dict |
"en": "branch of economics that studies the behavior of individual households and firms in making decisions on the allocation of limited resources",
"ja": "消費者と生産者の経済的取引を微視的に分析し、財の配分とその価格が如何に調整されるかを研究する学問"
} |
"en": "album by Claire Kuo",
"ja": "郭静のアルバム"
} |
"en": "study of meaning of linguistic forms",
"ja": "記号列が表す意味について論じる分野"
} |
"en": "French seer and astrologer",
"ja": "フランスの予言者、占星術師"
} |
"en": "university located in Mangyongdae-guyok, North Korea",
"ja": "北朝鮮・平壌市にある軍事大学"
} |
"en": "Christian religious holiday, the Friday before Easter",
"ja": "キリスト教の暦。復活祭直前の金曜日"
} |
"en": "studio album by Bruce Springsteen",
"ja": "ブルース・スプリングスティーンのアルバム"
} |
"en": "painting by Rosa Bonheur",
"ja": "ローザ・ボヌールによる絵画"
} |
"en": "largest island of the Canary Islands",
"ja": "スペイン・カナリア諸島の島"
} |
"en": "English physician, scientist and pioneer of vaccination",
"ja": "イギリスの医学者、天然痘ワクチン開発者"
} |
"en": "autonomous region of China",
"ja": "中国の自治区"
} |
"en": "liquid consisting mainly of acetic acid and water",
"ja": "酢酸を含み酸味のある調味料"
} |
"en": "Internet country code top-level domain for Morocco",
"ja": "モロッコの国別コードトップレベルドメイン"
} |
"en": "album by Deftones",
"ja": "デフトーンズのアルバム"
} |
"en": "qualitative ordinal scale characterizing scratch resistance of various minerals",
"ja": "鉱物の硬さの尺度の1つ"
} |
"en": "canopy designed to protect against rain or sun",
"ja": "雨や日光などを遮るために頭上に広げ差しかざすもの"
} |
"en": "Internet country-code top level domain for Ghana",
"ja": "ガーナの国別コードトップレベルドメイン"
} |
"en": "group of fraternal organizations",
"ja": "世界規模の結社組織"
} |
"en": "Greek mythological hero",
"ja": "ギリシア神話の英雄"
} |
"en": "supreme authority within a territory, as well as external autonomy from other states",
"ja": "国家の最高権力であり、特に近代以降は国家三要素の一つ"
} |
"en": "Internet country-code top level domain for Tajikistan",
"ja": "タジキスタンに割り当てられている国別ドメイン"
} |
"en": "city in North Gyeongsang Province, South Korea",
"ja": "韓国・慶尚北道の市"
} |
"en": "City in South Korea",
"ja": "韓国・全羅南道の市"
} |
"en": "capital of North Jeolla Province, South Korea",
"ja": "韓国・全羅北道の市"
} |
"en": "city in Gangwon Province, South Korea",
"ja": "韓国・江原特別自治道の市"
} |
"en": "annual film festival held in Cannes, France",
"ja": "フランスで毎年開催される映画祭"
} |
"en": "cat breed",
"ja": "猫の一種"
} |
"en": "breed of long-haired cat",
"ja": "長毛種の猫の品種"
} |
"en": "immune system response to a substance that most people tolerate well",
"ja": "免疫反応が特定の抗原に対して過剰に起こる現象"
} |
"en": "mineral made of silicon and oxygen",
"ja": "二酸化ケイ素が結晶してできた鉱物"
} |
"en": "oxygen-transport metalloprotein in red blood cells of most vertebrates",
"ja": "動物の血液中に見られる赤血球の中に存在するタンパク質"
} |
"en": "city in Ukraine",
"ja": "ウクライナの都市"
} |
"en": "Turkish multi-sports club in Istanbul",
"ja": "トルコの総合スポーツクラブ"
} |
"en": "commercial or utilitarian large motor vehicle",
"ja": "主に貨物を運搬する自動車"
} |
"en": "apparent line that separates earth from sky",
"ja": "地面と空の境に見える部分"
} |
"en": "state of Venezuela",
"ja": "ベネズエラの州"
} |
"en": "noble title with several historical meanings",
"ja": "イスラム世界における君主号"
} |
"en": "album by McCoy Tyner",
"ja": "マッコイ・タイナーのアルバム"
} |
"en": "family of operating systems for Macintosh computers",
"ja": "アップルが開発したMacintosh用オペレーティング・システム"
} |
"en": "Tianjin Metro station",
"ja": "天津地下鉄の駅"
} |
"en": "15th-century ruler of Wallachia",
"ja": "ワラキア公国の君主"
} |
"en": "species of mantis shrimp",
"ja": "シャコの1種"
} |
"en": "province of Turkey",
"ja": "トルコの県"
} |
"en": "city and capital of Oregon, USA",
"ja": "アメリカ合衆国オレゴン州の州都"
} |
"en": "desktop environment and graphical user interface",
"ja": "UNIX系のデスクトップ環境"
} |
"en": "magazine",
"ja": "雑誌"
} |
"en": "Danish physicist and chemist",
"ja": "デンマークの物理学者、化学者"
} |
"en": "energy that is transferred from one body to another as the result of a difference in temperature",
"ja": "高温の物体から低温の物体へと、熱伝導によって移動するエネルギー"
} |
"en": "former district in Kagawa prefecture, Japan",
"ja": "日本の香川県 にあった郡"
} |
"en": "village in Sannohe District, Aomori Prefecture, Japan",
"ja": "青森県三戸郡の村"
} |
"en": "international airport in Libya",
"ja": "リビアの空港"
} |
"en": "album by Marillion",
"ja": "マリリオンのアルバム"
} |
"en": "province of Argentina",
