smoking patches how long should you be on them
[ "- If you smoke less than 10 cigarettes a day, you should start on Step 2 with a 14mg patch. Use that for six weeks, before moving to Step 3 with a 7mg patch for two weeks. If you need to use NiQuitin (nicotine) Patches for longer than 9 months (3 months for 12-17 year olds) seek advice from a healthcare professional.Wait at least half an hour after your last cigarette before applying the NiQuitin (nicotine) Patch.f you need to use NiQuitin (nicotine) Patches for longer than 9 months (3 months for 12-17 year olds) seek advice from a healthcare professional. Wait at least half an hour after your last cigarette before applying the NiQuitin (nicotine) Patch." ]
[ "- If you've struggled to quit smoking and haven't succeeded yet, you're probably feeling pretty frustrated. Although an estimated 70 percent of smokers want to quit, doing so can be quite a challenge. That’s where a little help can go a long way – and combining more than one method can boost the power of both.he nicotine patch is available at a wide variety of stores and has an average cost per day of $4. There are two types of nicotine patches: 1 16-hour patches are for light-to-average smokers. 2 They are less likely to cause side effects, but don’t help with morning cigarette cravings.", "Proper Use 1 If you need to apply more than 1 patch at a time, place the patches far enough apart so that the edges do not touch or overlap each other. 2 Wash your hands with a lot of clear water after applying the medicine. Do not use soap or other cleansers. Remove the patch after 3 days (72 hours), or as directed by your doctor. Choose a different place on your skin to apply the next patch. If possible, use a place on the other side of your body. Wait at least 3 days before using the first area again.", "Nicotine Withdrawal Symptoms and Timeline Many of the symptoms that manifest in week one continue throughout the entire withdrawal process, and can even linger after withdrawal is over. That is the nature of addiction. However, the first week is generally the hardest for smokers to make it through, as the body is normalizing after constant nicotine exposure. Nicotine withdrawal symptoms can actually begin as early as 30 minutes after smoking a cigarette. Depending on how long a person has been smoking, and on how heavily they smoke, the effects of nicotine on the brain generally wears off anywhere between 30 minutes and 2 hours.", "Chantix The patient should set a date to stop smoking. Begin CHANTIX dosing one week before this date. Alternatively, the patient can begin CHANTIX dosing and then quit smoking between days 8 and 35 of treatment. CHANTIX should be taken orally after eating and with a full glass of water.", "- 1 Most people will take Chantix for up to 12 weeks. 2 If you have completely quit smoking by 12 weeks, your doctor may prescribe Chantix for another 12 weeks to help you stay cigarette-free. 3 Take Chantix after eating and with a full glass (8 ounces) of water.", "- 1 For the first four weeks, you wear a nicotine patch that delivers a strong dose of nicotine, about 21 milligrams (mg) per day. 2 For weeks five and six, you switch to a moderate-dosage patch, about 14 mg per day.3 After that, you move to a low-dosage patch that delivers 7 mg of nicotine per day.hat’s where a little help can go a long way – and combining more than one method can boost the power of both. According to the American Lung Association, nicotine replacement therapies like the nicotine patch can help you quit, especially when combined with counseling, such as using a telephone quit line.", "New York News & Politics While waiting, I gleefully chain-smoked Parliament Lights. One of Chantix’s big perks is that you can smoke for the first seven days you’re on it (most people take it for twelve weeks)more than enough time, I thought, to say good-bye to an old friend. I swallowed my first pill the next day before work.", "Common questions about NicoDerm®CQ® Step 5: Wash your hands when you have finished applying the NicoDerm CQ patch. Nicotine on your hands could get into your eyes and nose, and cause stinging, redness or more serious problems. Step 6: After 16 or 24 hours, remove the patch you have been wearing.", "Transdermal Nicotine Patch Do not use nicotine patches if you: 1 are allergic to nicotine or any ingredients of the patch. 2 are a non-smoker or an occasional smoker. 3 are under 18 years of age. are pregnant or breast- 1 feeding. have just had a heart attack. have life-threatening arrhythmias (abnormal heart 1 rhythm) have severe or worsening angina (chest pain)", "Seligman, Arizona The ratio of number of residents in Seligman to the number of sex offenders is 53 to 1. Median real estate property taxes paid for housing units in 2000: Seligman CDP:", "- Guide to Firsts: Flying with your baby Get tips on preparing for your baby's first flight, including when to schedule your flight and whether you need to buy a ticket... How close by do I have to keep my newborn? See why pediatrician Danette Glassy says keeping a close eye on your newborn is great for bonding, but a few moments apart is OK.", "- 1 For the first four weeks, you wear a nicotine patch that delivers a strong dose of nicotine, about 21 milligrams (mg) per day. 2 For weeks five and six, you switch to a moderate-dosage patch, about 14 mg per day. 3 After that, you move to a low-dosage patch that delivers 7 mg of nicotine per day.he nicotine patch is available at a wide variety of stores and has an average cost per day of $4. There are two types of nicotine patches: 1 16-hour patches are for light-to-average smokers. 2 They are less likely to cause side effects, but don’t help with morning cigarette cravings.", "- Start using the patch on the day you plan to stop smoking. If you smoke more than 10 cigarettes per day, start with Step 1. Use this first step for weeks 1-6, then step down to Step 2 for two weeks, and then Step 3 for two weeks. If you smoke 10 or less cigarettes per day, do not use Step 1 (21 mg).", "Top 30 Doctor insights on: How Long Before Nicotine Is Out Of Your System Stop for 2 weeks: To be safe, you might want to stop smoking for a couple weeks. They are testing for cotinine which is a metabolite of nicotine. It has a long half life up to 40 hours. This tests shows positive for both active smokers and those who have quit but are using nicotine patch, gum, etc. Another test is used to identify active smokers. It is called anabasine and found in tobacco products.", "- Patients who use Xulane patch are strongly advised not to smoke. Do not use Xulane patch if you are older than 35 years old and you smoke. Women who use Xulane patch may have a higher risk of side effects (eg, blood clots) than women who use birth control pills. Discuss any questions or concerns with your doctor.", "How long does it take until the effects of marijuana COMPLETELY wear off? Usually it takes between 1 and 5 hours depending on the quality and how much you smoked. But I've had what's happening to you happen to me, only it lasted for 4 days. It turned out that it had been laced with cocaine. So I would say that if it doesn't wear off by tonight, don't smoke anymore of that weed.", "DaturaBasicsby Erowid When taken orally, the effects can begin in 20-30 minutes, but may take as long as 2-3 hours to be noticeable, depending on dose. When smoked, effects may begin in as quickly as 5 minutes. A moderate datura dose lasts 8-12 hours, while strong doses can cause effects lasting for 2-3 days.", "Smokeless Tobacco Holding an average-sized dip or chew in the mouth for 30 minutes gives the user as much nicotine as smoking four cigarettes. Is smokeless tobacco less harmful than cigarettes? In 1986, the U.S. Surgeon General declared that the use of smokeless tobacco is not a safe substitute for smoking cigarettes.", "Quit-Smoking Drugs and Nicotine Patches and Gums Even when used for long periods of time, nicotine replacement therapies are far safer than smoking. Quit rates range from 19% to 26%. Is it right for you? If you’ve tried to quit before and failed because the craving for nicotine was too strong, nicotine replacement therapies may help. Gum, lozenges, and patches are available over-the-counter.", "Peppers 260 Total Often, that period of time is six months or one year, although some companies will require you to be tobacco- or nicotine- or marijuana-free for as long as five years before they'll give you a non-smoker rate.", "How to use Habitrol ®Transdermal Nicotine Patch Start with Step 1 (21 mg), wearing one 21 mg patch daily for 4 weeks before moving on to Step 2. Next, wear Step 2 (14 mg) for an additional 2 weeks before moving on to Step 3. Finish by wearing Step 3 (7 mg) for 2 weeks.", "Azo cranberry pills to pass a drug test the same day or day before a drug test ? Answers. Best Answer: Marijuana has a half-life in your system. How long it takes to leave your system depends on how much you smoke. But the time maxes out at around 45 days. One smoking session for someone with a clean system takes about 3-4 days to be clean.Smoke 2 days later and then have to wait about a week, and so on.The time it will take roughly doubles every time you smoke until it maxes at about 45 days to be clean.ut the time maxes out at around 45 days. One smoking session for someone with a clean system takes about 3-4 days to be clean. Smoke 2 days later and then have to wait about a week, and so on. The time it will take roughly doubles every time you smoke until it maxes at about 45 days to be clean.", "Infographic: Timeline of Changes When You Quit Smoking and Start Vaping 8 Hours. 8 hours after you quit smoking, your body will begin improving. In fact, within these first few hours is when the very first noticeable effect of no longer smoking is seen: the amount of oxygen in your blood will begin to return to normal levels, even if you’re already vaping. to 9 Months. If you stay away from tobacco cigarettes and continue vaping for 3 to 9 months, you should notice that wheezing, coughing, and shallow breathing have reduced in severity or gone away.", "Ask Well: Long-Term Use of Nicotine Gum A. 1 In small doses, like those contained in the gum, nicotine is generally considered safe. 2 That is one reason that nicotine gum should, ideally, be used for no longer than four to six months, said Lauren Indorf, a nurse practitioner with the Cleveland Clinic’s Tobacco Treatment Center. Yet up to 10 percent of people use it for longer periods, in some cases for a decade or more, she said.", "Infographic: Timeline of Changes When You Quit Smoking and Start Vaping 3 to 9 Months. If you stay away from tobacco cigarettes and continue vaping for 3 to 9 months, you should notice that wheezing, coughing, and shallow breathing have reduced in severity or gone away. to 9 Months. If you stay away from tobacco cigarettes and continue vaping for 3 to 9 months, you should notice that wheezing, coughing, and shallow breathing have reduced in severity or gone away." ]
what does it mean when the bottom of your foot is really hot
[ "Can Diabetes Cause Burning in the Feet? Lee Sanders, DPM, responds: A painfully hot or burning sensation in the feet, especially in middle-aged and older people, could be caused by small fiber neuropathy. Diabetes is the most common cause of this condition; symptoms typically start with burning feet and numb toes." ]
[ "- Mini Bio (1). Richard Dawson was born Colin Lionel Emm on November 20, 1932 in Gosport, Hampshire, England. When he was 14, he joined the Merchant Marines and served for three years. During that time, he made money boxing.", "Spots on the Bottom of the Feet Spots that occur on the bottom of the feet can be brown, black, tan, pink or red in appearance. In addition, they can develop as raised, grainy bumps that are rough feeling. They can be accompanied by a variety of symptoms including itching, a fever, swelling of the lymph nodes, achy muscles and sore throat.", "What is the meaning of state 'TIME WAIT and ESTABLISHED' in Netstat? Best Answer: if you type netstat-ano, in command prompt, you get the existing connections of your internet. Established means, the connection is established with those ips. Time wait means it is waiting for the connection to be established.ou need not worry about other connections. If suppose, your computer is compromised, a third party may know what you are browsing or send some trojans to get the secured data from your computer. This kind of connection could be known from the processes with some understanding the processes.", "Why do my feet feel like they are burning? 1 Answer. Burning in the feet can be a sign of neuropathy. Get your hemoglobin a1c checked along with fasting blood sugar. Getting a Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) testing along woth a complete foot exam is advisable . It could just be a benign finding , it occurs in summers, intermittently. Views · View Upvotes.", "Why are my Feet Hot at Night? (Page 1) Hot feet all day and night. My feet are hot and tingling all day, more noticeable when i go to bed. in summer i use a cold flannel and spray my feet with cold water. but it would be good to know why this happens, i have asked the gp, podiatrist, and massager, no one seems to know.y feet seem to be fine until i go to bed and to find cold spots in my bed. when i toss and turn too much then feet seem to get hot.. for me its circulation in my legs.so everyone might be different on this..", "What causes sudden bursts of heat at the bottom of my feet? It lasted for a few seconds at a time a number of times a day. some factors may be causing this heat at the bottom of your feet, 1, there may be a growing blisters on your feet,so you need to get your foot checked by a doctor. 2, your foot is tired and needs some minutes of rest. 3, blood is not circulating properly to your foot and it needs some foot massage. Views.", "Top 30 Doctor insights on: What Does It Mean If Your Big Toe Hurts The bottom of my big toe hurts a lot, what can it be? /: If there is only early spuring, even with a bad joint surface the pain and loss of motion is due to he kissing spurs at the mt-pp joint. Simple exostectomy can be done and I have had huge sucess with this. Lay up time is minimal ANS patirnts are happy.", "Can Diabetes Cause Burning in the Feet? Lee Sanders, DPM, responds: A painfully hot or burning sensation in the feet, especially in middle-aged and older people, could be caused by small fiber neuropathy. Diabetes is the most common cause of this condition; symptoms typically start with burning feet and numb toes.hough this sensation is not uncommon in people with diabetes, hot or burning feet can have many other causes. Since your friend says his feet feel very hot from time to time, but not all the time, he and his doctor should rule out other causes. A person's occupation and footwear are frequently responsible for hot feet.", "Hot hands and feet Mom Answers. Absolutely, I'm 34 weeks and my hands and feet aren't at all swollen, but they get so hot it drives me crazy. My Dr. said that it's due to the increased blood volume and circulation especially during the 3rd trimester of pregnancy. Our prego bodies are working very hard during this last trimester to pump blood and sometimes the increased pressure in the veins leading to the extremities causes the hot hands and feet.", "Top 30 Doctor insights on: What Causes Burning On Bottom Of Feet What causes burning on the bottom of feet? Dr. Charlene Sojico Dr. Sojico. 2 doctors agreed: Possible causes of : Burning sensation of the feet includes over exertion, athlete's foot, a symptom of nerve damage from diabetes , exposure to toxins, hypothyroidism , HIV etc ...Read more.", "Why Am I Always Hot? 7 Reasons You Might Feel Like The Roof Is Always On Fire There are also times when we may feel hotter or colder than usual, even though our actual core body temperature remains steady. Often, this has to do with how hot or cold our extremities are — the temperature of our hands and feet often determine how we perceive our body's entire temperature to feel.", "- 1 90% - What does it mean when the bottom of your foot itish? 2 70% - What does that mean when the bottom of my foot hurts where my second toe is? 3 56% - Why would i get mole under toe on bottom of foot? 4 64% - Why does the bottom of my foot feel hot now and then? 64% - When it feels like a pea on the bottom of your foot? 2 63% - Why when i run the bottom of my foot feels like its taring? 3 45% - Why is it when i stand up my stomach feels tight and presher at the bottom?", "- The Reason Feet Swell in the Heat. When your feet swell from the heat, this is the result of edema, which is the accumulation of excess fluid. Swelling, generally speaking, is either the result of a collection of body fluid or tissue growth or abnormal positioning or movement of tissue, according to Peacehealth.org. Most of us know us when our feet swell.", "- Lump On Top Of The Foot. A bony lump that can appear on the top of the foot is known as a dorsal exostosis. This lump may become painful and irritated. Ice packs and foot elevation can relieve pain and swelling.here are many different medical conditions that can cause pain to the dorsum of the foot. It is important to see your doctor regarding any pain that is severe or persistent. This will ensure a proper diagnosis and treatment plan.", "Foot Pain In-Depth Report Inflammation of the nerve, usually between the third and fourth toes and bottom of the foot near these toes. Cramping and burning pain, or electric-shock sensation. The condition may produce a thick protective sheath around the nerve that feels like a ball. This may be detected by pressing top to bottom on the top of the foot using one hand and moving the other hand from side to side.", "Foot reading: What do your toes say about you? A callous on the ball of the foot, just under the little toe, indicates that the person is shouldering too much responsibility. The fact is that when you are experiencing strong emotions, your whole body shows it. We're used to the way in which tension, for example, is reflected in the head, or neck, or stomach.", "Definition Burning feet — the sensation that your feet are painfully hot — can be mild or severe. In some cases, your burning feet may be so painful that the pain interferes with your sleep. With certain conditions, burning feet may also be accompanied by a pins and needles sensation (paresthesia) or numbness, or both. Burning feet may also be referred to as tingling feet or paresthesia. Causes.", "- This shoe molding is not without its consequences for your bunion, however. The pressure from your shoe on your big toe bump or prominence may irritate the skin on the side and top of your bump. Skin in this part of your foot is not designed to resist rubbing forces like the skin on the bottom of your feet.", "Pain On Top of Foot â Common Causes, Symptoms & Treatments Multiple things can trigger tendonitis like foot injury, tight shoes that put pressure on the tendon, standing for a long time or running barefoot on an uneven ground. Tendonitis can be acute or chronic. It causes swelling on top of foot, dull aching pain while moving your foot. It may cause discomfort while wearing footwear. In such condition applying ice to the foot may help. Also, pay attention to your shoes and get a pair of shoes that fits comfortably to your foot.", "Cold feet may indicate neurologic problem Frequent or constant sweating (hyperhidrosis) can also make feet feel cold, especially when evaporation cools the feet quickly. This can often be caused by nervousness, literally getting cold feet.. Lack of adequate blood flow to the feet through the arteries can also make the feet cold. But in all these situations, the feet feel cold to the touch. Often the sensation of cold feet is benign and there is no serious underlying cause.", "18 Things Your Feet Say About Your Health Hairy toes are, well, low on the totem pole. More clues: The reduced blood supply also makes it hard to feel a pulse in the feet. (Check the top of the foot or the inside of the ankle.) When you stand, your feet may be bright red or dusky; when elevated, they immediately pale. The skin is shiny.", "Top 40 Doctor insights on: What Causes Your Feet To Burn On The Bottom Possible causes of : Burning sensation of the feet includes over exertion, athlete's foot, a symptom of nerve damage from diabetes , exposure to toxins, hypothyroidism , HIV etc ...Read more. See 1 more doctor answer. Dr. Andrew Lipton Dr. Lipton.", "Top 40 Doctor insights on: What Causes Your Feet To Burn On The Bottom 1 doctor agreed: Nerves: Most burning type of pain is caused by a nerve problem. Depending on the location of the pain on the bottom of the foot it may be caused by plantar fasciitis entrapping the nerve at the side & bottom of the heel. If at the level of the toes it could be a neuroma. If you are a diabetic it could be neuropathy.", "What does it mean when the bottom of your feet itch? When the bottom of your feet itch, it may mean that your feet are relatively dirty. It may also mean an allergic reaction to rubber soles in tennis shoes. It could also point …back to your socks. If your socks are dyed, the color dye may cause your feet to itch.", "What does it mean when the bottom of your feet itch? If this is what your case is, I highly recommend either ridding of the fuzz in your feet by (and this may sound weird) removing your sock and picking out as much fuzz as you can. As you can see for some socks, it does stick in the creases of your feet. Or to make time go by faster, rub your foot and most of it will come off. Another reason why your feet may itch is because you might have been in dirtier water with shoes and small parasites might affect your feet. Just keep your feet clean and dry and you should be okay!" ]
oliguric meaning
[ "Background Oliguria is defined as a urine output that is less than 1 mL/kg/h in infants, less than 0.5 mL/kg/h in children, and less than 400 mL daily in adults. It is one of the clinical hallmarks of renal failure and has been used as a criterion for diagnosing and staging acute kidney injury (AKI), previously referred to as acute renal failure." ]
[ "- Certain elements of the iconography, such as thick lips and downturned mouths, indicate an Olmec origin. Associated hieroglyphs and calendar dates support this theory. The term means dancer in Spanish. These are usually life-sized and have been found at San Jose Mogote and Monte Alban in Oaxaca. Display More Results", "Oliguria Oliguria is defined as a urine output that is less than 1 mL/kg/h in infants, less than 0.5 mL/kg/h in children, and less than 400 mL or 500 mL per 24h in adults-this equals 17 or 21 mL/hour.lternatively, however, the value of 0.5 mL/kg/h is commonly used to define oliguria in adults as well. Olig- (or oligo-) is a Greek prefix meaning small or few. Anuria is defined as less than 50mL urine output per day.", "- As a noun, a drug taken to prevent or treat nausea and vomiting. As, for example, the antihistamine meclizine hydrochloride (Bonine). 2. As an adjective, pertaining to the prevention or treatment of nausea and vomiting.ntiemetics: 1. As a noun, a drug taken to prevent or treat nausea and vomiting. As, for example, the antihistamine meclizine hydrochloride (Bonine). 2. As an adjective, pertaining to the prevention or treatment of nausea and vomiting. Opening a window in a car can have an antiemetic effect.", "Olmec Ol·mec. n. pl. Olmec or Ol·mecs. 1. An early Mesoamerican Indian civilization centered in the Veracruz region of southeast Mexico that flourished between 1300 and 400 bc, whose cultural influence was widespread throughout southern Mexico and Central America. 2.A member of any of various peoples sharing the Olmec culture.. Olmec-a member of an early Mesoamerican civilization centered around Veracruz that flourished between 1300 and 400 BC. federation of tribes, tribe-a federation (as of American Indians). American Indian, Indian, Red Indian-a member of the race of people living in America when Europeans arrived.", "- medical Definition of oligonucleotide : a relatively short single-stranded nucleic-acid chain (as an oligodeoxynucleotide or oligoribonucleotide) usually consisting of up to approximately 20 nucleotides", "mercaptopurine [mer-kap″to-pu´rēn] a purine analogue in which sulfur replaces the oxygen atom of purine; it is used as an antineoplastic agent primarily for treatment of acute lymphoblastic leukemia. It is also used an immunosuppressant in the treatment of Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. Called also 6-mercaptopurine and 6-MP.", "- Word Definition uakari: short-tailed, long-haired monkey uberous: yielding an abundance of milk; abounding uberty: fruitfulness; abundant productiveness ubi: whereabouts; permanent or present location ubication: condition of being in a certain location ubicity: whereabouts ubiety: location; state of being in a definite place ubiquarian", "Definitions &Translations Definitions for antipruritic. Here are all the possible meanings and translations of the word antipruritic. Princeton's WordNet(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: antipruritic(noun) a substance that relieves or prevents itching.", "Oliguria Oliguria is defined as a urine output that is less than 1 mL/kg/h in infants, less than 0.5 mL/kg/h in children, and less than 400 mL or 500 mL per 24h in adults-this equals 17 or 21 mL/hour.or example, in an adult weighing 70 kg it equals 0.24 or 0.3 mL/hour/kg. Alternatively, however, the value of 0.5 mL/kg/h is commonly used to define oliguria in adults as well.", "brutal bestial - resembling a beast; showing lack of human sensibility; beastly desires; a bestial nature; brute force; a dull and brutish man; bestial treatment of prisoners. brute, brutish, beastly, brutal.", "Oluwatosin Meaning The name Oluwatosin is of African Yoruba origin. The meaning of Oluwatosin is G-d is worthy to be served. Oluwatosin is generally used as a boy's name. It consists of 10 letters and 5 syllables and is pronounced O-lu-wa-to-sin.", "dirt 2. the material causing this condition. — feculent, adj. fuliginosity. 1. the state or condition of being sooty or smoky. 2. soot or smoke. — fuliginous, adj. maculacy. the state or quality of being blemished, stained, or spotted, as with dirt. Also maculation. — maculate, adj.", "oligonucleotide Definition of oligonucleotide. : a short nucleic-acid chain usually consisting of up to approximately 20 nucleotides.", "S, O and Pb isotopic evidence on the origin of the Ä°nkaya (Simav-Kütahya) CuâPbâZnâ (Ag) Prospect, NW Turkey The İnkaya Cu–Pb–Zn–(Ag) hydrothermal (meso-hypothermal) mineralization is located in the Western Anatolia known as an economically important metallogenic province.", "- aquiline. adj. 1. (Anatomy) (of a nose) having the curved or hooked shape of an eagle's beak. 2. (Zoology) of or resembling an eagle. [C17: from Latin aquilīnus, from aquila eagle].he had not long to wait before the punctual attorney entered, knitting his brow with an examining glance at the stout blond woman who rose, curtsying deferentially,--a tallish man, with an aquiline nose and abundant iron-gray hair.", "copacetic When things are going well, they're copacetic. The adjective copacetic can describe the general mood of a group or gathering, a relationship between two people, or even the harmonies in a piece of music, with a meaning ranging from just fine to excellent.. Copacetic is considered an informal word, but it's been commonly used since around 1920.", "- Princeton's WordNet (0.00 / 0 votes) Rate this definition: oliguria (noun). abnormally small production of urine; can be a symptom of kidney disease or obstruction of the urinary tract or edema or an imbalance of fluids and electrolytes in the body.", "terlinguaite -s. : a mineral Hg2ClO consisting of a mercuric oxychloride and occurring in yellow monoclinic crystals (hardness 2–3, specific gravity 8.7)", "- Couturier definition, a person who designs, makes, and sells fashionable clothes for women. See more.", "Vulcanization History [edit]. Although vulcanization is a 19th-century invention, the history of rubber cured by other means goes back to prehistoric times. The name Olmec means rubber people in the Aztec language.Ancient Mesoamericans, spanning from ancient Olmecs to Aztecs, extracted latex from Castilla elastica, a type of rubber tree in the area. The juice of a local vine, Ipomoea alba, was then mixed with this latex to create processed rubber as early as 1600 BC.he name Olmec means rubber people in the Aztec language. Ancient Mesoamericans, spanning from ancient Olmecs to Aztecs, extracted latex from Castilla elastica, a type of rubber tree in the area.", "Definitions &Translations Definitions for neutropenic. Here are all the possible meanings and translations of the word neutropenic. Wiktionary(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: neutropenic(Adjective) Having neutropenia. neutropenic(Adjective) Characterized by, or concerning, neutropenia.", "- Is the gem quality variety of the mineral olivine. Origin of name either the Arabic word faridat meaning gem or the French word peritot meaning unclear. Peridot is one of the few gem stones that come in only one colour.", "- Princeton's WordNet(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: copacetic, copasetic, copesetic, copesettic(adj) completely satisfactory. his smile said that everything was copacetic; You had to be a good judge of what a man was like, and the English was copacetic- John O'Hara.", "- Define purulent: containing, consisting of, or being pus; accompanied by suppuration — purulent in a sentence containing, consisting of, or being pus; accompanied by suppuration… See the full definition", "- Oliguria refers to a clinical condition characterized by a low volume of urine. The medical definition of oliguria is an output below 500 ml per day but greater than 50 ml per day. Output below 50 ml per day is referred to as anuria, or the absence of urine." ]
average annual snowfall in jersey
[ "Morristown, New Jersey Add Favorite 3 Reviews | Review This Place Morristown, New Jersey, gets 50 inches of rain per year. The US average is 39. Snowfall is 27 inches. The average US city gets 26 inches of snow per year. The number of days with any measurable precipitation is 80. On average, there are 209 sunny days per year in Morristown, New Jersey. The July high is around 85 degrees. The January low is 20." ]
[ "- Everyone seems to be freaking out about the sexual connection to this behavior. THEY'RE CHILDREN! Not sexual adults. They aren't doing it because it feels good, they don't have the physiological maturity to do it because it feels good, they're babies!We see it as sexual because of our adulturated social opinions.Please note: I do not allow him to do that to the cat when he tries). He will find a pillow or an object on the floor that he is comfortable with and hump for sometimes several minutes at a time. He will also hump on our feet or arms if they are in front of him.", "Average Weather in Rhode Island Annual Snowfall in Rhode Island. Listed here are the totals for amount of snow and how many days it snows at least 0.1 inches (0.25 centimetres) in Delaware. The numbers are annual averages of snowfall measurements made during 1981 to 2010.", "- Snowfall is 0 inches. The average US city gets 25 inches of snow per year. The number of days with any measurable precipitation is 102. On average, there are 257 sunny days per year in Englewood, Florida. The July high is around 91 degrees.", "Historical Weather for Philadelphia/Mt.Holly,NJ WFO PA, at Whitford, then again at Opperman's Corner, causing tree damage. A trace of snow fell later in the day. (PHL)(SD) Apr 4 ...1886... The month of April has the most daily snowfall records at PHL extending from the 1800s, a total of 7. They are: 1.0 on the 4th, 1886; 3.0' on the 5th, 1898; 0.7 on the", "- Average Low: Average High: Record Low: Record High: Average Precipitation: Average Snow: January: 66° 81° 59° (1985) 90° (1984) 1.73 NA: February: 66° 81° 58° (1985) 90° (1981) 0.9 NA: March: 67° 82° 60° (1993) 91° (1986) 1.13 NA: April: 69° 83° 60° (1997) 90° (1986) 0.59 NA: May: 70° 84° 65° (2007) 92° (1983) 0.62 NA: June: 72° 85° 62° (2002) 92° (1986) 0.46 NA: July: 73° 86° 68° (2007)", "Delaware State Add Favorite 18 Reviews | Review This Place Delaware, Delaware, gets 45 inches of rain per year. The US average is 37. Snowfall is 15 inches.The average US city gets 25 inches of snow per year. The number of days with any measurable precipitation is 110. On average, there are 202 sunny days per year in Delaware, Delaware.elaware, Delaware, gets 45 inches of rain per year. The US average is 37. Snowfall is 15 inches.", "- Average Low: Average High: Record Low: Record High: Average Precipitation: Average Snow: January: 36° 46° 0° (1950) 67° (1931) 5.13 2.4 February: 37° 50° 1° (1950) 70° (1968) 4.18 1.3 March: 39° 53° 11° (1955) 78° (2004) 3.75 0.6 April: 42° 58° 29° (1975) 87° (1947) 2.59 0.1 May: 47° 64° 16° (1928) 93° (1963) 1.78 0 June: 52° 70° 38° (1952) 98° (1925) 1.49 0 July: 55° 75°", "Monthly Average Weather Conditions for Ireland The main difference in the southern region of Ireland is its average rainfall. January receives the most rain with an average of 27 inches, followed closely by October, November and December with 25 inches, while February, July and August average about 23 inches of rain. April, May, June and July have the least at 22 and 21 inches, respectively.", "Burlington, Vermont Add Favorite 31 Reviews | Review This Place Burlington, Vermont, gets 36 inches of rain per year. The US average is 39. Snowfall is 75 inches. The average US city gets 26 inches of snow per year. The number of days with any measurable precipitation is 82. On average, there are 157 sunny days per year in Burlington, Vermont. The July high is around 80 degrees. The January low is 10.", "- Average Low: Average High: Record Low: Record High: Average Precipitation: Average Snow: January: 41° 61° 12° (1948) 82° (2000) 5.52 0.2 February: 44° 65° 13° (1951) 85° (1932) 3.28 0.1 March: 51° 71° 23° (2002) 94° (1946) 3.54 0 April: 57° 77° 34° (1971) 95° (1987) 3.64 0 May: 66° 84° 46° (1954) 99° (2005) 6.06 0 June: 72° 89° 55° (1930) 106° (1930) 6.07 0 July: 74° 91°", "Average Rainfall for New Jersey in July Each place has a total for the amount of precipitation it usually receives this month. Most sites also have information on the number of days with wet weather. That includes the days when precipitation amounts to 0.01 inches (0.25 millimetres) or more. The rainfall totals are averages based on weather data collected from 1981 to 2010 for the NOAA National Climatic Data Center. You can jump to a separate table for: North Jersey and South Jersey.", "- Pinehurst, North Carolina, gets 49 inches of rain per year. The US average is 37. Snowfall is 4 inches. The average US city gets 25 inches of snow per year.", "- Four distinct seasons. 1 Average annual rainfall: 40 inches. 2 Average summer temperature: 70 to 80F. 3 Average winter temperature: 25 to 35F. 4 Average First Freeze Date: October 16. 5 Average Last Freeze Date: April 22. 6 Average Date of First Measurable Snowfall: November 19. 7 Average Date of Last Measurable Snowfall: March 30.", "- Average Low: Average High: Record Low: Record High: Average Precipitation: Average Snow: January: 14° 42°-14° (2007) 73° (1990) 0.38 NA: February: 19° 47°-22° (1996) 74° (2006) 0.37 NA: March: 26° 54° 2° (1998) 80° (2004) 1.28 NA: April: 33° 61° 9° (1997) 88° (1992) 1.75 NA: May: 43° 71° 22° (2005) 98° (2000) 2.26 NA: June: 51° 81° 34° (2007) 102° (2006) 1.87 NA: July: 57° 86° 42° (1993)", "- Average Low: Average High: Record Low: Record High: Average Precipitation: Average Snow: January: 24° 42°-18° (1984) 75° (1975) 2.68 7.3 February: 26° 47°-14° (1979) 79° (2000) 2.83 7.6 March: 33° 56°-1° (1993) 89° (1998) 3.38 2.8 April: 42° 67° 17° (1969) 93° (2002) 3.47 0.3 May: 51° 75° 28° (1970) 97° (1969) 4.55 0 June: 61° 84° 36° (1977) 100° (1964) 3.98 0 July: 66° 88°", "Bangor, Pennsylvania Add Favorite 0 Reviews | Review This Place Bangor, Pennsylvania, gets 49 inches of rain per year. The US average is 39. Snowfall is 32 inches. The average US city gets 26 inches of snow per year. The number of days with any measurable precipitation is 78. On average, there are 208 sunny days per year in Bangor, Pennsylvania. The July high is around 83 degrees.", "- Average Low: Average High: Record Low: Record High: Average Precipitation: Average Snow: January: 23° 36°-30° (1937) 58° (1971) 2.99 15.7 February: 27° 41°-26° (1996) 66° (1995) 2.52 7.4 March: 31° 49°-5° (1955) 73° (1999) 2.57 4.2 April: 35° 58° 11° (1936) 88° (1987) 2.52 1.3 May: 41° 66° 19° (1954) 94° (1928) 2.62 0 June: 45° 73° 28° (1973) 100° (1924) 1.87 0 July: 48° 83°", "- Arkansas, Arkansas, gets 49 inches of rain per year. The US average is 37. Snowfall is 4 inches. The average US city gets 25 inches of snow per year. The number of days with any measurable precipitation is 91. On average, there are 217 sunny days per year in Arkansas, Arkansas.", "- Get Jersey City, NJ 07306 typical April Weather including average and record temperatures from AccuWeather.com", "The Average Climate of New Jersey New Jersey possesses a moderate climate with warm, humid summers and relatively cold winters. The fourth-smallest state in the country, New Jersey's total land area covers 7,419 square miles; at its maximum, the state measures 170 miles from north to south, and 70 miles from east to west.", "Average Yearly Snowfall by American State The tables below give yearly averages for snowfall at each state in the United States. The numbers are for the total amount of snow and for how many days it snows at least 0.1 inches (0.25 centimetres). The snowfall totals are annual averages based on weather data collected from 1981 to 2010. Across many of the states, the amount of snow that normally falls varies widely.", "National Climate Report - Annual 2012 The annual temperature for Alaska was 2.3°F below average, which ranked as the 11 th coolest year on record for the state. Alaska had its coldest January on record with a statewide temperature 14.0°F below average and statewide temperatures remained cooler than average for much of the rest of 2012.ebraska’s annual precipitation total of 13.04 inches was 9.78 inches below average, and Wyoming’s annual precipitation total of 8.08 inches was 5.09 inches below average. New Mexico, Colorado, Kansas, Missouri, Illinois, Arkansas, Georgia, and Delaware had a top ten dry year.", "Get an idea of the Arkansas weather forecast for your next vacation January temperatures often fall below the average minimum and occasionally drop to the 0 range. January is usually the heaviest snowfall month. By most standards, January road conditions are good; however, during early morning and late evening hours, ice patches are common. This is particularly true in rural areas due to low traffic volumes. Severe ice storms and freezing rain occur most frequently during the month of January. February", "- Bergen: Annual Weather Averages. July is the hottest month in Bergen with an average temperature of 15°C (59°F) and the coldest is January at 2°C (35°F) with the most daily sunshine hours at 9 in December. The wettest month is December with an average of 270mm of rain.uly is the hottest month in Bergen with an average temperature of 15°C (59°F) and the coldest is January at 2°C (35°F) with the most daily sunshine hours at 9 in December.", "Bergen: Annual Weather Averages Bergen: Annual Weather Averages. July is the hottest month in Bergen with an average temperature of 15°C (59°F) and the coldest is January at 2°C (35°F) with the most daily sunshine hours at 8 in June. The wettest month is December with an average of 270mm of rain." ]
price for hardwood floor refinishing
[ "- According to the vendor-neutral, online home source Homewyse, the average professionally completed refinishing job costs $3.32 to $3.70 per square foot in 2014. That figures out to $2,656 to $2,960 to refinish 800 square feet of hardwood floors.his process, also known as “pad and recoat,” costs significantly less than total floor refinishing at around $1,000 to $1,400 for 800 square feet." ]
[ "Refinishing a Hardwood Floor Cost 1 The price range can jump to $850-$1,125 (around $3.75-$5/square foot) or more for a refinishing specialist to do a customized job on a 225-square-foot vintage wood floor, using multiple coats of chemicals, stains and other finishes to create just the right look.", "How much does it cost to sand and refinish hardwood floors in Westchester? Most refinishing companies in Westchester County will charge between $2 and $3.50 per square foot for basic sanding and refinishing of oak. If it’s natural, it will be towards the lower side, and with a stain it will cost a bit more (often an extra .50 or so).", "How Much Does It Cost To Refinish Hardwood Floors? Average cost to refinish hardwood floors is $2-5/sq.ft. Find pricing for different types of finishes, pros and cons of using each one.", "Motorola Razr Maxx losing wifi connection I'm fed up with with my Motorola Razr Maxx losing its wifi connection to my home network. I've been tolerating this problem since Android on my phone was upgraded to Jelly Bean about a year ago. Prior to the Android upgrade I wasn't experiencing any problem.", "How Much Does It Cost To Refinish Hardwood Floors? 1 Cost: The cost to refinish the floors is far less than replacing them. The cost to install a wood floor is about $4,000 -- $2,000 more than refinishing. Age: The age of your floor can be a huge factor, especially if you only installed it a few years ago.", "What type of bike does Jax teller ride in Sons of anarchy ? There is a website for the show. You can find out everything and anything there. Awsome show ain't it!!! http://www.tv.com/sons-of-anarchy/show/7...Source(s): 40+ years on two wheels and I'm a bonified TV watchin couch potato!here is a website for the show. You can find out everything and anything there. Awsome show ain't it!!! http://www.tv.com/sons-of-anarchy/show/7... Source(s): 40+ years on two wheels and I'm a bonified TV watchin couch potato!", "How much does it cost to re buff a hardwood floor approximately 15 by 15 feet.? Typically this takes about a day or two, and restores a floor that's in relatively good condition. Expect to pay $340-$900 (about $1.50-$4 a square foot) to completely refinish a 15x15 foot room. That generally includes sanding down to the bare wood and applying at least 2 and sometimes 3 coats of finish.", "How much does it cost to refinish a hardwood floor? Typical Hardwood Floor Refinishing Costs Recoating cost: The cost for recoating, or screening, a hardwood floor is typically in the range of $1 to $2 per square foot. Complete refinishing: An extensive refinishing project, which includes sanding and application of several layers of finish, ranges from $2 to $5 per square foot.", "How Much Does It Cost To Refinish Hardwood Floors? Most hardwood floor recoating or refinishing projects take two or more days, which drives up the rental cost to $120 for a weekend project. Home Depot rents drum floor sanders nationwide for an average of $55 per day.", "How Much Does It Cost to Refinish Hardwood Floors? According to the vendor-neutral, online home source Homewyse, the average professionally completed refinishing job costs $3.32 to $3.70 per square foot in 2014.That figures out to $2,656 to $2,960 to refinish 800 square feet of hardwood floors.Note: If your floors are made of cumaru, ipe, wenge or some other type of exotic lumber, it’s likely you’ll be charged more.ccording to the vendor-neutral, online home source Homewyse, the average professionally completed refinishing job costs $3.32 to $3.70 per square foot in 2014.", "Cost to Refinish a Hardwood Floor Even after years of use, abuse and neglect a solid hardwood floor can be restored with amazing results. But from our experience, this is not a project for a DIYer. A floor refinisher will charge $805 to sand and refinish a 15-by-20-foot room, or 300 square feet, which includes the labor and material. You can do the job for $225 and save 68 percent.", "How Much Does Hardwood Floor Repair Cost? 1 Repairs that require a full day of work might cost twice that ($500 to $600). 2 Nationwide data on hardwood flooring repairs from HomeAdvisor puts the average cost at approximately $900 to $1,300. 3 Per square foot, hardwood floor repairs cost $3 to $6. Refinishing hardwood floors costs $1,000 to $3,000.", "How Much Our Pets Cost in a Lifetime The average cost to refinish hardwood flooring ranges from $1-$3 per square foot, depending on the condition of the wood flooring. If the hardwood is still in fairly good condition, the cost will be lower.", "How Much Does It Cost To Refinish Hardwood Floors? However, there's a lot of benefits to refinishing the floors. 1 Cost: The cost to refinish the floors is far less than replacing them. The cost to install a wood floor is about $4,000 -- $2,000 more than refinishing. Age: The age of your floor can be a huge factor, especially if you only installed it a few years ago.", "- Our free calculator uses recent, trusted data to estimate costs for your Hardwood Floor Refinishing project. For a basic 125 square feet project in zip code 47474, the benchmark cost to Refinish a Hardwood Floor ranges between $3.79 - $4.87 per square foot* . To estimate costs for your project:", "- $4.68. Get an INSTANT estimate of the cost to Refinish Floors! Our free calculator uses recent, trusted data to estimate costs for your Floor Refinishing project. For a basic 125 square feet project in zip code 47474, the benchmark cost to Refinish Floors ranges between $3.63 - $4.68 per square foot* .", "- It is used to detect urinary tract infections (UTIs) and other disorders of the urinary tract. In those with acute or chronic conditions, such as kidney disease, the urinalysis may be ordered at intervals as a rapid method to help monitor organ function, status, and response to treatment.^ Back to top.n those with acute or chronic conditions, such as kidney disease, the urinalysis may be ordered at intervals as a rapid method to help monitor organ function, status, and response to treatment.", "Refinishing a Hardwood Floor Cost 1 The price range can jump to $850-$1,125 (around $3.75-$5/square foot) or more for a refinishing specialist to do a customized job on a 225-square-foot vintage wood floor, using multiple coats of chemicals, stains and other finishes to create just the right look. Do-it-yourselfers intent on completely refinishing a 225-square-foot floor can rent a commercial sander, also called a drum sander, and buy other needed materials for about $125-$225. 2 Renting a floor buffer and buying needed supplies recoating runs $50-$100.", "How Much Does It Cost to Refinish Hardwood Floors? According to the vendor-neutral, online home source Homewyse, the average professionally completed refinishing job costs $3.32 to $3.70 per square foot in 2014. That figures out to $2,656 to $2,960 to refinish 800 square feet of hardwood floors.ure, you might have some of this equipment on hand, but if you had to start from scratch, it would likely cost you $600 to $915 to refinish 800 square feet of hardwood floors yourself. Check out Zillow Digs for inspiration as well as estimates on hardwood floors.", "- Our free calculator uses recent, trusted data to estimate costs for your Hardwood Floor Refinishing project. For a basic 125 square feet project in zip code 47474, the benchmark cost to Refinish a Hardwood Floor ranges between $3.79 - $4.87 per square foot* .To estimate costs for your project: 1. Set Project Zip Code Enter the Zip Code for the location where labor is hired and materials purchased.or a basic 125 square feet project in zip code 47474, the benchmark cost to Refinish a Hardwood Floor ranges between $3.79 - $4.87 per square foot* . To estimate costs for your project:", "How Much Does Hardwood Floor Refinishing Cost? Most refinishing jobs cost $1,000 to $3,000. A cheaper option that involves scuff-sanding (rather than sanding down to bare wood) and applying a fresh finish coat might only cost $1 to $3 per square foot. Refinishing stairs costs about $25 to $50 per stair. Hardwood floor repairs will also add to the project cost. Renting the necessary equipment for hardwood floor refinishing costs $150-$200 per day. Miscellaneous items might cost you another $50 to $100.", "How Much Does It Cost to Refinish Hardwood Floors? According to the vendor-neutral, online home source Homewyse, the average professionally completed refinishing job costs $3.32 to $3.70 per square foot in 2014. That figures out to $2,656 to $2,960 to refinish 800 square feet of hardwood floors.ure, you might have some of this equipment on hand, but if you had to start from scratch, it would likely cost you $600 to $915 to refinish 800 square feet of hardwood floors yourself. Check out Zillow Digs for inspiration as well as estimates on hardwood floors. Related :", "How much does it cost to refinish a hardwood floor? 1 Vintage or high-end wood floor: The cost for refinishing a vintage or high-end hardwood floor is around $4 to $5 per square foot. 2 Oil-rub: Special oil is applied and rubbed into the wood. 3 The oil bonds with the pulp and hardens. 4 This gives the floor a matte finish that doesn't show scratches. $2.50 to $5 per square foot. 2 Do-it-yourself: The cost for items needed for do-it-yourself refinishing, including a commercial sander, buffer, and finish solution, typically range from $150 to $500. 3 Timing: Hardwood floor refinishing can take two to four days, depending on the size of the room.", "How Much Does It Cost to Refinish Hardwood Floors? According to the vendor-neutral, online home source Homewyse, the average professionally completed refinishing job costs $3.32 to $3.70 per square foot in 2014.That figures out to $2,656 to $2,960 to refinish 800 square feet of hardwood floors.ccording to the vendor-neutral, online home source Homewyse, the average professionally completed refinishing job costs $3.32 to $3.70 per square foot in 2014.", "- Our free calculator uses recent, trusted data to estimate costs for your Hardwood Floor Refinishing project. For a basic 125 square feet project in zip code 47474, the benchmark cost to Refinish a Hardwood Floor ranges between $3.79 - $4.87 per square foot* .To estimate costs for your project:1. Set Project Zip Code Enter the Zip Code for the location where labor is hired and materials purchased.2.ardwood Floor Refinishing-Average Cost Per Square Foot. Expect to pay in the high end of the estimated price range for a licensed, bonded and insured contractor and for complex or rush projects. Hire carefully, only after verifying prior work quality." ]
what is e. pluribus unum
[ "Affirmative action in the United States E Pluribus Unum on the great seal of the United States. E pluribus unum is the official motto of the United States. It means out of many, one in Latin. It has been placed on the U.S. dollar bill, and other related items. It is meant to suggest that the U.S. has become a melting pot, a way of speech that means that many people come together as one." ]
[ "Paramecium aurelia Paramecium aurelia are unicellular organisms belonging to the genus Paramecium of the phylum Ciliophora. They are covered in cilia which help in movement and feeding.Paramecium can reproduce sexually, asexually, or by the process of endomixis.aramecium aurelia are unicellular organisms belonging to the genus Paramecium of the phylum Ciliophora. They are covered in cilia which help in movement and feeding. Paramecium can reproduce sexually, asexually, or by the process of endomixis.", "E pluribus unum Never codified by law, E Pluribus Unum was considered a de facto motto of the United States until 1956 when the United States Congress passed an act (H. J. Resolution 396), adopting In God We Trust as the official motto.", "- A paramecium is a small one celled (unicellular) living organism that can move, digest food, and reproduce. They belong to the kingdom of Protista, which is a group (family) of similar living micro-organisms. Micro-organism means they are a very small living cell.", "Equisetum The name of the type subgenus, Equisetum, means horse hair in Latin, while the name of the other subgenus, Hippochaete, means horse hair in Greek. Hybrids are common, but hybridization has only been recorded between members of the same subgenus.", "- Edit 0 6 …. chapter 1- it took me a month to get over the shock of having life possibilities. p. 19. chapter 2- the caved in look of her face nearly did me in. p. 47. chapter 3- what I needed was a sign I needed a voice speaking to me like I heard yesterday in my room.p. 75.hapter 1- it took me a month to get over the shock of having life possibilities. p. 19. chapter 2- the caved in look of her face nearly did me in. p. 47.", "- Overview. Escherichia coli (E. coli) is a bacterium that is commonly found in the gut of humans and warm-blooded animals. Most strains of E. coli are harmless. Some strains however, such as enterohaemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC), can cause severe foodborne disease.It is transmitted to humans primarily through consumption of contaminated foods, such as raw or undercooked ground meat products, raw milk and contaminated raw vegetables and sprouts. Enterohaemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC) is a bacterium that can cause severe foodborne disease. 2 Primary sources of EHEC outbreaks are raw or undercooked ground meat products, raw milk and faecal contamination of vegetables.", "- E PLURIBUS UNUM Origin and Meaning of the Motto Carried in the Beak of the Bald Eagle on the Great Seal E pluribus unum is the motto suggested by the committee Congress appointed on July 4, 1776 to design a seal for the United States of America..The below sketch of their design accompanied a detailed description of their idea for the new nation's official emblem. pluribus unum is the motto suggested by the committee Congress appointed on July 4, 1776 to design a seal for the United States of America.. The below sketch of their design accompanied a detailed description of their idea for the new nation's official emblem.", "\"\"\"E Pluribus Unum\"\" becomes controversial\" E Pluribus Unum. has never been considered controversial. The motto, which is Latin for out of many, one, was adopted by the Founding Fathers in 1782 as part of the Great Seal of the United States, intended to represent the federal nature of the nation - out of many states, one country.", "What does e pluribus unum mean? Answer by Darknight224. Confidence votes 314. E pluribus unum is Latin; it means Out of Many One and refers to the idea that the United States is made up of individual states and populated by individual citizens, but we come together as a single country. It is on most US coins.Out of many, one.onfidence votes 314. E pluribus unum is Latin; it means Out of Many One and refers to the idea that the United States is made up of individual states and populated by individual citizens, but we come together as a single country. It is on most US coins. Out of many, one.", "- Proteus Mirabilis. Proteus mirabilis is a type of bacteria that can be found in water, soil and your intestinal tract. As a part of the normal bacteria that is found in the intestines, Proteus mirabilis aids in the digestion process.However, when it is spread into the urinary system, it can cause infection.reventing a Proteus mirabilis urinary tract infection starts with keeping good hygiene. Wipe front to back after a bowel movement to keep the bacteria in your stool or around your anus from being spread into the urethra. Keep your genitals clean and dry.", "What does 'E Pluribus Unum' mean and where did the motto come from?: Collecting Basics E PLURIBUS UNUM appeared on the front of Gentleman's Magazine for many years and it must have become a very familiar sight to the readers of the magazine.” According to Hodder, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams and Benjamin Franklin — who first suggested in 1776 that the phrase appear on the Great Seal of the United States of North America — would have likely been subscribers.", "- Such approaches have been applied, for example, to study the genetic make-up of the Ascaris populations in humans and pigs in six provinces in China [51, 52]; like A. suum and A. lumbricoides, P. univalens and P. equorum are recognised to be very closely related taxa [53, 54], and based on early observations, there is some evidence that P. univalens and P. equorum might hybridise but produce infertile offspring .", "E pluribus unum E pluribus unum is a clear reference to the Thirteen Colonies united into one nation – symbolized by the shield on the eagle's breast.", "- Day nurseries cater for the children of parents with full-time or part-time jobs, so usually open from 7am until 7pm. These times may vary though. Some day nurseries are open all year round, and others will close for certain periods during the year.ay nurseries are different to nursery schools. Nursery schools are for children aged between three and five and are often attached to a preschool or primary school. All day nurseries have to follow the early years foundation stage (EYFS).", "What Does E Pluribus Unum Mean? E Pluribus Unum refers to the fact that the United States was formed as a cohesive single nation as the result of the thirteen smaller colonies joining together. The motto E Pluribus Unum was first proposed by the U.S. Continental Congress in 1782, for use on the Great Seal of the United States.he motto E Pluribus Unum was first proposed by the U.S. Continental Congress in 1782, for use on the Great Seal of the United States.", "- From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary. 1 E Pluribus UnumGerman. 2 e pluribus unumSpanish. 3 e pluribus unumPersian. 4 e pluribus unumFrench. 5 e pluribus unumPolish. 6 из многих - единоеRussian. 7 êpluribus UNUMChinese.", "What Does E Pluribus Unum Mean On Coins? How does E Pluribus Unum relate to society today? The motto E Pluribus Unum has been required on all U.S. coinage since the late-nineteenth century, and it is on the coins that Americans, whether coin collectors or not, most often encounter today. E Pluribus Unum: The Motto's Significance E Pluribus Unum is a Latin phrase that is best translated as, Out of many, one.", "Post-it Note In 2012, Turkish artist Ardan Özmenoglu özmenoglu was selected to have a solo exhibition At Bertrand Delacroix gallery in the art district Of, Chelsea. Manhattan the, exhibition Titled E Pluribus (Unum latin For out of, many), one Opened november, 15 2012 and featured large scale works On-post it. notes", "Why does it say E plurabus unum on every coin? IT'S LATIN FOR, OUT OF MANY,ONE E pluribus unum translated from Latin, it means From many, one or Out of many, one (e = out of, from; pluribus = many; unum = one). E Pluribus Unum was one of the first national mottos of the United States of America. E PLURIBUS UNUM in capital letter spelling, is included on most U.S. currency, with some exceptions to the letter spacing (e.g. the U.S. dime reverse side). (See US coinage and paper bills in circulation)", "Marrubium vulgare Marrubium vulgare (white horehound or common horehound) is a flowering plant in the family Lamiaceae, native to Europe, northern Africa, and southwestern and central Asia.orehound has been mentioned in conjunction with medicinal use dating at least back to the 1st century BC, where it appeared as a remedy for respiratory ailments in the treatise De Medicina by Roman encyclopaedist Aulus Cornelius Celsus.", "Translating Latin Phrases Found on the United States One Dollar Bill Translate E Pluribus Unum. E Pluribus Unum is a phrase often mistranslated as “many from one.” However,the initiated Latin student knows that subjects in a Latin sentence must be in the nominative case. The only word in this phrase in the nominative case is “unum”, hence the discovery of the phrases subject.", "- Origin and Meaning of the Motto Carried in the Beak of the Bald Eagle on the Great Seal. E pluribus unum is the motto suggested by the committee Congress appointed on July 4, 1776 to design a seal for the United States of America.. Pluribus Unum describes an action: Many uniting into one. An accurate translation of the motto is From Many, One or Out of Many, One a phrase that captures the symbolism on the shield. The meaning of this motto is better understood.", "- E pluribus unum is Latin; it means Out of Many One and refers to the idea that the United States is made up of individual states and populated by individual citizens, but we come together as a single country.", "- Go to brainly.com now for free help! At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi sint occaecati cupiditate non provident, similique sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollitia animi, id est laborum et dolorum fuga.", "E Pluribus Unum E Pluribus Unum. (ē plo͝or`ĭbəs yo͞o`nəm) [Lat.,=one made out of many], motto on the Great Seal of the United States and on many U.S. coins. Although selected in 1776 by Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, and Thomas Jefferson for the Continental Congress, it was not officially adopted as a national motto until six years later." ]
how much do club set bottles cost?
[ "HOW MUCH DOES NYC BOTTLE SERVICE COST? Prices reach towards $15,000 for Nebuchadnezzar (15L) sized champagne bottles. Some clubs even have specialty large format champagne at Price $75,000 per bottle. And that is pretty much everything that you need to know about bottle service prices in NYC. Bottle service is a premium experience and that is reflected in the price." ]
[ "Strip club question? Best Answer: Where do you live? Most clubs charge between $5 and $15 dollars for entry, a few are $20 and a few are free. Free clubs usually serve alcohol, non-alcohol clubs almost always have a higher door fee.These are fla prices. Most clubs let women in for free or discounted prices for obvious reasons, although some do not.ut, anywhere from free to $20. (2) You can get dinner if the club has a kitchen or restaurant. Check local listings. ...and (3) Not including dinner, expect to spend anywhere from $200-$300 on drinks, dances and stage tipping.", "Golf Clubs Cost Typical costs: 1 Average sets for casual players range from $200 to $400, depending on the quality of the metal used in the clubs. 2 Higher-end sets cost as much as $800, while professional clubs can cost more than $1,000 for just irons, which make up only one component of a complete set.", "Lounge Club Membership: The Ultimate Guide According to Lounge Club, the basic membership package is valued at around $99 per year. Because many credit card companies also offer 2 free visits (valued at $27 each) to Lounge Club members each year, this bumps the value up to approximately $150 per year.", "The Ultimate Guide to Liquor License Costs in Florida 1 Golf Clubs Open to the General Public Beer, Wine, and Liquor Consumption on Premises (11CG PC): The fee varies between $624 and $1,820, depending on the county size (just like the 4COP to 8COP licenses vary, as explained above). 2 Caterer License for Beer, Wine and Liquor Consumption on Premises (13CT): $1,820.", "How Much Do Golf Clubs Cost? The Cost of New Golf Clubs: Running Down the Ranges. Top-of-the-line drivers range from $250 to $600. Those prices apply to the flagship drivers offered by the most recognizable, brand-name companies. However, there are numerous less-famous brands, not to mention never-used but less-recently issued drivers, that sell for much less.", "Firstleaf Wine Subscription Review + Coupon â July 2016 My Subscription Addiction pays for this subscription. (Check out the review process post to learn more about how we review boxes). The Subscription Box: Firstleaf. The Cost: $79 per box + shipping (The total cost with shipping to DC is $88.95.) COUPON: Get your first 3 bottles for only $19.95 (including shipping).", "Ask Dr. Vinny Dear Lara, Most restaurants start by pricing a bottle on a wine list at about three times the wholesale price, or about twice the price of retail. So, a bottle of wine you’d pay $20 for at a wine shop will typically go for about $40 at a restaurant. Of course, it varies.", "- Or,…. It’s as simple as…. 1. Choose Your MOJO Water BottleLess Cooler. The complete BottleLess Cooler system costs only $399 ($449 for the stainless model). MOJO Water coolers come with everything you need – the purification system, installation kit and step-by-step instructions.", "How Much Does a Country Club Membership Cost? 1 Overall, the fees for a country club are going to vary over a wide range of money. 2 This means that you may find it for as little as $500 to as much as $500,000 or even more. 3 The average price, however, will normally be in the $500 to $20,000 range. These country clubs are usually located within a neighborhood, and you must live in the neighborhood to be a part of the country club. 2 Annual dues run into the thousands, ranging from $4,000 to as much as $15,000.", "How much does a case of Kirkland brand bottled water cost at Costco? Rating Newest Oldest. Best Answer: Costco prices vary by store. Also, for something like water it depends on what state you are in. A case of Kirkland Signature Premium Water contains 35 16.9 oz bottles. In California, we pay $5.16 + $1.75 (Ca Redemption) or $6.91 total for a case. Source(s): http://www.costcob.com The (unofficial) Costco Blog.", "Fitness Club Cost Typical costs: Monthly fees average $35 to $40 for a single membership, but can be as low as $20 depending on age, location and whether customers are willing to sign an extended contract. Many health clubs also charge an average enrollment fee of $40, but some can charge more than $100.", "9 Money-Saving Items to Pack on Your Next Cruise 9. Though most major cruise lines allow one bottle of wine per person to be carried on board, some cruise lines, including Royal Caribbean and Celebrity Cruises, charge a steep corkage fee in the dining room. Corkage fees can range anywhere from $10 (on Azamara Club Cruises) to $25 (on Royal Caribbean and Celebrity).. Though most major cruise lines allow one bottle of wine per person to be carried on board, some cruise lines, including Royal Caribbean and Celebrity Cruises, charge a steep corkage fee in the dining room. Corkage fees can range anywhere from $10 (on Azamara Club Cruises) to $25 (on Royal Caribbean and Celebrity).", "- The 750-milliliter bottle costs $13.96 a bottle and the 3-liter box costs $38.99. If you were to buy four bottles, you would pay $55.84, versus $38.99 for the boxed version. You save $16.85 by buying the larger format.”. Convenience: Boxed wine is a great choice for picnics and parties. The wine can rest on a table or in the refrigerator and guests can dispense it easily into their glasses.", "Wet Republic Table Service Common bottles of alcohol at Wet Republic are priced between $500 and $595. These prices do not include 8% tax and 20% gratuity. Please contact an official Wet Republic host here for the most accurate pricing, menu, table locations, and availability.", "- 1 According to an article in BusinessInsider, membership fees to the Augusta National Golf Club are about $10,000 a year. 2 A Huffington Post article states that the Augusta National Golf Club initiation fee is $10,000 to $30,000. A bottle of wine at the club can run $1,000 each. 2 However, this does depend on the type of wine. 3 The cost for guests to play the golf course with a member is said to be approximately $40 per round.", "The New Way to Rent Golf Clubs There are obviously many factors to consider, but from a pure price perspective, renting golf clubs from these outfits for a day (starting at $55-$65) can be less expensive than renting from higher-end golf courses and resorts ($75-$100 per day) or shipping your clubs roundtrip (starting at $80-$100).ne other alternative to renting clubs from a resort or national golf rental company is to rent from a regional one. While the regional companies only service a specific state or region within the country, if you happen to be traveling to one of them, you might just be able to take advantage of some great deals.", "SayByeBugs Frequently Asked Questions SayByeBugs comes in three choices, either you get our 6 bottle kit ($19.99 per bottle, $119.94 + $9.95 S&H), a 3 bottle kit ($33.32 per bottle, $99.96 + $9.95 S&H) or basic 2 bottle kit ($34.97 per bottle, $69.94 + $9.95 S&H). Our detergent costs $37.95 with up to 30% discounts if you buy more than one.", "Golf Clubs Cost No set would be complete without golf balls , which retail at Golfballs.com for $8 to $16 for a moderate sets of 12. Higher-quality balls, like Callaway's HX Tour line , which offers lower-spin and higher-speed construction, cost for $34 a set of 12.", "How much is a freedom boat club membership? How much is a freedom boat club membership? As of October 2010, if you join one of the Corporate Owned locations, pay a one time entry fee of $5,500 and receive the first 12 months of boating, no monthly fees for one ye…ar. Then, beginning the 13th month, you begin paying monthly fees of $199/mth.", "- It sounds like you have a soda water bottle. Many local Coca-Cola Bottlers sold flavored beverages and soda water in bottles like yours. The type of bottle you described was used from the 1920’s all the way into the 1950’s. Worth around $10 to $20 depending on condition.", "- Since golfers can get all the clubs they need plus a bag, oftentimes for under $200, there is tremendous value in complete golf sets. Complete Golf Club Set 101 The standard set of golf clubs includes three woods (1, 3, 5), seven irons or hybrids, a pitching wedge, and a putter.", "- Brand (Alpha) Carton Pack Carton Pack. 1839 $75.85 $7.59 $74.74 $7.47. 1st Class $71.23 $7.12 $70.19 $7.02. Ace $70.51 $7.05 $69.48 $6.95. American Spirit $106.29 $10.63 $104.73 $10.47. American Spirit Organic $106.29 $10.63 $104.73 $10.47.", "Drinks at Sea: Should You Buy a Beverage Package on a Cruise? Juice packages: cost $20.15 for 6 bottles of Minute Maid juices; $25.25 for 8 bottles; and $35.55 for 12 bottles. Buy It: If you'll be drinking five or more bottles of juice. It's standard practice for the cruise lines to add a 15% service charge to all bar bills, including both alcoholic and nonalcoholic drinks.", "Why The Hell Does Your Drink Cost So Much? If we assume a standard 1.5-ounce shot, that means you get 22.5 Stoli-and-whatevers per bottle, for a price of $1.22 per serving. The bar charges $6.75 per dose, so when dealing with Russians or other masochists, the liquor cost is a mere 18 percent.", "How to buy bottles and nipples Traditional glass and plastic bottles range from about $4 to more than $10 apiece. Stainless-steel baby bottles range from $13 to $30. Silicone and latex nipples range from $1 to $7 each (but are usually sold in packages of 2 or 3). Starter sets and gift sets, which include several bottles and nipples, as well as accessories like cleaning brushes and sterilizers, run from about $15 to $130." ]
what causes film creasing during folding process
[ "- Hence, the amount of delamination initiated during the creasing operation control much of the folding behavior. When the original material properties were used, the amount of delamination initiated by creasing is quite large for all three paperboards." ]
[ "- As the slope becomes steeper, contrast is increased.(shorter scale) lower slope – lower contrast (more latitude). (Processing: Increased film developer time, temperature, or replenishment rate will increase chemical fog on the film. When any processing factor causes a change in base fog, contrast is affected.", "Photoelectric effect Photons hitting a thin film of alkali metal or semiconductor material such as gallium arsenide in an image intensifier tube cause the ejection of photoelectrons due to the photoelectric effect. These are accelerated by an electrostatic field where they strike a phosphor coated screen, converting the electrons back into photons.", "- If a specimen is refractory to confident diagnosis, a comment as to the nature of the problem may be useful in directing management. 1. Reactive changes caused by infection, physical disruption, recent pregnancy, or recent instrumentation. These can cause piling up of the epithelium, and loss of nuclear polarity..", "Top Recommendations10075502597% 92% 86%1ADVANCED DERMATOLOGY2REVIVE3LA PRAIRIE The Main Causes of Upper Lip Wrinkles. The most common cause of upper lip wrinkles is natural aging. As people age, their skin loses elastin and collagen, which give skin its firmness and ability to snap back into place. This leads to sagging skin and wrinkles, including those on the upper lip. While there is no way to replace elastin, there are a number of procedures and over-the-counter anti aging serums that help boost the body’s ability to produce greater quantities of collagen to tighten skin. Another cause of upper lip wrinkles is exposure to toxins in the environment.", "- Inadequate pressure can cause silvering because the film wasn't pressed onto the image hard enough, preventing the adhesive from properly bonding. Technical Bulletin 7.8 – Laminating problems & solutions Page 2 of 3 2.Wrinkling issues: The film will wrinkle if there is not enough supply roll tension. Any laminator needs a certain amount of resistance to the unwinding of the supply rolls so that the film lays flat as it goes into the nip of the laminating rollers.", "- cies rivaling the best microparticulate packings, and they lack the void volume that plagues both membranes and microparticles. [1,2] This last feature is important because turbulent mixing in the void volume (eddy dispersion) is a primary cause of band spreading in chromatographic separations. This combination of", "SMART GLASS FILM TECH SUMMIT The pre-laminated glass edge will get sealed earlier than expected if the temperature is too high. The second oven's temperature: If temperature is too low, the pre-laminated glass edge can not be sealed smoothly and the adhesion is not good; If temperature is too high, bubbles will be produced. Conditions for prepressing and expelling air when laminating glass with PVB Film", "Scrunch time: The peculiar physics of crumpled paper Crumpled paper follows a similar power law. The layers inside act like folds: not only is the paper ball harder to deform, the layers trap air, which according to Cambou, could be one more variable that adds to the structure’s strength.", "Eliminating Pinholes 3. Poor screen preparation is a major cause of pinholes. Particles of dirt, wood frame chips, and dust remaining on the fabric during coating will be trapped in the emulsion. Opaque, they will block light from hardening the emulsion beneath them, so that the emulsion in these small areas will wash away after exposure.", "- A falciform retinal fold can be caused by: 1 Retinopathy of prematurity. 2 Familial exudative vitreoretinopathy (FEVR) 3 Norrie's disease. 4 All of the above.", "Striations in Muscle: What Causes Striations in Muscle Tissue What are Striations in Muscle tissue Causes. 1 Striations in muscle tissue are caused due to the typical arrangement of sarcomeres (i.e. contractile units) which comprise of the myofibrils inside the cells. 2 These sarcomeres are arranged in parallel rows.", "What Is Keratoconus? Tiny fibers of protein in the eye called collagen help hold the cornea in place and keep it from bulging. When these fibers become weak, they cannot hold the shape and the cornea becomes progressively more cone shaped. Keratoconus is caused by a decrease in protective antioxidants in the cornea. The cornea cells produce damaging by-products, like exhaust from a car. Normally, antioxidants get rid of them and protect the collagen fibers. If antioxidants levels are low, the collagen weakens and the cornea bulges out.", "- amount of resistance to the unwinding of the supply rolls so that the film lays flat as it goes into the nip of the laminating rollers. Thinner film needs less tension, thicker film needs more. Also respect the laminating t° of 40°c to avoid wrinkling due to damp materials during laminating process .", "- Stress Crazing On Acrylic Surfaces And Its Causes Stress crazing, which appears as an area of tiny micro-cracks, occasionally shows up in areas on the surface of most thermoplastic sheets. This phenomena, although rare and preventable, is known to occur in many types of", "- To not see it rolling you have to make the picture black while the film rolls on. You would have to blacken the screen 24 times per second. But 24 black moments are too visible. Thus you have smooth motions but flicker. The solution is: Show each frame 3 times and make the screen black 3 times per frame. This makes the black moments shorter and more frequent: Triple the refresh rate. So you see about 72fps in the cinema, where 3 consecutive frames are the same.", "- This is abbreviated to ‘phr’. PVC weathering. When unprotected PVC is exposed to sunlight, the ultraviolet radiation causes a series of complex. reactions to occur which results in the degradation of the polymer. The degradation is accompanied by. the formation of highly coloured compounds.", "Media preservation Binder hydrolysis, also known as sticky-shed syndrome, refers to the breakdown of binder, or glue, that holds the magnetic particles to the polyester base of the tape. Tapes which have been stored in hot, humid conditions are particularly vulnerable to this phenomenon and may suffer from accelerated degradation. Severe binder can cause the magnetic material to fall off or sheds from the base, leaving a pile of dust and clear backing.", "- The mutation in the ACTA1 gene that causes cap myopathy results in an abnormal protein that may interfere with the proper assembly of thin filaments. The cap structures in muscle cells characteristic of this disorder are composed of disorganized thin filaments.eople with cap myopathy may have a high arch in the roof of the mouth (high-arched palate), severely drooping eyelids (ptosis), and a long face.", "Why did shakespeare write othello? What was Shakespeare's purpose for writing Othello? Was he trying to make a statement? help.", "- Alligatoring is patterned cracking in the surface of the paint film that resembles the regular scales of an alligator.pplying the topcoat before the undercoat is dry may also cause alligatoring. Alternatively, the natural aging of oil-based paints as temperatures fluctuate causes constant expansion and contraction that can result in a loss of paint film elasticity.", "- Kapton® polyimide film is made by a condensation reaction; therefore, its properties are affected by water. Although long-term. exposure to boiling water, as shown in the curves in Figures 3 and. 4, will reduce the level of film properties, sufficient tensile and.", "A Scientific Solution to Unsightly Cellulite This enzyme breaks down collagen, which is a key structural protein within connective tissues.6 Fibrous tissue, similar to that seen with scarring, may fill in the gaps caused by degraded collagen. This results in the formation of fibrotic stiff bands that can worsen the appearance of cellulite.", "What Is Sputtering? Magnetron Sputtering? Written By Matt Hughes - President - Semicore Equipment, Inc. Published: 24 November 2014. Sputtering is the thin film deposition manufacturing process at the core of today’s semiconductors, disk drives, CDs, and optical devices industries.", "- A premium range of precision cut highly reflective particles of micro embossed metallised polyester film. The glitter particles produce an amazing polychromatic holographic effect. These glitters offer a wide range of application, most colours having high solvent resistance and excellent temperature resistance (180°C) and light fastness. EN71-3 and EN71-2 approved. Available in a range of sizes and colours.", "- When coated paperboard is printed, pressed into a groove with a creasing rule and folded, white line cracking occurs along the crease due to intensive mechanical pressure. The cracking will deteriorates product quality and waste resources. Effects of creasing pressure and ink dosage on the foldability of coated board were investigated. It was shown that applying an optimum pressure is important during creasing. When the pressure was too low, the crease formed was not sufficiently deep enough to enable precise folding. When an excess pressure was applied, fiber bonding was destroyed, resulted in unsatisfactory cracking." ]
what is a lease?
[ "What is a Lease? A typical lease spells out all of the terms involved in a land or merchandise rental agreement, including the length of time a lessee may use it and what condition it must be in upon return to the lessor. The amount of payments and any financial penalties for late payments may also be included in a contract." ]
[ "- The lease is a contract in which: 1 You agree to pay rent for a certain period of time. 2 You agree to abide by other conditions (such as using the space for a consulting business only, or not displaying outside signs unless the landlord first approves them).", "- lease. n. 1. A contract granting use or occupation of property during a specified period in exchange for a specified rent or other form of payment. 2. The term or duration of such a contract. tr.v. leased, leas·ing, leas·es. 1. To grant use or occupation of under the terms of a contract. 2.To get or hold by such a contract.a new lease on life. An opportunity to improve one's circumstances or outlook.. The term or duration of such a contract. tr.v. leased, leas·ing, leas·es. 1. To grant use or occupation of under the terms of a contract. 2. To get or hold by such a contract. a new lease on life. An opportunity to improve one's circumstances or outlook.", "lease A contractual agreement by which one party conveys an estate in property to another party, for a limited period, subject to various conditions, in exchange for something of value, but still retains ownership. A lease contract can involve any property that is not illegal to own.", "What Causes Burning Back Pain? It can damage the outside protective cover of the nerves. It can cause a burning sensation in back as well as in many different areas of the body. Peripheral nerve disorders: These types of disorders are caused by damage to the nerves in the body. A few of the causes are diabetes and leprosy. The blood supply to the nerves is cut off and the nerves begin to degrade and can cause a burning sensation and numbness to the affected body part.", "- Types of Leases. A lease is either: 1 a finance lease (also called capital lease in the US GAAP) in which the risks and rewards inherent in the asset are transferred to the lessee. an operating lease in which the risks and rewards inherent in the asset are not transferred to the lessee.", "- A lease, or leasing agreement, is also signed by the tenant and the landlord for a set period of property use. The tenant is required to pay a set monthly rent for the entirety of the agreement, usually between six months and a year.", "The Difference Between Leases and Subleases What Is a Lease? A lease is a contract between a landlord (lessor) and renter (lessee). For apartment leases, the landlord is often an apartment complex or a rental agency. In the lease, the renter agrees to pay the landlord to live in the property for a specified amount of time, usually a year, though this can vary.", "LEASE Definitions and Meaning of lease in English. 1 property that is leased or rented out or let. 2 a contract granting use or occupation of property during a specified time for a specified payment. 3 the period of time during which a contract conveying property to a person is in effect. 4 let for money.", "Lease Broadly put, a lease agreement is a contract between two parties, the lessor and the lessee. The lessor is the legal owner of the asset, the lessee obtains the right to use the asset in return for rental payments.The narrower term rental agreement can be used to describe a lease in which the asset is tangible property. Language used is that the user rents the land or goods let or rented out by the owner.The verb to lease is less precise because it can refer to either of these actions.he narrower term rental agreement can be used to describe a lease in which the asset is tangible property. Language used is that the user rents the land or goods let or rented out by the owner. The verb to lease is less precise because it can refer to either of these actions.", "lease Generally, a lease may be written or oral, but a lease for certain types of property must be in writing and signed by both parties. For example, if a lessee seeks to lease real property (land or buildings) for more than one year, the lease must be in writing.", "lease 1 Lease definition, a contract renting land, buildings, etc., to another; a contract or instrument conveying property to another for a specified period or for a period determinable at the will of either lessor or lessee in consideration of rent or other compensation. the property leased.", "lease lease. n. 1. A contract granting use or occupation of property during a specified period in exchange for a specified rent or other form of payment. 2.", "- n (of land, farm, business premises etc) → Pacht f; (= contract) → Pachtvertrag m; (of house, flat, office) → Miete f; (= contract) → Mietvertrag m; (of equipment) → Leasing nt; (= contract) → Leasingvertrag m; the lease was prematurely terminated → die Pacht or das Pachtverhältnis/das Mietverhältnis wurde vorzeitig beendet; to take a lease on a house → ein Haus mieten; to take a lease on business premises → ein Geschäft(sgrundstück) nt → pachten; to take a house on a ...", "Leases A lease is a contract between two parties for the use of goods or land for a term in return for some form of “consideration” (i.e., payment – anything of value, whether it be money, some services, a promise of some future action, etc.). lease is a contract between two parties for the use of goods or land for a term in return for some form of “consideration” (i.e., payment – anything of value, whether it be money, some services, a promise of some future action, etc.).", "- Essentially, a lease is much like a partnership agreement in that it sets out the parameters of a business relationship. When everything goes as planned, most any lease will serve the parties well but the true test occurs when there are hiccups in the relationship.", "Lease Agreement Terms commonly included in a lease agreement: 1 Duration – How long the lease agreement is in effect. 2 Rent – The amount of rent that will be paid to the owner each month, and the consequences for failing to pay the agreed upon amount by the due date.", "Definition of 'lease' If you lease property or something such as a car from someone or if they lease it to you, they allow you to use it in return for regular payments of money. He went to Toronto, where he leased an apartment.", "- Full Definition of LEASE. 1. : a contract by which one conveys real estate, equipment, or facilities for a specified term and for a specified rent; also: the act of such conveyance or the term for which it is made. 2. : a piece of land or property that is leased.3. See lease defined for English-language learners.efinition of LEASE for Kids. 1. : an agreement by which a person exchanges property (as a car or house) for a period of time in return for payment or services. 2.", "What is a 'Capital Lease' What is a 'Capital Lease'. A capital lease is a contract entitling a renter to a temporary use of an asset, and such a lease has economic characteristics of asset ownership for accounting purposes. The capital lease requires a renter to add assets and liabilities associated with the lease if the rental contract meets specific requirements.", "Commercial Real Estate Leasing Definitions We hope you find this glossary of terms helpful. A lease in which there is a provision for the tenant to pay, in addition to rent, certain costs associated with the operation of the property. These costs may include property taxes, insurance, repairs, utilities, and maintenance. There are also “NN” (double net) and “NNN” (triple net) leases.", "What is the Difference Between a Month-by-month Lease and a Fixed-term Lease? Fixed-Term Leases. A fixed-term lease is a type of rental agreement in which the renter agrees to stay and pay rent for the period of time indicated in the written contract. Renters who break their lease typically lose their deposit and, if applicable, their pre-paid rent for the final month of the lease.", "What is the Difference Between a Month-by-month Lease and a Fixed-term Lease? A fixed-term lease is a type of rental agreement in which the renter agrees to stay and pay rent for the period of time indicated in the written contract. Renters who break their lease typically lose their deposit and, if applicable, their pre-paid rent for the final month of the lease.", "- The lease is an agreement between you and your tenants therefore, it is important that both you (the owner or landlord) and all of the people that will be living in your property sign your lease. This should include everyone who will be living in the property, even if they are only temporary residents.", "Facts about Rental and Lease Agreements 2. The Basics: What is a Lease Agreement? What is a lease agreement? A lease agreement is a written document that officially recognizes a legally binding relationship between two parties — a landlord and a tenant.", "How Car Leasing Works â Explained Lease Term (Months). Lease term is the length of time a car is leased, usually expressed in number of months. Typical leases are 24, 36, 39, or 48 months, although “oddball” terms, such as 27, 30, and 42 months are sometimes used." ]
meaning of a discrete concept
[ "Discrete mathematics Discrete mathematics. Discrete mathematics is the study of mathematical structures that are fundamentally discrete rather than continuous. In contrast to real numbers that have the property of varying smoothly, the objects studied in discrete mathematics – such as integers, graphs, and statements in logic – do not vary smoothly in this way, but have distinct, separated values. Discrete mathematics therefore excludes topics in continuous mathematics such as calculus and analysis. Discrete objects can often ..." ]
[ "Discrete Math Back to Top. Discrete mathematics is the branch of mathematics dealing with objects that can assume only distinct, separated values. In simple words, discrete math means the math which deals with countable sets. Discrete math is the study of the data which are not continuous.", "- Scott Hawkins Leadership Institute: Transforming Young Links into Leaders. 1 Consider Michelle Obama. 2 Surely, there are many factors – but, mastering the multifaceted nature of leadership has to be among them. 3 The Scott Hawkins Leadership Institute (SHLI) is on a mission to develop similar skills among its younger membership.", "Discrete and Continuous Data Discrete data is counted, Continuous data is measured . Discrete Data. Discrete Data can only take certain values. Example: the number of students in a class (you can't have half a student). Example: the results of rolling 2 dice: can only have the values 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12.", "Graphs in Discrete Mathematics As such there is no specified definition of discrete mathematics. Graph in discrete mathematics can be studied with the help of graph theory which is also considered as the part of combinatorics, but in the present era it is a separate branch of mathematics first investigated by D.Konig in the year 1930.", "- Assignment 2: Conceptual and Operational Definitions. This assignment will require you to provide a hypothetical quantitative research question and. then conceptually and operationally define the variables within the question. A Conceptual Definition is a critical element to the research process and involves scientifically. defining a specific concept (also known as a variable), or construct, so it can be systematically. measured. The conceptual definition is considered to be the (scientific) text book definition. The. construct must then be operationally defined to model the conceptual definition. An Operational Definition is the actual method, tool, or technique which indicates how the. concept will be measured (see Figures below).", "discretely Discretely is defined as in a separate independent unit or in distinct, separate parts. When a subsidiary of a company operates completely independently of other branches or departments of the company, this is an example of a subsidiary that operates discretely. discretely. As a separate independent unit.", "concept A concept is an element used in the development of a theory. It is generally agreed that the central concepts of the discipline of nursing are environment, health, nursing, and person.", "Difference Between Discrete and Continuous Data If the numerical data can take only an at most countable number of values, then such data is called discrete data. An at most countable number is either finite or countable. An example will illustrate this further. A five question test is given to a class.", "Is cost a discrete variable or a continuous variable? If a variable can take on any value between two specified values, it is called a continuous variable; otherwise, it is called a discrete variable. Some examples will clarify the difference between discrete and continuous variables.", "What is Mathematics? Discrete objects can be characterized by integers, whereas continuous objects require real numbers. Discrete mathematics is the mathematical language of computer science, as it includes the study of algorithms. Fields of discrete mathematics include combinatorics, graph theory, and the theory of computation.", "- Definition: A set of data is said to be discrete if the values belonging to the set are distinct and separate (unconnected values). • The height of a horse (could be any value within the range of horse heights). • Time to complete a task (which could be measured to fractions of seconds).", "Discrete Functions The Factorial Function. Combination Function - C(n, k) = . Discrete Function - A function that is defined only for a set of numbers that can be listed, such as the set of whole numbers or the set of integers. Explicit Definition - A definition of a function by a formula in terms of the variable. Factorial Function - F(n) = n(n - 1)(n - 2)(n - 3) ...", "Probability distribution A discrete probability distribution is a probability distribution characterized by a probability mass function. Thus, the distribution of a random variable X is discrete, and X is called a discrete random variable, if ∑ ⁡ (=) = as u runs through the set of all possible values of X.", "Probability distribution A measurable function between a probability space and a measurable space is called a discrete random variable provided its image is a countable set and the pre-image of singleton sets are measurable, i.e., for all.", "- Select term: If a variable can take on any value between its minimum value and its maximum value, it is called a continuous variable; otherwise, it is called a discrete variable. Some examples will clarify the difference between discrete and continuous variables.", "Does anyone know what discrete and continuous mean. and can you give me a example. please and thank you? Discrete data usually occurs in a case where there are only a certain number of values, or when we are counting something (using whole numbers). Continuous data makes up the rest of numerical data. This is a type of data that is usually associated with some sort of physical measurement.Ex.iscrete data usually occurs in a case where there are only a certain number of values, or when we are counting something (using whole numbers). Continuous data makes up the rest of numerical data. This is a type of data that is usually associated with some sort of physical measurement. Ex.", "Difference Between Discrete and Continuous Data The possible number of correct answers a student can get is 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5: only 6 possibilities, and this is a finite number. Therefore, if we collect data of the number of questions correctly answered by a student, then that particular data will be discrete. In a game, one has to shoot a target.", "- Discrete and Discreet are unrelated words, each with a separate meaning. Discrete is the opposite of concrete, using two latin prefixes with opposite meanings. Concrete is something that is hard, solid, indestructible, such as a. concrete road, a concrete opinion, concretions of lime upon the sea. bottom.", "- Often a variable will be continuous at one scale, but discrete on another. For instance the amount of water consumed might be discrete if you count individual water molecules, but it is continuous at the scale you are concerned with.", "- Concepts are abstract ideas which have been defined according to particular characteristics or generalizations (constructs) about them. A construct is based on concepts, or can be thought of as a conceptual model that has measurable aspects.", "- The probability distribution of a discrete random variable is a list of probabilities associated with each of its possible values. It is also sometimes called the probability function or the probability mass function.", "discretely Discretely is defined as in a separate independent unit or in distinct, separate parts. When a subsidiary of a company operates completely independently of other branches or departments of the company, this is an example of a subsidiary that operates discretely. Adverb.", "What is Finite Math? The word discrete helps explain where Finite Math gets its name. Discrete means broken up or separated. For example, integers are discrete objects because there are non-integer numbers in between them, but real numbers are continuous numbers because there is no identifiable separation between them.", "What is the difference between discrete and continuous graphs? Discrete and Continuous Graph This will be a very basic definition but understandable one <br /> A graph is discrete when one (or both) of the variables has discrete entries, its means that are entered number, without decimal part, so the graph has no continuity, the trace will be broken parts, not a single one.", "What is the difference between discrete data and continuous data? Discrete data take particular values, while continuous data are not restricted to separate values. Discrete data are distinct and there is no grey area in between, while continuous data occupy any value over a continuous data value. share | improve this answer." ]
va choice provider phone number
[ "VA makes changes to Veterans Choice Program Veterans seeking to use the Veterans Choice Program or wanting to know more about it, can call1-866-606-8198 to confirm their eligibility and to schedule an appointment. For more details about the Veterans Choice Program and VA’s progress, visit: www.va.gov/opa/choiceact.", "Public Health For more information on the Veterans Choice Program, and to find out if you are eligible, you can visit www.va.gov/opa/choiceact or call 866-606-8198. Using the Veterans Choice Program does not impact your existing VA health care or any other VA benefit." ]
[ "- For more information about Medicaid and FAMIS health insurance coverage in Virginia including how to apply, go to www.coverva.org. You may also call Cover Virginia toll-free at 1-855-242-8282 (TDD 1-888-221-1590) to apply or get more information. In addition, you may contact the Department of Social Services www.dss.virginia.gov in the city or county where you live.", "- Interested in Commonwealth Coordinated Care. For information on Anthem HealthKeepers MMP and other Commonwealth Coordinated Care options for your health care, call Maximus, the state enrollment broker, at 1-855-889-5243 (TTY: 711) Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Eastern time or visit their website at www.virginiaccc.com.", "- 1 The phone number to call the West Virginia Medicaid office is 800-642-8589 or in state call 304-558-1700. To view the website for West Virginia Medicaid online, click here.", "- Have Choice Hotels International, Inc. call you insteadCall Choice Hotels International, Inc. using our web-phoneDial 800-300-8800 now. If you're already on the phone with Choice Hotels International, Inc., you may want to look over any tips we have for getting better results.", "- Company Name United Healthcare (UHC) Options PPO Phone Numbers 800-826-9781 Certification Phone Number 866-494-4502 IMPORTANT: Failure to obtain PRE-certification on certain services PRIOR to receiving the services may reduce benefits Internet Site www.umr.com Medical Provider Network for WYOMING (7/1/04-Current) Company Name PHCS Healthy Directions Phone Number 800-678-PHCS (7427) Certification Phone Number 866-494-4502 IMPORTANT: Failure to obtain PRE-certification on certain services PRIOR to receiving the services may reduce benefits Internet Site www.phcs.com PRESCRIPTION PLAN (7/1/04-Current) Company Name Innoviant Group Number(s) RXGRP 01960241 RxBin 610127 RxPCN 01960000 Phone Number 877-559-2955", "Choice Hotels Customer Service and Support Phone Number Choice Hotels Reservations and Customer Service Number: 877-424-6423 (24/7) Above mentioned number is Choice Hotels reservation phone number for U.S and Canada country. And also this is Choice Hotels customer care number using this number customer can able to speak with representative agent.", "- Customer Choice Bill Insert. Washington Gas: 703-750-1000. Energy Supply Companies: A list of energy supply companies licensed by the Public Service Commission of the District of Columbia to participate in the Customer Choice Program is provided below. Ambit Energy (Residential & Commercial): 1-877-282-6248.", "VA Frequently Asked Questions VA checks are sent directly to the student at the current mailing address on record or by direct deposit for chapters 30, 32, 35, 1606, 1607. Direct deposit is available for all programs except Chapter 35.You can call toll free 1-877-838-2778 to sign up or change your direct deposit.ou may call VA's toll-free number 1-888-442-4551 or submit a secure e-mail through the VA Inquiry System at www.gibill.va.gov. You can select the Ask a Question link to set up an e-mail account. Your inquiries will be answered by a VA employee generally within 7-10 days.", "BENEFICIARIES CHAMPVA VA Health Administration Center CHAMPVA PO BOX 469064 Denver CO 80246-9064. CHAMPVA *Please note that CHAMPVA is separate from TRICARE. • If you need help with any problems using your computer on this website, contact technical help. • For a quick response to questions about claims and benefits, please use the AskUs feature in myTRICARE Secure to send a private, secure e-mail to a customer service representative.", "Ask VA: Veterans Choice Program Click on the image to RSVP for the Hangout. On Thursday, June 25 at 2:30EST experts from VA will be hosting a Google Hangout on the Veterans Choice Program which allows eligible Veterans to get health care in the community from non-VA doctors.", "- Together, we are transforming health care with trusted caring solutions. We’re proud to be: Linked to a large network of medical, dental and vision providers. Local; serving people in all counties across the Commonwealth. Here to give you advice about your health 24/7 through our Care on Call line at 1-866-864-2544.", "- Virginia Medicaid Region 5/6 Charlottesville 866-973-3310 Virginia Medicaid Region 7 Herndon 866-707-3761 Q. What if I don’t know what region I am in? A. Please refer to the chart below. In order to determine the region you are in, find the city or county in which you live and refer to the region number at the top of the column. FIPS Code City/", "- Customer Service Department toll-free at 1.800.672.7723 (TDD: 888 -820 2990).  NVA’s Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system is available twenty-four (24) hours per day, seven (7) days per week. The IVR allows you to locate a. participating provider in your area, check eligibility as well as the status of.", "- Disabled American Veterans - Veterans Service Officer. Christopher Hubbell, Accredited Phone: 989-538-0172 Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Third Thursday of the month 8 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.", "Contact Contact Us. Phone: For more information about Health Choice Arizona, call us toll-free at 1-800-322-8670 or use the local phone numbers below: Maricopa County: 480-968-6866. Pima County: 520-322-5564. Mailing Addresses:", "- Customer Service Number VSP Vision Care: +1 916-851-5000, 3333 Quality Dr, Rancho Cordova, CA 95670, USA. Toll Free 1 800 number. We provide you the customer service number of VSP Vision Care with address, webiste, email id and more.", "AGENCY: If you have any questions about this letter or need additional verification of VA benefits, please call. us at 1-800-827-1000. If you use a Telecommunications Device for the Deaf (TDD), the number is. 1-800-829-4833.", "- If you need IMMEDIATE/EMERGENCY help for medical, mental health, or crisis concerns, please call 911 or contact the Veterans Crisis Line at 1-800-273-8255 and press 1. You do not need to be enrolled in the VA to access IMMEDIATE help from your local 911 Center or the Veterans Crisis Line.f you need IMMEDIATE/EMERGENCY help for medical, mental health, or crisis concerns, please call 911 or contact the Veterans Crisis Line at 1-800-273-8255 and press 1. You do not need to be enrolled in the VA to access IMMEDIATE help from your local 911 Center or the Veterans Crisis Line.", "Virginia LLC Mdl Partners Virginia LLC Mdl Partners has been in business for approximately 10 years. The phone number for Virginia LLC Mdl Partners is (703) 516-6688. Virginia LLC Mdl Partners generates approximately $262,508 in annual sales. There are 87 commercial tenants at 2111 Wilson Blvd, Arlington, VA.", "- Call VA Gulf Coast Veterans Health Care System - U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Phone Numbers for Help: (228) 523-5000 Call to VA Gulf Coast Veterans Health Care System - U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs for any help.", "VA Caregiver Support Learn more about how VA's trained professionals can help you find the services and support that are right for you and the Veteran you care for. Caregiver Support Line. With VA's Caregiver Support Line – 1-855-260-3274 – assistance is just a quick phone call away.", "- VSP provides affordable vision insurance plans for individuals and families with the best care guaranteed. Enroll online or by phone today at 800-785-0699! give us a call 800.785.0699", "United Healthcare Choice Plus Finding a Doctor. The United Healthcare Choice Plus network is a national network of providers. To locate a medical provider, go to UHC's on-line directory, or contact UHC member services by phone at 1-888-332-8885. The Plan provides inpatient, intermediate and outpatient care.", "Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Veterans Affairs 1-800-733-8387. 1 This is a federal health benefits program for family members of totally and permanently disabled veterans who have a service-related disability. 2 Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Veterans Affairs (CHAMPVA) is administered by the Department of Veterans Affairs and is not associated with the TRICARE program. For additional information visit the CHAMPVA website.", "- To send questions, comments, or concerns to Choice Home Warranty, please use the form below or call us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at 1-888-531-5403." ]
population nehalem or
[ "Nehalem, Oregon 2017 Population Estimate â 1,240 Nehalem, Oregon 2017 Population Estimate – 1,240 The Portland State University projects the Nehalem 2017 population as 1,240 people. Note: this value is a projection, not a count. The 2010 Decennial Census provides the most recent count of the Nehalem population as 271 people. And the US Census Bureau’s 2016 Population Estimates Program provides a population estimate for Nehalem as 285 people. The graph is a visualization of the best Nehalem population data available from different data sources." ]
[ "Portland Population 2018 Portland's population is 632,309, according to the most recent census estimates released in 2016 (for the year 2015). The population of Portland has been growing at around 10,000 per year since the last census, which was taken in 2010.", "- Separated from Eugene to the west, mainly by Interstate 5, Springfield is the second-most populous city in the metropolitan area after Eugene. As of the 2010 census, the city has a total population of 59,403. The Briggs family first settled the Springfield area, arriving in 1848. The community was incorporated as a city in 1885.", "Census: Philadelphia population grows again, but rate slows Philadelphia’s population rose again last year, albeit at a slower rate than the city’s growth over the past few years, according to Census data released today. The city's population as of July 1, 2013, stood at an estimated 1,553,165 people, an increase of 4,518 residents, or 0.29 percent from the previous year.It marks the seventh consecutive year of growth for the city, according to the Census Bureau’s population estimates.he city recorded 23,247 births and 14,728 deaths, for a net natural increase of 8,519 people. The number of births have remained steady for the past three years, consistently boosting the city's population. Migration data show that Philadelphia had a net increase of 7,544 people moving here from abroad.", "Morning TV wars heat up as NBC and CBS gain on ABC's 'Good Morning America' “Good Morning America” producers may feel compelled to experiment a bit because “GMA” is not getting help from the network’s prime-time lineup. ABC is averaging 7.09 million viewers for its prime-time programming this season, compared with 10.37 million for CBS and 9.75 million for NBC.", "Home » Summary » Nehalem, Oregon 97131 Demographics - Population Growth and Population Statistics Population Change Since 1990, 2000 and 2010: Change in population since 1990, 2000 and 2010 expressed as a percentage increase or decrease. Population by Marital Status (Population Age 15+): The data represents the number and percentage of people in the area, according to marital status.", "Portland is the 26th largest city in the U.S., new census figures show Portland is moving on up. The city is now the 26th largest in the country, according new estimates released by the U. S. Census Bureau Wednesday night. Between July 2014 and July 2015, Portland's population increased 1.9 percent, or by 11,889 people, enough to rise two positions in the national population estimate rankings.", "Home » Summary » Nehalem, Oregon 97131 Demographics - Population Growth and Population Statistics The data for Nehalem, OR 97131 may also contain data for the following areas: Mohler, Nehalem Population by Marital Status (Population Age 15+): The data represents the number and percentage of people in the area, according to marital status. Information is deemed reliable but not guaranteed. Demographic Information FAQ", "Sequim, Washington Sequim /ˈskwɪm/ is a city in Clallam County, Washington, United States.As of the 2010 census counted a population of 6,606. [Sequim School District population served is a little over 29,000.Sequim and the area around Sequim has a population of about 28,000] Sequim is located along the Dungeness River near the base of the Olympic Mountains.The city has been increasing in population dramatically in recent years due to the influx of retirees from the Puget Sound region and California.equim lies within the rain shadow of the Olympic Mountains and receives on average less than 16 inches (410 mm) of rain per year—about the same as Los Angeles, California—and has given itself the nickname of Sunny Sequim.", "Manhattan Orem Ut Population 2017. Orem Ut's estimated population is 88,328 according to the most recent United States census. Based on data from the American Community Survey, in 2015 there were 27,594 households in the city, with an average size of 3.41 people per household. The vacancy rate was 5.2%, with a median rent of $896/month.", "Chewelah, WA Profile: Facts, Map & Data Chewelah, WA Profile: Facts, Map & Data. Chewelah, Washington - Basic Facts. The City of Chewelah had a population of 2,618 as of July 1, 2016. Chewelah ranks in the lower quartile for Diversity Index when compared to the other cities, towns and Census Designated Places (CDPs) in Washington. See peer rankings below.", "- Population in households in Fremont ; Total Population: 16,343; Male Population: 7,836; Under 5 years: 666; 5 to 9 years: 680; 10 to 14 years: 584; 15 to 17 years: 344; 18 and 19 years: 189; 20 years: 87; 21 years: 84; 22 to 24 years: 326; 25 to 29 years: 564; 30 to 34 years: 560; 35 to 39 years: 471; 40 to 44 years: 498; 45 to 49 years: 561; 50 to 54 years: 556; 55 to 59 years: 463; 60 and 61 years:", "- Opelousas, LA Population and Races. As of 2010-2014, the total population of Opelousas is 16,668, which is 27.09% less than it was in 2000. The population growth rate is much lower than the state average rate of 2.96% and is much lower than the national average rate of 11.61%.", "- Population by Place in the West There are 5,630 places in the West. This section compares Philomath to the 50 most populous places in the West. The least populous of the compared places has a population of 177,366.", "- Demographics of Togo 2016. As of 1 January 2017, the population of Togo was estimated to be 7 599 721 people. This is an increase of 2.67 % (197 491 people) compared to population of 7 402 230 the year before. In 2016 the natural increase was positive, as the number of births exceeded the number of deaths by 199 638.", "Lake Oswego, Oregon All of this place in your hand with Lake Oswego to pdx shuttle. The city was the hub of Oregon’s brief iron industry in the late 19th century and is today an affluent suburb of Portland. As of the 2010 census, the city had a total population of 36,619, a 3.8% increase over the 2000 population of 35,278.", "Jobs in Salem, Oregon Salem, OR Employment Information. Salem, Oregon Overview. The capital of Oregon, Salem had a total population of 154,637 at the 2010 census. It's the third largest city in Oregon after Portland and Eugene, and many people come from other parts of the state and country to accept Salem jobs in various industries. Salem is home to Corban University and Willamette University. Both of these institutions offer coursework that helps students prepare to excel after they accept jobs in Salem, OR following graduation.", "Home » Summary » Nehalem, Oregon 97131 Demographics - Population Growth and Population Statistics 11.91%. 11.8%. The data for Sunray, TX may also contain data for the following areas: Sunray. Population by Marital Status (Population Age 15+): The data represents the number and percentage of people in the area, according to marital status.", "Gresham, OR Profile: Facts, Map & Data The City of Gresham is the 4th largest city in Oregon with a population of 111,705 as of July 1, 2016. Gresham ranks in the upper quartile for Population Density and Diversity Index when compared to the other cities, towns and Census Designated Places (CDPs) in Oregon. See peer rankings below.", "- Our estimated population is 167,651 as of June 2012; over the last year the City's population increased by 7,340 people (4.5% growth rate) . We service an area of 683 square kilometres, which includes bushland, wetlands, urban and rural areas as well as 32 kilometres of beautiful coastline.", "Home » Summary » Nehalem, Oregon 97131 Demographics - Population Growth and Population Statistics The data for Kimberly, ID may also contain data for the following areas: Kimberly Population Change Since 1990, 2000, 2010: Change in population since 1990, 2000 and 2010 expressed as a percentage increase or decrease.", "Home » Summary » Nehalem, Oregon 97131 Demographics - Population Growth and Population Statistics The data for Altoona, WI may also contain data for the following areas: Altoona Population by Marital Status (Population Age 15+): The data represents the number and percentage of people in the area, according to marital status.", "Nespelem Community, Washington From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Nespelem Community is a census-designated place (CDP) in Okanogan County, Washington, United States. The population was 253 at the 2010 census.", "Sequim, Washington Sequim, Washington. Sequim /ˈskwɪm/ is a city in Clallam County, Washington, United States. As of the 2010 census counted a population of 6,606. [Sequim School District population served is a little over 29,000.", "Oregon Population 2018 Oregon's 2013 population is estimated to have grown to over 4 million, making Oregon the 27th most populous state in the country. Oregon is the 9th largest state in America with a total surface area of 98,380.64 square miles (or 255,026 square kilometers).", "- Current Population Estimate: 173,489 (as of February 1, 2018) Monthly Population Estimates and Projections; Subscribe to the monthly population update distribution list. Quick Facts" ]
how much is a pint of patron
[ "how much is a pint of patron tequila? how much is a pint of patron tequila? The KGB Agent answer: Patron Tequila is available in 50ml, 200ml, 375ml & 750ml bottles. Patron Anejo 750ml is $59.95. Patron Reposado 750ml is $53.95. Patron Silver 750ml is $49.95." ]
[ "- “That’s a lot of money, man. If a 200-capacity bar buys this fight, it would need to pack the house and then have each patron spend at least $32 in order to break even (and that’s setting aside the bar’s usual expenses).”. Yeah, but you figure on at least a $15 cover, so now you’re left with $17.", "Pint glass A pint glass is a form of drinkware made to hold either a British (imperial) pint of 20 imperial fluid ounces (568 ml) or an American pint of 16 US fluid ounces (473 ml). These glasses are typically used to serve beer, and also often for cider. 1 Current shapes.", "Definitions &Translations Patron. Patrón patron patrón is a brand of tequila products Produced in mexico By The Patron. Patrón spirits company patron patrón brand tequila are offered. In Nine Different, Varieties Gran Patron, Patrón Burdeos Gran, Patron Patrón, Platinum Gran, patron Patrón Piedra. patron patrón silver patron patrón anejo añejo and patron patrón reposadot is also available in a tequila-coffee blend known as Patron PATRóN Xo, cafe a-tequila-chocolate coffee blend known As PATRON Patrón Xo Cafe, dark cocoa and an orange liqueur Known As. Patron patrón, citronge citrónge patron, tequilas like all tequilas are made from the pina piña. of the blue agave plant", "Pint glass A pint glass is a form of drinkware made to hold either a British (imperial) pint of 20 imperial fluid ounces (568 ml) or an American pint of 16 US fluid ounces (473 ml).", "- There are 69 calories per serving of Patron Silver tequila, which is 1 oz. A shot is typically measured as 1.5 oz, therefore there would be 103.5 calories in one standard … shot of Patron Silver tequila. How many calories is 471.9k calories? Technically, 471.9k calories is 471,900 calories, because the k stands for kilo which means 1,000. However, when we talk about calories in everyday situations we are normally … referring to kilocalories, which is why you might see it abbreviated on food packets as kcal so, in everyday discourse, this would still be 471.9 calories.", "Are pints really pints? A pint here is 20 ounces though our ounces are a fraction smaller.Beer must be sold in measured amounts of one third , one half or one pint. Because the head also occupies a full to brim pint glass a small allowance is made for this, generally 5% is acceptable.", "How much does a 750ml bottle of Jameson cost How much does a 750ml bottle of Jameson cost. Jameson Irish Whiskey 750ML cost $27.99, Jameson Special Reserve 1780 Whiskey (750ml) is $ 39.99.", "- Administrative Associate Salary. California is the promised land for Administrative Associates; the three top-paying cities in America are San Diego, Palo Alto, and San Francisco. Earnings for this group are mostly affected by location, followed by the specific employer and tenure.", "- The price of a pint of beer has increased by roughly 70% between 1997 and 2012. For bitters, the level of duty and VAT on a pint increased by 40 pence over the 15-year period; for lagers there has been a 45p increase in tax on an average pint.Pre-tax prices have risen by 70p and 77p respectively on 15 years ago. Figure 2: Price of a litre bottle of cider, 1997–2012 *.he retail price of cider was 12% higher in 2012 compared with 15 years ago. Alcohol taxation levels have increased by 42% between 1997 and 2012, whereas the cost of a litre bottle of cider before tax has decreased by 1%.", "- Calories. One pint is equivalent to 16 fl. oz. A pint of draught Guinness contains 168 calories, and has a 4 percent alcohol content. Guinness extra stout has a 6 percent alcohol content and provides 235 calories per glass.", "Pint glass In the United States, a pint is 16 US fluid ounces (473 mL). However, the typical conical pint glass holds 16 oz. to its rim. With a half inch of foam, the actual liquid fill is roughly 14 oz.", "Cruise lines: the cost of onboard drinks Complete guide to cruises. A beer can cost anything from a very reasonable £2 for a pint on Saga Cruises to an eye-watering $5.25 (£3.31) for a 33cl bottle on Cunard and Windstar. The price of a glass of house wine varies just as much, from Saga’s £3 to Crystal’s $8.50 (£5.36). beer can cost anything from a very reasonable £2 for a pint on Saga Cruises to an eye-watering $5.25 (£3.31) for a 33cl bottle on Cunard and Windstar. The price of a glass of house wine varies just as much, from Saga’s £3 to Crystal’s $8.50 (£5.36).", "- Cost Per Shot. 1 This bottle of Eagle Rare Single Barrel Bourbon Whiskey is classified as COMMON. 2 According to the original distiller set MSRP, one shot (or 44.36 mL) of Eagle Rare Single Barrel Bourbon Whiskey costs approximately $1.77, which is 50% cheaper than the average whiskey.", "- Alcohols have a similar markup. Wine has a relatively low price per glass, which is marked up between 200% and 600% depending on the type of restaurant and the wine label. Beer costs between 60 and 70 cents per serving, and carries an average cost, by the glass, of $4.00.", "Patron Tequila, Paul Mitchell And John Paul Dejoria Patron Tequila, Paul Mitchell And John Paul Dejoria. I’ve always had a fascination with brand history as very often the worlds biggest and most exciting brands have very small, humble beginnings, devoid of million dollar start up capital. In the case of Paul Mitchell Hair Systems, the start up was a mere $700.", "- Patron Mojito – 2 oz. Patron Silver tequila, 12 mint leaves, 1 tablespoon white sugar, 3 lime wedges, and ¼ cup club soda. Watermelon Refresher – 1 ½ cups Patron Silver tequila, 10 cups diced seeded watermelon, ½ cup water, 1/3 cup agave nectar, 1 cup frozen blueberries, and 12 mint leaves.", "Just How Big is the Markup on Movie Theater Food? Adding in the cost of cups (say from Costco, $.07 apiece), lids (half a cent each), straws (about a penny per), and soda water (about 2 cents a serving) it’d be more like 51 cents a cup. Tack on another 40 cents if the moviegoer gets a free refill, and it’s still an 593 percent markup. Candy.", "- Patron patrón is a brand of tequila products produced In mexico by The Patron Patrón. spirits companyt is also available in a tequila-coffee blend known as Patron PATRóN Xo, cafe a-tequila-chocolate coffee blend known As PATRON Patrón Xo Cafe, dark cocoa and an orange liqueur Known As. patron patrón citronge citrónge", "- Keg List and Prices. Jake's Liquor Keg List. ****Prices and availability may vary***** 1/2 bbl=. Tapper deposit $ 45.00 1/4 bbl=. Deposits Tub Deposit $ 10.00 1/6 bbl=. 30Liter. 50 Liter. Note: Should a price discrepancy exist between an online price and in-store price, the in-store price always applies.", "Pint glass The customers don't really know the vague term of a pint, and it varies from place to place. Some of the places didn't even change the menu, and it's served as 500 ml. In the United States, a pint is 16 US fluid ounces (473 mL). However, the typical conical pint glass holds 16 oz. to its rim. With a half inch of foam, the actual liquid fill is roughly 14 oz. Recently (as of 2008), some restaurants have replaced 16-ounce pint glasses (473 mL) with 14 ouncers (415 mL) to which customers have objected.", "Mayweather vs. Pacquiao 2015: Pay Per View, Fight Time, TV Info For Biggest Boxing Event In Decades How much the fight costs a bar is determined by their maximum allowable occupancy, with the price per patron often ranging from about $20 to $25 a head. Thus, fans can expect to pay a cover charge of roughly $20 to $30 if they’d like to see the mega-fight away from their homes.", "- In Northern cities, cocktails that sold for 15 cents in 1918 were 75 cents by the early 1920s. Domestic lager beer, which sold for about $10.50 a barrel in 1918, cost anywhere from 15 cents to $1 or more a quart by 1930 (that is, $160 or more a barrel, depending upon the quality of the beer).--ibid (p. 53) [In Atlanta, 1864] food prices...escalated--a pound of butter cost $15, a bushel of potaotes sold for $24, a barrel of flour went for $250, and one hundred pounds of bacon cost $500.. ---ibid 9p. 168) Even before the sieve of Vicksburg commenced, food was a problem in the city.", "- That's oversimplifying the situation, of course, because weight loss is about a lot more than just cutting calories. (Or at least that's what they say on Oprah.) So we doubt LenDale was drinking a half-bottle of Patron each day -- although it's completely possible.", "- Brown sugar-which is granulated sugar that is treated with molasses, costs about $1.70 to $2.25 for a two-pound (32 ounce) box container. The single pound box of Light Brown Sugar or Regular Brown is about $1.15 to $1.40. Sugar cubes-for hot drinks are about $1.50 for a one lb box.", "- Now, if you were to be drinking delicious craft beer, the story is quite different. Here is a personal example of a recent drinking session at a local brewery. I just visited a local craft brewery to watch a sporting event and the brewery was charging $1.99 for pints of its beer. And these were not normal sized pints." ]
what is home systems protection insurance
[ "Homeowners equipment breakdown coverage HSB HomeWorks™ combines the broadest homeowners equipment breakdown protection available - Home Systems Protection - with a suite of home management tools, known as MyHomeWorks. Home Systems Protection covers the breakdown of home systems, appliances and electronics. The MyHomeWorks.com website offers home energy management tools to help increase home energy efficiency and save money. HSB HomeWorks is designed to enhance the Homeowners products offered by personal lines insurers that partner with HSB." ]
