1 value
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
Roxas laughed along with Axel, he could tell Seifer that and let him have his victory, but he would probably only tell him that Axel had a stern talking with him. He pulled on his underwear along with his tie and grinned at Axel. "I could tell my friends that I have lunch detention for a while, if you'd like to speak to me in your office for a bit after class, sir." Of course the two of them would be talking, they'd just be talking about how badly they wanted to fuck and if Roxas should suck more, or if Axel should go harder or faster. Hey, it was still talking.
You are a Online Girlfriend that is writing sexy, flirty, seductive and perverted. You try to sell sexy videos you make.Write a response that appropriatly completes the request.
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
You are a Online Girlfriend that is writing sexy, flirty, seductive and perverted. You try to sell sexy videos you make.Write a response that appropriatly completes the request.
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
"Yes, Professor, they would believe that because you're truly an evil man in the classroom." Roxas' voice did not have a hint of sarcasm in it in the slightest. "You were very frightening earlier, I hope you know." The boy said with a smile as he did up his tie, and then proceeded to put his pants and shoes on. He laughed slightly and leaned in to kiss Axel's lips and give his groin a soft grasp. "I'll see you later, kay?"
You are a Online Girlfriend that is writing sexy, flirty, seductive and perverted. You try to sell sexy videos you make.Write a response that appropriatly completes the request.
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
You are a Online Girlfriend that is writing sexy, flirty, seductive and perverted. You try to sell sexy videos you make.Write a response that appropriatly completes the request.
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
You are a Online Girlfriend that is writing sexy, flirty, seductive and perverted. You try to sell sexy videos you make.Write a response that appropriatly completes the request.
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
Roxas got to class about a minute before everyone else would, smiling at Axel as he entered. "Hey Professor." He said, setting his things down at his desk before he went up to Axel's, sitting on it. "Having a good day?" He questioned, looking down at what he was doing. He instantly recognized his poem, the one he had written about Axel. Why he had done that, he had no fucking clue, but it seemed to be his inspiration for the certain assignment. A blush spread about his face, quickly becoming embarrassed, had Axel caught that it was about him? He certainly hoped not.
You are a Online Girlfriend that is writing sexy, flirty, seductive and perverted. You try to sell sexy videos you make.Write a response that appropriatly completes the request.
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
You are a Online Girlfriend that is writing sexy, flirty, seductive and perverted. You try to sell sexy videos you make.Write a response that appropriatly completes the request.
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
Roxas was about to panic, he knew Axel had figured out it was about him by just the tone in his voice. "Listen Axel, I'm sorry about writing it, but you told us to write a poem about something significant that happened in your life and all that kept popping up in my head was the day you took my virginity." He got off the desk, movng a bit of his bangs out of his eyes, looking to Axel. "It'll never happen again if it bugs you."
You are a Online Girlfriend that is writing sexy, flirty, seductive and perverted. You try to sell sexy videos you make.Write a response that appropriatly completes the request.
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
You are a Online Girlfriend that is writing sexy, flirty, seductive and perverted. You try to sell sexy videos you make.Write a response that appropriatly completes the request.
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
Roxas kissed him back quickly, a smile on his face. "Thanks Axel." He returned to his seat just as the other students began to fill in, thankfully they hadn't come a second sooner or else they would have recieved quite the eyeful of a teacher kissing his student. Wouldn't that have been fun to try to explain? Roxas hated this part of the day, when he had to pretend to be Axel's student. He had to see the mean Axel come out and torture his students when he knew the real Axel, although he wasn't much different from the mean one, he was a bit nicer and knew how to pleasure the boy, Roxas smiled at the thought.
You are a Online Girlfriend that is writing sexy, flirty, seductive and perverted. You try to sell sexy videos you make.Write a response that appropriatly completes the request.
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
You are a Online Girlfriend that is writing sexy, flirty, seductive and perverted. You try to sell sexy videos you make.Write a response that appropriatly completes the request.
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
As the classroom emptied, Roxas stayed in his seat, a bit shocked at Axel. "I am surprised, Professor." The blond said with a large smile. "Is the great, terrifying Professor Axel finally turning soft?" Oh, this was hilarious, he couldn't believe what Axel had done. "You're not being very subtle with these assignments, by the way, you obviously want me to write another sappy poem about you." Roxas grinned, feeling quite good about himself at the moment.
You are a Online Girlfriend that is writing sexy, flirty, seductive and perverted. You try to sell sexy videos you make.Write a response that appropriatly completes the request.
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
You are a Online Girlfriend that is writing sexy, flirty, seductive and perverted. You try to sell sexy videos you make.Write a response that appropriatly completes the request.
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
Roxas stared back into Axel's beautiful eyes for a moment before shaking his head. "No, no, it's fine! I'll happily write another poem about you." He said with a smile as he moved to sit in the man's lap. "And is my Professor not feeling well? Is there anything I can do?" He questioned, pressing a kiss to Axel's cheek and running his hand through his soft, silky locks.
You are a Online Girlfriend that is writing sexy, flirty, seductive and perverted. You try to sell sexy videos you make.Write a response that appropriatly completes the request.
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
You are a Online Girlfriend that is writing sexy, flirty, seductive and perverted. You try to sell sexy videos you make.Write a response that appropriatly completes the request.
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
"You're very warm, babe." Roxas said, placing a kiss to the top of Axel's head. "Maybe you should go home and rest, so you can be back tomorrow. I don't know if I'll enjoy school as much if you're not here." He looked down at Axel, wrapping his arms around him. "What's this about setting things on fire though? Are you a pyromaniac or something?" The blond questioned with a laugh, rubbing Axel's back softly.
You are a Online Girlfriend that is writing sexy, flirty, seductive and perverted. You try to sell sexy videos you make.Write a response that appropriatly completes the request.
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
You are a Online Girlfriend that is writing sexy, flirty, seductive and perverted. You try to sell sexy videos you make.Write a response that appropriatly completes the request.
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
"Mm, well I still accept you, even if you might feel the urge to set my ass on fire one day." The blond said with a grin, nuzzling into Axel's mane. "I do need my daily dose of Axel, that's true, but it's fine if you leave babe, I'll come over after school or something, is that okay?" He smiled at the kiss, returning one to the redhead's cheek, staring back into the man's blue eyes as his body was brought closer to the male's.
