonyms kwa PILAR na Sentences Hapa ni orodha kamili ya kinyume kwa nguzo. Mazoezi na tujulishe kama una maswali yoyote kuhusu PILLAR antonyms. <p>Sentence na Pillar <p>Sentence na Antonym <p>The nguzo ya mafanikio ya kampuni ni kazi ya timu. Kujenga juu ya msingi usio imara ni hatari. _Ukweli ni nguzo ya mafanikio ya juu. Shaka ni udhaifu unaokuzuia. Nguzo hiyo ilisimama ndefu na yenye nguvu katikati ya dhoruba. Nyumba ilitetemeka kwa kutokuwa imara wakati wa tetemeko la ardhi. Nguzo za hekalu la kale zilivumilia mtihani wa wakati. Bila msaada, jengo hilo litaharibika. | Thamani za jadi ni nguzo za jamii yetu. _ Kuwa na kubadilika-badilika huwezesha suluhisho za ubunifu. Nguzo za mawe za magofu hayo zilionyesha kwamba kulikuwa na ustaarabu uliopotea. <unk>Uharibifu wa muundo wa jengo ulikuwa dhahiri. Elimu ni nguzo ambayo siku zijazo hujengwa juu yake. Msingi imara ni muhimu kwa ajili ya muundo wowote kusimama. Nguzo ya demokrasia ni mchakato wa uchaguzi wa haki. Uongozi wenye kutatanisha waweza kusababisha machafuko. Urafiki ni nguzo katika nyakati ngumu. Ukosefu wa usalama wa kibinafsi unaweza kuharibu mahusiano. Nguzo ya marumaru iliunga mkono uzito wa matao hayo. Mnara huo ulianza kuanguka kutoka kwenye msingi wake uliotetemeka. Nguzo ya kujitolea iliweka timu ikiendelea. """Kujisalimisha kwa changamoto si chaguo." Familia ni nguzo inayotushikilia pamoja. Bila msaada, shirika litaharibika. Nguzo za haki hutegemeza sheria katika jamii. _Usimamo katika uongozi husababisha kutokuwa na uhakika. <unk> Nguzo ya umoja iliimarisha jumuiya. <unk>Gumu hutokea wakati kuna msingi dhaifu. Nguzo ya nguvu katika timu ilikuwa upinzani. |Uhamisho katika kufanya maamuzi ni faida. Nguzo za hekalu la kale zilikuwa zimetengenezwa kwa ustadi. Baada ya muda, kutojali kulisababisha vimevunjika. Nguzo ya uaminifu ni muhimu katika uhusiano wowote. Ukosefu wa uaminifu-mshikamanifu unaweza kusababisha kuharibika kwa uaminifu. Nguzo ya utamaduni inathaminiwa na wengi. <unk>Kukubali mbadala ni muhimu kwa maendeleo. <unk> Nguzo ya kifedha ya kampuni ilikuwa utulivu. Bila utulivu wa kifedha, kampuni itaharibika. Heshima na hisia-mwenzi ni nguzo za timu yenye nguvu. |Ugawanyiko hupunguza uhusiano wa umoja kati ya watu. _Ushirikiano ni nguzo muhimu katika kufikia malengo. _ Ukosefu wa uratibu wa mambo unaweza kuzuia maendeleo. Nguzo ya maadili iliongoza maamuzi yake maishani. <unk>Kupuuza maadili kunaweza kusababisha matokeo mabaya. Nguzo ya hekima iliongoza kila uamuzi wake. Bila mwelekeo, mtu aweza kutikisika kwa kutokuwa na uhakika. Nguzo ya uvumilivu ilimwongoza kwenye mafanikio. Bila azimio thabiti, huenda malengo yasitokee kamwe. Nguzo ya ubunifu huchochea uvumbuzi. Kuwa na uwezo wa kufikiri huwezesha mawazo mapya. Nguzo ya afya ni muhimu kwa maisha mazuri. |Kupuuza kunaweza kudhoofisha nguvu za mwili. Nguzo ya kujifunza hufungua milango ya fursa. Kujifunza kwa kuendelea husaidia kuimarisha ujuzi. Nguzo ya ulinzi huhifadhi dhidi ya madhara. _ Ukosefu wa ulinzi unaweza kusababisha udhaifu. Nguzo ya mvuto huhifadhi kila kitu mahali pake. Bila utegemezo, vitu vitateleza bila kusudi. Mawazo ya mwisho kuhusu antonyms ya PILAR Katika ujenzi, miundo ya msaada kucheza jukumu muhimu katika kutoa utulivu na nguvu kwa majengo. Ingawa nguzo kwa kawaida huhusianishwa na kuwa imara na yenye kutegemeka, maneno yao yanayopingana kama vile dhaifu, dhaifu, na yasiyo thabiti huonyesha sifa kinyume. Majengo yaliyojengwa bila nguzo imara yaweza kuwa yasiyo thabiti, yasiyotegemeka, na yenye uwezekano wa kuanguka. Kwa hiyo, ni muhimu kuhakikisha kwamba miundo ni kujengwa na mifumo imara ya msaada kuhakikisha usalama na uimara. Msingi imara ni muhimu katika kudumisha uadilifu wa jengo, na kuchagua miundo sahihi ya msaada ni muhimu katika kuhakikisha maisha yake ya muda mrefu. Kwa kuepuka mbadala dhaifu, dhaifu, na dhaifu kwa nguzo, miradi ya ujenzi inaweza kudumisha nguvu na uimara wao kwa muda. Kuingiza mifumo ya msaada imara husaidia kulinda dhidi ya kushindwa kwa muundo na kuhakikisha utulivu na usalama wa majengo kwa miaka ijayo. | <urn:uuid:78f7a27f-7e2d-47f7-9fab-603d647efc7c> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | http://www.applied-grammar.com/opposite-of-pillar/ | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474674.35/warc/CC-MAIN-20240227085429-20240227115429-00712.warc.gz |
April 6, 2016
It was 1941, April, when the smell of gunpowder, smoke and ashes ruined one of the most beautiful months in Belgrade. The serenity of this spring morning was disrupted by the sounds of German planes and death-dealing projectiles. The streets were resonating with spine-chilling sounds and deafening fear. The most devastating attack in the history of the Serbian capital – the Nazi bombing of Belgrade – had just begun.
[Without war being declared or a warning sent by the Nazis, the Germans attacked on the 6th of April, 1941], and the capital of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia lost a significant part of its residential buildings and infrastructure as well as many cultural monuments. Over 200 German bombers flew over Belgrade on that hellish morning. In four air strikes they deployed over 360 tons of bombs. However, the devastation didn’t end here.
In the following two days, 484 aircraft took part in the attack on Belgrade and of these, 234 were bombers and 120 were fighter aircraft. The precise number of casualties remains unknown but it is supposedly around the 2,274 mark. The German estimates of the Yugoslav casualties were between 1,500 and 1,700.
In these cruel attacks on Belgrade, the parts of the city around the Main railway station, Slavija, Senjak, the city centre and the Terazije square, governmental buildings in Nemanjina street and those in Knez Miloš street, and most of the residential area in Dorćol were severely damaged. The National Library, once located in Kosančićev venac, was completely destroyed, with over 300,000 books (which was the entire library fund) including invaluable copies, lost in the fire.
According to Darko Ćirić, a renowned historian, out of 19,641 buildings which existed in Belgrade before the war, 9,365 were destroyed or damaged. 8,000 families were left without a roof over their heads.
According to numerous historical experts, the April attack was Hitler’s retribution for the 27th of March, 1941 when the ruling trio of Cvetković-Maček and the regent Pavle Karađorđević were overthrown [in a coup] for signing a pact with Germany. This is why many think that the bombing was Hitler’s personal vengeance and therefore had a political-terrorist character.
The coup of March 27 basically determined the fate of Yugoslavia and paved its road to the group of countries opposing Nazi Germany. As soon as news of the coup reached the people, in Belgrade and in the whole of Yugoslavia, mass street demonstrations took place in support of the coup.
"Bolje rat nego pakt” (roughly translated “Better a war than the pact”) and “Bolje grob nego rob” (“Better the grave than a slave”) were the words that marked the famous coup. Soon after, Winston Churchill, Britain’s leader, stated that “Yugoslavia found its soul.” [Shortly after that, the brutal attacks by Germany began.] Yugoslavia was torn into pieces and the Nazi occupiers formed the so-called Independent state of Croatia...
The Yugoslav army capitulated on the 17th of April.
If you would like to get in touch with me, Aleksandra, please feel free to contact me at [email protected] | Aprili ya 1941 ilikuwa mwezi wa kwanza wa mwaka wa vita, wakati harufu ya risasi, moshi na majivu iliharibu moja ya miezi bora zaidi ya Belgrade. Utulivu wa asubuhi hiyo ya masika ulivurugwa na sauti za ndege za Ujerumani na makombora yenye kuua. Barabara zilikuwa na sauti zenye kuogopesha na hofu yenye kufadhaisha. Shambulio lenye uharibifu mkubwa zaidi katika historia ya mji mkuu wa Serbia - mabomu ya Nazi ya Belgrade - yalikuwa yameanza tu. "Hata hivyo, ""bila vita kuangazwa au onyo kutumwa na Nazi, Wajerumani walishambulia Aprili 6, 1941,"" na mji mkuu wa Ufalme wa Yugoslavia ulipoteza sehemu kubwa ya majengo yake ya makazi na miundombinu, pamoja na makaburi mengi ya kitamaduni." Ndege za kivita zaidi ya 200 za Ujerumani zilipaa juu ya Belgrade asubuhi hiyo ya kuzimu. Katika mashambulizi hayo ya angani, makombora zaidi ya tani 360 yalitumiwa. Hata hivyo, uharibifu huo haukukoma hapa. Ndege 484 zilishiriki katika shambulio la Belgrade, 234 zilikuwa za mabomu na 120 zilikuwa za kivita. Idadi halisi ya majeruhi bado haijulikani lakini inakadiriwa kuwa karibu 2,274. Takwimu za Ujerumani za majeruhi wa Yugoslavia zilikuwa kati ya 1,500 na 1,700 Katika mashambulizi hayo ya kikatili dhidi ya Belgrade, sehemu za jiji karibu na Kituo Kikuu cha Reli, Slavija, Senjak, kituo cha jiji na uwanja wa Terazije, majengo ya serikali katika barabara ya Nemanjina na yale katika barabara ya Knez Milos, na sehemu kubwa ya eneo la makazi huko Dorćol ziliharibiwa sana. Maktaba ya Taifa, iliyokuwa katika Kosančićev venac, iliharibiwa kabisa, na vitabu zaidi ya 300,000 (ambayo ilikuwa mfuko mzima wa maktaba) ikiwa ni pamoja na nakala za thamani, zilipotea katika moto. Kulingana na Darko Cirić, mwanahistoria mashuhuri, kati ya majengo 19,641 yaliyokuwapo huko Belgrade kabla ya vita, 9,365 yaliharibiwa au kuharibiwa. Familia 8,000 ziliachwa bila nyumba. "Kwa mujibu wa wataalamu wengi wa historia, shambulio la Aprili lilikuwa ""mlipuko"" wa Hitler kwa ajili ya Machi 27, 1941, wakati wa tatu wa Cvetkovic-Mosheck na regent Pavel Karađorđević walipoangushwa kwa kuashiria mkataba na Ujerumani." Hii ndiyo sababu wengi wanafikiri kwamba mabomu hayo yalikuwa kisasi cha kibinafsi cha Hitler na kwa hiyo yalikuwa na tabia ya kigaidi cha kisiasa. Mapinduzi ya Machi 27 yaliamua hatima ya Yugoslavia na kuufanya kuwa sehemu ya kundi la nchi zilizopinga Ujerumani ya Nazi. Habari za mapinduzi hayo zilipofika kwa watu, katika Belgrade na katika Yugoslavia nzima, maandamano makubwa ya barabarani yalifanyika ili kuunga mkono mapinduzi hayo. "Bolje rat nego pakt<unk> (kwa ujumla kutafsiriwa <unk>Bora vita kuliko mkataba<unk>) na <unk>Bolje grob nego rob<unk> (<unk>Bora kaburi kuliko mtumwa<unk>) walikuwa maneno ambayo alama mapinduzi maarufu. Muda mfupi baadaye, Winston Churchill, kiongozi wa Uingereza, alisema kwamba <unk>Yugoslavia ilipata nafsi yake.<unk> [Punde baadaye, mashambulizi makali ya Ujerumani yalianza.] Yugoslavia ilivunjwa vipande-vipande na washambuliaji wa Nazi wakaunda kile kinachoitwa Jimbo la Uhuru la Kroatia... Jeshi la Yugoslavia lilijisalimisha Aprili 17. Kama unataka kuwasiliana na mimi, Aleksandra, tafadhali kujisikia huru kuwasiliana na mimi katika [email protected] | <urn:uuid:10be15d6-f97b-4d24-959d-cb6931bbe607> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | http://www.generalmihailovich.com/2016/04/360-tons-of-bombs-in-single-day-bombing.html | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474674.35/warc/CC-MAIN-20240227085429-20240227115429-00712.warc.gz |
A shekel made of pure silver that was used for trade in Jerusalem about 2,000 years ago, during the Second Temple period, was discovered in Jerusalem by an 11-year-old girl.
The coin weighs about 14 grams. On one side is an inscription of a cup with the caption: "Israeli shekel" and next to the cup are the letters: ש"ב – shorthand for “second year" - the second year of the Great Revolt of the Jews against the Romans (67-68 CE). On the other side of the coin is an inscription identified by scholars as the headquarters of the High Priest, and next to it appears in ancient Hebrew script the words: "Holy Jerusalem."
According to Dr. Robert Kool, Head of the Coin Department of the Israel Antiquities Authority, "This is a rare find, since out of many thousands of coins discovered to date in archeological excavations, only about 30 coins are coins made of silver, from the period of the Great Revolt."
The coin was discovered in dirt that came from archeological excavations conducted by the Israel Antiquities Authority on the "Pilgrimage Road," in the City of David National Park.
According to archaeologist Ari Levy, Director of the Excavation on behalf of the Israel Antiquities Authority, "This street, which connected the Siloam Pool in the south of the City of David to the Temple Mount in the north, was Jerusalem's main street during the Second Temple period, where thousands of pilgrims marched on their way to the Temple."
"There is no doubt that there would have been extensive trading here. This is evidenced by the many weights and bronze coins we have found here. But to find a rebel coin made of pure silver is definitely very special and exciting."
Dr. Kool theorizes that the silver from which the coin was made came from the plentiful silver reserves in the Temple, and that it was minted on the Temple Mount plaza - possibly by one of the priests, who worked in coordination with the rebel leaders and assisted them. Where else could you find silver in such quantity and such high quality in those days? Only in the Temple.
"If so, we can say with caution that this coin is, apparently, one of the only items we can hold today that originated on the Temple itself," he said.
"Everyone knows the Arch of Titus in Rome and the descriptions of loot taken from the Temple that appear on it, but not many are familiar with the huge silver reserves that were in the Temple. You can learn from the ancient inscription uncovered by the researcher Géza Alföldy about the huge silver reserves that were in the Temple."
Dr. Amit Reem, Jerusalem District Archaeologist of the Israel Antiquities Authority added: "This inscription revealed that the famous Colosseum we all know in Rome was built by the Romans from the spoils of the Temple looted from Jerusalem. It reads: 'Emperor Vespasian (who, along with his son Titus, suppressed the Jewish Revolt and destroyed the Temple) ordered the construction of this new theater amphitheater (the Colosseum) from his share of the spoils.'"
"One can only imagine the extent of the loot and the amount of money the Romans found in the Temple storehouses," commented Dr. Amit Reem.
As part of the excavation, the archaeological earth was sent for wet sifting in the Emek Tzurim Sifting Project, and the person who was privileged to discover the find was 11-year-old girl Liel Krutokop from Petah Tikva, who came with her parents and sister to do archeological sifting at the City of David.
"We poured the bucket with the dirt on the strainer, and as we filtered the stones that were inside, I saw something round," she said, describing the exciting moments of exposing the rare find. "At first, I did not know what it was, but it looked different from all the other stones. My father brought it to one of the assistants, and she showed it to an archaeologist. He looked at it and said it was a silver coin that needed to be cleaned. I was very excited."
According to the girl, "When I got to Emek Tzurim I thought there must be simple coins in the buckets, but I did not think I would find a coin myself, and certainly not such a rare coin from pure silver. I was lucky to find it, but I also want to say thank you to my sister for choosing the bucket we sifted. If she had not chosen this particular bucket, I probably would not have found the coin."
The coin, which was sent to the laboratories of the Israel Antiquities Authority, underwent a chemical process for cleaning, and recently, upon completion of the process, the significance of the find became clear.
According to Dr. Kool, "A currency is a sign of sovereignty. If you go into rebellion, you use one of the most obvious symbols of independence, and you mint coins. The inscription on the coin clearly expresses the rebels' aspirations."
"The choice to use ancient Hebrew script, which was no longer in use at the time, is not accidental. The use of this script came to express the longing of the people of the period for the days of David and Solomon and the days of a united Jewish kingdom - days when the people of Israel had full independence in the land."
According to Eli Escosido, Director of the Israel Antiquities Authority: "I was happy to see the excitement and curiosity that gripped Liel when finding the rare coin. It has importance for understanding the minting of coins, which I am certain she will share with her friends and family. The Israel Antiquities Authority considers the connection of the younger generation to our heritage, in an experiential and unmediated way, a top priority. Our educational center will come to Liel's class, mint coins, and share the importance of the find with her friends."
The rare coin will be presented to the public during Hanukkah at Emek Tzurim National Park in Jerusalem at the City of David and the National Parks Authority. The public is invited to come and participate in the "archeological sifting experience" that takes place there. | Shekeli ya fedha safi iliyotumiwa katika biashara huko Yerusalemu miaka 2,000 hivi iliyopita, wakati wa kipindi cha Hekalu la Pili, iligunduliwa huko Yerusalemu na msichana mwenye umri wa miaka 11. Sarafu hiyo ina uzito wa gramu 14. "Kulingana na maandishi ya Biblia, kikombe cha dhahabu kilichoandikwa ""Shekeli ya Israeli"" kilikuwa na herufi ""Shekeli ya Israeli"" (shekeli ya Israeli) na ""Shekeli ya Israeli"" (shekeli ya Israeli) kwenye sehemu ya pili ya kifuniko cha kikombe hicho." "Kulingana na maelezo ya wataalamu, sehemu ya pili ya sarafu hiyo ina maandishi yaliyoandikwa ""Jiji Takatifu la Yerusalemu"" na ""Jiji Takatifu la Yerusalemu.""" "Kulingana na Daktari Robert Kool, Mkuu wa Idara ya Sarafu ya Mamlaka ya Utafiti wa Vitu vya Kale ya Israeli, ""Hii ni ugunduzi wa nadra, kwa kuwa kati ya maelfu ya sarafu zilizogunduliwa hadi sasa katika uchimbuaji wa kiakiolojia, ni sarafu 30 tu zilizotengenezwa kwa fedha, kutoka kipindi cha Mapinduzi Makubwa.""" Sarafu hiyo iligunduliwa katika udongo uliotokana na uchimbuaji wa kiakiolojia uliofanywa na Shirika la Utafiti wa Vitu vya Kale la Israeli kwenye "Barabara ya Pilgrimu", katika Mbuga ya Kitaifa ya Jiji la Daudi. "Ari Levy, mkurugenzi wa uchunguzi wa vitu vya kale katika Israel, alisema: ""Mtaa huu, uliokuwa ukishikamana na Bwawa la Siloamu kusini mwa Jiji la Daudi na Mlima wa Hekalu kaskazini, ulikuwa barabara kuu ya Yerusalemu wakati wa kipindi cha Hekalu la Pili, ambapo maelfu ya waabudu walisafiri kuelekea Hekalu." "Hakuna shaka kwamba kulikuwa na biashara kubwa hapa. Jambo hilo linaonyeshwa na mizani na sarafu nyingi za shaba ambazo tumepata hapa. Lakini kupata sarafu ya waasi iliyotengenezwa kwa fedha safi ni jambo la pekee sana na lenye kusisimua sana". "Kul anasema kwamba fedha iliyotumiwa kutengeneza sarafu hiyo ilitoka kwenye hifadhi nyingi za fedha zilizokuwa Hekaluni, na kwamba ilitengenezwa katika uwanja wa Temple Mount, labda na mmoja wa makuhani, ambaye alifanya kazi kwa ushirikiano na viongozi wa waasi na kuwasaidia.""" Ni wapi pengine ambapo ungeweza kupata fedha kwa wingi na ubora kama huo katika siku hizo? Ni katika Hekalu tu. "Ikiwa ndivyo, tunaweza kusema kwa tahadhari kwamba sarafu hii ni, inaonekana, moja ya vitu tu tunaweza kushikilia leo ambayo yalitokana na Hekalu lenyewe, "alisema. "Kila mtu anajua Arch ya Titus huko Roma na maelezo ya nyara zilizochukuliwa kutoka Hekaluni ambazo zinaonekana juu yake, lakini si wengi wanajua akiba kubwa ya fedha iliyokuwa katika Hekalu. """ "Kama ilivyoelezwa katika maandishi ya kale yaliyochimbuliwa na mtafiti Geza Alfoldy, ""mashamba ya fedha"" ya hekalu la Yerusalemu yalikuwa mengi sana." "Amit Reem, mtaalamu wa vitu vya kale wa Israel Antiquities Authority, alisema: ""Kuna maandishi ya kale ambayo yanaonyesha kwamba Jumba la kale la kale la Roma lilijengwa na Waroma kutokana na nyara za hekalu zilizotwaliwa kutoka Yerusalemu." "Mfalme Vespasian, ambaye pamoja na mwanawe Tito, alishinda uasi wa Wayahudi na kuharibu Hekalu, aliamuru ujenzi wa ukumbi huu mpya wa michezo (Colosseum) kwa sehemu yake ya nyara.""" "Mtu anaweza tu kuwazia ukubwa wa nyara na kiasi cha pesa ambacho Waroma walipata katika maghala ya Hekalu", akasema Dakt. Amit Reem. "Kama sehemu ya uchimbaji, udongo wa akiolojia ulipelekwa kwa ""kuchimba mvua"" katika Mradi wa Emek Tzurim, na mtu ambaye alikuwa na upendeleo wa kugundua ugunduzi huo alikuwa msichana wa miaka 11 kutoka Petah Tikva, ambaye alikuja na wazazi wake na dada yake kufanya uchimbaji wa akiolojia katika Jiji la Daudi." """Tuliinyunyiza ndoo hiyo kwa udongo kwenye kisu, na tulipokuwa tukichuja mawe yaliyokuwa ndani, niliona kitu cha mviringo,"" alisema, akielezea wakati wa kusisimua wa kufunua kitu hicho cha ajabu." "Mwanzoni, sikujua kilikuwa nini, lakini kilionekana tofauti na mawe mengine yote. Baba yangu alileta kwa mmoja wa wasaidizi, naye akamwonyesha mtaalamu wa vitu vya kale. Alitazama na kusema kwamba ilikuwa sarafu ya fedha iliyohitaji kusafishwa. Nilikuwa na msisimko sana". "Mwanamke huyo alisema hivi: ""Nilipofika Emek Tzurim, nilidhani kwamba lazima kuwe na sarafu za kawaida katika ndoo hizo, lakini sikufikiri kwamba ningepata sarafu yoyote, na hakika si sarafu ya fedha safi." Nilikuwa na bahati ya kuipata, lakini pia ningependa kumshukuru dada yangu kwa kuchagua ndoo tuliyoichuja. Kama hangechagua ndoo hii hususa, labda singepata sarafu hiyo". Sarafu hiyo ilitumwa kwa maabara ya Israel Antiquities Authority, na baada ya kufanyiwa uchunguzi wa kemikali, umuhimu wa kipande hicho ulionekana wazi. "Kulingana na Dr. Kool, ""Njia ni ishara ya uhuru.""" "Kama wewe ni katika uasi, wewe kutumia moja ya ishara dhahiri zaidi ya uhuru, na wewe mint sarafu. """ Maandishi yaliyo kwenye sarafu hiyo yanaonyesha waziwazi tamaa za waasi hao". "Uchaguzi wa kutumia maandishi ya kale ya Kiebrania, ambayo hayakuwa yakitumiwa tena wakati huo, si wa bahati mbaya. "Utumizi wa maandishi hayo ulionyesha jinsi watu wa wakati huo walivyotamani sana siku za Daudi na Sulemani na siku za ufalme wa Wayahudi uliounganishwa - siku ambazo watu wa Israeli walikuwa na uhuru kamili katika nchi yao.""" "Eli Esposito, Mkurugenzi wa Israel Antiquities Authority, alisema: ""Nilikuwa na furaha kuona msisimko na udadisi ambao ulimshika Liel alipopata sarafu hiyo isiyo ya kawaida." Ni muhimu kwa kuelewa minting ya sarafu, ambayo nina uhakika yeye kushiriki na marafiki zake na familia. Mamlaka ya Urithi wa Israeli inachukulia uhusiano wa kizazi cha vijana na urithi wetu, kwa njia ya uzoefu na isiyo ya kati, kipaumbele cha juu. Kituo chetu cha elimu kitakuja kwenye darasa la Liel, kutengeneza sarafu, na kushiriki umuhimu wa ugunduzi huo na marafiki zake". Sarafu hiyo ya ajabu itatolewa kwa umma wakati wa Hanukkah katika Hifadhi ya Taifa ya Emek Tzurim huko Jerusalem katika Jiji la Daudi na Mamlaka ya Hifadhi za Taifa. Watu wote wanaalikwa kuja na kushiriki katika "maono ya kuchimba vitu vya kale" yanayofanywa huko. | <urn:uuid:61b9a2a4-3357-4b55-b41f-405e6e59e0cb> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | http://www.israelnationalnews.com/news/317415 | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474674.35/warc/CC-MAIN-20240227085429-20240227115429-00712.warc.gz |
|Abstract class or method
|The abstract modifier can be applied to classes and methods.
|If a class contains one or more abstract methods, the compiler insists that the class must be declared abstract.
|A class that is abstract may not be instantiated
|Abstract classes provide a way to defer implementation to subclasses.
|Subclass of an abstract class must provide an implementation of the abstract method or declare itself to be abstract.
|A class must be declared abstract if it implements an interface but it does not provide implementations for every method.
|Interfaces are always abstract, but the keyword is optional in the declaration.
|Variables can't be declared abstract.
|You can have an abstract class with no abstract methods. | <unk>Abstract darasa au njia <unk>The abstract modifier inaweza kutumika kwa madarasa na mbinu. |Kama darasa ina moja au zaidi mbinu abstract, compiler anasisitiza kwamba darasa lazima kutangazwa abstract. <unk>A darasa kwamba ni abstract inaweza si instantiated <unk>Abstract madarasa kutoa njia ya kuahirisha utekelezaji kwa subclasses. |Subclass ya darasa abstract lazima kutoa utekelezaji wa mbinu abstract au kutangaza mwenyewe kuwa abstract. _A darasa lazima kutangazwa abstract kama ni kutekeleza interface lakini haina kutoa utekelezaji kwa kila mbinu. |Interfaces ni daima abstract, lakini neno muhimu ni hiari katika tangazo. <p>Variable inaweza kuwa abstract. Unaweza kuwa na darasa abstract bila mbinu abstract. | <urn:uuid:cb88821b-9964-4cc4-a98a-36a014ade526> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | http://www.java2s.com/Tutorial/SCJP/0060__Modifiers/Abstractclassesprovideawaytodeferimplementationtosubclasses.htm | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474674.35/warc/CC-MAIN-20240227085429-20240227115429-00712.warc.gz |
Fashion retail spin-off of The Fact Site gives us another historical perspective on the origin of high heels.
From the article:
"The high heel did not originate to be worn by women as they are now, but rather as a man’s shoe.
They were most popular with kings and other noble and wealthy men long before they were ever adorned on women’s feet."
"Women did not begin wearing heels until the mid-1500’s. The first recorded high heel on a woman was worn by Catherine de Medici."
"King Louis XIV re-popularized the high heel during his reign in the late 1600’s and early 1700’s."
"The 1940’s and 1950’s saw the increased stability of the heel.
Wartime technology helped popularize the modern day stiletto heel during this time by allowing fabricators to utilize their metal in heels. The use of steel allowed the shapes of heels to change."
"With fashion trends changing from season to season, the high heel is a closet staple that has truly stood the test of time."
Posted: 14 December 2022 | Fashion rejareja spin-off ya The Fact Site inatupa mtazamo mwingine wa kihistoria juu ya asili ya visigino vya juu. "Kama ilivyoelezwa katika makala hii, ""viatu vya kisigino vya juu havikuwa vya wanawake kama ilivyo sasa, bali vilikuwa vya wanaume.""" Walikuwa maarufu sana miongoni mwa wafalme na wanaume wengine mashuhuri na matajiri muda mrefu kabla ya kupambwa kwenye miguu ya wanawake". Wanawake walianza kuvaa viatu vya visigino hadi katikati ya miaka ya 1500. Msichana wa kwanza aliyepatikana akiwa na visigino vya juu alikuwa Catherine de Medici". Mfalme Louis XIV alianzisha tena viatu vya visigino vya juu wakati wa utawala wake mwishoni mwa miaka ya 1600 na mwanzoni mwa miaka ya 1700. "Miaka ya 1940 na 1950 iliona kuongezeka kwa uthabiti wa kisigino. Teknolojia ya wakati wa vita ilisaidia kueneza kisasa cha stiletto wakati huu kwa kuruhusu watengenezaji kutumia chuma chao katika visigino. Matumizi ya chuma yalifanya viatu vya visigino viwe na umbo tofauti". "Kwa kuwa mitindo ya mavazi hubadilika-badilika kila msimu, viatu vya visigino vya juu ni vitu vya kawaida katika kabati la nguo ambavyo vimedumu kwa muda mrefu". Imechapishwa: 14 Desemba 2022 | <urn:uuid:e1389e16-4e45-41f2-aa93-8ba17d28d5f2> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | http://www.mens-heels-revolution.com/Post/the-surprising-origin-of-high-heels | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474674.35/warc/CC-MAIN-20240227085429-20240227115429-00712.warc.gz |
All F1 cars are forced up to a minimum weight (mass) by the regulations. In 2012 the minimum weight of the complete car without fuel but “…with the driver wearing his complete racing apparel…” had to be no less than 640kg (already heaver than some years before). For 2015 that number is 702 kg mainly to make it possible for the smaller teams to fit the energy recovery systems the cars run as part of the new powertrains – and still be on or close to minimum weight. That difference in starting mass makes the cars about 1.7 seconds a lap slower around an “average” Formula 1 race track. Not that interesting in itself, but what are the main mechanisms at play?
All that mass has to be accelerated by the powertrain – so the cars accelerate more slowly once there is enough grip to put the power that’s available on the ground. Engineers will often talk of “power to weight ratio” – because in the early phase of having enough grip this determines acceleration. As the acceleration is slower with a heavier car of the same power, you have to accelerate for longer (more time) to cover the same distance so you use more fuel. F1 (and Sports) cars are limited in how much fuel you can use so you have a double negative (you have to reduce power a bit or you’ll use too much fuel compared to having a lighter car). Top speed will only be a little down on the longest straights because at high speed the drag, effectively, becomes dominant.
Braking power is, to all intents and purposes, unlimited and, in fact, a heavier ERS car will recover more kinetic energy than a light one in the ERS braking phase – because it has more kinetic energy.
None the less, some time is lost in braking a heavier race car (we’ll come to that soon).
Probably the biggest single loss of time though is in the corners (depends on the layout of the racetrack). Two main mechanisms work together here to disadvantage the heavier car. Firstly and most importantly is the aerodynamics of the car. A race car creates downforce from the air it passes through which pulls (mainly as most of the force is created under the car) and pushes the car onto the ground. Once higher speeds are reached this starts to have a significant effect. If we add 640 kg of downforce to a 640 kg car then the tyres will see exactly 2 times the weight of the car at that speed. If the car weight is changed to 702 kg then the ratio is 1.9. That is the main mechanism that makes a light car with downforce faster around a corner than a heavy car. It is only the mass (of the car) that has to be “accelerated” – not the load created by downforce.
This picture is not a Formula 1 car but the concept is the same – it applies to any car with downforce.
The tyres too have their role in making a heavier car slower around a race track. It’s worth stating that tyres (written as “tires” in some parts of the English speaking world) have improved dramatically for passenger cars over the last 50 years. However for both road cars and race cars there are some common trends. Rubber effectively becomes harder as it is put under more load. This also translates to less grip (all other things being equal such as tyre temperature and condition etc).
I don’t own this picture and I don’t know who does – if it’s you, THANKS - let me know.
So in case you’re still thinking about why braking distances are longer for a heavier car it is simply because the tyre friction is slightly lower because the load is heavier (assuming the same tyres).
In racing categories, normally, a minimum weight is imposed for reasons of safety and equality. Reducing weight is so beneficial that teams would – and used to – take big risks with structural integrity and component stiffness to achieve lower weight. Even with minimum weights imposed also materials we can use are limited. For example we cannot use materials with more than a certain specific stiffness (these materials tend to cost mega money and also can be brittle). We can’t use depleted uranium for ballast (denser than Tungsten but tends to have some residual radioactivity which is not good – especially for the driver).
A trend can be seen on road cars of the last 40 years where, for reasons of safety, cars have tended to become stronger and more crashworthy but also significantly heavier. For example, “From 1980 to 2004 … the attributes of a Honda Accord have changed significantly. Weight has increased by over 50 percent, while horsepower has nearly tripled.” Between 1999 and 2005 the Accord’s NHTSA Safety Rating also increased from four-star to five-star. Despite this tyre development has resulted in improved grip and cornering speeds / braking distances. However that is a development story for someone else to tell.
While we’re talking tyres I think it is appropriate to mention…. Wider tyres on road cars work (and the difference is not huge) because the load per unit area (road contact area) is reduced so the grip is slightly higher due to the properties of rubber. That applies in the dry and it applies in the wet as well from all the studies I’ve seen – but only up to the point of aquaplaning. Aquaplaning happens when the tyres are no longer able to cut through water on the road to make contact with the road itself. On ice, narrower tyres are better, Modern winter tyres seem to have made the “problem” of wide tyres on ice less severe but it is still true. With homologated tyre sizes you can’t do too much about it these days with road cars but it used to be possible and very beneficial.
After years of optimisation for weight, the F1 teams have developed incredibly light-weight but effective safety structures including a protective monocoque and light energy-absorbing structures, which are needed to pass various crash tests. Of course, given the extreme nature of the sport, safety is also being evolved generally in F1, in the drive to keep human beings as safe as possible. The sport is of course inherently dangerous, but is constantly evolving to make it better. Safety structures is one area where racing can be contributing to normal passenger cars.
This is reblogged from Willem's LinkedIn account with his permission: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/what-did-i-do-formula-1-willem-toet?trk=mp-reader-card
For UK followers of the blog the following opportunities exist for anyone interested in Willem's work...
2 Dec 18:30 to 20:30 plus Oxford - Free public lecture - F1 Performance, Design and (maily) Aerodynamics see toet.eventbrite.co.uk There will be some entertaining stories and time for questions. Free, book early. This is the one to aim for if you work as it starts at 6:30 pm for 7 pm talk start point. Organised by the IMechE. Some refreshments available from 6:30 pm. Questions and discussion due to finish at 20:30 but I'm happy to discuss any questions you may have for a bit longer. I will bring additional material so we have the potential to illustrate answers to questions.