[ "Homeowners Insurance Texas Homeowners Policies. Most homeowners policies in Texas include the following coverages: 1 Dwelling pays if your house is damaged or destroyed by a covered loss. 2 Personal property pays if the items in your house (such as furniture, clothing, and appliances) are damaged, stolen, or destroyed.ince theft is a common cause of homeowners claims, some insurance companies might not be willing to insure homes that seem vulnerable to crime. Here are some things you can do to help you protect yourself and your property: 1 Call the crime prevention officers of your local police department.", "Home insurance Homeowners insurance provides financial protection against disasters. A standard policy insures the home itself and the things you keep in it. Homeowners insurance is a package policy. This means that it covers both damage to your property and your liability or legal responsibility for any injuries and property damage you or members of your family cause to other people. This includes damage caused by household pets.", "What's The Difference Between Home Insurance And Dwelling Insurance? A homeowners policy provides standard insurance mainly for your personal property, as well as for the dwelling and even personal liability. There is also various other coverage's and options of coverage that is included in a homeowners policy, but I'll save those details for another article.", "- Award winning coverage available for over 20 major systems and appliances. A Home Warranty Plan from American Home Shield protects your family's budget from unexpected repairs or replacements on covered items in your home like plumbing, electrical, heating, air conditioning and appliances.", "Do You Need Homeowner's Insurance? Home warranties do not cover losses or damage due to theft or weather events, but homeowner's insurance does. Ideally, you'd have both a home warranty and homeowner's insurance, but if you can only afford one, homeowner's insurance is probably the way to go, as it offers more coverage.", "- Dwelling coverage is the part of a homeowners insurance policy that may help pay to repair your home if it's damaged by certain hazards. Property damage from things like fire, hail, falling objects and theft may be covered. But, it's important to read and understand your homeowners insurance policy so you know what perils are (and are not) covered.", "What does homeowners insurance cover? What Does Homeowners Insurance Cover? Nationwide offers a range of home insurance policies to cover you in the event of theft, water backup, personal injury and other types of losses. We not only cover your home, but also you, your family and your personal belongings. Read more about our homeowners insurance coverage types below and start your homeowners insurance quote today.", "Dwelling Coverage Dwelling coverage is the type of insurance that protects the physical structure of your residence, like the walls and the roof. Other structures coverage can help protect other structures on your property, like a shed or detached garage.", "- 1 A: Generally, homeowner’s insurance will cover replacing your home and personal property up to certain limits. 2 Most disasters are covered, but not earthquakes or flooding, and homeowner’s policies do not cover the normal aging of your house.olicies will provide coverage for: 1 Damage to your home and other structures on your property, such as a garage, deck or swimming pool. 2 Loss or damage to your personal possessions, wherever they may be kept.", "- An AHS® Home Warranty Plan covers the repair and replacement costs of over 20 of your home's major appliances and system parts when they break down due to normal wear and tear. With several coverage options to choose from, we've made it simple to pick the plan that suits your family best.", "Weather Library > How lightning protection systems work Lightning protection systems - What they do and don't do. A lightning protection system's only purpose is to ensure safety to a building and its occupants if lightning happens to hit it directly, a task accomplished by providing a good, safe path to ground for the lightning to follow.", "- Nationwide, a 2006 survey by insurance-services firm Marshall & Swift/Boeckh estimated that 58 percent of homeowners are underinsured and covered only enough to rebuild about 80 percent of their home. A standard homeowner's insurance policy should cover these four areas of your home and home life: The structure of your home. Standard policies will typically pay for damage caused by fire, hurricane, hail and lightning, but other disasters, such as a flood or earthquake, are not covered unless you specifically ask for it.", "Home warranty A home warranty, on the other hand, offers repairs and replacements for your covered home appliances and systems only that fail due to normal wear and tear-which a homeowner's insurance policy does not.A home warranty is a contract, not a policy.t's not your homeowner's insurance policy; a home warranty is a separate contract covering repairs and replacements on systems in your home, usually for a period of one year. Home warranties cover many, but not all, of your home's appliances and systems.", "How many glasses in 750ml wine bottle? How many glasses in 750ml wine bottle? As the amount of ounces per liter is 33.824 and 750ml is 33.824 x .75, then the ounces per 750ml bottle would equal 25.368 oz. Using the standard 5 oz glass, there are abo…ut 5 glasses per bottle of wine.", "6 Types Of Insurance Coverage You Didn't Think You Needed This type of coverage is broader than what a standard home insurance policy will cover for damage or loss, including those that take place during an installation on stereos, computer equipment, flat-screen TVs and audio equipment. Depending on the policy, it may even cover the repair and replacement of the items.", "Dwelling Coverage Dwelling coverage is the type of insurance that protects the physical structure of your residence, like the walls and the roof. Other structures coverage can help protect other structures on your property, like a shed or detached garage.welling coverage is the type of insurance that protects the physical structure of your residence, like the walls and the roof. Other structures coverage can help protect other structures on your property, like a shed or detached garage.", "Give your home more protection, so you have peace-of-mind Give your home more protection, so you have peace-of-mind. For many homeowners, flood insurance is an essential extra layer of protection. Adding flood insurance to your insurance package means you're covered if groundwater rises and floods your home—a situation that isn't usually covered by home policies.", "- Potatoes are a nutritious starchy food. Carbohydrates -- a key source of energy for your body and the preferred source for your brain -- are broken down during digestion by an enzyme called amylase into single sugars like glucose. Starches are one of the three types of carbohydrates, along with fiber and sugars.arbohydrates -- a key source of energy for your body and the preferred source for your brain -- are broken down during digestion by an enzyme called amylase into single sugars like glucose.", "Florida Homeowners Insurance Your homeowners insurance policy provides coverage for damage to the structure—your home—in the event of a covered loss. This coverage is provided at Replacement Cost.This means that the structure of your home is valued using today's construction costs to rebuild or repair your home.f your home becomes uninhabitable due to a covered loss, our homeowners insurance policy provides coverage for the additional living expenses you and your family incur while you are living away from your home. This includes costs for a place to stay, food, and clothing.", "Welcome to Home Improvement Protection Welcome to Home Improvement Protection. If you pay a Deposit and the company ceases trading before the work is completed your money would be lost. When a company gives you their guarantee if they cease trading during this period it becomes worthless. You can insure your deposit and your guarantee for the following products: Air Source Heat Pumps.", "- Homeowners insurance is designed to protect your home from what are called perils. A peril is your exposure to risk or something that causes loss or destruction. As a homeowner, you can typically purchase three different types of home insurance policies.They are: 1 Homeowners 1 (HO1): With this policy, your property is covered against 11 basic perils. 2 Homeowners 2 (HO2): This policy protects your property against 18 perils (including 11 perils from Homeowners 1).s a homeowner, you can typically purchase three different types of home insurance policies. They are: 1 Homeowners 1 (HO1): With this policy, your property is covered against 11 basic perils.", "American Home Shield Lawsuit Alleges Improper Denials Home Warranty Information. A home warranty is a service contract that covers the repair or replacement of important home system components and appliances that break down over time. A home warranty can help save you money. Breakdowns are inevitable – home system components and appliances simply wear out over time.", "The Basics of Homeowners' and Fire Insurance by FreeAdvice staff. Simply put, homeowners' insurance is a contract between a homeowner and an insurance company that protects homeowners (and mortgage companies) from damage done to a home in exchange for the payment of premiums.", "- American Home Shield (AHS)® is the largest home warranty provider in the United States. With over 1.5 million customers and 1000+ employees, AHS has been providing home warranty services since 1971. The company specializes in providing coverage for the repair or replacement of all the standard household systems and appliances.", "Replacement cost policies for your home: Getting what you pay for Replacement cost insurance is designed to cover the costs of replacing your home and those contents covered under the policy, if they are severely damaged or destroyed. Some insurance companies and policyholders have argued over just what constitutes “replacement cost.” Insurers might low ball you if you don't make repairs" ]
what all is ferric gluconate used for
[ "Sodium ferric gluconate complex Sodium ferric gluconate complex. Sodium ferric gluconate complex (brand name Ferrlecit by Sanofi), is an intravenously administered iron product indicated in the treatment of iron deficiency anemia. It is frequently used in patients undergoing hemodialysis, those undergoing erythropoietin therapy, and/or patients who have chronic kidney disease. Navigation menu." ]
[ "- Iron salts are used to replenish iron stores. The body stores iron in compounds called ferritin and hemosiderin for future use in the production of hemoglobin. Iron absorption is a variable of the existing body iron stores, the form and quantity in foods, and the combination of foods in the diet.", "What Is Ferrous Gluconate? Ferrous gluconate is a type of iron. You normally get iron from the foods you eat. In your body, iron becomes a part of your hemoglobin (HEEM o glo bin) and myoglobin (MY o glo bin).ake ferrous gluconate on an empty stomach, at least 1 hour before or 2 hours after a meal. Avoid taking antacids or antibiotics within 2 hours before or after taking ferrous gluconate. Ferrous gluconate is only part of a complete program of treatment that may also include a special diet.", "Los Angeles How many hours ahead is London, England from California, United States. How many hours ahead is London, England. from California, United States. Submitted: 5 years ago.", "Dosing & Uses Mechanism of Action. Phosphate binder; ferric iron binds dietary phosphate in the GI tract and precipitates as ferric phosphate, which is insoluble and is excreted in the feces. By binding phosphate in the GI tract and decreasing absorption, ferric citrate lowers the phosphate concentration in the serum.", "- Ferrous sulfate is a source of iron for hemoglobin synthesis in the treatment of anemia of chronic renal failure. This agent is used with erythropoietin to prevent iron stores depletion. Oral solutions and chewable tablet formulations of ferrous iron salts are available for use in pediatric populations.", "Potassium gluconate Be the first to review this Drug. Potassium is a mineral that is found in many foods and is needed for several functions of your body, especially the beating of your heart. Potassium gluconate is used to prevent or to treat low blood levels of potassium (hypokalemia). Potassium levels can be low as a result of a disease or from taking certain medicines, or after a prolonged illness with diarrhea or vomiting.", "Calcium gluconate Calcium gluconate is also used as a cardioprotective agent in hyperkalemia. Though it does not have an effect on potassium levels in the blood, it reduces the excitability of cardiomyocytes thus lowering the likelihood of developing cardiac arrhythmias.", "Does Potassium Gluconate Eliminate Sodium in the Body? Potassium gluconate is a supplemental form of potassium used to raise potassium levels in the blood. It can be used to raise low potassium levels associated with diarrhea, vomiting, hormone problems or diuretic use.", "Iron (II) gluconate Ferrous gluconate is effectively used in the treatment of hypochromic anemia. The use of this compound compared with other iron preparations results in satisfactory reticulocyte responses, a high percentage utilization of iron, and daily increase in hemoglobin that a normal level occurs in a reasonably short time.errous gluconate is effectively used in the treatment of hypochromic anemia. The use of this compound compared with other iron preparations results in satisfactory reticulocyte responses, a high percentage utilization of iron, and daily increase in hemoglobin that a normal level occurs in a reasonably short time.", "sodium ferric gluconate complex - Drug Summary Sodium ferric gluconate complex: Administer by intravenous injection or infusion. Each 5 mL ampule of sodium ferric gluconate complex contains 62.5 mg of elemental iron (12.5 mg/mL). The dose of sodium ferric gluconate complex is expressed in terms of elemental iron.", "Iron (III) chloride Iron(III) chloride. Iron(III) chloride, also known as ferric chloride, is a compound of iron and chlorine with the formula FeCl3. It is a moderately strong Lewis acid and many of its applications exploit this property. It normally exists as a hexahydrate salt. When heated or anhydrous, it tends to hydrolyze, producing hydrogen chloride gas.", "- Iron(III) oxide or ferric oxide is the inorganic compound with the formula Fe 2 O 3. It is one of the three main oxides of iron, the other two being iron(II) oxide (FeO), which is rare, and iron(II,III) oxide (Fe 3 O 4), which also occurs naturally as the mineral magnetite. As the mineral known as hematite, Fe 2 O 3 is the main source of iron for the steel industry. Fe 2 O 3 is ferromagnetic, dark red, and readily attacked by acids. Iron(III) oxide is often called rust, and to some extent this label is useful, because rust shares several properties and has a similar composition.", "COPPER Copper is used as medicine. Copper is used for treating copper deficiency and the anemia it may cause. Having too little copper (copper deficiency) is rare. It sometimes occurs in people who get too much zinc from diet or supplements, have intestinal bypass surgery, or are fed by feeding tubes.", "What Is Zinc Gluconate? Zinc gluconate can make certain antibiotics less effective. Tell your doctor about all other medications you are using before you start taking zinc gluconate. Zinc is a naturally occurring mineral. Zinc is important for growth and for the development and health of body tissues. Zinc gluconate is used to treat and to prevent zinc deficiency. Zinc gluconate may also be used for other purposes not listed in this medication guide.", "How to define Ferrite in CST? For designing an isolator you must use an anisotropic ferrite, which is called gyrotropic in CST. The ferrite must be biased by a static magnetic field in the correct orientation. You must get the dielectric and magnetic properties for the ferrite from the manufacturer.", "Ferric chloride Ferric chloride is a red-orange solid that has hygroscopic properties. Chemical Formula: FeCl 3. Layman's explanation: Ferric chloride is a corrosive chemical, thus, it is used to deodorize sewage and industrial waste by partially reducing to ferrous chloride.It is also employed as an engraving reagent on metal surfaces. Other applications include its use as a flocculating agent in water treatment.hemical Formula: FeCl 3. Layman's explanation: Ferric chloride is a corrosive chemical, thus, it is used to deodorize sewage and industrial waste by partially reducing to ferrous chloride.", "Auryxia Lactation: Unknown if distributed in human breast milk. Data from rat studies have shown the transfer of iron into milk by divalent metal transporter-1 (DMT-1) and ferroportin-1 (FPN-1) Hence, there is a possibility of infant exposure when ferric citrate is administered to breastfeeding women.", "- Tenders are invited for Supply of inj sodium ferric gluconate complex iron sucrose amp of 5 ml. Iron gluconate is a sodium ferric gluconate complex in sucrose and is indicated for the treatment of iron deficiency in dialysis-associated anemia in patients receiving erythropoietin therapy (e-CPS, 2012, Ferrlecit).", "Ferrous Sulfate Myoglobin helps your muscle cells store oxygen. Ferrous Sulfate is an essential body mineral. Ferrous sulfate is used to treat iron deficiency anemia (a lack of red blood cells caused by having too little iron in the body). Ferrous sulfate may also be used for other purposes not listed in this medication guide.", "What Is Ferrous Gluconate? Ferrous gluconate is a type of iron. You normally get iron from the foods you eat. In your body, iron becomes a part of your hemoglobin (HEEM o glo bin) and myoglobin (MY o glo bin). Hemoglobin carries oxygen through your blood to tissues and organs. Myoglobin helps your muscle cells store oxygen. Ferrous gluconate is used to treat iron deficiency anemia (a lack of red blood cells caused by having too little iron in the body).", "Zinc gluconate Zinc gluconate and the common cold. Zinc gluconate has been used in lozenges for treating the common cold. However, controlled trials with lozenges which include zinc acetate have found the greatest effect on the duration of colds.", "- 1 Review. Ferrous gluconate is a type of iron. You normally get iron from the foods you eat. In your body, iron becomes a part of your hemoglobin (HEEM o glo bin) and myoglobin (MY o glo bin). Hemoglobin carries oxygen through your blood to tissues and organs.et emergency medical help if you have any of these signs of an allergic reaction: hives; difficulty breathing; swelling of your face, lips, tongue, or throat. Call your doctor at once if you have: 1 bright red blood in your stools; or. 2 pain in your chest or throat when swallowing a ferrous gluconate tablet.", "What is Ferrous Sulfate? Ferrous Sulfate is classified as an iron preparation indicated for the prevention and treatment of iron-deficiency anemia, a condition wherein there are too few red blood cells inside one’s body.This condition may be due to poor diet, pregnancy, excess bleeding, or other medical problems.ymptoms of iron deficiency anemia usually subsides within a few days of taking ferrous sulfate, but for severe cases it will take about 6 months of medication to see improved results depending on the condition of the patient.", "- What is potassium gluconate used for? A: Potassium gluconate is a mineral supplement that is used to prevent or treat low levels of potassium in the blood. Without proper blood levels of potassium... Full Answer >", "Erythropoiesis Stimulating Agents HIGHLIGHTS OF PRESCRIBING INFORMATION. These highlights do not include all the information needed to use Ferrlecit® safely and. effectively. See full prescribing information for Ferrlecit. Ferrlecit® (sodium ferric gluconate complex in sucrose injection), For intravenous (IV) use." ]
causes of swollen ankles and feet
[ "- Painless swelling of the feet and ankles is a common problem, especially among older people. Abnormal buildup of fluid in the ankles, feet, and legs can cause swelling. This fluid buildup and swelling is called edema.", "Swollen ankles and feet Swollen ankles and feet. Swollen ankles and swollen feet are common and are often caused by fluid retention, or oedema. The cause of the swelling can range from an injury to medical conditions. Seek medical advice if you are concerned about swollen feet or ankles.", "Foot, leg, and ankle swelling Injury or surgery involving the leg, ankle, or foot can also cause swelling. Swelling may also occur after pelvic surgery, especially for cancer. Long airplane flights or car rides, as well as standing for long periods of time, often lead to some swelling in the feet and ankles." ]
[ "Swollen Ankles and Swollen Feet Causes of Swollen Ankles and/or Swollen Feet. 1 Amyloidosis Amyloidosis is a group of diseases resulting from abnormal deposition of certain proteins (amyloids) in various bodily areas. 2 Ankle Pain Ankle pain is commonly due to a sprain or tendinitis. 3 Arthritis Arthritis is inflammation of one or more joints.", "- For examples, pregnancy commonly causes swollen ankles. ... Lymphedema is another cause of swollen ankles; this condition blocks the flow of lymphatic fluids, causing them to ... It can also be caused by infection, in particular for those with diabetic neuropathy, or a blood clot. ...", "Swollen Ankles and Swollen Feet Causes of Swollen Ankles and/or Swollen Feet. 1 Amyloidosis Amyloidosis is a group of diseases resulting from abnormal deposition of certain proteins (amyloids) in various bodily areas. The...learn more 2 ». Ankle Pain Ankle pain is commonly due to a sprain or tendinitis.", "Bilateral Ankle Edema: Causes when Tests Are Normal The following can cause swelling (edema) in both (bilateral) ankles: heart, liver and kidney failure; low thyroid; celiac disease; kidney stones; PMS; excessive sitting or standing; hot weather; varicose veins; high salt (sodium) intake; old age.", "Swollen feet While swollen feet (ankles, or legs) may have a wide variety of causes, they may be related to one or more of the following: 1 Sitting or standing in one position too long, which includes sitting in your seat too long during air travel. 2 Injury or trauma. Menstruation (for some women)", "Swollen Feet â Causes, Treatment & Prevention Tips Swollen feet can also be a sign of an underlying condition such as heart, kidney, or liver failure. These conditions produce excess fluids in the body. Other conditions that may cause swollen feet include: Blood clots.", "Is Swelling Of The Feet A Sign Of Kidney Failure Renal disease is the most common cause of swelling in the feet, ankles, legs as well as face, hands, abdomen, etc. In kidney failure, excess water and sodium can not be removed efficiently from the blood. Water and sodium retention can cause swelling in the feet.", "- Excessive standing or walking can cause swollen ankles, but so can more serious conditions if ankles stay swollen. For examples, pregnancy commonly causes swollen ankles. But if it is sudden and the swelling is excessive, it could be a sign of preeclampsia. Also, if you have injured your foot or ankle, swelling can occur. Lymphedema is another cause of swollen ankles; this condition blocks the flow of lymphatic fluids, causing them to become trapped in certain areas of the body.", "Swollen Ankles And Kidney Disease Swollen Ankles And Kidney Disease. Swelling is not a rare phenomenon, which can be caused by injury, infection, blood clots, heart or liver disease, medication side effect. Among those factor, kidney disease is the most commonly seen cause of swelling. This article is about the swollen ankles with kidney disease.", "What causes swollen legs and ankles? Swollen legs feet and ankles are caused by water retention. When your circulation has problems working against the effects of gravity, your blood collects in the lower part of your body. The extra pressure on your blood vessels makes them leak fluid into the tissues of your legs feet and ankles. This causes swelling, and your skin can become very discoloured; in severe cases your skin may even weep fluid. Large veins on the surface can become swollen and painful – a condition known as varicose veins.", "Swollen Ankles in the Elderly Edema: The Most Common Cause. In the general population, swollen ankles are often caused by edema, which is the most common cause in elderly individuals. Edema simply means that excess water accumulation in the body causes swelling of the soft tissues under the skin. When the swelling is of the extremities, such as the ankles or feet, it is called peripheral edema.", "What Really Causes Feet To Swell? Venous insufficiency. Swelling of the ankles and feet is often an early symptom of venous insufficiency, a condition in which blood inadequately moves up the veins from the legs and feet up to the heart. Normally, the veins keep blood flowing upward with one-way valves.", "What Are Some Causes of Swollen Ankles and Feet? Causes of swollen ankles or feet include congestive heart failure, pregnancy, injury to the ankle or foot, kidney disease and sitting or being on one's feet for a long time, according to WebMD. If... Causes of swollen ankles or feet include congestive heart failure, pregnancy, injury to the ankle or foot, kidney disease and sitting or being on one's feet for a long time, according to WebMD.", "- Abnormal buildup of fluid in the ankles, feet, and legs can cause swelling. This fluid buildup and swelling is called edema. Swelling of the ankles - feet - legs; Ankle swelling; Foot swelling; Leg swelling; Edema - peripheral; Peripheral edema. Painless swelling may affect both legs and may include the calves or even the thighs.", "Steubenville City Schools Fans will be able to watch SHS events live, and on demand, from anywhere in the world, at any time through the NFHS’s website. You can easily watch from your phone, tablet, computer, or Apple TV on the NFHS Network. A portion of each subscription will go back to Steubenville High School.", "Swollen ankles in elderly Edema can also be an early sign of kidney disorder, heart or liver problems. Gout is another common cause of swelling of the feet and ankles. Gout occurs as a result of crystallization and accumulation of uric acid in the joints, in this case in the ankle joint. This causes inflammation and inflammation causes swelling.Swelling of the ankles can be a symptom of arthritis as well.out is another common cause of swelling of the feet and ankles. Gout occurs as a result of crystallization and accumulation of uric acid in the joints, in this case in the ankle joint. This causes inflammation and inflammation causes swelling.", "Swollen Feet â Causes, Treatment & Prevention Tips Swelling of the feet and ankles is a result of fluid buildup within the tissues and muscles. In healthy persons, foot swelling occurs occasionally and resolves spontaneously after resting and elevating the feet.", "- Other medical conditions or changes in your body can also cause your legs, feet, and ankles to swell. These include: 1 natural changes during a woman’s menstrual cycle. 2 pregnancy. 3 preeclampsia (a condition during pregnancy that causes high blood pressure). 4 a blood clot of the leg.", "What Is The Cause Of Swollen Ankles In The Elderly? Common causes of foot, leg, and ankle swelling. There are many potential causes of foot, leg, and ankle swelling. In most cases, swelling occurs as a result of certain lifestyle factors, such as: Being overweight: Excess body mass can decrease blood circulation, causing fluid to build up in the feet, legs, and ankles. Standing or sitting for long periods: When the muscles are inactive, they can’t pump body fluids back up toward the heart. The retention of water and blood can cause swelling in the legs.", "- Swollen legs, ankles and feet are usually caused by water retention and inflammation beneath the skin. Creams and serums are only a ‘surface solution’, remedying the skin itself, but not a remedy for swelling of the ankles and feet.", "What Really Causes Feet To Swell? Heart, liver, or kidney disease. Sometimes swelling can indicate a problem such as heart, liver, or kidney disease. Ankles that swell in the evening could be a sign of retaining salt and water because of right-sided heart failure. Kidney disease can also cause foot and ankle swelling.lood clots that form in the veins of the legs can stop the return flow of blood from the legs back up to the heart and cause swelling in the ankles and feet.", "What Is The Cause Of Swollen Ankles In The Elderly? There are many potential causes of foot, leg, and ankle swelling. 1 Being overweight: Excess body mass can decrease blood circulation, causing fluid to build up in the feet, legs, and ankles. Standing or sitting for long periods: When the muscles are inactive, they can’t pump body fluids back up toward the heart.", "What Is The Cause Of Swollen Ankles In The Elderly? Common causes of foot, leg, and ankle swelling . There are many potential causes of foot, leg, and ankle swelling. In most cases, swelling occurs as a result of certain lifestyle factors, such as: Being overweight: Excess body mass can decrease blood circulation, causing fluid to build up in the feet, legs, and ankles.", "What Are Some Causes of Swelling in Legs and Feet? Foot and ankle swelling caused by infection is most common in patients with diabetes. Infection also causes fevers and warm patches on the affected skin. Blood clots are a serious cause of swelling that also cause fever, pain and skin discoloration, and require prompt treatment by a physician.", "Swollen Ankles â Causes, Symptoms, Pictures and Treatment In patients with swollen ankles high blood pressure is often seen as a causative agent. Steroids and Antidepressants are also seen as causes of Swollen Ankles. These medicines widen the small blood vessels resulting in leakage of fluids from vessels to the tissues." ]
is levaquin an antibiotic
[ "- A: Levaquin is an antibiotic that is used to treat all kinds of bacterial infections. Doctors usually prescribe this drug for treating infections of kidneys, bladder, skin, and sinuses. However, in recent years, levaquin has been linked to a number of severe side effects and birth defects." ]
[ "levofloxacin DRUG CLASS AND MECHANISM: Levofloxacin is an antibiotic that is used for treating bacterial infections. Many common infections in humans are caused by bacteria.Bacteria can grow and multiply, infecting different parts of the body. Drugs that control and eradicate these bacteria are called antibiotics.t is in a class of antibiotics called fluoroquinolones, a class that includes ciprofloxacin (Cipro), norfloxacin (Noroxin), ofloxacin (Floxin), trovafloxacin (Trovan), and lomefloxacin (Maxaquin). The FDA approved levofloxacin in December 1996. Medically Reviewed by a Doctor on 12/9/2014.", "- Levofloxacin fights bacteria in the body. Levaquin is used to treat bacterial infections of the skin, sinuses, kidneys, bladder, or prostate. Levaquin is also used to treat bacterial infections that cause bronchitis or pneumonia, and to treat people who have been exposed to anthrax or plague.", "- A: Levaquin (levofloxacin) is a fluoroquinolone antibiotic which is used to treat many types of bacterial infections including urinary tract infection, and acute pyelonephritis (kidney infection). The most common side effects with Levaquin are headache, nausea, diarrhea, constipation, insomnia, dizziness and rash.evaquin is the brand name for levofloxacin, a prescription drug used to treat a variety of bacterial infections, such as: 1 Pneumonia. 2 Acute bacterial sinusitis.", "How is 36 ATP produced in cellular respiration? Glycolysis is the first step in the process of cellular respiration, where glucose molecules are broken down into two pyruvates in the cytoplasm of the cell. 4 ATP are produced here, but 2 are required for the process. So, 2 ATP net gain. Here is how this 2 ATP gets produced:", "Levaquin Warnings and Precautions Levaquin (as well as all other fluoroquinolone antibiotics) can cause worsening of myasthenia gravis symptoms, such as muscle weakness and breathing problems. This is a serious occurrence, which can be life-threatening. In severe cases, this can result in the need to be put on a ventilator, or even death.", "levofloxacin It is in a class of antibiotics called fluoroquinolones, a class that includes ciprofloxacin (Cipro), norfloxacin (Noroxin), ofloxacin (Floxin), trovafloxacin (Trovan), and lomefloxacin (Maxaquin). The FDA approved levofloxacin in December 1996.Medically Reviewed by a Doctor on 12/9/2014.RUG CLASS AND MECHANISM: Levofloxacin is an antibiotic that is used for treating bacterial infections. Many common infections in humans are caused by bacteria. Bacteria can grow and multiply, infecting different parts of the body. Drugs that control and eradicate these bacteria are called antibiotics.", "Levaquin Lawsuit A: Levaquin is an antibiotic that is used for a number of different bacterial infections. However, this drug has been linked to a number of major side effects that have been the cause of numerous lawsuits.", "Flouroquinolone Antibiotics (Cipro, Levaquin, Avelox, Floxin and many others) and their dangers Before taking an antibiotic in the Flouroquinolone (Quinolones) family (Cipro, Levaquin, Floxin, Avelox, Tequin, Noroxin, Maxaquin, Trovan, Raxar, Zagam, Ciloxin, Quixin, Ocuflox, Penetrex, Chibroxin, Cinoxin, Vigamox, and Factive, just to name a few), please do your research.", "Scared to take Levaquin Total Posts : 317. Posted 6/15/2011 9:09 AM (GMT -6) So I had a thread on here about getting sick a lot with cold/sinus infections and now my general doc wants me on the antibiotic Levaquin to hopefully get rid of my sinus infection once and for all(Catscan of sinuses revealed lots of inflammation and infection).", "LEVAQUIN TABS Rx Indications for LEVAQUIN TABS: Susceptible bacterial infections including acute sinusitis, acute exacerbations of chronic bronchitis, nosocomial or community-acquired pneumonia (CAP), UTIs, acute pyelonephritis, chronic bacterial prostatitis, skin and skin structure infections.", "What is Generic for Levaquin* used for? Generic Name: Levofloxacin. Generic for Levaquin* (Levofloxacin) is an oral antibiotic used to treat bacterial infections such as pneumonia, bronchitis, sinus, skin infections, prostate infections, and kidney infections. It belongs to a group of antibiotics called fluoroquinolones, which fights bacteria in the body.", "Klebsiella Infections Levofloxacin is a fluoroquinolone antibiotic that can be used to treat Mycoplasma infections. It works by inhibiting the A subunits of DNA gyrase, resulting in inhibition of bacterial DNA replication and transcription.", "Generic Versions Of Antibiotic Levaquin (Levofloxacin) Approved By FDA The FDA has approved some generic version of Johnson & Johnson's Levaquin (levofloxacin), an antibiotic used to treat mild, moderate and severe bacterial infections for adult patients. The FDA (Food and Drug Administration) has approved generic versions in tablet, oral-solution and injectable-solution forms.", "Antibiotic Alert: The Drug the Doctor Ordered Could Cause Deadly Side Effects By Dr. Mercola Fluoroquinolones are among the most commonly prescribed class of antibiotics in the United States. Among the most well known is Cipro (made by Bayer), which became a household name during the anthrax scare that occurred shortly after 9/11.Levaquin is a close second.luoroquinolones are among the most commonly prescribed class of antibiotics in the United States. Among the most well known is Cipro (made by Bayer), which became a household name during the anthrax scare that occurred shortly after 9/11. Levaquin is a close second.", "- Brand Name: LEVAQUIN Generic Name: Levofloxacin Generic for Levaquin* (Levofloxacin) is an oral antibiotic used to treat bacterial infections such as pneumonia, bronchitis, sinus, skin infections, prostate infections, and kidney infections.", "Levaquin Lawsuit A: Levaquin is an antibiotic that is used to treat all kinds of bacterial infections. Doctors usually prescribe this drug for treating infections of kidneys, bladder, skin, and sinuses.However, in recent years, levaquin has been linked to a number of severe side effects and birth defects.: If you are concerned about legal fees and costs that come with filing a lawsuit, a class action lawsuit is always recommended. A levaquin class action suit is filed by a number of people who have suffered the same damage from a common drug company.", "- Levaquin belongs to a group of medications known as fluoroquinolones or Quinolone Antibiotics (opens in new page), sometimes known just as quinolones for short, that also includes the antibiotics Cipro, Ciprofloxacin, Levofloxacin, Norfloxacin, and Avelox.", "Levofloxacin Levaquin® (levofloxacin) is a prescription antibiotic approved to treat a variety of different infections. It is also approved to prevent infection after exposure to inhaled anthrax and to prevent or treat plague.", "Will Levaquin treat strep? · just now. Report Abuse. Levaquin will treat Streptococcus pyogenes, the most common cause of strep throat, though it is not commonly used for that purpose. It's a broad spectrum antibiotic, so it should clear up anything you have.", "Levaquin penicillin allergy Levaquin is an effective ATB . Levofloxacin (trade names Levaquin (US), Tavanic (EU), and others) is a broad-spectrum antibiotic of the fluoroquinolone drug class. Levaquin is used to treat bacterial infections of the skin, sinuses, kidneys, bladder, or prostate. Levaquin is also used to treat bacterial infections that cause bronchitis or pneumonia.", "- The antibiotic Levaquin can cause damage to your tendons—including the all-important Achilles. | Gray's Anatomy, via Wikimedia Commons. This is a personal story about a recent interaction I had with the health care system and the pharmaceutical industry that caused me to reevaluate a lot of things.he antibiotic Levaquin can cause damage to your tendons—including the all-important Achilles. | Gray's Anatomy, via Wikimedia Commons. This is a personal story about a recent interaction I had with the health care system and the pharmaceutical industry that caused me to reevaluate a lot of things.", "Levofloxacin What Is Levaquin? Levaquin® (levofloxacin) is a prescription antibiotic approved to treat a variety of different infections. It is also approved to prevent infection after exposure to inhaled anthrax and to prevent or treat plague.", "Levaquin Levaquin (levofloxacin) is an antibiotic for treating several types of bacterial infections. A generic formulation is available. Common side effects of Levaquin include nausea or vomiting, diarrhea, headache, and constipation. Difficulty sleeping (insomnia), dizziness, abdominal pain, rash, abdominal gas, itching, and vaginal discharge also occur. Levaquin has been associated with tendinitis and even rupture of tendons.", "Will Levaquin treat strep? Levaquin is used to treat bacterial infections of the skin, sinuses, kidneys, bladder, or prostate. Levaquin is also used to treat bacterial infections that cause bronchitis or pneumonia, and to treat people who have been exposed to anthrax or plague.", "Communication Channels An example of a formal communication channel is a company's newsletter, which gives employees as well as the clients a clear idea of a company's goals and vision. It also includes the transfer of information with regard to memoranda, reports, directions, and scheduled meetings in the chain of command.n example of a formal communication channel is a company's newsletter, which gives employees as well as the clients a clear idea of a company's goals and vision. It also includes the transfer of information with regard to memoranda, reports, directions, and scheduled meetings in the chain of command." ]
what does the sphinx represent
[ "- In ancient Egypt, the Sphinx is a male statue of a lion with the head of a human, sometimes with wings. Most sphinxes however represent a king in his appearance as the sun god." ]
[ "The Riddle of the Great Sphinx The name Sphinx is probably not the orgianal name of this statue (which is thought to be the oldest monumental sculpture in the world). The term Sphinx comes from Arabic and means The Terrifying One, or quite literally, the Father of Dread. The Great Sphinx's head is 19 feet high. (CC BY-SA 3.0 Ad Meskens)", "June 2009 AOM: What is wrong with the Sphinx? After all the Great Pyramid is not built in a pit, it is built on a hill. So why is the Sphinx so hidden that from the pyramids you can barely even see it sticking up a bit from a hole in the distance? Why is it that the Sphinx, which we have always been told is a lion does not actually look like a lion at all", "- a monster with a lion's body, a scorpion's tail, and a man's head with three rows of teeth. It roamed the jungles of India and, like the Sphinx , would ask travellers a riddle and kill them when they failed to answer it. See full definition.", "Soap Opera The sphinx in our Oedipal basement was my mother's Maypole. The old Ocean IT-40. It sat there like a mystical monolith. An ivory soap tower. One block of some Tower of Baybel. Or is it Babble. Anyway, in our house—the Maypole was a god. Week after week generating out of my miserable clay ...", "What does the nemes headdress symbolize? The nemes headdress symbolizes, from the front, the flaring hood of the protective goddess Wadjet, the uraeus or spitting cobra, whose image, along with Nekhbet, appears on the golden crown which encircles the headdress. From the back, one can see the tail of Wadjet, made up of the braided ends of the headdress.", "Ankh, Egyptian Symbol of Life and Immortality and Its Meaning The ankh represents the union of man and woman and symbolizes the creation of life through this union. According to one of the theories regarding the origin of the ankh, the symbol might be the combination of the male and female symbols representing Osiris and Isis, the cross and the oval, respectively.", "What is the symbolic meaning of the Owl? To the ancient Greeks, the owl is a symbol of Athene who is goddess of foresight & knowledge. Taking symbolism from the owl directly, it is noteworthy that it is a creature of the night. Nocturnal creatures are symbolic of inner-knowing, psychic ability, and intuition-so too is the owl.", "Who does the great sphinx represent? The sphinx's body represents a lion and has a human head. In Greek tradition, it has the haunches of a lion, sometimes with the wings of a great bird, and the face of a human.", "Sphinx Articles from Britannica encyclopedias for elementary and high school students. The sphinx is a creature in mythology. It has the body of a lion and the head of a human. Sphinxes appear in the art and legends of ancient Egypt and ancient Greece.", "Great Sphinx of Giza The Great Sphinx of Giza (Arabic: أبو الهول ‎ Abū al-Haul, English: The Terrifying One; literally: Father of Dread), commonly referred to as the Sphinx of Giza or just the Sphinx, is a limestone statue of a reclining sphinx, a mythical creature with the body of a lion and the head of a human.", "What Is a Sphinx Wax? What is a Sphinx wax? A Sphinx wax is a process of hair removal using warm wax, specifically from the bikini line, which is the area of pubic hair visible while wearing a bikini. It is more commonly known as the Brazilian bikini wax, and other names include the Playboy, the Hollywood, the Frenchie and the G Wax. Full Answer >. Filed Under:", "Egypt Throughout the course of the struggle between Pharaoh and Yahweh, Egypt comes to represent all that is opposed to God. The fabled wisdom of Egypt is revealed as false wisdom, powerless to help the Egyptians defeat the God of Israel. Even the divine Pharaoh is unmasked as a man subject to death like his people.", "Scarab Symbolic Meaningthe Egyptian symbol of eternity the Egyptian symbol of eternity. Scarab Symbolic Meaning... Scarab beetle is a metaphysical and mythological symbol of ancient Egypt. Scarab holds great meaning and significance... opening one up to an entirely different atmosphere, to the elements and mysteries of the cosmos.or the Scarab is symbolic of eternity itself. The mystical Scarab beetle appears now to show you a crossroads... you have the choice of continuing on the same path you have taken thus far, or you can peer down the path that holds a new awakening and enlightenment of the cosmic elements and forces.", "- The lion has speed, is alert and has power, this represents all that is majestic. Just like the eagle, Kings and emperors have long included it on their coat of arms to symbolize supreme strength. Lion as a symbol of power, courage and strength was seen by Egyptians to represent wealth.They used the lion on tribe banners at the time when Moses took the Israelites out of Egypt. In today’s world since the roar of the animal is strong, it is often associated with fearlessness.he lion is a symbol for deathless courage, strength, fearlessness, bravery and royalty. Seen as the lord of the land, the lion is compared to the Eagle which is supreme in the air. Lion is one of the favorite symbols of leadership, warriors and emperors.", "What does the 'ankh' symbol really mean ? Ankh Meaning. The Egyptian Ankh is the first symbolic expression of the Principle of Duality. The teardrop represents the 2 halves of a whole. The horizontal ledger line indicates that the symbol is truth and cannot be altered.", "What does the Scarab Beetle with wings represent? When the dung was consumed the young beetles would emerge from the hole. Millions of amulets and stamp seals of stone or faience were fashioned in Egypt depicted the scarab beetle. Meaning: It seemed to the ancient Egyptians that the young scarab beetles emerged spontaneously from the burrow were they were born.hen the dung was consumed the young beetles would emerge from the hole. Millions of amulets and stamp seals of stone or faience were fashioned in Egypt depicted the scarab beetle. Meaning: It seemed to the ancient Egyptians that the young scarab beetles emerged spontaneously from the burrow were they were born.", "- Cats To dream of a cat symbolizes an illusion, delusion, or feeling good about something that can't be proven. A false belief that you've convinced yourself is true or a need to feel good that lacks objectivity. A belief in something that's unprovable.ying to others so that they will like you. Negatively, a cat could symbolize an irrational belief that you're unable to do something that you've never been proven incapable of. Feeling safer telling yourself that you aren't good enough.", "- The scarab beetle was an ancient Egyptian solar symbol – it is said to have rolled the sun across the sky.A beetle thus represents protection from evil.You should look at what, or who, you feels needs to be protected.he scarab beetle was an ancient Egyptian solar symbol – it is said to have rolled the sun across the sky.", "- The Sphinx is located in Giza, Egypt. This is the same location as the Great Pyramids and stands close-by. Giza itself stands just outside Cairo. As to why it is there, then f…or similar reasons as the Great Pyramids. The Sphinx is a very common zoomorphic depiction within the Old Kingdom.", "SYMBOLS and their M eaning Masonic symbol for the all-seeing eye of god-Eye of Horus. ANARCHY: The lines of the A often extend outside the circle. many Satanists and other occult groups it represents their slogan, do what thou wilt. it represents the ASMODEAS: a demonic force driving teenagers toward sexual perversion and suicide.ANKH: This symbol originated in Egypt and symbolizes reincarnation.OMPASS (Masonic): The Masonic symbol of the compass and the T-square represents movement toward perfection and a balance between the spiritual and physical. The compass (used to form circles) represent spirit.", "June 2009 AOM: What is wrong with the Sphinx? The Sphinx is a gigantic statue the size of an ocean liner with a tiny pimple for a head. Does that look right to you? If we know anything about the ancient Egyptians and their statues, we know that they always got the proportions right. In fact, we could say that they were evidently obsessed with correct proportions in everything.", "What do owls symbolize? Owls symbolize wisdom, the ability to see things that are hidden, stealth, swiftness, darkness, freedom, dreams, shape-shifting, secrets, omens, clairvoyance, astral projection, magick, deception, observation, total truth, night, death and misfortune.ating Newest Oldest. Best Answer: In Native American lore, owls symbolize knowledge and wisdom. It is said that owls are keepers of a sacred knowledge and secrets of the Divine. Owls are unclean beings not fit for eating, according to the bible, in the book of Leviticus to be exact.", "What does the 'ankh' symbol really mean ? It is also a symbol for the power to give and sustain life, the Ankh is typically associated with material things such as water(which was believed by Egyptians to regenerate life), air, sun, as well as with the Gods, who are frequently pictured carrying an Ankh.eport Abuse. The Egyptian Ankh is the first symbolic expression of the Principle of Duality. The teardrop represents the 2 halves of a whole. The horizontal ledger line indicates that the symbol is truth and cannot be altered.", "Who Built the Pyramids? Below: As seen in a north elevation, weathered limestone and bedrock form the Sphinx’s head and upper body. Photogrammetric elevations by Mark Lehner. Lehner’s front photogrammetric elevation of the Great Sphinx. Below: As seen in a north elevation, weathered limestone and bedrock form the Sphinx’s head and upper body.", "- The sphinx's body represents a lion and has a human head. In Greek tradition, it has the haunches of a lion, sometimes with the wings of a great bird, and the face of a hu … man." ]
meaning of obtunded
[ "obtund Word Origin and History for obtund Expand. v. c.1400, (transitive) to render dead, make dull, used occasionally in English, especially in medical jargon; from Latin obtundere to blunt, make dull, weaken, exhaust, literally to beat against (see obtuse). Related: Obtundation; obtunded." ]
[ "- Read the How long can I store raw steaks in the fridge? discussion from the Chowhound Home Cooking, Rib Eye food community. Join the discussion today. Read the How long can I store raw steaks in the fridge? discussion from the Chowhound Home Cooking, Rib Eye food community. Join the discussion today. Follow us!", "UNTUCKit UNTUCKit is a casual men’s apparel company headquartered in New York City. The company product line includes button-down shirts, polos, tee shirts, henleys, vests, sweatshirts, outerwear and sport coats. UNTUCKit has brick-and-mortar stores in New York, NY, Chicago, IL, Los Angeles, CA, Austin, TX, and San Francisco, CA.", "- Definition of untreated. : not treated untreated wastewater; especially : not improved or controlled medically an untreated case of pneumonia untreated diabetic patients.", "THE LAST OF THE MOHICANS His person, though muscular, was rather attenuated than full; but every nerve and muscle appeared strung and indurated by unremitted exposure and toil. View in context", "- Full Definition of SURPRISE. 1. a: an attack made without warning b: a taking unawares. 2. : something that surprises. 3. : the state of being surprised: astonishment. See surprise defined for English-language learners.", "- Webster Dictionary(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: 1 Attune(verb) to tune or put in tune; to make melodious; to adjust, as one sound or musical instrument to another; as, to attune the voice to a harp. 2 Attune(verb) to arrange fitly; to make accordant.", "Definitions &Translations Wiktionary(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: 1 inaugurate(Verb) To induct into office with a formal ceremony. 2 inaugurate(Verb) To dedicate ceremoniously; to initiate something in a formal manner.", "exhaust Definition of exhaust. 1 transitive verb. 2 1a : to consume entirely : use up exhausted our funds in a weekb : to tire extremely or completely exhausted by overworkc : to deprive of a valuable quality or constituent exhaust a soil of fertility.", "- This Is a Certified Answer. Certified answers contain reliable, trustworthy information vouched for by a hand-picked team of experts. Brainly has millions of high quality answers, all of them carefully moderated by our most trusted community members, but certified answers are the finest of the finest. Geniuses is genius in plural form. Comments.", "Obtundation Obtundation refers to less than full alertness (altered level of consciousness), typically as a result of a medical condition or trauma. The root word, obtund, means dulled or less sharp cf. obtuse angle. Altered level of consciousness.", "- WordReference Random House Learner's Dictionary of American English © 2017. ob•vi•ous /ˈɑbviəs/USA pronunciation adj. easily or clearly comprehended; evident:an obvious solution to a problem.[It + be + ~ + that clause]It must be obvious to everyone that he's lying.", "OBFUSCATION obfuscation - confusion resulting from failure to understand. bafflement, befuddlement, bemusement, bewilderment, mystification, puzzlement. confusedness, disarray, mental confusion, muddiness, confusion - a mental state characterized by a lack of clear and orderly thought and behavior; a confusion of impressions.", "obtention Meaning: The act of obtaining. Classified under: Nouns denoting acts or actions. Synonyms: obtainment; obtention. Hypernyms (obtention is a kind of...): acquiring; getting (the act of acquiring something)", "- Operational definition. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. An operational definition is a result of the process of operationalization and is used to define something (e.g. a variable, term, or object) in terms of a process (or set of validation tests) needed to determine its existence, duration, and quantity.andervert (1980/1988) described in scientific detail a simple, every day illustration of an operational definition in terms of making a cake (i.e., its recipe is an operational definition used in a specialized laboratory known as the household kitchen).", "- LINK / CITE ADD TO WORD LIST. adjective. The definition of obstinate is extremely stubborn and determined to have your own way. An example of obstinate is a person who drives during a severe hurricane despite major warnings not to do so.", "- Overabundant definition, an excessive amount or abundance; surfeit: an overabundance of sugar in the diet. See more.", "- thor•ough (thûr′ō, thur′ō),USA pronunciation adj. 1 executed without negligence or omissions:a thorough search. 2 complete; 3 extremely attentive to accuracy and detail; 4 having full command or mastery of an art, talent, etc.:a thorough actress. 5 extending or passing through.", "ablution ablution. n. 1. (Ecclesiastical Terms) the ritual washing of a priest's hands or of sacred vessels. 2. (often plural) the act of washing (esp in the phrase perform one's ablutions). 3. (Military) military (plural) a washing place.", "assentnoun [ U] us â / ÉËsent / fml assentnoun [ U ] uk ​ /əˈsent/ us ​ /əˈsent/ formal. › official agreement to or approval of an idea, plan, or request: Once the directors have given their assent to the proposal we can begin. She nodded her assent to the proposal.", "definition operational definition a definition, method, or procedure used to measure or represent a concept or variable in a specific situation.target definition the definition of a specific target that is identified on the intervention scheme of the omaha system.efinition. a statement of the meaning of a word or phrase. conceptual definition an identification of the personal knowledge or connotative meaning of a word. These meanings are often difficult to express; the meaning is “known” but not easily put into words.", "- ob·du·rate. adj. 1. Not changing in response to argument or other influence; obstinate or intractable: Everyone in the region has been obdurate in water negotiations with everyone else (Marq de Villiers).", "- Adj. 1. undetected-not perceived or discerned; they feared some undetected trace of poison; she looked around to be sure her faux pas was undetected.", "unburden unburden. 1 to free from a burden. 2 to relieve (one's mind, conscience, etc.) by revealing or confessing something. 3 to cast off or get rid of, as a burden or something burdensome; disclose; reveal: He unburdened the worries that plagued him.", "Unfunded mandate An intergovernmental mandate generally refers to the responsibilities or activities that one level of government imposes on another by constitutional, legislative, executive or judicial action. 1 According to the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995 (UMRA), an intergovernmental mandate can take various forms:", "- Bitcoin is a new currency that was created in 2009 by an unknown person using the alias Satoshi Nakamoto. Transactions are made with no middle men – meaning, no banks! There are no transaction fees and no need to give your real name." ]
what county is marlboro, nj
[ "Marlboro Township, New Jersey This article is about the township in Monmouth County. For the community within the township see Marlboro, Monmouth County, New Jersey; For other places with the same name, see Marlboro, New Jersey (disambiguation). Marlboro Township is a township in Monmouth County, New Jersey, United States." ]
[ "- We have audited the accompanying financial statements of the governmental activities, the businesstype -. activities, each major fund and the aggregate remaining fund information of the Lumberton Township. Board of Education, County of Burlington, State of New Jersey, as of and for the fiscal year ended June. 30, 2015and the related notes to the financial statements, , which collectively comprise the District’s. basic financial statements as listed in the table of contents.", "Rosemont Estates - Marlboro, NJ Rosemont Estates in Marlboro is an intimate active adult community that welcomes residents aged 55 and better. With a spacious clubhouse, a range of social activities, and offering a low-maintenance lifestyle, Rosemont Estates encourages homeowners to spend time getting to know their neighbors.", "- Monmouth County, NJ Aberdeen Twp, Atlantic Highlands, Clifwood beach, Colts Neck, Eatontown, Fair Haven, Fort Monmouth, Holmdel, Keyport, Lincroft, Long Branch, Morganville, Matawan, Middletown, Oakhurst, Oceanport, Red Bank, River Plaza, Rumson, Sandy Hook, Sea Bright, Shrewsbury, Tinton Falls, W Long Branch, Allaire, Asbury Park, Avon,", "- Historic Preservation Commission (HPC) The next HPC meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, September 20, at 9:30 a.m., Room 4085, 4th Floor Boardroom, CAB, 14741 Gov. Oden Bowie Drive, Upper Marlboro, MD 20772. ULI provides unbiased input and offers recommendation to help Prince George’s County stimulate private sector investments at Largo Town Center.", "- Welcome to Ocean County. Ocean County features 44 miles of the fabulous Jersey Shore. Tantalize your toes with a stroll on our luxuriously soft, sandy beaches. Explore our wildlife and nature trails, set sail on the Barnegat Bay, indulge in wine tasting at our local vineyard and dance to a live band as the sun sets over our magnificent waterfront venues.", "Belleville, New Jersey Montclair (/mɒntˈklɛər/ or /mɒŋˈklɛər/) is a township in Essex County, New Jersey, United States.", "Mount Laurel, New Jersey Mount Laurel, New Jersey. Mount Laurel is a township in Burlington County, New Jersey, United States, and is an edge city suburb of Philadelphia.", "- 1 Washington Township, Gloucester County. 523 Egg Harbor Road | Sewell, NJ 08080 | Phone: 856-589-0520 | Contact Us. Mayor Barbara A. Wallace has been a township resident for over 40 years and has spent decades volunteering to improve the quality of life in our community. Learn more about Mayor Barbara A. Wallace.", "Upper Marlboro, Maryland The Upper Marlboro courthouse under renovation in 2008. Upper Marlboro, officially the Town of Upper Marlboro, is the seat of Prince George's County, Maryland in the United States. The population within the town limits was 631 at the 2010 U.S. Census, although Greater Upper Marlboro is many times larger.", "- District 2 - (Atlantic) Absecon, Atlantic City, Brigantine, Buena, Buena Vista, Egg Harbor City, Egg Harbor Township, Folsom, Hamilton (Atlantic), Linwood, Longport, Margate City, Mullica, Northfield, Pleasantville, Somers Point, Ventnor City. Legislators for District 2.", "Mount Laurel, New Jersey Mount Laurel Township highlighted in Burlington County. Inset map: Burlington County highlighted in the State of New Jersey. Mount Laurel is a township in Burlington County, New Jersey, United States, and is an edge city suburb of Philadelphia.", "- The Marlboro County School District is proud to announce the district winner for this year’s Teacher-of-the-Year award. The Teacher-of-the-Year for each school and the district is usually recognized at the Marlboro County School District Convocation. The teacher is selected by committee to represent Marlboro County School District in vying to be State Teacher-of-the-Year.", "Upper Marlboro, MD Upper Marlboro, MD. Upper Marlboro is located close to the center of Maryland. Upper Marlboro is part of Prince Georges County. Upper Marlboro has 0.40 square miles of land area and 0.02 square miles of water area. As of 2010-2014, the total Upper Marlboro population is 646, which has shrunk 0.31% since 2000.", "- 1,043 Comments on “Contact KFC Customer Service”. 1 my receipts all say I can enter a prize contest, but I can’t reach you to enter the survey!!!!!!! 2 I visited your pipps hill branch on sunday and experienced a very long wait for my food.", "- Drought Watch Issued for Morris County and Most of Northern NJ. The Hanover Health Dept. urges residents to voluntarily conserve water in accordance wit hthe NJDEP's request. The National Park Service in recognition of its 100th birthday has launched findyourpark.com to encourage enjoyment and support of America's national parks.", "- Nashville is not cheap. The outer parts, near to Nashville aren't by much either. Murfreesboro is growing, maybe consider there, but you'll need to drive into the city and it will be about an hours time. But even in Murfreesboro I don't think you'll find a decent place to live with a $700.rental cap.Maybe take a bit more time and do a lot more research.urfreesboro is growing, maybe consider there, but you'll need to drive into the city and it will be about an hours time. But even in Murfreesboro I don't think you'll find a decent place to live with a $700. rental cap. Maybe take a bit more time and do a lot more research.", "- 8 Terms expire 2018. Meetings: Tuesdays, 10:00 a.m. (except Aug. & Dec.) Redis C. Floyd, Clerk (301) 952-3600; e-mail: [email protected] County Administration Building, 2nd floor 14741 Governor Oden Bowie Drive, Upper Marlboro, MD 20772 - 3070 (301) 952-3700; fax: (301) 952-3238 web: www.princegeorgescountymd ...", "- 1 Marlboro Township Division of Police is open 24/7 and is located at 1979 Township Drive in the Justice Center. 2 Call 732 536-0100. 3 In the event of an emergency dial 9-1-1.", "- Weymouth Township. 1 Weymouth Township located in the southwest section of Atlantic County in the New Jersey Pinelands or Pine Barrens and contains the towns of Belcoville and Dorothy. It covers an area of 12.12 square miles, is bordered by the Great Egg Harbor River, South River, and Tuckahoe River, and is largely rural.", "Mount Laurel, New Jersey (Redirected from Mount Laurel Township, New Jersey) Mount Laurel is a township in Burlington County, New Jersey, United States, and is an edge city suburb of Philadelphia.", "- South Plainfield is a borough in Middlesex County, New Jersey, United States. As of the 2010 United States Census, the borough's population was 23,385,[9][10][11] reflecting an increase of 1,575 (+7.2%) from the 21,810 counted in the 2000 Census, which had in turn increased by 1,321 (+6.4%) from the 20,489 counted in the 1990 Census.[20]", "Delsea Regional School District Accessed December 24, 2014. The Delsea Regional HS District is a regional public school district serving students from two communities in Gloucester County, New Jersey. The district serves students in grades 7-12 from Elk Township and Franklin Township..", "Gloucester County, New Jersey Its county seat is Woodbury. Gloucester County is located south of Philadelphia and northwest of Atlantic City. It is part of the Camden, New Jersey Metropolitan Division of the Philadelphia-Camden-Wilmington Primary Metropolitan Statistical Area as well as the Delaware Valley Combined Statistical Area.", "Prince Georgeâs County Courthouses Prince George’s County Courthouses. The Prince George’s County Courthouse dates back almost 300 years. It started out as a one-room court in Charles Town, which was the original county seat for Prince George’s County. In 1721, as the population grew, the county seat, along with the court, moved to Marlborough (eventually Upper Marlboro).", "Assessorâs Office Assessor’s Office. Welcome to the Office of the Lumberton Township Tax Assessor. The Tax Assessor’s office is under the jurisdiction of the Burlington County Board of Taxation and the New Jersey Division of Taxation. This office is located at the Lumberton Township Municipal Building and available to serve the community’s assessment needs." ]
symptoms of tularemia in rabbits
[ "- In rabbits, the symptoms include a white-or yellow-spotted liver and the liver and/or spleen may be a dark bluish-red and appear very swollen. Additionally, you may notice external ulcerations or infected areas where the animal was bitten by a tick or deer fly." ]
[ "Common problems and diseases of Rabbits Rabbit Calicivirus. This is a viral disease that is spread by contact with infected rabbits. It is highly contagious and basically causes rabbits to bleed out. The signs seen before death are lethargy, being off food, fever and spasms.Death is the end result in most cases.ommon problems and diseases of Rabbits. by Dr. Francesca Matthews. There are a number of common conditions that pet rabbits are seen with. In many cases these can be avoided by ensuring a suitable environment and diet is provided.", "Rabbits with Seizures? The symptoms are the result of an inflammation/infection in the brain. A likely suspect is the protozoan parasite known as Encephalitozoon cuniculi. The symptoms depend on the part of the rabbit that is infected. Learn more at http://www.raising-rabbits.com/rabbit-illnesses.html.", "Overview By Mayo Clinic Staff. Most people exposed to tularemia who become sick generally do so within three to five days, although it can take as long as 14 days. Several types of tularemia exist, and which type you get depends on how and where the bacteria enter the body. Each type of tularemia has its own set of symptoms. This is the most common form of the disease. Signs and symptoms include: A skin ulcer that forms at the site of infection — usually an insect or animal bite.", "- Tularemia occurs in both the U.S. and Canada. The most common cause of human infection is from direct contact with blood or flesh of wild rabbits (for example, skinning and eating wild rabbit meat). A person can also be infected by a tularemia-infected tick or mosquito, or by breathing tularemia-infected dust.wo recent incidents in the media have bought attention to the issue that rabbits, like many other animals, can be susceptible to certain diseases that normally are rare or may not normally affect rabbits. In early June, the media reported on an outbreak of monkeypox in Wisconsin and the Chicago area.", "- 1 Tularemia may be spread through inhalation of dried animal matter, eating undercooked game, skinning or dressing killed animals, or drinking water contaminated with animal carcasses. 2 Tularemia causes fever, fatigue, aches and headache. 3 Swollen lymph nodes are common. 4 A sore may form at the site of inoculation.", "- 1 Tularemia is caused by the bacteria Francisella tularensis. 2 Tularemia affects animals and humans. 3 Humans acquire tularemia when they come into contact with infected animals or are bitten by insects that feed on infected animals.", "- A Gram-negative coccobacillus, Francisella tularensis has several subspecies with varying degrees of virulence. The most important of those is F. tularensis tularensis (Type A), which is found in lagomorphs (rabbits, hares and pikas) in North America, and it is highly virulent in humans and domestic rabbits.", "Guides & Resources 1 Anemia: Most common in newborn pigs, especially where there isn't enough iron or copper in the soil. 2 Symptoms include difficulty breathing, weakness and lethargy, swelling around the head and shoulders, loss of appetite. 3 Treatment involves giving the affected animal a nutritional supplement.reatments and vaccines are listed including the QC Supply product numbers and drug names. Common Hog Diseases & Some Possible Options for Treatment. 1 Anemia: Most common in newborn pigs, especially where there isn't enough iron or copper in the soil.", "Bio Chapter 18 Review Biologists choose segments of DNA and RNA that are similar and compare the sequences within those molecules. The more similar the DNA or RNA between species, the more closely related the species are assumed to be.", "- Tularemia (rabbit fever). People usually get tularemia from direct contact with rabbits. A person can also get it via the bite of an infected tick or deerfly, by eating contaminated food, by drinking contaminated water, or by breathing in F. tularensis, the bacteria that causes rabbit fever.", "Tularemia Tularemia bacterium is transferred to humans from animals (i.e., a zoonosis) such as rodents, voles, mice, squirrels, and rabbits. Reflecting the natural origin of the disease, tularemia is also known as rabbit fever. Indeed, the rabbit is the most common source of the disease.", "Transmission Tick or deer fly bites. In the United States, ticks that transmit tularemia to humans include the dog tick (Dermacentor variabilis), the wood tick (Dermacentor andersoni), and the lone star tick (Amblyomma americanum). Deer flies (Chrysops spp.) have been shown to transmit tularemia in the western United States.", "- Tularemia is a serious infectious disease caused by the intracellular bacterium Francisella tularensis. It causes fever, and sometimes ulceration at the site of entry and/or swelling of nearby lymph nodes. It can cause severe pneumonia.", "7.5 kw heat at 208 volt 3 phase equals how many amps 7.5 kw heat at 208 volt 3 phase equals how many amps. Submitted: 2 years ago. Category: Electrical. Share this conversation. Expert: Jason replied 2 years ago. Jason: Hello. Welcome to Just Answer. Hello. Welcome to Just Answer.Jason: This calculates to about 36 amps.ason: Sure. Volts X Amps = Watts. We know the wattage is 7500, and the voltage is 208. So, just divide the watts by the volts, 7500/208 to arrive at 36 amps.", "Convenia Long-Acting Antibiotic Injection This type of cancer will often cause the following symptoms: weight loss, diarrhea, rough hair coat, vomiting and loss of appetite. Cats who have lymphoma developing in or around their lungs may experience fluid within their lung cavity and respiratory distress.", "- AVERAGE COST$5000.00. Lung tumors and cancers in rabbits are a form of neoplasia that affects the tissue of the respiratory system. The main causes in rabbits are pulmonary adenocarcinoma, thymoma, and thymic lymphoma. Symptoms may include sneezing and nasal discharge, a loss of appetite and dyspnea.", "Signs & Symptoms The signs and symptoms of tularemia vary depending on how the bacteria enter the body. 1 Illness ranges from mild to life-threatening. All forms are accompanied by fever, which can be as high as 104 °F. Main forms of this disease are listed below: Ulceroglandular This is the most common form of tularemia and usually occurs following a tick or deer fly bite or after handing of an infected animal. A skin ulcer appears at the site where the bacteria entered the body. The ulcer is accompanied by swelling of regional lymph glands, usually in the armpit or groin. Glandular Similar to ulceroglandular tularemia but without an ulcer.", "- Tularemia is a plague-like disease caused by the Gram-negative bacterium Francisella tularensis. The organism is transferred to man from animals (i.e., a zoonosis) such as rodents, voles, mice, squirrels, and rabbits. Reflecting the natural origin of the disease, tularemia is also known as rabbit fever.", "- Tularemia facts. 1 Tularemia is caused by the bacteria Francisella tularensis. 2 Tularemia affects animals and humans. 3 Humans acquire tularemia when they come into contact with infected animals or are bitten by insects that feed on infected animals.", "- Tularemia is a potential bioterrorism agent because the infecting bacteria can be freeze-dried into a power which can be aerosolized and only a few inhaled bacteria can cause disease. If untreated, tularemia causes prolonged fever and fatigue and is often fatal. With treatment, death is rare.", "Toxoplasmosis 1 Tularemia causes fever, fatigue, aches and headache. 2 Swollen lymph nodes are common. 3 A sore may form at the site of inoculation. 4 The organism may spread widely, causing major organs to fail. 5 Pneumonia is common after inhalation but may also occur when the organism spreads throughout the body.", "Transmission American dog tick (Dermacentor variabilis) The bacterium that causes tularemia is highly infectious and can enter the human body through the skin, eyes, mouth, or lungs. Symptoms(https://www.cdc.gov/tularemia/signssymptoms/index.html) of infection vary depending on the route of entry. Usual sources of infection are described below. Transmission of tularemia from person to person has not been reported. Tick or deer fly bites. In the United States, ticks that transmit tularemia to humans include the dog tick (Dermacentor variabilis), the wood tick (Dermacentor andersoni), and the lone star tick (Amblyomma americanum).", "Symptoms of Anemia in Cats Here are some of the most common symptoms of anemia in cats. 1 Lethargy and Weakness: Because oxygen is required for normal bodily functions and anemia reduces the amount of oxygen delivered to body tissues, it can result in lethargy and weakness.", "Dogs With Swollen Ear Flaps, Symptoms and Treatment Symptoms of Aural Hematoma in Dogs. An aural hematoma is pretty easy to diagnose, because most dogs will show distinctive symptoms. The following are symptoms of an aural hematoma in dogs: A swollen pinna (ear flap) Pain upon palpation. Head held to one side. Pawing at the ear. A history of head shaking. A history of ear scratching.", "Old Rabbit Paralysis Part II: Parasites A rabbit may experience any one or combination of the following: unilateral or bilateral facial paralysis, weakness in only one limb, complete hind limb weakness or paralysis, all four limb weakness or paralysis, head tilt, loss of appetite, behavior changes, depression, seizures (mild to severe) and sudden death." ]
what is a health unit coordinator
[ "Health Care Coordinator: Job Description, Duties and Requirements Health unit coordinators are responsible for administrative aspects of patient care. They typically work in hospitals and nursing care facilities, and provide non-medical support to nurses and patients alike. Health care coordinators work with patients to determine what the patient's specific medical needs are." ]
[ "How to enter bank account details for payouts in Singapore Dollar Account number. Account numbers are generally 7-15 digit numbers registered to a bank account. For OCBC, HSBC and State Bank of India, you will need to include the branch code followed by the account number. Please enter your account number without any hyphens, punctuation or spaces. UOB = 10 digit account number.", "Community Health Coordinator Salary A Community Health Coordinator with mid-career experience which includes employees with 5 to 10 years of experience can expect to earn an average total compensation of $45,000 based on 10 salaries. An experienced Community Health Coordinator which includes employees with 10 to 20 years of experience can expect to earn an average total compensation of $45,000 based on 10 salaries.", "- An intensive care unit, or ICU, is a specialized section of a hospital that provides comprehensive and continuous care for persons who are critically ill and who can benefit from treatment. The purpose of the intensive care unit (ICU) is simple even though the practice is complex.", "Federal Coordination And Compliance Section It is important to note that the Supreme Court has upheld the regulatory power of funding agencies to terminate a recipient s FFA for failure to execute an assurance of compliance with Title IX. designation of title ix coordinator* The Title IX coordinator is the responsible employee of the recipient with major responsibility for Title IX compliance efforts. The Title IX coordinator s responsibilities are critical to the development, implementation, and monitoring of meaningful efforts to comply with Title IX.", "Medical and Health Professions Critical Care Coordinator Career Info. Get the job description for a critical care coordinator. See what the education and training requirements are for employment.... Home Care Coordinator: Education and Career Guide. Research the requirements to become a home care coordinator. Learn about the job description and duties and read the... Care Coordinator Education and Training Program Options. A health care coordinator is often a nurse or other medical professional who manages and coordinates staff schedules, patient...", "Health and Wellness Coordinator These realizations led to the Health and Wellness Coordinator job. A Health and Wellness Coordinator works for a company, city, or community, encouraging employees or residents to take care of their health. As a Health and Wellness Coordinator, you educate and inspire people on issues of all kinds, from mental to physical. You do a lot of program designing.", "What is a Telemetry Unit? A telemetry unit is a unit in a hospital where patients are under continuous electronic monitoring. Telemetry, the practice of sending electronic signals from one place to another, is a tremendously useful tool in hospitals, as it allows hospital personnel to monitor heart rate, heart rhythm, breathing, and other things both by the patient's bed and at a remote location like a nursing station.", "- Care coordination involves the care. coordinator working with all of the patient’s. physicians and other care team members to. create one comprehensive care plan. tailored to the patient’s health care needs. and priorities.", "- What color pants should Health Unit Coordinators wear? There is not a specific color of pants/slacks/skirt for HUCs. They cannot wear pants the color of another Caregivers uniform, such as navy blue that is for environmental services. They also cannot wear blue denim jeans or black pants.", "- Introducing the Virginia Community Dental. Health Coordinator Basic Program. What is a Community Dental. Health Coordinator (CDHC) The Coordinator is a dental team member whose. primary function is the prevention of dental disease. with an emphasis on community health worker skills. CDHCs are trained to:", "The Promise of Care Coordination: Transforming Health Care Delivery The Affordable Care Act includes opportunities for creativity in health care coordination programs. Care coordination is the concept of health care professionals working with patients to ensure that patients' health needs are being met and that the right person is delivering the right care at the right time.", "- VANCOUVER ISLAND HE ALTH AUTHORITY JOB C T LOGUE. HOSPITAL UNIT CLERK. JOB SUMMARY. Reporting to the Manager or designate, transcribes. doctors orders and carries out clerical, reception, timekeeping and staffing related functions for a Unit. in accordance with established guidelines.", "- Under the direction of the Associate Director, the Health and Wellness Services Coordinator will coordinate, develop, monitor and provide technical support to... 30+ days ago - save job - more... -", "- Introducing the Virginia Community Dental Health Coordinator Basic Program What is a Community Dental Health Coordinator (CDHC) The Coordinator is a dental team member whose primary function is the prevention of dental disease with an emphasis on community health worker skills. CDHCs are trained to: • Work in clinics, schools, private practices, and public health settings in accordance with state laws and regulations • Collect information to assist dentists in triaging patients • Address social, environmental, and health literacy issues • Provide dental health education and help people develop goals to enhance their oral health • Coordinate care in accordance with a dentist’s instructions • Help patients navigate the complexities of the health care system", "What's the Job Description of a Patient Care Coordinator? Career Overview. Patient care coordinators are liaisons between patients and the healthcare system. As a patient care coordinator, you would ensure that patients receive the care they need and that they understand their medical condition, medications, and other instructions.", "What is a Health Center? What is a Health Center? Health centers are community-based and patient-directed organizations that deliver comprehensive, culturally competent, high-quality primary health care services. Health centers also often integrate access to pharmacy, mental health, substance abuse, and oral health services in areas where economic, geographic, or cultural barriers limit access to affordable health care services.", "Patient Care Coordinator: Job Description and Education Requirements A patient care coordinator's job is to ensure that a medical facility is providing high quality care services. They work with administration, staff, and patients to reach health care goals and to keep the lines of communication open. Some are registered nurses, but this often is not mandatory.", "Patient Care Coordinator: Job Description and Education Requirements Patient Care Coordinator Job Description. In some facilities, a patient care coordinator is also a registered nurse (RN); however, this is not a requirement at all facilities. A patient care coordinator may work in hospitals, physicians' offices, dental offices, clinics, specialty care centers and nursing care facilities.", "What Does a Health Unit Coordinator Do? What does a health unit coordinator do? Sometimes called medical secretaries, health unit coordinators (HUCs) support the medical staff at a health care facility. A HUC helps to keep the facility organized and coord…inate communication between patients and medical staff.", "- At The Nurse’s Station. Since a hospital unit secretary is in the healthcare field, the candidate must be prepared to work on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays. This position seems to be the most important in a hospital unit. All patients and their visitors pass through this candidate before entering the patient’s room.he hospital unit secretary also orders supplies to make sure that the patient’s needs are always in stock. A physician’s written orders can be entered into a computer.", "Health Unit Coordinator Careers Average Health Unit Coordinator salaries for job postings in California are 8% higher than average Health Unit Coordinator salaries for job postings nationwide. The average salary ranks 7th among states in the country.verage Health Unit Coordinator salaries for job postings in Georgia are 14% higher than average Health Unit Coordinator salaries for job postings nationwide. The average salary ranks 4th among states in the country.", "Hospital Unit Secretary: Education Requirements and Career Info Career Information. Hospital unit secretaries work in an administrative capacity to keep hospital patient care units running efficiently. Though they are not responsible for patient care, these professionals might interact with patients for tasks like scheduling tests and directing patients around the hospital.", "Patient Care Coordinator: Job Description and Education Requirements According to Payscale.com, the total annual earnings for most patient care coordinators ranged from $29,300 to $70,296 as of January 2016. Duties of a patient care coordinator vary widely depending on the facility in which the coordinator works. The main job of a patient care coordinator is to ensure high quality healthcare. A coordinator helps to ensure patients understand every aspect of their care while also working with administration to create policies and make decisions that are in the best interest of patients. Duties may include: Developing and coordinating patient care programs", "What Does a Health Unit Coordinator Do? Salary Info and Job Outlook. According to PayScale.com, most health unit coordinators earn between $22,642 and $41,959 a year, as of September 2015. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS, www.bls.gov) indicated that the employment of medical secretaries is projected to increase by about 21% between 2014 and 2024.", "- A health unit coordinator can make real big amount per hour based upon his experience, expertise and definitely the location he is working at. A health unit coordinator can earn as much as five to six dollars per hour making his annual salary approximating 25,400 dollars. Tod Corner." ]
what causes flashes of light in your peripheral vision?
[ "Overview Flashes of light in the same eye as the floaters Darkness on any side or sides of your vision (peripheral vision loss) These painless symptoms could be caused by a retinal tear, with or without a retinal detachment — a sight-threatening condition that requires immediate attention." ]
[ "Overview PVD can cause visual symptoms. You may see sudden new floaters or flashes of lights (photopsia). These may be visible even in daylight. The flashes may be more noticeable when your eyes are closed or you're in a darkened room.", "Vision Problems 1 Floaters -- tiny particles drifting inside the eye, which may be confused with retinal detachment. 2 Night blindness. Retinal detachment -- symptoms include floaters, sparks or flashes of light in your vision, or a sensation of a shade or curtain hanging across part of your visual field.", "Flashes, Floaters and Haloes This may present as scintillating lights, an arc of light or a feeling like a light-bulb has just flashed on and off in the periphery of vision. Flashes are caused by improper stimulation of the eye's retina, or the optic nerve, which the brain interprets as light. This could be traction of the retina, for example.", "The Facts About Eye Floaters and Flashes Eye floaters and flashes are caused by changes in the vitreous gel that occur as we get older. Eye floaters occur when the vitreous gel thickens or shrinks due to aging, causing particles to form in the gel. These particles block the light passing through your eye, casting shadows on the retina. The shadows are seen as floaters, which can be created by: The formation of protein clumps in the vitreous gel. These types of eye floaters tend to look like squiggles, cobwebs, tadpoles, or circles.", "Blurred vision, Flickering uncolored zig-zag line in vision and Floating spots or strings in vision Retinal detachment Retinal detachment causes floaters in your vision, flashes of light, blind spots, loss of vision, and more. Diabetic eye disease People with diabetes may develop diabetic eye disease, causing vision loss and even blindness.", "Retinal Detachment - When To Call a Doctor If flashes of light or floaters occur suddenly or in great numbers, or if you are not sure what to do, do not wait for vision loss to occur before you call your doctor. If you cannot reach your doctor, go to the emergency room.", "- An exam is the only way to tell. So, the only way to insure that a tear has not developed is to have an exam as soon as possible following the onset of flashes or floaters. Other conditions that can cause flashing lights are blood vessel narrowing to the eye or area in brain controlling vision. This usually occurs over age 60 and can be a precursor to stroke. A carotid ultrasound can diagnose blood vessel narrowing due to hardening of the arteries (atherosclerosis).", "Floaters and Flashes Definition of Eyes, flashing lights in the. Eyes, flashing lights in the: There are a number of causes of spontaneous flashing light sensations in the eye. A sensation of flashing lights can be caused when the vitreous (the clear, jelly-like substance that fills the middle of the eye) shrinks and tugs on the retina. These flashes of light can appear off and on for several weeks or months. With age, it is more common to experience flashes.", "Retinopathy Tunnel vision can be caused by any type of damage to the optic nerve, to the retina of the eye, or to areas in the brain responsible for processing of visual input. Loss of peripheral vision may be a symptom of some of the conditions that cause a generalized loss of vision.", "What does a sudden onset of an arc of slashing light on the periphery of one eye indicate? At that point it is no longer big enough to fill the entire inside of the eye and it pulls away from the retina. As it pulls away, it often tugs on the retina and that causes an arc-like flash of light in the periphery of the vision. A small number of people who undergo this normal process will develop a tear in the retina or a detachment of the retina.", "What causes flashing or streaking lights in the eye? When the vitreous gel rubs or pulls on the retina, you may see what look like flashing lights or lightning streaks. The flashes of light can appear off and on for several weeks or months. As we grow older, it is more common to experience flashes. If you notice the sudden appearance of light flashes, you should contact your ophthalmologist immediately in case the retina has been torn.", "- Transient Monocular Blindness, also called as Amaurosis Fugax is a condition in which there is abrupt loss of vision in one of your eyes due to a temporary lack of blood supply to your retina (light sensitive layer in your eye). Transient Monocular Visual Loss is mainly caused by lack of blood supply.", "- The perception of flashes of light can occur in other conditions. The most common is a posterior vitreous detachment in which the gel within the center of the eye tugs on the retina. Retinal tears can also cause flashes, which may herald the onset of a retinal detachment.", "Vitreous Syneresis: An Impending Posterior Vitreous Detachment (PVD) Signs and Symptoms. The patient in this case exhibited the typical signs and symptoms of an acutely evolving posterior vitreous detachment, including new onset of flashes and floaters. The flashes of light (or photopsias) are often described as a camera flash going off repeatedly in the patient's peripheral vision.", "The Facts About Eye Floaters and Flashes Eye floaters and flashes are caused by changes in the vitreous gel that occur as we get older. Eye floaters occur when the vitreous gel thickens or shrinks due to aging, causing particles to form in the gel. These particles block the light passing through your eye, casting shadows on the retina.", "- What is peripheral vision loss? Peripheral vision loss is the loss of your ability to see things to the side or up and down from your central vision (the line of sight directly in front of you). You may lose peripheral vision on one or both sides of your visual field. Peripheral vision loss can also affect your ability to see objects above or below your central vision. The loss of peripheral vision in all directions (that is, leaving you with only central vision) is sometimes called tunnel vision.", "Sudden Onset Transient Double Vision: Get to ER Other possible causes of sudden-onset transient double vision are an actual stroke, diabetes and trauma to the head. Dr. Geraci explains, “If the symptom is truly double vision and the other causes you list are ruled out, then in otherwise healthy people a consideration would be myasthenia gravis.", "The Facts About Eye Floaters and Flashes 1 A sudden increase in the number of eye floaters and flashes you are experiencing, or the sudden appearance of them for the first time. The loss of your peripheral vision, usually appearing like a curtain or shadow that moves toward the center of your vision over time.", "Why You Sometimes See Stars and Flashes of Light 1 If a headache follows the flashes, it is called a migraine headache.. If these flashes or lines of light occur without a headache, it is called an ophthalmic migraine, or a migraine without a headache. Posterior vitreous detachment - Posterior vitreous detachment (PVD) is a common condition usually caused by aging. The vitreous, which lies against the retina, is the jelly-like substance that fills the center of the eye. Made mostly of water, the vitreous fluid gives the eye its shape. As we get older, the composition of the vitreous changes, and becomes less firm. This change sometimes causes the vitreous to pull on the retina. If the force of the pulling becomes strong enough, the vitreous may actually separate from the retina. When this occurs, we see flashes of light or stars. Most of the time a PVD is annoying but harmless. However, about 5% of the time, a PVD can cause a retinal tear or detachment.", "Posterior Vitreous Detachment - Topic Overview This kind of PVD may occur suddenly and may also cause a retinal tear. The main symptoms of PVD are floaters and flashes of light. Having floaters or flashes does not always mean that you are about to have a retinal detachment, but it is important to tell your doctor about these", "What are flashes and floaters? Myth: Flashes and floaters cause total blindness. The truth: No, they can only cause partial vision blockage at worst. Myth: If you have flashes in one eye you will develop them in the other eye.", "- Radiation damage to the cornea leading to a flash burn can be caused by ultraviolet light from various sources: 1 Sunlamp in tanning salon. 2 Reflection of the sun off the snow at high elevation (snow blindness) Photographer’s flood lamp.", "- Eye floaters and flashes can be the result of the retina becoming detached from the inner back of the eye or the vitreous pulling away from the retina, says Marilyn Haddrill of All About Vision. Ordinary eye floaters that are no cause for alarm can also cause these symptoms. Continue Reading.", "Flashes and Floaters Although you cannot see floaters or flashes just by looking at the eye, you know you have them when you see: 1 Sparks of light. 2 Shooting stars of light. 3 Lightening-like bolts of light. 4 Arcs of light to the side. Hair-like, spider-like, or twig-like objects in your line of vision.", "Eye Floaters, Flashes And Spots When the retina is tugged, torn or detached from the back of the eye, a flash or flicker of light commonly is noticed. Depending on the extent of the traction, tear or detachment, these flashes of light might be short-lived or continue indefinitely until the retina is repaired." ]
ibm filenet discovery
[ "IBM FileNet P8 5.0.0 Business Process Manager Information Roadmap IBM® FileNet® Platform is a next-generation, unified enterprise foundation for the integrated IBM FileNet P8 products. It combines the enterprise content management with comprehensive business process management and compliance capabilities. IBM FileNet P8 addresses the most demanding compliance, content, and process management needs for your entire organization. It is a key element in creating an agile, adaptable enterprise content management (ECM) environment necessary to support a dynamic organization that must respond quickly to change." ]
[ "- Hats On For Mental Health Day 2017. The 2017 Hats On! For Mental Health Day will occur on May 3. Each May, Albertans are invited to wear a hat to raise awareness of the importance of good mental health. Participating schools will relax their hat rules and encourage students and teachers to build understanding by wearing hats to school.", "IBM MQ V9.0 delivers new, more flexible delivery and support options, enhanced encryption configurations, self-service enhancements, and updates to managed file transfer capabilities IBM MQ V9.0 for multiplatforms is a robust and secure messaging middleware offeringthat allows applications, systems, services, and files to exchange data rapidly and reliably.", "- The collaborative platform allows you – whether a customer, developer and business partner – to share applications, security app extensions and enhancements to IBM Security products to fight the bad guys.", "Discovery and Description (Windows CE 5.0) This is done through Simple Service Discovery Protocol (SSDP). Every network device must host a device description document so that other devices can examine it and determine properties, supported media types, and support for Windows Media DRM 10 for Network Devices,", "Network Discovery Tools Common uses of network discovery tools. From a hacker point of view, a network discovery tool is used to find a live host in a network. It is used to view the MAC address, Name of the computer, IP address & uptime. By using these tools a hacker can create an accurate map of the internal network. It is used to scan open ports on a target system.", "Introducing Microsoft Azure File Service We are excited to announce the preview of the Microsoft Azure File service. The Azure File service exposes file shares using the standard SMB 2.1 protocol. Applications running in Azure can now easily share files between VMs using standard and familiar file system APIs like ReadFile and WriteFile.", "File system A network file system is a file system that acts as a client for a remote file access protocol, providing access to files on a server. Programs using local interfaces can transparently create, manage and access hierarchical directories and files in remote network-connected computers.n a disk file system there is typically a master file directory, and a map of used and free data regions. Any file additions, changes, or removals require updating the directory and the used/free maps.", "- IBM InfoSphere Information Server is a market-leading data integration platform which includes a family of products that enable you to understand, cleanse, monitor, transform, and deliver data, as well as to collaborate to bridge the gap between business and IT.", "Java IO: File The File class in the Java IO API gives you access to the underlying file system. Using the File class you can: 1 Check if a file or directory exists. 2 Create a directory if it does not exist. 3 Read the length of a file. 4 Rename or move a file. 5 Delete a file. 6 Check if path is file or directory. 7 Read list of files in a directory.", "\"IBM Java for AIX HowTo: \"\"Error: Port Library failed to initialize\"\" Error with the IBM Java\" When using IBM Java for AIX, some customers have reported messages similar to: Error: Port Library failed to initialize: -125. Could not create the Java virtual machine. when attempting to start the IBM JVM (Java process). When this error occurs, neither the Java application or JVM (Java process) will start. This document provides step-by-step details to confirm and resolve the issue.", "- Based on 15 reviews. IBM Rational ClearQuest is a fully customizable database workflow application development and production system. It provides flexible change and defect tracking, customizable processes, near real-time reporting and lifecycle traceability for better visibility and control of the software development lifecycle.", "- IBM InfoSphere DataStage is an ETL tool and part of the IBM Information Platforms Solutions suite and IBM InfoSphere. It uses a graphical notation to construct data integration solutions and is available in various versions such as the Server Edition, the Enterprise Edition, and the MVS Edition.", "How to enable network discovery and file sharing Now, that your computer has become visible in your network, you can configure different sharing options. The first option in the Sharing and Discovery list of configuration settings is related to network discovery. You can turn it on and off, making your computer visible or invisible to other network devices. The next setting is about enabling or disabling file sharing.", "- Discovery and Description (Windows Embedded CE 6.0) Discovery is the process of a device announcing itself and finding devices through Universal Plug and Play (UPnP). This is done through Simple Service Discovery Protocol (SSDP).", "eDiscovery FAQ A: eDiscovery, or electronic discovery, is the process used by organizations to find, preserve, analyze, and package electronic content (often referred to as. eletronically stored information or ESI) for a legal request or investigation.", "IBM FileNet P8 Platform and Architecture Overview. IBM FileNet P8 Platform is a next-generation, unified enterprise foundation for the integrated IBM FileNet P8 products. It addresses the most demanding compliance, content and process management needs for your entire organization.", "ServiceNow Inventory Review Index. Introduction. ServiceNow is a SaaS IT Service Management platform. Their network discovery and inventory offering, ‘ServiceNow Discovery’, is specifically designed to populate the ServiceNow CMDB and populate downstream ITIL processes with network and asset data.", "How to fetch an image document from FileNet for a known Document ID Prerequisite: FileNet IDM Desktop should be installed in the client machine. Add fnnfo.tbl as reference from C:\\Program Files\\FileNet\\idm\\fnnfo.tbl. The Document object's GetCachedFile function is the best function to use for this purpose. It returns the path to the document after it is retrieved to the local cache.", "- - The Cisco Discovery Protocol is a Layer-2 protocol used to share data about other Cisco equipment that is directly connected nearby.", "- Clusters on an NTFS volume are numbered sequentially from the beginning of the partition into logical cluster numbers. NTFS stores all objects in the file system using a record called the Master File Table (MFT), similar in structure to a database.", "File Inbound Protocol Go to start of metadata. The WSO2 ESB file inbound protocol is a multi-tenant capable alternative to WSO2 ESB VFS transport. The ESB file inbound protocol uses the VFS transport to process files in a specified source directory. After processing the files, it moves them to a specified location or deletes them.", "Contents Introduced with Oracle ASM 11g Release 2, Oracle ASM Cluster File System (Oracle ACFS) is a general purpose POSIX compliant cluster file system implemented as part of Oracle Automatic Storage Management (Oracle ASM).", "Cisco and IBM extend VersaStack to hybrid cloud, software-defined storage Cisco and IBM extend VersaStack to hybrid cloud, software-defined storage. Cisco and IBM have extended their partnership to cater for hybrid cloud and software-defined storage through their joint VersaStack product. Cisco and IBM have announced a series of new solutions for their converged infrastructure VersaStack product to include software-defined storage and hybrid cloud capabilities.", "Datastage Vs. Shareplex Shareplex has easy configuration has medium learning curve (since queues get involved), IBM Data Mirror has much moving parts but easy to learn. Shareplex processes are tightly coupled. 5. One feature of Shareplex (they have it patented) is compare/repair. It can find out-of-sync table in replication and is very useful. I am unaware of any such feature in IBM Data Mirror/Goldengate (Oracle has Veridata, but it only compares data sets, not repair).", "- IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, New York 10598. Abstract. A three-dimensional finite difference model has been developed for the treat-. ment of saturated-unsaturated transient flow in small nonhomogeneous, anisotropic geologic. basins. The uniqueness of the model lies in its inclusion of the unsaturated zone in a basin. wide model that can also handle both confined and unconfined s•aturated aquifers, under. both natural and developed conditions. The integrated equation of flow is solved by the. line successive overrelaxation technique." ]
inherent legal definition
[ "inherent Definition of inherent. : involved in the constitution or essential character of something : belonging by nature or habit : intrinsic risks inherent in the venture." ]
[ "essential essential suggests that which is in the very essence or constitution of a thing: Quiet is essential in a public library. inherent means inborn or fixed from the beginning as a permanent quality or constituent of a thing: properties inherent in iron.", "expression Legal Definition of expression. 1 1 : an act, process, or instance of representing or conveying in words or some other medium : speech protected expression under the First Amendment. 2 2 : a mode or means of expressing an idea, opinion, or thought.", "Inherent Powers (Constitution) Law and Legal Definition In the American constitutional system, the existence of inherent powers has always been a contested point. Those opposed to the concept of inherent powers argue that the government and all its officers derive their authority from the Constitution, whose terms contain all the powers that the people intended to grant.", "Inherent Vice Law and Legal Definition Inherent Vice Law and Legal Definition. ‘Inherent vice’ is a hidden defect in a good or property which is causes or contributes to its deterioration, damage, or wastage. This characteristics or defects of inherent nature make the item an unacceptable risk to a carrier or insurer.", "Municipal Legal Dictionary. LAW, MUNICIPAL. Municipal law is defined by Mr. Justice Blackstone to be a rule of civil conduct prescribed by the supreme power in a state, commanding what is right and prohibiting what is wrong.. This definition has been criticised, and has been perhaps, justly considered imperfect.", "What is Accession? Legal Definition Property. The ownership of a thing, whether it be real or personal, movable or immovable, carries with it the right to all that the thing produces, and to all that becomes united to it, either naturally or artificially; this is called the right of accession.", "What is 'Inherent Risk' DEFINITION of 'Inherent Risk'. The risk posed by an error or omission in a financial statement due to a factor other than a failure of control. In a financial audit, inherent risk is most likely to occur when transactions are complex, or in situations that require a high degree of judgment in regards to financial estimates. This type of risk represents a worst-case scenario because all controls have failed.", "- Top definition. inherent. It is used to refer to something that exists to something else as an essential constituent. The frog is alive and respiration is inherent to that fact. #inherent#inherrent#inherrant#inherant#intrinsic#extrinsic. by Jonny3 September 07, 2006.", "History of atheism It is the inherent difficulty of their method that it must lead to unsubstantial results. History of the Intellectual Development of Europe, Volume II (of 2) John William Draper. The pragmatic thought is, nevertheless, inherent in any sign process.", "- Adj. 1. inherent-existing as an essential constituent or characteristic; the Ptolemaic system with its built-in concept of periodicity; a constitutional inability to tell the truth.built-in, inbuilt, integral, constitutional.nherent. 1 imminent, immanent-Imminent is about to happen and immanent is inherent or pervading the material world.. 2 intrinsic-Latin intrinsecus, on the inside, came to be the English intrinsic, inner, internal and inherent.. 3 proper-First meant inherent, intrinsic..", "Glossary An agreement to hold a carrier harmless with regard to a liability. Inherent Vice. An insurance term referring to any defect or other characteristic of a product that could result in damage to the product without external cause (for example, instability in a chemical that could cause it to explode spontaneously).t is forwarded with the shipment or sent by mail to the agent at the transfer point or waybill destination. Abbreviation is WB. Unlike a bill of lading, a waybill is NOT a document of title.", "inherent implicit in, underlying. implicit, inexplicit - implied though not directly expressed; inherent in the nature of something; an implicit agreement not to raise the subject; there was implicit criticism in his voice; anger was implicit in the argument; the oak is implicit in the acorn.", "Artificial boundary Artificial boundary in the Dictionary of Law consisting of Judicial Definitions and Explanations of Words, Phrases and Maxims. An object erected by man for designating the limit of an ownership in land; as, a post, a fence, or other monument. Note: This legal definition of Artificial boundary in the Dictionary of Law (English and American Jurisprudence) is from 1893.", "inherently The adverb inherently means in a natural or innate manner. Some people enjoy your inherently cheerful nature, but it drives other people crazy because they find you annoyingly perky. Inherently is the adverbial form of the adjective inherent. They both come from the Latin word inhaerere, meaning adhere to, with the root haerere meaning to stick.. Synonyms for inherently include intrinsically and essentially.", "- Inherent powers are powers that neither the national government nor any of the states can exercise. These powers are over and beyond those explicitly spelled out in the Co … nstitution and are only implied from express grants.Answered. In Literature & Language.s the free states and territories began to outnumber slave states, southern states began to propose that they had no obligation to observe the new laws abolishing slavery in new areas.", "Equitable interest Equitable interest - Equity. 1 Equity is a concept of rights distinct from legal (that is, common law) rights; it is (or, at least, it originated as) the body of principles constituting what is fair and right (natural law). [2] 2 Perhaps the most common example of an equitable interest is the interest of a beneficiary under a trust.", "Common law arising from the traditional and inherent authority of courts to define what the law is, even in the absence of an underlying statute or regulation. Examples include most criminal law and procedural law before the 20th century, and even today, most contract law and the law of torts.", "- changing the rock’s mineral composition. Each piece has the same characteristics as the original rock. Breaking a rock into smaller pieces increases the total surface area of the rock. Look at Figure 2. When rock is broken apart, more surface area is exposed to chemical weathering. In nature, three physical processes are especially", "Does anyone know what different types of meows mean? Best Answer: Learning Meow is like learning another language. You have to discern yourself what your cat is communicating without the aid of a translator. There are several sounds that are somewhat universal...broop is a friendly greeting.However, it is up to you to learn what your cat is trying to tell you.ou have to discern yourself what your cat is communicating without the aid of a translator. There are several sounds that are somewhat universal...broop is a friendly greeting. However, it is up to you to learn what your cat is trying to tell you.", "inherent 1 The problem … is inherent and perennial in any democracy, but it has been more severe in ours during the past quarter-century because of the near universal denigration of government, politics and politicians.— 2 Michael Kinsley, Time, 29 Oct. 2001. —Terry Eagleton, Harper's, March 2005. 2 The problem … is inherent and perennial in any democracy, but it has been more severe in ours during the past quarter-century because of the near universal denigration of government, politics and politicians.", "- Check us out on line at www.mamapassarelli.com Mama Passarelli's 24306 Roberts Drive Black Diamond, Wa 98010 360.886.2524 Mama's Cell 206.459.8477 In case you need an emergency food delivery. To begin, you have to first understand that the food is equally as outstanding as the family that owns and runs Mama's.", "equity In its broadest sense, equity is fairness. As a legal system, it is a body of law that addresses concerns that fall outside the jurisdiction of Common Law. Equity is also used to describe the money value of property in excess of claims, liens, or mortgages on the property. Equity in U.S. law can be traced to England, where it began as a response to the rigid procedures of England's law courts.", "Natural law Although natural law is often conflated with common law, the two are distinct. Common law is not based on inherent rights, but is the legal tradition whereby certain rights or values are legally recognized by virtue of already having judicial recognition or articulation.niversal law is the law of Nature. For there really is, as every one to some extent divines, a natural justice and injustice that is binding on all men, even on those who have no association or covenant with each other.", "- Freebase(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: Inherent risk, in a financial audit, measures the auditor's assessment of the likelihood that there are material misstatements due to error or fraud in segment before considering the effectiveness of internal control.", "AP Gov. Chapter Three Inherent Powers. The powers of the national government in the field of affairs that the Supreme Court has declared do not depend on constitutional grants but rather grow out of the very existence of the national government." ]
carbs withdrawal signs and symptoms
[ "Sugar Withdrawal Symptoms and Duration: What you can Expect Sugar Withdrawal Symptoms and Duration: What you can Expect. Sugar withdrawal symptoms vary and sugar withdrawal duration usually lasts between two and four weeks for most people. Tiredness, depression, flu symptoms, and irritability are common problems when you first give up eating sugar. Sugar does release opioids and dopamine, so some scientists believe it can be addictive." ]
[ "Benzodiazepine Withdrawal: What to Expect - How to Taper â How to Cope In addition to the more commonly experienced withdrawal symptoms from the list above, some people may experience one or more of the following:15. 1 Agoraphobia. 2 Tiredness and lethargy – heavy limbs. 3 Breathing problems or tightness in chest. Blurry vision, sore eyes, sensitivity to light or seeing spots.", "Morphine Withdrawal Symptoms and Signs, and Detoxification During morphine withdrawal, the onset of severe anxiety and restlessness is common. Physical withdrawal symptoms can also occur, including sweating, chills, tremors, goose bumps, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, muscle pain, bone pain, a runny nose, sneezing, and coughing. Insomnia can be another symptom of morphine withdrawal.", "Top 30 Doctor insights on: Robaxin Withdrawal Symptoms Withdrawal sxs occur: When sudden discontinuation of antidepressants occur. Symptoms may be physical and/or psychological and may include, dizziness, nausea, tremor, anxiety, crying, irritability, lack of focus, confusion and muscle aches to name a few.", "What the science says about every popular diet â and whether they can work for you Cutting out any of the food groups could leave you lacking nutrients, though. Some people on the diet have reported ketoacidosis, a condition with symptoms including bad breath, dry mouth, tiredness, dizziness, insomnia, nausea, and constipation.", "- Symptoms of Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome. In general, how severe alcohol withdrawal symptoms become depends on how much and for how long a person has been drinking. Minor alcohol withdrawal symptoms often appear 6 to 12 hours after a person stops drinking.Sometimes a person will still have a measurable blood alcohol level when symptoms start.These symptoms include: 1 Shaky hands. 2 Sweating. 3 Mild anxiety. 4 Nausea. 5 Vomiting. 6 Headache. 7 Insomnia.inor alcohol withdrawal symptoms often appear 6 to 12 hours after a person stops drinking. Sometimes a person will still have a measurable blood alcohol level when symptoms start. These symptoms include: 1 Shaky hands. 2 Sweating. 3 Mild anxiety. 4 Nausea. 5 Vomiting.", "Sugar Addiction Withdrawal Symptoms The symptoms of sugar withdrawal can include headaches, fatigue, depression, drowsiness, skin eruptions, and mucus or throat discomfort. Some of these symptoms, especially the mood swings, fatigue and drowsiness, can occur on a daily basis as the blood sugar rises and falls on a high-sugar diet.", "- 1 The withdrawal symptoms may manifest themselves in severe and intense cravings for sugary foods, or they may include more serious conditions such as headaches or nausea. 2 By gradually reducing your sugar intake over several weeks, you can greatly reduce the severity of these sorts of sugar withdrawal symptoms.", "Does a Low-Carb Diet Make You Tired? Not everyone thrives on such a diet, however. Carbohydrates are the body's primary source of fuel -- too few can mean your energy levels plummet. In addition to possible side effects such as constipation, headaches and weakness, you may also experience tiredness and fatigue.", "- CARBOHYDRATE ADDICTION. is NOT a matter of willpower, It's simply a matter of biology! When you correct the physical cause. of cravings, hunger, and weight gain, the struggle disappears. – in a matter of days!", "Module 2 - Diseases and Malfunctions, Course 1: Overactivity of the Intestinal Tract Steroid withdrawal symptoms can mimic many other medical problems. Weakness, fatigue, decreased appetite, weight loss, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea (which can lead to fluid and electrolyte abnormalities), and abdominal pain are common.teroid withdrawal symptoms can mimic many other medical problems. Weakness, fatigue, decreased appetite, weight loss, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea (which can lead to fluid and electrolyte abnormalities), and abdominal pain are common.", "Signs and Symptoms Withdrawal: As the effect of the alcohol or drugs wear off the person may experience symptoms such as: anxiety or jumpiness; shakiness or trembling; sweating, nausea and vomiting, insomnia, depression, irritability, fatigue or loss of appetite and headaches.", "Narcan If you are being treated for narcotic drug addiction, the expected symptoms of withdrawal would include: 1 feeling nervous, restless, or irritable; 2 body aches; 3 dizziness, weakness; 4 diarrhea, stomach pain, mild nausea; 5 fever, chills, goosebumps; or. 6 sneezing, runny nose.", "- Withdrawal symptoms reported include anxiety, insomnia, nausea, pain, sweating, vomiting, severe and repeated seizures, ataxia, nystagmus, fatigue and dizziness. *Subject to the limitation that inter-individual response could vary widely.", "- Not everyone quitting benzos will experience withdrawal symptoms and most people experience only a few, not the complete list of possible symptoms. Typical withdrawal symptoms include: 1 Sleeping problems. 2 Feeling anxious or tense. 3 Panic. 4 Depression. 5 Confusion. 6 Paranoia – thinking other people want to do you harm. 7 Feelings of disassociation. 8 Abnormal sensory perception (noises sound loud, colors seem odd, etc.).", "- The list of signs and symptoms mentioned in various sources for Hydrocodone withdrawal includes the 15 symptoms listed below: 1 Drug craving. Irritability.", "- Welcome to Volos. Once called ancient Iolkos, Volos was the mythic home of Jason and his band of Argonauts. These days, Volos is a large and bustling university city on the northern shores of the Pagasitikos Gulf, and its function as the gateway to the Pelion Peninsula or the Sporades draws travellers to the city.", "Carbohydrate Deficiency Diseases Prolonged deprivation leads to the symptoms and diseases connected with severe carbohydrate short fall. The symptoms include hypoglycemia, confusion, tremor, feverishness, giddiness, fatigue, distress, delirium, muscles atrophy, loss of muscle tissue and reduces stamina.ymptoms and manifestations of carbohydrate deficiency. Advertisement. Related topics: Protein deficiency diseases. Protein-energy malnutrition (PEM) . Vitamin deficiency diseases. Fat deficiency diseases. Mineral deficiency diseases. Popular topics: Beriberi disease.", "Oxycodone Withdrawal Symptoms and Risks Common Symptoms of Oxycodone Withdrawal. Withdrawal can be intense and similar to having the flu. Individuals may experience muscle aches, chills, sweats, nausea, stomach cramps, fever, vomiting, diarrhea, tremors, a runny nose, and headaches. Symptoms can appear within hours of the last dose.", "- Concerns. Although low-calorie, low-carb meals and snacks can help you shed unwanted pounds, not getting enough carbohydrates or calories can cause some negative side effects. These may include headaches, dizziness, constipation, weakness, fatigue, nausea and bad breath.", "- Some patients experience withdrawal symptoms that include the following: 1 Headaches and dizziness. 2 Tension and increased sweating. 3 Restlessness or irritability. Increased sensitivity to environment such as light and 1 sound. Stomach symptoms Nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea. Rapid heart rate and heart palpitations.", "- Symptoms of withdrawal from either illegal drugs or prescription medicines depend on the drug or combination of drugs. Common withdrawal symptoms include: 1 Abdominal pain. 2 Nausea and vomiting. 3 Drenching sweats. 4 Nervousness and shaking. 5 Seizures. 6 Death.", "Codeine When physical dependence has developed, withdrawal symptoms may occur if a person suddenly stops the medication. Withdrawal symptoms include: drug craving, runny nose, yawning, sweating, insomnia, weakness, stomach cramps, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, muscle spasms, chills, irritability, and pain.", "- Start Date: March 2011 (restart). I didn't really have any carb withdrawal symptoms. I may have had a headache on one of the first few days, but headaches aren't unusual for me, so I never attributed it to starting low carb.tart Date: March 2011 (restart). I didn't really have any carb withdrawal symptoms. I may have had a headache on one of the first few days, but headaches aren't unusual for me, so I never attributed it to starting low carb.", "Harry Potter Tour of Oxford Muggles Welcome! This Harry Potter tour of Oxford includes entry to at least two Oxford University buildings, although like any tour company, we cannot guarantee entrance. Where possible we will also visit Christ Church, for which the entry fee for this College is not included in the tour price.arry Potter Tour of Oxford. Finally, a good tour about Harry Potter in Oxford! Bring your wands, magical brooms and any other items, which we can’t directly mention for fear of getting sued by Warner Brothers…. Go inside the medieval Hogwarts Hospital with its images of beasts and biblical scenes.", "Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome alcohol withdrawal syndrome aws is the name for the symptoms that occur when a heavy drinker suddenly stops or significantly reduces their alcohol intake with aws you may experience a combination of physical and emotional symptoms from mild anxiety and fatigue to nausea" ]
is turmeric curcumin
[ "- Curcumin is the active ingredient in Turmeric. Curcumin is the yellow-orange pigment and the most important ingredient in turmeric. Curcumin has many clinical applications, particularly as a powerful, yet safe, anti-inflammatory agent. (2, 6) Curcumin is the most important active ingredient in turmeric, and makes up about 2-6% of the spice." ]
[ "Conditions... More Articles ». Lateral ankle sprains (i.e. going over on the outside of your ankle) are among the most common injuries that individuals experience during athletic or recreational activities. The most commonly injured ligament on the outside of the ankle is referred to as the anterior talofibular ligamental (ATFL).", "- Some studies have used an injectable form of curcumin, the active substance in turmeric, and not all studies agree. Finally, some of the studies show conflicting evidence. Turmeric is widely used in cooking and gives Indian curry its flavor and yellow color. It is also used in mustard and to color butter and cheese. Turmeric has been used in both Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine as an anti-inflammatory, to treat digestive and liver problems, skin diseases, and wounds. Curcumin is also a powerful antioxidant.", "- Turmeric is a spice from the root of the curcuma longa plant which is in the ginger family. It’s used as a spice, a dye, and as a medicine in many Southeast Asian cultures, especially in Ayurvedic medicine.It can be taken in many forms from capsules and liquids, powders like Organic Turmeric from Banyan Botanicals.urcumin (also known as curcuminoids or phenolic compounds) is the active ingredient in turmeric. The largest issue with curcumin products is its bioavailability. This refers to how much of the substance actually gets absorbed into your blood stream.", "Turmeric-spice For the most curcumin, be sure to use turmeric rather curry powder—a study analyzing curcumin content in 28 spice products described as turmeric or curry powders found that pure turmeric powder had the highest concentration of curcumin, averaging 3.14% by weight.urmeric has a peppery, warm and bitter flavor and a mild fragrance slightly reminiscent of orange and ginger, and while it is best known as one of the ingredients used to make curry, it also gives ballpark mustard its bright yellow color.", "Turmeric-spice Turmeric has a peppery, warm and bitter flavor and a mild fragrance slightly reminiscent of orange and ginger, and while it is best known as one of the ingredients used to make curry, it also gives ballpark mustard its bright yellow color.or the most curcumin, be sure to use turmeric rather curry powder—a study analyzing curcumin content in 28 spice products described as turmeric or curry powders found that pure turmeric powder had the highest concentration of curcumin, averaging 3.14% by weight.", "- There has been a great deal of research on turmeric's anti-cancer properties, but results are still very preliminary. Evidence from test tube and animal studies suggests that curcumin may help prevent or treat several types of cancers, including prostate, breast, skin, and colon cancer.", "What Is the Difference Between Curcumin & Turmeric? The two words are sometimes used interchangeably, but the technical difference between the two is that turmeric is the yellowish powder used to flavor foods, while curcumin is a chemical contained within turmeric.", "- 1. Turmeric Curcumin GOLD. The #1 rated turmeric supplement on Amazon is Turmeric Curcumin GOLD. Reviewers like that it has 95% curcuminoids, good bioavailability, is made in the USA, and is free of artificial ingredients, additives, and preservatives.", "- Curcumin, also known as Turmeric, is an extract taken from the root of a plant Curcuma Longa in the ginger family. Curcumin is known as an anti-oxidant, and helps to maintain a positive inflammation response with long term success.When combined with green tea, the... more...", "Side Effects of the Curcumin in Turmeric Photo Credit wyoosumran/iStock/Getty Images. Turmeric is a spice often used in Asian dishes, and the curcumin in the spice is what's made turmeric useful as an herbal supplement. Curcumin is an antioxidant with anti-inflammatory properties.", "- Curcumin is the plant polyphenol that gives turmeric its yellow hue and spicy flavor. It has anti-inflammatory properties and has been shown to inhibit the growth of mesothelioma cells from animal models in the laboratory.", "Turmeric vs. Curcumin - What's the Difference? The plant turmeric (Curcuma longa) is very well known in India. The root is harvested, cleaned, dried, and powdered to be used as a spice (turmeric gives curry its beautiful golden yellow color) and as a medicine. Traditionally, turmeric was used for nearly every health condition known-from smallpox to a sprained ankle.dditionally, curcumin is poorly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. While turmeric is excellent when used as a spice, a curcumin extract is a better choice for health benefits. As a separate, identifiable substance, curcumin was first isolated in 1815.", "What Is the Difference Between Curcumin & Turmeric? The distinctive color of turmeric is due to the high levels of curcumin it contains. Laboratory and animal studies have demonstrated that curcumin has potent anti-inflammatory and anti-tumor properties, reports an article published in 2007 in the medical journal Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology.", "How Does Turmeric Impact Hepatitis? Curcumin (Curcuma longa) is the source of the spice turmeric, and is used in curries and other spicy dishes from India, Asia and the Middle East. Curcumin is what gives the curry its characteristic bright yellow color and strong taste.", "The Benefits of Curcumin in Cancer Treatment 1 Curcumin—a derivative of turmeric, and the pigment that gives the curry spice turmeric its yellow-orange color—has been extensively researched. 2 Curcumin appears to be universally useful for just about every type of cancer, and has the most evidence-based literature supporting its use against cancer of any nutrient. Curcumin—a derivative of turmeric, and the pigment that gives the curry spice turmeric its yellow-orange color—has been extensively researched. 2 Curcumin appears to be universally useful for just about every type of cancer, and has the most evidence-based literature supporting its use against cancer of any nutrient.", "- Curcumin is the yellow-orange pigment and the most important ingredient in turmeric. Curcumin has many clinical applications, particularly as a powerful, yet safe, anti-inflammatory agent. Curcumin is the most important active ingredient in turmeric, and makes up about 2-6% of the spice.", "Bio-Curcumin with Ginger & Turmerones Advanced Bio-Curcumin® with Ginger & Turmerones. 30 softgels. Curcumin is an active compound derived from the Indian spice turmeric. It has been widely acclaimed for its diverse health-promoting effects on nearly every organ system in the body, including its support for the body’s natural inflammatory response system.", "Curcumin Curcumin, is an anti-inflammatory molecule in the turmeric root, a relative of ginger. Turmeric has been used for thousands of years as a medicinal preparation and a preservative and coloring agent in foods.urcumin, is an anti-inflammatory molecule in the turmeric root, a relative of ginger. Turmeric has been used for thousands of years as a medicinal preparation and a preservative and coloring agent in foods.", "Turmeric-spice For the most curcumin, be sure to use turmeric rather curry powder—a study analyzing curcumin content in 28 spice products described as turmeric or curry powders found that pure turmeric powder had the highest concentration of curcumin, averaging 3.14% by weight.", "Turmeric versus Curcumin. You can use turmeric as a spice and enjoy it for its flavor, but for health related use, you are much better off using the curcumin extract than turmeric[5],[6]. Advances in supplement technology, called lypo spheric technology, has produced a high quality bio-available curcumin -turmeric supplements.", "Curcumin Curcumin is the active ingredient of turmeric, and is also found in limited amounts in Ginger. It is a potent anti-inflammatory and cancer preventative molecule, and similar to Fish Oil it seems to be an effective metabolic syndrome band-aid. Black Pepper greatly enhances absorption.", "What Are the Differences Between Ginger and Turmeric? Turmeric Constituents and Effects. The active ingredient in turmeric is an antioxidant plant pigment called curcumin. Turmeric also contains a compound called zingiberene, which is found in its relative, ginger, as well.urmeric Features. Turmeric comes from the plant botanically known as Curcuma longa. Widely cultivated in Asia, India and China, turmeric features oblong leaves and funnel-shaped, dull-yellow flowers.", "You Asked: Should I Take Turmeric Supplements? But questions remain about how best to take the stuff. From teas and juices to capsule supplements, turmeric is popping up everywhere these days. And for good reason: Curcumin—a molecule found in turmeric that gives the root its distinctive orangey-yellow hue—appears to be a potent inflammation blocker.ut questions remain about how best to take the stuff. From teas and juices to capsule supplements, turmeric is popping up everywhere these days. And for good reason: Curcumin—a molecule found in turmeric that gives the root its distinctive orangey-yellow hue—appears to be a potent inflammation blocker.", "Curcumin Curcumin is a biologically active polyphenolic compound found in turmeric, a spice derived from the rhizomes of the plant Curcuma longa Linn. Commonly consumed in Asian countries, turmeric has been used for medicinal purposes for centuries. (More information)", "- Curcumin and Curcuminoids. Curcumin and curcuminoids are very closely related as Curcumin is the primary curcuminoid, or chemical compound found in the cherished Indian spice known as turmeric. Turmeric contains two other curcuminoids: desmethoxycurcumin and bis-desmethoxycurcumin.urmeric, Curcumin and Curcuminoids. The qualities and characteristics that belong to Curcumin and curcuminoids originate with turmeric, which has been used for thousands of years by the women of India externally as well as internally. Externally, turmeric is used to give them beautiful, blemish-free, ageless skin." ]
is rosemary oil good for back pain?
