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{"sections": [{"spans": [{"text": "Where can I find 3D models of existing cities?", "modifiers": {}}], "indent": 0, "quoted": false, "type": "plain", "is_rtl": false}]}
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{"sections": [{"spans": [{"text": "Why don't more domains use numbers in their URL?", "modifiers": {}}], "indent": 0, "quoted": false, "type": "plain", "is_rtl": false}]}
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[{"aid": 2162294, "url": "/Why-dont-more-domains-use-numbers-in-their-URL/answer/Matthew-Mazur", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Pretend you're listening to the radio and hear the announcer say:\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\\\"check us out at radian seven dot com\\\"\", \"modifiers\": {\"italic\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Are you going to go to \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"Radian7.com\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"http://Radian7.com\"}}}, {\"text\": \" or to \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"RadianSeven.com\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"http://RadianSeven.com\"}}}, {\"text\": \"?\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Because it's impossible to distinguish when you hear the domain name pronounced and because a lot of people won't remember which it is even if you tell them, most experienced web developers won't use a domain name that includes a number. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Creating a successful website is hard enough -- why put yourself at a disadvantage by confusing your visitors?\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 1851548, "givenName": "Matthew", "familyName": "Mazur", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Matthew-Mazur"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1362073759294243, "numViews": 2948, "numUpvotes": 7, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}]
{"sections": [{"spans": [{"text": "What are some great software or APIs for modeling actual or hypothetical cities in 3D and realtime?", "modifiers": {}}], "indent": 0, "quoted": false, "type": "plain", "is_rtl": false}]}
{ "uid": 221001153, "givenName": "Annalise", "familyName": "Cameron", "isMachineAnswerBot": false }
{"sections": [{"spans": [{"text": "What are the knobby things that stick out of a warthog's cheeks just below its eyes?", "modifiers": {}}], "indent": 0, "quoted": false, "type": "plain", "is_rtl": false}]}
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[{"aid": 8142342, "url": "/What-are-the-knobby-things-that-stick-out-of-a-warthogs-cheeks-just-below-its-eyes/answer/David-M-Prus", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"They're just called warts. They're only found in adults and emerge at the same time as the tusks, so they probably act as a visual indicator of an individual's health and sexual maturity. When in doubt, it's best to assume that an animal's ornaments are for display :)\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 18068169, "givenName": "David", "familyName": "M. Prus", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/David-M-Prus"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1416450530887175, "numViews": 235, "numUpvotes": 2, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}]
{"sections": [{"spans": [{"text": "What is an ideal friendship?", "modifiers": {}}], "indent": 0, "quoted": false, "type": "plain", "is_rtl": false}]}
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[{"aid": 2161668, "url": "/What-is-an-ideal-friendship/answer/Yojet-Sharma", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"When you start watching sitcoms as Friends and How I met your mother, you start relating yourself to it. It's natural.\\nThere is a huge difference between reel life and real life. One can figure out characters, analyze them and come to a definite conclusion as to how that specific character would behave in the given set of conditions. This is true for characters on-screen and off-screen,as well. But reel(pardon me for being so repetitive) life characters are defined, lack darker shades, you know them in and out, are anticipated and one wishes to have them around in reality.\\nWe all know that Barney is a sociopath. He is cool, he is awesome, funny, annoying too(at times) and also, Legen- wait for it - Dary. Joey, on the contrary, his dumbfounded-ness one finds cute and innocent, he is good looking too better than Barney, I must say. Only difference is he doesn't suit up. But both of them are true to themselves, they don't fake, they're reel(real in their own way), they do what they like and like what they do. Hence, we adore them. Yes, they do come as Friends forever for whatever category. Because, you wouldn't want to loose such friends;who don't fake, who are scrupulous and hilariously awesome-at least I wouldn't want to. \\nYes they're good friends to have around too, because of the same reason I mentioned above.\\nIt depends upon person to person if he is able to tolerate people like barney and Joey,let us face it, there aren't many people who accept the way you are. Hence, it depends. \\n \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"---Views are personal.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 6697653, "givenName": "Yojet", "familyName": "Sharma", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Yojet-Sharma"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1362062244809440, "numViews": 2221, "numUpvotes": 2, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 57363126, "url": "/What-is-an-ideal-friendship/answer/Krupakaran-Janarthanan", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I realise I classify people only in three strata \\u2014\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"strangers\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"acquaintances\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"friends\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Considering my innate introvertedness, the number of \\u2018friends\\u2019 can be counted in one hand. There are no best friends, can\\u2019t do without etc. They are friends. Once I accept someone to be my friend, they will know.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Friendship, to me, is not a two way street, ironically. I believe the friendship is the exemplar relationship for altruism. This is firmly based on the premise that as a friend, you hold your peer\\u2019s happiness above yours. Once you realise this, it\\u2019s plain sailing. We will never feel insecure about friends leaving us. When I have this thought, it\\u2019s counterpoised by a single notion \\u2014 if a friend leaving me means it\\u2019s good for her/him, then, at the cost of my own sufferings, I\\u2019ll wholeheartedly accept her/his decision.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\\u201cThat friendship is mean that boasts\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\\u2018He loves me and I him\\u2019\\u201d\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Nothing prevents you from showering goodwill on friend, even when you part ways. Once you choose a friend, which has to be done carefully, all you are required to do is give. There is nothing more gratifying than this experience. Friendships are in a different plane from romantic love. Romantic love is tightly coupled with expectations \\u2014 friendships aren\\u2019t.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\\u201cGood friends are like good books \\u2014\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"a perpetual delight\\u201d\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 193577795, "givenName": "Krupakaran", "familyName": "Janarthanan", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Krupakaran-Janarthanan"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1505918808691049, "numViews": 1415, "numUpvotes": 1, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 4475205, "url": "/What-is-an-ideal-friendship/answer/Uday-Phutane-1", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"The characters Joey Tribbiani and Barney Stinson are written to follow a certain womanizing, eccentric stereotype to fit in a proper circle. And though their personalities may influence the kind of friends they have, it is not necessarily the deciding factor.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"If you separate their traits for a while, it can be seen that both of them are actually very good friends for Chandler and Ted, respectively. They stand up for them when needed, give them proper advice, guide them through tough times, with little or less emotional baggage. A person may behave in a certain way with the world, but if he is downright nice, and matches your wavelength, it doesn't really matter how they are, if they are your friends.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Long story short, they are definitely good friends to have in real life, because they are simply good friends, which are a rare commodity.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 7982571, "givenName": "Uday", "familyName": "Phutane", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Uday-Phutane-1"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1395317341628447, "numViews": 1567, "numUpvotes": 1, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 84711306, "url": "/What-is-an-ideal-friendship/answer/Vamsi-Vamc-5", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Ideal Friendship consists of\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"NO EGO\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"NO QUARRELS\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"NO MISUNDERSTANDINGS\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"NO 3RD PERSON INVOLVEMENT\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"LOVING WITH OUT A REASON\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"TREATING EACH OTHER AS FAMILY\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"OTHER\\u2019S PARENTS TREAT YOU MORE THAN THEIR CHILD \", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \"(THEY MIGHT SCOLD U MORE THAN THEIR CHILD )\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true, \"italic\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"HELPING OUT IN EXAMS (\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \"EITHER BY CHEATING OR BY HELPING IN PREPARATION\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true, \"italic\": true}}, {\"text\": \" \", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \")\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true, \"italic\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"BEING THE SAME, EITHER IN FRONT OF THE PERSON OR BEHIND THE PERSON\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"RESPECTING EACH OTHER\\u2019S OPINIONS\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"MAKING FUN OF EACH OTHER\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"But, sometimes even quarrels give great memories when it is true friendship..\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 410856867, "givenName": "Vamsi", "familyName": "Vamc", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Vamsi-Vamc-5"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1527187188615960, "numViews": 773, "numUpvotes": 3, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 3597352, "url": "/What-is-an-ideal-friendship/answer/Kebert-Xela-2", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"An ideal friendship is one where actions on either side aren't quantified. Once someone starts thinking about how the other owes them, it starts to dwindle.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 3332398, "givenName": "Kebert", "familyName": "Xela", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Kebert-Xela-2"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": true, "creationTime": 1385499770184400, "numViews": 803, "numUpvotes": 1, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 3696890, "url": "/What-is-an-ideal-friendship/answer/Karishma-Khosla", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"when somebody cares u with out any reason.........\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 38562002, "givenName": "Karishma", "familyName": "Khosla", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Karishma-Khosla"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": true, "creationTime": 1387006902836671, "numViews": 328, "numUpvotes": 1, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}]
{"sections": [{"spans": [{"text": "What's this life for?", "modifiers": {}}], "indent": 0, "quoted": false, "type": "plain", "is_rtl": false}]}
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{"sections": [{"spans": [{"text": "What are some good ways to get people to remember what they learn? After training is over, how can people retain what they were taught?", "modifiers": {}}], "indent": 0, "quoted": false, "type": "plain", "is_rtl": false}]}
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{"sections": [{"spans": [{"text": "Budget 2013 (India): ", "modifiers": {}}, {"text": "Shouldn't we not complain about increased tax on certain leisure goods? Poor people are exempted from tax. We have to cover up for them, right?", "modifiers": {}}], "indent": 0, "quoted": false, "type": "plain", "is_rtl": false}]}
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[{"aid": 22984893, "url": "/What-is-the-personality-type-of-Jean-Michel-Basquiat/answer/S-A-Dale", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Using the source \\u2018The Radiant Child\\u2019 (a documentary film about Basquiat) it seems to me that he was fairly average 20 year old. He liked partying, he liked hanging out with his friends, he seeked the approval of his contemporaries and \\u2018betters\\u2019 (in Worhol) and he liked women (his various relationships, including Madonna!). However his meteoric rise to fame provided him problems:\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"He was broke before, literally homeless, and suddenly came into vast amounts of money. This fuelled a more extravagant lifestyle, and harder partying.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Soon after his initial success people would criticise him, and as with many artists this caused him emotional stress. I believe he said that when he wasn't producing art people criticised him for it and when he was they criticised the art.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"He believed that people were only friends with him to take advantage of him which caused paranoia.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"This paranoia into his relationship with worhol causing him to question his father figure.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Worhols death had a profound impact on him causing severe depression.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"He was involved with drugs for his 20s until his death by a heroin overdose.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Being a young black man in 1980s America meant he was subjected to racism fairly heavily. This would obviously put a great and unnecessary strain on the young man.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"After becoming famous he seeked out his father for his approval and was rejected by him. A crushing incident.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"These factors seem to suggest that he would have been a troubled young man, though in interview he seems to try and keep a positive outlook.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 40150341, "givenName": "S.A", "familyName": "Dale", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/S-A-Dale"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1463958874518902, "numViews": 5651, "numUpvotes": 6, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 1, "comments": [{"commentId": 369396582, "creationTime": 1698539318479841, "url": "/What-is-the-personality-type-of-Jean-Michel-Basquiat/answer/S-A-Dale?comment_id=369396582&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 355909635, "profileUrl": "/profile/Hannah-Kirchner-2", "givenName": "Hannah", "familyName": "Kirchner"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\u201cBeing a young black man in 1980s America meant he was subjected to racism fairly heavily. This would obviously put a great and unnecessary strain on the young man.\u201d\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Please. We\u2019re not talking 1920s strange fruit. We\u2019re talking the 1980s. Not sure which America you\u2019re alluding to.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}]
{"sections": [{"spans": [{"text": "Which is the ideal place to stay near Tamarai Tech Park, Guindy in Chennai?", "modifiers": {}}], "indent": 0, "quoted": false, "type": "plain", "is_rtl": false}]}
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[{"aid": 2162752, "url": "/Which-is-the-ideal-place-to-stay-near-Tamarai-Tech-Park-Guindy-in-Chennai/answer/Pranesh-Pandurangan", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Sorry. I have no experience with finding housing in Chennai. Only thing I'd suggest, get a house close to a bus stop that you can get a bus to office from. Auto dependency should be close to nil. Also, there are things like tasting the water (to see if its not salty), but that is specific to the house, not the place to stay.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 4618073, "givenName": "Pranesh", "familyName": "Pandurangan", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Pranesh-Pandurangan"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1362079369108776, "numViews": 567, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 2163592, "url": "/Which-is-the-ideal-place-to-stay-near-Tamarai-Tech-Park-Guindy-in-Chennai/answer/Alagappan-Ramu", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Adambakkam\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \" is a good option. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Here are some reasons \\n\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"It is close to 3-4 kilometres from the IT Park that you have mentioned. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"A couple of kilometres from Velachery where you have various eat outs, shopping outlets, malls etc situated. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Close proximity to the St. Thomas Mount & Velachery railway stations. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Cheaper rents compared to Velachery.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 1262007, "givenName": "Alagappan", "familyName": "Ramu", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Alagappan-Ramu"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1362093423097646, "numViews": 1192, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}]
{"sections": [{"spans": [{"text": "Which is the best advice that you have got till date?", "modifiers": {}}], "indent": 0, "quoted": false, "type": "plain", "is_rtl": false}]}
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[{"aid": 2161582, "url": "/What-is-the-best-advice-youve-received-1/answer/Shibanshu-Mukhopadhyay", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I'm not highly experienced in entrepreneurship, but one of the best pieces of advice that I've got till date is:\\n \\n \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"\\\"Respect everybody's opinion, but don't necessarily listen to them.\\\"\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \"\\n \\nWhen you approach people with your idea, to discuss it with them, everybody will have their own opinion on it. Somebody may contradict it outright while someone may love it to the point of investing in it. \\n \\nSo what does that say about your idea? Is it hopeless or amazing? As long as it's only an idea, it's neither of those. It's nothing. Respect what these people have to say and analyze what they said. People are often wrong. Remember their opinion, but don't follow it until \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"you are satisfied \", \"modifiers\": {\"italic\": true}}, {\"text\": \"with its implications.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 5530516, "givenName": "Shibanshu", "familyName": "Mukhopadhyay", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Shibanshu-Mukhopadhyay"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1362061102261228, "numViews": 345, "numUpvotes": 2, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}]
{"sections": [{"spans": [{"text": "Can 'heroku addons:add foobar' ever add a non-free addon?", "modifiers": {}}], "indent": 0, "quoted": false, "type": "plain", "is_rtl": false}]}
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{"sections": [{"spans": [{"text": "What are some typical/must know \"Tokyo\" personalities?", "modifiers": {}}], "indent": 0, "quoted": false, "type": "plain", "is_rtl": false}]}
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[{"aid": 2332363, "url": "/What-are-some-typical-must-know-Tokyo-personalities/answer/Dick-Karp", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I suppose the most obvious to spring to mind, although I sure wouldn't want to interview him, is former Tokyo governor Ishihara. It would be interesting to know if he even loved Tokyo or just viewed it as a steppingstone, although of course you'd never get him to admit the latter even if you could arrange an interview.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 2136657, "givenName": "Dick", "familyName": "Karp", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Dick-Karp"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1365279965607178, "numViews": 263, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}]
{"sections": [{"spans": [{"text": "Why is Quora so heavily moderated?", "modifiers": {}}], "indent": 0, "quoted": false, "type": "plain", "is_rtl": false}]}
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[{"aid": 2163790, "url": "/Why-are-Quora-moderators-so-anal-retentive/answer/Craig-Heile", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Abbe Diaz\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"user\", \"uid\": 6901795, \"url\": \"https://www.quora.com/profile/Abbe-Diaz\"}}}, {\"text\": \" nailed this in a comment just this morning:\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"If it weren't for the strict real-name policy, I wouldn't be here. I think the place you're looking for is called Reddit.\\n\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": true, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\\n- \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"Abbe Diaz's February 28, 2013 comment on The Rage Against Aqainst Quora Blog\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"https://rage-against-quora.quora.com/The-fuss-over-my-name/comment/173653\"}}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 4440200, "givenName": "Craig", "familyName": "Heile", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Craig-Heile"}, "isSensitive": true, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1362097191501220, "numViews": 248, "numUpvotes": 4, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}]
{"sections": [{"spans": [{"text": "What does Google Search do poorly?", "modifiers": {}}], "indent": 0, "quoted": false, "type": "plain", "is_rtl": false}]}
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[{"aid": 181195703, "url": "/What-does-Google-Search-do-poorly/answer/Kiryl-Persianov", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"With its new CEO, \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"Pichai Sundararajan,\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \" who had been suggested as a contender for Microsoft's CEO in 2014, a position that was eventually given to Satya Nadella, it has no more priority in Google search.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Google is to diversify as wide as possible,\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Internet\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Cloud computing\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Computer software\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Computer hardware\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Artificial intelligence\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Advertising\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"It is focusing on banking business and privacy exploiting online dis-advertising, aka, online marketing, Internet advertising or web advertising, as programmatic advertising, in a variety of forms, web banners, pictures, animations, embedded audio and video, text, or pop-up windows, audio and video autoplay:\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Kiryl Persianov's answer to What is the BERT algorithm?\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"answer\", \"aid\": 179393428, \"url\": \"https://www.quora.com/What-is-the-BERT-algorithm/answers/179393428\"}}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Kiryl Persianov's answer to What will happen if Google introduces a paid membership for using its search engine?\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"answer\", \"aid\": 180190755, \"url\": \"https://www.quora.com/What-will-happen-if-Google-introduces-a-paid-membership-for-using-its-search-engine/answer/Kiryl-Persianov\"}}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Kiryl Persianov's answer to Which ones are the most interesting similarities and differences among IBM, Google, and Microsoft?\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"answer\", \"aid\": 180649578, \"url\": \"https://www.quora.com/Which-ones-are-the-most-interesting-similarities-and-differences-among-IBM-Google-and-Microsoft/answer/Kiryl-Persianov\"}}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"It is like Microsoft\\u2019s Windows, the long-time money-spinner, timely replaced by Azure by its new CEO.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Kiryl Persianov's answer to Is Microsoft the best technology company in history now that it's once again the most valuable company on Earth with the fastest-growing cloud platform over Google and Amazon?\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"answer\", \"aid\": 181157951, \"url\": \"https://www.quora.com/Is-Microsoft-the-best-technology-company-in-history-now-that-its-once-again-the-most-valuable-company-on-Earth-with-the-fastest-growing-cloud-platform-over-Google-and-Amazon/answer/Kiryl-Persianov\"}}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 274778832, "givenName": "Kiryl", "familyName": "Persianov", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Kiryl-Persianov"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1574089121663363, "numViews": 390, "numUpvotes": 1, "numShares": 2, "numComments": 1, "comments": [{"commentId": 117459454, "creationTime": 1574097359121801, "url": "/What-does-Google-Search-do-poorly/answer/Kiryl-Persianov?comment_id=117459454&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 9366325, "profileUrl": "/profile/Ross-Bagley", "givenName": "Ross", "familyName": "Bagley"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I work in cloud, but the investments in search are still huge, comparatively speaking. Everyone knows that ads is where the money comes from and search is what brings users in to see the ads. Cloud is the other revenue stream, but a distant second. Nobody is deliberately short-changing R&D in search or ads for any of the other projects on your list.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}, {"aid": 181218584, "url": "/What-does-Google-Search-do-poorly/answer/Ross-Bagley", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Is it? I have an obvious bias, but I do regularly try out bing and duckduckgo and always come back to Google search for the most direct results.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 9366325, "givenName": "Ross", "familyName": "Bagley", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Ross-Bagley"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": true, "creationTime": 1574097103925773, "numViews": 20, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 181252965, "url": "/What-does-Google-Search-do-poorly/answer/Mj-Richmond-1", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"It's actually the best search algo in the world. It depends on why you think it is bad. Yes, Google is not perfect and can be biased but when it comes to getting the most accurate results Google is the best. The issue is that Google search is very competitive now and you can\\u2019t just put a website online and expect to rank to the top of the search engines as you use to in the \\u201990s. Today you have to actively do SEO on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis to rank on keywords that have good search quality.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 874228268, "givenName": "Mj", "familyName": "Richmond", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Mj-Richmond-1"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1574110962799972, "numViews": 29, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}]
{"sections": [{"spans": [{"text": "How Do I Become a Music Business Executive?", "modifiers": {}}], "indent": 0, "quoted": false, "type": "plain", "is_rtl": false}]}
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[{"aid": 2169025, "url": "/How-Do-I-Become-a-Music-Business-Executive/answer/Jay-Freemason", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"There's no text book answer to how you can become a record executive, and CEO, etc.. Knowledge and education in the field you are interested in will definitely help tremendously and should be applied in most cases but the biggest win will come from opportunity, timing, knowing, relationships, networking, friendship, and maybe a little bit of luck. Most very successful record executives and CEO's have never seen college and for some, not even high school. Sometimes there are no boundaries when it comes to pursuing your dream. You have to want it, breath it, live it, but most importantly, never ever give up no matter what.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 13905261, "givenName": "Jay", "familyName": "Freemason", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Jay-Freemason"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1362195238339456, "numViews": 1334, "numUpvotes": 2, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 1, "comments": [{"commentId": 1812160, "creationTime": 1362209831285317, "url": "/How-Do-I-Become-a-Music-Business-Executive/answer/Jay-Freemason?comment_id=1812160&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 5987979, "profileUrl": "/profile/Sean-5338", "givenName": "Sean", "familyName": ""}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Thnx a lot :-)\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}, {"aid": 20165100, "url": "/How-Do-I-Become-a-Music-Business-Executive/answer/Rudy-Qui\u00f1ones-2", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"If you build it they will come...\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"the founder of Def Jam Records done with $800 US bills and then beyond....\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"The Street is the best place to learn how to become and be stabbed (crisis management). \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Contemporary music schools offer educational advice too but I think if you get hired somewhere where ever you are and research how to progress the task assigned you'll do good. Don't think that the Berkeley Grad is a know it all with out street cred.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 138608630, "givenName": "Rudy", "familyName": "Qui\u00f1ones", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Rudy-Qui\u00f1ones-2"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1456997305654893, "numViews": 445, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}]
{"sections": [{"spans": [{"text": "The Mind: ", "modifiers": {}}, {"text": "How does one improve their concentration?", "modifiers": {}}], "indent": 0, "quoted": false, "type": "plain", "is_rtl": false}]}
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[{"aid": 3206400, "url": "/What-are-some-tips-and-tricks-to-increase-concentration-power/answer/Vince-Favilla", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"It depends on what you mean exactly by improving your concentration. When psychologists study concentration, they're generally interested in \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"willpower\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \" (or, more commonly, self-regulation).\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Kelly McGonigal proposes that willpower comes in two flavors: there's \\\"I will\\\" power, which you need to follow through on unappealing tasks (like exercising or cleaning your bathroom), and \\\"I won't\\\" power, which you need to avoid temptations such as junk food. When we look at \\\"concentration\\\" as it's commonly though of, it means focusing on a task despite feeling mentally distracting. \\\"I will\\\" power.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Here's the really interesting thing about willpower: it appears to be a finite resource. You only get so much of it every day, and when you use it up, it becomes harder to focus and easier to give in to temptation. A funny study by Roy Baumeister illustrates this: two groups of participants were presented with freshly baked chocolate-chip cookies. Those in the control group got to eat them, while those in the experimental group were then given a plate of radishes and asked to eat those instead. They weren't happy about it.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Eating radishes in the face of freshly baked cookies requires a lot of willpower. When both groups were then asked to solve a difficult puzzle afterwards, the radish eaters gave up much more quickly.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"What can we surmise from this?\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Their willpower was depleted, and this made it hard to concentrate on a difficult task. And we face similar challenges every day, even when they don't involve chocolate chip cookies. By exerting mental effort doing things that aren't truly important to us -- answering emails, turning down dessert, etc. -- we wear ourselves down and make it harder to concentrate on the things we actually care about.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"With this in mind: the solution is obvious: you need to work on your most important tasks early in the day, while you still have the focus and willpower to complete them.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"And here's more good news: willpower is like a muscle and you can actually get more of it through deliberate practice. A study by Oaten and Cheng asked college students to participate in a regular exercise plan. Compared to the control group, those that exercised were more productive, had better concentration, and were generally more responsible -- they took care of household chores and were more punctual in terms of appointments. So regular \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"physical exercise is one of the single best things you can do to improve your concentration\", \"modifiers\": {\"italic\": true}}, {\"text\": \".\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Secondly, you need to practice focusing on your actual work. Take an amount of time -- maybe 20 minutes -- to put your full concentration into the task. Turn off your phone, close your email programs, etc., and simply work uninterrupted. If you naturally have poor concentration, this is going to be \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"really\", \"modifiers\": {\"italic\": true}}, {\"text\": \" difficult. But it's like lifting weights; no pain, no gain. You have to practice this multiple times a day until it becomes easy for you. Then increase the time period by 10 minutes and start practicing again. That's how you improve your concentration over time.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Happy to answer any further questions; I love this stuff. Good luck!\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 6006928, "givenName": "Vince", "familyName": "Favilla", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Vince-Favilla"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1379895974285356, "numViews": 11024, "numUpvotes": 57, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 2, "comments": [{"commentId": 3001369, "creationTime": 1384013179492012, "url": "/What-are-some-tips-and-tricks-to-increase-concentration-power/answer/Vince-Favilla?comment_id=3001369&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 23767239, "profileUrl": "/profile/Xiao-Shude", "givenName": "Xiao", "familyName": "Shude"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I am a little confused. Since willpower is like a muscle,why we use it to eat radishes in the face of freshly baked cookies can't enlarge our scale of willpower? Doesn't it become more convenient when we use it more?\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}, {"commentId": 5892981, "creationTime": 1408375382729013, "url": "/What-are-some-tips-and-tricks-to-increase-concentration-power/answer/Vince-Favilla?comment_id=5892981&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 61616313, "profileUrl": "/profile/Jabrr-Kafi", "givenName": "Jabrr", "familyName": "Kafi"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"great article\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}, {"aid": 7540906, "url": "/What-are-some-tips-and-tricks-to-increase-concentration-power/answer/Paul-Bush-4", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Concentration, defined as maintaining your attention on something, is a skill and as with all skills it can be improved through practice. Luckily there is a simple and effective exercize that you can do to improve concentration. It's called \\\"the black dot\\\":\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Draw a small (few millimeters diameter) uniform black dot on a featureless wall or door at eye level. Stand about half a meter away facing the dot. Stand relaxed and comfortably, no strain. Look at the dot. When you notice your attention is on something else (the wall, thoughts or feelings - anything but the dot) bring your attention back to the dot again. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"At first you will only be able to maintain your unbroken attention on the dot for a fraction of a second. Don't worry or get annoyed at yourself, just look at the dot again. With time you will improve. The great think about practicing skills is that \\\"you\\\" don't need to do anything except follow the practice. You don't need to strain or force yourself, don't need to work anything out. Don't stare unblinking, start sweating or furrow your brow. Don't try. Just continually bring your attention back to the dot every time you notice it is elsewhere. That way progress is inevitable.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"If you do this for 10 to 20 minutes every day, after a couple of months your concentration will be much better. At first it may seem like a chore, but if you want your concentration to improve, just keep doing it. It's not difficult. After some practice you may find that strange things seem to happen - lights, sounds, changes in the dot, anything. Just ignore them. Stay relaxed. You are only standing in front of a wall and it's easy to just look or step away if you need to.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"This exercize will improve your concentration/attention and for some people it will help with restlessness or even some forms of depression. When you have mastered the exercise you could move on to meditation, for which there are countless guides available.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 36465157, "givenName": "Paul", "familyName": "Bush", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Paul-Bush-4"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1413469982253023, "numViews": 2497, "numUpvotes": 9, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 257809230, "url": "/What-are-some-tips-and-tricks-to-increase-concentration-power/answers/257809230", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"How to improve focus without much efforts?\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\", \"modifiers\": {\"image\": \"https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-299a750ab2080b8f81f710ba8e603d49-lq\", \"height\": 720, \"width\": 1280, \"master_url\": \"https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-bd90103d390f3bb9e5da223609560862\", \"is_deleted\": false, \"is_sensitive\": false, \"is_uploaded_by_bot\": false, \"zoomable\": true, \"dominant_color\": \"#ffffff\"}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"image\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"We all know the benefits of good concentration. It helps in improving our productivity and at the same time improves quality of our work.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"We become expert in what we practice. I often use these words while communicating with myself and others too. Most of the time we practice distractions so we become expert in getting distracted. Our overall effectiveness goes down & we often lend as a frustrated person. We keep on complaining that we are so occupied with day to day activities that we do not have time for any addition. This thought process programs our subconscious mind in such a way that whenever any opportunity comes in our way the first thought will be no, I cannot do it because I don\\u2019t have time.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I am sharing one simple activity with you that will help in improving your focus and ultimately productivity. My only request is that practice it consciously and with full belief. If you do not believe in something then you should not do it because outcome will not be in your favor.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Now coming to main point how to improve focus without much efforts.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"We normally take three meals in a day i.e. breakfast, lunch & dinner. When you are eating your meal then do not do any other activity. Mostly when we take our food, we love to watch television, read newspaper, talk with others or engage with mobile. Do not indulge in any other activity and act as per following steps.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"1- Say thank you to god for blessing you with food. Remember there are millions of people in this world who are struggling for even a single meal in a day. You are fortunate & special because you are getting at least three meals every day and that too as per your choice.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\", \"modifiers\": {\"image\": \"https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-d9c4a5e2754459bebeafc456cb07fc77-lq\", \"height\": 720, \"width\": 1280, \"master_url\": \"https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-037fe664b3c22ddfd507dcb0a529176e\", \"is_deleted\": false, \"is_sensitive\": false, \"is_uploaded_by_bot\": false, \"zoomable\": true, \"dominant_color\": \"#6f796c\"}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"image\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"2- Observe food carefully. See the color, presentation of food & check number of utensils involved.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"3- Smell the fragrance.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"4- Eat food, taste it and chew properly. Enjoy the process of eating, tasting & chewing. If we will enjoy our food then only our stomach will also welcome & digest it effectively. When you will chew food you must focus on every single bite. Do not swallow food. Remember you are not saving time by swallowing your food because in long run you may pay it\\u2019s cost in terms of money & time both.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"5- Pat your back for keeping yourself away from distractions. After all everybody loves appreciation.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"We all aim for good life and good food is also part of it. We work hard for it and when food is in front of us then we do not have time for it.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Why?\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"What is the benefit of working hard?\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"In any way food gives us energy for survival and for rest of the activities which we do in our day to day life. Imagine about that day when you did not take your meal because of any reason. When stomach is empty then all other things become secondary for us. In Hindi we say \\u092d\\u0942\\u0916\\u0947 \\u092a\\u0947\\u091f \\u092d\\u091c\\u0928 \\u0928\\u0939\\u0940\\u0902 \\u0939\\u094b\\u092f \\u0917\\u094b\\u092a\\u093e\\u0932\\u093e \\u0964 It means you will not enjoy worshiping god too if you are hungry.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Hope It gives us clear motive for respecting & loving our food. So practice above stated steps while eating your food.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"It will help you in\\u2026\\u2026..\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"1- Better digestion & good health.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"2- Improved consciousness because now you will east with awareness.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"3- Now you have started practicing concentration so you will slowly become the master in this area.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"4- You will remember what you ate last night. It will help you in training your memory too. Why because our mind retains what we do with complete awareness.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"5- You will start loving & respecting your food. In long run it will become your habit and you will start loving the entire world.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Concluding words:\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"We all eat food so no extra activity is needed for improving focus. If you will inculcate a good habit you will definitely gain lot of direct & indirect benefits. So enjoy your food.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\", \"modifiers\": {\"image\": \"https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-0d660dfa23e5714be7b59f9eae6ed4aa-lq\", \"height\": 720, \"width\": 1280, \"master_url\": \"https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-37e7f4d34e0d76ec257ae5df3246d446\", \"is_deleted\": false, \"is_sensitive\": false, \"is_uploaded_by_bot\": false, \"zoomable\": true, \"dominant_color\": \"#da9695\"}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"image\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Thank you for reading.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"If you liked it then please do not forget to upvote.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 1315346620, "givenName": "E-Techno", "familyName": "Mind", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/E-Techno-Mind"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1609654578767009, "numViews": 93, "numUpvotes": 2, "numShares": 1, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 55561135, "url": "/What-are-some-tips-and-tricks-to-increase-concentration-power/answer/Miri-Praisman", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"100% yes\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \". Numerous studies have been conducted on the matter, and people from all over the world, from all ages and backgrounds are experiencing this simple \\u201ctrick\\u201d as we speak.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Meditation\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \".\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"It\\u2019s now being implemented in high tech companies as a routine at work (in Israel). Schools have started providing guided mediation to children from all ages to help with their concentration (it was used in Israel in a school for troubled children who, within 4 years, became one of the top 3 schools in grades score and graduation percentage), and I myself have started meditating a few months ago due to my lack of ability to clear my mind and focus on a single thing.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"What brain scans can prove visually I have realized first hand. Meditation is a highly effective tool for increasing concentration, piece of mind, for mindfulness, and much more.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 142482530, "givenName": "Miri", "familyName": "Praisman", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Miri-Praisman"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1504449092181837, "numViews": 368, "numUpvotes": 4, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 56860271, "url": "/What-are-some-tips-and-tricks-to-increase-concentration-power/answer/Ed-Stanfield-1", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Everyone says meditation and I agree.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"There are several forms. If the first one doesn\\u2019t work, try another.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I prefer a lightly guided \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"meditation \", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \"- such as Headspace.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Reading \", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \"is good if you choose something challenging, that requires you to focus and think about what you\\u2019re reading, and your meta mind is conscious and pulling you back when the lesser mind strays.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Another interesting trick is to closely \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"examine a photograph\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \" or a painting. It needs to be one with a fair amount of detail.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Go past the obvious instant focal point of interest. Examine every detail of the image and you\\u2019ll discover all kinds of interesting things.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Then try this on a painting with less complexity and see how long you can continue to focus and look for the slight nuances.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Ed\\n\", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"startwithclarity\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true, \"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"http://startwithclarity.com\"}}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 9944565, "givenName": "Ed", "familyName": "Stanfield", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Ed-Stanfield-1"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1505517056123556, "numViews": 809, "numUpvotes": 8, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 55575308, "url": "/What-are-some-tips-and-tricks-to-increase-concentration-power/answer/Ravishankar-Muniasamy", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Yes, by eliminating disturbance.\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Concentration is nothing but being focused on something. The main concern with people unab to achieve this due to disturbances come in their way. today, we sign up for many deviations in the form of social media, in the name of working in parallel. switch off all your incoming distubances and try to do something for 30 minutes\\u2026 you will feel the difference . You just experienced concentration\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"it is as simple as that. It is pretty much in our control. 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Then you are doing it wrong.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Try again with a slightly different mindset.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Now, is the distraction stronger or weaker?\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"If it is stronger, you\\u2019ve gone in the wrong direction, if it is weaker, you are on the right track.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Try again with a slightly different mindset.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Is the distraction better or worse?\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Try again.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Is the distraction stronger or weaker?\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Is the subject that should be focused on loud or dim?\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"You keep trying and notice if it is better or worse.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Expect that you\\u2019ll fail a thousand or more times before you can learn to focus.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"But it is worth it.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 59933588, "givenName": "F\u00e1bio", "familyName": "E. 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I think you will find my recent answer to this question on concentration helpful: \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"Sharon Feldman Danzger's answer to What are the best working habits for concentration?\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"answer\", \"aid\": 45797852, \"url\": \"https://www.quora.com/What-are-the-best-working-habits-for-concentration/answer/Sharon-Feldman-Danzger\"}}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\", \"modifiers\": {\"image\": \"https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-b959a51603db4a57f5db20b0b6e7eca4-lq\", \"height\": 1280, \"width\": 1920, \"master_url\": \"https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-6fc9d623164cfc33dc75b0b843f43802-c\", \"is_deleted\": false, \"is_sensitive\": false, \"is_uploaded_by_bot\": false, \"zoomable\": true, \"dominant_color\": \"#ffffff\"}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"image\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Photo Credit: Pixabay\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Staying focused is a challenge for everyone!\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": true, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Here are 3 SIMPLE AND POWERFUL PRODUCTIVITY HACKS that might help:\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": true, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"1. SOCIAL MEDIA\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": true, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I am sure this is not the first place you've read it, but it bears repeating. You need to stop constantly checking your social media. According to a recent article, Americans check their phones 46 times a day, on average. If you assume 8 hours of sleep, that's about 3 times an hour. Most people I know check their email far more often than that. It's amazing we get any work done at all!\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": true, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Turning off notifications is a great place to start. When notifications are on, every visible box that floats on your home screen, or ping that indicates a new item, is a distraction. Researchers in England found that these small distractions have the effect on your brain as if you have been awake for 36 hours or as if your IQ is 10 points lower.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": true, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"HACK #1: TURN OFF NOTIFICATIONS\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": true, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"2. MULTI-TASKING\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": true, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Up until recently, multi-tasking was considered an enviable skill. Science tells us that, at best, 2% of the population is actually capable of doing two activities at the same time. What we refer to as multi-tasking, is more often switch tasking where you are rapidly shifting between tasks. You believe that the switching is seamless but it can actually take as long as 20 minutes to refocus on the original task.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": true, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"When you switch tasks (think writing a paper, checking text messages, and then going back to writing the paper) both tasks take longer to complete, have more errors, and you experience greater stress levels. While you don't always have the luxury of working on a single task at a time, when you have an important project that requires significant concentration, you should uni-task, focusing on only one thing\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": true, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"HACK #2: DON'T MULTI-TASK\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": true, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"3. PLANNING\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": true, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Before you go to sleep each night, spend the last 10 minutes of your day planning for tomorrow. Review your task list, prioritize what needs to get done, and schedule the time in your calendar to complete your most important tasks. Actually make an appointment with yourself to do your most important work. Be sure to keep in mind the parts of the day where your concentration is best.When you have a plan in place the night before, you will certainly sleep better.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": true, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"HACK #3: MAKE A PLAN AT THE END OF EACH DAY\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": true, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"These 3 productivity hacks will help you gain greater control of your time, improve your focus and enable you to better concentrate on your work.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": true, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"For more strategies and tips on productivity, check out my \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"website\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"https://controlchaos.org/?utm_medium=Focus+and+Concentration&utm_source=Blog\"}}}, {\"text\": \", \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"blog\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"http://www.controlchaos.org/page10-1\"}}}, {\"text\": \" and recently released book, \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"Super-Productive: 120 Strategies to Do More and Stress Less.\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"http://amzn.to/2mhDXHt\"}}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": true, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I hope that helps!\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Sharon\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 136055661, "givenName": "Sharon", "familyName": "Feldman Danzger", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Sharon-Feldman-Danzger"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1504461361042150, "numViews": 641, "numUpvotes": 7, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 56410190, "url": "/What-are-some-tips-and-tricks-to-increase-concentration-power/answer/Rudra-Dev-13", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Meditation\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Try meditating for about 20 minutes a day while listening to some binaural music.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I've always struggled with being concentrated on a single task for more than 40 minutes and this technique has helped me a lot.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I am sure that it'll help out out as well.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Best of luck\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 223285781, "givenName": "Rudra", "familyName": "Dev", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Rudra-Dev-13"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1505164643522121, "numViews": 77, "numUpvotes": 7, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 57032250, "url": "/What-are-some-tips-and-tricks-to-increase-concentration-power/answer/Atul-Mathur-2", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Yes. Just write down whatever you are learning or hearing or reading in your own words on a piece of paper so that everything is visually available for your brain to record. You'll see a remarkable increase in concentration.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 17451439, "givenName": "Atul", "familyName": "Mathur", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Atul-Mathur-2"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": true, "creationTime": 1505668131260717, "numViews": 199, "numUpvotes": 1, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 4204107, "url": "/What-are-some-tips-and-tricks-to-increase-concentration-power/answer/Subramanyam-Pidaparthy", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"1. Forget the word \\\"concentration\\\"\\n2. Never ever try to start some thing with an idea of \\\"concentration\\\"\\n3.Concentration is not like getting job or writing examination\\n4.Its just there hovering above the head - but the moment you know it is there - it WILL disappear. \\n5. Put off the mobile and keep in a safe and lock that safe and then throw the keys.\\n6. Close the Quora ( not now, after finishing of reading my answer - and do not ask another question) and turn off the computer or laptop or iphone - whatever.. \\n7.If you are an engineer in IT - stop thinking about start up\\n8. If you are CS - then forget that there some thing called Android \\n9. Get up and switch off the internet net router ..\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Now, take a good breath and put on the TV- and watch Arnab's show - with concentration. (I know you get some head ache - still try to \\\"keep w a t c h i n g \\\" - Look at him and assume that you are watching the show of Aiswaraya Roy.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Spend like that for about an hour -I suggest you don't look at your watch for every second to see whether you have consumed one hour or not. Best is to fix an Alarm and then watch TV.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Do it for just one week - you will have excellent results.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 667203, "givenName": "Subramanyam", "familyName": "Pidaparthy", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Subramanyam-Pidaparthy"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1393000817891568, "numViews": 925, "numUpvotes": 2, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 1, "comments": [{"commentId": 5153833, "creationTime": 1403717049586351, "url": "/What-are-some-tips-and-tricks-to-increase-concentration-power/answer/Subramanyam-Pidaparthy?comment_id=5153833&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 50029746, "profileUrl": "/profile/Nagraja-Nayak", "givenName": "Nagraja", "familyName": "Nayak"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Hhmmm...how it will help...won't it leads to thinking too much abt Arnab show..\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}, {"aid": 227034586, "url": "/What-are-some-tips-and-tricks-to-increase-concentration-power/answer/Omar-Darwish-65", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"We live in a society where focus has become a scarce resource.\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true, \"italic\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Yes, and it is astonishing how it is difficult to read a book or do a task. without getting distracted!\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Why that?\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Focus is an habit. As an habit is highely affected by your environment.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"In the past, focus was usually distrubed by our neighbourhood making too much noise, by cars on the streets, or by the footsteps of people in the library.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Today, in addition to these we have browser tabs with open videos, instagram, mobile phone on your reach, and so on!\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Note that especially the last ones are the \\u2018distracters\\u2019 that we have control on.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"What to do?\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"As focus is an habit, and habits start with small incremental steps.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"You are in control of achieving this!\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"How to achieve better focus?\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Start by mastering 30 seconds of focus.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Then 1 minute. Then increase.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"What can help me to reach my goal?\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Avoid distractions! Turn off your phone, notifications, email, facebook, quora, and so on.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"If your brain gets used to seek for distractions, focus for longer times will be much harder to achieve.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"To end\\u2026\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"As they say, the most difficult part of focusing is the beginning. Just start your task, and do not think about focusing. Think about the task itself, and you will find yourself that 30 minutes have passed since your started it!\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 1219485344, "givenName": "Omar", "familyName": "Darwish", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Omar-Darwish-65"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1594511580556937, "numViews": 50, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 58145429, "url": "/What-are-some-tips-and-tricks-to-increase-concentration-power/answer/Vikrant-Yadav-79", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Ya it's super easy\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"But the only thing you need is consistent action\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Here are some activities you can start doing now\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"1- yoga\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"2 - exercise\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"3- reading self improvement book\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 187717423, "givenName": "Vikrant", "familyName": "Yadav", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Vikrant-Yadav-79"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1506528861315810, "numViews": 57, "numUpvotes": 2, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 56709079, "url": "/What-are-some-tips-and-tricks-to-increase-concentration-power/answers/56709079", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Hello Sangeetha,\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"To improve your ability to concentrate, you can practice meditation.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"All you need is 20 minutes of time with yourself.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Pick the silent place at your house.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Sit and relax yourself.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Close your eyes and focus on your breath. Practice it for 20 minutes.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"In few days, you will notice that your concentration power has been improved.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 231659396, "givenName": "Roshan", "familyName": "Sharma", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Roshan-Sharma-115"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1505398952800047, "numViews": 79, "numUpvotes": 1, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 7467578, "url": "/What-are-some-tips-and-tricks-to-increase-concentration-power/answer/Arpit-Pipara", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Prepare a schedule and when you try to do something make sure you avoid all the distraction. \\nFor example if you want to study the first switch off Your phone that's the way to do it. \\nNow you got to focus and increase your ability everyday. Firstly don't go for long hours. Let's say you can do a work for 15 minutes with complete focus so next day go for 17 minutes but not more than that. \\nSo improve each day a little and after a certain time you'll see big changes.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 34285476, "givenName": "Arpit", "familyName": "Pipara", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Arpit-Pipara"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1413121256197677, "numViews": 97, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 7468671, "url": "/What-are-some-tips-and-tricks-to-increase-concentration-power/answer/Mukul-Shukla", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Swap Caffeine For Cardio\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \"\\nIf you rely on triple lattes to pay attention, you'll likely find it harder to focus when you're not buzzed. \\\"Your brain will begin to operate as though it requires caffeine to be alert,\\\" explains Coates. A more effective stimulant: exercise. Physical activity has been shown to sharpen focus, in people with ADHD and without, possibly because it can help trigger the release of chemicals in the brain that are thought to affect learning and memory. One report from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign suggests that aerobic exercise in particular may improve immediate and long-term functioning in regions of the brain relating to attention.\\n\", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"Drink More Water\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \"\\nA 2012 study in The Journal of Nutrition found that mild dehydration (so subtle that you don't really feel it) can lead to inattention. When women were less than 2 percent dehydrated (in this case, from not drinking enough water after exercise), their ability to concentrate on a series of cognitive tests was impaired. \\\"When the brain detects even the smallest changes in physiology, it may begin operating at a suboptimal level to get your attention,\\\" explains study coauthor Harris Lieberman, PhD, a research psychologist at the U.S. Army Research Institute of Environmental Medicine. \\\"Thirst is not the best measure of hydration, so a decrease in your ability to focus is an early warning signal that it's time to drink up.\\\"\\n\", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"Get Serious About Shut-Eye\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \"\\n\\\"When a patient suspects she has ADHD, one of the first things I investigate is her sleep routine,\\\" says Vatsal G. Thakkar, MD, clinical assistant professor of psychiatry at New York University School of Medicine. \\\"The inability to concentrate is often caused by a lack of delta sleep.\\\" Thakkar is referring to the slow-wave stage that precedes REM sleep; it's the time when the brain powers down, and some evidence suggests it's the period in which certain cognitive functions consolidate and strengthen. \\\"If you're regularly dipping below seven hours, you're likely cutting into the delta phase, and this can make it difficult to focus when you're awake,\\\" says Thakkar. His Rx: Get a solid seven to nine hours a night for at least two weeks. If your concentration doesn't improve, see a sleep specialist to determine if an undiagnosed disorder like sleep apnea might be to blame.\\n\", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"Wiggle Your Toes\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \"\\nEver catch yourself nodding along absentmindedly during a conversation as your brain flits to a million other things? \\\"The frenetic nature of our society -- constant updates via e-mail and Twitter, for example -- provides some sort of excitement every few minutes, and we've become trained to expect that,\\\" says Olivia Fox Cabane, author of \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"The Charisma Myth.\", \"modifiers\": {\"italic\": true}}, {\"text\": \" \\\"If we're not stimulated after a short period of time, we look around for something that will do the job. This is true whether we're reading a dull news story or involved in a conversation.\\\" To be a more attentive listener, Cabane recommends taking a moment to focus your attention on your toes. This mindfulness trick will instantly bring you back to the present -- right where you belong.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Source: \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"4 Proven Tricks To Help You Focus\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/08/28/how-to-focus_n_3795523.html\"}}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 18991115, "givenName": "Mukul", "familyName": "Shukla", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Mukul-Shukla"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1413126327481183, "numViews": 863, "numUpvotes": 1, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 222596847, "url": "/What-are-some-tips-and-tricks-to-increase-concentration-power/answers/222596847", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Find out when your brain is most productive\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true, \"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"https://blog.vivafit.app/ways-to-improve-concentration/\"}}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"In order to improve your concentration and memory work hard when your brain\\u2019s performance reaches its peak. For example, you notice that you complete tasks faster and more accurately in the morning. Your peak time may be around 10 in the morning, but then you feel tired after dinner. Your brain itself tells you when it is maximally functional.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Make sure your brain had rest before work\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true, \"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"https://blog.vivafit.app/ways-to-improve-concentration/\"}}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"It may be difficult for you to concentrate if there are internal distractions such as anxiety, anxiety, and stress. In order to improve focus and concentration try to get enough sleep and think only positively. Some people practice meditation or yoga to get positive energy.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Eliminate distractions\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true, \"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"https://blog.vivafit.app/ways-to-improve-concentration/\"}}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"In between ways to improve concentration must be mentioned the limit for using any gadgets, remove your gadgets, turn off the radio and TV. In case if you work at home, work in a place where you cannot be disturbed.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Train your brain\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Sometimes gadgets can be useful for concentration, because they offer a lot of things to do to improve concentration. You can download special gaming applications to train your brain. Such applications improve memory and information processing speed.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Divide large tasks into smaller tasks\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"If you are working on a large project, divide the tasks into smaller tasks that are easier to process, solve and complete one by one. Very often large tasks are too stressful. This only leads to delays and reduced performance. It\\u2019s one of the most effective ways to improve focus.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 1136190745, "givenName": "Vivafit", "familyName": "App", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Vivafit-App"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1592575672955290, "numViews": 12, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 3212667, "url": "/What-are-some-tips-and-tricks-to-increase-concentration-power/answer/Hanson-Jiang", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"as we all know it's important for us to focus on what we work.\\nfor this question l have two suggest.\\n1:We should stop and think carefully about what we did.\\n2:we should have the habit of meditation.we should use one hour to practice yoga and meditation every day.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 26089221, "givenName": "Hanson", "familyName": "Jiang", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Hanson-Jiang"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1379982630813318, "numViews": 371, "numUpvotes": 1, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 226887430, "url": "/What-are-some-tips-and-tricks-to-increase-concentration-power/answers/226887430", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Desire\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 22719176, "givenName": "Richard", "familyName": "D. 