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628 | This type of thinking is associated with certain science or standard procedures. | Bu turdagi tafakkur muayyan bir fan yoki standart tartib-qoidalar bilan bog'liq. |
629 | People with this type of thinking have logical thinking, are able to memorize patterns, solve problems and work on scientific tests. | Bu tarzda o'ylaydigan insonlar mantiqiy tafakkurga ega bo'lib, namunalarni yodlab qolish, muammolarni yechish va ilmiy testlar ustida ishlashlari mumkin. |
630 | Humans are by far the most talented species in reading the minds of others. | Insonlar boshqalarning fikrlarini o'qish bo'yicha eng qobiliyatli turlardir. |
631 | That means we are able to successfully predict what other humans perceive, intend, believe, know or desire. | Bu bizning boshqa insonlar nimani idrok etishini, niyat qilishini, ishonishi, bilishi yoki xohlashini oldindan bashorat qila olishimizni anglatadi. |
632 | Among these abilities, understanding the intention of others is crucial. It allows us to resolve possible ambiguities of physical actions. | Bu qobiliyatlar orasida boshqalarning maqsadini tushunish nihoyatda muhim. Bu jismoniy harakatlarning ehtimoliy noaniqlikarini hal etish imkonini beradi. |
633 | For example, if you were to see someone breaking a car window, you would probably assume he was trying to steal a stranger’s car. | Masalan, agar kimsa biror kimning avtomobil oynasini sindirayotganligini ko'rsangiz, siz u begonaning avtomobilini o'g'irlashga urinayotganligini taxmin qilgan bo'lardingiz. |
634 | He would need to be judged differently if he had lost his car keys and it was his own car that he was trying to break into. | Agarda u avtomobilining kalitini yo'qotib qo'ygan bo'lsa hamda u buzib kirishga urinayotgan avtomobil o'ziniki bo'lsa, u boshqacha baholanishi kerak bo'lardi. |
635 | MRI is based on a physics phenomenon called nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), which was discovered in the 1930s by Felix Bloch (working at Stanford University) and Edward Purcell (from Harvard University). | MRI 1930-yillarda Feliks Blok (Stenford universitetida ishlayotgan) va Edvard Pursell (Garvard universitetidan) tomonidan kashf qilingan yadro-magnit rezonansi (NMR) deb ataluvchi fizik hodisaga asoslangan. |
636 | In this resonance, magnetic field and radio waves cause atoms to give off tiny radio signals. | Bu rezonansda magnit maydon hamda radio to'lqinlar atomlarning ingichka radio signallarni yuborishiga sabab bo'ladi. |
637 | In the year 1970, Raymond Damadian, a medical doctor and research scientist, discovered the basis for using magnetic resonance imaging as a tool for medical diagnosis. | 1970-yili tibbiyot shifokori hamda tadqiqotchi olim Raymond Damadian magnit-rezonans tomografiyadan tibbiy tashxis vositasi sifatida foydalanish asosini kashf etdi. |
638 | Four years later a patent was granted, which was the world's first patent issued in the field of MRI. | To'rt yil o'tib, MRT sohasida chiqarilgan dunyodagi ilk patent berildi. |
639 | In 1977, Dr. Damadian completed the construction of the first “whole-body” MRI scanner, which he called the ”Indomitable”. | 1977-yili doktor Damadian ilk "butun tana" MRT skanerini yaratishni yakunladi hamda uni "Indomitable" deb nomladi. |
640 | Asynchronous communication encourages time for reflection and reaction to others. | Asinxron aloqa mulohaza hamda boshqalarga reaksiya bildirish uchun vaqtni beradi. |
641 | It allows students the ability to work at their own pace and control the pace of instructional information. | Bu talabalarga o'z sur'atida ishlash va o'quv ma'lumoti sur'atini nazorat qilish imkonini beradi. |
642 | In addition, there are fewer time restrictions with the possibility of flexible working hours. (Bremer, 1998) | Bundan tashqari ish soatlarini moslashtirish mumkin bo'lgani holda vaqt cheklanishlari kamroqdir. (Bremer, 1998) |
