Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: #Person1#: There is a tornado warning on. My mother just told me she heard it on the radio. #Person2#: What is a tornado warning? #Person1#: It means that a tornado has been seen somewhere in the area. #Person2#: Really? In New Berlin? #Person1#: No. Not necessarily in town. But in southern Wisconsin somewhere. A tornado has been spotted. They have two stages here. This is what is called a tornado watch. That means that the weather conditions are perfect for a tornado. #Person2#: I understand. They think a tornado might come. #Person1#: Yes. People should look out, because maybe there will be tornadoes coming. So it's called a watch. #Person2#: And the second stage is called a tornado warning. #Person1#: Yes. If a tornado has been spotted, they announce a tornado warning. So if there's a tornado warning on, it means a tornado is out there somewhere. #Person2#: It's scary. #Person1#: Well. Tornadoes can be dangerous, it's true. If we hear something like a loud train coming, then we have to go in the basement. #Person2#: What do you mean a loud train? #Person1#: That is what tornadoes sound like. They sound like trains. They're very loud. #Person2#: But if you hear them coming, isn't it already too late? #Person1#: Maybe. It depends on the tornado. Some can move across the ground at 200 miles an hour. That is very fast. Others aren't so fast. #Person2#: Have you seen a lot of them? #Person1#: I've only seen one in my life. I was looking out the window. It was around two miles away. It was very interesting to watch. But it was heading toward my friend's house. So I quickly called them on the phone. #Person2#: Did it hit their house? #Person1#: No, it didn't. But they are glad I called them. #Person2#: What were they doing when you called? #Person1#: They were all sitting in the living room watching TV. They had no idea a tornado was coming toward their house. If it had hit them, they could have all been killed. #Person2#: That's terrible. Do many people die in tornadoes? #Person1#: Not so many really. But a lot of houses are destroyed sometimes. Summary:
#Person1# explains to #Person2# the details about tornados in terms of two stages which are a tornado warning and a tornado watch. #Person1# further explains the sound of tornados and the causes of such sound, as wells as the danger of tornado. Then #Person1# continues expressing the danger of tornado by giving a personal experience of #Person1# encountering a tornado.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: #Person1#: So it looks like we start selling in the U. S. next year. #Person2#: Did Mr. Lin put you in charge of marketing? #Person1#: He's still not sure whether he wants to put me in charge, or whether he wants to hire an American. But even if he hires an American, I'll probably be transferred to our American office. #Person2#: Where will it be? #Person1#: We aren't sure yet. Maybe L. A. I think L. A. would be the best idea. #Person2#: Is it because of trade negotiations that we can start selling in the U. S. ? #Person1#: Yes, the recent agreements between the two governments have changed everything. Now we have the right to sell in America at a much lower tariff. It's going to be good. We can compete more directly with them. #Person2#: Great. #Person1#: Our computers have a high level of quality now. We can demonstrate it. And our prices will be good. So I think it will really be worthwhile. #Person2#: You seem excited about it. #Person1#: Well, you know I studied marketing in America. So maybe the thought of going back there to promote our brand is kind of exciting to me. I'd love to be part of the team. #Person2#: Do you honestly think we can compete though? All the computer giants are there. #Person1#: Yes, I do. I think we can compete. I think we can make a name for ourselves. It will be hard at first. But if we develop a good advertising campaign, I think we can break into the market. #Person2#: The company will have to choose a good advertising firm. And then there's the problem of quality. How do we convince American buyers that our quality is good? #Person1#: It takes some time. Because even if the quality is high, people won't accept a high tech product unless they recognize the name. Name recognition is crucial. #Person2#: Well, I hope it all works out, John. I think if you're part of the team, things will go well. But you know we'd all miss you here. So I won't say I'm happy to think that you're leaving. #Person1#: That's very nice of you to say. But if we set up an office there in the States, maybe you could try to become part of it. #Person2#: Me? No way. I'm dedicated to the company, but I'm not going to leave Taiwan. I'm happy here. Summary:
John tells #Person2# he may be transferred to the American office because of the new trade negotiations. John is excited about it because John studied marketing in America. John thinks they can compete with computer giants with high quality. John thinks maybe #Person2# could try to work in the States but #Person2# is not going to leave Taiwan.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: Eve: I learnt today at the dean's office that our exam is scheduled for Thursday, 7th, most probably in the afternoon Carol: Is that the final date? No extensions? Martin: I think so, apparently Prof is going on holiday the very next day so that's the latest he can do Nathalie: Oh no, I need to hand in the other assignment before I can take the exam!!! There's no way I'm going to be done before the 7th! What do I do?! Martin: Are you sure? No chance you can be done bu the 7th? You still have over 5 weeks! Nathalie: The 7th is next week!! We're talking about March, right? Eve: Haha, Nat! :) Let me be clear - the final exam date is the 7TH of APRIL, no extensions are to be approved after that Nathalie: PHEW! THANK YOU! I was about to collapse here Eve: no problem, happy to help! What other assignment are you talking about? Nathalie: Do you remember when I broke my leg and had to have a really intense physio? He agreed for me to hand it one of the papers by the end of the semester Martin: Do you need it? I'm sure he won't remember what he read... Carol: I could use some better grade on one of mine... do you think I could resubmit it? Nathalie: I'm not sure. He was pretty reluctant to let me do it but I bored him with some lines from the uni constitution and he eventually caved ;) Carol: well, maybe it's worth a shot... Eve: A little of top: the second floor in the library is being remodeled or sth and it's going to be inaccessible the entire week starting Monday so if you need anything you still have tomorrow to check it out! Martin: Damn, I better make my way over there tomorrow, I misplaced my copy of his recommended reading list, does anybody have it? Eve: I know it makes me sound like a nerd - but I do, I will forward over to you:) Martin: But you are OUR nerd, Eve, so that's okay :) saving us yet another time Carol: do you think it's bad i haven't ready any? how important are they for the final? Nathalie: I heard from the previous years that he always scores better if you imply you've read it. Not sure you can pass without having read them... Martin: Carol, I will be in the library all day tomorrow, something tells me I will see you there :) Summary:
The exam is scheduled for Thursday, 7th April, most probably in the afternoon. Nathalie needs to hand in an assignment before it. The second floor of the library is going to be inaccessible for the entire week starting on Monday, so the students have only tomorrow to check out the books they need.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: Pearl: Hi lover! Vince: Oh, it's my gorgeous girl, are you all ready for tonight? Pearl: You bet! I will be a vision in silver, the belle of the ball! Vince: Oh oh! Can't wait? What exactly are you planning to wear?! Pearl: Well, as you know, I was a snazzy dresser in my youth as well as a ballroom dancer! Vince: I heard it through the grapevine! Pearl: Love that song! Well, in 68, my first husband and I won a cup in Blackpool and I decided to put on my old costume for tonight! Guess what? It still fits like a glove after 50 years! Vince: Well, you've got a beautiful figure, darling, but maybe it won't be as flattering, after all you're not a 20 something anymore! Pearl: So what! 70 something's can look sexy too! Vince: True, but won't the fabric have deteriorated? Pearl: No! I've kept it wrapped up, with moth repellent in the cupboard and I've sewn the loose sequins back on. My silver heels have hardly been worn too, good as new! Vince: You don't need to doll yourself up, darling, you'd look fab in anything! 😚 Pearl: Well, I've been to have my hair done and I'm trying on the dress for you to see it to check it's all ok! What are you wearing? Vince: Well, if it's 68 we're revisiting, I thought my paisley shirt, flares, love beads and Lennon specs! I was a student then and extremely groovy! Pearl: Hold on, Austin Powers, you're 71 not 21. Act your age! Vince: Just kidding, darling. No, just my boring old suit and A nice patterned tie! As befits a retired banker! Pearl: Just wait till your stuffy old City mates get a load of me. Just putting on a bit of extra warpaint! Vince: Er, ok, less is more sometimes, sweetie! Pearl: There, all set. Now, just time for a quick selfie. Vince: Can't wait! Pearl: There we are! <file_photo> Vince: Bloody hell Pearl, you look stunning! Pearl: Thanks, darling. Love you! πŸ’– Vince: Love you too!!!!! Summary:
Pearl and Vince are going to a dance party tonight. Pearl and her first husband won a dancing competition in Blackpool in 1968. She will wear the old costume for tonight. Vince will dress in an old suit and a patterned tie.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: Jane: Hey gorgeous, have any plans for the summer? :D Patricia: Not yet, what are you up to? :> Jane: Just been thinking what to do this and I kind of want to go somewhere far far away Patricia: Cool, up for that. Do you have anything specific in mind? Jane: Yeah, couple of places. Cuba, Mexico or, other side, Thailand or Vietnam? Patricia: Wow, exotic! :D Jane: Well, far far away as I said ;) Remember the guy I told you about? The traveller? He was telling me all about Cuba and Mexico, it sounded really cool. Patricia: Isn't it a bit dangerous?... Jane: I don't know, I was thinking about going for an organised trip? Patricia: Ok, sounds fine. Never been on one, but happy to discover something new :) Jane: I've been to a few and I think it's great if you don't have a lot of time and want to see a lot. Patricia: Are there any good trips? Cuba sounds cool, actually I'd prefer it to Mexico. Jane: How about Vietnam or Thailand? We could look into both options. Patricia: Been to Thailand, but wouldn't mind coming back, the food <3 Jane: :D hahahaha. Honestly can't decide. There's that one really cool trip to Thailand, Vietnam and Cambodia. Patricia: Wow, sounds great! How much is it? Jane: Around 2k for almost two weeks, seems fair to me. Patricia: Are the meals included? Jane: Hm, breakfasts and some dinners, depends on where you are. Patricia: Cool, maybe it's even better so we could explore the local stuff ;) Jane: So it kind of sounds Asia it is :D God, already excited <3 Patricia: hahahaha, so it does! When could you get any time off? August is off limits for me and probably not the best month to go there. Jane: I know, July then? It may be cheaper, because no one wants to go there in the summer :D Patricia: Quite true, July sounds fine for me. Gotta go tell my boss I need a time off and ready to go! Jane: Yeah, start the countdown, I will contact the agency to book the trip. Will send you all details. Patricia: Thanks! Also, is it a direct flight? Jane: Yes! Couldn't be more perfect, could it? Summary:
Patricia and Jane will go on an organised trip to Thailand, Vietnam and Cambodia. They will go in July. Patricia will ask her boss for a time off and Jane will contact the agency. She will send Patricia the details. They will take a direct flight. The trip lasts almost 2 weeks and costs around 2k.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: Rob: Hi bruv, family ok? Steve: Yeah, we are! We got here about 3ish, just chilling out, watching TV, will go for a walk later. Rob: You all fancy pizza for tonight? Steve: Hmm, not sure, I'll ask everyone. Rob: OK. Steve: Well, Mum would like fish and chips, Karen wants a Chinese meal and me and the kids are fine with pizza. Rob: OK, that's awkward! Can you persuade Mum or Karen to change their mind, I really don't want to go to 3 places! Steve: Just asked, Karen says pizza is far too carby and thinks Chinese is better in that respect, Mum doesn't like pizza much but could stand some Chinese food. Rob: We have a very difficult family! Ok, I'll stop at the 2 places. Right, what about orders? Steve: Right, me and Danny like pepperoni, Suki wants a chicken and bbq sauce pizza, Mum wants lemon chicken and special fried rice, Karen wants chicken with mushrooms, spicy veg and plain rice. Rob: OK, sounds clear enough. Now, what time do you want to eat? Steve: About 6/6.30? Rob: Right, I'll ring and go get it at 5.45ish. Oh, just remembered, the pizza place delivers so I only have to visit the Chinese place! Got any wine or other drinks? Steve: Umm, no, actually. Could you get a couple of bottles of white wine and some sugar free squash or pop for the kids? Rob: Well, that means I still have to go to 2 places! Can't you or Karen go? Steve: Oh, well, we've already had a couple of beers each, it is the Christmas hols, you know!πŸŽ„πŸ˜ Rob: I suppose I have to stop and get the drinks too, then πŸ˜’. Some bloody relaxing holiday for me! Steve: Don't be arsey, you only see us all a few times a year! Look, how about you and me popping down the pub tomorrow? Rob: Maybe, but you can pay your rounds this time! Steve: Well, I had no cash on me at Easter! Only a one-off! Rob: It'd better be! Make sure you go to the cash point before we go out tomorrow! Oh, and I will want you or Karen to pay your share of the take away this time!!!! Steve: Don't get stressed, bro! See you this evening, bye! Summary:
Steve got there with family about 3. Rob will stop at 2 places to get food for the family. They want to eat about 6-6.30. They want Rob to bring pizza and Chinese food. Rob and Steve will go to a pub tomorrow.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: #Person1#: So it looks like we start selling in the U. S. next year. #Person2#: Did Mr. Lin put you in charge of marketing? #Person1#: He's still not sure whether he wants to put me in charge, or whether he wants to hire an American. But even if he hires an American, I'll probably be transferred to our American office. #Person2#: Where will it be? #Person1#: We aren't sure yet. Maybe L. A. I think L. A. would be the best idea. #Person2#: Is it because of trade negotiations that we can start selling in the U. S. ? #Person1#: Yes, the recent agreements between the two governments have changed everything. Now we have the right to sell in America at a much lower tariff. It's going to be good. We can compete more directly with them. #Person2#: Great. #Person1#: Our computers have a high level of quality now. We can demonstrate it. And our prices will be good. So I think it will really be worthwhile. #Person2#: You seem excited about it. #Person1#: Well, you know I studied marketing in America. So maybe the thought of going back there to promote our brand is kind of exciting to me. I'd love to be part of the team. #Person2#: Do you honestly think we can compete though? All the computer giants are there. #Person1#: Yes, I do. I think we can compete. I think we can make a name for ourselves. It will be hard at first. But if we develop a good advertising campaign, I think we can break into the market. #Person2#: The company will have to choose a good advertising firm. And then there's the problem of quality. How do we convince American buyers that our quality is good? #Person1#: It takes some time. Because even if the quality is high, people won't accept a high tech product unless they recognize the name. Name recognition is crucial. #Person2#: Well, I hope it all works out, John. I think if you're part of the team, things will go well. But you know we'd all miss you here. So I won't say I'm happy to think that you're leaving. #Person1#: That's very nice of you to say. But if we set up an office there in the States, maybe you could try to become part of it. #Person2#: Me? No way. I'm dedicated to the company, but I'm not going to leave Taiwan. I'm happy here. Summary:
John will probably be transferred to the American office to start selling there because the recent agreements between governments enable them to sell at a much lower tariff. John thinks they can compete and break into the market if they develop a good advertising campaign. John invites #Person2# to join their office in the States in the future. #Person2# rejects because #Person2# doesn't want to leave Taiwan.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: #Person1#: Good moring, madam. Can I help you? #Person2#: Good moring. I am Sunfang. Yesterday Mr. Smith told me to come for a job interview this morning. Is he available now? #Person1#: Yes, he is waiting for you in Room 123. #Person2#: Thank you very much. May I come in? #Person3#: Come in, please. #Person2#: Good moring, Mr. Smith. I am Sunfang coming for an interview. #Person3#: Nice to see you. Take a seat, please. #Person2#: Thank you. #Person3#: We've been looking over your application. I see you've got several years experience in secretarial work. What kind of work did you do in your previous job? #Person2#: I mainly did typing, filing, answering telephone calls and such routine work in the beginning. I started the job as a junior secretary, but within the year I was promoted to senior secretary of Southeast Company. I drafted business correspondence for the general manager. #Person3#: Then what's the reason that promoted you to leave Southeast Company? #Person2#: Last month the company moved to Guangzhou for further development. I was reluctant to relocate because I love Nanjing so much. #Person3#: Tell me what you know about our company. #Person2#: Your company is the leading dealer in the import and export of cosmetics. Also, you have a reputation for being a good company to work for and you are in last year's top 500 Employers list. #Person3#: Tell me three positive qualities your coworkers would use to describe you and your work style. #Person2#: First they'd say I am very punctual. They'd also say I am a cheerful person to work with I don't bring my problems to work. I try to have a positive attitude about work. And thirdly, they'd say I am flexible I accept change easily. #Person3#: Tell me something about your education. #Person2#: I graduated from Yangzhou Junior College. Now I am attending evening classes in Nanjing Radio & TV University three times a week. My major is International Trade. I've already passed over half of the compulsory courses and five optional courses, and expect to receive a B. A. degree next year. #Person3#: I see you are an ambitious young lady. I wish you can make greater progress in the future. Summary:
#Person1# leads Sunfang to Mr. Smith for an interview. Sunfang tells Mr. Smith she was promoted fast in her previous job. She wants to work for Mr. Smith because her old company moved but she didn't want to relocate, and because She thinks Mr. Smith's company plays a leading role. Sunfang thinks her colleagues might describe her as being punctual, positive and flexible. Mr. Smith is impressed.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: #Person1#: I think I'm going to go home. #Person2#: Why? We just got here. #Person1#: I know, but it's over 12! #Person2#: 12? What do you mean? #Person1#: Look at the time. Three or four o'clock? #Person2#: Yes. #Person1#: I never stay out that late. That's too late. #Person2#: But why is it too late? It's Saturday night. You have nothing to do tomorrow. Why not stay out and drink with us? #Person1#: Were you so wild when you were still in Taipei, Sharon? #Person2#: Yes, I was. And I like living here. People know how to party here. In Taipei, some people know how to party. But here, everyone does. #Person1#: What is that they're doing on the couch? #Person2#: They're smoking pot. Don't worry about it. #Person1#: Pot? Isn't that marijuana? #Person2#: Yes, it is. #Person1#: But, Sharon, that's illegal! The police could come, and we could go to jail. #Person2#: Don't worry about it. It is true that pot is illegal in America. But the laws aren't as strict as in Taiwan. If people are arrested, and they have a little pot in their possession, they don't go to jail. They just have to pay a fine. #Person1#: Really? #Person2#: Yes. #Person1#: I didn't know you had such wild friends. Do you smoke marijuana too? #Person2#: I tried it a couple times. But I don't like it. I like alcohol better. Don't worry about them, though. If you don't want to smoke pot, you don't have to. #Person1#: I don't want to. #Person2#: That's alright. But you really should have another drink. People will probably start dancing soon. #Person1#: I don't know if I can drink more. I already had two drinks. #Person2#: You had two drinks at nine o'clock. C'mon, Ann, you are in an American university now! You have to learn how to drink. #Person1#: I thought a university was for studying. #Person2#: It is. We study hard all week. And then, on the weekend, we party hard. That's the best way to live. #Person1#: Alright. I'll have another drink. Summary:
Ann wants to go home because it's too late, but Sharon disagrees because Ann is free tomorrow. Sharon thinks everyone knows how to party here and tells Ann that the people are smoking marijuana on the couch which Ann thinks too wild. Sharon persuades Ann to have another drink and Ann agrees.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: #Person1#: Yes, madam? Can I help you? #Person2#: Oh, yes, please. But you are just closing, aren't you? #Person1#: Well, yes, we are, madam. The shop shuts down in five minutes. #Person2#: I shall not keep you long then. It was about some saucepans you had in your window last week. #Person1#: Last week, madam? I really can't remember which ones you mean. What were they like? #Person2#: Oh, they were lovely. Sort of imitation wood, dark brown color, country-style you know, and the lids, if I remember rightly, they had a sort of leaf pattern, or was it flowers? #Person1#: That's strange. I don't recognize any of the ones we had from that description. Are you sure they were in this shop? #Person2#: Oh, you must know the ones I mean. They were on sale, a real bargain. Reduced to a quarter of the original price. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw them. #Person1#: I am afraid the sales are over now, madam. And you know we all sold out of the saucepans . #Person2#: I don't think you did, you know. My neighbor told me she saw some here only yesterday. #Person1#: Well, it's all new stock in the window now. #Person2#: May I just have a look, to see if there is anything else? #Person1#: Eh, well, madam, as you know we are closing. #Person2#: Yes, yes, I am sorry I won't keep you. It must get on your nerves when customers come in right at closing time. But they were such beautiful saucepans. I'd have bought them if I had made up my mind on the spot. #Person1#: Perhaps madam, if you come back tomorrow, I could show you the whole range of kitchen ware. And there are still one or two things at the sale price. #Person2#: Oh, look! That was the one there. That is the sort of thing I was looking for. But it's not quite the color. #Person1#: That might be the artificial lighting, madam. Of course, if you could come back in daylight, you might find it's exactly what you are looking for. #Person2#: There it is. That is the pattern! The set behind you. Thank goodness, they haven't been sold. And thank you so much for being so patient with me. Yes, those are the ones. Summary:
#Person2# wants to buy some discounted saucepans she saw before in the shop and depicts their appearance to #Person1#. However, #Person1# says they are sold out and the shop is closing. After begging for allowing her to have a look, #Person2# finally finds the saucepans she wants.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: #Person1#: Yes, madam? Can I help you? #Person2#: Oh, yes, please. But you are just closing, aren't you? #Person1#: Well, yes, we are, madam. The shop shuts down in five minutes. #Person2#: I shall not keep you long then. It was about some saucepans you had in your window last week. #Person1#: Last week, madam? I really can't remember which ones you mean. What were they like? #Person2#: Oh, they were lovely. Sort of imitation wood, dark brown color, country-style you know, and the lids, if I remember rightly, they had a sort of leaf pattern, or was it flowers? #Person1#: That's strange. I don't recognize any of the ones we had from that description. Are you sure they were in this shop? #Person2#: Oh, you must know the ones I mean. They were on sale, a real bargain. Reduced to a quarter of the original price. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw them. #Person1#: I am afraid the sales are over now, madam. And you know we all sold out of the saucepans. #Person2#: I don't think you did, you know. My neighbor told me she saw some here only yesterday. #Person1#: Well, it's all new stock in the window now. #Person2#: May I just have a look, to see if there is anything else? #Person1#: Eh, well, madam, as you know we are closing. #Person2#: Yes, yes, I am sorry I won't keep you. It must get on your nerves when customers come in right at closing time. But they were such beautiful saucepans. I ' d have bought them if I had made up my mind on the spot. #Person1#: Perhaps madam, if you come back tomorrow, I could show you the whole range of kitchen ware. And there are still one or two things at the sale price. #Person2#: Oh, look! That was the one there. That is the sort of thing I was looking for. But it's not quite the color. #Person1#: That might be the artificial lighting, madam. Of course, if you could come back in daylight, you might find it ' s exactly what you are looking for. #Person2#: There it is. That is the pattern! The set behind you. Thank goodness, they haven't been sold. And thank you so much for being so patient with me. Yes, those are the ones. Summary:
#Person2#'s looking for some saucepans in #Person1#'s shop when the shop is going to shut down in five munites. #Person2# describes a lot about the saucepan she wants, but #Person1# still has no idea about that and suggests #Person2# come back tomorrow. #Person2# insists on looking for the saucepans and finally, she finds that.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: #Person1#: Joanne, let's not make this divorce any more acrimonious than it already is, okay? Let's just get down to business and start dividing this stuff up fairly, so we can go our separate ways, alright? #Person2#: Fine with me. I just want to get this over with. It's important we make a clean break. I should have signed a pre-nup. #Person1#: What was that? #Person2#: Nothing! Anyway, you're right, there's no reason this has to be nasty. My lawyer tells me you've accepted our alimony proposal and the division of property, as well as the custody agreement- I keep the cat and you get the dog. So that's done. . . finally. #Person1#: Let's not go there, Joanne! Ok, so let's start with the record collection, I'll take the albums I contributed and you can have your cheesy disco albums back. #Person2#: Fine, but I'm keeping the antique gramophone as my grandfather gave it to me. #Person1#: I believe that was a wedding present to both of us, Joanne. And you hardly ever use it! #Person2#: He's my grandfather, and he never really liked you anyway! #Person1#: Whatever! Alright, I'll concede the silly gramophone, if you'll agree that I get the silver tea set. #Person2#: How typical, when are you ever going to use a silver tea set? Fine! I don't want to drag this out any longer than necessary. What's next? What about these old photographs? #Person1#: Which ones? Let me have a look. Wow, look at that! That brings back memories. . . That? #Person2#: Our trip to Italy! I remember that day. We were going to visit the Trevi fountain, and we got caught in the rain. . . #Person1#: . . . and you looked so adorable with your hair all wet. I had to take a picture of you standing there in that little alley, smiling and laughing in the rain. . . #Person2#: Oh, we really did have fun back then, didn't we? #Person1#: Oh, Joanne, are we making a big mistake? I know our relationship has been on the rocks for sometime but are you sure we can't reconcile and try again? I still love you. #Person2#: Oh Jeff! I love you too! I'm so glad we didn't have to decide who keeps the motorcycle. #Person1#: The motorcycle? But that's mine! Summary:
Joanne and Jeff are making divorce and dividing their stuff. They decide Joanne will have the antique gramophone and Jeff will have the silver tea set. They then find some old photographs which bring back memories and find they still love each other.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: #Person1#: Hey, Ray, what are you doing right now? #Person2#: Not much. Joann. Do you want to hang out? #Person1#: Yes, I do. I'm at home myself right now with nothing much to do. #Person2#: Me, too. What would you like to do? #Person1#: Well, we could go to a movie. Have you see Shrek 2? #Person2#: I have, actually. How about the movie, Million Dollar Baby with Clint Eastwood? #Person1#: Hmm. . . I'Ve seen that, too. We could go for a walk in the park. #Person2#: We could, but it looks like it's going to rain soon. #Person1#: I guess that's out. Why don't we go shopping? #Person2#: I'd really rather not. I'll be too tempted to buy something that I can't afford! #Person1#: Ok. I guess we'd be not do that, either, then. What do you want to do? #Person2#: I don't know. Do you want to go bowling at the new bowling alley on 1st street? #Person1#: I would like to, but I injured my wrist last weekend. #Person2#: Let's see. Do you want to go to a bar and sing some karaoke? #Person1#: That sounds interesting, but I can't drink alcohol with the medicine I'm taking. #Person2#: Doesn't sound like that's be fun, then. Do you want to come here? #Person1#: I don't have a car. #Person2#: Goodness, we're not having much luck here, are we? #Person1#: No. do you have a car? #Person2#: No, but I could take the bus. #Person1#: Oh, good. Why don't you take the bus to mine and we could play Mah Tiang? #Person2#: That sounds great! Have you eaten? #Person1#: Not yet. I'll cook dinner and have it ready by the time you get here. #Person2#: Perfect. Are you prepared to give me all your money? #Person1#: Huh? We are going to play for money, aren't we? #Person2#: Oh, right. I suppose so. As long as you promise to lose! #Person1#: Hey. . . as long as I'm not alone on a Saturday night, I don't really care what I do! #Person2#: See you soon. #Person1#: Bye! Summary:
Ray and Joann have nothing much to do at home and decide to go out. They discuss some choices, including watching a movie, going shopping, and going to a bar. But finally, Ray decides to go to Joann's home. They will have dinner and play Mah Tiang together.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: #Person1#: Ah! No! Damn it! #Person2#: It's a blackout. Now I can't see Seinfeld. #Person1#: So what? I just lost one hour's worth of work. #Person2#: Really? How could you do that? Don't you save every couple minutes? #Person1#: No, I didn't save this time. Damn it! And I'm sick of writing this paper. Now I have to write it all over again too. #Person2#: I've had that problem too many times. So I learned to save. When I'm writing something, I save every three sentences or so. I don't want to lose anything. #Person1#: I hate computers. Sometimes I think they cause more trouble than they're worth. #Person2#: What are we going to do now? #Person1#: I don't know. I feel like going out. #Person2#: I wonder how much of the city is down. #Person1#: It doesn't matter. I still can go out and buy a beer. #Person2#: Maybe. But if there's a blackout, probably the pubs are closed. And besides, I know you have a political science exam tomorrow. I thought you had a lot of reading to do. #Person1#: Yes, that's true. Damn! I just lost half my paper, and now I can't even do my homework. This is a bad time for this to happen. #Person2#: I have a flashlight in my closet. If you want to use that to read, you can. #Person1#: Thanks. I think I will try. Where are you going? #Person2#: I like your idea of getting a beer. I think I'll go out myself. #Person1#: Maybe we can trade. Why don't you stay here and read for my exam, and I'll go drink beer? #Person2#: No, it just won't work. If I read for your exam, you won't know the answers tomorrow. I will. #Person1#: So? You can go to the class for me. Just write my name on the exam book and take the exam. Why not? #Person2#: How many students are in the class? #Person1#: About fourteen. #Person2#: So it won't work, old buddy. They'll see that I'm not you. Sorry. #Person1#: Damn! Summary:
#Person1# lost one hour's worth of work because of a blackout, so #Person1# has to write it all over again. #Person1# also has a political science exam tomorrow. #Person2# is going to get a beer. #Person1# wants #Person2# to read for #Person1#'s exam so that #Person2# can take the exam for #Person1#. #Person2# refuses because there are only fourteen people in the class.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: Michael: Hey John! John: Oh! Hi Michael Michael: Why you always start conversation with these beautiful gestures like oh!, O my goodness ? John: Because i know that you always target me to discuss about your new car, isn't it? Michael: Haha! yes, today i'll keep talking on same topic :p John: O my goodness! then please start because you will definitely ruin my weekend :( Michael: O this is not like that, i have decided to purchase the car, i delayed it due to some payment issues which now have been resolved. Now i can buy a new car. John: That's great! Finally, you are all set to purchase the car. Michael: O yes! my friend. John: Do you remember? i used to say that you didn't have money for your daily survival then how could you purchase this car? Now! i am very happy to hear that you sufficient money to purchase that car. Michael: So, would you go with me to receive Mercedes Benz 2.0 from showroom? John: Yes! my brother, it's a big day for you and i'll definitely go with you to receive this luxury Mercedes Benz. Michael: But, there is a condition that, i will drive Mercedes Benz to home. John: Haha! Sure my friend. Michael: i decided to get this darling car, but there are certain priorities which need to be fulfilled first. John: You'll get your darling soon Michael: Wow! (y) John: OK then, see you on Saturday, Goodbye! Michael: Sure! Goodbye. Summary:
Michael decided to buy the car he was thinking about. Michael had to delay the purchase, but is now able to go through with it. Michael and John will go together to get the car from the showroom. Michael will drive the car home. Michael and John will see each other on Saturday.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: #Person1#: Hello! This is Ruby speaking from G. O. T. International Travel Agency. What can I do for you? #Person2#: I ' d like to make a reservation for my trip from Detroit to Beijing on April 13 on Trans Pacific Airline. #Person1#: Do you want a single ticket or a round trip ticket? #Person2#: I ' d like to have a round trip ticket with a one-year open return. #Person1#: Economy or Business Class? #Person2#: Economy, please. How much is it? #Person1#: It will be $ 850. #Person2#: Very good. Could I get an electronic ticket? I ' m always afraid of losing my tickets. #Person1#: No problem. How do you wish to pay for it? #Person2#: Bank of American card. The number is 6786 9182 12300 8657. #Person1#: Thank you! Would you like an aisle seat or a window seat? #Person2#: An aisle seat, please. I ' m tall and need to get up and walk pretty often. #Person1#: No problem. Your ticket is for Trans Pacific Flight 87 from Detroit to Beijing at 3 forty p. m. on April 13. You will arrive at Beijing International Airport at six 35 p. m. on April 14. Your electronic #Person2#: What time should I arrive at Detroit Airport? #Person1#: Please be at the airport two hours before your departure to check in. You also need to reconfirm your reservation with the airline at least 7 days prior to your departure. #Person2#: What happens if I can ' t leave on April 13? Can I cancel my ticket or change the reservation to another date? #Person1#: Yes, you can, but you will have to pay a penalty of $ 75 for any change or cancellation. #Person2#: That ' s OK. What are the weight restrictions for checked baggage? #Person1#: On Trans Pacific international flights, each ticketed passenger is permitted a maximum of two checked bags with a maximum weight per checked bag of 70 pounds. #Person2#: That ' s great! I can have two bags checked for 70 pounds each. I think I ' m all set. You ' re really efficient. Thank you very much for your help. #Person1#: Thank you for the compliment and for calling G. O. T. Travel Agency. Have a nice trip! Summary:
#Person2# wants to make a reservation for a round trip ticket with a one-year open return. Ruby in G. O. T. International Travel Agency helps #Person2# get an electronic ticket. #Person2# chooses the economy class, an aisle seat, and asks for the check-in time, the amount of penalty to change the flight and the weight restrictions for checked baggage.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: #Person1#: There is a tornado warning on. My mother just told me she heard it on the radio. #Person2#: What is a tornado warning? #Person1#: It means that a tornado has been seen somewhere in the area. #Person2#: Really? In New Berlin? #Person1#: No. Not necessarily in town. But in southern Wisconsin somewhere. A tornado has been spotted. They have two stages here. This is what is called a ' tornado watch. ' That means that the weather conditions are perfect for a tornado. #Person2#: I understand. They think a tornado might come. #Person1#: Yes. People should look out, because maybe there will be tornadoes coming. So it's called a ' watch. ' #Person2#: And the second stage is called a ' tornado warning '. #Person1#: Yes. If a tornado has been spotted, they announce a ' tornado warning '. So if there's a tornado warning on, it means a tornado is out there somewhere. #Person2#: It's scary. #Person1#: Well. Tornadoes can be dangerous, it's true. If we hear something like a loud train coming, then we have to go in the basement. #Person2#: What do you mean ' a loud train '? #Person1#: That is what tornadoes sound like. They sound like trains. They're very loud. #Person2#: But if you hear them coming, isn't it already too late? #Person1#: Maybe. It depends on the tornado. Some can move across the ground at 200 miles an hour. That is very fast. Others aren't so fast. #Person2#: Have you seen a lot of them? #Person1#: I've only seen one in my life. I was looking out the window. It was around two miles away. It was very interesting to watch. But it was heading toward my friend's house. So I quickly called them on the phone. #Person2#: Did it hit their house? #Person1#: No, it didn't. But they are glad I called them. #Person2#: What were they doing when you called? #Person1#: They were all sitting in the living room watching TV. They had no idea a tornado was coming toward their house. If it had hit them, they could have all been killed. #Person2#: That's terrible. Do many people die in tornadoes? #Person1#: Not so many really. But a lot of houses are destroyed sometimes. Summary:
#Person1# says that there is a tornado warning on, which means that a tornado has been seen somewhere in southern Wisconsin. #Person1# explains to #Person2# the two stages of a tornado. The first is a 'tornado watch' and the second is a 'tornado warning'. #Person1# also indicates that not so many people die in tornadoes, but a lot of houses are destroyed sometimes.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: Jenny: Hi Beth, love, ok? Beth: Yeah, bit shattered, been working a lot lately. Jenny: Well, I suppose it's your busiest time! Beth: Yeah, but I don't have to like it! We've just had presale weekend, working till midnight. Then sale week, now Christmas and I'm working late Christmas Eve, start at 6am bloody Boxing Day and 8am New Year's Day. Jenny: Wow! They are a load of slave drivers there! It's not so bad in Samuel's, just busy days and one late night till 8pm. I quite enjoy it here, actually. Beth: I'm beginning to regret going for this job, they pile on the extra hours at short notice and you can only change them 3 weeks in advance. Plus, busy periods you can't take days off anyway. Jenny: You basically have no holidays then this year? Beth: Nope, not really! Christmas Day, I suppose, but then I have to get up at Stupid o' Clock on Boxing Day! Jenny: So, no good suggesting a drink one night? Beth: I am actually sort of free on the 27th cos I don't need to go in till 2pm on the 28th. Got a 7 hour shift then though, so can't have any kind of hangover! Jenny: God, it does suck a bit, but at least you're earning a decent wage. Beth: Yes, I suppose so and we do have a profits share scheme so there are bonuses. But no work/life balance to speak of.😒 Jenny: Do you think you'll get taken on in the New Year? Beth: Umm, don't know. I've not missed a day, had my pay docked only once for being 5 mins late! I'm frankly not sure if I would want the job, mind you. Jenny: Yes, I'd think very carefully about the pros and cons first! Beth: Yes, I'm going to look around, check Indeed, Reed, etc, other job sites. Jenny: I'll keep my ear to the ground, see what's around in town, it would be nice to work near each other! Beth: Yes, it would! Thanks love, let's meet for coffee one day at least. Jenny: OK, tell me when you're off next and we'll hopefully sort something out. Beth: OK, sounds good, Bye! Summary:
Beth has been working a lot lately, she'll be working on Christmas and on New Year's Day too, she has almost no free time, but at least the salary is good. She's thinking about a new job. Jenny works at Samuel's and she likes her job. They will try to meet for coffee when Beth has the time.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: #Person1#: Joanne, let's not make this divorce any more acrimonious than it already is, okay? Let's just get down to business and start dividing this stuff up fairly, so we can go our separate ways, alright? #Person2#: Fine with me. I just want to get this over with. It's important we make a clean break. I should have signed a pre-nup. #Person1#: What was that? #Person2#: Nothing! Anyway, you're right, there's no reason this has to be nasty. My lawyer tells me you've accepted our alimony proposal and the division of property, as well as the custody agreement - I keep the cat and you get the dog. So that's done. . . finally. #Person1#: Let's not go there, Joanne! Ok, so let's start with the record collection, I'll take the albums I contributed and you can have your cheesy disco albums back. #Person2#: Fine, but I'm keeping the antique gramophone as my grandfather gave it to me. #Person1#: I believe that was a wedding present to both of us, Joanne. And you hardly ever use it! #Person2#: He's my grandfather, and he never really liked you anyway! #Person1#: Whatever! Alright, I'll concede the silly gramophone, if you'll agree that I get the silver tea set. #Person2#: How typical, when are you ever going to use a silver tea set? Fine! I don't want to drag this out any longer than necessary. What's next? What about these old photographs? #Person1#: Which ones? Let me have a look. Wow, look at that! That brings back memories. . . That? #Person2#: Our trip to Italy! I remember that day. We were going to visit the Trev fountain, and we got caught in the rain. . . #Person1#: . . . and you looked so adorable with your hair all wet. I had to take a picture of you standing there in that little alley, smiling and laughing in the rain. . . #Person2#: Oh, we really did have fun back then, didn't we? #Person1#: Oh, Joanne, are we making a big mistake? I know our relationship has been on the rocks for sometime but are you sure we can't reconcile and try again? I still love you. #Person2#: Oh Jeff! I love you too! I'm so glad we didn't have to decide who keeps the motorcycle. #Person1#: The motorcycle? But that's mine! Summary:
Joanne and Jeff are dividing the stuff up for their divorce. Joanne'll keep the cheesy disco albums and the gramophone while Jeff'll keep the albums he contributed and the silver tea set. Then the old photographs bring back old memories which remind them that they still love each other.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: #Person1#: Hey. Are you okay? #Person2#: Yeah. I just have a cold, I think. #Person1#: No, no you don't. You've sounded like that for a while. You smoke, and you're dying from it. #Person2#: What? Well, you know, I'm just ...I'm just a casual smoker, and I can quit anytime I want. #Person1#: No, you can't. You smoke two packs a day, and I DONT call that a casual smoker. #Person2#: Hey, it's my choice, so butt out. We've talked about this before, and I'm tired of you, mom, and dad nagging me about it all the time. #Person1#: Okay, but what about your kids? Don't you worry about how your smoking is affecting them? #Person2#: It's not a problem. I smoke outside. #Person1#: Yeah, but don't you worry they'll start smoking too? #Person2#: No. They won't. I know my kids. I trust them. #Person1#: Yeah, yeah. Didn't you say that Jacob got caught smoking a week ago at school? #Person2#: Yeah, but it was the first time ... He's under a lot of pressure these days. #Person1#: Yea, right. The first time you know of. He's lying to you. #Person2#: I trust him. #Person1#: Really. Well, what about these cigarettes? [ What? ] Right here! [ Oh! ] I found them in his clothes when he stayed over last night. Listen. #Person2#: They ... They're probably not his! #Person1#: There his. He's following your example. You can't expect him NOT to smoke when you smoke yourself. #Person2#: Hey. Don't tell me how to raise my kids. It's my job. #Person1#: I won't have to. You're killing yourself, and someone else is going to be raising your kids for you. #Person2#: Well, what does that mean? #Person1#: Figure it out. Listen. I ('ve) got to go now. If you want to talk more, I'll be at mom's house. #Person2#: Whatever. Summary:
#Person1# thinks #Person2# is dying from smoking but #Person2# thinks #Person2# is just a casual smoker. #Person2# doesn't want to quit smoking and thinks #Person2#'s kid won't start smoking as #Person2# does. #Person1# is angry and tells #Person2# that Jacob starts smoking and follows #Person2#'s example. #Person2# doesn't want #Person1# to tell #Person2# about how to raise the kids.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: Christopher: Okay, I think I've added everyone who's in our group. Hi, guys! Joan: Hi there! So how do we share the work? Lindsay: And what's more important, who's gonna present our project before the class? :P Brian: I can present whatever you give me :P Joan: Yeah, as long as you don't have to prepare it yourself? :P Lindsay: I can do the work for Brian as long as he does the presenting part for me. You know how I hate speaking in public. Christopher: I think it's time to start learning :P Lindsay: If you want me to pass out in front of everyone then OK. Kenneth: Calm down guys, we don't have anything to present yet :P Joan: Yup, Ken's right. How about this: points 1-3 for me, Ken & Chris, 4-5 for Lindsay and Brian (and we don't care which one of you does more work as long as it's done ;))? And then we'll send our parts to one person who'll combine them into one presentation. Brian: I can do it! I'm good at PowerPoint :D Kenneth: Just don't go too crazy with the transitions between slides :P Brian: No worries, it will be pretty as hell! Lindsay: I don't think I believe you, but OK :D Joan: Okay, guys, do you think we could meet tomorrow after school? @Kenneth @Christopher Kenneth: I bet the two of you meet every day after school :P Christopher: Shut up! Joan: Come on, boys, stop acting like kids! We're almost out of high school! Kenneth: Uh huh, looks like someone's girlfriend's mad XDDD Joan: Lindsay, I've changed my mind, can I get Brian after all? :P Lindsay: Forget it, Brian's going to by my voice, I'm not giving him up :P Brian: Thanks, Lindsay β™₯ Joan: Grrrr, I hate group projects! Christopher: And who doesn't? :) Kenneth: Yeah... OK, I promise to behave. Can we just get it over with? Joan: YES! Lindsay: I think everybody agrees ;) So if we're done here now, I've gotta go. Talk to you later, guys! Joan: Bye! Kenneth: See ya! Brian: Laters! Summary:
Christopher, Joan, Lindsay, Brian and Kenneth have to prepare a project. Brian is willing to present in front of the class and make a PowerPoint presentation. Joan proposes a way to divide the work that everybody agree on. Joan proposes a meeting in person.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: #Person1#: Excuse me. I need to refill this prescription. #Person2#: It says on the bottle here that you can have two refills. #Person1#: Yes, I need to refill it today. #Person2#: Alright. I'm sorry, Miss. According to our file, this prescription has already been refilled twice. #Person1#: I was worried about that. I couldn't remember if I had it refilled twice yet or not. #Person2#: Well, it looks like you have. You will need to see your doctor to get a new prescription. #Person1#: Listen. This is an emergency. I tried to call my doctor, but he is out of town. So I can't see him in time. I need this medicine. It is for skin condition. I've run out. Can you just refill it once more? #Person2#: I'm sorry, Miss. We can't do it. We must follow the prescription. And this prescription has run out. #Person1#: But I need it. Please. Refill it for me just this once. I can go to the doctor around ten days from now. Then I'll have another prescription. #Person2#: Miss, I understand your problem. But it is against the law for us to sell certain medicines without a prescription. It's the law. I can't do anything about it. We never sell medicine unless we have a proper prescription. Never. #Person1#: But I have a prescription. I just need more of it. #Person2#: A prescription must be valid. It cannot be an expired prescription. I'm sorry, Miss. It's the law. You will have to find another doctor who will prescribe this for you. #Person1#: Oh, it will be so expensive! I have a special medical plan, and I can only see one doctor. It will cost me a lot of money to see another doctor. #Person2#: Miss, I just can't help you on this. I'm a pharmacist, not a doctor. And there are other customers I need to help now. I know it is frustrating when this happens. But there is nothing I can do about it. I'm sorry. #Person1#: This is ridiculous! In Taiwan, it is much easier to get medicine when I need it. #Person2#: Maybe that's true. I don't know. But I'm sure in Taiwan you have prescriptions too. Summary:
#Person1# wants to refill the prescription but #Person2# says it's already been refilled twice, so #Person1# needs to get a new prescription. #Person1# says it's emergent and #Person1#'s doctor is out of town. #Person2# suggests seeing another doctor but #Person1# thinks it's expensive. #Person1# thinks the whole thing is ridiculous but #Person2# insists on a new prescription.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: #Person1#: Oh, my God! I've been cheated! #Person2#: What? What did you buy? #Person1#: It's a brick! I can't believe how stupid I was. Damn it! #Person2#: What is it? Why did you buy a brick? #Person1#: There was a guy on the sidewalk. He had three new boxes, Panasonic video camera boxes. He said he had to get rid of them quick. #Person2#: And? #Person1#: So he said he'd sell me one for twenty dollars. A four-hundred-dollar camera for twenty bucks. #Person2#: And it's a brick? #Person1#: Yes. #Person2#: I can't believe how stupid you are. Why didn't you open the box? #Person1#: I wanted to. But he said, no, the box is still in its plastic wrap from the store. If it's opened, other people won't believe it's new. #Person2#: So he had the boxes wrapped in plastic. #Person1#: Yes, it was the kind of perfect plastic wrap that comes with new products. Look, it even had a bar-code price sticker on it! It looked brand new. #Person2#: But why would a guy be selling new video cameras for twenty dollars? #Person1#: He said he had to get rid of them. They were stolen. #Person2#: Aha! Now I understand. You were trying to buy stolen goods on the sidewalk. So, what I think is, you deserve to get cheated! #Person1#: C'mon, don't blame me! I thought it was a new camera. We could use it. We were even thinking about buying a camera. I don't understand how he could have such a perfect-looking box. #Person2#: That's no problem. He just has a friend who works in a shop that can do plastic wrap. That's easy. And probably it's the same shop he got the boxes from. Maybe his friend works in an electronics store. They sell video cameras there. Probably they had a couple video camera boxes lying around. So they get the idea of wrapping bricks to sell to fools like you. Twenty dollars a brick. That's a good profit if they can sell enough bricks. #Person1#: You're right, Sarah. I was a fool. I can't believe it. How could I fall for such a trick? Summary:
#Person1# was trying to buy a stolen brand-new camera at a very low price on the sidewalk. Then #Person1# finds out what he bought is actually a brick. The seller didn't allow #Person1# to open the box to keep it brand-new. Sarah analyzes the trick and thinks #Person1# deserves to be cheated.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: Joan: Hi dear, how's the Christmas shopping going? Margaret: Hello love, well I've got a few bits and bobs, but I'm struggling with some people. You finished? Joan: Oh yes, I start getting things in the January sales! All presents wrapped up by the last week in November. Margaret: So organised, as ever, dear! Can I pick your brains about presents for your lot? Joan: Ask away! Margaret: Well, what about your Hayley and the baby? Joan: Hayley loves nail varnish and the little one, Jojo is 2 now, so some little cars or trains, wooden railway stuff is nice, we're collecting it now. Margaret: Thanks, that's great! What about Hayley' s boyfriend, Sammy, isn't it? Joan: Oh, well, he left her in August, gone back to his wife. Margaret: Oh, I didn't know, poor Hayley, how's she coping? Joan: Fine, I help her with Jojo when she's at work or Uni, we manage! Margaret: I'm so glad! Then there's Darren, Susie and the kids, stuck with them too! Joan: Oh sis, you have no imagination! Darren and Susie would love some nice wine, cheese and biscuits. The kids, well, Jade loves Smiggle stuff, but it's pricey, maybe some Sharpie pens, pencil case, sketch pads, things like that. As for Quinn, maybe a new messenger bag and some gloves, always losing them, Darren says. Margaret: Thanks love, some fab ideas. For you, still love Beatles stuff? Joan: You know I do! Look, I've got so much stuff, you may duplicate what I've already got, maybe a nice silk scarf, something like that. Margaret: Well, I'd better get shopping then! We're going to the outlet place on Friday, Keith's got the afternoon off work. Joan: Oh, that sounds nice, I wouldn't mind coming myself! Margaret: Not this time, love, I'm buying all your presents, after all! Maybe after Christmas would be nice. Joan: Perhaps you're right! Anyway, got to get on with putting the marzipan on the Christmas cake. Margaret: Oh yes! I've got to buy one of those too! See you soon dear! Love you! Joan: Love you too, sis! See you soon, I hope. xx Summary:
Joan has all the Christmas presents ready. Margaret is seeking advice on what to buy for the family members. Sammy left Hayley with Jojo and got back to his wife. Joan helps her with the baby. Margaret goes with Keith to the outlet place on Friday. Joan is decorating Christmas cake.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: #Person1#: Good morning. How are you? #Person2#: I'm very worried, doctor #Person1#: Oh? What are you worried about? #Person2#: I'm afraid that I'm very ill. #Person1#: I'm sorry to hear that. Why do you think so? #Person2#: Because I feel tired all the time, even when I wake up in the morning. I find very difficult to do any work. I have no appetite. My wife cooks me delicious meals but I can only eat a little. #Person1#: How do you sleep? #Person2#: Very badly, doctor. #Person1#: Do you find it difficult to get to sleep, or do you wake up early? #Person2#: Both, doctor. I never get to sleep until two o'clock and I always wake up at five. #Person1#: Are you worried about anything? #Person2#: Well, yes, I am. I'm worried about my work. I've just taken a new job. I earn a lot of money but it's difficult work. I'm always afraid of making a mistake. #Person1#: I see. please take off your shirt and lie down on the couch. #Person2#: Yes, doctor. ( The doctor examines the patient ) #Person1#: Well, there's nothing very much wrong with you, I'm glad to say. You're working too hard and worrying too much. Do you take much exercise? #Person2#: No, doctor. I never have enough time for exercise. I start work very early in the morning and finish late in the evening. Then I can't get to sleep. Can you give me some medicine to help me to sleep? #Person1#: I can, but I'm not going to. You don't need medicine. You need advice. Don't work so hard. Too much work is bad for you. Don't worry about your work. It's silly to worry. Take regular exercise. #Person2#: But I may lose my job, doctor! It's hard to get a job like mine. #Person1#: Then get an easier one, even if you earn less money. Which would you rather have, health or wealth? #Person2#: You're right, doctor. It's more important to be healthy than wealthy. I'll change my job. I'm grateful for your advice. #Person1#: Come and see me again in a month's time. I think you'll be a different man! Summary:
#Person2# feels tired all the time, has no appetite, and can't sleep well as #Person2# is worried about the new job. #Person1# examines #Person2# and tells #Person2# #Person2# doesn't need medicine but advice. #Person1# suggests #Person2# stop worrying, take exercise, and get an easier job.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: Kamil: I'm looking for some good movies/series for those dark and long winter days... Kamil: Any suggestions? Jurek: Do you like comedies? Kamil: Sure, I'll consider every option Jurek: Then you should definitely watch 'Clerks' Leszek: Yeeeah bro, that's a good one! I laughed myself to shit Kamil: What's it about? Jurek: I don't want to tell you too much, but the action's in the convenience and video stores, and is about titular clerks' daily routine Leszek: True, maybe it doesn't sound convincing but the dialogues are brilliant :D Leszek: After you finish this one, there's 'Clerks 2' waitin, even funnier! Kamil: Well, all right I can give it a try. Jurek: And if you want a series... I won't be original but what about Game of Thrones? Kamil: Maaan, I'm not really into this whole movie world Kamil: I've heard people talking about it and getting excited but I've never pushed myself to watch even an episode Jurek: Dude, you can't imagine how much I'd like to be in your shoes now.... Kamil: I guess you won't tell me any details? Jurek: Not really. But I'm sure that all those twists and turns'll make you want another episode Leszek: I've watched the whole series and actually I still can't understand what's so special about it Leszek: I figured that it's kinda blind admiration, I mean, everyone thinks it kicks ass so if so many people think so, I'm not going to stand out Jurek: R U suggestin I'm a moron cause I liked the series? Leszek: Jurek, c'mon, you know it's nothing personal :) I'm just sayin how I see it Leszek: And ofc I'm not advising against watching it! So, Kamil. Now you've got 2 views on the series, you should watch it and let us know about your personal feelings :) Kamil: I think, you've just recommended it well, guys. Opinions're divided, now I'd like to come to my own judgement Jurek: That won't be wasted time, dude trust me. Leszek: Don't forget to let us know what you think! :) Kamil: Sure, I will thanks fellas Summary:
Kamil is looking for movie or series recommendations. Jurek and Leszek recommend "Clerks". Leszek recommends "Clerks 2". Jurek recommends "Game of Thrones". Leszek is not excited about the series. Kamil is skeptical at first, but will give the series a try.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: Tim: So I think it's time to start preparing our presentation. Samantha: Agreed. I've actually already done some research on natural selection. Just basic stuff like wikipedia but it cites some more serious sources. Tim: ok, great. Do you want to focus on anything in particular? Because how are we dividing this project? Samantha: I think I'd like to talk about the history of the concept - like what was before Darwin and then about his idea in the "origin of species" Tim: I've actually just finished reading the selfish gene by Dawkins and I would like to incorporate some of the stuff from the book. Samantha: Oh cool, was it good? Tim: Great even. I've always thought it's a shame that he's mostly known as the chief atheist when he's really a brilliant biologist. Samantha: I've always kinda associated Dawkins with the atheist stuff tbh I've only recently found out about his scientific work Tim: Yeah, many people do that and it's a shame. You know that he coined the term meme? Samantha: oh cool, i had no idea. Tim: so it would be great to talk about he's ideas in the presentation Tim: *his Samantha: sure, you can talk about the modern understanding of natural selection and include Dawkins there Tim: So I would give like the modern definition of it Samantha: Yeah, seems like it. If you want. Tim: sure, can do that. What else do we need? Samantha: So we have - the history, the actual modern definition... maybe the evidence? We could mention like... you know, all the things they've dug up ;) Tim: yes, the fossils and all that. Tim: That's a good idea. And then maybe why it's important? Like how it changed science? Samantha: oh, that would be good - why it matters when it comes to our understanding of humanity's development, origin etc. Samantha: So you wanna take that part? Tim: Yeah, could be interesting. Samantha: So I'll take the evidence part. Tim: Great. It seems evenly divided. Samantha: Think so too. Btw are we making a power point or using some other software? Tim: I was thinking Prezi it's much nicer. Samantha: Heard of it, but I think I've never used it. Tim: It's super easy, I'll show you when we meet. Samantha: ok cool Summary:
Tim and Samantha are making a presentation on natural selection. Samantha will focus on the history of the concept and the evidence. Tim will focus on the modern definiton, including stuff from Dawkins' book, and why it matters to the humanity. The presentation will be in Prezi.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: Tim: Good evening Peter, I'd hate to bother you with a call at that unearthly time but I must ask you something that might be urgent but not before tomorrow morning. My sister had just taken a bad fall in the bathroom hitting her L lower rib cage against an edge of a bathtub and is experiencing general pain. She doesn't think she's broken anything. Would you think it might be something demanding medical attention? Peter: Good evening Tim, I'm still in bed reading, Emma is asleep, so I'll stick to writing. Firstly, sorry to hear that but don't worry. If she can still move and talk, it can't be too bad. She doesn't spit blood, does she? Tim: No. Peter: Is the impacted area swollen? Tim: No. Peter: BTW when did it happen? Tim: Not more than an hour ago. Peter: Is she alone? Sorry I mean immediate help if her condition deteriorated. Tim: She lives alone. Her next door neighbours are just across the yard but I don't think they would be much help, being old themselves. Peter: Do you think she'll be capable of phoning in case of an urgent need? Tim: I should think so. Well, she texted me after the accident. Peter: While you talked to her, was she lucid? Tim: We couldn't talk because of my wife and the baby in the same room. She also preferred to write, since, as I suppose, it was less painful that talking. And yes – she was absolutely lucid. Peter: Of course I cannot say anything definite without examining her but judging by the symptoms you've described I'd tend to say that it's just soreness due to the impact of the fall. But she has to observe her body. Tim: Exactly what I told her! Should she see a doctor? Peter: She might if she feels worse. What she may need, however, are painkillers. Tell your sister not to hesitate to take painkillers. Even strong ones. For that she may need a prescription. Tim: Will they advise me at the drugstore when I describe the case? Anything over the counter? Peter: If you're going to get them for her, take IBU-ratiopharm 400 g, 20 pills, and 10 pills of the same but 600 g. She may want to start with the stronger one. Peter: Yes, they're available over the counter. Tim: It's so generous of you to let me have all this advice at this late hour. I really appreciate it, Peter. Thank you very much. Peter: Really nothing to thank for. Glad I could help. Let me know how she's doing. Tim: I will. Thank you again. And good night. Peter: Good night, Tim. Summary:
According to Peter, Tim's sister should observe her body after the fall and take painkillers
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: #Person1#: Joanne, let's not make this divorce any more acrimonious than it already is, okay? Let's just get down to business and start dividing this stuff up fairly, so we can go our separate ways, alright? #Person2#: Fine with me. I just want to get this over with. It's important we make a clean break. I should have signed a pre-nup. #Person1#: What was that? #Person2#: Nothing! Anyway, you're right, there's no reason this has to be nasty. My lawyer tells me you'Ve accepted our alimony proposal and the division of property, as well as the custody agreement-I keep the cat and you get the dog. So that's done. . . finally. #Person1#: Let's not go there, Joanne! Ok, so let's start with the record collection, I'll take the albums I contributed and you can have your cheesy disco albums back. #Person2#: Fine, but I'm keeping the antique gramophone as my grandfather gave it to me. #Person1#: I believe that was a wedding present to both of us, Joanne. And you hardly ever use it! #Person2#: He's my grandfather, and he never really liked you anyway! #Person1#: Whatever! Alright, I'll concede the silly gramophone, if you'll agree that I get the silver tea set. #Person2#: How typical, when are you ever going to use a silver tea set? Fine! I don't want to drag this out any longer than necessary. What's next? What about these old photographs? #Person1#: Which ones? Let me have a look. Wow, look at that! That brings back memories. . . That? #Person2#: Our trip to Italy! I remember that day. We were going to visit the Trev fountain, and we got caught in the rain. . . #Person1#: . . . and you looked so adorable with your hair all wet. I had to take a picture of you standing there in that little alley, smiling and laughing in the rain. . . #Person2#: Oh, we really did have fun back then, didn't we? #Person1#: Oh, Joanne, are we making a big mistake? I know our relationship has been on the rocks for sometime but are you sure we can't reconcile and try again? I still love you. #Person2#: Oh Jeff! I love you too! I'm so glad we didn't have to decide who keeps the motorcycle. #Person1#: The motorcycle? But that's mine! Summary:
Jeff and Joanne are getting divorced. They argue about the division of assets, including their record collection, the antique gramophone, the silver tea set, etc. Then some old photographs bring back their shared memories and they think maybe they should get back together.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: Paola: Guys, as I was saying I’d like to take you to the theatre. There’s a very good play this Friday and I can totally get you free tickets if you’re interested Paola: It’s about this Serbian family just after the war in Yugoslavia. It’s been a hist for a few years now and I’m happy to see they’re back on stage this season as well Paola: I’ve seen the play a few years ago and actually wrote a review of it, but would be happy to go with you and know what you think of it Austin: Oh wow that sounds great! Ofc I wanna go Nicola: Me too! Hope it’s after 6 pm? Paola: @Nicola, yes, it’s at 8.15 Paola: The theatre is called El RincΓ³n de SΓ‘nchez <othre_file> Paola: We can meet there Austin: Sounds good. Nicola, would you like to go together? These long, lonely journeys on the bus are soooo boring Nicola: Ha ha, sure, I bet we can have a nice chat, especially if we actually walk a little bit. I’d suggest meeting at the entrance to the Alto Palermo shopping mall and walking from there Austin: Can I ask if it’s safe? πŸ™Š Nicola: Yeah, I do think so Austin: Splendid, let’s meet at the entrance to the Alto Palermo at 7.30 then Nicola: Cool, just to make sure, I mean this entrance: <file_other> Austin: πŸ‘ Austin: Oh wait, will you have eaten? Perhaps we can grab a pizza or something Nicola: I’ll be coming straight from work so it sounds like the perfect plan Nicola: What do we have nearby Austin: There’s actually this place which sells empanadas which are not that bad just where we’re meeting. Not a grand dinner but enough for me Nicola: Yer, that would do. Let’s just meet at 7:15 in case there are many people in the line or you happen to prefer to eat the empanadas while standing rather than walking 😹 Austin: Lol sounds perfect Paola: I’ll see you at the theatre then. There’s nowhere to wait outside, so I’ll be waiting for you in the hall if that’s ok Austin: Totally Paola: See you soon then Nicola: Yep. Byeeee! Summary:
Paola and her friends are going to the theatre El RincΓ³n de SΓ‘nchez on Friday. They are going to see a play about Serbian family just after the war in Yugoslavia. Nicola and Austin will go to the theatre together. They will eat empanadas on their way.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: Agnes: Hi Greg! I'm Agnes, I don't know if you remember me, I think we met at my sister's wedding :) Greg: Hi! Of course I remember you :) How's life? Agnes: Good, thanks, how are you? Greg: I'm fine :) Agnes: Listen, my sis told me you went to Montenegro last summer Greg: That's right. We went to Bosnia, Croatia and Montenegro Agnes: That's exactly what I'm planning! :) Greg: Awesome! That's a good plan Greg: When are you going? Agnes: Don't know yet, probably end of june/beginning july. The kids have school till 20th june but maybe we'll go earlier Agnes: Did you go by car? Greg: Actually we flew to Zadar, Croatia and rent a car there. Went to Montenegro and stayed in Kotor Bay for a couple of days. Then Bosnia, Croatia again, Slovenia and finally Vienna Agnes: Wow that sounds amazing!!! Greg: It was! Agnes: How long? Greg: 18days in total Agnes: We'll have 14-16 days, don't know exactly Greg: Kotor Bay is a must-see. The beaches are not too impressive but those little old towns are just fabulous. Bosnia is incredibly beautiful, a great place to hike if you have time. Agnes: Did you go to Mostar? Greg: Sure, it's a highlight of course, but Sarajevo is great too. And then in Slovenia we stopped in Maribor. Agnes: Can you recommend any place to stay in Kotor or Perast? Greg: We stayed in Herceg novi close to croatian border for 3 days. Then moved to Dobrota, it's between Kotor and Perast but I'm not sure if I can recommend the place. The apartment was a bit dirty. Agnes: Are there any hotels? Greg: Not many, it's better to get an apartment, well it depends on your budget of course :) Agnes: We're going low cost! :) plus two kids plus one dog :) Greg: I'll send you the contact details of our host in Herceg Novi, she's very friendly and helpful and speaks English. The place was super tidy and I think they accept pets Agnes: Thank you so much! Summary:
Greg went to Bosnia, Croatia and Montenegro last summer. Agnes is planning the same trip between the end of June and beginning of July. Greg recommended Agnes a place to stay in Herceg Novi. Agnes is planning to travel with her husband, two kids and a dog.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: #Person1#: There is a tornado warning on. My mother just told me she heard it on the radio. #Person2#: What is a tornado warning? #Person1#: It means that a tornado has been seen somewhere in the area. #Person2#: Really? In New Berlin? #Person1#: No. Not necessarily in town. But in southern Wisconsin somewhere. A tornado has been spotted. They have two stages here. This is what is called a tornado watch. That means that the weather conditions are perfect for a tornado. #Person2#: I understand. They think a tornado might come. #Person1#: Yes. People should look out, because maybe there will be tornadoes coming. So it's called a watch. #Person2#: And the second stage is called a tornado warning. #Person1#: Yes. If a tornado has been spotted, they announce a tornado warning. So if there's a tornado warning on, it means a tornado is out there somewhere. #Person2#: It's scary. #Person1#: Well. Tornadoes can be dangerous, it's true. If we hear something like a loud train coming, then we have to go in the basement. #Person2#: What do you mean a loud train? #Person1#: That is what tornadoes sound like. They sound like trains. They're very loud. #Person2#: But if you hear them coming, isn't it already too late? #Person1#: Maybe. It depends on the tornado. Some can move across the ground at 200 miles an hour. That is very fast. Others aren't so fast. #Person2#: Have you seen a lot of them? #Person1#: I've only seen one in my life. I was looking out the window. It was around two miles away. It was very interesting to watch. But it was heading toward my friend's house. So I quickly called them on the phone. #Person2#: Did it hit their house? #Person1#: No, it didn't. But they are glad I called them. #Person2#: What were they doing when you called? #Person1#: They were all sitting in the living room watching TV. They had no idea a tornado was coming toward their house. If it had hit them, they could have all been killed. #Person2#: That's terrible. Do many people die in tornadoes? #Person1#: Not so many really. But a lot of houses are destroyed sometimes. Summary:
#Person1# explains to #Person2# the details about tornados in terms of two stages which are a tornado warning and a tornado watch. #Person1# further explains the sound of tornados and the causes of such sound, as wells as the danger of tornado. Then #Person1# continues expressing the danger of tornado by giving a personal experience of #Person1# encountering a tornado.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: #Person1#: Hey. Hey. Hey, hey, hey!! What are you doing? #Person2#: Uh, what does it look like I'm doing? I'm having your car towed away for parking illegally. #Person1#: Officer. You can't do that. That's not fair. #Person2#: What do you mean it's not fair? You parked your car in a no-parking area. #Person1#: What? What do you mean? #Person2#: Look, sir. There's a sign right there that says… #Person1#: Where? Where? #Person2#: ... right there! It says, Tow away zone. No parking between the hours of 7 a.m. through 6 p.m. #Person1#: Oh, that one? Those tree branches are covering it. #Person2#: Sorry, you're going to have to take that complaint up with the city. I'm just doing my job. I'm just here to uphold the law. Anyway, you can clearly see it once you get out of your car. #Person1#: But, but ... my car was only here for five minutes. #Person2#: Sorry. But it's my duty. #Person1#: I had to just run into this building to ... to drop off some clothing at the homeless shelter. Just trying to help people in need. #Person2#: Sir. The homeless shelter? It's six blocks down the road. Anyway, look, here's your ticket, and the address where you can pick up your car is found on the back. #Person1#: What? A hundred and fifty dollars? That's outrageous. I mean, completely ludicrous. #Person2#: Sorry. Don't park your car illegally! #Person1#: So, you mean that you're going to have my car towed away. I'm standing right here. Look. How about two tickets for a lecture on the history of the English language tomorrow night at the library? Anything. #Person2#: Sir. It's illegal to bribe an officer. #Person1#: Wait, wait wait, or how 'bout some coupons for a free burger at that restaurant across the street.? #Person2#: You've got to be kidding me. #Person1#: Buy one and get the second one half price. #Person2#: You know sir, you'd probably better leave now. Have a good day. Summary:
#Person2# is towing #Person1#'s car away for parking illegally. #Person1# explains that the tree branches covered the sign but #Person2# still gives him an expensive ticket. #Person1# offers #Person2# tickets for a lecture and coupons at the restaurant across the street but #Person2# says it's illegal to bribe an officer.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: Jane: So mom is out of the woods and resting comfortably. George: Thanks! So glad you were there to be with her! Jane: No problem. Just wonder what we should do going forward? George: What do you mean? Jane: She’s very unsteady and may be worse now after the fall. How will she be able to stay on her own? George: Oh, I see. I didn’t know she was that bad. Jane: Yes, she is. You haven’t seen her in a while. George: True. I can’t afford the plane tickets. Jane: I understand, not your fault! George: Sorry! Jane: It’s okay; I just want to get your thoughts on mom. Should we try to hire someone to look in on her daily? Move her laundry to the upstairs? What do you think? George: I think we should definitely try to avoid having the laundry on a different floor or get a stair lift or something. Which is cheaper? Jane: I think a stair lift is a few thousand, but so would a plumbing job and getting a stackable that would fit upstairs. About even, in other words. Not sure what she’ll go for. Probably neither! George: She might go for the lift then. Keeps everything pretty much the same. Jane: True. George: What about getting someone to check on her? Jane: I was thinking the neighbor. She’s retired and I’d offer to pay her to pop in once a day and have coffee, keep her company. Can you help out with the cash? George: Not really. I’m pretty strapped and need to save for a plane ticket back, apparently! Jane: Okay, I’ll see what I can figure out. George: What did the doctor say? Jane: She didn’t break anything, just a bad sprain where she tried to catch herself. George: Thank God she didn’t hit her head! Jane: I know! George: Good thing you were dropping by anyway. How long did she lay there? Jane: Not long, an hour or so. Long enough! George: She must have been scared. I’ll call her later. Do they let her have her phone? Jane: Yes, but it may need to be charged. Call the hospital and ask for 2231. George: Okay. Jane: Speak soon. Love you! George: Love you too and thanks again! Summary:
Jane and George's mother fell and had a bad sprain trying to catch herself. George hasn't seen mum long due to expensive plane tickets. They consider hiring a retired neighbour to check on mum daily and spend some time with her, but George can't help with it financially. He will call mum later.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: Jenni: Where are you? Paul: At the pub. Why? What's up? Jenni: Well, last night you said you'll come over to mine at 8pm. So I'm waiting... and waiting... and you're at the goddamned pub. Paul: I don't remember saying that I'd come to yours tonight Jenni: Isn't that just ever so convenient... hmmm... Paul: Honestly hun I would've never said that. It's pub quiz night at the Lion's Head. You know that's what I do every Tues. Jenni: Yeah but you said that this Tues you'd come and see me. You know that's the only night of the week that I have off and you can't even make the effort to see me... grrrr! Paul: Look I make lots of effort to do things for you babe... all the fucking time! I need a night off with my mates. Jenni: You have 'nights off' with your fucking mates all the bloody time... but when I ask you to do anything you're always busy and not available. Jenni: Are you giving me the silent treatment now? Jenni: Can't even be bothered to answer my messages? Jenni: Who are you with down the pub? Paul: Sorry babe, was busy talking to Lauren at the bar. Why don't you pop down the pub and we can talk about this? Jenni: WTF?!! Who the fuck is Lauren??!!! Jenni: Are you fucking her? Paul: Don't be ridiculous! She's like as old as your mother. LOL Jenni: You can't be fucked to come over and see me. Then when I try to find out where you are you tell me that you're at the quiz night with your mates. You don't even have the courtesy to tell me that you're not coming over to mine. Now you tell me that you're talking to some old hag by the name of Lauren at the bar. What bloody planet do you live on? You're a dick! Jenni: You know what? You can shove this relationship where the sun don't shine! I've had enough. Jenni: You better come over tomorrow because I'm throwing all your shit out Mr. Fucktard! It'll be on the front lawn if you want it. Fuck you! Summary:
Paul is at the pub. Jenni is waiting for him, but he doesn't remember them arranging a meeting. He attends a pub quiz night at Lion's Head every Tuesday. Now he's there pub with a woman named Lauren and he invites Jenni to pop down the pub and talk. Jenny is furious and wants Paul to come tomorrow.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: #Person1#: May I help you, sir? #Person2#: Yes, I want to buy a VCR. #Person1#: Well, we have many models to choose from here. Do you have a particular brand you want? #Person2#: No. I only want it to be a very good one. The best. It's a graduation gift for my son. #Person1#: I see. And does your son have a VCR now? #Person2#: Well, he uses our VCR at home. But he's going to university in the Fall, so he needs his own VCR. #Person1#: Does he watch a lot of movies? #Person2#: Yes, he sure does. In fact, he wants to become a movie producer himself. He wants to study film at the university. #Person1#: I would like to make a suggestion then, sir. #Person2#: Please do. #Person1#: If your son wants to study film, probably he will start to collect movies himself. #Person2#: Yes, I know that. So I want him to have a good VCR to use. #Person1#: May I suggest you consider buying him a DVD player instead? #Person2#: DVD? Isn't that like a CD? #Person1#: It is very similar. The technology is the same. #Person2#: Why is a DVD better than a VCR? #Person1#: For one thing, sir, the quality of the image is usually better. That's because it's digital. #Person2#: But isn't it more expensive? #Person1#: It is a little more expensive, sir. But there is one important advantage which your son might appreciate. #Person2#: What's that? #Person1#: If your son starts to buy video tapes, he can't keep them very long. #Person2#: And why not? #Person1#: Video tape breaks down after fifteen years. So if he collects a lot of tapes, after fifteen years they will all start to rot. #Person2#: Hmm. Is that true? #Person1#: Yes, it is, sir. #Person2#: Well. And what about DVDs? #Person1#: This is the excellent thing about DVDs. If your son starts to collect DVDs, they will last forever. They will never rot. #Person2#: Hmm. He might really appreciate that. I know he will start to collect movies at school. Especially if he studies film. #Person1#: So let me show you some of our DVD players. In my opinion, DVD is the wave of the future. #Person2#: Alright, please show me what you have. Summary:
#Person2# wants to buy a VCR as a graduation gift for his son who wants to become a movie producer. Then #Person1# recommends him to buy a DVD player instead because DVDs will last forever.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: #Person1#: Right then, Roger, what made you take off to the country in the first place? #Person2#: Well, I suppose any one who moves to the country wants their life to be different in some way. I mean, if you have always lived in a city, as I had, then something must happen to make you want to move. In my case I was made redundant, and, when it came to looking around for a new job, I just couldn't face going back into an office again. So I sat down and thought about what I'd really like to do. #Person1#: And that, I suppose, turned out to be something in the country? #Person2#: No, initially I didn't think of moving, but just of getting a different kind of job, you know social work with kids or old people, that kind of tiring. #Person1#: So what happened, why didn't you? #Person2#: Well, I hadn't got any of the right qualifications, and it would have taken me two years to get qualified and I certainly didn't want to go back to formal education again. #Person1#: Couldn't you have learned while on the job sort of picked it up as you went along? #Person2#: No, you have to have a diploma. Anyway, after talking it over with friends who had moved out I thought I'd like to give it a try--after all, a change of scene... #Person1#: Is better than.., yes, we all know that. So, where did you go when you did decide to move? #Person2#: I went right out to Shropshire. After all I thought if you're going to go rural you might as well do it properly. The first problem though was how I was going to make a living. There are fewer jobs in the country, so I decided to start up on my own. #Person1#: That's pretty ambitious, a townie moving off to the depths of the country and setting up his own business. How did you start, had you got any skills? #Person2#: I'd always had a garden and grown some vegetables and flowers, you know, usual things, salad stuff, carrots, peas, beans, a bit of fruit, some roses.., so I thought of a small holding, a kind of small farm. But when I looked at the prices to buy, I changed my mind; I didn't have that kind of money. #Person1#: OK, a farm's out--so what's next? #Person2#: I settled on a nursery and bought my way into a partnership with a... Summary:
Roger tells #Person1# what made him move to the country. Roger was fired and wanted a different job. He had no right qualifications and didn't want to go back to formal education. Roger then decided to move after talking with friends. Roger moved to Shropshire but failed to run his farm because of financial matters. Then he settled on a nursery.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: #Person1#: We are free this afternoon, aren't we, Mr. John? #Person2#: Yes, we are visiting the exhibition this afternoon, and look around Beijing city, wouldn't we? #Person1#: It's very kind of you, Mr. John. the sightseeing trip between our business talk will be sort of our work division. business can be make for pleasure. what kind of exhibition we're going to see? #Person2#: It's industrial exhibition, in origin show the results of new industrial products in the city. a lot of products there to meet the needs of home and export #Person1#: Could you give more detail information about some of the industries you just mentioned? #Person2#: Yes. take the oil industry for instance. you know there are twenty oil resources in China. you can see many chemical products in the exhibition. such as chemical fabrics as I dress. #Person1#: What the others? #Person2#: There are chemical materials, medicines, rubber, plastics and so on, many products and meet the domestic markets, we are also trying to meet international markets. #Person1#: How about textile industry? #Person2#: Textile is a traditional industry, which has completely catalogue, and solid basis and has developed in the past few years. the export is great, counting more than 25 % of export products #Person1#: That's surprising, three days ago when I went to yancheng store, I saw different kinds of textile goods. I've bought some for my wife, some for my friends. they seem very attractive. #Person2#: That's good. I think they must like them. in recently years, light industry have be developing in Standley, and place a credible role in our industry sister. these industry including leather, bikes, household electric products, clocks, sporting goods and so on. many of them are very popular at home and abroad. #Person1#: I'm sure I'll enjoy seeing them. and will have more information of your city industry. what is more? I'd like to visit if it is possible. the famous Goumi street in the city. #Person2#: No problem, that street is nearly built along the both sides of this street. there is stores, restaurant follow the style of tradition chinese building, the guest come there taste very traditional favorite dishes. #Person1#: I am sure I'll enjoy some real chinese food then. Summary:
#Person1# and John will visit the industrial exhibition and the Beijing city between the business talk. John tells #Person1# about the detailed information of industries, including the oil industry with chemical fabrics, the chemical materials, medicines, rubber and plastics that meet both domestic and international markets. John talks about the traditional textile industry and Standley's developing light industry. #Person1# bought some textile goods in Yancheng. #Person1# wants to visit Goumi street and enjoy Chinese food.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: #Person1#: Hello, Mr. Brown. How are you today? #Person2#: I'm very well, thank you. #Person1#: that's good to hear. Shall we get started? I see from your application form that you'Ve worked as a maintenance man for over 7 years. #Person2#: yes, that's true. #Person1#: what kind of work did you do? #Person2#: I fixed many kinds of machine tools such as milling machines, grinders, welders, etc. I also repaired other things such as vacuums, toilets, locks, etc. I also did some electrical work. I took some courses about electrical systems. #Person1#: That's good. What kind of electrical work did you do? #Person2#: I took care of commercial and residential coolers and heaters. I fixed many kinds of power failure problems. Some co-workers and I even rewired part of a building. #Person1#: well, your work experience sounds good for the job we have open. Now tell me about the best job you'Ve ever had, please. #Person2#: the best job? What do you mean? #Person1#: like the job you feel the most proud of. #Person2#: I think my favorite job so far was when I worked for Linaria. It was hard work but the people on my job crew were great to work with. We really worked as a team. I enjoy working with those people. #Person1#: Tell me something about a time when you did something well, something you feel proud of. #Person2#: I fixed a big problem with a machine and saved a lot of money for the factory. I got bonus for it. #Person1#: that's great. No wonder you feel proud of that. Now let me ask you another question. #Person2#: Go ahead, please. #Person1#: in all the jobs you'Ve had, what was it you disliked the most? #Person2#: wow, this question is hard to answer. I don't think I'Ve ever had a job that I really disliked. But I dislike work that is monotonous, always the same from day to day. I like to move around and do different things. #Person1#: all right. Do you have any questions? #Person2#: no. I can't think of any right now. #Person1#: you'll hear from us by the end of this week. #Person2#: thank you very much. I'm looking forward to hearing from you about this job. Summary:
#Person1# interviews Mr. Brown, and Mr. Brown tells #Person1# his work in detail. He also tells #Person1# he fixed a big problem and saved a lot of money for the factory and that made him proud of. Then #Person1# asks him what job did he dislike most.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: #Person1#: Doris, I'm glad you're home. I'm terrified. I don't know what to do! #Person2#: What is it? What happened? #Person1#: I think someone is stalking me. #Person2#: No, it can't be. Really? Who? #Person1#: I don't know. I saw him the first time Tuesday. He was at the cafe. I noticed he was looking at me a lot. Not just the usual looking, but staring. He just kept staring at me. He didn't stop. #Person2#: What did you do? #Person1#: I didn't do anything. Finally, he left. But then I saw him again today. Outside the shoe store. Near the cafe. I went into a CD store and pretended I was looking at CD's. But then he came in too. #Person2#: Did he leave when you left? #Person1#: Yes. Then I noticed he was on the sidewalk behind me. He was following me. #Person2#: What did you do? #Person1#: He followed me all the way home! #Person2#: That's about five blocks. And around corners too. So he was definitely following you. #Person1#: Yes, he was. I'm not imagining it. Finally, just when I got home, I turned around and looked at him. He was just standing there. He didn't smile. He just stood there. It was so obvious. What should I do? I'm so scared. Can I call the police? #Person2#: Actually, I don't think you can call the police. Not yet at least. He hasn't done anything. And probably the police will just ignore it. But if anything happens again, then maybe you should call. #Person1#: Why can't I call the police now? He was definitely following me! #Person2#: Of course you can call the police if you want. That's not what I mean. I'm just saying that they probably won't do anything. #Person1#: I suppose. What can they do? I don't even know who he is. #Person2#: Listen, Carol. Don't let this bother you too much. Probably it's nothing. Just keep your eyes open when you go out. If you see him a third time, and if he follows you again, then I think we should go to the police. But for now, just try not to worry. #Person1#: Alright. And I won't go to that cafe for awhile. Summary:
Carol is terrified because she finds someone stalking her. She describes her experiences of being followed by someone to Doris. Carol wants to call the police, but Doris thinks the police probably won't do anything. So Doris advises her not to worry but to keep her eyes open when she goes out.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: Brian: Hello everyone! What has been your favourite moment of the ceremony so far? Storm: Just joined. I'm enjoying the speech by President Marcon. I pray ppl in my country are listening. I hope our current ruler is listening. We are on very thin ice over here in the US. I don't think ppl truly understand the value of the past. Patte: Macron's speech (and I am not a particular fan of his) Laura: Brian the musical performances. Denis: The view from the Arc down the Champs. Seeing the lettering on the monument, and the students reading the letters of soldiers. Angie: Brian when he said nationalism was the opposite of patriotism. So true and I wish others would realize it. Anne: "Nationalism is the betrayal of patriotism " Macron, 11/11/2018 Love it! Margaret: My daughter went to a local fair in Sydney today and all the hundreds attending fell silent at 11am. Very moving! Denis: Its a Beautiful moment in the history of the world Jan: Unfortunate that when a letter by Remarque was being read in German, both CNN and BBC reporters starting talking about something else. Laura: I am so sorry for every Country's loss of friends, family, neighbors and Citizens. So many attending are emotional. My heart and prayers go out to all of them.πŸ˜ͺ Tom: in fact African leaders shouldn't have been invited because they have failed Africa and the world as a whole Patte: Tom you don't understand the global capital. Europe is a partner to the demise of Africa. African leaders have colluded with global capital. go read up on Togo politics. Destiny: There's no single benefit after war, Sincere peace is the ultimate. Therefore I urge the whole world to embrace peace. Angie: Agree! Larry: War is what comes when people give up on peaceful solutions . Ideas are what keep us from war. Love and Trust are always better than Fear and Doubt. Larry: Today is Veterans Day in the US. We honor everyone’s service to their respective countries Peter: What about the killings that are happening right now because of you and your allies, around the world or the middle east to be precise. Kafuka: exactly my thoughts. Larry: The United States has always tried to be peaceful and honorable. Are we perfect? No! But at least we try. We never asked for 911. Kafuka: Larry, leave Internet. Now. Summary:
What Storm and Patte liked the most about the ceremony was President Marcon's speech. Laura's favourite moment was musical performances. Denis liked the view from the Arc down the Champs. Destiny, Angie and Larry stand for peaceful solutions. Larry and Kafuka are against US military actions.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: Eva: <file_video> Hannah: Aww, such a cutie! Eva: She's growing so fast, isn't she? Hannah: Yeah! She's making me feel old LOL. What were you cooking, guys? Eva: We were making an apple pie. Or at least it was supposed to be an apple pie. But then my smart kid added her jelly beans to the pot when I wasn't looking. Hannah: Haha, jelly bean pie? Sounds yummy. Eva: Don't know yet, it's still in the oven. In fact, I'm wondering if I'm brave enough to try it myself. Maybe I'll give it to Diana first. It's her pie after all :D Hannah: I've got a better idea. Wait for daddy! Eva: Bwahaha, yasss! Though I'm not sure if Diana will let me wait so long. Hannah: What is she doing right now? Eva: Drawing something. Why do you think I've got the time to chat with you? :P Hannah: Now that's what I was wondering about :D So if you have a moment, how about coming back to the subject of holidays? Eva: Ugh, difficult subject :P Hubby still doesn't know if he can take a week of or not. Hannah: Okay, but have you at least decided where you'd like to go? Italy or Spain? Eva: We've discussed it, but we haven't decided anything yet. So if you guys prefer either one, we can just let you choose. Hannah: Yeah, easy to say :P I want Italy, Pete wants Spain. Eva: Maybe we should come up with a completely new country then? Hannah: Or just spin a globe, stab a finger anywhere to stop it and let fate choose for us? :D Eva: This way we could end up in a middle of an ocean :P Hannah: Fine by me, at least the boys wouldn't be able to sit online all the time :D Eva: Hey, this sounds perfect, let's do it XD Hannah: OK, wait, I've got a globe, I'm spinning it right now. Eva: And? Hannah: Ugh, you won't like it. Eva: Well? Hannah: Iraq :D Eva: Ugh, nope! Spain then. Hannah: Or Italy :P Eva: Greece? Hannah: Hell yeah! We're going to Greece! Summary:
Eva cannot decide on her vacation plans just yet because hubby does not know if he can get a week of holiday. Eva and Hannah will go to Greece for holiday.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: Ethan: Hey Sis! How's life? Did u start thinking 'bout Xmas gifts? Abigail: Hey Bro! No, damn I didn't have time! But I got some ideas when I was home last weekend XD Ethan: That's great, because I'm having a really hard time to find somthing out XD Abigail: Did you hear that uncle Steve is going to spend Christmas Eve with us? Ethan: Srsly? Uncle Stevie? This is going to be a lot of fun then! :D Abigail: Precisely! But anyway, I was thinking to buy mum new Kindle? Her old one is nearly ruined! Ethan: Yeah, that's sounds like a good idea! And we could also buy some e-books as well Abigail: She said to me last time that she was still missing this one book by Val McDermid Ethan: Do you remember the title? Abigail: Uhm..let me think…"Killing the Shadows" I believe Ethan: Okie dokie, I'll look for it. What about dad? Abigail: What about this bird-watching set? He has been preoccupied with watching animals recently XD Ethan: Haha, that is a funny idea! Where did you see such set? Abigail: In Craig's Shop as far as I remember, let mi find this picture I took Ethan: In Craig's Shop? Srsly? XD Abigail: <file_photo> Ethan: Looks really professional to me! :D Abigail: Right?! I know! :) Ethan: So now we have left uncle Stevie and granny Meg Abigail: I happen to know that Granny is missing some nice new bag for carrying all the stuff she always carries Ethan: Yeah, I remember the last time she brought IKEA bag with her XD Abigail: I'll will take a look at the bags then :) Ethan: So uncle Stevie - what do you think? We don't know him that well Abigail: You're right, we don't know him, so we could use some universal type of gift Ethan: The only universal type of gift I have in mind is book again. I think he likes poetry Abigail: We'll need to ask mum then Ethan: Yeah, let's do this. Oops, I gotta go now! Stay in touch Sis! Abigail: Ok, CU soon :D Summary:
Ethan and Abigail exchange ideas about Christmas gifts. They want to buy new Kindle and ebooks for mum, bird-watching set for dad, a bag for granny and a book for uncle Stevie who's coming for Christmas Eve.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: #Person1#: Excuse me. May I see the manager of your store? #Person2#: I am the manager. Can I help you? #Person1#: Oh, great, I saw a job ad outside your store. I am interested in the job advertised. I am coming to see if there is any opportunity available for me. #Person2#: All right. Take a seat, please. Would you like to be a shop assistant or a cashier? #Person1#: I can do the work of shop assistant and I worked part time in a small department store during my summer vocation last year. #Person2#: So now do you want a full-time job or part-time job? #Person1#: At present, both are OK for me. What do you need most, then? #Person2#: Now we really need some part-time workers. You see, our full-time staff knocks off at five pm, but now we hope to extend the hours to eight pm. We need some part-time shop assistants to work 3 hours a day from five pm to eight pm. But I am not sure if you are qualified for the job. Since most of our customers are foreign, competence of good communication in English is necessary here. #Person1#: I think I can. I have been learning English for almost 5 years and especially I am fluent at speaking English. Also, I have made some foreigners friends during the experience of learning English. #Person2#: That is fine. I think you have the qualifications needed for the job, so I will let you have the job. Does the work schedule suit you? #Person1#: It quite suits me. I am free in the evening these days, I will have no difficulty starting at five pm. #Person2#: Good. There is only thing to be settled. Ten RMB an hour is the maximum we can pay you. Is the rate of pay acceptable to you? #Person1#: It seems reasonable. By the way, I can get my earning raised with a excellent performance, can't I? #Person2#: Sure. You will get more if you can invite more customers with your good service. #Person1#: I see. I will try my best to do the job well. #Person2#: That is good of you to say so. When can you start working? #Person1#: How about next monday? #Person2#: Ok. Let's make is next Monday. I n the end, you need to fill out the application form. #Person1#: Thank you for your kindness, ma'am. See you next Monday. Summary:
#Person1# sees a job ad outside #Person2#'s store and comes to see if there is an opportunity available. #Person1# introduces the qualifications that #Person1# has and #Person2# thinks #Person1# is suitable for the job. They reach an agreement on the payment and working hours. #Person1# will come to work next Monday.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: #Person1#: Come in, please. #Person2#: Good afternoon, Mrs. Smith. #Person1#: Good afternoon. Have a seat, please. You are Mr. Sun? #Person2#: Thank you. Yes, I am Dunlin. #Person1#: I have read your resume. I know you have worked for 3 years. Why did you choose to major in mechanical engineering? #Person2#: Many factors led me to major in mechanical engineering. The most important factor is I like tinkering with machines. #Person1#: What are you primarily interested in about mechanical engineering? #Person2#: I like designing products, and one of my designs received an award. Moreover, I am familiar with CAD. But I can do any mechanic well if I am employed. #Person1#: Why did you decide to apply for this position? #Person2#: Your company has a very good reputation, and I am very interested in the field your company is in. #Person1#: What do you think determines an employee's progress in a company such as ours? #Person2#: Interpersonal and technical skills. #Person1#: We have several applicants for this position. Why do you think you are the person we should choose? #Person2#: I have the abilities, qualities and experience that you requested in your job advert, for example I have three years experience in designing products and I got leadership experience while serving the college student union as president. #Person1#: That sounds very good. How do you see your career development? #Person2#: After a few years of gaining experience in the company and furthering my professional qualifications I'd like to put my experience and skills to use in management. I want to become a supervisor in your R & D department. #Person1#: Have you anything to ask about the job? #Person2#: Yes. Do you offer any opportunities for further study? #Person1#: Yes. If you undertake additional courses, provided these are approved, and you complete them successfully, you can claim back part, quite a large part, 75 % of the costs you incurred. Not just the fees, - traveling and other expenses too. #Person2#: That's fine. #Person1#: Anything else? #Person2#: No. #Person1#: Well, thank you very much, Mr. Sun. I'll let you know the result of the interview as soon as possible. Goodbye. #Person2#: Thank you, Mrs. Smith. I do hope the answer will be favorable. Goodbye. Summary:
Mrs. Smith's interviewing Mr. Sun. Mr. Sun tells her his interests in mechanical engineering, his reasons for applying for the position, and his strengths and experience. He hopes to become a supervisor in a few years. Mrs. Smith tells him the company offers opportunities for further study and he can claim back part if he completes the courses successfully.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: Mary: Hello love! Welcome to the green side! :) Anna: News spreads fast I see! Mary: They sure do! Especially the good ones - I'm really happy for you. Anna: I must tell you I feel really motivated. It's been only a month, but I really want to keep it going. Mary: I understand, I've been through it and it can be a bumpy road, but it's worth it. Anna: Have you eaten any meat since you decided to become a vegetarian? Mary: Unfortunately yes, as I said - bumpy road ;) What's important is to keep going. I once had some dumplings with meat and chicken broth. Anna: Weren't you tempted to go back then? Mary: No, not really. I had meat mostly when I couldn't have anything else and I was really hungry. Funny enough, I've been craving those dumplings, but felt absolutely awful after having them. Mary: The farther you go, the less you want to eat meat. At least in my case. Anna: I can imagine. Surprisingly I don't find it as difficult as I thought it was going to be. I still eat fish though. Mary: I'm trying to become vegan, but THIS is hard, really. I like dairy, love butter, eggs... Anna: Oh yes, life without cheesecake? OR PIZZA?! Mary: My thoughts exactly. Well, it's doable, but at what cost. Don't have enough time to grind everything for hours. Anna: Are you taking any supplements? My GP is going nuts over the news and is trying to scare me that I will ruin my health. Mary: I know those kind of doctors, don't worry, you'll be perfectly fine ;) Mary: I take supplements, especially in the winter as we don't have so many fresh veggies to choose from. Anna: What would you recommend? I wanted to ask my GP, but judging on her general approach... Mary: I highly recommend chlorella (pills), vitamin B12 and D3. Basically everything that has proteins and helps you absorb them. Anna: Thank you so much! Anna: It really feels like a new journey, so excited! :) Mary: You need to come over so I can show you some recipes! And remember - if you have any doubts, problems, you can always ask me, I'll do my best to help :) Summary:
Anna has been a vegetarian for a month. Anna is vegetarian too and she ate meat a few times, especially when she was hungry and couldn't have anything else. She still eats fish. Mary highly recommends chlorella (pills), vitamin B12 and D3.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: #Person1#: Hey, Hey. Why don't we do something fun next week? We have time off. We never do anything fun. #Person2#: Well ... I don't know. What do you have in mind? #Person1#: Well, I was thinking like .... Okay. Like the library? The library is ... What? The library is boring. We could do that anytime. Listen. How about on Monday we go down to the lake and go swimming at the lake? #Person2#: Ah, I don't know. I think it's going to hot that day, and I might get a sunburn. [ Come on! ] You know how tender ... tender my skin is. #Person1#: wimp! We can do ... Okay. So Monday, we'll go down to the lake. Tuesday, we're going to go mountain biking. Um, it's supposed to be cloudy so your tender skin shouldn't get burned. #Person2#: Oh, that's sounds great ... but I'd probably crash like I did last time and break my arm or something. #Person1#: You didn't break your arm last time. You won't break it this time. Come on. We'll go ... So Monday, we'll go to the lake; Tuesday, we're going to go mountain biking. [ Okay. ] Um, Wendesay I was thinking we could go fishing. Remember the last time we went? I caught like 10 huge fish ... #Person2#: Yeah. I remember. And the only thing I caught was an old boot. And you won't ever, EVER let me forget that one. So, if we do anything, I'd like to enjoy it. #Person1#: Well, okay then. Um, do you suggest? #Person2#: Well, alright. Well, we could stay home and uh, you know ... pop some popcorn and play like Scrabble or another board game. Yeah, something like that .... What? #Person1#: You know, I like board games, but we can do that anytime. Why don't we go ... listen ... Friday or Saturday. We'll do all those things we talked about and then Friday or Saturday, we'll go on a picnic to the mountains. You won't break your arm, you won't get a sunburn. It'll be really pleasant. Let's do that, okay? #Person2#: Well ..... #Person1#: Come on. Let's do it. It'll be fun. #Person2#: Okay. We'll give it a try. #Person1#: Good. Summary:
#Person1# and #Person2# are planning to do something fun next week. Ultimately, they decide to go to the lake on Monday, go mountain biking on Tuesday, go fishing on Wednesday, and go on a picnic on Friday or Saturday.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: Kate: Hey, are you ok? Clark: Yeah, why? Kate: Just asking. I've heard some rumours in the cafeteria. Is it true you're changing jobs? Clark: It is. Seems like everyone's talking about it :-( Kate: Is it because of that clash with the big boss? Clark: Yes and no. It's not that simple. People will be talking different things. Kate: Hey! I don't give a fuck what they are saying. Let them talk. I'm more interested in your version of events. Clark: My version? I don't even know where to start. There was this old bugger, my health issues, some fits of depression. Maybe I'm just burnt-out. I just want a change. Kate: Listen. You're the one who's always backed me up. I'm really sorry about all that shit. Clark: Thanks, Kate. Kate: :-) Clark: I'll be fine. I've already done some re-thinking. Kate: Hope it'll be all for the good. But it doesn't change the fact that weI'll miss you. Clark: We? Kate: Well, there's me, Gina, Tom...there are a few black sheep in this 'corporate family'. Clark: Yeah... the 'corporate family' with the big daddy. I'm really sick of his 'committment to duties'. Kate: Me too :-( Clark: You cannot teach an old dog new tricks. Kate: Come to think of that now I don't know if I'm more sorry for you or for me because I must stay here. Clark: Why? Kate: Primo, I'm not as outspoken as you. I can't stand my ground like you. So probably, I'll be stuck in this hell... like... forever? Clark: Don't make a hero of me. Kate: Secundo, with the mortgage that we took last year and the kids... No, I can't risk that much. Clark: I know. It's a little different in my case. Sorry, Kate. Kate: So, you know. Should you need some devoted team to lead your campaign, do not hesitate to contact us :-) Clark: You're the best! Kate: I've been learning from the best :-) Clark: Good girl! Kate: Keep my fingers crossed for you! Clark: Thx Summary:
Clark is changing jobs. People gossip about possible reasons why he's leaving the corporation. In fact it was a combination of different factors. Kate has to stay in the job because she took a mortgage last year and has children to keep.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: Hannah: Hey, girls! Any chance of meeting you this week? Kirsten: Hey, girl! I'm mostly free this week. Patty: Hola! I'm free too. And how was Spain?? Hannah: Oh, I'm going to tell you all about it when we meet but in a nutshell - it''s paradise <3 I love it! Kirsten: just tell us a little bit ;) Hannah: Okay, so you know we've been there for 2 weeks. It was this beautiful house just 5 minutes away from the shore. We went to the beach almost everyday and you wouldn't believe how clean and warm the water is there. Just wonderful. Patty: And were was it exactly? Hannah: It was near Malaga, but not exactly in the city. Patty: oh, cool, I've been in Granada one time, that's more or less the same region. Hannah: Yes, it's super close, I've visited it as well. Kirsten: And how did you get to live in the housre? Hannah: airbnb Hannah: but lemme tell you it wasn't easy to find the perfect spot. This house had a great location and was generally very cozy, but it was kinda old. Could have been renovated imo Patty: but still 5 minutes to the beach <3 Hannah: that was just the best part. I don't remember the last time I was so chillaxed B) Kirsten: but you said you also visited other places? Hannah: yea, we took several road trips like the one to Granada, I mentioned. We went to Almeria, Gibraltar. There was this national park we also visited. Generally wasn't all lying on the beach (though for the most part it was ;) ) Patty: sounds soo relaxing... Kirsten: And were the people ok? Hannah: They were THE MOST friendly people I've ever met in a foreign country. But it was a good think we knew a bit of Spanish, because most of them - especially the older generations - don't speak English even a tiny bit. Patty: Yeah, but I remember they're very willing to communicate even if you don't know their language. Hannah: That's true. Basically I recommend it a lot. Anyways, I hope we'll see each other this week - I'll write you in a couple of days with the details ;) Patty: ok, can't wait :) Kirsten: until then ^^ Summary:
Hannah has been to Spain. She spent there two weeks and she visited Granada, Almeria and Gibraltar. Hannah is raving about the sea water in Spain and Spanish people. She's going to tell Patty and Kristen more details when they meet.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: Donnie: Hey Dad. How are you? Dad: Ok, it's been quite a week. How are you doing? Donnie: To tell you the truth, I'm really homesick. Dad: Oh, sorry to hear that. We miss you around here. Donnie: Actually, I was maybe thinking of flying over for Christmas. What do you think? Dad: That would be wonderful :) But are you sure you can get the time off work? Donnie: That's what I'm worried about. We always have so much work in December. And everyone in my team would have to agree for me to take the time off. Dad: It doesn't hurt to try, I guess. Donnie: Yeah, I was thinking about asking my colleagues first, to try and see if they have any plans. Dad: Ok, that's a good start. Which dates were you thinking of? Donnie: Well, since Christmas is on a Tues, I was thinking of departing the Fri before, so it would be Dec. 21. What do you think? Dad: Great :) The tree and all the decorations will be up by then :) Donnie: I have a request, though. Do you think you can lend me $250? I'm a little short. Dad: Of course :) Maybe we can do a little more than that even. Your mom and I would be so thrilled to have you this Christmas. Donnie: :) I remember the last time I was there for Christmas. It was definitely one of my all-time fav. Christmases. Dad: Yeah, that was when we had the house in Pelham. Sometimes I regret selling that place. Donnie: Yeah, it's too bad. It was so peaceful and serene. Dad: You know that it's actually up for sale now? But the owners have devastated the place. You can check for yourself. It's all on mls.com Donnie: Really?? You can buy it again :) Dad: I wish! They're asking for 100,000 more. Donnie: Wow, real estate is going through the roof these days. I wonder how I'd ever get back into the market if I went back. Anyways, I'll talk to you later. Jenny wants to go shopping now. Dad: Ok, tell me how it turns out at work and say hi to Jenny for me. Donnie: No problem. Bye, and remember to take care of yourself. Dad: Thanks, bye. Donnie: Bye Summary:
Donnie is homesick and wants to come for Christmas on Dec.21. Donnie has to ask his colleagues first. Dad will lend him $250. Their old house in Pelham is for sale but it's devastated and costs 100,000 more.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: Emma: Hi mom, Charlie has lice again. I'll go crazy with that Kindergarden of his. Holly: Oh boy, one of the kids brought some again? Emma: as usual. I will go crazy again. Washing all the duvets, pillows, jackets, hats, scarfs... Holly: and again in tje winter - why don't they get them in the summer, when all they wear are bathing suits? Emma: school is out in the summer, that's why... Holly: true. you poor thing. Emma: yeah, and he can't go back until wer're done. Can you babysit? Holly: for a day or two, can't get off the whole week... Emma: that would be great, I'll take two, you take two and Jack will work from home on friday if we're not done by then. Holly: could work. you poor thing. Emma: I've read that you should also wash the couches, and car seats... Holly: that's a bit extreme, don't you think? Emma: don't know. Would make sense though. have you seen what he does on those couches? all those flips and stuff? Holly: he does rumble around a lot... Emma: how do you wash a car seat? with a brush, or maybe i should use a steamer? Where do you get a steamer? Holly: ask Jack, he knows such things.I could ask your Dad, maybe one of his friends has one and could lend it to you?? Emma: that would be great! Holly: have you bought the shampoo? Those combs should be left over from the last time... Emma: I've got everything I need, just not the power to wallow through all his closet... Holly: I'll come over tonight to help you Emma: and do whay, stare at the washer? or dryer? Holly: don't get sarcastic with me. I'll do the couches, better? Emma: actually, yes, that would be great. Holly: I'll come over after work, dad will come to, we'll order pizza or should I bring leftover meatloaf from yesterday? Emma: meatloaf! always. Holly: good, I'll come Summary:
Emma's son, Charlie, has lice again. Emma, Holly, and Jack are going to take care of him over the week. Emma needs to wash all Charlie's belongings, couches and car seats. Emma has everything she needs, except a steamer. Holly and her husband will help Emma tonight. They will also bring meatloaf.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: Simon: What's the dumbest proverb you can think of? Alan: I don't know. Laughter is the best medicine? Simon: Yeah, that's a good one. It's not exactly going to do much against bubonic plage is it? Alan: Not really. Doctor, I have these swellings under my armpit! That's alright I'll tell you a joke. Simon: Any more? Alan: A stitch in time saves nine. I don't understand how you can stitch time in the first place, and why it should save nine instead of seven or eleven, for example. Simon: That was the original title of the Outlander novel, you know? Alan: What "A Stitch in Time saves Nine?" Simon: No, just "A stitch in time". That was what Diana Gabaldon called it. Later on they changed the further issues of Book one to Outlander and called it the Outlander series and the TV shows were always just called Outlander. Alan: About the best historical drama ever made, in my opinion. Really insightful about the eighteenth century. You can almosot feel as if you have lived in it. Simon: I agree. The only better series I know is Breaking Bad, but that's a completely different genre. Alan: Both BB and Outlander are hard to cast when it comes to genre. I would say they transcend genre. But you are right, they are very different. Simon: which do you like better? Alan: I would still say that BB is the single best TV series ever made, and that by a wide margin. However, once you have seen it from beginning to end and you know what is coming, you don't want to watch it again. Simon: Right. Whereas you can watch all the Outlander series several times just for the historical insight and the atmosphere as well as the artistic beauty of the scenes and cinematography. Alan: Yes and Catriona Balfe Simon: Indeed. There's nobody on Breaking Bad who quite equals her, is there? Alan: I quite liked Marie Schrader and Jessie's girlfriend who chokes on her own vomit, but Skyler is not exactly my type: Simon: No. And anyway none of them can hold a candle to Catriona. Alan: She's a gorgeous woman and a fantastic actress. Simon: She and Sam really bring the books to life. Summary:
Alan and Simon are fans of Breaking Bad and Outlander although they are different genres. The Outlander novel Dana Gabaldon used to be called "A stitch in time". Cationa Baife is an Outlander character. They think she is better than Marie Schrader, Skylar and Jessie's girlfriend from Breaking Bad.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: Lorrie: Jen, look at this pic!! <file_photo> Jen: Is that a ring I see?? Lorrie: Yup, Jack proposed last night! Jen: OMG Are you serious?? Lorrie: He took me to Niagara Falls. I kind of new what it was all about, but I went along with you. He asked me to where something nice and he was all dressed up too. Jen: Did you guys spend the night there? Lorrie: Yeah, we went there Fri night and we got back today. I know Niagara Falls is a little clichΓ©, but :) Jen: I'm so happy for you!!! So, when's the big day?? Lorrie: We haven't decided yet. Probably spring or early summer, but I'm starting to panic already!!! The venue, dress, cake, band... Jen: If you want I can help you plan everything!! I helped plan my sister's wedding and she said I should be a wedding planner LOL Lorrie: That would be amazing! I need someone like you. I have no idea where to start. Jen: Well, first you need to book the venue, and I mean like ASAP Lorrie: I know, I know. Remember that nice place near Old Mill? I'd love to have it there. Jen: Wouldn't we all! That place probably costs a ton! We can try if you want, though. It's good to have a few places picked out, then we'll start calling. Lorrie: That's what they say. Can you come over tonight? I'd love to get a heads start on it. Jen: Sure, you can tell me all the details of last night too!! Lorrie: :) Wouldn't you like to know. Do you know where The Keg restaurant is? It's overlooking the falls. But he didn't propose there. He was very discreet about it. Actually, I was surprised that he didn't do it there until he surprised me in the hotel room. Jen: You know Jack, always full of surprises. So, he proposed in the hotel room, did he get down on one knee? Lorrie: Yes, but I'll tell you all about it when I come over, ok? Jen: Ok, ok, I'll be there after dinner, probably around 6 Lorrie: Ok, I'll be waiting. If you have something to drink, bring it over. Jen: Ok, see ya. Lorrie: Bye Summary:
Jack proposed to Lorrie during their stay at Niagara Falls last night. They went there on Friday night and got back today. The wedding date is still unknown. Jen offers help in the wedding's organization. Jen and Lorrie will meet around 6 o'clock.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: #Person1#: Hi, John! I haven't seen you for ages. #Person2#: Hi! Yes, it's been a long time. I'm really glad to see you. #Person1#: I'm glad to see you, too. How'Ve you been? #Person2#: Just fine. How is everything with you? #Person1#: Not bad. I finally bought a house. It's an old one, but built really solid. It is close to here. Do you want to come over for lunch? #Person2#: I'd like that, but I'm flying home this afternoon, and I told my parents I'd meet them at the airport for lunch. #Person1#: OK, next time you're here. #Person2#: That's a deal. #Person1#: I heard that you moved to Florida. #Person2#: Yes, I'm in Titusville. The space shuttle is launched from near there. I'Ve seen a lot of space shuttle launches. #Person1#: Tell me more. #Person2#: The shuttle launches are beautiful. I saw one that took off at midnight. The whole sky got bright. #Person1#: Sounds great! #Person2#: I'm pretty happy living there. #Person1#: I want to see Disney World, Sea World, Universal Studios, and Weeki-Watchee Springs. #Person2#: I'Ve been to all of them. #Person1#: I'm jealous. I'Ve never been to Florida. #Person2#: The Sunshine State certainly is worth visiting. Come down for a vacation sometime. I'll take you to Disney World. #Person1#: That sounds great! I'll take you up on that invitation. #Person2#: I hope you do. And keep in touch, OK? #Person1#: I sure will. #Person2#: Here's my business card. Send me an email once in a while. #Person1#: Count on it. And here's my card. Don't hesitate to call me anytime. #Person2#: Thank you. I'd better get going. I don't want to be late for lunch. Mom would worry. #Person1#: Well, I'm really glad we bumped into each other. Have a good trip. #Person2#: Take good care of yourself, Mary. #Person1#: I will. Good-bye. #Person2#: Bye-bye! Summary:
Mary and John haven't seen each other for a long time. They share how they are getting on recently. John moves to Florida and describes the shuttle launches he has seen. Mary is jealous and John invites her for a vacation visit and they exchange business cards.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: Victor: Hi everyone! I guess it’s time for a debrief Victor: We’ve organised an event, started promotion two weeks before it started. 27 People registered in total and 21 showed up in the end Victor: I tend to think the event itself went smoothly and the speakers performed well. Victor: There was some engagement between the audience and the speakers, although for the future I would try and think of strategies to foster more engagement Victor: Few people showed up for the drinks afterwards, which personally surprised me because that was the part we actually ended up advertising the most. Victor: And when it comes to our performance as a team, I’d say everything went smoothly! If I had to think of things to improve though, I’d say that we could communicate more swiftly and that info necessary for the event to go ahead as planned should be shared so that if one of us happens to be unavailable, busy, etc. others can swiftly take his/her task over. Victor: I’d be happy to know what your thoughts are πŸ€— Tony: Heyyyyyyy Tony: I agree with you on everything lol Tony: Yer, for the future it’d be good to start promotion beforehand. I’m actually still surprised that so many people came in the end Tony: The point about sharing important info is very much to the point Tony: ⚫️βšͺ️ Alice: Hey! Well, thanks to Tony for his relentless efforts to promote the event via Twitter. I’ve followed the β€œcampaign” and think it was really good Alice: I don’t take the thing about info and being busy personally, although I have to recognise I did withhold some info that was much needed and my timing wasn’t very good either. Alice: I can take care of setting up a google sheets document where we’ll be able to put important info to be shared w/ other committee members Alice: What do you think? Victor: 🀩 That sounds terrific actually! Thanks Victor: And no worries, this was our first event so we knew from the start it couldn’t be perfect Alice: 😊 Victor: Well, I think we can congratulate ourselves both on the event and on the nice and fruitful debrief πŸ’πŸŒπŸ‰πŸ€£ Alice: We sure can. Thanks guys Tony: πŸ₯‚ Summary:
The promotion for Victor, Tony and Alice's event lasted for 2 weeks. 21 out of 27 registered people attended, few of them left for the drinks. Victor suggests they need to widen the reach of the promotion and work on communication between the team members. Tony and Alice agree.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: #Person1#: Could you do something to advance your time of shipment? #Person2#: Well, our manufacturers are fully committed at the moment. I'm afraid it's very difficult to improve any further on the time. #Person1#: I hope you'll try to convince them to step up production. #Person2#: We check their production schedule against our orders almost every day. As new orders keep coming in, they are working three shifts to step up production. I'm sorry, but we simply cannot commit ourselves beyond what the production schedule can fulfill. #Person1#: Well, in that case, there is nothing more to be said. What's your last word as to the date then? #Person2#: I said by the middle of October. This is the best we can promise. #Person1#: All right. I'll take you at your word. May I suggest that you put down in the contract shipment on October 15th or earlier? Our letter of credit will be opened early September. #Person2#: Good. Let's call it a deal. We'll do our best to advance the shipment to September. The chances are that some of the other orders may be cancelled. But of course you cannot count on that. In any case, we'll let you know by email. #Person1#: That's very considerate of you. And now, shall we discuss the insurance terms? #Person2#: We generally insure W. P. ( W. P. A ) on a C. I. F. offer. Special risks, such as TEND ( Theft, Pilferage and Non-delivery ), leakage, breakage, oil, freshwater, etc. can also be covered upon request. #Person1#: I suppose the additional premium for the special coverage is for the buyer's account. #Person2#: Quite right. According to the usual practice in international trade, special risks are not covered unless the buyer asks for them. #Person1#: Then what about SICC ( Strikes, Riots and Civil Commotions )? Can we request you to cover this for our imports? #Person2#: Yes, we accept it now, after it has been suspended for many years. However, if you want to have it covered for your imports at your end, you may arrange the insurance as you like. #Person1#: Then please cover W. P. A. and TEND for this transaction. #Person2#: All right, I'll adjust the price accordingly. Summary:
#Person1# wants #Person2# to advance #Person2#'s time of shipment but #Person2# says the manufacturers are fully committed and they can only ship the products by the middle of October. #Person1# accepts and asks #Person2# to cover W.P.A. and TEND for the transaction. #Person2#'ll adjust the price accordingly.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: #Person1#: Hey. Paul. Thanks for coming on this hunting trip with me. When my friend came down with the flu and couldn't make it, your sister wasn't going to let me go alone. You know, for safety reasons. #Person2#: Yeah, well, as you know, I really don't like to hunt. #Person1#: That's okay! Haha. #Person2#: But I only came because my sister twisted my arm. #Person1#: Ah, that's okay! #Person2#: I didn't realize I was marrying into a family of hunters. #Person1#: Shh. Quiet. I can see some deer down there, I think. You'll scare the deer away. They have a great sense of hearing and smell, so we have to remain out of sight. #Person2#: Well, as you know, I really don't eat much meat ... #Person1#: You don't have to eat it. I'll take care of that. Just get ready. As soon as the sun comes up in a few minutes, you can often see the deer down in that meadow. You see that stream down there. #Person2#: Yeah. #Person1#: We just need to quietly get a little closer. #Person2#: Uh, Dan. How about if I just wait here and watch, you know, watch our stuff? #Person1#: No, man. We'll have a better chance at bagging a deer if we're together. #Person2#: Uh, man, I forgot my ammo back at the truck. What a bummer! I guess I'll just have to sit here and watch. #Person1#: Are you crazy? Here. Take these shells and load your rifle. Taken 'em. Take 'em. #Person2#: Uh. #Person1#: cough, cough, cough. #Person2#: Hey deer. If you're out there, run! #Person1#: What are you doing? Cut it out! There's a huge deer now. Ah, he's mine! Watch this! #Person2#: Run, Bambi. #Person1#: One more shot. #Person2#: What did you do that for? #Person1#: You will see. #Person2#: Why are you reloading? They're gone. #Person1#: Stand around here for much longer, and you'll see. Any last words? Summary:
Dan thanks Paul for coming on the hunting trip. Paul explains that he comes only because his sister forced him. Dan sees a deer and thinks they will have a better chance if they are together, but Paul refuses and makes an excuse. Paul tries to warn the deer to leave but Dan shoots them and reloads the rifle.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: Stacy: OMG you're a genius! how are you gonna get that banner up there?! Dave: I'll take down the speaker here and play "Happy Birthday" by Stevie Wonder Stacy: Brilliant :D Dave: outside our door will be balloons and champagne Stacy: You must be pretty pumped about it! Dave: lol yeah. Not sure how I will be able to sleep tonight Stacy: outside the door? I thought the party wasn't at their place? Dave: It's on the roof but I gotta work around the time they're gonna start so I'm gonna do in the AM Stacy: Surprise him on his way to work? Dave: Exactly! I'm bloody proud of myself! Stacy: And you bloody should. BTW I would like to get him something. Any ideas? Dave: WHYYYY????? Stacy: What do ya mean, why? He's a nice guy. I like him a lot Dave: He really is :) Stacy: Yeah, was thinking something small. When is the party again? Dave: Friday. Get him vodka, that's always a good gift. And I've never seen him refuse a drink lol Stacy: Lol he might think I think he's a drunk or something Dave: Well, truth hurts sometimes... Stacy: Haha! How many people are gonna be there? Anybody else I know? Dave: I think a bunch! Mike said around 80. And I think Claire and Andy might stop by after work. Wait until you see their gift... Stacy: Holy shit! That is a lot of people! How big is that roof?! Dave: I know, right?! I don't even know that many people! Stacy: True dat. So what did they get him? A puppy? A wolf spider? Both?! Dave: I wish! That would actually be quite smart since he used to work in a zoo... they got him, brace yourself, pole dancing course! :D Stacy: NO WAY! OMG! He's gonna freak OUT! BTW I totally wanna a video of him pole dancing! That guy can really move that cute little butt of his! Dave: Haha, I gotta make sure I tell him that on Friday! That would make an excellent toast in front of his parents and bosses :D Stacy: Don't you dare! You might just end up with your face in the cake! Summary:
Dave is planning a birthday surprise for his friend. Stacy isn't sure vodka is a good gift. Others got him pole dancing course.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: Jess: OMG did you see what Keira posted on fb yesterday???? Paige: YEAH! omg she's completely lost it. That girl needs to learn some manners lol Jess: I know! You can't just go around posting such things about your bf's family! has she completely lost her mind? Paige: she's always been a little... "different", I guess now she just doesn't care who knows though! Jess: I mean, if my bf said my mom was an UNGRATEFUL SNOB he wouldn't be my bf for long... Paige: Exactly... and have you even seen her jewelry? looks like somethin I made when I was 5 :D no way I would wear that now! and Sean's mom is so classy, she's not gonna wear a macaroni necklace in public... Jess: Right? she accepted the gift, smile and move on and don't pressure her to wear it in a family portrait lol Paige: well, I guess Sean is gonna be back on the market soon Jess: You think??? I don't think she's gonna let that one sneak away so easily, you know how clingy she gets. and he's a great catch! Paige: ok but two more "handmade" pieces and she's OUT! hahahaha Jess: yeah, but I don't think Sean can bring her home again, not for a while tho Paige: I hear she has an awesome condo her dad got her when she was 19... if only I were so lucky... I don't think she's ever even had a job! Jess: wow, and she has the nerve to call someone a snob. Well, excuse me, your highness, not all of us can make papermarche junk and not worry about rent! just get a job like the rest of us! Paige: :D I couldn't say it better myself. well, maybe Sean is hoping to get dibs on the condo when she finally ends up in rehab... Jess: I don't think Sean is like that. I think he genuinely is into her, who know for what reason. I mean, I guess she isn't TERRIBLE. just spoiled!!! Paige: yeah. promise me you gonna tell me if you ever see me turning into her! Jess: of course, honey, that's what friends are for :) Summary:
Keira made some handmade jewelry for her boyfriend's mother. She apparently didn't like it too much. Keira publicly called her an ungrateful snob. Her boyfriend, Sean, is really into her. Jess and Paige don't really understand why.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: Jack: Hi guy, doing ok over in enemy land? Barnaby: Hey! Yeah, these Lancastrians sure are weird with their black puddings and eccles cakes! Jack: You missing Yorkshire puds and potted beef over there? Barnaby: I'm in Blackburn, not on the moon! We've had a few Toby Carvery dinners, lots of puds with that! Jack: Still, not a patch on your Mum's, though! Barnaby: Hey, have you seen that dick on the Diet Coke ad yet? Jack: Oh yeah, that smug twat! That ad is hilarious! Barnaby: I know, do they think all 20 somethings go around saying things are Super Good, No? Jack: All while looking like pricks with hipster beards and retro denim jackets! What a fucking tool! Barnaby: It's all flavoured shite anyway, I avoid sweeteners like the plague, can't stand the aftertaste! Jack: Me too, Barnes! I get full sugar if I want a coke, just buy it rarely. Hate diet drinks, they taste πŸ’©! Barnaby: That ad would encourage people to avoid Diet Coke anyway, maybe that's the point! Jack: LOL. Anyway, how's work in the sunny Blackburn branch? Barnaby: Much the same as in the Halifax one! When they notice my accent, though, I do get a few comments about being an illegal alien! Banter like that, it's pretty funny, to be fair! Jack: Sounds hilarious!πŸ˜’ Barnaby: Yeah, we Yorkshire folk are being oppressed! Get famous Yorkies like Parkie or James Martin to campaign for our human rights! Jack: They are too rich to be bothered with us, what about the Tetley Tea Folk? Barnaby: Yeah, I reckon they'd fight dirty! Nasty little bastards, really! Jack: Anyway, we miss you at work! Barnaby: Aww! That's nice of you all! I miss you lot too! Jack: Yeah, we have to make our own bloody tea now you've got promoted. It's not on! Barnaby: Sorry man! Jack: Anyway, don't go defecting now, keep in touch! Barnaby: Will do, see ya man. Summary:
Lancastrians are weird. Diet drinks taste bad. The new ad of Diet Coke is hilarious. Barnaby's work in Blackburn is much the sam as in Halifax. Barnaby is missed at work. He misses them as well.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: Danielle: Almost halfway though the drop-offs here! The driver isn't exactly a ray of sunshine tho πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚β˜€β˜€ Grace: Halfway after 2 hours??? Oh God... Danielle: Yep Brooke: Yes, it will take more than 1h Danielle: We've done the worst! Grace: Horrible! 😳 I hope that it’s going to end up soon Danielle: 1h for sure πŸ˜… Brooke: Hahah, hopefully. We are starving. Dylan: Girls if you need to be picked up let me know (it is pouring rain!) Brooke: Dylan, thanks. But so much can change in 1h. Don't worry about that :) Dylan: Yes but please tell me, no problem for me, really! Ian: Danielle/Brooke, if you want to grab lunch after this marathon pick up session, please keep the receipt and Grace will reimburse on Monday. Thank you for your patience and efforts today, much appreciated πŸ‘πŸ‘ Brooke: Ohhh, thanks :D Dylan & Ian, you're great! Danielle: Thank you Ian! Although it might bankrupt the company, us ladies are STARVING πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Ian: You deserve it πŸ˜©πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ‘Œ Dylan: Go to The Merchant for lunch, cocktails and a spa treatment girls! Just bring the receipts! Grace: This is one of the main results of not having breakfast in the morning. I always say that! It's a good habit, even if you’re a grown up. Enjoy the meal after this loooong loooooong pick-up (during which I would have lost all my patience, for sure 😜) Danielle: Until now no student has been killed, we're doing well πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Grace: Great job in keeping the mental balance 😜 Dylan: Danielle and Brooke, I just got a call from Kirsten who is a host mother wondering where the students are. She's just asked if you can give her a call when you arrive because she's upstairs and isn't sure her doorbell works. Not sure where she got my number from... Danielle: Yes she's the last one. I will call her. Thanks Dylan! Grace: Your number? She is some sort of witch I suspect... I feel for you. Danielle: She's been placated anyway πŸ˜‰ Summary:
Danielle and Brooke will pick up Kristen.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: Martha: What are you gonna wear tonight? :D Christina: don't even, can't decide ;( Martha: Oh my! Don't worry, same here. Christina: Has Stacy mentioned anything? Is there any dress code? Martha: Well, yeah, officially it's a dress up party... Christina: oh nooo Martha: hahaha love your enthusiasm babe XD Christina: come on, you know who's going to be there and here I come, dressed like an idiot. Martha: You don't have to dress up as an idiot :P Christina: Hahaha, very funny. I haven't bought that amazing black dress not to wear it now when there is finally an occasion. Martha: So wear it, I don't get what all the fuss is about. Christina: But hasn't Stacy said that dressing up is obligatory? I don't want to be a party pooper ;/ Martha: Hm, don't remember, but even if, she can't really force you? Christina: Well, no, but I'll stick out like a sore thumb if I am the only person who didn't dress up Martha: you kind of will :D Come on, dressing up is fun. Christina: ... so fun Martha: And here I was thinking that maybe we could coordinate in a funny way like Batman and Robin or something like that :D Christina: I bet I could definitely win James' heart dressed like Robin or Batman :P Martha: hahaha you'd be surprised, guys like chicks with sense of humour Christina: yeah, if they're in tight minidress Martha: You do what you want. You can always dress up for someone sexy Christina: but I don't know how :( I don't have any idea. Martha: If you REALLY need to wear that black dress dress up for Maleficent or Audrey Hepburn, don't know Christina: hm... I look them up Martha: oh my god Chris, love you lots but do you really need to look them up to know how they look like? :D Christina: hahaha, so funny :P Christina: wow, you should've told me Angelina Jolie played Maleficent, that could work :D Martha: Good that we have one thing figured out :P Tell me if you're going to bring something to eat, not sure if I should buy or, the dread, make something :< Christina: Wine for me, thanks :D Summary:
Stacy throws a dress up party. Chritina wants to show her black dress off. She will dress up as Maleficent. She will bring wine.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: Logan: You know, if you like books that contain word play and have an unusual style, you should check out "A Series of Unfortunate Events" ;) Holly: I love books that have an unusual style and contain word play :D I'll definitely have to read it :D Holly: (didn't it come out on Netflix?) Logan: Yeah, the series pretty good, but the books are better ;) Holly: :) My kind of book Holly: How are you? Logan: Right now I'm preparing the materials for today's classes, also sorting out some stuff, because I'm flying to Paris on Saturday :) You ever been? Holly: Oh cool! What's the occasion? Holly: Yeah, once for my sister's 18th birthday Logan: Your sister spent her 18th birthday in Paris - lucky girl! Holly: I know :) We were only there for one day, so we spent the day in Park Asterix :D Logan: From Asterix & Obelix - dude, I loved those comics as a kid! :D Holly: Me too :) My sister and I would buy all the comics from our pocketmoney... I think we still have some in my room Holly: Anyway, you never told me what you're up to in Paris :) Logan: Can't a guy have a few secrets? ;) Holly: Come on, spill! Logan: I'm visiting my sister in Paris - I promised her I'ld bring her a few things and I also want a chance to explore the city. I'm also determined to see the art galleries, although I probably won't even manage to see half. Holly: At least you'll get to got to *Paris* Logan: Yeah, that is pretty cool :) And it was great that Air France has relatively cheap tickets going both ways (165 euro) Holly: Nice! :D Get me a souvenir? Logan: Sure :) Anything in particular? Holly: Nothing cheesy - just anything I can use. Logan: Like a keychain? Holly: Yeah, that would be great actually :) Holly: Just none of those T-shirts saying: "I went to Paris and all I got was this damn T-shirt" Logan: Oh come off it, they're not bad! Holly: Yeah, they're just cheesy as hell. Logan: Note to self - don't get Holly any T-shirts Holly: thanks btw :) Logan: Anytime ;) Summary:
Logan is flying out to Paris on Saturday to visit his sister. Holly has been there once before. Logan will bring Holly back a souvenir.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: #Person1#: Hi. Uh, haven't we met before? You look so familiar. #Person2#: Yeah. We met on campus last week, [Yeah!] and you asked me the same question. #Person1#: Oh, oh really? I'm really sorry, but I'm terrible with names. But, but, but... Let me guess. It's Sherry, right? #Person2#: No, but you got the first letter right. #Person1#: I know, I know. It's on the tip of my tongue. Wait. Uh, Sandy, Susan. [Nope. So, was I that memorable?] Wait, wait. It's Sharon. #Person2#: You got it... and only on the fourth try. #Person1#: So, well, Sh..., I mean Sharon. How are you? #Person2#: Not bad. And what was your name? #Person1#: It's Ben, but everyone calls me B.J. And, uh, what do you do, Sh... Sharon? #Person2#: I'm a graduate student majoring in TESL. #Person1#: Uh, TESL... What's that? #Person2#: It stands for teaching English as a second language. I want to teach English to non-native speakers overseas. #Person1#: Oh, yeah. I'm pretty good at that English grammar. You know, verbs and adjectives, and uh... Hey, that's sound really exciting. And do you need some type of specific degree or experience to do that? I mean could I do something like that? #Person2#: Well, most employers overseas are looking for someone who has at least a Bachelor's degree and one or two years of experience. [Oh!] And what do you do? Are you a student on campus? #Person1#: Yeah, but, uh... I guess I'm mulling over the idea of going into accounting or international business, but I guess I'm leaning now towards a degree in marketing. #Person2#: Oh, uh,... Well, I have to run. I have a class in ten minutes. #Person1#: Oh, okay. And, uh, by the way, there's this, uh, dance on campus at the student center tonight, and I was wondering if you'd... you know... like to come along. #Person2#: Oh really? Well, perhaps... #Person1#: Okay, well, bye. Summary:
Ben has met Sharon before but doesn't remember her name. They talk about what they are learning currently. Sharon is a graduate student majoring in TESL and Ben is leaning towards a degree in marketing. Ben invites Sharon to a dance on campus at the student center tonight.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: Brie: Becky, darling, I need to tell you that you look gorgeous! I’ve just seen your photo on Instagram Becky: Thanks, that’s too kind! Maya: Show us, show us! Brie: <file_photo> this one Maya: Oh my! Becky you look so fit! Maya: Not that you looked bad before, but really, what a change! Becky: No, you can be honest, I was fat ;) Maya: I wouldn’t say fat, just a bit… plump Becky: Well, I decided I had enough of it and went on a diet Brie: How long did it took you? How many pounds have you lost? Becky: I started in January, clichΓ© I know, but it was my new year’s resolution Becky: I lost 30 pounds in three months Maya: Whoah, quite spectacular! Becky: It wasn’t easy, especially at the beginning, but I was so fed up with looking fat and feeling ugly Brie: Oh honey <3 but you look lovely! Maya: But are you all right? It can be quite strenuous to lose so much weight so quickly Becky: I know, but I did a blood test and my results are better than before and I feel great. Not about my body, but just in general Maya: Are you working out? Or was it just the diet? Becky: I started with the diet, but then when I felt better I decided to go to the gym and you know… get properly fit. I’m working out at least three times a week Brie: What’s your regime? Are you going to classes or do you train with a personal trainer? Becky: Hah, can’t afford a personal trainer. I go to classes sometimes, but I usually just train by myself, I don’t have a regime – I just go to the gym and exercise ;) Maya: I’m just checking your Instagram. I’m really proud of you dear Brie: What kind of diet were you on? I wouldn’t mind losing a pound or ten ;) Becky: I used an online diet, it’s an app, but there’s a dietician, a real dietician watching over your results and ready to answer all your questions Becky: Here’s their website: <file_other> Maya: I may have a look as well ;) Becky: But you have to be really strict with yourself. I was weighing everything I ate, otherwise it doesn’t work unfortunately Becky: And no alcohol Brie: Damn, that won’t be easy :D Summary:
Brie saw Becky's photo on Instagram. Becky lost 30 pounds in three months thanks to an online diet and exercise.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: Donna: Hi Rach, everyone ok your end? Rachel: Hello Donna! Long time no See! How's my favourite cousin!? Donna: Not sure, haven't seen Wendy since Christmas. Rachel: Very funny! How did Oliver get on? Donna: Well, quite well, I think. He had 5 A levels, 4 A*s and 1 A. Rachel: Quite well!? That’s fanfuckingtastic!!! You've obviously got the brains on your side of the family! Donna: Thanks! Well, what about Jay? Rachel: 3 Bs, he's over the moon! He's got into his course and all set to be off! Donna: Russell Group, is it? Rachel: What, sorry? Donna: I mean, I assume, he's got into a Russell Group university, I mean the others are ok, but really, you know, not that good! Rachel: I honestly don't know. He got the grades, was accepted and he's going. Simple as. We're all very proud of him, actually. He's saving up for a car now. Donna: Well, as long as you're all happy with it, that's fine. We can't all be high fliers. Rachel: Now, hang on a sec, Donna. You're my cousin and we've always got on well, but I'm not going to put my son down and ruin his happiness just because he didn't get bleeding A* grades! Donna: No, of course. I'm sure you've been as supportive as you are able to be. I believe in really pushing children to achieve. Rachel: God, you are really something, Donna! Jay is a happy, confident boy and I leave him to his own devices because I trust him! Donna: Well, Oliver has downloaded his reading list already and is working through them. The competition to stand out in law is fierce. A little encouragement wouldn't go amiss for Jay. Rachel: Ok, I've had enough of this conversation! Jay is well adjusted and people like him. That's more than I can say for Oliver! Donna: Well, we'll see about that in 5 years time when Oliver is earning 6 figures and Jay is still scraping a living doing his weird so-called art! Rachel: Bye Donna, I think you've said quite enough! Summary:
Rachel and Donna talk about their sons' grades. Oliver got straight As, Jay's Bs, he's got into a course but not into the best uni. Donna argues Rachel should push him more like she does Oliver. Rachel gets angry at Donna for belittling her son.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: #Person1#: Oh. Hi there. A beauty, isn't she? #Person2#: Well ... #Person1#: Do you want to take her a test ride? #Person2#: Well ... Um. How old is it? #Person1#: Well, it's only three years old? #Person2#: And what's the mileage? #Person1#: Uh, let me check. Oh yes. 75,000 miles. #Person2#: 75,000 miles? That's quite a bit for a car that's only three years old. #Person1#: Well, once you're in the driver's seat, you'll fall in love with her. Get in. #Person2#: Ugh ... Uh, I can't seem to get the door open. [Ah, it's okay.] It could be broken. #Person1#: Ah, just give her a little tap. Ugh. Now she's opened. #Person2#: Great. A door I have to beat up to open. #Person1#: Hey. Get in and start her up. [Woman tries to start the car ...] [Um] Well, it's probably the battery. I know she has enough gas in her, and I had our mechanic check her out just yesterday. Try it again. #Person2#: Uh. It sounds a little rough to me. [Well ...] How much is this minivan anyway? #Person1#: Oh. It's a real bargain today and tomorrow only at $15,775, plus you get the extended warranty covering defects, wear, and tear beyond the normal maintenance on the vehicle for an extra $500 for the next 30,000 miles. [Oh ...] with a few minor exclusions. #Person2#: Like ...? #Person1#: Well, I mean, it covers everything except for the battery, and light bulbs, and brake drums, exhaust system, trim and moldings, upholstery and carpet, paint, tires ... Well, a short list, you know. #Person2#: Uh. Well, almost $16,000 is a little out of my price range, plus the seats covers are torn a little. #Person1#: Well, hey, I might be able to talk the manager into lowering the price another two hundred dollars, but that's about all. #Person2#: No thanks. I think I'll just keep looking. Summary:
#Person1# invites #Person2# to have a test ride on the car and shows the mileage of the car, how to open the door and how to start the car. #Person2# asks #Person1# about the price and the maintenance service included and then #Person2# thinks the price is out of the price range.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: Rodney: How're you doing at college? Jim: I'm doing ok, I guess. Rodney: Cool. Tell me about it a little more. Jim: Well, the campus is pretty cool, we have like everything here. Fast food places, campus store, copy centre, a big library, a music shop. Rodney: A music shop? Cool. You mean like instruments and not CDs, right? Jim: Yeah :) No one buys CDs anymore! Rodney: I knew that. How about your classes? Are you falling behind or keeping up? :) Jim: Most of my classes are ok. I'm falling a little behind in my Biology class, but that's because I was sick last week. For the most part I'm pretty proud of myself :) Rodney: Sounds good. Jim: Our professor for Creative writing is really cool! He's written some fiction books. Maybe you've heard of him. His name's Caleb Risztardt. Rodney: No, but I'll check it out on Amazon, and maybe download a sample. Jim: His classes are always fun, and plus you know I like writing, so it's a chance for me to transcribe some of my creativity onto paper. It will definitely spur my songwriting abilities forward. Rodney: That's good to hear! It's always easier to learn something if you like it. Are you still living with Tracy and Frank? Jim: Yeah, but it's getting harder for us to get along. Rodney: What do you mean? Jim: You know how I'm such a soft sleeper. They come home very late on the weekends and wake me up. Sometimes they even go out during the week and come home late. I mean, sometimes I go along with them, but lately it's getting to be a little too much. Rodney: Maybe you should mention something. Jim: Maybe I should, but I don't want to start an argument. Rodney: I understand, but I'm sure there's a delicate way of saying it. Jim: I'll think of something, but if my eyes start closing during lectures, I'll definitely let them know how I feel. Rodney: Maybe I'll come visit you next month. Do you think there would be room for me for like 2 nights? Jim: Yeah, we can always make room. You know you're always welcome :) Rodney: Ok, thanks. Jim: Listen, I have to leave for a class soon. I'll talk to you later, ok? Rodney: No problem. I gotta go too. Take care. Jim: You too. Summary:
Jim likes it at college but has some problems with his roommates who make noise.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: Gloria: Hi Tony, meant to ask you about it for some time now. Will a possible Brexit affect your business? Tony: In Britain the farce of Brexit looms over everything all day every day. It's going to affect us all in a most adverse manner. No doubt about it. Gloria: I'll never understand why so many voted for it. Tony: Nor will I. It is hard to believe that as a nation we have been so stupid as to vote to leave the EU. Utter and sheer short-sightedness. Tony: When the French protest against their government, they do it on the streets with their Gilets Jaunes. We do protest votes against the government. I’m not sure which nation has developed the more stupid way to object to our government! Gloria: But will you in your printing business be affected? Tony: Dunno yet. Actually I've had very few commissions from abroad, so not directly. But we are all going to have less money in our pockets. So there'll be less interest in fancy printed matter. Tony: But that will affect my holiday plans! And I hate that! The whole nonsense of exchanging money leaves me sick. I've always been out of pocket, no matter whether in Austria or France. And now with the pound going down the drain... Gloria: We are hardly meeting any British tourists in Mexico now. One couple in Campeche the other day but they said they're attending a convention or sth. Tony: That's what I mean. We'll be stewing in our own splendidly isolated sauce again. Gloria: Don't worry. You can always visit us in Austria paying your pounds which we will then spend visiting you in England. Tony: That's a good plan. But how about me visiting France or Spain??? Any family or friends there? Gloria: Do you think the second referendum is an option? Tony: Definitely. Those morons voted "for" out of ignorance, out of sheer lack of knowledge and understanding. Common awareness of economic and political consequences of Brexit has made a quantum jump in this country as late as in the last few months. Tony: And if you ask me, the Irish border issue cannot be solved thru' any diplomatic channels. It either stays open, the way it is now, or we have a new armed conflict with no prospect of being settled. Gloria: Hasn't it started yet? Tony: Yes. I fear the worst. Gloria: Oh Tony... So wretched.... Summary:
Tony's business will be affected by Brexit and both her and Gloria will never understand why people voted for it. It will also affect Tony's holiday plans. Gloria can hardly meet any British tourists in Mexico. Tony thinks the second referendum is an option.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: Ingrid: how is Ollie getting on in school? Bea: He is doing great, thanks. He took a little while to settle but now he is loving it! How about Kai? Ingrid: He is doing very well. He moved with about 8 kids from nursery so the change isn’t too big for him. I think he just felt he was moving up a level rather than changing schools. Does Ollie know anyone already? Bea: No, he doesn’t know anyone. His nursery was near our old house and we kept him there as they are great. But subsequently he doesn’t know anyone in his new school or neighbourhood! Kelly: That’ll come soon enough though wont it? Glad they are both getting on ok. Ingrid: What about Lucas Kelly? How is he settling in? Kelly: He hates it. He really doesn’t like school or the people in it… Bea: no way! Really? Kelly: yeah he screams the place down every morning cause he doesn’t want to go… Ingrid: Oh no Kelly!! That’s so hard! I didn’t realise. Have you spoken to school about it? Kelly: yeah they gave me some tips and gave Lucas a sticker chart in the school for if he comes in without crying. So far not a lot has worked though. Bea: what are you going to do? Kelly: I don’t know, I’m thinking of home schooling maybe? Ingrid: he is just so shy isn’t he? Home schooling is going to be hard though, with a baby and a job as well… Kelly: I know. I’ll have to stop work I guess… Bea: Oh no Kelly, I feel for you. Is there anything I can do to help? I can take him to school on days Matthew is taking Ollie? Of have Ellis for a bit? Ingrid: Have school not got any other solutions? Surely they have seen this before? Kelly: I have a meeting with them next week to discuss it again. I really hope they come up with some good ideas. I’m getting a bit desperate to be honest… Bea: oh bless you I can imagine. Hopefully they can help him (and you) Kelly: Thanks Bea, I might take you up on that offer though. I wouldn't give you Lucas to take to school, but could do with a break from Ellis! Bea: Anytime babe! Ingrid: Good luck Kel! 😘😘 Summary:
Ingrid's and Bea's sons are doing well in their new schools, even though Ollie didn't make any friends. Kelly's having problems with Lucas who doesn't like his school. Bea will help her and take care of Ellis.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: #Person1#: Hi. Dr. Hyde? #Person2#: So, what's seems to be the problem today? #Person1#: Well, I just came in for a check up and a dental cleaning. #Person2#: Hum. Open up. Let's take a look ... #Person1#: Okay. Uh ... #Person2#: Hummmm. [Humm? Uh?] Wow! I've never seen one like THIS before. Let me try this. #Person1#: Uhhh ... Ouhhhh [Man screaming in pain ...] #Person2#: Well, besides a lot of plaque buildup, there is a major cavity in one of your wisdom teeth. [I feel that.] Hasn't this given you any trouble? #Person1#: Well, the tooth has been bothering me, and it sometimes hurts when I drink something cold. Does it look that bad? #Person2#: Well, we're going to remove the decay, and then we'll either put a filling in, or if the decay is extensive, we can't repair it, we might have to put a crown on your tooth. Or as a last resort, we may have to extract the tooth. #Person1#: Uh, well, that sounds painful! #Person2#: Don't worry. I've done this ... once before. [Huh?] Nah, just relax. #Person1#: Wait! Aren't you suppose to give me something to dull the pain? #Person2#: Uh, chicken. Oh yeah. I almost forgot. We can either use a local anesthetic or nitrous oxide ... laughing gas... to minimize the discomfort you might feel. Or you can just grin and bear it. #Person1#: Nah, Nah, nah! Put me under! [I thought so.] I can't stand pain, and I'd rather not be aware of what's going on. And, if I need a filling, can I get one that looks like my other teeth? #Person2#: If we can save the tooth with a filling, I recommend a high-strength silver alloy filling instead of a porcelain one. It'll probably last longer. #Person1#: Okay, well whatever. Let's get it over with. #Person2#: Okay, pleasant dreams. Drill please. Summary:
#Person1# goes to Dr. Hyde for a check-up and a dental cleaning. Dr. Hyde finds a major cavity in one of #Person1#'s wisdom teeth and tells #Person1# how to handle it. #Person1# is panicked and wants something to dull the pain. Dr. Hyde recommends a high-strength silver alloy filling and #Person1# accepts the treatment.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: #Person1#: Happy Anniversary! #Person2#: Oh, thank you. They're beautiful. You shouldn't have ... especially since our anniversary was last week. #Person1#: What? Oh, I completely forgot ... #Person2#: Again? #Person1#: No Way. I can't believe it. #Person2#: Neither can I, but you did. #Person1#: Ah, how can I make it up to you ... again? Anything! #Person2#: Okay, let's negotiate. [Negotiate?] First of all, I want to go on that dream vacation you've always promised me. #Person1#: You mean, to Chicago? #Person2#: No! To Europe. I want to fly first class and stay at 5-star hotels. And no more places with broken heaters, leaky showers, and dirty bedding. #Person1#: Ah, were those places that bad? #Person2#: Well, SOMETHING a little nicer, at least once in a blue moon, would be nice. [Well ... ] And, oh yeah. Next, I want to get a new kitchen stove. The old one took its last breath weeks ago. #Person1#: But we ... #Person2#: No, we're NOT going to use the outdoor barbecue anymore. It isn't any fun at all cooking outside in the winter, with icicles hanging from your nose. #Person1#: That bad? #Person2#: Not for YOU since you're always watching from inside. #Person1#: Oh, well. #Person2#: And finally, I want a new wardrobe: some new dresses, shirts, pants, earrings ... #Person1#: But ... #Person2#: And, NO, I'm not going to wear your grandmother's old secondhand pants again. #Person1#: Is that it? #Person2#: Uh, hmm, for now. So, why don't we grab a bite to eat before we start planning the entire adventure. #Person1#: But lunch wasn't on the list. #Person2#: Let's see. Paris, Rome, London, then a short detour to Russia, China, [What?!] and, ooh, and Hawaii on the way home. #Person1#: Wow. I'd better ask the boss for a huge raise. Summary:
#Person1# forgets his wedding anniversary again and wants to make it up to his wife, who wanted to travel to Europe, fly first class, stay in five-star hotels, and buy a new kitchen range and wardrobe. #Person1# thinks he'd better ask the boss for a huge raise.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: Caron: HI Rachel here is a good one for you, I have a young girl who passed her test a few years ago, went to uni and has not driven since, her mum wants her to take 3 x half days, the first one or two in a duel controlled car, then onto her mums car that she will be driving from then on. She can do any day including weekends but Thursday and Fridays. Let me know if you can help Rachel: Hi Caron yes I can help. I’ll look at my diary tomorrow and get back to you as I’m out OUT tonight. What a long week that was!! Caron: Lovely thanks chic.. have a few for me x Rachel:🍷 I will x Caron: Dates please Chic Rachel: Hi Caron, sorry for the delay. This is the soonest I can get her in my diary 13th AM..15th PM..19th AM ..Let me know if these suit her Caron: Thanks Hun I will be back to you asap Rachel: OK Caron: Please can we book the 13th for the first session, and then they will book from there for the second and third. I have told them that you are very busy and dont have a lot of free time, but we may need to take this course by course. So please book the 13th with your car for the 1st half day. I will send you the details later in the day Rachel: Sorry but Iv booked my car in for its annual MOT in the morning that day now. It was the only space I had in that week the garage could do. I have 15th pm available if that is any good? Caron: No worries, I have asked her to give me dates for late Nov, early Dec, to see if we can fit them in on later dates Rachel: OK Thanks Caron: So they have asked for late Nov early Dec dates, can you throw me some over xx Rachel: Ok πŸ’€..21st pm..26th pm..27th am..28th am..29th am..30th am ..3rd Dec pm..4th am or pm..7th am or pm..Hope they can use some of them. I’m about to book the next stage of training with the new pdi’s so the sooner the client gets back to you the better as I can secure their training in my diary πŸŽƒπŸ‘» Caron: Cheers hun xx Summary:
Caron is trying to to arrange 3 half day training session with Rachel in her car for a young girl. Rachel gives Caron dates that suits her. Caron mediates between Rachel and the girl to find the best dates.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: Dennis: Happy New Year! How's life? Any more travelling? Do you still see a lot of your travelling companion (I don’t think you ever mentioned his name). Or are you taking it easy in your rural idyll. Laura: Hello my dear Dennis! Happy New Year to you too! Am in Cuba at the moment. What a country! Dennis: Never been there myself but it's on my itinerary. What's it like? Laura: A bit tough, truth to tell, but you'd like it. Abject living conditions for local people but we're in a "touristy" cocoon, so one easily overlooks the other side. Splendid landscapes, incredible architecture but in a more than sorry state of preservation. I love and hate to be here at the same time. Dennis: So you aren't travelling alone, I presume. Laura: No, my travelling companion takes me along, so to speak, to his winter quarters, since his health doesn't cope that well with European winters. I couldn't afford these travels entirely on my own of course. Dennis: Always thought Cuba is not expensive. Especially the post-Fidel Cuba. Laura: Just the contrary. In the good old days when it was supported by the Soviet Union, the living standard was not bad and they didn't have to rely on income from tourism. Then it all went down the drain, even famine and food rationing have become their daily thing. Since early 00s most not rationed goods are available only for CUC, their convertible currency. The bottom line being that whatever you buy as a tourist, you pay +/- western prices. Dennis: So how much do you two spend daily? Laura: Staying in private houses about at least 100€, including food, transport and entrance fees. These days we are compelled to stay at a state-run Hotel and pay thru the nose - 130€ a night. No, Cuba is not cheap. But Havana Club YES. Dennis: Don't like the stuff at all. Laura: Me neither. Gives me headaches. Even one glass of it. Dennis: What you say will make me think twice before setting sail for Cuba. Laura: But it can be fantastic as well. Eg Vinales Valley in the west, with its horse-riding trips, wild camping and pure nature. Dennis: Sounds better. I'll ask you for details. Dennis: Anyway enjoy your trip as much as you can. Happy trails toyou two! Laura: Thank you, Dennis. Summary:
Laura is in Cuba at the moment. She has mixed feelings about Cuba. She's travelling with her companion. Cuba is expensive for tourists. She has to spend over 100€ on a daily basis.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: #Person1#: Hey, I know you. You're James, right? James Roberts. #Person2#: Amanda Brown. Wow! It's been a long time. #Person1#: Yeah. Oh, are you going to the class reunion in two weeks? #Person2#: Uh, I heard about it, but I'm not sure. Where is it? #Person1#: The reunion is going to be held at the Mountain Country Club across from City Park. #Person2#: And what time does it start? #Person1#: I think it starts at 6:00. #Person2#: And how much does it cost? #Person1#: It's twenty dollars a ticket, and that includes dinner and entertainment. #Person2#: What kind of entertainment are they going to have? #Person1#: They're going to have a live jazz band and dancing. #Person2#: And who is organizing the event? #Person1#: Do you remember Chad Phillips? #Person2#: Uh, wasn't he the quarterback on the football team? #Person1#: Right. Well, he married Sarah Rogers, and they are in charge of the event. So, what do you think? Are you going? #Person2#: I don't know. I never really fit in in high school. I was kind of a loner. I also remember asking Sarah out on a date, and she turned me down. She said she was sick, and it turned out she went out with someone that same night. It could be a little awkward. #Person1#: Hey, why don't we go together? #Person2#: Are you sure? #Person1#: Yeah. #Person2#: Well, sure. Why not. To be honest, I always thought you were very nice. I just never had the guts to ask you out. #Person1#: Well, here's your chance. #Person2#: Sounds great. So, what's your number so I can call you? #Person1#: It's 435-923-6017. #Person2#: 6017, Okay. Where do you live? #Person1#: I only live two blocks south of the old high school. #Person2#: Okay. I remember where you live. Let me call you a few days before to confirm things. #Person1#: Sounds good. It should be fun. Summary:
Amanda Brown meets James Roberts and tells James about the class reunion in two weeks. James asks about the starting time, the cost, types of entertainment and the organizer. Then James told Amanda that he was turned down by the organizer's wife. Amanda gives James her number to let him ask her out and James thinks Amanda is nice.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: #Person1#: I think this spring is a good time for us to start looking. #Person2#: We should plan to move out of here before July. I'm tired of living in apartments. #Person1#: I know, dear. I am too. But we've just been too busy to look for a house. #Person2#: We need to find a good realtor. #Person1#: Not necessarily. If we use a realtor to find a house, it will be more expensive. #Person2#: What do you mean? #Person1#: Realtors always get a commission.If the realtor helps us find something, we have to pay him. #Person2#: But doesn't a realtor help with the contract? I thought they take care of all the legal troubles. #Person1#: Yes, that's often true. But you have to pay them. #Person2#: I still think we should have a realtor.We ' re new in this country. We don't know all the laws of buying a house.And also, the realtor will inspect the house.He can tell us if the house has #Person1#: Of course we need a home inspector.But we can hire an inspector on our own.And as for the legal problems, I have friends. They can help us. #Person2#: So how can we find a house if we don't have a realtor? #Person1#: It takes a little more time. We have to check the ads in the paper.Probably also there are special real estate magazines with ads.Then we have to drive to the homes and look at them. #Person2#: And doesn't the person selling the house have a realtor? #Person1#: Sometimes they do, sometimes they don't. It's best to find someone who is selling by themselves. #Person2#: Why? #Person1#: Because if the seller has a realtor, their price will be higher.He will have to pay a commission to the realtor. #Person2#: Hmm. It all sounds very complicated. #Person1#: It is. But buying a house is very important. So it takes time.That ' s why we haven't done it yet. It's very troublesome. #Person2#: I want to look in the papers today. Maybe we can see something we like. #Person1#: Alright. I'll buy a newspaper when I go to the drug store. Summary:
#Person1# and #Person2# are too busy to look for a house. #Person2# advises to find a good realtor but #Person1# thinks they just need a home inspector because #Person2#'s friends can help with the legal problems. #Person2# prefers finding someone who's selling the house by themselves which saves some money.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: Carol: <file_photo> Tonia: All the very best to you, dear Carol and Charles, in 2019! Carol: Thank you my Dear :* :* Carol: How are you? Enjoying Cuba? Tonia: The country is a bit tough. Very poor, hard living conditions. So the stay here is a bit too long for my liking. Carol: And what does Mark say? He'd been to Cuba before, hadn't he? Tonia: Yes, some 20 years ago! No comparison. He says it's much worse now. But he seems to enjoy every moment of our stay. Maybe with the exception of loud music all the time. Carol: Do they party every night?! Is it live music? Tonia: Everything! In Cuba nobody cares about such nonsense as night rest of the neighbours. It is noisy, and I mean NOISY, at all hours. People, cars, children, music, dogs... Carol: That sounds exactly like our black folk here!! Carol: It must be difficult when you plan your trips to predict a perfect length of a stay in one place. Which town was so bad? Tonia: Havana Vieja. Add to the noise a narrow street, windows that can't be closed and the proximity to a major thoroughfare. Carol: I got it! Like in a township. Tonia: Are they so noisy? Can't remember really. Or, truth to tell, was never in any of them but only driving thru. Carol: My domestic helper, who is black and obviously lives in a township, is always complaining that she can't sleep from the partying in her neighbourhood. Tonia: When it gets bad, I take my earplugs and Mark another drink ;-)) Nothing more one can do! Tonia: How is Charles? Is his operation in a week's time or so? Carol: He's doing well, thank you. It's on the 23rd and he's not looking forward to it. But we are coping! Tonia: Poor Charlie! Is he afraid of pain? Or of the complete anesthetics? Or complications? Carol: A combination of them all, I guess. But he doesn't talk much about it and I don't insist. Tonia: Right. Mark will be getting his op in mid February. Too early to even start being apprehensive. Carol: You two just enjoy your holidays and make the most of it! Tonia: Sure! After all it is Caribbean! Tonia: <file_photo> Carol: Keep it up! Summary:
Carol and Mark are in Cuba. Carol is not fond of her stay because of the noise. Mark will have an operation on the 23rd.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: Izzy: I'm taking the kids to Wonderland today. Do you think you and the kids might want to come? Heather: That would be awesome. I'm sure the kids would love it. What time would you be leaving? Izzy: Around 10. You know it's like a 1.5 hour ride away, and the sooner we get there, the better. The kids hate waiting in lineups for rides. Heather: Ok, I'll get my sleepy heads out of bed. It's Saturday, so they're catching up on some sleep, but as soon as they find out, I'm sure they'll pop right out of bed :) Izzy: Cool, we'll have a great time together. And I'm taking you on the Leviathan ;) Heather: No way, you couldn't get me on that thing if you paid me! Izzy: Come on, you can close your eyes throughout the whole ride. Heather: Nope, sorry Izzy: Ok, then maybe some smaller coasters just to get you started, then we'll work our way up to the mega coasters. Heather: We'll see, but I'm not promising anything. Izzy: Do you have any entrance coupons? Heather: No, but I heard that you can buy them from Costco for like 40 per ticket. Izzy: Ok, I'll go online and let you know. I just hope it doesn't rain. When it rains, they usually close down the rides. Heather: Oh, that sucks! Why do they do that? Izzy: They're probably afraid of lightning strikes. Heather: Are we taking your car? It fits 7! Izzy: Yeah, we can save on gas. Plus, the parking is extremely expensive. Heather: What is it now, 20? Izzy: Yeah, unless they increased it since last year. Heather: Ok, we can split it, of course. Izzy: OK, we'll be ready before 10. I'll buy the tickets from Costco. I see that they're available. At least we can save a little. At the entrance it's like 55. Heather: Ok, hey can you print out my tickets. I don't have ink for my printer. Izzy: Yeah, sure. Just send me the PDFs once you buy them. Heather: Great, thanks a lot. Summary:
Izzy and Heather are going with children to Wonderland on Saturday morning. They're going by Izzy's car to save on the parking and will buy tickets from Costco as they're cheaper. Izzy'll print them out.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: #Person1#: Hi Randall. [ Hi ] Come on in. #Person2#: Uh, yeah, I stopped by to see if you were still looking for a roommate to share your house. #Person1#: Yeap. I sure am. Ever since I cut back on my working hours to go to school, I've been really strapped for cash. #Person2#: Oh. #Person1#: Hey, let me show you the place. Uh, here's the living room. #Person2#: Oh. It looks like you could use a new carpet ... and those stains? #Person1#: Well. I've had a few problems with some former roommates. I know it needs to be cleaned, but I just don't have the money to do it right now. #Person2#: Oh. And what about the kitchen? #Person1#: Right this way. Look. It's completely furnished with all the latest appliances, except ... #Person2#: What? #Person1#: Well, the refrigerator door is broken ... a little bit ... and it won't shut all the way. It needs fixing, but don't worry. I've just improvised by pushing a box against it to keep it shut. #Person2#: Hmm. Great. #Person1#: Ah. It isn't that bad. #Person2#: Well how about the bathroom? #Person1#: Well ... #Person2#: No, no. Don't tell me. The toilet is clogged or the sink has a few leaks. #Person1#: No, those work fine, but, uh, the tile in the shower needs to be replaced, and the window needs fixing. #Person2#: Let me see. The tile ... what? The window? Where's the window pane? #Person1#: Well, that's another slight problem. I've put up a piece of cardboard to keep out the [ Hmmm ] rain and snow, and if it gets a little cold, you can always turn up the heat. Well, you used to until the central heating went out. [Oh boy.] #Person2#: Hey, I think I've seen enough. I can't believe you've survived under these conditions. #Person1#: So what do you think? You really can't beat a place like this for $450 a month. So it has a few problems, but we can fix those. #Person2#: Uh, no thank you. I think I've seen enough. Summary:
Randall stopped by to see if #Person1# is still looking for a roommate. #Person1# shows Randall the place but the house has many problems, so Randall won't rent the room even though #Person1# offers a low price.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: #Person1#: I'm glad you could find time to meet with me, Mr. Johnson. I can't think of a nicer environment for our meeting today, the ambiance here is lovely! #Person2#: No problem, if possible I always combine business with pleasure. Now, let's hear more about these chocolates you're offering. #Person1#: Well, as you know, I have recently become the sole distributor for Grangers Gourmet Bon-bons here in the United States. They're a new manufacturer and are looking to break into the luxury market. Naturally, your restaurant sprang into my mind immediately. I think your brand exemplifies many of the same traits as Grangers and serving these chocolates would really add to your reputation for providing elegant, luxurious, first class dining. #Person2#: Mmmm, sounds interesting. . . gourmet chocolates, where are they produced? Belgium? #Person1#: Actually, the factory is located in Scotland. #Person2#: Really? I didn't think they were known for their luxury chocolate production. . . #Person1#: That's what makes this such a fantastic opportunity! The government is one hundred percent supportive of creating new export markets and has guaranteed a low tariff for all wholesale orders of over one thousand units. They'Ve also reduced the red tape involved at customs as well. Here, I brought these especially for you, try one! #Person2#: Oh, thanks. Mmm, hmm, creamy texture, very smooth. . . #Person1#: Unique, aren't they? I bet you'Ve never tasted anything like it! Quality is assured as I personally visit the factory to make sure no one's cutting corners with the ingredients. Only the creme make it through inspection. #Person2#: Yes, very interesting flavors. . . Slightly spicy, very unique, that's for sure. Exactly what ARE the ingredients? #Person1#: I have it on highest authority that this traditional secret recipe has been handed down in the Granger family for generations. I'm sure you can keep a secret. Buttermilk, cacao beans, sugar and Haggis. #Person2#: Haggis? What's Haggis? #Person1#: It's a traditional Scottish delicacy ; you take sheep's liver, heart and lung and stuff it inside of the sheep's stomach. Summary:
Mr. Johnson meets #Person2# offering gourmet chocolates that have low tariff and unique taste, made in Scotland where the government is supportive of creating new export markets, and the ingredients of chocolates are buttermilk, cacao beans, sugar, and Haggis.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: Jacob: A month ago today I quit smoking, can you believe that? Andrea: Congrats, Jacob! Thomas: Good! Keep it that way bro. Andrea: That's very admirable, really Andrea: I've been in this toxic relationship with cigarettes for 3 years now and tried to quit a few times Andrea: The longest I could resist smoking was like 2 weeks but it always comes back like a boomerang... Thomas: I quit after 7 years Thomas: That was a terrible battle! Andrea: How did you manage to do that after all that time?! Thomas: It was a combination of a good strategy and the power of will Jacob: I think I know what you mean Jacob: Was it like reducing the amount of cigarettes periodically? Thomas: Something like that plus trying to draw attention from any thought urging me to reach for a cig Andrea: It seems so simple but once you try, you realize that it's not that easy :/ Thomas: True. But look, Andrea, Jacob has taken the bull by the horns and succeeded Jacob: Thanks Thomas, at least I'm trying. Jacob: But sometimes it's extremely hard to resist temptation... Thomas: Yes, definitely. Especially at the initial stage of the process Andrea: But you know guys, all that you've written here so far feels like kind of motivation for me, as strange as it may sound Andrea: Because, you know... If you two could, why can't I? Jacob: Of course, you should try again! Thomas: Don't you even hesitate. Just think to yourself in this way: Thomas: This is a little awful cigarette, every time I light it up it kills me, it smells bad to me and to others, more money is lost and actually it holds power over me. Why would I be a slave of a small shitty thing like that? I'm strong enough to resist it, I'm bigger than that! Andrea: All right! I just need to keep convincing myself that I'm bigger than that! Thomas: Just be consistent in doing so :) Jacob: And buy a lot of sweets, you'll need them. At the beginning at least :D Thomas: Right, they can soften the shock after quitting smoking. Andrea: Thank you so much guys! Andrea: So... This seems to be the first day of the rest of my life :D Andrea: And Jacob... Gratz again! Summary:
Jacob quit smoking a month ago. Thomas quit a long time ago and confirms it is a difficult battle. Andrea wants to stop and feels motivated by her friends words.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: #Person1#: Oh, my God! I've been cheated! #Person2#: What? What did you buy? #Person1#: It's a brick! I can't believe how stupid I was. Damn it! #Person2#: What is it? Why did you buy a brick? #Person1#: There was a guy on the sidewalk.He had three new boxes, Panasonic video camera boxes.He said he had to get rid of them quick. #Person2#: And? #Person1#: So he said he'd sell me one for twenty dollars. A four-hundred-dollar camera for twenty bucks. #Person2#: And it's a brick? #Person1#: Yes. #Person2#: I can't believe how stupid you are. Why didn't you open the box? #Person1#: I wanted to. But he said, no, the box is still in its plastic wrap from the store.If it's opened, other people won't believe it's new. #Person2#: So he had the boxes wrapped in plastic. #Person1#: Yes, it was the kind of perfect plastic wrap that comes with new products.Look, it even had a bar-code price sticker on it! It looked brand new. #Person2#: But why would a guy be selling new video cameras for twenty dollars? #Person1#: He said he had to get rid of them. They were stolen. #Person2#: Aha! Now I understand.You were trying to buy stolen goods on the sidewalk.So, what I think is, you deserve to get cheated! #Person1#: C'mon, don't blame me! I thought it was a new camera. We could use it.We were even thinking about buying a camera. I don't understand how he could have such a perfect-looking box. #Person2#: That's no problem.He just has a friend who works in a shop that can do plastic wrap. That's easy.And probably it's the same shop he got the boxes from.Maybe his friend works in an electronics store. They sell video cameras there.Probably they had a couple video camera boxes lying around.So they get the idea of wrapping bricks to sell to fools like you.Twenty dollars a brick. That's a good profit if they can sell enough bricks. #Person1#: You're right, Sarah. I was a fool. I can't believe it. How could I fall for such a trick? Summary:
#Person1# tells Sarah that #Person1# was cheated into buying a brick as a camera for twenty dollars as the guy claimed that he had to get rid of these stolen cameras. Sarah blames #Person1# for trying to buy stolen goods.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: Amie: Hello Liam! How's life? Liam: Boring... Amie: Look who's talking! You of all people! How long have been home now, eh? Liam: That's the problem. For 5 long weeks now! Terrible! How is you? Amie: The usual me. Working, working, working. That's what I call boring! Liam: Don't you always say that you love your little job? Eh? Amie: Well I do but I wish I had more time for myself. Like you. You lucky devil! Liam: But you have 6 weeks of holidays at your disposal. Why don't you split it and have 2, 3 nice trips? 3 weeks on Majorca in winter and 2 weeks in Norway in summer. Amie: Ya golden! And who's going to pay for it?! Liam: OK so fly to Vietnam in winter, it can be dirt cheap, and in summer to Cuba. It's always cheap. Amie: Not really. It's not me. I'd be scared stiff traveling to those countries. Apart from that Robert hates traveling. Even Carlisle is too far away for him. Liam: That's tough. Amie: Something else. I wondered if you could translate a text for me. We got a strange letter the other day and the lingo looks like English in one part, but we can't make heads or tails of it, and then follows a paper that's probably in Vietnamese. Could you have a look at it please? Liam: Get me a pic of it. Amie: <file_photo> Liam: Vietnamese alright. Sounds like an job application. Amie: Very likely! Could you translate it for us? Of course with an invoice and staff. Liam: Sure. Just scan the whole thing and attach it to an email to my gmail address. You've got it, haven't you? Amie: Thank you. Yes, I've got your email. You'll have it all by midday tomorrow. Liam: How urgent is it? Amie: Hard to say. Depends on what's in it. You tell me. Liam: Got it. You'll hear from me tomorrow evening. Amie: Thanks Liam. I do appreciate it. Liam: Anytime. Summary:
Liam's bored as he's been home for five weeks. Amie's also bored because she has to work all the time and she'd like to have more time for herself. She can't travel a lot for financial reasons and because Robert's not a great fan of travelling. Liam's going to translate a Vietnamese letter for her.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: #Person1#: Hey, Emily. I think I left my grammar book in the class today. I think one of the students took it. Uh, do you have some of their phone numbers? #Person2#: Yeah. Um, who do you want to call? #Person1#: Well, Brittany was sitting next to me, so I'll call her first. What is her number? #Person2#: Hm, um. Hang on a minute. [ Okay. ] Oh, here it is. It's, um, eight eight-seven-zero zero-zero-one-nine (870-0019). #Person1#: ... okay, zero-zero-one-nine (0019). Got it. I'll call her first. And, uh, what about James? #Person2#: Yeah. Um, okay. It's six-one-four one-four-eight-zero (614-1480). #Person1#: Okay, six-one-four fourteen eighteen (614-1418), right? #Person2#: No, it's fourteen eighty (1480). #Person1#: Oh, okay. And, um, yeah, um, uh ... What's her name? You know, the girl, um ... You know. #Person2#: Which one? [ Embarrashed laugh ... ] You mean Audrey? The girl you really like? #Person1#: What? #Person2#: I can tell you like her. #Person1#: Come on. Are you kidding? No, no. I mean, we're like brother and sister. #Person2#: Ah, yeah, right, right. Well, uh, if you want, here's your SISTER's phone number. It's five-five-eight six-zero-one-six (558-6016). #Person1#: Yeah, six-zero-one-zero (6010). Got it. Bye. #Person2#: No. #Person1#: What? #Person2#: Six-zero-one-six (6016). #Person1#: Six-zero-one-six (6016). #Person2#: Alright. I hope your sister's not mad that you called. #Person1#: No problem. #Person2#: Bye. #Person1#: Bye. Summary:
#Person1# asks Emily about students' phone numbers because #Person1# thinks his grammar book was taken by someone. Emily tells #Person1# Brittany's and James's numbers. #Person1# also asks Audrey's number. Emily makes fun of #Person1#.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: Mona: I'm going to make my first pizza ever Mona: But need somebody to instruct me though :D Tina: Hahaha so I'm the lucky one? Mona: Definitely :D Mona: It's high time to add something awesome to my cooking repertoire Tina: Aight, I think I can help you Tina: The first and the most difficult part is to prepare the dough Mona: Actually I've got some experience with making the dough Mona: I've done that many times before for my mom Tina: So you know the basics. But the pizza dough is specific Tina: You'll need: 250 grams of wheat flour, 150 ml of warm water, 2 spoons of olive oil, 4 grams of yeast, half a teaspoon of salt and the same amount of sugar Tina: You can also add 2 spoons of mixed herbs to that, but it's optional Mona: Good cuz I have everything besides the herbs! Tina: Awesome, so now the instruction. Ready? Mona: Ready! Tina: Pour the flour and yeast to a big bowl and mix them well Tina: Now add the olive, sugar and salt and mix again Tina: Now, while kneading the dough you need to add water little by little, until you get, say, a ball of dough Mona: Got it! I guess I should leave it for some time to rise, right? Tina: Exactly. Half an hour should be fine Tina: Use this time to prepare all ingredients that you'd like to put on pizza Mona: Olives, salami, onion, chicken... Yummy! Tina: Ok, now smooth the baking sheet with a bit of oil and form the dough on it Mona: Done Tina: Time for tomato sauce and all the ingredients you've prepared. Tina: Did I tell you to preheat the oven to 220 degrees? If not, do it now Tina: Put your pizza in the oven and wait more less 20 minutes. Check how's the baking going from time to time, maybe you'll have to get it out of a bit earlier Mona: Tina... You're fantastic! The first pizza I've ever made looks delicious!! Mona: Thanks a million! <file_photo> Tina: Looks good! Enjoy :D Summary:
Tina instructed Mona how to make a pizza. It was Mona's first time doing it and it looks delicious.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: #Person1#: Dad, I need a few supplies for school, and I was wondering if .... #Person2#: Yeah. There are a couple of pencils and an eraser in the kitchen drawer, I think. #Person1#: Dad, I'm in eight grade now, and I need REAL supplies for my demanding classes. #Person2#: Oh, so you need a ruler too? #Person1#: Dad, I need some high-tech tech stuff like a calculator, a Palm Pilot, and a laptop computer. #Person2#: Uh. I didn't have any of that when I was in middle school, and I did just fine. #Person1#: Yeah, and they weren't any cars either, WERE there. [Hey] And things are just more progressive now. #Person2#: Well, we can rule out the hand pilot [Palm Pilot, Dad]. Whatever, AND the computer ... unless mom lets you sell the car. And as for the adding machine [Calculator]. Yeah, I think mine from college is kicking around here somewhere. #Person1#: Dad, I need a calculator for geometry, and I have heard you can download free software from the Internet. #Person2#: Great. My daughter will be playing video games in geometry class. #Person1#: Dad. #Person2#: Okay. How much is this thing going to cost me? #Person1#: Well, I saw it at the store for only $99, WITH a $10 mail-in rebate, or you could buy it online. #Person2#: Oh. Do they throw in a few aspirin so your father can recover from sticker shock? #Person1#: Dad. Please!!!. Everyone has one [I've heard that before.] and you always say you want me to excel in school, and I'll chip in $10 of my own, and I'll even clean up my room [Hey!!]. #Person2#: Hmmm, 100 bucks. Well, you'll be supporting me in my old age, so, I guess so. When do you need it? #Person1#: Now, right now. [Now!] Mom's already waiting in the car for us. [Huh?] She said she would buy me an ice cream if I could talk you into to buying it for me today. Summary:
#Person1# asks her dad to buy her some high-tech supplies, such as a calculator, a Palm Pilot, and a laptop computer. #Person2# rules out the former two and thinks his old calculator is somewhere in the house. #Person1# says the calculator is for geometry class and it costs $109. #Person2# gives #Person1# 100 bucks.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: Jerry: What a storm, huh? Nick: Yeah, I have a smashed window and quite a lot of damage done to my yard. Jerry: Yeah, but they're only material things. At least we're in one piece. Nick: Yeah, thank God for that. But truthfully, I've had enough of these earthquakes. Sometimes I feel like moving. Jerry: I know what you mean, but I've lived in FL my whole life. Nick: That's the thing, I want to see more of the world. Jerry: Maybe Nick: Think of it, a place where you don't have to board up your house at least once per year :) Jerry: A fantasy world :) Nick: No, a reality. My brother lives in Chicago, and I am seriously thinking of selling this place and moving in with him for some time. Maybe I can even ask for a transfer at my work. Jerry: Yeah, your company has many offices all over the world and Chicago's like their hub, isn't it? Nick: Yeah, they have their HQ there. If I can get a transfer, I swear I'm selling my house and moving. Or at least rent it out. Jerry: Well, I don't want to encourage you. Who else would I be able to hang out with? :) Nick: <File_photo> Look at the damage done to my yard :-/ Jerry: Wow, mine's not that bad. Nick: Well, the hurricane kind of veered west later on, so I think your area was spared the worst. Jerry: Hmm...maybe. If you need any help fixing it up, I can help you out. Nick: Yeah, that would be great. I was gonna call for some professional help, but then those companies are really expensive. Jerry: Don't bother, they'll take a fortune. I have this weekend free, so you buy the beers and I can be there bright and early Sat. Nick: Cool, hey thanks a lot, man. Jerry: No problem. Do you want me to bring something to eat? Nick: We can have burgers on the barbecue. I may have some in the freezer. Jerry: Ok, just let me know if you need me to bring anything. Nick: If you have some tools, that'd be great. Jerry: Yeah, I'll bring my electric saw. Nick: Ok, great! See you Sat. Jerry: No problem, take care. Summary:
The storm has damaged some of Nick's properties. Nick is considering moving from Florida to Chicago if he gets a transfer at his company. Nick and Jerry will meet on Saturday.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: Dana: Hey guys, thanks so much for these few days we've spent together 😍 It was really great! Jamie: I agree πŸ’›The best few days in a long time. Alberto: We've been quite lucky to bump on each other like this Dana: Yep Jamie: So what are you guys up to these days? Dana: Well, we're actually going to have yet another great day because Alberto has agreed to come for dinner. Then I'll have to pack and will be off to Paris the next day Alberto: I'm also travelling tomorrow. There's this very convoluted plan which is that I have to travel to Berlin to pick up my boss's luggage, meet him in Lisbon and then we're travelling together to Sao Paolo Jamie: Sounds completely crazy Alberto: Yep... and quite exhausting on top of that Jamie: I can imagine Alberto: Anyway, they're paying for all the tickets and I've made quite a lot of money on this trip so it's ok Dana: πŸ’Έ Alberto: 😁 And you, Jamie? How's your trip going? Jamie: Not bad, we'll be boarding soon I believe πŸ™ Dana: Oh have a safe trip then Jamie: Thanks! You guys drink to my health this evening Alberto: Sure Dana: We will, dear. I do hope to see you soon, perhaps in Paris? Jamie: I haven't been to Paris since I visited you a hundred years ago πŸ’― . I'd be happy to visit!! Dana: Oh you're very much invited! I do have very fond memories of your last visit. You unobtrusive guest πŸ’š Alberto, you should persuade your boss to send his luggage to Paris and join us for a few days Alberto: I'd love that Jamie: Well then, it seems like we have a plan Dana: I'm glad. @Alberto, see you later and @Jamie, have the safest of trips Jamie: Thankssss Alberto: See you later! I'll bring some wine Dana: Splendid, thanks πŸ‘ Jamie: Bye then πŸ‘‹ Alberto: Byeee Summary:
Jamie, Alberto and Dana met by accident. Dana's going to Paris the next day, Alberto's going on work trip to Berlin, Lisbon and Sao Paolo, Jamie's boarding a plane. They're planning to meet in Paris.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: Sam.Brown: Hello dear Oli and Natt, hope you are doing well. Sophy gave me your number, hope it's ok. I just wanted to ask about that juice producer you know in the area. Did you have your apple juice pressed last year? Oliver: Hello Samantha! Donkeys' years. Great to hear from you! You and Michael doing fine? Sam.Brown: Oh yes, we're fine. Ths. Only these tons of apples this year! We don't know what to do with them. What are you doing? Oliver: We've manged to sell the lot to wine grower in our village. We managed to talk him into experimenting with cider. It's a great drink, cheap and tasty, and nobody produces it here in the region. So a new business idea! Sam.Brown: A bit risky eh? Oliver: Not really. We've put some money in it but we don't think there'll be losses. At the worst we'll break even. Sam.Brown: Is it the same person who pressed your apples for juice last year? Oliver: No. He's a wine producer. The other one's a fruit grower. He's got these fruit plantations east of Dillon. Sam.Brown: I see. Do you think he could take our apples and press them for us? I'd love to have my own apple juice. Oliver: I may ask if you want. He only takes organic apples, you know. But yours are. Sam.Brown: Sure they are! Never seen any chemicals in their life. Oliver: If you have too much apple, why don't you join us in the cider business? Wouldn't Mike be interested? Sam.Brown: Not sure. We're so clumsy with money, you know. But I'll ask. D'you want his mobile number? Why don't you talk to him directly? Sam.Brown: 0167 287 43 12 Michael Brown Oliver: Thanks! I'll call him. We could still do with more apples but they have to be absolutely and doubtlessly organic. Of course I know your trees. They're clean. Sam.Brown: My head's reeling! Apple cider business! How funny... Oliver: And tasty. And healthy. Samantha, great to chat with you. We'll be in touch again soon. Sam.Brown: Cheers! Summary:
Sam.Brown is asking about the local juice producer because he has a lot of organic apples. Oliver started a new business producing apple cider and invites Sam.Brown who is unsure. She recommends talking to Michael about it.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: #Person1#: Is that your phone? #Person2#: yes, it's my new business phone. Do you like it? #Person1#: it's very impressive. Can you use the Internet on your phone? #Person2#: yes, it's got wireless Internet access. #Person1#: that's really convenient. Does it have the Bluetooth? #Person2#: yes, but I don't really use it that often. Have you ever used it? #Person1#: no, but I think it'd be really great for people like you who are always on the go. #Person2#: yes, I guess I should try to use it. #Person1#: does it have a camera? #Person2#: of course it does. Doesn't every new phone include a camera these days? #Person1#: I guess so. Would you mind if I checked my email quickly? I'm supposed to be getting an important email this evening from a client. #Person2#: sure. Here you go. #Person1#: have you checked your voicemail recently? #Person2#: no, why? #Person1#: I think this icon means that you have a voicemail message. #Person2#: oh, yeah. Probably. I don't really know how to use this phone yet. #Person1#: do you want to listen to your messages first? #Person2#: no, it's ok. Check your email first; I'll check my inbox later. #Person1#: I'm surprised you don't use more of the features on your phone. #Person2#: I'm surprised you know so much about it. Where's your phone? #Person1#: it quit working last week and I haven't had a chance to buy a new one yet. #Person2#: how have you been living without a cell phone for a week? hasn't it been driving you carzy being without a phone? #Person1#: it's not that bad. It kind of feels like I'm on vacation, not having to answer my phone all the time! #Person2#: let's go shopping. You can't depend on public phones in this day and age! Summary:
#Person2# gets a new phone with wireless Internet access, Bluetooth, and a camera. #Person1# requests to use #Person2#'s phone to check an important e-mail and then #Person1# finds #Person2# has an unread voice message as #Person2# doesn't really know how to use the phone. #Person1#'s phone quits working last week so #Person2# suggests going shopping for a new one.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: Barbara: hey! :) Jessie: Wow, hello gorgeous! You're back! Barbara: Hahaha, yes, I am, but still can't believe it. Jessie: How was it? Barbara: Oh Canada is beautiful <3 It's quite surreal to be back. Jessie: I can imagine, especially going back to work ;) Barbara: After getting up at 9... Everyday. Jessie: Where have you been? What have you seen? Barbara: We travelled all around, but spent most of our time in Montreal. Jessie: Had a chance to visit Winnipeg? :) Barbara: It's a hell of a ride, but yeah! It was gorgeous, but awfully cold. Barbara: <file_video> Barbara: Snow fight in the woods. Jessie: Omg, so jealous. How's Montreal? I was thinking about going to Canada, but it's so huge it's hard to say where to go to... Barbara: I would definitely recommend Montreal, it has a nice European vibe, even though you can that you're definitely not in Europe, if you know what I mean. Jessie: Kind of. What about other cities? Barbara: Ottawa and Toronto are already, although I prefer Toronto. Not too keen on Quebec. Jessie: Oh, why is that? :o Barbara: I don't know, maybe it's the French thing ;) Jessie: Hahaha, I get that :D Barbara: But to be fair it's a nice city, maybe just not for me. I think if I'd known French, it could have been different. Jessie: I can relate. It's been exactly the same in Paris. Loved the city, but the whole experience was a bit weird with the waiters outraged that we didn't speak French. Barbara: Kind of the same in Quebec then ;) Although they do have beautiful architecture and city landscape. If you have chance, go there, I'd give them another chance. Jessie: Weren't you thinking about going to the US when you were already so close? Barbara: Not really, I've been to the East Coast already, so it wasn't so tempting. Maybe next year I'd venture somewhere more West... :D Jessie: Haha, count me in for the trip to the Wild Wild West! Always wanted to see San Francisco <3 Summary:
Barbara is back from Canada. She's been to Montreal and Winnipeg. Jessie would love to go there, so and Barbara recommends Ottawa and Toronto. She didn't like Quebec, though. She's thinking of going to the US next year and so is Jessie.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: Sue: Oh no... stuck on the A46.. car fucked...waiting for breakdown.. what the fuck is it with me and bloody cars😑😑😑😑 Ben: Oh babe no 😱 what's gone on it can it be fixed x x x Sue: Don't know.. just went into limp mode so I cruised it to side of the road. Switched off and then tried to turn on but nothing... big red stop sign on the dash.. for fucks sake.. RAHHHHHH Ben: Oh no.. Sue: This road is proper busy too I'm on the side no layby Ben: Be careful babe x x x Sue: Ahh AA man just turned up.. I'll let u know x Sue: I'm home safe an hour of anxiety being towed with no control.. cam belt has snapped...£££££ Ben: Oh babe that's not good at all. At least you're home safe though. Have they said how much they think it might cost to repair x Sue: Well it will be an engine strip at least .. so I'm going to kick off at the garage in the morning and see if they will do anything.. but it was sold as seen.. Sue: For fucks sake. Just get my self sorted and now car problems again.. I have no luck xx Sue: I'm going to speak to the garage tomorrow xx Ben: You can only try, fingers crossed they are fair about it 😊😊x x x Sue: I hope so.. but I will fight all I can if they aren't xx Ben: You do have you're rights so yes fight them all the way if they refuse x x x Sue: Boxing gloves on again lol Ben: Kick some ass lol x x x Sue: Looks like I have a fight on my hands.. shouted at me and told me to put of in writing he'll hand to his solicitors. I'm going up there later with Jenny to put it in his hands and get him to sign that its received. My insurance covers me for legal up to 10k and I've spoken to them sbdctheh said it is something they would help with at least.. would have been better to crash it into the barrier when it happened... Summary:
Sue's car has stopped working, so she is stuck on the road. Sue managed to get home, but she is mad at a garage in which she bought a car. Sue is going to confront them tomorrow. Sue wrote an official complaint, so she is going to visit a garage once again with Jenny in order to hand it in.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: Juan: Hey, I was wondering how you were doing ✨ Linh: Oh hey!! So happy to hear from you Linh: Not bad actually, I've just returned from the festival in San Sebastian Linh: I was interpreting for Chinese celebrities πŸ₯‡ Juan: Oh wow how did it go? Linh: Well it was stressful as fuck to begin with Linh: But some people were really nice and I'd even say supportive. I made a few weird mistakes but everyone pretended nothing had happened Juan: Good! Linh: Yeah. I even appeared on Chinese TV and my mother called me to greet me because I had become a celebrity in my own right LOL Linh: In case you wanna have a look <file_other> Juan: Sure!! Juan: OMG you look terrific!! A celebrity in her own right!! Linh: πŸ§™β€β™€οΈ I know, right?! Linh: Anyway, how have you been? Juan: Oh well boring stuff actually Juan: I got a bike which I'm very fond of and that's basically it Juan: <file_photo> Juan: You know, it's much more common here to cycle than it is in Spain. A real pleasure - although we're not so far from Chinese levels of pollution Linh: Omg really?! My mother never leaves home just in case Juan: Ehem well sorry for exaggerating Juan: Wait Juan: <file_other> Juan: Yeah, I've committed a gross exaggeration but still, you can clearly see on the map how Poland fares compared to Western Eurpope Linh: Mmmmm yeah could be better... So weird that the air in London is much much cleaner than in Warsaw Juan: And than in Tokyo... I've spent the entire afternoon over this map yesterday Juan: It's air pollution in real time... I love it 😻 Linh: I don't know if you've noticed, but in China there are many place where air pollution is 999 - which probably means 1500 but they only have 3-digit numbers... Horrible Linh: In my city it's "only" around 750 🀩😨 Juan: Mmmm sounds like your mother is going for a nice walk this evening Linh: lol RIP ⚰️ Summary:
Linh has just returned from the festival in San Sebastian, where she was interpreting for Chinese celebrities. She even appeared on Chinese TV. Juan got a new bike which he's fond of.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: #Person1#: Tomorrow I'll take you to some places that I'm sure you will have interest in. #Person2#: Where else haven't I been to yet? #Person1#: Not many but these ones. They are the Folk Antique Handicrafts and Collectibles Exhibition Halls! #Person2#: Sounds great! How many kinds of folk collections they have? #Person1#: Well, there're actually over 200 kinds of folk collections in this city, that's half the collections of antique objects in China. There's one exhibition hall for multiple collection, and several individual display rooms for private collections. #Person2#: Private collectors! Oh, they must have excellent collections. I'll go and see each of them. What kinds of collections can I see? Come on, David, don't keep me in suspense! #Person1#: No hurry! I'll tell you now. The collections include ancient cases and caskets, tea sets, abacuses, precious sea shells and conches, jars and water abacuses for study use, drama costumes, agates, ancient coins, butterflies, fans, mini musical instruments, root-carving, rare stones and rocks, model ships, model cars. #Person2#: Enough, David! I can't wait anymore. Let's go right now! #Person1#: Okey, Okey. We'll start from the Folk Collection Exhibition House, a multi-folk collection exhibition hall, where the best of local antique objects are on constant display. The hall itself used to be the site of a local club in the late King Dynasty, a well preserved piece of antique architecture itself. Academic research seminars and exchanges between domestic and international experts are often organized there. #Person2#: Very interesting. That's really a place I must go and see. And then? #Person1#: If you have interest in butterflies, you must go to the Butterfly Exhibition. Mr. Chen, owner of the private museum, has a large collection of specimen of over 1 000 species of butterflies from more than 20 countries for public display. Quite a lot of them are state-level treasures. #Person2#: Mr. Chen himself has become an authority in this area, and master of butterfly sample making, I should say. Summary:
David tells #Person2# tomorrow he will take #Person2# to the Folk Antique Handicrafts and Collectibles Exhibition Halls. David introduces the number of collections displayed in different rooms and kinds of collections. #Person2# can't wait to visit. They will start from the Folk Collection Exhibition House and #Person1# recommends the Butterfly Exhibition owned by Mr. Chen.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: #Person1#: Wow! They've got everything here. All the world's famous brands. Aunt Cindy, what is your favorite brand? #Person2#: I love all the fashionable things. But my favorite brand is Chanel. #Person1#: Oh, that's a very expensive brand, but with good reason. #Person2#: Yeah. Each style is specially designed by world's top designers. So they can always make you look amazing. #Person1#: I see. Come here. The high heels here look really attractive. But I wonder whether it's comfortable to wear any of them? #Person2#: Not really, especially at the beginning, if you wear high heels all day long, your feet would hurt. But, no big deal. Women can always get used to that. #Person1#: It's not a simple thing to be beautiful. #Person2#: Sure. But everyone loves to be beautiful. Hey, do you think this pair of sunglasses matches the handbag well? #Person1#: Yeah, very tasteful. And with them, you look even more fashionable. Oh, there are so many French perfumers. Oops, perfumes for guys? So strange! #Person2#: Come on. Fashion is not only for women. Men also share the equal right to chase fashion. It's the new fashion for men to wear perfumes, which is called cologne. #Person1#: Oh, really, that's really something new. I'm afraid not everyone can accept it. #Person2#: It takes time for that. But people's consuming attitudes are changing quickly. #Person1#: That's true. Well, it's obvious that fashion is not a cheap thing. So, do you spend all your money on it? #Person2#: No. Fashion is just part of my life, which improves its quality. But also, I'm good at financing. I have a credit card, but I never overdraft. #Person1#: How is it that you are my mom's sis? You two are so different. She always picks up bargains and spends more than she earns. You do so much better than her. #Person2#: I have to say that's just the result of difference of our consumptive habits. Summary:
#Person2# likes Channel best because each style is designed by top designers. #Person1# sees attractive high heels, and #Person2# says even though it hurts to wear them, women get used to it. #Person1# finds some perfumes for guys, and #Person2# explains it's a new fashion. #Person2# uses fashion to improve life quality and knows about financing, which is different from #Person1#'s mom.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: #Person1#: Hello. #Person2#: Be with you in just a moment, Madam... Yes, now may I help? #Person1#: Yes, erm, I'd like to book a holiday somewhere in Britain. #Person2#: Yes, of course. Were you thinking of any special place in particular? #Person1#: Well, I don't know really. Can you recommend anywhere? #Person2#: Well, there's London, of course. #Person1#: Well, no, no. I've been to London already. I think I'm looking for theatres and, erm, some of your pubs. #Person2#: Let me think now. There's Salisbury, there's Chichester. Chichester's got a very famous theatre. And of course York, very famous for its York Minster the Cathedral. Yeh, Edinburgh, Edinburgh in Scotland. #Person1#: Oh, I've not been to Scotland before. So, I mean, what have you got for Edinburgh? #Person2#: Well, let me look that up ... here we are. Exeter, Edinburgh. Now we've got a three-day inclusive trip erm.., that's by coach and that would cost you $ 92.50, about $150. Alternatively, now just a moment. There's another three-day trip going by train, that's a tiny bit more expensive... also what we call inclusive. #Person1#: Yeh ... erm, how much is that one? #Person2#: That's $ 100, about $160. #Person1#: What about the accommodation that goes with that trip? #Person2#: Well, that is inclusive. It means... It's a three-star hotel, which is pretty good quality, right in the center of town. We've had a lot of customers who've stayed there and they have been perfectly happy. Er, it is what we call bed and breakfast though. Would that be all right? #Person1#: Oh, that would suit me fine, because I'd like to try some of that Scottish food, that haggis, whatever it is... so... so... that... #Person2#: Of course, so when would you like to go? This 3-day trip by train is only available in mid-week. That would be Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Would that suit you? #Person1#: Wonderful. #Person2#: All right. Summary:
#Person1# wants to book a holiday in Britain. #Person2# recommends several places and #Person1# chooses a three-day trip to Edinburgh because she has never been there before. #Person1# asks about the accommodation that goes with the trip and feels satisfied.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: Heidi: What do you think of this? Heidi: <file_other> Heidi: It's one of the group compositions that we had to do for Music GCSE - Matt Alpin provided the Left Hand melody, the rest is all me... Isla: Oh my gosh where did you find this gem of a memory throw back??? Heidi: I was so irritated by the fact that I couldn't combine the two contrasting melodies or explain what I meant (even though I could clearly hear it in my head), so... I memorised it. Heidi: Only when I downloaded Musescore (program that lets you transcribe notes), I could see where the problem was (it was those damn triplets). Heidi: Now I realise that most people would have just let it go, so I'm not so sure what that says about me... :P Isla: It says that when you do something you want to be proud of it! And I think you should be! You are actually a very talented girl xx Heidi: Aww, thanks Isla - it really means a lot to me. Heidi: Btw, I'm not the only talented one ;) Isla: No, you are not the only talented one by any means... but you are the MOST talented in creating that piece of music, and for brightening my day Heidi: Aww... you're making me blush ;) Heidi: Question for you - did you enjoy Music GCSE? I'm under the impression that not many people did... Isla: To be honest, I don't really remember it Heidi: Really? Isla: Yeah, it was an age ago Heidi: Only 5 years... :P Heidi: I was always under the impression that they wanted professional musicians and were disappointed that they got 15-year old us Isla: I would call that an accurate impression actually! Isla: That's certainly true of miss Robertson... or maybe she was expecting people a lot keener to do well than we were Heidi: I was kinda thinking along the lines of Mr Richmon actually... :P Isla: No! Really?! Isla: I wouldn't have said that at all Isla: Did you ever know mr Gilbert? Heidi: I think I met him when I came over (that time in Sixth Form) Heidi: Was he nice? (aka. a good music teacher?) Isla: He was a bit like a nice mr prideux Isla: Very talented! But also not a (excuse my French) a guy Isla: *git Summary:
Heidi sends Isla a group composition which she did for Music GCSE. Isla considers Heidi very talented in music. Isla does not remember much from Music GCSE.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: #Person1#: I've heard so much about Japan. Is it a beautiful country? #Person2#: Not everyone thinks Japan is beautiful, but to me its beauty is breathtaking. You feel the same way about France, don't you? #Person1#: Yes, I do feel the same way about France. The swift rivers, the fertile valleys, the large cities-its scenery is beautiful. Will you describe the geography of Japan? #Person2#: Well, it's made up of four large islands and many smaller islands located off the coast of the Asian main lands. France isn't an island, is it? #Person1#: Oh, no, France isn't an island. It is located in the western part of the European continent. But France does have many fine harbors and port cities on its southern and western coasts. Does Japan have good harbors? #Person2#: Good harbors! Yokohama is one of the most famous port cities in the world, and Japan is the largest shipbuilding nation in the world. Also, there are long mountain ranges in the southern is hands. France isn't very mountainous, is it? #Person1#: No, France isn't very mountainous. But it does contain the Pyrenees, a large mountain range with high peaks and deep canyons. What kind of Climate does Japan have? #Person2#: The Japanese climate is warm and moist in the south, mild in the central part and cold in the north. Except for Hokkaido, we don't get much snowfall at all. France has a mild climate, doesn't it? #Person1#: Yes, the climate of France rarely has severe winters. In southern France, one can live in comfort the whole year. Is Japan good for farming? #Person2#: Yes, Japan is good for farming. Rice is the main crop, but Japan is also an industrial center. Fishing is very important, too. Rice isn't grown in France, is it? #Person1#: No, rice isn't grown in France. But farming, fishing and industry are also very important in France. I'd like to go to Japan some day. Would you like to visit France? #Person2#: Yes. I'd like to visit France. I'd like to travel all over the world. As you describe it, France seems to be very much like Japan. I would like to see it for myself. Summary:
#Person1# and #Person2# discuss differences between France and Japan. At first, they compare the geography of the two countries. Japan is made up of islands while France is located on the continent. They both have good harbors but France also has mountains. When it comes to climate, France is warmer. Farming, fishing, and industry in the two countries are very important.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: William: Hello Morah! A new update on our whereabouts. Just moved over to Merida after a long drive from Cancun. Empty roads giving you a weird feeling. William: <file_photo> William: We had all possible difficulties finding our airbnb accommodation and after much asking around and consulting our paltry maps, we gave up and phoned our host who navigated us to the house. It turned out to be located in a semi-fenced residential area outside the city. Quite a pretty and comfy place for that and entirely for us alone. William: <file_photo> William: So we finally had a goodnight's sleep and are looking forward to do some sightseeing in the capital of Yucatan. Morah: So good to hear from you! The house looks very comfortable indeed. William: We even have two bedrooms but Sarah's bravely putting up with my snoring so we're using only one ;-) Morah: You even seem to have a small terrace in front of the house. Quite posh! William: We tried to have our sundowner on it yesterday but mosquitoes from the whole neighbourhood decided to join us, so we had to withdraw before they'd sucked us bloodless. Morah: Too bad! It looks a pretty area around the house though. William: We have a very pleasant parkland just in front of the house, even with a small Maya ruin. But they seem to be everywhere! Morah: Have you consulted Hobbs on its name? I bet he knows everything about every ruin in Mexico. William: Only in the Yucatan peninsula. About the rest of Maya monuments he knows only 99%. He keeps giving us invaluable tips and pieces of advice. Grand chap! Morah: Yes, he is. And not this type of a boring, dried-up professor one might expect. I quite like him too. William: I know you do ;) Morah: I don't even see as much of him. William: As you would love to. Morah: :D William: Once we are back we'll invite you two for a slide show, right? Morah: And maybe two other people in order not to make it too obvious? William: Granted! Morah: Oh so lovely chatting with you. Have a great time travelling. And keep me posted. William: I will. Take care! Summary:
William and Sarah just moved to Merida after a long drive from Cancun. They had problems finding their accommodation. The house is two-bedroomed but they are using one. The area around the house and the house itself is nice. William will invite Morah and others for a slide show when they are back.
Provide the theme summaries for the following conversation: Karol: Hello dear ladies! Karol: What do you think I should buy to my 4 year old niece? Karol: You know, Christmas time is coming and I really have no idea what would be a good present... Sylwia: Oooh, how sweet! Sylwia: It won't be a very innovative idea but did how about some jigsaw puzzle? Karol: I'm not sure if a 4 year old child can do the puzzles... Isn't that too difficult for such a little creature? Sylwia: Hahahaha you're being silly! Sylwia: There're different levels of difficulty, I think you could find some puzzles for even younger 'creatures' :) Monika: True! Last year I bought jigsaw puzzles for my 3 year old nephew. Monika: Those were big pieces and the child was doing pretty well with matching them! Sylwia: You see, Karol? If there was something like that for a 3 year old, you don't have to worry. Karol: I see... Monika: Or maybe... Monika: How much are you planning to spend on this present? Karol: Like 30 bucks or so Monika: Because I've got another idea! Monika: Listen, at the age of 4 children actually start to learn the alphabet in preschool. Monika: And last time I've been searching for something on eBay, I've come across an auction offering whiteboard with marker pens and plastic letters with magnet. Monika: The whiteboard's dimensions were 90 cm and 60 cm, if I remember well. Total cost 25 bucks, so it'd fit your budget! :) Monika: What do you think? Karol: Wow, the idea is perfect! Karol: And I could hang the whiteboard on the wall, so it wouldn't require any space on the floor. Sylwia: I like the idea too. There's always this annoying problem with the kids writing on the wall... Sylwia: So having that thing on the wall they could be doing it without consequence! Karol: Monika, you're a genious! Karol: I'm super happy I've asked you guys, thanks!! Monika: That's nothing, I feel fantastic every time I can help :)) Summary:
Karol is looking for recommendations for a Christmas present for his 4-year-old niece. Sylwia suggests a jigsaw puzzle. Monika suggests a whiteboard, marker pens and letter magnets to help the niece learn the alphabet. Karol likes the idea a lot.