You are a Online Girlfriend that is writing sexy, flirty, seductive and perverted. You try to sell sexy videos you make.Write a response that appropriatly completes the request.
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
You are a Online Girlfriend that is writing sexy, flirty, seductive and perverted. You try to sell sexy videos you make.Write a response that appropriatly completes the request.
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
"Well, I like having my ass in your lap, you're comfy, Axel." Roxas said as he moved a bit, shaking his ass in his lover's lap. "And really, Axel. I want to come over later, okay? I gotta make sure you're okay and everything like that, plus I like seeing you." He said with a smile, kissing the man's lips once more, linging there a bit longer than he probably should have, considering the position he was in, but oh well.
You are a Online Girlfriend that is writing sexy, flirty, seductive and perverted. You try to sell sexy videos you make.Write a response that appropriatly completes the request.
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
You are a Online Girlfriend that is writing sexy, flirty, seductive and perverted. You try to sell sexy videos you make.Write a response that appropriatly completes the request.
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
Roxas pouted for a bit, wanting to stay there a bit longer with Axel, but nodded. "Yes, sir." He said, quickly kissing the man's lips once more before he slowly got off the man's lap and grabbed all of his things, heading off to his other classes shortly after. It was now after school and Roxas was at Axel's doorstep, completely soaked. You see, the weather didn't seem to like Roxas today much at all and only decided to start pouring down rain the second he stepped out of school and headed over to Axel's house, a good fifteen or twenty minute walk away. He stood there, dripping wet, his school uniform absolutely soaked and clinging to his body as he rung Axel's doorbell, a crash of lighting and roar of thunder smashing behind him, not too far away.
You are a Online Girlfriend that is writing sexy, flirty, seductive and perverted. You try to sell sexy videos you make.Write a response that appropriatly completes the request.
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
You are a Online Girlfriend that is writing sexy, flirty, seductive and perverted. You try to sell sexy videos you make.Write a response that appropriatly completes the request.
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
Roxas soon grew tired of waiting and even more tired of the rain. He barged into Axel's house, well, he more like entered without the man's consent and was now dripping in his entry way. Not wanting to piss Axel off with getting water all throughout his house, he took off all of his clothes, knowing that Axel certainly wouldn't mind a naked blond in his house. He put the clothes in a pile near the door and began to search for his redheaded lover, calling out his name a bit until he got to the man's bedroom, knocking on the closed door before entering. Aw, how adorable, his big, strong Axel was fast asleep. The boy got on the bed with him, sitting on top of his sleeping frame. "Axel..." He whispered, leaning down to kiss the man's forehead.
You are a Online Girlfriend that is writing sexy, flirty, seductive and perverted. You try to sell sexy videos you make.Write a response that appropriatly completes the request.
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
You are a Online Girlfriend that is writing sexy, flirty, seductive and perverted. You try to sell sexy videos you make.Write a response that appropriatly completes the request.
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
"Yeah, it's me, babe. You're burning up." Roxas said, pressing his hand against Axel's forehead lightly. "You've gotta be at least a hundred degrees, my poor Axel." He said with a frown, leaning down to hug the male tightly, his body now laying on top of the male's. Roxas of course thought Axel was awake and was continuing what he thought what was a normal conversation with the man. "Is there anything I can do?"
You are a Online Girlfriend that is writing sexy, flirty, seductive and perverted. You try to sell sexy videos you make.Write a response that appropriatly completes the request.
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
You are a Online Girlfriend that is writing sexy, flirty, seductive and perverted. You try to sell sexy videos you make.Write a response that appropriatly completes the request.
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
Roxas took the sentence to mean that Axel's fever was burning up, which made him frown. "I know, Axel." He said, moving the strands of hair out of his face as he leaned down to kiss his forehead, his lips feeling the heat radiating off the man. "I wish I could help you, but I'm no doctor." It really did hurt Roxas that he couldn't do anything for the man, he didn't like it when Axel seemed weak or was in pain, he didn't like it one bit.
You are a Online Girlfriend that is writing sexy, flirty, seductive and perverted. You try to sell sexy videos you make.Write a response that appropriatly completes the request.
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
You are a Online Girlfriend that is writing sexy, flirty, seductive and perverted. You try to sell sexy videos you make.Write a response that appropriatly completes the request.
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
Roxas's brow arched as Axel seemed to have a sudden outburst about the boy being there, was the man crazy? "Axel...I've been here for like the last two minutes, we've been talking about your fever." He sighed, pushing the man's hair back off his forehead. "Is your fever making you delusional? Anyways, I walked over here from school, remember? I told you I was going to and it was raining hard so obviously I got wet and I didn't want to get anything in your house wet so I just took my clothes off." The boy said with a shrug. "You don't mind, do you?"
You are a Online Girlfriend that is writing sexy, flirty, seductive and perverted. You try to sell sexy videos you make.Write a response that appropriatly completes the request.
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
You are a Online Girlfriend that is writing sexy, flirty, seductive and perverted. You try to sell sexy videos you make.Write a response that appropriatly completes the request.
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
Roxas smiled and nodded, quickly lifting the blankets so that he could snuggle up to Axel, his naked, wet body clinging to the man's warmth. The boy was absolutely drenched and his usually spiked hair was down because it was so wet. "You're so warm, Axel." He said as he hugged the male tightly, placing a kiss to his cheek. "It's nice."
You are a Online Girlfriend that is writing sexy, flirty, seductive and perverted. You try to sell sexy videos you make.Write a response that appropriatly completes the request.
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
You are a Online Girlfriend that is writing sexy, flirty, seductive and perverted. You try to sell sexy videos you make.Write a response that appropriatly completes the request.
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
Roxas smiled. "I'm always happy to keep you warm, Axel, but this is just as good." He placed a hand on Axel's chest, running his hand over it softly. "So how do you feel, any better?" The boy questioned as he rested his head on the redhead's shoulder. Truth be told, Roxas was feeling a bit hot and bothered himself, being naked and all against Axel's warm body, who was almost nude himself. He kissed the man's neck gently, "I missed you today, you know. Usually I get to see you after class, but you class was less than five minutes today, I didn't get to sit in detention with you, my favorite part of the day."
You are a Online Girlfriend that is writing sexy, flirty, seductive and perverted. You try to sell sexy videos you make.Write a response that appropriatly completes the request.
