what is difference between p value and confidence interval
[ "The difference between p value and confidence intervals? Answers. Best Answer: The P value relates to the Z score. The confidence interval relates to the percentage. For example with a 95% confidence interval your answer will need to be less than 5% for one tail and less than 2.5% for 2 tails to be accepted. For a P-value the significant Z-score must be more extreme than your answer to accept the statistic. Source(s): BUS205." ]
[ "What GPA Do I Need to Get Into College? Community Colleges. Students who have lower than a 3.0 may need to apply to community colleges. These schools typically admit any student, although some may be admitted conditionally. Students can sometimes complete core courses at a community college and then transfer to a higher-tier school.", "Confidence Intervals The selection of a confidence level for an interval determines the probability that the confidence interval produced will contain the true parameter value. Common choices for the confidence level C are 0.90, 0.95, and 0.99. These levels correspond to percentages of the area of the normal density curve.", "Confidence Intervals & Hypothesis Testing (3 of 5) When the hypothesized value is zero then there is a simple relationship between hypothesis testing and confidence intervals: If the interval contains zero then the null hypothesis cannot be rejected at the stated level of confidence. If the interval does not contain zero then the null hypothesis can be rejected.", "Confidence interval 1 A particular confidence interval of 95% calculated from an experiment does not mean that there is a 95% probability of a sample mean from a repeat of the experiment falling within this interval. The explanation of a confidence interval can amount to something like: . 2 The confidence interval represents values for the population parameter for which the difference between the parameter and the observed estimate is not statistically significant at the 10% level .", "Effect size The confidence interval is a range of values calculated by statistical methods which includes the desired true parameter (for example, the arithmetic mean, the difference between two means, the odds ratio etc.) with a probability defined in advance (coverage probability, confidence probability, or confidence level).", "Stats: Probability Values P-Value Approach. The P-Value Approach, short for Probability Value, approaches hypothesis testing from a different manner. Instead of comparing z-scores or t-scores as in the classical approach, you're comparing probabilities, or areas. The level of significance (alpha) is the area in the critical region. That is, the area in the tails to the right or left of the critical values. The p-value is the area to the right or left of the test statistic. If it is a two tail test, then look up the probability in one tail and double it. If the test statistic is in the critical region, then the p-value will be less than the level of significance.", "Confidence Intervals with the z and t-distributions Roughly speaking, a confidence interval is range of numbers within which we believe the true population parameter to fall. Here, we will focus on how to calculate a confidence interval for a population mean. Let’s think about this in terms of z-scores.hen we calculate a z-score, we want to look at how many standard deviations away from the mean our data point falls. A confidence interval relies on a similar principle. We want to estimate how many standard errors our sample mean falls from the true population mean on the sampling distribution.", "Significance Testing and Confidence Intervals All values in the confidence interval are plausible values for the parameter, whereas values outside the interval are rejected as plausible values for the parameter. In the Physicians' Reactions case study, the 95% confidence interval for the difference between means extends from 2.00 to 11.26.", "- To recap: Instead of providing a point estimate for an unknown population mean (which would almost certainly be incorrect) we provide an interval instead, called confidence interval. Three particular confidence intervals are most common: a 90%, a 95%, or a 99% confidence interval.That means that:o recap: Instead of providing a point estimate for an unknown population mean (which would almost certainly be incorrect) we provide an interval instead, called confidence interval. Three particular confidence intervals are most common: a 90%, a 95%, or a 99% confidence interval.", "Estimation and Confidence Intervals Point and Interval Estimates. Recall how the critical value(s) delineated our region of rejection. For a two-tailed test the distance to these critical values is also called the margin of error and the region between critical values is called the confidence interval. Such a confidence interval is commonly formed when we want to estimate a population parameter, rather than test a hypothesis.", "- A 99% Confidence interval for a parameter of the population (say, the mean) means that in 99% of the cases (99% of the samples, if you were to repeat the sampling process many times) the true parameter (in our case, the mean) will fall inside this interval. 99% Confidence interval for a parameter of the population (say, the mean) means that in 99% of the cases (99% of the samples, if you were to repeat the sampling process many times) the true parameter (in our case, the mean) will fall inside this interval.", "Confidence interval 1 A 95% confidence interval does not mean that for a given realised interval calculated from sample data there is a 95% probability the population parameter lies within the interval, nor that there is a 95% probability that the interval covers the population parameter.", "7.1.4. What are confidence intervals? A confidence stated at a \\(1-\\alpha\\) level can be thought of as the inverse of a significance level, \\(\\alpha\\). One and two-sided confidence intervals. In the same way that statistical tests can be one or two-sided, confidence intervals can be one or two-sided.", "P Values P Values. The P value, or calculated probability, is the probability of finding the observed, or more extreme, results when the null hypothesis (H0) of a study question is true – the definition of ‘extreme’ depends on how the hypothesis is being tested.", "Hypothesis Testing for a Proportion Find the test statistic, p-value, and confidence interval using Minitab. This will be done for you on the test, but you'll need to do them on your own when working on projects. For this case, the test statistic is z = 11.47, the p-value is 0.000, and the confidence interval is p > 0.102838.", "What is a Confidence Interval? (CH 22) a number calculated from the sample. confidence interval. An interval and confidence level calculated for an estimate of an unknown population parameter, used to indicate how accurate the estimate is and of how confident we are that the result is correct. 95% confidence interval. s an interval calculated from sample data by a process that is guaranteed to capture the true population parameter in 95% of all samples. sampling distribution. A distribution that describes how a statistic varies in all possible samples of the same size from the same population.", "What are confidence intervals and p-values? Confidence intervals are preferable to p-values, as they tell us the range of possible effect sizes compatible with the data, and thus provide clinically relevant information.", "- But it is possible to use your sample to calculate a range within which the population value is likely to fall. Likely is usually taken to be 95% of the time, and the range is called the 95% confidence interval. The values at each end of the interval are called the confidence limits. All the values between the confidence limits make up the confidence interval.", "Confidence Interval for Two Independent Samples, Continuous Outcome The confidence interval for the difference in means provides an estimate of the absolute difference in means of the outcome variable of interest between the comparison groups. It is often of interest to make a judgment as to whether there is a statistically meaningful difference between comparison groups.", "Is p value a descriptive statistic? In other words, a p value is a probability and must lie between 0 and 1 whereas a descriptive statistic is not a probability. It is just a number used to describe a specific characteristic of a set of sata. No, it is not. A descriptive statistic is a measure such as mean, standard deviation etc., computed from a set of observations. A p value is something that is obtained by computing a test statistic (using a formula which may involve mean, variance etc.,) and finding the probability of obtaining a value as great as or greater than the one actually obtained.", "P Values The term significance level (alpha) is used to refer to a pre-chosen probability and the term P value is used to indicate a probability that you calculate after a given study. The alternative hypothesis (H1) is the opposite of the null hypothesis; in plain language terms this is usually the hypothesis you set out to investigate.", "What a 95% Confidence Interval Is The reason that this is true, is because a 95% confidence interval will either contain the true parameter value of interest or it will not (thus, the probability of containing the true value is either 1 or 0). However, you have a 95% chance of creating one that does.", "Difference between confidence interval and significance level Confidence interval is associated with interval estimation and significance level is associated with testing of hypothesis. (Note that confidence interval is a random interval that contains the true parameter with a specified probability).", "Confidence interval 1 A 95% confidence interval does not mean that 95% of the sample data lie within the interval. A confidence interval is not a range of plausible values for the sample mean, though it may be understood as an estimate of plausible values for the population parameter.", "P-Value The probability value (p-value) of a statistical hypothesis test is the probability of getting a value of the test statistic as extreme as or more extreme than that observed by chance alone, if the null hypothesis Ho, is true. It is the probability of wrongly rejecting the null hypothesis if it is in fact true. It is equal to the significance level of the test for which we would only just reject the null hypothesis. The p-value is compared with the desired significance level of our test and, if it is smaller, the result is significant." ]
what causes pain in the legs?
[ "- By Mayo Clinic Staff. Most leg pain results from wear and tear, overuse, or injuries in joints or bones or in muscles, ligaments, tendons or other soft tissues. Some types of leg pain can be traced to problems in your lower spine. Leg pain can also be caused by blood clots, varicose veins or poor circulation. Some common causes of leg pain include: Achilles tendinitis. Achilles tendon rupture. Ankylosing spondylitis. ACL injury (Anterior cruciate ligament injury) Baker's cyst. Bone cancer.", "Leg Pain There are some illnesses that cause leg weakness that may be associated with complaints of leg pain, including Guillain-Barré syndrome and multiple sclerosis. Skin: Skin inflammation may also cause significant pain, especially if there are underlying illnesses like diabetes or peripheral artery disease that prevent adequate healing." ]
[ "What You Should Know About Leg Pain Generally, leg pain refers to any pain that develops between your feet and your pelvis. To make matters even more complicated, the cause of leg pain may not even be due to a problem with your leg. For example, some spine disorders can cause leg pain. Leg pain may be acute or chronic.", "Leg Pain Trauma is the most obvious cause of leg pain. Falls, near falls, and twisting injuries can damage bones, muscles, and joints of the leg or a combination of all three. Back pain, due to injury, can inflame the sciatic nerve and cause sciatica. This is a pain that radiates down the leg that follows the path of one of the many nerve roots that leave the spinal cord and make up the sciatic nerve.", "Causes By Mayo Clinic Staff. Most leg pain results from wear and tear, overuse, or injuries in joints or bones or in muscles, ligaments, tendons or other soft tissues. Some types of leg pain can be traced to problems in your lower spine. Leg pain can also be caused by blood clots, varicose veins or poor circulation. Some common causes of leg pain include: 1 Achilles tendinitis. Achilles tendon rupture.", "Leg pain Other common causes of leg pain include: 1 Atherosclerosis that blocks blood flow in the arteries (this type of pain, called claudication, is generally felt when exercising or walking and is relieved by rest) Blood clot (deep vein thrombosis) from long-term bed rest.", "Leg Pain: Types, causes, and home treatment Fast facts on leg pain. Here are some key points about leg pain. More detail and supporting information is in the body of this article. 1 Leg pain refers to any kind of pain that occurs between the heels and the pelvis. Many causes of leg pain are obvious, such as injury after an accident.", "Leg Pain Cramps. A principle cause of leg pain is a cramp or muscle spasm, often known as a charley horse. Muscle fatigue, dehydration, and some medications—such as diuretics and statins—can all lead to leg cramps.", "Pain management guide A fracture (broken bone) or sprain (injury to ligaments from overstretching) can also cause leg pain. For mild sprains, try rest, ice, compression and elevation (RICE). For a more severe sprain or fracture, apply ice and seek medical advice right away. You may need a cast or brace.", "Leg Pain Pain in the legs may be due to injury or inflammation of any of the structures that are found in the leg, including bones, joints, muscles, tendons, ligaments, blood vessels, nerves, and skin.Inflammation of tissues is usually the cause of pain.Pain can also radiate from other parts of the body and be felt in the leg.ack ailments can cause pain and numbness of the leg. Abdominal aorta and iliac artery aneurysms can also present with leg pain. blood clot in the large veins located in the abdomen are a further cause of leg symptoms.", "health A person with leg pain has discomfort in the structures of the leg. Leg pain may be caused by an injury, irritation, or inflammation of the skin, muscles, bones, or joints in the leg. Sciatica, or a herniated disk in the lumbar spine, may cause pain that shoots down the leg.", "Leg Pain Pain in the legs may be due to injury or inflammation of any of the structures that are found in the leg, including bones, joints, muscles, tendons, ligaments, blood vessels, nerves, and skin. Inflammation of tissues is usually the cause of pain.Pain can also radiate from other parts of the body and be felt in the leg.ain in the legs may be due to injury or inflammation of any of the structures that are found in the leg, including bones, joints, muscles, tendons, ligaments, blood vessels, nerves, and skin. Inflammation of tissues is usually the cause of pain. Pain can also radiate from other parts of the body and be felt in the leg.", "Other Causes of Leg Pain Other non-P.A.D. common causes of leg pain may include: A muscle cramp (also called a charley horse), frequently caused by the following: Dehydration or low amounts of potassium, sodium, calcium, or magnesium in the blood. Medications, such as diuretics, which can cause you to lose too much fluid or minerals.", "Common Causes of Lower Leg Pain A serious and potentially life-threatening cause of leg pain is known as Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT). A DVT is a clot in a leg vein that can break off and travel to the lungs. Symptoms of a DVT in the lower leg often include swelling, warmth, and/or redness of the calf.", "Diseases and Problems We Treat Leg pain refers to pain or discomfort anywhere in the leg. It can range from a dull ache to an intense stabbing sensation. There are many causes of leg pain. However, only some of these are medically serious.", "Leg Pain Patient Comments Read 40 Comments Share Your Story. Trauma is the most obvious cause of leg pain. Falls, near falls, and twisting injuries can damage bones, muscles, and joints of the leg or a combination of all three. Back pain, due to injury, can inflame the sciatic nerve and cause sciatica. This is a pain that radiates down the leg that follows the path of one of the many nerve roots that leave the spinal cord and make up the sciatic nerve. Sciatic pain usually begins in the back and radiates to the buttock and into the thigh.", "What causes extreme muscle pain in the leg? Diabetic neuropathy (nerve damage) is a common cause of tingling and numbness in the legs that can at times be painful. For diagnostic and therapeutic purposes, it is important to differentiate the exact type and location of any pain in the legs. Blood clots (deep vein thrombosis) can be another cause of leg pain. Pain in the knee and ankle joints of the leg is common with the arthritis conditions.", "Leg Pain: Symptoms & Signs Peripheral artery disease can cause claudication, or pain that occurs in the legs usually when walking or exercising. Blood clots (deep vein thrombosis) can be another cause of leg pain. Pain in the knee and ankle joints of the leg is common with the arthritis conditions. The pain of sciatica (from disc disease of the spine) may radiate down the leg and is another common cause of leg pain. Medically Reviewed by a Doctor on 1/19/2017.", "- Patient Comments Read 38 Comments Share Your Story. Trauma is the most obvious cause of leg pain. Falls, near falls, and twisting injuries can damage bones, muscles, and joints of the leg or a combination of all three. Back pain, due to injury, can inflame the sciatic nerve and cause sciatica. This is a pain that radiates down the leg that follows the path of one of the many nerve roots that leave the spinal cord and make up the sciatic nerve. Sciatic pain usually begins in the back and radiates to the buttock and into the thigh.", "Leg Pain Trauma is the most obvious cause of leg pain. Falls, near falls, and twisting injuries can damage bones, muscles, and joints of the leg or a combination of all three. Back pain, due to injury, can inflame the sciatic nerve and cause sciatica.", "Manhattan Located in southwestern Brooklyn, Bensonhurst is. bordered on the north by 65th Street, on the south by. 86th Street, on the west by 14th Avenue, and on the east. by Bay Parkway and Avenue P. About Bensonhurst. The first Europeans arrived in 1652 from Utrecht, Holland naming the area New Utrecht, the last of the.", "Leg Pain Pain in the legs may be due to injury or inflammation of any of the structures that are found in the leg, including bones, joints, muscles, tendons, ligaments, blood vessels, nerves, and skin. Inflammation of tissues is usually the cause of pain. Pain can also radiate from other parts of the body and be felt in the leg. Back ailments can cause pain and numbness of the leg. Abdominal aorta and iliac artery aneurysms can also present with leg pain.", "Leg pain Leg pain is a common problem. It can be due to a cramp, injury, or other cause. Leg pain can be due to a muscle cramp (also called a charley horse). Common causes of cramps include: 1 Dehydration or low amounts of potassium, sodium, calcium, or magnesium in the blood. 2 Medicines (such as diuretics and statins).", "Common Causes of Lower Leg Pain Compression of the leg nerves as they exit the spine causes shooting pain that can extend all the way down to the foot. The pain typically starts at the buttock and is felt on the side and back of the leg.", "Whatâs Causing Your Leg Pain, Burning and Numbness? Although arthritis is a joint disease, the pain it causes can be felt in the surrounding leg and foot muscles. “Any joint under stress can cause pain,” Wedro says. “The pain is within the joints. But the muscles around it try to protect it and you can go into spasms and get secondary muscle pain.” Getting Treatment for Leg Pain. The appropriate treatment for leg pain depends on the underlying cause.", "Leg pain Inflamed tendon (tendinitis). Shin splints (pain in the front of the leg from overuse). Other common causes of leg pain include: Atherosclerosis that blocks blood flow in the arteries (this type of pain, called claudication, is generally felt when exercising or walking and is relieved by rest). Blood clot (deep vein thrombosis) from long-term bed rest. Infection of the bone (.", "- Sciatica, or a herniated disk in the lumbar spine, may cause pain that shoots down the leg. Symptoms that can occur with leg pain due to an injury include leg bruising, leg swelling, leg tenderness, and the inability to walk on the leg." ]
what component of blood contains antibodies
[ "What is blood composed of? Plasma also contains blood clotting factors, sugars, lipids, vitamins, minerals, hormones, enzymes, antibodies, and other proteins. It is likely that plasma contains some of every protein produced by the body--approximately 500 have been identified in human plasma so far." ]
[ "- The blood that runs through the veins, arteries, and capillaries is known as whole blood, a mixture of about 55 percent plasma and 45 percent blood cells. About 7 to 8 percent of your total body weight is blood.t has four main components: plasma, red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. Blood has many different functions, including: 1 transporting oxygen and nutrients to the lungs and tissues. 2 forming blood clots to prevent excess blood loss. 3 carrying cells and antibodies that fight infection.", "Blood Composition and Function Blood consists of several elements. The major components of blood include plasma, red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. 1 Plasma: This major constituent of blood comprises about 55 percent of blood volume. 2 It consists of water with several different substances dissolved within.", "Medical Dictionary 1 The B antigen, you have type B blood. Your plasma has antibodies that attack type A blood. About 10% of people (10 in 100) in the U.S. have type B blood, with 2% having B-negative (B-) blood and 8% having B-positive (B+) blood. Neither the A nor B antigen, you have type O blood. Your plasma has antibodies that attack both type A and type B blood. About 44% of people (44 in 100) in the U.S. have type O blood, with 7% having O-negative (O-) blood and 37% having O-positive (O+) blood.", "Coombs' Test Red blood cells have certain proteins on their surface, called antigens. Also, your plasma contains antibodies which will attack certain antigens if they are present. There are various types of red blood cell antigens-the ABO and rhesus types are the most important.", "Blood Components Whole Blood. Whole blood contains red cells, white cells, and platelets (~45% of volume) suspended in plasma (~55% of volume). Red cells. Red cells, or erythrocytes, carry oxygen from the lungs to your body’s tissue and take carbon dioxide back to your lungs to be exhaled. Platelets.", "Blood plasma fractionation Blood plasma [edit]. Blood plasma is the liquid component of whole blood, and makes up approximately 55% of the total blood volume. It is composed primarily of water with small amounts of minerals, salts, ions, nutrients, and proteins in solution.In whole blood, red blood cells, leukocytes, and platelets are suspended within the plasma.lood plasma [edit]. Blood plasma is the liquid component of whole blood, and makes up approximately 55% of the total blood volume. It is composed primarily of water with small amounts of minerals, salts, ions, nutrients, and proteins in solution.", "Blood Components Whole Blood. Whole blood contains red cells, white cells, and platelets (~45% of volume) suspended in plasma (~55% of volume). Red cells. Red cells, or erythrocytes, carry oxygen from the lungs to your body’s tissue and take carbon dioxide back to your lungs to be exhaled. Platelets. Platelets, or thrombocytes, are small, colorless cell fragments in the blood whose main function is to interact with clotting proteins to stop or prevent bleeding.", "- Plasma is the largest component of blood, making up about 55% of its overall content. It's mainly made of water and surrounds the blood cells, carrying them around the body. Plasma helps maintain blood pressure and regulates body temperature. It contains a complex mix of substances used by the body to perform important functions. These substances include minerals, salts, hormones and proteins.", "Blood Plasma. Plasma is the liquid component of blood, in which the red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets are suspended. It constitutes more than half of the blood's volume and consists mostly of water that contains dissolved salts (electrolytes) and proteins.The major protein in plasma is albumin.hite blood cells (also called leukocytes) are fewer in number than red blood cells, with a ratio of about 1 white blood cell to every 600 to 700 red blood cells. White blood cells are responsible primarily for defending the body against infection. There are five main types of white blood cells.", "Leadership Lesson: Tools for Effective Team Meetings - How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love my Team Meetings are critical for team development and task management. However, meetings can easily fail without adequate preparation and leadership. This Leadership Lesson presents a discussion of effective meeting practices and member actions that support team productivity. Tools for supporting effective team practices are linked from the menu for the lesson.", "Type b blood has rbcs with surface antigen b only Type B blood has RBCs with surface antigen B only. Surface antigen A Surface antigen B If you have Type A blood, your plasma contains anti-B antibodies, which will attack Type B surface antigens. If you have Type B blood, your plasma contains anti-A antibodies. Type AB individuals do not have anti-A or anti-B antibodies.", "Facts About Blood The components of human blood are: Plasma. The liquid component of the blood in which the following blood cells are suspended: Red blood cells (erythrocytes). These carry oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body. White blood cells (leukocytes).These help fight infections and aid in the immune process.he components of human blood are: Plasma. The liquid component of the blood in which the following blood cells are suspended: Red blood cells (erythrocytes). These carry oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body. White blood cells (leukocytes).", "- The blood includes red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, and plasma.B. Blood Volume and Composition (p. 322)1. A blood hematocrit is normally 45% cells and 55% plasma.2. Plasma is a mixture of water, amino acids, proteins, carbohydrates, lipids,vitamins, hormones, electrolytes, and cellular wastes.C.ntigens and Antibodies (p. 335)1. Clumping of red blood cells following transfusion is called agglutination.2. Agglutination is due to the interaction of proteins on the surfaces of red bloodcells (antigens) with certain antibodies carried in the plasma.3.", "- Various proteins constitute about 7% of the solutes in plasma. These proteins are produced primarily by the liver, and include albumins, globulins, and fibrinogen. Albumins serve as transport proteins for fatty acids and hormones. Some globulins serve as antibodies, while others transport iron, lipids, and vitamins.lood plasma is the liquid component of blood that suspends blood cells and many other substances. Find out more about how it functions and take a quiz at the end.", "Blood Components of Blood. NOTE: This is the Consumer Version. Plasma. Plasma is the liquid component of blood, in which the red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets are suspended. It constitutes more than half of the blood's volume and consists mostly of water that contains dissolved salts (electrolytes) and proteins. The major protein in plasma is albumin.", "Blood Composition and Function Blood consists of several elements. The major components of blood include plasma, red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. 1 Plasma: This major constituent of blood comprises about 55 percent of blood volume. 2 It consists of water with several different substances dissolved within.3 Plasma contains salts, proteins, and blood cells.lood cells are produced by bone marrow within bone. Bone marrow stem cells develop into red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. Certain white blood cells mature in the lymph nodes, spleen, and thymus gland. Matured blood cells have varying life spans.", "Chapter-11 Blood Immunoglobulins, another protein, are also found in the blood plasma. They are antibodies that help fight viruses that invade the body. There are also blood clotting factors in the blood plasma. Other substances in the blood plasma are nutrients, metabolic waste products, respiratory gases, and hormones.", "Plasma proteins Antibodies are produced by a subset of lymphocytes called B cells. B cells that are stimulated will actively secrete antibodies and are called plasma cells. Antibodies are found in extracellular fluids (blood plasma, lymph, mucus, etc.) and the surface of B cells.Proteins that recognize and bind to a particular antigen with very high specificity. Made in response to exposure to the antigen. One virus or microbe may have several antigenic determinant sites, to which different antibodies may bind.", "- Some blood products do not contain antibodies that interfere with vaccine replication. Palivizumab (Synagis), used for the prevention of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infection in infants and young children, contains antibody directed only at RSV. Washed red blood cells contain a negligible amount of antibody.f a live injectable vaccine (measles-mumps-rubella [MMR], varicella, or combination measles-mumps-rubella-varicella [MMRV]) must be given around the time that antibody is given, the two must be separated by enough time so that the antibody does not interfere with viral replication.", "- Blood is 50% plasma which is a straw coloured liquid. The other components in blood are: Red blood cells (Erythrocytes) 40- 45% these carry O2 and nutrients. White blood cells (Leukocytes) These are for use in fighting infection and make up part of your lymphatic system.verall, blood performs the following functions: 1. Transports oxygen from the lungs to body tissues and transports the waste products of cellular metabolism and nutri … ents, hormones and enzymes. 2. Regulates blood clotting, body temperature, acid-base balance, water and electrolytes.", "Blood Components In modern medical treatments, patients may receive a pint of whole blood or just specific components of the blood needed to treat their particular condition. Up to four components can be derived from donated blood. This approach to treatment, referred to as blood component therapy, allows several patients to benefit from one pint of donated whole blood. The main transfusable blood components include: Whole blood contains red cells, white cells, and platelets (~45% of volume) suspended in plasma (~55% of volume). Red cells, or erythrocytes, carry oxygen from the lungs to your body’s tissue and take carbon dioxide back to your lungs to be exhaled.", "Blood Blood plasma is the yellow liquid in which blood cells float. Plasma is made up of nutrients, electrolytes (salts), gases, non-protein hormones, waste, lipids, and proteins. These proteins are albumin, antibodies (also called immunoglobulins), clotting factors, and protein hormones.", "What are antibodies in the blood? Antibodies are produced by a kind of white blood cell called a plasma cell. There are several different types of antibody heavy chains, and several different kinds of antibodies, which are grouped into different isotypes based on which heavy chain they possess.", "How to Study Haematology Blood group B. If you belong to the blood group B, you have B antigens on the surface of your red blood cells and A antibodies in your blood plasma. If you belong to the blood group AB, you have both A and B antigens on the surface of your red blood cells and no A or B antibodies at all in your blood plasma.", "Blood Composition and Function The major components of blood include plasma, red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. 1 Plasma: This major constituent of blood comprises about 55 percent of blood volume. 2 It consists of water with several different substances dissolved within. 3 Plasma contains salts, proteins, and blood cells.he major components of blood include plasma, red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. 1 Plasma: This major constituent of blood comprises about 55 percent of blood volume. 2 It consists of water with several different substances dissolved within. 3 Plasma contains salts, proteins, and blood cells." ]
phone number us post office godfrey, il
[ "- Post Office - Godfrey is a business providing services in the field of Post Offices. The business is located in Godfrey, Illinois, United States. Their telephone number is (618) 466-3121. Telefax: No fax number available Website: No web address available" ]
[ "Godfrey, IL Usps Post Office From Business: Visit your local Post Office at 14000R US Highway 67! The Postal Service mission is to provide a reliable, efficient, trusted and affordable universal delivery se… Add to mybook Remove from mybook", "United States Postal Service United States Postal Service. About. United States Postal Service is located at the address 308 Lincoln Way E in Chambersburg, Pennsylvania 17201. They can be contacted via phone at (717) 263-8581 for pricing, hours and directions. United States Postal Service has an annual sales volume of 100M+.", "USPS Corporate Office Headquarters HQ USPS Tracking Phone Number: 800-275-8777. Corporate Email: website form. Corporate Stock Symbol: n/a USPS is US Government Agency. USPS (United States Postal Service) is the US Government's mail service. The USPS has been delivering mail since 1175. The USPS was a crucial agency in the formation of the United States.", "- Phone: 218-846-0285 Fax: 605-357-4906 TTY: 877-889-2457 Toll-Free: 1-800-Ask-USPS® (275-8777)", "#1 800-275-8777 Phone Number: If you need to speak to a live customer service representative at the United States Postal Service (USPS), the best phone number to call is 800-275-8777.", "BY PHONE: Springfield Clinic Mailing Address: 1025 South 6th Street P.O. Box 19248 Springfield, IL 62794-9248. Remittance Address: P.O. Box 19260 Springfield, IL 62794 Feedback Form If you would like to submit a comment, suggestion or complaint that will help us improve our service to you, including any regarding accomodations to enable your access to health care, we encourage you to complete our online form below or call us at 217.528.7541 and ask for Extension 1.", "- Phone number (626) 795-5561. Try to avoid going to this post office. The staff has been reduced and the lines are almost always long no matter what time of day you go.", "- Includes United States Postal Service Reviews, maps & directions to United States Postal Service in Godfrey and more from Yahoo US Local Find United States Postal Service in Godfrey with Address, Phone number from Yahoo US Local. Includes United States Postal Service Reviews, maps & directions to United States Postal Service in Godfrey and more from Yahoo US Local", "Services The Galena Post Office, 34 W. Park St., Galena, Ohio 43021, serves a large area. Having a Galena mailing address does not necessarily mean that you live within the Galena Village limits. The Post Office is closed from noon to 1 p.m. weekdays. Call 740-965-2371 for hours and services.", "- We ask you to keep all original documents related to your complaint. If you prefer to file your complaint over the phone, please call 1-800-ASK-USPS (1-800-275-8777). Report problems with mail delivery or service to the U.S. Postal Service.", "- U.S. Post Office - Saginaw 858 Highway 31, Saginaw AL 35137-2000 Phone Number: (205) 663-5754", "- Dolton Passport Post Office. The Dolton Passport Post Office location is in Illinois 60419. This page provides the contact information for this location including the passport office phone number and office hours. If you have questions or issues about your passport, or you need to schedule an appointment to apply for a passport, then call the Dolton Post Office location listed below.", "Population of Godfrey, IL Population of Godfrey, IL Last official estimated population of Godfrey village (Madison County**, Illinois state) was 17,782 (year 2014) [1]. This was 0.006% of total US population and 0.14% of total Illinois state population. Area of Godfrey village is 36.7 mi² (=95.1 km²) [6], in this year population density was 484.39 p/mi². If population growth rate would be same as in period 2010-2014 (-0.28%/yr), Godfrey village population in 2018 would be 17,584*.", "CLIMATE: AVERAGE MONTHLY WEATHER IN Tokyo, Japan Get a great hotel deal here. For more information, see the weather forecast and our average climate infomation (by month in graphs) below. * Data from nearest weather station: Tokyo, Japan (0.0 KM). Average minimum and maximum temperature over the year The monthly mean minimum and maximum daily temperature.", "- U.S. Post Office Markham IL locations, hours, phone number, map and driving directions.", "Dolton, IL Dolton Post Office From Business: Visit your local Post Office at 14212 Cottage Grove Ave! The Postal Service mission is to provide a reliable, efficient, trusted and affordable universal delivery… Add to mybook Remove from mybook", "- Brighton, IL 62012 (618) 372-8860 Fax: 618-372-0190. www.brightonill.com. This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer.", "Post off loc NEW TOWN 123 GALEN ST WATERTOWN, MA 02472-4507 (800) ASK-USPS (800) 275-8777 (617) 926-2606 Business Hours Mon-Fri 9:00am-5:00pm Sat-Sun closed. NEWTON UPPER FALLS 81 OAK ST NEWTON UPPER FALLS, MA 02464-9998 (800) ASK-USPS (800) 275-8777 (617) 527-7774 Business Hours Mon-Fri 7:30am-5:00pm Sat 8:00am-12:00pm Sun closed.", "- Get the phone number 847-729-1021 for Glenview Post Office in Glenview, IL. The Social Business Directory for Your Community! Search - Social Reviews - Directions - Phone Numbers & More!", "USPS Toll Free 1 800 Number What is the 1-800 number for USPS? Below is a list of toll free 800 numbers for United States Postal Service. Customer Service: 1-800-275-8777 (1-800-ASK-USPS) hours:M-F – 8:00 am – 8:30 pm ET;Sat – 8:00 am – 6:00 pm ET;Sun/Holidays – Closed. Thank you for calling the US postal service, in a few words tell me how I can help you today, you can say things like, priority mail, prices or stamps for example.", "- U.S. Post Office - Sumiton 1675 Main St, Sumiton AL 35148-3821 Phone Number: (205) 648-6651", "62035 Zip Code Profile Welcome to GODFREY, IL 62035. 62035 is a rural zip code in Godfrey, Illinois. The population is primarily white, older, and mostly married couples. At $143,500 the average home value here is a bit higher than average for the St. Louis metro area, so this probably isn't the place to look for housing bargains. The average family here is doing well financially earning $71,641/year.", "- the postal service has a consultation center located at 211 s. clark st., loop post office, chicago, il 60604. also, tim hall, business development team leader, who is located at 433 w. harrison st., chicago, il 60607 and can be reached at 312-983-8378.", "- Phone Us at 1-877-876-2455. The U.S. Postal Inspection Service likes to keep its customers satisfied, and a new call center helps them do that. Customers and USPS employees nationwide now can dial one toll-free number, rather than looking up individual phone numbers, for the Postal Inspection Service’s many locations. Callers can reach the appropriate Postal Inspection Service office by dialing 1-877-876-2455 from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. in all time zones, and selecting from these options: 1 Mail service issues [callers are then directed to 1-800-ASK-USPS (1-800-275-8777)] 2 Emergency situations (24/7 assistance)", "- USPS Customer Service. Service number: 1-800-275-8777 Domestic & International USPS Tracking: 1-800-222-1811. USPS Tracking Number Format. 9400 1000 0000 0000 0000 00 0300 0000 0000 0000 0000 9407 3000 0000 0000 0000 00 82 000 000 00 There are also some other less used tracking number formats." ]
meanings of polish surnames
[ "- Main category: Polish surnames. Polish surnames are known from the Middle Ages, but only 200 years ago did the inherited surnames become compulsory. The most common Polish names Nowak, Nowakowski, Nowacki, and Nowicki are variants meaning new, Przybyszewski and Przybylski mean he who has arrived." ]
[ "Zielinski Genealogy and Zielinski Family History Information About the Zielinski surname. The surname Zielinski comes from the Polish word zielony meaning Green in Polish. It most likely means somebody who wore green or worked on a farm. It's the eighth most common name in Poland right now, and the first records of the Polish name dates back to the 15th century.", "- I was wondering if you find me something definitive on the name Grabowski. In Polish this name is generally pronounced grah-BOFF-skee, or in everyday speech it would often sound like grah-BOSS-kee -- which is why one may sometimes see it spelled Graboski. But Grabowski is the standard form (with Grabowska used when referring to females). It is a very common surname among Poles.", "Memantine (Namenda) for Treating Symptons of Dementia Memantine, commonly prescribed under the brand name Namenda® in the United States, is the first of a new class of drugs designed to treat the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease and vascular dementia. Other Alzheimer's drugs -- such as Aricept® -- work by improving communication between brain cells.", "Finnish Names FRYDERYKA f Polish. Polish feminine form of FREDERICK. GABRIEL m French, Spanish, Portuguese, German, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Finnish, Catalan, English, Romanian, Polish, Czech, Slovak, Biblical, Biblical Latin, Biblical Greek. From the Hebrew name גַבְרִיאֵל (Gavri'el) meaning God is my strong man ...", "Polish language Known as paradisus Iudaeorum (Latin for paradise for the Jews), it became a shelter for persecuted and expelled European Jewish communities and the home to the world's largest Jewish community of the time. As a result, many Polish words come from Yiddish, spoken by the large Polish Jewish population that existed until the Holocaust.", "L Surnames Family History Resources Teutonic Surnames Family History Resources. Surnames, their origin and their meaning. Many surnames are associated with the place/locality of where the family lived and in those cases the location is noted as the meaning. Many surnames are associated with the occupation of the person given the name. eXpertGenealogy.com is a directory of Professional Genealogists, Ancestry and Family Tree Researchers.", "Polish language The word Polszczyzna is both the name of Polish in Polish and a case-in-point of its inscrutability. Polish has several incompatible alphabets and writing systems, all in current use in order to keep the Polish people mindful of the history of their nation, and mindless of the point they were trying to get across.", "- Incidentally, we see the-in/-yn suffix added sometimes without the preceding vowel, yielding names such as Lipno, also meaning place of the lindens; this place name, too, can yield the surname Lipiński. These processes are very common in Polish surname formation.he practical consequence of this is that a lot of-ski names referring to places are ambiguous; they may refer to a number of different places with names derived from the same base form. Thus you can't be positive Warszawski must refer to the capital of Poland.", "- The next time you call your Polish grandparents, uncles and aunts, address them with their Polish titles – babcia (grandmother), dziadziu (grandfather), wujek (uncle), or ciocia (aunt), as appropriate. Pay homage to deceased members of your family by arranging a requiem mass at your parish, and attend the mass.", "Learn About Surname Meanings and Origins This free glossary includes surname meanings and etymologies for English surnames, Irish surnames, German surnames, French surnames, Italian surnames, Danish surnames, Spanish surnames, Australian surnames, Canadian surnames, Polish surnames and Jewish surnames, plus research links, common surname spelling variations, and surname search tips.", "- The last name Kucera is Czech and Slovak. It is a nickname for someone with curly hair, from kucera 'curl'. This is the eighth most common Czech surname. Other Czech surnames with the same meaning are Kudrna and Kader.", "- Admittedly the Polish language is one of the more difficult languages to learn, what with its tongue-bending pronunciation, complex gender system, seven cases, aspect as a grammatical category of the verb and a tendency to avoid internationalisms for real Polish words.he meaning of the word is easy enough to guess-solidarity. Other Polish words in the English language point to the delicious Polish cuisine. Perhaps you've tried a kabanos or two, Poland's famous smoked sausages, bigos, hunter's stew, or pierogi, small filled dumplings.", "Polish name Since the High Middle Ages, Polish-sounding surnames which end with the masculine morpheme -ski suffix (this includes -cki and -dzki) and the corresponding feminine suffix -ska/-cka/-dzka were associated with the nobility (Polish szlachta) who, in the early years, preserved such suffix distinctions to themselves.", "- Kazimir Name Meaning. German, Dutch, and Polish: from the personal name Kazimir, a name of Slavic origin meaning ‘destroyer of peace’ (see Casimir, and compare Polish Kazmierczak). Source: Dictionary of American Family Names ©2013, Oxford University Press.", "THE MEANING AND RESEARCH OF MY POLISH LAST NAME, SURNAME? Aksentowicz (-wicz always indciates a patronymic nickname meaning son of sb) so here Aksent's son in whatever spelling. Dorohowicz = son of Doroh (doroha - Ukr. for road/Polish: droga) Komroske -- probably an anglo-respelling of Komorowski -- toponymic nickname for someone from Komorw (Chamberville).", "Kucera Coat of Arms / Kucera Family Crest This surname of KUCERA was a Czech nickname for someone with curly hair, originally derived from the Czech word KUCERA (curl). This is the eighth most common Czech surname. Other names with the same meaning are KUDRNA and KADER, and the name is also spelt KEDZIOR, KEDZIAK, KUDLA, KUDLIK, KUDLINSKI and KUDRNAC. The modern state of Czechoslovakia is going through a transitional phase as a result of the fall of the Iron Curtain.", "Polish Last Names Like all European cultures, Polish last names are passed on from the father to his children. The following article will help you learn some of the surnames which are common in Poland. These last names are an important part in tracing the genealogy in Polish families.", "Origins and Meanings of Surnames Olzack: a variation of the Polish place name Olszewski, so-named from the Polish olcha, olsza = alder + ew = a possessive suffix + -ski = suffix of local surnames, to describe the man who lived by the alder, or who was from the settlement near the alder called by that name.oupar, when not a variant of Cooper, is a Scottish Place name from Cupar in Fife, likely of Pictish origin, with an unknown meaning. There are also locations Cuper Angus, and Cupar Maculty, but no known surnames are derived from these.", "Polish Genetics: Abstracts and Summaries The database also includes Slovaks, Czechs, Lithuanians, Ukrainians, Germans, etc. People with Polish ancestry should join the Polish DNA project administered by Lawrence Mayka. Poles speak a form of West Slavic, a linguistic family that also includes Czech, Slovak, and Sorbian. The borders of the nation of Poland have changed significantly over the centuries.", "- Back at the morgue, he takes another look at Tommy and discovers blood on the back of his head. After a bloody night at the Air Defence Stadium, where at least 22 football fans were killed, victims' families and Zamalek fans were waiting at the morgue to receive the corpses.", "Polish Surnames Habitational name for a person from Sniegow, Sniegowo or other places whose name was derived from snieg snow. SOBOL Polish, Jewish. Derived from either Polish sobol meaning marten or Old High German zobel meaning sable.", "Warsaw Warsaw's name in the Polish language is Warszawa-pronounced Varshava - (also formerly spelled Warszewa and Warszowa), meaning belonging to Warsz, Warsz being a shortened form of the masculine name of Slavic origin Warcisław; see also etymology of Wrocław.he Vistula River is the specific axis of Warsaw, which divides the city into two parts, left and right. The left one is situated both on the moraine plateau (10 to 25 m (32.8 to 82.0 ft) above Vistula level) and on the Vistula terraces (max. 6.5 m (21.3 ft) above Vistula level).", "- Thanks to anyone that might help. 1 Slonsky/Slonski - research about my surname, ancestors [5] 2 Meaning of surname Wlodarski [22] 3 Wojcik, Zielinski, Markiewicz - meaning of symbols found in surname crests/coat of arms [10] University Research of Polish communities in the UK 1 [4] Research Request- Polish immigrant community in Ireland.", "- Derived from the given name Wyrzyk which is of unknown meaning. ZABEK Polish. Means little tooth from Polish zab and the diminutive suffix-ek. ZAWISZA Polish. Derived from the Old Polish given name Zawisza which may mean jealous.abitational name for a person from Sniegow, Sniegowo or other places whose name was derived from snieg snow. SOBOL Polish, Jewish. Derived from either Polish sobol meaning marten or Old High German zobel meaning sable.", "Milwaukee County Wisconsin Genealogy Common Polish Given Names and their English Equivalent. Here is a list of Polish names and their approximate English equivalent names. Approximate can mean translation or it can mean that this English name sounds the closest to its Polish original. Not all Polish-Americans used a translation of their name. Some might adopt a new name entirely to better fit into their surroundings." ]
what age do girls get periods
[ "Menstruation: What's Normal for Girls And as they enter puberty, girls should get preventive checkups to learn about their reproductive health in a confidential setting, the doctors add. Girls are 12-13 years old, on average, when they get their first menstrual period (menarche), the committees note. That average age hasn't changed much in 30 years, though black girls go through menarche five months earlier than they did 30 years ago, according to the committees." ]
[ "Your First Period (Especially for Teens) The discharge of blood and tissue from the lining of your uterus is your menstrual period (also called your period). Most girls start their periods between the ages of 12 years and 14 years, but some start earlier or later. When you first start having your period, it may last only a few days.Your first few periods may be very light. You may only see a few spots of reddish brown blood. Anywhere from 2 to 7 days is normal.he discharge of blood and tissue from the lining of your uterus is your menstrual period (also called your period). Most girls start their periods between the ages of 12 years and 14 years, but some start earlier or later. When you first start having your period, it may last only a few days.", "What is the average age for a girl to get her period? In the United States, the average age for a girl to get her first period is 12. This does not mean that all girls start at the same age. A girl can start her period anytime between the ages of 8 and 15. Most of the time, the first period starts about 2 years after breasts first start to develop. If a girl has not had her first period by age 15, or if it has been more than 2 to 3 years since breast growth started, she should see a doctor.", "What is the average age for a girl to get her period? the average age is 12 but this does not mean that all girls start at the same age a girl can start her period anytime between the ages of eight and 15usually the first period starts about two years after breasts first start to growif a girl has not had her first period by age 15 or if it has been more than two to three years since breast growth started she should see a doctorsually the first period starts about two years after breasts first start to grow if a girl has not had her first period by age 15 or if it has been more than two to three years since breast growth started she should see a doctor", "- Looking for Signs. 1 1. Know that the average girl will get her first period at 8 to 15 years old. It may be helpful to know that the average girl will get her period around the age of 8 to 15, so if you're younger than that, you may just need to wait a year or two. 2 2. Look for breast growth or tenderness.", "- Usually, girls get their periods between ages 12 and 14, but it can happen years before or after that. Don’t worry if you get your period later or earlier than your friends get theirs — that happens a lot.", "- A girl can start her period anytime between the ages of 8 and 15. Most of the time, the first period starts about 2 years after breasts first start to develop. If a girl has not had her first period by age 15, or if it has been more than 2 to 3 years since breast growth started, she should see a doctor.", "What is the average age for a girl to get her period? confidence votes 357 the average age is 12 but this does not mean that all girls start at the same age a girl can start her period anytime between the ages of eight and 15usually the first period starts about two years after breasts first start to growif a girl has not had her first period by age 15 or if it has been more than two to three years since breast growth started she should see a doctorsually the first period starts about two years after breasts first start to grow if a girl has not had her first period by age 15 or if it has been more than two to three years since breast growth started she should see a doctor", "What is the average age for a girl to get her period? The average age is 12, but this does not mean that all girls start at the same age. A girl can start her period anytime between the ages of eight and 15.", "Frequently Asked Questions About Your Period Most girls get their first periods between the ages of 11 and 14, but you might be younger or older than that when you get yours - there's no right age to get it. Ask your mother when she got her first period.", "What is the average age for a girl to get her period? In the United States, the average age for a girl to get her first period is 12. This does not mean that all girls start at the same age. A girl can start her period anytime between the ages of 8 and 15.Most of the time, the first period starts about 2 years after breasts first start to develop.If a girl has not had her first period by age 15, or if it has been more than 2 to 3 years since breast growth started, she should see a doctor.ost of the time, the first period starts about 2 years after breasts first start to develop. If a girl has not had her first period by age 15, or if it has been more than 2 to 3 years since breast growth started, she should see a doctor.", "- There's no way to know exactly when you'll get your first period. One day, you'll begin to bleed from your vagina, and that's your period. It means that your body is healthy and normal. Most girls have their first period when they're between 9 and 15 years old.Your period may start around the time it started for other people in your family, like your mom or sisters.If you don't get your period by the time you're 15, you may want to talk with a doctor or nurse.ost girls have their first period when they're between 9 and 15 years old. Your period may start around the time it started for other people in your family, like your mom or sisters. If you don't get your period by the time you're 15, you may want to talk with a doctor or nurse.", "- in the united states the average age for a girl to get her first period is 12 this does not mean that all girls start at the same agea girl can start her period anytime between the ages of 8 and 15 most of the time the first period starts about 2 years after breasts first start to develop girl can start her period anytime between the ages of 8 and 15 most of the time the first period starts about 2 years after breasts first start to develop", "Your Period and the Menstrual Cycle Menarche is another name for the beginning of menstruation. In the United States, the average age a girl starts menstruating is 12. However, this does not mean that all girls start at the same age. A girl can begin menstruating anytime between the ages of 8 and 16.", "Menstruation: What's Normal for Girls Girls are 12-13 years old, on average, when they get their first menstrual period (menarche), the committees note. That average age hasn't changed much in 30 years, though black girls go through menarche five months earlier than they did 30 years ago, according to the committees.", "Menarche Fewer than 10% of U.S. girls start to menstruate before 11 years of age, and 90% of all US girls are menstruating by 13.75 years of age, with a median age of 12.43 years. This age at menarche is not much different (0.34 years earlier) than that reported for U.S. girls in 1973.", "Adolescent development 1 Menarche (the beginning of menstrual periods) typically occurs about 2 years after early breast and pubic hair appear. It may occur as early as age 9, or as late as age 16. The average age of menstruation in the United States is about 12 years. Girls growth spurt peaks around age 11.5 and slows around age 16.", "Menarche: My first menstrual period Girls experience menarche at different ages. It may not be the same as your friend. However, there is a range for most girls, which is about 11 to 14 years. A few girls may have menarche as early as age 9 or as late as the age of 15. Nevertheless, it should not be too early or too late. In general, you should see your doctor if you have your first menses before 9 or have not yet had any menses by 15 years.", "Growing up: Information for girls about puberty During menstruation (also known as your “period”) you will bleed from your vagina. Some girls get their first period as early as 9 or 10 years of age, while others do not get it until later in their teens. A “cycle” is the amount of time from the start of one menstrual period to the start of the next. Most girls have menstrual cycles that last anywhere from 21 to 35 days.", "- the average age is 12 but this does not mean that all girls start at the same age a girl can start her period anytime between the ages of eight and 15usually the firs t period starts about two years after breasts first start to growif a girl has not had her first period by age 15 or if it has been more than two to three years since breast growth started she should see a doctorhe average age is 12 but this does not mean that all girls start at the same age a girl can start her period anytime between the ages of eight and 15", "Normal Menstrual Cycle Although the average cycle is 28 days, it is normal to have a cycle that is shorter or longer. Girls usually start having menstrual periods between the ages of 11 and 14. Women usually start to have fewer periods between ages 39 and 51. Women in their 40s and teens may have cycles that are longer or change a lot.", "Periods A period is the part of the menstrual cycle when a woman bleeds from her vagina for a few days. In most women this happens every 28 days or so. It's common for women to have a cycle slightly shorter or longer than this (from 24 to 35 days).Girls have their first period during puberty. Most girls begin puberty between the ages of 8 and 14, with 11 being the average age.n most women this happens every 28 days or so. It's common for women to have a cycle slightly shorter or longer than this (from 24 to 35 days). Girls have their first period during puberty. Most girls begin puberty between the ages of 8 and 14, with 11 being the average age.", "Age Of Woman's First Period Linked To Heart Disease Risk: Menstruation's Impact On Heart Health Menstruation, more commonly known as a period, is a major stage of puberty for girls at the average age of 13. It took researchers over 10 years to analyze and observe data from 1.3 million women between the ages of 50 to 64, in order to figure out how their first period age could affect their health.", "- When Periods Start. Most girls start to menstruate between ages 10 and 15 years. The average age is 12, but every girl's body has its own schedule. Although there's no one right age for a girl to get her period, there are some clues that menstruation will start soon. Typically, a girl gets her period about 2 years after her breasts start to develop.", "Is 7 the New 10? Why Do Some Girls Start Puberty So Early? By contrast, the age at which they get their first periods has only declined by a few months and, on average, still occurs, between the ages of 12 and 13. These findings, though still debated by some endocrinologists, have fueled concern that childhood for girls is shrinking, while the duration of puberty is expanding.", "Growing up: Information for girls about puberty Some girls get their first period as early as 9 or 10 years of age, while others do not get it until later in their teens. A “cycle” is the amount of time from the start of one menstrual period to the start of the next. Most girls have menstrual cycles that last anywhere from 21 to 35 days." ]
what are the four main components of the forebrain
[ "- The forebrain (proencephalon) is the largest part of the brain, most of which is cerebrum. Other important structures found in the forebrain include the thalamus, the hypothalamus and the limbic system." ]
[ "What is the brain made of and? The brain is made of three main parts: the forebrain, midbrain, and hindbrain. The forebrain consists of the cerebrum, thalamus, and hypothalamus (part of the limbic system). The midbrain consists of the tectum and tegmentum.The hindbrain is made of the cerebellum, pons and medulla.Often the midbrain, pons, and medulla are referred to together as the brainstem. The Cerebrum: The cerebrum or cortex is the largest part of the human brain, associated with higher brain function such as thought and action.The cerebral cortex is divided into four sections, called lobes: the frontal lobe, parietal lobe, occipital lobe, and temporal lobe.he hindbrain is made of the cerebellum, pons and medulla. Often the midbrain, pons, and medulla are referred to together as the brainstem. The Cerebrum: The cerebrum or cortex is the largest part of the human brain, associated with higher brain function such as thought and action.", "FOREBRAIN the section of a brian that develops from the anterior section of the neural tube in an embryo and contains the hemispheres, basal ganglia, amygdala and hippocampus. FOREBRAIN: The forebrain may also contain the thalamua and hypothalamus..he section of a brian that develops from the anterior section of the neural tube in an embryo and contains the hemispheres, basal ganglia, amygdala and hippocampus. FOREBRAIN: The forebrain may also contain the thalamua and hypothalamus..", "Prosencephalon, Forebrain Prosencephalon, Forebrain. The forebrain controls nearly all processes in the Central Nervous System. It consists of the Cerebrum (Telencephalon) and the Diencephalon. Some scientists use the terms Prosencephalon (Forebrain) and Telencephalon synonymously; normally 'Telencephalon' is only used for the Cerebrum without the Diencephalon.Source: Project HOPES, Standford University (edited).ome scientists use the terms Prosencephalon (Forebrain) and Telencephalon synonymously; normally 'Telencephalon' is only used for the Cerebrum without the Diencephalon. Source: Project HOPES, Standford University (edited).", "Brain Structures and their Functions The brain is made of three main parts: the forebrain, midbrain, and hindbrain. The forebrain consists of the cerebrum, thalamus, and hypothalamus (part of the limbic system). The midbrain consists of the tectum and tegmentum.The hindbrain is made of the cerebellum, pons and medulla. Often the midbrain, pons, and medulla are referred to together as the brainstem.The Cerebrum: The cerebrum or cortex is the largest part of the human brain, associated with higher brain function such as thought and action.he hindbrain is made of the cerebellum, pons and medulla. Often the midbrain, pons, and medulla are referred to together as the brainstem. The Cerebrum: The cerebrum or cortex is the largest part of the human brain, associated with higher brain function such as thought and action.", "Human brain Also known as the prosencephalon, the forebrain is mostly comprised of the cerebrum, which is divided into two hemispheres. The two main sections of the forebrain, however, are the telencephalon and the diencephalon.he largest part of the brain, the forebrain processes cognitive, auditory, visual and sensory information. Located in the forebrain, the hippocampus and amygdala are parts of the limbic system.", "- Share to: 1 The Location and Function of the Cerebrum The cerebrum is the largest and most advanced part of the human brain. 2 The Role of the Cerebrum in the Human Body The human brain consists of three main parts: the forebrain, midbrain, and hindbrain. The Location and Function of the Cerebrum The cerebrum is the largest and most advanced part of the human brain. 2 As the last part of the human brain to evolve, the cerebrum provides humans with many functions that se….", "Accordion The piano accordion is the official city instrument of San Francisco, California. The oldest name for this group of instruments is harmonika, from the Greek harmonikos, meaning harmonic, musical. Today, native versions of the name accordion are more common.", "Brain Anatomy and Function The brain can be divided into two major parts: the lower brain stem and the higher forebrain. The brain stem sits above the spinal cord and has many connections between them. The brain stem, the most primitive part of the brain, is made up of the medulla, pons, cerebellum, midbrain, hypothalamus and thalamus.The cerebral cortex, limbic system and basal ganglia make up the forebrain.he basal ganglia is found in the forebrain and consist of structures involved in motor processes. The basal ganglia works along with the motor areas of the cortex and cerebellum for planning and coordinating certain voluntary movements. The basal ganglia is made of gray matter.", "The vertebratesystem This response, called the light reflex, is regulated by three structures: the retina, the pretectum, and the midbrain. In th... The midbrain (mesencephalon) and diencephalon constitute the anterior portion of the brain stem. Sensory and motor nuclei for cranial nerves extend from the hindbrain to the midbrain.", "What is the brain made of and? The forebrain consists of the cerebrum, thalamus, and hypothalamus (part of the limbic system). The midbrain consists of the tectum and tegmentum. The hindbrain is made of the cerebellum, pons and medulla.Often the midbrain, pons, and medulla are referred to together as the brainstem.he Cerebellum: The cerebellum, or little brain, is similar to the cerebrum in that it has two hemispheres and has a highly folded surface or cortex. This structure is associated with regulation and coordination of movement, posture, and balance.", "- In prenatal development, the forebrain (prosencephalon) is the most anterior vesicle of the neural tube that later forms both the diencephalon and the telencephalon (which develops into the cerebrum).", "Brainstem: Its Function and Location The brainstem is composed of the midbrain and portions of the hindbrain, specifically the pons and medulla. A major function of the midbrain is to connect the three major brain divisions: forebrain, midbrain, and hindbrain. Major structures of the midbrain include the tectum and cerebral peduncle. The tectum is composed of rounded bulges of brain matter that are involved in visual and auditory reflexes.", "Anatomy of the Brain The brain is composed of three parts: the brainstem, cerebellum, and cerebrum. The cerebrum is divided into four lobes: frontal, parietal, temporal, and occipital. The cerebrum is the largest part of the brain and is composed of right and left hemispheres. It performs higher functions like interpreting touch, vision and hearing, as well as speech, reasoning, emotions, learning, and fine control of movement. The cerebellum is located under the cerebrum.", "- The thalamus and hypothalamus make up the rest of the forebrain. The function of the thalamus is to distribute information to the cerebrum from the spinal cord. The thalamus controls what, as well as how much, information is sent and where in the cerebrum that information is sent, as well.he largest part of the brain, the forebrain processes cognitive, auditory, visual and sensory information. Located in the forebrain, the hippocampus and amygdala are parts of the limbic system.", "- The brain can be divided into three basic units: the forebrain, the midbrain, and the hindbrain. The hindbrain includes the upper part of the spinal cord, the brain stem, and a wrinkled ball of tissue called the cerebellum (1). The hindbrain controls the body’s vital functions such as respiration and heart rate.The cerebellum coordinates movement and is involved in learned rote movements.he brain can be divided into three basic units: the forebrain, the midbrain, and the hindbrain. The hindbrain includes the upper part of the spinal cord, the brain stem, and a wrinkled ball of tissue called the cerebellum (1). The hindbrain controls the body’s vital functions such as respiration and heart rate.", "Brain Anatomy Diagram The midbrain or mesencephalon is labeled 11. The fully developed hindbrain or rhombencephalon is represented by structures 7) the pons, 8) the medulla oblongata, and 10) the cerebellum. The term brain stem refers to structures 7) the pons, 8) the medulla oblongata, and 11) the midbrain.he fully developed hindbrain or rhombencephalon is represented by structures 7) the pons, 8) the medulla oblongata, and 10) the cerebellum. The term brain stem refers to structures 7) the pons, 8) the medulla oblongata, and 11) the midbrain.", "- DIENCEPHALON..Central core of the forebrain..Consists of three paired structures –----- --thalamus,-----hypothalamus,-----epithalamus..Encloses the third ventricle", "- The hindbrain includes the upper part of the spinal cord, the brain stem, and a wrinkled ball of tissue called the cerebellum (1). The hindbrain controls the body’s vital functions such as respiration and heart rate. The cerebellum coordinates movement and is involved in learned rote movements.he hindbrain includes the upper part of the spinal cord, the brain stem, and a wrinkled ball of tissue called the cerebellum (1). The hindbrain controls the body’s vital functions such as respiration and heart rate. The cerebellum coordinates movement and is involved in learned rote movements.", "- The Hindbrain. The hindbrain is thought to be the oldest part of the nervous system structure, and is made up of the cerebellum, the pons, and the medulla oblongata. The cerebellum is located underneath the cerebrum, and is primarily a center of movement control, regulation and coordination, and balance and posture.he Hindbrain. The hindbrain is thought to be the oldest part of the nervous system structure, and is made up of the cerebellum, the pons, and the medulla oblongata. The cerebellum is located underneath the cerebrum, and is primarily a center of movement control, regulation and coordination, and balance and posture.", "Midbrain: Definition, Function & Structures Instructor: Sarah Phenix. In this lesson, we'll explore the midbrain, including where it's located, what structures compose it, and what its role is in the functions of your brain.he midbrain is formed by three main structures: the cerebral peduncle (peduncle meaning 'foot' or 'base' of the cerebrum), the corpora quadrigemina (meaning 'quadruplet bodies' since it has four mound or hill-like structures), and the cerebral aqueduct, which is a canal dividing the two structures.", "Hindbrain The hindbrain or rhombencephalon is a developmental categorization of portions of the central nervous system in vertebrates.It includes the medulla, pons, and cerebellum.Together they support vital bodily processes.he hindbrain can be subdivided in a variable number of transversal swellings called rhombomeres. In the human embryo eight rhombomeres can be distinguished, from caudal to rostral: Rh8-Rh1.", "Divisions of the Brain Other components of the midbrain include: 1 Tectum - dorsal portion of the midbrain that is composed of the superior and inferior colliculi. 2 Cerebral peduncle - anterior portion of the midbrain consisting of large bundles of nerve fiber tracts that connect the forebrain to the hindbrain.", "Forebrain At the five-vesicle stage, the forebrain separates into the diencephalon (thalamus, hypothalamus, subthalamus, epithalamus, and pretectum) and the telencephalon which develops into the cerebrum. The cerebrum consists of the cerebral cortex, underlying white matter, and the basal ganglia.Redirected from Prosencephalon). In the anatomy of the brain of vertebrates, the forebrain or prosencephalon is the rostral-most (forward-most) portion of the brain.", "Brain Structures and their Functions The brain is made of three main parts: the forebrain, midbrain, and hindbrain. The forebrain consists of the cerebrum, thalamus, and hypothalamus (part of the limbic system). The midbrain consists of the tectum and tegmentum.The hindbrain is made of the cerebellum, pons and medulla.Often the midbrain, pons, and medulla are referred to together as the brainstem.he forebrain consists of the cerebrum, thalamus, and hypothalamus (part of the limbic system). The midbrain consists of the tectum and tegmentum. The hindbrain is made of the cerebellum, pons and medulla.", "- The term hindbrain refers to the oldest (evolutionarily speaking) portion of our brain, which is composed of the brainstem (made up of the pons and the medulla oblongata) and the cerebellum. Each of these structures plays a major role in coordinating and controlling the vital automated systems of our body.cientists refer to this 'reptilian' portion as the hindbrain; in other words, the rear portion of the brain. The hindbrain is the region of the brain formed by the pons, medulla oblongata (also known as just the medulla), and the cerebellum." ]
can you bring a kid to the oath ceremony
[ "Who Can Come to My U.S. Citizenship Oath Ceremony? Generally speaking, anyone can come to your U.S. citizenship oath ceremony: family, friends, children, and even complete strangers. While I wouldn’t advise inviting strangers off the street, it is your big day; celebrate with whomever you want. There are, however, some considerations you will want to take into account when choosing who to invite." ]
[ "- Ares grants them his blessing and they are granted with temporary invulnerability. Children of Ares will have * next to their name if they are blessed. Initiation Ceremony. The Initiation Ceremony is a ritual used by the Ares' Cabin to initiate a new camper by dunking his or her head in the camp toilets.", "- If you have a tripod for the camera, set it up in advance at an appropriate angle (out of the way of the staff) and enjoy the birth too. Another suggestion for you if you are not filming the birth is to take a tape recorder to record the first cry of your grandchild. Some have recorded the entire labor, but there is often a lot of screaming or swearing going on which your daughter may not want saved for posterity-she would rather forget.", "Oath Ceremony Experience Federal Plaza Manhattan New York Scheduled at 8:30 AM on 8/30/2013 Federal Plaza Manhattan. Prerequisites: 1. Fill out the back of your oath letter.. (answer yes/no to all the questions) sign/date/give address etc.. 2. Have your green card on hand.", "- 23 thoughts on “ Swearing an oath with a Solicitor ”. This page is incorrect. At step 7 above it says you have to take the original will to the solicitor when you swear the oath. In fact, you have to send the original will to the Probate Registry at step 4. Send both forms to your local Probate Registry. 2 The Probate Registry will send the Oath to the first named applicant on the PA1. ( 3 If more than 1 applicant, you will all need to swear the Oath however). 4 Make an appointment with a local Solicitor.", "Oath Ceremony If you cannot go to the oath ceremony, you should return the Notice of Naturalization Oath Ceremony (Form N-445) that you received to your local USCIS office. Include a letter saying why you cannot go to the ceremony. Make a copy of the notice and your letter before you send them to USCIS.", "- Children under 18 months can come in without a ticket. (unless the show is specifically designed for children under 18 months) Children over this age must always have a ticket. Babies under 18 months can attend performances however you must inform the box office before bringing the child to a show.", "Wedding Ceremony: Do Child Attendants Stand in the Wedding Ceremony? I am planning to have two flower girls and two ring bearers in my wedding. What is the proper etiquette for child attendants -- should they stand with the rest of the bridal party throughout the wedding ceremony or should they sit down after they walk to the front? I am worried about how they will behave if they have to stand at the altar.", "What Is an Oath Ceremony? You will need to bring Form N-445, Notice of Naturalization Oath Ceremony, which you will either receive at the conclusion of your interview or later in the mail.The notice will give you a list of what you should bring to the oath ceremony, which may include:1 Your permanent resident card (If you have forgotten it, you can take the oath, but will need to return it before you receive your naturalization certificate.he notice will give you a list of what you should bring to the oath ceremony, which may include: 1 Your permanent resident card (If you have forgotten it, you can take the oath, but will need to return it before you receive your naturalization certificate.", "Naming traditions and ceremonies from around the world There are several ceremonies to do with the birth of a child in Hinduism. Before the birth, prayers are said at the temple for the child’s future health and happiness. Throughout the pregnancy the mother reads and recites from the Hindu scriptures so that they have a positive influence on the unborn baby.", "Oath Of Enlistment For Military Service Federal law requires everyone who enlists or re-enlists in the Armed Forces of the United States to take the enlistment oath. The oath of enlistment into the United States Armed Forces is administered by any commissioned officer to any person enlisting or re-enlisting for a term of service into any branch of the military. The officer asks the person, or persons, to raise their right hand and repeat the oath after him.", "How long does the oath ceremony take? Posted February 21, 2007 (edited) The oath ceremony usually lasts for about three hours. It's fun. Make sure you have your green card with you, and if not, a letter from the immigration official interveiwer stating that you don't have or lost your green card and also a state issue ID with that statement.", "What is the U.S. Citizenship Oath Ceremony Like? Once USCIS approves your application for naturalization, you will be required to attend a ceremony to take the Oath of Allegiance to the United States. In certain situations, you may be able to take the oath of allegiance the same day as your interview with USICS.", "Question & Answer Center In many states, notaries public are prohibited from notarizing the signature of immediate family such as a spouse, parents, grandparents, children, grandchildren, brothers, sisters, stepbrothers, stepsisters, stepparents, mother-in-laws, and father-in-laws.ecause of community property laws in some states, the better practice is not to notarize for a spouse in order to avoid a challenge to the notarization because of financial and beneficial interest issues.", "- 1 Granted. 2 Sometimes USCIS can tell you if you will be granted citizenship at the end of your interview. 3 In some cases, you may be able to attend an oath ceremony the same day as your interview (where available). 4 Otherwise, you will receive a notice telling you when and where your oath ceremony will be.", "- Yes, my daughter is covered for her braces, the oath we have doesn`t require new card each visit. They actually have access to her coverage. Of course you can`t just stop oath work if coverage lapses, that would defeat all previous ortho work already complete. This is for Texas.", "Army Graduation Ceremony Tips Who Can Attend Army Graduation Ceremonies? Anyone is welcome to attend the graduation ceremony, including children. This is a big day in the life of your soldier and it should be celebrated. There is generally not a limit to the number of attendees that are allowed to attend a graduation ceremony.", "How long does the oath ceremony take? Posted 20 February 2007 - 07:23 PM. The oath ceremony usually lasts for about three hours. It's fun. Make sure you have your green card with you, and if not, a letter from the immigration official interveiwer stating that you don't have or lost your green card and also a state issue ID with that statement. If you don't have these items, then you may not get your Naturalization Certificate at that time.", "- Astrophysicists have detected multiple planets outside of our own galaxy that are as small as our Moon and as massive as Jupiter.", "- Step Six: Attend the Oath Ceremony. If you are approved at (or soon after) your interview, congratulations, but you are not a citizen quite yet. You will be called in for a large public ceremony, at which you and others will be given the oath, in which you swear loyalty to the United States.", "- Share on other sites. The oath ceremony usually lasts for about three hours. It's fun. Make sure you have your green card with you, and if not, a letter from the immigration official interveiwer stating that you don't have or lost your green card and also a state issue ID with that statement.", "Thread: Passport at time of Oath Ceremony? 31. Hi! I think it depends where your Oath Taking ceremony, because here in LA Convention Center, you can apply right after the ceremony... but long lines, so what we did, we applied in our post office and less than a week we got our passports and the day we got our Naturalization Certificate. 01-21-2009, 06:47 PM #5.", "Taking children to oath ceremony Taking children to oath ceremony. Discussion in 'US Citizenship' started by packer_fan, Apr 6, 2006. packer_fan Registered Users (C) I received my oath letter and it is slated for Apr 26th. I would like to know if we can take our two children (7 Years and 18 months) to the oath ceremony. Both me and my wife have the oath on the same day. We do not have any guests going with us to the oath ceremony.", "Thread: Oath ceremony--NY Dear all, A friend of mine received a notification to attend his oath ceremony in New York city next Friday. He just had his naturalization interview a couple of weeks ago. Here is the situation. He is traveling abroad in Mid-March.", "- Also, you decide on who will administer your Oath of Enlistment. The oath must be given by a commissioned officer. It can be given to your Platoon Leader (a 2nd LT) to a General Officer (ie. Army 4 star General). If you choose someone higher than your immediate Chain of Command, I suggest you plan in advance with a letter to the commission officer.", "- call you local courthouse where you will have your oath .. there will be a person in charge you can talk to and receive specific information about your oath ceremony. We are in a similar situation and I was told that the new citizens will be 'up front' in a special row in the courtroom, usually without their children." ]
what does a telemetry receiver do
[ "- A telemetry receiver consists of an antenna, a set of radio-frequency (RF) amplifiers, a demodulator, and recording devices. A computer can be used to process and store received information." ]
[ "- A telemetry nurse is responsible for monitoring the vital signs of patients. A telemetry nurse uses a pulse oximeter clipped to a fingertip to measure oxygen saturation. A telemetry nurse may work with a doctor to determine treatment methods.", "- AN INTRODUCTION TO TELEMETRY. PART 1: TELEMETRY BASICS. Telemetry is defined as the sensing and measuring of information at some remote. location and then transmitting that information to a central or host location. There, it. can be monitored and used to control a process at the remote site. The basic concept of telemetry has been in existence for centuries.", "Cisco Support CommunityTopicsCisco Support CommunitybackNetwork InfrastructureNetwork InfrastructurebackCisco Modeling LabsMedianetOptical NetworkingNetwork ManagementWAN, Routing and SwitchingOther Network Infrastructure SubjectsGetting Started with LANsIPv6 Integration and TransitionRemote AccessLAN, Switching and RoutingEEM ScriptingDNASecuritySecuritybackSourcefireAAA, Identity and NACFirewallingOther Security SubjectsCisco Threat Awareness Service (CTAS)Security ManagementWeb SecurityIntrusion Prevention Systems/IDSPhysical SecurityVPNEmail SecurityMARSCisco Defense OrchestratorCloud Web SecurityCollaboration, Voice and VideoCollaboration, Voice and VideobackContact CenterDigital Media SystemIP TelephonyJabber ClientsPrime Collaboration ManagementTelePresenceUnified Communications ApplicationsVideo Over IPConferencingHosted Collaboration SolutionOther Collaboration, Voice, and Video SubjectsUC MigrationsWireless - MobilityWireless - MobilitybackWireless IP Voice and VideoOther Wireless - Mobility SubjectsSecurity and Network ManagementGetting Started with WirelessWireless LAN Controller Config Analyzer (WLCCA)Small Business Support CommunitySmall Business Support CommunitybackInternational ZoneSmall Business Online Device EmulatorsNon-Product Related Small Business Technical QuestionsSmall Business RoutersSmall Business Support ServiceJabber Video SupportSmall Business Voice and ConferencingSmall Business Network and Smart StorageSmall Business Smart TipsSmall Business SwitchesWebEx TelepresenceVoice SystemsATAs, Gateways and AccessoriesRegional Service & Support OptionsFindIT Network Management DiscussionsOnPlus ServiceSmall Business SecuritySmall Business SurveillanceSmall Business WirelessOnline Chat SupportSmall Business Support CommunitySmall Business FAQData CenterData CenterbackIntelligent AutomationStorage NetworkingApplication Centric InfrastructureCloud CenterOther Data Center SubjectsUnified Computing SystemApplication NetworkingServer NetworkingWide Area Application Services (WAAS)Cisco Prime Network Services ControllerTetration AnalyticsService ProvidersService ProvidersbackOther Service Provider SubjectsVoice over IPMetroSP MobilityXR OS and PlatformsMPLSSP VideoServicesServicesbackSmart ServicesConnected TAC Market TrialOperations ExchangeCisco ServiceGridConnected AnalyticsCisco Cloud Service Router (CSR) for Public CloudSolutions and ArchitecturesSolutions and ArchitecturesbackCollaborationSolutions and ArchitecturesData Center & VirtualizationBorderless NetworksAll TopicsExpertsCisco Support CommunitybackLeaderboardsExpertsbackMost SolutionMost HelpfulTop ContributorsExpertsbackCisco Designated VIPHall of FameSpotlight AwardsEvent Top ContributorsEventsCisco Support CommunitybackWebcast EventsAsk the Experts EventsCommunityCisco Support CommunitybackCisco CafeBehind the ScenesCommunity IdeasFeedback ForumCisco Support Community Register Login TDR is Time Domain Reflectometry and is used to determine where a break or a bend in a cable is. The TDR stand for Time Domain Reflectometry. The basic idea is to emit a pulse onto a medium - copper or wire - and expect a reflection from the other end or from any significant discontinuity in the medium, such as break, splice, connector and so on.", "Definitions &Translations Wiktionary(1.00 / 1 vote)Rate this definition: telemetry(Noun) the science, and associated technology, of the automatic recording and transmission of data from a remote source to a receiving station for analysis.", "What is the difference between remote terminal unit and remote telemetry unit? Remote Terminal Unit and Remote Telemetry Units are same things having two different names. These are rugged industrial computers that provide intelligence in the field and allows the central SCADA master to communicate with the field instruments. It is a stand alone data acquisition and control unit.", "DTMF Decoder DTMF Decoder can process dial tones generated by touch tone phones and log the corresponding phone number. The tone signal is extracted from the telephone line or radio receivers and forwarded to the computer's soundcard for processing. What this application actually does is identify captured sounds and detect their frequencies in order to associate them with a certain key on the phone's number pad.", "telemetry (tə-lĕm′ĭ-trē) The automatic measurement and transmission of data from a distant source to a receiving station. Telemetry is used, for example, to track the movements of wild animals that have had radio transmitters attached to them.", "Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART) As part of this interface, the UART also: 1 Converts the bytes it receives from the computer along parallel circuits into a single serial bit stream for outbound transmission. 2 On inbound transmission, converts the serial bit stream into the bytes that the computer handles.", "Overview of Office Telemetry Office Telemetry is a new compatibility monitoring framework that replaces the Office 2010 compatibility tools Office Migration Planning Manager (OMPM), Office Code Compatibility Inspector (OCCI), and Office Environment Assessment Tool (OEAT).", "telemetry Cardiology The monitoring of the cardiac rhythm and transmission of signals or data from one electronic unit to another by radio waves using a device that provides real-time measurement of a Pt's EKG for various lengths of time See Multiple parameter telemetry, Real-timetelemetry. Telemetry–indications.", "Telemetry A telemeter is a device used to remotely measure any quantity. It consists of a sensor, a transmission path, and a display, recording, or control device. Telemeters are the physical devices used in telemetry. Electronic devices are widely used in telemetry and can be wireless or hard-wired, analog or digital.", "Definitions &Translations Freebase (0.00 / 0 votes) Rate this definition: Telemetry. Telemetry is the highly automated communications process by which measurements are made and other data collected at remote or inaccessible points and transmitted to receiving equipment for monitoring. The word is derived from Greek roots: tele = remote, and metron = measure. Systems that need external instructions and data to operate require the counterpart of telemetry, telecommand.", "View, graph, analize The Spektrum Telemetry Log File Viewer is the small application allows you to view the telemetry log files generated by Spektrum Transmitters. The application supports old and new telemetry file format as well as can read corrupted telemetry files generated with early 1.10 version of Spektrum firmware. Download.", "TVA3000 TimeView⢠Dynamically Analyze Your Signal’s Amplitude and Frequency. Amplitude and frequency content are the two most important properties of any signal. Oscilloscopes are used to analyze changes in amplitude over time but not changes in frequency. The traditional tool for analyzing signal frequency content is the spectrum analyzer. However, this can only find static frequency components or give an averaged view of dynamic (changing) frequencies. The modulation domain is the “missing domain” that complements the time and frequency domains. TimeView is the software that works with the Tektronix Timer/Counter/Analyzer FCA3000, FCA3100, and MCA3000 Series (through USB or GPIB) and converts them into a Modulation Domain Analyzer.", "telemetry The science of measuring a quantity, transmitting the results by radio signals to a distant station, and there interpreting, indicating, and/or recording the results. See also: biotelemetry. telemetry.", "Telemetry Nurse Job Description and Salary Duties of a Telemetry Nurse. In the telemetry unit of a hospital, patients are often in critical condition and need constant monitoring and care. Telemetry nurses review data from special equipment to track a patient’s heart rate, blood pressure, breathing and other vitals.", "Radar More information about: Radar. Radar is an object-detection system that uses radio waves to determine the range, angle, or velocity of objects. It can be used to detect aircraft, ships, spacecraft, guided missiles, motor vehicles, weather formations, and terrain. A radar transmits radio waves or microwaves that reflect from any object in their path. A receive radar, which is typically the same system as the transmit radar, receives and processes these reflected waves to determine properties of the object(s).", "What is Telemetry Monitoring? It usually refers to a certain way of monitoring a hospital patient's heart activity, but it is also the way in which information is received from spaceships and orbiting satellites, among other things.", "Telemetry Nurse 1 As a Telemetry Nurse, you’ll be specialized in Progressive Care, which is an evolving area of critical care. 2 Beyond basic cardiac telemetry, you’ll work with technologies and therapies that were once limited to critical care units.", "Telemetry Never again will you have to wonder whether or not you have enough voltage to keep flying. Being able to monitor voltage will also help you detect a worn out battery pack before it prematurely ends your flight. The telemetry module is plugged into the receiver and will automatically relay receiver voltage.", "- Distributed Control. One of the most prevalent telemetry strategies in the water and wastewater industries is the Master-Slave scheme. In a Master-Slave network, all remote RTU's report their status to a central computer or PLC, which then returns the control commands.", "- The procedure in secr is first to form a capthist object containing the telemetry data and then to. combine this with true capture–recapture data (e.g. detections from hair-snag DNA) in another. capthist object. secr.fit automatically detects the telemetry data in the new object.", "Telemetry In Formula One, two-way telemetry surfaced in the early 1990s and consisted of a message display on the dashboard which the team could update. Its development continued until May 2001, when it was first allowed on the cars.", "Repeater A radio repeater retransmits a radio signal. In telecommunications, a repeater is an electronic device that receives a signal and retransmits it. Repeaters are used to extend transmissions so that the signal can cover longer distances or be received on the other side of an obstruction.", "Telemetry Nurse â Job Description and Career Outlook A telemetry nurse is responsible for using specialized equipment with the goal of monitoring, recording and interpreting data concerning a patient’s vital signs. Additionally, telemetry nursing involves providing basic patient care, educating patients about their condition, and administering medications." ]
roy orbison how did he die
[ "Roy Orbison's widow Barbara dies of cancer aged 60 Roy Orbison died in 1988 at the age of 52, in the midst of a comeback with The Travelling Wilburys. Lisa Swayze, widow of actor Patrick Swayze who died in September 2009 from pancreatic cancer, said: 'Patrick and I always had a warm connection with them both." ]
[ "Country legend Merle Haggard dies at 79 of pneumonia Country legend Merle Haggard dies at 79 of pneumonia. FILE - In this June 28, 2015 file photo, singer-songwriter Merle Haggard performs at the 2015 Big Barrel Country Music Festival in Dover, Del. Haggard has canceled his April concert dates as he recovers from a recurring bout of double pneumonia.", "Roy Orbison: Success and Sadness Roy Orbison: Success and Sadness. Just weeks before his death 25 years ago today on Dec. 6, 1988, Roy Orbison told Rolling Stone magazine that he couldn’t sum up his life in a paragraph, but might be able to do it through his songs. Parts of Crying, parts of Pretty Woman, too, and Running Scared. . . . Pieces of my songs would tell the story..", "- Of the band's earliest members, guitarist Allen Collins died in 1990 from pneumonia. Bassist Leon Wilkeson, who was badly injured in the 1977 plane crash, never fully recovered, and died of natural causes in 2001. Guitarist Hughie Thomasson died of a heart attack in 2007. Keyboardist Billy Powell died in 2009 of suspected heart failure. Rossington is the only founding member who stills performs with Lynyrd Skynyrd.", "The Monkees singer Davy Jones had marijuana-like chemical in his system at time of death The Monkees singer Davy Jones had marijuana-like chemical in his system at time of death. His death in February came as a shock to fans around the globe. And while it has now been confirmed that The Monkees singer Davy Jones died of a heart attack he also had cannabinoids in his system, according to the autopsy report, TMZ reports. The singer, who passed away aged 66, had the chemical compounds in his system - but it not clear if they were from smoking marijuana or not.", "Obituaries : Jail Cell Death for Innovative Musician : Guitarist Roy Buchanan Found Hanged Obituaries : Jail Cell Death for Innovative Musician : Guitarist Roy Buchanan Found Hanged. FAIRFAX, Va. — Roy Buchanan, whose work stretched the limits of the electric guitar and had an influence on musicians from blues to country-western, hanged himself in a jail cell, officials said Monday. He was 48.", "Sam Kinison On April 10, 1992, Kinison died at the age of 38 after his white 1989 Pontiac Trans Am was struck head-on on U.S. Route 95, 4 miles (6.4 km) north of Interstate 40 and around 15 miles northwest of Needles, California, by a pickup truck driven by 17-year-old Troy Pierson, who had been drinking alcohol.", "Grateful Dead Member Died Of Overdose, Coroner Rules Published: August 12, 1990. MARTINEZ, Calif., Aug. 11— Brent Mydland, the 37-year-old keyboardist for the Grateful Dead rock band, was killed by an overdose of drugs, the office of the Contra Costa County coroner ruled Friday. Mr. Mydland was found dead at his home in the nearby town of Lafayette on July 26.", "'Shipping Wars' StarDeadAfter Suffering Heart Attack 1/19/2014 12:40 AM PST. One of the stars of the A&E show Shipping Wars died Friday night after suffering a heart attack ... TMZ has learned. Roy Garber -- a popular character on the hit show -- was rushed to a hospital in Texas after suffering a heart attack and passed away shortly after -- this according to his long-time girlfriend.", "How did Sam Kinison die? Sam Kinison was a stand-up comedian and actor. He was not decapitated. He died on the 10th April 1992 at the age of 32. The cause of his death was when his car struck a pick u…p truck that was driven by a drunk 17 year old male several miles west of Needles, California.", "Did Sam Kinison Speak With Angels? Did Sam Kinison Speak With Angels? It was about 8:30 P.M. Friday night on April 10, 1992, when comedian Sam Kinison was killed in a head on collision with a pickup truck. Kinison had just been married a week before and was travelling from Los Angeles with his newlywed wife, Malika, to a sold out performance in Laughlin, Nevada.", "Philadelphia Already one of the nation's most impressive hotels, Orlando World Center Marriott features the ultimate in comfort and style, just minutes from the city's hottest attractions, entertainment and dining options.", "- Roy Garber was rushed to a Texas hospital on Jan. 17 after suffering heart attack, but unfortunately the Shipping Wars star could not be saved, and he passed away at the age of 49, according to TMZ.", "Adding Dates to a Calendar in Illustrator 1. Open the file to which you'd like to add 2014 dates. If you're using my file, open it in Illustrator and make sure the Dates layer is active in the layers panel.(Or you can use last year's project with the dates deleted and year updated. Or use any calendaresque graphic you like and extrapolate to taste.).. Open the file to which you'd like to add 2014 dates. If you're using my file, open it in Illustrator and make sure the Dates layer is active in the layers panel.", "Roy Orbison's widow Barbara dies of cancer aged 60 The package marked the first all-inclusive body of Roy Orbison's work from his earliest recordings to the Traveling Wilburys' debut album, Mystery Girl and his last live performance. Roy Orbison died in 1988 at the age of 52, in the midst of a comeback with The Traveling Wilburys. Actor Patrick Swayze's widow, Lisa Swayze, said her heart out goes out to the Orbison family. Patrick and I always had a warm connection with them both. Now we have lost this wonderful lady, Lisa Swayze said.", "- Roy Dwayne Orbison was ten years old; his brother, Anthony, was just six. Unable to write songs in the wake of such crushing loss, Orbison nonetheless continued to tour, seeking solace in music and in the support of fans.", "R&B legend Otis Redding died in Lake Monona just days after recording â (Sittinâ On) The Dock of the Bayâ Almost exactly 47 years ago, music legend Otis Redding died after his plane crashed in Lake Monona. Now his memory is eternalized through a plaque in front of a marble bench on the roof of Monona Terrace. The heading reads, “Otis Redding, The King Of The Soul Singers 1941-1967.”.", "âRoy Clark dead 2018â : Singer killed by internet death hoax Roy Clark Death Hoax Dismissed Since Singer Is ‘Alive And Well’. On Wednesday (August 17) the singer's reps officially confirmed that Roy Clark is not dead. “He joins the long list of celebrities who have been victimized by this hoax. He's still alive and well, stop believing what you see on the Internet,” they said.", "Zofran Price Comparisons â Select Product To find the lowest Zofran prices, click below on the strength of interest. Choose Strength for: Zofran - Brand Version", "Biography Mini Bio (1) Roy Orbison was born on April 23, 1936 in Vernon, Texas, USA as Roy Kelton Orbison. He was married to Barbara Orbison and Claudette Frady. He died on December 6, 1988 in Madison, Tennessee, USA. Flawless tenor voice with an unmistakable vibrato.", "Natalie ColeDead at 65 TMZ has learned. Cole, whose hits include This Will Be and Unforgettable which she performed as a virtual duet with dad Nat King Cole -- died from congestive heart failure, although we're told the underlying medical issues were complications from a kidney transplant and Hepatitis C.", "Musicians Who Died in Air Accidents Surviving members reunited in 1987 for a concert tour. Jim Croce, Sept. 20, 1973--The singer-songwriter of No. 1 hits Bad, Bad Leroy Brown and Time in a Bottle died in a crash near Natchitoches, La., at age 30. Otis Redding, Dec. 10, 1967--Redding, 26, and members of his Memphis-based band, the Bar-Kays, died in a Wisconsin crash.", "- Strategic bombing is a military strategy used in a total war with the goal of defeating the enemy by destroying their morale or their economic ability to produce and transport materiel to the theatres of military operations, or both. strategic-bombing campaign was launched by the Germans as a precursor to the invasion of Great Britain via England to force the RAF to engage the Luftwaffe and so be destroyed either on the ground or in the air.", "Pilot was 'unfairly blamed for crash that killed Buddy Holly and should be hailed a hero for trying to avert disaster' Pilot was 'unfairly blamed for crash that killed Buddy Holly and should be hailed a hero for trying to avert disaster'. Buddy Holly, 22, killed in the crash on February 3, 1959, in Clear Lake, Iowa. Singers Ritchie Valens, J.P. Richardson and pilot Roger Peterson also died. Crash ruled to be caused by pilot error during inclement weather. Pilot L.J. Coon has petitioned the National Transportation Safety Board.", "Retired pitcher Roy Halladay's plane flew low before crash: NTSB FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. (Reuters) - Witnesses said retired baseball star Roy Halladay maneuvered his plane at low altitude before he died when it crashed off the coast of central Florida, a federal official said on Wednesday.", "Roy Orbison talks about Elvis Presley and 'Only The Lonely' Elvis' one-liner of 'Running Scared' can be found on the Essential '70s masters 5 CD Box Set. Roy Orbison saw Elvis for the first time in Odesa, Texas: 'His energy was incredible, his instinct was just amazing . . . I just didn't know what to make of it. There was just no reference point in the culture to compare it'." ]
how long can instagram videos go
[ "Fit More Into 15 Seconds With Instagramâs New Hyperlapse Videos One limitation with Instagram videos is that they can be no longer than 15 seconds. With Hyperlapse, you can shoot a long video (10 minutes on iPhone 4, 45 minutes on iPhone 5/5c/5s), and then speed it up to fit in those 15 seconds. Just like that, your 15 second-limitation is lifted." ]
[ "Coming Soon: Longer Video on Instagram Coming Soon: Longer Video on Instagram. We’re excited about the incredible community of video creators who already call Instagram home. The video above features some of the most diverse young creators on Instagram. We want to bring you fun, flexible and creative ways to create and watch video on Instagram.", "What are the limits of follow and unfollow on instagram per hour? Facebook Inc have a strong policy against Auto follow Bots , Apps and Website they don’t allow users to use such type of tricks to increase followers/numbers. Instagram Allow you to follow maximum 250 people in 1 Hour (based on my personal) if you exceed this limit they will temporary block you.", "Chapter 1: Theory of Markets and Privacy To upload longer videos, verify your account with the following steps: 1 On a computer, go to the upload page at youtube.com/upload. 2 At the bottom of the page, click Increase your limit. 3 Follow the steps to verify your account. Once you've verified your account, you can upload videos that are longer than 15 minutes long.", "How to Set Up an Instagram Account for Your Business Instagram is all about visuals, so it’s crucial you can create content that adds value to your audience and potential customers. Seek to inspire and entertain, not directly promote your product or service. Images and videos (up to 1 minute) can be posted, preferably in Instagram’s signature square format. Uploading images and videos in landscape orientation is possible, but the preview will be cut off at the edges. Accompany each image with a great caption and use hashtags sparingly to extend your reach.", "- Why Instagram’s videos are 15 seconds long. John Koetsier, TUNE@johnkoetsier June 21, 2013 1:46 PM. Image Credit: http://www.flickr.com/photos/qthomasbower/4713699275/. “I don’t think that number was made up out of thin air.”. Instagram launched video yesterday, as everyone and her social dog knows. But why 15 seconds long, when Vine, the massively growing video-based social network that premiered the medium, is six seconds? “They said it was to give people time to tell a story, and I buy that,” Mitchell Reichgut, CEO of video advertising company JunGroup, told me today. In other words, Reichgut is saying, the 15 seconds decision was driven by a very different — and as yet unannounced — Facebook initiative: video ads.", "- The secret behind the time-lapse function in the iOS 8 Camera app. People these days have short attention-spans, so although time-lapse videos can be very appealing, most of us would probably prefer to watch one for 30 seconds rather than ten minutes.", "How Long Should You Make that Youtube Video? With the super long videos, the average video length is almost 7 minutes. If I take away the super long videos, the average is about 5 minutes. Homework ——– And yes, this will be on the test. Suppose this is a sample from a distribution of videos. What type of distribution would best fit this data? Further suppose that the top 100 videos are randomly chosen from this distribution. What is the probability of your 12 minute video being chosen? What assumptions do you have to make? Ok, I changed my mind. Here is his video. Warning, it is an unboxing video and over 12 minutes long.", "Does youtube have a limit on video length? Report Abuse. Hello! Yes they do have a limit to the video length. It is first capped at 15 Minutes per video. There is a way to upload unlimited time lengths videos by verifying your account using a mobile cell phone. 1. Visit the upload page at http://www.youtube.com/my_videos_upload 2. Click Increase your limit at the bottom of the page 3. Follow the steps to verify your account with a mobile phone.", "How long does it take to upload a video on YouTube? It depends on the file size. A 2 minute video could take 2 mins, 2 hours, 18 hours, or 5 days. Depends on your size of the file. I'm uploading 10-20 min. videos on youtube … , and they range from 80 mb-180 mb in size and they always take from 30 mins to an hour to upload. 2 minute video could take 2 mins, 2 hours, 18 hours, or 5 days. Depends on your size of the file. I'm uploading 10-20 min. videos on youtube … , and they range from 80 mb-180 mb in size and they always take from 30 mins to an hour to upload.", "- Facebook video size limit. My daughter wants to upload a video to Facebook. They say the limit is 100mb and 2 minutes but we have seen several videos on there that last a lot longer. Her video is 4 minutes and only 63mb. The Facebook help/contact facility is worse than Ebay's.", "Coming Soon: Longer Video on Instagram For iOS, we’re also bringing back the ability to make videos out of multiple clips from your camera roll. To learn more about multi-clip video on iOS, check out the Instagram Help Center. Longer video on Instagram begins rolling out today and will be available for everyone in the coming months. Multi-clip video is available this week as part of Instagram for iOS version 7.19 in Apple’s App Store.", "Twitterâs new videos are conveniently the same length as a TV commercial Twitter’s new videos are conveniently the same length as a TV commercial. Brand-friendly. Built-in video is coming to Twitter. The company announced Jan. 27 that users will soon be able to incorporate videos up to 30 seconds into their tweets. While this will most likely be exciting for the army of Vine and Instagram video-takers—who are limited to only six and 15 seconds respectively—that video length will also be welcome news for advertisers.", "Instagram Video vs Vine Video: Which Is Better For Your Brand? That does limit the content that you can share, since you’ve got to have the app open and be ready to shoot at any time. Time – specifically video length. Twitter has character limits for statuses and also a 6-second limit for video. Instagram videos also have a limit, but one that more than doubles that of Vine videos. At 15 seconds, an Instagram video has the potential to show a lot more content. Video length is probably the biggest key for marketers looking to build their brand in the online space. A 15-second video is comfortable for marketers – it’s the standard length of plenty online ads – ah, ads.", "Upload videos longer than 15 minutes If your account is verified, you can upload videos longer than 15 minutes. The maximum file size you'll be able to upload to YouTube is 128 GB and the maximum duration is 11 hours. Upload videos longer than 15 minutes.", "Instagram's big bet on video doesn't stop at 60 seconds Instagram's big bet on video doesn't stop at 60 seconds. Increasing video length from 15 seconds to a minute took quite a bit of effort. 75. Last week, Instagram surprised its users by increasing the 15-second limit of its videos to a whopping 60 seconds, a full four times longer than it was before. It had already extended the video viewing time for marketers, but last week was when the feature was introduced to regular users for the first time. It's a pretty big leap, and according to Instagram, it was for one reason: people are watching a lot more video. In fact, the time users spent watching video on the photo-and-video sharing service jumped more than 40 percent in the last six months.", "Twitter video: How to post videos longer than 30 seconds So that’s how you add a video to Twitter longer than 30 seconds, and it’s completely free to do so, thanks to Twitter’s ads dashboard. Plus, this method means that you can fit even more details and calls to action around your Twitter video.", "What is the time limit on video length for YouTube? I can't find this info... What can i do to get it? I can upload only 15 minutes length videos but others have a videos 2 hours length,unbelievable!!! Is there some way to get the same length for my videos or movies? Its just simple question no need furious reply....thanks.", "- Instagram announced Tuesday that it was upping the time limit for videos posted to the site. And if you're using Instagram on an iPhone, you can once again upload multiple clips from your camera roll into one glorious, minute-long Insta post. Advertisement - Continue Reading Below.", "- By default, you can upload videos that are up to 15 minutes long. To upload longer videos, verify your account with the following steps. 1 On a computer, visit the upload page at www.youtube.com/my_videos_upload.", "What is the current YouTube video time limit? · just now. Report Abuse. The current limit is 15 minutes. if you upload a lot of videos and you get roughly 50-100 views on each video then they will increase your time limit to unlimited allowing you to upload any length video. Good luck! Also you don't have to be a partner for it.", "How-to Post a Pre-recorded, Edited Video to Instagram Keep Your Instagram Video Short! If you don’t keep your Instagram video under 15 seconds, it’s likely the server will reject your post. Aside from the obvious, keeping your videos shorter, in this format, is a benefit as viewers are trained to be entertained or informed as quickly as possible.", "Gifstory: An Instagram For Making Animated GIFs With GIFs, instead of seeing just one image, you get a richer experience with 50 or 60 pictures in the same time span.. Described as Instagram for animated GIFs, Gifstory allows users to shoot up to 4 seconds of animated GIFS, select 1 of 13 filters, and then share their original GIF via social networks.Although it’s been compared to Cinemagram, Valuev says the two apps are quite different.escribed as Instagram for animated GIFs, Gifstory allows users to shoot up to 4 seconds of animated GIFS, select 1 of 13 filters, and then share their original GIF via social networks. Although it’s been compared to Cinemagram, Valuev says the two apps are quite different.", "How Long Should You Make that Youtube Video? A friend of mine made a video and put in youtube. I am not going to link to it, but there was a question. How long is too long? His video is over 12 minutes. My response was: people have short attention spans. If you don’t make it short, it won’t be popular. If at \\[…\\]", "- Google Boots Ad Blockers From Google Play. Instagram today announced that it began running its first 60-second video ads, starting with T-Mobile and Warner Brothers. Until now, the maximum length for video ads was 30 seconds, already longer than the 15-second videos users are allowed to post. One of the first of these ads is T-Mobile’s extension of its 30-second Super Bowl commercial starring musician Drake.", "How many seconds of video can I upload to Instagram? UPDATE (7/17/2016): Instagram’s website now indicates that your video can now be 3–60 seconds long. OLD ANSWER: [According to Instagram's website regular users' videos can be between 3 to 15 seconds. However, if you are an advertiser you can upload videos 1 minute long.... BTW: There has been talk that general users can also upload 1 minute long videos..." ]
what county is bon aqua,tn
[ "BON AQUA, HICKMAN COUNTY, WEST-CENTRAL, TENNESSEE LAND FOR SALE: 1 - 15 of 63 listings Looking for rural homes and land for sale in Bon Aqua, Hickman County, Tennessee? LandWatch.com has thousands of rural properties in Bon Aqua, Hickman County, Tennessee, including hunting & fishing properties, cabins, Land for sale and land auctions. Choose from small acreage lots to massive 500+ acre estates." ]
[ "Claiborne County T he Claiborne County office of the University of Tennessee Extension and Tennessee State University Cooperative Extension program provides research-based information and educational opportunities in the areas of agriculture and natural resources, family and consumer sciences and 4-H Youth development.", "Wilson County, Tennessee Wilson County is a county located in the U.S. state of Tennessee. As of the 2010 census, the population was 113,993. Its county seat is Lebanon. The largest city in the county is Mt. Juliet. Wilson County is part of the Nashville-Davidson – Murfreesboro – Franklin, TN Metropolitan Statistical Area.", "Jennifer Nicole Lee Jennifer Nicole Lee. Jennifer Nicole Lee (born Jennifer Nicole Siciliano on June 13, 1975) is an American fitness model, motivational speaker, and author. She is known for losing 70 pounds and launching a career as a fitness guru after bearing two children.", "- #BRrespect. Recent News. EBRSO Property Tax Extension - Due to technical issues at AT&T, the East Baton Rouge Parish Sheriff's Office is extending the deadline for property tax payment for all residents until Friday April 21, 2017.", "Blue Heart Springs, Idaho Montvale Springs is a Populated Place in Blount County, TN with an elevation of 1,234 feet, or 376 meters above sea level. This place is also known as Montvale. A satellite image of the Montvale Springs area in Blount County, TN. Click the map image to see more detail and to pan and zoom. What's Nearby Montvale Springs. Montvale Springs 0.00 miles away. A Populated Place in Blount, Tennessee.", "- View Larger Map | Get Directions | View Bird's Eye. Live Oak County Appraisal District and Cheif Appraiser, Debra Morin, are committed to the equitable appraisal of property in compliance with the Texas Property Tax Code while maintaining professionalism and courtesy toward both property owners and taxing units. We are located at 205 Bowie St, George West, Texas.", "Bonham Bonham is centrally located in Fannin County in Northeastern Texas, about 25 km south of Oklahoma and has a total area of 9.4 square miles (24.2 km²), with negligible water cover. The distance to Dallas in the Southeast is about 68 miles (110 km).", "Claiborne County, Tennessee Free Public Records Directory Find Public Records in Anderson County, Tennessee This page lists public record sources in Anderson County, Tennessee. Additional resources can be found on our Tennessee State Public Records page, on city pages, and on topic pages using the navigation above.", "Bonham, Texas Bonham is a city in Fannin County, Texas, United States. The population was 10,127 at the 2010 census. It is the county seat of Fannin County.James Bonham (the city's namesake) sought the aid of James Fannin (the county's namesake) at the Battle of the Alamo.It is also apart of the Texoma region.onham, one of the oldest cities in Texas, dates back to 1837 when Bailey Inglish built a two-story block house named Fort Inglish. It was located about 2 miles (3 km) from the current downtown.", "Arlington, Tennessee Arlington, Tennessee. Arlington is a town in Shelby County, Tennessee. The population was 2,569 at the 2000 census and 11,517 at the 2010 census, for a gain of 348.3% during the decade. The 2010 US Census shows that Arlington is the 2nd fastest growing community in the State of Tennessee. It is one of seven municipalities in Shelby County.", "- 1 Honored as East Tennessee Assessor of the Year 2010 by the Tenn. Association of Assessing Officers for ...exemplifying the highest standards of professionalism, service and leadership for Knox County.. Tenn. Association of Assessing Officers State Executive Board, Policy and Finance Committees.", "- The Hamilton County Trustee’s office is in Room 210 of the Hamilton County Courthouse on Georgia Avenue. We also have a satellite office at 6125 Preservation Drive, Suite 101 (Bonny Oaks Industrial Park). Our office hours are 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. Current tax payments, accompanied by an original tax bill, may also be paid at any First Tennessee Bank branch in Hamilton County. If paying multiple bills at First Tennessee Bank, separate checks are required for each bill.", "- 104 County Courthouse, Public Square. Lafayette, TN 37083. Phone: (615) 666-2333. Fax: (615) 666-2202. Hours of Operation: M-W, 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. (Closed Thurs.); Fri., 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.; Sat., 8 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.", "ESTILL SPRINGS, FRANKLIN COUNTY, EAST-CENTRAL, TENNESSEE LAND FOR SALE: 1 - 15 of 129 listings LandWatch.com has thousands of rural properties in Estill Springs, Franklin County, Tennessee, including hunting & fishing properties, cabins, Land for sale and land auctions.", "- Website: http://www.loudoncounty-tn.gov/government/CountyClerk.php. Macon County Clerk: Connie Blackwell. 104 County Courthouse, Public Square. Lafayette, TN 37083. Phone: (615) 666-2333. Fax: (615) 666-2202. Hours of Operation: M-W, 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. (Closed Thurs.); Fri., 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.; Sat., 8 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.", "Loudon County Jail Inmate Search The Loudon County Jail in Lenoir City, Loudon County, Tennessee, like all jails is a maximum security facility. Because the inmates in this jail range from low level offenders to those being held for violent crimes like robbery, rape and murder, the security level is as high as is it is in any maximum security state prison.", "Hancock County Hancock County. UT Extension serves the citizens of Hancock County with educational programs in the areas of Agriculture, Family and Consumer Sciences, and 4-H Youth Development. We are an outreach branch of the University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture, providing research-based solutions and information to the citizens of Tennessee. Quick Links.", "Claiborne County, Tennessee Claiborne County, Tennessee. Claiborne County is a county located in the U.S. state of Tennessee. As of the 2010 census, the population was 32,213. Its county seat is Tazewell.", "Giles County, Tennessee Giles County, Tennessee. Giles County is a county located in the U.S. state of Tennessee. As of the 2010 census, the population was 29,485. Its county seat is Pulaski.", "Bradley County, Tennessee Bradley County Fire-Rescue (BCFR) is the primary fire department for residents living outside of Cleveland and Charleston and outlying areas. It consists of ten stations and more than 120 employees and volunteers.", "- The countys natural beauty, scenic lakes including Lake Ouachita, the states largest manmade lake, and a host of recreational, cultural, and historical activities makes Hot Springs and Garland County a popular destination.", "Macon County, Tennessee Macon County was formed in 1842 from parts of Smith and Sumner counties. It was named in honor of the late Revolutionary War veteran and United States Senator, Nathaniel Macon. The county seat was named in honor of the Marquis de Lafayette. The county's second-largest city, Red Boiling Springs, thrived as a mineral springs resort in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.", "Fall Branch Sponsored Topics. Fall Branch is a census-designated place (CDP) in Washington and Greene counties in the U.S. state of Tennessee. The population was 1,313 at the 2000 census. The Washington County portion of Fall Branch is part of the Johnson City Metropolitan Statistical Area, which is a component of the Johnson City–Kingsport–Bristol, TN-VA Combined Statistical Area – commonly known as the Tri-Cities region.", "- Tri-County Electric, headquartered in Lafayette, Tennessee, is one of the largest cooperatives in Kentucky or Tennessee. Our history begins approximately a year after President Franklin D. Roosevelt's 1935 creation of the Rural Electric Administration (REA) to bring electricity to rural America. Wasting little time, Will Hall Sullivan, the founder of Tri-County Electric, and the original Board of Directors: William Parker, C.A. Hammond, Dr. J.Y. Freedman and Lee Hanes organized Tri-County Electric in 1936 to serve rural areas in Macon, Trousdale, and Sumner counties. read more about Tri-County.", "- Tom Mullin, June 18, 2014, Assessor, Rochester, NH. Excellent information being shared by Patriot Properties at our TNAAO Quarterly Users Conference in Nashville, Tennessee.. John Isbell, Assessor of Property, Sumner County, Tennessee." ]
did l ron hubbard practice black magic
[ "- L. Ron Hubbard's own son reveals what is at the heart of Scientology: Drug smuggling, satanism, and black magic. It's interesting to read about how LRon was involved in the occult and his ties to Aleister Crowley. From what I read, he seemed like a lackey in their group that nobody seemed to care for." ]
[ "Stay Away from Pranic Healing SA continues: “One of the practices of pranic healing is meditation, similar with what the Buddhists practice. Then I got confused, because when we held a Eucharistic celebration and the “teacher” did not make a sign of the Cross. And they also use crystals to heal.nfortunately, there is only anecdotal evidence in support of the efficacy of pranic healing which is why it is considered to be pseudoscientific. But that doesn’t stop proponents from claiming this energy does exist and was proven by an Armenian electrician named Semyon Kirlian, the inventor of Kirlian photography.", "When did L Ron Hubbard die? Confidence votes 5.9K. L. Ron Hubbard died at the age of 74 on January 24th, 1986. It was of a stroke, and the coroner found traces of a drug called Vistaril in him. Church officials claim that he did not die, simply discarded his body to travel to another galaxy.", "Quentin Hubbard Quentin Hubbard. Geoffrey Quentin McCaully Hubbard (January 6, 1954 – November 12, 1976), was the son of Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard and his third wife, Mary Sue Hubbard. He died at the age of 22 in an apparent suicide.", "Stay Away from Pranic Healing SA writes: “ Years ago, I was invited to join a seminar on Pranic Healing. It is a method of healing that uses enegry(prana). Among the organizers of the said seminar was a religious nun, so I felt it was ok and somehow it is allowed in our Catholic faith.nfortunately, there is only anecdotal evidence in support of the efficacy of pranic healing which is why it is considered to be pseudoscientific. But that doesn’t stop proponents from claiming this energy does exist and was proven by an Armenian electrician named Semyon Kirlian, the inventor of Kirlian photography.", "Real Housewives of Beverly Hills: Wiccan Carlton Gebbia Casts a Spell on Joyce Giraud Joe Scarnici/Getty. The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills was downright spellbinding Monday, as Carlton Gebbia cast a seemingly successful curse on Joyce Giraud after she doubted the self-proclaimed Wiccan’s powers.", "Adept Known Adept Abilities. Billy-Ray Sanguine, a user of Adept magic. 1 Symbol Magic: This type of magic harnesses the language of magic to create desired effects e.g. creating a blue energy pulse or healing wounds or even trapping someone in an invisible barrier.", "Who is L. Ron Hubbard? L. Ron Hubbard (1911-1986) is the founder of Scientology, a very new religion that began in the United States and has spread to over 200 countries. He was a successful science fiction writer, world traveler and amateur philosopher whose ideas gradually coalesced into a religious vision of the world, human beings, and their quest for salvation.", "- The Spirit of Sodomy. The end-times spirit of Sodom was also evident in the events surrounding THE DEATH OF FREDDIE MERCURY (real name Frederick Bulsara), lead singer for the rock group Queen. Mercury was bi-sexual, and the group flaunted immorality and rebellion against biblical laws.", "- A.W. Richard Sipe is devoted full time to research into the sexual and celibate practices of Roman Catholic bishops and priests.ne bishop said, 'I only lie when I have to.' A.W. RICHARD SIPE is a Certified Clinical Mental Health Counselor who earlier spent 18 years as a Benedictine monk and priest. He was trained specifically to deal with the mental health problems of Roman Catholic Priests.", "Psilocybin mushroom Inspired by the Wassons' Life article, Timothy Leary traveled to Mexico to experience psilocybin mushrooms firsthand. Upon returning to Harvard in 1960, he and Richard Alpert started the Harvard Psilocybin Project, promoting psychological and religious study of psilocybin and other psychedelic drugs.", "Ron O'Neal Ron O'Neal, who has died of pancreatic cancer aged 66, spent most of his professional life trying to live down his role of the bad-ass Youngblood Priest in Superfly (1972), one of the key blaxploitation movies of the decade.", "Ronald Weasley Ron was present when the Minister of Magic visited Harry in the hospital wing. Early in the spring, Ron joined Harry and Hermione in visiting Sirius Black, who had taken to hiding in Hogsmeade. There, they discussed the disappearances of Ministry officials Barty Crouch Snr and Bertha Jorkins.", "Black magic Black magic or dark magic has traditionally referred to the use of supernatural powers or magic for evil and selfish purposes. With respect to the left-hand path and right-hand path dichotomy, black magic is the malicious, left-hand counterpart of the benevolent white magic. In modern times, some find that the definition of black magic has been convoluted by people who define magic or ritualistic practices that they disapprove of as black magic.", "- Some mistakes in the 1939 film version of The Wizard of Oz made it past the cutting room floor. One such mistake slipped by in the scene of Dorothy Gale and the Scarecrow figh … ting with the Apple Tree. Very briefly, in the scene, Dorothy is seen wearing comfortable, flat, bedroom-style black slippers.", "- Austin Osman Spare, illustrated by Michael Robin Cooke. Sigil magic as used in Chaos magic is a technique created by the great Austin Osman Spare. Austin Spare examined magic and occult as practiced at his time and from a pragmatic point of view evaluated what works to manifest results, and what doesn't.", "- In the 1950s, the CIA employed LSD in Operation Artichoke. People don’t know or forget that, while LSD failed to qualify as a reliable truth serum, its use in very high doses produced extreme terror in people being interrogated. It was this effect, as straight-out torture, the CIA capitalized on. The idea was simple.", "Factnet Report: Hubbard and the Occult But most Scientologists, celebrity and non-celebrity alike; as well as the general public, are ignorant of the Satanic/Black Magic background of its Founder, L. Ron Hubbard, and how he used these materials to form the core of his secret Sacred Scriptures.", "- WebMD News Archive. Sept. 29, 2011 -- Psilocybin, the drug in “magic mushrooms,” helps many people become more open, creative, and curious after they take a single high dose, a new study shows. Ordinarily, researchers say, after age 30 personality is a pretty fixed part of who we are.", "Ron O'Neal -- renowned for role in 'Superfly' O'Neal, whose role as cocaine dealer Youngblood Priest in the 1972 film Superfly epitomized the so-called blaxploitation film genre of that era, has died. He was 66. O'Neal died Wednesday evening, Jan. 14, 2004, at Cedars Sinai Medical Center after a long bout with cancer, according to his wife, Audrey Pool O'Neal.", "\"\"\"Excalibur\"\" by L. Ron HUBBARD\" I'M GOING to try to tell something of Excalibur - as much as I remember, without having the manuscript by me. If its author, L. Ron Hubbard, told me the truth, I am the first person to read Excalibur. If it is true that the first half dozen who read it went crazy, then I've been crazy for a long time and I just haven't gotten caught at it.", "Theodore Hardeen Hardeen learned his business from Houdini, and he learned it well, as no man could have failed to do with such a master. But the natural ability was always there. Even if Houdini had not existed to point the way, it is quite likely that Hardeen would have become an escape artiste.ardeen, like his more famous brother Harry Houdini is a great favourite in the magical world. He is a man of considerable culture and one of the best raconteurs I have ever met. Like Houdini, he is willing to expend both time and money freely to further the cause of magic.", "- The April 5 issue of Rolling Stone features the deathbed confession of CIA operative and key Bay of Pigs/Watergate/Nixon administration figure E. Howard Hunt, The Last Confession of E. Howard Hunt by Erik Hedegaard.", "âHouse of Cardsâ recap Season 2, Episode 3: âWhatever faith I have is quickly evaporatingâ When everything started melting down, President Walker claimed Tusk said that Frank “bullied” him into the plan of the new entitlement reform bill. Frank told the president to have faith. “Whatever faith I have is quickly evaporating,” the president warned him. Later, Tusk pretends he was on Frank’s side all along.", "Peter Yarrow Posted on | November 29, 2009 | 4 Comments. Peter Yarrow of Peter, Paul and Mary, and singer and songwriter of Puff the Magic Dragon, had an indiscretion with a 14 year old groupie. He served three months in jail. Carter pardoned him. This pardon is noteworthy because Yarrow is an unmatched philanthropist.", "How many books has Ron Hubbard written? Answer by kpini (26) Ron Hubbard has written 29 full novels as well as over forty short fiction stories. In 2006 he was awarded the Guinness Worlds Record for most published works with 1,084 fiction and non-fiction works translated into more than 71 different languages. add a comment." ]