643 | The use of the Internet and the World Wide Web allows learners to have access to information at all times. | Internet va Jahon tarmog'idan foydalanish ta'lim oluvchilarga ma'lumotlarni istalgan vaqtda olishlariga imkon beradi. |
644 | Students can also submit questions to instructors at any time of day and expect reasonably quick responses, rather than waiting until the next face-to-face meeting. | Talabalar kunning har qanday paytida ustozlariga savol bera olishlari hamda keyingi yuzma-yuz uchrashuvni kutib o'tirgandan ko'ra, oqilona tez javoblarni kutishlari mumkin. |
645 | The postmodern approach to learning offers the freedom from absolutes. There is no one good way to learn. | Postmodern ta'lim yondashuvi mutloqliklardan ozodlikni taklif qiladi. o'rganish uchun yagona yaxshi usul mavjud emas. |
646 | In fact, there is not one good thing to learn.Learning takes place in the experience between the learner and the knowledge presented. | Aslida, o'rganish uchun bittagina yaxshi narsa mavjud emas. O'rganish taqdim etilgan bilim hamda o'rganuvchi orasidagi tajribada sodir bo'ladi. |
647 | Our current experience with all the do-it-yourself and information presenting, learning-based television shows illustrates this point. | Barcha o'z qo'lingiz bilan bajariladigan ishlar va axborot taqdim etish bilan bog'liq amaldagi tajribamiz, o'rganishga asoslangan teleko'rsatuvlar shuni ko'rsatib turibdi. |
648 | So many of us find ourselves watching a television show that informs us of a process or experience in which we will never participate or apply that knowledge. | Shu tarzda, bizlarning ko'pchiligimiz o'zimiz hech qachon qatnashmaydigan yoki o'sha bilimlarni qo'llamaydigan jarayon yoki tajriba to'g'risida ma'lumot beruvchi teleko'rsatuvlarni tomosha qilyapmiz. |
649 | We will never overhaul a car, build a fountain in our backyard, travel to Peru to examine ancient ruins, or remodel our neighbour's house. | Biz hech qachon avtomobilni kapital ta'mirlamaymiz, qadimgi xarobalarni o'rganish uchun Peruga sayohat qilmaymiz yoki qo'shnimizning uyini qayta modellashtirmaymiz. |
650 | Thanks to undersea fiber optic cable links to Europe and broadband satellite, Greenland is well connected with 93% of the population having internet access. | Dengiz osti optik tolali kabel orqali Yevropaga hamda keng polosali sputnikka ulanish sababli Grenlandiyaning internetga ulanganlik darajasi yaxshi – aholining 93%i ulangan. |
651 | Your hotel or hosts (if staying in a guesthouse or private home) will likely have wifi or an internet connected PC, and all settlements have an internet cafe or some location with public wifi. | Mehmonxonangiz yoki mezbonlaringiz (agar uy mehmonxona yoki xususiy uyda qolsangiz) katta ehtimol bilan Wi-Fi yoki shaxsiy kompyuterga ulangan internetga ega bo'ladi va barcha aholi manzilgohlarida internet-kafe yoki ochiq Wi-Fi tarmog'i bo'lgan joylar mavjud. |
652 | As mentioned above, though the word "Eskimo" remains acceptable in the United States, it is considered pejorative by many non-U.S. Arctic peoples, especially in Canada. | Yuqorida qayd etilganidek, "Eskimo" so'zi Qo'shma Shtatlarda maqbul so'z bo'lib qolayotgan bo'lsa-da, u ko'plab AQSHlik bo'lmagan Arktika xalqlarida, ayniqsa, Kanadada kamsituvchi so'z hisoblanadi. |
653 | While you may hear the word used by Greenlandic Natives, its use should be avoided by foreigners. | Grenlandiyaning tub aholisi qo'llaydigan so'zni eshitish mumkin bo'lgani holda xorijliklar undan foydalanishdan qochishlari kerak. |
654 | The native inhabitants of Greenland call themselves Inuit in Canada and Kalaalleq (plural Kalaallit), a Greenlander, in Greenland. | Grenlandiyaning tub aholisi o'zini Kanadada Inuit, Glenlandiyada Kalaaleq (ko'plikda — Kalaallit) — grenlandiyalik deb ataydilar. |
655 | Crime, and ill-will toward foreigners in general, is virtually unknown in Greenland. Even in the towns, there are no "rough areas." | Jinoyat va chet elliklarga yomon niyatda bo'lish Grenlandiyada umuman mavjud emas. Hatto shaharlarda ham "qo'pol hududlar" yo'q. |