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Try using a sketchbook.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"X-ref:\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Decide on a definite major purpose, I can do it, confidence, apply work ethic\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 975342659, "givenName": "Charles", "familyName": "Wild", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Charles-Wild-7"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": true, "creationTime": 1594464612955479, "numViews": 11, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 257487151, "url": "/What-are-some-tips-and-tricks-to-increase-concentration-power/answer/Bernat-Szilagyi", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Well, there is kind of two sides to your question but both will end up with the same answer\\u2026How do you learn? (AND) How do you improve your focus?\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Do you know that there are different methods of learning? Do you know which method of learning is best for you?\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I get asked a question from one of my employees (let\\u2019s say he/she just started and a month has passed). I answer the question verbally (because the questions was brought up verbally) however a couple days pass and he/she asks me the same question again\\u2026so I try to confer our previous discussion but this time instead of just answering her verbally I also write it down, in form, and give it to her\\u2026. Some people learn better if they read, while others learn better verbally\\u2026\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"The weekend passes by and on Monday I receive the same question again from her\\u2026so I try to confer our previous discussion but now I know that verbally didn\\u2019t work and written/writing didn\\u2019t work either so I tell her/him to be patient and I\\u2019ll have your answer in an hour or so\\u2026I make a drawing or power point presentation. I go over the answer with her verbally, written, and also now VISUALLY\\u2026I\\u2019m thinking now \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"she\\u2019s a visual learner, \", \"modifiers\": {\"italic\": true}}, {\"text\": \"she sees the answer and visualizes it in her head - plays it like a movie to herself and she\\u2019s got it!!\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Wednesday morning she comes to me and asks me the same question\\u2026Up to this point, I\\u2019ve tried verbally giving her the answer, provided written form, and spent time and energy to create a visual experience for her to get it\\u2026I\\u2019ve been patient and supportive\\u2026now I start to think \\u201cseriously? why is she/he not getting it? are they that dense and incapable or is he/she doing this on purpose to get a rise out of me?\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"So, I draw the line here\\u2026\\u201dby tomorrow, end of our work day, if you do not come to me with the answer to your question\\u2026you\\u2019re fired.\\u201d\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"The next day, during lunch break time, she approaches me and gives me the answer. 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Find the answer\\u2026\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Purpose\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Passion\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Sleep\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Eat well\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"= Unlimited Focus.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 1371942153, "givenName": "Bernat", "familyName": "Szilagyi", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Bernat-Szilagyi"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1609487833506676, "numViews": 315, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 1, "comments": [{"commentId": 179258078, "creationTime": 1610448320409234, "url": "/What-are-some-tips-and-tricks-to-increase-concentration-power/answer/Bernat-Szilagyi?comment_id=179258078&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 73654614, "profileUrl": "/profile/Reka-64", "givenName": "Reka", "familyName": ""}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"It could be that in her normal state she would just leave that company, but she cannot, because of the pandemic. I understand now better how people think. Good to know.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}, {"aid": 257495799, "url": "/What-are-some-tips-and-tricks-to-increase-concentration-power/answer/Bruce-R-Bain", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"The brute fact about mental development, is that few of us can ever spontaneously develop our own \\u201cthoughts\\u201d. The way to know what you think, is to compare your ideas to what other people think. What we do, is study the long development of the thoughts of others throughout the span of history. Of course, the domain of knowledge since the period of the Presocratic Philosophers in Greece or the ancient teachers of wisdom in the context of religion is so vast, that without some kind of a guided instruction, the effort to focus can be entirely confusing.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Improving \\u201cfocus\\u201d is accomplished in a manner similar to looking at things with some sort of an eyeglass with a certain lens. This happens with a telescope or a microscope or eyeglasses etc. For \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"perception\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \", a lens uses something clear rather like glass and so forth and so on. In the context of the way that the mind \\u201cthinks\\u201d however, what is regarded as a \\u201clens\\u201d is that identity referred to as \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"thought.\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"The way that a certain \\u201cthought\\u201d can be applied to \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"conception \", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \"rather than perception for operations similar to that of a \\u201clens\\u201d is to adopt a certain thought or an array of thoughts for core premises. Usually, this kind of focusing is accomplished by learning the thoughts (premises) of a certain person or several persons. The person may be someone writing in the domain of law (jurisprudence), or science, or philosophy, or theology, or some other knowledge domain. How can we have any idea about who to read or what to read to find ideas to serve for our own \\u201clens\\u201d for focusing? It is necessary to find the \\u201cthoughts\\u201d of others.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Of course, it took me many years to discover the \\u201cthoughts\\u201d to recognize and follow. The schooling I received in my youth did not actually prepare me to \\u201cfocus\\u201d my mind as is proposed in this question. My own researches in regards to \\u201cfocusing\\u201d developed many long years after leaving school. As I recall, I was about the age of 37 before I found meaningful \\u201cthoughts\\u201d. Prior to that, I was stuck in that insane myriad of published material called Self-Help Books or New Age Books. The \\u201cworld\\u201d seems to foist upon young minds the most horrid array of information for the human population.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"For example, if I wish to refine the \\u201cfocus\\u201d of my mind and its thinking, I might choose to read what has been written by such persons as:\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"James B. Conant, Ph.D. \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"James B. 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P. Moreland, Ph.D. \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"Irving Adler - Wikipedia\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irving_Adler\"}}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Edward Feser, Ph. D. \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"Edward Feser - Wikipedia\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward_Feser\"}}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Of course, I cannot fail to mention the need for developing an Academic Vocabulary. Many people are not shown the Academic Vocabulary, and the unfortunate result is that when they attempt to read what a scholar writes, they have little familiarity with the words used to focus the mind.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"See also if interested: on \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"http://www.Quora.com\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"http://www.Quora.com\"}}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"(94) Bruce R. Bain's answer to Is one textbook per topic enough? - Quora\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"answer\", \"aid\": 21913442, \"url\": \"https://www.quora.com/Is-one-textbook-per-topic-enough/answer/Bruce-R-Bain\"}}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 151077480, "givenName": "Bruce", "familyName": "R. 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Exercises, drink water and rid yourself of distractions by being mentally strong via having a positive mental attitude.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 379385191, "givenName": "Segun", "familyName": "Ola", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Segun-Ola-5"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": true, "creationTime": 1609558145615260, "numViews": 22, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 257656168, "url": "/What-are-some-tips-and-tricks-to-increase-concentration-power/answer/Sarthak-Khandelwal-83", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"If you want to improve your focus, you should do meditation and give time to analyze yourself.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Meditation will definitely help you in improving your focus.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 1244303470, "givenName": "Sarthak", "familyName": "Khandelwal", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Sarthak-Khandelwal-83"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": true, "creationTime": 1609579967554318, "numViews": 15, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 257676047, "url": "/What-are-some-tips-and-tricks-to-increase-concentration-power/answers/257676047", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Focus is a common problem having a wide variety of potential solutions. Focus, concentration, distraction, discipline and such like are related to distraction and worth considering together. Although approaches and tips are often related to particular things such as study, work and suchlike, they may be helpful whatever a person is seeking to focus on. Here are some ways of dealing these problems:\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"How do I study with focus and concentration and avoid distractions and procrastination?\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"question\", \"qid\": 8300251, \"url\": \"https://www.quora.com/How-do-I-study-with-focus-and-concentration-and-avoid-distractions-and-procrastination\"}}}, {\"text\": \" 2000+ answers\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"How can I improve my focus?\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"question\", \"qid\": 4659563, \"url\": \"https://www.quora.com/How-can-I-improve-my-focus-10\"}}}, {\"text\": \" 1920+\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"How do I concentrate better in my studies? I can\\u2019t study for more than 45 min. I get distracted very quickly.\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"question\", \"qid\": 9141052, \"url\": \"https://www.quora.com/How-do-I-concentrate-better-in-my-studies-I-can\\u2019t-study-for-more-than-45-min-I-get-distracted-very-quickly\"}}}, {\"text\": \" 1040+\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I want to study, but I waste my whole day without doing anything significant, and am unable to concentrate. What should I do?\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"question\", \"qid\": 2116865, \"url\": \"https://www.quora.com/I-want-to-study-but-I-waste-my-whole-day-without-doing-anything-significant-and-am-unable-to-concentrate-What-should-I-do\"}}}, {\"text\": \" 530+\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"How can we always stay focused and motivated towards our goals?\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"question\", \"qid\": 6820313, \"url\": \"https://www.quora.com/How-can-we-always-stay-focused-and-motivated-towards-our-goals\"}}}, {\"text\": \" 510+\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"How do you keep yourself focused on your goals?\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"question\", \"qid\": 63808, \"url\": \"https://www.quora.com/How-do-you-keep-yourself-focused-on-your-goals\"}}}, {\"text\": \" 480+\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"How can we control our mind from distraction?\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"question\", \"qid\": 14387030, \"url\": \"https://www.quora.com/How-can-we-control-our-mind-from-distraction\"}}}, {\"text\": \" 460+\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Searching online, you will find more and a wider variety of views and advice.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"A challenge may be how you are sure your focus is better or improved. An online search will show there is no universally agreed means of determining a person\\u2019s level of focus. In addition, there is no means to compare focus between people. This being the case, it may be useful to consider how you will be sure you have learnt to improve your focus.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 2647458, "givenName": "Mark", "familyName": "Grimshaw", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Mark-Grimshaw"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1609591034061779, "numViews": 72, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 257687259, "url": "/What-are-some-tips-and-tricks-to-increase-concentration-power/answer/Blue-Fish-95", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Turn off the music, buy a big desk, lay out your materials, have good lighting, try to remember what your most important items are - and get started!\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 175823088, "givenName": "Blue Fish", "familyName": "", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Blue-Fish-95"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": true, "creationTime": 1609596394734796, "numViews": 19, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 257729614, "url": "/What-are-some-tips-and-tricks-to-increase-concentration-power/answers/257729614", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"When are you going to stop with the never ending manipulations and trying to lead me away from the girl.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Stop focusing on my problems, work on yours because they are damaging while mine don't bother a single soul.\\u2764\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 221001153, "givenName": "Annalise", "familyName": "Cameron", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": null}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": true, "creationTime": 1609613374001583, "numViews": 5, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 257964582, "url": "/What-are-some-tips-and-tricks-to-increase-concentration-power/answer/Allyan-Grover", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"How to improve our concentration! The following analysis presents some personal opinions.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"So, how to get rid of the habit of multitasking and single-task, or just reduce it to the lowest level? To complete a single task, you only need to train your focus\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Do important things in the morning: \", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \"Plan the to-do list the day before and perform the most important actions first in the first few hours of the day. This helps you save space throughout the day.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"ordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Stay away from distractions and avoid distractions: \", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \"When we train ourselves to be good at multitasking, we lose the ability to stay focused. When we are easily distracted, it may be difficult to return directly to single-task behavior. So, what is the best way to not be distracted? Stay away from interference.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"ordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Make a long-term plan for regular thinking: \", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \"Long-term thinking will help you have a clearer vision in the present. Know what is important to you now, and concentrate on it.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"ordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Take regular breaks: \", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \"I recommend that you have a short break (which can be done in a few hours) on a small task, and always take at least one day off in a week (when you are focusing on a larger task/goal).\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"ordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 1345573238, "givenName": "Allyan", "familyName": "Grover", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Allyan-Grover"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1609729544626791, "numViews": 33, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 259712205, "url": "/What-are-some-tips-and-tricks-to-increase-concentration-power/answer/Manlio-Lo-Giudice", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I found out meditation (i.e. mindfulness) training helped me a lot in finding an interior sense of calmness through the day. I have always been struggling with productivity, that\\u2019s why I developed an app for that. After having read hundreds of studies and articles and dozens of books, I can easily say that there is not an unique system, but you need to experience yourself, eventually adapting tools to your needs (and not vice-versa).\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Timeboxing techniques \", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"https://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/timeboxing.htm#:~:text=The%20purpose%20of%20timeboxing%20is,on%20to%20the%20next%20one.\"}}}, {\"text\": \"are extremely easy to implement, still, you need first to educate yourself (i.e. books on the subject) or find a coach to speed up the entire process. Start easy, with 5 minutes of focus time on your task. Then increase over time, recording in a journal what is causing you distractions for later processing. Wish you good luck with your progress!\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 173595838, "givenName": "Manlio", "familyName": "Lo Giudice", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Manlio-Lo-Giudice"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1610552547687823, "numViews": 33, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 272482413, "url": "/What-are-some-tips-and-tricks-to-increase-concentration-power/answer/Milan-Rusimov", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"The first thing to start with before you consider any technique for focus improvement is to look at your basic need.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"As their name suggests, they are the base of our everyday life and we need them daily.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Abraham Maslow\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Abraham_Maslow\"}}}, {\"text\": \" divided those basic needs into psychological needs (water, food, air, sleep, sex) and safety needs (clothing, shelter, finances).\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"If you don\\u2019t satisfy these needs, you can poorly improve your concentration.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"After that, you can look for what they called the \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"flow state\", \"modifiers\": {\"italic\": true, \"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Flow_(psychology)\"}}}, {\"text\": \".\", \"modifiers\": {\"italic\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"According to Wikipedia, \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"flow state\", \"modifiers\": {\"italic\": true}}, {\"text\": \" is:\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"In positive psychology, a flow state, also known colloquially as being in the zone, is the mental state in which a person performing some activity is fully immersed in a feeling of \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"energized focus\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true, \"italic\": true}}, {\"text\": \", full involvement, and enjoyment in the process of the activity. In essence, flow is characterized by the complete absorption in what one does, and a resulting transformation in one's sense of time.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": true, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Try it out and let me know what do you think \\ud83d\\udc47\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 46316418, "givenName": "Milan", "familyName": "Rusimov", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Milan-Rusimov"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1616701922165156, "numViews": 89, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 56472172, "url": "/What-are-some-tips-and-tricks-to-increase-concentration-power/answer/Akhilesh-97", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Yes and the method is simple\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Meditate\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"That doesn\\u2019t meant to sit in a corner and keep your eyes shit\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Meditation means to sit in a peaceful place and keep your outer world and inner world shut until you have attained the inner peace\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 323621113, "givenName": "Akhilesh", "familyName": "", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Akhilesh-97"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1505215888836588, "numViews": 11, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}]
{"sections": [{"spans": [{"text": "Who chooses the ending songs for the Person of Interests episode? They are definitely a class above compared to other procedurals.", "modifiers": {}}], "indent": 0, "quoted": false, "type": "plain", "is_rtl": false}]}
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My favorite would have to be the music for that end scene in Death Benefit (3.20), Medicine by Daughter.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 44636162, "givenName": "Marie", "familyName": "Nicole Quipot", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Marie-Nicole-Quipot"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": true, "creationTime": 1400280329276651, "numViews": 661, "numUpvotes": 6, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 6, "comments": [{"commentId": 8230406, "creationTime": 1422115390942061, "url": "/Who-chooses-the-ending-songs-for-the-Person-of-Interests-episode-They-are-definitely-a-class-above-compared-to-other-procedurals/answer/Marie-Nicole-Quipot?comment_id=8230406&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 46445551, "profileUrl": "/profile/Ben-Ring-2", "givenName": "Ben", "familyName": "Ring"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"They did a great job. Many of the songs at the end of season 1 are now some of my favorites!\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 8261726, "creationTime": 1422285471119704, "url": "/Who-chooses-the-ending-songs-for-the-Person-of-Interests-episode-They-are-definitely-a-class-above-compared-to-other-procedurals/answer/Marie-Nicole-Quipot?comment_id=8261726&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 44636162, "profileUrl": "/profile/Marie-Nicole-Quipot", "givenName": "Marie", "familyName": "Nicole Quipot"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Definitely. They are absolutely spot on with their song choices. What season are you on now?\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 8262954, "creationTime": 1422289908177127, "url": "/Who-chooses-the-ending-songs-for-the-Person-of-Interests-episode-They-are-definitely-a-class-above-compared-to-other-procedurals/answer/Marie-Nicole-Quipot?comment_id=8262954&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 46445551, "profileUrl": "/profile/Ben-Ring-2", "givenName": "Ben", "familyName": "Ring"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I'm on Season 4, painfully waiting until February for the next episode. :(\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 8266431, "creationTime": 1422303184851717, "url": "/Who-chooses-the-ending-songs-for-the-Person-of-Interests-episode-They-are-definitely-a-class-above-compared-to-other-procedurals/answer/Marie-Nicole-Quipot?comment_id=8266431&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 44636162, "profileUrl": "/profile/Marie-Nicole-Quipot", "givenName": "Marie", "familyName": "Nicole Quipot"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Oh me too! It just keeps getting better doesn't it? Too bad it keeps getting overlooked or dismissed as just another CBS procedural by critics. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"This show really needs to get on Netflix soon so people can binge-watch and catch up. It's a really hard show to get into for new viewers w/out having seen the earlier seasons.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 8266756, "creationTime": 1422304720905007, "url": "/Who-chooses-the-ending-songs-for-the-Person-of-Interests-episode-They-are-definitely-a-class-above-compared-to-other-procedurals/answer/Marie-Nicole-Quipot?comment_id=8266756&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 46445551, "profileUrl": "/profile/Ben-Ring-2", "givenName": "Ben", "familyName": "Ring"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"YES! :) \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Season 1 was definitely the best, though!\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 8276148, "creationTime": 1422352662751255, "url": "/Who-chooses-the-ending-songs-for-the-Person-of-Interests-episode-They-are-definitely-a-class-above-compared-to-other-procedurals/answer/Marie-Nicole-Quipot?comment_id=8276148&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 44636162, "profileUrl": "/profile/Marie-Nicole-Quipot", "givenName": "Marie", "familyName": "Nicole Quipot"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I'm a big fan of the heavy sci-fi element that's in the show now as compared to season 1. 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[{"aid": 2170320, "url": "/What-is-the-difference-between-phonetics-and-phonology/answer/David-Rosson", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I tend to think of them this way:\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Phonetics\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \" is like the mechanics, physics or acoustics of how to produce certain sounds with the articulatory organs (teeth, tongue, electronic buzz box, etc.)\\n\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\", \"modifiers\": {\"embed\": {\"url\": \"http://youtu.be/Nu99KAVnmRA\"}}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"yt-embed\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Whereas \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"Phonology\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \" is about how sounds affect grammar and meaning in a certain language, you would talk about minimal pairs, syllables, intonations and suchlike...\\n\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\", \"modifiers\": {\"embed\": {\"url\": \"http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KpBYnL5fAXE#t=0m13s\"}}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"yt-embed\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"An example, compare:\\n\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\\\"You're asking me\", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \".\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \"\\\"\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\\\"You're asking me\", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"?\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \"\\\"\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"In \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"Phonetics\", \"modifiers\": {\"italic\": true}}, {\"text\": \" we would say your vocal folds are stretched and lengthened to produced a higher pitched vibration at the end of the sentence (how a sound is produced); in \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"Phonology\", \"modifiers\": {\"italic\": true}}, {\"text\": \" we would say in many English varieties this rising pitch indicates converting a statement into a question (how it makes a difference in the language).\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Theoretically, a phonetician can conduct her studies without ever looking at a particular language, and a phonologist can do everything she does without ever involving anatomy.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 3281430, "givenName": "David", "familyName": "Rosson", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/David-Rosson"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1362229222830048, "numViews": 26850, "numUpvotes": 19, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 2161881, "url": "/What-is-the-difference-between-phonetics-and-phonology/answer/Stephen-Houchen", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"They are two branches of linguistics.\\n \\n\", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"Phonetics\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \" is the study of the the physical properties of human speech, such as how basic sounds are physically produced, their acoustics, and how they are perceived.\\n \\n\", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"Phonology\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \" deals with language sounds in abstract, grammatical terms. It often focuses on the systems of phonemes in particular languages and describes how they work. Phonology also deals with acoustic phenomena at syllable level (e.g., morae) or even sentence-level (e.g., sentence level stress).\\n \\nPhonetics \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"describes\", \"modifiers\": {\"italic\": true}}, {\"text\": \" the basic units themselves of human speech; Phonology \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"develops theories\", \"modifiers\": {\"italic\": true}}, {\"text\": \".\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 4733328, "givenName": "Stephen", "familyName": "Houchen", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Stephen-Houchen"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1362065276568881, "numViews": 30320, "numUpvotes": 33, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 4433642, "url": "/What-is-the-difference-between-phonetics-and-phonology/answer/Alan-K-Lambson", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Let me give you an example from English. When you pronounce the words \\\"stop\\\" and \\\"top\\\", do you detect a difference in the way the \\\"t\\\" is pronounced? You probably don't, but there is one. The \\\"t\\\" of \\\"top\\\" is pronounced with aspiration, meaning a burst of air that accompanies the sound. Let's call it the \\\"spitty t\\\". The \\\"t\\\" of \\\"stop\\\" does not have this aspiration. So, the two sounds in English are \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"phonetically\", \"modifiers\": {\"italic\": true}}, {\"text\": \" different, but \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"phonemically \", \"modifiers\": {\"italic\": true}}, {\"text\": \"identical, since we perceive them to be the same sound, and we cannot create a distinction of meaning between two words by choosing to use a \\\"spitty y\\\" or a \\\"non-spitty\\\" t. The difference is just conditioned by the phonetic context: initial consonant followed by a vowel, or not.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"There could conceivably be (and probably are) languages in which the choice of an aspirated (spitty) t or non-aspirated t could actually change the meaning of a word. In that case, the two physical sounds would constitute different phonemes of that language, whereas in English they are not.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Phonetics describes a physical reality: the articulation and acoustic properties of the sounds we make.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Phonemics reflect a psychological reality, or the way the infinite variety of sounds that we are capable of producing are organized into meaningful categories within the system of a given lanaguage.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 13849105, "givenName": "Alan", "familyName": "K Lambson", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Alan-K-Lambson"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1395006590625843, "numViews": 20041, "numUpvotes": 16, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 2, "comments": [{"commentId": 3975537, "creationTime": 1395007758574215, "url": "/What-is-the-difference-between-phonetics-and-phonology/answer/Alan-K-Lambson?comment_id=3975537&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 33853419, "profileUrl": "/profile/Noor-Drost", "givenName": "Noor", "familyName": "Drost"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"So 'phonemics' = phonology?\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}, {"commentId": 52217352, "creationTime": 1516202437076443, "url": "/What-is-the-difference-between-phonetics-and-phonology/answer/Alan-K-Lambson?comment_id=52217352&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 5739945, "profileUrl": "/profile/Steve-Rapaport", "givenName": "Steve", "familyName": "Rapaport"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Hindi. [t] vs. [th], [d] vs. [dh] are contrasts, and the \u2018h\u2019 just means aspirated (spitty).\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}, {"aid": 2163717, "url": "/What-is-the-difference-between-phonetics-and-phonology/answer/Marc-Ettlinger", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Phonology \", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \"is the study of the sound patterns of language.\\n\", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"Phonetics \", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \"is the study of the acoustics and physiology of speech production, speech perception and speech sounds.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Phonology\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \" often involves attempting to formalize, using a grammar, what these sound patterns are, as well as account for and understand how grammars can differ across languages. I always thought it useful to think of \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"phonology as\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \" the study of:\\n\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"inventories \", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \" - what sounds are in what languages\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"phonotactics - \", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \"what sounds can go together, and where\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"alternations - \", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \"how sounds change in different contexts\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\\nAlternatively, \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"phonetic \", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \"research generally involves using acoustic measurements, in particular spectrograms, or articulatory measures, such as \\n\", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"Electromagnetic Articulography\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"http://www.linguistics.ucla.edu/faciliti/facilities/physiology/ema.html\"}}}, {\"text\": \" to characterize speech sounds.\\n \\nThe two interact in interesting ways.Some hypothesize that \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"phonology \", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \"is nothing more than \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"phonetics\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \"; that all principles of the grammatical organization of speech sounds can be reduced to phonetic principles [1]. Others believe that \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"phonology \", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \"has nothing at all to do with \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"phonetics\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \"; that the grammatical systems governing speech sounds can/should only be studied without any regard to their phonetic properties [2].\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"[1] Blevins, Juliette. (2004). \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"Evolutionary Phonology\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"http://books.google.com/books/about/Evolutionary_Phonology.html?id=-AsIRQT2VFQC\"}}}, {\"text\": \"\\n[2] Hale, Mark; Reiss, Charles (2008). \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"The Phonological Enterprise\", \"modifiers\": {\"italic\": true}}, {\"text\": \". Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"ISBN\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Standard_Book_Number\"}}}, {\"text\": \" \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"0-19-953397-0\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:BookSources/0-19-953397-0\"}}}, {\"text\": \".\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"horizontal-rule\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\\nI'm having a lot of trouble thinking up an analogy. Something like maybe micro (phonetics) and marco (phonology) economics or experimental (phonetics) and theoretical (phonology) physics... but they are only analogical in superficial ways. Maybe a decent analogy is in to the two ways of doing \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"sabermetric research\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \", if you're a \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"baseball \", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \"fan: \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"Phonology \", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \"is like using high level results data (e.g., AB, HRs, Ks) to understand players' value, whereas \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"Phonetics\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \" is analogous to researching the physics of baseball. The question remains how much things like reaction time, fastball speed, running ability, etc. relate to players' value as defined by HRs, etc.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"horizontal-rule\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\\n\", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"Stephen Houchen's answer\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"answer\", \"aid\": 2161881, \"url\": \"https://www.quora.com/What-is-the-difference-between-phonetics-and-phonology/answer/Stephen-Houchen\"}}}, {\"text\": \" is an excellent answer, as well. I was A2A, so I thought I'd add another explanation in case it helps.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 7055508, "givenName": "Marc", "familyName": "Ettlinger", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Marc-Ettlinger"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1362095926849739, "numViews": 86632, "numUpvotes": 57, "numShares": 3, "numComments": 6, "comments": [{"commentId": 164543873, "creationTime": 1602511567000199, "url": "/What-is-the-difference-between-phonetics-and-phonology/answer/Marc-Ettlinger?comment_id=164543873&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 1269210320, "profileUrl": "/profile/Iqra-Basharat-15", "givenName": "Iqra", "familyName": "Basharat"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Phonetics uses a set of symbols that are called phonetic alphabets to represent sounds with scientific accuracy, and that sometimes coincide with the usual alphabet. The sounds are called allophones and are represented in brackets\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Phonology is the discipline that is interested in studying how the sounds of speech are organized and linguistically related in human languages to mean. In other words, it studies how sounds are structured in each language to be able to transmit meanings, what characteristics of speech sounds are important or relevant in the processes of transmission of linguistic meanings in natural languages.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"If yo want to read more about it please visit this\", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"linguistics guru\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"https://linguallight.blogspot.com/\"}}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 165223936, "creationTime": 1602860054202739, "url": "/What-is-the-difference-between-phonetics-and-phonology/answer/Marc-Ettlinger?comment_id=165223936&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 1269210320, "profileUrl": "/profile/Iqra-Basharat-15", "givenName": "Iqra", "familyName": "Basharat"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Phonetics:\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Phone = sound\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"tics = study/ knowledge\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"So phonetics is the study of speech sound. It is the branch of linguistics that focus on how do we make sounds and it also studies the properties of speech. Phonetics looks at of the positions, and actions of the lips, tongue, vocal tract, and different speech organs.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Example:\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"[w] is stated through bringing the lower lip into touch with higher tooth and forcing air out of the mouth even as the vocal folds vibrate and nasal hollow space is closed off.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Phonology:\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Phone = sounds\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"ology = a branch of knowledge\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"so phonology is the branch of linguistics that study pattern of speech sounds.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Phonology observes various sounds, and the way they come collectively to shape speech and words.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Example: Bags=z\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Roses=z\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"His=z\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Phonology focuses on sound not spellings.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}, {"commentId": 12444434, "creationTime": 1440210843057048, "url": "/What-is-the-difference-between-phonetics-and-phonology/answer/Marc-Ettlinger?comment_id=12444434&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 4358169, "profileUrl": "/profile/Gokul-Madhavan", "givenName": "Gokul", "familyName": "Madhavan"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Would it be accurate to say that phonetics examines the objective structure of the sounds of a language (i.e., the sounds made by native speakers as recorded by machines), while phonology examines the (inter)subjective structure of the sounds (i.e., the sounds made by native speakers as perceived by other native speakers)?\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"If my distinction is right, then it may be better to think of phonology/phonetics in terms of inside/outside rather than macro/micro. A natural example that suggests itself in this case would be music: A \u201cphonological\u201d, or \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"inside\", \"modifiers\": {\"italic\": true}}, {\"text\": \", description of a song would be an account of it in terms of the musical culture in which it was produced (thus, for instance, talking about different intervals or chords in a Western classical piece, or about various \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"r\u0101ga\", \"modifiers\": {\"italic\": true}}, {\"text\": \"s and \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"gamakas\", \"modifiers\": {\"italic\": true}}, {\"text\": \" in an Indian classical piece). A \u201cphonetic\u201d, or \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"outside\", \"modifiers\": {\"italic\": true}}, {\"text\": \", description of the same song could be an accurate representation of it as a waveform.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}, {"commentId": 18051908, "creationTime": 1459801973941479, "url": "/What-is-the-difference-between-phonetics-and-phonology/answer/Marc-Ettlinger?comment_id=18051908&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 148016682, "profileUrl": "/profile/Benaissa-Yacine", "givenName": "Benaissa", "familyName": "Yacine"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"thanks \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}, {"commentId": 213816954, "creationTime": 1627851154666013, "url": "/What-is-the-difference-between-phonetics-and-phonology/answer/Marc-Ettlinger?comment_id=213816954&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 606985495, "profileUrl": "/profile/Ivan-Krivyakov-1", "givenName": "Ivan", "familyName": "Krivyakov"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"An analogy I can think of is physics (phonetics) vs chemistry (phonology). Chemistry relies on physics as a foundation, but is much more specialized\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}, {"commentId": 216685530, "creationTime": 1629289918821343, "url": "/What-is-the-difference-between-phonetics-and-phonology/answer/Marc-Ettlinger?comment_id=216685530&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 136767155, "profileUrl": "/profile/CE-Iannuzzi", "givenName": "CE Iannuzzi", "familyName": ""}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Some people seem to think that the distinction is very clear. Let\u2019s first start with these as phenomena in language. We might talk about the \u2018phonology of English\u2019 and the \u2018phonetics of English\u2019. Then there are the formal and academic studies of them. I would argue to keep things simple, we should think of phonology as part of grammar, and that is really a psycholinguistic phonetics. Another thing complicating it all is how phonology and phonetics pop up in various academic traditions\u2014education, reading acquisition and \u2018phonics\u2019, speech therapy, psychology, psycholinguistics, academic phonetics (which tends to be very technical now), phonetics and phonology as parts of applied linguistics, TEFL, ELT, etc.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}, {"aid": 6276618, "url": "/What-is-the-difference-between-phonetics-and-phonology/answer/Joachim-Pense", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Phonetics is about the actual sounds (or hand/body movements in signed languages) and how they are produced. Phonology is about the system of the sounds/movements, how they work as basic elements of a language, which different sounds/movements are considered equal within a language.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 4819432, "givenName": "Joachim", "familyName": "Pense", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Joachim-Pense"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1406697653715439, "numViews": 18540, "numUpvotes": 10, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}]
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[{"aid": 10135529, "url": "/What-do-you-think-about-Baba-Ramdev/answer/Rashmi-Sonawat-1", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Okay,this is my story.\\nWhen I was in 9th standard, I got specs which I was too ashamed of wearing.That time Ramdev Baba was very popular on TV . So one \\nday I saw him saying one can get rid of specs by doing PRANAYAM in a time span of 1 week-6 months. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"That was the month of december and I belong to Bihar where in winters temperature falls down to 2-3 degrees.But who cares! When I decide to do something, I do it. So in that cold weather,I used to wake up at 6.(Waking up early in the morning is something I hate the most.) I used do all the PRANAYAM Ramdev baba said on TV.Followed a proper diet.Did not eat fast food for 6 months.Used to eat Amla Churna every morning.\\n The best part was saying '\", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"Jai Ramdev Baba\", \"modifiers\": {\"italic\": true}}, {\"text\": \" 'with full devotion after the PRANAYAM everyday :) I started worshiping him.I used to say '\", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"Jai Ramdev Baba\", \"modifiers\": {\"italic\": true}}, {\"text\": \"' with full aastha(devotion) 100 times a day.I became such a devotee of Ramdev Baba which makes me laugh to this date. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Nothing happened in 1st week.But did not loose hope. Did everything as prescribed till 6 months.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Of course,nothing happened then also. I still wear glasses with same power.But yes, I am not ashamed of it anymore. And I don't think about him anymore :)\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 20944225, "givenName": "Rashmi", "familyName": "Sonawat", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Rashmi-Sonawat-1"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1425048895661162, "numViews": 17037, "numUpvotes": 90, "numShares": 2, "numComments": 20, "comments": [{"commentId": 8844188, "creationTime": 1425114624785202, "url": "/What-do-you-think-about-Baba-Ramdev/answer/Rashmi-Sonawat-1?comment_id=8844188&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 31316637, "profileUrl": "/profile/Neeraj-Kumbhakarna", "givenName": "Neeraj", "familyName": "Kumbhakarna"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Your story is indeed disappointing. I wonder why pranayam did not make any difference for you. But I should say I benefited a lot from pranayam. My spectacle power was -2 (left eye) and -1 (right eye). I started doing pranayam 10 years ago and now it is -1.25(left) and right eye is completely normal.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 140825732, "creationTime": 1589801107893140, "url": "/What-do-you-think-about-Baba-Ramdev/answer/Rashmi-Sonawat-1?comment_id=140825732&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 152252770, "profileUrl": "/profile/Dr-Eashan-Aneja", "givenName": "Dr Eashan Aneja", "familyName": ""}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Hi sir, improvement in power in middle age, approx 45 to 50 years is suggestive of cataract. Please visit an ophthalmologist. :)\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 140827605, "creationTime": 1589802192074304, "url": "/What-do-you-think-about-Baba-Ramdev/answer/Rashmi-Sonawat-1?comment_id=140827605&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 31316637, "profileUrl": "/profile/Neeraj-Kumbhakarna", "givenName": "Neeraj", "familyName": "Kumbhakarna"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Sure. I will follow you advice.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}, {"commentId": 9353411, "creationTime": 1427473678354777, "url": "/What-do-you-think-about-Baba-Ramdev/answer/Rashmi-Sonawat-1?comment_id=9353411&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 14929714, "profileUrl": "/profile/Vinay-Madhusudanan", "givenName": "Vinay", "familyName": "Madhusudanan"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Post hoc ergo propter hoc\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Post_hoc_ergo_propter_hoc\"}}}, {\"text\": \".\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}, {"commentId": 8858568, "creationTime": 1425192073622155, "url": "/What-do-you-think-about-Baba-Ramdev/answer/Rashmi-Sonawat-1?comment_id=8858568&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 20944225, "profileUrl": "/profile/Rashmi-Sonawat-1", "givenName": "Rashmi", "familyName": "Sonawat"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Really?? How long did it take??Coz I did Pranayam for 6 months. I could not feel any difference. So I quit.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 8858695, "creationTime": 1425192824901704, "url": "/What-do-you-think-about-Baba-Ramdev/answer/Rashmi-Sonawat-1?comment_id=8858695&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 31316637, "profileUrl": "/profile/Neeraj-Kumbhakarna", "givenName": "Neeraj", "familyName": "Kumbhakarna"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"As I already wrote earlier, it took me 10 years. I first started wearing spectacles in 1998 (L: -1.75, R: -0.25). Till 2005 it went up to (L: -2, R: -1). I started pranayam along with all the diet and other routine in 2005 and have been regularly doing it till today. The power slowly came down and last I checked in July 2014, it was L: -1.25, R: normal. Now I feel that it has gone down further but I will have to get my eyes checked to be sure.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 16705048, "creationTime": 1456037875425694, "url": "/What-do-you-think-about-Baba-Ramdev/answer/Rashmi-Sonawat-1?comment_id=16705048&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 69824483, "profileUrl": "/profile/Mathew-Roy-8", "givenName": "Mathew", "familyName": "Roy"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"That is interesting. How old were you when you started practising.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 17654414, "creationTime": 1458710085264352, "url": "/What-do-you-think-about-Baba-Ramdev/answer/Rashmi-Sonawat-1?comment_id=17654414&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 31316637, "profileUrl": "/profile/Neeraj-Kumbhakarna", "givenName": "Neeraj", "familyName": "Kumbhakarna"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I was 24 years old when I started practicing seriously.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}]}]}]}, {"commentId": 34859002, "creationTime": 1493944696514338, "url": "/What-do-you-think-about-Baba-Ramdev/answer/Rashmi-Sonawat-1?comment_id=34859002&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 43518789, "profileUrl": "/profile/Srinivas-Kommireddy", "givenName": "Srinivas", "familyName": "Kommireddy"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"OMG!! This is hilarious.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Your writing style is quite similar to a gentleman called Saki - HH Munro. \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"Saki - Wikipedia\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saki\"}}}, {\"text\": \". If you get the time, read some of his works and figure out why.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"And yes, let us have more of this stuff.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}, {"commentId": 104473309, "creationTime": 1565023834355071, "url": "/What-do-you-think-about-Baba-Ramdev/answer/Rashmi-Sonawat-1?comment_id=104473309&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 187033053, "profileUrl": "/profile/Anmol-Sharma-274", "givenName": "Anmol", "familyName": "Sharma"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"You need a guru for proper pranayam. Although your specs may/may not get removed, your thought process will change a lot. Here Guru means a person who has practised Yog correctly\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}, {"commentId": 122172562, "creationTime": 1577617130699701, "url": "/What-do-you-think-about-Baba-Ramdev/answer/Rashmi-Sonawat-1?comment_id=122172562&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 323828178, "profileUrl": "/profile/Tanishq-Lohia", "givenName": "Tanishq", "familyName": "Lohia"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I was expecting some miracle ending for story but \u2026..\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}, {"commentId": 144840627, "creationTime": 1592061133309555, "url": "/What-do-you-think-about-Baba-Ramdev/answer/Rashmi-Sonawat-1?comment_id=144840627&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 935081733, "profileUrl": "/profile/Kishalay-Sarkar-5", "givenName": "Kishalay", "familyName": "Sarkar"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"But that does not mean it will work equally for everyone.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}, {"commentId": 144840584, "creationTime": 1592061115813199, "url": "/What-do-you-think-about-Baba-Ramdev/answer/Rashmi-Sonawat-1?comment_id=144840584&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 935081733, "profileUrl": "/profile/Kishalay-Sarkar-5", "givenName": "Kishalay", "familyName": "Sarkar"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"These things have been proven to have benefits,do you check facts?\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}, {"commentId": 165165915, "creationTime": 1602829889752786, "url": "/What-do-you-think-about-Baba-Ramdev/answer/Rashmi-Sonawat-1?comment_id=165165915&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 314054081, "profileUrl": "/profile/Mahendra-J\u00e0in", "givenName": "Mahendra", "familyName": "J\u00e0in"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"This is the result of anyones astha. It is futile. So you realised reality. Can I help in increasing your eyesight naturally with simple diet available in your vicinity. I dont need your asthat but need asthat in mother nature who nurture us. A girl's eye sight( about 6\u20137 years) was so poor that she could not write her name in a copy on a line. After six months , she could seen small font of dictionary.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}, {"commentId": 165167667, "creationTime": 1602830854957751, "url": "/What-do-you-think-about-Baba-Ramdev/answer/Rashmi-Sonawat-1?comment_id=165167667&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 314054081, "profileUrl": "/profile/Mahendra-J\u00e0in", "givenName": "Mahendra", "familyName": "J\u00e0in"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Health improves with good quality of blood not with exercise/yog/pranayam/ These are a part of provocation to join their programmes. Blood improves with due defecation,urination,sweatings and systematic fastings and then taking diet according to our own body's requirement/immunity/nature\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"In our family all members have food of same kind then how their blood is formed in different blood groups and different health positions. Why all are not have similar ailments or why all are not robust healthy. This is secret of my treatment.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 201536705, "creationTime": 1621869739118936, "url": "/What-do-you-think-about-Baba-Ramdev/answer/Rashmi-Sonawat-1?comment_id=201536705&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 377942456, "profileUrl": "/profile/Zach-1507", "givenName": "Zach", "familyName": ""}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"If this were true, dialysis and blood transfusions should cure all ailments \ud83e\udd23\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}, {"commentId": 202471601, "creationTime": 1622310968975134, "url": "/What-do-you-think-about-Baba-Ramdev/answer/Rashmi-Sonawat-1?comment_id=202471601&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 414954612, "profileUrl": "/profile/Rajesh-Sharma-2276", "givenName": "Rajesh", "familyName": "Sharma"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Try this:\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Boil a cup of water with saffaron (4\u20135 sticks), boil till water reduced to 1/2 a cup, drink it before going to bed at night.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"ordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Rub back of ears, ear lobs and feet with mustard oil for around 15\u201320 munutes, before going to bed at night.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"ordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Do regular eye exercise for in the morning and in evening regularly.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"ordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}, {"commentId": 202918117, "creationTime": 1622526979565511, "url": "/What-do-you-think-about-Baba-Ramdev/answer/Rashmi-Sonawat-1?comment_id=202918117&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 180574688, "profileUrl": "/profile/Deipa-Kamat", "givenName": "Deipa Kamat", "familyName": ""}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"As far as I know, Tratak is the yoga way for improving eyesight. But it should be performed under the supervision of a trained yoga professional.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}, {"commentId": 232846475, "creationTime": 1637486931566773, "url": "/What-do-you-think-about-Baba-Ramdev/answer/Rashmi-Sonawat-1?comment_id=232846475&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 1545549871, "profileUrl": "/profile/Divjot-Channel", "givenName": "Divjot", "familyName": "Channel"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Love your self. \u2764\ufe0f\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}, {"commentId": 244554387, "creationTime": 1643178469399797, "url": "/What-do-you-think-about-Baba-Ramdev/answer/Rashmi-Sonawat-1?comment_id=244554387&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 1467475601, "profileUrl": "/profile/Rohan-Parijat-Dutta", "givenName": "Rohan", "familyName": "Parijat Dutta"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Did you tried all these\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Raw food and less cooked food diet\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"ordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Drishti eye drop\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"ordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Pranayam with concentration (not with restless mind) for atleast 2 hrs.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"ordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Give up non veg, fast food.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"ordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Tratak\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"ordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I suffered a lot at the hands of Allopathy doctors who tried to worsen my depression. after taking Medha Vati I started sleeping properly but depression didn't improve. But the side effects of Allopathy medicine were gone and I felt better energy (20% improved). Then I started Pranayam and found 40% result. After 9 months I realized you should practice pranayam with focus and it gave 60% result after 15 more days. Now I am trying raw food diet.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}, {"aid": 43591544, "url": "/What-do-you-think-about-Baba-Ramdev/answer/Ashish-Dixit-3", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Year 2002\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"It was a time when he just had a small ashram in kankhal. I had a migraine problem at that time and some one recomended me to visit his ashram for solution. This was the time when he used to come only for 15 mins on Satsang TV.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Anyways it was much easier to meet him then as he was not popular. My family and I met him directly. He was too down to earth like many real saints. Anyway he gave suggestion to do yoga and to take some herbal medi.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Year 2005\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"By this time Brinda karat had played her dirty trick to malign Swami ji which in reverse actually made him too popular. At that time my mom and i once again visited to consult Swami ji for some treatment. Though he was busy but he gave us time and gave best solution.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"That was the time when he was planning big. His business success is not a one day charishma in fact it was a result of his marketing about his products in his shivirs. Initially his shivirs were limited to yoga but later on it became a plateform of \\u201cdeshbhakti\\u201d. Bharat Swabhiman trust also boosted this fact.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 3906144, "givenName": "Ashish", "familyName": "Dixit", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Ashish-Dixit-3"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1493944286652802, "numViews": 6997, "numUpvotes": 25, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 1, "comments": [{"commentId": 34877006, "creationTime": 1493971994045660, "url": "/What-do-you-think-about-Baba-Ramdev/answer/Ashish-Dixit-3?comment_id=34877006&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 29132082, "profileUrl": "/profile/Vicky-Vijan", "givenName": "Vicky", "familyName": "Vijan"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Baba Ramdev Rockstar hain!\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}, {"aid": 2615073, "url": "/What-do-you-think-about-Baba-Ramdev/answer/Anuj-Gupta-9", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Visionary\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \".\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"He visualized that the Yoga has the potential of curing whole lot of diseases but because of western mind set, people are reluctant to accept that as an alternate approach. Furthermore the Yoga was considered as another name of rigid asanas. He picked up yoga and start teaching yoga in a simple way like kapal bharti, anulom vilom, etc etc.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\", \"modifiers\": {\"image\": \"https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-2e94c9e7b63bee1d2b07384b8807a2e1.webp\", \"height\": 275, \"width\": 183, \"master_url\": \"https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-2e94c9e7b63bee1d2b07384b8807a2e1-lq\", \"is_deleted\": false, \"is_sensitive\": false, \"is_uploaded_by_bot\": false, \"zoomable\": true, \"dominant_color\": \"#668542\"}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"image\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Quite a few people were teaching yoga but he was successful because of his emphasis on following three things:\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Yoga is simple and anybody can do it - irrespective of your wallet size, time constraints, etc.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"ordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"It is in your interest to do yoga as it will save your medicine cost and will keep you happy. As usual we Indians understand economics very well.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"ordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"He organized camps with TV channel so that not only he addresses 50,000 or more per day but he is viewed by a few hundred thousands at their home.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"ordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\\n\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\", \"modifiers\": {\"image\": \"https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-f3ada3d6d5ae0ed6571e107e7022e6b3.webp\", \"height\": 160, \"width\": 236, \"master_url\": \"https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-f3ada3d6d5ae0ed6571e107e7022e6b3-lq\", \"is_deleted\": false, \"is_sensitive\": false, \"is_uploaded_by_bot\": false, \"zoomable\": true, \"dominant_color\": \"#976a58\"}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"image\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\\nThis resulted in a great popularity. Then he entered into the field of Ayurvedic medicines. With the growth of yoga, the awareness of Ayurvedic medicines was already hitting the public and now a days in case of several diseases like fever, stomach diseases, high/low Blood Pressure, Diabetes, etc. his medicines are first choice in the houses including ours. He started training vaidyas (Ayurvedic doctors) at Haridwar and now most of his shops are providing free consultancy of these qualified vaidyas.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Then he entered in the food processing and now in education. Today he is a person who has largest fan following in \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"Yoga and Ayurvedic medicines\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \". Day is not far when his \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"Acharyakulam Education\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \" model will be followed by all and sundry in India. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"His firm belief empowers him to do the things on large scale. The only mistake he has committed was to take on the ruling regime head on and faced the consequences. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Just imagine when the young 10+2 students qualified from Acharyakulam (with English and Sanskrit Medium, well versed with Vedas etc) will enter in IITs, IIMs, CAs, Medicals etc, what will be the mind set of the young India who comes in to daily touch with them. Finally in place of forming his own party, he is supporting BJP, which may put him at a political advantage as well.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 4596516, "givenName": "Anuj", "familyName": "Gupta", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Anuj-Gupta-9"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1370182385784646, "numViews": 9057, "numUpvotes": 62, "numShares": 1, "numComments": 1, "comments": [{"commentId": 42067271, "creationTime": 1504028788624560, "url": "/What-do-you-think-about-Baba-Ramdev/answer/Anuj-Gupta-9?comment_id=42067271&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 102081434, "profileUrl": "/profile/Ravi-Gurjar-2", "givenName": "Ravi", "familyName": "Gurjar"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"its difficult for we Indians to accept the goodness of something .\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}, {"aid": 15730915, "url": "/What-do-you-think-about-Baba-Ramdev/answer/Preshar", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"He is a person who mustered up the courage and has the determination to imbibe yoga in the lives of people. We totally got dependent on the so called medicines and forgotten the ancient ways of Rishis and munis of keeping the body free of diseases. Then baba Ramdev came into picture. I still remember the time when his yoga session was telecaster daily for only 5 mins and did not have strong viewership. But with the results that people got after inculcating yoga in their lives, yoga has got a different reputation in today's world and so Baba Ramdev.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 75783903, "givenName": "Preshar", "familyName": "", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Preshar"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1442927005623188, "numViews": 1789, "numUpvotes": 4, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 228420172, "url": "/What-do-you-think-about-Baba-Ramdev/answer/Jehosh-Chris", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Political maestro \\ud83d\\ude01\\ud83d\\ude01 he joined sides with Modiji - and once they are in power, his business bloomed and bloomed wider\\u2026\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Such an inspiration to millions\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\", \"modifiers\": {\"image\": \"https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-b582160ce0463012a8fcd104fb74e89d-lq\", \"height\": 961, \"width\": 1080, \"master_url\": \"https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-fdb4669f175d8fa0473eaa0a2bd6fdd3\", \"is_deleted\": false, \"is_sensitive\": false, \"is_uploaded_by_bot\": false, \"zoomable\": true, \"dominant_color\": \"#ffffff\"}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"image\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I always visualise him as the Saamiyar role played by Nasser in Saguni (Tamil movie)\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"You get a political connection right in India - you can be a successful entrepreneur\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 135541303, "givenName": "Jehosh", "familyName": "Chris", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Jehosh-Chris"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1595157610659530, "numViews": 19579, "numUpvotes": 89, "numShares": 4, "numComments": 17, "comments": [{"commentId": 150567664, "creationTime": 1595162096264194, "url": "/What-do-you-think-about-Baba-Ramdev/answer/Jehosh-Chris?comment_id=150567664&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 882183628, "profileUrl": "/profile/Amarjit-25", "givenName": "Amarjit", "familyName": ""}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Fake news\u20261st pic is from the documentary movie based on Baba Ramdev\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 150568546, "creationTime": 1595162561593396, "url": "/What-do-you-think-about-Baba-Ramdev/answer/Jehosh-Chris?comment_id=150568546&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 362707677, "profileUrl": "/profile/Avantik-Bhardwaj-1", "givenName": "Avantik", "familyName": "Bhardwaj"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"My father saw him carring all these stuffs on cycle in haridwar.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}, {"commentId": 150564346, "creationTime": 1595160363365570, "url": "/What-do-you-think-about-Baba-Ramdev/answer/Jehosh-Chris?comment_id=150564346&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 39261924, "profileUrl": "/profile/Ganesh-Jaguva", "givenName": "Ganesh", "familyName": "Jaguva"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"That's bullshit. Politicians don't help anyone who is nothing. Ramdev was popular even before modi came into power.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 150569444, "creationTime": 1595163070786370, "url": "/What-do-you-think-about-Baba-Ramdev/answer/Jehosh-Chris?comment_id=150569444&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 135541303, "profileUrl": "/profile/Jehosh-Chris", "givenName": "Jehosh", "familyName": "Chris"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Lol politicians support anyone who can help them with their black money.. It's funny to think that ramdev got popular and rich with out the ruling party's support\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 152461928, "creationTime": 1596177538351211, "url": "/What-do-you-think-about-Baba-Ramdev/answer/Jehosh-Chris?comment_id=152461928&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 59797105, "profileUrl": "/profile/Vijay-Vishwa-6", "givenName": "Vijay", "familyName": "Vishwa"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"BS. Patanjali was popular even during Congress days and he was already having a cult following for a long time.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}, {"commentId": 249442508, "creationTime": 1645351116021965, "url": "/What-do-you-think-about-Baba-Ramdev/answer/Jehosh-Chris?comment_id=249442508&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 78364818, "profileUrl": "/profile/Mahesh-Kamath-7", "givenName": "Mahesh", "familyName": "Kamath"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Ramdav could reach every drawing room (literally) because of Astha TV and not due to Modi. He has done great service to humanity by popularising yoga .I can see that you graduated in 2015. That means you were possibly born in 1994 He was popular on Astha TV in about 1998 when you were probably 4 to 5 years old. Not surprising that you were not aware of him.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"To give a unrelate example, it is a fact that most people insist that it was Atal Bihari Vajpayee who was instrumental in busting Atomic Bomb by India but the fact is not so. You may further browse. So what I am trying to say is people make sweeping remarks as they please just because they are ( conveniently) not aware. They choose to be ignorant if it suites them, as per their belief and prejudice.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}, {"commentId": 150579941, "creationTime": 1595168338884400, "url": "/What-do-you-think-about-Baba-Ramdev/answer/Jehosh-Chris?comment_id=150579941&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 39261924, "profileUrl": "/profile/Ganesh-Jaguva", "givenName": "Ganesh", "familyName": "Jaguva"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Well if u believe gejus is coming soon, then u can think whatever. Ramdev became popular when congess govt was in power ans ramdev was inimical to Congress. Remember putrajeevik issue and human skull powder in medicines issue. . Anyways gejus will take care.