export autocomplete file outlook 2010 to csv
[ "- Outlook 2010 contacts import of csv file causes outlook 2010 to stop working and restart without importing any contacts. I am exporting my Google contacts as an Outlook-formatted csv file.Outlook 2010 continually stops responding and restarts with no solution and no contacts imported.2 people had this question.utlook 2010 contacts import of csv file causes outlook 2010 to stop working and restart without importing any contacts. I am exporting my Google contacts as an Outlook-formatted csv file." ]
[ "- Try to export the contacts and notes as PST file from outlook 2003 and then import back into outlook 2010. Do the following, 1. Open Outlook – Click File – Import and export 2. Click Export to a file – Outlook data file (.pst) 3. Select Notes.Ensure you have a checkmark for ‘Include Subfolders’.ry to export the contacts and notes as PST file from outlook 2003 and then import back into outlook 2010. Do the following, 1. Open Outlook – Click File – Import and export 2. Click Export to a file – Outlook data file (.pst) 3. Select Notes.", "- Export to Excel. To export search results into a CSV format that can be used with Excel please follow these steps: - Perform a desired search. - Select the records that are to be exported either one by one or by using the options in the. Selection Manager. - Select the Mailing List report and hit GO. - Click Open when prompted.", "How to merge duplicate contacts in Outlook 2016, 2013 and 2010 4. Import contacts from the CSV file to your default Contacts folder. Start the Import wizard again as described in step 3 and select the following options: 1 Step 1. Import from another program or file 2 . Step 2. Comma Separated Values (Windows) .n the Export contacts dialog window, specify 2 things: 1 Under Which contacts do you want to export , choose whether to export all the contacts or a particular group only. 2 Under Which export format , select Outlook CSV format.", "Introduction to Outlook Data Files (.pst and .ost) Also, some organizations allow you to export or archive your items to a .pst file. The fastest way to open the folder where your Outlook Data File (.pst and .ost) is saved is to do the following: In Outlook 2010, click the File tab. Click Account Settings, and then click Account Settings.On the Data tab, click an entry, and then click Open Folder Location.Outlook Data Files (.pst) created by using Outlook 2010 are saved on your computer in the Documents\\Outlook Files folder.lick Account Settings, and then click Account Settings. On the Data tab, click an entry, and then click Open Folder Location. Outlook Data Files (.pst) created by using Outlook 2010 are saved on your computer in the Documents\\Outlook Files folder.", "- Outlook 2013 | 2010 - Export Auto Fill / Auto Complete data. This document will assist with the locating and saving a AutoFill / AutoComplete file in Outlook 2013. OFFICE 365: This document contains information about how to export data that will not be migrated to Office 365 prior to the transition.", "Import Gmail contacts to Outlook At the top of the contacts section, click Export. Under Which contacts do you want to export, click a contact group or All Contacts. Under Which export format, click Outlook CSV (for importing into Outlook or another application) , and then click Export.When prompted to download the export file, click Save As. Click Browse and choose a location on your computer to temporarily save the file. The default file name is contacts.csv.t the top of the contacts section, click Export. Under Which contacts do you want to export, click a contact group or All Contacts. Under Which export format, click Outlook CSV (for importing into Outlook or another application) , and then click Export.", "- I am switching from GoDaddy's web mail to Outlook 2010 and now have Outlook 2010 (Home & Business Trial) set up to send/receive email on my PC. Now the issue is how do I export all of my email messages from within my GoDaddy email account to Outlook 2010. Under File Type, select Outlook Data File(.pst) and hit Next. 2 Now make sure Include subfolder is checked, this makes sure that all data including, Emails, Calendar, Contacts, Drafts, etc are exported. 3 To export only Inbox and Sent folders, choose Inbox and Sent folders and hit Next.", "- Click Contacts. If you have contacts stored in Microsoft® Outlook®, you can export them to a CSV file and then import them into a Gmail™ account. You can then sync your Samsung Galaxy S4 with your Gmail contacts. In this example, we've used Microsoft Outlook 2010.6. If you have contacts stored in Microsoft® Outlook®, you can export them to a CSV file and then import them into a Gmail™ account. You can then sync your Samsung Galaxy S4 with your Gmail contacts. In this example, we've used Microsoft Outlook 2010.", "- Of course nobody outside of the country can really know that, but the most accepted theory, (I don't know if it is most accepted), but it is what I learned at school which is … in the Netherlands.", "Using the Export-Csv Cmdlet Saving Data as a Comma-Separated Values File. The Export-Csv cmdlet makes it easy to export data as a comma-separated values (CSV) file; all you need to do is call Export-Csv followed by the path to the CSV file.he Export-Csv cmdlet makes it easy to export data as a comma-separated values (CSV) file; all you need to do is call Export-Csv followed by the path to the CSV file.", "- 1. Start Microsoft Outlook 2010/2013, on the Menus tab, click File menu and then you can see Import & Export from the File drop-down menu. See it below: 2. Click Import & Export, it will appear the Import and Export Wizard window.", "- Exporting your Address Book from Outlook 2013. 1 In Outlook 2013 click. 2 This starts the Import/Export wizard. 3 In the Import and Export Wizard, choose Export to a file, then click Next. 4 Under Create a file of type, select Comma Separated Values, then click Next. In Outlook 2013 click. 2 This starts the Import/Export wizard. 3 In the Import and Export Wizard, choose Export to a file, then click Next. 4 Under Create a file of type, select Comma Separated Values, then click Next.", "Taylor Bathroom and Body Composition Scales The Taylor 5728F Bowflex Body Fat Scale has a 400 pound capacity with 0.2 pound resolution and kilogram weighing mode. This body fat scale has a durable glass platform, memory for 4 users and can measure your body fat, water & muscle with 0.1 % precision.", "- Back up or Copy Your Outlook Auto-Complete List. To transfer your Outlook address auto-complete list or create a backup copy: 1 Close Outlook.2 Type %appdata%\\Microsoft\\Outlook (not including the quotation marks). 3 Click with the right mouse button on the Outlook.nk2 file.4 The file can also be named after your Outlook profile, e.g.ack up or Copy Your Outlook Auto-Complete List. To transfer your Outlook address auto-complete list or create a backup copy: 1 Close Outlook.", "What do you want to do? At the top of the contacts section, click Export. Under Which contacts do you want to export, click a contact group or All Contacts. Under Which export format, click Outlook CSV (for importing into Outlook or another application) , and then click Export.When prompted to download the export file, click Save As.Click Browse and choose a location on your computer to temporarily save the file. The default file name is contacts.csv.nder Which export format, click Outlook CSV (for importing into Outlook or another application) , and then click Export. When prompted to download the export file, click Save As. Click Browse and choose a location on your computer to temporarily save the file. The default file name is contacts.csv.", "- 4. Click Import. If you have contacts stored in Microsoft® Outlook®, you can export them to a CSV file and then import them into a Gmail™ account. You can then sync your Samsung Galaxy S4 with your Gmail contacts. In this example, we've used Microsoft Outlook 2010.lick Export to a file. If you have contacts stored in Microsoft® Outlook®, you can export them to a CSV file and then import them into a Gmail™ account. You can then sync your Samsung Galaxy S4 with your Gmail contacts. In this example, we've used Microsoft Outlook 2010.", "Moving Outlook's auto-complete address list to a new account The Outlook 2010 and Outlook 2013 auto-complete list is stored in .dat files in the RoamCache folder under the Local AppData folders. You can access this folder by typing or pasting the following command into the address bar of Windows Explorer and pressing enter.", "How to Transfer a PC Address Book to a Mac 1 Click the Export To A File option and click Next.. 2 Click the CSV file type and click the .PST file to export all of your contact information. 3 Click Save and click the USB Drive as the destination folder. 4 Click OK and click Finish to export your contacts from Outlook. For users of the Outlook email client, click File in the Outlook window and click Options.. 2 Click the Advanced option and click Export.. 3 Click the Export To A File option and click Next.. 4 Click the CSV file type and click the .PST file to export all of your contact information.", "- Export Outlook 2007 PST File. Click on the File option in the main screen of Outlook 2007. Click Import and Export.. Click Export to File.. Click Next.. Click Personal Folder File (.pst).. Click Next.. Click on the account folder that you want to transfer to Outlook 2010.", "How to import .nk2 files into Outlook 2013 For the earlier versions, Outlook’s auto-complete or nickname cache (*.NK2) is the entire autocomplete file on your hard drive. But Outlook 2013 doesn’t maintaine your nickname cache by the.nk2 file, and only stores the cache in the data or mailbox file.", "Understanding Outlook's Auto-Complete Cache (*.NK2) Clear the autocomplete cache using the File, Options, Mail, Empty Auto-complete list button. You can also use the /cleanautocompletecache switch to clear the cache. Close Outlook. Press Windows key + R to open the Run command and type or paste the following line and press enter to start Outlook.se NK2Edit to edit or delete information stored in the NK2 file or Outlook 2010/2013's Autocomplete Stream, including the display name, the email address, the exchange string, the Drop-Down display name, and the search string.", "1. On the computer, launch Microsoft Outlook. Select the CSV file with your contacts. If you have contacts stored in Microsoft® Outlook®, you can export them to a CSV file and then import them into a Gmail™ account. You can then sync your Samsung Galaxy S4 with your Gmail contacts. In this example, we've used Microsoft Outlook 2010.lick Export to a file. If you have contacts stored in Microsoft® Outlook®, you can export them to a CSV file and then import them into a Gmail™ account. You can then sync your Samsung Galaxy S4 with your Gmail contacts. In this example, we've used Microsoft Outlook 2010.", "- Navigate to the location of the file you created when you exported your data from Outlook. Select the file and click Open.. Your data will display in Excel, where you can work with it. If you exported your contacts, for example, you can work with your data in Excel to create a mailing list.elect Microsoft Excel 97-2003 as the file type to create on the Export to a File dialog box. Click Next.. Your PST folders will display in a directory tree. Select the data you want to export from the directory tree. For example, if you want to export your address list to Excel, select the Contacts folder.", "How to Export Your Outlook Contacts to a CSV File To save your contacts from Outlook to a CSV file: ›› 1 Step by Step Screenshot Walkthrough (using Outlook 2007) 2 In Outlook 2013 and later: Click File in Outlook. 3 In Outlook 2003 and Outlook 2007: Select File | Import and Export... 4 Make sure Export to a file is highlighted. Click Next >.", "- The .olm (export) file will be in the location selected in step 4. The messages, contacts, etc. in it can only be viewed again after importing into Outlook. Importing. Importing an .olm or .pst (Outlook on Windows) export file will store items as a sub-folder of the On My Computer heading in Outlook. 1 With Outlook open, click File from the upper left menu, then Import. 2 An Import window will appear: 3 Outlook 2011 Leave Outlook Data File (.pst or .olm) selected and click the right arrow." ]
what does the mucus plug mean in a pregnant person
[ "Mucus Plug: Bloody Show Mucus Plug: Bloody Show. Throughout pregnancy, a mucus plug blocks the opening of the cervix to prevent bacteria from entering the uterus. Before labor, this mucus plug is expelled allowing the baby to pass through the cervix during labor and birth. Passing a mucus plug is a sign that your cervix is dilating and that your body is preparing for birth. Labor could be hours, days, or even weeks away as the cervix gradually opens. The mucus plug is usually clear, slightly pink or blood tinged in color. It can be stringy mucus or a sticky discharge. Some women might not notice the loss of their mucus plug since there is already an increase in vaginal discharge during pregnancy." ]
[ "Passing Mucus Plug: Sign of Labor Passing Mucus Plug: Sign of Labor. The mucus plug is one of the body’s many defence mechanisms against bacteria. A naturally occurring phenomenon, the mucus plug protects the baby from bacterial infection while in the womb.", "10 Facts You Should Know About a Mucus Plug The mucus plug looks like a piece of mucus or jelly and to some women it can even resemble a jellyfish. Basically, the size of mucus plug is rather small, 4-5 cm long (when in the uterine cervix) or about two tablespoons (when it comes out). Before labor starts, the balance of female hormones changes.", "Mucus Plug: Does Labor Start When You Lose it? (With Photos) Your body gets rid of the mucus plug typically between 37 and 42 weeks of gestation. It can even happen as late as right before delivery! Some women though can lose it earlier in the pregnancy, and again, the body will create more mucus to protect your baby.", "Cervical mucus plug Normally during human pregnancy, the mucus is cloudy, clear, thick, and sticky. Toward the end of the pregnancy, when the cervix thins, some blood is released into the cervix which causes the mucus to become bloody. As the woman gets closer to labor, the mucus plug discharges as the cervix begins to dilate.", "- Passing of the Mucus Plug. The mucus plug accumulates at the cervix during pregnancy. When the cervix begins to open wider, the mucus is discharged into the vagina and may be clear, pink, or slightly bloody. Labor may begin soon after the mucus plug is discharged or one to two weeks later. During contractions, the abdomen becomes hard.", "10 Facts You Should Know About a Mucus Plug The mucus plug looks like a piece of mucus or jelly and to some women it can even resemble . a jellyfish. Basically, the size of mucus plug is rather small, 4-5 cm long (when in the uterine cervix) or about two tablespoons (when it comes out). In fact, the discharge can be even smaller in size since it can come out in parts. Usually, the color of mucus plug is white-yellowish, sometimes with blood admixture or streaks of pink or pure white.", "- Clear stretchy vaginal discharge can appear during pregnancy, especially in the first trimester and before labor. In the former case, such secretions are produced because of the hormone level changes in the woman`s organism. In the latter case stretchy discharge appears from the mucus plug.", "Mucus Plugs. How long after? The loss of the mucus plug means only one thing... that your cervix is opening and effacing. I was dilated to 1cm for over 5 weeks with my first. I was dilated to 3cm for just about 3 weeks. Yes, it means labor is coming but there is no exact time line. I had spotting, etc, for that whole time.", "Top 20 Doctor insights on: When Does The Mucus Plug Form In Pregnancy Mucous : Your cervix makes mucous your whole life. During pregnancy the amount of mucus production increases. Towards the end of pregnancy there's quite a lot. As you start to dilate it slowly starts to come out. Think of the mucus present in your nose. Your cervix works the same way. It's less exciting when you think about it that way.", "Jelly Like Discharge During Pregnancy â Should You Be Worried? 1 Once that happens, you will notice a sudden jelly-like discharge. The mucus plug usually comes out through your vagina after you have crossed the 36th week of your pregnancy. In some cases, the mucus plug comes out all at once and may look like a big blob of jelly that is also stained with blood.", "Are Mucus Plug & Water Break Same? One is losing your 'mucus plug' and the other is a 'water break'. If you are over 36 weeks pregnant, you doctor must have introduced you to these two pregnancy related words. Both these things are sure shot signs of labour. However, there are some differences between these two terms.", "The Role of the Mucus Plug in Pregnancy Once the egg is fertilized, the mucus will change to seal the cervix and protect the fetus from infection. The latter process results in the formation of what we call the mucus plug. Without this, maintaining a pregnancy to term would be unlikely and, in some cases, impossible.", "Mucus Plug: Bloody Show Home / Labor and Birth / Mucus Plug: Bloody Show Throughout pregnancy, a mucus plug blocks the opening of the cervix to prevent bacteria from entering the uterus. Before labor, this mucus plug is expelled allowing the baby to pass through the cervix during labor and birth. Passing a mucus plug is a sign that your cervix is dilating and that your body is preparing for birth. Labor could be hours, days, or even weeks away as the cervix gradually opens. What does a mucus plug look like?", "Mucus Plug in Early Pregnancy Losing mucus plug, early pregnancy, first babies, etc. always make people think of unstable pregnancy and lead to fears of losing the baby. But that is not always the case. Even if you have lost some mucus plug early in your pregnancy, it can form again.", "- Symptoms. Your body is ready for the rest of your pregnancy, and it’s trying to protect the growing embryo. To do that, you will develop a mucous plug during this week. This plug protects the uterus by sealing off the opening of the cervical canal.", "- A: Losing your mucous plug is one of the many preliminary – and exciting – signs that labor may start sooner than later. Some women notice when the plug is released, others don’t. At some point before or during labor, you will lose your plug. This could mean many things, or not many at all since every labor is different. For some women, the amniotic sac ruptures – otherwise known as the water breaking - soon after the mucous plug is released. Others may not have additional labor signs until a few days later or even longer.", "Your mucus plug - It's show time Some mums-to-be report that they have lost their mucus plug before they are due or early on in pregnancy. However, in many cases this is nothing to worry about - occasionally this does happen and your mucus plug coming away isn’t a necessary sign that you’re heading towards labour.", "Intro you ll likely lose your mucus plug during or after the 37th week of pregnancy while losing your mucus plug usually isn t cause for worry it s a good idea to call your doctor in case you have any questions or concerns you should also call your doctor right away if you re noticing signs of labor after losing your mucus plug is considered one of the signs that labor is impending but it doesn t always mean that labor is imminent some women don t go into labor for several weeks after losing their mucus plug it s important to recognize the other signs of labor so you know when to go to the hospital and deliver your baby one of the telltale signs of labor is your water breaking", "Mucus Plug: Bloody Show mucus plug bloody show throughout pregnancy a mucus plug blocks the opening of the cervix to prevent bacteria from entering the uterus before labor this mucus plug is expelled allowing the baby to pass through the cervix during labor and birth", "- Losing mucus plug is common during the late stage of your pregnancy and it may signal that you're nearing your delivery. Changes in color of mucus is one of the symptoms of it.", "Baby, Pregnancy, and Parenting Information During pregnancy, the mucus is clear and would look much like a normal vaginal discharge. However, as the cervix begins to efface and blood is released, there may be some blood deposited onto the mucus plug. As your cervix dilates you will begin to lose the plug, either in bits of stringy, blood tinted mucus over a period of time, or all at once. This can happen up to two weeks before labor actually begins.", "- This phenomenon is the cause for many online searches and urgent phone calls to health care providers announcing, I just lost my mucous plug. So, what is this and what does it mean? The mucous plug is tucked away in the cervix to help prevent bacteria from traveling up into the uterus and causing infections. Towards the end of pregnancy, as the cervix begins to thin and soften, this barrier will start to come out.", "How soon does your mucous plug form? Good luck! It starts forming as soon as the blastocyst (5 day old baby cells) implants in the uterus. The implantation process causes the release of hormones that tells your body to start changing itself to support the new life, one of the first changes being that your cervix will develop a mucus plug.", "What To Do When You Lose Your Mucus Plug If however, you are sure that you have passed your mucus plug, don't panic! If you're not full-term in your pregnancy yet (meaning under 37 weeks), do let your care provider know so he or she can be on the look-out for signs of premature labor, which could pose a risk to your baby.", "Bloody Show: What Is It, and What Does It Mean? 1 Your mucous plug is released less than 36 weeks into your pregnancy; 2 You see bright red bleeding, or more than a tablespoon of blood; 3 You are feeling painful cramps; You are feeling strong and regular contractions that are coming every four to five minutes; or." ]
can water in the ear cause a headache
[ "Aching Ears & Headaches Enlarged adenoids and allergies can also interfere with drainage. Ear infections can occur at any age, but they are more common in children. Headaches may occur in conjunction with ear pain or on their own. Nearly anything can be responsible for a headache. Stress, muscle tension, changes in diet or sleep patterns, infections, medications, certain scents, air pollution and vision problems are some common causes. Infections, particularly in the sinuses, and other medical conditions, such as hypoglycemia and meningitis, can also trigger headaches." ]
[ "Dizziness and Hearing loss A foreign object in the ear may cause pain, redness, drainage problems, and in rare case, hearing loss. High blood pressure (hypertension) High blood pressure, often asymptomatic, can cause headaches, shortness of breath, nosebleeds, and anxiety.", "- 1 Pressure in Head and Roaring sound in ears and Acute onset of severe headache in women (2 causes). 2 Pressure in Head and Roaring sound in ears and Acute Vision Changes in Both Eyes (without pain or inflammation) (2 causes).", "- I often feel like I have an earache with pressure in that area as well as the roof of my mouth, back of my throat and back of my head. I have low/normal BP. It can happen with one ear or when it is bad, both ears and sides of my head. Also the accompanying feeling of confusion, like I am in a fog making it hard to focus on any brainwork.", "Headache with Tinnitus: The Link Revealed! Hypertension and its related health problems are also associated with tinnitus as well as headaches. Presence of any abnormal growth that cause obstruction or otherwise interferes in the normal functioning of the body can display symptoms of headaches and tinnitus.", "- Allergies,stuffy nose,hearing loss in left ear,headache,ear pain,dizziness,tylenol,vitamins,allergy medicines. a constant headache. These symptoms have pledged my body since October 24th. Tylenol, Aleve, Fioricet, or Lortab do not relieve the pain.", "Itchy, Irritated, Dry Ears? Have I Got a Solution for YOU! Just like the skin upon which it sits, deep down in that tiny, itchy hole on the side of your head. Swimmers, divers and surfers are also prone to dry, itchy ear canals and problems with ear wax. Salt water, fresh water and chlorine can all dry that ear canal. And in my line of business, hearing aid wearers, children with narrow ear canals, and people with certain abnormalities of the ears, e.g. Down syndrome, also have special needs for their ear canals.", "Why Do You Get a Headache After Crying? Crying can lead to a dull ache in your head. You may also feel pressure around your forehead or on the sides and back of your head. Your headache may cause your shoulders, neck and scalp to feel tender. A headache caused by crying may be accompanied by dehydration symptoms. If you experience dizziness, extreme thirst or dry mouth along with your headache, you may be dehydrated. In severe cases, dehydration causes muscle contractions, low blood pressure and bloating.", "Top 20 Doctor insights on: Can Tension Headaches Cause Dizziness Potentially: Middle ear infection can cause headaches, muscle tension, and dizziness; sometimes even nausea and vomiting. Should rapidly improve with antibiotics, make sure you are followed closely.", "Earache If you or your child is suffering from a earache that is accompanied by high fever, dizziness, headache, swelling around the ear, severe pain that suddenly stops, or a weakness and lack of control over the muscles in the face make sure that you seek immediate medical attention.", "Blocked ear and headache For the pass 6 months my Left ear has been blocked with a lot of ringing. The blockage and ringing makes sounds more annoying which starts headaches.My primary care doctor had me try antihistamines but they only made me dizzy. An ear doctor tested my hearing and concluded I had significant hearing loss in that ear. But he offered no advice except to avoid salt. I have seen a neurologist and he ruled out tumor. Now I have seen a ENT and he had no advice except to come back for allergy testing.", "How Dehydration Makes You Hurt Being dehydrated can also cause headaches. Keep in mind next time you’ve got a headache after having a few cups of coffee and it might not be a caffeine headache, it might be a dehydration headache! You should drink half your body weight in ounces of water every day. 1 In example: If you way 150lbs, you should be drinking 75oz of water daily. 2 That’s 9.4 8oz glasses of water. 3 8oz of water is equivalent to a measuring cup full of water. Most standard sized kitchen glasses are 16oz.", "Top 20 Doctor insights on: Can Tension Headaches Cause Dizziness 1 doctor agreed: Yes: Yes, neck sprains with discl and facet injury can cause headaches arising in the back of the head and radiating into the temple. Also there are symptoms of dizziness associated with neck sprain or whiplash injuries. ...Read more.", "Top 30 Doctor insights on: Ear Feels Clogged And Ringing Getting water in the ear or a Qtip abrasion can cause an outer ear infection, so called swimmer's ear. This is very painful. If you have allergies, this can cause swelling of the eustachian tube and a blocked feeling. Additionally, fluid can build up in the middle ear. A middle ear infection is possible, but usually also quite painful. See ENT MD . ...", "Dizziness, Ear ache, Headache and Pain or discomfort WebMD Symptom Checker helps you find the most common medical conditions indicated by the symptoms dizziness, ear ache, headache and pain or discomfort including Middle ear infection, Labyrinthitis, and Chronic sinusitis. There are 100 conditions associated with dizziness, ear ache, headache and pain or discomfort. The links below will provide you with more detailed information on these medical conditions from the WebMD Symptom Checker and help provide a better understanding of causes and treatment of these related conditions.", "Top 30 Doctor insights on: Throbbing In Ear And Headache Throbbing headache in back of head and forehead and throbbing in face, sore neck, ringing in ears and vision affected? Dr. Louise Andrew Dr. Andrew You need a consult: To sort out this headache.", "Ear Infections & Surgical Treatment The reason that you have come to Michigan Ear Institute may be due to several factors from the diagnosis of chronic ear infection. This may cause drainage from your ear, hearing impairment, tinnitus (head noise), dizziness, ear pain, or facial weakness.", "Water in the Ears: What to Do and How to Prevent It Water in ear can cause a feeling of fullness in the ear and impair hearing. This can be an extremely uncomfortable feeling. If suffering with these feelings, after a bath or a swim, you should try and remove as much of the water from your ear as soon as possible. This will prevent bacteria build-up. Here are some easy ways in which you can clear the water from your ear. 1 Tilt the head, from side to side. 2 If the feeling is present in the left ear, tilt the head to the left and hit the opposite side with your palm. 3 Dry the outer ear well. 4 You can also use a special ear drier. 5 Add more water.", "How to Identify a Dehydration Headache Look for Common Characteristics. Dehydration headaches can occur at the front, back, side or all over the head. (I know right, that doesn’t exactly narrow it down). They are best identified by the way that movement seems to aggravate them and make the pain worse.", "Is this constant headache related to my stroke or something else? I recently had a stroke. Immediately after, I got a horrible headache. The stroke was on June 27th and I still have this headache. I am getting the brush off from the physician who released me after the stroke who said it was just dehydration. I was readmitted 3 days later where an MRI confirmed it was a stroke.", "Dry eyes, Ear ache, Headache and Pain or discomfort WebMD Symptom Checker helps you find the most common medical conditions indicated by the symptoms dry eyes, ear ache, headache and pain or discomfort including Chronic sinusitis, Tension headache, and Degenerative disc disease. There are 94 conditions associated with dry eyes, ear ache, headache and pain or discomfort. The links below will provide you with more detailed information on these medical conditions from the WebMD Symptom Checker and help provide a better understanding of causes and treatment of these related conditions.", "10 Common Causes Of Headaches With Neck Pain And Ear Pain Cervicogenic headache is known to cause pain behind the ear, headaches on the front skull and the nerves found on the neck. It is normally brought about by excessive tenderness on the neck tissues or a stiff neck.", "\"\"\" My left ear is clogged and I got a headache. What could I do to solve this? \"\"\" This can sometimes be caused by allergies, infections, and even tumors, but it is often simply something that some people have due to their anatomy (ie, they were born with a pre-disposition to this problem). Sometimes, this clogged feeling in the ear can be a trigger for headaches. As you know, headaches can come on from almost any cause, and some people will have different things that are triggers for these headaches to start. Continued ear pain, hearing loss, and dizziness would all be potentially worrisome symptoms.", "- Symptoms of Cerebrospinal Fluid Leaks. If you have a cerebrospinal fluid leak, the clear fluid may drain from your nose or ear(s). The most common symptom is a headache that improves when you lie down and worsens when you sit up. The headache may be accompanied by nausea, light sensitivity, and a stiff neck.", "Symptoms: Dizziness, Headache, Eye Strain, Motion Sickness, Stomach Aches... Now, after therapy, I don't have headaches ... I have no dizziness, and my eyes aren't so tired. Mary visited the school nurse many times with complaints of blurry, watery eyes, and head and stomach aches ... her vision was reported to be OK [20/20]. ...", "Dizziness, headaches, foggy, pressure in head & plugged ears Dizziness, headaches, foggy, pressure in head & plugged ears. It's happening again, everyday it's the same thing and I don't know how to calm myself down. I think when ever I get these feeling I am going to pass out and die instantly. The dizziness gets so bad I have to hold my head and close my eyes I don't understand it." ]
what are tire load range
[ "11 Things To Know About Boat Trailer Tires Every tire has a load range, and trailer tires are no different. Marked on the sidewall, the load range runs from the lightest weight the tire can carry (Load Range B) to the heaviest (Load Range E). Load range is a measure of an individual tire's maximum capacity to carry a boat and trailer. Most boat trailer tires have a load range of B, C, or D. If a tire has load range C, it can carry 1,820 pounds. If it's on a single-axle trailer, this means both tires can carry a total of 3,640 pounds, which includes the weight of the trailer, the boat, the engine, fuel, and anything else inside the boat." ]
[ "- All tires, including trailer tires, have load ranges. These are marked on the sidewall of the tire, and range from the lightest weight the tire can carry (load range B) to the heaviest (load range E). The load range is a measure of the maximum capacity an individual tire can carry for a boat or trailer. Most boat trailers have a load range of B, C, or D. Tires with a load range of C can carry 1,820 pounds. On a single-axle trailer, both the tires can carry a total of 3,640 pounds.", "Learn About Tire Load Index The load index indicates the load-carrying capacity of a tire. In other words, it tells you how much weight your tire can support. For example, if a tire has a load index of 92, it can support 1,389 pounds at maximum air pressure. Multiply that by four tires (4 x 1,389 = 5,556 pounds) to get your car’s maximum load-carrying capacity.", "LT or P-metric tires for light truck/SUV applications Typically, the load indices of passenger car tires and light trucks range from 70 to 110. A speed-rated tire’s sidewall markings will indicate size, followed by the load rating index and the speed rating.", "Tire code In the example shown in the light-truck tire illustration, the tire has a load index of 114 if used as a single tire, and a load index of 111 if used in a dual pair. Tires without this designation are unsafe for dual usage.", "Air Force Commendation Medal Citation Examples Air Force Commendation Medal Citation Examples Captain Raymond Nomel distinguished himself by meritorious service as critical care nurse while assigned to the Intensive Care Flight, 633d Inpatient Operations Squadron, 633d Medical Group, 633d Air Base Wing, Joint Base Langley-Eustis, Virginia.", "Load Range, Ply - Speed Rating & Load Index I was concerned that it was a load range 'D' and not 'E'. The Yokohama and the Goodyear GSA both have a load capacity of 3525 @ 50 psi per tire. Since 50 PSI is the maximum amount of pressure you can put in the tire using the CTIS pump, for all practical purposes the tires are equal in the load they will carry.", "11 Things To Know About Boat Trailer Tires Load Range. Every tire has a load range, and trailer tires are no different. Marked on the sidewall, the load range runs from the lightest weight the tire can carry (Load Range B) to the heaviest (Load Range E). Load range is a measure of an individual tire's maximum capacity to carry a boat and trailer. Most boat trailer tires have a load range of B, C, or D. If a tire has load range C, it can carry 1,820 pounds. If it's on a single-axle trailer, this means both tires can carry a total of 3,640 pounds, which includes the weight of the trailer, the boat, the engine, fuel, and anything else inside the boat.", "Load Range C Tires …Load Range C used in conjunction with LT-metric tires. Euro-metric Commercial Vehicle tires typically use high tire inflation pressures and are rated to carry more load than the dimensionally equivalent LT-metric sized tires popular in North America. Even traditional LT-metric Load Range F tires in….", "What Exactly Is Tire Load Index? Tire Load Index Chart. Use the tire load index chart to see how much weight your tire can support. The tire load index lets you know the load–carrying capacity of a tire. In other words, it’s the amount of weight your tire can support safely. For example, if a tire has a load index of 92, it can support 1,389 pounds at maximum air pressure.", "- It's easy to identify a tire's load range. …tires you will find a very distinct load range after every tire description. More specifically, immediately following the size's rim diameter.", "- Load Index. 235/55R17 99H- The load index (99) is the tire size's assigned numerical value used to compare relative load carrying capabilities. The higher the tire's load index number, the greater its load carrying capacity. 97 = 1,609 pounds 98 = 1,653 pounds 99 = 1,709 pounds . A tire with a higher load index than that of the Original Equipment tire indicates an increase in load capacity. A tire with a load index equal to that of the Original Equipment tire indicates an equivalent load capacity. A tire with a lower load index than the Original Equipment tire indicates the tire does not equal the load capacity of the original. Typically, the load indexes of the tires used on passenger cars and light trucks range from 70 to 110.", "Tire code The load index on a passenger-car tire is a numerical code stipulating the maximum load (mass, or weight) each tire can carry. For Load Range B tires, ETRTO (ISO-Metric) standards specify the load index rating at an inflation pressure of 36 psi (250 kPa) (table below), while P-Metric standards measure the load capacity at an inflation pressure of 35 psi (240 kPa).", "How to Determine Tire Load Ratings The letter can range from “A” to “N” (the higher the letter, the greater the load-carrying capacity at a given inflation pressure). The max load and maximum inflation numbers found on the tire sidewall indicate the maximum load that can safely be carried and the maximum allowable tire pressure.", "- Load Range / Ply Rating Identification (Lea en español) The load range/ply rating branded on a tire's sidewall identifies how much load the tire is designed to carry at its industry specified pressure. Passenger tires feature named load ranges while light truck tires use load ranges that ascend in alphabetical order (letters further along in the...", "- Tire pressure based on the type of application. Passenger-car tires and load-rated truck tires require distinct tire inflation practices. For example, a P245/75R16 is considered a P-metric tire. This is not the same tire as a 245/75R16 Load C tire. The addition of a load-rating (normally C, D or E for 6, 8 or 10 plies) shows they design this tire to carry a load, as in truck use.", "Understanding Tire Load Ratings The average motorist might think that his tires’ rubber and steel belts support the vehicles’ weight, but air pressure actually carries the load. The greater the tire’s internal air volume, the more weight it can theoretically support. But bigger doesn’t always mean greater load capacity. Keep reading to find out why. The goal here is help you match the tire’s load-carrying capacity (LCC) to your vehicle, particularly for hauling and towing.", "What Does the E Stand for on Tire Ratings? The load range is identified by a letter of the alphabet, usually from A to F, which represents the ply rating and load pressure. A rating of E on the tire means the tire has a ply rating 10 and a load pressure of 80 psi. The load range letter, such as E, is found in the middle of the tire service description. The letter will have spaces on either side of it. The E designation for the load rating of the tires is only used on light truck tires, not passenger tires.", "- Tire Load Range Definition. When purchasing vehicle tires, it is very important to make sure that they are appropriately suited to the vehicle. In particular, tires with the correct load rating much be purchased so that vehicle safety is not compromised.", "- Test automation. See also: Manual testing. In software testing, test automation is the use of special software (separate from the software being tested) to control the execution of tests and the comparison of actual outcomes with predicted outcomes.", "- The tire load index lets you know the load–carrying capacity of a tire. In other words, it’s the amount of weight your tire can support safely. For example, if a tire has a load index of 92, it can support 1,389 pounds at maximum air pressure.", "- Since the combined load rating (5908 pounds) for the four tires is greater than the 4597-pound GVWR, you’re good to go. If you know the tire load rating for your vehicle, you can use our handy load index chart to check out the load carrying capacity of your tires. When you shop for tires and give us your vehicle’s make/model/style information, we show you only the tires that have the proper load rating for that vehicle.", "- NOTE: When restricted loadings are in effect, the normal maximum axle weights allowableon rigid pavements shall be reduced 25% and the maximum wheel load shall not exceed 525 pounds per inch width of tire.", "How To Recover Quickly After Facial Microdermabrasion I usually avoid any exfoliation or shaving after facial or body microderm abrasions: I avoid exfoliation products and glycolic acid-based creams for 3 days after micro dermabration. Home chemical peels can damage the treated skin and slow down the recovery process by causing excessive peeling. I avoid waxing for at least 30 days after microderm. Persistent Skin Redness After Dermabrasion - What To Do? Normally, the red skin takes a few hours to return to normal after microdermabrasion. If it doesn't, give it a day to calm down.", "Air Pressure / Load Adjustment for High Speed Driving In order to accomplish this, the tire inflation pressure recommendations and the tire's rated load capacities are customized when speeds exceed 160 km/h (99 mph) for all tires up to and including a V-speed rating, and when speeds exceed 190 km/h (118 mph) for all tires that are Z-speed rated and above.", "Understanding Tire Load Ratings The maximum load, designated by a load range letter, is molded into the tire’s sidewall. In contrast, P-metric sizes aren’t load-rated. The tire industry has established that, when used in light-truck applications, P-metric sizes lose 9 percent of their LCC (0.909 to be exact)." ]
what is havrix vaccine
[ "Havrix HAVRIX (Hepatitis A Vaccine) is a sterile suspension of inactivated virus for intramuscular administration. The virus (strain HM175) is propagated in MRC -5 human diploid cells.After removal of the cell culture medium, the cells are lysed to form a suspension.AVRIX is formulated without preservatives. HAVRIX is available in vials and prefilled syringes. The tip caps of the prefilled syringes may contain natural rubber latex; the plungers are not made with natural rubber latex. The vial stoppers are not made with natural rubber latex." ]
[ "Hepatitis A Vaccine The hepatitis A vaccine is given through a shot. It is approved for use in children (age 1 year and older), teens, and adults. For Havrix ® , the second dose is given 6 to 12 months after the first dose.For Vaqta ® , the second dose is given 6 to 18 months after the first.he hepatitis A vaccine is given through a shot. It is approved for use in children (age 1 year and older), teens, and adults. For Havrix ® , the second dose is given 6 to 12 months after the first dose.", "Hepatitis B vaccine Hepatitis B vaccine is a vaccine for the prevention of hepatitis B, an infection caused by the hepatitis B virus (HBV) . The vaccine contains one of the viral envelope proteins, hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg). It is produced by yeast cells, into which the genetic code for HBsAg has been inserted.", "What is the flu vaccine? The injection (flu shot) vaccine. Flu vaccine is an inactivated vaccine, meaning that it contains killed influenza virus. The killed influenza virus is injected into muscles and stimulates the immune system to produce an immune response (antibodies) to the influenza virus.he vaccine is termed an attenuated vaccine because the viruses are weakened so that they do not cause severe flu symptoms. The nasal spray flu vaccine (LAIV) has been approved by the FDA for use in nonpregnant healthy people between two and 49 years of age.", "Gardasil (HPV Vaccine) BRAND NAME: Gardasil. DRUG CLASS AND MECHANISM: Gardasil is a human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine. Gardasil is a sterile preparation for intramuscular injection and contains purified inactive proteins from HPV types 6, 11, 16, and 18. The proteins in Gardasil are structural, virus-like proteins (VLP) that resemble the HPV virus.", "- HEPATITIS A VACCINE is a vaccine to protect from an infection with the hepatitis A virus. This vaccine does not contain the live virus. It will not cause a hepatitis infection. This vaccine is also used with immunoglobulin to prevent infection in people who have been exposed to hepatitis A. Compare vaccinations. Save.", "Description and Brand Names Descriptions. Hepatitis A and hepatitis B combination vaccine is used to prevent infection caused by the hepatitis A and hepatitis B virus. The vaccine works by causing your body to produce its own protection (antibodies) against the disease. Hepatitis A is a serious disease of the liver that can cause death.", "What Is the HPV Vaccine Used For? Gardasil and Cervarix (HPV vaccines) are used to help prevent infections from specific types of human papillomavirus (HPV).", "Description and Brand Names Descriptions. Measles, mumps, rubella, and varicella virus vaccine (live) is an active immunizing agent that is given to protect against infections caused by measles (rubeola), mumps, rubella (German measles), and varicella (chickenpox) viruses.", "Vaccine Timeline The first vaccine for the prevention of HIV/AIDS (Aidsvax) entered Phase III trial, the first large-scale human trial of an HIV vaccine. The trial involved more than 5,400 volunteers from the U.S., Canada, and the Netherlands, the majority of whom were men who have sex with men.", "- Hepatitis A vaccine is a vaccine against the hepatitis A virus. The first successful vaccine against it was invented by Maurice Hilleman at Merck.The vaccine protects against the virus in more than 95% of cases and provides protection from the virus for at least fifteen years.epatitis A vaccine is a vaccine against the hepatitis A virus. The first successful vaccine against it was invented by Maurice Hilleman at Merck.", "- HARVONI is a prescription medicine used with or without ribavirin to treat chronic (lasting a long time) hepatitis C genotype 1, 4, 5 or 6 infection. It is not known if HARVONI is safe and effective in children under 18 years of age.", "Ask the Experts Twinrix (GSK) is an inactivated combination vaccine containing both hepatitis A virus (HAV) and hepatitis B virus (HBV) antigens. The vaccine contains 720 EL.U. of hepatitis A antigen (half of the Havrix adult dose) and 20 mcg of hepatitis B antigen (the full Engerix-B adult dose).es. Other inactivated and/or live virus vaccines can be administered at the same time as hepatitis A vaccine, but should be given at a different anatomical site, if possible. If given in the same muscle, separate the injections by a minimum distance of 1 inch.", "- Rabies vaccine is an active immunizing agent used to prevent infection caused by the rabies virus. The vaccine works by causing your body to produce its own protection (antibodies) against the rabies virus. Rabies vaccine is used in two ways.", "Hepatitis A vaccine Hepatitis A vaccine is a vaccine against the hepatitis A virus. The first successful vaccine against it was invented by Maurice Hilleman at Merck. The vaccine protects against the virus in more than 95% of cases and provides protection from the virus for at least fifteen years.There are two types of vaccines: one type contains inactivated hepatitis A virus, the other contains a live but attenuated virus.he vaccine should be given in the muscle of the upper arm and be given in two doses for the best protection. The initial dose of the vaccine should be followed up by a booster six to twelve months later.", "Havrix Shake well before use. With thorough agitation, HAVRIX is a homogeneous, turbid, white suspension. Do not administer if it appears otherwise. Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration, whenever solution and container permit.hake well before use. With thorough agitation, HAVRIX is a homogeneous, turbid, white suspension. Do not administer if it appears otherwise. Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration, whenever solution and container permit.", "Havrix The prescription drug Havrix is an injectable vaccine that provides protection against the virus that causes hepatitis A. It works by exposing the body to a weakened form of the virus, which causes a specific immune system response.Havrix ® (hepatitis A vaccine) is used to provide protection against hepatitis A.It is approved for use in individuals one year of age and older.avrix ® (hepatitis A vaccine) is used to provide protection against hepatitis A. It is approved for use in individuals one year of age and older.", "Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine is a pneumococcal vaccine and a conjugate vaccine used to protect infants, young children, and adults against disease caused by the bacterium Streptococcus pneumoniae. There are currently three types of PCV available on the global market, which go by the brand names: Prevnar, Synflorix and Prevnar 13. Prevnar is a heptavalent vaccine, meaning that it contains the cell capsule sugars of seven serotypes of the bacteria S. pneumoniae, conjugated with diphtheria protei", "Shingrix Vaccine What is Zostavax? Zostavax (zoster vaccine live) is used to prevent herpes zoster virus (shingles) in people age 50 and older. Herpes zoster is caused by the same virus (varicella) that causes chickenpox in children. When this virus becomes active again in an adult, it can cause herpes zoster, or shingles.", "HAVRIX HAVRIX is approved for use in persons 12 months of age and older. Primary immunization should be administered at least 2 weeks prior to expected exposure to HAV. (1) ----------------------- DOSAGE AND ADMNISTI RATONI ---------------- • HAVRIX is administered by intramuscular injection.AVRIX is approved for use in persons 12 months of age and older. Primary immunization should be administered at least 2 weeks prior to expected exposure to HAV. (1) ----------------------- DOSAGE AND ADMNISTI RATONI ---------------- • HAVRIX is administered by intramuscular injection.", "Hepatitis B vaccine Hepatitis B vaccine is a vaccine for the prevention of hepatitis B, an infection caused by the hepatitis B virus (HBV) .The vaccine contains one of the viral envelope proteins, hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg). It is produced by yeast cells, into which the genetic code for HBsAg has been inserted. course of two to three (2–3) vaccine injections is given, the second injection at least one month after the first dose and the third injection being administered six months after the first dose. The first and second dose offer complete protection.", "- Hepatitis A vaccine is used to prevent infection caused by the hepatitis A virus (HAV). The vaccine works by causing your body to produce its own protection (antibodies) against the disease.", "Ebola vaccines, therapies, and diagnostics Novavax, a biotech company in the US, has developed a recombinant protein Ebola vaccine candidate based on the Guinea 2014 Ebola virus strain and has completed a Phase I human clinical trials in Australia.ovavax, a biotech company in the US, has developed a recombinant protein Ebola vaccine candidate based on the Guinea 2014 Ebola virus strain and has completed a Phase I human clinical trials in Australia.", "- RHIBXXX(1009A) Vaxem ™ Hib Composition: Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) conjugate vaccine is composed of bacterial capsular oligosaccharides conjugated to a carrier protein Cross Reacting Material 197 (CRM 197), a non-toxic mutant of diphtheria toxin.HIBXXX(1009A) Vaxem ™ Hib Composition: Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) conjugate vaccine is composed of bacterial capsular oligosaccharides conjugated to a carrier protein Cross Reacting Material 197 (CRM 197), a non-toxic mutant of diphtheria toxin.", "- HIBERIX is a vaccine indicated for active immunization for the prevention of invasive disease caused by Haemophilus influenzae type b. HIBERIX is approved for use in children 6 weeks through 4 years of age (prior to fifth birthday).", "Description and Brand Names Descriptions. Hepatitis A vaccine is used to prevent infection caused by the hepatitis A virus (HAV). The vaccine works by causing your body to produce its own protection (antibodies) against the disease." ]
what county is upland in in
[ "- Sponsored Topics. Upland is a town in Jefferson Township, Grant County, Indiana, United States. The population was 3,845 at the 2010 census. It is most notable for being the home of Taylor University, a Christian college with 1,900 students, as of 2006. Upland is a party." ]
[ "Upland, Pennsylvania The ratio of number of residents in Upland to the number of sex offenders is 649 to 1. The number of registered sex offenders compared to the number of residents in this city is near the state average. Nearest city with pop. 50,000+: Brandywine, DE (7.8 miles , pop. 78,620).", "Upland, Indiana Current Local Time - Upland, Indiana Time Zone Upland, Indiana is GMT/UTC - 4h during Daylight Saving Time: Daylight Saving Time Usage: Upland, Indiana does utilize Daylight Saving Time. Daylight Saving Start Date: Upland, Indiana starts Daylight Saving Time on Sunday March 11, 2018 at 2:00 AM local time. Daylight Saving End Date: Upland, Indiana ends Daylight Saving Time on", "WELCOME TO THE TOWNSHIP OF SOMERSET! The Township of Somerset is a growing zoned community perched on the eastern edge of Hillsdale County and bordered by both Jackson and Lenawee Counties in the southern middle part of the state of Michigan.", "- Orland is a town located in the northwest corner of Steuben County, Indiana in Millgrove Township at the intersection of State Road 120 and State Road 327. The population was 434 at the 2010 census. 1 History.", "Highland County, Ohio The Highland County District Library [1] is the public library system serving Highland County, Ohio. The main library is in Hillsboro, with three branches located in Greenfield, Leesburg, and Lynchburg.", "Hancock County welcomes nesting bald eagle pair GREENFIELD, Ind. (AP) — Hancock County, the eagles have landed. For the first time in perhaps a century, a pair of American bald eagles has begun nesting near Greenfield, conservation officials say. “They came in this winter,” said Indiana Conservation Officer Scott Johnson. “And they’re the first documented nesting pair in the county.”.", "Upland, Indiana The ratio of number of residents in Upland to the number of sex offenders is 3,824 to 1. The number of registered sex offenders compared to the number of residents in this city is a lot smaller than the state average. Nearest city with pop. 50,000+: Muncie, IN (19.8 miles , pop. 67,430).", "- Corrections Records Specialist I. Yolo County, CA - Woodland, CA. The County of Yolo is recruiting to fill one regular, full-time position in the class of Corrections Records Specialist I at the Yolo County Sheriff-Coroner...", "- The ratio of number of residents in Upland to the number of sex offenders is 649 to 1. The number of registered sex offenders compared to the number of residents in this city is near the state average. Median real estate property taxes paid for housing units with mortgages in 2015: $1,902 (1.7%)", "UPLAND, GRANT COUNTY, EAST, INDIANA LAND FOR SALE: 1 - 7 of 7 listings Looking for rural homes and land for sale in Upland, Grant County, Indiana? LandWatch.com has thousands of rural properties in Upland, Grant County, Indiana, including hunting & fishing properties, cabins, Land for sale and land auctions. Choose from small acreage lots to massive 500+ acre estates.", "Hoosier Hill While the high topography seen at Brown County State Park, which sits in the Norman Upland in south central Indiana, can be mistaken to be a high point (where relief is 400–500 feet from valley to hilltop), the elevations of hilltops ranges from 800–1050 feet.", "- The ratio of number of residents in Upland to the number of sex offenders is 3,824 to 1. The number of registered sex offenders compared to the number of residents in this city is a lot smaller than the state average. Median real estate property taxes paid for housing units with mortgages in 2013: $731 (0.6%)", "- When one thinks of lighthouses, the average person conjures up an image of a tall white tower on a point of land. Actually, lighthouses in this country were built in many shapes, sizes, and heights including cylindrical, conical, square, octagonal, and even triangular shaped, with towers that stand as high as 208 feet.", "Highland The term Highland also refers to a geographical area of the City of San Bernardino (generally north of Highland Avenue and east of Del Rosa Avenue to the eastern city limits), and parts of unincorporated San Bernardino County.", "- Tyrone Township was established in 1855 and is located in the northwest section of Kent County. A rural/urban township with a population of 4,731; Tyrone Township is part of an area known as “The Ridge”.", "- Upland, San Bernardino County Sales Tax Rate. Details. The sales tax in Upland is 7.75%, which is about average for cities in San Bernardino County and about average for California. Upland is one of 102 cities in San Bernardino County with a distinct sales tax as listed by the California Board of Equalization. See all cities in San Bernardino County.", "- Grayling Charter Township is located in beautiful northern Michigan's Crawford County. The Grayling area is the ideal place to live, work and play. Natural resources abound in a region where you can enjoy miles of recreational lands and waters. More than just a playground, the region also features area colleges and course extensions that provide easy access to career and workforce development programs.", "- Upland, CA County Jail. About Search Results. About Search Results. YP - The Real Yellow PagesSM - helps you find the right local businesses to meet your specific needs. Search results are sorted by a combination of factors to give you a set of choices in response to your search criteria.", "Pinckney Sponsored Topics. Pinckney is a village in Putnam Township, Livingston County in the U.S. state of Michigan. The population was 2,141 at the 2000 census. Three miles west of Pinckney, on Patterson Lake Road, is the famous tourist destination of Hell, Michigan. According to the United States Census Bureau, the village has a total area of 1.5 square miles (4.0 km²), of which, 1.5 square miles (3.9 km²) of it is land and 0.1 square miles (0.1 km²) of it (3.25%) is water.", "- Indiana County is a western county of Pennsylvania in the United States of America. It was created by an Act of the Pennsylvania General Assembly, March 30, 1803, from territories of Westmoreland and Lycoming Counties.", "- Upland, IN - Get the very latest weather forecast, including hour-by-hour views, the 10-day outlook, temperature, humidity, precipitation for your area. msn back to msn home weather web search", "Upland, Indiana Area Code Upland, IN is currently using one area code which is area code 765. In addition to Upland, IN area code information read more about area code 765 details and Indiana area codes. Upland, IN is located in Grant County and observes the Eastern Time Zone. View our Times by Area Code tool.", "- PLEASE TAKE NOTICE: the April Regular Town Board Meeting scheduled for April 11,2017 has been canceled and rescheduled to Tuesday April 18,2017 at the Eldred Town Hall. 2016 Highland Tax Assessment Roll. Download Revitalizing the Monarch Butterfly brochure/poster. Or, stop by the Town Hall for a copy. Download a Guide to Permit or visit the Code Enforcement page to learn more about permits in our Town. Town of Highland in Sullivan County.", "- LandWatch.com has thousands of rural properties in Kempner, Lampasas County, Texas, including hunting & fishing properties, cabins, Land for sale and land auctions. Choose from small acreage lots to massive 500+ acre estates.", "- View all Yolo County, CA jobs in Woodland, CA - Woodland jobs. Salary Search: Correctional Records Technician salaries in Woodland, CA. Learn more about working at Yolo County, CA. Related forums: Woodland, California - Yolo County, CA." ]
synonyms and antonyms of doze
[ "- Synonyms and Antonyms of doze. 1 1 to be in a state of sleep likes to doze through those lazy summer afternoons Synonyms catnap, sleep, nap, rest, slumber, snoozeRelated Words drop off, drowse (off), nod off; oversleep, sleep in; dream, hibernateNear Antonyms arise, arouse, awake, rise, wake.", "- 2 to sleep lightly or briefly she dozed fitfully in the car but never fell completely asleep Synonyms of doze catnap, nap, drowse, kip [British], slumber, snooze Words Related to doze relax, repose, rest; couch, lay, lie, roost; lull Near Antonyms of doze arise, arouse, awake, awaken, get up, rise, rouse, uprise, wake (up), waken" ]
[ "- Synonyms for Lack: absence (noun) absence, abstraction, emptiness, nonexistence, omission, truancy, vacancy, vacuity,", "- Synonyms: destroy, raze, demolish, ruin, wreck. These verbs mean to cause the complete ruin or wreckage of something or someone. Destroy, raze, and demolish can all imply reduction to ruins or even complete obliteration: I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness (Allen Ginsberg).", "- Synonyms-verbs. 1 compromise. 2 split the difference. 3 submit to arbitration. 4 arrange. 5 agree. 6 commute. 7 meet one halfway. 8 abide by arbitration. 9 straighten out. 10 make the best of. 11 compound. 12 give and take. 13 patch up. 14 adjust. 15 make a virtue of necessity. 16 take the mean. 17 come to terms (contract). 18 bridge over. 19 differences. 20 take the will for the deed.", "- Meaning of Dozer: A piece of heavy machine that can push nearly every object out of its way. Also a nickname given to a person who dozes or naps frequently. Gender: Male. Breed: Boxer, Bulldog. Category: Tough, Mean.", "- verb disregard, neglect. 1 ignore star. 2 discount star. 3 omit star. 4 forget star. 5 overpass star. 6 disdain star. 7 miss star. 8 slight star. 9 pass star. 10 pass by star. 11 fail to notice star. 12 leave undone star. 13 let fall between the cracks star. 14 let go star. 15 let slide star. 16 make light of star. 17 pay no attention star. 18 slip up star.", "- Antonyms for heart. 1 disdain. 2 apathy. 3 indifference. 4 hatred. 5 animosity. 6 ill will. 7 dislike. 8 hate. 9 cowardice. 10 fear. 11 exterior. 12 outside. 13 periphery. 14 surface. 15 malevolence. 16 mercilessness. 17 meanness. 18 head. 19 exteriority.", "- Synonyms. 1 humble yourself. 2 creep. 3 crawl. flatter. 4 fawn. pander. 5 cower. 6 toady. 7 kowtow. brown- nose. bow 1 and scrape. 2 kiss ass. lick someone' s boots. lick 1 someone's arse. demean yourself. abase yourself.", "- Synonyms and Antonyms of CREATE. Synonyms beget, breed, bring, bring about, bring on, catalyze, cause, create, do, draw on, effectuate, engender, generate, induce, invoke, make, occasion, produce, prompt, result (in), spawn, translate (into), work, yield.ynonyms beget, breed, bring, bring about, bring on, catalyze, cause, create, do, draw on, effectuate, engender, generate, induce, invoke, make, occasion, produce, prompt, result (in), spawn, translate (into), work, yield.", "- Synonyms and Antonyms of quench. 1 1 to cause to cease burning we thoroughly quenched the campfire before we headed to bed Synonyms blanket, douse (also dowse), put out, extinguish, snuff (out)Related Words choke, smother, suffocate; blow out, rub out, snub (out), stamp (out), stubAntonyms fire, ignite, inflame (also enflame), kindle, light.", "- Synonyms and Antonyms of repose. 1 1 to remain out of sight a little-explored region beneath which vast mineral reserves are said to repose Synonyms hole up, lie, lurk, repose, skulkRelated Words slink, sneak; avoid, elude, evadeNear Antonyms come out, materialize, show up, turn upAntonyms appear.", "- Other synonyms: abate, abbreviate, abet, abominable, abruptly, absolute, abusive, abysmally, accuse,", "- 82 Moby Thesaurus words for elide: abbreviate, abridge, abstract, bob, boil down, capsulize, cast off, cast out, chuck, clear, clear away, clear out, clear the decks, clip, compress, condense, contract, crop, curtail, cut, cut back, cut down, cut off short, cut out, cut short, deport, discount, dispose of, disregard, dock, eject, eliminate, ...", "- Antonyms for greed. 1 apathy. 2 indifference. 3 dislike. distaste. 4 benevolence. generosity.", "- Other synonyms: ability, absolutely, accomplish, accusation, accuse, action, affair, affliction, agency,", "- Synonyms and Antonyms of COMMENCE. 1. Synonyms commence, embark (on or upon), enter (into or upon), fall (to), get off, kick off, launch, lead off, open, start, strike (into).ynonyms commence, embark (on or upon), enter (into or upon), fall (to), get off, kick off, launch, lead off, open, start, strike (into).", "- Synonyms for conduct in Free Thesaurus. Antonyms for conduct. 109 synonyms for conduct: carry out, run, control, manage, direct, handle, organize, govern, regulate, administer, supervise, preside over, transmit, carry.... What are synonyms for conduct?", "- synonyms unite, bring together, join, join together, merge, fuse, amalgamate, coalesce, combine, blend, mix, bind, link up, consolidate, integrate, marry, synthesize, federate, weld together antonyms", "SCORE Synonyms: love; fuck; sleep with; persuade; have it away; screw; have intercourse; score; lie with; make; make love; make out; get laid; have a go at it; bonk; eff; have sex; jazz; be intimate; know; have it off; get it on; bang; bed; do it; roll in the hay; sleep together; hump; Antonyms: dissuade", "- verb. stop, conclude. 1 back off. 2 break off. 3 bring to an end. 4 call it a day. 5 call it quits. 6 close. 7 close out. 8 come to an end. 9 culminate. 10 cut it out. 11 desist. 12 die. 13 discontinue. 14 drop. 15 end. 16 fail. 17 finish. 18 give over. 19 halt. 20 intermit. 21 knock off. 22 leave off. 23 pack in. 24 quit. 25 quit cold turkey. 26 refrain. 27 shut down. 28 stay. 29 surcease. 30 terminate. 31 wind up.", "- Dozer. 1 Meaning of Dozer: A piece of heavy machine that can push nearly every object out of its way. Also a nickname given to a person who dozes or naps frequently. 2 Gender: Male. 3 Breed: Boxer, Bulldog. Category: Tough, Mean.", "- verb. make deceitful imitation. 1 Xerox. 2 act like. 3 affect. 4 ape. 5 assume. 6 bluff. 7 carbon. 8 cheat. 9 circulate bad money. 10 clone. 11 coin. 12 copy. 13 defraud. 14 delude. 15 ditto. 16 do. 17 do like. 18 dupe. 19 fabricate. 20 fake. 21 feign. 22 forge. 23 go like. 24 imitate. 25 impersonate. 26 knock off. 27 make like. 28 make money. 29 mimeo. 30 mimic. 31 mint. 32 phony. 33 phony up. 34 pretend. 35 put on. 36 sham. 37 simulate. 38 stat.", "What is another word for doze? Mistresses are like books; if you pore upon them too much, they doze you and make you unfit for company;", "- Synonyms for stupid in Free Thesaurus. Antonyms for stupid. 96 synonyms for stupid: unintelligent, thick, dumb, simple, slow, dull, dim, dense, sluggish, deficient, crass, gullible, simple-minded, dozy, witless, stolid. What are synonyms for stupid?", "dismay Near Antonyms. Synonym Discussion of dismay. dismay, appall, horrify, daunt mean to unnerve or deter by arousing fear, apprehension, or aversion. dismay implies that one is disconcerted and at a loss as to how to deal with something dismayed at the size of the job.", "- 2. Synonyms acquire, attain, bag, bring in, capture, carry, come by, draw, gain, garner, get, knock down, land, make, obtain, procure, pull down, realize, reap, secure, win." ]
how long does a usual mlb baseball game last?
[ "How long does the average baseball game last? There is nothing wrong with long games if there is enough baseball to fill the hours. But a lot of today's 3-hour games should be 2 hours and 40 minutes. And the postseason often does not have games, but epochs. Major League Baseball is vowing to shorten the average length of its games. Officials have other ideas in mind in an effort to move things along. Last year's average was 2 hours and 54 minutes. Under the theory that most baseball games should not last longer than Ben-Hur, action is being taken." ]
[ "- The average baseball game last about 2½ to 3 hours. Most games are regular 9 inning games. It's not rare, but is still seldom to find a game that ends before the 9th inning.nswer The average 9 inning ball game should last about 3 to 3 and a half hours. If one team is physically dominating the other (i.e.-any team that plays Tampa Bay haha … !) then the game could last 4 to 5 hours.", "While Still Early, MLB Game Lengths Down Nearly 10 Minutes Due To Rule Changes In the comparable period from 2014, there were 33 nine-inning games that averaged 3 hours, 1 minute – 9 minutes more than so far this year. For the entire 2014 season, the average length of games was just one minute more than the opening stretch at 3:02. The pace of the game has slowed dramatically over the years.", "How long does the average baseball game last? It is an admirable effort. There is nothing wrong with long games if there is enough baseball to fill the hours. But a lot of today's 3-hour games should be 2 hours and 40 minutes. And the postseason often does not have games, but epochs.ast year's average was 2 hours and 54 minutes. Under the theory that most baseball games should not last longer than Ben-Hur, action is being taken. Games are to start on time (a revolutionary idea).", "9 things to know about the 2015 MLB season if you haven't been paying attention Through Wednesday’s play, 2015 games have averaged about two hours and 56 minutes, according to Baseball Prospectus. If that holds, it will be the first season since 2011 with an average game length under three hours. Last season’s games averaged three hours and eight minutes, an all-time high. The 12-minute difference may not seem like much on a game-to-game basis, but over the course of a 162-game season, it means more than 32 fewer hours of gameplay per team — and 32 fewer hours in front of the TV for dedicated fans.", "5 of the longest, strangest games in MLB history On May 31, 1964 (what is it about May games?), the Giants played a 23-inning game against the Mets at Shea Stadium. On its own, it was seven hours and 23 minutes long, but it was also the second game of the longest doubleheader in MLB history. In nine hours and 52 minutes, the teams played 32 total innings (the first game was a comparatively bite-sized nine). Since there was simply so much baseball going on, it's slightly less surprising that the Mets pulled off a rare triple play in the 14th inning of Game 2.", "How long does the average baseball game last? There is nothing wrong with long games if there is enough baseball to fill the hours. But a lot of today's 3-hour games should be 2 hours and 40 minutes. And the postseason often does not have games, but epochs. Making the world better, one answer at a time.", "5 of the longest, strangest games in MLB history Of course, the game took two days and finished as MLB's longest by time. The entire matchup lasted eight hours and six minutes. This time there were plenty of relievers, but apparently a shortage of backstops -- Hall of Famer Carlton Fisk stayed in and caught all 25 innings for the Sox.", "Why do baseball games take so long? Let’s examine some of the ways that players can slow down the rhythm of a game: Five years ago, Major League Baseball sought to address its pace-of-game problem, issuing a directive to players, coaches, and umpires to — so to speak — make it snappy. From 2008 to 2011, games averaged around 2 hours and 51 minutes.", "5 of the longest, strangest games in MLB history On May 31, 1964 (what is it about May games?), the Giants played a 23-inning game against the Mets at Shea Stadium. On its own, it was seven hours and 23 minutes long, but it was also the second game of the longest doubleheader in MLB history. In nine hours and 52 minutes, the teams played 32 total innings (the first game was a comparatively bite-sized nine).", "MLB game times drop considerably; player penalties may be dropped | Baseball's best rookies so far. According to Major League Baseball, through Wednesday’s games, the average nine-inning game time of just under two hours and 54 minutes is 8 1/2 minutes quicker than the 3:02 average in 2014.", "Overtime (sports) How many innings in a typical baseball game? A regular baseball game has 9 innings. If the score is tied after 9 innings, extra innings are played until until the game is resolved. The longest running game in profess…ional baseball history lasted 33 innings with 8 hours and 25 minutes of playing time. It was between the Pawtucket Red Sox and Rochester Red Wings from the Triple-A International League in 1981.", "NFL By The Numbers The average football game is actually longer than the average baseball game. According to The Boston Globe, baseball games average 2 hours, 57 minutes and 33 seconds. This isn't to suggest baseball is inherently more exciting. But one of the contemporary knocks against baseball is its games take too long. It's curious that few complain about NFL game lengths, considering they take 13 minutes longer, more time than the 11 total minutes of actual game play during an NFL game. In other words, you could fit all the action of an average NFL game into the spare time after an average baseball game ends.", "How long does the average baseball game last? By that, I don't think he meant eliminating the Pittsburgh Pirates' at-bats. It is an admirable effort. There is nothing wrong with long games if there is enough baseball to fill the hours. But a lot of today's 3-hour games should be 2 hours and 40 minutes. And the postseason often does not have games, but epochs.", "Extra innings? Give me more! According to a recent, well-researched and very entertaining Boston Globe story, major league game times are longer than they used to be, reversing a trend. They're back up to an average of nearly 2 hours, 58 minutes this year, matching the all-time high in 2000. And that's without Tony La Russa managing.", "How long are baseball games? On Sunday baseball fans were treated to not one but two four-hour contests: 1 a 16-inning game between the Diamondbacks and the Pirates that lasted 4 hours, 39 minutes. 2 a 9-inning night game between the Yankees and Red Sox, which lasted 4 hours, 12 minutes.", "âPitch the ball, already!â â Isnât there a 12-second rule? According to Baseball Prospectus’ Game Information report, the length of an average major-league game through Wednesday was 3.14 hours, up by about 4 minutes and 20 seconds since last season.", "No surprises here: Yankees games, despite new rules, still taking longer than average Except Yankees games. Through Sunday, Yankees' games this season took an average of three hours, three minutes, and 48 seconds to play, just above what MLB's average was a year ago.", "How long does a 9 inning baseball game last? The average baseball game last about 2½ to 3 hours. Most games are regular 9 inning games. It's not rare, but is still seldom to find a game that ends before the 9th inning.… It is somewhat common, however, to see a game last longer than 9 innings.he average baseball game last about 2½ to 3 hours. Most games are regular 9 inning games. It's not rare, but is still seldom to find a game that ends before the 9th inning.", "NFL By The Numbers The average football game is actually longer than the average baseball game. According to The Boston Globe, baseball games average 2 hours, 57 minutes and 33 seconds. This isn't to suggest baseball is inherently more exciting. But one of the contemporary knocks against baseball is its games take too long.aybe we can't capture everything, but using Advanced NFL Stats' data (except when otherwise noted), allow me to take you on a tour of a perfectly average 2013 NFL game (all data is through Week 11, a total of 162 games).", "How long does a baseball game last? The American League has better hitters and therefore, games take longer, usually around 3 hours. The longer games can take over 4 hours. The longest game was between the White Sox and Brewers on May 8, 1984. The Sox won 7-6 in 8 hours and 6 minutes and 25 innings. The longest game by innings was between Brooklyn and Boston on May 1st, 1920. It ended up in a 1-1 tie after 26 innings.", "How long does a 9 inning baseball game last? Baseball is one of the few sports that is not timed. The average time for a baseball game has been increasing steadily over the years. As of 2004, the average time was 2 hours and 48 minutes. The longest nine inning baseball game was 4 hours and 45 minutes between the New York Yankees and the Boston Red Sox in 2006.The shortest game was 1 hour and 15 minutes between the Cincinnati Reds and the Atlanta Braves in 1944.he average baseball game last about 2½ to 3 hours. Most games are regular 9 inning games. It's not rare, but is still seldom to find a game that ends before the 9th inning.", "MLBâs average game time increase adds up to days of extra baseball The changes helped cut the average game length by 12 minutes, from three hours and eight minutes in 2014 to two hours and 56 minutes a year ago - but baseball games were still more than 20 minutes longer than the average NHL game and 40 minutes longer than the average NBA game.", "MLB Games Are Getting Longer... And Longer... In 1993 the average length of a MLB game was 2:52. What I was more interested in was short games -- games of less than two and a half hours, which is now about as short as a game goes, and especially games running shorter than two hours. The latter is an endangered species.ere is the average length of a MLB game, starting with this year and going back at 10-year intervals to 1954, and then ending with 1950, the earliest year in Baseball Prospectus' database: That's a pretty clear trend.", "How long are baseball games? On Sunday baseball fans were treated to not one but two four-hour contests: 1 a 16-inning game between the Diamondbacks and the Pirates that lasted 4 hours, 39 minutes. 2 a 9-inning night game between the Yankees and Red Sox, which lasted 4 hours, 12 minutes.t turns out that Sunday's Yankees-Red Sox game was the longest 9-inning game so far this season — while the Diamondbacks-Pirates game didn't even crack the top 20 longest extra-innings games of the season. The Red Sox rule the majors this season in median game length: 3 hours, 14 minutes.", "Major League Baseball schedule Major League Baseball schedule. The Major League Baseball (MLB) season schedule consists of 162 games for each of the 30 teams in the American League (AL) and National League (NL), played over approximately six months—a total of 2,430 games, plus the postseason. The regular season typically runs from early April to late September, followed by the postseason in October." ]
what causes pelvic prolapse
[ "What causes Pelvic Organ Prolapse? Pelvic organ prolapse can also occur after surgical removal of the uterus (hysterectomy) for another health problem, such as endometriosis. Removal of the uterus can sometimes leave the other organs in the pelvic area with less support. Other conditions that may cause pelvic organ prolapse include: Obesity, which can lead to long-term pressure within the abdomen. Smoking and/or lung disorders, which are often causes of chronic coughing.", "What causes pelvic organ prolapse? Causes of pelvic organ prolapse include childbirth and prior surgery, says Victor Grigoriev, MD, a urologist at MountainView Hospital. In this video, he explains that the causes of pelvic organ prolapse are similar to those of urinary incontinence.", "What causes pelvic organ prolapse? Pelvic organ prolapse is caused by the failure of weakened or injured muscles and connective tissue in a woman's pelvis. The pelvic muscles and connective tissue stretch or break, allowing a pelvic organ, such as the uterus, cervix, bladder, urethra, rectum, or small intestine, to push through to the vaginal canal.", "What causes pelvic organ prolapse? Pelvic organ prolapse (POP) is mainly caused by obstetrics trauma. When a patient has a vaginal delivery, this can cause tearing of the connecting tissue of the pelvic floor which would then subsequently cause a weakness or hernia and then pelvic organ prolapse (POP)." ]
[ "What Is Uterine Prolapse? Uterine Prolapse. Uterine prolapse is a protrusion of the uterus into the vagina. It occurs when the pelvic muscles and supporting ligamentswhich normally hold the uterus in placebecome injured or weakened.In mild prolapse a portion of the uterus descends into the top of the vagina.n more severe cases the uterus may protrude through the vaginal opening. Uterine prolapse is often accompanied by a bulging of the bladder (cystocele) or the urethra (urethrocele) into the front wall of the vagina, or a bulging of the rectum into the back wall of the vagina.", "Pepsin Back to Top Causes. Muscles, ligaments, and other structures hold the uterus in the pelvis. If these tissues are weak or stretched, the uterus drops into the vaginal canal. This is called prolapse. This condition is more common in women who have had one or more vaginal births. Other things that can cause or lead to uterine prolapse include: 1 Normal aging. 2 Lack of estrogen after menopause.", "- This problem also runs in families. Pelvic organ prolapse is a disorder in which one or more of the pelvic organs drop from their normal position. It is caused by injury to the muscles or tissues that support the pelvic organs. The main cause of this injury is pregnancy and childbirth, especially vaginal childbirth.Other causes include prior pelvic surgery, menopause, and aging.elvic Organ Prolapse. Pelvic organ prolapse is a disorder in which one or more of the pelvic organs drop from their normal position. It is caused by injury to the muscles or tissues that support the pelvic organs.", "Overview Request an appointment. Anterior prolapse, also known as a cystocele (SIS-toe-seel), occurs when the supportive tissue between a woman's bladder and vaginal wall weakens and stretches, allowing the bladder to bulge into the vagina. Anterior prolapse is also called a prolapsed bladder.", "IEEE 1394 IEEE 1394, High Performance Serial Bus, is an electronics standard for connecting devices to your personal computer. IEEE 1394 provides a single plug-and-socket connection on which up to 63 devices can be attached with data transfer speeds up to 400 Mbps ( megabit s per second). The standard describes a serial bus or pathway between one or more peripheral devices and your computer's microprocessor .", "What is Bladder Prolapse? What causes bladder prolapse? Dr. Maccarone stressed that bladder prolapse is very common. It can occur as a result of vaginal childbirth, but it also happens in women involved in activities that put a strain on the pelvic floor like heavy lifting, gymnastics or skydiving.", "Urinary Track Infections (UTI) In perimenopausal and menopausal women, certain risk factors can lead to a higher risk of infection. Pelvic prolapse with a 'dropped' bladder can lead to improper emptying of urine and higher residual amounts of urine in the bladder. This can allow bacteria to grow and cause an infection.", "Prolapse Uterine prolapse is a condition that occurs when the muscles and tissue in your pelvis weaken. Your uterus drops down into your vagina. Sometimes, it comes out through your vaginal opening. Nearly half of all women between ages 50 and 79 have uterine prolapse, or some other form of pelvic organ prolapse.", "- Two weeks before her death, Elizabeth Taylor spoke to her one-time rival Debbie Reynolds. I said, 'Getting old is really sh––,' Reynolds tells Access Hollywood of her conversation with Taylor, who was in the hospital at the time. And she said, 'It certainly is. It certainly is, Debbie.", "Pelvic Organ Prolapse There are a number of different types of prolapse that can occur in a woman's pelvic area and these are divided into three categories according to the part of the vagina they affect: front wall, back wall or top of the vagina. It is not uncommon to have more than one type of prolapse.", "- Uterine Prolapse: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment. Uterine prolapse is a condition that occurs when the pelvic floor muscles are no longer strong enough to support the uterus. As a result, the uterus descends toward or through the vagina. In the US, the Women's Health Initiative found some degree of prolapse in 44% of participating women.", "Bladder Prolapse (Cystocele) Bladder Prolapse (Cystocele). A bladder prolapse (cystocele) occurs when the tissues and muscles that hold the bladder in place are stretched or weakened. This causes the bladder to move from its normal position and press against the wall of the vagina, forming a bulge. By Healthwise Staff.", "Pelvic Support Disorders Pelvic Support Disorders. Many women’s pelvic organs change as they age. The pelvic tissues and ligaments may become weak as a result of age, pregnancy or childbirth. This may cause organs to slip out of place – for example, a uterine prolapse occurs when the tissues and ligaments surrounding the uterus are weakened, causing the uterus to slide down into the vagina. Women’s Health & Laser Aesthetic Center provides diagnosis and treatment of pelvic support disorders.", "Do You Have A Prolapsed Uterus? Signs To Look Out For Symptoms of prolapsed uterus include heaviness in the vagina or pelvis, vaginal bleeding, problems during sex, pain and discomfort, and urinary problems. If the ligaments and muscles which support your uterus become weak, the uterus can sag and fall into the vaginal canal, causing a uterine prolapse.", "- Pelvic organ prolapse is bulging of one or more of the pelvic organs into the vagina. These organs are the uterus, vagina, bowel and bladder. Some women with a pelvic organ prolapse don't have any symptoms and the condition is only discovered during an internal examination for another reason, such as a cervical screening.", "A Beginner's Guide to Twerking: What Is It, Why Is It Happening and How Do You Do It? If you have a pulse, two ears and an eye on CNN (yes, CNN), then you've already heard of twerking. But what is it? Why are people doing it? And how did Miley Cyrus twerking at the 2013 MTV VMAs fix the economy and bring peace to the Middle East?", "Vaginal Prolapse Pelvic pressure and discomfort are also common symptoms. The following are types of pelvic organ prolapse: 1 Rectocele (prolapse of the rectum) . 2 This involves a prolapse of the back wall of the vagina (rectovaginal fascia). 3 When this wall weakens, the rectal wall pushes against the vaginal wall, creating a bulge.", "Uterine And Bladder Prolapse Mild cases of bladder or uterine prolapse usually don't cause any symptoms. A prolapse that is more advanced can cause any of the following symptoms: Discomfort in the vagina, pelvis, lower abdomen, groin or lower back. The discomfort associated with prolapse often is described as a pulling or aching sensation.", "Uterine Prolapse Back to TopPossible Complications. Ulceration and infection of the cervix and vaginal walls may occur in severe cases of uterine prolapse. Urinary tract infections and other urinary symptoms may occur because of a cystocele. Constipation and hemorrhoids may occur because of a rectocele.", "Types of Pelvic Pain Pelvic organ prolapse occurs when the ligaments and muscles supporting the organs in the pelvis weaken or stretch. This can cause the bladder, bowel, rectum, urethra, uterus, or vagina to prolapse, or slip out of place. More than one organ can prolapse at the same time.", "- Prolapse of the uterus may cause pain in the lower back or over the tailbone, although many women have no symptoms. Total uterine prolapse can cause pain during walking. Sores may develop on the protruding cervix and cause bleeding, a discharge, and infection. Prolapse of the uterus may cause a kink in the urethra.", "Anterior vaginal wall repair Symptoms of prolapse that you may have include: 1 You may not be able to empty your bladder completely. 2 Your bladder may feel full all the time. 3 You may feel pressure in your vagina. 4 You may have pain when you have sex. 5 You may leak urine when you cough, sneeze, or lift something. 6 You may get bladder infections.", "Rectal Prolapse Rectal prolapse is associated with chronic straining to pass stool. It is known that the attachments of the rectum to the pelvic bones progressively weaken. When these attachments are weak, straining to pass stool causes the rectum to turn itself inside out. In many cases, the cause is unknown.", "How to Reverse Pelvic Prolapse and Avoid Prolapse Surgery Yes! Pelvic prolapse can be treated and improve without surgery in some women. Prolapse results from stretched and weakened supporting pelvic floor tissues, just like overstretching a piece of elastic. Your pelvic floor muscles should work to help support your pelvic organs (i.e. bladder, uterus and rectum).", "Pelvic Floor Disorders Pelvic floor (pelvic support) disorders involve a dropping down (prolapse) of the bladder, urethra, small intestine, rectum, uterus, or vagina caused by weakness of or injury to the ligaments, connective tissue, and muscles of the pelvis." ]
how did temperance movement lead to prohibition
[ "Temperance Movement and Prohibition Timeline The 19th and early 20th century saw considerable organizing for temperance or prohibition.Temperance usually refers to seeking to inspire individuals to moderate liquor use or abstain from drinking liquor. Prohibition usually refers to making it illegal to manufacture or sell alcohol.he Progressive movement often took the side of temperance and prohibition. In 1918 and 1919, the federal government passed the 18th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, making manufacture, transportation and sale of intoxicating liquors illegal under its power to regulate interstate commerce." ]
[ "Why Did Canada Have Prohibition The fact that prohibition was passed in most of these provinces after women gained the right of suffrage is attributed to the suffrage and temperance movements of this time. Another reason for prohibition occurring was the rationing of food that took place in Canada during the First World War.", "Temperance Movement TEMPERANCE MOVEMENT. The temperance movement in the United States first became a national crusade in the early nineteenth century. An initial source of the movement was a groundswell of popular religion that focused on abstention from alcohol.y 1868 Maine was the only state left with a liquor prohibition law, and the temperance movement appeared to have come and gone. Groups such as the Women's Christian Temperance Union (WCTU) and the Anti-Saloon League were at the forefront of the onslaught on alcohol.", "Documents Project The temperance movement in Oregon also had the backing of the National W.C.T.U. in its fight for woman suffrage. According to a March 1912 article in the Portland Evening Telegram, the campaign included the spread of literature and a lecture series.", "Attacking Alcohol: Examining the Temperance Movement from the Early 19th Century until Prohibition Especially in the late 19th century, women became especially active and involved in the temperance movement, which was often called “The Women’s Crusade” (Burns). In fact, in many ways, the temperance movement ignited, coincided and enabled the women’s suffrage movement.", "18th and 21st Amendments Perhaps the most dramatic consequence of Prohibition was the effect it had on organized crime in the United States: as the production and sale of alcohol went further underground, it began to be controlled by the Mafia and other gangs, who transformed themselves into sophisticated criminal enterprises that reaped huge profits from the illicit liquor trade.", "- As with other early reform movements and charitable organizations, the movement's leadership shifted in the 1820s from conservative to evangelical ministers and lay people. By 1834 there were roughly 5,000 temperance societies in the country.f course, not all who supported temperance reform advocated total abstention, and not all who supported voluntary abstinence supported the legislation of morality. And there were opponents of the organized movement who supported self-regulated temperate consumption.", "âIntoxicating Liquorsâ: How the Volstead Act led to Prohibition corruption “Intoxicating Liquors”: How the Volstead Act led to Prohibition corruption. 1 Courtesy of the Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division. 2 Sarah Winski is an Exhibit Developer for the Center's traveling American Spirits exhibition on Prohibition, which is now at the National Constitution Center.", "- The goal of early leaders of the temperance movement—conservative clergy and gentlemen of means—was to win people over to the idea of temperate use of alcohol. But as the movement gained momentum, the goal shifted first to voluntary abstinence, and finally to prohibition of the manufacture and sale of ardent spirits.", "Temperance movement in the United States The Temperance movement in the United States was a movement to curb the consumption of alcohol and had a large influence on American politics and society in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.The Drunkard's Progress: A lithograph by Nathaniel Currier supporting the temperance movement, January 1846.n Washington DC the Temperance Fountain was donated to the city in 1882 by Temperance crusader Henry D. Cogswell. This fountain was one of a series of fountains he designed and commissioned in a belief that easy access to cool drinking water would keep people from consuming alcohol.", "Eighteenth Amendment The temperance movement and the Eighteenth Amendment. In the United States an early wave of movements for state and local prohibition arose from the intensive religious revivalism of the 1820s and ’30s, which stimulated movements toward perfectionism in human beings, including temperance and abolitionism.", "Temperance Worker In 1853 Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton founded the Women's State Temperance Society with the goal of petitioning the State legislature to pass a law limiting the sale of liquor. The State Legislature rejected the petition because most of the 28,000 signatures were from women and children.", "Temperance movement It prohibited the buying, selling or producing of alcohol, however it was not illegal to possess if one already did. An early temperance movement began during the American Revolution in Connecticut, Virginia and New York state, with farmers forming associations to ban whiskey distilling.", "Why Prohibition? The prohibition movement's strength grew, especially after the formation of the Anti-Saloon League in 1893. The League, and other organizations that supported prohibition such as the Woman's Christian Temperance Union, soon began to succeed in enacting local prohibition laws. Eventually the prohibition campaign was a national effort.", "- Background. The 19th and early 20th century saw considerable organizing for temperance or prohibition. Temperance usually refers to seeking to inspire individuals to moderate liquor use or abstain from drinking liquor. Prohibition usually refers to making it illegal to manufacture or sell alcohol.he Progressive movement often took the side of temperance and prohibition. In 1918 and 1919, the federal government passed the 18th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, making manufacture, transportation and sale of intoxicating liquors illegal under its power to regulate interstate commerce.", "- In 1826, adherents to the cause founded the American Society for the Promotion of Temperance, its purpose being to urge people to sign a pledge of abstinence. The Society soon became a pressure group that lobbied for state-level prohibition legislation.", "Why Did Canada Have Prohibition Why Did Canada Have Prohibition. Prohibition in Canada was the culmination of multiple movements, and multiple things happening in the time period of WWI. The fight against alcohol, or the Temperance Movement, began as early as the 1860’s.he fact that prohibition was passed in most of these provinces after women gained the right of suffrage is attributed to the suffrage and temperance movements of this time. Another reason for prohibition occurring was the rationing of food that took place in Canada during the First World War.", "Persecution of Christians After the October Revolution of 1917, as a result of the sharp decline in the number of religious believers in the USSR, the number of followers of the temperance movement decreased considerably. There are still a few followers in some regions of the RSFSR.", "Alcohol Prohibition and Drug Prohibition Temperance, Prohibition, Alcohol Control. The anti alcohol, or temperance, movement was created in the early nineteenth century by physicians, ministers, and large employers concerned about the drunkenness of workers and servants.By the mid 1830s temperance had become a mass movement of the middle Class.he temperance campaign was devoted to convincing people that alcoholic drink in any form was evil, dangerous, and destructive. Throughout the nineteenth century, temperance supporters insisted that alcohol slowly but inevitably destroyed the moral character and the physical and mental health of all who drank it.", "Prohibition The temperance movement, rooted in America's Protestant churches, first urged moderation, then encouraged drinkers to help each other to resist temptation, and ultimately demanded that local, state, and national governments prohibit alcohol outright.", "- Prohibition proved difficult to enforce and failed to have the intended effect of eliminating crime and other social problems–to the contrary, it led to a rise in organized crime, as the bootlegging of alcohol became an ever-more lucrative operation.", "- exists and is an alternate of . If you are speaking of the the US Prohibition from 1919-1933, the prohibition of alcohol was passed as the 18th Amendment to the US Constitution by Congress over the veto of then President Woodrow Wilson as a result of pressure from the temperance movement.", "- The temperance movement was a major cause of social reform in Victorian Britain. In the eighteenth century, the English middle and upper classes religiously served and drank wine at their dinners, and the working class frequently consumed beer and cider.", "Root Planing and Scaling Explained Sometimes dentists will combine ultrasonic with mechanical methods, like dental chisels, to remove plaque below the gumline [source: Turchetta ]. While root planing and scaling are not high-risk procedures, there is a risk of infection in the gums. To prevent infection after the procedure, your dentist might insert antibiotic fibers into your gums which come out about a week after the procedure.", "Heartworm Testing Most commercial tests will accurately detect infections with one or more mature female heartworms that are at least seven or eight months old, but they generally do not detect infections of less than five months duration.", "Why Did Canada Have Prohibition Why Did Canada Have Prohibition. Prohibition in Canada was the culmination of multiple movements, and multiple things happening in the time period of WWI. The fight against alcohol, or the Temperance Movement, began as early as the 1860’s. Many of those advocating for the temperance movement were religious groups and women, though not in all of Canada’s provinces. Another movement taking place before and during WWI was the Women’s Suffrage Movement." ]
epinephrine effects what cells
[ "- Note: There are more than two types of epinephrine receptors on smooth muscle cells, so epinephrine may affect smooth muscle in other tissues in other ways. (There are subtypes of alpha and subtypes of beta.) * Details of how PLC generates IP3 are on handout 12A. We will go over this later." ]
[ "Epinephrine (medication) Epinephrine is normally produced by both the adrenal glands and certain neurons. It plays an important role in the fight-or-flight response by increasing blood flow to muscles, output of the heart, pupil dilation, and blood sugar. Epinephrine does this by its effects on alpha and beta receptors.", "What is Epinephrine (Adrenaline)? Despite initiating several different responses, epinephrine’s effects have a collective purpose – to provide energy so that the major muscles of the body can respond to the perceived threat. (4) Epinephrine and liver cells. One of the places where epinephrine has an effect is in the liver. Epinephrine, along with another hormone called glucagon, is responsible for the breakdown of glycogen in liver cells. Glycogen is a form of energy storage in animals. Epinephrine binds to a receptor on the outside of a liver cell causing a conformational change to occur. This change means that a G protein can now bind.", "- One Messenger, Many Reactions. Epinephrine is an important cell signaling molecule in the fight or flight response. Also known as adrenaline, epinephrine is an efficient messenger that signals many cell types throughout the body with many effects. In the lungs, epinephrine binds to receptors on smooth muscle cells wrapped around the bronchioles.", "Advanced Education In General Dentistry Epinephrine, a vasoconstrictor in local anesthetics, acts at the a½, β1, and β2 receptors causing vasoconstriction, cardiac stimulation, and bronchodilation. Generally epinephrine 1/1,000 is used in an emergency situation in either IM or subcutaneously.", "Epitope If they are, epitope and receptor fit together like two pieces of a puzzle, an event that is necessary to activate B-cell production of antibodies. The antibodies produced by B cells are targeted specifically to the epitopes that bind to the cells’ antigen receptors.", "- However, studies with β 1 - and β 2 -receptor knockout mice have led to the conclusion that the β 4 effects are mediated by the β 1 -receptor. 28,29. β-Receptors occur also on nonmyocyte cells in the heart, and these cells can—eg, by paracrine effects—affect cardiomyocyte function and fate.–11 Furthermore, an increase in Gα i subunits antagonizes β-adrenergic signaling. 12–14 Clinically, the use of β-receptor antagonists in heart failure, pioneered in the 1970s, 15 is now standard treatment.", "Be Part of Ask A Biologist Even if you think your skin is one smooth surface, it is actually made of millions of epithelial cells that are tightly packed next to each other. That’s not the only place you find these cells. Epithelial cells also line the inside of your throat, intestines, blood vessels, and all your organs. They are a barrier between the inside and outside of your body and are often the first place that is attacked by viruses as they begin their invasion deeper into the body.", "- factor (TNF) , interferon , and interferon secreted from activated immune cells can in turn change the function of the HPA axis. The interaction with the immune system involves most of the brain, where high to moderate densities of receptors for interleukin 1 have been detected in different structures of the mouse CNS.", "- 2:42 In the skin, epinephrine binds to a receptor on an erector pilli smooth muscle cell. This causes a signaling cascade (similar to the glycogenolysis signaling cascade, above) that contracts the muscle, raising the hair on the surface of the skin.:42 In the skin, epinephrine binds to a receptor on an erector pilli smooth muscle cell. This causes a signaling cascade (similar to the glycogenolysis signaling cascade, above) that contracts the muscle, raising the hair on the surface of the skin.", "Lab Exam 3 What effect does epinephrine have on the heart? How can you make your determination? Increases heart rate and strength of contraction; deflections are closer together and taller than normal", "Epinephrine The most common use of epinephrine in medicine is to relieve breathing distress in patients with asthma, bronchitis, and emphysema. The synthetic catecholamine isoproterenol is also used in the treatment of these diseases. Epinephrine is a powerful bronchodilator, meaning it relaxes bronchial muscle. It also constricts pulmonary vessels (in the lung), and inhibits the release of histamines triggered by allergic reactions.", "The target tissue for oxytocin are the? I will quote John E. Morley, MB, BCh for this one: Oxytocin has 2 major targets: the myoepithelial cells of the breast, which surround the alveoli of the mammary gland, and the smooth muscle cells of the uterus. Suckling stimulates the production of oxytocin, which causes the myoepithelial cells to contract.", "Oxytocin Effects on reproductive tissues. In the uterus, oxytocin exerts its effects by binding to oxytocin receptors on smooth-muscle cells. In late pregnancy (at term) and in preterm labour, the number of oxytocin receptors increases, accompanied by a marked increase in the sensitivity of the uterus to oxytocin.", "Adrenalin Epinephrine is a chemical that narrows blood vessels and opens airways in the lungs. These effects can reverse severe low blood pressure, wheezing, severe skin itching, hives, and other symptoms of an allergic reaction. Epinephrine injection is used to treat severe allergic reactions (anaphylaxis) to insect stings or bites, foods, drugs, and other allergens. Epinephrine is also used to treat exercise-induced anaphylaxis.", "- Role of Epinephrine and Norepinephrine in Kidney Function. Epinephrine and norepinephrine are released by the adrenal medulla and nervous system respectively. They are the flight/fight hormones that are released when the body is under extreme stress. During stress, much of the body's energy is used to combat imminent danger.", "ReviewOxytocin has therapeutic effects on cancer, a hypothesis Oxytocin (OT) acts as an important hormone in a human reproductive system and its effects on uterus, ovary, trophoblasts, testis, and prostate glands are already described (Copland et al., 2002 and Thackare et al., 2006).1990) observed that OT has a mitogenic effect on MCF7 cells, and Cassoni et al., 1994 and Cassoni et al., 1997 revealed that it inhibits cell proliferation in MCF7, T47D, and MDA-MB231 cell lines, but Ito et al. (1996) found that it had no effect on the proliferation of breast cancer cells.", "Population of Idaho: Census 2010 and 2000 Interactive Map, Demographics, Statistics, Quick Facts Idaho Counties. Idaho Cities. Compare population statistics about the State of Idaho by race, age, gender, Latino/Hispanic origin etc. CensusViewer delivers detailed demographics and population statistics from the 2010 Census, 2000 Census, American Community Survey (ACS), registered voter files, commercial data sources and more.", "Adrenalin Before using epinephrine a second time, call your doctor if your first injection caused a serious side effect such as increased breathing difficulty, or dangerously high blood pressure (severe headache, blurred vision, buzzing in your ears, anxiety, confusion, chest pain, shortness of breath, uneven heartbeats, seizure).", "Electromagnetic Fields Affect Human Cells Electromagnetic Fields Affect Human Cells Date: October 16, 2000 Source: Michigan State University Summary: Electromagnetic fields, similar to those found in overhead power lines, can have a biological effect on human cells, an effect that could contribute to the complex cellular process that leads to cancer, research at Michigan State University shows.", "Epinephrine Epinephrine, also known as adrenalin, is a hormone that is responsible for the fight or flight reaction in mammals. Chemically, it mobilizes the body's defense system, inducing the release into the blood of large amounts of glucose from stores in the liver and muscles.ndeed, during the fight or flight reaction, the organism needs to release energy in the form of glucose and fatty acids rather than store energy as glycogen or fat. Figure 1. Chemical structure of epinephrine. Clinically, epinephrine plays a lifesaving role in countering the effects of anaphylactic shock.", "Can It Ever Be Too Much? The effects of epinephrine on the brain As with other hormones, there is a normal level of epinephrine that is naturally in the brain and there are regulatory proteins that maintain a healthy balance. If the brain is under constant stress, more adrenaline is secreted through the adrenal medulla in order to satisfy the body’s needs.", "- For example, when epinephrine binds to beta-adrenergic receptors in cell membranes, G-protein activation stimulates cAMP synthesis by adenylyl cyclase. The newly synthesized cAMP is then able to act as a second messenger, rapidly propagating the epinephrine signal to the appropriate molecules in the cell.", "B cell B cells, unlike the other 2 classes of lymphocytes, T cells and natural killer cells, express B cell receptors (BCRs) on their cell membrane. BCRs allow the B cell to bind a specific antigen, against which it will initiate an antibody response.", "- Epinephrine is produced continuously in small amounts by the adrenal glands, but when the body is threatened in times of excitement, danger, or emotional stress, the brain sends messages to the adrenal glands, which respond by increasing epinephrine production.", "- 1. Epinephrine binds to. α-adrenergic receptors on the cell membrane of liver cells. α-adrenergic receptors in the cytoplasm of liver cells. β-adrenergic receptors on the cell membrane of liver cells.β-adrenergic receptors in the cytoplasm of liver cells. β-adrenergic receptors in the nucleus of liver cells.he enzyme phosphorylase catalyzes the conversion of. glycogen into glucose-6-phosphate. glycogen into glucose. glucose into glycogen. glucose into glucose-6-phosphate. glucose-6-phosphate into glycogen. 4. Epinephrine causes the liver to uptake glucose from the bloodstream during the fight-or-flight response." ]
is marijuana legal in france
[ "- In France, marijuana is not legal. The French law does not tolerate possession, smoking, growing, selling and buying of marijuana. Any of these activities are offenses. Trafficking and selling cannabis are considered criminal offenses with longer sentences and heavier penalties." ]
[ "Medical Marijuana: Benefits, Risks & State Laws Medical marijuana is legal in 23 states, the District of Columbia and Guam, and recreational use of the drug is legal in Washington State and Colorado.he drug's popularity as a medicine spread throughout Asia, the Middle East and then to Africa and India, where Hindu sects used it for pain and stress relief. William O'Shaughnessy, an Irish doctor, popularized medical use of cannabis in England and America after noting its effects in India.", "The Illegalization of Marijuana: A Brief History For more on the global trade in drugs, read The Shifting Terrain of Latin American Drug Trafficking. On the first day of 2014, Colorado became the first state to permit marijuana dispensaries to sell pot for recreational use.", "Louisiana lawmakers spark debate over marijuana laws Badon hails from New Orleans, where a city ordinance passed in December 2010 makes marijuana possession a municipal offense. This doesn't jive with current state law, under which pot smokers can find themselves jailed for six months on a first offense. A second offender can be sentenced up to five years and face up to a $2,500 fine, and anyone convicted three or more times is open to a 20-year jail sentence and up to a $5,000 fine.", "- I am baffled that Marijuana is legal in many states of India : Bihar, orissa etc. BJD MP Tathagata Satpathy Tells How to Score Weed Legally. I always thought it was a hoax. Someone can please cite the legislation making it legal in the above mentioned states or the states mentioned in WIkipedia page.", "Top 10 Marijuana Myths and Facts While Portugal decriminalized all drugs, that is not the same thing as legalization. Acquisition, possession and use of pot are administrative offenses in Portugal, punishable by civil sanctions such as fines or community service. Sources: Cato Institute, Time. 1 Share. 2 Tweet.", "Marijuana Possession and Synthetic Marijuana Possession First offense possession of marijuana/synthetic marijuana is a misdemeanor and is punishable by up to six months in jail. Second offence marijuana/synthetic marijuana is a felony that is punishable by up to 5 years in jail, and third offense is also a felony punishable by up to 20 years. The laws in Louisiana are very strict for marijuana and synthetic marijuana. It is very important to be represented by an attorney when charged with any type of marijuana offense to make sure your rights are protected. Ben LaBranche as represented many people charged with marijuana possession.", "High rollers: Las Vegas is poised to become the Disneyland of weed Although only medical marijuana is legal in Nevada now, a petition has been filed to legalize weed for recreational use, and it’s expected to pass by 2016. As it is, Vegas is known as a place where out-of-towners can come and get crazy for a weekend, because whatever happens in Vegas stays in Vegas..", "Legality of cannabis by country The legality of cannabis for general or recreational use varies from country to country. Possession of cannabis is illegal in most countries as a result of the agreement about Indian hemp, also known as hashish, in the International Opium Convention (1925). However, many countries have decriminalized the possession of small quantities of cannabis; see the list below. In the United States, medical cannabis is allowed by some state, territorial, Indian reservation, and District of Columbia law, but medical and recreation use is illegal by federal law.", "- State-level proposals for the rescheduling of cannabis have met with mixed success. As of November 9, 2016, the use of both recreational and medicinal marijuana has been legalized in the states of Alaska, California, Colorado, Maine, Massachusetts, Nevada, Oregon, and Washington.", "Map: The United States of Legal Weed Atypeek/iStockPhoto. With marijuana now legal in four states and the District of Columbia, the movement to end the prohibition of pot continues to gain steam. Another five states are expected to introduce ballot measures to legalize recreational pot in 2016, including California, Massachusetts, and Nevada. And by the end of the following year, pot activists expect five more states will vote on legalization bills in their state legislatures.", "- Recreational use of cannabis is illegal in most parts of the world, but the medical use of cannabis is legal in certain countries, including Austria, Canada, Czech Republic, Finland, Germany, Israel, Italy, the Netherlands (where it is also legal recreationally), Portugal and Spain.", "Now That Potâs Legal, Should Oregon End Medical Marijuana? Cohen says the medical card allows him to own more plants in addition to the 4 permitted under Measure 91. Plus, Cohen says he’s a pot connoisseur. Oregon’s medical marijuana growers have years of experience, and Cohen thinks the pot available in recreational stores will be lower quality. He claims that has happened in Colorado, where recreational marijuana is legal. “The folks who are holding the cards have access to a higher level quality of flower,” he says.", "These States Are Most Likely To Legalize Pot Next Marijuana has been decriminalized and approved for medical use in Maine. According to a PPP poll released this week, 48 percent of registered voters in Maine believe pot should be legal for recreational use.", "Marijuana in Denmark No, Marijuana in the country of Denmark is illegal. While many Danes are willing to tolerate its use, any weed-related activities, such as the growing, smoking, possession or selling of cannabis, is punishable by law.", "6 things to know if weed is now legal where you live DENVER — Oregon, Alaska and Washington, D.C., voted to legalize recreational marijuana Tuesday. The drug is already legal for people 21 and older in Colorado and Washington, thanks to ballot measures voted on in 2012. It was a whole new frontier for those states, so here are some hints from the legal weed states on what the new places can expect:", "4 states just voted to make marijuana completely legal â here's what we know In Nevada on November 8, voters chose yes on Question 2 — a bill to legalize the recreational use, possession, cultivation, and sale of marijuana. Legalization is limited to people over 21. Despite the Sin City association with Las Vegas, much of the state of Nevada is rural and conservative.", "- An initial workaround to the software issue was put in place yesterday. With the Bank of England set to open a second consultation on the reforms within weeks, senior banking executives are stepping up efforts to find a workaround. Others suggest that Apple's workaround amounts to restoring devices.", "- the possession use and sale of cannabis is illegal in most countries of the world medical cannabis refers to the physician recommended use of cannabis which is taking place in canada belgium australia the netherlands spain and 23 u s states", "Where is weed legal? Map of U.S. marijuana laws by state The legalization of marijuana in America has been moving at a breakneck speed in recent years. In 2016, marijuana legalization in America reached a tipping point: Medical marijuana became legal in half of the 50 states. Election 2016 brought additional states into the fold: Now nine states and Washington, D.C., allow adult-use recreational marijuana; 29 states have approved medical marijuana programs. Related news on legal marijuana in the U.S.", "Recreational marijuana is now legal in California Recreational marijuana is now legal in California. Voters in California passed a ballot initiative on Election Day to legalize marijuana for recreational use, ending the prohibition on pot in the Golden State. Proposition 64 allows adults over the age of 21 to use, possess, and transport up to an ounce of marijuana for non-medical purposes, and grow as many as six plants at home.", "- Updated June 24, 2016. There are four states in which marijuana is legal for recreational use in the United States. They are Alaska, Colorado, Oregon and Washington. Washington, D.C., also allows the recreational use of marijuana. All four states had previously allowed the use of marijuana for medicinal purposes. Related Story: Pros and Cons of Marijuana Legalization", "- Cannabis, also known as marijuana and by numerous other names, is a preparation of the Cannabis plant intended for use as a psychoactive drug or medicine.o far, the medical use of cannabis is legal only in a limited number of territories, including Canada, Belgium, Australia, the Netherlands, Spain, and several U.S. states. This usage generally requires a prescription, and distribution is usually done within a framework defined by local laws.", "- LAS VEGAS — Starting early next year, tourists with a medical marijuana card from their home state can buy pot while visiting Las Vegas and other Nevada cities.", "- Cannabis (marijuana/hashish): Cannabis is the most widely used illegal drug in Canada. Just over 23% of Canadians report having used cannabis at some point in their life. Current use is around 7.5% as compared to 6.5% in 1989. Twice as many males (10%) as females (5%) report use in the past 12 months.n a 1992 Toronto study, 34% reported having been arrested for their drug use in the past year, 27% had been involved with break and enter offences, 43% had sold drugs, 23% had been involved with robbery, and 22% had experienced medical problems.", "- Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau, who has already called for the decriminalization of marijuana, this week said he would like to see it legalized altogether. Speaking in Kelowna, B.C., he told a crowd, “I’m actually not in favour of decriminalizing cannabis. I’m in favour of legalizing it." ]
what is crest disease
[ "CREST syndrome CREST syndrome: Introduction. CREST syndrome is a type of systemic scleroderma and an ongoing, progressive, autoimmune disease that attacks the connective tissues of the body. CREST syndrome can also affect any part of the body.CREST is an acronym for a group of conditions that are hallmarks of CREST syndrome and affect the skin, muscles, digestive tract and other organs and blood vessels. The exact cause of CREST syndrome is not known, but it is classified as an autoimmune disease.REST is an acronym for a group of conditions that are hallmarks of CREST syndrome and affect the skin, muscles, digestive tract and other organs and blood vessels. The exact cause of CREST syndrome is not known, but it is classified as an autoimmune disease." ]
[ "Rabbit haemorrhagic disease From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Rabbit Calicivirus. Rabbit haemorrhagic disease (RHD), also known as rabbit calicivirus disease (RCD) or viral haemorrhagic disease (VHD), is a highly infectious and often fatal disease that affects wild and domestic rabbits of the species Oryctolagus cuniculus.he infectious agent responsible for the disease is rabbit haemorrhagic disease virus (RHDV), or rabbit calicivirus (RCV), genus Lagovirus of the family Caliciviridae.", "Addison's disease Addison's disease. Addison’s disease, also known as primary adrenal insufficiency and hypocortisolism, is a long-term endocrine disorder in which the adrenal glands do not produce enough steroid hormones. Symptoms generally come on slowly and may include abdominal pain, weakness, and weight loss. Darkening of the skin in certain areas may also occur.", "- Kawasaki disease is a rare childhood illness that affects the blood vessels. The symptoms can be severe for several days and can look scary to parents.But then most children return to normal activities. Kawasaki disease can harm the coronary arteries, which carry blood to the heart muscle.awasaki disease is a rare childhood illness that affects the blood vessels. The symptoms can be severe for several days and can look scary to parents.", "Rheumatic Heart Disease Rheumatic fever is an inflammatory disease that sometimes happens after an infection caused by a bacteria called group A Streptococcus, like strep throat or scarlet fever.Rheumatic fever happens when the infection is not completely treated with medicine (antibiotics). It may affect the heart, joints, skin and brain.heumatic fever is an inflammatory disease that sometimes happens after an infection caused by a bacteria called group A Streptococcus, like strep throat or scarlet fever.", "Systemic Sclerosis (Scleroderma): CREST Syndrome It takes only two of the five CREST symptoms for a diagnosis of CREST (either pure or plus) to be made. For example, a patient with Calcinosis and Raynaud's would have CREST (which for precision may also be written as CRest, but it is CREST nonetheless.) CREST Syndrome. Patients with CREST syndrome are a subset of patients with scleroderma.... Medscape.", "What is Darier disease? Darier disease. Darier disease is a rare genetic disorder that is manifested predominantly by skin changes. Like benign familial pemphigus (Hailey-Hailey disease) , Darier disease is classified as a hereditary acantholytic dermatosis. Onset of skin changes is usually in adolescence and the disease is usually chronic.", "- Parkinson's disease (PD, also known as idiopathic or primary parkinsonism, hypokinetic rigid syndrome (HRS), or paralysis agitans) is a degenerative disorder of the central nervous system mainly affecting the motor system.arkinson's disease (PD, also known as idiopathic or primary parkinsonism, hypokinetic rigid syndrome (HRS), or paralysis agitans) is a degenerative disorder of the central nervous system mainly affecting the motor system.", "Darier disease Darier disease is a skin condition characterized by wart-like blemishes on the body. The blemishes are usually yellowish in color, hard to the touch, mildly greasy, and can emit a strong odor.arier disease is a skin condition characterized by wart-like blemishes on the body. The blemishes are usually yellowish in color, hard to the touch, mildly greasy, and can emit a strong odor.", "- Degenerative Joint Disease. Degenerative joint disease otherwise known as osteoarthritis is one of the most common disorders of the joint. Degenerative joint disease is a progressive degeneration of the joints. This leads to stiffness, inflammation, swelling, and pain in the joints.The joint is the area in the body wherein two bones meet.Between the junctions of two bones are the cartilages.egenerative joint disease otherwise known as osteoarthritis is one of the most common disorders of the joint. Degenerative joint disease is a progressive degeneration of the joints.", "Alone we are rare. Together we are strong.⥠Donate Today Tay-Sachs disease is a rare disorder passed from parents to child. In the most common form, a baby about 6 months old will begin to show symptoms. Tay-Sachs disease results when an enzyme that helps break down fatty substances is absent. These fatty substances build up to toxic levels in the child's brain and affect the nerve cells. As the disease progresses, the child's body loses function, leading to blindness, deafness, paralysis and death. There is no cure for Tay-Sachs disease. Gene therapy or enzyme replacement therapy research may eventually lead to a cure or treatment to slow the progression of Tay-Sachs disease.", "Zika fever Zika fever (also known as Zika virus disease and simply Zika) is an infectious disease caused by the Zika virus. Most cases have no symptoms, but when present they are usually mild and can resemble dengue fever. Symptoms may include fever, red eyes, joint pain, headache, and a maculopapular rash. Symptoms generally last less than seven days.", "Gaucher's disease Gaucher's disease. Gaucher's disease or Gaucher disease (/ɡoʊˈʃeɪ/) (GD) is a genetic disorder in which glucocerebroside (a sphingolipid, also known as glucosylceramide) accumulates in cells and certain organs.", "Rheumatic heart disease and rheumatic fever Rheumatic heart disease is a condition in which permanent damage to heart valves is caused by rheumatic fever. The heart valve is damaged by a disease process that generally begins with a strep throat caused by bacteria called Streptococcus, and may eventually cause rheumatic fever.", "lipidosis lipidosis /lip·i·do·sis/ (lip″ĭ-do´sis) pl. lipido´ses any disorder of lipid metabolism involving abnormal accumulation of lipids in the reticuloendothelial cells. lipidosis [lip′idō′sis] Etymology: Gk, lipos + osis, condition. a general term that includes several rare familial disorders of fat metabolism. The chief characteristic of these disorders is the accumulation of abnormal levels of certain lipids in the body. Kinds of lipidoses are Gaucher's disease, Krabbe's disease, Niemann-Pick disease, and Tay-Sachs disease.", "What is the Iliac Crest? Moreover, the quality of the bone marrow that can be extracted from this bone is generally considered to be of a very similar quality to spinal bone marrow. Iliac crest syndrome, sometimes called the iliac crest pain syndrome, is a disorder characterized by recurrent lower back pain.", "- Scleroderma facts. 1 Scleroderma is a disease of the connective tissue featuring skin thickening that can involve scarring, blood vessel problems, varying degrees of inflammation, and is associated with an overactive immune system. 2 CREST syndrome is a limited form of systemic sclerosis.cleroderma is an autoimmune disease of the connective tissue characterized by skin thickening, spontaneous scarring, blood vessel disease, and varying degrees of inflammation, associated with an overactive immune system.", "Rheumatic Heart Disease Rheumatic fever is an inflammatory disease that sometimes happens after an infection caused by a bacteria called group A Streptococcus, like strep throat or scarlet fever. Rheumatic fever happens when the infection is not completely treated with medicine (antibiotics).It may affect the heart, joints, skin and brain.heumatic fever is an inflammatory disease that sometimes happens after an infection caused by a bacteria called group A Streptococcus, like strep throat or scarlet fever. Rheumatic fever happens when the infection is not completely treated with medicine (antibiotics).", "crest syndrome crest syndrome in Medicine Expand. CREST syndrome (krěst) n. A form of scleroderma that is a combination of calcinosis, Raynaud's phenomenon, esophageal motility disorders, sclerodactyly, and telangiectasia.", "CREST syndrome CREST syndrome is a disease of skin and blood vessels and, in severe cases, the lungs, digestive tract, or heart.To be diagnosed with CREST, an individual must display at least two of the five symptoms.It is often associated with scleroderma.REST syndrome is a disease of skin and blood vessels and, in severe cases, the lungs, digestive tract, or heart.", "- I went to the great falls to see and hike. This is a beautiful park with lots of hiking opportunities. The is lots of parking available and the park is well maintained and clean. The views are impressive and the hikes are well indicated.", "Rosuvastatin Rosuvastatin (INN), marketed under the tradename Crestor, is a member of the drug class of statins, used in combination with exercise, diet, and weight-loss to treat high cholesterol and related conditions, and to prevent cardiovascular disease. It was developed by Shionogi.", "Rheumatic heart disease and rheumatic fever Rheumatic heart disease is a condition in which permanent damage to heart valves is caused by rheumatic fever. The heart valve is damaged by a process that generally begins with an infection caused by streptococcus bacteria. In some cases, strep throat or scarlet fever can eventually progress to rheumatic fever.he effects of rheumatic fever: Rheumatic fever, an inflammatory disease, can affect many connective tissues, especially in the heart, joints, skin, or brain.", "Scleroderma 1 Scleroderma is a disease of the connective tissue featuring skin thickening that can involve scarring, blood vessel problems, varying degrees of inflammation, and is associated with an overactive immune system. 2 CREST syndrome is a limited form of systemic sclerosis.utoimmune diseases are illnesses that occur when the body's tissues are attacked by its own immune system. Scleroderma is characterized by the formation of scar tissue (fibrosis) in the skin and, potentially, in the organs of the body.", "Iliac crest syndrome Iliac crest syndrome. Iliac crest syndrome: Description, Causes and Risk Factors: The iliac crest is the curved ridge at the top of the pelvic bone. It forms the prominent bone of the hip. The iliac bone crest is the uppermost edge of the ilium, one of three fused bones, the ilium, the ischium, and the pubis, that together make up the pelvis.", "- It is often referred to as CREST syndrome, with each letter representing one of five common features (see Symptoms) of the illness: 1 Calcinosis. 2 Raynaud phenomenon (also called Raynaud’s phenomenon or Raynaud’s disease) 3 Esophageal dysfunction. 4 Sclerodactyly. Telangiectasia." ]
