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The Satyricon is neither a Satyr play nor a satiric work, though it has flavours of both, but rather a Saturnalian medley, which pursues the misadventures of Encolpius, a runaway slave, amongst his friends and enemies. It mingles prose and verse, farce and fantasy, life and philosophy, in a delightful and amusing blend, to grant us an insight into Rome at the time of Claudius and Nero. The whole work, of which sadly only part is extant, can be seen as a celebration of the god Priapus, and to that extent has its obscene moments, though they are mild and good-natured in tone. The simplicity of Petronius' approach belies the sophistication of his parodies and the Satyricon would have been read and listened to with pleasure by the educated imperial circles of the nobility, as well as the literate middle-class. Many elements within it are seen again in later literature, and its influence can be felt especially in the picaresque works of later times, for example those of Rabelais, Fielding, Sterne, and in Byron's Don Juan, as well as in theatrical farce, while, in Trimalchio, Petronius creates one of the great comic characters of fiction. Petronius Arbiter (Gaius, or Titus) who is usually accepted as identical with the author of the Satyricon, flourished at the time of the emperors Claudius (AD41-54) and Nero (AD54-68), and Tacitus speaks of him in the Annals, where he describes his suicide after condemnation by Nero. At one time Governor of Bithynia in Asia Minor, Petronius later became Nero’s close friend and his arbiter of taste and manners. He appears to have indulged freely in the dubious life of Nero’s court, yet in the Satyricon reveals a keen awareness of the wider society around him with its weaknesses and follies, as well as his own educated background in Greek and Roman literature, lore, and philosophy. The Satyricon is one of the very few light-hearted prose works from the Roman period and, with Apuleius’ The Golden Ass, helped to found the picaresque tradition which later European literature adopted and embellished.
Sustainability: Are GMOs Good or Bad? Mention GMOs – genetically modified organisms – and you’ll likely hear a wide range of opinions. Some believe these plants and animals have great benefits to produce food and protect the environment. Others believe they hold potential risks and should be avoided. GMOs have been in use for many years. Despite the broad scientific consensus that they are safe to eat and safe for the environment, their use has generated plenty of public dialogue, questions and curiosity about the technology. Genetically engineered plants or animals, often called GMOs, were developed through biotechnology and often carry genes from a bacteria or virus. Biotechnology has been used to help crops better withstand drought, be resistant to insects or be better suited to control weeds. Genetic modifications can help animals to better utilize the feed they eat. Find out What foods have been genetically modified? GMOs and Sustainability In this series, we are looking at sustainability and the inherent tradeoffs and benefits of specific practices in farming and food production. To learn more about biotechnology, we reached out to Dr. Pamela Ronald, a distinguished professor in the Department of Plant Pathology at the University of California-Davis. She has gained worldwide recognition for her work in genetically engineering rice to better withstand plant diseases and flooding. “Rice is an important staple food crop for more than half the world’s people, so it’s really important to work with,” Dr. Ronald said. “Even a small change that you can make in the ability of the plant to survive stress or resist disease can have an impact on millions of people.” Are GMOs good or bad? First, Dr. Ronald said the biotech foods are safe to grow and to eat. “There’s no question about that. They’ve been planted for 25 years now,” she said. “They have reduced the use of chemical insecticide, and I think that’s really important for people to know.” Find out more about GMOs and human health. Dr. Ronald also explained that biotechnology is just one of the tools farmers can use to help produce food. When farmers have access to a variety of tools or techniques, they can choose the ones that work best for each crop, for each location and for each situation. “All farmers rely on seeds to grow their crops, and farmers are looking for seeds that help make agriculture more productive and sustainable,” Dr. Ronald said. “They want to use less land, use water more efficiently, use soil more efficiently. They want to reduce the use of harmful inputs. Every type of contribution can be really important for farmers.” Dr. Ronald’s husband is an organic farmer. She noted that every type of farming has tradeoffs. As an example, in order to grow a crop, the soil must be disturbed and native plants are removed. The key is weighing the impacts, tradeoffs and benefits, and then making an informed choice. “We farm because we have to eat,” she noted. “It’s a huge tradeoff. How do we farm more sustainably and try to minimize our impact on the environment?” Some farmers have found that GMOs can contribute to making farming more sustainable. Dr. Ronald gave an example of farmers in Bangladesh growing eggplant. Previously, farmers needed to spray insecticide several times a week during the growing season to save the crop from destructive insects. In recent years, they have planted a genetically modified eggplant seed that contains a gene from a bacteria that prevents the insects from reproducing. As a result, the farmers use much less insecticide spray, the crops have yielded more eggplant from the same amount of land and families have a better income. You can learn more about it in