4 Dec - 13:00 - 17:00 approx. Southampton University (Building 45 room 0045 which should be on the ground floor and is a large lecture theater - see site map here https://www.southampton.ac.uk/assets/sharepoint/groupsite/Administration/SitePublisher-document-store/Documents/About/visit/highfield_accessible_routes.pdf). Guests welcome and free. First lecture is similar to the one on the 2nd - Formula 1 performance, design, & aerodynamics. This does not require specialist knowledge. Would be suitable for higher school pupils, motorsport enthusiasts, engineering students and engineers. After the first lecture we then focus more on the use of CFD to develop a race car (aimed at university students but anyone using CFD may find it interesting) and how new aerodynamic testing restrictions (in the FiA regulations) are changing the approach F1 teams are taking to aerodynamic development. There will also be discussions with the Formula Student team which are probably not open to all. | Magari ya F1 yanapaswa kuwa na uzito wa chini zaidi ya kiwango cha kawaida. Kwa mfano, uzito wa gari kamili bila mafuta, lakini na dereva amevaa mavazi yake kamili ya mashindano, haipaswi kuwa chini ya kilo 640 (yaani, ni nzito kuliko miaka kadhaa iliyopita). Kwa mwaka 2015, idadi hiyo ni 702 kg, hasa ili kuwezesha timu ndogo za kuingiza mifumo ya kurudisha nishati ambayo magari yanaendesha kama sehemu ya mashine mpya za kuendesha gari na bado kuwa kwenye au karibu na uzito wa chini. Tofauti hiyo katika uzito wa kuanzia hufanya magari kuwa polepole kwa sekunde 1.7 kwa mzunguko kuzunguka uwanja wa mbio wa "wastani" wa Fomula 1. Si kwamba ya kuvutia yenyewe, lakini ni nini utaratibu kuu katika kucheza? Wingi huo wote lazima uharakishwe na gari la kuendesha gari <unk> kwa hivyo magari huongeza kasi polepole mara tu kuna kukamata vya kutosha kuweka nguvu inayopatikana ardhini. Wahandisi mara nyingi huzungumza juu ya "uwezo kwa uwiano wa uzito" kwa sababu katika awamu ya mapema ya kuwa na kukamata vya kutosha hii huamua kasi. Kwa sababu gari lenye nguvu nyingi na nguvu nyingi linashambulia polepole, ni lazima uendelee kuharakisha kwa muda mrefu ili kukamilisha umbali uleule, na hivyo kutumia mafuta mengi. F1 (na michezo) magari ni mdogo katika kiasi cha mafuta unaweza kutumia hivyo una mara mbili hasi (unahitaji kupunguza nguvu kidogo au wewe kutumia mafuta mengi sana ikilinganishwa na kuwa na gari nyepesi). Kasi ya juu itakuwa tu kidogo chini juu ya straights mrefu kwa sababu katika kasi ya juu kukandamiza, kwa ufanisi, inakuwa kutawala. Kwa kweli, gari nzito zaidi la ERS litapata nishati zaidi ya kinetic kuliko moja nyepesi katika awamu ya kusimamisha ya ERS kwa sababu ina nishati zaidi ya kinetic. Hata hivyo, muda fulani hupotezwa katika kuzima gari zito zaidi la mashindano (tutakuja hapo karibuni). Labda hasara kubwa ya wakati ingawa ni katika pembe (inategemea mpangilio wa racetrack). Utaratibu kuu mbili hufanya kazi pamoja hapa ili kudhuru gari nzito zaidi. Kwanza na muhimu zaidi ni aerodynamics ya gari. Gari la mbio huunda downforce kutoka hewa inayopita ambayo huvuta (haswa kama nguvu nyingi huundwa chini ya gari) na kushinikiza gari kwenye ardhi. Mara baada ya kasi ya juu ni kufikiwa hii huanza kuwa na athari kubwa. Ikiwa unashikilia gari lenye uzito wa kilo 640 kwa nguvu ya chini, basi magurudumu ya gari yako yatakuwa na uzito mara mbili ya uzito wa gari kwa kasi hiyo. Ikiwa uzito wa gari umebadilishwa kuwa 702 kg, basi uwiano ni 1.9. Hiyo ndiyo utaratibu kuu unaofanya gari nyepesi lenye nguvu ya chini liwe na mwendo wa haraka zaidi kuzunguka kona kuliko gari nzito. Ni tu wingi (wa gari) kwamba ina kuwa <unk>accelerated<unk> <unk> si mzigo kuundwa na downforce. Picha hii si gari la Formula 1 lakini dhana ni sawa <unk> inatumika kwa gari lolote na downforce. Magurudumu pia yana fungu lake katika kufanya gari zito liwe la polepole zaidi kwenye uwanja wa mashindano. Ni thamani ya kusema kwamba tairi (kuandikwa kama <unk> tairi<unk> katika sehemu fulani za ulimwengu wa kuzungumza Kiingereza) wameboresha sana kwa ajili ya magari ya abiria zaidi ya miaka 50 iliyopita. Hata hivyo kwa ajili ya magari ya barabara na magari ya mashindano kuna baadhi ya mwenendo wa kawaida. Kwa kweli, mpira huwa mgumu zaidi unapokuwa chini ya mzigo mkubwa zaidi. Hii pia hutafsiriwa kwa grip chini (vitu vingine vyote kuwa sawa kama vile joto tairi na hali nk). Mimi si mmiliki wa picha hii na sijui ni nani <unk> kama ni wewe, asante - nijulishe. Kwa hivyo ikiwa bado unafikiria kwa nini umbali wa breki ni mrefu kwa gari nzito ni kwa sababu tu msuguano wa tairi ni mdogo kidogo kwa sababu mzigo ni mzito (kufikiria tairi sawa). Katika makundi ya mashindano, kwa kawaida, uzito wa chini huwekwa kwa sababu za usalama na usawa. Kupunguza uzito ni manufaa sana kwamba timu ingekuwa <unk> na kutumika <unk> kuchukua hatari kubwa na uadilifu wa muundo na sehemu rigidity kufikia uzito wa chini. Hata kwa uzito wa chini uliowekwa pia vifaa tunavyoweza kutumia ni vichache. Kwa mfano, hatuwezi kutumia vifaa vyenye ugumu zaidi ya kiwango fulani (vitu hivi huwa na gharama kubwa na pia vinaweza kuwa dhaifu). Hatuwezi kutumia uranium iliyopunguzwa kwa ballast (ngumu kuliko Tungsten lakini huwa na baadhi ya radioactivity mabaki ambayo si nzuri <unk> hasa kwa dereva). Mwelekeo unaweza kuonekana kwenye magari ya barabara ya miaka 40 iliyopita ambapo, kwa sababu za usalama, magari yamekuwa na nguvu zaidi na zaidi ya kugonga lakini pia nzito zaidi. Kwa mfano, <unk>Kutoka 1980 hadi 2004... sifa za Honda Accord zimebadilika kwa kiasi kikubwa. Kwa mfano, wakati wa mwaka wa 1999 hadi 2005, kiwango cha usalama cha Accord kiliongezeka kutoka nyota nne hadi tano. Pamoja na maendeleo haya ya tairi imesababisha kuboresha kukamata na kuruka kasi braking umbali. Hata hivyo hiyo ni hadithi ya maendeleo kwa mtu mwingine kueleza. Wakati sisi ni kuzungumza tairi nadhani ni sahihi kutaja.... Kwa sababu ya kupanuka kwa taya, tofauti ya ukubwa wa gari na gari la barabarani ni kubwa, kwa sababu mzigo kwa eneo la kitengo (eneo la mawasiliano ya barabara) hupunguzwa, kwa hivyo kukamata ni juu kidogo kwa sababu ya mali ya mpira. Hiyo inatumika katika kavu na inatumika katika mvua pia kutoka kwa masomo yote nimeona <unk> lakini tu hadi hatua ya aquaplaning. Aquaplaning hutokea wakati tairi hazina uwezo wa kukata maji kwenye barabara ili kuwasiliana na barabara yenyewe. Kwenye barafu, tairi nyembamba ni bora, tairi za kisasa za majira ya baridi kali zinaonekana kuwa zimefanya "tatizo" la tairi pana kwenye barafu kuwa kali zaidi lakini bado ni kweli. Pamoja na ukubwa homologated tairi huwezi kufanya sana kuhusu hilo siku hizi na magari ya barabara lakini kutumika kuwa inawezekana na manufaa sana. Baada ya miaka ya kuboresha uzito, timu za F1 zimetengeneza miundo ya usalama yenye uzito mdogo lakini yenye ufanisi, ikiwa ni pamoja na monocoque ya kinga na miundo nyepesi ya kunyonya nishati, ambayo inahitajika kupitisha vipimo mbalimbali vya ajali. "Kwa kweli, kwa kuzingatia asili ya michezo ya nje, usalama pia unabadilika kwa ujumla katika F1, katika juhudi za kuweka wanadamu salama iwezekanavyo. """ Bila shaka, mchezo huo ni hatari, lakini unabadilika-badilika daima ili uwe bora zaidi. Miundo ya usalama ni eneo moja ambapo mashindano yanaweza kuchangia magari ya abiria ya kawaida. "Kama ilivyoelezwa katika makala ya wiki hii, ""Mfano wa Utafiti wa Utafiti wa Utafiti wa Utafiti wa Utafiti wa Utafiti wa Utafiti wa Utafiti wa Utafiti wa Utafiti wa Utafiti wa Utafiti wa Utafiti wa Utafiti wa Utafiti wa Utafiti wa Utafiti wa Utafiti wa Utafiti wa Utafiti wa Utafiti wa Utafiti wa Utafiti wa Utafiti wa Utafiti wa Utafiti wa Utafiti wa Utafiti wa Utafiti wa Utafiti wa Utafiti.""" Bure, kitabu mapema. Hii ni moja ya lengo kwa ajili ya kama wewe kazi kama huanza saa 6:30 jioni kwa 7 jioni kuzungumza hatua ya kuanza. Imeandaliwa na IMechE. Vyakula vya kupumzika vinapatikana kuanzia saa 6:30 jioni. Maswali na majadiliano yanapaswa kumaliza saa 20:30 lakini ninafurahi kujadili maswali yoyote ambayo unaweza kuwa nayo kwa muda mrefu. Nitawaletea vifaa vya ziada ili tuwe na uwezo wa kuelezea majibu ya maswali. 4 Dec - 13:00 - 17:00 karibu Chuo Kikuu cha Southampton (Jengo 45 chumba 0045 ambayo inapaswa kuwa kwenye ghorofa ya chini na ni ukumbi mkubwa wa hotuba - angalia ramani ya tovuti hapa https: www.southampton.ac.uk assetssharepoint.groupsite.admin.site.documentstore.documents.about.visithighfield.accessible.routes.pdf). Wageni wanakaribishwa na ni bure. Mkutano wa kwanza ni sawa na moja juu ya 2 - Formula 1 utendaji, kubuni, na aerodynamics. Hilo halihitaji ujuzi wa pekee. Ingekuwa inafaa kwa wanafunzi wa shule ya juu, enthusiasts motorsport, wanafunzi wa uhandisi na wahandisi. Baada ya hotuba ya kwanza, tutazungumzia zaidi juu ya matumizi ya CFD kuendeleza gari la mbio (iliyoelekezwa kwa wanafunzi wa chuo kikuu lakini mtu yeyote anayetumia CFD anaweza kuiona kuwa ya kuvutia) na jinsi vikwazo vipya vya majaribio ya aerodynamic (katika kanuni za FIA) vinabadilisha mbinu timu za F1 zinachukua kwa maendeleo ya aerodynamic. Pia kutakuwa na majadiliano na timu ya Formula Mwanafunzi ambayo pengine si wazi kwa wote. | <urn:uuid:a664d74a-7f0d-41e2-9235-34526beb26de> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | http://www.somersf1.co.uk/2015/11/weight-how-it-slows-car-down.html | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474674.35/warc/CC-MAIN-20240227085429-20240227115429-00712.warc.gz |
Malaysia is a fascinating country located in Southeast Asia. It is known for its diverse landscapes, vibrant culture, and thriving economy. In this article, we will explore the geography, culture, economy, and tourist attractions of Malaysia.
Malaysia, located in Southeast Asia, is a country that offers a diverse range of landscapes and natural beauty. It is divided into two main regions: Peninsular Malaysia and East Malaysia. Peninsular Malaysia is located on the Malay Peninsula and is bordered by Thailand to the north and Singapore to the south. East Malaysia, on the island of Borneo, is made up of the states of Sabah and Sarawak.
One of the highlights of Malaysia's geography is its stunning rainforests, which are among the oldest in the world. These lush forests are home to a rich variety of flora and fauna, including orangutans, tigers, and elephants. The country is also blessed with majestic mountains, such as Mount Kinabalu in Sabah, which is the highest peak in Southeast Asia. For those seeking relaxation and sun-soaked beaches, Malaysia boasts beautiful coastal areas, including the famous Langkawi island and the Perhentian Islands.
With its diverse landscapes and natural wonders, Malaysia offers something for every nature lover and adventure seeker. Whether you're exploring the dense rainforests, conquering the peaks of its mountains, or simply enjoying the pristine beaches, Malaysia's geography is sure to leave you in awe.
Culture plays a significant role in Malaysia, as it is a country with a rich heritage and a multicultural society. The population of Malaysia is diverse, consisting of Malays, Chinese, Indians, and various indigenous groups. This diversity is reflected in the country's vibrant festivals, delicious cuisine, and traditional arts and crafts.
One of the highlights of Malaysian culture is its festivals. Malaysians celebrate various festivals throughout the year, showcasing the harmony and unity among different ethnic and religious groups. Some of the most significant festivals include Hari Raya Aidilfitri, which marks the end of Ramadan for Muslims, Chinese New Year, Deepavali, and Christmas. These festivals are not only celebrated by the respective communities but are also embraced by the entire nation, promoting cultural understanding and tolerance.
Malaysian cuisine is another aspect that showcases the country's rich culture. The fusion of Malay, Chinese, and Indian cooking styles has resulted in a unique and diverse culinary experience. Some popular Malaysian dishes include nasi lemak, a fragrant rice dish served with various accompaniments, satay, skewered and grilled meat served with peanut sauce, roti canai, a flaky and crispy flatbread, and laksa, a spicy noodle soup. Food is an integral part of Malaysian culture, and exploring the local cuisine is a must for any visitor.
Traditional arts and crafts also play a significant role in Malaysian culture. The country is known for its intricate batik fabric, wood carvings, and traditional dances such as the lion dance and the graceful traditional Malay dance, the joget. These art forms are not only a source of pride for Malaysians but also contribute to the preservation of their cultural heritage.
Malaysia is a country that embraces religious diversity and practices religious freedom. While Islam is the official religion of Malaysia, the country respects and allows the practice of other major religions as well. This inclusivity and tolerance contribute to the harmonious coexistence of different religious communities.
In addition to Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, and Christianity are among the major religions observed in Malaysia. Each of these religions has its own unique traditions, customs, and places of worship that add to the cultural tapestry of the country.
Malaysia's commitment to religious freedom allows individuals to practice their faith freely and openly. This diversity creates a vibrant and multicultural society where different religious festivals and celebrations are embraced and celebrated by all.
Festivals play a significant role in Malaysian culture, highlighting the country's diversity and fostering harmony among its different religious and ethnic groups. Malaysia celebrates a wide range of festivals throughout the year, each with its unique traditions and customs.
One of the most important festivals in Malaysia is Hari Raya Aidilfitri, also known as Eid al-Fitr. It marks the end of Ramadan, the holy month of fasting for Muslims. During this festive season, Muslims gather with family and friends to break their fast and offer prayers. The streets are adorned with colorful decorations, and delicious traditional Malay dishes are prepared and shared. It is a time of forgiveness, gratitude, and joy.
Chinese New Year is another major celebration in Malaysia, observed by the Chinese community. The festival is marked by vibrant decorations, lion and dragon dances, and the exchange of red envelopes containing money. Families come together for reunion dinners, and temples are filled with devotees seeking blessings for the new year. The streets come alive with bustling markets and fireworks, creating a festive atmosphere.
Deepavali, also known as the Festival of Lights, is celebrated by the Indian community in Malaysia. It symbolizes the triumph of light over darkness and good over evil. During this festival, homes are decorated with colorful lights, and families gather to perform prayers, exchange sweets, and visit temples. Fireworks illuminate the night sky, creating a magical ambiance that reflects the joy and happiness of the occasion.
Christmas is widely celebrated by Christians in Malaysia, although it is also embraced by people of other faiths. Churches are beautifully decorated, and carolers sing traditional Christmas songs. Families come together to exchange gifts, enjoy festive meals, and attend midnight mass. The streets are adorned with Christmas lights and decorations, creating a warm and festive atmosphere.
These festivals are not only a time of celebration but also an opportunity for Malaysians to come together, regardless of their religious or ethnic backgrounds. The diversity of festivals in Malaysia showcases the country's cultural richness and promotes understanding and unity among its people.
Malaysian cuisine is a delightful fusion of flavors influenced by Malay, Chinese, and Indian cooking styles. This unique combination creates a diverse and mouthwatering culinary experience for food lovers. From street food stalls to upscale restaurants, Malaysia offers a wide range of dishes that will satisfy every palate.
One of the most popular dishes in Malaysia is nasi lemak. This fragrant rice dish is cooked in coconut milk and pandan leaves, giving it a distinct aroma. It is typically served with sambal, a spicy chili paste, fried anchovies, roasted peanuts, cucumber slices, and a hard-boiled egg. Nasi lemak is a staple breakfast dish in Malaysia and is loved by locals and tourists alike.
Satay is another beloved Malaysian dish. It consists of skewered and grilled meat, usually chicken or beef, marinated in a flavorful blend of spices. The meat is served with a peanut sauce dip, cucumber slices, and ketupat (compressed rice cakes). Satay is often enjoyed as a snack or appetizer and is a popular street food in Malaysia.
Roti canai is a type of flatbread that has become an integral part of Malaysian cuisine. It is made from dough that is stretched and folded repeatedly to create layers. The dough is then cooked on a flat griddle until it becomes crispy and flaky. Roti canai is typically served with a side of curry, either vegetarian or with meat, and is a favorite breakfast or tea-time snack for many Malaysians.
Laksa is a spicy noodle soup that is a must-try for any visitor to Malaysia. It is made with a rich and aromatic broth, usually flavored with a combination of spices, coconut milk, and tamarind. The noodles are topped with ingredients such as shrimp, fish cakes, tofu puffs, bean sprouts, and fresh herbs. Laksa comes in various regional variations, with the most famous ones being Penang laksa and Sarawak laksa.
Whether you're a fan of spicy flavors or prefer milder dishes, Malaysian cuisine has something to offer everyone. The blend of Malay, Chinese, and Indian influences creates a unique and tantalizing food culture that will leave you craving for more. So, don't miss the opportunity to indulge in the delicious flavors of nasi lemak, satay, roti canai, and laksa when you visit Malaysia.
Malaysia has a diverse and growing economy, with key industries that contribute to its success. One of the major sectors is manufacturing, which plays a significant role in the country's economic development. Malaysia is known for its production of electronic goods, such as computer chips, semiconductors, and consumer electronics. The country has established itself as a global hub for electronics manufacturing, attracting multinational companies to set up production facilities.
Tourism is another important industry in Malaysia, with millions of visitors flocking to the country each year. The country's natural beauty, cultural heritage, and modern infrastructure make it a popular destination for both leisure and business travelers. From the bustling city of Kuala Lumpur to the idyllic islands of Langkawi, Malaysia offers a wide range of attractions for tourists to explore.
Services also play a significant role in Malaysia's economy. The country has a well-developed financial sector, with Kuala Lumpur being a major financial hub in the region. Malaysia is also known for its strong telecommunications and information technology services. The country has invested heavily in developing its digital infrastructure, making it an attractive location for businesses looking to establish their presence in Southeast Asia.
One of Malaysia's notable contributions to the global economy is its production of palm oil. The country is one of the world's leading producers and exporters of this versatile commodity. Palm oil is used in a wide range of products, including food, cosmetics, and biofuels. Malaysia's palm oil industry has played a crucial role in driving economic growth and providing employment opportunities for its citizens.
In addition to palm oil, Malaysia's automotive sector is also noteworthy. The country has a thriving automotive industry, with both domestic and international car manufacturers setting up production facilities. Malaysia is known for producing high-quality vehicles and automotive parts, contributing to the growth of the sector and generating revenue for the country.
Overall, Malaysia's diverse economy, with its focus on manufacturing, tourism, and services, has contributed to its economic growth and development. The country's ability to adapt and innovate in various industries has helped it establish a strong presence in the global market.
Malaysia offers a wide range of tourist attractions that cater to every traveler's interests and preferences. Whether you are a nature lover, a history enthusiast, or simply seeking relaxation on beautiful beaches, this country has it all.
One of the must-see attractions in Malaysia is the iconic Petronas Twin Towers in Kuala Lumpur. These towering skyscrapers not only offer breathtaking views of the city but also house a shopping mall and a vibrant cultural center. Visitors can take a stroll on the sky bridge connecting the two towers and marvel at the stunning architecture.
If you're looking for a beach getaway, Langkawi is the perfect destination. This tropical paradise is known for its pristine white sandy beaches, crystal-clear waters, and lush greenery. You can relax on the beach, indulge in water sports, or explore the surrounding islands on a boat tour.
For those interested in history and culture, Georgetown in Penang is a UNESCO World Heritage Site that should not be missed. The city is renowned for its well-preserved colonial architecture, vibrant street art, and mouthwatering street food. Take a stroll along the historic streets, visit the colorful temples, and savor the local delicacies.
In addition to these top attractions, Malaysia also offers a wealth of other experiences. Explore the vibrant markets of Kuala Lumpur, visit the ancient rainforests of Taman Negara, or go on a wildlife adventure in Borneo. Whether you prefer city life or natural wonders, Malaysia has something to offer everyone.
So, pack your bags and get ready to explore the diverse and enchanting tourist attractions of Malaysia. From the modern marvels to the cultural heritage, this beautiful country will leave you in awe and create memories that will last a lifetime.
Malaysia is a haven for nature lovers and wildlife enthusiasts. The country boasts several national parks and nature reserves, allowing visitors to immerse themselves in the breathtaking landscapes and encounter unique wildlife. One of the must-visit destinations is Taman Negara, one of the oldest rainforests in the world.
Taman Negara offers an unparalleled experience for those seeking adventure and a closer connection with nature. From traversing the canopy walkway, suspended high above the ground, to embarking on thrilling jungle treks, visitors can truly appreciate the beauty and diversity of Malaysia's natural wonders. The rainforest is home to a wide range of flora and fauna, including rare species such as the Malayan tiger and Asian elephant.
For those looking to explore even further, Borneo's rainforests are a must-visit. Borneo is shared by Malaysia, Indonesia, and Brunei, and is known for its rich biodiversity. The island is home to unique wildlife, such as the orangutans, proboscis monkeys, and pygmy elephants. Visitors can embark on wildlife safaris, river cruises, and even stay in eco-lodges deep within the rainforest.
Whether it's hiking through lush green trails, spotting exotic birds, or encountering rare animals, Malaysia's national parks and nature reserves offer unforgettable experiences for nature enthusiasts. The country's commitment to conservation ensures that these natural habitats are protected and preserved for future generations to enjoy.
When it comes to historical and cultural sites, Malaysia has a lot to offer. One must-visit destination is Melaka, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Melaka is known for its rich history and multicultural heritage. Visitors can explore the well-preserved colonial buildings, ancient temples, and vibrant street art that tell the story of the city's past. The blend of Portuguese, Dutch, and British influences can be seen in the architecture and cultural traditions of Melaka.
Another UNESCO World Heritage Site in Malaysia is George Town, located on the island of Penang. George Town is a melting pot of cultures and showcases the country's diverse heritage. Visitors can take a stroll through the streets lined with colorful colonial buildings, visit the famous Clan Jetties, and indulge in the local street food scene. The vibrant art scene in George Town is also worth exploring, with numerous street murals and art installations scattered throughout the city.
In addition to these UNESCO sites, Malaysia boasts other notable historical and cultural attractions. The Batu Caves, located just outside of Kuala Lumpur, are a popular tourist spot. These limestone caves house Hindu temples and are a significant religious site during the Thaipusam festival. The climb up the steps to the caves offers a breathtaking view of the surrounding area.
The Cameron Highlands, located in the Titiwangsa Mountains, are known for their tea plantations and cool climate. Visitors can explore the lush greenery, visit the tea factories, and enjoy the stunning views. The highlands also offer opportunities for hiking and nature walks.
Lastly, the historic city of Malacca is a must-visit for history enthusiasts. The city was once a thriving trading port and is now a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Visitors can explore the well-preserved buildings from the Dutch and Portuguese colonial eras, visit the museums, and take a river cruise to learn more about Malacca's rich history.
Malaysia is a beautiful country located in Southeast Asia. It is divided into two main regions: Peninsular Malaysia and East Malaysia. The country is known for its diverse geography, which includes stunning rainforests, majestic mountains, and picturesque beaches.
One of the highlights of Malaysia is its rich and vibrant culture. The population of Malaysia consists of Malays, Chinese, Indians, and various indigenous groups, creating a multicultural society. The country is famous for its festivals, which showcase the harmonious coexistence of different religious and ethnic groups. From Hari Raya Aidilfitri to Chinese New Year, Deepavali to Christmas, Malaysia celebrates a wide range of festivals throughout the year.
When it comes to food, Malaysia offers a tantalizing fusion of flavors. Influenced by Malay, Chinese, and Indian cooking styles, Malaysian cuisine is a culinary delight. Some popular dishes include nasi lemak, a fragrant coconut rice dish, satay, skewered and grilled meat, roti canai, a flaky flatbread, and laksa, a spicy noodle soup.
Malaysia has a thriving economy with key industries such as manufacturing, tourism, and services. The country is renowned for its production of palm oil and is a global leader in the electronics and automotive sectors. With its diverse economy, Malaysia offers a range of opportunities for both locals and international businesses.
For tourists, Malaysia is a dream destination with a plethora of attractions to explore. From the iconic Petronas Twin Towers in Kuala Lumpur to the idyllic beaches of Langkawi, the country offers something for everyone. Nature enthusiasts can venture into the national parks and rainforests, where they can experience breathtaking landscapes and encounter unique wildlife. History buffs can visit UNESCO World Heritage Sites like Melaka and George Town, which showcase Malaysia's rich history and cultural heritage.
In conclusion, Malaysia is a country that captivates visitors with its stunning landscapes, vibrant culture, and diverse economy. Whether you are looking for adventure in nature, a taste of delicious cuisine, or a glimpse into the country's history and culture, Malaysia has it all.
Islam is the official religion of Malaysia.
Malaysia practices religious freedom, and other major religions include Buddhism, Hinduism, and Christianity.
Malaysia celebrates various festivals, including Hari Raya Aidilfitri, Chinese New Year, Deepavali, and Christmas.
Malaysian cuisine is a fusion of flavors influenced by Malay, Chinese, and Indian cooking styles. Popular dishes include nasi lemak, satay, roti canai, and laksa.
Malaysia has a diverse economy, with key industries including manufacturing, tourism, and services. It is known for its electronics, automotive sectors, and palm oil production.
Malaysia offers a wide range of tourist attractions, such as the Petronas Twin Towers, Langkawi's stunning beaches, and the cultural heritage of Georgetown. Other notable attractions include the Batu Caves, Cameron Highlands, and the historic city of Malacca.
Malaysia is home to several national parks and nature reserves, where visitors can experience breathtaking landscapes, encounter unique wildlife, and go on thrilling jungle adventures.
Explore the UNESCO World Heritage Sites of Melaka and George Town, which showcase Malaysia's rich history and multicultural heritage. Other notable attractions include the Batu Caves, Cameron Highlands, and the historic city of Malacca. | Malaysia ni nchi yenye kuvutia iliyoko Kusini-Mashariki mwa Asia. Eneo hilo linajulikana kwa sababu ya mandhari yake mbalimbali, utamaduni wake wenye kusisimua, na uchumi wake unaositawi. Katika makala hii, tutazungumzia jiografia, utamaduni, uchumi, na vivutio vya watalii wa Malaysia. Malaysia, ambayo iko katika Asia ya Kusini-Mashariki, ni nchi ambayo inatoa aina mbalimbali za mandhari na uzuri wa asili. Imegawanywa katika mikoa miwili kuu: Peninsula Malaysia na Mashariki ya Malaysia. Malaysia ya Peninsula iko katika Peninsula ya Malay na inapakana na Thailand kaskazini na Singapore kusini. Malaysia Mashariki, kwenye kisiwa cha Borneo, ina majimbo ya Sabah na Sarawak. Mojawapo ya mambo yenye kupendeza zaidi ya eneo la Malaysia ni misitu yake ya mvua yenye kupendeza, ambayo ni kati ya misitu ya kale zaidi ulimwenguni. Misitu hiyo yenye rutuba ina mimea na wanyama mbalimbali, kutia ndani orangutani, simbamarara, na tembo. Mji huo pia una milima mikubwa kama vile Mlima Kinabalu huko Sabah, ambao ni kilele cha juu zaidi katika Asia ya Kusini-Mashariki. Kwa wale wanaotafuta mapumziko na fukwe zenye jua, Malaysia ina maeneo maridadi ya pwani, kutia ndani kisiwa maarufu cha Langkawi na Visiwa vya Perhentian. Kwa sababu ya mandhari yake mbalimbali na maajabu ya asili, Malaysia inatoa kitu kwa kila mpenzi wa asili na mtafutaji wa vituko. Ikiwa unatafuta kugundua misitu mikubwa ya mvua, kushinda vilele vya milima, au kufurahia tu fukwe safi, jiografia ya Malaysia ni uhakika wa kukuacha katika hofu. Utamaduni una jukumu muhimu nchini Malaysia, kwani ni nchi yenye urithi tajiri na jamii ya tamaduni nyingi. Idadi ya watu wa Malaysia ni tofauti-tofauti, wakitiwa ndani ya Wamalaya, Wachina, Wahindi, na vikundi mbalimbali vya wenyeji. Tofauti hiyo huonekana katika sherehe zenye msisimko za nchi hiyo, vyakula vyenye kupendeza, na sanaa na ufundi wa kitamaduni. Mojawapo ya mambo makuu ya utamaduni wa Malaysia ni sherehe zake. Wamalaysia huadhimisha sherehe mbalimbali mwaka mzima, kuonyesha upatano na umoja kati ya makundi tofauti ya kikabila na kidini. Sherehe za kihistoria ni Hari Raya Aidilfitri, ambayo huadhimisha mwisho wa Ramadhani kwa Waislamu, Mwaka Mpya wa Kichina, Deepavali, na Krismasi. Sherehe hizi hazisherehekewi tu na jamii husika bali pia zinakumbukwa na taifa lote, zikikuza uelewevu wa kitamaduni na uvumilivu. Vyakula vya Malaysia ni jambo jingine linaloonyesha utamaduni tajiri wa nchi hiyo. Mchanganyiko wa mitindo ya kupikia ya Wamalawi, Wachina, na Wahindi umesababisha uzoefu wa kipekee na wa aina mbalimbali wa kupikia. Baadhi ya vyakula maarufu vya Malaysia ni pamoja na nasi lemak, sahani ya mchele yenye harufu nzuri iliyotolewa na viambatisho mbalimbali, satay, nyama iliyopikwa na kuchomwa iliyotolewa na mchuzi wa karanga, roti canai, mkate wa gorofa wenye makapi na mkali, na laksa, supu ya noodle yenye vikolezo. Chakula ni sehemu muhimu ya utamaduni wa Malaysia, na kuchunguza vyakula vya mahali hapo ni lazima kwa mgeni yeyote. Sanaa na ufundi wa jadi pia una jukumu muhimu katika utamaduni wa Malaysia. Nchi hiyo inajulikana kwa kitambaa chake cha batik, michongo ya mbao, na dansi za jadi kama vile dansi ya simba na dansi ya jadi ya Kimalaya, joget. Aina hizi za sanaa si chanzo cha fahari tu kwa Wamalaysia bali pia huchangia kuhifadhi urithi wao wa kitamaduni. Malaysia ni nchi ambayo inakaribisha utofauti wa kidini na kutekeleza uhuru wa kidini. Ingawa Uislamu ni dini rasmi ya Malaysia, nchi hiyo inaheshimu na kuruhusu mazoea ya dini nyingine kuu pia. Ujumuishaji huu na uvumilivu huchangia kuishi pamoja kwa upatano kati ya jumuiya tofauti za kidini. Mbali na Uislamu, Ubudha, Uhindu, na Ukristo ni miongoni mwa dini kuu zinazotajwa nchini Malaysia. Kila moja ya dini hizo ina desturi zake za kipekee, desturi, na mahali pa ibada ambavyo huongeza utamaduni wa nchi hiyo. Kujitolea kwa Malaysia kwa uhuru wa kidini inaruhusu watu binafsi kutekeleza imani yao kwa uhuru na wazi. Tofauti hii huunda jamii yenye nguvu na ya kitamaduni ambapo sherehe na sherehe tofauti za kidini zinakubaliwa na kusherehekewa na wote. Sherehe zina jukumu muhimu katika utamaduni wa Malaysia, zikikazia utofauti wa nchi na kukuza maelewano kati ya vikundi vyake tofauti vya kidini na kikabila. Malaysia husherehekea sherehe mbalimbali mwaka mzima, kila moja ikiwa na desturi na desturi zake za kipekee. Moja ya sherehe muhimu zaidi nchini Malaysia ni Hari Raya Aidilfitri, inayojulikana pia kama Eid al-Fitr. Ni mwisho wa mwezi mtakatifu wa Ramadhani, mwezi mtakatifu wa kufunga kwa Waislamu. Katika kipindi hiki cha sherehe, Waislamu hukusanyika pamoja na familia na marafiki kuvunja kufunga na kutoa sala. Barabara zimepambwa kwa mapambo yenye rangi nyingi, na vyakula vyenye kupendeza vya kitamaduni vya Wamalawi vimeandaliwa na kugawanywa. Ni wakati wa kusamehe, kushukuru, na shangwe. Mwaka Mpya wa Kichina ni sherehe nyingine kubwa nchini Malaysia, inayoadhimishwa na jamii ya Wachina. Sherehe hiyo huadhimishwa na mapambo yenye msisimko, dansi za simba na joka, na kubadilishana bahasha nyekundu zenye pesa. Familia hujiunga pamoja kwa ajili ya chakula cha jioni cha kuungana tena, na mahekalu hujaa waabudu wanaotafuta baraka kwa ajili ya mwaka mpya. Barabara huamsha kwa masoko yenye msisimko na mioto ya moto, ikifanyiza hali ya sherehe. Deepavali, inayojulikana pia kama Sherehe ya Taa, huadhimishwa na jamii ya Wahindi nchini Malaysia. Inafananisha ushindi wa nuru juu ya giza na wema juu ya uovu. Wakati wa sherehe hiyo, nyumba hupambwa kwa taa zenye rangi mbalimbali, na familia hukusanyika ili kusali, kubadilishana peremende, na kutembelea mahekalu. Mioto ya moto huangaza angani usiku, ikiunda hali ya kichawi inayoonyesha shangwe na furaha ya pindi hiyo. Krismasi huadhimishwa sana na Wakristo nchini Malaysia, ingawa pia huadhimishwa na watu wa dini nyingine. Makanisa yamepambwa kwa mapambo maridadi, na waimbaji wa nyimbo za Krismasi huimba nyimbo za kitamaduni za Krismasi. Familia hukusanyika pamoja ili kubadilishana zawadi, kufurahia mlo wa sherehe, na kuhudhuria misa ya usiku wa manane. Barabara zimepambwa kwa taa na mapambo ya Krismasi, na hivyo kutokeza hali ya joto na ya sherehe. Sherehe hizi si wakati wa sherehe tu bali pia ni fursa kwa Wamalaysia kukusanyika pamoja, bila kujali dini au asili yao ya kikabila. Tofauti ya sherehe nchini Malaysia inaonyesha utajiri wa kitamaduni wa nchi na kukuza uelewevu na umoja kati ya watu wake. Vyakula vya Malaysia ni mchanganyiko mzuri wa ladha zilizoathiriwa na mitindo ya kupika ya Malaysia, China, na India. Mchanganyiko huu wa kipekee huunda uzoefu wa upishi mbalimbali na wenye kupendeza kwa wapenzi wa chakula. Kutoka kwenye vibanda vya chakula barabarani hadi mikahawa ya hali ya juu, Malaysia inatoa vyakula mbalimbali ambavyo vitatosheleza kila ladha. Moja ya vyakula maarufu zaidi nchini Malaysia ni nasi lemak. Mlo huu wenye harufu nzuri wa mchele hupikwa katika maziwa ya kokoni na majani ya pandan, na hivyo kuwa na harufu ya kipekee. Kwa kawaida hutumika pamoja na sambal, mchuzi wenye vikolezo, anchovies zilizokaangwa, karanga zilizokaangwa, vipande vya matango, na yai lililokaushwa kwa bidii. Nasi lemak ni sahani ya msingi ya kiamsha kinywa nchini Malaysia na inapendwa na wenyeji na watalii sawa. Satay ni mlo mwingine unaopendwa sana nchini Malaysia. Ni nyama iliyochomwa na kuchomwa kwenye gridi, kwa kawaida ya kuku au nyama ya ng'ombe, iliyotiwa chumvi katika mchanganyiko wenye ladha ya vikolezo. Nyama hiyo hutumika pamoja na mchuzi wa karanga, vipande vya matango, na ketupat (keki za mchele zilizofunikwa). Satay mara nyingi hufurahishwa kama vitafunio au appetizer na ni chakula maarufu cha mitaani nchini Malaysia. Roti canai ni aina ya mkate wa gorofa ambao umekuwa sehemu muhimu ya vyakula vya Malaysia. Inatengenezwa kutokana na unga ambao huinuliwa na kukunjwa mara kwa mara ili kutokeza tabaka. Kisha, unga huo hupikwa kwenye sufuria ya gorofa hadi uwe mkali na wenye umbo la magamba. Roti canai kwa kawaida hutumika na upande wa curry, ama mboga au nyama, na ni kiamsha kinywa cha kupendwa au chai-wakati vitafunio kwa Wamalaysia wengi. Laksa ni supu ya tambi yenye vikolezo ambayo ni lazima jaribu kwa mgeni yeyote wa Malaysia. Inatengenezwa kwa mchuzi wenye harufu nzuri, ambao kwa kawaida hutiwa ladha ya vikolezo, maziwa ya kokoni, na tamarindi. Vipande hivyo vimefunikwa kwa viungo kama vile udongo, keki za samaki, tofu, machipukizi ya maharagwe, na mimea mipya. Laksa inapatikana katika tofauti mbalimbali za kikanda, na maarufu zaidi ni Penang laksa na Sarawak laksa. Ikiwa wewe ni shabiki wa ladha kali au unapendelea sahani laini, vyakula vya Malaysia vina kitu cha kutoa kwa kila mtu. Mchanganyiko wa ushawishi wa Malay, Kichina, na Kihindi huunda utamaduni wa chakula wa kipekee na wenye kuvutia ambao utakufanya utamani zaidi. Kwa hivyo, usikose fursa ya kufurahia ladha nzuri ya nasi lemak, satay, roti