what causes pleural plaques in both lungs
[ "- Asbestos can also cause pleural plaque deposits to form in the lungs. If a doctor sees these deposits they typically begin to invest for more severe diseases. Learn more about pleural plaque and symptoms associated with it here today. Asbestos can also cause pleural plaque deposits to form in the lungs. If a doctor sees these deposits they typically begin to invest for more severe diseases." ]
[ "- Pleural Thickening Causes: Symptoms, Treatment Of Pleural Thickening. Pleural thickening happens when the tissue layers that cover the lungs (known as pleura) become thickened. As a result, the lungs do not expand freely and breathing will then be labored.Causes of pleural thickening include: 1 Inflammation in the lungs. 2 Infections from bacterial pneumonia.3 Tuberculosis infection. 4 Benign or malignant tumor. 5 Rheumatoid disease of the lungs. 6 Radiation and chemotherapy.s a result, the lungs do not expand freely and breathing will then be labored. Causes of pleural thickening include: 1 Inflammation in the lungs. 2 Infections from bacterial pneumonia. 3 Tuberculosis infection. 4 Benign or malignant tumor.", "Pleural Plaques and Asbestos Additionally, pleural plaques can grow on the diaphragm, the primary muscle used for respiration. The plaques can calcify over time, but they do not usually cause long-term health problems. Causes of Pleural Plaques", "What Is a Pleural Effusion? But it can also come from liver or kidney disease when fluid builds up in your body and leaks into the pleural space. Cancer: Usually lung cancer is the problem, but other cancers that have spread to the lung or pleura can cause it, too. Infections: Examples are pneumonia or tuberculosis. Autoimmune conditions: Examples are lupus or rheumatoid arthritis. Pulmonary embolism: This is a blockage in an artery in one of your lungs.", "Treating pleurisy Pleural effusion. In some cases, pleurisy causes a build-up of excess fluid around the lungs called pleural effusion. Pleural effusion can result in shortness of breath that gets progressively worse. This is more likely in cases of pleurisy caused by pulmonary embolism or a bacterial infection.", "Pleurisy Symptoms and Causes of Pleuritis (Lung Lining) 1 Pleural effusion which is the fluid around the lungs. 2 Shortness of breath as a result of shallow inhalation due to pain, restricted expansion of the lung due to a pleural effusion, or pathology of the air sacs in the lung which is associated with pleural involvement.", "Function and Disorders of the Pleura Pleural Effusion. The most common cause of a pleural effusion (a buildup of fluid in the pleural space) is heart failure. Lung cancer, LAM, pneumonia, tuberculosis, and other lung infections also can lead to a pleural effusion.", "- Pleural thickening is the term used to describe the appearance of diffuse (widespread) scarring along the lining (pleura) of the lungs.When this pleural scarring (pleural fibrosis) is limited to one location (focal scarring) it is called pleural plaque.leural thickening can occur as a result of any inflammation occurring in the lungs. In addition to asbestos exposure, this may stem from any of the following: 1 Bacterial pneumonia. 2 Pleural effusion (excessive fluid in the pleural space). 3 Infection.", "Brussels Sprouts These tiny cousins of cabbage are loaded with heart-healthful soluble fiber. This cabbage family member is high in potassium, carotenoids, vitamin B6, and folate, all of which contribute to heart health. Brussels sprouts also top the charts for soluble fiber, packing 2 grams per 1/2-cup serving. According to a 19-year survey that examined the effects of fiber intake on heart attacks in about 10,000 adults, those who ate the most soluble fiber had a 12 percent reduction in coronary heart disease events.", "Pleurisy The pleura are the thin membranes that line the chest wall and envelop the lungs. Pleurisy is inflammation of the pleura, which causes the membranes to rub and grate against each other. Common causes of pleurisy include bacterial and viral infections, such as pneumonia.", "- Pleural mesothelioma, which affects the tissue that surrounds the lungs, causes signs and symptoms that may include: 1 Chest pain under the rib cage. 2 Painful coughing. 3 Shortness of breath. Unusual lumps of tissue under the skin on your 1 chest. Unexplained weight loss.", "What is pleurisy? Pleurisy is a lung condition where the lining of your lungs and chest cavity are inflamed. The lung and chest cavity lining is called the pleura. Pleurisy causes sharp chest pains when you cough or breathe.It can be caused by a variety of conditions, including infection, cancer, or chest trauma.hen there is inflammation in the chest or lungs, the pleura may rub directly against each other. This typically causes a sharp pain on the inflamed side of the chest that occurs when a person breathes in.", "What is Pleural Effusion Q: What is bilateral pleural effusions? A: The term bilateral pleural effusion is a medical condition caused by pulmonary embolism, leaking blood vessels, heart disease, and cirrhosis condition. This condition is normally detected via X-ray. One of the main symptoms of bilateral pleural effusion is chest pain.", "- And on a microscopic level, pleural plaques appear as collagen bundles resembling a basket weave. Pleural Plaque, Asbestosis and Mesothelioma. Like pleural thickening, pleural plaque is benign (non-cancerous), cannot become malignant and is not necessarily a sign of an asbestos lung disease. However, many people who develop pleural plaques also develop pleural effusion, asbestosis, malignant mesothelioma and other conditions associated with asbestos inhalation.", "- The organs most affected by sarcoidosis are the lungs. Enlarged lymph nodes at the place where the lungs meet the heart or to the right of the windpipe (trachea) may be seen on a chest x-ray. Sarcoidosis causes inflammation in the lungs that may eventually lead to scarring and the formation of cysts. Fortunately, such progressive scarring occurs infrequently. Occasionally, the fungus Aspergillus can settle in (colonize) the lung cysts, grow, and cause bleeding.", "Multiple Biomarkers in Undiagnosed Pleural Effusion Pleural fluids have traditionally been divided into two types: transudative and exudative. The most common causes of transudative pleural effusion are congestive heart failure and cirrhosis. Common causes of exudative pleural effusion include malignancy, pneumonia, pulmonary embolism and viral infection. One study found that 42% of all exudative effusions were due to malignancy, and another found that malignancy was the underlying cause of 24% of all effusions.", "Pleurisy Pleurisy can develop from many things, including bacterial or viral infections of the lungs (such as pneumonia), TB, lupus, chest injury or trauma or a blood clot in the lung, often a cause cannot be found. The natural remedies suggested are nutritionally balanced solutions that tend to raise overall health.", "- wrist fingers arm but mainly the wrist. In your hands a wrist. I HAVE HEARD THAT CARPAL TUNNEL IS IN UR WRISTS. Just about everywhere from your elbows down to the tips of your fingers. Carpal Tunnel hurts in your wrists, the part when your hand is palm up. They have pads for use with your typewriter or mother board that really help. If you think you have Carpal Tunnel syndrome, then see your doctor. Keep typing.", "- Diagnosis of Pleural Plaques. In contrast to the diseases that commonly go hand in hand with pleural plaques, pleural plaques themselves are not associated with any symptoms. As a result, pleural plaque is often first detected on a radiograph or CT scan.", "- Causes of pleurisy. Pleurisy is inflammation of the pleura. It's usually caused by another condition, such as an infection, but sometimes no cause can be identified.The pleura are two thin sheets of tissue that separate the lungs and ribcage.One is attached to the ribcage and the other is attached to the lungs.auses of pleurisy. Pleurisy is inflammation of the pleura. It's usually caused by another condition, such as an infection, but sometimes no cause can be identified.", "Difference Between Pleural Effusion and Pulmonary Edema Pleural Effusion vs Pulmonary Edema. Pleural effusion and pulmonary edema are two common lung conditions. These two share some aspects of the pathophysiology and cardiac failure, fluid overload, liver failure, and renal failure can cause both these conditions.", "Pleurisy: Symptoms, diagnosis and treatment Viral infection is probably the most common cause of pleurisy. Other causes include the following: Lung infections, such as pneumonia and tuberculosis; Diseases such as systemic lupus erythematosus (lupus), rheumatoid arthritis, cancer, liver diseases and pulmonary embolism; Chest injuries; Drug reactions; Pleurisy and pleural effusion are generally only as serious as the underlying disease causing it. If you have any of these conditions, you may already be undergoing treatment for the underlying disease; if not, seek medical attention immediately. A pleural effusion can occur without pleurisy. Kidney disease, heart failure and liver disease can cause pleural effusion without inflammation or pain. What are the symptoms of pleurisy? Symptoms of pleurisy include the following:", "Pleural Effusion (Fluid In the Chest or On the Lung) Pleural Effusion. The most common cause of a pleural effusion (a buildup of fluid in the pleural space) is heart failure. Lung cancer, LAM, pneumonia, tuberculosis, and other lung infections also can lead to a pleural effusion.Sometimes kidney or liver disease can cause fluid to build up in the pleural space.leural Effusion. The most common cause of a pleural effusion (a buildup of fluid in the pleural space) is heart failure. Lung cancer, LAM, pneumonia, tuberculosis, and other lung infections also can lead to a pleural effusion.", "Picture of the Lungs Carbon dioxide, a waste product of metabolism, travels from the blood to the alveoli, where it can be exhaled. Between the alveoli is a thin layer of cells called the interstitium, which contains blood vessels and cells that help support the alveoli. The lungs are covered by a thin tissue layer called the pleura. Emphysema: A form of COPD usually caused by smoking. 2 The fragile walls between the lungs' air sacs (alveoli) are damaged, trapping air in the lungs and making breathing difficult. 3 Chronic bronchitis: Repeated, frequent episodes of productive cough, usually caused by smoking.", "- The most common cause of a pleural effusion (a buildup of fluid in the pleural space) is heart failure. Lung cancer, LAM, pneumonia, tuberculosis, and other lung infections also can lead to a pleural effusion. Sometimes kidney or liver disease can cause fluid to build up in the pleural space.", "- Pleural Effusion. The most common cause of a pleural effusion (a buildup of fluid in the pleural space) is heart failure. Lung cancer, LAM, pneumonia, tuberculosis, and other lung infections also can lead to a pleural effusion.Sometimes kidney or liver disease can cause fluid to build up in the pleural space.any conditions can cause pleurisy. Viral infections are likely the most common cause. Other causes of pleurisy include: 1 Bacterial infections, such as pneumonia (nu-MO-ne-ah) and tuberculosis, and infections from fungi or parasites." ]
is a reserve account considered as profit
[ "Accounting Procedures for a Reserve Account In accounting, this process is referred to as appropriation. The name or label of a reserve account indicates its purpose. A reserve account is simply a part of a company’s net worth, thus the amounts appear on the liability side of the statement of financial position." ]
[ "What is a 'Claims Reserve' A claims reserve is the money that is earmarked for the eventual claim payment. The claims reserve funds are set aside for the future payment of incurred claims that have not been settled and, thus, represent a balance sheet liability.", "Divided By A Common Language Two accounts that are somewhat similar are money market accounts and savings accounts. Both are considered savings deposit accounts, but there are some differences between the ways the two operate. A money market account is, like a savings account, considered a non-transactional deposit account.he difference in how the Federal Reserve classifies accounts is the primary way money market accounts differ from checking accounts. A checking account is considered a transactional account in that money is stored in it for short periods of time before being spent.", "Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System The reserve ratio on net transactions accounts depends on the amount of net transactions accounts at the depository institution. The Garn-St Germain Act of 1982 exempted the first $2 million of reservable liabilities from reserve requirements.", "What are âForeign Exchange Reservesâ? Foreign Exchange Reserves are foreign money held by International banks for use in international trade and in an effort to diversify their holdings and hedge against the inflation of their own currency. loss of reserve currency status is an economic disaster for the U.S. because if dollars are no longer needed to buy oil demand will fall and the value of the dollar will fall with it, that will further cripple the U.S. economy during a time of uncertain recovery.", "reserve a portion of capital not invested (a capital reserve) or a portion of profits not distributed (a revenue or general reserve) by a bank or business enterprise and held to meet legal requirements, future liabilities, or contingencies", "Reserves: Definition and Explanation: Profit earned by a business is payable to its proprietor. But the proprietor does not normally draw the whole amount of profit. He leaves a portion of profit in the business in order to increase working capital and to strengthen financial position of the business. This portion is known as reserve.", "Bad debt Also known as a bad debt reserve, this is a contra account listed within the current asset section of the balance sheet. The doubtful debt reserve holds a sum of money to allow a reduction in the accounts receivable ledger due to non-collection of debts. This can also be referred to as an allowance for bad debts.", "Depreciation fund. is it a amount set aside from profit? So if this Fund is part of profit , profit is to be debited to double the amount of depreciation, once... show more while depreciate assets, profit a/c is debited, and simultaneously asset is credited , so double entry effect is raised. But in case of creating Depreciation Fund , profit is debited, such Fund is credited.", "Valuation allowance If the loan is charged off as worthless, the institution writes down the loan portfolio and the reserve account by equal amounts. See specific valuation allowance and general valuation allowance.", "- The unemployment rate in Jacksonville, Florida, is 5.00%, with job growth of 2.11%. Future job growth over the next ten years is predicted to be 39.21%. Jacksonville, Florida Taxes. Jacksonville, Florida,sales tax rate is 7.00%.", "Reserve (accounting) legal reserve fund - it is required in many legislations and it must be paid as a percentage of share capital share premium - amount paid by shareholders for shares in excess of their nominal value Reserves created# from profit, especially retained earnings, i.e. accumulated accounting profits, or in the case of nonprofits, operating surpluses.", "How Does a Bad Debt Reserve Hit a Profit & Loss Statement? For example, if a company has $100,000 in net credit sales during an accounting period and its bad debts are on average 2 percent of credit sales, the bad debt reserve is $2,000. Therefore, the profit and loss impact is a $2,000 reduction in net income for the accounting period.or example, if a company has $100,000 in net credit sales during an accounting period and its bad debts are on average 2 percent of credit sales, the bad debt reserve is $2,000. Therefore, the profit and loss impact is a $2,000 reduction in net income for the accounting period.", "What is 'Normal Profit' What is 'Normal Profit'. Normal profit is an economic condition occurring when the difference between a firm’s total revenue and total cost is equal to zero. Simply put, normal profit is the minimum level of profit needed for a company to remain competitive in the market. BREAKING DOWN 'Normal Profit'.", "- 1. In governmental accounting the resources of the government are accounted for in funds. Funds are defined as an independent accounting entity with a self-balancing set of accounts. In other words, within each fund, the basic accounting equation (Assets = Liabilities + Equity) still applies. Funds are categorized into fund types each of which is associated with major services provided by the governmental unit. 2. The equity accounts in governmental accounting are referred to as fund balance. The fund balance accounts are more of a balancing item as contrasted to rights of owners in a business enterprise. The fund balance accounts can be divided into unreserved fund balance accounts and reserved fund balance accounts.", "Economic Profit Explicit costs are monetary costs a firm has. Implicit costs are the opportunity costs of a firm's resources. Accounting profit is the monetary costs a firm pays out and the revenue a firm receives. It is the bookkeeping profit, and it is higher than economic profit. Accounting profit = total monetary revenue- total costs.", "How to Negotiate a Salary Increase after a Promotion The employer will be prepared to negotiate, but you need to do your homework before entering into negotiations or making any solid proposals. There are some useful benchmarks you can use to help you decide your offer: 1 Market rate: The average salary for a similar position. 2 Prior salary of the position: Some positions, like sales, are contract based. 3 Salary increase proposals: Based on the assessment of the requirements, salary increases can be negotiated.", "Difference Between Accounting Profit and Economic Profit: Summing Up: (a) Accounting profit is the firm's total revenue less its explicit costs (b) Economic profit to the economist is the total revenue of a firm less explicit and implicit cost. Implicit cost includes normal profit to attract and retain an entrepreneur engaged in the present line of production.", "What is Profit? We will look at the profit and loss account (formally called the trading and profit and loss account) and see how businesses calculate profit. This account looks at a business over a period of time, usually a year. Profit is basically defined as revenue minus costs. It is the difference between how much the business gets from selling its product and the amount it spent.", "Subject: Trading - Day Trading, Margin and Free Ride Rules Being able to settle the trade means that you either have sufficient cash in your account to pay for the shares, or sufficient reserve in your margin account to cover the shares. Here's how the regulation affects trades in cash account. In a cash account you can spend a dollar only once until the trade settles.", "Gross Profit Margin Ratio Notes: 1 Gain on disposal of investments and interest income are not considered as revenue because they are not earned from the principal business activity of ABC PLC, i.e. selling stationery goods.", "Sales Revenue Vs. Profit Profit Basics. Profit is the long-term objective of any for-profit business. Profit is the net income of the business. In general, profit equals revenue less expenses. However, companies typically calculate multiple measures of profit on an income statement. Gross profit shows the total revenue minus the variable costs, or cost of goods sold. Operating income and non-operating activities are added or subtracted to gross profit to determine total profit for a given period.", "Checking vs. Savings Accounts: Whatâs the Difference? Although you can use your checking account as a reserve account for your cash, much like a savings account, it may not be the best option for that purpose. Most checking accounts do not earn interest, and even those that do typically earn less than a savings account at the same financial institution. Perhaps more importantly, many people find it hard to save money in an account that they also use for their regular spending.", "Does Inventory Affect Profit & Loss? You need to reduce your inventory for the value of the items sold, with the offsetting entry to a cost-of-goods sold account. Your cost-of-goods sold account is an income statement account. You have now affected your profit and loss.HARE SHARE TWEET EMAIL. Inventory is an asset and as such, it belongs on your statement of assets and liabilities. Because assets do not appear on the profit and loss statement, the mechanics involved in inventory account can be confusing.", "Profit Margin The profit margin is an accounting measure designed to gauge the financial health of a business or industry. In general, it is defined as the ratio of profits earned to total sales receipts (or costs) over some defined period. The profit margin is a measure of the amount of profit accruing to a firm from the sale of a product or service. It also provides an indication of efficiency in that it captures the amount of surplus generated per unit of the product or service sold.", "What is 'Normal Profit' DEFINITION of 'Normal Profit'. Normal profit is an economic condition occurring when the difference between a firm’s total revenue and total cost is equal to zero. Simply put, normal profit is the minimum level of profit needed for a company to remain competitive in the market.Next Up.he method of determining whether a firm is in a state of normal profit can be represented in the following way: Total Revenue - (Explicit Expense + Implicit Expenses) = 0. If the difference between total revenue and total expenses is not equal to zero, the business in question is not in a state of normal profit." ]
estimated cost of a home sprinkler system
[ "Fire Sprinklers Cost According to the Fire Protection Research Organization's 2009 Fire Sprinkler Cost Assessment, sprinkler installation costs homebuilders $0.38-$3.66 per sprinklered square foot, with an average cost of $1.61 per sprinklered square foot. For an average 2,200-square-foot home, expect to pay about $3,542." ]
[ "Fire Sprinklers Cost 1 For an average 2,200-square-foot home, expect to pay about $3,542. For a 3,500-square-foot home, expect to pay about $5,635. Fire sprinklers cost 1%-2% of the cost of a new home. In already existing properties, sprinkler systems typically cost $2,000-$16,000. The low end of the range is for homes averaging 2,000 square feet in communities with fire sprinkler ordinances in place more than five years.", "- For a basic 500 square feet project in zip code 47474, the benchmark cost to Install a Sprinkler System ranges between $1.02 - $1.86 per square foot* . 1. Set Project Zip Code Enter the Zip Code for the location where labor is hired and materials purchased.", "- Typical costs: 1 The average cost of a fire in a house without fire sprinklers is $45,109; for a house with fire sprinklers the average is $2,166, according to the U.S. Fire Administration. The average cost of a fire in a house without fire sprinklers is $45,109; for a house with fire sprinklers the average is $2,166, according to the U.S. Fire Administration. 2 The total cost of a fire will depend on the type, size and extent of the blaze, and the value of the items destroyed.", "- US Air Forces video: Flying Tigers Bite Back. The 1st American Volunteer Group (AVG) of the Chinese Air Force in 1941–1942, nicknamed the Flying Tigers, was composed of pilots from the United States Army Air Corps (USAAC), Navy (USN), and Marine Corps (USMC), recruited under presidential authority and commanded by Claire Lee Chennault.", "How Much Does a Fire Sprinkler System Cost? Sprinkler System Average Costs. Small businesses or homeowners might spend a few thousand dollars to install a fire sprinkler system while large corporations could spend hundreds of thousands. The price depends on a variety of factors.1 A complete sprinkler system for new construction generally costs $1 to $2 per square foot including all equipment and installation. 2 Retrofitting an existing building is more expensive-usually about $2 to $7 per square foot.here’s no doubt about it. The National Fire Protection Association reports that no more not many are injured due to fire or smoke in a fully sprinklered building when the system is operating properly. Fire alarm sprinkler systems also prevent property damage.", "Fire Sprinklers Cost 1 Nonmetallic installations average $1.18 per sprinklered square foot; a mix of both types costs on average $1.56 per sprinklered square foot; solely using metallic piping typically costs $3.19 per sprinklered square foot. 2 Location can play a role in the cost of fire sprinkler installation.", "- Sprinkler System Price Estimates. 1 $1000 per zone: A general rule of thumb in residential or commercial landscapes is to charge $1000 per zone. 2 This includes the line and irrigation heads for that given line,” says Rick Evans of Aesthetic Gardens in Mountain View, CA.prinkler system cost depends on soil quality, the size of the area, and even issues such as whether tree roots are in the way.” Here, professional landscapers weigh in on how much irrigation systems usually cost. Factors which determine sprinkler cost Size of the area.", "Sprinkler System Repair Cost Guide However, you may find it helpful to have a rough estimate of costs when hiring repair professionals or getting quotes. Generally, repairing a sprinkler system will cost between $250 and $358, so expect your repair to fall within that range.", "- The cost of a home-sprinkler system will depend on a number of factors. A new-home, stand-alone installation can run anywhere from $1.00 to $1.25 per square foot, while a retrofit could cost $5 to $6 per square foot.", "- The average price to install a sprinkler system is $3,653. Bear in mind, the price will largely fluctuate based on the size of your yard. Sprinkler systems are installed in zones.Zones consist of five to 10 sprinkler heads.he average price to install a sprinkler system is $3,653. Bear in mind, the price will largely fluctuate based on the size of your yard. Sprinkler systems are installed in zones.", "How Much Does a Fire Sprinkler System Cost? The price depends on a variety of factors. 1 A complete sprinkler system for new construction generally costs $1 to $2 per square foot including all equipment and installation. 2 Retrofitting an existing building is more expensive-usually about $2 to $7 per square foot. A complete sprinkler system for new construction generally costs $1 to $2 per square foot including all equipment and installation. 2 Retrofitting an existing building is more expensive-usually about $2 to $7 per square foot.", "- 1 A complete fire sprinkler system integrated into a new construction project costs about $1 – 2 per square foot. 2 This includes equipment and installation. 3 Retrofitting an existing building usually costs between $2 – 7 per square foot.hey’re not expensive! The average costs for a fire sprinkler system are as follows: 1 A complete fire sprinkler system integrated into a new construction project costs about $1 – 2 per square foot. 2 This includes equipment and installation. 3 Retrofitting an existing building usually costs between $2 – 7 per square foot.", "- That is to say the cost of a sprinkler system for a property that is twice the size of another is not necessarily twice the price. This is because sprinkler systems run in zones. A zone is an area with pipe and approximately 5-10 sprinkler heads.rovide a few details about your project and receive competitive quotes from local pros. On average, sprinkler system installation costs $2,449, with most homeowners spending between $1,832 and $3,322.", "- DIY sprinkler kit: The cost for a do-it-yourself sprinkler kit for a standard yard is around $500-$1,000. Do-it-yourself: Videos and tutorials for do-it-yourself sprinkler installation projects are available at DIYnetwork.com and ThisOldHouse.com. For do-it-yourself installation in a standard yard: About $500-$1,000.", "- A sprinkler service pro can assess the problems you are having with your system to diagnose and repair affected heads, valves, supply lines, and controls. Most common sprinkler system repairs cost between $75 and $250, but there are several details that can affect the cost of the job. Average Prices.", "How Much Does A Sprinkler System Cost? The cost of installing a sprinkler system varies widely. Professional installation can range from $3,000 on up to $6,000. Doing it yourself brings the cost down to around $1,500 but requires your time and manual labor.The first step to installing a system yourself is to take advantage of the free information provided by sprinkler manufacturers.rofessional installation can range from $3,000 on up to $6,000. Doing it yourself brings the cost down to around $1,500 but requires your time and manual labor. The first step to installing a system yourself is to take advantage of the free information provided by sprinkler manufacturers.", "- Related articles: Deck, Landscape Design, Sod. 1 Prices for underground sprinkler systems vary considerably by region and climate, but for an average 2,500-square-foot (50-x-50-foot) front yard, it's about $1,500-$2,500, while a sprinkler system for 5,000 square feet (front and back yards) costs about $2,500-$3,500.elated articles: Deck, Landscape Design, Sod. 1 Prices for underground sprinkler systems vary considerably by region and climate, but for an average 2,500-square-foot (50-x-50-foot) front yard, it's about $1,500-$2,500, while a sprinkler system for 5,000 square feet (front and back yards) costs about $2,500-$3,500.", "Home Irrigation System Cost Guide The parts will usually cost more when purchased in large cities versus rural areas. In addition, lawn irrigation systems cost approximately $900 on average when purchased for a single home whereas systems for apartments or businesses cost approximately $1,500 and $1,300 respectively. The cost of purchasing the materials is separate from the cost of having the system installed.", "How Much Does a Fire Sprinkler System Cost? 1 Retrofitting an existing building usually costs between $2 – 7 per square foot. 2 Retrofitting a high rise building will run you about $2 – 4 per square foot. 3 Installing a fire sprinkler in a historic building can sometimes be more expensive – up to $10 per square foot.hey’re not expensive! The average costs for a fire sprinkler system are as follows: 1 A complete fire sprinkler system integrated into a new construction project costs about $1 – 2 per square foot. 2 This includes equipment and installation. 3 Retrofitting an existing building usually costs between $2 – 7 per square foot.", "Residential Sprinkler Systems The cost of a home-sprinkler system will depend on a number of factors. A new-home, stand-alone installation can run anywhere from $1.00 to $1.25 per square foot, while a retrofit could cost $5 to $6 per square foot. residential sprinkler system will save a homeowner money in the event of a fire. When activated, a sprinkler head will spray 15 to 20 gallons per minute. “Eighty to ninety percent of fires are put out with one sprinkler head,” Marshall says.", "- Small businesses or homeowners might spend a few thousand dollars to install a fire sprinkler system while large corporations could spend hundreds of thousands. The price depends on a variety of factors. 1 A complete sprinkler system for new construction generally costs $1 to $2 per square foot including all equipment and installation. Retrofitting an existing building is more expensive - usually about $2 to $7 per square foot.", "How Much Does a Fire Sprinkler System Cost? 1 A complete sprinkler system for new construction generally costs $1 to $2 per square foot including all equipment and installation. 2 Retrofitting an existing building is more expensive - usually about $2 to $7 per square foot. High rise building retrofitting usually costs $2 to $4 per square foot.", "How Much Does a Fire Sprinkler System Cost? They’re not expensive! The average costs for a fire sprinkler system are as follows: 1 A complete fire sprinkler system integrated into a new construction project costs about $1 – 2 per square foot.2 This includes equipment and installation. 3 Retrofitting an existing building usually costs between $2 – 7 per square foot.hey’re not expensive! The average costs for a fire sprinkler system are as follows: 1 A complete fire sprinkler system integrated into a new construction project costs about $1 – 2 per square foot.", "- Sprinkler System Cost. Prices for underground sprinkler systems vary considerably by region and climate, but for an average 2,500-square-foot (50-x-50-foot) front yard, it's about $1,500-$2,500, while a sprinkler system for 5,000 square feet (front and back yards) costs about$2,500-$3,500.", "How Much Does A Lawn Sprinkler System Cost? Bearing in mind these cost factors, the average cost of a professionally-installed lawn irrigation system is $500-$1,000 per zone, or around $2,500 to $5,000 for a typical ½ acre lot. Note, however, that zones are, proportional to the entire system cost, cheaper to install. This means that sprinkler system installation on a 4,000 sq. ft. lawn, for example, isn't necessary twice as expensive as on a 2,000 sq. ft. lawn. DIY Installation Installing a sprinkler system as a do-it-yourself project can result in significant savings." ]
is hydrogen the most flammable gas on earth
[ "Hydrogen - H Properties: Common hydrogen has a molecular weight of 2,01594 g. As a gas it has a density of 0.071 g/l at 0ºC and 1 atm. Its relative density, compared with that of the air, is 0.0695. Hydrogen is the most flammable of all the known substances. Hydrogen is slightly more soluble in organic solvents than in water. Many metals absorb hydrogen." ]
[ "Wikijunior:The Elements/Hydrogen Hydrogen is an atom that contains an electron and a single proton. It is found at the very upper left of the periodic chart. The symbol for Hydrogen is the letter H. Hydrogen is both the lightest and most abundant element in the universe.Here are some data:t room temperature hydrogen is a clear gas. Hydrogen gas (H 2) is a molecule made of two hydrogen atoms bonded together. It has no taste or odor and is not toxic.", "ENVIRONMENTAL PROBLEMS WITH COAL, OIL, AND GAS The earth is not made mostly of hydrogen because the earth is small (less gravity) and hydrogen is light, so the hydrogen that was here, has mostly escaped the gravitational pull of Earth. On Earth, hydrogen can be found in many places. Hydrogen combines with oxygen to form water, which is essential for life on earth. Water makes up three quarters of the earth s surface (See Fig. 4). Three quarters of our bodies are made of water. Fossil fuels are made of hydrocarbons, a combination of hydrogen and carbon.", "Hydrogen Basics 1 Hydrogen is the simplest element in the universe. 2 It is made up of one proton and one electron. 3 Hydrogen is the lightest of all elements and gases, and is 14 times lighter than air. 4 A gaseous hydrogen spill diffuses immediately into the air, and does not pollute the ground or groundwater. It is made up of one proton and one electron. 2 Hydrogen is the lightest of all elements and gases, and is 14 times lighter than air. 3 A gaseous hydrogen spill diffuses immediately into the air, and does not pollute the ground or groundwater. 4 Hydrogen is colorless, odorless and nontoxic.", "What are 6 elements that make up most molecules in living things?? The element hydrogen is a gas, and it is the most abundant element in the universe. Most of the hydrogen on earth is combined with other elements. Hydrogen gas is so light that it easily escapes the earth's gravity at the upper edges of the atmosphere and is lost into outer space.", "Hydrogen From all the fault gases formed in power transformers, hydrogen is the most common and is generated under most fault conditions; thus, formation of hydrogen is an early indication of serious problems in the transformer's life cycle.", "Is hydrogen explosive? However, when gasoline leaks in an accident, because it is heavy and its gas is also heavy, it stays near the ground or in the car, and there is great risk to the occupants and bystanders. So, yes, hydrogen is explosive and that is a concern in cars.But it would be very wrong to conclude that this make hydrogen unsuited as a fuel for cars when compared to gasoline -- considering only accidents. Finally, there is a concern about having all the containers for the hydrogen be leak-proof.he answer to that question is, yes, definitely!!! Hydrogen molecules and Oxygen molecules have a much lower energy state when combined to make the molecule H2O (water) than the total energy when they are separate molecules of hydrogen (H2) and Oxygen (O2).", "- Helium is the lightest noble gas (4 g/mol). The only gas with a lower density than helium is hydrogen [2]. The use of hydrogen is more limited than helium because of its flammability in air mixtures. Helium (0.179 g/L) is 86% less dense than room air (1.293 g/L) and 8 times less dense than oxygen (1.429 g/L) (Figure 1).", "Definitions &Translations Hydrogen is a chemical element with chemical symbol H and atomic number 1. With an atomic weight of 7000100794000000000♠1.00794 u, hydrogen is the lightest element on the periodic table. Its monatomic form (H) is the most abundant chemical substance in the Universe, constituting roughly 75% of all baryonic mass. Non-remnant stars are mainly composed of hydrogen in the plasma state.", "Hydrogen Hydrogen is a chemical element with chemical symbol H and atomic number 1. With an atomic weight of 7000100794000000000♠1.00794 u, hydrogen is the lightest element on the periodic table.Its monatomic form (H) is the most abundant chemical substance in the universe, constituting roughly 75% of all baryonic mass. Non-remnant stars are mainly composed of hydrogen in its plasma state.The most common isotope of hydrogen, termed protium (name rarely used, symbol 1 H), has one proton and no neutrons.ts monatomic form (H) is the most abundant chemical substance in the universe, constituting roughly 75% of all baryonic mass. Non-remnant stars are mainly composed of hydrogen in its plasma state. The most common isotope of hydrogen, termed protium (name rarely used, symbol 1 H), has one proton and no neutrons.", "Hydrogen: the essentials Hydrogen: the essentials. Note that while hydrogen is normally shown at the top of the Group 1 elements in the periodic table, the term alkaline metal refers to the Group 1 elements from lithium downwards and not hydrogen.Hydrogen is the lightest element.It is by far the most abundant element in the universe and makes up about about 90% of the universe by weight. It is also the most abundant element in the earth's sun. Hydrogen as water (H 2 O) is absolutely essential to life and it is present in all organic compounds.ydrogen is the lightest element. It is by far the most abundant element in the universe and makes up about about 90% of the universe by weight. It is also the most abundant element in the earth's sun. Hydrogen as water (H 2 O) is absolutely essential to life and it is present in all organic compounds.", "- The most commonly known flammable liquid is gasoline. It has a flash point of about -50 F (-65 C). The ignition temperature is about 495 E (232 C), a comparatively low figure. Burning gasoline has a temperature above 1500 E (945 C). Therefore, it can heat objects in the fire area above its ignition temperature.", "Hydrogen economy might impact Earth's stratosphere, study shows According to conventional wisdom, hydrogen-fueled cars are environmentally friendly because they emit only water vapor -- a naturally abundant atmospheric gas. But leakage of the hydrogen gas that can fuel such cars could cause problems for the upper atmosphere, new research shows.", "- Hydrogen in the atmosphere of the Earth would have the same temperature as the nitrogen and oxygen. Therefore, the molecules of hydrogen have the same kinetic energy, on average. But since hydrogen is the lightest element (its atomic weight is only 1/16 that of oxygen), it must have a higher velocity.", "HYDROGEN Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe. Nearly nine out of every ten atoms in the universe are hydrogen atoms. Hydrogen is also common on the Earth. It is the third most abundant element after oxygen and silicon.", "- Hydrogen is, in fact, the lightest gas ever found. Hydrogen has no color, no smell and no taste. The hydrogen atom is so simple and small, it is hard to believe that hydrogen is the most important and abundant substance in the universe. Hydrogen atoms are the building blocks of other atoms.", "- Hydrogen sulfide (also known as H2S, sewer gas, swamp gas, stink damp, and sour damp) is a colorless gas known for its pungent rotten egg odor at low concentrations. It is extremely flammable and highly toxic. Hydrogen sulfide is used or produced in a number of industries, such as. Oil and gas refining.", "Fluorine Element Facts Uses: Fluorine is the most reactive and the most electronegative of all the elements. Fluorine is a pale yellow, diatomic, highly corrosive, flammable gas, with a pungent odor. It is the lightest halogen. It reacts violently with water to produce oxygen and the extremely corrosive hydrofluoric acid.", "New Solid Form of Hydrogen Discovered at Extreme Pressures Hydrogen is the lightest and most abundant element on Earth. Up until now, only three solid states of hydrogen were known, though since the 1930s it has been theorized that the element would become a metal at extremely high pressures.", "Definitions &Translations Hydrogen is a chemical element with chemical symbol H and atomic number 1. With an atomic weight of 7000100794000000000♠1.00794 u, hydrogen is the lightest element on the periodic table. Its monatomic form (H) is the most abundant chemical substance in the universe, constituting roughly 75% of all baryonic mass. Non-remnant stars are mainly composed of hydrogen in its plasma state.", "10 of the Most Dangerous Chemicals in the World Hydrogen peroxide. The hydrogen peroxide in your bathroom cabinet has a concentration of 3 to 6%. At higher concentrations, it's a rocket propellant. Hydrogen peroxide is extremely volatile, with the merest nudge setting off an explosion in laboratory grade solutions (>70% hydrogen peroxide).", "Occupational Safety and Health Administration Hydrogen Sulfide. Hydrogen sulfide (also known as H 2 S, sewer gas, swamp gas, stink damp, and sour damp) is a colorless gas known for its pungent rotten egg odor at low concentrations. It is extremely flammable and highly toxic. Hydrogen sulfide is used or produced in a number of industries, such as.1 Oil and gas refining.2 Mining.ydrogen sulfide (also known as H 2 S, sewer gas, swamp gas, stink damp, and sour damp) is a colorless gas known for its pungent rotten egg odor at low concentrations. It is extremely flammable and highly toxic. Hydrogen sulfide is used or produced in a number of industries, such as. 1 Oil and gas refining. 2 Mining.", "Battery and Energy Technologies Hydrogen is being promoted as the perfect environmentally friendly fuel of the future. 1 It will still be available when fossil fuels are exhausted. 2 It is the earth's tenth most abundant element and is the most abundant element in the universe. 3 It is generated from water and returns to water when it is burnt.", "Definitions &Translations Hydrogen is a chemical element with chemical symbol H and atomic number 1. With an atomic weight of 7000100794000000000♠1.00794 u, hydrogen is the lightest element on the periodic table. Its monatomic form (H) is the most abundant chemical substance in the universe, constituting roughly 75% of all baryonic mass.", "- Both carbon monoxide and hydrogen are a colorless, odorless gas. Both are flammable over a wide range of vapor/air mixtures. The vapors will be lighter than air.", "- Bake the turkey burgers for 30 minutes or until they have an internal temperature of 165 degrees Fahrenheit. Turn the turkey burgers over once while they bake in the oven.Sarah Vantassel/Demand Media. Add a slice of cheese to the turkey burgers during the last 2 to 3 minutes of the cooking time. Once the cheese melts, remove the turkey burgers from the oven and serve them while hot.nstead of frying the turkey burger in oil on the stove top, you can bake it in the oven. Oven-baked turkey burgers take slightly longer to cook, but baking in the oven gives you a less crisp texture. Once you finish baking the turkey burgers, you can serve them on a fresh bun to create a healthy sandwich." ]
what does pacs stand for in radiology
[ "- A PACS (picture archiving and communication system) is a healthcare imaging technology used for the storage and retrieval of ... See complete definition. vendor neutral archive (VNA). Vendor neutral archive (VNA), in a health information technology context, is a medical imaging technology used by healthcare ..." ]
[ "- Background. 1 Pulmonary adenoid cystic carcinoma (PACC) is an uncommon neoplasm of the lung but represents the predominant type of salivary gland-type lung carcinoma. 2 We reviewed 24 cases of primary PACC between 2000 and 2014, including 21 cases reported in our previous study and three new cases added in 2014.", "- About PAC what is the pacific accreditation cooperation? The Pacific Accreditation Cooperation (PAC) is an association of accreditation bodies and other interested parties whose objective is to facilitate trade and commerce among economies in the Asia Pacific region.", "- Radiology information software (RIS) is an electronic medical records system designed to serve the unique needs of radiology centers. Radiology centers will have the choice of implementing a standalone RIS or an integrated RIS and picture archiving and communication system (PACS).", "Porting Authorisation Code Porting Authorisation Code. Porting Authorisation Code (PAC) is a unique identifier (normally 9 characters long and in the format ABC123456) used by some mobile network operators to facilitate mobile number portability (MNP). This allows users to retain their mobile telephone number when switching operators.", "Pulmonary artery catheter [edit on Wikidata] In medicine pulmonary artery catheterization (PAC) is the insertion of a catheter into a pulmonary artery. Its purpose is diagnostic; it is used to detect heart failure or sepsis, monitor therapy, and evaluate the effects of drugs.", "Cardiac CT for Calcium Scoring Cardiac CT for Calcium Scoring. 1 Cardiac computed tomography (CT) for Calcium Scoring uses special x-ray equipment to produce pictures of the coronary arteries to determine if they are blocked or narrowed by the buildup of plaque – an indicator for atherosclerosis or coronary artery disease (CAD).", "MDSC Chapter 6 A patient undergoes ____, which is radiographic imaging of the bladder and urethra during urination after a radiopaque dye has been instilled in the bladder:", "Swan-Ganz Catheterization The PAC has a balloon tip. The balloon allows the catheter to be carried by the flow of your blood to the place in your heart where it’ll be used. Because your blood takes the catheter where it’s needed, imaging isn’t needed to help guide it. Therefore, the procedure can be done at your bedside. The PAC is also known as a Swan-Ganz catheter, or right heart catheter. The procedure itself is sometimes called right heart catheterization.", "MRI Spots Indolent Spinal Infections From Contaminated MPA MRI Spots Indolent Spinal Infections From Contaminated MPA. MRI screening can help identify indolent spinal and paraspinal infections associated with injections of contaminated methylprednisolone acetate (MPA) from the New England Compounding Center (NECC), allowing for earlier treatment, say clinicians from Michigan, the state with the most cases.", "Radiology Questions â Answers ANSWERS. “ 1 a” Report a screening mammography with 77057 and the computer-aided detection with 77052. 2 The code 77052 is an add-on code and should not have a modifier -51 attached (see Appendix A in the CPT Professional Edition for a definition of modifier -51). C The radiological service is a screening mammogram of both breasts, eliminating multiple choices A, B and D. There is a parenthetical note under code 77057 which states “Use 77057 in conjunction with 77052 for computer-aided detection applied to a screening mammogram”.", "- In the United States, a political action committee (PAC) is a type of organization that pools campaign contributions from members and donates those funds to campaign for or against candidates, ballot initiatives, or legislation. The legal term PAC has been created in pursuit of campaign finance reform in the United States.", "A history of medical imaging PACS & DICOM. The revolution in digital imaging has been accompanied by the adoption of a Picture Archiving and Communication System (PACS), which provides electronic storage, retrieval, distribution, and presentation of images.", "Proxy auto-config The PAC File. The Proxy auto-config file format was originally designed by Netscape in 1996 for the Netscape Navigator 2.0 and is a text file that defines at least one JavaScript function, FindProxyForURL(url, host), with two arguments: url is the URL of the object and host is the host-name derived from that URL.", "- Nuclear Medicine & PET. The Nuclear Medicine Accreditation Program involves acquisition of clinical and phantom images and corresponding data for each unit. Accreditation is required for providers that bill for CT, MRI, breast MRI, nuclear medicine and PET under part B of the MPFS.", "We offer the full range of radiological services, using cutting edge technologies: We're excited to offer Tomosynthesis also known as 3D mammography-extraordinary technology that lets your doctor see breast tissue in a revolutionary way. Our new breast imaging system from Hologic-a world leader in digital mammography-is the most exciting advancement in breast cancer detection in over 30 years.ven in palpable thyroid nodules, US guidance is superior to palpation for obtaining adequate material for an accurate cytological evaluation. in the presence of multiple nodules, FNA is indicated. However, before the procedure is performed, a meticulous search should be conducted with US for suspicious features.", "- Premature atrial contraction. Premature atrial contractions (PACs), also known as atrial premature complexes (APC) or atrial premature beats (APB), are a common cardiac dysrhythmia characterized by premature heartbeats originating in the atria.", "- CT protocol for the evaluation of the renal vascula-. tureconsists of both unenhanced and enhancedCT scans. Unenhanced. scans of the kidneys and adrenal glands with contiguous sections of 3-. mm thickness are necessary for the evaluation of adrenal lesions, vascu-. lar calcifications, and renal calculi (Fig.", "- Centricity PACS-IW Overview. PACS-IW is a medical software system that is intended for acquisition and storage of medical images and. other information objects generated by the acquisition equipment (modalities) as well as other devices (post-. processing workstations).", "Radiologists Washington University radiology, also known as the Mallinckrodt Institute of Radiology (MIR), provides a full range of diagnostic radiology procedures, including X-rays, computed tomography, magnetic resonance and positron emission tomography. We also provide nuclear medicine examinations and interventional radiology procedures. These board-certified physicians deliver access to technological advances not found elsewhere, using the lowest possible dose of radiation to perform your imaging exam.", "- The BI-RADS classification system applies to medical images of the breast acquired by X-rays, ultrasound and MRI. The speakers came from the USA, Canada and Australia, and all spoke a language only used by a minority of South African radiologists: BI-RADS (breast imaging reporting and data system).", "- They are typically used in radiology and in cer-. tain medical specialties such as orthopedics. Secondary sys-. tems are those used for viewing medical images by medical. staff or specialists other than radiologists after an interpretive. report is rendered.", "PAC-1 This article refers to the anti-tumor molecule, and not the a2iib3 integrin activation specific antibody of the same name. PAC-1 (first procaspase activating compound) is a synthesized chemical compound that selectively induces apoptosis, in cancerous cells. It was granted orphan drug status by the FDA in 2016.", "What is a PAC file? In addition to the GRE or IPsec VPN tunnel, Zscaler recommends that you install a PAC file for each user to ensure coverage outside the corporate network. A PAC file is a text file that instructs a browser to forward traffic to a proxy server, instead of directly to the destination server. It contains JavaScript that specifies the proxy server and optionally, additional parameters that specify when and under what circumstances a browser forwards traffic to the proxy server. For example, a PAC file can specify on what days of the week or what hours of the day traffic is sent to a proxy, or for which domains and URLs traffic is not sent to a proxy. All major browsers support PAC files.", "What is a PAC file? In addition to the GRE or IPsec VPN tunnel, Zscaler recommends that you install a PAC file for each user to ensure coverage outside the corporate network. A PAC file is a text file that instructs a browser to forward traffic to a proxy server, instead of directly to the destination server.", "- The PAC file provides critical security, ensuring that traffic is always proxied when it should be, while allowing secure requests to go direct to the destination. 1 Typically, Internet-bound HTTP, HTTPS, and FTP traffic is sent to the proxy. 2 Typically, intranet traffic goes direct to the destination." ]
osha competent person definition
[ "The OSHA Definition of Competent vs Qualified vs Certified vs Designated Persons â Contractors Must Learn The Language The generic definition of a Competent Person found in the OSHA construction standards is one who is capable of identifying existing and predictable hazards in the surroundings or working conditions which are unsanitary, hazardous, or dangerous to employees, and who has authorization to take prompt corrective measures to eliminate them." ]
[ "Competent Person Designation PROCEDURES Department: Identify areas of operation that require the designation of competent persons. Complete “competent person” designation form (Section VII). Delegate the responsibility and authority for coordinating activities and operations covered by the designation(s) (trainer, evaluator, task oversight, etc.).", "- Designated Competent Person Acknowledgement Form. (10 Hour OSHA Certification # Required for Designated Competent Person) Definition. A Competent Person is a person who has the ability and has been reasonably trained to recognize hazards and has the authority to. correct them.", "Reasonable person For reasonable person in psychology, see Reasonable person model. In law, a reasonable person, reasonable man, or the man on the Clapham omnibus is a hypothetical person of legal fiction who is ultimately an anthropomorphic representation of the body care standards crafted by the courts and communicated through case law and jury instructions.", "Cal/OSHA - Guide The Division of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH), better known as Cal/OSHA, protects workers from health and safety hazards on the job in almost every workplace in California through its research and standards, enforcement, and consultation programs.", "- On some job sites, this might be handled by having an experienced foreman, supervisor, or safety rep who is designated as a competent person take an OSHA 30 hour training course in construction standards to supplement their knowledge of the OSHA standards and potential hazards on the job.", "- Employment Law Guide OSHA also has the authority to monitor the safety and health of federal employees. Federal agency heads are responsible for the safety and health of federal employees. The OSHA-approved state plan states extend their coverage to state and local government employees.", "What is a 'competent person'? Because many different types of activities can take place on a worksite, a competent person must either have the authority to make safety-related changes to those different operations or know who can enorce those changes.", "What is OSHA? What Employers Need to Know If you have employees in your business, you need to know about OSHA. The Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 (OSHA) requires employers to keep their work environments safe for workers. The Act is administered by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), within the Department of Labor. Does OSHA Apply to My Business?", "The OSHA Definition of Competent vs Qualified vs Certified vs Designated Persons â Contractors Must Learn The Language “qualified” – meaning that they have had special previous training, in or out of the workplace. See, OSHA’s belief is that training is an essential part of your safety and health program for protecting workers from injuries and illnesses. This philosophy is further proven by the fact that", "Occupational Safety and Health Administration An OSHA competent person is defined as one who is capable of identifying existing and predictable hazards in the surroundings or working conditions which are unsanitary, hazardous, or dangerous to employees, and who has authorization to take prompt corrective measures to eliminate them [ 29 CFR 1926.32(f) ].", "Employer Responsibilities Under the OSH law, employers have a responsibility to provide a safe workplace. This is a short summary of key employer responsibilities: 1 Provide a workplace free from serious recognized hazards and comply with standards, rules and regulations issued under the OSH Act. 2 Examine workplace conditions to make sure they conform to applicable OSHA standards.", "2012. OSHA -- Willful Violation Of A Safety Standard Which Causes Death To An Employee OSHA -- Willful Violation Of A Safety Standard Which Causes Death To An Employee. Title 29 U.S.C. § 666(e) provides criminal penalties for any employer who willfully violates a safety standard prescribed pursuant to the Occupational Safety and Health Act, where that violation causes the death of any employee.", "UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF LABOR Your May 18 letter to Mr. Jim Knorpp, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Area Director for Fort Worth, was forwarded to this office for response. I apologize for the delay in replying to your inquiry as to OSHA's interpretations of the terms certified and qualified as used in ANSI standards for aerial lifts.", "22 CFR 120.15 - U.S. person. prev | next. § 120.15 U.S. person. U.S. person means a person (as defined in § 120.14 of this part) who is a lawful permanent resident as defined by 8 U.S.C. 1101(a)(20) or who is a protected individual as defined by 8 U.S.C. 1324b(a)(3).", "Summary Guide of OSHA Regulations and Requirements 1 Workplace. 2 Employers’ “General Duty”. 3 Employers have the responsibility to provide a safe. and healthful workplace that is free from serious. recognized hazards. This is commonly known as the. General Duty Clause of the OSH 1 Act. OSHA Standards: Protection on the 2 Job. OSHA standards are rules that describe the.", "OSHA! define exposure as used by OSHA an employee is subjected to a toxic substance or harmful physical agent through any route of entry (mouth, nose, ingestion). This includes past exposure and potential exposure.", "- OSHA Training Services offers Excavation Competent Person Training and OSHA 30 Hour Construction Training for companies located anywhere in the United States who have a group needing either class.", "Occupational Safety and Health Administration It is a requirement of OSHA that employees be given a safe and healthy workplace that is reasonably free of occupational hazards. However, it is unrealistic to expect accidents not to happen. Therefore, employers are required to provide medical and first aid personnel and supplies commensurate with the hazards of the workplace.", "Using OSHA's General Duty Clause OSHA's General Duty Clause is an important weapon workers have to ensure a safe and healthy workplace. Because of the difficulties OSHA faces in proving all the conditions listed above, however, it is sometimes slow or reluctant to file and pursue General Duty Clause citations.", "Reasonable Person A phrase frequently used in tort and Criminal Law to denote a hypothetical person in society who exercises average care, skill, and judgment in conduct and who serves as a comparative standard for determining liability.", "Occupational Safety and Health Administration In addition, pursuant to Section 5(a)(1) of the OSH Act, employers must provide their employees with a workplace free from recognized hazards likely to cause death or serious physical harm. Emergency Preparedness Guides do not and cannot enlarge or diminish an employer's obligations under the OSH Act.", "- OSHA defines Immediately dangerous to life or health (IDLH) as any condition that creates a delayed or immediate threat to life or which can cause an irreparable damage to health or which would get in the way of an individual’s ability to move out from a permit space unaided.", "Pizza Fun Facts 1 The average pizzeria uses roughly 55 pizza boxes per day. 2 We consume around 251,770,000 pounds of pepperonis every year. Some popular pizza toppings in Japan are squid and Mayo Jaga (mayonaise, potato and bacon)", "How do you meet OSHAâs competent person requirements? OSHA determines if the person is competent by the compliance of the OSHA standards to ensure the place of employment is safe for the workers. You might say the “proof is in the pudding is if you’re doing safety in accordance of OSHA’s requirements.”.", "- The U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration is responsible for enforcing laws regarding safety in the workplace. OSHA is charged with ensuring employers provide a healthy and safe work environment for their employers by establishing guidelines and safety standards." ]
what is apocalyptic language
[ "Apocalyptic literature Apocalyptic literature is a genre of prophetical writing that developed in post-Exilic Jewish culture and was popular among millennialist early Christians.he imagery in apocalyptic literature is not realistic or reflective of the physical world as it was, but is rather surreal and fantastic, invoking a sense of wonder at the complete newness of the new order to come." ]
[ "- The author investigates three morpho-syntactic variables--the negation system in Egyptian Colloquial Arabic (ECA) and Modern Standard Arabic (MSA), aspects of the system of deixis in ECA and MSA and the ECA aspectual marker b- in actual data; looks at ways that language function affects language form; and examines the role of the speaker, audience ...", "Language Death By Richard Nordquist. Definition. A linguistic term for the end or extinction of a language. Also called language extinction. Distinctions are commonly drawn between an endangered language (one with few or no children learning the language) and an extinct language (one in which the last native speaker has died). See Examples and Observations below.", "- Philistine language. The Philistine language (/ˈfɪləstiːn/, /-staɪn/ or /fᵻˈlɪstᵻn/, /-tiːn/) is the extinct language of the Philistines, spoken—and rarely inscribed—along the coastal strip of southwestern Canaan.", "- Preliterate societies: cultures without any written language (most of the more than 6,000 world language are unwritten). Standard language: variant of a language that a country s intellectual or politically elite seek to promote as the norm (e.g., King s English) Dialect: local or regional characteristics of a language.", "Apocalyptic Literature The End of the Ages. This study has to do with the meaning of “the End of the Age.” This phrase is used several times in the NT and is generally translated “end of the world.” I think this translation can deceive us of its true meaning, and hence, the reason for our study.", "Zombies A 'zombie apocalypse' (a catastrophic event where humans are unwillingly turned into zombies on a massive scale) is largely considered a type of plague, which is why many modern storytellers choose the incursion of a biological virus to introduce this plague into the populous.", "- SignWriting Bible Books Project. Sign languages are rich languages with sophisticated grammars and large vocabularies. There are hundreds of sign languages in the world, and all of them can be written with the SignWriting script, since SignWriting writes body movement. American Sign Language (ASL) is one of the most used languages in the United States and English-speaking Canada.", "Language death In linguistics , language death ( also language extinction , linguistic extinction or linguicide , and rarely also glottophagy ) occurs when a language loses its last native speaker . Language death is a process that affects speech communities where the level of linguistic competence that speakers possess of a given language variety is decreased , ...", "Language A language is a lexicon of words that various characters use to speak to each other and communicate. In World of Warcraft, most races have a unique language they speak that only they can understand. Each faction shares a common language of the dominant race (Orcish for Horde and Common for Alliance).", "Literary language A literary language is a register or dialect of a language that is used in literary writing. This may also include liturgical writing. The difference between literary and non-literary forms is more marked in some languages than in others. Where there is a strong divergence, the language is said to exhibit diglossia. Classical Latin was the literary register of Latin, as opposed to the Vulgar Latin spoken across the Roman Empire.", "- Death of languages continues due to war, cultural and economic domination, small population size. Colonial powers promoted European languages (French, Dutch, English, Russian) and neo-colonialist states later extended their power through central/standard language programs, e.g. Bangkok Thai and Bahasa Indonesia.", "- Truly, Hebrew is the language of God and the Bible is the true voice and Word of God. Through out the Bible the Hebrew language forms figurative pictures of the Messiah in the form of foreshadows, symbols and people types. These are all prophetic pictures of Jesus and what God does through Him.ne of the most important validations for the Bible as the true Word of God is understanding the origin of the Hebrew language, including literal, figurative and implied meanings of root words. There was a language spoken between God and Adam.", "What is emotive language and why is it used? Emotive language. Language which arouses emotion, usually by expressing the speaker’s or writer’s approval or disapproval of a person, a group of people or an activity. The usual emotions aroused by such language are hatred or strong approval, more often the former than the latter.motive language. Language which arouses emotion, usually by expressing the speaker’s or writer’s approval or disapproval of a person, a group of people or an activity. The usual emotions aroused by such language are hatred or strong approval, more often the former than the latter.", "What Is an Endangered Language? An endangered language is one that is likely to become extinct in the near future. Many languages are failing out of use and being replaced by others that are more widely used in the region or nation, such as English in the U.S. or Spanish in Mexico.n endangered language is one that is likely to become extinct in the near future. Many languages are failing out of use and being replaced by others that are more widely used in the region or nation, such as English in the U.S. or Spanish in Mexico.", "- Emotive language is all around us: In adverts; In news headlines; In reports, speeches and interviews; In everyday interactions between people; Emotive language is any language that aims to manipulate, influence or create feelings in us so that we adopt the viewpoint of the writer or speaker. Before we look at emotive language, we need to take a step back.", "Endangered language Endangered language. An endangered or moribund language is a language that is at risk of falling out of use as its speakers die out or shift to speaking another language. Language loss occurs when the language has no more native speakers and becomes a dead language. If no one can speak the language at all, it becomes an extinct language. A dead language may still be studied through recordings or writings, but it is still dead or extinct unless there are fluent speakers. Although languages have always become exti", "Appendix: The Principles of Newspeak Newspeak is the official language of Oceania, scheduled for official adoption around 2050, and designed to make the ideological premises of Ingsoc (Newspeak for English Socialism, the Party’s official political alignment) the only expressible doctrine.", "Eight characteristics of apocalyptic literature Eight characteristics of apocalyptic literature. ‘Apocalypse’ is a literary term coined by German scholar K. I. Nitzsch in 1822. It refers to works written by Jews and Christians between 200 B.C. and AD 100 that share similar characteristics.Below is a list of those characteristics.ight characteristics of apocalyptic literature. ‘Apocalypse’ is a literary term coined by German scholar K. I. Nitzsch in 1822. It refers to works written by Jews and Christians between 200 B.C. and AD 100 that share similar characteristics.", "Loaded language In rhetoric, loaded language (also known as loaded terms or emotive language) is wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes. Such wording is also known as high-inference language or language persuasive techniques.ne aspect of loaded language is that loaded words and phrases occur in pairs, sometimes as political framing techniques by individuals with opposing agendas. Heller calls these a Boo! version and a Hooray! version to differentiate those with negative and positive emotional connotations.", "Nuclear holocaust A nuclear holocaust or nuclear apocalypse is a theoretical scenario involving widespread destruction and radioactive fallout causing the collapse of civilization, through the use of nuclear weapons. Under such a scenario, some of the Earth is made uninhabitable by nuclear warfare in future world wars.", "- Unofficial language (words or grammar) or interpretation of language, usually because the language is too recent or not used widespread enough to be assimilated officially. Slang exists in pretty much every language, and is part of the natural evolution of a language.", "- The definition of loaded language is verbal or written communication that inspires big emotions. 1 An example of loaded language is the word love.. 2 An example of loaded language is the word love..", "Loaded language (December 2013). In rhetoric, loaded language (also known as loaded terms or emotive language) is wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes.Such wording is also known as high-inference language or language persuasive techniques.December 2013). In rhetoric, loaded language (also known as loaded terms or emotive language) is wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes.", "What Is Language Ideology? Adorable animal families that will make you aww. Language ideology is a theory whereby people are defined or judged by the language they speak. This involves different aspects of language including intonation, dialect, accent, grammar and vocabulary.d. Another example of the application of language ideology is in the assumption of class through manner of speech. Hearing someone speak with an upper-class British accent may lead to favorable conclusions about the person even without seeing him or her.", "- Newspeak is the fictional language in the novel Nineteen Eighty-Four, written by George Orwell.It is a controlled language created by the totalitarian state Oceania as a tool to limit freedom of thought, and concepts that pose a threat to the regime such as freedom, self-expression, individuality, and peace.Any form of thought alternative to the party’s construct is classified as thoughtcrime .t is a controlled language created by the totalitarian state Oceania as a tool to limit freedom of thought, and concepts that pose a threat to the regime such as freedom, self-expression, individuality, and peace. Any form of thought alternative to the party’s construct is classified as thoughtcrime ." ]
how do i get cigarette smell out of a car
[ "How to get cigarette smoke smell out of a car 1 Vacuum the car. 2 Some of the cigarette odor is attached to the physical artifacts left behind. 3 Use hose attachments that are intended for cleaning upholstery. 4 Use white v inegar. 5 A bowl left in the car overnight can help the smell a great deal. 6 Use citrus peels.7 Toss a few peels in various places inside the car.ere are some ideas, courtesy of How to Do Things 1 : Vacuum the car. 2 Some of the cigarette odor is attached to the physical artifacts left behind. 3 Use hose attachments that are intended for cleaning upholstery. 4 Use white v inegar." ]
[ "Top 5 signs youâve used too much cannabis Take any ashtrays and smoking materials out of the room. If you have not already done so, find and remove any ashtrays and other smoking material from the room. These are the main source of the smoke smell, apart from the smoker him/herself. If you want to get rid of the smoke smell, you'll have to get rid of the source. 2. Open the windows. This won't be enough to get rid of strong or old smells, but it may help get rid of less obvious odors. If you can, place a fan inside the window, with the fan turned inwards.", "How to Remove Cigarette Smoke Smell and Color From Walls The Ammonia Method. Ammonia can also remove cigarette tar and nicotine from walls when mixed with water. Combine a tablespoon of ammonia for every cup of water, or roughly 1/2 cup of ammonia to a gallon of warm water.For painted walls, reduce the mixture to 1/4 cup to a gallon of water.ll of these solutions can remove the cigarette stink from the walls, but the smell may linger inside the home and recontaminate the walls if you forget to clean the filters for the home's HVAC system. As you clean the walls, ventilate the house thoroughly.", "How to Get Rid of Gasoline Smell Procedure: 1 Use the rag the scrub the spot soaked with gasoline. 2 In one bowl, mix some vinegar with hot water. 3 Create a baking soda solution in the other bowl. Apply the vinegar solution on the affected areas of your 1 carpet. Dry the area using a rag or your vacuum cleaner. Once done, apply the baking soda solution on your carpet.", "- Smoke smell can be one of the most invasive and stubborn odors you will have to deal with throughout the course of your life. Thankfully, when smoke permeates your belongings, car, or home, there are a few tricks and techniques you can try to chase the smell away. Here's what you need to know.. Let your furniture air out. Take any piece of furniture that you can remove from your home and let it sit out in the sun for a day or two. 1 The fresh air helps reduce the smoke smell. 2 The sun's UV rays are also thought to help neutralize smoke smell.", "How to Get Smoke Smell Out of a Car Steam Cleaning. To get rid of the smoke smell from the upholstery you want to steam clean the interior. It is best to use an odor remover that uses an enzyme.This enzyme will break down the chemicals that are causing the smell.This is generally more expensive but is definitely worth the cost.o get rid of the smoke smell from the upholstery you want to steam clean the interior. It is best to use an odor remover that uses an enzyme. This enzyme will break down the chemicals that are causing the smell. This is generally more expensive but is definitely worth the cost.", "How do I Remove Fire Smoke Smell From Apartment? 5. Wash any and all window screens where the smoke exited the apartment. Place them in a tub or shower and use dish soap or shampoo to clean the mesh and then rinse with cool water. If you used an exhaust fan, wash out the filter in the same way.Change the air conditioner filter if it was in use at the time of the fire.. Wash any and all window screens where the smoke exited the apartment. Place them in a tub or shower and use dish soap or shampoo to clean the mesh and then rinse with cool water. If you used an exhaust fan, wash out the filter in the same way.", "- A combination of vinegar and baking soda may help to take the mildew smell out of carpet in your home or vehicle. Begin by vacuuming the area, room or vehicle's carpeted interior. Mix a solution of 1 part vinegar with 2 parts warm water and combine in a clean, spray bottle.", "- I had a vomit on a very hot summer day smell in my car and it went away in a few days with the citrus peel. The trick is to leave it until it dries out. A. This is a suggestion for the above question regarding cigarette smoke in the car. Use some coffee (not already perked) and put it inside a sock.", "How to Remove Cigarette Smoke Smell and Color From Walls The White Vinegar Solution. More than one method removes tar and nicotine cigarette stains from walls. Start by adding warmed vinegar to a spray bottle for tough stains. Dilute using a one-to-one ratio with warm water for less noticeable stains. Apply the warmed vinegar or mixture directly to the walls.ll of these solutions can remove the cigarette stink from the walls, but the smell may linger inside the home and recontaminate the walls if you forget to clean the filters for the home's HVAC system. As you clean the walls, ventilate the house thoroughly.", "Light skin Dark skin pigmentation was the original condition for the genus Homo and has been maintained for populations in areas of high UV radiation through human evolutionary history. As a consequence, there must have been a strong selective pressure for the evolution of light skin in areas of low UV radiation.elanin is a derivative of the amino acid tyrosine. Eumelanin is the dominant form of melanin found in human skin. Eumelanin protects tissues and DNA from radiation damage by UV light. Melanin is produced in specialized cells called melanocytes, which are found in the lowest level of the epidermis.", "Getting Cigarette Smoke Smell Out Of The Car I had a vomit on a very hot summer day smell in my car and it went away in a few days with the citrus peel. The trick is to leave it until it dries out. Hope this helps! – Monica. A. This is a suggestion for the above question regarding cigarette smoke in the car. Use some coffee (not already perked) and put it inside a sock. Tie the end of the sock. Then, just put it in the car, maybe under the car seat and it will take the odor out.", "- car vacuum cigarette lighter. Follow car vacuum cigarette lighter to get e-mail alerts and updates on your eBay Feed. Unfollow car vacuum cigarette lighter to stop getting updates on your eBay Feed.Yay! You're now following car vacuum cigarette lighter in your eBay Feed.nfollow car vacuum cigarette lighter to stop getting updates on your eBay Feed. Yay! You're now following car vacuum cigarette lighter in your eBay Feed.", "Is it possible to smell like cigarette smoke if no one is actively smoking around you? Best Answer: You can smell like cigarette smoke if you, your clothes, or the furniture you are sitting upon has been exposed to people that smoke. If someone uses perfume or cologne and rubs up against you, some of that scent will linger on you. It's gotten many a man in trouble.", "Getting cigarette smell out of car Set a bowl of white vinegar in the car, all day or overnight. You can put in a drop of two of essential oil for a pleasant smell. I don't know how it works but vinegar absorbs odors. It's how I rid my car of its smoky smell and how I freshen my teenage son's room. You can also mix 50/50 water and vinegar in a spray bottle and spray it on the interior (seats, carpets, etc).", "Cigarette Lighter The Steps: 1 Insert the key into the ignition to turn on your vehicle's interior power. It should be able to turn on the radio and cabin lights. 2 Place the mobile phone charger or adapter plug into the cigarette lighter receptacle. Check if your mobile phone or device is charging properly.", "- 1 You're a smoker and used to the smell of cigarettes so your parents may detect the smell even if you don't. 2 Try to smoke while your parents are sleeping, so that your room will clear of smoke by the time they're active again. Always block the bottom crack of your door with blankets, pillows or towels. 2 The sploof will mask 90% of the smoke, but the 10% will still smell strong. 3 Try to light incense.", "- If you need to get rid of the smoke smell on your clothes temporarily before you wash them, quickly spray an odor-eliminating spray over the material. 1 Make sure that you choose a spray that can neutralize odors, not one that simply masks the odors with another smell.. Let your furniture air out. Take any piece of furniture that you can remove from your home and let it sit out in the sun for a day or two. 1 The fresh air helps reduce the smoke smell. 2 The sun's UV rays are also thought to help neutralize smoke smell.", "Car Smell: Gas - What is Means and How to Fix it If you notice your car has a gas smell, you should get rid of the smell immediately. This is not a normal smell for your vehicle and is normally a sign that there is a problem. It is not enough to spray an air freshener; you need to fix the cause of the smell.he first place to look for a leak in a modern car is the fuel tank vent hose or the fuel injection line. Older cars, pre-1980’s, have a carburetor float bowl.", "Tips on Removing Smoke Odor From Hair Fabric softener sheets. A number of products found around the home can be used to get rid of smoke odor from hair. A simple trick is to use a fabric softener sheet to rub your hair. Not only will this reduce the smell from smoke, but it will also eliminate static. If you don’t have dryer sheets, put some softener or air freshener on a piece of cloth and then rub it on your hair quickly from top to bottom, avoiding the roots.", "How to Get Rid of Gasoline Smell Dealing with gasoline smell in your car is a bit tricky. Given the size of an automobile's interior, using natural solutions is somewhat wasteful. Your logical recourse is to use commercially available products made to mask or eliminate gasoline fumes. These items are available at any car supply store or hardware.", "- The best way to rid a car of a moldy smell is to use a degreaser cleaner to lighten things up before getting rid of the odor with an enzyme-based cleaner.", "How does your body digest a cigarette? 1 Butane -- this byproduct is also used to help you light your cigarette, in the form of lighter fluid. 2 Propylene Glycol -- added to cigarettes to keep tobacco from drying out. 3 What it really does is speed up the delivery of nicotine to the brain. 4 Turpentine -- used to flavor menthol cigarettes. It's also found in nail polish remover and, like ammonia, is used to clean toilets. 2 Butane -- this byproduct is also used to help you light your cigarette, in the form of lighter fluid. 3 Propylene Glycol -- added to cigarettes to keep tobacco from drying out.", "- 1 Do things with non-smokers. 2 Smoke your first cigarette of the day later than usual. 3 Smoke a few less cigarettes each day. 4 Keep your pack of cigarettes, matches or lighter and ashtray out of reach. 5 Eliminate the smell of cigarette smoke from your clothes, your home, etc. Smoke your first cigarette of the day later than usual. 2 Smoke a few less cigarettes each day. 3 Keep your pack of cigarettes, matches or lighter and ashtray out of reach. 4 Eliminate the smell of cigarette smoke from your clothes, your home, etc.", "- 2. Let your furniture air out. Take any piece of furniture that you can remove from your home and let it sit out in the sun for a day or two. 1 The fresh air helps reduce the smoke smell. 2 The sun's UV rays are also thought to help neutralize smoke smell.moke smell can be one of the most invasive and stubborn odors you will have to deal with throughout the course of your life. Thankfully, when smoke permeates your belongings, car, or home, there are a few tricks and techniques you can try to chase the smell away. Here's what you need to know.", "How do I remove odor from my car due to water damage? Replace the carpet padding once the car and the carpet is dry use lots of spray adheasive and everything will smell like new glue. Ok, the best solution is to get the car into the sun as soon as possible, and leave the windows down so it can air dry....." ]
what causes potholes in gravel driveway
[ "what causes potholes in gravel road How to Repair Potholes in Dirt and Gravel Driveways - How to . Most potholes in dirt or gravel driveways are caused by water trapped below the surface, so be sure to maintain or improve the quality of underground drainage." ]
[ "How to Tunnel Under a Driveway Make another trench on the other side of the driveway where the tunnel is to emerge. This one should be about 2 feet long and several inches deeper than the level of the tunnel, so water and mud can drain into it. Lay the pipe in the trench with the open end pointed toward the driveway. Put on your eye protection, because the water may throw back mud and small stones as it digs. Turn on the water full blast. It will immediately begin to tunnel into the soil under the driveway. Push the pipe into the hole as it is created. Stop occasionally and pull the pipe out of the hole allowing it to drain. You may need to clear out some of the mud in the trench with the shovel before putting the water pipe back in the tunnel.", "- In the fall, you grade to minimize that damage for the next year. In between gradings, though, there are things you can do to keep your driveway looking its best: If potholes do appear, you can fill them with loose gravel or use a heavy-duty rake to loosen the compacted gravel around them and fill them with that.", "How Would You Rate Crushed Gravel as a Driveway Material? When I refer to stone driveways, I mean driveways whose surface is composed entirely of small stones. Obviously, water will drain through this material as it would through a sieve. By contrast, crushed gravel driveways, the subject of this FAQ, have surfaces designed to shed water.rushed gravel driveways are commonly composed of sand, silt, clay and larger aggregates (pebbles and small stones). Stone driveways, by contrast, are often more elegant. The source of the confusion over terminology is that the small stone used in stone driveways is sometimes also referred to as gravel..", "Crocodile cracking Cracking is often a sign of sub-base failure, poor drainage, or repeated over-loadings. It is important to prevent cracking, and repair as soon as possible, as advanced cases can be very costly to repair and can lead to formation of potholes or premature pavement failure.", "- potholes each year. • In 2012, Columbus, OH. spent $175,578 for the hot and cold mix asphalt patch material to patch 130,397 potholes. What causes a pothole? Potholes are created when the top layer of pavement and the material beneath—called the base or sub-base—cannot support the weight of the traffic. Two factors are always present in such a failure: TRAFFIC and WATER. The “gestation period” for a pothole includes:", "Resin Bonded Gravel Vs. Loose Gravel As its name implies, loose gravel driveway paving mainly consists of gravel laid out over a compacted stone sub-base or even over soft landscaping. It usually looks fine, and it is a great way for developers and property owners to keep construction costs to a minimum.", "Build A Gravel Driveway Gravel driveways built on hillsides need ditches on the high side of the driveway. These ditches capture surface water that runs down the hill and otherwise would run across the driveway. Larger angular rocks should be placed in the ditch to slow down the speed of the running water in the ditch.", "How to Install a Simple Driveway Trench Drain Step Eight: Water exiting the outlet pipes can cause erosion. You may need to place larger rocks to absorb the energy of the flowing water. Do not dump this water in a location it would not normally drain. Summary: Trench drains are not new.", "- Managing Cultural Diversity Training Manual 75  2010 Australian Multicultural Foundation Designed by Robert Bean Consulting 3. Cultural Diversity Impacts on Customer Service Tick the areas for attention in the customer service aspects of the project or process you are analysing.", "- Gravel is a good choice for driveways. A gravel drive should have a first layer of baseball-sized stones at least 4 inches deep. According to Tim Carter of AskTheBuilder.com, each layer thereafter should be 4 inches thick and in gradually smaller stone. Compact each layer with a tamping machine, and cover with the final layer of crushed gravel for a depth of about 12 inches.", "How to Grade a Gravel Driveway In the spring, you have to clean up from the damage that Old Man Winter has done. In the fall, you grade to minimize that damage for the next year. If potholes do appear, you can fill them with loose gravel or use a heavy-duty rake to loosen the compacted gravel around them and fill them with that.", "How to Fix a Slope Driveway 5. Install underground drain pipes between the driveway and garage if the slope is toward the house. Cut the pavement with a concrete saw or handheld cutting tool fitted with a masonry cut-off wheel accessory. Break up the concrete with a jackhammer or sledge hammer.. Fill the trench with clean gravel until the expanse is deep enough for the channel to sit level with the driveway and garage. Install a drain channel across the driveway and use PVC cement to seal the joints.", "New Asphalt Do's and Don'ts If a camper or other vehicle will be stored for a long period of time, place a piece of plywood under the tongue jack and tires. Do not walk on your new drive with pointy high heels, place lawn chairs, bicycle kickstands, or any other sharp objects on it. They will create holes and depressions. The edges are the weakest part of your driveway due to the lack of side support. Do not drive on the edges, since they will crack and crumble in time.", "- Roads in PEI need constant repair because of weathering. In spring and fall. Water may enter cracks in a road's surface. When this water freezes overnight, it expands and widens the cracks. In time, the surface will break up. The same process happens in rocks. Several other types of weathering affect rocks. Usually in forests, roots of plants reach into cracks in rocks by their penetration and growth, and have the same effect as freezing and thawing; burrowing animals also contribute to the decomposition of earth materials.", "River Landforms Potholes are cylindrical holes drilled into the bed of a river that vary in depth & diameter from a few centimetres to several metres. They’re found in the upper course of a river where it has enough potential energy to erode vertically and its flow is turbulent.", "What Is Crush and Run Gravel? Crush and run gravel is widely used for constructing driveways because the gravel, which is a mixture of stone powder and small crushed stone, retains the strength of the top layer of the driveway, making it durable.", "- 1 Gravel is the least expensive driveway material. 2 Pros: In addition to being inexpensive and DIY-friendly, a gravel driveway is permeable, allowing rainwater to soak through and reducing runoff. Cons: Gravel is rough and uneven, weeds grow through it, and it tends to migrate from the driveway into your lawn.", "How to Grade a Gravel Driveway If you have a gravel driveway or road on your property, then you know the common problems with them: 1 ruts develop that are uncomfortable and dangerous to drive over. 2 washouts appear after heavy rain. 3 the gravel becomes compacted and has to be replenished every few years.", "Microsoft Surface Pro 3: The Real World Road Test Plus, Microsoft has done some component-battery jujitsu to help the Surface Pro 3 and maintain near-perfect balance. No matter how I place it on my lap, it was never in danger of topping over. The tablet does far outweigh the keyboard, but with the magnetic edge clinging to the screen, it never felt that way.", "How To Repair A Blacktop Asphalt Driveway DIY Homeowner To repair alligator cracks in your blacktop asphalt driveway, you'll need alligator patch material, sealcoat sealer and a squeegee or asphalt brush. Note that we do mention sealcoat sealer. We highly recommend sealcoating over the alligator patch.", "Sinkholes Sometimes, heavy weight on soft soil can result in collapse of ground, resulting in a sinkhole. Sinkholes can also form when the land surface is changed. Areas that have a bedrock made of limestone, salt deposits or carbonate rock are most susceptible to erosion and the formation of such holes.These rocks tend to erode as acidic water passes through them.. Solution sinkholes are most commonly seen in areas that have a very thin cover of soil on the surface, exposing the bedrock below to continual erosion by water. As the water percolates through the bedrock, it carries away small parts of the rock with it.", "- Concrete. To fill hairline concrete cracks, you can usually use a patching compound to make the repair. First apply a concrete bonding adhesive or primer/additive to create the best bond possible between the old surface and the patching material.Use an old or inexpensive paintbrush to work the liquid into the surface.e sure to keep the filler in the crack, not on the driveway surface. For cracks ½ to 2 wide, fill the crack with non-porous foam backer rod material before applying crack filler. For potholes or cracks wider than 2, you'll need to do a little more repair.", "Build A Gravel Driveway Low spots need to be filled with gravel scraped from any high spots. If your driveway has curves, you will discover that car and truck traffic tends to push loose gravel to the outer edges of the curves. This gravel needs to be brought back to the center and inner part of the curves. Gravel driveways built on hillsides need ditches on the high side of the driveway.", "Pothole 4. Traffic can break the pavement. A pothole is a type of failure in an asphalt pavement, caused by the presence of water in the underlying soil structure and the presence of traffic passing over the affected area.Introduction of water to the underlying soil structure first weakens the supporting soil.xample of a pothole reappearing on a newly patched roadway, also showing the transition between crocodile cracking and the pothole, with water dried up, in a road on the Isle of Man. Small potholes, showing isolated failures of the pavement and its subsurface structure, in a road in Banbury, UK.", "Why are our roads full of potholes? While utility companies have an obligation to repair what they dig up to a certain standard, this has an impact on the roads. Even if the work isn't shoddy – which it sometimes is – breaking up and then repairing the road surface makes it more susceptible to potholes." ]
what county is milroy pa
[ "- Milroy, Pennsylvania. Milroy is a census-designated place (CDP) in the Kishacoquillas Valley of Mifflin County, Pennsylvania, United States. The population was 1,386 at the 2000 census." ]
[ "- Pennsylvania (PA) Pocono Mountains Region ; Luzerne County ; Sugarloaf ; Sugarloaf Restaurants", "- Northumberland County is looking for an Attorney licensed to practice in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to work in the Special Conflicts office representing the County of Northumberland or acting as court appointed counsel for: 1) Children & Youth Services representing parents and Children 2) Criminal cases 3) Post Conv. Relief Act petitions.", "- The official website of Highland Township located in Chester County, Pennsylvania. We can be reached by calling 610-857-1791.", "- Welcome to Cambria County, Pennsylvania! Cambria County is a fourth class county in the State of Pennsylvania with a population of approximately 143,728 residents (Census, 2011). There are 63 municipalities within the County consisting of 32 boroughs, 30 townships and the city of Johnstown. The County is approximately 71 miles east of Pittsburgh via US Route 22, and 143 miles west of Harrisburg via Interstate 76.", "GED Classes St. Cloud, Minnesota You don’t need to take all tests in one time, you now can take one test (or module) at the time when you are all set to do so. Scores are valid for two years. GED Requirements in Minnesota St. Cloud GED prep facilities. St. Cloud One Stop Career Center 1542 Northway Drive (Door 2), St. Cloud, MN 56303, Phone: 320-308-5320", "Community Profile Population Gilroy is a growing community with a population of about 48,821 (2010 U.S. Census), representing over 2.7% of Santa Clara County. Gilroy serves as the center of a rural area of about 50,000. Projections have shown a potential population growth of over 10% in the next 5 years. The 2010 ethnic breakdown of the city's population is 31.4% Caucasian, 57.8% Hispanic, 6.7% Asian, 1.5% Black, .4% American Indian, and .2% other. Government", "List of cities and boroughs in Pennsylvania by population Location of Pennsylvania in the United States. Bensalem Township is a township in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, United States which borders the northeast section of Philadelphia. The township is composed of many communities, including Bensalem, Trevose, Oakford, Cornwells Heights, Eddington, and Andalusia. As of the 2010 census, the township had a total population of 60,427, which makes it the largest municipality in Bucks County, and the ninth largest in Pennsylvania. The township, which was founded in 1692, is almost as old as Pennsylvania itself, which was founded in 1682.", "- Northampton County vital records can be found at the Pennsylvania Office of Vital Records has copies of birth and death records since 1906 and death records. There is a fee for each copy requested. Please refer to the information to the Statewide Vital Records in Pennsylvania for current fees and application process.", "- Allegheny County is located in Pennsylvania. The counties of Washington, Westmoreland, Butler and Beaver border Allegheny. Allegheny County contains the cities of Pittsburgh, Penn Hills, Bethel Park, Mount Lebanon and Monroeville as well as the towns of McKeesport, West Mifflin, Baldwin and Upper St Clair.", "- Columbia County, PA. Columbia County, PA is noted for its rural beauty and outstanding quality of life. It is home to the towns of Bloomsburg, PA, Berwick, PA, and Benton, PA, Ricketts Glen State Park and its renowned waterfalls, rolling farmlands, dozens of covered bridges, and the Susquehanna River.", "- Your Local Custom Wedding Cake Bakery & Shop, proudly serving York PA, Harrisburg PA, Lancaster PA, Camp Hill PA, Mechanicsburg PA and communities in York County, Lancaster County, Adams County, Dauphin County and surrounding areas in South Central Pennsylvania.", "- Westmoreland County originally included the present-day counties of Fayette, Washington, Greene, and parts of Beaver, Allegheny, Indiana, and Armstrong counties. It is named for Westmorland, a historic county of England. Westmoreland County is included in the Pittsburgh, PA Metropolitan Statistical Area. A major coal strike occurred in the county in the winter of 1910–11.", "- We provide cost effective house arrest and electronic monitoring services to magisterial district court systems throughout Pennsylvania including York, Harrisburg, Philadelphia and Allentown.In addition, we also serve the York County, Lancaster County and Chester County.e provide cost effective house arrest and electronic monitoring services to magisterial district court systems throughout Pennsylvania including York, Harrisburg, Philadelphia and Allentown.", "Pennsylvania Montgomery County, locally also referred to as Montco, is a county located in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. As of the 2010 census, the population was 799,874, making it the third-most populous county in Pennsylvania, after Philadelphia and Allegheny Counties, and the 71st most populous in the United States. The county seat is Norristown.", "- Recent posts about Milroy, Pennsylvania on our local forum with over 2,000,000 registered users. Milroy is mentioned 52 times on our forum: Latest news from Milroy, PA collected exclusively by city-data.com from local newspapers, TV, and radio stations. Ancestries: German (46.2%), American (9.4%), Italian (8.4%), Irish (5.9%), Slovak (4.9%), Welsh (3.4%). Current Local Time: EST time zone. Elevation: 760 feet.", "- Northumberland County comprises the Sunbury, PA Micropolitan Statistical Area, which is also included in the Bloomsburg-Berwick-Sunbury, PA Combined Statistical Area.ccording to the U.S. Census Bureau, the county has a total area of 478 square miles (1,240 km 2), of which 458 square miles (1,190 km 2) is land and 19 square miles (49 km 2) (4.0%) is water. The main river in Northumberland County is the Susquehanna River.", "- Magisterial Court 21 3 04 21st District Schuylkill County. Magisterial District Court 21-3-04, 19 N. Pine Street, Tremont, PA 17981. Mailing Address: Magisterial District Court 21-3-04, P.O. Box 25, Tremont, PA, 17981.", "Milpitas Milpitas, California. Milpitas /mɪlˈpiːtəs/ is a city in Santa Clara County, California. It is located with San Jose to its south and Fremont to its north, at the eastern end of State Route 237 and generally between Interstates 680 and 880 which run roughly north/south through the city.", "- County, Emlenton is a recreational and sportsman destination. Small town American charm and history abound. Located off of Interstate 80 Exits 42 and 45. The River Avenue public boat launch and river access to the Allegheny River is one of only a few public accesses to the river. Many outfitters begin or end their trips here. Look under the “little”", "Allegheny Valley School District The Allegheny Valley School District is a small, suburban, public school district located in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania. It covers Cheswick and Springdale boroughs and Harmar and Springdale townships in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania. The district encompasses approximately 10 square miles (26 km 2).", "- Each violation thereafter istreated as a first-degree misdemeanor.In addition to our local concern in Westmoreland County,the Office of the Attorney General of Pennsylvania is alsoaware of the detrimental effects of the unauthorized practiceof law, and its resulting harm to consumers.", "About VTA VTA provides these services throughout the county, including the municipalities of Campbell, Cupertino, Gilroy, Los Altos, Los Altos Hills, Los Gatos, Milpitas, Monte Sereno, Morgan Hill, Mountain View, Palo Alto, San Jose, Santa Clara, Saratoga and Sunnyvale.", "Warrenpoint Warrenpoint is a small town and civil parish in County Down, Northern Ireland. It lies on the northern shore of Carlingford Lough and is separated from the Republic of Ireland by a narrow strait. The town sprang up within the townland of Ringmackilroy (from Irish Rinn Mhic Giolla Rua, meaning 'MacIlroy's point').", "- Milroy, PA Other Information. 1 Located in MIFFLIN County, Pennsylvania. 2 Milroy, PA is also known as: 3 LOCKE MILLS, PA. NAGINEY, 1 PA. ROSEANN, 2 PA. SIGLERVILLE, PA.", "SCRANTON, PA LACKAWANNA COUNTY POCONOS - SCRANTON, LACKAWANNA COUNTY, PA. The County Links on the left will keep you specifically in or near Scranton/Wilkes-Barre and Lackawanna County, in northeastern PA. We add new listings and links on a regular basis." ]
pop art art definition
[ "Translations for Pop Art Freebase(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: Pop art is an art movement that emerged in the mid-1950s in Britain and in the late 1950s in the United States. Pop art presented a challenge to traditions of fine art by including imagery from popular culture such as advertising, news, etc." ]
[ "Ten famous pop art artists Ten famous pop art artists. The pop art movement that began in the 1950s was governed by the creative thinking of many pop art artists. Together forming the Independent Group, these artists went against the high brow culture of art to make it more accessible to the masses.", "The Definition of Art The definition of art is controversial in contemporary philosophy. Whether art can be defined has also been a matter of controversy. The philosophical usefulness of a definition of art has also been debated.", "Pop Art Synopsis. Pop art is now most associated with the work of New York artists of the early 1960s such as Andy Warhol, Roy Lichtenstein, James Rosenquist, and Claes Oldenburg, but artists who drew on popular imagery were part of an international phenomenon in various cities from the mid-1950s onwards.y creating paintings or sculptures of mass culture objects and media stars, the Pop art movement aimed to blur the boundaries between high art and low culture. The concept that there is no hierarchy of culture and that art may borrow from any source has been one of the most influential characteristics of Pop art.", "clip art Noun. 1. clip art-ready-made pieces of computerized graphic art that can be used to decorate a document. computer graphics-the pictorial representation and manipulation of data by a computer.", "- Modern, Contemporary, and Postmodern Art. Generally speaking, contemporary art is defined as any form of art in any medium that is produced in the present day. However, within the art world the term designates art that was made during and after the post-Pop art era of the 1960s.", "sculpture plastic art - the arts of shaping or modeling; carving and sculpture relievo, rilievo, sculptural relief, embossment, relief - sculpture consisting of shapes carved on a surface so as to stand out from the surrounding background", "- Photorealism and Pop art do share, however, a common visual ground: they both are indebted to the wide distribution of photographic media in popular culture. When examining the paintings from the movement's zenith in the late 1960s and early 1970s, there is an evident lack of clutter and extraneous detail. controversial attribution regarding Photorealism is its association to, and even equation with trompe l'oeil. The strict and traditional definition of trompe l'oeil is a painting that is meant to deceive the viewer's eye into believing they are actually viewing a real object and not a painting.", "What is deviant art? What is deviant art? Deviant art is a website that allows artists from all over the world to post their art, whether they are sketches, paintings, photographs, digital media, etc., and receive fee…dback from other users. There are also forums and a place to shop for art.", "- Freebase(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: Latte art. Latte art is a method of preparing coffee created by pouring steamed milk into a shot of espresso and resulting in a pattern or design on the surface of the resulting latte. It can also be created or embellished by simply drawing in the top layer of foam.", "art This statue is a work of art. This statue is a work of art. The definition of art is the product of imagination and creativity, particularly in a physical form. A painting, theatrical performance and a sculpture are each an example of art.. used pejoratively to describe those who believe only in “art for art’s sake,” to the exclusion of all other human activities. allegory an art form, as a story, painting, or sculpture, in which the components have a symbolic, figurative meaning.", "- Body Art: A Means for Self Expression African body art uses the human body as a way to express an individual's status, spiritual beliefs, or ethnic affiliation. It can be created on the body itself in the form of tattoos, scarification, body painting, or coiffures. Body art can also be created for wear on the body in the form of garments or jewelry. African body art changes the wearer into an object shaped by color, movement, textures, patterns and designs.", "art Definition of art. 1 1 : skill acquired by experience, study, or observation the art of making friends. 2 2a : a branch of learning: (1) : one of the humanities (2) arts plural : liberal artsb archaic : learning, scholarship. 3 3 : an occupation requiring knowledge or skill the art of organ building.", "Philippine Contemporary Art Transcript of Philippine Contemporary Art. Philippine Contemporary Art. Contemporary art is art produced at the present period in time. Contemporary art includes, and develops from, Postmodern art, which is itself a successor to Modern art. What does Contemporary.", "pop art pop art. (c. 1955–) A reaction against abstract expressionism, the movement started almost simultaneously in the US and UK, and used the images of mass media, advertising, and pop culture, presenting common, everyday objects as art. Thesaurus AntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:", "Pop Art: 8 artists every designer should know Pop Art was a visual art movement that emerged during the mid 1950s. A sign of the times, the style focused on mass production, celebrity and the expanding industries of advertising, TV, radio and print media-shaping a new cultural identity in the field of art and design.", "What does a tattoo of a safety pin mean? The young people, brainwashed by LA Ink, believe it must, while the older crowd gets what they like. The definition of art, is that it creates an emotional response when viewed. Notice I didn't say a good emotional response, just a response. It's art.", "Questions About Pop Art What is the pop art movement? Pop art was a cultural movement that was born in the mid 20th century in England, from where it spread overseas within a matter of years to the U.S. Pop art focuses on popular culture instead of more elitist fine art, and values the seemingly unimportant and everyday experience, incorporating commentary on mass media, comic books, and other profane, common material.", "Folk Art Contemporary folk art, often shut off from traditional sources and responding to the demand by museums and collectors for goods, is an art of individual and aesthetic expression, using new techniques and responding to influences in modern society.", "Pop Art Pop Art was the art of popular culture. It was the visual art movement that characterised a sense of optimism during the post war consumer boom of the 1950's and 1960's.It coincided with the globalization of pop music and youth culture, personified by Elvis and the Beatles.op Art was brash, young and fun and hostile to the artistic establishment. It included different styles of painting and sculpture from various countries, but what they all had in common was an interest in mass-media, mass-production and mass-culture.", "The Development of Modern Art In the US From World War II on Americans would be the groundbreakers for new artistic styles. Pop art is an art form based in the power of popular images, derived from the commercial and mass media sources that permeate modern American society. By elevating the banal to the status of Art, the viewer is challenged to reconsider the nature of society and its values.", "- By Eric Jensen. Fine Art: Definition & Meaning. The term fine art refers to an art form practised mainly for its aesthetic value and its beauty (art for art's sake) rather than its functional value. Fine art is rooted in drawing and design-based works such as painting, printmaking, and sculpture.", "Pop art In Italy, by 1964, pop art was known and took different forms, such as the Scuola di Piazza del Popolo in Rome, with pop artists such as Mario Schifano, Franco Angeli, Giosetta Fioroni, Tano Festa, Claudio Cintoli, and some artworks by Piero Manzoni, Lucio Del Pezzo and Mimmo Rotella.he origins of pop art in North America developed differently from Great Britain. In the United States, pop art was a response by artists; it marked a return to hard-edged composition and representational art.", "folk art Folk art definition, artistic works, as paintings, sculpture, basketry, and utensils, produced typically in cultural isolation by untrained often anonymous artists or by artisans of varying degrees of skill and marked by such attributes as highly decorative design, bright bold colors, flattened perspective, strong forms in simple arrangements, and immediacy of meaning.", "Pop Art Pop Art was the art of popular culture. It was the visual art movement that characterised a sense of optimism during the post war consumer boom of the 1950's and 1960's.It coincided with the globalization of pop music and youth culture, personified by Elvis and the Beatles. Pop Art coincided with the globalization of Pop Music and youth culture. 2 Pop Art included different styles of painting and sculpture but all had a common interest in mass-media, mass-production and mass-culture. 3 Although Pop Art started in Britain, it is essentially an American movement.", "- Pop Art is an artistic movement that has been created as a rejection of Abstract Expressionism, which was labeled pretentious and over-intense. copyright 2015 - artinthepicture.com." ]
did hillary give russia uranium
[ "Donald Trump claims â falsely â that Hillary Clinton gave Russia 20% of US uranium Trump: I don't think Putin is testing me Thursday, 16 Feb 2017 | 1:50 PM ET | 04:28. President Donald Trump repeated an incorrect claim on Thursday that Hillary Clinton gave Russia 20 percent of the United States' uranium while serving as secretary of State. The fact-checking website PolitiFact has determined that statement, which Trump first made on the campaign trail, is mostly false." ]
[ "Report: Clinton Collected Millions In Russian Cash Before Approving Russian Uranium Deal April 23, 2015 By Sean Davis. Let them eat yellow cake. A blockbuster report in the New York Times today details how Hillary Clinton’s non-profit organization raked in millions from the Russian nuclear industry while Hillary was negotiating a deal to allow the Russians to acquire Uranium One, one of the world’s largest uranium mining companies:", "Call for Hillary to 'go to prison' for email scandal Call for Hillary to 'go to prison' for email scandal. 'This is the national-security equivalent of drunken driving'. Greg Corombos is news director for Radio America. The Russians did hack into the U.S. government, and so did any foreign intelligence worth its salt, most likely through former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s private server.", "Five Questions About the Clintons and a Uranium Company The Times sums it up this way: As the Russians gradually assumed control of Uranium One in three separate transactions from 2009 to 2013, Canadian records show, a flow of cash made its way to the Clinton Foundation.", "- And lest apologists for Obama argue that the nuclear deal with Iran is not actually a “treaty,” but merely an “executive agreement,” Hamilton leaves no doubt as to the scope of arrangements to which the Senate’s review power applies.ig Government, National Security, Hillary Clinton, iran deal, Clinton Foundation, nuclear Iran, foreign policy, Alexander Hamilton, federalist papers, treaty power, Federalist No. 75. Comment count on this article reflects comments made on Breitbart.com and Facebook.", "- Uranium deposits are found all over the world. The largest deposits of uranium are found in Australia, Kazakhstan and Canada. High-grade deposits are only found in Canada.", "In a nuclear claim, Donald Trump says Hillary Clinton 'gave up' one-fifth of U.S. uranium to Russia Trump claimed that Clinton gave up 20 percent of America's uranium supply to Russia.. Mostly False. At a campaign rally in Waukesha, Wis., Donald Trump made a number of attacks on Hillary Clinton's tenure as secretary of state, including one involving Russia. Clinton gave up 20 percent of America's uranium supply to Russia -- to Russia, Trump said Sept. 28, 2016, two days after their first debate.", "The Real Story Behind Hillary Clinton's Feud With Vladimir Putin The Real Story Behind Hillary Clinton's Feud With Vladimir Putin. In one of her last acts as secretary of state in early 2013, Hillary Clinton wrote a confidential memo to the White House on how to handle Vladimir Putin, Russia's newly installed and increasingly aggressive fourth president. Her bluntly worded advice: Snub him.", "From Whitewater to Benghazi: A Clinton-Scandal Primer From Whitewater to Benghazi: A Clinton-Scandal Primer. In a letter on Sunday, FBI Director James Comey wrote that newly discovered emails do not change the FBI’s prior conclusion that Hillary Clinton should not be charged with a crime. Esam Al-Fetori / Brian Snyder / Gary Cameron / Jim Young / Reuters / Brennan Linsley / Susan Walsh / AP / razihusin / Shutterstock Zak Bickel / The Atlantic.", "- Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton (born 26 October 1947) is a former United States Secretary of State, U.S. Senator, and First Lady of the United States. From 2009 to 2013, she was the 67th Secretary of State, serving under President Barack Obama.", "FactCheck: No âveto powerâ for Clinton on uranium deal The author of “Clinton Cash” falsely claimed Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State had “veto power” and “could have stopped” Russia from buying a company with extensive uranium mining operations in the U.S. In fact, only the president has such power.", "Report: Clinton Collected Millions In Russian Cash Before Approving Russian Uranium Deal Report: Clinton Collected Millions In Russian Cash Before Approving Russian Uranium Deal. Let them eat yellow cake. As the Russians gradually assumed control of Uranium One in three separate transactions from 2009 to 2013, Canadian records show, a flow of cash made its way to the Clinton Foundation. Uranium One’s chairman used his family foundation to make four donations totaling $2.35 million.", "Grilling Hillary Clinton on her other debacle: Russia Russia now acts as a guarantor for Bashar al-Assad, thereby perpetuating the humanitarian debacle and underscoring America’s lack of influence. And Russia helps Iran’s recovery and regional ambitions by supplying it with S-300 missiles. At the debate or in subsequent interviews it would be worthwhile to ask Hillary:", "- Grassley has also called for a second special counsel to look at decisions the FBI and DOJ made at the time that the Obama administration approved a uranium deal giving Russia a significant stake in the U.S. market. —", "- If it former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton lied about not handling classified material on the email server that she maintained, then the presumptive 2016 Democratic presidential contender could face jail time, an attorney tells The Washington Times.", "- This is the type of engineering that most non-engineers think of when they hear the term engineering.. As the name suggests, civil engineers design to fulfill civic needs. This can range from building bridges to laying out roadways to timing traffic lights or to even the construction of buildings and park facilities.", "Why Julian Assange Doesnât Want Hillary Clinton to Be President WikiLeaks exposed the connection between Google and Hillary Clinton when a close adviser to Clinton at the State Department, Jared Cohen, left his role there in 2010 to server as director of Google Ideas. According to Assange, Cohen participated in back channel diplomacy between Google and the State Department.", "Obama praises courage of Bruce Jenner; Americans introduce him to Chris Kyle Obama: The best way to keep Iran from going nuclear is to tweet about Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner. — Josh Jordan (@NumbersMuncher) June 1, 2015. China is building a military base in the middle of the south China Sea,Russia is selling missiles to Iran, but nah Bruce Jenner is important. — Tomb (@Pacific_Tomb) June 1, 2015. I missed your tweet praising disabled vet Noah Galloway who was runner up to Bruce oops Caitlyn for the Authur Ashe award @BarackObama.", "First, An Apparent Seizure, Now a Strange Hole in Hillaryâs Tongue HPV can cause cancers in the back of the throat, most commonly in the base of the tongue and tonsils, in an area known as the “oropharynx.” These cancers are called “oropharyngeal cancers.”. What appears to be a gaping cavity on Hillary’s tongue is at or near the base and not where a piercing would have occurred. In fact, Bill Clinton’s ex-lover Gennifer Flowers stated the following when asked about the relationship between Huma Abedin and Hillary: I don’t know Huma or the Weiners.", "Library Russia: wide natural resource base including major deposits of oil, natural gas, coal, and many strategic minerals, reserves of rare earth elements, timber note: formidable obstacles of climate, terrain, and distance hinder exploitation of natural resources: Rwanda: gold, cassiterite (tin ore), wolframite (tungsten ore), methane, hydropower, arable land", "- Updated Sept. 8, 2015 10:33 p.m. WASHINGTON—Hillary Clinton, in her last months as secretary of state, helped open the door to a dramatic shift in U.S. policy toward Iran: an acceptance that Tehran would maintain at least some capacity to produce nuclear fuel, according to current and former U.S. officials.", "BREAKING: Massive Huma Terror-Connection Uncovered⦠Clinton Team in Panic Mode BREAKING: Massive Huma Terror-Connection Uncovered… Clinton Team in Panic Mode. Seven years ago, then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton entered into discussions with Saudi Arabia about the Muslim World League ceasing to fund Islamic terrorism. What Clinton either did not know or purposefully chose to ignore at the time was that her closest aide, Huma Abedin, held direct ties to the MWL.", "- I have before me right now a copy of what Hillary has said:Hillary Clinton says she will use government force to make you reject your Christian faith! “Laws have to be backed up with resources and political will. And deep -seated religious beliefs have to be changed” Hillary Rodham Clinton April 23, 2015.", "What is it like for Huma Abedin to work with Hillary Clinton on her 2016 presidential campaign? Hilary Clinton has complete faith in Huma Abedin. Most employers look for loyalty or competence in an employee. While Hillary values loyalty, Huma gives her both. And for a couple years now, they share something else in common: lying, philandering husbands. Huma is married to the Weiner Tweeter himself, Anthony Weiner.", "- Dear Subscriber, The price of uranium is jumping again! This week, the white-hot metal went from $91 to $95 a pound, according to TradeTech s Nuclear Market Review. Remember, this metal was trading at just $75 per pound in January $55 in October and $45 last July.", "Anti-Gun Hillary Clinton Is Taking Money From NRA Lobbyists Anti-Gun Hillary Clinton Is Taking Money From NRA Lobbyists. Throughout her campaign Hillary Clinton has been consistently against our guns. More specifically she has called for the destruction of the National Rifle Association, the biggest champion of our gun ownership rights. Last fall she called the NRA “extremists” and vowed to take the 2nd Amendment away from them. During the October democratic debate she said she considers the NRA one of her biggest enemies. This March Hillary Clinton will accept money for her campaign from an ex-NRA lobbyist. The Huffington Post reports that Jeff Forbes will host a fundraiser for the Hillary Clinton campaign. That probably wouldn’t mean much, but Forbes used to be a lobbyist for the hated NRA." ]
how many units per ml insulin
[ "Using an insulin syringe how many units in a ml? Best Answer: Insulin is standardized to 100 units per ml. So a ten ml bottle has 1000 units. So in your question take 100/15 = .15 ml. It will say the strength on the bottle. Insulin with a strength of 100 units per ml is cal U-100. There is also U-500 for diabetics with extreme insulin resistance, but it is very uncommon. If your insulin syringe is .3ml that is typical, 15 units is half a syringe." ]
