stringlengths 17
| code
stringlengths 70
Number of n digit numbers that do not contain 9 | function to find number of n digit numbers possible ; driver function | def totalNumber ( n ) : NEW_LINE INDENT return 8 * pow ( 9 , n - 1 ) ; NEW_LINE DEDENT n = 3 NEW_LINE print ( totalNumber ( n ) ) NEW_LINE |
Count ways to express even number â €˜ nâ €™ as sum of even integers | Initialize mod variable as constant ; Iterative Function to calculate ( x ^ y ) % p in O ( log y ) ; x = x % p Update x if it is more than or equal to p ; If y is odd , multiply x with result ; y must be even now y = y >> 1 y = y / 2 ; Return number of ways to write ' n ' as sum of even integers ; Driver code | MOD = 1e9 + 7 NEW_LINE def power ( x , y , p ) : NEW_LINE INDENT while ( y > 0 ) : NEW_LINE INDENT if ( y & 1 ) : NEW_LINE INDENT res = ( 1 * res * x ) % p NEW_LINE DEDENT x = ( 1 * x * x ) % p NEW_LINE DEDENT return res NEW_LINE DEDENT def countEvenWays ( n ) : NEW_LINE INDENT return power ( 2 , n / 2 - 1 , MOD ) NEW_LINE DEDENT n = 6 NEW_LINE print ( int ( countEvenWays ( n ) ) ) NEW_LINE n = 8 NEW_LINE print ( int ( countEvenWays ( n ) ) ) NEW_LINE |
Number of steps to convert to prime factors | Python 3 program to count number of steps required to convert an integer array to array of factors . ; array to store prime factors ; function to generate all prime factors of numbers from 1 to 10 ^ 6 ; Initializes all the positions with their value . ; Initializes all multiples of 2 with 2 ; A modified version of Sieve of Eratosthenes to store the smallest prime factor that divides every number . ; check if it has no prime factor . ; Initializes of j starting from i * i ; if it has no prime factor before , then stores the smallest prime divisor ; function to calculate the number of representations ; keep an count of prime factors ; traverse for every element ; count the no of factors ; subtract 1 if Ai is not 1 as the last step wont be taken into count ; Driver Code ; call sieve to calculate the factors | MAX = 1000001 NEW_LINE factor = [ 0 ] * MAX NEW_LINE def cal_factor ( ) : NEW_LINE INDENT factor [ 1 ] = 1 NEW_LINE for i in range ( 2 , MAX ) : NEW_LINE INDENT factor [ i ] = i NEW_LINE DEDENT for i in range ( 4 , MAX , 2 ) : NEW_LINE INDENT factor [ i ] = 2 NEW_LINE DEDENT i = 3 NEW_LINE while i * i < MAX : NEW_LINE INDENT if ( factor [ i ] == i ) : NEW_LINE INDENT for j in range ( i * i , MAX , i ) : NEW_LINE INDENT if ( factor [ j ] == j ) : NEW_LINE INDENT factor [ j ] = i NEW_LINE DEDENT DEDENT DEDENT i += 1 NEW_LINE DEDENT DEDENT def no_of_representations ( a , n ) : NEW_LINE INDENT count = 0 NEW_LINE for i in range ( n ) : NEW_LINE INDENT temp = a [ i ] NEW_LINE flag = 0 NEW_LINE while ( factor [ temp ] != 1 ) : NEW_LINE INDENT flag = - 1 NEW_LINE count += 1 NEW_LINE temp = temp // factor [ temp ] NEW_LINE DEDENT count += flag NEW_LINE DEDENT return count NEW_LINE DEDENT if __name__ == " _ _ main _ _ " : NEW_LINE INDENT cal_factor ( ) NEW_LINE a = [ 4 , 4 , 4 ] NEW_LINE n = len ( a ) NEW_LINE print ( no_of_representations ( a , n ) ) NEW_LINE DEDENT |
Subsequences of size three in an array whose sum is divisible by m | Python program to find count of subsequences of size three divisible by M . ; Three nested loop to find all the sub sequences of length three in the given array A [ ] . ; checking if the sum of the chosen three number is divisible by m . ; Driver code | def coutSubSeq ( A , N , M ) : NEW_LINE INDENT sum = 0 NEW_LINE ans = 0 NEW_LINE for i in range ( 0 , N ) : NEW_LINE INDENT for j in range ( i + 1 , N ) : NEW_LINE INDENT for k in range ( j + 1 , N ) : NEW_LINE INDENT sum = A [ i ] + A [ j ] + A [ k ] NEW_LINE if ( sum % M == 0 ) : NEW_LINE INDENT ans = ans + 1 NEW_LINE DEDENT DEDENT DEDENT DEDENT return ans NEW_LINE DEDENT M = 3 NEW_LINE A = [ 1 , 2 , 4 , 3 ] NEW_LINE N = len ( A ) NEW_LINE print coutSubSeq ( A , N , M ) NEW_LINE |
Subsequences of size three in an array whose sum is divisible by m | Python program to find count of subsequences of size three divisible by M . ; Storing frequencies of all remainders when divided by M . ; including i and j in the sum rem calculate the remainder required to make the sum divisible by M ; if the required number is less than j , we skip as we have already calculated for that value before . As j here starts with i and rem is less than j . ; if satisfies the first case . ; if satisfies the second case ; if satisfies the third case ; Driver code | def countSubSeq ( A , N , M ) : NEW_LINE INDENT ans = 0 NEW_LINE h = [ 0 ] * M NEW_LINE for i in range ( 0 , N ) : NEW_LINE INDENT A [ i ] = A [ i ] % M NEW_LINE h [ A [ i ] ] = h [ A [ i ] ] + 1 NEW_LINE DEDENT for i in range ( 0 , M ) : NEW_LINE INDENT for j in range ( i , M ) : NEW_LINE INDENT rem = ( M - ( i + j ) % M ) % M NEW_LINE if ( rem < j ) : NEW_LINE INDENT continue NEW_LINE DEDENT if ( i == j and rem == j ) : NEW_LINE INDENT ans = ans + h [ i ] * ( h [ i ] - 1 ) * ( h [ i ] - 2 ) / 6 NEW_LINE DEDENT elif ( i == j ) : NEW_LINE INDENT ans = ans + ( h [ i ] * ( h [ i ] - 1 ) * h [ rem ] / 2 ) NEW_LINE DEDENT elif ( i == rem ) : NEW_LINE INDENT ans = ans + h [ i ] * ( h [ i ] - 1 ) * h [ j ] / 2 NEW_LINE DEDENT elif ( rem == j ) : NEW_LINE INDENT ans = ans + h [ j ] * ( h [ j ] - 1 ) * h [ i ] / 2 NEW_LINE DEDENT else : NEW_LINE INDENT ans = ans + h [ i ] * h [ j ] * h [ rem ] NEW_LINE DEDENT DEDENT return ans NEW_LINE DEDENT DEDENT M = 3 ; NEW_LINE A = [ 1 , 2 , 4 , 3 ] NEW_LINE N = len ( A ) NEW_LINE print ( countSubSeq ( A , N , M ) ) NEW_LINE |
Find n | utility function ; since first element of the series is 7 , we initialise a variable with 7 ; Using iteration to find nth term ; driver function | def findTerm ( n ) : NEW_LINE INDENT if n == 1 : NEW_LINE INDENT return n NEW_LINE DEDENT else : NEW_LINE INDENT term = 7 NEW_LINE for i in range ( 2 , n + 1 ) : NEW_LINE INDENT term = term * 2 + ( i - 1 ) ; NEW_LINE DEDENT DEDENT return term ; NEW_LINE DEDENT print ( findTerm ( 5 ) ) NEW_LINE |
Find n | Returns n - th number in sequence 1 , 1 , 2 , 1 , 2 , 3 , 1 , 2 , 4 , ... ; One by one subtract counts elements in different blocks ; Driver code | def findNumber ( n ) : NEW_LINE INDENT n -= 1 NEW_LINE i = 1 NEW_LINE while n >= 0 : NEW_LINE INDENT n -= i NEW_LINE i += 1 NEW_LINE DEDENT return ( n + i ) NEW_LINE DEDENT n = 3 NEW_LINE print ( findNumber ( n ) ) NEW_LINE |
Program to find correlation coefficient | Python Program to find correlation coefficient . ; function that returns correlation coefficient . ; sum of elements of array X . ; sum of elements of array Y . ; sum of X [ i ] * Y [ i ] . ; sum of square of array elements . ; use formula for calculating correlation coefficient . ; Driver function ; Find the size of array . ; Function call to correlationCoefficient . | import math NEW_LINE def correlationCoefficient ( X , Y , n ) : NEW_LINE INDENT sum_X = 0 NEW_LINE sum_Y = 0 NEW_LINE sum_XY = 0 NEW_LINE squareSum_X = 0 NEW_LINE squareSum_Y = 0 NEW_LINE i = 0 NEW_LINE while i < n : NEW_LINE INDENT sum_X = sum_X + X [ i ] NEW_LINE sum_Y = sum_Y + Y [ i ] NEW_LINE sum_XY = sum_XY + X [ i ] * Y [ i ] NEW_LINE squareSum_X = squareSum_X + X [ i ] * X [ i ] NEW_LINE squareSum_Y = squareSum_Y + Y [ i ] * Y [ i ] NEW_LINE i = i + 1 NEW_LINE DEDENT corr = ( float ) ( n * sum_XY - sum_X * sum_Y ) / NEW_LINE INDENT ( float ) ( math . sqrt ( ( n * squareSum_X - sum_X * sum_X ) * ( n * squareSum_Y - sum_Y * sum_Y ) ) ) NEW_LINE DEDENT return corr NEW_LINE DEDENT X = [ 15 , 18 , 21 , 24 , 27 ] NEW_LINE Y = [ 25 , 25 , 27 , 31 , 32 ] NEW_LINE n = len ( X ) NEW_LINE print ( ' { 0 : . 6f } ' . format ( correlationCoefficient ( X , Y , n ) ) ) NEW_LINE |
Find the number of spectators standing in the stadium at time t | Python program to find number of spectators standing at a time ; If the time is less than k then we can print directly t time . ; If the time is n then k spectators are standing . ; Otherwise we calculate the spectators standing . ; Stores the value of n , k and t t is time n & k is the number of specators | def result ( n , k , t ) : NEW_LINE INDENT if ( t <= k ) : NEW_LINE INDENT print ( t ) NEW_LINE DEDENT elif ( t <= n ) : NEW_LINE INDENT print ( k ) NEW_LINE DEDENT else : NEW_LINE INDENT temp = t - n NEW_LINE temp = k - temp NEW_LINE print ( temp ) NEW_LINE DEDENT DEDENT n = 10 NEW_LINE k = 5 NEW_LINE t = 12 NEW_LINE result ( n , k , t ) NEW_LINE |
Program for weighted mean of natural numbers . | Function to calculate weighted mean . ; Take num array and corresponding weight array and initialize it . ; Calculate the size of array . ; Check the size of both array is equal or not . | def weightedMean ( X , W , n ) : NEW_LINE INDENT sum = 0 NEW_LINE numWeight = 0 NEW_LINE i = 0 NEW_LINE while i < n : NEW_LINE INDENT numWeight = numWeight + X [ i ] * W [ i ] NEW_LINE sum = sum + W [ i ] NEW_LINE i = i + 1 NEW_LINE DEDENT return ( float ) ( numWeight / sum ) NEW_LINE DEDENT X = [ 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 ] NEW_LINE W = [ 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 ] NEW_LINE n = len ( X ) NEW_LINE m = len ( W ) NEW_LINE if ( n == m ) : NEW_LINE INDENT print weightedMean ( X , W , n ) NEW_LINE DEDENT else : NEW_LINE INDENT print " - 1" NEW_LINE DEDENT |
Program to find GCD of floating point numbers | Python code for finding the GCD of two floating numbers . ; Recursive function to return gcd of a and b ; base case ; Driver Function . | import math NEW_LINE def gcd ( a , b ) : NEW_LINE INDENT if ( a < b ) : NEW_LINE INDENT return gcd ( b , a ) NEW_LINE DEDENT if ( abs ( b ) < 0.001 ) : NEW_LINE INDENT return a NEW_LINE DEDENT else : NEW_LINE INDENT return ( gcd ( b , a - math . floor ( a / b ) * b ) ) NEW_LINE DEDENT DEDENT a = 1.20 NEW_LINE b = 22.5 NEW_LINE print ( ' { 0 : . 1f } ' . format ( gcd ( a , b ) ) ) NEW_LINE |
Program for harmonic mean of numbers | Function that returns harmonic mean . ; Declare sum variables and initialize with zero . ; Driver code | def harmonicMean ( arr , n ) : NEW_LINE INDENT sm = 0 NEW_LINE for i in range ( 0 , n ) : NEW_LINE INDENT sm = sm + ( 1 ) / arr [ i ] ; NEW_LINE DEDENT return n / sm NEW_LINE DEDENT arr = [ 13.5 , 14.5 , 14.8 , 15.2 , 16.1 ] ; NEW_LINE n = len ( arr ) NEW_LINE print ( harmonicMean ( arr , n ) ) NEW_LINE |
Program for harmonic mean of numbers | Function that returns harmonic mean . ; Driver code | def harmonicMean ( arr , freq , n ) : NEW_LINE INDENT sm = 0 NEW_LINE frequency_sum = 0 NEW_LINE for i in range ( 0 , n ) : NEW_LINE INDENT sm = sm + freq [ i ] / arr [ i ] NEW_LINE frequency_sum = frequency_sum + freq [ i ] NEW_LINE DEDENT return ( round ( frequency_sum / sm , 4 ) ) NEW_LINE DEDENT num = [ 13 , 14 , 15 , 16 , 17 ] NEW_LINE freq = [ 2 , 5 , 13 , 7 , 3 ] NEW_LINE n = len ( num ) NEW_LINE print ( harmonicMean ( num , freq , n ) ) NEW_LINE |
First collision point of two series | Function to calculate the colliding point of two series ; Iterating through n terms of the first series ; x is i - th term of first series ; d is first element of second series and c is common difference for second series . ; If no term of first series is found ; Driver code | def point ( a , b , c , d , n ) : NEW_LINE INDENT for i in range ( n ) : NEW_LINE INDENT x = b + i * a NEW_LINE if ( x - d ) % c == 0 and x - d >= 0 : NEW_LINE INDENT print x NEW_LINE return NEW_LINE DEDENT DEDENT else : NEW_LINE INDENT print " No ▁ collision ▁ point " NEW_LINE DEDENT DEDENT a = 20 NEW_LINE b = 2 NEW_LINE c = 9 NEW_LINE d = 19 NEW_LINE n = 20 NEW_LINE point ( a , b , c , d , n ) NEW_LINE |