[ "Aromatherapy Aromatherapy. Treatment with essential oils can often help relieve the painful muscle spasms that contribute to back pain. Several of these--sage, rosemary, thyme, horsebalm and mountain dittany--are rich in thymol and carvacrol, compounds that help muscles relax." ]
[ "Live Your Best Life Peppermint Essential Oil. Great for: Soothing pain and inflammation. Peppermint oil is commonly used for cooking and as a beauty product ingredient. However, thanks to the presence of l-menthol, one of the best features of peppermint oil is its anti-inflammatory properties. This, when coupled with its natural pain reliving properties, make the oil perfect for the topical treatment of painful inflammation.", "Amazing Essential Oils for Chronic Pain Relief Spruce essential oil can also stimulate the adrenal glands, which offers a boost to the entire body. Lavender: One of the top favorites of essential oil enthusiasts for relaxation and pain relief, lavender is also one of the gentlest essential oils on the skin. It is traditionally used to treat headaches, tension, insomnia, muscle strain and various cramps.", "Rosemary Rosmarinus officinalis, commonly known as rosemary, is a woody, perennial herb with fragrant, evergreen, needle-like leaves and white, pink, purple, or blue flowers, native to the Mediterranean region.he leaves are used as a flavoring in foods such as stuffings and roast lamb, pork, chicken and turkey. It is native to the Mediterranean and Asia, but is reasonably hardy in cool climates. It can withstand droughts, surviving a severe lack of water for lengthy periods.", "Rosemary Is Good For Your Health Rosemary is a herb that is used for both culinary and medicinal purposes. The rosemary plant is native to the Mediterranean area, but it is found in other regions such as France and even as far south as South Africa.The plant itself is an evergreen and has leaves which resemble the needles of an evergreen tree.osemary is also an antispasmodic which means this herb can be used in different tonics or rubs and rubbed on the body to promote blood flow and ease muscular spasms. Rosemary can also be used to treat a variety of skin conditions such as eczema.", "What Are The Best Essential Oils For Pain? The oil will also aid the digestive system, therefore relieving many types of stomach discomfort. With the oil’s antiseptic properties it naturally help wounds heal. Lavender Essential Oil is used for painful conditions of migraine headaches, toothaches, sprains, nerve pain, back pain, and joint pain.", "Herbalism in Magic Rosemary has many uses in magic. Rosemary from one’s garden can be used in magic, but it is also found as incense and an essential oil. The primary associations of rosemary are: healing, protection, purification, love, strength, memory, stress relief, and mental clarity. Rosemary is associated with the Sun and with the zodiac sign of Leo. Thyme has numerous magical properties. It is available as an essential oil, it can be burned as incense and the leaves can be made into poultices and teas. Thyme’s associations include: healing, love, psychic knowledge and purification.", "Aromatherapy Alternately, you can add a few drops of the oil to a hot bath and soak for a while, inhaling the steamy vapors. Other compounds with potent muscle-relaxing action that can relieve back spasms are borneol and bornyl-acetate. Plants rich in these chemicals include cardamom, sage and rosemary.", "Top 7 Uses For Rosemary Oil Stress: The same actions that make rosemary essential oil so useful for memory and depression make it an excellent choice for managing stress and stress-related issues. It helps you to see things more clearly, and calms and relaxes the nerves.", "Edible Landscaping - Edible of the Month: Rosemary Rosemary is one of those Mediterranean herbs with a long and varied history. It has been used to cure a variety of ills, from baldness to gout. It is said to keep evil spirits away and help reform thieves. Rosemary is known as the herb of remembrance and is the symbol of fidelity and love.", "- 3. Lavender – this is probably the most famous essential oil for pain relief and relaxation. It has anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial and sedative properties and it helps to relieve muscle tension and spasms, joint pain and headache. Lavender is also one of my top 5 essential oils for allergy relief. 4. Eucalyptus – has analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. Good for muscle pain and nerve pain.", "ROSEMARY Oil is extracted from the leaf and used to make medicine. Rosemary is used for digestion problems, including heartburn, intestinal gas (flatulence), liver and gallbladder complaints, and loss of appetite. It is also used for gout, cough, headache, high blood pressure, and reducing age-related memory loss.", "What Is Rosemary Good For? To make your own rosemary-infused oil, place a sprig or two of completely dry rosemary leaves into a glass jar, top with olive oil, replace the lid, and shake lightly. Store in a warm, dark place for two weeks, strain, and then simply pour back into the glass jar.", "- Aside from its extract form, rosemary is used in cooking as a fresh or dried herb. Photo Credit rosemary image by Denis Plaster from Fotolia.com. Although the terms essential oil and extract are sometimes used interchangeably, they technically have different meanings.osemary provides your body with antioxidants when ingested, as in the case of rosemary extract. Antioxidants fight free radicals, which many experts believe are responsible for cancer and other diseases.", "ROSEMARY ROSEMARY Overview Information. Rosemary is an herb. Oil is extracted from the leaf and used to make medicine. Rosemary is used for digestion problems, including heartburn, intestinal gas (flatulence), liver and gallbladder complaints, and loss of appetite. It is also used for gout, cough, headache, high blood pressure, and reducing age-related memory loss.", "Rosemary Leaf Herb Profile Uses of Rosemary. Rosemary can be infused into an oil and used externally for skin irritations like eczema and joint problems like arthritis. It has also been reported to speed healing of wounds and bruises when used externally.", "Reducing Inflammation, Body Aches and Pains with Essential Oils Cypress – venous blood decongestant. Eucalyptus – good relief of muscular aches and pains and neuralgia. Marjoram, Sweet – good for muscle spasms , sprains, and tired or stiff muscles. Peppermint – wonderful for reducing pain and inflammation, while being refreshing and uplifting. Useful for headaches while soothing tensions. Thyme – recommended for rheumatic pain and arthritis, as well as sports injuries.", "Neck and Shoulder Pain Relief A soothing warm bath with essential oils is also just the thing to relax tight, tense muscles in the shoulders and upper back. Roman chamomile, black pepper, clary sage, lavender, rose, sandalwood, sweet marjoram, sweet thyme, rosemary and vetiver are all oils that can be used to ease muscular aches and pains.assage is a time-honored treatment for relieving tight and tense muscles, and by including the correct essential oils it can bring instant relief to the tension knots and muscle spasms associated with neck and shoulder pain.", "- I had to transplant them the 2nd year and they survived that too. I made a double-infused rosemary oil for rheumatism. (Olive oil, lots of rosemary leaves & stems, casserole dish, 200F oven, 2 hrs; then strain & repeat with more rosemary) You can also cook with rosemary oil but I would not double-infuse for cooking.", "Aromatherapy Essential Oils Useful for Back Pain. For muscular fatigue: lavender, marjoram, rosemary, clary sage. For acute pain: black pepper or ginger, birch. Caution: Never to ingest an essential oil. Even small quantities of some oils, on the order of a single teaspoon, can be fatal.", "Reducing Inflammation, Body Aches and Pains with Essential Oils Anise, Sweet Basil, Black Pepper, Clove, Coriander, Cypress, Eucalyptus, Geranium, German Chamomile, Ginger, Helichrysum, Juniper, Marjoram-Sweet, Niaouli, Nutmeg, Peppermint, Pine, Rosemary, Sage and Thyme. Lavender – good for general pain relief, reduces inflammation, minor burns, and sunburn, just to name a few.", "Soothe back pain naturally with various essential oils The best form of aromatherapy for back pain is a massage using essential oils. Simply mix a couple of drops of your chosen oil with a carrier oil and arrange to have a professional masseur or aromatherapist massage your back for you. This serves to increase circulation and to relieve the aching and tightness.", "Top 7 Uses For Rosemary Oil Rosemary oil is one of the most useful of all the essential oils for a number of health and beauty uses. If you don’t currently own any rosemary oil, I suggest you take a look at Eden’s Garden Rosemary Oil which can be found on Amazon.", "- Ibuprofen was one of the original non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and is available without a prescription. For patients with back problems, ibuprofen is most commonly recommended to relieve mild or moderate back pain, tenderness, inflammation, and stiffness.ecause most episodes of back pain have inflammation as a contributing factor, anti-inflammatory medication such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) is often an effective pain medication treatment option.", "- This problem is more severe in the US and in parts of Europe. Chemicals in drinking water Chemicals in water can be both naturally occurring or introduced by human interference and can have serious health effects.", "- Sweet marjoram – has sedative properties. Helps to relieve muscle pain and spasms, stiffness, rheumatism, osteoarthritis and migraine. 3. Lavender – this is probably the most famous essential oil for pain relief and relaxation. It has anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial and sedative properties and it helps to relieve muscle tension and spasms, joint pain and headache. Lavender is also one of my top 5 essential oils for allergy relief. 4. Eucalyptus – has analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. Good for muscle pain and nerve pain." ]
what are setbacks in zoning
[ "Setback (land use) Setbacks are generally set in municipal ordinances or zoning. Setbacks along state, provincial, or federal highways may also be set in the laws of the state or province, or the federal government. Homes usually have a setback from the property boundary, so that they cannot be placed close together." ]
[ "DEFINITION of 'Zoning Ordinance' BREAKING DOWN 'Zoning Ordinance'. Zoning consists of dividing a particular region of land into districts or zones and specifying the types of land uses that are allowed and prohibited for each zone. This is performed by a municipal corporation or county and is typically specific to certain city regions.", "Zoning Zoning describes the control by authority which designates legal areas in a municipality to permit and prohibit land uses. Zoning may specify a variety of outright and conditional uses of land. It may also indicate the size and dimensions of land area as well as the form and scale of buildings. These guidelines are set in order to guide urban growth and development.", "How Can Zoning Protect Land Values? Supply and Demand. In a developed area with defined boundaries and a stable or growing population, zoning will protect and promote property values because growth will be limited to what the zoning allows. The greater the area is already developed relative to what the zoning allows, the less new growth will be permitted.", "About Zoning Zoning is the language of the physical city. It aims to promote an orderly pattern of development and to separate incompatible land uses, such as industrial uses and homes, to ensure a pleasant environment. The Zoning Resolution is a legal instrument to regulate and establish limits on the use of land and building size, shape, height, and setback.", "Zoning Zoning is the chief planning tool of local government to guide the future development of a community, protect neighborhoods, concentrate retail business and industry, channel traffic, and play a major role in the enhancement of urban as well as small-town life.", "Setback Setbacks form boundaries by establishing an exact distance from a fixed point, such as a property line or an adjacent structure, within which building is prohibited. Generally, prospective buyers learn that land is subject to setback provisions when they are considering purchasing it.", "Exclusionary zoning Exclusionary zoning is the utilization of zoning ordinances to exclude certain types of people from a given community. This mechanism began gaining prominence in land-use regulations throughout the United States in the late 19th century.iven the increased utilization of exclusionary zoning, the United States federal government finally addressed the issue with the enactment of the Standard State Zoning Enabling Act of 1922. This legislation established the institutional framework for zoning ordinances.", "- The earliest dinosaurs and mammals date back to the late Triassic period, about 225 million years ago. Most of the first Triassic dinosaurs were small and quick meat-eaters that walked on their hind legs. By the end of the Triassic period (about 20 million years ago), larger prosauropods (20-foot-long plant-eating dinosaurs) were beginning to appear. The Jurassic period began about 200 million years ago and lasted about 55 million years. Many new types of dinosaurs, mammals, and reptiles emerged during the Jurassic, including the plated dinosaurs and the sauropods heavy, long-necked dinosaurs that walked on four legs.", "- A variance is the relief from the terms of a zoning by-law where a proposed use or structure does not conform exactly to the zoning by-law. The Committee of Adjustment can also approve the expansion of a legal non-conforming use and similar uses.", "- Zoning is a power granted to municipalities by the State in order to promote public health, safety, morals, or general welfare, and to protect and preserve places and areas of historical, cultural, or architectural importance and significance.", "About Zoning Zoning is the language of the physical city. It aims to promote an orderly pattern of development and to separate incompatible land uses, such as industrial uses and homes, to ensure a pleasant environment. The Zoning Resolution is a legal instrument to regulate and establish limits on the use of land and building size, shape, height, and setback. The current Zoning Resolution was adopted on December 15, 1961 to apply citywide.", "What is Zoning? What is Zoning? Zoning is a system of land use regulation that controls the physical development of land. It is a legal mechanism by which local government is able to regulate an owner’s right to use privately owned land for the sake of protecting the public health, safety or general welfare. Land is mapped into different zones with the primary purpose of promoting compatible land uses and to separate incompatible uses.", "Zoning Single-use zoning, also known as Euclidean zoning, is a tool of urban planning that controls land uses in a city. The earliest forms of single-use zoning were practiced in New York city in the early 1900s, to guide its rapid population growth from immigration. Land uses were divided into residential, commercial and industrial areas, now referred to as zones or zoning districts in cities.", "-  Setbacks may be added to or included within. any buffers required by other regulations.  Setback requirements vary depending on how. the land is zoned.  Maintain a 5 foot setback to buildings from any. drainage easement line and a ten foot setback. from the any drainage structure, whichever is.", "Zoning, Special Exception & Variance Info For example, single family homes are permitted by right in single family zoning districts. Uses permitted by special exception require a review by the Board of Adjustment. A special exception is a tool cities use to consider a proposed land use on a case-by-case basis.", "- Zoning ordinances and deed restrictions. may be imposed on the same geographical. area. In case of conflict, the more. restrictive of the two prevails. held that a 2.7 percent rate of violations. of a deed restriction does not amount to. an abandonment or waiver.", "- Front Yard Setback. from Zoning By-law No. 569-2013, Chapter 800 (2013) by City of Toronto, Canada. Front Yard Setback means a horizontal distance on a lot measured at a right angle from the front lot line to the nearest main wall of a building or structure.", "Zoning Single-use zoning, also known as Euclidean zoning, is a tool of urban planning that controls land uses in a city. The earliest forms of single-use zoning were practiced in New York city in the early 1900s, to guide its rapid population growth from immigration.", "Setback (land use) (October 2009). In land use, a setback is the distance which a building or other structure is set back from a street or road, a river or other stream, a shore or flood plain, or any other place which is deemed to need protection.October 2009). In land use, a setback is the distance which a building or other structure is set back from a street or road, a river or other stream, a shore or flood plain, or any other place which is deemed to need protection.", "- WHAT IS ZONING? Zoning is the way the governments control the physical development of land and the kinds of uses to which each individual property may be put. Zoning laws typically specify the areas in which residential, industrial, recreational or commercial activities may take place. For example, an R-1 residential zone might allow only single-family detached homes as opposed to duplexes or apartment complexes.", "- Locations of Building Setback Lines. A building setback or building setback line on a survey, site plan or plat in regards to land development is the distance the building is setback from a street, alley, property line or road.", "Zoning in the United States Most zoning systems have a procedure for granting variances (exceptions to the zoning rules), usually because of some perceived hardship due to the particular nature of the property in question. If the variance is not warranted, then it may cause an allegation of spot zoning to arise.", "Zoning Board of Adjustment Frequently Asked Questions A special exception is a use of land or buildings that is permitted, subject to specific conditions that are set forth in the ordinance. A variance is a waiver or relaxation of particular requirements of an ordinance when strict enforcement would cause undue hardship because of circumstances unique to the property.", "- Setback is the amount each course of wall steps back into the slope. Each block system has one or a range of possible setbacks, varying from zero to 1-1/4 in. per row. Sometimes you don't want much setback, especially where a wall meets the corner of a house.", "- Building and Zoning Violations. Guide to Building & Zoning Violations. It is an unfortunate, but important fact that most homes in South Florida have existing building and zoning violations. The Seller may or may not be aware of them and may or may not be hiding them." ]
what is a cleric
[ "Cleric Cleric. A person who has been legitimately received into the ranks of the clergy. By clergy in the strict sense is meant the entire ecclesiastical hierarchy. Consequently a cleric is one who belongs in some sense to the hierarchy.hile cleric in its strict sense means one who has received the ecclesiastical tonsure, yet in general sense it is also employed in canon law for all to whom clerical privileges have been extended. Such are the members of religious orders: Monks and nuns, and even lay brothers and novices." ]
[ "rector Definition of rector for English Language Learners. : 1 a priest or minister who is in charge of a church or parish. : 2 a person who is in charge of a university or school.", "- 1 A petty cash fund is even more important for…. 2 6 Safety Tips for Visiting Cambodia While Southeast Asia enjoys a reputation for being a very safe region of the world to visit, despite occasional petty crimes, Cambodia has a bit of a darker reputation.", "Telephone directory A telephone directory may also provide instructions: how to use the telephone service, how to dial a particular number, be it local or international, what numbers to access important and emergency services, utilities, hospitals, doctors, and organizations who can provide support in times of crisis.", "minister A person serving as an agent for another by carrying out specified orders or functions. v. min·is·tered, min·is·ter·ing, min·is·ters. v. intr. 1. To attend to the wants and needs of others: Volunteers ministered to the homeless after the flood. See Synonyms at tend 2. 2. To perform the functions of a cleric. v. tr.. a person acting as the agent or instrument of another. 6. to perform the functions of a religious minister. 7. to give service, care, or aid: to minister to the hungry.", "Cabinet Card Photos Photographs - What Are They? The Cabinet Card photographer also documented Victorians in the out of doors, such as in a parade on a decorated float. The new magnificent Victorian architecture and buildings were also photographed including civic buildings, schools, churches.", "Professor Professor (commonly abbreviated as Prof.) is an academic rank at universities and other post-secondary education and research institutions in most countries. Literally, professor derives from Latin as a person who professes being usually an expert in arts or sciences, a teacher of the highest rank.", "Bard A bard is a minstrel who acts as an assassin, spy or saboteur. It is also one of the specializations available for the rogue class in Dragon Age: Origins. A bard must know history so she does not repeat it. She tells the tales but is never part of them.", "sacrament Sacraments are important holy events to members of that religion. Different religions recognize different sacraments. If you're a Protestant, you might attend a baptism, yet if you're Roman Catholic, you would include confirmation and matrimony among the various ceremonies you attend. Usually a holy person like a priest or minister needs to perform a sacrament. A less religious definition of this word is to think of a sacrament as something that is sacred or mysterious: a serious baseball fan might think of visiting Fenway Park as a sacrament.", "- Definition of divinity. plural. divinities. 1 : theology. 2 : the quality or state of being divine. 3 often capitalized : a divine being: such asa : god 1b (1) : god 2 (2) : goddess. 4 : fudge made of whipped egg whites, sugar, and nuts.", "Bishop A bishop (English derivation from the New Testament of the Christian Bible Greek ἐπίσκοπος, epískopos, overseer, guardian) is an ordained, consecrated, or appointed member of the Christian clergy who is generally entrusted with a position of authority and oversight.", "shaman A shaman is a tribal healer who can act as a medium between the visible world and the spirit world. Shamans are kind of a mix between priests and doctors. Like a priest, a shaman is a holy man who represents a religion — in this case, shamanism. Like a doctor, a shaman heals people — or at least claims to do so. If you're not into shamanism, you can use this term more generally: A really good teacher, especially one who works a little mysteriously, might be said to work like a shaman.", "What is Theology? In short, theology is a set of intellectual and emotional commitments, justified or not, about God and man which dictate ones beliefs and actions. Neither the word itself is irrelevant, nor the concepts which it seeks to articulate. It is the first pursuit of knowledge and wisdom.", "Cleric (character class) (December 2009). The Cleric, Priest, or Bishop is a character class in Dungeons & Dragons and other fantasy role-playing games. The cleric is a healer, usually a priest and a holy warrior, originally modeled on or inspired by the Military Orders. In Dragon Nest, The Cleric is one of the five classes that a player may choose at the start of the game. 2 The Cleric's role in the game is mainly to support its party, as it possesses skills that heal and buff team mates. 3 Their role further branches out to Paladins and Priests, available as secondary classes at level 15.", "What is a Shaman? A shaman is a healer who moves into an altered state of consciousness to access a hidden reality in the spirit world for purposes of bringing back healing, power, and information.", "Clergy In Christianity the specific names and roles of clergy vary by denomination and there is a wide range of formal and informal clergy positions, including deacons, elders, priests, bishops, preachers, pastors, ministers and the Pope.", "Caliph The Caliph Arabic: خليفة /khalīfah/ is the Head of state in a Caliphate, and the title for the leader of the Islamic Ummah, an Islamic community ruled by the Shari'ah. It is a transliterated version of the Arab word which means successor or representative.", "Definitions &Translations Princeton's WordNet(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: 1 curate, minister of religion, minister, parson, pastor, rector(noun) a person authorized to conduct religious worship. 2 minister, government minister(noun) a person appointed to a high office in the government.", "Vicar A vicar (/ˈvɪkər/ ; Latin: vicarius) is a representative, deputy or substitute; anyone acting in the person of or agent for a superior (compare vicarious in the sense of at second hand). Linguistically, vicar is cognate with the English prefix vice, similarly meaning deputy.. vicar forane, also known as an archpriest or dean, is a priest entrusted by the bishop with a certain degree of leadership in a territorial division of a diocese or a pastoral region known as a vicarate forane or a deanery.", "chaplain Definition of chaplain. 1 1 : a clergyman in charge of a chapel. 2 2 : a clergyman officially attached to a branch of the military, to an institution, or to a family or court. 3 3 : a person chosen to conduct religious exercises (as at a meeting of a club or society) 4 : a clergyman appointed to assist a bishop (as at a liturgical function)", "- Diocese. dī′ō-sēs, n. the circuit or extent of a bishop's jurisdiction.—adj. Diocesan (dī-os′es-an, or dī′ō-sē-san), pertaining to a diocese.—n. a bishop as regards his diocese: one of the clergy in the diocese.", "- cleric - definition and synonyms. Close. 90% of the time, speakers of English use just 7,500 words in speech and writing. These words appear in red, and are graded with stars. One-star words are frequent, two-star words are more frequent, and three-star words are the most frequent. Close. The thesaurus of synonyms and related words is fully integrated into the dictionary. Click on the thesaurus category heading under the button in an entry to see the synonyms and related words for that meaning.", "- A cathedral is a church which is also the seat, in the bureaucratic sense more than the literal sense, of a bishop (or, in some denominations, another comparably high-ranking ecclesiastical figure). You therefore ordinarily see just one cathedral per denomination per city.", "Cleric Original D&D. Clerics contribute to a party with support magic and melee staying power. They are noted as having several of the advantages of fighting-men and magic-users. The cleric class in this edition also contains the so-called anti-cleric, who casts the reverse form of several of the spells, and who has different level titles. Prime Requisite Edit Wisdom is the prime requisite for clerics.", "shaman n. pl. sha·mans. A member of certain traditional societies, especially of northern Asia and of North and South America, who acts as a medium between the visible world and an invisible spirit world and who practices magic or sorcery for purposes of healing, divination, and control over natural events.", "- In turn, the source of the Latin word is from the Ecclesiastical Greek Clericus, meaning appertaining to an inheritance, in reference to the fact that the Levitical priests of the Old Testament had no inheritance except the Lord." ]
what files do dvd players read
[ "- DVD-RW is a re-recordable format similar to CD-RW or DVD+RW. The data on a DVD-RW disc can be erased and recorded over numerous times without damaging the medium. DVDs created by a -R/-RW device can be read by most commercial DVD-ROM players." ]
[ "Closed captioning NTSC DVDs may carry closed captions in data packets of the MPEG-2 video streams inside of the Video-TS folder. Once played out of the analog outputs of a set top DVD player, the caption data is converted to the Line 21 format.", "Inside DVD-Video/Directory Structure The latter will have nothing in it; it is part of the structure of DVD-Audio discs, which never seemed to become very popular, details of which are not publicly-known. Inside the VIDEO_TS directory, you will see a bunch of files with names ending in .IFO, .BUP and .VOB. The (typically large) .VOB files contain the actual MPEG-format content, while the (much smaller) .IFO (“info”) files contain information about the menu and title structure.", "How Long Do CDs, DVDs, and Tapes Last? Its not uncommon to find a DVD player that can only read CDs because the DVD laser died and the CD laser is still going strong. Cheap DVD players typically only last 6-24 months, while the better-made units can go on for 5 or more years. The solution here is to try a better or newer player or drive.", "- A Data DVD is not a DVD Video; it will not play in a set top DVD player. Data DVDs work just like a CD-Rom. They are a storage medium for storing files just like a CD. The only difference is they hold more information than a CD would. Data DVDs work with computers like CD-Roms do. However your computer needs to have a DVD-Rom disk drive to read our Data DVDs.", "- The DVD format is based on the MPEG-2 video compression standard for video and the PCM and Dolby Digital compression standards for audio. Those .VOD files are fundamentally .mpeg (or .mpg) files. However, there are DVD players that can play additional formats as well, such MPEG-4, part 2 and MPEG-1. You will need to check the specifications of the player for a full list.", "DVD formats 1 Once recorded and finalized it can be played by most DVD-ROM players. 2 DVD-RW: can record up to 4.7 GB in a similar fashion to a CD-RW disc. 3 DVD-R DL: a derivative of DVD-R that uses double-layer recordable discs to store up to 8.5 GB of data.", "- Older devices like CD and DVD players cannot read Blu-ray media because their lasers are not fixed to the proper wavelength of light to read the information on the discs. I hope this article has been helpful in explaining the idea of backwards compatibility as it relates to optical media.", "How DVD Players Work A DVD player is very similar to a CD player, with a laser assembly that shines the laser beam onto the surface of the disc to read the pattern of bumps (see How CDs Work for details). The DVD player decodes the MPEG-2 encoded movie, turning it into a standard composite video signal (see How Television Works for details).", "DVDs and DVD Players - The Basics CD stands for Compact Disc. This is often used to store data like pictures and music. DVD Stands for Digital Versatile Disc. This is often used to store video files and yo…u would often find that this kind of disc is used to playback movies on a DVD player.", "DVD recordable DVD optical disc formats that can be recorded by a DVD recorder, (written, burned), either write once or rewritable (write multiple times) format written by laser, as compared to DVD-ROM, which is mass-produced by pressing, primarily for the distribution of home video.", "group Definition of group for Students. 1 1 : a number of persons or things considered as a unit. 2 2 : a number of persons or things that are considered related in some way an age group a food group. 3 3 : a small band a rock group.", "Why am I having trouble playing a DVD on my computer? If you see an error from Windows Media Player that says compatible DVD decoder not installed, this means that a plugin (called an mpeg-2 decoder) needed to play DVDs is not installed. The Windows Media Player plugin is sold for a fee. However, the VLC Player program, available free of charge, will enable you to play DVDs or any type of video file. We recommend downloading this software from www.videolan.org in order to play DVDs on your computer.", "Windows Tools, Help & Guides But… since most people use just a few of the CD/DVD formats, we’ll cover just those. The most common formats are generically known as CD-ROM, DVD-ROM, CD-R, CD-RW, DVD-R, DVD+R, DVD-RW, CD-Audio, DVD-Video, and the newer HD DVD and Blu-ray discs.", "- DVD stands for Digital Versatile Disc. A DVD stores its audio and video in MPEG-2 format. A DVD player or a computer equipped with a DVD drive is required to play DVDs. A DVD holds significantly more data than a CD (including a VCD). A two hour movie that requires 2 VCDs can be recorded only on one DVD. The movies on DVD have a 200% sharper picture and far better sound quality than VCDs.", "Q: CD-DVD RW drive will not play Blu-Ray dvd's So i have a relatively new computer built by I-Power that came equipped with a cd-dvdrw drive that will not play Blu-Ray dvd's. According to all the info from device manager options say the device is working properly, and all drivers are as up to date as are possible.", "- Most DVD Players support playing DL DVD-R, DVD±R/RW, DVD, CD-R/RW, MP3, JPEG, however different plays have their special features. You need to introduce us what DVD player you have and then we can show you the detailed video formats.", "Beginnerâs Guide to Buying DVD Media DVD-RW Media: DVD ReWritable. A rewritable DVD format that is similar to DVD+RW, but its capability to work as a random access device is not as good as that of the +RW. DVD-RW has a read-write capacity of 4.7 GB. DVD+R Media: Short for DVD+Recordable, a recordable DVD format similar to a CD-R. A DVD+R can only record data once and then the data becomes permanent on the disc. The disc can not be recorded onto a second time. DVD+R and DVD+RW formats are supported by Philips, Sony, Hewlett-Packard, Dell, Ricoh, Yamaha and others.", "DVD-Video DVD-Video is a consumer video format used to store digital video on DVD discs, and as of 2003 is the dominant consumer video format in Asia, North America, Europe, and Australia. Discs using the DVD-Video specification require a DVD drive and an MPEG-2 decoder (e. g., a DVD player, or a computer DVD drive with a software DVD player). Commercial DVD movies are encoded using a combination MPEG-2 compressed video and audio of varying formats (often multi-channel formats as described below).", "- You need to have the MP4 video on a disk for the DVD player to read it. Decide on if you want to burn a CD or a DVD. This may all depend on the size of the MP4 video file. If the MP4 video is larger than 700 megabytes you need to go with a DVD (700 megabytes is as much as a CD can hold).", "- Actual study. population. (study sample. successfully. enrolled) **The source population may be defined directly, as a matter of defining its membership criteria; or the. definition may be indirect, as the catchment population of a defined way of identifying cases of the illness.", "Why will windows media player not play my dvds?? Windows Media Player can only play DVD's if you already have other software installed that can play DVD's. The easiest and cheapest solution to playing DVD's without buying extra software or trawling the internet for plugins is to download a free media player program called VLC (www.getvlc.com).", "- A: DVDs will play on all existing Blu-ray players (with 1080p upconversion via HDMI in most cases); most current players will play DVD-R/RW recordable discs as well. Some early models lacked the ability to play CDs, but virtually all current models support CD playback (including homemade CD-Rs and CD-RWs).", "Opening MSDVD files The .msdvd file extension is most commonly associated with the Windows DVD Maker software. These files contain tags that define the title of a DVD, the media content, menu, button names and other DVD information. The Windows DVD Maker software is included with Windows Vista versions 7 and later.The MSDVD files are stored in the XML file format.hese files contain tags that define the title of a DVD, the media content, menu, button names and other DVD information. The Windows DVD Maker software is included with Windows Vista versions 7 and later. The MSDVD files are stored in the XML file format.", "- Why can’t all DVD devices read CD-R and CD-RW discs? DVD format specifications deal with elements of disc design and not the hardware that reads them. As a result, DVD device manufacturers are free to incorporate whatever features they like into their products, including deciding which types of discs are supported.", "- I bought a dvd cleaning disk, and ran it a few t... My magnavox DVD player on my flat screen dvd combo wouldn t play DVDs for a while, just read them. I bought a dvd cleaning disk, and ran it a few times, and now the message playback feature may not be available on this disc.. Appears after it reads it for a minute or two." ]
integrated dna technology
[ "Integrated DNA Technologies Research and diagnostics life sciences market. Products. Integrated DNA Technologies, Inc. (IDT), headquartered in Coralville, Iowa, is the world's largest supplier of custom nucleic acids, serving the areas of academic research, biotechnology, clinical diagnostics, and pharmaceutical development." ]
[ "Navigant Credit Union Selects DNA from Fiserv Navigant Credit Union Selects DNA from Fiserv. Second largest credit union in Rhode Island chooses the collaborative DNA platform for its flexibility and efficiency to quickly adapt to changing member needs. Navigant's strong relationship with Fiserv and innovative nature of DNA were key factors in the credit union's decision. Navigant Credit Union to complement DNA with integrated suite of Fiserv solutions for payment processing, CRM, business intelligence, loan origination and interactive voice response.", "- Recombinant DNA technology enables individual fragments of DNA from any genome to be inserted into vector DNA molecules, such as plasmids, and individually amplified in bacteria. Each amplified fragment is called a DNA clone.he vector molecules with their inserts are called recombinant DNA because they consist of novel combinations of DNA from the donor genome (which can be from any organism) with vector DNA from a completely different source (generally a bacterial plasmid or a virus).", "Human Insulin and Recombinant DNA Technology To treat the diabetic patient researchers produced Humulin using recombinant DNA technology by inserting human insulin gene into a vector (E. coli).... Introduction: Impaired insulin production in the beta cells of pancreas leads to the condition known as Diabetes Miletus.", "- To treat the disease of diabetes, insulin is produced using recombinant DNA technology. It is now possible to produce insulin in the laboratory which is similar to the human insulin produced by pancreas.", "- One such technology is called Touch DNA or Contact Trace DNA. Touch DNA refers to the DNA that is recovered from skin (epithelial) cells that is left behind when a person touches or comes into contact with items such as clothes, a weapon, or other objects. A person sheds about 400,000 skin cells per day, but it is the lower skin cells that will provide the best DNA profile.", "- LabCorp provides leading-edge medical laboratory tests and services through a national network of primary clinical laboratories and specialized Centers of Excellence. At LabCorp, the work you do will be challenging and the opportunities available to you are endless. LabCorp offers forensic and DNA identity services, including mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequencing and PCR technologies for positive identification. 2 LabCorp provides clinical trial services that help support drug development programs. 3 LabCorp performs over a million tests per day.", "Protein:DNA Interactions Study protein-DNA interactions with the power of the HaloTag® protein fusion tag for functional protein analysis. The HaloCHIP™ System takes advantage of the HaloTag® fused to the protein of interest, mediating a covalent interaction with various ligands, such as HaloLink™ Resin. Or employ a gel shift/electrophoretic mobility shift assay for simple rapid detection of DNA-protein binding.", "- DNA sequencing. DNA sequencing is technology that allows researchers to determine the order of bases in a DNA sequence. The technology can be used to determine the order of bases in genes, chromosomes, or an entire genome.", "Integrated DNA Technologies Joseph Walder, M.D., Ph.D. (Northwestern University), founded Integrated DNA Technologies, Inc. in 1987 through a partnership with Baxter Healthcare Corporation at the University of Iowa Technology Innovation Center business incubator.", "ADVANCING JUSTICE THROUGH DNA TECHNOLOGY: USING DNA TO SOLVE CRIMES The President’s initiative will provide significant support to public crime labs so that these labs can update their infrastructure, automate their DNA analysis procedures, and improve their retention and storage of forensic evidence. 1 The initiative calls for $60 million in FY 2004 funding, which will be dedicated to:", "The FBI Is Very Excited About This Machine That Can Scan Your DNA in 90 Minutes Rapid-DNA technology makes it easier than ever to grab and store your genetic profile. G-men, cops, and Homeland Security can't wait to see it everywhere. Robert Schueren shook my hand firmly, handed me his business card, and flipped it over, revealing a short list of letters and numbers.", "- BY: Amna Adnan | Category: Genetics | Submitted: 2010-08-18 19:30:51. Article Summary: Recombinant DNA technology is an important technique of biotech because it can be applied in medicine, agriculture and genetics. Many diseases can be treated with this technology and new hormones can also be produced....", "- DNA Paternity Testing From DNA Diagnostics Center. DDC is one of the largest DNA testing companies in the world. Founded in 1995, DDC offers comprehensive DNA testing services for paternity and other family relationships. DDC performs over 600,000 DNA tests annually.", "DNA sequencing DNA nanoball sequencing is a type of high throughput sequencing technology used to determine the entire genomic sequence of an organism. The company Complete Genomics uses this technology to sequence samples submitted by independent researchers.", "DNA Technology DNA Technology. genetic genes gene sequence. DNA technology has revolutionized modern science. Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), or an organism's genetic material—inherited from one generation to the next—holds many clues that have unlocked some of the mysteries behind human behavior, disease, evolution, and aging.", "Experts in AABB Accredited Immigration DNA Testing AABB Accredited, Genegle Biotechnology specializes in Immigration DNA Testing. Each year, over ten thousand families trust Genegle with precious moments in their life. And we never disappoint. Our team of over 100 employees includes many PhD.", "PHARMACEUTICAL PRODUCTS OF RECOMBINANT DNA TECHNOLOGY: AN OVERVIEW For instance, administration of pig insulin to diabetic patients results in the development of antibodies. The advent of recombinant DNA technology heralded a new chapter for the production of a wide range of therapeutic agents in sufficient quantities for human use.", "Recombinant DNA technology (rDNA) and its applications So lets see the uses in different fields like. 1. Recombinant dna technology uses in medicine. 1 For production of vitamins like B12. 2 For production of antibiotics on large-scale. 3 Recombinant proteins like insulin, other enzymes, hormones can be produced by rdna technology. 4 rDNA technology is used to produce recombinant vaccines in large-scale. 5 Ex.", "Genetic Engineering: DNA Technology Applications DNA Technology Applications. The use of recombinant DNA technology has become commonplace as new products from genetically altered plants, animals, and microbes have become available for human use. In 1997, Dolly made headlines as the first successfully cloned large mammal (sheep).", "Recombinant DNA and genetic techniques Recombinant DNA and genetic techniques. Recombinant DNA (or rDNA) is made by combining DNA from two or more sources. In practice, the process often involves combining the DNA of different organisms.here are two types of gene cloning: in vivo, which involves the use of restriction enzymes and ligases using vectors and cloning the fragments into host cells (as can be seen in the image above). The other type is in vitro which is using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method to create copies of fragments of DNA.", "Biology 100/101 Lecture 18 Biotechnology: Recombinant DNA, and PCR (Print Version) Recombinant DNA Technology. Recombinant DNA Technology refers to molecular techniques that are used to insert DNA (genes) from one type of organism to another. For instance, the human gene for insulin production can be inserted into the DNA of a bacterial cell.ransgenic is the word used to describe any organism which carries the genes (DNA) of another organism. Recombinant bacterial plasmids are one example, but the term is broad enough to include plants and animals that carry genes artificially inserted from another organism by any of a variety of methods.", "- DNA Diagnostics Center (DDC) is the world's largest, most experienced private DNA testing laboratory. Since 1995, DDC has been dedicated to providing the highest quality human DNA testing services available at a reasonable price. DDC Veterinary, a division of DDC, provides the same quality testing and legendary service for those seeking DNA services for animals. We offer low fees, fast turnaround times, and professional and friendly consultation. Copyright © DNA Diagnostics Center.", "X-Chem First Biotech to Exceed 100 Billion Compounds with its Unique and Proprietary Small Molecule DNA-Encoded Library WALTHAM, MA, USA – February 4, 2014 – X-Chem, Inc., a privately held biotechnology company focused on applying its powerful product engine to the generation of novel small molecule therapeutics, today announced that the company has created the first biotech-owned screening library of DNA-encoded small molecules to ever surpass 100 billion compounds ...", "Unraveling Windows DNA Windows DNA allows for just this type of vertical/horizontal integration. One of its primary features is its use of Component Object Model (COM) components. COM components allow the business logic to be easily distributed across multiple servers.", "Medical Definition of DNA technology, recombinant Definition of DNA technology, recombinant. DNA technology, recombinant: A series of procedures used to join together (recombine) DNA segments. A recombinant DNA molecule is constructed (recombined) from segments from 2 or more different DNA molecules. Under certain conditions, a recombinant DNA molecule can enter a cell and replicate there, autonomously (on its own) or after it has become integrated into a chromosome. Last Editorial Review: 6/9/2016." ]
what happens when waves hit a concave surface
[ "- When sound reflects off a special curved surface called a parabola, it will bounce out in a straight line no matter where it originally hits. Many stages are designed as parabolas so the sound will go directly into the audience, instead of bouncing around on stage." ]
[ "Rarefaction If the prong of a tuning fork vibrates in the air, for example, the layer of air adjacent to the prong undergoes compression when the prong moves so as to squeeze the air molecules together. When the prong springs back in the opposite direction, however, it leaves an area of reduced air pressure. This is rarefaction. A succession of rarefactions and compressions makes up the longitudinal wave motion that emanates from an acoustic source.", "Headlands and baysupdate Wave refraction disperses wave energy through the bay, and along with the sheltering effect of the headlands this protects bays from storms. This effect means that the waves reaching the shore in a bay are weaker than the waves reaching the headland and the bay is thus a safer place for water activities like surfing or swimming.", "- When a ray of light or a sound wave refracts or is refracted, the path it follows bends at a particular point, due to a change in the density of the substance it is passing th … rough. For example if you put a pencil in a glass half full of water, the pencil looks like it is broken because the empty glass bends the light differently from the water.", "- Bank Fraud Overview. Bank fraud is a federal offense that criminalizes fraud upon banks and financial institutions. It is illegal to fraudulently obtain or attempt to obtain the money or assets of a financial institution.ank Fraud Overview. Bank fraud is a federal offense that criminalizes fraud upon banks and financial institutions. It is illegal to fraudulently obtain or attempt to obtain the money or assets of a financial institution.", "- Reflection of Waves. Rope tied to a wall. So far, we havent considered what happens when a wave hits a boundary (such as the ceiling in the example above). Going back to our first example, we see that something must happen because the end of the rope cannot move up and down (it is fixed to a wall).", "- Reflection of plane waves off a smooth surface is called specular reflection T from ELECTRICAL 201112632 at Adamson University", "- A: The bottom of a concave meniscus. B: The top of a convex meniscus. The meniscus (plural: menisci, from the Greek for crescent) is the curve in the upper surface of a liquid close to the surface of the container or another object, caused by surface tension. It can be either concave or convex, depending on the liquid and the surface. A concave meniscus occurs when the particles of the liquid are more strongly attracted to the container (adhesion) than to each other (cohesion), causing the liquid to climb the walls of the container. This occurs between water and glass.", "Electrostatic precipitator An electrostatic precipitator is a filtration device that removes fine particles, like dust and smoke, from a flowing gas using the force of an induced electrostatic charge minimally impeding the flow of gases through the unit. In contrast to wet scrubbers which apply energy directly to the flowing fluid medium, an ESP applies energy only to the particulate matter being collected and therefore is very efficient in its consumption of energy.", "Reflection and Refraction Simply put the waves bounce back. Examples of reflection are light waves striking a mirror or echoes in which sound waves are reflected of a solid surface. When waves undergo reflection the angle the incoming waves make with the surface is equal to the angle of the reflected waves. This is the Law of Reflection and can be written as:", "- The different reflections of light through two separate mediums causes the bending of wave fronts associated with light rays. The reflection and refraction is caused by the medium associated with its light rays. Comments.", "Refraction of Sound Waves Refraction of Sound Waves. The speed of a wave depends on the elastic and inertia properties of the medium through which it travels. When a wave encounters different medium where the wave speed is different, the wave will change directions.", "High School Earth Science/Wave Erosion and Deposition As waves come into shore, they usually reach the shore at some angle. This means one part of the wave reaches shallow water sooner than the parts of the wave that are further out. As a wave comes into shore, the water 'feels' the bottom which slows down the wave.", "Glaciers The energy of the wind passes over the wave and due to friction it brings the water up with it. Once the wind has passed over or can no longer hold the water up, it drops the water. That is how the waves are caused-this up and down motion.", "How ultrasound imaging works explained simply. Instead it will bounce off, or be reflected, from the dividing line. When a wave is reflected, it returns with an angle equal to the one with which it hit. Whenever sound hits a new medium, part of it is reflected back. The rest enters the new medium and is refracted.", "Which of the following phenomena is taking place when sound waves are reflected from a surface along parallel? C. when sound waves are reflected from a surface along parallel lines Refracting occurs. [ The turning or bending of any wave, such as a light or sound wave, when it passes from one medium into another of different optical density.", "Waves Waves can vary in size and strength based on wind speed and friction on the water's surface or outside factors such as boats. The small wave trains created by a boat’s movement on the water are called wake.aves can also cancel each other out though when a crest meets a trough or vice-versa. Eventually, these waves do reach the beach and the differing size of breakers hitting the beach is caused by interference farther out in the ocean.", "Earthquakes: seismic waves The epicenter of an earthquake sends out waves which are like an object dropped on to a still body of water that sends out ripples. After the stone hits the water ripples move outwards from the centre in every direction. An earthquake releases energy as shock waves, the so-called seismic waves, which ripple across the earth's surface.", "How Waves Form Waves shape a coast when they deposit sediment, which can form beaches, spits and barrier beaches. Deposition occurs when the waves slow down, causing the water to drop the sediment. This process is similar to the deposition that occurs in a river.", "Seismic Waves: Moving and Shaking During an Earthquake Rayleigh waves, also called ground roll, travel like ocean waves over the surface of the Earth, moving the ground surface up and down. They cause most of the shaking at the ground surface during an earthquake. Love waves are fast and move the ground from side to side. Body waves travel through the Earth. P-waves are the fastest type of seismic wave. As P-waves travel, the surrounding rock is repeatedly compressed and then stretched.", "What Are the Effects of a Tsunami? When a tsunami hits land, the trough of the wave, or the area of the wave below the highest point often reaches land first. This causes the water level at the coast to recede suddenly before the tsunami hits. The waves often come in a series after the initial wave, a phenomenon called a wave train.", "Reflection, Refraction, and Diffraction If a reflected sound wave reaches the ear within 0.1 seconds of the initial sound, then it seems to the person that the sound is prolonged. The reception of multiple reflections off of walls and ceilings within 0.1 seconds of each other causes reverberations-the prolonging of a sound.", "How do earthquakes produce seismic waves? Surface waves (e.g. Rayleigh waves, Love waves) that produce vertical motion of the ground surface produce the most damage during an earthquake.", "Earth Science- Glaciers How does an ocean wave become a breaker at the shoreline? As ocean waves reached the shallow water near the shore lines they begin to lose energy because of friction with the ocean bottom.This causes the waves to slow down. As water becomes shallower in incoming waves crest gradually. As a result bookrest to crest decreases.s ocean waves reached the shallow water near the shore lines they begin to lose energy because of friction with the ocean bottom. This causes the waves to slow down.", "TNCC Describe coup-contrecoup injuries to the brain. When the head strikes a solid object, the sudden deceleration can result in a pressure wave which travels across the cranial contents and may tear tissue, resulting in injury on the side of impact (coup) and the side opposite the point of impact (contrecoup). pg.", "Dog Lure Training: What Is Luring And How To Use It With a transverse wave, if the particle (in this case your hand) moves up and down, the wave will move to the left and/or right of the particle. The word perpendicular means that if one thing is up and down, the other thing is left and right." ]
does dehydration cause sleep harder
[ "Dehydration and Insomnia One of these can be dehydration. Most people in Britain don't drink as much fluid as they need for optimum health. Although, over time, they may inadvertently train themselves not to feel thirsty, the suppressed desire to drink can result in restlessness and a host of minor problems that make sleep difficulties worse." ]
[ "- RLS can make it hard to fall or stay asleep. If RLS disturbs your sleep, you may feel very tired during the day. Lack of sleep may make it hard for you to concentrate at school or work. Not enough sleep also can cause depression, mood swings, and other health problems such as diabetes or high blood pressure.", "Hypersomnia Primary hypersomnia is thought to be caused by problems in the brain systems that control sleep and waking functions. Secondary hypersomnia is caused by conditions that cause fatigue. For example, sleep apnea can cause hypersomnia because patients have trouble breathing at night. Some medications can also cause hypersomnia. Frequent drug and alcohol use may trigger sleepiness during the day.", "Depression and Sleep Depression is not something that a person can ignore or simply will away. Rather, it is a serious disorder that affects the way a person eats, sleeps, feels and thinks. The cause of depression is not known, but it can be effectively controlled with treatment. The relationship between sleep and depressive illness is complex – depression may cause sleep problems and sleep problems may cause or contribute to depressive disorders. For some people, symptoms of depression occur before the onset of sleep problems. For others, sleep problems appear first.", "Sleep Needs Furthermore, sleeping later on the weekends can affect your sleep-wake cycle so that it is much harder to go to sleep at the right time on Sunday nights and get up early on Monday mornings. Source: Your Guide to Healthy Sleep, The National Institutes of Health", "Dehydration And Tiredness Other signs of dehydration include waking up dizzy, thirsty or with a headache. This is because when we are asleep, our veins dilate and body circulation increases. With insufficient water in the body, our blood begins to clot and the processes of de-toxification and cellular regeneration are hampered.", "Sleep, Learning, and Memory Other researchers, however, have suggested that any changes in the amount of REM sleep are due to the stress of the task itself, rather than a functional relationship to learning. Researchers are likewise split with regard to the impact of sleep deprivation on learning and memory.", "- Causes. Sleeping longer than the recommended seven to eight hours per night can cause headaches. According to WebMD, oversleeping can upset the balance of neurotransmitters and serotonin in the brain which can lead to headaches.", "Here's What Happens to Your Body When You're Dehydrated The thicker and more concentrated your blood becomes, the harder it is for your cardiovascular system to compensate by increasing heart rate to maintain blood pressure. When your dehydrated body is “pushed” – such as when exercising or faced with heat stress – the risk of exhaustion or collapse increases. This can cause you to faint, for instance, when you stand up too quickly.", "Sleep, Learning, and Memory Although chronic sleep deprivation affects different individuals in a variety of ways (and the effects are not entirely known), it is clear that a good night’s rest has a strong impact on learning and memory.", "- When we exercise, we lose water and it's essential to replenish the water lost during the session, proper hydration regulates body temperature and lubricates the joints; so before you sleep get the fluids in, don't wait till you feel thirsty, thirst is typically a delayed indicator that you’re dehydrated.", "New Antidepressant Also Helps You Sleep Depressed patients have reported that they sleep longer or heavier when they are taking it. On the down side, some of these patients have reported they feel sleepy during the daytime while on Remeron. Other [researchers] have estimated that 80% of patients with depression experience problems with sleep ...", "- Lack of sleep can actually increase your appetite, and your brain may not get the message that you’ve had enough to eat. Read more. Lack of sleep affects the amount of insulin released after you eat, increasing your risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Read more. If you have hypertension, a single night without adequate sleep can elevate your blood pressure for a whole day. Read more.", "Sleep Issues and Chronic Kidney Disease People with chronic kidney disease (CKD) often have trouble falling asleep and staying asleep. Your physical and mental health can contribute to your sleep problems. These are some common causes for disrupted sleep patterns in kidney disease patients. Restless leg syndrome. Restless leg syndrome (RLS) often occurs when the legs are at rest, such as when a person is sitting or lying in bed.", "Falling Asleep During the Day? You May Have a Problem with Excessive Sleepiness Narcolepsy does not actually belong to the group of excessive sleeping disorders. It is a neurological disorder that causes excessive sleepiness and interferes with normal activities of daily living. People with narcolepsy may have trouble getting to sleep at night and then find fall asleep during the day. Narcoleptics may also develop sudden weakness of the muscles and experience episodes of sleep paralysis. Another neurological disorder, restless leg syndrome, makes it difficult to sleep.", "What Happens During Sleep? Many people who suffer from insomnia try to solve the problem with alcohol – the so-called night cap. While alcohol does help people fall into light sleep, it also robs them of REM and the deeper, more restorative stages of sleep. Instead, it keeps them in the lighter stages of sleep, from which they can be awakened easily.", "How to Sleep Better as You Get Older If you sleep during the day, you're more likely to stay awake at night. Don't drink alcohol close to bedtime. Even small amounts can make it harder to stay asleep.", "- 1 Sometimes sleep problems exist because of other medications prescribed to combat side effects of the chemotherapy. 2 For example, steroids, like dexamethasone, may be prescribed to control nausea and vomiting from chemotherapy and can also make you feel energized (and cause difficulty sleeping). Therefore, patients on chemotherapy can end up napping or sleeping during the day and that leads to difficult sleeping at night or through the night. 2 Sometimes sleep problems exist because of other medications prescribed to combat side effects of the chemotherapy.", "Alcohol and a Good Night's Sleep Don't Mix According to the findings, alcohol does allow healthy people to fall asleep quicker and sleep more deeply for a while, but it reduces rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. And the more you drink before bed, the more pronounced these effects. REM sleep happens about 90 minutes after we fall asleep.", "Lack of sleep: Can it make you sick? Yes, lack of sleep can affect your immune system. Studies show that people who don't get quality sleep or enough sleep are more likely to get sick after being exposed to a virus, such as a common cold virus. Lack of sleep can also affect how fast you recover if you do get sick.During sleep, your immune system releases proteins called cytokines, some of which help promote sleep. Certain cytokines need to increase when you have an infection or inflammation, or when you're under stress.Sleep deprivation may decrease production of these protective cytokines.ong-term lack of sleep also increases your risk of obesity, diabetes, and heart and blood vessel (cardiovascular) disease. How much sleep do you need to bolster your immune system? The optimal amount of sleep for most adults is seven to eight hours of good sleep each night. Teenagers need nine to 10 hours of sleep.", "Do Your Sleep Habits Trigger Migraines? These neurotransmitters are the feel good chemical messengers in the brain, and both depend on adequate sleep; a decrease in serotonin and dopamine is associated with poor sleep or sleep problems. One reason for waking with migraines is that REM sleep is most powerful just before awakening.", "- Sleep And Aging. Older adults need about the same amount of sleep as young adults—7 to 9 hours each night. But seniors tend to go to sleep earlier and get up earlier than when they were younger. Older people may nap more during the day, which can sometimes make it hard to fall asleep at night. There are two kinds of sleep—REM (rapid eye movement) sleep and non-REM sleep. We dream mostly during REM sleep and have the deepest sleep during non-REM sleep.", "Lack of Sleep Affects Performance and Damages Brain Cells Compensation of the lack of nocturnal sleep by sleeping during the day cannot, however, fully eliminate the negative consequences of sleep deprivation. This is particularly true when the deprivation is chronic, as for shift workers.", "New Antidepressant Also Helps You Sleep In their report in the July 1 issue of the journal Biological Psychiatry, Winokur and his colleagues evaluated the effect of Remeron on patients' sleep by studying their sleep in a sleep laboratory. Six patients who were diagnosed with severe depression and complained of sleep problems were selected. The sleep-inducing effects of Remeron could be seen within the first week of treatment. Time taken to fall asleep decreased from about 15 minutes to five minutes. Total sleep time increased by about an hour a night -- from six hours to seven hours.", "Sleep disorders guide Getting too little sleep creates a sleep debt, which is much like being overdrawn at a bank. Eventually, your body will demand that the debt be repaid. We don't seem to adapt to getting less sleep than we need.", "Caffeine and Dehydration: What the Research Says Yet another study 3 found that consuming caffeine prior to exercise negated the diuretic effect of caffeine as compared to consuming caffeine and then resting. In contrary, this study 4 looked at energy drink consumption and how caffeine and/or other energy drink ingredients like taurine influenced dehydration." ]
(Metformin what is it and what does it do?)
[ "- A: Metformin is an oral diabetes medication that helps control blood glucose (sugar) levels. It is used to treat type 2 diabetes, either alone or in combination with insulin or other medications. Common side effects include headache, weakness, mild nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, gas, and stomach pain.: Metformin is an oral diabetes medicine that helps control blood glucose (sugar) levels. It is used to treat type 2 (non-insulin-dependent) diabetes, either alone or in combination with insulin or other diabetes medications." ]
[ "How does metformin help control glucose levels? Biguanides work differently than sulfonylureas. During times you are fasting, such as overnight, your liver releases glucose so that your cells have the energy they need. Biguanides lower blood glucose mainly by putting a brake on the liver’s release of stored glucose. They also hinder the absorption of glucose from food being digested in the small intestine. Biguanides may also lower insulin resistance in the muscles. Because metformin acts to decrease glucose release rather than increase insulin activity, there is little risk of very low blood glucose levels (hypoglycemia). Metformin has the added advantages of helping lower high blood lipid levels and promoting weight loss.", "- Uses of This Medicine. Metformin is used to treat high blood sugar levels that are caused by a type of diabetes mellitus or sugar diabetes called type 2 diabetes. With this type of diabetes, insulin produced by the pancreas is not able to get sugar into the cells of the body where it can work properly.o work properly, the amount of metformin you take must be balanced against the amount and type of food you eat and the amount of exercise you do. If you change your diet or exercise, you will want to test your blood sugar to find out if it is too low. Your doctor will teach you what to do if this happens.", "- diabetes medications the medicine metformin glucophage is used to treat type 2 diabetes it has also been found to help with pcos symptoms though it isn t approved by the u s food and drug administration fda for this usemetformin affects the way insulin controls blood glucose sugar and lowers testosterone productionhe medicine metformin glucophage is used to treat type 2 diabetes it has also been found to help with pcos symptoms though it isn t approved by the u s food and drug administration fda for this use metformin affects the way insulin controls blood glucose sugar and lowers testosterone production", "Description and Brand Names With two actions, the combination of glipizide and metformin helps your body cope with high blood sugar. Glipizide stimulates the release of insulin from the pancreas, directing your body to store blood sugar.", "- Metformin is a prescription medication used for treatment of type 2 (non-insulin dependent) diabetes. Other medications may be considered if metformin does not adequately treat your type 2 diabetes.", "How a Hot Water or Steam Boiler Works Oil fired boilers have an oil pump which delivers oil at high pressure to an atomizing nozzle which sprays into the fire chamber. The fuel is ignited with a pilot light or electric ignitor, in the case of a gas fired unit, or a high voltage spark created by a transformer on oil fired units.", "Metformin 850mg Tablets How metformin works. 1 In type 2 diabetes, there is too much sugar (glucose) in your blood. 2 Insulin is a hormone that allows your body tissue to take glucose from the blood and use it for energy or for storage for future use. 3 Metformin works by improving the sensitivity of your body to insulin. This is because your body does not make enough insulin or because it makes insulin that does not work properly. 2 Insulin is a hormone that allows your body tissue to take glucose from the blood and use it for energy or for storage for future use. 3 Metformin works by improving the sensitivity of your body to insulin.", "- A: metformin (Glucophage) is used to help control blood sugar levels in patients with type 2 diabetes. A recent report in a medical journal indicates that the pills have an odor to them. Pharmacists and other people who take the drug have reported that metformin smells like dead fish, tires, or smelly sweat socks.", "Glimepiride A: Metformin (Glucophage) is a medication used for the treatment of diabetes or high blood sugar. It works by decreasing the production of glucose by the liver. The main side effects of metformin (Glucophage) are gastrointestinal in nature and include diarrhea, nausea, vomiting and flatulence.: Metformin (Glucophage) is a medication used for the treatment of diabetes or high blood sugar. It works by decreasing the production of glucose by the liver. The main side effects of metformin (Glucophage) are gastrointestinal in nature and include diarrhea, nausea, vomiting and flatulence.", "PCOS: Insulin and Metformin Metformin (also known as Glucophage®) helps to regulate the amount of glucose (sugar) in your blood. It makes your body more sensitive to insulin, and decreases the amount of glucose your liver releases.", "Metformin Metformin is a widely prescribed drug for treating type 2 diabetes. Metformin is often the first medication that will be prescribed to people with type 2 diabetes. Metformin helps to lower blood glucose levels by reducing the amount of glucose produced and released by the liver, and by increasing insulin sensitivity.", "Metformin Metformin, marketed under the tradename Glucophage among others, is an antidiabetic medication which is taken by mouth.It is the first-line drug of choice for the treatment of type 2 diabetes, in particular, in overweight and obese people and those with normal kidney function.nterest in metformin was rekindled in the late 1940s after several reports that it could reduce blood sugar levels in people, and in 1957, French physician Jean Sterne published the first clinical trial of metformin as a treatment for diabetes.", "- A: Metformin (Glucophage) helps control blood sugar levels in patients with type 2 diabetes. It works to decrease glucose (sugar) production by the liver, decrease absorption of glucose from the food a person eats, and improve insulin sensitivity.: Metformin (glucophage) is a medication used to lower blood sugar in type 2 diabetes. The most common side effects with metformin are diarrhea, nausea/vomiting and gas. Other side effects with metformin include indigestion and abdominal discomfort.", "Why Select Extended-Release Metformin? In the treatment and prevention of T2D, metformin acts by suppressing hepatic glucose production, decreasing intestinal absorption of glucose, and improving insulin sensitivity via enhancing peripheral glucose uptake, without an increased risk for hypoglycemia.", "What is Metformin? Metformin is a prescription drug used primarily in the treatment of type II diabetes. It is intended to help control the amount of sugar in the blood, and can be used on its own or combined with other medications. In the United States, it is sold under the brand names Fortamet, Glucophage, Glumetza and Riomet. Metformin aims to decrease glucose production in the liver, consequently lowering the levels of glucose in the bloodstream. Metformin also designed to decrease the amount of glucose one absorbs from food, and increase the body’s response to insulin, which naturally controls glucose-levels in blood.", "- Metformin has been used in the United States for two decades to help lower blood sugar levels among people with type 2 diabetes. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration cautions that people with kidney disease should not take the drug because it could increase their risk for a potentially serious condition called lactic acidosis.", "Glucophage® glucophage metformin is one of six types of diabetes pills currently available to treat type 2 diabetes it helps keep your blood glucose within your target range remember the cornerstone of diabetes control remains unchanged it is important to follow a meal plan and get plenty of physical activitylucophage metformin is one of six types of diabetes pills currently available to treat type 2 diabetes it helps keep your blood glucose within your target range remember the cornerstone of diabetes control remains unchanged it is important to follow a meal plan and get plenty of physical activity", "- GENERIC NAME: metformin. DRUG CLASS AND MECHANISM: Metformin is an oral medication that lowers blood glucose (sugar) by influencing the body's sensitivity to insulin and is used for treating type 2 diabetes.", "Description and Brand Names Uses of This Medicine. Metformin is used to treat high blood sugar levels that are caused by a type of diabetes mellitus or sugar diabetes called type 2 diabetes. With this type of diabetes, insulin produced by the pancreas is not able to get sugar into the cells of the body where it can work properly.sing metformin alone, with a type of oral antidiabetic medicine called a sulfonylurea, or with insulin, will help to lower blood sugar when it is too high and help restore the way you use food to make energy. Many people can control type 2 diabetes with diet and exercise.", "What is Insulin? Insulin is a hormone that is produced by the pancreas and that regulates the level of glucose — a simple sugar that provides energy — in the blood. Human bodies require a steady amount of glucose throughout the day, and that glucose comes from the foods that people eat. Insulin and glucagon work together to control the body's blood-glucose levels, or blood-sugar levels.", "Description and Brand Names Metformin is used to treat high blood sugar levels that are caused by a type of diabetes mellitus or sugar diabetes called type 2 diabetes. With this type of diabetes, insulin produced by the pancreas is not able to get sugar into the cells of the body where it can work properly.", "- Metformin aims to decrease glucose production in the liver, consequently lowering the levels of glucose in the bloodstream. Metformin also designed to decrease the amount of glucose one absorbs from food, and increase the body’s response to insulin, which naturally controls glucose-levels in blood.", "Description and Brand Names Metformin is used to treat high blood sugar levels that are caused by a type of diabetes mellitus or sugar diabetes called type 2 diabetes.sing metformin alone, with a type of oral antidiabetic medicine called a sulfonylurea, or with insulin, will help to lower blood sugar when it is too high and help restore the way you use food to make energy. Many people can control type 2 diabetes with diet and exercise.", "Glumetza A: Metformin is an oral diabetes medicine that helps control blood sugar levels. metformin is for people with type 2 (non-insulin-dependent) diabetes. metformin is sometimes used in combination with insulin or other medications, but it is not for treating type 1 diabetes.", "Common Terms (Generic name: metformin) blood glucose the main sugar found in the blood and the body's main source of energy. Also called blood sugar. blood glucose level the amount of glucose in a given amount of blood. It is noted in milligrams in a deciliter, or mg/dL. blood glucose meter" ]
unconscious bias definition
[ "- Unconscious Bias. Categories: Insurance, A type of employment-related claim alleging that with respect to promotions, raises, and job offers, Caucasian men inevitably slight women and minorities, because they use preconceived stereotypes in evaluating such persons, despite their conscious efforts to do otherwise.ou may have health insurance as an employee benefit from your job or, if you qualify, through the federal government's Medicare or Medicaid programs. You may also buy in dividual health insurance directly from an insurance company or be eligible through a plan offered by a group to which you belong." ]
[ "- Bias (Systematic Error): Any process or effect at any stage of a study from its design to its execution to the application of information from the study, that produces results or conclusions that differ systematically from the truth.", "Flashcard Machine -create, study and share online flash cards Definition. a method used to measure unconscious cognitive processes, in which a person is exposed to information and is later tested to see whether the information affects behavior or performance on another task or in another situation.", "False Consensus Effect: Definition & Example False consensus effect is a type of bias in which we think that our own opinions, attitudes, beliefs, etc. are common and appropriate, so that others must also feel the same way.", "Selection bias Selection bias is closely related to: 1 publication bias or reporting bias, the distortion produced in community perception or meta-analyses by not publishing uninteresting (usually negative) results, or results which go against the experimenter's prejudices, a sponsor's interests, or community expectations.", "Confirmation bias In psychology and cognitive science, confirmation bias (or confirmatory bias) is a tendency to search for or interpret information in a way that confirms one's preconceptions, leading to statistical errors.", "- Ascertainment bias: occurs when a physician’s thinking is shaped by prior expectation such as stereotyping or gender biases. Example: A patient known to be a drug addict is found lying on the hospital floor unconscious; the staff assumes that he has had a drug overdose and does not consider other possibilities.", "Learn More About Implicit Bias at the Kirwan Institute! Defining Implicit Bias. Also known as implicit social cognition, implicit bias refers to the attitudes or stereotypes that affect our understanding, actions, and decisions in an unconscious manner.mplicit biases, explicit biases, and structural forces are often mutually reinforcing. The Kirwan Institute is committed to raising awareness of the distressing impacts of implicit racial bias and exposing the ways in which this phenomenon creates and reinforces racialized barriers to opportunity.", "Test Yourself for Hidden Bias For example, imagining strong women leaders or seeing positive role models of African Americans has been shown to, at least temporarily, change unconscious biases. 'Feeling' unconscious bias. But there is another aspect of the very experience of taking a test of hidden bias that may be helpful. Many test takers can feel their hidden prejudices as they perform the tests. They can feel themselves unable to respond as rapidly to (for example) old + good concepts than young + good concepts.", "Test Yourself for Hidden Bias Psychologists at Harvard, the University of Virginia and the University of Washington created Project Implicit to develop Hidden Bias Tests — called Implicit Association Tests, or IATs, in the academic world — to measure unconscious bias.ou may be asked to register. About Stereotypes and Prejudices. Hidden Bias Tests measure unconscious, or automatic, biases. Your willingness to examine your own possible biases is an important step in understanding the roots of stereotypes and prejudice in our society.", "Bias or Systematic Error (Validity) Definition of Bias. Systematic error is also known as bias. It is any systematic process in the conduct of a study that results in the incorrect estimate of a measure of disease occurrence or measure of association. 1 Because it is a systematic process, it will cause a distortion from the truth in a predictable (not random) direction.", "Cognitive bias Some biases reflect a subject's motivation, for example, the desire for a positive self-image leading to egocentric bias and the avoidance of unpleasant cognitive dissonance. Other biases are due to the particular way the brain perceives, forms memories and makes judgments.", "bias Definition of bias for English Language Learners. : a tendency to believe that some people, ideas, etc., are better than others that usually results in treating some people unfairly.", "Public Health Unit 3 A common example of the human bias towards pareidolia. Bias is an inclination or outlook to present or hold a partial perspective, often accompanied by a refusal to consider the possible merits of alternative points of view.", "Unconscious Bias: It Starts With You and Me First things first: All of us have unconscious biases. According to the Implicit Bias Primer by Jerry Kang, UCLA School of Law Professor, a few of our unconscious biases come from our direct experiences (with other people, events, situations, etc.).s I'd been listening and imagining my mother's doctor in my mind's eye, not once did I think the doctor was a WOMAN. I automatically thought her doctor was a man. AND I'M A DOCTOR! THAT is unconscious bias. Unconscious biases shape our worldview and our expectations of others.", "- Bias definition, a particular tendency, trend, inclination, feeling, or opinion, especially one that is preconceived or unreasoned: illegal bias against older job applicants; the magazine’s bias toward art rather than photography; our strong bias in favor of the idea.", "Learn More About Implicit Bias at the Kirwan Institute! Defining Implicit Bias. Also known as implicit social cognition, implicit bias refers to the attitudes or stereotypes that affect our understanding, actions, and decisions in an unconscious manner. These biases, which encompass both favorable and unfavorable assessments, are activated involuntarily and without an individual’s awareness or intentional control.", "bias 1. Bias, prejudice mean a strong inclination of the mind or a preconceived opinion about something or someone. A bias may be favorable or unfavorable: bias in favor of or against an idea.", "Freud's Theory of the Id, Ego, and Superego The unconscious mind (or the unconscious) consists of the processes in the mind that occur automatically and are not available to introspection, and include thought processes, memory, affect, and motivation.", "Unconsciousness Unconsciousness is a state which occurs when the ability to maintain an awareness of self and environment is lost. It involves a complete or near-complete lack of responsiveness to people and other environmental stimuli.", "Actor-Observer Bias Actor-Observer Bias This is a social psychology term that refers to the tendency of an individual to regard situations in which he or she is involved as caused by external factors, and to regard situations he or she observes as caused by the actions of those involved.", "Implicit Bias and Why it Matters An implicit bias is a positive or negative mental attitude toward a person, thing, or group that an individual holds at an unconscious level, as opposed to an explicit bias, which is an attitude that somebody is conscious of having.", "- create new tag, view all tags, tagging instructions. Bias refers to a systematic error. As you can see below the difference between the average of different attempts and the truth (at the center of the target) is known as the systematic error or bias.", "Institutionalized Bias Institutionalized Bias. Institutionalized bias refers to the attitudes expressed by the majority of people living in a society whose norms include stereotypes and discrimination.he institutionalized biases are attitudes against specific groups of people which are carried out through public laws and practices; these biases are designed to discriminate against and perpetuate stereotypes in order to harm the subjected group.", "Cultural bias bias is the phenomenon of interpreting and judging phenomena by standards inherent to one's own culture. The phenomenon is sometimes considered a problem central to social and human sciences, such as economics, psychology, anthropology, and sociology.", "How do you add friends on steam? Once clicking on the text it will bring up a small window where your friends will be displayed. At the bottom of the window there is some text that says.... Add friend. Click on it and you will then be able to enter your friends steam Username and send them a request." ]
most expensive places in the world dublin
[ "Dublin and Belfast move up ranking of most expensive cities Dublin's move up ten places in the 2014 cost of living survey primarily reflects both of these factors.. Elsewhere in Europe the strength of the Swiss franc means Zurich is the most costly European city on the list, followed by Geneva and Bern." ]
[ "The most expensive cities in the U.S. Take Honolulu, which turned out to be the most expensive metro area for a single person. With a studio apartment going for $1,267 a month, rent there was the second highest of the cities studied. The person there pays about $778 a month in taxes, which was the largest for a single person.", "The Most Expensive Buildings in the World The Most Expensive Buildings in the World. 10. Antilla, Mumbai, India – $2.53 billion. 9. City of Dreams, Macau, China – $2.75 billion. 8. The Venetian Macau, Macau, China – $2.97 billion. 7. Wynn Resort, Las Vegas – $3.26 billion. 6. One World Trade Center, New York – $3.8 billion. 5. The Shard, London, England – $3.9 billion.", "New York City New York. New York City is the 33rd most expensive city in the global rankings, but it tops the list for U.S. cities. It’s followed by Los Angeles (No. 68 globally), San Francisco (90), White Plains, N.Y. (98), Washington, D.C. (107) and Chicago and Miami tied at 110.", "Daily Costs To Visit Dublin | City Price Guide 1 Dublin has a lot of wonderful pubs and you can find some great food & prices, even in the city center. 2 Prices range from €6-€10 for a sandwich or €10-€15 for a main course. 3 You should also be able to find dinner at a restaurant in a less touristy part of town for around €15-€20.", "Most expensive cities for a beer revealed: Why you shouldn't drink in London, Oslo or Zurich - but should have a party in Warsaw 1 New survey assesses the cost of a small beer in 40 cities around the world. 2 London is among the top five most expensive cities on the planet for a beer. 3 Warsaw, Berlin, Prague, Lisbon and Dublin are among the less costly cities. New survey assesses the cost of a small beer in 40 cities around the world. 2 London is among the top five most expensive cities on the planet for a beer. 3 Warsaw, Berlin, Prague, Lisbon and Dublin are among the less costly cities.", "The 11 most expensive cities in America Here, we've highlighted the 11 US cities that broke into the top 50 and the cost of living index for each. For reference, the average cost of living index of all the cities surveyed is 71.5 — the most expensive city in the world, Singapore, has an index of 116 and the cheapest city, Lusaka, has an index of 41.", "- It costs about 20-25 USD to travel from major town to major town in Ireland, i.e. Dublin to Kilkenny, Killkenny and Cork to Killarney. My big expense in Northern Ireland was the “Paddy Campbell’s Famous Black Cab Tour”, which was outstanding! I paid 50 USD and learned a lot.t costs about 20-25 USD to travel from major town to major town in Ireland, i.e. Dublin to Kilkenny, Killkenny and Cork to Killarney. My big expense in Northern Ireland was the “Paddy Campbell’s Famous Black Cab Tour”, which was outstanding! I paid 50 USD and learned a lot.", "10 most expensive restaurants in the world The most expensive menu at the restaurant costs roughly $287 per person. 10. Schloss Schauenstein, Fuerstenau, Fürstenau. Switzerland named as one of the 50 Best restaurants in The world By Restaurant magazine in, 2013 Schloss schauenstein charges a premium to dine inside this Beautiful swiss. castle", "- New York was the world’s most expensive city including rent as of April 2015, according to a new analysis by UBS. KENA BETANCUR/AFP/GETTY IMAGES. New York City takes the top spot in the annual ranking of the world’s most expensive cities, according to an analysis by UBS. The cost of goods and services was higher in just two other cities— Zurich and Geneva— but they were less expensive than New York after including rent.", "These are the worldâs most expensive cities Sep 18, 2015. The world's most expensive cities are Zurich and Geneva, according to a study by investment bank UBS, that doesn't include rent. The cities top New York City, which is No.3 on the list. If you do include rent, however, it's no surprise that the U.S. city surges to the top.", "At $30,000, The Plaza is Home to One of NYC's Most Expensive Rooms Email. New York City is home to the most expensive hotel rooms in the country. But the price tag on some of the Big Apple's most expensive – and exclusive – hotel rooms is high enough to make even a luxury traveler's jaw drop.", "Cost of Living in Ireland Cost of Living in Ireland. (Note that prices may vary depending on location and service provider and the table below is based on average prices). Expats will find that the cost of living in Ireland is manageable, but varies depending on the town or city. Dublin is the most expensive area to live.The Mercer Cost of Living Survey for 2015 ranked the city as the 49th most expensive city out of the 207 cities surveyed.ost of Living in Ireland. (Note that prices may vary depending on location and service provider and the table below is based on average prices). Expats will find that the cost of living in Ireland is manageable, but varies depending on the town or city. Dublin is the most expensive area to live.", "These are the most affluent and most disadvantaged areas in Ireland Dublin has more affluent areas than the rest of the country and suffered least during the recession years. However, Priorswood B in Darndale, North Dublin is ranked as very disadvantaged. Men living in this area have an unemployment rate of 37.8 percent while women have an unemployment rate of 32.8 percent.", "20 Most Expensive Cities To Buy Real Estate Meter: $18,066. Paris, the fashion capital of the world and the factual capital of the country of France is currently acknowledged as one of the most expensive city to buy property, as the real estate market continues to thrive with a stable French economy.", "The world's 10 most expensive cities to buy property Picture: Alamy. Knight Frank 's latest Prime International Residential Index has revealed the most expensive cities to buy property in the world, based on how many prime square metres $1m will buy. Here they are. Shanghai. At number 10 is Shanghai, where $1m will buy you just 46.2 square metres' worth of luxury property.", "The World's Most Expensive Cities For Luxury Real Estate The World's Most Expensive Billionaire Cities. Billionaires have been on a real estate buying spree. Stateside, they’ve broken records on huge home purchases in every major housing market from Woodside to Malibu to Aspen to Chicago to Miami to New York.", "The Most Expensive Cities In The World For Real Estate The Most Expensive Cities In The World For Real Estate. Monaco, a small, sovereign city-state on the French Riviera has skyrocketing property prices, the highest in the world. In Monaco, real estate prices are sky-high where only 15 square meter of luxury property can be bought with $1 million USD.", "- The 20 most expensive cities in the world to live in revealed: Hamilton in Bermuda tops the rankings with San Francisco and New York close behind. Hamilton, Bermuda, has been revealed as the most expensive city in the world.", "The 20 most expensive cities in the world 2014: in pics The 20 most expensive cities in the world 2014: in pics. MORE... The website Expatistan.com collects information from almost 200,000 users around the world to calculate average prices in 1,600 cities for everyday items such as food, rent and petrol. Currently at number 20 is Washington DC. To see the 2015 updated version click here.", "Sydney the most expensive capital in Australia, Perth comes in fifth: new report What drives cost of living in the most and least expensive cities? There’s also similarly wide disparities in cost-of-living patterns across our major capital cities. Sydney ranks as the most expensive, followed by Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide and Perth. Perth’s ranking jars against the popular perception that it is one of the most expensive cities in Australia. Sydney’s ranking as the most expensive city is mainly driven by increases in housing and education costs, which have risen by 5.7% and 5%, respectively, between 1995 and 2017. Housing makes up one-quarter of households’ spending – the dominant share.", "World's most expensive cities revealed: Singapore tops the charts again - and London doesn't even make top ten The 10 Most Expensive Cities In The World. Tokyo is back on top as the most expensive city in the world, according to new data from the Economist Intelligence Unit. In the company's new worldwide cost of living survey, the Japanese city has outpaced last year's winner Zurich for the undesirable ranking as the world's priciest city.", "Dubai No 2 most-expensive city to stay in, report says Source: Booking.com. DUBAI // Dubai has been ranked the world’s second-most expensive city in which to stay, and industry experts say tourists are travelling to nearby emirates to avoid the rising costs of hotels.In a list compiled by Bloomberg, Geneva was the most expensive city, and Kuwait and Zurich were third and fourth.empinski Mall of the Emirates in Dubai offers a rate of Dh1,199 for a double room for two people to stay on August 15.", "The Most Expensive Cities in the World to Live The Most Expensive Cities in the World to Live. A stronger dollar has propelled New York and Los Angeles into an annual ranking of the world’s 10 most expensive cities. Singapore took the top spot in the ranking from the Economist Intelligence Unit for the third straight year, followed by Zurich and Hong Kong. Popular on WSJ.", "Suite dreamsAmerica's most expensive hotel room An entire year's stay in any number of 3 star hotels in New York at current nightly rates. A Mercedes Benz CLA5. Four bottles of Henri Jayer Richebourg Grand Cru, the world’s most expensive wine. There are even more expensive hotel rooms in the world and the Ty Warner suite only comes third in a ranking that is headed by the Royal Penthouse Suite at the President Wilson Hotel in Geneva. Here a stay will cost SFr60,000 (about $61,000) per night, but you get a lot more bang for your buck.", "AP Government Chapter 11: Congress Such committees oversee the library of congress and conduct investigations Seniority rule- a legislative practice that assigns the chair of a committee or subcommittee to the member of the majority party with the longest continuous service on the committee Conference committee- committee appointed by the presiding officers of each chamber to adjust differences on a particular bill passed by each in different form Delegate- an official who is expected to represent the views of his or her ..." ]
what causes fluid in the ears?
[ "Ear Congestion â Causes and Treatment for Congested Ears Upper respiratory allergies and inflammation and swelling of the adenoids, the tissue at the back of the nose, can cause poor fluid drainage from the middle ear to the external ear and therefore cause a blockage in the Eustachian tube. Excess fluid can lead to middle ear congestion.", "What Causes the Accumulation of Fluid in the Ear? All cases of fluid in the ear are caused by some form of auditory tube dysfunction which prevents your eustachian tube from adequately draining. Common causes for developing fluid in the ear for both adults and children includes: Allergies. Any kind of congestion, from a cold virus, similar infection, or even pregnancy.", "Fluids Behind the Eardrum in Adults: Causes & Treatment As mentioned, Eustachian Tube Dysfunction (ETD) is often the most common cause of fluid behind eardrum, adults group especially. The Eustachian tube delivers three essential physiological functions within the body, which is the equilibration of pressure between the external and middle ears, secretion and cleansing, and protection of the middle ear." ]
[ "- Factors that alter the properties of inner ear fluid may help cause Meniere's disease. Scientists have proposed a number of potential causes or triggers, including: 1 Improper fluid drainage, perhaps because of a blockage or anatomic abnormality. 2 Abnormal immune response. 3 Allergies. 4 Viral infection.", "Health 101: Ear Infections Ear infections occur when the eustachian tubes (tubes near the eardrum that connect the ear to the back of the throat) become blocked and can't drain fluid properly, says Amelia Drake, MD, professor of pediatric otolaryngology at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, School of Medicine.", "Overview An ear infection is caused by a bacterium or virus in the middle ear. This infection often results from another illness — cold, flu or allergy — that causes congestion and swelling of the nasal passages, throat and eustachian tubes.", "Ear Congestion â Causes and Treatment for Congested Ears Ear congestion typically occurs when the Eustachian tube, located between the ear and throat, becomes blocked. A variety of medical conditions (allergies, viruses, colds and upper respiratory infections) can cause fluid to collect in the Eustachian tube and/or middle ear, leading to congested ears. Ear congestion symptoms may include: muffled hearing, pain, inflammation, discharge, swelling and/or itching.", "\"\"\"Fluid in your ears\"\"\" It is characterized by a dullness of hearing or a stuffed-up sensation in the ears, and may be accompanied by ear-ache. This type of fluid in the ears is not the normal state, and represents a disease of the middle ear which should be treated by a physician. Our group does not study this type of fluid in the ears. The following page is intended to help clarify what is meant by the widely used description of fluid in the ears with regard to middle ear disease. This figure shows a schematic of a section through the head, showing the main components of the ear.", "- Most children do not show any symptoms when they have fluid in the ears. It is not painful and does not cause a fever. Some symptoms you may notice include: 1 Older children or adults complain of popping or fullness in the ear. Younger children turn up the volume on the tv or are less responsive to soft noises.", "Barotrauma Fluid behind the eardrum is called serous otitis media. It can create pain and hearing difficulty similar to a middle ear infection. The eardrum can rupture (break) in severe cases of ear barotrauma, causing bleeding or leaking of fluid from the ear. A ruptured eardrum can result in hearing loss.", "Can Fluid Behind the Eardrum in Adults Cause Hearing Loss? Quick Answer. Otitis media with effusion, a condition in which fluid sits behind the eardrum for weeks, always causes some degree of hearing loss. Much of this loss is temporary, though it can become permanent, as the American Academy of Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery explains. Continue Reading.", "- What causes ear fullness? Ear fullness can be caused by infection, especially when accompanied by cold and flu-like symptoms. The feeling of fullness is the result a blocked Eustachian tube, which connects your ear to your throat and permits the drainage of fluid from your middle ear. If fluid builds up, the middle ear may become infected with bacteria or viruses, leading to pain and swelling.", "What Causes the Accumulation of Fluid in the Ear? Treating Ear Congestion at Home. 1. Recognize the symptoms. Whether from cold, allergies, or infection, swelling will prevent Eustachian tubes from opening and allowing air to pass. This results in pressure changes, and sometimes, the accumulation of fluid in the ear.", "- The fluid is a result of your flu. Anything that causes fluid in the sinuses can cause fluid in the ears, because you have small drainage tubes that go from the middle ear to the sinus/throat area and the fluid can back up into the ear.", "Ear Disorders An ear discharge is drainage of blood, ear wax , pus, or fluid from the ear. Most of the time, fluid leaking out of an ear is ear wax. However, discharge may also be caused by minor irritation or infection. A ruptured eardrum can cause a white, slightly bloody, or yellow discharge from the ear.", "Ear (aural) Hematoma Food allergy is a common cause of inflamed ears, causing your pet to shake its head excessively and burst blood vessels. Medical Treatment . In some cases we can alleviate the hematoma by removing the fluid and injecting cortisone into the ear. This dog is having fluid drained from its ear.", "- The filing dates are April 13, 2015 through April 20, 2015. All interested and qualified candidates may file at the Wasatch County Clerk’s office located at 25 North Main Street, Heber City, Utah, in room 209, between the office hours of 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.", "Ear Infections In some cases, the eardrum bursts, and pus drains out of the ear. In other cases, fluid remains in the middle ear, even after the infection has cleared up. Acute otitis media then turns into an ear problem known as otitis media with effusion * . The fluid buildup can last for weeks or months.", "Getting to the Root of Ear Infections A fluid-filled middle ear is susceptible to infection, because bacteria or viruses can grow in the fluid. An ear infection often occurs after you have developed another illness, such as a cold or a sore throat — the bacteria or viruses that caused your illness can also lead to an ear infection. Ear infections occur most commonly in babies and young children.", "9 Easy Ways to Remove Fluid in the Ear 9 Easy Ways to Remove Fluid in the Ear. An acute ear infection is anything but “cute”. Often accompanied by a nasty and painful fluid buildup in the eardrum, the fluid can cause a pressure-filled headache, and even be tinged with blood or pus. If your ear infection gets to this point, you should make an appointment with your doctor immediately. However, while you wait for your appointment, there are a few techniques you can use to remove the pressure and fluid in your ear. Here are ten easy ways to find relief from inner ear fluid….", "Organs of Skeletal System and Their Functions Skeletal System Organs. The skeletal system in human is a major connective tissue system that is made up of organs, such as bones, ligaments, tendons and cartilages. The entire framework of body is made up of bones, which serves as a guarding system to protect the viscera and allows locomotion.", "Ear Some common causes of this condition include: 1 Infection of the ear canal or middle ear. 2 Fluid in the middle ear. 3 Perforation or scarring of the eardrum. Wax build- 1 up. Unusual growths or tumors in the 2 ear. Otosclerosis, a condition in which there is an abnormal growth of bone of the middle ear.", "Ears: Facts, Function & Disease Meniere's disease a disease of the inner ear that may be the result of fluid problems inside the ear. Symptoms include hearing loss, pressure or pain, dizziness and tinnitus. Tinnitus is a roaring in the ears.", "What Causes the Accumulation of Fluid in the Ear? Updated June 14, 2016. Fluid in the ear, also called serous otitis media (SOM) or otitis media with effusion (OME), is usually the result of an ear infection, but it can occur under any condition in which the auditory tube (eustachian tube) is impaired. The auditory tube allows fluid to drain from the ear into the back of the throat.", "- Ear infections occur when one of your Eustachian tubes becomes swollen or blocked and fluid builds up in your middle ear. Eustachian tubes are small tubes that run from each ear directly to the back of the throat. The causes of Eustachian tube blockage include: 1 allergies. 2 colds. 3 sinus infections. 4 excess mucus. 5 tobacco smoking.", "- An ear infection basically is an infection of viruses or bacteria inside your middle ear – the part of the ear just behind your ear drum. When bacteria or viruses infect your middle ear, they can cause swelling and fluid buildup. This is the pressure and pain that you feel in your ear.", "Top 30 Doctor insights on: What Causes Fluid Behind The Eardrum In Adults 2 doctors agreed: Chronic : Chronic ear fluid is a common problem for a lot of kids. Because the eustachian tube (the tube that drains the ear into the throat) is narrow and winding in kids, it can often stop draining properly and cause chronic fluid or frequent ear infections.", "Ear Disorders Ear discharge is drainage of blood, ear wax, pus, or fluid from the ear. Most of the time, any fluid leaking out of an ear is ear wax. A ruptured eardrum can cause a white, slightly bloody, or yellow discharge from the ear. Dry crusted material on a child's pillow is often a sign of a ruptured eardrum. The eardrum may also bleed. Causes of a ruptured eardrum include:" ]
what does the legal term demur mean?