[ "- U-100 will have 100 units per mL, and U-40 has 40 units per mL. This means that U-100 has 2.5 times the amount of active insulin per mL, therefore 2.5 times as strong. Appropriate syringes are made for use with the respective insulin, marked with the correct measure for dosage. We strongly recommend that you use matching insulin and syringes. However, it is possible to use the below conversion chart to convert from U-40 to U-100 or U-100 to U-40 effortlessly.", "- Re-evaluate each week to be certain that about half of the total daily dose is basal and half is bolus insulin. B. Conversion from once-daily premix to intensive/physiologic insulin replacement: Oral therapy failure: Once-daily 70/30 premixed insulin was added and titrated to 30 units per day.", "Insulin Regular Dosage Patients with insulin-resistant type 1 or type 2 diabetes who require daily insulin doses of more than 200 units may find U-500 insulin to be useful; larger doses may be administered subcutaneously in a reasonable volume.", "U100 Syringes U100 syringes are available in 3 barrel sizes: 1cc (1 ml), 1/2cc (0.5 ml), and 3/10cc (0.3 ml). The size refers to the maximum volume of insulin the syringe will hold; markings can differ with regard to the size of the syringe and the syringe manufacturer. Note that ReliOn states all of its 3/10 cc (0.3ml) insulin syringes have half scale/half unit markings. U-100 Syringe Sizes.", "If using a tuberculin syringe instead of insulin syringe-how much insulin should i draw up? Confidence votes 4. Do not use a TB syringe for your insulin. The standard these days is for insulin to be 100 units per mL, which would seem to measure the same, but the syringes are calibrated differently and they are not always equivalent.", "- U-500 units) by 5. Divide dose (actual HumulinR. U-500 units)by 500. For doses other than those listed above refer to the following formulas: U-100 insulin syringe. Divide prescribedDose (actual units) by 5= Unit markings in a U-100 insulin syringe.", "Lantus Lantus (insulin glargine injection) is supplied as a solution containing 100 units per mL (U-100) of insulin glargine and is available in: Dosage Unit/Strength Package size", "- Dosage units are determined by the type of insulin pen you are using for insulin injection. Half units refer to needles that use half units (ex: 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, etc). Whole units refer to needles that use whole units only (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, etc).", "Insulin Basics The standard and most commonly used strength in the United States today is U-100, which means it has 100 units of insulin per milliliter of fluid, though U-500 insulin is available for patients who are extremely insulin resistant.", "How do you calculate how much insulin to take? You are right in that you should be getting 1 unit of insulin for every 12grams of carbs that you take in. Now, you should try to plan your meals to be inline as much as possible with these 12g increments.Reason being is that you can’t or shouldn’t give partial units. do not decrease the grams by the grams of fiber carb. Test your glucose, if near normal, divide the number of grams of carb by 12, inject the lower amount of insulin. check again in 2 hours to see where it is. If you need a correction dose, then do it.", "- It depends on the concentration of insulin in the vial you are using. One commonly used concentration is 1…00 IU/ml, (sometimes called U100) but this is NOT true for all insulin. If the concentration is 100 IU/ml, then each ml contains 100 IU and the conversion is 100 units = 1 ml.", "Carbohydrate Count in Insulin Dosing Determine total Insulin used per day Option 1: Known dose from multiple daily doses or Insulin Pump. Option 2: Calculate based on patient weight Type I: Total daily Insulin (TDI) WtKg x 0.1 to 0.3 units/kg (start low) Type II: Total daily Insulin (TDI) WtKg x 0.3 units/kg: Underweight, advance age, Dialysis.", "What Are Normal Levels of Insulin? Your insulin levels will be typically measured in micro units per milliliter (mcU/ml or mIU/ml). However, experts often disagree on what should be the ideal levels of glucose. According to Health Central, the levels should be about 10-20 mcU/ml, while a Dr. Mercola says the normal levels should be under 5 mcU/ml.", "- Click image to play. Syringes vary in the measurement markings on the barrel. To ensure accurate measurement of medication, read the calibration on the syringe carefully. Use insulin syringes only to measure insulin; the insulin concentration should correspond with the scale of the insulin syringe. For example, draw up and administer U100 insulin, which contains 100 units of insulin per mL, in a U100 insulin syringe. Accurate administration of medication also includes measuring the dose at the correct part of the plunger.", "Blood Levels of Insulin and Hemoglobin A1c in Foundation Members An upper limit for fasting insulin of 5 µIU/mL (micro international unit per milliliter) was established for this analysis. 3 Only 34% of these blood tests had a fasting insulin level of 5 µIU/mL or lower. A startling 66% showed fasting insulin over 5 µIU/mL, with some in dangerously high ranges of 10-30 µIU/mL.", "Label: LANTUS - insulin glargin injection, solution 3 DOSAGE FORMS AND STRENGTHS LANTUS solution for injection 100 Units per mL is available as: -10 mL Vial (1000 Units/10 mL)-3 mL Cartridge systems for use only in OptiClik ® (300 Units/3 mL)-3 mL SoloStar ® disposable insulin device (300 Units/3 mL) Close.", "- If you are using a 60cc syringe maybe, but most likely you are shooting 0.3 - 0.4 cc's, which is = 30 - 40 Units on an insulin syringe. You would be seriously over diluting if it was 30 cc! The way I understood it was that a mL = a cc, and 100 units on a syringe equaled a cc. Correct me if I'm wrong please.", "Type 2 Diabetes and Insulin Most people with type 1 diabetes need to take about 8 to 10 units of insulin for every 500 calories they eat. (An average daily diet has about 2,000 to 2,500 calories a day.) You may need slightly less or slightly more insulin, depending on how your body reacts to insulin.", "- 1 mL solution contains 200 units insulin degludec* (equivalent to 7.32 mg insulin degludec). One pre-filled pen contains 600 units of insulin degludec in 3 mL solution. *Produced in Saccharomyces cerevisiae by recombinant DNA technology.", "- Divide 500 by the total daily dose of insulin. The result is the grams of carbohydrate that are approximately covered by 1 unit of insulin. Example: A man takes 40 units a day of Humalog. His carb-to-insulin ratio is 1 unit of insulin for every 12.5 grams of carbohydrate. The equation is: 500 divided by 40 (total dose) = 12.5 (grams of carb covered by 1 unit of insulin). 450 Rule for Users of Regular Insulin. Divide 450 by the total daily dose of insulin.", "- But, one bottle of Lantus insulin has 10 mL and therefore the pharmacist will dispense a 10mL vial of Lantus insulin. Calculate the total quantity and the total days supply for the following Rx: sig: 30 units qam. The box has 5 cartridges and each cartridge has 3 mL of insulin. So, if 1 cartridge has 3mL, then 5 cartridges have 15mL and, in turn, we can say that the box has 15mL.", "How much does insulin cost per day for a Type 1 diabetic in India on average? Approximate dose of daily insulin for type 1 diabetic = his weight in kgs. If he weighs around 70kg then roughly dose is 70 units per day. You can choose insulin syring and vial instead of flexpen. Lupinsulin M 30/70 400 units vial costs around 140 inr. ( syringe 40U red = 7inr ) you need to change needle every 2-3 days minimum.", "- The insulin syringe is marked in units of insulin. In the US most (I don't know if there is any other still distributed in US) insulin is U-100. U-100 will have 100 units per …mL. So if you take 50 units of U-100 insulin, you are taking 1/2 mL.", "- In the most recent event, a physician ordered IV dextrose 50% injection (50 mL) along with 4 units of regular insulin IV (U-100) for a patient with renal failure and severe hyperkalemia. However, a nurse drew 4 mL (400 units) of insulin into a 10 mL syringe and administered the dose IV.", "Dosing & Uses Type 1 diabetes mellitus: Starting dose should be approximately one third of the total daily insulin requirements; short-acting, premeal insulin should be used to satisfy the remaining two thirds of the daily insulin requirements; insulin glargine should be used in combination with a short-acting or rapid-acting insulin; usual daily maintenance range is 0.5-1 unit/kg/day in divided doses; nonobese may require 0.4-0.6 unit/kg/day; obese may require 0.6-1.2 units/kg/day" ]
repair cost for VINYL flooring per square foot
[ "- For a basic 500 square feet project in zip code 47474, the benchmark cost to Install Sheet Vinyl Flooring ranges between $2.56 - $3.31 per square foot* ." ]
[ "Carpet Repair Cost Estimates This kind of specialist carpet repair work costs about $25 per square foot. So for a typical patch repair of between 5 and 10 square foot you can expect to pay between $125 and $250.", "Set-PrintConfiguration Example 1: Set the default paper size. This command sets the default paper size of the printer named Microsoft XPS Document Writer printer to A4.his command sets the default paper size of the printer named Microsoft XPS Document Writer printer to A4.", "How Much Does Siding Cost to Replace? Vinyl, according to Bluebook International, which publishes residential repair and replacement costs, runs on average $6,797 for a 2,200-square-foot home. Add to this cost the removal and disposal of any existing siding — $1,000 to $3,000 — and the cost of extras such as fascia, soffits, trim and crown molding. Some contractors will provide these extras for free, while others will charge between $3 and $6 per linear foot.", "Flooring Buyer's Guide Thicker vinyl can have a textured surface that looks like real stone and wood. Vinyl flooring has a wear layer on its upper surface that helps resist stains and scratches. The best vinyl products provide warranties on the wear layer of as much as 15 years, and you can expect good-quality vinyl to last 20 years. Vinyl tiles and sheet goods cost $1 to $5 per square foot.", "- Our free calculator uses recent, trusted data to estimate costs for your Sheet Vinyl Flooring Installation project. For a basic 500 square feet project in zip code 47474, the benchmark cost to Install Sheet Vinyl Flooring ranges between $2.56 - $3.31 per square foot* . To estimate costs for your project:1. Set Project Zip Code Enter the Zip Code for the location where labor is hired and materials purchased.otals-Cost to Install Sheet Vinyl Flooring - 500 Square Feet.", "- For a basic 120 square feet project in zip code 47474, the benchmark cost to Repair Water Damage ranges between $10.91 - $13.44 per square foot* .", "- Our free calculator uses recent, trusted data to estimate costs for your Vinyl Tile Flooring Installation project. For a basic 250 square feet project in zip code 47474, the benchmark cost to Install Vinyl Tile Flooring ranges between $5.33 - $7.00 per square foot* .To estimate costs for your project: 1. Set Project Zip Code Enter the Zip Code for the location where labor is hired and materials purchased.or a basic 250 square feet project in zip code 47474, the benchmark cost to Install Vinyl Tile Flooring ranges between $5.33 - $7.00 per square foot* . To estimate costs for your project:", "Luxury Vinyl Plank LVT Pricing & Installation Cost. The average cost of commercial grade vinyl plank flooring ranges from $2.50-$4.50 per square foot. This price depends a lot on the brand and the level of grade. Installation costs about $1-$2 per sq. ft. depending on the condition of the existing floor.", "- Our free calculator uses recent, trusted data to estimate costs for your Vinyl Tile Flooring Installation project. For a basic 250 square feet project in zip code 47474, the benchmark cost to Install Vinyl Tile Flooring ranges between $5.33 - $7.00 per square foot* .To estimate costs for your project: 1. Set Project Zip Code Enter the Zip Code for the location where labor is hired and materials purchased.ur free calculator uses recent, trusted data to estimate costs for your Vinyl Tile Flooring Installation project. For a basic 250 square feet project in zip code 47474, the benchmark cost to Install Vinyl Tile Flooring ranges between $5.33 - $7.00 per square foot* . To estimate costs for your project:", "What's the average cost for vinyl flooring? Pricing is just as varied for sheet goods and while thickness is a factor, the costs can also be affected by pattern complexity. The guidebook estimates that sheet goods can cost from $3.50 to $6.50 per square foot.", "How Much Does Vinyl Flooring Cost? 1 Glue-down vinyl tile typically costs $2 to $3 per square foot ($120 to $240 for a 120 square foot room). This price also includes the adhesive mastic needed for installation. Vinyl sheet flooring costs $1.50 to $3.00 per square foot ($180 to $360 for a 120 square foot room) depending on the sheet thickness.", "Vinyl Floor Costs Using the original example of our 12’x 15″ kitchen floor replacement, we can see that we have a total of 180 sq. ft., or 20 sq.yds. Using an average of $5 for vinyl installation, we get a price of $100 ($5 times 20 square yards).inyl Tile (12″) – Material cost will be $144 Either by the square foot (180 pieces x 80¢) Or by the square yard (1 sq. yd. = 9 pieces @ 80¢ x 20 sq.yds.). Vinyl Sheet – Material cost (using an average cost of $10/sq.yd.) will be $200 Either by the square foot (180 sq. ft. x $1.11) Or by the square yard (1 sq.yd.", "Vinyl Plank Flooring Costs Unit Cost Quantity Line Cost; New flooring: install 2,500 sq.ft. of mid-grade 5/8 x 4-1/2 wide vinyl plank flooring and 500 linear feet of matching baseboard. $2.49: per sq.ft. 2,625: $6,536: Upgrade: additional cost to install high range material: $2.14: per sq.ft. 2,625: $5,609", "How much does a vinyl floor cost? 1 High-End Estimate: $585 for 100 square feet. 2 These prices include the costs for labor and materials. 3 Sizes range from 6' to 12' wide. Sheet vinyl flooring is expected to last 20-30 years if it is of good quality and properly installed and maintained.", "- Our free calculator uses recent, trusted data to estimate costs for your Vinyl Tile Flooring Installation project. For a basic 250 square feet project in zip code 47474, the benchmark cost to Install Vinyl Tile Flooring ranges between $5.33 - $7.00 per square foot* .To estimate costs for your project: 1.Set Project Zip Code Enter the Zip Code for the location where labor is hired and materials purchased.ur free calculator uses recent, trusted data to estimate costs for your Vinyl Tile Flooring Installation project. For a basic 250 square feet project in zip code 47474, the benchmark cost to Install Vinyl Tile Flooring ranges between $5.33 - $7.00 per square foot* . To estimate costs for your project:", "- Our free calculator uses recent, trusted data to estimate costs for your Sheet Vinyl Flooring Installation project. For a basic 500 square feet project in zip code 47474, the benchmark cost to Install Sheet Vinyl Flooring ranges between $2.56 - $3.31 per square foot* . To estimate costs for your project:1. Set Project Zip Code Enter the Zip Code for the location where labor is hired and materials purchased.or a basic 500 square feet project in zip code 47474, the benchmark cost to Install Sheet Vinyl Flooring ranges between $2.56 - $3.31 per square foot* . To estimate costs for your project:", "- Our free calculator uses recent, trusted data to estimate costs for your Vinyl Tile Flooring Installation project. For a basic 250 square feet project in zip code 47474, the benchmark cost to Install Vinyl Tile Flooring ranges between $5.33 - $7.00 per square foot* .To estimate costs for your project: 1.Set Project Zip Code Enter the Zip Code for the location where labor is hired and materials purchased.or a basic 250 square feet project in zip code 47474, the benchmark cost to Install Vinyl Tile Flooring ranges between $5.33 - $7.00 per square foot* .", "- Flooring Repairs at Homes and Businesses. The cost of flooring repairs at homes, apartments and businesses may vary with the accessibility of the repair site. The average flooring repair in a single family home can be completed for $281, since tools and materials can generally be moved and staged easily.", "How many square feet in a square of vinyl siding? The cost of vinyl siding is about $3 to $7 per square foot. For 2100 square foot it would cost $6,300 and $14,700.", "- 1 Low-End Estimate: $0.80 per square foot. 2 High-End Estimate: $0.50 per square foot. 3 These prices include the cost of materials only. 4 Installation services typically cost $4 to $6 per square yard. 5 Peel-and-stick vinyl flooring is the cheaper option to consider.", "- Vinyl Composition Tile Costs: The price of commercial vinyl tile ranges from $0.99 per square foot to several dollars per sq. ft. depending on the brand and the type of vinyl tile flooring. For example, premium vinyl tile or slip resistant tiles generally cost $2 - $4 per square foot.", "How much does it cost to install vinyl flooring? 1 According to Armstrong.com, if they purchase their flooring as a sheet, they will need the 12' type which has an average price of $4.99 per square foot. 2 This means that the total price would be $890. Assuming that there is 20 linear feet of cabinetry it would require six sheets of wood for a cost of approximately $132; 2 Installation of the new flooring-The costs might vary according to the style selected, but for this project we will assume that the homeowner is opting for a durable and long-lasting style.", "Types of Flooring and Their Costs Vinyl is considered to be the most affordable and easiest to install out of flooring options. Vinyl sheets range from 75 cents to $4 a square foot and vinyl tiles typically cost $1 to $8 per square foot, both which are ideal for DIY-installation. Like laminate, vinyl flooring can imitate the look of high-end flooring like hardwood or tile.", "How to Move Appliances... Without Destroying Your Floor E-mail. Small repairs to vinyl floors are relatively easy to fix with a kit. You can buy a pro-quality kit from Cal-Flor Accessory Systems (Flooring Repair Kit, about $93, plus shipping). A less expensive DIY version can be purchased from Lifetime Repair Kits (Vinyl Floor & Tile Repair Kit, about $10).", "How Much Does Hardwood Floor Repair Cost? 1 Spot repairing hardwood floors might cost $250 to $300 for a ½ day job. 2 Repairs that require a full day of work might cost twice that ($500 to $600). 3 Nationwide data on hardwood flooring repairs from HomeAdvisor puts the average cost at approximately $900 to $1,300. 4 Per square foot, hardwood floor repairs cost $3 to $6. Repairs that require a full day of work might cost twice that ($500 to $600). 2 Nationwide data on hardwood flooring repairs from HomeAdvisor puts the average cost at approximately $900 to $1,300. 3 Per square foot, hardwood floor repairs cost $3 to $6. 4 Refinishing hardwood floors costs $1,000 to $3,000." ]
uranus conjunct saturn transit
[ "8 answersNewest Votes Oldest Finally, Transiting Saturn and Uranus will break relationships. Saturn WILL rebuild but wont be same. Uranus wont rebuild Also Saturn will break friendships, if aspects Saturn Venus or Moon will feel unloved, short of money and will want to withdraw." ]
[ "Table of Contents The planet Uranus, with its moons and rings, orbiting as they do at the far reaches of our Solar System, is the third most distant planet from the Sun. Uranus is about 1.8 billion miles from the Sun. That is about 2.9 billion kilometers or just over 19 astronomical units (AU) from the Sun.", "General Astronomy/Print version Uranus is the seventh planet from the Sun and is the third largest in the solar system. It was discovered by William Herschel in 1781. It has an equatorial diameter of 51,800 kilometers (32,190 miles) and orbits the Sun once every 84.01 Earth years.", "Astronomy Practice Test 2 Jupiter and Saturn have interiors that are similar to each other, and Uranus and Neptune's interiors are similar to each other. Jupiter and Saturn have a metallic hydrogen layer, Uranus and Neptune do not.", "April guide to the bright planets Saturn is closest, brightest, opposite the sun on June 15. On June 15, 2017, Earth will go between the sun and Saturn. Astronomers call this an opposition of Saturn, because the planet will appear opposite the sun in our sky, rising in the east as the sun sets in the west.", "Planets | Comments 1. Your first view of Saturn with a telescope can introduce you to the riches of stargazing — and now is the perfect time to observe it. Saturn is entering the early evening sky this spring just as Jupiter begins its exit in the west.ere you’ll find observing guides for the other planets orbiting the Sun, from bright Venus and red Mars to kingly Jupiter and elegant Saturn.", "Saturn trine Uranus Planetary Aspects: Saturn trine Uranus. What does Saturn trine Uranus mean? The answer depends on whether it’s an aspect occurring in your natal chart, currently forming in the cosmos (transit-to-transit aspect), transiting your chart, or occurring in a chart comparison (synastry – relationship astrology).", "Mercury Retrograde It's the flavour of the year, and this time is restimulated by retrograde Uranus (disruption) reoccupying the Vernal Point (first degree of Aries), conjunct the ill-favoured star Scheat, a star of Mars (war; passion; hostility) and Mercury (intellect).", "Why do Uranus and Neptune appear to be blue? Actually, we have-the only spacecraft to visit Uranus was Voyager 2 in January of 1986. The other Voyager spacecraft did not visit any other planets after its encounter with Saturn, while Voyager 2 continued on to Uranus and Neptune. All of the up close images we have of them are from that one spacecraft.", "- The separation (column ' Sep ') is the angular distance between the two planets, measured relative to Saturn, hence on 2018 Apr 2, Mars is positioned 1°.2 South of Saturn at the time shown. The ' Fav.", "- Saturn in Scorpio and the Signs of the Zodiac (Horoscopes) Saturn enters the sign of Scorpio on October 5th, 2012. Saturn will occupy the sign of Scorpio from October 5, 2012 to December 23, 2014; and then finishes up its transit from June 14, 2015 to September 17, 2015. Saturn takes about 28-29 years to come full circle, and thus spends on average close to 2-1/2 years in a sign.", "Exploration of Uranus Uranus is the third largest planet in the solar system. It orbits the sun at a distance of about 1.7 billion miles (2.8 billion kilometers) and completes one orbit every 84 years. The length of a day on Uranus as measured by Voyager 2 is 17 hours, 14 minutes.Uranus is distinguished by the fact that it is tipped on its side. Its unusual position is thought to be the result of a collision with a planet-sized body early in the solar system’s history.ranus is the third largest planet in the solar system. It orbits the sun at a distance of about 1.7 billion miles (2.8 billion kilometers) and completes one orbit every 84 years. The length of a day on Uranus as measured by Voyager 2 is 17 hours, 14 minutes.", "What Is a Transit of Venus? During the inferior conjunction of June 8, 2004, Venus is quite close to one of the nodes and is seen to transit the southern half of the Sun. Eight years later (June 5-6, 2012), during another inferior conjunction, Venus is near the same node. This time, the planet crosses the northern half of the Sun.", "Synastry: Sun â North Node Aspects Synastry: Sun – North Node Aspects. Synastry: Sun – North Node Aspects. When the Sun in your chart forms an aspect to another person’s North Node. When your Sun is conjunct your partner’s North Node, one of the major themes of your relationship is developing each other’s talents and strengths. This contact is a powerful one.", "Shani Fast saturn Saturn's transits to include sade sati and ashtama shani are the once that can be most difficult to handle. Doing remedies for Saturn are good for most people but essential for those who have difficult Saturn issues in their chart.", "Five planets will align in the predawn sky tomorrow, awakening Titans and office workers alike Five planets will align in the predawn sky tomorrow, awakening Titans and office workers alike. Gulp. It must be time to unleash the Titans: five of the planets in our Solar System will align diagonally in the predawn night sky starting tomorrow morning. Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn will all be visible with the naked eye starting January 20th and lasting until about February 20th. The last time a planetary party like this happened was in 2005. It's also slated to happen again later this year in August.", "Neptune's placement, Inner Planet or Outer Planet Neptune's placement, Inner Planet or Outer Planet. Neptune is the 8th planet from the sun. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune are outer planets. The outer planets are also called the Jovian planets or gas planets.The outer planets are much larger than the inner planets that they make up 99 percent of the mass that orbits the sun.upiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune are outer planets. The outer planets are also called the Jovian planets or gas planets.", "The Planet Uranus At an average distance of 3 billion km from the Sun, it takes Uranus roughly 84 years (or 30,687 days) to complete a single orbit of the Sun. The rotational period of the interior of Uranus is 17 hours, 14 minutes.As with all giant planets, its upper atmosphere experiences strong winds in the direction of rotation.ecause Uranus orbits the Sun almost on its side, and the large moons all orbit around Uranus’ equatorial plane, the northern and southern hemispheres experience prolonged periods of daytime and nighttime (42 years at a time). As of 2008, Uranus is known to possess 13 inner moons whose orbits lie inside that of Miranda.", "The Atmospheres of the Solar System Uranus. The atmosphere of Uranus is, like Jupiter and Saturn, mostly hydrogen and helium. However, the slightly higher levels of methane, particularly in the upper atmosphere, cause greater absorption of red light from the sun, in turn causing the planet to appear a blue-cyan colour.", "Uranus Facts How many space missions have flown by Uranus? There has only been one mission that flew by Uranus. In 1986, the Voyager 2 spacecraft swept past the planet at a distance of 50,641 miles (81,500 kilometers). It returned the first close-up images of the planet, its moons, and rings. More Resources. Voyager Images of Uranus; Uranus info on Wikipedia", "The Planet Uranus Weather.gov Sioux Falls, SD. Uranus is the third gas giant planet of four in proximity to the Sun. Overall, Uranus is the seventh planet in our solar system, residing at an average distance of 1.8 billion miles from the Sun (twice as far as Saturn).Its rotation is quick, at about 18 hours, enough to flatten the planet at its poles (a characteristic of all gas giants).he coldest temperature found in Uranus' lower atmosphere so far is -371 degrees F., which rivals Neptune's frigid temperatures. Findings from Hubble reveal that clouds circle Uranus at over 300 mph.", "When Bad Astrology Happens to Good People Trouble on the homefront. That's right, these days the Uranus-Pluto square is activating my natal Mars which is at 11 degrees Cancer. That means that transiting Uranus is square my natal Mars, while at the same time transiting Pluto is opposite my Mars.", "- For the planet Uranus to travel around the Sun, it takes 84.02 Earth years (sidereal years). If you lived on Uranus, you would call this one year. This is 30,687.15 … Earth days or about 42,732 Uranus days. Mercury 88 days Venus 224.7 days Earth 365 days Mars 687 days Jupiter 4330.6 days Saturn 10755.7 days Uranus 30660 days Neptune 60190 … days pluto 248 years. 28 people found this useful.", "Role of Uranus in Hindu Astrology! 4. Both Uranus and Neptune have been termed as `mysterious planets’ and stay for a very long time in one sign. Uranus takes about 7 years and Neptune takes about 14 years to move to the other sign.It is stated that the placement of these houses over-powers its position in signs.. Both Uranus and Neptune have been termed as `mysterious planets’ and stay for a very long time in one sign. Uranus takes about 7 years and Neptune takes about 14 years to move to the other sign.", "- Neptune and Uranus are not blue. It's an illusion caused by the surfaces of the planets. Since we are so far away, we catch the opticle illusion of it. Almost like Mars, which … is infact not red, though a pale rustic color. Neptune is blue because of the high scale clouds of methane particles. Uranus on the other hand absorbs the red light of the sun, and as an effect, reflects it's bueatiful, soothing blue green color. I'm sure a similar thing is also with Neptune, as it is so blue as well.", "Elvis Presley NASA launched its New Horizons space probe 9 years ago, on January 19, 2006. In July 2015, it is expected to be at the closest position relative to Pluto, with observations expected to begin five months ahead of that, in February 2015. For the first time we'll have a good view of the former planet.When the Voyager 2 mission passed by Uranus and Neptune for the first time, their descriptions matched the ancient Sumerian descriptions, as discussed in Zecharia Sitchin's The 12th Planet.he first two titles, The Twelfth Planet and The Stairway to Heaven, will be published this month (August 2009), with the other titles spread over the following months. Chinese will be the 25th language into which Zecharia's books have been translated." ]
what is array out of bound exception in java
[ "ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException - Examples, Causes & Fixes ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException - Examples, Causes & Fixes. An array-index out of bounds exception is a Java exception thrown due to the fact that the program is trying to access an. element at a position that is outside an array limit, hence the words Out of bounds. In other words, the program is trying to. access an element at an index that is outside the array bounds." ]
[ "Java Programming Java Exception Handling: Difference between throw and throws. Both throw keyword and throws clause are used while performing exception handling in Java. The throw keyword is used to explicitly throw an exception from the code. Throws is used for declaring exception occurrence in the method. When a method throws an exception, the calling method is forced to handle the exception using try/catch or the calling method must include throws clause in the method declaration. Throw is used within the method body.", "8 Difference between Array and ArrayList in Java with Example We can use for loop or for each loop to iterate through array. 5. Type-Safety: In Java, one can ensure Type Safety through Generics. while Array is a homogeneous data structure, thus it will contain objects of specific class or primitives of specific data type.", "- JAVA: Using throw and throws. Exceptions are thrown with the help of the throw keyword. The throw keyword is used to indicate that an exception occurred. The operand of throw is an object of any class that is derived from the Throwable class. The following code snippet explains the usage of the throw statement.", "Java Null Pointer Exception Basics for Beginners When an object is created without initialization, it is called a Null object, and the use of such null objects can become a cause of Null Pointer Exceptions. At this point, you may choose to take an online course and learn Java from Scratch in order to learn the basics of Java primitives and their initialization.", "Java null and NullPointerException Java null and NullPointerException. NullPointerException: An attempt was made to use a null reference in a case where an object reference was required. NullPointerException is more famous to Java programmers, than fashion to Paris.When you start breaking the beurette and Pipette in Java lab, first thing you will get is NullPointerException.ullPointerException: An attempt was made to use a null reference in a case where an object reference was required. NullPointerException is more famous to Java programmers, than fashion to Paris.", "- And I don't want to create instances I really don't need! A: According to the JDK API documentation for Method.invoke(Object obj, Object[] args), If the underlying method is static, then the specified obj argument is ignored. So, instead of passing in an actual object, a null may be passed; therefore, a static method can be invoked without an actual instance of the class. The following sample program tests this fact, and correctly produces the output below.", "java.lang.arrayindexoutofboundsexception â How to handle Array Index Out Of Bounds Exception An ArrayList with a size of 2 has valid indices in the interval [0, 1]. The exception is thrown because we requested for an invalid index. So, if we want to access the 2nd element of the list, we must write:list.get(1); because the 1st element of a List, as with arrays, starts at index 0.", "Java Array Initialization Java Array Initialization. After declaring an array variable, memory is allocated to it. The new operator is used for the allocation of memory to the array object. Here, the new operator is followed by the type of variable and the number of elements to be allocated.", "- Why am I getting array index out of bounds exception? say I have a method which among its arguments takes an int. I use that int in the method to index into an array which is an instance variable. in the first call of that method, intarg is zero. Why am I getting an exception when the array is guaranteed to have a 0th element? private void someMethod(somearg, somearg, intarg) {.", "Java Programming Tutorial Via polymorphism, any subclass of Object can be substituted for Object. Since Object is the common root class of all the Java's classes, a collection designed to hold Object can hold any Java classes. There is, however, one problem. Suppose, for example, you wish to define an ArrayList of String. In the add(Object) operation, the String will be upcasted implicitly into Object by the compiler. During retrieval, however, it is the programmer's responsibility to downcast the Object back to an String explicitly.", "- Like head and tail, these methods throw an exception when applied to an empty list: scala> List ().init java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: Nil.init at scala.List.init(List.scala:544) at ... scala> List ().last java.util.NoSuchElementException: Nil.last at scala.List.last(List.scala:563) at ... Unlike head and tail, which both run in constant time, init and last need to traverse the whole list to compute their result.", "Writing the Server Side of a Socket ServerSocket is a java.net class that provides a system-independent implementation of the server side of a client/server socket connection. The constructor for ServerSocket throws an exception if it can't listen on the specified port (for example, the port is already being used).", "Arrays 1 Filling an array to place a specific value at each index (the fill method). Sorting an array into ascending order. This can be done either sequentially, using the sort method, or concurrently, using the parallelSort method introduced in Java SE 8.", "Basic try-catch-finally Exception Handling in Java The BadNumberException parameter e inside the catch-clause points to the exception thrown from the divide method, if an exception is thrown. If no exeception is thrown by any of the methods called or statements executed inside the try-block, the catch-block is simply ignored. It will not be executed.", "- Class IndexOutOfBoundsException. public class IndexOutOfBoundsException extends RuntimeException Thrown to indicate that an index of some sort (such as to an array, to a string, or to a vector) is out of range. Applications can subclass this class to indicate similar exceptions. Since: JDK1.0.", "Throwing and Catching Exceptions The exception object is not returned from the method, it is thrown from the method. That means that the exception object is not the return value of the method and the calling method can be interrupted too and so on and so on... Typically, you'll throw a different class of exception for each different type of error. The information about the error is represented both inside the exception object and implicitly in the name of the exception class, so someone in the bigger context can figure out what to do with your exception.", "- Class ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException. public class ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException extends IndexOutOfBoundsException Thrown to indicate that an array has been accessed with an illegal index. The index is either negative or greater than or equal to the size of the array. Since: JDK1.0.", "FindBugs Warning - Exception is caught when exception is not thrown As a result of having a catch clause with the base Exception class, I have seen instances of NullPointerException - a child of RuntimeException - being caught and logged on numerous occasions. This potentially masks problems in the code, when an object instance was null, although it wasn't supposed to be so.", "- class java lang nullpointerexception public class nullpointerexception extends runtimeexception thrown when an application attempts to use null in a case where an object is required these include calling the instance method of a null object accessing or modifying the field of a null objecttaking the length of null as if it were an arrayhrown when an application attempts to use null in a case where an object is required these include calling the instance method of a null object accessing or modifying the field of a null object taking the length of null as if it were an array", "- Yes. If the Collection that you're iterating over hasn't implemented INotifyCollectionChanged, then attempting to modify from within a foreach block will throw an exception. This describes the cause of the problem, and points at how to solve it. – Craig Trader Jun 14 '10 at 21:22.", "- nullpointerexception in java is nothing but an error or precisely an exception which occurs if we tried to perform any operation on object which is nullavadoc of java lang nullpointerexception has outlined scenario when it could be occurred 1 when you call instance method on a null object you won t get null pointer exception if you call static method or class method on null object because static method doesn t require an instance to call any method", "- soldier of fortune. A soldier that doesn't fight for honor or pride but for money and fame. A game based off someone who has actually lived this life is Soldier of Fortune 1/2. John Mullins is a soldier of fortune. by blake March 12, 2004.", "Copying Arrays in Java 6 } But Java 6 allows me to declare a new type for the target array on a copy: @Test public void genericArrayCopyOfWithNewType() { Number[] source = { new Double(5.0), new Double(10.0) }; Double[] target = Arrays.copyOf(source, source.length, Double[].class); assertEquals(source, target); }. Page 1 of 2.", "- Problem assembling output for item (name=Health Effects, id=10-101-826) with template: CommonSnNavFooter. Invocation of method 'assemble' in class com.percussion.services.assembly.jexl.PSAssemblerUtils threw exception java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded at sys_assembly.vm[line 134, column 50]", "- Give you an example of each type of Exception in Java through programs? // A method which throws an exception. // Declare an ArithmeticException to be thrown. int integerDivision(int a, int b) throws ArithmeticException { // If we… try to divide by zero, throw our exception..." ]
what causes power lacking in truck
[ "- The most common cause for a lack of power whilst accelerating is a clogged exhaust system or lack of sufficient fuel being delivered to the engine. Check your catalytic conver … ter if your vehicle has one, and then change your fuel filter and go from there." ]
[ "- This is the power supply to the fuel pump and relay. If the fuse is bad, then replace it to see if the fuel pump has power. The truck may start if the fuse is replaced but you will still need to replace the pump. The fuel pump is the only thing that will make this fuse open.", "4 Reasons Why Engines Lose Power Over Time And How To Win Your Horses Back 3. Compression. For old engines, maintaining compression can be a bit of challenge. Compression-related issues are often a major contributing factor to a loss of power, and the fixes aren’t as easy as some of the other reasons, simply because metal components have worn over time. There are several different ways an engine can lose compression: Worn Piston Rings.", "Income Statement Format, Components, and Purpose Revenue. Revenue is the money an entity receives from the sale of goods or services. Other terms frequently used for revenue are sales, net sales, or sale revenue. It is also referred to as the “top line” because revenues are reported at the top of the income statement.", "Misfire Codes P0301 To P0312: A Look At Common Causes A vacuum leak into the intake port of the cylinder in question can cause a lack of fuel. Vacuum leaks on individual cylinders commonly occur around intake port gaskets or vacuum hose connections. Insufficient valve lash, a broken piston ring or a leaking cylinder head gasket can cause a partial loss of compression.", "- Install the new cotter pin, grease the arm and you are finished. The idler and pitman arms are the links that connect your steering box to the center link which in turn rotates the hubs on the A arms causing the truck to turn. The idler arm simply supports the other side of the center link.If there is free play in any of these parts your steering will be sloppy.nstall the new cotter pin, grease the arm and you are finished. The idler and pitman arms are the links that connect your steering box to the center link which in turn rotates the hubs on the A arms causing the truck to turn. The idler arm simply supports the other side of the center link.", "How can I charge a car battery at home? (Fuel pressure) Normally, when you turn the key from off to run, you will hear the pump run for about 2-5 seconds. If the truck is running, (with your foot on the gas), and running mostly normally, you can automatically rule OUT a bad fuel pump. Mostly fuel pumps are good, or bad, rarely in-between… Often there is NO check engine light with this condition (dying at idle).", "- Ford is expanding a recall of the 2014 Ford F-150 pickup truck because of an electronic power-assist steering gear problem. Read More. Ford F-250. Ford is recalling 538 replacement steering gears that may have been installed on 2008-'10 Ford F-250 and F-350 Super Duty diesel trucks in North America.", "- Ford Recalls 2004 Ranger Trucks Due to a Frame Center Rail Flange Design Flaw. RepairPal Expert Overview: Ford has recalled certain 2004 Ranger trucks due to a flaw in the design of the frame center rail flange. In a side impact crash, the flange may puncture the fuel tank, which can cause a fire hazard. Dealers will inspect the frame and if the problem exists, the vehicle will be replaced.", "- What would cause low power on a Cummins N-14 under load? Overloading the engine, poor fuel quality, plugged or partially plugged fuel filters, dirty air filter, fuel restriction, low output from turbocharger, poor injectors or … pump, misadjusted valves, overheating of engine, faulty torque convertor, transmission problems if automatic.", "Possible Reasons For My Customers Engine Running Lean If the filter becomes clogged, the amount of fuel flowing to the engine is reduced. That results in a low ratio of fuel to air, causing lean operation. Clogged fuel injectors can also cause this problem. Airflow Sensors. All vehicles use what’s called an airflow sensor to determine just how much air is getting to the engine from the intake.", "How to Fix a Misfire A misfiring engine will cause, low gas mileage, low power output, increased emissions and possible internal engine damage if left untreated. Typically an engine misfire under load, will be a problem with the ignition system, while low engine speed problems will be a vacuum, fuel management or compression issue.", "I have no power to the fuel pump on a 2002 silverado 1500⦠Check the ECM B fuse located in the under hood fuse box. This is the power supply to the fuel pump and relay. If the fuse is bad, then replace it to see if the fuel pump has power. The truck may start if the fuse is replaced but you will still need to replace the pump.", "- The now-defunct Real Good Truck. There are many reasons why a food truck may not succeed. The first things that come to mind are the menu, bad locations, poor marketing and branding, problems with employees and staffing, or not have enough dough (and we don’t mean the bakery kind).", "- Common Causes of Truck Accidents. The most common causes of truck accidents are driver error prior to and during the trip, mechanical failures, weather conditions, road design, and traffic signal failures.", "- Thanks for the info. I think I may know why the trailer brakes seemed to be not functioning. I've had intermittent cruise control failure ever since I bought this truck (2008 F-350 6.4 K.R. 4x4 Crew SRW) about a year ago. I remember reading on this forum back then that a common cause is a brake switch.", "Causes of faults in electric motors and their effects Toay, A.N. tells us about AC motors/electric motors and the causes of faults. If like him you want to discuss a topic that you like, send us a mail and we will publish it after a short review! Failure in electric motors may occur at start-up or during operation. Most of the electric motor failures occur at start up due factors such as low insulation resistance, over-current or mechanical failures. Other causes include issues with the supply, operation environment or lack of maintenance.", "- Re: Symptoms of faulty distributor pick up coil A failed pickup will cause the engine not to run. Checking a coil with an ohmmeter will rarely give you an indication as to whether or not it is really bad unless the car is already just not running.", "- Ultimate Ignition Kit (2.0T) More Views. A common problem on the 2.0T engines are misfires which are usually associated with a faulty coil pack or spark plug. A series of misfires will cause a check engine light to be displayed on your dashboard and substantially lower your vehicles gas mileage. Luckily it's an easy fix! Replace both coil packs and spark plugs to ensure proper ignition in your vehicle.", "How do fix rear electric window in 84 ford full size bronco if there is power going through the wires but still not going down? If not its your wire's or switch.If it's your wire it is pobably between your tailgate and the truck on the drivers side. If you your good to this point than with a 5/16 socket remove the three bolts that hold's your motor in place and pull your motor out and reconnect it to the wireing, and turn your switch on and off.", "- The industry is currently challenged with lower demand and higher equipment availability as a result of many truckload companies pre-buying tractors before the more restrictive engine regulations took effect in 2007.", "Work Truck Show: Chevyâs Medium-Duty Trucks to be Powered by Duramax Engine, Allison Transmission Employees at the DMAX, LTD engine plant assembles Duramax diesel engines in Moraine, Ohio. General Motors said that Chevrolet’s all-new 2018 Class 4/5 commercial truck will be powered by a Duramax engine and an Allison transmission.", "- cummins diesel loss of power HELP. My 2002 diesel 6-speed, running in 6 sped just crusing down the road and go up a slight hill at 1500 rpm my engine runs out of power. Just stays at 1500rpm no gas peddle responce. Shift into 5th and floor it, it stays at 1500rpm and all at once wham... the truck has full power the turbo sings and all is well.", "How do i work out my annual salary from my hourly rate? For the correct amount heres what you need to do........ Times hourly rate x no. of weekly working hours Take that total x by 52 (no. of weeks in year) This will only give you the annual salary if you always work the same no. of hours each week.", "- Quick Answer. If a car loses power during acceleration, one of two things is causing the problem: not enough fuel or not enough power. Unfortunately, finding out an exact cause of power or fuel restriction is difficult. Continue Reading.", "Battery Dead After Sitting for a Few Days on Dodge Ram 2500 i have a 2010 dodge ram diesel (no sunroon). 1st time truck sat four days and interior lights were dim and insufficient power to start truck. i thought my cell phone charger may have drained battery. used charger to charge battery and restart. truck ran fine and restarted for 1 week no problem.y truck does not have a sunroof. The truck is now out of warrantee so I am paying for repairs myself. Every 2 years the truck will not start after sitting for even a day. I took the truck into the dealer and all three times they told me the batteries failed." ]
what do you do for guest services
[ "What Does a Guest Service Agent Do? A guest service agent works in the hotel industry to handle hotel reservations, cancellations, and changes requested by customers. He or she also handles customer accounts and serves as a concierge for hotel guests. Essentially, he or she is the first contact a customer makes with hotel staff and the last person seen when checking out.", "- Maintaining a cash drawer is one duty of a guest service agent. A guest service agent may answer customer questions and concerns. A guest service agent may handle hotel room reservations. If there is a dispute over charges, a customer may speak to a guest service agent to resolve the issue." ]
[ "The Beginner's Guide to Airbnb Here are the fees you can expect as a guest: 1 Security deposit: Guests will have to pay a security deposit, which is set by the host. That's to help cover incidents incurred during a stay, such as a broken item or unreturned key. 2 Service fee: Airbnb charges guests a 6% - 12% fee whenever they book a service. Cleaning fee: Hosts have the option of charging this in order to clean their space for a guest. Here are the fees you can expect as a host: Service fee: Airbnb charges hosts a 3% fee for services rendered on its", "Guest Service Attendant Responsibilities Guest Service Attendant Responsibilities. The first person one normally interacts with whenever any individual enters any prestigious hotel is a guest service attendant. He/she is the one who gives that pleasant smile and welcomes the guests to the hotel.", "Guest Services Guest Services. We want to make sure you have a great time at Six Flags Great America. So we’re always available to answer questions, offer advice and hear your suggestions. Visit us at the Guest Service Center, at the Main Gate, when you arrive at the park, and our helpful staff will be happy to assist you however we can. DONATIONS/COMMUNITY RELATIONS. Learn More.", "- Inspect guest rooms, public areas, and grounds for cleanliness and appearance. Ensure that company standards for guest services, décor, and housekeeping are met. Answer questions from guests about hotel policies and services. Keep track of how much money the hotel or lodging facility is making.", "- A Guest Services Manager, Hotel earns an average salary of $35,135 per year. Most people with this job move on to other positions after 20 years in this field. Pay for this job rises steadily for more experienced workers, but goes down noticeably for the few employees with more than 20 years' experience.$25,374 - $50,771. (Median).any such managers have at least some secondary education in business or management, as well as prior experience in a service capacity of a hotel. Guest services managers typically work 50 hours per week or or longer in guest access areas of a hotel, as well as in an office.", "- The Assistant Guest Services Manager serves as a supporting role to Guest Services Manager.... Wyndham - 9 days ago-save job-email-more... 1 View all Wyndham Vacation Ownership jobs in San Francisco, CA-San Francisco jobs. 2 Salary Search: Assistant Guest Service Manager salaries in San Francisco, CA.", "Advice A guest’s first duty is to respond promptly to any wedding invitation. Check your schedule and consult with anyone else included in your invitation, then make your response as soon as you can. If you cannot make it and regret promptly, the couple will have time to invite someone in your place if they wish.", "Limits on Tenant Guests and Other Restrictions Some leases, rental agreements, or rules and regulations will require you to register any overnight guest. As you probably would suspect, it’s overkill to require you to inform your landlord of a guest who will stay only a day or two. Extreme behavior in this area—whether by an owner or a management employee—can be considered an invasion of privacy for which you may sue in small claims court if gentle persuasion fails.", "Guest Service Representative Job Description HOW MUCH DO GUEST SERVICE REPRESENTATIVES MAKE? The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) states that in 2010, the median income for a guest service representative was $14.64 an hour, or $30,460 a year.", "Should You Pay for Your Guests to Travel to Your Destination Wedding? Guests should expect to pay for: 1 Their plane ticket to and from the destination. 2 Their hotel room stay. 3 Any meals or beverages that are not part of the wedding festivities. Any non-wedding activities that choose to participate in.", "- The hotel offers following services: 1 Vdara offers luxurious gust services as the hotel provide bedrooms with all the comforts. 2 Vdara provide pool services to gusts as the hotel has crystal clear swimming pools. 3 Vdara offers delicious meals to customers. 4 Vdara also offers space for parties, meetings and wedding ceremonies.", "- Property management companies typically need cleaning services when employees move out, though some hire services to maintain common areas in their buildings. Some property management companies hire cleaning services, while others may hire part-time or temporary cleaning employees as part of their staff. Decide what type of cleaning you plan to offer. General cleaning is one option, but you may also wish to specialize in an area such as carpet cleaning or window washing.", "Guest Service Attendant Responsibilities Key Responsibilities of a Guest Service Attendant. Guest service attendant generally handles the guest arrival and departure procedures, directing them to their rooms, handling and storing their luggage in proper places, assisting them in valet parking, etc. He/she handles the front desk functions as well as assists in the security and housekeeping duties.", "Summary What Gaming Services Workers Do. Gaming services workers serve customers in gambling establishments, such as casinos or racetracks. Some workers tend slot machines, deal cards, or oversee other gaming activities such as keno or bingo. Others take bets or pay out winnings. Still others supervise or manage gaming workers and operations.", "- Conversely, a limited-service hotel generally offers few services; guests get a room for the night, but not much beyond that. Travelers who opt for a full-service hotel will expect a consistency in the service they receive as well as greater attentiveness from the hotel's staff.", "- At BR Guest Hospitality we are passionate about creating the perfect dining experience for any occasion. We go all out for great tasting food accompanied by exceptional service. Take a look at our restaurant finder, or head straight over to our New York restaurants.", "Advice A gift for your host or hostess is a lovely way to thank them for their hospitality and is always appreciated. It doesn’t have to be elaborate or expensive; simply consider the nature of the occasion and local custom when making your choice.", "- A comfortable room, good food, and a helpful staff can make being away from home an enjoyable experience for guests on vacation or business travel. Lodging managers occasionally greet and register guests. They also try to make sure that guests have a good experience.", "The Average Salary of a Guest Services Associate on a Cruise Ship When you go on a cruise, the first person you often see on embarkation day is the guest service associate, or GSA. Within the hierarchy of cruise ship employment, guest service associates are part of the hotel department. The position is entry level, and classified under the supervision of the front office manager. In addition to GSA, these employees are often referred to as receptionists or pursers.", "- Food and beverage serving and related workers typically do the following: 1 Greet customers and answer their questions about menu items and specials. 2 Take food or drink orders from customers. 3 Prepare food and drink orders, such as sandwiches, salads, and coffee. 4 Relay customers’ orders to other kitchen staff.", "What Are the Duties of a Hotel Room Attendant? One of the main duties of hotel room attendants is to prepare the hotel room's bed for the guest. The attendant must remove the dirty bedding and pillow cases and replace them with fresh, clean linens. Some hotel chains also replace the duvet covers between guests.", "- Guest Services Representative Salary. Guest Services Representatives in the United States pull down an average of $9.92 per hour. Lower pay rates hover around $8.23 per hour, and the higher rates verge on $13.72.", "Taking the Work Out of Short-Term Rentals A fledgling industry has sprung up in the last five years offering to take the work out of short-term rentals, for a fee. Start-ups with names like Guesty, Flatbook, onefinestay and proprly will do everything from greeting guests with the keys to swapping out your cowboy-print polyester sheets for natural linens.", "- Greet and serve guests in a gracious, professional manner and physically set up, service, refresh, break down and clean all function rooms/areas and service.", "- The Breakfast Attendants responsible primarily for setting up, maintaining and breaking down the breakfast buffet and for maintaining the breakfast dining area." ]
what causes a fever and rash on babies
[ "Top 20 Doctor insights on: How Long Does Cough Associated With Roseola Last Roseola is the most common infection to cause a rash after a fever. Roseola is a viral infection. This is a common infection for infants and toddlers. It usually causes a high fever that goes up and down for 3 days. About the time the fever breaks a rash of red spots appears on the trunk and spreads to other parts of the body. The rash lasts for a few days and then goes away. Other viruses can also cause a rash after a fever." ]
[ "- Diaper Rash Causes. 1 Friction: Most diaper rash is caused by friction that develops when sensitive baby skin is rubbed by wet diapers. 2 This results in a red, shiny rash on exposed areas. 3 Irritation: The skin under the diaper gets red from irritants such as feces, urine, or cleaning agents.he rash is located on skin underneath the diaper area. The skin is red and irritated. It may appear all over your baby's bottom or genital area, or only in certain places. It may or may not involve the folds of the skin.", "- Here’s some background: scarlet fever is a disease caused by group A streptococcus — the same bug responsible for strep throat. Scarlet fever usually occurs in children 5 to 15 years old. Symptoms usually develop within two days of becoming infected and may include: 1 A reddish-pink rash that spreads from the neck and face to the rest of the body (often described as having a rough, sandpapery feel and peels as it begins to fade) 2 Strawberry tongue that's red, swollen, and has a white coating early on.", "Viral Rashes 12. 0. 45. Many viral infections can cause a rash in addition to other symptoms. Rashes are very common with viral infections, especially in young children. It is very important to make sure the rash is not part of a serious infection-eg, meningococcal infection.any viruses can cause a rash in addition to other symptoms such as fever and cough. Many of these rashes are 'nonspecific'. This means the rash is not specific or characteristic enough to identify the virus that is causing the rash.", "Fever, Nausea or vomiting and Skin rash Contact dermatitis is a rash on the skin that can be itchy, painful, tender swollen and even blistered. Head lice are tiny visible insects that infest the hair and scalp causing itchiness and bumps in that area. Eczema is a common cause of skin rashes in children, causing redness, bumps, swelling, itchiness, and more. Erythema migrans is the name for the bull's-eye rash that occurs with Lyme disease. Chickenpox is an illness that causes a red, itchy rash, fever, headache, sore throat, and body aches. Eczema is a common cause of skin rashes in infants, causing redness, bumps, swelling, itchiness, and more.", "Skin rash and Upset stomach Eczema is a common cause of skin rashes in infants, causing redness, bumps, swelling, itchiness, and more. Lyme disease Lyme disease is a bacterial infection spread through tick bites; symptoms include rash, fever chills, and more.", "- Share. Roseola is caused by a virus, called human herpes virus type 6 (HHV-6). The tell-tale signs of roseola are a sudden, brief fever, followed by a rash, just when your baby seems to be better. Roseola is most common in babies aged between nine months and two years (Lewis 2012) . It is passed on through saliva, so your baby can catch it from being kissed and from putting things in his mouth.", "Skin rash and Upset stomach A brown recluse spider bite causes pain, redness, an open sore, nausea, muscle pain and fever. Hypothyroidism in children can cause delayed growth, weight gain, a puffy face, a large tongue, and more. Measles is a highly contagious viral infection and causes a fever, cough, a rash, sore throat, and more.", "Xanax Withdrawal Symptoms The onset of these symptoms with a short-acting benzodiazepine, such as Xanax, can be expected within 48 hours and will typically last for approximately 2 months. After stabilization of the more adverse withdrawal symptoms, the less acute symptoms may persist for a year or more after complete cessation.The duration of Xanax withdrawal and severity of the acute and post-acute withdrawal symptoms are dependent on the dose and time-span it was administered.fter stabilization of the more adverse withdrawal symptoms, the less acute symptoms may persist for a year or more after complete cessation. The duration of Xanax withdrawal and severity of the acute and post-acute withdrawal symptoms are dependent on the dose and time-span it was administered.", "- 1 No treatment is needed, just time. 2 They can last for weeks or even months on a baby's skin. 3 Erythema toxicum is another common newborn rash. 4 It looks like red blotches with ill-defined borders that are slightly raised, and may have a small white or yellow dot in the center. The underlying skin is perfectly normal, soft, and moist. 2 Little white bumps on the nose and face (milia) are caused by blocked oil glands. 3 When a baby's oil glands enlarge and open up in a few days or weeks, the white bumps disappear.", "Rash and Fever Symptom Checker Results: 2395 causes of Rash OR Fever. 1. 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate sensitization. A condition where exposure to 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate results in sensitization to the chemical - further exposure to the chemical causes a reaction. The chemical is used in dental work so dental patients and dental workers are at risk of becoming sens...more ».", "Fever, Nausea or vomiting and Skin rash Contact dermatitis is a rash on the skin that can be itchy, painful, tender swollen and even blistered. Head lice are tiny visible insects that infest the hair and scalp causing itchiness and bumps in that area. Eczema is a common cause of skin rashes in children, causing redness, bumps, swelling, itchiness, and more. Erythema migrans is the name for the bull's-eye rash that occurs with Lyme disease. Kidney infection, caused by bacteria, is marked by sudden chills and fever, pain, nausea and urinary issues.", "Skin rash and Upset stomach Eczema (infants) Eczema is a common cause of skin rashes in infants, causing redness, bumps, swelling, itchiness, and more. Lyme disease Lyme disease is a bacterial infection spread through tick bites; symptoms include rash, fever chills, and more.", "- babies are prone to having diaper rash because of trapped moisture inside their diapers a normal diaper rash should disappear within days if the diaper rash is caused by a yeast infection there will be appearance of small red pinpoint patches that move away from the center and covers the baby s bottom", "Fever in Babies In this article. A fever in babies can be one of the scariest symptoms for parents, especially when that fever is high or the baby is only a few weeks old. In this article, you'll learn what causes infant fevers and what to do when your baby gets a fever.", "- Scarlet fever is an infection that sometimes occurs after a patient has had strep throat. It is caused by the same family of bacteria that causes strep throat (an infection that makes the throat red, swollen, and sore). Scarlet fever is also known as scarlatina.Scarlet fever mainly affects children between 5 and 15 years of age. It causes a bright red rash on the body along with a sore throat and fever.The red rash is where the name “scarlet” fever comes from.t is caused by the same family of bacteria that causes strep throat (an infection that makes the throat red, swollen, and sore). Scarlet fever is also known as scarlatina. Scarlet fever mainly affects children between 5 and 15 years of age.", "- In fact, a serious infection, especially in infants, might cause no fever or even a low body temperature (below 97°F or 36.1°C). Because fevers can rise and fall, a child might have chills as the body's temperature begins to rise. The child may sweat to release extra heat as the temperature starts to drop.", "Parenting Topics A: Griselda, pregnant women are often exposed to children with Fifth disease, and in most cases the baby is born healthy. But it’s important that you be informed about Fifth disease and work closely with your obstetrician to follow your baby’s health. Fifth disease is an infectious disease caused by human parvovirus B19. It is also known as Erythema infectiosum and “slapped cheek disease” because it causes a distinctive rash—very red cheeks and a splotchy red rash over the body that can come and go for weeks. It can also cause joint pain in adults.", "Fever A baby less than 8 weeks old can have a fever for many of the same reasons that older kids and adults do, including viral colds and sometimes even stomach flu. The problem is that we cannot tell just by examining a baby whether the fever is caused by a virus or by a bacterial infection.", "Fever and Skin rash Antibiotics can cause stomach pain, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, itching, rashes and dizziness. Viral syndrome is an unidentified cause of typical virus symptoms sore throat, stuffy nose, aches and more. Fever seizures, childhood seizures that occur with a fever, can cause loss of consciousness and twitching.", "Types of Toddler Rashes As a concerned parent, you might be interested in knowing all the facts about skin rashes in children.There are several different types of rashes, and the occurrence of each will depend on the cause. Causes for skin rashes in toddlers are mentioned hereunder. 1 Skin rashes due to a viral disease: Several viral ailments such as chickenpox, measles, and Rubella result in toddler rash all over the body, including the face. The rashes caused by these ailments are associated with mild fever.", "For parents & visitors And serious infections, especially those in infants, might cause no fever or even an abnormally low body temperature (below 97°F or 36.1°C). Because fevers can rise and fall, a child might have chills as the body's temperature begins to rise.", "Fever and Skin rash Contact dermatitis Contact dermatitis is a rash on the skin that can be itchy, painful, tender swollen and even blistered. Fever seizures in children Fever seizures, childhood seizures that occur with a fever, can cause loss of consciousness and twitching.", "Rashes Often the viral infection causing the rash will also cause a fever. The fever may happen at the start of the illness, before the rash appears, or at the same time as the rash appearing. If your child has a fever and has a rash of small bright red or purple spots or bruises which do not turn white (blanch) when you push on them, you should seek emergency medical care.", "- Your baby or toddler’s skin is a billboard for what’s going on in the rest of her body — changes in it can be caused by anything from a food allergy to psoriasis.Most of the time, a rash or breakout is a perfectly normal occurrence, but occasionally, it can be a warning that there’s something more serious going on.our baby or toddler’s skin is a billboard for what’s going on in the rest of her body — changes in it can be caused by anything from a food allergy to psoriasis.", "Baby Rashes from A to Z (Acne to Eczema!) and When Is It a Milk Allergy? Diaper Rash. Diaper rash happens when a rash occurs on parts of the skin in contact with diapers. Some causes include having wet diapers on for too long, when the infant has diarrhea, or diapers are too tight. Rash can also be caused by introduction of new products to clean, for example if you are using cloth diapers." ]
diet to get rid of food allergies
[ "7 Home Remedies for Food Allergies We have gathered here 7 foods that work as natural remedies for food allergy. Ginger, Apple cider vinegar, Vitamin C foods, castor oil, green tea, lemon and garlic are some of the home remedies for food allergic reactions. KFoods.com tells you how they work and how to use them to get rid of food allergies. Read about these remedies and add them in your diet to avoid or get rid of food allergic problems." ]
[ "Natural Treatments for Your Seasonal Allergies For seasonal allergies, beginning natural treatments (e.g., Stinging nettles) 1–2 months before the season starts can help reduce the severity of symptoms. Good health can help ease allergy symptoms, and good health starts with nutrition. People sensitive to airborne allergens may also be sensitive to certain foods.", "17 Tricks to Prevent Spring Allergies From Taking Over Your Life Improper eating habits aggravate many health problems, including asthma and seasonal allergies. Medical studies have repeatedly concluded that powerful chemicals called antioxidants—found in fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, green tea, and other foods and beverages—help battle inflammation inside your body, a critical factor in controlling allergies.", "- Executive Summary of the Lectin Avoidance Diet. My simple lectin avoidance diet formula: Eat meat and seafood, as much as you want, mostly in the day. Supplement with this Life Extension Mix Powder for basic nutrition. The lectin avoidance diet excludes grains, beans, nuts, seeds, most potatoes and all dairy. Allowed foods include all seafood, meats, chicken/turkey (all fowl), eggs (if not allergic) and most fruit and vegetables. Romaine lettuce, cruciferous veggies, cucumbers, and celery are the best vegetables to include. Raw honey, citrus fruits, and pineapple are the best fructose-containing foods.", "The Elimination Diet for Food Allergies The Elimination Diet for Food Allergies. A true pet food allergy is defined as an actual immune system or inflammatory response, that‘s triggered by eating certain foods.", "Synchronous and Asynchronous Communication Conversely, asynchronous communication is not immediately received or responded to by those involved. Email, forum posts, mailed letters, and bulletin boards are examples of asynchronous communication. To confuse the issue, many technologies afford both types of communication.", "- Th is called an “Elimination Diet” because you remove certain foods and. food categories from your diet. During a period of two to three weeks, you. eliminate the foods from your diet that are the most likely culprits of sensitiv-. ity symptoms. If your symptoms improve during the three-week period, you’ll.", "Free Diet Plans 1 Make healthier food selections like fruits, vegetables, whole grain cereals, and beans, low-fat or nonfat dairy products, low fat meats, fish and skinless poultry. 2 Avoid foods that are high in fat and calories. Avoid foods that are high in sugars such as pastries, candy bars, pies and candy.", "Allergy Relief with a Food Elimination Diet Eliminate that food again for 3 days, then try it again. If you react negatively, you are allergic to that food. No response is suggestive of safety but also not confirmatory. Wait 3 to 4 days and note if there is a delayed reaction. Again, you may want to repeat the test if you react adversely, just to be sure.", "- The patient is placed on a diet free of the most common sources of allergens (wheat and related grains, dairy products, eggs, etc.), and various foods are added one at a time over a period of weeks or months to determine which may be responsible for the allergic response.", "How To Get Rid Of Food Allergies However, for those who do have food allergies, this distinction is very important. Food allergies can cause death. Food Allergens and Allergic Reactions. Like most allergic reactions, allergens in food are responsible for the food allergies. They are mostly proteins that resist the heat of cooking, stomach acids, and digestive enzymes.", "7 Foods That Fight Springtime Allergies So grab a grocery cart and make sure your fridge is stocked with these foods. They may just stave off those sniffling, sneezing symptoms. Grapes. When it comes to fighting springtime allergies, the Mediterranean diet may be a good bet, according to one study.", "Allergy Relief with a Food Elimination Diet 1 Eliminate that food again for 3 days, then try it again. If you react negatively, you are allergic to that food. No response is suggestive of safety but also not confirmatory. Wait 3 to 4 days and note if there is a delayed reaction.", "Does your mouth itch when you eat fresh fruits? Grass pollen: fresh tomato, orange and melons. Treatment typically includes avoiding the fresh food if symptoms are bothersome especially during the allergy season. Another way to reduce reactions is to bake or microwave the food. Eating canned food may limit the reaction. Peeling the food before eating may be helpful, as the offending protein is often in the skin.", "Speak to an asthma expert nurse on our helpline0300 222 5800 The good news is that very few people with asthma need a special diet. For most people with asthma, healthy eating advice is exactly the same as it is for everyone else: follow a balanced diet that includes plenty of fresh and unprocessed food and is low in sugar, salt and saturated fat. But a small number of people with asthma are also allergic to certain foods. Coming into contact with a food allergen can lead to an allergic reaction, which may include asthma symptoms such as wheezing, coughing and difficulty breathing.", "How to Try an Allergy Elimination Diet How to Use an Elimination diet. Here are step-by-step elimination diet instructions you can follow (consult with your doctor first): Completely eliminate the food from your diet for two weeks. While you are doing this, eat simple foods that you prepare yourself, to avoid possible cross-contamination.", "Food Allergy Symptoms + 6 Ways to Reduce Them The body “remembers” this and when this food enters the body again, the histamine response is more easily triggered. If these food allergies persist, they can eventually lead to autoimmune conditions. Following a proper eating plan like the GAPS diet can help you overcome most food allergies in 6-12 months.", "How To Get Rid Of Food Allergies Here are some recommended tips to get rid of your food allergy, or at least minimize its symptoms: 1 Identify your food allergens. Make a chart or list of all the foods that you are allergic to, and make sure that you take it with you wherever you are. 2 Avoid foods that you are allergic to.", "The GM Diet Plan: How To Lose Weight In Just 7 Days The plan focuses on limiting your weekly diet to eating fruits, vegetables, brown rice, and chicken. The diet focuses on a combination of complex carbohydrates, low-calorie vegetables, and fruits and increased water intake to help achieve a weight loss of up to 17 pounds in just seven days.", "- The first recorded use of paper money was in the 7th century in China. However, the practice did not become widespread in Europe for nearly a thousand years. The first recorded use of paper money was in the 7th century in China.", "- The Thrive Diet. Lose weight by removing meat, dairy and processed foods from your diet. The Thrive Diet is professional Ironman triathlete Brendan Brazier's popular and fascinating eating plan that shuns meat, dairy and all processed foods in lieu of nutrient-dense foods and recipes. This comprehensive guide is one of the most authoritative books on vegan and raw food lifestyles.", "13 Foods That Fight Allergies The main ones include: anthocyanin, curcumin, hesperetin, and quercetin in your diet. Dont worry about remembering their names. Ive listed the food sources of each below. Of course, if you have a food allergy or sensitivity to one of the sources indicated, avoid that food.", "Diet Diet and food allergies do not cause IBD, and long-term special diets are not effective in treating IBD. However, adjusting your diet can help manage some of your symptoms, and can help IBD medications work better. During flare-ups of disease, some people find that a bland, low-fibre diet is easier to tolerate than one that contains high-fibre or spicy foods. Low-fibre diets are those that avoid fruits and vegetables, nuts, raisins, seeds, bran and whole grains.", "- If you try an elimination diet because of food allergies, make sure to talk with your doctor about follow-up tests. Sometimes food sensitivities can go away after avoiding the food for a certain period of time.", "Top 10 Home Remedies For Seasonal Allergies Lime And Honey. Lime and honey, both have anti-allergic properties, which makes them extremely effective in controlling these seasonal allergies. But, for getting maximum benefits, you need to combine both of them together. For this, take one cup of hot or warm water, and add two tablespoons of lime juice in it.", "Your allergy meds could be making you fat • Fight allergies with food. If you do find that allergies or allergy medications are causing you to overeat, try to indulge in healthy food. In fact, there are a number of healthy foods that provide allergy relief and fight back hunger pangs at the same time. For ideas, see Soothe Spring Allergies: 10 Food and Herb Fixes for Allergy Relief." ]
what is allocation accounting book
[ "Cost allocation Cost allocation is the process of identifying, aggregating, and assigning costs to cost objects. A cost object is any activity or item for which you want to separately measure costs. Examples of cost objects are a product, a research project, a customer, a sales region, and a department.Cost allocation is used for financial reporting purposes, to spread costs among departments or inventory items.Cost allocation is also used in the calculation of profitability at the department or subsidiary level, which in turn may be used as the basis for bonuses or the funding of additional activities.Cost allocations can also be used in the derivation of transfer prices between subsidiaries. Example of Cost Allocation.ost allocation is also used in the calculation of profitability at the department or subsidiary level, which in turn may be used as the basis for bonuses or the funding of additional activities. Cost allocations can also be used in the derivation of transfer prices between subsidiaries. Example of Cost Allocation." ]
[ "- 2. The equity accounts in governmental accounting are referred to as fund balance. The fund balance accounts are more of a balancing item as contrasted to rights of owners in a business enterprise.The fund balance accounts can be divided into unreserved fund balance accounts and reserved fund balance accounts.. The equity accounts in governmental accounting are referred to as fund balance. The fund balance accounts are more of a balancing item as contrasted to rights of owners in a business enterprise.", "Overhead allocation The allocation of certain overhead costs to produced goods is required under the rules of various accounting frameworks. In many businesses, the amount of overhead to be allocated is substantially greater than the direct cost of goods, so the overhead allocation method can be of some importance.", "Overhead allocation The allocation of certain overhead costs to produced goods is required under the rules of various accounting frameworks. In many businesses, the amount of overhead to be allocated is substantially greater than the direct cost of goods, so the overhead allocation method can be of some importance.There are two types of overhead, which are administrative overhead and manufacturing overhead.n many businesses, the amount of overhead to be allocated is substantially greater than the direct cost of goods, so the overhead allocation method can be of some importance. There are two types of overhead, which are administrative overhead and manufacturing overhead.", "File systems (FAT, FAT8, FAT16, FAT32 and NTFS) explained The purpose of the File Allocation Table is to provide the mapping between clusters – the basic unit of logical storage on a disk at the operating system level – and the physical location of data in terms of cylinders, tracks and sectors – the form of addressing used by the drive’s hardware controller.", "Projects:Cost Allocation/Specifications 1 Client 2 : Cost allocation: the kind of accounting that allows assigning and allocating revenues and expenses to the different cost centers of the company. 3 Cost center: it is a part of the organization (usually identified with a functional area) that we use to allocate revenues and expenses.", "Accounting Basics (Explanation) Another asset, Office Equipment, may have a fair market value that is much smaller than the carrying amount reported on the balance sheet. (Accountants view depreciation as an allocation process—allocating the cost to expense in order to match the costs with the revenues generated by the asset.", "- Glossary. 1 Client 2 : Cost allocation: the kind of accounting that allows assigning and allocating revenues and expenses to the different cost centers of the company. 3 Cost center: it is a part of the organization (usually identified with a functional area) that we use to allocate revenues and expenses.", "- Allocation. Definition: An allocation is the process of shifting overhead costs to cost objects, using a rational basis of allotment. Allocations are most commonly used to assign costs to produced goods, which then appear in the financial statements of a business in either the cost of goods sold or the inventory asset.llocation. Definition: An allocation is the process of shifting overhead costs to cost objects, using a rational basis of allotment. Allocations are most commonly used to assign costs to produced goods, which then appear in the financial statements of a business in either the cost of goods sold or the inventory asset.", "- Calculate gross margin ratio of a company whose cost of goods sold and gross profit for the period are $8,754,000 and $2,423,000 respectively. Since the revenue figure is not provided, we need to calculate it first: Revenue = Gross Profit + Cost of Goods Sold.", "- TOP CONTRIBUTORS. Parker Conrad. A valuation allowance is a balance sheet line item that offsets all or a portion of the value of a company's deferred tax assets because the company doesn't expect it will be able to realize this value.", "- A cost allocation plan is a method by which you attempt to allocate expenses that are not directly. identifiable to a particular activity or allocate expenses that benefit more than one activity, to a specific. program on a consistent, fair and equitable basis.", "Resource allocation In strategic planning, resource allocation is a plan for using available resources, for example human resources, especially in the near term, to achieve goals for the future.It is the process of allocating scarce resources among the various projects or business units.esource allocation is the assignment of available resources to various uses.", "Allocation Rules vs. Ledger Allocation Rules in AX 2012 â Part 1 SETTING UP ALLOCATION RULES. Setting up Allocation Rules Sources. To define Allocation terms on a main account, navigate to General ledger > Common > Main accounts and add (or edit) the account which is to be used to generate automatic allocations during the posting of day-to-day transactions.", "allocation 3. allocation - (computer science) the assignment of particular areas of a magnetic disk to particular data or instructions. storage allocation. assigning, assignment-the act of distributing something to designated places or persons; the first task is the assignment of an address to each datum.n a general sense, distribution of limited resources among competing requirements for employment. Specific allocations (e.g., air sorties, nuclear weapons, forces, and transportation) are described as allocation of air sorties, nuclear weapons, etc.", "Function Allocation Home » Topics » Methods » Design Methods. Function allocation (also known as task allocation) is a classic human factors method for deciding whether a particular function will be accomplished by a person, technology (hardware or software) or some mix of person and technology.", "allocation 1. Finance: An authorization to incur expense or obligation up to a specified amount, for a specific purpose, and within a specific period. 2. The amount so authorized. The budget and finance committee increased the allocation for member education this year after several industry changes required new skill development. 17 people found this helpful Allocation of fees were being authorized by the board of directors who set up specific rules about the purpose that those fees served in the grand scheme of things. While traveling to a conference, in another state, for a training I received an allocation for food and lodging that helped immensely with costs.", "Resource allocation Resource allocation. In economics, resource allocation is the assignment of available resources to various uses. In the context of an entire economy, resources can be allocated by various means, such as markets or central planning.", "Glossary of construction cost estimating A. 1 Allocation of costs is the transfer of costs from one cost item to one or more other cost items. 2 Allowance - a value in an estimate to cover the cost of known but not yet fully defined work. 3 As-sold estimate - the estimate which matches the agreed items and price for the project scope.", "Cost allocation The core components of a cost allocation system consist of a way to track which organizations provides a product and/or service, the organizations that consume the products and/or services, and a list of portfolio offerings (e.g. service catalog).n turn, the associated expense is assigned to internal clients' cost centers that consume the products and services. For example, the CIO may provide all IT services within the company and assign the costs back to the business units that consume each offering.", "Sidecar Cocktails However when I was in San Francisco, one of my other commenters (thanks Dawn) told me to make sure to have a Sidecar. And when I was at Nopa, they had an armagnac Sidecar on the menu. Since I’d just returned from Cognac, I was interested in this giving one a go, Cognac or not.", "allocation of resources allocation of resources. Analysis of how scarce resources ('factors of production') are distributed among producers, and how scarce goods and services are apportioned among consumers. This analysis takes into consideration the accounting cost, economic cost, opportunity cost, and other costs of resources and goods and services.", "- Constant-Weighting Asset Allocation. Strategic asset allocation generally implies a buy-and-hold strategy, even as the shift in values of assets causes a drift from the initially established policy mix. For this reason, you may choose to adopt a constant-weighting approach to asset allocation. With this approach, you continually rebalance your portfolio. For example, if one asset is declining in value, you would purchase more of that asset; and if that asset value is increasing, you would sell it.", "Project/Grant Cost Accounting and Cost Allocation Cost Allocation allows a flexible, end-user-defined allocation of costs or revenues. Users define an allocation structure from which the system computes and posts the allocation of costs or revenues to the resulting accounting distributions (for example, Fund, Agency, Organization, Activity, Program, etc).", "Creating Allocation Entries With MassAllocations, you define one formula to generate allocation journal entries for a group of cost centers, departments, divisions, and so on. You define the allocation pool, the allocation formula, and the target and offset accounts for each MassAllocation formula.", "Fund Accountancy Fund accounting refers to the management and allocation of revenue an organization acquires through donations, tax payments, grants and other public and private sources. The basic idea behind fund accounting is to monitor and document the use of assets that are donated by outside parties." ]
what is a clinical nurse specialist scope of practice
[ "Clinical Nurse Specialist In addition to conventional nursing responsibilities, which focus upon helping patients to prevent or resolve illness, a clinical nurse specialist’s scope of practice includes diagnosing and treating diseases, injuries and/or disabilities within his/her field of expertise. Their area of clinical expertise may be in a:" ]
[ "Short Fuse (episode) Next episode. Royals and Loyals (episode). Short Fuse is the third episode in Season Eight of NCIS and the 165th episode of the entire NCIS series. When Marine Sergeant Heather Dempsey attacks a home intruder, NCIS is called in to...", "Nurse Practitioner Scope of Practice For new NPs, the scope of practice will now extend to the medical diagnosis and treatment of patients with acute, episodic, or chronic medical conditions. Many nurse practitioners working in specialty areas, and especially primary care, must become skilled at using and interpreting a wide range of diagnostic tools.", "What Youâll Do as a CNS: Clinical Nurse Specialist Job Description On the job, clinical nurse specialist roles can vary depending on their specialty, but general tasks include: 1 Optimizing patient care by working with nursing staff. 2 This includes evaluating current practices, reviewing alternatives, consultations with patient care managers and providing education to staff.ind out about their daily tasks. A clinical nurse specialist (CNS) is a venerable one-man show with five major responsibilities on their shoulders: Clinical practice, research, teaching, consulting and management.", "Viva La Difference! The Nation Needs the Clinical Nurse Specialists and Nurse Practitioners as Separate Roles Presently, NP practice varies widely by both locale and by nursing discipline. Today the NP specializes in acute care, primary health care, or specialties such as family, community, women's health, or pediatrics including neonatal intensive care. Additionally, the NP provides care in areas of medical sub-specialties.", "What Is a Clinical Nurse Consultant? Clinical nurse consultants, also called clinical nurse specialists, help health care facilities ensure they provide superior standards of care and effective treatment.", "- Protecting Scope of Practice. Protecting the scope of practice for nurses, particularly advanced practice registered nurses, is a major initiative at ANA. ANA is working together with our Constituent Member (State) Associations to help remove geographic and practice setting limitations for APRNs.", "- Determining Scope of Practice for Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRNs) The American Nurses Association (ANA) is often asked questions regarding the scope of practice of advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs). “Is it within the scope of practice for a nurse practitioner to __________?”. “I’m an Acute Care NP being asked to see pediatric patients – is that within my scope of practice?”. “Do certified nurse-midwives see male patients?”. “Do Clinical Nurse Specialists have prescribing privileges?”.", "- The Clinical Nurse Leader (CNL), a new nursing role developed to address the quality and safety concerns of healthcare organizations and providers, may prove to be an exceptionally valuable member of the rural nursing leadership team.", "- Roles: A nurse practitioner is a registered nurse who has advanced education and clinical training in a health care specialty. Recognized as expert health care providers, nurse practitioners deliver basic health care for infants, children, adults, and families in a wide range of outpatient and inpatient settings.pecialties: Most nurse practitioners work in a clinical specialty, such as pediatrics, family practice, adult health, neonatal care, ob/gyn/women s health, psychiatric/mental health, oncology, occupational health, school health, gerontological care, and emergency and acute care.", "Advanced Practice Nursing Fact Sheet Nurse anesthetists, nurse midwives, and nurse practitioners, also referred to as advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs), provide and coordinate patient care and they may provide primary and specialty health care.The scope of practice varies from state to state.urse anesthetists, nurse midwives, and nurse practitioners, also referred to as advanced practice registered nurses, must earn at least a master’s degree in one of the specialty roles. APRNs must also be licensed registered nurses in their state and pass a national certification exam.", "Role of an Advanced Practice Nurse While APNs can work in a variety of clinical settings (including medical offices, hospitals, and nursing homes), most generally practice in one of the following four broad areas: Nurse practitioner (for instance, as primary care practitioners) Nurse practitioners usually see patients in the outpatient setting.", "- Role of advanced practice nursing in public health 3. that all nurses engaged in advanced practice regardless of specialty have a working. knowledge of the concepts of the wellness–illness continuum from a community or. population perspective.", "- The Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner (ARNP) is a nurse who, in addition to being licensed. to practice professional nursing as defined above, has obtained postbasic specialized education, training, and experience and is certified by the Board of Nursing to perform advanced-level nursing acts.", "FAQs about Advanced Practice Psychiatric Nurses The advanced practice psychiatric nurse may be certified by the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) in Psychiatric Mental Health (PMH) as a Psychiatric-Mental Health Clinical Nurse Specialist (PMHCNS-BC) or Psychiatric-Mental Health Nurse Practitioner (PMHNP-BC).", "How to Become a Clinical Nurse Specialist If you’re interested in becoming an advanced practice nurse, consider a job as a clinical nurse specialist. What You’ll Do Provide expertise in a specialty area by developing standards of practice", "- Certification is a process by which a nongovernmental agency validates, based upon predetermined standards, an individual nurse’s qualifications for practice in a defined functional or clinical area of nursing.CCNS-P ® is an entry-level advanced practice certification for nurses educated at the graduate level as clinical nurse specialists to provide advanced nursing care across the continuum of healthcare services (from wellness through acute care) to meet the specialized needs of the pediatric patient population.", "Office of the Professions Practice Requirements for Nurse Practitioners. I. Collaborative Practice. According to New York State Education Law § 6902, a nurse practitioner (NP) diagnoses illnesses and physical. conditions and performs therapeutic and corrective measures within the specialty area of practice in which the NP. is certified.", "Advanced Practice An Advanced Practice (AP) nurse is defined as a Registered Nurse Practitioner (RNP), a Certified Nurse Midwife (CNM), a Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS), and a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA).", "- The following is a full job description for Clinical Nurse Specialist.he following is a full job description for Clinical Nurse Specialist.", "Office of Nursing Services (ONS) The Clinical Nurse Advisors guide their FACs in. 1 Aligning work of assigned patient populations with National Nursing Strategic Goals/Objectives. 2 Identifying/developing and/or recommending: best practice, clinical practice guidelines, standards of care, and policy guidance. staff/patient/caregiver training and educational priorities. products and/or tools for use by nursing staff at the point of care. research agenda for clinical inquiries.", "- For example the median expected annual pay for a typical Clinical Nurse Specialist in the United States is $97,661, so 50% of the people who perform the job of Clinical Nurse Specialist in the United States are expected to make less than $97,661.Source: HR Reported data as of October 2015. 1 Salary. 2 Salary + Bonus.his chart describes the expected percentage of people who perform the job of Clinical Nurse Specialist that make less than that salary. For example 50% of the people who perform the job of Clinical Nurse Specialist are expected to make less than the median.", "- Delineation of Privileges Page 3 of 3. Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist. DEFINITION AND SCOPE OF PRACTICE OF SPECIALIZED NURSING SERVICES. “Certified registered nurse anesthetist” means a registered nurse who holds a valid certificate of authority.", "Viva La Difference! The Nation Needs the Clinical Nurse Specialists and Nurse Practitioners as Separate Roles The CNS and NP roles are different (Mezey and McGivern, 1993; Collins and Ferrario, 1995.) The CNS role in medical and surgical nursing was originally designed to assist head nurses to prepare staff for clinical quality.", "- AACN’s entry-level advanced practice certifications allow nurses educated at the graduate-level as acute care nurse practitioners (ACNPs) and clinical nurse specialists (CNSs) to provide advanced healthcare services to patient populations with acute and/or complex health needs.", "- A clinical nurse is another term used for registered nurses who, as the term implies, work in actual clinic settings. Clinical nurses are also called nurse practitioners. Clinical nurse jobs are very flexible in nature. Clinical nurses can work in various types of clinics, and can enter various specializations, given the right qualifications. The fact that clinical nurses span specific medical fields makes the number of clinical nurses quite huge." ]
is skype best for business
[ "- Skype for Business Software. Skype for Business is a voice messaging tool that enables teams and individuals across the world to communicate and collaborate. It offers both Web-based and on-premise solutions and is best suited for organizations that operate across multiple sites.", "- The best benefits is office communication. Skype for business is great for just getting quick answers and not always having to pick up the phone or leaving voice messages. Setting up conference calls for Skype is very easy and allows you to send meetings through outlike and providing the Skype contact information." ]
[ "- Skype (2011) Microsoft's Skype is a software that allows you to instant message and make voice and video calls to fellow Skype users on the Internet for free. You can even get a phone number and make calls to phones around the world for a fairly affordable rate. Learn the many ways you can share with those who matter to you using Skype. This content refers to a previous version of Skype - go here for the current version. Make voice and video calls on the Internet for free.", "How to Use Skype Although it's not the only service available, Skype is one of the most popular video call services. You don't need a lot of equipment and the software is user-friendly, enabling you to make video calls within minutes of downloading it.", "Skype vs. Skype for Business: Who can stick with the free app, who needs to upgrade Skype for Business raises the stakes with stronger authentication methods that give you, as the administrator, stronger control over accounts and access to the who can do what with the tool. Subscriptions can be added and removed at the user level, with different program features assignable to each user on the service.", "Skype for Business Show all. Skype for Business, formerly Lync 2013, for Windows Phone extends the power of Lync and Skype for Business to your mobile device – including voice and video over wireless, rich presence, instant messaging, meetings, and calling features from a single, easy-to-use interface.", "- For best quality we recommend using a high-speed broadband connection of 4Mbps down / 512kbps up and a computer with a Core 2 Duo 1.8 GHz processor. At minimum Skype users need a high-speed broad connection of 512kbps down / 128kbps or greater and a computer with a 1 GHz processor.", "- The Microsoft-owned company today detailed its plans for the next year: enterprise voice and new meetings devices. Skype for Business will offer enterprise voice in Office 365 with PSTN calling and conferencing. The functionality will first become available as a technical preview in the U.S. this summer.Office 365 users will thus be able to leverage Skype for all their written, audio, and video conversations.The Office 365 Skype for Business voice and video services are based on an intelligent real time network, spanning Microsoft’s global data centers, to deliver secure, high quality voice and video traffic at the speed of light across the globe,” Microsoft explained.", "- Skype for Business. Skype is known for being a leader in the industry of video calls and VoIP, and you might use it for personal interaction all the time. Now you can use Skype for Business for commercial purposes.", "Best Video Conference Services 2018 Best Inexpensive Video Conference Service: Skype for Business. Skype for Business is our pick for best inexpensive video conference service. Most video conference services either sacrifice cost for more robust features or vice versa. Skype for Business, while an affordable solution, remains an effective tool not gutted of its most valuable assets in order to force down the price.", "Skype for Business Skype for Business brings together the familiar experience and user love of Skype with the enterprise security, compliance and control of Lync. End-users get a familiar Skype experience that’s as easy to use at work as it is at home.urrent Lync Server customers with Software Assurance will have rights to deploy Skype for Business. Office 365 customers with Lync Online will receive automatic updates as part of the subscription service.", "- With Skype for Business, users can easily schedule an online meeting with video or seamlessly escalate an IM session to a video call. The video experience is enhanced by the following features: HD video Users can experience resolutions up to HD 1080P in two-party calls and multiparty conferences.articipant Views. In a Skype for Business meeting, participants can select from the following options depending on how they want to view the meeting content, presenter, or participants: Gallery View shows all the participants’ pictures, or videos, plus meeting content.", "- So, I use Skype on a personal level and a business level. Skype is great tool in the business arena because it allows you to connect with people quickly, host video calls, and is a quick access for phone calls.", "Skype (Classic) From Skype: Skype is software that enables you to make free calls anywhere in the world. Skype uses P2P (peer-to-peer) technology to connect you with other users. It offers several features, including SkypeOut calling from Skype to regular and mobile phones worldwide, conference calling, and secure file transferring.", "Executive Directorâs Report for September 19, 2015 1 Liquor Control Board: Staff discussed the Commission’s proposal to modify the Healthy Youth Survey with LCB’s Public Health Education Liaison. 2 Office of Education Ombuds: OEO released its 2014-2015 annual report, which is available on its website at oeo.wa.gov.", "Skype for Business Server Skype for Business Server 2015, Lync Server 2013, and Lync Server 2010 and offer instant messaging (IM), presence, conferencing, and telephony solutions that can support enterprise-level collaboration requirements. The technical library is organized in the following sections: Skype for Business Server 2015.", "Switching between the Skype for Business and the Lync client user interfaces For Skype for Business Online organizations, you can use the Remote PowerShell in Office 365 to enable your Skype for Business users to use the Skype for Business client or the Skype for Business (Lync) client user interface.", "Skype vs. Skype for Business: Who can stick with the free app, who needs to upgrade You want to have very large meetings. The standard Skype client is currently limited to 25 people on a conference call at once. Skype for Business raises this limit to 250, making it much more suitable for large-scale presentations like all-hands meetings or live webinars.", "How to download free Skype for Amazon Kindle Fire User-friendly and neat interface, lots of features, functions quickly, massive number of users, functions quickly, convenient interface, modern design. No significant drawbacks, is lagging on some devices. Skype is the world’s most popular VoIP service that’s used both for calling and chatting. This official Skype client app for Android features the same functionality as its PC counterpart and lets you chat and talk with your friends, colleagues, and f... Other apps for Amazon Kindle Fire. 1 CCleaner.", "Skype Download Skype (ID) Skype helps users stay in touch with family and friends by providing free video messaging at little to no cost. Users can make high-quality audio and video calls to people anywhere in the world. Instant messaging and call-forwarding are also available, for times when users are not immediately available to chat.", "Skype Call Quality. On fast internet connections Skype call quality is excellent for both voice and video calls. The hybrid peer-to-peer client server system means the sound quality is better than most VoIP services. That being said, if you do have a slower internet connection, voice calls may be interrupted or delayed.", "Energy development Coal is primarily used as a solid fuel to produce electricity and heat through combustion. World coal consumption was about 7.25 billion tonnes in 2010 (7.99 billion short tons) and is expected to increase 48% to 9.05 billion tonnes (9.98 billion short tons) by 2030.oal is primarily used as a solid fuel to produce electricity and heat through combustion. World coal consumption was about 7.25 billion tonnes in 2010 (7.99 billion short tons) and is expected to increase 48% to 9.05 billion tonnes (9.98 billion short tons) by 2030.", "How to Skype for Free One of the best known and most reliable is Skype. The most commonly used function on Skype--computer-to-computer calls--are free of charge, and for this reason it may be one of the most efficient means you can use to stay connected. To use Skype, first follow a few easy steps.", "- I like Skype for both the free calls cheap calls to phones. It's good enough so that I have a look for a replacement anytime in the last 10 years, and nobody has told me another app that will let you make conference calls eitherto other users or landlines/mobile phones.", "Switching between the Skype for Business and the Lync client user interfaces For Skype for Business Online organizations, you can use the Remote PowerShell in Office 365 to enable your Skype for Business users to use the Skype for Business client or the Skype for Business (Lync) client user interface. The default setting is for users to use the Skype for Business client user interface.", "- Skype for Business Server[1] (formerly Microsoft Office Communications Server and Microsoft Lync Server) is real-time communications server software that provides the infrastructure for enterprise instant messaging, presence, VoIP, ad hoc and structured conferences (audio, video and web conferencing) and PSTN connectivity through a third-party ...", "- Frontal Lobe. 1 Movement of the body. 2 Personality. 3 Concentration, planning, problem solving. 4 Meaning of words. 5 Emotional reactions. 6 Speech. 7 Smell." ]
what happens when you stop smoking and start vaping
[ "Infographic: Timeline of Changes When You Quit Smoking and Start Vaping 24 Hours. Within 24 hours of quitting smoking and starting vaping, your body will have gotten rid of all of the residual carbon monoxide in your system. But your lungs, too, will begin to detoxify as they work on removing toxic debris and mucus that had accumulated while you were smoking. to 9 Months. If you stay away from tobacco cigarettes and continue vaping for 3 to 9 months, you should notice that wheezing, coughing, and shallow breathing have reduced in severity or gone away." ]
[ "- This is due to a number of regenerative processes that will begin to occur in your body; your circulation will improve, and your lung function will also improve significantly. After two or three weeks without smoking, your lungs may start to feel clear, and you'll start breathing easier (AHA, 2012) .For most smokers, withdrawal symptoms dissipate about two weeks after quitting.moking accounts for 90 percent of lung cancer deaths worldwide. It may take 10 years, but if you quit, eventually your risk of dying from lung cancer will drop to half that of a smoker's (CDC, 2004).", "- 1 Nicotine, the drug that makes tobacco addictive, goes to your brain very quickly. 2 Nicotine makes you feel good when you are smoking, but it can make you anxious, nervous, moody, and depressed after you smoke. 3 Using tobacco can cause headaches and dizziness.", "Smoking cessation health centre For tobacco users trying to stop smoking, nicotine withdrawal symptoms are unpleasant and stressful - but they are temporary. Most withdrawal symptoms peak 48 hours after you stop smoking and are completely gone in 6 months. After that, you may find yourself eating more.", "- If you completely quit smoking, your lungs should clear out in 6 months. But your new lung tissues will still not have much vascular tissue. You need to gradually build it up. The thinner your nicotine layer, the quicker your lungs recover.", "Infographic: Timeline of Changes When You Quit Smoking and Start Vaping 3 to 9 Months. If you stay away from tobacco cigarettes and continue vaping for 3 to 9 months, you should notice that wheezing, coughing, and shallow breathing have reduced in severity or gone away. to 9 Months. If you stay away from tobacco cigarettes and continue vaping for 3 to 9 months, you should notice that wheezing, coughing, and shallow breathing have reduced in severity or gone away.", "- Phases of meiosis. In many ways, meiosis is a lot like mitosis. The cell goes through similar stages and uses similar strategies to organize and separate chromosomes. In meiosis, however, the cell has a more complex task. It still needs to separate sister chromatids (the two halves of a duplicated chromosome), as in mitosis.", "- Nicotine withdrawal symptoms usually start about two hours after your last cigarette. Early withdrawal symptoms include: 1 intense cravings. 2 anxiety, tension, or frustration. 3 drowsiness or trouble sleeping.4 increased appetite.fter two or three weeks without smoking, your lungs may start to feel clear, and you'll start breathing easier (AHA, 2012) . For most smokers, withdrawal symptoms dissipate about two weeks after quitting.", "Smoking and Your Lungs These are chronic changes. Emphysema is an example of a chronic change. Here is a list of the changes that happen in your lungs and airways when you smoke: 1 The cells that produce mucus in your lungs and airways grow in size and number. 2 As a result, the amount of mucus increases. 3 The mucus is also thicker.", "Is Vaping Really Safer Than Smoking? Those methods involve smoke inhalation and have inherent health risks. Combustion of any plant material releases toxic compounds and irritants, and marijuana is no exception. In fact, smoking an unfiltered joint deposits more tar in the lungs than an equal amount of tobacco. Vaporizers are able to circumvent these risks by gently heating marijuana to a thermal sweet spot that releases active compounds without creating smoke.", "7 things you need to know about electronic cigarettes She is studying what she calls “third-hand” smoke, or what happens to the nicotine in e-cigarettes once exhaled by a “vaper.”. “I know that when you release nicotine into the room and it settles on a surface, it reacts with normal gases in the air to form carcinogens,” says Schick. Her research is focused on the potential health consequences that e-cigarette vapor could have on non-users.", "Nicotine and Tobacco Symptoms of Withdrawal. After you quit smoking, you will have some withdrawal symptoms. Such symptoms generally peak in intensity 3 -5 days after you quit, and usually disappear after 2 weeks, although some may persist for several months. The symptoms of withdrawal include both physical and mental difficulties. Physical Symptoms.", "Dr. Oz: Vaping isn't a good swap for smoking You also can tell your daughter that one study found five minutes of vaping lowers lung function as much as smoking a conventional cigarette. In its favor, this cloud of vapor doesn't contain the 60 known carcinogens found in tobacco smoke, and it may be a way to kick tobacco (it works for some folks). But as a general rule, putting anything besides relatively clean air into your lungs can lead to a roster of complications.", "Nicotine withdrawal symptoms timeline Nicotine withdrawal symptoms. Nicotine affect many parts of your body, including your brain. Over time, your body and brain get used to the prescence of nicotine and when you stop smoking, you go through withdrawal. So withdrawal is simply the time that it takes for your body to adjust to not having nicotine.", "Water in Lungs from Vaping? As a Licensed Respiratory Therapist, Yes it's true that your lungs will have water due to vaping. Yes it will increase the resistance through your airway (lungs) because of this your breathing will increase. But what MOST people don't know that your lungs will absorb those water vapor. It will go through your blood stream then your kidneys will absorb them and cleanse your body by urinating them out. Then after a break from vaping your lungs will breath back to normal again. P.S.", "What to Expect When You Decide to Quit Smoking: Common Withdrawal Symptoms of Quitting Smoking A sore throat and stuffy nose may also feature among the symptoms of quitting smoking soon after that final cigarette. These symptoms of quitting smoking are something normal. They will last for several weeks until the lungs undergo their repair process. Symptoms of Quitting Smoking #2: Mouth Ulcers and Bleeding Gums.", "Topamax When a person stops smoking, nicotine will start to disappear from their body. Once that happens, they will eventually lose all remnants of nicotine out of their system. For some, that process can take as little as three days. For others, it can take up to three months.", "Quitting Smoking Timeline When quitting smoking, there are numerous physical and emotional effects the body experiences. Short Term Effects. 1 The short-term effects of quitting smoking begin within 20 minutes. 2 Cigarettes contain ingredients and produce chemicals that speed up your heart rate, and also raises your blood pressure.", "Understanding Withdrawal About 80−90% of people who smoke regularly are addicted to nicotine. When you stop smoking‚ your body has to get used to not having nicotine. That’s withdrawal. Withdrawal can be uncomfortable. Craving cigarettes, feeling sad or irritable, or trouble sleeping are some common symptoms.", "Surviving Without Smoke: Month 1 These unpleasant -- some people might say intolerable -- symptoms of nicotine withdrawal usually hit a peak within the first three days of quitting, and last for about two weeks. So before you can stop smoking for good, you have to quit for the first two weeks.After that, it gets a little easier.hese unpleasant -- some people might say intolerable -- symptoms of nicotine withdrawal usually hit a peak within the first three days of quitting, and last for about two weeks. So before you can stop smoking for good, you have to quit for the first two weeks.", "What are the main effects of a blown head gasket in a motorcycle? Blown head gasket, air cooled bike? Lack of power oil leak higher heating of engine. Water cooled same only add water into the mix. Either way not god thing. Fox it. It's easy I a bike!", "Why do I still cough two months after quitting smoking? There are many advantages of stopping smoking. Within hours of quitting: Your heart rate and blood pressure drop. 12 hours after quitting: The carbon monoxide level in your blood drops to normal. Two weeks to three months after quitting: Your circulation improves, and your lung function increases.0 years after quitting: The lung cancer death rate is about half that of a continuing smoker's. The risk of cancer of the mouth, throat, esophagus, bladder, cervix and pancreas decreases. 15 years after quitting: The risk of coronary heart disease is that of a non-smoker.", "Smoking vs. Vaping: This Is How They Affect Your Body Vaping, unlike smoking, involves the inhalation of vapourized e-cigarette liquid consisting of water, nicotine, a base of propylene glycol or vegetable glycerin and occasionally, flavouring. The lack of smoke inhalation is what leads many e-cigarette users to believe vaping is a safer alternative to smoking. For years, doctors and scientists have noted a strong correlation between cigarette smoke and cancer, stating that smoking changes cells in the lungs, leading to lung cancer.", "Vaping 101: How Do E-Cigarettes Work? How do they work? Basically, an atomizer heats the liquid (often called e-juice) to its boiling point and that becomes vapor you can inhale. That is why smoking e-cigarettes is often called “vaping.”", "5 Things You Need to Know About Nicotine Withdrawal and Anxiety The nicotine in cigarette smoke is addictive. When used in small amounts, nicotine creates a pleasurable feeling, which makes you want to smoke more. The more you smoke, the more you crave. One of the major problems is when you want to quit, you suffer withdrawal symptoms. You may experience headaches, nervousness, irritability and difficulty sleeping. Nicotine can also affect your mood, because it alters the chemistry of your brain and central nervous system.", "How long does lorazepam last? Hi Folks- I am happy to say that I quit a 20 year smoking habit 4 months ago thanks to vaping. It has been life changing! I started at 12 mg of nicotine, went down to 9 after a couple of weeks and then settled in at 6 where I have happily stayed for almost 3 months of this journey. My ultimate goal is to go down to 0, but for now I would like to try 3 but am nervous lol." ]
what causes pseudarthrosis
[ "Revision Strategies for Lumbar Pseudarthrosis When pseudarthrosis is caused by or results in a positive sagittal-plane deformity, correction is essential. This can be accomplished by lengthening the anterior column, shortening the posterior column, or both. The anterior column can be extended by adding a structural interbody graft to the area of concern (Fig." ]
[ "Leptospirosis Leptospirosis is a disease caused by infection with Leptospira bacteria. These bacteria can be found worldwide in soil and water. There are many strains of Leptospira bacteria that can cause disease. Leptospirosis is a zoonotic disease, which means it can be spread from animals to people. Infection in people can cause flu-like symptoms and can cause liver or kidney disease. In the United States, most cases of human leptospirosis result from recreational activities involving water. Infection resulting from contact with an infected pet is much less common, but it is possible.", "- Leptospirosis is an infectious disease caused by a bacterium called Leptospira. Infection often causes serious damage to the kidney and liver, and can be fatal in severe cases.eptospirosis is a 'zoonotic disease', which means it can spread from dogs to people (or vice versa). Transmission usually occurs by direct contact with infected urine, and pet owners and veterinary staff should avoid getting infected urine in their eyes, nose, or mouth, or in open skin sores.", "- The most common cause of PVD is peripheral artery disease, which is due to atherosclerosis. Fatty material builds up inside the arteries and mixes with calcium, scar tissue, and other substances. The mixture hardens slightly, forming plaques. These plaques block, narrow, or weaken the artery walls.t is, though, often used as a synonym for peripheral artery disease. PVD is the most common disease of the arteries. The build-up of fatty material inside the vessels, a condition called atherosclerosis or hardening of the arteries, is what causes it.", "Epididymitis Things to remember. 1 Epididymitis is an infection that causes inflammation of the epididymis, which is a series of small tubes attached to the back of each testicle that collects and stores sperm. Most cases of epididymitis are caused by bacterial infection from a urinary tract infection or a sexually transmissible infection (STI) such as gonorrhoea or chlamydia.", "What is psoriasis? What causes palmoplantar psoriasis? The tendency to psoriasis is inherited, but what causes it to localise on the palms and soles is unknown. It may be triggered by an injury to the skin, an infection, or another skin condition such as hand dermatitis. It may first occur during a period of psychosocial stress.", "- Polyarteritis Nodosa. Polyarteritis nodosa (PAN) is a rare disease that results from blood vessel inflammation (vasculitis) causing injury to organ systems. The areas most commonly affected by PAN include the nerves, intestinal tract, heart, and joints.asculitis is a general term that refers to inflammation of the blood vessels. When inflamed, the blood vessel may become weakened and stretch in size, which can lead to aneurysms, or become so thin that they rupture resulting in bleeding into the tissue.", "- Causes of Peripheral Vascular Disease. The most common cause of PVD is peripheral artery disease, which is due to atherosclerosis. Fatty material builds up inside the arteries and mixes with calcium, scar tissue, and other substances.The mixture hardens slightly, forming plaques. These plaques block, narrow, or weaken the artery walls.auses of Peripheral Vascular Disease. The most common cause of PVD is peripheral artery disease, which is due to atherosclerosis. Fatty material builds up inside the arteries and mixes with calcium, scar tissue, and other substances.", "- Other possible causes of hydronephrosis include: 1 Blood clots in the kidney or ureter. 2 Narrowing or stricture of the urinary tract due to injury, infection, birth defects or surgery.3 Nerve or muscle problems that affect the kidneys or ureters.4 Urinary retention due to an inability to empty the bladder.ther possible causes of hydronephrosis include: 1 Blood clots in the kidney or ureter. 2 Narrowing or stricture of the urinary tract due to injury, infection, birth defects or surgery.", "- X-linked hypophosphatemic rickets, a dominantly inherited disease, is caused by mutations in the PHEX gene, whose function in regulating renal phosphate and vitamin D metabolism remains to be elucidated.enetic causes of rickets. Miller WL, Portale AA. Dietary deficiency of vitamin D, genetic disorders of its bioactivation to 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D [1,25(OH)2D], or disorders of vitamin D action can cause rickets.", "Overview Sometimes the cause of anhidrosis can't be found. Causes of anhidrosis include: Conditions you're born with, such as certain congenital displasias that affect the development of sweat glands. Inherited conditions that affect your metabolic system, such as Fabry's disease. Connective tissue diseases, such as Sjogren's syndrome, which causes dry eyes and mouth.", "Atherosclerosis (clogged arteries) Articles. A common cause of heart attacks and strokes, arteriosclerosis causes a fatty substance to accumulate inside your arteries. Called plaque, the fatty substance hardens and narrows the arteries, which limits the amount of oxygenated blood that can get to your heart and the rest of your body. When blood is restricted, it can lead to chest pain, a heart attack and pain or numbness in the legs, arms and pelvis, a condition called peripheral arterial disease.", "- Leptospirosis is a rare bacterial disease caused by bacteria of the genus Leptospira.eptospirosis is a rare bacterial disease caused by bacteria of the genus Leptospira.", "Overview Most often, bacterial orchitis is the result of epididymitis. Epididymitis usually is caused by an infection of the urethra or bladder that spreads to the epididymis. Often, the cause of the infection is an STI.", "Leptospirosis Leptospirosis is an infectious disease of humans and animals that is caused by pathogenic spirochetes of the genus Leptospira (see the image below). It is considered the most common zoonosis in the world.ackground. Leptospirosis is an infectious disease of humans and animals that is caused by pathogenic spirochetes of the genus Leptospira. It is considered the most common zoonosis in the world. [1] Leptospirosis is distributed worldwide (sparing the polar regions) but is most common in the tropics.", "- 1 Distention of the kidney with urine. Hydronephrosis is caused by obstruction of urine outflow (for example, by a stone blocking the ureter). 2 Cystinuria is a common genetic condition that causes excess buildup of a protein, cystine, in the urine. Nausea is an uneasiness of the stomach that often precedes vomiting.", "- Page Content. Chytrid (pronounced kit-rid) fungus (Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis) causes the disease known as chytridiomycosis or chytrid infection which currently threatens Tasmania's native amphibians.The fungus infects the skin of frogs destroying its structure and function, and can ultimately cause death.age Content. Chytrid (pronounced kit-rid) fungus (Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis) causes the disease known as chytridiomycosis or chytrid infection which currently threatens Tasmania's native amphibians.", "- The most common cause of PVD is peripheral artery disease, which is due to atherosclerosis. Fatty material builds up inside the arteries and mixes with calcium, scar tissue, and other substances. The mixture hardens slightly, forming plaques. These plaques block, narrow, or weaken the artery walls.he most common cause of PVD is peripheral artery disease, which is due to atherosclerosis. Fatty material builds up inside the arteries and mixes with calcium, scar tissue, and other substances. The mixture hardens slightly, forming plaques. These plaques block, narrow, or weaken the artery walls.", "What is Pseudarthrosis? In some cases, however, this fusion does not occur. This is called Pseudarthrosis, a term that describes a failed fusion after spinal fusion surgery. This lack of fusion of the bones typically leads to abnormal movement of the bones within the spinal column. Pseudarthrosis may also describe the fracture of a bone that fails to heal or fuse together properly. Pseudarthrosis is a common complication of cervical spinal fusion surgery. Causes Pseudarthrosis occurs when bones fail to fuse with one another after spinal fusion surgery. Factors that reduce the ability of bone-producing cells (called osteoblasts) to produce new bone for fusion increase the risk of Pseudarthrosis.", "- To register a phone number on the Do Not Call registry: 1 Go to www.donotcall.gov. 2 Click Register a phone number. 3 Follow the instructions on the site to register your phone number.", "- Peyronie's Disease Causes. Patient Comment Read 1 Comment Share Your Story. A plaque on the topside of the shaft, which is most common, causes the penis to bend upward; a plaque on the underside causes it to bend downward. In some cases, the plaque develops on both top and bottom, leading to indentation and shortening of the penis.", "Hereditary Pancreatitis A mutation (alteration) in the PRSS1 gene gives a person an increased risk of pancreatitis and pancreatic cancer. Mutations in two other genes, called SPINK1 and CFTR, have also been linked to HP; however, it is unknown if mutations in these genes cause an increased risk of pancreatic cancer.", "- To research the causes of Erdheim-Chester Disease, consider researching the causes of these these diseases that may be similar, or associated with Erdheim-Chester Disease: 1 Polyostotic sclerosing histiocytosis. 2 Bone pain. 3 Retroperitoneal fibrosis. 4 Diabetes insipidus. 5 Exophthalmos.", "- Leakage of fluid from the cyst (hyatid sand) causes eosinophilia. Rupture of a hydatid cysts as a consequence of trauma or surgery is very dangerous because it can cause anaphylactic shock, possible allergic reaction, and risk spreading hydatid sand which can give rise to new cysts throughout the body.", "Leptospirosis Leptospirosis (General): DBMD (Excerpt). Leptospirosis is a bacterial disease that affects humans and animals. It is caused by bacteria of the genus Leptospira. In humans it causes a wide range of symptoms, and some infected persons may have no symptoms at all.Symptoms of leptospirosis include high fever, severe headache, chills, muscle aches, and vomiting, and may include jaundice (yellow skin and eyes), red eyes, abdominal pain, diarrhea, or a rash.eptospirosis: Introduction. Leptospirosis: Leptospirosis is a bacterial disease that affects humans and animals. It is caused by bacteria of the genus Leptospira. In humans ... more about Leptospirosis. Leptospirosis: Bacterial infection usually caught from animal urine.", "- Overview. Siderosis is a type of occupational lung disease (pneumoconiosis) caused by the inhalation of dust or fumes containing iron or iron oxide particles. It is most commonly seen in arc welders and is also referred to as arc-welder's disease." ]
how many calories should the average man eat
[ "- Active Men. Active men ages 19 and older need an average of 2,400 to 3,000 calories per day to maintain a healthy body weight, according to the USDA (See Reference 1 Page 14). Active older men require fewer calories than younger men who lead the same type of active lifestyle. Male athletes who engage in vigorous physical activity, especially endurance sports, more than the average active man can require more than 3,000 calories per day." ]