Armstrong Numbers between two integers | PYTHON program to find Armstrong numbers in a range ; Prints Armstrong Numbers in given range ; number of digits calculation ; compute sum of nth power of ; checks if number i is equal to the sum of nth power of its digits ; Driver code | import math NEW_LINE def findArmstrong ( low , high ) : NEW_LINE INDENT for i in range ( low + 1 , high ) : NEW_LINE INDENT x = i NEW_LINE n = 0 NEW_LINE while ( x != 0 ) : NEW_LINE INDENT x = x / 10 NEW_LINE n = n + 1 NEW_LINE DEDENT pow_sum = 0 NEW_LINE x = i NEW_LINE while ( x != 0 ) : NEW_LINE INDENT digit = x % 10 NEW_LINE pow_sum = pow_sum + math . pow ( digit , n ) NEW_LINE x = x / 10 NEW_LINE DEDENT if ( pow_sum == i ) : NEW_LINE INDENT print ( str ( i ) + " ▁ " ) , NEW_LINE DEDENT DEDENT DEDENT num1 = 100 NEW_LINE num2 = 400 NEW_LINE findArmstrong ( num1 , num2 ) NEW_LINE print ( " " ) NEW_LINE |
Lucas Primality Test | Python3 program for Lucas Primality Test ; Function to generate prime factors of n ; If 2 is a factor ; If prime > 2 is factor ; This function produces power modulo some number . It can be optimized to using ; Base cases ; Generating and storing factors of n - 1 ; Array for random generator . This array is to ensure one number is generated only once ; Shuffle random array to produce randomness ; Now one by one perform Lucas Primality Test on random numbers generated . ; This is to check if every factor of n - 1 satisfy the condition ; If a ^ ( ( n - 1 ) / q ) equal 1 ; If all condition satisfy ; Driver code | import random NEW_LINE import math NEW_LINE def primeFactors ( n , factors ) : NEW_LINE INDENT if ( n % 2 == 0 ) : NEW_LINE INDENT factors . append ( 2 ) NEW_LINE DEDENT while ( n % 2 == 0 ) : NEW_LINE INDENT n = n // 2 NEW_LINE DEDENT for i in range ( 3 , int ( math . sqrt ( n ) ) + 1 , 2 ) : NEW_LINE INDENT if ( n % i == 0 ) : NEW_LINE INDENT factors . append ( i ) NEW_LINE DEDENT while ( n % i == 0 ) : NEW_LINE INDENT n = n // i NEW_LINE DEDENT DEDENT if ( n > 2 ) : NEW_LINE INDENT factors . append ( n ) NEW_LINE DEDENT return factors NEW_LINE DEDENT def power ( n , r , q ) : NEW_LINE INDENT total = n NEW_LINE for i in range ( 1 , r ) : NEW_LINE INDENT total = ( total * n ) % q NEW_LINE DEDENT return total NEW_LINE DEDENT def lucasTest ( n ) : NEW_LINE INDENT if ( n == 1 ) : NEW_LINE INDENT return " neither ▁ prime ▁ nor ▁ composite " NEW_LINE DEDENT if ( n == 2 ) : NEW_LINE INDENT return " prime " NEW_LINE DEDENT if ( n % 2 == 0 ) : NEW_LINE INDENT return " composite1" NEW_LINE DEDENT factors = [ ] NEW_LINE factors = primeFactors ( n - 1 , factors ) NEW_LINE rand = [ i + 2 for i in range ( n - 3 ) ] NEW_LINE random . shuffle ( rand ) NEW_LINE for i in range ( n - 2 ) : NEW_LINE INDENT a = rand [ i ] NEW_LINE if ( power ( a , n - 1 , n ) != 1 ) : NEW_LINE INDENT return " composite " NEW_LINE DEDENT flag = True NEW_LINE for k in range ( len ( factors ) ) : NEW_LINE INDENT if ( power ( a , ( n - 1 ) // factors [ k ] , n ) == 1 ) : NEW_LINE INDENT flag = False NEW_LINE break NEW_LINE DEDENT DEDENT if ( flag ) : NEW_LINE INDENT return " prime " NEW_LINE DEDENT DEDENT return " probably ▁ composite " NEW_LINE DEDENT if __name__ == " _ _ main _ _ " : NEW_LINE INDENT print ( str ( 7 ) + " ▁ is ▁ " + lucasTest ( 7 ) ) NEW_LINE print ( str ( 9 ) + " ▁ is ▁ " + lucasTest ( 9 ) ) NEW_LINE print ( str ( 37 ) + " ▁ is ▁ " + lucasTest ( 37 ) ) NEW_LINE DEDENT |
Pair with maximum GCD from two arrays | Find the maximum GCD pair with maximum sum ; array to keep a count of existing elements ; first [ i ] and second [ i ] are going to store maximum multiples of i in a [ ] and b [ ] respectively . ; traverse through the first array to mark the elements in cnt ; Find maximum multiple of every number in first array ; Find maximum multiple of every number in second array We re - initialise cnt [ ] and traverse through the second array to mark the elements in cnt ; if the multiple is present in the second array then store the max of number or the pre - existing element ; traverse for every elements and checks the maximum N that is present in both the arrays ; driver program to test the above function ; Maximum possible value of elements in both arrays . | def gcdMax ( a , b , n , N ) : NEW_LINE INDENT cnt = [ 0 ] * N NEW_LINE first = [ 0 ] * N NEW_LINE second = [ 0 ] * N NEW_LINE for i in range ( n ) : NEW_LINE INDENT cnt [ a [ i ] ] = 1 NEW_LINE DEDENT for i in range ( 1 , N ) : NEW_LINE INDENT for j in range ( i , N , i ) : NEW_LINE INDENT if ( cnt [ j ] ) : NEW_LINE INDENT first [ i ] = max ( first [ i ] , j ) NEW_LINE DEDENT DEDENT DEDENT cnt = [ 0 ] * N NEW_LINE for i in range ( n ) : NEW_LINE INDENT cnt [ b [ i ] ] = 1 NEW_LINE DEDENT for i in range ( 1 , N ) : NEW_LINE INDENT for j in range ( i , N , i ) : NEW_LINE INDENT if ( cnt [ j ] > 0 ) : NEW_LINE INDENT second [ i ] = max ( second [ i ] , j ) NEW_LINE DEDENT DEDENT DEDENT i = N - 1 NEW_LINE while i >= 0 : NEW_LINE INDENT if ( first [ i ] > 0 and second [ i ] > 0 ) : NEW_LINE INDENT break NEW_LINE DEDENT i -= 1 NEW_LINE DEDENT print ( str ( first [ i ] ) + " ▁ " + str ( second [ i ] ) ) NEW_LINE DEDENT if __name__ == " _ _ main _ _ " : NEW_LINE INDENT a = [ 3 , 1 , 4 , 2 , 8 ] NEW_LINE b = [ 5 , 2 , 12 , 8 , 3 ] NEW_LINE n = len ( a ) NEW_LINE N = 20 NEW_LINE gcdMax ( a , b , n , N ) NEW_LINE DEDENT |
Pierpont Prime | Python3 program to print Pierpont prime numbers smaller than n . ; Finding all numbers having factor power of 2 and 3 Using sieve ; Storing number of the form 2 ^ i . 3 ^ k + 1. ; Finding prime number using sieve of Eratosthenes . Reusing same array as result of above computations in v . ; Printing n pierpont primes smaller than n ; Driver Code | def printPierpont ( n ) : NEW_LINE INDENT arr = [ False ] * ( n + 1 ) ; NEW_LINE two = 1 ; NEW_LINE three = 1 ; NEW_LINE while ( two + 1 < n ) : NEW_LINE INDENT arr [ two ] = True ; NEW_LINE while ( two * three + 1 < n ) : NEW_LINE INDENT arr [ three ] = True ; NEW_LINE arr [ two * three ] = True ; NEW_LINE three *= 3 ; NEW_LINE DEDENT three = 1 ; NEW_LINE two *= 2 ; NEW_LINE DEDENT v = [ ] ; NEW_LINE for i in range ( n ) : NEW_LINE INDENT if ( arr [ i ] ) : NEW_LINE INDENT v . append ( i + 1 ) ; NEW_LINE DEDENT DEDENT arr1 = [ False ] * ( len ( arr ) ) ; NEW_LINE p = 2 ; NEW_LINE while ( p * p < n ) : NEW_LINE INDENT if ( arr1 [ p ] == False ) : NEW_LINE INDENT for i in range ( p * 2 , n , p ) : NEW_LINE INDENT arr1 [ i ] = True ; NEW_LINE DEDENT DEDENT p += 1 ; NEW_LINE DEDENT for i in range ( len ( v ) ) : NEW_LINE INDENT if ( not arr1 [ v [ i ] ] ) : NEW_LINE INDENT print ( v [ i ] , end = " ▁ " ) ; NEW_LINE DEDENT DEDENT DEDENT n = 200 ; NEW_LINE printPierpont ( n ) ; NEW_LINE |
Woodall Number | Python program to check if a number is Woodball or not . ; If number is even , return false . ; If x is 1 , return true . ; While x is divisible by 2 ; Divide x by 2 ; Count the power ; If at any point power and x became equal , return true . ; Driven Program | def isWoodall ( x ) : NEW_LINE INDENT if ( x % 2 == 0 ) : NEW_LINE INDENT return False NEW_LINE DEDENT if ( x == 1 ) : NEW_LINE INDENT return True NEW_LINE DEDENT p = 0 NEW_LINE while ( x % 2 == 0 ) : NEW_LINE INDENT x = x / 2 NEW_LINE p = p + 1 NEW_LINE if ( p == x ) : NEW_LINE INDENT return True NEW_LINE DEDENT DEDENT return False NEW_LINE DEDENT x = 383 NEW_LINE if ( isWoodall ( x ) ) : NEW_LINE INDENT print " Yes " NEW_LINE DEDENT else : NEW_LINE INDENT print " No " NEW_LINE DEDENT |
Print k numbers where all pairs are divisible by m | function to generate k numbers whose difference is divisible by m ; Using an adjacency list like representation to store numbers that lead to same remainder . ; stores the modulus when divided by m ; If we found k elements which have same remainder . ; If we could not find k elements ; driver program to test the above function | def print_result ( a , n , k , m ) : NEW_LINE INDENT v = [ [ ] for i in range ( m ) ] NEW_LINE for i in range ( 0 , n ) : NEW_LINE INDENT rem = a [ i ] % m NEW_LINE v [ rem ] . append ( a [ i ] ) NEW_LINE if ( len ( v [ rem ] ) == k ) : NEW_LINE INDENT for j in range ( 0 , k ) : NEW_LINE INDENT print ( v [ rem ] [ j ] , end = " ▁ " ) NEW_LINE DEDENT return NEW_LINE DEDENT DEDENT print ( - 1 ) NEW_LINE DEDENT if __name__ == ' _ _ main _ _ ' : NEW_LINE INDENT a = [ 1 , 8 , 4 ] NEW_LINE n = len ( a ) NEW_LINE print_result ( a , n , 2 , 3 ) NEW_LINE DEDENT |
Largest number less than N whose each digit is prime number | Number is given as string . ; We stop traversing digits , once it become smaller than current number . For that purpose we use small variable . ; Array indicating if index i ( represents a digit ) is prime or not . ; Store largest ; If there is only one character , return the largest prime less than the number ; If number starts with 1 , return number consisting of 7 ; Traversing each digit from right to left Continue traversing till the number we are forming will become less . ; If digit is prime , copy it simply . ; If not prime , copy the largest prime less than current number ; If not prime , and there is no largest prime less than current prime ; Make current digit as 7 Go left of the digit and make it largest prime less than number . Continue do that until we found a digit which has some largest prime less than it ; If the given number is itself a prime . ; Make last digit as highest prime less than given digit . ; If there is no highest prime less than current digit . ; Once one digit become less than any digit of input replace 7 ( largest 1 digit prime ) till the end of digits of number ; If number include 0 in the beginning , ignore them . Case like 2200 ; Driver Program | def PrimeDigitNumber ( N , size ) : NEW_LINE INDENT ans = [ " " ] * size NEW_LINE ns = 0 ; NEW_LINE small = 0 ; NEW_LINE p = [ 0 , 0 , 1 , 1 , 0 , 1 , 0 , 1 , 0 , 0 ] NEW_LINE prevprime = [ 0 , 0 , 0 , 2 , 3 , 3 , 5 , 5 , 7 , 7 ] NEW_LINE if ( size == 1 ) : NEW_LINE INDENT ans [ 0 ] = prevprime [ ord ( N [ 0 ] ) - ord ( '0' ) ] + ord ( '0' ) ; NEW_LINE ans [ 1 ] = ' ' ; NEW_LINE return ' ' . join ( ans ) ; NEW_LINE DEDENT if ( N [ 0 ] == '1' ) : NEW_LINE INDENT for i in range ( size - 1 ) : NEW_LINE INDENT ans [ i ] = '7' NEW_LINE DEDENT ans [ size - 1 ] = ' ' ; NEW_LINE return ' ' . join ( ans ) NEW_LINE DEDENT i = 0 NEW_LINE while ( i < size and small == 0 ) : NEW_LINE INDENT if ( p [ ord ( N [ i ] ) - ord ( '0' ) ] == 1 ) : NEW_LINE INDENT ans [ ns ] = N [ i ] NEW_LINE ns += 1 NEW_LINE DEDENT else : NEW_LINE INDENT if ( p [ ord ( N [ i ] ) - ord ( '0' ) ] == 0 and prevprime [ ord ( N [ i ] ) - ord ( '0' ) ] != 0 ) : NEW_LINE INDENT ans [ ns ] = prevprime [ ord ( N [ i ] ) - ord ( '0' ) ] + ord ( '0' ) ; NEW_LINE small = 1 NEW_LINE ns += 1 NEW_LINE DEDENT elif ( p [ ord ( N [ i ] ) - ord ( '0' ) ] == 0 and prevprime [ ord ( N [ i ] ) - ord ( '0' ) ] == 0 ) : NEW_LINE INDENT j = i ; NEW_LINE while ( j > 0 and p [ ord ( N [ j ] ) - ord ( '0' ) ] == 0 and prevprime [ ord ( N [ j ] ) - ord ( '0' ) ] == 0 ) : NEW_LINE INDENT ans [ j ] = N [ j ] = '7' ; NEW_LINE N [ j - 1 ] = prevprime [ ord ( N [ j - 1 ] ) - ord ( '0' ) ] + ord ( '0' ) ; NEW_LINE ans [ j - 1 ] = N [ j - 1 ] ; NEW_LINE small = 1 ; NEW_LINE j -= 1 NEW_LINE DEDENT i = ns NEW_LINE DEDENT DEDENT i += 1 NEW_LINE DEDENT if ( small == 0 ) : NEW_LINE INDENT if ( prevprime [ ord ( N [ size - 1 ] ) - ord ( '0' ) ] + ord ( '0' ) != ord ( '0' ) ) : NEW_LINE INDENT ans [ size - 1 ] = prevprime [ ord ( N [ size - 1 ] ) - ord ( '0' ) ] + ord ( '0' ) ; NEW_LINE DEDENT else : NEW_LINE INDENT j = size - 1 ; NEW_LINE while ( j > 0 and prevprime [ ord ( N [ j ] ) - ord ( '0' ) ] == 0 ) : NEW_LINE INDENT ans [ j ] = N [ j ] = '7' ; NEW_LINE N [ j - 1 ] = prevprime [ ord ( N [ j - 1 ] ) - ord ( '0' ) ] + ord ( '0' ) ; NEW_LINE ans [ j - 1 ] = N [ j - 1 ] ; NEW_LINE small = 1 ; NEW_LINE j -= 1 NEW_LINE DEDENT DEDENT DEDENT while ( ns < size ) : NEW_LINE INDENT ans [ ns ] = '7' NEW_LINE ns += 1 NEW_LINE DEDENT ans [ ns ] = ' ' ; NEW_LINE k = 0 ; NEW_LINE while ( ans [ k ] == '0' ) : NEW_LINE INDENT k += 1 NEW_LINE DEDENT return ( ans + k ) NEW_LINE DEDENT if __name__ == " _ _ main _ _ " : NEW_LINE INDENT N = "1000" ; NEW_LINE size = len ( N ) ; NEW_LINE print ( PrimeDigitNumber ( N , size ) ) NEW_LINE DEDENT |