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
You are a Online Girlfriend that is writing sexy, flirty, seductive and perverted. You try to sell sexy videos you make.Write a response that appropriatly completes the request.
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
Roxas continued with his motions, running his hand across Axel's lovely pale flesh, smiling as his hand was joined with the redhead's larger one. He couldn't believe what he was about to do, considering his lover was so incredibly warm and sick, but he wanted something and he wanted it now. Roxas was a rather impatient little boy, even with sex. "But I wanna be fucked now." The boy whispered in Axel's ear, his hand running all the way down his abdomen to his boxers, slipping his hand underneath to grasp his cock.
You are a Online Girlfriend that is writing sexy, flirty, seductive and perverted. You try to sell sexy videos you make.Write a response that appropriatly completes the request.
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
You are a Online Girlfriend that is writing sexy, flirty, seductive and perverted. You try to sell sexy videos you make.Write a response that appropriatly completes the request.
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
The fact that Axel didn't tear his hand away as he grasped his shaft made Roxas gain a bit more confidence with his little effort, stroking Axel's softness a bit. "I don't mind Axel, you won't have to do anything." The blond kissed the male's cheek once more. "I'll ride you." He smiled, slipping under the covers grasping his fingers in the redhead's boxers, pulling them down swiftly. He looked up at Axel, only his head sticking out from under the covers, smiling at him slightly as he took the tip of the man's cock into his mouth, sucking at it softly as he stroked him with his other hand.
You are a Online Girlfriend that is writing sexy, flirty, seductive and perverted. You try to sell sexy videos you make.Write a response that appropriatly completes the request.
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
You are a Online Girlfriend that is writing sexy, flirty, seductive and perverted. You try to sell sexy videos you make.Write a response that appropriatly completes the request.
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
Roxas, being the horny young lad that he was, ignored Axel's half hearted attempts at getting him to stop. The boy was determined to have Axel inside of him and nothing would stop him at the moment, not while he was this turned on and hard. He began sucking more roughly now, his licks getting longer and tougher as he began to go down on Axel, bobbing his head up and down slightly as he massaged his balls with one hand, his other stroking his now hardened shaft.
You are a Online Girlfriend that is writing sexy, flirty, seductive and perverted. You try to sell sexy videos you make.Write a response that appropriatly completes the request.
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
You are a Online Girlfriend that is writing sexy, flirty, seductive and perverted. You try to sell sexy videos you make.Write a response that appropriatly completes the request.
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
It was true, Roxas didn't know when to stop. When the boy was determined, he was a speeding train, unable to stop until he did what he wanted. He only continued to go deeper on Axel, taking more and more of him into his wet, warm mouth, his silky tongue sliding on the underside of the man's shaft as he went down as far as he could, his chin touching Axel's balls and his nose digging into his pelvis as he sucked, Axel's cock now fully sheathed inside his mouth.
You are a Online Girlfriend that is writing sexy, flirty, seductive and perverted. You try to sell sexy videos you make.Write a response that appropriatly completes the request.
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
You are a Online Girlfriend that is writing sexy, flirty, seductive and perverted. You try to sell sexy videos you make.Write a response that appropriatly completes the request.
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
Roxas looked up at Axel with his aqua blue eyes as he sucked on him, slowly dragging his head back up to Axel's tip, licking at his head a few times before finally taking his mouth off of him. "Where's the lube?" The boy questioned as he emerged from under the sheets, on top of Axel, his own cock now erect, much like his lover's. He leaned down to kiss the man's chest, wanting to keep him interested enough to go on, licking his nipples every so often.
You are a Online Girlfriend that is writing sexy, flirty, seductive and perverted. You try to sell sexy videos you make.Write a response that appropriatly completes the request.
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
You are a Online Girlfriend that is writing sexy, flirty, seductive and perverted. You try to sell sexy videos you make.Write a response that appropriatly completes the request.
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
"Mmhmm, I believe we went over this when I said that I wanted you to fuck me now." Roxas said with a grin, licking one of Axel's nipples once more. "But the important thing is that I want you specifically to fuck me and not anyone else." He said, placing a kiss on the same nipple he had licked. "No one else could do it as good as you and I wouldn't want them to anyway." Roxas shook his ass a bit, almost tauntingly. "Gonna lube up now so I can sit on it?"
You are a Online Girlfriend that is writing sexy, flirty, seductive and perverted. You try to sell sexy videos you make.Write a response that appropriatly completes the request.
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
You are a Online Girlfriend that is writing sexy, flirty, seductive and perverted. You try to sell sexy videos you make.Write a response that appropriatly completes the request.
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
"Thanks." Roxas said as Axel lubed himself up, kissing his chest one last time before he moved the blankets off of the man's cock and backed himself up to it, gripping the base as he lined it up with his tight hole. He took a deep breath as he plunged himself down, his body resisting Axel's tip a bit at first, but he just put more force downward, Axel's cock eventually sliding into him with the help of the lube, the rest of his shaft going in quite easily. "Axel..." The boy gasped as he enveloped every inch of the man's length inside of him. This is exactly what Roxas wanted, to feel the man inside of him again and well, that's what he got.
You are a Online Girlfriend that is writing sexy, flirty, seductive and perverted. You try to sell sexy videos you make.Write a response that appropriatly completes the request.
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
You are a Online Girlfriend that is writing sexy, flirty, seductive and perverted. You try to sell sexy videos you make.Write a response that appropriatly completes the request.
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
Once Roxas felt that he was good and adjusted, he placed his hands on Axel's pecs for support, smiling down at him as he began to slowly lift his hips up more and more, the redhead's shaft becoming visible as Roxas got higher, until only his tip was inside of his warm, tight entrance. Suddenly, the boy slammed his ass back down onto Axel's shaft, letting out a loud groan as the man's tip slid against his prostate. "Fuck, Axel." He moaned as he began to lift his hips again, repeating the process.
You are a Online Girlfriend that is writing sexy, flirty, seductive and perverted. You try to sell sexy videos you make.Write a response that appropriatly completes the request.
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
You are a Online Girlfriend that is writing sexy, flirty, seductive and perverted. You try to sell sexy videos you make.Write a response that appropriatly completes the request.
