Harry Potter: You're Bathilda, aren't you?
Harry, I'm not sure about this.
Harry Potter: Hermione, she knew Dumbledore. She might have the sword. Besides, she's barely knee-high to a house-elf. I think we can overpower her if it turns ugly.
There's something odd about her. And what's that smell?
Harry Potter: She's gaga, remember? Harry Potter: Here. Let me do that.
You have a lovely house, Miss Bagshot.
Harry Potter: Miss Bagshot? Who is this man? Harry Potter: His name. Can you tell me his name? Harry Potter: This is him, Hermione. The one I saw in Gregorovitch's wandshop. The thief. Miss Bagshot, who is he? Harry Potter: She wants us to go upstairs.
All right...
Harry Potter: She wants me to go. Alone.
Harry Potter: It's all right. You stay here.
Harry Potter: Lumos. Bathilda Bagshot: You are Potter? Harry Potter: Yes. Bathilda Bagshot: I have something for you...
Hermione Granger: Confringo!
Harry... Harry, can you hear me...?
Harry Potter: Yes.
Good. That's good...
Harry Potter: We got away.
Harry Potter: Are you alright?
I'm fine. But you've been sick. Rest... Rest a bit more...
Harry Potter: You've outdone yourself this time.
The Forest of Dean. I came here once with my mum and dad, years ago. It's just how I remember it. The trees. The river. It's like nothing's changed. Not true, of course. Everything's changed. If I brought my parents here, they wouldn't recognize any of it. Not the trees. Not the river. Not... me.
Harry Potter: Where are they?
Wendell and Monica Wilkens now reside happily in Sydney, Australia. They have two dogs, run a small sweet shop, but floss daily. No children.
Hermione Granger: Maybe we should just stay here, Harry. Grow old.
You wanted to know who the boy in the photograph was. Well, I know.
Hermione Granger: It was in Bathilda's sitting room. Rita Skeeter had sent it to her. Harry, it doesn't make for very nice reading -- Harry Potter: Who is he, Hermione? The thief? Did Dumbledore know him?
Harry Potter: Well?
For a time.
Harry Potter: Tell me, Hermione. Who is he?
Gellert Grindelwald. He's not very well known in Britain, but there was a time, before You-Know- Who...
Harry Potter: Hermione, I don't need to have read A History of Magic to know who Gellert Grindelwald is.
When Grindelwald was seventeen, he was expelled from Durmstrang. He'd started doing some twisted things at school -- experiments. A few teachers had always protected him, but they couldn't anymore. After he left, he traveled for awhile, then ended up in Godric's Hollow where his great aunt lived, Bathilda Bagshot.
Harry Potter: Get to the hard part, Hermione.
She introduced him to Dumbledore. It made sense. Dumbledore's mother had just died, Grindelwald was troubled and they were both brilliant -- they'd never really had anyone they could talk to on the same level. They did a lot of talking that summer. But they always returned to one particular subject.
Hermione Granger: Wizard rule over Muggles. Harry Potter: And Dumbledore believed in it?
Harry Potter: For the Greater Good.' What does that mean?
It was something Dumbledore came up with. He believed wizards were superior and should rule over Muggles, but gently, for their own good. Grindelwald took a more violent position.
Hermione Granger: It was a different time, Harry. It was one summer. Dumbledore was young -- Harry Potter: We're young, Hermione. And here we are, risking our lives to fight against the very thing Dumbledore supported.
He changed, Harry. Years later, it was Dumbledore who put Grindelwald in prison.
Harry Potter: Where's my wand? I'll take the watch. Harry Potter: Hermione. Where's my wand?
It's my fault. As we were leaving Godric's Hollow, I cast a curse and it rebounded... I'm sorry, Harry, I tried to mend it but wands are different --
Harry Potter: It's done.
Maybe we can --
Harry Potter: Leave me yours. You get back in the warm. And give me that.
He loved you, Harry. I know he loved you.
Harry Potter: Ron. It lies! Stab it! STAB IT! Harry Potter: Your mother confessed that she would have preferred me as a son...
Who wouldn't prefer him, what woman would take you, you are nothing, nothing, nothing to him...
Harry Potter: Fine. Actually... more than fine. Ron Weasley: Hey. Ron Weasley: Wo -- hey -- ouch!
You -- complete -- arse -- Ronald -- Weasley! You crawl back here after all these weeks and say, 'Hey?' Where's my wand? Harry, where's my wand!
Harry Potter: Um... I don't know?
Harry Potter, you give me my wand!
Ron Weasley: How come he's got your wand?
Never mind why he's got my wand --
Hermione Granger: What is that?
You destroyed it?
Harry Potter: It's a long story.
Don't think this changes anything.
Ron Weasley: No, of course not. I only destroyed a bloody freaking Horcrux! Why would that change anything! Do you know what it was like for me to hear those words coming from you! To see you doing those things --
See me doing what things?
Harry Potter: Nothing. Ron Weasley: Nothing. Ron Weasley: Maybe a bit more practice, eh?
We need to talk.
Ron Weasley: All right.
I want to go and see Xenophilius Lovegood.