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 150591375, "creationTime": 1595173658165787, "url": "/What-do-you-think-about-Baba-Ramdev/answer/Jehosh-Chris?comment_id=150591375&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 135541303, "profileUrl": "/profile/Jehosh-Chris", "givenName": "Jehosh", "familyName": "Chris"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\ud83d\ude44\ud83d\ude44What' is gejus\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 150655063, "creationTime": 1595209405485909, "url": "/What-do-you-think-about-Baba-Ramdev/answer/Jehosh-Chris?comment_id=150655063&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 735182488, "profileUrl": "/profile/Lakshay-Samaniya", "givenName": "Lakshay", "familyName": "Samaniya"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Maybe he's trying to say Jesus \ud83d\ude02\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 150679030, "creationTime": 1595224461848062, "url": "/What-do-you-think-about-Baba-Ramdev/answer/Jehosh-Chris?comment_id=150679030&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 135541303, "profileUrl": "/profile/Jehosh-Chris", "givenName": "Jehosh", "familyName": "Chris"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"ha ha :D :D as usual briging in religion, when he doesnt have a valid point\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 152467563, "creationTime": 1596180897188851, "url": "/What-do-you-think-about-Baba-Ramdev/answer/Jehosh-Chris?comment_id=152467563&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 39261924, "profileUrl": "/profile/Ganesh-Jaguva", "givenName": "Ganesh", "familyName": "Jaguva"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"U didn't get the point did u.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}]}]}]}]}]}, {"commentId": 150570180, "creationTime": 1595163465985929, "url": "/What-do-you-think-about-Baba-Ramdev/answer/Jehosh-Chris?comment_id=150570180&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 154236443, "profileUrl": "/profile/Tushar-Gadhikar", "givenName": "Tushar", "familyName": "Gadhikar"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"What a chutiya answer.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 150580352, "creationTime": 1595168543289293, "url": "/What-do-you-think-about-Baba-Ramdev/answer/Jehosh-Chris?comment_id=150580352&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 39261924, "profileUrl": "/profile/Ganesh-Jaguva", "givenName": "Ganesh", "familyName": "Jaguva"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Y don't u guys understand if u can't rebut point by point and use poor words it is a reflection upon ur matapita\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 150665512, "creationTime": 1595216226834359, "url": "/What-do-you-think-about-Baba-Ramdev/answer/Jehosh-Chris?comment_id=150665512&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 154236443, "profileUrl": "/profile/Tushar-Gadhikar", "givenName": "Tushar", "familyName": "Gadhikar"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Mr where are the points? Without clarification how can you judge others? Where is justification, where are the proofs?\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"And here is no points to justify my parents sanskar.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Is it written anywhere or universal proof that one is the reflection of one's parents. What a foolishness !\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"And for you kind information Lord Parshuram Ji, Lord Shri Krishna and many others are not the reflection of their parents. So could you judge me ? \ud83d\ude0f\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Once again I am writing, without clarifications and proofs this answer is bullshit.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}]}, {"commentId": 150562656, "creationTime": 1595159409221421, "url": "/What-do-you-think-about-Baba-Ramdev/answer/Jehosh-Chris?comment_id=150562656&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 197223343, "profileUrl": "/profile/Subhankar-Bhardwaj", "givenName": "Subhankar", "familyName": "Bhardwaj"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Vegetarian food \ud83d\ude38\ud83d\ude38\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}, {"commentId": 150686781, "creationTime": 1595229275643442, "url": "/What-do-you-think-about-Baba-Ramdev/answer/Jehosh-Chris?comment_id=150686781&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 12993852, "profileUrl": null, "givenName": "User-12175795174960103430", "familyName": ""}, "content": "", "comments": [{"commentId": 151144100, "creationTime": 1595476940767817, "url": "/What-do-you-think-about-Baba-Ramdev/answer/Jehosh-Chris?comment_id=151144100&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 125137817, "profileUrl": "/profile/Dennis-Menace-5", "givenName": "Dennis", "familyName": "Menace"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"And also his products are famous because of people and people buy them not Modi\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}]}, {"aid": 285974302, "url": "/What-do-you-think-about-Baba-Ramdev/answer/Rishabh-Datta-4", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Everyone is best in their own eyes, same thing is happening with IMA and Baba Ramdev. Both are right in their own ways and wrong as well. When it comes to my opinion, we shouldn't forget the contribution of ayurveda to control this pandemic. If few people of IMA think that they've done better than Ayurveda, then it's illogical.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Baba Ramdev is doing its job and he is doing well, ofcourse he isn't above allopathy and everything. But whatever he is doing in his own way, that's appreciable too.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"We all should stop playing the blame games on Ayurveda and Allopathy. They both can work together and save the entire humanity.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\", \"modifiers\": {\"image\": \"https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-4c240ef315aa18c2fd5d7e98add5f640-lq\", \"height\": 600, \"width\": 450, \"master_url\": \"https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-4c240ef315aa18c2fd5d7e98add5f640-lq\", \"is_deleted\": false, \"is_sensitive\": false, \"is_uploaded_by_bot\": false, \"dominant_color\": \"#829815\"}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"image\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"As far as I've seen him, I've seen him spreading the awareness about Yoga and Ayurveda. Which is an amazing signs. People are calling him just a businessman, that's totally a baseless opinion. I personally suggest everyone to adopt Ayurveda lifestyle and stay healthy.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 328223345, "givenName": "Rishabh", "familyName": "Datta", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Rishabh-Datta-4"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1622392487439638, "numViews": 10351, "numUpvotes": 38, "numShares": 6, "numComments": 12, "comments": [{"commentId": 202638844, "creationTime": 1622394489244806, "url": "/What-do-you-think-about-Baba-Ramdev/answer/Rishabh-Datta-4?comment_id=202638844&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 156743824, "profileUrl": "/profile/Sneha-Kumari-76", "givenName": "Sneha", "familyName": "Kumari"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"The fact is that he spoke the truth n reality which we homeopath even afraid to speak so he is becoming victim nothing else\u2026otherwise all medicine system has its own unique rolevadvantages n disadvantages of its own Nothing is perfect\u2026n its true that everybody wants to earn for his survival\u2026.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 202641389, "creationTime": 1622395465975440, "url": "/What-do-you-think-about-Baba-Ramdev/answer/Rishabh-Datta-4?comment_id=202641389&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 328223345, "profileUrl": "/profile/Rishabh-Datta-4", "givenName": "Rishabh", "familyName": "Datta"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"You're absolutely right. I feel the same!\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}, {"commentId": 202640714, "creationTime": 1622395207819793, "url": "/What-do-you-think-about-Baba-Ramdev/answer/Rishabh-Datta-4?comment_id=202640714&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 210239160, "profileUrl": null, "givenName": "User-10854783854121820963", "familyName": ""}, "content": "", "comments": [{"commentId": 202641489, "creationTime": 1622395505140607, "url": "/What-do-you-think-about-Baba-Ramdev/answer/Rishabh-Datta-4?comment_id=202641489&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 328223345, "profileUrl": "/profile/Rishabh-Datta-4", "givenName": "Rishabh", "familyName": "Datta"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Yeah, but we can speak whatever we feel like :)\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}, {"commentId": 202643162, "creationTime": 1622396153181436, "url": "/What-do-you-think-about-Baba-Ramdev/answer/Rishabh-Datta-4?comment_id=202643162&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 156743824, "profileUrl": "/profile/Sneha-Kumari-76", "givenName": "Sneha", "familyName": "Kumari"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"i already became but i like to\u2026n want to become more\u2026cauz i enjoy in prooving and proud on my pathy \u263a\ufe0f\ud83d\ude07\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}]}, {"commentId": 202635054, "creationTime": 1622393011975288, "url": "/What-do-you-think-about-Baba-Ramdev/answer/Rishabh-Datta-4?comment_id=202635054&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 1264924232, "profileUrl": "/profile/Dynamite-103", "givenName": "Dynamite", "familyName": ""}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Bro he is just a business man .\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I can even give you verified proofs but you won't believe in my proofs because of your own beliefs.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"He also sells shit products just like every other company, but you won't believe in me.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"He has no contribution to control corona panedemic other than selling his cheap products in name of medicine. (Which was not even approved)\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I can give you proofs from directly govt of India agencies but you won't believe in me because, reason you already know.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 202635581, "creationTime": 1622393200881075, "url": "/What-do-you-think-about-Baba-Ramdev/answer/Rishabh-Datta-4?comment_id=202635581&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 328223345, "profileUrl": "/profile/Rishabh-Datta-4", "givenName": "Rishabh", "familyName": "Datta"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"All I know is I'm using some of the health supplements, which are really effective. That's it :)\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}, {"commentId": 202635435, "creationTime": 1622393154700951, "url": "/What-do-you-think-about-Baba-Ramdev/answer/Rishabh-Datta-4?comment_id=202635435&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 328223345, "profileUrl": "/profile/Rishabh-Datta-4", "givenName": "Rishabh", "familyName": "Datta"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Please share the proofs, I'd love to know. Don't worry I'm not stucked with anyone! Bring it on.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 202719279, "creationTime": 1622434261256952, "url": "/What-do-you-think-about-Baba-Ramdev/answer/Rishabh-Datta-4?comment_id=202719279&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 1264924232, "profileUrl": "/profile/Dynamite-103", "givenName": "Dynamite", "familyName": ""}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Proofs\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"They don't show thier most of ingredients because of ayurvedic license (just like ayush lever, biotique). They hide it under \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"base\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \" material . Some Ayurvedic companies show thier proper ingredients list even after this license to show thier purity. Why can't they ingredients if they are using good things.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"ordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\", \"modifiers\": {\"image\": \"https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-f8e541c8f8da628576d4baa177691161-lq\", \"height\": 2400, \"width\": 1080, \"master_url\": \"https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-477abdc76554b389112db77f893cb26d\", \"is_deleted\": false, \"is_sensitive\": false, \"is_uploaded_by_bot\": false, \"zoomable\": true, \"dominant_color\": \"#cacacb\"}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"image\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Artificial fragrance - they \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"themselves\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \" write this on thier packet. Everyone knows how harmful artifical fragrance are.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"ordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Many of thier food products are not even \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"fssai\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \" approved (around 40 percent) and quality checked . Since it's a pdf which I can't share in comment but will share screenshot from \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"government website.\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"ordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\", \"modifiers\": {\"image\": \"https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-1b78f0b21dba3ef9d2e34dd2d51590a3-lq\", \"height\": 2400, \"width\": 1080, \"master_url\": \"https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-e19f747bb076c3730988f50fc4d957a8\", \"is_deleted\": false, \"is_sensitive\": false, \"is_uploaded_by_bot\": false, \"zoomable\": true, \"dominant_color\": \"#303135\"}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"image\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Quality - I could have shown how low quality products they sell in comment if they would have been showing full ingredients but you can yourself compare by making foam of patanjali facewash and godd facewash like plum, gentle beast etc\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"ordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Babaji spreads \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"fake\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \" news to sell his products -\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"ordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\", \"modifiers\": {\"embed\": {\"url\": \"https://www.nationalheraldindia.com/india/patanjalis-coronil-is-neither-who-certified-nor-approved-media-outlets-run-false-news\", \"title\": \"Patanjali\u2019s Coronil is neither WHO certified nor approved, media outlets run false news \u00a0\", \"snippet\": \"Coronil has been issued a CPP by AYUSH section of the Central Drugs Standard Control Organisation under the Government of India and the claim that Coronil was approved or recommended by WHO is false\", \"image_url\": \"https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-54125ce3ffe9894bb09d34231b97b73d\", \"type\": null, \"quora_content_type\": null, \"quora_oid\": null}}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"hyperlink_embed\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"They lack \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"proper certification\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \" ( information in above link only)\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"ordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 207699031, "creationTime": 1624788894080765, "url": "/What-do-you-think-about-Baba-Ramdev/answer/Rishabh-Datta-4?comment_id=207699031&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 421339441, "profileUrl": null, "givenName": "User-13163451846012977071", "familyName": ""}, "content": "", "comments": [{"commentId": 207704376, "creationTime": 1624791947157986, "url": "/What-do-you-think-about-Baba-Ramdev/answer/Rishabh-Datta-4?comment_id=207704376&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 1264924232, "profileUrl": "/profile/Dynamite-103", "givenName": "Dynamite", "familyName": ""}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Screenshot is from their offical website of patanjali.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"They don't show ingredients of many thing (not all)\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Lol they can't even pass quality test. People even use fair n lovely doesn't mean that a cream can make some fair ( Indians are mostly uneducated in this matter). Results can be achieved by many harmful chemicals which will cause harm in long run not in few years.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Face wash has foam. Everyone knows this but what's that foam is made up of that's the real question . Why hiding base of soap?\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Go and talk to any top class dermatologist to know how bad his products are. (Any one with more than 2 brain cells know this) .\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"What about coronil? Why ramdev(and his chelas) get into hospital when they have problem instead if his useless Ayurveda?\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"(Tere jaise bahut dekhe hai example sudhur chaudary bahut ayurveda karta tha jab covid se mar rha tha tab hospital hi gya)\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}]}]}]}, {"commentId": 202634325, "creationTime": 1622392736158202, "url": "/What-do-you-think-about-Baba-Ramdev/answer/Rishabh-Datta-4?comment_id=202634325&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 510984598, "profileUrl": "/profile/Shubham-Sidhu-5", "givenName": "Shubham", "familyName": "Sidhu"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Lala Ramdev\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}, {"aid": 34943391, "url": "/What-do-you-think-about-Baba-Ramdev/answer/Hitesh-Kumar-Arora-1", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Understanding Baba Ramdev is very difficult for me. He says he is working for Swadeshi but I do not think he himself is making our country free from British culture that we inherited during British Rule but he is doing little bit, others are not even doing that much.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"He says he follows lifestyle of Vagbhata, he surely follow but no where in his book Vagbhata told to sell Ghee in Plastic packets, to sell biscuits in plastic packets. Food should never get touched with plastic .\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Ghee should never be prepared in steel according to Ayurveda and he prepares in steel\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"His production of Patanjali Jeans is also proof that he believes in Videshi culture. He in one lecture told about harmful effects of jeans and that too in hot country like India and himself told to wear Indian clothes and now he is producing such clothes. Swadeshi means complete freedom from west in clothing,food,language, farming, etc.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"In Ayurveda its strictly said that Atta is harmful if consumed after 15 days and he is selling Atta packets which atleast takes few weeks to move from manufacturing units to respective cities.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"But his products are better what foreign MNC sell. India is in such a bad condition that even little Swadeshi is also a big achievement for slave country like India. I would say what Patanjali has benifitted India is in terms of very few products, Patanjali has reduced our imports and North India has shown a growth in agriculture sector as his company has motivated man farmers to do organic farming.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 145450254, "givenName": "Hitesh", "familyName": "Kumar Arora", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Hitesh-Kumar-Arora-1"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1484907713078948, "numViews": 5444, "numUpvotes": 18, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 5, "comments": [{"commentId": 29350854, "creationTime": 1484910109987858, "url": "/What-do-you-think-about-Baba-Ramdev/answer/Hitesh-Kumar-Arora-1?comment_id=29350854&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 83541895, "profileUrl": "/profile/Pallav-Gautam-1", "givenName": "Pallav", "familyName": "Gautam"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Atta is harmful if consumed after 15 days, is it? Even if we cultivate wheat we store it after refining and use it for several months.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 29350900, "creationTime": 1484910214949369, "url": "/What-do-you-think-about-Baba-Ramdev/answer/Hitesh-Kumar-Arora-1?comment_id=29350900&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 145450254, "profileUrl": "/profile/Hitesh-Kumar-Arora-1", "givenName": "Hitesh", "familyName": "Kumar Arora"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"After making powder hope you understood\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 29351159, "creationTime": 1484910755360740, "url": "/What-do-you-think-about-Baba-Ramdev/answer/Hitesh-Kumar-Arora-1?comment_id=29351159&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 83541895, "profileUrl": "/profile/Pallav-Gautam-1", "givenName": "Pallav", "familyName": "Gautam"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Yeah , I\u2019m talking about wheat flour is it harmful after 15 days? Could you please attach some reference or any Ayurveda article on this.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}]}, {"commentId": 202193241, "creationTime": 1622179390338624, "url": "/What-do-you-think-about-Baba-Ramdev/answer/Hitesh-Kumar-Arora-1?comment_id=202193241&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 298388121, "profileUrl": "/profile/Dhruv-Parekh-34", "givenName": "Dhruv", "familyName": "Parekh"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I am against him too but my question is that when these texts were written in the ancient ages, steel and plastic were not invented yet so whatever notion has been developed later is not of ayurveda but of ayurveda followers later\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}, {"commentId": 245331332, "creationTime": 1643521461873016, "url": "/What-do-you-think-about-Baba-Ramdev/answer/Hitesh-Kumar-Arora-1?comment_id=245331332&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 1467475601, "profileUrl": "/profile/Rohan-Parijat-Dutta", "givenName": "Rohan", "familyName": "Parijat Dutta"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"You want glass packets? Sorry but many people like me have a fear glass phobia. I like packets that won't break easily.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}, {"aid": 49925387, "url": "/What-do-you-think-about-Baba-Ramdev/answers/49925387", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I am a follower of Sanatan dhatma and take Pride in practicing yoga which is our heritage. I appreciate him for popularising yoga. But I strongly feel he hold regressive views on issues like homosexuality which is not at all a feature of Sanatan dharma followers!\", \"modifiers\": {\"italic\": true}}, {\"text\": \" \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"I do not want to liken him to Jakir Naik but few of his views are as illogical as Jakir Naik and Rahul Gandhy.\", \"modifiers\": {\"italic\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"According to him Homosexuality is unnatural and he compares it to eating with rectum instead of mouth. But we do not find any record against homosexuality in our culture or scriptures. I belive this \", \"modifiers\": {\"italic\": true}}, {\"text\": \"\\u201cunnaturality of homosexuality\\u201d \", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true, \"italic\": true}}, {\"text\": \"dogma is imported from the Abrahamic faiths. Not only on Khajuraho but on many temples we find sculptures of homosexuality suggesting our tolerant ethos.\", \"modifiers\": {\"italic\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"But an \", \"modifiers\": {\"italic\": true}}, {\"text\": \"ascetic sanyasi\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true, \"italic\": true}}, {\"text\": \" doing business is definetly not acceptable let alone owning a private island and collecting hundreds of dollars as fee.\", \"modifiers\": {\"italic\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Another issue is \", \"modifiers\": {\"italic\": true}}, {\"text\": \"ayurvedic medicines \", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true, \"italic\": true}}, {\"text\": \"which are not clinically tested like the allopathy medicines. Heavy metals like Mercury are used in these medicines which are more of a polluters than medical remedies. What should I call a Sanyasi making business with such medically unsafe medicines?? I really miss Dr.Vinay Kumaran on quora.\", \"modifiers\": {\"italic\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I also do not like his motor mouth and politically charged discourses. I must say his comic gimmics on black money and his jantar mantar chudidar drama was an epic and put him next to other drama queens like Kejru, Congis and commies.He keep praising politicians who attends his workshops without knowing ground reality.\", \"modifiers\": {\"italic\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"As a progressive Hindu, I think he is nothing more than a Yoga professional and a baniya notwithstanding with his red robes.\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true, \"italic\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 221001153, "givenName": "Annalise", "familyName": "Cameron", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": null}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1499627094316345, "numViews": 3565, "numUpvotes": 12, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 3, "comments": [{"commentId": 38801375, "creationTime": 1499643316221948, "url": "/What-do-you-think-about-Baba-Ramdev/answers/49925387?comment_id=38801375&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 117213544, "profileUrl": "/profile/Geoffrey-Terry-1", "givenName": "Geoffrey", "familyName": "Terry"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I agree with you, Ramdev can be so Ill informed on so many levels, not to mention contradictory and hypocritical in regards to some of his sweeping statements.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}, {"commentId": 202393065, "creationTime": 1622275003265269, "url": "/What-do-you-think-about-Baba-Ramdev/answers/49925387?comment_id=202393065&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 668662392, "profileUrl": "/profile/Avijit-Mudgal-1", "givenName": "Avijit", "familyName": "Mudgal"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Your answer totally resembles my thinking and situation, I am also a follower of Sanatan dharma and Yoga, but still according to me, he should be arrested under sedition act\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}, {"commentId": 212310078, "creationTime": 1627083495220806, "url": "/What-do-you-think-about-Baba-Ramdev/answers/49925387?comment_id=212310078&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 102508626, "profileUrl": "/profile/Arun-Aggarwal-25", "givenName": "Arun", "familyName": "Aggarwal"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"good job by mixing few facts with a total untrue story like they do in Bollywood films .\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}, {"aid": 123777955, "url": "/What-do-you-think-about-Baba-Ramdev/answer/Divya-Singh-1217", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"What could you think of a person who has become a business tycoon but still sleeps on the floor!\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"In this age, few are there who work relentlessly & ambitiously without any personal gains. His objective is are for common/national welfare, perspective clear, enthusiasm high very high. This so-called business tycoon leads a very simple life not getting addicted to any pleasures of life.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I think Baba Ramdev is doing an amazing task of uniting and awakening Bharat/India through his Yog tours/business venture/Aastha, Vedic channels. I find him a visionary who thinks, plans and acts simultaneously. He is making an impact in many spheres in our country. Baba Ramdev along with Acharya BalKrishna is a wonderful team who is doing wonders in Bharat.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Earlier, whether it was consumption of our daily need items, clothing, education or thinking, we were blindly following the west having no worth or pride in our things/language/culture. Times have changed now when people prefer herbal toothpaste over chemical ones. Even those who used to mock at Indians and Ayurved are now copying it. He revived the Indian way of thinking. He is a great visionary with clear objectives which are for the country.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"And for those who have trouble with his earning money so that it could be used to achieve objectives of national welfare, should give it a thought, from where can you get that huge amount of money required for larger transformations.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"He impacted the FMCG sector and now people are going for herbal, ayurvedic, khadi more natural products that too \\u2018swadeshi\\u2019. Now he eyes at transforming the Indian Education. So, would you donate enough to achieve such objectives? Some people commit to contributing and then eat up their words. How do the Yog Guru arrange the finances? Should he remain satisfied with his \\u2018Sanyas\\u2019 ignoring the national obligations? Or should he leave the sanyas and become a businessman who does business for his own luxury\\\\consumption?\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"The path he chose is that of a \\u2018\", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"Karma Yogi\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karma_yoga\"}}}, {\"text\": \"\\u2019, who does all his duties but remains detached.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Despite of all negative things whether it is workwise or influenced media/publication, he doesn\\u2019t get distracted and keeps moving with perseverance towards his goal. We have observed his actions/behaviour enough no. of years to doubt his intentions.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Our next generation will be thankful to him who works with determination and perseverance against all the odds for people\\u2019s upliftment!\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"References:\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Colgate accused of stealing 1,000-year-old Indian toothpaste recipe\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1322863/Colgate-accused-stealing-1-000-year-old-Indian-toothpaste-recipe.html\"}}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Colgate bets on ayurvedic products to stem market-share loss\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"https://www.thehindubusinessline.com/companies/colgate-bets-on-ayurvedic-products-to-stem-market-share-loss/article23426973.ece\"}}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 411286269, "givenName": "Divya", "familyName": "Singh", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Divya-Singh-1217"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1550651544199894, "numViews": 2408, "numUpvotes": 15, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 2, "comments": [{"commentId": 150560836, "creationTime": 1595158362814252, "url": "/What-do-you-think-about-Baba-Ramdev/answer/Divya-Singh-1217?comment_id=150560836&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 135541303, "profileUrl": "/profile/Jehosh-Chris", "givenName": "Jehosh", "familyName": "Chris"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Love your sarcasm \ud83d\ude01\ud83d\ude01\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 202008884, "creationTime": 1622093312439182, "url": "/What-do-you-think-about-Baba-Ramdev/answer/Divya-Singh-1217?comment_id=202008884&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 1505251741, "profileUrl": "/profile/Tanmay-Jha-39", "givenName": "Tanmay", "familyName": "Jha"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Can you please explain a bit\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}]}, {"aid": 378410134, "url": "/What-do-you-think-about-Baba-Ramdev/answer/Mani-Mohan-Nehru", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Baba Ramdev should be addressed as \\u201cLala Ramdev\\u201d. 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While dismissive of modern scientific medicine, he nevertheless went abroad for hip replacement surgery \u2026 hypocrisy personified.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 286282724, "creationTime": 1661766311633932, "url": "/What-do-you-think-about-Baba-Ramdev/answer/Mani-Mohan-Nehru?comment_id=286282724&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 364936279, "profileUrl": "/profile/Priti-Singh-345", "givenName": "Priti", "familyName": "Singh"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"So did his partner Bala,who got himself treated in AIIMS when he suffered a heart attack. 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In 2014 & 2015 he was given undue importance and celebrated as a Nobel Laureate! Bakths business is this!! Even their fingers burnt they will behave like straightening the dog's tail!!\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}, {"commentId": 285505943, "creationTime": 1661427429387743, "url": "/What-do-you-think-about-Baba-Ramdev/answer/Mani-Mohan-Nehru?comment_id=285505943&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 65003201, "profileUrl": "/profile/Yogi-Chhabra", "givenName": "Yogi", "familyName": "Chhabra"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Negative publicity is also publicly. This person is media hungry and always wants to be in news to sell his products. Unfortunately even with good intentions,intelligencia of the country including doctors have played in his hands to gain attention and enhance market share.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}, {"commentId": 288328745, "creationTime": 1662626384125681, "url": "/What-do-you-think-about-Baba-Ramdev/answer/Mani-Mohan-Nehru?comment_id=288328745&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 1522403662, "profileUrl": "/profile/Jaspreet-Singh-7044", "givenName": "Jaspreet Singh", "familyName": ""}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"he is money minded fellow and makes substandard products just to earn crores and give some to modi govt. he should be banned and boy cotted and should be jailed\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}, {"commentId": 286282360, "creationTime": 1661766134247321, "url": "/What-do-you-think-about-Baba-Ramdev/answer/Mani-Mohan-Nehru?comment_id=286282360&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 364936279, "profileUrl": "/profile/Priti-Singh-345", "givenName": "Priti", "familyName": "Singh"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Ramdev\u2019s products are crap\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}, {"commentId": 286857907, "creationTime": 1661998899613484, "url": "/What-do-you-think-about-Baba-Ramdev/answer/Mani-Mohan-Nehru?comment_id=286857907&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 395346652, "profileUrl": "/profile/Vivek-Patait", "givenName": "Vivek", "familyName": "Patait"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"News of miavati ghee is fake. Patanjali already filed case against them.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Patanjali research institute has most sophisticated world class laboratory in the country. More than 200 research papers are published in the international medical journals.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"More than 85 lakh pages of old manuscscapes this is the digitalise by Patanjali. 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Lol. Yes here is one which you just read his comment. Lol.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}, {"commentId": 288329048, "creationTime": 1662626550043145, "url": "/What-do-you-think-about-Baba-Ramdev/answer/Mani-Mohan-Nehru?comment_id=288329048&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 1522403662, "profileUrl": "/profile/Jaspreet-Singh-7044", "givenName": "Jaspreet Singh", "familyName": ""}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"modi gobar bhakts are also supporters of lala ram dev? seriously ? more than 500 people in his own institute died due to covid, his parter treated himself in AIIMS and he abuses doctors and medicines and promotes his useless medicines just to earn crores even though they will kill people\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}, {"commentId": 284918375, "creationTime": 1661181283771025, "url": "/What-do-you-think-about-Baba-Ramdev/answer/Mani-Mohan-Nehru?comment_id=284918375&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 23561731, "profileUrl": "/profile/Suresh-Choudhary-5", "givenName": "Suresh", "familyName": "Choudhary"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"He started genuinely to help common people but became now more a clever Businessman. 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IIT, IIM = based on European model.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"We need \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"Indian\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \" \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"model.\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Rearing cow should be made compulsory in every house in urban areas.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Till when only Yadavs will do this work?\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Brahmin and Kayastha samaj should come forward in building Hindu Rashtra.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": 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Was it a stroke or MI? No.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"He doesnt need to assess for brainstem reflexes to see if the patient was really brain dead.\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \" He has magical powers.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"God save this country \\ud83d\\ude4f\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 19482353, "givenName": "Dr Rahul Chawla", "familyName": "", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Dr-Rahul-Chawla-1"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1625721526001730, "numViews": 1421, "numUpvotes": 59, "numShares": 1, "numComments": 4, "comments": [{"commentId": 209891586, "creationTime": 1625885923256223, "url": "/What-do-you-think-about-Baba-Ramdev/answer/Dr-Rahul-Chawla-1?comment_id=209891586&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 45991537, "profileUrl": "/profile/Vittal-Setty", "givenName": "Vittal", "familyName": "Setty"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Dude, we don't take some extreme example of wrong doings by doctors to paint the doctor community in one stroke. There are so many doctors who are involved in malpractice, collaborating with pharma companies, suggesting useless tests because of the commission that they get from diagnostic companies\u2026yet we don't call you lala doctor. We still consider doctors as noble.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Similarly don't take some random extreme example to call ramdev as lala. Lakhs of people have benefited from his free camps including myself.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"So give respect and you will get it back. You have no business to make scathing remarks on baba ramdev. Concentrate on your branch of medicine. More power to you. But you are not the sole custodian of medicine.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 209898483, "creationTime": 1625889935145869, "url": "/What-do-you-think-about-Baba-Ramdev/answer/Dr-Rahul-Chawla-1?comment_id=209898483&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 19482353, "profileUrl": "/profile/Dr-Rahul-Chawla-1", "givenName": "Dr Rahul Chawla", "familyName": ""}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Read my answer. If you have read little bit of science you would know what brain dead means. This scammer and fraudster claims to treat the brain dead. Ask yourself. Who is he? God?\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"ordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"A patient with Multiple sclerosis came to us with a relapse because she stopped her treatment midway and started takung ayurvedic drugs. She was saved but she cannot walk now. Who is responsible? That fraudster and obviously people like you who do not believe in science and promote those fraudsters.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"ordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"It is cool these days to write on spirituality and yoga and all. It gives you views I know. You earn through it. But do not put your conscious at stake. It was my dharma to bring facts. It do not have time to argue further. Rest shall be your karma. And i really hope people supporting such fraudsters risking lives of thousands should get the desired fruit.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"ordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Peace out.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}, {"commentId": 209638159, "creationTime": 1625758536796538, "url": "/What-do-you-think-about-Baba-Ramdev/answer/Dr-Rahul-Chawla-1?comment_id=209638159&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 1084948077, "profileUrl": "/profile/Samruddhi-31", "givenName": "Samruddhi", "familyName": ""}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Why don't doctors go on strike a really hard strike then people will know the importance and dhongi ramdev will realise his mistakes.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 209651579, "creationTime": 1625763738037059, "url": "/What-do-you-think-about-Baba-Ramdev/answer/Dr-Rahul-Chawla-1?comment_id=209651579&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 158521879, "profileUrl": "/profile/Dharma-Sushanth-Reddy", "givenName": "Dharma", "familyName": "Sushanth Reddy"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"You think anybody will be happy that the healthcare system came to a grinding halt because of \u201cAllopathic Doctors\u2019 eGo\u201d? People will bash us left and right with no mercy, quacks have more value than us.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}]}, {"aid": 279865185, "url": "/What-do-you-think-about-Baba-Ramdev/answer/Visalakshi-Mahadevan-1", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Mainstream media in India has been doing propaganda that Baba Ramdev is an Agent for so called Hindutva political parties.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Baba Ramdev doesn't enjoy any support from so called HINDUTVA POLITICAL PARTIES as portrayed by Desh Drohi Indian media.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Here is my previous answer\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\", \"modifiers\": {\"embed\": {\"url\": \"https://www.quora.com/As-soon-as-Mr-Narendra-Modi-became-the-PM-of-India-Swami-Ramdev-Baba-turned-into-a-business-tycoon-overnight-with-a-turnover-of-more-than-300-crores-Do-you-think-this-is-the-blessing-of-Mr-Modi/answer/Visalakshi-Mahadevan-1\", \"title\": \"As soon as Mr. Narendra Modi became the PM of India, Swami Ramdev Baba turned into a business tycoon overnight with a turnover of more than 300 crores. Do you think this is the blessing of Mr. Modi?\", \"snippet\": \"\", \"image_url\": \"https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-c994ea115727c8fab072689f802a2f58-lq\", \"type\": \"quora\", \"quora_content_type\": 4, \"quora_oid\": 296901202}}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"hyperlink_embed\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"If Baba Ramdev was a Fraud or Dhongi Baba , he would not have had so many powerful enemies. And he would not have had a comprehensive media campaign against himself. 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Have you noticed how Kangana Ranaut is attacked by Indian media..?\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"What are Bollywood stars doing in COVID-19 pandemic..?\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\", \"modifiers\": {\"embed\": {\"url\": \"https://youtu.be/XfOnToTrw_E\"}}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"yt-embed\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"YouTube had deliberately removed this video from seach pages. 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He should watch his tongue, 10K doctors getting affected from Covid after 2nd dose is not the same as 10k dying from Covid.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"His Yoga is good perhaps extremely beneficial but it is because he learned that and did not invent that. Also just because it is good does not mean he can claim it he can cure anything under the sun unless conclusively proven.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Just for the sake of it, he can not advertise an immunity booster as medicine.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Today many Patanjali Products that are sold as medicines in India are sold as health supplements in the US. For the simple fact that despite being good or great they can not be classified as a medicine.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"He can continue his sales doing so is totally fine. But the products should objectively mention that they are not to treat or cure any disease. Also, they should specify that upon any complications the user should immediately contact a physician. The products including \\u201c Coronil\\u201d should be sold as health care supplements.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Even if Coronil happens to work on mild to moderate covid cases with good success and even if a few or a sizeable number of allopathy doctors recommend \\u201calong\\u201d with regular course or \\u201cduring\\u201d recovery it can be sold only and only as a supplement and not a medicine.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Over Marketing is his choice but misleading is an offense.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"He may not be a \\u201cdongi\\u201d baba but he is certainly an \\u201cover action\\u201d baba if he continues to make such statements.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 427715568, "givenName": "Praveen", "familyName": "Kumar", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Praveen-Kumar-13692"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1622124275397827, "numViews": 706, "numUpvotes": 3, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 5, "comments": [{"commentId": 202292637, "creationTime": 1622223483250237, "url": "/What-do-you-think-about-Baba-Ramdev/answer/Praveen-Kumar-13692?comment_id=202292637&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 488724614, "profileUrl": "/profile/Madhavan-Nair-27", "givenName": "Madhavan", "familyName": "Nair"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Rsmdev and many others are selling Aloevera juice as medicine. Actually drinking this juice will damage liver.why Government is silently watching this kind of quackery. Why clinical test can not be done.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 202318218, "creationTime": 1622234382814776, "url": "/What-do-you-think-about-Baba-Ramdev/answer/Praveen-Kumar-13692?comment_id=202318218&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 427715568, "profileUrl": "/profile/Praveen-Kumar-13692", "givenName": "Praveen", "familyName": "Kumar"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Aloe vera juice damages liver?\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Im not sure about that but again it cant be used as medicine. It is a supplement.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 202357993, "creationTime": 1622255777813798, "url": "/What-do-you-think-about-Baba-Ramdev/answer/Praveen-Kumar-13692?comment_id=202357993&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 488724614, "profileUrl": "/profile/Madhavan-Nair-27", "givenName": "Madhavan", "familyName": "Nair"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Yes Mr Praveen Kumar.If taken internally it is like poison.Please refer pharmacology and \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"http://pharmacognacy.No\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"http://pharmacognacy.No\"}}}, {\"text\": \" proper study was conducted clinically even for its topical use.How can you drink a wild plant juice without knowing it's properties.You may not be aware of its poisonous effects immediately but it will cause liver and kidney damage slowly.The chemical found in aloevera is aloin is highly poisones and cause hepatitis (liver disease)\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Just now I verified my old pharmacognacy book.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Pharmacist.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}, {"commentId": 202611998, "creationTime": 1622384393464028, "url": "/What-do-you-think-about-Baba-Ramdev/answer/Praveen-Kumar-13692?comment_id=202611998&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 1032066252, "profileUrl": "/profile/Satyen-14", "givenName": "Satyen", "familyName": ""}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Ya..many patients with liver disease had history of taken some Ayurvedic medication like aloe Vera juice etc\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}]}, {"commentId": 259084666, "creationTime": 1649712122650312, "url": "/What-do-you-think-about-Baba-Ramdev/answer/Praveen-Kumar-13692?comment_id=259084666&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 76334059, "profileUrl": "/profile/Ss9-7", "givenName": "Ss9", "familyName": ""}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"His yoga is good . His patanjali products are borderline disgusting!!! Patanjali has to be one of the worse brands ever .\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}, {"aid": 26094248, "url": "/What-do-you-think-about-Baba-Ramdev/answer/Monisha-Srivastava-2", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Before I proceed further , I would like to state that the views presented hence forth are purely personal and has nothing to do with the any indivadual sentiments . I would equally apologize beforehand if other person sentiments are hurt . As it is totally a coincidence .\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true, \"italic\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"So coming to the point .Lets put forward some points highlighting Baba Ramdev.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"We all know that \\u201c India and the world knows him as a yoga teacher and truly he has brought both yoga science and art at the fore front both in India and abroad .\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"ordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"About his caste ,everyone knows that he is an\", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \" OBC .\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"ordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"He has systematically organised yogic asans , provided it with a much needed infrastructure\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"ordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"He rigorously involved himself for popularising yoga among Indians through his mass \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"yoga\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yoga\"}}}, {\"text\": \" camps reaching every nook hook and corner .\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"ordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"He is the founder of \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"Patanjali Yogpeet \", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \"and thus into lime light has revolutionised the concept of \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"Ayurveda medicin\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true, \"italic\": true}}, {\"text\": \"e .\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"ordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"He is more than an austere/ acetic because he is active in politics and \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"billionaire\", \"modifiers\": {\"italic\": true}}, {\"text\": \", having an asset of some billion\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"He also revolutionised Ayurveda medicines and his products are considered as a hallmark of purity .. ..\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Well I would like to comment a few things .\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Yoga was still existent in ancient India but if I say that yoga brought was brought into social lime light through Baba ramdev than it is a wrong interpretation as it will nullify the efforts of earlier sages who brought India recognise at international front . Exactly even the government supported HIM whole heartily.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"If I say about the changes brought forward into Indian social setup then definitely It is changing . Now our society ( social setup ) is not that much complex .\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Person is known by his deed ; his sheer knowledge and social presence that is why if I say that I mean it .If that was an old Indian complex society he would not have been given that amount of respect by our four fold religion and highest caste The Brahmins . Isn\\u2019t it great about our society which was once shattered .\", \"modifiers\": {\"italic\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Yes we do have faith in so called \\u2018\", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"angrazi davieya\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true, \"italic\": true}}, {\"text\": \"\\u2019 antibiotics but now slowly and gradually we are now shifting towards t\", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"he five realms of nature the earth , the water, the air , the fire and the sleep etc knowingly or unknowingly we are increasing our immunity we are building up our natural strength we are incresing our prowness thus we will be more healthy with less side effects .\", \"modifiers\": {\"italic\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"But here I would like to comment that any exercise or medicine should not be taken as blind fold .\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"If you want to bring about the goodness in society than you should try to go in accordance with our demographics , here I would like to advocate that you \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"should keep away with your religious belief .\", \"modifiers\": {\"italic\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Baba ramdev is a normal human being who wants to become popular and wealthy .\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\", \"modifiers\": {\"image\": \"https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-9f3d146217198649bc7c41097026d0f0.webp\", \"height\": 391, \"width\": 400, \"master_url\": \"https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-9f3d146217198649bc7c41097026d0f0-lq\", \"is_deleted\": false, \"is_sensitive\": false, \"is_uploaded_by_bot\": false, \"zoomable\": true, \"dominant_color\": \"#766c67\"}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"image\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\", \"modifiers\": {\"image\": \"https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-2e580e51377dd652a12d481a87a8183e-pjlq\", \"height\": 332, \"width\": 590, \"master_url\": \"https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-2e580e51377dd652a12d481a87a8183e-pjlq\", \"is_deleted\": false, \"is_sensitive\": false, \"is_uploaded_by_bot\": false, \"dominant_color\": \"#ffffff\"}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"image\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\", \"modifiers\": {\"image\": \"https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-13f142416028b068ae680209333263ad.webp\", \"height\": 411, \"width\": 500, \"master_url\": \"https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-13f142416028b068ae680209333263ad-lq\", \"is_deleted\": false, \"is_sensitive\": false, \"is_uploaded_by_bot\": false, \"zoomable\": true, \"dominant_color\": \"#eb4030\"}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"image\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"But apart from it he should indulge into social service free of cost because only preaching social values is not enough . 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"{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Disclaimer\", \"modifiers\": {\"italic\": true}}, {\"text\": \" Neither I practice Yoga nor I care about Black Money .\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Many a people claim that Baba Ramdev is a fraud / politician / business minded saint etc. But I have a very little opinion -\\n\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"You can see old age / middle aged people performing (or at least pretending to do ) Kapalbhanti etc etc in parks / metro / buses etc\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"ordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \" Prior to him , was there anybody who could encourage people to do yoga ? \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"ordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"No matter what he talks / thinks / does , but at least he had that art of public speaking which was used for some good cause .\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"ordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 221001153, "givenName": "Annalise", "familyName": "Cameron", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": null}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1416392596371429, "numViews": 2134, "numUpvotes": 12, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 286045452, "url": "/What-do-you-think-about-Baba-Ramdev/answer/Dharm-Yogi", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Well I usually don\\u2019t trust Arya Samaji people too much. So yeah Ramdev is Arya Samaji follower. He doesn\\u2019t believe Ram or Krishn are God but he will say they were either prophets or some super beings at most. I don\\u2019t agree with this as no scripture accepts there claim only Dayanand Saraswati and his followers. Anyways, one thing Ramdev does is hype up his products which I don\\u2019t like and it can really do damage to people as there is no science to backup his claims. Now the good that came through his work is that Ayurveda has now got some visibility not in India but worldwide so that is good. He has also marketed his products and helped some of the local suppliers. So this is good. The money he earns goes back into the business and growth of his brand. He has also promoted yog(a) which is good for all of India. He gloats too much at times without actually doing the full homework. Saying things like there is no side effect for taking his medications. This is totally a lie and it\\u2019s against Ayurveda. You are what you eat so anything you consume has some side effect in your body. Some you can tolerate and some you cannot. Anyways overall I think he has done more good then bad and taken the brand quiet far. He is also experiencing some jealousy by people trying to defame him just because he has had success and some people can\\u2019t stand his success. I would give him 7 out 10 and he can do better if he doesn\\u2019t take short cuts and add more science to his products to really show research and studies which they should do and get certifications so the safety standards and tests are completed.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"DharmYog.Com\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 119929882, "givenName": "Mayur", "familyName": "Patel", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Dharm-Yogi"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1622421152575674, "numViews": 172, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 287123486, "url": "/What-do-you-think-about-Baba-Ramdev/answer/Sri-Harsha-Shri", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"It depends on what way you think of him.. there could be different opinions on him based on the opinions he gave out recently.. As expected there was a huge backlash on the statement he gave recently on allopathic medicine..\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"For a layman like me I feel that Allpathy medicine no doubt has side effects and just has temporary fixes with side effects rather than permanent cures for chronic illnesses. but at this point of time we have the best medicine available that has actually saved people from deaths since many centuries. AYUHSH has also contributed enough or the mankind but the results it gives are not always sure shot as allopathic medicine. Giving your opinion on a the medicines available as per your own experiences is not a crime.. every one reserves that right.. but it depends upon the time and place.. At this point of time where many front end warriors are sacrificing their lives for people ( irrespective of corporate hospitals or govt hospitals).. making such insensitive statement would rub on the wrong side.. I was not happy with the statement he made..\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"But in general I have respect for him.. though he is businessman instead of guru in saffron robes.. he has undoubtedly brought a positive change in people and brought an awareness in people on yoga and Ayurveda. People have alteast become cautious enough to practice yoga to some extent.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\", \"modifiers\": {\"image\": \"https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-bb40a44cdb339c873c1f75f624a82af8-pjlq\", \"height\": 338, \"width\": 600, \"master_url\": \"https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-bb40a44cdb339c873c1f75f624a82af8-pjlq\", \"is_deleted\": false, \"is_sensitive\": false, \"is_uploaded_by_bot\": false, \"dominant_color\": \"#e6a99e\"}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"image\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 75064415, "givenName": "Sri Harsha(Shri)", "familyName": "", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Sri-Harsha-Shri"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1622835216150608, "numViews": 292, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 328509099, "url": "/What-do-you-think-about-Baba-Ramdev/answer/Akhil-Sharma-1163", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I've been recently following yoga and Ayurveda.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I've cured my anxiety with the help if yoga otherwise i was on allopathic medicine for 2 months then i suddenly got irritated because of almost no relief i threw all the medicine. I then made a promise even if i have a panic attack and die i won't take allopathic medicine .\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Then after that i took a full body test in which i found i was lacking b12 and Vit D and my HDL went bad because of the side effects of that medicines.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Then i took patanjali b12 capsule and natural sunlight for vitamin D for 30 days then my b12 increase by almost 500% and D from 55 to 125 .\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I also did yoga 2 hr daily.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"To the one's who think he's a fraud read this with opening your eyes \\u2014\\u2014\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"He's made patanjali University recently with ancient indian education system+ modern and he has promised to give 1lakh crore donation to india before he dies and has said he will surpass Sir Ratan TATA. He's making international companies like HUL( hindustan Unilever) to go out of india.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"India's economy will grow.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Only time will tell but remember i will throw this post on haters face in future and if I'm wrong you can throw it on mine. Ok deal \\ud83d\\udc4d\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 420662474, "givenName": "Akhil", "familyName": "Sharma", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Akhil-Sharma-1163"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1640702541509415, "numViews": 80, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 334614877, "url": "/What-do-you-think-about-Baba-Ramdev/answer/Jagannath-Kuksal", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Well I am suffering from Arotic valve Blockage since last year doctors advised me for open heart surgery but last year Corona began & doctors told me to do this first &told me to arrange for Blood I arranged everything But the doctors behavior was very rude so I decided to go through HOMEOPATHIC treatment But now a days due to heavy cold weather conditions my Breathings gone high as my earlier report shows 58% Blockage & calcification in my Arotic valve so I was watching india TV show of Baba Ramdev I decided to go at Patanjali yog gram for my treatment But When I called there they told me to fill up a online form I told her to take my case as an emergency & tell this case to Baba Ramdev ,but she refused to do so & disconnected the call\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Then I opened yog gram site I surprised to see their terms & conditions\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"So after reading all their terms I think that he is not Baba but He is a LALA A MAFIA & RUNNING A AAJA LOOTJAA & COMPANY REPEATEDLY WRITTEN SEVERAL TIMES THAT NO MONEY WILL BE REFUNDED MONEY WILL BE FORFITTED MINIMUM BOOKING FOR 7 DAYS MINIMUM RENT 3000.RUPEES PER DAY SO YOU HAVE TO DEPOSIT 3000\\u00d77 21000.00 IN ADVANCE & IF YOU LEAVE THEY WILL FORFIT ALL YOUR ADVANCE NOTHING WILL BE REFUNDED FURTHER FIRST YOU DEPOSIT 300 RUPEES CHARGES & THEN YOU GO TO DOCTOR IN THEIR O P D DOCTOR WILL TELL YOU & AFTER HIS RECOMMENDATION ONLY YOU WILL GET ADMISSION INTO YOG GRAM RENT IS FROM 3000RS TO 7000RS PER DAY\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"RAMDEV IS RUNNING A BEFOLLING SHIVIR FOR NRI\\u2019S & ALL OTHER PEOPLE'S & COLLECTING MONEY \\ud83d\\udcb0 ONLY IS HIS AIM HE DOESN'T HAVE ANY HUMANITY FOR GENERAL PEOPLE'S\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"REMEMBER THAT IF YOU CAN'T FILL A FORM & IF YOU DON'T HAVE MONEY TO DEPOSIT IN ADVANCE & AS PER RAMDEV'S TERMS & CONDITIONS YOU CAN'T GET TREATED THEIR\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 207938839, "givenName": "Jagannath", 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{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Most of them are servants means working for other\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Or not successful like him\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"NOW WHY\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"because he is successful business men , provided employment to many\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Many would say Gangster , Drug Mafia also provide employment\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Now don't compare with him with Terrorist Employer\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Or Drug (not medicine)Industry\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Many will say his products are not good or some bullshit\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"don't use it if you don\\u2019t like it - your behaviour must be same for all\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"We have many international brands and their products are poison but these intelligent people don't bark\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Baba Ramdev reintroduced YOGA .\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"You can see , there are many yoga teachers , online trainer , yoga in gyms because of him only and these yoga trainers getting employment\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"just compare the facts about YOGA industry before Ramdev baba and after him\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"just compare Amla juice manufacturers before him and now\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Ayurveda industry progressed like anything after him\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"NOW \\u2026 who is barking negative about him , they 99% can\\u2019t compare their self to him\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Baba Ramdev is the person because of him , you can see seniors doing pranayam or some other yoga these days\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"People knows what is pranayama, anulom vilom because of him\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"if you don\\u2019t believe - just compare the facts before him or after him introducing yoga\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 1811146006, "givenName": "Azaad", "familyName": "", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Azaad-23"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1661791356439818, "numViews": 38, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 1477743708140120, "url": "/What-do-you-think-about-Baba-Ramdev/answer/Mohd-Faisal-594", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Baba Ramdev is a digital baba and business man, he know nothing about Sanatan faith, he just uses dharma for his own benefits like Sangh Parivar did, his advertisement motto of his product is \\u201cGOU MATA KO KATAL KHANO ME JANE SE BACHAYE\\u201d these type of people are playing with the feeling of innocent Hindus.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"On the other hand people like Aadi Sankaracharya were real Hindu philosopher who proposed Adveta Vedanta and they really did work to strong the pillars of Hinduism, Ramdev Company name is Patanjali and Patanjali was a legendary medical specialist of India during 2nd century BC, I do not understand why there is no copyright on using name Patanjali.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I am 100% sure Ramadev even did not read Hindu books.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 1038561290, "givenName": "Mohd", "familyName": "Faisal", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Mohd-Faisal-594"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1699497018215985, "numViews": 83, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 4, "comments": [{"commentId": 371760849, "creationTime": 1699503386682950, "url": "/What-do-you-think-about-Baba-Ramdev/answer/Mohd-Faisal-594?comment_id=371760849&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 1638437223, "profileUrl": "/profile/SMA-Aousaf", "givenName": "SMA", "familyName": "Aousaf"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"brother\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"most of india secular 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"givenName": "SMA", "familyName": "Aousaf"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"instagram\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}]}, {"commentId": 371767562, "creationTime": 1699506516742732, "url": "/What-do-you-think-about-Baba-Ramdev/answer/Mohd-Faisal-594?comment_id=371767562&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 1437533872, "profileUrl": "/profile/Cosmic-Entity-20", "givenName": "Cosmic Entity", "familyName": ""}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Patanjali was not a medical specialist.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"He was founder of Modern Yoga who wrote Yoga Sutras!\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}, {"aid": 2619904, "url": "/What-do-you-think-about-Baba-Ramdev/answer/Vikram-Chunduru", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Whatever may be his intentions are, this guy really promotes real Yoga and Ayurvedic medicine, unlike other dubious people, preserving our valuable inherited knowledge...and that is good enough for me to get impressed....\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \" However I am not sure of his recent political interests....may he should remain doing what he is actually good at..\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 5012879, "givenName": "Vikram", "familyName": "Chunduru", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Vikram-Chunduru"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1370267757494383, "numViews": 4914, "numUpvotes": 3, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 49921776, "url": "/What-do-you-think-about-Baba-Ramdev/answer/Deepam-Gupta-7", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I think he is just try to making fool of us. As the products which are in market on name of patanjali, all are not manufacturing in the patanjali plant and they give contracts to vendors for different products. Now the quality of product depend upon vendor\\u2019s honesty.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"No doubt baba take yoga to another level but in shake of DESI PRODUCT under the belt of yoga pith he is earning a lot. Everyone who uses baba product please check all ingredients with comparison to another company products so that you can choose better one. But yes to maintain your body fitness do yoga daily.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 301075663, "givenName": "Deepam", "familyName": "Gupta", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Deepam-Gupta-7"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1499624265699808, "numViews": 965, "numUpvotes": 1, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}]
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{"sections": [{"spans": [{"text": "What is the best way to remove the corners from uploaded images on Wordpress? Would an image magick plugin work?", "modifiers": {}}], "indent": 0, "quoted": false, "type": "plain", "is_rtl": false}]}
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{"sections": [{"spans": [{"text": "Any idea about manufacturers of umbrella in hyderabad or bengulurru?", "modifiers": {}}], "indent": 0, "quoted": false, "type": "plain", "is_rtl": false}]}
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{"sections": [{"spans": [{"text": "Ergonomics: ", "modifiers": {}}, {"text": "How can I eliminate back pain when using my standing desk?", "modifiers": {}}], "indent": 0, "quoted": false, "type": "plain", "is_rtl": false}]}