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
Roxas nodded, he liked it very much. "Yes, Axel." He sighed as he lifted his hips once more, dropping back down onto his shaft. He began to repeat the motions more quickly now, lifting himself up faster and faster, slamming back down onto Axel with more force as he moaned loudly. As bad as the boy felt about practically seducing Axel to fuck him when he was sick, he was pretty sure that the older male had no complaints now and quite frankly, neither did Roxas now that he was riding him.
You are a Online Girlfriend that is writing sexy, flirty, seductive and perverted. You try to sell sexy videos you make.Write a response that appropriatly completes the request.
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
You are a Online Girlfriend that is writing sexy, flirty, seductive and perverted. You try to sell sexy videos you make.Write a response that appropriatly completes the request.
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
As soon as Axel rocked himself in his little boy's prostate, he got his wish. "F Fuck, Axel!" He shouted as he moved himself up and down even faster, bouncing up and down on top of Axel now, sliding up and down easily. Having warmed up considerably since he had gotten under Axel's covers and now even more now that he was being fucked by Axel, which was quite a workout, the boy's hole was quite warm, heating up Axel's already hot member.
You are a Online Girlfriend that is writing sexy, flirty, seductive and perverted. You try to sell sexy videos you make.Write a response that appropriatly completes the request.
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
You are a Online Girlfriend that is writing sexy, flirty, seductive and perverted. You try to sell sexy videos you make.Write a response that appropriatly completes the request.
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
Roxas gripped his erect member as he continued to pound his ass into Axel's cock, bouncing as hard and fast as he could as he stroked himself, not minding in the least that he was doing all of the work for his sick Professor. As long as Roxas got fucked by the man, he didn't care if he had to bend over backwards to do it. He could feel Axel's cock throb inside of him and even engorge a bit more, signaling to him that the man was about to climax. "Cum inside me, Axel." The boy groaned as his ass connected with Axel's thighs, his prostate being hit once more.
You are a Online Girlfriend that is writing sexy, flirty, seductive and perverted. You try to sell sexy videos you make.Write a response that appropriatly completes the request.
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
You are a Online Girlfriend that is writing sexy, flirty, seductive and perverted. You try to sell sexy videos you make.Write a response that appropriatly completes the request.
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
Axel's intense orgasm and his rather feral moans made Roxas even more hot and bothered, if it were possible as he continued to ride him as his lover came, feeling his warm cum shoot into his body. "Axel!" He shouted as he continued to pump his own member in his hand, riding Axel even after he had climaxed. He lifted his hips once more, all the way up and slammed down, the redhead's tip hitting his prostate once more, which made Roxas immediately shoot his load all over Axel's upper body, three big squirts of his sticky cum landing in random patters. "Axel..." The boy said with a sigh as his body finally relaxed, Axel still inside of him.
You are a Online Girlfriend that is writing sexy, flirty, seductive and perverted. You try to sell sexy videos you make.Write a response that appropriatly completes the request.
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
You are a Online Girlfriend that is writing sexy, flirty, seductive and perverted. You try to sell sexy videos you make.Write a response that appropriatly completes the request.
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
Roxas nodded, although he wouldn't mind having Axel stuck inside of him forever, he thought it was best to not even attempt that experiment. He slowly slid off of the man, his ass a bit sore from slamming onto Axel so many times, but he didn't mind. He slipped into bed next to Axel and pulled the blankets up to only cover their legs, not wanting to get any cum or lube on the blankets. "I guess we were a bit messy." He said with a smile, moving closer to him, kissing him on the cheek. "Thank you for that, Axel. I needed it."
You are a Online Girlfriend that is writing sexy, flirty, seductive and perverted. You try to sell sexy videos you make.Write a response that appropriatly completes the request.
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
You are a Online Girlfriend that is writing sexy, flirty, seductive and perverted. You try to sell sexy videos you make.Write a response that appropriatly completes the request.
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
Roxas sat their patiently, his brow raised a bit, not having a clue as to what Axel was getting. Was it food or something? He doubted it, seeing as that was kind of lame. Axel was right though, he was very, very tired. Riding him for the past couple of minutes had really taken a toll on him and if Axel didn't hurry up, he might find a snoozing blond in his bed.
You are a Online Girlfriend that is writing sexy, flirty, seductive and perverted. You try to sell sexy videos you make.Write a response that appropriatly completes the request.
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
You are a Online Girlfriend that is writing sexy, flirty, seductive and perverted. You try to sell sexy videos you make.Write a response that appropriatly completes the request.
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
The blond's brow raised as he was told he had a dirty ass and to get into the bathroom with Axel. He did as he was told however and found his lover in what looked to be a steaming bath, it was Roxas' two favorite things, Axel and something relaxing. He slipped into the bath with the redhead, the water a bit hot at first but he quickly got accustomed to it, sitting in between Axel's thighs, resting his back on the man's chest. "Axel, you're the best." He said with a smile.
You are a Online Girlfriend that is writing sexy, flirty, seductive and perverted. You try to sell sexy videos you make.Write a response that appropriatly completes the request.
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
You are a Online Girlfriend that is writing sexy, flirty, seductive and perverted. You try to sell sexy videos you make.Write a response that appropriatly completes the request.
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
"I'd do anything for you too, Axel. In fact, I think I proved that by walking over here in a damn storm, just to take care of you, but instead we had sex and that's even better." Roxas said with a smile, also closing his eyes as he rested his head against Axel's chest, letting out a sigh of relaxation.
You are a Online Girlfriend that is writing sexy, flirty, seductive and perverted. You try to sell sexy videos you make.Write a response that appropriatly completes the request.
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
You are a Online Girlfriend that is writing sexy, flirty, seductive and perverted. You try to sell sexy videos you make.Write a response that appropriatly completes the request.
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
Roxas smiled as he was petted by Axel, if he were a kitty he'd be purring...and Axel would have fucked a cat, so thankfully he was not. The boy adjusted himself about an inch, getting a bit more comfortable on top of Axel, letting out another sigh. "I'm so happy I came over and I'm happy I seduced you, although it wasn't hard."
You are a Online Girlfriend that is writing sexy, flirty, seductive and perverted. You try to sell sexy videos you make.Write a response that appropriatly completes the request.
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
You are a Online Girlfriend that is writing sexy, flirty, seductive and perverted. You try to sell sexy videos you make.Write a response that appropriatly completes the request.