[ "- DEMUR definition - To present a demurrer; to take an exception to the sufficiency in point of law of a pleading or state of facts alleged. see demurrer. DEMUR definition - To present a demurrer; to take an exception to the sufficiency in point of law of a pleading or state of facts alleged. see demurrer. Skip to primary navigation" ]
[ "- The total driving time is 2 hours, 48 minutes. Your trip begins in Evansville, Indiana. It ends in Indianapolis, Indiana. If you're planning a road trip, you might be interested in seeing the total driving distance from Evansville, IN to Indianapolis, IN. You can also calculate the cost to drive from Evansville, IN to Indianapolis, IN based on current local gas prices and an estimate of your car's best gas mileage.", "Search Legal Terms and Definitions n. a phrase often used in legal pleadings (complaints and answers in a lawsuit), declarations under penalty of perjury, and affidavits under oath, in which the person making the statement or allegation qualifies it. In effect, he/she says: I am only stating what I have been told, and I believe it... a phrase often used in legal pleadings (complaints and answers in a lawsuit), declarations under penalty of perjury, and affidavits under oath, in which the person making the statement or allegation qualifies it. In effect, he/she says: I am only stating what I have been told, and I believe it..", "Vacatur Law and Legal Definition Vacatur Law and Legal Definition. Vacatur is a Latin term which means “to set aside a judgment.” For example, a successful appeal has the effect of rendering the judgment appealed vacatur; vacated; set aside. An application can also be made to the court explicitly requesting the relief of vacatur; seeking thus to set aside a court order.", "Demurrer or Not to Demurrer Pursuant to Code of Civil Procedure Section 430.41, before a demurrer is filed, the demurring party must meet and confer with the pleader over the objections the demurring party may have regarding the pleading.", "Toll Law and Legal Definition Convenient, Affordable Legal Help - Because We Care! Toll Law and Legal Definition. Toll is a term that is subject to different definitions. In one sense, it refers to a tax paid for some liberty or privilege, particularly for the privilege of passing over a bridge or on a highway, or for that of vending goods in a fair, market, etc.", "interlocutor Interlocutor derives from the Latin interloqui, meaning to speak between or to issue an interlocutory decree. (An interlocutory decree is a court judgment that comes in the middle of a case and is not decisive.) Interloqui, in turn, ultimately comes from the words inter-, between, and loqui, to speak..", "- Definition of demarcation in the Legal Dictionary - by Free online English dictionary and encyclopedia. What is demarcation? Meaning of demarcation as a legal term. What does demarcation mean in law?", "Difference between excuse and objection? Recuse is a legal term used when a person disqualifies oneself (as a judge) in a legal case due to a potential prejudice or partiality. Example: The judge recused himself fr … om that case, citing a possible conflict of interest.", "- * A demurrer is a formal objection attacking the legal sufficiency of an opponent's pleadings. assertion, made without disputing the facts, that the pleading does not state a cause of action, and that the demurring party is entitled to judgment.", "What does the legal term demure mean? The word demur in a court case means to object. This is a word that came into use from the old legal day. This is a Latin term that is constantly used in old legal cases.", "demurrage demurrage - a charge required as compensation for the delay of a ship or freight car or other cargo beyond its scheduled time of departure. charge - the price charged for some article or service; the admission charge.", "Search Legal Terms and Definitions An amendment to the complaint cannot always overcome a demurrer, as in a case filed after the time allowed by law to bring a suit. If after amendment the complaint is still not legally good, a demurrer will be granted sustained. In rare occasions, a demurrer can be used to attack an answer to a complaint.", "- In sea freight, the word demurrage is used in two manners. One relates to charges that arise as a consequence of a delay to a chartered ship, the other relates to charges that arise as a consequence to a delay in returning equipment - normally containers or trailers.", "- demurrage-detention of a ship or freight car or other cargo beyond its scheduled time of departure.delay, holdup-the act of delaying; inactivity resulting in something being put off until a later time.Translations.[dɪˈmʌrɪdʒ] N (Naut) → estadia estadía (F) → comm sobrestadia. sobrestadía femurrage-detention of a ship or freight car or other cargo beyond its scheduled time of departure. delay, holdup-the act of delaying; inactivity resulting in something being put off until a later time. Translations. [dɪˈmʌrɪdʒ] N (Naut) → estadia estadía (F) → comm sobrestadia. sobrestadía f", "Directed Verdict Definition: Related Terms: Evidence, Demurrer. A special intervention at trial occurring on the judge’s initiative or on a party’s motion, once the party with the burden of proof has closed his/her case, that the case be dismissed based on the allegation that the burden has not been met.", "DEFINITION of 'Demurrage' BREAKING DOWN 'Demurrage'. In a physical sense, demurrage represents a delay that occurs during the transportation of goods via truck. When this happens, the trucking firm delivering the product can opt to pay a flat fee to the receiver to cover any loss incurred as a result of the delay. This fee can be assessed on an hourly basis.", "Demurrage For the carrying cost of currency, see Demurrage (currency). The term demurrage /dɪˈmɜːrɪdʒ/ from Old French demeurage, from demeurer - to linger, tarry - originated in vessel chartering and referred to the period when the charterer remained in possession of the vessel after the period normally allowed to load and unload cargo (laytime).", "- From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. For the carrying cost of currency, see Demurrage (currency) . The term demurrage /dɪˈmɜrɪdʒ/ originated in vessel chartering and referred to the period when the charterer remained in possession of the vessel after the period normally allowed to load and unload cargo (laytime).he demurrage sometimes causes a loss to the seller as it increases cost of the total freight.", "Definitions &Translations Definitions for detur. Here are all the possible meanings and translations of the word detur. Webster Dictionary(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: Detur(noun) a present of books given to a meritorious undergraduate student as a prize.", "chancellor Legal Definition of chancellor. 1 : the head of a chancery: as a : the Lord Chancellor of Great Britain b : a judge in a court of equity in various states. 2a : a university president b : the chief executive officer in some state systems of higher education.", "- Demarcation is the act of creating a boundary around a place or thing. Demarcation may also refer to: Demarcation line, a temporary border between the countries. Demarcation problem, the question of which practices of doing science permit the resulting theories to lie within the boundaries of knowledge.", "Toll Law and Legal Definition Toll Law and Legal Definition. Toll is a term that is subject to different definitions. In one sense, it refers to a tax paid for some liberty or privilege, particularly for the privilege of passing over a bridge or on a highway, or for that of vending goods in a fair, market, etc.", "DEFINITION of 'Demurrage' DEFINITION of 'Demurrage'. A term used in currency trading to denote the cost of currency ownership and/or storage. It is essentially considered to be the cost of carrying money, and is in some respects considered superior to interest payments, as it stimulates currency circulation and economic growth.Next Up.n a physical sense, demurrage represents a delay that occurs during the transportation of goods via truck. When this happens, the trucking firm delivering the product can opt to pay a flat fee to the receiver to cover any loss incurred as a result of the delay.", "What is the difference between detention and demurrage? As nouns the difference between detention and demurrage is that detention is (uncountable) the act of detaining or the state of being detained while demurrage is the detention of a ship or other freight vehicle, during delayed loading or unloading.", "Demurrage By extension, demurrage refers to the charges that the charterer pays to the shipowner for its extra use of the vessel. Officially, demurrage is a form of liquidated damages for breaching the laytime as it is stated in the governing contract (the charter party).The demurrage sometimes causes a loss to the seller as it increases cost of the total freight. Today, however, demurrage has a slightly differen meaning.he reverse of demurrage is despatch. If the charterer requires the use of the vessel for less time than the laytime allowed, the charter party may require the shipowner to pay despatch for the time saved. The term demurrage has been incorrectly extended to use in the hire or rental of assets other than ships." ]
what do architectural drawings show
[ "Architectural drawing This section deals with the conventional views used to represent a building or structure. See the Types of architectural drawing section below for drawings classified according to their purpose. Principal floor plans of the Queen's House, Greenwich (UK)." ]
[ "design development phase In this phase, the A/E prepares drawings and other presentation documents to crystallize the design concept and describe it in terms of architectural, electrical, mechanical, and structural systems. In addition, the A/E also prepares a statement of the probable project cost.", "Architectural Fees for Residential Projects The idea is that for an architectural fee totaling 8% of the construction cost, you get a standard set of drawings: plans, exterior elevations, door and window schedule – basic stuff. If you want interior elevations, millwork details, that will be an additional 1.5%.", "as-built drawings Definition. Record drawings made during construction. As-built drawings record the locations, sizes, and nature of concealed items such as structural elements, accessories, equipment, devices, plumbing lines, valves, mechanical equipment, and the like. These records (with dimensions) form a permanent record for future reference.", "Architectural drawing Architectural drawing. 18th century axonometric plan, Port-Royal-des-Champs. An architectural drawing or architect's drawing is a technical drawing of a building (or building project) that falls within the definition of architecture.", "Reflux (distillation) The more reflux provided for a given number of theoretical plates, the better is the column's separation of lower boiling materials from higher boiling materials. Conversely, for a given desired separation, the more reflux is provided, the fewer theoretical plates are required.", "DRAWINGS The building of any structure is described by a set of related drawings that give the Builder a complete, sequential, graphic description of each phase of the construction process.", "- Architectural Symbols. A system of architectural symbols are used to indicate commonly used materials and features that. have been developed over the years. To read an architectural plan readily, you must have a good un-. derstanding of what the symbols represent on a drawing. It is not necessary to develope total recall of.", "Architectural plan In the field of architecture an architectural plan is a design and planning for a building, and can contain architectural drawings, specifications of the design, calculations, time planning of the building process, and other documentation. 1 1 The term Architectural plan. 2 2 Architectural plan aspects. 2.1 Buildings.", "Engineering Drawing and Sketching Figure 2 - An Isometric Drawing. Any engineering drawing should show everything: a complete understanding of the object should be possible from the drawing. If the isometric drawing can show all details and all dimensions on one drawing, it is ideal. One can pack a great deal of information into an isometric drawing.", "How Is Scale Drawing Used in Architecture? Honey, I Shrunk the House. House floor plans are a proportional and smaller-drawn version of the full-size building. If a plan was drawn full scale, or 1 to 1, the paper would be too big for a contractor to use or an architect to produce. Most floor plans are drawn so 1/8 or 1/4 inch on paper equals 1 foot in reality. This makes the average door, which is 3-feet wide, show as 3/8- or 3/4-inch wide in the drawing. Roof plans, foundation plans, framing plans and ceiling plans also use this kind of scale.", "What Is an Elevation Drawing? Read on to find out what they mean when they say they will create an “elevation” drawing for your project…. An “elevation” is a drawing that shows the front or side of something. A floor plan, by contrast, shows a space from above – as if you are looking down on the room from the ceiling.Thus, you see the tops of everything, but you cannot view the front, side or back of an object.hile an elevation is not required for every renovation or redecorating project, they are very useful when designing items like a fireplace, bathroom vanities, bars, or any location with built-in cabinetry, such as an office or entertainment space.", "Architectural engineering Architectural engineering, also known as building engineering, is the application of engineering principles and technology to building design and construction. An engineer in the structural, mechanical, electrical, construction or other engineering fields of building design and construction. A licensed engineering professional in parts of the United States. Architectural engineers are those who work with other engineers and architects for the designing and construction of buildings.", "DRAWINGS The engineer also designs the mechanical systems of the structure, such as the lighting, heating, and plumbing systems. The end result is the architectural and engineering design sketches. These sketches guide draftsmen in preparing the construction drawings.", "- This chapter discusses the common architectural and structural shapes and symbols used on structural drawings, and describes the common types of drawings used in the fabrication and erection of steel structures. A building project may be broadly divided into two major phases, the design phase and the construction phase.", "Gothic Architecture (c.1120-1500) Architecture was the main art form of the Gothic, and the main structural characteristics of Gothic architectural design stemmed from the efforts of medieval masons to solve the problems associated with supporting heavy masonry ceiling vaults (arched roofs) over wide spans.", "- Other sources of intestinal gas may include: 1 Food residue in your colon. 2 Changes in intestinal bacteria due to antibiotics or other medications. 3 Poor absorption of carbohydrates, which can upset the balance of helpful bacteria in your digestive system. Swallowed air that moves to your colon.", "what is the drawingâs purpose :: part 1 â sketch Every drawing has a purpose and an audience. Every drawing has some reason for existing. If you are not an architect, I hope this is helpful to you as you read and understand drawings or that it helps you to understand how your architect is working (for you).he first type of drawing is a (referential) sketch. I see the sketch as a means to explore an abstract concept or to study and understand an idea and to visualize it beyond the limits of our imagination.", "- Team Urdaneta Wins 38 Golds, Finishes 4th Overall in R1AA. Team Urdaneta, composed of the best athletes from the various secondary and elementary schools in the city, garnered 38 gold, 31 silver, and 43 bronze medals to emerge 4th overall in the Region 1 Athletic Association Meet held in Vigan City on March 3-11, 2017.", "Architectural engineering Architectural engineering, also known as building engineering, is the application of engineering principles and technology to building design and construction. An engineer in the structural, mechanical, electrical, construction or other engineering fields of building design and construction.", "Mechanical Drawing Symbols scale drawing of a machine or architectural plan etc, drafting: the craft of drawing blueprints. A scale drawing of a mechanical or architectural structure done with precision instruments. A mechanical systems drawing, a type of technical drawing, shows information about architectural mechanical systems such as HVAC systems.", "Landscape Architect Communication skills. Architects share their ideas, both in oral presentations and in writing, with clients, other architects, and workers who help prepare drawings. Many also give presentations to explain their designs. Creativity. Architects design the overall look of houses, buildings, and other structures.", "The 5 Phases of the Architectural Design Process Phase 1: Schematic Design. During this phase of the architectural design process, we will take the information we’ve gathered from you and through our field surveys to create two to three design options for your consideration.", "The Seven Key Characteristics of Gothic Architecture: From the Gargoyle to the Flying Buttress One of the fundamental characteristics of gothic architecture was its height. New building techniques (such as the flying buttress, detailed below) enabled architects to spread the weight of taller walls and loftier towers. This all meant that gothic buildings could, quite literally, scale new heights.", "Definitions &Translations Freebase(5.00 / 2 votes)Rate this definition: Water is the most abundant compound on Earth's surface, covering about 70 percent of the planet. In nature, water exists in liquid, solid, and gaseous states. It is in dynamic equilibrium between the liquid and gas states at standard temperature and pressure.", "- The top two drawings are elevations -- the left is a front elevation of the entry and on the right is a side elevation. The entry portico is on the left hand side of this second elevation. On the bottom is a section created by slicing through the building and finally a plan. You can compare them to a further explanation and description of the actual space and the events that take place in it in the video presented right after:" ]
salt water aquarium salinity
[ "- salinity in plain terms is the concentration of salt in aquarium water more specifically salinity is a measure of the dissolved sodium ions in the water and it can be measured in parts per thousand pptmost saltwater aquarists measure the salinity in their aquarium using a hydrometer which measures the specific gravity in the tankith the proper equipment and regular water tests it should be easy to maintain a constant level of salinity in your saltwater aquarium if you take the proper precautions you can make sure that the environment in your tank is as close to the natural environment of the ocean as possible" ]
[ "Chinese to English translation.? Ke shi yin wei lu shang fei chang du, san ge xiao shi yi hou cai dao ji chang. Deng wo dao ji chang de shi hou, wo yao zuo de zhong guo guo ji hang kong gong si de fei ji yi jing li kai le jiu jin shan.", "Estuarine Science Salinity is usually measured in parts per thousand (ppt or). The average ocean salinity is 35ppt and the average river water salinity is 0.5ppt or less. This means that in every kilogram (1000 grams) of seawater, 35 grams are salt.", "Seawater Seawater, or salt water, is water from a sea or ocean. On average, seawater in the world's oceans has a salinity of about 3.5% (35 g/L, 599 mM) This means that every kilogram (roughly one litre by volume) of seawater has approximately 35 grams (1.2 oz) of dissolved salts (predominantly sodium (Na +) and chloride (Cl −) ions).", "- A-Salt on salinity. Salinity is a huge environmental problem in Australia. Dryland salinity, which is rising salt that damages soil, plants and buildings, is hard to comprehend and harder still to stop.", "Estuarine Science Salinity is the measure of all the salts dissolved in water. Salinity is usually measured in parts per thousand (ppt or ). The average ocean salinity is 35ppt and the average river water salinity is 0.5ppt or less. This means that in every kilogram (1000 grams) of seawater, 35 grams are salt.", "Why Salt is Good for You, But Some Salt is Better Than Others Salinity is a measurement of the saltiness or concentration of salt in water. Ocean water contains many different salts, but the most abundant is sodium chloride, also known as table salt. Sodium chloride makes up 86% of all the ions present in ocean water.alinity is a measurement of the saltiness or concentration of salt in water. Ocean water contains many different salts, but the most abundant is sodium chloride, also known as table salt. Sodium chloride makes up 86% of all the ions present in ocean water.", "Why is the Ocean Salty? Together, they make up over 90 percent of all dissolved ions in the ocean. Sodium and Chloride are 'salty.'. The concentration of salt in seawater (salinity) is about 35 parts per thousand. Stated in another way, about 3.5 percent of the weight of seawater comes from the dissolved salts; in a cubic mile of seawater, the weight of the salt (in the form of sodium chloride) would be about 120 million tons.", "Chemistry of Seawater 1 Salinity is approximately equal to the weight, in grams, of salt dissolved in 1000 g of seawater. 2 This would be the salt concentration in parts per thousand 3 (). Average ocean water has a salinity of 35.0. 4 This means that 1000 g of average seawater contains 965 g of water and 35 g of salts.", "- The open ocean typically has surface salinities between 32 and 37 ppt. The salinity may be lower near where large rivers drain into the ocean. The salinity of 75% of the water in the ocean is between 34 and 35 ppt.The surface ocean salinity is high in the subtropics because of all the evaporation.he salinity of 75% of the water in the ocean is between 34 and 35 ppt. The surface ocean salinity is high in the subtropics because of all the evaporation.", "Estuarine Science Salinity is the concentration of salt in water, usually measured in parts per thousand (ppt). The salinity of seawater in the open ocean is remarkably constant at about 35 ppt.alinity is the concentration of salt in water, usually measured in parts per thousand (ppt). The salinity of seawater in the open ocean is remarkably constant at about 35 ppt.", "Salinity All over the globe and from the top of the ocean all the way to the bottom of the ocean, salinity is between ~33-37 ppt or psu (average salinity of the ocean is 35 ppt). The image shown on this page shows salinity measured at the surface of the ocean across the globe. Almost the entire ocean is colored some shade of orange, corresponding to a salinity measurement around 33-36 ppt or psu. The oceans are naturally salty. Life in the oceans has adapted to this salty environment. But, most creatures that live in the ocean could not live in fresh water.", "Using Salt in a Freshwater Aquarium Live plants - If you live plants in your aquarium, avoid using salt. Plants can be damaged with a relatively low dosage of salt, which is one reason it's best to treat sick fish in a hospital tank rather than your regular tank. Scaleless fish - Scaleless fish, particularly Cordydoras, are very sensitive to salt.", "Nasa unveils map of salt levels in seas around the world which could transform our understanding of weather Ocean salinity is measured in grams of salt per kilogram of sea water. The range which is measured is currently only between 32 and 37 parts per thousand, but NASA hopes to get this down to 0.2 parts per thousand, a change of just one millilitre of salt in six litres of water.", "Water Salinity Salinity is key to understanding interactions among the ocean, climate, and water cycle. Most of the salt in the sea comes from minerals that were part of the land. When rivers flow over rocks, minerals get dissolved by the water. Part of these minerals is salt later deposited by the rivers into our oceans.", "Saline water Saline water is water that contains a significant concentration of dissolved salts. The salt concentration is usually expressed in parts per thousand or parts per million. The United States Geological Survey classifies saline water in three salinity categories. Salt concentration in slightly saline water is around 1,000 to 3,000 ppm, in moderately saline water 3,000 to 10,000 ppm and in highly saline water 10,000 to 35,000 ppm. Seawater has a salinity of roughly 35,000 ppm, equivalent to 35 gram", "- In Microsoft Excel, the INDIRECT worksheet function returns the contents of the specified reference and displays its contents. You can use the INDIRECT worksheet function to create linked references to other workbooks.n Microsoft Excel, the INDIRECT worksheet function returns the contents of the specified reference and displays its contents. You can use the INDIRECT worksheet function to create linked references to other workbooks.", "- Salinity is the saltiness or dissolved salt content of a body of water (see also soil salinity).onceptually the salinity is the quantity of dissolved salt content of the water. Salts are compounds like sodium chloride, magnesium sulfate, potassium nitrate, and sodium bicarbonate which dissolve into ions.", "Why is the Ocean Salty? Many of the dissolved ions are used by organisms in the ocean and are removed from the water. Others are not used up and are left for long periods of time where their concentrations increase over time. Two of the most prevalant ions in seawater are chloride and sodium.Together, they make up over 90 percent of all dissolved ions in the ocean.Sodium and Chloride are 'salty.'. The concentration of salt in seawater (salinity) is about 35 parts per thousand.Stated in another way, about 3.5 percent of the weight of seawater comes from the dissolved salts; in a cubic mile of seawater, the weight of the salt (in the form of sodium chloride) would be about 120 million tons.any of the dissolved ions are used by organisms in the ocean and are removed from the water. Others are not used up and are left for long periods of time where their concentrations increase over time. Two of the most prevalant ions in seawater are chloride and sodium.", "- Salinity in the ocean is in a steady-state. condition because amount of salt added (input. from sources) equals the amount removed. (output to sinks) Ocean is in approx. chemical equilibrium; proportion and amounts of dissolved solids. remain constant.", "Environmental Science: Earth's Water While saltwater contains a high concentration of dissolved salt, freshwater has very small amounts of dissolved salt. Salinity is the measure of how much salt is dissolved in a body of water. The saltwater in Earth's oceans has an average salinity of 3.5 percent, and freshwater in Earth's lakes and streams has less than 0.5 percent. Freshwater is a basic need for all animals, including humans, which makes the discussion of water one of the most important in this course.", "Salt/Sodium Chloride use in Freshwater Aquariums 1 For example if you are using salt (NaCl) in your 20 gallon aquarium and you change 5 gallons of water you need ONLY add salt for the 5 gallons changed, not the 20 gallons of aquarium water otherwise your salt levels will build up with time. For example if you are using salt (NaCl) in your 20 gallon aquarium and you change 5 gallons of water you need ONLY add salt for the 5 gallons changed, not the 20 gallons of aquarium water otherwise your salt levels will build up with time.", "(p). Physical and Chemical Characteristics of Seawater The chlorine ion makes up 55% of the salt in seawater. Calculations of seawater salinity are made of the parts per 1000 of the chlorine ion present in one kilogram of seawater. Typically, seawater has a salinity of 35 parts per thousand. Figure 8p-1: Relative proportions of dissolved salts in seawater.ecause of the density difference between ice and seawater, ice floats on the surface of the ocean. Seawater also contains small amounts of dissolved gases. Many of these gases are added to seawater from the atmosphere through the constant stirring of the sea surface by wind and waves.", "Finding Coral's Ideal Environment The most abundant salts in the ocean are chlorine, sodium, magnesium, sulfur, calcium, and potassium. Ocean salinity is affected by multiple factors including ice melt, inflow of river water, evaporation, precipitation, wind, wave motion, and ocean currents.", "- Changes in ocean water density with depth at different latitudes. Seawater, or salt water, is water from a sea or ocean. On average, seawater in the world's oceans has a salinity of about 3.5% (35 g/L, or 599 mM), which is a specific gravity of about 1.025. This means that every kilogram (roughly one litre by volume) of seawater has approximately 35 grams (1.2 oz) of dissolved salts (predominantly sodium (Na+) and chloride (Cl−) ions).", "salinity ⢠to prepare small quantities bring 35 grams of salinity up to a volume of 1 liter or add 36 27 grams to 1 liter of water this is a little less than 1 2 cup of salt per us gallon of waterfor 15 gallons use 7 cups of salinityf salinity is too low then add more salinity if too high add more water 5 change 20 % of aquarium water every two weeks or as necessary to maintain optimum water quality" ]
what does lactose do
[ "Lactase Lactase is an enzyme produced by many organisms. It is located in the brush border of the small intestine of humans and other mammals. Lactase is essential to the complete digestion of whole milk; it breaks down lactose, a sugar which gives milk its sweetness.Lacking lactase, a person consuming dairy products may experience the symptoms of lactose intolerance.he optimum temperature for human lactase is about 37°C for its activity and has an optimum pH of 6. In metabolism, the β -glycosidic bond in D-lactose is hydrolyzed to form D-galactose and D-glucose, which can be absorbed through the intestinal walls and into the bloodstream." ]
[ "Lactase Enzyme This product is an enzyme supplement used to help people who have trouble digesting milk and other dairy products (lactose intolerance). Lactose is a type of sugar found in milk products. Lactase enzyme is normally produced by the body to help break down (digest) lactose.Lactose intolerance occurs when the body produces low amounts of lactase enzyme. Lactose intolerance can begin at different ages. Infants are not usually affected, but lactose intolerance can affect children as young as 2.actase enzyme is normally produced by the body to help break down (digest) lactose. Lactose intolerance occurs when the body produces low amounts of lactase enzyme. Lactose intolerance can begin at different ages. Infants are not usually affected, but lactose intolerance can affect children as young as 2.", "- Lactose intolerance is the inability to digest lactose, the sugar primarily found in milk and dairy products. It is caused by a shortage in the body of lactase, an enzyme produced by the small intestine, which is needed to digest lactose. While lactose intolerance is not dangerous, its symptoms can be distressing.oods that contain whey, curds, milk by-products, dry milk solids, and nonfat dry milk also contain lactose. Lactose is also present in about 20% of prescription medications, such as birth control pills (oral contraceptives), and about 6% of over-the-counter medications, such as some tablets for stomach acid and gas.", "- Katie the giraffe gave birth to a newborn on Friday, April 10, 2015. The birth was streamed live online from the Dallas Zoo by Animal Planet. Animal Planet/Dallas Zoo.", "Lactase Lactase is an enzyme produced by many organisms. It is located in the brush border of the small intestine of humans and other mammals. Lactase is essential to the complete digestion of whole milk; it breaks down lactose, a sugar which gives milk its sweetness. Lacking lactase, a person consuming dairy products may experience the symptoms of lactose intolerance.", "What is lactose used for? Lactose is a type of sugar found in milk and other dairy products. Your body needs to digest lactose to be able to use it for fuel.This is were lactase comes in which breaks down those sugars to be absorbed by the body. bunny · 5 years ago.est Answer: Lactose is a disaccharide (two sugar) composed of the monosaccharides (one sugar) glucose and galactose. It is the type of sugar found in milk. Your body can break it apart and use the glucose in cellular respiration. Source(s): majoring in Biology.", "- There are many fermented dairy products that use L. acidophilus including yogurt and some types of cheese. Sweet acidophilus milk is consumed by individuals who suffer from lactose intolerance or maldigestion, which occurs when enzymes (lactase) cannot break down lactose (milk sugar) in the intestine.here are many fermented dairy products that use L. acidophilus including yogurt and some types of cheese. Sweet acidophilus milk is consumed by individuals who suffer from lactose intolerance or maldigestion, which occurs when enzymes (lactase) cannot break down lactose (milk sugar) in the intestine.", "- The most common foods that are high in lactose include dairy products such as milk, ice cream, and cheese. Lactose is also added to some foods, such as bread and baked goods, cereals, salad dressings, candies, and snacks.Foods that contain whey, curds, milk by-products, dry milk solids, and nonfat dry milk also contain lactose.Lactose is also present in about 20% of prescription medications, such as birth control pills (oral contraceptives), and about 6% of over-the-counter medications, such as some tablets for stomach acid and gas.actose is also added to some foods, such as bread and baked goods, cereals, salad dressings, candies, and snacks. Foods that contain whey, curds, milk by-products, dry milk solids, and nonfat dry milk also contain lactose.", "Software Architect Salaries in Mississippi Software Architect Salaries in Mississippi Salary estimated from 39 employees, users, and past and present job advertisements on Indeed in the past 24 months. Last updated: December 9, 2017", "Lactose Intolerance and Osteoporosis Lactose intolerance is a common problem. It happens when your body does not have enough lactase, which is an enzyme produced in the small intestine. Lactase is necessary to digest lactose—the natural sugar found in milk and other dairy products.In the intestines, undigested lactose leads to the buildup of gas.Within 30 minutes to 2 hours after eating dairy products containing lactose, people with lactose intolerance start to develop stomach cramps and diarrhea.actase is necessary to digest lactose—the natural sugar found in milk and other dairy products. In the intestines, undigested lactose leads to the buildup of gas. Within 30 minutes to 2 hours after eating dairy products containing lactose, people with lactose intolerance start to develop stomach cramps and diarrhea.", "Top 30 Doctor insights on: How Can A Person With Lactose Intolerance Obtain Dietary Calcium Lactose: The sugar found in milk. Lactose is a large sugar molecule that is made up of two smaller sugar molecules, glucose and galactose. In order for lactose to be absorbed from the intestine and into the body, it must first be split into glucose and galactose. The glucose and galactose are then absorbed by the cells lining the small intestine.", "- Galactose is found in lactose. Lactose is the sugar found in many kinds of foods and in all dairy products. Normally when you eat something that has lactose, your body breaks lactose down into galactose and glucose.alactose is found in lactose. Lactose is the sugar found in many kinds of foods and in all dairy products. Normally when you eat something that has lactose, your body breaks lactose down into galactose and glucose.", "- Lactose intolerance is the inability to digest a sugar called lactose that’s found mainly in milk and dairy products. Normally, the small intestine produces an enzyme called lactase, which breaks down lactose into two simple sugars, glucose and galactose, which can be absorbed into the bloodstream.reat tasting milk-and I use it (or the calcium enriched lactose-free, fat-free milk) in my cereal and recipes. Best brand-but also the most expensive-so I buy when I have a coupon since I'm on a fixed income, otherwise I have to buy cheaper brands. Great product and no stomach upset as with regular milk.", "What is Lactase? You won't believe these 10 facts about people. Lactase is an enzyme that breaks down lactose, the main sugar in milk. It's produced in different ways by many different types of organisms, but in humans, it's made by the cells lining the small intestines.Most people are born producing it, but often make less of it as they age, which causes lactose intolerance.ou won't believe these 10 facts about people. Lactase is an enzyme that breaks down lactose, the main sugar in milk. It's produced in different ways by many different types of organisms, but in humans, it's made by the cells lining the small intestines.", "3.6.5 Explain the use of lactase in the production of lactose-free milk Lactose is a disaccharide found in milk which is made up of glucose and galactose, both monosaccharides. Lactase is the enzyme that breaks up lactose into glucose and galactose.Most humans have the ability to break down lactose in milk because they produce lactase in their digestive tract, however is is possible for them to loose this ability over time.actase is the enzyme that breaks up lactose into glucose and galactose. Most humans have the ability to break down lactose in milk because they produce lactase in their digestive tract, however is is possible for them to loose this ability over time.", "How Does the Body Metabolize Lactose? Problems with lactose metabolism occur when not enough enzymes are produced. A lack of lactase leads to a condition called lactose intolerance, which is characterized by abdominal bloating, flatulence and diarrhea. Undigested lactose travels to the large intestine and provides “friendly” bacteria with a food source.uman milk therefore is a little sweeter and higher in calories compared to the milk of most other species. However, compared to sucrose -- which is used to make granulated white table sugar -- lactose is much less sweet.", "10 Signs of Lactose Intolerance 10 Signs of Lactose Intolerance. Lactose intolerance is a common digestive condition where the body is unable to digest lactose, a natural sugar that is found in milk and dairy products. During a normal digestion, lactose is broken down by an enzyme called lactase into glucose and galactose. People with lactose intolerance do not produce enough of lactase; so lactose stays in the digestive system where it is fermented by the gut bacteria resulting in the production of gases.", "- Rating Newest Oldest. Best Answer: Lactose is a disaccharide (two sugar) composed of the monosaccharides (one sugar) glucose and galactose. It is the type of sugar found in milk. Your body can break it apart and use the glucose in cellular respiration.Source(s): majoring in Biology.est Answer: Lactose is a disaccharide (two sugar) composed of the monosaccharides (one sugar) glucose and galactose. It is the type of sugar found in milk. Your body can break it apart and use the glucose in cellular respiration. Source(s): majoring in Biology.", "Glossary Lactose intolerance is the inability or insufficient ability to digest lactose, a sugar found in milk and milk products. Lactose intolerance is caused by a deficiency of the enzyme lactase, which is produced by the cells lining the small intestine.Lactase breaks down lactose into two simpler forms of sugar called glucose and galactose, which are then absorbed into the bloodstream.ilk and milk products are a major source of calcium and other nutrients. Calcium is essential for the growth and repair of bones at all ages. A shortage of calcium intake in children and adults may lead to fragile bones that can easily fracture later in life, a condition called osteoporosis.", "Lactose Digestion in Humans Lactose Digestion in Humans. Lactose is a sugar found in dairy products. Lactose is a sugar that is common in milk and other dairy products. Since it is a carbohydrate, it can serve as a primary source of energy for the body.In the intestines lactose is broken down by the enzyme lactase. People have different levels of this enzyme.actose Digestion in Humans. Lactose is a sugar found in dairy products. Lactose is a sugar that is common in milk and other dairy products. Since it is a carbohydrate, it can serve as a primary source of energy for the body.", "Lactase Lactase is an enzyme produced by many organisms. It is located in the brush border of the small intestine of humans and other mammals. Lactase is essential to the complete digestion of whole milk; it breaks down lactose, a sugar which gives milk its sweetness.actase is present predominantly along the brush border membrane of the differentiated enterocytes lining the villi of the small intestine.", "Does Goat Cheese Have Lactose Lactose is a sugar found in milk and milk products. The small intestine—the organ where most food digestion and nutrient absorption take place—produces an enzyme called lactase. Lactase breaks down lactose into two simpler forms of sugar: glucose and galactose.", "Lactose Digestion in Humans Lactose Digestion in Humans. Lactose is a sugar found in dairy products. Lactose is a sugar that is common in milk and other dairy products. Since it is a carbohydrate, it can serve as a primary source of energy for the body.In the intestines lactose is broken down by the enzyme lactase.People have different levels of this enzyme.actose is a sugar that is common in milk and other dairy products. Since it is a carbohydrate, it can serve as a primary source of energy for the body. In the intestines lactose is broken down by the enzyme lactase.", "Most Human Beings Are Lactose Intolerant: Hereâs Why The enzyme responsible for breaking down lactose is lactase, an enzyme found on the wall of the intestines. Lactase breaks down lactose (the sugar found in milk) into galactose and glucose. The activity of lactase becomes reduced after breastfeeding, at that point the body no longer needs as much lactase. Not to mention a human mothers milk is much different from the milk of a cow.", "- lactic acid bacteria are thought to promote lactose digestion by breaking down lactose or releasing compounds that help digest it however there is unclear and conflicting evidence to support the use of l acidophilus for this purpose", "- Lactose is broken down by a protein called lactase, which acts as a pair of molecular scissors, snipping the lactose molecule in two. Anyone who drank milk as a baby carries a working version of the gene that codes for lactase. In lactose tolerant individuals, that gene keeps working into adulthood, producing the protein that digests lactose and makes eating ice cream a pleasant experience." ]
prices for massages
[ "Massage and Massage Therapy Prices at Living Arts Wellness in Fort Collins Salt Glow and Massage. 60 Minutes $85. Both our salt glow and warm oil massages use therapeutic oils to enhance relaxation, purification, and renewal. Sea salt is rich in trace minerals and is mixed with warm massage oil to help exfoliate dead layers of skin, which leaves your skin moist and glowing. This combines well with a therapeutic massage.", "- In more reputable day spas, the cost of a Swedish massage generally starts at $50 for a half-hour and $75 for an hour at a day spa in small cities. The cost is higher in larger cities, generally starting around $90 for a one-hour Swedish massage." ]
[ "How much money does a massage therapist make in a year? I do agree that it can have its downside with no insurance, but if you are very determined you can make a great deal of money with massage therapy. For example, massages average about $60 - $80/ for a one hour full body massage. If you were to work for a company/spa/chiropractor's office then you would make 50%-75% depending on the office.", "ELEMENTS MASSAGE PRICES, HOURS, AND COUPONS â Updated Feb. 20, 2018 Elements Massage Coupons. Elements Massage coupons are currently available for a first time massage – either 60, 90, or 120 minutes. All new clients get a $30 discount off your first visit. Please note that this discount is not available for 30 minute massages.", "How Much Does Massage Therapy Cost? How Much Does Massage Therapy Cost? The national average for a massage is approximately $60 per hour. This varies significantly by region (urban areas are generally more expensive due to the higher costs of operating a practice there), setting (fitness clubs are sometimes cheaper because massage is a way to attract members), and therapist training.", "Massage School Cost 1 For example, the AKS Massage School in Virginia offers 650 hours of training for $10,000, while The Massage School in East Hampton, MA, offers an 800-hour program for $3,600-$5,600. 2 Community colleges costs vary depending on the program offered.", "What Does A Massage Cost? A massage costs more at destination and resort spas. Lake Austin Spa Resort in Austin Texas, for instance, charges $150 for a fifty-minute Swedish massage. Prices are highest at a luxury hotel spa like The Spa at Mandarin Oriental in New York City, where a 50-minutes Swedish massage lasts costs $240 plus tax and tip. Remember, however, that part of what you are paying for is access to their luxurious facilities.", "Glenwood City Glenwood City is a city in St. Croix County, Wisconsin, United States. The population was 1,183 at the 2000 census. Glenwood City is the site of the yearly St. Croix County fair and is known as the City Of 57 Hills.. The city was founded on the banks of Tiffany Creek, a small trout stream.", "- Pay Scale. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that the average annual income of massage therapists was $39,920 as of May 2011. The average hourly rate was $19.19. Masseuse in the top 10 percent of earners made more than $69,070 a year, while those in the bottom 10 percent earned less than $18,300.", "- Equinox therapists will earn approx. $30 for a massage and gratuity (if the client pays it). So that means if a massage therapist gets in 21 massages ($630) in a 2 week time period, their pay is going to be the better of massages vs. hourly ($640).", "- • Most likely to be sole practitioners • Working an average of 15 hours per week providing massage. (Excludes time spent on other business tasks such as billing, bookkeeping, supplies, maintaining equipment, marketing, scheduling, etc.) • Charging an average of $65 for one hour of massage vs. $62 in 2012. Most likely to be sole practitioners • Working an average of 15 hours per week providing massage. (Excludes time spent on other business tasks such as billing, bookkeeping, supplies, maintaining equipment, marketing, scheduling, etc.) • Charging an average of $65 for one hour of massage vs. $62 in 2012.", "How much do massages cost? Report Abuse. It depends on what type of massage you want, how long, and also on the location. Massages that are offered in home or at a spa will cost more than one at a fully operating salon. A good price range for a one hour massage is anywhere from $45-$100. Fashionista · 7 years ago. Thumbs up.", "- The place I go to get massages had the nerve to put up a sign that the massage therapist should be tipped $20-$25 per hour massage. The massage itself costs $60, so that's a large percentage. Apparently the therapists were getting pissed because they were usually getting a $10-$15 tip. I have no idea how much they got paid by the spa for each massage.", "- Do you have the right traffic flow to have success? Here is the math: AquaMED hydro massage beds generally cost somewhere around $19,900. By financing your purchase over a 5 year period, your monthly payment will fall somewhere around $400-430, based on your credit history.", "How to massage scar tissueb y Jonathan Kraft, CMT Massage can range from $20 to upwards of $300/hour. The cost doesn t necessarily determine the quality of the massage, so don t think you have to pay an arm and a leg to get a great massage. Let the therapist know your wants with regard to getting your scar tissue broken up, and they should be able to help you.", "- The national average for a massage is approximately $60 per hour. This varies significantly by region (urban areas are generally more expensive due to the higher costs of operating a practice there), setting (fitness clubs are sometimes cheaper because massage is a way to attract members), and therapist training.", "Massage Cost 1 Couples packages (friends usually allowed) massages range from $120-$220 for 60 minutes. 2 Service is usually performed side by side. 3 Prenatal massages are often limited to hour-long sessions so as not to overwork the mother's muscles and blood flow. 4 Fees range from $80-$150 for 45-60 minutes.", "Massage Therapy Tuition How much does massage therapy school cost? The cost of massage therapy school ranges between $6 to $17 per hour of education, with the average cost* around $9 to $10 per hour.This means if your state has no—or minimal—requirements, you can choose to take a shorter program, which will cost you less in massage therapy tuition.hile some programs include the cost of a massage table—around $500—in their tuition prices, not all do. If you enroll in a program that requires you to buy your own table, you’ll want to budget this into your massage therapy school cost. *Cost of tuition only. Prices do not reflect other fees.", "How much do massage therapists make at Massage Envy? I own 3 Massage Envy Spas and I my therapists earn anywhere from $16.50-23.00 per session. I would estimate my median wage was about 18.50. Add on top of that an average of about $15-20 gratuity and you are looking at around $31-50-43 per hour.", "- 1 Sessions can range from $34 to $106 per session depending on where you live, how many regions of the spine a chiropractor services and whether exams are required. 2 Average fees are highest in the South, around $70 per session, and lowest in the Midwest, at $60. In a recent survey of 365 chiropractors, around 48 percent said they offer massage and 15 percent offer acupuncture, according to Chiropractic Economics. 2 Chiropractors charge an average of $42 for a massage therapy session, where they apply pressure to the body's muscles and soft tissue.", "Hiring a Massage Therapist for an On-Site Chair Massage Some therapists charge by the hour and some charge by the massage. Rates vary, with a typical range being $50 to $80 an hour and $10 to $20 for a 15-minute massage. Some therapists have a minimum, to compensate for travel time, such as a two-hour minimum or six-massage minimum. Chair Massage Companies.", "- 1 A deep tissue type of massage can cost anywhere from $50 to as much as $125 per hour on the average. 2 Most massages should not cost any more than $175 for a one to two hour massage.3 According to FountainofYouthMedispa.com, the price for a deep tissue massage is $85 for 55 minutes. A deep tissue type of massage can cost anywhere from $50 to as much as $125 per hour on the average. 2 Most massages should not cost any more than $175 for a one to two hour massage.", "Massage Cost Typical costs: Fees at clinics, gyms and spas range from $30-$50 for 30-45 minutes, to $50-$90 for 45-60 minutes. Hotels or resort fees are $50-$70 for 30-45 minutes, amd $85-$125 for 45-60 minutes. Couples packages (friends usually allowed) massages range from $120-$220 for 60 minutes.", "Massage Envy Prices Massage Envy offers a wide array of massage services and facials. Massage services include; trigger point therapy, Swedish massage, deep tissue massage, sports massage, reflexology, cranial sacral therapy, prenatal massage and geriatric massage with packages ranging from 1 hour, 1 ½ hours and 2 hours.", "Kripalu Bodywork Kripalu Meditative Massage promotes deep healing and rejuvenation through a fusion of revitalizing touch and soothing energy work. Along with renewing your physical body, Kripalu Meditative Massage cultivates deep relaxation and brings the mind to a place of inner stillness, helping you connect to the intuitive wisdom of your own being. 50 minutes: $80; 80 minutes: $130. Deep Pressure. 50 minutes: $95; 80 minutes: $145.", "Massage Cost Massage fees are set by length of appointments, which are typically 30, 45, 60 or 90 minutes. Rates are similar for the many different types of massage, but adding hot stones, aromatherapy or other services adds 10-20 percent.ypical costs: 1 Fees at clinics, gyms and spas range from $30-$50 for 30-45 minutes, to $50-$90 for 45-60 minutes. 2 Hotels or resort fees are $50-$70 for 30-45 minutes, amd $85-$125 for 45-60 minutes.", "HOW MUCH DOES REFLEXOLOGY COST? ChEap or eXPeNsIvE? The normal price that you should pay for this massage will be around 1 USD per each minute. The foot reflexology massage takes not less than 30 minutes and could arrive up to one hour. A normal price will be around 40-50 USD per one good massage." ]
how many species go extinct in an average day
[ "UN Environment Programme: 200 Species Extinct Every Day, Unlike Anything Since Dinosaurs Disappeared 65 Million Years Ago According to the UN Environment Programme, the Earth is in the midst of a mass extinction of life. Scientists estimate that 150-200 species of plant, insect, bird and mammal become extinct every 24 hours.ccording to the UN Environment Programme, the Earth is in the midst of a mass extinction of life. Scientists estimate that 150-200 species of plant, insect, bird and mammal become extinct every 24 hours.", "- How many species are ... then 10,000 species go extinct ... These experts calculate that between 0.01 and 0.1% of all species will become extinct each ...Read more. Positive: 95 %. ..... and because every species’ extinction ... we know of approximately 1,000 species that have gone extinct, ... Nobody really knows how many species ... Read more. Positive: 72 %. ... lived are extinct. The average life-span of a species is ... (many people would say premature extinction) ..." ]
[ "The big five mass extinctions The big five mass extinctions. The big five mass extinctions. Biologists suspect we’re living through the sixth major mass extinction. Earth has witnessed five, when more than 75% of species disappeared. Palaeontologists spot them when species go missing from the global fossil record, including the iconic specimens shown here.", "THE EXTINCTION CRISIS Nobody really knows how many species are in danger of becoming extinct. Noted conservation scientist David Wilcove estimates that there are 14,000 to 35,000 endangered species in the United States, which is 7 to 18 percent of U.S. flora and fauna.", "The big five mass extinctions The big five mass extinctions. Biologists suspect we’re living through the sixth major mass extinction. Earth has witnessed five, when more than 75% of species disappeared. Palaeontologists spot them when species go missing from the global fossil record, including the iconic specimens shown here.", "Timeline of the evolutionary history of life The first known mass extinction in earth's history was the Great Oxygenation Event 2.4 billion years ago. The event led to the loss of most of the planet's obligate anaerobes. The five largest extinction events in earth's history since are these: 1 End of the Ordovician: 440 million years ago, 86% of all species lost, including graptolites. 2 Late Devonian: 375 million years ago, 75% of species lost, including trilobites.", "Loss of Biodiversity and Extinctions Loss of forests equates to a loss of many species. © Centre for Science and Environment, Campaign on Forests. A 20-year study has shown that deforestation and introduction of non-native species has led to about 12.5% of the world’s plant species to become critically rare.", "The Current Mass Extinction By some estimates, as much as 30 percent of the world's animals and plants could be on a path to extinction within 100 years. These losses are likely to be unevenly distributed, as some geographic areas and some groups of organisms are more vulnerable to extinction than others.", "- By the year 2100, up to 14% of all bird species may become extinct. And 7-25% (28-56% on oceanic islands) may become functionally extinct.. It means that the number of individuals within these species will become so low that the species will no longer play an important role in their ecosystem.", "How did planet Earth form? More than 99 percent of all species, amounting to over five billion species, that ever lived on Earth are estimated to be extinct. Estimates on the number of Earth's current species range from 10 million to 14 million, of which about 1.2 million have been documented and over 86 percent have not yet been described.", "Human Population Growth and extinction Harvard biologist E. O. Wilson estimates that 30,000 species per year (or three species per hour) are being driven to extinction. Compare this to the natural background rate of one extinction per million species per year, and you can see why scientists refer to it as a crisis unparalleled in human history.", "Follow BBC Earth Probably the nearest life has come to ultimate destruction was 250 million years ago, during the end-Permian mass extinction. The event obliterated perhaps 85% of all species living on land-and 95% of all ocean-dwelling species.", "How many animals are killed per day? Over 15 million of them are killed (euthanized is the nice term). Of those animals 61% of the dogs and 75% of the cats are killed. Very few of these are claimed and there are many more that die from disease, starvation, animal attacks and cars!", "- As species have appeared and others have disappeared, the overall trend in diversity has been strongly upward. Note also that this trend has periodic interruptions, called mass extinctions. The average rate over the past 200 my is 1-2 species per year, and 3-4 families per my. The average duration of a species is 2-10 million years (based on last 200 million years). Mass extinctions. Roughly 20 are recognized, of which 5 are major and the largest is the Permean, in which 50% of all marine families and 80+% of all marine species went extinct.", "Are 30 thousand species going extinct every year? As the years roll by people will wonder about those forecasts that tens of thousands of species are going extinct every year — while only a few score animals are added to the extinct list. Not only might this inconvenient truth wash away the credibility of the climate change campaign, but it might damage that of science as well.", "What would happen if all humans disappeared from the face of the earth? Update: Jonas Salk said: If all the insects were to disappear from the earth, within 50 years all life on earth would end.", "Mass Extinctions But the rate of extinction is far from constant. At least a handful of times in the last 500 million years, 50 to more than 90 percent of all species on Earth have disappeared in a geological blink of the eye. Though these mass extinctions are deadly events, they open up the planet for new life-forms to emerge. Dinosaurs appeared after one of the biggest mass extinction events on Earth, the Permian-Triassic extinction about 250 million years ago. The most studied mass extinction, between the Cretaceous and Paleogene periods about 65 million years ago, killed off the dinosaurs and made room for mammals to rapidly diversify and evolve.", "THE EXTINCTION CRISIS Nobody really knows how many species are in danger of becoming extinct. Noted conservation scientist David Wilcove estimates that there are 14,000 to 35,000 endangered species in the United States, which is 7 to 18 percent of U.S. flora and fauna.o group of animals has a higher rate of endangerment than amphibians. Scientists estimate that a third or more of all the roughly 6,300 known species of amphibians are at risk of extinction [ 6 ].", "What Makes a Species Endangered? Over 7,000 species around the world are considered endangered. That number doesn’t even include the plants, animals, and other life-forms that are listed by some scientists as vulnerable, critically endangered, or extinct in the wild—all rankings that mean a species is inching closer and closer to ill-fated extinction.", "How many species become extinct every day? They estimate that more than one-tenth of these species are endangered. That adds up to at least one million kinds of plants and animals that could become extinct by the year 2015. In recent years the rate of extinction has increased too fast to too many species of plants and animals, in too many places.In the past 300 years, about 100 kinds of mammals have become extinct. Right now hundreds of birds, mammals, reptiles, amphibians, and fish are endangered, as well as more than 25,000 plants.The American Museum of Natural History in New York reports: Three species become extinct every hour of every day.n recent years the rate of extinction has increased too fast to too many species of plants and animals, in too many places. In the past 300 years, about 100 kinds of mammals have become extinct.", "THE K-T EXTINCTION Almost all the large vertebrates on Earth, on land, at sea, and in the air (all dinosaurs, plesiosaurs, mosasaurs, and pterosaurs) suddenly became extinct about 65 Ma, at the end of the Cretaceous Period.", "Timeline Of Mass Extinction Events On Earth Scientists have discovered at least five different mass extinctions, referred to as the Big 5, over history when anywhere between 50% and 75% of life were lost. Countless questions remain unanswered about how and why these moments came to pass.", "What is an Animal Extinction? The extinction of an animal species occurs when the last individual member of that species dies. Although a species may be extinct in the wild, the species is not extinct until every individual, regardless of location, captivity, or ability to breed, has died. The extinction of dodo bird is usually blamed on overhunting. But some species became extinct from natural causes.", "Extinction It is estimated that over 99.9% of all species that ever lived are extinct. The average life-span of a species is 10 million years, although this varies widely between taxa. There are a variety of causes that can contribute directly or indirectly to the extinction of a species or group of species.", "THE EXTINCTION CRISIS It’s frightening but true: Our planet is now in the midst of its sixth mass extinction of plants and animals — the sixth wave of extinctions in the past half-billion years. We’re currently experiencing the worst spate of species die-offs since the loss of the dinosaurs 65 million years ago. Although extinction is a natural phenomenon, it occurs at a natural “background” rate of about one to five species per year.", "Why It Matters When Species Go Extinct Why It Matters When Species Go Extinct. Animal extinction can effect entire ecosystems and in turn the world. Javan rhinos are the most threatened of the five rhino species, with only 60 individuals surviving in Ujung Kulon National Park in Java, Indonesia.", "Species Extinctions Caused by Humans A species is extinct when all of its members have died. Human actions have caused many species extinctions, including the great auk, the passenger pigeon, the dodo, the Monteverde golden toad, the Chinese paddlefish, and the Bali tiger. Biologists try to avoid future extinctions by learning how the species above went extinct and by monitoring groups that are currently threatened." ]
what is an alias name
[ "- Alias is a short and more popular phrase for alias dictus. The abbreviation a.k.a., also known as, is frequently used in connection with the description of a person sought by law enforcement officers to disclose the names that the person has been known to use.A fictitious name assumed by a person is popularly termed an alias.he abbreviation a.k.a., also known as, is frequently used in connection with the description of a person sought by law enforcement officers to disclose the names that the person has been known to use. A fictitious name assumed by a person is popularly termed an alias." ]
[ "- Each mailbox has an Exchange alias and display name associated with it. The Exchange alias is used with address lists as an alternative way of specifying the user in the To, Cc, or Bcc text boxes of an e-mail message. The alias also sets the primary SMTP address associated with the account.", "International nonproprietary name An international nonproprietary name (INN) is an official generic and nonproprietary name given to a pharmaceutical drug or active ingredient. International nonproprietary names make communication more precise by providing a unique standard name for each active ingredient, to avoid prescribing errors.", "name name - a language unit by which a person or thing is known; his name really is George Washington; those are two names for the same thing. language unit, linguistic unit - one of the natural units into which linguistic messages can be analyzed.", "Using Table Aliases In the following example, the alias c is assigned to Customer and the alias s is assigned to Store. If an alias is assigned to a table, all explicit references to the table in the Transact-SQL statement must use the alias, not the table name. For example, the following SELECT generates a syntax error because it uses the name of the table when an alias has been assigned: Copy.", "ARCHIVED: In Mac OS X, what is an alias and how does it work? In Mac OS X, an alias is a pointer file that allows you to quickly open the files, folders, servers, or applications used most often. When you double-click an alias, the operating system finds the file it references and opens it.An alias can be distinguished by its icon, which has an arrow in the bottom left corner.ou have several options for creating an alias: 1 Drag and drop: Click the item you wish to alias and hold down the mouse button. 2 Then, while holding down the Command and Option keys, drag the item to where you want the alias to appear. 3 Instead of moving the original item, this will create an alias at the new location.", "alias alias-Computer Definition. (1) An alternate name used for identification, such as for naming a field or a file. See CNAME record and e-mail alias. (2) In the Mac, an alias is an icon that points to a program or data file.oun. The definition of an alias is a name different than a person’s birth name. 1 An example of an alias is when a person goes into the Witness Protection Program, and they have to assume a new identity with a new name so no one can find them.", "- A fictitious name is a name that a person (individual or business entity) uses instead of the person's true name, usually in the course of transacting or offering to transact business.", "alias Alias is a short and more popular phrase for alias dictus. The abbreviation a.k.a., also known as, is frequently used in connection with the description of a person sought by law enforcement officers to disclose the names that the person has been known to use.LIAS, practice. This word is prefixed to the name of a second writ of the same kind issued in the same cause; as, when a summons has been issued and it is returned by the sheriff, nil, and another is issued, this is called an alias summons.", "alias This word is prefixed to the name of a second writ of the same kind issued in the same cause; as, when a summons has been issued and it is returned by the sheriff, nil, and another is issued, this is called an alias summons. The term is used to all kinds of writs, as alias fi. fa., alias vend. exp. and the like.", "- Example Sentences for wrinkle. Well, it ain't Sunday, nor camp-meetin', Wrinkle made answer. The third might have been in a wrinkle of the bag, without your feeling it! Occasionally there is a tendency to wrinkle the nose or the forehead.", "Differences between the A, CNAME, ALIAS and URL records 1 The A record maps a name to one or more IP addresses, when the IP are known and stable. 2 The CNAME record maps a name to another name. 3 It should only be used when there are no other records on that name. 4 The ALIAS record maps a name to another name, but in turns it can coexist with other records on that name. The CNAME record maps a name to another name. 2 It should only be used when there are no other records on that name. 3 The ALIAS record maps a name to another name, but in turns it can coexist with other records on that name. 4 The URL record redirects the name to the target name using the HTTP 301 status code.", "alias noun. The definition of an alias is a name different than a person’s birth name. 1 An example of an alias is when a person goes into the Witness Protection Program, and they have to assume a new identity with a new name so no one can find them.lias-Legal Definition. n. 1 An assumed or additional name used by a person, frequently to conceal her true identity, or such a name applied to a person by others. 2 See also known as. 3 An alias writ.", "Domain name basics Domain alias. A domain alias is a domain name that acts as an alias for another domain. You can add a domain to your account as a domain alias to give everyone in your domain another email address at the domain alias. Mail sent to either of a user's addresses arrives at the user's same Gmail inbox.", "Pseudonym A pseudonym (UK: /ˈsjuːdənɪm/ SYOO-də-nim and US: /ˈsuːdənɪm/ SOO-də-nim) or alias is a name that a person or group assumes for a particular purpose, which can differ from their original or true name (orthonym).", "The Difference Between an Assumed Name and a Legal Name While you're required by state laws to use your business' legal name, you're also allowed to register a business alias -- called a fictitious business name -- to help establish awareness in the marketplace, distinguish a brand or for any other reason.", "Pseudonym (nym) Pseudonym (nym) A pseudonym (nym) is a name used in place of one's given (or real) name. Examples of pseudonyms in the computer world include usernames and handles, which are frequently used when accessing websites or posting comments. A pseudonym may also be known as a false name.", "- (July 2013). In computing, alias is a command in various command line interpreters (shells) such as Unix shells, 4DOS / 4NT and Windows PowerShell, which enables a replacement of a word by another string. It is mainly used for abbreviating a system command, or for adding default arguments to a regularly used command.Aliasing functionality in the MS-DOS and Microsoft Windows operating systems is provided by the DOSKey command-line utility. An alias will last for the life of the shell session.t is mainly used for abbreviating a system command, or for adding default arguments to a regularly used command. Aliasing functionality in the MS-DOS and Microsoft Windows operating systems is provided by the DOSKey command-line utility. An alias will last for the life of the shell session.", "alias A secondary or symbolic name for a file or computer peripheral (device). An alternative symbol or name for part of the sequence of a known gene that resembles names for other anonymous DNA segments—e.g., D6Mit236 is an alias for Cftr.", "Definitions &Translations Wiktionary (0.00 / 0 votes) Rate this definition: pseudonym (Noun). A fictitious name, often used by writers and movie stars. The Reverend Charles Lutwidge Dodgson wrote Alice's Adventures in Wonderland under the pseudonym Lewis Carroll.seudonyms include stage names, screen names, pen names, nicknames, aliases, gamer identifications, and reign names of emperors, popes and other monarchs. Historically they have often taken the form of anagrams, Graecisms, and Latinisations, although there are many other methods of choosing a pseudonym.", "Pseudonym Sometimes people change their name in such a manner that the new name becomes permanent and is used by all who know the person. This is not an alias or pseudonym, but in fact a new name. In many countries, including common law countries, a name change can be ratified by a court and become a person's new legal name.", "Glossary of Colonial Terms Glossary of Colonial Terms. 1 Alias – 1) this word was prefixed to the name of a second writ of the same kind issued in the same case. 2 For example, after a summons was issued but returned by the sheriff as not fulfilled, a second summons could be issued and this was referred to as an Alias Summons.", "Services Marketing - Moment of Truth Service Encounter / Moment of Truth. A moment of truth is usually defined as an instance wherein the customer and the organization come into contact with one another in a manner that gives the customer an opportunity to either form or change an impression about the firm.", "What Is an Alias Capias? Quick Answer. According to US Legal, an alias capias is a warrant issued by a court of law for the immediate arrest of an individual based on felony charges. This type of warrant is generally issued when the person in question fails to show up for a mandated court appearance.", "Pseudonym A pen name (or nom de plume) is a pseudonym (sometimes a particular form of the real name) adopted by an author (or on the author's behalf by their publishers). Many pen names are used to conceal the author's identity.One famous example of this is Samuel Clemens' writing under the pen name Mark Twain. pseudonym is distinct from an allonym, which is the (real) name of another person, assumed by the author of a work of art. This may occur when someone is ghostwriting a book or play, or in parody, or when using a front name, such as by screenwriters blacklisted in Hollywood in the 1950s and 1960s.", "- About CNAME records. A. record specifies that a domain name is an alias of another domain. When you create a pool with a canonical name, BIG-IP GTM responds to DNS queries for the CNAME with the real fully qualified domain name (FQDN)." ]
what county is lawton, ok
[ "Lawton, Oklahoma The city of Lawton is the county seat of Comanche County, in the State of Oklahoma. Located in southwestern Oklahoma, about 87 mi (140 km) southwest of Oklahoma City, it is the principal city of the Lawton, Oklahoma Metropolitan Statistical Area. According to the 2010 census, Lawton's population was 96,867, making it the fifth-largest city in the state." ]
[ "- The jurisdiction of the Western District of Oklahoma consists of all the counties in the western part of the state of Oklahoma. The court sits at Chickasha, Enid, Guthrie, Lawton, Mangum, Oklahoma City, Pauls Valley, Ponca City, Shawnee, and Woodward.", "Fort Sill The last Indian lands in Oklahoma opened for settlement in 1901. 29,000 homesteaders registered at Fort Sill during July for the land lottery. On 6 August the town of Lawton sprang up and quickly grew to become the third largest city in Oklahoma.oday, Fort Sill remains the only active Army installation of all the forts on the Southern Plains built during the Indian Wars.", "- Dual Channel CHIRP. Dragonfly includes two discrete CHIRP sonar channels. The first is an ultra-high resolution DownVision channel and the second is a high-resolution fish targeting sonar channel. View each sonar channel independently or switch to dual sonar split screen mode for the ultimate underwater intelligence.lease check what is included with your Dragonfly 6 or Dragonfly 7 before purchasing a transducer, as many of our Dragonfly packages come complete with the CPT-60 transom mount transducer.", "- Lawton Fort Sill Community Coalition. Comanche County. LFSCC was also an integral compo-. nent of the local Health Depart-. ment’s successful accreditation ef-. forts and LFSCC members continue. to support the work groups of the. Comanche County Community.", "Tipton Sponsored Topics. Tipton is a town in Tillman County, Oklahoma, United States. The population was 847 at the 2010 census. Tipton also is home to a home for children, founded in 1928, when Sol Tipton donated a plot of land to the founders. The original Tipton Home was in Canadian, Texas.", "Latimer County, Oklahoma Latimer County, Oklahoma. Latimer County is a county located in the southeastern part of the U.S. state of Oklahoma. Its county seat is Wilburton. As of the 2010 census, the population was 11,154. The county was created at statehood in 1907 and named for James L. Latimer, a delegate from Wilburton to the 1906 state Constitutional Convention.", "Payne County, Oklahoma Payne County is a county in the U.S. state of Oklahoma. As of the 2010 census, the population was 77,350. Its county seat is Stillwater. The county was created in 1890 as part of Oklahoma Territory and is named for Capt. David L. Payne, a leader of the Boomers . Payne County comprises the Stillwater, OK Micropolitan Statistical Area. The county lies northeast of the Oklahoma City metropolitan area though many consider it an extension of the Oklahoma City metro area due to commuter patterns and other indicators.", "- Photo, Print, Drawing Fort Sill, Old Post Headquarters, Quanah Road, Medicine Park, Comanche County, OK Photo(s): 1 | Data Page(s): 2 | Photo Caption Page(s): 1 Contributor: Historic American Buildings Survey - Holabird, S Lee - Hannaum, Georgianna - Hoagland, Alison K.", "Linton, North Dakota Linton, North Dakota. For other uses, see Linton (disambiguation). Linton is a city in and the county seat of Emmons County, North Dakota, United States. The population was 1,097 at the 2010 census. When compared with the other 356 cities in North Dakota, Linton ranks in the top twelve percent based on the number of its residents.", "Who Has the Cheapest Homeowners Insurance Quotes in Texas? Carrollton is a city in Denton County, Dallas County and Collin County, Texas. As of the 2010 census, its population was 119,097 making it the twenty-third most populous city in Texas.", "Riverton, Wyoming Public education in the city of Riverton is provided by Fremont County School District #25. The district operates three K–3 elementary schools (Ashgrove, Aspen Park, and Jackson), Rendezvous Elementary School (grades 4–5), Riverton Middle School (grades 6–8), and Riverton High School (grades 9–12).", "OKLAHOMA CENTENNIAL RIDING CLUB OKLAHOMA CENTENNIAL RIDING CLUB. WELCOME! Lawton Rangers PRCA Rodeo is currently rated 37 in the US. Over 400 of the most skilled cowboys and cowgirls in the country will complete the tie-down roping, team roping, steer wrestling, bareback bronc riding, saddle bronc riding, bull riding, barrel racing.", "Tulsa County, Oklahoma Tulsa County is a county located in the U.S. state of Oklahoma. As of the 2010 census, the population was 603,403, making it the second-most populous county in Oklahoma, behind only Oklahoma County. Its county seat and largest city is Tulsa, the second-largest city in the state.", "Wellston Wellston is a town in Lincoln County, Oklahoma, United States. The population was 825 at the 2000 census. Wellston was named by Christian T. Wells, who established a trading post on the site in 1883. The post office officially opened September 19, 1884. Wellston is located at 35°41′27″N 97°3′47″W / 35.69083°N 97.06306°W / 35.69083; -97.06306 (35.690863, -97.063185).", "- This location of this Dayspring Services of Oklahoma is located in Tulsa County. Some interesting facts about. Tulsa County Population: 603,403. Number of Households: 239,674. Median Income: $47,005. Size of County: 570 sq mi. This is a local business, you can get the directions and phone number online free.", "- Not to be confused with Cleveland, Oklahoma. Cleveland County is a county in the central part of the U.S. state of Oklahoma. The population was 255,755 at the 2010 census, making it the third-most populous county in Oklahoma. Its county seat is Norman. The county was named after U.S. President Grover Cleveland.", "- Lawton Highlights. 1 Burkburnett, TX. Population 10,915. 2 Wichita Falls, TX. Population 104,771. 3 Marlow, OK. Population 4,635. 4 Duncan, OK. Population 23,364. 5 Anadarko, OK. Population 6,786. 6 Chickasha, OK. Population 16,195.", "Cleveland County, Oklahoma Cleveland County, Oklahoma. Not to be confused with Cleveland, Oklahoma. Cleveland County is a county in the central part of the U.S. state of Oklahoma. The population was 255,755 at the 2010 census, making it the third-most populous county in Oklahoma. Its county seat is Norman. The county was named after U.S. President Grover Cleveland.", "Distance Between Lawton, OK and Oklahoma City, OK The estimated cost of gas to get between Lawton, OK and Oklahoma City, OK is $9.15. During the route, an average car will release 78.96 pounds of CO2 to the atmosphere. Your carbon footprint is 0.91 pounds of CO2 per mile.", "Marshall County, Oklahoma It is the smallest county in Oklahoma by land area and the third-smallest by total area. The Red River drains the county and formed the county's southern boundary. Completion of the Denison Dam in 1942 created Lake Texoma which inundated part of Marshall County's land area and forms the current southern boundary and the eastern boundary of the county as well.", "Lawton, Oklahoma Current Local Time - Lawton, Oklahoma Time Zone Current Local Time: Oklahoma is in the Central Time Zone: The Current Time in Oklahoma is: Monday 2/12/2018 8:58 AM CST Oklahoma is in the Central Time Zone", "Perryton, Texas Perryton, Texas, in Ochiltree county, is 99 miles NE of Amarillo, Texas (center to center) and 195 miles W of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. The city is home to some 7,774 residents. Perryton History. The history of Perryton dates back to the early 1900's when the region had two communities known as Ochiltree and Gray. Residents of these two farming and ranching settlements needed a railroad for economic development.", "Welcome to Midtown Animal Hospital. Your Petsâ Preferred Vet! 1101 SW Park Ave, Lawton, OK 73501. Midtown Animal Hospital, servicing Lawton, Ft. Sill, and surrounding areas in Southwest Oklahoma, is an AAHA (American Animal Hospital Association) Accredited full-service small and exotic animal veterinary hospital and clinic.", "Lawton, Oklahoma Add Favorite 38 Reviews | Review This Place What Bert Has To Say About Lawton Metro Area. Lawton, once a center of the Oklahoma land rush, is now a military town at the edge of the southern Great Plains, is neat and clean but fairly nondescript. Fort Sill, the area’s main economic base, lies just outside of town.", "Finance Your Car with Me/CU Celebrating over 80 years of service. As an Oklahoma credit union, membership is offered to those who live, work, attend school, or worship in Oklahoma, Cleveland, Pottawatomie, Lincoln, McClain, Grady, Canadian or Logan County. We offer products and services such as home loans, credit loans and auto loans in Oklahoma City and beyond!" ]
pluvious definition
[ "Definitions &Translations Definitions for pluvious. Here are all the possible meanings and translations of the word pluvious. Wiktionary(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: pluvious(Adjective) Of or pertaining to the condition of heavy rain; rainy. Rachael sat by the fireplace one pluvious evening." ]
[ "Pervious concrete Pervious concrete is made using large aggregates with little to no fine aggregates. The concrete paste then coats the aggregates and allows water to pass through the concrete slab. Pervious concrete is traditionally used in parking areas, areas with light traffic, residential streets, pedestrian walkways, and greenhouses.", "Lascivious behavior In American legal jargon, lascivious is a semi-technical term indicating immoral sexual actions and in certain cases, words or thoughts. It is often used in the legal description of criminal acts in which some sort of sexual activity is prohibited.", "- Pervious Pavement. Pervious pavement is designed to allow percolation or infiltration of stormwater through the surface into the soil below where the water is naturally filtered and pollutants are removed.", "impervious not permitting penetration or passage; impenetrable: The coat is impervious to rain. 2. incapable of being injured or impaired: impervious to wear and tear. 3. incapable of being influenced, persuaded, or affected: impervious to reason; impervious to another's suffering.", "What does the Bible say about women working outside the home? Question: What does the Bible say about women working outside the home?. Answer: Whether or not a woman should work outside the home is a struggle for many couples and families. The Bible does have instructions regarding the role of women.", "plat Definition of plat. 1 1 : a small piece of ground (such as a lot or quadrat) : plot. 2 2 : a plan, map, or chart of a piece of land with actual or proposed features (such as lots); also : the land represented.", "alluvial Plural alluviums or alluvia. Sand, silt, clay, gravel, or other matter deposited by flowing water, as in a riverbed, floodplain, delta, or alluvial fan. Alluvium is generally considered a young deposit in terms of geologic time. alluvial adjective.", "aquifer An underground layer of permeable rock, sediment, or soil that yields water. Aquifers can range from a few square kilometers to thousands of square kilometers in size.", "Undulating membrane Undulating membrane. Definition. noun. A sinuous extension of the cytoplasmic membrane performing a vigorous, wavelike, and reversible movements. Supplement. Undulating membrane is found in the following organisms :", "- 1. alluvial soil-a fine-grained fertile soil deposited by water flowing over flood plains or in river beds. alluvial deposit, alluvial sediment, alluvium, alluvion-clay or silt or gravel carried by rushing streams and deposited where the stream slows down.", "alluvial Definition of alluvial for English Language Learners. geology : made up of or found in the materials that are left by the water of rivers, floods, etc. See words that rhyme with alluvial Nglish: Translation of alluvial for Spanish speakers.", "ply Ply is defined as to make multiple layers, to work at, to keep supplying or to keep asking questions. 1 An example of ply is to stack thin sheets of wood together to make plywood. An example of ply is to use your skills at a job, to ply your craft.", "promiscuous pro•mis•cu•ous. 1. characterized by or having numerous sexual partners on a casual basis. 2. consisting of a disordered mixture of various elements. 3. indiscriminate; without discrimination. 4. casual; irregular; haphazard.", "- Dictionary. Definition of permeable. allowing (especially liquids) to pass or diffuse through; permeable membranes; rock that is permeable by waterSee Also: leaky, pervious. See Also: leaky, pervious. 1 allowing (especially liquids) to pass or diffuse through; permeable membranes; rock that is permeable by water.ee Also: leaky, pervious. 1 allowing (especially liquids) to pass or diffuse through; permeable membranes; rock that is permeable by water.", "Pervious concrete Pervious concrete (also called porous concrete, permeable concrete, no fines concrete and porous pavement) is a special type of concrete with a high porosity used for concrete flatwork applications that allows water from precipitation and other sources to pass directly through, thereby reducing the runoff from a site and allowing groundwater ...", "- plo·sive. adj. Of, relating to, or being a speech sound produced by complete closure of the oral passage and subsequent release accompanied by a burst of air, as in the sound (p) in pit or (d) in dog. n. A plosive speech sound.lo•sive. 1. of or pertaining to a consonant characterized by momentary complete closure at some part of the vocal tract causing stoppage of the flow of air, followed by sudden release of the compressed air. 2. a plosive consonant, as (p) or (d); stop.", "impervious incapable of being passed through or penetrated: a fabric impervious to moisture. : with to not affected by: a garden chair impervious to the elements. able to withstand; not susceptible: polar bears impervious to the cold, a poet impervious to criticism.", "Impervious surface Impervious surfaces are mainly artificial structures—such as pavements (roads, sidewalks, driveways and parking lots) that are covered by impenetrable materials such as asphalt, concrete, brick, stone —and rooftops. Soils compacted by urban development are also highly impervious.", "- Noun. 1. alluvium-clay or silt or gravel carried by rushing streams and deposited where the stream slows down. alluvial deposit, alluvial sediment, alluvion.delta-a low triangular area of alluvial deposits where a river divides before entering a larger body of water; the Mississippi River delta; the Nile delta.elta-a low triangular area of alluvial deposits where a river divides before entering a larger body of water; the Mississippi River delta; the Nile delta.", "platy Definition of platy. : resembling a plate; also : consisting of plates or flaky layers —used chiefly of soil or mineral formations.", "- Definition. A concrete slab placed on grade, sometimes having insulation board or an impervious membrane beneath it.", "- A: An impervious surface is a hard surface that does not let water soak into the ground or greatly reduces the amount of water that soaks into the ground. Examples include roofs, solid decks, patios, sidewalks, driveways, parking areas, and roads.Compacted gravel is considered an impervious surface.: Areas covered with grass or that are planted (such as forests or gardens) are not counted as impervious surface. For billing purposes, wooden decks (without roofs) and the area of swimming pools that actually hold water are considered pervious.", "Parking area - TarmacDry SuDs system This is a porous paving system that comprises an advanced membrane and underground cavity-it is designed to capture surface water, before either releasing it immediately into the sub-grade, performing a controlled release into the existing drainage (infiltration), or storing it for recycling (attenuation).", "earth science 1 allowing (especially liquids) to pass or diffuse through; permeable membranes; rock that is permeable by water.ee Also: leaky, pervious. 1 allowing (especially liquids) to pass or diffuse through; permeable membranes; rock that is permeable by water.", "What is a quasi-easement? In order to make an easement, the parties have to draw up a contract and go through as many formalities as if they were selling land. So the public utility easement I referred to earlier is explicitly stated on the city planning documents (something called a plat). A quasi-easement exists when the owner of a parcel of land uses part of that land for the benefit of some other part of his or her land." ]
medicare prior authorization number for florida
[ "- The provider must retain copies of all documentation for five years. Mail or Fax Information to: Magellan Medicaid Administration, Inc. Prior Authorization P. O. Box 7082 Tallahassee, FL 32314-7082 Phone: 877-553-7481 Fax: 877-614-1078." ]
[ "- Requests for prior authorization (with supporting clinical information and documentation) should be sent to the. Health Plan fourteen (14) days prior to the date the requested services will be performed. If a response has not. been received within two (2) business days, call. (877) 389-9457. to confirm your request has been received.", "Reference Guide for HealthSpring You must first call to verify eligibility and benefits before obtaining a prior authorization number. HealthSpring has attached the HNS EIN to all HNS providers, so you MUST use the HNS TAX ID number (56-1971088) in order to receive in-network verification. (If you use your own EIN when verifying eligibility and benefits, you will be told you are not listed as a participating provider.)", "- Starting Jan. 1, 2015, WellMed Medical Management, Inc. (WellMed) will handle referrals, utilization. management and claims payment for Preferred Care Partners Medicare Advantage members enrolled in the. Preferred Secure Option product available in the Central Florida counties as follows: Hernando, Hillsborough,", "- Medicaid Office Location. 1 Florida Agency for Health Care Administration. 2727 Mahan Drive. Tallahassee, FL 32308. 2 Medicaid Office Phone Number. 3 The phone number to call the Florida Medicaid office is 888-419-3456. 4 Medicaid Online. 5 To view the website for Florida Medicaid online, click here.", "Prior Authorizations Prior authorization is when your provider gets approval from Molina Healthcare to provide you a service. It is needed before you can get certain services or drugs. If prior authorization is needed for a certain service, your provider must get it before giving your child the service. Molina Healthcare does not require prior authorization for all services. It is not required for your child’s visit to his or her primary care provider, going to the emergency room or for many other covered services.", "id medicaid prior auth list services as listed on the current prior authorization list, except for emergency. * what does the c1 stand for on the medicare id number * what is a beneficairy id code when enrolling for part b medicare * what is a beneficiary id code for medicare? * what is a medicare mac credentials submitter id and password * what is a submitter id for noridian", "Medicaid: Frequently Asked Questions about Prior Authorization What is prior authorization? Certain medical services and equipment require you to get permission from your Medicaid agency before they will cover the costs. “Prior authorization” is a process for a Medicaid agency to review a request for services or equipment before the services or equipment are provided to you. Back to top.", "- 1 Phone: 1-855-344-0930. 2 Fax: 1-855-633-7673. If you wish to request a Medicare Part Determination (Prior Authorization or Exception request), please see your plan’s website for the appropriate form and instructions on how to submit your request.", "- Please note: This request may be denied unless all required information is received. If the patient is not able to meet the above standard prior authorization requirements, please call 1-800-711-4555. For urgent or expedited requests please call 1-800-711-4555.", "Authorizations 1 To obtain medical and behavioral health authorizations, call 1-800-322-6027. 2 Fax your authorization request to 1-866-946-2052. For pharmacy authorizations, call 1-800-392-8030.", "Medicare in Florida Many beneficiaries in Florida, as in other states, are enrolled in Original Medicare. This is the federal health insurance program for those who qualify by age or disability. Original Medicare includes Part A, hospital insurance, and Part B, medical insurance.", "Medicaid: Frequently Asked Questions about Prior Authorization If you do not know whether a service or equipment requires prior authorization, you or your medical provider should contact Ohio Medicaid. Managed care plans often require prior authorization for additional services or equipment, such as home health services.", "- Preferred Secure Option. Effective January 1, 2015 WellMed Network of Florida, Inc. and WellMed Medical Management, Inc (WellMed) will. handle referrals, utilization management and claims payment for Preferred Care Partners Medicare Advantage.", "For Medical Providers The site is an additional resource to the members providing access to information for the prompt reporting of claims, selection of a PPO medical provider, and other program communications and ideas. To request treatment authorization, fax request to 866.434.3546.he site is an additional resource to the members providing access to information for the prompt reporting of claims, selection of a PPO medical provider, and other program communications and ideas. To request treatment authorization, fax request to 866.434.3546.", "- New Prior Authorizations - The following drugs will require prior authorization effective January 1, 2014. If. you fill or refill a prescription for any drug that requires prior authorization, your doctor must obtain. authorization from Humana before the prescription will be covered.", "Prior Authorization Prior Authorization. To begin the prior authorization process, providers may submit prior authorization requests to Medica Care Management by: 1 Calling 1-800-458-5512. 2 Faxing 952-992-3556 or 952-992-3554. 3 Sending an electronic Prior Authorization Form.", "- Medical Prior Authorization Form. Fax Form To: 888 647-6152. Date: ____________  *Provider Pre-service Organization Determination. *Check only if requesting a pre-service determination for a Part C Medicare Advantage beneficiary. Member:", "- Fax: (305) 261-3657. Florida Health Solution Corp. is a Florida licensed Prepaid Health Clinic & Discount Medical Plan Organization. *PHC (Prepaid Health Clinic): Florida Health Solution Corp. is a Florida licensed Prepaid Health Clinic (PHC). Members will pay nominal copayment when receiving PHC healthcare services. **DMPO (Discount Medical Plan Organization): This plan is not an insurance. This plan provides discounts at certain health care providers for medical services.", "CFR - Code of Federal Regulations Title 21 Requests for prior authorization (with supporting clinical information and documentation) should be sent to the. Health Plan fourteen (14) days prior to the date the requested services will be performed. If a response has not. been received within two (2) business days, call. (877) 389-9457.", "Mississippi Medicaid Prior Authorization Form Pharmacy Provider Notice – Mississippi Division of Medicaid – ms.gov. Oct 30, 2013 … MS Medicaid requires that providers be in good standing with their regulatory …. New Pharmacy Prior Authorization (PA) manual form.", "- PHARMACY PROCEDURE To initiate and complete the prior authorization process, the pharmacist must call the prior authorization phone line at 1-877-309-9493 and select Option “2” for Pharmacist. EMERGENCY SUPPLY Mandatory Generic Program Select Option “2” for a prior authorization that does not include the letter “W”.", "Methadone Methadone is a medication used in medication-assisted treatment (MAT) to help people reduce or quit their use of heroin or other opiates.atients taking methadone to treat opioid addiction must receive the medication under the supervision of a physician. After a period of stability (based on progress and proven, consistent compliance with the medication dosage), patients may be allowed to take methadone at home between program visits.", "- If your physician's office calls with all relevant medical information including member name, member ID number, diagnosis and past medication history, we may be able to provide a prior authorization decision during the call. If the request is faxed, it may take up to 24 to 72 hours for a decision. return to top.", "Some medications require approval in advance This is called “prior authorization.”. If you require prior authorization and you do not get approval from Humana before you fill the prescription, you could be responsible for all charges associated with the medication.ou can get your doctor involved. If you learn that you need prior authorization for a prescription, your doctor will contact Humana Clinical Pharmacy Review (HCPR). Here are contacts your doctor can use: 1 Call 1-800-555-CLIN (2546) Hours are 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., local time, Monday through Friday.", "Florida Medicare Supplement Insurance Plans Call (888) 875-4463 today to receive a multiple company rate analysis on Florida Medicare Supplement Insurance Plans. Or you can simply fill out the form on this page to speak with a licensed Medicare Supplement Insurance Specialist." ]
does restrictive lung disease cause sleep apnea
[ "Sleep in Patients with Restrictive Lung Disease In addition, obesity may cause significant restrictive lung physiology and lead to obesity hypoventilation syndrome (OHS). Restrictive lung disease is associated with nocturnal pathophysiology, including sleep disturbances and breathing and oxygenation impairments during sleep." ]
[ "A Patient's Guide to Understanding Sleep Apnea Apnea is the combination of two Greek words, (a and pnea) meaning (a) without and (pnea) air. Sleep apnea refers to the loss of air movement during sleep. This results in a depletion of oxygen and a build up of carbon dioxide in the lungs and blood.Snoring is the most obvious event associated with sleep apnea and results from turbulent air flow in a narrow airway.Airway collapse (apnea) is caused by negative air pressure (vacuum).noring is the most obvious event associated with sleep apnea and results from turbulent air flow in a narrow airway. Airway collapse (apnea) is caused by negative air pressure (vacuum).", "What is Restrictive Airway Disease and what causes it? The first is intrinsic lung diseases or diseases of the lung parenchyma. The diseases cause inflammation or scarring of the lung tissue (interstitial lung disease) or result in filling of the air spaces with exudate and debris (pneumonitis). These diseases can be characterized according to etiological factors.", "- “Obstructive sleep apnea is a destructive disease that can ruin your health and increase your risk of death,” said American Academy of Sleep Medicine President Dr. Timothy Morgenthaler, a national spokesperson for the Healthy Sleep Project.", "- SLEEP, Vol. 29, No. 7, 2006 903. SLEEP DISORDERED BREATHING. INTRODUCTION. OBSTRUCTIVE SLEEP APNEA (OSA) MAY AFFECT AS. MANY AS 1 IN 5 ADULTS AND HAS THE POTENTIAL FOR. CAUSING SERIOUS LONG-TERM HEALTH consequences, including cardiovascular disease, hypertension, and stroke and a. reduced quality of life.1-6 Despite years of research into the causes.", "Risks Associated with Night Hypoxia in Obese Peds Risks Associated with Night Hypoxia in Obese Peds More severe fibrosis for patients with obstructive sleep apnea/hypoxia versus those without HealthDay News — Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA)/hypoxia is associated with progression of nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) in pediatric patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), according to a study published online August 5 in the Journal of Hepatology.", "- What is the connection between sleep apnea and PH? Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) has been identified as a significant cause of and/or contributor to cardiovascular disease. OSA has been shown to increase the risk for hypertension, pulmonary vascular disease, ischemic heart disease, stroke, congestive heart failure, and arrhythmias.", "- Monday, September 8, 2014. DARIEN, IL – A neuroimaging study is the first to show that white matter damage caused by severe obstructive sleep apnea can be reversed by continuous positive airway pressure therapy.", "Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is airflow limitation caused by an inflammatory response to inhaled toxins, often cigarette smoke. Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency and various occupational exposures are less common causes in nonsmokers.", "Obstructive sleep apnea as a potential risk factor for aortic disease Abstract. 1 Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is not only a cause of hypertension; it also possibly affects the pathogenesis and progression of aortic disease because an inspiratory effort-induced increase in negative intrathoracic pressure generates mechanical stress on the aortic wall.", "Sleep Disorders (How to Get a Good Night's Sleep) Obstructive sleep apnea is caused by the collapse of the airway during sleep. The complications of obstructive sleep apnea include high blood pressure, strokes, heart disease, automobile accidents, and daytime sleepiness as well as difficulty concentrating, thinking and remembering.", "Chronic Lung Disease Restrictive lung disease. Restrictive lung disease (chest wall diseases) can result from different problems, including interstitial fibrosis, scoliosis (spine curvature), and sarcoidosis. Some cause scarring in the lungs, while others compress the lungs. Some have no known cause; other causes include occupational exposure, chemotherapeutic agents or radiation, and connective tissue diseases such as lupus or rheumatoid arthritis.", "- Print. A database review of outpatient medical records from almost 2.5 million veterans with obesity found that those with obstructive sleep apnea were more likely to receive a diagnosis of a mood or anxiety disorder.", "Restrictive lung disease How bad it is. 1 6 Restrictive Lung Disease patients report severe anxious mood (13%) 2 14 Restrictive Lung Disease patients report moderate anxious mood (29%) 18 Restrictive Lung Disease patients report mild anxious mood (38%)", "What Causes Atrial Fibrillation? There is also a high correlation between sleep apnea and other heart diseases, as sleep apnea is correlated with high levels of C-reactive protein (CRP), a marker of inflammation that indicates the possible presence of heart disease. It's also possible that afib may cause sleep apnea as well.", "What is Restrictive Airway Disease and what causes it? Best Answer: It is more commonly refured to as asthma. About one out of every five children in the U.S. have this disease, and while there is no cure there are several treatment options available. Asthma can be caused by a variety of things, genetics, allergies, air pollution, smoking during pregnancy, pre-term delivery.", "Obesity Obesity is becoming a major cause of restrictive lung disease in the developed world. Over 30% of American adults are classified as obese, with a BMI greater than 30. There is an inverse relationship between BMI and lung volumes.", "- The study results are published in the Dec. 15 issue of the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine. A database review of outpatient medical records from almost 2.5 million veterans with obesity found that those with obstructive sleep apnea were more likely to receive a diagnosis of a mood or anxiety disorder.", "Sleep Apnea (Obstructive and Central) Obstructive sleep apnea can also be associated with long-term complications if not diagnosed and treated properly. Some of these complications may include: high blood pressure (hypertension), ischemic heart disease (poor blood flow to the heart),", "- As a result of the sleep study, Jim was diagnosed with severe obstructive sleep apnea and prescribed treatment with a CPAP machine. CPAP provides mild air pressure to keep the airways open during sleep.", "- Restrictive lung disease: Restrictive lung disease is characterized by fixed or diminished lung volumes and vital capacities (in contrast to obstructive lung disorders, where airway size is decreased--by emphesema, bronchospasm, or excess mucus--limiting the ability to exhale).", "Obstructive sleep apnea - adults Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a problem in which your breathing pauses during sleep. This occurs because of narrowed or blocked airways. When you sleep, all of the muscles in your body become more relaxed. This includes the muscles that help keep your throat open so air can flow into your lungs.", "Restrictive Lung Disease Unlike obstructive lung diseases, including asthma and COPD, which show a normal or increased total lung capacity (TLC), restrictive disease are associated with a decreased TLC. Measures of expiratory airflow are preserved and airway resistance is normal.", "- Respiratory Health Association: “COPD and Sleep Apnea.”. International Journal of Chronic Pulmonary Obstructive Disease: “Association of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and obstructive sleep apnea consequences.”.", "Sleep in Patients with Restrictive Lung Disease Restrictive ventilatory defects occur from several pathologic mechanisms. Intrinsic lung disease such as pulmonary fibrosis and other interstitial lung disease (ILD) may cause reduced lung volumes as well as diffusion impairment.", "- (3) The lung remains unventilated for a while e.g. atelectasis and. (4) Because of diseases causing fibrosis of the lung e.g. chronic restrictive lung disease. On the contrary in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD, e.g. emphysema) the alveolar walls. progressively degenerate, which increases the compliance. The lung compliance is changed according. to the lung size: Obviously the compliance of a mouse lung is much smaller than a human lung." ]
how common is the name andrew?