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[{"aid": 42188831, "url": "/Ergonomics-How-can-I-eliminate-back-pain-when-using-my-standing-desk/answer/Roland-Denzel", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Don't stand all day. Before sitting was determined to be so bad, standing for long periods was bad!\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"During the Industrial Revolution, there was a lot of standing. People had a lot of back and foot pain and eventually demanded desks and chairs. We've been sitting ever since.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Instead of standing or sitting all day, keep changing things up. Stand, set, stand differently, sit differently. And break up your positions with frequent walking breaks. It really only takes a five minute easy walk break (like to get coffee or go to the bathroom) every 30 minutes or so to freshen up stiff joints and muscles.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Hope it helps!\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Roland\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 637147, "givenName": "Roland", "familyName": "Denzel", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Roland-Denzel"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1492612496831408, "numViews": 3220, "numUpvotes": 4, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 1, "comments": [{"commentId": 35288500, "creationTime": 1494598402360181, "url": "/Ergonomics-How-can-I-eliminate-back-pain-when-using-my-standing-desk/answer/Roland-Denzel?comment_id=35288500&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 173884689, "profileUrl": "/profile/Nicole-Groshek", "givenName": "Nicole", "familyName": "Groshek"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"In addition to alternating between sitting and standing throughout the day, you could use a leaning stool at your standing workstation:\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"https://www.nationalbusinessfurniture.com/50933.aspx\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"It looks weird, but it's actually pretty comfortable and allows you to lean while you're standing so that you aren't putting too much pressure on your feet and back.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Hope that helps!\\nNicole\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}, {"aid": 1477743660857471, "url": "/Ergonomics-How-can-I-eliminate-back-pain-when-using-my-standing-desk/answer/WEWORTH-OFFICE-FURNITURE", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Using a standing desk can provide many benefits, such as improved posture and reduced risk of health problems associated with sitting for prolonged periods. However, it's not uncommon to experience back pain when using a standing desk for extended periods. Here are some tips to help you eliminate back pain when using your standing desk:\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Check your posture: Ensure that you are standing up straight with your shoulders back and your feet shoulder-width apart. Keep your hips aligned with your ankles and avoid arching your back.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"ordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Adjust your desk height: Adjust the height of your desk so that your arms are parallel to the floor, and your eyes are level with the top of your monitor. This will help you maintain a neutral posture and reduce strain on your back.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"ordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Wear comfortable shoes: Choose comfortable shoes with good arch support to reduce pressure on your feet and legs. Avoid high heels or shoes with a narrow toe box.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"ordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Use an anti-fatigue mat: Standing on a hard surface for extended periods can cause discomfort and fatigue. Using an anti-fatigue mat can provide cushioning and reduce pressure on your feet, legs, and back.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"ordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Take breaks: Take frequent breaks to stretch and move around. Even a short walk or stretching for a few minutes can help reduce muscle tension and improve circulation.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"ordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Consider a supportive chair: If you experience persistent back pain, consider using a supportive chair to alternate between standing and sitting. A supportive chair can provide lumbar support and help maintain a neutral spine position.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"ordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Strengthen your core muscles: Strengthening your core muscles can improve your posture and reduce strain on your back. Incorporate exercises such as planks, bridges, and squats into your daily routine to help improve your core strength.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"ordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"By following these tips, you can eliminate back pain when using your standing desk and enjoy the many benefits of this ergonomic work setup. Remember to listen to your body and adjust your posture or take breaks as needed to prevent discomfort and fatigue.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\", \"modifiers\": {\"image\": \"https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-f7e3b117c1c23dd978cc898c579a6824-lq\", \"height\": 581, \"width\": 960, \"master_url\": \"https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-e667f0e2c06622e16a24f1690be1e618\", \"is_deleted\": false, \"is_sensitive\": false, \"is_uploaded_by_bot\": false, \"zoomable\": true, \"dominant_color\": \"#fbfbfa\"}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"image\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 1955226572, "givenName": "WEWORTH - OFFICE FURNITURE", "familyName": "", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/WEWORTH-OFFICE-FURNITURE"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1682127243417894, "numViews": 123, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 2161808, "url": "/Ergonomics-How-can-I-eliminate-back-pain-when-using-my-standing-desk/answer/Peri-Dwyer-Worrell", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"This is a difficult question to answer without examining you or seeing your workstation in use. However, some of the factors which could be affect your back pain might be:\\n\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"1. Needing to alter the height of your monitor, mouse, and keyboard to allow you to stand in an upright, shoulders-back, chin-tucked, and knees soft posture.\\n2. Needing a footstool to rest one foot on, switching legs periodically, to flatten your lower back a little.\\n3. Standing on a hard concrete surface; adding a cushioned rubber mat will help this.\\n4. Wearing shoes with inadequate arch support; if you have \\\"flat\\\" arches, the position of your knees, hips, and lower back are altered.\\n5. Habitual breath holding or shallow breathing, rendering your torso stiff.\\n6. Deconditioned abdominal and buttock muscles, resulting in you \\\"hanging\\\" by your spine and pelvic joints.\\n7. Finally, you could have a condition such as an undiagnosed scoliosis or spondylolisthesis, or a simple chiropractic subluxation, predisposing you to pain. An exam and X-ray by a good chiropractor should uncover such hidden causes. \\n\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Hope this helps!\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Disclaimer:\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"This answer is not a sub...\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 3277426, "givenName": "Peri", "familyName": "Dwyer Worrell", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Peri-Dwyer-Worrell"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1362064222045802, "numViews": 11218, "numUpvotes": 7, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 225608374, "url": "/Ergonomics-How-can-I-eliminate-back-pain-when-using-my-standing-desk/answer/Reena-L-Valecha", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Variations in posture can help prevent back pain. If you are into an office job and work for long hours in seated posture than definitely you can use your standing desk for sometime and interrupt your sitting.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Working in any posture should be minimum 30\\u201340 mins followed by some movement. Next posture is the best posture to keep in mind. Regular exercise and movement. All this will help eliminate back pain.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Infrastructure is just one of an aid which will assist you to do that.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 195390254, "givenName": "Reena L", "familyName": "Valecha", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Reena-L-Valecha"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1593862711710931, "numViews": 491, "numUpvotes": 1, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 1477743726057241, "url": "/Ergonomics-How-can-I-eliminate-back-pain-when-using-my-standing-desk/answer/Wanda-Rice-15", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Maintaining proper ergonomics is crucial when using a standing desk to prevent back pain. Ensure that your desk and screen are at the right height, and use an anti-fatigue mat to reduce pressure on your lower back. Consider incorporating breaks for stretching and changing positions. Additionally, invest in a quality ergonomic chair for times when you need to sit. For more tips on ergonomic practices, check out our Quora Space dedicated to Ergonomics.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 1206994698, "givenName": "Wanda", "familyName": "Rice", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Wanda-Rice-15"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1703502703749645, "numViews": 48, "numUpvotes": 2, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 227334635, "url": "/Ergonomics-How-can-I-eliminate-back-pain-when-using-my-standing-desk/answer/La-Moneda-De-Hierro", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"The advantage for your health of a sit/stand desk, or a standing desk lies in the possibility of alternate your posture. This is the utility of these solutions.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"In order to get the most of your solution, you should establish a disciplined routine of sit / stand cycles. According to the NHS, these cycles can be of 45 m\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"If you don\\u2019t alternate enough, you will not improve your posture; in consequence, you will not get free of your back pain.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Of course, this routines should be complemented with a a proper exercise routine, and a with a watching a good corporal weight.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Humanscale Quickstand is a very good alternative in sit/stand devices, that allows you to use your same desk and have an efficient work day.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 952257091, "givenName": "La Moneda", "familyName": "De Hierro", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/La-Moneda-De-Hierro"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1594651230973156, "numViews": 299, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 40166874, "url": "/Ergonomics-How-can-I-eliminate-back-pain-when-using-my-standing-desk/answer/Carla-Pappalardo-1", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I have a bad back and can\\u2019t stand for that length of time, so those desks won\\u2019t work well if you already suffer from that, but it sounds like this is a new thing for you. I\\u2019d try putting something under the desk, like a milk crate, and elevating one leg and switching legs periodically.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 214042901, "givenName": "Carla", "familyName": "Pappalardo", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Carla-Pappalardo-1"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1490550177064276, "numViews": 866, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 2173370, "url": "/Ergonomics-How-can-I-eliminate-back-pain-when-using-my-standing-desk/answer/V-Sridhar-Subramaniam", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I would not be able to share specifics relevant to your condition. The following generics should help. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"1. Do not be overtly reliant on a given single posture / mode of interaction. Every posture places stress on different areas. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"2. For wrist ergonomics, you would be able to do quite well with \\na) Switching to a vertical mouse\\nb) Trying out a hardware tablet device instead of a mouse\\nc) An ergonomic keyboard or a split keyboard. \\nd) Trying out alternate modes of data-entry like Voice to Text or Stylus to Text\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"3. I have noticed lower back pain while trying to work standing. Check if your desk is either too high or too low. Particularly if you are having to lean forward when you get engrossed in your work, you would notice back pain coming up. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"4. Taking well timed breaks is a good way to solve the problem. When you resume from a break, you can try switching to a chair. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"5. If you have team oriented tasks, it is quite good to walk over to your team and then discuss issues rather than sending a long mail. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"6. Most of us have wrong standing postures. We often tend to put more weight on one of the legs. Or we lean to one side (left/right) or the balance between front/back. This tends to cause additional strain on the back. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"These inputs do not represent medical advice. Please work with a registered practitioner who can guide you on your specific condition.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 547755, "givenName": "V Sridhar", "familyName": "Subramaniam", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/V-Sridhar-Subramaniam"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1362292881021415, "numViews": 3513, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 165461646, "url": "/Ergonomics-How-can-I-eliminate-back-pain-when-using-my-standing-desk/answer/Utpal-Sheth-1", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Separate the keyboard and screen if using the laptop\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"ordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Keep the keyboard plus mouse at elbow level and screen at eye level\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"ordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Keep your feet rested on a small platform and alternate your legs.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"ordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Avoid standing for prolonged duration at a stretch.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"ordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Do stretching exercises\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"ordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Sit and walk intermittently.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"ordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 168041222, "givenName": "Utpal", "familyName": "Sheth", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Utpal-Sheth-1"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1567657181363421, "numViews": 314, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 346561604, "url": "/Ergonomics-How-can-I-eliminate-back-pain-when-using-my-standing-desk/answer/Zack-Palmer-19", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Variations in posture can help prevent back pain. If you are into an office job and work for long hours in seated posture than definitely you can use your standing desk for sometime and interrupt your sitting.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Working in any posture should be minimum 30\\u201340 mins followed by some movement. Next posture is the best posture to keep in mind. Regular exercise and movement. All this will help eliminate back pain.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"For those that suffer back pain and want cure it naturally in short time, you should \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"check this tutorial\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"https://cutt.ly/NDdcr6o\"}}}, {\"text\": \". For approximately a year and a half, I've got back pain. I visited doctors, chiropractors, even therapists, among other places... I tried all sorts of pain relievers, but nothing seemed to help. After following that guide, I was able to get rid of my back discomfort in two weeks and have been pain-free for 9 months. If you're in pain, you should definitely give their system a shot!\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Infrastructure is just one of an aid which will assist you to do that.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 880281287, "givenName": "Zack", "familyName": "Palmer", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Zack-Palmer-19"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1648372139157868, "numViews": 524, "numUpvotes": 1, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}]
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{"sections": [{"spans": [{"text": "What's the best way to cheat on the Paleo / Caveman diet?", "modifiers": {}}], "indent": 0, "quoted": false, "type": "plain", "is_rtl": false}]}
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[{"aid": 2163157, "url": "/Whats-the-best-way-to-cheat-on-the-Paleo-Caveman-diet/answer/Gary-Wu", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"First off, Paleo is usually but not always low-carb. You would want to up your carb intake if you do a lot of anaerobic exercise. That said, I'll assume based on the question that the person is not doing a lot of anaerobic exercise.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Secondly, if you do low-carb, your diet cannot also be low-fat. If you really want to do low-carb, what you are trying to do is to change your metabolism from being carb-adapted to being fat-adapted. This means that you need to up your intake of healthy fats like butter, coconut oil, lard, tallow, etc. This is important: you \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"cannot\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \" do both low-carb and low-fat. If you try to do so, then most of your energy is being supplied by breaking down protein into glucose, and your metabolism is still primarily carb-adapted. Taken to the extreme this could lead to what is known as Rabbit Starvation (\", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rabbit_starvation\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rabbit_starvation\"}}}, {\"text\": \"). You do not want this.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"It takes the human brain about 40 days to transition from being primarily glucose-fueled to primarily ketone-fueled. If you are just starting a low-carb regiment, what you're experiencing is known as the \\\"low carb flu\\\", e.g. withdrawal, and will pass after two or three weeks. One way of dealing with this phenomenon is to gradually ramp the carb intake down over time. Alternatively, \\\"cheat\\\" a bit to get you over the hump, but you should not need to be doing this over the long term once you are fully fat-adapted.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"As far as what to \\\"cheat\\\" with, starchy tubers like yams work well. You may also have some low fructose fruits like grapes or berries. Listen to your body; you only want enough carbs to feel better, but not so much that you're pushing your metabolism back into being carb-adapted.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 18953, "givenName": "Gary", "familyName": "Wu", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Gary-Wu"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1362085380139740, "numViews": 1065, "numUpvotes": 5, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 1, "comments": [{"commentId": 1808358, "creationTime": 1362125691802725, "url": "/Whats-the-best-way-to-cheat-on-the-Paleo-Caveman-diet/answer/Gary-Wu?comment_id=1808358&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 1455204, "profileUrl": "/profile/Tatiana-Est\u00e9vez", "givenName": "Tatiana", "familyName": "Est\u00e9vez"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I thought berries were allowed on the Paleo?\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}, {"aid": 302830299, "url": "/Whats-the-best-way-to-cheat-on-the-Paleo-Caveman-diet/answer/Muriel-Mathis-4", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"The paleo diet is also known as the stone age diet, hunter-gatherer diet, or caveman diet. Before modern agriculture developed around 10,000 years ago, people typically ate foods that they could hunt or gather, such as fish, lean meats, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds. According to Mayo Clinic, increasing fiber and protein to meals is one way to increase feeling full and satisfied. Hill recommends adding nutritional yeast to salads, veggies, potatoes, or in a cashew \\\"cheese dip.\\\" \\\"Nutritional yeast contains heaps of B vitamins, protein, and fiber in a very small volume.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Disclaimer:\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true, \"italic\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Questions & Answers about Paleo Diet and Diet Problems here >> \", \"modifiers\": {\"italic\": true}}, {\"text\": \"Muriel Mathis\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"user\", \"uid\": 1175498315, \"url\": \"https://www.quora.com/profile/Muriel-Mathis-4\"}}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 1175498315, "givenName": "Muriel", "familyName": "Mathis", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Muriel-Mathis-4"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1629351662544279, "numViews": 51, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 2161674, "url": "/Whats-the-best-way-to-cheat-on-the-Paleo-Caveman-diet/answer/Joe-Bush-1", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Eat paleo friendly carbs. Sweet potato is your friend here. Excellent paleo friendly carb and makes you feel full. Then persevere, it once you get past the week mark your body is starting to adjust to the new diet so keep on going. You'll pretty quickly have even more energy than you did before you switched.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"--\\nEdit to Thomas's reply about it being a contradiction:\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"It all depends on your goals of eating the paleo diet. If your aim is to lose weight and therefore benefit from a protein and fat based diet then yes it is not ideal. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"If you do not have the ability to stick to the diet and feel the urge to cheat, eating some sweet potato as a you move from normal diet to a paleo diet its a better idea than cheating completely. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I think one of the biggest mistakes is people go from a normal diet to 100% paleo over night, and then struggle to maintain. It takes a while for your body to adjust.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 5850645, "givenName": "Joe", "familyName": "Bush", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Joe-Bush-1"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1362062356693083, "numViews": 568, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 4, "comments": [{"commentId": 1805773, "creationTime": 1362072058521588, "url": "/Whats-the-best-way-to-cheat-on-the-Paleo-Caveman-diet/answer/Joe-Bush-1?comment_id=1805773&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 1744472, "profileUrl": "/profile/Tom-Goodwin-9", "givenName": "Tom", "familyName": "Goodwin"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Isn't Paleo friendly carbs a complete contradiction?\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 1805850, "creationTime": 1362073185883698, "url": "/Whats-the-best-way-to-cheat-on-the-Paleo-Caveman-diet/answer/Joe-Bush-1?comment_id=1805850&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 5850645, "profileUrl": "/profile/Joe-Bush-1", "givenName": "Joe", "familyName": "Bush"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"It all depends on your goals of eating the paleo diet. If your aim is to lose weight and therefore benefit from a protein and fat based diet then yes it is not ideal. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"If you do not have the ability to stick to the diet and feel the urge to cheat, eating some sweet potato as a you move from normal diet to a paleo diet its a better idea than cheating completely. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I think one of the biggest mistakes is people go from a normal diet to 100% paleo over night, and then struggle to maintain. It takes a while for your body to adjust.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 1805962, "creationTime": 1362075075836581, "url": "/Whats-the-best-way-to-cheat-on-the-Paleo-Caveman-diet/answer/Joe-Bush-1?comment_id=1805962&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 1744472, "profileUrl": "/profile/Tom-Goodwin-9", "givenName": "Tom", "familyName": "Goodwin"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I'm writing this from a position of pure ignorance, but I thought losing weight was the whole point of the diet. \\nThanks for your point about moving to it slowly, maybe that would help.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 1806110, "creationTime": 1362077659614336, "url": "/Whats-the-best-way-to-cheat-on-the-Paleo-Caveman-diet/answer/Joe-Bush-1?comment_id=1806110&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 5850645, "profileUrl": "/profile/Joe-Bush-1", "givenName": "Joe", "familyName": "Bush"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"No problem at all. I think the word diet confuses things. I follow it with no intention of losing weight. Nutrient density, increased energy/decreased fatigue and more interesting, varied meals are just some of the benefits.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}]}]}]}, {"aid": 315406657, "url": "/Whats-the-best-way-to-cheat-on-the-Paleo-Caveman-diet/answer/Eula-Goodman", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"A paleo diet is a dietary plan based on foods similar to what might have been eaten during the Paleolithic era, which dates from approximately 2.5 million to 10,000 years ago. According to Mayo Clinic, increasing fiber and protein to meals is one way to increase feeling full and satisfied. Hill recommends adding nutritional yeast to salads, veggies, potatoes, or in a cashew \\\"cheese dip.\\\"\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Disclaimer:\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true, \"italic\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Click My Profile. You can discover more about Keto Diet information! over there!\", \"modifiers\": {\"italic\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 1642938410, "givenName": "Eula Goodman", "familyName": "", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Eula-Goodman"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1634866163777989, "numViews": 29, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}]
{"sections": [{"spans": [{"text": "Can you help justify buying a $2000 PC?", "modifiers": {}}], "indent": 0, "quoted": false, "type": "plain", "is_rtl": false}]}
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[{"aid": 108451608, "url": "/Can-you-help-justify-buying-a-2000-PC/answer/John-Crane-79", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"If it is used for business to run certain high end programs, CAD, Video Editing, ect. it can be looked as a business related expense.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"However for the homeowner I have seen many buy low end machines only to realize that down the road it cannot run a demanding game or application and spend money to upgrade. A better computer will go longer between needed replacements.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"When I built my computer 4 years ago I used top end items including enterprise server grade SSDs. Other than one video card upgrade I can still play any game on the market and work spreadsheets like a monster. I have no fear of the box breaking anytime soon.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Quality lasts.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 611262518, "givenName": "John", "familyName": "Crane", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/John-Crane-79"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1542474476970459, "numViews": 607, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 106996533, "url": "/Can-you-help-justify-buying-a-2000-PC/answer/Jeremy-Johnson-318", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"If the $2k PC will help you make more money than a cheaper PC then get the $2k PC, at that point it is simply math/economics.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"If it is simply for gaming or personal/etnertainment use:\\nThen there is no real \\u201cjustification\\u201d besides that you want it. If the purchase in no way hinders your ability to pay your bills, you are not living paycheck to paycheck, have retirement and savings (at least enough to pay 4 months worth of bills), then you are very fiscally responsible and it is ok to reward yourself from time to time for your good habits. If one or all of those things are not true, then no you should not be spending $2k on a PC when you can build a decent gaming PC for $1k.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 333965798, "givenName": "Jeremy", "familyName": "Johnson", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Jeremy-Johnson-318"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1541518862004631, "numViews": 897, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}]
{"sections": [{"spans": [{"text": "What are some good tools for interactive web scraping and automation?", "modifiers": {}}], "indent": 0, "quoted": false, "type": "plain", "is_rtl": false}]}
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[{"aid": 304470979, "url": "/What-are-some-good-tools-for-interactive-web-scraping-and-automation/answer/Javed-Aslam-29", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"A web scraping tool is a method for mechanically extracting information from the internet. While it is possible to accomplish it manually by copying and pasting, this is time-consuming and not very consistent.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"This means that manually gathering the data in an accurate and timely manner is not a realistic expectation. A web scraping tool may be of tremendous assistance in this situation. It gives you the ability to scrape any data you need in an accurate and timely manner in an automated method using a script.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Who Are the Top 10 Web Scraping tools/software?\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I have compiled a list of two top online scraping services, which it has determined via continuous and thorough research and analysis.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Octoparse\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\", \"modifiers\": {\"image\": \"https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-9967f29a42139fdfeee1e6a383606a51\", \"height\": 776, \"width\": 1024, \"master_url\": \"https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-395b7e70457bb256a3fe72cde565be53\", \"is_deleted\": false, \"is_sensitive\": false, \"is_uploaded_by_bot\": false, \"zoomable\": true, \"dominant_color\": \"#fbf9fa\"}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"image\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Octoparse\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"https://www.octoparse.com/?qu=\"}}}, {\"text\": \" is a contemporary visual online data extraction program that stands out from the crowd. If you need to scrape data in mass, you can do it without needing to know any code.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"This tool is very useful since it automatically scrapes data from any page and allows you to save it as clean structured data in whatever format you want. The second advantage is that it is a SaaS online data platform that is available for free for life.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"This software offers excellent ready-to-use web scraping templates for a variety of websites such as Amazon, eBay, Twitter, BestBuy, and many more. Customizing scrapers according to your very particular web scraping needs is made possible with this tool.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"It is very useful for individuals who do not have coding abilities yet need web scraping to be completed. It would include those who operate in sectors such as e-commerce, investing, cryptocurrency, marketing, and real estate, among others. It is also beneficial for large corporations with a high need for web scraping.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"It is possible that it will have difficulty processing big jobs at times. It is possible that this is due to a lack of consistency in the four ways of extraction. Its customer support may respond to you with a lag period from time to time.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Apify\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\", \"modifiers\": {\"image\": \"https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-eeed8a945dac74de0ac53c45b28822d1-pjlq\", \"height\": 561, \"width\": 1024, \"master_url\": \"https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-46a62d2653470c94581cfc1d6f9835fc\", \"is_deleted\": false, \"is_sensitive\": false, \"is_uploaded_by_bot\": false, \"zoomable\": true, \"dominant_color\": \"#f9faf9\"}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"image\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Apify is a great tool for developers since it offers a web crawler. Users just need to input the URL of the website in the Apify crawler and provide the JavaScript code that will be used on every web page to scrape data, which is all that is required.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Regardless of your status as a student, journalist, start-up, or large corporation, Apify is a versatile tool that can be used for a variety of tasks. Apify's excellent documentation structures allow you to export any data to any necessary website without having to go via web scraping libraries, which is something you'll like about the software.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"You may access it from any location and easily connect it with any other tools you may be using at the same time. When it comes to being a cloud-based service provider, it excels above expectations!\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 402401884, "givenName": "Javed Aslam", "familyName": "", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Javed-Aslam-29"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1630078956682145, "numViews": 512, "numUpvotes": 3, "numShares": 2, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 305615580, "url": "/What-are-some-good-tools-for-interactive-web-scraping-and-automation/answer/Al-Jovayer-Khandakar", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"A web scraping technique is a program that extracts data from the internet automatically. While you may accomplish it manually by copying and pasting, it takes time and isn't always accurate.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"To put it another way, you can't expect to gather the data accurately and quickly by hand. A web scraping tool can be quite useful in this situation. It allows you to scrape any data you want in an automatic and precise manner from thousands of websites.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\", \"modifiers\": {\"image\": \"https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-0e04e86fda662c07ab0873d3f7087941\", \"height\": 193, \"width\": 695, \"master_url\": \"https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-f4918e0ef22eda224a52e89708d91d37\", \"is_deleted\": false, \"is_sensitive\": false, \"is_uploaded_by_bot\": false, \"zoomable\": true, \"dominant_color\": \"#ffffff\"}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"image\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"You can two types of scraping tools: prebuilt, and developed by yourself. If you are a programmer or coder and have sound knowledge about algorithms, data structure, you can develop your own web scraping tool. Otherwise, you are suggested to use prebuilt web scraping tools available on the internet.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"You will find many prebuilt interactive web scraping tools as well as programming language libraries for developing your own web scraping tools. Lets\\u2019s have a walk.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"1. Beautiful Soup\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Beautiful Soup is a Python library for scraping HTML and XML files from the web. It is by far the most frequently adopted Python library. If you know how to program and are a developer, combining this package with Python is one of the finest options.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"2. Scrapy\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Scrapy is a fully free open-source utility. It's been around for a long time and is one of the most used Python libraries. The crawlers' deployment is easy and dependable, and once they're set up, the processes may operate on their own. There are numerous middleware modules available as a fully-featured web scraping framework to combine multiple technologies and handle diverse use cases (handling cookies, user agents, etc.). Scrapy is for you if you are a developer who wants to create a scraper on your own.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"3. \", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \"Octoparse\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true, \"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"https://www.octoparse.com/?qu=\"}}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Octoparse is a SaaS online data platform that is available for free for the rest of your life. With its simple interface, you may scrape online data in a matter of seconds. It also has ready-to-use \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"web scraping templates\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"https://www.octoparse.com/blog/big-announcement-web-scraping-template-take-away/?qu=\"}}}, {\"text\": \" for Amazon, eBay, Twitter, BestBuy, and other sites. Octoparse also offers a web data service if you're searching for a one-stop data solution. This is one of the greatest online scraping solutions for those who don't know how to code and need to scrape web data on a large scale.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\", \"modifiers\": {\"embed\": {\"url\": \"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TeWDWQSRIZI&t=15s\"}}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"yt-embed\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"4. ParseHub\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"ParseHub is a free and extremely powerful tool for creating web scrapers without having to know how to code. Extracting data with this sophisticated web scraper is as simple as selecting the data you want. It's one of the greatest data scrapers since it lets you save your scraped data in any required format for analysis.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"5. Diffbot\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Diffbot is a web data extraction program that extracts data from web pages using machine learning, algorithms, and public APIs. Diffbot may be used for competition analysis, pricing tracking, customer behavior study, and much more. This one is aimed at programmers as well.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"6. Import. io\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Import. io is an online data engine that is available as a SaaS. It has a web scraping tool that lets you collect data from websites and organize it into large datasets. Businesses can get insight by integrating online data into analytic solutions for marketing and sales.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"7. Mozenda:\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"You can extract text, pictures, and PDF information from web pages using Mozenda. It is one of the most effective online scraping programs for organizing and preparing data files for publication.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"8. Webhose. io\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Webhose. io enables crawling hundreds of websites with immediate access to structured and real-time data. It provides you with access to historical sources that span over ten years of evidence.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 90018595, "givenName": "Al", "familyName": "Jovayer Khandakar", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Al-Jovayer-Khandakar"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1630601360844586, "numViews": 403, "numUpvotes": 2, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 305121393, "url": "/What-are-some-good-tools-for-interactive-web-scraping-and-automation/answer/Momenul-Ahmad", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"If you're seeking interactive and automated web scraping tools, then you know the first, What are interactive web scraping and scraping data automation tools?\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Interactive web scrape and scraping data automation tool that interacts equally with the human data scraping intention, features of web scrape tools, and web scraping technology\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Features of web scraping tools will help you to get an idea about the serviceability and service delivery of a web data scraper that will let you know:\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"What quality does it obtain in a web scraper?\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"How effective are web data scraping tools?\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Good, and interactive web scraping tools must obtain these features:\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Tech friendly: Interactive web scraping tools should be built with the most popular programming that is compatible with all OS, Devices, and human brains.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"ordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"User-friendly: Easy to use, easy to scrap, work on any device, save time, fulfill exact web data scraping demands and provide more linguistic support.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"ordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Industry friendly: Broad match with industry category whereas the data scraping aspects for e-commerce industry or hospitality.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"ordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Budget-friendly: Do more with fewer spends with interactive and automated web scraper that delivers more but charges a little of amounts.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"ordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Deliver what: Interactive web scraper delivers the exact, i.e, automated, versatility in data scraping format, scrape large amounts data, cloud storage, filtered data, well-arranged data, and more that meet any kinds of business level\\u2019s data scraping needs instantly.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"ordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Trust and security: Whatever, web scraping tools are interactive or not, automated or manual but the core points of view and purpose of trust and security of the web data scraping tools would be the same for all users, and user interactions will be the same for an interactive web data scraper?\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"ordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Up to date: The interactive web scraping service provider stays focus on technology trends, and that for they update web scraping tools/software versions with recent tech-changes and even compiling also considering the legal issues, i.e., \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"GDPR and EU Data Uses Policy\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"https://www.octoparse.com/blog/gdpr-compliance-in-web-scraping/?qu=\"}}}, {\"text\": \" to show off the functionality and adaptability.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"ordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\", \"modifiers\": {\"image\": \"https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-ccaf4765f204060fec6551333f63b68b-pjlq\", \"height\": 230, \"width\": 801, \"master_url\": \"https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-f4447bc3a3cd012b3a974cbfa4db5a28\", \"is_deleted\": false, \"is_sensitive\": false, 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{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Detailed pages extraction.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Extract the same elements from each URL group.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Regular expressions, Xpath, Extract data in a drop-down box, extraction behind the login, Extract AJAX-loaded content.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Extract data from inner HTML Extract data from outer HTML Data reformat tools related HTML.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"IP Rotation.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"API.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Save data in CSV, XML, HTML, etc. Block ads to speed up data extraction.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Way to go for good and definite tools for interactive web scraping and automate the web data scrape process:\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"As We are here to define \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"the definite web scraping tools amongst the other good web data scraping tools\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true, \"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"https://www.octoparse.com/?qu=\"}}}, {\"text\": \" for interactive web scraper and Big data automation through machine learning and artificial intelligence that Quora Question Bot Indicated them to comment on this question and the other friends also mentioned that in this answer too.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Thank you\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Momenul Ahmad\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 9778775, "givenName": "Momenul", "familyName": "Ahmad", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Momenul-Ahmad"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1630382788419634, "numViews": 711, "numUpvotes": 3, "numShares": 44, "numComments": 3, "comments": [{"commentId": 218813361, "creationTime": 1630407972535104, "url": "/What-are-some-good-tools-for-interactive-web-scraping-and-automation/answer/Momenul-Ahmad?comment_id=218813361&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 9778775, "profileUrl": "/profile/Momenul-Ahmad", "givenName": "Momenul", "familyName": "Ahmad"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Anna Yakubets\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"user\", \"uid\": 5189491, \"url\": \"https://www.quora.com/profile/Anna-Yakubets\"}}}, {\"text\": \" thank you\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}, {"commentId": 218843023, "creationTime": 1630421163031977, "url": "/What-are-some-good-tools-for-interactive-web-scraping-and-automation/answer/Momenul-Ahmad?comment_id=218843023&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 9778775, "profileUrl": "/profile/Momenul-Ahmad", "givenName": "Momenul", "familyName": "Ahmad"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Richard Harris\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"user\", \"uid\": 213611212, \"url\": \"https://www.quora.com/profile/Richard-Harris-261\"}}}, {\"text\": \" thank you\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": 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tools\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"automation tools\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"RPA tools\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"You can choose between different automation and web scraping tools. The automation tools can be used to automate repetitive tasks on websites. However, if you want to automate complex tasks, you should choose a RPA tool.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Webscraping tool\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"The process of web scraping involves the extraction of data or content from websites. It can be done manually or automatically, depending on the application. Manual scraping requires that the user knows the website URL and complete HTML code. Web scraping tools can extract all data from a page, or specific data that the user has selected. There are many web scraping tools available, but not all of them are interactive.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"The user interface of a good Web scraping tool should be easy to understand and not require any programming skills. A good Web scraping tool should have excellent customer support so that you can avoid frustration. It's always best to test the customer support before purchasing a tool. Once you know it works, you can proceed with the installation and customization process. Depending on the complexity of your project, you can choose a paid plan or a free plan.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Automation tool\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"An automated web scraping program is a great way to extract valuable information from the internet. You need to do something with those date to really get some value.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Automation tool like Zapier and integromate will help you push the data where you need it. This is a great way to make your data actionable.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"RPA tool\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"RPA: Robotic process automation is the wide discipline of automating business prcoesses.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"The use of an RPA tool for interactive web scraping has many benefits, ranging from automation of manual processes to faster response times. It is also cost-effective, flexible, and supports new processes and integrations with enterprise apps. For example, a web scraping tool can be configured to acquire posts that mention a brand or location, and separate publicly visible contact information. Ultimately, this tool is designed to provide businesses with a higher efficiency.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Apify is one such tool. Apify's API can access a large amount of data, enabling users to easily find relevant information on any site. Its open library of scraping tools makes it easy to reuse existing code. Its API integrates with an extensive collection of apps and can handle complex pagination and site layout issues. The tool also supports IP rotation and proxy integrations, enabling developers to avoid relying on a single API.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"You might also want to check out automation anywhere, which is a more holistic tool.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 1809970707, "givenName": "Ruben Bennet", "familyName": "", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Ruben-Bennet-1"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1649607168092509, "numViews": 161, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 395360037, "url": "/What-are-some-good-tools-for-interactive-web-scraping-and-automation/answer/Emily-Black-171", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I have used a lot of web scraping tools for all my scraping needs. The one that I still use and would recommend is \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"Leads-Sniper\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \". What I love about this tool is that I can scrape targeted and unlimited leads in google maps in just a few minutes or even seconds. Since the business owners themselves put information about their GMBs, it means that I can also scrape fresh and updated leads. This tool is just so easy to use and doesn\\u2019t require any coding.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\", \"modifiers\": {\"image\": \"https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-b9435d07a71618a1733ff6e6fa875fb6-lq\", \"height\": 720, \"width\": 1280, \"master_url\": \"https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-6a205201617004d05bebcaaf0d8e3cd4\", \"is_deleted\": false, \"is_sensitive\": false, \"is_uploaded_by_bot\": false, \"zoomable\": true, \"dominant_color\": \"#06202d\"}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"image\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Listed below are some of the web scraping tool in today's market:\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Octoparse - \", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \"It provides users with useful, easy-to-use built-in tools to extract data from tough or aggressive websites that are difficult to scrape.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Import./io - \", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \"It is a web-based platform for extracting data from websites without writing any code. Users can build their extractors with points & clicks, then Import./io will automatically extract data from web pages into a structured dataset.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Content Grabber - \", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \"is one of the web scraping tools with the most features. It is more suitable for people with advanced programming skills, since it offers many powerful scripting editing, debugging interfaces. Users are allowed to use C# to write regular expressions instead of generating the matching expression using the built-in Regex tool, like Octoparse.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"PySpider - \", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \"It is a powerful web crawler system in Python. It has an easy-to-use Web UI and a distributed architecture with components like scheduler, fetcher, and processor. It supports various databases, such as MongoDB and MySQL, for data storage.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\", \"modifiers\": {\"image\": \"https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-efd3dde650dad5ae705f108da844a225-pjlq\", \"height\": 454, \"width\": 599, \"master_url\": \"https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-efd3dde650dad5ae705f108da844a225-pjlq\", \"is_deleted\": false, \"is_sensitive\": false, \"is_uploaded_by_bot\": false, \"dominant_color\": \"#f8f8f8\"}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"image\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"In conclusion, there are a lot of options out there and be sure to check what will fit your needs. Thanks!\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 873174916, "givenName": "Emily", "familyName": "Black", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Emily-Black-171"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1667313266190659, "numViews": 1117, "numUpvotes": 14, "numShares": 12, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 368114765, "url": "/What-are-some-good-tools-for-interactive-web-scraping-and-automation/answer/Geonode-Proxies", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Web scraping is defined as the process of gathering information from the internet by extracting underlying HTML code and the data stored in a database. The scraper can then replicate the entire website content as and wherever needed.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"First, you need to provide the Web Scraper with the URLs to load up before the actual process of scraping could start. As soon as it receives it, the scraper starts loading the complete HTML code for your shared link.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Moving on, the Web Scraper extracts either all the data available on the page or the specific parts of data selected by you before starting the process.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"In the end, the Web Scraper provides you with all the data it has collected in a usable format.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Tools for Interactive Web Scraping and Automation\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Datahut\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Datahut is a cloud-based data-as-a-service platform that allows enterprises to access structured web data feeds from any web page. Datahut simplifies web data extraction so you can concentrate on building your business.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Octoparse\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"A web data extraction program that is both intuitive and automated, Octoparse simulates human interaction with web pages. Easily mass extract web data from websites using their point-and-click UI, and then export the data into various formats, including CSV, Excel, HTML, TXT, and database.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Xtract\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"With 17 years of experience, Xtract.io uses this to deliver high-quality, actionable data from different complicated data sources to empower businesses to achieve their goals. Xtract.io \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"-\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"http://Xtract.io\"}}}, {\"text\": \" helps companies create end-to-end scalable solutions to collect, process, and deliver actionable data from inside and outside your business.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"WebHarvy\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Easily extract text, HTML, emails, URLs, and public/images with WebHarvy. An easy-to-use web scraper that supports multiple types of websites and also exports to various formats.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"80legs\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"80legs provides easy web scraping, cloud-based web crawling, and a data repository that crawls the web constantly. The 80legs platform is powered by a distributed grid computing infrastructure that spans globally and includes thousands of computers. This design provides unrivaled web crawls and data collecting at a low cost.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"3i Data Scraping\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"It has a lot of experience and skill in assisting customers with scraping internet data. They provide a Cost-effect, accurate, high-quality, highly scalable, tailor-made data scraping service.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 1258447546, "givenName": "Geonode Proxies", "familyName": "", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Geonode-Proxies"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1657627440067465, "numViews": 362, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 345457685, "url": "/What-are-some-good-tools-for-interactive-web-scraping-and-automation/answer/Bright-Data-2", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Interactive web scraping\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \" means your automated scraper must interact with the scraped web page in order to extract the data from it.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Not all web pages require interactive web scraping, but most\", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \" eCommerce websites\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \" do. 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Take your web scraping projects to the next level.\", \"image_url\": \"https://brightdata.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/HP_OG-2023.png\", \"type\": \"article\", \"quora_content_type\": null, \"quora_oid\": null}}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"hyperlink_embed\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\", \"modifiers\": {\"embed\": {\"url\": \"https://apify.com/\", \"title\": \"Apify: Full-stack web scraping and data extraction platform\", \"snippet\": \"Apify is a cloud platform for web scraping, browser automation, and data for AI. Use any of 1,500+ ready-made tools build by Apify community, build your own with open-source libraries, or order a custom solution.\", \"image_url\": \"https://apify.com/img/og/landing.png\", \"type\": \"article\", \"quora_content_type\": null, \"quora_oid\": null}}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"hyperlink_embed\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\", \"modifiers\": {\"embed\": {\"url\": \"https://phantombuster.com/\", \"title\": \"PhantomBuster\", \"snippet\": \"Sorry, but you need to enable JavaScript to use PhantomBuster.\", \"image_url\": \"\", \"type\": \"article\", \"quora_content_type\": null, \"quora_oid\": null}}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"hyperlink_embed\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 1641488889, "givenName": "Bright Data", "familyName": "", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Bright-Data-2"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1647864576996527, "numViews": 2663, "numUpvotes": 4, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 115550835, "url": "/What-are-some-good-tools-for-interactive-web-scraping-and-automation/answer/Henry-Obinna", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I\\u2019d suggest you go with an anonymous web scraper instead of building your own web scraper from scratch, this is because you\\u2019d get into lots of issues if you try building your own web scraper from by yourself, plus the need for maintenance of other infrastructures.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Some of the reasons I\\u2019d always suggest an already made successful anonymous wen scraper is that they:\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"carry out crawling anonymously\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"avoid crawling blocks\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"avoid captchas\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"avoid using proxies\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"captcha solving\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"crawling protection\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"scraping protection\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"scraping anonymously\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"can accurately scrape data\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"A good \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"anonymous web scraper\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"https://proxycrawl.com\"}}}, {\"text\": \" that I know of is Proxy Crawl, reason being that it meets these features I listed up above.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 91140983, "givenName": "Henry", "familyName": "Obinna", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Henry-Obinna"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1546494421164663, "numViews": 313, "numUpvotes": 1, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 2167118, "url": "/What-are-some-good-tools-for-interactive-web-scraping-and-automation/answer/Konrad-Szpirak", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I tried out WebQL once, I don't think they have a free version though.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 28556, "givenName": "Konrad", "familyName": "Szpirak", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Konrad-Szpirak"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": true, "creationTime": 1362159372826268, "numViews": 63, "numUpvotes": 1, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 154231987, "url": "/What-are-some-good-tools-for-interactive-web-scraping-and-automation/answer/Alessander-Conossel", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I would recommend you to look in Scrapy and BeautifulSoup. Used both of them and found it pretty easy to understand and work with while collecting and analyzing data. But since nowadays there are plenty of various web scraping tools I highly recommend you to check some other options as well that might suit you better. \\nI would also add that it would be a good idea to use some \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"proxies\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proxy_server\"}}}, {\"text\": \" while web scraping since it would help you to stay anonymous and prevent you from hacking. I tried several providers, like Smartproxy and Netnut - both met my needs and were useful, but you can always check for some other providers in the market at the moment.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 840959788, "givenName": "Alessander", "familyName": "Conossel", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Alessander-Conossel"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1563192539507365, "numViews": 244, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 2170484, "url": "/What-are-some-good-tools-for-interactive-web-scraping-and-automation/answer/Earljon-Hidalgo", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"For windows, tried HTMLAgility Pack, open source.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Works well.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 3420222, "givenName": "Earljon", "familyName": "Hidalgo", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Earljon-Hidalgo"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": true, "creationTime": 1362232775083239, "numViews": 1228, "numUpvotes": 1, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 2166733, "url": "/What-are-some-good-tools-for-interactive-web-scraping-and-automation/answer/Paul-Denlinger", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Ruby and Ruby gem Nokogiri\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 25854, "givenName": "Paul", "familyName": "Denlinger", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Paul-Denlinger"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": true, "creationTime": 1362153340198008, "numViews": 1717, "numUpvotes": 1, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 17371623, "url": "/What-are-some-good-tools-for-interactive-web-scraping-and-automation/answer/Erma-J-Deaton", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"You will find many web scraping and automation services that brings you information from your targeted websites. I had tried different scraper tools such as ScraperWorld's LinkedIn scraper, Twitter scraper, Business directory extractor, Amazon product scraper etc.\\nThey all worked pretty well for me and provide accurate results, it save all extracted information at my database for further analysis and use.\\nIt arrange data in a csv file format to make it easy to use and analysis. These tools are user friendly and interactive..\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 54013764, "givenName": "Erma", "familyName": "J. 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While it is feasible to achieve it physically by reordering, this is tedious and not extremely steady.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"This implies that physically assembling the information in an exact and opportune way is definitely not a practical assumption. A web scratching device might be of enormous help with this present circumstance. It enables you to scratch any information you want in an exact and opportune way in a robotized strategy utilizing a script.This programming offers brilliant prepared to-utilize web scratching layouts for different sites like Amazon, eBay, Twitter, BestBuy, and some more. Altering scrubbers as per your extremely specific web scratching needs is made conceivable with this apparatus.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Extremely helpful for people don't have coding capacities yet need web scratching to be finished. It would incorporate the people who work in areas like online business, money management, digital currency, advertising, and land, among others. It is likewise helpful for enormous enterprises with a significant requirement for web scratching.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"It is conceivable that it will experience issues handling challenging tasks on occasion. It is conceivable that this is because of an absence of consistency in the four ways of extraction. Its client care might answer you with a slack period occasionally.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 1872567219, "givenName": "Murugan10", "familyName": "", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Murugan10"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1655462321130204, "numViews": 48, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 2175806, "url": "/What-are-some-good-tools-for-interactive-web-scraping-and-automation/answer/Brooks-Cutter", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Another python option is scrapy\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"From http://scrapy.org/\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"What is Scrapy?\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\\nScrapy is a fast high-level screen scraping and web crawling framework, used to crawl websites and extract structured data from their pages. It can be used for a wide range of purposes, from data mining to monitoring and automated testing.\", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"Features\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"SimpleScrapy was designed with simplicity in mind, by providing the features you need without getting in your wayProductiveJust write the rules to extract the data from web pages and let Scrapy crawl the entire web site for youFastScrapy is used in production crawlers to completely scrape more than 500 retailer sites daily, all in one serverExtensibleScrapy was designed with extensibility in mind and so it provides several mechanisms to plug new code without having to touch the framework corePortable, open-source, 100% PythonScrapy is completely written in Python and runs on Linux, Windows, Mac and BSDBatteries includedScrapy comes with lots of functionality built in. Check this section of the documentation for a list of them.Well-documented & well-testedScrapy is extensively documented and has an comprehensive test suite with very good code coverage\\n[...]\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 934232, "givenName": "Brooks", "familyName": "Cutter", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Brooks-Cutter"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1362341765726254, "numViews": 4691, "numUpvotes": 11, "numShares": 1, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}]
{"sections": [{"spans": [{"text": "What is criteria to be Pope? How is a person qualified?", "modifiers": {}}], "indent": 0, "quoted": false, "type": "plain", "is_rtl": false}]}
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[{"aid": 2164400, "url": "/Who-is-eligible-to-be-Pope/answer/Mikey-D\u00edaz-Aguiluz", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Any baptized Catholic man can be elected Pope. But usually it is chosen wihin the Cardinals, obviously they are the indicated for this.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 11601473, "givenName": "Mikey", "familyName": "D\u00edaz Aguiluz", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Mikey-D\u00edaz-Aguiluz"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": true, "creationTime": 1362109353976243, "numViews": 1182, "numUpvotes": 4, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 2174860, "url": "/Who-is-eligible-to-be-Pope/answer/Jeffie-John", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Any Catholic male who has reached the age of reason...\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 10321573, "givenName": "Jeffie", "familyName": "John", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Jeffie-John"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": true, "creationTime": 1362326976029156, "numViews": 643, "numUpvotes": 1, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}]
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{"sections": [{"spans": [{"text": "What should one pic- relationship vs career?", "modifiers": {}}], "indent": 0, "quoted": false, "type": "plain", "is_rtl": false}]}
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{"sections": [{"spans": [{"text": "Who has the right to sell stars and plots on other planets? You can buy it on the internet, but is it legally legitimate?", "modifiers": {}}], "indent": 0, "quoted": false, "type": "plain", "is_rtl": false}]}
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[{"aid": 2162839, "url": "/Who-has-the-right-to-sell-stars-and-plots-on-other-planets-You-can-buy-it-on-the-internet-but-is-it-legally-legitimate/answer/Gwydion-Madawc-Williams", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I could sell you the Statue of Liberty, it would be just as meaningful.\\n \\n\", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"Reply to comment about selling parts of Mars or the Moon\", \"modifiers\": {\"italic\": true}}, {\"text\": \"\\nMeaningless. The Catholic heirs to the English Throne could claim all of British North America, given away by the usurping Hanoverian dynasty. It would be irrelevant.\\nIn the real world, it seems there is an alternative Imperial Dynasty in Japan, based on the losers in the split between Northern Court and Southern Court. A lot of independent outsiders think the losers had the better case and some descendents even turned up and made a claim during the US occupation. But Japanese overwhelmingly think otherwise, so the claim in insignificant.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 4916479, "givenName": "Gwydion", "familyName": "Madawc Williams", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Gwydion-Madawc-Williams"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1362080515699172, "numViews": 500, "numUpvotes": 2, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 1, "comments": [{"commentId": 1808688, "creationTime": 1362134595705544, "url": "/Who-has-the-right-to-sell-stars-and-plots-on-other-planets-You-can-buy-it-on-the-internet-but-is-it-legally-legitimate/answer/Gwydion-Madawc-Williams?comment_id=1808688&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 12490443, "profileUrl": "/profile/B\u0142a\u017cej-19", "givenName": "B\u0142a\u017cej", "familyName": ""}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"well if we are talking about stars, you are right, but in 200/300 years some places on moon or mars may be valuable. what if some guy will sue NASA for placing solar panels in his \\\"backyard\\\"\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}]
{"sections": [{"spans": [{"text": "Why are drink coupons so popular at shows and parties in Brazil?", "modifiers": {}}], "indent": 0, "quoted": false, "type": "plain", "is_rtl": false}]}
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[{"aid": 2163611, "url": "/Why-are-drink-coupons-so-popular-at-shows-and-parties-in-Brazil/answer/Toby-Thain", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Brazilian businesses have developed many anti-fraud systems and I expect this is one of them. Also, there may be reluctance to be carrying cash, especially in a party situation where it could be otherwise presumed everyone is carrying cash for drinks. I've been to Brazilian clubs where cash is accepted though, but in more ritzy areas, so maybe not representative.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Update: I checked with a Brazilian, and the main reasons for separating coupon sales from drink service are:\\n\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Party/club bars are very busy and \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"it speeds up bar service!\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \" People carry large denominations and bartenders have wet hands, can't easily handle money and make change. Also it is simpler for bartenders to count drink orders, and \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"often the coupons are colour coded\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \" so that nobody has to yell a specific order in that loud environment.\\n\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Since they hold large amounts of cash, \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"Brazilian cashiers need to be in a more secure office\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \" than the bar. This is undoubtedly the reason for many other businesses as well.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Stock control:\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \" When coupons are running out, they know what is happening to the alcohol inventory. They can keep an eye on stock without being at the bar, and replenish the bar as needed. By matching coupons to inventory, cashiers can't sell coupons for products that are out of stock! \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Anti-fraud:\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \" The owner or trusted employees are the cashier(s). No need to trust the bartenders. If they give drinks away, they will be detected: See stock control, above.\\n\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"The same is done for food items.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"And \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"no computer is needed\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \" to run this system!\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"If you ask me, it's pretty clever.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 906804, "givenName": "Toby", "familyName": "Thain", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Toby-Thain"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1362093772353504, "numViews": 438, "numUpvotes": 7, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 3, "comments": [{"commentId": 5876011, "creationTime": 1408273974332892, "url": "/Why-are-drink-coupons-so-popular-at-shows-and-parties-in-Brazil/answer/Toby-Thain?comment_id=5876011&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 61538452, "profileUrl": "/profile/Zdenek-Novy-2", "givenName": "Zdenek", "familyName": "Novy"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Do you know please any software which is used at Brasilian clubs to manage drink coupons? Some e-coupons? Thank you in advance.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 5900430, "creationTime": 1408417721988866, "url": "/Why-are-drink-coupons-so-popular-at-shows-and-parties-in-Brazil/answer/Toby-Thain?comment_id=5900430&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 906804, "profileUrl": "/profile/Toby-Thain", "givenName": "Toby", "familyName": "Thain"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I don't, but why don't you post this question in the \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"Brazil\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"topic\", \"tid\": 1356, \"url\": \"https://www.quora.com/topic/Brazil\"}}}, {\"text\": \" topic?\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}, {"commentId": 5901314, "creationTime": 1408423420891944, "url": "/Why-are-drink-coupons-so-popular-at-shows-and-parties-in-Brazil/answer/Toby-Thain?comment_id=5901314&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 61538452, "profileUrl": "/profile/Zdenek-Novy-2", "givenName": "Zdenek", "familyName": "Novy"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Okay, I am sorry. In this case I can recommend e-coupons at www.Cool-Ticketing.com which is barcode-less patent pending technology.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\", \"modifiers\": {\"image\": \"https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-7dea185fc01b5de2fad6748f2cb0f22e.webp\", \"height\": 920, \"width\": 420, \"master_url\": \"https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-7dea185fc01b5de2fad6748f2cb0f22e-lq\", \"is_deleted\": false, \"is_sensitive\": false, \"is_uploaded_by_bot\": false, \"zoomable\": true, \"dominant_color\": \"#f3f3f2\"}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"image\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\u200b\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}]}]