Harry Potter: Sorry?
See this? It's a letter Dumbledore wrote to Grindelwald. Look at the signature. It's the mark again.
Hermione Granger: It keeps cropping up. Here. In Beedle the Bard. In the graveyard in Godric's Hollow -- what? Harry Potter: Jesus. It was there too.
Harry Potter: Outside Gregorovitch's wand shop. on the alley wall... Ron Weasley: But what does it mean?
Harry, you don't have a clue where the next Horcrux is. And neither do I. But this, this means something. I'm sure of it.
Ron Weasley: I think Hermione's right. I think we ought to go and see Lovegood. What say we vote on it? Those in favor... Ron Weasley: Sorry, Harry. Looks like it's Hermione and me this time. Harry Potter: Not still mad at him, are you?
I'm always mad at him.
Ron Weasley: Luna?
Ron Weasley: Well, yeah, of course. It's massive, isn't it?
No! Don't go near it!
Hermione Granger: It's an Erumpent horn. It's a Class B Tradeable Material. Ron Weasley: Yeah, all right... Xenophilius Lovegood: May I offer you all an infusion of Gurdyroots? We make it ourselves.
Where is Luna, sir?
Xenophilius Lovegood: The Deathly Hallows. I assume you're all familiar with 'The Tale of the Three Brothers?'
Ron Weasley: Yes. Harry Potter: No.
It's in here.
Xenophilius Lovegood: Well, there's no real reason to go on unless one is familiar with the tale. Why don't you read it aloud, Miss...?
Granger. Well... all right. There were once three brothers who were traveling along a lonely, winding road at twilight --
Ron Weasley: Midnight. Mum always said midnight. But twilight's fine. Better actually.
In time, the brothers reached a river too treacherous to pass...
Xenophilius Lovegood: Well, there you are. Those are the Deathly Hallows. Harry Potter: Sorry... I still don't really understand... Xenophilius Lovegood: The Elder Wand... Xenophilius Lovegood: The Resurrection Stone... Xenophilius Lovegood: ... then encloses both in a TRIANGLE. The Cloak of Invisibility. Together... they make the Deathly Hallows. Together... they make one master of Death.
Mr. Lovegood, does the Peverell family have anything to do with the Deathly Hallows?
Ron Weasley: Let's get out of here once he's back. I'm not touching this stuff, hot or cold. Harry Potter: Which one would you choose if you could? Of the Deathly Hallows?
It's obvious, isn't it?
Ron Weasley: The Wand.
The Cloak.
Harry Potter: The Stone. Ron Weasley: You're supposed to say the Cloak, but who wants to spend all day being invisible. Dead boring if you ask me. But an unbeatable wand!
Its owner grew drunk with power and was murdered.
Ron Weasley: Yeah, but imagine what a short wicked life you'd lead.
Why the Stone, Harry?
Harry Potter: Well, you could bring people back, couldn't you? Mad-Eye. Dumbledore. Sirius. Anybody.
But according to the story they don't want to come back. It's all rubbish anyway. There's no such thing as the Deathly Hallows.
Harry Potter: But I have one. The Invisibility Cloak my father left me.
There have always been Cloaks --
Ron Weasley: Not like Harry's. I've seen a fair few. Dad used to bring home the ones the Ministry confiscated from petty thieves and the like. They always got holes or tears. Harry's is different. It's perfect. Harry Potter: And I think I've actually held the Resurrection Stone in my hands, that night in Dumbledore's office when he showed me the ring he'd destroyed, the Horcrux. It had a symbol on it. Now I think it was the mark of the Hallows.
Mr. Lovegood. Thank you, sir --
Ron Weasley: You forgot the water. Xenophilius Lovegood: The water? Ron Weasley: For the tea. Xenophilius Lovegood: Did, didn't I? How silly of me.
No matter, sir. We really ought to be go--
Ron Weasley: Don't touch her!
Stop it!
Harry Potter: How long will it last?
Not long.
Bellatrix Lestrange: I don't believe it. Ron Weasley: We have to do something. Garrick Ollivander: There's no way out of here. We've tried everything. It's enchanted.
Please! please!
Harry Potter: I reckon you should take this then. Ron Weasley: You heard Ollivander. It's Harry's now.
But I hate that thing -- that's the wand that killed Sirius! How can I hold it and not feel...
Harry Potter: If I can hold it, you can. Ron Weasley: How will we know what it is when we get in there? After all, a Horcrux can be anything. Harry Potter: I'll know. I can't explain. It's like... Ron Weasley: That's a bit scary.
It is, Harry. Did Dumbledore ever say anything to you, something that might explain why --
Harry Potter: No. I just know. When one's near. Fleur Delacour: This is the closest I could find to what you described, Hermione.
It's perfect. Thank you, Fleur.
Griphook: Go on. Ron Weasley: It's been trained to expect pain when it hears the noise.
That's barbaric. I...
Griphook: We'll only have a few seconds. In other words... they'll be no do- Griphook: Ready, Bogrod? Bogrod: Hm? Oh. Yes. Of course.
Lumos !