656 | Cold weather is perhaps the only real danger the unprepared will face. | Hoynahoy, sovuq ob-havo — tayyorgarlik ko'rmagan odamlar duch keladigan yagona haqiqiy xavfdir. |
657 | If you visit Greenland during cold seasons (considering that the further north you go, the colder it will be), it is essential to bring warm enough clothing. | Agarda siz Grenlandiyaga sovuq mavsumlarda borsangiz (qancha shimolroqqa borsangiz, shuncha sovuq bo'lishi hisobga olinsa), yetarlicha issiq kiyimlar olib borish kerak. |
658 | The very long days in the summer can lead to problems getting sufficient sleep and associated health issues. | Yozning juda uzun kunlari yetarli darajada uxlamaslik va ular bilan bog'liq sog'liq muammolariga olib kelishi mumkin. |
659 | During the summer, also watch out for the Nordic mosquitoes. Although they do not transmit any diseases, they can be irritating. | Yoz davomida Nordik chivinlaridan ham ehtiyot bo'ling. Garchi hech qanday kasallik yuqtirmasa-da, ular juda g'ashingizga tegishi mumkin. |
660 | While San Francisco's economy is linked to it being a world-class tourist attraction, its economy is diversified. | San-Fransisko iqtisodiyoti uning dunyo darajasidagi sayyohlik manzili ekanligi bilan bog'liq bo'lsa-da, uning iqtisodi xilma-xildir. |
661 | The largest employment sectors are professional services, government, finance, trade, and tourism. | Ish bilan ta'minlovchi eng yirik sohalar professional xizmatlar, hukumat, moliya, savdo hamda turizmdir. |
662 | Its frequent portrayal in music, films, literature and popular culture has helped make the city and its landmarks known throughout the world. | Musiqa, film, adabiyot va ommaviy madaniyatda ko'p aks ettirilishi shahar va uning diqqatga sazovor yerlarini dunyoga tanitishga hissa qo'shdi. |
663 | San Francisco has developed a large tourist infrastructure with numerous hotels, restaurants, and top-notch convention facilities. | San-Fransisko ko'p sonli mehmonxonalar, restoranlar hamda yuqori darajadagi anjumanlar o'tkaziladigan inshootlardan iborat yirik turizm infratuzilmasini rivojlantirgan. |
664 | San Francisco is also one of the best places in the nation for other Asian cuisine: Korean, Thai, Indian, and Japanese. | San-Fransisko boshqa Osiyo oshxonalari: koreys, tay, hind hamda yapon oshxonalari uchun ham mamlakatdagi eng yaxshi joylardan biridir. |
665 | Traveling to Walt Disney World represents a major pilgrimage for many American families. | Walt Disney World parkiga sayohat qilish ko'pchilik amerikaliklar uchun katta ziyoratdek. |
666 | The "typical" visit involves flying into Orlando International Airport, busing to an on-site Disney hotel, spending about a week without leaving Disney property, and returning home. | An'anaviy tashrif Orlando xalqaro aeroportiga borib qo'nish, avtobusda istirohat bog'i ichida joylashgan mehmonxonaga borish, bir haftani tashqariga chiqmasdan Disney parkida o'tkazish va uyga qaytishdan iborat. |
667 | There are infinite variations possible, but this remains what most people mean when they talk of "going to Disney World". | Cheksiz xilma-xilliklar bor, biroq "Disney olamiga borish" to'g'risida gap ketganda ko'pchilik shuni nazarda tutadi. |
668 | Many tickets sold online through auction websites such as eBay or Craigslist are partially used multi-day park-hopper tickets. | eBay yoxud Craigslist singari auksiion veb-saytlari orqali onlayn sotiluvchi ko'p chiptalar qisman foydalaniladigan ko'p kunlik park-hopper chiptalari hisoblanadi. |
669 | While this is a very common activity, it is prohibited by Disney: the tickets are non-transferable. | Bu juda keng tarqalgan ish bo'lishiga qaramay, u Disney tomonidan taqiqlangan: chiptalarni boshqalarga o'tkazib bo'lmaydi. |
670 | Any camping below the rim in Grand Canyon requires a backcountry permit. | Grand Kanyonda gardishi ostidagi har qanday kemping uchun chekka hudud ruxsatnomasi talab etiladi. |