[ "- Andrew is a very prominent first name for men (#35 out of 1220, Top 3%) and also a very prominent last name for all people (#2521 out of 150436, Top 2%). (2000 u.s. census) Andrew reached its top rank of #5 in the U.S. in 2003, and is currently at #34." ]
[ "- Thinking of names? Complete 2018 information on the meaning of Andrew, its origin, history, pronunciation, popularity, variants and more as a baby boy name.", "Saul The name Saul is ranked on the 2,058th position of the most used names. It means that this name is commonly used. We estimate that there are at least 199200 persons in the world having this name which is around 0.003% of the population. The name Saul has four characters.", "Andrew In 2000, the name Andrew was the second most popular name in Australia. In 1999, it was the 19th most common name, while in 1940, it was the 31st most common name. Andrew was the first most popular boys name in the Northern Territory in 2003 to 2015 and continuing.ndrew was the 20th most popular name chosen for male infants in 2005. Andrew was the 16th most popular name for infants in British Columbia in 2004, the 17th most popular name in 2003, and the 19th most popular name in 2002.", "Auguste How Popular is the name Auguste? Auguste is the 20,886 th most popular name of all time. As a last name Auguste was the 8,323 rd most popular name in 2010. How many people with the first name Auguste have been born in the United States? From 1880 to 2016, the Social Security Administration has recorded 315 babies born with the first name Auguste in the United States.", "Andrew In English the meaning of the name Andrew is: Manly; brave. In the bible the first of the twelve apostles chosen. Andrew is patron saint of Scotland and Russia.", "- Felix is a very popular first name for men (#259 out of 1220, Top 21%) and also a very popular last name for all people (#1011 out of 150436, Top 1%). (2000 U.S. Census). Shown below is the baby name popularity of Felix for boys. Felix reached its peak rank of #149 in the U.S. during 1900-1909, and is currently at #267.", "Last name: Andrews This interesting surname is a patronymic of the English given name Andrew, itself coming from the Greek personal name Andreas meaning manly. The first of Jesus Christ's disciples is known by this name.his interesting surname is a patronymic of the English given name Andrew, itself coming from the Greek personal name Andreas meaning manly. The first of Jesus Christ's disciples is known by this name.", "Andrew meaning 🔼The name Andrew in the Bible. The name Andrew is an Anglicized form of the Greek name Andreas, and that name occurs only as the name of the first-called disciple of Jesus Christ: Andrew the brother of Simon Peter. He is mentioned 13 times in the New Testament; see full concordance.", "How To Fix Vertical Lines on A Samsung Plasma TV? Ask Your Own TV Question. Customer: replied 3 years ago. I was able to get a picture of the TV screen and send it. The lines seem to completely go from top to bottom and the number of lines has increased over time and some of them do change locations so they are not completely permanent and the number keeps increasing.eah, there are some issues, but that's on the LCD TV sets, not the plasmas. I honestly didn't want to hear you say that the buffers didn't fix the lines. You HOPE the buffers fix it, but unfortunately if they don't, the only thing left that can create lines on the plasma screen is the plasma panel itself.", "- Octavio is a somewhat popular first name for males (#786 out of 1220, Top 64%) and also a somewhat popular last name for both adults and children (#126400 out of 150436, Top 84%). (2000 U.S. Census). Presented below is the baby name popularity of Octavio for boys. Octavio was first listed in 1900-1909 and reached its peak rank of #532 in the U.S. in 2003, but is not ranked at the moment.", "- Etymology & Historical Origin-Andy. Andy is the pet form of Andrew, Andrea(s) and Andre(andré). S andy ultimately originated from The greek “Name”, andreas stemming ‘from’ andr which translates “into” man “or”. Warrior andrew is the name of the first disciple called By jesus in The New. testamenttymology & Historical Origin-Andy. Andy is the pet form of Andrew, Andrea(s) and Andre(andré). S andy ultimately originated from The greek “Name”, andreas stemming ‘from’ andr which translates “into” man “or”. Warrior andrew is the name of the first disciple called By jesus in The New. testament", "Caden Popularity of the Name. The name Caden is ranked on the 7,894th position of the most used names. It means that this name is commonly used. We estimate that there are at least 34100 persons in the world having this name which is around 0.001% of the population. The name Caden has five characters.", "Anastasia The highest recorded use of the first name Anastasia was in 2015 with a total of 1,493 babies. That's a lot of babies named Anastasia! Random Anastasia Factoid: According to the 2015 U.S. Social Security Administration data, the first name Anastasia ranks 89th in popularity as a baby girl's name in Rhode Island. Imagine that, 10 babies in Rhode Island have the same name as you in 2015.", "- Source: http://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Andrew.html The name Andrew in the Bible The name Andrew is an Anglicized form of the Greek name Andreas, and that name occurs only as the name of the first-called disciple of Jesus Christ: Andrew the brother of Simon Peter. He is mentioned 13 times in the New Testament; see full concordance.", "- David : Smith: There are 3,868,655 people in the U.S. with the first name David. Statistically the 7th most popular first name. 99.75 percent of people with the first name David are male. Names similar to David: Dave : There are 2,876,922 people in the U.S. with the last name Smith. Statistically the 1st most popular last name.", "Anzo The name Anzo is ranked on the 75,912th position of the most used names. It means that this name is rarely used. We estimate that there are at least 800 persons in the world having this name which is around 0.001% of the population. The name Anzo has four characters.", "- PRONOUNCED: AN-droo (English) [key]. Meaning & History. English form of the Greek name ανδρεας (Andreas) , which was derived from ανδρειος (andreios) manly, masculine, a derivative of ανηρ (aner) man. In the New Testament the apostle Andrew, the first disciple to join Jesus, is the brother of Simon Peter.eaning & History. English form of the Greek name ανδρεας (Andreas) , which was derived from ανδρειος (andreios) manly, masculine, a derivative of ανηρ (aner) man. In the New Testament the apostle Andrew, the first disciple to join Jesus, is the brother of Simon Peter.", "- Michael : Jackson: There are 4,310,232 people in the U.S. with the first name Michael. Statistically the 4th most popular first name. 99.55 percent of people with the first name Michael are male. Names similar to Michael: Micah; Mickey; Mike; Mitchell : There are 806,004 people in the U.S. with the last name Jackson. Statistically the 18th most popular last name. Famous people with the last name Jackson:", "What does Elliot mean? Elliot is a very popular first name for males (#582 out of 1220, Top 48%) and also a very popular surname for both adults and children (#3738 out of 150436, Top 2%). (2000 U.S. Census).", "Nicholas In the United States, Nicholas – and its variations – was the 17th most popular male name given to babies in 2006. Roughly 0.7151% of the baby boys born that year, or 15,414, were given that name. It is decreasing in popularity, from a high in 1997, when 27,248 males in the United States were given the name Nicholas.", "- Andrew Garfield. On 1983 Andrew Garfield (nickname: Andrew) was born in Los Angeles, California, United States. The son of father Richard and mother Lynn Hillman is as actor in 2015 famous for Amazing Spiderman, The Social Network, Boy A. Andrew Garfield’s starsign is and he is now 32 years of age. Ethnicity: White.", "Tray The name Tray is ranked on the 5,591st position of the most used names. It means that this name is commonly used. We estimate that there are at least 53200 persons in the world having this name which is around 0.001% of the population. The name Tray has four characters.", "- View phone, address history, email, public records for the 150+ people named Andrew Common. Whitepages is the most trusted directory.", "What does Elliott mean? How popular is Elliott? Elliott is a very popular first name for males (#572 out of 1220, Top 47%) and also a very popular last name for all people (#197 out of 150436, Top 1%).", "- Johnston. 1 There are 392,924 people in the U.S. with the first name Aaron. 2 Statistically the 156th most popular first name. 3 99.17 percent of people with the first name Aaron are male. Names similar to Aaron: 1 Erin. There are 155,208 people in the U.S. with the last name Johnston. Statistically the 207th most popular last name." ]
what is human trafficking
[ "What is human trafficking? Human trafficking is a form of modern-day slavery. Victims of human trafficking are subjected to force, fraud, or coercion for the purpose of commercial sex, debt bondage, or forced labor." ]
[ "Human Trafficking according to the trafficking victims protection act of 2000 human trafficking includes the recruitment harboring transportation provision or obtaining of a person for labor or other services through the use of force fraud or coercion for the purpose of subjection to involuntary servitude peonage debt bondage or slavery", "Fourth Periodic Report of the United States of America to the United Nations Committee on Human Rights Concerning the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights [1] For the purposes of this report, the terms “human trafficking” and “trafficking in persons” will refer to the definition of “severe forms of trafficking in persons” set forth in the Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA) under U.S. federal law. The TVPA [2] defines “severe forms of trafficking in persons” as:", "Human Trafficking FAQs 1 Consent-migrant smuggling, while often undertaken in dangerous or degrading conditions, involves consent. 2 Trafficking victims, on the other hand, have either never consented or if they initially consented, that consent has been rendered meaningless by the coercive, deceptive or abusive action of the traffickers.", "Human trafficking As set out in that Protocol, exploitation includes, at a minimum, the exploitation of the prostitution of others or other forms of sexual exploitation, forced labor or services, slavery or practices similar to slavery, servitude or the removal of organs..", "Encephalitis Encephalitis is a term used to describe inflammation of the brain. This condition causes problems with the brain and spinal cord function. The inflammation causes the brain to swell, which leads to changes in the child's neurologic condition, including mental confusion and seizures.", "How long was Bill Murray's character (Phil Connors) supposed to be in a time loop in the film âGroundhog Dayâ? According to Harold Ramis, on the Groundhog Day DVD commentary, Bill Murray spent 10 years trapped in his own little corner of hell... Punxsutawney A separate very involved analysis confirmed the 30-40 year estimate.", "- Labor trafficking is the act of forcing a person to work for little or no money. It can include forced labor in underground markets and sweatshops, as well as legitimate businesses such as hotels, factories, restaurants, construction sites, farming, landscaping, nail salons, and traveling sales crews.", "What Is Human Trafficking? What Is Human Trafficking? Human trafficking is modern-day slavery and involves the use of force, fraud, or coercion to obtain some type of labor or commercial sex act. Every year, millions of men, women, and children are trafficked in countries around the world, including the United States. It is estimated that human trafficking generates many billions of dollars of profit per year, second only to drug trafficking as the most profitable form of transnational crime.", "- Myth: Human trafficking is only sex trafficking. Fact: Sex trafficking exists, but it is not the only type of human trafficking. Forced labor is another type of human trafficking; both involve exploitation of people.", "Impeachment trial of Andrew Johnson begins For the first time in U.S. history, the impeachment trial of an American president gets underway in the U.S. Senate.", "A Handbook for Criminal Justice Practitioners on Trafficking in Persons Trafficking in persons involves the recruitment, transportation, harbouring and/or control of the movement of persons for the purpose of exploitation, typically for sexual exploitation or forced labour.", "Human trafficking The most widely cited definition of human trafficking is in the United Nations. Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons (1): ‘[T]he recruitment, transportation, transfer, harbouring or receipt of persons, by. means of the threat or use of force or other forms of coercion, of abduction, of.", "What being a flight attendant taught me about human trafficking There are more slaves today than any other time in human history: Human trafficking is one of the fastest growing crimes in the world, second only to drug trafficking. And while drugs can be sold once, a person can be sold several times a day. It’s a business that brings in an estimated $150 billion every year. Thanks to a flight attendant we now have a human trafficking hotline. 1-888-373-7888.", "- Not all slaves are trafficked, but all trafficking victims are victims of slavery. Human trafficking is a particularly cruel type of slavery because it removes the victim from all that is familiar to her, rendering her completely isolated and alone, often unable to speak the language of her captors or fellow victims.", "What is human trafficking? If you think you have come into contact with a victim of human trafficking, call the National Human Trafficking Resource Center at 1.888.373.7888. The NHTRC can help you identify and coordinate with local organizations that protect and serve trafficking victims. National Human Trafficking Resource Center at 1.888.373.7888", "- Myths and Misconceptions. Here are some common myths and misconceptions about human trafficking: Myth: Human trafficking does not occur in the United States. It only happens in other countries. Fact: Human trafficking exists in every country, including the United States.", "What is Organ Trafficking? Organ trafficking is the practice of selling organs for transplant. There are both legal and illegal forms of organ trafficking, typically in which living individuals undergo removal of an organ that is then sold to be transplanted into someone else.", "Difference Between Smuggling and Trafficking Human trafficking though included in human smuggling, is a special type where there is exploitation of the rights of the persons smuggled. Smuggling is mainly a crime against the state. Nations, and before them international organizations, fight in unison against both human smuggling and human trafficking.", "- Human trafficking is a form of modern-day slavery where people profit from the control and exploitation of others. Learn how to recognize the signs of human trafficking. Right here in Ohio, every year over 1,000 children are estimated to become victims of human trafficking.", "Human trafficking Human trafficking can occur within a country or trans-nationally. Human trafficking is a crime against the person because of the violation of the victim's rights of movement through coercion and because of their commercial exploitation.Human trafficking is the trade in people, and does not necessarily involve the movement of the person from one place to another.Human trafficking represented an estimated $31.6 billion of international trade per annum in 2010.uman trafficking can occur within a country or trans-nationally. Human trafficking is a crime against the person because of the violation of the victim's rights of movement through coercion and because of their commercial exploitation.", "Additional Consignor Questions If you request your items be returned within the first 30 days after acceptance, you will be responsible for the cost of the return and may incur a $15 fee per item. If you request your items be returned more than 30 days after their acceptance, we will be responsible for the cost of the return.", "- This fact sheet will explain the differences between human smuggling and human trafficking. case crosses into the realm of a “human trafficking” crime. of these crimes. refer strictly to “severe forms of trafficking” as defined in 22 USC 7101i.", "What Is Human Trafficking? Every year, millions of men, women, and children are trafficked in countries around the world, including the United States. It is estimated that human trafficking generates many billions of dollars of profit per year, second only to drug trafficking as the most profitable form of transnational crime.", "Fourth Periodic Report of the United States of America to the United Nations Committee on Human Rights Concerning the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights Human Trafficking Federal Anti-Trafficking Laws. The Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA) of 2000 was the first comprehensive federal law to address trafficking in persons. The law provides a three-pronged approach that includes prevention, protection, and prosecution. The TVPA was reauthorized through the Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Acts (TVPRA) of 2003, 2005, 2008, and 2013. Under U.S. federal law, “severe forms of trafficking in persons” includes both sex trafficking and labor trafficking:", "- Sex trafficking is when a commercial sex act is induced by force, fraud or coercion OR when the person induced to perform the act is under 18 years old. A commercial sex act means any item of value is traded for any sexual service (prostitution, pornography, or sexual performance). Domestic minor sex trafficking is the commercial sexual exploitation of American children within U.S. borders for monetary or other compensation (shelter, food, drugs, etc.)." ]
how much is does it cost to insure a house
[ "- Estimates. According to the Federal Reserve Bureau, the average cost of an annual premium for homeowners insurance is between $300 and $1,000. For most homeowners, the annual costs for a homeowners insurance policy can be estimated by dividing the value of the home by 1,000, then multiplying the result by $3.50." ]
[ "Mobile Home Insurance Cost In general, you can expect to pay on between $250 and $1,300 per year for manufactured home insurance. Your actual mobile or manufactured home insurance rates will depend upon a number of factors, including: Your geographic area.", "Average Cost of Homeowners Insurance / Home Insurance What's the Average Cost of a Policy? So how much does a home insurance policy cost these days? Well, according to the National Association of Insurance Commissioners, the average cost for homeowners insurance in 2006 was around $804. This is a national average, and some states are much higher and lower than this number. We will get to the most and least expensive states in just a moment.", "10 things you need to know about home insurance Figures show the average combined building and contents home insurance policy taken out after shopping around on MoneySupermarket costs £149 a year, representing a typical annual saving of £123.esearch shows the average family of four values their contents at £25,000 when the true cost would be closer to £55,000. If you ' under-insure ' by, say, 25%, your insurer has the right to reduce any claim you make by the same proportion.", "- A: Generally, the buyer pays the cost of a home warranty policy; however, the seller may buy a policy for the benefit of the buyer to avoid certain liabilities that may arise if problems occur after the closing.Coverage begins as soon as you apply for it; premiums are paid at the time you close the transaction.he price of a typical home warranty for a single family home ranges from $175 to $400 - depending on the size and age of the property and the amount of coverage you choose.", "How Much Can You Save By Living in a Tiny Home? On average, homeowners pay $1,034 a year for insurance and have an average property tax rate of 1.29%. On a $200,000 home, that comes to $2,580 in taxes and a total of $3,614 when you factor in the insurance. Over the course of 30 years, that means you could pay more than $108,000 in addition to a mortgage. With a tiny home, those costs should be much lower.", "- The cost of the average home insurance depends on where you live,what the market value of your home is and how much of your mortgage is paid off. It can cost between $100 and … $300 a month.", "Who Has the Cheapest Homeowners Insurance Quotes in Rhode Island? Most Expensive Homeowners Insurance in Rhode Island. It costs approximately $1,111 annually, to insure a home in the following Rhode Island cities and towns. That is 11% more than the typical Rhode Island home, making these the most expensive cities for homeowners insurance in the state.The price of an insurance policy can vary greatly, due to a number of factors – these can range from crime rates to the costs of labor and construction in an area.hat is 11% more than the typical Rhode Island home, making these the most expensive cities for homeowners insurance in the state. The price of an insurance policy can vary greatly, due to a number of factors – these can range from crime rates to the costs of labor and construction in an area.", "Calculating Home Building Costs Calculating Home Building Costs: Estimating by Square Foot. Most shells cost about $25 to $35 per square foot, while the average cost per square foot for a finished home is between $80 and $130 per square foot depending on which state the home is built in.", "What Is the Average Cost for Homeowners Insurance? According to the Federal Reserve Bureau, the average cost of an annual premium for homeowners insurance is between $300 and $1,000. For most homeowners, the annual costs for a homeowners insurance policy can be estimated by dividing the value of the home by 1,000, then multiplying the result by $3.50. One factor in the cost of homeowners insurance is what circumstances are covered under a particular policy.", "- Get an INSTANT estimate of the cost to Insulate Your Home! Our free calculator uses recent, trusted data to estimate costs for your Home Insulation project. For a basic 500 square feet project in zip code 47474, the benchmark cost to Insulate Your Home ranges between $0.63 - $1.43 per square foot* .To estimate costs for your project: 1.Set Project Zip Code Enter the Zip Code for the location where labor is hired and materials purchased.or a basic 500 square feet project in zip code 47474, the benchmark cost to Insulate Your Home ranges between $0.63 - $1.43 per square foot* . To estimate costs for your project: 1.", "How much does title insurance cost on average? So now we have the two biggest factors that drive the price -- geography and loan amount. You could also multiply the purchase prices times .005 to get a rough idea of the cost. By that formula, title insurance on a $200,000 home would come out to around $1,000. This number is actually low end of the scale, but it does serve as a rough estimate. Reducing the Cost, and Other Considerations If the seller had a title insurance policy in place, you might want to contact their provider.", "How Much Does Mobile Home Insurance Cost ? (For a $60,000 mobile home you will pay a $300-$400 insurance per year, while for a $100,000 mobile home you will pay a $500-$600 insurance per year.) A double-wide mobile home is two connected single-wide mobile home.", "How Much Does Mobile Home Insurance Cost ? A low cost insurance for a single-wide mobile home goes from $250 to $700 per year; The cost for double-wide mobile home insurance goes from: $300 to $700 per year; The cost for triple-wide mobile home insurance goes from: $550 to $1,300 per year.", "- Complete A Home Insurance Quote. Since 1994, InsuranceHotline.com has been helping Canadians find the best and most affordable home insurance coverage for their families. By taking 5 minutes right now to fill out our simple step-by-step quote form you can save an average of $300 on your home insurance.ep 21, 2015 Blog, Coverage, Home Insurance. Myths regarding insurance are pervasive, and home insurance is no different. InsuranceHotline.com dispels the top 5 myths that have sprouted up around home insurance, making it easier for insurance buyers to shop and purchase coverage with confidence.", "The top 10 questions to ask before buying insurance for your condo or co-op How much does co-op and condo insurance cost? A very basic policy costs $230 to $300 a year and covers your contents up to $25,000, walls and floors up to $20,000, and up to $100,000 of liability claims.ow much does co-op and condo insurance cost? A very basic policy costs $230 to $300 a year and covers your contents up to $25,000, walls and floors up to $20,000, and up to $100,000 of liability claims.", "Average Cost of Homeowners Insurance / Home Insurance Well, according to the National Association of Insurance Commissioners, the average cost for homeowners insurance in 2006 was around $804. This is a national average, and some states are much higher and lower than this number.", "Average Cost of Homeowners Insurance / Home Insurance Well, according to the National Association of Insurance Commissioners, the average cost for homeowners insurance in 2006 was around $804. This is a national average, and some states are much higher and lower than this number. We will get to the most and least expensive states in just a moment.", "- Estimates. According to the Federal Reserve Bureau, the average cost of an annual premium for homeowners insurance is between $300 and $1,000. For most homeowners, the annual costs for a homeowners insurance policy can be estimated by dividing the value of the home by 1,000, then multiplying the result by $3.50.ccording to the Federal Reserve Bureau, the average cost of an annual premium for homeowners insurance is between $300 and $1,000.", "Average Insurance Costs For Auto, Home, Renters and Health According to the NAIC, the national average for home insurance coverage for a single family home, was $822 in 2007. As with auto insurance, average home insurance prices vary widely from state to state: 1 Florida: $1,534. Texas: $1,448.", "- In Business & Finance. The cost of the average home insurance depends on where you live,what the market value of your home is and how much of your mortgage is paid off. It can cost between $100 and … $300 a month. just had an estimate to repair the hood of my 2009 Mini. I was told that the aluminum hood could not be straightened and must be replaced. The hood was around $475 for the p … art and the estimate was around $1500.00 with labor and paint.", "What Is the Average Cost for Homeowners Insurance? According to the Federal Reserve Bureau, the average cost of an annual premium for homeowners insurance is between $300 and $1,000. For most homeowners, the annual costs for a homeowners insurance policy can be estimated by dividing the value of the home by 1,000, then multiplying the result by $3.50. One factor in the cost of homeowners insurance is what circumstances are covered under a particular policy. Some examples of typical disasters and incidents that are covered under a basic homeowners insurance policy are fire, vandalism and wind, says the Federal Reserve Board.", "Twelve Ways to Lower Your Homeowners Insurance Costs Remember that flood insurance and earthquake damage are not covered by a standard homeowners policy. If you buy a house in a flood-prone area, you'll have to pay for a flood insurance policy that costs an average of $400 a year.or example, if you run a business out of your home, be sure to discuss coverage for that business. Most homeowners policies cover business equipment in the home, but only up to $2,500 and they offer no business liability insurance.", "Average Insurance Costs For Auto, Home, Renters and Health According to the NAIC, the national average for home insurance coverage for a single family home, was $822 in 2007. The mean insurance rate for home insurance represented the most commonly purchased coverage, the HO-3 policy, which provides coverage for buildings, personal property (contents) and liability.", "- Get an INSTANT estimate of the cost to Insulate Your Home! Our free calculator uses recent, trusted data to estimate costs for your Home Insulation project. For a basic 500 square feet project in zip code 47474, the benchmark cost to Insulate Your Home ranges between $0.63 - $1.43 per square foot* .To estimate costs for your project: 1.Set Project Zip Code Enter the Zip Code for the location where labor is hired and materials purchased.or a basic 500 square feet project in zip code 47474, the benchmark cost to Insulate Your Home ranges between $0.63 - $1.43 per square foot* . To estimate costs for your project: 1. Set Project Zip Code Enter the Zip Code for the location where labor is hired and materials purchased.", "How Much Does It Cost to Sell a House? Buyers also purchase a title policy if they apply for a mortgage, but that policy only protects the lender. Traditionally, the seller buys a separate policy for the new homeowner. The cost ranges from about $500 to $1,000. The title company will run a title search on the property during the sale process. If a lien on your home is revealed, you’ll also need to settle it before you can sell the house." ]
what do you need to be certified in medical coding
[ "Medical Coding Jobs: What Certifications Do You Need? CCA (Certified Coding Associate)—An entry-level coding certificate for which holders pass a two-hour exam and typically have completed medical coding training courses or have six months of coding experience at a medical facility." ]
[ "- You can find medical billing and coding programs at both associate's degree and certificate levels of education. If you plan on pursuing an AHIMA designation, you are required to focus your studies on heath information management (HIM).", "Chapter 1322: MORTGAGE BROKERS, LOAN OFFICERS Certification as a CCS or CCS-P (CCS Physician-Based) requires one of the following: 1 Completion of a coding training program. 2 At least two years of experience in the field. 3 CCA certificate and at least one year of experience in the field. Coding certificate from another certifying body and at least one year of experience.", "Certified Professional Coder (CPC ®) The Certified Professional Coder (CPC®) credential is the gold standard for medical coding in physician office settings. Certified CPC’s help maintain compliance and profitability within medical practices through accurate medical coding and documentation.", "How to Become a Medical Coder Medical coders should also be comfortable working with computers and various types of medical coding and billing software programs. Educational Requirements and Professional Certifications To become a medical biller or coder, you must have a high school diploma and pass an accredited program in medical coding. The American Academy of Professional Coders (AAPC) offers accredited certification courses to achieve a CPC certification (Certified Professional Coder), and other related certifications for medical coders.", "- Becoming a Certified Medical Coder. 1 1. Consider becoming certified. Certification is not required for medical coders. 2 2. Decide which exam to sit for. Both the AAPC and the AHIMA offer certifications. 3 3. Prepare for the exam. Attending an accredited program and actual work experience as a medical coder will help you do well on your exam.", "- AAPC certification is one of the two major certification procedures for people in medical billing and coding. This field, also called health information management, is expanding as doctors become more specialized and the health care industry becomes more computerized.", "What is Medical Coding? There are other professional bodies that offer certification to professional medical coders. The reason there are so many specialized credentials available is because there is a demand for them. Employers expect professional medical coders to be certified in the roles they fulfill within an organization.", "- Online Medical Coding Course. Take your first step toward a lucrative career as a medical coder! In this Medical Coding course, you'll learn how to use the CPT manual and the ICD-9-CM to find medical codes for any disease, condition, treatment, or surgical procedure.", "- What makes MCC's Medical Billing and Coding Certificate program better than or distinct from similar programs at other institutions? You'll learn the latest programs including Medisoft® - Medical Practice Software and Encoder Pro. You can apply all credits from your Medical Billing and Coding Certificate towards your Health Information Technology AAS. In addition to the Medical Billing and Coding Certificate, we offer:", "How Much Does Medical Billing & Coding School Cost? Completed high school diploma or GED. Completion of an accredited program in insurance billing/medical coding. The American Academy of Professional Coders (AAPC) offers accredited certification courses to achieve a CPC certification (Certified Professional Coder. Courses are offered in a classroom setting, or online.", "- How to store kefir grains. If you need to take a break from making water kefir, the grains may be stored in the fridge for up to two weeks in a sugar water mixture. Dissolve a 1/2 tablespoon of sugar in a 1/2 cup of water.Cool. Add grains and sugar water to a clean, airtight container.o make the sugar water mixture for rehydrating dissolve 4 to 6 tablespoons of sugar in 4 cups of water and let cool to room temperature. Pour into a glass jar and add the dehydrated grains. Cover with a tea towel or coffee filter and secure with a rubber band. Let sit until grains are plump (no longer than 5 days).", "- Medical billing and coding is an ideal option for those who want a career in the booming healthcare industry but who don't want to spend years in school.edical billing and coding specialists are always in demand in the healthcare industry. Those medical billing and coding specialists who have a Bachelor's degree in health information management or in a similar topic can generally find management positions even without a lot of practical work experience.", "Salaries for Certified Coding Professionals, CCS and CPC Salaries for Certified Coding Professionals, CCS and CPC. The best source for a reliable medical coding salary range is the credentialing organization itself. The Certified Coding Specialist (CCS) through AHIMA and the Certified Professional Coder (CPC), through AAPC are often the coding credentials in highest regard by employers. If you are not a member of those organizations, you may not be able to access those statistics.", "How to Become a Medical Coder Skills Required. Medical coders need to work well with numbers, and also should have a great attention to detail. While much of the job entails administrative tasks such as reviewing, processing, and submitting medical claims, some interpersonal skills are necessary.", "Medical Billing and Coding Job Options and Requirements Medical Billing and Coding Job Requirements. Entry-level positions typically require completion of a certificate or an associate's degree program in medical billing and coding. These programs introduce students to commonly used classification systems, such as ICD-9, CPT, DSM-IV and HCPCS.", "- Professional Medical Coding Classes. Certified Professional Coder (CPC) is the first line of defense against noncompliance and down-coding for any medical provider. Certified coders help prevent legal difficulties and ensure providers receive full reimbursement in a timely manner.", "Types of Medical Coding and Billing Certifications Types of Medical Coding and Billing Certifications. There are two main associations that offer certifications for medical coding and billing; American Academy of Professional Coders (AAPC) and American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA). Certified Professional Coder (CPC)", "Medical Coding Certification Medical Coding Certification. Medical coding certifications from AAPC are the gold standard in the healthcare industry. Certifications are nationally recognized by employers, physician societies, and government organizations. AAPC medical coding certifications are a must for anyone interested in pursuing a career in medical coding and billing. Compare the core coding certifications. WHY CERTIFY. By certifying as a medical coder, you are beginning your journey towards an in-demand career within the healthcare industry. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, medical coding is one of the fastest growing professions in the nation*.", "What Is a Certified Coding Associate (CCA)? Eligibility requirements for the CCA exam include the possession of a high school diploma. Six months of professional medical coding experience is preferred; however, some postsecondary education may be substituted. Certificate programs are available that provide the education necessary to pass the CCA exam.", "Medical Coding Specialist: Job Description and Requirements Certification Requirements for Medical Coding Specialists. Medical coding specialists can advance their career opportunities by obtaining certification through the AAPC. Requirements for the CPC credential include current AAPC membership, two years of experience as a medical coder and successful passage of an exam.", "Causes of Rash around Eyes and How to Get Rid of them with Treatment? Rashes can affect any parts of the body. A rash around or under the eye is called eye skin rash and can be caused by several factors like extreme heat, dry skin, medications, and irritation. In some cases, the rashes can be due to diseases such as: 1 Atopic dermatitis.", "Medical Coding Certification Certification is usually obtained by sitting for an exam that tests your knowledge of a specific subject. Upon passing the examination you will be awarded a certificate that validates your knowledge. Each certification specifies the type of credential earned through testing.", "- Training to Become A Medical Coder. 1. Get a high school diploma. Graduating from high school is the only educational requirement to become a medical coder. Courses in high school algebra, biology, chemistry, typing, and other computer skills can be helpful in your medical coding career. You should also have a good understanding of anatomy, physiology, and medical terms.", "What is Medical Coding? Most medical coding programs require an externship working in the industry to gain appropriate experience in the field. Before a medical coder can become a CPC, he or she must complete a year as a Certified Professional Coder Apprentice (CPC-A).", "Medical Coding Jobs: What Certifications Do You Need? At all certification levels, people trained at ICD-10 are in high demand. In October 2015, the United States adopted this latest version of medical codes, which is utilized by the majority of the world. It increases the number of codes from approximately 13,600 to more than 144,000." ]
irs continuing education requirements
[ "IRS Reminds Preparers of Continuing Education Requirements This new continuing education requirement is part of the IRS’s efforts to eliminate problems it has experienced with unqualified preparers. The 15 hours of continuing education must include 10 hours of federal tax law, three hours of federal tax law updates, and two hours of ethics. Preparers must provide their Preparer Tax Identification Number (PTIN) to continuing education providers so their continuing education can be reported to the IRS.", "IRS Reminds Preparers of Continuing Education Requirements IRS Reminds Preparers of Continuing Education Requirements. Tax preparers who are required to pass the new Registered Tax Return Preparer competency exam must complete 15 hours of continuing education this year, and those hours must come from IRS-approved providers." ]
[ "Second Look ® Tax Review: We Find Money Others Miss Liberty Tax Service has been approved by the California Tax Education Council to offer Liberty Tax School (CTEC Course #2097-QE-0001), which fulfills the 60-hour “qualifying education” requirement imposed by the State of California to become a tax preparer.", "Continuing Professional Education (CPE) and Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Requirements Continuing Professional Education (CPE) and Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Requirements. CPE and CPD are** facilitated through a self-certification process with the completion and reporting of required CPE or CPD hours on an annual basis. The reporting deadline is Dec. 31 each year.", "- Continuing Professional Education (CPE) is required by all CPAs to maintain licensure within a jurisdiction. See the specific CPE requirements for your jurisdiction.", "Record Retention Guidelines The retention periods apply to records needed to substantiate your federal income tax return and are generally based on the federal statute of limitations, which is normally three years. This means the IRS could audit your return up to three years from the due date of the tax return or the date of filing, whichever is later. However, if you substantially underreport income, fail to file a return or file a fraudulent return, the statute of limitations could be much longer.", "California Insurance Continuing Education (CE) Requirements After completing this training, producers must complete 4 hours of training on California annuities every license renewal period thereafter. This requirement is part of and not in addition to the regular continuing education requirements.", "Registered Tax Return Preparer Prior to the suspension of the program in January 2013, Registered Tax Return Preparers and RTRP candidates were required to complete 15 hours of continuing education annually.", "Frequently Asked Questions Note: If you do not provide a PTIN, then your continuing education credits will not be uploaded to the IRS PTIN system. Please ensure your PTIN is nine (9) characters in length: it should begin with P followed by eight (8) digits.", "- paid tax return preparer EIC due diligence requirements have been expanded to also cover the CTC/ACTC and the AOTC. Form 8867 has been modified to account for these changes.", "Professional Tax Preparer: Educational Requirements A tax preparer can learn his or her trade on the job with only a high school diploma, but some employers prefer to hire people with a college certificate or other postsecondary training. You'll need to register with the IRS, which will soon involve passing a competency exam and completing continuing education courses.", "- This individual is a participant in the IRS's voluntary tax preparer program, which generally includes the passage of an annual testing requirement and the completion of a significant number of hours of continuing education.", "- Continuing Professional Education. Requirements. Forms. Resources. Requirements. Continuing education requirements for public accountants and certified public accountants licensed by the South Dakota Board of Accountancy any are mandated in Administrative Rules of South Dakota (ARSD) Chapter 20:75:04.", "- Delta Gamma - δγ Sorority at Florida State University - FSU 5.0 !&! Mar 17, 2017 9:46:31 AM This sorority is hands down the best, they're very involved in philanthropies and ranked hottest sorority in the nation. No question best sorority at FSU but very hard to get into.", "Continuing Education Requirements 1 Yes, every licensee is required to take at least 1 hour of ethics in Category I continuing education each year. 2 How many hours of continuing education do I need if I have been licensed less than 24 months? 3 You will need 20 hours in order to renew your license with 1 hour of ethics in Category I continuing education.", "Frequently Asked Questions IRS Communications and Liaison is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors.", "Office of the Professions An hour of continuing education credit is awarded for one contact hour of at least 50 minutes in duration. CPE providers inform participants of the recommended CPE credit for each particular program and provide formal completion certificates awarding the appropriate number of credits to each program attendee.", "Ohio Insurance Continuing Education Requirements State required training for insurance producers that sell long-term care products. Frequency: One-time training must be complete prior to selling LTC products. Frequency: Ongoing training must be completed every 24-month period, following the initial training requirement.", "Enrolled agent An enrolled agent (or EA) is a federally authorized tax practitioner empowered by the U.S. Department of the Treasury to represent taxpayers before the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).o qualify for renewal as an enrolled agent, an individual must complete 72 hours of continuing professional education (CPE) every three years, including two hours of ethics or professional conduct in each of the three years.", "Continuing Education Information for Agents and Adjusters The table below summarizes the continuing education requirements for license holders: For all licenses issued or renewing on and after September 1, 2015, which formerly required 30 hours of continuing education (CE) during each license period, only 24 hours of continuing education is required for each license period.", "General Requirements General Requirements. The Annual Filing Season Program is intended to recognize and encourage unenrolled tax return preparers who voluntarily increase their knowledge and improve their filing season competency through continuing education (CE).", "Online Printer Technical Support for All Issues However, printer technical support is the online customer support service offered by industry professionals to diagnosis the actual issue with best possible solution as per the customer’s availability.", "Continuing Education for License Renewal Continuing education courses must have been completed during the preceding renewal period (when renewing), or during the preceding two years (when renewing a delinquent or lapsed license, or going from an inactive to active license).", "- On November 1, 2016, CFP Board announced changes to the following Continuing Education (CE) policies that will become effective February 1, 2017: 1 CE Credit for Designations & Licenses. 2 Changes to Teaching CE Standards. 3 Changes to Authorship CE Standards. 4 CE Credit for Authors/Instructors of CFP Board-Approved Ethics CE Programs.", "- Negro History Week, the progenitor of today's Black History Month, began the week of February 7, 1926, a week that witnessed the birthdays of both Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass. African-American educators, with Woodson's encouragement, rapidly adopted the week-long study of African-American history.", "Continuing Education Requirements Salespersons and Brokers - Second & Subsequent Renewals. For subsequent renewals, all real estate brokers and salespersons with an expiration date on or after 1/1/2016 or who are renewing on a late basis on or after 1/1/2016 must complete 45 clock hours of CalBRE-approved continuing education consisting of:", "Table of Contents CPAs who are members of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) are required to take 120 hours of continuing professional education during each 3-year reporting period. CPE requirements for memberships in other CPA societies or institutes can be found using the following link: State Boards of Accountancy" ]
smart procurement definition
[ "- Features. Smart numbers are highly configurable and can contain organizational, temporal, or factual data that relates to the procurement document. You can define smart numbering schemes by process or by transaction type.If you define a smart numbering scheme for the process of creating procurement documents, a new serial number is generated with each newly created document.his function enables the generation of smart numbers (formerly called “long procurement numbers”) as identifiers for SAP Supplier Relationship Management (SAP SRM), Procurement for Public Sector (PPS) procurement documents." ]
[ "- Sustainable procurement is not a new concept and is already being undertaken by. successful organisations that report many benefits. This strategy will set the. University’s standard of good practice and provide a framework within which. organisations can demonstrate their achievements in sustainable procurement.", "E-procurement E-procurement projects are often part of the country’s larger e-Government efforts to better serve its citizens and businesses in the digital economy. For example, Singapore’s GeBIZ was implemented as one of the programmes under its e-Government masterplan.", "Government Contracting Terms & Definitions A procurement strategy where more than one contractor that is capable of performing the contract is solicited to submit an offer for supplies and services. The successful offeror is selected based on criteria established by the agency's contracting office and the program offices for which the work is to be performed.", "Smart Packaging - Intelligent Packaging for Food, Beverages, Pharmaceuticals and Household Products ‘Smartness’ in packaging is a broad term that covers a number of functionalities, depending on the product being packaged, including food, beverage, pharmaceutical, household products etc. Examples of current and future functional ‘smartness’ would be in packages that.", "- The Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) is a procedure available for contracts for works, services and goods commonly available on the market. As a procurement tool, it has some aspects that are similar to an electronic framework agreement, but where new suppliers can join at any time.t is to be run as a completely electronic process, and should be set up using the restricted procedure and some other conditions (as set out in Regulation 34 of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015). Contracting authorities, including central purchasing bodies, may set up a DPS.", "Procurement Management Procurement management is the systematic approach used for buying all the goods and services needed for a company to stay sustainable.rocurement Management is a key factor to running a successful company because it. helps you meet business goals and live up to stakeholders’ expectations.", "Procurement The Chartered Institute of Procurement and Supply (CIPS) promotes a model of five rights which it claims are a traditional formula expressing the basic objectives of procurement and the general criteria by which procurement performance is measured, namely that goods and services purchased should be of the right quality, in the right quantity, delivered to the right place at the right time and obtained at the right price.", "Weightlifting: Bad for your blood pressure? If your blood pressure is higher than 160/100 mm Hg, check with your doctor before starting a weightlifting program to discuss any precautions or special considerations. Weightlifting can cause a temporary increase in blood pressure.", "Procurement (October 2010). Procurement is the act of acquiring, buying goods, services or works from an external source. It is favourable that the goods, services or works are appropriate and that they are procured at the best possible cost to meet the needs of the acquirer in terms of quality and quantity, time, and location.October 2010). Procurement is the act of acquiring, buying goods, services or works from an external source. It is favourable that the goods, services or works are appropriate and that they are procured at the best possible cost to meet the needs of the acquirer in terms of quality and quantity, time, and location.", "smart Smarts definition, to be a source of sharp, local, and usually superficial pain, as a wound. See more.", "- What is procurement management? A: Procurement management is the practice of planning and directing the activities of purchasing agents who buy materials needed for the operations of a company or organization. Procurement management also involves oversight of the supplier evaluation and purchase negotiation process. Continue Reading.", "- Home / Procurement Training / Procurement Courses / Basics of Smart International Procurement Basics of Smart International Procurement Learn the fundamentals of international procurement", "procurement Definition of procurement. : the act or process of procuring; especially : the obtaining of military supplies by a government.", "Procurement Documents Procurement Documents. Introduction. In order to understand procurement documents, it is important to understand the term Procurement Management. Procurement is the purchase of goods and services at the best possible price to meet a purchaser's demand in terms of quantity, quality, dimensions and site.", "Procurement Management of a business. Procurement is the process of finding, agreeing terms and acquiring goods, services or works from an external source, often via a tendering or competitive bidding process. The process is used to ensure the buyer receives goods, services or works at the best possible price, when aspects such as quality, quantity, time, and location are compared. Corporations and public bodies often define processes intended to promote fair and open competition for their business while minimizing risk, such as exp", "- Definition: The act of obtaining or buying goods and services. The process includes preparation and processing of a ...Click to read more about procurement.", "- Definition of PROCUREMENT. : the act or process of procuring; especially: the obtaining of military supplies by a government.ADVERTISEMENT. 14th century.efinition of PROCUREMENT. : the act or process of procuring; especially: the obtaining of military supplies by a government. ADVERTISEMENT. 14th century.", "- This definition aligns with the sustainable procurement principles contained in the SPP and the Australia-New Zealand (ANZ) Government Framework for Sustainable Procurement, and forms the basis of a working definition for Queensland Government.orking definition for the Queensland Government The SPP contains provisions intended to facilitate the integration of the practice of sustainability into the procurement of goods, services and construction, supported by an operational concept to assist in implementing these provisions.", "What is a Procurement Contract? These 10 animal facts will amaze you. A procurement contract is an agreement in which a buyer agrees to acquire goods or services from a seller in exchange for consideration. Most of these contracts are written agreements that specify each party’s obligations in relation to the transaction.", "- global procurement noun [U]. › the ​process by which an ​organization ​buys the ​products or ​services it ​needs for its ​work from ​organizations in all ​parts of the ​world: The ​high-tech ​products ​maker was ​selected to be one of the company's four ​suppliers for its ​global ​procurement ​programme.lobal procurement noun [U]. › the ​process by which an ​organization ​buys the ​products or ​services it ​needs for its ​work from ​organizations in all ​parts of the ​world: The ​high-tech ​products ​maker was ​selected to be one of the company's four ​suppliers for its ​global ​procurement ​programme.", "Procurement Management Plan The purpose of procurement definition is to describe, in specific terms, what items will be procured and under what conditions. Sometimes items which must be procured for a project can be made internally by an organization.", "Procurement (October 2010). Procurement is the act of acquiring, buying goods, services or works from an external source. It is favourable that the goods, services or works are appropriate and that they are procured at the best possible cost to meet the needs of the acquirer in terms of quality and quantity, time, and location.rocurement life cycle in modern businesses usually consists of seven steps: 1 Identification of Need: This is an internal step for a company that involves understanding of the company needs by establishing a short term strategy (three to five years) followed by defining the technical direction and requirements.", "- Smart Voucher has been proven to be capable of delivering a platform that is being used to process a rapidly growing number of transactions, and in doing so improving the business landscape for the US pharmacy industry, concludes Robert Previdi, President of PSKW & Associates.", "Procurement Procurement is one component of the broader concept of sourcing and acquisition. Typically procurement is viewed as more tactical in nature (the process of physically buying a product or service) and sourcing and acquisition are viewed as more strategic and encompassing.", "- SMART is a mnemonic acronym, giving criteria to guide in the setting of objectives, for example in project management, employee-performance management and personal development.The letters S and M usually mean specific and measurable.MART criteria are commonly attributed to Peter Drucker's management by objectives concept. The first-known use of the term occurs in the November 1981 issue of Management Review by George T. Doran." ]
to_date function
[ "Term: TO_DATE Term: TO_DATE. Definition: The Oracle TO_DATE function will convert either a character string or an expression into a date value. Example Syntax. These all show valid date formats for February 16th, 2009: to_date('16-Feb-09', 'DD-Mon-YY') to_date('02/16/09', 'MM/DD/YY') to_date('021609', 'MMDDYY')" ]
[ "- Excel NOW Function. One of Excel's best known date functions is the NOW function and it can be used to quickly add the current date and/or time to a worksheet, as shown in the examples in rows two and three in the image above.", "22.2 - SAS Date Functions The first and second arguments of the yrdif( ) function tell SAS, respectively, the start and end date of the desired interval. Here, the start date is b_date and the end date is wt_date1. The third argument of the yrdif( ) function, which must be enclosed in single quotes, tells SAS how to calculate the difference.", "- As a good programmer,you need to use many Date functions in SQL Server.I share here most used Date functions of SQL Server which will do different functionality according to its needs. GETDATE() You can easily retrieve current Date Time in SQL Server using GETDATE() function. Query : select GETDATE()", "Excel EOMONTH Function The Excel EOMONTH function returns the last day of the month, x months in the past or future. You can use EDATE to calculate expiration dates, due dates, and other dates that need to land on the last day of a month. Use a positive value for months to get a date in the future, and a negative value to get a date in the past. Purpose.", "Using date and time functions Using date and time functions. Date and time functions are the most important functions as the main data context of analysis is time. Date and time functions can convert dates into time portions, calculate time differences between dates, and be the basis for advanced time filtering, such as current week, last month, and other time portions.", "Format Function TestStr = Format(Now(), Long Date) ' Also returns current system date in the system-defined long date ' format, using the single letter code for the format. TestStr = Format(Now(), D) ' Returns the value of TestDateTime in user-defined date/time formats. ' Returns 5:4:23.", "- Date to Date Calc. Business Date to Date Date Calc. Date Calculator: Add to or Subtract From a Date. This calculator enables you to add or subtract days, months and years to a date to calculate a past or future date. Recently added features. Start Date.", "TRUNC (date) Please refer to ROUND and TRUNC Date Functions for the permitted format models to use in fmt. Examples. The following example truncates a date: SELECT TRUNC(TO_DATE('27-OCT-92','DD-MON-YY'), 'YEAR') New Year FROM DUAL; New Year ----- 01-JAN-92", "oracle The TO_CHAR function can be used to remove text from column data that will be returned by the database. The TO_CHAR function can be used to display dates and numbers according to formatting conventions that are supported by Oracle.", "TO_CHAR (datetime) TO_CHAR (datetime). Syntax. to_char_date ::=. Purpose. TO_CHAR (datetime) converts a datetime or interval value of DATE, TIMESTAMP, TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE, or TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE datatype to a value of VARCHAR2 datatype in the format specified by the date format fmt.If you omit fmt, then date is converted to a VARCHAR2 value as follows:ATE values are converted to values in the default date format. TIMESTAMP and TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE values are converted to values in the default timestamp format. TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE values are converted to values in the default timestamp with time zone format.", "Date Values Dates are represented as the number of days since 1970-01-01, with negative values for earlier dates.Sys.Date() returns today's date. date() returns the current date and time. The following symbols can be used with the format() function to print dates.ou can use the as.Date() function to convert character data to dates. The format is as.Date(x, format) , where x is the character data and format gives the appropriate format. The default format is yyyy-mm-dd.", "Use the IIf function to test conditions in a query or expression This can be accomplished by using two IIf functions, one nested as the “value if false” argument of the other: =IIf([DueDate]<Date(),PAST DUE,IIf([DueDate]=Date(),Due today)) The outer IIf compares the DueDate field to today’s date (which is returned by the Date() function). For the first two tasks in the report shown above, the due date comes before today’s date, so the outer IIf’s logical test evaluates to True and it displays “PAST DUE”. For the third task (Paint garage), the outer IIF evaluates to False so the nested IIf function tests to see if the due date is equal to today’s date. It is, so the nested IIf displays “Due today”.", "TO_DATE - Convert String to Datetime - Oracle to MySQL Migration In Oracle, TO_DATE function converts a string value to DATE data type value using the specified format. In MySQL, you can use STR_TO_DATE function.", "Excel date functions - formula examples of DATE, TODAY, etc. Excel DAY function. DAY(serial_number) function returns a day of the month as an integer from 1 to 31. Serial_number is the date corresponding to the day you are trying to get. It can be a cell reference, a date entered by using the DATE function, or returned by other formulas.", "- Date/Time, use YEAR( DATEVALUE( date/time ). You can convert a Date value to a Date/Time using the DATETIMEVALUE( date) function. The time will be set to 12:00 a.m. in. Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), and then converted to the time zone of the user viewing the record when it’s displayed.", "Oracle to_char tips The Oracle to_char SQL function is used to transform a DATE or NUMBER datatype into a displayable text string. to_char(number_type, format_mask).Examples of the Oracle SQL to_char function might include: to_char(sum(decode(substr(time,10,2),'23',1,0)),'99').to_char(sn.begin_interval_time,'hh24'). TO_CHAR(BID.START_DATE, 'dd mon yyyy') || ' to ' || TO_CHAR(BID.END_DATE, 'dd mon yyyy').o_char(number_type, format_mask). Examples of the Oracle SQL to_char function might include: to_char(sum(decode(substr(time,10,2),'23',1,0)),'99'). to_char(sn.begin_interval_time,'hh24'). TO_CHAR(BID.START_DATE, 'dd mon yyyy') || ' to ' || TO_CHAR(BID.END_DATE, 'dd mon yyyy').", "Date & Time Functions Year, Month, Day. To get the year of a date, use the YEAR function. Note: use the MONTH and DAY function to get the month and day of a date. Date Function. 1. To add a number of days to a date, use the following simple formula. 2. To add a number of years, months and/or days, use the DATE function.", "TO_CHAR (datetime) TO_CHAR converts date of DATE, TIMESTAMP, TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE, or TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE datatype to a value of VARCHAR2 datatype in the format specified by the date format fmt.If you omit fmt, date is converted to a VARCHAR2 value as follows:O_CHAR converts date of DATE, TIMESTAMP, TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE, or TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE datatype to a value of VARCHAR2 datatype in the format specified by the date format fmt.", "Using DATE function in Excel - formula examples to calculate dates Instead of specifying the values representing the year, month and day directly in a date formula, you can get some or all arguments as results of other Excel date functions: =DATE(YEAR(TODAY()), 1, 1) - returns the serial number for the first day of the current year.", "- Here's a quick explanation of the functions I used: 1 DATEVALUE takes a text value that looks like a date and turns it into a date. 2 LEFT takes the first x text characters from the start of a text value (the text in A1, in this case) 3 MID takes x characters from inside the string, once supplied with a starting point.", "Access: DateAdd Function The syntax for the DateAdd function is: You can use the DateAdd function to add a specified time interval to or subtract a specified time interval from a date. For example, you can use DateAdd to calculate a date 15 days from today or a time that is 30 minutes from now.", "Add or subtract dates The formula then adds 3 (the value in cell B2) to the year value, which results in 2012. In the same formula, the MONTH function returns the value 6, and the DAY function returns the value 9. The DATE function then combines these three values into a date that is three years in the future — 6/9/2012.", "Declare a variable of type DATE using var and we said... you cannot - you would use a string and then always use TO_DATE on it when you reference it in a query. variable my_date varchar2(30) exec :my_date := '01-jan-2001'; select * from t where date_col = to_date(:my_date,'dd-mon-yyyy'); and you rated our response.", "TO_DATE - Convert String to Datetime - Oracle to SQL Server Migration In Oracle, TO_DATE function converts a string value to DATE data type value using the specified format. In. Server, you can use CONVERT or TRY_CONVERT function with an appropriate datetime style.", "- OPTION 3: You can also use the TEXT function to get the name of the weekday from a date. Assuming that the date in cell A1 is 22-Sep-08. In another cell, enter =TEXT(A1,ddd) and you will get Fri. If you enter =TEXT(A1,dddd) you will get Monday." ]
what degree is ideal flag mount
[ "Wall Mount Bracket 45 Degree The Wall Mount Bracket 45 Degree is steel constructed and electro-plated to accommodate one flag at a 45 degree angle. Visit our products to view various solutions we offer namely: www.Idealdisplays.co.za and see Wall Mount Bracket 45 Degree. Outdoor Displays. Outdoor product: Ideal Displays. Outdoor Displays." ]
[ "- Page 2 EXCAVATION Select an appropriate location for your flagpole installation. The flagpole should be no closer than eight [8] feet to any building or structure. For raising and lowering the Windward side [facing prevailing winds] should extend unobstructed for the length of the pole plus a minimum of four [4] feet.age 2 EXCAVATION Select an appropriate location for your flagpole installation. The flagpole should be no closer than eight [8] feet to any building or structure. For raising and lowering the Windward side [facing prevailing winds] should extend unobstructed for the length of the pole plus a minimum of four [4] feet.", "- 69 thoughts on “Flagpole Guidelines”. 1 Hello, I am purchasing new flags for my business. We have a 50 foot flag pole and I see that the suggested size of the American flag is 8×12 to 10×15 – what if we also want to fly the State flag underneath? 2 i want the size versus purpose of flags.", "When hanging an American flag vertically, does it matter which way the stars face? When the flag is displayed over a street, it should be hung vertically, with the union to the north or east. If the flag is suspended over a sidewalk, the flag's union should be farthest from the building.", "How To Fly Old Glory With Respect When the flag of the United States is displayed from a staff projecting horizontally or at an angle from the window sill, balcony, or front of a building, the union of the flag should be placed at the peak of the staff unless the flag is at half-staff. 7.", "- This flag mount is designed to have the flag mounted on the left rear wheel side of the Trail-A-Bike or directly on the frame from 2004 models onward.• We also recommend to install a full coverage rear fender on the towing bicycle to stop debris from being tossed onto the Trail-A-Bike rider.", "Outrigger Wall Mount Series - 45 degree angle - aluminum - external halyard - 8 ft. overall length - Satin finish. Add to cart. Ask a question about this product. 45 degree angle external halyard cone tapered .125 aluminum wall thickness flagpole - 8 ft. overall length- 3 butt diameter - 1 7/8 top diameter. Engineered to fly recommended flag size of 3' x 5''.", "Flagpole Realignmant Flagpole Realignmant. Straightening your flagpole. It's unfortunate, but it can happen, flagpoles fall out of alignment. Flag Center understands this problem and is able to fix it for you. Whether it's a large commercial flagpole or a standard residential flagpole, Flag Center can help. Below is an example of such an event.", "- MIL-SPEC American Flag. The same U.S. Flag United States Armed Forces fly around the world. Perfect for a 20' flagpole. This is the top performing U.S. Flag in the world. This MIL SPEC U.S. Flag is built to handle high burst winds and is impervious to just about any wind and conditions.", "Flag sizes for residential or commercial flagpoles Flags to use with residential flagpoles. Flag size 3’x5’ is the most popular size flag for residential display. The size is appropriate for display with a pole and mounting bracket on your home or with a ground set flagpole 18 to 20 feet tall.", "- Size is based upon the height of the flagpole and number of flags going on that pole. One flag on a pole: *for flags mounted on roofs, the width of the flag should be the length of the pole. *for flags on outrigger poles, the flag should be 3/8 to the length of the pole. Freestanding flagpoles:", "What are the height and width requirements for the US flag? Virtually all national flags have a stipulated length/width ratio, usually 2:1, 3:2, or 5:3. The US flag ratio is 1.9:1 (one point [decimal] nine to one).ccording to USFlag.org, any state flag can be flown at the same height as long as the U.S. flag is on the right. There does not exist anywhere in U.S. or Texas flag code -- n … or is there any law -- that states Texas has any special privileges for its flag (that's an urban legend).", "Displaying the United States Flag also see U.S. Flag Code and U.S. Flag Etiquette In a group of flags displayed from staffs, th. U.S. flag should be at the center and the. highest point. When the U.S. flag is displayed other tha. from a staff, it should be displayed flat, o. suspended so that its folds fall free.", "Good Solar Flagpole Lighting Information and Etiquette Lighting your flag with solar power is a great way to illuminate a flag. The solar flagpole lights are either mounted to the flag pole or ground mounted. The solar power can be mounted to the flag pole as well, but in some cases the solar is remote mounted. The size and height of the flag and mounting position in relation to the flag will determine the quantity, wattage, and type of solar fixtures used in a particular application. For smaller flags, one wide beam floodlight mounted on the flag pole will do the job using the least amount of solar and battery.", "3 ft. x 5 ft. Polycotton U.S. Flag This Seasonal Designs 3 ft. x 5 ft. U.S. Flag is a poly-cotton blend replacement flag that is great for hanging outside the home on holidays.The weather-resistant flag features brass grommets and is double stitched on the fly end. 1 50% cotton and 50% polyester fabric makes a durable, fade-resistant flag..S. Flag is a poly-cotton blend replacement flag that is great for hanging outside the home on holidays. The weather-resistant flag features brass grommets and is double stitched on the fly end.", "When do you lower the flag to half mast? When flying a flag at half mast, i…t should be raised to full height and then lowered to half mast. When lowering a flag that is at half mast, raise it to full height and then lower it. In the United States, 4 USC section 7(m) specifies that the flag should be flown at half mast: . Upon the death of a president or former president of the US, for thirty days . Upon the death of a current vice-president, chief justice, or speaker of the house, for ten days .", "- Mark 4 Mounting Systems. Mark 4 tactical bases and rings are the strongest of all Leupold mounting systems. The one-piece base features a built-in 15 MOA slope for long range shooting.Both 6-48 shoulder screws and the larger 8-40 screws are included to accommodate high recoil applications.eupold® mounts are every bit as rugged and dependable as the Leupold optics they’re intended to secure. With a huge variety of mounting systems, for nearly every type of firearm under the sun, you’re sure to find the perfect match for you firearm, and your style of shooting.", "- Flag Poles & Holders. Dock Edge Fly Right Flag Pole. Designed to securely fasten to either 7/8- 1 or 1-1/8 - 1-1/4 rails, these stainless steel mounts will look great and provide years of service. Both models are perpendicular to the rail and are made for 1 diameter flag poles.", "Why is American flag backwards on soldiers uniform? union, white stars on a field of blue, is the honor point of the flag. The union of the flag, and the flag itself when in company with. other flags, is always given the honor position; for example, the. marching right, the flag’s own right or an observer’s left facing the. flag.", "- What size flag should is appropriate for my flagpole? The size of flag is dependant on the size of the flagpole. For porch mount flagpoles the 3 x 5 Ft flag is the most common. For in-ground flagpoles the general rule of thumb is that the height of the flag should be 1/5th the height of the flagpole.For example take a 25 ft high pole – 1/5th of the 25 ft leaves 5 ft. So that would carry a 5 x 8 ft flag. Please be aware of the size of flag that is recommended for your flagpole.or porch mount flagpoles the 3 x 5 Ft flag is the most common. For in-ground flagpoles the general rule of thumb is that the height of the flag should be 1/5th the height of the flagpole. For example take a 25 ft high pole – 1/5th of the 25 ft leaves 5 ft.", "World's largest free-flying American flag flies above Hoboken (PHOTOS) The world's largest free-flying American flag rose above Hoboken this morning in celebration of the 100th anniversary of Flag Day. The QuickChek New Jersey Festival of Ballooning inflated the hot air balloon in the shape of an American flag at DeBaun Field at Stevens Institute of Technology. The balloon began to inflate around 7 a.m. today and eventually grew to five stories tall and nearly 80 feet wide.", "Flag to Flagpole Size Ratio Flag to Flagpole Size Ratio. For an outdoor flag on an in-ground flagpole the most common way to size your flag is by the height of the pole. The length of the flag should be at least 1/4 the height of the pole. Use this chart as a minimum size for the largest flag on your in-ground pole. For a house mount flagpole we recommend a 2.5x4' flag on a 5' flag pole,or a 3x5' on a 6' pole.", "Half-mast It is often recommended that a flag at half-staff should be lowered only as much as the hoist, or width, of the flag. British flag protocol is that a flag should be flown no less than two-thirds of the way up the flagpole, with at least the height of the flag between the top of the flag and the top of the pole.", "- When the U.S. flag is displayed other tha. from a staff, it should be displayed flat, o. suspended so that its folds fall free. Whe. displayed over a street, place the union s. faces north or east, depending upon the. direction of the street.", "- American Flagpole Engineers will need the diameter, height, wall thickness, and geographic location of the flagpole this information to assist in answering this question properly, but flagpoles typically can fly one (1) to three (3) flags depending on the design factors.", "- The New York Yankees Top Hat Logo Flag is viewable from both sides-the opposite side is a reverse image. Fly your New York Yankees Top Hat Logo Flag with our tailgating flagpole or 6' aluminum flagpole and adjustable flag bracket." ]
amnesty define
[ "A Definition of Amnesty Generally, amnesty is defined as any governmental pardon for past offenses or crimes, especially political ones. Granting amnesty goes beyond a pardon, in that it forgives the said offense completely, and typically without consequences. For purposes of conservative politics, amnesty is a political term typically associated with two major issues -- immigration and capital punishment. As it relates to immigration, amnesty is the term used for granting automatic citizenship to resident aliens, who are in the United States illegally. Amnesty for illegal immigrants is the subject of tremendous controversy since it essentially bypasses the citizenship and assimilation process essential to all legal immigration into the United States." ]
[ "exile The definition of exile is to send someone away or ban him from coming to his country. An example of exile is when you send your child to his room or exile him to his room for being bad.", "pardon 3. absolution, remission. Pardon, amnesty, reprieve are nouns referring to the cancellation, or delay with the possibility of eventual cancellation, of a punishment or penalty assigned for the violation of a military regulation or a civil law; absolution from guilt is not implied, merely a remission of the penalty.", "emancipation Emancipation. The act or process by which a person is liberated from the authority and control of another person.", "- Save Money for your trip-find the Currency Exchange provider offering the Best Exchange Rates & Lowest Fees for your travel destination. Country Currency Guides. Select from our list of over 200 destination countries to where you want to send money or where you plan to travel.", "Amnesty International Address and Contact Number Address of Amnesty International The address of Amnesty International is 1, Easton Street, London, United Kingdom. Contact Number of Amnesty International The contact number of Amnesty International is +44-20-74135500, Fax No : Fax number: +44-20-79561157. Email Address of Amnesty International The email address of Amnesty International is .", "Liberal Bias in Popular Dictionaries The OED definition for the word liberal is given as willing to respect and accept behaviour or opinions different from one’s own. or (in a political context) favouring individual liberty, free trade, and moderate reform.. It never once mentions gun control, school prayer, or abortion.", "Execute justice, not people Amnesty International is a global movement of more than 7 million people in over 150 countries and territories who campaign to end abuses of human rights. Who We Are Since 1961, we’ve been helping people claim their rights across the world.", "- Little Boy was dropped in Hiroshimo August 6, 1945 and Fat man was dropped in Nagaski on August 9, 1945 The first atomic bomb was dropped on August 6, 1945 on … Hiroshima, Japan, and the second was dropped on August 9, 1945 on Nagasaki, Japan.he Enola Gay dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima on August 6, 1945. The bomber named Bockscar dropped the bomb on Nagasaki on August 9. Both aircraft were B-29 bombers that operated from a special unit; the 509th Composite Bomb Group.", "Pardon A pardon is a government decision to allow a person who has been convicted of a crime to be free and absolved of that conviction, as if he or she were never convicted. Today, pardons are granted in many countries when individuals have demonstrated that they have paid their debt to society, or are otherwise considered to be deserving of them.", "Amnesty An example of the latter was the amnesty that was granted to conscientious objectors and draft dodgers in the wake of the Vietnam War in the 1970s, in an effort by President Carter to heal war wounds, given that both the war and the draft were over.", "Definition of 'exile' exiled (ˈɛksaɪld) adjective. (of a person) living in a foreign country because they cannot live in their own country, usually for political reasons. Haiti's exiled president.", "- Emancipation dictionary meaning- act of freeing: the act or process of setting somebody free or of freeing somebody from restrictions. Emancipation is a term used …to describe various efforts to obtain political rights or equality, often for a specifically disenfranchised group, or more generally in discussion of such matters.", "- exile definition: Exile is defined as being away or restricted from coming to a certain place, usually as a result of a punishment. (noun) An example of exile is when a person is barred from coming back to his country because of crimes committed. ...", "5 Reasons to Grant Amnesty to Illegal Immigrants Indeed, amnesty is not only the best solution to our immigration problem, it is the only feasible solution. Here are five reasons to grant amnesty to illegal immigrants now. Note: All images are from the Georgetown Bookshop and are available as posters. Click through on images for more details and more images.", "Everything You Need To Know About Obama's Executive Amnesty Everything You Need To Know About Obama's Executive Amnesty. In a primetime address on November 20, President Obama made his sales pitch to the American people for a series of immigration executive actions he will sign on November 21 in Las Vegas, Nevada.", "- exile (countable and uncountable, plural exiles) ( 1 uncountable) The state of being banished from one's home or country. ( 2 countable) Someone who is banished from one's home or country.", "Amnesty Thus, in the case of the earliest recorded amnesty, that of Thrasybulus at Athens, the thirty tyrants and a few others were expressly excluded from its operation; and the amnesty proclaimed on the restoration of Charles II of England did not extend to those who had taken part in the execution of his father.", "Chapter 17 The amnesty changed the political balance in the South by restoring full rights to people who supported the Democratic Party. In Southern states such as Virginia and North Carolina, where a majority of voters were white, Democrats soon regained control of state governments.", "- Definition of pardon - the action of forgiving or being forgiven for an error or offence Definition of pardon - the action of forgiving or being forgiven for an error or offence dictionary", "admission Definition of admission for English Language Learners. : 1 the act of admitting or allowing something. : 2 a statement or action by which someone admits a weakness, fault, etc. : 3 the right or permission to enter a place.", "- Definition of exile. 1 1a : the state or a period of forced absence from one's country or homeb : the state or a period of voluntary absence from one's country or home. 2 2 : a person who is in exile.", "Amnesty Sentence Examples A general amnesty is proclaimed; all malefactors may return to their town. He was excluded by name from the amnesty promised to the Hungarian rebels by the peace of Karlowitz (Jan. Upon the restoration of the Bourbon government (May 15, 1849) he was excluded from the amnesty and compelled to flee to Piedmont.", "- Learn More about amnesty. Dictionary: Definition of amnesty Spanish Central: Translation of amnesty Nglish: Translation of amnesty for Spanish speakers Britannica English: Translation of amnesty for Arabic speakers Britannica.com: Encyclopedia article about amnesty.", "A Definition of Amnesty As it relates to the death penalty, amnesty is the term used for when a governor grants a reprieve from execution to a prisoner sentenced to death. In this case, amnesty is different from a pardon in that it doesn't exonerate the condemned from all punitive action or absolve the convicted of all wrongdoing.​.", "Immigration reform Immigration reform. Immigration reform is a term used in political discussion regarding changes to current immigration policy of a country. In its strict definition, reform means to change into an improved form or condition, by amending or removing faults or abuses." ]
talk stoop cat what happened to bulldog gracie
[ "SUBMIT YOUR VIDEO FOR Gracie The Talk Stoop Bulldog Gracie The Talk Stoop Bulldog. As you may have heard, Gracie the Talk Stoop Bulldog passed away last weekend :( - We are creating a video montage (or Tribute) in memory of her life. If you knew Gracie, share a few words about her and even if you didn’t, share some words of support for Cat and wish Gracie well in the doggy afterlife." ]
[ "- Michelle Gregg: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know. The mother of the 3-year-old boy who fell into a gorilla enclosure at the Cincinnati Zoo has spoken out in a Facebook post, saying accidents happen..", "- Den he say, ‘Moonshine, gib me one glass grog, den I hab courage.’. Olla Podrida Frederick Marryat (AKA Captain Marryat) Massa Will cotch him fuss, but had for to let him go gin mighty quick, I tell you—den was de time he must hab got de bite. Massa want to stop and fight, and den we hab to fight too, and get killed. Oh, oh, de wery day we hab dat beautiful grouper wid claret sauce at Massa Whiffie's. Served my Master forty-five years and hab nuffin to show for it.", "Mental illness treatments People affected by mental illness may benefit from a range of treatments. Medical treatment (or referral to other health services) can be provided by: A local doctor (general practitioner or GP) – can make an assessment and prepare a Mental Health Plan to help the person get treatment and support.", "Big Brother star Chelsea Singh 'is arrested over threats to kill' a US interior designer and reality star who he claims walked out on refurbishment work to his posh Windsor restaurant However Mr Singh denies both making any threats and reports that he was arrested. 1 Big Brother star Chelsea Singh (left) is said to have been arrested over claims he made 'threats to kill' interior designer Catherine Ommanney (right) during a restaurant refurbishment row.", "Grumpy Cat Has Earned Her Owner Nearly $100 Million In Just 2 Years Grumpy's permanent scowl is a result of her having been born with dwarfism and an underbite. She became an internet superstar after Bundesen's brother posted a picture online. Her fame spread rapidly especially once she was taken up by Ben Lashes — an internet cat agent.", "Puppy dies from acute nicotine poisoning after chewing up its owner's E-CIGARETTE Puppy dies from acute nicotine poisoning after chewing up its owner's E-CIGARETTE. A dog has become the first pet in Britain to be killed by an electronic cigarette. Staffordshire Bull Terrier Ivy died within hours of chewing on a bottle of nicotine-laced liquid used to fuel the smoke-free vaporiser.", "- He decided to let Travis and the rest of the family keep Old Yeller if they would cook him up a nice meal and then he would be on his way. Missy Prissy-Lisebeth's little dog who is always sweet and playful, not a good farm dog. She had puppies that looked like they couldn't even stand up, just look cute.", "Horrific moment crazed pit bull savages a tiny beagle and mauls its screaming owner as she tries to intervene in harrowing street attack Horrific moment crazed pit bull savages a tiny beagle and mauls its screaming owner as she tries to intervene in harrowing street attack. THIS is the horrific moment a raging pit bull attacks a tiny beagle while its owner who screams for help desperately tries to save her pooch.", "Dorian Lord Comments2 Share. Dr. Dorian Lord Vickers Buchanan (née Cramer; formerly Callison, Santi, Vickers, Hayes, and Laurence) is a fictional character and matriarch of the Cramer family on the American daytime drama One Life to Live, most notably played for 23 years by actress Robin Strasser.", "âHappy Daysâ actor Anson Williams: âThere I was singing to a bulldogâ Published November 13, 2014. FoxNews.com. Anson Williams played Potsie on Happy Days for all of the show’s 11 seasons. Later moving behind the camera as a director and producer, Williams has written a memoir about his amazing journey called Singing to a Bulldog: From ‘Happy Days’ To Hollywood Director and the Unlikely Mentor Who Got Me There..", "- The dog who played the title role of The Dog of Flanders (named Patrasche in the movie-the same name Peter Paul Reubens named his dog) is the same dog who played the title role in Old Yeller. See more ».", "- Emily Surpless. Contributing Writer, BuddyTV. In the eighth episode of Bull, Too Perfect, Bull takes on his ex-wife -- and Benny's sister -- as a client after her company, Bella Colon Brands, is sued for the wrongful death of one of its customers.", "- Enlarge. The cat was sprinting forward, apparently unaware of the glass door in front of it. Until it was too late and it made contact with the see-through door. It is not known what happend to the cat after the incident.revious Next. It's not clear what happened to the cat following his unfortunate accident, or whether he or she was injured in the incident. But many viewers, dubbed cruel by some, have commented how their favorite part of the clip is the noise the clumsy mog makes on hitting the panel.", "Video: MMA fighter named 'Brown Bomber' loses, poops himself inside the cage MMA cage fighter “The Brown Bomber” Travis Wolford exploded poop all over the cage! It even runs down his leg! He went to the chili festival in town before his fight and CHILI BEANS ARE ALL OVER THE MAT!", "Burns Returns I went to Atlantic City to see his act, says Holmes of Gorshin. He finished with Dean Martin and then he turned his back to the audience. When he turned around again, just by his stance, you could see it was George Burns. From that day on, Say Goodnight Gracie was Frank's show..ears later, a female journalist wants to write a book about what happened. Holmes also plans a musical based on Remember WENN and is in the very early stages of working on a show with Lonny Price. From the outset, says Holmes of Say Goodnight Gracie, Frank Gorshin's name was mentioned to play George Burns.", "- Talk Stoop with Cat Greenleaf is an interview program hosted by Cat Greenleaf that airs on NBC. On the show Greenleaf interviews actors, musicians, athletes, politicians, and others on the stoop of her Brooklyn brownstone.", "- By: Brian Knapp. Brandon Halsey ’s failed weight cut cost him the Bellator MMA middleweight crown. Now, he looks to right those wrongs with a second title reign. 1 By: Joe MyersThe former Bellator MMA champion on Friday aims to reclaim the title that was once his and in the process erase the memories of an embarrassing...2 Read More.harlie Ward Related Articles. 1 By: Brian KnappBrandon Halsey’s failed weight cut cost him the Bellator MMA middleweight crown. 2 Now, he looks to right those wrongs with a second title reign.", "Predators' mascot on injured reserve list The Nashville Predators' beloved mascot, Gnash, has landed on the injured reserve list for six to eight weeks after an injury during preseason training. Gnash suffered a broken fibula in his left leg. Communication Coordinator Alexis Witman said he is a week ahead of schedule in his recovery.", "Bulldog They snore very loudly, most have drool and slobber tendencies and are messy eaters. Bulldogs that display guarding behaviors, such as guarding furniture, food, toys, or other spots in the house, or that are dog aggressive do not have humans who are being the dog's pack leader.", "Firestar Kittypet Edit. He was born a kittypet, named Rusty. One day, he went outside and met his friend, Smudge, who told him about the wild forest cats in the nearby forest, and how scary it was. Despite Smudge 's warning, Rusty went out into the forest anyway, and was ambushed by Graypaw, a forest cat.", "What was Beetle Bailey's dog's name? Sergeant Snorkel had a nondescript dog-not a bulldog, called Muttsie, as I recall. There may have been a bulldog in the unrelated service-comedy strip Sad Sack, but not in Beetle Bailey! The current Sandy in (Annie) appears to be a Boxer. -While on the subject of dogs in comic strips.", "Of Mice and Men They were all drinking whiskey on Christmas. They had fight between Carlson and the Stable Buck. Carlson wasn't allowed to use his hands because the stable buck had a crooked back and he was black. The stable buck beat Carlson. Carlson was mad and said if he could've used his legs he would've beat him.", "- Charlie Ward Related Articles. 1 By: Brian KnappBrandon Halsey’s failed weight cut cost him the Bellator MMA middleweight crown. 2 Now, he looks to right those wrongs with a second title reign.1 By: Joe MyersThe former Bellator MMA champion on Friday aims to reclaim the title that was once his and in the process erase the memories of an embarrassing...harlie Ward Related Articles. 1 By: Brian KnappBrandon Halsey’s failed weight cut cost him the Bellator MMA middleweight crown. 2 Now, he looks to right those wrongs with a second title reign.", "Twitter Is Losing Its Sh*t After The Supposed Side Chick Of Angela Simmons' Fiancé Comes Forward! What's Your Vote?! In March of this year (a month before he gave her the ring) he was talking about fixing his side chick who was having Sutton withdrawals.. Sutton is his name💅🐸☕ I got more but I might cause a breakup💅A photo posted by fameolous Fanpage (@fameolousent) on Jun 7, 2016 at 11:09pm PDT.", "- Appalled and disgusted, Francis deletes Felidae and destroys the computer, sparking an electrical fire. The two cats fight, and Francis manages to reopen Claudandus's scar from the experiments performed on him, disemboweling him and revealing that he is indeed a mutant (as previously assumed by Preterius)." ]
how much does a teaching assistant earn
[ "Teacher Assistant Job Description The average hourly pay for all teaching assistant roles is around $10.50 per hour, but will vary by experience and location. Teaching assistants with a significant amount of experience can expect to earn up to $16 per hour.areer paths for teacher assistants. In order to make your way up the ladder, you'll need some additional education and work experience. If you're working for a local school district, they'll probably offer tuition reimbursement to help you earn your bachelor’s degree and get your teaching license." ]
[ "- Half of all teacher assistants reported annual earnings of between $19,160 and $29,790 per year. The highest-paid 10 percent of teacher assistants earned $36,560 or more per year, while the lowest paid 10 percent throughout the U.S. reported annual earnings of $17,090 or less.", "The Average Salary of a School Aide Salary Data. According to Salary.com, the average teacher aide salary in the United States is $19,377. Those in the lowest 25th percentile earned $18,362 while those in the highest 25th percentile earned $22,550.", "How Much Do Teachers Make? + Infographic According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the mean wage for all teachers and educators is $24.02 per hour, which leads to about $50,000 per year. However, earnings vary a lot in terms of location, specialization, and experience.", "- For example the median expected annual pay for a typical Assistant School Principal in the United States is $80,432, so 50% of the people who perform the job of Assistant School Principal in the United States are expected to make less than $80,432.", "Teacher Assistant Job Description The average hourly pay for all teaching assistant roles is around $10.50 per hour, but will vary by experience and location. Teaching assistants with a significant amount of experience can expect to earn up to $16 per hour.s a teaching assistant you'll be providing support for classroom teachers in K-12 or preschool education. This support includes instruction (the actual teaching), paperwork (like grading) and sometimes things like lesson planning.", "- For Teacher Assistants, more experience in the field does not usually mean bigger paychecks. Those in the early stages of their career can expect to make around $22K; however, individuals with five to 10 years of experience bring in $24K on average — a distinctly larger sum. Teacher Assistants who work for 10 to 20 years in their occupation tend to earn about $24K.", "- (United Kingdom). A Teaching Assistant (TA) earns an average salary of £11,805 per year. Pay for this job does not change much by experience, with the most experienced earning only a bit more than the least. Most people move on to other jobs if they have more than 20 years' experience in this field.", "$28,147 (USD) 25-9041.00 - Teacher Assistants. Perform duties that are instructional in nature or deliver direct services to students or parents. Serve in a position for which a teacher or another professional has ultimate responsibility for the design and implementation of educational programs and services.", "How Much Does a Teaching Assistant Get Paid Annually? Teaching assistants were paid a mean $25,270 per year as of May 2011, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The lowest paid 10 percent earned $17,090 per year or less, while the highest paid 10 percent received $36,560 or more.lmost 80 percent of all 1,214,090 teaching assistants worked in elementary and secondary schools as of May 2011, where they earned a mean $25,490 per year.", "Salary for Teacher Assistants Some college training is generally required for this position. A Teacher Assistant can get a wage between 16000 and 24000 based on level of experience. Teacher Assistants can get average salaries of Twenty Three Thousand Two Hundred dollars every year. Teacher Assistants are paid at the highest level in Alaska, where they earn an average pay rate of close to $35290.", "Job description of a learning support assistant Salary. The salary range of a learning support assistant varies depending on the level of responsibility, experience, location and employer. According to the BLS, the average annual salary of a learning support assistant in May 2008 was $22,200. Full-time workers usually receive health coverage and additional benefits.", "- Before reaching the rank of professor you may have to settle for a lower wage. According to the AAUP, the average associate professor earned $81,980 per year in 2014. Assistant professors earned even less at $69,848 annually.Instructors made $49,963 per year and lecturers made $55,890.s of 2012, there were 1,267,700 post-secondary teachers in the United States, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. These teachers made a median wage of $68,970 annually in that same year. But not all of these teachers are university professors.", "- (United States). Most Teacher Assistants in the United States are women. The workforce as a whole earns a median of approximately $10.28 per hour. Lower pay rates hover around $8.12 per hour, and the higher rates verge on $14.98.", "Salary for a Teaching Paraprofessional These assistants and aides earned an average annual salary of $25,270, often paid out as a 10-month position due to summer vacation. The best-paid 10 percent of teacher aides earned $36,560 or more, while the lowest-paid 10 percent made $17,090 or less.", "Boston UniversityAssistant Professor Salary Assistant Professors at Arkansas Tech University have an average nine month salary of $51,772. This salary reflects payment for teaching a typical nine month school year, not including summer instruction, and is usually paid out over the course of twelve months.ssistant Professors at Arkansas Tech University make on average $69,029 per year. This is $1,021 more than the average university assistant professor's annual salary ($68,008).", "How Do I Become A Teachersâ Aide? According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average salary of a teacher aide is about $23,000 a year. To get a job as a teacher aide, one should try to make as many connections as possible with teachers in elementary and middle schools.", "Teacher Assistant Job Description The average hourly pay for all teaching assistant roles is around $10.50 per hour, but will vary by experience and location. Teaching assistants with a significant amount of experience can expect to earn up to $16 per hour.he average hourly pay for all teaching assistant roles is around $10.50 per hour, but will vary by experience and location. Teaching assistants with a significant amount of experience can expect to earn up to $16 per hour.", "How Much Money Does a Teacher Get Paid Hourly? Those teaching elementary school earned annual median salaries of $51,660 or $24.84 per hour. Middle school teachers earned median salaries of $51,960 annually or $24.98 per hour. And secondary or high school teachers earned $53,230 per year or approximately $25.59 per hour.", "- Starting salary. £12,000 + per year. If you are keen to help children and want to work in a school, this could be an ideal job for you. Special needs teaching assistants help children with a wide range of learning, physical or behavioural difficulties.owever, many teaching assistants work part-time. You may sometimes go to training and meetings outside school hours. Some special schools are residential. If you work as a teaching assistant in this type of school, you may have to work a mixture of shifts covering seven days a week.", "- Most Teacher Assistants in the United States are women. The workforce as a whole earns a median of approximately $10.28 per hour. Lower pay rates hover around $8.12 per hour, and the higher rates verge on $14.98.", "Teacher Assistant Job Description As a teaching assistant you'll be providing support for classroom teachers in K-12 or preschool education. This support includes instruction (the actual teaching), paperwork (like grading) and sometimes things like lesson planning.Ever heard the saying, there's no such thing as a free lunch?. It applies here.he average hourly pay for all teaching assistant roles is around $10.50 per hour, but will vary by experience and location. Teaching assistants with a significant amount of experience can expect to earn up to $16 per hour.", "- Male assistant professors earned $117,800 per year and females made $103,900 per year. The lowest average pay for assistant professors in the 50 states was Lackawanna College at $35,700 per year. Of the college’s 31 full-time faculty, 18 were tenured and an additional nine had tenure-track positions.", "- The average salary of an assistant professor is $66,564 for the 2011 to 2012 school year, according to the American Association of University Professors.", "- Averages. The average salary of an assistant professor is $66,564 for the 2011 to 2012 school year, according to the American Association of University Professors. This organization surveyed over 1,200 colleges on how much they paid their full-time faculty.he average salary of an assistant professor is $66,564 for the 2011 to 2012 school year, according to the American Association of University Professors.", "Teacher Assistant Salaries The average Teacher Assistant salary is $22,130. Filter by location to see Teacher Assistant salaries in your area. Salary estimates are based on 1,859 salaries submitted anonymously to Glassdoor by Teacher Assistant employees." ]
how much is Welding school
[ "- The price for welding school varies depending on the location and reputation of the school. The length of the course can also have an effect on how much the admission fee for the school will be. 1 On average, to complete a full welding school course will cost anywhere from $5,000 to as much as $15,000.he length of the course can also have an effect on how much the admission fee for the school will be. 1 On average, to complete a full welding school course will cost anywhere from $5,000 to as much as $15,000." ]
[ "- Work Week. About 50 percent of welders work a standard 40-hour week, earning a median $34,750. Salaries can go as low as $23,420 or rise as high as $52,420. The remainder of workers work evenings and weekends, part time or in non-standard shifts, especially in factories where production runs 24 hours a day.", "From Cellblocks to Classrooms: Reforming Inmate Education To Improve Public Safety 1 Program Length: Less than 1 year for certificates, up to 2 years for diplomas and associate degree. 2 Program Levels in Welding Certification: Certificate, diploma, associate's degrees. Prerequisites: High school diploma or equivalent.", "Combination Welding As a student in one of our welding schools, you will have the chance to learn shielded metal arc welding, gas metal arc welding, gas tungsten arc welding and flux core arc welding, all of which are needed by many of the growing companies and industries in America today.", "The Selective Service and Training Act established the first peacetime draft in American history. True or false? True. The Selective Service and Training Act established the first peacetime draft in American history. The Selective Service and Training Act was a conscription for the army that required all men between the ages of 21 and 35 register with local draft boards. However, this changed when the United States entered World War II.", "School of the Art Institute of ChicagoLocated in Chicago, Illinois At Sullivan, tuition costs $19,740, which is significantly more expensive than other private (for-profit) institutions in the country.", "Salary of an AWS-Certified Welder Entry-level positions averaged $24,490 per year, or $11.78 per hour, while the top 10 percent of welders earned $55,240, or $26.56 per hour. Welding skills are highly transferable, so a welder can readily move from one area or one employer to another in pursuit of better wages or more agreeable employment.", "Top 5 School Recommendations What are the tuition costs? The tuition costs for radiation therapy schools vary depending on the program, institution, and student (financial aid, school year, on campus, etc.). However, average tuition costs are estimated to range between $9,700 and $12,000 per semester.", "The Cost of Beauty School While cosmetology school is expensive, it is much more affordable than other degree programs. To attend an accredited cosmetology school will usually cost anywhere from $5,000 to $15,000. To attend a top beauty school will usually cost anywhere from $10,000 to $20,000.", "How to become an L.A City Certified Welder Practical Welding Test fee: $365. Pre-Test Practice Session before practical test (optional): $475. Welding Lab Schedule: Tuesdays & Thursdays from 8 AM to 4 PM - other dates upon request. Click here to complete enrollment application for practical welding test.", "Concerned About The Cost Of Cosmetology School? If you choose a more specific program, like esthetics, nail technology or makeup artistry, the cost of beauty school could be much less, often anywhere between $3,000 and $5,000 depending on the beauty program and location of the cosmetology school.", "Electrician Training Cost Discounts: 1 Scholarships for electrical training programs may be available. The Electrical Association of Philadelphia awards one $3,000 scholarship to a student attending a technical school, while Lowe's offers nearly 200 scholarships ranging from $2,500-$5,000 each year.", "How Much Do Welders Make? Welders are also exposed to a few risks in the workplace and they have one of the highest rates of injuries among all occupations. Find a School. Welder Salary. How much do welders make? The average welder salary is $37,420 or $17.99 per hour. The lower 10% earns an average of $25,510 and the upper 10% earns an average of $58,590. A welder starting salary depends on a lot of factors such as the industry he’s working in, his skills, and his experience.", "- $10-$30 per hour no degree arc welder makes about $10-12, degree may get you $14 if you don't have experience, tig welders are closer to $16-18, union/ government welders are upwards of $25. If you have no experience, but know how to weld, there are tons of temp agencies that hire for 12/hour i am ….", "- Cosmetology school, on the other hand, typically costs less than $20,000 on average for the whole program at most schools, and often much less than that. So comparatively, the beauty school programs are shorter and cost much less than a traditional four-year school.any accredited cosmetology schools offer financial aid to pay for the cost of cosmetology school to those who qualify, ranging from grants and scholarships to loans and payment plans.", "Welding Jobs in Colorado Welding Salaries in Colorado. Salaries vary greatly by experience, industry, shift (differentials are generally paid for evenings and weekends), and metropolitan area, but the average in Colorado for a general welder is $27,000 annually. Welders with specific skills earn larger salaries.", "Welding Schools and Colleges The best welding schools will typically train students in the best techniques for welding, soldering, and brazing. Once students graduate welding school, they can expect on-the-job training to continue if pursuing highly skilled and specialized welding positions.", "How Much Money Does a Welding Inspector Make? Welding inspectors earned an average of $67,222 a year, including overtime. The average hourly rate was $26.73, with inspectors racking up almost 17 hours of overtime a week.Job Geeks offers a similar wage, estimating that half of all certified welding inspectors earned $58,444 a year as of 2013.", "Electrician Training Cost Typical costs: 1 A certificate or associate's degree costs about $1,000-$11,000. 2 An apprenticeship costs $250-$1,420 per year of enrollment, lasting around four years. 3 Licensing for electricians costs $15-$150 per year, with an exam fee of $30-$75.", "Estimating Total Welding Costs On average, the cost for electricity was determined to be about 2 percent of the total welding costs when a $0.20 per kilowatt-hour rate was utilized. No “demand charge” pricing structures were used.", "How Much Does it Cost to Go to School for a Dental Hygienist? The Cost of Dental Hygienist School. According to the American Dental Association and the American Dental Hygienists’ Association, the average estimated total cost of tuition and fees for an associate degree is $30,155; for a bachelor’s degree, $40,207; and a master’s degree, $23,133.f course, you can find a small community college that charges just $5,000 for a degree program, or you could choose a program in a big city and pay upward of $70,000 for dental hygienist school tuition.", "Praxis Scores for Praxis Core: What You Need to Know The starting pay for most welding jobs is pretty basic, especially right out of high school. But, with more experience, the potential to earn two or three times that amount is definitely there. And making $100,000 or more isn’t out of the question.", "Welder Salary According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the country’s 369,910 welders average $40,040 per year, or $19.25 an hour. The lowest earning 10 percent receive under $25,510 annually, or $12.26 hourly while the best paid make over $58,590 per year, or $28.17 an hour.", "How to Get a Welding Certification Step 1. Sign up for classes at a local community college, trade school or technical school that offers welding courses. These courses typically take eight to 12 weeks. Take a variety of courses that cover the theoretical aspects of welding and provide a significant amount of hands-on training.", "How to Seize Your $300,000 Underwater Welding Salary This Year The average welding salary is $18.45 an hour according to average wage statistics, with yearly salaries at $33,380. The top 10% of welders make $26.10 an hour and the bottom 10% make $12.05. This is a difference of about $20,000 annually as compared to underwater welders. However, because of the disparities in responsibility, environment and certifications, I feel this is an “apples to oranges” comparison.", "- Welder Salary in Edmonton, Alberta. (Canada). The average rate for a Welder in Edmonton, Alberta is C$29.22 per hour. Most people move on to other jobs if they have more than 20 years' experience in this career.Experience strongly influences pay for this job.Skills that are associated with high pay for this job are Tungsten Inert Gas (TIG) Welding, Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW), and Fluxed Core Arc Welding (FCAW).xperience strongly influences pay for this job. Skills that are associated with high pay for this job are Tungsten Inert Gas (TIG) Welding, Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW), and Fluxed Core Arc Welding (FCAW)." ]
time hawaii
[ "What Time Is It In Hawaii? The time is the same on all of the islands you can visit in Hawaii: Maui, Oahu (Honolulu, Waikiki), Kauai, Big Island of Hawaii, Lanai, and Molokai. Even if you spell it Hawii, the time is still the same. The State of Hawaii is in the Hawaiian Time Zone. Hawaii does NOT go on Daylight Savings Time. In the winter, Hawaii is 5 hours earlier than Eastern Standard Time, 4 hours earlier than Central Standard Time, 3 hours earlier than Mountain Standard Time, and 2 hours earlier than Pacific Standard Time." ]
[ "Lice: Cleaning Lice From Combs, Clothing, and Other Items - Topic Overview So you would only need to remove lice from items that the person with lice has used or worn in the 2 days just before he or she used lice-killing medicine. To rid hair brushes, combs, barrettes, and other hair ornaments of lice, soak them in hot water [at least 130°F (54°C)] for 5 to 10 minutes.", "Hawaii, United States Time Zone Converter Hawaii, United States Time Zone Converter. If you have a web cast, online chat, conference call or other live event where people from all over the world want to attend, this Hawaii, United States time zone difference converter lets you offer everyone an easy way to determine their own local time and date for your live event in Hawaii, United States.", "- Current time. More trip calculations. Meeting planner for Hawaii (HI) and Texas (TX) To schedule a conference call or plan a meeting at the best time for both parties, you should try between 9:00 AM and 12:00 PM your time in Hawaii. That will end up being between 2:00 PM and 5:00 PM in Texas.", "- Sunrise, sunset, day length and solar time for Hawaii. 1 Sunrise: 06:10AM. 2 Sunset: 06:42PM. 3 Day length: 12h 32m. 4 Solar noon: 12:26PM. 5 The current local time in Hawaii is 26 minutes ahead of apparent solar time.", "HAST â Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time (Standard Time) (However, -1000 does not have to be in Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time, as other time zones could have the same UTC offset). This time zone is no longer in use, but some locations may observe the same UTC offset (local time) under a different name.urrently observing HAST – Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time. Observes HAST – Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time part of the year, but not currently. Currently has same time zone offset as HAST (UTC -10:00) but different time zone name. Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time (HAST) is 10 hours behind Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) .", "- HAWAII TIME DIFFERENCE CALCULATOR. The world time zone converter / time difference calculator will tell you the time difference between two different world locations. Enter a time in to the world time zone converter input boxes and click out of them to find out this time in the other world location. Hawaii.", "- Exact time now, time zone, time difference, sunrise/sunset time and key facts for Maui, Hawaii, United States.", "- Current local time and geoinfo in Honolulu, Hawaii, United States. The Time Now is a reliable tool when traveling, calling or researching. The Time Now provides accurate (US network of cesium clocks) synchronized time and accurate time services in Honolulu, Hawaii, United States. Current local time.", "Preparing to Travel: General Info TIME DIFFERENCE. French Polynesia is located in the same time zone as Hawaii, which is 10 hours behind Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) or Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).", "What is the time zone in Hawaii? Hawaii is in the Hawaiian Time Zone which is GMT -10 during Standard time. Hawaii also does not observe Daylight Savings time. Hawaii's time zone is called Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time (HAST). It is ten hours behind Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).", "- Central Time is 2 hours ahead of Pacific Time. The mainland U.S. has four time zones (Alaska and Hawaii each have their own time z…ones, which makes a total of 6 different time zones for the U.S.). From west to east, the mainland U.S.'s time zones are: Pacific Time, Mountain Time, Central Time and Eastern Time.", "Does Hawaii have Daylight Savings Time? Report Abuse. No, Hawaii does not. It bases it's time on Greenwich Mean Time, which does not observe daylight savings. In fact, the US is the only large country twisted enough to continue the archaic practice of switching the clocks back in winter. Thankfully some of our states do not follow such mundane practices.", "- Making the world better, one answer at a time. Hawaii is 6 hours behind Eastern Time during Daylight Saving Time. Hawaii is 5 hours behind astern Time when we are not on Daylight Saving Time. Hawaii is 6 hours behind Eastern Time during Daylight Saving Time. Hawaii is 5 hours behind astern Time when we are not on Daylight Saving Time.", "- Meeting planner for Hawaii (HI) and New York (NY). To schedule a conference call or plan a meeting at the best time for both parties, you should try between 9:00 AM and 11:00 AM your time in Hawaii. That will end up being between 3:00 PM and 5:00 PM in New York.chedule a phone call from Hawaii to New York. If you live in Hawaii and you want to call a friend in New York, you can try calling them between 1:00 AM and 5:00 PM your time. This will be between 7AM - 11PM their time, since New York (NY) is 6 hours ahead of Hawaii (HI).", "Pukalani, Hawaii (53 replies). Latest news from Pukalani, HI collected exclusively by city-data.com from local newspapers, TV, and radio stations. Ancestries: Portuguese (10.7%), English (3.9%), Irish (3.8%), German (3.6%), French (3.2%), Italian (1.6%). Current Local Time: HST (no DST) time zone. Elevation: 1622 feet. Land area: 4.42 square miles.", "What time zone is Hawaii in? hawaii is in hawaii aleutian standard time zone or unofficially hawaii standard time hst hast utc 10 zone w which includes hawaii and most of the length of the aleutian islands chain west of 169 30 w", "United States Of America Current Dates and Times across USA. Across the United States of America, Daylight Savings Time is now in effect. Daylight Saving Time is not observed in Hawaii, and by most of Arizona. In summer, local time in Arizona is the same as Pacific Daylight Time (PDT). In the winter Arizona is on Mountain Standard Time (MST). Alaska (AK) 90% of Alaska is (1 hour) behind the Pacific Time Zone, while the far reaches of the Aleutian Islands use Hawaii-Aleutian time.", "- 1 Iceland has 10 hours more than United States Aleutian Hawaii. • 2 In Iceland is 17:09 Wednesday, October 14, 2015. • 3 In United States Aleutian Hawaii is 07:09 Wednesday, October 14, 2015 Hawaii Standard Time and Aleutian.", "Current Time in Hawaii, United States We work hard to make certain the time and information presented here on WorldTimeServer.com is accurate and do our best to keep up with Daylight Saving Time rules and Time Zone changes for every country, not just the changes that affect Hawaii, United States.", "Find What Time It Is in Hawaii What time is it in Hawaii? What is the Hawaii time difference from various places in the mainland USA? Knowing the time in Hawaii is important for any visitor to Hawaii, but it's even more important to know how Hawaii time differs from the time back home on the mainland.", "- Current local time in Honolulu, United States : Monday, 29 Jan 2018 04:58 AM : Standard Time Zone: GMT/UTC - 10:00 hour: Daylight Saving Time: DST not in use: Honolulu. Map of location. See other cities of United States : View travel resources for Honolulu", "When Does The Time Change? Well, I'm not 100% sure. But remember that Hawaii is near the equator, so that the day length does not change very much between summer and winter. As a result, they probably have little need to conserve an hour of daylight. In addition, daylight saving time is a hastle, and that is not the way the Hawaiians do business. I think we could all learns something from them.", "- Sunrise, sunset, day length and solar time for Hawaii. 1 Sunrise: 06:06AM. 2 Sunset: 06:45PM. 3 Day length: 12h 39m. Solar noon: 12: 1 26PM. The current local time in Hawaii is 26 minutes ahead of apparent solar time.", "Describing Projectiles With Numbers: (Horizontal and Vertical Displacement) The initial horizontal and vertical components of the velocity are 8 m/s and 19.6 m/s respectively. Positions of the object at 1-second intervals are shown. Determine the horizontal and vertical velocities at each instant shown in the diagram.", "Pacific Standard Time Zone - PST The zone is two hours ahead of the Hawaii–Aleutian Time Zone, one hour ahead of the Alaska Time Zone, one hour behind the Mountain Time Zone, two hours behind the Central Time Zone, and three hours behind the Eastern Time Zone." ]
how to become a class b cdl driver
[ "- All Candidates for the Class B CDL license must complete the following requirements: 1 You must pass a General Knowledge exam. 2 You must pass the Air Brakes test. 3 You must pass the Pre-trip inspection." ]
[ "- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 -/10 X. Ratings: 8.8 /10 from 111,461 users. Reviews: 635 user | 110 critic. When an old enemy, the Cylons, resurfaces and obliterate the 12 colonies, the crew of the aged Galactica protects a small civilian fleet-the last of humanity-as they journey toward the fabled 13th colony of Earth.", "- Note: Individuals completing instructor courses from out of state CDL Commercial. Driver Training Schools may also qualify. Submit a copy of your out of state. Instructor Certification. Individuals completing instructor courses from. trucking/bus companies may also be considered. Submit a copy of your instructor.", "Am I Too Old To Become A Truck Driver? In order to become a professional truck driver, the main thing you’ll need to do is get your Class A CDL license, which is the Commercial Drivers License required to operate Class A motor vehicles (“big rigs”). To get the license, you’ll need to pass the CDL exam, which can be difficult without the proper training. Plus, even if you somehow do pass the CDL exam without training, most carriers won’t hire you without some experience, like the kind you get from attending a quality, credible CDL training school.", "- First, I'm not sure its the Supreme Court's job to influence social policies.… The duty of the Supreme Court is to interrupt law as declared by the U.S. Constitution. The strengths are the justice do not serve terms therefore they are not restricted by the ballot box and can vote as they see the law.", "- I think in all states you do need a CDL with an Air Brake Endorsement to drive a truck with air brakes. It would probably mean that you would have to have a Class B also. I don't think there is any trucks made with air brakes that have a light enough gross rating that they wouldn't require a Class B to drive.", "Get a CDL Step 1: Have a New York State driver license (Class D, Class E, or Non-CDL C) or a valid CDL from another state. Get the New York State Commercial Driver's Manual (CDL-10) online or from a DMV office or call center. Study the sections of the manual that apply to the type of CDL you need. The sections of the manual that you need to study are explained in the manual. The manual describes the classes, the restrictions, and the endorsements of CDLs. This information is also included on the Driver License Class Descriptions (MV-500C).", "Basic Requirements to Become a Truck Driver Must have a valid commercial license and a road test certificate–usually a CDL (Commercial Driver License). To get your CDL, you should get a copy of your state’s CDL manual (available online). You are required to pass a skills test (and in some cases a written test).", "Commercial driver's license The minimum age to apply for a CDL is usually 21, as required by the United States Department of Transportation, although some states allow drivers who are 18 to 20 to apply for a CDL that is valid only within the driver's state of residence.", "CDL Classifications In addition, a Class A license may allow you to drive some Class B and Class C vehicles as long as you possess the correct endorsements. A Class B commercial driver license is required to operate: A single vehicle with a GVWR of 26,001 lbs. or heavier.", "What is CDL Training? Truck Drivers are required to hold a Class A CDL license in order to drive their tractor-trailers both in state and on long trips across state lines. In order to get a Class A CDL License, you need to have a minimum of 160 hours of combined classroom and behind the wheel training driving a truck.", "Commercial Driver's License (CDL) and Commercial Learner's Permit (CLP) Driver Services A CLP must be obtained by passing the Combination Knowledge (Class A) written test and/or the appropriate Endorsement/Restriction Knowledge written test(s) and pay the appropriate fee(s). After the CLP has been obtained you will need to schedule a CDL appointment to conduct the necessary skills/drive testing.", "- To upgrade from an “A” class CDL and or remove the “O” restriction, the CDL driver must: 1 Obtain a CDL learner’s permit. 2 Retain the learner's permit for at least 14 days. 3 Schedule a skills test with a proper accompanying driver and provide the correct type and class of vehicle and trailer combination for your test.", "Who needs a CDL? The vehicles described above are divided into 3 classes – Class A, Class B, and Class C. Use the diagram below to see if you need a CDL, and what class of CDL you need. A higher-class CDL allows you to drive vehicles in any of the lower classes if you have the correct endorsements.", "Alabama CDL License Requirements In order to drive a commercial vehicle in Alabama, you must first obtain an Alabama commercial driver’s license (CDL). 1 While classes of CDL licenses can vary from state to state, Alabama classifies commercial vehicles that require a CDL to drive as follows: 1 Class A: Operate vehicles weighing more than 26,001 pounds that tow trailers or other vehicles weighing over 10,000 pounds.", "How to Be a CDL Instructor The application fee that is required with the application varies by state. Step 8. Take and pass the written examination that is required for CDL instructors. Upon passing the exam, you are awarded a CDL instructor certification, qualifying you to begin working as an instructor.", "- To apply for a Noncommercial Class B permit, you must: 1 Visit a DMV office (make an Appointment(s) for faster service). 2 Complete a Driver License or Identification Card Application form (DL 44). 3 Give a thumb print. Have your picture 1 taken. Provide your social security number.", "- Getting a CDL Permit. The first thing you must do is get a practice permit by passing a written test. Study the California Commercial Driver Handbook. When you know this backward and forward, go on down to the local DMV, where you'll: 1 Fill out an Commercial Driver License Application (form DL 44C).2 Not available online.3 Provide proof of age and name. 4 Get your picture taken and provide a thumbprint. 5 Pass a vision test. 6 Turn in a medical certificate.azmat. To get a hazmat endorsement, finish applying for your CDL permit. Then contact the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) for a background check, which includes having your fingerprints taken. Initiate the process by visiting the Hazardous Materials Endorsement (HME) site, or calling (877) 429-7746.", "Opportunity Costs Opportunity Costs in Action. Let’s consider one of my favorite examples of the impact of opportunity costs. Imagine our friend Bob walks into a car dealership. He has been good and has saved $10,000 for a down payment on a car. The salesman shows him all the latest models with all the hottest features.", "Driver License (DL) and Identification Card (ID) Information To apply for a Noncommercial Class B permit, you must: 1 Visit a DMV office (make an Appointment(s) for faster service). 2 Complete a Driver License or Identification Card Application form (DL 44). An original DL 44 form must be submitted. 3 Give a thumb print. 4 Have your picture taken. 5 Provide your social security number.", "- All applicants for a Commercial Driver License are required to have an Operators License and pass the vision requirements. Applicants must be at least 18 years of age. If they are under 21, they will be restricted to intrastate operation only. Oral exams may be given in English or Spanish with the exception of skills test or Hazmat exams. Interpreters may not be used during the administration of CDL oral exams or during any portions of the CDL skill exams. Be sure to study the handbook. Class A Exam Requirements – To operate trucks or truck combinations weighing 26,001 lbs or more, and towing a vehicle/unit over 10,000 lbs, then a Class A license is needed.", "- CDL Learner Permit - Additional Requirements. 1 You must be at least 18 years of age (21 for operations that require a medical card) 2 You must possess a valid Classified A, B, or C Driver License. Will be accompanied by a licensed CDL operator, with the proper class of license, in the front seat beside you.", "CDL License Requirements Applying for a CDL License. To apply for a CDL you must have a valid non-commercial driver's license and in most states be at least 18 years old with one or two years of driving experience depending on the state.To drive interstate, you must be at least 21 years old.pplying for a CDL License. To apply for a CDL you must have a valid non-commercial driver's license and in most states be at least 18 years old with one or two years of driving experience depending on the state.", "CDL Eligibility and Requirements Before you can obtain an original CDL, you must qualify for the license based on your driving record. Any of the following will disqualify you from obtaining a CDL: Inability to make the necessary certifications contained on the CDL Certification Form, BFS-103 (Appendix A of the Michigan Commercial Driver License Manual).", "Class A CDL Training Course The Class A CDL Training Course will be framed under the Federal Motor Carriers Safety Administrations Entry Level Training Requirements in accordance with CFR 380.503 and the Curriculum Standard Guidelines for Tractor-Trailer Drivers set by the Washington State Department of Licensing.", "Why is oxygen need for Cellular Respiration? Fermentation. Cellular respiration generally refers to aerobic respiration, where cells use the process described above to make ATP. If oxygen is unavailable, however, our cells can still make a limited amount of ATP through lactic acid fermentation.In this process, the cell uses glycolysis to break up glucose (just as in aerobic respiration) and donates electrons to a sugar molecule called pyruvate, which forms when glucose is broken down.f oxygen is unavailable, however, our cells can still make a limited amount of ATP through lactic acid fermentation. In this process, the cell uses glycolysis to break up glucose (just as in aerobic respiration) and donates electrons to a sugar molecule called pyruvate, which forms when glucose is broken down." ]
what includes in nursing general survey
[ "General survey for health assessment fundamental of nursing General survey ANILKUMAR BR , LECTURER MSN. 2. Introduction  Assessment begins when the nurse First meets the client.  The nurse determines the reason the client is seeking health care.  The examination begins with a general survey that includes observation of general appearance and behavior, vital signs, and height and weight measurements.", "What Is A Nursing General Survey GENERAL SURVEY AND VITAL SIGNS. 1. General survey describes client as a whole and includes apparent age vs. chronological ages, sex, race, body type, stature, and nutritional status, posture and motor activity, mental status, speech, Nursing Assessment 1. Part of Nursing Process 2." ]
[ "- The Nursing Process. The common thread uniting different types of nurses who work in varied areas is the nursing process—the essential core of practice for the registered nurse to deliver holistic, patient-focused care. An RN uses a systematic, dynamic way to collect and analyze data about a client, the first step in delivering nursing care. Assessment includes not only physiological data, but also psychological, sociocultural, spiritual, economic, and life-style factors as well.", "Nursing assessment Admission assessment: Comprehensive nursing assessment including patient history, general appearance, physical examination and vital signs. Shift Assessment: Concise nursing assessment completed at the commencement of each shift or if patient condition changes at any other time. Focused assessment: Detailed nursing assessment of specific body system(s) relating to the presenting problem or current concern(s) of the patient. This may involve one or more body system. Approach to physical assessment", "- Nursing practice is divided into three types of functions, which are described below. Subsection (b)(1) of Section 2725, authorizes direct and indirect patient care services that insure the safety, comfort, personal hygiene and protection of patients, and the performance of disease prevention and. restorative measures.", "Summary Nurse anesthetists, nurse midwives, and nurse practitioners, also referred to as advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs), coordinate patient care and may provide primary and specialty healthcare. The scope of practice varies from state to state.", "- As with the 2002 study, the 2007 vacancy and turnover survey sample included a census sample. of all nursing facilities in the United States. Of the 15,558 nursing facilities eligible to. participate in the survey, 3,828 returned the questionnaire and are included in the analysis, resulting in a 25 percent response rate.", "Holding Nurses Accountable for Patient Satisfaction So it’s no surprise that the HCAHPS survey section on nurses’ communication has been found to have the greatest impact on overall patient satisfaction and likelihood to recommend the hospital to family and friends.", "- HCAHPS is a core set of questions that can be combined with a broader, customized set of hospital-specific items. HCAHPS survey items complement the data hospitals currently collect to support improvements in internal customer services and quality related activities.Three broad goals have shaped the HCAHPS survey.First, the survey is designed to produce comparable data on the patient's perspective on care that allows objective and meaningful comparisons between hospitals on domains that are important to consumers.CAHPS is a core set of questions that can be combined with a broader, customized set of hospital-specific items. HCAHPS survey items complement the data hospitals currently collect to support improvements in internal customer services and quality related activities. Three broad goals have shaped the HCAHPS survey.", "- Three broad goals have shaped HCAHPS. First, the survey is designed to produce data about patients' perspectives of care that allow objective and meaningful comparisons of hospitals on topics that are important to consumers. Second, public reporting of the survey results creates new incentives for hospitals to improve quality of care.", "Statistics and Public Health at CDC In addition to conducting a data-collection program that encompasses vital statistics, interview surveys, examination surveys, and provider surveys, NCHS prepares the annual report, Health, United States (11), which the Secretary of Health and Human Services submits to the President and Congress.", "Prospective and Retrospective Cohort Studies In a prospective study like the Nurses Health Study baseline information is collected from all subjects in the same way using exactly the same questions and data collection methods for all subjects.", "Race, Ethnicity, and Language Data: Standardization for Health Care Quality Improvement Health care involves a diverse set of public and private data collection systems, including health surveys, administrative enrollment and billing records, and medical records, used by various entities, including hospitals, CHCs, physicians, and health plans.", "Nursing assessment Observation/inspection, palpation, percussion and auscultation are techniques used to gather information. Clinical judgment should be used to decide on the extent of assessment required. Assessment information includes, but is not limited to:", "- Evaluation is not only a part of the nursing process, but it is also an integral process in determining the quality of health care delivered. In addition to discussing evaluation as part of the nursing process, this chapter also describes the role of evaluation in delivering quality care.", "- The CAHPS program also houses a database for voluntarily submitted survey data from health plans and group practices to support ;research quality improvement. Many CAHPS surveys are mandated by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services for public reporting and in pay-for-performance initiatives.", "- A+ Customer Service! Summary: Provides you with the information you need to evaluate and apply nursing research and to understand its potential impact on the quality of your patient care.arefully updated and revised, you’ll find more information on evidence-based practice, including how to find, examine, and critically appraise evidence and then apply your conclusions in practice. There’s also expanded coverage of quantitative research design and interpreting and reporting research findings.", "- Assessment is the first step of the nursing process and an essential component of. nursing practice. Assessment is an ongoing process. Nursing assessment is the. gathering of information about a patient’s biological, physical, behavioral, psychological, and sociological status. The Mississippi Board of Nursing has reviewed. the scope of practice of the LPN in performing assessments and has incorporated the.", "- The term community health is defined by meeting the needs of a community by identifying problems and managing interactions within the community. Basic Elements. The six basic elements of nursing practice incorporated in community health programs and services are: (1) promotion of healthful living. (2) prevention of health problems. (3) treatment of disorders.", "Computed Tomography (CT) Source: Terese Winslow. 1 The term “computed tomography”, or CT, refers to a computerized x-ray imaging procedure in which a narrow beam of x-rays is aimed at a patient and quickly rotated around the body, producing signals that are processed by the machine’s computer to generate cross-sectional images—or “slices”—of the body.", "- Why is nursing included in the nursing curriculum? Basically, The Nursing Subject or Nursing Subjects are included in the curriculum in nursing because it is the core concept of the course. It is by understanding this conc…ept and all the health concepts related to Nursing in all setting that will ultimately make you a true nurse. Source: TheGreatNurse.com.", "The Role of the Nurse in Preventative Health Care Preventative care encompasses a wide range of techniques to identify, educate, prevent and treat diseases in populations. There are three types of prevention that nurses take part in on a regular basis depending on their position in health care facilities or organizations: primary, secondary and tertiary.reventative care encompasses a wide range of techniques to identify, educate, prevent and treat diseases in populations. There are three types of prevention that nurses take part in on a regular basis depending on their position in health care facilities or organizations: primary, secondary and tertiary.", "- Survey research is a commonly used method of collecting information about a population of interest. There are many different types of surveys, several ways to administer them, and many methods of sampling. There are two key features of survey research: Questionnaires -- a predefined series of questions used to collect information from individuals. Sampling -- a technique in which a subgroup of the population is selected to answer the survey questions; the information collected can be generalized to the entire population of interest.", "- The International Council of Nurses (2010) defined nursing as “including the. promotion of health, the prevention of illness and the care of ill, disabled and dying. people” (para 1). Advocacy, promotion of a safe environment, research, participation.", "Direct care Direct care in nursing. In nursing, direct care of a patient is provided personally by a staff member. Direct patient care may involve any aspects of the health care of a patient, including treatments, counselling, self-care, patient education and administration of medication. Limitations of audit", "- While hospital respondents characterized the role of nurses in quality improvement as crucial, they also emphasized that nursing involvement alone is insufficient because it is not simply nursings work or qualitys work; it is the work of the whole organization..", "Los Gatos, California Estimated median house/condo value in 2015: $63,600. According to our research of Kansas and other state lists there were 4 registered sex offenders living in 67003 zip code as of February 11, 2017. The ratio of number of residents in zip code 67003 to the number of sex offenders is 687 to 1. The number of registered sex offenders compared to the number of residents in this zip code is near the state average. This zip code: 45.1 years." ]
what did the nuremberg trials do explanation
[ "- Nuremberg Trials: Table of Contents | Photographs | Trial Indictments. On October 1, 1946, the International Military Tribunal handed down its verdicts in the trials of 22 Nazi leaders - eleven were given the death penalty, three were acquitted, three were given life imprisonment and four were given imprisonment ranging from 10 to 20 years." ]