Ron Weasley: Blimey...
Ron Weasley: Is it here, Harry? Can you feel anything?
It's hot! All eyes turn to the bowl, WOBBLING MADLY on the floor, when... it SPLITS APART and begins to MULTIPLY.
Hermione Granger: Ron, your foot! Griphook: We'll be crushed! Hurry! Harry Potter: That's it. Up there.
How're we going to reach it?
Harry Potter: Give me the sword! The real one. Ron Weasley: Keep going!
Harry! Behind you!
Ron Weasley: The cup!
In here!
Ron Weasley: Foul little git. Least we've got Bogrod. Ron Weasley: That's unfortunate.
We can't just stand here! Who's got an idea?
Ron Weasley: You're asking us? You're the brilliant one.
I've got something. But it's mad.
Hermione Granger: Relashio! Ron Weasley: That's your idea? Harry Potter: Come on!
It doesn't realize it's free!
Ron Weasley: That was brilliant! BRILLIANT! Ron Weasley: Bloody hell. Harry Potter: We're dropping! Ron Weasley: I say we jump!
Voldemort: The boy has discovered our secret, Nagini. We must find out just how much he knows. We must return to our hiding places and see if the others are safe. Harry Potter: He knows.
How is it you --
Harry Potter: I saw him.
You let him in! Harry, you can't --
Harry Potter: I can't always help it, Hermione! Ron Weasley: Never mind! What did you see? Harry Potter: He's angry. But he's scared too. He's going to make sure the other Horcruxes are safe. Ron Weasley: What happens when he finds out four are gone? Harry Potter: I reckon he'll do anything to stop us from finding the rest. There's more: one of them's at Hogwarts.
Ron Weasley: What?
You saw it?
Harry Potter: We'll go to Hogsmeade. To Honeydukes. Take the secret passage in the cellar. Harry Potter: There's something wrong with him. In the past, I could always follow his thoughts. Now everything feels disconnected. Ron Weasley: Maybe it's because of the Horcruxes. Maybe he's growing weaker. Maybe he's dying. Harry Potter: No. It's more like he's wounded. If anything, he feels more
They were ready for us.
Death Eater: We know you're here, Potter. There's no getting away. Death Eater: Perhaps you need some convincing. Ron Weasley: What's he mean by that?
No, you'll give us away.
Aberforth Dumbledore: In here, Potter. Ron Weasley: Did you get a look at him! Fora second I thought it was --
I know.
Aberforth Dumbledore: She'll always be beautiful.
She died very young, didn't she.
Aberforth Dumbledore: My brother sacrificed many things, Mr. Potter, in his journey to find power, including her. She was devoted to him -- he gave her everything, but time.
Mr. Dumbledore... thank you.
Hermione Granger: Did save our lives twice. Kept an eye on us in that mirror. That doesn't seem like someone who's given up, does it?
She's coming back! And she's got someone with her!
Neville Longbottom: Hardly ever see him. It's the Carrows you have to watch out for. Harry Potter: The Carrows? Neville Longbottom: Brother and sister. They're in charge of discipline. Like punishment, the Carrows.
They did that to you? But why?
Ron Weasley: So we were thinking --
You were thinking. It's Ron's idea. And it's brilliant.
Ron Weasley: You destroyed Tom Riddle's Diary with a Basilisk fang, right? Well, we know where we might find one, don't we? Harry Potter: Okay. But take this. That way you can find me when you get back.
Where are you going?
Ron Weasley: I've never got this far before.
I'm scared.
Ron Weasley: Me too. Hermione: I didn't expect it to be like this.
Not this.
Ron Weasley: Brilliant.
He vanished. Just now. I saw it. Ron glances at MAP -- then:
Hermione Granger: That's right. I did. Ron Weasley: Let's go.
Harry Potter: Well done. Let's find Ron and get out of here. Ron Weasley: RUN! Goyle's set the bioody place on fire! Harry Potter: Split up!
Do we climb!
Harry Potter: No, it''ll just follow us! Harry Potter: Here! Take one! Ron Weasley: Serves him right.
C'mon! This way!
Harry Potter: There's a reason I can... hear them -- the Horcruxes. Harry Potter: I think I've known for awhile.
I'll go with you. I/'ll --
Harry Potter: You were right. Harry Potter: When you told Professor Snape it was failing you. It will always fail you. Voldemort: It belongs to me! I killed Snape! Harry Potter: Together.
What's the matter with her?
Sybill Trelawney: There's more to me than incense and tea leaves, Mr. Finnegan. Harry Potter: I told you: it's useless to you. Ron Weasley: Not exactly leaving the place better than we found it, are we?
Can't make an omelette without breaking a few eggs.
Hermione Granger: Something my mum used to say.
Why didn't it work for him? The Elder wand.
Harry Potter: Because it answers to another. Harry Potter: When he killed Snape, he thought the wand would become his. But the thing is... it never belonged to Snape. Ron Weasley: But that means... Harry Potter: It answers to me. Ron Weasley: What do you reckon we should do with it?
Harry Potter: Together?
Don't forget to give Professor Longbottom our best.