canai, na laksa unapotembelea Malaysia. Malaysia ina uchumi tofauti na unaokua, na viwanda muhimu vinavyochangia mafanikio yake. Moja ya sekta kuu ni utengenezaji, ambayo ina jukumu muhimu katika maendeleo ya kiuchumi ya nchi. Malaysia inajulikana kwa uzalishaji wake wa bidhaa za elektroniki, kama vile chips za kompyuta, semiconductors, na vifaa vya elektroniki vya watumiaji. Nchi hiyo imejitokeza kama kitovu cha kimataifa cha utengenezaji wa vifaa vya elektroniki, ikivutia makampuni ya kimataifa kuanzisha vituo vya uzalishaji. Utalii ni sekta nyingine muhimu nchini Malaysia, na mamilioni ya wageni hukusanyika nchini humo kila mwaka. Uzuri wa asili wa nchi hiyo, urithi wa kitamaduni, na miundombinu ya kisasa hufanya iwe mahali panapopendwa na wasafiri wa burudani na wa biashara. Kutoka Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia hadi visiwa vya Langkawi, Malaysia ina vitu vingi vya kuvutia vya kutembelea. Huduma pia zina jukumu muhimu katika uchumi wa Malaysia. Nchi hiyo ina sekta ya kifedha iliyoendelea vizuri, na Kuala Lumpur ni kitovu kikuu cha kifedha katika mkoa huo. Malaysia pia inajulikana kwa huduma zake kali za mawasiliano ya simu na teknolojia ya habari. Nchi hiyo imewekeza sana katika kuendeleza miundombinu yake ya dijiti, na kuifanya kuwa eneo la kuvutia kwa wafanyabiashara wanaotafuta kuanzisha uwepo wao katika Asia ya Kusini Mashariki. Mojawapo ya michango mashuhuri ya Malaysia katika uchumi wa ulimwengu ni uzalishaji wake wa mafuta ya mtende. Nchi hiyo ni mojawapo ya nchi zinazoongoza ulimwenguni katika kutengeneza na kusafirisha bidhaa hii yenye manufaa mengi. Mafuta ya mtende hutumiwa katika bidhaa mbalimbali, kutia ndani vyakula, vipodozi, na mafuta ya kibiolojia. Sekta ya mafuta ya mtende nchini Malaysia imekuwa ikifanya kazi kubwa katika kuendeleza uchumi na kutoa fursa za ajira kwa wananchi wake. Mbali na mafuta ya mtende, sekta ya magari ya Malaysia pia inastahili kutajwa. Nchi hiyo ina sekta ya magari inayoendelea kusitawi, na watengenezaji wa magari wa ndani na wa kimataifa wanaanzisha vituo vya uzalishaji. Malaysia inajulikana kwa kuzalisha magari ya hali ya juu na sehemu za magari, kuchangia ukuaji wa sekta na kuzalisha mapato kwa nchi. Kwa ujumla, uchumi wa Malaysia wenye utofauti, na kuzingatia uzalishaji, utalii, na huduma, umechangia ukuaji na maendeleo ya kiuchumi. Uwezo wa nchi hiyo wa kukabiliana na uvumbuzi katika viwanda mbalimbali umemsaidia kuanzisha uwepo mkubwa katika soko la kimataifa. Malaysia inatoa aina mbalimbali za vivutio vya watalii ambavyo vinakidhi maslahi na mapendezi ya kila msafiri. Ikiwa wewe ni mpenzi wa asili, mpenzi wa historia, au tu kutafuta mapumziko kwenye fukwe nzuri, nchi hii ina yote. Mojawapo ya vivutio vya lazima-kuona nchini Malaysia ni Petronas Twin Towers maarufu katika Kuala Lumpur. Majengo hayo marefu ya mnara wa mawingu hayatoa tu mandhari yenye kuvutia ya jiji hilo bali pia yana kituo cha ununuzi na kituo cha utamaduni chenye msisimko. Wageni wanaweza kutembea juu ya daraja la anga linalounganisha minara hiyo miwili na kushangilia usanifu-ujenzi wenye kupendeza. Ikiwa unatafuta mapumziko ya pwani, Langkawi ni marudio bora. Paradiso hii ya kitropiki inajulikana kwa fukwe zake safi za mchanga mweupe, maji safi kama kioo, na mimea mingi. Unaweza kupumzika ufuoni, kucheza michezo ya majini, au kuchunguza visiwa vilivyo karibu kwa safari ya mashua. Kwa wale wanaopendezwa na historia na utamaduni, Georgetown huko Penang ni Eneo la Urithi wa Ulimwengu wa UNESCO ambalo halipaswi kupuuzwa. Jiji hilo linajulikana kwa usanifu-ujenzi wake wa kikoloni uliohifadhiwa vizuri, sanaa ya barabarani yenye msisimko, na vyakula vya barabarani vyenye kupendeza. Tembea-tembea kwenye barabara za kihistoria, tembelea mahekalu yenye rangi nyingi, na uone ladha ya vyakula vitamu vya mahali hapo. Mbali na vivutio hivi vikuu, Malaysia pia hutoa uzoefu mwingi mwingine. Tembelea maeneo ya kusafiri ya Kuala Lumpur, tembelea maeneo ya asili ya Indonesia, na uende kwenye safari ya safari ya Borneo. Iwe unapendelea maisha ya jiji au maajabu ya asili, Malaysia ina kitu cha kutoa kwa kila mtu. Kwa hivyo, pakiti mifuko yako na ujiandae kuchunguza vivutio vya watalii vya Malaysia. Kutoka kwa maajabu ya kisasa hadi urithi wa kitamaduni, nchi hii nzuri itakufanya uogope na kuunda kumbukumbu ambazo zitaendelea maisha yako yote. Malaysia ni mahali pazuri pa wapenzi wa asili na wapenzi wa wanyama-pori. Nchi hiyo ina mbuga kadhaa za kitaifa na hifadhi za asili, ambazo huwawezesha wageni kufurahia mandhari yenye kupendeza na kukutana na wanyama-pori wa kipekee. Sehemu ya kwanza ya safari ya safari ya safari ya safari ya safari ya safari ya safari ya safari ya safari ya safari ya safari ya safari ya safari ya safari ya safari ya safari ya safari ya safari ya safari ya safari ya safari ya safari ya safari ya safari ya safari ya safari ya safari ya safari ya safari ya safari ya safari ya safari ya safari ya safari ya safari ya safari ya safari ya safari. Taman Negara hutoa uzoefu usio na kifani kwa wale wanaotafuta vituko na uhusiano wa karibu zaidi na asili. Kutoka kuvuka njia ya kutembea ya canopy, iliyowekwa juu juu ya ardhi, hadi kuanza safari za kusisimua za msitu, wageni wanaweza kuthamini uzuri na utofauti wa maajabu ya asili ya Malaysia. Msitu huo wa mvua una mimea na wanyama wengi, kutia ndani spishi nadra kama vile simbamarara wa Malaya na tembo wa Asia. Kwa wale wanaotaka kuchunguza zaidi, misitu ya mvua ya Borneo ni mahali pa lazima pa kutembelewa. Borneo inashirikiwa na Malaysia, Indonesia, na Brunei, na inajulikana kwa utofauti wake wa kibiolojia. Kisiwa hicho kina wanyama wa porini wa pekee, kama vile orangutani, nyani wenye pua, na tembo wadogo. Wageni wanaweza kusafiri kwa safari za wanyama-pori, kusafiri kwa mto, na hata kukaa katika nyumba za mazingira zilizo ndani ya msitu wa mvua. Ikiwa ni kutembea kupitia njia za kijani kibichi, kuona ndege wa kigeni, au kukutana na wanyama wa nadra, mbuga za kitaifa za Malaysia na hifadhi za asili hutoa uzoefu usioweza kusahaulika kwa wapenzi wa asili. Ahadi ya nchi kwa uhifadhi inahakikisha kwamba mazingira haya ya asili yanalindwa na kuhifadhiwa kwa vizazi vijavyo kufurahia. Kuhusu maeneo ya kihistoria na kitamaduni, Malaysia ina mengi ya kutoa. Sehemu ya kwanza ya safari ya kwenda ni Melaka, ambayo ni sehemu ya Urithi wa Dunia wa UNESCO. Melaka inajulikana kwa historia yake tajiri na urithi wa kitamaduni. Wageni wanaweza kuchunguza majengo ya kikoloni yaliyohifadhiwa vizuri, mahekalu ya kale, na sanaa ya barabarani yenye msisimko ambayo husimulia hadithi ya wakati uliopita wa jiji hilo. Mchanganyiko wa uvutano wa Kireno, Uholanzi, na Uingereza waweza kuonekana katika usanifu-ujenzi na desturi za kitamaduni za Melaka. Eneo jingine la Urithi wa Ulimwengu wa UNESCO huko Malaysia ni George Town, lililo katika kisiwa cha Penang. George Town ni mchuzi wa tamaduni na inaonyesha urithi mbalimbali wa nchi. Wageni wanaweza kutembea-tembea katika barabara zilizo na majengo ya kikoloni yenye rangi nyingi, kutembelea Bandari maarufu za Clan, na kufurahia vyakula vya mitaani. Eneo lenye msukosuko la sanaa katika George Town pia linastahili kuchunguzwa, likiwa na michoro mingi ya ukutani ya barabarani na vifaa vya sanaa vilivyotawanyika kotekote jijini. Mbali na maeneo haya ya UNESCO, Malaysia ina vivutio vingine vya kihistoria na kitamaduni. Mapango ya Batu, yaliyo nje tu ya Kuala Lumpur, ni mahali panapopendwa na watalii. Mapango hayo ya mawe ya chokaa yana mahekalu ya Kihindu na ni mahali muhimu pa kidini wakati wa sherehe ya Thaipusam. Kupanda ngazi za kuingia katika mapango hayo hutoa mandhari yenye kuvutia ya eneo linalozunguka. Milima ya Cameron, iliyoko katika Milima ya Titiwangsa, inajulikana kwa mashamba yake ya chai na hali ya hewa baridi. Wageni wanaweza kuchunguza mimea yenye rutuba, kutembelea viwanda vya chai, na kufurahia mandhari yenye kupendeza. Pia, maeneo ya juu ya nchi huandaa nafasi za kutembea kwa miguu na kutembea katika mazingira. Mwishowe, jiji la kihistoria la Malacca ni mahali pa lazima pa kutembelewa na wapenzi wa historia. Wakati mmoja jiji hilo lilikuwa bandari yenye biashara yenye kusitawi na sasa ni Sehemu ya Urithi wa Ulimwengu wa UNESCO. Wageni wanaweza kuchunguza majengo yaliyohifadhiwa vizuri kutoka enzi za kikoloni za Uholanzi na Ureno, kutembelea majumba ya makumbusho, na kusafiri kwa meli ya mto ili kujifunza zaidi kuhusu historia tajiri ya Malacca. Malaysia ni nchi nzuri iliyoko Kusini-Mashariki mwa Asia. Imegawanywa katika mikoa miwili kuu: Peninsula Malaysia na Mashariki ya Malaysia. Nchi hiyo inajulikana kwa sababu ya maeneo yake mbalimbali, kutia ndani misitu yenye kuvutia ya mvua, milima yenye fahari, na fuo zenye kupendeza. Mojawapo ya mambo makuu ya Malaysia ni utamaduni wake wenye utajiri na msisimko. Idadi ya watu wa Malaysia ni Wamalaya, Wachina, Wahindi, na vikundi mbalimbali vya wenyeji, na hivyo kuunda jamii ya kitamaduni. Nchi hiyo inajulikana kwa sherehe zake, ambazo huonyesha ushirikiano wenye upatano wa vikundi tofauti vya kidini na kikabila. Kuanzia Hari Raya Aidilfitri hadi Mwaka Mpya wa Kichina, Deepavali hadi Krismasi, Malaysia husherehekea tamasha mbalimbali mwaka mzima. Kuhusu chakula, Malaysia hutoa ladha mbalimbali zenye kuvutia. Chakula cha Malaysia ni kitamu sana kwa sababu kina mapishi ya Kimalaya, Kichina, na Kihindi. Baadhi ya vyakula maarufu ni pamoja na nasi lemak, sahani ya mchele wa kokoni wenye harufu nzuri, satay, nyama iliyochomwa na kuchomwa, roti canai, mkate wa gorofa, na laksa, supu ya noodle yenye vikolezo. Malaysia ina uchumi unaositawi na viwanda muhimu kama vile utengenezaji, utalii, na huduma. Nchi hiyo inajulikana kwa uzalishaji wake wa mafuta ya mtende na ni kiongozi wa kimataifa katika sekta za elektroniki na magari. Kwa uchumi wake mbalimbali, Malaysia inatoa fursa mbalimbali kwa ajili ya biashara za ndani na kimataifa. Kwa watalii, Malaysia ni marudio ya ndoto yenye vivutio vingi vya kuchunguza. Kutoka kwa Petronas Twin Towers maarufu huko Kuala Lumpur hadi pwani za Langkawi, nchi hiyo inatoa kitu kwa kila mtu. Wapenzi wa asili wanaweza kwenda kwenye mbuga za kitaifa na misitu ya mvua, ambapo wanaweza kuona mandhari yenye kupendeza na kukutana na wanyama-pori wa kipekee. Kwa wale wanaopenda historia, unaweza kutembelea maeneo ya urithi wa ulimwengu wa UNESCO kama Melaka na George Town, ambayo yanaonyesha historia tajiri ya Malaysia na urithi wa kitamaduni. Kwa kumalizia, Malaysia ni nchi inayovutia wageni kwa mandhari yake yenye kupendeza, utamaduni wenye kusisimua, na uchumi wenye utofauti. Ikiwa unatafuta adventure katika asili, ladha ya vyakula vyenye ladha, au kuona historia na utamaduni wa nchi, Malaysia ina yote. Uislamu ni dini rasmi ya Malaysia. Malaysia ina uhuru wa kidini, na dini nyingine kuu zinatia ndani Ubudha, Uhindu, na Ukristo. Malaysia husherehekea sherehe mbalimbali, ikiwa ni pamoja na Hari Raya Aidilfitri, Mwaka Mpya wa Kichina, Deepavali, na Krismasi. Vyakula vya Malaysia ni mchanganyiko wa ladha zilizoathiriwa na mitindo ya kupika ya Malaysia, China, na India. Vyakula maarufu ni pamoja na nasi lemak, satay, roti canai, na laksa. Malaysia ina uchumi mbalimbali, na viwanda muhimu ikiwa ni pamoja na viwanda, utalii, na huduma. Inajulikana kwa sekta yake ya umeme, magari, na uzalishaji wa mafuta ya mtende. Malaysia ina maeneo mengi ya kuvutia watalii, kama vile Petronas Twin Towers, fukwe za Langkawi, na urithi wa kitamaduni wa Georgetown. Maeneo mengine yenye kuvutia ni mapango ya Batu, Milima ya Cameron, na jiji la kihistoria la Malacca. Malaysia ina mbuga kadhaa za kitaifa na hifadhi za asili, ambapo wageni wanaweza kufurahia mandhari yenye kuvutia, kukutana na wanyama wa porini wa kipekee, na kwenda kwenye vituko vya kusisimua vya porini. Jitambulishe katika maeneo ya urithi wa ulimwengu wa UNESCO ya Melaka na George Town, ambayo yanaonyesha historia tajiri ya Malaysia na urithi wa tamaduni nyingi. Maeneo mengine yenye kuvutia ni mapango ya Batu, Milima ya Cameron, na jiji la kihistoria la Malacca. | <urn:uuid:ee22d175-ed0d-42fc-83d8-d27de24cf159> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | http://www.tumaps.com/MY | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474674.35/warc/CC-MAIN-20240227085429-20240227115429-00712.warc.gz |
As more and more businesses move their operations online, the need for robust cybersecurity measures has never been greater. However, many employees are still unfamiliar with many cybersecurity terms. Here are some of the most commonly used terms in IT security. By understanding these terms, you will be better equipped to protect your business from cyberattacks.
For a long time, the phrase “computer virus” was misused to refer to any type of attack that harmed computers and networks. The more appropriate term for these harmful programs and files is “malicious software,” or “malware.” Whereas a virus is a specific type of malware designed to replicate itself, any software created for the purpose of destroying or accessing networks and data with the intent to steal, corrupt, or encrypt these should be referred to as malware.
Don’t let all other cyberthreats ending in “-ware” confuse you; they are all just subcategories of malware. Currently, one of the most notorious of these is ransomware, which is malware that encrypts valuable data until a ransom is paid for the decryption key. In a ransomware attack, the victim organization may feel compelled to pay the ransom to regain access to their data.
Intrusion prevention system (IPS)
There are several ways to safeguard your network from malware, but an IPS is one of the nonnegotiables. An IPS sits behind your company’s firewall and monitors for suspicious and malicious activity that can be halted before it can exploit or take advantage of a known vulnerability.
Not all types of malware rely solely on fancy computer programming. Experts agree that the majority of attacks require some form of social engineering to succeed. Social engineering is the act of tricking people, rather than computers, into revealing sensitive or protected information. For some cybercriminals, it’s less tedious to convince a potential victim to give them the data they need than to create and deploy complicated software to obtain the same information.
Phishing is a type of social engineering scheme that involves defrauding people using an app or a website that impersonates a trustworthy or often well-known business in an attempt to obtain confidential information. Just because you received an email that says it’s from the IRS doesn’t mean that it is. Don’t take such emails at face value — always verify the source, especially if the emails are requesting your sensitive data.
Antivirus software is often misunderstood as a way to comprehensively secure your computers and workstations. These applications are just one piece of the cybersecurity puzzle and can only scan the drives on which they are installed for signs of well-known malware variants.
When a vulnerability is found within a piece of software, vendors will release an update to fix the gap in security. However, cyberattackers can release a piece of malware that exploits the security vulnerability before software developers can address it. This is known as a zero-day attack.
When software developers discover a security vulnerability in their programming, they usually release a small file to update and “patch” this gap. Patches are essential to keeping your network secure from the vultures lurking on the internet. By checking for and installing patches as soon as these become available, you keep your software protected from the latest malware.
When antivirus software, patches, and intrusion prevention fail to keep your information secure, there’s only one thing that will: quarantined off-site storage. Duplicating your data offline and storing it somewhere other than your business’s workspace ensures that even if your systems get infected with malware, you’re equipped with backups to keep your business running.
Our cybersecurity professionals are always available to impart more in-depth knowledge of the many different kinds of cyberthreats. Get in touch with us today and find out how we can help you with your IT security woes. | Kwa kuwa biashara nyingi zaidi na zaidi zinafanya shughuli zao mtandaoni, haja ya hatua thabiti za usalama wa mtandao haijawahi kuwa kubwa. Hata hivyo, wafanyakazi wengi bado hawajui maneno mengi ya usalama wa mtandao. Hapa ni baadhi ya maneno ya kawaida kutumika katika usalama wa IT. Kwa kuelewa maneno haya, utakuwa na vifaa bora kulinda biashara yako kutoka kwa mashambulizi ya mtandao. Kwa muda mrefu, neno "virusi vya kompyuta" lilitumiwa vibaya kurejelea aina yoyote ya shambulio ambalo lilidhuru kompyuta na mitandao. "Jina linalofaa zaidi kwa programu na faili hizi zenye madhara ni ""programu mbaya"" au ""programu mbaya"" - wakati virusi ni aina maalum ya programu mbaya iliyoundwa kujirudia, programu yoyote iliyoundwa kwa kusudi la kuharibu au kupata mitandao na data kwa nia ya kuiba, kuharibu, au kuifunga inapaswa kutajwa kama ""programu mbaya.""" Je, si basi wote wengine cyberthreats kumalizika katika <unk>-programu<unk> kuchanganyikiwa wewe; wote ni tu subcategories ya programu hasidi. Kwa sasa, moja ya maarufu zaidi ni ransomware, ambayo ni programu hasidi ambayo encrypts data muhimu mpaka fidia ni kulipwa kwa ufunguo decryption. Katika shambulio la ransomware, shirika la mhasiriwa linaweza kuhisi kulazimika kulipa fidia ili kupata tena upatikanaji wa data zao. Mfumo wa kuzuia uvamizi (IPS) ni njia ya kuokoa mtandao wako kutoka kwa programu hasidi, lakini ni moja ya njia ambazo haziwezi kujadiliwa. IPS hukaa nyuma ya firewall ya kampuni yako na inasimamia shughuli za mashaka na mbaya ambazo zinaweza kusimamishwa kabla ya kutumia au kutumia hatari inayojulikana. Si aina zote za programu-mbaya zinazotegemea tu programu za kompyuta zenye kupendeza. Wataalamu wanakubaliana kwamba mashambulizi mengi huhitaji mbinu fulani ya uhandisi wa kijamii ili yafanikiwe. Uhandisi wa kijamii ni kitendo cha kudanganya watu, badala ya kompyuta, kufunua habari nyeti au zilizohifadhiwa. Kwa baadhi ya wahalifu wa mtandao, ni rahisi zaidi kumshawishi mhasiriwa wa uwezekano kuwapa data wanayohitaji kuliko kuunda na kupeleka programu ngumu kupata habari hiyo hiyo. Phishing ni aina ya mpango wa uhandisi wa kijamii ambao unahusisha kudanganya watu kwa kutumia programu au wavuti ambayo hujifanya kuwa biashara ya kuaminika au inayojulikana mara nyingi katika jaribio la kupata habari za siri. Tu kwa sababu wewe kupokea barua pepe ambayo inasema ni kutoka IRS haina maana kwamba ni. <unk>Usichukue barua pepe kama hizo kwa thamani ya uso <unk> daima uthibitishe chanzo, haswa ikiwa barua pepe zinahitaji data yako nyeti. Programu ya antivirus mara nyingi hueleweka vibaya kama njia ya kulinda kompyuta na vituo vya kazi vyako kwa njia kamili. Programu hizi ni kipande kimoja tu cha puzzle ya usalama wa mtandao na zinaweza tu kuchunguza madereva ambayo yamewekwa kwa ishara za aina za programu hasidi zinazojulikana. Wakati udhaifu hupatikana ndani ya kipande cha programu, wauzaji watatoa sasisho kurekebisha pengo katika usalama. Hata hivyo, washambuliaji wa kompyuta wanaweza kutolewa kipande cha programu hasidi ambayo exploits usalama udhaifu kabla ya watengenezaji wa programu wanaweza kushughulikia hilo. Hii inajulikana kama shambulio la siku sifuri. Wakati watengenezaji wa programu kugundua udhaifu wa usalama katika programu yao, wao kawaida kutolewa faili ndogo ya kusasisha na "patch" pengo hili. Patches ni muhimu kwa kuweka mtandao wako salama kutoka vultures lurking kwenye mtandao. Kwa kuangalia na kufunga patches mara tu zinapopatikana, unahifadhi programu yako ikilindwa kutokana na programu hasidi ya hivi karibuni. Wakati programu ya antivirus, patches, na kuzuia uvamizi kushindwa kuweka habari yako salama, kuna kitu kimoja tu kwamba itakuwa: quarantined kuhifadhi nje ya tovuti. Kuiga data yako nje ya mtandao na kuhifadhi mahali pengine mbali na eneo la kazi la biashara yako inahakikisha kwamba hata kama mifumo yako imeambukizwa na programu hasidi, una vifaa vya kuhifadhi ili kuweka biashara yako ikiendesha. Wataalamu wetu wa usalama wa mtandao wako tayari kutoa ujuzi wa kina zaidi wa aina nyingi tofauti za vitisho vya mtandao. Wasiliana nasi leo na uone jinsi tunaweza kukusaidia na matatizo yako ya usalama wa IT. | <urn:uuid:87066b5f-7a84-417d-a3d2-d8e05d079618> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://acumentechnology.com/a-short-guide-to-it-security-lingo/ | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474674.35/warc/CC-MAIN-20240227085429-20240227115429-00712.warc.gz |
Lithium (Li)-ion batteries will play a key role in the electrification of transport, including electric vehicles (EVs) and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs). However, the present energy storage of Li-ion batteries cannot meet the requirements of transportation in terms of driving range and safety. As a kind of potential alternative energy storage devices, rechargeable Li-air batteries have become one of the most attractive candidates for energy storage and EVs. Li-air batteries can provide several times higher energy density/specific energy of the existing battery systems. In this paper, we mainly focus on the research status, especially some progresses made in our lab, existing challenges and their solutions as well as perspective on the future directions on lithium-air batteries. | Lithium-ion betri ni moja ya vifaa vya umeme vya umeme katika sekta ya usafiri, na pia katika sekta ya umeme ya umeme (PHEVs). Hata hivyo, kuhifadhi nishati ya sasa ya Li-ion betri haiwezi kukidhi mahitaji ya usafiri katika suala la kuendesha gari mbalimbali na usalama. Kama aina ya uwezekano mbadala ya kuhifadhi nishati vifaa, rechargeable Li-Air betri kuwa moja ya wagombea kuvutia zaidi kwa ajili ya kuhifadhi nishati na EVs. Li-hewa betri inaweza kutoa mara kadhaa juu ya nishati wiani / nishati maalum ya mifumo ya betri zilizopo. Katika karatasi hii, tunazingatia hasa hali ya utafiti, haswa maendeleo fulani yaliyofanywa katika maabara yetu, changamoto zilizopo na suluhisho zao, na vile vile mtazamo juu ya mwelekeo wa baadaye wa betri za lithiamu-hewa. | <urn:uuid:a78e3c35-0715-4f35-baab-fc5dd94248eb> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://aml.iaamonline.org/article_15196.html | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474674.35/warc/CC-MAIN-20240227085429-20240227115429-00712.warc.gz |
Barbarians, political breakdown, economic collapse, mass migration, pillaging and plunder. The fall of the Roman Empire has been studied for years, but genetics, climate science, forensic science, network models, and globalization studies have reshaped our understanding of one of the most important events in human history. PhD historian and specialist Patrick Wyman brings the cutting edge of history to listeners in plain, relatable English.
How did Latin splinter into the Romance languages? In this episode, we explore how Latin transformed from a single, widely dispersed language into a series - French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Romanian, and so on - of related but no longer mutually intelligible tongues.
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What is frottage?
From the French frotter, to rub, frottage is an art technique popularized by surrealist artists at the beginning of the 20th century.
At it simplest, frottage is done by lying a thin sheet of paper on a textured surface and gently “rubbing” over it with a soft pencil to highlight the embossed texture.
You can find more info about the history and application of this technique here.
Frottage can be done with many different supports and pigments. For this project, we are using the printmaking ink and rollers technique.
I have previously dedicated a post on how to make color theory more fun and intuitive. Clearly, Kandinsky is the perfect artist to reference when discussing colors. However, the monochromatic quality of frottage is perfect to reflect on a different aspect of his art: shapes and composition.
Why should you try this activity?
The concept is quite simple: cut out abstract paper shapes and rub some pigment onto them. Children of all ages can enjoy this technique and create artworks with various levels of complexity. The sky is the limit!
*Bonus point: this activity is also a great way to make use of leftover paper.*
How to get started with cut-out paper frottage art (wow, that’s a mouthful!)
1 sheet of watercolor paper
2 sheets of “used” watercolor paper (dirty, drawn, tore, thick paper works perfectly)
Pencil for drawing
Glue (I used common stick glue, but Elmer’s liquid glue works just as well)
Printmaking ink in darker shades. Like most times, I enjoy using Marie’s colors. However, the one I used is oil based and hard to remove. I believe it’s better for artworks, but I wholeheartedly recommend using water-based printmaking ink when working with kids.
Spare ceramic tile or acrylic board, plus solvent for cleaning.
Frottage tools: I found that the rounded edge of color containers work pretty well.
Reference material if you wish to use it. “Vibrationen 160“, “Violett,” and “Blue Painting” are some of my favorite paintings for this project.
Use one of the dirty papers to draw shapes inspired by the artist’s work. No need to be too precise, some outlines will do. Remember however to separate each detail and layer into different shapes.
Cut out the shapes, keep related pieces organized together. Don’t throw away scrap paper away too soon: save them to add some extra pieces and details, or for the kids that might be running a little behind.
Arrange and glue the paper in place onto the remaining sheet of reclaimed paper; a bit of glue in the back will do. Note: the size of this paper will determine the size of your final print: I like to size it a couple of inches smaller than my final artwork paper to leave a clean white frame around the print.
Once the paint is evenly spread, you can start rolling over the paper composition.
When using oil based ink, I am usually the one preparing the pigments, with the exeption of more experienced print-making students. Start by squeezing a glop of paint on the tile and spread it out with the roll. You will note how sticky this paint is. That’s why is paramount to use a roller instead of a brush!
The painting should be applied evenly and rolled in multiple directions to minimize white spots.
turn the negative onto your final paper making sure not to slide it over
The paint doesn’t need to be too thick, but try to roll in multiple directions to minimize white spaces around cut-out shapes. Print-making ink dries very slowly, so there is no need to rush through this process. Once you are happy with the coverage,flip the paper in place onto your clean watercolor paper. Be careful not to move it until you are done rubbing.
Press and rub the back of the negative onto the paper making sure to cover every spot. I like to use a paint container, but any rounded item would do.
Carefully lift a corner for a quick peek!
Now comes the fun part! Using a rounded plastic tool, rub the back of your negative print. To transfer as much detail as possible, make sure to press on the edge of the shapes particularly well. Now and then, check on your progress by carefully lifting the corners. Be careful however not to move the negative. Children are surprisingly curious (duh) and will want to peek over and over again; to minimize the risk of shifting the negative, I like to use a little bit of paper tape to hold it in place.
Once you are happy with the level of details, carefully lift the negative. Hang the print to dry; it will take up to 72 hours to dry completely if you used oil based ink, so some patience is necessary. The brilliant news, is that tThe negative can be used over and over again to create new prints. You can even use different printing colors once the negative has dried.
So this is how I have come about frottage printmaking with my students. I personally enjoy this class for how easy it is to adapt it to different age groups, and also, I love the polished look that print-making artworks have.
What do you think? Have you tried frottage in your projects before? What is your experience? Would love to hear your suggestions and feedbacks in the comment section. | Frottage ni nini? "Kutoka kwa Kifaransa ""frotter"" kwa ""kufagia,"" frottage ni mbinu ya sanaa iliyopendekezwa na wasanii wa surrealist mwanzoni mwa karne ya 20. """ Kwa njia rahisi zaidi, frottage hufanywa kwa kuweka karatasi nyembamba kwenye uso wenye muundo na kwa upole <unk>kutikisa<unk> juu yake kwa penseli laini ili kusisitiza muundo uliochongwa. Unaweza kupata habari zaidi kuhusu historia na matumizi ya mbinu hii hapa. Frottage inaweza kufanywa kwa msaada mbalimbali na rangi. Kwa ajili ya mradi huu, sisi ni kutumia uchapishaji wino na rollers mbinu. Mimi hapo awali kujitolea post juu ya jinsi ya kufanya nadharia rangi zaidi ya furaha na intuitive. Ni wazi kwamba Kandinsky ndiye msanii bora wa kutaja tunapozungumzia rangi. Hata hivyo, ubora wa monochromatic wa frottage ni kamilifu kutafakari juu ya kipengele tofauti cha sanaa yake: maumbo na utungaji. Kwa nini unapaswa kujaribu utendaji huu? Wazo hilo ni rahisi sana: kata maumbo ya karatasi yasiyoeleweka na kutikisa rangi fulani juu yake. Watoto wa umri wote wanaweza kufurahia mbinu hiyo na kutengeneza michoro yenye viwango mbalimbali vya utata. Mbingu ndiyo kikomo! * Bonus point: shughuli hii pia ni njia nzuri ya kutumia karatasi iliyobaki. * Jinsi ya kuanza na kuchonga nje karatasi frottage sanaa (wow, kwamba ni kinywa kamili!) 1 karatasi ya rangi ya maji 2 karatasi ya rangi ya maji ya kutumiwa (karatasi chafu, iliyochorwa, iliyokatwa, ya unene inafanya kazi kikamilifu) Kalamu ya kuchora Glue (Nilitumia gundi ya kawaida ya fimbo, lakini gundi ya kioevu ya Elmer inafanya kazi sawa) Wino wa uchapishaji katika vivuli vyenye giza. Kama mara nyingi, ninafurahia kutumia rangi za Marie. Hata hivyo, ile niliyotumia ni ya mafuta na ni vigumu kuiondoa. Ninaamini ni bora kwa ajili ya kazi za sanaa, lakini mimi wholeheartedly kupendekeza kutumia maji-msingi printmaking wino wakati wa kufanya kazi na watoto. Vipande vya ziada vya kauri au ubao wa akriliki, pamoja na kioevu cha kusafisha. Frottage zana: Niligundua kwamba makali ya mviringo ya vyombo rangi kazi pretty vizuri. Vifaa vya kumbukumbu ikiwa unataka kuvitumia. "Vibrating, ""Vibrating"" na ""Vibrating"" ni baadhi ya michoro ya kuvutia zaidi ya mwaka huu." Tumia mojawapo ya karatasi chafu kuchora maumbo yaliyochochewa na kazi ya msanii. Hakuna haja ya kuwa sahihi sana, baadhi ya maelezo ya jumla yatatosha. Hata hivyo kumbuka kutenganisha kila maelezo na safu katika maumbo tofauti. Kata maumbo, weka vipande vinavyohusiana vikiwa vimeandaliwa pamoja. Je, si kutupa mbali scrap karatasi mbali mapema sana: kuhifadhi yao kuongeza baadhi ya vipande vya ziada na maelezo, au kwa ajili ya watoto ambao wanaweza kuwa mbio kidogo nyuma. Panga na gundi karatasi mahali pake kwenye karatasi iliyobaki ya karatasi iliyopatikana; kidogo ya gundi nyuma itafanya. Ukubwa wa karatasi ya mwisho huamua ukubwa wa uchapishaji wako wa mwisho, kwa hivyo ni muhimu kuamua ukubwa wa karatasi ya mwisho ili kuondoa sura nyeupe ya karatasi. Mara rangi inaposambazwa kwa usawa, unaweza kuanza kugeuza karatasi hiyo. Ninapotumia wino wa mafuta, kwa kawaida mimi ndiye ninayepanga rangi, isipokuwa wanafunzi wenye uzoefu zaidi wa uchapishaji. Anza kwa kufagia glop ya rangi juu ya tile na kueneza nje na roll. Utaona jinsi rangi hii inavyoambatana. Hiyo ndiyo sababu ni muhimu kutumia roller badala ya brush! Mchoro huo unapaswa kutumiwa kwa usawa na kupinduliwa katika pande nyingi ili kupunguza madoa meupe. Kurejea hasi juu ya karatasi yako ya mwisho kuhakikisha si slide juu ya rangi haina haja ya kuwa nene sana, lakini kujaribu roll katika pande nyingi ili kupunguza nafasi nyeupe karibu cut-nje maumbo. Wino wa kuchapisha hukauka polepole sana, kwa hiyo hakuna haja ya kukimbilia kufanya hivyo. Mara baada ya kufurahishwa na chanjo, flip karatasi katika mahali juu ya karatasi yako safi watercolor. Jihadharini usihamishe mpaka umemaliza kutikisa. Bonyeza na kutikisa nyuma ya hasi juu ya karatasi kuhakikisha kufunika kila doa. Ninapenda kutumia chombo cha rangi, lakini kitu chochote chenye umbo la mviringo kingeweza kutumika. Kwa uangalifu kuinua kona kwa ajili ya peek haraka! Sasa inakuja sehemu yenye kufurahisha! Kwa kutumia kifaa cha plastiki chenye umbo la mviringo, nyunyizia nyuma ya chapa yako mbaya. Ili kuhamisha maelezo mengi iwezekanavyo, hakikisha kushinikiza kwenye ukingo wa maumbo hasa vizuri. Mara kwa mara, angalia maendeleo yako kwa kuinua pembe hizo kwa uangalifu. Hata hivyo, uwe mwangalifu usihamishe picha hiyo hasi. Watoto ni kushangaza curious (duh) na itabidi wanataka peek juu na juu tena; kupunguza hatari ya kuhamisha hasi, napenda kutumia kidogo ya mkanda wa karatasi kushikilia mahali pake. Mara tu unaporidhika na kiwango cha maelezo, ondoa kwa uangalifu picha hiyo mbaya. Kufuta kwa wino wa mafuta huchukua muda wa masaa 72 au zaidi, kwa hivyo unahitaji kuwa na subira. Habari nzuri ni kwamba negative inaweza kutumika tena na tena ili kuunda prints mpya. Unaweza hata kutumia rangi tofauti za kuchapisha baada ya negative kukauka. Kwa hivyo, hii ni jinsi nilivyoanza kufanya uchapishaji wa frottage na wanafunzi wangu. Mimi binafsi ninafurahia darasa hili kwa jinsi rahisi ni kurekebisha kwa makundi tofauti ya umri, na pia, mimi upendo polished kuangalia kwamba kuchapisha kazi za sanaa kuwa. Unafikiri ni nini? Je, umewahi kujaribu frottage katika miradi yako kabla? Uzoefu wako ni nini? Ningependa kusikia mapendekezo yako na maoni katika sehemu ya maoni. | <urn:uuid:396b47aa-5939-4d5e-bd03-62410f370538> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://artsproutsart.com/frottage-abstract-kandinsky-art-project/?amp=1 | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474674.35/warc/CC-MAIN-20240227085429-20240227115429-00712.warc.gz |
If you have a child with autism that enjoys touching slimy textures, is working on fine motor skills, and likes to make a mess, this activity is for you!
I did this activity with my class of 2-year-olds, I also did it with my daughter who was 4 at the time, and it was a hit. This is one of those activities that can turn into multiple activities.
Here are just some ideas you can use to create multiple activities from one main activity.
- Go on a treasure hunt looking for objects you can put in the jello.
- Make a list of colors and find objects that are those colors
- Make a picture list and find the matching object
- Find objects of different sizes and compare them
- Make the jello together
- Do the jello dig
- Fill the sink with soapy water, get a washcloth and wash all the objects after the jello dig
You can adapt this activity to include more fine motor experiences, which is good for all young kids to work on.
What are fine motor skills? Fine motor skills are the skills that involve the small muscles of the body. In this activity, that means using the muscles your fingers. Fine motor skills are essential for so many different activities including writing, cutting, zipping, tying, feeding, etc.
Here’s how you can add a little extra fine motor exploration in this activity.
- Use small objects (make sure they’re safe for your child’s age and development)
- Use different utensils
- Different sized spoons
- Put coins in (if it’s safe for your child), get an old container and put a hole in it for your child to put the coins in after they find them in the jello
- Use fingers to dig through the jello
If you’d like to learn how to adapt this activity to target other specific developmental skills beyond fine motor skills, you can purchase the full activity by adding it to your cart below.
- Follow the directions on the pack of Jello
- Add small toys/objects in the jello while it is a liquid. Depending on how deep your dish is, you may want to do the jello in layers to disperse the toys.
- make all of the jello
- put half of the jello and toys in the bowl
- refrigerate and let set.
- leave the rest of the jello out of the fridge
- when the jello in the fridge is set, add the rest of the jello and toys
- put it back in the fridge
- When the jello has set, give your child a spoon and let him dig for the items
Extra Tips & Ideas
- Disclaimer: Young children may choke on small objects, choose objects that will be appropriate for your child. Adult supervision is recommended.
- Prepping this activity can make for a quick little extra ctivity
- Let your child pour and mix the jello ingredients if you feel they will be safe with the hot water.
- The first time you do this activity, I would recommend letting your child explore however he wants to. The following are games you could play in the future
- Play a game of I-spy
- Take picture of the toys before you put them in the jello. Print out the pictures, and have your child match the toys with the pictures
- Make cards out of the pictures, and take turns drawing a card and then trying to find the matching toy.
Access The Full Tutorial
To gain full access to this tutorial and 70+ other activity and technique tutorials, become a member of The Early Intervention Tutorials
As a member of the EI Tutorials, you will learn how to:
- Identify a child’s developmental level
- Understand the stages of play
- Learn how to help a child with limited play skills
- Implement specific techniques to increase communication and engagement
- Adapt activities to different stages of development
- Target specific developmental skills, including: communication skills, cognitive skills, executive functioning, motor skills, social skills, and adaptive skills
Adapting to Different Stages of Play
Depending on a child’s stage of development, you’ll want to adapt this activity based on goals that would be appropriate for the child’s growth.