671 | Permits are limited to protect the canyon, and become available on the 1st day of the month, four months prior to the start month. | Kayonni himoya qilish uchun ruxsatlar cheklangan va ular boshlash oyinda to'rt oy avval, oyning 1-kuni beriladi. |
672 | Thus, a backcountry permit for any start date in May becomes available on 1 Jan. | Shunday qilib, may oyidagi istalgan sanadan boshlanuvchi chekka hududlarda kemping uchun ruxsatni 1 yanvardan boshlab olish mumkin bo'ladi. |
673 | Space for the most popular areas, such as the Bright Angel Campground adjacent to Phantom Ranch, generally fill up by the requests received on first date they are opened to reservations. | Fantom ranchosiga tutash "Yorqin farishta" lageri kabi eng mashhur hududlarda joylar odatda ular band qilinish uchun ochilgan birinchi sanadayoq olingan so'rovlar bilan to'lib qoladi. |
674 | There are a limited number permits reserved for walk-in requests available on a first come, first served basis. | Kirish so'rovlari uchun cheklangan miqdordagi ruxsatnomalar mavjud bo'lib, ularni kim birinchi kelsa, o'sha qo'lga kiritadi. |
675 | Entering Southern Africa by car is an amazing way to see all the region's beauty as well as to get to places off the normal tourist routes. | Janubiy Afrikaga avtomobilda kirish — mintaqaning barcha go'zalliklarini ko'rish, shuningdek, oddiy sayyohlik yo'nalishlaridan tashqari joylarga borishning ajoyib usulidir. |
676 | This can be done in a normal car with careful planning but a 4x4 is highly advised and many locations are only accessible with a high wheel base 4x4. | Buni oddiy avtomobilda yaxshi rejalashtirish orqali qilish mumkin, biroq 4x4 turidagi mashinalar yuqori darajada tavsiya qilinadi va ko'plb hududlarga faqatgina 4x4 turdagi baland g'ildiraklar bilan borish mumkin. |
677 | Keep in mind while planning that although Southern Africa is stable not all neighboring countries are. | Reja tuzayotganda shuni yodda tutingki, Janubiy Afrika barqaror mamlakat bo'lsa-da, barcha qo'shni davlatlar ham bunday emas. |
678 | Visa requirements and costs vary from nation to nation and are affected by the country you come from. | Viza talablari va chiqimlari davlatdan davlatga farq qiladi hamda sizning davlatingiz unga ta'sir qiladi. |
679 | Each country also has unique laws requiring what emergency items need to be in the car. | Har bir mamlakat avtomobilda qanday favqulodda yordam buyumlari bo'lishi kerakligini talab qiluvchi o'ziga xos qonunlarga ega. |
680 | Victoria Falls is a town in the western portion of Zimbabwe, across the border from Livingstone, Zambia, and near Botswana. | Viktoriya sharsharasi — Zimbabvening g'arbiy qismida, Zambiyaning Livingstoun shahri va Botsvana yaqinidagi chegara bo'ylab joylashgan shaharchadir. |
682 | In the rainy season (November to March), the water volume will be higher and the Falls will be more dramatic. | Yomg'ir mavsumida (noyabrdan martgacha) suv hamji balandroq hamda sharsharalar yanada dramatik bo'ladi. |
683 | You are guaranteed to get wet if you cross the bridge or walk along the trails winding near the Falls. | Ko'prikdan o'tsangiz yoki sharshara yaqinidagi egri-bugri yo'laklar bo'ylab yursangiz, ho'l bo'lishingiz kafolatlanadi. |
685 | Tomb of Tutankhamun (KV62). KV62 may be the most famous of the tombs in the Valley, the scene of Howard Carter's 1922 discovery of the almost intact royal burial of the young king. | Tutanxamon maqbarasi (KV62). KV62, ehtimol, vodiydagi maqbaralarning eng mashhuri, Hovard Karter 1922-yilda kashf etgan yosh podshoh dafn etilgan deyarli buzilmagan shohona joy. |
686 | Compared to most of the other royal tombs, however, the tomb of Tutankhamun is barely worth visiting, being much smaller and with limited decoration. | Boshqa shohlarning qabrlariga qaraganda Tutanxamon qabri ancha kichkina va bezaklarning kamligi bilan tashrif buyurishga arzimaydi. |