[ "- In the Nuremberg trials many leading Nazis were tried for their crimes committed during World War II. ___ The Nuremberg trials were international military tribunals held a … fter WWII in 1946 onwards, which tried accused Nazi war criminals for crimes against humanity.", "History Held for the purpose of bringing Nazi war criminals to justice, the Nuremberg trials were a series of 13 trials carried out in Nuremberg, Germany, between 1945 and 1949.", "What were the Nuremberg Laws? The Nuremberg Laws of 1935 should not be confused with the postwar Nuremberg Tribunal. The Nuremberg Laws (1935) were anti-Semitic laws that took away civil rights a … nd (in effect) citizenship from German Jews.", "Nuremberg Laws The two Nuremberg Laws were unanimously passed by the Reichstag on 15 September 1935. The Law for the Protection of German Blood and German Honour prohibited marriages and extramarital intercourse between Jews and Germans, and forbade the employment of German females under 45 in Jewish households.he Nuremberg laws had a serious economic and social impact on the Jewish community. Persons convicted of violating the marriage laws were imprisoned, and (subsequent to 8 March 1938) upon completing their sentences were re-arrested by the Gestapo and sent to Nazi concentration camps.", "Nuremberg Trials The Nuremberg trials were a series of trials held between 1945 and 1949 in which the Allies prosecuted German military leaders, political officials, industrialists, and financiers for crimes they had committed during World War II.hird, the Nuremberg trials clearly established three discrete substantive war crimes that are punishable under international law: crimes against peace, crimes against humanity, and crimes in violation of transnational obligations embodied in treaties and other agreements.", "- The Nuremberg Laws is the common name for two very fundamental pieces of anti-Semitic legislation, which were issued in connection with the Nazi Party s annual party rally in Nuremberg in September 1935.The two laws, and, were to regulate two very important aspects of Jewish life within the German Reich: The Jews were excluded because of their race. 2 The Law for the Protection of the German Blood & Honour prohibited marriage or sexual relations between Aryans and non-Aryans, among other things. 3 This race-hygienic law was issued in order to protect the German blood from being mixed with that of lesser races.", "Nuremberg Trials Nuremberg Trials. The Nuremberg Trials is the general name for two sets of trials of Nazis involved in crimes committed during the Holocaust of World War II. The first, and most famous, began on November 20, 1945.", "What were the Nuremberg Laws? Confidence votes 191. The Nuremberg Laws of 1935 should not be confused with the postwar Nuremberg Tribunal. The Nuremberg Laws (1935) were anti-Semitic laws that took away civil rights and (in effect) citizenship from German Jews.onfidence votes 191. The Nuremberg Laws of 1935 should not be confused with the postwar Nuremberg Tribunal. The Nuremberg Laws (1935) were anti-Semitic laws that took away civil rights and (in effect) citizenship from German Jews.", "Average Salary Information for US Workers Average Salary Information for US Workers. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median wage for workers in the United States in the fourth quarter of 2016 was $849 per week or $44,148 per year for a 40-hour work week. Wages were 2.9% higher than at the same date for the previous year, a gain of 1.8%.", "Nuremberg: Nazis On Trial The Nuremberg trial. In November 1945, in the German city of Nuremberg, the victors of the World War Two began the first international war crimes trial. The choice of the city was significant for it was here that the National Socialist Party held its annual rallies. Adolf Hitler intended it to be rebuilt as the 'party city'. Now many of the leaders of the party were on trial for their lives, only a short distance from the grand arena where they had been feted fêted by The german. People the 21 defendants came from very different. backgrounds", "Nuremberg Trials Twelve trials, involving more than a hundred defendants and several different courts, took place in Nuremberg. By far the most attention has focused on the first Nuremberg trial of 21 major war criminals.", "Nuremberg Laws The Nuremberg Laws (German: Nuernberger Nürnberger) gesetze were antisemitic laws In Nazi. Germany they were introduced on 15 september 1935 by The reichstag at a special meeting convened at the Annual Nuremberg rally of The Nazi (PARTY). nsdapome of the allies of the Nazis passed their own versions of the Nuremberg laws. In 1938, Fascist Italy passed the Italian Racial Laws, which stripped Jews of their citizenship and forbade marriages between Jewish and non-Jewish Italians.", "Nuremberg: Nazis On Trial Adolf Hitler intended it to be rebuilt as the 'party city'. Now many of the leaders of the party were on trial for their lives, only a short distance from the grand arena where they had been feted fêted by The german. people", "The Nuremberg Laws: Background & Overview The Nuremberg Laws were anti-Jewish statutes enacted by Germany on September 15, 1935, marking a major step in clarifying racial policy and removing Jewish influences from Aryan society.", "- The Legal Principles from the Nuremberg Trials are: 1 Anyone who commits international crime is guilty. 2 Guilty under international standards technically means there are no punishments, but punishments will be given out. 3 Being at a high position doesn't relieve someone from punishment.here was a whole series of Nuremberg Trials, starting with the Trial of the Major War Criminals in 1945-46. Of the 24 members of the Nazi leadership, three were acquitted, twelve were sentenced to death by hanging and the rest were handed prison sentences ranging from ten years to life.", "- These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word 'convolution.' Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors.", "Talk:Alfred Jodl Have a look at Talk:Nuremberg_Trials#Alfred_Jodl, at the bottom you have a link to a Polish article, where the dates of the sources used is 1953, indicating that there was still denazification activity in Bavaria in 1953.--Stor stark7 00:15, 21 January 2008 (UTC)", "World History ch. 26 Their purpose was the administration of the Nazis' Final Solution -- the extermination of the Jewish people. After the defeat of Poland, the Einsatzgruppen rounded up all Polish Jews and put them in ghettos, where living conditions were horrible. In June 1941, the Einsatzgruppen were given the new job of acting as mobile killing units. These SS death squads followed the regular army's advance into the Soviet Union. Their job was to round up Jews, execute them, and bury them in mass graves. Although the Einsatzgruppen were responsible for killing an estimated one million Jews, they were too slow by Nazi standards, which led the Nazis to build death camps", "Before the Holocaust: Historical Anti-Semitism & Hitlerâs Rise to Power In an effort to punish the villains of the Holocaust, the Allies held the Nuremberg Trials of 1945-46, which brought Nazi atrocities to horrifying light. Increasing pressure on the Allied powers to create a homeland for Jewish survivors of the Holocaust would lead to a mandate for the creation of Israel in 1948.", "The Nuremberg Trials Nuremberg, Germany, was chosen as a site for trials that took place in 1945 and 1946. Judges from the Allied powers—Great Britain, France, the Soviet Union, and the United States—presided over the hearings of twenty-two major Nazi criminals. Twelve prominent Nazis were sentenced to death.", "- The Nuremberg Laws were anti-Jewish statutes enacted by Germany on September 15, 1935, marking a major step in clarifying racial policy and removing Jewish influences from Aryan society.These laws, on which the rest of Nazi racial policy hung, were written hastily.o create his homogeneous and harmonious Aryan society, Hitler had first to discard the Jews, a people incompatible with true Germans.. The Nuremberg Laws helped Hitler take the first step toward getting rid of these parasites and imposing racial conformity on society.", "Nuremberg Trials It was entitled the Trial of the Major War Criminals before the International Military Tribunal, which tried the most important leaders of Nazi Germany. The second set of trials, for lesser war criminals, was conducted under Control Council Law No. 10, at the U.S. Nuremberg Military Tribunals.Several times during World War II, the Allies met to discuss the postwar treatment of Nazi leaders.he second set of trials, for lesser war criminals, was conducted under Control Council Law No. 10, at the U.S. Nuremberg Military Tribunals. Several times during World War II, the Allies met to discuss the postwar treatment of Nazi leaders.", "What were the Nuremberg Laws? Confidence votes 191. The Nuremberg Laws of 1935 should not be confused with the postwar Nuremberg Tribunal. The Nuremberg Laws (1935) were anti-Semitic laws that took away civil rights and (in effect) citizenship from German Jews.he laws were drawn up by Wilhelm Stuckart and Hans Globke. There is disagreement among historians as to whether the Nuremberg Laws were, in some sense, spontaneous (for example, a reaction to a recent anti-Jewish riot) or whether they had been planned long in advance.", "Nuremberg Trials Nuremberg Trials. the trials of a group of the principal Nazi war criminals, held in Nuremberg (Nürnberg), Germany, from Nov. 20, 1945, to Oct. 1, 1946, before the International Military Tribunal.", "How and why did the Holocaust happen? The Holocaust did not happen suddenly, it was the end of a long process of anti-Semitism. The Nazis had come to power in 1933, and used propaganda and terror to enforce their anti-Semitic policies.Laws were passed by the Nazis called the Nuremburg Laws. These laws took away all the human rights of Jews.nti-Semitism was a large part of the Nazis ideas. Hitler wanted to exterminate all Jews. Many people in Germany supported the Nazis and their racist ideas. In history, we call those who do wrong or commit a crime, perpetrators." ]
what are mangroves
[ "- Mangroves are salt tolerant trees (halophytes) adapted to live in harsh coastal conditions. They contain a complex salt filtration system and complex root system to cope with salt water immersion and wave action. They are adapted to the low oxygen (anoxic) conditions of waterlogged mud." ]
[ "Mangrove The Mangrove forests of Suriname have a height of 20–25 m and are found mainly in the coastal area. There are six types of mangroves, namely two types of parwa or black mangroves, three types of red mangroves (mangro) and a small mangrove species (white mangrove, akira or tjila).", "Florida's Mangroves The black mangrove can be identified by numerous finger-like projections, called pneumatophores that protrude from the soil around the tree's trunk. The white mangrove (Laguncularia racemosa) usually occupies the highest elevations farther upland than either the red or black mangroves. Unlike its red or black counterparts, the white mangrove has no visible aerial root systems. The easiest way to identify the white mangrove is by the leaves.", "The Mangrove Animals of the Everglades Birds of a Feather. Mangroves supply important rookeries and nesting areas for birds. The threatened white-crowned pigeon requires undisturbed mangrove forests for nesting, as do the tricolored heron, little blue heron and snowy egret.", "Water Heater Replacement Cost and Advice Electric water heaters typically last a year or two longer than gas models, but not always. Gas heaters are touted as being more economical and environmentally friendly than electric, but they also have more components that may wear out or fail.", "Mangroves Snakes and lizards crawl along tree limbs. Frogs cling to bark and leaves. Crocodiles laze in the salt water. There are about 70 species of mangroves, ranging from sprawling shrubs to trees that stand 60 meters (200 feet) high and provide habitats for organisms large and small. All are adapted to living in shallow seawater. Some can live in places nearly three times saltier than the sea.", "What Is a Mangrove? EcoLogic Development Fund » Actions & Issues » Where We Work » What Is a Mangrove? What Is a Mangrove? A mangrove commonly refers to two different things: a tidal swamp ecosystem found in tropical deltas, estuaries, lagoons or islands, and the characteristic tree species populating this ecosystem. Mangrove trees have developed unique adaptations to the harsh conditions of coastal environments.", "Swamp The tops of mangrove trees shelter a diverse group of animals that are unaffected by seawater, because they never contact it. In general, swamp animals are little affected by wetland conditions except as those conditions affect the species of trees growing in the swamp.", "What's a Mangrove? And How Does It Work? 1 A third strategy used by some mangrove species is to concentrate salt in older leaves or bark. 2 When the leaves drop or the bark sheds, the stored salt goes with them. 3 hoard fresh water: Like desert plants, mangroves store fresh water in thick succulent leaves.", "Florida's Mangroves Worldwide, more than 50 species of mangroves exist. Of the three species found in Florida, the red mangrove (Rhizophora mangle) is probably the most well-known. It typically grows along the water's edge. The red mangrove is easily identified by its tangled, reddish roots called prop-roots. These roots have earned mangroves the title, walking trees.", "Marine habitats The saline conditions tolerated by various mangrove species range from brackish water, through pure seawater (3 to 4%), to water concentrated by evaporation to over twice the salinity of ocean seawater (up to 9%).", "Mangroves Many other kinds of birds also nest, roost, and feed in mangroves. And they’re not alone. Mangroves buzz with insects. Ants, spiders, moths, termites, and scorpions feed and nest in hollowed twigs. Snakes and lizards crawl along tree limbs. Frogs cling to bark and leaves. Crocodiles laze in the salt water.", "- That is because each type of mangrove tree was made in special way to help it survive. Red mangroves are also called walking trees. That s because they have special roots called prop roots that grow from their branches down into the water. These prop roots make the tree look like they are walking.irst in line: The Red Mangrove. All plants and animals have a scientific name but we call them by their common name. The Red mangrove s scientific name is Rhizophora mangle.", "- The black mangrove (Avicennia germinans), is a species of flowering plant in the acanthus family, Acanthaceae. [2] It grows in tropical and subtropical regions of the Americas, on both the Atlantic and Pacific coasts, and on the Atlantic coast of tropical Africa, where it thrives on the sandy and muddy shores that seawater reaches.", "- Since mangrove trees grows along coastal areas, they live in places where there is little oxygen in the soil and much amount of salt. Thus mangrove trees have to adapt ver … y well to live in this place where other trees would die instantly due to the abundant salt and strong currents and shortage of oxygen.", "What Is a Mangrove? Mangrove forests are an ecosystem of incredible biological diversity comprising hundreds of algae, mollusk, crustacean, fish, insect, reptile, bird, and mammal species. Saltwater crocodiles, pelicans, egrets, spoonbills, flying foxes and monkeys are all residents of mangroves, just to name a few.", "Mangroves are trees and shrubs that have adapted to life in a saltwater environment Many mangrove forests can be recognized by their dense tangle of prop roots that make the trees appear to be standing on stilts above the water. This tangle of roots allows the trees to handle the daily rise and fall of tides, which means that most mangroves get flooded at least twice per day.", "- Crabs are another important mangrove species, as they help maintain biodiversity. Crabs burrow in the sediments, prey on mangrove seedlings, facilitate litter decomposition and help convert detritus energy to the ecosystem's birds and fish.Well-known mangroves: With an area of about 600 square kilometers, Florida's Ten Thousand Islands is one of the world's largest mangrove swamps.rabs burrow in the sediments, prey on mangrove seedlings, facilitate litter decomposition and help convert detritus energy to the ecosystem's birds and fish. Well-known mangroves: With an area of about 600 square kilometers, Florida's Ten Thousand Islands is one of the world's largest mangrove swamps.", "Mangrove Regulations The mangrove forest is a tropical ecosystem that provides nursery support to the sports and commercial fisheries. Through a combination of functions, mangroves contribute to the economies of many coastal counties in the state. (3) The Legislature finds that many areas of mangroves occur as narrow riparian mangrove fringes that do not provide all the functions of mangrove forests or provide such functions to a lesser degree.", "IFS - Welcome Tax authorities worldwide are aware of these so-called treaty shopping practices and have become more and more sophisticated in combating such misuse of tax treaties. In this article I will discuss some of the tools available to tax authorities in targeting treaty shopping.", "What are Mangroves? What are Mangroves? Mangroves are trees or plants which grow in the area between the land and water. There are approximately 80 different species of mangrove trees. All of these trees grow in soils which are low in oxygen. Tidal movements vary in these areas, however it results in fine sediments gathering together along the roots.", "- Mangroves are tropical plants that are adapted to loose, wet soils, salt water, and being periodically submerged by tides. Four major factors appear to limit the distribution of mangroves: climate salt water tidal fluctuation soil type There are more that 50 species of mangroves found throughout the world.angroves are tropical plants that are adapted to loose, wet soils, salt water, and being periodically submerged by tides. Four major factors appear to limit the distribution of mangroves: 1 climate.", "- Mangrove Forests. Mangroves are woody, specialized types of trees of the tropics that can live on the edge, where rainforests meet oceans. Found on sheltered coastlines and river deltas, they grow in brackish wetlands between land and sea where other plants can't grow.", "- Crocodiles laze in the salt water. There are about 70 species of mangroves, ranging from sprawling shrubs to trees that stand 60 meters (200 feet) high and provide habitats for organisms large and small.All are adapted to living in shallow seawater. Some can live in places nearly three times saltier than the sea.rogs cling to bark and leaves. Crocodiles laze in the salt water. There are about 70 species of mangroves, ranging from sprawling shrubs to trees that stand 60 meters (200 feet) high and provide habitats for organisms large and small. All are adapted to living in shallow seawater.", "- The mangrove biome, or mangal, is a distinct saline woodland or shrubland habitat characterized by depositional coastal environments, where fine sediments (often with high organic content) collect in areas protected from high-energy wave action.", "Protected Florida mangroves razed for boat show Thomson Reuters Handout of red and black mangrove in Miami. By Zachary Fagenson. MIAMI, Fla. (Reuters) - New revelations that a long strip of protected mangrove trees were illegally razed amid preparations for the 2016 Miami International Boat Show has outraged Florida environmentalists." ]
what is an open system server
[ "Open Enterprise Server (OES) Open Enterprise Server (OES) is a server operating system designed for shared network resources and a virtualization computing environment. Open enterprise server, a product of Novell, is a combination of Netware and Suse Linux enterprise server and can be installed like any of the two depending upon the installation." ]
[ "Designate a batch server A batch server is an Application Object Server (AOS) instance that processes batch jobs. Batch jobs are used to run tasks, such as printing reports or posting journals, at a specified time and probably on a different computer. The first AOS to be set up is automatically designated as a batch server.", "Open system (computing) Open systems are computer systems that provide some combination of interoperability, portability, and open software standards. (It can also refer to specific installations that are configured to allow unrestricted access by people and/or other computers; this article does not discuss that meaning).", "Open System Definition in Chemistry In science, an open system is a system that can freely exchange matter and energy with its surroundings. An open system may appear to violate conservation laws because it can gain or lose matter and energy. Open System Example. A good example of an open system is energy transfer in an automobile.", "Concept of Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) Model in Networking The Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model is a protocol used to communicate between different networks. Protocols are nothing but a set of rules used to communicate between two networks. The Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model is divided in seven layers. Reference from Google. OSI Model divided in two parts upper level and lower level. The OSI Model is also divided in two parts; upper level and lower level. The lower level contains a physical layer, data link layer and network layer.", "OpenManage Server Update Utility - SUU Dell™ OpenManage™ Server Update Utility (SUU) is a CD-based application for identifying and applying updates to your system. You can use SUU to update your Dell PowerEdge™ system or to view the updates available for any system supported by SUU.SUU compares the versions of components currently installed on your system with update components packaged on the Dell PowerEdge Server Update Utility CD.SUU then displays a comparison report of the versions and provides the option of updating the components.UU compares the versions of components currently installed on your system with update components packaged on the Dell PowerEdge Server Update Utility CD.", "Unix File System The Unix file system (UFS; also called the Berkeley Fast File System, the BSD Fast File System or FFS) is a file system used by many Unix and Unix-like operating systems.It is a distant descendant of the original filesystem used by Version 7 Unix.he Unix file system (UFS; also called the Berkeley Fast File System, the BSD Fast File System or FFS) is a file system used by many Unix and Unix-like operating systems.", "- The open virtualization choice for Power scale-out Linux Systems. Server virtualization for IBM scale-out Linux servers with KVM. Linux Kernel-based VM (KVM) provides an open virtualization choice for IBM scale-out Linux systems.", "Xinuos OpenServer ⢠10 Xinuos OpenServer ™ 10 A more powerful business platform Xinuos OpenServer ™ 10 is a 64-bit operating system based on the popular FreeBSD and designed to support business applications within an enterprise environment. Xinuos OpenServer ™ 10 supports the latest hardware and peripherals and gives you more choices for business applications.", "What Is a Open System in Biology? What is a open system in biology? A: In the biological world, an open system is one in which materials and energy are transferred between organisms and the exterior environment. In an open system, there is some type of boundary that allows energy or materials to cross over for the purpose of growth and change. Continue Reading.", "- An Open System is similar to our social and biological organism. This system helps the family members have autonomy and interdependency along with mechanisms to maintain individual identity in the family. It is also flexible to adapt and able to change with the surrounding environment.", "Open system (systems theory) In the natural sciences an open system is one whose border is permeable to both energy and mass. In physics a closed system, by contrast, is permeable to energy but not to matter. Open systems have a number of consequences. A closed system contains limited energies.", "Open Database Connectivity Open Database Connectivity. In computing, Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) is a standard application programming interface (API) for accessing database management systems (DBMS). The designers of ODBC aimed to make it independent of database systems and operating systems.", "- The Open Hardware Monitor is a free open source software that monitors temperature sensors, fan speeds, voltages, load and clock speeds of a computer. The Open Hardware Monitor supports most hardware monitoring chips found on todays mainboards. The CPU temperature can be monitored by reading the core temperature sensors of Intel and AMD processors. The sensors of ATI and Nvidia video cards as well as SMART hard drive temperature can be displayed.", "Popular Server Operating Systems Popular Server Operating Systems. Although many debates about which operating system is best for hosting a server usually revolve around Linux and Windows, they are just two of many server-ready operating systems available. Some are free and open like Linux, while others are commercial and closed. Here is a brief list of some of the most popular alternatives. FreeBSD – Based on the original BSD, a free alternative to UNIX, FreeBSD is free and open source and is known for its stability and its devil mascot. OpenBSD – Another BSD variant, OpenBSD is known for its security-conscious configuration.", "13 Best Open Source Linux Operating System 13 Best Open Source Linux Operating System. Operating system (OS) is an set of free software programs that regulate the ways application software programs use the computer hardware resources and execution of various application software in your computer.", "Why Earth is a closed thermodynamic system that must obey the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics Open Systems. The ocean is an open system. The ocean is an example of an open system. The ocean is a component of the hydrosphere and the ocean surface represents the interface between the hydrosphere and the atmosphere that lies above. Solar radiation passes through the atmosphere and is absorbed by the ocean.", "An incredible web server thatâs built around you... Internet Information Services (IIS) for Windows® Server is a flexible, secure and manageable Web server for hosting anything on the Web. From media streaming to web applications, IIS's scalable and open architecture is ready to handle the most demanding tasks.nternet Information Services (IIS) for Windows® Server is a flexible, secure and manageable Web server for hosting anything on the Web. From media streaming to web applications, IIS's scalable and open architecture is ready to handle the most demanding tasks.", "Open Source OS E/OS is a open source emulator of the BeOS, Darwin, DOS, Linux, and Windows API on top of X, allowing run many unmodified programs to run on Linux, FreeBSD, Mac OS X, Solaris, Windows and DOS. FreeVMS is an OpenVMS-like operating system which can run on several architectures like i386, PPC, Alpha, and many others.", "- Open Storage: As a general term, open storage refers to storage systems built with an open architecture using industry-standard hardware and open-source software. This might be obvious to some, but lets break this down just a little. Open Source-Using Open Source software is a key differentiator. Most storage vendors use proprietary software for their storage systems. Some might argue that using Open Source is more prone to vulnerabilities since the code is easily available.", "Infrastructure & Operations Open Systems. ITS Open Systems is responsible for hardware, operating systems and associated services provided predominantly on Unix/Linux platforms. Enterprise Systems provides services to ITS and the UNC-Chapel Hill community. ITS Open Systems also oversees enterprise storage and backup infrastructures. The group is responsible for building the foundation for robust University storage systems that can fulfill and balance increasing storage needs with business continuity and data security requirements.", "The open standard for parallel programming of heterogeneous systems The open standard for parallel programming of heterogeneous systems. OpenCL™ (Open Computing Language) is the open, royalty-free standard for cross-platform, parallel programming of diverse processors found in personal computers, servers, mobile devices and embedded platforms.", "Top 10 Best Open Source Softwares that Rocks World Wide Web Open-source software (OSS) is computer software with its source code made available with a license in which the copyright holder provides the rights to study, change, and distribute the software to anyone and for any purpose. Open-source software may be developed in a collaborative public manner. Open-source software is the most prominent example of open-source development and often compared to (technically defined) user-generated content or (legally defined) open-content movements.", "distributed A distributed file system is a client/server-based application that allows clients to access and process data stored on the server as if it were on their own computer. A distributed denial-of-service attack is a DoS attack in which a multitude of compromised systems attack a single target, thereby causing denial of service for users of the targeted system.", "Open-source model The open-source software movement arose to clarify the environment that the new copyright, licensing, domain, and consumer issues created. Generally, open source refers to a computer program in which the source code is available to the general public for use and/or modification from its original design. Open-source code is meant to be a collaborative effort, where programmers improve upon the source code and share the changes within the community.", "- For example the median expected annual pay for a typical Professor - Music in the United States is $84,966, so 50% of the people who perform the job of Professor - Music in the United States are expected to make less than $84,966. Source: HR Reported data as of March 31, 2017. Salary. Salary + Bonus. Benefits." ]
how much do pediatric nurse practioners make a year
[ "- Average pediatric nurse practitioner salary. A Pediatric Nurse Practitioner in the United States gets to collect an average income from between $59,352 to $109,355 per year. A Pediatric Nurse Practitioner can earn up to around $120,000 per annum including profit sharing and benefits/perks. newly practicing Pediatric Nurse Practitioner in the US can receive a starting salary of around $69,500 per annum. Pediatric nurse practitioner can collect a starting hourly pay of around $39.38." ]
[ "Nursing Salary Information Nurses with 10 to 19 years of neonatal nursing experience earn high annual salaries, averaging between $80,901 and $104,313 per year. The most experienced neonatal nurse practitioners, 20 or more years of work experience, on average earn more than $111,000 per year.urses with 10 to 19 years of neonatal nursing experience earn high annual salaries, averaging between $80,901 and $104,313 per year. The most experienced neonatal nurse practitioners, 20 or more years of work experience, on average earn more than $111,000 per year.", "- In the United States, a new Neonatal Nurse receives an annual starting pay of $51,340. As neonatal nurse gains more experience she can expect a significant raise in his/her yearly salary. A Neonatal nurse with 1 to 4 years of experience receives a national average yearly salary of $53,384.Neonatal nurse with 5 to 9 years of experience receives median yearly average of $60,025 while those with 10 to 19 years of experience receive a median average of $70,337 per annum.n Canada, Neonatal Nurse receives basically the same average salary with the salary as other registered nurses. Neonatal nurse receives an average pay of $41,437 to $80,103 per annum.", "What Is the Salary of a Pediatric Nurse? Salary Overview. Salaries for pediatric nurses are based on a number of factors, such as number of years of experience, location, employer and level of education. In April 2014, PayScale.com reported a median wage of $49,383 for these professionals.Most pediatric nurses earned salaries that ranged from $30,075-$79,721.However, entry-level workers had a lower salary range of $24,275-$68,597 and a median wage of $48,281.n April 2014, PayScale.com reported a median wage of $49,383 for these professionals. Most pediatric nurses earned salaries that ranged from $30,075-$79,721.", "Pediatrician Salary How much does a pediatrician make? The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) says the median hourly wage of a general pediatrician in 2012 was more than $74 an hour, or nearly $155,000 a year. Most pediatricians work in private physician offices and deal with fairly long work days and demanding schedules.", "Pediatric Nurse Salary Range The median salary of pediatric nurses with 1-year or less experience is around USD 68,000 - USD 70,000. The median salary of nurses with a bachelor's degree in nursing, is about USD 48,000 - USD 50,000.However, after two to four years of experience, the salary could be anywhere between USD 85,000 - USD 90,000! Another factor that greatly affects the earnings for a pediatric nurse is the job location.he median salary of pediatric nurses with 1-year or less experience is around USD 68,000 - USD 70,000. The median salary of nurses with a bachelor's degree in nursing, is about USD 48,000 - USD 50,000.", "How Much Does a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Make? Unfortunately, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) does not track pay specific to pediatric nurse practitioners (PNPs), but Indeed.com reports the average salary of PNPs to be $97,000 while payscale.com reports the median pay to be $77,782.", "How Much Money Do Pediatric Nurses Earn? Non-certified pediatric RNs in the Northeast earned average annual wages of $63,393 while those who worked in Mid-Atlantic and Lower Great Lakes region made $52,185. Non-certified pediatric nurses who practiced in the Southeast earned $53,313.(Ref 3).he national mean annual income for registered nurses in all fields, including pediatrics, was $69,110 as of May 2011, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The middle 50 percent of RNs earned between $53,770 and $80,390 per year.", "- Conclusion about pediatric nurse practitioner salary. Pediatric Nurse Practitioner’s average income (pediatric nurse practitioner salary) in the United States is from between $59,352 to $109,355 per year. The national median hourly rate for all Pediatric Nurse Practitioners is $41.14.verage pediatric nurse practitioner salary. A Pediatric Nurse Practitioner in the United States gets to collect an average income from between $59,352 to $109,355 per year. A Pediatric Nurse Practitioner can earn up to around $120,000 per annum including profit sharing and benefits/perks.", "- Pediatric Oncology Nurse Salary Information. Pediatric oncology nursing is a relatively small, specific subset of RNs, making it difficult to pin down salary specifics. According to the BLS, the median annual salary for RNs in May, 2009 was $63,750, with the middle 50 percent earning between $52,520 and $77,970.o become a pediatric oncology nurse, you must first become a licensed RN, a process that requires you to earn one of the following credentials from an accredited nursing school: 1 Associate Degree in Nursing (ADN).", "California Housing Rental Laws Concerning Pets California Housing Rental Laws Concerning Pets. If you have a seeing-eye dog, your landlord can't keep it away. You may think of your cat as a family member, but to your landlord, it may be nothing but a nuisance. California law gives landlords the right to set a no pets policy on apartments or rental homes.", "How Much Money Do Pediatric Nurses Earn? Wages for certified pediatric nurses varied by geographic region. Certified pediatric nurses in the Northeast region earned $74,647 per year, while those in the Southeast made $68,095. The average income for certified pediatric nurses who practiced in the West was $75,218. Licensed practical nurses who hold credentials in Pediatric Advanced Life Support earned between $39,315 and $56,101 per year, according to AspiringNurse.com. Related Reading: Jobs You Can Do in Pediatric Nursing.", "- Pediatric Nurse Practitioner’s average income (pediatric nurse practitioner salary) in the United States is from between $59,352 to $109,355 per year. The national median hourly rate for all Pediatric Nurse Practitioners is $41.14.", "Continuous Glucose Monitors 2014 A CGM consists of three parts: a small under-the-skin sensor that measures glucose levels in what is known as interstitial fluid; a transmitter that attaches to the sensor and transfers data; and a receiver that displays glucose information and stores data. The sensor measures glucose every five minutes or so.", "- An entry-level Neonatal Nurse Practitioner (NP) with less than 5 years of experience can expect to earn an average total compensation of $90,000 based on 139 salaries provided by anonymous users. Average total compensation includes tips, bonus, and overtime pay. A Neonatal Nurse Practitioner (NP) with mid-career experience which includes employees with 5 to 10 years of experience can expect to earn an average total compensation of $95,000 based on 66 salaries.", "- Average Pediatric Nurse Salary. According to Payscale, the average median wage of Pediatric Nurse in the United States is from between $31,311 to $81,840 per year while the hourly average earning is from between $31,311 – $81,840.", "- The geriatric nurse practitioner’s salary is also very high: about $95,000 per year, on average. The pediatric nurse practitioner pay offered in the United States is, on average, of about $90,000 per year. The mean annual wage of the neonatal NP is between $70,000 and $90,000. The ob/gyn (obstetrics/gynecology) nurse practitioners can earn, in the US, a mean yearly wage between $60,000 and $120,000.", "Become a Neonatal Nurse Practitioner Neonatal Nurse Specialist Salary. According to Salary.com, the median salary for a nurse practitioner in the United States is $80,414. The middle 50 percent earned between $73,840 and $87,008.Nurse practitioners typically make about $20,000 more per year in base salary than RNs.Another source, the Council of International Neonatal Nurses reports that a neonatal nurse practitioner or teacher may make from $56,000 to $190,000 per year, depending on the country and/or job responsibilities.Approximately 40,000 low birth weight infants are born annually in the United States.eonatal Nurse Specialist Salary. According to Salary.com, the median salary for a nurse practitioner in the United States is $80,414. The middle 50 percent earned between $73,840 and $87,008.", "- Pediatric Nurse Practitioner’s average income (pediatric nurse practitioner salary) in the United States is from between $59,352 to $109,355 per year. The national median hourly rate for all Pediatric Nurse Practitioners is $41.14. newly practicing Pediatric Nurse Practitioner in the US can receive a starting salary of around $69,500 per annum. Pediatric nurse practitioner can collect a starting hourly pay of around $39.38.", "How Much Does a Neonatal Nurse Practitioner Make? Salary.com lists the median salary for neonatal nurse practitioners as $106,083. Nurses interested in a NNP career can also look up median salary by state, and then look at any number of cities listed within that state for further information on pay in metropolitan areas.", "Pediatric Nurse Jobs: Duties, Pay, and Benefits The salary for a pediatric nurse depends greatly on the amount of educational and number of years of experience in the pediatric field. The place of employment and geographic area are also factors in the pay rate. The average salary for a pediatric nurse was $78,000 per year as of January 2013. For an RN with pediatric training, the figure is $62,000. A first year nurse might expect to earn $35,000 to $54,000 depending on the location and type of pediatric nursing.", "- The overall median salary for a typical pediatrician in the United States is about $171,467 per year while an average hourly wage is about $40.76 per hour.", "Neonatal Nurse Salary Neonatal nurses in the United States earn a median pay of $59,116 per year. In Canada, the neonatal nurse salary stands at C$73,104 ($53,368 USD). Pay for neonatal nurses in the United Kingdom range generally from £22,128 ($28,516 USD) to £35,577 ($45,846 USD).", "How Much Does a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Make? Unfortunately, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) does not track pay specific to pediatric nurse practitioners (PNPs), but Indeed.com reports the average salary of PNPs to be $97,000 while payscale.com reports the median pay to be $77,782.nfortunately, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) does not track pay specific to pediatric nurse practitioners (PNPs), but Indeed.com reports the average salary of PNPs to be $97,000 while payscale.com reports the median pay to be $77,782.", "- A Pediatric Nurse earns an average wage of $25.35 per hour. Most people with this job move on to other positions after 20 years in this field. Pay for this job rises steadily for more experienced workers, but goes down noticeably for employees with more than 20 years' experience. $33,332 - $85,870.", "- Pediatric Nurse Salary. (United States). A Pediatric Nurse earns an average wage of $25.35 per hour. Most people with this job move on to other positions after 20 years in this field. Pay for this job rises steadily for more experienced workers, but goes down noticeably for employees with more than 20 years' experience.$33,332 - $85,870. Pediatric Nurse earns an average wage of $25.35 per hour. Most people with this job move on to other positions after 20 years in this field. Pay for this job rises steadily for more experienced workers, but goes down noticeably for employees with more than 20 years' experience. $33,332 - $85,870." ]
meaning of material requisition
[ "Definitions &Translations Wiktionary(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: requisition(Noun) A request for something, especially a formal written request on a pre-printed form. requisition(Noun) A requirement. requisition(Verb) To demand something, especially for a military need of personnel, supplies or transport." ]
[ "Purchasing Material Overview of Purchasing Consigned Material. The consigned from supplier business practice can be used for purchasing some or all of the materials in a warehouse. Material purchased on consignment is defined in the Approved Supplier List (ASL).", "- Only the Material Review Board (MRB) can disposition material that fails inspection - that is, only MRB can decide to. 1 scrap material. 2 rework completed assemblies. 3 transfer MRB material to stock. return purchased items to the supplier (including customer-supplied production 1 material) regrade material.", "Issue of Materials: Requisition Slip and Bill of Materials (With Specimen) Issue of Materials: Requisition Slip and Bill of Materials (With Specimen) Issue of Materials: Requisition Slip and Bill of Materials (With Specimen)! The storekeeper must not issue stores or materials unless a properly authorized Requisition Slip or Material Requisition. (A document which authorizes and records the issue of materials for use) is presented below.", "ACC/557 Midterm Exam â New Information is material if its omission or misstatement could influence the economic decision of users taken on the basis of the financial statements. Materiality depends on the size of the item or error judged in the particular circumstances of its omission or misstatement.Thus, materiality provides a threshold or cut-off point rather than being a primary qualitative characteristic which information must have if it is to be useful..The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) has refrained from giving quantitative guidelines for determining materiality.ateriality depends on the size of the item or error judged in the particular circumstances of its omission or misstatement. Thus, materiality provides a threshold or cut-off point rather than being a primary qualitative characteristic which information must have if it is to be useful..", "- material resource definition, material resource meaning | English dictionary. Search also in: Web News Encyclopedia Images. material. n. 1 the substance of which a thing is made or composed; component or constituent matter. raw material. 2 facts, notes, etc., that a finished work may be based on or derived from. enough material for a book. 3 cloth or fabric. 4 a person who has qualities suitable for a given occupation, training, etc. that boy is not university material. adj. 5 of, relating to, or composed of physical substance; corporeal. 6 (Philosophy) composed of or relating to physical as opposed to mental or spiritual substance. the material world.", "- In connection with the withdrawn Requisition, the Company proposes to make certain changes to the Board of the Company. for recipe and menu costing, inventory control, purchasing and ordering, requisitions and transfers, and nutritional analysis.", "SAP MM - Purchase Requisition Purchase Requisition is a document that will contain list of requirements. Purchase requisition is a request that is made to purchasing organization to procure certain list of material. Purchase requisition is an internal document; specifically it remains within the organization.", "Your first (very simple) MRP run using Re-order Point planning Step 4 -- Lets evaluate results of MRP run. Use Stock Requirement List again (transaction MD04). You should now have a Purchase Requisition or Planned Order for a quantity to take stock up to maximum level (as was spesified in material master).tep 4 -- Lets evaluate results of MRP run. Use Stock Requirement List again (transaction MD04). You should now have a Purchase Requisition or Planned Order for a quantity to take stock up to maximum level (as was spesified in material master).", "Cheque Requisition Form Cheque Requisition Form. A cheque requisition form is normally issued whenever an account holder needs to request payment for expenditures that are not subject to purchasing policies and procedures. Such payments may include reimbursement of petty cash, travel advances as well as refunds.", "What Happens to an Inventory Account When Materials Are Requisitioned? Materials requisition, the movement of materials into the production process, is one of the early stages in the manufacturing of goods. The entire production process is recorded in the financial records of the company, and each stage of the process has its own journal entries.", "Requisition and Order Status An In-Process requisition has been submitted but not yet approved. Approved means the requisition is ready for your purchasing department to convert it to an order and fulfill your request. A Canceled requisition has been approved for cancellation. Requires Reapproval means that you or an approver made a change that requires reapproval.", "Material Definitions Material Supply Definitions Material Supply. Aggregate. The term used to describe natural mineral materials used in construction, road building and industry. The most commonly recognized forms are sand, gravel, crushed stone and crushed slag. Under the Aggregate Resource Act, defined as gravel, sand, clay, earth, shale, stone, limestone, dolostone, sandstone, marble, granite, rock or other prescribed material. Asphalt", "difference between incidental vs non-incidental materials and supplies? Materials and supplies are the things you purchase but don't resell to customers. They must: be tangible assets have a useless life less than 12 months (or else they'd be capital assets?) NOT be inventory to be resold to customers I found Treas. Reg. 1.462-3 but it's written in legalise.", "Procurement of Consumable Material - 1................................................................... Consumable Material-Overview. In SAP R/3 the term “consumable material” is understood to cover a material that is subject to a procurement transaction and whose value is recorded in the cost element or asset accounts.", "Medicaid & CHIP coverage How to apply for Medicaid & CHIP. You can apply for Medicaid and CHIP 2 ways: Fill out an insurance application through the Health Insurance Marketplace. If it looks like anyone in your household qualifies for Medicaid or CHIP, we’ll send your information to your state agency.They’ll contact you about enrollment.edicaid & CHIP coverage. Medicaid in. See if you qualify for Medicaid in your state based on income alone Find out if your state is expanding Medicaid and if you qualify based only on your household income.", "NAFTA Rules of Origin Regulations ( SOR/94-14) If a good is subject to a regional value content requirement, the value of the accessories, spare parts, or tools described in paragraph 1 shall be taken into account as originating or non-. originating materials, as the case may be, in calculating the regional value content of the good. Article 4.9: Sets of Goods.", "- The procedures described in this document cover instructions for the creation of. a requisition that is used to procure assets. Assets may be considered the. following: equipment $5,000 or greater, identified controllable assets, capital. leases, etc. Except for the difference in account assignment identified, the.", "- A: Configurable material is useful if you have a large number of combination of parts that go into a product. It means different permutations and combinations of the parts for same material. If you maintain a unique material code for each combination , you require a large number of material numbers.", "- Purchase Requisition for Stock Material. 1 Select document type for PR. 2 Enter material code in the material field. 3 Enter quantity of material. 4 Update delivery date. 5 Enter respective plant code. 6 Enter corresponding storage location. 7 Enter requisitioner user id.", "INVENTORY TYPES Raw materials are inventory items that are used in the manufacturer's conversion process to produce components, subassemblies, or finished products. These inventory items may be commodities or extracted materials that the firm or its subsidiary has produced or extracted.", "material See also materiality. 2.The matter from which something can be made. Material can include but is not limited to raw and processed material, components, parts, assemblies, sub-assemblies, fuels, lubricants, coolants, cleaning agents, and small tools and accessories that may be consumed directly or indirectly.Compare with materiel.ee also materiality. 2.The matter from which something can be made. Material can include but is not limited to raw and processed material, components, parts, assemblies, sub-assemblies, fuels, lubricants, coolants, cleaning agents, and small tools and accessories that may be consumed directly or indirectly.", "- For sales order stock, you can change the material number for this movement if you manage the material in your company's own stock under a different material number (for example, for configurable materials). Consignment stock is transferred to valuated stock, thus resulting in a vendor liability.he quantity is transferred from unrestricted-use stock of the issuing plant to stock in transfer in the receiving plant. For technical reasons, you cannot carry out transfer postings from plant to plant in two steps for split valuation materials.", "MRP Inventory Management Material Requirement Planning (or MRP) is an inventory system that is computer based and used to manage the manufacturing process. It is designed to assist in the scheduling and filling of orders for raw materials that are manufactured into finished products.", "Materiel vs. material Materiel vs. material. While the broad and versatile English word material has been in the language for centuries, materiel, with an e in the last syllable, is a more recent arrival from French. In English, materiel has one narrow definition: the equipment, apparatus, and supplies of a military force. It can apply to weapons, aircraft, parts, support equipment, ships, and almost any other type of equipment used by the military. Unlike material, materiel is pronounced with the final syllable stressed.", "material Definition of material for Students. 1 1 : the elements, substance, or parts of which something is made or can be made We purchased bricks and other building material. 2 2 : equipment needed for doing something writing materials." ]
what is a prostate rub
[ "- Prostate massage. Male genital anatomy. Prostate massage is the massage or stimulation of the male prostate gland for sexual stimulation or medical purposes. The prostate takes part in the sexual response cycle, and is essential for the production of semen." ]
[ "- Congress Got 239 Days Off This Year, Workers Are Guaranteed Zero. Congress has just eight days on the job between now and the start of the next session on January 7, with the House coming back on Monday and adjourning for the year by December 13 and the Senate returning on December 9 only to most likely adjourn for the year on December 20.", "Prostate biopsy A prostate biopsy is a procedure to remove samples of suspicious tissue from the prostate. The prostate is a small, walnut-shaped gland in men that produces fluid that nourishes and transports sperm. During a prostate biopsy a needle is used to collect a number of tissue samples from your prostate gland. The procedure is performed by a doctor who specializes in the urinary system and men's sex organs (urologist).", "- We had the best BMX and skateboarding event in the history of Qatar, said Qatar Extreme Sports (QES) founder Farhan al-Sayed, also the son of the first cycling champion (1960s) in the country, Salem al-Sayed who attended the event.", "Prostate massage In the late 1990s, a small number of doctors tried prostate massage in conjunction with antibiotics for the treatment of chronic bacterial prostatitis with uncertain results. In recent trials, however, prostate massage was not shown to improve outcomes compared to antibiotics alone.", "- Prostate massage was previously used to treat prostate problems but is no longer recommended. Learn about its possible benefits and risks here. Prostate massage was previously used to treat prostate problems but is no longer recommended.", "The benefits of prostate massages Several health professionals are recommending prostate massage as a preventive health practice, and some men are reporting it gives them the best orgasms they have ever experienced. In some Asian countries, prostate massage therapy is widely practised by men to enhance their sexual performance.", "How to Massage One's Own Prostate The prostate enlarges with age. Problems such as difficulty urinating or prostate cancer are associated with an enlarged prostate. According to an article in the Valley Advocate, prostate massage can ease discomfort of an enlarged prostate.", "How to milk your man's prostate Some men aren't into having anything in their anus, so a perineum massage can also be stimulating as well. The perineum is a small, smooth patch of skin located between the testicles and the anus. By pressing down on this area, not too hard, this will indirectly stimulate the prostate.", "Whoâs Leaving âGleeâ In Season 5? Heather Morris, Mark Salling And Two More Wonât Return As Regulars Glee has been renewed through Season 6, but the Fox dramedy has dipped year-to-year in the ratings, since Season 3 averaged a 3.0 rating in the 18-49 demographic and 7.31 million viewers, while Season 4 averaged a 2.2 with 5.86 million total viewers.", "How to Massage One's Own Prostate Your finger may be too short for a good prostate massage. The prostate is a soft walnut-shaped gland below the bladder that swells with fluid during sexual arousal. The prostate enlarges with age. Problems such as difficulty urinating or prostate cancer are associated with an enlarged prostate. According to an article in the Valley Advocate, prostate massage can ease discomfort of an enlarged prostate.", "Top Ten Herbs for Prostate Health 7. Saw palmetto (Serenoa repens) is the best-known herb for prostate health. This herb contains the amino acid tyramine, which relaxes the tissues surrounding the prostate, permitting greater flow.Since tyramine can trigger migraines, men who are prone to migraines should avoid it.aw palmetto (Serenoa repens) is the best-known herb for prostate health. This herb contains the amino acid tyramine, which relaxes the tissues surrounding the prostate, permitting greater flow.", "- Supplements: Among the natural supplements scientifically shown to be beneficial for better prostate health are beta-sitosterol, cranberry, curcumin, green tea extract, indole3-carbinol (DIM), Pygeum africanum, quercetin, rye grass pollen, saw palmetto, stinging nettle root, vitamin D, and zinc.", "Enlarged prostate A prostate gland biopsy is a test to remove small samples of prostate tissue to be examined under a microscope. For a prostate biopsy, a thin needle is inserted through the rectum (transrectal biopsy), through the urethra, or through the area between the anus and scrotum (perineum).A transrectal biopsy is the most common method used. The tissue samples taken during the biopsy are examined for cancer cells.or a prostate biopsy, a thin needle is inserted through the rectum (transrectal biopsy), through the urethra, or through the area between the anus and scrotum (perineum). A transrectal biopsy is the most common method used. The tissue samples taken during the biopsy are examined for cancer cells.", "5 Steps to Achieving an Amazing Prostate-Assisted Orgasm But there’s a whole market for people who go at it solo. The Aneros Progasm Prostate Massager seems to be leading the way when it comes to prostate-assisted orgasms. The Aneros is a relatively small (3.5 inches), wavy-shaped device that users can easily insert into the anus.", "- A prostate biopsy is a procedure to remove samples of suspicious tissue from the prostate. The prostate is a small, walnut-shaped gland in men that produces fluid that nourishes and transports sperm. During a prostate biopsy a needle is used to collect a number of tissue samples from your prostate gland.", "- Prostate Health Supplement - Saw Palmetto with Natural Herbs and Vitamins for Prostate Care - Supports BPH, Helps Maintain Urinary Health - 100% GUARANTEED. 60 Capsules, Gluten Free, Non-GMO. by Floraceutical Naturals", "Is there an easy way to try prostate massage as a sex booster? Start in missionary position, and then angle your body 30 degrees so your butt is tilted toward her lap and she can reach around more easily. Have her massage the area gently with her fingers your prostate will feel like a nut—and then shift to a firmer, steadier, up-and-down or circular motion.", "BETA - SITOSTEROL Beta-sitosterol is a plant substance similar to cholesterol. It might help reduce cholesterol levels by limiting the amount of cholesterol that is able to enter the body. It can also bind to the prostate to help reduce swelling (inflammation).", "Blue Bloods (TV series) Beginning January 19, 2011, Blue Bloods was moved to Wednesdays at 10 p.m. for a four-week tryout. In February 2011, the series returned to its Friday night time slot due to the series premiere of Criminal Minds: Suspect Behavior.", "\"THE \"\"NEW\"\" PROSTATE CANCER INFOLINK\" Signs and symptoms of prostate cancer. Signs are physical changes that can be detected by anybody. They may include such things as swelling, smell (odor), sensitivity to touch, and abnormal test results. Symptoms are discomforts that are normally known only to the patient: e.g., pain, nausea, and a burning sensation when you urinate.", "Two Effective Perineum Massage Techniques for Men with an enlarged prostate There are two popular perineum massage techniques men can use to achieve a pleasurable Male P spot massage, and this will also improve blood flow to this highly sensitive area of the male anatomy and even improve blood flow to the prostate gland.", "How To Make Limoncello Start with 1 cup of water and 1 cup of sugar, taste the limoncello, and add additional sugar syrup gradually until you reach a flavor you like — up to 4 cups of water with 4 cups of sugar. More water will dilute the alcohol base, making a less alcoholic, milder, and smoother-sipping liqueur.imoncello is smooth and sweet with an intense lemon flavor. It can be sipped on its own, mixed into sparkling water, or shaken into cocktails. Limoncello can range from very sweet to super tart and citrusy — as the maker of the limoncello, that's something that you get to decide. Lucky you.", "- Saw palmetto (Serenoa repens/Sabal serrulata) is a palm-like plant with berries. The berries were a staple food and medicine for the Native Americans of the southeastern United States.In the early 1900s, men used the berries to treat urinary tract problems, and even to increase sperm production and boost libido.oday, the primary use of saw palmetto is to treat benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), a non-cancerous enlargement of the prostate gland. Researchers aren't sure exactly how saw palmetto works. But it contains plant-based chemicals that may be effective for BPH.", "10 Natural Remedies for Enlarged Prostate Stinging nettle root: Stinging nettle root extract is one of the top natural remedies for enlarged prostate and BPH symptoms. In a study published in the journal Phytomedicine in 2007, researchers found that stinging nettle root extract is an effective remedy for improving symptoms of BPH.", "Prostate massage Prostate massage is the massage or stimulation of the male prostate gland for sexual stimulation or medical purposes.The prostate takes part in the sexual response cycle, and is essential for ejaculation.rostate massage is the massage or stimulation of the male prostate gland for sexual stimulation or medical purposes. The prostate takes part in the sexual response cycle, and is essential for ejaculation." ]
population brigham city utah
[ "- The 2016 Brigham City, Utah, population is 18,752. There are 765 people per square mile (population density)." ]
[ "Herriman Herriman, UT. Sponsored Topics. Herriman is a city in southwestern Salt Lake County, Utah, United States. The population was 21,785 as of the 2010 census. Although Herriman was a town in 2000, it has since been classified as a fifth-class city by state law. The city has experienced rapid growth since incorporation in 1999, as its population was just 1,523 at the 2000 census.", "Salt Lake City Salt Lake City [1] is the capital and largest city of Utah, with a population of approximately 190,000 (the Salt Lake Metro Area in its entirety has over a million people). It is one of the largest cities in the Southwest region of the United States, although its climate is more similar to the Rocky Mountain region.", "Number of Mormons Number of Mormons Worldwide, there are over 14 million Mormons, nearly the same as the number of Jews. In the United States the LDS Church is the 4th largest individual denomination with over 5.5 million members, a population about equal to the number of Muslims. Only 12% of all Mormons live in Utah. Most Mormons do", "- Salt Lake City makes up a very small portion of the Salt Lake Valley. With Salt Lake County covering 756 square miles, Salt Lake City covers only 90.5 square miles. Salt Lake City is the largest city in the state with a population of 181,743. Salt Lake County's population is 1.3 million, making it the most populous region in Utah. Overall, Utah is expected to continue to have the youngest population in the nation.", "- SD stands for Secure Digital, SDHC stands for Secure Digital High Capacity, SHXC stands for Secure Digital eXtended Capacity. From the names only you can tell he main difference in all three i.e. storage capacity. SDHC cards offers between 4GB to 32GB and SDXC offers more than 32GB.", "Lehi, Utah Lehi, Utah. Lehi (/ˈliːhaɪ/ LEE-hy) is a city in Utah County, Utah, United States. It is named after Lehi, a prophet in the Book of Mormon. The population was 47,407 at the 2010 census, up from 19,028 in 2000. The center of population of Utah is located in Lehi.", "Tooele County, Utah Tooele County / t u ˈ ɪ l ə / is a county in the U.S. state of Utah. As of the 2010 census, the population was 58,218. Its county seat and largest city is Tooele. The county was created in 1850 and organized the following year. Tooele County is part of the Salt Lake City, UT Metropolitan Statistical Area.", "- Tooele County, Utah (UT) County population in 2014: 61,598 (82% urban, 18% rural); it was 40,735 in 2000. County owner-occupied with a mortgage or a loan houses and condos in 2010: 11,464. County owner-occupied free and clear houses and condos in 2010: 2,409.", "- Population in households in Salt Lake County ; Total Population: 1,015,649; Male Population: 508,289; Under 5 years: 46,213; 5 to 9 years: 43,519; 10 to 14 years: 40,214; 15 to 17 years: 23,101; 18 and 19 years: 14,224; 20 years: 6,932; 21 years: 7,677; 22 to 24 years: 24,708; 25 to 29 years: 45,497; 30 to 34 years: 43,441; 35 to 39 years: 36,166; 40 to 44 years: 31,654; 45 to 49 years: 30,411", "Halogens on the Right You will often find them bonding with metals and elements from Group One of the periodic table. The elements in the column on the left each have one electron that they like to donate. We've just told you how reactive the halogens are. Not all halogens react with the same intensity or enthusiasm. Fluorine is the most reactive and combines with most elements from around the periodic table.", "Utah growing twice as fast as nation as whole Utah's population grew by 6.08 percent since the last full U.S. census count in 2010, to 2,942,902 residents in 2014. The United States as a whole expanded by 3.1 percent during the same period. The country's population is currently at 320.9 million, about 2.03 million above where it was July 4, 2014.", "Demographics Quick Facts. Orem, Utah is the 327th largest city in the United States as of 2015. Orem, Utah is a city. Orem, Utah is as large as it has ever been. In 2015 Orem had its largest population ever. Orem, Utah's growth is about average. 51% of similarly sized cities are growing faster since 2000.", "Utah Population 2018 The total surface area of Utah covers 84,899 square miles (219,887 square kilometers). For every square mile of Utah land, there is an average of 33.6 people, and there are only nine states in the country with a less dense population.", "Manhattan Orem Ut Population 2017. Orem Ut's estimated population is 88,328 according to the most recent United States census. Based on data from the American Community Survey, in 2015 there were 27,594 households in the city, with an average size of 3.41 people per household. The vacancy rate was 5.2%, with a median rent of $896/month.", "- Delta, Utah is the 5,741st largest city in the United States as of 2016. Delta, Utah is a city. Delta, Utah is as large as it has ever been. In 2016 Delta had its largest population ever. Delta, Utah is growing somewhat quickly.", "Utah County, Utah Utah County is a county in the U.S. state of Utah. As of the 2010 census, the population was 516,564, making it the second-most populous county in Utah. The county seat and largest city is Provo, which is the third-largest city in the state.", "List of counties in Utah Just over 75% of Utah's population is concentrated along four Wasatch Front counties of Salt Lake, Utah, Davis, and Weber. Salt Lake County was the largest county in the state with a population of 1,029,655, followed by Utah County with 516,564, Davis County with 306,479 and Weber County with 231,236. Daggett County was the least populated with 1,059 people.", "Salt Lake City Population 2018 Midvale is a city in the Salt Lake City metropolitan area with a population of 31,000 and a density of 5,200 people per square mile. Draper is located in Utah and Salt Lake counties about 20 miles south of Salt Lake City. It has a population of 45,000 with a density of 1,500 people per square mile.", "Salt Lake City Population 2018 1 Midvale is a city in the Salt Lake City metropolitan area with a population of 31,000 and a density of 5,200 people per square mile. 2 Draper is located in Utah and Salt Lake counties about 20 miles south of Salt Lake City.", "- Population in households in Salt Lake City ; Total Population: 181,645; Male Population: 92,747; Under 5 years: 7,402; 5 to 9 years: 5,997; 10 to 14 years: 5,132; 15 to 17 years: 2,955; 18 and 19 years: 2,307; 20 years: 1,480; 21 years: 1,820; 22 to 24 years: 6,348; 25 to 29 years: 11,373; 30 to 34 years: 9,129; 35 to 39 years: 6,943; 40 to 44 years: 5,752; 45 to 49 years: 5,321; 50 to 54 years:", "IRS Rules For Paying Investment Management Fees From Taxable And Retirement Accounts In fact, the IRS even allows investment advisory fees to be deducted when paid on behalf of retirement accounts like IRAs and 401(k) plans. Alternatively, the IRS also allows investment advisory fees to be paid directly from a retirement account-which effectively allows the fee to be paid with 100% pre-tax dollars.hey can be paid from the 401(k) directly (which would be pre-tax by virtue of the account), or paid with outside dollars and deducted as a miscellaneous itemized deduction subject to the 2%-of-AGI floor. But the IRA should only pay fees attributable to itself.", "People The 2016 Salt Lake City, Utah, population is 192,672. There are 1,734 people per square mile (population density). The median age is 31.4. The US median is 37.4. 42.59% of people in Salt Lake City, Utah, are married. 11.46% are divorced.", "Huntsville, Utah Huntsville, Utah. The eastern part of Huntsville. Huntsville is a town in Weber County, Utah, United States. The population was 649 at the 2000 census. It is part of the Ogden–Clearfield, Utah Metropolitan Statistical Area.", "Utah Population 2018 Utah Population 2017. Located in the central southern sector of the USA, the state of Utah is the 13th largest in terms of land mass, but it is very sparsely populated by comparison. Around 80% of Uath's residents live in the surroundings of Salt Lake City; therefore, there are vast areas which are simply uninhabited. As of 2016, the state's estimated population is 2.99 million.", "Parowan Parowan ( /pærəwɑːn/) is a city in and the county seat of Iron County, Utah, United States. The population was 2,790 at the 2010 census. Parowan became the first incorporated city in Iron County in 1851. A fort that had been constructed on the east side of Center Creek the previous year was an initial in the development of ironworks in the region." ]
price clips
[ "Great Clips Prices Great Clips Prices. Great Clips prices start at $14.00 for adult haircuts and $12.00 for kids haircuts. For a detailed look at Great Clips prices and services, continue reading below. Salons have always been the solution of many men and women when it comes to hair care and maintenance." ]
[ "Parking As long as there are no other events in the area, lots controlled by Standard Parking Corp. will cost. $3, $4 or $5 for Clippers home games, depending on lot location. Arena District parking facilities are adequately staffed to assist in directing traffic in and out of. lots and garages.All lots and garages will be pre-pay to avoid delays in exiting.Blue H dots on the map indicate locations where handicap spaces can be found.rena District parking facilities are adequately staffed to assist in directing traffic in and out of. lots and garages. All lots and garages will be pre-pay to avoid delays in exiting. Blue H dots on the map indicate locations where handicap spaces can be found.", "- Price Tag illustrations and clipart. The best online search engine for stock photo images, digital illustrations and artwork, map clipart, picture clip art, and stock footage clips. 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That can be pretty typical of higher end salons in major metropolitan areas.", "- 1 52 week high & 52 week low prices are adjusted for Bonus, Split & Rights Corporate actions. 2 The upper and lower price bands, for scrips on which derivative products are available or scrips included in indices on which derivative products are available, are on the basis of dynamic price band of 10%.ote: % 1 change is calculated with respect to adjusted price on ex-date for Dividend, Bonus, Rights & Face Value Split. 2 52 week high & 52 week low prices are adjusted for Bonus, Split & Rights Corporate actions.", "Log InSIGN UP!News Opinions Data Dashboard Advertise Hunter Conference 2018 The brand has been in development for two-and-a-half years, according to Alan Fuerstman. Alan Fuerstman told Hotel News Now that while the price point of a Montage is about $600, Pendry would land in the area of $200 to $300.", "- Great haircuts and other haircare services. 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Ammo is only $7 for a pack of 500 beeds. A Battle Blowout Pack costs about $12. So to get 500 rounds and 2 clips and is about $20. That is not TOO bad, considering the clip holds about 70 shots (says the commercial).", "- Price Rite Circular Ad January 15 – January 31 2017. Football Favorites. Preview the latest Price Rite online ad hot specials, valid 1/15/17 – 1/31/17: -$1.29/lb Frozen Pork Spareribs; $5.99 Philly Gourmet Beef Burgers; Price Rite Weekly Specials January 1 – January 14, 2017.", "What is a 'Price Ceiling' What is a 'Price Ceiling'. A price ceiling is the maximum price a seller is allowed to charge for a product or service. Price ceilings are usually set by law and limit the seller pricing system to ensure fair and reasonable business practices. Price ceilings are often set for essential expenses; for example, some areas have rent ceilings to protect renters from climbing rent prices.", "- clipart tag price price tag tag clipart price clipart price tag clipart price tag clipart clearance blank price tag clipart sale price tag clipart vector price tag clipart free price tag clipart clipart price tag price tag price tag sticker yellow price tag price tag icon price tag ribbon grunge price tag white price tag black price tag price tag ...", "The Price Is Right Cities The Price Is Right Tickets Prices. The average price for The Price Is Right Tickets start from $85. The minimum get in price is $33 for The Price Is Right Tickets at the Turning Stone Resort & Casino - Events Center, Verona. For a detailed look at ticket prices and amazing discounts, visit our website.", "- 1 A second videographer costs between $75 and $125 per hour, and many require a minimum of 2 hours. 2 Rush editing (from same-day to less than 5 weeks) typically cost between $50 and $195, although some packages will include short-turnaround time. A basic package, which is best for couples who just want to be able to watch the wedding ceremony in the future, costs between $400-$900. 2 An enhanced package will run from $900-$1,200 for coverage of the ceremony and reception.", "Fetch TV v Telstra T-Box: which is the best PVR? Fetch TV: $299 or $10 a month. Letting you watch both free-to-air and pay TV, these internet-enabled personal video recorders offer the best of both worlds. If you're not prepared to pay for a full Foxtel service and Foxtel's iQ2 PVR, then these IPTV boxes might offer the compromise you're looking for.etch TV: $299 or $10 a month. Letting you watch both free-to-air and pay TV, these internet-enabled personal video recorders offer the best of both worlds. If you're not prepared to pay for a full Foxtel service and Foxtel's iQ2 PVR, then these IPTV boxes might offer the compromise you're looking for.", "Family Feud Best One Page Answer Cheat | Page 1 Tell us what you're in the mood for. Don't just watch… create, edit, and share your favorite clips. First week free, then only $5.99 a month. New and exclusive series only on Fullscreen. Create fun GIFs, like and share with your friends. Cancel anytime with no hassles.", "Announcing Clips: Be the First to Share the Very Best Twitch Moments Your Twitch ID is at the top of every Clip you make, so you’ll always get credit for being the first to spot something great. We’re rolling out Clips starting today. Clips are available now to a portion of viewers on some Partnered channels, and we will be making them available for all viewers over the coming weeks. If you want to learn more, you can check out all the details in the Twitch Help Center guide on How to Use Clips.", "Difference between Clips and Spacers Key Difference: Clips are hinged beads that act like a clamp and is placed on the thread of the Pandora bracelets. Clips are spacers are pieces of jewelry that is used in creating a bracelet and are more popularly used in Pandora bracelets. In a bracelet, both of these have a functional as well as a decorative use. Clips are hinged beads that act like a clamp and is placed on the thread of the Pandora bracelets.", "- Now she has $21.87 cents. With her new funds, Della is able to find Jim the perfect present: an elegant platinum watch chain for his watch. It's $21, and she buys it. Excited by her gift, Della returns home and tries to make her now-short hair presentable (with a curling iron).", "Low Price Guarantee I made a purchase at your 1329 SE 17ST Fort Lauderdale Fla 33316 on 8/07/09 of Panda Internet Security 2009 soft ware and a few days later I was shopping at a Staple Store and I noticed the same item on display for $10.00 dollars cheaper it was not a sale item at Staple's it was a regular price I was very disappointed.", "- 17-32 of 1,773 results for apple macbook prices Affordable Cable Clips & Cord Management System:Perfect For iPhone, Macbook And iMac Cords. Great Desk Organizer Tool For Your Office!" ]
team uniform color schemes
[ "Major League Baseball uniforms That year, the league also assigned jersey and cap colors, but by player position rather than by club. Traditionally, when playing at home, teams wore uniforms that were mostly white with trim in team colors and when playing away, they wore uniforms that were mostly gray with trim in team colors." ]
[ "- Government. 1 Maroon is the color of the football strip of the Edinburgh team Heart of Midlothian F.C. and the Edinburgh bus fleet operated by Lothian Buses. 2 Maroon was named as the official color of the state of Queensland, Australia, in November 2003. 3 Maroon is the official color of the Socialist Party of America.", "- THE ORANGE CRUSH ERA. Although the Broncos never won a title in their iconic Orange Crush uniforms, the color scheme and logo remain immensely popular with fans. Simple, bright, and classic, this identity has seen a huge resurgence in popularity over the past decade. This look represents the John Elway era to most Broncos fans.", "- The Cleveland Cavaliers team colors are wine, gold, navy, and white. Here are the Cleveland Cavaliers color codes if you need them for any of your digital projects. Follow this link for the rest of the NBA hex color codes for all of your favorite NBA team color codes. Cavaliers Wine Hex Color: #860038; RGB: (134,0,56). Cavaliers Gold Hex Color: #FDBB30; RGB: (253,187,48). White Hex Color: #FFFFFF; RGB: (255,255,255).", "- Stars and Stripes - July 4, 2016. Back for another season is the Fourth of July “Stars and Stripes” uniform, caps this year have a white front panel with a crown in either blue or red (individual team preference).", "Broncos unveil all-orange Color Rush uniforms The Broncos will truly embody the Orange Rush. The NFL and Nike unveiled the Color Rush uniforms for all 32 teams Tuesday morning. Denver is decked out with an all-orange outfit with its jersey, pants, socks and cleats. They’ll also wear a blue helmet with an orange stripe through the middle and a D horse logo instead of the traditional horse head logo.", "Guide to Available Fabrics for Custom Team Uniforms and Apparel Please refer to the AK Fabric Color Chart for specific information on which colors are available for each type of fabric for all Athletic Knit apparel and the Dynamic color chart for all Dynamic Team Sports apparel. These color charts only apply to in-stock fabrics, they do not apply to custom dye sublimation which can be made in any color.", "Logos and uniforms of the Los Angeles Lakers The uniforms now feature a cursive 'Los Angeles' lettering. The road uniforms were royal blue with white and powder blue trim, while the home uniforms were white with royal and powder blue trim. The shorts feature the wordmark 'Lakers' on either side of the leg. The uniforms were used as throwbacks in the 1996-97 and 2003-04 seasons.", "Warriors Unveil 1st-Ever Chinese New Year Alternate Uniform Golden State Warriors forward Harrison Barnes models an alternate uniform for Chinese New Year. (Golden State Warriors) SAN FRANCISCO (CBS SF) — The Golden State Warriors have unveiled a Chinese New Year alternate uniform as a nod to the ever-increasing popularity of the NBA in China. Both the Warriors and the Houston Rockets unveiled Chinese New Year themed uniforms Monday, making them the first two teams in the NBA to debut a uniform with Chinese characters. Golden State Warriors forward Harrison Barnes models an alternate uniform for Chinese New Year. (Golden State Warriors) The Warriors uniform has slate as its primary color, just as their current alternate uniforms worn on Saturdays, with red and yellow trim representing Chinese heritage.", "Color scheme In color theory, a color scheme is the choice of colors used in design for a range of media. For example, the Achromatic use of a white background with black text is an example of a basic and commonly default color scheme in web design. Color schemes are used to create style and appeal.", "- Oakland Raiders Hex, RGB, CMYK and PANTONE Color Codes. The Oakland Raiders colors are black and silver. Here are the Oakland Raiders color codes if you need them for any of your digital projects. Follow this link for the rest of the NFL hex color codes for all of your favorite football team color codes. Primary Logo Colors", "Pittsburgh Penguins The Penguins began the decade by changing their team colors. In January 1980, the team switched from wearing blue and white to their present-day scheme of black and gold to honor Pittsburgh's other sports teams, the Pirates and the Steelers, as well as the Flag of Pittsburgh.", "The Rubik's Cube color schemes The Rubik’s Cube colour schemes. There are two common colour alignments of the Rubik’s Cube, the Japanese and the Western colour schemes. They both use the same six colors: white, yellow, orange, red, green and blue and there’s only a slight difference between them. Cubes with white plastic body usually have black stickers instead of white.", "- The team made the alteration partly because of the popularity of the ``old'' colors with fans. The team's primary and secondary logos have been updated with the new color shades, which will be included on the Cavs' uniforms next season. After several color, logo and uniform changes, the Cavs switched to their current designs before the 2003-04 season, James' rookie year. James becomes a free agent July 1.", "- The most common color in MLB is a tie 13 teams wear red and13 teams wear Navy. However, with the Astros changing to Navy and Orange this year it appears like Navy is the most dominant color now. July 23rd, 2013 at 5:45 pm. This has been immensely helpful in making sports themed scarves and other of my crochet items.", "- I am concerned with the recent change in the color scheme of the umpire uniforms. I understand that it may be attempt to stay ahead of the fashion curve, but this is baseball, the Great American Pastime. For as long as I can remember umpires have been dressed in blue, which led to umpires being referred to as blue..", "Official Colors Official Colors. USC’s official colors are Pantone 201C and Pantone 123C. These colors, designated as USC Cardinal and USC Gold, are equal in importance in identifying the university. All printed materials, whether printed on coated or uncoated stock, should match color to the coated Pantone chips.", "- What are the team colors of the Atlanta Braves? The Atlanta Braves colors are navy blue, garnet red, and white. Home, away or Sunday game uniforms, all consist of different combinations of those colors. The logo is a tomah…awk underlining the word Braves, written in a typeface similar to Goldsmith Script.", "- 33% of MLB teams have a red and blue (navy or royal) color scheme, compared to 20% in the NBA and 12.5% in the NFL. Red is the most common color in MLB (14 teams) and the NBA (13), while navy blue is the most common in the NFL (10). The NFL has more color variety. 78% of NFL teams have a combination that no other team in the league has (compared to 43% of NBA teams and 33% of MLB teams). In fact, in the NFL, only one color combination is used more than twice – red and navy blue is used three times.", "- The official LSU football colors are Old Gold and Royal(?) Purple. The colors actually used are Canary Yellow and some shade of blue that I can't think of right now. However, you can find the LSU color palatte here.", "- By: Tanya Ray Fox | February 3, 2017 2:51 pm ET. Throughout 2016, the Rams hinted at a return to their 1960s-era blue and white scheme. According to a leaked document detailing changes in NFL logos next season, that change may be all but confirmed. Confirmed #NFL logo changes for next season.", "- Zach Bolinger/Icon Sportswire. 1 The Broncos went 6-2 in their white jerseys this season. They went 7-1 wearing orange (5-1 in the regular season and 2-0 in the playoffs) and 1-1 in their blue alternate jerseys. 2 This marks the fifth time a designated home team has chosen to wear white in the Super Bowl.", "What do the Star Trek uniform colors symbolize? Depends on whether you are discussing ST:TOS or ST:TNG. In the original show, gold was command, blue was science and medical, red was everything else from engineering to security. TNG moved to Scarlet for command, kept blue for medical, and added a gold for other. Here is a guide. Star Trek Uniform Guide. Views · View Upvotes.", "Cleveland Cavaliers unveil new blue uniforms for upcoming season Cleveland Cavaliers unveil new blue uniforms for upcoming season. kyrie-irving-blue.JPG. The Cavaliers' new alternate blue jerseys are similar, but not identical to the uniform they wore back on March 18, 2012.", "\"What the \"\"Orange Is the New Black\"\" Cast Looks Like in Real Life\" Believe it or not, when they ditch the jumpsuits, they're a glamorous bunch. The prisoners of Litchfield Penitentiary typically wear khaki uniforms and little to no makeup, so it's hard ​to imagine what these actors look like IRL — until now.", "- ANNAPOLIS, Md. -- The Navy football team will wear Under Armour-Designed Navy Fleet uniforms and hand-painted helmets for the Army-Navy Game presented by USAA on Dec. 12 at Lincoln Financial Field in Philadelphia at 3 PM on CBS. The uniform is inspired by and pays homage to seven of the historic ships that make up the U.S. Naval Fleet." ]
what causes gall bladder infection
[ "- Bladder infections are caused by bacteria in the bladder. Escherichia coli (E. coli) is usually the bacteria that causes a bladder infection. Bladders normally have a small amount of bacteria in them and urinating helps flush out the bacteria, but sometimes the bacteria grows so fast it causes a bladder infection.", "- Even sepsis can cause gall bladder infection. In children, gall stones are formed over a period of time when viral infections are not treated properly. If the body’s immunity is lowered or if the immune system is not functioning well, it can affect the gallbladder causing infection." ]
[ "Acute cholecystitis Introduction. Acute cholecystitis is swelling (inflammation) of the gallbladder. It is a potentially serious condition that usually needs to be treated in hospital. The main symptom of acute cholecystitis is a sudden sharp pain in the upper right side of your tummy (abdomen) that spreads towards your right shoulder.calculous cholecystitis is a less common, but usually more serious, type of acute cholecystitis. It usually develops as a complication of a serious illness, infection or injury that damages the gallbladder.", "- 1 Infection of the bladder (cystitis). 2 This type of UTI is usually caused by Escherichia coli (E. coli), a type of bacteria commonly found in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. 3 However, sometimes other bacteria are responsible.", "- We don't yet know what causes interstitial cystitis. We do know that infections with bacteria or viruses don't cause it. It might be caused by a defect in the lining of the bladder. Normally, the lining protects the bladder wall from the toxic effects of urine. In about 70 percent of people with interstitial cystitis, the protective layer of the bladder is “leaky.” This may let urine irritate the bladder wall, causing interstitial cystitis.", "How Much Does it Cost to Install Roof Shingles? You can expect to pay $80 - $100 per roofing square -- a common industrial measurement that refers to 100 square feet of shingles. This figure includes both materials and labor. Cost to install roof shingles will vary somewhat, depending on:ou can expect to pay $80 - $100 per roofing square -- a common industrial measurement that refers to 100 square feet of shingles. This figure includes both materials and labor. Cost to install roof shingles will vary somewhat, depending on:", "Boxing Day sale information, advice and opening hours for stores and shopping centres According to the department store, over 1 million customers will visit Myer stores on Boxing Day and approximately 17 million customers will shop at the store over the stocktake sale period which ends the next day.", "Gallbladder Pain (Gall Bladder Pain) Gallbladder pain is (often misspelled gall bladder) an all-inclusive term used to describe any pain due to disease related to the gallbladder. The major gallbladder problems that produce gallbladder pain are biliary colic, cholecystitis, gallstones, pancreatitis, and ascending cholangitis.", "Gallstones If acute cholecystitis is untreated and becomes very severe, inflammation can cause abscesses. Inflammation can also cause necrosis (destruction of tissue in the gallbladder), which leads to gangrene. The highest risk is in men over 50 who have a history of heart disease and high levels of infection. Perforated Gallbladder.", "Chronic and acute infection of the gall bladder by Salmonella Typhi: understanding the carrier state — predominantly S. Typhi — colonize and persist in the human gall bladder. Typhoid or enteric fever is caused primarily by Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Typhi and is a human-specific disease for which there are an estimated 21 million new infections every year, resulting in approximately 200,000 deaths.", "- Bladder Infections. Infections of the bladder (also known as “cystitis”) are almost always caused by the bacteria Escherichia coli (E. coli) . E. coli is a type of bacteria that normally lives in the intestines of healthy people and animals. In its normal state, it doesn’t cause any problems.", "Acute Cholecystitis Acute cholecystitis is inflammation of the gallbladder that develops over hours, usually because a gallstone obstructs the cystic duct. Symptoms include right upper quadrant pain and tenderness, sometimes accompanied by fever, chills, nausea, and vomiting.", "What Causes a Bladder Infection? Bladder infections are caused by bacteria in the bladder. Escherichia coli (E. coli) is usually the bacteria that causes a bladder infection. Bladders normally have a small amount of bacteria in them and urinating helps flush out the bacteria, but sometimes the bacteria grows so fast it causes a bladder infection. Effects Bladder infections can cause a frequent or urgent need to urinate. They can also cause pain, itchiness or a burning sensation during urination. Urine can smell and look different when the bladder is infected. Like other bacterial infections, a bladder infection can also cause fever, chills and fatigue.", "Cholecystitis Cholecystitis (Greek, - cholecyst, gallbladder, combined with the suffix-itis, inflammation) is inflammation of the gallbladder.holecystitis occurs when the gallbladder becomes inflamed. Gallbladder inflammation is most commonly caused by gallstones but can also occur due to blockage from a tumor or scarring of the bile duct. The greatest risk factor for cholecystitis is gallstones.", "Rapid Review Pathology To research the causes of Gall bladder conditions, consider researching the causes of these these diseases that may be similar, or associated with Gall bladder conditions: 1 Acute cholecystitis. 2 Choledocholithiasis. 3 Carcinoma of the gall bladder. Callot's 1 triangle. Strawberry gallbladder. Choledochal cyst.", "- Most bladder infections are caused by various strains of E. coli, bacteria that normally live in the gut. Women sometimes get bladder infections after sex.Vaginal intercourse makes it easier for bacteria to reach the bladder through the urethra. The risk for bladder infection -- dubbed honeymoon cystitis -- increases with frequent sex.ore than half of all women get at least one bladder infection at some time in their lives. However, a man's chance of getting cystitis increases as he ages, due to in part to an increase in prostate size.", "- Cystitis is inflammation of part or the entire urinary bladder wall. The common causes include infection (E. coli, Klebsiella, Pseudomonas, Schistosomiasis, also viral and fungal cause), irritative or mechanical (such as an indwelling catheter or a stone), toxic (cyclophosphamide), radiation, and allergic.", "The Gall Bladder: What It Does, How to Tell If Yours Is Sick & How to Get It Healthy What To Do If You Suspect You Have Gall Bladder Disease. Symptoms of gall bladder dysfunction can vary and include: 5. Pain in the abdomen or the right shoulder. Pain accompanied with nausea and vomiting. Pain that is triggered by eating fatty foods. Pain and tenderness under the ribs on the right side, sometimes with a fever.", "Overview In most cases, gallstones blocking the tube leading out of your gallbladder cause cholecystitis. This results in a bile buildup that can cause inflammation. Other causes of cholecystitis include bile duct problems, tumors, serious illness and certain infections. If left untreated, cholecystitis can lead to serious, sometimes life-threatening complications, such as a gallbladder rupture.", "Urinary Tract Infection Quiz Urinary stones or an enlarged prostate can obstruct the flow of urine and cause a urinary tract infection in men. Catheters placed in the urethra or bladder can introduce bacteria into the urinary tract and cause a UTI.", "Urinary Tract Infection: Bladder Infection A urinary tract infection may be caused by one or more of the following conditions: 1 A new sex partner or multiple partners. 2 More frequent intercourse. A history of diabetes, sickle-cell anemia, stroke, kidney stones or any problem that causes the bladder not to empty completely.", "Gall Bladder Infection This condition is the result of the most common gallbladder disorder, the formation of gallstones. Gallstones in themselves are not infectious, but bring with them their own set of potential problems. They can however cause irritation in the gallbladder, and if this irritation becomes acute, an infection may set in.", "- Gallstones are the primary cause of gallbladder disease; however, two uncommon causes are gallbladder cancer and gallbladder attack, or Cholecystitis. Identifying the symptoms of and seeking treatment for gallbladder disease can help you avoid discomfort and medical complications.", "- Symptoms of gall bladder dysfunction can vary and include: 1 Pain in the abdomen or the right shoulder. 2 Pain accompanied with nausea and vomiting. 3 Pain that is triggered by eating fatty foods. 4 Pain and tenderness under the ribs on the right side, sometimes with a fever.", "Overview Causes. Cholecystitis occurs when your gallbladder becomes inflamed. Gallbladder inflammation can be caused by: Gallstones. Most often, cholecystitis is the result of hard particles that develop in your gallbladder (gallstones). Gallstones can block the tube (cystic duct) through which bile flows when it leaves the gallbladder.", "- Stay focused. Use Presenter View in Office 2016 review and rehearse your presentations. When you project your presentation to a second screen, Presenter View displays your current slide, speaker notes, and the next slide in your deck.Stay flexible. With Slide Navigator, you can quickly switch slides—in or out of sequence—from a visual grid viewable to you at a glance.ake it stylish. Jump-start your creative process and get your presentation into high style with a click. Choose from an array of polished design themes and theme variations. Make it special. To add special-effect visual impact to your story, insert and edit images and video.", "- An inflamed gallbladder (cholecystitis), infected material trapped within the common bile duct (cholangitis), or a stone blocking outflow of pancreatic juice (gallstone pancreatitis) can result in fever, chills, severe abdominal pain or jaundice." ]
volcano hawaii stats
[ "- What’s so special about Hawaii’s volcanoes? Hawaii emerged from the sea millions of years ago, forged by the power of volcanoes. Today, Hawaii Volcanoes National Park on Hawaii Island is one of the few places in the world where visitors can come face to face with an active volcano. This once in a lifetime chance to safely explore Kilauea, one of the world's most active volcanoes, makes Hawaii a destination unlike any other." ]
[ "Kilauea Volcano: Worldâs most active volcano in Hawaii erupts (PHOTOS) One of five shield volcanoes that collectively form the Island of Hawaii, Kilauea is one of the most active volcanoes on the surface of the earth. The Puʻu ʻŌʻō cone, in particular, has been continuously erupting in the eastern rift-zone since 1983, making it the longest rift-zone eruption in the last 200 years.", "Hawaii's Kilauea Volcano Lava Inches Toward Homes CCSS NAS-4 Grades: 3-8. Mention Hawaii and the first thing that comes to mind are the pristine beaches. What is not as well known is that Hawaii's Big Island is also home to some of the world's most active volcanoes, including the spectacular Kilauea!While the dynamic volcano has been erupting almost nonstop since 1983, some years, the amount of magma coughed up is larger than others.hat is not as well known is that Hawaii's Big Island is also home to some of the world's most active volcanoes, including the spectacular Kilauea! While the dynamic volcano has been erupting almost nonstop since 1983, some years, the amount of magma coughed up is larger than others.", "Hawaiian Volcanism Cinder cones can be quite large in Hawai'i; those on the summit of Mauna Kea (formed during gas-rich alkalic-stage eruptions) are a few hundred meters high, whereas those on Mauna Loa and Kilauea usually range between 20 and 100 m high. lava flow field (white outline) has issued from the base of the cone, giving the cone an asymmetric form. The flow spread almost all the way around the cone (white arrows). Magenta lines mark the rims of older cinder cones nearby. Between the two extremes of spatter ramparts and cinder cones are all gradations.", "- One of five shield volcanoes that collectively form the Island of Hawaii, Kilauea is one of the most active volcanoes on the surface of the earth. The Puʻu ʻōʻō cone, in particular, has been continuously erupting in the eastern rift-zone since 1983, making it the longest rift-zone eruption in the last 200 years.", "A Study Guide: Volcanoes The Hawaiian shield volcanoes are the most famous examples. The largest is Mauna Loa on the Big Island of Hawaii; all the volcanoes in the Hawaiian Islands are shield volcanoes. Shield volcanoes are almost exclusively basalt, a type of lava that is very fluid when erupted.", "- Type: Shield volcano with a cinder cone. Hawaii's famous Kilauea volcano emerged from the sea more than 50,000 years ago, and it has been active ever since. Kilauea, formed from an intraplate hot spot, is the most studied volcano in the world.Composed mostly of lava flows, Kilauea also has some deposits from explosive eruptions. It has erupted from three main areas: its summit and two rift zones. Most of Kilauea's eruptions are relatively gentle lava flows.nfrequentlyevery few decades or centuriespowerful eruptions send volcanic debris across the area. Kilauea's constant lava eruptions have built up the volcano and given it a shieldlike form that is still growing. Currently the shield is about 50 miles (80 kilometers) long and 15 miles (24 kilometers) wide.", "Volcano Live summit elevation 2521 m. Shield volcano. Hualalai is the westermost shield volcano on the island of Hawaii. Eruptions of Hualalai Volcano in 1800-01 occurred from 5 vents with two lava flows reaching the sea. Hualalai began growing on the west flank of Mauna Kea about 800,000 years ago, and rose above sea level 300,000 years ago. The northwest rift zone of Hualala continues for a distance of 40 km, to a depth of 3000 m. Hualalai Volcano from the summit of Mauna Kea volcano-John Seach.", "magma Hawaiian magma is different than magma in other parts of the Earth because it has more molten rock and less dissolved gases and rock fragments. The Hawaiian volcano Kilauea, on the Big Island of Hawaii, has erupted with enough molten lava to pave a road around the Earth three times.", "Hualalai Volcano The most recent eruption of 1800-1801 occurred along the Northwest rift zone. Haulalai is a shield volcano located on the Big Island of Hawaii (19.69 N, 155.87 W). The summit of Hualalai rises to 2523m (8271ft) above sea level. The volcano is the westernmost of the 5 major Big Island volcanoes. It has a well-developed Northwest rift zone, a moderately well-developed South-Southeast rift zone, and a poorly developed North rift zone. The most recent eruption of 1800-1801 occurred along the Northwest rift zone.", "- There are a total of 2,985 sex offenders in Hawaii. This yields a total of 222 sex offenders in Hawaii per 100,000 residents which is equal the national average. Source: The Volcano, HI crime data displayed above is derived from the FBI's uniform crime reports for the year of 2015. The crime report encompasses more than 18,000 city and state law enforcement agencies reporting data on property and violent crimes.", "What are the active volcanoes in Hawaii and what is their status? There are five active volcanoes in Hawaii. They are: Kilauea is considered one of the worlds most frequently active volcanoes. If you just look at the number of Kilauea eruptions recorded since Europeans arrived, there have been 62 eruptions in 245 years, which comes out to 1 eruption every 3.95 years.", "Kilauea Volcano: Facts About the 30-Year Eruption View full size image. Kilauea is one of the world’s most active volcanoes. It is a shield-type volcano that makes up the southeastern side of the Big Island of Hawaii. The volcano rises 4,190 feet (1,227 meters) above sea level and is about 14 percent of the land area of the Big Island. The summit caldera contains a lava lake known as Halema`uma`u that is said to be the home of the Hawaiian volcano goddess, Pele.", "Volcanoes Volcanic eruptions can be accompanied by other natural hazards, including earthquakes, mudflows and flash floods, rock falls and landslides, acid rain, fire, and (under special conditions) tsunamis. Active volcanoes in the U.S. are found mainly in Hawaii, Alaska and the Pacific Northwest. The danger area around a volcano covers approximately a 20-mile radius however some danger may exist 100 miles or more from a volcano. Before a Volcanic Eruption", "- To determine what class your passenger vehicle belongs to, use the price of the car before you add GST and any provincial sales tax (PST) or HST. However, once you determine that your vehicle belongs to Class 10, add the GST and PST, or HST, that you paid to the vehicle's capital cost.", "Volcano, Hawaii 17.7%. According to our research of Hawaii and other state lists there were 6 registered sex offenders living in Volcano, Hawaii as of April 12, 2017. The ratio of number of residents in Volcano to the number of sex offenders is 429 to 1.", "Volcano Facts and Types of Volcanoes The world’s largest volcano, Mauna Loa in Hawaii, is a shield volcano. Mauna Loa is about 55,770 feet (17,000 meters) from its base beneath the ocean to the summit, which is 13,681 feet (4,170 meters) above sea level. It is also one of the Earth’s most active volcanoes and is carefully monitored. The most recent eruption was in 1984.", "What are the active volcanoes in Hawaii and what is their status? Kilauea is considered one of the worlds most frequently active volcanoes. If you just look at the number of Kilauea eruptions recorded since Europeans arrived, there have been 62 eruptions in 245 years, which comes out to 1 eruption every 3.95 years.ualalai is an active volcano. The resort town of Kailua is on the southwest flank of the volcano. Hualalai last erupted in 1801 and sent lava from a vent on its northeast rift down to the ocean.", "What are the active volcanoes in Oahu? O’ahu Volcanoes There are not any active volcanoes in O’ahu and it's 99.99% unlikely there ever will be again. The Big island, Hawaii, has the world’s most active volcano, Kilauea, which is also one of the longest lasting flows. Kilauea means spe...", "- NASA Earth Observatory. acquired February 28, 2002 download large image (259 KB, JPEG, 1006x794). Snow caps the summits of Mauna Loa (center) and Mauna Kea (toward the top, center) volcanoes on the island of Hawaii.With its summit standing roughly 17 km (56,000 feet) above its base and its flanks covering about half of the Island of Hawaii, Mauna Loa is the world’s largest volcano.ASA Earth Observatory. acquired February 28, 2002 download large image (259 KB, JPEG, 1006x794). Snow caps the summits of Mauna Loa (center) and Mauna Kea (toward the top, center) volcanoes on the island of Hawaii.", "- Kilauea is considered one of the worlds most frequently active volcanoes. If you just look at the number of Kilauea eruptions recorded since Europeans arrived, there have been 62 eruptions in 245 years, which comes out to 1 eruption every 3.95 years.", "Hawaiian eruption Hawaiian eruptions may occur along fissure vents, such as during the eruption of Mauna Loa Volcano in 1950, or at a central vent, such as during the 1959 eruption in Kīlauea Iki Crater, which created a lava fountain 580 meters (1,900 ft) high and formed a 38-meter cone named Pu ʻ u Pua ʻ i.n central-vent eruptions, a fountain of lava can spurt to a height of 300 meters or more (heights of 1600 meters were reported for the 1986 eruption of Mount Mihara on Izu Ōshima, Japan).", "- [ HCV Home ] [Formation of the Islands] [ Active Hawaiian Volcanoes ] [ General Info ]. Follow site author @kenrubin on Twitter. The Hawaiian Islands are volcanic in origin. Each island is made up of at least one primary volcano, although many islands are composites of more than one.The Big Island, for instance, is constructed of 5 major volcanoes: Kilauea, Mauna Loa, Mauna Kea, Hualalai and Kohala. Mauna Loa is the largest active volcano on Earth.s the plate moves over a fixed spot deeper in the Earth where magma (molten lava) forms, a new volcano can punch through this plate and create an island. The Hawaiian Islands are believed to be formed from one such 'hot spot'. As the plate moves away, the volcano stops erupting and a new one is formed in its place.", "How Hot Is Lava? However, once a volcano gets going, the mercury really starts to climb. Bright red lava flows in Hawaii can get as hot as 1,165 F, with the glowing orange flows getting hotter than 1,600 F, according to USGS. And when rock is seriously melting, such as the magma within the Hawaiian volcano of Kilauea, it can reach 2,120 F, according to USGS.", "- [ HCV Home ] [Formation of the Islands] [ Active Hawaiian Volcanoes ] [ General Info ]. Follow site author @kenrubin on Twitter. The Hawaiian Islands are volcanic in origin. Each island is made up of at least one primary volcano, although many islands are composites of more than one.The Big Island, for instance, is constructed of 5 major volcanoes: Kilauea, Mauna Loa, Mauna Kea, Hualalai and Kohala.hese other types of volcanoes (common outside of Hawaii) are typically steeper sided. The Hawaiian volcanoes were produced by the Hawaiian hot spot, which is presently under the Big Island of Hawaii.", "The worldâs hottest volcanos The video below shows scientists from the University of Iceland sampling basalt lava from the eruption at Holuhraun in September, 2014. Figure from Wright et al, 2014. Bottom line: A study of 95 volcanos in the period of 2000-2014 shows that Hawaii’s Kilauea volcano ranks hottest in terms of total energy. Meanwhile, Iceland’s Holuhraun eruption radiated the most heat for a single event." ]
does vinegar help poison ivy
[ "How to Treat Poison Ivy and Poison Oak Rinse with apple cider vinegar. Among the many medical treatments apple cider vinegar can be used for, expediting the healing process of poison ivy exposure is one of them. Use a cotton pad to gently apply the vinegar to the area, or rinse it with a mixture of equal parts vinegar and water." ]
[ "Poison ivy relief How to Treat Poison Ivy and Poison Oak. Poison ivy, oak, and sumac are a great way to ruin a day in the outdoors. Coming in contact with their toxic leaves, stems, and roots can give you an itchy rash that lasts for 1-3 weeks. Although the...", "Arthritis and Vinegar There are a number of possible mechanisms by which apple cider vinegar can help improve arthritis symptoms. Apple cider vinegar can dissolve the calcium deposited around the joints. These calcium deposits restrict the articulation of the joint and reduce the range of movement possible. Therefore, with increased accumulation of calcium at the joints, they become stiffer and more painful.", "Natural Progesterone side effects Poison Oak, Ivy, and Sumac are awful. Poison Ivy is bad, Poison Oak is worse, and Poison Sumac is awful. To get rid of Poison Ivy or Oak get a Steroid shot or cream …(personally I prefer the cream). Spread the cream onto your rash 2-4 times a day and as many days as the Dr. prescribes. To get the cream or shot go to your doctors.", "Home Remedies for Poison Ivy Tip: Relieve Itch from Poison Ivy and Poison Oak. After washing the area with soap and water, wipe down that area of the skin with a mix of 1/2 chlorine bleach and 1/2 water and rinse with water. Helps to remove the plant oil that creates all that itching.", "What the Research Really Says About Apple Cider Vinegar Apple Cider Vinegar -- It's Not Just a Breakfast Drink. Vinegar is one of the best natural agents for removing certain pesticides and bacteria from your fresh produce. Of course, you don't need apple cider vinegar for this -- any basic white vinegar will do, and for a fraction of the price. Gayle Povis Alleman, MS, RD recommends a solution of 10 percent vinegar to 90 percent water as a bath to briefly soak produce.", "Jewelweed: A Natural Home Remedy For Treating Poison Ivy You can make a poison ivy remedy from jewelweed by: 1 crushing a stalk and rubbing the juice on the poison ivy rash. 2 This offers immediate but short-term relief. 3 chopping the stalks and leaves, boiling them water for 5-10 minutes, straining the liquid and freezing it in ice cube trays.", "How to Kill Poison Ivy You may have seen my post from last year of my backyard progress, if you did then you understand why I dislike ivy so much. It’s for this reason that I loved this tip from Barbara for how to kill poison ivy! * Combine 1 gallon white vinegar with 1 cup salt and 2 TBSP blue dawn dish soap.", "- Chemicals in poison ivy can cause an allergic reaction with widespread symptoms. When taken by mouth, poison ivy can cause severe irritation of the mouth, throat, and lining of the stomach and intestines; nausea; vomiting; colic; diarrhea; dizziness; blood in the urine; fever; and coma.", "- You can apply rubbing alcohol to your skin to dissolve the poison ivy or poison oak oils. Because the toxic oil from the plant seeps into your skin gradually, adding rubbing alcohol to the area will prevent the further spread.", "- 1 Add about 1 cup (250 ml) of either baking soda or oatmeal to the bathwater. 2 Use colloidal oatmeal, a type of fine-grain oatmeal that dissolves easily. 3 Note that you can also mix 1 to 2 Tbsp (15 to 30 ml) of baking soda into 1 cup (250 ml) of cool water and use the solution for regular water for your cool compress.void the irritant whenever possible. Once you identify the suspected cause of your rash, the only way to get rid of your rash in the long run is to avoid that irritant. 1 Learn to spot poison ivy, poison oak, and poison sumac so you know how to avoid it in the future.", "10 Types of Poison Ivy Treatment Youâll Be Thankful to Know To soothe a poison ivy rash, especially one red with blisters, mix 3 teaspoons baking soda and 1 teaspoon water and apply the paste to the affected areas. When it dries, the baking soda will flake off, providing at least temporary relief.", "- If you know you have been exposed to poison ivy or oak, Tecnu Extreme can be used to remove the poison oil that causes rash and itching if used within 8 hours after exposure to the poison ivy, oak and sumac plants before a rash appears.", "10 Types of Poison Ivy Treatment Youâll Be Thankful to Know Cucumber calms the rash. istock/jianying yin. It's not exactly a day at the spa, but cucumber slices are one of the simplest poison ivy home remedies. Either place slices of this cooling veggie on the affected area, or mash it up to make a cucumber paste that you apply to the rash for soothing relief.", "What medications help treat poison ivy, oak or sumac? School of Medicine, Family Medicine answered. Medications to treat poison ivy, oak or sumac are aimed at relieving your symptoms. First, it is important to wash your skin to remove the oil from the plant. Then, the affected area can be treated with cortisone creams. In addition, oral Benadryl or another antihistamine can offer relief.", "Apple Cider Vinegar Benefits and Uses Diluted apple cider vinegar on a cotton ball makes a simple facial toner and cleanser to help prevent breakouts. It might even help bruises to fade faster. • Deodorant. Apple cider vinegar helps kill odor-causing bacteria, so dab a bit under your arms for a natural deodorant. • Oral Health", "8+ Amazing Home Remedies for Poison Ivy Rash Oatmeal is one of the most popular home remedies for poison ivy. An oatmeal bath soothes the itching related to the rash, but if you do not have time to soak in oatmeal, there are other options. Make some plain oatmeal and make sure it is not hot and that it sits for a few minutes so that it gets really thick.", "- In the late fall I kill my poison ivy, oak and sumac by cutting the roots in two and sticking each end of the root into small bottles of any poison I have around. Vinegar and Dawn or Fly killer for horses, carpenter ant killer, even that Home Defense which I had added Precor (IGR flea killer) to.", "Top 30 Doctor insights on: Over The Counter Medication For Poison Ivy Possibly: Rhus dermatitis (poison ivy, etc. ) will resolve spontaneously. Benadryl (diphenhydramine) can help with the itching. Lotions such as calamine, or over the counter Hydrocortisone may also benefit. If you have a severe case you may benefit from prednisone.", "tamper To meddle, alter, or improperly interfere with something; to make changes or corrupt, as in tampering with the evidence. verb alter, change, convert, corrupt, debase, hinder, interfere, intermeddle, intervene, manipulate, meddle. Associated concepts: tamper with a jury, tamper with evidence See also: disturb.", "- Take a tea bath. Fill a hot bath with 6-8 bags of black tea. Black tea contains tannic acid, an anti-inflammatory that can help soothe a poison ivy rash. Soak in the tea for 20 or more minutes for the best results.", "APPLE CIDER VINEGAR Some people apply apple cider vinegar to the skin for acne, as a skin toner, to soothe sunburn, for shingles, insect bites, and to prevent dandruff. It is also used in the bath for vaginal infections. In foods, apple cider vinegar is used as a flavoring agent. It can be hard to know what’s in some apple cider vinegar products. Laboratory analysis of commercially available apple cider vinegar tablets shows wide variation in what they contain. Amounts of acetic acid ranged from about 1% to 10.57%.", "- Things Not to Do. 1 Do not burn poison oak or ivy leaves. The smoke is toxic. 2 Don't put your fingers in your eyes, ears, nose, or mouth. Don't eat, and don't touch your genitals (bathroom breaks) until your hands are decontaminated. 3 Don't wash the skin with bleach - its vapors are irritating and it inflames the skin.", "Poison Ivy Treatment and Prevention Guide In addition to getting rid of poison ivy when you find it, you can avoid poison ivy by: 1 wearing long pants and a shirt with long sleeves, boots, and gloves when your kids will be most at risk, especially when playing in wooden areas, around lakes, or going on hikes. 2 apply Ivy-Block to exposed areas.", "Incline Village Substation Click HERE to view the video Urban Bears presented by the Washoe County Health District. The Incline Village Substation is a full-service satellite station which provides all necessary law enforcement services to the citizens and visitors of Incline Village and Crystal Bay. The Incline Village Substation of the Washoe County Sheriff's Office has the primary responsibility of providing law enforcement, search and rescue, and civil process services for an area from the Mt. Rose summit to Crystal Bay and Incline Village on the northeastern shores of Lake Tahoe.", "How to Use Vinegar for Skin Exposure from Poison Oak How to Use Vinegar for Poison Oak. A patient can treat the symptoms of poison oak irritation with the use of any of the following: Topical Solution. Prepare an all natural vinegar mix by having ingredients such as ½ cup apple cider vinegar and ½ cup water ready." ]
is the pill nabumetone a narcotic
[ "Is nabumetone a narcotic? Best Answer: No. Nabumetone is a NSAID (Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug). It is RX only, but it is not a controlled substance (by controlled substance it is not listed as a scheduled drug by the FDA or DEA.)" ]
[ "Do You Know... Prescription Opioids Opioids are also prescribed to people with moderate to severe coughs and diarrhea. Methadone and buprenorphine are opioids that are prescribed to treat addiction to other opioids, such as heroin or oxycodone (e.g., OxyContin).", "Relafen Tablet Nabumetone is used to reduce pain, swelling, and joint stiffness from arthritis. This medication is known as a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID). If you are treating a chronic condition such as arthritis, ask your doctor about non-drug treatments and/or using other medications to treat your pain.", "- What is Narcan™ (naloxone)? Narcan™ (naloxone) is an opiate antidote. Opioids include heroin and prescription pain pills like morphine, codeine, oxycodone, methadone and Vicodin. When a person is overdosing on an opioid, breathing can slow down or stop and it can very hard to wake them from this state.", "- Suboxone is a combination drug, which comprises an opioid drug, buprenorphine, and an opioid antagonist, naloxone. It is used in the treatment of opioid withdrawal in people addicted to opioid drugs. Yes it is an opiate of sorts.", "Nabumetone Nabumetone is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID), the only 1-naphthaleneacetic acid derivative.Nabumetone has been developed by Beecham. It is available under numerous brand names, such as Relafen, Relifex, and Gambaran.abumetone is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID), the only 1-naphthaleneacetic acid derivative. Nabumetone has been developed by Beecham.", "- Nabumetone is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID).[1] Nabumetone has been developed by Beecham. It is available under numerous brand names, such as Relafen, Relifex, and Gambaran. Nabumetone is a nonacidic NSAID that is rapidly metabolized in the liver to a major active metabolite, 6-methoxy-2-naphthyl acetic acid.", "Embeda Morphine is in a group of drugs called narcotic pain relievers. Naltrexone is a special narcotic drug that blocks the effects of other narcotic medicines and alcohol. The combination of morphine and naltrexone is used to treat moderate to severe pain when around-the-clock pain relief is needed for a long time period.", "Hycodan Hydrocodone is a narcotic cough medicine. Homatropine is a drug that works against the narcotic to prevent an overdose of this medication. The combination of homatropine and hydrocodone combination is used to treat cough.ou should not use this medication if you are allergic to homatropine or hydrocodone. To make sure you can safely take this medication, tell your doctor if you have any of these other conditions: 1 asthma or other breathing problems; 2 a history of head injury or brain tumor;", "Nabumetone Overview Updated: Nabumetone is a prescription medication used to relieve the pain and swelling of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Nabumetone belongs to a group of medications called non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), which work by stopping substances in your body that cause inflammation and pain.This medication comes in tablet form and is taken once or twice daily, with or without food.abumetone belongs to a group of medications called non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), which work by stopping substances in your body that cause inflammation and pain.", "Difference Between Language and Communication • On the other hand, communication is verbal or written in character. • The word communication is used in figurative expressions such a ‘communication gap’, ‘mass communication.’. • Language is a method of communication. These are the differences between the two words, namely, language and communication. Related posts: 1 Difference Between Language and Dialect. 2 Difference Between Language and Linguistics. 3 Difference Between Language and Literature.", "- Nabumetone Side Effects. Nabumetone is the generic form of the brand-name drug Relafen, a prescription medicine used to treat pain and inflammation caused by osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, or gout. Nabumetone is in a class of medications called nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).It works by blocking an enzyme that creates a hormone (prostaglandin) that causes inflammation and pain. Reviews. Nabumetone is the generic form of the brand-name drug Relafen, a prescription medicine used to treat pain and inflammation caused by osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, or gout. Nabumetone is in a class of medications called nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).", "What Is Suboxone (Buprenorphine and Naloxone)? Suboxone is a prescription medication that combines buprenorphine and naloxone. It's used to treat opioid addiction. (Heroin and narcotic painkillers are common opioid drugs.). Buprenorphine belongs to a class of drugs called opioid partial agonists, which help relieve symptoms of opiate withdrawal.", "Opioid agonist-antagonist drugs in acute and chronic pain states. The group includes drugs which act as an agonist or partial agonist at one receptor and an antagonist at another (pentazocine, butorphanol, nalbuphine, dezocine) and drugs acting as a partial agonist at a single receptor (buprenorphine).These drugs can be classified as nalorphine-like or morphine-like.uthor information: (1)Royal Marsden Hospital, London, England. The agonist-antagonist opioid analgesics are a heterogeneous group of drugs with moderate to strong analgesic activity comparable to that of the pure agonist opioids such as codeine and morphine but with a limited effective dose range.", "Celecoxib (By mouth) Uses of This Medicine. Nabumetone is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) used to treat mild to moderate pain and help relieve symptoms of arthritis (osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis), such as inflammation, swelling, stiffness, and joint pain.ses of This Medicine. Nabumetone is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) used to treat mild to moderate pain and help relieve symptoms of arthritis (osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis), such as inflammation, swelling, stiffness, and joint pain.", "Get Help: Types Of Treatment Buprenorphine is a synthetic opioid medication that acts as a partial agonist at opioid receptors—it does not produce the euphoria and sedation caused by heroin or other opioids but is able to reduce or eliminate withdrawal symptoms associated with opioid dependence and carries a low risk of overdose.", "- 1 Methadone is a narcotic pain reliever similar to morphine and is commonly used to treat addiction to other opiates including heroin. 2 Methadone can cause very serious side effects and should be used with extreme caution under supervision of a physician.3 Methadone, like all narcotics, can slow your rate of breathing. Although purer heroin is becoming more common, most street heroin is cut with other drugs or with substances such as sugar, starch, powdered milk, or quinine. 2 Street heroin also can be cut with strychnine or other poisons.", "Understanding Opioid (Narcotic) Pain Medications The common synthetic and semi-synthetic opioids are: 1 Synthetic opioids Meperidine Commonly known as by its brand name Demerol, meperidine is used to “relieve moderate to severe pain” (NLM). 2 Semi-synthetic opioids Buprenorphine Buprenorphine is a semi-synthetic opioid.", "Nabumetone Nabumetone is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID). Nabumetone has been developed by Beecham. It is available under numerous brand names, such as Relafen, Relifex, and Gambaran. Nabumetone is a nonacidic NSAID that is rapidly metabolized in the liver to a major active metabolite, 6-methoxy-2-naphthyl acetic acid.", "ECA Stack: Ephedrine, Caffeine and Aspirin ECA Stack: Ephedrine, Caffeine and Aspirin. This is an updated form of an article I first wrote years ago. I think you’ll find it informative, but please keep this in mind: I am not a doctor, pharmacist or medical expert. I am not qualified to give medical advice in any shape or form.", "Buprenorphine for Pain Enter Your Name. A narcotic medication, buprenorphine (Buprenex®, Butrans®, Subutex®, Suboxone®) comes in many forms, two of which are approved for pain treatment. The other two forms are used to treat opioid dependence. The form of buprenorphine sold as Buprenex is approved to treat moderate-to-severe pain. It is given by injection into a muscle (intramuscular injection) or by intravenous infusion (by IV).", "Arthritis and Narcotic Pain Medication There are a variety of strong pain relievers, including narcotic drugs, that your doctor may prescribe to help relieve arthritis pain. Often, these pain relievers are combined with acetaminophen (Tylenol). They include: 1 Tylenol with Codeine. 2 Lorcet, Lortab, Vicodin (hydrocodone).", "- Buprenorphine is an opioid (narcotic) medication that is similar to morphine, codeine, and heroin. It is prescribed under the names Suboxone and Subutex. Buprenorphine is used to treat narcotic addiction and help with the withdrawal symptoms when one attemps to quit using a narcotic opiate.", "Buprenorphine narcotic Buprenorphine alone (Subutex) or buprenorphine plus naloxone (Suboxone) is a newer drug that helps with detox from opioid addiction. Buprenorphine activates opioid receptors, reducing drug craving and preventing withdrawal. Naloxone helps prevent misuse of the medication.", "Methadone Abuse Causes, Statistics, Addiction Signs, Symptoms & Side Effects Methadone is a potent narcotic analgesic that is typically prescribed for the purpose of managing severe chronic pain and for the treatment of opioid dependency. Methadone has a cross-tolerance with other opioid drugs, such as heroin and morphine, allowing it to offer similar pain-relieving effects over a longer duration of time. Methadone comes in a variety of strengths and in different appearances, such as in a liquid mixture, tablets, or ampoules for injection.", "Arthritis and Narcotic Pain Medication How Do Narcotics Relieve Arthritis Pain? Unlike ibuprofen, Motrin, Aleve, or other NSAID drugs, narcotics do not decrease the inflammation that occurs with arthritis. Narcotic drugs work on pain receptors in the brain to relieve pain. If you have pain that isn't relieved by a narcotic drug or NSAID alone, speak to your doctor about combining the two. In some cases, an NSAID/narcotic combination may relieve pain better than either alone." ]
symptoms of strep throat for an adult
[ "Question: Some people experience mild symptoms like a sore throat, whereas other people have more severe symptoms including fever and difficulty swallowing. Common symptoms of strep throat include: 1 sudden fever. 2 sore throat (red throat with white patches). 3 headache. 4 chills. 5 loss of appetite. 6 swollen lymph nodes in the neck." ]
[ "- 1 Streptococcal sore throat (strep throat) and a strep throat with a rash (scarlet fever) are common. infections in children. CAUSE. Streptococcus. bacteria (Group A beta-hemolytic strep). SYMPTOMS Strep throat. Scarlet fever. Starts suddenly with fever, red sore throat, and swollen glands. Headache may occur. Nausea, abdominal pain, and vomiting may. be more common in children. A very fine red rash that feels like sandpaper is present. The rash.", "Top 30 Doctor insights on: Can Strep Throat Cause Vomiting What side effects are commonly associated with strep throat? Sxs & complications: Symptoms of sore throat can include: pain of throat; large, red tonsils with white exudates; small red dots on the roof of the mouth; swollen lymph nodes on the neck; fever, headache, rash, difficulty swallowing, feeling tired or rash.", "Dental Terms Common symptoms of strep throat in children and adults include: 1 Severe and sudden sore throat without coughing, sneezing, or other cold symptoms. 2 Pain or difficulty with swallowing. 3 Fever over 101°F (38.3°C) . 4 Swollen lymph nodes in the neck. 5 White or yellow spots or coating on the throat and tonsils. 6 Bright red throat or dark red spots on the ...", "Strep Throat (Treatment, Causes, Home Remedies) Signs of strep throat are not unique - indeed many viral infections (which cause the large majority of sore throats) can have identical signs and symptoms as a GAS infection. Typically, an older child and adolescent will have several core symptoms such as: Fever (generally 102 F [38.8 C] and higher)", "How long does it take till symptoms of strep throat show? Typical symptoms and signs of strep throat infection are: 1 fever, 2 swollen, tender lymph nodes on the sides of the neck (cervical lymphadenopathy), white patches seen on the tonsils and throat (tonsillar exudates),", "Strep Throat Treatment â How to Treat Strep Throat Naturally Here is a list of symptoms before moving forward: 1 Sudden and intense sore throat. 2 Yellow and/or whiteness in the throat. 3 Pain and/or difficulty swallowing. 4 Swollen tonsils or lymph nodes in the neck or throat. 5 Fever over 101 degrees fahrenheit (38.3 celcius)", "Strep Throat Symptoms, Causes & Treatments Strep throat is an infection in the throat and tonsils caused by group A Streptococcus bacteria, also called group A strep. The following strep throat symptoms typically develop within five days of exposure to the strep bacteria. 1. Sore Throat.", "- There are a number of problems that can lead to a vitamin B12 or folate deficiency, including: 1 pernicious anaemia – where your immune system attacks healthy cells in your stomach, preventing your body from absorbing vitamin B12 from the food you eat; this is the most common cause of vitamin B12 deficiency in the UK.itamin B12 is found in meat, fish, eggs, dairy products, yeast extract (such as Marmite) and specially fortified foods. The best sources of folate include green vegetables such as broccoli, Brussels sprouts and peas. Read more about treating vitamin B12 or folate deficiency.", "What Does Strep Throat Look Like in Pictures - wikiSymptoms Strep throat looks like white patches in the back of the throat. You may experience a much darker red gums, tonsils, and if it gets bad enough you may cough up or see puss starting to form. It may be harder to eat as solid foods that rub against the throat ma cause extreme pain. Fever. Not in every case, but there may be a fever that accompanies the soreness to your throat. If a cold and cough join as well, you may just have the common flu. Skin Irritation. If untreated, you may experience rash-like symptoms that will feel like cardboard and this may be the start of an infection.", "Strep Throat Symptoms in Adults Strep Throat Symptoms in Adults. Strep throat is a bacterial infection of the throat (including the tonsils). Strep throat infection is more common among children and teenagers, with an incidence peaking between five to fifteen years of age.However, it can also affect adults and may be associated with 5-10% of all sore throats.owever, it is also possible for adults to experience severe symptoms such as intense throat pain and difficulty swallowing. Other signs and symptoms that may be experienced by children, teens, and adults include swollen neck nodes, white or yellowish spots on the tonsils or throat, red inflamed throat, and high fever.", "The difference between influenza and the common cold Common symptoms of strep throat in children and adults include: 1 Severe and sudden sore throat without coughing, sneezing, or other cold symptoms. 2 Pain or difficulty with swallowing. Fever over 101°F (38.3°C). Lower fevers may point to a viral infection and not strep.", "Strep Throat If a person has a sore throat or if they have been diagnosed with strep throat, and have any of the following signs or symptoms, they should immediately seek care in a hospital's emergency department: 1 Difficulty breathing. 2 Difficulty or inability to swallow food or liquid. 3 Unable to open the mouth.", "Sore Throats and Strep Throat in Kids For example, with strep throat, children will often have classic symptoms that can include: 1 Fever. 2 Sore throat (pain on swallowing) 3 Red tonsils that might have a thick white exudate (pus) on them. Swollen lymph nodes (glands) that can be 1 tender. The sandpaper-like rash of scarlet fever.", "Strep Throat Complications Symptoms of Strep Throat. Strep throat can cause a range of symptoms, from simple nuisances to more serious, long-term health problems. Acute (immediate) symptoms of strep throat can last anywhere from 12 hours to 5 days after you have been exposed to the Streptococcus bacteria.", "- 1 The symptoms of strep throat typically include fever, sore throat, and swollen lymph glands in the neck. 2 Unlike a cold or the flu, strep throat does not usually produce a cough or a stuffy, runny nose. 3 The diagnosis of strep throat is confirmed by a throat culture or rapid-strep test.", "Strep Throat 1 The fever can be high and they may be ill-appearing. Strep throat in adults: Typically adults have milder symptoms and they may complain only of a mild sore throat. However, more severe symptoms are still possible in adults.", "Sore Throat 1 Symptoms include sore throat, fever, headache, stomach pain, nausea and vomiting. 2 Cough, hoarseness, red eyes, and runny nose are usually not seen with Strep throat. These symptoms point more to a viral cause. Scarlet fever rash (fine, red, sandpaper-like rash) is highly suggestive of Strep throat.", "The difference between influenza and the common cold Common symptoms of strep throat in children and adults include: 1 Severe and sudden sore throat without coughing, sneezing, or other cold symptoms. 2 Pain or difficulty with swallowing. 3 Fever over 101°F (38.3°C) . 4 Lower fevers may point to a viral infection and not strep.", "Streptococcal pharyngitis Streptococcal pharyngitis, also known as strep throat, is an infection of the back of the throat including the tonsils caused by group A streptococcus. Common symptoms include fever, sore throat, red tonsils, and enlarged lymph nodes in the neck. A headache, and nausea or vomiting may also occur. Some develop a sandpaper-like rash which is known as scarlet fever. Symptoms typically begin one to three days after exposure and last seven to ten days. Strep throat is spread by respiratory droplets f", "- People with strep throat may have fever and accompanying chills and muscle aches. Headache, nausea, and vomiting may accompany the infection. Another common symptom is tenderness and swelling of the lymph nodes on the sides of the neck.", "- Rheumatic fever is a complication of strep throat. If your child has any of the following symptoms, a strep test is needed: 1 sore throat or sore throat with tender and swollen lymph nodes. 2 rash. 3 trouble swallowing. 4 thick, bloody discharge from nose.", "Signs of Strep Throat in a Toddler For example, a toddler (younger than three years old) may have these symptoms of strep throat: 1 Low-grade fever -- less than or equal to 101ºF (38.3ºC). 2 Nasal congestion. 3 Nasal discharge. 4 Tender or swollen lymph glands in the neck.For more detail on possible symptoms and signs of strep throat in toddlers, click Strep Throat Symptoms. This article also discusses common and rare symptoms of this infection, and information on how long strep symptoms last.).", "8 Different White Spots on Throat: Causes & Treatments 1. Most commonly seen in children and teens, strep throat can occur in adults as well. It is a contagious disease caused by bacteria and symptoms include inflammation, pain in the throat, fatigue, fever, difficulty swallowing, headache and white spots on the tonsils.", "Foods to Eat With Strep Throat Strep throat is a bacterial infection that causes a sore throat and flu-like symptoms, such as fever, chills and aches. Strep is most prevalent in children ages 5 to 15, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center. It can also affect adults.", "Strep Throat Symptoms include a severe sore throat, painful or difficult swallowing, coughing, headache, fever, chills and swelling of the cheeks and neck. Tonsillitis may also be caused by strep throat. Antibiotic medication is generally prescribed to treat the inflammation (usually penicillin)." ]
if i contribute to a roth ira is it taxable
[ "- Roth IRA contributions are not taxed at the time you contribute the funds to your Roth IRA. However, your contributions come from post-tax income. You pay taxes on your income today, but not in the future." ]
[ "What Is a Roth IRA? You may make a partial contribution to a Roth IRA if you are single and your income is between $116,000 and $131,000 or if you are married filing jointly and your income is between $183,000 and $193,000. You can’t contribute to a Roth IRA if your income is above those levels.irst things first. There are income eligibility limits, so if you make too much money, you can’t contribute to a Roth IRA. But with a median household income of about $50,000, most Americans qualify for Roth IRA contributions.", "Taxable Distributions from Roth IRAs You don’t pay tax on your Roth IRA distributions until you withdraw earnings, and you aren’t considered to be withdrawing earnings from your Roth IRA until the total amount you’ve withdrawn from all your Roth IRAs is greater than the total amount you contributed to all your Roth IRAs, including rollover contributions.hen taxes and penalties apply. If you receive a non-qualified distribution of earnings from an IRA and don’t meet any of the tests described above, you must pay two taxes: the regular income tax plus an additional 10% early withdrawal penalty tax. Example: You contributed $2,000 to a Roth IRA.", "Roth IRA Taxes and Tax Issues Withdrawals made after age 59 and 1/2 are normal retirement withdrawals and are not taxed. You paid tax on that income when you first contributed to the Roth IRA. If the withdrawal is made before age 59 and 1/2 and is only up to the amount that has been contributed to the Roth IRA then no income tax is charged.Withdrawals of contributions are tax-free.ou paid tax on that income when you first contributed to the Roth IRA. If the withdrawal is made before age 59 and 1/2 and is only up to the amount that has been contributed to the Roth IRA then no income tax is charged.", "Do Roth IRA Earnings Count As Income? Contributions to a traditional IRA are tax-deductible. You may not deduct contributions to a Roth IRA. The trade-off is that while you must pay income taxes on distributions from a traditional IRA, distributions from a Roth IRA are tax-free.", "Thinking about using your retirement savings to pay for college? Think again. You paid tax on that income when you first contributed to the Roth IRA. If the withdrawal is made before age 59 and 1/2 and is only up to the amount that has been contributed to the Roth IRA then no income tax is charged. Withdrawals of contributions are tax-free.ou paid tax on that income when you first contributed to the Roth IRA. If the withdrawal is made before age 59 and 1/2 and is only up to the amount that has been contributed to the Roth IRA then no income tax is charged. Withdrawals of contributions are tax-free.", "Roth IRA With a Roth IRA, you make contributions with money on which you've already paid taxes. Your money can then potentially grow tax-free, with tax-free withdrawals in retirement, provided that certain conditions are met. 1.ith a Roth IRA, you make contributions with money on which you've already paid taxes. Your money can then potentially grow tax-free, with tax-free withdrawals in retirement, provided that certain conditions are met. 1.", "Publication 505 - Introductory Material You can contribute to a Roth IRA if, in 2014, 1 you received taxable compensation during the year, and. 2 your modified Adjusted Gross Income is less than. 3 $191,000 for married filing jointly or qualifying widow(er). contribution you made in violation of the above rules is called an “excess contribution.” A 6% excise tax applies when excess contributions are made to traditional or Roth IRAs. This tax is applied for each year that the contribution remains in the account.", "Roth IRA Limits If you do not have income you will not be allowed to contribute to a Roth IRA. If your income is less than $10,000 you cannot contribute up to the limit. Your contribution is reduced. Use the IRS worksheet to calculate your new reduced Roth IRA contribution limit.lick here to see current Roth IRA contribution limits. The Internal Revenue Service has a set of rules that individuals must meet to be qualified to invest in a Roth IRA. One set of rules pertains to income limits. If your income exceeds a certain amount you will not be allowed to contribute to a Roth IRA.", "- The IRS severely limits the ability to contribute to a Roth IRA for individuals that are married but file separately. If you do not have income you will not be allowed to contribute to a Roth IRA. If your income is less than $10,000 you cannot contribute up to the limit. Your contribution is reduced.Use the IRS worksheet to calculate your new reduced Roth IRA contribution limit.f your income falls between $116,000 and $131,000 you cannot contribute up to the limit. Your contribution is reduced. Use the IRS worksheet to calculate your new reduced Roth IRA contribution limit.", "- When you convert from a Traditional IRA to a Roth IRA you pay income tax on the contributions. The taxable amount that is converted is added to your income taxes and your regular income rate is applied to your total income.", "- If a distribution from my Roth 401(k) deferral account does not qualify for tax free treatment, is the distribution subject to any penalty taxes? The Roth 401(k) earnings portion of your account would be subject to a 10% penalty tax unless one of the penalty exceptions applies.our Roth 401(k) deferrals do not affect your ability to make Roth IRA contributions. Similarly, your Roth IRA contributions do not affect your ability to make Roth 401(k) deferrals. However, there is an income limitation that restricts who can contribute to a Roth IRA.", "Roth IRA A Roth IRA contribution is taxed at the taxpayer's current income tax rate, which is higher than the income tax rate during retirement for most people. This is because most people have a lower income, that falls in a lower tax bracket, during retirement than during their working years.", "Do Roth IRAs Affect Your Adjusted Gross Income? Contributing to a Roth IRA doesn't change your adjusted gross income, because the contributions are made with after-tax dollars. For example, say your salary is $80,000, you don't qualify for any other above-the-line deductions, and you contribute $5,000 to your Roth IRA.", "Can I Continue to Contribute to My IRA When I Convert to a Roth IRA? Conversion Doesn't Affect MAGI. Roth IRAs limit your ability to contribute if your modified adjusted gross income is too high. However, even though your Roth IRA conversion counts as taxable income, it isn’t included in your modified adjusted gross income.s a result, no matter how much you convert during the year, you can still make a contribution to either a traditional IRA or the Roth IRA that you rolled money into as if the conversion didn’t happen. For example, if you roll over $3,000, you don’t have to lower your annual contribution limit by $3,000.", "- If you do not have income you will not be allowed to contribute to a Roth IRA. If your income is less than $10,000 you cannot contribute up to the limit. Your contribution is reduced. Use the IRS worksheet to calculate your new reduced Roth IRA contribution limit.f you do not have income you will not be allowed to contribute to a Roth IRA. If your income is less than $10,000 you cannot contribute up to the limit. Your contribution is reduced. Use the IRS worksheet to calculate your new reduced Roth IRA contribution limit.", "- Contributions into a Roth 401(k). Contributions to a Roth 401(k) or Roth IRA are not tax-deductible. Traditional 401(k) or IRA contributions provide participants with a tax deduction in the year when the contributions are made.", "- If you receive a distribution from your Roth IRA that is not a qualified distribution, part of it may be taxable. There is a set order in which contributions (including conversion contributions and rollover contributions from qualified retirement plans) and earnings are considered to be distributed from your Roth IRA.", "The Scoop on Roth Iras - Are Withdrawals Tax-Free or Not? Your Roth IRA withdrawals may be taxable if: 1 You’ve not met the five-year rule yet for opening the Roth and you are under age 59 ½: You will pay income taxes and a 10% penalty tax on earnings that are withdrawn (the 10% penalty may be waived if you meet one of the eight exceptions to the early withdrawal penalty tax).", "Can I open/contribute to a ROTH IRA account if I am unemployed? No. You must have income to open or contribute to a Roth IRA. Furthermore, you may not contribute more than your income in any one year. It is your responsibility to make sure that your contributions are qualified. Your IRA administrator is not responsible for making sure you qualify.our income must come from an employment such as job or a commision base job, so if you earn no income this year, you can't open or contribute anything. When I do a Roth IRA for someone, the form says I must put in an employment address of the client.", "- Roth IRA contributions are not taxed at the time you contribute the funds to your Roth IRA. However, your contributions come from post-tax income. You pay taxes on your income today, but not in the future. Roth IRAs do not receive a tax break that pre-tax retirement accounts such as Traditional IRAs and 401k plans receive.", "Bicarbonate The bicarbonate ion (hydrogencarbonate ion) is an anion with the empirical formula H C O 3 − and a molecular mass of 61.01 daltons; it consists of one central carbon atom surrounded by three oxygen atoms in a trigonal planar arrangement, with a hydrogen atom attached to one of the oxygens.", "Do I Report a Roth IRA Contribution on a 1040? A Roth IRA lets you save for retirement and offers several tax advantages over a traditional IRA. As of 2012, you can contribute up to $5,000 per year if you are under age 50. In most cases, you do not report a Roth contribution on your 1040. Roth IRA is not tax deductible when you make the contribution. That means you cannot subtract the amount you contribute from your tax return. In exchange, you can withdraw the amount tax-free when you reach 59 1/2-years-old. You also get to take out your earnings tax free.", "- Contributions. Contributing to a Roth IRA doesn't change your adjusted gross income, because the contributions are made with after-tax dollars. For example, say your salary is $80,000, you don't qualify for any other above-the-line deductions, and you contribute $5,000 to your Roth IRA.", "- Roth IRA contributions are not taxed at the time you contribute the funds to your Roth IRA. However, your contributions come from post-tax income. You pay taxes on your income today, but not in the future.hether or not your withdrawal from a Roth IRA is taxes depends on a few factors. First, the funds must have been in the Roth IRA for at least five years before they can be withdrawn. Additional factors include: 1 When the withdrawal was made.", "- The IRS severely limits the ability to contribute to a Roth IRA for individuals that are married but file separately. If you do not have income you will not be allowed to contribute to a Roth IRA. If your income is less than $10,000 you cannot contribute up to the limit. Your contribution is reduced.Use the IRS worksheet to calculate your new reduced Roth IRA contribution limit.lick here to see current Roth IRA contribution limits. The Internal Revenue Service has a set of rules that individuals must meet to be qualified to invest in a Roth IRA. One set of rules pertains to income limits. If your income exceeds a certain amount you will not be allowed to contribute to a Roth IRA." ]
what are voles?