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[{"aid": 77462858, "url": "/Which-is-the-best-degree-in-digital-marketing-Any-advice/answer/Himanshu-Tyagi-100", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"You don\\u2019t need a degree for digital marketing job. If you know how to use a computer, social media channels, and good in studying, you can easily learn digital marketing.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I would suggest not to opt for a course from an institution. This will ruin you. In order to excel in digital marketing field, you only need to be updated with latest trends and have deep curiosity in mind.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Best way to learn digital marketing is to follow authority blogs like Search Engine Land, Co Schedule, Hubspot, etc. and follow industry influencers - Neil Patel, Brian Dean, Rand Fishkin, etc.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"All the very best :)\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 177000917, "givenName": "Himanshu", "familyName": "Tyagi", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Himanshu-Tyagi-100"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1522050965943459, "numViews": 3812, "numUpvotes": 11, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 314645265, "url": "/Which-is-the-best-degree-in-digital-marketing-Any-advice/answer/Niv-Digital", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Sorry I had to snoop around some LinkedIn profiles to get the following information.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Neil Patel\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \": BA Marketing (2007) (CEO, \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"NP Digital\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \")\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Pradeep Chopra and Kapil Nakra\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \" (B.Tech, IIT Delhi, Graduated 1999) (Founders, \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"Digital Vidya\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \")\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Sorav Jain\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \" (MBA in International Marketing) (2008) (CEO, \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"EchoVME and Digital Scholar\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \")\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Prateek Shah\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \": B.Tech (IP University) Graduated in 2007 (Former Digital Vidya Lead Trainer, Founder, \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"Digital Defynd\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \")\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Jitendra Vaswani\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \": Bachelor's Degree (Information Technology) Graduated in 2012 (Founder, \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"Digiexe\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \")\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Aditya Gupta\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \": B.Tech Mechanical Engineering (graduated 2008) (Founder, \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"Social Samosa\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \")\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Wondering who these people are?\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Well, they are experts in Digital Marketing who have founded digital marketing agencies offering various services like, tools, marketing services, education, etc.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Did you notice? None of them have a degree in Digital Marketing.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"What does this mean?\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"All of them worked in the digital marketing fields and learned through experience.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"All of them had a passion for the field.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"All of them realized the potential of digital marketing, saw it as a great opportunity to choose it as their business ground.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"In a way, these people were the early adaptors of Digital Marketing when companies were still seeing it as unorthodox.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"But now, the corona pandemic has forced companies to ramp up their digital presence.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"So as present-day graduates/ Freshers in the market we are deemed to prove to the companies that we could do the job.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"To leverage this digital uprising, short-term certifications would be of great help.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Digital Vidya\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \" is one of the first institutes to offer Digital Marketing Certification in 2014.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Now there are \\u2018n\\u2019 number of certification, on-line /off-line, Indian or foreign universities, recorded/live classes offered at a different prices, duration with placement assistance.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"So, I suggest you pursue one of the certification courses.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"See to that the course emphasizes practical training and hands-on experience on digital marketing tools.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Do internships, live projects, freelancing projects diligently and whenever you get a chance.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"You will be on the right track to reach great heights in the field if you think it is for you.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 1626073363, "givenName": "Niv Digital", "familyName": "", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Niv-Digital"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1634557169841133, "numViews": 603, "numUpvotes": 1, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 159061789, "url": "/Which-is-the-best-degree-in-digital-marketing-Any-advice/answer/Arjun-Singh-541", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"NO, you did not require any degree for digital marketing. As Digital Marketing is a skill which you can add on by just practicing it. No degree can give you that knowledge for degree as digital marketing is not theoretical thing it\\u2019s all practical thing. How one can give you degree in a skill as marketing is field in which you can get a degree but digital marketing is skill which is a part of marketing.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"MARKETING - DIGITAL MARKETING - SEO / SMM / PPC\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\", \"modifiers\": {\"image\": \"https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-687369db5ace70782b50f47072b4b15f\", \"height\": 716, \"width\": 1000, \"master_url\": \"https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-fbf00dcca958595558f37613101c4060\", \"is_deleted\": false, \"is_sensitive\": false, \"is_uploaded_by_bot\": false, \"zoomable\": true, \"dominant_color\": \"#000000\"}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"image\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"This is the bifurcation , so if you want to learn DIGITAL MARKETING you can learn it from anywhere .\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Any field person can learn digital marketing like say IT, commerce, arts etc. any field you just need a computer and some basic knowledge how to operate it, that\\u2019s it you rock on. Just starts now don\\u2019t think and start learning and earning side by side. If you have any passion or know a skill or have deep knowledge of something just use digital marketing and convert those into a career. It\\u2019s up to you .\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"DTI (DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY INSTITUTE) is the best in this field so you can visit them and be a master of digital marketing.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 131137896, "givenName": "Arjun", "familyName": "Singh", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Arjun-Singh-541"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1565077285709505, "numViews": 3580, "numUpvotes": 2, "numShares": 1, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 175744928, "url": "/Which-is-the-best-degree-in-digital-marketing-Any-advice/answer/Rihan-Saxena-3", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"You can do certificate courses for digital marketing\\u2026.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"And you try for diploma for it\\u2026.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"There is no particular degree in india for it..\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"You can do masters in science from UK. USA.. Etc for digital marketing.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 367484367, "givenName": "Rihan", "familyName": "Saxena", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Rihan-Saxena-3"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1571715339642303, "numViews": 1488, "numUpvotes": 2, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 169020887, "url": "/Which-is-the-best-degree-in-digital-marketing-Any-advice/answer/Abhishek-Rath-24", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"These days many management ,technical institutes and \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"Digital Marketing Agencies in India\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \" are offering Digital Marketing Courses where you can get in-depth knowledge about SEO, SEM, SMM etc. You can also consult site like Udemy , Youtube, EDX , Unacademy to gain knowledge\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 329147118, "givenName": "Abhishek", "familyName": "Rath", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Abhishek-Rath-24"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1569056506367935, "numViews": 597, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 100010363, "url": "/Which-is-the-best-degree-in-digital-marketing-Any-advice/answer/Samaira-Singh-31", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"You can find many institutes home and abroad offering Digital marketing courses. There are plethora of online & offline courses offered. However, Certificate programs & Diploma courses holds a strong percentage than the degree courses. With the Digital Evolution, Digital Marketing surely enjoys a lot of popularity.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"The degree courses in Digital marketing are:\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Associates Degree\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"ordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Bachelor\\u2019s Degree\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"ordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Masters Degree\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"ordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Getting a certificate in Digital marketing would be enough as proficiency, speed and ultimately the ideas are developed overtime. Your horizons will widen once you practically explore and dig deeper into it.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 598682111, "givenName": "Samaira", "familyName": "Singh", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Samaira-Singh-31"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1537261428919151, "numViews": 756, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 168630134, "url": "/Which-is-the-best-degree-in-digital-marketing-Any-advice/answer/IM-Digi", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"It is important to learn about what is digital marketing before knowing the degree required for it. Digital marketing is promoting the company\\u2019s business, sales, products, or the services over the digital channels. With the internet boom, people have been using the digital devices tremendously. In the past decade, the use of smartphones, apps and other social media has increased manifold. And this has given digital marketing a new bounce in the marketing industry. Digital marketing helps in increasing sales and reaching more audience in lesser time. Being cost-effective, it is been chosen over traditional marketing strategies. Digital marketing requires innovative and creative ideas to attract customers.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"There is not a particular degree for digital marketing and thus it can be done by anyone who is creative enough to allure the customers. The only thing required in this field is the passion and innovative strategies for marketing. You must have to keep yourself updated with the latest techniques and technologies used in digital marketing which is not a difficult task.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I M DIGI is a platform that provides complete training to the industry executives and entrepreneurs. I M DIGI is the one field that every marketing executive should now be well-versed with. I M DIGI has launched a digital marketing training program of their own. I M DIGI consists of these modules: Orientation of Digital Marketing, Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), Search Engine Marketing (SEM), Google Analytics and display ads, Social Media Marketing (SMM), Email Marketing, Web Analytics, and YouTube Marketing.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 817097380, "givenName": "IM", "familyName": "Digi", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/IM-Digi"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1568887171413465, "numViews": 2035, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 191827065, "url": "/Which-is-the-best-degree-in-digital-marketing-Any-advice/answer/Megha-Shrivastava-51", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"There is no need of any degree in digital marketing but keep in mind you have knowledge about digital marketing.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"But many companies prefer or choose those candidate who have masters in business administration.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Many colleges institute add digital marketing info or course in MBA.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"So the mba candidate does not require to do digital marketing separately.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 629756855, "givenName": "Megha", "familyName": "Shrivastava", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Megha-Shrivastava-51"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1578903936994562, "numViews": 530, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 206886531, "url": "/Which-is-the-best-degree-in-digital-marketing-Any-advice/answer/Kausik-Mukherjee", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Anyone who has a keen interest in Digital Marketing can choose this field as their career. No specific degree is required for this. Your creativity and English communication and writing skills will be an added advantage if you have those. I saw many students in our institute (\", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"Karmick Institute\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \") doing this course after their 10+2 exam. So if you are a graduate and have an interest in pursuing a higher degree in this field then go ahead.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 153092624, "givenName": "Kausik", "familyName": "Mukherjee", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Kausik-Mukherjee"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1585825314248409, "numViews": 1135, "numUpvotes": 1, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 1, "comments": [{"commentId": 135056973, "creationTime": 1586350077786988, "url": "/Which-is-the-best-degree-in-digital-marketing-Any-advice/answer/Kausik-Mukherjee?comment_id=135056973&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 1092653501, "profileUrl": "/profile/Ayush-Singh-Chauhan-35", "givenName": "Ayush", "familyName": "Singh Chauhan"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Sir but then also which graduation is better?\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}, {"aid": 48323092, "url": "/Which-is-the-best-degree-in-digital-marketing-Any-advice/answer/Bobit-Thomas", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Its not about the degree, But all depends on the digital channel you selected on the digital marketing ,\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I think analytic skills very much important for ppc marketing\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 2522564, "givenName": "Bobit", "familyName": "Thomas", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Bobit-Thomas"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": true, "creationTime": 1498231462202351, "numViews": 313, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 76147317, "url": "/Which-is-the-best-degree-in-digital-marketing-Any-advice/answer/Venkatrangan-Gokul", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Meet Ramya AKA Divya Spandana, the national head of Congress's social media and digital communications team in charge of its social media activities. She is a professional actress and politician.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Doesn't have an MBA in Marketing AFAIK. Has probably had no corporate work experience in Digital or Social media marketing. She probably didn't get certified.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"She drives strategy with a team of professionals who in turn manage the social media pages of the party at the national and state levels and also that of its prominent leaders like Siddaramaiah (especially during recent Karnataka elections) and Rahul Gandhi.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"During the Gujarat and Karnataka polls, the posts from Congress social media properties were quotes on many national televisions. Her team continues to wage a social media political war. People started taking note of what the party was doing/saying in social media.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Her work has been covered by several leading newspapers and television channels. Something anyone in this profession envies.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"A great example of 'Where there is a will, There is a way'.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"https://m.economictimes.com/news/politics-and-nation/meet-the-woman-behind-congresss-social-media-team/congress-has-a-new-social-media-chief/amp_slideshow/61018651.cms\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\\n\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"There is no particular degree that can make you a great digital marketer as against the others. Like i...\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 9464653, "givenName": "Venkatrangan", "familyName": "Gokul", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Venkatrangan-Gokul"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1521021823841733, "numViews": 3640, "numUpvotes": 1, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 100013849, "url": "/Which-is-the-best-degree-in-digital-marketing-Any-advice/answer/Majid-Ali-411", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"There are several courses present online and offline also which can provide you certificate.. But if you think a degree like engineering or doctorate than i dont think theres shuch kind of a degree present for digital marketing.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 602739885, "givenName": "Majid", "familyName": "Ali", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Majid-Ali-411"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": true, "creationTime": 1537263514427564, "numViews": 153, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 45871309, "url": "/Which-is-the-best-degree-in-digital-marketing-Any-advice/answer/Vadiveeswaran-Nadarajan", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"No particular degree required to get into digital marketing field. It will be added advantage if you are from marketing background or media communications background.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Do your degree simultaneously with digital marketing course with any reputable institutions. Do some certifications in Google Adwords, analytics and Facebook blueprint. It will let you get a hands-on package by the beginning..\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 147154476, "givenName": "Vadiveeswaran", "familyName": "Nadarajan", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Vadiveeswaran-Nadarajan"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1496046977658071, "numViews": 722, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 167380170, "url": "/Which-is-the-best-degree-in-digital-marketing-Any-advice/answer/Johnson-Sanes", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"The training required for a profession in the computerized promoting field will differ, contingent upon the position. By and large, winning a 4year college education in Internet advertising, or a related zone is a decent start. Understudies in this program contrast conventional promoting with Internet showcasing.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 895179463, "givenName": "Johnson", "familyName": "Sanes", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Johnson-Sanes"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1568376019272777, "numViews": 784, "numUpvotes": 1, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 191630217, "url": "/Which-is-the-best-degree-in-digital-marketing-Any-advice/answer/Singh-Anshul-2", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"If you are from India or any other country who is looking for Top Universities & Colleges for Digital Marketing Study programs in Canada.\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Fanshawe College.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Humber College.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Herzing College.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Canadian Business College.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Centennial College.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"McMaster University.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Morgon International College.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"George Brown College.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"You can google them and you will get the course of your choice.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 40277102, "givenName": "Singh", "familyName": "Anshul", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Singh-Anshul-2"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1578812113911557, "numViews": 780, "numUpvotes": 1, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 46183466, "url": "/Which-is-the-best-degree-in-digital-marketing-Any-advice/answer/Shreyas-Mallikarjun", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"No particular degree is required for choosing digital marketing as a career option.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"The best way to learn digital marketing is get hand s on expirence by creating a blog or a wordpress website and start blogging and start promoting and get pratical knownledge about seo, social media and you ll be introduced to the topic- google analytics which is important.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Follow influencers from the digital markeitng world.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Watch videos from YouTube there are n numbers for digital marketing.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 147817753, "givenName": "Shreyas", "familyName": "Mallikarjun", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Shreyas-Mallikarjun"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1496287742488747, "numViews": 1714, "numUpvotes": 1, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 75942221, "url": "/Which-is-the-best-degree-in-digital-marketing-Any-advice/answer/SHRISH-YADAV-3", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"The education \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"required\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \" for a career in the \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"digital marketing\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \" field will vary, depending on the position. 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Having a degree or being a certified digital marketing person helps you pursue and crack a job easily in this field.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 657534464, "givenName": "Nilesh", "familyName": "Jha", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Nilesh-Jha-91"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": true, "creationTime": 1571900269477839, "numViews": 498, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 100008757, "url": "/Which-is-the-best-degree-in-digital-marketing-Any-advice/answer/Mukesh-Kapoor-20", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"You can\\u2019t become a swimmer by reading a book about swimming. Digital marketing is no different.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Learn, Work and get experience. Your result speaks more then papers here in Digital marketing world.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 328491430, "givenName": "Mukesh", "familyName": "Kapoor", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Mukesh-Kapoor-20"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": true, "creationTime": 1537260498944646, "numViews": 540, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 48282789, "url": "/Which-is-the-best-degree-in-digital-marketing-Any-advice/answer/Kushal-Parikh-29", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"There are no special certified courses for Digital Marketing but there are many private institutions which teach and give certifications of Digital Marketing.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"For the rest there is Youtube ;)\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 319922256, "givenName": "Kushal", "familyName": "Parikh", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Kushal-Parikh-29"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": true, "creationTime": 1498200917042192, "numViews": 298, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 255870421, "url": "/Which-is-the-best-degree-in-digital-marketing-Any-advice/answer/Neil-Patel-494", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"There isn\\u2019t necessarily a \\u2018best\\u2019 degree I\\u2019d say. It depends on the type of modules you want to get involved in.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Do you want the modules to be more business oriented/practical, psychological, research focused, digital or offline etc?\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I did a degree myself but only after researching behind the types of degrees out there on digital marketing. I wanted one that focused on the subject as a whole and involved strategy, best practices and frameworks too. I\\u2019ve recently helped create a video on whether it was all worth it too so perhaps the video can be helpful:\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\", \"modifiers\": {\"embed\": {\"url\": \"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=heffiJpl-qE&t=158s\"}}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"yt-embed\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 1379785135, "givenName": "Neil", "familyName": "Patel", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Neil-Patel-494"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1608663118338143, "numViews": 236, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 263301830, "url": "/Which-is-the-best-degree-in-digital-marketing-Any-advice/answer/Dillip-Guru-1", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Digital Marketing courses need no introduction today. They are among the most raved about and top-rated courses. To build up your career in this field, it is mandatory to go for a professional degree. A wide variety of degrees are available, which will definitely give a boost to your career.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Below, we suggest to you some of the top-rated colleges offering the best degrees to experience a skyrocketing career in the digital marketing field.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"IIM Calcutta \", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \"\\u2013 Indian Institute of Management \\u2013 This College needs no introduction. NIRF 2020 has ranked the college 3rd under the management category. This is one of the best B schools in India that offers a master\\u2019s degree in a number of fields.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Name of the Course \", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \"- Executive Programme on Digital & Social Media Marketing Strategy\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Programme Duration \", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \"\\u2013 6 Month Programme, divided into 3 modules of 2 months each.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Course Details \", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \"\\u2013 The first and second module are conducted through devices, whereas the third module is conducted on a face to face basis. During the third module, campus visit is mandatory, and the duration of this campus visit is four days. This is ideal for working professionals or someone who wants to learn from home. Some of the major topics covered under this course are \\u2013 The Digital Game Changes, Case Studies in Digital Marketing, Keyword Analysis, Social Media Channels, Sales and Distribution Management, Business Intelligence, Classification and Clustering.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"DigiGrad \", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \"\\u2013 This is an initiative of Social Beat. Social Beat is the brainchild of Google and Facebook. The objective of this initiative is to provide digital training in both online, as well as classroom modules. This is an IIM-alumni initiative, where live classes and Harvard-style learning teaching methodology is adopted.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Name of the Course \", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \"\\u2013 Certificate Program in Digital Marketing\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Programme Duration \", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \"\\u2013 12-Week learning Program\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Course Details \\u2013 This 12-week learning program involves 7 different training modules. Along with the theoretical approach, practical learning is also involved. Some of the major topics covered under this program are \\u2013 Social Media, SEO learning, Keywords management, digital advertising and likewise.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Manipal ProLearn \", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \"\\u2013 The parent company Manipal University offers a number of programs spanning across both online, as well as classroom-based learning. They have two major programs under the digital learning module.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Name of the Course \", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \"\\u2013 Certificate Program in Digital Marketing, PG Certificate Program in Digital Marketing\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Programme Duration \", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \"\\u2013 100 hours, 200 days\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Course Details \\u2013 In both the programs, various aspects of Digital marketing like SEO, SRM, ORM, and analytics are involved.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"upGrad \", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \"\\u2013 MICA has joined hands with upGrad to offer courses under the digital marketing banner. It\\u2019s one of the most expensive and high profile online programs.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Name of the Course \", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \"\\u2013 PG Certification in Digital Marketing and Communication\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Programme Duration \", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \"\\u2013 6.5 Months\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Course Details \\u2013 The major topics covered under this program are \\u2013 social media marketing, branding, social media management, keyword techniques, and likewise. Some case studies and industrial highlights are also covered under this topic.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Amity Future Academy \", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \"\\u2013 The online branch of Amity University is called Amity Future Academy. In collaboration with Wharton University, the academy has launched a Post Graduate diploma in digital marketing.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Name of the Course\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \" - Post Graduate diploma in digital marketing\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Programme Duration \", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \"\\u2013 12 Month Program\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Course Details \\u2013 This is a 13 module program duration. Some of the major topics covered under this programme are \\u2013 digital learning, frauds in cyberspace, brand management, SEO, keyword strategies, and likewise.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore \", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \"\\u2013 One of the leading institutes, it was established way back in 1984. This institute offers a number of graduate, as well as undergraduate courses in various disciplines. Fellowships and executive programs are also provided under various top-rated courses.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Name of the Course \\u2013 Digital Marketing for Business Growth\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Programme Duration \\u2013 100 hour \\u2013 1000 Hour\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Course Details \\u2013 This course extends across various hour-span. Some of the major topics covered under this topic are \\u2013 brand management, search engine analytics, metric performance measurement, digital analytics, and likewise.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Mentioned above are some of the best courses in the digital marketing field. These courses are offered by some of the top colleges in India. They will definitely help you in getting a high package job and securing a good place in the digital marketing industry.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 103382747, "givenName": "Dillip", "familyName": "Guru.", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Dillip-Guru-1"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1612273676934474, "numViews": 3143, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 1, "comments": [{"commentId": 225110366, "creationTime": 1633590785591165, "url": "/Which-is-the-best-degree-in-digital-marketing-Any-advice/answer/Dillip-Guru-1?comment_id=225110366&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 1631207032, "profileUrl": "/profile/Nikky-Chal", "givenName": "Nikky", "familyName": "Chal"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Digital Marketing in Dubai\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\", \"modifiers\": {\"embed\": {\"url\": \"https://www.nsreem.com/ourservices/digital-marketing/\", \"title\": \"\", \"snippet\": \"\", \"image_url\": \"\", \"type\": \"article\", \"quora_content_type\": null, \"quora_oid\": null}}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"hyperlink_embed\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Digital marketing support is given with no time limit, we observe the tastes of people and we can do the marketing for their thoughts which will help your firm to be noticeable to them. NSREEM is #1 Digital Marketing in Dubai\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"1633590755906-8\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}, {"aid": 272236223, "url": "/Which-is-the-best-degree-in-digital-marketing-Any-advice/answer/Ganesh-Nagda-1", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Hi everyone, if you want a career in digital marketing. Then apply for digital marketing course. This will help you and after completing this course you will get good placement. Search for college which teach digital marketing course. In Mumbai there are many good college.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Hope this will helpful to you.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 1033786273, "givenName": "Ganesh", "familyName": "Nagda", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Ganesh-Nagda-1"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1616595489785601, "numViews": 186, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 279858393, "url": "/Which-is-the-best-degree-in-digital-marketing-Any-advice/answer/Muskan-Grover-56", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"The Best Degrees for a Career in Digital Marketing:\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"MBA\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"One of the best things about taking a masters in business administration online degree is that you will not only learn the key facts and techniques of digital marketing, but also about running your own business as well. For keen marketers who are hoping to give entrepreneurship a go, an MBA can give you the best foundation when it comes to knowledge and skills. An MBA is extremely useful for helping you to understand marketing strategy in general and how it fits in with the various other business sectors.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Computer Science\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"If you prefer the high-tech side of things, a computer science degree can be one of the best options to choose when it comes to jump starting your career in digital marketing. This degree is one of the best if you are hoping to train yourself to think very logically whilst learning the specifics of programming algorithms and data structures. This degree will provide you with a deep understanding of how computer and software systems work, making it a perfect fit for a lucrative digital marketing career.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Information Systems\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Getting a degree in information systems is one of the most popular routes to go down on the way to your digital marketing career. Information systems courses will teach you a healthy mix of key components of digital marketing, including \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"w\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"https://www.prospects.ac.uk/careers-advice/what-can-i-do-with-my-degree/web-design-and-development\"}}}, {\"text\": \"eb design software engineering, databases, computer security, and more. At the same time, most information systems degrees will also allow you to specialize in one key topic whilst still being introduced to a wide variety of other topics.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Digital Media\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Digital media is a course which has only recently been introduced in certain schools, and due to that, there is often a lot of variation between specific programs. Generally, digital media students can choose from an assortment of major topics from graphic design to content creation to ethics. Depending on the school, a digital media degree can be hugely flexible, making it the perfect choice for somebody who wants to work in digital marketing but isn\\u2019t quite yet sure where their specialist area should be.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Digital marketing has quickly become one of the hottest jobs of the decade, with many lucrative opportunities for those pursuing this career path. These are just some of the best degrees to study if you want to be a digital marketer.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"So if you are still looking for a Digital Marketing institute please do check out their website Digital Vidya Institute, and if you would also want to clear any sorts of queries or know the procedure of registration contact Digital Vidya Institute.\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 1392093634, "givenName": "Muskan", "familyName": "Grover", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Muskan-Grover-56"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1619941507414950, "numViews": 181, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 298400998, "url": "/Which-is-the-best-degree-in-digital-marketing-Any-advice/answer/Vishal-SEO-1", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Graduation in Digital Marketing | BCA in Digital Marketing\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Digital marketing is a modern-day method of marketing that uses platforms like websites and various social media platforms to promote the business or services of any company or organization.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"We all know that the world is now getting online, and digital marketing grabs everyone\\u2019s eye. Nowadays, most modern-day businesses are heading towards digital marketing for the growth of their business. Hence It has a wide range of scope in upcoming years and tends to be on the top of the list. The opportunities available for a BCA student are network administrator, web designer and software programmer. Also, they can choose BCA in digital marketing because once you enroll yourself in the language of computers, there shouldn\\u2019t be any limitation to anything in today\\u2019s world.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Nowadays, everything has been digitalized, and there are even applications for the newspaper as well. If you have mastered the field of programming and coding, then you should opt for BCA. This course will cover more technical topics than any computer degree if you enroll in digital marketing. You can earn a tremendous amount of money. As we have discussed above, digital marketing is now emerging as a boon and will acquire many small and big businesses in upcoming years.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Program Outline\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Generally, BCA in digital marketing is an entire pledge course of three years under basic science and applied science. We all know that the rise of social media and digital marketing has now allowed many small and big businesses to excel in building their online presence. Hence students will learn how to exploit the modern-day techniques to develop a brand and get organic traffic to websites, and with this, they will also be able to learn the marketing basics, graphic designing, SEO, SEM, web analytics, content writing, content marketing and types of UX and User interface design, etc.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\", \"modifiers\": {\"embed\": {\"url\": \"https://digitalwheel.in/graduation-in-digital-marketing/\", \"title\": \"\", \"snippet\": \"\", \"image_url\": \"\", \"type\": \"article\", \"quora_content_type\": null, \"quora_oid\": null}}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"hyperlink_embed\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 99986065, "givenName": "Vishal SEO", "familyName": "", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Vishal-SEO-1"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1627477883032962, "numViews": 156, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 331309405, "url": "/Which-is-the-best-degree-in-digital-marketing-Any-advice/answer/Romil-21", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"As the world becomes increasingly computerized in every way, Digital Marketing is having a big influence in the world of marketing and advertising, and almost every firm in India requires it.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Start-ups, in particular, seek to sell their brand, goods, and services digitally.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Career possibilities in digital marketing are also expanding; according to a recent poll, there will be 150,000 digital positions available by 2020, with insufficient digital specialists to fill them.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Best degree in digital marketing is\", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \" Digital Marketing Executive Program \", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \"from\", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \" Digital Vidya and Deakin University, Australia. 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There is a certain demand for Digital Marketing experts. And other Digital Marketing aspirants want to learn the courses and programs from the best.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"It\\u2019s basically going to take over the traditional method of marketing sooner or later, not completely but the majority of it will.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"To succeed in the world of digital marketing, all you need to do is keep up with the current trends and have a strong sense of curiosity for the climbing of the corporate ladder.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 1708112196, "givenName": "Romil", "familyName": "", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Romil-21"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1641885233095521, "numViews": 85, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 369129617, "url": "/Which-is-the-best-degree-in-digital-marketing-Any-advice/answer/Content-Marketing-Tools-1", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"The best degree in digital marketing will vary depending on your career path and industry. However, some degrees that may be worth looking into include marketing management, online marketing, and web development.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"If you're still not sure which degree is right for you, there is always the option of taking online courses or courses offered in an evening or weekend format. This way, you can get started on your career path without having to commit to a full-time degree program.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Finally, if you have any additional questions about digital marketing degrees or anything else related to starting a business, feel free to contact us. We would be happy to help!\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 1819339428, "givenName": "Content Marketing Tools", "familyName": "", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Content-Marketing-Tools-1"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1657986709379874, "numViews": 47, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 401999359, "url": "/Which-is-the-best-degree-in-digital-marketing-Any-advice/answer/Mayank-Deep-28", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"The effort you've put into expanding your knowledge is admirable. I, too, was eager to pick up as much information as I could from my immediate surroundings and no-cost resources. Even while I had found success with self-study, I realized that it wasn't enough to bring me up to speed on the commercial world's rapid innovations. As a result, I decided to enroll in a course in \\\"Full-Stack Digital Marketing.\\\" During my investigation, I came across certain details that are inadequately addressed by existing web materials. Once I decided this was something I was interested in, I dove myself into learning all I could about it. Ads on digital platforms are becoming more important to businesses. As a consequence, several online universities, like Amity Online and NIIT, have begun offering courses in digital marketing.\\nBy its very name, you can tell that NIIT is a pioneer in the field of distance education. They have been known as leaders in their profession, able to provide education that is both timely and comprehensive. The instructors are recognized authorities in their respective professions, and the course material reflects this. Students have access to their advisers 24/7 through chat and email. As a result, NIIT is the best location to begin.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 1598885973, "givenName": "Mayank Deep", "familyName": "", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Mayank-Deep-28"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1670071710348448, "numViews": 37, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}]
{"sections": [{"spans": [{"text": "What is the best payment system for a crowdfunding platform outside the US? We are planning on launching our platform in South America.", "modifiers": {}}], "indent": 0, "quoted": false, "type": "plain", "is_rtl": false}]}
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These ones cover several main countries, but also there are country specific ones as for Brazil Bcash, Moip, Pagseguro.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"2) Gateways as Braspag, Cobrebem, Maxipago, Adyen that cover several countries and also specific ones in certain countries.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"3) Acquires that operate in country only as Cielo and Redecard in Brazil or Credibanco in Colombia.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I do not know details about your business, but based on the info you shared here I would suggest go with one of the regional gateways in 2.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I have close contact with all of them, I can help you to get in touch with anyone. Contact me so I can help you.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Regards.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Marcos\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 1725255, "givenName": "Marcos", "familyName": "Cavagnoli", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Marcos-Cavagnoli"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1363371421553313, "numViews": 530, "numUpvotes": 1, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 1, "comments": [{"commentId": 2116748, "creationTime": 1368474697063146, "url": "/What-is-the-best-payment-system-for-a-crowdfunding-platform-outside-the-US-We-are-planning-on-launching-our-platform-in-South-America/answer/Marcos-Cavagnoli?comment_id=2116748&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 5735071, "profileUrl": "/profile/Akira-Uchimura-1", "givenName": "Akira", "familyName": "Uchimura"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Dear Marcos, Thank you so much for your very detailed answer. We had some problems with Paypal so we would like to go with Ayden. Sending you a private message right now. :)\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}, {"aid": 2161981, "url": "/What-is-the-best-payment-system-for-a-crowdfunding-platform-outside-the-US-We-are-planning-on-launching-our-platform-in-South-America/answer/Alon-Nir", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Thanks for asking me to answer.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"1) I don't know. However, there are other South-American crowdfunding platforms you should check out and see what they use, i.e. \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"http://catarse.me/en\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"http://catarse.me/en\"}}}, {\"text\": \".\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"2) If the platform is going to be host Japan related projects - it's probably wise to see if the payment solution you're thinking about implementing would work easily for Japanese people, as they might want to contribute as well. Also, in which other countries is there a large population of Japanese culture fans ?\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"3) I'm curious - did you look into who are your potential competitors in this niche ? Are there Japanese crowdfunding platforms with an international version ?\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Best of luck!\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 1992606, "givenName": "Alon", "familyName": "Nir", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Alon-Nir"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1362066885095191, "numViews": 410, "numUpvotes": 1, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 4, "comments": [{"commentId": 1805716, "creationTime": 1362070122064142, "url": "/What-is-the-best-payment-system-for-a-crowdfunding-platform-outside-the-US-We-are-planning-on-launching-our-platform-in-South-America/answer/Alon-Nir?comment_id=1805716&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 5735071, "profileUrl": "/profile/Akira-Uchimura-1", "givenName": "Akira", "familyName": "Uchimura"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Dear Alon, \\nThank you so much for your quick answer. \\nHere's the platform website\\n\", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"http://samuraidea.com\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"http://samuraidea.com\"}}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"It's exactly what you are talking about, a platform for japan-related projects which will be supported by Japanese people, Japanese descendants from around the world (mainly Latin American Nikkei Communities), and Japan fans.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 1808254, "creationTime": 1362122736033206, "url": "/What-is-the-best-payment-system-for-a-crowdfunding-platform-outside-the-US-We-are-planning-on-launching-our-platform-in-South-America/answer/Alon-Nir?comment_id=1808254&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 1992606, "profileUrl": "/profile/Alon-Nir", "givenName": "Alon", "familyName": "Nir"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"OK... so you must look into the payment gateways that work for Japanese people (in Japan). No idea how the local laws and regulations work re. online payments.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}, {"commentId": 1808255, "creationTime": 1362122760362238, "url": "/What-is-the-best-payment-system-for-a-crowdfunding-platform-outside-the-US-We-are-planning-on-launching-our-platform-in-South-America/answer/Alon-Nir?comment_id=1808255&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 1992606, "profileUrl": "/profile/Alon-Nir", "givenName": "Alon", "familyName": "Nir"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"are you really going to launch Mar 11? :)\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 1808265, "creationTime": 1362123025052562, "url": "/What-is-the-best-payment-system-for-a-crowdfunding-platform-outside-the-US-We-are-planning-on-launching-our-platform-in-South-America/answer/Alon-Nir?comment_id=1808265&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 5735071, "profileUrl": "/profile/Akira-Uchimura-1", "givenName": "Akira", "familyName": "Uchimura"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Yes, beta launch with english first. Paypal has finally given us the GO sign and now working on this.\\n\", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"PayPal Adaptive Payments Pro PayFlow CodeIgniter Library | PHP | CodeIgniter\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"http://www.binpress.com/app/paypal-adaptive-payments-pro-payflow-codeigniter-library/140\"}}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Everything else is almost set. :)\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}]}]}, {"aid": 4923538, "url": "/What-is-the-best-payment-system-for-a-crowdfunding-platform-outside-the-US-We-are-planning-on-launching-our-platform-in-South-America/answer/Nick-Tanney", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"All of your concerns can be answered by IBM, they have one of the largest worldwide footprints, the only exceptions are: Africa and Antarctica. The platform is expensive however but transaction fees are almost non-existent.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 30311838, "givenName": "Nick", "familyName": "Tanney", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Nick-Tanney"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": true, "creationTime": 1398639258523347, "numViews": 219, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}]
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{"sections": [{"spans": [{"text": "Can religion exist without God and God exist without religion?", "modifiers": {}}], "indent": 0, "quoted": false, "type": "plain", "is_rtl": false}]}
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[{"aid": 2180617, "url": "/Can-religion-exist-without-God-and-God-exist-without-religion/answer/Timothy-Aaron-Clabo", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Religion can exist without God. The original Hindu version of Buddhism, before it mixed with Taoism, does not require a God. It is a philosophy of life that states everything is just a result of conditioned states, and we must peel back those states to free our souls. On the converse, yet God can exist without religion. For example, I consider myself of the Christian Faith, but not of the Christian religion. I believe that Religion as an organization destroys faith and spirituality and turns it into a system of capitalistic gain. God and spirituality still exists in my mind, but the focus is on a spiritual connection via prayer and deep meditation.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 13576522, "givenName": "Timothy", "familyName": "Aaron Clabo", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Timothy-Aaron-Clabo"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1362435879520155, "numViews": 2904, "numUpvotes": 9, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 7, "comments": [{"commentId": 2104774, "creationTime": 1368219220459630, "url": "/Can-religion-exist-without-God-and-God-exist-without-religion/answer/Timothy-Aaron-Clabo?comment_id=2104774&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 481376, "profileUrl": "/profile/Ho-Sheng-Hsiao", "givenName": "Ho-Sheng", "familyName": "Hsiao"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"That is a myth. \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"Amazon.com: Haunting the Buddha: Indian Popular Religions and the Formation of Buddhism (9780195168389): Robert DeCaroli: Books\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"http://www.amazon.com/Haunting-Buddha-Religions-Formation-Buddhism/dp/0195168380\"}}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"To quote the publisher's summary:\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Early European histories of India frequently reflected colonialist agendas. The idea that Indian society had declined from an earlier Golden Age helped justify the colonial presence. It was said, for example, that modern Buddhism had fallen away from its original identity as a purely rational philosophy that arose in the mythical 5th-century BCE Golden Age unsullied by the religious and cultural practices that surrounded it. In this book Robert DeCaroli seeks to place the formation of Buddhism in its appropriate social and political contexts. It is necessary, he says, to acknowledge that the monks and nuns who embodied early Buddhist ideals shared many beliefs held by the communities in which they were raised. In becoming members of the monastic society these individuals did not abandon their beliefs in the efficacy and the dangers represented by minor deities and spirits of the dead. Their new faith, however, gave them revolutionary new mechanisms with which to engage those supernatural beings.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}, {"commentId": 1821760, "creationTime": 1362452469324415, "url": "/Can-religion-exist-without-God-and-God-exist-without-religion/answer/Timothy-Aaron-Clabo?comment_id=1821760&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 5281057, "profileUrl": null, "givenName": "User", "familyName": ""}, "content": "", "comments": [{"commentId": 1821906, "creationTime": 1362455965404196, "url": "/Can-religion-exist-without-God-and-God-exist-without-religion/answer/Timothy-Aaron-Clabo?comment_id=1821906&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 13576522, "profileUrl": "/profile/Timothy-Aaron-Clabo", "givenName": "Timothy", "familyName": "Aaron Clabo"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"non-western religion class I took at my college. The text book of it was The World's Religions by Houston Smith. The professor had many books and articles he drew information on, if I ever meet the man again I will ask him. As for the christian faith, that comes from my own religious convictions that I drew up after years of studying religion and philosophy.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 1821922, "creationTime": 1362456209177326, "url": "/Can-religion-exist-without-God-and-God-exist-without-religion/answer/Timothy-Aaron-Clabo?comment_id=1821922&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 13576522, "profileUrl": "/profile/Timothy-Aaron-Clabo", "givenName": "Timothy", "familyName": "Aaron Clabo"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"http://buddhism.about.com/od/basicbuddhistteachings/a/buddhaatheism.htm\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}, {"commentId": 1821935, "creationTime": 1362456548482879, "url": "/Can-religion-exist-without-God-and-God-exist-without-religion/answer/Timothy-Aaron-Clabo?comment_id=1821935&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 5281057, "profileUrl": null, "givenName": "User", "familyName": ""}, "content": "", "comments": [{"commentId": 1821949, "creationTime": 1362457037992446, "url": "/Can-religion-exist-without-God-and-God-exist-without-religion/answer/Timothy-Aaron-Clabo?comment_id=1821949&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 13576522, "profileUrl": "/profile/Timothy-Aaron-Clabo", "givenName": "Timothy", "familyName": "Aaron Clabo"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I think I may have been unintentionally misleading in my wording. By Hindu Buddhism I mean the Buddhism that branched off the belief of Hinduism when Siddhartha Gautama left his caste system and became the Buddha of Buddhism. Hinduism is a religious system that does rely on Gods. Looking back, I could have written that better, it is a problem I find myself in many of times because of how my mind works.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 2104786, "creationTime": 1368219421208121, "url": "/Can-religion-exist-without-God-and-God-exist-without-religion/answer/Timothy-Aaron-Clabo?comment_id=2104786&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 481376, "profileUrl": "/profile/Ho-Sheng-Hsiao", "givenName": "Ho-Sheng", "familyName": "Hsiao"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"There's a big difference between popular religion and ... for a lack of a better word, the mystics, the hidden mysteries, secret doctrine. The things that such mystics say regardless of religion or region is remarkably similar; they are all talking about the same source. If you're talking about just the popular notion of gods, then yes, \\\"Hinduism is a religious system that does rely on Gods\\\".\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}]}]}]}]}, {"aid": 16538421, "url": "/Can-religion-exist-without-God-and-God-exist-without-religion/answer/Kevin-Carothers", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I was a Unitarian for awhile - It was more of a social club than a religion, per se - I don't think \\\"God\\\" was mentioned at all in the two years or so that I went.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\\\"Sunday Service\\\" consisted of meditation, poetry reading, lectures (from various \\\"experts\\\"; pol;iticians, etc.) about social issues, singing folk songs, listening to various musicians from the \\\"church\\\", and watching plays written by people from inside the congregation ... usually about their childhood, what it's like to be an immigrant, to be abused, etc.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Then lunch.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"But, some Unitarian churches swing more towards the mainstream-religion route. For me, it just got boring.... I'd rather sleep in.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 5260051, "givenName": "Kevin", "familyName": "Carothers", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Kevin-Carothers"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1445897778226911, "numViews": 1468, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 54552205, "url": "/Can-religion-exist-without-God-and-God-exist-without-religion/answer/Stephen-Meskin", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Ethical Culture is a religion for a majority of its members and EC takes no position on the existence God or gods.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"If there is a God or gods then no religion is needed. (An implication with a false premise is always valid.)\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 264475244, "givenName": "Stephen", "familyName": "Meskin", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Stephen-Meskin"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": true, "creationTime": 1503549430105052, "numViews": 105, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 26552922, "url": "/Can-religion-exist-without-God-and-God-exist-without-religion/answer/Faisal-Khan-531", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Buddhism and Jainism are religions which didn\\u2019t espouse any belief in God, so religions can exist without God and you can be religious without believing in God. As to the question whether God created religion, to answer this we have to firstly analyze whether God exists. If God doesn\\u2019t exist then clearly, religions created God. And if God exists as the God with capital \\u2018G\\u2019, the ultimate reality, having absolute knowledge or omniscience, then everything that exists, including all religions, is from God, the absolute creator, because absolute omniscience of God eliminates free will of man, hence everything that exists is the Handiwork of none but God. Read my book \\u2018God Examined\\u2019 to get an exhaustive analysis of the debate on free will - destiny and God, a book combining modern physics, philosophy, theology, biology, and engineering sciences to analyze whether God exists!\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Or read my Quora blog pieces: \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"If God is perfect, man cannot have free will\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"board_item\", \"board_item_id\": 2859430, \"url\": \"https://faisalkhanblog.quora.com/If-God-is-perfect-man-cannot-have-free-will\"}}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Do we need God to explain the origin of the universe?\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"board_item\", \"board_item_id\": 2859390, \"url\": \"https://faisalkhanblog.quora.com/Do-we-need-God-to-explain-the-origin-of-the-universe\"}}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Do we need God to explain the origin and complexity of the universe? The super string theory/M-theory, the origin of the universe with the Big Bang, its gradual evolution to produce life; the theory of natural selection and its ability to produce extremely complex creatures.\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"board_item\", \"board_item_id\": 2859380, \"url\": \"https://faisalkhanblog.quora.com/Do-we-need-God-to-explain-the-origin-and-complexity-of-the-universe-The-super-string-theory-M-theory-the-origin-of-the\"}}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 168479005, "givenName": "Faisal", "familyName": "Khan", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Faisal-Khan-531"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1471361609624971, "numViews": 2458, "numUpvotes": 11, "numShares": 1, "numComments": 1, "comments": [{"commentId": 75624338, "creationTime": 1539553444491305, "url": "/Can-religion-exist-without-God-and-God-exist-without-religion/answer/Faisal-Khan-531?comment_id=75624338&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 97357410, "profileUrl": "/profile/Asha-Angora", "givenName": "Asha", "familyName": "Angora"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Most of the religions in the world encourages the people to not have idols to worship but the most religions who follow monotheism or multiple gods have idols even few religions like Boddh, Jains etc. Who don't accept the existence of God. Actually every religion goes away from the basic principles of their religion and faith.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}, {"aid": 64376486, "url": "/Can-religion-exist-without-God-and-God-exist-without-religion/answer/Johnny-Shredderman", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Religion without God would be more a philosophy of life. They are also known as \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"non\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nontheistic_religion\"}}}, {\"text\": \"theistic religions\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nontheistic_religion\"}}}, {\"text\": \".\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Believing in God, but not in a religion is called \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"deism\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deism\"}}}, {\"text\": \". Deists believe a God started the universe, but then decided to stop interfering with it. So, they don't believe in a religion.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 271752613, "givenName": "Johnny", "familyName": "Shredderman", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Johnny-Shredderman"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1511614802718820, "numViews": 260, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 2163453, "url": "/Can-religion-exist-without-God-and-God-exist-without-religion/answer/Chris-Milton-1", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Religion does exist without God.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 3230047, "givenName": "Chris", "familyName": "Milton", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Chris-Milton-1"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": true, "creationTime": 1362090778455833, "numViews": 1831, "numUpvotes": 8, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 2, "comments": [{"commentId": 1820877, "creationTime": 1362430622992016, "url": "/Can-religion-exist-without-God-and-God-exist-without-religion/answer/Chris-Milton-1?comment_id=1820877&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 13774657, "profileUrl": "/profile/Martin-\u0160alata", "givenName": "Martin", "familyName": "\u0160alata"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"You don't need any religion to believe in God, to pray, worship or whatever you want and religion obviously doesn't need God's existence to dictate rules, gain money and power and smile on us\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}, {"commentId": 6698249, "creationTime": 1413518846931223, "url": "/Can-religion-exist-without-God-and-God-exist-without-religion/answer/Chris-Milton-1?comment_id=6698249&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 30719378, "profileUrl": "/profile/Rahul-Verma-131", "givenName": "Rahul", "familyName": "Verma"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I am not a Jain, but the philosophy of Jainism counters your argument. It's a religion that does not have a God.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}, {"aid": 197144790, "url": "/Can-religion-exist-without-God-and-God-exist-without-religion/answer/AiR-Institute-of-Realization", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"God is beyond religion! Religion is only the kindergarten of spirituality. Those who think that God belongs to religion do not know the meaning of God. God, as presented by religion, is only to help children to learn to pray - how else would you teach a child the meaning of God? We grow up with religion \\u2013 which is just a kindergarten but unfortunately, we also remain in this kindergarten all through our life. We need spirituality, which is the university to graduate in theology, to realize the Truth about God.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 160232331, "givenName": "AiR Institute of Realization", "familyName": "", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/AiR-Institute-of-Realization"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1581316059344391, "numViews": 119, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 2161638, "url": "/Can-religion-exist-without-God-and-God-exist-without-religion/answer/Alon-Shalev", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"There are examples of thinkers who espoused the creation or continuation of religion without the actual existence of a god, for social or political reasons. \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"Niccol\\u00f2 Machiavelli\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Niccol%C3%B2_Machiavelli\"}}}, {\"text\": \" is an old example of this (and an example of a cynical use of religion for political purposes), and a more contemporary and sincere example is \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"Mordecai Kaplan\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mordecai_Kaplan\"}}}, {\"text\": \".\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 12314267, "givenName": "Alon", "familyName": "Shalev", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Alon-Shalev"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1362061925240943, "numViews": 5415, "numUpvotes": 4, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 1, "comments": [{"commentId": 4877145, "creationTime": 1401837271737213, "url": "/Can-religion-exist-without-God-and-God-exist-without-religion/answer/Alon-Shalev?comment_id=4877145&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 2774821, "profileUrl": "/profile/Tobias-C-Brown", "givenName": "Tobias", "familyName": "C. Brown"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Don Cupitt also advocates for religion without god.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}, {"aid": 1477743729510403, "url": "/Can-religion-exist-without-God-and-God-exist-without-religion/answer/Donald-Aiden-Michaels-PhD", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"The concept of God and religion, in general, was created by people as a tool to control others and to explain the workings of nature in the most simplistic form, especially when science had not yet evolved.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"It is now considered useless in contemporary society.