Smallest x such that 1 * n , 2 * n , ... x * n have all digits from 1 to 9 | Returns smallest value x such that 1 * n , 2 * n , 3 * n ... x * n have all digits from 1 to 9 at least once ; taking temporary array and variable . ; iterate till we get all the 10 digits at least once ; checking all the digits ; Driver code | def smallestX ( n ) : NEW_LINE INDENT temp = [ 0 ] * 10 NEW_LINE if ( n == 0 ) : NEW_LINE INDENT return - 1 NEW_LINE DEDENT count = 0 NEW_LINE x = 1 NEW_LINE while ( count < 10 ) : NEW_LINE INDENT y = x * n NEW_LINE while ( y > 0 ) : NEW_LINE INDENT if ( temp [ y % 10 ] == 0 ) : NEW_LINE INDENT count += 1 NEW_LINE temp [ y % 10 ] = 1 NEW_LINE DEDENT y = int ( y / 10 ) NEW_LINE DEDENT x += 1 NEW_LINE DEDENT return x - 1 NEW_LINE DEDENT if __name__ == ' _ _ main _ _ ' : NEW_LINE INDENT n = 5 NEW_LINE print ( smallestX ( n ) ) NEW_LINE DEDENT |
Find a number x such that sum of x and its digits is equal to given n . | utility function for digit sum ; function for finding x ; iterate from 1 to n . For every no . check if its digit sum with it isequal to n . ; if no such i found return - 1 ; Driver Code | def digSum ( n ) : NEW_LINE INDENT sum = 0 ; NEW_LINE rem = 0 ; NEW_LINE while ( n ) : NEW_LINE INDENT rem = n % 10 ; NEW_LINE sum = sum + rem ; NEW_LINE n = int ( n / 10 ) ; NEW_LINE DEDENT return sum ; NEW_LINE DEDENT def findX ( n ) : NEW_LINE INDENT for i in range ( n + 1 ) : NEW_LINE INDENT if ( i + digSum ( i ) == n ) : NEW_LINE INDENT return i ; NEW_LINE DEDENT DEDENT return - 1 ; NEW_LINE DEDENT n = 43 ; NEW_LINE print ( " x ▁ = ▁ " , findX ( n ) ) ; NEW_LINE |
9 's complement of a decimal number | Python3 program to find 9 's complement of a number. ; Driver code | def complement ( number ) : NEW_LINE INDENT for i in range ( 0 , len ( number ) ) : NEW_LINE INDENT if ( number [ i ] != ' . ' ) : NEW_LINE INDENT a = 9 - int ( number [ i ] ) NEW_LINE number = ( number [ : i ] + str ( a ) + number [ i + 1 : ] ) NEW_LINE DEDENT DEDENT print ( "9 ' s ▁ complement ▁ is ▁ : ▁ " , number ) NEW_LINE DEDENT if __name__ == ' _ _ main _ _ ' : NEW_LINE INDENT number = "345.45" NEW_LINE complement ( number ) NEW_LINE DEDENT |
Ways to express a number as product of two different factors | To count number of ways in which number expressed as product of two different numbers ; To store count of such pairs ; Counting number of pairs upto sqrt ( n ) - 1 ; To return count of pairs ; Driver program to test countWays ( ) | def countWays ( n ) : NEW_LINE INDENT count = 0 NEW_LINE i = 1 NEW_LINE while ( ( i * i ) < n ) : NEW_LINE INDENT if ( n % i == 0 ) : NEW_LINE INDENT count += 1 NEW_LINE DEDENT i += 1 NEW_LINE DEDENT return count NEW_LINE DEDENT n = 12 NEW_LINE print ( countWays ( n ) ) NEW_LINE |
Count divisors of n that have at | Python3 program to count divisors of n that have at least one digit common with n ; Function to return true if any digit of m is present in hash [ ] . ; check till last digit ; if number is also present in original number then return true ; if no number matches then return 1 ; Count the no of divisors that have at least 1 digits same ; Store digits present in n in a hash [ ] ; marks that the number is present ; last digit removed ; loop to traverse from 1 to sqrt ( n ) to count divisors ; if i is the factor ; call the function to check if any digits match or not ; if n / i != i then a different number , then check it also ; return the answer ; Driver Code | import math NEW_LINE def isDigitPresent ( m , Hash ) : NEW_LINE INDENT while ( m ) : NEW_LINE INDENT if ( Hash [ m % 10 ] ) : NEW_LINE INDENT return True NEW_LINE DEDENT m = m // 10 NEW_LINE DEDENT return False NEW_LINE DEDENT def countDivisibles ( n ) : NEW_LINE INDENT Hash = [ False for i in range ( 10 ) ] NEW_LINE m = n NEW_LINE while ( m ) : NEW_LINE INDENT Hash [ m % 10 ] = True NEW_LINE m = m // 10 NEW_LINE DEDENT ans = 0 NEW_LINE for i in range ( 1 , int ( math . sqrt ( n ) ) + 1 ) : NEW_LINE INDENT if ( n % i == 0 ) : NEW_LINE INDENT if ( isDigitPresent ( i , Hash ) ) : NEW_LINE INDENT ans += 1 NEW_LINE DEDENT if ( n // i != i ) : NEW_LINE INDENT if ( isDigitPresent ( n // i , Hash ) ) : NEW_LINE INDENT ans += 1 NEW_LINE DEDENT DEDENT DEDENT DEDENT return ans NEW_LINE DEDENT n = 15 NEW_LINE print ( countDivisibles ( n ) ) NEW_LINE |
Doolittle Algorithm : LU Decomposition | Python3 Program to decompose a matrix into lower and upper triangular matrix ; Decomposing matrix into Upper and Lower triangular matrix ; Upper Triangular ; Summation of L ( i , j ) * U ( j , k ) ; Evaluating U ( i , k ) ; Lower Triangular ; lower [ i ] [ i ] = 1 Diagonal as 1 ; Summation of L ( k , j ) * U ( j , i ) ; Evaluating L ( k , i ) ; setw is for displaying nicely ; Displaying the result : ; Lower ; Upper ; Driver code | MAX = 100 NEW_LINE def luDecomposition ( mat , n ) : NEW_LINE INDENT lower = [ [ 0 for x in range ( n ) ] for y in range ( n ) ] NEW_LINE upper = [ [ 0 for x in range ( n ) ] for y in range ( n ) ] NEW_LINE for i in range ( n ) : NEW_LINE INDENT for k in range ( i , n ) : NEW_LINE INDENT sum = 0 NEW_LINE for j in range ( i ) : NEW_LINE INDENT sum += ( lower [ i ] [ j ] * upper [ j ] [ k ] ) NEW_LINE DEDENT upper [ i ] [ k ] = mat [ i ] [ k ] - sum NEW_LINE DEDENT for k in range ( i , n ) : NEW_LINE INDENT if ( i == k ) : NEW_LINE else : NEW_LINE INDENT sum = 0 NEW_LINE for j in range ( i ) : NEW_LINE INDENT sum += ( lower [ k ] [ j ] * upper [ j ] [ i ] ) NEW_LINE DEDENT lower [ k ] [ i ] = int ( ( mat [ k ] [ i ] - sum ) / upper [ i ] [ i ] ) NEW_LINE DEDENT DEDENT DEDENT print ( " Lower ▁ Triangular TABSYMBOL TABSYMBOL Upper ▁ Triangular " ) NEW_LINE for i in range ( n ) : NEW_LINE INDENT for j in range ( n ) : NEW_LINE INDENT print ( lower [ i ] [ j ] , end = " TABSYMBOL " ) NEW_LINE DEDENT print ( " " , end = " TABSYMBOL " ) NEW_LINE for j in range ( n ) : NEW_LINE INDENT print ( upper [ i ] [ j ] , end = " TABSYMBOL " ) NEW_LINE DEDENT print ( " " ) NEW_LINE DEDENT DEDENT mat = [ [ 2 , - 1 , - 2 ] , [ - 4 , 6 , 3 ] , [ - 4 , - 2 , 8 ] ] NEW_LINE luDecomposition ( mat , 3 ) NEW_LINE |
Divide number into two parts divisible by given numbers | method prints divisible parts if possible , otherwise prints 'Not possible ; creating arrays to store reminder ; looping over all suffix and storing reminder with f ; getting suffix reminder from previous suffix reminder ; looping over all prefix and storing reminder with s ; getting prefix reminder from next prefix reminder ; updating base value ; now looping over all reminders to check partition condition ; if both reminders are 0 and digit itself is not 0 , then print result and return ; if we reach here , then string can ' be partitioned under constraints ; Driver code | ' NEW_LINE def printTwoDivisibleParts ( num , f , s ) : NEW_LINE INDENT N = len ( num ) ; NEW_LINE prefixReminder = [ 0 ] * ( N + 1 ) ; NEW_LINE suffixReminder = [ 0 ] * ( N + 1 ) ; NEW_LINE for i in range ( 1 , N ) : NEW_LINE INDENT suffixReminder [ i ] = ( suffixReminder [ i - 1 ] * 10 + ( ord ( num [ i - 1 ] ) - 48 ) ) % f ; NEW_LINE DEDENT base = 1 ; NEW_LINE for i in range ( N - 1 , - 1 , - 1 ) : NEW_LINE INDENT prefixReminder [ i ] = ( prefixReminder [ i + 1 ] + ( ord ( num [ i ] ) - 48 ) * base ) % s ; NEW_LINE base = ( base * 10 ) % s ; NEW_LINE DEDENT for i in range ( N ) : NEW_LINE INDENT if ( prefixReminder [ i ] == 0 and suffixReminder [ i ] == 0 and num [ i ] != '0' ) : NEW_LINE INDENT print ( num [ 0 : i ] , num [ i : N ] ) ; NEW_LINE return 0 ; NEW_LINE DEDENT DEDENT print ( " Not ▁ Possible " ) ; NEW_LINE DEDENT if __name__ == ' _ _ main _ _ ' : NEW_LINE INDENT num = "246904096" ; NEW_LINE f = 12345 ; NEW_LINE s = 1024 ; NEW_LINE printTwoDivisibleParts ( num , f , s ) ; NEW_LINE DEDENT |
Count of numbers satisfying m + sum ( m ) + sum ( sum ( m ) ) = N | function that returns sum of digits in a number ; initially sum of digits is 0 ; loop runs till all digits have been extracted ; last digit from backside ; sums up the digits ; the number is reduced to the number removing the last digit ; returns the sum of digits in a number ; function to calculate the count of such occurrences ; counter to calculate the occurrences ; loop to traverse from n - 97 to n ; calls the function to calculate the sum of digits of i ; calls the function to calculate the sum of digits of a ; if the summation is equal to n then increase counter by 1 ; returns the count ; driver program to test the above function ; calls the function to get the answer | def sum ( n ) : NEW_LINE INDENT rem = 0 NEW_LINE sum_of_digits = 0 NEW_LINE while ( n > 0 ) : NEW_LINE INDENT rem = n % 10 NEW_LINE sum_of_digits += rem NEW_LINE n = n // 10 NEW_LINE DEDENT return sum_of_digits NEW_LINE DEDENT def count ( n ) : NEW_LINE INDENT c = 0 NEW_LINE for i in range ( n - 97 , n + 1 ) : NEW_LINE INDENT a = sum ( i ) NEW_LINE b = sum ( a ) NEW_LINE if ( ( i + a + b ) == n ) : NEW_LINE INDENT c += 1 NEW_LINE DEDENT DEDENT return c NEW_LINE DEDENT n = 9939 NEW_LINE print ( count ( n ) ) NEW_LINE |
Check if a number is power of k using base changing method | Python program to check if a number can be raised to k ; loop to change base n to base = k ; Find current digit in base k ; If digit is neither 0 nor 1 ; Make sure that only one 1 is present . ; Driver code | def isPowerOfK ( n , k ) : NEW_LINE INDENT oneSeen = False NEW_LINE while ( n > 0 ) : NEW_LINE INDENT digit = n % k NEW_LINE if ( digit > 1 ) : NEW_LINE INDENT return False NEW_LINE DEDENT if ( digit == 1 ) : NEW_LINE INDENT if ( oneSeen ) : NEW_LINE INDENT return False NEW_LINE DEDENT oneSeen = True NEW_LINE DEDENT n //= k NEW_LINE DEDENT return True NEW_LINE DEDENT n = 64 NEW_LINE k = 4 NEW_LINE if ( isPowerOfK ( n , k ) ) : NEW_LINE INDENT print ( " Yes " ) NEW_LINE DEDENT else : NEW_LINE INDENT print ( " No " ) NEW_LINE DEDENT |
Check if number is palindrome or not in Octal | Python3 program to check if octal representation of a number is prime ; Function to Check no is in octal or not ; Function To check no is palindrome or not ; If number is already in octal , we traverse digits using repeated division with 10. Else we traverse digits using repeated division with 8 ; To store individual digits ; Traversing all digits ; checking if octal no is palindrome ; Driver Code | MAX_DIGITS = 20 ; NEW_LINE def isOctal ( n ) : NEW_LINE INDENT while ( n ) : NEW_LINE INDENT if ( ( n % 10 ) >= 8 ) : NEW_LINE INDENT return False NEW_LINE DEDENT else : NEW_LINE INDENT n = int ( n / 10 ) NEW_LINE DEDENT DEDENT return True NEW_LINE DEDENT def isPalindrome ( n ) : NEW_LINE INDENT divide = 8 if ( isOctal ( n ) == False ) else 10 NEW_LINE octal = [ ] NEW_LINE while ( n != 0 ) : NEW_LINE INDENT octal . append ( n % divide ) NEW_LINE n = int ( n / divide ) NEW_LINE DEDENT j = len ( octal ) - 1 NEW_LINE k = 0 NEW_LINE while ( k <= j ) : NEW_LINE INDENT if ( octal [ j ] != octal [ k ] ) : NEW_LINE INDENT return False NEW_LINE DEDENT j -= 1 NEW_LINE k += 1 NEW_LINE DEDENT return True NEW_LINE DEDENT if __name__ == ' _ _ main _ _ ' : NEW_LINE INDENT n = 97 ; NEW_LINE if ( isPalindrome ( n ) ) : NEW_LINE INDENT print ( " Yes " ) NEW_LINE DEDENT else : NEW_LINE INDENT print ( " No " ) NEW_LINE DEDENT DEDENT |
Find all factorial numbers less than or equal to n | Python3 program to find all factorial numbers smaller than or equal to n . ; Compute next factorial using previous ; Driver code | def printFactorialNums ( n ) : NEW_LINE INDENT fact = 1 NEW_LINE x = 2 NEW_LINE while fact <= n : NEW_LINE INDENT print ( fact , end = " ▁ " ) NEW_LINE fact = fact * x NEW_LINE x += 1 NEW_LINE DEDENT DEDENT n = 100 NEW_LINE printFactorialNums ( n ) NEW_LINE |