The stages of play are:
- Stage 1: Unoccupied Play
- Stage 2: Solitary Play
- Stage 3: Onlooker Play
- Stage 4: Parallel Play
- Stage 5: Associative Play
- Stage 6: Cooperative Play
I’ll share ideas on how to do this in the Early Intervention Tutorials. You can become a member and gain access to this tutorial by going to: https://autismearlylearning.com/ei-tutorials-info/
In this section, I’ll identify which areas of development this activity targets. I’ll also give some pointers on how to specifically target each area. You can become a member of the Early Intervention Tutorials by going to: https://autismearlylearning.com/ei-tutorials-info/
As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases at no cost to you. | Ikiwa una mtoto mwenye ugonjwa wa akili ambaye hufurahia kugusa vitu vyenye umbo la matumbo, anafanya kazi ya kuboresha uwezo wake wa kuendesha gari, na anapenda kufanya fujo, zoezi hili ni kwa ajili yako! Nilikuwa na uzoefu wa kufanya kazi na watoto wa miaka miwili, na pia binti yangu ambaye alikuwa na miaka minne wakati huo, na ilikuwa hit. Hii ni moja ya shughuli hizo ambazo zinaweza kugeuka kuwa shughuli nyingi. Hapa ni baadhi ya mawazo unaweza kutumia kuunda shughuli nyingi kutoka shughuli moja kuu. - Nenda kwenye uwindaji wa hazina kutafuta vitu unaweza kuweka katika jello. "Kufanya orodha ya rangi na kupata vitu ambavyo ni rangi hizo, kufanya orodha ya picha na kupata kitu kinachofanana, kupata vitu vya ukubwa tofauti na kulinganisha, kufanya jelly pamoja, kufanya jelly kuchimba, kujaza sinki na maji ya sabuni, kupata kitambaa cha kuosha na kuosha vitu vyote baada ya kuchimba jelly, unaweza kurekebisha shughuli hii ili kujumuisha uzoefu mzuri wa motor, ambayo ni nzuri kwa watoto wote.""" Ujuzi wa magari bora ni nini? Ujuzi wa magari ni ujuzi unaohusisha misuli midogo ya mwili. Katika shughuli hii, hiyo inamaanisha kutumia misuli ya vidole vyako. Ujuzi wa magari ni muhimu kwa shughuli nyingi tofauti ikiwa ni pamoja na kuandika, kukata, zip, kufunga, kulisha, nk. Hapa ni jinsi unaweza kuongeza kidogo ziada nzuri motor uchunguzi katika shughuli hii. - Tumia vitu vidogo (hakikisha ni salama kwa umri na maendeleo ya mtoto wako) - Tumia vyombo tofauti - Vijiko vya ukubwa tofauti - Weka sarafu ndani (kama ni salama kwa mtoto wako), pata chombo cha zamani na weka shimo ndani yake kwa mtoto wako kuweka sarafu baada ya kuzipata katika jello - Tumia vidole kuchimba kupitia jello Ikiwa ungependa kujifunza jinsi ya kurekebisha shughuli hii kulenga ujuzi mwingine maalum wa maendeleo zaidi ya ujuzi mzuri wa motor, unaweza kununua shughuli kamili hapa chini kwa kuongeza. - Fuata maelekezo kwenye kifurushi cha Jello - Ongeza vitu vidogo vya kuchezea ndani ya jello wakati ni kioevu. Kulingana na jinsi sahani yako ilivyo na kina, unaweza kutaka kufanya jello katika tabaka ili kutawanya vitu vya kuchezea. Jelly: Jelly ya jelly ya jelly ya jelly ya jelly ya jelly ya jelly ya jelly ya jelly ya jelly ya jelly ya jelly ya jelly ya jelly ya jelly ya jelly ya jelly ya jelly ya jelly ya jelly Jelly ya Jelly ya Jelly ya Jelly ya Jelly ya Jelly ya Jelly ya Jelly ya Jelly ya Jelly ya Jelly ya Jelly ya Jelly ya Jelly ya Jelly ya Jelly ya Jelly ya Jelly ya Jelly ya Jelly ya Jelly ya Jelly ya Jelly ya Jelly ya Jelly ya Jelly ya Jelly ya Jelly ya Jelly ya Jelly ya Jelly ya Jelly ya Jelly ya Jelly ya Jelly ya Jelly ya Jelly Usimamizi wa mtu mzima unapendekezwa. Kuandaa shughuli hii inaweza kufanya kwa haraka kidogo ya ziada shughuli - Hebu mtoto wako kumimina na kuchanganya viungo jelly kama wewe kuhisi wao itakuwa salama na maji moto. Wakati wa kwanza wa kufanya shughuli hii, tafadhali kuruhusu mtoto wako kuchunguza jinsi anataka. Hizi ni michezo unaweza kucheza katika siku zijazo - Kucheza mchezo wa I-spy - Kuchukua picha ya toys kabla ya kuweka yao katika jello. Fanya picha na umwambie mtoto wako afanye kazi ya kuchora na kuchora na kisha ufanye kazi ya kuchora na kuchora na kuchora na kuchora na kuchora na kuchora na kuchora. Kujifunza kwa watoto wenye matatizo ya akili na ya akili: Kujifunza kwa watoto wenye matatizo ya akili na ya akili na ya akili: Kujifunza kwa watoto wenye matatizo ya akili na ya akili: Kujifunza kwa watoto wenye matatizo ya akili na ya akili: Kujifunza kwa watoto wenye matatizo ya akili na ya akili: Kujifunza kwa watoto wenye matatizo ya akili na ya akili. Hatua za kucheza ni: Hatua ya 1: Kucheza bila mtu - Hatua ya 2: Kucheza peke yake - Hatua ya 3: Kucheza kwa Mtazamaji - Hatua ya 4: Kucheza sambamba - Hatua ya 5: Kucheza kwa Ushirikiano - Hatua ya 6: Kucheza kwa Ushirikiano Nitashiriki mawazo juu ya jinsi ya kufanya hivyo katika Mafunzo ya Kuingilia Mapema. Unaweza kuwa mwanachama na kupata upatikanaji wa mafunzo haya kwa kwenda: https: autismarlylearning.com E-Tutorials-info Katika sehemu hii, nitatambua ni maeneo gani ya maendeleo ambayo shughuli hii inalenga. Mimi pia nitatoa baadhi ya pointi juu ya jinsi ya hasa lengo kila eneo. Unaweza kuwa mwanachama wa Mafunzo ya Kuingilia mapema kwa kwenda: https: www.autismartlearning.com kama Mshirika wa Amazon, ninapata kutoka kwa ununuzi wa kufuzu bila gharama kwako. | <urn:uuid:b56bbd7e-3e4b-4e79-8f44-ab4ec49831d8> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://autismearlylearning.com/jello-dig/ | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474674.35/warc/CC-MAIN-20240227085429-20240227115429-00712.warc.gz |
In 1915 a wounded digger from Adelaide was repatriated to the Army Hospital at Keswick.
He brought back with him a small rosemary bush dug up from the slopes and ravines of the Anzac Cove and it was planted in the hospital grounds.
For decades small sprigs of the digger’s rosemary were worn to honour the fallen on Anzac and Armistice days and after the Repatriation Hospital was established during WW2 at Daw Park SA, cuttings were taken and it was grown into a hedge on the hospital grounds.
This history was only discovered by David Lawry OAM, Founder of the AoH Project, when as a landscaper in the late 1980’s he was inadvertently removing part of it during renovations and the hospital gardener told him of its origin.
Worried that it might all be lost he took cuttings and kept a number of them growing in his native nursery to conserve the plant for posterity.
In 2004 at the launch of the Avenues of Honour Project during the TREENET Symposium at Adelaide University’s Waite Arboretum the delegates planted all of these in symbolic anticipation of the thousands of trees that would be planted across Australia in the decades ahead.
From this 2004 planted hedge, cuttings were provided to the nursery industry and official labels produced. Subsequently the sale of each nursery-grown Gallipoli Rosemary, provides a royalty to the Avenues of Honour project.
You can download a PDF list of growers: Gallipoli Rosemary Growers
L: newly planted Gallipoli Rosemary framing the newly planted War Memorial Oak progeny, April 2015
R: April 2020 | Mwaka 1915 mchimbaji mmoja aliyejeruhiwa kutoka Adelaide alipelekwa kwenye Hospitali ya Jeshi huko Keswick. Alileta kichaka kidogo cha rosemary kilichochimbwa kwenye mteremko wa Anzac Cove na kupandwa katika uwanja wa hospitali. Kwa miongo kadhaa matawi madogo ya rosemary ya mchimbaji yalivaliwa kuwaheshimu waliokufa katika siku za Anzac na Armistice, na baada ya Hospitali ya Uhamisho kuanzishwa wakati wa Vita Kuu ya Pili ya Dunia huko Daw Park, vipande vilichukuliwa na kukua kuwa ua kwenye uwanja wa hospitali. David Lawry, mwanzilishi wa mradi wa AHA, aliamua kuondoa sehemu ya ardhi hiyo wakati wa ukarabati wa hospitali hiyo. Aliogopa kwamba huenda mimea hiyo yote ingepotea, kwa hiyo akachukua vipande na kuweka baadhi ya mimea hiyo ikikua katika chumba chake cha kuzaliana ili kuhifadhi mimea hiyo kwa ajili ya vizazi vijavyo. Katika uzinduzi wa Avenues of Honour Project mnamo 2004, wakati wa Mkutano wa TREENET katika Chuo Kikuu cha Adelaide, Waite Arboretum, wajumbe walipanda hizi zote kwa matarajio ya ishara ya maelfu ya miti ambayo ingepandwa kote Australia katika miongo ijayo. Katika mwaka wa 2004 mimea hiyo ilitengenezwa na kuuzwa kwa makampuni ya kulima na kuuzwa kwa makampuni ya kuuza bidhaa za asili. Baadaye mauzo ya kila nursery-kulimwa Gallipoli Rosemary, hutoa royalties kwa Avenues ya Mradi wa Heshima. "Kama ilivyoelezwa katika makala ya ""Kulima kwa ajili ya Usalama wa Wananchi wa Gallipoli"" (Kulima kwa ajili ya Usalama wa Wananchi wa Gallipoli), mimea ya ""Kulima kwa ajili ya Usalama wa Wananchi wa Gallipoli"" (Kulima kwa ajili ya Usalama wa Wananchi wa Gallipoli) ni ya kawaida." | <urn:uuid:a8a6098b-a980-4cb1-bb90-41ddcb35486b> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://avenuesofhonour.org/leafy-legends/gallipoli-rosemary/ | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474674.35/warc/CC-MAIN-20240227085429-20240227115429-00712.warc.gz |
All official European Union website addresses are in the europa.eu domain.See all EU institutions and bodies
Agroecosystems, are defined as communities of plants and animals interacting with their physical and chemical environments that have been modified by people to produce food, fibre, fuel and other products for human consumption and processing (Maes, 2018).
Agroecosystems are composed by cropland and grassland, and cover about 47% of the EU’s land area. To a very large degree these are managed ecosystems, only some grassland habitats exist in fact under a natural state. The history of agriculture spans for several millennia, a sufficient time to have specific species and habitats coevolving together with human management. The latter is key to maintain agroecosystems in good condition. But what is a good condition for a managed ecosystem, therefore in an ecosystem that exists to a great extent for the benefit of humans? The approach taken in this report is that a good condition requires balance: in the use of natural resources while maintaining biodiversity, in the supply of a set of ecosystems services, in the necessity to fulfil the needs of current as well as of future generations.
Agroecosystems host some of the most species-rich habitats in the EU (Wilson et al, 2012) and it is estimated that ca. 50% of all species in Europe rely on agricultural habitats at least to some extent (Halada et al., 2011; Lomba et al., 2015). Moreover, agrobiodiversity and in particular genetic resources for food and agriculture (wild crop relatives, plant varieties, landraces etc.) represent an insurance for the future, guaranteeing the capacity to respond to crises (climatic, economic etc.) contributing thus to food security.
Extent and change
The extent of agroecosystems according to CORINE Land Cover (all eleven level-3 classes 2.x, of which ten are assigned to cropland ecosystems, and one -class 2.3.1 “Pastures”- assigned to grassland ecosystems) corresponds to almost 48% (2018) of total EU land area. The total area covered by agroecosystems has decreased by over 12,000 km² since 2000.A key driver for this was urbanisation, with 4,200 km² of agroecosystems irreversibly lost in a decade.
Drivers and pressures
The assessment of pressures on agroecosystems focuses on three categories of pressures, deriving from: climate change, land conversion, pollution and nutrient enrichment.
The relation of agroecosystems with climate is twofold: farming activities shaping agroecosystems depend directly on climatic conditions (e.g. planting and sowing dates, water availability and irrigation, choice of species varieties better adapted to climate extremes etc.). Moreover, changing climatic conditions affect plant community traits and composition, leading to species range shifts e.g. in grassland habitats (Tardella et al, 2016; Choler P., 2018), and change in their usage (e.g. duration and intensity of grazing season) driving therefore a whole range of impacts on biodiversity. The perspective adopted in this assessment is that climate change creates a disturbance, leading to changes in the physiological responses of ecosystems, their time responses (e.g. phenology), and spatial distribution (Bellard et al. 2012). Therefore, even though some beneficial effects for some ecosystems are possible, e.g. in terms of increased primary productivity at the regional scale, significant changes are overall considered major cross-ecosystem drivers of degradation including agroecosystems . Generally, EU climate goes in the direction of having higher temperatures, longer warm periods, and milder winters.
Depositions of pollutants (nitrogen and sulphur) causing acidification and eutrophication on agroecosystems have decreased both in the short term and since 2000 (long-term trend). High deposition levels can in fact impact grassland structure and function, in particular by inducing changes in plant species composition, eutrophication and soil acidification (Henry and Aherne, 2014). The improvement is significant, 47% decrease per decade for the acidification component, 20% decrease for the eutrophication component.
Convergence of evidence
According to the results, 22% of the agroecosystems area shows improvement in at least three indicators (Figure 3.2.16), most of these are concentrated in the Northern part of the EU (Figure 3.2.15). Conversely, 27% of the agroecosystems area shows degradation in at least three indicators (Figure 3.2.18), mostly concentrated in the Southern part of the EU (Figure 3.2.17). In 28% of agroecosystems area five indicators show no change (Figures 3.2.19 and 3.2.20).
While pressures on agroecosystems have largely remained unchanged or even increased throughout the 2010-2020 decade, two thirds of condition indicators show either stable or declining trends.
The European Court of Auditors (ECA) in its 2020 assessment on the contribution made by the CAP to maintaining and enhancing biodiversity (ECA, 2020), found that the CAP has so far been insufficient to counteract declining biodiversity on farmland. The ECA recommendations to the European Commission are to:
1. improve coordination and design for the post-2020 EU biodiversity strategy – to this end also tracking expenditure more accurately;
2. enhance the contribution of direct payments to farmland biodiversity;
3. increase the contribution of rural development to farmland biodiversity;
4. develop reliable indicators to assess the impact of the CAP on farmland biodiversity.
The assessment presented in this report is based on trends calculated on the basis of available data, and therefore may overlook factors that would describe in a more complete way the dynamics of agroecosystem condition. Nevertheless, many relevant variables are considered and the main conclusion is that the degradation trend of agroecosystems was not halted in the 2010-2020 decade. Such trend departs from a condition of agroecosystems that had already been suffering long-term degradation and important biodiversity losses, while pressure levels are to a large degree unchanged or increasing. These are the same pressures that contributed in the past decades to biodiversity loss, which is still ongoing, as clearly shown by available biodiversity indicators. Therefore, when increasing pressures from a changing climate are added to the picture, there is no evidence that reversal of biodiversity trends and improvement of ecosystem condition will take place, if appropriate actions are not taken. | "Kama ilivyoelezwa katika makala ya kwanza ya EU Agroecology, ""Agroecology"" ni jamii ya mimea na wanyama wanaohusika na mazingira yao ya kimwili na kemikali ambayo yamebadilishwa na watu ili kuzalisha chakula, nyuzi, mafuta na bidhaa nyingine kwa ajili ya matumizi ya binadamu na usindikaji." Mifumo ya kilimo ya mazingira inajumuisha mashamba ya kilimo na nyasi, na inashughulikia karibu 47% ya eneo la ardhi la EU. Kwa kiwango kikubwa sana hizi ni mifumo ya ikolojia inayosimamiwa, ni baadhi tu ya makazi ya nyasi ambayo kwa kweli yapo chini ya hali ya asili. Historia ya kilimo inaenea kwa maelfu ya miaka, muda wa kutosha kuwa na spishi maalum na makazi coevolving pamoja na usimamizi wa binadamu. Jambo hilo la mwisho ni muhimu ili kudumisha mifumo ya ikolojia ya kilimo katika hali nzuri. Lakini ni nini hali nzuri kwa mfumo wa ikolojia uliodhibitiwa, kwa hivyo katika mfumo wa ikolojia ambao upo kwa kiwango kikubwa kwa faida ya wanadamu? """Mtazamo uliochukuliwa katika ripoti hii ni kwamba hali nzuri inahitaji usawa: katika matumizi ya rasilimali za asili wakati wa kudumisha utofauti wa kibiolojia, katika utoaji wa huduma za mfumo wa ikolojia, katika uhitaji wa kukidhi mahitaji ya kizazi cha sasa na kizazi cha baadaye." Kwa mujibu wa takwimu za EU, mazingira ya kilimo ni miongoni mwa mazingira yenye aina nyingi zaidi za wanyama (Wilson et al., 2012) na inakadiriwa kuwa karibu asilimia 50 ya mazingira ya kilimo ni ya wanyama. Kwa mfano, asilimia 50 ya spishi za wanyama duniani zinategemea mazingira ya kilimo (Halade et al., 2011; Lomba et al., 2015). Kwa kuongezea, agrobiodiversity na hasa rasilimali za maumbile kwa ajili ya chakula na kilimo ( jamaa wa mazao ya mwituni, aina za mimea, landraces nk.) Ni bima ya siku zijazo, kuhakikisha uwezo wa kukabiliana na mgogoro (hali ya hewa, kiuchumi, nk). hivyo kuchangia usalama wa chakula. "Kama ilivyoelezwa katika ripoti ya CORINE Land Cover, ""kiwango cha 11 cha kiwango cha 3 cha 2.x, ambayo kumi ni kugawanywa kwa mifumo ya ikolojia ya mashamba ya kilimo, na moja - aina ya 2.3.1 - ""Mashamba"" - iliyowekwa kwa mifumo ya ikolojia ya nyasi - inalingana na karibu 48% ya jumla ya eneo la ardhi la EU." Kwa mujibu wa ripoti hiyo, eneo la kilimo limepungua kwa zaidi ya kilomita 12,000 tangu mwaka 2000, na kwa sababu ya kuongezeka kwa idadi ya wakazi wa miji, eneo la kilimo limepungua kwa kilomita 4,200 katika kipindi cha miaka kumi. Kwa mujibu wa utafiti wa utafiti wa hali ya hewa, athari za athari za athari za athari za athari za athari za athari za athari za athari za athari za athari za athari za athari za athari za athari za athari za athari za athari za athari za athari za athari za athari za athari za athari za athari za athari za athari za athari za athari za athari za athari za athari za athari za athari za athari za athari za athari za athari za athari za athari za athari za athari. Uwiano wa agroecosystems na hali ya hewa ni mbili: shughuli za kilimo kuunda agroecosystems kutegemea moja kwa moja juu ya hali ya hewa (kwa mfano. Kuongeza muda wa kupanda, kupanda, na kupanua, na kuongeza upatikanaji wa maji, na kuchagua aina za mimea zinazolingana na hali ya hewa ya hali ya juu. Kwa kuongezea, mabadiliko ya hali ya hewa huathiri sifa na muundo wa jamii ya mimea, ikisababisha mabadiliko ya aina ya aina, kwa mfano. Katika maeneo ya mashamba ya mimea (Tardella et al., 2016; Choler P., 2018), na mabadiliko katika matumizi yao (kwa mfano, Kwa sababu ya muda na nguvu ya msimu wa malisho, hii ina athari nyingi kwa uumbaji. Kwa mujibu wa utafiti huo, mabadiliko ya hali ya hewa ni athari ya athari ya athari ya athari ya athari ya athari ya athari ya athari ya athari ya athari ya athari ya athari ya athari ya athari ya athari ya athari ya athari ya athari ya athari ya athari ya athari ya athari ya athari ya athari ya athari ya athari ya athari ya athari ya athari ya athari ya athari ya athari ya athari ya athari. phenology), na usambazaji wa nafasi (Bellard et al. 2012) na Kwa hiyo, hata ingawa baadhi ya athari za manufaa kwa baadhi ya mifumo ya ikolojia inawezekana, kwa mfano Kwa ujumla, mabadiliko makubwa yanachukuliwa kuwa sababu kuu za uharibifu wa mifumo ya ikolojia, ikiwa ni pamoja na mifumo ya ikolojia ya kilimo. Kwa ujumla, hali ya hewa ya EU inaelekea kuwa na joto la juu, vipindi vya joto vya muda mrefu, na majira ya baridi kali. Utoaji wa uchafuzi wa hewa (nitrojeni na sulfuri) unaosababisha acidification na eutrophication kwenye mifumo ya kilimo imepungua katika muda mfupi na tangu 2000 (mwelekeo wa muda mrefu). Kiwango cha juu cha kutua kwa kweli kinaweza kuathiri muundo na kazi ya nyasi, haswa kwa kusababisha mabadiliko katika muundo wa spishi za mimea, eutrophication na acidification ya udongo (Henry na Aherne, 2014). Mabadiliko hayo ni makubwa, 47% kupungua kwa kila muongo kwa ajili ya acidification kipengele, 20% kupungua kwa ajili ya eutrophication kipengele. Kwa mujibu wa matokeo, asilimia 22 ya eneo la agroecosystems inaonyesha uboreshaji katika angalau viashiria vitatu (Figure 3.2.16), wengi wao ni umakini katika sehemu ya kaskazini ya EU (Figure 3.2.15). Kwa upande mwingine, 27% ya eneo la agroecosystems inaonyesha uharibifu katika angalau viashiria vitatu (Figure 3.2.18), hasa katika sehemu ya kusini ya EU (Figure 3.2.17). Katika asilimia 28 ya maeneo ya agroecosystems, viashiria vitano havionyeshi mabadiliko (Rahis 3.2.19 na 3.2.20). Ingawa shinikizo kwa agroecosystems kwa kiasi kikubwa limebaki bila kubadilika au hata kuongezeka katika muongo mzima wa 2010-2020 - theluthi mbili ya viashiria vya hali ya mazingira vinaonyesha mwenendo wa kudumu au kupungua. Katika tathmini yake ya 2020 ya mchango wa CAP katika kudumisha na kuongeza utofauti wa kibiolojia, Mahakama ya Ulaya ya Wakaguzi (ECA) iligundua kuwa CAP hadi sasa haijatosha kukabiliana na kupungua kwa utofauti wa kibiolojia kwenye ardhi ya kilimo. Tume ya Ulaya ya Uchunguzi ya Biolojia imependekeza Tume ya Ulaya ifanye kazi kwa ufanisi zaidi katika kufuatilia matumizi ya EU baada ya 2020 na kuongeza mchango wa malipo ya moja kwa moja kwa uhifadhi wa mazingira ya mashamba, na kuendeleza viashiria vya kuaminika vya kutathmini athari za CAP kwa uhifadhi wa mazingira. Tathmini iliyotolewa katika ripoti hii inategemea mwenendo uliohesabiwa kwa msingi wa data inayopatikana, na kwa hivyo inaweza kupuuza sababu ambazo zinaweza kuelezea kwa njia kamili zaidi nguvu za hali ya mazingira ya kilimo. Hata hivyo, vigezo vingi vinavyohusiana vinachukuliwa na hitimisho kuu ni kwamba mwenendo wa uharibifu wa mifumo ya kilimo haukukoma katika muongo wa 2010-2020. Mwelekeo huo unatokana na hali ya mifumo ya ikolojia ya kilimo ambayo tayari ilikuwa ikiteseka kwa muda mrefu na hasara kubwa ya bioanuwai, wakati viwango vya shinikizo ni kwa kiwango kikubwa bila kubadilika au kuongezeka. Hizi ni shinikizo sawa ambazo zimechangia katika miongo ya hivi karibuni kwa upotezaji wa bioanuwai, ambao bado unaendelea, kama inavyoonyeshwa wazi na viashiria vya bioanuwai vinavyopatikana. Kwa hiyo, wakati shinikizo la kuongezeka kutoka kwa mabadiliko ya hali ya hewa huongezwa kwenye picha, hakuna ushahidi kwamba mwelekeo wa mabadiliko ya kibiolojia na uboreshaji wa hali ya mazingira utafanyika ikiwa hatua sahihi hazitachukuliwa. | <urn:uuid:eaa3a77b-58bf-40de-a9a6-02acd93911cd> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://biodiversity.europa.eu/europes-biodiversity/ecosystems/agroecosystems | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474674.35/warc/CC-MAIN-20240227085429-20240227115429-00712.warc.gz |
Credit: (OSU College of Science)
CORVALLIS, Ore. – Corals that appear healthy are more prone to getting sick when they’re home to too many parasitic bacteria, new research at Oregon State University shows.
Supported by the National Science Foundation, the study, published in Environmental Microbiology, adds fresh insight to the fight to save the Earth’s embattled coral reefs, particularly those in the Caribbean.
“The clear relationship we’ve discovered between this kind of bacteria and disease resistance in Caribbean staghorn coral is a crucial piece of the puzzle for coral restoration efforts in that region,” said study co-author Becca Maher, a Ph.D. candidate at Oregon State.
Found in less than 1% of the ocean but home to nearly one-quarter of all known marine species, coral reefs help regulate the sea’s carbon dioxide levels and are a crucial hunting ground that scientists use in the search for new medicines.
Between 2014 and 2017, more than 75% of the world’s reefs experienced bleaching-level heat stress, and 30% suffered mortality-level stress. Bleaching refers to the breakdown of the symbiotic relationship between corals and the algae they rely on for energy.
A complex composition of dinoflagellates, viruses, fungi, bacteria and archaea make up the coral microbiome, and shifts in microbiome composition are connected to changes in coral health.
In 2019, scientists in the lab of OSU microbiologist Rebecca Vega Thurber identified a new genus of parasitic bacteria that flourishes when reefs become polluted with nutrients, siphoning energy from the corals and making them more susceptible to disease.
The bacteria are in the order Rickettsiales, and the new genus is associated primarily with aquatic organisms. Scientists named the genus Candidatus Aquarickettsia and the coral-associated species in the 2019 study, Candidatus A. rohweri, was the first in the new genus to have its genome completely sequenced.
Since their first appearance 425 million years ago, corals have branched into more than 1,500 species, including the one at the center of this research: the critically endangered Acropora cervicornis, commonly known as the Caribbean staghorn coral.
“The bacterial genus we’ve identified is found around the world and in multiple types of corals, but is most notably found in high abundance in the microbiomes of Caribbean staghorn coral,” said study co-author Grace Klinges, also a Ph.D. candidate in the Vega Thurber lab. “Now we’ve uncovered significant evidence that a high abundance of Ca. Aquarickettsia is a marker of disease susceptibility in corals that otherwise seem healthy.”
Disease-resistant corals were found to host a much more even mix of many types of bacteria, she said. Additionally, as corals experienced heat stress from a warming ocean, the microbiome dominance of Ca. Aquarickettsia eroded.
“That’s apparently because the bacteria rely on host nutritional resources that become scarce during periods of stress,” Vega Thurber said. “And then the sudden loss of a dominant community member frees up niche space and creates openings for opportunistic pathogens to proliferate and sicken the coral.”
Erinn Muller of the Mote Marine Laboratory in Sarasota, Florida, led the study.
Rebecca Vega Thurber
Related Journal Article | "Korali zinazoonekana kuwa na afya nzuri huwa na uwezekano mkubwa wa kuugua zinapokuwa na bakteria nyingi za vimelea, ""utafiti mpya katika Chuo Kikuu cha Jimbo la Oregon unaonyesha." Utafiti huo, uliofanywa na Shirika la Sayansi la Marekani, unaongeza ufahamu mpya katika mapambano ya kuokoa matumbawe ya dunia, hasa yale ya Karibea. "Uhusiano ulio wazi ambao tumegundua kati ya aina hii ya bakteria na upinzani wa magonjwa katika matumbawe ya Caribbean staghorn ni kipande muhimu cha fumbo kwa juhudi za kurudisha matumbawe katika mkoa huo, "alisema mwandishi mwenza wa utafiti Becca Maher, mgombea wa PhD katika Jimbo la Oregon." Zipo katika sehemu ndogo ya bahari lakini ni makao ya karibu robo ya spishi zote za baharini zinazojulikana, matumbawe husaidia kudhibiti viwango vya kaboni dioksidi baharini na ni uwanja muhimu wa kuwinda ambao wanasayansi hutumia kutafuta dawa mpya. Kati ya mwaka 2014 na 2017, zaidi ya asilimia 75 ya matumbawe ya dunia yalikabiliwa na shinikizo la joto la kiwango cha kupunguzwa, na asilimia 30 walipata shinikizo la kiwango cha vifo. Kupungua kwa rangi ya matumbawe ni kuharibika kwa uhusiano kati ya matumbawe na mwani ambao hutumiwa kama nishati. Dinoflagellates, virusi, fungi, bakteria na archaea hufanyiza microbiome ya matumbawe, na mabadiliko katika muundo wa microbiome yanahusiana na mabadiliko katika afya ya matumbawe. Katika mwaka wa 2019, wanasayansi katika maabara ya OCS microbiologist Rebecca Vega-Thurber walitambua jamii mpya ya bakteria ya vimelea ambayo hufanikiwa wakati miamba inapochafuliwa na virutubisho, ikichukua nishati kutoka kwa matumbawe na kuwafanya wawe rahisi zaidi kuambukizwa. Bakteria hizo ni za jamii ya Rickettsiales, na jamii hiyo mpya inahusianishwa hasa na viumbe wa majini. Candidatus aquarictus, ambayo ni aina ya korali ya aina ya A. roheri, ni aina ya korali ya asili ya Afrika Kusini ambayo imepatikana katika mimea ya bahari. Tangu kuonekana kwa mara ya kwanza miaka milioni 425 iliyopita, matumbawe yameenea katika spishi zaidi ya 1,500, ikiwa ni pamoja na moja katika kituo cha utafiti huu: Acropora cervicornis, inayoathiriwa sana, inayojulikana kama Caribbean staghorn. "Jini ya bakteria ambayo tumegundua hupatikana ulimwenguni kote na katika aina nyingi za matumbawe, lakini hasa hupatikana kwa wingi katika microbiomes ya matumbawe ya Caribbean staghorn, "alisema mwandishi mwenza wa utafiti Grace Klinges, pia mgombea wa PhD katika maabara ya Vega Thurber. " <unk>Sasa tumegundua ushahidi muhimu kwamba wingi wa Ca. "Akariketsia ni alama ya kuathiriwa na magonjwa katika matumbawe ambayo kwa vyovyote vile yanaonekana kuwa na afya, ""aliongeza, ""matumbawe yanayopinga magonjwa yaligunduliwa kuwa na mchanganyiko sawa zaidi wa aina nyingi za bakteria.""" Kwa kuongezea, kama matumbawe uzoefu joto mkazo kutoka bahari joto, microbiome utawala wa Ca. Aquarickettsia iliharibiwa. "Hiyo ni kwa sababu bakteria hutegemea rasilimali za lishe za mwenyeji ambazo huwa chache wakati wa vipindi vya mkazo", Vega Thurber alisema. "Kisha, kupoteza kwa ghafla kwa mshiriki wa jamii ya kipekee hufungua nafasi ya niche na kuunda nafasi kwa vimelea vya ugonjwa wa fursa kuenea na kuambukiza matumbawe. "" - Erin Muller wa Maabara ya Bahari ya Mote huko Sarasota, Florida, aliongoza utafiti huo." Rebecca Thurber Makala ya Jarida inayohusiana | <urn:uuid:ad05cdee-ab1b-4e56-8020-78ad7331c0dc> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://bioengineer.org/coral-researchers-find-link-between-bacterial-genus-and-disease-susceptibility/ | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474674.35/warc/CC-MAIN-20240227085429-20240227115429-00712.warc.gz |
by • November 8, 2023
Self-hosted software is also called on-premises software and refers to an open-source application installed and maintained by a person or an enterprise employing their private web servers.
Self-hosted software allows complete control over your infrastructure and data but requires more effort to manage, maintain, and secure. Many web apps you use on a daily basis, such as Google Docs and Gmail, are run on a third-party server. The server hosts the application when you want to use it, and you can then access it on a browser.
However, when it comes to self-hosted solutions, they run on the user’s servers; therefore, the user has full control of the data. For instance, self-hosted project management software can be accessed through the internet and is a good option for individuals or enterprises that want to be in charge of data security, privacy, bandwidth, and storage. But if you encounter an issue with the solution, you will be responsible for fixing it.
Self-hosting a solution is a good choice for people and organizations who have the resources for setup and hosting. When implemented correctly, you can benefit greatly from the different features of a self-hosted platform, especially when it comes to data security. However, as the organization is responsible for hosting the platform adequately, it requires more effort, and there are risks involved in the platform’s implementation and operation.
Here’s what you should know about Self Hosting
In this Article:
Generate a full-featured, documented, and secure REST API in minutes.
Self-hosting refers to the practice of deploying and maintaining software applications or services on an organization’s own infrastructure, rather than relying on external cloud providers or third-party services. In a self-hosting setup, an enterprise takes direct responsibility for managing the software, hardware, and data, typically within its own premises or through private hosting arrangements.
This approach offers organizations complete control over their data, enhanced data security, extensive customization options, and reduced dependency on external vendors. Self-hosting is especially beneficial for businesses with specific privacy and compliance requirements, such as those in regulated industries like healthcare, legal, and finance. However, it also comes with challenges related to scalability, initial costs, update responsibilities, and reliability that organizations must carefully consider.
Self-hosting involves deploying software applications or services on an organization’s own infrastructure, allowing complete control over the management and maintenance of these resources.
Typically, self-hosted software is installed and operated on servers physically located within the organization’s premises, giving them direct oversight and responsibility for their software ecosystem. This approach enables businesses to safeguard data and ensure data security, especially valuable for industries with stringent privacy concerns.
To implement self-hosting effectively, organizations may need an adept IT team to manage the infrastructure, software updates, and ongoing maintenance.
Let’s look at the opportunities a self-hosted platform offers to your business:
Self-hosted software requires you to purchase a license or a copy of the solution. Since the software is licensed, as it is being used within the premises of an individual or an enterprise, there is greater data protection as compared to cloud computing or SaaS (software-as-a-service) infrastructure. So the organization can retain all the data and is in charge of what happens to it.
It primarily benefits organizations in highly regulated industries, such as healthcare, as they have extra privacy concerns. Such enterprises hesitate to take the leap into cloud computing.
With self-hosted software, an enterprise’s servers and data are physically located on the premises. So, the software’s management and maintenance are their responsibility. This is especially helpful in the case of a cybersecurity threat when the ITops team can use backup and disaster recovery solutions to access crucial data.
Self-hosted software is great for organizations with sensitive data, such as legal, healthcare, and finance. These companies must follow stringent cybersecurity regulations and often host their data onsite rather than opting for a data center located far away.
Also, self-hosted software requires an adept IT team to manage the infrastructure and data security.
When it comes to ease of customization, on-premise software has unlimited options as compared to cloud computing. It is the go-to solution for large enterprises with complex IT needs, so the customization offered by self-hosted solutions makes a world of difference. It is especially beneficial in niche industries such as specialized manufacturing, where you can modify the software according to specific requirements.
As you have direct control over the implementation and can customize the on-premise software, there is less dependency on the vendor. This gives you independence and long-term planning reliability. However, the complexity of custom deployment implies that you would require a dedicated IT team comprised of consultants and implementation specialists.
In today’s rapidly changing tech world, constant software updates are considered to be normal. However, your organization doesn’t require all these updates in order to operate successfully. As not all upgrades are significant, self-hosted software lets you decide whether to deploy updates. You can also decide when to deploy the updates released by the software developer.
Although self-hosting is excellent for data security and reliability, it has some downsides. Let’s have a look at the challenges you can encounter by opting for self-hosting.
Software scalability refers to the ability of a system to expand its functionality and capacity according to user demand. The software should be able to handle increasing workloads and data volumes. Moreover, it enables businesses to add and remove data without incurring additional costs. Scalability is crucial in deciding whether the software will adapt to the new users who join a system. Also, when it comes to integrations, you need to consider whether they are scalable.
If you want to scale a self-hosted software, it can impact the hardware and uptime. Scalability also requires more planning and preparation for on-premise solutions compared to cloud computing, where it is simple to add more users or storage.
Self-hosted systems have higher upfront costs because of hosting and hardware-related expenses. Although cloud solutions aren’t cheaper, self-hosting can be more expensive, given that you need an IT department to install and maintain the hardware and software. Additionally, you need to factor in the time it takes to set up, maintain, and update on a monthly basis. You may end up paying thousands of dollars on self-hosting infrastructure, which would also take considerable time. However, in the long term, self-hosting may be cost-effective, especially if your organization has its own IT staff that manages the self-hosted software in-house.
Although self-hosting gives you the freedom to choose when to update your software, it also comes with a big responsibility and requires technical expertise. You need an IT team and legal experts that can take care of the updates on a regular basis. Some of these updates are crucial if you want a competitive advantage or even to ensure that your organization abides by data laws. On the other hand, if you opt for cloud-based services, the updates are the provider’s job.
Self-hosting is dependent on your hardware, so downtime and failure cannot be avoided. But when anything goes down in your self-hosted infrastructure, you cannot function until it is fixed. On the other hand, cloud servers can be easily re-spawned when they go down, thereby helping you resume work as soon as possible. It implies that you can get back to business much faster when there is an outage. However, it is not possible when your self-hosting has any issues.
Self-hosting finds application across various industries and scenarios, catering to specific needs and preferences. Here are some notable use cases and examples:
If your enterprise prefers self-hosting over cloud computing, there are several ways of implementing it. Rather than doing everything in-house, you can also take help from other providers. Here is how your enterprise can use a self-hosted service and save valuable time and resources:
In general, the choice between all these options depends on the specific requirements of your application or service, including security, performance, cost, and ease of management.
DreamFactory’s open-source backend as a service (BaaS) platform enables developers to build API-driven applications and services. You can deploy the DreamFactory platform on your own servers or infrastructure.
By using DreamFactory, you can rapidly build and deploy RESTful APIs for your web and mobile applications. It supports multiple databases, including MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, and PostgreSQL. It can connect to various other systems, such as file storage services, email, and push notifications, through its API-driven platform.
Additionally, DreamFactory provides a user-friendly administrative interface for managing API access, authentication, and authorization, making it easy for developers to manage and secure their APIs.So, if you are looking for a fast and scalable way to build and manage APIs, DreamFactory provides complete control over the infrastructure and security of your platform. Start your free trial here.
Self-Hosted, On-Premises, or Cloud — Which Deployment Model Is Best?
Terence Bennett, General Manager at DreamFactory, has a strong operational, business, and extensive experience in government IT systems and Google Cloud. He started his career as a U.S. Navy Intelligence Officer, then honed his skills on Google’s Red Team and later became the COO of Integrate.io.