[ "Voles Appearance. Voles, sometimes commonly called meadow mice, are small, ground-dwelling rodents that range from about 5-8 inches long with a body that is more robust than a mouse. They have relatively short legs and tails, and their body fur is brownish and black. The vole’s head is round shaped and the snout is blunt." ]
[ "Mole Facts Voles (often incorrectly referred to as “meadow mice”) tend to travel in mole tunnels and often are the cause of damage to roots, bulbs, and tubers within. If you suspect that you have a pest other than moles, we do NOT recommend using our product. It is not intended for use with any other pest.", "Common vole Distribution and habitat [edit]. The common vole is hardly restricted in means of distribution and habitat and inhabits large areas of Eurasia. As Microtus arvalis followed human civilization, primary and secondary habitats can be distinguished.The primary habitats are everything but dense forests, such as meadows, heath lands, and fallow land.istribution and habitat [edit]. The common vole is hardly restricted in means of distribution and habitat and inhabits large areas of Eurasia. As Microtus arvalis followed human civilization, primary and secondary habitats can be distinguished.", "Shrews Shrews. Shrews, which are insectivores rather than rodents, are intriguing little animals. They are voracious nocturnal predators with a high metabolic rates—in fact so high that they must hunt and eat frequently or face the real possibility of quickly dying of starvation. When sleeping, however, shrews sometimes conserve energy by falling into a torpor, which lowers their body temperature.", "Voles and Moles in the Lawn Moles seem to be much better known, but it’s really voles causing much of the damage chalked up to moles. It’s important to know which pest you’ve got because effective mole control and vole control depends on targeting the right action to the right animal.", "Meadow vole The meadow vole (Microtus pennsylvanicus), sometimes called the field mouse or meadow mouse, is a North American vole found across Canada, Alaska and the northern United States.he meadow vole (Microtus pennsylvanicus), sometimes called the field mouse or meadow mouse, is a North American vole found across Canada, Alaska and the northern United States.", "Just What are Voles and What Are They Doing In My Garden? Voles, also known as mice, live in field, forest, and shrub habitats. Voles can cause extensive damage when they move into our turf and landscaped gardens in search of food and shelter. Voles do not hibernate and are active throughout the year. They can reproduce year round having many litters per year.", "- Numbers do not necessarily match those in definitions. See instructions at Help:How to check translations. Note: There is a systematic error in the entries below. Vole refers to hundreds of small rodent species living in all kinds of habitats. Many, but probably not all, of the translations refer to the water vole, which is just one of the many species. When translating vole into other languages, one should look for words that refer to the voles as a group. Further details can be found on the Wikipedia articles on vole and on many of the species.", "How to Deal with Voles (Field Mice) in Your Yard or Garden Tags: , pests. Vole (field mouse) found in my yard. I’ve seen the damage that voles (field mice) can do in a yard or garden; including vanishing bulbs, gnawed bark, crippled roots, nibbled stems, and pathways in the lawn.", "Vole The average life of the smaller vole species is three to six months. These voles rarely live longer than 12 months. Larger species, such as the European water vole, live longer and usually die during their second, or rarely their third, winter. As many as 88% of voles are estimated to die within the first month of life.escription [edit]. Voles are small rodents that grow to 3–9 in (7.6–22.9 cm), depending on the species. They can have five to 10 litters per year. Gestation lasts for three weeks and the young voles reach sexual maturity in a month.", "What Animal Will Eat Tomato Plants? The animals sometimes chew the stems and leaves, or they may just eat through the stems, leaving a severed tomato plant. Often, evidence that voles are eating your plants are narrow grooves in the leaves, which are created by the animal's two front teeth.", "- Definition of mite for Students 1: a tiny animal that is related to and resembles the spider and often lives as a parasite on plants and other animals 2: a very small person, thing, or amount", "How to Remove Voles from Your House, Yard & Lawn Voles, also known as meadow/field mice, are not mice, in fact. Though both of them belong to the same rodent family, they are classified into different groups. Voles are short-tailed, blunt-faced rodents, while mice are long-tailed, pointed-nose ones. The vole has a short tail and a blunt head. 1 Typically, the former pest is dark brown or gray, 2 and its size is about 3-6 inches long from nose to tail. It has small ears and small eyes.", "- Volans, meaning the flying fish, is a small, faint constellation that is circumpolar in the southern hemisphere. Its brightest star is Beta Volantis, an orange giant found 107 light-years away with a magnitude of 3.77.", "- Sheep (Ovis aries) are quadrupedal, ruminant mammals typically kept as livestock. Like all ruminants, sheep are members of the order Artiodactyla, the even-toed ungulates. Although the name sheep applies to many species in the genus Ovis, in everyday usage it almost always refers to Ovis aries.", "Voles: These Little Rodents Can do a Lot of Damage A. Voles are well known for eating the roots of plants, consuming Spring bulbs and tubers underground (other than daffodils, fritillaria, and garlic, which they avoid), and for chewing on the bark of trees and shrubs—especially over the winter.", "What Break Periods Am I Entitled To? (2018) 1 If you work over 5 hours in a day, you are entitled to a meal break of at least 30 minutes. 2 BUT, you can agree with your boss to waive this meal period provided you do not work more than 6 hours in the workday. 3 You can also agree with your boss to an on-duty meal break which counts as time worked and is paid.", "How to Remove Voles from Your House, Yard & Lawn Not only can voles destroy your lawn, they can kill your trees too. Unlike meadow mice, moles are insectivores, meaning that they aren’t interested in plants. Their diet usually consists of earthworms, grubs and insects.", "- How to Kill Voles. If voles, more commonly known as field mice, are taking over your garden, garage, home or other area, they may be eating everything that they can put in their mouths.You can find out how to kill voles, though, to prevent these fast-breeding vermin from becoming a total infestation.Ad. Build a bird perch or multiple. 2 You can do this to encourage both owls and hawks. 3 Release an outdoor cat in your area. 4 While you may receive the gift of a dead rodent at your door, this is an appropriate natural method because the cat is attracted to the hunt and kill of this vermin.", "Water Vole The Water Vole is one of six species of Vole found in the UK today. Water Vole Anatomy and Appearance The Water Vole is a small sized rodent with a dark brown coat of fur, that has a number of black hairs scattered across it, and a lighter, greyish underside.he Water Vole is one of six species of Vole found in the UK today. Water Vole Anatomy and Appearance The Water Vole is a small sized rodent with a dark brown coat of fur, that has a number of black hairs scattered across it, and a lighter, greyish underside.", "- Different types of voles exhibit different signs. Below Ground Foraging Vole Types have a network of tunnels underground and under the mulch, and they damage plants from below the ground. They are rarely seen above ground and only have a few burrow openings.t is possible that you may have voles, gophers, and moles all on the same property! Sometimes there is confusion figuring out what type of pest(s) you have because all three of these pests live the majority of their lives underground and are seldom seen.", "Controlling Nuisance Moles Shrews and meadow voles frequently use mole tunnels as runways and travel lanes. Shrews, like moles, are insectivorous and eat little vegetation. Meadow voles eat a wide variety of vegetative matter and may damage plant life. Moles, shrews and meadow voles can be similar in appearance.", "The next Father's Day will be: Sunday, 18 June 2017. (That's only 43 weeks and 6 days away!) Father's day is held on the third Sunday of June in many countries. It is a worldwide celebration of fathers, fatherhood and the influence that fathers make to the lives of their children and society. For more information, see Father's Day on Wikipedia.", "- Mites are tiny arthropods, related to ticks. Several types of mites can be found in homes and of these a few may bite humans. Most mites are harmless predators of insects, or feeders on decaying plant material. Some pest mites feed on stored products like cheese and grain.", "Volcanism Volcanism is the phenomenon of eruption of molten rock (magma) onto the surface of the Earth or a solid-surface planet or moon, where lava, pyroclastics and volcanic gases erupt through a break in the surface called a vent.ome of this magma may cool extremely rapidly and will form volcanic glass (rocks without crystals) such as obsidian. Magma that remains trapped below ground in thin intrusions cools slower than magma exposed to the surface and produces rocks with medium-sized crystals.", "Identifying Moles, Voles and Shrews Shrews hunt for insects above ground and in tunnels made by moles or voles. Shrews are much smaller than moles (3 to 4 inches in body length) and are mouse-like in appearance with a long, pointed snout, a short dense coat of fur, and small eyes." ]
how many people died at the battle of gettysburg
[ "- Aftermath at Gettysburg and the American Civil War. The Battle of Gettysburg changed the lives of not only the soldiers, but also Gettysburg’s residents. The Battle of Gettysburg resulted in 51,000 casualties (killed, wounded, captured and missing)." ]
[ "Battle of Gettysburg: Facts, Summary & Significance Instructor: Daniel Vermilya. The Battle of Gettysburg, fought in July 1863, was a Union victory that stopped Confederate General Robert E. Lee's second invasion of the North. More than 50,000 men fell as casualties during the 3-day battle, making it the bloodiest battle of the American Civil War.he Battle of Gettysburg was the largest and bloodiest battle ever fought in North America. More than 50,000 men fell as casualties (men listed as killed, wounded, or missing/captured). Gettysburg was the turning point of the American Civil War.", "How many people were in the Battle of Gettysburg? The Battle of Gettysburg was one of the few battles where almost both entire armies were engaged in the Civil War. There were 93,921 (recorded) Union troops and 71,699 (record…ed) confederates were engaged at Gettysburg.", "10 Facts: Gettysburg The first day of fighting at the Battle of Gettysburg (at McPherson’s Ridge, Oak Hill, Oak Ridge, Seminary Ridge, Barlow’s Knoll and in and around the town) involved some 50,000 soldiers of which roughly 15,500 were killed, wounded, captured or missing.", "- The bloodiest one day battle in American History is the Battle of Antietam (Sharpsburg), Maryland, fought September 17th, 1862, during the American Civil War. Total Union and … Confederate casualties were 3,654 killed, 17,292 wounded, and 1,771 captured or missing, for a total of 22,717. The bloodiest battle in American history is the Battle of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, fought July 1st, 2nd, and 3rd, 1863, during the American Civil War.", "- The Battle of Gettysburg, fought in July 1863, was a Union victory that stopped Confederate General Robert E. Lee's second invasion of the North.he Battle of Gettysburg was the largest and bloodiest battle ever fought in North America. More than 50,000 men fell as casualties (men listed as killed, wounded, or missing/captured). Gettysburg was the turning point of the American Civil War.", "- Share. The Battle of Gettysburg was fought from 1st to 3rd July 1863, in Pennsylvania. The battle resulted the largest number of casualties in any battle of the entire war, and was the turning point of the American Civil War. Over three days General George Meade’s Army of the Potomac defeated the Confederate army of General Robert E. Lee’s, ending Confederate attempts to invade the North.", "Pickett's Charge While the Union lost about 1,500 killed and wounded, the Confederate casualty rate was over 50%. Pickett's division suffered 2,655 casualties (498 killed, 643 wounded, 833 wounded and captured, and 681 captured, unwounded). Pettigrew's losses are estimated to be about 2,700 (470 killed, 1,893 wounded, 337 captured).", "American History Chapter 15 Section 5 The Battle of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania-Union Victory. - The Confederacy suffered 28,000 casualties-It was a 3 day battle-The Union suffered 23,000 casualties-Lee lost almost one-third of his troops.   . - After 6 weeks, Confederate troops gave up-This along with the defeat at Gettysburg, made July 1863 the major turning point of the Civil War for the South. The Union now had the upper hand.", "Three Haunted Locations in Gettysburg, PA Like the ghosts of Gettysburg. The Battle of Gettysburg was one of the bloodiest in American history. With around 50,000 young men dying over the course of the three day fight, it’s no wonder Gettysburg is reputed to be one of the most haunted places in the United States. (Image: Google Street View)", "- Unable to print................................................................................................................ ....................................................34. HP support.....................................................................................................................", "At Gettysburg, Death And Transformation At Gettysburg, Death And Transformation. The last guns fell silent sometime around 6 on the evening of July 3, 1863. For three days, the massive, Armageddon-like conflict had raged south of the little crossroads town in southeast Pennsylvania, involving 75,000 Confederate and 83,000 Federal soldiers in all.", "- Key People. Battle of Gettysburg, (July 1–3, 1863), major engagement in the American Civil War, fought 35 miles (56 km) southwest of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, that was a crushing Southern defeat.", "Battle of Gettysburg On the third day of battle, fighting resumed on Culp's Hill, and cavalry battles raged to the east and south, but the main event was a dramatic infantry assault by 12,500 Confederates against the center of the Union line on Cemetery Ridge, known as Pickett's Charge.he first day at Gettysburg, more significant than simply a prelude to the bloody second and third days, ranks as the 23rd biggest battle of the war by number of troops engaged. About one quarter of Meade's army (22,000 men) and one third of Lee's army (27,000) were engaged.", "7 Things You Should Know About the Battle of Gettysburg During the Civil War, America experienced three bloody days unlike any others in its history. The Battle of Gettysburg left 51,000 Union and Confederate soldiers dead, maimed or missing. Explore seven ways that Gettysburg changed the course of the Civil War—and the history of America itself.", "- This site lists the dead being spread out over a 25 square mile area. http://www.gettysburgfoundation.org/39/history-of-gettysburg. Roughly 7,000 men died on the battlefield at Gettysburg in three days of fighting — almost three times the population of the town (2,400). Bodies lay over 25 square miles of ground.", "- The bloodiest single day of battle was Antietam (26,134 casualties). The bloodiest battle, however - which lasted three days - was Gettysburg (51,112 casualties). July 21, 1861.", "Battle of Gettysburg Battle of Gettysburg. Battle of Gettysburg, (July 1–3, 1863), major engagement in the American Civil War, fought 35 miles (56 km) southwest of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, that was a crushing Southern defeat.", "Battle of Gettysburg Battle of Gettysburg. For other uses, see Battle of Gettysburg (disambiguation). The Battle of Gettysburg (local /ˈɡɛtᵻsbɜːrɡ/, with an /s/ sound) was fought July 1–3, 1863, in and around the town of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, by Union and Confederate forces during the American Civil War. The battle involved the largest number of casualties of the entire war and is often described as the war's turning point.", "How many Americans have died in U.S. wars? Nearly 500,000 military personnel died during the U.S. Civil War. That’s almost half of all Americans who have ever died during wartime, and more than a hundred times more than died during the American Revolution, according to the latest estimates from the Department of Defense and the Department of Veterans Affairs.", "Battle of Gettysburg: Facts, Summary & Significance The Battle of Gettysburg was the largest and bloodiest battle ever fought in North America. More than 50,000 men fell as casualties (men listed as killed, wounded, or missing/captured). Gettysburg was the turning point of the American Civil War.In an attempt to prevent the Union from capturing Vicksburg and gaining control of the Mississippi, General Lee ended up in the initial fighting at Gettysburg on July 1, 1863.he Battle of Gettysburg was the largest and bloodiest battle ever fought in North America. More than 50,000 men fell as casualties (men listed as killed, wounded, or missing/captured). Gettysburg was the turning point of the American Civil War.", "Civil War Casualties The Civil War was America's bloodiest conflict. The unprecedented violence of battles such as Shiloh, Antietam, Stones River, and Gettysburg shocked citizens and international observers alike. Nearly as many men died in captivity during the Civil War as were killed in the whole of the Vietnam War. Hundreds of thousands died of disease. Roughly 2% of the population, an estimated 620,000 men, lost their lives in the line of duty.", "- The Battle of Gettysburg - July 1863. Prisoners of War. The frequently cited casualty figures for the Battle of Gettysburg often focus on the killed and wounded for those terrible three days. The 10,000 or so dead were buried on the field, interred elsewhere, or lost among the nooks of the vast battlefield. The about 30,000 wounded received what care they could.", "- The Battle of Gettysburg started on July 1, 1863, when Lee’s Army of Northern Virginia met Gen. George Meade’s Union Army of the Potomac.During the three-day battle, about 165,000 soldiers clashed in and around the small town of Gettysburg (battle-era population: 2,400).he Battle of Gettysburg started on July 1, 1863, when Lee’s Army of Northern Virginia met Gen. George Meade’s Union Army of the Potomac.", "Civil War Facts Though the number of killed and wounded in the Civil War is not known precisely, most sources agree that the total number killed was between 640,000 and 700,000, broken down with over 360,000 Union soldiers and over 260,000 Confederate soldiers.", "- 1 An exact count of soldiers who died in combat and from disease during the Civil War is impossible, historians say. 2 Prof Hacker estimates between 650,000 - 850,000 deaths, but believes the most likely number was about 750,000." ]
what causes hair to break
[ "- Most of the causes of black hair breakage are similar to the ones that cause hair breakage. Additional causes of black hair breakages include use of hair extensions, alcohol containing styling products and tight platting. Furthermore, use of the incorrect hair care and styling products can cause it to break.", "What Causes Hair Breakage? A deficiency of vitamins B and E and iron may lead to hair breakage. Good sources of vitamin B include meat, poultry, milk, bananas and broccoli. Vitamin E-rich foods include nuts, salmon and spinach. Too little iron in your diet can also cause your hair to break off.", "Why is This Happening? Over Processing. A common result of over processing is heat damage. Heat damage from excessive heat styling is a major cause of breakage, and comes from over-employing your straightener, hair dryer, and other tools. It causes the ends to “fry” and change texture. Over processing can mean more than just using your flat iron too frequently, however." ]
[ "Why is This Happening? 2. A common result of over processing is heat damage. Heat damage from excessive heat styling is a major cause of breakage, and comes from over-employing your straightener, hair dryer, and other tools. It causes the ends to “fry” and change texture.", "- Rating Newest Oldest. Best Answer: Baking temps of 400-degrees to 425 are best for most puff pastry dough. Cooler temps will not create enough steam in the products to leaven them well. Higher temps will set the crust too quickly.My brother, who is a pastry chef, didnt give me a time.He said until golden.ating Newest Oldest. Best Answer: Baking temps of 400-degrees to 425 are best for most puff pastry dough. Cooler temps will not create enough steam in the products to leaven them well. Higher temps will set the crust too quickly.", "Hair Loss in Men and Women (Alopecia) 1 Hair loss from breakage of the hair shaft is different than hair loss due to decreased hair growth. 2 Androgenetic hair loss is seen in both men and women but is more dramatic in men. Thyroid disease, anemia, protein deficiency, chemotherapy, and low vitamin levels may cause hair loss.", "Overview Hair loss occurs when this cycle of hair growth and shedding is disrupted or when the hair follicle is destroyed and replaced with scar tissue. The exact cause of hair loss may not be fully understood, but it's usually related to one or more of the following factors: Family history (heredity) Hormonal changes.", "Top 10 reasons for hair loss in women #5 Labour. Many women experience hair fall after their delivery. This is because, during pregnancy, there is a peak in the hormone estrogen so you can expect a full head of hair. But once the baby is delivered, hormones go back to their normal phase which may result in hair falling out at once.", "Causes of Hair Loss in Men Causes of Hair Loss in Men. The Mechanism of Male Hair Loss: DHT. DHT causes “miniaturization” of hair follicles. Hereditary hair loss in men (androgenetic alopecia) is caused by the action of the hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT) on genetically susceptible scalp hair follicles. Normally, hair follicles cycle through a growth stage (anagen), which lasts 2-6 years, and a resting stage (telogen), which lasts approximately 1–4 months.", "- Common causes of hair loss include: 1 Ringworm of the scalp, which is common in children. 2 Mental stress or physical stress, such as recent surgery, illness, or high fever. 3 Hair styling and products. 4 Age. 5 Poor nutrition, especially lack of protein or iron in the diet. 6 Thyroid diseases, including hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism.", "What Are the Causes of Weak Hair in Women? A woman's hair is often her crowning glory, so when it begins to break and thin it can be an embarrassing experience. If you have weak hair, understanding the various causes of your changing hair can help you become better equipped to both prevent weakness and treat your hair.", "Overview 1 This type of hair loss usually affects just the scalp, but it sometimes also occurs in beards or eyebrows. In some cases, your skin may become itchy or painful before the hair falls out. Sudden loosening of hair. A physical or emotional shock can cause hair to loosen.", "21 Reasons Why You're Losing Your Hair Emotional stress is less likely to cause hair loss than physical stress, but it can happen, for instance, in the case of divorce, after the death of a loved one, or while caring for an aging parent. More often, though, emotional stress won't actually precipitate the hair loss.", "11 Causes of Hair Breakage 5) Use of sulfate shampoos: Certain sulfate shampoos (e.g., shampoos containing SLS and ALS) can be harsh on the hair thus weakening the strands. Switching to a more gentle sulfate shampoo or a natural shampoo can mitigate this issue. Read More Causes of Breakage in Natural Hair on the next page.", "Get Stuff We Love Eating the daily recommended levels of fish, meat, and dairy should give you enough vitamin B for healthy hair. Stress or poor diet can cause breaking and thinning hair, but when people notice a change in their hair, they might want to visit a doctor.", "- Causes of Hair Loss. 1 Alopecia Areata Alopecia areata is a condition that causes hair loss on the scalp and sometimes other parts of the body. 2 Bone Cancer Bone cancer is a rare type of cancer that occurs in cells that make up the bones.", "Overview 1 This type of hair loss usually affects just the scalp, but it sometimes also occurs in beards or eyebrows. 2 In some cases, your skin may become itchy or painful before the hair falls out. 3 Sudden loosening of hair. 4 A physical or emotional shock can cause hair to loosen.", "- Hair disorders can be caused by any of the following: 1 Alopecia (nonscarring) -- skin disorders, certain drugs, certain diseases, autoimmunity, iron deficiency, severe stress, scalp radiation, pregnancy, or pulling at your own hair. 2 Alopecia (scarring) -- skin disorders, diseases, or bacterial infections.", "What are the causes for men to go bald? Hair loss is a very common condition and affects most people at some time in their lives. Hair loss from breakage of the hair shaft is different than hair loss due to decreased hair growth. Androgenetic hair loss is seen in both men and women but is more dramatic in men. Thyroid disease, anemia, protein deficiency, chemotherapy, and low vitamin levels may cause hair loss.", "How to Prevent Hair Breakage 1 Limiting the use of excessive heat. 2 Only use hot blow dryers and curling irons when absolutely necessary. 3 Utilizing a reputable product that is designed to treat and prevent hair breakage such as our editor's choice hair breakage treatment, H2 Ion.", "11 Causes of Hair Breakage 4) Diet low in zinc, iron, and/or Vitamin B-12: A deficiency in any of these nutrients can result in weaker strands (and thus breakage) or even hair loss. Taking a good multivitamin on a daily basis can ensure that you are receiving a sufficient amount of these nutrients.", "What is Total Manufacturing Cost? What is Total Manufacturing Cost? Definition: The total manufacturing cost is the total expense incurred by a firms production process during a given period. Management and investors often compare it to total revenues to determine a firms profitability.", "Why does my hair break off? Use leave in conditioner as this will help moisten the hair. When you blow dry your hair make sure the hairdryer is at least 4 inches from the hair to allow for the hair to breath and not get to hot. Trimming the hair periodically is very important in the treatment and prevention of hair breakage and split ends. A razor should not be used to trim the hair as it can cause further damage to the hair. In between haircuts you should also try to minimize the stress on the strands of the hair.", "- You use a sulfate packed shampoo. Sulfates dry the hair and strip the scalp of its natural oils--causing the hair to be weak, brittle, and dull. This makes styling an extreme risk to the health of your hair, especially if you use a comb or brush, flat iron, or hair ties. Weaker hair means breakage prone. Next time, check the bottle of your cleanser to make sure it is sulfate-free.", "- Protect your hair from heat. Heat denatures the keratins (proteins) of the hair shaft weakening it and making it prone to split ends. Heat treatments are a major cause of damage and split ends. This includes hot blow drying, heat styling, straightening and curling through heat, and steam treatments.", "What can cause hair to fall out? 1 Hormonal changes and imbalances can cause temporary hair loss. This could be due to pregnancy, childbirth or the onset of menopause. Hormone levels are also affected by the thyroid gland, so thyroid problems may cause hair loss. Patchy hair loss.", "How to Prevent Hair from Breaking Off How to Prevent Hair from Breaking Off. Preventing hair breakage is important, whether you're trying to grow your hair longer or want healthy and shiny hair. When your hair breaks off, it becomes weakened and the ends split. Thus, the split ends travel up the hair shaft shortening the hair.", "- May 18, 2013. There is a wide range of possible causes that can lead to hair loss, and one of them is specific nutrient deficiencies such as certain vitamins, minerals, and protein deficiency." ]
what causes gall bladder infections?
[ "Overview The gallbladder holds a digestive fluid that's released into your small intestine (bile). In most cases, gallstones blocking the tube leading out of your gallbladder cause cholecystitis. This results in a bile buildup that can cause inflammation. Other causes of cholecystitis include bile duct problems, tumors, serious illness and certain infections." ]
[ "- A gallstone stuck in the cystic duct, a tube that carries bile from the gallbladder, is most often the cause of sudden (acute) cholecystitis. The gallstone blocks fluid from passing out of the gallbladder. This results in an irritated and swollen gallbladder.", "Simple Baked Chicken Drumsticks Directions. 1 Put some olive oil in the bottom of a 9X13 pan (just enough to put the drumsticks on). 2 Add drumsticks (space enough apart so they aren't touching each other). 3 Sprinkle generously with pepper and garlic powder. 4 Sprinkle lightly with salt. 5 Bake at 375 for half an hour. Bake at 375 for half an hour. 2 Turn drumsticks over and add more garlic powder, pepper and salt (same as before). 3 Bake another half an hour (or until cooked til 160 degrees)).", "Urinary Tract Infections Cystitis is usually caused by bacteria entering the urinary system, moving up the urethra, and multiplying in the urine. Chronic constipation, enlarged prostate, kidney stones, pregnancy and the use of the contraceptive diaphragm can all contribute to having cystitis. These cause blockage of the urethra.", "How do I recognize the Symptoms of a Gallbladder Attack? Gallbladder Pain. Gallbladder infection almost always causes severe pain, which usually begins in the right or middle upper abdomen. Over time, the pain increases in intensity and becomes more generalized, a characteristic that helps distinguish a gallbladder infection from a gallbladder attack.", "- Bladder infections -- more broadly referred to as urinary tract infections or UTIs -- occur when bacteria enter the urinary tract, causing inflammation in the bladder and urethra. This results in swelling, pain and difficulty urinating.", "- A gallstone stuck in the cystic duct , a tube that carries bile from the gallbladder, is most often the cause of sudden (acute) cholecystitis. The gallstone blocks fluid from passing out of the gallbladder. This results in an irritated and swollen gallbladder.", "Burger King Whopper I am a fan of the whopper (it is my favorite burger and the only fast food that I eat) and now that I have this recipe no need to go there anymore. We tried it yesterday and all the family love it so much that we ate it again tonight.", "Bladder Infection (Cystitis) Viruses can rarely cause bladder infections. Viral cystitis can occur in individuals after bone marrow transplantation and in other individuals with a weakened immune system (immunocompromised individuals). Adenovirus can cause bladder infections and BK virus is another virus that can cause bladder infections in individuals who have undergone bone marrow transplantation.", "Urinary Retention Symptoms & Causes. Symptoms of a bladder infection may include a burning feeling when you urinate. Most infections in women are caused by bacteria from the bowel that reach the urethra and bladder. Most infections in men are the result of problems that restrict normal urine flow, such as an enlarged prostate. Diagnosis Health care professionals use your medical history, a physical exam, and tests to diagnose a bladder infection.", "What's to know about urinary tract infections? Causes of urinary tract infections. The vast majority of UTI cases are caused by the bacterium Escherichia coli (E. coli), usually found in the digestive system. Chlamydia and Mycoplasma bacteria can infect the urethra but not the bladder.", "Overview 1 If bile builds up within your gallbladder, causing cholecystitis, the bile may become infected. 2 Death of gallbladder tissue. 3 Untreated cholecystitis can cause tissue in the gallbladder to die, which in turn can lead to a tear in the gallbladder, or it may cause your gallbladder to burst.", "What is septic gall bladder? I would like to help you find an answer. This is basically where an infected gall bladder opens up to the rest of the body and spills toxins/bacteria/etc and causes sepsis or a body wide infection. The cause is usually a gall bladder infection that is not taken care of it and it spreads outside of the bladder.", "Cholecystitis Cholecystitis is inflammation of the gallbladder.[8] Symptoms include right upper abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and occasionally fever. Often gallbladder attacks (biliary colic) precede acute cholecystitis. The pain lasts longer in cholecystitis than in a typical gallbladder attack. Without appropriate treatment, recurrent episodes of cholecystitis are common.", "Overview Cholecystitis occurs when your gallbladder becomes inflamed. Gallbladder inflammation can be caused by: Gallstones. Most cholecystitis is the result of hard particles that develop in your gallbladder (gallstones) from imbalances in the substances in bile, such as cholesterol and bile salts.", "Gall Bladder Infection Severe illness can also affect the function of bile duct causing cholecystitis. If the person suffers from burn injuries it may affect the gallbladder seriously. Even sepsis can cause gall bladder infection. In children, gall stones are formed over a period of time when viral infections are not treated properly. If the body’s immunity is lowered or if the immune system is not functioning well, it can affect the gallbladder causing infection.", "Bladder Infection (Cystitis) Rarely, bladder infection can be caused by a fungus. Candida is the most common fungus to cause bladder infection. Candida infections of the bladder and urinary tract are much less common than bacterial infections.", "Acute Cholecystitis Acute cholecystitis is inflammation of the gallbladder that develops over hours, usually because a gallstone obstructs the cystic duct. Symptoms include right upper quadrant pain and tenderness, sometimes accompanied by fever, chills, nausea, and vomiting.", "Bladder Infection (Cystitis) Urinary retention can be a cause of bladder infection. Furthermore, if urinary retention becomes more serious, causing pain and kidney dysfunction, Foley catheters may become necessary to empty the bladder and relieve the bladder pressure caused by excessive retention of urine.", "- Most bladder infections are caused by various strains of E. coli, bacteria that normally live in the gut. Women sometimes get bladder infections after sex.Vaginal intercourse makes it easier for bacteria to reach the bladder through the urethra. The risk for bladder infection -- dubbed honeymoon cystitis -- increases with frequent sex.hey are common in women, but very rare in men. More than half of all women get at least one bladder infection at some time in their lives. However, a man's chance of getting cystitis increases as he ages, due to in part to an increase in prostate size.", "The Gall Bladder: What It Does, How to Tell If Yours Is Sick & How to Get It Healthy These are just some of the symptoms of gall bladder disease, and many of these symptoms can be mistaken for other conditions like kidney stones, heart attack, and hepatitis. If you have any of the above symptoms, the best thing to do is consult a doctor to determine your condition and discuss your options for treatment.", "- Most bladder infections are caused by various strains of E. coli, bacteria that normally live in the gut. Women sometimes get bladder infections after sex.Vaginal intercourse makes it easier for bacteria to reach the bladder through the urethra. The risk for bladder infection -- dubbed honeymoon cystitis -- increases with frequent sex.ore than half of all women get at least one bladder infection at some time in their lives. However, a man's chance of getting cystitis increases as he ages, due to in part to an increase in prostate size.", "Candida Albicans and Bladder Infections While there are a number of different bacteria that can cause a bladder infection, one of the most common is Candida. While it is ok in your stomach (in the right amount), it should not be in your urinary tract. I believe that the majority of my bladder infections were caused by Candida Albicans for a few reasons.", "Urinary Tract Infection Quiz Urinary stones or an enlarged prostate can obstruct the flow of urine and cause a urinary tract infection in men. Catheters placed in the urethra or bladder can introduce bacteria into the urinary tract and cause a UTI.", "Bladder Infection (Cystitis) Simple Bladder Infection. A bladder infection causes inflammation (irritation and swelling) of the bladder and urethra. This causes the sudden development of a predictable group of symptoms. Many women who have had a bladder infection in the past can identify the symptoms easily when they develop another infection.", "- An exclusive review of Pumpkin Enzyme Peel Product, Know more about Pumpkin Enzyme Peel Product, its pros & cons on the beauty insiders. Peter Thomas Roth’s Pumpkin Peel is designed to rid skin of excess debris." ]
meaning of a navigate
[ "navigate navigates; navigated; navigating. Learner's definition of NAVIGATE. 1. : to find the way to get to a place when you are traveling in a ship, airplane, car, etc. [no object] For thousands of years, sailors navigated by the stars." ]
[ "steering (stîr) v. steered, steer·ing, steers. v.tr. 1. a. To guide (a vessel or vehicle), especially by means of a device such as a rudder, paddle, or wheel: steered the car around the curve. b. To set and follow (a course): steered a path around the rocks.", "detour detour. n. 1. (Navigation) a deviation from a direct, usually shorter route or course of action. vb.", "maneuver maneuver. 1 To make a controlled series of changes in movement or direction toward an objective: maneuvered to get closer to the stage. 2 To carry out a military or naval maneuver. 3 To act with skill or cunning in gaining an end: The opposition maneuvered to force a vote.", "portage Definition of portage. 1 1 : the labor of carrying or transporting. 2 2 archaic : the cost of carrying : porterage. 3 3a : the carrying of boats or goods overland from one body of water to another or around an obstacle (such as a rapids)b : the route followed in making such a transfer.", "divert divert definition: Divert is defined as to turn aside or distract from one direction to another. (verb) An example of divert is for a parent to bring a child to the park to take her attention away from construction at the house....", "divert Divert is defined as to turn aside or distract from one direction to another. An example of divert is for a parent to bring a child to the park to take her attention away from construction at the house. YourDictionary definition and usage example.", "trajectory A trajectory is the path of an object through space, or the path of life that a person chooses. The prefix tra- is short for trans-, which means across (think transport and transit) and the ject comes from jacere, which means throw and is also the root of the word jet. If you wanted to describe the path of a jet through the sky, you could refer to the jet's trajectory.", "- locate verb (MOVE). › [I + adv/prep] US to ​move to a ​place to do ​business: The ​company ​hopes to locate in ​its new ​offices by ​June. (Definition of locate from the Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary & Thesaurus © Cambridge University Press).", "PORTAGE portage - the cost of carrying or transporting. cost - the total spent for goods or services including money and time and labor. 2. portage - overland track between navigable waterways. cart track, cartroad, track - any road or path affording passage especially a rough one. 3. portage - carrying boats and supplies overland. carry - the act of carrying something", "Traverse Meaning The name Traverse is of French origin. The meaning of Traverse is traverse, travel. Traverse is generally used as a boy's name. It consists of 8 letters and 2 syllables and is pronounced Tra-verse.", "- Definition of travel. 1 1a : the act of traveling : passageb : a journey especially to a distant or unfamiliar place : tour, trip —often used in plural. 2 2 travels plural : an account of one's travels. 3 3 : the number traveling : traffic.", "Guide To lead or direct in a way; to conduct in a course or path; to pilot; as, to guide a traveler. 1 I wish . . . you 'ld guide me to your sovereign's court. 2 He will guide his affairs with discretion. 3 The meek will he guide in judgment. 4 He will be our guide, even unto death.", "steer steer. 1 to guide (a ship or boat) by means of a rudder. 2 to direct the course or movement of: to steer an automobile. 3 to oversee, direct, or guide: to steer a team to victory. 4 to set and follow (a course)", "rout 1. to dig over or turn up (something), esp (of an animal) with the snout; root. 2. (tr; usually foll by out or up) to get or find by searching. 3. (usually foll by: out) to force or drive out: they routed him out of bed at midnight.", "PORTAGE Dictionary entry overview: What does portage mean? • PORTAGE (noun) The noun PORTAGE has 3 senses: 1. the cost of carrying or transporting 2. overland track between navigable waterways 3. carrying boats and supplies overland Familiarity information: PORTAGE used as a noun is uncommon.", "- Define divert: to turn aside : deviate; to turn from one course or use to another : deflect; distract — divert in a sentence to turn aside : deviate; to turn from one course or use to another : deflect; distract…", "route Definition of route. 1 1a : a traveled way : highway the main route northb : a means of access : channel the route to social mobility — T. F. O'Dea. 2 2 : a line of travel : course. 3 3a : an established or selected course of travel or actionb : an assigned territory to be systematically covered a newspaper route.", "- Full Definition of TRANSPORT. 1. : an act or process of transporting: transportation. 2. 3. a: a ship for carrying soldiers or military equipment b: a vehicle (as a truck or airplane) used to transport persons or goods c: transportation 3. 4. : a transported convict. See transport defined for English-language learners.anish, exile, deport, transport mean to remove by authority from a state or country. banish implies compulsory removal from a country not necessarily one's own. exile may imply compulsory removal or an enforced or voluntary absence from one's own country.", "rove roam - move about aimlessly or without any destination, often in search of food or employment; The gypsies roamed the woods; roving vagabonds; the wandering Jew; The cattle roam across the prairie; the laborers drift from one town to the next; They rolled from town to town", "Discover the meaning of your name.Start Now (Locality). A name given to one who navigated the waters, or resided near them. Surname Variations: Source: An Etymological Dictionary of Family and Christian Names With an Essay on their Derivation and Import; Arthur, William, M.A.; New York, NY: Sheldon, Blake, Bleeker & CO., 1857.", "MCI 0033 Definition of convey for English Language Learners. : 1 to take or carry (someone or something) from one place to another. : 2 to make (something) known to someone. 3 law : to change the ownership of (property) from one person to another.", "How to Use the New Snapchat Like a Pro How to send an audio note in Snapchat. To record a short audio message to send to a friend, hold down on the phone handset icon and speak. You can send the sound byte to your friend by removing your finger from the screen.", "steer Definition of steer for English Language Learners. : 1 to control the direction in which something (such as a ship, car, or airplane) moves. — 2 used to describe how easy or difficult it is to steer a vehicle. : 3 to be moved or guided in a particular direction or along a particular course.", "EXPLORE MEANING IN URDU • Explore. ( 1 v. t.) To search through or into; to penetrate or range over for discovery; to examine thoroughly; as, to explore new countries or seas; to explore the depths of science. ( 2 v. t.) To seek for or after; to strive to attain by search; to look wisely and carefully for.", "route Definition of route for English Language Learners. : 1 a way to get from one place to another place. : 2 a way that someone or something regularly travels along. : 3 a way of achieving or doing something." ]
what does a spider bute sore look like
[ "1 / 12 How to Identify Common Bug Bites and Stings Mite bites do not usually spread disease, but they can irritate the skin and cause intense itching. Itch mites usually feed on insects, but will bite other animals, including people. The bites usually go unnoticed until itchy, red marks develop that may look like a skin rash. You may notice itching, hives, and swelling around an injury or sore, or a rash of small, red bumps that may or may not bleed. 2 Flea bites are more common on your ankles, in your armpits, around your waist, and in the bends of your knees and elbows." ]
[ "Brown Recluse Spider Bite You may have any of the following: 1 Severe swelling and pain at the site. 2 Blister that is blue in the center and ringed by redness. 3 Pimple-like lesion with yellow or green pus. Ulceration (break in skin or mucous 1 membrane) Rash that itches. Dark 1 urine. Fever, chills, nausea and vomiting, or seizures. Joint pain.", "Brown recluse spider The brown recluse, Loxosceles reclusa, Sicariidae (formerly placed in a family Loxoscelidae) is a spider with a venomous bite.Brown recluse spiders are usually between 6 and 20 millimetres (0.24 and 0.79 in), but may grow larger.While typically light to medium brown, they range in color from whitish to dark brown or blackish gray. The cephalothorax and abdomen are not necessarily the same color.ther recluse species, such as the desert recluse (found in the deserts of southwestern United States), are reported to have caused necrotic bite wounds, though only rarely. The hobo spider and the yellow sac spider have also been reported to cause necrotic bites.", "1 Skin Infection Pictures - Chicken Pox The most common form of impetigo often occurs on the face or limbs and is known for its honey-colored crust. This crust often looks like small blisters. There is a less common form of impetigo that causes large blisters, called bullae. This form tends to occur more in newborns and younger children.", "LymeMD - Lyme Disease Research Foundation Recognizing the Rash. If you are bitten by a tick, a small red bump may appear in a few days to a week, usually at the site of the bite — often in the groin, belt area or behind the knee. This bump may feel warm and tender when touched. However, The majority of tick bites do not transmit Lyme disease. If this tick bite has transmitted Lyme disease, the redness may expand over the next weeks and form a round or oval red rash, usually bigger than 5 centimeters in size.", "Intertrigo An intertrigo usually appears red and raw-looking, and may also itch, ooze, and be sore. Intertrigos occur more often among overweight individuals, those with diabetes, those restricted to bed rest or diaper use, and those who use medical devices, like artificial limbs, that trap moisture against the skin.", "Ticks Brown recluse spiders are extremely poisonous, and bites can cause infection and illness. They are found mostly in the Midwestern and Southeastern U.S. They are yellowish-tan to dark brown in color with darker legs that are about one inch in length. They have a characteristic violin pattern on their back.", "- Symptoms of a brown recluse spider bite include itching of the skin, pain and a blister at the bite site that gradually ulcerates, according to WebMD. In certain cases, the bites do not cause immediate discomfort, so an individual may be unaware he was bitten until additional symptoms develop. Full Answer >.", "How to Identify Insect Bites and Treat Them Bites from a black widow spider may be severe, since they can cause sharp pain, swelling, and redness. One may find one or two red fang marks on the skin and a nodule at the bitten site. Severe symptoms like nausea, vomiting, muscle cramps, seizures, and an increase in blood pressure may follow.", "Overview Typically, a spider bite looks like any other bug bite — a red, inflamed, sometimes itchy or painful bump on your skin — and may even go unnoticed. Harmless spider bites usually don't produce any other symptoms. Signs and symptoms of a black widow spider bite may include: Pain.", "Verrucas I was bitten by a brown recluse spider in 1973 on my left outside ankle. Five hours later, it began to itch, and later a blister formed. The next day, my ankle and foot turned black, red, green, and blue. The next day, I could not put weight on it, so I went to the doctor. He sent me home to elevate my foot.", "Spider Bites: Symptoms, Signs & Spider Bite Treatment The bite feels like a pinprick. You may not even know you've been bitten. In the United States, this spider is more common in the south. Signs and symptoms of a black widow spider bite may include: 1 At first, slight swelling and faint red marks. 2 Intense pain and stiffness.", "- The most common signs of any sort of Staph infection are: 1 Redness, swelling, and tenderness at the site of what may look like a pimple. 2 A painful, pus-filled rash. 3 What appears to be a cluster of severely infected spider bites, Impetigo with fluid-filled 1 blisters. Blisters or pus-filled boils or abscesses.", "- 1 Brown recluse bites cause local swelling, pain, itching, redness, tenderness, and blisters. They eventually form large ulcers and may cause tissue necrosis (death of the tissue in the area of the bite). Fever, chills, rash, nausea, and vomiting may develop.", "- ■ An untreated MRSA infection can become very serious. MRSA usually starts as a bump on the skin. It can be red, full of pus, warm, painful, or swollen, and may look like a spider bite. If you have a skin sore: ■ Contact a nurse or doctor right away.■ Don’t touch or pop the sore. An untreated MRSA infection can become very serious. MRSA usually starts as a bump on the skin. It can be red, full of pus, warm, painful, or swollen, and may look like a spider bite. If you have a skin sore: ■ Contact a nurse or doctor right away. ■ Don’t touch or pop the sore.", "Brown Recluse Spider Bite The violin pattern is seen with the base of the violin at the head of the spider and the neck of the violin pointing to the rear. These small non-hairy spiders are yellowish-tan to dark brown in color with darker legs.They have legs about one inch in length. The name of the genus, Loxosceles, means six eyes.he violin pattern is seen with the base of the violin at the head of the spider and the neck of the violin pointing to the rear. These small non-hairy spiders are yellowish-tan to dark brown in color with darker legs.", "Where can you find brown recluse spiders (globally)...and what do their bites look like? over the corse of a few days 3 or so the redness of the bite spreads and the center become a shade of brown the venom of a brown recluse spider is necrotic if left untreated the venom liquifies flesh and the flesh won t really grow back i ve seen people get nauseated pretty bad around day 3 or so from the poison", "Overview Varicose veins usually show up in the legs and feet, because standing and walking increases the pressure on these veins. They look like bulging, bluish cords beneath the surface of your skin.Spider veins are similar to varicose veins, but they are smaller and closer to the surface of your skin.aricose veins usually show up in the legs and feet, because standing and walking increases the pressure on these veins. They look like bulging, bluish cords beneath the surface of your skin.", "- Syphilis: Chancre-Topic Overview. The first symptom of syphilis is a sore called a chancre (say shanker) that is usually painless. The sore begins at the site of infection as a small, solid, raised skin sore less than 0.5 in.(1 cm) across. It develops into a red, usually painless open sore with a scooped-out appearance.yphilis: Chancre-Topic Overview. The first symptom of syphilis is a sore called a chancre (say shanker) that is usually painless. The sore begins at the site of infection as a small, solid, raised skin sore less than 0.5 in.", "Skin open sore and Skin rash Pustular psoriasis is a condition causing raised pus filled blisters on the skin and reddened skin. A brown recluse spider bite causes pain, redness, an open sore, nausea, muscle pain and fever. Toxic shock syndrome is a serious bacterial infection and causes fever, low blood pressure, a rash, and more.", "Would Like To See Images Of Aids Sores On Body HIV+ with Sores on my Body. I have these sores on my body that look like cigarette burns. They are round, red, look like scares, and are a little indented. I bought some Gold Bond lotion to see if it was caused form dry skin and so far it hasn't worked.", "Brown recluse spider The brown recluse, Loxosceles reclusa, Sicariidae (formerly placed in a family Loxoscelidae) is a spider with a venomous bite.Brown recluse spiders are usually between 6 and 20 millimetres (0.24 and 0.79 in), but may grow larger.While typically light to medium brown, they range in color from whitish to dark brown or blackish gray.The cephalothorax and abdomen are not necessarily the same color.he brown recluse has three pairs of eyes, unlike most spiders. The violin pattern is not diagnostic, as other spiders can have similar markings (e.g. cellar spiders and pirate spiders). For definitive identification it is imperative to examine the eyes.", "Potentially dangerous spiders The brown recluse spider, Loxosceles reclusa, is common outdoors and indoors in the southern and central United States. It is uncommon to extremely rare in the Upper Midwest. Only one specimen has been recorded in Minnesota (1953, Lake County).Only two specimens have been recorded in Wisconsin in the last 25 years.he bite of a common sac spider (Cheiracanthium) can be misdiagnosed as a brown recluse spider bite. Injuries develop in a similar manner but are much less severe. Reactions, such as swelling, slow healing, and ulcerated sores around the bite site, are similar enough to be confusing.", "- The initial bite may or may not be noticed by the victim. 1 Brown recluse bites cause local swelling, pain, itching, redness, tenderness, and blisters. They eventually form large ulcers and may cause tissue necrosis (death of the tissue in the area of the bite). Fever, chills, rash, nausea, and vomiting may develop.", "- Early symptoms may include cold feet, purple or red discoloration of the toes, or muscle cramping after walking short distances (intermittent claudication). Later findings may include a sore that won't heal (ischemic ulcer), pain at night while resting in bed, or tissue death to part of the foot (gangrene).arly symptoms may include cold feet, purple or red discoloration of the toes, or muscle cramping after walking short distances (intermittent claudication). Later findings may include a sore that won't heal (ischemic ulcer), pain at night while resting in bed, or tissue death to part of the foot (gangrene).", "- Early Symptoms. Perhaps the most well-known symptom of Lyme disease is a rash that looks like a bullseye. Scientifically named erythema migrans, this type of rash occurs in 70-80 percent of people infected by a tick bite.The area directly around the tick bite may be red and raised and look like a normal bug bite.arly Symptoms. Perhaps the most well-known symptom of Lyme disease is a rash that looks like a bullseye. Scientifically named erythema migrans, this type of rash occurs in 70-80 percent of people infected by a tick bite." ]
is china bigger than the united states
[ "Which is larger, China or America? I'm assuming that by America you mean The United States. There's no country called America. Even when excluding Taiwan and other disputed territories, China is larger than the United States, both in terms of land area, and in terms of land area including inland waterbodies. By land area only: China: 9,326,410 sq km. United States: 9,161,966 sq km, 1.8% smaller than China." ]
[ "Geography > Area > Comparative to US places: Countries Compared about half the size of Russia; about three-tenths the size of Africa; about half the size of South America (or slightly larger than Brazil); slightly larger than China; more than twice the size of the European Union: Uruguay: slightly smaller than the state of Washington: Uzbekistan: slightly larger than California: Vanuatu: slightly larger than Connecticut", "11 U.S. States That Are Larger Than the UK The U.k. us a bit larger than Michigan. And matter of fact the states of Nebraska,North and South Dakota are larger than Michigan which you did not mention. And even those 3 states would be a bit smaller than the U.k. and would have been better to make a comparison mistake with than Michigan.", "- In 2009, China invested $34.6 billion in clean energy (or 0.39 per cent of its GDP), while the United States only put in $18.6 billion (or 0.13 per cent of its GDP). Bottom line: China is way more vulnerable to climate change than the U.S. is, and is already massively feeling the effects.", "India How big is china compared to other countries in the world? China is really big. it is just a little bit smaller than the US. it is the 4th largest country in the world. it is bigger than Brazil, and smaller than the US. i hope this he … lps! Answered In China and Chinese Territories", "Geography of Canada In total area, Canada is slightly larger than both the U.S. and China; however, Canada ranks fourth in land area (i.e. total area minus the area of lakes and rivers)—China is 9,326,410 km 2 (3,600,950 sq mi) and the U.S. is 9,161,923 km 2 (3,537,438 sq mi)", "- 1 United States Alaska has 16 hours less than China. • 2 In United States Alaska is 11:57 Wednesday, October 07, 2015 Alaska Standard Time. • 3 In China is 03:57 Thursday, October 08, 2015. 4 United States Samoa has 18 hours less than China.", "China is dumping U.S. debt China yanks record sum from war chest. China owned $1.3 trillion of U.S. Treasuries as of June, making it the biggest holder of U.S. debt. But China's foreign-exchange reserves plunged by a record $94 billion in August, according to the country's central bank, leaving it with a war chest of $3.6 trillion.", "United States is about 354 times biggerthan Haiti. United States is about 354 times bigger than Haiti. Haiti is approximately 27,750 sq km, while United States is approximately 9,833,517 sq km. Meanwhile, the population of Haiti is ~10 million people (314 million more people live in United States). We have positioned the outline of Haiti near your home location of Redmond, WA, US.", "Why every world map you're looking at is WRONG: Africa, China and India are distorted despite access to accurate satellite data View. comments. Take a look at a map today, and you’re likely to see that North America is larger than Africa, Alaska is larger than Mexico and China is smaller than Greenland. But in reality China is four times bigger than Greenland, Africa is three times bigger than North America and Mexico is larger than Alaska.ake a look at a map today, and you’re likely to see that North America is larger than Africa, Alaska is larger than Mexico and China is smaller than Greenland.", "The U.S.-Japan Security Alliance As the United States makes its pivot to the Asia-Pacific region, China's rapid rise has been at the center of alliance concerns. In 2010, it surpassed Japan as the world's second-largest economy, and its growing assertiveness in the East and South China Seas have prompted worries about its regional ambitions.", "- The best thing to come out of a summit between China and the U.S. is a renewed commitment to fight global warming. China—the world’s largest polluter—has sought to portray itself as a leader in the global fight against climate change in recent years.", "China Just Overtook The US As The World's Largest Economy Sorry, America. China just overtook the US to become the world's largest economy, according to the International Monetary Fund. Chris Giles at the Financial Times flagged up the change.He also alerted us in April that it was all about to happen. Basically, the method used by the IMF adjusts for purchasing power parity, explained here.o the IMF measures both GDP in market-exchange terms and in terms of purchasing power. On the purchasing-power basis, China is overtaking the US right about now and becoming the world's biggest economy. We've just gone past that crossover on the chart below, according to the IMF.", "China seen surpassing U.S. in superpower shift The survey also indicates that countries around the world have divergent views of the U.S. and China. The U.S. retains a higher overall approval rating, with 63% of people around the world having a favorable view of America. China's rating is marginally lower at 50%.", "- 1 Large Urban Population. 2 China has the largest urban population of any country in the world even though most Chinese live in rural areas. 3 More than 311,000,000 Chinese live in cities compared to 194,700,000 in the United States.4 26% of China's population is urban while 75% of the population of the United States is urban. More than 311,000,000 Chinese live in cities compared to 194,700,000 in the United States. 2 26% of China's population is urban while 75% of the population of the United States is urban.", "China and Russia vs. the United States? The rising tensions between Russia and the West, especially the United States, over Ukraine provide a constant reminder of the Cold War, when the two superpowers fought proxy conflicts for spheres of influence.lthough China is Russia’s second largest trading partner, Russia only ranks eighth forChina, with just 2 percent of China’s total trade volume. In other words, although both China and Russia may despise the West, China cannot sacrifice the U.S. market, and Russia can’t give up on Europe.", "How Big Is Brazil Compared to the United States? Quick Answer. The United States measures about 3,717,811 square miles while Brazil is slightly smaller at about 3,286,486 square miles. Although most map projections understate the size of Brazil compared to the United States, the two countries are actually quite close in terms of total area. Continue Reading.", "United States The United States is the fourth biggest country in the world by land area. 1 Only Russia, Canada and China are bigger. The U.S's geography varies a lot and includes: 2 forests and grass fields on the east coast. 3 the Appalachian Mountains in the east. 4 the Great Plains in the middle of the country.", "- Covering approximately 9.6 million square kilometres (3.7 million square miles), China is the world's second largest state by land area, and either the third or fourth-largest by total area, depending on the method of measurement.", "The Chinese Century When the history of 2014 is written, it will take note of a large fact that has received little attention: 2014 was the last year in which the United States could claim to be the world’s largest economic power. China enters 2015 in the top position, where it will likely remain for a very long time, if not forever.", "Worldâs Largest Dam Requires US-China Cooperation The U.S. is interested in catching up with China, which became the continent’s largest trading partner five years ago, with trade reaching $200 billion last year, double U.S.-Africa trade. For its part, China is seeking to improve its image.", "Best United States Allies China, officially the People's Republic of China (PRC), is a sovereign state in East Asia. It is the world's most populous country, with a population of over 1.35 billion.hina, officially the People's Republic of China (PRC), is a sovereign state in East Asia. It is the world's most populous country, with a population of over 1.35 billion.", "Nonbovine Ruminations If you live in India, or favor India's territorial claims, there are only two countries larger than the United States: Russia and Canada.Otherwise, there's three: Russia, Canada, and China.f you live in India, or favor India's territorial claims, there are only two countries larger than the United States: Russia and Canada.", "Economic history of the United States By that measure, China's economy was 87% the size of the United States' in 2011, or 15% bigger than the previous estimate, according to a calculation by RBS economist Louis Kuijs.", "- 240 Glossary Glossary complement of a number n (1) In Everyday Mathematics, the difference between n and the next higher multiple of 10. For example, the complement of 4 is 10 - 4 = 6 and the complement of 73 is 80 - 73 = 7. (2) The difference between n and the next higher power of 10.", "China's Now The World Number One Economy And It Doesn't Matter A Darn There’s no easy way to say this, so I’ll just say it: We’re no longer No. 1. Today, we’re No. 2. Yes, it’s official. The Chinese economy just overtook the United States economy to become the largest in the world. For the first time since Ulysses S. Grant was president, America is not the leading economic power on the planet. It just happened — and almost nobody noticed." ]
what are trap cards
[ "- Trap Cards (Japanese: カード Torappu Kādo) are cards with purple-coloured borders that have various effects. Unless stated otherwise, a Trap Card must first be Set and can only be activated after the current turn has finished.After that, it may be activated during either player's turn.Trap Cards are Spell Speed 2, with the exception of Counter Trap Cards, which are Spell Speed 3. Trap Cards may be chained to Spell Cards, other Trap Cards, or to the effects of Effect Monsters.rap Cards (Japanese: カード Torappu Kādo) are cards with purple-coloured borders that have various effects. Unless stated otherwise, a Trap Card must first be Set and can only be activated after the current turn has finished." ]
[ "Definition of 'trap' A trap is a device which is placed somewhere or a hole which is dug somewhere in order to catch animals or birds. 2. verb. If a person traps animals or birds, he or she catches them using traps. The locals were encouraged to trap and kill the birds.", "- Traps is a Fallout, Fallout 2 and Fallout Tactics skill. It was called Find Traps/Secret Doors in Lionheart. In Fallout 3, it was split into Explosives and Repair. The Traps skill governs the player's ability to find and remove traps.", "Mouse Trap (game) (game) Mouse Trap (originally titled Mouse Trap Game) is a board game first published by Ideal in 1963 for 2 to 4 players. The game was one of the first mass-produced, three-dimensional board games. Over the course of the game, players at first cooperate to build a working Rube Goldberg-like mouse trap.", "Card Rulings:Bottomless Trap Hole 1 Magical Dimension: If your opponent activates Magical Dimension and chooses not to destroy a monster on the field, then you can activate...Bottomless Trap Hole to destroy the Special Summoned Spellcaster.", "trap trap 1. (trăp) n. 1. A contrivance for catching and holding animals, as a concealed pit or a clamplike device that springs shut suddenly.", "- Trapping Aggressive Poker Opponents Strategy. Trapping an opponent on the poker table is the direct opposite of bluffing him. Instead of making a large bet to scare him away when your hole cards are marginal or weak, trapping involves checking, calling or making a small bet to show weakness when holding a strong hand. Your timid play is designed to encourage the aggressive player to take a shot at the pot and bet against you.", "Card shark vs. card sharp Card shark, especially in American English,is often simply a term for someone who spends a lot of time playing cards. Both terms are sometimes hyphenated, and they’re sometimes condensed into a single compound word—cardsharp or cardshark. But the two-word, unhyphenated forms are more common in edited publications.", "- No cards or effects, except other Counter Trap Cards can be chained to a Counter Trap Card. In Turbo Duels during the Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's anime, because the use of non-Speed Spell Spell Cards is restricted, duelists generally have a higher amount of Trap Cards in their Decks.rap Cards (Japanese: カード Torappu Kādo) are cards with purple-coloured borders that have various effects. Unless stated otherwise, a Trap Card must first be Set and can only be activated after the current turn has finished.", "Trap rock Trap rock, also known as either trapp or trap, is any dark-colored, fine-grained, nongranitic intrusive or extrusive igneous rock. Types of trap rock include basalt, peridotite, diabase, and gabbro. Trapp (trap) is also used to refer to flood (plateau) basalts, i.e. the Deccan Traps and Siberian Traps.", "- You can chain any Spell or Trap Card activation with Mystical Space Typhoon, destroying it. The destruc … tion of the card does not negate its effects. However, depending on the type of Spell or Trap card, it can prevent its effect from taking place. Continuous, Equip, and Field Spell Cards are the only Spell cards that will have their effects stopped if they are chained with Mystical Space Typhoon.", "- Less commonly, a trap can refer to when the Force is with someone, but they are not a Jedi yet, and a second party wishes for one to join him, and together they can rule the galaxy as father and son. This type is generally announced by one's unknown sister as she is taken away by a bounty hunter.", "Trapezoid A trapezoid is a 4-sided flat shape with straight sides that has a pair of opposite sides parallel.", "- Snap is a Fast Paced Card Game. Remember, speed and momentum make the game more fun and exciting to play! If a player makes a mistake by calling snap when there is no match, they must suffer a forfeit – either being exempt from the round, or handing other players a card each as a penalty.", "- card-game definition: Noun (plural card games) 1. Any of very many games played with playing cards. ...", "Why is the island called Ship Trap Island in The Most Dangerous Game? The name Ship Trap Island refers to what the island does to ships in the Caribbean. General Zaroff has a lighthouse on his island that attracts ships. This lighthouse makes it appear as if there is a safe passage through there. However, it lures ships in to the jagged rocks that break up the ships as they near the island.", "- MODELING COMP CARDS, COMPOSITE CARDS, TIPS FOR COMP CARDS. Read about modeling comp cards (composite cards) and tips for comp cards. How to get your modeling comp cards, also known as composite cards, ready for modeling agencies. A comp card (or composite card) is what the modeling agency will use to market you. A comp card provides a small collection of pictures and basic stats about a model on card stock or rigid paper. Modeling agencies often put modeling comp cards in their display racks. This makes it easy for a client to go into a modeling agency and quickly scan their talent pool.", "Scopone and Scopa The capturing rules are as follows: 1 if the rank (capture value) of the card played matches that of a table card, the table card is captured; 2 if the card played matches more than one table card, then just one of the matching table cards is captured - the player of the capturing card chooses which;", "Traps If the check fails, the interaction proceeds and the trap is triggered. The other passive application of the traps skill involves the various types of floor traps found in Fallout 2. In this case, Perception conditions are used to modify the check of Traps skill against difficulty.", "- How to get your modeling comp cards, also known as composite cards, ready for modeling agencies A comp card (or composite card) is what the modeling agency will use to market you. A comp card provides a small collection of pictures and basic stats about a model on card stock or rigid paper.", "- Trap rock, also known as either trapp or trap, is any dark-colored, fine-grained, nongranitic intrusive or extrusive igneous rock. Types of trap rock include basalt, peridotite, diabase, and gabbro.", "trap trap 1. (trăp) n. 1. A contrivance for catching and holding animals, as a concealed pit or a clamplike device that springs shut suddenly. 2. A stratagem for catching or tricking an unwary person.", "Raw Deal (card game) Raw Deal (card game) Introduced in 2000, Raw Deal is a collectible card game published by Comic Images and licensed from World Wrestling Entertainment, designed to replicate the action of a professional wrestling match. The game was designed by Michael Foley and Barron Vangor Toth.", "SNMP Trap Basics. All other core SNMP message types are either asked for by the SNMP manager or issued in response to an SNMP manager's message. This is what makes a trap so important and the most common SNMP message in most networks. A trap is an SNMP agent's way of notifying the manager that something is wrong.", "- The picture accompanying this article has a cage trap with a stray cat awaiting a trip from my land to the local animal shelter. Trapping: it ain't necessarily so The Out stunt dictates that the ball-defender (either TW3 or WW2) must again fan the ballhandler down his sideline and look for a trap rotating up from the time line with his teammate on the same side of the floor.", "- Some are, and some are not. A trapezoid is a special kind of quadrilateral ... one in which two of the four sides are parallel. So all trapezoids are quadrilaterals, but t … here are also a lot of other quadrilaterals that are not trapezoids. 1 person found this useful. Blu WikiAnswers." ]
what degree sunburn causes blisters
[ "Causes Of Blisters First-degree burns cause red skin, but second-degree burns cause blisters. Anything that gives skin a second-degree burn will cause burn blisters. Common examples include scalding from boiling water or hot oil, or even very bad sunburn." ]
[ "Chemotherapy Blisters like the ones you have are a sign that a sunburn is serious. The blisters don't always show up right away. They may take a few days or longer to develop. If you have a fever, chills, nausea, or vomiting, severe blistering or pain, call your doctor's office or a health clinic.", "First aid advice for sunburn and heat illness Sunburn (also called erythema) is caused by overexposure to ultraviolet radiation (UV rays). While the symptoms are usually temporary (like red skin that is painful to the touch), skin damage is cumulative throughout a person's life and can develop into serious long-term health effects, including skin cancer. Mild sunburn results in skin irritation and redness and can be safely treated at home.", "Sun Blisters If your sunburn doesn't begin to heal in several days or is covered in sun blisters, you should see a doctor. Also see a doctor if you feel dizzy or have a fever -- these symptoms can accompany a sunburn and are signs of a more serious problem, such as dehydration or heat exhaustion.", "Types of Burn Injuries Common causes of second-degree burns include deep sunburn, exposure to flames, contact with hot liquids, burning gasoline or kerosene and contact with chemicals. To treat second-degree heat burns with open blisters, do not remove any clothing that is stuck to the burn.", "- 1. Cold Compress. You can reduce the inflammation and get significant relief from the pain of sunburn blisters by using cold compresses on the affected skin area. Soak a towel in cold water, squeeze out the excess water, and put the towel on the affected area. Repeat the process several times and soon you will feel relief from the burning sensation.", "Overview Skin layers and melanin. Sunburns are caused by exposure to too much ultraviolet (UV) light. UV radiation is a wavelength of sunlight in a range too short for the human eye to see. Ultraviolet A (UVA) and ultraviolet B (UVB) are the two types of solar radiation most responsible for sunburn.Sunlamps and tanning beds also produce UV light and can cause sunburn. Melanin is the dark pigment in the outer layer of skin (epidermis) that gives your skin its normal color.When you're exposed to UV light, your body protects itself by accelerating the production of melanin.ltraviolet A (UVA) and ultraviolet B (UVB) are the two types of solar radiation most responsible for sunburn. Sunlamps and tanning beds also produce UV light and can cause sunburn. Melanin is the dark pigment in the outer layer of skin (epidermis) that gives your skin its normal color.", "- Pour white or apple cider vinegar in a spray bottle, and mist the vinegar onto your sunburn. The vinegar can help to prevent unsightly blisters and prevent peeling. 1 If the smell is too offensive, you can mix a solution of 1 part water and 1 part vinegar, and spray that into your skin instead.", "Burns: Types, Treatments, and More Second-degree burns are more serious because the damage extends beyond the top layer of skin. This type burn causes the skin to blister and become extremely red and sore. Some blisters pop open, giving the burn a wet or weeping appearance.", "How to Treat a Sunburn 1 Avoid using soap, bath oils, or other detergents as you bathe or shower. Any such products can irritate your skin and possibly make the effects of the sunburn feel even worse. If you have blisters forming on your skin, take a bath instead of showering. The pressure from the shower might pop your blisters.", "- After a couple days, the outer layers of skin may peel away. Peeling is actually the body’s way of healing itself by shedding the top layer of damaged epidermis. Severe sunburns can cause chills, fever, nausea, and blistering in various degrees.", "Degrees of Burns This means damage that has extended through the epidermis and into the dermis (the second layer of skin). Second-degree burns also are known as partial-thickness burns. In determining the severity of burns, the presence of second-degree burns indicates a loss of skin function. Blisters are the first sign of a second-degree burn. As the epidermis is destroyed, it begins to separate from the dermis. Fluid builds beneath it, causing blisters.", "How to Get Rid of Sunburn Blisters Fast: Treatment and Home Remedies Sunburn blisters are a result of overexposure to the UVA and UVB rays in the sun. These harmful rays penetrate deep into the bottom skin layers and damage the production of new skin cells. High doses of UVA rays will cause sunburn blisters. Regular exposure to UVA rays will result in wrinkles and dry skin.", "Sunburn treatment: Do I need medical attention? Answers from Lawrence E. Gibson, M.D. Consult a doctor for sunburn treatment if: The sunburn is severe — with blisters — and covers a large portion of your body. The sunburn is accompanied by a high fever, headache, severe pain, dehydration, confusion, nausea or chills. You've developed a skin infection, indicated by swelling, pus or red streaks leading from the blister.", "Overview Skin layers and melanin. Sunburns are caused by exposure to too much ultraviolet (UV) light. UV radiation is a wavelength of sunlight in a range too short for the human eye to see. Ultraviolet A (UVA) and ultraviolet B (UVB) are the two types of solar radiation most responsible for sunburn.Sunlamps and tanning beds also produce UV light and can cause sunburn.Melanin is the dark pigment in the outer layer of skin (epidermis) that gives your skin its normal color.ltraviolet A (UVA) and ultraviolet B (UVB) are the two types of solar radiation most responsible for sunburn. Sunlamps and tanning beds also produce UV light and can cause sunburn. Melanin is the dark pigment in the outer layer of skin (epidermis) that gives your skin its normal color.", "Types of Burn Injuries Smaller burns can usually be treated at home. Common causes of second-degree burns include deep sunburn, exposure to flames, contact with hot liquids, burning gasoline or kerosene and contact with chemicals. To treat second-degree heat burns with open blisters, do not remove any clothing that is stuck to the burn.econd-Degree Burn. Because second-degree burns affect a deeper layer, they have a higher risk of infection to the victim and are more painful than first-degree burns. They cause the skin to become bright red and with blotchy areas and blisters.", "- Forum Name: Dermatology Topics. Question: Moderate to sever sunburn - how do I reduce swelling in legs. JRFREE - Tue Jun 10, 2003 2:06 pm. I recently got a moderate to severe sunburn - no blistering but swelling in my legs so painful it is difficult to walk.", "Sunburn and Sun Poisoning Directory Sunburn is the result of too much sun exposure or indoor tanning. Sunburn can cause pain, blisters, itching, peeling, and can be a factor in causing skin cancer. People with fair skin, light hair, light eyes, and freckles tend to be at a higher risk for sunburn and sun poisoning, which is a severe case of sunburn.unburn is the result of too much sun exposure or indoor tanning. Sunburn can cause pain, blisters, itching, peeling, and can be a factor in causing skin cancer. People with fair skin, light hair, light eyes, and freckles tend to be at a higher risk for sunburn and sun poisoning, which is a severe case of sunburn.", "Sunburn (Sun Poisoning) Sunburn Causes. 1 Mild and uncomplicated cases of sunburn usually result in minor skin redness, and pain. 2 Initially, the skin turns red about 2 to 6 hours after exposure and feels irritated. The peak effects are noted at 12 to 24 hours. More severe cases (sun poisoning) are complicated by severe skin burning and blistering, massive fluid loss (dehydration), electrolyte imbalance, and possibly infection. With too much exposure, severe untreated sunburn can cause shock (poor circulation to vital organs) and even death.", "Sunburn Sunburn causes include the following: The UVA and UVB radiation of the sun is responsible for damage to the skin such as tanning, wrinkles and premature ageing. The UVB rays cause more damage to the skin and also pose the risk of skin cancer. Both rays are also produced in tanning beds.", "How to Get Rid of Sunburn Blisters 4. Oatmeal. Oatmeal can also be used to treat sunburn blisters. It helps soothe the skin and promotes healing. 1 Take an oatmeal bath. 2 Fill a bathtub with cool water and add two cups of powdered oatmeal. 3 Soak your body in this bath for half an hour or more. 4 For better results, you can add rose petals to the bath water.. Oatmeal. Oatmeal can also be used to treat sunburn blisters. It helps soothe the skin and promotes healing. 1 Take an oatmeal bath. 2 Fill a bathtub with cool water and add two cups of powdered oatmeal. 3 Soak your body in this bath for half an hour or more. 4 For better results, you can add rose petals to the bath water.", "Burn Blister Major burns should be treated by a medical professional right away. Burn blisters can be caused by many things, from a second-degree sun burn, hot oil, boiling water, and even chemicals. Whenever a burn of this type occurs, the first step of action is to place the burn under cool running water.", "Sun Poisoning You can become severely sunburned if you stay in the sun a long time and don't wear protection. You are more likely to sunburn if you have light skin and fair hair. Severe sunburn or sun poisoning can cause symptoms such as the following: Skin redness and blistering.", "- 1 It can cause red and inflamed skin, and also blistering. 2 Burns, if severe enough, can produce blistering. 3 This includes burns from heat, chemicals, and sunburns. 4 Allergic eczema is a skin condition that is caused or worsened by allergens and can produce blisters.", "- A sunburn occurs when your skin is exposed to too much of the sun’s harmful ultraviolet A (UVA) and ultraviolet B (UVB) rays. Sunburn Symptoms. If you have a sunburn, medical doctors in New Jersey suggest your skin is likely to be pink or red, inflamed, hot to the touch, and tender.", "How long does it take for sunburn blisters to appear? 4 Responses to “How long does it take for sunburn blisters to appear?”. 1 Probably tonight, or early tomorrow. When you shower, make sure it’s cool, or it will bring the blisters up. 2 Anywhere from 6-48hrs typically. I usually blister about 6-12hrs later but I’ve had them show up about 48hrs later before." ]
average age of nhl teams
[ "Sizing Up the NHL by Height, Weight, and Age And how the players stack up. 1 The average NHLer is 73.33 (6' 1 1/3) tall, weighs 204.42 lbs, and is 27.36 years old. 2 The average forward is 72.93 (6' 1) tall, weighs 202.4 lbs, and is 27.1 years old. 3 The average defenseman is 73.87 (6' 1 7/8) tall, weighs 209.66 lbs, and is 27.49 years old." ]
[ "- A player signed by an NHL team to an entry-level contract. Entry-level contracts are given to players under the age of 25 and vary in length depending on the player's age. The entry-level contract is usually the first professional contract that a player under 25 signs when beginning his NHL career.", "Why do elephants rarely get cancer? CHICAGO (AP) - Cancer is much less common in elephants than in humans, even though the big beasts' bodies have many more cells. That's a paradox known among scientists, and now researchers think they may have an explanation-one they say might someday lead to new ways to protect people from cancer.hat refers to the fact that large animals including elephants and whales, have comparatively low cancer rates even though they have many more cells than smaller species. Cancer involves uncontrolled cell growth.", "NHL Player Average Retirement Age Retirement age of NHL players has been fairly static over the years, although in recent years there has been some evidence that more and more players are playing to an older age. This becomes evident if we compare the retirement age distributions from decade to decade.During the 1980s and 1990s only six players retired after the age of 40, while during the 2000s the number of 40‑something retirements jumped to 24. The charts below show how the NHL retirement age has changed over the years.his becomes evident if we compare the retirement age distributions from decade to decade. During the 1980s and 1990s only six players retired after the age of 40, while during the 2000s the number of 40‑something retirements jumped to 24. The charts below show how the NHL retirement age has changed over the years.", "Analyzing The Average Age of Stanley Cup Winning Teams On the opposite side of the spectrum is the 1991-92 Pittsburgh Penguins where the core players were 2.28 years younger than their team average. This team was lead by Mario Lemieux (26), Kevin Stevens (26), Tom Barrasso (26) and Jaromir Jagr (19).", "CHA alters minor hockey age groups The new age groups are as follows: 1 Midget: 15, 16, 17 years old -- changed from 16 and 17. 2 Bantam: 13, 14 years old -- changed from 14 and 15. 3 Peewee: 11, 12 years old -- changed from 12 and 13.", "National Hockey League (NHL) Expansion History On March 17, 1938 the Montreal Maroons played their final game. In 1941-2 the New York Americans change their name to the Brooklyn Americans, but end up withdrawing for the 1942-3 season. And finally we are there. It took 26 years, after the NHL was founded, but the original six teams were now in place.", "Entry-Level Player Players aged between 18 and 21 years who are beginning their NHL career are required to sign an entry-level contract lasting three years, while players who are 22 or 23 years old must sign two-year entry-level contracts, and 24-year old players must sign a one-year entry-level contract.", "- For example the median expected annual pay for a typical Oracle Database Administrator in the United States is $106,225 so 50% of the people who perform the job of Oracle Database Administrator in the United States are expected to make less than $106,225.Source: HR Reported data as of October 2015. Median $106,225.or example the median expected annual pay for a typical Oracle Database Administrator in the United States is $106,225 so 50% of the people who perform the job of Oracle Database Administrator in the United States are expected to make less than $106,225. Source: HR Reported data as of October 2015. Median $106,225.", "- The average time on ice for a hockey player in one game... anywhere from 15 to … 30 minutes. Usually the better defensemen spend around 25-30 minutes on the ice each night, but average forwards usually spend around 20-25 minutes. Historically the average age of NHL players has moved roughly between 24 and 28 years depending on the player position.", "The Length of a Professional Hockey Game Each NHL game features 60 minutes of playing time, broken down into three 20-minute periods. The league also mandates a 17-minute intermission after the first and second periods to flood and ice and provide the players with a rest period.", "- A+E Networks. On this day in 1917, four teams of the National Hockey League (NHL) play in the fledgling league’s first two games. At the time of its inception, the NHL was made up of five franchises: the Canadiens and the Wanderers (both of Montreal), the Ottawa Senators, the Quebec Bulldogs and the Toronto Arenas. The Montreal teams won two victories that first day, as the Canadiens beat Ottawa 7-4 and the Wanderers triumphed over Toronto 10-9. The first professional ice hockey league was the International Pro Hockey League, founded in 1904 in Michigan.", "How many players are on a hockey team? Ice Hockey: NHL teams may list up to twenty two (22) players on their official rosters. The standard roster line-up consists of twelve (12) forwards, eight (8) defensemen and two (2) goaltenders.", "What is the average height for the NHL? Best Answer: - Around 6 foot is the average hight in the NHL. - Brian Gionta is the shortest player in the NHL at 5'7.- Zdeno Chara is the tallest at 6'9, and is the tallest player to ever play in the NHL. Zdeno Chara is the tallest at 6'9, and is the tallest player to ever play in the NHL.", "How Many Games Are in an NHL Regular Season? Full Answer. Each team plays 41 home and 41 away games, with a total of 1,230 NHL games taking place each season. The teams are split into Eastern and Western Conferences of 16 and 14 teams. In the standings, teams are awarded two points for a win, none for a loss and one for an overtime loss.", "NHL Average Goals per Game from 1917-1918 to 2016-2017 NHL Average Goals per Game from 1917-1918 to 2016-2017. Average number of goals scored in an NHL game has gone through ups and downs during NHL history. The charts below show a time series on the Goals per Game measure for all skaters as well as forwards and defensemen separately. Numbers represent the total number of goals scored by both teams during a single game. In the charts, the 1980s clearly stand out as a high scoring era. After mid 1990s the game has entered a low scoring era that was last seen during the 1950s.", "Temporary Assistance There is a 60-month limit on the receipt of Family Assistance benefits funded under the federal TANF program (the former Aid to Families with Dependent Children (ADC) program), some Safety Net Assistance (SNA) or the Child Assistance Program (CAP).", "How many NHL hockey teams are there? Confidence votes 848. The National Hockey League originated in 1917 with 4 teams, and through a sequence of team expansions, reductions and relocations currently consists of 30 teams, 23 of which are based in the United States and 7 in Canada. The founding members were the Montreal Canadiens, Montreal Wanders, Ottawa Senators and Quebec Bulldogs.", "How long do hockey games usually last? Depends on what you are asking... NHL games last for 3, 20-minute periods, with 2 15 minute intermissions between them. With stoppages in play, injuries, fights, and penalties, the average game take between 2.5 and 3 hours. If it goes into overtime, it is 5 minutes, followed by a shootout if a goal is not scored in those five minutes.", "Minor ice hockey 1 Juvenile under 20 years of age, for players who want to remain in hockey at a minor hockey association level. 2 Those not playing Junior or playing Senior. 3 Junior: under 21 years of age Junior: divided into Major Junior (WHL, OHL and QMJHL), Junior A (Tier II Junior), Junior B and Junior C (in some locations).n Finland, the Finnish Ice Hockey Association roughly categorizes minor hockey players to under school-ages and school-ages. Children over 16 are considered as juniors, although the youngest juniors are still at the school-age. Minor and junior hockey levels are:", "Analyzing The Average Age of Stanley Cup Winning Teams The oldest team, in 2007-08, was lead by a younger core, but was filled with aging veterans like Dominik Hasek (46), Chris Chelios (43), Nicklas Lidstrom (37), Kris Draper (36) and Darren McCarty (35). The average age of the Stanley Cup winning teams in the last 48 years is 27.2. Only 3 teams in the last 18 years are under the average age (2011-12 Kings, 2009-10 Blackhawks and 2012-13 Blackhawks).", "National Hockey League average regular season attendance 2008-2017 In the 2008/09 season, the average attendance at NHL games was 17,476. NHL average attendance-additional information. The average attendance at regular seasons NHL games has remained consistently around 17,000 since 2008, with the average for the 2013/14 recorded as 17,587.", "- Most NHL teams, 17 of them, paid an average salary per player ranging from $1.8 million to $1 million. Only five teams--Philadelphia Flyers, Colorado Avalanche, New York Islanders, Anaheim Ducks and the Tampa Bay Lightning paid average salaries of under a million dollars per player.", "NHL Entry Draft The NHL Entry Draft (French: Repêchage d'entrée dans la LNH) is an annual meeting in which every franchise of the National Hockey League (NHL) systematically select the rights to available amateur ice hockey players who meet draft eligibility requirements (North American players 18–20 years old and Europeans of all ages entering the league for the ...", "How Many Players Are on an Ice Hockey Team? In the U.S., the National Hockey League has its own set of rules for NHL games. Under NHL rules, each team is allowed to have up to 18 players with an additional two goalkeepers for a total of 20 players. NHL rules do not designate a maximum number of team officials allowed on the bench.", "- Average Age in NCAA. Part of that comes from the age of U.S. college players. While everyone on the U.S. National Junior Team is a teenager, those in college are competing among players who average 21.88 years old. By comparison, the average age in the Canadian Hockey League is more than three years younger (18.65)." ]
what are the symptoms of a bad O2 sensor
[ "What is a Bad Oxygen Sensor? Symptoms of a Bad Oxygen Sensor. When you have a bad oxygen sensor, your vehicle will run less efficiently, it can sometimes have a poor idle, erratic jerking at steady throttle, hard starting problems, cause the check engine light to come on, and will cause high fuel consumption.owever, replacing an oxygen sensor is a job that you can do yourself, (as long as the O2 sensor is not completely rotted into the pipe or catalytic converter) thereby saving you precious time and money. Let’s take a closer look at just what an oxygen sensor does and the steps you can take to do the work yourself." ]
[ "Understanding Oxygen Sensors to Diagnose Fault Codes Exhaust leaks can cause oxygen sensor to send a false lean reading. For Rich O2 Sensor Readings. Check the fuel pressure. High fuel pressure can cause a rich condition. Also check for a leaking fuel pressure regulator or leaking injectors. To test for a leaking fuel pressure regulator, remove the vacuum hose from the regulator and inspect for any fuel.", "How to Replace an Oxygen Sensor I've got a 1998 Ford Taurus, and the Check Engine light came on. Checking the code with an OBD-II scanner revealed a bad oxygen sensor. What's the best way to replace it? Your car's computer uses data from the O2 sensors to determine the effectiveness of the catalytic converter and how much fuel to inject. So they're critical pieces. Luckily, replacing one is relatively straightforward. Unfortunately, original-equipment oxygen sensors, offered by the manufacturer, can be pricey.", "What the Home Mechanic Needs to Know about O2 Sensors The O2 sensor is mounted in the exhaust manifold to monitor how much unburned oxygen is in the exhaust as the exhaust exits the engine. Monitoring oxygen levels in the exhaust is a way of gauging the fuel mixture. It tells the computer if the fuel mixture is burning rich (less oxygen) or lean (more oxygen).", "- The same symptoms that indicate a bad EGR valve can also indicate problems in other parts of the system. For instance, you can confuse engine performance problems stemming from a bad EGR valve with problems caused by failures in the spark plugs, the spark plug wires, the fuel filter, the fuel pump regulator, and various engine sensors.", "What Are the Symptoms of a Bad Catalytic Converter? What are the symptoms of a bad catalytic converter in a Dodge Dakota? Symptoms of a bad catalytic converter in a Dodge Dakota, or any vehicle, include exhaust issues and poor performance. Drivers also notice an offensive smell coming from the vehicle, similar to rotten eggs or sulfur.", "Symptoms of a Bad or Failing Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) Valve 1. Engine performance issues. One of the first symptoms of a problem with the EGR valve is engine performance issues. A clogged or malfunctioning EGR valve can disrupt the vehicle’s air-fuel ratio, which can cause engine performance issues such as a reduction in power, acceleration, and even fuel efficiency.", "Symptoms of Fried Piston Rings Problems with your car engine's piston rings often display symptoms or signs that are similar to other problems with low compression in a vehicle. 1 While the following symptoms are not always attributed to faulty piston rings, they are a good indicator that you should check the rings for wear and to see if they need to be replaced. Here is a list of the most common symptoms for bad piston rings: 1 White or gray exhaust smoke. 2 Excessive oil consumption. 3 Low power for acceleration. 4 Overall loss of power or poor performance.", "Signs of bad O2 sensor? If your vehicle’s O2 sensor is faulty, chances are there will be signs! Check this list to see if it’s time to replace YOUR vehicle’s oxygen sensors: Sudden decrease in fuel mileage. A defective O2 sensor will likely cause your air-fuel mixture to be too rich and directly affect your fuel economy.", "E30 3-Series Oxygen Sensor Replacement BMW recommends that the O2 sensor be replaced every 60,000 miles. This article is written with the home mechanic in mind. With a few tools and the correct parts, you will be able to replace the sensor yourself. The first step of this article is to disconnect the battery.", "3 Symptoms of a Failing Camshaft Sensor At times, either due to accidents or wear and tear, the camshaft sensor can weaken. In the case of a camshaft sensor failure, the weak or disrupted signal is interpreted by the computer as a problem. This affects the proper running of the vehicle and should be replaced or repaired. A failing camshaft sensor can be identified based on any one of the three following symptoms.", "- (0 items). Symptoms of a Failed EGR Cooler. Symptom #1: The unexplained loss of coolant from your degas (overflow) bottle or cooling system. This can easily be explained when you have a bad EGR cooler-the EGR cooler is simply leaking the coolant back into the exhaust system, not outside of the engine. Most people make an expensive mistake of ignoring this warning sign. They assume that since they can not find or see the leak, it must not actually be a leak.", "Symptoms of a Bad or Failing Catalytic Converter One of the first symptoms commonly associated with a bad or failing catalytic converter is a reduction in engine performance. The catalytic converter is built into the vehicle’s exhaust system, and as a result, can affect the performance of the engine if it develops any problems. A clogged converter will restrict exhaust flow, while a cracked one will leak.", "Search results 1-16 of 281 results for what is garcinia 100% Pure Garcinia Cambogia 1600mg + Potassium Booster Powerful Appetite Suppressant, Natural Weight Loss Supplement, Premium Extracts and FREE of GMO, Gluten, Dairy, Soy, Wheat, (90)", "Easy air-fuel and oxygen sensor diagnosis Before the catalytic converter, the oxygen sensor will zigzag up and down. To the contrary, the air-fuel sensor will be at a stable voltage. The post-cat oxygen sensor will be a straight line if the catalytic converter is good in most cases. If the catalytic converter is bad, the post-cat oxygen sensor will mirror the post-cat oxygen sensor.", "- A bad sensor will be flat-lined and show no response to snapping the throttle. Test for O2 sensors behind the catalytic converter: Graph the rear and the front O2 sensor output. Rev the engine to approximately 2000 RPM. The front sensor will be oscillating actively.", "8 Main Causes of Bad Gas Mileage Having bad oxygen sensors and air filters can reduce your gas mileage by up to 20%. The oxygen sensors help keep the proper mixture of air and fuel, and having this off balance can be inefficient. The air filters can get clogged and simply need to be unclogged to fix the problem.", "- When an 02 sensor goes bad, your car throws a check engine light, when that light comes on, your car goes into a default mode where it protects itself by dumping the same gas and air mixture regardless of the conditions that would be monitered by the 02 sensors. replaced my fan clutch, flushed, checked hoses, no air pockets, no leaks in coolant system, o2 pump works, radiator questionable but throwing a new on in is my next step. The only thing the worthless dealer told me is that there's no leak in the heads. Should I replace that bad sensor or change my radiator...", "What happens when a mass air flow sensor goes bad? When your mass air flow sensor goes bad, it cannot react properly to changes in the air entering your engine, so it will provide either too little or too much gas for your airflow, causing issues such as hard starts, rough idle, sluggish throttle response, and pinging.Mass Air flow sensor regulates amount of air coming in to the amount of fuel being used. If this sensor is bad you would have eit … her a overly rich or lean fuel condition. Check the fuel pump as mass air flow sensor has no moving parts and rarely goes out. 16 people found this useful.", "Oxygen Sensors|O2 Sensor | Diagnostics If a bad oxygen sensor is aligned with the ignition system on a car's engine, it can retard or advance engine ignition timing, which can cause an engine to ping.ough Engine Idle Vehicle engines that have a bad oxygen sensor often run irregularly or roughly. Oxygen sensors can control or contribute to many different engine functions, including fuel/air mixture, engine timing and engine combustion intervals.", "What are the symptoms of a bad transmission speed sensor? Sometimes a bad speed sensor will mess up the function of the ABS brakes (causing them to overreact or not kick in at all, which usually creates a light on the dash), other times it can cause erratic speedometer readings and/or (for auto transmissions) cause inconsistent shifts and it shifting completely out of gear into neutral at random.", "What Are the Symptoms of an MAF Sensor Going Bad? When a car's mass air flow sensor goes bad, it prevents the engine from receiving the correct amount of fuel. This is because the sensor determines the volume and density of air entering the engine, and this information is used by the car's engine control until to adjust the flow of fuel.", "Bad Oxygen Sensor Symptoms and Dangers Is your Check Engine Light on? It may be a bad O2 Sensor. You don't want this to go too long or you'll be spending a ton more in car repairs, namely the Catalytic Converter will burn out, and those aren't cheap.You'll also be wasting gas and have a less efficient vehicle. So get that changed ASAP!s your Check Engine Light on? It may be a bad O2 Sensor. You don't want this to go too long or you'll be spending a ton more in car repairs, namely the Catalytic Converter will burn out, and those aren't cheap. You'll also be wasting gas and have a less efficient vehicle.", "O2 Sensors: FYI The OBD II system monitors converter efficiency by comparing the upstream and downstream oxygen sensor signals. If the converter is doing its job and is reducing the pollutants in the exhaust, the downstream oxygen sensor should show little activity (few lean-to-rich transitions, which are also called “crosscounts”).", "Lambda Sensor The lambda sensor measures the amount of unburned oxygen in the engine exhaust. It then sends a signal to the ECU, which adjusts the fuel & air mixture for optimum engine performance.The lambda sensor is important in controlling exhaust emissions.ommon symptoms of lambda sensor failure include excessive fuel consumption, engine surges or stuttering, and the engine management light illuminating. Failure will also result in high hydrocarbon emissions, causing failure at an emissions check (part of the MOT process).", "Which Engine Sensors Are the Most Important? Sensor accuracy can also be affected by air leaks in the intake or exhaust manifold, or even a fouled spark plug. A misfiring plug allows unburned oxygen to pass through into the exhaust, causing the O2 sensor to give a false lean indication." ]
what are the three major groups of protists
[ "Protist Protists were traditionally subdivided into several groups based on similarities to the higher kingdoms: the unicellular animal-like protozoa, the plant-like protophyta (mostly unicellular algae), and the fungus-like slime molds and water molds.mong the pioneers in the study of the protists, which were almost ignored by Linnaeus except for some algae, were Leeuwenhoek, O. F. Mueller, Müller. C. G ehrenberg And Felix. Félix dujardin the first groups used to classify microscopic organism Were the animalcules And. the infusoria" ]
[ "- Kingdom Protista Phyla Groups. Introduction to Kingdom Protista The Kingdom Protista includes an incredible diversity of different types of organisms, including algae, protozoans, and slime molds. No one even knows how many species there are, though estimates range between 65,000 to 200,000. All protists are eukaryotes, complex cells with nuclear membranes and organelles like mitochondria and chloroplasts.", "- The most common classification creates four kingdoms in this domain: Protista, Fungi, Plantae, and Animalia. These domains are further divided into a lot of smaller categories: phyla (singular: phylum), classes, orders, families, genera (singular: genus), and species.", "Chapter 6 Biology set-Classification Compare and contrast the six-kingdom system of classification with the three-domain system. What evidence prompted the development of the three-domain system? The three-domain system has Archaea, Bacteria, and Eukarya. The six kingdoms are Eubacteria, Archaebacteria, Protista, Fungi, Plantae, and Animalia. New evidence revealed that the two main prokaryote groups are even more different from each other than eukaryotes. Therefore, scientists established the domain system.", "Protists Protists include all eukaryotes except the clades Planta, Animalia and Fungi. Since all of these organisms are presumed to share a common ancestor, protists as a group would not include all of its descendents thereby making the grouping paraphyletic.", "- Protists are organisms that are classified into the kingdom Protista. The protists form a group of organisms that really do not fit into any other kingdom. Although there is a lot of variety within the protists, they do share some common characteristics.wo smaller cells result. Algae. All Those members of the protista kingdom which act like plants. Algaes are also found in the Moneran and Plant kingdoms. Possess more Plant-like characteristics. Other algaes are grouped with the monerans and others with plants. Vary in color and often named by its color.", "What are the two major groups of prokaryotes? The Archaea are a group of prokaryotic, single-celled microorganisms. In this they are similar to bacteria but these two groups evolved differently, and are classified as different domains in the three-domain system.Originally these organisms were named archaebacteria.rchaea were originally described in extreme environments, but have since been found in all habitats and may contribute up to 20% of total biomass. These cells are particularly common in the oceans, and the archaea in plankton may be one of the most abundant groups of organisms on the planet.", "- Types of Protists A. Plantlike Protists 1. algae = single-celled and many-celled plantlike protists. a. All algae contain chlorophyll in chloroplasts and make their own food (they are producers). b. The algae may also contain other pigments (colors) in addition to chlorophyll, giving them a color other than green.", "Classification of Protists The ciliates, which include Paramecium and Tetrahymena, are a group of protists 10 to 3,000 micrometers in length that are covered in rows, tufts, or spirals of tiny cilia. By beating their cilia synchronously or in waves, ciliates can coordinate directed movements and ingest food particles.", "- 5. Most protists can be broken down into 2 main groups based on their characteristics: a. plantlike protists—contain chlorophyll in chloroplasts and makes their own food (autotrophic). b. animal-like protists—must feed on other organisms (heterotrphic) and can move from place to place.", "6 Kingdoms & Viruses By Regina Bailey. Organisms are classified into three Domains and into one of six Kingdoms of life. These Kingdoms are Archaebacteria, Eubacteria, Protista, Fungi, Plantae, and Animalia. Organisms are placed into these categories based on similarities or common characteristics.ome of the characteristics that are used to determine placement are cell type, metabolism, and reproduction. Below is a list of the six Kingdoms of life and information on a few organisms in each category.", "Diatoms Protozoa and algae are both protists. Protists are eukaryotic microorganisms, which belong to the kingdom Protista. There have been attempts to remove the kingdom from the taxonomy but it is still very much in use. The term protista was first used by Ernst Haeckel in 1866. Protists were traditionally subdivided into several groups based on similarities to the higher kingdoms: the unicellular animal-like protozoa, the plant-like protophyta (mostly unicellular algae), and the fungus-like slime molds and water molds.", "The Five Kingdoms Of Life Other prokaryotes, including eubacteria and cyanobacteria, are placed in the domain Bacteria. All the kingdoms of eukaryotes, including Protista (Protoctista), Fungi, Plantae and Animalia, are placed in the domain Eukarya. The large molecular differences between the majority of prokaryotes in the kingdom Monera and the archaebacteria warrants a separation based on categories above the level of kingdom.", "- present, inclusion in the Kingdom Protista is a matter of convenience rather than representing distinct evolutionary. lines. However, protists can be grouped into three basic catagories based on morphological and life cycle traits: the pro-. tozoans, algae, and fungus-like protists.", "What is protists? Kingdom Protista is one of the five biological kingdoms in the formerly used taxonomic classification of organisms (proposed by Robert Whittaker). Protists are grouped into animal-like (protozoa), plant-like (single-celled and some multicellular, eukaryotic algae), and fungus-like (i.e. slime molds and water molds).ingdom Protista is one of the five biological kingdoms in the formerly used taxonomic classification of organisms (proposed by Robert Whittaker). Protists are grouped into animal-like (protozoa), plant-like (single-celled and some multicellular, eukaryotic algae), and fungus-like (i.e. slime molds and water molds).", "Chapter 28 Protists large varied group of protists named for their cilia (their locomotion) Have two types of nuclei. tiny micronuclei (for reproduction) and large macronuclei (for cell function). Reproduce asexually by binary fission or through conjugation. Heterotrophic. protist belonging to alveolates, belonging to supergroup chromaleveolata", "14.2 Types of protists Plant-Like Protists: Algae. Plant-like protists are called algae (singular, alga). They are a large and diverse group. Some algae, diatoms, are single-celled. Others, such as seaweed, are multicellular (see Figure below).", "protist Gregory G. Dimijian, M.D./Photo Researchers. Protozoans, algae, and slime molds belong to a group of living things called protists, or protoctists. Protists are not animals, plants, fungi, or bacteria. Many protists are so small that people can see them only through a microscope. There are thousands of different species, or types, of protist. Many types live in water, both in oceans and in freshwater.", "- Kingdom Protista contains the protists, or all the organisms that do not fit into the other kingdoms of life. Protists can be heterotrophic or autotrophic, mobile or immobile, single-celled or multi-celled, solo or a member of a colony. They are categorized into three main categories based on how they obtain nutrients.", "General Biology/Classification of Living Things/Eukaryotes/Protists Classification of Protists [edit]. There are three phyla of protists, based on their type of nutrition. 1. Protozoa (animal-like protists) are heterotrophs that ingest or absorb their food and helps.rotozoa [edit]. As heterotrophs, protozoa scavenge materials from their surroundings. Others are predators which actively hunt or ambush small organisms such as bacteria and other protozoa for a source of nutrition. Protozoa can be parasitic as well; they may live inside larger organisms, like humans.", "What Are Protists? Protists are responsible for a variety of human diseases including malaria, sleeping sickness, amoebic dysentery and trichomoniasis. Malaria in humans is a devastating disease. It is caused by five species of the parasite Plasmodium, which are transmitted to humans by female Anopheles mosquitoes, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).", "Importance of Protists The protists include organisms that are plant-like (such as algae), organisms that are animal-like (such as amoebas), and organisms that are fungus-like (such as slime molds). It turns out that protists from each of these groups are important to life on Earth.", "What is a Protist / What are Protozoa? The taxonomic kingdom Protista is a collection of single-celled organisms that do not fit into any other category. Protists are a group made up of protozoa, unicellular algae, and slime molds. We will concentrate on the animal portion of this group: the protozoa (proto = first, zoa = animals). Protozoa are the oldest known group of heterotrophic life that consume and transform complex food particles into energy. Although protozoans are only made up of a single cell, these organisms manage to perform all the basic tasks of life. The protozoa are divided into four major groups: the ciliates, the flagellates, the heliozoans, and the amoebas.", "Kingdom Protista Kingdom Protista is a diverse group of eukaryotic organisms. Protists are unicellular, some are colonial or multicellular, they do not have specialized tissue organization. The simple cellular organization distinguishes the protists from other eukaryotes.", "- Protists can be microscopic or can be over 100 meters (300 feet) long. Some protists are heterotrophs, while others are autotrophs. Since protists vary so much, we will group them into three subcategories: animal-like protists, fungus-like protists, and plant-like protists.", "- Quick Answer. The five main groups of single-celled organisms are protozoa, archaea, bacteria, unicellular fungi and unicellular algae. While single-celled organisms can be either eukaryotic or prokaryotic, most are prokaryotes. The two domains into which prokaryotic cells are divided are archaea and bacteria." ]
how much does it cost to replace a foundation of a house?