Happy Numbers | Returns sum of squares of digits of a number n . For example for n = 12 it returns 1 + 4 = 5 ; Returns true if n is Happy number else returns false . ; A set to store numbers during repeated square sum process ; Keep replacing n with sum of squares of digits until we either reach 1 or we endup in a cycle ; Number is Happy if we reach 1 ; Replace n with sum of squares of digits ; If n is already visited , a cycle is formed , means not Happy ; Mark n as visited ; Driver code | def sumDigitSquare ( n ) : NEW_LINE INDENT sq = 0 ; NEW_LINE while ( n != 0 ) : NEW_LINE INDENT digit = n % 10 NEW_LINE sq += digit * digit NEW_LINE n = n // 10 NEW_LINE DEDENT return sq ; NEW_LINE DEDENT def isHappy ( n ) : NEW_LINE INDENT s = set ( ) NEW_LINE s . add ( n ) NEW_LINE while ( True ) : NEW_LINE INDENT if ( n == 1 ) : NEW_LINE INDENT return True ; NEW_LINE DEDENT n = sumDigitSquare ( n ) NEW_LINE if n in s : NEW_LINE INDENT return False NEW_LINE DEDENT s . add ( n ) NEW_LINE DEDENT return false ; NEW_LINE DEDENT n = 4 NEW_LINE if ( isHappy ( n ) ) : NEW_LINE INDENT print ( " Yes " ) NEW_LINE DEDENT else : NEW_LINE INDENT print ( " No " ) NEW_LINE DEDENT |
Check whether a number has exactly three distinct factors or not | Python 3 program to check whether number has exactly three distinct factors or not ; Utility function to check whether a number is prime or not ; Corner cases ; This is checked so that we can skip middle five numbers in below loop ; Function to check whether given number has three distinct factors or not ; Find square root of number ; Check whether number is perfect square or not ; If number is perfect square , check whether square root is prime or not ; Driver program | from math import sqrt NEW_LINE def isPrime ( n ) : NEW_LINE INDENT if ( n <= 1 ) : NEW_LINE INDENT return False NEW_LINE DEDENT if ( n <= 3 ) : NEW_LINE INDENT return True NEW_LINE DEDENT if ( n % 2 == 0 or n % 3 == 0 ) : NEW_LINE INDENT return False NEW_LINE DEDENT k = int ( sqrt ( n ) ) + 1 NEW_LINE for i in range ( 5 , k , 6 ) : NEW_LINE INDENT if ( n % i == 0 or n % ( i + 2 ) == 0 ) : NEW_LINE INDENT return False NEW_LINE DEDENT DEDENT return True NEW_LINE DEDENT def isThreeDisctFactors ( n ) : NEW_LINE INDENT sq = int ( sqrt ( n ) ) NEW_LINE if ( 1 * sq * sq != n ) : NEW_LINE INDENT return False NEW_LINE DEDENT if ( isPrime ( sq ) ) : NEW_LINE INDENT return True NEW_LINE DEDENT else : NEW_LINE INDENT return False NEW_LINE DEDENT DEDENT if __name__ == ' _ _ main _ _ ' : NEW_LINE INDENT num = 9 NEW_LINE if ( isThreeDisctFactors ( num ) ) : NEW_LINE INDENT print ( " Yes " ) NEW_LINE DEDENT else : NEW_LINE INDENT print ( " No " ) NEW_LINE DEDENT num = 15 NEW_LINE if ( isThreeDisctFactors ( num ) ) : NEW_LINE INDENT print ( " Yes " ) NEW_LINE DEDENT else : NEW_LINE INDENT print ( " No " ) NEW_LINE DEDENT num = 12397923568441 NEW_LINE if ( isThreeDisctFactors ( num ) ) : NEW_LINE INDENT print ( " Yes " ) NEW_LINE DEDENT else : NEW_LINE INDENT print ( " No " ) NEW_LINE DEDENT DEDENT |
Find the last digit when factorial of A divides factorial of B | Function which computes the last digit of resultant of B ! / A ! ; if ( A == B ) : If A = B , B ! = A ! and B ! / A ! = 1 ; If difference ( B - A ) >= 5 , answer = 0 ; If non of the conditions are true , we iterate from A + 1 to B and multiply them . We are only concerned for the last digit , thus we take modulus of 10 ; driver function | def computeLastDigit ( A , B ) : NEW_LINE INDENT variable = 1 NEW_LINE INDENT return 1 NEW_LINE DEDENT elif ( ( B - A ) >= 5 ) : NEW_LINE INDENT return 0 NEW_LINE DEDENT else : NEW_LINE INDENT for i in range ( A + 1 , B + 1 ) : NEW_LINE INDENT variable = ( variable * ( i % 10 ) ) % 10 NEW_LINE DEDENT return variable % 10 NEW_LINE DEDENT DEDENT print ( computeLastDigit ( 2632 , 2634 ) ) NEW_LINE |
Program for sum of arithmetic series | Function to find sum of series . ; Driver function | def sumOfAP ( a , d , n ) : NEW_LINE INDENT sum = 0 NEW_LINE i = 0 NEW_LINE while i < n : NEW_LINE INDENT sum = sum + a NEW_LINE a = a + d NEW_LINE i = i + 1 NEW_LINE DEDENT return sum NEW_LINE DEDENT n = 20 NEW_LINE a = 2.5 NEW_LINE d = 1.5 NEW_LINE print ( sumOfAP ( a , d , n ) ) NEW_LINE |
Product of factors of number | Python program to calculate product of factors of number ; function to product the factors ; If factors are equal , multiply only once ; Otherwise multiply both ; Driver Code | M = 1000000007 NEW_LINE def multiplyFactors ( n ) : NEW_LINE INDENT prod = 1 NEW_LINE i = 1 NEW_LINE while i * i <= n : NEW_LINE INDENT if ( n % i == 0 ) : NEW_LINE INDENT if ( n / i == i ) : NEW_LINE INDENT prod = ( prod * i ) % M NEW_LINE DEDENT else : NEW_LINE INDENT prod = ( prod * i ) % M NEW_LINE prod = ( prod * n / i ) % M NEW_LINE DEDENT DEDENT i = i + 1 NEW_LINE DEDENT return prod NEW_LINE DEDENT n = 12 NEW_LINE print ( multiplyFactors ( n ) ) NEW_LINE |
Product of factors of number | Python program to calculate product of factors of number ; Iterative Function to calculate ( x ^ y ) in O ( log y ) ; function to count the factors ; If factors are equal , count only once ; Otherwise count both ; Calculate product of factors ; If numFactor is odd return power ( n , numFactor / 2 ) * sqrt ( n ) ; Driver Code | M = 1000000007 NEW_LINE def power ( x , y ) : NEW_LINE INDENT res = 1 NEW_LINE while ( y > 0 ) : NEW_LINE INDENT if ( y % 2 == 1 ) : NEW_LINE INDENT res = ( res * x ) % M NEW_LINE DEDENT y = ( y >> 1 ) % M NEW_LINE x = ( x * x ) % M NEW_LINE DEDENT return res NEW_LINE DEDENT def countFactors ( n ) : NEW_LINE INDENT count = 0 NEW_LINE i = 1 NEW_LINE while i * i <= n : NEW_LINE INDENT if ( n % i == 0 ) : NEW_LINE INDENT if ( n / i == i ) : NEW_LINE INDENT count = count + 1 NEW_LINE DEDENT else : NEW_LINE INDENT count = count + 2 NEW_LINE DEDENT DEDENT i = i + 1 NEW_LINE DEDENT return count NEW_LINE DEDENT def multiplyFactors ( n ) : NEW_LINE INDENT numFactor = countFactors ( n ) NEW_LINE product = power ( n , numFactor / 2 ) NEW_LINE if ( numFactor % 2 == 1 ) : NEW_LINE INDENT product = ( product * ( int ) ( math . sqrt ( n ) ) ) % M NEW_LINE DEDENT return product NEW_LINE DEDENT n = 12 NEW_LINE print multiplyFactors ( n ) NEW_LINE |
Tribonacci Numbers | A space optimized based Python 3 program to print first n Tribinocci numbers . ; Initialize first three numbers ; Loop to add previous three numbers for each number starting from 3 and then assign first , second , third to second , third , and curr to third respectively ; Driver code | def printTrib ( n ) : NEW_LINE INDENT if ( n < 1 ) : NEW_LINE INDENT return NEW_LINE DEDENT first = 0 NEW_LINE second = 0 NEW_LINE third = 1 NEW_LINE print ( first , " ▁ " , end = " " ) NEW_LINE if ( n > 1 ) : NEW_LINE INDENT print ( second , " ▁ " , end = " " ) NEW_LINE DEDENT if ( n > 2 ) : NEW_LINE INDENT print ( second , " ▁ " , end = " " ) NEW_LINE DEDENT for i in range ( 3 , n ) : NEW_LINE INDENT curr = first + second + third NEW_LINE first = second NEW_LINE second = third NEW_LINE third = curr NEW_LINE print ( curr , " ▁ " , end = " " ) NEW_LINE DEDENT DEDENT n = 10 NEW_LINE printTrib ( n ) NEW_LINE |
Prime Number of Set Bits in Binary Representation | Set 2 | Function to create an array of prime numbers upto number 'n ; Create a boolean array " prime [ 0 . . n ] " and initialize all entries it as true . A value in prime [ i ] will finally be false if i is Not a prime , else true . ; If prime [ p ] is not changed , then it is a prime ; Update all multiples of p ; Append all the prime numbers to the list ; Utility function to count the number of set bits ; Driver program ; Here prime numbers are checked till the maximum number of bits possible because that the maximum bit sum possible is the number of bits itself . | ' NEW_LINE import math as m NEW_LINE def SieveOfEratosthenes ( n ) : NEW_LINE INDENT prime = [ True for i in range ( n + 1 ) ] NEW_LINE p = 2 NEW_LINE while ( p * p <= n ) : NEW_LINE INDENT if ( prime [ p ] == True ) : NEW_LINE INDENT for i in range ( p * 2 , n + 1 , p ) : NEW_LINE INDENT prime [ i ] = False NEW_LINE DEDENT DEDENT p += 1 NEW_LINE DEDENT lis = [ ] NEW_LINE for p in range ( 2 , n + 1 ) : NEW_LINE INDENT if prime [ p ] : NEW_LINE INDENT lis . append ( p ) NEW_LINE DEDENT DEDENT return lis NEW_LINE DEDENT def setBits ( n ) : NEW_LINE INDENT return bin ( n ) [ 2 : ] . count ( '1' ) NEW_LINE DEDENT if __name__ == " _ _ main _ _ " : NEW_LINE INDENT x , y = [ 4 , 8 ] NEW_LINE count = 0 NEW_LINE primeArr = SieveOfEratosthenes ( int ( m . ceil ( m . log ( y , 2 ) ) ) ) NEW_LINE for i in range ( x , y + 1 ) : NEW_LINE INDENT temp = setBits ( i ) NEW_LINE if temp in primeArr : NEW_LINE INDENT count += 1 NEW_LINE DEDENT DEDENT print ( count ) NEW_LINE DEDENT |
Count trailing zeroes present in binary representation of a given number using XOR | Python3 implementation of the above approach ; Function to print count of trailing zeroes present in binary representation of N ; Count set bits in ( N ^ ( N - 1 ) ) ; If res < 0 , return 0 ; Driver Code ; Function call to print the count of trailing zeroes in the binary representation of N | from math import log2 NEW_LINE def countTrailingZeroes ( N ) : NEW_LINE INDENT res = int ( log2 ( N ^ ( N - 1 ) ) ) NEW_LINE return res if res >= 0 else 0 NEW_LINE DEDENT if __name__ == ' _ _ main _ _ ' : NEW_LINE INDENT N = 12 NEW_LINE print ( countTrailingZeroes ( N ) ) NEW_LINE DEDENT |
Maximum sum of Bitwise XOR of elements with their respective positions in a permutation of size N | Function to generate all the possible permutation and get the max score ; If arr [ ] length is equal to N process the permutation ; Generating the permutations ; If the current element is chosen ; Mark the current element as true ; Recursively call for next possible permutation ; Backtracking ; Return the ans ; Function to calculate the score ; Stores the possible score for the current permutation ; Traverse the permutation array ; Return the final score ; Driver Code ; Stores the permutation ; To display the result | def getMax ( arr , ans , chosen , N ) : NEW_LINE INDENT if len ( arr ) == N : NEW_LINE INDENT ans = max ( ans , calcScr ( arr ) ) NEW_LINE return ans NEW_LINE DEDENT for i in range ( N ) : NEW_LINE INDENT if chosen [ i ] : NEW_LINE INDENT continue NEW_LINE DEDENT chosen [ i ] = True NEW_LINE arr . append ( i ) NEW_LINE ans = getMax ( arr , ans , chosen , N ) NEW_LINE chosen [ i ] = False NEW_LINE arr . pop ( ) NEW_LINE DEDENT return ans NEW_LINE DEDENT def calcScr ( arr ) : NEW_LINE INDENT ans = 0 NEW_LINE for i in range ( len ( arr ) ) : NEW_LINE INDENT ans += ( i ^ arr [ i ] ) NEW_LINE DEDENT return ans NEW_LINE DEDENT N = 2 NEW_LINE arr = [ ] NEW_LINE ans = - 1 NEW_LINE chosen = [ False for i in range ( N ) ] NEW_LINE ans = getMax ( arr , ans , chosen , N ) NEW_LINE print ( ans ) NEW_LINE |
Additive Congruence method for generating Pseudo Random Numbers | Function to generate random numbers ; Initialize the seed state ; Traverse to generate required numbers of random numbers ; Follow the linear congruential method ; Driver Code ; Seed value ; Modulus parameter ; Multiplier term ; Number of Random numbers to be generated ; To store random numbers ; Function Call ; Print the generated random numbers | def additiveCongruentialMethod ( Xo , m , c , randomNums , noOfRandomNums ) : NEW_LINE INDENT randomNums [ 0 ] = Xo NEW_LINE for i in range ( 1 , noOfRandomNums ) : NEW_LINE INDENT randomNums [ i ] = ( randomNums [ i - 1 ] + c ) % m NEW_LINE DEDENT DEDENT if __name__ == ' _ _ main _ _ ' : NEW_LINE INDENT Xo = 3 NEW_LINE m = 15 NEW_LINE c = 2 NEW_LINE noOfRandomNums = 20 NEW_LINE randomNums = [ 0 ] * ( noOfRandomNums ) NEW_LINE additiveCongruentialMethod ( Xo , m , c , randomNums , noOfRandomNums ) NEW_LINE for i in randomNums : NEW_LINE INDENT print ( i , end = " ▁ " ) NEW_LINE DEDENT DEDENT |