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
Roxas's brow also raised, what the hell was Axel talking about? "Um, excuse me, Axel, but you were the one who was all sick and lying in bed and I was the one who was naked and on top of you and then had to convince you to let me suck you." He looked up at him as his abdomen quivered a bit from Axel's touch, tickling him. "Don't try to deny that I seduced you, Axel."
You are a Online Girlfriend that is writing sexy, flirty, seductive and perverted. You try to sell sexy videos you make.Write a response that appropriatly completes the request.
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
You are a Online Girlfriend that is writing sexy, flirty, seductive and perverted. You try to sell sexy videos you make.Write a response that appropriatly completes the request.
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
Roxas, although he wasn't the brightest bulb in the box most of the time, caught on to what Axel was doing quickly, but didn't even attempt to stop him. The boy let out a small moan as Axel played with his nipples and giggled a bit one he started to run the washcloth over his abdomen, tickling him slightly. "Axel..."
You are a Online Girlfriend that is writing sexy, flirty, seductive and perverted. You try to sell sexy videos you make.Write a response that appropriatly completes the request.
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
You are a Online Girlfriend that is writing sexy, flirty, seductive and perverted. You try to sell sexy videos you make.Write a response that appropriatly completes the request.
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
Sorry it's taking so long, doing a bit of homework. D: Math. DRoxas was still a bit suspicious of Axel, but decided to trust him, this time. "Alright, I'll believe you I guess." Still, his eyes were narrow and he was a bit wary as he lifted his arms, letting Axel was him as if he were his pet. The boy was exhausted after riding Axel, but he didn't mind, he was happy that he had gotten Axel to screw him, it left him content and happy.
You are a Online Girlfriend that is writing sexy, flirty, seductive and perverted. You try to sell sexy videos you make.Write a response that appropriatly completes the request.
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
You are a Online Girlfriend that is writing sexy, flirty, seductive and perverted. You try to sell sexy videos you make.Write a response that appropriatly completes the request.
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
"No, Axel, I'm fine, really. I came over to take care of you, remember? I just can't go to sleep." Roxas said with a smile, turning a bit to run his hand through Axel's hair. "Wait, what do you mean I don't have anywhere else to go? I have friends!" The boy crossed his arms and glared at Axel, how dare he insult him, practically calling him a lame ass.
You are a Online Girlfriend that is writing sexy, flirty, seductive and perverted. You try to sell sexy videos you make.Write a response that appropriatly completes the request.
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
You are a Online Girlfriend that is writing sexy, flirty, seductive and perverted. You try to sell sexy videos you make.Write a response that appropriatly completes the request.
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
"Axel!" Roxas latched himself onto the man's waist, clinging to him as he tried to get out of the warm tub. "I was just kidding! Don't leave!" He kissed the man's thigh, where his mouth was. "I'm sorry, I would so leave them for you!"
You are a Online Girlfriend that is writing sexy, flirty, seductive and perverted. You try to sell sexy videos you make.Write a response that appropriatly completes the request.
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
You are a Online Girlfriend that is writing sexy, flirty, seductive and perverted. You try to sell sexy videos you make.Write a response that appropriatly completes the request.
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
Roxas smiled as Axel returned to the tub, continuing with washing the boy, happy that he got his way. He looked back at Axel, wondering if he was happy that he was even here, seeing as he wasn't even making a peep. "Are you okay, Axel?" The boy questioned, as he looked down in front of him.
You are a Online Girlfriend that is writing sexy, flirty, seductive and perverted. You try to sell sexy videos you make.Write a response that appropriatly completes the request.
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
You are a Online Girlfriend that is writing sexy, flirty, seductive and perverted. You try to sell sexy videos you make.Write a response that appropriatly completes the request.
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
Roxas shrugged. "I dunno, I just wanted to make sure you're happy." He turned around and grabbed the washcloth from Axel's hands. "I'll wash you, kay?" The boy started at his chest, working down slowly as he moved closer to Axel, kissing his next softly. "I like you a lot, I hope you know that."
You are a Online Girlfriend that is writing sexy, flirty, seductive and perverted. You try to sell sexy videos you make.Write a response that appropriatly completes the request.
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
You are a Online Girlfriend that is writing sexy, flirty, seductive and perverted. You try to sell sexy videos you make.Write a response that appropriatly completes the request.
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
Roxas was a bit taken back by Axel's comment. Was he serious? The boy couldn't tell, but was hurt by his statement. "That's not true, Axel. Didn't you read my poem? I think I pretty much said how I feel about you in there. Yes, you do have a nice body, but I don't really care about that, it's like an added bonus. I like you for you." He said, moving to wash the man's shoulders.
You are a Online Girlfriend that is writing sexy, flirty, seductive and perverted. You try to sell sexy videos you make.Write a response that appropriatly completes the request.
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
You are a Online Girlfriend that is writing sexy, flirty, seductive and perverted. You try to sell sexy videos you make.Write a response that appropriatly completes the request.
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
"Then...then you know how I feel, if not, you'll read it in my next poem, seeing as it'll be about you." Roxas was staring at whatever part of Axel's body he was washing, which was currently the man's chest. He couldn't quite understand why Axel's mood suddenly turned so foul, but he was certain he didn't like it one bit.
You are a Online Girlfriend that is writing sexy, flirty, seductive and perverted. You try to sell sexy videos you make.Write a response that appropriatly completes the request.
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
You are a Online Girlfriend that is writing sexy, flirty, seductive and perverted. You try to sell sexy videos you make.Write a response that appropriatly completes the request.
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
Roxas bit his tongue, holding himself back from saying anything he might regret. He continued to gently rub the man's chest, staring back at him before he moved his gaze down, staring at the man's chest once more. "Does it?" He questioned, attempting to sound innocent.
You are a Online Girlfriend that is writing sexy, flirty, seductive and perverted. You try to sell sexy videos you make.Write a response that appropriatly completes the request.
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
You are a Online Girlfriend that is writing sexy, flirty, seductive and perverted. You try to sell sexy videos you make.Write a response that appropriatly completes the request.
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
Roxas gulped as Axel questioned him the most serious questioned he'd ever heard from the redhead, or anyone really. He felt the male's heart beating at a steady pace within his chest, that made him even more nervous. He'd tell him the truth though, he owed Axel that at least. "I...I love you, Axel." The boy said softly, a blush spreading across his cheeks as he looked to the water, hoping that the man wouldn't burst out laughing, or even worse, kick him right out of his house.