[ "How Many Calories Should You Eat Per Day to Lose Weight? An average woman needs to eat about 2000 calories per day to maintain, and 1500 calories to lose one pound of weight per week. An average man needs 2500 calories to maintain, and 2000 to lose one pound of weight per week.", "- More specifically, sedentary men ages 19 to 30 need 2,400 to 2,600 calories; 31- to 50-year-old men require 2,200 to 2,400 calories; and sedentary men over the age of 50 need 2,000 to 2,200 calories each day to maintain a healthy body weight.oderately Active Men. The Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2010 estimates that the average moderately active man needs 2,200 to 2,800 calories each day to maintain a healthy body weight (Page 14).", "How Many Calories Should I Eat for Breakfast? How Many Calories for Breakfast. Many women who are trying to lose weight, consume about 1,200 to 1,400 calories per day. Men often consume 1,600 to 1,800 calories per day. Many people simply divide their calories evenly between three daily meals to keep their breakfast, lunch and dinner calories simple.", "List of Disney movies Movies not produced by Walt Disney Pictures are not on this list, even if they distributed it. This list also does not include movies labeled, produced or distributed by other Disney imprints or subsidiaries, and does not include any direct-to-video releases or theatrical re-releases. This list is not for movies produced by Disneynature, and Touchstone Pictures.", "How Many Calories a Day Does an Average 200 Pound Man Burn? Knowing how many calories you burn daily helps you manage your weight. For the average 200-lb. male, aged 19 to 50 years, several factors influence the exact daily burn rate.etermining how many calories the average 200-lb. man burns daily depends on age and activity level. The more active you are, the more calories you burn. As you age, you burn fewer calories daily because of a natural loss of muscle mass, notes MayoClinic.com.", "- How many calories does the average person burn in a day? Quick Answer. An average person burns 1,600 to 2,500 calories in a day. According to Everyday Health, men burn between 1,900 and 2,500 calories per day, while women burn between 1,600 and 2,000 calories per day.", "How Many Calories Should You Eat a Day? Recommended Calories: 2,000–2,200 per day. The amount of calories it takes to maintain your weight depends a great deal on how active you are. Men who exercise daily can eat as many as 2,600 calories a day; an athlete in training can down as many as 3,000 calories. Calorie Tip: Eat the bulk of your calories in the middle of the day when you're most active, says dietitian and diabetes educator Patricia Davidson.", "- According to basic government guidelines: Men should eat 2500 Calories per day, and Women 2000 Calories per day. This is meaningless! We are all different shapes and sizes, and do different amounts of exercise – this is why you NEED to use a calculator.", "How Many Calories Should a Man Eat While Trying to Lose Weight? The National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute suggests most men generally require 1,200 to 1,600 calories daily to lose weight at a safe pace. However, men who are very active or tall men with large frames may require additional calories to lose weight effectively without feeling hungry.", "- according to the dietary guidelines for americans 2010 men ages 19 and older reported consuming an average of 2640 calories and women reported consuming an average of 1785 calories each day based on national survey self reported data", "The Average American Diet & Calorie Intake Total Caloric Intake. The average American takes in 2,031 calories a day, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture's publication, What We Eat in America.. The average woman takes in 1,778 daily calories, while the average man takes in 2,512 calories per day. Men's caloric intake peaks during their 30s and 40s, when they consume about 2,730 calories a day.", "Daily Calorie Requirements of An Adult In general, children and teenagers need more calories as they are active and their bodies are still in the process of development. An average man should consume about 2500 calories per day, while a woman should consume around 1950-2000 calories per day.", "- More specifically, sedentary men ages 19 to 30 need 2,400 to 2,600 calories; 31- to 50-year-old men require 2,200 to 2,400 calories; and sedentary men over the age of 50 need 2,000 to 2,200 calories each day to maintain a healthy body weight.", "How Many Calories Should I Eat Daily To Lose Weight? These include your gender, age, height as well as how active your lifestyle is. Most sources will tell you average woman needs around 2000 calories per day in order to maintain her weight, while the average man needs around 2500 calories. Both need about 500 calories less each day if they want to achieve weight loss. However, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) suggests the following daily calorie intake :", "Calories For Men Per Day: How Many Should You Have? Calories And Exercise for Men. Calorie intake is only half of the weight-loss equation for men - the other half is exercise. Men should aim to burn at least 400 to 800 calories four to five times a week, in addition to a massive 1000-calorie workout on Saturdays.", "Diet and obesity From 1971 – 2000, the average daily number of calories which women consumed in the United States increased by 335 calories per day (1542 calories in 1971 and 1877 calories in 2000). For men, the average increase was 168 calories per day (2450 calories in 1971 and 2618 calories in 2000). Most of these extra calories came from an increase in carbohydrate consumption rather than an increase in fat consumption.", "2017âs Fattest States in America That calculates to only 800 calories per person per day. The average male adult needs 2,000 calories per day. This means most Emergency Kits on the market only include 42% of standard recommended caloric intake needs (based on a 185lbs.", "Health Reimbursement Plans Not Compliant with ACA Could Mean Exorbitant Penalties July 29, 2016. Although the law has been in place for more than two years, not everyone is yet on board. It is important that farmers, ranchers, and other small employers evaluate their health reimbursement plans to ensure that they comply with Affordable Care Act (ACA) requirements. As of January 1, 2014, a number of long-time options became improper under the ACA.", "The Average American Diet & Calorie Intake Men's caloric intake peaks during their 30s and 40s, when they consume about 2,730 calories a day. Women's caloric consumption is at its highest throughout their 20s, when they take in, on the average, close to 2,000 calories a day.he American Heart Association recommends that women and men take in no more than about 100 and 150 calories a day from added sugar, respectively, but the average American gets about 476 calories from sugar, with an intake of 119 grams of sugar daily.", "Warfarin A high INR predisposes patients to an increased risk of bleeding, while an INR below the therapeutic target indicates the dose of warfarin is insufficient to protect against thromboembolic events.he major side effect of warfarin use is bleeding. Risk of bleeding is increased if the INR is out of range (due to accidental or deliberate overdose or due to interactions). Many drug interactions can increase the effect of warfarin, also causing an overdose.", "Our online calculator You may have wondered how we came up with the recommendation that women have 500 calories and men have 600 calories on a Fast Day. We used the rule of thumb that women need 2000 calories and men need 2400 calories per day and on a Fast Day you should eat a quarter of a normal day’s recommended calories. Some of you have also wondered exactly how many calories you should be eating on days when you’re not fasting.", "How Many Calories Do I Need To Eat Per Day To Build Muscle Or Gain Weight? Let me break that down…. Men: 250 additional calories per day. For example, if you are a guy with a daily calorie maintenance level of 2000 calories, you should now eat about 2250 calories per day to build muscle. Whatever your maintenance level is, just be 250 or so calories above it each day.", "- Active Men. Active men ages 19 and older need an average of 2,400 to 3,000 calories per day to maintain a healthy body weight, according to the USDA (See Reference 1 Page 14). Active older men require fewer calories than younger men who lead the same type of active lifestyle.", "- How many calories should a man eat a day? UK guidelines currently suggest that men need around 2,500 calories (kcal) each day in order to maintain a healthy weight. This is a ballpark figure used widely, but in reality the number of calories needed depends on a variety of factors.", "Minimum Amount of Calories Needed Per Day to Survive Safe Intakes. If you’re not supervised by a medical professional, avoid dipping below 1,200 calories daily. Harvard Health Publications suggests women eat at least 1,200 calories daily and men get a minimum of 1,500 calories a day unless supervised by their doctors. Women who eat 1,200 calories and men who consume 1,500 calories a day will likely lose weight. To maintain current body weights, women often require 1,600 to 2,400 calories daily, while many adult men need 2,000 to 3,000 calories a day, according to the publication Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2010.." ]
what is involved in a business valuation
[ "Valuing a business It’s important to conduct your own research, then get independent advice from a business valuer or broker. 1 Here are four of the most commonly used valuation methods: 2 Asset valuation. 3 Capitalised future earnings. 4 Earnings multiple. 5 Comparable sales." ]
[ "- Mergers and Acquisitions: Valuation Matters. Share. Investors in a company that are aiming to take over another one must determine whether the purchase will be beneficial to them. In order to do so, they must ask themselves how much the company being acquired is really worth.", "Tax Aspects of Selling Your Business If you negotiate a total price for the business, you and the buyer must agree as to what portion of the purchase price applies to each individual asset, and to intangible assets such as goodwill. The allocation will determine the amount of capital or ordinary income tax you must pay on the sale.f you negotiate a total price for the business, you and the buyer must agree as to what portion of the purchase price applies to each individual asset, and to intangible assets such as goodwill. The allocation will determine the amount of capital or ordinary income tax you must pay on the sale.", "- Estimates the fair value of an asset by comparing. the value of the business inclusive of the asset, to. the hypothetical value of the same business. excluding the asset. 7. 7. 10 OECD TP WP6: Illustrative Example of Intangible Asset Valuation. Introduction Methodology Recap Illustrative Example Conclusion.", "What is a Bartack Stitch? Reinforcement and Decorative Stitching. Chances are that if you've ever seen a pair of blue jeans, you've seen a bartack. A bar tack stitch is basically a tight zigzag that is repeated back and forth over itself to reinforce a piece that is sewn together. It helps resist rips in the fabric and increase strength of the overall product.", "- TRUMA CASCADE WATER HEATER PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE CARAVANS & MOTORHOMES 101039. 1 2 3. eBay determines this price through a machine learned model of the product's sale prices within the last 90 days. eBay determines trending price through a machine learned model of the product’s sale prices within the last 90 days.", "- 4.3.2 Basic Stock Valuation. The value of shares of common stock, like any other financial instrument, is often understood as the present value of expected future returns. P o = D1/(1+i1) + D2 /(1+i 2 )2 + D3/(1+i3)3 + ...", "How To Value A Business Asset Valuations: Calculates the value of all of the assets of a business and arrives at the appropriate price. Liquidation Value: Determines the value of the company’s assets if it were forced to sell all of them in a short period of time (usually less than 12 months). Income Capitalization: Future income is calculated based upon historical data and a variety of assumptions. Income Multiple: The net income (profit/owner's benefit/seller's cash flow) of a business is subject to a certain multiple to arrive at a selling price.", "Business Goodwill The value of business assets in this situation includes business goodwill. How business goodwill is determined. As with all intangible business assets, the value of business goodwill can be estimated using the methods under the Cost (Asset), market and income valuation approaches. Cost approach to valuing business goodwill", "How to Understand Business Capitalization How to Understand Business Capitalization. Capitalization is a measure of a company's total value. It is not the only measure, but one that financial investors use to appraise and value a company. Capitalization is not a measure of how much capital the company owns. On the contrary, financial accountants use the amount of capital under a business's ownership for their own methods of company valuation. Problems such as market crashes sometimes arise as a result of more than one method of valuing a business.", "4 Business Valuation Methods Today we will give you a quick overview of business valuation methods. This post is geared toward those with at least a little basic business or financial background, and will show a few common business valuation methods. Of course, the utility of business valuation methods is not limited to only large corporations and investment bankers.", "Common stock valuation models Valuation models. Multiples. This involves asserting that a company is worth some multiple of its profits, net tangible assets (NTA, or book value), sales or enterprise value (the total of the company's equity plus debt). The most common of these is the price/earnings (P/E) multiple.", "Business Valuation Formula To get an accurate estimate of what your business is worth on the market, you may use a number of such business valuation formula multiples and determine the business value in relation to its revenues, profits, or assets.he income valuation methods offer you a way to calculate business value based on the company’s earnings prospects and risk. All income business valuation methods fall into two main types: 1 Capitalization methods. 2 Discounting methods.", "qigong Medical Dictionary. qigong. play. noun , often capitalized qi·gong \\ˈchē-ˈgu̇ŋ\\. Medical Definition of qigong. : an ancient Chinese healing art involving meditation, controlled breathing, and movement exercises designed to improve physical and mental well-being and prevent disease—called also chi kung, ch'i kung.", "- All of the approaches described in this chapter try to estimate the intrinsic value of an asset or a business. However, it is important that we understand exactly what we are doing in the process. We are estimating what an asset or business is worth, given its cash flows and the risk in those cash flows.", "- The value chain includes a business' primary activities. These activities should be run at optimum level if the organization is to gain any real competitive advantage. If you are searching for a way to gain an edge on your competition, consider one of the business world's most valuable tools: the value chain analysis.", "Credentials ABV Overview. The Accredited in Business Valuation Credential (ABV) gives valuation professionals an edge and sets them apart from others by arming them with the tools and resources needed to provide the best service to their clients.", "How To Value A Business There are several ways to calculate the value of a business: 1 Asset Valuations: Calculates the value of all of the assets of a business and arrives at the appropriate price. 2 Liquidation Value: Determines the value of the company's assets if it were forced to sell all of them in a short period of time (usually less than 12 months).", "Business Goodwill Business goodwill is a key intangible asset that represents the portion of the business value that cannot be attributed to other business assets. Put differently, business goodwill reflects the synergy among the various assets used by the business to produce income: in a well-run business the whole is greater than the sum of the parts.", "- Generally there are four different valuation methods used to place a value to a restaurant or bar. A. PERCENTAGE OF REVENUE: One method is the percentage of revenue method. To derive a value, one merely selects a percentage, say 30%, and multiplies it by the revenue or sales of the business not including sales taxes.or example, if the business had revenues of $1,000,000 and the percentage factor of 30% was used, then the business value is $300,000. This method is used when the financials are not readily available or are not accurate. To determine the percentage to use, one takes into account five factors.", "Free Cash Flow Valuation Free cash flow valuation is an approach to business valuation in which the business value equals the present value of its free cash flow. It involves projecting free cash flows into future and then discounting them at the appropriate cost of capital. There are two approaches to valuation using free cash flow. The first involves discounting projected free cash flow to firm (FCFF) at the weighted average cost of the capital (WACC) to find the total business value. The second involves discounting future free cash flow to equity (FCFE) at the required return of equity to find the value of the business equity.", "Valuations: Income-Based Approaches In the absence of debt financing, enterprise value would be equal to equity value. Redundant assets are tangible and intangible assets that are not required by the business to generate the operating cash flows. The net realizable value of the redundant assets is added to the value of the company under income-based valuation approaches.", "- There are a few important points to take away from this statement.First, the value of any business or asset is related to the cash flow it gener-ates, not the net income as reflected on the company’s income statement or taxreturn.llustration 4.1ABC Company at Book Value 24 Business Valuation The book value of a company reflected on its balance sheet may also under-state market value because certain intangible assets of the company may not bereflected on the balance sheet at all.", "Sudafed Non-Drowsy Capsule Guaifenesin is an expectorant. It works by thinning and loosening mucus in the airways, clearing congestion, and making breathing easier. Pseudoephedrine is a decongestant (sympathomimetic). It reduces nasal congestion by narrowing the blood vessels in the nose.", "- BV FAQ Purpose and Use of a Business Valuation. The Purpose and use of an appraisal plays a large part in determining the scope of the assignment, the type of appraisal to be conducted, the type of report to be completed and the methodologies to be utilized.", "Why We Built Private Company Valuation and Valuation Multiple Search? Venture capital firms will also use our private company valuation and valuation multiple data when involved in negotiations with a potential acquirer. The process is similar to valuing a private company for investment in many ways except here the negotiation is happening with a potential acquirer." ]
common side effects of lexapro
[ "Clozapine Taking Lexapro with other drugs that make you sleepy or slow your breathing can cause dangerous or life-threatening side effects. Ask your doctor before taking this medicine with a sleeping pill, narcotic pain medicine, muscle relaxer, or medicine for anxiety, depression, or seizures.", "- The most common side effects with Lexapro treatment in adults were nausea, insomnia (difficulty sleeping), ejaculation disorder (primarily ejaculation delay), fatigue and drowsiness, increased sweating, decreased libido, and anorgasmia (difficulty achieving orgasm).", "Lexapro Common side effects of Lexapro include drowsiness, dizziness, insomnia, mild nausea, gas, heartburn, upset stomach, constipation, weight changes, decreased sex drive, dry mouth, yawning, and ringing in the ears." ]
[ "Celexa Common Side Effects of Celexa. The most common side effects of Celexa are nausea and vomiting, increase sweating, dry mouth and headaches. Insomnia and somnolence (drowsiness) are also common, appearing in 15 percent or more of patients in placebo-controlled clinical trials.", "Antidepressants: Which cause the fewest sexual side effects? Antidepressants most likely to cause sexual side effects include: 1 Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), which include citalopram (Celexa), escitalopram (Lexapro), fluoxetine (Prozac, Selfemra), paroxetine (Paxil, Pexeva) and sertraline (Zoloft).", "- Having high blood pressure continually is very dangerous and has serious side effects. It can be detrimental for one's health, and it can also weaken the heart. Sometimes, with Lexapro high blood pressure can occur as a withdrawal symptom also.Before taking any drug, it is best to check the symptoms and side effects and see if they are best suited for it. Also, have an open discussion with the physician in order to ensure the drug suits you.exapro belongs to a group of medications called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). Medicines in this group are mainly anti-depressants. Though it is an effective medicine that is used to treat depression, one should know its side effects and withdrawal symptoms before starting it.", "Premature Ejaculation and Lexapro It is not entirely clear how Lexapro works for premature ejaculation. Premature ejaculation is when a man uncontrollably ejaculates too soon (either before or just after sexual penetration). As with other similar antidepressants, Lexapro is known to cause sexual side effects, including delayed ejaculation.While these sexual side effects are usually undesired, in the case of men with premature ejaculation, the Lexapro sexual side effects can help to delay their ejaculation.reating premature ejaculation is an off-label use for Lexapro, though it is not completely clear how Lexapro works to treat this condition. Lexapro ® (escitalopram oxalate) is a prescription medication that is licensed to treat the following conditions:", "Escitalopram Escitalopram, sold under the brand name Cipralex among others, is an antidepressant of the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor class. It is mainly used to treat major depressive disorder or generalized anxiety disorder. It is taken by mouth. Common side effects include trouble sleeping, nausea, sexual problems, and feeling tired. More serious side effects may include suicide in people under the age of 25. It is unclear if use during pregnancy or breastfeeding is safe. Escitalopram is the -ste", "- I took 10mg of lexapro for 2 1/2 years and the withdrawals have been ugly. Dizziness, headaches, depressed, tired all the time, and sweats. The dizziness and sweats stopped after 3 weeks. Now what I keep experiencing is weird dreams all night.", "Bupropion The most common side effects of bupropion are: nervousness. constipation. trouble sleeping. dry mouth. headache. nausea. vomiting.", "lexapro withdrawlMartha52 Feb 12, 2007 To: Everyone. I have been on Lexapro for about 3 months started on 10 mg then increased to 20mg for anxiety and started having side effects...weight loss, memory loss, nausea, itchy red patches on my skin and uncontrollable yawning.", "- I have been on 20 mg of Lexapro for over a year now. After a bumpy first couple of weeks - mainly insomnia and nausea - Lexapro has been extremely effective in reducing my anxiety in everyday situations that used to cause me much angst. It has also put a stop to ruminating and obsessive thoughts..", "Zoloft Withdrawal Common side effects of naproxen include upset stomach, mild heartburn, stomach pain, diarrhea, constipation, bloating, gas, dizziness, headache, nervousness, blurred vision, and ringing in the ears. This is not a complete list of side effects that can occur with naproxen.", "Does Lexapro cause diarrhea? Answered by The Community. Making the world better, one answer at a time. yes, lexapro can cause many abdominal symptoms: diarrhea, constipation, gas, general discomfort, etc. these are initial side effects and usually subside after about 2-6 weeks. and F.Y.I. I personally have experienced these side effects now that I am tapering off.", "Tamika Usage: Tamika, of Native-American origin, is a very popular first name. It is more often used as a girl (female) name. People having the name Tamika are in general originating from Australia, Japan, United Kingdom, United States of America.", "Klonopin Common side effects of Klonopin include drowsiness, dizziness, weakness, unsteadiness, depression, loss of orientation, headache, sleep disturbances, problems with thinking or memory, slurred speech, dry mouth, sore gums, runny nose, loss of appetite, diarrhea, constipation, and blurred vision.ur Klonopin Side Effects Drug Center provides a comprehensive view of available drug information on the potential side effects when taking this medication. This is not a complete list of side effects and others may occur. Call your doctor for medical advice about side effects.", "Lexapro nausea how long So none of us can tell you how it's going to affect you. However, the side effects of Lexapro tend to be fewer than other ssris, at least by reputation and hype. I've had side effects from it, but they're not as bad as from other meds; on the other hand, it hasn't done what I'd hoped, either.", "Lexapro Comment: Lexapro has saved my life. I was prescribed the drug for severe anxiety and mild depression. The first time I was on it, I took it for about 3 months in the morning and I had the sexual side effects, loss of libido and I could not have an orgasm to save my life!! I stopped taking it because I could not handle the sexual side effects.", "Side Effects of Lexotan Lexotan is a central nervous system depressant, so along with the relief of anxiety, drowsiness should be expected as a potential side effect. Loss of balance and dizziness are the other most common side effects, occurring in 13 and 7 percent of patients, respectively.", "Lexapro and nausea Lexapro and nausea. Common Questions and Answers about Lexapro and nausea. lexapro. I have been taking Zoloft for four years and its been fine, great for the first three. Recently I've beeen getting more anxious so I'm weaning off of it and trying Lexapro. now at 5 mg and in one week 10 mg. I have bad insomnia with it and alot of anxiety.", "- The Admission Committee takes the following criteria into account in evaluating applicants for freshman admission: 1 Academic achievement in high school (GPA, class rank, course selection, grade trends, and strength of school).", "Lexapro vs. Wellbutrin: Differences between Side Effects and Uses PRESCRIBED FOR: Bupropion is used for the management of major depression. SIDE EFFECTS: The most common side effects associated with bupropion are: 1 agitation, 2 dry mouth, insomnia,", "Zithromax Side Effects Summary. The most common side effects of Zithromax (Azithromycin) are nausea and headache. Severe side effects are rare. However, if you believe you are experiencing dangerous side effects to this medication, you should consult your doctor for an alternative treatment plan.", "- Note: This page contains information about the side effects of divalproex sodium. Some of the dosage forms included on this document may not apply to the brand name Depakote. Common side effects of Depakote include: dizziness, weakness, drowsiness, nausea, abdominal pain, and anorexia. Other side effects include: abnormality in thinking, tremor, alopecia, ataxia, nystagmus, weight loss, fever, and skin rash. See below for a comprehensive list of adverse effects. For the Consumer.", "Lexapro our lexapro side effects drug center provides a comprehensive view of available drug information on the potential side effects when taking this medication this is not a complete list of side effects and others may occur call your doctor for medical advice about side effects", "- 59.20.080 << 59.20.090 >> 59.20.100. (1) Unless otherwise agreed rental agreements shall be for a term of one year. Any rental agreement of whatever duration shall be automatically renewed for the term of the original rental agreement, unless a different specified term is agreed upon.", "Overview Lexapro and Weight. Lexapro can cause changes in weight. There are some reports that people begin to lose weight when first taking Lexapro, but this is not well supported by research studies.", "- Lexapro and Weight. Lexapro can cause changes in weight. There are some reports that people begin to lose weight when first taking Lexapro, but this is not well supported by research studies. The Mayo Clinic does list Lexapro, however, as an antidepressant that is less likely to contribute to weight gain." ]
is hydrogen abundant on earth
[ "What Is the Most Abundant Element on Earth? The most abundant element on Earth is oxygen, but the most abundant element in the entire universe is hydrogen. On Earth, oxygen makes up approximately 47 percent of the Earth's mass and is found both in Earth's atmosphere and crust. Continue Reading." ]
[ "What is the most abundant element on Earth AND in the human body? Answer: The most abundant element in the universe is hydrogen, which makes up about 3/4 of all matter! Helium makes up most of the remaining 25%. Oxygen is the third most abundant element in the universe. All of the other elements are relatively rare.", "Abundance of the chemical elements The most abundant elements in the ocean by proportion of mass in percent are oxygen (85.84), hydrogen (10.82), chlorine (1.94), sodium (1.08), magnesium (0.1292), sulfur (0.091), calcium (0.04), potassium (0.04), bromine (0.0067), carbon (0.0028), and boron (0.00043).", "Battery and Energy Technologies Hydrogen is being promoted as the perfect environmentally friendly fuel of the future. 1 It will still be available when fossil fuels are exhausted. 2 It is the earth's tenth most abundant element and is the most abundant element in the universe. 3 It is generated from water and returns to water when it is burnt.", "Hydrogen Energy Hydrogen is high in energy, yet an engine that burns pure hydrogen produces almost no pollution. NASA has used liquid hydrogen since the 1970s to propel the space shuttle and other rockets into orbit.", "Recent Progress Toward Hydrogen Medicine: Potential of Molecular Hydrogen for Preventive and Therapeutic Applications We found that H2 functions as a mild but effective antioxidant [12]. Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe, constituting nearly 75% of the universe's mass; however, hydrogen is absent on the earth in its monoatomic form and is present in water and organic or inorganic compounds.", "What Is the Most Abundant Element on Earth? On Earth, oxygen and silicon are the two most abundant elements, with silicon only found in the Earth's crust. The Earth's crust mostly consists of silicon, aluminum, iron, calcium, sodium, potassium and magnesium. All these elements are present in igneous rocks throughout the Earth.", "New Solid Form of Hydrogen Discovered at Extreme Pressures Hydrogen is the lightest and most abundant element on Earth. Up until now, only three solid states of hydrogen were known, though since the 1930s it has been theorized that the element would become a metal at extremely high pressures.", "What is the most abundant element on Earth AND in the human body? Best Answer: The most abundant element in the universe is hydrogen, which makes up about 3/4 of all matter! Helium makes up most of the remaining 25%. Oxygen is the third most abundant element in the universe.All of the other elements are relatively rare. The chemical composition of the earth is quite a bit different from that of the universe. The most abundant element in the earth's crust is oxygen, making up 46.6% of the earth's mass.est Answer: The most abundant element in the universe is hydrogen, which makes up about 3/4 of all matter! Helium makes up most of the remaining 25%. Oxygen is the third most abundant element in the universe.", "Where can hydrogen be found in nature?? Rating Newest Oldest. Best Answer: a more basis answer would be that hydrogen makes up 2/3 of water, 1/4 of the air, and in many carbs that we eat. Also since hydrogen makes up 2/3 of water it is found in large quantities of our bodies.Also volcanoes spew out hydrogen gas when erupting and when dormant.ating Newest Oldest. Best Answer: a more basis answer would be that hydrogen makes up 2/3 of water, 1/4 of the air, and in many carbs that we eat. Also since hydrogen makes up 2/3 of water it is found in large quantities of our bodies.", "What is the most abundant element on Earth AND in the human body? Answer: The most abundant element in the universe is hydrogen, which makes up about 3/4 of all matter! Helium makes up most of the remaining 25%. Oxygen is the third most abundant element in the universe. All of the other elements are relatively rare. The chemical composition of the earth is quite a bit different from that of the universe. The most abundant element in the earth's crust is oxygen, making up 46.6% of the earth's mass. Silicon is the second most abundant element (27.7%), followed by aluminum (8.1%), iron (5.0%), calcium (3.6%), sodium (2.8%), potassium (2.6%). and magnesium (2.1%). These eight elements account for approximately 98.5% of the total mass of the earth's crust.", "Hydrogen Energy Hydrogen is the simplest element. An atom of hydrogen consists of only one proton and one electron. It's also the most plentiful element in the universe. Despite its simplicity and abundance, hydrogen doesn't occur naturally as a gas on the Earth-it's always combined with other elements.ydrogen is the simplest element. An atom of hydrogen consists of only one proton and one electron. It's also the most plentiful element in the universe. Despite its simplicity and abundance, hydrogen doesn't occur naturally as a gas on the Earth-it's always combined with other elements.", "- The most abundant element in the earth's crust is oxygen, making up 46.6% of the earth's mass. Silicon is the second most abundant element (27.7%), followed by aluminum (8.1%) … , iron (5.0%), calcium (3.6%), sodium (2.8%), potassium (2.6%). and magnesium (2.1%).These eight elements account for approximately 98.5% of the total mass of the earth's crust.he most abundant elements of the entire planet by mass are: 1. Iron 2. Oxygen 3. Silicon 4. Magnesium 5. Nickel In just the crust, the estimated abundance is: 1. Oxygen 2. Si … licon 3.", "Where can hydrogen be found? As hydrogen is the lightest gas known,it is not found in free state in nature.so,it is found in combined state in water,sugar,cellulose,acids,proteins,fats & hydrocarbon.s hydrogen is the lightest gas known,it is not found in free state in nature.so,it is found in combined state in water,sugar,cellulose,acids,proteins,fats & hydrocarbon.", "ENVIRONMENTAL PROBLEMS WITH COAL, OIL, AND GAS The earth is not made mostly of hydrogen because the earth is small (less gravity) and hydrogen is light, so the hydrogen that was here, has mostly escaped the gravitational pull of Earth. On Earth, hydrogen can be found in many places. Hydrogen combines with oxygen to form water, which is essential for life on earth. Water makes up three quarters of the earth s surface (See Fig. 4). Three quarters of our bodies are made of water. Fossil fuels are made of hydrocarbons, a combination of hydrogen and carbon.", "What is the most abundant element on Earth AND in the human body? Oxygen is the most abundant element on the Earth's surface (or crust). It comprises 49.5 percent of the total mass (amount) of the Earth's crust, waters, and atmosphere. … Silicon is the second most abundant element.ydrogen is the most common atom in the universe, and oxygen is the thrid … most common, so water has to be the number one compound.", "What Is Urea Nitrate? Hydrogen is a chemical element with chemical symbol H and atomic number 1. With an atomic weight of 7000100794000000000♠1.00794 u, hydrogen is the lightest element on the periodic table.Its monatomic form (H) is the most abundant chemical substance in the universe, constituting roughly 75% of all baryonic mass. Non-remnant stars are mainly composed of hydrogen in its plasma state.The most common isotope of hydrogen, termed protium (name rarely used, symbol 1 H), has one proton and no neutrons.he universal emergence of atomic hydrogen first occurred during the recombination epoch. At standard temperature and pressure, hydrogen is a colorless, odorless, tasteless, non-toxic, nonmetallic, highly combustible diatomic gas with the molecular formula H 2.", "Oxygen However , since many elements in the crust are oxides and if you include water and atmospheric oxyge …n current information points that oxygen is the most abundant element on earth at about 45-50 % of the Earth 's mass ( note its also the 3rd most abundant element in the universe ) but element of the earth would be hydrogen ( H ) for every 1 oxygen ...", "Hydrogen: the essentials Hydrogen: the essentials. Note that while hydrogen is normally shown at the top of the Group 1 elements in the periodic table, the term alkaline metal refers to the Group 1 elements from lithium downwards and not hydrogen.Hydrogen is the lightest element.It is by far the most abundant element in the universe and makes up about about 90% of the universe by weight. It is also the most abundant element in the earth's sun. Hydrogen as water (H 2 O) is absolutely essential to life and it is present in all organic compounds.ydrogen is the lightest element. It is by far the most abundant element in the universe and makes up about about 90% of the universe by weight. It is also the most abundant element in the earth's sun. Hydrogen as water (H 2 O) is absolutely essential to life and it is present in all organic compounds.", "Elements Almost all the hydrogen on earth is in the form of compounds, mostly water. Elemental hydrogen is one of the major components of stars. Large amounts of elemental hydrogen are used for fixing nitrogen for fertilizers and for hydrogenation of fats and oils. Hydrogen is a diatomic gas as an element.ron is the metal on which our civilization is built. It is usually not used as the pure element, but as the major component of a large number of alloys called steel. Carbon is one of the elements added to iron to make various alloys. In general, the more carbon in the mixture, the more brittle the iron alloy is.", "of the Of course, the broader contexts are those of Californian geology, North American geology, the geology of the Earth, planetary geology, and finally, galactic and pan-galactic cosmology. Of these last it should be remarked that the most abundant chemical element in the universe is also the simplest: hydrogen.", "What is the most abundant element on Earth AND in the human body? The most abundant element in the earth's crust is oxygen, making up 46.6% of the earth's mass. Silicon is the second most abundant element (27.7%), followed by aluminum (8.1%), iron (5.0%), calcium (3.6%), sodium (2.8%), potassium (2.6%). and magnesium (2.1%). These eight elements account for approximately 98.5% of the total mass of the earth's crust.", "- Hydrogen is quite abundant on Earth as water (hydrogen oxide) and is also a common constituent of life on Earth-living things may be as much as 90% water (the human body varies from about 30% to 70% water, depending upon fat content).", "- The most abundant chemical compound on earth is hydrogen. It is in water, and since water covers 70% of earth's surface, this makes it the most abundant chemical compound on e … arth.he most abundant chemical compound on earth is hydrogen. It is in water, and since water covers 70% of earth's surface, this makes it the most abundant chemical compound on e … arth.", "Hydrogen Energy Currently, most hydrogen is made this way from natural gas. An electrical current can also be used to separate water into its components of oxygen and hydrogen. This process is known as electrolysis. Some algae and bacteria, using sunlight as their energy source, even give off hydrogen under certain conditions. Hydrogen is high in energy, yet an engine that burns pure hydrogen produces almost no pollution. NASA has used liquid hydrogen since the 1970s to propel the space shuttle and other rockets into orbit.", "Hydrogen & Fuel Cells: Science Behind Fuel Cells Hydrogen is not a source of energy, while solar, wind, natural gas and oil are. There are no naturally occurring sources or reservoirs of hydrogen on earth. Hydrogen can be extracted from fossil fuels, or can be produced by using the process of electrolysis to split water into hydrogen and oxygen." ]
what is astronomy
[ "Astronomy What is Astronomy? Astronomy is the study of the universe, namely the objects we. observe, like the Moon, Sun, and planets in our Solar System; stars; our Milky Way Galaxy, and other galaxies; and, a host of. other celestial objects and phenomena, like nebulae, and black. holes! Hubble Space Telescope Images." ]
[ "- In physics, an orbit is the gravitationally curved path of an object about a point in space, for example the orbit of a planet about a star or a natural satellite around a planet. Orbits of planets are typically elliptical, and the central mass being orbited is at a focal point of the ellipse.", "Astrophysics Observational astronomy is a division of the astronomical science that is concerned with recording data, in contrast with theoretical astrophysics, which is mainly concerned with finding out the measurable implications of physical models.s a science, the study of astronomy is somewhat hindered in that direct experiments with the properties of the distant universe are not possible. However, this is partly compensated by the fact that astronomers have a vast number of visible examples of stellar phenomena that can be examined.", "What Is Cosmology? Definition & History Cosmology is the branch of astronomy involving the origin and evolution of the universe, from the Big Bang to today and on into the future. According to NASA, the definition of cosmology is “the scientific study of the large scale properties of the universe as a whole.”. Cosmologists puzzle over exotic concepts like string theory, dark matter and dark energy and whether there is one universe or many (sometimes called the multiverse).", "What is Astronomy? Definition & History Astrometry, the most ancient branch of astronomy, is the measure of the sun, moon, and planets. The precise calculations of these motions allows astronomers in other fields to model the birth and evolution of planets and stars, and to predict events such as eclipses, meteor showers, and the appearance of comets.", "Sky In the field of astronomy, the sky is also called the celestial sphere. This is viewed from Earth's surface as an imaginary dome where the sun, stars, planets, and the moon are seen to be traveling. The celestial sphere is conventionally divided into regions called constellations.", "Astronomy Historically, astronomy has included disciplines as diverse as astrometry, celestial navigation, observational astronomy and the making of calendars, but professional astronomy is nowadays often considered to be synonymous with astrophysics.", "RADIO ASTRONOMY • RADIO ASTRONOMY (noun) The noun RADIO ASTRONOMY has 1 sense: 1. the branch of astronomy that detects and studies the radio waves emitted by celestial bodies. Familiarity information: RADIO ASTRONOMY used as a noun is very rare.", "What Is Astronomy and Who Does It? There are so many types of objects that astronomers study, that it is convenient to break astronomy up into subfields of study. Planetary Astronomy: researchers in this subfield focus their studies on planets, both within and outside our solar system, as well as objects like asteroids and comets.", "Star A star is a luminous sphere of plasma held together by its own gravity. The nearest star to Earth is the Sun. Many other stars are visible to the naked eye from Earth during the night, appearing as a multitude of fixed luminous points in the sky due to their immense distance from Earth. Historically, the most prominent stars were grouped into constellations and asterisms, the brightest of which gained proper names.", "The Earth Skip to the Questions. At first it might not seem like the study of Earth would be an important part of astronomy. However, Earth is part of our solar system neighborhood, and many things happening on Earth are directly related to other objects in the solar system. Credit: NASA/NOAA/GSFC/Suomi NPP/VIIRS/Norman Kuring Blue Marble 2012.", "What does an Astronomer do? An astronomer is a scientist who focuses primarily on the study of space, which includes the stars, the planets and the galaxies above us. The study of astronomy is the oldest of the natural sciences, and the only science in which you can only observe, and not physically touch what is being studied.", "About Astronomy and space sciences are closely related to astrophysics, aerospace engineering, astronautics, and it often involves knowledge from chemistry, mathematics, and statistics.", "Astronomy Astronomy is one of the only fields of study at Hogwarts which has a direct equivalent in the Muggle world. Known student activities include learning the names of stars, constellations, and planets, as well as their location and movements, and describing the environments of planets and moons.", "Greek astronomy Version for printing. Today the study of astronomy requires a deep understanding of mathematics and physics. It is important to realise that Greek astronomy (we are interested in the topic during the 1000 years between 700 BC and 300 AD) did not involve physics. Indeed, as Pannekoek points out in [7], a Greek astronomer aimed only to describe the heavens while a Greek physicist sought out physical truth.", "What Is Astronomy and Who Does It? Astronomy, derived from the Greek words for star law, is the scientific study of all objects beyond our world. It is also the process by which we seek to understand the physical laws and origins of our universe. Both professional and amateur astronomers have interests in understanding the objects in the universe, although at different levels.", "- There are many things that astronomy can teach us. Astronomy can teach us about the composition of the planets, the stars, and the moons. There are many things that astronomy can teach us. Astronomy can teach us about the composition of the planets, the stars, and the moons.", "History of astronomy History of astronomy - Ancient times. 1 The origins of Western astronomy can be found in Mesopotamia, the land between the rivers. Tigris and Euphrates, where the ancient kingdoms of Sumer, Assyria, and Babylonia were located. A form of writing known as cuneiform emerged among the Sumerians around 3500–3000 BC.", "Astrophysics History of physics. Astrophysics is the branch of astronomy that employs the principles of physics and chemistry to ascertain the nature of the heavenly bodies, rather than their positions or motions in space..", "Observational astronomy In addition to telescopes, astronomers have begun using other instruments to make observations. Neutrino astronomy is the branch of astronomy that observes astronomical objects with neutrino detectors in special observatories, usually huge underground tanks.", "General Astronomy/Print version exists and is an alternate of . Astronomy is the study of the universe with particular reference to celestial bodies. The planets, the moons, the sun and other stars, galaxies, etc. all fall under astronomy. Astronomy is comparable to a physical geographic study of space. Not to be confused with astrophysics, the study of the physics or composition of celestial bodies.", "Astronomy Astronomy is a natural science that studies celestial objects and phenomena. It applies mathematics, physics, and chemistry, in an effort to explain the origin of those objects and phenomena and their evolution. Objects of interest include planets, moons, stars, galaxies, and comets; the phenomena include supernova explosions, gamma ray bursts, and cosmic microwave background radiation. More generally, all phenomena that originate outside Earth's atmosphere are within the purview of astronomy. A", "Astronomy in Everyday Life Astronomy has always had a significant impact on our world view. Early cultures identified celestial objects with the gods and took their movements across the sky as prophecies of what was to come.ther technologies important to everyday life that were originally developed for astronomy are listed below (National Research Council, 2010): X-ray observatory technology is also used in current X-ray luggage belts in airports.", "Astrophotography Astrophotography is a large subdiscipline in amateur astronomy usually seeking aesthetically pleasing images rather than scientific data. Amateurs use a wide range of special equipment and techniques.", "What Is Astronomy and Who Does It? Updated July 19, 2017. Astronomy is the scientific study of all objects beyond our world. The word comes to us from the ancient Greeks, and is their term for star law, It is also the science that allows us to apply physical laws to help us understand the origins of our universe and the objects in it.", "- Astrology is an ancient practice that assumes that the position of the stars and planets has a direct influence upon people and events. Supposedly, one’s life pattern can be charted by determining the position of the stars and planets at the time of one’s birth.strology is quite unique as a science and knowledge system as it perceives a certain extent of the subtle world that cannot be perceived by the five senses mind and intellect. For example, Astrology can tell if one is being affected by ancestors, based on the position of celestial bodies." ]
what is a shell company
[ "Shell company A shell company can also mean a company that has never had a business (and certainly not a listing). In this context it often means what is also called a shelf company.These are incorporated purely to sell off-the-shelf.his is a listed shell, and is almost always what is meant by a reference to a shell in an investment context. Given that it takes time and money to obtain a listing, a listed shell has significant value even if it does not have any assets. Listed shells are therefore often the targets of reverse takeovers." ]
[ "The History of Shell Oil Company Shell brought the Cognac oil and gas field into production in 1,025 feet of water in the Gulf of Mexico. Cognac was deeper than any previous offshore discovery, and held that record for ten years. To develop this field, the company designed and built the world's tallest and heaviest drilling and production platform.", "- What Is a Shell? 1 The shell is a user program or it is an environment provided for user interaction. 2 It is a command language interpreter that executes commands read from the standard input device such as keyboard or from a file. The shell gets started when you log in or open a console (terminal).", "- A Shell Permit is generally for fast tracking construction at the owner’s risk. The Owner or Owner’s Agent must submit a request Shell Building Request Form to the Building Official for approval to use the Commercial Partial Permitting Process for Shell Buildings. Cold Dark Shell – A building that has footings, foundation, exterior walls and roof.", "- Commercial Fuels. Shell US Commercial Fuels is a leading marketer of unbranded gasoline, diesel, and heating oil to US B2B customers with product conveniently available from a network of terminals across the US.ommercial Fuels. Shell US Commercial Fuels is a leading marketer of unbranded gasoline, diesel, and heating oil to US B2B customers with product conveniently available from a network of terminals across the US.", "Logo Quiz by Bubble Answers Level 2 Created by the merger of Royal Dutch Petroleum and UK-based Shell Transport & Trading, it is the fourth largest company in the world as of 2014, in terms of revenue, and one of the six oil and gas supermajors . Shell is also one of the world's most valuable companies.", "Oil: Major Oil Companies in the Gulf Region Kuwait Oil Co. Ltd., subsidiary of BO (Kuwait) Ltd., and Gulf Kuwait Co., Kuwait Shell Development Co. Ltd., owned by Royal Dutch/Shell Group. For Kuwaiti portion of Neutral Zone: Offshore: Arabian Oil Company Limited, Japan Petroleum Trading Co. Ltd.", "Unix shell A Unix shell is a command-line interpreter or shell that provides a traditional Unix-like command line user interface. Users direct the operation of the computer by entering commands as text for a command line interpreter to execute, or by creating text scripts of one or more such commands.", "Texaco Texaco, Inc. (The Texas Company) is an American oil subsidiary of Chevron Corporation. Its flagship product is its fuel Texaco with Techron. It also owns the Havoline motor oil brand. Texaco was an independent company until its refining operations merged into Chevron Corporation in 2001, at which time most of its station franchises were divested to the Shell Oil Company.", "Report: Developing Opportunities within Ulta Beauty, JetBlue Airways, Calpine, ProPetro Holding, Rayonier, and Zoe's Kitchen â Future Expectations, Projections Moving into 2018 (ulta) report overview Ulta Beauty's Recent Financial Performance For the three months ended July 31st, 2017 vs July 31st, 2016, Ulta Beauty reported revenue of $1,289.85MM vs $1,069.22MM (up 20.64%) and basic earnings per share $1.84 vs $1.44 (up 27.78%).", "What is a 'Shell Corporation' Reasons to Legitimately Set Up a Shell Corporation. The number one reason for a domestic company to set up a shell company is to realize a tax haven abroad. Large corporations, like in the Apple example, have decided to move jobs and profits offshore, taking advantage of looser tax codes.", "The History of Shell Oil Company This increased demand fueled Shell's search for new fields, and led to the discovery of oil and gas reservoirs in Louisiana and Texas. One, the Louisiana Weeks Island field, was brought into production with the deepest producing well in the world at the time.", "Shell delivers Âmilestone upgrade project Shell’s “Downstream One” programme aims to simplify and standardise its downstream business processes around the world. Simplified business models, standardised processes, roles and responsibilities were implemented prior to the global implementation of SAP solutions across all countries in a phased manner.hell’s downstream staff are now able to access the same system, with common data, common processes and a uniform basis for reporting. Working alongside the Shell business, both IBM and SAP were engaged to provide expert support for the upgrade implementation.", "The History of Shell Oil Company In 1912, the Royal Dutch/Shell Group founded the American Gasoline Company to sell gasoline along the Pacific Coast, and Roxanna Petroleum to buy oil product properties in Oklahoma. 1915 – First Continuous Process Refinery", "Gas Price Web Sites Phillips Petroleum Company is a major, integrated oil company based in the United States with worldwide operations. Royal Dutch/Shell Group. Operating in more than 135 countries, Shell is engaged in the core businesses of Exploration and Production , Oil Products, Chemicals, Downstream Gas and Power and Renewables.", "A Closer Look At The Worldâs 5 Biggest Oil Companies Shell has been one of the most respected oil companies in the world and came second in the Fortune Global 500 2014 list. Although the company has registered a huge drop in profit by around 40% from the previous year, it is hopeful of improving its operational performance and project delivery.", "- Marathon Petroleum Corporation is a United States based petroleum refining, marketing, and transportation company. The company was formed as a subsidiary on September 1, 2005, from the former Marathon Ashland Petroleum, LLC, and is based in Findlay, Ohio.Marathon Petroleum operated as a subsidiary of the Marathon Oil Corporation until becoming a standalone company on July 1, 2011.arathon owned 62% percent and Ashland owned 38% of this venture. The original Marathon company was also based in Findlay, and began in 1887 as Ohio Oil Company before becoming Marathon in the 1960s. On September 1, 2001, Marathon formed Pilot Travel Centers, LLC (PTC) in a joint venture with Pilot Corporation.", "The world's top 10 natural gas companies Royal Dutch Shell (NYSE: RDS-A), a global oil and gas giant, reported production of more than 9.3 billion cubic feet of natural gas production per day in 2014. The company's natural gas operations are spread across the globe.", "Is It Time to Buy Royal Dutch Shell's Stock? If you are looking at investing in Royal Dutch Shell (NYSE:RDS-A) (NYSE:RDS-B) , then you have probably looked at all of the other integrated oil and gas companies as well.After all, the logic for buying Shell is very similar to the rest of the bunch.his article was updated April 7, 2015 If you are looking at investing in Royal Dutch Shell (NYSE:RDS-A) (NYSE:RDS-B), then you have probably looked at all of the other integrated oil and gas companies as well.", "A Closer Look At The Worldâs 5 Biggest Oil Companies In fact, on April 7, 2015, the company proposed a merger with the British gas producer BG group for $69.7 billion cash and stock. It is interesting to note here that this is the first big acquisition of the oil and gas industry this year, and will make Shell the largest producer of liquefied natural gas in the world.", "Shell company Shell company. A shell company is a company that exists but does not actually do any business or have any assets. The most interesting type of shell company (to investors) is one that has a listing. This is a listed shell, and is almost always what is meant by a reference to a shell in an investment context.", "Chevron Corporation Chevron Corporation (NYSE: CVX) is an American multinational energy corporation. One of the successor companies of Standard Oil, it is headquartered in San Ramon, California, and active in more than 180 countries.n July 2011, Chevron ended retail operations in the Mid-Atlantic United States, removing the Chevron and Texaco names from 1,100 stations. In 2011, Chevron acquired Pennsylvania based Atlas Energy Inc. for $3.2 billion in cash and an additional $1.1 billion in existing debt owed by Atlas.", "Offshore Company An offshore company is a company that is incorporated in a foreign nation. Typically, an offshore company does not conduct most of its business in a country where it is officially based.An example of an offshore company would be a corporation that is formally headquartered in Mexico, but carries out most of the operations in the United States.ost prominently, offshore company structures are established in order to benefit from loose government regulation and low taxation. For those very reasons, a domestic company may often move offshore to become an offshore company. An offshore company is also referred to as a non-resident company.", "What is a 'Shell Corporation' What is a 'Shell Corporation'. A shell corporation is a corporation without active business operations or significant assets. These types of corporations are not all necessarily illegal, but they are sometimes used illegitimately, such as to disguise business ownership from law enforcement or the public.", "Top 10 Biggest Oil and Gas Companies in the World Within 20 years, Royal Dutch Shell became the leading oil company in the world. The company restructured itself in 2005 when it dissolved the original partnership of Shell Transport and Royal Dutch Petroleum to officially unify the two as Royal Dutch Shell plc.", "- By way of passing, these are currently the ten richest corporations on Earth by company assets…but you didn’t hear it from me…. In 1985, America’s Shell Chemicals acquired both Britain’s Shell Transport and the Netherlands’ Royal Dutch petroleum to become Royal Dutch Shell." ]
what causes pulsing in your eye?
[ "What causes an eye to pulsate? Causes of a pulsating eye include eye infections or irritation, lack of sleep and fatigue and stress, Healthline states. In most cases, eyelid pulsation does not indicate that there is a serious... Causes of a pulsating eye include eye infections or irritation, lack of sleep and fatigue and stress, Healthline states. In most cases, eyelid pulsation does not indicate that there is a serious... Star Gazing" ]
[ "Right Eye Twitching: What Does It Mean When Your Eye Twitches Another cause of left or right eye twitching or eyelid tic is a lack of sleep. Sleep deprivation has a negative effect on your body and there are many associated dangers with a lack of sleep. So, if you frequently wake up in the morning tired with a twitching right eye, you could be suffering from a lack of sleep.", "7 Causes for Eye Twitching Here are some of the most common reasons why an individual’s eye may start to twitch suddenly. One of the primary triggers of eye twitching is often cited as stress. Experts believe that the twitching motion is a way for the body to tell the individual that they are tired or stressed.", "How much for a brake job Ford Escape? Pulsing is usually caused by out of round rear brake drums or front rotors being out of parallelism; which means the rotor is thinner or thicker in some spots than others. Replacement or machining of the rotors (within limits) and pads would be answer to the problem.", "7 Causes for Eye Twitching One of the primary triggers of eye twitching is often cited as stress. Experts believe that the twitching motion is a way for the body to tell the individual that they are tired or stressed. This can also be attested by the fact that stress releases hormones in the body which can cause muscle arousal.", "Eye health guide In its most serious forms, which are relatively uncommon, eye twitching can become chronic. It can cause persistent winking and squinting. If it progresses to the point where you have difficulty keeping your eyes open, it can cause severe vision impairment.", "- Most eye floaters are caused by age-related changes to the jelly-like substance (vitreous) inside your eyes. As the vitreous becomes more liquid, its microscopic fibers clump together and cast tiny shadows on the retina, which appear as floaters. Several medical conditions can also cause floaters.", "- Eye Problems and Blood in the Eye. Sometimes small blood vessels in the whites of the eyes break and cause a red spot or speck. This is called a subconjunctival hemorrhage. The blood vessels may break because of sneezing, coughing, vomiting, straining, or bending over, but sometimes there is no clear cause. The blood may look alarming, especially if the spot is large. It is usually not a cause for concern and will clear up in 2 to 3 weeks.", "Eye Diseases & Conditions Retinal Vein Occlusion – Symptoms, Causes, & Treatment. Retinal vein occlusion is a condition of the eye that may cause eye pain and partial or total vision loss. These symptoms are caused by a blockage in the retinal vein.Find out more about causes and treatment.sotropia is a convergent form of strabismus in which one or both eyes turn inward toward the nose. Also known as crossed eyes, it is most common in young children. Keep reading to learn more about its causes, signs and symptoms, and treatment.", "Floaters and Flashing Lights When the vitreous separates from the retina, you may see flashing lights once in a while, for a few weeks. If you see jagged lines of light that last 10 to 20 minutes and happen in one or both eyes, this is probably a migraine caused by the spasm of blood vessels in the brain. If you develop a headache after, it is called a migraine headache..", "What are flashes and floaters? Floaters are small clumps of gel or cells that move around in the vitreous, the gel that fills the middle of the eye. Floaters can sometime look like cobwebs, circles, worms, lines or dots. Floaters can be caused by many things: As we age, the vitreous gel in the eye may thicken and shrink, causing little clumps to form.", "- Various conditions that affect the brain and central nervous system can also cause eye twitching, including stroke, dystonia, tardive (slow or belated onset) dyskinesia, Tourette’s syndrome, and Aicardi syndrome (rare organic brain disorder acquired in early childhood).", "Is Your Eye Twitching? Hereâs What You Should Know Sometimes symptoms of dry-eye occur right before or along with the eye twitching. Some research indicates that dry eyes are a trigger for blepharospasm. Eye twitching can run in families, or it can be caused by the side effects of certain medications, such as those used to treat Parkinson’s disease.ther common eye twitch causes include: 1 Stress. 2 Irritation of the Cornea or Conjunctiva. 3 Fatigue/Lack of sleep. 4 Prolonged staring at a computer screen or television.", "- Eye twitching is causes blepharospasm. There are many causes of eye twitching. The common ones are alcohol, caffeine, fatigue, lack of sleep, physical exertion, smoking, stress, and irritation to the eye or eyelid. Chronic causes include inflamed eyelids, dry eyes, light sensitivity, and pink eye.", "Eye Floaters, Flashes And Spots Flashes of light that appear as jagged lines or heat waves in both eyes, often lasting 10-20 minutes, are different. They are usually caused by migraine, a spasm of blood vessels in the brain.", "Eye Floaters Definition of Eyes, flashing lights in the. Eyes, flashing lights in the: There are a number of causes of spontaneous flashing light sensations in the eye. A sensation of flashing lights can be caused when the vitreous (the clear, jelly-like substance that fills the middle of the eye) shrinks and tugs on the retina.", "Floaters and Flashes Definition of Eyes, flashing lights in the. Eyes, flashing lights in the: There are a number of causes of spontaneous flashing light sensations in the eye. A sensation of flashing lights can be caused when the vitreous (the clear, jelly-like substance that fills the middle of the eye) shrinks and tugs on the retina. These flashes of light can appear off and on for several weeks or months. With age, it is more common to experience flashes.", "- Causes of eye twitching. Eye twitching, or blepharospasm, is an uncontrollable blinking or spasm of the upper eyelid. Most people develop a minor eyelid twitch at some point in their lives. The causes include: 1 Fatigue.2 Stress. 3 Caffeine.ost people develop a minor eyelid twitch at some point in their lives. The causes include: 1 Fatigue. 2 Stress. 3 Caffeine.", "Left Eye Twitching 1 Stress: A common sign of stress is left eye twitching. Tense muscles can cause left eye jumping. 2 Caffeine and alcohol: Too much caffeine and/or alcohol can trigger left eye twitches. Eye strain: The need for glasses or a change in eye prescription can cause twitching in your left eye. In this case, your left eye may be overworked, causing your upper left eyelid to repeatedly contract and release. Staring at a computer, tablet and/or smartphone screen for too long can cause left eye twitching.", "Pulsing in Ear Facts Carotid artery-cavernous sinus fistula that can also lead to pulsing in ear is generally a result of some very serious head trauma. In this condition the largest venous-artery connection in the carnival cavity takes an abnormal form.", "Overview Eye floaters are spots in your vision. They may look to you like black or gray specks, strings, or cobwebs that drift about when you move your eyes and appear to dart away when you try to look at them directly. Most eye floaters are caused by age-related changes that occur as the jelly-like substance (vitreous) inside your eyes becomes more liquid. Microscopic fibers within the vitreous tend to clump and can cast tiny shadows on your retina. The shadows you see are called floaters.", "Red eye This causes the blood vessels on the eye to swell, making one or both eyes look bloodshot and feel gritty. Other symptoms can include itchiness and watering of the eyes, and a sticky coating on the eyelashes.", "- Well, of course, it is not normal to have veins in your eyes. And at this moment, your eyes may be irritated. And that is why your eyes are veins. For the causes, the irritation, dilation, and swelling of the blood vessels within can be the main ones.In details, too much exposure to the sun and dust particles can cause it. Also, according to some experts, allergic reactions and colds can be the fatal factors.ood (0) Report Abuse. Christian scott. Red veiny eyes are common and normal. Main cause of the appearance of red veins in the sclera or the white portion of the eye is the irritation, dilation, and swelling of the blood vessels within.", "Eye Twitching? Hi how are ya beside being annoyed. I am no medical guru, my twitching( muscle fisculation) can be a normal part of lupus, but it can also be a lack of calcium in your body. Look up muscle fisculation, and there are several causes for it, but none of them dangerous that pertain to the eye.", "- Most eye floaters are caused by small flecks of a protein called collagen. The back compartment of the eye is filled with a gel-like substance called vitreous humor. As you age, the vitreous and its millions of fine collagen fibers shrink and become shred-like.", "Red Eyes, Bloodshot Eyes: Causes And Treatment We've all experienced red, bloodshot eyes from time to time, affecting one or both eyes. Red eye is caused by swollen or dilated blood vessels on the sclera, the white outer surface of the eye. Red eyes can be accompanied by eye pain, itching, eye discharge, swollen eyes or visual disturbances such as blurry vision. In other cases, a red eye may cause no irritation at all." ]
marginal cost of capital explained
[ "Marginal Cost of Capital Factors Affecting the Cost of Capital. The marginal cost of capital (MCC) is the cost of the last dollar of capital raised, essentially the cost of another unit of capital raised. As more capital is raised, the marginal cost of capital rises.With the weights and costs given in our previous example, we computed Newco's weighted average cost of capital as follows: WACC = (wd)(kd)(1-t) + (wps)(kps) + (wce)(kce).actors Affecting the Cost of Capital. The marginal cost of capital (MCC) is the cost of the last dollar of capital raised, essentially the cost of another unit of capital raised. As more capital is raised, the marginal cost of capital rises." ]
[ "- Print. Marginal cost tells us the. a. value of all resources used in a production process. b. marginal increment to profitability when price is constant. c. amount by which total cost rises when output is increased by one unit. d. amount by which output rises when labor is increased by one unit.", "cost of capital cost of capital. The overall percentage cost of the funds used to finance a firm's assets. Cost of capital is a composite cost of the individual sources of funds including common stock, debt, preferred stock, and retained earnings.or example, if a person has $10,000 to invest and must choose between Stock A and Stock B, the cost of capital is the difference in their returns. If that person invests $10,000 in Stock A and receives a 5% return, while Stock B makes a 7% return, the cost of capital is 2%.", "Marginal cost Thus the costs of producing the marginal unit of output has two components: the cost associated with producing the marginal unit and the increase in average costs for all units produced due to the “damage” to the entire productive process (∂AC/∂q)q. The first component is the per unit or average cost.hat is, it is the cost of producing one more unit of a good. In general terms, marginal cost at each level of production includes any additional costs required to produce the next unit.", "Marginal cost If the cost function is differentiable joining, the marginal cost is the cost of the next unit produced referring to the basic volume. If the cost function is not differentiable, the marginal cost can be expressed as follows.hus the costs of producing the marginal unit of output has two components: the cost associated with producing the marginal unit and the increase in average costs for all units produced due to the “damage” to the entire productive process (∂AC/∂q)q.", "What is the difference between imputed cost and cost of capital? Imputed cost of capital or opportunity cost is the benefit foregone by investing the money in business. For eg if the risk free rate of return of a govt bond is5 %, then5% is the imputed cost of capital. Cost of capital is the expectaion of ht e shareholders or owner from the company. It is usually calculat.ed for a joint stock form of ownership.", "Does Profit Maximization Occur Where Marginal Cost Is Equal to Marginal Revenue? The marginal cost is the amount it takes to produce one more unit, which includes labor and material cost and the costs associated with that unit’s production.These are metrics that can be estimated with reasonable accuracy. Labor time and cost are measurable, as are material costs.he marginal cost is the amount it takes to produce one more unit, which includes labor and material cost and the costs associated with that unit’s production.", "Marginal cost In economics, marginal cost is the change in the total cost that arises when the quantity produced is incremented by one unit. That is, it is the cost of producing one more unit of a good.In general terms, marginal cost at each level of production includes any additional costs required to produce the next unit.f the cost function is differentiable joining, the marginal cost is the cost of the next unit produced referring to the basic volume. If the cost function is not differentiable, the marginal cost can be expressed as follows.", "Distinguish between Explicit and Implicit Concepts of Cost of Capital Implicit cost of capital is opportunity cost, if money is used one of best alternatives for effective use of resources. Suppose, I have $ 100,000, I can deposit it in bank and earn $ 3500 as bank interest but I did not invested it in saving bank account and invested in the shares of XYZ company.", "Definitions &Translations In economics, marginal cost is the change in the total cost that arises when the quantity produced is incremented by one unit. That is, it is the cost of producing one more unit of a good.In general terms, marginal cost at each level of production includes any additional costs required to produce the next unit.n economics, marginal cost is the change in the total cost that arises when the quantity produced is incremented by one unit. That is, it is the cost of producing one more unit of a good.", "What is 'Marginal Cost Of Production' Key Points. 1 The marginal cost is the cost of producing one more unit of a good. 2 Marginal cost includes all of the costs that vary with the level of production. For example, if a company needs to build a new factory in order to produce more goods, the cost of building the factory is a marginal cost.", "- Facts. The marginal resource cost of labor represents small increases in a company’s total economic resources of labor. The cost increases resulting from this additional labor is usually offset by an increase in production of the company goods are services. If labor costs continue to increase in small increments and do not add any benefit to the company, an economic inequality may soon arise.", "- In practice the above definition of marginal cost as the change in total cost as a result of an increase in output of one unit is inconsistent with the differential definition of marginal cost for virtually all non-linear functions.hat is, it is the cost of producing one more unit of a good. In general terms, marginal cost at each level of production includes any additional costs required to produce the next unit.", "Defining Capital Expense Is a Dilemma Defining Capital Expense Is a Dilemma. Alandlord repaves his entire parking lot one spring and charges it to CAM. Another landlord repaves his parking lot one pothole at a time, until at the end of five years he's repaved the entire parking lot. One landlord decides he's had enough with his tired-looking bathrooms and spends $20,000 for a remodel.", "Marginal Utility Level 3 Marginal Costs. Marginal cost is the addition to total costs of an extra unit of output. Initially increasing return and more efficient use of resources leads to falling MC but in the short run diminishing returns wil eventually set in because the extra cost of producing the next unit is greater than the average.", "Costs of production The marginal cost curve is significant in the theory of the firm for two reasons: It is the leading cost curve, because changes in total and average costs are derived from changes in marginal cost. The lowest price a firm is prepared to supply at is the price that just covers marginal cost.", "- 1. Cost of capital components. First, we calculate or infer the cost of each kind of capital that the enterprise uses, namely debt and equity. A. Debt capital. The cost of debt capital is equivalent to actual or imputed interest rate on the company's debt, adjusted for the tax-deductibility of interest expenses.o calculate any company's cost of equity capital, we need to find a reliable source for each of these inputs: 1. Risk-free Rate. We suggest using the rate of return on long-term (ten-year) government treasury bonds as a proxy for the risk-free rate.", "âSeats UncomfortableâReview of Colonial Life Arena The previous coliseum had soft padded seats. As a very short-sighted decision to cut the cost of the building and keep seating at 18,000, small, seats were used. It is like trying to fit 10 pounds of potatoes in a 5 pound bag. Seats are so narrow they are very very uncomfortable. View of court is ok but aisle traffic frequently blocks view of a basketball game.", "Cost of capital Given a number of competing investment opportunities, investors are expected to put their capital to work in order to maximize the return. In other words, the cost of capital is the rate of return that capital could be expected to earn in the best alternative investment of equivalent risk.iven a number of competing investment opportunities, investors are expected to put their capital to work in order to maximize the return. In other words, the cost of capital is the rate of return that capital could be expected to earn in the best alternative investment of equivalent risk.", "Marginal cost In economics, marginal cost is the change in the total cost that arises when the quantity produced is incremented by one unit. That is, it is the cost of producing one more unit of a good. In general terms, marginal cost at each level of production includes any additional costs required to produce the next unit.hus the costs of producing the marginal unit of output has two components: the cost associated with producing the marginal unit and the increase in average costs for all units produced due to the “damage” to the entire productive process (∂AC/∂q)q. The first component is the per unit or average cost.", "Marginal Cost (MC): Definition: Marginal Cost is an increase in total cost that results from a one unit increase in output. It is defined as: The cost that results from a one unit change in the production rate.t is the difference between the total cost of the 6th unit and the total cost of the, 5th unit and so forth. Marginal Cost is governed only by variable cost which changes with changes in output. Marginal cost which is really an incremental cost can be expressed in symbols.", "Marginal Cost: Definition, Equation & Formula Marginal cost is an important concept in business. In this lesson, you'll learn what marginal costs are and their standard formula with some illustrative examples. A short quiz follows the lesson.ey Concepts of Marginal Costs. Marginal cost is the increase or decrease in the total cost a business will incur by producing one more unit of a product or serving one more customer.", "- Flaquito Pitudo ‏ @FPitudo 12 Dec 2017 Follow Follow @FPitudo Following Following @FPitudo Unfollow Unfollow @FPitudo Blocked Blocked @FPitudo Unblock Unblock @FPitudo Pending Pending follow request from @FPitudo Cancel Cancel your follow request to @FPitudo", "How to Determine Marginal Cost, Marginal Revenue, and Marginal Profit in Economics Marginal cost. Marginal cost is the derivative of the cost function, so take the derivative and evaluate it at x = 100. Thus, the marginal cost at x = 100 is $15 — this is the approximate cost of producing the 101st widget.", "Definitions &Translations Marginal cost. In economics and finance, marginal cost is the change in the total cost that arises when the quantity produced changes by one unit. That is, it is the cost of producing one more unit of a good.iktionary (0.00 / 0 votes) Rate this definition: marginal cost (Noun). The increase in cost that accompanies a unit increase in output; the partial derivative of the cost function with respect to output. Additional cost associated with producing one more unit of output.", "Cost curve The long-run marginal cost curve shows for each unit of output the added total cost incurred in the long run, that is, the conceptual period when all factors of production are variable so as minimize long-run average total cost.n economics, a cost curve is a graph of the costs of production as a function of total quantity produced." ]
is glaucoma inherited
[ "Glaucoma Inherited open angle glaucoma is an autosomal recessive trait in beagles. Narrow angle glaucoma is inherited as an autosomal dominant trait in the Welsh springer spaniel. The mode of inheritance for glaucoma in other breeds has not been identified." ]
[ "What are the Symptoms of Glaucoma? Glaucoma is a complicated disease in which damage to the optic nerve results in vision loss. There are several forms of glaucoma; the two most common forms are primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG) and angle-closure glaucoma (ACG). Open-angle glaucoma is often called the sneak thief of sight because it has no symptoms until significant vision loss has occurred.", "Why Does Pressure Rise in the Eye to Cause Glaucoma? Normally, this fluid, called aqueous humor, flows out of the eye through a mesh-like channel. If this channel becomes blocked, fluid builds up, causing glaucoma. The direct cause of this blockage is unknown, but doctors do know that it can be inherited, meaning it is passed from parents to children.", "Glaucoma Glaucoma is a group of eye diseases that can lead to blindness by damaging the optic nerve. The eye continuously produces a fluid, called the aqueous, that must drain from the eye to maintain healthy eye pressure. You can learn more in Glaucoma: An Overview.", "Don't Let Glaucoma Steal Your Sight! Don't Let Glaucoma Steal Your Sight! Recommend on Facebook Tweet Share Compartir January is Glaucoma Awareness Month, but half of people with glaucoma don’t know they have it. Get a healthy start this year by learning about glaucoma and taking steps to reduce your risk of vision loss! Know the Facts. Glaucoma is a group of diseases that damage the eye’s optic nerve and can result in vision loss and even blindness. About 3 million Americans have glaucoma. It is the 2nd leading cause of blindness worldwide.", "Overview Open-angle glaucoma. Open-angle glaucoma is the most common form of the disease. The drainage angle formed by the cornea and iris remains open, but the trabecular meshwork is partially blocked. This causes pressure in the eye to gradually increase. This pressure damages the optic nerve.", "Hypothesis Test of Mean for Student T-Test - One Small Sample Solution: The population mean is greater than 100 means the alternate hypothesis is H1: m m a, reject the null hypothesis; otherwise, do not reject the null hypothesis. Press STAT and the right arrow twice to select TESTS.To select the highlighted 2:T-Test Press ENTER.Use right arrow to select Stats (summary values rather than raw data) and Press ENTER. Use the down arrow to Enter the hypothesized mean, sample mean, standard deviation, and sample size. Select alternate hypothesis. Press down arrow to select Calculate and press ENTER.nter sample mean, standard deviation, and sample size for samples 1 and 2. Select alternate hypothesis. Select pooled: Yes. Press down arrow to select Calculate and press ENTER. Results: Since the p-value is 0.384, do not reject the null hypothesis with an alpha value of 0.02 (because 0.384 is not less than 0.02).", "- Glaucoma is actually a group of disorders, a number of which are caused at least in part by heredity and the action of genes. However only a small percentage of genes that determine risk for glaucoma have been discovered, and most are still unknown.", "Glaucoma Basics & Frequently Asked Questions Glaucoma is one of the leading causes of adult blindness, and it is also the leading cause of preventable blindness. Most people who go blind from glaucoma are blind in at least one eye at the time of original detection, which points to the need for better early diagnosis.", "January is glaucoma awareness month Without initial treatment, glaucoma can cause permanent blindness. The good news is, while glaucoma can’t be cured, early treatment can control it. What is glaucoma? Glaucoma is a disease of the optic nerve, which carries vision from the eye to the brain, caused by pressure inside the eye which is high enough to harm nerve fibers and damage vision. As many as three million Americans have glaucoma, and many people who have glaucoma don't notice any symptoms until they start to lose some of their eyesight.", "Glaucoma Glaucoma is a group of eye diseases which result in damage to the optic nerve and vision loss. A major risk factor is increased pressure in the eye. The disorders can be roughly divided into two main categories: open-angle and closed-angle (or angle closure ) glaucoma.he primary division in categorizing different types of glaucoma is open-angle and closed angle (or angle-closure) glaucoma. The open angle refers to the angle where the iris meets the cornea being as wide and open as it should be, allowing the fluid from inside the eye to drain, thus relieving the internal pressure.", "Glaucoma Glaucoma is a group of common eye diseases which impair the eye’s optic nerve and may lead to vision loss or blindness. This degenerative condition is usually associated with a buildup of fluid in the eye (intraocular pressure), obstructing the optic nerve’s ability to transmit images to the brain.", "What is glaucoma? The term glaucoma (from Greek for green colour of the sea) is found as early as 400 B.C. in works by Hippocrates. However, the modern concept of glaucoma began to form only in the middle of the 9th century A.D. At present, the term glaucoma is applied to a big group of ailments, often of different origin and different courses. Until now, there is no single opinion on what is the cause of the disorder. With no treatment these seemingly different diseases result in one outcome – atrophy of the optic nerve and blindness.", "Glaucoma Glaucoma. Glaucoma is a disease that involves the main vision nerve-the optic nerve. If you've been told that you have elevated eye pressure, you are at risk for glaucoma-which can lead to vision loss and blindness. However, with proper treatment (eye drops), you can prevent glaucoma.pen-angle glaucoma develops as the drainage angle of the eye becomes less efficient over time, and pressure within the eye gradually increases, which can damage the optic nerve. In some patients, the optic nerve becomes sensitive even to “normal” eye pressure and is at risk for damage.", "- Glaucoma is a group of eye diseases causing optic nerve damage. The optic nerve carries images from the retina, which is the specialized light sensing tissue, to the brain so we can see. In glaucoma, eye pressure plays a role in damaging the delicate nerve fibers of the optic nerve.pen-angle glaucoma. Chronic open-angle glaucoma is the most common form of glaucoma. The open drainage angle of the eye can become blocked leading to gradual increased eye pressure. If this increased pressure results in optic nerve damage, it is known as chronic open-angle glaucoma.", "Glaucoma Glaucoma is a group of eye diseases which result in damage to the optic nerve and vision loss. A major risk factor is increased pressure in the eye. The disorders can be roughly divided into two main categories: open-angle and closed-angle (or angle closure ) glaucoma.laucoma is a group of eye diseases which result in damage to the optic nerve and vision loss. A major risk factor is increased pressure in the eye. The disorders can be roughly divided into two main categories: open-angle and closed-angle (or angle closure ) glaucoma.", "Glaucoma and Retinal Neurodegenerative Disease Research Group Glaucoma and Retinal Neurodegenerative Disease Research Group. Glaucoma and Retinal Neurodegenerative Disease Research Group. The process of neurodegeneration is implicated in several degenerative diseases of the retina. These include glaucoma, age-related macular degeneration and some inherited retinal disorders. Group's work is focused on mechanisms of neurodegeneration and subsequent loss of vision, particularly the early diagnosis and management of age-related neurodegenerative processes. Identify early markers of cell processes in neurodegenerative disease in the eye – including Glaucoma, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s Diseases.", "- Glaucoma is a disease that involves the main vision nerve-the optic nerve. If you've been told that you have elevated eye pressure, you are at risk for glaucoma-which can lead to vision loss and blindness.pen-angle glaucoma develops as the drainage angle of the eye becomes less efficient over time, and pressure within the eye gradually increases, which can damage the optic nerve. In some patients, the optic nerve becomes sensitive even to “normal” eye pressure and is at risk for damage.", "Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Glaucoma is actually a group of eye diseases that damage the optic nerve usually due to increased pressure in the eye. The optic nerve, located at the back of the eye, carries information from the eye to the brain, and when the nerve is damaged, vision is lost. Learn More.", "Glaucoma Glaucoma is a group of eye diseases which result in damage to the optic nerve and vision loss.[1] The most common type is open-angle glaucoma with less common types including closed-angle glaucoma and normal-tension glaucoma. Open-angle glaucoma develops slowly over time and there is no pain.", "Glaucoma Learn More. Glaucoma refers to a group of diseases -- open-angle glaucoma, angle-closure glaucoma, low-tension or normal-tension glaucoma, congenital glaucoma, and secondary glaucoma -- where cells and fibers of the optic nerve are damaged, affecting the transmission of signals from the eye to the brain. It is usually progressive.", "What is Glaucoma? Glaucoma is a disease of the eye that, without treatment and early detection by your eye doctor, can lead to progressive damage to the optic nerve causing irreversible blindness or loss of vision. Glaucoma is characterized by a loss of nerve tissue that occurs when pressure builds up on the eye.", "Questions: Glaucoma is a disease of the optic nerve, which is the part of the eye that carries images to the brain. The optic nerve of the eye consists of many nerve fibers, and is very fragile. If pressure inside the eye increases, damage to the optic nerve fibers may occur.", "Glaucoma Diagnosis & Treatment Glaucoma is a group of diseases that can damage the eye's optic nerve and result in vision loss and blindness. The exact location of the disease damage is in the retinal nerve fiber layer, one of the ten layers of the retina. There is a characteristic acquired loss and/or degradation of retinal ganglion cells (retinal nerve fiber layer). The optic nerve is a bundle of more than 1 million nerve fibers.", "Does Diabetes Cause Glaucoma? The increased pressure can damage the optic nerve, causing vision loss. Glaucoma is an insidious disease, because there are no symptoms until there is a loss of peripheral (side) vision. If glaucoma is left untreated, the result can be complete vision loss. The longer someone has had diabetes, the chances of developing glaucoma increase. The risk for glaucoma in everyone grows with age.", "Glaucoma: Silent Thief of Sight Glaucoma affects more than 2.2 million Americans,1 age 40 and over, and is a leading cause of irreversible blindness worldwide.2 As the world’s population ages, prevalence of the disease will continue to increase.3 By 2020, more than 3 million Americans are expected to develop primary open-angle glaucoma.4 Primary open-angle glaucoma accounts for ..." ]
can baby bunnies have strawberries
[ "- If you feed strawberries to your bunny take note that the fiber in the strawberry is easily fermented by bacteria and can effectively add more sugar to their diet and increase the risk of diarrhea.ore Information. Adding dried strawberries and other fruit to your rabbits diet many seem like a good idea but it is defficient in protein and many nutrients that rabbits need. Also it may add too much sugar to their diet and cause diarrhea." ]
[ "- Vegetables that Bunnies Can Eat. Bunnies can eat most vegetables, but some rabbits are more sensitive than others. If you’re not sure what your rabbit can eat, start him off with just one type of green leafy for a few days.Watch his poops to make sure he doesn’t get diarrhea, and if he tolerates that vegetable fine, you can add a second type.Again, watch his poops for a few days to make sure he doesn’t get sick. Most rabbits can handle vegetables that are high in calcium or oxalates, as long as these vegetables are served in moderation and the bunny doesn’t have kidney or urinary tract problems. 2 If you have a healthy rabbit, do not hesitate to serve him wonderful vegetables such as kale, just becuase they are high in calcium.", "Feeding Baby Rabbits Feeding baby rabbits falls mostly to the mother rabbit for the first 3 weeks of the bunny’s life.Between 3 weeks and around 6 weeks old, the baby rabbits need less and less of mom, and more and more pellets and hay.he typical litter of bunnies in your home or hutch can be 6-7 weeks of age, possibly older, by the time their mums forbid any more nursing. See our Raising Baby Rabbits page for more detail on caring for bunnies from 2 weeks of age and older, including the processes of weaning the litter.", "When can my baby eat berries? For most babies, it's safe to offer a few cut-up pieces of berries (serving them whole can be a choking hazard) or some berry-based jam on bread or crackers around 12 months.", "What Do Rabbits Eat? Very sweet fruits like bananas and apples should be avoided or fed only tiny amounts as a very special treat. Caveat: Bunnies can eat what their mamas are eating. Meaning, if the rabbit breeder feeds fresh forages to the lactating doe, its young unweaned kits can also safely nibble the forages the doe is eating.", "Growing Strawberries Planting strawberries is best done in the spring, but as long as you keep your new plants well watered, summer or fall will work as well. Strawberry plants can be purchased from mail order nurseries, online, or from local garden centers, nurseries, and big box stores in the spring.trawberry plants propagate by runners that grow from the base of a parent plant. These runners can extend out up to 2 feet from the mother plant, and will start a new plant when they touch the ground. If you don't control these runners after your plants are established, they can take over your entire garden.", "Can chickens eat strawberry stalks? Retired in 2005, breeding Araucana chickens. They will pick at the leaves of the strawberry plants with no ill effects but the stalks themselves are too woody for them to eat. There are actually very few plants a chicken will not eat and they know which ones to avoid. My free range hens avoid Rhubarb and tomato plants as they are poisonous but strawberries are not.", "Can rabbits eat strawberries? Rabbits can pretty much eat anything. Especially strawberries. Rabbits don't really like cauliflower or broccoli. If you are really worried. There are books at pet-co and pet-smart stores. Source(s): I have 14 rabbits.abbits can pretty much eat anything. Especially strawberries. Rabbits don't really like cauliflower or broccoli. If you are really worried. There are books at pet-co and pet-smart stores. Source(s): I have 14 rabbits.", "Can I Give My Baby Strawberries? If any of these symptoms occur after your child eats, call 911 immediately. Remember, strawberries can be introduced to your baby around twelve months of age. However, if your baby shows any sign of allergies, you must first consult your child’s physician before introducing strawberries to their diet.", "Growing Strawberries Savoring the melt-in-your-mouth juiciness of. freshly picked strawberries is but one reason. to grow your own. The first fruits to ripen in. spring, strawberries are nutritious assets to. any garden. The sturdy little plants prosper. when planted in properly prepared beds or. rows, or you can put them to work as edible. edgings or let them sprawl over the top of. a wall. Strawberries are happy to grow in. strawberry jars and hanging baskets, too.", "Can Dogs Eat Strawberries? Other safe fruits include bananas, blueberries, dates, figs, lemons, oranges and pears. Fruits like apples, plums, peaches and apricots are safe for dogs but the seeds and pits can be toxic. Cutting the fruit into bite-size pieces will reduce the risk of eating the seeds. As with strawberries, serve fruits in moderation to avoid stomach upset.", "- Syrian hamsters (teddy bear hamsters) can eat strawberries as long as it is not too much. Dwarf hamsters can eat strawberries but should not because they are prone to diabetes so a strawberry could really affect their diet.", "- (FORMULA) Bunnies require a formula very high in fat. In the wild, their mother’s milk is so rich that she need only feed them 2-3 times in a 24 hour period. Since we cannot duplicate this, bunnies in rehab situations should be fed more often when they are very young (4-5 times a day).", "Strawberries YES, dogs can eat strawberries. Strawberries are one of the many foods safe for dogs. Strawberries also have an enzyme in them that’ll help keep your dog’s teeth white and in fact there is a homeopathic remedy called Fragaria Vesca that people use to break down tartar and keep it off their dog’s teeth.’m not sure about the green tops or stems but I’d probably remove them first. As with any fruit, you should only feed strawberries to your furry friend in small amounts. Even though dogs can eat strawberries in big amounts, large amounts of strawberries eaten by dogs can cause diarrhea in our main-pooch.", "Orphaned Baby Bunnies: Wild and Domestic Mother rabbits do not “sit” on the babies to keep them warm as do some mammals and birds. They build a nest with fur and grasses which helps to keep the babies warm in between feedings. For domestic/pet rabbits, do not force a mother rabbit to sit in the nest box.lder baby bunnies who are found outside of the nest may not be orphaned or in need of assistance. This is most often the case. Baby cottontails are born without fur but develop a full coat in a week. Their eyes open in 10 days, and in three to four weeks they are weaned.", "How to Care for Dwarf Rabbits Timothy hay is good for rabbits over 7 weeks old. 3. Give them fresh fruits and vegetables. 2 cups a day of greens should be fed to your rabbit. A piece of carrot, apple(without seeds), banana, or strawberry are a great treat for your dwarf rabbit. Make sure you research what fruits and vegetables are safe for your rabbit to eat as some can be toxic.", "Caring for Newborn Baby Rabbits Baby rabbit eyes open at about 10 days of age. You may start introducing them to hay and pellets at this point, but no veggies or fruits yet. Just leave some timothy or orchard and alfalfa hay and pellets in a corner of the box where the babies can easily get to them.", "Orphaned Baby Bunnies: Wild and Domestic Older baby bunnies who are found outside of the nest may not be orphaned or in need of assistance. This is most often the case. Baby cottontails are born without fur but develop a full coat in a week. Their eyes open in 10 days, and in three to four weeks they are weaned.At this age, they may explore the world outside of the nest but return there to sleep. They are not ignored by the mother but stay with the family group until four or five weeks of age.se common sense. Baby bunnies who have fleas are compromised and should be immediately taken to a wildlife rehabber. Rabbit mothers nurse their babies for approximately 5 minutes a day. Both wild and domestic mothers will be in the nest or nest box early in the morning and then again in the evening.", "Can Hamsters Eat Strawberries Can Hamsters Eat Strawberries. Your adorable hamsters can live long and healthy if they feed on healthy nutritional supplements of vegetables and fruits. Fruit supplements are important part of your lovely pets diet. However, they should be fed to your hamster as treats only.", "Growing Strawberries a wall. Strawberries are happy to grow in strawberry jars and hanging baskets, too. Like most hardy perennials, strawber-ries die back in winter and start growing vigorously as the soil warms in spring. After bearing fruit, many varieties produce run-ners with baby plants at the tips. Your straw-berries will produce more fruit if you clip off", "Caring for Newborn Baby Rabbits Baby rabbits should be fed Kitten Milk Replacer (KMR) or goat milk, which you can buy at pet stores, or sometimes even a local veterinarian’s office.Because rabbit milk is the most caloric of all mammals, we add in one tablespoon of 100% heavy whipping cream (no sugar) to each can of KMR.aby rabbits should be fed Kitten Milk Replacer (KMR) or goat milk, which you can buy at pet stores, or sometimes even a local veterinarian’s office.", "Toddler Sleep: 4 Reasons Toddlers Wake Up At Night 1 Within a couple of minutes, the baby rabbits should start sucking. 2 Continue to feed the with this formula for around 3 to 4 days, twice per day, with the last feed being around dusk as the mother would do. At 2-3 weeks, also start introducing them to 'timothy hay', oat hay, pellets and water (add fresh greens for wild rabbits). 2 3-6 weeks: 13-15cc/ml each feeding twice per day (less if the rabbit is very small).", "Feeding Baby Rabbits By three weeks old, baby rabbits are already nibbling pellets and hay, but they still need mother's milk. They may also still be at risk for life-threatening bunny diarrhea. Nevertheless, their survival rate improves dramatically by 3.5 weeks old, even on just excellent rabbit pellets and water.", "Can Rabbits Eat Blueberries? As you can see blueberries have a hint of phosphorus, calcium, and fat and they have a little acid in them, however they are quite sweet as they contain a lot of sugar. So rabbits can eat blueberries but only in small amounts once a week at the most. One blueberry should suffice.", "Orphaned Baby Bunnies: Wild and Domestic Feed only with the bunny sitting UPRIGHT, and point syringe down towards bottom or side of mouth, so if too much comes out, the baby does not aspirate. At first, they may only take a few drops at one feeding until they are not stressed and used to this.", "Can dogs have strawberries? Strawberries are sweet. These fruits contain large amounts of sugar. Allowing the dog to consume a basketful of these red juicy fruits can result to obesity. Dogs are voracious eaters. The ripe fruits in the strawberry patch will be sniffed by the dog in an instant. However, canines have shorter digestive tracts." ]
effects of hydrogen combustion
[ "- Products and effects of combustion. Burning hydrocarbon fuels produces carbon dioxide. Incomplete combustion creates poisonous carbon monoxide. Some of the products from burning fuels dissolve in rain water to form acid rain. <. >. 1." ]
[ "Overview Perhaps one of the greatest risks of gasoline exposure is the harm it can do to your lungs when you inhale its fumes. Direct inhalation can cause carbon monoxide poisoning, which is why you shouldn’t run a vehicle in an enclosed area, such as a garage.Long-term exposure in the open can also damage your lungs.hort-Term Implications. Gasoline can adversely affect your health in both liquid and gas form. Swallowing gasoline can damage the inside of your body and cause permanent damage to major organs. If a person swallows a large amount of gasoline, it can cause death. Carbon monoxide poisoning is of particular concern.", "What Is a Chemical Equation for the Combustion of Hydrogen? Quick Answer. The chemical equation for the combustion of hydrogen is 2H2 + O2 → 2H2O. During hydrogen combustion, the heat from burning makes hydrogen chemically react with oxygen gas, O2, in the air to form water. Continue Reading.", "- Moreover, if heated strongly by the surrounding fire, acrid gas may be emitted. ・Most important hazard and effects. Human health effects: Inhalation: The steam of the electrolyte has an anesthesia action and stimulates a respiratory tract. Skin contact: The steam of the electrolyte stimulates a skin. The electrolyte skin contact causes a. sore and stimulation on the skin. Eye contact: The steam of the electrolyte stimulates eyes.", "- There are some benefits to using hydrogen as a fuel: 1 unlike petrol and diesel, hydrogen does not generate carbon dioxide when burnt. 2 hydrogen fuel cells are very efficient.", "- Combustion also produces heat, smoke, and number of other elements. In addition to carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide, particulates, and other toxins are also produced during combustion.ombustion also produces heat, smoke, and number of other elements. In addition to carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide, particulates, and other toxins are also produced during combustion.", "- Environmental Impacts of Fossil Fuel Use. Many of the environmental problems our country faces today result from our fossil fuel dependence. These impacts include global warming, air quality deterioration, oil spills, and acid rain.arbon monoxide is a gas formed as a by-product during the incomplete combustion of all fossil fuels. Exposure to carbon monoxide can cause headaches and place additional stress on people with heart disease. Cars and trucks are the primary source of carbon monoxide emissions.", "Does not drinking soda help you to lose weight? Answer by Wikiwikismile. Confidence votes 64. Yes, not drinking a soda does help you lose weight, because usually, a soda is non-diet so it contains a lot of sugars. And if you dont drink soda, it can prevent you from being unhealthy.", "- A major question in this study is the effect of hydrogen addition on flame stability under lean. operating conditions. To characterize the effect of hydrogen addition on lean burner stability, various amounts of hydrogen were added to the methane/air mixture and the flame stability. measurements were repeated.", "Gasoline Sniffing: Effects and Dangers of Huffing What are the dangers of huffing gas? Gasoline sniffing can have many short- and long-term damaging effects on person’s body. Dangers of huffing gas include breathing problems, brain damage, immune system problems, heart, liver, and kidney damage, headaches, arrhythmia, seizures, coma, cancer, and death. Toxins from gas tend to accumulate in a user’s body which can result in major health problems. Gasoline can also cause sudden sniffing death syndrome or SSDS.", "- Home > Consumer > Hydrogen > Basics > Utilization > Internal Combustion Engines. Hydrogen has a high specific energy, high flame speed, wide range of flammability, and clean burning characteristics which suggest a possibility of high performance in internal combustion engines (ICE). These attributes have been realized for more than half a century since the onset of hydrogen engine development.", "Question: A combustion reaction involves the reaction of a substance with oxygen gas. The complete combusti... Question: A combustion reaction involves the reaction of a s... A combustion reaction involves the reaction of a substance with oxygen gas. The complete combustion of any hydrocarbon (binary compound of carbon and hydrogen) produces carbon dioxide and water as the only products. Hexane is a hydrocarbon that is found in gasoline. Complete combustion of hexane produces 6 L of carbon dioxide for every 7 L of water vapor (both measured at the same temperature and pressure). What is the ratio of carbon atoms to hydrogen atoms in a molecule of hexane? (Simplify your answer completely.)", "1 The Combustion of Hydrocarbons=Dayanthini Somesan Incomplete combustion. Incomplete combustion of hydrocarbon occurs when there is a limited supply of oxygen. The products of incomplete combustion can vary. One of the products is carbon monoxide which is a toxic substance. The combustion of hydrocarbons can produce substances that can have an impact on our environment.", "- Contact with liquid hydrogen sulfide causes. frostbite. If clothing becomes wet with the. liquid, avoid ignition sources, remove the. clothing and isolate it in a safe area to allow. the liquid to evaporate. Health effects of H. 2S exposure. Hydrogen sulfide is both an irritant and a. chemical asphyxiant with effects on both.", "The reaction between carbon and the products of hydrogen, oxygen and water microwave discharges Small amounts of hydrocarbons, both gaseous and solid, were observed if carbon was placed directly in the hydrogen discharge. An extensive reaction occurred between atomic oxygen and carbon, when the carbon was either in or outside of the discharge. Carbon monoxide was the major reaction product. The products of a water discharge reacted with carbon giving principally a hydrogen-carbon monoxide mixture.", "Writing and Balancing Combustion Reactions Combustion Reactions. A combustion reaction is when a substance reacts with oxygen and releases a huge amount of energy in the form of light and heat. A combustion reaction always has oxygen as one reactant. The second reactant is always a hydrocarbon, which is a compound made up of carbon and hydrogen. combustion reaction always includes a hydrocarbon and oxygen as the reactants and always produces carbon dioxide and water as products. Balancing combustion reactions is similar to balancing other types of reactions. First, balance the carbon and hydrogen atoms on both sides of the equation.", "What are the side effects of inhaling gasoline fumes? Inhaling gasoline fumes brings concentrated hydrocarbons into your lungs and bloodstream. Some of the ingredients in gasoline are extremely toxic and are mutagens. Liver damage and permanent brain damage are possibilities. Inhalation of gasoline and its side effects depend on how long the exposure was and how high the concentrations were.", "Oxidation The chemical mechanism of their combustion is not yet clear, probably because oxidation of carbon monoxide, a reaction that is part of the combustion of practically all natural fuels, usually occurs in the presence of hydrogen or hydrogen compounds: the breakdown of wood,...", "Toxic Substances Portal - Hydrogen Cyanide (HCN) Hydrogen cyanide poisoning is marked by abrupt onset of profound toxic effects that may include syncope, seizures, coma, gasping respirations, and cardiovascular collapse, causing death within minutes.", "ENERGY FIELDS EFFECTS IN INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES Determine if there are specific mechanisms that would cause the deposition of microwave energy to result in enhancement of combustion chemistry. Predict the effects of these mechanisms and determine how they can be used to advantage to control combustion or pollution in an internal combustion engine.", "Diesel Oxidation Catalyst The heat effect associated with the oxidation of carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons is also different in the gasoline and diesel oxidation catalyst. The oxidation of CO and HC involves exothermic reactions with significant release of heat.", "- Incomplete Combustion Commonly used fuels like natural gas and propane generally consist of carbon and hydrogen. When a fuel has a large ratio of hydrogen, more excess air must be provided.", "- If there is insufficient air for complete combustion, incomplete combustion (also called partial combustion) happens. Hydrogen is still oxidised oxidation: Oxidation is a reaction in which oxygen combines with a substance.Oxidation also means a loss of electrons. to water, but carbon monoxide forms instead of carbon dioxide. Carbon monoxide is a toxic gas, so adequate ventilation is important when burning fuels.ydrogen is still oxidised oxidation: Oxidation is a reaction in which oxygen combines with a substance. Oxidation also means a loss of electrons. to water, but carbon monoxide forms instead of carbon dioxide. Carbon monoxide is a toxic gas, so adequate ventilation is important when burning fuels.", "Effects of Crude Oil Exposure Health Effects on Adults. Breathing the fumes from crude oil are known to cause chemical pneumonia, irritation of the nose, throat, and lungs, headache, dizziness, drowsiness, loss of coordination, fatigue, nausea, and labored breathing. Chronic exposure can result in irregular heartbeats, convulsions, and coma.", "- Combustion takes place when fuel, most commonly a fossil fuel, reacts with the oxygen in air to produce heat. The heat created by the burning of a fossil fuel is used in the operation of equipment such as boilers, furnaces, kilns, and engines.Along with heat, CO 2 (carbon dioxide) and H 2 O (water) are created as byproducts of the exothermic reaction.n practice, in order to achieve complete combustion, it is necessary to increase the amounts of air to the combustion process to ensure the burning of all of the fuel. The amount of air that must be added to make certain all energy is retrieved is known as excess air.", "Heat of combustion The heat of combustion is the energy released as heat when a compound undergoes complete combustion with oxygen under standard conditions. The chemical reaction is typically a hydrocarbon reacting with oxygen to form carbon dioxide, water and heat. It may be expressed with the quantities: 1 energy/ mole of fuel (kJ/mol)." ]
tell me symptoms of mesothelioma
[ "What Are the Most Common Mesothelioma Symptoms? The first symptoms of mesothelioma include chest or abdominal pain, bloating and shortness of breath, depending on the location of the cancer. Because early-stage signs can be slight, doctors often mistake them as normal aches and pains or symptoms of less serious illnesses.", "- Mesothelioma symptoms common in the early stages are: 1 Shortness of breath (dyspnea) 2 Chest pain. 3 Persistent coughing. Pleural effusions (fluid 1 buildup) Fever. 2 Fatigue. Weight 3 loss. Body aches.", "Mesothelioma But when signs of the cancer start to arise, the most common mesothelioma symptoms include: 1 Dry cough or wheezing. 2 Shortness of breath (dyspnea) 3 Respiratory complications. Pain in the chest or 1 abdomen. Fever or night sweats. Pleural effusion (fluid around the 1 lungs) Fatigue. Muscle weakness." ]
[ "The 7 Articles of the US Constitution (See U.S. Constitution For Dummies Cheat Sheet.) 1 Article I – The Legislative Branch. 2 Article II – The Executive Branch. 3 Article III – The Judicial Branch. Article IV – The 1 States. Article V – Amendment. Article VI – Debts, Supremacy, 1 Oaths. Article VII – Ratification.", "Eyelid Cancer: Diagnosis Mesothelioma: Diagnosis. Approved by the Cancer.Net Editorial Board, 06/2015. ON THIS PAGE: You will find a list of the common tests, procedures, and scans that doctors can use to find out what’s wrong and identify the cause of the problem. To see other pages, use the menu on the side of your screen.", "- What are the symptoms of ME/CFS? The most common symptoms of ME/CFS include post-exertional malaise (PEM), unrefreshing sleep, concentration problems and muscle pain, typically lasting at least six months. Post Exertional Malaise (PEM) – PEM is a cardinal symptom of ME/CFS.", "Mesothelioma Mesothelioma is a type of cancer that most often starts in the covering of the lungs (pleural mesothelioma) but can also start in the abdomen (peritoneal mesothelioma).", "Mesothelioma Mesothelioma that affects the pleura can cause these signs and symptoms: 1 Chest wall pain. 2 Pleural effusion, or fluid surrounding the lung. 3 Shortness of breath. 4 Fatigue or anemia. 5 Wheezing, hoarseness, or a cough. 6 Blood in the sputum (fluid) coughed up (hemoptysis)", "- If you have a history of asbestos exposure and believe you have symptoms of mesothelioma, seek immediate medical attention. Tell your doctor about your exposure and alert them to the possibility of an asbestos-related disease. You will likely need to get a second opinion from a mesothelioma specialist.", "- exists and is an alternate of. Merge this question into. Split and merge into it. Answer by Corrie Olson. Confidence votes 24. The lungs are located in the thoracic body cavity which is a division of the ventral cavity. Common Signs and Symptoms Related to Mesothelioma Mesothelioma is a disease in which tumor cells form in the lining of the lungs, chest cavity and/or abdomen. 2 These tumors are either benign or malignant, and your doctor uses….", "Mesothelioma Most people who develop mesothelioma have worked in careers such as mining, where they inhaled or ingested asbestos fibers, or were exposed to airborne asbestos dust and fibers in other ways. Washing the clothing of a family member who worked with asbestos also creates a risk for developing mesothelioma.ymptoms or signs of mesothelioma may not appear until 20 to 50 years (or more) after exposure to asbestos. Shortness of breath, cough, and pain in the chest due to an accumulation of fluid in the pleural space (pleural effusion) are often symptoms of pleural mesothelioma.", "Mesothelioma Other name: Malignant Mesothelioma. Mesothelioma is a form of cancer that is almost always caused by exposure to asbestos. In this disease, malignant cells develop in the mesothelium, a protective lining that covers most of the body’s internal organs. Its most common site is the pleura (outer lining of the lungs and internal chest wall), but it may also occur in the peritoneum (the lining of the abdominal cavity), the heart, the pericardium (a sac that surrounds the heart) or tunica vaginalis.", "MYELOFIBROSIS (MF) SIGNS & SYMPTOMS Myelofibrosis Symptoms May Vary. The more common symptoms of myelofibrosis, such as tiredness (fatigue), itching, and night sweats, may come and go, or they may be more severe at certain times.", "Alternative Remedies & Cures for Mesothelioma Cancer Mesothelioma is sometimes mistakenly believed to be “just another type of lung cancer,” but that is not actually the case. While mesothelioma, sometimes called asbestos cancer, mostly affects the lungs, it can also cause trouble with the lining of the stomach, heart and other organs in the abdomen. As stated above, mesothelioma most frequently results from inhaling sharp, brittle, microscopic asbestos fibers.", "Michael Jackson's This Is It (album) In the announcement it was confirmed that This Is It would be released on October 26, 2009, one day before the film's theatrical release. This Is It is the sixth posthumous album to be released by Sony and Motown/Universal since Jackson's death in June 2009.", "- In almost all cases, pleural mesothelioma is caused by asbestos exposure. The first symptoms of pleural mesothelioma typically include chest pain and shortness of breath. You may experience no symptoms at all in the first few stages of the cancer’s progression.", "- The respiratory tract is the most common site of asbestos exposure symptoms. Symptoms differ depending on the particular problem. The main symptom of asbestosis is shortness of breath. Other symptoms may include: 1 Persistent cough that produces mucus. 2 Chest tightness.", "- Georgia Institute of Technology Professor average salary is $131,451, median salary is $126,037 with a salary range from $63,000 to $187,500.Georgia Institute of Technology Professor salaries are collected from government agencies and companies.Each salary is associated with a real job position.eorgia Institute of Technology Professor salary is full-time annual starting salary.", "- Stage IV Mesothelioma. At stage IV, tumors have spread throughout the chest cavity and possibly to distant organs. Surgery is generally not a treatment option at stage IV, and most treatments are palliative rather than curative. The goal of treatment is to help you live longer, reduce pain and improve symptoms.", "- Mesothelioma is an aggressive form of cancer that occurs in the mesothelium, which is the thin layer of tissue that covers most of our internal organs. About 75% of patients have pleural mesothelioma, which affects the lining of the lungs. Mesothelioma can also affect the abdomen and heart.", "Recognizing the Symptoms Patients with mesothelioma experience a variety of symptoms that vary by type and stage. Symptoms can be caused by irritation or fluid buildup in the lungs or abdomen caused by tumor growth. Symptoms can also be a factor in determining a patient’s prognosis.", "Malignant Mesothelioma Treatment (PDQ®)âPatient Version 1 Malignant mesothelioma is a disease in which malignant (cancer) cells form in the lining of the chest or abdomen. 2 Being exposed to asbestos can affect the risk of malignant mesothelioma. 3 Signs and symptoms of malignant mesothelioma include shortness of breath and pain under the rib cage.igns and symptoms may be caused by the fluid, malignant mesothelioma, or other conditions. Check with your doctor if you have any of the following: 1 Trouble breathing. 2 Cough. 3 Pain under the rib cage. 4 Pain or swelling in the abdomen. 5 Lumps in the abdomen.", "Mesothelioma Symptoms Patients with mesothelioma generally do not demonstrate symptoms of this disease until 20 to 50 years after their initial exposure to asbestos. Fibers that embed in the tissue surrounding the body’s internal organs, the mesothelium, usually must be present for many decades before cancer develops.", "Signs Of Mesothelioma Signs Of Mesothelioma. Mesothelioma is a very serious form of cancer. The signs and symptoms of the disease usually appear long after the exposure to asbestos. These may include problems with breathing, pain or swelling in the abdomen, pain under the rib cage and unexplained weight loss. Symptoms may also appear in the form of continuous cough, fever, blood clotting and anemia.", "- Malignant mesothelioma is a rare form of cancer that affects the thin cell wall lining of the body's internal organs and structures. This lining is known as the mesothelium.", "Mesothelioma Symptoms or signs of mesothelioma may not appear until 20 to 50 years (or more) after exposure to asbestos. Shortness of breath, cough, and pain in the chest due to an accumulation of fluid in the pleural space (pleural effusion) are often symptoms of pleural mesothelioma.The most common symptoms of peritoneal mesothelioma are abdominal swelling and pain due to ascites (a buildup of fluid in the abdominal cavity).umors that affect the abdominal cavity often do not cause symptoms until they are at a late stage. Symptoms include: 1 Abdominal pain. 2 Ascites, or an abnormal buildup of fluid in the abdomen. 3 A mass in the abdomen. 4 Problems with bowel function. 5 Weight loss.", "Mesothelioma Cancer Treating Mesothelioma. Treatment for mesothelioma is similar to other types of cancer. The most common treatments are surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation. Newer treatments are being studied as part of clinical trials and may be available for some patients who do not respond to conventional therapies.", "- Mesothelioma is an aggressive cancer affecting the membrane lining of the lungs and abdomen. Malignant mesothelioma is the most serious of all asbestos-related diseases. Exposure to asbestos is the primary cause and risk factor for mesothelioma." ]
what are intranets
[ "Intranet Not to be confused with Internet. An intranet is a private network, accessible only to an organization's staff. Generally a wide range of information and services from the organization's internal IT systems are available that would not be available to the public from the Internet.n intranet is a private network, accessible only to an organization's staff. Generally a wide range of information and services from the organization's internal IT systems are available that would not be available to the public from the Internet." ]
[ "What are some free or low-cost intranet solutions? Individual news streams. You can add as many news channels as you like on a Linchpin intranet, e.g., for individual departments, content areas, etc. Users can assemble their own customized news stream from these channels based on their personal interests and integrate it into their intranet homepage.", "Interbus - the Network for Enterprises Interbus - the Network for Enterprises. What is a Bus? Interbus is a system for serial data transmission which transfers data between different systems/ computers and controllers and which is connected with actuators and sensors, e.g. for temperature control on a machine. Entire production equipment and higher-level systems can be connected with each other quickly, safe, and easily.", "- Extranet – A self-service application that allows our customers and partners access to mission critical information, and reporting, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Register to access WWT Services. Modify your WWT Services User Account.", "What Are Intranets and Extranets in Corporate Portals? An intranet is a company's secure private local network that is not meant to be accessed by anyone outside the company. An extranet is an intranet that is accessible only to certain designated individuals outside the company, but it is not a public network.", "Boating Basics Glossary of Terms HULL-The main body of a vessel. I. INBOARD-More toward the center of a vessel; inside; a motor fitted inside a boat. INTRACOASTAL WATERWAY-ICW: bays, rivers, and canals along the coasts (such as the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico coasts), connected so that vessels may travel without going into the sea.", "intranational Intranational definition, within one nation; occurring or existing within a nation's boundaries. See more.", "- All Authors (hide) 10 Best Intranets of 2017. Summary: The winners of our 16th Intranet Design Annual came from diverse industries and relied on a combination of internal resources and external intranet help.", "- The prefix intra-means “within”, while inter-means “between” or “among”. The word intramural literally means “within walls”, and refers to things that occur within the walls of a school, or things that are self-contained.he prefix intra-means “within”, while inter-means “between” or “among”. The word intramural literally means “within walls”, and refers to things that occur within the walls of a school, or things that are self-contained.", "- The term botnet is widely used when several IRC bots have been linked and may possibly set channel modes on other bots and users while keeping IRC channels free from unwanted users. This is where the term is originally from, since the first illegal botnets were similar to legal botnets.", "Difference Between Inter- and Intra- Prefix intra-. Intra- means “within” or “inside.” When used as a prefix with words, it means “within a group.” There are many words which are formed with the prefix intra- for example, intracompany, intranet, intramural football, etc.", "IP Network An IP network is a communication network that uses Internet Protocol (IP) to send and receive messages between one or more computers. As one of the most commonly used global networks, an IP network is implemented in Internet networks, local area networks (LAN) and enterprise networks. An IP network requires that all hosts or network nodes be configured with the TCP/IP suite. The Internet is the largest and best known IP network.", "intranet An intranet is a private network based on TCP/IP protocols, belonging to an organization, usually a corporation, accessible only by the organization's members, employees, or others with authorization.", "- 1.Intra- means “within” or “inside”; inter- means “between.”. 2.The prefix intra- is used to form words which mean “within a single group”; the prefix inter- is used for forming words which mean “between two groups.”.", "- Medical Definition of intra-. 1 1a: within intracerebellarb: during intranatalc: between layers of intradermal. 2 2: intro- an intramuscular injection.", "What are the key characteristics of the internet, intranet and extranet? Best Answer: The Internet is a global system of interconnected computer networks that interchange data by packet switching using the standardized Internet Protocol (IP) Suite.n theory, any packet of information on the Internet can be intercepted and read by anyone with access to a router the data passes through. Intranets are private networks relying on Internet technology. Companies may set up web servers and only allow them to be visible to workstations within the network.", "What is Intranet Connections? Intranet Connections’ story is an unorthodox one. It was created by an end-user who wanted to ‘keep it simple’ by creating an environment for all staff to participate, publish and contribute to the intranet.", "What Are Intranets and Extranets in Corporate Portals? The Internet, intranet and extranet all sound alike and the technologies they represent share some commonalities, but they have specific differences that businesses need to know and understand in order to take advantage of them. We all know what the internet is and access it daily for different purposes.", "Internet An internet (lower case i), is a network of networks. Each connected network maintains it's individuality and is connected to the larger network via a router. The In … ternet (uppercase i) is a particular world wide internet. 1 person found this useful.", "Intracoastal Waterway The Intracoastal Waterway (ICW) is a 3,000-mile (4,800 km) inland waterway along the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico coasts of the United States.Some sections of the waterway consist of natural inlets, saltwater rivers, bays, and sounds, while others are artificial canals.It provides a navigable route along its length without many of the hazards of travel on the open sea.he Intracoastal Waterway connects to several navigable rivers where shipping traffic can travel to inland ports, including the Mississippi, Alabama, Savannah, James, Susquehanna, Delaware, Hudson, and Connecticut rivers.", "intranet Definition of intranet. : a network operating like the World Wide Web but having access restricted to a limited group of authorized users (as employees of a company)", "What is a Carnet? TECRO/AIT Carnets, used between the U.S. and Taiwan only, appear similar to, and serve the same function as the ATA Carnet. TECRO/AIT Carnets result from a bilateral agreement between the US and Taiwan, covering only commercial samples (CS) , and professional equipment (PE) .arnets, commonly known as “Merchandise Passports”, are international customs documents that simplify customs procedures for the temporary importation of various types of goods. In the U.S., two types are issued: ATA and TECRO/AIT Carnets.", "What is Intranet Connections? Established in 1999, Intranet Connections has a rich history in the intranet software industry. We have worked with banks, credit unions, hospitals, hospices, medical services, government agencies, financial firms, technology companies and manufacturers/distributors, some of which have been with us from Day 1.", "intranet JBuilder. An intranet is a private network that is contained within an enterprise. It may consist of many interlinked local area networks and also use leased lines in the wide area network. Typically, an intranet includes connections through one or more gateway computers to the outside Internet.Builder. An intranet is a private network that is contained within an enterprise. It may consist of many interlinked local area networks and also use leased lines in the wide area network. Typically, an intranet includes connections through one or more gateway computers to the outside Internet.", "Botnet A botnet is a number of Internet-connected devices used by a botnet owner to perform various tasks. Botnets can be used to perform Distributed Denial Of Service Attack, steal data, send spam, and allow the attacker access to the device and its connection. The owner can control the botnet using command and control (C&C) software.", "fourteenth amendment Fourteenth Amendment. The Fourteenth Amendment to the U. S. Constitution reads: Section 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.he Fourteenth Amendment vitiated the Supreme Court's holding in Dred Scott by making all blacks born or naturalized in the United States full-fledged citizens entitled to the same constitutional rights provided for every other U.S. citizen." ]
what is challenging?.