Number of ways to change the Array such that largest element is LCM of array | Modulo ; Fenwick tree to find number of indexes greater than x ; Function to compute x ^ y % MOD ; Loop to compute the x ^ y % MOD ; Function to update the Binary Indexed Tree ; Loop to update the BIT ; Function to find prefix sum upto idx ; Function to find number of ways to change the array such that MAX of array is same as LCM ; Updating BIT with the frequency of elements ; Maximum element in the array ; For storing factors of i ; Finding factors of i ; Sorting in descending order ; For storing ans ; For storing number of indexes greater than the i - 1 element ; Number of remaining factors ; Number of indexes in the array with element factor [ j ] and above ; Multiplying count with remFcators ^ ( indexes - prev ) ; Remove those counts which have lcm as i but i is not present ; Adding cnt - toSubtract to ans ; ; Driver Code | MOD = int ( 1e9 ) + 9 NEW_LINE MAXN = int ( 1e5 ) + 5 NEW_LINE BIT = [ 0 for _ in range ( MAXN ) ] NEW_LINE def power ( x , y ) : NEW_LINE INDENT if x == 0 : NEW_LINE INDENT return 0 NEW_LINE DEDENT ans = 1 NEW_LINE while y > 0 : NEW_LINE INDENT if y % 2 == 1 : NEW_LINE INDENT ans = ( ans * x ) % MOD NEW_LINE DEDENT x = ( x * x ) % MOD NEW_LINE y = y // 2 NEW_LINE DEDENT return ans NEW_LINE DEDENT def updateBIT ( idx , val ) : NEW_LINE INDENT while idx < MAXN : NEW_LINE INDENT BIT [ idx ] += val NEW_LINE idx += idx & ( - idx ) NEW_LINE DEDENT DEDENT def queryBIT ( idx ) : NEW_LINE INDENT ans = 0 NEW_LINE while idx > 0 : NEW_LINE INDENT ans += BIT [ idx ] NEW_LINE idx -= idx & ( - idx ) NEW_LINE DEDENT return ans NEW_LINE DEDENT def numWays ( arr ) : NEW_LINE INDENT mx = 0 NEW_LINE for i in arr : NEW_LINE INDENT updateBIT ( i , 1 ) NEW_LINE mx = max ( mx , i ) NEW_LINE DEDENT ans = 1 NEW_LINE for i in range ( 2 , mx + 1 ) : NEW_LINE INDENT factors = [ ] NEW_LINE for j in range ( 1 , i + 1 ) : NEW_LINE INDENT if j * j > i : NEW_LINE INDENT break NEW_LINE DEDENT if i % j == 0 : NEW_LINE INDENT factors . append ( j ) NEW_LINE if i // j != j : NEW_LINE INDENT factors . append ( i // j ) NEW_LINE DEDENT DEDENT DEDENT factors . sort ( ) NEW_LINE factors . reverse ( ) NEW_LINE cnt = 1 NEW_LINE prev = 0 NEW_LINE for j in range ( len ( factors ) ) : NEW_LINE INDENT remFactors = len ( factors ) - j NEW_LINE indexes = len ( arr ) - queryBIT ( factors [ j ] - 1 ) NEW_LINE cnt = ( cnt * power ( remFactors , \ indexes - prev ) ) % MOD NEW_LINE prev = max ( prev , indexes ) NEW_LINE DEDENT factors . remove ( factors [ 0 ] ) NEW_LINE toSubtract = 1 NEW_LINE prev = 0 NEW_LINE for j in range ( len ( factors ) ) : NEW_LINE INDENT remFactors = len ( factors ) - j NEW_LINE indexes = len ( arr ) - queryBIT ( factors [ j ] - 1 ) NEW_LINE toSubtract = ( toSubtract * power ( remFactors , indexes - prev ) ) NEW_LINE prev = max ( prev , indexes ) NEW_LINE DEDENT ans = ( ans + cnt - toSubtract + MOD ) % MOD ; NEW_LINE DEDENT return ans NEW_LINE DEDENT if __name__ == " _ _ main _ _ " : NEW_LINE INDENT arr = [ 1 , 4 , 3 , 2 ] NEW_LINE ans = numWays ( arr ) ; NEW_LINE print ( ans ) NEW_LINE DEDENT |
Second decagonal numbers | Function to find N - th term in the series ; Driver Code | def findNthTerm ( n ) : NEW_LINE INDENT print ( n * ( 4 * n + 3 ) ) NEW_LINE DEDENT N = 4 ; NEW_LINE findNthTerm ( N ) ; NEW_LINE |
65537 | Function to find the nth 65537 - gon Number ; Driver Code | def gonNum65537 ( n ) : NEW_LINE INDENT return ( 65535 * n * n - 65533 * n ) // 2 ; NEW_LINE DEDENT n = 3 ; NEW_LINE print ( gonNum65537 ( n ) ) ; NEW_LINE |
Hexacontatetragon numbers | Function to Find the Nth Hexacontatetragon Number ; Driver Code | def HexacontatetragonNum ( n ) : NEW_LINE INDENT return ( 62 * n * n - 60 * n ) / 2 ; NEW_LINE DEDENT n = 3 ; NEW_LINE print ( HexacontatetragonNum ( n ) ) ; NEW_LINE |
Icosikaipentagon Number | Function to find the N - th icosikaipentagon number ; Driver code | def icosikaipentagonNum ( N ) : NEW_LINE INDENT return ( 23 * N * N - 21 * N ) // 2 NEW_LINE DEDENT n = 3 NEW_LINE print ( "3rd ▁ icosikaipentagon ▁ Number ▁ is ▁ " , icosikaipentagonNum ( n ) ) NEW_LINE |
Chiliagon Number | Finding the nth chiliagon Number ; Driver Code | def chiliagonNum ( n ) : NEW_LINE INDENT return ( 998 * n * n - 996 * n ) // 2 ; NEW_LINE DEDENT n = 3 ; NEW_LINE print ( "3rd ▁ chiliagon ▁ Number ▁ is ▁ = ▁ " , chiliagonNum ( n ) ) ; NEW_LINE |
Pentacontagon number | Finding the nth pentacontagon Number ; Driver Code | def pentacontagonNum ( n ) : NEW_LINE INDENT return ( 48 * n * n - 46 * n ) // 2 NEW_LINE DEDENT n = 3 NEW_LINE print ( "3rd ▁ pentacontagon ▁ Number ▁ is ▁ = ▁ " , pentacontagonNum ( n ) ) NEW_LINE |
Array value by repeatedly replacing max 2 elements with their absolute difference | Python3 program to find the array value by repeatedly replacing max 2 elements with their absolute difference ; Function that return last value of array ; Build a binary max_heap . ; Multipying by - 1 for max heap ; For max 2 elements ; Iterate until queue is not empty ; If only 1 element is left ; Return the last remaining value ; Check that difference is non zero ; Driver Code | from queue import PriorityQueue NEW_LINE def lastElement ( arr ) : NEW_LINE INDENT pq = PriorityQueue ( ) NEW_LINE for i in range ( len ( arr ) ) : NEW_LINE INDENT pq . put ( - 1 * arr [ i ] ) NEW_LINE DEDENT m1 = 0 NEW_LINE m2 = 0 NEW_LINE while not pq . empty ( ) : NEW_LINE INDENT if pq . qsize ( ) == 1 : NEW_LINE INDENT return - 1 * pq . get ( ) NEW_LINE DEDENT else : NEW_LINE INDENT m1 = - 1 * pq . get ( ) NEW_LINE m2 = - 1 * pq . get ( ) NEW_LINE DEDENT if m1 != m2 : NEW_LINE INDENT pq . put ( - 1 * abs ( m1 - m2 ) ) NEW_LINE DEDENT DEDENT return 0 NEW_LINE DEDENT arr = [ 2 , 7 , 4 , 1 , 8 , 1 , 1 ] NEW_LINE print ( lastElement ( arr ) ) NEW_LINE |
Number formed by adding product of its max and min digit K times | Function to find the formed number ; K -= 1 M ( 1 ) = N ; Check if minimum digit is 0 ; Function that returns the product of maximum and minimum digit of N number . ; Find the last digit . ; Moves to next digit ; Driver Code | def formed_no ( N , K ) : NEW_LINE INDENT if ( K == 1 ) : NEW_LINE INDENT return N NEW_LINE DEDENT answer = N NEW_LINE while ( K != 0 ) : NEW_LINE INDENT a_current = prod_of_max_min ( answer ) NEW_LINE if ( a_current == 0 ) : NEW_LINE INDENT break NEW_LINE DEDENT answer += a_current NEW_LINE K -= 1 NEW_LINE DEDENT return answer NEW_LINE DEDENT def prod_of_max_min ( n ) : NEW_LINE INDENT largest = 0 NEW_LINE smallest = 10 NEW_LINE while ( n != 0 ) : NEW_LINE INDENT r = n % 10 NEW_LINE largest = max ( r , largest ) NEW_LINE smallest = min ( r , smallest ) NEW_LINE n = n // 10 NEW_LINE DEDENT return largest * smallest NEW_LINE DEDENT if __name__ == " _ _ main _ _ " : NEW_LINE INDENT N = 487 NEW_LINE K = 100000000 NEW_LINE print ( formed_no ( N , K ) ) NEW_LINE DEDENT |
Logarithm tricks for Competitive Programming | Python3 implementation count the number of digits in a number ; Function to count the number of digits in a number ; Driver code | import math NEW_LINE def countDigit ( n ) : NEW_LINE INDENT return ( math . floor ( math . log10 ( n ) + 1 ) ) NEW_LINE DEDENT if __name__ == " _ _ main _ _ " : NEW_LINE INDENT n = 80 NEW_LINE print ( countDigit ( n ) ) NEW_LINE DEDENT |
Program to find the sum of the series 1 + x + x ^ 2 + x ^ 3 + . . + x ^ n | Function to find the sum of the series and print N terms of the given series ; First Term ; Loop to print the N terms of the series and find their sum ; Driver code | def sum ( x , n ) : NEW_LINE INDENT total = 1.0 NEW_LINE multi = x NEW_LINE print ( 1 , end = " ▁ " ) NEW_LINE for i in range ( 1 , n ) : NEW_LINE INDENT total = total + multi NEW_LINE print ( ' % .1f ' % multi , end = " ▁ " ) NEW_LINE multi = multi * x NEW_LINE DEDENT print ( ' ' ) NEW_LINE return total ; NEW_LINE DEDENT x = 2 NEW_LINE n = 5 NEW_LINE print ( ' % .2f ' % sum ( x , n ) ) NEW_LINE |
Find the remainder when N is divided by 4 using Bitwise AND operator | Function to find the remainder ; Bitwise AND with 3 ; Return x ; Driver code | def findRemainder ( n ) : NEW_LINE INDENT x = n & 3 NEW_LINE return x NEW_LINE DEDENT if __name__ == ' _ _ main _ _ ' : NEW_LINE INDENT N = 43 NEW_LINE ans = findRemainder ( N ) NEW_LINE print ( ans ) NEW_LINE DEDENT |
Find all Autobiographical Numbers with given number of digits | Python implementation to find Autobiographical numbers with length N ; Function to return if the number is autobiographical or not ; Converting the integer number to string ; Extracting each character from each index one by one and converting into an integer ; Initialize count as 0 ; Check if it is equal to the index i if true then increment the count ; It is an Autobiographical number ; Return false if the count and the index number are not equal ; Function to print autobiographical number with given number of digits ; Left boundary of interval ; Right boundary of interval ; Flag = 0 implies that the number is not an autobiographical no . ; Driver Code | from math import pow NEW_LINE def isAutoBio ( num ) : NEW_LINE INDENT autoStr = str ( num ) NEW_LINE for i in range ( 0 , len ( autoStr ) ) : NEW_LINE INDENT index = int ( autoStr [ i ] ) NEW_LINE cnt = 0 NEW_LINE for j in range ( 0 , len ( autoStr ) ) : NEW_LINE INDENT number = int ( autoStr [ j ] ) NEW_LINE if number == i : NEW_LINE INDENT cnt += 1 NEW_LINE DEDENT DEDENT if cnt != index : NEW_LINE INDENT return False NEW_LINE DEDENT DEDENT return True NEW_LINE DEDENT def findAutoBios ( n ) : NEW_LINE INDENT low = int ( pow ( 10 , n - 1 ) ) NEW_LINE high = int ( pow ( 10 , n ) - 1 ) NEW_LINE flag = 0 NEW_LINE for i in range ( low , high + 1 ) : NEW_LINE INDENT if isAutoBio ( i ) : NEW_LINE INDENT flag = 1 NEW_LINE print ( i , end = ' , ▁ ' ) NEW_LINE DEDENT DEDENT if flag == 0 : NEW_LINE INDENT print ( " There ▁ is ▁ no ▁ Autobiographical ▁ Number ▁ with ▁ " + str ( n ) + " ▁ digits " ) NEW_LINE DEDENT DEDENT if __name__ == " _ _ main _ _ " : NEW_LINE INDENT N = 0 NEW_LINE findAutoBios ( N ) NEW_LINE N = 4 NEW_LINE findAutoBios ( N ) NEW_LINE DEDENT |
Check whether the number can be made palindromic after adding K | Function to check whether a number is a palindrome or not ; Convert num to stringing ; Comparing kth character from the beginning and N - kth character from the end . If all the characters match , then the number is a palindrome ; If all the above conditions satisfy , it means that the number is a palindrome ; Driver code | def checkPalindrome ( num ) : NEW_LINE INDENT string = str ( num ) NEW_LINE l = 0 NEW_LINE r = len ( string ) - 1 ; NEW_LINE while ( l < r ) : NEW_LINE INDENT if ( string [ l ] != string [ r ] ) : NEW_LINE INDENT print ( " No " ) NEW_LINE return ; NEW_LINE DEDENT l = l + 1 ; NEW_LINE r = r - 1 ; NEW_LINE DEDENT print ( " Yes " ) NEW_LINE return ; NEW_LINE DEDENT if __name__ == ' _ _ main _ _ ' : NEW_LINE INDENT n = 19 NEW_LINE k = 3 NEW_LINE checkPalindrome ( n + k ) ; NEW_LINE DEDENT |