"ja": "アルゼンチンの州"
} |
"en": "way to reduce the amount of punishment one has to undergo for sins",
"ja": "カトリック教会が発行した罪の償いを軽減する証明書"
} |
"en": "Tunisian association football club",
"ja": "チュニジアのサッカークラブ"
} |
"en": "Austrian musician and composer",
"ja": "オーストリアの作曲家"
} |
"en": "56th quadrennial U.S. presidential election",
"ja": "第56回目のアメリカ合衆国大統領選挙"
} |
"en": "painting by Vincent van Gogh",
"ja": "フィンセント・ファン・ゴッホによる絵画"
} |
"en": "act of communication to acknowledge another person",
"ja": "社会的、形式的な行為の一つ"
} |
"en": "young horse",
"ja": "子供の馬"
} |
"en": "city in the south-central portion of Gifu Prefecture, Japan",
"ja": "日本の岐阜県の都市、岐阜県庁所在地"
} |
"en": "geometric surface defined by two concentric circles",
"ja": "2つの同心円に囲まれた図形"
} |
"en": "family of viruses",
"ja": "ウイルスの分類のひとつ"
} |
"en": "suburban rail service in Milan",
"ja": "ミラノの近郊鉄道の路線"
} |
"en": "state of Mexico",
"ja": "メキシコの州"
} |
"en": "economic resource, from which future economic benefits are expected",
"ja": "会計および複式帳簿における勘定項目の区分"
} |
"en": "City in Central, Paraguay",
"ja": "パラグアイの都市"
} |
"en": "means by which a user interacts with and controls a machine",
"ja": "コンピュータとその機械の利用者 の間での情報をやりとりするためのインタフェース"
} |
"en": "33rd pope and saint",
"ja": "第33代ローマ教皇、聖人"
} |
"en": "active, professed refusal to obey certain laws, demands, and commands of a government, or of an occupying international power",
"ja": "良心にもとづき従うことができないと考えた特定の法律や命令に非暴力的手段で公然と違反する行為"
} |
"en": "intergovernmental organization and international tribunal",
"ja": "国際裁判所の一つ"
} |
"en": "institution that officially elects the President and Vice President of the United States",
"ja": "アメリカ合衆国大統領選挙の選挙人集会において、大統領および副大統領を選出する選挙人の集合"
} |
"en": "classification of blood based on antibodies and antigens on red blood cell surfaces",
"ja": "血液内にある血球の持つ抗原の違いをもとに決めた血液の分類"
} |
"en": "stadium in Manchester, England",
"ja": "マンチェスター・シティFCのホームスタジアム"
} |
"en": "German biologist, naturalist, philosopher, physician and artist",
"ja": "生物学者・哲学者"
} |
"en": "prefecture of Japan",
"ja": "日本の都道府県"
} |
"en": "art museum in Boston, Massachusetts, United States",
"ja": "マサチューセッツ州ボストンの美術館"
} |
"en": "independent city in Virginia, United States",
"ja": "アメリカ合衆国バージニア州の都市"
} |
"en": "sea in Japan",
"ja": "九州西部の内海"
} |
"en": "form for preservation of structured and identified information",
"ja": "参照や保管のために情報を記録したもの"
} |
"en": "degenerative neurological disorder",
"ja": "中枢神経の変性疾患"
} |
"en": "administrative division of Daegu, South Korea",
"ja": "大邱広域市の区"
} |
"en": "administrative division of Busan, South Korea",
"ja": "釜山広域市の区"
} |
"en": "administrative division of Ulsan, South Korea",
"ja": "蔚山広域市の区"
} |
"en": "administrative division of Gwangju, South Korea",
"ja": "光州広域市の区"
} |
"en": "administrative division of Incheon, South Korea",
"ja": "仁川広域市の区"
} |
"en": "plan to transform Osaka Prefecture from an urban prefecture into a metropolitan prefecture",
"ja": "大阪市廃止・特別区設置による統治機構改革の構想"
} |
"en": "South Korean entertainment company",
"ja": "韓国の芸能プロダクション"
} |
"en": "equation of the form of equality of two polynomials",
"ja": "項式を等号で結んだ形で表される方程式の総称"
} |
"en": "putting humans on the planet Mars",
"ja": "人を乗せた探査機による火星の探査"
} |
"en": "creation of the politically and administratively integrated nation of Italy",
"ja": "分裂していたイタリアの統一を目指した運動"
} |
"en": "episode in the New Testament; Luke 22:7-20; Bible. Luke, XXII, 7-20; pericope for series C, Maundy Thursday",
"ja": "キリスト教の新約聖書に記述されているキリストの事跡の一つ"
} |
"en": "collection of sayings and teachings of Jesus",
"ja": "イエスが山の上で弟子たちと群集に語った教え"
} |
"en": "city in Maricopa County, Arizona, United States",
"ja": "アメリカ合衆国アリゾナ州の都市"
} |
"en": "fictional soldiers in the Star Wars franchise",
"ja": "「スターウォーズ」シリーズに登場するキャラクター"
} |
"en": "sea passage between Japan and South Korea",
"ja": "九州と朝鮮半島の間の海峡"
} |
"en": "geographical and cultural region in Northern Europe and the North Atlantic",
"ja": "北ヨーロッパと北大西洋を合わせた地域"
} |
"en": "capital city of Zeeland, the Netherlands",
"ja": "オランダのゼーラント州の州都"
} |
"en": "American rap band",
"ja": "アメリカ合衆国のヒップホップグループ"
} |
"en": "island in Spain",
"ja": "スペインの島"
} |