Join the DreamFactory newsletter list. | Programu ya kujitegemea pia inaitwa programu ya ndani ya eneo na inahusu programu ya chanzo wazi iliyowekwa na kudumishwa na mtu au biashara inayotumia seva zao za wavuti za kibinafsi. Programu ya kujitegemea inaruhusu udhibiti kamili juu ya miundombinu yako na data lakini inahitaji juhudi zaidi kusimamia, kudumisha, na kulinda. Programu nyingi za wavuti unazotumia kila siku, kama vile Google Docs na Gmail, zinaendeshwa kwenye seva ya mtu wa tatu. Seva inakaribisha programu wakati unataka kuitumia, na kisha unaweza kuipata kwenye kivinjari. Hata hivyo, linapokuja suala la ufumbuzi self-hosted, wao kukimbia juu ya seva ya mtumiaji; kwa hiyo, mtumiaji ana udhibiti kamili wa data. Kwa mfano, programu ya usimamizi wa mradi ya kujitegemea inaweza kupatikana kupitia mtandao na ni chaguo nzuri kwa watu binafsi au makampuni ambayo wanataka kuwa na jukumu la usalama wa data, faragha, bandwidth, na kuhifadhi. Lakini kama wewe kukutana na tatizo na ufumbuzi, utakuwa na jukumu la kurekebisha hilo. Self-hosting ni chaguo bora kwa watu na mashirika ambayo yana rasilimali za kuanzisha na mwenyeji. Wakati kutekelezwa kwa usahihi, unaweza kufaidika sana kutoka kwa sifa tofauti za jukwaa la kujitegemea, haswa linapokuja usalama wa data. Hata hivyo, kama shirika ni wajibu wa mwenyeji jukwaa kikamilifu, inahitaji juhudi zaidi, na kuna hatari zinazohusika katika utekelezaji wa jukwaa na operesheni. Hapa ni nini unapaswa kujua kuhusu Self Hosting Katika makala hii: Kuzalisha full-featured, kumbukumbu, na salama REST API katika dakika. Self-hosting inahusu mazoezi ya kupeleka na kudumisha programu au huduma kwenye miundombinu ya shirika, badala ya kutegemea watoa huduma za wingu wa nje au huduma za mtu wa tatu. Katika kuanzisha binafsi mwenyeji, biashara inachukua jukumu la moja kwa moja kwa ajili ya kusimamia programu, vifaa, na data, kwa kawaida ndani ya majengo yake mwenyewe au kwa njia ya mipango binafsi mwenyeji. Njia hii inatoa mashirika udhibiti kamili juu ya data zao, usalama wa data ulioboreshwa, chaguzi nyingi za ubadilishaji, na utegemezi mdogo kwa wauzaji wa nje. Self-hosting ni muhimu hasa kwa biashara zilizo na mahitaji maalum ya faragha na kufuata, kama vile wale katika viwanda vilivyowekwa chini ya udhibiti kama vile huduma za afya, kisheria, na fedha. Hata hivyo, pia inakuja na changamoto zinazohusiana na scalability, gharama za awali, update majukumu, na kuegemea kwamba mashirika lazima makini kuzingatia. Self-hosting inahusisha kupeleka programu au huduma kwenye miundombinu ya shirika, ikiruhusu udhibiti kamili juu ya usimamizi na matengenezo ya rasilimali hizi. Kwa kawaida, programu ya kujitegemea imewekwa na kuendeshwa kwenye seva zilizoko ndani ya majengo ya shirika, ikiwapa usimamizi wa moja kwa moja na jukumu la mazingira yao ya programu. Njia hii inawezesha biashara kulinda data na kuhakikisha usalama wa data, hasa muhimu kwa viwanda na wasiwasi mkali wa faragha. Ili kutekeleza self-hosting kwa ufanisi, mashirika yanaweza kuhitaji timu ya IT yenye ustadi kusimamia miundombinu, sasisho za programu, na matengenezo ya kuendelea. Hebu kuangalia fursa ya jukwaa self-hosted inatoa kwa biashara yako: Self-hosted programu inahitaji kununua leseni au nakala ya ufumbuzi. Kwa kuwa programu hiyo ina leseni, kama inavyotumiwa ndani ya majengo ya mtu binafsi au biashara, kuna ulinzi mkubwa wa data ikilinganishwa na kompyuta ya wingu au SaaS (programu kama huduma). Kwa hivyo shirika linaweza kuhifadhi data zote na lina jukumu la kile kinachotokea nayo. Hii inasaidia hasa mashirika katika viwanda vilivyo na udhibiti mkubwa, kama vile huduma za afya, kwani wana wasiwasi wa ziada wa faragha. Makampuni kama hayo husita kuingia katika kompyuta za wingu. Pamoja na programu ya kujitegemea, seva za biashara na data ziko kimwili kwenye majengo. Hivyo, usimamizi wa programu na matengenezo ni wajibu wao. Hii ni muhimu hasa katika kesi ya tishio la usalama wa mtandao wakati timu ya IT inaweza kutumia uhifadhi wa nyuma na uokoaji wa maafa ili kupata data muhimu. Programu ya kujitegemea ni kubwa kwa mashirika na data nyeti, kama vile kisheria, huduma ya afya, na fedha. Kampuni hizi lazima zifuatie kanuni kali za usalama wa mtandao na mara nyingi huhifadhi data zao mahali hapo badala ya kuchagua kituo cha data kilicho mbali. Pia, programu ya kujitegemea inahitaji timu ya IT yenye ustadi kusimamia miundombinu na usalama wa data. Linapokuja suala la urahisi wa ubadilishaji, programu ya ndani ya eneo ina chaguzi zisizo na kikomo ikilinganishwa na kompyuta ya wingu. Ni go-kwa-suluhisho kwa ajili ya makampuni makubwa na mahitaji tata IT, hivyo customization zinazotolewa na ufumbuzi binafsi mwenyeji hufanya dunia ya tofauti. Ni muhimu hasa katika viwanda vya niche kama vile utengenezaji maalumu, ambapo unaweza kurekebisha programu kulingana na mahitaji maalum. Kama una udhibiti wa moja kwa moja juu ya utekelezaji na unaweza kubadili programu ya ndani ya eneo, kuna utegemezi mdogo juu ya muuzaji. Hii inakupa uhuru na kuegemea mipango ya muda mrefu. Hata hivyo, utata wa utekelezaji wa desturi unaonyesha kwamba unahitaji timu ya IT ya kujitolea iliyoundwa na washauri na wataalamu wa utekelezaji. Katika ulimwengu wa teknolojia ya leo unaobadilika haraka, sasisho za programu za mara kwa mara huonwa kuwa za kawaida. Hata hivyo, shirika lako halihitaji updates hizi zote ili kufanya kazi kwa mafanikio. Kama si upgrades zote ni muhimu, binafsi mwenyeji programu inaruhusu wewe kuamua kama kupeleka updates. Unaweza pia kuamua wakati wa kupeleka updates iliyotolewa na developer programu. Ingawa self-hosting ni bora kwa usalama wa data na kuegemea, ina baadhi ya downsides. Hebu tuangalie changamoto unaweza kukutana na kwa kuchagua kwa ajili ya kujitegemea mwenyeji. Software scalability inahusu uwezo wa mfumo wa kupanua utendaji wake na uwezo kulingana na mahitaji ya mtumiaji. Programu inapaswa kuwa na uwezo wa kushughulikia kuongezeka kwa mzigo wa kazi na kiasi cha data. Zaidi ya hayo, inawezesha biashara kuongeza na kuondoa data bila kusababisha gharama za ziada. Scalability ni muhimu katika kuamua kama programu itakuwa kukabiliana na watumiaji wapya ambao kujiunga na mfumo. Pia, linapokuja suala la ushirikiano, unahitaji kuzingatia kama wao ni scalable. Kama unataka kiwango cha programu binafsi mwenyeji, inaweza kuathiri vifaa na uptime. Scalability pia inahitaji mipango zaidi na maandalizi kwa ajili ya suluhisho on-premise ikilinganishwa na cloud computing, ambapo ni rahisi kuongeza watumiaji zaidi au kuhifadhi. Mifumo ya kujitegemea ina gharama za juu za awali kwa sababu ya gharama za mwenyeji na vifaa vinavyohusiana. Ingawa ufumbuzi wa wingu si nafuu, self-hosting inaweza kuwa ghali zaidi, kutokana na kwamba unahitaji idara ya IT kufunga na kudumisha vifaa na programu. Kwa kuongezea, unahitaji kuzingatia muda unaohitajika kuanzisha, kudumisha, na kusasisha kila mwezi. Unaweza kuishia kulipa maelfu ya dola kwa miundombinu ya kujitolea, ambayo pia itachukua muda mwingi. Hata hivyo, kwa muda mrefu, self-hosting inaweza kuwa gharama nafuu, hasa kama shirika lako ina wafanyakazi wake mwenyewe IT kwamba inasimamia programu self-hosted ndani ya nyumba. Ingawa kujitolea kunakupa uhuru wa kuchagua wakati wa kusasisha programu yako, pia huja na jukumu kubwa na inahitaji utaalam wa kiufundi. Unahitaji timu ya IT na wataalamu wa kisheria ambao wanaweza kutunza sasisho mara kwa mara. Baadhi ya updates hizi ni muhimu kama unataka faida ya ushindani au hata kuhakikisha kwamba shirika lako inatii sheria data. Kwa upande mwingine, kama wewe kuchagua kwa ajili ya huduma za wingu-msingi, updates ni mtoa kazi. Self-hosting inategemea vifaa vyako, hivyo downtime na kushindwa haiwezi kuepukwa. Lakini wakati kitu chochote kinapoanguka katika miundombinu yako ya kujitegemea, huwezi kufanya kazi mpaka itakaporekebishwa. Kwa upande mwingine, seva za wingu zinaweza kuanzishwa tena kwa urahisi wakati zinapoanguka, na hivyo kukusaidia kuanza kazi haraka iwezekanavyo. Hii inamaanisha kuwa unaweza kurudi kwenye biashara haraka zaidi wakati wa kukatika. Hata hivyo, si uwezekano wakati self-hosting yako ina masuala yoyote. Self-hosting hupata maombi katika viwanda mbalimbali na matukio, catering kwa mahitaji maalum na upendeleo. Hapa ni baadhi ya kesi muhimu za matumizi na mifano: Kama biashara yako inapendelea self-hosting juu ya kompyuta ya wingu, kuna njia kadhaa za kutekeleza. Badala ya kufanya kila kitu ndani ya nyumba, unaweza pia kuchukua msaada kutoka kwa watoa huduma wengine. Hapa ni jinsi biashara yako inaweza kutumia huduma ya kujitegemea na kuokoa muda na rasilimali muhimu: Kwa ujumla, chaguo kati ya chaguzi hizi zote inategemea mahitaji maalum ya maombi yako au huduma, ikiwa ni pamoja na usalama, utendaji, gharama, na urahisi wa usimamizi. DreamFactory ya wazi chanzo backend kama huduma (BaaS) jukwaa inawezesha watengenezaji kujenga API-kuendeshwa maombi na huduma. Unaweza kupeleka DreamFactory jukwaa juu ya seva yako mwenyewe au miundombinu. Kwa kutumia DreamFactory, unaweza haraka kujenga na kupeleka RESTful APIs kwa ajili ya mtandao wako na maombi ya simu. Inasaidia database nyingi, ikiwa ni pamoja na MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, na PostgreSQL. Inaweza kuunganisha na mifumo mingine mbalimbali, kama vile huduma za kuhifadhi faili, barua pepe, na taarifa za kushinikiza, kupitia jukwaa lake linaloendeshwa na API. DreamFactory hutoa interface ya usimamizi ya watumiaji kwa ajili ya usimamizi wa ufikiaji wa API, uthibitisho, na idhini, na kuifanya iwe rahisi kwa watengenezaji kusimamia na kulinda API zao. Anza jaribio lako la bure hapa. Self-Hosted, On-Premises, au Cloud <unk> Ni ipi mfano wa kupelekwa ni bora? Terence Bennett, Mkurugenzi Mkuu wa DreamFactory, ana uzoefu mkubwa wa uendeshaji, biashara, na uzoefu mkubwa katika mifumo ya IT ya serikali na Google Cloud. Alianza kazi yake kama afisa wa ujasusi wa Jeshi la Wanamaji la Marekani, kisha akaongeza ujuzi wake katika timu ya Google Red Team na baadaye akawa Mkurugenzi Mtendaji wa Integrate.io. Kujiunga na orodha ya jarida la DreamFactory. | <urn:uuid:c3638854-1fb5-41c0-98d2-f497a99632a6> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://blog.dreamfactory.com/the-pros-and-cons-of-self-hosted-software-solutions/ | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474674.35/warc/CC-MAIN-20240227085429-20240227115429-00712.warc.gz |
In the chapter titled “Legitimate Trade, Democracy, and the Slave Trade”, author M. Alpha Bah informs readers on the political and social factors of Africa which in some ways aided internal slavery, which later aided the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade.
After reading this section, I’ve been left with a few questions. If Portuguese natives, lancados, found the beauty in African culture, enough to settle along its’ coast, marry its women and adopt its customs, why couldn’t all Europeans acknowledge and respect the beauty of Africa? I am also curious as to the baptism of the African slaves upon their entrance into the New World. Why would the Catholic Church demand that European slave traders baptize them? If Africans were deemed ‘inhumane’ enough to be forced into bondage, why should the ‘guarantee of their salvations’ even matter? Did this signify European guilt of their exploitation of human beings? | Katika sura yenye kichwa "Ufanyabiashara Halali, Demokrasia, na Biashara ya Watumwa," mwandishi M. Alpha Bah anawajulisha wasomaji juu ya mambo ya kisiasa na kijamii ya Afrika ambayo kwa njia fulani yalisaidia utumwa wa ndani, ambayo baadaye ilisaidia Biashara ya Watumwa ya Trans-Atlantic. Baada ya kusoma sehemu hii, nimebaki na maswali machache. Ikiwa Waportuga wenyeji, lancados, walipata uzuri katika utamaduni wa Afrika, wa kutosha kuishi kando ya pwani yake, kuoa wanawake wake na kupitisha desturi zake, kwa nini Wazungu wote hawakuweza kutambua na kuheshimu uzuri wa Afrika? Pia, ni muhimu kujua jinsi watumwa wa Kiafrika walivyojiweka wakfu kwa Mungu walipoingia katika nchi mpya. Kwa nini Kanisa Katoliki likataka wafanyabiashara wa watumwa wa Ulaya wabatizwe? Ikiwa Waafrika walionwa kuwa "wasio wa kibinadamu" vya kutosha kulazimishwa kuwa watumwa, kwa nini "uhakikisho wa wokovu wao" uwe na maana hata kidogo? Je, hilo lilimaanisha kwamba Wazungu walikuwa na hatia ya kuwatumia vibaya wanadamu? | <urn:uuid:7a43f3c7-7e49-4869-aaf4-d1b591a5028d> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://blogs.dickinson.edu/mixingitup/2018/04/07/embracing-african-culture-within-history/ | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474674.35/warc/CC-MAIN-20240227085429-20240227115429-00712.warc.gz |
Get the latest insights on price movement and trend analysis of Acrylamide in different regions across the world (Asia, Europe, North America, Latin America, and the Middle East & Africa). Acrylamide, a chemical compound with diverse industrial applications, has been a subject of keen interest for businesses and industries worldwide. In this comprehensive blog post, we will delve into the definition of acrylamide, examine the key details influencing its price trends, explore its industrial uses, identify key players in the market, and ultimately, provide insights on procurement resources for acrylamide.
Request for Real-Time Acrylamide Prices: https://www.procurementresource.com/resource-center/acrylamide-price-trends/pricerequest
Acrylamide is an organic compound with the chemical formula C3H5NO, consisting of a vinyl group (CH2=CH−) linked to a nitrile group (CONH2). It is a white, odorless, crystalline solid with a melting point of around 84 °C. Acrylamide is highly soluble in water, making it suitable for various applications across different industries. Its molecular structure and properties make it a versatile chemical compound with numerous industrial uses.
Key Details About the Acrylamide Price Trend
Understanding the price trend of acrylamide is crucial for businesses involved in its procurement and utilization. Several factors contribute to the fluctuation in acrylamide prices:
- Raw Material Costs: The price of acrylamide is closely tied to the cost of its raw materials, primarily propylene and ammonia. Any fluctuations in the prices of these key ingredients can impact the overall cost of producing acrylamide.
- Supply and Demand Dynamics: Like any other commodity, acrylamide prices are influenced by supply and demand dynamics. Increased demand or reduced supply can drive prices higher, while oversupply can lead to lower prices.
- Market Dynamics: The global market for acrylamide is influenced by economic conditions, geopolitical factors, and environmental regulations. Political instability, trade disputes, or changes in environmental regulations can have a significant impact on acrylamide prices.
- Technological Advancements: Innovations in manufacturing processes and technology can influence the cost-effectiveness of producing acrylamide, potentially affecting its market price.
- Seasonal Variations: Seasonal variations in demand for acrylamide, particularly in industries such as agriculture and water treatment, can lead to price fluctuations.
Industrial Uses Impacting the Acrylamide Price Trend
Acrylamide finds extensive applications across various industries, each of which contributes to its price trend:
- Water Treatment: Acrylamide is commonly used in water treatment processes as a flocculant. It aids in the removal of impurities and suspended particles from water, ensuring clean and safe drinking water. The demand for acrylamide in water treatment can influence its price.
- Petroleum and Oil Industry: Acrylamide-based polymers are used in enhanced oil recovery processes, where they help increase the efficiency of oil extraction. The demand for acrylamide in the petroleum industry can have a significant impact on its pricing.
- Agriculture: Acrylamide-based polyacrylamide gels are used in agriculture to improve soil structure and water retention. The agricultural sector’s demand for acrylamide can lead to fluctuations in its price, especially during planting and harvesting seasons.
- Paper and Pulp Industry: Acrylamide is utilized in paper and pulp manufacturing as a retention and drainage aid. Price fluctuations in the paper industry can affect the demand and pricing of acrylamide.
- Textile Industry: The textile industry employs acrylamide in the production of dyes and coatings. Any changes in the textile market can impact the acrylamide price trend.
Several key players dominate the global acrylamide market, contributing to its price trends and market dynamics. Some of the prominent players in the industry include:
- SNF Group: SNF Group is a leading global manufacturer of acrylamide-based products, catering to various industries such as water treatment, oil, and agriculture.
- Kemira Oyj: Kemira is a multinational chemical company that produces and supplies acrylamide-based solutions for industrial applications.
- BASF SE: BASF is a major player in the chemical industry, offering acrylamide and polyacrylamide products for a wide range of applications.
- Ecolab Inc.: Ecolab provides water, hygiene, and energy technologies and services, including acrylamide-based products for water treatment.
- Mitsubishi Chemical Holdings Corporation: Mitsubishi Chemical produces acrylamide for various industries, contributing to the global supply chain.
In conclusion, understanding the price trends and market dynamics of acrylamide is essential for businesses across industries that rely on this versatile chemical compound. Factors such as raw material costs, supply and demand dynamics, market conditions, technological advancements, and seasonal variations play a significant role in influencing acrylamide prices.
To efficiently procure acrylamide, businesses can explore established players in the market, including SNF Group, Kemira Oyj, BASF SE, Ecolab Inc., and Mitsubishi Chemical Holdings Corporation. By staying informed about price trends and key players, businesses can make informed decisions to optimize their procurement resources and effectively utilize acrylamide for their industrial applications.
Procurement Resource offers in-depth research on product pricing and market insights for more than 500 chemicals, commodities, and utilities updated daily, weekly, monthly, and annually. It is a cost-effective, one-stop solution for all your market research requirements, irrespective of which part of the value chain you represent.
We have a team of highly experienced analysts who perform comprehensive research to deliver our clients the newest and most up-to-date market reports, cost models, price analysis, benchmarking, and category insights, which help in streamlining the procurement process for our clientele. Our team tracks the prices and production costs of a wide variety of goods and commodities, hence providing you with the latest and consistent data.
To get real-time facts and insights to help our customers, we work with a varied range of procurement teams across industries. At Procurement Resource, we support our clients with up-to-date and pioneering practices in the industry to understand procurement methods, supply chains, and industry trends so that they can build strategies to achieve maximum growth.
Company Name: Procurement Resource
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Address: 30 North Gould Street, Sheridan, WY 82801, USA | Kupata maelezo ya hivi karibuni juu ya harakati za bei na uchambuzi wa mwenendo wa Acrylamide katika mikoa tofauti ulimwenguni (Asia, Ulaya, Amerika ya Kaskazini, Amerika ya Kusini, na Mashariki ya Kati na Afrika). Acrylamide, kiwanja cha kemikali na matumizi mbalimbali ya viwanda, imekuwa mada ya maslahi makubwa kwa ajili ya biashara na viwanda duniani kote. Katika chapisho hili la blogi, tutajifunza juu ya ufafanuzi wa acrylamide, kuchunguza maelezo muhimu yanayoathiri mwenendo wa bei yake, kuchunguza matumizi yake ya viwanda, kutambua wachezaji muhimu katika soko, na mwishowe, kutoa ufahamu juu ya rasilimali za ununuzi wa acrylamide. "Kama ilivyoelezwa katika taarifa ya awali ya kampuni ya Acrylamide, ""Acrylamide ni kemikali ya kikaboni yenye formula ya kemikali C3H5NO, inayojumuisha kundi la vinyl (CH2CH2) na kundi la nitrile (H2N2)." Ni rangi nyeupe, haina harufu, na imara ya kioo na mviringo wa kuyeyushwa wa karibu 84 ° C. Acrylamide ni highly soluble katika maji, na kufanya hivyo yanafaa kwa ajili ya maombi mbalimbali katika viwanda mbalimbali. Muundo wake wa molekuli na sifa zake hufanya iwe kiwanja cha kemikali chenye matumizi mengi ya viwandani. Kuelewa mwenendo wa bei ya acrylamide ni muhimu kwa biashara zinazohusika katika ununuzi na matumizi yake. Kwa sababu ya hali ya hewa, bei ya acrylamide inaweza kuwa chini ya kiwango cha kawaida, na kwa sababu ya hali ya hewa, bei ya acrylamide inaweza kuwa chini ya kiwango cha kawaida cha acrylamide, ambayo ni pamoja na amonia na propylene. Mabadiliko yoyote katika bei ya viungo hivi muhimu yanaweza kuathiri gharama ya jumla ya kuzalisha acrylamide. - Ugavi na mahitaji Dynamics: Kama bidhaa nyingine yoyote, bei acrylamide ni kuathiriwa na ugavi na mahitaji dynamics. Ongezeko la mahitaji au kupunguzwa kwa ugavi kunaweza kuendesha bei juu, wakati ugavi wa ziada unaweza kusababisha bei ya chini. - Dynamics ya soko: soko la kimataifa kwa ajili ya acrylamide ni kuathiriwa na hali ya kiuchumi, mambo ya kijiografia na kisiasa, na kanuni za mazingira. Ukosefu wa utulivu wa kisiasa, mabishano ya kibiashara, au mabadiliko katika kanuni za mazingira yanaweza kuwa na athari kubwa kwa bei ya acrylamide. - Maendeleo ya kiteknolojia: Ubunifu katika michakato ya utengenezaji na teknolojia inaweza kuathiri ufanisi wa gharama za uzalishaji wa acrylamide, uwezekano wa kuathiri bei yake ya soko. - Mabadiliko ya msimu: Mabadiliko ya msimu katika mahitaji ya acrylamide, hasa katika viwanda kama vile kilimo na matibabu ya maji, inaweza kusababisha kutofautiana kwa bei. Matumizi ya viwanda yanayoathiri mwenendo wa bei ya acrylamide Acrylamide hupata matumizi makubwa katika viwanda mbalimbali, kila moja ambayo inachangia mwenendo wa bei yake: Matibabu ya maji: Acrylamide hutumiwa kwa kawaida katika michakato ya matibabu ya maji kama flocculant. Inasaidia kuondoa uchafu na chembechembe zilizosimamishwa kutoka kwa maji, kuhakikisha maji safi na salama ya kunywa. Mahitaji ya acrylamide katika matibabu ya maji yanaweza kuathiri bei yake. - Petroli na Viwanda vya Mafuta: Acrylamide-msingi polima ni kutumika katika maendeleo ya mafuta ya mapato ya taratibu, ambapo wao kusaidia kuongeza ufanisi wa mafuta uchimbaji. Mahitaji ya acrylamide katika sekta ya mafuta inaweza kuwa na athari kubwa juu ya bei yake. - Kilimo: Acrylamide-msingi polyacrylamide gels ni kutumika katika kilimo kuboresha muundo wa udongo na kuhifadhi maji. Mahitaji ya sekta ya kilimo ya acrylamide inaweza kusababisha kutofautiana katika bei yake, hasa wakati wa kupanda na mavuno misimu. - Karatasi na Pulp Viwanda: Acrylamide ni kutumika katika karatasi na pulp utengenezaji kama uhifadhi na maji ya maji. Mabadiliko ya bei katika sekta ya karatasi yanaweza kuathiri mahitaji na bei ya acrylamide. - Viwanda vya nguo: Viwanda vya nguo hutumia acrylamide katika uzalishaji wa rangi na mipako. Mabadiliko yoyote katika soko la nguo yanaweza kuathiri mwelekeo wa bei ya acrylamide. Wachezaji kadhaa muhimu wanatawala soko la kimataifa la acrylamide, na kuchangia mwenendo wa bei na mienendo ya soko. SNF Group ni kampuni ya kimataifa inayoongoza ya utengenezaji wa bidhaa za acrylamide, zinazohudumia viwanda mbalimbali kama vile matibabu ya maji, mafuta na kilimo. - Kemira Oyj: Kemira ni kampuni ya kemikali ya kimataifa ambayo inazalisha na kusambaza suluhisho za msingi wa acrylamide kwa matumizi ya viwanda. BASF ni kampuni kubwa ya kemikali ya kimataifa, ambayo inatoa bidhaa za acrylamide na polyacrylamide kwa matumizi mbalimbali. - Ecolab Inc.: Ecolab hutoa maji, usafi, na teknolojia ya nishati na huduma, ikiwa ni pamoja na bidhaa za msingi wa acrylamide kwa ajili ya matibabu ya maji. - Mitsubishi Chemical Holdings Corporation: Mitsubishi Chemical inazalisha acrylamide kwa viwanda mbalimbali, kuchangia mlolongo wa usambazaji wa kimataifa. Kwa kumalizia, kuelewa mwenendo wa bei na mienendo ya soko la acrylamide ni muhimu kwa biashara katika viwanda vyote vinavyotegemea kiwanja hiki cha kemikali cha kila aina. Sababu kama vile gharama za malighafi, usambazaji na mahitaji ya nguvu, hali ya soko, maendeleo ya kiteknolojia, na tofauti za msimu kucheza jukumu muhimu katika kuathiri bei acrylamide. Kwa ajili ya upatikanaji wa ufanisi wa acrylamide, biashara zinaweza kuchunguza wachezaji waliojulikana katika soko, ikiwa ni pamoja na SNF Group, Kemera Oyj, BASF SE, Ecolab Inc. na Mitsubishi Chemical Holdings Corporation. Kwa kukaa taarifa kuhusu mwenendo wa bei na wachezaji muhimu, biashara zinaweza kufanya maamuzi ya habari ili kuboresha rasilimali zao za ununuzi na kutumia acrylamide kwa ufanisi kwa matumizi yao ya viwanda. "Msaada wa ununuzi hutoa utafiti wa kina juu ya bei ya bidhaa na ufahamu wa soko kwa zaidi ya kemikali 500, bidhaa, na huduma zilizosasishwa kila siku, kila wiki, kila mwezi, na kila mwaka.""" Ni gharama nafuu, moja-stop ufumbuzi kwa ajili ya mahitaji yako yote ya utafiti wa soko, bila kujali ni sehemu gani ya mnyororo thamani wewe kuwakilisha. Tuna timu ya wachambuzi wenye uzoefu mkubwa ambao hufanya utafiti wa kina ili kuwapa wateja wetu ripoti mpya na za kisasa za soko, mifano ya gharama, uchambuzi wa bei, benchmarking, na ufahamu wa jamii, ambayo husaidia kuharakisha mchakato wa ununuzi kwa wateja wetu. Timu yetu inafuatilia bei na gharama za uzalishaji wa bidhaa mbalimbali na bidhaa, na hivyo kukupa data ya hivi karibuni na thabiti. Ili kupata ukweli wa wakati halisi na ufahamu wa kusaidia wateja wetu, tunafanya kazi na timu mbalimbali za ununuzi katika sekta mbalimbali. Katika Procurement Resource, sisi kusaidia wateja wetu na up-to-date na upainia mazoea katika sekta ya kuelewa mbinu za ununuzi, minyororo ya usambazaji, na mwenendo wa sekta, ili waweze kujenga mikakati ya kufikia ukuaji wa juu. "Mfano: ""Mwanzoni mwa miaka ya 90,"" ""Mwanzoni mwa miaka ya 90,"" ""Mwanzoni mwa miaka ya 90,"" ""Mwanzoni mwa miaka ya 90,"" ""Mwanzoni mwa miaka ya 90,"" ""Mwanzoni mwa miaka ya 90,"" ""Mwanzoni mwa miaka ya 90,"" ""Mwanzoni mwa miaka ya 90,"" ""Mwanzoni mwa miaka ya 90,"" ""Mwanzoni mwa miaka ya 90.""" | <urn:uuid:ace9ae40-13b8-4de5-a006-3aa0ea707dab> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://businessnewstips.com/acrylamide-prices/ | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474674.35/warc/CC-MAIN-20240227085429-20240227115429-00712.warc.gz |
Graduates of UCSB College of Engineering pose for graduation photo. (Photo Credit: Glenn Beltz/Flickr)
The nation is slowly, but surely recovering from the Great Recession, as jobs are added and wages grow. At first glance, the numbers look good, but it’s a mixed bag for Millennials, especially those living in California.
In a new report issued by Young Invincibles titled, “Where Do Young Adults Work,” the research shows Millennials are finding employment. The catch is that the wages for the generation are going down, which is not good news to young adults who are possibly saddled with student debt and the rising cost of living.
The report showed the industries young adults have gravitated toward in all 50 states. In California, the business and professional sector is the most popular area for Millennials. According to Tom Allison, co-author of the study along with Konrad Mugglestone, Millennials are getting jobs, but they are still feeling the effects of the recession and that will have ripple effects into the future.
“So, in 2008 those jobs in professional and business earned a median wage of just under $40,000,” said Allison. “But in 2013, which is the most recent data available, the median wage was just under $38,000. That reduction of $2,000 in wages in the last few years, that’s money that could be going to saving up for a house, starting a family and of course paying off the massive amount of student loan debt that we know young people are dealing with.”
And for younger Millennials, ages 18-24, the jobs are in a different category. “We’re definitely seeing a growth in the low-skilled, low-waged jobs over time,” said Allison. “Unfortunately, the jobs that are available and the jobs that young people can get are overwhelmingly in retail and wholesale and leisure and hospitality.” But, he added that many of the younger Millennials are also attending school while working in those fields. So, it may not be a long-term issue.
Now that these numbers affirm the problem, what is the solution? The report recommends several policy solutions including increasing apprenticeships, boosting the Pell grant to match the true cost of college and holding post-secondary institutions accountable so that degrees lead to jobs.
One recommendation, giving students and families the best information about where to go to college and which fields of study lead to high-demand jobs, is already in the works in California. AB2148, signed by Governor Jerry Brown earlier this year and supported by members of the Workforce Action Team, requires that the California Workforce Investment Board (CWIB) work with the Governor to gather data from all the agencies involved in career technical programs and workforce investment to better track students’ progress while in school and also when they are out in the labor market.
Young Invincibles is also working with the Foundation for California Community Colleges and the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office to create a mobile app that will give students, particularly those in underserved communities, information on education pathways that lead to high-demand jobs.
And, Allison has advice to young adults deciding on their future; “Be clear-eyed about the economic situation in California and across the country and try and come up with a plan for your post-secondary education or even job training that’s going to equip you with the skills that’s going to get you the good job – a job that’s not only going to provide a certain level of economic stability, but also something that you’re happy with.” | Wanafunzi wa chuo cha UCSB College of Engineering wanajipiga picha kwa ajili ya kuhitimu. (Glenn Beltz, Flickr) Nchi hiyo inarejesha polepole, lakini kwa hakika kutoka kwa Mshuko Mkubwa wa Kiuchumi, kwani kazi zinaongezwa na mishahara inakua. Kwa mtazamo wa kwanza, idadi inaonekana nzuri, lakini ni mfuko mchanganyiko kwa Millennials, hasa wale wanaoishi California. Katika ripoti mpya iliyotolewa na Young Invincibles yenye kichwa, "Where Do Young Adults Work", utafiti unaonyesha Millennials wanapata kazi. "Kushindwa kwa uchumi ni kwamba mishahara ya kizazi hicho inashuka, ambayo si habari njema kwa vijana ambao huenda wakawa na madeni ya wanafunzi na kuongezeka kwa gharama za maisha.""" Ripoti hiyo ilionyesha kuwa vijana wachache walichagua kuendesha biashara katika majimbo yote 50. Katika California, sekta ya biashara na kitaaluma ni eneo maarufu zaidi kwa Millennials. "Kulingana na Tom Allison, mwandishi mwenza wa utafiti huo pamoja na Konrad Mugglestone, ""Millennials wanapata kazi, lakini bado wanahisi athari za mfumuko wa uchumi na hiyo itakuwa na athari za kuenea katika siku zijazo.""" "Kwa hivyo, katika kazi hizo za kitaaluma na biashara, mshahara wa wastani wa mwaka 2008 ulikuwa chini ya dola 40,000,"" alisema Allison." "Kwa mujibu wa takwimu za mwaka 2013 zilizopatikana, mshahara wa wastani wa wafanyakazi wa kampuni hiyo ulikuwa chini ya dola 38,000.""" "Kupungua kwa mshahara wa $ 2,000 katika miaka michache iliyopita ni pesa ambazo zinaweza kutumiwa kuokoa nyumba, kuanzisha familia na, kwa kweli, kulipa kiasi kikubwa cha deni la mkopo wa mwanafunzi ambao tunajua vijana wanashughulika nao. ""Na kwa vijana wa Milenia, umri wa miaka 18-24, kazi ziko katika jamii tofauti." "Hakika tunaona ukuaji wa kazi zenye ujuzi mdogo, zenye mshahara mdogo kwa muda", alisema Allison. "Kwa bahati mbaya, kazi zinazopatikana na kazi ambazo vijana wanaweza kupata ni nyingi katika rejareja na rejareja na burudani na ukarimu. ""Lakini, aliongeza kwamba wengi wa vijana wa Milenia pia wanahudhuria shule wakati wa kufanya kazi katika nyanja hizo." Kwa hiyo, huenda isiwe tatizo la muda mrefu. Sasa kwa kuwa namba hizi zinathibitisha tatizo hilo, suluhisho ni nini? Ripoti hiyo inapendekeza suluhisho kadhaa za sera, ikiwa ni pamoja na kuongeza mafunzo, kuongeza ruzuku ya Pell ili kufanana na gharama halisi ya chuo kikuu na kushikilia taasisi za baada ya sekondari kuwajibika ili digrii ziweze kuongoza kwa kazi. "Kulingana na ripoti hiyo, ""kuwapa wanafunzi na familia habari bora kuhusu wapi kwenda chuo kikuu na ni nyanja zipi za masomo zinazoongoza kwa kazi za mahitaji ya juu"" tayari ni kazi katika California." "Barua ya Binafsi ya California (AB2148) iliyosainiwa na Gavana Jerry Brown mapema mwaka huu na kuungwa mkono na wanachama wa Timu ya Hatua ya Wafanyakazi, inahitaji Bodi ya Uwekezaji wa Wafanyakazi wa California (CWIB) kufanya kazi na Gavana kukusanya data kutoka kwa mashirika yote yanayohusika katika mipango ya kitaaluma na uwekezaji wa wafanyikazi ili kufuatilia maendeleo ya wanafunzi wakati wa shule na pia wakati wa soko la kazi. """ Young Invincibles pia inafanya kazi na Foundation for California Community Colleges na Ofisi ya Kansela ya Chuo Kikuu cha Jumuiya ya California kuunda programu ya rununu ambayo itawapa wanafunzi, haswa wale katika jamii zisizo na huduma, habari juu ya njia za elimu zinazoongoza kwa kazi za mahitaji ya juu. "Alison ana ushauri kwa vijana wanaochagua wakati wao ujao: ""Kuwa na macho wazi juu ya hali ya kiuchumi huko California na kote nchini na jaribu na kuja na mpango wa elimu yako ya baada ya sekondari au hata mafunzo ya kazi ambayo itakupa ujuzi ambao utakupata kazi nzuri - kazi ambayo itakupa kiwango fulani cha utulivu wa kiuchumi, lakini pia kitu ambacho unafurahi nacho.""" | <urn:uuid:7560bdb4-1187-4cf1-84a3-403702da1e45> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://cafwd.org/news/report-looks-at-where-millennials-work-and-how-much-they-make/ | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474674.35/warc/CC-MAIN-20240227085429-20240227115429-00712.warc.gz |
Stopping Cyberattacks with AI
Math Plus Machine Learning Quickly Identifies and Deflects Malicious Traffic
The war in Ukraine has caused a dramatic rise in distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) cyberattacks worldwide, digital offensives that can bring down websites by overwhelming the targeted server with a deluge of internet traffic. Millions occur every year, with the number and size rising. Approximately a third of website downtime is due to DDoS attacks.
“DDoS cyberattacks are meant to generate chaos, disrupt institutions, and of course cause financial losses,” says Michał Karpowicz, a computer scientist and the director of research at NASK, Polish National Research Institute for Cybersecurity and AI. “And they are very common because they are relatively easy to generate.”
In a typical DDoS attack, a culprit uses many computers and online devices infected with specially designed malware. These devices can include gadgets on the Internet of Things (IoT)—kitchen appliances, security cameras, and thermostats—which are proliferating every day. Currently, the IoT contains more than 10 billion devices, a massive army awaiting recruitment. Attacks are typically one of two types, or a combination. In volumetric attacks, infected devices flood the targeted network with extreme traffic volumes at once, overloading its capabilities to serve regular users. In an application attack, they make requests that require the server to perform extensive computations, also overloading it.
Karpowicz describes the problem using a familiar scenario. Imagine you’re driving to the bank. There’s little traffic and everything is going smoothly until you reach the final intersection. Suddenly, everything jams up and you must wait. That’s a volumetric attack. Now imagine you have finally arrived at the bank and are standing in line for the teller. You notice that the customer in front of you has an unusual issue that requires the attention of every bank employee. Again, you must wait. That’s an application attack.
Malware can hide the source of the requests, making attacks hard to shut down. Services also offer attacks for hire, making them widely accessible. Such services have been launched by disgruntled employees, activists, market competitors, and nations. Karpowicz notes that during pandemic lockdowns, NASK detected the attacks launched from student networks at the beginning of lectures to halt online tests.
But recently Karpowicz has developed mathematical methods to detect such malicious requests and halt or redirect them. “When you are faced with a problem that is rooted in reality,” he says, “it gives you a lot of inspiration.”
Fingerprints on the Fly
Information on the internet, including requests from websites, consists of data packets. Each packet has a header that acts as a unique identifier describing its size, source, and destination. Typical defenses look at those headers to see if they’re on a ban-list. The defenses then redirect bad packets to harmless destinations.
The problem is that they must have this list beforehand, and attackers frequently change headers to escape detection. Karpowicz’s solution instead detects network traffic patterns in real time.
Imagine a series of vehicle traffic cameras at city intersections. If you look at a random sampling of video clips, you start to notice a sudden buildup of blue convertibles at a certain location. Suspicious. You can then look closely at the cars and learn more about them and potentially pull more of them over.
The method takes network data and translates it into signal data. The task then is to separate different signal sources. Karpowicz likens that to the cocktail party problem, where you’re at a party surrounded by conversations and must single out the words of the person speaking to you.
Here, he uses linear algebra. The signals, or packet headers, fill matrices. In a matrix, each row represents packets of a certain type over time, defined by packet size or source or some other factor.
In the vehicle traffic metaphor, you might have rows for blue vehicles, minivans, and cars from California. The values filling the cells in a given matrix indicate something that could be relevant to identifying an attack. In one matrix, each cell might contain the number of flags, and in another it might indicate bits per second. Karpowicz then deciphers which combinations of attributes are especially high in these metrics. Not just blue cars or convertibles, but blue convertibles.
Once he’s found those combinations of features, he translates them back to the networking world, generating rules for firewalls. In the vehicle traffic metaphor, if he now knows that blue cars of a certain make and model are causing the problem, he creates camera filters that spot those cars immediately. He calls his linear algebra–based method meta-factorization. A paper on meta-factorization is under review.
Karpowicz implements the calculations in MATLAB®. “Linear algebra algorithms are the fastest known algorithms in science,” he says, “making this method highly efficient.”
Detecting malicious packets is only part of the problem; defenders must also control them. Karpowicz says a solution came to him by accident. About a decade ago, he was working on a project to increase the energy efficiency of network devices. He wanted to predict traffic volume and redirect packet streams to routes that could handle them. While discussing the project with a colleague working on cybersecurity, the colleague said it might be used to fight DDoS attacks. “We were playing with the idea,” Karpowicz says, “and bit by bit, a new technology was being developed.”
