住客可付费乘坐(按要求提供)从机场到酒店的班车和渡轮码头接驳班车。 参阅更多 服务 For a surcharge, guests may use a shuttle from the airport to the hotel (available on request) and a ferry terminal shuttle.
Dresdens' nightlife is vibrant and colourful. Not without reason is Dresden called the capital of student clubs . 德累斯顿夜生活是丰富多彩和激动人心的,所以,德累斯顿被称为是学生俱乐部的首府。
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比如,医学图象应用,科学数据分析和端到端认证都依赖于接收到与原实体正文一比特都不差的实体正文。 Standards Track [Page 115] RFC 2616 HTTP/1.1 June 1999 imaging, scientific data analysis and those using end-to-end authentication, all depend on receiving an entity body that is bit for bit identical to the original entity-body.
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“Yes my husband, I will be ready. “呵呵,这个我还真不信 。 ”
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In addition, our standard CMOS and BiCMOS family of logic products are available in over 500 configurations to meet your design needs. 另外,我们的标准CMOS和BiCMOS系列逻辑产品采用500多种配置,可满足您的设计需求。
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在他坠河的地方您可以触摸一尊铜雕,以便带来好运气。 At the place where it happened, you can touch a bronze relief for good luck.
"他在阴间受痛苦,举目远远地望见亚伯拉罕 . . . 就喊着说:我祖亚伯拉罕哪,可怜我罢! 打发拉撒路来,用指头尖蘸点水,凉凉我的舌头;因为我在这火焰里,极其痛苦 " ( 路加福音 16:23-24 ) 。 "And in hell he lift up his eyes, being in torments, and seeth Abraham afar off...And he cried and said, Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his finger in water, and cool my tongue; for I am tormented in this flame" (Luke 16:23-24).
海岸三角洲的相对脆弱性,如按到2050年海平面趋势可能造成的迁移人口估算所示(大于100万人为极端脆弱;100万到50,000人为高度脆弱;50,000到5,000人为中等脆弱 ) [ B6.3 ] 。 Relative vulnerability of coastal deltas as indicated by estimates of the population potentially displaced by current sea-level trends to 2050 (extreme >1 million; high 1 million to 50,000; medium 50,000 to 5,000) [B6.3 ].
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难道首帅不行 ? ” “不是不行,是那丫的根本就承受不了俺强大的欲望,所以,俺只好放弃他了 。 ” I mean, he's a grownup. H-H-He can have visitors any time he wants. It's not like I have to know about it, right?"
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Finally, we calculate the interest using the applicable rates (also from the tier tables ): 最后,我们使用适用的利率(也来自等级表格 )来计算利息:
Sagallia一定会很欣赏您的行动并且会很感激您! Sagallia will be sure to appreciate this gesture and be immeasurably grateful to you!
Why did he do that?" 「别这样嘛!
"It is a very important painting," he says, a "painting about painting" that heralds a reinvention in Rembrandt's technique in the 1650s. 这是一幅非常重要的作品 , " 他说 , " 这幅划时代的油画"标志着17世纪50年代伦勃朗绘画技艺成功实现脱胎换骨。
Two of the most significant challenges facing the refining industry today are staying ahead of the increased requirements for process safety compliance and ensuring a reliable and continuous electrical supply while still keeping operating costs down. 在维持低运营成本的同时,继续在日益严格的生产安全符合性方面保持领先优势,并确保电气供应的可靠性和不间断性, 是当今炼油领域面临两大挑战。
All units come with a living room, a seating area with a sofa, a TV, a fully equipped kitchen and a private bathroom with bath or shower. 所有公寓均设有起居室、带沙发的休息区、电视、设备齐全的厨房以及一间带浴缸或淋浴的私人浴室,配备了洗碗机、烤箱以及水壶。
1, hoods manufactured with flame retardant cotton, aluminum foil surface coating to resist heat radiation, high temperature radiation to prevent the fire escape's head injury. 1、 头罩采用阻燃棉布制造,表面涂复铝箔膜,以抵御热辐射,防止火场中高温辐射对逃生者头部的伤害。
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Their notability for Wikipedia is independent of the validity of their claims. 这些地区的关注度与相应主张的有效性是无关的。
耶稣 对树说 : " 永远再没有人吃你的果子了 ! " 他的门徒也听见了。 15 In response Jesus said to it, "Let no one eat fruit from you ever again." And His disciples heard it. 15
Agresti 和 Coull (1998) 中所述的"添加两次成功和两次失败"调整的 Wald 检验统计量。 The "Add two successes and two failures" adjusted Wald test statistic described in Agresti and Coull (1998).
Cool Fact 因为氢气极其易燃,所以它曾被用做航天飞机运载火箭的燃料。 Hydrogen is extremely flammable. So much so that it was used as fuel for the Space Shuttle rocket!
该贝利奥拉特远程岩石山丘是激烈的,矿物填充的发源地,红色,很多藏家认为是西班牙最优秀的葡萄酒。 The remote rocky hills of the Priorat are the birthplace of intense, mineral filled, reds that many collectors consider to be Spain's most elite wines.
HBM致力于与其供应链合作伙伴合作,提高产品所含矿物的起源和可追溯性的透明度。 HBM is committed to working with its supply chain partners to increase transparency regarding the origin and traceability of minerals contained in products.
毋庸置疑太阳能就是最有前景的候选能源之一,太阳每天辐射的能源是世界人口能源消费的20倍。 Without doubt solar energy is one of the most promising candidates, as the sun each day radiates 20,000 times the amount of energy that the entire world population consumes.
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46 你们为什么称呼我主阿,主阿,却不遵我的话行呢? 46 And why call you me, Lord, Lord; and do not the things which I say?