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 1394942798, "givenName": "Donald Aiden Michaels, PhD", "familyName": "", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Donald-Aiden-Michaels-PhD"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1704679922832379, "numViews": 88, "numUpvotes": 1, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 3, "comments": [{"commentId": 384607553, "creationTime": 1704816197570135, "url": "/Can-religion-exist-without-God-and-God-exist-without-religion/answer/Donald-Aiden-Michaels-PhD?comment_id=384607553&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 779608136, "profileUrl": "/profile/Wando-9", "givenName": "Wando", "familyName": ""}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Firat off\u2026 deep respect for both your intelligent content and your gentle responses. I struggled my whole life with the whole God thing. I really resonated with John Lennon\u2019s description, \u201cHe, She, or whatever it is\u2026\u201d\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Having recently learned of \u201cdark matter,\u201d (which apparently has been established since Einstein[?]), it makes \u201cGod\u201d make sense. Some physicist asserted that one cubic centimeter of dark matter contains more energy than the entire visible, \u201cphysical\u201d universe.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"For me, the most troublesome Bible verse was Jesus \u2018s comment, \u201cIf you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you could move a mountain.\u201d I have always thought, \u201cWhat on earth does that mean?\u201d\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Somehow the dark matter bit made the whole notion make sense. I was talking to a devout Muslim once (friend), and he said something to the effect that Christian\u2019s believe in 3 Gods: Father, Son, and Holy Ghost\u2026. like a nice little family. I told him, I don\u2019t think it works that way. (But in truth, the way churches tend to hard sell that point, I think that a lot of Christians believe exactly that.)\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"In Hebrews, there is an obscure verse that says, \u201cWherefore, seeing that we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses\u2026\u201d Scholars really debate over who those guys are.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"My thoughts today, subject to change tomorrow, are that God could be present-exist-own-be the dark matter. Like Hinduism suggests, we come from this place and return to this place. Jesus was a physical representation of what \u201cGod\u201d wanted us to know. The \u201cHoly Spirit\u201d (Jesus just called it \u201cthe spirit\u201d\u2014-no Holy\u2014 is simply a link between the entity (job description?) known as god and mortals, only it is a really dumbed down version so that we don\u2019t explode.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Just some random, unsolicited thoughts. No proselytizing here. And all thoughts are subject to change at a moments notice. (And you probably sense that I am working, evolving my way through an enormous amount of mis-teaching and brainwashing.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Again, thank you. You stimulate my thinking.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 384615232, "creationTime": 1704818613649873, "url": "/Can-religion-exist-without-God-and-God-exist-without-religion/answer/Donald-Aiden-Michaels-PhD?comment_id=384615232&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 1394942798, "profileUrl": "/profile/Donald-Aiden-Michaels-PhD", "givenName": "Donald Aiden Michaels, PhD", "familyName": ""}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\u201cAgain, thank you. You stimulate my thinking.\u201d\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Thank you, Wando. I'm pleased that you enjoyed my writing.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}, {"commentId": 384617248, "creationTime": 1704819284290289, "url": "/Can-religion-exist-without-God-and-God-exist-without-religion/answer/Donald-Aiden-Michaels-PhD?comment_id=384617248&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 1394942798, "profileUrl": "/profile/Donald-Aiden-Michaels-PhD", "givenName": "Donald Aiden Michaels, PhD", "familyName": ""}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\u201cHe, She, or whatever it is\u2026\u201d\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"In essence, your answer depends on the perspective and the individual holding it.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"The Bible was never intended to be interpreted literally; instead, it should be approached philosophically, taking into account the disparities in understanding over time.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"This ancient religion, dating back 2000 years, was written during a period when people were relatively primitive and lacked awareness.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"It provided explanations for the workings of the world, albeit in a simplistic way, often reflecting the prejudices and customs of the masses of that time.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"For instance, church bells were initially used to ward off perceived spirits, witches, and forest demons\u2014a belief that may seem nonsensical today.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"However, the early Christians, not being worldly in their views, required simple explanations for unexplained things.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"These were provided by appointed bishops and popes who, in turn, used their positions to amass power, wealth and control over the masses.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"The act of burning heretics at the stake served as a crude method of governance, instilling fear and signaling that those who disagreed would face severe consequences.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"It was through fear, among other factors, that many former pagans and others converted to Christianity, often under duress 'at the point of a sword.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Regardless of the label attached, religion has consistently functioned as a tool for shaping and influencing human behavior.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}]}, {"aid": 234149982, "url": "/Can-religion-exist-without-God-and-God-exist-without-religion/answer/Charanpreet-Singh-Deol-1", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Yes both can. As religion is a man made concept. There is only one religion. In true sense. And God don't need religion to exist god existed even before earth was formed to create it.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 913909165, "givenName": "Charanpreet", "familyName": "Singh Deol", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Charanpreet-Singh-Deol-1"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": true, "creationTime": 1597853617724660, "numViews": 90, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 10233953, "url": "/Can-religion-exist-without-God-and-God-exist-without-religion/answer/Alan-Person", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Can you separate God from religion? Yes. Please do. Religion has little or nothing to do with God. God has everything to do with all of creation and everything that moves within it. God did not create the bureaucracy that is religion. Users and exploiters did. God is available to everyone because we all dream and by writing our dreams we can learn to find the life-supporting help that is provided to us. Very few people do that so <99% of that help is wasted.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 43352427, "givenName": "Alan", "familyName": "Person", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Alan-Person"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1425397655972641, "numViews": 514, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 55754907, "url": "/Can-religion-exist-without-God-and-God-exist-without-religion/answer/Nate-Wheel", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Without God what is religion? It\\u2019s nothing. Everything in religion is about God. You would really have to work at the subject to root all the things that pertain to God. I\\u2019m not going to bother looking for them maybe the athiests would like to waste some more time cleaning out His appearances altogether. I think the definition of religion will have to change and you will be stuck having to create a humanist movement from the ground up as all the religions are not going to help you with that.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 280599310, "givenName": "Nate", "familyName": "Wheel", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Nate-Wheel"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1504616557042873, "numViews": 152, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 26556065, "url": "/Can-religion-exist-without-God-and-God-exist-without-religion/answer/Srimannarayana-V-Kandukuri-\u0c36\u0c4d\u0c30\u0c40\u0c2e\u0c28\u0c4d\u0c28\u0c3e\u0c30\u0c3e\u0c2f\u0c23", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"The question is:\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Can religion exist without God and God exist without religion?\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": true, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I mean to ask, can we be religious and still not believe in God? Has God created religion or has religion created God?\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": true, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"A religion advises its followers to follow certain customs/rituals, certain self-disciplinary methods like fasting, a holy text that describes the God, due to whom the religion came into existence.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Islam, Christianity, Sikhism, Judaism, and Shaivism, Saakteism, Vaishnavism, etc, that are being followed in the name of Hinduism, are religions.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\\u2014\\u2014\\u2014\\u2014\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"The purpose of any religion is to show direction towards spirituality.And, the spiritual concepts and practices make a human being \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"realise, not understand, the God within \", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \"oneself.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"The religion is like a guidepost\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \", which shows direction in which a particular lane/place is situated. The guidepost will not move alongwith the traveler. The traveler has to move along the direction, make enquiries and finally reach the destination.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Religion does not make the aspirant realise the God.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"The purpose of any religion is to inculcate a belief in the God, a self discipline by following certain customs.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"And, after gaining enough maturity, one has to discard the religion and move on to spirituality for realising the God, with the help of an accomplished Guru.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"So religion had evolved for God. And, it cannot exist without its God, though there are no different Gods, but one God.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"However, the concept of God can exist without a religion, because it is the spirituality, but not religion, that shows how to realise the God.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 96694951, "givenName": "Srimannarayana", "familyName": "V Kandukuri (\u0c36\u0c4d\u0c30\u0c40\u0c2e\u0c28\u0c4d\u0c28\u0c3e\u0c30\u0c3e\u0c2f\u0c23)", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Srimannarayana-V-Kandukuri-\u0c36\u0c4d\u0c30\u0c40\u0c2e\u0c28\u0c4d\u0c28\u0c3e\u0c30\u0c3e\u0c2f\u0c23"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1471366027994674, "numViews": 4239, "numUpvotes": 6, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 1, "comments": [{"commentId": 78107419, "creationTime": 1542214871188686, "url": "/Can-religion-exist-without-God-and-God-exist-without-religion/answer/Srimannarayana-V-Kandukuri-\u0c36\u0c4d\u0c30\u0c40\u0c2e\u0c28\u0c4d\u0c28\u0c3e\u0c30\u0c3e\u0c2f\u0c23?comment_id=78107419&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 177782569, "profileUrl": "/profile/Michael-McLaughlin-Siciliano", "givenName": "Michael", "familyName": "McLaughlin Siciliano"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I think you might of missed the point of the question. You talked about the nature of the relationship between god and religion. That doesn\u2019t tell the questioner if there are religions that do not involve god.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}, {"aid": 7550219, "url": "/Can-religion-exist-without-God-and-God-exist-without-religion/answer/Rahul-Verma-131", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Yes, both theoretically and in practice.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"There can be a religion without God: for example Jainism. There can be a God without religion: many if not most irreligious people do believe in God but not in religion.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"And then a single religion could provide schools of thought which cater to both of the above: Study about schools of thought in Hinduism.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 30719378, "givenName": "Rahul", "familyName": "Verma", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Rahul-Verma-131"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1413518971473926, "numViews": 903, "numUpvotes": 3, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 2, "comments": [{"commentId": 6703210, "creationTime": 1413552037449576, "url": "/Can-religion-exist-without-God-and-God-exist-without-religion/answer/Rahul-Verma-131?comment_id=6703210&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 38112237, "profileUrl": "/profile/Meghdoot-Dadegaonkar", "givenName": "Meghdoot", "familyName": "Dadegaonkar"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"The definition of Atheist is one who does not believe in god.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 6708217, "creationTime": 1413574964691127, "url": "/Can-religion-exist-without-God-and-God-exist-without-religion/answer/Rahul-Verma-131?comment_id=6708217&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 30719378, "profileUrl": "/profile/Rahul-Verma-131", "givenName": "Rahul", "familyName": "Verma"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"correction made. thanks.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}]}, {"aid": 2181190, "url": "/Can-religion-exist-without-God-and-God-exist-without-religion/answer/Patrick-Larsen", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"If there is a supreme being we call God, then that being's existence does not require humanity's (some %) belief in the being to exist. \\nIf there is no supreme being, people can still believe that there is one, then form religions around that belief, and be \\\"wrong\\\". \\nYou can be agnostic- which is believing in God but not belonging to any one religion.\\nYou can be a pagan- ascribing to a religion that believes in more than one God-> gods.\\nYou can live in a such a manner that most religious people would think you \\\"good\\\", \\\"pious\\\", \\\"gentle\\\", \\\"upright\\\", \\\"honorable\\\", \\\"conscientious\\\" though you do not ascribe to their particular religion- or any religion at all. There is a huge, huge amount of common ground between most major religions.\\nAlso, each person continues to create God and gods anew and has different feeling/thoughts/beliefs/superstitions about said being(s) throughout their lives and throughout time. Age, experiences, boons, tragedies all shape your belief (or lack their of).\\nYou happen to have a feeling about a monotheistic God that your ancestors and your children will probably not share- to one degree or another. \\nI wish you the best on your journey.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 3993150, "givenName": "Patrick", "familyName": "Larsen", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Patrick-Larsen"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1362447465000104, "numViews": 2130, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 21245953, "url": "/Can-religion-exist-without-God-and-God-exist-without-religion/answer/Abhishek-Rastogi-46", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"YES. Man is God-made. Religion is man-made.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"God created humans. Humans created religions. Religions divided people. People still say God is One. Yes, only in theory not in practice.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Religion: Set of Rules, principles, standards, guidelines written to be implemented and adhered by a person in order to improve his way of living, his life, his soul and mind. To improve on morality, humanity and to be an inspiration to others. In all good sense.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"God: A Super Natural Power? A synonym to Luck? Someone who is beyond explanation, who is above all of us in this world, or who created us and the nature? Someone who has been a hero in mythologies or who served the mankind with his superlative powers. Winner or good over evil. Abstract. Ultimately an Almighty.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"We get Religion and an associated God by default when we are born. We follow that religion and worship its God. We do criticise every other religion for one reason or the other and feel proud of our own.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"God is One. An invisible Super Natural Power or Energy. The humans gave it different forms of existence.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Religion is One. Humanity, which God gave to us by birth. Rest are all manmade.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 131748786, "givenName": "Abhishek", "familyName": "Rastogi", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Abhishek-Rastogi-46"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1459730387912272, "numViews": 1332, "numUpvotes": 9, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 2, "comments": [{"commentId": 70798521, "creationTime": 1534664618780069, "url": "/Can-religion-exist-without-God-and-God-exist-without-religion/answer/Abhishek-Rastogi-46?comment_id=70798521&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 83375336, "profileUrl": "/profile/K-Hong-13", "givenName": "K Hong", "familyName": ""}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"If man is God-made, it's illogical. Why God also made so many religions and all the monotheistic ones fought each other ? So this God must be man-made, its it ?\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}, {"commentId": 78107508, "creationTime": 1542214931070240, "url": "/Can-religion-exist-without-God-and-God-exist-without-religion/answer/Abhishek-Rastogi-46?comment_id=78107508&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 177782569, "profileUrl": "/profile/Michael-McLaughlin-Siciliano", "givenName": "Michael", "familyName": "McLaughlin Siciliano"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I think you might of missed the point of the question. You talked about the nature of the relationship between god and religion. That doesn\u2019t tell the questioner if there are religions that do not involve god.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}, {"aid": 39232856, "url": "/Can-religion-exist-without-God-and-God-exist-without-religion/answer/Faith-Firestone-1", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Original question:\", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \" Can religion exist without God and God exist without religion?\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Jainism and Buddhism are examples of two religions that exist without the belief in a diety (God).\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"God can most certainly exist WITHOUT religion. He is eternal and has existed before the creation of formal religions and will continue to exist the day those religions are no longer with us (if that ever happens).\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"If all religions were suddenly wiped off the Earth believers (theists) would most certainly continue believing in God and maybe even moreso since it would take a supernaturally divine event/being (God) to \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"suddenly\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \" wipe religions from Earth.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 256752894, "givenName": "Faith", "familyName": "Firestone", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Faith-Firestone-1"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1489601536224857, "numViews": 612, "numUpvotes": 1, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 32818804, "url": "/Can-religion-exist-without-God-and-God-exist-without-religion/answer/Anders-Borg-1", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"It\\u2019s pretty clear religion can exist without any evidence of a god.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 20712735, "givenName": "Anders", "familyName": "Borg", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Anders-Borg-1"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": true, "creationTime": 1482278564268199, "numViews": 167, "numUpvotes": 1, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 13349453, "url": "/Can-religion-exist-without-God-and-God-exist-without-religion/answer/Al-Klein", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Since religion is th belief in a supernatural creator, religion can't exist without A god. Many religions don't believe in God, they believe in other gods.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Man created religion for two purposes - to explain things we had no explanation for (some people just can't accept \\\"we don't know\\\", they need a reason, even if it's made up and is later proved nonsense) and for the profit of those running it (IOW, a scam or, in the case of Christianity, a protection racket).\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 31094428, "givenName": "Al", "familyName": "Klein", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Al-Klein"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1434519179086195, "numViews": 132, "numUpvotes": 1, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 3907639, "url": "/Can-religion-exist-without-God-and-God-exist-without-religion/answer/John-Trevithick", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Religion: \\\"\", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power...\", \"modifiers\": {\"italic\": true}}, {\"text\": \"\\\" (OED.) \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"God \", \"modifiers\": {\"italic\": true}}, {\"text\": \"and \\\"superhuman controlling power\\\" are synonyms, yes?\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"It depends on how we define \\\"God\\\", and I guess how we define \\\"worship\\\". In fact, that could be a way of viewing different religions - as different definitions of God combined with different approaches to worship.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Some (perhaps extreme) examples:\\n\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"fundamentalism: God = \\\"a hidden supernatural entity with life-and-death control over all of us\\\"; worship = \\\"making sure we are on his side when the shit hits the fan\\\".\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"pantheism: God = \\\"the thousand faces of nature\\\"; worship = \\\"respecting everything, just in case\\\".\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"science: God = \\\"the unknown laws of the universe\\\"; worship = \\\"learning the unknown\\\".\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"atheism: God = \\\"a collective idea created by human beings\\\"; worship = \\\"resisting social pressure to externalize the internal\\\".\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"psychology: God = \\\"the hidden workings of our own mind\\\"; worship = \\\"learning to see deeper truths about ourselves\\\".\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Okay, some of the examples are ... provocative, shall I say.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Looking at the above definitions, \\\"God\\\" would have existed first, and religions came later as an attempt to understand God. So God doesn't need religion - \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"we\", \"modifiers\": {\"italic\": true}}, {\"text\": \" do.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"But it isn't a religion without something big and unknown at the center.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 1269873, "givenName": "John", "familyName": "Trevithick", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/John-Trevithick"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1389730396618068, "numViews": 1763, "numUpvotes": 4, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 25672293, "url": "/Can-religion-exist-without-God-and-God-exist-without-religion/answer/Daniel-Gerber-7", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Can religion exist without God:\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"There are two ways to answer this with \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"yes\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \".\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Firstly, imagine that Christianity is false. Imagine that there is no Christian God. The religion still exists. If you can\\u2019t imagine that Christianity is false, then you probably have no difficulty imagining that Sikhism is false. Yet the Sikh religion still exists, and still believes in God, although, incorrectly. So clearly religion can exist without God, if the religion \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"thinks\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \" that God exists.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Secondly: you use big-G \\u201cGod\\u201d. There are many - probably most - religions that don\\u2019t have a concept of big-G \\u201cGod\\u201d at all. Even in Hinduism, the ultimate reality is so ineffable, so completely beyond our imagination, that Hindus generally spend little time thinking about it, and instead concentrateon the thousands of lesser, small-g, gods, who like the ancient Roman gods are not superlative in any way. They\\u2019re not, AFAIK, omnipotent or omnitient or all-loving or any of those other meaningless words that get thrown around about big-G God concepts, particularly in Islam and Christianity.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"There\\u2019s been legal challenges in several jurisdictions about what makes up a religion, and most jurisdictions where it\\u2019s been tested say that a religion must have teachings about the supernatural - or sometimes, must have beliefs in something supernatural. But there are many supernatural things that are not God. Even the gods of Tibetan Buddhism should probably more accurately be called angels.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"So there are plenty of religions which do not make claims about the existence of God. Most forms of Buddhism; Scientology; Daoism; Wicca; etc. Of course, this doesn\\u2019t mean that God does not exist. If those religions are wrong, and Islam is right, then God does exist. But even so, they show that religion could exist even if God does not exist.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 64101266, "givenName": "Daniel", "familyName": "Gerber", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Daniel-Gerber-7"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1469558423244457, "numViews": 2336, "numUpvotes": 1, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 32774583, "url": "/Can-religion-exist-without-God-and-God-exist-without-religion/answer/Christophe-Schermesser", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"It depends who you ask I guess:\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"assuming God exists:\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"God of course will go on existing, even without religions (or Humans)\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 1, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"religion can always exist without God because you could be worshipping an non-existant Invisible Flying Tea Pot. That would be the situation for over 4000 religions, meaning all but one (or a group of religions based on the same God, just worshipping differently)\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 1, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"assuming God doesn\\u2019t exist:\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"God cannot exist without religion (God only exist in the minds of the believers, so I don\\u2019t know if it counts)\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 1, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"religion can always exist without God because you could be worshipping an non-existant Invisible Flying Tea Pot. That would be the situation for over 4000 religions, with no exceptions.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 1, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I\\u2019d like to mention that there are religions with no gods in the sense of the Abrahamic religions. Some people believe that Nature is to be revered, though Nature isn\\u2019t really a God character, it\\u2019s not omniscient, omnipotent, or anything like that.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 24236747, "givenName": "Christophe", "familyName": "Schermesser", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Christophe-Schermesser"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1482223096068766, "numViews": 680, "numUpvotes": 1, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 52571560, "url": "/Can-religion-exist-without-God-and-God-exist-without-religion/answer/Heidi-paul-Broberg", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"To my way of thinking, \\u201creligion\\u201d ie the intellectual or ritualistic Christian practices of many sects can appear genuine but are in fact a type of pseudo-Christianity that can completely and very effectively mask the actual truth of what should be \\u201ctrue faith\\u201d that happens through the alone-Power of the Holy Spirit. So what Im saying simply put .. is that just because you see a church with a steeple and a priest dosnt necessarily mean that all those who go there are really true Christians. .. but rather \\u201creligious. \\u201d Many go because they truly \\u201creligiously-believe\\u201d that's the \\u201cright place\\u201d to be seen, even though there never was any true repentance or true commitment. (ie Just because you are parked in a garage, dosnt make you a car!)\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"No God never created \\u201creligion\\u201d. Rituals WERE a part of Temple worship with very specifically God- inspied and instructed traditional practices . ie the things that were required in the ancient Israelite Temples was done by and through God \\u2019s instructions to those Priests who were ordained by GOD and these things were then written and recorded in the Scriptures. That these then became \\u201creligion\\u201d to some meant that men became obsessed with the \\u201cpractice of the rituals\\u201d as his religion to the point that they became an end in themselves. (God was an excyse for them to do all these do-so's) Even if the Spirit of God wanted to move those guys forward into breaking away from their traditions they were so stuck to them you would have to beat them out of it becsuse they had been so caught in that whirlpool of \\u201creligious tradition\\u201d that they would have been shamed if they varied.. The Pharisees were a very good example. (They were stuck in \\u201creligious\\u201d correctness which prescribed you did no work on the Sabbath\\u2026..not EVEN to heal a person of sickness !!! which then would have been TRUE charity .. and this religious spirit was what confronted Jesus and ultimately led to His conviction .\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"You will notice that it was always the \\u201creligious\\u201d people who gave Jesus the most uphill !! (Actually .. i always found it quite entertaining that they had become SO arrogant that they could have thought fit to challenge God in the name of a bunch of misinterpreted \\u201creligious\\u201d traditions. Mistakenly they thought it demonstrated their righteousness!) What!!\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Lastly .. GOD was there LONG before anything else ever was so nothing and no-one \\u201ccreated God\\u201d. GOD is THE Creator snd the Spirit of, and over all creation. GOD spoke over the void of nothing and \\u201cthings\\u201d were .. not the other way around.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 226203805, "givenName": "Heidi (paul)-Broberg", "familyName": "", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Heidi-paul-Broberg"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1501884607296865, "numViews": 648, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 46039425, "url": "/Can-religion-exist-without-God-and-God-exist-without-religion/answer/Roy-McCord-1", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\\u201cgod\\u201d, doesn\\u2019t exist. So clearly religion can exist without \\u201cgod\\u201d.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"All you need for religion is people willing to sell you a story for some money. The more fantastic the tale, the better the payout.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"More to the point religion is just a rule book, some singing, and rituals. There doesn\\u2019t have to be a deity you believe in to adhere to most if not all of what being religious entail, other than the believing in god, or confessing to believe in god.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I do, in fact believe that there are a good many religious people who don\\u2019t believe in god, but don\\u2019t want to admit it because of fear of what other people will think. So they speak the magic words, and attend the ceremonies, and pay the priests. You can often tell these people because they do religion when they do religion, but it doesn\\u2019t carry into the rest of their life. They aren\\u2019t seen following their religion except around others who are doing the same.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"If your religion for a simplistic example says give everything you have to the poor, but you keep most all of your money yourself\\u2026\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Another one might be if your religion says you can\\u2019t drink but you go to the bar every Friday night\\u2026\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"They don\\u2019t really believe, but they say the words and pay the fees so they can fit in with the rest of society who claims they believe, without living the life.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Oh, and religion created the idea of \\u201cgod\\u201d but there is no actual deity matching the description. Religious people were sold an empty box with an invoice saying its full of stuff, but you can\\u2019t see it, or weigh it, its invisible and has no mass.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Whats the difference between a box full of god, and an empty box? The fool buying it.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 3104977, "givenName": "Roy", "familyName": "McCord", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Roy-McCord-1"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1496171604276714, "numViews": 1084, "numUpvotes": 2, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 1, "comments": [{"commentId": 112904243, "creationTime": 1570859418878178, "url": "/Can-religion-exist-without-God-and-God-exist-without-religion/answer/Roy-McCord-1?comment_id=112904243&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 65165453, "profileUrl": "/profile/Ryan-Turner-28", "givenName": "Ryan", "familyName": "Turner"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Atheism is not religion\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}, {"aid": 278849897, "url": "/Can-religion-exist-without-God-and-God-exist-without-religion/answer/Bruce-Robinson-3", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Religion can exist without a belief in God. Many members of the Unitarian Universalist Church in the U.S. and Unitarian Churchs elsewhere are Atheists who have no belief in a God or are Agnostics who have been unable to determine whether one or more Gods exist. See www.religioustolerance.org/u-u.htm\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 10244429, "givenName": "Bruce", "familyName": "Robinson", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Bruce-Robinson-3"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1619524012099005, "numViews": 57, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 278860230, "url": "/Can-religion-exist-without-God-and-God-exist-without-religion/answer/Bob-Gilbert-14", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I propose answer to the second part of the question:\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"God exists - His essence is his own existence. He has always existed - He created all else that exists, out of His own being. He created time, space, matter, life in all its variety.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"God has revealed Himself - or we could know nothing about Him. He is a communicating being, and He created beings able to receive and return communications. He created angels to serve Him, and His creation; He created man and woman in His own image - which means at least, able to communicate, and able to make real choices.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Religions are man\\u2019s attempt to sort out God and existence. Without reference to revelation from God. God and His existence is not affected by religions.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Man chose sin, acting against the revealed will of God. This put separation (death) between God and man.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"But God, never surprised, planned to sacrifice a substitute to take the death due to sinning man, His own perfect Son, who was always god, but ...\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 293922762, "givenName": "Bob", "familyName": "Gilbert", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Bob-Gilbert-14"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1619527880455576, "numViews": 63, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}]
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\"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Every employee IS a business person, but perhaps he or she is not aware of it, so his/her business duties are neglected.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Even while holding a full-time job and providing SERVICES, you can also make money by:\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"creating products\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"teaching what you know\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"becoming a consultant\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", 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they can be more demanding than if you worked for a company.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 1665832784, "givenName": "Walter", "familyName": "Richards", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Walter-Richards-26"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": true, "creationTime": 1654103193278524, "numViews": 33, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 359350641, "url": "/I-was-wondering-if-anybody-can-give-me-some-ideas-on-how-I-can-make-some-money-working-on-my-own/answer/Mlaba-Mlaba", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Don't be fast to pay yourself when you own a business, regenerate more profit by putting it back to the business so that it will multiple itself , until it worth you to earn your salary.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 746124554, 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\"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"and much more\\u2026\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"but all that depends on what background and experience that you currently have or willing to learn to be able to start earning.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 154610426, "givenName": "Khalaf", "familyName": "Taha", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Khalaf-Taha"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1547265311680534, "numViews": 39, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}]
{"sections": [{"spans": [{"text": "What is the best way to measure unit test quality consistently across a portfolio of projects?", "modifiers": {}}], "indent": 0, "quoted": false, "type": "plain", "is_rtl": false}]}
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[{"aid": 4194725, "url": "/What-is-the-best-way-to-measure-unit-test-quality-consistently-across-a-portfolio-of-projects/answer/Jared-Brown", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I'm not a huge fan of the code coverage metric. It's rudimentary. Telling you that your tests run 54% of your code doesn't tell you much. Sure it means that you've written a fair number of tests. But even if you reach 100% it doesn't ensure that you are testing the right things. You may have one test for an entire function or method that indeed does exercise all of its code. But if there were a condition in it that was being met in that test you are not testing what happens when that condition is not met. I think the code coverage metric is used because there really aren't any other metrics that are easy to compute.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"One metric that would be interesting to track would be the number of exceptions your code produces over a unit of time. Ultimately the goal of unit testing is to catch and prevent such exceptions (bugs) from reaching production. So I would watch that metric closely.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Another metric would be time spent writing unit tests vs time spent writing code as a ratio. This could be a useless metric, but like code coverage, at least you know you're in the correct range. If you're spend 10 times as much time writing code as you do unit tests something is probably off.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"In the end I'm not sure there is one or even two good metrics to look at. Unit testing is somewhat of an art form so measuring it is difficult.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 46593, "givenName": "Jared", "familyName": "Brown", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Jared-Brown"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1392903421295548, "numViews": 1573, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}]
{"sections": [{"spans": [{"text": "Is there such thing as beta in real estate?", "modifiers": {}}], "indent": 0, "quoted": false, "type": "plain", "is_rtl": false}]}
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[{"aid": 3016252, "url": "/Is-there-such-thing-as-beta-in-real-estate/answer/Christopher-Telles", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I've not seen beta as a component to risk analysis used on the institutional side of underwriting.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"That said, there are fairly newer indexes (case schiller for example) that could be used as a baseline to measure beta, but the indexes are just 1/2 decades worth of measures. With real estate cycles typically running 7-10 years many more cycles if measurement is needed to identify anomalies in markets and make the data useful for the measurement of beta.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 2599991, "givenName": "Christopher", "familyName": "Telles", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Christopher-Telles"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1377224617094119, "numViews": 791, "numUpvotes": 2, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 3485864, "url": "/Is-there-such-thing-as-beta-in-real-estate/answer/Mark-Harrison-2", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"It's not a normal thing to observe, because real estate is a market with neither liquidity nor fungibility of assets.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 840273, "givenName": "Mark", "familyName": "Harrison", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Mark-Harrison-2"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": true, "creationTime": 1384039795577838, "numViews": 649, "numUpvotes": 1, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 1, "comments": [{"commentId": 3125019, "creationTime": 1385655687627216, "url": "/Is-there-such-thing-as-beta-in-real-estate/answer/Mark-Harrison-2?comment_id=3125019&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 221001153, "profileUrl": null, "givenName": "Annalise", "familyName": "Cameron"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I'm still not sure. In America at least, comping is standard for appraisals, which means though not fully \\\"fungible\\\", one asset is similar to another. Of course liquidity is relative. Homes are not a FTSE stock, but if priced at the market there's typically a buyer within a reasonable amount of time.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}]
{"sections": [{"spans": [{"text": "Is the reason Spotify's Mac app does not support Airplay technical, commercial or something else?", "modifiers": {}}], "indent": 0, "quoted": false, "type": "plain", "is_rtl": false}]}
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[{"aid": 2181590, "url": "/Is-the-reason-Spotifys-Mac-app-does-not-support-Airplay-technical-commercial-or-something-else/answer/Nicky-Semenza", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I beleive it is a commercial reason. The reason the iOS app supports it is because airplay is built into the core i/o of the OS. If you want to stream spotify over airplay, you can use \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"http://www.rogueamoeba.com/airfoil/\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"http://www.rogueamoeba.com/airfoil/\"}}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 5073854, "givenName": "Nicky", "familyName": "Semenza", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Nicky-Semenza"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": true, "creationTime": 1362456050640070, "numViews": 529, "numUpvotes": 1, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 1, "comments": [{"commentId": 1826637, "creationTime": 1362552918661746, "url": "/Is-the-reason-Spotifys-Mac-app-does-not-support-Airplay-technical-commercial-or-something-else/answer/Nicky-Semenza?comment_id=1826637&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 988291, "profileUrl": "/profile/Michael-Fink", "givenName": "Michael", "familyName": "Fink"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I'm aware of Airfoil. But the total user experience falls way short of 'it just works'.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"For Mac users the lack of Airplay seems like a significant barrier to adoption, especially when competitors (like MOG) include it. For an enterprise as big as Spotify is, and wants to be, I struggle to believe it's not worth throwing the necessary money to develop the inbuilt functionality.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}]
{"sections": [{"spans": [{"text": "What design patterns can we implement in C language?", "modifiers": {}}], "indent": 0, "quoted": false, "type": "plain", "is_rtl": false}]}
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[{"aid": 2161687, "url": "/What-design-patterns-can-we-implement-in-C-language/answer/Miguel-Paraz", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"The common design patterns can all be implemented in C. You just need to make your own object-oriented framework on top of C, which might not be practical. Without OO, most patterns won't make sense. For example, creational patterns are nothing special since one would move memory allocation and struct initialization to their own functions.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Those that could be used without objects and instead with function pointers include the Command, Adapter, and Facade patterns.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 229089, "givenName": "Miguel", "familyName": "Paraz", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Miguel-Paraz"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1362062543071093, "numViews": 7693, "numUpvotes": 11, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 1, "comments": [{"commentId": 59389021, "creationTime": 1523800877097081, "url": "/What-design-patterns-can-we-implement-in-C-language/answer/Miguel-Paraz?comment_id=59389021&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 33350057, "profileUrl": "/profile/Vicente-Adolfo-Bolea-S\u00e1nchez", "givenName": "Vicente", "familyName": "Adolfo Bolea S\u00e1nchez"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"You totally missed the point. Design patterns refers to certain classes relation to solve and architectural problem. Refer to GoF design patterns\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}, {"aid": 30566254, "url": "/What-design-patterns-can-we-implement-in-C-language/answer/Keith-Beckman-1", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"All of them. In fact, in C, even object-orientation becomes a \\u201cdesign pattern\\u201d. See the design of the Linux kernel for examples of the \\u201cobject pattern\\u201d. The \\u201cobject pattern\\u201d as used in the Linux kernel (and I think largely because of the influence of its coding practices, elsewhere) is a struct containing both data fields and function pointer fields, the functions pointed to all taking a first \\u201cthis\\u201d parameter of the type of that struct.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"This allows very OOP-like \\u201cmethods\\u201d to be written. Since \\u201cdesign patterns\\u201d are simply idioms that don\\u2019t have first-class language support, the naming of the first parent-struct-typed parameter \\u201cthis\\u201d in the \\u201cobject pattern\\u201d is idiomatic, whereas in C++-family languages, \\u201cthis\\u201d is actually a language keyword.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 24297145, "givenName": "Keith", "familyName": "Beckman", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Keith-Beckman-1"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1478766846068050, "numViews": 6367, "numUpvotes": 1, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 2, "comments": [{"commentId": 54314034, "creationTime": 1518513441497714, "url": "/What-design-patterns-can-we-implement-in-C-language/answer/Keith-Beckman-1?comment_id=54314034&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 96772941, "profileUrl": "/profile/Henry-Hallan", "givenName": "Henry", "familyName": "Hallan"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"This is also how C++ implements classes: they are structures which contain functions. The only difference is that the C programmer must do explicitly what C++ does behind the scenes. Or, to put it in C terms, the programmer can choose to optimise the object pattern implementation to best suit the performance requirements of the application.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 54335957, "creationTime": 1518536482290835, "url": "/What-design-patterns-can-we-implement-in-C-language/answer/Keith-Beckman-1?comment_id=54335957&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 24297145, "profileUrl": "/profile/Keith-Beckman-1", "givenName": "Keith", "familyName": "Beckman"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Exactly. I was attempting to point out the only difference between a \u201cdesign pattern\u201d and a \u201clanguage feature\u201d is having the design pattern implemented behind some pretty syntax by the compiler author.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}]}, {"aid": 17909972, "url": "/What-design-patterns-can-we-implement-in-C-language/answer/Nail-Yuce", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Any Design Patterns can be implemented in C language. Design Patterns are common solutions to common needs, that you can implement in any programming language which you prefer. You might like the book \\\"Pattern in C\\\" by Adam Tornhill\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\", \"modifiers\": {\"image\": \"https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-c8aa421acafb5623e92c3c5483c37392.webp\", \"height\": 417, \"width\": 301, \"master_url\": \"https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-c8aa421acafb5623e92c3c5483c37392-lq\", \"is_deleted\": false, \"is_sensitive\": false, \"is_uploaded_by_bot\": false, \"zoomable\": true, \"dominant_color\": \"#ffffff\"}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"image\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 113850775, "givenName": "Nail", "familyName": "Yuce", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Nail-Yuce"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1450479777612436, "numViews": 3488, "numUpvotes": 1, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 5190369, "url": "/What-design-patterns-can-we-implement-in-C-language/answer/Asher-Syed-1", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Design Patterns are based on Object Oriented Programming and C language predates them. It is not recommended to implement design patterns in C. Use C++ for design patterns.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"There may be some patterns implemented in C but it is not worth the effort as C is mostly used for systems programming nowadays and there are severe code size constraints in embedded systems.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"The most important concept in software engineering is not re-inventing the wheel and using the most appropriate tool for the problem at hand.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 19385852, "givenName": "Asher", "familyName": "Syed", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Asher-Syed-1"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1400478713543756, "numViews": 4114, "numUpvotes": 2, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 2, "comments": [{"commentId": 4925250, "creationTime": 1402180509040422, "url": "/What-design-patterns-can-we-implement-in-C-language/answer/Asher-Syed-1?comment_id=4925250&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 6802061, "profileUrl": "/profile/Raghu-Teja-1", "givenName": "Raghu", "familyName": "Teja"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"To my understanding Design Patterns are generic approaches to solve a Software Design problem. They are language agnostic. Given a pattern, some language supports the implementation of that pattern natively, while in some others you may have to hack around. I think question is about the list of those design patterns which are implementable in C.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 26185595, "creationTime": 1478766595869683, "url": "/What-design-patterns-can-we-implement-in-C-language/answer/Asher-Syed-1?comment_id=26185595&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 24297145, "profileUrl": "/profile/Keith-Beckman-1", "givenName": "Keith", "familyName": "Beckman"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"You\u2019re correct. The author of this answer is probably a student, and doesn\u2019t know much about higher programming concepts. It\u2019s an understandable mistake for someone who\u2019s only studied design patterns in the context of C++ or Java.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}]}]
{"sections": [{"spans": [{"text": "What are the different kinds of jobs in a software industry?", "modifiers": {}}], "indent": 0, "quoted": false, "type": "plain", "is_rtl": false}]}
{ "uid": 13757392, "givenName": "Rahul", "familyName": "Mallik", "isMachineAnswerBot": false }
[{"aid": 9608774, "url": "/What-are-the-different-kinds-of-jobs-in-a-software-industry/answer/Soumya-Mukherjee", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Thanks for the A2A. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Broadly, software jobs can be categorized into two domains ( this will be helpful for freshers like you) . These domains are- Product-based and Service-based jobs. In fact, the entire industry is bifurcated into these two domains, so you'll hear 'Service-based company' and 'Product-based company' a lot. I have worked in both , and know of many people who have worked in both, so here's what you need to know about these two: \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Product-based: \", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \"The companies in this category are the ones who make the various software products. These products are entirely developed , tested, and shipped from these companies. There are various kinds of roles that one can come across in this domain, primarily, Software Dev Engineer, Test Engineer, Software Architect , Programmer etc. Eg- Microsoft, Google , Amazon, VMWare, Flipkart etc. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Service-based: \", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \"The companies in this category are the ones who provide professional services. They will develop solutions using the products developed by product-based companies, and will sell the solutions to their clients. Basically , these are the ones who are responsible in bringing business to themselves as well as to their product-based counterparts. Roles in these companies are- Analyst, Consultant etc. Eg- Deloitte, PwC , Cognizant , TCS , Infosys etc. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Differences b/w these two: \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Service-based have client-facing work, means you will get to interact with your clients and work to achieve whatever your clients need. You will give advise or \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"consultation \", \"modifiers\": {\"italic\": true}}, {\"text\": \"to them. Product-based usually don't have such kind of opportunities. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Product-based have more money, more perks and more flexibility , because you're only concerned with the product that you're developing. You don't have to worry about the client deadlines and their needs, you need only worry about these things that are relevant to your product. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Service-based improves your soft-skills, because you get to interact with professionals. If you want to move to a managerial role in later stage of your life, you should look to work in this domain. Product-based will be more technical, so if you aspire to become a tech specialist , interested in programming , you should look for this domain. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"At the end of the day, it's your call. However, switching from one domain to another at the beginning of your career is easy , and it will also help you take a decision as to where do you want grow in the later part of your career. Hope this helps.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 5700918, "givenName": "Soumya", "familyName": "Mukherjee", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Soumya-Mukherjee"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1423042195214309, "numViews": 10075, "numUpvotes": 31, "numShares": 2, "numComments": 3, "comments": [{"commentId": 90446670, "creationTime": 1554058258009271, "url": "/What-are-the-different-kinds-of-jobs-in-a-software-industry/answer/Soumya-Mukherjee?comment_id=90446670&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 64163044, "profileUrl": "/profile/Murthy-Janamanchi", "givenName": "Murthy", "familyName": "Janamanchi"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Very informative to newbies of it like me\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}, {"commentId": 193799457, "creationTime": 1618139088067226, "url": "/What-are-the-different-kinds-of-jobs-in-a-software-industry/answer/Soumya-Mukherjee?comment_id=193799457&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 405586634, "profileUrl": "/profile/Gnanamurugan-P", "givenName": "Gnanamurugan", "familyName": "P"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Yeah. Your answer is very excellent with good explanation. It will be very helpful to me to guide my ward. Now he is studying x std and willing to become data scientist.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}, {"commentId": 193800658, "creationTime": 1618139840187715, "url": "/What-are-the-different-kinds-of-jobs-in-a-software-industry/answer/Soumya-Mukherjee?comment_id=193800658&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 405586634, "profileUrl": "/profile/Gnanamurugan-P", "givenName": "Gnanamurugan", "familyName": "P"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Yeah. Your answer is very excellent with good explanation. It will be very helpful to me to guide my ward. Now he is studying x std and willing to become data scientist.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}, {"aid": 348685789, "url": "/What-are-the-different-kinds-of-jobs-in-a-software-industry/answer/Job-Reddy", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"IT workers assist organizations in maintaining their digital infrastructure as well as providing troubleshooting assistance to technology users. IT specialists are in high demand because they can help others keep up with technology advancements and security precautions. You may have questions regarding the types of IT jobs accessible because IT is such a broad business with so many options.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"IT professions exist in a variety of shapes and sizes, and the field continues to grow in demand as the world gets more digital. IT professionals may specialise in hardware or software development, security threat analysis, or technical support. Many of these occupations offer advancement opportunities as well as significant pay.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Network administrator\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Network administrators are in charge of overseeing computer networks and resolving any issues that may develop.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"User experience designer\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"A user experience (UX) designer is in charge of all aspects of product development, including sales, branding, usability, and functionality. They gather and analyze consumer feedback in order to understand what a product need.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Systems analyst\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"A systems analyst examines design elements and applies information technology skills to solve business problems. They identify infrastructure changes that could help businesses and IT departments run more smoothly.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Database administrator\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Database managers use specialized software for configuration, security, and performance to organize and track data.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Software application packager\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Companies use software application packagers to create software installation packages for their desktop and laptop computers. They create file bundles with the essential programs to aid staff in their work.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Full-stack developer\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Full-stack developers work on both the frontend and backend of websites or applications, including databases. The part of a program that a user sees is referred to as frontend development, whereas the coding and infrastructure behind the application is referred to as backend development.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Senior software engineer\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Senior software engineers use their math and computer science skills to develop and upgrade new software. They may work on corporate apps, operating systems, and network control systems, all of which are examples of software that companies employ to scale their IT infrastructure.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Data scientist\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"A data scientist examines and organizes data in order to identify patterns that can be used to impact business choices. Statistics and machine learning are used in their methodologies and IT tools to help collect and process data from a firm, such as financial records, sales, prospects, and lead generation.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Development operations engineer\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"A development operations engineer collaborates with both the development and operations teams to improve software development processes. These professionals communicate with each other on a frequent basis in order to promptly resolve issues.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Cloud engineer\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Cloud engineers investigate and implement methods for migrating an organization's existing infrastructure to cloud-based technologies. Cloud systems are data storage and management systems that are hosted on remote servers. Once the data and information has been transferred to the new system, these people must maintain it.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"IT security specialist\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"IT security experts keep an eye on a company's networks and systems for potential security concerns. They may encrypt networks to protect sensitive data and update anti-virus and malware systems. These experts also devise strategies for recovering data in the event of unauthorized access.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"For IT & Software Courses \\u2013 Visit Techademy Online.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 318624999, "givenName": "Job", "familyName": "Reddy", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Job-Reddy"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1649341049880483, "numViews": 499, "numUpvotes": 1, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}]
{"sections": [{"spans": [{"text": "Ext JS: why Ext JS is a niche skill?", "modifiers": {}}], "indent": 0, "quoted": false, "type": "plain", "is_rtl": false}]}
{ "uid": 8406175, "givenName": "Ananth", "familyName": "Bhaskar", "isMachineAnswerBot": false }
[{"aid": 3175159, "url": "/Ext-JS-why-Ext-JS-is-a-niche-skill/answer/Michael-Barber-4", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I wouldn't say it's a niche skill, the techniques I employ in extjs transfer to other frameworks like backbonejs. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"If anything I would say extjs is a little more rigid than others.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Perhaps you could clarify what you mean by niche or perhaps provide context ?\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 4101028, "givenName": "Michael", "familyName": "Barber", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Michael-Barber-4"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1379480096388144, "numViews": 1491, "numUpvotes": 2, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}]
{"sections": [{"spans": [{"text": "Why the chosen colors for the headers (bright red and blue) don't look appropriate on a luxury goods website?", "modifiers": {}}], "indent": 0, "quoted": false, "type": "plain", "is_rtl": false}]}
{ "uid": 221001153, "givenName": "Annalise", "familyName": "Cameron", "isMachineAnswerBot": false }
{"sections": [{"spans": [{"text": "Is it worthwhile to read \"Struts: The Complete Reference\" or better to read less detailed tutorials?", "modifiers": {}}], "indent": 0, "quoted": false, "type": "plain", "is_rtl": false}]}
{ "uid": 5109586, "givenName": "Vladimir", "familyName": "Frolov", "isMachineAnswerBot": false }
[{"aid": 3377640, "url": "/Is-it-worthwhile-to-read-Struts-The-Complete-Reference-or-better-to-read-less-detailed-tutorials/answer/Loh-Kok-Hoe", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I think you should read both because you are a professional and should have indeed knowledge about Struts. Since this is your professional, and you should take it seriously. It has nothing to do on whether you want to be a Struts guru. Besides Struts, you should also look into Spring as well, because you don't want to limit yourself on Struts on the MVC issue. Try not limit yourself only Struts, and read more because your are a professional.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 7925534, "givenName": "Loh", "familyName": "Kok Hoe", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Loh-Kok-Hoe"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1382420133586559, "numViews": 308, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}]
{"sections": [{"spans": [{"text": "What it is like to be considered as an \"unattractive Indian woman\"?", "modifiers": {}}], "indent": 0, "quoted": false, "type": "plain", "is_rtl": false}]}
{ "uid": 221001153, "givenName": "Annalise", "familyName": "Cameron", "isMachineAnswerBot": false }
[{"aid": 3641968, "url": "/What-it-is-like-to-be-considered-as-an-unattractive-Indian-woman/answers/3641968", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I'll start with school time (kindergarten does not count as nobody knows (even in hindsight) the difference b/w good looking and bad looking)\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I come from a metropolitan city and was a 90's kid. I am 23 now. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Your \\\"realization\\\" that you are not as pretty as others starts sometime in class 5 (10-11 yrs old), when teachers do not pick you up for extra curricular activities which have to be staged and you always are in the last row in the class dance performance and the guys have a defeated expression when you are paired up with them (they were secretly hoping to be with the fair girl with long hair who is in the center position, first row).\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"As you grow older (class 8-9 age:13-14) , the jokes start coming. This is he time when girls and guys start to interact and the good looking kids (both guys and girls) form \\\"partners\\\" amongst themselves. This is also the time when \\\"like sticks to like\\\" and you end up having a group of 4-5 friends who have also been neglected in the partnering process. You ignore all the jokes if you are dull enough not to be able to come up with good comebacks. Teachers think you are a lost case if you do not compensate for your lack of good looks by scoring above 85%. \\n(note a pretty student with 60% is bright student and an ugly student with 70% is an average student ). \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Class 10-11-12 (age:15-17) \\nIs the time when guys start learning to ride bikes and cars from \\\"seniors\\\" and tuition and coaching starts where they flaunt their vehicle driving skills. Again, you are pretty much invisible. Since the question regards girls specifically, i'll classify 16-17 yr old girls in 4 major categories\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"1. good looking + academically smart\\n2. ugly + academically smart\\n3. good looking + academically dull\\n4. ugly + academically dull \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Now this is the time where science stream is considered \\\"will pay you well\\\", followed by commerce and humanities is considered for those who want to be \\\"fashion designers\\\". \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"1. good looking + academically smart- will always take up science because it's considered to be the best (she is confident and people envy her)\\n2. ugly + academically smart - will take up science, she is a nerd\\n3. good looking + academically dull - will take up humanities and will have a nerd boyfriend in the science stream slogging all the way to clear engineering entrance exam\\n4. Ugly + academically dull - will take either science or commerce because by this time she knows that she has to earn money and get nice clothes and hair rebonding done to be pretty (even though she does not have the required potential )\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"We follow the story of case number 2 and 4. \\ncase number 2- \\nShe will be able to make it to a government college (be it science or commerce) or will go abroad if her parents can afford and will have a stable career. Anyway, during this course of time, if she is clever and determined, she will drastically change her appearance for the good. But since this question is based at ugly girls, let's assume those cases where the girl does not use her money to improvise. \\nShe will be arranged married to some one as the same status (in terms of looks and finance) as her. I am ruling out the case of love marriage because in case of ugly girls,love marriage is a rarity, good job or not. This relation is more like a business deal where both the parties exchange goods of equal worth. There is peace but no love.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"case number 4- \\nThis girl is in for hell. She neither has the looks nor the academic intelligence. Moreover she has chosen wrong academic path for herself based on the society declaration of whats \\\"well paying\\\" and her own insecurities . By the time she graduates from some local college with 50% marks, her life is a wreck. This is the time when parents realize that \\\"nothing can be done now\\\" and relatives start interfering . Note: at this point of time the girl loses all hope and clarity of thinking and she is married off to a much lower status (financial, looks and society ) guy where huge amount of dowry is paid and still is not able to lead a happy life. Her in laws treat her as useless (because her husband himself does not respect her as she is ugly and the in laws know that her parents are happy to see her married off ). This is not even a business deal. This is the term \\\"fulfilling the responsibility\\\". Both by the girl's and boy's parents.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\\nnote: there may be loads of exceptions to the cases stated.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 221001153, "givenName": "Annalise", "familyName": "Cameron", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": null}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1386154630777180, "numViews": 25686, "numUpvotes": 74, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 3, "comments": [{"commentId": 175364808, "creationTime": 1608293668061309, "url": "/What-it-is-like-to-be-considered-as-an-unattractive-Indian-woman/answers/3641968?comment_id=175364808&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 239877482, "profileUrl": "/profile/Krish-893", "givenName": "Krish", "familyName": ""}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Whoever this is, girl you are in deeeep depression\u2026go & get som help..\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}, {"commentId": 30725377, "creationTime": 1487416357208555, "url": "/What-it-is-like-to-be-considered-as-an-unattractive-Indian-woman/answers/3641968?comment_id=30725377&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 249603076, "profileUrl": "/profile/Kavleen-Kaur-Marwah", "givenName": "Kavleen", "familyName": "Kaur Marwah"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"It pays in the long run to be academically smart, looks can be improvised later too.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}, {"commentId": 188164393, "creationTime": 1615227757201932, "url": "/What-it-is-like-to-be-considered-as-an-unattractive-Indian-woman/answers/3641968?comment_id=188164393&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 1460819026, "profileUrl": "/profile/Arjun-Patil-244", "givenName": "Arjun", "familyName": "Patil"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Man, how the hell did you get soo much time to post such a stupid and childish comment \ud83e\udd26\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}, {"aid": 4542185, "url": "/What-it-is-like-to-be-considered-as-an-unattractive-Indian-woman/answer/Nirmala-Logaprabhu-Iyer", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I don't know what 'unattractive' really means. I have large eyes and a sharp nose but I am blessed with a brown skin and therefore considered unattractive.\\nThe world is cruel to unattractive people. \\nPeople prescribe to you various cosmetics.\\nBoys are generally cruel to you and are very careful least you fall in love with them.\\nA few beautiful girls would want to enlist you as their sidekick. They believe your ugliness is a perfect foil for their beauty.\\nIf ever you step into the cosmetic aisle in a shopping mall, the representatives crowd you with suggestions. They point out your flaws and coerce you to buy their products.\\nMarriage would be a problem as most Indian men desire for a 'fair' bride.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"On the brighter side, you are stereotyped to be kind and humble.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 48656933, "givenName": "Nirmala", "familyName": "Logaprabhu Iyer", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Nirmala-Logaprabhu-Iyer"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1395844542030925, "numViews": 11533, "numUpvotes": 36, "numShares": 2, "numComments": 6, "comments": [{"commentId": 4089751, "creationTime": 1395926895281792, "url": "/What-it-is-like-to-be-considered-as-an-unattractive-Indian-woman/answer/Nirmala-Logaprabhu-Iyer?comment_id=4089751&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 25285091, "profileUrl": "/profile/Mukul-Garg-5", "givenName": "Mukul", "familyName": "Garg"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\\\"fair bride\\\" concept perplexes me\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 144521338, "creationTime": 1591885240106332, "url": "/What-it-is-like-to-be-considered-as-an-unattractive-Indian-woman/answer/Nirmala-Logaprabhu-Iyer?comment_id=144521338&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 454291012, "profileUrl": "/profile/Rahul-Appadurai", "givenName": "Rahul Appadurai", "familyName": ""}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"then y dont u marrry a very dark or black skinned women and the come here and comment this non-sense ?\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}, {"commentId": 4078647, "creationTime": 1395845784845909, "url": "/What-it-is-like-to-be-considered-as-an-unattractive-Indian-woman/answer/Nirmala-Logaprabhu-Iyer?comment_id=4078647&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 43889986, "profileUrl": "/profile/Abila-Savithri", "givenName": "Abila", "familyName": "Savithri"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Perception always differ from person to person. For those who are 'fascinated towards fair', the brown skinned may look unattractive. It is not true to all.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 27457545, "creationTime": 1481394593604181, "url": "/What-it-is-like-to-be-considered-as-an-unattractive-Indian-woman/answer/Nirmala-Logaprabhu-Iyer?comment_id=27457545&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 210403500, "profileUrl": "/profile/Ankit-Sharma-2011", "givenName": "Ankit", "familyName": "Sharma"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Fair girls usually look better.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 185891596, "creationTime": 1613985275424306, "url": "/What-it-is-like-to-be-considered-as-an-unattractive-Indian-woman/answer/Nirmala-Logaprabhu-Iyer?comment_id=185891596&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 1306240117, "profileUrl": "/profile/Purple-World-13", "givenName": "Purple", "familyName": "World"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I have many friends who are not fair and are totally gorgeous. Well, it might be your opinion and you can state it as you please but just think about it twice before commenting things which are slightly disrespectful.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}]}, {"commentId": 238072806, "creationTime": 1640122180452381, "url": "/What-it-is-like-to-be-considered-as-an-unattractive-Indian-woman/answer/Nirmala-Logaprabhu-Iyer?comment_id=238072806&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 164134174, "profileUrl": "/profile/Prankrishna-Mandal", "givenName": "Prankrishna", "familyName": "Mandal"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"in westbengal the girls who are tanned skin have an edge over fair skin\u2026 may be girls in westbengal mantain themselves, have good asthetics, and prominent facial features, also very talented.. most of my crush are tanned skin tone beutiful girls\u2026 but other part of india don't see that way , many of my friends from other part of india in schools and colleges run after the fair skin girls\u2026 it depends on region i guess and also culture\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}, {"aid": 2161994, "url": "/What-it-is-like-to-be-considered-as-an-unattractive-Indian-woman/answers/2161994", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Beauty in India is measured according to following standards, height, weight, skin tone and overall body structure. If you are unattractive considering the above mentioned factors, then it's considered a minus point, where the marriage market is concerned. \\nPeople mock you like it's your fault to be ugly. Life is akin to hell. You are the topic of many a jokes. You are made to believe that you would end up being a spinster all your life as you are not worthwhile to be married.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 221001153, "givenName": "Annalise", "familyName": "Cameron", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": null}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1362068009308001, "numViews": 8097, "numUpvotes": 19, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 4132595, "url": "/What-it-is-like-to-be-considered-as-an-unattractive-Indian-woman/answers/4132595", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I don't know how fair these answers are. I'm certainly not old enough to know about the \\\"marriage market\\\" but as far as school is concerned, you might certainly be mocked for not being pretty enough, but even if you are, you could be mocked for not being smart enough, being a bimbo or oversmart, or underconfident, or a nerd or a loser. People label you no matter what. Get over it.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 221001153, "givenName": "Annalise", "familyName": "Cameron", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": null}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1392221746197199, "numViews": 6159, "numUpvotes": 15, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 190651765, "url": "/What-it-is-like-to-be-considered-as-an-unattractive-Indian-woman/answer/Yomom-Geh", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"You should rather ask what is it like to be an attractive woman in India. I guess non Indians who have been to India would understand this answer better.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 1009025496, "givenName": "Yomom", "familyName": "Geh", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Yomom-Geh"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": true, "creationTime": 1578383437507321, "numViews": 809, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}]