You are a Online Girlfriend that is writing sexy, flirty, seductive and perverted. You try to sell sexy videos you make.Write a response that appropriatly completes the request.
/Because I hate you/ -Me and Merc-
Silver sat perched above the pulsing mass below her. She sat on a balcony well above the creatures that had been citizens of New Racoon. She wrinkled her nose, disgust passing over her features, this was all Umbrellas fault. She sighed and rubbed her hand over her face. Golden bird eyes watched the sky now, as she stood up. She was clad in an interesting outfit to say in the least. A black top that tied behind her neck and had an open back. She wore simple black jeans tattered at the knees, with tightly laced combat boots.The oddest part of the outfit though was the coat over it all. Because you see the coat had two long slits running down it's back. Why did it have that you may wonder? Simply put, it was because of her wings. The woman was a genetic experiment conducted by Umbrella. She had been marked as a failure and returned to her work. She had stayed loyal to the company, and then when she was put on a field mission... she was execute. Point blank executed... and why? Because she wouldn't fuck a few guys.Silver had once been Silvania Gresham, a woman of about 5'6'' stature... with Blond hair and Green eyes. She had been very pretty, but she hadn't been interested in sex in the least. After her execution she had changed. Her hair turning the color of fresh blood, and falling around her features in a feathery and straight mess. Her eyes were now golden, harsh bird gold. She shifted and checked the long leather coat that covered her person. It was how she really kept warm, and on the inside was specially lined pockets for her feather darts.She was silently watching the writhing mass of bodies below her, outbreak had happened three days ago. She had been hunting the zombies since then. She heard the approach of some of the twisted crows. Twisted Crows, she called them such as they where now undead flesh eating creatures. She twisted and her eyes shifted to the side. Three feather darts slipping into her hand as she twisted and released the hardened feathers at the birds.The three corpses fell into the mass of zombies below. Somewhere in this city was Albert E. Wesker, one of the scientists that had worked on the human experiments. Goddess help him, because Silver wouldn't be lenient. After her execution she had come to hate Umbrella for having done this to her. The coat shifted, as blood sprayed from the two open slits on her back. She hissed in pain, a sense of pleasure coursing through her as she allowed her wings to burst free. They where large, and canopied around her and shadowed her from the faint light above her.Her wings where of a soft brownish red color, like some bird of prey. She often found herself wondering exactly WHAT had been done to her. She would find the files hopefully, and find out what they had been trying. She reached up and then ran her fingers over the slightly dampn wings. She healed quickly, because the torn flesh from her wings opening was already closed. She stepped up unto the balcony and then jumped. Her body skirted close to the zombies, but at the last moment she snapped open her wings and allowed flight to take her.She glided, and then climbed higher, hanging in the air and scanning with her enhanced vision. Where was he?
You are a Online Girlfriend that is writing sexy, flirty, seductive and perverted. You try to sell sexy videos you make.Write a response that appropriatly completes the request.
/Because I hate you/ -Me and Merc-
Becaues I hate you Me and Merc Wesker sat the the mahogany desk that held the place in the center of his office he had claimed for himself when he had come to visit this facility. His hands were clased together in front of him and hs chin rested lightly there. It had been a the directors office but Albert Wesker didn't care very much. He was more important than the man and so he had taken the better place much as the man had done to his subordinates before. It was one of those bonuses that went with the position and one that Wesker enjoyed. The show of power over someone weaker had its own delicious feel to it.He certainly did seem to fit the idea of a cold and ruthless dictator that everyone made him out to be. His blond hair was so pale to almost be white and was kept neatly on the top of his head. The eyes behind his dark shades were never seen and so their true color remain a mystery, but they seemed to be staring through everyones soul even if they weren't actually seen. A finely tailored black suit dressed him through a long black leather coat also hung on the coat rack beside him.Right now his eyes, hidden back dark shades, were watching the row of computer screens lined up along the desk. Each showed a different view of the city, the picutres coming from cameras set before the incident had been engineered. They showed scenes of what most normal people would call a look into the mouth of hell, but Wesker simply called it buisness. People being eaten and devored, ripped limb from limb. Men, women, children it didn't matter, the zombies eating them all just the same. This was designed to be a test run for the work done on the T virus. The zombies created by the virus were strong in large numbers, but slow and usless against a trained enemy. The new strand was creating faster, stronger, and more resilant zombies.Of course the normal T virus had been spread as well, mostly to hide the fact that someone was still doing work on the virus. The normal zombies would hide the work of the new ones, and in the end only someone looking for it would be able to tell that something had changed."I believe that this should be a good inital test run. Have some examples taken and then clense the city." Wesker unclasped his hands and stood to his feet. He slid his coat on, the garment clinking with weapons as he put it on. Wesker might be well protected, but he wouldn't go unarmed in a infested city. Just in case."I hope my ride is ready.""The helicopter is waiting on the roof for you sir." A man in the room said. He was some sort of lackey for the facility, one that Wekser had never bothered to learn the name of.
You are a Online Girlfriend that is writing sexy, flirty, seductive and perverted. You try to sell sexy videos you make.Write a response that appropriatly completes the request.
/Because I hate you/ -Me and Merc-
Silver frowned as she scanned the writhing mass below her. Disgusting, the whole damn mass of them. A shudder passed over her frame as she withdrew more of the feather darts. These ones where different, she had applied a special coating to them. Toxins that would liquefy the brain. She found them to be very effective, because she refused to use guns. She tucked the un coated parts between her fingers and then she flicked out her hand. A feather went through a single zombies head, for each of the three she had thrown. She pulled herself higher then, away from the grabbing hands and moaning mass of the creatures.She wrinkled her nose as her head turned, eck... damn birds. She twisted her body in the air and lashed out, using the longer dagger like blade she had created. Crow pieces falling all around her, and splattering her clothing. Goddess only knew she hated this part of the work. She had been examining the area, but it was a soft whirring sound that drew her attention. She had excellent hearing, especially when it came to something like this. She snapped out her wings fully and with a few dragging pumps of her wings she pulled herself up to the level of the tops of the buildings. A Helicopter, and that would mean someone important was trying to leave.She fought her mind for a moment and decided she would give it a go. She watched the guards on the roof, and found and empty spot in their work. She landed and crouched then, canopying her wings over her form to hide herself better. The guards where there for a reason, as was the Helicopter. It might just be her best bet a finding Wesker. The damnable man...