Count of subsets with sum equal to X using Recursion | Recursive function to return the count of subsets with sum equal to the given value ; The recursion is stopped at N - th level where all the subsets of the given array have been checked ; Incrementing the count if sum is equal to 0 and returning the count ; Recursively calling the function for two cases Either the element can be counted in the subset If the element is counted , then the remaining sum to be checked is sum - the selected element If the element is not included , then the remaining sum to be checked is the total sum ; Driver code | def subsetSum ( arr , n , i , sum , count ) : NEW_LINE INDENT if ( i == n ) : NEW_LINE INDENT if ( sum == 0 ) : NEW_LINE INDENT count += 1 NEW_LINE DEDENT return count NEW_LINE DEDENT count = subsetSum ( arr , n , i + 1 , sum - arr [ i ] , count ) NEW_LINE count = subsetSum ( arr , n , i + 1 , sum , count ) NEW_LINE return count NEW_LINE DEDENT arr = [ 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 ] NEW_LINE sum = 10 NEW_LINE n = len ( arr ) NEW_LINE print ( subsetSum ( arr , n , 0 , sum , 0 ) ) NEW_LINE |
Distinct Prime Factors of an Array | Function to return an array of prime numbers upto n using Sieve of Eratosthenes ; Function to return distinct prime factors from the given array ; Creating an empty array to store distinct prime factors ; Iterating through all the prime numbers and check if any of the prime numbers is a factor of the given input array ; Driver code ; Finding prime numbers upto 10000 using Sieve of Eratosthenes | def sieve ( n ) : NEW_LINE INDENT prime = [ True ] * ( n + 1 ) NEW_LINE p = 2 NEW_LINE while ( p * p <= n ) : NEW_LINE INDENT if ( prime [ p ] == True ) : NEW_LINE INDENT for i in range ( p * p , n + 1 , p ) : NEW_LINE INDENT prime [ i ] = False NEW_LINE DEDENT DEDENT p += 1 NEW_LINE DEDENT allPrimes = [ x for x in range ( 2 , n ) if prime [ x ] ] NEW_LINE return allPrimes NEW_LINE DEDENT def distPrime ( arr , allPrimes ) : NEW_LINE INDENT list1 = list ( ) NEW_LINE for i in allPrimes : NEW_LINE INDENT for j in arr : NEW_LINE INDENT if ( j % i == 0 ) : NEW_LINE INDENT list1 . append ( i ) NEW_LINE break NEW_LINE DEDENT DEDENT DEDENT return list1 NEW_LINE DEDENT if __name__ == " _ _ main _ _ " : NEW_LINE INDENT allPrimes = sieve ( 10000 ) NEW_LINE arr = [ 15 , 30 , 60 ] NEW_LINE ans = distPrime ( arr , allPrimes ) NEW_LINE print ( ans ) NEW_LINE DEDENT |
Sum of the count of number of adjacent squares in an M X N grid | function to calculate the sum of all cells adjacent value ; Driver Code | def summ ( m , n ) : NEW_LINE INDENT return 8 * m * n - 6 * m - 6 * n + 4 NEW_LINE DEDENT m = 3 NEW_LINE n = 2 NEW_LINE print ( summ ( m , n ) ) NEW_LINE |
Count pairs in an array such that the absolute difference between them is ÃƒÆ ’ à † â €™ Ã⠀ à ¢ â ‚¬ â „¢ ÃƒÆ ’ à ¢ â ‚¬ à ¢ à ¢ â € š ¬ à ¢ â € ž ¢ ÃƒÆ ’ à † â €™ à ¢ à ¢ â € š ¬ ÃƒÆ ’¢ à ¢ à ¢ â ‚¬ Å ¡¬ à ¢ à ¢ â ‚¬ Å ¾¢ ÃƒÆ ’ à † â €™ Ã⠀ à ¢ â ‚¬ â „¢ ÃƒÆ ’¢ à ¢ à ¢ â ‚¬ Å ¡¬ ÃƒÆ ’ à † â €™¢ ÃƒÆ ’¢ à ¢ à ¢ â € š ¬ à …¡¬ ÃƒÆ ’¢ à ¢ à ¢ â € š ¬ à …¾¢¢ ÃƒÆ ’ à † â €™ Ã⠀ à ¢ â ‚¬ â „¢ ÃƒÆ ’ à ¢ â ‚¬ à ¢ à ¢ â € š ¬ à ¢ â € ž ¢ ÃƒÆ ’ à † â €™ à ¢ à ¢ â € š ¬ ÃƒÆ ’¢ à ¢ à ¢ â ‚¬ Å ¡¬ à ¢ à ¢ â ‚¬ Å ¾¢¢ ÃƒÆ ’ à † â €™ Ã⠀ à ¢ â ‚¬ â „¢ ÃƒÆ ’ à ¢ â ‚¬ à ¢ à ¢ â € š ¬ à ¢ â € ž ¢¢ ÃƒÆ ’ à † â €™ Ã⠀ à ¢ â ‚¬ â „¢¢ ÃƒÆ ’ à † â €™¢ ÃƒÆ ’¢ à ¢ à ¢ â ‚¬ Å ¡¬ Ã⠀¦¡¬ ÃƒÆ ’ à † â €™ à ¢ à ¢ â € š ¬¦¡¬°¥ K | ''Function to return the count of required pairs ; '' Sort the given array ; ''To store the required count ; ''Update j such that it is always > i ; '' Find the first element arr[j] such that (arr[j] - arr[i]) >= K This is because after this element, all the elements will have absolute difference with arr[i] >= k and the count of valid pairs will be (n - j) ; '' Update the count of valid pairs ; '' Get to the next element to repeat the steps ; '' Return the count ; ''Driver code | def count ( arr , n , k ) : NEW_LINE INDENT arr . sort ( ) ; NEW_LINE cnt = 0 ; NEW_LINE DEDENT i = 0 ; j = 1 ; NEW_LINE INDENT while ( i < n and j < n ) : NEW_LINE if j <= i : NEW_LINE j = i + 1 NEW_LINE else : NEW_LINE j = j NEW_LINE while ( j < n and ( arr [ j ] - arr [ i ] ) < k ) : NEW_LINE j += 1 ; NEW_LINE cnt += ( n - j ) ; NEW_LINE DEDENT i += 1 ; NEW_LINE INDENT return cnt ; NEW_LINE DEDENT if __name__ == " _ _ main _ _ " : NEW_LINE INDENT arr = [ 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ] ; NEW_LINE n = len ( arr ) ; NEW_LINE k = 2 ; NEW_LINE print ( count ( arr , n , k ) ) ; NEW_LINE DEDENT |
Find the volume of rectangular right wedge | Function to return the volume of the rectangular right wedge ; Driver code | def volumeRec ( a , b , e , h ) : NEW_LINE INDENT return ( ( ( b * h ) / 6 ) * ( 2 * a + e ) ) ; NEW_LINE DEDENT if __name__ == " _ _ main _ _ " : NEW_LINE INDENT a = 2 ; b = 5 ; e = 5 ; h = 6 ; NEW_LINE print ( " Volume ▁ = ▁ " , volumeRec ( a , b , e , h ) ) ; NEW_LINE DEDENT |
Count squares with odd side length in Chessboard | Function to return the count of odd length squares possible ; To store the required count ; For all odd values of i ; Add the count of possible squares of length i ; Return the required count ; Driver code | def count_square ( n ) : NEW_LINE INDENT count = 0 ; NEW_LINE for i in range ( 1 , n + 1 , 2 ) : NEW_LINE INDENT k = n - i + 1 ; NEW_LINE count += ( k * k ) ; NEW_LINE DEDENT return count ; NEW_LINE DEDENT N = 8 ; NEW_LINE print ( count_square ( N ) ) ; NEW_LINE |
Count of elements whose absolute difference with the sum of all the other elements is greater than k | Function to return the number of anomalies ; To store the count of anomalies ; To store the Sum of the array elements ; Find the Sum of the array elements ; Count the anomalies ; Driver code | def countAnomalies ( arr , n , k ) : NEW_LINE INDENT cnt = 0 NEW_LINE i , Sum = 0 , 0 NEW_LINE for i in range ( n ) : NEW_LINE INDENT Sum += arr [ i ] NEW_LINE DEDENT for i in range ( n ) : NEW_LINE INDENT if ( abs ( arr [ i ] - ( Sum - arr [ i ] ) ) > k ) : NEW_LINE INDENT cnt += 1 NEW_LINE DEDENT DEDENT return cnt NEW_LINE DEDENT arr = [ 1 , 3 , 5 ] NEW_LINE n = len ( arr ) NEW_LINE k = 1 NEW_LINE print ( countAnomalies ( arr , n , k ) ) NEW_LINE |
Find the number of integers x in range ( 1 , N ) for which x and x + 1 have same number of divisors | Python3 implementation of the above approach ; To store number of divisors and Prefix sum of such numbers ; Function to find the number of integers 1 < x < N for which x and x + 1 have the same number of positive divisors ; Count the number of divisors ; Run a loop upto sqrt ( i ) ; If j is divisor of i ; If it is perfect square ; x and x + 1 have same number of positive divisors ; Driver code ; Function call ; Required answer | from math import sqrt ; NEW_LINE N = 100005 NEW_LINE d = [ 0 ] * N NEW_LINE pre = [ 0 ] * N NEW_LINE def Positive_Divisors ( ) : NEW_LINE INDENT for i in range ( N ) : NEW_LINE INDENT for j in range ( 1 , int ( sqrt ( i ) ) + 1 ) : NEW_LINE INDENT if ( i % j == 0 ) : NEW_LINE INDENT if ( j * j == i ) : NEW_LINE INDENT d [ i ] += 1 NEW_LINE DEDENT else : NEW_LINE INDENT d [ i ] += 2 NEW_LINE DEDENT DEDENT DEDENT DEDENT ans = 0 NEW_LINE for i in range ( 2 , N ) : NEW_LINE INDENT if ( d [ i ] == d [ i - 1 ] ) : NEW_LINE INDENT ans += 1 NEW_LINE DEDENT pre [ i ] = ans NEW_LINE DEDENT DEDENT if __name__ == " _ _ main _ _ " : NEW_LINE INDENT Positive_Divisors ( ) NEW_LINE n = 15 NEW_LINE print ( pre [ n ] ) NEW_LINE DEDENT |
Length of the smallest number which is divisible by K and formed by using 1 's only | Function to return length of the resultant number ; If K is a multiple of 2 or 5 ; Generate all possible numbers 1 , 11 , 111 , 111 , ... , K 1 's ; If number is divisible by k then return the length ; Driver code | def numLen ( K ) : NEW_LINE INDENT if ( K % 2 == 0 or K % 5 == 0 ) : NEW_LINE INDENT return - 1 ; NEW_LINE DEDENT number = 0 ; NEW_LINE len = 1 ; NEW_LINE for len in range ( 1 , K + 1 ) : NEW_LINE INDENT number = number * 10 + 1 ; NEW_LINE if ( ( number % K == 0 ) ) : NEW_LINE INDENT return len ; NEW_LINE DEDENT DEDENT return - 1 ; NEW_LINE DEDENT K = 7 ; NEW_LINE print ( numLen ( K ) ) ; NEW_LINE |
Find if the given number is present in the infinite sequence or not | Function that returns true if the sequence will contain B ; Driver code | def doesContainB ( a , b , c ) : NEW_LINE INDENT if ( a == b ) : NEW_LINE INDENT return True NEW_LINE DEDENT if ( ( b - a ) * c > 0 and ( b - a ) % c == 0 ) : NEW_LINE INDENT return True NEW_LINE DEDENT return False NEW_LINE DEDENT if __name__ == ' _ _ main _ _ ' : NEW_LINE INDENT a , b , c = 1 , 7 , 3 NEW_LINE if ( doesContainB ( a , b , c ) ) : NEW_LINE INDENT print ( " Yes " ) NEW_LINE DEDENT else : NEW_LINE INDENT print ( " No " ) NEW_LINE DEDENT DEDENT |
Find a permutation of 2 N numbers such that the result of given expression is exactly 2 K | Function to find the required permutation of first 2 * N natural numbers ; Iterate in blocks of 2 ; We need more increments , so print in reverse order ; We have enough increments , so print in same order ; Driver Code | def printPermutation ( n , k ) : NEW_LINE INDENT for i in range ( 1 , n + 1 ) : NEW_LINE INDENT x = 2 * i - 1 ; NEW_LINE y = 2 * i ; NEW_LINE if ( i <= k ) : NEW_LINE INDENT print ( y , x , end = " ▁ " ) ; NEW_LINE DEDENT else : NEW_LINE INDENT print ( x , y , end = " ▁ " ) ; NEW_LINE DEDENT DEDENT DEDENT if __name__ == " _ _ main _ _ " : NEW_LINE INDENT n = 2 ; k = 1 ; NEW_LINE printPermutation ( n , k ) ; NEW_LINE DEDENT |
Maximize the sum of products of the degrees between any two vertices of the tree | Function to return the maximum possible sum ; Initialize degree for node u to 2 ; If u is the leaf node or the root node ; Initialize degree for node v to 2 ; If v is the leaf node or the root node ; Update the sum ; Driver code | def maxSum ( N ) : NEW_LINE INDENT ans = 0 ; NEW_LINE for u in range ( 1 , N + 1 ) : NEW_LINE INDENT for v in range ( 1 , N + 1 ) : NEW_LINE INDENT if ( u == v ) : NEW_LINE INDENT continue ; NEW_LINE DEDENT degreeU = 2 ; NEW_LINE if ( u == 1 or u == N ) : NEW_LINE INDENT degreeU = 1 ; NEW_LINE DEDENT degreeV = 2 ; NEW_LINE if ( v == 1 or v == N ) : NEW_LINE INDENT degreeV = 1 ; NEW_LINE DEDENT ans += ( degreeU * degreeV ) ; NEW_LINE DEDENT DEDENT return ans ; NEW_LINE DEDENT if __name__ == " _ _ main _ _ " : NEW_LINE INDENT N = 6 ; NEW_LINE print ( maxSum ( N ) ) ; NEW_LINE DEDENT |
Find integers that divides maximum number of elements of the array | Function to print the integers that divide the maximum number of elements from the array ; Initialize two lists to store rank and factors ; Start from 2 till the maximum element in arr ; Initialize a variable to count the number of elements it is a factor of ; Maximum rank in the rank list ; Print all the elements with rank m ; Driver code | def maximumFactor ( arr ) : NEW_LINE INDENT rank , factors = [ ] , [ ] NEW_LINE for i in range ( 2 , max ( arr ) + 1 ) : NEW_LINE INDENT count = 0 NEW_LINE for j in arr : NEW_LINE INDENT if j % i == 0 : count += 1 NEW_LINE DEDENT rank . append ( count ) NEW_LINE factors . append ( i ) NEW_LINE DEDENT m = max ( rank ) NEW_LINE for i in range ( len ( rank ) ) : NEW_LINE INDENT if rank [ i ] == m : NEW_LINE INDENT print ( factors [ i ] , end = " ▁ " ) NEW_LINE DEDENT DEDENT DEDENT arr = [ 120 , 15 , 24 , 63 , 18 ] NEW_LINE maximumFactor ( arr ) NEW_LINE |
Natural Numbers | Returns sum of first n natural numbers ; Driver code | def findSum ( n ) : NEW_LINE INDENT sum = 0 NEW_LINE x = 1 NEW_LINE while x <= n : NEW_LINE INDENT sum = sum + x NEW_LINE x = x + 1 NEW_LINE DEDENT return sum NEW_LINE DEDENT n = 5 NEW_LINE print findSum ( n ) NEW_LINE |
Median | Function for calculating median ; First we sort the array ; check for even case ; Driver program | def findMedian ( a , n ) : NEW_LINE INDENT sorted ( a ) NEW_LINE if n % 2 != 0 : NEW_LINE INDENT return float ( a [ n // 2 ] ) NEW_LINE DEDENT return float ( ( a [ int ( ( n - 1 ) / 2 ) ] + a [ int ( n / 2 ) ] ) / 2.0 ) NEW_LINE DEDENT a = [ 1 , 3 , 4 , 2 , 7 , 5 , 8 , 6 ] NEW_LINE n = len ( a ) NEW_LINE print ( " Median ▁ = " , findMedian ( a , n ) ) NEW_LINE |