[ "- Challenge may refer to: Voter challenging or Caging (voter suppression), a method of challenging the registration status of voters. Euphemism for disability. Peremptory challenge, a dismissal of potential jurors for jury duty. challenge (rhetoric) - a dare or a motivational impetus to action." ]
[ "- Once we triumph over a challenge we rise up to a higher level than before. A challenge in law means that someone is questioning the veracity of something such as a legal document. For example, a child who is disinherited may challenge the will in court. Someone may challenge your authority.", "- uk ​ /ədˈvɜː.sə.ti/ us ​ /ədˈvɝː.sə.t̬i/. › a difficult or unlucky situation or event: She was always cheerful in adversity. The road to happiness is paved with adversities.", "Challenging, Fun Word Puzzle Games on Dictionary.com Play a mathematical twist on Sudoku. is a fun and challenging version of the classic game word search. Find the hidden words as crossword clues come to word search. formerly known as QuickCross is a fast-paced, simpler, short crossword puzzle game. Conquer this quick, challenging four-by-four puzzle. is a word game where the last word of each two-word crossword clue’s solution is the next clue’s first word. Join these phrases in a new twist on crossword-style clues.", "- Some of these objections, called challenges, are for cause (the potential juror has said or done something that shows he or she may not act fairly). Others are peremptory (no real reason need be given, but one side does not want to have that person serve).", "- Definition of formidable for Students. 1 1 : causing fear or awe a formidable enemy. 2 2 : offering serious difficulties a formidable task. 3 3 : large or impressive in size or extent a formidable waterfall.", "formidable Definition of formidable for English Language Learners. : 1 very powerful or strong : deserving serious attention and respect. : 2 very difficult to deal with. : 3 large or impressive in size or amount.", "The Fitness Challenge Handbook The Challenge Definition Document is used to clearly state the purpose, scope and rules of the fitness competition. At a minimum this document should contain:", "hard adjective, harder, hardest. 1. not soft; solid and firm to the touch; unyielding to pressure and impenetrable or almost impenetrable. 2. firmly formed; tight: a hard knot. 3. difficult to do or accomplish; fatiguing; troublesome: a hard task.", "The Physical Demands of Sports: See Sport Skills Pages related to the physical demands of sports: Agility Fitness Endurance Fitness Fitness Components Definition of Fitness Power Fitness Strength Fitness Top of Physical Demands of Sports Back to Sports Fitness Training Back to Home Page References: 1. Martens, R. (2004). Successful coaching(3rd ed.).asketball requires moderate to high strength levels. Be clear about the type of strength (isometric, isotonic) and much of is needed in your sport, which muscle groups should be emphasized. Decide how it is combined with other components (e.g., strength-endurance) when determining the physical demands of sports.", "challenge The definition of a challenge is an act of rebellion against someone or something. An example of challenge is an employee questioning the actions of their supervisor in a meeting. A challenge is defined as a demand for proof or an invitation to participate in a competition. An example of challenge is a guard asking for identification.", "adversity Definition of adversity. plural. adversities. : a state or instance of serious or continued difficulty or misfortune showing courage in the face of adversity.", "- combat. 1 to fight or contend against; oppose vigorously: to combat crime. 2 to battle; contend: to combat with disease. 3 Military. active, armed fighting with enemy forces. 4 a fight, struggle, or controversy, as between two persons, teams, or ideas.", "- I am looking for a synonym for the word challenge (as a noun). The thesaurus sites that I can find only have listings for the verbs. I am writing a letter and think that it sounds too redundant to use challenge back-to-back, so I'm looking for a synonym =]. Thanks! Add your answer. Source. Submit Cancel.", "- Taunting: To reproach in a mocking, insulting, or contemptuous manner 310. Tender: soft or delicate in substance; not hard or tough 311. Tense: stretched tight, as a cord, fiber, etc.; drawn taut; rigid; characterized by a strain upon the nerves or feelings 312.", "competitive Definition of competitive for English Language Learners. : of or relating to a situation in which people or groups are trying to win a contest or be more successful than others : relating to or involving competition.", "Definitions &Translations Challenge(noun) an exception to a person as not legally qualified to vote. The challenge must be made when the ballot is offered. Challenge(noun) to call to a contest of any kind; to call to answer; to defy. Challenge(noun) to call, invite, or summon to answer for an offense by personal combat.", "The Keys To Effective Challenge To have impact, effective challenge must: 1 Drive two-way dialogue on strategic business and risk decisions. 2 Provide transparency to business and risk leadership before issues arise. 3 Enable the business to grow within its established and agreed upon risk appetite.", "- noun, plural adversaries. 1. a person, group, or force that opposes or attacks; opponent; enemy; foe. 2. a person, group, etc., that is an opponent in a contest; contestant.", "challenge- definition and synonyms challenge verb. A4 waist challenge noun. 1. [countable/uncountable] something that needs a lot of skill, energy, and determination to deal with or achieve, especially something you have never done before and will enjoy doing I was bored with my job and felt I needed a new challenge.", "- Competing is a style in which one's own needs are advocated over the needs of others. 1 It relies on an aggressive style of communication, low regard for future relationships, and the exercise of coercive power. Those using a competitive style tend to seek control over a discussion, in both substance and ground rules.", "The CEO Challenge: A New Paradigm for Delivering Sustainable Results Paperbackâ June 1, 2004 The CEO Challenge is an easy read with great references to past, successful Management leaders, their philosophies and strategies. Interesting how leadership strategies from the development of early industrial cultures still apply in today's fast paced global, tech world.", "- In this context, challenge means disability. Because of some problem that they have with their minds, members of a mentally challenged group face a greater than usual challeng … e in performing the normal mental tasks of living.", "challenge [count] : an action, statement, etc., that is against something : a refusal to accept something as true, correct, or legal — often + to. 1 The lawsuit is a challenge to the lower court's decision. 2 Both teachers have had to deal with many challenges to their authority.", "- Prokaryotes. Prokaryotes are organisms made up of cells that lack a cell nucleus or any membrane-encased organelles. This means the genetic material DNA in prokaryotes is not bound within a nucleus. Additionally, the DNA is less structured in prokaryotes than in eukaryotes.In prokaryotes, DNA is a single loop.ukaryotes are organisms made up of cells that possess a membrane-bound nucleus (that holds genetic material) as well as membrane-bound organelles. The cell is a fundamental component of our modern definition of life and living things.", "In what ways is being a Christian difficult? Yes, being a Christian is difficult in many ways. But that’s only half the story. The difficulties believers face are not tackled alone. Every challenge is met through the power of Christ who lives within us (Philippians 4:13). The faithful follower of Christ is never completely overwhelmed (2 Corinthians 4:8–9)." ]
what does diocese mean
[ "What is Diocese? Diocese. A diocese is the district or see under the supervision of a Bishop. It is divided into Parishes. An archdiocese is more significant than a diocese. An archdiocese is presided over by an archbishop whose see may have or have had importance due to size or historical significance. The archbishop may have metropolitan authority over any other bishops and their dioceses within his Ecclesiastical Province." ]
[ "- 1. 1 the official headdress of a bishop in the Western Church, in its modern form a tall cap with a top deeply cleft crosswise, the outline of the front and back resembling that of a pointed arch. 2 the office or rank of a bishop; bishopric.", "What is the difference between a diocese and an archdiocese? What about a bishop and an archbishop? In union with the Holy Father are the bishops. Each bishop is appointed to exercise authority over a particular territory called a diocese. For example, the Holy Father is the Bishop of the Diocese of Rome, and Bishop Loverde is the Bishop of the Diocese of Arlington.", "Deacon A deacon is a member of the diaconate, an office in Christian churches that is generally associated with service of some kind, but which varies among theological and denominational traditions. In many traditions the diaconate is a clerical office; in others it is for laity. Some Christian churches, such as the Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church, view the diaconate as part of the clerical state. The word deacon is derived from the Greek word diákonos, which is a standard ancient ...", "- Definition of canonical. 1 1 : of, relating to, or forming a canon canonical scriptures. 2 2 : conforming to a general rule or acceptable procedure : orthodox His proposals were generally accepted as canonical. 3 3 : of or relating to a clergyman who is a canon. 4 : reduced to the canonical form a canonical matrix.", "what does the word vatican really mean? The word 'vatican' comes from Latin and is a contraction of two words in the following way: 'Vatis' = 'profetic' or 'diviner' 'Can' = 'serpent/snake'. These two words combined make: 'the profetic- or made devine serpent'. The Vatican is a place, so you may say, that 'Vatican' means 'the place of the profetic- and worshipped serpent'.", "CANON canon - a complete list of saints that have been recognized by the Roman Catholic Church list, listing - a database containing an ordered array of items (names or topics) 6.", "- • BEGUINE (noun). The noun BEGUINE has 3 senses: 1. (Roman Catholic Church) a member of a lay sisterhood (one of several founded in the Netherlands in the 12th and 13th centuries); though not taking religious vows the sisters followed an austere life. 2. music written in the bolero rhythm of the beguine dance.", "- Dictionary entry overview: What does Superior mean? • SUPERIOR (noun) The noun SUPERIOR has 6 senses: 1. one of greater rank or station or quality 2. the head of a religious community 3. a combatant who is able to defeat rivals 4. the largest freshwater lake in the world; the deepest of the Great Lakes 5. a town in northwest Wisconsin on Lake Superior across from Duluth", "UNITY The noun UNITY has 3 senses: 1. an undivided or unbroken completeness or totality with nothing wanting. 2. the smallest whole number or a numeral representing this number. 3. the quality of being united into one. Familiarity information: UNITY used as a noun is uncommon.. an undivided or unbroken completeness or totality with nothing wanting. 2. the smallest whole number or a numeral representing this number. 3. the quality of being united into one. Familiarity information: UNITY used as a noun is uncommon.", "father Used as a title and form of address with or without the clergyman's name. v. fa·thered, fa·ther·ing, fa·thers. v. tr. 1. a. To provide the sperm that unites with an egg to produce (an embryo, fetus, or child). b. To act or serve as a father to (a child).2.ather. n. 1. (Theology) God, esp when considered as the first person of the Christian Trinity. 2. (Theology) Also called: Church Father any of the writers on Christian doctrine of the pre-Scholastic period. 3. (Roman Catholic Church) a title used for Christian priests.", "Canonical Definition - What does Canonical mean? Canonical, in computer science, is the standard state or behavior of an attribute. This term is borrowed from mathematics, where it is used to refer to concepts that are unique and/or natural. Also known as canonicity or canonicality. The term canonical depicts the standard state or manner of something.", "What is Diocese? A diocese is the district or see under the supervision of a Bishop. It is divided into Parishes. An archdiocese is more significant than a diocese. An archdiocese is presided over by an archbishop whose see may have or have had importance due to size or historical significance.", "Bishop in the Catholic Church In the Catholic Church, a bishop is an ordained minister who holds the fullness of the sacrament of holy orders and is responsible for teaching doctrine, governing Catholics in his jurisdiction, and sanctifying the world and representing the Church.he sacrament of Confirmation is normally administered by a bishop in the Latin Church, but a bishop may delegate the administration to a priest. In the case of receiving an adult into full communion with the Catholic Church the presiding priest will administer Confirmation.", "- Are you thinking of purchasing a BMW Airhead motorcycle?? ... have no or little experience with them?? Very modern motorcycles all have a FEEL to them, and it is generally one of competence (not necessarily with character). They tend to be electronic marvels, with special knowledge, & often special equipment, needed to analyze and repair them. It can cost $$$ for a dealership to do analysis & repairs.", "canonical ca·non·i·cal. adj. 1. Of, relating to, or required by canon law.", "PREFECTURE The noun PREFECTURE has 2 senses: 1. the district administered by a prefect (as in France or Japan or the Roman Empire) 2. the office of prefect. Familiarity information: PREFECTURE used as a noun is rare.", "province (prŏv′ĭns) n. 1. A territory governed as an administrative or political unit of a country or empire. 2. Ecclesiastical A division of territory under the jurisdiction of a metropolitan. 3. provinces Areas of a country situated away from the capital or population center.", "Metropolitan Metropolitan, in ecclesiastical language, refers to whatever relates to the metropolis, the principal city, or see, of an ecclesiastical province; thus we speak of a metropolitan church, a metropolitan chapter, a metropolitan official, etc.", "Definitions &Translations of or pertaining to an ecclesiastical province, or to the jurisdiction of an archbishop; not ecumenical; as, a provincial synod Provincial (adj) of or pertaining to Provence; Provencal", "- In the Catholic Church, a parish priest (also known as a pastor) is a priest appointed by the bishop to represent him to the local parish, which is a collection of neighborhoods in one small region of a county within a given state.", "Bishop In the Anglican Communion, the term applies to a bishop who is a full-time assistant to a diocesan bishop: the Bishop of Warwick is suffragan to the Bishop of Coventry (the diocesan), though both live in Coventry.", "Parish A parish is a church territorial unit constituting a division within a diocese. A parish is under the pastoral care and clerical jurisdiction of a parish priest, who might be assisted by one or more curates, and who operates from a parish church. Historically, a parish often covered the same geographical area as a manor (its association with the parish church remaining paramount).", "Cathedrals Cathedrals are (frequently, but not always large) Christian churches, the central church of a bishopric. A cathedral is the church which contains the official seat or throne of a bishop. Cathedra, one of the Greek/Latin names for this, gives us the adjective cathedral .", "Diocese A diocese is divided into parishes (in the Church of England into benefices and parishes). This structure of church governance is known as episcopal polity. The word diocesan means relating or pertaining to a diocese.", "What is the difference between a basilica... a cathedral... an oratory and a church? A cathedral is the chief church of a diocese in which the bishop has his throne. Basilica has both an architectural sense and a canonical sense. In the canonical sense, the … term usually refers to major buildings." ]
is the liberty bell on display a replica?
[ "Bible Museum in U.S. capital gets Liberty Bell replica as its first display Bible Museum in U.S. capital gets Liberty Bell replica as its first display. If you are planning to visit the Museum of the Bible in Washington, D.C. next year, here's some exciting news: The museum is starting to get filled and recently got its first display." ]
[ "A Tribute to Black Slaves ? 1.) You may go and see the original model of the Statue of Liberty, with the broken chains at her feet and in her left hand. Go to the Museum of the City of NY, Fifth Avenue and 103rd Street write to Peter Simians and he can send you some documentation.", "The Normandy Liberty Bell The Normandy Liberty Bell. Using accurate 3D laser image data from the actual Liberty Bell, Direct Dimensions engineers created a 3D CAD model of the Pass & Stow original design from 1753 for the Liberty Bell, prior to the formation of the crack and with no casting or aging defects.", "No V.O.C. Floor Finish & What It Means For Your Business This, is not truly creative advertising, but instead seems to be deceptive advertising. Thus rather than end up with a no VOC floor finish, you end up with one that has “low VOCs.” You should also pass up floor finishes that proclaim that all the VOCs are gone when the product is totally dry and emits no more odor.", "Replicas of the Statue of Liberty On the occasion of the Exposition Universelle of 1900, Bartholdi crafted a smaller version of the Statue of Liberty, which he subsequently gave to the Musee musée Du. Luxembourg in, 1905 the statue was placed outside the museum in The jardin Du, luxembourg where it stood for over a, century until. 2012", "- The Liberty Bell was originally used to call the Pennsylvania Assembly to meetings. It was later adopted by abolitionists, suffragists and Civil Rights advocates, making it a symbol used by many today.", "Replicas of the Statue of Liberty The French Statue of Liberty from the Île aux Cygnes came to Odaiba, Tokyo, from April 1998 to May 1999 in commemoration of The French year in Japan. Because of its popularity, in 2000 a replica of the French Statue of Liberty was erected at the same place.", "- Great photo op with the Liberty Bell, they have a nice exhibit with a lot of information. The line moves pretty fast, but I recommend going early. There is no restroom in this building so go before you go.", "Liberty Bell Facts The image of Liberty Bell has been used on stamps and coins, and it has also been popular with many corporations. The strike note the Liberty Bell makes is E flat. Beginning in 1960, companies have analyzed drillings that were taken from the bell by the Franklin Institute.The Liberty Bell is 25% tin, 70 % copper, and it also has small amounts of gold, silver, arsenic, zinc and lead.he original Liberty Bell was cast in 1752, in London, England. It was hung in the Pennsylvania State House, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States, which was later renamed Independence Hall.", "- Statue of Liberty Crown Tour - Statue of Liberty. “Statue of Liberty Crown Tour” Review of Statue of Liberty. Owner description: The Statue of Liberty Enlightening the World was a gift of friendship from the people of France to the people of the United States and is a universal symbol of freedom and democracy.", "Liberty Bell [T]he Liberty Bell is the most venerated object in the park, a national icon. It is not as beautiful as some other things that were in Independence Hall in those momentous days two hundred years ago, and it is irreparably damaged.ells were rung to mark the reading of the Declaration of Independence on July 8, 1776, and while there is no contemporary account of the Liberty Bell ringing, most historians believe it was one of the bells rung. After American independence was secured, it fell into relative obscurity for some years.", "- In the 1830s, abolitionists adopted. the bell as a symbol of their struggle to abolish. slavery; they popularized the name the Liberty Bell. Between 1885 and 1915, the bell traveled around. the country for exhibitions and patriotic events.", "Liberty Bell Facts Liberty Bell Facts. Location: Liberty Bell Center, Market Street & 6th, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (Map of Historic Philadelphia) Bell Originally Cast: Whitechapel Foundry 1752. Bell recast: Pass & Stow Philadelphia 1753 and again later that year. Bell owned by: The City of Philadelphia (not the Park Service)", "Liberty Bell The Liberty Bell is an important symbol of American freedom. The Liberty Bell is an important and famous symbol of American independence (freedom). It used to be in the Pennsylvania State House (now known as Independence Hall). The bell was ordered from the London firm of Lester and Pack (which is known as the Whitechapel Bell Foundry today) in 1752.", "Liberty Bell For other uses, see Liberty Bell (disambiguation). The Liberty Bell is an iconic symbol of American independence, located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Formerly placed in the steeple of the Pennsylvania State House (now renamed Independence Hall), the bell today is located in the Liberty Bell Center in Independence National Historical Park.", "- I collect coins and I found a 1976 silver penny with a liberty bell stamp on the left side of Abraham Lincoln and a United States stamp on the right with U.S.A. stamped in it and a D under the mint year.", "The Liberty Bell Liberty Bell. Tourists from all over the world come to Independence Hall in Philadelphia to see The Liberty Bell-an international symbol of freedom.n July 8, 1776, the Liberty Bell summoned citizens of Philadelphia for the reading of the Declaration of Independence. The Liberty Bell was also rung previously to announce the opening of the First Continental Congress in 1774 and after the Battle of Lexington and Concord in 1775.", "The Liberty Bell Center Local craftsmen John Pass and John Stow cast a new bell in 1753, using metal from the English bell. The Speaker of the Pennsylvania Assembly had a Bible verse placed on the bell: “Proclaim LIBERTY throughout all the Land unto all the inhabitants thereof”(Leviticus 25:10).", "- I have a 1976, SILVER at least in color, penny. it has stamped on it the liberty bell and a picture of the United States w/ the letters USA inside it.", "- The Statue of Liberty is actually a greatly enlarged copy of the original 'Statu du L…iberte' which is on Pont Neuf Bridge in Paris, and was a gift of friendship from the people of France to the USA in the 1880's- so her crown is just reproduced from the original.", "Statue of Liberty Fast Facts The French government does not contribute to the building of the statue. 1876 - The completed torch and the right forearm of Lady Liberty are displayed in Philadelphia and New York to encourage donations.", "- Facilitated entry to the USA ‒ Global Entry Program to begin for Switzerland in February 2017. Keywords: Travel and tourism. US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) initiated the Global Entry Program to facilitate entry to the USA for frequent travelers at select US airports.", "Liberty Bell Timeline Philadelphia City Councils (there were two at the time) bought a new bell to be used for the clocks on the State House. The Liberty Bell would remain on the fourth floor of the brick part of the tower.Sep. 1824. Bell rung for Lafayette's triumphant return to Philadelphia.A letter to the Philadelphia Public Ledger on May 4, 1915 (nearly 100 years after the event) claimed that the Bell cracked on this occasion.hortly after the Boston Tea Party (12/16/1773), the Bell rung the news that the ship Polly was bringing monopoly tea into Philadelphia. At this time the Assembly resolved that Captain Ayres of the Polly would neither be allowed to land nor bring his tea to the custom house.", "- Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The images below show a replica of the Liberty Bell on display inside the Independence Visitor. Center. The white sign placed on the bottom of the bell states, “ PLEASE NO PHOTOS WITH. PERSONAL CAMERAS .”. This sign was placed there by the IVC’s for-profit photography concession which takes and sells.", "Statue of Liberty Arrived In Pieces Before Taking the Pedestal Lady Liberty's Face Was Covered in Copper in 1880. On This Date in History: On America’s centennial in 1876, the French promised to give to the United States a great statue in recognition of the 100th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence.", "The Liberty Bell The Liberty Bell. Tradition tells of a chime that changed the world on July 8, 1776, with the Liberty Bell ringing out from the tower of Independence Hall summoning the citizens of Philadelphia to hear the first public reading of the Declaration of Independence by Colonel John Nixon.t was, in fact, the abolitionists who gave it the name Liberty Bell, in reference to its inscription. It was previously called simply the State House bell.. In retrospect, it is a remarkably apt metaphor for a country literally cracked and freedom fissured for its black inhabitants." ]
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[ "Discover Citi's Latest Cash Back Credit Card Designed Exclusively For Costco Members Discover Citi's Latest Cash Back Credit Card Designed Exclusively For Costco Members. The Costco Anywhere Visa Card by Citi helps you get the most from your membership by letting you earn cash back on all your purchases, including 2% on all purchases from Costco and Costco.com. Apply for a credit card for Costco members so you can start earning cash back rewards today. Need a Costco membership? Join Costco.", "Costco's New Credit Card: 5 Things to Know Before the End of May The new Visa card raises all but the last tier of cash-back rewards. According to Citigroup's website, cardholders will earn: 4% cash back on eligible gas worldwide, including gas at Costco, for the first $7,000 per year and then 1% thereafter. 3% cash back on restaurant and eligible travel purchases worldwide." ]
[ "Which Hilton HHonors Credit Card Is Best For You? Both cards provide complimentary Silver status, and the only (slight) advantage of the Citi card is the potential to earn Gold status with four Hilton stays in the first 90 days of cardmembership (as opposed to the $20,000 in yearly spend needed to earn Gold status on the American Express).", "- Citi ® Payment Partner Program Learn More. The Citi Payment Partner Program rewards eligible cardmembers with statement credits for timely payments over the minimum payment due. Based on your answers, there may be some offers for your account already on file.", "- The Citi ThankYou Preferred Card offers 0% introductory APRs on new purchases and balance transfers for 15 months. The purchase side of things is above-average, as long as you use a credit card calculator to ensure you’re debt-free by the time regular rates take effect. However, the balance-transfer deal is made less appealing by a 3% transfer fee.", "- the citi sears credit card serviced by citibank for sears customers offers benefits to sears cardholders cardholders may receive perks such as exclusive monthly savings and coupons special financing offers and secure access to their credit score powered by credit karma", "- If the VEBA is paired with an HSA, the VEBA account will be limited to eligible dental and vision expenses until the medical health plan deductible is met. VEBA dollars can be used to reimburse post-employment medical insurance premiums.", "What Costco shoppers should know before new member credit cards arrive What Costco shoppers should know before new member credit cards arrive. Costco is partnering with Citigroup and its members can expect to get new Visa co-branded credit cards in May and early June. Costco is partnering with Citigroup and its members can expect to get new Visa co-branded credit cards in May and early June.", "- NEW YORK — Costco has reached an agreement with Citi for a new co-branded credit card program, shortly after dropping its similar deal with American Express. Costco says it will start accepting Visa rather than American Express at its U.S. stores on April 1, 2016.", "Citi Nixing Foreign Transaction Fee on Costco Anywhere Visa It has an annual fee of $0, but you have to be a Costco member. A basic membership costs $60 a year. Citi already offers a number of cards without a foreign transaction fee, including the Citi ThankYou® Premier Card and the Citi® / AAdvantage® Platinum Select® World Elite™ Mastercard®.", "costco.co.jp Cards remain the property of Costco and must be returned upon request. One free Household Card is available to a Primary or Affiliate Members' spouse, domestic partner, or anyone over the age of 18 and living at the same address.", "Costco unveils cash-back rewards with new Anywhere Visa Card Costco customers will soon say so long to AMEX and hello to new rewards with Visa credit cards starting in June. Costco Wholesale's new Anywhere Visa Card by Citi will offer members the option to earn thousands in cash-back rewards and benefits with its new credit card as of June 20, according to Citi.com. The new Visa card, offered to members free of charge, will be mailed beginning in May.", "Billiards and Pool Table Information I put lines on my table for practice by using a construction chalk line. You pull the line out of the spool, pull the line tight between the two points, then snap it. Then I vacuum up the excess dust. For example I place a line diagonal from corner pocket to corner pocket.", "14 Best Credit Card Perks & Benefits You Never Knew You Had Citi credit cards offer a Citi Private Pass benefit (with all Citi credit cards or Citibank Debit MasterCards). For example, with my Citi credit card, I can get presale tickets for 311 and Kanye West this month.", "- So you’re going to keep both Citi Exec cards ($900 annual fee for both), and in return get 24k bonus AA miles (2 cards x 1k bonus each month for 12 months – assumption you don’t renew in 2016, therefore this retention offer is only good for 1 year).", "- Take your savings to the next level with Citi® Diamond Preferred® Card. a great low intro rate is just the beginning. With Citi Easy DealsSM, redeem points for savings on brand name merchandise, gift cards and more. Automatically receive 1,000 bonus points upon card approval. Personal 24/7 concierge service can help you book dinner reservations, find great hotels and more.", "Discover Citi's Latest Cash Back Credit Card Designed Exclusively For Costco Members Worldwide Travel Accident Insurance. Travel with more peace of mind when you pay for your trip with your Citi card. Worldwide Travel Accident Insurance is a type of coverage that you hope to never need, but it may offer some financial help to you or your loved ones if a tragic accident does occur.", "SUPPORTS A Better Technique In my opinion, the best way to get a line into a tree's top branches, well above the climbing level, is to use a bow and arrow and a device called a 'Game Tracker.' With a compound bow and the 'Game Tracker,' you can probably get a line 125 to 150 feet into the air if you have trees that tall.nce you have your monofilament line or 'tracker' line in the tree where you want it, you will have to pull up heavier lines to hold the antenna. I usually use three steps. The medium-weight line follows the monofilament or 'tracker' line and should be strong enough to pull up the final antenna support line.", "Costco Visa Review: A Big Step Up for Costco Cardholders Costco Anywhere Visa® Card by Citi: Quick review. The Costco Anywhere Visa® Card by Citi is one of the best cash-back credit cards, period. You get 4% back on up to $7,000 in spending on gas per year, 3% back on restaurants and travel, 2% back at Costco and Costco.com and 1% everywhere else. The annual fee is $0, although you have to be a Costco member (which costs at least $55 a year).", "- The Citi® Hilton HHonors™ Visa Signature® Card offers 50,000 Hilton Points after spending $1k in the first four months and a $50 statement credit after spending $50 on your first stay at any hotel within the Hilton Portfolio during the first 3 months of account opening.etter yet, if you complete four Hilton stays in the first 90 days of card membership, you get bumped up to Hilton Gold status, which earns a 25% points bonus on Hilton stays and maybe a little better treatment at the front desk.", "Visa Cards Citi® Visa Business Cards makes possible for you to purchase anytime and anywhere goods and services at merchant locations or to withdraw cash from locations marked with the Visa logo. Overview: Acceptance around the world issued under Visa logo.", "CITI THANKYOU ®PREFERRED REWARDS CREDIT CARD Citi ® ThankYou ® Rewards. Summary of the Citi ThankYou ® Preferred Card Terms and Conditions. With the Citi ThankYou Preferred Card, you can earn ThankYou Points for purchases made on your card. Unless you are participating in a limited-time offer, you will earn:", "- Please enable Javascript to watch this video. Costco has reached an agreement with Citi for a new co-branded credit card program, shortly after dropping its similar deal with American Express. Costco says it will start accepting Visa rather than American Express at its U.S. stores on April 1, 2016.", "- Expedia®+ Card from Citi: The basics. Let’s start by taking a look at what the Expedia®+ Card from Citi has to offer: Earn 15,000 Expedia+ bonus points after $1,000 in purchases within 3 months of account opening*. Automatic Expedia +silver status each year of card membership (more on that in a minute).", "- Pay with Miles gives ultimate freedom and flexibility. 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how much does a adjunct professor get paid
[ "Adjunct Project Reveals Wide Range in Pay Many adjuncts have also indicated that they are essentially shut out of participating in most forms of governance. The overall average pay reported by adjuncts is $2,987 per three-credit course. Adjuncts at 16 colleges reported earning less than $1,000.The highest pay reported is $12,575, in the anthropology department at Harvard University.any adjuncts have also indicated that they are essentially shut out of participating in most forms of governance. The overall average pay reported by adjuncts is $2,987 per three-credit course. Adjuncts at 16 colleges reported earning less than $1,000." ]
[ "10 Highest-Paid College Professors in the U.S. 10 Highest-Paid College Professors in the U.S. Many college professors change lives, challenge the world around us, and teach us the skills needed to improve our lives. However, their salaries range widely—anywhere from adjunct professors earnings around $30,000 to a full-time professor earning $500,000 and more.College professors may teach at either private or public universities; their level of expertise and interest will determine where they spend the bulk of their years teaching.owever, their salaries range widely—anywhere from adjunct professors earnings around $30,000 to a full-time professor earning $500,000 and more. College professors may teach at either private or public universities; their level of expertise and interest will determine where they spend the bulk of their years teaching.", "How much does a Clinical Instructor make a year? In my area, most clincal instructors are adjunct faculty and not paid a full time salary, benefits, etc. The pay rate is $25-$30 per hour, but that is based on a conservative estimate of the number of hours it requires to do the job. Most clinical instructors I know actually work more hours than they get paid for.", "Adjunct Project Reveals Wide Range in Pay The average per-course pay reported for adjuncts at Ohio State University is $4,853, compared with an average of $6,500 reported at the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor. Harvard pays adjuncts $11,037, on average, according to the data that adjuncts have submitted so far.n some departments, adjuncts said anecdotally that pay depends on the degree held. One adjunct professor in history, for example, reported that where he or she works, instructors with Ph.D.'s earned about $800 more than those with master's degrees.", "The Average Pay for an Assistant Professor at a University Assistant professors, who are the lowest rank on the tenure track, averaged $66,564 annually. Only instructors, who are not on a tenure track, were paid lower at $47,847 per year. Associate professors made $78,565 per year on average and full professors earned $113,176 per year.", "Adjunct Professor Salaries in San Antonio, TX Associate Professor jobs in San Antonio, TX What is the average salary for jobs related to adjunct professor? The average salary for adjunct professor ranges from approximately $25,573 per year for Adjunct Faculty to $118,385 per year for Associate Professor. Salary information comes from 101 data points collected directly from employees, users, and past and present job advertisements on Indeed in the past 24 months.", "- Univ. Of Ala. At Birmingham (uab) Adjunct Faculty average salary is $156,000, median salary is $156,000 with a salary range from $156,000 to $156,000.Univ. Of Ala. At Birmingham (uab) Adjunct Faculty salaries are collected from government agencies and companies.Each salary is associated with a real job position. Univ.t Birmingham (uab) Adjunct Faculty average salary is $156,000, median salary is $156,000 with a salary range from $156,000 to $156,000. Univ. Of Ala. At Birmingham (uab) Adjunct Faculty salaries are collected from government agencies and companies. Each salary is associated with a real job position. Univ.", "- Adjunct Professors can also look forward to large paychecks in cities like New York (+91 percent), Los Angeles (+65 percent), Dallas (+54 percent), and Miami (+25 percent). The information for this snapshot was generated by responses to the PayScale salary survey.olks who are navigating the first five years of their careers have a median salary of approximately $40K in this position. Those who have been around for five to 10 years don't get much more, though; the median salary in that group is $42K.", "Adjunct Project Reveals Wide Range in Pay In California, where faculty at two- and four-year public institutions are unionized, the average pay is $3,888 per course, according to data reported to the Adjunct Project as of last month. In Texas, by contrast, a state where unions are rare, the reported pay is lower: $2,805 per course.", "9 Reasons Why Being An Adjunct Faculty Member Is Terrible According to the American Association of University Professors, among the more than 30,000 contingent professors with terminal degrees who are currently teaching part time but want a full-time academic position, more than 60 percent report having one or more other jobs. Some Faculty Get $100,000, Others Get $20,000.", "Adjunct Project Reveals Wide Range in Pay The overall average pay reported by adjuncts is $2,987 per three-credit course. Adjuncts at 16 colleges reported earning less than $1,000. The highest pay reported is $12,575, in the anthropology department at Harvard University.he overall average pay reported by adjuncts is $2,987 per three-credit course. Adjuncts at 16 colleges reported earning less than $1,000. The highest pay reported is $12,575, in the anthropology department at Harvard University.", "- Before reaching the rank of professor you may have to settle for a lower wage. According to the AAUP, the average associate professor earned $81,980 per year in 2014. Assistant professors earned even less at $69,848 annually.Instructors made $49,963 per year and lecturers made $55,890.s of 2012, there were 1,267,700 post-secondary teachers in the United States, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. These teachers made a median wage of $68,970 annually in that same year. But not all of these teachers are university professors.", "- The salary range for adjuncts, however, can be considerably higher or lower, depending on the institution, the specialty and the terms of employment. Adjunct professors working as instructors average $45,977, while adjuncts with the title of lecturer earn $52,436. By comparison, adjuncts make almost half the salary of full-time tenured professors, whose salary averages $108,749. Earnings fluctuate by discipline, with education and humanities paying less than medicine, engineering, law and business.", "9 Reasons Why Being An Adjunct Faculty Member Is Terrible Some Faculty Get $100,000, Others Get $20,000. Adjuncts typically earn between $20,000 and $25,000 annually, NPR reports. Compare that to the average salary of $84,303 for full-time instructors and professors, according to the American Association of University Professors.If you make it to the level of full tenured professor, you're looking at a six-figure income.ompare that to the average salary of $84,303 for full-time instructors and professors, according to the American Association of University Professors. If you make it to the level of full tenured professor, you're looking at a six-figure income.", "Adjunct professors fight for crumbs on campus The median salary for adjuncts, according to the American Association of University Professors, is $2,700 per three-credit course. Some schools raise this slightly to $3,000 to $5,000; a tiny few go higher.Others sink to $1,000.e are the stoop laborers of higher education: adjunct professors. As colleges and universities rev for the fall semester, the stony exploitation of the adjunct faculty continues, providing cheap labor for America’s campuses, from small community colleges to knowledge factories with 40,000 students.", "How to Become an Adjunct Professor: Job, Education, Salary Adjunct professors are defined as professors who are not on the tenure track. Adjunct faculty teach courses just like tenure-track professors do, but they are exempt from some of the responsibilities of fully employed university instructors. Salary, often on a per-course or hourly basis, is lower than tenure-track professors. 2 Positions are not permanent. 3 Adjunct faculty may commit the same amount of nonclassroom hours as tenure-track professors, without the same pay.", "The Average Adjunct Pay at Community Colleges Average adjunct faculty instructor pay varies by community college. A 2006 report by the Modern Language Association noted that community college average adjunct faculty instructor pay ranged from about $1,397 to about $3,000 per course. community college generally offers both academic and vocational education programs. Many community college instructors are adjunct faculty paid for teaching specific courses. Adjunct faculty pay at community colleges is usually on a per-class or per-semester-hour basis.", "- Pay by Experience Level for. Median of all compensation (including tips, bonus, and overtime) by years of experience. For many Adjunct Professors, extensive experience does not lead to significantly more money.Folks who are navigating the first five years of their careers have a median salary of approximately $40K in this position.or Adjunct Professors, 10 to 20 years of experience on the job amounts to an average salary of $49K. Veterans who have acquired more than 20 years report a median income of $58K, which is generally higher than the pay reported by other tenure groups.", "How to Become an Adjunct Professor: Job, Education, Salary The position of adjunct professor is an important one. Colleges need instructors, and this position allows prospective academics the opportunity to try out the role of professor.Adjunct professors are hired by schools on a contractual, part-time basis as opposed to the traditional university model of full-time employment.t can also be based on the degree held by the teacher applying. Wages also vary by institution type: Typically adjunct faculty earn higher wages in traditional four-year institutions, compared to those who work at community colleges. Here is a snapshot of average salaries for adjunct faculty: 1 Glassdoor.com: $30,709.", "The Average Adjunct Pay at Community Colleges Average adjunct faculty instructor pay varies by community college. A 2006 report by the Modern Language Association noted that community college average adjunct faculty instructor pay ranged from about $1,397 to about $3,000 per course.ccording to a 2008 article at the Small Steps for Big Change website, adjunct faculty pay at community colleges also depends on the education of the instructor. Generally, the article notes, community college adjunct faculty instructors are paid $2,200 to $3,500 per course. Related Reading: Math Adjunct Jobs.", "Part-Time Professors Demand Higher Pay; Will Colleges Listen? He says adjuncts make $22 to $23 an hour, and if you do the math, adjuncts are paid fairly — $160 per class in Maisto's case. Maisto said she teaches one class that meets for three hours a week; Stralka said that's $26 an hour.", "Adjunct Professor Salary Median pay for Adjunct Professors in the United States is around $31K annually, but employers in San Francisco offer the biggest paychecks; average compensation in that city is approximately $98K.", "Adjunct Project Reveals Wide Range in Pay Location, too, makes a difference. In California, where faculty at two-and four-year public institutions are unionized, the average pay is $3,888 per course, according to data reported to the Adjunct Project as of last month.In Texas, by contrast, a state where unions are rare, the reported pay is lower: $2,805 per course.he overall average pay reported by adjuncts is $2,987 per three-credit course. Adjuncts at 16 colleges reported earning less than $1,000. The highest pay reported is $12,575, in the anthropology department at Harvard University.", "Local adjunct professors scrape by Although there can be exceptions, standard starting salary for an adjunct teaching a three-credit course was $2,100, which will be raised to $2,400 in the fall. Stresses use of adjuncts to fill temporary needs and meet shifting student interests.", "The plight of part-time professors at New Jersey's public colleges A full professor at Kean earns an average salary of nearly $120,000 a year, plus benefits, according to the American Association of University Professors survey. Meanwhile, an adjunct earns a minimum of $3,825 to teach a three-credit class on campus, according to their union contract. “Overall, it is more efficient.", "Adjunct Professors: Low Pay and Hard Going While a typical full-time assistant professor earns about $35,000, an adjunct who teaches one course might earn $3,000. At Hofstra, the typical pay for adjuncts is $2,751 a course compared with a full-timers' rate of $3,210.Southampton College pays $2,163 to adjuncts and $3,021 to full-timers.At Nassau Community, the typical rate for adjuncts is $2,238, and a full-time professor can make $2,000 more than that.At SUNY-Farmingdale, a typical adjunct salary is $1,785 per course, and at SUNY-Stony Brook they receive between $2,500 and $5,000 per course.t Hofstra, the typical pay for adjuncts is $2,751 a course compared with a full-timers' rate of $3,210. Southampton College pays $2,163 to adjuncts and $3,021 to full-timers." ]
what bacteria produce exotoxin
[ "- 1 Exotoxins are proteins released by both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. 2 all major Gram-positives produce exotoxin. 3 except Listeria monocytogenes (produces endotoxin). 4 exotoxins are not heat stable." ]
[ "- What is Staphylococcal Enterotoxin B? Staphylococcal Enterotoxin B (SEB) is one of several toxins produced by the Staphylococcus aureus bacteria. The toxin commonly causes unintentional outbreaks of food poisoning. How is SEB spread? SEB thrives in unrefrigerated meats, dairy, and bakery products. Therefore, SEB is generally", "Difference Between Endotoxin and Exotoxin Endotoxin vs Exotoxin. 1 Endotoxins are lipopolysaccharides, while exotoxins are soluble proteins produced by pathogenic bacteria. 2 Both gram negative and gram positive bacteria produce exotoxins while endotoxins are produced by gram negative bacteria. Endotoxins cannot act as enzymes, but exotoxins can act as enzymes.", "endotoxin endotoxin. a heat-stable toxin associated with the outer membranes of certain gram-negative bacteria, including Brucella, Neisseria, and Vibrio species. Endotoxins are not secreted but are released only when the cells are disrupted; they are less potent and less specific than the exotoxins; and they do not form toxoids.ndotoxin. a heat-stable toxin associated with the outer membranes of certain gram-negative bacteria, including Brucella, Neisseria, and Vibrio species. Endotoxins are not secreted but are released only when the cells are disrupted; they are less potent and less specific than the exotoxins; and they do not form toxoids.", "Exotoxin (Ribosome structure is one of the most important differences between eukaryotes and prokaryotes, and, in a sense, these exotoxins are the bacterial equivalent of antibiotics such as clindamycin 1 .). Some exotoxins act directly at the ribosome to inhibit protein synthesis. 2 Other toxins act at elongation factor-2.", "BOTULINUM TOXIN Botulinum toxin, one of the most poisonous biological substances known, is a neurotoxin produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. C. botulinum elaborates eight antigenically distinguishable exotoxins (A, B, C 1, C 2, D, E, F and G).", "- Synthesis and biological function of bacterial endotoxin Shoichi Kusumoto, Naoto Kusunose, Masahiro Imoto, Tetsuo Shimamoto, Takashi Kamikawa, Haruhiko Takada*, Shozo Kotani*, E. Th. Rietschel**, and Tetsuo Shiba Faculty of Science, Osaka University, Toyonaka, Osaka 560, Japan", "- Toxins Produced by Bacteria Toxins Produced by Bacteria Staphylococcal food poisoning: The enterotoxins produced by certain strains of Staphylococcus aureus can cause a rapid onset (usually in a few hours) of symptoms which can include nausea, vomiting, and ab-dominal cramping.", "E. coli0157:H7 Infection Early Symptoms, Treatment, and Prevention 1 Serotype E. coli 0157:H7 is a gram-negative bacterium that can produce a bloody diarrhea due to toxins, especially Shiga (Vero) toxin, it secretes when it infects the human intestine. 2 Other E. coli serotypes like 0145 or 0104:H4 can act like 0157:H7 if they acquire the ability to produce Shiga (Vero) toxin.", "What is the dermis? The dermis is the second layer of the skin, this is where all of the important stuff is like the nerve endings, sweat glands, hair follicles, etc. The dermis is the second lay … er of the skin. The second layer of skin is where nerve endings, sweat glands, and hair follicles are.he dermis is the layer of tissue under the epidermis. The dermis is also called the subcutaneous tissue. The dermis is one of the three layers of the skin. Skin is the on … ly other answer, and it is considered the largest organ of the human body.", "What is Endotoxin? Endotoxin is a complex lipopolysaccharide (LPS) found in the outer cell membrane of gram-negative bacteria. Endotoxins consist of a core polysaccharide chain, O-specific polysaccharide side chains (O-antigen) and a lipid component, Lipid A, which is responsible for the toxic effects (see figure).", "- Pore-forming toxins, as the name suggests, insert a transmembranous pore into a host cell membrane, thereby disrupting the selective influx and efflux of ions across the membrane. This group of toxins includes the RTX toxins of Gram-negative bacteria, streptolysin O produced by S. pyogenes, and S. aureus alpha toxin. Generally, these toxins are produced as subunits that self-assemble as a pore on the eucaryotic membrane.", "- In contrast to endotoxins, which are integral part of bacteria; exotoxins are actively synthesized and released. Exotoxins are produced by a variety of bacteria including gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria.", "[Pokemon X/Y] Region/Language of caught pokemon? Stored? I can imagine the the data format each pokemon is stored in is different in this game, in gen 4 and 5, maybe 3 too, if you caught a pokemon from a E or U region game, and traded it to a J game, if the pokemon was bulbasaur, when it was time for it to evolve, the name would change to the japanese name of ivasaur.", "Microbiology The Production of Toxins. Poisonous substances produced by microorganisms are called toxins; toxemia refers to the presence of toxins in the blood. The ability to produce toxins is called toxigenicity. Exotoxins are produced by bacteria (mostly gram-positive) and released into the surrounding medium. Exotoxins, not the bacteria, produce the disease symptoms. Antibodies produced against exotoxins are called antitoxins.", "- A-B Toxins. Most exotoxins are A-B or type III toxins. A-B toxins consist of two polypeptides. The A polypeptide is the enzyme and the B polypeptide is a binding component. B binds to the cell, the complete toxin is taken into the cell, the two subunits separate, and the A subunit enzymatically kills the cell. Membrane Disrupting Toxins. Type II toxins, disrupt host cell plasma membranes.", "- Bacterial toxins with similar enzymatic mechanisms may enter their target cells by different mechanisms. Thus, the diphtheria toxin and Pseudomonas exotoxin A, which have identical mechanisms of enzymatic activity, enter their host cells in slightly different ways.s proteins, many bacterial toxins resemble enzymes in a number of ways. Like enzymes, they are denatured by heat, acid and proteolytic enzymes, they act catalytically, and they exhibit specificity of action. The substrate (in the host) may be a component of tissue cells, organs or body fluid.", "- This group of toxins includes the RTX toxins of Gram-negative bacteria, streptolysin O produced by S. pyogenes, and S. aureus alpha toxin. Generally, these toxins are produced as subunits that self-assemble as a pore on the eucaryotic membrane.he production of the toxin is generally specific to a particular bacterial species that produces the disease associated with the toxin (e.g. only Clostridium tetani produces tetanus toxin; only Corynebacterium diphtheriae produces the diphtheria toxin).", "endotoxin endotoxin. a heat-stable toxin associated with the outer membranes of certain gram-negative bacteria, including Brucella, Neisseria, and Vibrio species. Endotoxins are not secreted but are released only when the cells are disrupted; they are less potent and less specific than the exotoxins; and they do not form toxoids. toxin that forms an integral part of the cell wall of certain bacteria and is only released upon destruction of the bacterial cell. Endotoxins are less potent and less specific than most exotoxins and do not form toxoids. Also called intracellular toxin. en′do·tox′ic adj.", "- C & D Antitoxin™ prevents enterotoxemia caused by Clostridium perfringens Types C and D in calves, cattle, lambs, sheep and baby pigs. It provides rapid immunity.", "What are the major differences between exotoxins and endotoxins? Exotoxins are protein toxins secreted by (+ or -) bacteria into the environment. Endotoxin is usually LPS (lipopolysaccharide), or another component of the cell membrane of Gram-negative bacteria. LPS creates a toxic immune response when released (by cell lysis) into an animal's body.n endotoxin is part of the outer portion of the cell wall of gram-negative bacteria. They are released when the bacteria die and the cell wall breaks apart. They differ from exotoxins in that they are lipopolysaccharides not proteins.", "CTS Endotoxin & Glucan Reference Information Endotoxin is a component of the cell wall in Gram negative bacteria. Specifically, endotoxin is a major component of the outside portion of the outer membrane of the Gram negative cell wall.Endotoxin is a very strong pyrogen and is considered a bacterial toxin. Endotoxin is a lipopolysaccharide (LPS).There are two major parts to this molecule, the polysaccharide and lipid A. The polysaccharide is not toxic. It is hydrophilic and faces outward from the cell membrane and into the medium in which the bacteria is growing.acteria do not need to be alive for endotoxin to be toxic. In fact, endotoxin in live bacteria is less toxic than when the bacteria are dead because endotoxin from dead cells is released, thereby increasing the apparent dose. Endotoxin is relatively heat stable.", "Lipopolysaccharide The toxic activity of LPS was first discovered and termed endotoxin by Richard Friedrich Johannes Pfeiffer, who distinguished between exotoxins, which he classified as a toxin that is released by bacteria into the surrounding environment, and endotoxins, which he considered to be a toxin kept within the bacterial cell and released only after ...", "BOTULINUM TOXIN Botulinum toxin, one of the most poisonous biological substances known, is a neurotoxin produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. C. botulinum elaborates eight antigenically distinguishable exotoxins (A, B, C 1, C 2, D, E, F and G).otulinum toxin, one of the most poisonous biological substances known, is a neurotoxin produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. C. botulinum elaborates eight antigenically distinguishable exotoxins (A, B, C 1, C 2, D, E, F and G).", "- Bt belongs to the family of bacteria, Bacillus cerus (B. cerus). B. cerus strains produce toxins that cause gastroenteritis (food poisoning) in humans. Bt is differentiated from B. cerus because it contains a plasmid (flash animation) that produces the protein crystals that are toxic to insects.", "- E. coli O157:H7 and other STECs like E. coli O145 and E. coli O121:H19 produce a toxin called Shiga toxin, which causes illness in humans. E. coli bacteria do not make animals such as livestock and deer, which harbor the bacteria in their intestines, ill.. coli O157:H7 and other STECs like E. coli O145 and E. coli O121:H19 produce a toxin called Shiga toxin, which causes illness in humans. E. coli bacteria do not make animals such as livestock and deer, which harbor the bacteria in their intestines, ill." ]
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[ "How to Dye Polyester Generally speaking, one bottle of DyeMore can dye up to two pounds of fabric. Dyeing very light clothing or very dark clothing will require at least one additional bottle, so be prepared if this is the case for you. Polyester may require a second bottle of DyeMore, because of its synthetic makeup." ]
[ "Polyester Polyester is a category of polymers that contain the ester functional group in their main chain. As a specific material, it most commonly refers to a type called polyethylene terephthalate (PET).olyester fabrics are highly stain-resistant— in fact, the only class of dyes which can be used to alter the color of polyester fabric are what are known is disperse dyes. Polyester fibers are sometimes spun together with natural fibers to produce a cloth with blended properties.", "- Custom Colors on Figure Skating Dresses. I always know when a custom unique color comes onto the ice, it commands attention. I bet you do too! Creating a custom color requires a variety of dyes for different fibers. In the example above, the skirt is silk, and the body of the dress is lycra.", "$2.99 SHIPPING ON ALL ORDERS APPLY: SHIP077 | SKIP THE SHIPPING! BUY ONLINE. 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This item is sold by the yard. Width: 58 inchesContent: 100% polyesterCare: Machine wash warm delicate, No chlorine bleach, Tumble dry low and Cool ironMade in Japan. Combine comfort and style with the Polyester Shantung Silk 58''. Made of 100% polyester, these 58-inch apparel fabrics come with a silky texture and are easy to work with. Choose from a wide range of colors and pair them with coordinating sequins, gems, lace and trims to make stylish scarves, jackets, blouses, skirts and gowns.", "How to dye textiles with Turmeric Of course yellow is a rather light color, so make sure the stains are not too dark if you hope to cover them up with Turmeric! To be able to dye your old cloth or textile you should make sure that it is a natural fiber such as cotton, linen or silk – polyester materials can’t be properly dyed!", "Industrial Polyester Dyes Industrial Dyes for Polyester are used in Laundries, Prisons, Hospitals, Industrial sites or anywhere that large quantities of synthetic clothing (Uniforms), rags, towels, or whatever need to be colored or color coded.", "Our Dyes And Their Uses Please feel free to call us if you have any questions regarding your dye project. Fiber Reactive Dyes: Reactive dyes are the absolute best type of dyes made for fabrics or fibers made from plant materials. Plant materials means anything made from a plant including; Cotton, Linen, Rayon, Hemp, Bamboo, Paper, Jute, etc.The dyes also work well on silk. These dyes are not made for nylon or wool, and they don't work at all on polyester.lease feel free to call us if you have any questions regarding your dye project. Fiber Reactive Dyes: Reactive dyes are the absolute best type of dyes made for fabrics or fibers made from plant materials. Plant materials means anything made from a plant including; Cotton, Linen, Rayon, Hemp, Bamboo, Paper, Jute, etc.", "How to Dye Acrylic Yarn How to Dye Acrylic Yarn. Unlike animal and plant fibers such as wool or cotton, acrylic yarn is synthetic and does not absorb dye easily. One way to successfully change the color of acrylic yarn is to use light-colored yarn and a special dye called disperse dye. While disperse dye will change the color of light acrylic yarn, the result is always a pale to medium tint. 1 Newspapers or plastic covering. Rubber gloves.", "- Throw it on under a sweater or sweatshirt, or wear it by itself with a pair of jeans or khakis. 1 100% fine-combed jersey cotton (heather gray color is 90% cotton/10% polyester) | Fabric Weight: 4.3 oz (lightweight) 2 Wide range of sizes from S-3X available in a wide variety of colors.", "- 242 Contributions. Light colours reflect light better, therefore wearing light coloured clothes will keep you more cool on a hot sunny day. On the other hand, wearing dark coloured clothes will …make you feel even warmer since dark colours tend to absorb the heat. This is especially so for black coloured clothings.", "What does semi-formal clothing attire for men and women in north America mean today? For women, semi-formal attire is somewhat flexible. Women can wear a dress, pant suit or dress suit. Preferred fabrics for semi-formal attire for women include silk, velvet, rayon, cashmere, high quality polyester brocades, or velour. Usually, anything silky goes.", "How to Dye Acrylic Yarn and Fabric The only dye that will color acrylic yarn or fabric to a deep, intense, or bright color is basic dye. Unfortunately, I cannot recommend that you use basic dye in your home. Some basic dyes are carcinogenic or mutagenic.", "Convert Length and Distance Units Instantly The first English official measurement standards were defined in 15th century. British system of units, known as imperial units, was established in 1824. Later in 1963 the standards were redefined in terms of metre stantard maintained in Paris. From 1995 the UK adopted metric units for general use.", "- Can I do them all at once in my top load washing machine and how much Rit Dye do I use. Hi Michele, First you would want to check the fabric content of the work pants.A lot of the uniform pants are made of polyester or are a combination fabric.tems should be in the dye bath for a minimum of thirty minutes to a maximum of one hour before the rinse cycle begins. Use an extended setting, or reset the setting before the rinse cycle starts to extend the wash time. Note that the longer the item is in the dye bath, the darker the color will be.", "- Fabric 7 oz. poly/cotton twill Our medium weight poly/cotton blend is a twill weave and weighs approximately 7 oz. per square yard.It is color fast and has a 2-3% crease resistant finish.Our light weight poly/cotton poplin is a plain weave material that weighs approximately 4.5 oz. per square yard.ue to variations in monitor displays, actual colors may vary. Fabric 7 oz. poly/cotton twill Our medium weight poly/cotton blend is a twill weave and weighs approximately 7 oz. per square yard. It is color fast and has a 2-3% crease resistant finish.", "- 1 You can set the color of your tie-dyed garment, regardless of how long you've had it. Just soak it in a vinegar solution to set in the color and always wash it in cold water. 2 The Vinegar Institute: Uses & Tips. 3 Green Living Ideas: Eco-Friendly Clothing Care Tips. Rit: Basic Supplies.", "- You will be able to change the color of your bow tie up to 6 timrd, perfect to use as a running gag, also if you work as an magician for children. Up to now everybody who saw this gimmick looked in disbelief. The Speed is incredible.", "- Polyester Jacquard is one of the most popular jacquard fabrics. Made from the synthetic fiber polyester, it is frequently dyed in two tones, and is highly moisture absorbent and quick drying, making it popular for use in the design of ready-to-. wear garments.", "RIT Dye Tutorial You will need: 1 Something to dye: choose a white, off-white, or beige item of clothing made of natural fiber (cotton, wool, silk, linen), a blend of natural fibers (like a cotton/linen blend), nylon, or rayon. 2 RIT dye in whatever color you fancy.", "Can I Colour a Wig? Be sure to dye a swatch of hair and pin each swatch up and away from the rest of the wig to make it easier to get to all of the wig evenly dyed. Use the darker colour on some of the layers that are below the top of the wig. This creates a depth to the colour. You can also use it to create highlights and lowlights.e sure to dye a swatch of hair and pin each swatch up and away from the rest of the wig to make it easier to get to all of the wig evenly dyed. Use the darker colour on some of the layers that are below the top of the wig. This creates a depth to the colour. You can also use it to create highlights and lowlights.", "Carpet Fibers 101: Polyester Compare a polyester carpet with a nylon carpet of the same color, and you will notice the difference: the polyester appears much more vibrant, while the nylon has a more dull or matte finish. Stain Resistance. Perhaps one of the biggest draws of polyester is its inherent stain resistance. Polyester is referred to as a closed-cell fiber, which means that it does not have any open dye sites for stains to adhere to. That is not to say that it is completely stain-proof, of course. However, most of the spots on a polyester carpet that people attribute to staining are more likely due to soiling. Soiling is different from staining. In the case of a stain, a substance has come into contact with the fiber and has embedded itself into the fiber, by attaching to open dye sites within the fiber.", "- (lets pretend that the dress in the picture is yellow pastel.. If you are feeling more playful you should keep the look more dolly and wear tones like tirquoise and blues. Don’t be afraid to mix colours like ligh blue, darker ones and white with the pastel yellow dress.", "- From a simple sheath dress to a full-length gown, dressing in red is a fun way to make a big and colorful statement. Bring on the Festivities. Red is the perfect color to ring in the holidays. Keep it simple with a tea-length dress in garnet red from Nine West for sweet style.", "- Polyester is a strong and durable synthetic fabric. Polyester dries quickly and can be washable or dry clean only, so check your tags. Polyester is often used as a blend with other fabrics to lend wrinkle resistance. It is not the easiest fabric to remove stains from, and doesn't breathe as well as other fabrics may.his substance is made from polyethylene terephthalate (PET), the same material that is used to make plastic drink bottles. Many drink bottles are recycled by being reheated and turned into polyester fibers, which, in addition to being an efficient use, also helps keep polymers out of landfills.", "Individual Garment Dyeing If the lining is constructed of polyester or acetate, then most likely the answer is no. However, linings can easily be replaced by a seamstress or tailor. We can certainly custom dye a new lining to match the outside of a garment for you.", "Can I Colour a Wig? The different wigs are dyed in different ways using different types of dye. The human hair wig often has a lace and knot wig binding, while the synthetic style of wig has a flat binding. To dye a human hair wig, use regular hair dye. To dye a wig that is synthetic, use marker or marker ink.Since the synthetic wig is plastic, regular hair dye does not work and may bleed. Wigs and hair dye can be purchased from a variety of bricks and mortar outlets, as well as from online retailers, such as eBay.e sure to dye a swatch of hair and pin each swatch up and away from the rest of the wig to make it easier to get to all of the wig evenly dyed. Use the darker colour on some of the layers that are below the top of the wig. This creates a depth to the colour. You can also use it to create highlights and lowlights." ]
what is droning
[ "- Definitions for droning. Here are all the possible meanings and translations of the word droning. Princeton's WordNet(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: monotone, drone, droning(noun) an unchanging intonation." ]
[ "Cloning The type of cloning that is the focus of much ethical controversy involves the generation of cloned embryos, particularly those of humans, which are genetically identical to the organisms from which they are derived, and the subsequent use of these embryos for research, therapeutic, or reproductive purposes.", "- The SEC and DOJ just dropped their inquiries into Hampton Creek. Alteryx, the data analytics company, went public on the New York Stock Exchange today, marking the third IPO of the year. The company priced its IPO yesterday at $14 per share, and closed Friday at $15.50, or 10.7% higher.", "Culling Culling is sometimes used as a term to describe indiscriminate killing within one particular species which can be due to a range of reasons, for example, badger culling in the United Kingdom.he word comes from the Latin colligere, which means to collect . The term can be applied broadly to mean sorting a collection into two groups: one that will be kept and one that will be rejected. The cull is the set of items rejected during the selection process.", "Definitions clone (kl=on) 1.A group of cells derived from a single parent cell by mitotic cell division; since reproduction is asexual, the descendants of the parent cell are genetically identical. 2. A term used to refer to cells as separate individuals(as in white blood cells) rather than as part of a growing organ.", "Key points: Introduction. 1 When you hear the word “cloning,” you may think of the cloning of whole organisms, such as Dolly the sheep. 2 If your friend the molecular biologist say that her “cloning” isn’t working, she's almost certainly talking about copying bits of DNA, not making the next Dolly!", "Cloning Cloning in biotechnology refers to processes used to create copies of DNA fragments (molecular cloning), cells (cell cloning), or organisms.The term also refers to the production of multiple copies of a product such as digital media or software.uman cloning is the creation of a genetically identical copy of a human. The term is generally used to refer to artificial human cloning, which is the reproduction of human cells and tissues. It does not refer to the natural conception and delivery of identical twins.", "- arousal, rousing - the act of arousing; the purpose of art is the arousal of emotions. galvanisation, galvanization - stimulation that arouses a person to lively action; the unexpected news produced a kind of galvanization of the whole team.", "- The term cloning describes a number of different processes that can be used to produce genetically identical copies of a biological entity. The copied material, which has the same genetic makeup as the original, is referred to as a clone.", "Cloning In biology, cloning is the process of producing similar populations of genetically identical individuals that occurs in nature when organisms such as bacteria, insects or plants reproduce asexually.", "clone 2. A copy of a sequence of DNA, as from a gene, that is produced by genetic engineering. The clone is then transplanted into the nucleus of a cell from which genetic material has been removed. Verb. 1. To produce or grow a cell, group of cells, or organism from a single original cell. 2.", "What is propagation Grafting or graftage is a horticultural technique whereby tissues from one plant are inserted into those of another so that the two sets of vascular tissues may join together.This vascular joining is called inosculation.ud grafting uses a bud instead of a twig. Grafting roses is the most common example of bud grafting. In this method a bud is removed from the parent plant, and the base of the bud is inserted beneath the bark of the stem of the stock plant from which the rest of the shoot has been cut.", "Culling Translation Culling is sometimes used as a term to describe indiscriminate killing within one particular species which can be due to a range of reasons, for example, badger culling in the United Kingdom.n fruits and vegetables, culling is the sorting or segregation of fresh harvested produce into marketable lots, with the non-marketable lots being discarded or diverted into food processing or non-food processing activities. This usually happens at collection centres located at, or close to farms.", "How Is Cloning Done? 1. Artificial embryo twinning is a relatively low-tech way to make clones. As the name suggests, this technique mimics the natural process that creates identical twins. In nature, twins form very early in development when the embryo splits in two.", "Molecular Cloning Molecular cloning is a set of methods, which are used to insert recombinant DNA into a vector-a carrier of DNA molecules that will replicate recombinant DNA fragments in host organisms. The DNA fragment, which may be a gene, can be isolated from a prokaryotic or eukaryotic specimen.", "Cloning Cloning. In biology, the activity of cloning creates a copy of some biological entity such as a gene, a cell, or perhaps an entire organism. This article discusses the biological, historical, and moral aspects of cloning mammals.n biology, the activity of cloning creates a copy of some biological entity such as a gene, a cell, or perhaps an entire organism.", "- Plasmid Vector Construction. Cloning is method for isolation specific DNA sequence from a mixture. How plasmid are constructed is discussed. | more... Cloning is method for isolation specific DNA sequence from a mixture. How plasmid are constructed is discussed. | less... You need to login to download this video.", "All About Cloning 1 This type of cloning is also called gene cloning. 2 Organism Cloning. 3 Organism cloning involves making an identical copy of an entire organism. 4 This type of cloning is also called reproductive cloning. 5 Therapeutic Cloning. 6 Therapeutic cloning involves the cloning of human embryos for the production of stem cells.", "What is Phone Cloning? Phone cloning is a practice where someone hacks a cell phone to associate its identifying data with that of another unit. This effectively allows people to make calls anonymously, as the calls will be mistakenly traced to another individual. It also allows people to make free calls, since the bill goes to the person with the original model. In most nations, phone cloning is a form of fraud and is considered illegal, with heavy penalties, since it involves tampering with telecommunications devices.", "Cloning Dolly is a case of reproductive cloning, the aim of which is to create offspring. Reproductive cloning is to be distinguished from cloning for therapy and research, sometimes also referred to as ‘therapeutic cloning’. Both reproductive cloning and cloning for research and therapy involve SCNT, but their aims, as well as most of the ethical concerns they raise, differ.", "- One of many bad things in genetic engineering is cloning. Cloning is a process where we make same creatures from its DNA. On one side, you have a mathematical badness of cloning.", "- One of many bad things in genetic engineering is cloning. Cloning is a process where we make same creatures from its DNA. On one side, you have a mathematical badness of cloning.Dolly was a sheep created by a process of cloning. It has created in 1996.It died in 2003 because of many circumstances.ne of many bad things in genetic engineering is cloning. Cloning is a process where we make same creatures from its DNA. On one side, you have a mathematical badness of cloning.", "- 1 Organism cloning involves making an identical copy of an entire organism. 2 This type of cloning is also called reproductive cloning. 3 Therapeutic Cloning. 4 Therapeutic cloning involves the cloning of human embryos for the production of stem cells.", "recoil [re-koyl´] 1 1. to pull back quickly, such as towards a resting position upon removal of a strong opposing force. 2 2. (re´koil) a pulling back quickly. 3 elastic recoil the ability of a stretched elastic object or organ, such as the lung or bladder, to return to its resting position. See also elastance. recoil /re·coil/ (re´koil) a quick pulling back. elastic recoil the ability of a stretched object or organ, such as the bladder, to return to its resting position. recoil (rē′koil″, rĭ-koil′) [ME. recoilen] The springing back of body tissues to their relaxed state after they have been squeezed or compressed. recoil,", "What is propagation Grafting or graftage is a horticultural technique whereby tissues from one plant are inserted into those of another so that the two sets of vascular tissues may join together.This vascular joining is called inosculation.n another common form called bud grafting, a dormant side bud is grafted onto the stem of another stock plant, and when it has inosculated successfully, it is encouraged to grow by pruning off the stem of the stock plant just above the newly grafted bud.", "Tolling (law) Tolling is a legal doctrine that allows for the pausing or delaying of the running of the period of time set forth by a statute of limitations, such that a lawsuit may potentially be filed even after the statute of limitations has run. Although grounds for tolling the statute of limitations vary by jurisdiction, common grounds include: The plaintiff was a minor at the time a cause of action accrued. The plaintiff has been deemed mentally incompetent. The plaintiff has been convicted of a felony" ]
is parsley nutritious
[ "- You may see parsley mostly as a garnish or as a seasoning for soups, salads and entrees, but it's nutritious as well. This vibrant green herb is a member of the carrot family and lends a bright flavor to food." ]
[ "Parsnips The Health Benefits of Parsnip. Parsnips are quite low in calories and rich in nutrients. Half a cup of cooked, sliced parsnip contains three grams of fibre and just 55 calories. It also contains 17% of your RDA of vitamin C and 11% of your RDA of manganese and folate, as well as 3% of your RDA of calcium and iron.his combination of fibre is beneficial because it helps to prevent and relieve constipation and may also help to reduce blood cholesterol levels. Parsnips are usually cooked and prepared in a similar way to carrots. They are typically eaten hot and can be boiled, baked, roasted, steamed or pureed.", "Parsley Parsley has been used as a source of certain vitamins and minerals. Parsley seed was used traditionally as a carminative to decrease flatulence and colic pain. The root was used as a diuretic and the juice to treat kidney ailments. Parsley oil also has been used to regulate menstrual flow in the treatment of amenorrhea and dysmenorrhea, and is purported to be an abortive. Bruised leaves have been used to treat tumors, insect bites, lice, skin parasites, and contusions. At one time, parsley tea was used to treat dysentery and gallstones.", "Parsley Parsley grows best in moist, well-drained soil, with full sun. It grows best between 22–30 °C (72–86 °F), and usually is grown from seed. Germination is slow, taking four to six weeks, and it often is difficult because of furanocoumarins in its seed coat.arden parsley is a bright green, biennial, plant in temperate climates, or an annual herb in subtropical and tropical areas. Where it grows as a biennial, in the first year, it forms a rosette of tripinnate leaves 10–25 cm long with numerous 1–3 cm leaflets, and a taproot used as a food store over the winter.", "- These foods are naturally low in salt and pack all kinds of healthy nutrients. Get a variety of fruits and vegetables, including asparagus, parsley, beets, grapes, green beans, leafy greens, pumpkin, pineapple, onion, leeks, and garlic. Vegetables that have deep, rich colors often have the most nutritional value.", "Parsnip Parsnips are extremely high in soluble fiber that is responsible for lowering cholesterol levels and maintaining blood sugar balance. As a rich source of vitamin B and folic acid, parsnips can help reduce birth defects if eaten during pregnancy. Parsnips contain a high starch and sugar content. Eating parsnips can reduce constipation by encouraging regular bowel movements and proper functioning of the liver. 2 Parsnips can improve oral health and prevent problems such as gum disease and tooth decay.", "Fresh Parsley This is a common herb because it has proved so adaptable to all climates. The ultimate taste of parsley is quite dependent on the soil and climate conditions. The herb is generally treated as an annual providing tasty fresh leaves only in the first year.", "- Parsley, also known as Petroselinum Hortense, is a species of Petroselinum that belongs to the Apiaceae family. The garden variety of the Indian herb Parsley is usually bright green and hairless biennial plant. The ideal temperature to cultivate Parsley is 22-30 degree Celsius and it usually grows from seed.", "- Try some of these healthy and delicious recipes developed by registered dietitians using parsley: 1 Cauliflower crust pizza. 2 Moroccan fish over whole grain couscous. 3 Balsamic black-eyed pea salad. 4 Citrus shrimp salad with white beans and arugula.", "Parsley And Other Herbal Dangers Parsley, in particular the parsley seeds, should be avoided during pregnancy, since the herb may lead to birth defects and abortion. In essence, all the parts of the parsley plant should be considered as a potential danger to the developing fetus.", "Vitamins in Celery A vegetable rich in vitamins and minerals, celery keeps almost all of its nutritive value, even when cooked. Whether you eat it as part of a low-fat cooked dish or raw, it is a nutritious addition to your diet.", "Healing Natural Foods to Help the Function of the Kidneys Bacteria are also swept out of the kidney and urinary tract, making infections less likely. Researchers of a laboratory animal study published in the Winter 2012 issue of Urology Journal found that parsley extract significantly decreased calcium oxalate deposits, making it therapeutic for preventing kidney stones.", "What Is Parsley Root Good For? Parsley root and parsley are high in vitamins A, C and K and contain copper, iron and iodine. Parsley root is high in sodium, folic acid, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, protein and fiber. It has a substantial amount of flavonoids and is a strong antioxidant.", "Parsley Parsley is the most commonly used platter garnish and sandwich filling around the world. Its mild flavor enhances the taste of the dishes. It makes a significant part of daily American, European and Middle Eastern cuisines. It is a species of Petroselinum and belongs to the family of Apiaceae.", "What's New and Beneficial About Celery Celery is an excellent source of vitamin K and molybdenum. It is a very good source of folate, potassium, dietary fiber, manganese, and pantothenic acid. Celery is also a good source of vitamin B2, copper, vitamin C, vitamin B6, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, and vitamin A (in the form of carotenoids).Just compare leafy carrot tops or parsley leaves with celery leaves and you'll see why.) In addition to celery, carrots, and parsley, this plant family also includes dill, fennel, cilantro/coriander, parsnip, anise, caraway, chervil, cumin, angelica, and asafetida.", "Parsley: Should it be in your gout diet? Parsley: Should it be in your gout diet? Parsley has been cultivated for over 2000 years and is native to the Mediterranean region of Southern Europe. Parsley was first used as medicine before being consumed as a food.", "10 Powerful Health Benefits of Parsley Parsley helps you to lessen the swelling and pain related to arthritis. Parsley includes a volatile oil called eugenol that’s been proven in studies to have antiarthritic properties and powerful anti-inflammatory benefits, and can significantly curb swelling within the joints.", "- Nutritional Profile. Parsley is an excellent of vitamin K and vitamin C as well as a good source of vitamin A, folate, and iron. Parsley's volatile oil components include myristicin, limonene, eugenol, and alpha-thujene. Its flavonoids include apiin, apigenin, crisoeriol, and luteolin.", "How to Grow Parsley Overview. Parsley is one of the most versatile, all-around cooking herbs. Parsley is used for flavoring and garnish. Growing parsley is a bit more challenging other herbs, but once you know how, you will have this flavorful herb all year long. Parsley is a hardy plant and can be grown successfully indoors or outdoors. Seeds start to sprout within 28 days after sowing.", "Parsley Substitute: What Are The Best Herb Replacements For Parsley? Some may taste lighter and some stronger. Parsley is more of a mild and fresh herb and if you are short of it, then perhaps you can turn to other types of herbs. Many used dried herbs to substitute for fresh herbs. As a general rule of thumb, the ideal ratio of dry herb to fresh herbs is about 1 teaspoon : 1 tablespoon. Reason is that dry herbs are more concentrated than fresh herbs, so do take note not to over-substitute or under-substitute the ingredients.", "Parsnip 1 It is recommended that you eat parsnips if you are on a weight loss program or want to reduce cellulite. 2 Parsnips are an amazing fat burning food. 3 Parsnip can boost immunity and aid healing and recovery during the convalescence period after an illness. 4 Eating parsnips can stimulate growth in children. Eating parsnips can reduce constipation by encouraging regular bowel movements and proper functioning of the liver. 2 Parsnips can improve oral health and prevent problems such as gum disease and tooth decay.", "Vegetable Nutrition Calcium is necessary for healthy teeth, bones, hair and nails. Spinach, parsley, broccoli, celery, leeks, spring onions, cabbage and carrots contain calcium. Potassium controls muscles and nerves and may be important in preventing high blood pressure.", "- Nutritional Profile. Parsley is an excellent of vitamin K and vitamin C as well as a good source of vitamin A, folate, and iron. Parsley's volatile oil components include myristicin, limonene, eugenol, and alpha-thujene. Its flavonoids include apiin, apigenin, crisoeriol, and luteolin.n addition to its volatile oils and flavonoids, parsley is an excellent source of vitamin C and a good source of vitamin A (notably through its concentration of the pro-vitamin A carotenoid, beta-carotene).", "Parsley nutrition facts Health Benefits of Parsley. Parsley is one of low calorific herb. 100 g of fresh leaves carry just 36 calories. Additionally, its leaves hold zero cholesterol and fat, but rich in antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber.", "- Exceedingly nutritious, parsley can be found in your neighboring supermarket. Parsley is the world's most accepted herbs. It gets its name from the Greek word denoting rock celery. It is a vertical, biennial plant with a plump sweet-smelling tap root and dark shimmering leaves which climb from a little stem.xceedingly nutritious, parsley can be found in your neighboring supermarket. Parsley is the world's most accepted herbs. It gets its name from the Greek word denoting rock celery. It is a vertical, biennial plant with a plump sweet-smelling tap root and dark shimmering leaves which climb from a little stem.", "Guide to Fresh Herbs Parsley. One of the most common and versatile herbs used in Western cooking, parsley has a light peppery flavor that complements other seasonings. It's most often used in sauces, salads and sprinkled over dishes at the end of cooking for a flash of green and a fresh taste.hyme. One of the most popular herbs in American and European cooking, thyme can be paired with nearly any kind of meat, poultry, fish, or vegetable. To use fresh thyme, peel off as many of the leaves as you can from the woody stem by running your fingers along the stem." ]
is a PFa block aerated
[ "Autoclaved Aerated Concrete- Lightweight AAC Blocks 2 3 The material Aircrete Autoclaved aerated concrete (AAC, Aircrete) Introduction Autoclaved aerated concrete is a versatile lightweight construction material and usually used as blocks. Compared with normal (ie: “dense” concrete) aircrete has a low density and excellent insulation properties.ense concrete is typically a mixture of cement and water, often with slag or PFA, and fine and coarse aggregate. It gains strength as the cement hydrates, reaching 50% of its final strength after perhaps about 2 days and most of its final strength after a month." ]
[ "- After pre-treatment, the conditioned wastewater enters. the aeration chamber of the plant where the bulk of the. organic compounds are eliminated. Norweco’s aeration. chamber is designed to hold the wastewater for twenty-. four hours while aerobic bacteria, present in the chamber, destroy the organic material.", "Frequently Asked Questions About Aer-Max Aeration Systems Aer-Max works by providing a pocket of compressed air in the top third of a closed tank. When water containing hard-to-treat contaminants like iron, manganese, and hydrogen sulfide falls through the air pocket, the contaminants are oxidized so they can be easily removed by a filter.", "Thermalite aircrete blocks Thermalite aircrete blocks. Forterra’s Thermalite aircrete blocks are a cost-effective solution for wall, floor and below-ground constructions. They contain up to 80 per cent recycled content, offer high thermal and sound insulation, good compressive strength, lightness for handling and moisture resistance. Their inherent thermal. mass makes U-value targets easier to achieve and can help reduce the CO2 emissions during a building’s life.", "Frequently Asked Questions Even if your actions warrant the entry of a PFA against you, we work hard to limit the duration of the order and protect your rights regarding child support, child custody, and other matters that often accompany a PFA. To make an appointment with a PFA lawyer, call us at (412) 344-4900 or toll free at (800) 545-9390.", "Environmental impact of hydraulic fracturing in the United States Horsham Water and Sewer Authority Takes 2 Wells Out of Service Due to Detection of Perfluorooctane Sulfonate (PFOS) Above Provisional Health Advisory Level. Under the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA), the Horsham Water and Sewer Authority (The Authority) monitors the quality of water from each of the groundwater wells used to provide your water. We sample as required for substances for which the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) or Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) have set primary drinking water standards.", "- Complete upper airway obstruction — In routine use of percutaneous transtracheal ventilation (PTV) through a catheter, much of the expired air comes out of the mouth and nose. Thus, with complete upper airway obstruction, egress of expired air is difficult.", "44 CFR 206.33 - Preliminary damage assessment. 44 CFR 206.33 - Preliminary damage assessment. § 206.33 Preliminary damage assessment. The preliminary damage assessment (PDA) process is a mechanism used to determine the impact and magnitude of damage and the resulting unmet needs of individuals, businesses, the public sector, and the community as a whole.", "Diagnose & Repair Air Discharge at Faucets or at Water Supply Piping / Fixtures Did the spurting of the air/water lodge mineral deposits in the valve or something to prevent cold water from coming out, but allowing hot water to flow? the flow rate out of our faucets varies from normal at times to very low pressure we don't have a water treatment system we don't have a venturi valve that I know of (we bought the house 5 years ago) or that I can find", "What you need to know about Protection from Abuse Orders in Kansas How to Apply for a PFA Order. You can pick up the necessary forms from your district court, your local domestic and sexual violence program or find them online at www.kscourts.org. You must swear that the content of the application (called a petition) is true by signing it. You can file the petition at the district court clerk's office.", "Teflon⢠PFA Resin and Film Applications for Teflon™ PFA 416HP include high performance thin-wall wire coatings; intricate injection molded parts for production of chemicals where purity in the parts-per-billion range is needed; semiconductor components and electronic parts; and fluid handling systems for high performance chemical filters.", "Materials Used - PFA, PVDF Materials Used - PFA, PVDF. PFA is similar to PTFE in chemical resistance and temperature capabilities with continuous operating temperature ratings approaching 500 °F (260 °C). FEP has equal chemical resistance, but continuous operating temperature ratings are lower, on the order of 400 °F (204 °C).", "Abah Abah Polycarp CEO Construction and Real EstateReal Estate Investor. The former Director of Taxation and others were found guilty of embezzling over FCFA 6 billion.The sentencing followed a marathon reading of the judgement by the panel of three Justices that lasted over four hours; from about 11:20 am to 4:40 pm.", "Lightweight concrete This is achieved with the use of admixtures. Over vibration of a lightweight concrete tends to cause segregation so a flowing concrete is best used when it is to be pumped as it requires only minimum vibration. More information can be found in Concrete Quarterly Winter 2015. Autoclaved aerated concrete (AAC)", "- Production. Autoclaved aerated concrete is cured in an autoclave-a large pressure vessel. In aircrete production the autoclave is normally a steel tube some 3 metres in diameter and 45 metres long.Steam is fed into the autoclave at high pressure, typically reaching a pressure of 800 kPa and a temperature of 180 °C.roduction. Autoclaved aerated concrete is cured in an autoclave-a large pressure vessel. In aircrete production the autoclave is normally a steel tube some 3 metres in diameter and 45 metres long.", "Proair HFA Proair HFA is used to treat or prevent airway spasms, as well as to prevent exercise-induced asthma attacks. The drug works by opening up the airways and allowing more air to get into and through the lungs.", "- For more than 18 years, B.C. Pavers, Inc. has installed interlocking concrete and brick pavers, pedestal-set pavers, and retaining walls for top general contractors, builders and discerning homeowners. We are experts in permeable, mechanical, sand-set, mortar-set and pedestal-set installations. We aren't landscapers, we are Hardscape Specialists.", "Attack of the Free-Swimming Ciliates The new treatment plant aeration tank is a round, metal structure built on site from square panels with metal reinforcing bands circling the perimeter. A small blower provides diffused air for the aeration tank, but the airflow is so low that little mixing is apparent, and DO readings are consistently below 0.5 mg/l.", "Thermal Stability Testing Aerated Solid Screening Test. The Aerated Powder Test is used to evaluate the thermal stability of powders and dusts during drying operations in which a heated air stream passes through the material, such as in circulating band and fluidized bed dryers.", "Aeration: Why, How & When to Aerate Your Lawn Aeration involves perforating the soil with small holes to allow air, water and nutrients to penetrate the grass roots. This helps the roots grow deeply and produce a stronger, more vigorous lawn. The main reason for aerating is to alleviate soil compaction.", "IRS holds HVAC units not qualified leasehold improvement property TAX ALERT | April 19, 2013. The IRS recently concluded in CCA 201310028 that HVAC units located on either the roof of a building or a concrete pad adjacent to the building were not qualified leasehold improvement property (QLIP) for depreciation purposes. As a result, the HVAC units were subject to depreciation over a 39-year recovery period instead of 15 years.", "1.00 AED = 31.35 PKR AED to PKR Rates - Find best online UAE Dirham to Pakistan Rupees Rates in Pakistan. Daily updated live currency exchange rates in open market, interbank, and International Forex rates on Hamariweb.com. These real time 1 AED to PKR = 27.80, foreign exchange rates are highly accurate.", "- All PFA’s are processed and submitted to the Judge on the day they are filed. The Judge should make a ruling regarding the PFA within 3 days. If the plaintiff does not receive an order or notice of court date after several days of filing for the PFA, then he or she should contact the clerk's office. The plaintiff/victim must appear for the", "- PFA, a thermoplastic material with a well-defined melting point, can be processed by means of transfer. molding or injection molding. The granulate is melted in a melt pot or in the extruder and then forced into. the hot tool by a hydraulic press.", "- Home > Library & Downloads > Technical Papers > Valves and Pumps : Reverse Osmosis for WFI and PW. The United States Pharmacopeial Convention Inc. (USP) has proposed new specifications for Water for Injection (WFI) and Purified Water (PW). These specifications will include quantitative conductivity, and total organic carbon (TOC) measurements will replace 100-year-old qualitative wet chemistry tests.", "- Our pathologist for our private GI lab would like me to find out if anyone. has done a study to determine if the paraffin blocks, once they have been. processed, are considered biohazard. I have searched high and low and can. find many people stating that the blocks are not bioharzard, with the." ]
the first asylum was founded in quizlet
[ "The History of the Asylum How did the Asylums come about? The first recorded Lunatic Asylum in Europe was the Bethlem Royal Hospital in London, it has been a part of London since 1247 when it was built as a priory. It became a hospital in 1330 and admitted its first mentally ill patients in 1407." ]
[ "Historical Markers - Nashville Sites The Nashville Medical Society, the first medical association in Tennessee, was founded March 5, 1821, by 7 physicians in the log courthouse on the Public Square. Pres. was Dr. Felix Robertson, first white child born in Nashville.", "- After the 1913 founding of Mooseheart, the Moose organization's famed Child City for children in need, the fraternity turned its attention to plans for a home for its dependent retired members. Before Moosehaven was established, a number of elderly persons resided at Mooseheart, for a short period, but this was deemed an unsatisfactory solution. The Moose originally bought a resort hotel on 26-acres at Orange Park; and, on November 1, 1922, Moosehaven was formally opened.", "10 Crazy Facts From Bedlam, Historyâs Most Notorious Asylum 10 Crazy Facts From Bedlam, History’s Most Notorious Asylum. If the road to hell is paved with good intentions, that path may well cut through the fetid halls of Bethlem Hospital. The institution began as a priory for the New Order of St. Mary of Bethlehem in 1247. As religious folks are wont to do, the monks there began to look after the indigent and mentally ill. The monks believed that harsh treatment, a basic diet, and isolation from society starved the disturbed portion of the psyche.", "New York State Inebriate Asylum The New York State Inebriate Asylum, later known as Binghamton State Hospital, was the first institution designed and constructed to treat alcoholism as a mental disorder.he New York State Inebriate Asylum, later known as Binghamton State Hospital, was the first institution designed and constructed to treat alcoholism as a mental disorder.", "A Social Reformer Her efforts were rewarded when the first state hospital for the mentally ill was opened in Trenton, New Jersey, in 1848. This was the second asylum built following the plan of Thomas Kirkbride, with whom she worked closely. The strain of it all took its toll on Dorothea, physically and mentally.", "Timeline of Hearing Devices and Early Deaf Education The American Asylum for the Education and Instruction of the Deaf and Dumb, the first permanent public school for the deaf in the U.S. is founded in Hartford, Connecticut. The chief impetus was given by a young divinity student, Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet.", "- The cemetery located next to the Odd Fellows Asylum was used by the orphanage. abandoned building stairs during the day with peeling paint on the walls. Julie Newport, whose grandmother was an orphan at the Odd Fellows Home, says that a 'shadow creeper' followed her up these stairs and later slapped her in the face.", "- April 1, 1960 - The U.S. launched TIROS-1. It was the first weather satellite. February 11, 1752 - The Pennsylvania Hospital opened as the very first hospital in America. November 20, 1945 - 24 Nazi leaders went before an international war crimes tribunal in Nuremberg, Germany.", "Eleuthera-life.com Eleuthera Island was founded in 1648 and is the birth place of the Bahamas. Captain William Sayles and a group of Puritans, known as the Eleutheran Adventurers, sailed from Bermuda in search of religious freedom.", "North Carolina Facts and Trivia — Krispy Kreme Doughnuts was founded in Winston-Salem. — Winston-Salem was created when the two towns Winston and Salem combined. The first English colony in America was located on Roanoke Island. — The first English child born in America was Virginia Dare in 1587 in Roanoke, North Carolina.", "30 of the Oldest Medical Schools in the World The University of Basel is the first in Switzerland, established in Apr 1460, with permission by Papal Bull from Pope Pius II in Nov 1459. Medicine was one of the original four faculties. As of 2010, this faculty had nine units that formed a university medical center.", "Dorothea Dix Dix Hill Asylum, named in honor of Dorothea Dix's father, was eventually opened in 1856. One hundred years later, the Dix Hill Asylum was renamed the Dorothea Dix Hospital, in honor of her legacy.", "- Exterior view of the main building of the Kankakee State Hospital in Kankakee, Illinois. The hospital, called an insane asylum, was established in 1877. Before 1909 the hospital was known as the Illinois Eastern Hospital for the Insane.", "- Nalanda University(Bihar, India) established in 4th century A … D is the Oldest and first university of world.he first university, Takshila, was founded in India in 700 BC. plato set up platos academy (the first college) for philosoph … ers and smart guys/women.", "Immigration The first building to be built was the new Main Immigration Building, which opened on December 17, 1900. Following its completion, the Kitchen and Laundry and Powerhouse buildings were erected in 1901 and the island was enlarged by landfill to make room for a hospital complex.", "Abbeyleix Understand[edit] Abbeyleix was founded in the 18th century as a town by Viscount de Vesci and is situated near a 12th century Cistercian monastery beside the River Nore.", "12a. The Impact of Slavery The world's first antislavery society was founded in 1775 by Quakers in Philadelphia, the year the Revolution began. By 1788, at least thirteen of these clubs were known to exist in the American colonies.", "- Complete list of insane asylums and history in America. Before the mentally ill were stashed away in prisons and the basements of public buildings. Developers buying Whittingham mental institution in London in encountered a room with blood written words.", "'I can still hear the sobs of those lonely children rising up around me': Tragic story of the last boy to be brought up in the infamous Foundling Hospital The Foundling Hospital was established in 1741 to take in the abandoned illegitimate infants - something no other charitable institution allowed at that time. Early life: Tom (left) with his foster sisters Janet and Monica during his time living with Ethel and Cecil", "The Birth of the Mental Asylum The Birth of the Mental Asylum. By Margarita Tartakovsky, M.S. The first hospital in the U.S. opened its doors in 1753 in Philadelphia. While it treated a variety of patients, six of its first patients suffered from mental illness. In fact, Pennsylvania Hospital would have a pivotal impact on psychiatry.", "- exists and is an alternate of . The University of Constantinople was first founded in 425 AD. However, if you use the term university loosely, you could include the Academy of Plato established in 385 BC. 20 people found this useful.", "- Dorothea Lynde Dix was an American activist on behalf of the indigent mentally ill who, through a vigorous program of lobbying state legislatures and the United States Congress, created the first generation of American mental asylums. During the Civil War, she served as a Superintendent of Army Nurses.", "8 of the world's most terrifying haunted asylums Rolling Hills Asylum. More a stockpile of outcasts (the poor, the widowed, the orphaned, the handicapped, the criminal, the alcoholic) than an insane asylum per se, the former Genesee County Poor House established in 1827 counts over 1,700 documented deaths.", "History of hospitals The earliest documented institutions aiming to provide cures were ancient Egyptian temples. In ancient Greece, temples dedicated to the healer-god Asclepius, known as Asclepieia (Ancient Greek: ἀσκληπιεῖα, sing. Asclepieion, ἀσκληπιεῖον), functioned as centres of medical advice, prognosis, and healing.", "Magdalene asylum Main article: Magdalene laundries in Ireland. The first laundry or asylum, opened in Ireland on Leeson Street in Dublin in 1765, founded by Lady Arabella Denny. The last Irish asylum closed in 1996 in Galway city on the West Coast of Ireland." ]
what is ireland government system
[ "Irish Political system The Irish Government. Ireland is a parliamentary democracy. The Head of the Government is the Taoiseach. The Tanaiste tánaiste is The Deputy Prime. Minister there are 15 Government. Departments The taoiseach and The ministers collectively form The government under The irish, constitution and they hold executive. powerhe President of Ireland. The President of Ireland (Uachtaran uachtarán hÉireann) heireann héireann serves as head of state and is directly elected by. The people The, current president elected, in 2011 Is Michael. d higgins" ]
[ "Dublin Area Rapid Transit The Dublin Area Rapid Transit system, officially and popularly known as the DART, is an electrified rapid transit railway network serving the coastline and city centre of Dublin, capital city of the Republic of Ireland.", "- Ireland was once a predominately Catholic country until Henry VIII ruled. During his rule, Ireland was controlled by Protestant England. Instead of working things out as one country, the government split. The southern part of Ireland formed the Republic of Ireland which is now predominately Catholic. While the northern part of Ireland is controlled by England and is predominately Protestant. Since this time there have been idling tensions between the two religions, resulting in death among thousands.", "- Dáil Éireann is the lower house, and principal chamber, of the Oireachtas, which also includes the President of Ireland and Seanad Éireann. It currently consists of 158 members, representing 40 constituencies, and is directly elected at least once every five years under the system of proportional representation by means of the single transferable vote. Its powers are similar to those of lower houses under many other bicameral parliamentary systems and it is by far the dominant branch of ...", "- Dublin is the capital city of the Republic of Ireland and has been the island's largest settlement since the Middle Ages. Situated on Ireland's east coast, it is a world centre for education, media and international trade and is the only Irish city with a population exceeding 1 million people.", "New Zealand's System of Government New Zealand's System of Government. New Zealand is a democratic country in which the Members of Parliament (MPs) are chosen in free and fair elections. Citizens and permanent residents who are aged 18 years and over are required to enrol to vote.Voting is not compulsory.New Zealand has a single chamber of Parliament which consists of the House of Representatives, which generally has 120 MPs, and the Governor-General (who does not personally attend the House). The House is elected for a maximum three-year term using the Mixed Member Proportional (MMP) system.oting is not compulsory. New Zealand has a single chamber of Parliament which consists of the House of Representatives, which generally has 120 MPs, and the Governor-General (who does not personally attend the House). The House is elected for a maximum three-year term using the Mixed Member Proportional (MMP) system.", "Republic of Ireland The state shares its only land border with Northern Ireland, a part of the United Kingdom. It is otherwise surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean, with the Celtic Sea to the south, Saint George's Channel to the south-east and the Irish Sea to the east. It is a unitary, parliamentary republic.he 1922 state, comprising 26 of the 32 counties of Ireland, was styled and known as the Irish Free State. The Constitution of Ireland, adopted in 1937, provides that the name of the State is Éire, éire, or in The english, Language. ireland", "The Political System & Voting While in principle Dáil Éireann is only one of three components of the Oireachtas, the other two being the President of Ireland and Seanad Éireann, in practice the powers the constitution grants to the Dáil render it by far the dominant branch, meaning that most bills passed by Dáil Éireann will ultimately become law.", "- Irish Gaelic is recognised as the first official language of the Republic of Ireland. The other official language, which is more commonly used, is English.", "The Presidents of Ireland: From 1938 - Present The Republic of Ireland emerged from a protracted struggle with the British Government during the first half of the nineteenth century, leaving the landmass of 'Ireland' divided into two. Self-government initially returned to Southern Ireland in 1922 when the country became a 'Free State' in the British Commonwealth.", "Hawaiiâs Volcanic OriginsâInstant Paradise If measured from its base on the ocean floor, its height is 33,100 feet (10,100 m), making it taller than Mt. Everest! Its still-active neighbor Mauna Loa, just 120 feet (37 m) lower, is the largest volcano in the world, covering a land area of 2,035 square miles (5,271 sq. km).", "Republic of Ireland The capital and largest city is Dublin, which is located on the eastern part of the island, and whose metropolitan area is home to around a third of the country's 4.75 million inhabitants. The state shares its only land border with Northern Ireland, a part of the United Kingdom. It is otherwise surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean, with the Celtic Sea to the south, Saint George's Channel to the south-east and the Irish Sea to the east.", "Dominion Under the constitution of 1937, Ireland is a sovereign, independent, democratic state. It became a republic in 1949 when Commonwealth ties with Great Britain were severed. Executive power under the Irish constitution is vested in a cabinet, which forms a government of some 15 Ministers. The Government is responsible to the lower house of the national legislature (The Dáil). The Taoiseach (prime minister) serves as head of government and is appointed by the President after nomination by the lower house.", "- Ireland is a Parliamentary Democracy and Republic whose current leader is Chief Executive Mary Mcaleese. The chief executive in Ireland typically has a term length of 7 years.", "Northern Ireland Timeline The Government of Ireland Act introduced partition to Ireland. Two parliaments were introduced, one in Dublin to serve twenty-six counties and one in Belfast to serve six northern counties. The twenty-six counties were known as the Irish Free State and were given a measure of independence.he Northern Ireland Government was dominated by the Unionist party and as a part of the United Kingdom anti-Catholic laws that had been passed in the nineteenth century were still in force.", "The Clan System The Clan System. The Clan system was the effective means of government in the Highlands of Scotland from sometime before the year 1000 AD until it was essentially eliminated by the British in 1745. It grew out of the similar system of Celtic Ireland, from whence the Scots came.hat remains is the clan: a sense of family, of common roots, of a place from whence we all came, strengthened by the romance of history, the skirling of pipes, the swing of the kilt,the remembrance of a dour and hard, but beautiful land, and above all, Highland pride and loyalty.", "- Jamaica Government. government is known as a parliamentary democracy which is based on a representational system of government. Jamaica government is a constitutional monarchy and as a unitary state is a member of the Commonwealth of Nations.overnment is known as a parliamentary democracy which is based on a representational system of government. Jamaica government is a constitutional monarchy and as a unitary state is a member of the Commonwealth of Nations.", "- Republic of Ireland. Ireland (/ˈaɪərlənd/ ( listen); Irish: Éire ( listen)), also described as the Republic of Ireland (Poblacht na hÉireann), is a sovereign state in north-western Europe occupying 26 of 32 counties of the island of Ireland.", "Headstones Cost 1 Prices start at $50-$200 to set a simple flat marker and increase depending on size and complexity, and how much of a foundation is needed. 2 St. Michael Cemetery in Boston charges $100 to set a flush marker and $150 per square foot for a monument foundation, with a $300 foundation minimum.iscounts: 1 Shipping costs vary considerably depending on the size, weight and distance. 2 Cemeteries typically charge for installation. 3 The grave will be unmarked until the monument is installed. 4 For a marker purchased in advance, engraving just the death date later on can be $50-$200 or more, depending on location and what's included.", "- The Republic of Ireland's parliament, the Oireachtas, consists of the President of Ireland, Seanad Éireann, éireann being the Upper, house And Éireann, dáil eireann éireann Being. the lower househe Republic of Ireland's parliament, the Oireachtas, consists of the President of Ireland, Seanad Éireann, éireann being the Upper, house And Éireann, dáil eireann éireann Being. the lower house", "- Functions of the President. Information. The President is the Head of State, although they play a mainly ceremonial role in the running of the State. The current President of Ireland is Michael D. Higgins, who commenced his first term on 11 November 2011.", "Politics of the Republic of Ireland The leader of the political party with a majority of members of Parliament becomes the Prime Minister, who is the head of the Government. The Cabinet is the decision making body of the Government and is chaired by the Prime Minister.", "The Political System & Voting Local Government. Along with the central institutions of the Oireachtas, the political system in Ireland also extends to local level government of the local authorities. A list of local authorities can be found here: www.lgcsb.ie/en/irish-local-government. Local elections are held in Ireland every 5 years in the month of May or June.", "Market segmentation Market segmentation assumes that different market segments require different marketing programs - that is different offers, prices, promotion, distribution or some combination of marketing variables. Market segmentation is designed to identify the most profitable segments and profile target segments.", "Australian Political System Australian Political System. Based on the liberal democratic tradition, the Australian system of government guarantees religious tolerance and freedom of speech and association. The Federal Government of Australia comprises the House of Representatives and the Senate. The Australian political system consists of:", "History of Ireland The Irish Parliament was abolished from 1 January 1801 in the wake of the republican United Irishmen Rebellion and Ireland became an integral part of a new United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland under the provisions of the Acts of Union 1800.he 1920 Government of Ireland Bill created the state of Northern Ireland, which consisted of the six northeastern counties of Derry, Tyrone, Fermanagh, Antrim, Down and Armagh. From 1921 to 1972, Northern Ireland was governed by a Unionist government, based at Stormont in east Belfast." ]
what age to start adhd meds