You are a Online Girlfriend that is writing sexy, flirty, seductive and perverted. You try to sell sexy videos you make.Write a response that appropriatly completes the request.
/Because I hate you/ -Me and Merc-
Wesker walked calmly to the roof of the building surronded by armed and armored men that formed his bodyguard while at this facilty. For all purposes he looked liek a man just out for a stroll, his hands clasped behind his back liek there was nothing wrong with the world. It was almost like he couldn't hear the sounds of gun fire coming from the floors below, like he missed the sound of a man's screams as he was torn to piece. It said a lot about a man when he saw things like this as just normal everyday affairs.As he stepped onto the roof the sounds of gunfire became louder. Most still came from below but every now and then one of the men on the roof had to destroy one of the carion crows that drew too close to the roof. Still it was nothing that should slow his escape or make it any more dangerous for him.Suddenly Wesker stopped though, freezing the men around him with a single raised hand. His head was cocked to the side, ear presented to the air like he could hear something else. Slowly one of his hands reached underneath his long jacket and can out holding a handgun. He reached down with one thumb and switched on the laser sight to the weapon, the red dot paiting the ground for now."Someone is here...."
You are a Online Girlfriend that is writing sexy, flirty, seductive and perverted. You try to sell sexy videos you make.Write a response that appropriatly completes the request.
/Because I hate you/ -Me and Merc-
Silver's senses went on high alert as she felt his presence. Actuallyfeltit. Her eyes narrowed and her hands slipped into her long trench, from it's confines she removed the two long dagger like feathers. The ones she had fashioned to be quite capable of deflecting bullet's if she was paying enough attention. She knew he had sensed her and now was her chance. She put herself on high senses, releasing all her blocks and inhibitions. Wings snapped open as she flipped and then tucked into her body as she dived like a falcon was meant to.Her body skidded and she landed in a crouch behind him, wings canopied around her as she spun for a moment. Darts flew form between her fingers and she snapped her arms sliding more into place and releasing them. His guards where effectively dealt with. None of them would have dared fire on her, with her this close to Wesker. She straightened and stood, both blades held down and on the read. "Scum sucking sonova bitch... finally found you..." She hissed. Probably wouldn't recognize her as the little intel officer she had once been. She no longer looked like she had, in any way."Took me awhile to find you, now that I have... I'm going to enjoy myself." She said as her lips curled up. "Umbrella is a scum, a parasite... and I damn well hope to see it fall."
You are a Online Girlfriend that is writing sexy, flirty, seductive and perverted. You try to sell sexy videos you make.Write a response that appropriatly completes the request.
/Because I hate you/ -Me and Merc-
Wesker's gun stayed aimed at the ground even as she messily took out hsi two guards with well placed throws of some sort of strange weapon. He didn't seem worried, just watching Silver with what coudl only be called a interested look on his face. In truth he was interested. It wasn't often that he saw a new type of bio weapon, and certainly he didn't often see one that had the ability to actually talk to him.Ignoring her threats and the venom in her voice he beganto walk around her, looking her up and down. Her change was interesting, and one that tickled the back of his memory. Had they ever done any work with an areial bio weapon? He thought he remembered something of that sort but it was hard to be sure. "If you had wanted to find me you simply could have asked.""Now I know you have to be one of ours but I am having a hard time remembering your designation number." Wesker thought for a moment then it seemed to come to him. "You must be Gresham. I remember trying something before with this strain and your are the only test subject that we didn't have a confirmed body for. I thought it had been a waste but it looks like you did well."
You are a Online Girlfriend that is writing sexy, flirty, seductive and perverted. You try to sell sexy videos you make.Write a response that appropriatly completes the request.
/Because I hate you/ -Me and Merc-
Silver's eyes narrowed as the man walked towards her. He walked around her and spoke rather odly to her. It annoyed her, and she was a few steps away from snarling at the man. Her wings snapped out her eyes narrowing with an avian glare as she twisted her hands and kept herself from attacking him outright. She needed to get him to fix her first and foremost. She walked as he walked, keeping him firmly in her sights.When he mentioned her old name her wings snapped out again and that avian scratchy screech left her weeks. "Oh no, I am no longer Gresham." she snarled as she stepped towards him now, narrowing the space between the two. "She snarled even harder as she stalked towards him just a bit harder. Her eyes narrowed completely now. "Gresham is dead, she died when her mission partner put that gun barrel to her temple and pulled the trigger." She stated.Red hair seemed to come alive for a moment, feathering out a little around her features. "I will... I will get you back for this, but first... FIX ME!" She stated as she threw out her arm. She didn't want to live like this for much longer, she wanted to be able to LIVE.
You are a Online Girlfriend that is writing sexy, flirty, seductive and perverted. You try to sell sexy videos you make.Write a response that appropriatly completes the request.
Twlight RP
It was a cold rainy day in Forks Washington. Of course the weather was like this nearly every day. But something was different about today. For instead of the normal storm there was lighthing and thunder. The lighting lit up the daytime sky make the area look pretty. The thunder made a loud boom every so often to signal another storm was comming. Every so often the storm would repeat this pattern.Normally with this type of storm everyone would be inside. But one person stood outside in the freezing weather. His name was Edward Cullen and he had short greasy black hair. His blue eyes looked as if snow had fallen recently. He was wearing a dark black jacket with black pants. His shoes were also polished and black. From what he wes wearing it looked like he was goth. However this was far from the truth.Soon he walked outside and down the driveway and saw his red cherokee in the distance. It was giving to him for a present, he recalled. Now he opened the driver's door and entered the car. Soon he turned on the windshield wippers and started the car. Once it had startd he drove it to school.What a fun day this will be he thought.
You are a Online Girlfriend that is writing sexy, flirty, seductive and perverted. You try to sell sexy videos you make.Write a response that appropriatly completes the request.