In a paper published last year in the European Journal of Control, Karpowicz describes the result, a method called adaptive tuning. Typical network traffic control systems don’t receive feedback on their performance. They defend against attacks by stopping all the traffic somehow related to the attack. That is often too much, as it may also stop the legitimate traffic. Karpowicz suggests using traffic controllers that incorporate feedback so they know if they’re redirecting the right packets.
“Cybersecurity provided me with great scientific challenges, and in particular mathematical challenges,” he says. The theory and practicality fed off each other. “That’s what kept me going. I had this hunch that there’s something to it and there’s a problem that suggests solutions.” Together, the detection and control systems compose the basis of a service offered by NASK called FLDX, for which they now hold a patent. It can detect attacks within 5 seconds and start to mitigate them in 10 seconds.
NASK deploys FLDX across Poland, protecting nationwide networks using a distributed cluster of virtual machines. "What makes the entire solution unique is that it’s not only a cybersecurity system, but it’s also a research platform,” Karpowicz says. “It allows you to program your own algorithms for detecting and suppressing attacks in MATLAB. It allows you to access data that we collect in MATLAB, and you can use all the benefits of this technology to use data processing, signal processing, machine learning artificial intelligence (AI), based on traffic samples that we provide.”
Both the detection and adaptive tuning algorithms use machine learning, specifically a kind called semi-supervised learning, which doesn’t require much hand-labeled data for training. “We encode a little bit of expert knowledge in the learning algorithms and then let them do their job,” Karpowicz says. “And their job is to discover what is going on in the world.”
They find statistical regularities in large amounts of data, like spotting clusters of a certain type of car. “It is machine learning at its best,” he says. “We don’t need to begin by collecting huge data sets in order to tune the system before it becomes operational. It is ready to work the moment it is installed.”
The detector uses a “voting” system to identify anomalous data flows. It also optimizes matrices by solving sets of equations. Even if network behavior is nonlinear—where some factors have disproportional effects—linear equations can capture the bulk of the patterns.
Researchers and engineers can use MATLAB to access NASK’s data set, and because many technical universities already use it, “that’s something that is very convenient.” NASK’s data set is unique because it consists of traffic data from all across the country and has a high rate of data sampling.
NASK’s research looks at traffic dynamics, target vulnerabilities, and attack sources, frequency, and methods. And they use FLDX to protect public and commercial clients, including schools and vaccination enrollment services. Earning the trust of his cybersecurity colleagues has been “a great surprise,” Karpowicz says. “It takes time for scientists to become respected in the cybersecurity engineering department. You have to show that you understand what they are doing and that you do something useful.” But with FLDX, “you get access to this playground where you can actually make things happen. And that’s something very special about NASK. We have a very short path from the laboratory to the technology and deployment.”
Karpowicz is now collaborating with other institutions, including MIT and the University of Technology Sydney. “I want NASK to be known worldwide for cybersecurity and AI,” he says. It’s on its way. | "Kukomesha mashambulizi ya mtandao na AI Math + Machine Learning: Kuamua na kuondoa trafiki mbaya ""Vita vya Ukraine vimesababisha ongezeko kubwa la mashambulizi ya mtandao ya kukataa huduma (DDoS) ulimwenguni kote, mashambulizi ya dijiti ambayo yanaweza kuangusha tovuti kwa kuzidisha seva inayolengwa na mafuriko ya trafiki ya mtandao." Mamilioni hutokea kila mwaka, na idadi na ukubwa wake unaongezeka. Karibu theluthi moja ya muda wa kushindwa kwa tovuti ni kwa sababu ya mashambulizi ya DDoS. "Mashambulizi ya kibiashara ya DDoS yanakusudiwa kutokeza machafuko, kuvuruga taasisi, na bila shaka kusababisha hasara za kifedha,"" anasema Michał Karpowicz, mwanasayansi wa kompyuta na mkurugenzi wa utafiti katika NASK, Taasisi ya Kitaifa ya Utafiti wa Usalama wa Kibiashara na AI ya Poland." "Na ni ya kawaida sana kwa sababu ni rahisi kuzalisha. "" Katika shambulio la kawaida la DDoS, mhalifu hutumia kompyuta nyingi na vifaa vya mtandaoni vilivyoambukizwa na programu hasidi iliyoundwa maalum." Vifaa hivi vinaweza kujumuisha vifaa kwenye Mtandao wa Vitu (IoT) - vifaa vya jikoni, kamera za usalama, na thermostats - ambazo zinaongezeka kila siku. Kwa sasa, IoT ina zaidi ya vifaa bilioni 10, jeshi kubwa linalosubiri kuajiriwa. Kwa kawaida mashambulizi ni ya aina mbili, au ya aina mbili pamoja. Katika mashambulizi ya volumetric, vifaa vilivyoambukizwa hufurika mtandao uliolengwa na kiasi kikubwa cha trafiki kwa wakati mmoja, vikizidisha uwezo wake wa kuwahudumia watumiaji wa kawaida. Katika shambulio la maombi, wao kufanya maombi ambayo zinahitaji seva kufanya hesabu kubwa, pia overloading yake. Karpowicz anaeleza tatizo hilo kwa kutumia hali inayotambulika. Hebu wazia kwamba unasafiri kwa gari kwenda benki. Kuna trafiki kidogo na kila kitu kinakwenda vizuri mpaka ufikie makutano ya mwisho. Kwa ghafula, kila kitu hufadhaika na ni lazima usubiri. Hiyo ni shambulio volumetric. Sasa fikiria kwamba umefika benki na unasimama katika mstari wa mteja. Unatambua kwamba mteja mbele yako ana suala lisilo la kawaida ambalo linahitaji uangalifu wa kila mfanyakazi wa benki. Kwa mara nyingine tena, ni lazima usubiri. Hiyo ni shambulio la maombi. Programu hasidi inaweza kuficha chanzo cha maombi, na kufanya mashambulizi kuwa magumu kuzima. Huduma pia kutoa mashambulizi kwa ajili ya kukodisha, kufanya yao kwa wingi kupatikana. Huduma hizo zimezinduliwa na wafanyakazi waliokasirika, wanaharakati, washindani wa soko, na mataifa. Karpowicz anasema kuwa wakati wa kuzuiwa kwa janga hilo, NASK iligundua mashambulizi yaliyozinduliwa kutoka kwa mitandao ya wanafunzi mwanzoni mwa mihadhara ili kusimamisha vipimo vya mtandaoni. Lakini hivi karibuni Karpowicz amebuni mbinu za hisabati za kugundua maombi hayo yenye madhara na kuyasimamisha au kuyaelekeza. "Wakati unakabiliwa na tatizo ambalo lina mizizi yake katika hali halisi, ""anasema, ""linakupa msukumo mwingi. "" Habari za Fingerprints on the Fly kwenye mtandao, ikiwa ni pamoja na maombi kutoka kwa tovuti, zinajumuisha pakiti za data. Kila pakiti ina kichwa ambacho hutenda kama kitambulisho cha kipekee kinachoelezea ukubwa wake, chanzo, na marudio. Ulinzi wa kawaida kuangalia vichwa hivyo kuona kama wao ni juu ya marufuku-orodha. Kisha ulinzi huo huelekeza tena pakiti mbaya kwenye maeneo yasiyo na madhara. Tatizo ni kwamba lazima wawe na orodha hii mapema, na washambuliaji mara nyingi hubadilisha vichwa ili kuepuka kugunduliwa. Karpowicz's ufumbuzi badala yake hugundua mifumo ya trafiki ya mtandao katika muda halisi. Hebu wazia kamera kadhaa za usafiri wa magari kwenye makutano ya jiji. Kwa mfano, ikiwa unaangalia sampuli ya video, unaweza kuona idadi kubwa ya magari ya bluu kwenye eneo fulani. Ni jambo lenye kutilika shaka. Unaweza kuangalia kwa karibu magari na kujifunza zaidi juu yao na uwezekano wa kuvuta zaidi yao juu. Mbinu inachukua data ya mtandao na kutafsiri katika data ishara. Kazi basi ni kutenganisha vyanzo tofauti vya ishara. Karpowicz anafananisha hilo na tatizo la sherehe ya cocktail, ambapo uko kwenye sherehe umezungukwa na mazungumzo na lazima uchague maneno ya mtu anayezungumza nawe. Hapa, yeye hutumia linear algebra. Ishara, au vichwa vya pakiti, hujaza matrix. Katika matrix, kila safu inawakilisha pakiti za aina fulani kwa muda, iliyofafanuliwa na ukubwa wa pakiti au chanzo au sababu nyingine. Katika mfano wa trafiki ya magari, unaweza kuwa na safu kwa ajili ya magari ya bluu, minivans, na magari kutoka California. Thamani kujaza seli katika matrix fulani kuonyesha kitu ambacho inaweza kuwa muhimu kwa kutambua shambulio. Katika matrix moja, kila seli inaweza kuwa na idadi ya bendera, na katika nyingine inaweza kuonyesha bits kwa sekunde. Karpowicz kisha deciphers ambayo mchanganyiko wa sifa ni hasa juu katika metrics hizi. Si tu magari ya bluu au convertibles, lakini convertibles bluu. Mara baada ya yeye amepata wale mchanganyiko wa vipengele, yeye hutafsiri yao nyuma kwa dunia ya mitandao, kuzalisha sheria kwa firewalls. Katika mfano wa magari, kama anajua kwamba magari ya rangi ya bluu ya aina fulani na mfano ni kusababisha tatizo, yeye huunda filters kamera kwamba spot magari hayo mara moja. Yeye huita mbinu yake ya msingi wa algebra ya linear meta-factorization. Karatasi juu ya meta-factorization ni chini ya mapitio. Karpowicz kutekeleza mahesabu katika MATLAB®. <unk>Algorithms linear algebra ni algorithms ya haraka inayojulikana katika sayansi,<unk> anasema, <unk>kufanya mbinu hii ufanisi sana.<unk> Kugundua pakiti mbaya ni sehemu tu ya tatizo; watetezi lazima pia kudhibiti yao. Karpowicz anasema suluhisho lilimjia kwa aksidenti. Karibu miaka kumi iliyopita, alikuwa akifanya kazi kwenye mradi wa kuongeza ufanisi wa nishati ya vifaa vya mtandao. Alitaka kutabiri kiasi cha trafiki na kuelekeza mito ya pakiti kwenye njia ambazo zingeweza kuzishughulikia. Wakati wa kujadili mradi huo na mwenzake anayefanya kazi kwenye usalama wa mtandao, mwenzake alisema inaweza kutumika kupambana na mashambulizi ya DDoS. "Tulianza kufanya kazi na wazo hilo, na hatua kwa hatua, teknolojia mpya ilianzishwa,"" Karpowicz anasema katika makala yake iliyochapishwa mwaka jana katika jarida la European Journal of Control, akifasiri matokeo ya utafiti huo, ambayo ni mbinu inayoitwa ""adaptive tuning.""" Mifumo ya kawaida ya kudhibiti trafiki ya mtandao haipati maoni juu ya utendaji wao. Wao kujikinga dhidi ya mashambulizi kwa kuacha trafiki yote kwa njia fulani kuhusiana na shambulio. Mara nyingi hilo ni jambo kubwa sana, kwa kuwa huenda pia likazuia trafiki halali. Karpowicz anapendekeza kutumia udhibiti wa trafiki ambao hujumuisha maoni ili waweze kujua ikiwa wanaelekeza pakiti sahihi. "Usalama wa mtandao ulinipa changamoto kubwa za kisayansi, na haswa changamoto za hisabati", anasema. Nadharia na utendaji wa kazi ziliongezana. <unk>Hiyo ndiyo iliyonifanya niendelee. "Nilikuwa na hisia kwamba kuna kitu katika hilo na kuna tatizo ambalo linaonyesha suluhisho. "" Pamoja, mifumo ya kugundua na kudhibiti huunda msingi wa huduma inayotolewa na NASK inayoitwa ""FLDX,"" ambayo sasa wana hati miliki." Inaweza kugundua mashambulizi ndani ya sekunde tano na kuanza kuwakomesha katika sekunde kumi. NASDAQ inatoa huduma ya FLDX nchini Poland, kulinda mitandao ya kitaifa kwa kutumia kundi la mashine za virtual. "Kile kinachofanya suluhisho lote kuwa la kipekee ni kwamba si mfumo wa usalama wa mtandao tu, lakini pia ni jukwaa la utafiti", Karpowicz anasema. Inakuwezesha programu algorithms yako mwenyewe kwa ajili ya kugundua na kukandamiza mashambulizi katika MATLAB. "Kama vile, kwa mfano, ""Matlab"" ni mfumo wa kujifunza mashine, ambayo hutumia teknolojia ya kuhariri, kuhariri, na kujifunza mashine, na ina uwezo wa kuhariri data kutoka kwa mashine, na kwa hivyo ina uwezo wa kuhariri data kutoka kwa mashine, na kwa hivyo ina uwezo wa kuhariri data kutoka kwa mashine, na kwa hivyo ina uwezo wa kuhariri data kutoka kwa mashine." "Tunaboresha ujuzi wa wataalamu katika algorithms za kujifunza na kisha kuwaacha wafanye kazi yao", Karpowicz anasema. <unk>Na kazi yao ni kugundua nini kinaendelea katika dunia.<unk> Wao kupata utaratibu wa takwimu katika kiasi kikubwa cha data, kama spotting makundi ya aina fulani ya gari. "Ni kujifunza mashine katika bora yake", anasema. <unk>Hatuna haja ya kuanza kwa kukusanya seti kubwa za data ili kurekebisha mfumo kabla ya kuwa kazi. Ni tayari kufanya kazi wakati ni imewekwa. <unk> Detector anatumia <unk> kupiga kura <unk> mfumo wa kutambua mtiririko wa data isiyo ya kawaida. Pia optimizes matrices kwa kutatua seti ya equations. Hata kama tabia ya mtandao ni nonlinear-ambapo baadhi ya mambo na athari disproportionate-linear equations inaweza kukamata kiasi kikubwa cha mifumo. Watafiti na wahandisi wanaweza kutumia MATLAB kupata seti ya data ya NASDAQ, na kwa sababu vyuo vikuu vingi vya kiufundi tayari vinatumia, hiyo ni kitu rahisi sana. seti ya data ya NASDAQ ni ya kipekee kwa sababu inajumuisha data ya trafiki kutoka kote nchini na ina kiwango cha juu cha sampuli ya data. Utafiti wa NASK unaangalia mienendo ya trafiki, udhaifu wa lengo, na vyanzo vya shambulio, mzunguko, na mbinu. FLDX inatumika kulinda wateja wa umma na kibiashara, pamoja na shule na huduma za uandikishaji wa chanjo. Kupata uaminifu wa wenzake wa usalama wa mtandao imekuwa "mashangao makubwa", Karpowicz anasema. <unk>Inachukua muda kwa wanasayansi kuwa kuheshimiwa katika idara ya uhandisi wa usalama wa mtandao. "Lakini kwa FLDX, unapata ufikiaji wa uwanja huu wa michezo ambapo unaweza kufanya mambo yatokee.""" Na hiyo ni kitu maalum sana kuhusu NASK. "Kama ilivyoelezwa hapo juu, ""Kupitia utafiti wa maabara, Karpowicz amekuwa akishirikiana na taasisi nyingine, ikiwa ni pamoja na MIT na Chuo Kikuu cha Teknolojia cha Sydney." "Nataka NASK ijulikane ulimwenguni kote kwa usalama wa mtandao na AI", anasema. Ni juu ya njia yake. | <urn:uuid:f5d3c048-a306-44da-a3c7-8b53cf5dc9e1> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://ch.mathworks.com/company/mathworks-stories/stopping-cyberattacks-with-ai.html | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474674.35/warc/CC-MAIN-20240227085429-20240227115429-00712.warc.gz |
For the first time ever, the UK’s wildlife organisations joined forces to undertake a health check of nature in the UK and its Overseas Territories. Here we show you the key findings of this amazing report. To view the full report check out www.rspb.org.uk/stateofnature.
- 60% of the 3,148 UK species assessed have declined over the last 50 years and 31% have declined strongly.
- Half of the species assessed have shown strong changes in their numbers or range, indicating that recent environmental changes are having a dramatic impact on nature in the UK. Species with specific habitat requirements seem to be faring worse than generalist species.
- A new Watchlist Indicator, developed to measure how conservation priority species are faring, shows that their overall numbers have declined by 77% in the last 40 years, with little sign of recovery.
- Of more than 6,000 species that have been assess using modern Red List criteria, more than one in 10 are thought to be under threat of extinction in the UK.
- The assessment looks back over 50 years at most, yet there were large declines in the UK’s wildlife prior to this, linked to habitat loss.
- The UK’s Overseas Territories hold a wealth of wildlife of huge international importance and over 90 of these species are at high risk of global extinction.
- There is a lack of knowledge on the trends of most of the UK’s species. As a result, the report can only determine quantitative trends for only 5% of the 59,000 or so terrestrial and freshwater species in the UK, and for very few of the 8,500 marina species. Much needs to be done to improve our knowledge.
- What is known about the state of the UK’s nature is often based upon the efforts of thousands of dedicated volunteer enthusiasts who contribute their time and expertise to monitoring schemes and species recording.
- The threats to the UK’s wildlife are any and varied, the most severe acting either to destroy valuable habitat or degrade the quality and value of what remains.
- Climate change is having an increasing impact on nature in the UK. Rising average temperatures are known to be driving range expansion in some species, but evidence for harmful impacts is also mounting.
We should act to save nature both for its intrinsic value and for the benefits it brings to us that are essential to our wellbeing and prosperity.
Targeted conservation has produced inspiring success stories and, with sufficient determination, resources and public support, we can turn the fortunes of our wildlife around.
The State of Nature report serves to illustrate that with share resolve and commitment we can save nature. | Kwa mara ya kwanza, mashirika ya wanyama wa mwituni nchini Uingereza yameungana kufanya uchunguzi wa afya ya mazingira nchini Uingereza na maeneo yake ya ng'ambo. Hapa tunakuonyesha matokeo muhimu ya ripoti hii ya kushangaza. Kwa maelezo zaidi, angalia tovuti ya RSPB.org.uk na stateofnature. Katika miaka 50 iliyopita, asilimia 60 ya spishi 3,148 zilizochunguzwa nchini Uingereza zimepungua na asilimia 31 zimepungua sana. Nusu ya spishi zilizochunguzwa zinaonyesha mabadiliko makubwa katika idadi yao au ueneaji, ikionyesha kuwa mabadiliko ya hivi karibuni ya mazingira yana athari kubwa kwa asili nchini Uingereza. Aina zenye mahitaji maalum ya makao ya wanyama huonekana kuwa na hali mbaya zaidi kuliko spishi za jumla. "Kulingana na ripoti ya ""Watchlist,"" idadi ya spishi za kipekee za kuhifadhiwa imepungua kwa asilimia 77 katika miaka 40 iliyopita, na hakuna dalili za kupona." Kati ya spishi 6,000 zilizotathminiwa kwa kutumia vigezo vya kisasa vya orodha nyekundu, zaidi ya moja kati ya kumi inadhaniwa kuwa iko chini ya tishio la kutoweka nchini Uingereza. Utafiti huo unaangalia nyuma zaidi ya miaka 50 lakini kulikuwa na kupungua kwa wanyama wa mwituni nchini Uingereza kabla ya hapo, kuhusiana na upotezaji wa makazi. Eneo la Uingereza la Ng'ambo lina utajiri wa wanyama wa porini wa umuhimu mkubwa wa kimataifa na zaidi ya spishi 90 za wanyama wa porini ziko katika hatari kubwa ya kutoweka ulimwenguni. - Kuna ukosefu wa maarifa juu ya mwenendo wa wengi wa aina ya Uingereza. Kwa hivyo, ripoti inaweza kuamua mwenendo wa kiasi kwa 5% tu ya spishi 59,000 za nchi kavu na maji baridi nchini Uingereza, na kwa chache sana za spishi 8,500 za baharini. Kuna mengi ya kufanywa ili kuboresha ujuzi wetu. - Nini inajulikana kuhusu hali ya asili ya Uingereza ni mara nyingi kulingana na juhudi za maelfu ya kujitolea kujitolea enthusiasts ambao kuchangia muda wao na utaalamu wa mipango ya ufuatiliaji na aina ya rekodi. Hatari kwa wanyama wa mwituni wa Uingereza ni nyingi na mbalimbali, na hatari kubwa zaidi ni kuharibu mazingira muhimu au kuharibu ubora na thamani ya kile kinachobaki. Mabadiliko ya hali ya hewa yanaathiri mazingira ya asili nchini Uingereza. Kuongezeka kwa joto la wastani kunajulikana kuwa kusababisha upanuzi wa aina fulani, lakini ushahidi wa athari mbaya pia unazidi kuongezeka. Tunapaswa kutenda ili kuokoa asili kwa thamani yake ya ndani na kwa faida inayoleta kwetu ambayo ni muhimu kwa ustawi wetu na ustawi. Uhifadhi wa lengo umezalisha hadithi za mafanikio ya kuchochea na, kwa azimio la kutosha, rasilimali na msaada wa umma, tunaweza kubadilisha bahati za wanyama wetu wa porini. Ripoti ya Hali ya Asili inatumika kuonyesha kwamba kwa azimio la pamoja na kujitolea tunaweza kuokoa asili. | <urn:uuid:990b5597-6029-4c80-82a5-f021083b723a> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://circleofliferediscovery.com/blog/state-of-nature-report/ | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474674.35/warc/CC-MAIN-20240227085429-20240227115429-00712.warc.gz |
You’ve seen the design, we’re sure—on posters, postcards, t-shirts, coffee mugs. And, like us, you’ve no doubt been led to understand that the original posters from which the design was taken appeared throughout England for the duration of World War II.
Keep Calm and Carry On.
You’ve seen it, right?
Well, the thing is, the above account of the design’s history isn’t quite correct. This design was created in the lead-up to World War II, and it was selected by the British government, along with a couple of other designs, to be used on a series of propaganda posters meant to help foster a sense of confidence, optimism, and yes, calm during a time fraught with worry and danger.
Only it was the other two designs that got used; they were distributed throughout the country in September 1939. The design so familiar today, the one pictured to the right, was designated by the government to be used in case of extreme emergency—in case of a Nazi invasion of English soil, for example.
As such, the design was never put into wide use and was all but forgotten until the year 2000, when Stuart and Mary Manley, the owners of Barter Books, a used book shop in the northeast of England—Alnwick, Northumberland, to be precise—found one of the posters in a box of old books.
We’ll hold off on telling you the rest of the delightful story. You can watch it for yourself in the following video. The footage of the Manleys’ shop alone makes the video well worth watching, but you’ll also learn what bits of copy were used in the other two poster designs. They’re effective enough, but they fall short of the to-the-point pithiness of “Keep Calm and Carry On.” | Umeona muundo, tuna uhakika, kwenye mabango, kadi za posta, T-shati, vikombe vya kahawa. Na, kama sisi, bila shaka umesababisha kuelewa kwamba mabango ya awali ambayo muundo ulichukuliwa yalionekana kote Uingereza kwa muda wa Vita vya Pili vya Ulimwengu. Endelea Kuwa Mtulivu na Kuendelea. Umeiona, sivyo? Naam, jambo ni, akaunti ya juu ya historia ya kubuni si sahihi kabisa. "Mfano huu ulibuniwa kabla ya Vita Kuu ya Pili ya Dunia, na ulichaguliwa na serikali ya Uingereza, pamoja na miundo mingine miwili, kutumika kwenye safu ya mabango ya propaganda, ambayo yalikusudiwa kusaidia kukuza hisia ya ujasiri, matumaini, na, ndiyo, utulivu wakati wa wasiwasi na hatari.""" Mifano hiyo miwili ilitolewa nchini kote mnamo Septemba 1939. Muundo unaojulikana sana leo, ule unaoonekana upande wa kulia, uliteuliwa na serikali kutumiwa katika hali ya dharura sana - kwa mfano, katika hali ya uvamizi wa Nazi wa udongo wa Uingereza. Kwa hivyo, muundo huo haukuwahi kutumiwa sana na ulisahaulika hadi mwaka 2000, wakati Stuart na Mary Manley, wamiliki wa Barter Books, duka la vitabu vilivyotumiwa kaskazini mashariki mwa Uingereza - Alnwick, Northumberland, kwa usahihi - walipata moja ya mabango katika sanduku la vitabu vya zamani. Tutaendelea kukuambia sehemu iliyobaki ya hadithi hiyo yenye kupendeza. Unaweza kuiona mwenyewe katika video ifuatayo. Picha ya duka la Manleys peke yake hufanya video hiyo iwe ya thamani ya kutazamwa, lakini pia utajifunza ni vipande gani vya nakala vilivyotumiwa katika miundo mingine miwili ya mabango. Wao ni ufanisi wa kutosha, lakini wao kushindwa ya pointi-kwa-pointi ya "Keep Calm na Carry On". | <urn:uuid:e88d25a4-726e-4af1-af8c-350ee5595ee1> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://cladriteradio.com/tag/keep-calm-and-carry-on/ | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474674.35/warc/CC-MAIN-20240227085429-20240227115429-00712.warc.gz |
We begin with Picasso’s Blue Period that is on exhibit at Toronto’s AGO!
Concentrating on the years 1901-1904, Picasso’s early years were fraught with poverty, tragedy, and emotional frailty—and it was these struggles that he channelled into his first pioneering body of work, known as his Blue Period. Then a fledgling painter in his late teens and early twenties, he moved back and forth between the cities of Paris and Barcelona. His spellbinding works to this day force audiences to grapple with uncomfortable issues such as poverty, labor unrest, gender inequality and war.
Picasso Blue Period – Exhibition in Toronto at the AGO – Tues. Nov. 23
Suzanne Valadon – Exhibition at the Barnes Foundation in Philadelphia – Tues. Nov. 30
Sandro Botticelli – Paris Exhibition at the Musee Jacquemart-Andre – Tues. Dec. 7
The Morozov Collection at the Louis Vuitton Foundation in Paris – Tues. Dec. 14 | Tunaanza na Kipindi cha Bluu cha Picasso ambacho kimeonyeshwa katika Jumba la Makumbusho la Toronto! Picasso aliishi miaka ya 1901-1904 wakati ambapo maisha yake yalikuwa na matatizo ya kihisia na ya kihisia, na hivyo akaanza kazi yake ya kwanza ya upainia, inayojulikana kama Blue Period. Alipokuwa mchoraji mchanga katika miaka yake ya mwisho ya ujana na mapema ya ishirini, alihamia na kurudi kati ya miji ya Paris na Barcelona. Kazi zake za kuvutia hadi leo zinalazimisha watazamaji kushughulika na masuala yasiyo ya kawaida kama vile umaskini, machafuko ya kazi, usawa wa kijinsia na vita. Maonyesho ya Picasso katika Jumba la Makumbusho la Paris, Jumba la Makumbusho la Paris, Jumba la Makumbusho la Paris, Jumba la Makumbusho la Paris, Jumba la Makumbusho la Paris, Jumba la Makumbusho la Paris, Jumba la Makumbusho la Paris. | <urn:uuid:ce736eb5-6110-40aa-813e-0a2f41f1ffc2> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://classilearning.com/event/virtual-travel-to-the-exhibition-with-patrick-bade/ | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474674.35/warc/CC-MAIN-20240227085429-20240227115429-00712.warc.gz |
In my new book, God’s Crime Scene: A Homicide Detective Examines the Evidence for a Divinely Created Universe, I make a comprehensive case for the existence of God from eight pieces of evidence in the universe. In Chapter Three (The Origin of Life: Does the Text Require an Author?), I describe the futility scientists have experienced when trying to identify the location in the universe where life might have originated without the intercession and involvement of an Intelligent Designer. The origin of life requires the emergence of pre-biotic molecules (amino acids and nucleotide bases). Where could this have happened? Could life have originated from “inside the room” of the natural universe? If so, where, and is there a better explanation for the origin of life “outside the room” of the universe? (For more on this “inside the room” or “outside the room” investigative analogy, please refer to the Opening Statement of God’s Crime Scene). Naturalistic scientists have repeatedly failed to identify an evidentially reasonable location for the origin of life, despite a concerted effort over many years. Here is a very brief summary of the failed attempts to locate a reasonable naturalistic point of origin:
Could Life Have Started in the Atmosphere?
You may remember the famous 1952 Miller-Urey experiment from your high school or undergraduate biology class. Stanley Miller and Harold Urey mixed ammonia, methane, water vapor, and hydrogen and passed an electric charge through the circulating gases. Within a week, they found several types of amino acids had been created. This experiment later became the “poster child” for a naturalistic explanation of the basic building blocks of life. Many believed it proved amino acids could be formed naturally in the atmosphere of the early earth. But with the evidence we now have about the conditions of the early atmosphere, we know the gases used by Miller and Urey were not present in the quantity or proportion they used. While this experiment may have some historical significance, it does not prove life could originate in the atmosphere. In fact, scientists now believe the early atmosphere simply could not produce amino acids at any significant or necessary level.
Could It Have Started in Water?
Like the Miller-Urey experiment, the concept of an ancient “primordial soup” is an iconic fixture in most entry-level biology textbooks. Soviet biologist Alexander Oparin first proposed the idea in 1924, arguing “chemical evolution” took place in the Earth’s early waters, resulting in the formation of amino acids, then primitive proteins. But aside from the fact we have no physical evidence to support the existence of a “primordial soup,” we now know the “chicken and egg” relationship between proteins and polymer chains (DNA) makes their simultaneous appearance in water extremely unlikely (to put it mildly). In addition, the absence of significant sources of phosphate for the early formation of DNA, RNA or ATP is prohibitive in this environment. Worse yet, there would be no way to limit the proportion of left and right “handed” amino acids, nucleotides and sugars in the “primordial soup”, making the formation of DNA and RNA molecules exceedingly difficult.
Could It Have Started On Land?
Some researchers have proposed a scenario in which local terrestrial conditions, such as those occurring in clay, might capture water on occasion, allowing the necessary molecules to form and interact. But when trying to recreate these conditions in the laboratory, scientists have come to realize the impossibility of stabilizing the environment to allow for the formation of the necessary cellular components.
Could It Have Started In the Earth?
Some scientists have proposed an underground location for the origin of life where molecular formation would be protected from water and atmospheric interference. But the underground locations available in the early earth would have been incredibly hostile to the formation of bio-chemical precursors, proteins and RNA. Just as problematic would be imagining a scenario in which these primitive forms of life could then transition from their underground origin to their eventual homes above ground.
Could It Have Started In Space?
Some scientists, frustrated with the lack of progress locating a reasonable earthly source for pre-biotic molecules, have turned their attention to outer space. But even if the basic building blocks for life, amino acids, were delivered to earth in a meteorite, this would still fail to explain how the simple molecules formed into the more complex proteins and nucleic acids necessary for life, given the “chicken and egg” problem (refer to Chapter Three of God’s Crime Scene). And if these more complex organic elements came to us from space, how did they originate there and how could they survive the entry into earth’s atmosphere?
There’s a reason why scientists are so divided over the location of life’s origin: None of the proposed environments offer a viable, reasonable explanation. Arizona State Cosmologist Paul Davies agrees: “Origin-of-life researchers cannot identify any location on primordial Earth suitable for production of pre-biotic molecules.” Every effort to stay “inside the room” of the natural universe to explain the origin of life simply fails:
An Illustration from God’s Crime Scene
Every good detective learns the importance of simple investigative questions that start with “what,” “when,” “where,” “why,” and “how”. Scientists investigating the origin of life simply cannot answer the “where” question, but that isn’t the only question they can’t answer. In God’s Crime Scene, I also describe their inability to answer the “when,” “why,” and “how” questions. One reason these questions are so difficult to answer may simply be there refusal to ask another important investigative question beginning with “who”. The impersonal laws of physics and chemistry cannot account for the origin of life. There is, however, a personal force who better explains the existence of life in our universe. A personal, all-powerful Creator God best explains the incredible, otherwise inexplicable presence of life in our universe.
This brief blog post (excerpted from my book) really doesn’t do justice to the evidence I’ve described. For a much more thorough description of this evidence, please refer to God’s Crime Scene, Chapter Three – The Origin of Life: Does the Text Require an Author?
For more information about the scientific and philosophical evidence pointing to a Divine Creator, please read God’s Crime Scene: A Cold-Case Detective Examines the Evidence for a Divinely Created Universe. This book employs a simple crime scene strategy to investigate eight pieces of evidence in the universe to determine the most reasonable explanation. The book is accompanied by an eight-session God’s Crime Scene DVD Set (and Participant’s Guide) to help individuals or small groups examine the evidence and make the case.
J. Warner Wallace is a Dateline featured Cold-Case Detective, Senior Fellow at the Colson Center for Christian Worldview, Adj. Professor of Christian Apologetics at Talbot School of Theology, Biola University, author of Cold-Case Christianity, God’s Crime Scene, and Forensic Faith, and creator of the Case Makers Academy for kids.
Subscribe to J. Warner’s Daily Email | Katika kitabu changu kipya, God's Crime Scene: A Homicide Detective Examines the Evidence for a Divinely Created Universe, mimi hufanya kesi ya kina kwa ajili ya kuwepo kwa Mungu kutoka vipande nane vya ushahidi katika ulimwengu. Katika Sura ya Tatu (The Origin of Life: Does the Text Require an Author? "Kama ilivyoelezwa hapo juu, ""haikuwa na maana kwa wanasayansi kujaribu kutambua mahali katika ulimwengu ambapo maisha yangeweza kutokea bila kuingilia kati na kuhusika kwa Mbuni mwenye akili.""" Asili ya uhai inahitaji kutokea kwa molekuli za kabla ya uhai (amino asidi na misingi ya nucleotide). Jambo hilo lilitokea wapi? Je, huenda uhai ulitokea "ndani ya chumba" cha ulimwengu wa asili? Ikiwa ndivyo, ni wapi, na je, kuna ufafanuzi bora wa chanzo cha uhai "nje ya chumba" cha ulimwengu? (Kwa zaidi juu ya hii <unk>ndani ya chumba<unk> au <unk>nje ya chumba<unk> uchunguzi analogy, tafadhali rejea Taarifa ya Ufunguzi wa Mungu <unk> Crime Scene). Wanasayansi wa asili wameshindwa mara kwa mara kutambua mahali pa asili ya uhai, licha ya jitihada za pamoja zilizofanywa kwa miaka mingi. "Hii ni muhtasari mfupi sana wa majaribio yaliyoshindwa ya kupata ""ncha ya asili"" ya asili: Je, Maisha Yangeweza Kuanzia Katika Anga?" "Hata hivyo, ni vigumu kukumbuka kwamba ""Miller-Urey Experiment"" ilifanyika mwaka 1952 na wanafunzi wa shule ya sekondari walipokuwa wakisoma biolojia." Stanley Miller na Harold Urey walichanganya amonia, metani, mvuke wa maji, na hidrojeni na kupitisha umeme kupitia gesi zilizozunguka. Katika muda wa juma moja, waligundua kwamba aina kadhaa za asidi za amino zilikuwa zimeundwa. Baadaye jaribio hilo likawa "mtoto wa bango" kwa ajili ya ufafanuzi wa asili wa vipengele vya msingi vya uhai. Wengi waliamini kwamba ilithibitisha kwamba asidi za amino zingeweza kufanyizwa kiasili katika angahewa la dunia ya mapema. Lakini kwa sababu ya uthibitisho tulio nao sasa kuhusu hali za angahewa la mapema, tunajua gesi zilizotumiwa na Miller na Urey hazikuwapo kwa kiasi au uwiano waliotumia. Ingawa majaribio hayo huenda yakawa na maana fulani ya kihistoria, hayaonyeshi kwamba uhai ungeweza kutokea katika angahewa. Kwa kweli, wanasayansi sasa wanaamini kwamba angahewa la mapema halingeweza kutokeza asidi za amino kwa kiwango chochote muhimu au cha lazima. Je, Inaweza Kuanzia Maji? Kama majaribio ya Miller-Urey, dhana ya kale <unk> supu ya asili <unk> ni kiashiria katika vitabu vingi vya biolojia vya kiwango cha kuingia. Mwanabiolojia wa Sovieti Alexander Oparin alianzisha nadharia hiyo mwaka 1924 akisema kwamba mageuzi ya kemikali yalifanyika katika maji ya mwanzo ya dunia, na kusababisha kuundwa kwa asidi za amino, kisha protini za awali. Lakini mbali na ukweli kwamba hatuna ushahidi wa kimwili kuunga mkono kuwepo kwa "mchuzi wa awali", sasa tunajua uhusiano wa "kuku na yai" kati ya protini na minyororo ya polima (DNA) hufanya kuonekana kwao kwa wakati mmoja katika maji kuwa haiwezekani sana (kwa maneno ya upole). Kwa kuongezea, kutokuwepo kwa vyanzo muhimu vya phosphate kwa uundaji wa mapema wa DNA, RNA au ATP ni marufuku katika mazingira haya. "Hata mbaya zaidi, hakutakuwa na njia ya kupunguza uwiano wa amino asidi ""kushoto"" na ""kushoto"" amino asidi, nucleotides na sukari katika ""mchuzi wa msingi,"" na kufanya muundo wa DNA na RNA molekuli vigumu sana." Je, Inaweza Kuanzia Kwenye Ardhi? Watafiti wengine wamependekeza hali ambayo hali za ndani za ardhi, kama zile zinazotokea katika udongo, zinaweza kukamata maji mara kwa mara, kuruhusu molekuli muhimu kuunda na kuingiliana. Lakini wakati wa kujaribu kuunda tena hali hizi katika maabara, wanasayansi wamegundua kuwa haiwezekani kuimarisha mazingira ili kuruhusu malezi ya vipengele muhimu vya chembe. Je, Inaweza Kuanzia Duniani? Wanasayansi fulani wamependekeza kwamba uhai ulianza chini ya ardhi, mahali ambapo molekuli zingeweza kuundwa bila maji na hewa. Lakini maeneo ya chini ya ardhi yaliyopatikana katika dunia ya mapema yangekuwa ya uhasama sana kwa malezi ya vichwa vya biochemical, protini na RNA. "Kama vile tatizo itakuwa kuwa kufikiria hali ambayo aina hizi za awali za maisha inaweza kisha mabadiliko kutoka asili yao ya chini ya ardhi kwa nyumba zao mwisho juu ya ardhi. """ Je, Inaweza Kuanzia Angani? Wanasayansi fulani, wakiwa wamevunjika moyo kwa sababu ya kukosa maendeleo katika kutafuta chanzo cha kibinadamu cha molekuli za kabla ya uhai, wameelekeza fikira zao kwenye anga ya nje. Hata kama vipengele vya msingi vya maisha, amino asidi, viliwasili duniani katika meteorite, bado hii haitaweza kueleza jinsi molekuli rahisi zilizofanyizwa kuwa protini tata na asidi za nyuklia zinazohitajika kwa maisha, kwa kuzingatia tatizo la "kuku na yai" (tazama Sura ya Tatu ya God's Crime Scene). Ikiwa vitu hivyo vilivyotengenezwa kwa njia ya viumbe vilivyotengenezwa kwa njia ya viumbe vilivyotengenezwa kwa njia ya viumbe vilivyotengenezwa kwa njia ya viumbe vilivyotengenezwa kwa njia ya viumbe vilivyotengenezwa kwa njia ya viumbe vilivyotengenezwa kwa njia ya viumbe vilivyotengenezwa kwa njia ya viumbe vilivyotengenezwa kwa njia ya viumbe vilivyotengenezwa kwa njia ya viumbe. Kuna sababu kwa nini wanasayansi wamegawanyika sana juu ya mahali ambapo uhai ulitokea: Hakuna mazingira yoyote yaliyopendekezwa yanayotokeza ufafanuzi wenye kutegemeka na wenye busara. "Mtaalamu wa asili ya uhai Paul Davies anasema: ""Watafiti wa asili ya uhai hawawezi kutambua mahali popote duniani pa awali pa kutengeneza molekuli za kabla ya uhai.""Jitihada zote za kukaa ""ndani ya chumba"" cha ulimwengu wa asili kueleza chanzo cha uhai hushindwa: ""Mfano kutoka kwenye eneo la uhalifu wa Mungu"" ""Kila mpelelezi mzuri hujifunza umuhimu wa maswali sahili ya uchunguzi yanayoanza na ""Ni nini, ni lini, ni wapi, ni kwa nini, na ni jinsi gani.""" Wanasayansi wanaochunguza chanzo cha uhai hawawezi kujibu swali "wapi", lakini hilo si swali pekee ambalo hawawezi kujibu. Katika "God's Crime Scene", pia ninaelezea kutoweza kwao kujibu maswali ya "wanapi", "kwa nini", na "jinsi gani". Sababu moja maswali haya ni vigumu sana kujibu inaweza kuwa tu kuna kukataa kuuliza swali jingine muhimu uchunguzi kuanzia na <unk>who<unk>. Sheria zisizo za kibinafsi za fizikia na kemia haziwezi kueleza chanzo cha uhai. Hata hivyo, kuna nguvu ya kibinafsi ambayo hueleza vizuri zaidi kuwepo kwa uhai katika ulimwengu wetu. Mungu wa kibinafsi, mwenye nguvu zote, Muumba, anaelezea vizuri zaidi uwepo wa maisha katika ulimwengu wetu ambao kwa njia nyingine hauwezi kuelezwa. Chapisho hili fupi la blogi (litokana na kitabu changu) kwa kweli halifanyi haki kwa ushahidi ambao nimeelezea. Kwa maelezo ya kina zaidi ya uthibitisho huu, tafadhali tazama God's Crime Scene, Sura ya Tatu <unk> Asili ya Uhai: Je, Maandishi Huhitaji Mwandishi? Kwa habari zaidi kuhusu uthibitisho wa kisayansi na kifalsafa unaoonyesha kuwa kuna Muumba wa Kimungu, tafadhali soma kitabu God's Crime Scene: A Cold-Case Detective Examines the Evidence for a Divinely Created Universe. Kitabu hiki hutumia mkakati rahisi wa eneo la uhalifu kuchunguza vipande nane vya ushahidi katika ulimwengu ili kuamua ufafanuzi wa busara zaidi. Kitabu hiki kinaongozwa na seti ya DVD ya God's Crime Scene na mwongozo wa washiriki ili kusaidia watu binafsi au vikundi vidogo kuchunguza ushahidi na kufanya kesi. J. Warner Wallace ni Dateline featured Cold-Case Detective, Mshiriki Mkuu katika Kituo cha Colson kwa ajili ya Christian Worldview, Adj. "Mwanamke huyo ni Profesa wa Uhakikisho wa Kikristo katika Shule ya Theolojia ya Talbot, Chuo Kikuu cha Biola, mwandishi wa ""Kikristo cha Cold-Case,"" ""God's Crime Scene,"" na ""Forensic Faith,"" na muundaji wa Chuo cha Watengenezaji wa Kesi kwa watoto." Kujiandikisha kwa J. Warner's Daily Email | <urn:uuid:3c0e1c7a-6804-44b4-b991-4af71f9f211f> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://coldcasechristianity.com/writings/can-naturalists-explain-where-life-originated/?utm_content=buffer469af&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474674.35/warc/CC-MAIN-20240227085429-20240227115429-00712.warc.gz |
Purpose: Preparation for President Wilson’s visit
Date: February 21, 1919
On Monday, February 24, there will be extended to the President, on his visit here, the hospitality of the city of Boston and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. He comes here as President of our great Nation, as Commander-in-Chief in a war prosecuted to victory, as representative of America at the most important conference of nations ever assembled to discuss the peace of the world. He comes to a city and Commonwealth that have loyally supported his efforts to prosecute the war, that are eager to pay to him the tribute of respect and honor that are due to the position he holds. He is returning from one of the most notable of journeys. He is landing first on our historic soil. We look with great expectancy to the message he brings. To show our deep appreciation of his presence, I suggest that business be suspended for a period while he is here, that flags be displayed, and every proper observance made by such action as may be appropriate on behalf of all of our citizens.