[ "New Guidelines: Diagnose Kids for ADHD at Age 4 Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) should be diagnosed and treated in children as young as age 4, according to new guidelines from the American Academy of Pediatrics. Skip to main content" ]
[ "Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder However, children may exhibit symptoms at home as well. It is also now known that ADHD is a lifelong condition, so it is not surprising that many parents of children with ADHD are themselves being identified as having the same condition. Symptoms: ADHD symptoms always begin in childhood, by definition before age 7.", "- Guanfacine (6-17 years of age). Intuniv® (extended-release tablet) 1 mg, 2 mg, 3 mg, 4 mg. 2. Duration of Therapy. Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is defined in DSM-IV as a behavioral disorder of childhood onset characterized by symptoms of inattentiveness and hyperactivity-impulsivity.", "Dosing The recommended starting dose for Quillivant XR for patients with ADHD ages 6 years and above is 20 mg; Quillivant XR can be adjusted weekly in increments of 10 mg to 20 mg up to a maximum daily dose of 60 mg", "Vyvanse Dosage For Treatment Of ADHD. The recommended starting dose is 30 mg once daily in the morning in patients ages 6 and above. Dosage may be adjusted in increments of 10 mg or 20 mg at approximately weekly intervals up to maximum dose of 70 mg/day. Patients may be maintained on their optimal dose [see Clinical Studies ].", "- Guanfacine is currently approved and marketed in the United States and Europe as Intuniv for the treatment of ADHD in children and adolescents aged 6–18 years.", "CFS - The Central Cause: Mitochondrial Failure November 2012 saw the publication of our third paper entitled Targeting mitochondrial dysfunction in the treatment of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) – a clinical audit.", "Treatment Stimulants are the best-known and most widely used ADHD medications. Between 70-80 percent of children with ADHD have fewer ADHD symptoms when they take these fast-acting medications. Nonstimulants were approved for treating ADHD in 2003. Nonstimulants do not work as quickly as stimulants, but they can last up to 24 hours.", "Strattera I have 2 children both diagnosed with adhd. One is inattentive and is on a stimulant, but my 10 year old is hyperactive and on Strattera 36mg a day (2 18mg pills in the morning) and he has been on this drug for 2.5 years now.", "- Abuse of Prescription (Rx) Drugs Affects Young Adults Most (June 2013) Young adults (age 18 to 25) are the biggest abusers of prescription (Rx) opioid pain relievers, ADHD stimulants, and anti-anxiety drugs.", "- Vyvanse and Adderall are both approved to treat ADHD in people 6 years and older. In fact, they’re both included in the group of drugs used as first-line treatments for children with ADHD to focus their attention in the classroom and studying. That said, Adderall and Vyvanse are both considered controlled substances.", "ADHD Can Be Diagnosed At Age 4, Pediatricians Group Says The leading pediatricians' group also said that ADHD medications, including Ritalin and Vyvanse, can be used to treat 4- and 5-year-olds whose ADHD symptoms are moderate to severe, NPR reported. Those drugs aren't FDA-approved to treat people younger than age 6, but doctors are still allowed to prescribe drugs without an FDA recommendation.", "Adderall Dosage The starting dose of Adderall for narcolepsy in children (age six to twelve) is 5 mg daily (this dose may be increased by 5 mg per week if necessary). For people 12 and older, the starting dose of Adderall for narcolepsy is 10 mg daily (increased by 10 mg per week if needed).", "Basic Information In most cases, ADHD is best treated with a combination of behavior therapy and medication. For preschool-aged children (4-5 years of age) with ADHD, behavior therapy is recommended as the first line of treatment.", "- The starting dose of Adderall for narcolepsy in children (age 6 to 12) is 5 mg daily (this dose may be increased by 5 mg per week if necessary).", "What Is Guanfacine ER Used For? The medicine is different from most other ADHD drugs because it is neither a stimulant nor a controlled substance. Guanfacine ER is used for people between 6 and 17 years old, but may also be prescribed off-label to treat ADHD in adults and younger children. An Introduction to Guanfacine ER Uses.", "Medications to Treat ADHD in Children and Adults While stimulants are the classic medication of choice for ADHD and are FDA-approved for treatment in children, about 10 to 30 percent of children and adults do not tolerate stimulant therapy or do not respond to it, according to a 2009 study in CNS Drugs.", "A Patientâs Primer on the Stimulant Medications Used to Treat ADHD Strattera's structure, models of action, length of time needed to work, and side effects are in many ways similar to a group of medications for depression and other disorders called Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors, or SSRIs.hen it was not found to be successful, it was tried for ADHD. Strattera is approved for use with children aged 6 years and older, as well as ADHD teens and adults. Safety and effectiveness have not been established in patients less than six years of age.", "- It's possible that medication may promote brain maturation.. Launched in 1991, the study used MRI to scan 89 male and 63 female patients ages 5-18, with ADHD, and 139 age-and gender-matched controls, children and adolescents without ADHD.he disorder affects two to three times as many boys as girls, with as many as 20 percent of boys taking stimulant medication in some school systems. The new study strengthens the validity of the diagnosis by helping to put to rest criticism that structural brain abnormalities seen in ADHD might be drug-induced.", "Where ADHD and Bipolar Disorder Overlap Symptoms of ADHD and bipolar disorder are often confused -- and often coexist in the same person. by William Dodson, M.D. Print. ADDitude magazine. People with ADHD are passionate. 1. Age of onset: ADHD is a lifelong condition, with symptoms apparent (although not necessarily impairing) by age seven. While we now recognize that children can develop BMD, this is still considered rare.", "Understanding the Effects of Clonidine and Pediatric Uses Clonidine long-acting tablets (Kapvay) are approved to treat ADHD in children and adolescents age 6 to 17 years old. Unlike most other ADHD medications, clonidine is not a stimulant and is not a controlled substance. It is approved to be used alone or in combination with a stimulant.", "What is MS? Diagnosis Symptoms Treatment Research Community Tools SearchGet connected. Join the conversation. register now or log in This is obviously one of the scariest medication side effects for us, and it is very important to know the what it is, it’s risk factors, and how it is detected. PML stands for progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy- ok lets just stop right there and breakdown that mouthful….", "Adderall The short acting form of Adderall is taken by patients twice a day in tablet form. The recommended starting dose for children 3 to 5 years of age 2.5 mg daily; children 6 years or older is 5 mg once or twice daily.", "- Age When ADHD is Diagnosed. Some parents notice signs of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity in their kids before they even start school. The child may not be able to sit still for very long or pay attention to games or television. But just because a parent thinks their child shows signs of ADHD does not mean that they have the disorder.", "14 New ADHD Medications In the Pipeline (2015) AR-08 is a drug under development by Arbor Pharmaceuticals for the treatment of ADHD among children and adolescents (between ages 6 and 17 years). While its exact mechanism of action hasn’t been made publicly available, it is known that AR-08 functions as an adrenergic receptor agonist.", "- Nomethylphenidate ER (Concerta®)‡ADHD 13 to 17 years old Patients naive to methylphenidate: Initial dose: 18 mg once a day; Maximum dose: 72 mg once a day Patients taking methylphenidate: dosing is based on current dosage and clinical judgmentMay increase daily dose by 18 mg at weekly intervals." ]
is dark brown stool normal
[ "- Stool color, texture, and form changes facts. 1 The normal stool (poop, feces) usually is light to dark brown. 2 Although changes in stool color or texture may be normal, most changes should be evaluated. hemorrhoids." ]
[ "- Stool is normally brown due to the digestion of bile salts, which are made by the liver and stored in the gallbladder. When the amount of bile salts is significantly reduced or they are absent, the stool can be pale or even whitish.", "- Stool that light-colored (either pale, white, gray or clay colored) may be caused by a lack of bile in stool. Insufficient bile output or bile duct obstruction may be due to conditions such as cholecystitis, gallstones, giardia, parasitic infection, hepatitis, chronic pancreatitis, or cirrhosis.", "- The color of stool normally is brown. The reason for the brown color is the presence of bile in the stool. Bile is made by the liver, concentrated and stored in the gallbladder, and secreted into the intestine to aid in the digestion of food.Depending on the amount of bile it contains, the normal stool color can range in color from light yellow to almost black.ile is made by the liver, concentrated and stored in the gallbladder, and secreted into the intestine to aid in the digestion of food. Depending on the amount of bile it contains, the normal stool color can range in color from light yellow to almost black.", "- Black stool may be normal in some cases and caused by ingesting certain substances or medications, such as iron supplements. However, black stool can also be caused by a serious condition, such as bleeding in the digestive tract caused by a peptic ulcer.eek prompt medical care if you have unusually dark stools or any change in the color or texture of your stool. If your stools are black and tarry in texture, bloody, or if you have major rectal bleeding, seek immediate medical care (call 911) .", "Bowel Movements: Understanding What's Normal and Abnormal In general, stool should be brown or golden brown, be formed, have a texture similar to peanut butter, and have a size and shape similar to a sausage. In many cases, a stool that varies a bit from this description is no cause for alarm, especially if it is an isolated incident.", "Stool Color Meanings: What Your Poo Can Tell You Normal Stool Color. The color of stool may vary between individuals, but it is typically a shade of brown due to its bilirubin content. Bilirubin is a by-product of hemoglobin degradation in the liver and is secreted into bile.", "Facts about Dark Brown Bowel Movements Nature of Dark Brown Bowel Movements. The textures of dark brown bowel movements are mostly hardy and firm while being bulky as opposed to yellowish thin bowel movements. Therefore, we can assume that when bowel movements are dark brown in color, they’ve been processed well inside the digestive tract.", "- The normal color of stool or feces is generally light to dark brown. Stool gets its color from bile, which is a yellow-green fluid produced in the liver that helps to digest your food. As food passes through your digestive tract, digestive enzymes break down the bile, resulting in various shades of brown stool.reen stool is a condition in which the feces have a green coloring or tint. Green stool may be normal in some cases, such as in breast-fed infants. Green stool can also be caused by taking iron supplements or eating certain foods such as green leafy vegetables.", "Causes of dark brown stool? Causes of dark brown stool? I just passed a dark brown stool, not black, but pretty dark brown. I was constipated as well; I hadn't gone to the bathroom in almost two days. I'm a college student, so I don't have a very nourishing diet at all. No diarrhea. Slight dull abdominal pain--but I think that may just be my mind worrying about it too much.", "Stools - Unusual Color Green stools are always normal, but they can be mistaken for black stools. Bile. Most dark green stools are caused by bile. Green stools are more common in formula fed than breastfed infants. It can be normal with both. Green stools are more common with diarrhea. This is due to a fast transit time through the gut. However, formed stools can also be green. Dark green stools may look black under poor lighting. Eating spinach can cause dark green stools. Medicines. Iron (such as in formula) Foods. See list below. Foods That Can Cause Green Stools: Green Jell-O", "- What is stool color? Stool is naturally brown due to the digestion of bile salts produced by the liver and blood pigments such as bilirubin. Dietary supplements including iron, medications, and some foods, such as blueberries, beets, or black licorice, can darken the stool or even turn it black. Dark stool, when not associated with diet, supplements or medications, can be a worrisome symptom, as it can be due to bleeding in the digestive tract. The color of bloody stool depends on the site of the bleeding and how quickly food moves through the digestive system.", "What Your Poo Says About You The color of your stool tell you a lot. Anything outside of a shade of brown should be concerning. Let’s take a closer look: Medium to light brown is considered a healthy color. Red stool indicates a lower intestinal bleed, but can also be from red colored foods (ie.", "- Learning What Different Stool Colors May Indicate. 1 1. Check for red or black stools. 2 2. Look out for white, gray, or light-colored stool. 3 3. Remember that brown poop is the most normal. 4. Remember that certain foods can cause a change in stool 1 color. 5. Remember that foods high in fat can sometimes cause yellow stool.", "- 1 Brown poop of any shade is normal. 2 White or clay-colored poop indicates a lack of bile in the stool -- which could be a sign of pancreatic cancer. 3 Black poop may be indicative of bleeding in the esophagus or stomach.4 Red poop may indicate bleeding in your rectum and the presence of a polyp. Brown poop of any shade is normal. 2 White or clay-colored poop indicates a lack of bile in the stool -- which could be a sign of pancreatic cancer. 3 Black poop may be indicative of bleeding in the esophagus or stomach.", "Stool color: When to worry Stool comes in a range of colors. All shades of brown and even green are considered normal. Only rarely does stool color indicate a potentially serious intestinal condition. Stool color is generally influenced by what you eat as well as by the amount of bile — a yellow-green fluid that digests fats — in your stool. As bile pigments travel through your gastrointestinal tract, they are chemically altered by enzymes, changing the pigments from green to brown.", "Light Colored Stoolsquinldav Nov 25, 2008 The normal color of stools should be like a cardboard box, and the normal consistency should be somewhat like toothpaste. Stool that is pale or grey may be caused by insufficient bile output due to conditions such as cholecystitis, gallstones, giardia parasitic infection, hepatitis, chronic pancreatitis, or cirrhosis.", "- Stool is usually some shade of brown and can be influenced by what you eat. Stool that is light-colored (either pale, white, gray or clay colored) is not considered normal if it occurs frequently. Bile salts give stool its characteristic brown color.", "Dark Green Stool Stool color is a great way to judge a person’s inner health. A dark green stool may seem alarming, but in most cases is nothing to worry about. A healthy stool is usually a yellowish brown color. This can change depending on what a person is ingesting. The stool itself is made up of 75% water and 25% is the actual food and bacteria our body processes.", "Facts about Dark Brown Bowel Movements Brown is the usual color of bowel movement however; the dark brown color is usually the result of whatever you may have consumed. For example, drinking wine can give your bowel movement a dark brown. Or else, eating too many things could make your bowels dark brown and bulky.", "Black Stool 10 Common Digestive Disorders. Black stools can be a symptom of a serious condition, such as esophageal varices or peptic ulcer. Seek prompt medical care if you have unusually dark stools or any change in the color or texture of your stool. If your stools are black and tarry in texture, bloody, or if you have major rectal bleeding, seek immediate medical care (call 911) .", "- Normal stools can vary in shades of brown, mostly due to diet. Pale or clay-colored stools are not normal. If your stools are pale or clay-colored, you may have a problem with the drainage of your biliary system, which is comprised of your gallbladder, liver, and pancreas.Bile salts are released into your stools by your liver, giving the stools a brown color.our doctor will ask you questions to find out how often you have pale or clay-colored stools, other symptoms you may have, and to find out what medications you are taking. Your doctor may also perform tests to help diagnose the cause of your pale or clay-colored stools. Possible tests include: 1 blood tests.", "- Brown. Brown is the normal color of poop. There is a pigment called bilirubin that is formed when the red blood cells in the liver and bone marrow break down. This ends up (by a complicated process) in the intestines where bacteria begins to form and eat which turns the poop brown.rown. Brown is the normal color of poop. There is a pigment called bilirubin that is formed when the red blood cells in the liver and bone marrow break down. This ends up (by a complicated process) in the intestines where bacteria begins to form and eat which turns the poop brown.", "Stool Color, Changes in Color, Texture, and Form Changes in stool color alone do not cause symptoms. The underlying cause of the change in stool color, texture, or form is responsible for any symptoms. Bowel movements are usually light to dark brown in color, and there is moderate variation among individuals with respect to stool color, quantity and form.", "Poop: Whatâs Normal & Whatâs NOT Finally, poop that is grayish or yellow in color is normally a sign that mucus is making its way into your stool. This shows that likely there is a problem with the liver or gallbaldder, since the liver is responsible for producing bile that gives stool a grayish/yellow tint.", "Top 20 Doctor insights on: Grainy Stool Several possibilitie: Stool can be dark from iron pills pepto bismol (bismuth subsalicylate) or foods like spinach. Black tarry stools may indicate bleeding from the stomach area and should be checked right away. ...Read more." ]
how many sentences in a paragraph apa
[ "Citation Help for APA, 6th Edition: Formatting Your Paper Page Numbers - Page numbers should be located in upper right corner, unless specified differently from your instructor. Paragraph Indentation - Paragraphs should be indented 5-7spaces or 1/2 inch. Atomic Learning - Many short tutorials on all aspects of APA from how to create a title page to compiling your references. You will have to log in with your network username and password (same as for Blackboard and CSS email)." ]
[ "- Remember that a paragraph is three to five sentences that develop a single, clear idea. A good paragraph often begins with a topic sentence that sums up your main idea. Paragraph One -- The introduction. Here you state the main idea of your entire essay -- the point you are trying to make or prove.", "A Better Way to Apply Spar Urethane? I would say at least 3-5 paragraphs and up depending on how much was assigned or how much you feel you need to write. I am currently writing an… essay about the 1935 Labor Day hurricane that hit the Florida Keys, and our teacher assigned us a page and a half, for which I am writing 3-4, 6 sentence paragraphs.", "Quoting according to the APA rules Quote of fewer than 40 words. Quote of 40 words or more. Punctuation after quotations. Other rules when quoting. Spelling errors in a quote. Removing or shortening text in a quote. Adding text to a quote. Emphasizing words in a quote.", "How many sentences should be in a paragraph for an essay? So, in summary, a paragraph should be an absolute minimum of 4 sentences. In our English Comp classes the minimum is 3 sentences per paragraph. A good paragraph is about 4-5 sentences, with about 5-7 word sentences. extra then possibly no, uncertain what grade your in or how properly you generally do... yet im quite solid at essays (lowest this 365 days is 89/one hundred) yet extra then possibly thats no longer sufficient on your reader....", "Writing tips for word lovers A long row of sentences all 25 words long can be as dull as a collection of short sentences can be, unless you’re writing for 8-year-olds. So here’s the rule: your sentences should usually be about from 20 to 30 words long. If your style is breezy, 15 words would be good.", "\"\"\"Sample Of Concept Paper\"\" Essays and Research Papers\" SAMPLE APA PAPER FOR STUDENTS 2. Abstract. You may not have to include an abstract with your paper; if in doubt, ask your instructor. The. abstract is a single paragraph in block format (without paragraph indentation) and should be. between 150 and 250 words. Be sure to understand the difference between the abstract (a.", "- You can try the following steps at home to relieve the pain caused by your ingrown toenail and help the nail to grow out naturally: 1 Soak your sore toe in warm water for 15 minutes 2 to 3 times each day. 2 Wedge a small piece of wet cotton, such as part of a cotton ball, under the corner of your ingrown nail.", "How many paragraphs does an essay have? As others have said, there is no upper limit on the number of paragraphs in an essay, but there is a definite lower limit. To do any topic justice in an essay format, you would have to write at least four or five paragraphs. Anything less than that would be far too inadequate to be called an “essay.”.", "What is a Paragraph? Definition, Examples of Paragraphs Paragraphs need to be long enough to express any given idea (long enough to thoroughly explain the topic sentence). Research papers may call for paragraphs ten sentences or longer. The overall topic of the writing and content will determine the length of a paragraph. Unfortunately, there is no single number of sentences to a good paragraph.", "Words per paragraph When a GMAT Q asks about average, it's usually helpful to think in terms of total. In this case, for average words per paragraph (wpp) to be exactly 120, the total words in all 25 paragraphs must be 25*120 = 3,000 words.", "Five-paragraph essay The five-paragraph essay is a format of essay having five paragraphs: one introductory paragraph, three body paragraphs with support and development, and one concluding paragraph. Because of this structure, it is also known as a hamburger essay, one three one, or a three-tier essay.", "- Here again, when full sentences are used, the first words should be capitalized and appropriate end punctuation should be included. (Note that although we single-space examples in the blog, you should double-space lists in an APA Style manuscript just as you would regular text.) Bulleted Lists Within Sentences. In the example above, I used full sentences. But, you can also use bulleted lists within a sentence.", "MSAC â FlowRider Cost: An introductory session includes 10 rides, some safety information and a demonstration. It is $25 on top of your entry to MSAC (child entry fee to MSAC is $5.25 and adult is $7.40).ccasionally the lifeguards would hop onto one of the FlowBoards and show us how it was done. And when we were done on the FlowRider (just under 90 minutes later) we headed inside to play on the water slide, in the pools and the wave pool. The FlowRider is just one of the great things for families at MSAC.", "How many sentences should be in a paragraph and why? But they were wrong. A paragraph, according to Merriam-Webster is “a subdivision of a written composition that consists of one or more sentences, deals with one point or gives the words of one speaker, and begins on a new, usually indented line.” That’s right — a paragraph can (and often does) contain just one sentence.", "How Many Sentences in a Paragraph? And TFP’s, right at the top, that uses a 1-sentence paragraph to propose that every paragraph needs 2-3 sentences. A paragraph should have as many words and sentences as it takes to express its concept or idea. No more, no less.", "- What is touted as the biggest benefit to nuclear energy? A. No greenhouse gas emissions B. Easily accessible to people throughout the world C. Prices controlled by an international commission D. Few health risks associated with nuclear energy The environmental benefits of nuclear energy can be seen clearly in France. A. True B. False", "How Many Paragraphs Are Typical for a 250-Word Essay? How do you write a five-paragraph essay? In addition to including a range of between three and six paragraphs, a 250-word essay has standard paragraphs of approximately three sentences. Extending an individual paragraph beyond three sentences tends to make it inappropriately meandering and oftentimes confusing.", "What is the number of spaces between words and sentences apa format? While typing in APA format people should remember that the spacing should be double space. In APA style paper there should be two spaces after each period.", "- I ran across your article when researching how “many” sentences are needed to make a paragraph. While in a BSN program, I kept getting marked down for “only” have two or three sentences in a paragraph. This happened two or three times in a 15-page paper.", "Who Invented the Video Camera? The complete history of the video camera is contained within only the last century or so, but as with many forms of modern technology, no one person is solely credited as having invented the video camera.", "- In 5th Grade, You should be learning about paragraphs and have done a couple Essays. When I do an essay, it usually is about 10 to 12 sentences long, but I'm a 7th Grader. I … would recommend about 4 to 8 sentences to count as a full paragraph. think a paragraph is 4 sentences long. There is really no set number of sentences in a given paragraph. The minimum should be 3 if one wnats to incorporate a topic sentence, … a body sentence and a conclusion. 4 people found this useful.", "- As noted above, a paragraph needs to develop an idea or new aspect of an argument, and it is impossible to do this in just a sentence or two. It is usually recommended, therefore, that in typical student writing a paragraph should be a minimum of five or six sentences.", "EasyBib Guide to Citing and Writing in APA Format If a quote runs on for more than 40 words: 1 Start the direct quotation on a new line. 2 Indent the text roughly half an inch from the left margin. 3 If there are multiple paragraphs in the quotation, indent them an extra half inch. Remove any quotation 1 marks. Double-space the text. Add the parenthetical citation after the final sentence.", "Quoting according to the APA rules Table of contents. 1 Quote of fewer than 40 words. 2 Quote of 40 words or more. 3 Punctuation after quotations. Other rules when 1 quoting. Spelling errors in a quote. Removing or shortening text in a 1 quote. Adding text to a 2 quote. Emphasizing words in a 3 quote. Citing quotations in the text according to the APA Style.", "On Paragraphs Aim for three to five or more sentences per paragraph. Include on each page about two handwritten or three typed paragraphs. Make your paragraphs proportional to your paper. Since paragraphs do less work in short papers, have short paragraphs for short papers and longer paragraphs for longer papers." ]
what county in elmhurst, il
[ "Elmhurst, IL Profile: Facts, Map & Data The primary coordinate point for Elmhurst is located at latitude 41.897 and longitude -87.9437 in DuPage County. The formal boundaries for the City of Elmhurst (see map below) encompass a land area of 10.26 sq. miles and a water area of 0.06 sq. miles. DuPage County is in the Central time zone (GMT -6)." ]
[ "Randhurst Village Randhurst Village. Randhurst Village, previously known as Randhurst Mall and Randhurst Center or simply Randhurst, is a shopping mall located at the corner of Rand Road (U.S. Route 12) and Elmhurst Road (Illinois Route 83) in Mount Prospect, Illinois. The mall took its name from combining the names of these two roads.", "- Quest Diagnostics-Elmhurst PSC specimen collection laboratory is located in the wonderful city of Elmhurst, in the state of IL. It can be found at 533 W North Ave LL Suite 50, Elmhurst, IL 60126.", "Welcome to Aurora Township! Aurora Township is one of 16 townships in Kane County, IL, and one of 1433 townships in the State of Illinois. All townships are mandated by state law to provide three basic services funded by local property tax dollars. These services are: Welcome to Aurora Township! Aurora Township is one of 16 townships in Kane County, IL, and one of 1433 townships in the State of Illinois. All townships are mandated by state law to provide three basic services funded by local property tax dollars. These services are: General Assistance.", "Batavia, Illinois It converted to a district library in June 1975. The library serves most of Batavia Township, Kane County, Illinois and portions of Winfield Township, DuPage County, Illinois, Geneva Township, Kane County, Illinois, and Blackberry Township, Kane County, Illinois. Its current facility opened in January 2002.", "- How To Make TAKIS ZOMBIE - Duration: 6:27. Cooking with Julie Steindel 1,033,172 views", "Carle Place NY Real Estate & Homes for Sale Elmhurst NY Real Estate & Homes for Sale. The median home value in Elmhurst, NY is $430,000. This is lower than the county median home value of $438,300. The national median home value is $177,414. The average price of homes sold in Elmhurst, NY is $430,000. Approximately 36.52% of Elmhurst homes are owned, compared to 54.03% rented, while 7.97% are vacant. Elmhurst real estate listings include condos, townhomes, and single family homes for sale. Commercial properties are also available.", "- ESPN Cricinfo. 1 Results. 2 No Live Matches at the moment. 3 Australia v West Indies at Kingston on Jun 11-14, 2015. Australia won by 277 runs. No Live Matches at the 1 moment. Australia v West Indies at Kingston on Jun 11-14, 2015. Australia won by 277 runs. West Indies v Australia at Roseau on Jun 3-5, 2015. Australia won by 9 wickets.", "- Maywood, IL. Cook County, 11 miles W of the Loop. A planned community from the outset, Maywood lies on the west bank of the Des Plaines River, stretching from Roosevelt Road on the south to just beyond Augusta Street on the north.", "Bolingbrook District Court WWW Link. http://www.bolingbrook.com. About the area. Bolingbrook Village is located in DuPage township, another puzzle piece of Will County's territories; which was considered as a new suburb in the Windy City back in the middle years of the 20th century.", "Sheridan Reserve Center Sheridan Reserve Center. The Philip H. Sheridan Reserve Center is the former Fort Sheridan now in Lake Forest, Highwood, and Highland Park in Lake County, Illinois, United States. It was originally established as a United States Army Post named after Civil War Cavalry General Philip Sheridan, to honor his services to Chicago.", "- About Village of Elmwood, Cass County, NE Public Record Searches. Search the Village of Elmwood, public records using best found research sources online. This Village zip code is 68349 with a total population of 634. Look up recorded information of Elmwood, including demographics and local economy.", "Willowbrook, DuPage County, Illinois Willowbrook, DuPage County, Illinois. This article is about village in DuPage County. For the unincorporated area, see Willowbrook, Will County, Illinois. For the school in Villa Park, Illinois, see Willowbrook High School. Willowbrook is a village in DuPage County, Illinois, United States. The population was 8,967 at the 2000 census.", "Willowbrook, Will County, Illinois Willowbrook, Will County, Illinois. For the village in DuPage County, see Willowbrook, DuPage County, Illinois. Willowbrook is an unincorporated census-designated place in Will County, Illinois, United States. The population was 2,076 at the 2010 census. Geography.", "Elmhurst, IL Profile: Facts, Map & Data The City of Elmhurst had a population of 44,823 as of July 1, 2015. Elmhurst ranks in the upper quartile for Population Density and Diversity Index when compared to the other cities, towns and Census Designated Places (CDPs) in Illinois. See peer rankings below.", "Elmhurst, IL The community changed its name to Elmhurst in 1869. Elmhurst was incorporated as a village in 1882, with a population of 1,050, and legal boundaries of St. Charles Road to North Avenue, and one half mile west and one quarter mile east of York Street. Elmhurst Memorial Hospital was founded in 1926 as the first hospital in DuPage County.", "Elmira, New York Elmira /ˌɛlˈmaɪrə/ is a city in Chemung County, New York, US. It is the principal city of the Elmira, New York Metropolitan Statistical Area, which encompasses Chemung County, New York. The population was 29,200 at the 2010 census. It is the county seat of Chemung County.", "ZIP Codes for City of Elmwood Park, IL Elmwood Park, IL Other Information. 1 Located in COOK County, Illinois. 2 Elmwood Park, IL is also known as: 3 CHICAGO, IL.", "Welcome to Wheatland Township Welcome to Wheatland Township. Wheatland Township is located in Will County Illinois which encompasses portions of Naperville, Aurora, Plainfield, and Bolingbrook. As of the 2010 census it has a population of 81,472 which has grown from 1,098 since 1880.", "Elmwood Elmwood, located on a hill in the southwest part of the county, was founded in 1868 when a post office was established near a grove of Elm trees. McCaig's cabin was actually on Stove Creek several miles north of the present town. Later he moved to a store about a mile to the east, where mail arrived by horse and buggy.", "Bolingbrook Bolingbrook is a large village in Will and DuPage Counties in the U.S. state of Illinois. As of the 2010 US Census, the population is 73,366. It is the 17th largest incorporated place in Illinois. Bolingbrook is located at 41°41′55″N 88°5′19″W / 41.69861°N 88.08861°W / 41.69861; -88.08861 (41.698613, -88.088668). According to the United States Census Bureau, the village has a total of 4,823 African Americans.", "- Coal Hollow Road, Fairview, IL 61432 - Fulton County 75 acre fulton county This turn key 75 acre Fulton County tract offers most everything a recreational land owner could possibly want.", "- City of Elmhurst Events. Stormwater Improvement Project Open House: Harrison St Detention Basin On Thursday, August 18th, from 4 pm to 7 pm at City Hall (209 N York Street), the City will host a public open house for the Harrison Street Detention Basin Stormwater Improvement Project to provide information to the Public.", "- Elmhurst Hospital is a general medical and surgical hospital in Elmhurst, IL. It performed nearly at the level of nationally ranked U.S. News Best Hospitals in 4 adult specialties. Elmhurst Hospital has 259 beds. The hospital had 13,677 admissions in the latest year for which data are available. It performed 3,370 annual inpatient and 5,456 outpatient surgeries.", "- Village of Tinley Park, Illinois Cook County Will County. Sales Tax Rate - Recap General Food/Drug General Food/Drug. Effective 1 July 2014. State of Illinois 5.00% 5.00%. County 0.25% 0.25%. Local Government 1.00% 1.00% 1.00% 1.00%.", "- City of Elmwood Park, IL - COOK County Illinois ZIP Codes. Detailed information on every zip code in Elmwood Park Home | Products | Learn About ZIP Codes | Find a Post Office | Search | Contact | FAQs" ]
how long does it take after interview to know if citizenship is granted
[ "What Happens After Filing N-400, Application for Naturalization Based on all the information you have given them, USCIS will either grant, continue, or deny your naturalization application after your interview. Granted. Sometimes USCIS can tell you if you will be granted citizenship at the end of your interview. In some cases, you may be able to attend an oath ceremony the same day as your interview (where available). Otherwise, you will receive a notice telling you when and where your oath ceremony will be. Continued." ]
[ "5 Common Reasons Form N-400 Denied If you fail one or both of the tests, USCIS will reschedule you to come back for another interview, usually within 60-90 days of the first interview. At that time, you will be tested again. If you fail the test(s) a second time, USCIS will deny your application.", "How long does the citizenship interview take after fingerprints? How long does the citizenship interview take after fingerprints?I already got fingerprints done last week(3/19).Can I leave US for one month? I am planning to book a flight to leave on 4/21Just need to make sure interview letter will not come in while I am not in the country.Thank you.", "You Had Your Interview at USCIS, But Didnât Get a Decision Now What? USCIS says that attorneys must wait six months after the interview before inquiring about it. However, the applicant can (and should) make an appointment through InfoPass if there’s not a decision within three months. Sometimes the more you ask, the quicker your case will be adjudicated.", "How to Cook Beans In a Crock Pot Soak beans in a three-to-one ratio of water to beans [source: What's Cooking America ]. There are two basic ways to cook beans in your crock pot, one with a quick soak and one with a long soak. For the quick-soak method: 1 Boil 6 cups of water and one teaspoon salt. 2 Add one pound of beans.", "How long does it take to become a U.S. citizen after filing my application for naturalization? Once your application for naturalization is filed, the approval time to become a US citizen varies by person and location. The short answer is that it can take anywhere from 5 to 8 months between application and interview. If you live in an area with heavy immigrant populations, it is not unusual to wait 2 years or more to become a US citizen. The USCIS (US Citizenship and Immigration Services or Immigration Services) claims to be working on reducing the processing time for naturalization to approximately 6 months.", "How Long Does It Take to Get US Citizenship After Application? Naturalization is never an overnight process. It requires complicated paperwork, long wait times, and intensive interview. To be honest, the overall approval process can last several months or years. While there is no guaranteed time frame for naturalization, there is a range that seems to apply in most cases.", "What Happens After Filing N-400, Application for Naturalization Naturalization Interview (4-6 months after filing). At the interview, a USCIS officer will typically go through the entire N-400 application to confirm that the answers previously provided are still correct. In fact, your ability to understand these questions and answers is part of your English comprehension test.", "GC.KeepAlive Method (Object) Console.WriteLine(Finished!); // Call GC.KeepAlive(hr) at this point to maintain a reference to hr. // This will prevent the garbage collector from collecting the // object during the execution of the SetConsoleCtrlHandler method.", "What Does the NVC Send You After They Send the 60 Day Letter? Does the NVC Need 60 Days Each Time You Submit Additional Documents? Within 30 to 90 days after that letter sent, depending upon the consulate, you should receive a letter from the NVC indicating the date on which your interview has been set. Most interviews occur within 30 days of the date on which this letter is written.", "After Your Citizenship Test/Interview After Your Citizenship Test/Interview. provide you with the reasons in writing for any decision to refuse an application, including how to apply for a review of the decision. advise us of changes in your residential address or other contact details by completing and lodging Form 929 - Change of address and/or passport details (260KB PDF).", "How long does it takes for the Naturalization Process? You will find the entire naturalization process is outlined below. Please keep in mind that depending on where and when you choose to file your application, the period of time between filling out the application and the interview to become a U.S. citizen can vary from 5 months to more than 2 years!he total processing time should take around 6 months from the time you submit your application with all required documents and your interview, and becoming a citizen, if their are no delays on your case. Hope this helps some. Good luck on wanting to become a U.S. Citizen.", "- Request for cancellation of insurance policy. Your full name. Street address. City State. ZIP code. Phone number. I have obtained a policy with another company and am sending you this written notice to request. cancellation of my current insurance policy. My information is listed below.", "Multiple citizenship However, you need not wait for five years if you had got your Green Card based on marriage to a US citizen and you can apply for US citizenship, after three years from the date of becoming a Green Card holder and you may file your US citizenship application, Form N-400, three months before the eligibility date.f you are a US citizen’s spouse and if you had obtained your Green Card based on marriage, you just need to wait for three years to apply for US citizenship and not for five years.", "Thread: How long can I expect to wait for Oath Ceremony letter ? Delays in Naturalization oath ceremonies vary by locality, but urban areas like to wait until there are a lot of participants, then have a large public ceremony. Ranges of time are from the same day to up to 3 months. I had my interview on October 30th. The interviewer said that he will recommend my application for approval. At the end he told me, somewhat under his breath, that I can expect a response in 30-90 days.", "After I apply for citizenship, how long will it be before I write the citizenship test? The time between submitting your application and writing the citizenship test can be different for everyone. It depends on your case and on our processing times. We will mail you a notice letting you know the time and location of your test. This is your official confirmation that you will be taking the citizenship test.", "pad thai Definition of pad thai for English Language Learners. : a Thai dish of rice noodles that are stir-fried with other ingredients (such as seafood, chicken, egg, or bean sprouts) See words that rhyme with pad thai.", "USCIS Process Depending on where and when you choose to file your application, the period of time between sending in the completed application and the interview to become a U.S. Citizen can vary from five months to more than two years.epending on where and when you choose to file your application, the period of time between sending in the completed application and the interview to become a U.S. Citizen can vary from five months to more than two years.", "My Journey to U.S. Citizenship â Step 4: Interview The time finally arrived. On September 18, I took my citizenship tests at the San Diego office. I got to the USCIS office a little before 8am and my appointment was 8:15. There was a table at the font entrance and a big sign asking people to put their appointment letters in a box (except infopass notices). A worker later collected the letters and brought them inside. The waiting room was about 10% full.", "What Happens After Filing N-400, Application for Naturalization After filing Form N-400, Application for Naturalization, the entire naturalization process can take anywhere from 5-8 months. This is an approximation. It may be shorter for some and longer for others.", "- If you happen to fail the test, you will be required to attend an interview of 15-30 minutes with a citizenship judge. The judge evaluates whether you have the necessary knowledge and language abilities to become a Canadian citizen. If you do not pass the interview, you can appeal to the Federal Court or start from the beginning and apply to take the test again.", "- Naturalization Interview and Test Tips June 15, 2013 Judith Simms If you have submitted your citizenship application and have finally received your interview notice after a 6-7 month wait, then you are probably excited and nervous about what to expect. I’m going to focus on what the interview process will be like, the types of questions that USCIS will ask during a citizenship interview, and generally things that you should do to prepare if English is not your native language.", "How Long Does the US Citizenship Process Take? Assuming that you already are a permanent resident and have established residency in the United States for the required amount of time, the actual US citizenship application process can take between six months to year, or even more. To begin the citizenship process, you will need to file USCIS form N-400. Processing of this form can take a little as six months or more than a year. Any mistakes on your form can delay the process considerably, so it is important to fill out the application for citizenship (N-400) as accurately and as fully as possible.", "Form I-140 1 Once NVC (or the Embassy/Consulate in some cases) receives all required documents, NVC (or the Embassy/Consulate in case of standard review posts or DCF cases) will schedule an interview within 60 to 90 days, if the priority date is current.", "How long does it take to become a U.S. citizen after filing my application for naturalization? Once your application for naturalization is filed, the approval time to become a US citizen varies by person and location. The short answer is that it can take anywhere from 5 to 8 months between application and interview. If you live in an area with heavy immigrant populations, it is not unusual to wait 2 years or more to become a US citizen. The USCIS (US Citizenship and Immigration Services or Immigration Services) claims to be working on reducing the processing time for naturalization to approximately 6 months. However, that goal has not yet been reached. The waiting time between the filing of the application for naturalization and the interview can seem especially long.", "How long does it take to wait for interview of U.S citizen naturalization after sending N-400 form? Answer Wiki. Quora User, Naturalized US citizen after 18 years, follows immigration issues. My naturalization application, by marriage, took 7 1/2 months from the point of filing to the point of interview and approval including biometics in the middle. Your mileage may vary." ]
how do nursing homes get paid
[ "How to Pay for Nursing Home Care How to Pay for Nursing Home Care. The cost of nursing home care in the U.S is oftentimes prohibitive and can range widely, from around $5,000 per month up to a whopping $25,000 per month. How much a nursing home charges depends on its geographic location, staffing levels, any specialty care offered and the facility's size and quality. A facility with a special wing for Alzheimer's and dementia residents, for example, may charge more for that special care." ]
[ "Programs for Nursing Home Administrator Degrees The average pay for medical and health service managers who work in nursing care facilities was $83,340 in 2013, or slightly more than $40 per hour, according to the BLS.", "- For example the median expected annual pay for a typical Nursing Director - Nursing Home in the United States is $99,524, so 50% of the people who perform the job of Nursing Director - Nursing Home in the United States are expected to make less than $99,524. Percentile.", "Steroids Effects on Internal Organs & Muscles However, the more common effects of steroid use on the liver are assumed under the general heading of steroid hepatotoxicity (Forbes, Bramston & Collins, 1993). All this term means is that certain anabolic-androgenic substances are toxic to liver cells, and this can result in a wide range of liver problems.his shrinkage often occurs following long-term steroid use, although it is reversible in most cases. With regard to sperm production, the long-term use of steroids can cause a condition called azoospermia. The sperm count declines, and those that are made become inactive and/or deformed.", "What is Treason? Treason in the Constitution. The U.S. Constitution also defines treason. In fact, defying the United States with an act of severe sedition by a traitor is the only crime spelled out in the document.", "Using Aid and Attendance to Pay for a Nursing Home The most VA will pay to offset the cost of a nursing home is $2,120 a month for a couple, $1,788 a month for a single veteran or $1,149 a month for the single surviving spouse of a veteran.", "Nursing Home Care- Who Pays? Medicare pays for skilled nursing home care. This is not the same as long-term nursing home care. To be eligible for skilled care, the Medicare beneficiary must meet several conditions, including an in-patient stay in a hospital for at least three consecutive days for a related illness prior to being admitted into a Medicare-approved skilled nursing facility. Medicare pays for the first 20 days of approved stays in a skilled facility, but coverage is limited beyond 20 days. Individuals who receive long-term care in a nursing home not covered by Medicare must pay the entire cost themselves whether it is from their Social Security check, pension, or savings.", "The Average Cost of a Nursing Home Nursing Homes. Nursing homes charge a daily rate, which includes room and board as well as care services such as nursing and housekeeping. As of 2012, semi-private rooms cost an average of $222 a day or more than $81,000 a year, according to a survey from MetLife cited by U.S. News & World Report.", "- It is the amount the applicant must contribute to the cost of care, a/k/a the co-pay. Basically, this is the amount that the State will not pay the nursing home, so the nursing home will look to the resident's income to make up the difference. Suppose the nursing home and the State have agreed that the nursing home will get $7,000 for every month care is provided to a resident receiving Medicaid. If the resident's applied income is $1,000, the State pays $6,000 and the resident is supposed to pay $1,000. $7,000?! you say. Well, yes -- the rate set by the State is usually much less than the private rate. You can see why the nursing home is upset if the $1,000 is not received.", "When Will Medicaid Pay for a Nursing Home or Assisted Living? Many people enter a nursing home or assisted living facility as a “private pay” patient, paying for their care out of their own pocket, and then apply for Medicaid when they have spent down their savings to the point that they meet Medicaid’s eligibility guidelines.edicaid Need Not Be Accepted. Not all nursing homes, assisted living facilities, and other services accept Medicaid payments. A nursing home or assisted living facility can tell you whether they accept Medicaid patients.", "Paying for a Nursing Home Options to Help Cover Nursing Home Costs According to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid, almost 40 percent will seek nursing home care in their lives. Long-term care costs are putting a great deal of strain and stress on the elderly and their family members to pay for nursing home care.edicare is a federal government program that pays for hospital and medical insurance for people over 65 years of age and older, and to certain ill or disabled persons. It also pays for 100 days of care in a skilled nursing home facility per benefits period.", "- On average, wages for paid in-home workers are just $8.50 an hour$1.50 less than the wages paid to a certified nursing assistant in a nursing home. Paid in-home workers rarely have access to health insurance and are not entitled to federal earned income tax credits.n average, wages for paid in-home workers are just $8.50 an hour$1.50 less than the wages paid to a certified nursing assistant in a nursing home. Paid in-home workers rarely have access to health insurance and are not entitled to federal earned income tax credits.", "Nursing Homes: Cost and Coverage Although the average cost is more than $50,000 a year and climbing, it can vary widely depending on where you live. Employee health insurance does not pay for nursing home care. About a third of nursing home residents pay all of their nursing home costs from their own funds.", "The Highest Paying Job at a Nursing Home Chief executives of nursing homes made the most, at $139,530 per year. Other high-paying management jobs include computer and information systems managers ($117,640), general and operations managers ($97,060), financial managers ($94,420) and medical managers ($82,240).", "How to Pay for Nursing Home Costs U.S. News's Best Nursing Homes indicates which nursing homes in each state accept Medicare. Medicaid. If an individual lacks enough savings to cover the cost of a nursing home—or if the cost of a protracted stay exhausts their assets—they can become eligible for assistance from Medicaid. To qualify for Medicaid, applicants must have minimal assets—no more than $2,000 in cash and cash equivalents such as bonds and IRAs.", "- For example the median expected annual pay for a typical Nursing Home Administrator in the United States is $106,636, so 50% of the people who perform the job of Nursing Home Administrator in the United States are expected to make less than $106,636. Source: HR Reported data as of March 31, 2017.", "Medicaid May Pay for Nursing Home Care (Title 19) If you are in a nursing home, and your spouse is not still living at home, you will have to use all your income to pay the bill there before Medicaid will pay. You cannot use any of your money to pay for your house (taxes, insurance, etc.).OUR HOME IS EXEMPT This means that for Medicaid purposes your house (up to $500,000 in equity) is not counted as an asset when you apply for Medicaid. Therefore you can keep your home and still have Medicaid pay for your nursing home costs.", "How can I pay for nursing home care? You can use your personal money and savings to pay for nursing home care. Some insurance companies let you use your life insurance policy to pay for long-term care.", "- The cost of nursing homes can range widely, from $3,000 per month up to $10,000 per month and more. How much a nursing home charges depends on geographic location, staffing levels, any specialty care offered, and size and quality of the physical facility.", "How Much Do PCAs Get Paid an Hour at Nursing Homes? Comparison With National Statistics. Nationally, the average hourly pay for PCAs, regardless of employer, was $10.01, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics report for May 2012. The lowest-paid 10 percent earned no more than $7.85, and the best-paid 10 percent earned at least $13.26. Nursing home wages were slightly above these rates.", "Medicaid and Nursing Homes Medicaid Facts as they Relate to Nursing Homes Help from your state (Medicaid). If you qualify for Medicaid, you may be able to get help to pay for nursing home care costs. Not all nursing homes accept Medicaid payment. Check with the nursing home to see if it accepts people with Medicaid, and if it has a Medicaid bed available.o apply for Medicaid, call your Medicaid office. They can tell you if you qualify for the Medicaid nursing home benefit or other programs, such as the Programs of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE), or home and community-based waiver programs. Get more information on Medicaid.", "Can Medicaid Take Mom's House to Pay the Nursing Home? I frequently get asked the the question, Can Medicaid take your house to pay the nursing home?. As a general rule, a person's home is exempt and is not counted when he or she applies for Medicaid, so long as the equity value is under $552,000.", "What Is the Average Salary of a Scheduler in a Nursing Home? Average annual salaries for nursing home schedulers varied the most within the South, according to Simply Hired, where they earned the lowest salaries in Mississippi and the highest in Washington, D.C., at $18,000 and $36,000, respectively.", "Medicare and Nursing Homes Medicare Covered Nursing Homes If you meet all these conditions, Medicare will pay for some of your costs for up to 100 days. For the first 20 days, Medicare pays 100 percent of your costs.For days 21 through 100, you pay your own expenses up to $140.00 per day (as of 2013), and Medicare pays any balance. You pay 100 percent of costs for each day you stay in a skilled nursing facility after day 100.f you meet all these conditions, Medicare will pay for some of your costs for up to 100 days. For the first 20 days, Medicare pays 100 percent of your costs.", "Office of Public and Intergovernmental Affairs VA also pays a special $90 monthly rate to pension-eligible Veterans or surviving spouses with no dependents who receive Medicaid- covered nursing home care. These funds are available for the beneficiary’s personal use and may not be used to offset the cost of his or her care.", "How can I pay for nursing home care? There are many ways you can pay for nursing home care. Most people who enter nursing homes begin by paying for their care out-of-pocket. As you use your resources (like bank accounts and stocks) over a period of time, you may eventually become eligible for Medicaid.enerally, giving away your assets can result in no payment for your nursing home care, sometimes for months or even years. Note. Federal law protects spouses of nursing home residents from losing all of their income and assets to pay for nursing home care for their spouse." ]
what causes water heater to overheat
[ "- Coolant Leaks Cause Engine Overheating. Loss of coolant in the cooling system due to leaks in the radiator, heater hoses, water pump, heater core or engine freeze plugs will reduce the coolant levels and result in rapid overheating. A flashlight and a keen eye will help isolate the leak." ]
[ "What Causes a Hot Water Heater to Leak? What are common problems with water heater thermostats? One of the most common causes of a water heater leak is a loose drain valve, which causes water to slowly leak out of the tank. A quick fix for this problem is to tighten the valve using a wrench.", "- A short circuit on the printed circuit board for the washer fluid heater may overheat. the control-circuit ground wire. This may cause other electrical malfunctions, create an odor, or cause smoke. In rare cases, it may cause a fire.", "Other Common Water Heater Repairs Cause 3Gas Valve and Thermostat Assembly. The gas valve opens to allow gas to enter the burner. If the gas valve does not open, the burner will not light, and the water heater will not heat. First, ensure that the ignition source is working properly. Second, ensure that the gas valve has pressure. If the ignition source is working, and the gas valve has pressure, consider replacing the gas valve and thermostat.", "If my water heater breaks of old age, can it flood my basement? When the water heater breaks / leaks whatever the pressure tank is going to loose pressure telling the pump to come on and the pump will run continually as it can not build pressure to shut it off.", "When Do I Need To Replace My Water Heater? 1 You may see water buildup in your water heater, or leaking from the water heater. 2 This is a definite sign that something is wrong, and you should turn off the water heater power to the unit and call in a professional.", "Water Temperature and Water Bills When you experience a rapid loss of hot water, the problem is probably the dip tube. This tube is really a pipe that is is attached to the cold water inlet pipe (inside the water heater) and transports the cold water through the hot water to the bottom of the water heater where the burner can heat it up.", "How to Fix An Overheating Water Heater Control Thermostat. If your hot water appears to be getting too hot, you probably have a defective thermostat. The temperature of your hot water is regulated by this adjustable thermostat which normally has a range between 90 and 150 degrees Fahrenheit. On most residential electric hot water heaters there will be both an upper and lower thermostat and they should be adjusted to the same temperature.", "Diagnosis of overheating in a V8 Petrol Land Rover 1 A Rover may overheat in hot weather if the fan shroud is missing or damaged. 2 A clogged catalytic converter will cause substantial heat buildup under the hood and can lead to overheating and serious loss of power.", "- A Temperature and Pressure (T & P) relief valve is the primary back-up safety devic e that prevents water in a pressurized hot water heater from overheating. A T & P relief valve is a two-in-one safety device, which responds both to excessive temperature and to excessive pressure in a water heater. Temperature and Pressure (T & P) relief valve is the primary back-up safety devic e that prevents water in a pressurized hot water heater from overheating. A T & P relief valve is a two-in-one safety device, which responds both to excessive temperature and to excessive pressure in a water heater.", "When Itâs Time for a Water Heater Replacement Conventional water heaters are simple. Cold water enters the tank and is heated by an electric element or gas burner. A thermostat regulates the temperature, usually 120 to 140 degrees. As the water heats, pressure builds inside the tank. When you turn on a tap, pressure sends hot water out the faucet.", "Donât Let Your Water Heater Get You in Hot Water An IBHS study found that 69 percent of all water heater failures result from a leak or a full-on burst. A water heater stores many gallons of hot water and rusts over time. The pressure inside the tank, combined with a weakened structure due to rust, could cause a leak, and the tank could actually burst.", "What Are the Causes of Surging Water Pressure in a House? Unusually low or surging water pressure may be a sign of a problem in your plumbing system. The washing machine may trigger a surge in the water pressure. Your hot water heater is one possible reason for a sudden surge in water pressure. After it has been used, a valve opens and allows the tank to fill up again. While the tank is filling, the water pressure may briefly drop, and then surge back up to full pressure afterward.", "- Heater Failure due to lime or calcium buildup. – After installation, refill the coolant system. Check manufacturer’s instruction on mixture of antifreeze. Do not use more than 60%. antifreezes. Use of non-distilled water could result in lime or calcium buildup on elements and. cause premature burn out of heater. Depending upon the amount of lime or calcium in the. water, this can occur in as little as a few days. 4. Heater element touching engine cavity wall. – When installing your new heater, make sure to.", "Water Heater Frequently Asked Questions* Age is one factor, when a water heater is over 10 years old you may want to consider replacement. If the water heater is leaking or you get only one hot shower these are two other signs of failure. Other indicators are slow recovery, noisy operation, calcium buildup, or no hot water. You can call one of PSE&G’s water heater experts at 1-800-240-3609 to help you.", "Steve Litt's Overheating Guide If there's no leak, an overheat is caused by a problem with coolant level, coolant circulation, or heat transfer. Fill the coolant level. If the problem recurs within a month, it was something other than low level. Circulation problems are caused by clogged radiators, bad water pumps, non-functioning thermostats.", "Causes of an Overheated Dryer Clogged ducts also can cause the dryer to overheat. Check the ductwork and make sure it is not kinked or impeded. Replace plastic, vinyl, foil or non-metallic corrugated ducting with rigid solid metal duct or semi-rigid metal corrugated ductwork.", "- When a thermostat sticks closed the engine will overheat. Overheating causes cylinder heads to expand greatly. This has the effect of crushing the cylinder head gasket and can crack the head[s]. Pistons also expand and gall the cylinder walls. Overheating, even for a short while can severely damage the engine.", "- 1. Inspect the water heater if your low water pressure only affects your hot water. In this case the water heater shut off valve is the most common source of this problem. 1 Verify the shut-off valve is completely open. 2 For safety, each water heater includes a shut-off valve to use in case of emergencies.", "- Check Water Heater's Plumbing. The problem could also be coming from an overhead or nearby plumbing connection. If you can locate the leak try and tighten the pipe fitting until it is snug.A leaky water heater could also be caused by a leak of the temperature pressure relief valve, or T and P valve.", "Why does your gas hot water heater pilot keep going out? Confidence votes 2.8K. 1 This is usually caused by a bad thermocouple. The thermocouple looks like a thick, solid copper wire screwed into the gas valve on the water heater. 2 Another cause of the problem could be a lack of air to the combustion chamber.", "Water Is Coming Out of the Tube on the Side of My Water Heater or My Water Heater Pressure Relief Valve Is Releasing Water The name is Temperature Pressure Relief Valve (TPR valve). This safety valve releases water (and thus relieves pressure) if either the temperature or pressure in the tank gets too high. These valves are very important.ay Be High Tank Pressure The other reason for the TPR valve to run water is high pressure in the water heater tank. This is usually caused by one of two things -- high main water pressure (water district or well) or a back flow prevention/check valve.", "What Causes an Element to Stop Working in a Water Heater? Only electric hot water heaters use elements to warm water. Gas-fired models, on the other hand, have a burner at the base of the water heater. Elements install on the side of the tank and come into direct contact with the water. Several issues can arise that cause the element to fail.", "Water Heater Condensation and How to Deal with It (updated 2018) Problems and how to solve water heater condensation. Excessive water heater condensation is not normal, but it may be noticed during the winter and in early spring, when the outside temperatures are the lowest. This is what can cause the pilot light outage, premature corrosion of the burner area and the tank itself.", "The Temperature Pressure Relief Valve Photo: A thermostatically controlled gas valve. The two contributing factors that cause water heaters to explode are excessive water temperature and a failing in the tank itself. The failing or weakness could be in the design or could be caused by a defect from extensive corrosion or just normal wear. Experts note that as long as the water temperature within the tank remains under 212°F, excessive pressure alone will not cause a water heater to explode. Water under excessive pressure will exploit a weakness within the tank and cause it to leak.Water will drip, spray or gush from the tank, but the violent burst we would call an explosion will not occur.", "What Overheating Can Do to an Engine Low Coolant or Antifreeze. A low coolant level is probably one of the most common causes of overheating. Also known as antifreeze, coolant is necessary to keep the car engine functioning within normal temperatures. The problem has a simple solution: refill the coolant and avoid neglecting the levels in the future." ]
how many sizes do aviator sunglasses come in
[ "Ray-Ban Aviator classic -- 3 sizes? Basically, there are 3 types of Ray-Ban Aviator classics: 1) RB 3025 - Aviator Large Metal 2) RB 3044 - Aviator Small Metal 3) RB 3026 - Aviator Large Metal II The 3025 is the original tear-drop shaped lenses. This model has about 30 or so variations including polarized lenses. There are 3 sizes, 55-14-135 mm, 58-14-135 mm and 62-14-135 mm." ]
[ "How to find out my shoelace size? On the label of the shoe laces it will say For 4 eyelets, For 6 eyelets, etc. Shoe laces are sized by the total number of eyelets, not just how many are on one side; they go by pairs. This will give you an idea, from Wiki: Shoelace lengths. 2 pairs of holes - 45cm (18in) 3 pairs of holes - 45/60cm (18/24in) 4 pairs of holes - 60cm (24in) 5 pairs of holes - 75cm (30in)", "- After you’ve filled the bag, you press the top down and the brackets close, returning the bag to its original size. The Baseline collection features various bag sizes, including a 7.7-inch by 14-inch by 21-inch Expandable Upright Carry On for $469.", "- Typical costs: 1 Prescription sunglasses vary in price from $20 to more than $700, depending upon the frames and type of lens used in the frame. 2 Basic lenses, with simple plastic or metal frames, can be purchased online or through an eye boutique.", "- 2. Use the shape of your face to help you pick your sunglasses shape. The following face shape matched to sunglasses style is recommended: 1 Oval face: The oval type usually has the perfect face shape, and can wear any style of glasses. 2 Avoid frames that are either too thick or too thin.f you want your sunglasses to protect you from these risks, look for pairs that block at least 99% of UVB rays and at least 95% of UVA rays.", "2004 Lincoln Aviator Replacement Light Bulb Sizes 2004 Lincoln Aviator Replacement Light Bulb Sizes. When you need to replace the headlight, turning signal or parking light bulb on your 2004 Lincoln Aviator, finding out what the replacement size you need can be a time consuming task.f you would like to help the Modified Life community by adding any missing information or adding a new light bulb size information to our resource, please feel free to contact us or post it at the bottom of this page. 2004 Lincoln Aviator Replacement Light Bulb Sizes. Low Beam Headlight Bulb Size: H11.", "- For those new to aluminum sunglasses currently we recommend 3 brands: Liquid Eyewear, Outlaw Eyewear and Gatorz. There are other brands around such as Icicles however our experience has been of poor quality control and horrible customer service so I would steer clear for now. Gatorz sunglasses are the original aircraft aluminum based brand. You'll find their shades right across the military (SEAL, Marines etc) to sports stars to Hollywood in Universal's epic war film Lone Survivor. Liquid Eyewear are unique in that their frames have a hingeless arm design plus they offer a great selection of lenses and add on accessories.", "Sunglasses An alternative is to use the corrective glasses with a secondary lenses such as oversize sunglasses that fit over the regular glasses, clip-on lens that are placed in front of the glasses, and flip-up glasses which feature a dark lens that can be flipped up when not in use (see below).", "- Measurements Width: 5.75in / 14.5cm Height: 2.25in / 5.5cm Lens Width: 55mm Bridge: 23mm A manufacturer's warranty for this item can be requested from Customer Service. Bold Prada sunglasses with chunky hexagonal frames and a polished bridge. Adjustable silicone nose pads.", "\"1-16 of 29 results for \"\"gatorz eyewear\"\"\" Gatorz Magnum Sunglasses, Metal Aluminum Frame, Military Tactical Style, Made in USA - Blackout Sunglasses Polarized Smoked Lens by Gatorz $180.00 $ 180 00 Prime", "Ray-Ban Wayfarer This article is about Ray-Ban Wayfarer sunglasses. For other uses, see Wayfarer (disambiguation). Classic 1980s Ray-Ban Wayfarer sunglasses (picture shows model B&L5022, another one named B&L5024 is also available, which is 2 mm wider at the nose bridge but identical otherwise)", "Mens Eyeglasses Showing 35 out of 886 items found Mens Eyeglasses Showing 1-35 out of 409 items found. You'll find every style option, in nearly every material available, whether you need multifocal lenses or a simple pair of single vision mens eyeglasses. The trendy man of today can choose from designer glasses, titanium or flex metal frames - all with just a click.", "- FREE shipping within the USA on all orders of sunglasses, eyeglasses, lenses, and goggles over $50. Worldwide shipping is available with special rates to customers in Australia, Canada, and the United Kingdom.", "How to Size your Sunglasses If you know the total width of the sunglasses (including lenses, end pieces and bridge), you can in general, subtract 6 mm from the total and compare it to the width you calculated earlier. If it’s within 2 mm of your face size, they should be a good fit for you.", "- Glasses from dozens of popular brands are available, and you can narrow your options by searching for regular glasses or sunglasses by type, colors, style and price. A price slider goes from zero to $400+. You can compare up to four frames at a time in a single view, and tap on one of those views for a closer look.But these aren't stationary images. You can swipe to move the 3D rendering of your head from side to side to see how the glasses look from each perspective.n the Lennon-style glasses ($100 on up), which frankly didn't look good on me, you change the power of the lenses by first rolling the dial at each edge of the frame all the way forward. You then cover your right eye, look at an object, and turn the left dial backwards until the object comes into focus.", "What makes a pair of Oakley, Ray-Ban, or police shades so expensive? Luxotica controls 80% of the sunglasses market and all of their sunglasses are made either in Italy or China. They partner with Oakley, own Ray-Ban and a lot of other name brands. You are paying for the brand name and the frame style - nothing else. Look for some great Made in the USA sunglasses like AO Original Pilot Sunglasses or Randolph Sunglasses.", "Why these sunglasses cost $150 Would you pay $150 for a pair of sunglasses? Designer sunglasses can easily cost well into the thousands. One popular and iconic pair -- the Ray-Ban Original Wayfarer Classic -- comes with a price tag of $155. The brand's been copied relentlessly, with knockoffs available for as little as a few dollars.", "Carry-on a smidge too big Then I checked the tag for measurements and found that instead of the standard 9x14x22 I had expected, this case is 9½x 14x22. Because of the prominent “carry-on” symbol, it did not cross my mind to check the fine print. I phoned Eagle Creek to express my belief that their tag is misleading.", "- Old School Eazy E.LOCS Hardcore Sunglasses Black Dark Lens OG style. 1 Product Dimensions: 5 x 1.5 x 0.9 inches. 2 Shipping Weight: 0.6 ounces (View shipping rates and policies) 3 ASIN: B00GNWOXW0. Date first available at Amazon.com: November 14, 2013.", "- I have a pair of sunglasses that weigh 2 ounces. I want to to have them fabricated to be 122 times their current size. How much would the volume/weight increase? I am not very good at math and have a whole room full of people that can't give me a real answer.", "- Ellis is a classic wayfarer that's versatile and looks great on everyone. Made from TR-90, a lightweight, durable and flexible material known for retaining its shape. Handcrafted in Italy. Case included. Enchroma Ellis. Color blindness glasses for adults. Frame size: Medium 54-18-145. Fits most a", "- Definition of aviator - a pilot., denoting a style of sunglasses having a thin wire frame and large lenses Definition of aviator - a pilot., denoting a style of sunglasses having a thin wire frame and large lenses", "SIZE GUIDE How do I find the frame size of my Ray-Ban sunglasses and eyeglasses? This guide explains how to choose the right sunglasses or eyeglasses size by either the measure of the lens or by looking at your current shades.* *This guide is efficient for Ray-Ban Aviator sizes, Ray-Ban Wayfarer sizes, Ray-Ban Clubmaster sizes and all Ray-Ban models.", "- Ordered three pairs, progressives, computer glasses (less correction), and prescription sunglasses (full strength). Got the progressives in less than five days, the computer glasses three days after that and the sunglasses two days after that. Ordered on a Tuesday.", "- AirTran specifies a 55-inch carry-on; Alaska Airlines regulates 24 inches by 17 inches by 10 inches; American Airlines specifies 45 inches; America West and Continental are 51 inches; British Airways regulates 22 inches by 16 inches by 8 inches; and Spirit is 22 inches by 14 inches by 10 inches. References.", "- Most commonly, you’ll be able to find the Reissue bags in the following sizes, though smaller and jumbo variations have been made throughout the years: 1 Small – 9.75″ x 7.06″ x 2.16″. 2 Medium – 11″ x 8″ x 2.5″. 3 Large – 12.25″ x 9.18″ x 2.5″." ]
weather in st petersburg russia in august
[ "- Average Weather in August in Saint Petersburg Russia. In Saint Petersburg, the month of August is characterized by falling daily high temperatures, with daily highs decreasing by 8°F, from 72°F to 65°F over the course of the month, and rarely exceeding 82°F or dropping below 56°F." ]
[ "How is the Weather in New York in August? Well, August is summertime in the city with warm temperatures and lots to do and see. Early August normally sees daytime high temperatures in the low to mid 80s f (27-29C) with about 3-5 days this month reaching or exceeding 90f (32C).", "The Best Time to Visit Helsinki, Finland for Weather, Safety, & Tourism If you're looking for the very warmest time to visit Helsinki, the hottest months are July, August, and then June. See average monthly temperatures below. The warmest time of year is generally late July where highs are regularly around 74.7°F (23.7°C) with temperatures rarely dropping below 60.4°F (15.8°C) at night.", "- Winters (November to March) in St Petersburg are cold and snowy, with temperatures often below freezing. The River Neva usually freezes from November to April, while there are also around 123 days of snow cover.Spring (April to May) sees some warmer Saint Petersburg weather, but snow showers can linger on at this time.he average high too drops below freezing level, as in November, the hottest month of winter, experiences -2°C of average high. February is the coldest month of the year when temperature in St Petersburg drops to -10°C. December and January get extremely poor level of sunshine, not more than 20 hours per month.", "Stavanger: Annual Weather Averages Stavanger: Annual Weather Averages. July is the hottest month in Stavanger with an average temperature of 15°C (59°F) and the coldest is January at 1°C (34°F) with the most daily sunshine hours at 8 in June. The wettest month is October with an average of 110mm of rain. The best month to swim in the sea is in August when the average sea temperature is 16°C (61°F).", "Average Weather in August in Saint-Julien-en-Genevois France Average Weather in August in Banff Canada. In Banff, the month of August is characterized by falling daily high temperatures, with daily highs decreasing by 6°F, from 72°F to 66°F over the course of the month, and rarely exceeding 81°F or dropping below 55°F. The highest daily average high temperature is 72°F on August 4.", "Hamburg Weather, When to Go and Climate Information By the time July and August arrive in Hamburg, daytime temperatures average 21°C / 70°F and do climb to more than 25°C / 77°F. However, whilst temperatures rise at this time of the year, so do the levels of rainfall, although even the heaviest showers and wettest weather rarely spoils the day for long.", "Weather in Anchorage in August 2018 Weather in Alaska in August. The average maximum daytime temperature in Alaska in August is a comfortable 17°C (63°F). There are usually 7 hours of bright sunshine each day, which represents 41% of the 16 hours of daylight. The average sea temperature in and around Alaska in August is 14°C (57°F). Expect 64mm (2.5 inches) of rainfall across the whole of August with 14 days with some rain falling. Maximum UV levels will be moderate (4 UV index) at midday when the skies are clear.", "Moscow Weather and When to Go The coldest months in Moscow are January and February with an average temperature of +16 degrees F (-9C). Cold waves can bring brutal -35 degrees F. The first snow falls about the end of October and remains until the beginning of April. In summer an average temperature is about 65 degrees F (18C), although much warmer temperatures in July and August, with daytime highs near 90 degrees F (30C) are not unheard of. The rainiest months are July and August, although these months can often be quite dry and pleasant.", "Weather in Clearwater in August 2018 Weather in Clearwater in August. The average maximum daytime temperature in Clearwater in August is a hot 32°C (90°F) with very high heat & humidity. There are usually 8 hours of bright sunshine each day, which represents 62% of the 13 hours of daylight. The average sea temperature in and around Clearwater in August is 30°C (86°F). Expect 199mm (7.8 inches) of rainfall across the whole of August with 17 days with some rain falling. Maximum UV levels will be extreme (11 UV index) at midday when the skies are clear.", "- The hottest temperatures at St. Petersburg are usually in the 90s Fahrenheit. Only once a decade on average does the thermometer rise into the 100s (over 38 °C). The 90-degree weather often begins to show up in May and can last until October. Well over half of summer days have highs in the 90s.", "Climate The US average is 37. Snowfall is 0 inches. The average US city gets 25 inches of snow per year. The number of days with any measurable precipitation is 97. On average, there are 248 sunny days per year in St. Petersburg, Florida.The July high is around 90 degrees.The January low is 54.nowfall is 0 inches. The average US city gets 25 inches of snow per year. The number of days with any measurable precipitation is 97. On average, there are 248 sunny days per year in St. Petersburg, Florida. The July high is around 90 degrees. The January low is 54.", "Moscow and St. Petersburg weather in May/June/July Re: Moscow and St. Petersburg weather in May/June/July May 16, 2009, 2:23 PM In May, the weather will be generally warm, but still cooler than June/July, especially in the evenings.", "- Historic Temperatures for 18th August in Moscow. Moscow features a humid continental climate with long, cold winters and warm, humid summers. The typical weather of Moscow can be easily categorised into two major seasons: the hot and the cold.", "- Saint Petersburg experiences a humid continental climate of the cool summer subtype (Koeppen: Köppen), dfb due to the distinct moderating influence of The Baltic sea. cyclones", "- Saint Petersburg | Russia | Saint Petersburg Time mode: 24 hours or 12 hours (AM/PM)", "Weather in St Petersburg in August 2018 11°C sea temperature; Going to St Petersburg? Find the best month to visit St Petersburg based on the weather. Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec. Expect 20°C daytime maximum temperatures in the shade with on average 7 hours of sunshine per day in St Petersburg in August.", "- Budva: Weather Forecast. The warmest day over the next 7 days in Budva is forecast to be 20th August at 31°C (87°F) and the warmest night on 20th August at 18°C (64°F). The average temperature over the next 7 days is forecast to be 30°C (86°F) and there will be 7 days of sunshine . The average for August is 0°C (0°F) in Budva. The warmest day over the next 25 days in Budva is forecast to be 20th August at 31°C (87°F) and the warmest night on 31st August at 24°C (75°F). The average temperature over the next 25 days is forecast to be 30°C (86°F) and there will be 24 days of sunshine . The average for August is 0°C (0°F) in Budva. The warmest day over the next 14 days in Budva is forecast to be 20th August at 31°C (87°F) and the warmest night on 31st August at 24°C (75°F). The average temperature over the next 14 days is forecast to be 30°C (86°F) and there will be 13 days of sunshine .", "Autumn in St Petersburg Russia Find Out Why You Should Come, What to do, and What to Pack! If you don't want to feel like you are following the crowd and also want to economize your travel to Russia, Autumn in St Petersburg can be a good time to enjoy the city's world famous attractions, see the famous Russian ballet and try a romantic Russian cruise on the Neva River in peace.", "Population of Swisher, IA Population of Swisher, IA Last official estimated population of Swisher city (Johnson County**, Iowa state) was 932 (year 2014) [1]. This was 0% of total US population and 0.03% of total Iowa state population.", "Average Weather in August in Saint-Julien-en-Genevois France Average Weather in August in Innsbruck Austria. In Innsbruck, the month of August is characterized by falling daily high temperatures, with daily highs decreasing by 5°F, from 75°F to 70°F over the course of the month, and rarely exceeding 85°F or dropping below 59°F. The highest daily average high temperature is 75°F on August 4.", "Average Weather in Helsinki Finland Based on this score, the best time of year to visit Helsinki for hot-weather activities is from mid July to early August, with a peak score in the third week of July.", "The Working Environment for German Warship design in WWI and WWII The design work was more and more fragmented, with two or more groups working on the same problem. So they had design parties led by technically inexperienced front-line officers, young ambitious designers without onboard-experience and finally design-questions ripped from the overall context.", "Saint Petersburg Climate & Temperature 1 Saint Petersburg, Russia is at 5958'N, 3018'E, 6 m (20 ft). See map. Saint Petersburg has a humid continental climate with severe winters, no dry season, warm summers and strong seasonality (Kppen-Geiger classification: Dfb).", "Events and Weather for Scandinavia in August Weather in August in Scandinavia. In August, Scandinavia has warm, pleasant weather. Average daily temperatures this month easily reach 70 - 74 degrees Fahrenheit in Denmark, Sweden, and Norway. Meanwhile, Iceland averages close to 60 degrees.", "Average Weather in August in Saint Petersburg Russia The earliest sunrise of the month in Saint Petersburg is 4:39 AM on August 1 and the latest sunrise is 1 hour, 12 minutes later at 5:51 AM on August 31. The latest sunset is 9:28 PM on August 1 and the earliest sunset is 1 hour, 24 minutes earlier at 8:04 PM on August 31." ]
can williams syndrome be detected
[ "Diagnosing Williams Syndrome Williams syndrome is the result of a deletion of the 7q11.23 region of chromosome #7 containing the elastin gene and is believed to be a contiguous gene syndrome. Diagnosis of Williams syndrome is confirmed by dual colour FISH using a specific probe and a control probe." ]
[ "Liver Failure Stages In the first stage of cirrhosis, there are usually no symptoms, and liver functioning isn't measurably impaired. The disease shows up in blood tests only. The second stage of cirrhosis involves the formation of scar tissue into fibrous masses. This syndrome is called fibrosis and it can exist as a liver disease in itself, without a diagnosis of cirrhosis. In the second stage, liver functioning begins to be impaired to the point of producing some symptoms, such as jaundice, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, and swelling of different parts of the body.", "- The diagnosis of Alport Syndrome is performed using some or all of these methods: 1 Medical history and physical examination (urinalysis, blood testing). 2 Detailed family history and possibly urinalyses on first-and second-degree relatives. 3 Hearing and vision evaluation and testing. 4 Renal (kidney) ultrasound. 5 Kidney biopsy analysis. 6 Skin biopsy 7 .... Gn most cases, genetic testing can confirm a diagnosis of Alport Syndrome. Genetic testing is the only way to diagnose a female with no symptoms but with a family history of X-linked Alport Syndrome.", "Lesch-nyhan syndrome If a male child is found to have a HPRT1 gene mutation for Lesch-Nyhan Syndrome, is his mother then always found to be a carrier? Is there more than one test for Lesch-Nyhan Syndrome? If there is a family history of Lesch-Nyhan Syndrome but a HPRT1 gene mutation cannot be identified, is testing during the pregnancy still available?", "- While Rett Syndrome remains a clinical diagnosis based on the child’s symptoms and history, the identification of MECP2 has made DNA testing and confirmation possible for affected individuals and their families. To date, approximately 95% of girls with a clinical diagnosis of Rett have a confirmed MECP2 mutation.", "- Viral rhinitis-the signs and symptoms of an infection, as may be observed in a cold or flu, help a doctor diagnose viral rhinitis. Vasomotor rhinitis-as this type of rhinitis has similar symptoms to allergic rhinitis, diagnosis is not so easy. There is no single test that can diagnose vasomotor rhinitis.", "Learning About Down Syndrome When Down syndrome is suspected in a person, a genetic test called a chromosome analysis is performed on a blood or skin sample to look for an extra chromosome 21 (trisomy 21). Trisomy 21 means that each cell in the body has three copies of chromosome 21 instead of the usual two copies.", "Diopsys® NOVA Vision Testing System Diopsys® NOVA Vision Testing System. Gulfcoast Eye Center’s New Vision Test HELPS DOCTORS Detect vision disorders including Glaucoma. Device also Helps Track Disease Progression. Gulfcoast Eye Center announces the addition of the Diopsys ® NOVA Vision Testing System to the practice. The new vision testing system provides information to help eye care professionals detect vision deficits, including glaucoma, macular degeneration and other neuro-visual disorders.", "Unix Socket - Network Addresses Unix Socket - Network Addresses. Before we proceed with the actual stuff, let us discuss a bit about the Network Addresses − the IP Address. The IP host address, or more commonly just IP address, is used to identify hosts connected to the Internet. IP stands for Internet Protocol and refers to the Internet Layer of the overall network architecture of the Internet. An IP address is a 32-bit quantity interpreted as 48-bit numbers or octets.", "H-reflex to S1-root stimulation improves utility for diagnosing S1 radiculopathy The H-reflex on stimulation of the tibial nerve in the popliteal fossa is routinely used in the diagnosis of first sacral (S1) nerve-root radiculopathy.The H-reflex latency, however, is considered to lack sensitivity since a small change from the focal root pathology can be diluted in a relatively long reflex latency.n 1918, Hoffmann originally described the H-reflex occurring in calf muscles of humans on stimulation of the tibial nerve in the popliteal fossa. Hugon described a standardised technique for soleus H-reflex testing (Hugon, 1973).", "What is Turner syndrome? Turner syndrome may be suspected by your doctor if a girl has some of the above features. The diagnosis can be confirmed by a test called a karyotype. This involves a sample being taken either from the amniotic fluid around a baby in the womb (uterus), or from a blood sample in children.", "CHARGE Syndrome There is no laboratory test that can diagnose CHARGE Syndrome. Usually the diagnosis is made because of the presence of a number of these typically unrelated anomalies. Because of this, the diagnosis is usually made by a team of specialists, based on the specific combination of features seen in the child.hese features vary greatly from one child to another. For this reason, a diagnosis of CHARGE Syndrome may be a long time coming. The cause of CHARGE is not known. It is not known to be related to illness, exposure to drugs or alcohol during pregnancy, and typically it does not occur to more than one person in a family.", "How Down Syndrome Is Diagnosed An ultrasound, also know as a sonogram, is a test done during pregnancy which uses sound waves to generate a picture or image of the fetus. Occasionally, but not always, infants with Down syndrome show subtle signs on an ultrasound that can make your doctor suspect that the fetus has Down syndrome.", "Know About Nicotine Saliva Test Saliva nicotine test is very much used because it is most inexpensive and is a non-invasive method of detection. So it can be used at any places. Nicotine and cotinine can be detected for 7 to 10 days after tobacco use.Any means of adulteration of results cannot be done by the person. This is because the sample is taken directly from the mouth.aliva nicotine test is very much used because it is most inexpensive and is a non-invasive method of detection. So it can be used at any places. Nicotine and cotinine can be detected for 7 to 10 days after tobacco use. Any means of adulteration of results cannot be done by the person.", "Kallmann syndrome This feature distinguishes Kallmann syndrome from most other forms of hypogonadotropic hypogonadism, which do not affect the sense of smell. Many people with Kallmann syndrome are not aware that they are unable to detect odors until the impairment is discovered through testing. Kallmann syndrome can have a wide variety of additional signs and symptoms. These include a failure of one kidney to develop (unilateral renal agenesis), abnormalities of bones in the fingers or toes, a cleft lip with or without an opening in the roof of the mouth (a cleft palate), abnormal eye movements, hearing loss, and abnormalities of tooth development.", "NIPT for Down syndrome This allows very accurate prediction of pregnancies where the fetus is likely to have Down syndrome. Cell-free fetal DNA (cffDNA) comes from the placenta. It is first detectable from about 4-5 weeks’ gestation and reaches the required level needed to test for Down syndrome by 10 weeks’ gestation in most pregnancies.", "What is Williams Syndrome? Most children with Williams syndrome have a slightly lower birth-weight than their brothers or sisters. Slow weight gain, especially during the first several years of life, is also a common problem and many children are diagnosed as failure to thrive.", "How Down Syndrome Is Diagnosed Maternal Serum Screening Tests in Diagnosing Down Syndrome. A blood test (done on mom) often called the quadruple screen can be done between the 15th and the 20th week of pregnancy. The quadruple screen looks at four substances in the mother's bloodstream:", "- When Hunter syndrome affects the brain, which is about 75% of the time, symptoms usually show up between 18 months and 4 years of age. They start about 2 years later when the disease is milder. Hunter syndrome usually affects how the boy looks: Large, round cheeks; Broad nose; Thick lips and a large tongue; Bushy eyebrows; Large head; Slowed growth", "Overview It is in these patients that a diagnosis of CRS may be made without additional imaging. Additionally, Ferguson et al in their 2012 study found that the sensitivity of nasal endoscopy was 24% and the specificity was 100%, with the finding of mucopurulence only present in those patients with positive CRS on CT.", "Diopsys® NOVA Vision Testing System Diopsys® NOVA Vision Testing System. Gulfcoast Eye Center announces the addition of the Diopsys® NOVA Vision Testing System to the practice. The new vision testing system provides information to help eye care professionals detect vision deficits, including glaucoma, macular degeneration and other neuro-visual disorders.", "What does a karyotype show us? What type of genetic disorders could we detect with a karyotype? Any variation from the normal chromosome number and arrangement can have implications for a person's fertility and the risk for having a baby with birth defects. The following chromosomal conditions can be detected by karyotype analysis: Down syndrome (an extra 21 chromosome) Turner syndrome (females with only one X chromosome) Klinefelter syndrome (males with two X chromosomes and a Y chromosome) Other sex chromosome conditions, such as XXX or XYY Any other aneuploidy, which is an extra or missing single ...", "Screening for Down's syndrome Specialists analyse the levels of pregnancy hormones in your blood to determine your risk. NIPT involves a single blood test, and can be done from 10 weeks. Your blood is analysed for fragments of your baby's DNA to find out your risk of having a baby with Down's syndrome. It's more than 99 per cent accurate at detecting Down's syndrome (Ariosa Diagnostics nd, BGI Diagnosis nd).", "- Dr. Ledoux: As any family member of a person with Down syndrome knows, there are characteristic features about the eyes. This includes upward slanting of the eyelids, prominent folds of skin between the eye and the nose, and small white spots present on the iris (the colored part of the eye) called Brushfield’s spots. These spots are harmless, and can be seen in people without Down syndrome as well.", "Jennifer Lawrence Getting Back Together With Nicholas Hoult? Actor Ended Romance With Kristen Stewart For âMockingjayâ Star: Report Actress Jennifer Lawrence at the premiere of The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 1 in Los Angeles, Nov. 17, 2014. Photo: Reuters. It appears Jennifer Lawrence's failed romance with Coldplay frontman Chris Martin has her ex-boyfriend holding out hope they can rekindle their own flame.", "- Pink or Blue ® can detect the baby’s DNA as early as 7 weeks into a pregnancy which is approximately 9 weeks from your last menstrual period. Pink or Blue ® have developed a process to determine the baby’s sex based on analysis of the fetal DNA in the mother's bloodstream." ]
what does the name alitza mean
[ "Alitza Meaning The name Alitza is of Hebrew origin. The meaning of Alitza is joyous. Alitza is generally used as a girl's name. It consists of 6 letters and 3 syllables and is pronounced A-lit-za." ]
[ "Latoya Spanish Meaning: The name Latoya is a Spanish baby name. In Spanish the meaning of the name Latoya is: Victorious one. Derived from Victoria. Singer LaToya Jackson. American Meaning: The name Latoya is an American baby name.In American the meaning of the name Latoya is: Victorious one. Derived from Victoria.Singer LaToya Jackson.he name Latoya is a Spanish baby name. In Spanish the meaning of the name Latoya is: Victorious one. Derived from Victoria. Singer LaToya Jackson. American Meaning: The name Latoya is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Latoya is: Victorious one. Derived from Victoria. Singer LaToya Jackson.", "- Is the very meaning for someone who is of mocha colored skin, a beautiful woman, with a fantastic attitude along with their amazing sense of humor. When you think of the name Aja, pronounced Asia or Azha, exoticness comes to mind.ja. Is the very meaning for someone who is of mocha colored skin, a beautiful woman, with a fantastic attitude along with their amazing sense of humor. When you think of the name Aja, pronounced Asia or Azha, exoticness comes to mind. Anyone with the name Aja, will be remembered by all.", "- Note to the writer: I disagree with the meaning you have chosen for the name Eliza. It derives from Elizabeth. Aliza (beginning with an A) probably has the meaning you suggest, but I maintain Eliza is a different name from Aliza.Means joyful in Hebrew.Basque equivalent of French Alice.ebrew word for 'joy, joyful'. Note to the writer: I disagree with the meaning you have chosen for the name Eliza. It derives from Elizabeth. Aliza (beginning with an A) probably has the meaning you suggest, but I maintain Eliza is a different name from Aliza. Means joyful in Hebrew.", "- Israeli Meaning: The name Alia is an Israeli baby name. In Israeli the meaning of the name Alia is: Immigrant to a new home. German Meaning: The name Alia is a German baby name.In German the meaning of the name Alia is: An Old German name meaning 'all'. SoulUrge Number: 11. Expression Number: 5. People with this name have a deep inner desire to inspire others in a higher cause, and to share their own strongly held views on spiritual matters.sraeli Meaning: The name Alia is an Israeli baby name. In Israeli the meaning of the name Alia is: Immigrant to a new home. German Meaning: The name Alia is a German baby name.", "Tamir The name Ali is an Arabic baby name. In Arabic the meaning of the name Ali is: Elevated. SoulUrge Number: 1. Expression Number: 4. People with this name have a deep inner desire to use their abilities in leadership, and to have personal independence.he name Ali is an Arabic baby name. In Arabic the meaning of the name Ali is: Elevated. SoulUrge Number: 1. Expression Number: 4. People with this name have a deep inner desire to use their abilities in leadership, and to have personal independence.", "- Baby names meanings search results: The name Malika is a baby girl name. The name Malika comes from the Arabic origin. In Arabic the meaning of the name Malika is: A queen. Name Information.", "Katherine Latin Meaning: The name Katherine is a Latin baby name. In Latin the meaning of the name Katherine is: Pure, clear. Form of the Latin 'Katharina', from the Greek 'Aikaterina'. It was borne by a number of saints, including St Catherine of Alexandria, a 4th century martyr who suffered torture on a spiked wheel.Greek Meaning: The name Katherine is a Greek baby name.orm of the Latin 'Katharina', from the Greek 'Aikaterina'. It was borne by a number of saints, including St Catherine of Alexandria, a 4th century martyr who suffered torture on a spiked wheel. Greek Meaning: The name Katherine is a Greek baby name.", "Alitza The name Rebecca is of Hebrew origin, and it means Snare .It's a name commonly given to girls.he name Rebecca is of Hebrew origin, and it means Snare .", "- The meaning of Malika has more than one different etymologies. It has same or different meanings in other countries and languages. The different meanings of the name Malika are: 1 Arabic meaning: Queen.2 Swahili meaning: Queen.3 Indian meaning: Flower. 4 Hungarian meaning: Nickname for Amalia.t has same or different meanings in other countries and languages. The different meanings of the name Malika are: 1 Arabic meaning: Queen. 2 Swahili meaning: Queen. 3 Indian meaning: Flower. 4 Hungarian meaning: Nickname for Amalia.", "Aliza Hebrew Meaning: The name Aliza is a Hebrew baby name. In Hebrew the meaning of the name Aliza is: Joy. Joyful.American Meaning: The name Aliza is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Aliza is: Joy. Joyful.ebrew Meaning: The name Aliza is a Hebrew baby name. In Hebrew the meaning of the name Aliza is: Joy. Joyful.", "What does Alina mean? Alina /ali-na/ [3 sylls.] as a girls' name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Alina is sun ray. Slavic variant of Helen. Also variant of Aline, nickname of Adelina, or may derive from Arabic for noble, illustrious. In Scotland, the name has been used as a feminine form of Alistair. Kreatif forms: Alila.", "Ayla (name) Ay means moon in Turkish, so that Ayla means the halo around the moon.. Ayla also means with the moon as a word (ay + la where la is used for ile which means with in Turkish).However in the context of given names, its meaning is halo, and can be related to names Aylin (also deriving from ay), Tuelin, tülin Or. aylanuryla can also be seen as a variant of Hebrew name Eilah which means oak tree.. Ayla is sometimes falsely identified as a variant of feminine Arabic name Aaliyah meaning sublime or large. Aaliyah is actually the female form of Aali and is an unrelated name.", "- The name Aliyah is a Muslim baby name. In Muslim the meaning of the name Aliyah is: Exalted. Highest social standing. American Meaning: The name Aliyah is an American baby name.In American the meaning of the name Aliyah is: Exalted. Highest social standing. Israeli Meaning: The name Aliyah is an Israeli baby name. In Israeli the meaning of the name Aliyah is: Immigrant to a new home.uslim Meaning: The name Aliyah is a Muslim baby name. In Muslim the meaning of the name Aliyah is: Exalted. Highest social standing. American Meaning: The name Aliyah is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Aliyah is: Exalted. Highest social standing.", "- Russian Meaning: The name Tanya is a Russian baby name. In Russian the meaning of the name Tanya is: Name in honour of an early Christian martyr. American Meaning: The name Tanya is an American baby name.", "Alia Meaning of Alia. Alia is a Quranic name for girls that means “high”, “exalted”, “sublime”, “lofty”. It is directly mentioned twice in the Quran: 19. As for him who is given his book in his right hand, he will say, “Here, take my book and read it.20. I knew I would be held accountable.” 21.lia is a Quranic name for girls that means “high”, “exalted”, “sublime”, “lofty”. It is directly mentioned twice in the Quran: 19. As for him who is given his book in his right hand, he will say, “Here, take my book and read it. 20.", "Tanya Russian Meaning: The name Tanya is a Russian baby name. In Russian the meaning of the name Tanya is: Name in honour of an early Christian martyr.American Meaning: The name Tanya is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Tanya is: Name in honour of an early Christian martyr.n Russian the meaning of the name Tanya is: Name in honour of an early Christian martyr. American Meaning: The name Tanya is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Tanya is: Name in honour of an early Christian martyr.", "- Xia /xia/ [2 sylls.] as a name for girls is of Greek derivation, and the meaning of the name Xia is guest, stranger. Xia is a version of Xenia (Greek).Compare surname Xie. Kreatif forms: Xiaxe, Xiaxy, Xyxia.ia /xia/ [2 sylls.] as a name for girls is of Greek derivation, and the meaning of the name Xia is guest, stranger. Xia is a version of Xenia (Greek). Compare surname Xie. Kreatif forms: Xiaxe, Xiaxy, Xyxia.", "Aliyah Muslim Meaning: The name Aliyah is a Muslim baby name. In Muslim the meaning of the name Aliyah is: Exalted. Highest social standing. American Meaning: The name Aliyah is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Aliyah is: Exalted. Highest social standing.", "Find the perfect name with our expert baby name toolsâFree! Meanings and history of the name Alita: | Edit. Diminutive of the Spanish name Adelita which is from Adela (Old German) and Alida (Latin). Combined meaning of the name Alita is: Noble; Small winged one.. Short form of Adela/Adelita. Variant of Alida.lita (Ah-lee-tah) is a common name is Spain. Derived from the latin elite meaning special. A variation of the name is is Elita (EE-lee-tah) or (El-lee-tah).", "Alia Alia and Alya (علياء) are Arabic female names that mean “divinely, heavenly”. It shares the same root as the masculine ‘Ali (عالي) meaning “sublime” (from the same place we get Aaliyah or Aliyya). Of all the possible ways to transcribe this Arabic female name into English, Alia is the easiest to spell.lia and Alya (علياء) are Arabic female names that mean “divinely, heavenly”. It shares the same root as the masculine ‘Ali (عالي) meaning “sublime” (from the same place we get Aaliyah or Aliyya). Of all the possible ways to transcribe this Arabic female name into English, Alia is the easiest to spell.", "Ayla (name) Ayla is a common feminine given name in Turkish. In that language, it means halo of light around the moon . Less commonly, it is also a name in other languages.yla is a common feminine given name in Turkish. In that language, it means halo of light around the moon . Less commonly, it is also a name in other languages.", "Find the perfect name with our expert baby name toolsâFree! Share what you know! Meanings and history of the name Ali: | Edit. It's Arabic origin and means noble, sublime, elevated, exalted. Diminutive of ALISON, ALEXANDRA or other names beginning with the same sound.", "Alina In German the meaning of the name Alina is: from the Old German 'athal' meaning noble. Gaelic Meaning: The name Alina is a Gaelic baby name. In Gaelic the meaning of the name Alina is: Bright.", "- Ayla is a common feminine given name in Turkish. In that language, it means halo of light around the moon . Less commonly, it is also a name in other languages.yla also means with the moon as a word (ay + la where la is used for ile which means with in Turkish). However in the context of given names, its meaning is halo, and can be related to names Aylin (also deriving from ay), Tuelin, tülin Or. aylanur", "Ayla (name) Ayla also means with the moon as a word (ay + la where la is used for ile which means with in Turkish). However in the context of given names, its meaning is halo, and can be related to names Aylin (also deriving from ay), Tuelin, tülin Or. aylanuryla is a common feminine given name in Turkish. In that language, it means halo of light around the moon . Less commonly, it is also a name in other languages." ]
different types of working gloves
[ "Glove A glove is a garment covering the whole hand. Gloves have separate sheaths or openings for each finger and the thumb; if there is an opening but no covering sheath for each finger they are called fingerless gloves. Fingerless gloves having one large opening rather than individual openings for each finger are sometimes called gauntlets, though gauntlets are not necessarily fingerless. Gloves which cover the entire hand or fist but do not have separate finger openings or sheaths are called mittens" ]
[ "Glove Type Vinyl / Synthetic Exam Gloves. Vinyl gloves are made from the synthetic material polyvinyl chloride (PVC), commonly called vinyl. Due to concerns of latex allergies healthcare facilities have been transitioning to synthetic alternatives like vinyl. Today, vinyl gloves are the most cost effective exam gloves available. Click for more information. In general, exam gloves are disposable intended for one time use. Disposable gloves were originally used to provide protection against biological or chemical hazards.", "Safety Gloves Information Safety Gloves Information. Safety gloves are hand garments meant for the protection of the wrist, hand, fingers, and thumbs from adverse processes or conditions. These items are virtually limitless in application and find employment in both industrial and commercial marketplaces.", "Personal Protective Equipment: Hand Protection Types of glove material. 1 Leather, canvas or metal mesh gloves—these sturdy gloves provide protection against cuts and burns. Leather or canvas gloves also protect against sustained heat. 2 Fabric and coated fabric gloves—these gloves are made of cotton or other fabric to provide varying degrees of protection.", "- Company men's leather gauntlet riding gloves are fully lined and ... Men's and Women's Gardening Gloves - Elbow Length Garden Gloves offer Superior Protection - Best for Pruning Roses, Cactus, Blackberry Bushes (Medium) by Parva Garden. 4.8 out of 5 stars 170.", "Heat Resistant Leather Work Gloves Made In Canada. Heat Resistant Leather Work Gloves. These heat resistant leather gloves come in a variety of styles and features, from leather palms over a string knit shell to deluxe split cowhide with aluminized backing for extreme heat protection.", "- Chemical Resistance Gloves. These gloves may be made of rubber, neoprene, polyvinyl alcohol or vinyl, etc. The gloves protect hands from corrosives, oils, and solvents. The following table is provided as a guide to the different types of glove materials and the chemicals they can be used against.", "Medical glove As such, unpowdered gloves are used more often during surgery and other sensitive procedures. Special manufacturing processes are used to compensate for the lack of powder. There are two main types of medical gloves: examination and surgical. Surgical gloves have more precise sizing with a better precision and sensitivity and are made to a higher standard.", "Glove Selection Guide 1. Type of glove: More substantial gloves are required for extended use. 1 Norfoil gloves are recommended for highly toxic materials and materials that are absorbed through the skin. 2 See the Glove Selection Chart below for advantages and disadvantages of commonly used gloves for extended contact.", "- Energized work on electrical systems is performed in a number of ways: Typically workers wear insulating (rubber) gloves (with protectors) and also insulating sleeves (if required) when working on live systems.", "Personal Protective Equipment Workplace Safety Program Gloves should also be worn whenever it is necessary to handle rough or sharp-edged objects, and very hot or very cold materials. The type of glove materials to be used in these situations include leather, welders gloves, aluminum-backed gloves, and other types of insulated glove materials.", "- Insulating Gloves and Sleeves Insulating gloves and sleeves are critical PPE for electrical work on or near exposed energized parts. The 269 standard (1910.269(l)(2)(i) and (l)(3)) requires that: Additionally, 1910.137 provides specific design, care, and use requirements for rubber electrical protective equipment. Insulating gloves and sleeves must be rated for the voltage to which a worker will be exposed (phase to ground or phase to phase) and marked to indicate their rating. 1910.137 recognizes Class 0 (up to 1KV) through Class 4 (up to 36KV) rubber equipment. [See Mr. Edwin Hill Interpretation Letter (September 27, 2005)].", "Glove The most popular types of leather glove sewing stitches used today are: Hand stitched, which is most popular in men's gloves and some women's styles. Hand stitching is a very time-consuming and skilled process. Inseam, which is mainly used on women's gloves, but occasionally on men's dress gloves. Some glove terms", "Why you need gardening gloves Experts discuss some reasons why you need a pair of gloves while gardening. Why you need gloves. Gloria Kavuma, a designer ,notes that while working in extremely harsh weather conditions with very wet soil, gloves protect your hands from the mud and keep them clean and dry. They also keep hands warm in cold weather.", "The Complete Guide to Boxing Gloves The most common sizes for gloves are: 8 oz – common for competitive boxers. 10 oz – common for competitive boxers. 12 oz – common for women and people with small hands for training. 14 oz – common for average size people for training. 16 oz – common for people of all sizes for training.", "Leather Hand Gloves A well-established firm, we are engaged in manufacturing leather hand gloves such as canadian hand gloves, driving hand gloves, heat resistant hand gloves and leather gloves for various industrial purposes.", "Buying Boxing Gloves â 6 Things to Know Amateur boxing gloves are either 10oz or 12oz in weight depending upon the weight of the boxers and are available in a choice of 2 colours; red and blue. These colours indicate the colour of the corner that the boxer starts the match from.", "- These Household Gloves are made of latex, anti-slip, and grip-contour shape. These Long Household Gloves are ideal to protect your hands from deterge... Clean Ones Multi Purpose Rubber Glove 9 Pack LARGE hand dishwashing dish washing", "- Considering there are so many types of gloves available on the market, it can be very confusing as to which type of glove is best suited for your application. So let's review the various glove types, materials, safety considerations and test ratings/standards as a first step: Disposable Gloves or Re-useable Gloves", "- 1 Salisbury Insulating Rubber Gloves Class 00 Class 00 rubber insulating gloves for voltages below 500V. 2 Available in 11 inch and 14 inch lengths $58.95Pair. 3 Salisbury Insulating Rubber Gloves Class 1 Class 1 high voltage rubber insulating gloves for voltages below 7,500V.", "- More >>. Oxblood Leather Gloves! We carry a huge selection of colorful women's leather gloves in many distinctive styles for every outfit and occasion throughout the year. From green leather driving gloves, to red leather dress gloves, to stylish black winter gloves with a pink cuff, every choice is as unique as you are.", "- Strength. Chemical resistance. Most of our gloves are medical grade Class 1 Medical Devices, meeting AQL1.5 quality standards, and comply with EN455-1 & 2, EN374-1,2 & 3, and EN420 European standards. For further information on the different types of glove on offer, click on a glove type above and see our full range and further information.", "- Heat-Resistant Leather Gloves. Item# CE-GLVLEAM. These heat-resistant leather gloves are very handy in the lab for handling hot or cold items. They are made of thick gray split leather on the outside and lined with insulating fabric on the inside.They have a protective gauntlet that is 6 long and the overall length is 13.One size fits most hands. use these gloves in a chemistry lab that deals with temps up to 200C and they really get the job done. you can handle these temperatures with ease for about 10 min before you start feeling the heat, perfect pricing, ordering 4 more pairs.", "Which tools should not be operated while wearing gloves? For Osha, I only see a chemical list for gloves, for tools I don't see a list. If you are required to wear gloves or other PPE, the company should have proper training and/or documentation for the use of PPE (Personal Protective Equipment). I know it sounds kind of silly (how do I use gloves) but it is required.General Statement of Glove PPE from Osha.owever, the appropriateness of glove use in the woodworking workplace should be carefully reviewed on a task-by-task basis. Gloves should not be worn when operating woodworking equipment due to the potential for getting caught in moving parts.", "Cotton Canvas Work Gloves Excellent for a variety of general purpose applications, our cotton canvas work gloves come in plain and PVC dotted styles. Choose a dotted style if your work requires extra grip. Most of these gloves are sold by the dozen to keep prices low. Items 1 to 25 of 25.", "Mechanics Gloves Mechanics Gloves, Palm Material Goatskin Leather, Palm Construction Leather, Knuckle Padding Material Leather, Thermoplastic Rubber and Foam, Stitching Material Triple Bonded Nylon, Knit Cuff, Slip On Closure Type, Finger Style Full, Wing and 1 Pair, Varies by: Size, Color, Sub-Category and Back Material." ]
what is a valley?