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{"sections": [{"spans": [{"text": "How does trading in shares help the economy?", "modifiers": {}}], "indent": 0, "quoted": false, "type": "plain", "is_rtl": false}]}
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[{"aid": 3423805, "url": "/How-does-trading-in-shares-help-the-economy/answer/Tushar-Sharma-75", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Consider you have a business idea. You need money. You go to venture capitalists, who are the investors willing to back you by picking up a stake in your company. But there is one problem. They do not have the patience to wait for 10 years till they get their money's worth. They think that in 3-4 years, your company will be promising and established enough that the valuation of its shares can give it a sufficient return. The problem is - how do they translate that promise into cash? How do they exit in 3-4 years?? Enter - Stock Markets. They can sell the shares to the public, who they will try to convince that that the stock is doing well and worth every penny that its valuation commands. This shows, that stock markets are a very good way for investors to trade their stocks and shares.\\nThis example, where we have taken the case of a new business venture - can be extrapolated to any life-cycle of a company. Take another example. Say a company needs money for opening a new plant, but the banks are unwilling to lend because the banks have already lent a lot. The company can raise capital by selling shares to you. Clearly, the returns are possible only after many years. By selling shares in a stock market later, an investor like you can exit.\\nThis was about investing. Stock Markets also have people, who buy and sell a lot more frequently - they are called traders. They might end up buying and selling the same security in the same day. Or it could be a matter of few days, weeks or months. So, as a long term investor like the Venture Capitalist or \\\"You\\\" from the previous example, you will find a ready pool of buyers and sellers in the stock market. This is called creation of liquidity.\\nThere is another function of a stock market - price discovery. Say you want to sell the company's share that you had bought 1 year back for $1- how much is it going to be worth actually? How much will you sell it for?? Would you sell it for $10, $100,$1000 or $1.4?? Now you have no idea about how to value and stuff. So, you go to the stock market. The stock market tells you how much the company's shares are worth - by virtue of the supply and demand dynamics, considering all the information out there in the open under the sun.\\nWhen A buys some shares from B, the gain or loss is entirely between them. None of this money goes to the company to invest or increase their output, except when either A or B is the company itself. But the stock markets still play an important role in the economy. If there was no stock market, the company would have very limited avenues to borrow money, and people like you and me would have to be satisfied by putting our money in the bank at measly interest rates. Tomorrow, if the company's share price quotes really low (say the prices crash), you can be sure that there is something wrong with the company.\\nTrading in shares is part science and part speculation. You sure need to be able to understand (guess?) the dynamics that could impact the share price in the future. But it is not 100% speculation. That is the reason some traders make money consistently - because their understanding of the market and business dynamics is superior.\\nI hope I could answer the question satisfactorily.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 22673926, "givenName": "Tushar", "familyName": "Sharma", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Tushar-Sharma-75"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1383113681487036, "numViews": 839, "numUpvotes": 2, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 4680711, "url": "/How-does-trading-in-shares-help-the-economy/answer/Rob-Weir", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"1. The owner of the shares, regardless of when or how they acquired them, has a vote in the running of the company, via their vote in shareholder questions, including selection of Directors. How they vote their shares impacts the direction of the corporation, which effects the economy. \\n2. Many companies pay out dividends to shareholders, which becomes income to the shareholder, and is then either spent on consumption or invested, both of which are positive for the economy.\\n3. I assume you acknowledge that IPO's bring money directly to the company to help them grow. But the shares sold at IPO only have value to the extent there is a market for selling those shares. So stock traders are what make IPO's possible, providing liquidity for those shares.\\n4. Shares, when bundled together into mutual funds and ETFs provide diversified portfolios suitable for investment in retirement accounts, providing growth that allows millions to retire with security. Ditto for charitable foundations, university endow...\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 396501, "givenName": "Rob", "familyName": "Weir", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Rob-Weir"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1396923930061391, "numViews": 1141, "numUpvotes": 2, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 4681382, "url": "/How-does-trading-in-shares-help-the-economy/answer/No-Name-25696", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"1) Trading is what makes the IPO possible. If someone is asked to buy shares of a hitherto privately managed unknown company which he can never sell (in effect, legislating a lifetime commitment) then no one will buy a share. It is like saying you have to marry if you go to a date. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"2) By the same logic, if the share price is going up, even though the company does not get its cut directly, it can always launch an FPO to raise extra capital. A tanking share price makes an FPO virtually impossible.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Finally, trading stock is not speculative. Certainly there is some risk involved and a careful consideration is necessary, but not speculation.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 7089242, "givenName": "No Name", "familyName": "", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/No-Name-25696"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1396929891285486, "numViews": 253, "numUpvotes": 1, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 4683991, "url": "/How-does-trading-in-shares-help-the-economy/answer/Matthew-Raath", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"It provides liquidity for longer term investors\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"And the investing itself allows companies to raise capital for further investment\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 42954928, "givenName": "Matthew", "familyName": "Raath", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Matthew-Raath"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": true, "creationTime": 1396949668803784, "numViews": 2251, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 4691004, "url": "/How-does-trading-in-shares-help-the-economy/answer/Rocky-Tian-1", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"1) liquidity <-- people trading shares guarantees that anyone can buy or sell at any time\\n2) commissions <-- commissions pay for brokerages and lowers the fees so that regular people can afford to buy and sell their own stocks from low-cost brokers\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 27855386, "givenName": "Rocky", "familyName": "Tian", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Rocky-Tian-1"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": true, "creationTime": 1396992982706706, "numViews": 133, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 2161686, "url": "/How-does-trading-in-shares-help-the-economy/answer/Prashant-Kumar-Singh", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Stocks are how companies get funded to grow larger. Usually, when someone wants to start a business, they pay for it with loans or even their own credit cards. Once they grow the company enough, they can get bank loans, or even float their own bonds to individual investors. But, eventually they will need a lot of money to really take the business to the next phase.\\nThis is when they will sell the first stocks, called taking the company public\\u009d. Once that happens, no individual person owns the company because they have sold it to the stockholders.\\nSince the Indian stock market is so sophisticated, it is easier in this country than in many others to take a company public. This helps the economy grow, since it provides a boost up to companies wishing to grow very large. The stock market's sophistication means that information on companies is easy to obtain, and this increases the trust of investors from around the...\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 5363202, "givenName": "Prashant", "familyName": "Kumar Singh", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Prashant-Kumar-Singh"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1362062501265362, "numViews": 388, "numUpvotes": 3, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}]
{"sections": [{"spans": [{"text": "ABCD is a parallelogram. E is a point on AB such that 234\u00d7AE=EB. Let DE intersect AC at F. What is the ratio AC:AF?", "modifiers": {}}], "indent": 0, "quoted": false, "type": "plain", "is_rtl": false}]}
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I guess when a question is on quora, you just never try the easy method. I will remember this.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}, {"aid": 2161725, "url": "/ABCD-is-a-parallelogram-E-is-a-point-on-AB-such-that-234\u00d7AE-EB-Let-DE-intersect-AC-at-F-What-is-the-ratio-AC-AF/answer/Darshil-Dave", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\", \"modifiers\": {\"image\": \"https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-af52cbca880903a483fe09e18988a3f3\", \"height\": 639, \"width\": 1252, \"master_url\": \"https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-85f13c55aab51f9dc48dbdfca6414497\", \"is_deleted\": false, \"is_sensitive\": false, \"is_uploaded_by_bot\": false, \"zoomable\": true, \"dominant_color\": \"#ffffff\"}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"image\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Let the point A(0,0) be the origin.\\nif a,b,c are some arbitrary constants then let,\\nB(a,0)\\nC(b,c)\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"applying conditions for a parallelogram,\\nwe get co-ordinates of D(a+b,c) through simple geometry.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"now E(a/235,0) since the ratio is given.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"equation of line DE,\\n\", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \" y = (c/(b-(a/235)))(x-(a/235)) \", \"modifiers\": {\"math\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"that of AC,\\n\", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \" y = (x)(c/(a+b)) \", \"modifiers\": {\"math\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"from the equations to find point of intersection,\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \" {x}{c/(a+b)} = (c/(b-(a/235)))(x-(a/235)) \", \"modifiers\": {\"math\": true}}, {\"text\": \"\\n\", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \" x/(a+b) = (x-(a/235))/(b-(a/235)) \", \"modifiers\": {\"math\": true}}, {\"text\": \"\\n\", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \" (x)(1/(a+b) - 1/(b-(a/235)) = -(a/235)/(b-(a/235)) \", \"modifiers\": {\"math\": true}}, {\"text\": \"\\nsolving,\\n\", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \" x = (a+b)/236 \", \"modifiers\": {\"math\": true}}, {\"text\": \"\\n\", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \" y = c/236 \", \"modifiers\": {\"math\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"therefore,\\nthe ratio AF:FC = 1:235\\ntherefore, AC:AF = 236:1\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 5133395, "givenName": "Darshil", "familyName": "Dave", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Darshil-Dave"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1362063068544692, "numViews": 1010, "numUpvotes": 2, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}]
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{"sections": [{"spans": [{"text": "I am looking for magicians to be a part of an upcoming #social #tech event in #Orlando, Florida. Does anyone have a recommendation on talented Magicians or illusionist in the Central Florida area, that work social events?", "modifiers": {}}], "indent": 0, "quoted": false, "type": "plain", "is_rtl": false}]}
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{"sections": [{"spans": [{"text": "Explanations: ", "modifiers": {}}, {"text": "If somebody is working for a porn company, how do they explain themselves when asked by some relatives?", "modifiers": {}}], "indent": 0, "quoted": false, "type": "plain", "is_rtl": false}]}
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[{"aid": 2161715, "url": "/Is-there-any-explanation-on-why-do-people-have-strange-dreams-during-the-same-time-period/answer/Octavian-Popescu-1", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Well, did you have any common activities lately that might have had an impact on your subconscious? Common sources of stress, the odd upper (or downer), too much alcohol, intense talks about certain subjects etc...\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Later edit:\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Ok, so during the last 30 mins while Quora insisted on not letting me add a comment about confirmation biases, patterns, large numbers and all that, I've posted a similar message on a popular IRC channel, asking about nightmares in Bucharest, and wrapping it up in a credible story, with just a touch of conspiracy theory.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Guess how many replies I had from people living in Bucharest that had nightmares over the last two nights (there were roughly 200 people in the channel)\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Hope this answers your question.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 4107839, "givenName": "Octavian", "familyName": "Popescu", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Octavian-Popescu-1"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1362062974717662, "numViews": 897, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 5, "comments": [{"commentId": 1805471, "creationTime": 1362064403948176, "url": "/Is-there-any-explanation-on-why-do-people-have-strange-dreams-during-the-same-time-period/answer/Octavian-Popescu-1?comment_id=1805471&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 2795759, "profileUrl": "/profile/Diego-Planas-Rego", "givenName": "Diego", "familyName": "Planas Rego"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"No. Most of us haven't spent time together.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Later edit:\\nAnd the fact that more people confirm that they have been having nightmares in Europe in the past 2 days means something (?).\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"We could try asking again in a few days in both channels and see if the results differ. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Still, how often do grownups get nightmares?\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 1805488, "creationTime": 1362064815240219, "url": "/Is-there-any-explanation-on-why-do-people-have-strange-dreams-during-the-same-time-period/answer/Octavian-Popescu-1?comment_id=1805488&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 4107839, "profileUrl": "/profile/Octavian-Popescu-1", "givenName": "Octavian", "familyName": "Popescu"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Then, if you don't mind me asking, how do you know that all five of you have had weird, vivid dreams and only during the past two days? To me it looks like it's quite a closed circle if you share stuff like that (or maybe I'm just too old :)\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 1805527, "creationTime": 1362065523122898, "url": "/Is-there-any-explanation-on-why-do-people-have-strange-dreams-during-the-same-time-period/answer/Octavian-Popescu-1?comment_id=1805527&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 2795759, "profileUrl": "/profile/Diego-Planas-Rego", "givenName": "Diego", "familyName": "Planas Rego"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I mentioned to one of them that I had a nightmare, and he mentioned that he had one too. Then someone overheard us and mentioned that they have been having weird dreams. Finally I asked on Facebook and so far 7 people from my city have replied they have had strange dreams. They are all adults in their mid or late 20s.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 1808252, "creationTime": 1362122676318579, "url": "/Is-there-any-explanation-on-why-do-people-have-strange-dreams-during-the-same-time-period/answer/Octavian-Popescu-1?comment_id=1808252&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 4107839, "profileUrl": "/profile/Octavian-Popescu-1", "givenName": "Octavian", "familyName": "Popescu"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Give it a shot - do the same test on Monday, either by asking on your channel of choice or on Facebook about nightmares over the week-end. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"As for the 10% probability, keep in mind two things: we tend to remember nightmares better than our regular dreams (even if you only remember an unsettling feeling or sensation) and on the other hand the definition of \\\"nightmare\\\" can vary a lot: to me it might mean fighting off vampires and ghouls in a corn field (just saying ;) but to some random guy on the internets it could very well mean dreaming about not passing a math exam...over and over again.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 1808373, "creationTime": 1362125966590108, "url": "/Is-there-any-explanation-on-why-do-people-have-strange-dreams-during-the-same-time-period/answer/Octavian-Popescu-1?comment_id=1808373&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 2795759, "profileUrl": "/profile/Diego-Planas-Rego", "givenName": "Diego", "familyName": "Planas Rego"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I've rephrased my question, since the answers I received related only to the logic of my questioning or the definition of the terms in it.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Is there something that can influence a large group of people to experience vivid dreams?\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"question\", \"qid\": 1001631, \"url\": \"https://www.quora.com/Is-there-something-that-can-influence-a-large-group-of-people-to-experience-vivid-dreams\"}}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I'll give it a shot with another set of my facebook friends on Monday anyway.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}]}]}]}]}, {"aid": 2161980, "url": "/Is-there-any-explanation-on-why-do-people-have-strange-dreams-during-the-same-time-period/answer/John-Sullivan-24", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Confirmation bias and a lack of understanding of probability.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 10232869, "givenName": "John", "familyName": "Sullivan", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/John-Sullivan-24"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": true, "creationTime": 1362066852445329, "numViews": 303, "numUpvotes": 1, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 9, "comments": [{"commentId": 1805765, "creationTime": 1362071896130816, "url": "/Is-there-any-explanation-on-why-do-people-have-strange-dreams-during-the-same-time-period/answer/John-Sullivan-24?comment_id=1805765&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 2795759, "profileUrl": "/profile/Diego-Planas-Rego", "givenName": "Diego", "familyName": "Planas Rego"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Might have some confirmation bias, but the probability of grownups having nightmares is not very high, is it?\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 1805793, "creationTime": 1362072350252214, "url": "/Is-there-any-explanation-on-why-do-people-have-strange-dreams-during-the-same-time-period/answer/John-Sullivan-24?comment_id=1805793&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 10283596, "profileUrl": "/profile/Joseph-Bayode-5", "givenName": "Joseph Bayode", "familyName": ""}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Why?\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 1805811, "creationTime": 1362072600033847, "url": "/Is-there-any-explanation-on-why-do-people-have-strange-dreams-during-the-same-time-period/answer/John-Sullivan-24?comment_id=1805811&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 2795759, "profileUrl": "/profile/Diego-Planas-Rego", "givenName": "Diego", "familyName": "Planas Rego"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Why isn't it high?\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Because we don't remember dreaming that much. We only remember 10% of the dreams, so the percentage of those being nightmares is lower.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"HowStuffWorks \\\"Dream Recall\\\"\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"http://science.howstuffworks.com/life/inside-the-mind/human-brain/dream4.htm\"}}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 1806121, "creationTime": 1362077890987673, "url": "/Is-there-any-explanation-on-why-do-people-have-strange-dreams-during-the-same-time-period/answer/John-Sullivan-24?comment_id=1806121&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 10283596, "profileUrl": "/profile/Joseph-Bayode-5", "givenName": "Joseph Bayode", "familyName": ""}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"You need to measure from the same set. IOW, if you are talking about:\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"a) *all* nightmares: then you need to talk % of nightmares from the set of *all* dreams (remembered+forgotten)\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"b) nightmares remembered: you need to talk of % of nightmares in the set of dreams we remember\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}]}, {"commentId": 1805826, "creationTime": 1362072819227794, "url": "/Is-there-any-explanation-on-why-do-people-have-strange-dreams-during-the-same-time-period/answer/John-Sullivan-24?comment_id=1805826&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 2795759, "profileUrl": "/profile/Diego-Planas-Rego", "givenName": "Diego", "familyName": "Planas Rego"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"HowStuffWorks \\\"Dream Recall\\\"\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"http://science.howstuffworks.com/life/inside-the-mind/human-brain/dream4.htm\"}}}, {\"text\": \" > we only remember 10% of our dreams.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}, {"commentId": 1805916, "creationTime": 1362074092470431, "url": "/Is-there-any-explanation-on-why-do-people-have-strange-dreams-during-the-same-time-period/answer/John-Sullivan-24?comment_id=1805916&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 10232869, "profileUrl": "/profile/John-Sullivan-24", "givenName": "John", "familyName": "Sullivan"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Lets suppose the likelihood of a grown adult having a nightmare on a given night is very low, say 1/1000. I don't think this is true, since I have terrifying dreams fairly often, but I'm only one person, so my experience is negligible. Let's say you have 1000 adults, the expected number of nightmares in one night is 1. With 100 adults, over the course of 10 days, the expected number of nightmares would also be 1. How many facebook friends do you have? I have 530, which means over the course of 10 days, our best estimate for how many will have nightmares is about 5. People also like talking about dreams - so chances are they aren't just talking about the dreams they had in the last 10 days. Some of your friends might be using 6 months of recall of dreams. So you post \\\"how many people have had strange dreams lately?\\\" and it's almost guaranteed you'll have a good number of responses saying they've had a nightmare. Small probabilities add up, you combine that with confirmation bias and people's need to talk about themselves, and voila, you've got a pretty solid explanation right there. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Is it possible that events in the news, the gravitational pull of the planets, the general feeling in your area, and any number of realistic as well as fantastical explanations could cause similar dreams across a population? Sure, definitely possible. Recently I was reading about the number of young German during WWII who claimed to have been visited by Hitler in their dreams. It's almost definite that global events effect large numbers of people's dreams. But you have to understand that confirmation bias, combined with the fact that small probabilities add up pretty quickly, causes all sorts of \\\"improbable\\\" things to happen. You should listen to this - \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"Radiolab - Stochasticity\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"http://www.radiolab.org/2009/jun/15/\"}}}, {\"text\": \". It's one of my favorite and most simple explanations of stochasticity and the nature of so-called random events. It will help explain why improbable seeming things happen all the time.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 1808344, "creationTime": 1362125363029719, "url": "/Is-there-any-explanation-on-why-do-people-have-strange-dreams-during-the-same-time-period/answer/John-Sullivan-24?comment_id=1808344&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 2795759, "profileUrl": "/profile/Diego-Planas-Rego", "givenName": "Diego", "familyName": "Planas Rego"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\\\"It's almost definite that global events effect large numbers of people's dreams.\\\"\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"This is the kind of answer I'm trying to look for. I know there is still confirmation bias in my personal experience, but I'm trying ti find out if there is a scientific explanation of what might cause many people to have unsettling dreams (or just affect the sleep cycle) during the same time period.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I'll rephrase this question, remove the personal notes and ask it again. Thank you for your valid points.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 1808359, "creationTime": 1362125704722032, "url": "/Is-there-any-explanation-on-why-do-people-have-strange-dreams-during-the-same-time-period/answer/John-Sullivan-24?comment_id=1808359&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 2795759, "profileUrl": "/profile/Diego-Planas-Rego", "givenName": "Diego", "familyName": "Planas Rego"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"And here it is - \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"Is there something that can influence a large group of people to experience vivid dreams?\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"question\", \"qid\": 1001631, \"url\": \"https://www.quora.com/Is-there-something-that-can-influence-a-large-group-of-people-to-experience-vivid-dreams\"}}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}]}]}, {"commentId": 1805794, "creationTime": 1362072374378881, "url": "/Is-there-any-explanation-on-why-do-people-have-strange-dreams-during-the-same-time-period/answer/John-Sullivan-24?comment_id=1805794&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 10283596, "profileUrl": "/profile/Joseph-Bayode-5", "givenName": "Joseph Bayode", "familyName": ""}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Thank you for saying it aloud.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}]
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{"sections": [{"spans": [{"text": "What was your most precious insight about people and their needs after user experience research?", "modifiers": {}}], "indent": 0, "quoted": false, "type": "plain", "is_rtl": false}]}
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[{"aid": 2165628, "url": "/What-was-your-most-precious-insight-about-people-and-their-needs-after-user-experience-research/answer/James-Offer", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"The most precious insight I've got from user testing?\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Often people don't know what they need: they think they know what they want but will change their mind in a heart beat. Users/humans are extremely fickle creatures; good UX design should guide and assist them into making choices and determining what they see as their needs.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"A more practical example: don't give a user twenty choices. That's too hard. Give them two or three. That's easy. Have you ever been in a restaurant with twenty meals on the menu? How long did it take you to decide your choice? Then think about when you were in a restaurant with five things on the menu. I bet you decided much quicker then.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Let's take this example outside the restaurant: you're looking through a menu outside with twenty choices. Too hard? You'll just walk away. The same happens online every day.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 3256619, "givenName": "James", "familyName": "Offer", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/James-Offer"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1362132162365617, "numViews": 243, "numUpvotes": 3, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 1, "comments": [{"commentId": 1808677, "creationTime": 1362134398900830, "url": "/What-was-your-most-precious-insight-about-people-and-their-needs-after-user-experience-research/answer/James-Offer?comment_id=1808677&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 4865859, "profileUrl": "/profile/Arkadiusz-Janeczko", "givenName": "Arkadiusz", "familyName": "Janeczko"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I couldn't agree more with you. Especially when it comes to making decisions. People are very economic in perception. To many options results cognitive paralysis, very interesting lecture about phenomenon 'paradox of choice': \\n\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\", \"modifiers\": {\"embed\": {\"url\": \"http://youtu.be/VO6XEQIsCoM\"}}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"yt-embed\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\\nQuestion apperase how designers can handel with this paradox?\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"More can be read:\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Schwartz, B. (2003) The Paradox of Choice: Why More Is Less. Ecco\\nIyengar, S. S., Lepper, M. R. (2000) When choice is demotivating: Can one desire too much of a good thing? Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Vol 79(6), 995-1006.\\nRussel, J. (2009) Paradox of choice \u2013 \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"Paradox Of Choice\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"http://www.slideshare.net/rnja8c/paradox-of-choice-2139360\"}}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}, {"aid": 2165765, "url": "/What-was-your-most-precious-insight-about-people-and-their-needs-after-user-experience-research/answer/Thomas-Svenson", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"My most precious insight is that users often are more focused on their own needs than the result they deliver to others while performing their role tasks.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I use these two rules for this:\\n\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"You are the \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"provider\", \"modifiers\": {\"italic\": true}}, {\"text\": \" for the roles after yours.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"You are a \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"user\", \"modifiers\": {\"italic\": true}}, {\"text\": \" of of results provided by roles before you.\\n\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\\nWe humans are very egocentric creatures by nature. For us it is far more easy to find flaws about the things we use and complain about how they \\\"make it almost impossible to perform our tasks\\\" etc. This because we are very familiar with our own needs.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"What is much harder is to understand the needs of others, for example those that will use the result of our own performed tasks. In almost all cases they have completely different skills and needs than us. What makes complete sense for us, makes no sense at all for them.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"This is in fact exactly what UX is all about - understanding the needs of others so that they are able to focus on their real tasks and goals and have a great experience doing it. Its also why creating great UX is so darn hard and requires a lot of experience.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 1148238, "givenName": "Thomas", "familyName": "Svenson", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Thomas-Svenson"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1362135172981280, "numViews": 273, "numUpvotes": 2, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 2163231, "url": "/What-was-your-most-precious-insight-about-people-and-their-needs-after-user-experience-research/answer/Emma-O-93", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I don't really have any specific insight to share, that would be precious to me, but I do have few good take aways. As I was asked to answer, here goes:\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"If you set up your research well, you are likely to be surprised by some or most of the user behaviors you see. It is quite likely that users will baffle you with their approach, and some will just misunderstand the simplest things, or what you assumed to be the simplest things... :)\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"If on the other hand you find yourself not being surprised, you might take a look at whether your set up is leading the users to make the answers you are expecting. :)\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 3837416, "givenName": "Emma O", "familyName": "", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Emma-O-93"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1362086839914201, "numViews": 249, "numUpvotes": 2, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 2166092, "url": "/What-was-your-most-precious-insight-about-people-and-their-needs-after-user-experience-research/answers/2166092", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"When doing research and testing, participants will often answer with what they think other people want. I always try to separate that out from what they want for themselves (IMHO, the more reliable answer).\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 221001153, "givenName": "Annalise", "familyName": "Cameron", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": null}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": true, "creationTime": 1362141942576466, "numViews": 755, "numUpvotes": 2, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 4061948, "url": "/What-was-your-most-precious-insight-about-people-and-their-needs-after-user-experience-research/answer/Tyler-Berry-7", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"The difference between what people want and what they need is frequently massive. Watch what they do and how they interact with the world more than you listen to their words.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 44145293, "givenName": "Tyler", "familyName": "Berry", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Tyler-Berry-7"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": true, "creationTime": 1391449336281528, "numViews": 210, "numUpvotes": 1, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 2167319, "url": "/What-was-your-most-precious-insight-about-people-and-their-needs-after-user-experience-research/answer/Eric-Pepke", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Listening to what people say they want will get you nowhere fast. You have to watch what they do.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Pay extremely close attention when somebody uses the word \\\"culture.\\\"\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 4315506, "givenName": "Eric", "familyName": "Pepke", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Eric-Pepke"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": true, "creationTime": 1362162164852122, "numViews": 4178, "numUpvotes": 4, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 1, "comments": [{"commentId": 1810065, "creationTime": 1362162607995382, "url": "/What-was-your-most-precious-insight-about-people-and-their-needs-after-user-experience-research/answer/Eric-Pepke?comment_id=1810065&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 4440200, "profileUrl": "/profile/Craig-Heile", "givenName": "Craig", "familyName": "Heile"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I'm gonna have to put you on a stricter Quora upvote Quota, Eric. You represent a disproportionate portion of my upvotes and that's not cool. You will have company in that realm, though, so fret not about that. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}, {"aid": 2718258, "url": "/What-was-your-most-precious-insight-about-people-and-their-needs-after-user-experience-research/answer/Yina-Tsai", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"What people say doesn't always match with what they do.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 3132063, "givenName": "Yina", "familyName": "Tsai", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Yina-Tsai"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": true, "creationTime": 1372178226872488, "numViews": 192, "numUpvotes": 1, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 31211577, "url": "/What-was-your-most-precious-insight-about-people-and-their-needs-after-user-experience-research/answer/Pedro-SantAnna-2", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I\\u2019ll share my experience with user research and a few things learned with other UX designers in my team.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"There are many useful frameworks and approaches available. In this case, I won\\u2019t focus much on user testing (which is extremely important) but on conceptual user research for design inspiration or improvements (e.g user personas, user stories).\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"In my view, the most important thing about researching users is that it should be a \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"constant\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \" and \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"collaborative\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \" exercise. Here\\u2019s why:\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"People may change their goals and needs over time, and it\\u2019s important to keep an eye on those changes, otherwise products or design may become obsolete.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"ordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"We can\\u2019t always expect one researcher to find out all that matters about users. Important insights can come from anyone, and from any context. That\\u2019s why it\\u2019s important to empower teams to constantly look out for their users. It also gives teams a sense of purpose.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"ordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"A few extra advices when it comes to user personas and stories:\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Avoid using out-dated A4 sheets to share personas and try to \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"revise your personas \", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \"on a regular basis.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Use editable persona forms so that \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"the whole design/product team can contribute\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \" once they discover something new about users.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Make up-to-date personas \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"constantly accessible to the team\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \". They are there to justify daily UX decisions. Otherwise, there\\u2019s no point in creating personas.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"For a few more tips and best practices, I\\u2019d recommend the following infographic and blog: \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"7 Facts that Unleash the Power of Personas and User Stories [Infographic]\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"https://blog.caravel.design/7-facts-that-unleash-the-power-of-personas-and-user-stories-f05c9209b5ee#.al1djgg40\"}}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 158353720, "givenName": "Pedro", "familyName": "Sant'Anna", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Pedro-SantAnna-2"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1479814292782799, "numViews": 254, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}]
{"sections": [{"spans": [{"text": "What makes sachin tendulkar to play test cricket eventhough he retired from ODIs?", "modifiers": {}}], "indent": 0, "quoted": false, "type": "plain", "is_rtl": false}]}
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[{"aid": 2162131, "url": "/What-makes-sachin-tendulkar-to-play-test-cricket-eventhough-he-retired-from-ODIs/answers/2162131", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Passion.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 221001153, "givenName": "Annalise", "familyName": "Cameron", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": null}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": true, "creationTime": 1362070090834003, "numViews": 1658, "numUpvotes": 12, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 2179461, "url": "/What-makes-sachin-tendulkar-to-play-test-cricket-eventhough-he-retired-from-ODIs/answer/Pratik-Tank", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"because test cricket is the original version of cricket (despite more popular ODIs or commercial T20s), it separates MEN from BOYS and as such sachin is class apart player he certainly choose to play in test....\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 2471509, "givenName": "Pratik", "familyName": "Tank", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Pratik-Tank"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": true, "creationTime": 1362417144424388, "numViews": 294, "numUpvotes": 1, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 2464362, "url": "/What-makes-sachin-tendulkar-to-play-test-cricket-eventhough-he-retired-from-ODIs/answer/Siddharth-Menath", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"The core of cricket lies the most in Test Cricket. When you come down the order to one day cricket, other various other factors get included in the game. Again if you come down to T20, you can see that most of the cricket in the game has been lost in this format of game. And come down yet again and add a pinch of poor marketing to T20, you get Indian Premier League.\\n \\nSo batsmen like Tendulkar who played for the passion of it, for the love of it would definitely choose to play test cricket for a longer time. Same goes with the other classic cricketers like Rahul Dravid and Jacques Kallis.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 7765714, "givenName": "Siddharth", "familyName": "Menath", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Siddharth-Menath"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1367569653136575, "numViews": 405, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 1, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 2162507, "url": "/What-makes-sachin-tendulkar-to-play-test-cricket-eventhough-he-retired-from-ODIs/answers/2162507", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"almost all great cricketers rate test cricket higher than other forms of the game, they'd rather play test cricket for a few more years and \\\"manage\\\" their body / conserve their energy by moving away slowly from ODIs.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"ordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"also, recently I watched on a video where Sachin said he doesn't see himself going on till the 2015 World Cup .. so to retain the cup it was necessary for the team to form some good combinations upfront. Here's the video : \\n\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"ordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\", \"modifiers\": {\"embed\": {\"url\": \"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gNf6mExqm2I\"}}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"yt-embed\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 221001153, "givenName": "Annalise", "familyName": "Cameron", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": null}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1362076872009929, "numViews": 204, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}]
{"sections": [{"spans": [{"text": "Digital Asset Management: ", "modifiers": {}}, {"text": "Free/Opensource DAMS for small school setting?", "modifiers": {}}], "indent": 0, "quoted": false, "type": "plain", "is_rtl": false}]}
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[{"aid": 32714598, "url": "/Digital-Asset-Management-Free-Opensource-DAMS-for-small-school-setting/answer/Peter-Haztowich", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Unless you have a lot of vacant internal IT resources, I would also consider to go for a cloud based SaaS solution instead of a open-source self-hosted one.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Cloud-based DAMs doesn\\u2019t need to cost you a fortune. New DAM vendors are popping up all the time, and prices have dropped dramatical the past few years. Eg. we use Filecamp DAM and it\\u2019s only about 30 USD per month. And if you are non-profit you might be able to negotiate even better rates.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 88867158, "givenName": "Peter", "familyName": "Haztowich", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Peter-Haztowich"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1482142514700923, "numViews": 1247, "numUpvotes": 3, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}]
{"sections": [{"spans": [{"text": "How do you use your workout journal? What should I record?", "modifiers": {}}], "indent": 0, "quoted": false, "type": "plain", "is_rtl": false}]}
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[{"aid": 2549022, "url": "/How-do-you-use-your-workout-journal-What-should-I-record/answer/Kevin-Johnson-20", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"You want to record all pertinent information such as: the exercise name, amount of weight, number of sets, rest period between sets, how you felt that day (strong, tired, average), time of day, and if you're really serious you'll include what you ate that day along with carb/fat/protein intake. One reason to add all of this info is because once again, if you're serious, you will seek out ways to replicate the days when you feel, \\\"Unstoppable!\\\"\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 4983363, "givenName": "Kevin", "familyName": "Johnson", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Kevin-Johnson-20"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1369092895284297, "numViews": 372, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 2437078, "url": "/How-do-you-use-your-workout-journal-What-should-I-record/answer/Prab-R-Tumpati-MD", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Duration of exercise, type, purpose and calories burnt if available. What are your goals? Are you trying to lose weight with exercise? If your goal is to lose weight, research shows exercise alone is useless, without a restrictive diet! This was a board examination question in Obesity Medicine. It was also reported on Time, NYT, and even Bally's Fitness has it on their website. http://w8md.com/weight-loss-centers/diet-weight-loss-doctor/exercise-and-weight-loss/\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 17294324, "givenName": "Prab", "familyName": "R. Tumpati, MD", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Prab-R-Tumpati-MD"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1367125094309508, "numViews": 235, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 2161997, "url": "/How-do-you-use-your-workout-journal-What-should-I-record/answer/Rachael-Bauman", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Hi! I am a librarian student but have been keeping a workout journal off and on for many years. \\nTo help answer your question, I found a few websites explaining specific reasons for keeping track of workouts. \\nThe first is pretty basic and explains how to create a workout journal and things you might want to include in your journal: http://www.livestrong.com/article/451653-how-to-keep-a-workout-log/ The Livestrong Foundation strives to educate people about various fitness aspects and health/nutrition information. \\nThe next site I found is through Weight Watchers. One reason Weight Watchers recommends documenting exercise is to remind yourself to continuously change up your workouts. You can read more here: http://www.weightwatchers.com/util/art/index_art.aspx?tabnum=1&art_id=33751. \\nThe last site I found is a body building site and is pretty complex. They recommend not only writing down exercises completed but also measuring body parts in order to evaluate muscle growth. The site includes training calculators and journal guide links along the left side of the page. You can read more here: http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/greg14.htm \\nI hope this information helps in answering your question. Good luck!\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 11310779, "givenName": "Rachael", "familyName": "Bauman", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Rachael-Bauman"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1362068021882088, "numViews": 207, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 1, "comments": [{"commentId": 1806484, "creationTime": 1362083996303654, "url": "/How-do-you-use-your-workout-journal-What-should-I-record/answer/Rachael-Bauman?comment_id=1806484&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 3540454, "profileUrl": "/profile/Jph-Liu", "givenName": "Jph", "familyName": "Liu"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Thank you Rachael. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}]
{"sections": [{"spans": [{"text": "What motivates people in India to spit on walls/roads/staircases?", "modifiers": {}}], "indent": 0, "quoted": false, "type": "plain", "is_rtl": false}]}
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[{"aid": 53276567, "url": "/What-motivates-people-in-India-to-spit-on-walls-roads-staircases/answer/Shreyas-Patel-14", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"May be I am not the right person to answer this question, because I also have the same question and when I tried to ask in quora, I found this question already been asked.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Today I found someone spitted on my car. This is the third time I had such experience, previously it was my bike.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I always keep my vehicles neat and clean that looks like new. So thinking on the reason why people do or what inspires them, I am able to guess below reasons:\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"In case of wall, staircase or road, nothing inspires them they fill that usual due to their habit. Yes the spitted dirty wall can inspires other to spit next time.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"ordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"In case of vehicles or benches or seats, (though it is not that usual cases compare to wall/staircase/road ), inspiration may be jealousy or some revenge from your enemy. Or it is possible they have such dirty evil mind that can do such thing just for fun(in my case the bike was parked in the theater parking and some one spitted on the seat).\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"ordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"We live in country where some percentage of people does not seems wrong in going open for toilet and promotional ads are shown for teaching where to go toilet. So for those spitting is normal compared to open toilet.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"ordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 40075300, "givenName": "Shreyas", "familyName": "Patel", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Shreyas-Patel-14"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1502464719270166, "numViews": 1244, "numUpvotes": 3, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 2165705, "url": "/What-motivates-people-in-India-to-spit-on-walls-roads-staircases/answer/Melwyn-Mendonca", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"There is no such motivation thing. Its just the mind set of the person or you can say there is no one watching you / telling you not to spit.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 11313923, "givenName": "Melwyn", "familyName": "Mendonca", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Melwyn-Mendonca"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": true, "creationTime": 1362133851694569, "numViews": 738, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 2897296, "url": "/What-motivates-people-in-India-to-spit-on-walls-roads-staircases/answer/Anoop-Vijayan", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"If there are enough dustbins and \\\"use me\\\" containers kept in a public place, will Indians then stop littering and spitting in public?\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 6303857, "givenName": "Anoop", "familyName": "Vijayan", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Anoop-Vijayan"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": true, "creationTime": 1375330593671209, "numViews": 802, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}]
{"sections": [{"spans": [{"text": "What scenarios need to play out in order for the US government to become tyrannical against its own citizens?", "modifiers": {}}], "indent": 0, "quoted": false, "type": "plain", "is_rtl": false}]}
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[{"aid": 76100740, "url": "/What-scenarios-need-to-play-out-in-order-for-the-US-government-to-become-tyrannical-against-its-own-citizens/answer/Bob-Mayer-5", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"We\\u2019re watching it happen. The Republican Congress refuses to do its job, using Faux News as its source, just as the president* does.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"The ultimate protection against tyranny was three separate, but equal branches. Two of those branches are now in collusion and controlled by Russia. And appointing as many judges who feel the same as quickly as possible.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I look forward to all gun owners running out into the streets to fight this soon. Just let us know what the signal is!\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 119668115, "givenName": "Bob", "familyName": "Mayer", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Bob-Mayer-5"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1520982713422586, "numViews": 61, "numUpvotes": 1, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 4613737, "url": "/What-scenarios-need-to-play-out-in-order-for-the-US-government-to-become-tyrannical-against-its-own-citizens/answer/Barry-Melton", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"The problem with your definition is that it's one that is very... obvious. True tyranny comes in very small doses, and reductions in freedom are done incrementally. You take away a very small portion of someone's liberty today, then make that the norm, then repeat the process. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"The US has a history of what I'll call \\\"mild tyranny\\\". I categorize that history as being \\\"since the abolition of slavery\\\", which is a period difficult to consider only mildly tyrannical. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"As we speak, the TSA subjects almost every person, citizen or not, to an unlawful search of their persons, without probable cause, as a de facto portion of boarding for air travel. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"As we speak, the NSA is probably scanning this page and making an archival copy. They're also likely storing the contents of your phone call, your social services, and very possibly your email. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"As we speak, there are *still* prisoners being held in Guantanamo Bay. We do not know their identities, whether or not they've been charged with any crimes, whether or not they were tortured, or whether or not they'll ever receive a trial. Their fifth amendment rights are being wholly destroyed. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"As we speak, there are firearms being denied to citizens who have not been accused of any crime whatsoever, because they are 'too dangerous' for the general population. Police and military are routinely issued those firearms. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Recently, the drone strike of Anwar Al Alaki, accused of terrorism, but not convicted, was executed, and he died, without a trial... along with his son, and whatever innocent people with the misfortune of being in the general vicinity. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"So far, I think that covers the second, fourth, fifth, seventh and eight amendments. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"There are further arguments to be made that the ACA violates religious freedoms, and/or that the imposition of the individual mandate is a violation of the tenth amendment. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Beyond that, the federal government routinely incarcerates non-violent pot-smokers, sometimes even those operating well within the laws of their state (thereby ending federalism, and thankfully, Obama has diminished this practice, if not quite eliminating it.)\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"The federal government has delegated law-making authority to countless agencies who are free to make 'regulations' that have the force of law, only without that pesky open and public debate that laws require. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Finally, this is only recent history, going back a bit, we can get into WW2 wage freezes, the internment of the Japanese, violations of freedom of speech, the freedom of the press, censorship of 'scandalous' books, sodomy laws, interracial marriage, denying the right of marriage to gays. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"As we speak, despite the recent progress in relation to gay marriage, polygamist and the polyamorous are restricted from that right. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"It may seem bad, but the question is never whether or not the government is tyrannical, because frankly, there hasn't been a time in history where a good argument on that position could be made... the question, really, is one of degree. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Thankfully, despite the above, the government, by and large, is not tyrannical. We aren't routinely executing large swaths of the population (at least, that we know of), and we aren't routinely throwing people in jail for exercising their first amendment rights -- because we'd all be fucked if they were. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Regardless, it's still a very free country, for the most part, but as those freedoms, or variations of them, are always under attack from whomever happens to be in power, it's important to fight for every freedom, no matter how small, and now matter how insidious the offender. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\\\"The trouble with fighting for human freedom is that one spends most of one's time defending scoundrels. For it is against scoundrels that oppressive laws are first aimed, and oppression must be stopped at the beginning if it is to be stopped at all.\\\"\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \" - H. L. 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Then read the Second Militia Act of 1792, which is about as solid a precedent for the mandate as you can imagine.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}]
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[{"aid": 6585245, "url": "/Overpopulation-Does-human-sterilization-have-unintended-consequences/answers/6585245", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Many women have told me that they are turned off by a man who has had a vasectomy. Majority of the women do not know that vasectomy only eliminates sperms- sperms account for only 1% of the total semen volume, and the impact of vasectomy is negligible. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"For some- it is an emotional thing- they have not given up their dream of having (more) children- even if at a rational level they do not want a child. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Other women feel that a man who has had a vasectomy is done with the whole - Man, Wife + 2 kids thing- and is not interested in marriage. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Many women in India and China do not want their husband to have a vasectomy. They feel that the man is more likely to cheat if he has had vasectomy. The strong stigma against out of wedlock births deters promiscuity. Vasectomy provides the freedom- which women do not want their husbands to have. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"The same probably applies to some women in western societies.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 221001153, "givenName": "Annalise", "familyName": "Cameron", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": null}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1408394513021903, "numViews": 623, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}]
{"sections": [{"spans": [{"text": "How can we minimize logic errors and refactoring when coding, fast?", "modifiers": {}}], "indent": 0, "quoted": false, "type": "plain", "is_rtl": false}]}
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{"sections": [{"spans": [{"text": "Karl Lagerfeld: ", "modifiers": {}}, {"text": "What do professional logo designers think about non pro designers taking up their jobs?", "modifiers": {}}], "indent": 0, "quoted": false, "type": "plain", "is_rtl": false}]}
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[{"aid": 4906059, "url": "/Karl-Lagerfeld-What-do-professional-logo-designers-think-about-non-pro-designers-taking-up-their-jobs/answer/Kaisa-Holsting", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I'd say inspiration can be found in many different and surprising places. The same with talent.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"When it comes to logo designing the differences in the quality can be technical ( a beginner might not be aware how to best prepare the logo for its digital use) or experience-based (some things just work better than others and pros usually know how to use that for their own benefit.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Anyway... What I'm trying to say is that like with every art form it's the idea that matters... AllAlle rest can be improved. And pros who have done great work won't be tossed aside just because there are so many others out there doing the same thing... After all, once they too we're just rookies starting out :)\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 10091083, "givenName": "Kaisa", "familyName": "Holsting", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Kaisa-Holsting"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1398499816643693, "numViews": 452, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 2163441, "url": "/Karl-Lagerfeld-What-do-professional-logo-designers-think-about-non-pro-designers-taking-up-their-jobs/answer/Andrew-Williams-10", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Karl Lagerfeld is a professional designer. He's famous for being good at it. He's just generally not associated with logo design.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"As a graphic designer, I wouldn't recommend hiring a fashion designer to create an international hotel logo, but I don't think you can say he's a \\\"non pro designer taking [my] job.\\\"\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 3551943, "givenName": "Andrew", "familyName": "Williams", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Andrew-Williams-10"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1362090607673643, "numViews": 544, "numUpvotes": 1, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 3, "comments": [{"commentId": 1807169, "creationTime": 1362098397475587, "url": "/Karl-Lagerfeld-What-do-professional-logo-designers-think-about-non-pro-designers-taking-up-their-jobs/answer/Andrew-Williams-10?comment_id=1807169&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 11273153, "profileUrl": "/profile/Yves-Watt", "givenName": "Yves", "familyName": "Watt"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"He design clothes?\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 1808640, "creationTime": 1362133462838788, "url": "/Karl-Lagerfeld-What-do-professional-logo-designers-think-about-non-pro-designers-taking-up-their-jobs/answer/Andrew-Williams-10?comment_id=1808640&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 221001153, "profileUrl": null, "givenName": "Annalise", "familyName": "Cameron"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"yes, mainly, also other stuff.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}, {"commentId": 1808644, "creationTime": 1362133501550754, "url": "/Karl-Lagerfeld-What-do-professional-logo-designers-think-about-non-pro-designers-taking-up-their-jobs/answer/Andrew-Williams-10?comment_id=1808644&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 221001153, "profileUrl": null, "givenName": "Annalise", "familyName": "Cameron"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Please assume that the question is about pro logo designers.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}]
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{"sections": [{"spans": [{"text": "What actress would best play Bond?", "modifiers": {}}], "indent": 0, "quoted": false, "type": "plain", "is_rtl": false}]}
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Too young? \", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \"This will be a contentious one, but Gemma, Keira, et al, are just a little too young to play her. Admittedly that\\u2019s not going to be a problem with the passing of time (although their status/popularity might then be in decline), but Jemima needs to be performed by someone who has a George Clooney quality to them, in that they can be sexy, but not ridiculously so that they fail to convince us they are businesslike individuals who can butcher you at the drop of a hat, to say nothing of having the maturity of a life that was \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"lived\", \"modifiers\": {\"italic\": true}}, {\"text\": \". For me this is why Daniel Craig is so good as Bond. \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \" \", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \"Name me the female actress in that league that ticks all those boxes, and you\\u2019ve got your movie. But where is she?\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\\n \\nAnd that\\u2019s me.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 1874660, "givenName": "James", "familyName": "McLean", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/James-McLean-1"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1362073833811844, "numViews": 641, "numUpvotes": 4, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 4, "comments": [{"commentId": 1811252, "creationTime": 1362185769119232, "url": "/What-actress-would-best-play-Bond/answer/James-McLean-1?comment_id=1811252&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 326091, "profileUrl": "/profile/Clayburn-Griffin", "givenName": "Clayburn", "familyName": "Griffin"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I disagree on age. I think age makes a man more charming, but a woman gets less attractive with age. 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Methinks Ms. Mitra has her time in the sun, alas...\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}]}]}, {"aid": 1477743671281172, "url": "/What-actress-would-best-play-Bond/answer/Clarence-Wong-13", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Really the best is to create a female Super Spy (aka Superhero Spy) for the James Bond Universe or NOT. NOT an actress to play Bond at. \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"The BEST AND ONLY THING TO DO IS LEAVE IAN FLEMING\\u2019S CREATION ALONE AND FOLLOW HOW HE CREATED IT THE SAME GOES FOR PEOPLE WHO ASK ABOUT A BLACK OR SOME OTHER ETHNICITY, GAY OR LGBT JAMES BOND.\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \" James Bond is a Super Spy (aka Superhero Spy) and the Goldfinger was/is the blueprint for the Super Spy formula. Others have created Super Spies like Nick Fury in 1963 by Jack Kirby and Stan Lee, there also Black Widow who defected with the help of Nick Fury. 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Back to purity, back to simplicity\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"ordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"See this link: \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"Vits\\u0153 | Good design\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"https://www.vitsoe.com/gb/about/good-design\"}}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 221001153, "givenName": "Annalise", "familyName": "Cameron", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": null}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1373173013335372, "numViews": 2589, "numUpvotes": 3, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 2868723, "url": "/What-makes-a-great-product/answer/Nikhil-Bhagath", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"The mantra at Deere in recent times for all new product development programs has been 'DCU/DCV'- \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"Deep Customer Understanding/ Deliver Customer Value\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Who better to enlist than the customers to highlight the shortcomings of a product? And who better to refine your product spec and features than the person going to be using your product on a daily basis?\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 11825627, "givenName": "Nikhil", "familyName": "Bhagath", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Nikhil-Bhagath"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1374818496131340, "numViews": 1335, "numUpvotes": 1, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 11928352, "url": "/What-makes-a-great-product/answer/Anthony-3670", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Research your niche and find out what the biggest concerns, questions or problems are and develop a product, solution or series of products or solutions to meet those needs.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"If you're an expert in any arena, you may have a particular perspective or esoteric knowledge that might break someone's world wide open. Create those, too.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Write in a relatable way, not too difficult to understand or follow, and if you're building a brand, consider how to make your personality stand out in a sea of people.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"From there, you may want to either consult with or hire a visual designer to come up with some looks (maybe an entire lookbook with color choices, typefaces, layouts, etc.) and come up with a way to package it/them.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"With regard to that particular point, you may want to do some reconnaissance to find out how your competitors are packaging the ...\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 5627078, "givenName": "Anthony", "familyName": "", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Anthony-3670"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1430323018864564, "numViews": 1192, "numUpvotes": 2, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}]