分类(类别)对此可能有一定的好处,尽管分类并不是一种理想的手段,而且它们的维护工作可能变得繁琐复杂(参见下文 ) 。 Categories could help to some extent, although they're not an ideal tool and maintaining them can become complex (see below).
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Help entrepreneurs from the traditional business transformation of the Internet business, to provide support for the enterprise to open up the Internet space.Hadley enterprises under the administration... 帮助传创业者由传统商务方式转型互联网商务,为企业开拓互联网空间提供支持保障。
总的来说,秉持自下而上、高信念、长期投资的理念,我们希望投资于拥有良好管理团队的企业,我们深信其能够做出正确的战略选择。 Overall, with our bottom-up, high-conviction, long-term investment approach we look to invest in companies with good management teams, where we feel conviction that they can make the right strategic choices.
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Beds have Egyptian cotton sheets and premium bedding. 床上配有埃及棉床单和高档床上用品。
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Q: Cambodia's Supreme Court has disbanded the country's main opposition party. 问:柬埔寨最高法院宣布解散了该国主要反对党。
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They must not have been caught sleeping with a man, unless: they were in the Army, and it was necessary, and they had not had anal intercourse, and they were of the same rank. 来了。 楚流光见他不是茅山派的人,多半是被勿用利用的人,便不忍心伤他,撤了
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There is no passage that required running water. 要是没有可信的东西,信心无从产生。
Built around a Jacaranda tree, the modern yet simplistic Bamboo Cottage offers 2 bedrooms, a lounge area and a full bathroom with bath and shower. 现代化而简约的Bamboo Cottage别墅围绕着蓝花楹树而建,提供2间卧室、休息区以及配有浴缸和淋浴的完整浴室。
( 1 review ) Riga, Latvia ( 1条评论 ) Riga, Latvia
So Joab returned from pursuing Abner. And when he had gathered all the people together, there were missing of David's servants nineteen men and Asahel. 约押追赶押尼珥回来,集合所有人的时候,发现在大卫的臣仆中,除了亚撒黑以外,还少了十九个人。
We hope to welcome you back in the future. 我们希望这可以协助您计划旅行。
它是发生在你身上的事,你要学习去接受和去接收,去结合和去参与。 It is something that happens to you that you learn to accept and to receive, to join with and to participate in.
Monsieur Darzac shook his head and said he was sure of the chambermaid's fidelity, and that she was a thoroughly honest and devoted servant. 女孩正是他儿子的女友,忘记了她是自己最讨厌的千金娃娃,眼里充满了狂烈的
In Ubajara you'll find the cozy Pousada Gruta. 你会发现在房间里水壶。
The hotel also provides car rentals and ticket assistance services. 酒店提供汽车租赁服务及订票服务。
Enter your travel dates to view the best hotel deals for your Ambon accommodation needs. 请输入您的旅行日期,查找珀斯的酒店预订优惠促销。
Notwithstanding this, you agree that Baglady Productions shall still be allowed to apply for injunctive remedies (or an equivalent type of urgent legal relief) in any jurisdiction. 尽管有上述规定,您同意一键仍被允许请求任何辖区内的禁制令救济(或同等类型的紧急法定救济 ) 。
Ø 版权 本网站上的所有内容诸如文字、图表、标识、按钮图标、图像、声音文件片段、数字下载、数据编辑和软件都是本网站提供者的财产,受中国和国际版权法的保护。 COPYRIGHT All content included on this site, such as text, graphics, logos, button icons, images, audio clips, digital downloads, data compilations, and software, is the property of Dual Innovation or its content suppliers and protected by international copyright laws.
The LC connector is established because of its small size and its very reliable connecting quality. LC 产品组合 LC 连接器发展成熟,尺寸小巧,连接质量非常可靠。
Your present location:Home >> inquiry 您现在的位置:首页 >> 在线留言
In this case, using the URLconf we set up in Tutorial 3 , this reverse() call will return a string like 在本例中,使用在 教程第 3 部分 中设定的 URLconf, reverse ( ) 调用将返回一个这样的字符串:
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发展出新的方法、赚取现金、扩大你的投资并加速成长。 Deploy new mechanisms and earn cash so you can to increase investment and speed up progress.
The hotel offers access to a vast array of services, including 24-hour front desk, luggage storage, room service, restaurant, newspapers. 酒店的特色服务有24小时前台, 无障碍设施, 行李存放服务, 客房服务, 会议设施。
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在十月中旬,你会看到行星游行 In mid-October, you will see a parade of planets
The quarrel was settled on Feb. 17, 1546, but the strain had been very great and Luther died the next day. 这场争吵是定居于1546年2月17日,但带来的压力已经很大,路德于第二天死亡。
Author: Xingquan Zeng, et al. Zhipeng Liu, Lichao Ma, et al.
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10 All Your works shall praise You, O LORD, And Your saints shall bless You. 10 永恒主阿,你一切所造的都要称谢你;你坚贞之民要祝颂你。
位于马来西亚和德国的电池生产基地,以及位于德国的太阳能组件生产线是生产的核心。 The cell production sites in Malaysia and Germany and the module production line in Germany are the core of manufacturing.
A single SVNIndexXSLT directive in your repository's Location block of httpd.conf will instruct mod_dav_svn to generate XML output when displaying a directory listing, and to reference the XSLT stylesheet of your choice: 在仓库的 httpd.conf 的 Location 配置块里, 如果增加一个配置指令 SVNIndexXSLT , mod_dav_svn 在显示目录列表时, 将生成一个 XML 输出, 并引用到用户所选择的 XSLT 样式表:
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南桑威奇海沟深达8428米,为南大西洋的最深点。 In the south Atlantic, the South Sandwich Trench reaches a depth of 8,428 m (27,651 ft).
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