687 | Anyone interested in seeing evidence of the damage to the mummy done during attempts to remove it from the coffin will be disappointed as only the head and shoulders are visible. | Mumiyoni tobutdan olishga urinishlar paytida unga yetkazilgan zararni isbotlovchi dalillarni ko'rishga qiziquvchi barchaning hafsalasi pir bo'ladi, chunki ularning faqat boshi va yelkalarini ko'rish mumkin. |
688 | The fabulous riches of the tomb are no longer in it, but have been removed to the Egyptian Museum in Cairo. | Maqbaraning aql bovar qilmas boyliklari endi uning ichida emas, balki Qohiradagi Misr muzeyiga ko'chirilgan. |
689 | Visitors with limited time would be best to spend their time elsewhere. | Vaqti cheklangan tashrif buyuruvchilar o'z vaqtini boshqa biror yerda o'tkazgani ma'qul. |
690 | Phnom Krom, 12 km southwest of Siem Reap. This hilltop temple was built at the end of the 9th century, during the reign of King Yasovarman. | Pnon Krom Siem Reapdan 12 km janubi-g'arbda. Mazkur tepalikdagi ibodatxona 9-asr oxirida, qirol Yasovorman davrida qurilgan. |
691 | The gloomy atmosphere of the temple and the view over the Tonle Sap lake make the climb to the hill worthwhile. | Ibodatxonaning g'amgin muhiti va Tonlesap ko'li manzarasi tepalikka chiqishga arziydi. |
692 | A visit to the site can be conveniently combined with a boat trip to the lake. | Mazkur manzilga tashrif ko'lga qayiqdagi safar bilan qulay ravishda umumlashtirilishi mumkin. |
693 | The Angkor Pass is needed to enter the temple so do not forget to bring your passport along when heading to Tonle Sap. | Ibodatxonaga kirish uchun Angkor chiptasi kerak, shu sababli Tonlesapga borishda pasportingizni o'zingiz bilan olib kelishni unutmang. |
694 | Jerusalem is the capital and largest city of Israel, though most other countries and the United Nations do not recognize it as Israel's capital. | Quddus Isroilning eng katta shahri hamda poytaxti sanaladi, biroq aksariyat boshqa davlatlar hamda Birlashgan Millatlar Tashkiloti bu shaharni Isroil poytaxti sifatida tan olmaydi. |
695 | The ancient city in the Judean Hills has a fascinating history spanning thousands of years. | Yahudiy tog'laridagi qadimiy shahar minglab yillarni qamrab olgan maftunkor tarixga ega. |
696 | The city is holy to the three monotheistic religions - Judaism, Christianity and Islam, and serves as a spiritual, religious, and cultural center. | Shahar uch yakkaxudolik dinlari — yahudiylik, xristianlik hamda islom dinlari uchun muqaddas sanaladi va ma'naviy, diniy, madaniy markaz sifatida xizmat qiladi. |
697 | Due to the religious significance of the city, and in particular the many sites of the Old City area, Jerusalem is one of the main tourist destinations in Israel. | Shaharning diniy ahamiyatga egaligi, xususan, Eski shaharning ko'plab diqqatga sazovor joylari sababli Quddus Isroilning asosiy sayyohlik manzillaridan biridir. |
698 | Jerusalem has many historic, archeological and cultural sites, along with vibrant and crowded shopping centers, cafés, and restaurants. | Quddusda jo'shqin hamda gavjum savdo do'konlar, kafelar va restoranlar bilan birga, ko'plab tarixiy, arxeologik hamda madaniy joylar ham bor. |
699 | Ecuador requires that Cuban citizens receive an invitation letter prior to entering Ecuador through international airports or frontier admission points. | Ekvador Kuba fuqarolaridan xalqaro aeroportlar hamda chegaradagi kirish nuqtalari orqali kirishdan avval taklif xati olishni talab qiladi. |
700 | This letter must be legalized by the Ecuadorian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and comply with certain requirements. | Mazkur maktub Ekvador Tashqi ishlar vazirligi tomonidan qonuniylashtirilishi hamda muayyan talablarga mos bo'lishi lozim. |
701 | These requirements are designed to provide an organized migratory flow between both countries. | Mazkur talablar ikki davlat o'rtasida tartibli migratsiya oqimini ta'minlashga mo'ljallangan. |