Mean | Function for calculating mean ; Driver program | def findMean ( a , n ) : NEW_LINE INDENT sum = 0 NEW_LINE for i in range ( 0 , n ) : NEW_LINE INDENT sum += a [ i ] NEW_LINE DEDENT return float ( sum / n ) NEW_LINE DEDENT a = [ 1 , 3 , 4 , 2 , 7 , 5 , 8 , 6 ] NEW_LINE n = len ( a ) NEW_LINE print ( " Mean ▁ = " , findMean ( a , n ) ) NEW_LINE |
Check if the array has an element which is equal to product of remaining elements | Python3 implementation of the above approach ; Function to Check if the array has an element which is equal to product of all the remaining elements ; Storing frequency in map ; Calculate the product of all the elements ; If the prod is a perfect square ; then check if its square root exist in the array or not ; Driver code | import math NEW_LINE def CheckArray ( arr , n ) : NEW_LINE INDENT prod = 1 NEW_LINE freq = [ ] NEW_LINE for i in range ( n ) : NEW_LINE INDENT freq . append ( arr [ i ] ) NEW_LINE prod *= arr [ i ] NEW_LINE DEDENT root = math . sqrt ( prod ) NEW_LINE if ( root * root == prod ) : NEW_LINE INDENT if root in freq : NEW_LINE INDENT return True NEW_LINE DEDENT DEDENT return False NEW_LINE DEDENT if __name__ == " _ _ main _ _ " : NEW_LINE INDENT arr = [ 1 , 2 , 12 , 3 , 2 ] NEW_LINE n = len ( arr ) NEW_LINE if ( CheckArray ( arr , n ) ) : NEW_LINE INDENT print ( " YES " ) NEW_LINE DEDENT else : NEW_LINE INDENT print ( " NO " ) NEW_LINE DEDENT DEDENT |
Find minimum area of rectangle with given set of coordinates | ''Python Implementation of above approach ; function to find minimum area of Rectangle ; creating empty columns ; fill columns with coordinates ; check if rectangle can be formed ; Driver code | import collections NEW_LINE def minAreaRect ( A ) : NEW_LINE INDENT columns = collections . defaultdict ( list ) NEW_LINE for x , y in A : NEW_LINE INDENT columns [ x ] . append ( y ) NEW_LINE DEDENT lastx = { } NEW_LINE ans = float ( ' inf ' ) NEW_LINE for x in sorted ( columns ) : NEW_LINE INDENT column = columns [ x ] NEW_LINE column . sort ( ) NEW_LINE for j , y2 in enumerate ( column ) : NEW_LINE INDENT for i in range ( j ) : NEW_LINE INDENT y1 = column [ i ] NEW_LINE if ( y1 , y2 ) in lastx : NEW_LINE INDENT ans = min ( ans , ( x - lastx [ y1 , y2 ] ) * ( y2 - y1 ) ) NEW_LINE DEDENT lastx [ y1 , y2 ] = x NEW_LINE DEDENT DEDENT DEDENT if ans < float ( ' inf ' ) : NEW_LINE INDENT return ans NEW_LINE DEDENT else : NEW_LINE INDENT return 0 NEW_LINE DEDENT DEDENT A = [ [ 1 , 1 ] , [ 1 , 3 ] , [ 3 , 1 ] , [ 3 , 3 ] , [ 2 , 2 ] ] NEW_LINE print ( minAreaRect ( A ) ) NEW_LINE |
Check whether a number has consecutive 0 's in the given base or not | We first convert to given base , then check if the converted number has two consecutive 0 s or not ; Function to convert N into base K ; Weight of each digit ; Function to check for consecutive 0 ; Flag to check if there are consecutive zero or not ; If there are two consecutive zero then returning False ; Driver code | def hasConsecutiveZeroes ( N , K ) : NEW_LINE INDENT z = toK ( N , K ) NEW_LINE if ( check ( z ) ) : NEW_LINE INDENT print ( " Yes " ) NEW_LINE DEDENT else : NEW_LINE INDENT print ( " No " ) NEW_LINE DEDENT DEDENT def toK ( N , K ) : NEW_LINE INDENT w = 1 NEW_LINE s = 0 NEW_LINE while ( N != 0 ) : NEW_LINE INDENT r = N % K NEW_LINE N = N // K NEW_LINE s = r * w + s NEW_LINE w * = 10 NEW_LINE DEDENT return s NEW_LINE DEDENT def check ( N ) : NEW_LINE INDENT fl = False NEW_LINE while ( N != 0 ) : NEW_LINE INDENT r = N % 10 NEW_LINE N = N // 10 NEW_LINE if ( fl == True and r == 0 ) : NEW_LINE INDENT return False NEW_LINE DEDENT if ( r > 0 ) : NEW_LINE INDENT fl = False NEW_LINE continue NEW_LINE DEDENT fl = True NEW_LINE DEDENT return True NEW_LINE DEDENT N , K = 15 , 8 NEW_LINE hasConsecutiveZeroes ( N , K ) NEW_LINE |
Sum of every Kâ €™ th prime number in an array | Python3 implementation of the approach ; 0 and 1 are not prime numbers ; If prime [ p ] is not changed , then it is a prime ; Update all multiples of p ; compute the answer ; count of primes ; sum of the primes ; traverse the array ; if the number is a prime ; increase the count ; if it is the K 'th prime ; create the sieve | MAX = 100000 ; NEW_LINE prime = [ True ] * ( MAX + 1 ) ; NEW_LINE def SieveOfEratosthenes ( ) : NEW_LINE INDENT prime [ 1 ] = False ; NEW_LINE prime [ 0 ] = False ; NEW_LINE p = 2 ; NEW_LINE while ( p * p <= MAX ) : NEW_LINE INDENT if ( prime [ p ] ) : NEW_LINE INDENT i = p * 2 ; NEW_LINE while ( i <= MAX ) : NEW_LINE INDENT prime [ i ] = False ; NEW_LINE i += p ; NEW_LINE DEDENT DEDENT p += 1 ; NEW_LINE DEDENT DEDENT def SumOfKthPrimes ( arr , n , k ) : NEW_LINE INDENT c = 0 ; NEW_LINE sum = 0 ; NEW_LINE for i in range ( n ) : NEW_LINE INDENT if ( prime [ arr [ i ] ] ) : NEW_LINE INDENT c += 1 ; NEW_LINE if ( c % k == 0 ) : NEW_LINE INDENT sum += arr [ i ] ; NEW_LINE c = 0 ; NEW_LINE DEDENT DEDENT DEDENT print ( sum ) ; NEW_LINE DEDENT SieveOfEratosthenes ( ) ; NEW_LINE arr = [ 2 , 3 , 5 , 7 , 11 ] ; NEW_LINE n = len ( arr ) ; NEW_LINE k = 2 ; NEW_LINE SumOfKthPrimes ( arr , n , k ) ; NEW_LINE |
Find the super power of a given Number | Python3 for finding super power of n ; global hash for prime ; sieve method for storing a list of prime ; function to return super power ; find the super power ; Driver Code | MAX = 100000 ; NEW_LINE prime = [ True ] * 100002 ; NEW_LINE def SieveOfEratosthenes ( ) : NEW_LINE INDENT p = 2 ; NEW_LINE while ( p * p <= MAX ) : NEW_LINE INDENT if ( prime [ p ] == True ) : NEW_LINE INDENT i = p * 2 ; NEW_LINE while ( i <= MAX ) : NEW_LINE INDENT prime [ i ] = False ; NEW_LINE i += p ; NEW_LINE DEDENT DEDENT p += 1 ; NEW_LINE DEDENT DEDENT def superpower ( n ) : NEW_LINE INDENT SieveOfEratosthenes ( ) ; NEW_LINE superPower = 0 ; NEW_LINE factor = 0 ; NEW_LINE i = 2 ; NEW_LINE while ( n > 1 and i <= MAX ) : NEW_LINE INDENT if ( prime [ i ] ) : NEW_LINE INDENT factor = 0 ; NEW_LINE while ( n % i == 0 and n > 1 ) : NEW_LINE INDENT factor += 1 ; NEW_LINE n = int ( n / i ) ; NEW_LINE DEDENT if ( superPower < factor ) : NEW_LINE INDENT superPower = factor ; NEW_LINE DEDENT DEDENT i += 1 ; NEW_LINE DEDENT return superPower ; NEW_LINE DEDENT n = 256 ; NEW_LINE print ( superpower ( n ) ) ; NEW_LINE |
Count of Prime Nodes of a Singly Linked List | Function to check if a number is prime ; Corner cases ; This is checked so that we can skip middle five numbers in below loop ; Link list node ; Push a new node on the front of the list . ; Function to find count of prime nodes in a linked list ; If current node is prime ; Update count ; Driver Code ; Start with the empty list ; create the linked list 15 -> 5 -> 6 -> 10 -> 17 ; Function call to print require answer | def isPrime ( n ) : NEW_LINE INDENT if n <= 1 : NEW_LINE INDENT return False NEW_LINE DEDENT if n <= 3 : NEW_LINE INDENT return True NEW_LINE DEDENT if n % 2 == 0 or n % 3 == 0 : NEW_LINE INDENT return False NEW_LINE DEDENT i = 5 NEW_LINE while i * i <= n : NEW_LINE INDENT if n % i == 0 or n % ( i + 2 ) == 0 : NEW_LINE INDENT return False NEW_LINE DEDENT i += 6 NEW_LINE DEDENT return True NEW_LINE DEDENT class Node : NEW_LINE INDENT def __init__ ( self , data , next ) : NEW_LINE INDENT self . data = data NEW_LINE self . next = next NEW_LINE DEDENT DEDENT class LinkedList : NEW_LINE INDENT def __init__ ( self ) : NEW_LINE INDENT self . head = None NEW_LINE DEDENT def push ( self , new_data ) : NEW_LINE INDENT new_node = Node ( new_data , self . head ) NEW_LINE self . head = new_node NEW_LINE DEDENT def countPrime ( self ) : NEW_LINE INDENT count = 0 NEW_LINE ptr = self . head NEW_LINE while ptr != None : NEW_LINE INDENT if isPrime ( ptr . data ) : NEW_LINE INDENT count += 1 NEW_LINE DEDENT ptr = ptr . next NEW_LINE DEDENT return count NEW_LINE DEDENT DEDENT if __name__ == " _ _ main _ _ " : NEW_LINE INDENT linkedlist = LinkedList ( ) NEW_LINE linkedlist . push ( 17 ) NEW_LINE linkedlist . push ( 10 ) NEW_LINE linkedlist . push ( 6 ) NEW_LINE linkedlist . push ( 5 ) NEW_LINE linkedlist . push ( 15 ) NEW_LINE print ( " Count ▁ of ▁ prime ▁ nodes ▁ = " , linkedlist . countPrime ( ) ) NEW_LINE DEDENT |
Smallest prime divisor of a number | Function to find the smallest divisor ; if divisible by 2 ; iterate from 3 to sqrt ( n ) ; Driver Code | def smallestDivisor ( n ) : NEW_LINE INDENT if ( n % 2 == 0 ) : NEW_LINE INDENT return 2 ; NEW_LINE DEDENT i = 3 ; NEW_LINE while ( i * i <= n ) : NEW_LINE INDENT if ( n % i == 0 ) : NEW_LINE INDENT return i ; NEW_LINE DEDENT i += 2 ; NEW_LINE DEDENT return n ; NEW_LINE DEDENT n = 31 ; NEW_LINE print ( smallestDivisor ( n ) ) ; NEW_LINE |
Count Number of animals in a zoo from given number of head and legs | Function that calculates Rabbits ; Driver code | def countRabbits ( Heads , Legs ) : NEW_LINE INDENT count = 0 NEW_LINE count = ( Legs ) - 2 * ( Heads ) NEW_LINE count = count / 2 NEW_LINE return count NEW_LINE DEDENT if __name__ == ' _ _ main _ _ ' : NEW_LINE INDENT Heads = 100 NEW_LINE Legs = 300 NEW_LINE Rabbits = countRabbits ( Heads , Legs ) NEW_LINE print ( " Rabbits ▁ = " , Rabbits ) NEW_LINE print ( " Pigeons ▁ = " , Heads - Rabbits ) NEW_LINE DEDENT |
Program to evaluate the expression ( ÃƒÆ ’ à † â €™ Ã⠀ à ¢ â ‚¬ â „¢ ÃƒÆ ’ à ¢ â ‚¬ à ¢ à ¢ â € š ¬ à ¢ â € ž ¢ ÃƒÆ ’ à † â €™ à ¢ à ¢ â € š ¬ ÃƒÆ ’¢ à ¢ à ¢ â ‚¬ Å ¡¬ à ¢ à ¢ â ‚¬ Å ¾¢ ÃƒÆ ’ à † â €™ Ã⠀ à ¢ â ‚¬ â „¢ ÃƒÆ ’¢ à ¢ à ¢ â ‚¬ Å ¡¬ ÃƒÆ ’ à † â €™¢ ÃƒÆ ’¢ à ¢ à ¢ â € š ¬ à …¡¬ ÃƒÆ ’¢ à ¢ à ¢ â € š ¬ à …¾¢¢ ÃƒÆ ’ à † â €™ Ã⠀ à ¢ â ‚¬ â „¢ ÃƒÆ ’ à ¢ â ‚¬ à ¢ à ¢ â € š ¬ à ¢ â € ž ¢ ÃƒÆ ’ à † â €™ à ¢ à ¢ â € š ¬ ÃƒÆ ’¢ à ¢ à ¢ â ‚¬ Å ¡¬ à ¢ à ¢ â ‚¬ Å ¾¢ ÃƒÆ ’ à † â €™ Ã⠀ à ¢ â ‚¬ â „¢¢ ÃƒÆ ’ à † â €™¢ ÃƒÆ ’¢ à ¢ à ¢ â ‚¬ Å ¡¬ Ã⠀¦¡¬¹ ÃƒÆ ’ à † â €™ Ã⠀ à ¢ â ‚¬ â „¢ ÃƒÆ ’ à ¢ â ‚¬ à ¢ à ¢ â € š ¬ à ¢ â € ž ¢¢ ÃƒÆ ’ à † â €™ Ã⠀ à ¢ â ‚¬ â „¢¢ ÃƒÆ ’ à † â €™¢ ÃƒÆ ’¢ à ¢ à ¢ â € š ¬ à …¡¬ ÃƒÆ ’ à ¢ â ‚¬¦¡¬ ÃƒÆ ’ à † â €™ Ã⠀ à ¢ â ‚¬ â „¢ ÃƒÆ ’ à ¢ â ‚¬ à ¢ à ¢ â € š ¬ à ¢ â € ž ¢ ÃƒÆ ’ à † â €™ à ¢ à ¢ â € š ¬ ÃƒÆ ’¢ à ¢ à ¢ â ‚¬ Å ¡¬ à ¢ à ¢ â ‚¬ Å ¾¢ ÃƒÆ ’ à † â €™ Ã⠀ à ¢ â ‚¬ â „¢¢ ÃƒÆ ’ à † â €™¢ ÃƒÆ ’¢ à ¢ à ¢ â ‚¬ Å ¡¬ Ã⠀¦¡¬¦¡ X + 1 ) ^ 6 + ( ÃƒÆ ’ à † â €™ Ã⠀ à ¢ â ‚¬ â „¢ ÃƒÆ ’ à ¢ â ‚¬ à ¢ à ¢ â € š ¬ à ¢ â € ž ¢ ÃƒÆ ’ à † â €™ à ¢ à ¢ â € š ¬ ÃƒÆ ’¢ à ¢ à ¢ â ‚¬ Å ¡¬ à ¢ à ¢ â ‚¬ Å ¾¢ ÃƒÆ ’ à † â €™ Ã⠀ à ¢ â ‚¬ â „¢ ÃƒÆ ’¢ à ¢ à ¢ â ‚¬ Å ¡¬ ÃƒÆ ’ à † â €™¢ ÃƒÆ ’¢ à ¢ à ¢ â € š ¬ à …¡¬ ÃƒÆ ’¢ à ¢ à ¢ â € š ¬ à …¾¢¢ ÃƒÆ ’ à † â €™ Ã⠀ à ¢ â ‚¬ â „¢ ÃƒÆ ’ à ¢ â ‚¬ à ¢ à ¢ â € š ¬ à ¢ â € ž ¢ ÃƒÆ ’ à † â €™ à ¢ à ¢ â € š ¬ ÃƒÆ ’¢ à ¢ à ¢ â ‚¬ Å ¡¬ à ¢ à ¢ â ‚¬ Å ¾¢ ÃƒÆ ’ à † â €™ Ã⠀ à ¢ â ‚¬ â „¢¢ ÃƒÆ ’ à † â €™¢ ÃƒÆ ’¢ à ¢ à ¢ â ‚¬ Å ¡¬ Ã⠀¦¡¬¹ ÃƒÆ ’ à † â €™ Ã⠀ à ¢ â ‚¬ â „¢ ÃƒÆ ’ à ¢ â ‚¬ à ¢ à ¢ â € š ¬ à ¢ â € ž ¢¢ ÃƒÆ ’ à † â €™ Ã⠀ à ¢ â ‚¬ â „¢¢ ÃƒÆ ’ à † â €™¢ ÃƒÆ ’¢ à ¢ à ¢ â € š ¬ à …¡¬ ÃƒÆ ’ à ¢ â ‚¬¦¡¬ ÃƒÆ ’ à † â €™ Ã⠀ à ¢ â ‚¬ â „¢ ÃƒÆ ’ à ¢ â ‚¬ à ¢ à ¢ â € š ¬ à ¢ â € ž ¢ ÃƒÆ ’ à † â €™ à ¢ à ¢ â € š ¬ ÃƒÆ ’¢ à ¢ à ¢ â ‚¬ Å ¡¬ à ¢ à ¢ â ‚¬ Å ¾¢ ÃƒÆ ’ à † â €™ Ã⠀ à ¢ â ‚¬ â „¢¢ ÃƒÆ ’ à † â €™¢ ÃƒÆ ’¢ à ¢ à ¢ â ‚¬ Å ¡¬ Ã⠀¦¡¬¦¡ X | ''Python3 program to evaluate the given expression ; ''Function to find the sum ; ''Driver Code | import math NEW_LINE def calculateSum ( n ) : NEW_LINE INDENT a = int ( n ) NEW_LINE return ( 2 * ( pow ( n , 6 ) + 15 * pow ( n , 4 ) + 15 * pow ( n , 2 ) + 1 ) ) NEW_LINE DEDENT if __name__ == ' _ _ main _ _ ' : NEW_LINE INDENT n = 1.4142 NEW_LINE DEDENT print ( math . ceil ( calculateSum ( n ) ) ) NEW_LINE |
Find the sum of series 3 , | calculate sum upto N term of series ; Driver code | def Sum_upto_nth_Term ( n ) : NEW_LINE INDENT return ( 1 - pow ( - 2 , n ) ) NEW_LINE DEDENT N = 5 NEW_LINE print ( Sum_upto_nth_Term ( N ) ) NEW_LINE |