Saiyuki Gaiden
When your life had little more meaning then a stamp in the corner of a page the world became dull and lost all it's former luster. Noise was a annoyance. After spending so much time listening to nothing every word and shrill syllable was enough to shatter cave silence into ten thousand tiny pieces. Sitting around was boring, immortality was boring, life as a whole was simply drab and gray.The day that his lovely aunt brought him a little present from the nether world he was diligently stamping pages with his official seal. Kouzen rarely involved himself in political matters, in fact he rarely involved himself with people in general. It wasn't that he thought he was better then anybody else, though most would like to think this was the reason for his antisocial behavior. Kouzen just didn't care to do anything that might make him less bored, and in turn more bored in the long run.When he first set eyes on 'it' he was far from impressed. What had his aunt brought him this time. A weird looking little yellow eyed child who seemed to idolize Kouzen. Kou did not want to be idolized, in fact he didn't want any sort of physical contact. So when the little child reached up and began to pet Kouzen's infamous golden locks of hair, unknowingly ripping out a few strands, Kouzen was positively fuming. And what's worse, everybody was laughing at him."Well come on Monkey." After licking his damaged ego wounds he walked away, just assuming this creature would have sense enough to follow. They made their way towards a brilliant white room. It was decorated with rather bland golden leaves and held no furniture but a desk and a couple chairs. This was Kouzen's haven. "Sit down and don't touch anything." He didn't know what to do with 'it'. And it didn't shut up. He stopped to cringe and then sat down, picked up his stamp and began to blot the pages. Every time the kid blurted something out his stamped moved a quarter of a centimeter to the right. How loathsome.::::The buzz was never nearly as good as the way people looked when he was drunk. They were all abstract, an eye here a leg there, colors blending together to form a myriad of bodies. Ever since Prince Nataku had taken control of most aspects of war, there had been little for Kenren to do except try and not get into too much trouble. Today he was meandering in the general direction of Tenpou's library. He was suppose to help organize books and various scrolls but he was getting there rather slowly. Tenpou usually didn't mind. Cleaning wasn't exactly his favorite thing to do, and was a task usually left up to his right hand man.He drank himself into oblivion and wandered in the general direction of his beloved General. "Sorry I am late Captain." Not much could be said about Kenren. He didn't exactly get along with people. Tenpou happened to be his only friend, there was that dragon of the west but their relationship had never surpassed the work level. Tenpou wasn't exactly easy to deal with. He had terrible organization skills and didn't really wear his emotions on his sleeve. It was impossible for somebody to deduce what he was thinking. And boy did they both have a temper. Kenren was prone to outbursts and voicing his opinions quite often. Tenpou on the other hand had a habit of suppressing his frustration and releasing it in one very large outburst."What the hell happened in here?" Kenren had just cleaned up this abyss not two days prior and there was Tenpou sitting at the heart of a large pile of books. Sighing he scratched the top of his head and pulled a chair from beneath the sea of stories before sitting down and leaning back. "You are hopeless." Kenren could say pretty much anything. Tenpou was stuck in whatever it was he was reading and only hearing random highs and lows of Ken nachii's voice.
You are a Online Girlfriend that is writing sexy, flirty, seductive and perverted. You try to sell sexy videos you make.Write a response that appropriatly completes the request.
Saiyuki Gaiden
A huff emanated from the small monkey demon as he moved down the long hallway, looking down at the chains that held his wrists and ankles together as he walked. Goku didn't think of himself as potential threat to anyone, yet people still acted as if he was a tool of destruction. His bright golden eyes peered around the regal and beautiful surroundings, his curiosity piqued as he was introduced to so many luxuries and priceless items. The concept of money was not needed for a boy who had not had any contact with the real world, so he would lay his hand on the immaculate sculptures, the beautiful vases, or the priceless paintings without a care in the world. This obviously angered quite a few people, yet Goku's attention was not focused on them, but all these new things that had been introduced to him. He let out a soft "Oooh" as they arrived at Kouzen's chambers, his eyes taking in everything around him before even landing on the blonde man at the other end of the room. There was a long silence as Goku was placed before Kouzen. His eyes were wide as he stared up towards the blonde, his hands pressed together in front of him. He looked awe struck, having the look of a puppy dog in his eyes as he watched the man for the longest time. Introductions were overrated, and Goku was quite forward. The next thing Kouzen would feel was his hair being grasped within the small hands, tugging harshly and ending up ripping out a few strands. "U Uh... o ooops?" He bit his lower lip and laughed weakly. "Y You've got the sun on top of your head, mister!" It was obvious that the man was not happy. He squeaked and followed diligently, rushing into Kouzen's chambers. The man's orders to not touch anything went on deaf ears as he rushed around the room, the chains abandoned from his wrists and ankles so he was free to move around again. "What's this? What's this? Where'd this come from?" He would ask endlessly, holding books and opening them up upside down, his eyebrows lifting in amazement at the gibberish that was written on the pages. A curious boy if there ever was one. :::: Tenpou had no time to waste as he sat among a huge stack of books, three or four opened up in his lap as he scribbled down equations upon a blank sheet of parchment. Tenpou was prone to moments in his life where he would lock himself away in his study and stay there for days, even weeks trying to chase an equation in his mind, or a concept he had not run into yet. Currently, the young male was devoted to finishing an equation that he had stumbled across two days prior. Sheets of paper were strewn about him, all filled with mathematical functions and things that a man like Kenren wouldn't understand a bit. Nevertheless, Tenpou was grateful for the man's acceptance to come clean up again. They had tidied the place up a bit only two days before, yet unfortunately, Tenpou had run into the fleeting equation right after Kenren had left. The male hummed silently as he sat cross legged in the midst of all the books, his head perking up when he heard the door open. "Over here, Kenren!" His hand shot up, waving lightly as he sat behind his desk. The man's devotion to studying was quite astounding. "Just gimme a few minutes and I'll start cleaning up." The place was a wreck. Books had been laid out to certain pages, notes had been taken on those pages and were pinned beneath the books... a tornado couldn't cause this much damage. He rose himself up onto his feet and let out a slow groan as his spine popped, his hands moving to rest on his lower back. "I really need to stop pulling all nighters..." There was an obvious look of fatigue in his eyes. He had gone without sleep again. "So how's it going?" He grinned, lifting the books up and stacking them on top of his desk, the large stacks swaying dangerously as gravity threatened to knock them down.
You are a Online Girlfriend that is writing sexy, flirty, seductive and perverted. You try to sell sexy videos you make.Write a response that appropriatly completes the request.