702 | Cuban citizens who are US green card holders should visit an Ecuadorian Consulate to obtain an exemption to this requirement. | AQSH grin kartasiga ega Kuba fuqarolari bu talabdan ozod bo'lish uchun Ekvador konsulligiga borishlari kerak. |
703 | Your passport must be valid for at least 6 months beyond your travel dates. A round/onward trip ticket is needed to prove the length of your stay. | Pasportingiz sayohat sanalaridan keyin kamida 6 oy davomida yaroqli boʻlishi lozim. Borish-kelish/davom etish chiptasi qoladigan vaqtingiz davomiyligini tasdiqlashi kerak. |
704 | Tours are cheaper for larger groups, so if you're by yourself or with just one friend, try to meet other people and form a group of four to six for a better per-person rate. | Kattaroq guruhlar uchun sayohatlar arzonroq, shu sababli o'zingiz yoki faqat bir nafar do'stingiz bilan bo'lsangiz, boshqa odamlar bilan tanishib, odam boshiga to'g'ri keluvchi narx yaxshiroq bo'lishi uchun to'rt-olti kishilik guruh tuzishga harakat qiling. |
705 | However, this shouldn't really be off your concern, because often tourists are shuffled around to fill the cars. | Lekin bu aslida sizni bezovta qilmasligi kerak, chunki sayyohlar mashinalarni to'ldirish uchun ko'pincha aralashib ketadi. |
706 | It seems actually to be more a way of tricking people into believing they have to pay more. | Bu ko'proq odamlarni ko'proq to'lashlari kerakligiga ishontirish usuliga o'xshaydi. |
707 | Towering above the north end of Machu Picchu is this steep mountain, often the backdrop to many photos of the ruins. | Machu-Pikchuning shimoliy uchidan tepaga ko'tarilgan mazkur tik tog' ko'p hollarda vayronalarning ko'plab suratlariga fon bo'ladi. |
708 | It looks a bit daunting from below, and it is a steep and difficult ascent, but most reasonably fit persons should be able to make it in about 45 minutes. | Bu pastdan bir oz vahimali ko'rinadi va tik hamda mashaqqatli ko'tarilishdir, ammo bardam odamlar buni deyarli 45 daqiqada bosib o'tishlari kerak. |
709 | Stone steps are laid along most of the path, and in the steeper sections steel cables provide a supporting handrail. | Yo'lning katta qismiga tosh zinalar yotqizilgan va qiyaroq bo'limlarida po'lat kabellar tayanch bo'luvchi tutqich vazifasini bajaradi. |
710 | That said, expect to be out of breath, and take care in the steeper portions, especially when wet, as it can become dangerous quickly. | Shunday bo'lsa-da, nafasingiz tiqilib qolishi mumkinligini hisobga oling va tikroq qismlarda, ayniqsa, yog'ingarchilik payti ehtiyot bo'ling, chunki tezda yurish xavfli bo'lib qolishi mumkin. |
711 | There's a tiny cave near the top that must be passed through, it is quite low and a rather tight squeeze. | Yuqorida kichik g'or bo'lib, u orqali o'tish lozim, u juda past va anchagina tor. |
712 | Seeing the sites and wildlife of the Galapagos is best done by boat, just as Charles Darwin did it in 1835. | 1835-yilda Charliz Darvin qilgani singari, Galapagosning yovvoyi hayoti va diqqatga sazovor joylarini tomosha qilish qayiqda ajoyib tarzda amalga oshiriladi. |
713 | Over 60 cruise ships ply the Galapagos waters - ranging in size from 8 to 100 passengers. | Galapagos suvlarida 8 nafardan 100 nafargacha yo'lovchi sig'imiga ega bo'lgan 60 dan ortiq kruiz kemalari qatnaydi. |
714 | Most people book their place well in advance (as the boats are usually full during the high season). | Ko'pchilik odamlar o'z joylarini oldindan band qiladilar (chunki mavsum cho'qqisiga chiqqanda qayiqlar to'lgan bo'ladi). |
715 | Be sure the agent through whom you book is a Galapagos specialist with a good knowledge of a wide variety of ships. | Siz buyurtma qilgan agent turli-tuman kemalar haqida yaxshi bilimga ega Galapagos mutaxassisi ekaniga ishonch hosil qiling. |
716 | This will ensure that your particular interests and/or constraints are matched with the ship most suitable to them. | Bu sizning alohida qiziqishlaringiz va/yoki cheklovlaringiz ularga eng mos bo'lgan kema bilan mutanosib bo'lishini ta'minlaydi. |