{"sections": [{"spans": [{"text": "Wikipedia: ", "modifiers": {}}, {"text": "What recourse do I have over erroneous omissions from Wikipedia?", "modifiers": {}}], "indent": 0, "quoted": false, "type": "plain", "is_rtl": false}]}
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[{"aid": 2256915, "url": "/Wikipedia-What-recourse-do-I-have-over-erroneous-omissions-from-Wikipedia/answer/David-Gerard-4", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Hi - David Gerard, former music journalist here. If I Google on \\\"David Gerard music journalist\\\" I'm fifth and sixth. Yeah, seems there's a few of us.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I've also been involved in Wikipedia since 2004 and do a lot of volunteer media contact work for Wikipedia/Wikimedia in the UK. So I can actually answer your question:\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"You need lots of verifiable good-quality sources that would make up an article about you. If these don't exist, there's nothing to go on.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Lookiing at your submission \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"Wikipedia talk:Articles for creation/David Gerard\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia_talk:Articles_for_creation/David_Gerard\"}}}, {\"text\": \" I see only one third-party reference: a listing in an online encyclopedia of electronic music.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"There's pretty detailed guidelines on notability (a Wikipedia jargon word, not English as such) for musicians - they're somewhat arbitrary (and don't map well to, e.g., Australian indie rock, my specialist subject), but at least provide a benchmark to work to. \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"Wikipedia:Notability (music)\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Notability_%28music%29\"}}}, {\"text\": \" \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"tl;dr\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \" if you can't get a verifiable hit record or similar, then go out and get a ton of third-party media coverage as evidence that you, personally, are someone random people would want to look up.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Speaking as a Wikipedia contributor, writing about music on Wikipedia is occasionally infuriating. Feel free to ask me stuff about the topic. \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"User:David Gerard\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:David_Gerard\"}}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Another issue to consider is if you \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"want\", \"modifiers\": {\"italic\": true}}, {\"text\": \" a Wikipedia article about you. I would suggest this is not something people always want to happen to them. But that's an advanced topic at this stage.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Oh, I got deleted too: \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/David Gerard\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Articles_for_deletion/David_Gerard\"}}}, {\"text\": \" If I really wanted an article about me, I'd work harder to get media coverage personally.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 15131639, "givenName": "David", "familyName": "Gerard", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/David-Gerard-4"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1363804758872702, "numViews": 779, "numUpvotes": 4, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 3, "comments": [{"commentId": 1887011, "creationTime": 1363836383607539, "url": "/Wikipedia-What-recourse-do-I-have-over-erroneous-omissions-from-Wikipedia/answer/David-Gerard-4?comment_id=1887011&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 5697919, "profileUrl": "/profile/David-Gerard-1", "givenName": "David", "familyName": "Gerard"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Are you perchance my namesake from the UK?\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 1887707, "creationTime": 1363850947584605, "url": "/Wikipedia-What-recourse-do-I-have-over-erroneous-omissions-from-Wikipedia/answer/David-Gerard-4?comment_id=1887707&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 15131639, "profileUrl": "/profile/David-Gerard-4", "givenName": "David", "familyName": "Gerard"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Australia via UK - http://davidgerard.co.uk\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}, {"commentId": 1887015, "creationTime": 1363836448929909, "url": "/Wikipedia-What-recourse-do-I-have-over-erroneous-omissions-from-Wikipedia/answer/David-Gerard-4?comment_id=1887015&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 5697919, "profileUrl": "/profile/David-Gerard-1", "givenName": "David", "familyName": "Gerard"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"btw: submission was not created by me, but by a fan who works in the public relations field.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}, {"aid": 7564667, "url": "/Wikipedia-What-recourse-do-I-have-over-erroneous-omissions-from-Wikipedia/answer/Kim-Willson-1", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I would redlink your name. Every time you see your name in another article, red link it. Once you have enough red links, it will become clear that you are a necessary, \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"missing \", \"modifiers\": {\"italic\": true}}, {\"text\": \"article. Don't ADD your name to articles (as that will seem like a campaign). But if your name is already there, redlink it. If you tell me what your name is, I will look into it myself.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 59619893, "givenName": "Kim", "familyName": "Willson", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Kim-Willson-1"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1413591325348453, "numViews": 495, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 1, "comments": [{"commentId": 6758847, "creationTime": 1413907455287310, "url": "/Wikipedia-What-recourse-do-I-have-over-erroneous-omissions-from-Wikipedia/answer/Kim-Willson-1?comment_id=6758847&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 5697919, "profileUrl": "/profile/David-Gerard-1", "givenName": "David", "familyName": "Gerard"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Hi Kimberly. My name is David Gerard. I currently write for \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"Welcome to Examiner.com\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"http://Examiner.com\"}}}, {\"text\": \" - before that, I wrote for the Boston Globe and the Boston Phoenix. I am listed in the Encyclopedia of Electronic Music. Reviews of my work appeared on sites Audio Verite and Sounds Instrumental, but both sites are no longer publishing. I also write poetry, and a review of one of my anthologies ran in Boston paper Bay Windows. You find online links that reference my work at the urls below. I'd really appreciate anything you might be able to accomplish here.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Seven questions with ... ambient musician David Gerard\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"http://www.headphonaught.co.uk/2014/06/seven-questions-with-ambient-musician_14.html\"}}}, {\"text\": \"\\n\", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"Presenting ... \\\"Ghosts We All Are (waag_sng007)\\\" by David Gerard\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"http://www.weareallghosts.co.uk/2014/10/presenting-ghosts-we-all-are-waagsng007.html\"}}}, {\"text\": \"\\n\", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"David Gerard - Tethered (for Brian)\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"http://ambientlandscape.wordpress.com/2014/10/07/david-gerard-tethered-for-brian/\"}}}, {\"text\": \"\\n\", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"Boston Globe Archives\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"http://pqasb.pqarchiver.com/boston/results.html?st=advanced&QryTxt=&type=current&sortby=RELEVANCE&datetype=0&frommonth=01&fromday=01&fromyear=1980&tomonth=05&today=19&toyear=2014&By=David+Gerard&Title=\"}}}, {\"text\": \"\\n\", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"Stone Temple Pilots\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"http://www.bostonphoenix.com/alt1/archive/music/reviews/04-11-96/STONE_TEMPLE_PILOTS.html\"}}}, {\"text\": \"\\ndg\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}]
{"sections": [{"spans": [{"text": "Can Christine Lagarde be taken seriously by average people?", "modifiers": {}}], "indent": 0, "quoted": false, "type": "plain", "is_rtl": false}]}
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[{"aid": 13778749, "url": "/Can-Christine-Lagarde-be-taken-seriously-by-average-people/answer/Naomie-Leogane", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"She is taken seriously everywhere she goes.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 72408528, "givenName": "Naomie", "familyName": "Leogane", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Naomie-Leogane"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": true, "creationTime": 1436034789506408, "numViews": 64, "numUpvotes": 1, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 2209806, "url": "/Can-Christine-Lagarde-be-taken-seriously-by-average-people/answer/Achilleas-Vortselas", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"This seems to be a rhetorical question, but still...\", \"modifiers\": {\"italic\": true}}, {\"text\": \".\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Obviously not. If she were taken seriously then there wouldn't have been such a popular outrage against her [1-4]. In Greece, she is regarded as an embodiment of the \\\"Global Elites\\\" which are holding the country hostage. She is perfect for the role of the villain. It doesn't help her that nowadays her name is connected with the latest great political scandal [5], even though it's not her own scandal to boot.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"[1]\", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \" Facebook fury prompts Lagarde Greece clarification | News | DW.DE | 27.05.2012 \", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"http://www.dw.de/facebook-fury-prompts-lagarde-greece-clarification/a-15980740\"}}}, {\"text\": \"\\n[2]\", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \" Outraged Greeks Attack Lagarde\\u2019s Facebook Account\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"http://greece.greekreporter.com/2012/05/26/outraged-greeks-attack-lagardes-facebook-account/\"}}}, {\"text\": \"\\n[3]\", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \" Lagarde Upsets the Greeks\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"http://blogs.wsj.com/eurocrisis/2012/05/28/lagarde-upsets-the-greeks/\"}}}, {\"text\": \"\\n[4]\", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \" 2008 Financial Crisis: Were Christine Lagarde's Guardian interview comments on Greece correct?\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"question\", \"qid\": 664343, \"url\": \"https://www.quora.com/2008-Financial-Crisis-Were-Christine-Lagardes-Guardian-interview-comments-on-Greece-correct\"}}}, {\"text\": \"\\n[5] \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"Lagarde list\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lagarde_list\"}}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 36390, "givenName": "Achilleas", "familyName": "Vortselas", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Achilleas-Vortselas"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1362964400322860, "numViews": 984, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 2211589, "url": "/Can-Christine-Lagarde-be-taken-seriously-by-average-people/answer/Rupert-Baines", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Sure.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"She is one of the most powerful people in the world, as head of IMF. That seems like reasonable ground to take her seriously.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"That is not saying she is right or wrong, but she should be taken seriously.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 517495, "givenName": "Rupert", "familyName": "Baines", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Rupert-Baines"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1363001714665678, "numViews": 368, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}]
{"sections": [{"spans": [{"text": "What methodology could be use to deal with microprojects?", "modifiers": {}}], "indent": 0, "quoted": false, "type": "plain", "is_rtl": false}]}
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[{"aid": 2833115, "url": "/What-methodology-could-be-use-to-deal-with-microprojects/answer/Stuart-Gomersall", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"With a project that size; I would sit everyone in a single room with a kanban board and ply them with coffee and pizza until it's done. There is a danger that the operating costs (or effort) exceed the actual effort required (the 3-10 days); keep it light, keep talking to the customer and close the work out quickly. Customers also dislike heavy methodologies on simple projects!\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 18703302, "givenName": "Stuart", "familyName": "Gomersall", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Stuart-Gomersall"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1374228751985012, "numViews": 519, "numUpvotes": 1, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}]
{"sections": [{"spans": [{"text": "Why did Alex White choose to move NextBigSound to NYC?", "modifiers": {}}], "indent": 0, "quoted": false, "type": "plain", "is_rtl": false}]}
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[{"aid": 2210715, "url": "/Why-did-Alex-White-choose-to-move-NextBigSound-to-NYC/answer/Fletcher-Richman", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I'm not Alex, but I am pretty plugged into the startup scene here in Boulder, and I feel compelled to answer. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"The quick and dirty answer to your questions is \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"NO\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \", a startup does not need to move to NYC or Silicon Valley, Boulder is an absolutely incredible place for a company, especially a B2B company.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Why?\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"1) Just look at all the companies proving it. Rally Software \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"http://www.rallydev.com/\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"http://www.rallydev.com/\"}}}, {\"text\": \" Gnip \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"http://gnip.com/\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"http://gnip.com/\"}}}, {\"text\": \" SendGrid \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"http://sendgrid.com/\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"http://sendgrid.com/\"}}}, {\"text\": \" and PivotDesk \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"http://pivotdesk.com/\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"http://pivotdesk.com/\"}}}, {\"text\": \" are some of the stand-out B2B companies that come to mind. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"2) Boulder consistently receives recognition as one of the nations top cities to start a company in. Its small population makes it one of the highest per capita in categories like venture financing and software developers.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"3) It's an absolutely amazing place to live. Just come visit, I promise you won't want to leave. The result of the incredible landscape is company cultures that value employees who live balanced lifestyles. This makes it even more enticing for future employees.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\\nThe reason Alex and NextBigSound went to New York City is probably because of the lack of a strong music scene. Denver and Boulder's music is on the rise, but it can't hold up to the music industry in NYC. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"As a side note, outside of the three cities mentioned there are plenty of other great places to start a company.\", \"modifiers\": {\"italic\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 5107582, "givenName": "Fletcher", "familyName": "Richman", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Fletcher-Richman"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1362984365589993, "numViews": 347, "numUpvotes": 2, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}]
{"sections": [{"spans": [{"text": "What happens if two objects of infinite masses collide with each other (assume that the objects have attained 99.99% of speed of light and so that is why it's mass is infinite and are travelling at the same speed)? Would deceleration be produced?", "modifiers": {}}], "indent": 0, "quoted": false, "type": "plain", "is_rtl": false}]}
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[{"aid": 57645026, "url": "/What-happens-if-two-objects-of-infinite-masses-collide-with-each-other-assume-that-the-objects-have-attained-99-99-of-speed-of-light-and-so-that-is-why-its-mass-is-infinite-and-are-travelling-at-the-same-speed-Would-deceleration-be-produced/answer/Aditya-Sharma-1447", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I say, travelling at a speed of light with infinite mass, then it would surely be the tachyon particles. These are superluminal particles which have the capacity to travel faster than light and without loosing mass, although its just a theory, there is no scientific proof of existence of such particles. However, if two objects collide with that speed, then theoretically it would create a wormhole(a passage through space and time itself) which will allow anybody to move in any place in spacetime.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 207197877, "givenName": "Aditya", "familyName": "Sharma", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Aditya-Sharma-1447"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1506141226345565, "numViews": 744, "numUpvotes": 1, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 3374185, "url": "/What-happens-if-two-objects-of-infinite-masses-collide-with-each-other-assume-that-the-objects-have-attained-99-99-of-speed-of-light-and-so-that-is-why-its-mass-is-infinite-and-are-travelling-at-the-same-speed-Would-deceleration-be-produced/answer/TyJeria-Prophet", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"it would bounce from each other or crash.. such as a car .. if two cars with the same speed collide with each other both cars are not going to move .. but the car is going to be damaged .. if two basketballs collides there are gonna bounce\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 33489685, "givenName": "Ty'Jeria", "familyName": "Prophet", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/TyJeria-Prophet"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": true, "creationTime": 1382367106159650, "numViews": 250, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}]
{"sections": [{"spans": [{"text": "Would math be equally as beautiful if it were popular in a non-base 10 system?", "modifiers": {}}], "indent": 0, "quoted": false, "type": "plain", "is_rtl": false}]}
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[{"aid": 2161717, "url": "/Would-math-be-equally-as-beautiful-if-it-were-popular-in-a-non-base-10-system/answer/Jack-Huizenga", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"The base of the number system you use has almost no relevance to real mathematics. Numbers themselves exist without any choice of way of writing them down. Sure there are trivial rules for things like testing divisibility by 3 or other such tricks; however these are merely artifacts of the representation system. The real beauty in math has little to do with such notational tricks.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 26124, "givenName": "Jack", "familyName": "Huizenga", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Jack-Huizenga"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1362062975517784, "numViews": 7118, "numUpvotes": 84, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 5, "comments": [{"commentId": 1808882, "creationTime": 1362139125793194, "url": "/Would-math-be-equally-as-beautiful-if-it-were-popular-in-a-non-base-10-system/answer/Jack-Huizenga?comment_id=1808882&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 840273, "profileUrl": "/profile/Mark-Harrison-2", "givenName": "Mark", "familyName": "Harrison"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"The divisibility by three trick generalises to other bases as well.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"If you're in base n, then you have the 'check for divisibility by n-1' trick as an equivalent to 'check for divisibility by nine'.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"... and if n-1 happens to be square, then you have the 'check for the square root of n-1' trick as well... wbich is why, in base ten, we have the 'divisibility by three' trick\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"EDIT: please see the follow up from Sridar Ramesh, who has pointed out that it's not about the square root, but that the test works for ANY FACTOR of n-1\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"So, in base 5, you can check for disibility by 4 and 2 by adding the digits...\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"... and in base 17 you can check for divisibility by 16 and 4 by adding the digits (though it's harder to think of, because you have to remember to use the letters A...G rather than 10 when you get to ten)\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 1811986, "creationTime": 1362205599478840, "url": "/Would-math-be-equally-as-beautiful-if-it-were-popular-in-a-non-base-10-system/answer/Jack-Huizenga?comment_id=1811986&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 175499, "profileUrl": "/profile/Sridhar-Ramesh", "givenName": "Sridhar", "familyName": "Ramesh"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"It's not even important that n - 1 is square. Every factor of n - 1 has the same divisibility test in base n that 3 and 9 have in base ten.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 1812812, "creationTime": 1362232075520268, "url": "/Would-math-be-equally-as-beautiful-if-it-were-popular-in-a-non-base-10-system/answer/Jack-Huizenga?comment_id=1812812&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 840273, "profileUrl": "/profile/Mark-Harrison-2", "givenName": "Mark", "familyName": "Harrison"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Sridhar,\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"That's what I said.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Every base has the n-1...\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"... But if n-1 is square, it has the \\\"square root of n-1\\\" AS WELL.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 1814501, "creationTime": 1362273983596244, "url": "/Would-math-be-equally-as-beautiful-if-it-were-popular-in-a-non-base-10-system/answer/Jack-Huizenga?comment_id=1814501&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 175499, "profileUrl": "/profile/Sridhar-Ramesh", "givenName": "Sridhar", "familyName": "Ramesh"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I'm just pointing out that there's nothing special about n - 1 having a square root, as opposed to other sorts of factors. For example, if n = 7, then then n - 1 = 6, which isn't square, but we still have the same \\\"Add up the digits\\\" divisibility test for its non-square-root factors 2 and 3 (as well as for 6 itself, and trivially for 1).\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 1815405, "creationTime": 1362298016975594, "url": "/Would-math-be-equally-as-beautiful-if-it-were-popular-in-a-non-base-10-system/answer/Jack-Huizenga?comment_id=1815405&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 840273, "profileUrl": "/profile/Mark-Harrison-2", "givenName": "Mark", "familyName": "Harrison"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"OK - now I understand...\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\\nSo the test works for n-1 AND ALL FACTORS of n-1....\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\\n... I'd not twigged that,\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}]}]}]}]}, {"aid": 2172195, "url": "/Would-math-be-equally-as-beautiful-if-it-were-popular-in-a-non-base-10-system/answer/Srijan-Sanket", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Short Answer:\\n\", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"Every base is base 10.\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \" Literally and figuratively..\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Long Answer:\\nFirst of all, we must distinguish between numbers and their representations. \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"Much of beauty of maths is related to numbers and not symbols.\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \" If a certain symbol is replaced universally with a newly defined symbol, it would not make any difference.\\nWhat shifting of bases does is simple change the counter after which we shift a placeholder. The mathematics remain the same with \\\"ten\\\" being changed to \\\"X\\\" in terms of \\\"beautific properties\\\", the underlying concepts remain the same. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Consider base phi=1.618... for example. Any non-negative real number can be represented using just 0s and 1s without a sequence '11'. Isn't that simply beautiful?\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"If your definition of beauty differs from mine, then probably the arguments regarding base 8/12/16 might be closer to them. For example, here's an argument debating base e as the most optimal base as it \\\"writes numbers in least space\\\".\\n\", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"What's the most optimal numeric base? (Top 10 Bases)\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"http://www.burtonmackenzie.com/2007/12/whats-most-optimal-numeric-base.html\"}}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"The main thing is that \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"most of the time\", \"modifiers\": {\"italic\": true}}, {\"text\": \", we consider other bases disadvantageous because we think in terms of base 10 and compare. \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"If a person were capable of thinking sub-consciously in another base, then this debate would be worth having.\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 3727352, "givenName": "Srijan", "familyName": "Sanket", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Srijan-Sanket"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1362265638006014, "numViews": 3803, "numUpvotes": 36, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 4, "comments": [{"commentId": 1815160, "creationTime": 1362291978696238, "url": "/Would-math-be-equally-as-beautiful-if-it-were-popular-in-a-non-base-10-system/answer/Srijan-Sanket?comment_id=1815160&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 4033367, "profileUrl": "/profile/Abhinav-Gupta-11", "givenName": "Abhinav", "familyName": "Gupta"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"http://www.google.co.in/imgres?imgurl=http://cowbirdsinlove.com/comics/43/base10.png&imgrefurl=http://cowbirdsinlove.com/43&h=255&w=297&sz=16&tbnid=CKI7JAyRh7m5rM:&tbnh=90&tbnw=105&prev=/search%3Fq%3Devery%2Bbase%2Bis%2Bbase%2B10%2Bcomic%26tbm%3Disch%26tbo%3Du&zoom=1&q=every+base+is+base+10+comic&usg=__zv7jrs0ivlzNuXXMxES6cOkOcOk=&docid=EuU62VJE2yygVM&sa=X&ei=8-wyUZWHK8bXrQf_-4CAAQ&ved=0CDcQ9QEwAQ&dur=336\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 1816788, "creationTime": 1362335430407977, "url": "/Would-math-be-equally-as-beautiful-if-it-were-popular-in-a-non-base-10-system/answer/Srijan-Sanket?comment_id=1816788&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 3727352, "profileUrl": "/profile/Srijan-Sanket", "givenName": "Srijan", "familyName": "Sanket"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \":)\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}, {"commentId": 2168443, "creationTime": 1369454252427462, "url": "/Would-math-be-equally-as-beautiful-if-it-were-popular-in-a-non-base-10-system/answer/Srijan-Sanket?comment_id=2168443&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 7596255, "profileUrl": "/profile/Guy-Baruch", "givenName": "Guy", "familyName": "Baruch"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Unary base\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unary_numeral_system\"}}}, {\"text\": \" is not base 10 ...\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}, {"commentId": 22527895, "creationTime": 1470254159021736, "url": "/Would-math-be-equally-as-beautiful-if-it-were-popular-in-a-non-base-10-system/answer/Srijan-Sanket?comment_id=22527895&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 79485658, "profileUrl": "/profile/Robert-Wilson-III", "givenName": "Robert", "familyName": "Wilson III"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Who says we can't think naturally in different bases? The only reason we think in base ten is because that is what is crammed down our throughts in kindergarten.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"And, btw, how can you be sure of the quantities that symbols represent if you haven't written them? A quantity means nothing unless you associate a number to it, and this does rely on our base 10 number system. I don't see how you could argue that the size associated with our symbol is seperate from the symbol itself -- the symbol is what gives it meaning, based on axioms we choose. And I doubt the truth of our axioms as well.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I don't think anyone in mathematics today has thought to question the truth of what they learned in kindergarten, and I think this is a huge mistake.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}, {"aid": 2164106, "url": "/Would-math-be-equally-as-beautiful-if-it-were-popular-in-a-non-base-10-system/answer/Robert-J-Kolker", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Math is really about patterns, structures and logic. Representing numbers is an important matter for practical reasons but has very little impact on abstract theories. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Now Arithmetic, which is what you are really referring to, depends a great deal on how numbers are represented. For positional systems to some integer base, using 0 as a place holder the main difference between base and another are the lengths of strings representing a number.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 4320925, "givenName": "Robert", "familyName": "J. Kolker", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Robert-J-Kolker"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1362104221769410, "numViews": 246, "numUpvotes": 3, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 2166415, "url": "/Would-math-be-equally-as-beautiful-if-it-were-popular-in-a-non-base-10-system/answers/2166415", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Tell me some form of beauty that exist in base ten, that does not exist in say, base two five or fifteen? The fact that you can neatly divide by the numer \\\"one zero\\\" is just a notation convention. If we call five \\\"one zero\\\" it will work just as well.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 221001153, "givenName": "Annalise", "familyName": "Cameron", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": null}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": true, "creationTime": 1362148114912740, "numViews": 305, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 2179583, "url": "/Would-math-be-equally-as-beautiful-if-it-were-popular-in-a-non-base-10-system/answer/Prateek-Karandikar", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Math hardly ever uses base d representations of integers or real numbers, for any d. It's a rather cumbersome thing anyway, with non-uniqueness. Do you ever see stuff like \\\"Let n and d be positive integers with d >= 2. Let a_0, a_1, ..... be the base d representation of n\\\"? Almost never, unless the purpose is to state and prove facts about base d representations. Your premise that \\\"math is popular in base 10\\\" is flawed.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 8223135, "givenName": "Prateek", "familyName": "Karandikar", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Prateek-Karandikar"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1362418724347015, "numViews": 300, "numUpvotes": 2, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 4071628, "url": "/Would-math-be-equally-as-beautiful-if-it-were-popular-in-a-non-base-10-system/answer/Vandad-Ghiassi", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Base 12 and 60 are still very popular, and were popular before base 10. There are 12 x (12 x 5) minutes in a days, each divided into (12 x 5) seconds, and years had 360 days in sumerian culture before Persians invented the astrolab.\\nThere is a reason in it. And to find it, you have just to remember how you devide in 6 the perimeter of a circle using a compass :)\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"For obvious reasons computers, so programmers have a preference for powers of 2.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"There is always a physical reason for the preference of a base\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"10 = 2 hands times 5 fingers but 360 degrees = 2*3*4*5*6 and 1 pound had 12 subparts in Persia, so Germany and England. There are many bases that are more popular because they have more interesting features. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Sumerians, so persians, so germans and english (German culture has caucasian persian roots for weights, basic words, and persians borrowed maths from sumerians) preferred other bases.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 40356658, "givenName": "Vandad", "familyName": "Ghiassi", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Vandad-Ghiassi"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1391544902517447, "numViews": 366, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 6193007, "url": "/Would-math-be-equally-as-beautiful-if-it-were-popular-in-a-non-base-10-system/answer/Wendy-Krieger", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Some bases are nicer. Base 22 gives some interesting things about pi and its powers. pi = 3.3 2 10, where 3. 3 3 = 1. 17 ^2 pi^2 = 9; 19 2 19 10 against 227/23 = 9; 19 2 19 2, pi^3 = 1 9; 0 2 pi^4 = 4 9; 9 0 0 0 0 14\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"You also get 2^19 = 2 5 5 5 6 and 3^5 = 11 1.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Really, the digital tricks you see in decimal come pretty much any base, like 12 or 18 (which has 1 1 1 as a cube), or base 68 (which has a square of the form a b a b a b, and a cube of the form x y x y. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"But when you learn a second base, the sort of number-play you see of decimal digits is what you expect when people think anagrams in english are wonderfunderful and significat.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 54469822, "givenName": "Wendy", "familyName": "Krieger", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Wendy-Krieger"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1406253814404352, "numViews": 387, "numUpvotes": 1, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 1, "comments": [{"commentId": 5570380, "creationTime": 1406297926571053, "url": "/Would-math-be-equally-as-beautiful-if-it-were-popular-in-a-non-base-10-system/answer/Wendy-Krieger?comment_id=5570380&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 21676031, "profileUrl": "/profile/David-Eaton-6", "givenName": "David", "familyName": "Eaton"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Wonderfunderful? Significat? I'm going to wait patiently for you to show the hidden anagram for \\\"wonderfunderful and significat\\\".\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}]
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[{"aid": 3745917, "url": "/Fiberglass-How-many-tons-of-sand-does-it-take-to-produce-a-ton-of-glass-fiber/answer/Sridhar-Reddy-29", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Hi. \\nThe following is applicable for boron free e-glass with which I have some experience.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Silica used ~600 kg/1000kg glass produced (before forming)\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Glass to final fiber glass conversion ~85% (depends on plant efficiency and glass fiber type. Direct Rovings can have high efficiency)\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"So ~0.7 tons of silica sand per ton of glass fiber.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"When it comes to composites, huge variation can be seen. If the final composition has only 30% glass fiber (remaining contribution from resin/filler) and the process has 10% wastage, we might need ~0.25 tons pf sand for 1 ton of composite fiber glass.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 27981765, "givenName": "Sridhar", "familyName": "Reddy", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Sridhar-Reddy-29"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1387718325416582, "numViews": 970, "numUpvotes": 3, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 2, "comments": [{"commentId": 41294030, "creationTime": 1502971160405126, "url": "/Fiberglass-How-many-tons-of-sand-does-it-take-to-produce-a-ton-of-glass-fiber/answer/Sridhar-Reddy-29?comment_id=41294030&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 101866815, "profileUrl": "/profile/Ahmed-Shahin-11", "givenName": "Ahmed", "familyName": "Shahin"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Hi Sridhar,\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"do you have experience in Fiberglass manufacturing plants? i need your brilliant advice. thank you in advance.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}, {"commentId": 47223272, "creationTime": 1510313305272116, "url": "/Fiberglass-How-many-tons-of-sand-does-it-take-to-produce-a-ton-of-glass-fiber/answer/Sridhar-Reddy-29?comment_id=47223272&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 374465055, "profileUrl": "/profile/Ella-Liang-12", "givenName": "Ella", "familyName": "Liang"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Hi, Fiberglass yarn, roving, usually drawing by crucible or kiln from glass marble or glass. and content of Sio2 is different with E-glass, C-glass.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Hebei Boxian Industrial Co., LTD_Hebei Boxian Industrial Co., LTD\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"http://www.hebeiboxian.com\"}}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}]
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[{"aid": 86072295, "url": "/What-are-some-worst-big-budget-Bollywood-movies/answer/Ayush-Gupta-1742", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Some of the worst big budget Bollywood movies are-\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Ra.One\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Love Story 2050\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Veer\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Tubelight\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Fan\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Dhoom 3\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Mirzya\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Welcome Back\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 163851040, "givenName": "Ayush", "familyName": "Gupta", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Ayush-Gupta-1742"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1528092546031122, "numViews": 13, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 2161871, "url": "/What-are-some-worst-big-budget-Bollywood-movies/answer/Rahul-Nagar", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I can think of some..\\nRa One\\nRaavan\\nVeer\\nKites\\nLove Story 2050\\nBlue\\nChandni Chowk to China\\nAgent Vinod\\nDrona\\nPlayers\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Special Mention: Dabangg 2 (worst possible sequel of Dabangg)\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 7900564, "givenName": "Rahul", "familyName": "Nagar", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Rahul-Nagar"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1362065106389411, "numViews": 2461, "numUpvotes": 4, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 1, "comments": [{"commentId": 27860406, "creationTime": 1482231953299166, "url": "/What-are-some-worst-big-budget-Bollywood-movies/answer/Rahul-Nagar?comment_id=27860406&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 63630233, "profileUrl": "/profile/Aabi-Jewels-3", "givenName": "Aabi", "familyName": "Jewels"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"All right but kits is my favourite love story.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}]
{"sections": [{"spans": [{"text": "How to take pictures of moving objects? Like that of a sports event without getting blurred image. What shutter speed should be used?", "modifiers": {}}], "indent": 0, "quoted": false, "type": "plain", "is_rtl": false}]}
{ "uid": 10624291, "givenName": "Pankaj", "familyName": "Singh", "isMachineAnswerBot": false }
[{"aid": 2161844, "url": "/How-to-take-pictures-of-moving-objects-Like-that-of-a-sports-event-without-getting-blurred-image-What-shutter-speed-should-be-used/answer/Rasmus-Himmelstrup-1", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I think there's alot of information of this online. However, in general (very much depending on the sport) never go below 1/800.\\nShooting with such a high shutter speed either require great lighting (for instance, outdoor) or a very light sensitive lens (indoor). For instance, shooting indoor with a standard lens with a shutter speed of 1/800 makes the image incredible dark. A normal stadium, gym, etc. have very poor lighting for photography. So buying a light sensitive with a large aperture will take you most of the way. For sports photography I would recommend a DSLR with APS censor (1.5x crop - increases zoom compared to Full Frame cameras) like D7000 or a 7D and a 70-200mm f/2.2.\\nThat should do the job :)\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Going too low on the focal length (i.e. a 35 or 50 mm f/1.8) makes it, in most situations, a bit difficult to get close enough on the motive to get that cool bookeh effect.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 11472949, "givenName": "Rasmus", "familyName": "Himmelstrup", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Rasmus-Himmelstrup-1"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1362064752650237, "numViews": 358, "numUpvotes": 1, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}]
{"sections": [{"spans": [{"text": "Which is the best college in India to do a masters in Electrical Power Engineering from?", "modifiers": {}}], "indent": 0, "quoted": false, "type": "plain", "is_rtl": false}]}
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[{"aid": 5563214, "url": "/Which-is-the-best-college-in-India-to-do-a-masters-in-Electrical-Power-Engineering-from/answer/Gyanendu-Kumar", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"National Power Training Institute\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true, \"italic\": true, \"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"https://www.google.co.in/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CBsQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.npti.in%2F&ei=-I6dU_LJLJHJuASsn4LADA&usg=AFQjCNEuPggS6GFORlNrFxjmDV2BiDs-xA\"}}}, {\"text\": \" (NPTI)\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true, \"italic\": true, \"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"https://www.google.co.in/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CBsQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.npti.in%2F&ei=-I6dU_LJLJHJuASsn4LADA&usg=AFQjCNEuPggS6GFORlNrFxjmDV2BiDs-xA\"}}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 56048328, "givenName": "Gyanendu", "familyName": "Kumar", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Gyanendu-Kumar"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": true, "creationTime": 1402834700643058, "numViews": 158, "numUpvotes": 4, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}]
{"sections": [{"spans": [{"text": "What is the rationale behind 'all women bank' proposition in Union Budget 2013-14?", "modifiers": {}}], "indent": 0, "quoted": false, "type": "plain", "is_rtl": false}]}
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[{"aid": 2181644, "url": "/What-is-the-rationale-behind-all-women-bank-proposition-in-Union-Budget-2013-14/answer/Akhil-Chaturvedi-1", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"If one has to believe that women are equals, one should respect them as well as any other man not just talk of lip service. To make an environment that is conducive for a woman to work, or do banking does it really need to emphasise on exclusivity or equality. To create a need for equality do we really need to divide genders or have people sensitised to respect for women? Insecurity of women is because of not just the inequality but the undertones of sexual behaviour towards them that a woman can sense and every man needs to be sensitised about such behaviours. This insecurity can not be resolved by a medieval solution of separating the women at workplace, in business, at public places. Similar things done in Islamic country promptly get labelled as Talibanisation. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"It is a fine line creating a conducive environment one understands defining a separate toilets, counters for security checks, encouraging girl child, but the question is do we really need to segregate women to show that our society really treats them as equals. Banking industry is managed by well educated & trained people who could be further trained to achieve gender in equality. With women heading banks like ICICI Bank, HSBC, and many other women at various positions from top to bottom in Banking is marking the equality of women not because of segregation but amalgamation and their respective competence as equals. If funds not being in name of women is an issue, one could offer a higher interest rate as done for senior citizens, not segregating & just treating them as deprived downtrodden but be treated as first amongst equals.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 12462437, "givenName": "Akhil", "familyName": "Chaturvedi", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Akhil-Chaturvedi-1"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1362457118747159, "numViews": 183, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 2177548, "url": "/What-is-the-rationale-behind-all-women-bank-proposition-in-Union-Budget-2013-14/answer/Arjun-Singh-16", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"PC in his budget meant majorly for the rural area where it could enable the rural women who are still bound by age old convention in many aspects to go and bank.\\nIt's basically to make the environment more stimulating for the rural women. By stimulating I want to emphasize that the employees of the bank would be females who are more sensitive to needs of other people and by people here I am pointing out rural women. So all in all it would help them to bank in safer and conducive environment with probable absence of harassment or uncomfortableness while dealing with male gentry of the bank.\\nand i am hoping it will be on the lines of SEWA bank operated in Ahmedabad as a coop bank but sewa is just one example in one place and is not a psu bank, as pc mentioned it will be first women's bank as a public sector bank which would be more diffused in its reach in the rural areas. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"ill call it good investment. according to me this bank for women is just a tool or vehicle to provide an initial push to the rural women in the direction of empowerment,so in the near future when the women are sufficiently empowered by such measures and policies of the government , all these tool/ vehicles can be thrown open to all and thereby serving the purpose of inclusiveness as well.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 9048934, "givenName": "Arjun", "familyName": "Singh", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Arjun-Singh-16"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1362379874416798, "numViews": 252, "numUpvotes": 1, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}]
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{"sections": [{"spans": [{"text": "Startup and Private Valuations: ", "modifiers": {}}, {"text": "What was Freshology or The Fresh Diet valued at when they raised money?", "modifiers": {}}], "indent": 0, "quoted": false, "type": "plain", "is_rtl": false}]}
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{"sections": [{"spans": [{"text": "I can heat things within minutes using household items, why can't I cool things at the same speed using household items?", "modifiers": {}}], "indent": 0, "quoted": false, "type": "plain", "is_rtl": false}]}
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[{"aid": 2162719, "url": "/I-can-heat-things-within-minutes-using-household-items-why-cant-I-cool-things-at-the-same-speed-using-household-items/answer/Joshua-Engel", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"You do have a device around your house to cool things quickly. It's called \\\"a bucket of water\\\". If you need to cool it down really quickly, you use ice instead of water, and add rock salt to lower the freezing point of the ice so that it quickly melts into superchilled water, taking a lot of heat with it. You can buy a contraption to do it:\\n\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\", \"modifiers\": {\"image\": \"https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-4568e4c55842a17e8de086aed78c8e4c.webp\", \"height\": 427, \"width\": 432, \"master_url\": \"https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-4568e4c55842a17e8de086aed78c8e4c-lq\", \"is_deleted\": false, \"is_sensitive\": false, \"is_uploaded_by_bot\": false, \"zoomable\": true, \"dominant_color\": \"#9e8261\"}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"image\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\\nAnd if you have one, you can make homemade ice cream.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Even without that, just submerging a hot pot in room-temperature water can cool boiling liquids in minutes. This is necessary to comply with safety regulations, since you want to minimize the time that the hot soup spends in the 40F-140F \\\"danger zone\\\". It's a lot faster than putting it in the refrigerator, or even the freezer: the water has a much higher heat capacity than air. For really fast cooling, add ice to the water:\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\", \"modifiers\": {\"image\": \"https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-65d1a83775da3d82f62c0ae5d92a96dd.webp\", \"height\": 400, \"width\": 600, \"master_url\": \"https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-65d1a83775da3d82f62c0ae5d92a96dd-lq\", \"is_deleted\": false, \"is_sensitive\": false, \"is_uploaded_by_bot\": false, \"zoomable\": true, \"dominant_color\": \"#f1f2f3\"}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"image\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"image credit: \", \"modifiers\": {\"italic\": true}}, {\"text\": \"http://www.supermomnocape.com/2011/09/20/how-to-make-homemade-stock/\", \"modifiers\": {\"italic\": true, \"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"http://www.supermomnocape.com/2011/09/20/how-to-make-homemade-stock/\"}}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"This device is more akin to the cold equivalent of a deep-fryer than to an oven. A deep fryer cooks faster than an oven at the same temperature because the hot oil has a much higher heat capacity than the air. You use oil rather than water because water that hot evaporates.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"If you want to chill something REALLY fast, you need something that's liquid at a much colder tempertature. Say, liquid nitrogen, for instant ice cream:\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\", \"modifiers\": {\"embed\": {\"url\": \"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=utjdLDojbCw\"}}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"yt-embed\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\\nBut aside from nifty experiments like this, there's generally no need of cooling something that quickly. It might be nice if you wanted to quickly cool a cooked turkey for leftovers (since plunging it into water isn't really practical), I suppose, but it'll generally cool fast enough on its own, especially if you cut it up.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 243133, "givenName": "Joshua", "familyName": "Engel", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Joshua-Engel"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1362078996433378, "numViews": 5908, "numUpvotes": 37, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 4, "comments": [{"commentId": 1806338, "creationTime": 1362081532415426, "url": "/I-can-heat-things-within-minutes-using-household-items-why-cant-I-cool-things-at-the-same-speed-using-household-items/answer/Joshua-Engel?comment_id=1806338&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 4173734, "profileUrl": "/profile/James-Schek", "givenName": "James", "familyName": "Schek"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"If you don't have liquid nitrogen around the house, a CO2 fire extinguisher can work in a pinch for chilling sodas, beers, etc. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 1806385, "creationTime": 1362082419096302, "url": "/I-can-heat-things-within-minutes-using-household-items-why-cant-I-cool-things-at-the-same-speed-using-household-items/answer/Joshua-Engel?comment_id=1806385&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 243133, "profileUrl": "/profile/Joshua-Engel", "givenName": "Joshua", "familyName": "Engel"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Especially if they're on fire.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}, {"commentId": 1808109, "creationTime": 1362119940946439, "url": "/I-can-heat-things-within-minutes-using-household-items-why-cant-I-cool-things-at-the-same-speed-using-household-items/answer/Joshua-Engel?comment_id=1808109&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 2274778, "profileUrl": "/profile/Antariksh-Bothale", "givenName": "Antariksh", "familyName": "Bothale"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"It's equal parts heat capacity and coefficient of convection \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"h\", \"modifiers\": {\"italic\": true}}, {\"text\": \". It's much higher for liquids than for gases.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 1813789, "creationTime": 1362253395672369, "url": "/I-can-heat-things-within-minutes-using-household-items-why-cant-I-cool-things-at-the-same-speed-using-household-items/answer/Joshua-Engel?comment_id=1813789&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 243133, "profileUrl": "/profile/Joshua-Engel", "givenName": "Joshua", "familyName": "Engel"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I find that it helps to leave a drip of water on, if possible, which helps increase convection by disturbing the water.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}]}, {"aid": 2163003, "url": "/I-can-heat-things-within-minutes-using-household-items-why-cant-I-cool-things-at-the-same-speed-using-household-items/answer/Dan-Bradbury-22", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Cold isn't a \\\"thing\\\". Cold, like the darkness in your bathroom when the lights are off (at night), isn't a \\\"thing\\\", it's an absence of a thing. That's how you must think of it. Since cold is an absence, how do you extract that \\\"thing\\\" (heat) as quickly as you'd like? \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"This is why there isn't a \\\"reverse microwave\\\" (as my boyfriend insists there should be), because when we put heat in something (through radiation, convection, convention, etc.) all that we're doing is converting a fairly large bit of electricity (and quite inefficiently) into that heat. We're basically just cramming it in there. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"But it's not quite as easy to do in reverse. You cannot \\\"energetically\\\" extract heat from a roasted turkey by \\\"zapping\\\" it with some kind of radiation, because radiation is, well, heat. So, you're stuck with making the bird hang out in cold places that will allow the heat in the bird to leach out into its current environment.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"You can accelerate this process by agitating the cold in the environment around it (moving water; blast cooler) and/or by dropping the temperature around it (until you reach absolute zero). But there's nothing else you can do beyond that.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 1846186, "givenName": "Dan Bradbury", "familyName": "", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Dan-Bradbury-22"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1362082873049057, "numViews": 2157, "numUpvotes": 19, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 1, "comments": [{"commentId": 1806640, "creationTime": 1362086655077115, "url": "/I-can-heat-things-within-minutes-using-household-items-why-cant-I-cool-things-at-the-same-speed-using-household-items/answer/Dan-Bradbury-22?comment_id=1806640&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 6282366, "profileUrl": "/profile/Geoffrey-Widdison", "givenName": "Geoffrey", "familyName": "Widdison"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"At least in principle, it is possible to cool objects with a different kind of radiation. \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"Laser cooling\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laser_cooling\"}}}, {\"text\": \" uses specific laser pulses to force atoms to emit photons and lower their temperatures. This has long been used at the atomic scale and scientists are working on scaling it up. It's not inconceivable that we could someday have a laser-based, rapid cooling \\\"reverse microwave\\\".\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}, {"aid": 2162193, "url": "/I-can-heat-things-within-minutes-using-household-items-why-cant-I-cool-things-at-the-same-speed-using-household-items/answer/Todd-Gardiner", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"It's not that these aren't possible. It's that there is not much consumer demand for the items you are suggesting.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"For instance, you are storing frozen water in a refrigeration unit for that moment when you want to drop ice into a drink. You could clearly keep heated stones in your oven all the time and drop these heated rocks into tea to heat it up. But generally there is little need for this, given that we can just heat the water directly.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Part of the reason you are not seeing consumer applications for this is that it is a matter of temperature differences. Dropping ice into a drink means using something that is only 40 degrees cooler than the ambient temperature to do the cooling. Try cooking at plus-forty degrees. It's pretty slow.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"We actually use ovens and stove tops to cook at about plus-300 degrees. That's why cooking is faster. And fortunately we found an easy method to produce this heat, by combustion or electrical resistance.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"To create a \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"Blast chiller\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blast_chiller\"}}}, {\"text\": \" you have to use a different device, one that produces a lot of waste heat as part of the chilling process. Still, this is how ice machines make so much ice quickly. You could have one in your home if you wanted. They come in units the size of an oven. And some refrigerators even have a blast chiller compartment in them for sode/beer cans: \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"LG Blast Chiller means you never have to drink a warm beer again\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"http://www.gizmag.com/lg-blast-chiller-refrigerator/21054/\"}}}, {\"text\": \".\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"The reason you can't do this with household items is because you have yet to buy the right household item.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 38022, "givenName": "Todd", "familyName": "Gardiner", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Todd-Gardiner"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1362071905232989, "numViews": 1635, "numUpvotes": 5, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 2162551, "url": "/I-can-heat-things-within-minutes-using-household-items-why-cant-I-cool-things-at-the-same-speed-using-household-items/answer/Geoffrey-Widdison", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Because it's harder to cool than to heat, and there's not as much reason to do so.\\n \\nHow fast you heat with an oven or stove depends on how hot it is. Typically an oven is about 300 degrees hotter than the food when it first goes in. The equivalent cooling would be over 200 degrees below zero. That's so cold that carbon dioxide in the air would start freezing into dry ice. That would allow you to very quickly cool your food, but it would freeze, not just cool. Acheiving those temperatures is difficult and expensive. While high temperatures can be easily acheived with fire or a simple resistance coil, low temperatures required expensive refrigeration equipment and a great deal of power. Additionally, a lot of the time when we cool things, we don't actually want to freeze them, so we need to use more moderate temperatures. A refrigerator works just fine for that.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 6282366, "givenName": "Geoffrey", "familyName": "Widdison", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Geoffrey-Widdison"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1362077253290857, "numViews": 685, "numUpvotes": 1, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 2173214, "url": "/I-can-heat-things-within-minutes-using-household-items-why-cant-I-cool-things-at-the-same-speed-using-household-items/answer/Ben-Mordecai", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"It has to do with heat transfer. When uninterrupted, heat will naturally transfer from hot to cold until they reach a common equilibrium temperature.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"We have electricity and gas lines in our houses that make it super-easy to add energy to a thermal system: just run the electricity over a resistor and heat is created or burn natural gas and the chemical potential energy will be released in combustion. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Adding \\\"cold\\\" to a system is hard to do. Really the main way that it is done is via a \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"refrigeration cycle\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heat_pump_and_refrigeration_cycle\"}}}, {\"text\": \". This always occurs at some inefficiency and doesn't scale as easily as just running a high watt heater or burning more gas.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Technically though, with the right sized refrigerator you could cool something off very quickly, it's just that the cost doesn't justify the value compared to an average refrigerator.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 3508439, "givenName": "Ben", "familyName": "Mordecai", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Ben-Mordecai"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1362289871476109, "numViews": 532, "numUpvotes": 1, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}]
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{"sections": [{"spans": [{"text": "How can I work to convert a girl's No into Yes?", "modifiers": {}}], "indent": 0, "quoted": false, "type": "plain", "is_rtl": false}]}
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[{"aid": 2176635, "url": "/How-can-I-work-to-convert-a-girls-No-into-Yes/answer/Math-Troll", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"You can't, not directly. There is the possibility that it will happen over the due course of time though, if you do the following.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Stop pursuing her. Ask yourself, are there girls that like you, that you don't like or desire? \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"There might not be any at this exact moment in time, but there will be. When that time comes, or if it is now, think about why you don't like that girl who likes you. Remember how you feel about the girl that you want, like, desire, love, how you would do anything, everything, if only she felt the same way about you. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Okay, now assess your situation. Is there enough there to work with? Can you see some potential? If so, proceed. You will find happiness if you realize that the women who like you are in fact preferable, because they have the good sense to appreciate and be attracted to you.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Time will pass. You will be happy. You will be satisfied and confident and achieve some degree, or maybe even a lot, of success. Depending upon fewer factors than you think, you will run across that same girl eventually. If all has gone well, this will not cause you any heartache. If it has not gone so well for her, but you have followed my advice, she might wish that her no had been a yes. But it won't matter to you at that point. You'll be happy that it wasn't a yes.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"The key here is that you are not \\\"settling for less\\\". What you think is settling for someone beneath you or less desirable is due more often to your own lack of self-esteem. If there are women who like you, then they are desirable by definition, because they appreciate you, AND, because you know that you, BY DEFINITION, are worthy, and awesome. With this mindset, you will have higher likelihood of congenial outcomes in everything, I promise.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 18896, "givenName": "Math Troll", "familyName": "", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Math-Troll"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1362360205164411, "numViews": 7824, "numUpvotes": 6, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 4, "comments": [{"commentId": 1826082, "creationTime": 1362542906302326, "url": "/How-can-I-work-to-convert-a-girls-No-into-Yes/answer/Math-Troll?comment_id=1826082&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 221001153, "profileUrl": null, "givenName": "Annalise", "familyName": "Cameron"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Thanks, what if there no such girl, who loves the person.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 1908339, "creationTime": 1364325548078593, "url": "/How-can-I-work-to-convert-a-girls-No-into-Yes/answer/Math-Troll?comment_id=1908339&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 18896, "profileUrl": "/profile/Math-Troll", "givenName": "Math Troll", "familyName": ""}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"If the person is very old, it is unfortunate and sad. If the person is young, there are two possibilities. Either the time has not arrived, not yet, but will soon; OR the person doesn't realize who loves him. Sometimes, it isn't expressed in obvious ways. There's an expression, \\\"acres of diamonds in your own backyard\\\" which is more applicable once you find the woman who loves you. You may need to wait a little longer. Be a good son to your parents, loyal to your friends, and you will be loved in due course of time.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"It was hard for me to write that answer. I was the foolish girl, and I am crying now, for my mistake. I made the wrong decision.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 3024222, "creationTime": 1384327733110399, "url": "/How-can-I-work-to-convert-a-girls-No-into-Yes/answer/Math-Troll?comment_id=3024222&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 30680562, "profileUrl": "/profile/Dennis-Do-2", "givenName": "Dennis", "familyName": "Do"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Aw don't cry :(\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Thanks for sharing your thoughts as well.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 4045165, "creationTime": 1395592332713672, "url": "/How-can-I-work-to-convert-a-girls-No-into-Yes/answer/Math-Troll?comment_id=4045165&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 18896, "profileUrl": "/profile/Math-Troll", "givenName": "Math Troll", "familyName": ""}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \":'o You are kind. Thank you.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}]}]}]}, {"aid": 232299424, "url": "/How-can-I-work-to-convert-a-girls-No-into-Yes/answers/232299424", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Girls\\u2019 no is a NO\\u2026 You have to realise this.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Let me tell you my story..\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Back in 2015 when I joined my office, I liked a girl, she was simple, down to earth and a girl with empathy. I was very famous too, I was helpful, kind and generous.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"So it was ideal I liked a girl of that kind. We both started talking, then after few days I confessed her about my feelings. And she rejected my proposal very gracefully.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"But I kept on messaging her continuously even after her rejections. I would message and request her atleast to be my friend and all. But she would very politely say no.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"This thing continued and finally she blocked me on whatsapp, Facebook and every other social media platform.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"In all this drama, I lost my dignity, self respect and now our relationship can never be normal after that incident. However, whenever someone takes my name in front of her she always shares good opinion about me in front of them.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"But we cannot be the same again\\u2026\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"So learn the lesson that when a girl rejects, respect her decision and move on.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 221001153, "givenName": "Annalise", "familyName": "Cameron", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": null}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1596993183926773, "numViews": 2401, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 2161779, "url": "/How-can-I-work-to-convert-a-girls-No-into-Yes/answer/Jeff-Dawson-2", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Compliment her at every opportunity and tell her how pretty she is .... Even when she's not\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 13828210, "givenName": "Jeff", "familyName": "Dawson", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Jeff-Dawson-2"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": true, "creationTime": 1362063830791036, "numViews": 3153, "numUpvotes": 5, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 2, "comments": [{"commentId": 1806516, "creationTime": 1362084403435143, "url": "/How-can-I-work-to-convert-a-girls-No-into-Yes/answer/Jeff-Dawson-2?comment_id=1806516&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 3701006, "profileUrl": null, "givenName": "User-13208533930377548175", "familyName": ""}, "content": "", "comments": [{"commentId": 1818182, "creationTime": 1362370563468263, "url": "/How-can-I-work-to-convert-a-girls-No-into-Yes/answer/Jeff-Dawson-2?comment_id=1818182&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 13828210, "profileUrl": "/profile/Jeff-Dawson-2", "givenName": "Jeff", "familyName": "Dawson"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Human interactivity ,communication & conservations face to face can never be replaced by texting, chatting or emails because of the loss of body language , facial expressions & voice tone. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}]}]
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[{"aid": 53598312, "url": "/What-age-child-is-the-cutest/answer/Jerry-N-Wesner", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I like virtually all kids, but kindergarteners are hard to beat.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Our great-granddaughter will be one this week.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Coincidence? I think not.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 70367045, "givenName": "Jerry", "familyName": "N. Wesner", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Jerry-N-Wesner"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": true, "creationTime": 1502735290534486, "numViews": 95, "numUpvotes": 1, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 2161827, "url": "/What-age-child-is-the-cutest/answer/Rick-Bruno-1", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Birth to 117. After that they get butt ugly.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 9054981, "givenName": "Rick", "familyName": "Bruno", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Rick-Bruno-1"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": true, "creationTime": 1362064473660487, "numViews": 774, "numUpvotes": 6, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 1, "comments": [{"commentId": 44136422, "creationTime": 1506623612429474, "url": "/What-age-child-is-the-cutest/answer/Rick-Bruno-1?comment_id=44136422&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 218299285, "profileUrl": "/profile/John-Hirrata", "givenName": "John", "familyName": "Hirrata"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"until they start talking\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}]