[ "What is a Valley? A valley is an area of elongated lowland, typically surrounded by much higher hills or mountains. It is one of many geological features that make up the surface of the Earth, and it is of special interest and importance to humans, thanks to the fact that valleys have a number of uses. This landform is also quite abundant." ]
[ "Glacial valley Glacial valley. Glacial valley, also called glacial trough, stream valley that has been glaciated, usually to a typical catenary, or U-shaped, cross section. U-shaped valleys occur in many parts of the world and are characteristic features of mountain glaciation. These glacial troughs may be several thousand feet deep and tens of miles long.", "- The Mojave Desert ischaracterized by short, mild winters and long, hotsummers. Death Valley is an elongated fault-boundedbasin formed as the valley floor drops relative to thesurrounding mountains. The part of the valley belowsea level is approximately 120 km (75 mi) long andbetween 8 and 18 km wide (5 and 11 mi).", "Pennsylvania The River, the Valley, and You. Paddlers slip down the river between low forested mountains; anglers wade the trout streams; hikers scan the valley from the ridge or peer into the 1000-foot-deep Water Gap. The valley has known human hand and voice for 10,000 years. Floodplains nourished the Native farmer; waterfalls drew the Victorian vacationer.", "- As part of the Basin and Range Province, mountains and valleys are repeated in succession across the region like great waves cast in time. Valleys are 4,000 to 5,000 feet above sea level and mountain peaks range over 10,000 feet in elevation.", "- The Missouri River is a tributary of the Mississippi River. Mountain Range A mountain range is a series of mountains ridges alike in form, direction, and origin. Plain Plains are flat lands that have only small changes in elevation. Peninsula A peninsula is a body of land that is surrounded by water on three sides. Valley A valley is a low place between mountains. Delta A delta is a low, watery land formed at the mouth of a river. It is formed from the silt, sand and small rocks that flow downstream in the river and are deposited in the delta. Island An island is a piece of land that is surrounded by water. Now let’s see what you know!", "Valle de Guadalupe (Guadalupe Valley) Valle de Guadalupe (Guadalupe Valley) Baja’s Valle de Guadalupe, or Guadalupe Valley, is Mexico’s premier wine region, producing 90% of all of the wine that comes from Mexico. Although the area has been producing wine for over 100 years, just in the last decade has this wine region experienced the incredible growth that has turned it into an up-and-comer on the global scene.", "- Valley girl is a stereotype depicting a socio-economic class of women characterized by the colloquial California English dialect Valleyspeak and vapid materialism. sociolect associated with valley girls termed Valleyspeak spoke in the San Fernando valley in the 1980s. Qualifiers such as like , whatever , way, as if!, totally and tubular (a surfing term) are interjected in the middle of phrases and sentences as emphasizers.", "What is the difference between a canyon, a gorge and a valley? What is the difference between a canyon, a gorge and a valley? What is the difference between a canyon, a gorge and a valley?", "Doing The Roofing Job / Installing Your New Roof How To Do Valleys. Valleys are one of the areas of roofing that takes careful planning and time to install correctly. Valleys are a prime leak area, so it’s important to be precise during installation. See our How-to Video for installing valleys.", "- The Valley of the Moon by London, Jack View in context. It had occurred to her to look once more into the queer gaunt room which had been Clare's den, or rather eyrie, for so long, and climbing the ladder she stood at the open door of the apartment, regarding and pondering.he Valley of the Moon by London, Jack View in context. It had occurred to her to look once more into the queer gaunt room which had been Clare's den, or rather eyrie, for so long, and climbing the ladder she stood at the open door of the apartment, regarding and pondering.", "Mission Valley, San Diego Mission Valley redirects here. For other uses, see Mission Valley (disambiguation) . Mission Valley is a wide river valley trending east-west in San Diego, California, through which the San Diego River flows to the Pacific Ocean.", "Central Valley (California) California's Central Valley is a large, flat valley that dominates the geographical center of the U.S. state of California.It is 40 to 60 miles (60 to 100 km) wide and stretches approximately 450 miles (720 km) from north-northwest to south-southeast, inland from and parallel to the Pacific Ocean coast.bout 6.5 million people live in the Central Valley today, and it is the fastest growing region in California. There are 12 Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSA) and 1 Micropolitan Statistical Area (μSA) in the Central Valley.", "Valleys A valley is a low area of land between hills or mountains, typically with a river or stream flowing through it. Valleys are one of the most common landforms on the surface of the planet. There are three main types of valleys, the V-shaped valley, the flat floored valley and the U-shaped valley.", "Valley A glacier is a large body of ice that formed on land by the compaction and recrystallization of snow, survives year to year, and shows some sign of movement downhill due to gravity. The three main types of valleys are the V-shaped valley, the flat-floored valley, and the U-shaped valley. V-shaped valley is a narrow valley that has a profile suggesting the form of the letter V, characterized by steeply sloping sides. It results from a stream eroding downward, a process referred to as downcutting.", "Central Valley (California) California's Central Valley is a large, flat valley that dominates the geographical center of the U.S. state of California. It is 40 to 60 miles (60 to 100 km) wide and stretches approximately 450 miles (720 km) from north-northwest to south-southeast, inland from and parallel to the Pacific Ocean coast.", "Difference Between Basin and Valley Basin vs Valley. A basin is a depression or hollow on the earth’s surface, which is surrounded by higher land. A valley is also a depression or hollow between hills, mountains and uplands. A basin, which is also called a watershed, is the part of land that is drained by a river and its various tributaries.Creeks and streams are the characteristics of a basin, which helps in the draining of the water that falls on the surface into a river, which is then carried into the ocean.asin vs Valley. A basin is a depression or hollow on the earth’s surface, which is surrounded by higher land. A valley is also a depression or hollow between hills, mountains and uplands. A basin, which is also called a watershed, is the part of land that is drained by a river and its various tributaries.", "The Big Valley (1965) (TV Show) The Big Valley is an American western television series which ran on ABC from September 15, 1965, to May 19, 1969.", "- The Nile Valley is a region of northern Egypt where the Nile River snakes through the desert (north of Aswan) and then fans out toward the Mediterranean Sea, creating a vast, fertile region.", "- Still west they headed, over more mountains, to beautiful Napa Valley. The Valley of the Moon by London, Jack View in context. He had been all day in the hills west of the Napa Valley, looking for doves and such small game as was in season.", "Basketball : a YMCA Invention Basketball : a YMCA Invention. James Naismith was a Canadian farm boy from Almonte, Ontario, a small town just a few kilometers from Canada's capital city, Ottawa. He was born on November 6, 1861. His father and mother died when he was eight and thereafter he made his home with an uncle.", "Roof Valley Flashing Installation Details - Best Practices With a heavy-gauge, noncorrosive metal lining, open valleys are the most durable valley and the most costly (see our discussion of alternative flashing materials found at FLASHING WALL DETAILS). An economical version uses two layers of roll roofing for the lining, which should last as long as an asphalt roof.", "psycho- psycho-. combining form. 1. (Psychology) indicating the mind or psychological or mental processes: psychology; psychogenesis; psychosomatic. [from Greek psukhē spirit, breath].", "Valley A valley carved by glaciers is normally U-shaped. The valley becomes visible upon the recession of the glacier that forms it. When the ice recedes or thaws, the valley remains, often littered with small boulders that were transported within the ice.", "- DEFINITION of 'Silicon Valley'. A part of the San Francisco Bay Area that is known for the many technology companies that have either started in the area or that have offices there.", "Valleys Mountain valleys, for example, tend to have near-vertical walls and a narrow channel, but out on the plains the slopes are shallow and the channel wide. As the waters wind toward the sea, they accentuate natural curves in the land by stripping sediment from the outsides of bends and dumping it on the insides." ]
what is access recovery charge centurylink
[ "CenturyLink â Access recovery charge? Product Description: Access Recovery Charge. Effective July 3, 2012, CenturyLink will assess an Access Recovery Charge (ARC) as. a way to recover the costs of providing access to the telephone network, The ARC has. been authorized by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and will be $.50." ]
[ "Suddenlink Corporate Office Create a New Online Account >>. Road service benefits are available immediately after membership purchase. Plus and Premier membership benefits are available four days after payment is received. For full membership terms and conditions, visit AAA.com/terms.", "recovery point objective (RPO) recovery point objective (RPO) The recovery point objective (RPO) is the age of files that must be recovered from backup storage for normal operations to resume if a computer, system, or network goes down as a result of a hardware, program, or communications failure.", "2004 Ford Explorer Alternator 1 Complimentary 24/7 Quality-Built (QB) Roadside Assistance Program (RAP) which includes a jump-start or tow for 2 years from the date of purchase limited to 3 events per year and a maximum reimbursement of $60 each event. Brand SKU#: Quality-Built 13806N.", "Pricing Our rates are nearly half the price of larger data recovery companies that advertise in Philadelphia. You will get the satisfaction of knowing that your irreplaceable data will be in the hands of a certified and experienced engineer.", "Managed Firewall Service CenturyLink® Managed Firewall Service delivers 24/7 firewall administration and proactive response to attacks when they occur. Whether we supply the hardware or simply manage what you already own, you have more time to focus on your core business competencies while we handle the operational details.", "- Get a home phone you can always rely on. Get a home phone you can count on even during a power outage. And with CenturyLink ® Unlimited Nationwide Calling, you can talk all day anywhere in America for one low flat rate.hoose the services that are right for you and save.*. Select just the services you need – High-Speed Internet, TV, Home Phone – and spend less each month by bundling.", "recovery point objective (RPO) The recovery point objective (RPO) is the age of files that must be recovered from backup storage for normal operations to resume if a computer, system, or network goes down as a result of a hardwa...", "accessorial charges accessorial charges. Amount billed for additional, supplemental, or special services provided, usually as a flat fee.", "- Orchestrated disaster recovery as a service (DRaaS) Use Site Recovery to automate the recovery of services when a site outage happens at the primary datacenter. Bring over applications in an orchestrated way to help restore service quickly, even for complex multi-tier workloads.", "- Estate recovery affects recipients of Title XIX funded medical assistance who are: 55 years of age or older at the time they receive medical assistance, or Under the age of 55 and a resident of a care facility who cannot reasonably expect to return home.", "- Suddenlink Communications is an internet service provider offering fiber coverage to 4% of Sulphur Springs. In addition to internet, they also offer TV and home phone service. Company information for Suddenlink Communications", "AE Recovery and Towing Rates and Prices Roadside Assistance Services-AE Recovery and Towing can assist you when you are broken down on the side of the road. No matter what the roadside emergency, (flat tire, out of gas, locked your keys in your car, left the lights on and now your battery is dead) we can help you out.", "AvePoint's DocAve Software Platform Pricing: DocAve Backup and Recovery is $3,495 per server; DocAve High Availability is $2,395 per server (bundled at $3,995 per server); DocAve SharePoint Discovery is free; and DocAve SharePoint Administrator is $3,995 per WFE.", "- Your TCPA Rights: 1 JP Recovery Services needs your permission - in writing - to robocall your cell phone. 2 You can sue robocalling debt collectors and recover up to $1,500 per call.", "- Q:What does a data recovery typically cost? In-Lab Data Recovery Services are needed when data is lost due to a device physical failure. Without a Rescue Service Plan, recovery fees start at $599 and can easily be over $2,000 based on your data loss circumstances.", "CenturyLink Availability Map CenturyLink offers internet service across 39 states with the greatest coverage in Arizona, Washington, and Colorado. DSL internet from CenturyLink is available to an estimated 48.1 million people, making it the 3rd largest provider of DSL broadband in the U.S. by coverage area. In addition to DSL broadband, CenturyLink also offers fiber internet service. Its fiber service is available to approximately 996,000 people, making it the 16th largest provider of fiber broadband in the U.S. by coverage area. 1 Albertville, AL. Auburn, AL.", "- When your satellite Internet usage over the past 24 hours exceeds that allowance, you will enter the. Recovery Zone, and your download speeds will be reduced. During the Recovery Zone, your Download Allowance is slowly replenished, and. after approximately 24 hours, your download speed will be restored. If you continue to use your service to download in the Recovery Zone, it.", "CenturyLink Corporate Office For Connect-24 or Mobile Banking assistance during Credit Union business hours, please call (800) 468-5500 and select option 2, then option 3. Outside Credit Union Hours. For after-hours assistance with Connect-24 or Mobile Banking, please call (800) 468-5500 and select option 5. We’ll be happy to assist you.", "- With Premier, you can use one 24-Hour Roadside Assistance Service call per cardholder per membership year for a tow of up to 200 miles, and the remaining three service calls for tows of up to 100 miles.", "What does concession recovery fee. mean? - Definition of concession recovery fee. - concession recovery fee. stands for A charge passed along to consumers by car rental companies to cover their cost of mandatory fees levied by the airport or other authority. Sometimes called an airport facility fee or airport access fe. By AcronymsAndSlang.com.", "- From HTYP, the free directory anyone can edit. The phrase regulatory recovery fee is a line item which now appears on monthly bills from many VoIP and cellular phone services.rom HTYP, the free directory anyone can edit. The phrase regulatory recovery fee is a line item which now appears on monthly bills from many VoIP and cellular phone services.", "- From popular apps to emergency assistance, Uconnect ® Access is designed to keep you connected, entertained and focused on driving. The Advantage Package is available now at a new rate of $149.99 a year with over 15% savings.", "- With Premier, you can use one 24-Hour Roadside Assistance Service call per cardholder per membership year for a tow of up to 200 miles, and the remaining three service calls for tows of up to 100 miles. per-mile charge at the locally prevailing rate will apply to all towing miles in excess of those covered. These charges are payable at the time of service to the service provider via cash or your personal check (up to $250.) Only one tow per mechanical breakdown can be made at AAA's expense.", "recovery point objective (RPO) Part of the Backup and recovery glossary: The recovery point objective (RPO) is the age of files that must be recovered from backup storage for normal operations to resume if a computer, system, or network goes down as a result of a hardware, program, or communications failure.", "Kevin Hunt: Comcast Says Recycle Old Modem, Then Charges $110 As 'Unreturned' Now let's move forward at high-speed modem rates a few months to Carter's bill due in early December. Carter couldn't believe it when he saw a $110 charge for unreturned equipment. Must have been a mistake, Carter assumed, so he called Comcast and spoke with a supervisor." ]
south easton mass area code
[ "South Easton, Massachusetts Area Code South Easton, MA utilizes an area code overlay in which area codes 508 and 774 serve the same geographic area. Ten digit dialing (area code + seven digit number) is necessary. In addition to South Easton, MA area code information read more about area codes 508 and 774 details and Massachusetts area codes. South Easton, MA is located in Bristol County and observes the Eastern Time Zone. View our Times by Area Code tool." ]
[ "- 02908-7736 is a ZIP Code 5 Plus 4 number of SMITH ST, PROVIDENCE, Providence, Rhode Island, United States.2908-7734 is a ZIP Code 5 Plus 4 number of SMITH ST, PROVIDENCE, Providence, Rhode Island, United States.", "Quincy MA ZIP Code An extended ZIP+4 code, introduced in the 1980s, includes the five digits of the Quincy ZIP code, a hyphen, and four more digits that determine a more specific location within a given ZIP code in Quincy, Massachusetts.", "- View a list of ZIP codes in South Easton, MA; South Easton, MA ZIP Code Boundaries; Download South Easton, MA ZIP Code Database", "Area codes 978 and 351 Map showing the region covered by area codes 978 and 351. Map of current Massachusetts area codes (since May 2001). Area code 978 was created as a split from area code 508 on September 1, 1997 and covers northcentral & most of northeastern Massachusetts (LATA code 128).Use of 978 became mandatory February 1, 1998.ap of current Massachusetts area codes (since May 2001). Area code 978 was created as a split from area code 508 on September 1, 1997 and covers northcentral & most of northeastern Massachusetts (LATA code 128). Use of 978 became mandatory February 1, 1998.", "02380, 02381 & 02382 The area code for Southampton is simply 023; the following digits are all part of the eight-digit local number. The 023 area code at the beginning is optional; calls from one Southampton or Portsmouth landline phone to another can be made using just the eight-digit local phone number.outhampton and Portsmouth have had the area code 023 since the year 2000. This is followed by an eight-digit local number. Numbers starting with 023 8 are for Southampton, while those starting with 023 9 are for Portsmouth.", "Area code 774 The 774 area code belongs to the state of Massachusetts (MA) and some of the locations covered are Brockton, Framingham, Worcester and more:he 774 area code belongs to the state of Massachusetts (MA) and some of the locations covered are Brockton, Framingham, Worcester and more:", "- East Bridgewater Youth Basketball Association PO Box 171 East Bridgewater MA 02333 Phone : 508-944-9128 Email: [email protected]", "- 978 Area Code. AreaCode.org is an area code finder with detailed information on the 978 area code including 978 area code map. Major cities like Haverhill within area code 978 are also listed on this page.More area codes, including those outside of Massachusetts, are found on the AreaCode.org homepage.78 Area Code. AreaCode.org is an area code finder with detailed information on the 978 area code including 978 area code map. Major cities like Haverhill within area code 978 are also listed on this page.", "Lowell, Massachusetts Area Code Lowell, MA is currently using an area code overlay in which area codes 351 and 978 serve the same geographic area. Ten digit dialing (area code + seven digit number) is necessary. In addition to Lowell, MA area code information read more about area codes 351 and 978 details and Massachusetts area codes. Lowell, MA is located in Middlesex County and observes the Eastern Time Zone. View our Times by Area Code tool.", "ZIP Codes for City of South Easton, MA South Easton, MA Demographic Information *. There is no Census data for the city of SOUTH EASTON, MA. We have pulled information for the ZIP Code 02375 instead. * Demographic data is based on 2010 Census.", "- This table is used for column layout. Southwick is a rural farming, business, and residential community. Its close proximity to the cities of Springfield, Massachusetts and Hartford, Connecticut via routes 10, 202 and 57 has generated significant demand for new housing.", "- UK area code 01926 is for Warwick, and the surrounding area. Locations using 01926 numbers include: 1 Barford. 2 Broadwell. 3 Claverdon. 4 Harbury. 5 Haseley Knob.", "South Hamilton, Massachusetts (March 2010) South Hamilton is not a town or a neighborhood. It is a postal address assigned to ZIP code 01982 by the Postal Service and is indistinguishable geographically from the town of Hamilton, Essex County, Massachusetts, United States (ZIP code 01936).", "- Zip Code 01887 Description. Zip Code 01887 is located in the state of Massachusetts in the Boston metro area. Zip code 01887 is primarily located in Middlesex County. The official US Postal Service name for 01887 is WILMINGTON, Massachusetts. Portions of zip code 01887 are contained within or border the city limits of Wilmington, MA, Burlington, MA, Reading, MA, and Woburn, MA. Zip code 01887 is within area code 351, area code 978 and area code 781.", "- The 857 area code is registered in Massachusetts. 31.61% of phone numbers within the 857 area code are registered as residential/consumer phone numbers, and 68.39% are registered as commercial/business phone numbers.", "- Zip Code 02180 Employment Data. 02180 is located in the state of Massachusetts in the Boston metro area. Zip code 02180 is primarily located in Middlesex County. The official postal service name used for 02180 is STONEHAM, Massachusetts.", "600 - 698 Suffolk ST, Lowell - ZIP+4 Zip Code 600 - 698 Suffolk ST, Lowell - ZIP+4 Zip Code The blocks from 600 to 698, at Suffolk ST in Lowell, Middlesex County - MA state have a unique zip code 600 - 698 Suffolk ST, Lowell Area Code is 978/781 and Time Zone is Eastern (GMT -05:00).", "020 Area Code Areas using the 020 area code. The majority of Greater London is covered by the 020 area code: Areas outside London which use 020 numbers include Borehamwood, Bushey, Bushey Heath, Chigwell, Elstree, Ewell, Loughton, Molesey and Thames Ditton.Parts of some outer boroughs, such as Bromley, Havering and Hillingdon, are outside the 020 area and use other codes including 01322, 01689, 01708 and 01895.he 020 area code is for London, including all of central London and most parts of the outer boroughs.", "- UK area code 01908 is for Milton Keynes in Buckinghamshire, and the surrounding area.Locations using 01908 numbers include: 1 Bletchley.ocal calls require full number. It is no longer possible to omit the area code when calling locally in the 01908 area. Since 1st October 2014 the full 11-digit phone number has been required for all local calls.", "- Zip Code 02806 Employment Data. 02806 is located in the state of Rhode Island in the Providence metro area. Zip code 02806 is primarily located in Bristol County. The official postal service name used for 02806 is BARRINGTON, Rhode Island.", "Foxboro Federal Savings on 129 South St in Plainville, MA Foxboro Federal Savings on 129 South St in Plainville, MA. Welcome to Foxboro Federal Savings (Banks) on 129 South St in Plainville, Massachusetts. This bank is listed on Bank Map under Banks-All-Banks. You can reach us on phone number (508) 643-0900, fax number or email address. Our office is located on 129 South St, Plainville, MA.", "Area Code 774 Area code 774 is an overlay of area code 508. Counties in Massachusetts within area code 774 include: Barnstable County, Bristol County, Dukes County, Middlesex County, Nantucket County, Norfolk County, Plymouth County, and Worcester County. Major cities or places in Massachusetts within area code 774 include:ounties in Massachusetts within area code 774 include: Barnstable County, Bristol County, Dukes County, Middlesex County, Nantucket County, Norfolk County, Plymouth County, and Worcester County. Major cities or places in Massachusetts within area code 774 include:", "- Diss area code. UK area code 01379 is for Diss in Norfolk, and the surrounding area. Locations using 01379 numbers include: 1 Bressingham. 2 Diss.3 Eye.4 Fressingfield. 5 Harleston. 6 Hoxne. 7 Mellis.ocations using 01379 numbers include: 1 Bressingham. 2 Diss. 3 Eye. 4 Fressingfield. 5 Harleston. 6 Hoxne. 7 Mellis.", "Area Code 610 Area codes 484 and 610 serve southeastern Pennsylvania including the larger cities and communities of Allentown, Bethlehem, Chester, Drexel Hill, Easton, Norristown, Pottstown, Radnor Township, and Reading in addition to many smaller communities within the 484 and 610 service area.rea code 610 was put into service. Area code 610 was created from a split of area code 215. In 1999 area code 610 was overlaid with area code 484. Counties in Pennsylvania within area code 610 include:", "- Skip Navigation. Southwick is a rural farming, business, and residential community. Its close proximity to the cities of Springfield, Massachusetts and Hartford, Connecticut via routes 10, 202 and 57 has generated significant demand for new housing." ]
what county is belmont ca
[ "Belmont Sponsored Topics. Belmont is a city in San Mateo County, California, United States. It is in the San Francisco Bay Area, located half-way down the San Francisco Peninsula between San Mateo and San Carlos. It was originally part of the Rancho de las Pulgas, for which one of its main roads, the Alameda de las Pulgas, is named." ]
[ "BELMONT Zip Code (ME) BELMONT Zip Code (ME) The Zipcode for Belmont is . Belmont is a town of Waldo, Maine in the New England region of the USA. It is located about 29 miles east of ME's capital city of Augusta. In the most recent US census the population of Belmont was 942. Belmont Shore (CA) is 2685 miles west. Belmont (CA) is 2764 miles west.", "Belmont Plantation (Wayside, Mississippi) The plantation is located in Wayside, Washington County, Mississippi. History. The mansion was built in 1857 by W.W. Worthington. It was plundered by Union forces in 1863, in the midst of the American Civil War of 1861-1865. It was turned into the Belmont Hunting Lodge by Mississippi Governor Dennis Murphree in 1946.", "- The Good Samsung's Gear 2 Neo comes with a more attractive price, a feature set that's nearly identical to the more expensive Gear 2, and a lot of bells and whistles including apps, offline music playback, and heart-rate monitoring.he Bottom Line The Gear 2 Neo offers the best balance of features and price among Samsung's three 2014 smartwatches, but it falls short of must-have status.", "Belmont Belmont is a village within the Town of Amity which is in Allegany County, New York, USA. Belmont is the county seat of Allegany County. The population was 952 at the 2000 census. The name means beautiful hill. The Village of Belmont is centrally located in Amity. The village is northeast of Olean, New York.", "- Our new office will be located on the third floor of the courthouse, formerly the law library. I, Cynthia K. McGee, welcome you to the Belmont County Clerk of Courts website. The legal department of the office is responsible for all domestic relations, felony criminal, civil cases, Notary commission, Jury Selection and the 7th District Court of Appeals.", "- Recent posts about Belmont, California on our local forum with over 2,000,000 registered users. Belmont is mentioned 3,848 times on our forum: Latest news from Belmont, CA collected exclusively by city-data.com from local newspapers, TV, and radio stations. Ancestries: German (4.9%), Italian (3.6%), Russian (3.4%), European (3.4%), English (3.2%), Irish (3.0%).", "- Phil Bonnet, Executive Director. The Alta California Regional Center serves the counties of Alpine, Colusa, El Dorado, Nevada, Placer, Sacramento, Sierra, Sutter, Yolo, and Yuba.", "- member information. West Marin is the largest rural region of Marin County, California. The West Marin Chamber of Commerce includes seven unincorporated communities in its definition of West Marin: Point Reyes Station, Olema, Stinson Beach, Bolinas, Tomales, Dillon Beach, and Inverness.", "- The Legal Division of the Belmont County Clerk of Courts serves and supports the Court of Common Pleas. This division is responsible for maintaining and providing public access to the permanent court records.", "County County is located at the address 98 Via Ricardo in Newbury Park, California 91320. They can be contacted via phone at (805) 499-0823 for pricing, hours and directions. County specializes in Furnaces, Pumps, Mobile Homes. County provides Additions, Troubleshooting, Repairs & Replacements to it's customers.", "Glendale, California For the community in Humboldt County, see Glendale, Humboldt County, California. Glendale /ˈɡlɛndeɪl/ is a city in Los Angeles County, California, United States. Its estimated 2014 population was 200,167, making it the third largest city in Los Angeles County and the 23rd-largest city in California. It is located about 8 miles (13 km) north of downtown Los Angeles.", "County nears fix of La Honda landslide County nears fix of La Honda landslide. Scenic Drive re-opens after costly upgrades. La Honda resident Jill Briggs’ home enjoys a front-row view of the Scenic Drive landslide and the years of work by San Mateo County to reinforce the hillside.", "- Shasta County is the economic, cultural, and geographical center of the northern section of the State of California. The City of Redding is the county seat for Shasta County. Redding is the county's largest city with a population in excess of 70,000. The cities of Anderson and Cottonwood are located directly to the south of the City of Redding. The newly incorporated City of Shasta Lake is located directly to the north.", "Campbell, California Campbell, California. For the community in Modoc County, see Campbell, Modoc County, California. Campbell /ˈkæmbəl/ is a city in Santa Clara County, California, and part of Silicon Valley, in the San Francisco Bay Area. As of the 2010 U.S. Census, Campbell's population is 39,349.", "- News Archive. Welcome to the official web site for the office of auditor of Belmont County, Ohio. This site was established by the auditor to better serve county citizens with current information regarding the functions, services, and requests for information.", "San Rafael, California San Rafael (/ ˌ s æ n r ə ˈ f ɛ l / SAN rə-FEL; Spanish pronunciation: [san rafaˈel] Saint Raphael) is a city and the county seat of Marin County, California, United States. The city is located in the North Bay region of the San Francisco Bay Area.", "Claremont, California Claremont is located at the eastern end of Los Angeles County and borders the cities of Upland, and Montclair in San Bernardino County, as well as the cities of Pomona and La Verne in Los Angeles County. Claremont is in Los Angeles County. Its geographic location puts it well within the region known as the Pomona Valley. Claremont is approximately 24 miles (39 km) east of Pasadena and 30 miles (48 km) east of downtown Los Angeles.", "Belmont Sponsored Topics. Belmont is a town in Tishomingo County, Mississippi, United States. The population was 1,961 at the 2000 census. Its ZIP code is 38827. The settlement of Belmont was originally called Gum Springs with a post office built in 1884.", "Old County Road Apartments One Time Expenses. About Old County Road Apartments. Old County Road Apartments are comprised of one and two bedroom apartments conveniently located in Belmont, between San Francisco and Silicon Valley, with easy access to highways 101 & 280, and within easy walking distance to the local commuter train, shopping, restaurants, and city parks.", "Ferndale, California Ferndale is a city in Humboldt County, California, United States. Its population was 1,371 at the 2010 census, down from 1,382 at the 2000 census. The city contains dozens of well-preserved Victorian storefronts and homes. Ferndale is the northern gateway to California's Lost Coast and the city, which is sited on the edge of a wide plain near the mouth of the Eel River, is also located near the extensive preserves of Coast Redwood forests.", "- Shasta County, California. Shasta County, officially the County of Shasta, is a county located in the northern portion of the U.S. state of California. As of the 2010 census, the population was 177,223. The county seat is Redding. Shasta County comprises the Redding, California Metropolitan Statistical Area.", "Saratoga Saratoga, CA. Saratoga ( /ˌsærətoʊɡə/) is a city in Santa Clara County, California, USA. It is located on the west side of the Santa Clara Valley, directly west of San Jose, in the San Francisco Bay area. The population was 29,926 at the 2010 census.", "- Belmont is located in picturesque Lafayette County, near Belmont Mound State Park. It is easy to see how Belmont came by its name, Belle Monte, French for beautiful hill.. Belmont was the first capitol of the Wisconsin Territory. You can visit this historic site just north of Belmont.", "Belmont County Court Systems Belmont County Court Systems. Belmont County Ohio. For the convenience of all Belmont County, Ohio residents, the Belmont County Court System is separated into three divisions– Northern, Eastern and Western. The Northern and Eastern Division Courts are co-located at the Imperial Plaza in Bellaire, Ohio.", "- 1 View all Shasta County jobs in Redding, CA - Redding jobs. 2 Salary Search: Assistant Public Defender salaries in Redding, CA. 3 Learn more about working at Shasta County. Related forums: Shasta County - Redding, California." ]
what causes reye's syndrome in children
[ "- What causes Reye syndrome in a child? The exact cause of Reye syndrome is not known. But studies have shown a link between Reye syndrome and children who take aspirin during or shortly after a viral illness. The American Academy of Pediatrics warns about aspirin and Reye syndrome." ]
[ "Causes of Reye's Syndrome Causes: Reye's Syndrome: A reaction to a viral infection that usually occurs when recovering from a virus. The cause of RS remains a mystery. However studies have shown that using aspirin or salicylate-containing medications to treat viral illnesses increases the risk of developing RS.", "- Genetic Changes. Prader-Willi syndrome is caused by the loss of function of genes in a particular region of chromosome 15. People normally inherit one copy of this chromosome from each parent. Some genes are turned on (active) only on the copy that is inherited from a person's father (the paternal copy).", "Common Viruses in Children The most common viral causes of meningo-encephalitis are enteroviruses, arboviruses (the most recognized arbovirus is the West Nile virus), and the herpes virus. Herpes can cause a devastating disease, usually presenting with seizures. In newborns, it can lead to permanent brain damage.he most common viral causes of meningo-encephalitis are enteroviruses, arboviruses (the most recognized arbovirus is the West Nile virus), and the herpes virus. Herpes can cause a devastating disease, usually presenting with seizures. In newborns, it can lead to permanent brain damage.", "Menkes Syndrome Babies with Menkes syndrome have a genetic disorder that prevents the absorption of copper from the intestines and causes it to build up in excess amounts in the kidney, while remaining deficient in the liver and brain. This causes changes in the hair, brain, bones, liver, and arteries.", "- cause of. 1 childhood respiratory disease (in respiratory disease: Viral infections of the respiratory system) 2 eye disorders (in conjunctivitis) 3 gastroenteritis (in gastroenteritis) 4 malignant transformation (in virus: Malignant transformation) (in virus: Disease)", "Wilson's disease The condition is due to mutations in the Wilson disease protein (ATP7B) gene. A single abnormal copy of the gene is present in 1 in 100 people, who do not develop any symptoms (they are carriers). If a child inherits the gene from both parents, the child may develop Wilson's disease. Symptoms usually appear between the ages of 6 and 20 years, but cases in much older people have been described.", "Sudden infant death syndrome SIDS makes up about 80% of sudden and unexpected infant deaths (SUIDs). Other causes include infections, genetic disorders, and heart problems. While child abuse in the form of intentional suffocation may be misdiagnosed as SIDS, this is believed to make up less than 5% of cases.", "- How to Tell if You Have Reye's Syndrome. Two Parts: Being on Alert for Reye's Syndrome Confirming and Treating Reye's Syndrome Community Q&A. Reye's (or Reye) syndrome is a fairly rare but serious medical condition that leads to swelling in the liver and brain, confusion, seizures and eventually loss of consciousness. The condition most...", "What is Prader-Willi Syndrome PWS is caused by a lack of active genetic material in a particular region of chromosome 15 (15q11-q13). Normally, individuals inherit one copy of chromosome 15 from their mother and one from their father.The genes in the PWS region are normally only active on the chromosome that came from the father.WS is caused by a lack of active genetic material in a particular region of chromosome 15 (15q11-q13). Normally, individuals inherit one copy of chromosome 15 from their mother and one from their father.", "Pediatric Rheumatic Diseases No known cause has been pinpointed for most forms of pediatric rheumatic diseases, nor is there evidence to suggest that toxins, foods or allergies cause children to develop any of the diseases. Some research points toward a genetic predisposition, which means the combination of genes a child receives from his or her parents may cause the onset of a pediatric rheumatic disease when triggered by other factors.", "- This is how to watch free tv and how to get free tv (off-air) learn how to receive free tv i'll show you how to open cable box and how to program tv channels plus how to install and show you How to Get Free HD TV.his is how to watch free tv and how to get free tv (off-air) learn how to receive free tv i'll show you how to open cable box and how to program tv channels plus how to install and show you How to Get Free HD TV.", "- Reye's syndrome is a rare complication of common childhood respiratory infections, including chickenpox. Reye's syndrome is most common in school-aged children and teenagers, but cases also occur in infants. The illness is rare in adults.", "- According to the Mayo Clinic and the Johns Hopkins Children's Center, causes of elevated liver enzymes in children include viral infections and overdose of certain medications. If your child is obese or has a diet high in fatty foods, elevated liver enzymes may result and are an indication of fatty liver disease.", "NIH team discovers genetic disorder causing strokes and vascular inflammation in children NIH team discovers genetic disorder causing strokes and vascular inflammation in children. Next-generation sequencing defines new pathway for blood vessel disease. A variation in the gene that makes a key blood vessel enzyme makes children prone to fevers, rash and strokes.", "Cystic Fibrosis - Cause Cystic fibrosis occurs when a child inherits a changed (mutated) gene from both parents. The changed gene causes problems with the way salt and water move in and out of the cells that make mucus, causing the mucus to be thick and sticky.ystic fibrosis occurs when a child inherits a changed (mutated) gene from both parents. The changed gene causes problems with the way salt and water move in and out of the cells that make mucus, causing the mucus to be thick and sticky.", "Overview The most common cause of roseola is the human herpes virus 6, but the cause also can be another herpes virus — human herpes virus 7. Like other viral illnesses, such as a common cold, roseola spreads from person to person through contact with an infected person's respiratory secretions or saliva. For example, a healthy child who shares a cup with a child who has roseola could contract the virus. Roseola is contagious even if no rash is present. That means the condition can spread while an infected child has only a fever, even before it's clear that the child has roseola. Watch for signs of roseola if your child has interacted with another child who has the illness.", "Prader-Willi Syndrome Many complications of Prader-Willi syndrome are due to obesity. If you or your child has Prader-Willi syndrome, a team of specialists can work with you to manage symptoms, reduce the risk of developing complications, and improve quality of life. Prader-Willi occurs in approximately one of every 12,000-15,000 people, in both boys and girls, and in people of all ethnic backgrounds.", "Reye syndrome Reye syndrome What is Reye syndrome? Reye syndrome is a condition that affects the normal chemical balance in the body, resulting in damage to the brain, kidneys, and liver. As the inflammation in the brain increases, the pressure inside of the head may also increase. The increased pressure in the head causes neurological changes in the child.", "- Retching that occurs in a child with GI problems but without a fundoplication typically has one of two causes: a motility problem, or hypersensitivity of the stomach and/or other parts of the GI tract. In these children, retching is often followed by vomiting, though the two symptoms can happen separately as well.n other children, the emetic or vomiting reflex in the brain may be on a hair trigger, and. almost anything, from a bad smell to 5ml of formula in the belly, may cause retching. It is very common for these problems to occur in tandem, and many children with. motility problems have concurrent visceral hyperalgesia.", "Fanconi Syndrome Cystinosis is one of the most common causes of Fanconi syndrome in children. The disease is caused by the accumulation of cystine in renal tubule cells. An experimental model of Fanconi syndrome was created by injecting rats with cystine dimethylester.", "Background A high index of suspicion is essential. Given that manifestations of Reye syndrome are not unique to Reye syndrome but also are seen in a growing list of conditions, and given that no test is specific for Reye syndrome, the diagnosis must be one of exclusion. All children with manifestations suggestive of Reye syndrome should be tested for IEM.", "What is the Biggest Animal in the World Well, definitely it spends its entire life underwater and therefore ought to be placed in marine animals. The name of the animal is Blue Whale that unquestionably enjoys the reputation of being the largest living mammal on the planet earth.", "Prader-Willi Syndrome Prader-Willi syndrome is caused by the loss of genes in a specific region of chromosome 15. People normally inherit one copy of this chromosome from each parent. Some genes are turned on (active) only on the copy that is inherited from a person's father (the paternal copy).", "Reye Syndrome - Topic Overview Reye syndrome is a rare but serious disease that most often affects children ages 6 to 12 years old. It can cause brain swelling and liver damage. It may be related to using aspirin to treat viral infections. Reye syndrome can lead to brain damage, liver damage, and death.", "- Fanconi syndrome can be caused by faulty genes, or it may result later in life due to kidney damage. Sometimes the cause of Fanconi syndrome is unknown. Common causes of Fanconi syndrome in children are genetic defects that affect the body's ability to break down certain compounds such as: 1 Cystine (cystinosis). 2 Fructose (fructose intolerance). 3 Galactose (galactosemia). 4 Glycogen (glycogen storage disease)." ]
what county is galveston texas in?
[ "- GALVESTON COUNTY, TEXAS. COMMISSIONERS COURT 722 Moody, County Courthouse, Galveston, TX 77550 (409) 766-2244. Mark Henry Ryan Dennard Kevin O’Brien Stephen Holmes Ken Clark. County Judge Commissioner, Precinct 1 Commissioner, Precinct 2 Commissioner, Precinct 3 Commissioner, Precinct 4. AGENDA." ]
[ "- Driving distance from Galveston County, TX to San Antonio, TX. The total driving distance from Galveston County, TX to San Antonio, TX is 236 miles or 380 kilometers. Your trip begins in Texas. It ends in San Antonio, Texas.", "- Galveston has long operated the Island Transit streetcar service which provided 7 different routes throughout the historic district and parts of Seawall Blvd. Unfortunately, the trolley suffered massive damage by Hurricane Ike in 2008, and currently no trolleys are running.", "Galveston, Texas Galveston [1] is a city on Galveston Island, off the Texas Gulf Coast, approximately 45 minutes southeast of Houston. Galveston is a port of entry and a destination for almost all the cruise ships with ports of call in Texas.", "- Goliad County, Texas. Goliad County (/ˈɡoʊliæd/ GOH-lee-ad) is a county located in the U.S. state of Texas. As of the 2010 census, the population is 7,210. Its county seat is Goliad. The county is named for Father Miguel Hidalgo; Goliad is an anagram, minus the silent H. The county was created in 1836 and organized the next year.", "- May109:00 AM. Retirement Seminar - County CourthouseHosted By - Human ResourcesIf you are thinking about retiring sometime in the near future or you just want more information regarding retirement with Galveston County then plan ... more.", "- GALVESTON COUNTY, TEXAS. COMMISSIONERS COURT 722 Moody, Cotlnty Courthouse, Galveston, TX 77550 (409)766·2244. Mark Henry Ryan Dennard KevinO'Brien Stephen Holmes KenClark. CountyJudge Commissioner, Precinct I Commissioner, Precinct2 Commissioner, Precinct3 Commissioner, Precinct 4.", "- October 19 5:00 PM. Galveston County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Open House Hosted By-Emergency Management October 7, 2015 GALVESTON COUNTY, TX – The Galveston County Office of Emergency Management (OEM) invites the public to participate in the developme...", "- Galveston County, Texas. Galveston County (/ˈɡælvᵻstən/ GAL-viss-tən) is a county in the U.S. state of Texas. As of the 2010 census, the population was 291,309. Its county seat is Galveston. League City is the most populous city in Galveston County; between 2000 and 2005 it surpassed Galveston as the county's largest city.", "Hitchcock, Texas Hitchcock, Texas, in Galveston county, is 13 miles W of Galveston, Texas (center to center) and 35 miles SE of Houston, Texas. The city has a population of 6,386. Hitchcock History. This region was settled in 1846. Jonas Butler acquired land in the region and settled several years later. He was followed by a group of French settlers. Located on the high banks of a bayou, it was initially called Highland.", "Population of Galveston County, Texas: Census 2010 and 2000 Interactive Map, Demographics, Statistics, Graphs, Quick Facts Galveston County, Texas. Compare population statistics about Galveston County, TX by race, age, gender, Latino/Hispanic origin etc. CensusViewer delivers detailed demographics and population statistics from the 2010 Census, 2000 Census, American Community Survey (ACS), registered voter files, commercial data sources and more.", "Texas City, Texas Texas City, TX. Sponsored Topics. Texas City is a city in the U.S. state of Texas within the Houston–Sugar Land–Baytown metropolitan area and Galveston County. The city's population was 45,099 at the 2010 census. Located on the southwest shoreline of Galveston Bay, Texas City is a busy deepwater port on Texas' Gulf Coast.", "Greg Abbott A week after his election, Abbott announced that Carlos Cascos, of Brownsville, the county judge since 2007 of Cameron County in far South Texas, will become the Secretary of State of Texas.", "- A charming, rustic, and affordable event center in Pearland. County Line Event Center brings you professionals for all you need to plan your wedding, right on the Brazoria/Galveston county line at our Pearland wedding venue. We’ll organize your important company event in Houston, or help you celebrate the occasion of a new life or holiday in style and at ease.", "- More... Bike Rodeo. Learn the basics of bike safety and handling on our exciting road courses! Hamilton Pool Preserve. Enjoy one of the top places to swim in Central Texas. Reservations. Reserve a field and get your kickball on. Lake Levels around Travis County. View up to date data on lake levels. Volunteer. Cleanup your neighborhood park or ...", "Galveston County, Texas Galveston County (/ˈɡælvᵻstən/ GAL-viss-tən) is a county in the U.S. state of Texas. As of the 2010 census, the population was 291,309. Its county seat is Galveston. League City is the most populous city in Galveston County; between 2000 and 2005 it surpassed Galveston as the county's largest city.", "- Galveston County ZONE A• Begin leaving at 6 p.m. today (on following routes) Galveston Island (I-45), Jamaica Beach (I-45), Tiki Island (I-45), Bayou Vista (Texas 6), Clear Lake Shores (Texas 146), Kemah (Texas 146), San Leon-Bacliff-Bayview (Texas 146), Bolivar Peninsula (Texas 87 and 124). ZONE B.", "- Flood Warning. The National Weather Service In League City Has Issued A * Flood Warning For... Galveston County In Southeastern Texas... Montgomery County In Southeastern Texas... Southern San Jacinto County In Southeastern Texas... Brazoria County In Southeastern Texas... ...Read More.", "- What's Happening in the City of Galveston! 1 City Facilities Closed Friday April 14th In Observance of Good Friday All City facilities, including the two recreation centers on the island, will be closed in observance of Good Friday on April 14th.", "- Has the APB TV show been cancelled or renewed for a second season on FOX? The television vulture is watching for the latest cancellation and renewal news, so this page is the place to track the status of APB season two. Bookmark it, or subscribe for the latest updates. Remember, the television vulture is watching your shows.", "- Galveston.com Official Website of Galveston Island, Texas Tourism & Marketing. 21 Reasons to Love the New Galveston.com! Texas Seaport Museum will play host to visiting tall ship, El Galéon, April 13-23, 2017. The Galveston Island Convention & Visitors Bureau is looking for the new face of Galveston and it could be YOU! Moody Gardens invites you to Easter in the Gardens, April 16 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Learn about the planet and what you can do to protect it during Earth Day events at Moody Gardens, April 22.", "- Liberty, Harris, and Chambers Counties. Cedar Bayou meanders through the coastal plains of Southeast Texas, intersecting woods, marshes, and lagoons. The estuary at its mouth is an important spawning area for fish, shrimp, and oysters.", "Galveston % CashQuest Location. Galveston ( /ɡælvɨstən/) is a coastal city located on Galveston Island in the U.S. state of Texas. As of the 2010 U.S. Census, the city had a total population of 47,743 within an area of 208 square miles (540 km2).", "Galveston During the Civil War In 1860, on the eve of the Civil War, Galveston was the largest city in Texas and the major seaport for the state. The citys population stood at 7,207, about 1,200 of whom were slaves. Galveston was a growing city; forty percent of her non-slave population was born outside the United States.", "- HOUSTON COUNTY. Houston County, the first county established by the Republic of Texas, is east of Waco in the East Texas Timberlands region. It is bordered on the north by Anderson County, on the east by Cherokee, Angelina, and Trinity counties, on the south by Walker and Madison counties, and on the west by Leon County.", "Consumer Guide to Prescription Eyeglasses Learn all about eyeglasses with this comprehensive collection of articles on eyeglass frames and lenses, all written by experts in the eye care industry. From information about lens options and the latest frame styles to tips for buying children's glasses, we've got all your eyeglass needs covered.Browse the list of articles below, or start by reading our Eyeglass Basics article.our eye doctor or optician can advise you about the right fit for you, as well as discuss coatings and tints that can help you see your best in different circumstances such as low lighting at dusk. Read an expanded introduction to eyeglasses." ]
what are the major characteristics of the dermis
[ "- The dermis, the skin's next layer, is a thick layer of fibrous and elastic tissue (made mostly of collagen, elastin, and fibrillin) that gives the skin its flexibility and strength. The dermis contains nerve endings, sweat glands and oil (sebaceous) glands, hair follicles, and blood vessels." ]
[ "- Collagen fibres, 70% of the proteins in the dermis, gives dermis its resistance to strain and traction, while elastin supply its elastic properties. The reticular dermis accounts for the greater part of the dermis.", "Skin: Facts, Diseases & Conditions Dermis. The dermis is the middle layer of skin, and it actually has two layers, according to the AAD. The papillary layer consists of the loose connective tissue, while the reticular layer is the deep layer of the dermis and consists of dense connective tissue.he human body's largest organ is the integumentary system, which includes the skin, hair, nails, glands and nerve receptors. Skin weighs about 6 lbs.", "Dermis In addition, hair follicles, sweat glands, sebaceous glands, apocrine glands, lymphatic vessels and blood vessels are present in the dermis. Those blood vessels provide nourishment and waste removal for both dermal and epidermal cells.part from these cells, the dermis is also composed of matrix components such as collagen (which provides strength), elastin (which provides elasticity), and extrafibrillar matrix, an extracellular gel-like substance primarily composed of glycosaminoglycans (most notably hyaluronan), proteoglycans, and glycoproteins.", "How Many Layers Does the Human Skin Have The dermis is the deepest vascular inner skin layer, and is responsible for providing the skin, its strength, and elasticity. This is because of the fibers of the collagen and elastin. The thickness varies, which is 0.3 mm (min) on the eyelids, and 3.0 mm (max) on the back.", "- The dermis is the deeper skin layer consisting of two layers: the papillary and elastic, both containing collagen. Blood vessels (capillaries) and nerves are found in this layer. The principle structural component of the dermis is the protein collagen, produced by fibroblasts dispersed throughout the dermis.kin cross section showing the epidermis (not to scale). The upper most outer layer of the skin, the epidermis, consists of squamous cells (flat and scale-like in shape) and underneath basal cells (round shaped).", "What Is the Function of the Dermis? Its thickness varies depending on the location of the skin. For example, the dermis on the eyelids is 0.6 millimeters; on the back, the palms of hands and the soles of feet it's 3 millimeters. It's also composed of three types of tissues that are present throughout the dermis, not in layers: Collagen.", "- I didn't have time to get it dry-cleaned myself before my cheating scumbag of a husband decided to call an end to our marriage, wrote Wragg. It cost my poor parents around £2,000 ($2,629) brand new in 2014.. Wragg's wedding dress originally cost £2,000.", "What is the dermis? The thickest layer of skin, the dermis is made up of cells that produce two proteins, collagen and elastin, that give your skin both strength and flexibility.he dermis is the thick layer of skin underneath the dry surface layer of the skin. It contributes a lot to how we look and changes in the dermis make us look older. Watch the animation to see all the skin structures.", "- The dermis is located beneath the epidermis and is the thickest of the three layers of the skin (1.5 to 4 mm thick), making up approximately 90 percent of the thickness of the skin.The main functions of the dermis are to regulate temperature and to supply the epidermis with nutrient-saturated blood.he keratinocytes from the squamous layer are then pushed up through two thin epidermal layers called the stratum granulosum and the stratum lucidum. As these cells move further towards the surface of the skin, they get bigger and flatter and adhere together, and then eventually become dehydrated and die.", "- The dermis is divided into a papillary region and a reticular region. The primary function of the dermis is to cushion the body from stress and strain, and to also provide: elasticity to the skin, a sense of touch, and heat. The dermis contains hair roots, sebaceous glands, sweat glands, nerves, and blood vessels.", "Integumentary system Beneath this, the dermis comprises two sections, the papillary and reticular layers, and contains connective tissues, vessels, glands, follicles, hair roots, sensory nerve endings, and muscular tissue. The deepest layer, the hypodermis, is primarily made up of adipose tissue.", "- Activity-based costing is a method of assigning indirect costs to products and services which involves finding cost of each activity involved in the production process and assigning costs to each product based on its consumption of each activity.", "- The inner layer of the two main layers of the skin. The dermis has connective tissue, blood vessels, oil and sweat glands, nerves, hair follicles, and other structures. It is made up of a thin upper layer called the papillary dermis, and a thick lower layer called the reticular dermis.", "What is the dermis? The lower layer of the skin is called the dermis. This is the structural layer, the leather of the skin. It holds you together. The dermis is made up mostly of collagen and about 4% elastin fibers. Collagen provides the strength of the skin, while elastin allows it to stretch and snap back.", "Structure, Functions and Problems of the Skin The dermis, the skin's next layer, is a thick layer of fibrous and elastic tissue (made mostly of collagen, with a small but important component of elastin) that gives the skin its flexibility and strength. The dermis contains nerve endings, sweat glands and oil (sebaceous) glands, hair follicles, and blood vessels. The nerve endings sense pain, touch, pressure, and temperature. Some areas of the skin contain more nerve endings than others.", "The Individual Layers of Skin and Their Functions It contains connective tissue, blood capillaries, oil and sweat glands, nerve endings and hair follicles. The dermis is split into two parts: the papillary dermis, which is the thin, upper layer, and the reticular dermis, which is the thick, lower layer. The thickness of the dermis also varies depending on the location of the skin. On the eyelids, it's 0.6 millimeters thick. On the back, the palms of hands and the soles of feet it's 3 millimeters thick. Meissner corpuscles and Lamellar corpuscles that transmit the sensations of touch and pressure.", "Primary Care/General Internal Medicine You can have your choice of physicians. Our doctors pride themselves in listening to your needs, answering your questions, and helping you to become a knowledgeable healthcare partner. As your partner, the general internist will supervise your primary care and assemble a team of specialty physicians most appropriate for your needs.", "Structure, Functions and Problems of the Skin Dermis. The dermis, the skin's next layer, is a thick layer of fibrous and elastic tissue (made mostly of collagen, elastin, and fibrillin) that gives the skin its flexibility and strength. The dermis contains nerve endings, sweat glands and oil (sebaceous) glands, hair follicles, and blood vessels.he epidermis also contains Langerhans cells, which are part of the skin's immune system. Although these cells help detect foreign substances and defend the body against infection, they also play a role in the development of skin allergies.", "The dermis and protein fibres Composition of the Dermis. It is largely made up of: 1 Fibroblasts: the predominant cells in the dermis. 2 They synthesize the collagen, elastin and glycoprotein structural fibres. 3 The destruction of these fibres automatically occurs with age.t is largely made up of: 1 Fibroblasts: the predominant cells in the dermis. 2 They synthesize the collagen, elastin and glycoprotein structural fibres. 3 The destruction of these fibres automatically occurs with age.", "The Epidermis The Dermis This is the inner layer of our skin and is also the most important. It is very delicate as it contains blood vessels, nerves, sweat and oil glands, hair follicles and papillary. It's function is to provide elasticity to the skin through collagen fibers. The papillary that provide nutrients to the epidermis.", "- The reticular dermis accounts for the greater part of the dermis. On this level, the elastin and collagen fibres are multidirectional, whereas in the dermal papillae the elastin fibres are mainly oriented perpendicular to the skin surface.erves skin deep. Nerves include free nerve endings, that penetrate the epidermis a little or are linked to nervous corpuscles including the Meissner, Pacini and Ruffini corpuscles, which generate sensations coming from the skin-touch, temperature, or pressure.", "Dermis The papillary dermis is the uppermost layer of the dermis. It intertwines with the rete ridges of the epidermis and is composed of fine and loosely arranged collagen fibers. The papillary region is composed of loose areolar connective tissue.", "What is the Dermis? The dermis is the layer of skin that lies beneath the epidermis and above the subcutaneous layer. It is the thickest layer of the skin, and is made up of fibrous and elastic tissue. Thus it provides strength and flexibility to the skin.", "Some facts about skin The apical layers of the dermis are folded, to form dermal papillae, which are particularly prominent in thick skin. The hypodermis. This layer is underneath the dermis, and merges with it. It mainly contains adipose tissue and sweat glands. The adipose tissue has metabolic functions: it is resonsible for production of vitamin D, and triglycerides.", "Dermis Apart from these cells, the dermis is also composed of matrix components such as collagen (which provides strength), elastin (which provides elasticity), and extrafibrillar matrix, an extracellular gel-like substance primarily composed of glycosaminoglycans (most notably hyaluronan), proteoglycans, and glycoproteins.t also contains Mechanoreceptors that provide the sense of touch and thermoreceptors that provide the sense of heat. In addition, hair follicles, sweat glands, sebaceous glands, apocrine glands, lymphatic vessels and blood vessels are present in the dermis." ]
is liquid asphalt hazmat?
[ "Asphalt Bituminous substance produced in the refining of petroleum. Occurs naturally or by distillation of Crude Oil (Bitumen). Asphalt, also known as bitumen, is the sticky, black and highly viscous liquid or semi-solid present in most crude petroleums and in some natural deposits; it is a substance classed as a pitch. Until the 20th century, the term asphaltum was also used." ]
[ "On this page Cutback asphalt and emulsified asphalt are used for a number of applications during road construction. In preparing these products, asphalt cement is mixed with either a petroleum diluent to produce cutback asphalt or with emulsifiers, water, and sometimes petroleum diluent to produce emulsified asphalt.", "asphalt emulsion Definition. Liquid asphalt in which water has been suspended. When the water evaporates, the asphalt hardens. Asphalt emulsion is used in pavingas a tack coat to bind one course to another.Print | Cite This Source | Link to This Page.iquid asphalt in which water has been suspended. When the water evaporates, the asphalt hardens. Asphalt emulsion is used in pavingas a tack coat to bind one course to another. Print | Cite This Source | Link to This Page.", "Asphalt Emulsion Hazardous Polymerization: Hazard polymerization will not occur. pigmentation of the skin. or calcium hypochlorite. MSDS: Asphalt Emulsion Revision Date: 10/5/2009 Page 6 . Hazardous Decomposition Products: Combustion may produce carbon monoxide.", "Bitumen Emulsions Asphalt Emulsion. Emulsified asphalt, as used by TxDOT, consists of asphalt droplets suspended in water. This dispersion under normal circumstances would not take place, since everyone knows. that oil and water don’t mix, but if an emulsifying agent is added to the water the asphalt. will remain dispersed.", "- Asphalt is the green pavement: It is up to 100% reusable resp. recyclable. Furthermore its flexibility and new technologies are making asphalt the only sustainable pavement choice. For more information have a look at the EAPA Documents: Enviroment Friendly: The use of Warm Mix Asphalt.", "Frequently Asked Questions A: One of the important facts about Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) is that it is 100% recyclable and can be used over and over again. It is the #1 recycled material in the USA! In Virginia, most asphalt mixes specified for use on roadways allow up to 20% of the material to be recycled asphalt product (RAP). Base Mix asphalt material can have over 25% recycled asphalt pavement (RAP). The use of RAP in HMA provides a number of benefits: 1 It reduces the amount of virgin material used in the mix, thereby preserving natural resources. Since it is 100% recyclable it does not need landfill space for disposal.", "Bitumen Emulsions In the production of asphalt emulsion, water is treated with an emulsifying agent and. other chemicals and is pumped to a colloid mill along with asphalt. The colloid mill. breaks the asphalt up into tiny droplets. The emulsifying agent migrates to the asphalt-. water interface and keeps the droplets from coalescing. The emulsion is then pumped to. a storage tank. Asphalt emulsions are very complicated and use a lot of chemistry to get the emulsion. properties desired.", "- Product may not cure and/or track in late Fall and early Spring applications). Latex-ite 4.75 Gal. Airport Grade Driveway Filler Sealer is an asphalt emulsion based low VOC driveway sealer designed to beautify and protect your blacktop driveway. Airport grade is a non-skid formula that will fill hairline (1/8 in. or less) cracks and is polymer fortified for added durability.", "- The room number (3A or otherwise) can also be. proven. o An inference is a statement that appears to be true based on. previous experiences. The greater the body of experience, the. more an inference appears to be a fact. o Biology class meets in Science Lab 3A.", "Road surface Asphalt (specifically, asphalt concrete) has been widely used since the 1920s. The viscous nature of the bitumen binder allows asphalt concrete to sustain significant plastic deformation, although fatigue from repeated loading over time is the most common failure mechanism.", "- Current Asphalt Index. The indexed price will be held till the end of each month and then be subject to change based on the current liquid asphalt price. To see up to date information on the asphalt index go to our links page and select either the New Jersey asphalt pavement association or the New Jersey Deptartment of Transportation website . April 1st, 2017. $370.00.", "- HAZMAT Class 3 Flammable liquids. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. (Redirected from HAZMAT Class 3 Flammable Liquids) A flammable liquid is a liquid with flash point of not more than 60.5 °C (141 °F), or any material in a liquid phase with a flash point at or above 37.8 °C (100 °F). 1 Divisions.", "asphaltic concrete Dictionary of Construction. A mixture of liquid asphalt and graded aggregate used as a paving material for roadways and parking lots. It is usually spread and compacted in layers over a prepared base while still hot.", "- Petroleum asphalt for use in pavements is usually called paving. asphalt or asphalt cement to distinguish it from asphalt made for non-paving uses. Asphalt. cement at normal atmospheric (ambient) temperatures is a black, sticky, semisolid, highly. viscous material.", "Derivative (finance) The interest rate on the loan reprices every six months. The corporation is concerned that the rate of interest may be much higher in six months. The corporation could buy a forward rate agreement (FRA), which is a contract to pay a fixed rate of interest six months after purchases on a notional amount of money.", "What Is Sealcoating? Download PDF. Asphalt pavement, to keep in simple terms, is primarily rock and/or stone and gravel, along with a binder. The rock, or aggregate, is held together with this binder also known as asphalt cement. The binder is created from the distillation process of certain crude oils.ealcoats are typically bituminous based products or acrylics. The sealcoat is in a liquid formulation of one of the above emulsions, mixed with water, silica sand, polymer additives, and other proprietary fillers and solids. These products can be applied by brush, spray or squeegee.", "- (Anderson and Starr, Hautzart 33 (1): 1982 Supplement to Sections I and III Fire and Explosion Hazards Flammability of aqueous solutions of propylene glycol greater than 22% by weight. If heated sufficiently, will produce flammable vapors.", "- Remember that asphalt doesn’t work well with Liquid EPDM and neither does silicone or oil. Reinforce gaps, tears and holes that are larger than 1/16”. You can fill holes with a non-silicone caulk. A pressure washer is the best way to cleanse the surface after you’ve made all necessary repairs.", "Uses of Asphalt What is Asphalt. Asphalt is a mixture of aggregates, binder and filler, used for constructing and maintaining all kind of roads, parking areas but also play- and sport areas. Aggregates used for asphalt mixtures could be crushed rock, sand, gravel or slags. In order to bind the aggregates into a cohesive mixture a binder is used.", "Rubberized asphalt Rubberized asphalt. Rubberized asphalt concrete (RAC), also known as asphalt rubber or just rubberized asphalt, is pavement material that consists of regular asphalt concrete mixed with crumb rubber made from recycled tires.", "- Emulsified asphalt is a pseudo-stabilization of asphalt cement (the “dispersed phase”) suspended in water (the “continuous phase”).", "- Q: What is EPDM Liquid Roof / Liquid Rubber? A: Liquid Roof is a liquid version of EPDM rubber. It cures by chemical reaction at ambient (ordinary) temperatures to form a flexible rubber membrane. A pre-measured catalyst is added to the rubber compound before application.", "- Asphalt pavement refers to any paved road surfaced with asphalt. Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) is a combination of approximately 95% stone, sand, or gravel bound together by asphalt cement, a product of crude oil. Asphalt cement is heated aggregate, combined, and mixed with the aggregate at an HMA facility.", "- The result is a liquid (alkylate) which is the purest extractable petroleum product. The alkylate is then mixed with a number of other components and we now have a finished product - the Aspen alyklate petrol, ready to be used in most small engines.", "What Is Bitumen (Asphalt)? Petroleum bitumen is typically referred to as bitumen or asphalt. In Europe for instance bitumen means the liquid binder. In North America, on the other hand the liquid binder is referred to as asphalt, or asphalt cement.ften coal tar is confused with bitumen however they are two entirely chemically different products and should not be mistaken. For the distinction drawn between petroleum bitumen and coal tar see the distinction table below:" ]
types of gastric bypass pouch
[ "Guide to types of weight-loss surgery Four common types of weight-loss surgery are: 1 Roux-en-Y gastric bypass. 2 Laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding. 3 Sleeve gastrectomy. Duodenal switch with biliopancreatic diversion." ]
[ "Vertical banded gastroplasty surgery Both a band and staples are used to create a small stomach pouch. In the bottom of the pouch is an approximate one-centimeter hole through which the pouch contents can flow into the remainder of the stomach and thence onto the remainder of the gastrointestinal tract.", "Gastric Bypass Surgery The Roux-en-Y (RNY) gastric bypass surgery, which is currently the most common type of gastric bypass surgery, was first performed in 1967 through open surgery, and uses a Y configuration in rerouting the intestines. The first laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass was performed in 1993.", "What Type of Doctor Performs Bariatric Surgery? Bariatric surgery is the technical term for three common types of weight loss surgical procedures: gastric bypass, Lap-Band and gastric sleeve. Surgeons with advanced training to perform the ...", "Floyd Center for Bariatric Services The Way to a Healthier Lifestyle. These guidelines are designed for use after gastric bypass surgery. The stomach pouch created by surgery is the size of a large walnut. You will be on a liquid or semi-liquid consistency diet for four weeks to allow healing of the stomach pouch. These guidelines will help keep you healthy while losing weight.", "Types of Bariatric Surgery Laparoscopic surgery usually results in a shorter hospital stay, faster recovery, smaller scars, and less pain than open surgical procedures. As with any abdominal surgery, potential risks exist; however, with bariatric surgery, these risks are further complicated because of the patient's extra weight. You should discuss the benefits and risks of each type of surgery in detail with your surgeon and our bariatric surgery team, to determine which one is right for you.", "- In a Roux-en-Y gastric bypass , only a small part of the stomach is used to create a new stomach pouch, roughly the size of an egg. The smaller stomach is connected directly to the middle portion of the small intestine (jejunum), bypassing the rest of the stomach and the upper portion of the small intestine (duodenum).", "- Gastric Bypass & Sleeve Gastrectomy Post-Op Diet. Nothing by Mouth (Night of Surgery) Clear Liquids (Days 1-3) Starts the day after surgery. Clear liquids must be plain or sugar-free. In general, clear liquids are liquids. that you can see through. Please sip slowly and do not use straws. Bypass:", "What Is Gastric Bypass Surgery? This weight loss method is called malabsorptive.. Stomach stapling and Roux-en-Y are typically done during the same surgery and together are called a Roux-en-Y gastric bypass.. Usually, surgeons do both laparoscopically (using tools inserted through small cuts in the belly).", "Gastric Bypass (Malabsorptive) Surgery Procedure Gastric bypass surgery, a type of bariatric surgery (weight loss surgery), is a procedure that alters the process of digestion.", "StomaphyX - Gastric Bypass Revision The StomaphyX procedure reduces the stomach pouch and stoma to a size similar to the original gastric bypass surgery, once again limiting food intake and slowing the emptying of the stomach into the small intestine. This results in earlier satiety (feeling of fullness) and more weight loss.", "Gastric Bypass Surgery Cost Post. Tweet. Gastric bypass surgery -- the most common type is called Roux-en-Y gastric bypass -- is a form of weight loss surgery in which the doctor permanently reduces the size of the stomach to a small pouch, then attaches a tube of intestine to the pouch, bypassing about two feet of intestines. For patients with insurance coverage, it is not uncommon for out-of-pocket costs for gastric bypass surgery -- which often include copays for office visits and coinsurance for surgery, to run from hundreds to several thousand of dollars.", "- Gastric Bypass Surgery (Definition) Gastric bypass surgery is a restrictive and malabsorptive procedure to help lose weight. Restrictive is in the fact that the stomach is down sized to a 2 oz pouch and malabsorptive is in bypassing part of the stomach and 100 to 150 cm of the small bowel before digestion start.", "- Drugs with long stomach absorptive phases should be avoided or precautions should be taken. 1 Such medications include nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications, salicylates and bisphosphonates. The goal is to restrict or limit use of these in the patient who has undergone Roux-En-Y gastric bypass.", "Gastric bypass surgery There are two steps during gastric bypass surgery: The first step makes your stomach smaller. Your surgeon uses staples to divide your stomach into a small upper section and a larger bottom section. The top section of your stomach (called the pouch) is where the food you eat will go.", "Bariatric Surgery Procedures The Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass – often called gastric bypass – is considered the ‘gold standard’ of weight loss surgery. There are two components to the procedure. First, a small stomach pouch, approximately one ounce or 30 milliliters in volume, is created by dividing the top of the stomach from the rest of the stomach.", "Gastric Stapling (Restrictive) Surgery Procedure Gastric stapling surgery, also called gastric banding surgery, is a type of bariatric surgery (weight loss surgery) procedure performed to limit the amount of food a person can eat.", "- If you’re considering weight-loss surgery, gastric bypass isn’t your only option. Adjustable gastric banding(also called laparascopic gastric banding, or lap band surgery) is the least invasive and second most common weight loss surgery. It accounts for about 15%-20% of procedures.", "Indiana pouch Description[edit] With this type of surgery, a reservoir, or pouch, is created out of approximately two feet of the ascending colon and a portion of the ileum (a part of the small intestine). The ureters are surgically removed from the bladder and repositioned to drain into this new pouch.", "- gastric bypass. n. A surgical procedure used for treatment of morbid obesity, consisting of the severance of the upper stomach, anastomosis of the small upper pouch of the stomach to the jejunum, and closure of the distal part of the stomach.", "Types of Colostomies and Pouching Systems Types of Colostomies and Pouching Systems. A colostomy can be short-term (temporary) or life-long (permanent) and can be made in any part of the colon. The different types of colostomies are based on where they are located on the colon. Certain lower bowel problems are treated by giving part of the bowel a rest.", "StomaphyX It is not performed as a primary method of weight loss surgery, but as a type of revisional bariatric surgery for gastric bypass patients. Although gastric bypass surgery is successful in achieving an average of 60 to 80% excess weight loss, some patients start to regain weight a few years after surgery.", "- Also popular are gastric band surgeries, a weight-control procedure for the morbidly obese involving placement of a band across the top portion of the stomach below the esophagus. — , Sun-Sentinel.com, State's first free-standing same-day surgical center to close, 14 July 2017.", "- Adjustable gastric banding(also called laparascopic gastric banding, or lap band surgery) is the least invasive and second most common weight loss surgery. It accounts for about 15%-20% of procedures. In gastric banding, a surgeon places a silicone ring around the upper stomach.", "- 26 This type of dilator isused for simple strictures with a diameter of 12 to 14mm. The risk of esophageal perforation may be higherwith blind passage of Maloney dilators than with Savaryor TTS balloons, particularly in patients with a large hiatalhernia, a tortuous esophagus, or those with complex stric-tures.ILATOR TYPES Three general types of dilators are currently in use.These are (1) mercury or tungsten-filled bougies (Maloneyor Hurst), (2) wire-guided polyvinyl dilators (Savary-Gilliard or American), and (3) TTS (‘‘through-the-scope’’)balloon dilators.", "Vertical banded gastroplasty surgery In this technique, staples are used to form a pouch that is connected to the small intestine, bypassing the lower stomach, the duodenum, and the first portion of the jejunum. This type of weight loss surgery is losing favor as more doctors begin using the adjustable gastric band." ]
elvis was born in what state?
[ "Elvis Presley Biography.com Early Interest in Music. Musician and actor Elvis Aron Presley was born on January 8, 1935, in Tupelo, Mississippi. (He later changed the spelling of his middle name to the biblical form of Aaron.) Presley was supposed to be a twin, but his brother, Jesse Garon (sometimes spelled Jessie) was stillborn." ]
[ "Elvis Presley Elvis Aaron Presley (January 8, 1935 – August 16, 1977) was an American singer and actor. Regarded as one of the most significant cultural icons of the 20th century, he is often referred to as the King of Rock and Roll , or simply, the King.resley is one of the most celebrated and influential musicians of the 20th century. Commercially successful in many genres, including pop, blues and gospel, he is the best-selling solo artist in the history of recorded music, with estimated record sales of around 600 million units worldwide.", "Birth Date between 1945-01-01 and 1945-12-31 (Sorted by Popularity Ascending) Priscilla Presley was born Priscilla Ann Wagner on May 24, 1945 in Brooklyn, New York City, to Anna Lillian (Iversen) and James Frederick Wagner, a US Navy pilot. Her stepfather, Paul Beaulieu, was an Air Force officer stationed in West Germany.enry Winkler Actor, The Waterboy Henry Franklin Winkler was born on October 30, 1945, in Manhattan, New York. His parents, Ilse Anna Maria (Hadra) and Harry Irving Winkler, were Jewish immigrants who avoided the German Holocaust, moving to the US in 1939.", "- Gandhi was assassinated by a gunman.Elvis, Scotty Moore (guitar) and Bill Black (bass) recorded the song ‘That’s All Right”Elvis Aaron Presley was born at 12.20pm in Tupelo, Mississippi. His twin brother, Jesse, died at birth Elvis got his first guitar on his 11th birthday.n order to help us keep pace with curriculum changes, please send any new or revised activities back to the project, so that we can add them to our lists of materials. http://www.collaborativelearning.org/elvis.pdf. Elvis Presley and Contemporary Events 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980.", "Elvis Presley Biography.com Musician and actor Elvis Aron Presley was born on January 8, 1935, in Tupelo, Mississippi. (He later changed the spelling of his middle name to the biblical form of Aaron.) Presley was supposed to be a twin, but his brother, Jesse Garon (sometimes spelled Jessie) was stillborn.resley was on a roll, scoring his first No. 1 single with Heartbreak Hotel, as well as his first No. 1 album, Elvis Presley, and signing a movie contract with Paramount Pictures—all in 1956. Despite the uproar that his sexy dance moves caused, he also became a popular guest on a number of television variety shows.", "- Elvis Aaron Presley was born January 8, 1935. Today he would be 76 years old. Elvis Presley was born on January 8th, 1935 in Tupelo, Mississippi and would be 76 years old today if he were alive.", "Elvis Presley Net Worth Elvis Presley Net Worth. Elvis Aaron Presley was born in Tupelo, Mississippi on January 8, 1935. He married Priscilla Beaulieu in 1967 after a long courtship. Lisa Marie is their only child, and she was born in 1968. Elvis and Priscilla divorced in 1973 and he never married again.", "Elvis Presley (1935â1977) Elvis Aaron Presley was born on January 8, 1935 in East Tupelo, Mississippi, to Gladys Presley (née Gladys Love Smith) and Vernon Presley (Vernon Elvis Presley). He had a twin brother who was stillborn. In September 1948, Elvis and his parents moved to Memphis, Tennessee where he attended Humes High School.", "EXCLUSIVE! Rae Sremmurd on Name Meaning & Working With Mike Will When asked about growing up in Tupelo, Mississippi, the birthplace of Elvis Presley, Rae Sremmurd say that The King is beloved by everyone in the city, regardless of race. They also go into their own experiences growing up in Tupelo, and say it was really hard to have stability and make the transition into adulthood.", "All You Ever Wanted To Know About Elvis Presley.... Don't Know Much About History.... Elvis Presley was a singer, guitarist, and actor. As a rock and roll idol from the '50s through the '70s, he influenced music for an entire generation. Born in humble circumstances in Tupelo, Mississippi, in 1935 to blue-collar parents, Elvis was the survivor of identical twins.", "- Answer: No. Elvis was born in a two room house in Tupelo, Mississippi. Elvis' father and uncle built the house themselves in 1934. More Frequently Asked Questions About Elvis.", "Elvis Net Worth Categorized | Celebrities Net Worth, Elvis Presley. Elvis Net Worth. Loading... Elvis was a singer and actor. A cultural icon, he is commonly known by the single name Elvis. One of the most popular musicians of the 20th century, he is often referred to as the “King of Rock and Roll” or “the King”. Born in Tupelo, Mississippi, Elvis Presley moved to Memphis, Tennessee, with his family at the age of 13. He began his career there in 1954, working with Sun Records owner Sam Phillips, who wanted to bring the sound of African-American music to a wider audience.", "Elvis Presley Presley was born in Tupelo, Mississippi as a twinless twin, and when he was 13 years old, he and his family relocated to Memphis, Tennessee. His music career began there in 1954, when he recorded a song with producer Sam Phillips at Sun Records.Accompanied by guitarist Scotty Moore and bassist Bill Black, Presley was an early popularizer of rockabilly, an uptempo, backbeat-driven fusion of country music and rhythm and blues.is music career began there in 1954, when he recorded a song with producer Sam Phillips at Sun Records. Accompanied by guitarist Scotty Moore and bassist Bill Black, Presley was an early popularizer of rockabilly, an uptempo, backbeat-driven fusion of country music and rhythm and blues.", "Jessie Presley Details: Elvis Presley and his twin, Jessie Garon Presley, were born in a shack in East Tupelo, Mississippi, on January 8, 1935. Sadly, Jessie was declared dead by the time Elvis was born. Many believe that Jessie was the force behind Elvis's creativity and self-destructive tendencies.", "1935 Elvis is born. Shortly before dawn, Gladys Presley gives birth to twin sons. The first, Jessie Garon, is stillborn. The Second Elvis Arron, is born healthy and would be Gladys and Vernon’s only child. Elvis is named after his father, Vernon Elvis Presley, and Mr. Presley’s good friend in Tupelo, Aaron Kennedy.", "Trivia (230) Elvis Aaron Presley was born on January 8, 1935 in East Tupelo, Mississippi, to Gladys Presley (nee Née Gladys Love) smith And Vernon (Presley Vernon Elvis). Presley he had a twin brother who was. stillborne named his son Vernon Elvis, and Vernon Presley later named his son Elvis Aaron Presley, the man who went on to become The King. Curiously, cut from the 2009 issue of his critically acclaimed film King Creole (1958) was his performance of Hard Headed Woman a #1 hit for Elvis at the time of the film's release.", "- Johnny Cash was born February 26, 1932, in Kingsland, Arkansas, to Carrie Cloveree (Rivers) and Raymond Cash. He made his first single, Hey Porter, for Sun Records in 1955. In 1958 he moved to Columbia Records.", "- Elvis Aaron Presley was born on January 8, 1935 in East Tupelo, Mississippi, to Gladys Presley (nee Née Gladys Love) smith And Vernon (Presley Vernon Elvis). Presley he had a twin brother who was. stillborn990 Elvis in the Movies (Documentary) (performer: Love Me Tender) / (writer: Love Me Tender). 1990 Look Who's Talking Too (performer: All Shook Up, Are You Lonesome Tonight) / (writer: All Shook Up). 1990 The Wonder Years (TV Series) (performer - 1 episode). - Little Debbie (1990) ...", "- (Read More about Olive Branch) As the hometown of the blues and Elvis Presley (who was actually born in Tupelo, Mississippi), the city left its mark on the history of music. A general resurgence in the popularity of blues has brought new life to Memphis as a tourist attraction.", "Elvis Presley Elvis in Jailhouse Rock. Elvis Aaron (or Aron) Presley, popularly known by the single name Elvis, (January 8, 1935 – August 16, 1977) was a musician, actor and performer. Presley became an essential figure of rock and roll and sang rock, country, blues, and gospel.", "5 Interesting Benefits of Sunflower Palm Oil Advantages and Disadvantages. 1 It provides a source of dietary energy, 2 It is easily digested. 3 It is an essential fatty acid. 4 It’s cholesterol-free and. 5 It is rich in carotenoids, which are a precursor of Vitamin A. 6 It’s also rich in Vitamin E, a natural antioxidant that can protect against free radicals.", "Ann-Margret Needless to say, when people think of actresses in Elvis films, Ann-Margret is almost always the first to come to mind. Although born in Stockholm, Ann-Margret Olsson was raised in the town of Valsjobyn, Sweden, a small mountain village. At the age of five, she and her mother joined her father in America. Growing up near Chicago, she was performing in a group by age 16.", "- Elvis Presley. Elvis Aaron Presley (January 8, 1935 – August 16, 1977) was an American singer and actor. Regarded as one of the most significant cultural icons of the 20th century, he is often referred to as the King of Rock and Roll or simply the King. Presley was born in Tupelo, Mississippi, and relocated to Memphis, Tennessee, with his family when he was 13 years old.", "ABOUT ELVIS PRESLEY Elvis Aaron Presley was born to Vernon and Gladys Presley in a two-room house in Tupelo, Mississippi, on January 8, 1935. His twin brother, Jessie Garon, was stillborn, leaving Elvis to grow up as an only child.", "- Elvis Aaron Presley (January 8, 1935 – August 16, 1977) was an American singer and actor. Regarded as one of the most significant cultural icons of the 20th century, he is often referred to as the King of Rock and Roll, or simply, the King. Presley was born in Tupelo, Mississippi, as a twinless twin—his brother was stillborn. When he was 13 years old, he and his family relocated to Memphis, Tennessee.", "- Elvis Aaron Presley, born 8 January 1935 in Tupelo Mississippi Elvis died 16 August 1977 in Memphis, Tennessee.Elvis Presley died on 16 August 1977 at his home Graceland in Memphis. His body was found by girlfriend, Ginger Alden in the upstairs bathroom. Ginger summoned Joe Esposito & Al Strada and Dr Nick.All efforts to revive Elvis were futile.lvis Presley died on 16 August 1977 at his home Graceland in Memphis. His body was found by girlfriend, Ginger Alden in the upstairs bathroom. Ginger summoned Joe Esposito & Al Strada and Dr Nick." ]
what causes ringing in the ears home treatment
[ "What is Tinnitus? The best characterization is that ringing in the ears is an indication of a possible issue in the inner ear or auditory system. Is ringing in the ears a disease? No. Ringing in the ears is believed to have many possible causes or contributing factors but it is not a disease. In some cases occupational exposure to loud noises is directly related to ringing in the ears. In other cases certain medications (including aspirin and ibuprofen) are thought to initiate or exacerbate tinnitus. In still other cases none of these factors is present, but ringing in the ears still occurs. Ringing in the ears is sometimes associated with impacted cerumen (ear wax) or other symptoms of inner ear disturbance such as dizziness or vertigo.", "Alternative Treatments for Tinnitus Herbs. 1 Ginkgo Biloba. According to a study done by the Department of Food Science at the University of Massachusetts, ginkgo leaf extract may be effective for the treatment of tinnitus. 2 Black Cohosh. The Encyclopedia of Medicinal Plants categorizes tinnitus as a nerve condition that can benefit from black cohosh. 3 Hawthorn." ]
[ "- Many prescription and nonprescription medicines can cause ringing in the ears (tinnitus). A few examples are: 1 Aspirin, ibuprofen (such as Advil or Motrin), and naproxen (such as Aleve). 2 Some blood pressure and heart medicines. Some antidepressants.", "- 1 Treatments for Relieving Ear Pain From Tinnitus Tinnitus is a medical condition in which you experience an irritating pain in the ears while hearing a constant ringing or humming sound. 2 Although for many tinnitus patients ….", "Tinnitus (Ringing, Clicking, in the Ears) Tinnitus can arise in any of the four sections of the hearing system: the outer ear, the middle ear, the inner ear, and the brain. Some tinnitus or head noise is normal. A number of techniques and treatments may be of help, depending on the cause. 1 Some of the most common include a sound of crickets or roaring, buzzing, hissing, whistling, and high-pitched ringing.", "What Is Causing My Ears To Ring? If the ringing in your ears is being caused by a middle ear infection you will likely have other symptoms as well and the ringing will go away when the infection clears up. Other symptoms may include:", "What Causes Ringing in Ears? Tinnitus is the medical term for a ringing or buzzing noise in the ears. Most people refer to tinnitus as “ringing in the ears.” However, you may hear more than just ringing. If you have tinnitus, you may also hear: roaring buzzing whistling hissing... Read more.", "- peon noun [C]. › a ​farm ​worker in ​South ​America who does ​jobs that do not need any ​particular ​skill › US informal a ​person who does ​work that does not need any ​particular ​skill, often one who is not ​paid well or ​treated well: The ​boss just never ​talked to peons like us. It was beneath her.", "- Learn about the potential symptoms of your ringing in the ears, including causes, treatment options and remedies for your ringing in the ears. With Buoy’s digital health technology, you’ll know what to do from the moment you feel sick. Easily check symptoms and understand your best options for care.", "What Is Causing My Ears To Ring? When someone complains of ringing, buzzing, or clicking in their ears it is called tinnitus. Ringing in your ears has many causes. If you've just attended a concert and you're wondering why your ears are ringing, you'll be happy to know that the ringing will likely go away in a day or two.", "- A Cure for Tinnitus. Tinnitus is associated with hearing loss that itself results from damage to the cochlea, and more specifically to the organ of Corti. This organ is an epithelium that contains the sensory hair cells required for hearing, and the loss of hair cells leads to a reduction in hearing.", "- Learn what causes that ringing in your ears, and how you can control it. There are many different natural ways to go about treating tinnitus, including the vitamin B12. This vitamin plays a very important role in numerous bodily functions, including nerves as well as metabolic processes.", "Ringing in the Ears Symptoms, Causes & Treatment Options Top Symptoms: ringing in the ears, tinnitus Symptoms that never occur with ringing in the ears: face weakness, vertigo (extreme dizziness), ear discharge, heartbeat sound in the ear, ear pain; 4.chronic earwax blockage. You can go to your local pharmacy or retail clinic.", "$$ Can Chiropractors Help Tinnitus In such cases, ringing in the ears could be due to problems for frequencies above 8,000 Hz, which can be not routinely analyzed, or microlesions in small areas of the sensory epithelium, in between those that encode regular audiometric frequencies.", "Understanding Tinnitus -- the Basics A. Tinnitus (pronounced ti-ni-tis), or ringing in the ears, is the sensation of hearing ringing, buzzing, hissing, chirping, whistling, or other sounds.The noise can be intermittent or continuous, and can vary in loudness. variety of other conditions and illnesses can lead to tinnitus, including: 1 Blockages of the ear due to a buildup of wax, an ear infection, or rarely, a benign tumor of the nerve that allows us to hear (auditory nerve).", "Overview If an underlying cause of your tinnitus can be found, effectively treating it may help improve your tinnitus – for example, removing a build-up of earwax might help. If a specific cause can't be found, treatment will focus on helping you manage the condition on a daily basis.", "Tinnitus Causes, Dizziness, Ears Ringing, and Nausea As the bones misconnect, they cause ringing (tinnitus) in your ear, or you may have pain in your ear. Also, because you may now be experiencing a loss of equilibrium, that can also make you feel nauseous, and also give you pain along the side of your neck. Many times it comes from the way you are sleeping.", "- A number of techniques and treatments may be of help, depending on the cause. 1 Some of the most common include a sound of crickets or roaring, buzzing, hissing, whistling, and high-pitched ringing in the ears. Other types of tinnitus include a clicking or pulsatile tinnitus (the noise accompanies your heartbeat).", "Ringing in the Ears Symptoms, Causes & Treatment Options Top Symptoms: ear canal pain, ear fullness/pressure, dizziness, ringing in the ears, hearing loss Symptoms that never occur with ringing in the ears: swollen ear, fever; 5.fibromyalgia. Fibromyalgia is treated symptomatically. Medication, therapy, and stress reduction may reduce symptoms. Urgency: Consider a visit to your doctor in the next two weeks", "Adults Tinnitus may also be caused by other conditions such as ear blockage, ear and sinus infections, allergies, high or low blood pressure, tumors, and problems in the heart, blood vessels, Meniere's disease, hormonal changes in women, and thyroid abnormalities. buzzing or ringing type of sound is heard in the ear which is accompanied by a syndrome known as Meniere's disease. Meniere's disease is an inner ear disorder that causes severe hearing loss, ringing in the ears, and dizziness. Diagnosis.", "Understanding Tinnitus -- the Basics Frequently, however, tinnitus continues after the underlying condition is treated. In such a case, other therapies -- both conventional and alternative -- may bring significant relief by either decreasing or covering up the unwanted sound. What Causes Tinnitus? Prolonged exposure to loud sounds is the most common cause of tinnitus. Up to 90% of people with tinnitus have some level of noise-induced hearing loss. The noise causes permanent damage to the sound-sensitive cells of the cochlea, a spiral-shaped organ in the inner ear.", "How to Heal Tinnitus and Ear Problems the Natural WayThe nutritional approach. Natural Ayurvedic remedies, homeopathy, fifth chakra healing and music therapy for tinnitus and general ear problems. I will explain the basics of the fifth chakra and give you some hints as to the possible emotional cause of tinnitus and ear problems, in order to enable you to address this problem from a holistic perspective. Finally, I will give you some music therapy advice on this matter. Ayurvedic remedies and recipes.", "What Medications Cause Tinnitus? Aspirin, naproxen and ibuprofen and some antidepressants, cancer medications, heart medications and blood pressure medications can cause tinnitus, or ringing in the ears, says WebMD. Some diuretics and antibiotics cause tinnitus too, states Mayo Clinic. Continue Reading.", "Tinnitus causes: Could my antidepressant be the culprit? Ringing in the ears (tinnitus) can be caused by a number of medications, including some antidepressants. Not all antidepressants cause tinnitus. If your antidepressant is the cause of your tinnitus, switching to another medication may solve the problem, but don't quit taking your medication without medical guidance.", "- Many prescription and nonprescription medicines can cause ringing in the ears (tinnitus). A few examples are: 1 Aspirin, ibuprofen (such as Advil or Motrin), and naproxen (such as Aleve). 2 Some blood pressure and heart medicines. 3 Some antidepressants.", "What Causes Ringing In The Ears? Less Common Causes of Tinnitus: 1. Meniere's disease. Tinnitus can be an early indicator of Meniere's disease, an inner ear disorder that may be caused by abnormal inner ear fluid pressure. A feeling of ear fullness, vertigo, and hearing loss are other symptoms of Meniere’s disease. 2. Ear bone changes. Stiffening of the bones in your middle ear (otosclerosis) may affect your hearing and cause tinnitus. This condition, caused by abnormal bone growth, tends to run in families.", "- Majorca weather text for Thu 18th August. The weather is going to be sunny. The visibility is going to be around 10 km i.e. 6 miles and an atmospheric pressure of 1012 mb. The daytime temperature is going to reach 33 °c and the temperature is going to dip to 21 °c at night." ]
largest fanuc robot
[ "FANUC FANUC is one of the largest makers of industrial robots in the world. FANUC had its beginnings as part of Fujitsu developing early numerical control (NC) and servo systems. The company name is an acronym for Fuji Automatic NUmerical Control." ]
[ "Robotic Task Force: A Two-Robot, Bomb-Defusing, Riot-Controlling, Firefighting Team (With Video!) The robot with the dirtier, and arguably more dangerous job description is an advanced explosive ordinance disposal unit. This bot, a collaboration between Segway Robotics and SRI International, allows a remote operator to defuse a bomb with surgical precision.", "Chat with the Most Human-like Robot In the World Chat with the Most Human-like Robot In the World. The Loebner Prize is an annual contest to see who can create the most human-like chatbot program. This year's winner, Suzette, actually managed to fool a judge into thinking it was human! Let's see what Suzette has to say.", "Neato Robotics XV Signature Robotic Vacuum Special Offers and Product Promotions. Buy Used and Save: Buy a Used Neato Robotics XV Signature Robotic Vacuum and save 50% off the $399.99 list price. Buy with confidence as the condition of this item and its timely delivery are guaranteed under the Amazon A-to-z Guarantee. See all Used offers.", "- Cut squash or zucchini into 1/4 thick ... sprayed liberally with cooking spray. Bake in preheated 450 degree oven for about 5 to 7 minutes until tender crisp.ut squash or zucchini into 1/4 thick ... sprayed liberally with cooking spray. Bake in preheated 450 degree oven for about 5 to 7 minutes until tender crisp.", "10 Most Expensive Toys and Games: From Classic Rocking Horse to Next Gen Video Game 6. Gundam Fix Platinum Toy Robot. Price: $250,000. By Bandai. Japanese toy maker Bandai sought the design skills of designer Ginza Tanaka (the one who also made the most expensive rocking chair) to come up with the most expensive toy robot in the world. Made in 2007, the Gundam Fix Platinum toy robot stands only 12.5 centimeters but weighs 1.4 kilograms due to its 89 parts made from 1,400 grams pure platinum. The robot’s eyes was made of 0.15 carat diamond. But just like mint boxed toys, the most expensive toy robot is ironically not meant to be played with as it is not for sale, but only to promote its commercially available versions. 5. Nintendo Wii Supreme. Price: Around $485,000. By Goldstriker International", "The Cheapest Roomba Just Got Way Better The Roomba 500 Series is dead. Long live the 600 Series! iRobot is giving some products a very nice upgrade today, starting with its entry-level robotic floor vacuums. The Looj, its rain gutter cleaning bot, is getting the treatment, too.", "News & Features News & Features. The Sany Group recently announced manufacturing the world’s largest crawler crane. The jumbo crane rolled off the production line of China’s largest machine manufacturer on Tuesday in east Jiangsu Province, marking a major step forward for the Chinese manufacturing industry.", "Softbank's 'Pepper' robot understands feelings, will cost less than $2,000 next year Explore Japanese gaming culture in 360 degrees with MatPat. Softbank's 'Pepper' robot understands feelings, will cost less than $2,000 next year. Japanese telecom Softbank and its CEO Masayoshi Son have never been afraid to push the envelope, and now the exec is presenting a new development: robots.", "- Strongrr New 7 Pcs Ulitmate Professional Precision Screwdrivers Repair Tool Kit for Hobby RC World's LARGEST GYRO RC HELICOPTER GYRO METAL 3.5CH RTF RC Helicopter 47 INCHES!! Only 5 left in stock - order soon. Only 3 left in stock - order soon.", "- That, according to Lego, makes it the largest model ever built, eclipsing the Lego robot at the Mall of America by some 2 million bricks. This replica of the Rebel Alliance dogfighter is 42 times the size of the Lego version we've all built and a bit bigger than a real X-Wing. (Yes, yes, we know they're not real. Just go with it.)", "Is this the world's most realistic droid? Jia Jia, the creepily life-like 'robot goddess', greets fans in China This humanoid has natural eye movement, speech that is in sync with its lip movement and refers to its male creators as 'lords'. Jia Jia stood near the entrance of the exhibition hall that hosted this year's 2016 Summer Davos Forum in Tianjin, in a major port city in North China. The robot immediately caught the attention of passers-by from China and abroad. But what truly impressed was not only how lifelike she is, but also how smart she is.", "- Liebherr LR13000 with max. lattice boom: The world’s tallest crawler crane. The Liebherr LR13000 is not only the most powerful conventional crawler crane in the world, it is now also the highest. In July it was erected in its maximum lattice boom configuration at the manufacturing plant in Ehingen, Germany.", "Michael Jackson planned 50ft robot for Las Vegas residency Michael Jackson planned 50ft robot for Las Vegas residency. According to reports, the late singer wanted a giant Jackson robot to roam the Nevada desert as an advertisement for a 2005 comeback that never was. Michael Jackson's statue on the river Thames ... and you thought this was ridiculous.", "Mayfield Robotics Announces Kuri, a $700 Home Robot Today, Mayfield is introducing Kuri, “an intelligent robot for the home.” Kuri is half a meter tall, weighs just over 6 kilograms, and is “designed with personality, awareness, and mobility, [that] adds a spark of life to any home.”. Kuri has some fairly sophisticated technology inside of it.", "Meet Jibo: The World's First Family Robot Small stature, big personality: Family robot Jibo hits the market. He stands only 11 inches tall, but Jibo makes a big impression the moment you meet him. Jibo is the world's first family robot. He makes his debut today. I got a sneak peek when I visited Cynthia Breazeal, a pioneer of social robotics, at the MIT Media Lab. Yes, Jibo can sing and dance.", "- Voltron: Legendary Defender. Plot: For 10,000 years, the evil Galra Empire has plagued the universe, conquering planet after planet and destroying other races. The only known threat to their power in the legendary giant robot Voltron, whose components are five mechanical lions that combine into a humanoid robot.", "- Visitors can also browse ZDT data for any robot running at IMTS, added Geheb. Remote Connectivity. Remote Connectivity provides the ability to monitor and control a FANUC robot remotely with an HMI/user interface, a smart tablet or a PC without needing a Teach Pendant.", "Fastbrick Robotics (ASX:FBR) The sector is ripe for a savvy building technologist to step in with game changing technology and Fastbrick Robotics’ (ASX:FBR) Hadrian X machine, which can lay 1000 bricks per hour, may be the solution. The Hadrian X is a fully automated robot brick layer, designed to build an entire house in two days – compared to 3-5 weeks using manual labour.", "Industrial robot For the year 2016 the IFR estimates the worldwide sales of industrial robots with US$13.1 billion. Including the cost of software, peripherals and systems engineering, the annual turnover for robot systems is estimated to be US$40.0 billion in 2016. China is the largest industrial robot market, with 87,000 units sold in 2016. Japan has the largest operational stock of industrial robots, with 286,554 at the end of 2015.", "- Robots are widely used throughout many industries. For example, the FANUC M-1iA robot is best suited for small part assembly, but can be and has been retrofitted for other applications such as part transfer and finishing.", "Robonaut 2 Technology Suite Offers Opportunities in Vast Range of Industries Robonaut 2 Technology Suite Offers Opportunities in Vast Range of Industries. Nearly 50 individual technologies available for licensing. Researchers at NASA's Johnson Space Center (JSC), in collaboration with General Motors and Oceaneering, have designed a state-of-the-art, highly dexterous, humanoid robot: Robonaut 2 (R2).", "World's Fastest Running Robot - The Know Robotics Unlimited have created the world's fastest remote controlled running robot called OutRunner. For Full Demo Video & Kickstarter Info, Click Here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LTIpd... News By: Joey Aranda", "- Russian photographer Slava Stepanov has captured stunning shots of the world's largest plane - the An-225 Mriya. Posted on January 26, 2014, 07:22 GMT Matthew Tucker", "Voltron Legendary Defender Dub Voltron Legendary Defender Dub. Plot Summary: For 10,000 years, the evil Galra Empire has plagued the universe, conquering planet after planet and destroying other races. The only known threat to their power in the legendary giant robot Voltron, whose components are five mechanical lions that combine into a humanoid robot.", "FANUC's History 1 GE Fanuc Automation North America, Inc., in the U.S.A., GE Fanuc Automation Europe S.A. in Luxembourg and Fanuc GE Automation Asia Ltd. in Japan were established. 2 The Asian company was established in 1987." ]