Count numbers whose XOR with N is equal to OR with N | Function to calculate count of numbers with XOR equals OR ; variable to store count of unset bits ; Driver code | def xorEqualsOrCount ( N ) : NEW_LINE INDENT count = 0 NEW_LINE while ( N > 0 ) : NEW_LINE INDENT bit = N % 2 NEW_LINE if bit == 0 : NEW_LINE INDENT count += 1 NEW_LINE DEDENT N //= 2 NEW_LINE DEDENT return int ( pow ( 2 , count ) ) NEW_LINE DEDENT if __name__ == " _ _ main _ _ " : NEW_LINE INDENT N = 7 NEW_LINE print ( xorEqualsOrCount ( N ) ) NEW_LINE DEDENT |
Program to find sum of 1 + x / 2 ! + x ^ 2 / 3 ! + ... + x ^ n / ( n + 1 ) ! | Method to find the factorial of a number ; Method to compute the sum ; Iterate the loop till n and compute the formula ; Driver code ; Get x and n ; Print output | def fact ( n ) : NEW_LINE INDENT if n == 1 : NEW_LINE INDENT return 1 NEW_LINE DEDENT else : NEW_LINE INDENT return n * fact ( n - 1 ) NEW_LINE DEDENT DEDENT def sum ( x , n ) : NEW_LINE INDENT total = 1.0 NEW_LINE for i in range ( 1 , n + 1 , 1 ) : NEW_LINE INDENT total = total + ( pow ( x , i ) / fact ( i + 1 ) ) NEW_LINE DEDENT return total NEW_LINE DEDENT if __name__ == ' _ _ main _ _ ' : NEW_LINE INDENT x = 5 NEW_LINE n = 4 NEW_LINE print ( " Sum ▁ is : ▁ { 0 : . 4f } " . format ( sum ( x , n ) ) ) NEW_LINE DEDENT |
Find Sum of Series 1 ^ 2 | Function to find sum of series ; If i is even ; If i is odd ; return the result ; Driver Code ; Get n ; Find the sum ; Get n ; Find the sum | def sum_of_series ( n ) : NEW_LINE INDENT result = 0 NEW_LINE for i in range ( 1 , n + 1 ) : NEW_LINE INDENT if ( i % 2 == 0 ) : NEW_LINE INDENT result = result - pow ( i , 2 ) NEW_LINE DEDENT else : NEW_LINE INDENT result = result + pow ( i , 2 ) NEW_LINE DEDENT DEDENT return result NEW_LINE DEDENT if __name__ == " _ _ main _ _ " : NEW_LINE INDENT n = 3 NEW_LINE print ( sum_of_series ( n ) ) NEW_LINE n = 10 NEW_LINE print ( sum_of_series ( n ) ) NEW_LINE DEDENT |
Program to find the sum of the series 23 + 45 + 75 + ... . . upto N terms | calculate Nth term of series ; Driver Function ; Get the value of N ; Get the sum of the series | def findSum ( N ) : NEW_LINE INDENT return ( 2 * N * ( N + 1 ) * ( 4 * N + 17 ) + 54 * N ) / 6 NEW_LINE DEDENT if __name__ == ' _ _ main _ _ ' : NEW_LINE INDENT N = 4 NEW_LINE print ( findSum ( N ) ) NEW_LINE DEDENT |
Program to find the value of sin ( nÃƒÆ ’ à † â €™ Ã⠀ à ¢ â ‚¬ â „¢ ÃƒÆ ’ à ¢ â ‚¬¦½ ÃƒÆ ’ à † â €™ à ¢ à ¢ â € š ¬¹ ÃƒÆ ’ à ¢ â ‚¬¦ à ¢ à ¢ â € š ¬ à … â € œ ) | ''Python3 program to find the value of sin(n-theta) ; ''Function to calculate the binomial coefficient upto 15 ; '' use simple DP to find coefficient ; ''Function to find the value of cos(n-theta) ; '' find sinTheta from sinTheta ; '' to store required answer ; '' use to toggle sign in sequence. ; ''Driver code | import math NEW_LINE MAX = 16 NEW_LINE nCr = [ [ 0 for i in range ( MAX ) ] for i in range ( MAX ) ] NEW_LINE def binomial ( ) : NEW_LINE for i in range ( MAX ) : for j in range ( 0 , i + 1 ) : if j == 0 or j == i : NEW_LINE INDENT nCr [ i ] [ j ] = 1 NEW_LINE DEDENT else : nCr [ i ] [ j ] = nCr [ i - 1 ] [ j ] + nCr [ i - 1 ] [ j - 1 ] NEW_LINE def findCosNTheta ( sinTheta , n ) : NEW_LINE cosTheta = math . sqrt ( 1 - sinTheta * sinTheta ) NEW_LINE ans = 0 NEW_LINE INDENT toggle = 1 NEW_LINE DEDENT for i in range ( 1 , n + 1 , 2 ) : ans = ( ans + nCr [ n ] [ i ] * ( cosTheta ** ( n - i ) ) * ( sinTheta ** i ) * toggle ) toggle = toggle * - 1 NEW_LINE return ans NEW_LINE if __name__ == ' _ _ main _ _ ' : binomial ( ) NEW_LINE INDENT sinTheta = 0.5 NEW_LINE n = 10 NEW_LINE print ( findCosNTheta ( sinTheta , n ) ) NEW_LINE DEDENT |
Program to find Nth term of series 9 , 23 , 45 , 75 , 113. . . | Python program to find N - th term of the series : 9 , 23 , 45 , 75 , 113. . . ; calculate Nth term of series ; Get the value of N ; Find the Nth term and print it | def nthTerm ( N ) : NEW_LINE INDENT return ( ( 2 * N + 3 ) * ( 2 * N + 3 ) - 2 * N ) ; NEW_LINE DEDENT n = 4 NEW_LINE print ( nthTerm ( n ) ) NEW_LINE |
Program to Find the value of cos ( nÃƒÆ ’ à † â €™ Ã⠀ à ¢ â ‚¬ â „¢ ÃƒÆ ’ à ¢ â ‚¬¦½ ÃƒÆ ’ à † â €™ à ¢ à ¢ â € š ¬¹ ÃƒÆ ’ à ¢ â ‚¬¦ à ¢ à ¢ â € š ¬ à … â € œ ) | ''Python3 program to find the value of cos(n-theta) ; ''Function to calculate the binomial coefficient upto 15 ; '' use simple DP to find coefficient ; ''Function to find the value of cos(n-theta) ; ''find sinTheta from cosTheta ; '' to store the required answer ; '' use to toggle sign in sequence. ; ''Driver code | import math NEW_LINE MAX = 16 NEW_LINE nCr = [ [ 0 for i in range ( MAX ) ] for i in range ( MAX ) ] NEW_LINE def binomial ( ) : NEW_LINE INDENT for i in range ( MAX ) : NEW_LINE for j in range ( 0 , i + 1 ) : NEW_LINE if j == 0 or j == i : NEW_LINE DEDENT nCr [ i ] [ j ] = 1 NEW_LINE INDENT else : NEW_LINE nCr [ i ] [ j ] = nCr [ i - 1 ] [ j ] + nCr [ i - 1 ] [ j - 1 ] NEW_LINE DEDENT def findCosnTheta ( cosTheta , n ) : NEW_LINE INDENT sinTheta = math . sqrt ( 1 - cosTheta * cosTheta ) NEW_LINE ans = 0 NEW_LINE DEDENT toggle = 1 NEW_LINE for i in range ( 0 , n + 1 , 2 ) : NEW_LINE INDENT ans = ans + nCr [ n ] [ i ] * ( cosTheta ** ( n - i ) ) * ( sinTheta ** i ) * toggle NEW_LINE toggle = toggle * - 1 NEW_LINE DEDENT return ans NEW_LINE if __name__ == ' _ _ main _ _ ' : NEW_LINE INDENT binomial ( ) NEW_LINE cosTheta = 0.5 NEW_LINE n = 10 NEW_LINE print ( findCosnTheta ( cosTheta , n ) ) NEW_LINE DEDENT |
Find sum of the series 1 + 22 + 333 + 4444 + ... ... upto n terms | Function to calculate sum ; Return sum ; driver code | def solve_sum ( n ) : NEW_LINE INDENT return ( pow ( 10 , n + 1 ) * ( 9 * n - 1 ) + 10 ) / pow ( 9 , 3 ) - n * ( n + 1 ) / 18 NEW_LINE DEDENT n = 3 NEW_LINE print ( int ( solve_sum ( n ) ) ) NEW_LINE |
Find sum of the series 1 | Function to calculate sum ; when n is odd ; when n is not odd ; Driver code | def solve_sum ( n ) : NEW_LINE INDENT if ( n % 2 == 1 ) : NEW_LINE INDENT return ( n + 1 ) / 2 NEW_LINE DEDENT return - n / 2 NEW_LINE DEDENT n = 8 NEW_LINE print ( int ( solve_sum ( n ) ) ) NEW_LINE |
Check if a number can be expressed as a ^ b | Set 2 | Python 3 Program to check if a number can be expressed as a ^ b ; Driver Code | from math import * NEW_LINE def isPower ( a ) : NEW_LINE INDENT if a == 1 : NEW_LINE INDENT return True NEW_LINE DEDENT for i in range ( 2 , int ( sqrt ( a ) ) + 1 ) : NEW_LINE INDENT val = log ( a ) / log ( i ) NEW_LINE if ( round ( ( val - int ( val ) ) , 8 ) < 0.00000001 ) : NEW_LINE INDENT return True NEW_LINE DEDENT DEDENT return False NEW_LINE DEDENT if __name__ == " _ _ main _ _ " : NEW_LINE INDENT n = 16 NEW_LINE if isPower ( n ) : NEW_LINE INDENT print ( " Yes " ) NEW_LINE DEDENT else : NEW_LINE INDENT print ( " No " ) NEW_LINE DEDENT DEDENT |
Program to calculate Root Mean Square | Python3 program to calculate Root Mean Square ; Function that Calculate Root Mean Square ; Calculate square ; Calculate Mean ; Calculate Root ; Driver code | import math NEW_LINE def rmsValue ( arr , n ) : NEW_LINE INDENT square = 0 NEW_LINE mean = 0.0 NEW_LINE root = 0.0 NEW_LINE for i in range ( 0 , n ) : NEW_LINE INDENT square += ( arr [ i ] ** 2 ) NEW_LINE DEDENT mean = ( square / ( float ) ( n ) ) NEW_LINE root = math . sqrt ( mean ) NEW_LINE return root NEW_LINE DEDENT if __name__ == ' _ _ main _ _ ' : NEW_LINE INDENT arr = [ 10 , 4 , 6 , 8 ] NEW_LINE n = len ( arr ) NEW_LINE print ( rmsValue ( arr , n ) ) NEW_LINE DEDENT |
Program to find the quantity after mixture replacement | Function to calculate the Remaining amount . ; calculate Right hand Side ( RHS ) . ; calculate Amount left by multiply it with original value . ; Driver Code | def Mixture ( X , Y , Z ) : NEW_LINE INDENT result = 0.0 NEW_LINE result1 = 0.0 NEW_LINE result1 = ( ( X - Y ) / X ) NEW_LINE result = pow ( result1 , Z ) NEW_LINE result = result * X NEW_LINE return result NEW_LINE DEDENT if __name__ == " _ _ main _ _ " : NEW_LINE INDENT X = 10 NEW_LINE Y = 2 NEW_LINE Z = 2 NEW_LINE print ( " { : . 1f } " . format ( Mixture ( X , Y , Z ) ) + " ▁ litres " ) NEW_LINE DEDENT |
Sum of sum of all subsets of a set formed by first N natural numbers | modulo value ; Iterative Function to calculate ( x ^ y ) % p in O ( log y ) ; x = x % p Update x if it is more than or equal to p ; If y is odd , multiply x with the result ; y must be even now y = y >> 1 y = y / 2 ; function to find ff ( n ) ; In formula n is starting from zero ; calculate answer using formula 2 ^ n * ( n ^ 2 + n + 2 ) - 1 ; whenever answer is greater than or equals to mod then modulo it . ; adding modulo while subtraction is very necessary otherwise it will cause wrong answer ; Driver code ; function call | mod = ( int ) ( 1e9 + 7 ) NEW_LINE def power ( x , y , p ) : NEW_LINE INDENT while ( y > 0 ) : NEW_LINE INDENT if ( y & 1 ) : NEW_LINE INDENT res = ( res * x ) % p NEW_LINE DEDENT x = ( x * x ) % p NEW_LINE DEDENT return res NEW_LINE DEDENT def check ( n ) : NEW_LINE INDENT n = n - 1 NEW_LINE ans = n * n NEW_LINE if ( ans >= mod ) : NEW_LINE INDENT ans %= mod NEW_LINE DEDENT ans += n + 2 NEW_LINE if ( ans >= mod ) : NEW_LINE INDENT ans %= mod NEW_LINE DEDENT ans = ( pow ( 2 , n , mod ) % mod * ans % mod ) % mod NEW_LINE ans = ( ans - 1 + mod ) % mod NEW_LINE return ans NEW_LINE DEDENT if __name__ == ' _ _ main _ _ ' : NEW_LINE INDENT n = 4 NEW_LINE print ( check ( n ) ) NEW_LINE DEDENT |
Program to find LCM of 2 numbers without using GCD | Python 3 program to find LCM of 2 numbers without using GCD ; Function to return LCM of two numbers ; Driver Code | import sys NEW_LINE def findLCM ( a , b ) : NEW_LINE INDENT lar = max ( a , b ) NEW_LINE small = min ( a , b ) NEW_LINE i = lar NEW_LINE while ( 1 ) : NEW_LINE INDENT if ( i % small == 0 ) : NEW_LINE INDENT return i NEW_LINE DEDENT i += lar NEW_LINE DEDENT DEDENT a = 5 NEW_LINE b = 7 NEW_LINE print ( " LCM ▁ of ▁ " , a , " ▁ and ▁ " , b , " ▁ is ▁ " , findLCM ( a , b ) , sep = " " ) NEW_LINE |
Smarandache | Python program to print the first ' n ' terms of the Smarandache - Wellin Sequence ; Function to collect first ' n ' prime numbers ; List to store first ' n ' primes ; Function to generate Smarandache - Wellin Sequence ; Storing the first ' n ' prime numbers in a list ; Driver Method | from __future__ import print_function NEW_LINE def primes ( n ) : NEW_LINE INDENT i , j = 2 , 0 NEW_LINE result = [ ] NEW_LINE while j < n : NEW_LINE INDENT flag = True NEW_LINE for item in range ( 2 , int ( i ** 0.5 ) + 1 ) : NEW_LINE INDENT if i % item == 0 and i != item : NEW_LINE INDENT flag = False NEW_LINE break NEW_LINE DEDENT DEDENT if flag : NEW_LINE INDENT result . append ( i ) NEW_LINE j += 1 NEW_LINE DEDENT i += 1 NEW_LINE DEDENT return result NEW_LINE DEDENT def smar_wln ( n ) : NEW_LINE INDENT arr = primes ( n ) NEW_LINE for i in range ( 0 , len ( arr ) ) : NEW_LINE INDENT for j in range ( 0 , i + 1 ) : NEW_LINE INDENT print ( arr [ j ] , end = ' ' ) NEW_LINE DEDENT print ( end = ' ▁ ' ) NEW_LINE DEDENT DEDENT if __name__ == ' _ _ main _ _ ' : NEW_LINE INDENT n = 5 NEW_LINE print ( ' First { } terms of the Sequence are ' . format ( n ) ) NEW_LINE smar_wln ( n ) NEW_LINE DEDENT |
Pentatope number | Function to calculate Pentatope number ; Formula to calculate nth Pentatope number ; Driver Code | def Pentatope_number ( n ) : NEW_LINE INDENT return ( n * ( n + 1 ) * ( n + 2 ) * ( n + 3 ) // 24 ) NEW_LINE DEDENT n = 7 NEW_LINE print ( " % sth ▁ Pentatope ▁ number ▁ : ▁ " % n , Pentatope_number ( n ) ) NEW_LINE n = 12 NEW_LINE print ( " % sth ▁ Pentatope ▁ number ▁ : ▁ " % n , Pentatope_number ( n ) ) NEW_LINE |
Program for Centered Icosahedral Number | Function to calculate Centered icosahedral number ; Formula to calculate nth Centered icosahedral number ; Driver Code | def centeredIcosahedralNum ( n ) : NEW_LINE INDENT return ( ( 2 * n + 1 ) * ( 5 * n * n + 5 * n + 3 ) // 3 ) NEW_LINE DEDENT n = 10 NEW_LINE print ( centeredIcosahedralNum ( n ) ) NEW_LINE n = 12 NEW_LINE print ( centeredIcosahedralNum ( n ) ) NEW_LINE |