Given at the Executive Chamber, in Boston, this twenty – first day of February, in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and nineteen, and of the Independence of the United States of America the one hundred and forty third.
Citation: Messages to the General Court, Official Addresses, Proclamations and State Papers of His Excellency Governor Calvin Coolidge
The Coolidge Foundation gratefully acknowledges the volunteer efforts of Robert Manchester, who prepared this document for digital publication. | """Tunaendelea kuandaa ziara ya Rais Wilson tarehe 21 Februari, 1919 Jumatatu, Februari 24, Rais atapewa ukarimu wa mji wa Boston na Jumuiya ya Madola ya Massachusetts." """Nimekuja hapa kama Rais wa taifa letu kubwa, kama Kamanda Mkuu katika vita vilivyoendelea hadi ushindi, kama mwakilishi wa Marekani katika mkutano muhimu zaidi wa mataifa kuwahi kukusanyika kujadili amani ya dunia." Anakuja katika mji na Jumuiya ya Madola ambayo kwa uaminifu imeunga mkono juhudi zake za kuendelea na vita, ambayo ni shauku ya kumlipa heshima ya heshima na heshima inayostahili kwa nafasi anayoishikilia. Anarudi kutoka mojawapo ya safari zenye kutokeza zaidi. Yeye ni kwanza kutua juu ya udongo wetu wa kihistoria. Tunatazamia kwa hamu sana ujumbe anaoleta. Ili kuonyesha uthamini wetu wa kina kwa uwepo wake, napendekeza kwamba biashara iondolewe kwa kipindi cha muda wakati yeye yuko hapa, kwamba bendera zionyeshwe, na kila utunzaji sahihi ufanywe kwa hatua kama hiyo inaweza kuwa sahihi kwa niaba ya wananchi wetu wote. "Imetolewa katika Baraza la Utekelezaji, huko Boston, hii ishirini na moja ya Februari, katika mwaka wa Bwana wetu elfu moja mia tisa na kumi na tisa, na ya Uhuru wa Marekani ya Amerika mia moja na arobaini na tatu.""" "Kutoka kwa ujumbe wa Mahakama Kuu, Maelezo rasmi, Matangazo na Karatasi za Jimbo la Gavana wake Calvin Coolidge, Shirika la Coolidge linathamini kwa shukrani juhudi za kujitolea za Robert Manchester, ambaye alitoa hati hii kwa ajili ya kuchapishwa kwa dijiti. """ | <urn:uuid:edac32e5-3aea-4c6e-af85-7bd62472069d> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://coolidgefoundation.org/resources/president-wilson-visit-proclamation/ | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474674.35/warc/CC-MAIN-20240227085429-20240227115429-00712.warc.gz |
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There are various types of sports eyewear designed to not only protect your eyes and your vision, but to enhance your athletic performance.
Better play, better performance, better protection
Wearing eyewear that’s designed for sports has defined protective and performance benefits. Here’s how sports eyewear can help in major categories of sports.
Players and excited spectators alike are well aware of the stray elbows, knees and other objects that get thrown your way in football, hockey, soccer and basketball.
Eye guards or goggles help keep these things from hitting your eyes, the most delicate and exposed organs of your body. You can prevent socket fractures, swollen retinas, internal bleeding, inflamed irises and traumatic cataracts from such blunt-force traumas.
Sports eyewear also provides better vision and protection in the sun and, if you need vision correction, give you better visual performance with less worry.
- Eye guards or goggles
- Polycarbonate face shields
Ball and stick sports
Sports such as handball, squash, racquetball, tennis, golf and baseball all hurtle hard objects at high speeds. Not only does non-slipping, non-fogging eyewear help you keep your eye on the ball, but their impact-resistant polycarbonate and sports-specific designs keep the ball out of your eye.
- Eye guards
- Faceguards and batting helmets
Sports and swimming goggles are great for water sports, where high wind and hectic conditions can toss things your way. Sports eyewear is also critical for blocking ultraviolet (UV) damage and performance-harming glare.
For swimmers with contact lenses, wearing swimming goggles keeps water away from your eyes, helping to prevent cases of infection, which are the leading cause of contact lens complications. (Note: Don’t wear contacts while swimming.)
- Eye guards or goggles
- Swimming goggles
Choosing the right sports eyewear
Here’s what you should know when you’re picking out eye guards or goggles:
- Never buy eye guards or goggles without lenses.
- Make sure the lenses are designed to pop outward in an accident.
- Choose polycarbonate lenses, which are the most impact-resistant lens material on the market.
- Look for anti-fog lenses and, for outdoor sports, UV protection.
Remember, protecting your eyes protects your eyesight. Check with your eye doctor anytime you have questions; he or she will help make sure you have the right eye care and eyewear for your eyes and your lifestyle. | Michezo ni burudani kuu ulimwenguni pote. Lakini wakati tunafanya kila tuwezalo kujilinda dhidi ya mifupa iliyovunjika, mshtuko wa ubongo na hata vidonda, mara nyingi tunasahau kuzuia corneas zilizovunjika, sockets za macho zilizovunjika na upotezaji wa maono wa kudumu. Kila mwaka watu 40,000 hupata majeraha makubwa ya macho. Kuna aina mbalimbali za miwani ya michezo iliyoundwa si tu kulinda macho yako na maono yako, lakini kuboresha utendaji wako wa michezo. Kucheza bora, utendaji bora, ulinzi bora kuvaa miwani ambayo ni iliyoundwa kwa ajili ya michezo ina kufafanuliwa ulinzi na utendaji faida. Hapa ni jinsi miwani ya michezo inaweza kusaidia katika makundi makuu ya michezo. Wachezaji na watazamaji wote wanajua vizuri juu ya mikono, magoti na vitu vingine vinavyopigwa katika mpira wa miguu, mpira wa magongo, mpira wa miguu na mpira wa kikapu. Vifaa vya kulinda macho vinaweza kusaidia kuzuia vitu hivi visiguse macho yako, ambayo ni viungo vya mwili vyenye kuonekana zaidi. Unaweza kuzuia kuvunjika kwa socket, retinas swollen, kutokwa na damu ndani, irises inflamed na cataracts traumatic kutoka kwa majeraha kama hayo blunt-force. Miwani ya michezo pia hutoa maono bora na ulinzi katika jua na, ikiwa unahitaji marekebisho ya maono, kukupa utendaji bora wa kuona na wasiwasi mdogo. - Walinzi wa macho au miwani - Polycarbonate ngao ya uso mpira na fimbo michezo kama vile mpira wa mikono, squash, racquetball, tenisi, gofu na baseball wote hurl vitu ngumu kwa kasi ya juu. Suti za macho zisizo na kuteleza na zisizo na ukungu zinasaidia kuweka jicho lako kwenye mpira, lakini polikarboni yao ya upinzani wa athari na miundo maalum ya michezo inahifadhi mpira nje ya jicho lako. Vifaa vya kuhifadhi macho, vifuniko vya uso na kofia za chuma, miwani ya kuogelea na miwani ya kuogelea ni bora kwa michezo ya maji, ambapo upepo mkali na hali ya msukosuko inaweza kutupa vitu njia yako. Miwani ya michezo pia ni muhimu kwa kuzuia uharibifu wa ultraviolet (UV) na mwangaza unaoharibu utendaji. Kwa wale wanaovua lensi za mawasiliano, kuvaa glasi za kuogelea huweka maji mbali na macho yako, na kusaidia kuzuia maambukizi, ambayo ni sababu kuu ya matatizo ya lensi za mawasiliano. (Kumbuka: Usitumie lensi za mawasiliano unapokuwa uogelea.) - Walinzi wa macho au miwani - Miwani ya kuogelea Kuchagua miwani sahihi ya michezo Hapa ni nini unapaswa kujua wakati wa kuchagua walinzi wa macho au miwani: - Kamwe usinunue walinzi wa macho au miwani bila lensi. - Hakikisha lensi zimetengenezwa ili ziondoke nje katika aksidenti. - Chagua lensi za polycarbonate, ambazo ni vifaa vya lensi vinavyostahimili athari zaidi sokoni. - Tafuta lensi za kuzuia ukungu na, kwa ajili ya michezo ya nje, ulinzi wa UV. Kumbuka, kulinda macho yako kunalinda uwezo wako wa kuona. Jibu maswali yoyote kutoka kwa daktari wako wa macho, na yeye atakusaidia kuhakikisha kuwa una huduma sahihi ya macho na miwani kwa macho yako na mtindo wako wa maisha. | <urn:uuid:fe9389fb-d850-408d-a06e-c37ce6624ccc> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://coopervision.com.sg/about-contacts/sports-eyewear | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474674.35/warc/CC-MAIN-20240227085429-20240227115429-00712.warc.gz |
-Knowledge and understanding
Students will develop knowledge and comprehension competence in the field of archaeology thanks to the use of different sources (manuals, books and scientific articles, lectures, online learning objects etc.) regarding foundation topics and advanced research in the field of classical archaeology.
-Applying knowledge and understanding
Students will be able to apply their knowledge and understanding skills to participate with medium-responsibility functions in activities aimed at safeguarding, managing and enhancing the Greek and Roman archaeological heritage; they will be able to master the archaeological sources and the survey techniques useful in the classical field; they will be aware of the consistency and the thickness of the Greek and Roman archaeological heritage also in its landscape components; they will be able to evaluate and link authors and works in their aesthetic and stylistic aspects and place them in their proper historical-cultural and socio-communicative context; they will know how to collaborate in possible excavation activities, archaeological surveys and other activities in the classic setting field.
Students will be able to collect and interpret data to determine autonomous judgements in in the field of classical archaeology, including cross-cultural and interdisciplinary thinking on cultural and intercultural, scientific and ethical topics connected to the judgements expressed.
Students will be able to convey information, ideas, problems and solutions to specialists and non-specialists.
Students will develop learning skills useful to fulfil further studies in classical archaeology and more generally speaking as learners in the second cycle or in lifelong learning education. | -Ujuzi na uelewa Wanafunzi wataendeleza maarifa na uelewa uwezo katika uwanja wa akiolojia shukrani kwa matumizi ya vyanzo tofauti (manuals, vitabu na makala za kisayansi, mihadhara, vitu vya kujifunza mtandaoni nk.) Kwa mujibu wa utafiti wa utafiti wa msingi na utafiti wa juu katika uwanja wa akiolojia ya kale. -Utekelezaji wa maarifa na uelewa: Wanafunzi wataweza kutumia maarifa na uelewa wao kushiriki katika shughuli za ulinzi, usimamizi na kuboresha urithi wa kihistoria wa Kigiriki na Kirumi; wataweza kuweza kutumia vyanzo vya kihistoria na mbinu za uchunguzi zinazotumika katika uwanja wa kale; watajua mwelekeo na uzito wa urithi wa kihistoria wa Kigiriki na Kirumi pia katika vipengele vya mazingira; wataweza kutathmini na kuunganisha waandishi na kazi katika mambo yao ya aesthetic na stylistic na kuziweka katika muktadha wao sahihi wa kihistoria, kitamaduni na kijamii. Wanafunzi wataweza kukusanya na kutafsiri data ili kuamua hukumu za kujitegemea katika uwanja wa akiolojia ya kawaida, ikiwa ni pamoja na kufikiri kwa utamaduni na interdisciplinary juu ya mada za kitamaduni na za kitamaduni, kisayansi na za kimaadili zinazohusiana na hukumu zilizotolewa. Wanafunzi wataweza kupeleka habari, mawazo, matatizo na ufumbuzi kwa wataalamu na wasio wataalamu. Wanafunzi wataendeleza ujuzi wa kujifunza muhimu kutimiza masomo zaidi katika akiolojia ya kale na kwa ujumla kuzungumza kama wanafunzi katika mzunguko wa pili au katika elimu ya kujifunza maisha. | <urn:uuid:ac438439-d316-4303-a5b4-5140a1d18656> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://corsi.unipr.it/en/ugov/degreecourse/234849 | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474674.35/warc/CC-MAIN-20240227085429-20240227115429-00712.warc.gz |
UNESCO has released a list of 50 exclusive and iconic heritage textile crafts of the country. Toda embroidery and Sungadi from Tamil Nadu, Himroo weaves from Hyderabad and Bandha tie and dye weaving from Sambalpur in Odisha were some of the textiles that made the cut. According to UNESCO, one of the major challenges to the safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage in South Asia is lack of proper inventory and documentation. The publication, which aims to bridge this gap, brings together years of research on the 50 selected textiles.
Handmade for the 21st Century:
Safeguarding Traditional Indian Textiles lists the histories and legends behind the textiles describes the complicated and secret processes behind their making, mentions the causes for their dwindling popularity, and provides strategies for their preservation.
What are Some of the Important Textiles Crafts Listed?
- Toda embroidery and Sungudi from Tamil Nadu
- Himroo weaves from Hyderabad
- Bandha tie and dye weaving from Sambalpur in Odisha
- Kunbi weaves from Goa
- Mashru weaves and Patola from Gujarat
- Himroo from Maharashtra
- Garad-Korial from West Bengal
- Ilkal and Lambadi or Banjara embroidery from Karnataka
- Sikalnayakanpet Kalamkari from Tamil Nadu
- Khes from Haryana
- Chamba rumals from Himachal Pradesh
- Thigma or wool tie and dye from Ladakh
- Awadh Jamdani from Varanasi
In addition to acting as a sample of endangered textile crafts, the UNESCO publication also includes recommendations for the protection and revitalization of these textile crafts, that cover both the broad-spectrum of issues extending from policy to grass-root-based micro-interventions. | UNESCO imetoa orodha ya 50 ya sanaa za nguo za kipekee na za kihistoria za nchi. Vifaa kama vile toad na sungadi kutoka Tamil Nadu, Himroo kutoka Hyderabad na Bandha kutoka Sambalpur, Odisha, vilitumiwa katika kazi hiyo. UNESCO inasema kuwa moja ya changamoto kubwa kwa ajili ya kuhifadhi urithi wa kitamaduni wa kimwili katika Asia Kusini ni ukosefu wa orodha sahihi na nyaraka. Uchapishaji huu, ambao unakusudia kuziba pengo hili, unakusanya miaka ya utafiti juu ya nguo 50 zilizochaguliwa. Handmade for the 21st Century: Safeguarding Traditional Indian Textiles inaorodhesha historia na hadithi za nyuma ya nguo, inaelezea michakato ngumu na ya siri nyuma ya kutengeneza, inataja sababu za kupungua kwa umaarufu wao, na hutoa mikakati ya kuhifadhi. Ni Zipi Baadhi ya Ufundi Muhimu wa Vitambaa Unaoorodheshwa? "Kutengeneza nguo za aina ya ""Toda"" na ""Sungudi"" kutoka Tamil Nadu, ""Thimru"" kutoka Hyderabad, ""Banda"" kutoka Sambalpur, ""Bandha"" kutoka Odisha, ""Khunbi"" kutoka Goa, ""Mashru"" kutoka Gujarat, ""Himru"" kutoka Maharashtra, ""Grad"" kutoka West Bengal, ""Ilkha"" kutoka Karnataka, ""Sikhalpadi"" kutoka Tamil Nadu, ""Khas"" kutoka Haryana, ""Chamba"" kutoka Himachal Pradesh, ""Tigma"" kutoka Jamkh"" kutoka Varanasi, ""Vadh Avani"" kutoka Ladakh, na ""Kha"" kutoka Tamil Nadu." | <urn:uuid:215186b6-78ba-40a9-b451-fac22b4468d1> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://currentaffairs.adda247.com/unesco-publishes-a-list-of-50-exclusive-indian-heritage-textile-crafts/ | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474674.35/warc/CC-MAIN-20240227085429-20240227115429-00712.warc.gz |
In the book of Proverbs, the Idle Hands Bible verse KJV serves as a timeless reminder of the consequences of idleness. As we delve into the depths of this verse, we uncover profound wisdom that has resonated with generations. The Idle Hands Bible verse KJV, found in Proverbs 16:27, warns us that “an idle soul shall suffer hunger.” These words emphasize the importance of diligence and productivity in our lives.
This verse urges us to reflect on the significance of our actions and the impact of idleness on our well-being. It serves as a call to action, encouraging us to utilize our time wisely and engage in meaningful pursuits. By acknowledging the Idle Hands Bible verse KJV, we are reminded of the dangers of complacency and the importance of purposeful living.
Throughout this article, we will explore the profound insights embedded within the Idle Hands Bible verse KJV. We will delve into its historical context, its relevance in today’s fast-paced world, and the practical steps we can take to avoid the pitfalls of idleness. Join us on this enlightening journey as we uncover the timeless wisdom encapsulated in the Idle Hands Bible verse KJV.
1. Proverbs 19:15 (KJV): “Slothfulness casteth into a deep sleep; and an idle soul shall suffer hunger.”
Reflection: This verse warns against laziness and idleness, emphasizing that those who are idle will face the consequences of their inaction, such as hunger and unfulfilled needs.
2. Proverbs 21:25 (KJV): “The desire of the slothful killeth him; for his hands refuse to labour.”
Reflection: This verse highlights that the lack of motivation and effort from the idle can lead to their own downfall. It emphasizes the importance of being diligent and proactive in life.
3. Ecclesiastes 10:18 (KJV): “By much slothfulness the building decayeth; and through idleness of the hands the house droppeth through.”
Reflection: This verse illustrates that idleness can lead to the deterioration of one’s work or accomplishments. It serves as a reminder to consistently invest effort and energy into maintaining and improving what we have built.
4. 1 Timothy 5:13 (KJV): “And withal they learn to be idle, wandering about from house to house; and not only idle, but tattlers also and busybodies, speaking things which they ought not.”
Reflection: This verse cautions against the dangers of idleness, as it can lead to gossip, meddling, and spreading harmful information. It encourages us to use our time wisely and avoid engaging in unproductive behaviors.
5. 2 Thessalonians 3:11-12 (KJV): “For we hear that there are some which walk among you disorderly, working not at all, but are busybodies. Now them that are such we command and exhort by our Lord Jesus Christ, that with quietness they work, and eat their own bread.”
Reflection: This verse emphasizes the importance of working diligently and minding our own business. It discourages idleness and encourages individuals to be self-sufficient, contributing members of society, rather than relying on others for sustenance.
6. Proverbs 12:24 (KJV): “The hand of the diligent shall bear rule: but the slothful shall be under tribute.”
Reflection: This verse highlights the rewards of diligence, as those who work hard and are proactive will rise to positions of authority. In contrast, the lazy will be subject to the demands and control of others.
7. Proverbs 13:4 (KJV): “The soul of the sluggard desireth, and hath nothing: but the soul of the diligent shall be made fat.”
Reflection: This verse emphasizes that the desires of the lazy will go unfulfilled, while those who are diligent will be rewarded with abundance. It serves as a reminder to actively pursue our goals and aspirations.
8. Proverbs 20:4 (KJV): “The sluggard will not plow by reason of the cold; therefore shall he beg in harvest, and have nothing.”
Reflection: This verse warns against making excuses for laziness, as it leads to poverty and lack. It encourages us to overcome obstacles and work diligently, even when faced with challenges or discomfort.
9. Proverbs 24:30-31 (KJV): “I went by the field of the slothful, and by the vineyard of the man void of understanding; And, lo, it was all grown over with thorns, and nettles had covered the face thereof, and the stone wall thereof was broken down.”
Reflection: This verse depicts the consequences of laziness and neglect, as the field and vineyard of the idle are overrun with weeds and in disrepair. It serves as a reminder to consistently tend to our responsibilities and investments.
10. Proverbs 26:14 (KJV): “As the door turneth upon his hinges, so doth the slothful upon his bed.”
Reflection: This verse uses a metaphor to illustrate the repetitive and unproductive nature of laziness. It emphasizes the importance of being active and engaged in life, rather than being stuck in a cycle of inaction.
In conclusion, the Idle Hands Bible verse KJV serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of staying active and productive in our daily lives. As we have explored the verses, we have gained valuable insights into the detrimental effects of idleness and the benefits of hard work and diligence.
Applying these learnings to our modern lives, we can find inspiration to combat the temptations of laziness and complacency that often surround us. In a world filled with distractions and instant gratification, it is crucial to remember that our time is a precious gift, and we have a responsibility to use it wisely.
By embracing a proactive mindset, we can strive for personal growth and make a positive impact on those around us. Instead of succumbing to idleness, we can seek opportunities to serve others, pursue our passions, and contribute to our communities. Whether it is through volunteering, honing our skills, or simply being present for our loved ones, every action we take can make a difference.
Moreover, the Idle Hands Bible verse KJV reminds us that our efforts should not be solely focused on ourselves. We are called to be diligent stewards of the resources and talents entrusted to us, using them to uplift and inspire others. By doing so, we can create a ripple effect of positivity and encouragement that extends far beyond our immediate sphere of influence.
In a world that often glorifies busyness, let us not confuse productivity with mere activity. Instead, let us strive for purposeful action, guided by the principles found in the Idle Hands Bible verse KJV. May we be inspired to live each day with intention, embracing diligence, and using our time and abilities to make a meaningful impact in the lives of others. | "Kama ilivyoelezwa katika kitabu cha Mithali, ""Mikono ya Vilevile"" ni ukumbusho wa milele wa matokeo ya uvivu." Tunapochunguza kwa undani zaidi mstari huu, tunapata hekima yenye kina ambayo imesikika kwa vizazi vingi. "Mstari wa Biblia wa ""Mikono ya Vilevile"" (KJV) unaopatikana katika Mithali 16:27 unatuhimiza kwamba ""nafsi ya mvivu itakosa njaa.""" Mstari huu unatuhimiza kutafakari umuhimu wa matendo yetu na athari za uvivu juu ya ustawi wetu. Ni mwito wa kutenda, ukitutia moyo tutumie wakati wetu kwa hekima na kushiriki katika miradi yenye maana. "Kwa kutafakari mstari wa Biblia wa ""Mikono ya Vilevile"" tunakumbushwa hatari za kujiridhisha na umuhimu wa kuishi kwa kusudi." Katika makala hii, tutajifunza mambo mengi kuhusu Biblia ambayo yanapatikana katika kitabu cha Idle Hands Bible. Tutachunguza muktadha wake wa kihistoria, umuhimu wake katika ulimwengu wa leo wenye mwendo wa haraka, na hatua za vitendo ambazo tunaweza kuchukua ili kuepuka mitego ya uvivu. Kujiunga na sisi katika safari hii ya kuelimisha kama sisi kufunua hekima ya milele encapsulated katika Idle Hands Biblia mstari KJV. 1. Uwe na mtazamo wa kweli "Mithali 19:15 ""Uvivu huingiza katika usingizi mzito, na nafsi ya mvivu itakosa njaa."" (KJV) " - Mithali 19:15 ""Uvivu ni hatari kwa mtu, na mtu wavivu atapata matokeo ya uvivu wake, kama vile njaa na mahitaji yasiyotimizwa." 2. Uwezekano wa kupata "Mithali 21:25 ""Nia ya mvivu humwua, Maana mikono yake hukataa kufanya kazi."" - Mithali 21:25 ""Nia ya mvivu humwua mtu, Maana mikono yake hukataa kufanya kazi." Inakazia umuhimu wa kuwa na bidii na kuwa mwenye bidii maishani. 3. Uwe na mtazamo wa kweli "Mhubiri 10:18 ""Kwa uvivu mwingi jengo huanguka, na kwa uvivu wa mikono nyumba huanguka."" (KJV) " Ni kama ukumbusho wa kuweka nguvu na nguvu katika kudumisha na kuboresha kile ambacho tumejenga. 4. Uwe na uhakika 1Timotheo 5:13 - Na pia wanajifunza kuwa wavivu, wakitembea kutoka nyumba moja hadi nyingine; na si wavivu tu, bali pia ni wavuvi na wavuvi, wakisema mambo ambayo hawapaswi kusema. - 1Timotheo 5:13 - Kwa nini watu wavivu wanafanya mambo ya kawaida? - Kwa nini watu wavivu wanafanya mambo ya kawaida? Inatutia moyo tutumie wakati wetu kwa hekima na kuepuka mazoea yasiyofaa. 5. Uwe na mtazamo mzuri. 2 Wathesalonike 3:11-12 (KJV) "Kwa maana tumesikia ya kuwa kuna wengine watembea kati yenu kwa uharibifu, wasifanya kazi hata kidogo, bali wanajiingiza wenyewe." "Wale walio hivyo tunawaamuru na kuwaonya kwa jina la Bwana wetu Yesu Kristo, kwamba wafanye kazi kwa utulivu na kula chakula chao wenyewe."" - Mathayo 24:37-39, NW; Mathayo 24:31, 32; Mathayo 24:31, 32." Inakataza ukosefu wa kazi na kuwahimiza watu kuwa wenye kujitegemeza, washiriki wenye kuchangia jamii, badala ya kutegemea wengine kwa ajili ya riziki. 6. Uwe na uhakika "Mithali 12:24 ""Mkono wa mwenye bidii utatawala, lakini mvivu utapata ushuru."" (KJV) " - Kwa mfano, mithali 12:24 inatufundisha kwamba ""mtu mwenye bidii na mwenye bidii atapata nafasi za cheo.""" Kinyume chake, mvivu atakuwa chini ya matakwa na udhibiti wa wengine. 7. Uwe na mtazamo gani? "Mithali 13:4 ""Na nafsi ya mvivu hutamani, wala haina kitu; lakini nafsi ya mwenye bidii itazidi kuwa nzito."" (KJV) ""Mithali 13:4"" ""Na nafsi ya mvivu hutamani, lakini mwenye bidii atapata thawabu nyingi.""" Inatutolea ukumbusho wa kufuatia kwa bidii malengo na matakwa yetu. 8. Uwe na mtazamo gani? "Mithali 20:4 ""Mvivu hatapanda kwa sababu ya baridi; kwa hiyo ataomba wakati wa mavuno, wala hatakuwa na kitu."" - Mithali 20:4 ""Mvivu ni mtu ambaye hawezi kufanya kazi kwa sababu ya baridi, kwa sababu hiyo huongoza kwenye umaskini na upungufu." Inatutia moyo kushinda vizuizi na kufanya kazi kwa bidii, hata tunapokabiliwa na magumu au hali ngumu. 9. (a) Kwa nini? "Mithali 24:30-31 ""Nilipita karibu na shamba la mvivu, na karibu na shamba la mizabibu la mtu asiye na akili; na tazama, lilikuwa limefunikwa na miiba, na miiba ilikuwa imefunika uso wake, na ukuta wake wa mawe ulikuwa umevunjika."" - Mithali 24:30-31 ""Nilikuwa nikipita karibu na shamba la mtu mvivu, na shamba la mizabibu la mtu asiye na akili, na kuzidiwa na magugu." Inatusaidia kukumbuka kwamba tunapaswa kushikamana na wajibu wetu na kufanya kazi kwa bidii. Kumi. "Mithali 26:14 ""Kama mlango unavyozunguka juu ya vifungo vyake, ndivyo anavyofanya mvivu juu ya kitanda chake."" (KJV) " Inasisitiza umuhimu wa kuwa na bidii na kushiriki katika maisha, badala ya kukwama katika mzunguko wa kutofanya lolote. Kwa hivyo, mstari wa Biblia wa Idle Hands unatumika kama ukumbusho wenye nguvu wa umuhimu wa kukaa hai na uzalishaji katika maisha yetu ya kila siku. Kwa kuchunguza mistari hiyo, tumepata ufahamu wenye thamani kuhusu madhara ya kutofanya kazi na faida za kufanya kazi kwa bidii. Kwa kutumia mambo haya katika maisha yetu ya kisasa, tunaweza kupata msukumo wa kupambana na vishawishi vya uvivu na kujiridhisha ambavyo mara nyingi hutuzunguka. Katika ulimwengu huu uliojaa vitu vinavyotatanisha na kuridhisha mambo ya papo hapo, ni muhimu kukumbuka kwamba wakati wetu ni zawadi yenye thamani, na tuna daraka la kuutumia kwa hekima. Kwa kuendeleza mtazamo wa kuchochea, tunaweza kujitahidi kukua kibinafsi na kuwa na athari nzuri kwa wale wanaotuzunguka. Badala ya kuanguka chini ya uvivu, tunaweza kutafuta fursa za kuwatumikia wengine, kufuatia shauku zetu, na kuchangia jamii zetu. Kama ni kupitia kujitolea, kusafisha ujuzi wetu, au tu kuwapo kwa wapendwa wetu, kila hatua tunachukua inaweza kufanya tofauti. "Kwa mfano, katika kitabu cha Idle Hands Bible, Biblia inasema hivi: ""Kushawishi kwa mtu yeyote kujihusisha na mambo ya kibinafsi hakupaswa kuwa jambo la kawaida." Tunaitwa kuwa wasimamizi wa bidii wa rasilimali na vipaji vilivyowekwa mikononi mwetu, tukitumia ili kuwainua na kuwachochea wengine. Kwa kufanya hivyo, tunaweza kuunda athari ya msukumo na kutia moyo ambayo inaenea mbali zaidi ya eneo letu la ushawishi wa haraka. Katika ulimwengu ambao mara nyingi hufuatia shughuli nyingi, tusibadilishe uzalishaji na shughuli tu. Badala yake, acheni tujitahidi kufanya mambo kwa kusudi, tukiongozwa na kanuni zinazopatikana katika andiko la Biblia la Idle Hands. Naomba tuwe na msukumo wa kuishi kila siku kwa nia, tukikubali bidii, na kutumia wakati wetu na uwezo wetu kufanya athari muhimu katika maisha ya wengine. | <urn:uuid:5667d4a9-8d6e-4ab6-82d7-6b89eea0bee8> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://dailybibleverse.org/idle-hands-bible-verse-kjv/ | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474674.35/warc/CC-MAIN-20240227085429-20240227115429-00712.warc.gz |
There is no denying that video games have always been a highly popular form of entertainment, with avid gamers spending at least two to three billion hours in front of the screens weekly. But the idea that video games can improve learning is not really a popular notion. In fact, video games have always been treated as the antithesis of education and learning, particularly by the parents. The common perception is that video games take you farther away from learning and creates an addiction that is highly detrimental. Of course, the true blue casino daily free spins or gaming platform is too engaging to not keep coming back to it. However, you are not always negatively impacting your learning capacity by coming back to video games time and again.
Gamers Can Retain More Fact-Based Knowledge
Gamers keep performing the same tasks again and again, but each time they are faced with a different combination of situations. Their action in different situations acts as a form of instant feedback. After they are done with a particular round of gaming, they tend to remember the finer the nuances of the specific combinations of situations. Since this is something that goes on for days, i.e. each time they sit down to play, their mind gets trained to retain factual information better than the non-gamers. This is of immense help when it comes to retaining the crucial bits of knowledge from the books or journals that they have read.
Video Games as the Way to Train the Hippocampus
MRI scans of gamers and non-gamers have shown considerable differences in the hippocampus area of the brain. Gamers had stronger activity in the hippocampus region and other such brain areas that are involved in cognitive control, visual imagery, and semantic memory. Semantic memory refers to that portion of long-term memory that processes concepts and ideas that aren’t drawn from personal experiences. Some examples of semantic memory are the sounds of letters, the capitals of countries, or the scientific names of different animals. These findings are not just important for the young people, but also for the older generations as memory loss is linked to hippocampal changes. There is also a possibility that video games might be used in the future to address issues related to memory loss.
Games Make You More Focused and Attentive
One of the foremost learning benefits of gaming is that it helps to enhance and hold attention. This can be immensely beneficial to learners, regardless of their age. Most of the modern video games are quite fast-paced and need the gamers to focus intently on the task in front of them. It helps in improving their concentration levels and lengthens their attention spans. Such is the benefit of video games that it is frequently used as an effective form of treatment for attention-based disorders like ADHD. As a matter of fact, several empirical studies have already shown the effectiveness of games in improving ADHD conditions.
Video Games as a Way to Gamify Learning
Let’s take a completely different perspective to highlight the significance of video games in learning. How about using the video games directly to enhance the effectiveness of learning? Games are also being used to make learning much more engaging for the learners of all ages. Learning things through varied activities, also known as experiential learning or kinesthetic learning, will help in better retention of information. It is also helpful for students who are not enthusiastic participants in classroom activities.
This is understandable because the orthodox forms of traditional education have failed to show its effectiveness in the modern generation. The current trend is to use learners’ interests to improve his knowledge retention and memory enhancement. Such is the efficacy of video game based learning that you would notice gamification of learning used even in corporate training and professional courses. Thus, video games are no longer seen as things that only capture the interest of the teens and tweens. The professionals also find it easier to learn when the concepts are presented to them through video games.
Another crucial benefit of learning through games is that not every concept can be taught through books and journals. For instance, skills like teamwork and cooperation are also important life lessons to learn. However, teaching about these factors from the books would hardly make the lesson effective. Now, we can put the same ideas in a video game and present it to gamers. They will imbibe the lessons organically without missing a beat.
The Link between Video Games and Working Memory
Working memory refers to the small quantities of information that you can hold in mind and use to execute cognitive tasks. A good example of working memory is when you listen to a series of events in a story as you try simultaneously to understand its actual meaning. Suppose you are in a classroom and the discussion is on photosynthesis. As the teacher explains the process of photosynthesis, you have a clear idea in your mind about the definition of the process. Studies have also shown that playing video games as kids can help in improving the working memory of a person in later years.
Video games improve a range of cognitive functions, which includes problem-solving, visual and spatial skills, attention span, and of course, working memory. It was also noted that people who were into games before their adolescence showed better performance in the tasks related to working memory even if they did not play games at present. Their capacity of mentally retaining and manipulating information remained unchanged even after they stopped playing. This also hints at the long-term benefits of video games on learning capacity. It is another fact that works not only for the young people, but also for the older generations.
Improvement in Problem-Solving Abilities and Creativity
Playing video games can help children in developing their reasoning and problem-solving skills. As more adolescents play video games that involve formulating war strategies and role-playing, the better they become in problem solving. The creative side is also enhanced by playing all kinds of video games. After all, coming up with better strategies to win every time needs a heightened level of creative thinking. The impact of all these aspects is felt on the learning performance of the kids.