717 | Before the Spanish arrived in the 16th century, northern Chile was under Inca rule while the indigenous Araucanians (Mapuche) inhabited central and southern Chile. | 16-asrda ispanlar kelishidan oldin shimoliy Chili Inka hukmronligi ostida bo'lgan, Araukanlar (Mapuche) esa markaziy va Janubiy Chilida istiqomat qilgan. |
718 | The Mapuche were also one of the last independent American indigenous groups, that were not fully absorbed into Spanish-speaking rule until after Chile's independence. | Mapuche Chili mustaqillikka erishguniga qadar ispancha gaplashuvchi boshqaruvga butunlay singib ketmagan oxirgi amerika tub aholisi guruhlaridan biri ham edi. |
719 | Although Chile declared independence in 1810 (amid the Napoleonic wars that left Spain without a functioning central government for a couple of years), decisive victory over the Spanish was not achieved until 1818. | Chili 1810-yilda mustaqilligini e'lon qilganiga qaramay (Napaleon urushlari Ispaniyani bir necha yil davomida markaziy hukumat boshqaruvisiz qoldirilgan), 1818-yilgacha ispanlar ustidan hal qiluvchi g'alabaga erishilmadi. |
721 | Besides white sand beaches and mountain landscapes, the country is home to the oldest European city in the Americas, now part of Santo Domingo. | Oq qumli plyajlar va tog' landshaftlaridan tashqari, mamlakatda hozirda Santo Domingoning bir qismi bo'lgan Amerikadagi eng qadimiy Yevropa shahri joylashgan. |
722 | The island was first inhabited by the Taínos and Caribes. The Caribes were an Arawakan-speaking people who had arrived around 10,000 BCE. | Orolda dastlab taynoslar va kariblar yashashgan. Kariblar arakakan tilida so'zlashuvchi, miloddan 10 000 yil avval kelgan odamlar bo'lgan. |
723 | Within a few short years following the arrival of European explorers, the population of Tainos had significantly been reduced by the Spanish conquerors | Yevropalik tadqiqotchilar kelganidan so'ng o'tgan kichik muddat davomida Taynos aholisi ispan bosqinchilari tomonidan sezilarli darajada qirib tashlangan. |
724 | Based on Fray Bartolomé de las Casas (Tratado de las Indias) between 1492 and 1498 the Spanish conquerors killed around 100,000 Taínos. | Ispan mustamlakachilari Frey Bartolome de las Casasga (Tratado de las Indias) joylashgan holda 1492–1498-yillar oralig'ida 100 mingga yaqin taynoslarni o'ldirdilar. |
725 | Jardín de la Unión. This space was built as the atrium for a 17th-century convent, of which the Templo de San Diego is the sole surviving building. | Jardin de la Union. Mazkur joy 17-asr monastiri uchun atrium sifatida bunyod etilgan bo'lib, undagi Templo de San Diego omon qolgan yagona imoratdir. |
726 | It now functions as the central plaza, and always has a lot of things going on, day and night. | U hozir markaziy maydon sifatida xizmat qiladi va unda tunu-kun doimo juda ko'p narsalar o'tkaziladi. |
727 | There are a number of restaurants surrounding the garden, and in the afternoons and evening there free concerts are often given from the central gazebo. | Bog' atrofida bir qator restoranlar mavjud bo'lib, tushdan so'ng va kechki paytlarda ko'pincha markaziy ayvonda tekin konsertlar beriladi. |
728 | Callejon del Beso (Alley of the Kiss). Two balconies separated by only 69 centimeters is home of an old love legend. | Callejon del Beso (o'pish hiyoboni). Atigi 69 santimetr ajratib turuvchi ikki balkon muhabbat haqidagi eski afsona makonidir. |
729 | For a few pennies some children will tell you the story. | Ayrim bolalar ozgina chaqa uchun sizga bu voqeani aytib berishadi. |
730 | Bowen Island is a popular day trip or weekend excursion offering kayaking, hiking, shops, restaurants, and more. | Bouen oroli qayiqda suzish, piyoda yurish, do'konlar, restoranlar kabilarni taklif qiluvchi ommabop kunlik sayohat va dam olish kunlaridagi sayohat maskani. |
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