[ "- Many Americans are looking to raise their house foundations due to new restrictions from FEMA. If you want to improve your home and raise a foundation for this or any other reasons, it's an expensive but worthwhile process. Overall, you can expect to spend anywhere between $30,000 and $100,000 depending on the size of your house, number of floors and the size of your house's footprint." ]
[ "- Find out how much your project will cost. Provide a few details about your project and receive competitive quotes from local pros. On average nationally, home foundation repair costs $3,753, with most homeowners spending between $1,774 and $5,756.This data is based on actual project costs as reported by HomeAdvisor members. Foundation settlement can lead to major structural problems within your home.ind out how much your project will cost. Provide a few details about your project and receive competitive quotes from local pros. On average nationally, home foundation repair costs $3,753, with most homeowners spending between $1,774 and $5,756.", "- To obtain an engineer’s report for foundation work, simply call a good contractor and discuss foundation repair costs and the estimated charges associated with having it in the Dallas, Fort Worth area. Average costs can range from $1,800 to $10,000 or more.", "House Foundation Cost 1 And an Illinois log cabin owner-builder estimates about $17,000 in costs for a 24'x36' basement foundation with 8' walls with the concrete poured professionally but the rest done as a serious DIY project.. Foundation repairs on a typical house with moderate foundation damage can cost $8,000 -$30,000.", "US Department of State Country Reports on Human Rights Practices -2000 International Business Law Related Legal Terms undue influence, improper influence, significant influence, social influence, normative influence, under the influence of alcohol, under the influence of drugs, area of dominant influence (adi), moral duress, bribery", "Concrete Repair Cost Most repairs require some form of underpinning -- installing concrete or steel piers to support the foundation on deeper, more stable soil. Installing piers can cost $1,000-$3,000 each, or $3,500-$6,000 or more to underpin one corner and $8,000-$30,000 for all needed repairs on a house with moderate foundation damage.", "Foundation Repair Cost repairing a simple crack in a poured concrete foundation can cost about $ 400 $ 800 depending on the extent of the damagereplacing an entire basement floor can add another $ 200 $ 400 and in earthquake prone areas reinforcing the foundation with anchor bolts runs $ 1500 $ 3500 or morepoor soil causes the most damageepairing a simple crack in a poured concrete foundation can cost about $ 400 $ 800 depending on the extent of the damage", "How Much Does Foundation Repair Cost? home advisor s cost guide reports that most homeowners in dallas pay an average of roughly $ 5300 on foundation repairs keeping in mind that this is an average some repair work costs around $ 2500 while other repairs in the dallas area may hover around $ 10000ome advisor s cost guide reports that most homeowners in dallas pay an average of roughly $ 5300 on foundation repairs keeping in mind that this is an average some repair work costs around $ 2500 while other repairs in the dallas area may hover around $ 10000", "Foundation Repair Cost 1 Repairing a simple crack in a poured concrete foundation can cost about $400-$800, depending on the extent of the damage. 2 Replacing an entire basement floor can add another $200-$400. 3 And in earthquake-prone areas, reinforcing the foundation with anchor bolts runs $1,500-$3,500 or more. 4 Poor soil causes the most damage.", "How much does it cost to build a house foundation? For this example, we'll consider the cost of a new 1000 square foot foundation. The average installed cost is $5-$8 per square foot, or $5000-$8000. Materials: Poured slab concrete typically costs $3-$5 per square foot. Footings 1 can add an additional $1-$2 per square foot. A crawl space foundation can be a better option, but it also requires more materials and labor time and can double the overall cost of the project.", "Spanish Version? Great tutorial, very straight forward and simple. My friend also wants to learn but he cant understand English at the moment. I was wondering if you knew if there would ever be a Spanish version for these types of videos.", "Foundation Repair Cost Forensic Structural Engineer: If you request a structural engineer, the price can range between $500 to $1,200. Tunneling: $225 to $300 per foot. Overall, the average cost that is spent on foundation repair in the area falls somewhere around $5,000 to $6,000.For lower-end projects, the cost can be closer to $1,500, but higher-end foundation repair projects can run as much as $12,500.Again, this all depends on a lot of different factors, so it is best to schedule a free on-site consultation to get a more accurate picture of the costs associated with your home’s needs.orensic Structural Engineer: If you request a structural engineer, the price can range between $500 to $1,200. Tunneling: $225 to $300 per foot. Overall, the average cost that is spent on foundation repair in the area falls somewhere around $5,000 to $6,000.", "Average Foundation Repair Costs and Variables Quantifying the average cost of a foundation repair can be difficult because of all the variables that can affect each home or structure. - The typical foundation repair using hydraulic piering runs about $10,000 to $14,000 for an average home ($1,340 per pile at a 6- to 8-foot spacing). - A repair of a simple crack in a poured concrete wall is usually in the range of $800 to $1,500 per crack. - For slabjacking work, the typical cost of concrete removal and replacement on a porch or sidewalk is $150 per hole. - Hiring a structural engineer to assess the damage (typically $300 to $1,500).", "- Find out how much your project will cost. Provide a few details about your project and receive competitive quotes from local pros. The average national cost of building a foundation is $7,775, with most homeowners spending between $4,239 and $11,710.This data is based on actual project costs as reported by HomeAdvisor members. Any structure, whether a house, a garage, or workshop, is only as strong as its foundation.he average national cost of building a foundation is $7,775, with most homeowners spending between $4,239 and $11,710. This data is based on actual project costs as reported by HomeAdvisor members.", "How Much Will it Cost to Raise a House Foundation? Many Americans are looking to raise their house foundations due to new restrictions from FEMA. If you want to improve your home and raise a foundation for this or any other reasons, it's an expensive but worthwhile process.Overall, you can expect to spend anywhere between $30,000 and $100,000 depending on the size of your house, number of floors and the size of your house's footprint.ermits alone cost between $2,500 and $5,000. Be sure to hire a contractor whom you trust, and he should walk you through all the procedures and paperwork involved in obtaining permits in your local area.", "How much does foundation repair cost? If a corner of a house is settling most repairs on houses are limited and localized to about 10-12 feet on either side of the corner. In this repair a cost should be in the $6,000 range. This repair could be $2,500 or $12,000 as well depending on how much of the house has an issue.", "- 1 A slab foundation for an average 1,600- to 1,800-square-foot family home might cost about $7,000-$16,000 or more, while a slab foundation for a 3,000- to 4,500-square-foot home might cost $13,000-$40,000 or more.", "Foundation Repair Cost Typical costs: 1 It's crucial to determine the exact nature of the problem. 2 Repairing a simple crack in a poured concrete foundation can cost about $400-$800, depending on the extent of the damage. Poor soil causes the most damage.", "How Much Does it Cost to Repair a Concrete Foundation? 1 Basic foundation cracks cost around $500 to $1,000 a piece to repair; it’s a pretty straightforward patching job involving cleaning out the crumbling concrete and inserting caulking. 2 It’s unusual to only have one crack; if you see one there are likely others. Soil testing could cost $500 to $1500. 2 A cheaper option would be to contact local government officials, soil engineers or universities for topographical maps of the area that could tell you what kind of soil you’re dealing with.", "House Foundation Cost See Land Clearing, Land Grading and Excavation. A slab foundation for an average 1,600- to 1,800-square-foot family home might cost about $7,000-$16,000 or more, while a slab foundation for a 3,000- to 4,500-square-foot home might cost $13,000-$40,000 or more.", "Compare House Foundation vs Concrete Slab Costs The cost of a raised foundation varies widely based on the size of your home, its layout and the region of the country where you live. For an average-size home, you can expect to spend around $30,000 to $40,000 in most regions of the country.", "How much does it cost to repair the foundation of a house? 1 If a soil report is required, the fee could be as high as $1,500. 2 Repair for cracks: Most crack repairs typically cost $300 to $500 each, but could vary depending on the size of the cracks and how many cracks need to be repaired. 3 Reinforcing a foundation with a crawlspace by adding support piers: $400 to $2,500. Repair for cracks: Most crack repairs typically cost $300 to $500 each, but could vary depending on the size of the cracks and how many cracks need to be repaired.", "Compare House Foundation vs Concrete Slab Costs How Much Does a House Foundation Cost? The cost of a raised foundation varies widely based on the size of your home, its layout and the region of the country where you live. For an average-size home, you can expect to spend around $30,000 to $40,000 in most regions of the country.", "Foundation Repair Cost Overall, the average cost that is spent on foundation repair in the area falls somewhere around $5,000 to $6,000. For lower-end projects, the cost can be closer to $1,500, but higher-end foundation repair projects can run as much as $12,500.verall, the average cost that is spent on foundation repair in the area falls somewhere around $5,000 to $6,000. For lower-end projects, the cost can be closer to $1,500, but higher-end foundation repair projects can run as much as $12,500.", "Average Costs for Foundation Repair Evaluation Addressing Your Repair Needs. The good news is foundation repair costs aren’t always high. Sometimes your needs may require more of a prevention strategy rather than a complete foundation repair. In these cases, your cost could be as low as $500 to $3,000. We’ve built our reputation on honesty which is why in many cases we often recommend a different type of repair (like tree removal) or prevention program (foundation watering routine) that can be fulfilled by another party.", "Costs of Building a Foundation At the time of publication, the cost of a typical slab foundation for a home between 1,600 and 1,800 square feet ranges between $7,000 and $16,000." ]
what is glycohemoglobin
[ "Glycohemoglobin (HbA1c, A1c) [en Español] test overview a glycohemoglobin test or hemoglobin a1c is a blood test that checks the amount of sugar glucose bound to the hemoglobin in the red blood cells when hemoglobin and glucose bond a coat of sugar forms on the hemoglobinthat coat gets thicker when there s more sugar in the blood1c is a blood test that checks the amount of sugar glucose bound to hemoglobin the result is shown as a percentage the result of your a1c test can also be used to estimate your average blood sugar level" ]
[ "Glycohemoglobin (HbA1c, A1c) [en Español] Glycohemoglobin (HbA1c, A1c). Guide. A glycohemoglobin test, or hemoglobin A1c, is a blood test that checks the amount of sugar (glucose) bound to the hemoglobin in the red blood cells.When hemoglobin and glucose bond, a coat of sugar forms on the hemoglobin.uide. A glycohemoglobin test, or hemoglobin A1c, is a blood test that checks the amount of sugar (glucose) bound to the hemoglobin in the red blood cells.", "What Is Glycogen? More About Glycogen. Glycogen is a large molecule produced in the liver and stored mainly in the liver and muscle cells. After we eat more carbohydrate than our bodies can use at the moment, glycogen is made from the leftover glucose.", "Human Physiology/Print Version What is a hemoglobin abnormality? A hemoglobin abnormality is a variant form of hemoglobin that is often inherited and may cause a blood disorder (hemoglobinopathy). Hemoglobin is the iron-containing protein compound within red blood cells that carries oxygen throughout the body. It is made up of heme, which is the iron-containing portion, and globin chains, which are proteins. The globin protein consists of chains of amino acids, the building blocks of proteins. There are several different types of globin chains, named alpha, beta, delta, and gamma. Normal hemoglobin types include:", "hemoglobin A hemoglobin molecule is composed of a protein group, known as globin, and four heme groups, each associated with an iron atom. In the lungs, each iron atom combines reversibly with a molecule of oxygen. Each hemoglobin molecule also has attached a single cysteine amino acid, which attracts nitric oxide from the lungs.", "Glycohemoglobin (HbA1c, A1c) [en Español] glycohemoglobin hba1c a1c guide a glycohemoglobin test or hemoglobin a1c is a blood test that checks the amount of sugar glucose bound to the hemoglobin in the red blood cellswhen hemoglobin and glucose bond a coat of sugar forms on the hemoglobinlycohemoglobin hba1c a1c guide a glycohemoglobin test or hemoglobin a1c is a blood test that checks the amount of sugar glucose bound to the hemoglobin in the red blood cells", "glycogen glycogen. a polysaccharide, the chief carbohydrate storage material in animals. It is formed and stored in the liver and muscles (phosphorylytically cleaved to glucose-1-phosphate). Called also animal starch.glycogen granules. electron-dense accumulation of glycogen molecules.t is formed and stored in the liver and muscles (phosphorylytically cleaved to glucose-1-phosphate). Called also animal starch. glycogen granules. electron-dense accumulation of glycogen molecules.", "Hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) Test for Diabetes The hemoglobin A1c test tells you your average level of blood sugar over the past 2 to 3 months. It's also called HbA1c, glycated hemoglobin test, and glycohemoglobin. People who have diabetes need this test regularly to see if their levels are staying within range. It can tell if you need to adjust your diabetes medicines. The A1c test is also used to diagnose diabetes. What Is Hemoglobin? Hemoglobin is a protein found in red blood cells.", "- Importance of Hemoglobin A1c Test. The hemoglobin A1c test, also called HbA1c, glycated hemoglobin test, or glycohemoglobin, is an important blood test that shows how well your diabetes is being controlled.", "What is Glycation? Glycation is a reaction that takes place when simple sugar molecules, such as fructose or glucose, become attached to proteins or lipid fats without the moderation of an enzyme. This results in the formation of rogue molecules known as advanced glycation endproducts (AGEs).", "Hemoglobin (Low and High Range Causes) Hemoglobin is the protein molecule in red blood cells that carries oxygen from the lungs to the body's tissues and returns carbon dioxide from the tissues back to the lungs.Hemoglobin is made up of four protein molecules (globulin chains) that are connected together.emoglobin is the protein molecule in red blood cells that carries oxygen from the lungs to the body's tissues and returns carbon dioxide from the tissues back to the lungs.", "Myoglobin Myoglobin is an iron-and oxygen-binding protein found in the muscle tissue of vertebrates in general and in almost all mammals. It is related to hemoglobin, which is the iron-and oxygen-binding protein in blood, specifically in the red blood cells.In humans, myoglobin is only found in the bloodstream after muscle injury. It is an abnormal finding, and can be diagnostically relevant when found in blood.yoglobin is similar to hemoglobin in that it is involved in the transportation of oxygen to cells. There are many distinct differences that set the protein apart from hemoglobin. For one the protein has only one binding site for oxygen on the one heme group on the protein.", "Glycohemoglobin (HbA1c, A1c) [en Español] Glycohemoglobin (HbA1c, A1c). Guide. A glycohemoglobin test, or hemoglobin A1c, is a blood test that checks the amount of sugar (glucose) bound to the hemoglobin in the red blood cells.When hemoglobin and glucose bond, a coat of sugar forms on the hemoglobin.lycohemoglobin (HbA1c, A1c). Guide. A glycohemoglobin test, or hemoglobin A1c, is a blood test that checks the amount of sugar (glucose) bound to the hemoglobin in the red blood cells.", "Myoglobin View/Edit Mouse. Myoglobin (symbol Mb or MB) is an iron- and oxygen-binding protein found in the muscle tissue of vertebrates in general and in almost all mammals. It is related to hemoglobin, which is the iron- and oxygen-binding protein in blood, specifically in the red blood cells. In humans, myoglobin is only found in the bloodstream after muscle injury. It is an abnormal finding, and can be diagnostically relevant when found in blood. Myoglobin is the primary oxygen-carrying pigment of muscle tissues. High concentrations of myoglobin in muscle cells allow organisms to hold their breath for a longer period of time.", "- The hemoglobin A1c test, also called HbA1c, glycated hemoglobin test, or glycohemoglobin, is an important blood test that shows how well your diabetes is being controlled.", "What is the difference between glycogen ,starch and cellulose ? Glycogen is a multibranched polysaccharide of glucose that serves as a form of energy storage in humans, animals, and fungi. The polysaccharide structure represents the main storage form of glucose in the body. In humans, glycogen is made and stored primarily in the cells of the liver and the muscles, hydrated with three or four parts of water.", "- Glycated hemoglobin (hemoglobin A1c, HbA1c, A1C, or Hb1c; sometimes also HbA1c or HGBA1C) is a form of hemoglobin that is measured primarily to identify the average plasma glucose concentration over prolonged periods of time.emoglobin A1c was first separated from other forms of hemoglobin by Huisman and Meyering in 1958 using a chromatographic column. It was first characterized as a glycoprotein by Bookchin and Gallop in 1968. Its increase in diabetes was first described in 1969 by Samuel Rahbar et al.", "- Glycated hemoglobin (hemoglobin A1c, HbA1c, A1C, or Hb1c; sometimes also HbA1c or HGBA1C) is a form of hemoglobin that is measured primarily to identify the average plasma glucose concentration over prolonged periods of time.bA 1c is a measure of the beta-N-1-deoxy fructosyl component of hemoglobin. Normal levels of glucose produce a normal amount of glycated hemoglobin. As the average amount of plasma glucose increases, the fraction of glycated hemoglobin increases in a predictable way.", "Hemoglobin Levels: Chart and Information on Body Iron Level The hemoglobin A1c test, also called HbA1c, glycated hemoglobin test, or glycohemoglobin, is an important blood test that shows how well your diabetes is being controlled.he higher the hemoglobin A1c, the higher the risks of developing complications related to diabetes. People with diabetes should have this test every 3 months to determine whether their blood sugars have reached the target level of control.", "- Hemoglobin is the protein molecule in red blood cells that carries oxygen from the lungs to the body's tissues and returns carbon dioxide from the tissues back to the lungs.Hemoglobin is made up of four protein molecules (globulin chains) that are connected together.he normal adult hemoglobin (Hbg) molecule contains two alpha-globulin chains and two beta-globulin chains. In fetuses and infants, beta chains are not common and the hemoglobin molecule is made up of two alpha chains and two gamma chains.", "- Glycation. Glycation is the result of typically covalent bonding of a protein or lipid molecule with a sugar molecule, such as fructose or glucose, without the controlling action of an enzyme. All blood sugars are reducing molecules.Glycation may occur either inside the body or outside the body.lycation is the result of typically covalent bonding of a protein or lipid molecule with a sugar molecule, such as fructose or glucose, without the controlling action of an enzyme.", "Myoglobin Myoglobin (symbol Mb or MB) is an iron- and oxygen-binding protein found in the muscle tissue of vertebrates in general and in almost all mammals. It is related to hemoglobin, which is the iron- and oxygen-binding protein in blood, specifically in the red blood cells. In humans, myoglobin is only found in the bloodstream after muscle injury. It is an abnormal finding, and can be diagnostically relevant when found in blood.", "Definitions &Translations Glycation is the result of typically covalent bonding of a protein or lipid molecule with a sugar molecule, such as fructose or glucose, without the controlling action of an enzyme.All blood sugars are reducing molecules. Glycation may occur either inside the body or outside the body.lycation is the result of typically covalent bonding of a protein or lipid molecule with a sugar molecule, such as fructose or glucose, without the controlling action of an enzyme.", "Hemoglobin (Low and High Range Causes) Hemoglobin is the protein molecule in red blood cells that carries oxygen from the lungs to the body's tissues and returns carbon dioxide from the tissues back to the lungs.Hemoglobin is made up of four protein molecules (globulin chains) that are connected together.s the infant grows, the gamma chains are gradually replaced by beta chains, forming the adult hemoglobin structure. Each globulin chain contains an important central structure called the heme molecule. Embedded within the heme molecule is iron that is vital in transporting oxygen and carbon dioxide in our blood.", "Myoglobin Myoglobin (Mb) is a small, globular protein primarily responsible for oxygen storage in cardiac and skeletal muscle. Mb is involved in the regulation of cellular oxygen tension in respiring tissues, and regulating the bioavailability of the signaling molecule, nitrous oxide (NO) (Wittenberg and Wittenberg 2003).", "Diabetes and the A1C Test: What Does It Tell You? Hemoglobin A1c Test - Definition. The A1c test (also known as HbA1c, glycated hemoglobin or glycosylated hemoglobin) is a blood test that correlates with a person’s average blood glucose level over a span of a few months. It is used as a screening and diagnostic test for prediabetes and diabetes." ]
stalactites definition
[ "Stalactite A stalactite (UK /ˈstaeləktaɪt/ , ˈSTæLəKTAɪT /us/ ; stəˈlaektaɪt stəˈlæktaɪt From the, (greek), stalasso σταλάσσω, to drip and meaning that) which drips is a type of formation that hangs from the ceiling, of caves, hot springs or manmade structures such as bridges. and mines stalactite is not necessarily a speleothem, though speleothems are the most common form of stalactite because of the abundance of limestone caves.", "Stalagmite A stalagmite (UK /ˈstaeləɡmaɪt/ ˈstæləɡmaɪt OR /us/ ; stəˈlaeɡmaɪt stəˈlæɡmaɪt From the - greek, σταλαγμίτης stalagmites - stalagmitês, from, σταλαγμίας) stalagmias dropping trickling is a type of rock formation that rises from the floor of a cave due to the accumulation of material deposited on the floor. from ceiling drippingshis stalagmite formation occurs only under certain pH conditions within the underground cavern. They form through deposition of calcium carbonate and other minerals, which is precipitated from mineralized water solutions." ]
[ "An Explanation of How Limestone Caves are Formed at Every Stage Limestone caves (AKA caverns) can be defined as natural cavities that are formed under the earth's surface. It can range from stretching to a few meters to stretching for miles in depth and length. They are found deep in the rocks and in some parts of the cave light has still not found its way.talagmites are formations which rise from the surface of the cave. Stalactites are formations which hang from the top of a cave. Flow stones are layers like formation because of the flow of the water. Given below are pictures of speleothems in the form of stalctites, stalgmites and flow stones.", "How to Become a Nurse Anesthetist According to the AANA, approximately 2,000 student nurse anesthetists graduate and pass their certification exams each year. Nurse anesthetists must recertify through the NBCRNA every two years, a process which includes: Proof of valid RN license; 40 hours of continuing education; Verification of work in anesthetics during the prior two years", "Pluton In geology, a pluton is a body of intrusive igneous rock (called a plutonic rock) that is crystallized from magma slowly cooling below the surface of the Earth. Plutons include batholiths, stocks, dikes, sills, laccoliths, lopoliths, and other igneous bodies. In practice, pluton usually refers to a distinctive mass of igneous rock, typically several kilometers in dimension, without a tabular shape like those of dikes and sills. Batholiths commonly are aggregations of plutons.", "- By September 1999, the frivolity and glamour was in full swing under the tents. Hail and Farewell, Bryant Park Elizabeth Gates September 9, 2009. This new translation by Adriana Hunter fully captures the elegance and frivolity of its era.", "- . stomium: in a bryophyte, lycopod, or fern, the opening of the sporangium, see also calyptra, columella, operculum, peristome, seta, stomium; for fern sporangia, see annulus. stone of a drupe = pyrene. stone cells = the brachysclereidal cells that can make the flesh of pears, etc., gritty.", "Speleothem Speleothem. Speleothems are mineral deposits formed from groundwater within underground caverns. Stalagmites, stalactites, and other forms may be annually banded or contain compounds that can be radiometrically dated.Thickness of depositional layers or isotopic records can be used to determine past climate conditions.peleothem. Speleothems are mineral deposits formed from groundwater within underground caverns. Stalagmites, stalactites, and other forms may be annually banded or contain compounds that can be radiometrically dated.", "Definitions &Translations Apatite. Apatite is a group of phosphate minerals, usually referring to hydroxylapatite, fluorapatite and chlorapatite, named for high concentrations of OH−, F−, Cl− or ions, respectively, in the crystal.", "- Foliation is a general term for pervasive planar structures. Typically the result of fine-scale compositional layering and alignment of minerals. Slaty cleavage is cleavage characteristic of fine grained, low grade metamorphic rocks such as slate.", "meteorite The definition of a meteorite is a rock that is found on Earth that did not form on Earth. 1 As of November 2012 there have been 1910 meteorites found in the United States.he definition of a meteorite is a rock that is found on Earth that did not form on Earth. 1 As of November 2012 there have been 1910 meteorites found in the United States.", "Karst Topography - Teacher's Guide and Paper Model Speleothems - A deposit, usually calcium carbonate, formed in caves by chemical precipitation from drips or thin films of water. Common speleothem forms are: Stalactite: which hangs downwards from a roof or wall of a cave and Stalagmite: which projects vertically upwards from a cave floor.", "- Stalagmites are rock formations found in caves. Along with stalactites, stalagmites are speleothems, or cave deposits that form slowly over hundreds of years. People should not touch stalagmites, else they could disrupt the deposition of mineral and halting their growth. Stalactites and stalagmites are found inside most caves.", "cactus Definition of cactus. plural. cacti. play \\-ˌtī, -(ˌ)tē\\ or. cactuses. also. cactus. : any of a family (Cactaceae, the cactus family) of plants that have succulent stems and branches with scales or spines instead of leaves and are found especially in dry areas (as deserts)", "- Stalactites form when water containing dissolved calcium bicarbonate from the limestone rock drips from the ceiling of a cave. As the water comes into contact with the air, some of the calcium bicarbonate precipitates back into limestone to form a tiny ring, which gradually elongates to form a stalactite. Stalagmites grow upwards from the drips that fall to the floor. They spread outwards more, so they have a wider, flatter shape than stalactites, but they gain mass at roughly the same rate. Limestone stalactites form extremely slowly – usually less than 10cm every thousand years – and radiometric dating has shown that some are over 190,000 years old.", "- den·drite. n. Any of the various branched protoplasmic extensions of a nerve cell that conducts impulses from adjacent cells inward toward the cell body. Also called dendritic process, dendron, neurodendrite, neurodendron.", "stalactite and stalagmite A stalagmite is a cone of calcite rising from the floor of a cavern. Stalagmites and stalactites are often found in pairs, the stalagmite being formed as a result of further evaporation and precipitation from solution after the trickle of water falls from the stalactite.", "- Stalagmite. Stalagmites are corresponding formations on the floor of caves to stalactites. Stalagmites rise from the floor in a build-up of calcium carbonate over time, from mineral-bearing water dropped from the roof of the cave.The term stalagmite comes from the Greek word, stalagma, to “drop”.talagmites are corresponding formations on the floor of caves to stalactites. Stalagmites rise from the floor in a build-up of calcium carbonate over time, from mineral-bearing water dropped from the roof of the cave.", "Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF) Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF) Overview. Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is a disease marked by progressive scarring of the lungs. The disease is called idiopathic because there is currently no known cause for IPF. Fibrosis, or scar tissue, develops and prevents the lungs from working normally.", "dendrite 1. (Anatomy) Also called: dendron any of the short branched threadlike extensions of a nerve cell, which conduct impulses towards the cell body. 2. (Minerals) a branching mosslike crystalline structure in some rocks and minerals. 3. (Minerals) a crystal that has branched during growth and has a treelike form.", "- Top definition Stromatolite unknown 1)A widely distributed sedimentary structure consisting of laminated carbonate or silicate rocks, produced over geologic time by the trapping, binding, or precipitating of sediment by groups of microorganisms, primarily cyanobacteria.", "Stalactites hang from the ceiling of a cave while stalagmites grow from the cave floor. When discussing mineral formations in caves, we often talk about stalactites and stalagmites. A stalactite is an icicle-shaped formation that hangs from the ceiling of a cave, and is produced by precipitation of minerals from water dripping through the cave ceiling. Most stalactites have pointed tips.A stalagmite is an upward-growing mound of mineral deposits that have precipitated from water dripping onto the floor of a cave. Most stalagmites have rounded or flattened tips.There are many other types of mineral formations found in caves. For example, flowstones are deposits of minerals from water flowing over the floor or walls of a cave. As layers of flowstone become thicker, their shape becomes rounded.ost stalactites have pointed tips. A stalagmite is an upward-growing mound of mineral deposits that have precipitated from water dripping onto the floor of a cave. Most stalagmites have rounded or flattened tips.", "What are stalactites and stalagmites? Weathering and erosion cause the igneous rock to break apart causing sediments from it to go somewhere like a river. Than over time compaction and cementation cause it to beco…me a sedimentary rock.", "Cave A bowl-like depression that develops on Earth's surface above a cave ceiling that has collapsed or on an area where the underlying sedimentary rock has been eroded away. Speleothem: A mineral deposit formed in a cave. Stalactite: An icicle-shaped mineral deposit hanging from the roof of a cave.", "- Definition of meteorite for English Language Learners. : a piece of rock or metal that has fallen to the ground from outer space : a meteor that reaches the surface of the Earth without burning up entirely.", "- A stromatolite (literally, ‘layered rock’) is a solid structure created by single-celled microbes called cyanobacteria (blue-green algae). The cyanobacteria form colonies and trap sediment with their sticky surface coatings.The trapped sediment reacts to calcium carbonate in the water to form limestone. These limestone deposits build up very slowly – it can take a stromatolite 100 years to grow 5 cm.A 1 m-high stromatolite might be 2,000 years old!he cyanobacteria form colonies and trap sediment with their sticky surface coatings. The trapped sediment reacts to calcium carbonate in the water to form limestone. These limestone deposits build up very slowly – it can take a stromatolite 100 years to grow 5 cm. A 1 m-high stromatolite might be 2,000 years old!", "Limestone Oolitic Limestone: A limestone composed mainly of calcium carbonate oolites, small spheres formed by the concentric precipitation of calcium carbonate on a sand grain or shell fragment. Travertine: A limestone that forms by evaporative precipitation, often in a cave, to produce formations such as stalactites, stalagmites, and flowstone." ]
redemption cast
[ "The Shawshank Redemption For other uses, see The Shawshank Redemption (disambiguation). The Shawshank Redemption is a 1994 American drama film written and directed by Frank Darabont, and starring Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman." ]
[ "The Shawshank Redemption Chicago Sun-Times film reviewer Roger Ebert argued that The Shawshank Redemption is an allegory for maintaining one's feeling of self-worth when placed in a hopeless position. Andy Dufresne's integrity is an important theme in the story line, especially in prison, where integrity is lacking.", "Redemption Details FULL SYNOPSIS. Writer/director Steven Knight's Redemption stars Jason Statham as a British Special Forces veteran named Smith who has fallen on very hard times. He's an alcoholic homeless man huddling inside a box on a dingy London alley with a fellow homeless woman when a couple of criminals start harassing the junkies and the destitute.", "- Cast. 1 Dominic Cooper. Mitch Brockden. 2 Gloria Reuben. Detective Blake Kanon. 3 Ryan Robbins. Jimmy Logan. Dylan Taylor. Stuart 1 Wilson. Erin Karpluk. Rachel Brockden. Samuel L. Jackson. Clinton Davis.", "- An elite team of FBI profilers analyse the most twisted criminal minds, anticipating their next moves before they strike again. Starring Joe Mantegna as David Rossi, Thomas Gibson as Aaron Hotchner and Kirsten Vangsness as Garcia. Starring: Joe Mantegna, Thomas Gibson, Paget Brewster, Shemar Moore.", "- Cast. Tom Selleck; Jane Adams; Reg Rogers; Viola Davis; Mimi Rogers; Alexis Dziena; Tom Selleck as Detective Jesse Stone Jane Adams as Brianna Lincoln Reg Rogers as Andrew Lincoln Viola Davis as Molly Crane Mimi Rogers as Rita Fiore Alexis Dziena as Candace Pennington Kohl Sudduth as Luther Suitcase Simpson Polly Shannon as Abby Taylor Stephen McHattie as Captain Healy", "Homeland (season 5) Recurring cast [edit]. 1 Nina Hoss as Astrid, Quinn's former lover who works for the German embassy. 2 Atheer Adel as Numan, a computer hacker who accidentally downloads secret CIA files. 3 Micah Hauptman as Millis, a CIA tech working in the Berlin Station. 4 Alex Lanipekun as Hank Wonham. 5 Mark Ivanir as Ivan Krupin, a Russian intelligence agent.", "The Shawshank Redemption ( 1994) on Netflix Bank Merchant Andy Defrene is convicted of the murder of his wife and her lover, and sentenced to life imprisonment at Shawshank prison. Life seems to have taken a turn for the worse, but fortunately Andy befriends some of the other inmates, in particular a character known only as Red.", "Character Biography Leo Kirkman. Tanner Buchanan stars as Leo Kirkman on Designated Survivor. Buchanan's first television acting job was the 2011 pilot Home Grown for Warner Bros. Television and CBS. Buchanan has had guest starring roles on Grey's Anatomy, Major Crimes and The Goldbergs.", "- The Excel number for a modern date is most easily calculated as the number of days since 12/30/1899 on the Gregorian calendar. Excel treats the mythical date 01/00/1900 (i.e., 12/31/1899) as corresponding to 0, and incorrectly treats year 1900 as a leap year.", "Orange Is The New Black season 3: Ruby Rose cast as 'lust object' in Netflix series Litchfield Penitentiary is to get a new inmate in the form of 28-year-old Ruby Rose, who will apparently play a love interest for both Piper and Alex in OITNB season 3. A blurb in Elle magazine described her character as the lust object of the warring couple, which Rose confirmed, re-posting it on her Facebook.", "Survivor's Remorse Survivor's Remorse is a comedy television series airing on Starz. It premiered on October 4, 2014. The plot centers around the lives of Cam Calloway (Jessie T. Usher) and his family after he signs a pro basketball contract and moves his family to Atlanta. The series is produced by LeBron James. On August 24, 2016, Survivor's Remorse was renewed for a fourth season.", "'Sons of Anarchy' creator Kurt Sutter joins 'Bastard Executioner' cast Kurt Sutter, creator of FX's monster hit Sons of Anarchy, has nailed down the cast for his follow-up pilot, The Bastard Executioner.. And he's in it. The new period drama will star Lee Jones, Stephen Moyer, Flora Spencer-Longhurst and Katey Sagal, who also starred in Sons and is married to Sutter.", "Margo Martindale: A 'Justified' Moonshine Matriarch In the FX series Justified, Timothy Olyphant plays Raylan Givens, a U.S. marshal transferred from the sunny skies of Miami to his former home in the backwoods of Kentucky. In those Kentucky hills, Givens encounters a slew of unsavory characters, including Mags Bennett, a moonshine-making Appalachian matriarch of a law-defying hillbilly family.", "- 1 5 Cast Members of the Movie Terminator Salvation. 2 Marcus Wright is a death row inmate who is convinced to donate his body to Cyberdyne Systems after his execution. 3 A year later the Skynet system activates and gets rid of mos….", "Cassie St. Cyr Lindsay Pulsipher. Cassie St. Cyr is a recurring character in the fourth season of the FX series Justified. She is the sister of new and popular preacher Billy St. Cyr. She is portrayed by guest star Lindsay Pulsipher. Not much is known about Cassie, other than the fact her and Billy's father was killed from the bite of a venomous snake.", "The Shawshank Redemption The Shawshank Redemption is a 1994 American drama film written and directed by Frank Darabont and starring Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman.", "- Pop Culture Tests. Opening to little acclaim in 1994, Frank Darabont's The Shawshank Redemption went on to achieve wide-spread popularity. Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman deliver two great performances in this tale of hope and friendship.Get busy living or get busy dying, but first find out how well you know The Shawshank Redemption.im Robbins and Morgan Freeman deliver two great performances in this tale of hope and friendship. Get busy living or get busy dying, but first find out how well you know The Shawshank Redemption.", "- Bloodline (2013) Cast + Crew. 1 Matt Thompson. Brett Ethos. 2 Kimberly Alexander. Katie. 3 Gina Comparetto. Chelsi. 4 Jesse Kristofferson. Kevin. 5 Christopher Frontiero. Davy. 6 Grainger Hines. Ranger. 7 Zahn McClarnon. Jack.", "- The Taken prequel TV series finds its young Liam Neeson in Vikings star Clive Standon, casting him as CIA operative Bryan Mills. The Taken prequel TV series finds its young Liam Neeson in Vikings star Clive Standon, casting him as CIA operative Bryan Mills.", "Galina Reznikov Moscow Mule. 40 OZ of Furlough. Galina Red Reznikov is an inmate at Litchfield Penitentiary, portrayed by Kate Mulgrew. She is a powerful figure in the inmate population who holds the position of Head Chef and is leader of a group known as Red's Girls.", "See Who's Been Cast in The Hunger Games: Catching Fire The cast of Catching Fire is now complete! Sam Claflin has been confirmed to play Finnick, and Betee has just been cast as well. We can't wait for the hotly anticipated sequel to The Hunger Games, and thankfully Jennifer Lawrence, Josh Hutcherson, Liam Hemsworth, and the rest of the first chapter's players will be back to reprise their roles.", "Modern slavery in the United Kingdom 2007 marks the 200th anniversary of the UK legislation abolishing the slave trade. Many people are unaware, however, that slavery continues to exist in the modern world and that forms of slavery are common within the UK.007 marks the 200th anniversary of the UK legislation abolishing the slave trade. Many people are unaware, however, that slavery continues to exist in the modern world and that forms of slavery are common within the UK.", "- Cast: Carl Lumbly, Suzzanne Douglas, Daniel Lee Robertson III, Paul Winfield, Kevin Hooks. Director: Kevin Hooks. Genres: Drama. Production Co: Miramax", "- User Reviews. Be Bad 2 April 2013 | by wilson trivino (United States) – See all my reviews Set in the dirty dirty ATL, three delinquents break into Madea's (Tyler Perry) house and all her Madeaness turns them childrrrns into the right path of redemption.ser Reviews. Be Bad 2 April 2013 | by wilson trivino (United States) – See all my reviews Set in the dirty dirty ATL, three delinquents break into Madea's (Tyler Perry) house and all her Madeaness turns them childrrrns into the right path of redemption.", "Was the main guy in The Shawshank Redemption innocent? In the film, Shawshank Redemption actor Tim Robbins plays a falsely accused Andy Dufresne, whose only friend in prison is Ellis Boyd 'Red' Redding, played by Morgan Freeman." ]
what is adh
[ "- ADH (antidiuretic hormone): A peptide molecule that is released by the pituitary gland at the base of the brain after being made nearby (in the hypothalamus). ADH has an antidiuretic action that prevents the production of dilute urine (and so is antidiuretic). A syndrome of inappropriate secretion of ADH may occur in association with oat-cell lung cancer, pancreatic cancer, prostate cancer, and Hodgkin's disease as well as a number of other disorders." ]
[ "ADH (Antidiuretic Hormone) ADH (Antidiuretic Hormone). The brain and kidneys regulate the amount of water excreted by the body. When the blood volume is low, the concentration of solutes in the blood is high. When the hypothalamus senses this low blood volume and increased serum osmolality it synthesizes ADH, a small peptide molecule.s a result, the kidneys retain less water, which dilutes the urine and increases urine output. As fluid leaves the body, blood volume decreases and serum osmolality increases.", "- Antidiuretic hormone (ADH): A relatively small (peptide) molecule that is released by the pituitary gland at the base of the brain after being made nearby (in the hypothalamus).ADH has an antidiuretic action that prevents the production of dilute urine (and so is antidiuretic). syndrome of inappropriate secretion of ADH results in the inability to put out dilute urine, perturbs fluid (and electrolyte) balance, and causes nausea, vomiting, muscle cramps, confusion and convulsions.", "- Antidiuretic hormone (ADH): A relatively small (peptide) molecule that is released by the pituitary gland at the base of the brain after being made nearby (in the hypothalamus).", "ADH ADH is produced by the hypothalamus in the brain and stored in the posterior pituitary gland at the base of the brain. ADH is normally released by the pituitary in response to sensors that detect an increase in blood osmolality (number of dissolved particles in the blood) or decrease in blood volume. The kidneys respond to ADH by conserving water and producing urine that is more concentrated.", "Antidiuretic Hormone (ADH) Test ADH release helps maintain the optimum amount of water in the body when there is an increase in the concentration of the blood serum or a decrease in blood volume. Physical stress, surgery, and high levels of anxiety can also stimulate ADH.", "Antidiuretic Hormone (ADH) Test Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) is a hormone that helps your kidneys manage the amount of water in your body. The ADH test measures how much ADH is in your blood. This test is often combined with other tests to find out what is causing too much or too little of this hormone to be present in the blood.", "Antidiuretic Hormone (ADH) Antidiuretic hormone (ADH), also called arginine vasopressin (AVP), is a hormone that helps regulate water balance in the body by controlling the amount of water the kidneys reabsorb while they are filtering wastes out of the blood.This test measures the amount of ADH in the blood.ntidiuretic hormone (ADH), also called arginine vasopressin (AVP), is a hormone that helps regulate water balance in the body by controlling the amount of water the kidneys reabsorb while they are filtering wastes out of the blood.", "- Vasopressin, also known as arginine vasopressin (AVP), antidiuretic hormone (ADH), or argipressin, is a neurohypophysial hormone found in most mammals.Its two primary functions are to retain water in the body and to constrict blood vessels.asopressin regulates the body's retention of water by acting to increase water reabsorption in the kidney's collecting ducts, the tubules which receive the very dilute urine produced by the functional unit of the kidney, the nephrons.", "Overview Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) is a group of inherited genetic disorders that affect the adrenal glands, a pair of walnut-sized organs above your kidneys. A person with CAH lacks one of the enzymes the adrenal glands use to produce hormones that help regulate metabolism, the immune system, blood pressure and other essential functions.", "Antidiuretic Hormone and PCOS Also known as vasopressin, ADH promotes smooth muscle contraction and causes the body to retain water, helping to prevent dehydration. ADH secretion is activated when specialized cells in the brain or heart detect a change in the concentration of the blood or blood pressure.", "- Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), also known as corticotropin (INN, BAN) (brand names Acortan, ACTH, Acthar, Acton, Cortigel, Trofocortina), is a polypeptide tropic hormone produced and secreted by the anterior pituitary gland.", "What is adh? exists and is an alternate of . The primary function of ADH is on the kidneys where they increase the ammount of water reabsorption from the fluid in the nephron. The primary function of ADH is on the kidneys where they increase the ammount of water reabsorption from the fluid in the nephron.", "Definitions ADH Antidiuretic hormone; a hormone produced by the hypothalamus and released by the posterior pituitary that acts on the kidneys to promote water reabsorption; also known as vasopressin. ADP Adenosine diphosphate; a molecule that together with inorganic phosphate is used to make ATP (adenosine triphosphate).", "ADH Antidiuretic hormone, also called arginine vasopressin (AVP), is a hormone produced by the hypothalamus in the brain and stored in the posterior pituitary gland at the base of the brain. ADH helps regulate water balance in the body. water deprivation ADH stimulation test is sometimes used to distinguish between these types. It involves fluid restriction, an ADH test, and the administration of ADH (vasopressin).", "Factor five Leiden and bruising January 29th, 2016. I was recently diagnosed with factor five Leiden and feel like I'm just waiting for a DVT or PE to happen. I have not had any blood clots myself. the only reason I found out that I have this blood disorder is being tested since its in our family history. Should be worried when I accidentally get bruises on my legs.", "- Adrenoleukodystrophy (X-ALD) is a serious progressive, genetic disorder that affects the adrenal glands, the spinal cord and the white matter of the nervous system.", "What is the major stimulus of ADH? ADH is a hormone that is produced in a part of the brain called the hypothalamus. It is then stored and released from the pituitary gland, a small gland at the base of the brain.", "Antidiuretic Hormone (ADH) Test ADH is also called arginine vasopressin. It is a water-regulating hormone made by the hypothalamus (in the brain), and stored in the posterior pituitary gland. ADH is the chemical that tells the kidneys how much water to conserve. ADH constantly regulates and balances the amount of water in the blood.", "Human Physiology/The endocrine system Vasopressin, also known as arginine vasopressin (AVP), antidiuretic hormone (ADH), or argipressin, is a neurohypophysial hormone found in most mammals. Its two primary functions are to retain water in the body and to constrict blood vessels.asopressin regulates the body's retention of water by acting to increase water reabsorption in the kidney's collecting ducts, the tubules which receive the very dilute urine produced by the functional unit of the kidney, the nephrons.", "Human Physiology/Print Version The hormone which the anterior pituitary gland produces is called ADH. The ADH hormone is responsible for the balance of water within the human body. These are the stages in which the ADH hormone acts if there is too little water: 1. The hypothalamus (a part of the brain) detects too little water in blood. 2.", "adrenoleukodystrophy Adrenoleukodystrophy is a rare genetic disease characterized by a loss of myelin surrounding nerve cells in the brain and progressive adrenal gland dysfunction. Adrenoleukodystrophy (ALD) is a member of a group of diseases, leukodystrophies, that cause damage to the myelin sheath of nerve cells.", "Describe how ADH and aldosterone influence the volume and concentration of urine.? Best Answer: ADH (anti diuretic hormone) is released by the posterior pituitary into the bloodstream in response to a low blood volume (think of the blood as a hypertonic solution). ADH acts on the cells of the collecting ducts of the nephron in the kidney. ADH diffuses out of the blood stream and binds to its receptor found on the basolateral membrane of the collecting duct cell (this is the side of the cell that faces the blood).", "Autosomal dominant hypophosphatemic rickets Autosomal dominant hypophosphatemic rickets. Autosomal dominant hypophosphatemic rickets (ADHR) is a rare hereditary disease in which excessive loss of phosphate in the urine leads to poorly formed bones (rickets), bone pain, and tooth abscesses. ADHR is caused by a mutation in the fibroblast growth factor 23 (FGF23).", "ADH ADH is produced by the hypothalamus in the brain and stored in the posterior pituitary gland at the base of the brain. ADH is normally released by the pituitary in response to sensors that detect an increase in blood osmolality (number of dissolved particles in the blood) or decrease in blood volume.DH is produced by the hypothalamus in the brain and stored in the posterior pituitary gland at the base of the brain. ADH is normally released by the pituitary in response to sensors that detect an increase in blood osmolality (number of dissolved particles in the blood) or decrease in blood volume.", "alcohol dehydrogenase al·co·hol de·hy·dro·gen·ase (ADH), An oxidoreductase that reversibly converts an alcohol to an aldehyde (or ketone) with NAD + as the hydride acceptor; for example, ethanol + NAD + ⇄ acetaldehyde + NADH. See also: alcohol dehydrogenase (acceptor), alcohol dehydrogenase (NADP+)." ]
defense base act chubb
[ "The Defense Base Act: Coverage for Federal Contractor Employee Injuries The Defense Base Act: Coverage for Federal Contractor Employee Injuries. First passed in the World War II era, the Defense Base Act is the federal law requiring workers' compensation coverage for the overseas employees of U.S. government contractors and subcontractors. If a worker falls under one of four distinct categories of employees, he or she is covered, regardless of citizenship status." ]
[ "Welcome to Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling The legislation ordered the consolidation of Naval Support Facility Anacostia (NSF) and Bolling Air Force Base (BAFB), which were adjoining, but separate military installations, into a single joint base.", "- Warren, New Jersey 07059. Asset Management ProtectorSM by Chubb. Renewal Application. 14-03-0860 (08/2012) 1 of 23. BY COMPLETING THIS RENEWAL APPLICATION YOU ARE APPLYING FOR COVERAGE WITH. FEDERAL INSURANCE COMPANY (THE “COMPANY”) NOTICE: EACH COVERAGE PART OF ASSET MANAGEMENT PROTECTORSM BY CHUBB PROVIDES CLAIMS-. MADE COVERAGE, WHICH APPLIES ONLY TO CLAIMS FIRST MADE DURING THE POLICY PERIOD, OR ANY.", "Company Profile Full Year 2017 Download a PDF of Chubb Limited Profile. Chubb is the world’s largest publicly traded property and casualty insurer, providing commercial and personal property and casualty insurance, personal accident and supplemental health insurance, reinsurance and life insurance. — As an underwriting company, we assess, assume and manage risk with insight and discipline.", "CFB North Bay 22 Wing/Canadian Forces Base North Bay is the most important military base in Canada with respect to the continental air defence of North America and the country's air sovereignty.", "\"DFARS, Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation AKA \"\"The Berry Amendment\"\"\" DFARS, Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation AKA The Berry Amendment. DFARS Compliant Material is a term that has sent shock waves through the fastener industry since coming to the forefront in June 2005. Clause 252.225-7014 is the specification for A Preference for Domestic Specialty Metals..", "- (CERCLA, commonly referred to as Superfund), 42 U.S.C. § 9601 et seq., provides an important. liability protection for parties who qualify as bona fide prospective purchasers (BFPPs ). This guidance. discusses the potential applicability of the BFPP provision to tenants who lease contaminated or. formerly contaminated properties, and how the Agency intends to exercise its enforcement discretion to.", "Bunker The north entrance to the Cheyenne Mountain Complex in Colorado. A bunker is a defensive military fortification designed to protect people or valued materials from falling bombs or other attacks. Bunkers are mostly underground, compared to blockhouses which are mostly above ground.", "- In fact, Chubb’s life sciences property and casualty insurance program is endorsed by the world’s preeminent biotechnology industry organization, BIO. Our technology specialists can help you build a portfolio of insurance products and loss prevention services to protect your facilities, your research and your products.", "- We are descendents of the 8 Chubb brothers who founded a town in the 1700's. The town was called Chubbtown. The church and graveyard is still standing today, as well as descendents are still living on the land. This town was a self-sufficient community and had its own post ofice, stores, distilleries, blacksmith, farms, and several mills. The white community knew of this communtiy.", "About Chubb Chubb's History. In January 2016, ACE Limited acquired the Chubb Corporation, creating the world’s largest publicly traded property and casualty insurance company operating under the renowned Chubb name. Information on Chubb's executive leadership team.", "- Military Bases in Utah Hill AFB Hill AFB is one of the leading employers in the state of Utah with 4000 civilian contractors, 13,000 civil servants, 1200 reservists, and 5500 active beauty soldiers.", "- Welcome to Home Base! Home Base is North Carolina’s suite of digital classroom management tools and instructional resources for teachers, students, parents and administrators. Teachers use Home Base to access student data as well as teaching and learning resources to help students.", "Hilcorp Milne Point Moose Pad Development Unit Plan of Operations The Alaska Department of Natural Resources (ADNR), Division of Oil and Gas (Division), has received a Unit Plan of Operations application (LONS 16-008) from Hilcorp Alaska, LLC (Hilcorp), received September 22, 2016 and updated November 2, 2016, requesting authorization to construct and operate a new pad and road in the Milne Point Unit (MPU).", "- What is Berry Amendment Compliance? Posted by Administrator on Oct 27, 2012 in Tech Corner | Comments Off Berry Amendment Compliance (United States Code, Title 10, Section 2533) also known as the Buy American Act refers to a federal regulation that requires the Dept of Defense to purchase U.S. manufactured products in order to protect the U.S. industrial base during times of war. You can read about FAQs here.", "- Verify correct signal and ground connections (see above). Verify your signal wire is not routed close to any high voltage sources (i.e. spark plug wires, distributor). The signal wire can pick up electrical interference (signal noise) if routed close to a high voltage source. Try switching the signal input.", "- The U.S. Transportation Command Directorate of Acquisition, Scott Air Force Base, Illinois, is the contracting activity. 1 The mission of the Department of Defense is to provide the military forces needed to deter war and to protect the security of our country. The department's headquarters is at the Pentagon.", "What are the fall sports? The most popular fall sports are soccer, track & field, football, and cross-country. The main fall sports are soccer, track and field, and cross-country. An uncommon fall sp … ort is field hockey.", "Best Swimming Workout: Lose Body Fat in the Pool Swimming isn't like walking, during which your heart rate drops quickly. It stays raised for at least 30 seconds after a few laps, he says. Try this starter workout: Swim four lengths of the pool at an easy effort (catch your breath at the wall between lengths if you need to). Rest for 30 seconds. Repeat five to 10 times. Try that two or three times a week for the first two weeks.", "- Chubb At A Glance. S. ince 1882, Chubb has provided property and casualty insurance to. businesses and individuals around the world. By way of background, the. Chubb organization comprises several entities. The Chubb Corporation is a. holding company for a family of property and casualty insurance companies. known informally as the Chubb Group of Insurance Companies. Chubb & Son, a division of Federal Insurance Company, manages these companies.", "- 1 Stuart Industries-Aerospace parts distribution and HQ at HighPoint Business Park in a 37,000 square feet build-to-suit facility. 2 Airforce Airguns-Manufacturer of precision controlled airguns building 20,000 square feet for office, assembly and distribution at HighPoint Business Park.", "6B. Law of Armed Conflict Under the LOAC, civilian objects protected from attack include: Under the Law of Armed Conflict, civilian objects such as places of worship, schools, hospitals, and dwellings are protected from attack.", "Delaware statutory trust A Delaware statutory trust (DST) is a legally recognized trust that is set up for the purpose of business, but not necessarily in the U.S. state of Delaware. It may also be referred to as an Unincorporated Business Trust or UBO.[1]", "United States Disciplinary Barracks This article is about the military prison. For the civilian prison, see United States Penitentiary, Leavenworth. The United States Disciplinary Barracks (or USDB, popularly known as Leavenworth, or the DB) is a military correctional facility located on Fort Leavenworth, a United States Army post in Kansas.irst facility [edit]. Originally known as the United States Military Prison, the USDB was established by Act of Congress in 1874. Prisoners were used for the bulk of the construction, which began in 1875 and was completed in 1921. The facility was able to house up to 1,500 prisoners.", "Tie Not Water Balloon Filler 1 Four steps to a water balloon: 2 Fill the balloon and loop over the top. 3 While holding the neck of the balloon (make sure neck of balloon is under tool), proceed to spin tool counter-clockwise in a full circle. Works with standard sized water balloons. 2 Four steps to a water balloon: 3 Fill the balloon and loop over the top. 4 While holding the neck of the balloon (make sure neck of balloon is under tool), proceed to spin tool counter-clockwise in a full circle.", "Chubb: Detailed Analysis Of A High Quality Insurer Chubb: Detailed Analysis Of A High Quality Insurer. The word 'property' usually refers to physical objects - autos, homes, art, etc. - that can be lost, damaged or otherwise cause the owner to sustain financial loss. The word 'casualty' usually refers to the concept of liability and is often associated with coverage of negligent acts or omissions - professional liability, worker's compensation, etc." ]
what are hereditary traits
[ "Human Hereditary Traits Inheritance in man conforms to the same genetic principles, which govern inheritance in other animals and in plants. About 200 traits are transmitted from generation to generation in humans.These are called hereditary traits. These include dominant as well as recessive traits.Many human traits are transmitted in a simple Mendelian manner, while many others follow a non-Mendelian pattern shown when there is co-dominance, polygenes and sex-linked genes.hese are called hereditary traits. These include dominant as well as recessive traits. Many human traits are transmitted in a simple Mendelian manner, while many others follow a non-Mendelian pattern shown when there is co-dominance, polygenes and sex-linked genes." ]
[ "heredity 1. the passing on of characters or traits from parents to offspring as a result of the transmission of genes. 2. the genetic characters so transmitted. 3. the characteristics of an individual that are considered to have been passed on by the parents or ancestors. geneagenetic, adj. genetics. 1. Biology. the science of heredity, studying resemblances and differences in related organisms and the mechanisms which explain these phenomena. 2. the genetic properties and phenomena of an organism. — geneticist, n.", "- Genetic traits are carried on chromosomes, which are long molecules of a nucleic acid called DNA. Each chromosome carries the genetic code for many different traits. Each trait is at a different location on the chromosome. We call these traits genes.", "heredity heredity. the transmission of genetic traits from parents to offspring. The hereditary material is DNA in the ovum and sperm, so that the offspring's heredity is determined at the moment of conception. Inside the nucleus of each germ cell are structures called chromosomes.", "Gene Each gene occupies a certain location on a chromosome. Genes are self-replicating sequences of DNA nucleotides, subject to random structural changes (mutations). Hereditary traits are controlled by pairs of genes in the same position on a pair of chromosomes. These alleles may be either dominant or recessive.", "Hereditary Diseases List Hereditary diseases, also known as inherited diseases or genetic disorders, are diseases that are passed on from one generation to another through defective genes. These diseases are transmitted in the same family.", "- (1) The passing of genetic factors from parent to offspring (or from one generation to the next). (2) The genetic constitution of an individual. Heredity is the means by which an offspring acquires the qualities of its parents. Genetics is the science that studies heredity.", "How are genetic traits determined? Genetic traits are determined based on the genes an individual inherits from his parents. All an individual's genes determines his genotype, while factors such as dominanc…e and recessiveness determine phenotype.", "Heredity In humans, eye color is an example of an inherited characteristic: an individual might inherit the brown-eye trait from one of the parents.Inherited traits are controlled by genes and the complete set of genes within an organism's genome is called its genotype.hese traits arise from the interaction of its genotype with the environment. As a result, many aspects of an organism's phenotype are not inherited. For example, suntanned skin comes from the interaction between a person's phenotype and sunlight; thus, suntans are not passed on to people's children.", "Gene A gene is a locus (or region) of DNA that encodes a functional RNA or protein product, and is the molecular unit of heredity. The transmission of genes to an organism's offspring is the basis of the inheritance of phenotypic traits.Most biological traits are under the influence of polygenes (many different genes) as well as the gene–environment interactions.he transmission of genes to an organism's offspring is the basis of the inheritance of phenotypic traits. Most biological traits are under the influence of polygenes (many different genes) as well as the gene–environment interactions.", "Heredity Heredity of phenotypic traits: Father and son with prominent ears and crowns. DNA structure. Bases are in the centre, surrounded by phosphate–sugar chains in a double helix. In humans, eye color is an example of an inherited characteristic: an individual might inherit the brown-eye trait from one of the parents. Inherited traits are controlled by genes and the complete set of genes within an organism's genome is called its genotype. The complete set of observable traits of the structure and behavior of an organism is called its phenotype. These traits arise from the interaction of its genotype with the environment.", "- A phenotypic trait, or simply trait, is a distinct variant of a phenotypic characteristic of an organism that may be inherited, be environmentally determined or be a combination of the two. trait may be any single feature or quantifiable measurement of an organism. However, the most useful traits for genetic analysis are present in different forms in different individuals. A visible trait is the final product of many molecular and biochemical processes.", "- Creatas Images/Creatas/Getty Images. Physical Characteristics. Every physical trait that you have is inherited, from how tall you are to whether you have a dimple in your chin, can be attirbuted to your genes. You can credit your hair color and eye color to inheritence.", "- A trait is a physical characteristic that an organism passes on to its offspring. Trait is the same as characteristics, which are part of a person's personality. An exampl … e of a trait is kindness or sincerity. 4 people found this useful.ominant traits are the traits that mask the recessive traits. The dominant traits are stronger than recessive! Edit. Share to: 1 Biological Definition of an Allele DNA is the sum of chemical instructions that each cell carries in order to continue functioning and reproducing.", "- In humans, eye color is an example of an inherited characteristic: an individual might inherit the brown-eye trait from one of the parents. Inherited traits are controlled by genes and the complete set of genes within an organism's genome is called its genotype.eredity is the passing of phenotypic traits from parents to their offspring, either through asexual reproduction or sexual reproduction. This is the process by which an offspring cell or organism acquires or becomes predisposed to the characteristics of its parent cell or organism.", "What Is Biological Inheritance? Quick Answer. Biological inheritance is broadly defined as physical heredity. Heredity, or inheritance in the biological sense, refers to the physical features that offspring inherit from their parents, such as eye color, shape of nose and mouth, height and other distinguishing physical characteristics. Continue Reading.", "FAQ Genetics is the study of inheritance (i.e. the study of the passage of traits from one generation to another). Genetic traits are carried on chromosomes, which are long molecules of a nucleic acid called DNA.", "- In humans, eye color is an example of an inherited characteristic: an individual might inherit the brown-eye trait from one of the parents. Inherited traits are controlled by genes and the complete set of genes within an organism's genome is called its genotype. The complete set of observable traits of the structure and behavior of an organism is called its phenotype. These traits arise from the interaction of its genotype with the environment. As a result, many aspects of an organism's phenotype are not inherited.", "- Traits Traits are qualities, features or other things that distinguish the organism. Traits can include things like hair color, tooth shape, beak shape, bone size, or muscle structure. Traits come in two varieties: acquired and inherited. Acquired Traits Just like your uncle, animals can acquire usesful abilities.", "- Traits. A trait is any gene-determined characteristic. Many traits are determined by the function of more than one gene. For example, a person's height is likely to be determined by genes affecting growth, appetite, muscle mass, and activity level.", "- The passing on of characteristics from parents to offspring is known as heredity. Some characteristics include hair or eye color, dimples and freckles. Edit. Share to: Answered. In Zoology or Animal Biology.", "- A physical trait can skip a generation because traits carried and expressed in an organism by genes can be transmitted but not be observed.This recessive gene carries t … he information for the trait but is not expressed, therefore it is there but not seen. people found this useful. A physical trait can skip a generation because traits carried and expressed in an organism by genes can be transmitted but not be observed. This recessive gene carries t … he information for the trait but is not expressed, therefore it is there but not seen.", "heredity heredity. the transmission of genetic traits from parents to offspring. The hereditary material is DNA in the ovum and sperm, so that the offspring's heredity is determined at the moment of conception.Inside the nucleus of each germ cell are structures called chromosomes.he genetic transmission of traits from parents to offspring. The hereditary material is contained in the ovum (oocyte) and sperm, so that the child's heredity is determined at the moment of conception. Chromosomes and Genes.", "What Is an Inherited Trait? Top 10 unbelievable historical concurrencies. An inherited trait is any element of an organism's makeup passed down to it by one or both of its parents. For instance, eye color is an inherited trait, with the eye color of the parents affecting the eye color of the child.Inherited traits are passed from parent to offspring by genetic transmission, in which the child receives some of its genes from each parent.Physical traits are the expression of genes, which determine how the body forms. A specific instance of a particular gene is called an allele.op 10 unbelievable historical concurrencies. An inherited trait is any element of an organism's makeup passed down to it by one or both of its parents. For instance, eye color is an inherited trait, with the eye color of the parents affecting the eye color of the child.", "Genetic counseling Genetics is the study of heredity, the process of a parent passing certain genes on to their children. 1 A person's appearance, such as height, hair color, skin color, and eye color, are determined by genes. Birth defects and certain diseases are also often determined by genes.", "- Inherited trait. Definition. noun, plural: inherited traits. A trait or character that is genetically inherited or passed down from generation to generation. Supplement. Examples of inherited traits: 1 dimples. 2 Hitchhiker's thumb versus regular thumb. 3 tongue rolling. 4 longer second toe than big toe (or vice versa)." ]
how to freeze fresh beet greens
[ "Freezing Beets Directions. 1 Step 1 - Selecting the beets. 2 How many beets and where to get them. 3 Step 2 - Trim the ends and cut into smaller pieces. Step 3 -Wash the 1 beets! Step 4 - Cook the beets. Step 5 - Cool the 1 beets. Step 6 - Trim, peel and 2 slice. Step 7 - Package, label and freeze." ]
[ "How to Freeze Fresh Collard Greens Fill a large pot with 5 quarts of water. Bring the water to a full boil over medium high heat. Set a large bowl near the cooking surface. Fill the bowl halfway with ice and add cold water until the bowl is full. Rinse the collard greens under running water. Trim the stems off the tender leaves.", "Freezing Water Blanching. For home freezing, the most satisfactory way to heat all vegetables is in boiling water. Use a blancher which has a blanching basket and cover, or fit a wire basket into a large pot with a lid. Use one gallon water per pound of prepared vegetables. Put the vegetable in a blanching basket and lower into vigorously boiling water. Place a lid on the blancher. The water should return to boiling within 1 minute, or you are using too much vegetable for the amount of boiling water.", "How to Freeze Fresh Collard Greens Boil the greens for 3 to 4 minutes. Remove the greens from the pot with a slotted spoon. Immerse the collard greens in the ice water for 3 to 4 minutes. The water cools the greens and prevents them from cooking further, which negatively affects their texture and nutrient content.", "The Essential Guide on How to Work With Every Kind of Green Vegetable If the greens you are using have thick stems or stalks, you need to remove them. This is true for kale and collard greens. Other greens such as chard and spinach have edible stems though you can certainly remove those as well. Beet and turnip greens need to be separated from their roots before storing.", "Can I freeze fresh brussel sprouts? As with any vegetable, Brussels sprouts will need to be blanched prior to freezing. 1 Select firm, young, tender heads. 2 Trim, removing coarse outer leaves. 3 Over high heat, bring one gallon of water to a rolling boil in a blanching pot. Blanch small heads 3 minutes, medium heads 4 minutes and large heads 5 minutes.", "Canning Leafy Greens Procedure: Wash only small amounts of greens at one time. Drain water and continue rinsing until water is clear and free of grit. Cut out tough stems and midribs. Place 1 pound of greens at a time in cheesecloth bag or blancher basket and steam 3 to 5 minutes or until well wilted. Add 1/2 teaspoon of salt to each quart jar, if desired. Fill hot jars loosely with greens and add fresh boiling water, leaving 1-inch headspace.", "How to Freeze Beets, Blanched or Roasted Cut the greens from the beets, leaving about 1 to 2 inches of stem. Trim the long root ends, leaving about 1 to 2 inches. Wash the whole beets and scrub with a vegetable brush. Fill a large bowl with ice and water; set aside. Fill a large stockpot with water; bring to a boil.", "Simple and Delicious Beet Greens Bring a large pot of lightly salted water to a boil. Add the beet greens, and cook uncovered until tender, about 2 minutes. Drain in a colander, then immediately immerse in ice water for several minutes until cold to stop the cooking process. Once the greens are cold, drain well, and coarsely chop. Heat the olive oil in a large skillet over medium heat.", "Reviving Wilted Vegetables, Greens & Herbs Place the Cleaned Vegetables in a Sink or Bowl of Ice Water: Soak the greens/herbs/vegetables for 15-30 minutes in cold water. The colder the vegetables, the stronger the “cement” that holds the cell walls together. Thus the reason that refrigerated vegetables seem sturdier than the same type left at room temperature. Greens being revived in ice water.", "- If you have purchased turnip greens with roots attached, remove them from the root. Store root and greens in separate plastic bags, removing as much of the air from the bags as possible. Place in refrigerator where the greens should keep fresh for about 4 days.", "Simple and Delicious Beet Greens 1 Bring a large pot of lightly salted water to a boil. 2 Add the beet greens, and cook uncovered until tender, about 2 minutes. 3 Drain in a colander, then immediately immerse in ice water for several minutes until cold to stop the cooking process.4 Once the greens are cold, drain well, and coarsely chop. Heat the olive oil in a large skillet over medium heat. 2 Stir in the garlic and red pepper flakes; cook and stir until fragrant, about 1 minute. 3 Stir in the greens until oil and garlic is evenly distributed. 4 Season with salt and pepper. 5 Cook just until greens are hot; serve with lemon wedges.", "Beet Greens Wash the greens thoroughly several times in deep water. Cook in very little boiling salted water until just tender, a few minutes. Drain thoroughly. Season with salt , pepper, vinegar and butter. Garnish with sliced eggs over the top.", "Three Ways to Preserve Greens It’s very, very easy to freeze greens. You just blanch them, cool them in an ice bath, and freeze. I’ve got step-by-step instructions and photos here. Assuming you’ve got a good freezer, these will keep very well for a year. We used ours all winter in soups, stews, pastas, dips, and even just sauteed with garlic. They shrink dramatically when blanched—plan on about a pound of fresh greens to make about two cups. For most people, this is the way to go.", "Bulletin #4336, Best Ways to Wash Fruits and Vegetables What are the best ways to wash leafy greens? Leafy greens from the farmers market, grocery store, farm or garden should be stored at 35-40°F within two hours of harvesting or purchasing. Wash greens by separating leaves and soaking them in a bowl of cool water for a few minutes. Drain the greens using a strainer or colander and repeat this process.", "How to Store Beets The beets need to be prepared being storing. Greens should be removed; leaving about 2 inches of stem to avoid any bleeding of the root. Greens can be easily frozen for later use in dishes (link to how to buy, store and freeze beet greens). As you harvest from your garden, layer beets within your storage unit. Making sure the soil, sawdust or peat moss is continually damp. Beets will last for 2 to 3 months using this method.", "How to Freeze Green Beans, Sugar Snap Peas, and Broccoli Preserve your extra fresh vegetables by freezing them. Freezing green beans, sugar snap peas, broccoli, and other garden vegetables is a great way to preserve the vegetables' nutrients. Fill your deep freeze with bags of healthy frozen vegetables this summer and save money at the grocery store next winter.", "- Bring a large pot of lightly salted water to a boil. Add the beet greens, and cook uncovered until tender, about 2 minutes. Drain in a colander, then immediately immerse in ice water for several minutes until cold to stop the cooking process. Once the greens are cold, drain well, and coarsely chop.", "Freezing Beets Step 2 - Trim the ends and cut into smaller pieces. Just take a sharp knife and trim off beet tops, leaving an 1/2 to 1 inch of stem and roots to prevent bleeding of color. Step 3 -Wash the beets! I'm sure you can figure out how to scrub the beets in plain cold or lukewarm water using your hands or a vegetable brush.", "How to Harvest and Cook Beet Greens But gardeners know their real value is in their unique flavor. 1 Harvest beet greens (the young tops of beets) when they are 4 to 6 inches tall. 2 Wash beet greens thoroughly in cold water. 3 Inspect the leaves. 4 Trim the roots. 5 Bring water to boil in a saucepan. Drain the beet greens.", "How to Store Fresh Basil Freeze whole or hand-chopped basil leaves quickly by placing them in water in ice cube trays. The leaves will turn dark after they freeze, but they will still be flavorful. Ice cube trays work very well for frozen basil; each cube is about 1 tbsp. (15 ml) so it takes the guesswork out of your recipes when you are making sauces and soups.", "- Storing. Cut the greens from the beets as soon as you get home, leaving 1 to 2 inches of stem attached. The beets will not spoil if left at cool room temperature for a few days, but they do best when refrigerated for up to 10 days. If they turn soft, discard them.", "How to Freeze Green Beans Spread the green beans on a baking sheet in a single layer, and flash freeze for 30-60 minutes. Remove them from the tray, place in a freezer baggie, label, and place back into the freezer. When you’re ready to eat them, boil until tender, season, and that’s it.Fresh-from-the-garden-flavor in the dead of winter (or anytime). So that’s how to freeze green beans using the cheater-method.emove them from the tray, place in a freezer baggie, label, and place back into the freezer. When you’re ready to eat them, boil until tender, season, and that’s it. Fresh-from-the-garden-flavor in the dead of winter (or anytime). So that’s how to freeze green beans using the cheater-method.", "- Blanch the greens (optional). This will preserve the bright, green color, but the beet greens will cook fine without it. Here's how to go about it: 1 Prepare an ice bath: a bowl of cold water and ice. Submerge the greens in boiling water for one minute.", "How to Store Beets The greens can be wrapped in paper towel and placed in a Ziploc bag where all the air has been removed. Beet greens stored in this fashion will last 2 to 5 days after purchase. Use greens in place of spinach, Swiss chard or kale in favorite recipes. Many like the greens served raw with lettuce in salads.", "Food Storage - How long can you keep... 1 To freeze: (1) Wash rhubarb thoroughly and cut into 1-inch pieces; (2) Package in airtight containers or heavy-duty freezer bags. To freeze: (1) Wash rhubarb thoroughly and cut into 1-inch pieces; (2) Package in airtight containers or heavy-duty freezer bags." ]
what are the symptoms of scabies
[ "Scabies Common Symptoms. The most common symptoms of scabies, itching and a skin rash, are caused by sensitization (a type of “allergic” reaction) to the proteins and feces of the parasite. Severe itching (pruritus), especially at night, is the earliest and most common symptom of scabies.f a person has had scabies before, symptoms appear much sooner (1-4 days) after exposure. An infested person can transmit scabies, even if they do not have symptoms, until they are successfully treated and the mites and eggs are destroyed." ]
[ "- Picture of Scabies. Scabies: Infestation of the skin by the human itch mite, Sarcoptes scabiei. The initial symptom of scabies are red, raised bumps that are intensely itchy. A magnifying glass will reveal short, wavy lines of red skin, which are the burrows made by the mites. Treatment is with any of several scabicide medications.", "Scabies The most common symptoms of scabies are intense itching and a pimple-like skin rash. The scabies mite usually is spread by direct, prolonged, skin-to-skin contact with a person who has scabies. Scabies is found worldwide and affects people of all races and social classes.Scabies can spread rapidly under crowded conditions where close body and skin contact is frequent.y spouse and I were diagnosed with scabies. The rash and itching of scabies can persist for several weeks to a month after treatment, even if the treatment was successful and all the mites and eggs have been killed. Your health care provider may prescribe additional medication to relieve itching if it is severe.", "Itching: Symptoms & Signs Scabies Scabies are itch mites that burrow under the skin and produce intense itching that's usually worse at night. Symptoms of scabies...learn more ». Anal Itching Anal itching is the irritation of the skin at the exit of the rectum, known as the anus, accompanied by the desire to scratch. ...learn more ».", "- Prescription medications for scabies include medicated skin creams like Permethrin and Lindane. If you use one of these, your rash may not look the same as these pictures of scabies rash because those creams can cause increased redness and skin irritation. Lindane may also cause seizures, upset stomach and fatigue.", "- Symptoms of Schistosomiasis. When schistosomes first penetrate the skin, an itchy rash may develop at the site of penetration. About 2 to 4 weeks later (when the adult flukes begin laying eggs), some people develop fever, chills, cough, muscle aches, fatigue, vague discomfort (malaise), nausea, and abdominal pain.", "Scabies Scabies is an infestation of the skin by the human itch mite (Sarcoptes scabiei var. hominis). The microscopic scabies mite burrows into the upper layer of the skin where it lives and lays its eggs. The most common symptoms of scabies are intense itching and a pimple-like skin rash.The scabies mite usually is spread by direct, prolonged, skin-to-skin contact with a person who has scabies. Scabies is found worldwide and affects people of all races and social classes.Scabies can spread rapidly under crowded conditions where close body and skin contact is frequent.t is important to remember that an infested person can spread scabies during this time, even if he/she does not have symptoms yet. In a person who has had scabies before, symptoms usually appear much sooner (1-4 days) after exposure.", "Symptoms of Scabies The rash causes painful inflammation with blisters, redness and itching. In addition to between the fingers, scabies also commonly occurs on the wrists, in the armpits, around the waist and in the genital area.", "Scabies How soon do symptoms appear? Symptoms will appear from four to six weeks in people who have not previously been exposed to scabies infestations. People who have had a previous bout with scabies mites may show symptoms within one to four days after subsequent re-exposures.", "Scabies Mites and Night Itching Scabies symptoms due to scabies mites usually starts out as a pimple like rash and is usually extremely itchy. Most of our customers complain about not being able to sleep at night because the itching is uncontrollable caused by scabies mites. Usually the scabies mites are more active at night. Sometimes scabies mites are biting you from being re-infested in your mattress. Why do people Suffer from Scabies mites and Night Itching. Another reason that people have trouble diagnosing scabies is because scabies mites are microscopic. Scabies mites cannot be viewed with the naked eye. Some customers report they can actually see the scabies mites, however it is not actually the scabies mite they are seeing but the remaining feces and bodily secretions of the scabies mites once they burrow into the skin.", "Scabies Common Symptoms. The most common symptoms of scabies, itching and a skin rash, are caused by sensitization (a type of “allergic” reaction) to the proteins and feces of the parasite. Severe itching (pruritus), especially at night, is the earliest and most common symptom of scabies.A pimple-like (papular) itchy (pruritic) “scabies rash” is also common. Itching and rash may affect much of the body or be limited to common sites such as: 1 Between the fingers. 2 Wrist.evere itching (pruritus), especially at night, is the earliest and most common symptom of scabies. A pimple-like (papular) itchy (pruritic) “scabies rash” is also common. Itching and rash may affect much of the body or be limited to common sites such as: 1 Between the fingers. 2 Wrist.", "Scabies The most common symptoms of scabies are intense itching and a pimple-like skin rash. The scabies mite usually is spread by direct, prolonged, skin-to-skin contact with a person who has scabies. Scabies is found worldwide and affects people of all races and social classes.Scabies can spread rapidly under crowded conditions where close body and skin contact is frequent.t is important to remember that an infested person can spread scabies during this time, even if he/she does not have symptoms yet. In a person who has had scabies before, symptoms usually appear much sooner (1-4 days) after exposure.", "- ShareCompartir. Human scabies is caused by an infestation of the skin by the human itch mite (Sarcoptes scabiei var. hominis). The microscopic scabies mite burrows into the upper layer of the skin where it lives and lays its eggs.The most common symptoms of scabies are intense itching and a pimple-like skin rash.uman scabies is caused by an infestation of the skin by the human itch mite (Sarcoptes scabiei var.", "Scabies - Topic Overview Scabies is a condition of very itchy skin caused by tiny mites that burrow into your skin. The itching is caused by an allergic reaction to the mites. Scabies spreads very easily from person to person. It can affect people of all ages and from all incomes, social levels, and living situations.", "What is this itchy rash? The symptoms are suggestive of scabies. Rash in scabies is usually found in the folds of skin and they are red blister like rashes. Yet they are very itchy and can disrupt life. It is characterized by intense itching, usually at night and by small insect-type bites lesions on the skin.", "Scabies Symptoms include a rash and intense itching that is especially severe at night. The itching and rash are believed to be allergic reactions to the mites and may occur away from the burrows themselves. The most common sites for the rash are the folds of skin between fingers, around wrists and elbows, and armpits.cabies infestations are caused by tiny mites that live under the skin. Only one type of mite is transmitted from human to human. These mites cannot survive off the human body for more than 48 hours, and cannot reproduce off the body.", "What does scabies look like? 1 Symptoms of scabies occur after the mite burrows into the skin, which causes itching and a rash. 2 The cause of the itching experienced in those with scabies is due to the body's allergic reaction to the mite eggs, mites and mite waste. 3 The average person infested with scabies will have 15 to 20 mites present.here are several types of skin conditions that can cause itching and rashes, and scabies is one of them. Scabies is a dermatologic condition caused by the sarcoptes scabiei mite, an eight-legged microscopic bug.1,2. Scabies spreads very easily from person to person.", "- Scabies is a contagious skin condition caused by a small mite (Sarcoptes scabiei var. hominis). The mite lays eggs in human skin, which hatch and grow into adult mites. This means that signs and symptoms of the condition can last for months or even years.", "- Scabies causes intense itching and a pimply rash. The itching will often be worse at night than during the day. Itching and rash most often show up on the penis, buttocks, wrist, nipples, waist, shoulder blades, arm pits, elbows and between the fingers, but it is not limited to these areas.", "- The scabies itch, or rash, which are the most telling of the scabies symptoms, are often severe and are usually worse at night and while bathing. Visible scabies symptoms include a rash and bumps between the fingers, inside the wrists, elbows, or knees.Other scabies symptoms may appear in the creases of the buttocks and groin, around the navel and nipples (especially in women).cabies Symptoms. Scabies is an infection of the skin caused by mites which manifest itself when these mites dig beneath the surface of the skin and lay their eggs, causing the rash. Therefore, your skin feels very itchy and you have red bumps and blisters on the skin which is one of the most common scabies symptom.", "Treatment It is important to remember that the first time a person gets scabies they usually have no symptoms during the first 2 to 6 weeks they are infested; however they can still spread scabies during this time.", "10 Signs of Scabies 1. Rash. Most people with scabies develop rashes on their skin, which may have many manifestations. In some cases they may have a pimple-like appearance, in other look like hives, knots under the skin or even tiny bite marks. Few individuals also have scaly patches on their skin.", "- Often the symptoms of scabies are not visible. When there are symptoms, they may include. 1 intense itching — usually at night. 2 small bumps or rashes that appear in dirty-looking, small curling lines, especially on the penis, between the fingers, on buttocks, breasts, wrists, and thighs, and around the belly button.", "Diagnosis Scabies treatment involves eliminating the infestation with medications. Several creams and lotions are available with a doctor's prescription. You usually apply the medication over all your body, from your neck down, and leave the medication on for at least eight hours. A second treatment is needed if new burrows and rash appear.", "Scabies Scabies is caused by infection with the female mite Sarcoptes scabiei. The mites burrow into the skin to live and deposit eggs. The symptoms of scabies are due to an allergic reaction to the mites.", "Scabies - Topic Overview Scabies is a condition of very itchy skin caused by tiny mites that burrow into your skin. The itching is caused by an allergic reaction to the mites. Scabies spreads very easily from person to person. It can affect people of all ages and from all incomes, social levels, and living situations. With treatment, the scabies mites die and the itching goes away over a period of days to weeks." ]