As is evident by now, video games are not really as detrimental to learning as they are conventionally thought to be. However, addiction to games is certainly a matter of worry. If you choose the right games and play in moderation, you can be assured that it will only help you learn better. | Ni kweli kwamba michezo ya video imekuwa aina maarufu ya burudani, na wachezaji wa michezo ya kubahatisha hutumia angalau saa bilioni mbili hadi tatu mbele ya skrini kila wiki. Lakini wazo kwamba michezo ya video inaweza kuboresha kujifunza si kweli wazo maarufu. Kwa kweli, michezo ya video daima imekuwa kutibiwa kama kinyume cha elimu na kujifunza, hasa na wazazi. Watu wengi wanaamini kwamba michezo ya video inakufanya uondoke kwenye kujifunza na inakufanya uwe mraibu. Kwa kweli, kasino ya bluu ya kweli ya bure ya kila siku au jukwaa la michezo ya kubahatisha ni ya kuvutia sana kutorudi tena. Hata hivyo, si mara zote unaathiri vibaya uwezo wako wa kujifunza kwa kurudi kwenye michezo ya video mara kwa mara. Wachezaji wanaweza kuhifadhi maarifa zaidi ya ukweli - Wachezaji huendelea kufanya kazi sawa tena na tena, lakini kila wakati wanakabiliwa na mchanganyiko tofauti wa hali. Matendo yao katika hali tofauti-tofauti hutenda kama aina ya maoni ya papo hapo. Baada ya kumaliza na raundi fulani ya michezo, wao huwa na kukumbuka finer nuances ya mchanganyiko maalum wa hali. Kwa kuwa hii ni kitu ambacho kinaendelea kwa siku, yaani Kila mara wanapoketi kucheza, akili zao zinazoezwa kukumbuka habari za kweli vizuri kuliko wale wasiocheza. Hii ni muhimu sana kwa ajili ya kuhifadhi vipande muhimu vya maarifa kutoka kwa vitabu au magazeti ambayo wamesoma. Uchunguzi wa MRI ya hippocampus ya wachezaji wa michezo ya kubahatisha na wasio wachezaji wa michezo ya kubahatisha umeonyesha tofauti kubwa katika eneo la hippocampus ya ubongo. Wachezaji wa michezo ya kubahatisha walikuwa na shughuli kubwa katika eneo la hippocampus na maeneo mengine ya ubongo yanayohusika katika udhibiti wa utambuzi, picha za kuona, na kumbukumbu ya semantic. Kumbukumbu ya semantic inahusu sehemu hiyo ya kumbukumbu ya muda mrefu ambayo husindika dhana na mawazo ambayo hayajachukuliwa kutoka kwa uzoefu wa kibinafsi. Mifano fulani ya kumbukumbu ya maana ni sauti za herufi, miji mikuu ya nchi, au majina ya kisayansi ya wanyama mbalimbali. Utafiti huu una umuhimu mkubwa kwa vijana na pia kwa wazee, kwa sababu kupoteza kumbukumbu kuna uhusiano na mabadiliko ya hippocampus. Pia kuna uwezekano kwamba michezo ya video inaweza kutumika katika siku zijazo kushughulikia masuala yanayohusiana na kupoteza kumbukumbu. Michezo ya Kubahatisha Inakufanya Uwe na Umakini Zaidi na Unastahili Zaidi: Moja ya faida kuu za kujifunza za michezo ya kubahatisha ni kwamba inasaidia kuboresha na kushikilia umakini. Hii inaweza kuwa na manufaa sana kwa wanafunzi, bila kujali umri wao. Michezo ya video ya kisasa ni ya haraka sana na inahitaji wachezaji kuzingatia kikamilifu kazi iliyo mbele yao. Inasaidia kuboresha viwango vyao vya umakini na kupanua muda wao wa kukazia fikira. Kwa sababu ya faida ya michezo ya video, mara nyingi hutumiwa kama aina ya matibabu ya matatizo ya umakini kama ADHD. Kwa kweli, utafiti wa kihistoria umeonyesha kuwa michezo ya kubahatisha inaweza kusaidia kupunguza ADHD. Michezo ya video kama Njia ya Gamify Learning Hebu kuchukua mtazamo tofauti kabisa ili kuangazia umuhimu wa michezo ya video katika kujifunza. Je, ni sawa kutumia michezo ya video moja kwa moja ili kuongeza ufanisi wa kujifunza? Michezo pia inatumiwa kufanya kujifunza kuwa yenye kuvutia zaidi kwa wanafunzi wa umri wote. Kujifunza vitu kupitia shughuli mbalimbali, pia inajulikana kama kujifunza kwa uzoefu au kujifunza kinesthetic, itasaidia katika kuhifadhi bora ya habari. Pia ni muhimu kwa wanafunzi ambao si washiriki wenye shauku katika shughuli za darasani. Hii inaeleweka kwa sababu aina za orthodox za elimu ya jadi zimeshindwa kuonyesha ufanisi wake katika kizazi cha kisasa. Mwelekeo wa sasa ni kutumia maslahi ya wanafunzi ili kuboresha uhifadhi wake wa maarifa na kuboresha kumbukumbu. Ufanisi wa kujifunza kwa msingi wa mchezo wa video ni kwamba unaweza kuona gamification ya kujifunza kutumika hata katika mafunzo ya ushirika na kozi za kitaaluma. Kwa hiyo, michezo ya kompyuta haionekani tena kuwa kitu ambacho huvutia tu matineja na vijana. Wataalamu pia hupata ni rahisi kujifunza wakati dhana ni iliyotolewa kwao kupitia michezo ya video. Faida nyingine muhimu ya kujifunza kupitia michezo ni kwamba si kila dhana inaweza kufundishwa kupitia vitabu na majarida. Kwa mfano, ustadi kama vile kazi ya pamoja na ushirikiano pia ni masomo muhimu ya maisha ya kujifunza. Hata hivyo, kufundisha juu ya mambo hayo kutoka kwa vitabu hakungefanya somo liwe na matokeo. Sasa, tunaweza kuweka mawazo sawa katika mchezo wa video na kuionyesha kwa wachezaji. Wao watajifunza masomo hayo kwa utaratibu bila kukosa hata kidogo. Kumbukumbu ya kazi (au kumbukumbu ya kazi) ni kiasi kidogo cha habari ambayo unaweza kuweka akilini na kutumia kutekeleza kazi za utambuzi. Mfano mzuri wa kumbukumbu ya kazi ni wakati unaposikiliza mfululizo wa matukio katika hadithi wakati unajaribu wakati huo huo kuelewa maana yake halisi. Kwa mfano, fikiria kwamba uko darasani na unajifunza kuhusu utendaji wa fotosintesisi. Mwalimu anapofundisha kuhusu photosynthesis, unaelewa vizuri maana yake. Uchunguzi pia umeonyesha kwamba kucheza michezo ya video kama watoto inaweza kusaidia katika kuboresha kumbukumbu ya kazi ya mtu katika miaka ya baadaye. Michezo ya video huongeza utendaji mbalimbali wa akili, ikiwa ni pamoja na kutatua matatizo, uwezo wa kuona na kuona mahali, uwezo wa kukaza fikira, na bila shaka, kumbukumbu ya kazi. Watu ambao walikuwa katika michezo kabla ya ujana wao walionyesha utendaji bora katika kazi zinazohusiana na kumbukumbu ya kazi hata kama hawakucheza michezo kwa sasa. Uwezo wao wa kukumbuka na kutumia habari kwa akili haukubadilika hata baada ya kuacha kucheza. Hii pia inaonyesha faida za muda mrefu za michezo ya video juu ya uwezo wa kujifunza. Hii ni kweli kwa sababu sio tu kwa vijana, lakini pia kwa vizazi vya zamani. Kuboresha Uwezo wa Kutatua Matatizo na Ubunifu Kucheza michezo ya video kunaweza kuwasaidia watoto kukuza ustadi wao wa kufikiri na kutatua matatizo. """Wakati vijana wengi wanapocheza michezo ya video inayohusisha kupanga mikakati ya vita na kucheza majukumu, wanakuwa bora katika kutatua matatizo." Upendezi wa ubunifu huimarishwa pia kwa kucheza aina zote za michezo ya kompyuta. Baada ya yote, kuja na mikakati bora ya kushinda kila wakati inahitaji kiwango cha juu cha kufikiri ubunifu. Athari ya mambo haya yote inahisiwa juu ya utendaji wa kujifunza wa watoto. Kama ilivyoonekana sasa, michezo ya video si mbaya sana kwa kujifunza kama inavyofikiriwa. Hata hivyo, ni wazi kwamba uraibu wa michezo ya kubahatisha ni jambo lenye kutia wasiwasi. Ikiwa utachagua michezo sahihi na kucheza kwa kiasi, unaweza kuwa na uhakika kwamba itakusaidia tu kujifunza vizuri zaidi. | <urn:uuid:7e11b867-acef-49f5-8c3e-118a64689d47> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://dailybulletin.com.au/news/entertainment/60448-video-games-can-improve-learning | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474674.35/warc/CC-MAIN-20240227085429-20240227115429-00712.warc.gz |
You might not realize this yet, but there’s something called the mind and body connection or mind-body connection. Your mind is the most powerful tool you have. Every thought, feeling, and belief can actively affect your physical health and body. That is why when your heart breaks or when you’re depressed, you physically feel it. The emotional pain affects the rest of your body as if you’re physically ill. Your mind and body interconnect with one another, and what your mind feels, your body feels as well. In this article, we’ll be talking about everything you needed to know about the mind-body connection, such as why it’s important and how to improve your mind and body connection.
What Is The Mind-Body Connection?
The mind-body connection is the intertwining of both your body and mind. When your mind thinks something, your body may experience a physical response. For example, you might catch yourself crying after thinking a sad thought. Or you might have a physical gut feeling to subconscious thought.
The mind and body intertwine due to our evolutionary past. So while you might dislike the physical response from overthinking, it’s the reason you’re alive today. The mind and body connection is why you and your ancestors survived up to this point in life. So, instead of fighting it, let’s look at why it’s important and improve the relationship between the mind and body.
Why A Mind and Body Connection Is Important
1. Mind and Body Connection Encourages Attentiveness
It encourages you to pay attention to your emotions and thoughts. The mind-body connection is all about how the mind and body connect. You can use this connection to your advantage to pay better attention to what you’re thinking and feeling. Your physical body can notice when you aren’t doing well emotionally. The mind-body connection allows you to pay better attention inwardly, and it can help you gain a better understanding of your thoughts and emotions before or during they happen. You can be aware of your thoughts and emotions before feeling overwhelmed by them through signs that your body or physical health provides.
By taking some time to be mindful of your thoughts, you can prevent a physical response. You’ll become more aware of when and why negative thoughts begin to surface and prevent their escalation by giving yourself a chance to stop the rumination of thoughts. When you stop ruminating, you’ll notice you also stop catastrophizing challenges or roadblocks. And so, you end up dealing with your emotions better which allows fewer physical responses.
2. Begin a Healthy Expression of Emotions
Since your body does a remarkable job of letting you know how you feel mentally, a mind and body connection encourages you to release your emotions in the healthiest way possible. When you’re aware of the mind-body connection, you can find activities that affect both your mind and body in the process, such as relaxation techniques or exercise. You’ll feel the impact of your feelings and thoughts through what your body feels, and you can choose ways to calm your mind and body alternatively, especially if you’re prone to anxiety, depression, and stress.
There are many creative ways to connect your mind and body in a healthy way, such as painting, dance, gardening, swimming, tai chi, and even sleep. Whether you’re expressing yourself through a stunning garden or a lovely dream, you’ll be able to deal with life’s challenges well by trying some mind and body exercises.
3. It Improves Your Well-being
When you’re able to deal with difficult emotions well because of the mind-body connection, your overall well-being improves drastically. Since you can pay better attention to your needs, you reduce the chances of acquiring unhealthy habits such as drinking, especially when you’re not feeling well. Instead, consider developing some good habits. The mind-body connection can help you maintain an overall healthy and balanced lifestyle by learning how to deal with your emotional and mental stability and incorporate healthier habits that affect your mind and body. By learning neuroplasticity or even learning how to control your mind, you’ll notice your physical state will be much better. You might observe you’re less likely to be ill or experience better sleep due to taking care of yourself.
5 Ways to Improve the Mind-Body Connection
There’s a reason why meditation practice is one of the most commonly known mind and body exercises today. Meditation isn’t just a simple breathing exercise; it’s much more than that. Meditation can be highly effective in helping your mind and body together. Meditation goes beyond deep breathing; it’s a way to work on your self-awareness of your thoughts, beliefs, and emotions. It can help you accept your thoughts without judgment or criticism and eventually let go of them when you’re ready. With your mind-body connection, meditation helps to reduce the fight or flight response during periods of high stress. It can not only help you deal with difficult emotions and thoughts, but it helps you have the mental strength and awareness to determine if something is wrong and when it’s time to panic.
You can download Declutter The Mind’s meditation app to follow along to guided meditations for body scans, anxiety, loving-kindness, and so much more. A guided meditation will help you focus on your breathing while noticing something new with each practice. You’ll find meditations for as short as five minutes or as long as an hour within the app. You can download the app on either iOS or Android devices.
2. Yoga and Stretching
There’s a direct correlation between physical activity and mental health, and the mind-body connection is the core reason behind that. When you stretch your body and do yoga, this can remove cortisol from your body, which is the stress hormone. Those who regularly practice yoga are more likely to see cortisol levels drop. The less stressed and anxious you are, the better your mental and emotional health will be.
In return, you’re able to be resilient in dealing with difficult situations and emotions, and even before you feel something negative, you have the awareness to know something isn’t right. Whether it’s yoga or stretching, both are effective ways to reconnect with both your mind and body. When we’re stressed, we often feel the tension in our muscles and joints. By stretching, you can ease any frustrations and stress you’re dealing with in your life. Plus, by focusing on the stretching instead of the wandering thoughts of the mind, you’re able to live more mindfully during the exercise.
3. Hydrate and Don’t Skip Meals
Suppose you’ve been paying attention to your mind-body connection. In that case, you feel more prone to negative emotions like anxiety and stress when you’re not taking proper care of your body, such as being sleep-deprived or dehydrated. You can improve your mind-body connection by rejuvenating your body with everything it needs to feel healthy and strong, and this is how you maintain your mental health in the process.
You can’t expect to deal with your emotions efficiently or maintain a positive mood when you refuse to take care of yourself properly. When you take good care of your mind, you also take good care of your body since this is the entire premise of the mind-body connection. You need to remember to feed yourself well and always drink water to improve the connection between your body and your mind so that in circumstances that you need to use that connection the most, you have the awareness to do so. Eating based on nutrition through mindful eating can help fuel your body enough to ease the mind.
4. Engage With Your Five Senses
Your five senses connect to your mental functions, so you improve your mind-body connection by engaging with them. When you smell something good, your five senses are why endorphins and dopamine enter your brain, which are both hormones responsible for feeling good about yourself. Don’t hesitate to engage with your senses to feel connected with your body because each one of your senses is just as important when it comes to your mind-body connection. It’s the primary reason why aromatherapy and eating chocolate makes you feel good and happy about yourself – because of that connection with your brain
Take a short moment to notice your senses and meditate on them. What do you see? What do you smell? Is there a taste in your mouth? Do you hear any sounds? Touch something; how does it feel?
5. Exercise and Move Your Body
When you exercise and move your body, you reap the same benefits of a mind-body connection, like yoga. It doesn’t matter what type of exercise you’re doing, as the only thing that matters is that you’re moving just enough to provide both mental and physical benefits to your body. Exercise can benefit your mental health because when you sweat, you’re also helping your mind feel more energized and alert. Exercise is the one activity that benefits both your mental health and physical body in the process because of how interconnected they are with one another.
For instance, take a runner. Most people run outdoors in the fresh air, maybe in the woods or by a lake. Being outdoors in nature, using your body for movement, and clearing your mind by observing your surroundings, you master the mind and body.
How The Mind And Body Connect
1. Emotional Cortex
Your emotional cortex is the one area responsible for dealing with emotions, and this is what’s activated when dealing with a particularly stressful situation. The pre-frontal cortex helps you decide and think about what to do. The hippocampus deals with memories and emotions. Finally, the amygdala is responsible for the fight-or-flight response that’s naturally wired in our brains. When you put these three brain parts together, you have a better understanding of how the mind works. During emotional states, different parts of the brain light up to respond to thoughts, emotions, and threats.
2. Flight, Fight, and Freeze Response
The fight, flight, and freeze response is the perfect representation of how both your brain and body are connected. This response helps you react appropriately to dangerous and challenging situations, such as running away or fighting back when you’re under attack. During certain traumatic events, some people may even freeze as a response. In this case, you might experience an out-of-body experience that prevents you from running away or attacking. It’s most common in cases of sexual assault
When your body discovers an external threat, even without evidence of being in danger, your brain turns on the fight-or-flight response and releases cortisol in your body, which is the hormone that deals with stress. This hormone sends a signal to your lungs and heart, making you breathe faster and encouraging your muscles to tighten. It gives you an adrenaline boost to help you escape or fight your way to safety. It’s also why your blood sugar can rise and can even lead to a full-blown panic attack when you’re under the impression there’s something to fear. This response is why when you may feel stressed. There’s a higher tendency to get sick and feel like something is wrong with your body. The sensation of the fight, flight, and freeze response affects you physically while your mind might be screaming out “danger.”
3. Emotions and Physical Symptoms
Every physical symptom you feel when you get injured physically is also something you’ll tend to feel mentally and emotionally. For instance, when you hurt your knee, you also feel this pain emotionally through sadness or anger. On the other side of the spectrum, mental health challenges are something you also feel physically, which is why a panic attack is something you feel in your chest, stomach, or even all over your body. Even if anxiety comes from the mind, it affects the rest of your body
The mind and body interconnect through all the highs and lows and stresses of life. Without it, there’s no way to react to your emotions and thoughts adequately, and you wouldn’t be able to distinguish when it’s time to panic and when it’s time to relax. The mind-body connection is the entire reason why when you take proper good care of your mental health and brain health; you do the same for your body and physical health. Using the tips above, aim to unite the mind and body in a healthy way to train your body to manage challenging emotions better. | Huenda usitambue hili bado, lakini kuna kitu kinachoitwa uhusiano wa akili na mwili au uhusiano wa akili na mwili. Akili yako ni chombo chenye nguvu zaidi unacho nacho. Kila wazo, hisia, na imani inaweza kuathiri afya yako ya kimwili na mwili. Hiyo ndiyo sababu moyo wako unapovunjika au unaposhuka moyo, unauhisi kimwili. Maumivu ya kihisia-moyo huathiri sehemu nyingine za mwili wako kana kwamba wewe ni mgonjwa kimwili. Mwili na akili yako zinahusiana, na kile akili yako inahisi mwili wako pia unahisi. Katika makala hii, tutazungumza juu ya kila kitu unachohitaji kujua kuhusu uhusiano wa akili na mwili, kama vile kwa nini ni muhimu na jinsi ya kuboresha uhusiano wako wa akili na mwili. Ni Nini Uhusiano Kati ya Akili na Mwili? Mwili na akili ni uhusiano wa mwili na akili. Wakati akili yako inapofikiria kitu, mwili wako unaweza kupata majibu ya kimwili. Kwa mfano, unaweza kujikuta ukilia baada ya kufikiria jambo lenye kuhuzunisha. Au unaweza kuwa na hisia ya mwili ya ndani kwa mawazo ya chini ya fahamu. Akili na mwili huunganishwa kwa sababu ya historia yetu ya mageuzi. Kwa hiyo ingawa huenda usipendezwe na majibu ya kimwili ya kufikiri kupita kiasi, hiyo ndiyo sababu ya kuwa hai leo. Mwili na akili ni uhusiano ambao ni kwa nini wewe na mababu zako waliishi hadi wakati huu. Kwa hiyo, badala ya kupigana nayo, hebu tuangalie kwa nini ni muhimu na kuboresha uhusiano kati ya akili na mwili. Kwa nini uhusiano kati ya akili na mwili ni muhimu? Mwili na akili: Mwili na akili huchangia umakini, na inakuwezesha kuzingatia hisia na mawazo yako. Uunganisho wa mwili na akili ni juu ya jinsi mwili na akili zinavyounganishwa. Unaweza kutumia uhusiano huu kwa faida yako ili kuzingatia vizuri kile unachofikiria na kuhisi. Mwili wako wa kimwili unaweza kuona wakati wewe si kufanya vizuri kihisia. Kuunganisha mwili na akili kunakusaidia kuwa makini zaidi na hisia zako kabla au wakati zinapotokea. Unaweza kuwa na ufahamu wa mawazo yako na hisia kabla ya kuhisi kuzidiwa na wao kupitia ishara ambazo mwili wako au afya ya kimwili hutoa. Kwa kutumia wakati fulani kukumbuka mawazo yako, unaweza kuzuia mwitikio wa kimwili. Utapata ufahamu zaidi wa wakati na kwa nini mawazo hasi kuanza kuonekana na kuzuia kuongezeka kwao kwa kujipa nafasi ya kuacha kufikiri mawazo. Unapoacha kufikiria, utaona pia unaacha kuharibu changamoto au vizuizi. Na hivyo, wewe kuishia kushughulika na hisia yako bora ambayo inaruhusu majibu machache ya kimwili. 2. Uwezekano wa kupata Kuanza Kuonyesha Hisia Zako Kwa Afya Kwa kuwa mwili wako hufanya kazi ya ajabu ya kukuambia jinsi unavyohisi kiakili, uhusiano wa akili na mwili unakutia moyo kuachilia hisia zako kwa njia yenye afya zaidi iwezekanavyo. Unapofahamu uhusiano wa akili na mwili, unaweza kupata shughuli ambazo zinaathiri akili na mwili wako katika mchakato huo, kama vile mbinu za kupumzika au mazoezi. Utaona athari za hisia na mawazo yako kupitia kile mwili wako unahisi, na unaweza kuchagua njia za kutuliza akili na mwili wako mbadala, haswa ikiwa una mwelekeo wa wasiwasi, unyogovu, na mkazo. Kuna njia nyingi za ubunifu za kuunganisha akili na mwili wako kwa njia yenye afya, kama vile kuchora, kucheza dansi, kutunza bustani, kuogelea, tai chi, na hata kulala. Iwe unajieleza kupitia bustani nzuri au ndoto nzuri, utaweza kukabiliana vizuri na changamoto za maisha kwa kujaribu mazoezi ya akili na mwili. 3. Uwe na mtazamo wa kweli Inaboresha Ustawi wako Unapoweza kushughulika vizuri na hisia ngumu kwa sababu ya uhusiano wa akili na mwili, ustawi wako wa jumla unaboresha sana. Kwa kuwa unaweza kuzingatia vizuri mahitaji yako, unapunguza uwezekano wa kupata mazoea yasiyo ya afya kama vile kunywa, hasa wakati huna hisia nzuri. Badala yake, fikiria kukuza mazoea fulani mazuri. Kuunganisha mwili na akili kunaweza kukusaidia kudumisha maisha ya afya na usawa kwa kujifunza jinsi ya kushughulikia utulivu wako wa kihemko na kiakili na kuingiza tabia nzuri ambazo zinaathiri akili na mwili wako. Kwa kujifunza neuroplasticity au hata kujifunza jinsi ya kudhibiti akili yako, utaona hali yako ya kimwili itakuwa bora zaidi. Unaweza kuona kwamba ni rahisi zaidi kuwa mgonjwa au kulala vizuri kwa sababu ya kujitunza. Njia 5 za Kuboresha Uunganisho wa Akili na Mwili Kuna sababu kwa nini mazoezi ya kutafakari ni moja ya mazoezi ya kawaida ya akili na mwili leo. Kutafakari si zoezi rahisi la kupumua tu; ni mengi zaidi ya hilo. Kutafakari kunaweza kuwa na matokeo makubwa katika kusaidia akili na mwili wako pamoja. Kutafakari ni zaidi ya kupumua kwa kina; ni njia ya kufanya kazi juu ya ufahamu wako wa mawazo yako, imani, na hisia. Inaweza kukusaidia kukubali mawazo yako bila kuhukumu au kukosoa na hatimaye kuachana nayo unapokuwa tayari. Kwa kutumia njia hii, unaweza kupunguza majibu ya kupambana au kukimbia wakati wa mafadhaiko. Hii inaweza kukusaidia kushughulikia hisia na mawazo magumu, lakini pia kukusaidia kuwa na nguvu ya akili na ufahamu wa kuamua ikiwa kuna kitu kibaya na ni wakati wa kuogopa. Unaweza kupakua programu ya kutafakari ya Declutter The Mind ili kufuata kutafakari kwa kuongozwa kwa skani za mwili, wasiwasi, fadhili za upendo, na mengi zaidi. Kutafakari kunakoongozwa kutakusaidia kukazia fikira pumzi yako huku ukiona jambo jipya katika kila zoezi. Utapata kutafakari kwa muda mfupi kama dakika tano au kwa muda mrefu kama saa ndani ya programu. Unaweza kupakua programu kwenye vifaa vya iOS au Android. 2. Uwezekano wa kupata Kuna uhusiano wa moja kwa moja kati ya shughuli za kimwili na afya ya akili, na uhusiano wa akili na mwili ni sababu kuu nyuma ya hilo. Wakati wa mazoezi ya yoga, mwili wako huondoa cortisol, ambayo ni homoni ya mkazo. Wale wanaofanya mazoezi ya yoga kwa ukawaida huelekea kuona viwango vya cortisol vikipungua. Kadiri unavyoendelea kuwa na wasiwasi na wasiwasi, ndivyo afya yako ya kiakili na kihisia-moyo itakavyokuwa nzuri. Kwa kubadilishana, unaweza kuwa na nguvu ya kukabiliana na hali ngumu na hisia, na hata kabla ya kuhisi kitu hasi, una ufahamu wa kujua kitu si haki. Iwe ni yoga au kunyoosha, zote mbili ni njia bora za kuunganisha tena akili na mwili wako. Tunapokuwa na mfadhaiko, mara nyingi tunahisi misuli na viungo vyetu vikiwa vimefadhaika. Kwa kunyoosha, unaweza kupunguza uchungu na mfadhaiko wowote unaoshughulika nao maishani mwako. Kwa kuongezea, kwa kuzingatia kunyoosha badala ya mawazo ya kutangatanga ya akili, unaweza kuishi kwa uangalifu zaidi wakati wa mazoezi. 3. Uwe na mtazamo wa kweli Hydrate na Don't Skip Meals Tuseme umekuwa ukikazia fikira uhusiano wako wa akili na mwili. Katika hali hiyo, unahisi zaidi ya hisia hasi kama wasiwasi na mkazo wakati wewe si kuchukua huduma sahihi ya mwili wako, kama vile kuwa na usingizi au dehydrated. Unaweza kuboresha uhusiano wako wa akili na mwili kwa kuimarisha mwili wako na kila kitu kinachohitajika kuhisi afya na nguvu, na hii ni jinsi unavyohifadhi afya yako ya akili katika mchakato. Huwezi kutarajia kushughulikia hisia zako kwa ufanisi au kudumisha hali nzuri unapokataa kujitunza ifaavyo. Unaposhughulikia akili yako, unashughulikia mwili wako pia, kwani hii ni msingi wa uhusiano wa mwili na akili. Kumbuka kula vizuri na kunywa maji kila wakati ili kuboresha uhusiano kati ya mwili na akili yako, ili katika hali ambazo unahitaji kutumia uhusiano huo zaidi, uwe na ufahamu wa kufanya hivyo. Kula kwa kuzingatia lishe kupitia kula kwa uangalifu kunaweza kusaidia kuimarisha mwili wako vya kutosha kupunguza akili. 4. Uwe na uhakika Kuunganisha hisia tano na kazi za akili: Hizi zinahusiana na kazi za akili, na hivyo kuboresha uhusiano wako wa akili na mwili kwa kujihusisha nazo. Wakati unahisi harufu nzuri, hisia zako tano ni sababu ya endorphins na dopamine kuingia ubongo wako, ambayo ni homoni zote mbili zinazohusika na kujisikia vizuri kuhusu wewe mwenyewe. Usisite kushiriki na hisia zako kuhisi kushikamana na mwili wako kwa sababu kila moja ya hisia zako ni muhimu tu linapokuja uhusiano wako wa akili na mwili. Hii ni sababu kuu kwa nini aromatherapy na kula chokoleti hufanya kujisikia vizuri na furaha kuhusu wewe mwenyewe, kwa sababu ya uhusiano huo na ubongo wako. Unaona nini? Unanusa nini? Je, kuna ladha katika kinywa chako? Je, unasikia sauti yoyote? Gusa kitu; kinahisije? 5. Uwe na mtazamo mzuri. Mazoezi ya mwili na mazoezi ya mwili: Wakati unafanya mazoezi na kuhamisha mwili wako, unapata faida sawa za uhusiano wa akili na mwili, kama yoga. Haijalishi ni aina gani ya mazoezi unayofanya, kama kitu pekee ambacho ni muhimu ni kwamba unaendelea tu kutosha kutoa faida za akili na kimwili kwa mwili wako. Mazoezi ya mwili yanaweza kusaidia afya yako ya akili, kwa sababu wakati wa kuoga, unafanya akili yako iwe na nguvu zaidi na iwe macho. Mazoezi ni shughuli moja ambayo inasaidia afya yako ya akili na mwili wa kimwili katika mchakato kwa sababu ya jinsi wanavyounganishwa. Kwa mfano, fikiria mwanariadha. Watu wengi hukimbia nje katika hewa safi, labda msituni au kando ya ziwa. Kuwa nje katika asili, kutumia mwili wako kwa ajili ya harakati, na kusafisha akili yako kwa kuchunguza mazingira yako, wewe kudhibiti akili na mwili. Jinsi Akili na Mwili Vinavyohusiana Cortex ya hisia Cortex yako ya hisia ni eneo moja linalohusika na kushughulika na hisia, na hii ndiyo inayoamilishwa wakati wa kushughulika na hali ya mkazo hasa. Cortex ya mbele ya ubongo inasaidia mtu kuamua na kufikiria kile anachopaswa kufanya. Hippocampus hushughulikia kumbukumbu na hisia. Hatimaye, amygdala ni wajibu kwa ajili ya mapigano-au-kukimbia majibu kwamba ni asili wired katika ubongo wetu. Unapoweka sehemu hizi tatu za ubongo pamoja, una uelewa bora wa jinsi akili inavyofanya kazi. Wakati wa hali za kihisia-moyo, sehemu tofauti-tofauti za ubongo huwaka ili kujibu mawazo, hisia, na vitisho. 2. Uwezekano wa kupata "Kupigana, kukimbia, na kuzima majibu ""Kupigana, kukimbia, na kuzima"" ni mfano kamili wa jinsi ubongo na mwili wako ni kushikamana." Jibu hili hukusaidia kuitikia ifaavyo hali hatari na zenye changamoto, kama vile kukimbia au kupigana wakati unashambuliwa. Wakati wa matukio fulani yenye kuhuzunisha, huenda watu fulani hata wakajifunga kwa sababu ya hali hiyo. Katika hali hii, unaweza kupata uzoefu wa nje ya mwili ambao unakuzuia kukimbia au kushambulia. "Kama mwili wako unagundua tishio la nje, hata bila ushahidi wa kuwa katika hatari, ubongo wako huwasha majibu ya ""upigana au kukimbia"" na kutolewa cortisol katika mwili wako, ambayo ni homoni ambayo inashughulikia mkazo." Homoni hii hutuma ishara kwa mapafu na moyo, ikikufanya upumue haraka na kuhimiza misuli yako kuimarika. Inakupa kichocheo cha adrenaline kukusaidia kutoroka au kupigana njia yako ya usalama. Pia ni kwa nini sukari yako ya damu inaweza kuongezeka na inaweza hata kusababisha shambulio la hofu kamili wakati uko chini ya hisia kuna kitu cha kuogopa. Hii ni kwa nini wakati wewe kujisikia mkazo. Kuna mwelekeo mkubwa wa kuugua na kuhisi kama kuna kitu kibaya na mwili wako. Hisia ya kupigana, kukimbia, na majibu ya kuzima inakuathiri kimwili wakati akili yako inaweza kuwa ikipiga kelele <unk>hatari.<unk> 3. Kila dalili ya kimwili unayohisi unapojeruhiwa kimwili pia ni kitu utakachohisi kiakili na kihisia. Kwa mfano, unapojeruhiwa goti, unahisi maumivu hayo pia kupitia huzuni au hasira. Kwa upande mwingine, changamoto za afya ya akili ni kitu ambacho pia unahisi kimwili, na ndiyo sababu shambulio la hofu ni kitu unachohisi kwenye kifua chako, tumbo, au hata mwili wako wote. Hata kama wasiwasi unatokana na akili, huathiri mwili wako wote, akili na mwili huunganishwa kupitia hali zote za juu na za chini na mafadhaiko ya maisha. Bila hiyo, hakuna njia ya kuitikia hisia na mawazo yako kwa usahihi, na huwezi kutofautisha ni wakati gani wa kuogopa na ni wakati gani wa kupumzika. Mwili na akili ni uhusiano wa msingi ambao unahakikisha kwamba unaposhughulikia afya yako ya akili na ubongo, unafanya hivyo pia kwa afya yako ya mwili na mwili. Kwa kutumia vidokezo vilivyo hapo juu, lengo ni kuunganisha akili na mwili kwa njia yenye afya ili kufundisha mwili wako kusimamia hisia ngumu vizuri. | <urn:uuid:d3f7d76a-8d36-4858-9492-31ec8f8825b1> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://declutterthemind.com/blog/mind-and-body/ | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474674.35/warc/CC-MAIN-20240227085429-20240227115429-00712.warc.gz |
уровня IELTS по английскому языку. № 4.
Прочтите текст о диете. Для вопросов
с 1 по 6 отметьте ( ) предложения с 26 по 30 T
(истинно) или F (ложно).
the text below. For questions 1 to 6 mark
() sentences 26 to 30 T (True) or F (False).
Starting a diet is easy. Anybody can do that.
Keeping going, however, is a lot more difficult,
as we can see from the number of people who
give up after a week, a month, or those who
move from one diet to another. The important
thing is to be realistic and not try to do
too much at once. If you do, you might not
about practical goals and write them down.
Then look at your first goal. Let's say,
for example, you want to include some green
vegetables in your meals once a day. When
you have achieved your first goal, you can
give yourself a reward - a sensible reward,
that is, not a hamburger and chips. Then
you can move on to your next goal, for example,
reducing the amount of sugar in your coffee.
These little things can soon begin to make
a big difference.
it will go wrong: you'll have that chocolate
cake you know is full of calories. If this
happens (and it usually does), don't give
up. Just accept it as one of those things
and return to your diet the next day.
important to be positive. You probably eat
some healthy things already. Make a list
of them and try to eat them more often,
perhaps trying to cook them in different
ways to add variety. Also, you may not be
able to eat as many chips as before, but
think about the new things you can start
to eat, for example, fruit. You may find
after a few weeks that you prefer the taste
of fruit to sugary, fatty cakes and chocolates.
may want to talk to friends. If you do,
make sure that they are understanding and
good listeners. Avoid people who are going
to be critical. And don't try to compare
yourself with other people who are on a
diet. If a friend is losing weight more
quickly than you are, you may want to give
up. Only compare yourself with what you
were like last week, last month. That way
you will notice even small changes and that
will help you to keep going.
People move successfully from one diet to
(2) It's important to make a lot of changes
from the beginning. T
(3) If something goes wrong, you should
continue your diet. T
(4) You can cook some healthy foods differently.
(5) Sugary cakes are better to eat than
(6) It's always a good idea to diet with
a friend. T
Выберите подходящее слово из таблицы,
чтобы завершить следующие предложения. Используйте каждое
слово только один раз. Здесь больше слов, чем предложений.
a suitable word from the box to complete the
following sentences. Use each word only once.
There are more words than sentences. | IELTS kiwango kwa lugha ya Kiingereza. Nambari ya nne. Soma maandishi kuhusu diete. Kwa maswali ya 1 kwa 6 alama ( ) pendekezo s 26 kwa 30 T (kweli) au F (lojno). maandishi ya chini. Kwa maswali ya 1 hadi 6, alama ya sentensi 26 hadi 30 (True) au (False). Kuanza kula chakula ni rahisi. Mtu yeyote aweza kufanya hivyo. Hata hivyo, ni vigumu zaidi kuendelea, kama inavyoonekana katika idadi ya watu wanaokata tamaa baada ya juma moja, mwezi mmoja, au wale wanaobadilisha mlo mmoja na kwenda mwingine. Jambo la maana ni kuwa mwenye kufikiri kwa akili na usijaribu kufanya mambo mengi sana kwa wakati mmoja. Ikiwa unafanya hivyo, huenda usiwe na malengo ya vitendo na kuyaandika. Kisha angalia mradi wako wa kwanza. Kwa mfano, hebu tuseme kwamba unataka kula mboga za kijani mara moja kwa siku. Unapofikia mradi wako wa kwanza, unaweza kujitolea zawadi - zawadi yenye busara, yaani, si hamburger na chipsi. Kisha unaweza kuendelea na lengo lako la pili, kwa mfano, kupunguza kiasi cha sukari katika kahawa yako. Mambo hayo madogo yanaweza kufanya tofauti kubwa. "Kama unajua, ""Keki ya chokoleti"" ni moja ya njia bora ya kupata kalori nyingi." Ikiwa hilo litatokea (na kwa kawaida hutokea), usikate tamaa. Kukubali tu kama moja ya mambo hayo na kurudi kwenye mlo wako siku inayofuata. Ni muhimu kuwa na mtazamo chanya. Yaelekea tayari unakula vitu vyenye afya. Fanya orodha ya vyakula hivyo na ujaribu kuvitumia mara nyingi, labda ukijaribu kuvitengeneza kwa njia tofauti ili kuongeza aina. Ikiwa huwezi kula chips nyingi kama hapo awali, unaweza kuanza kula matunda. Baada ya wiki chache, unaweza kugundua kwamba unapendelea ladha ya matunda kuliko keki zenye sukari na mafuta na chokoleti. Labda unataka kuzungumza na marafiki. Ikiwa ndivyo, hakikisha kwamba wanaelewa na ni wasikilizaji wazuri. Epuka watu wanaokosoa. Usijilinganishe na watu wengine ambao wako kwenye mlo. Ikiwa rafiki yako anapoteza uzito haraka kuliko wewe, huenda ukataka kuacha. Ujifananishe na ulivyokuwa wiki iliyopita. Kwa njia hiyo utaona hata mabadiliko madogo na hiyo itakusaidia kuendelea. Watu wengi huanza na chakula kimoja na kuanza na chakula kingine, lakini ni muhimu kufanya mabadiliko mengi tangu mwanzo. (3) Ikiwa kuna kitu kinakwenda vibaya, unapaswa kuendelea na mlo wako. T4 - Unaweza kupika vyakula vyenye afya kwa njia tofauti (5) Keki zenye sukari ni bora kula kuliko (6) Ni wazo nzuri daima kula na rafiki. T Wyberite neno linalofaa kutoka meza, ili kukamilisha pendekezo zifuatazo. Kutumia kila neno mara moja tu. Hapa maneno zaidi, kuliko pendekezo. neno linalofaa kutoka sanduku kukamilisha sentensi zifuatazo. Tumia kila neno mara moja tu. Kuna maneno mengi kuliko sentensi. | <urn:uuid:c420ec54-00bd-4c2a-834d-88f3b5e7e4db> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://delightenglish.ru/lessons12/IELTS4.htm | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474674.35/warc/CC-MAIN-20240227085429-20240227115429-00712.warc.gz |
Subsets and Splits