Dr. Ronald’s Ted Talk. Because there is a lot of misunderstanding and incorrect information about GMOs, Dr. Ronald encourages those with questions to explore reputable sources of information, such as the National Academy of Sciences. or the USDA. “I think it’s important to realize that all farmers rely on seeds that have been genetically altered in some manner. The method is not important. What matters is what kind of trait that’s being imparted to the plant,” she said. “It’s always good to just think about the challenges faced by farmers. Floods come through, which is predicted to occur more frequently with climate change. Then some farmers can’t grow their crops because there’s not enough water. Some farmers’ crops are devastated by insect pests. So anytime you can develop crops that are resistant to insects, it can have a massive benefit to farmers.” Weighing the Benefits and Tradeoffs GMOs and biotechnology have both benefits and tradeoffs. The benefits are that GMOs can help plants or animals grow more efficiently, which means more food produced using fewer natural resources. GMOs can reduce the use of insecticides and harmful herbicides. On the other hand, GMO crops often involve the use of the herbicide, glyphosate, which is concerning to some consumers. Some perceive that food produced through GMOs is less natural, because of the modification process and introduction of genetic material not native to the original organism. Some people have concerns that genes from the modified plants or animals could transfer to other organisms. There are also concerns that farmers’ reliance on certain types of GMOs could contribute to biodiversity loss or cause over-production. In the United States, some people have reservations about biotechnology that is owned by corporations, and they worry this could put small companies or farmers at a disadvantage. In other countries, such as in the case of Bangladesh’s eggplant, the seeds were generated by non-profits and distributed free to farmers. Biotechnology should not be viewed as a one-size-fits all solution to farming challenges. It must be managed in conjunction with other techniques. “It’s not that once you choose biotech over another approach, that’s it. It really depends on the particular farming system and what’s being used at the time,” Dr. Ronald said. Science is a continuum with each researcher’s work building on others. Biotechnology can be part of the solution to make agriculture more sustainable around the world. GMO involves the genetic modification of plants and animals to improve crops and food production. With any practice, there are tradeoffs and benefits. Many experts concur that GMO technology offers tools and solutions that farmers can use to make food production more sustainable.
One of the most common survival problems we all potentially face is a power grid failure. In just about any disaster, we can count on the power going out, at least on a local basis. For that matter, it doesn’t even take a disaster; a sizeable storm can take down the power grid and leave people without power. One of the most serious disasters we face today is an EMP attack. Should an enemy decide to attack us via an EMP, most of our country’s power grid would go down. The same thing could happen from a carefully planned and executed terrorist attack. Should either of these happen, government estimates say that it would take years to repair the damage to the power grid and other infrastructure, and that about 90 percent of the population would die in the first year. We depend upon the electrical power grid for so much that most of our modern society would come to a grinding halt without it. Companies couldn’t sell their products without electricity to run their computers. Manufacturers couldn’t make products to sell without electricity to run the assembly lines. Trucks couldn’t deliver those products without electricity to run the fuel pumps and fill their rigs. For that matter, in the case of an EMP, the rigs probably wouldn’t run anyway. While the country came to grips with the power grid failure and loss of electricity, you and I would have to figure out how to take care of our families without electrical power. We use electrical power for many things on a day-to-day basis. None of those things would work in a power grid failure. To start with, we’d lose heating and cooling for our homes. We’d also lose refrigeration to keep our food from spoiling. At the same time, all of the electronic devices that help us get the news, do our work and entertain us would stop working as well. Preparing for a Grid-Down Situation If there is any one disaster situation for which we should be preparing, it’s the power grid going down. Of all possible disasters, this is the one that could truly end life as we know it. I’m not saying that we would all die (although many who are unprepared would), but that life as we know it would end. We’d have to come up with a new plan for survival. The most important thing we need to do in preparing for a grid-down situation is to stockpile the necessities of life. This means food and water, as they would no longer be available to us. It also means fuel, medical supplies, candles, and any of 100 different things that we need to survive. One of the most important things to stockpile would be heirloom seeds, so that we could grow food to eat, once food stopped showing up on the grocery store shelves. In addition to stockpiling, we need alternative ways of doing the things which we depend on the power grid for. That especially means heating our homes, providing light at night, cooking food, preserving food and getting clean water to drink. None of those essential things will be available to us in a grid-down situation. In most cases, we will be forced to go back to the ways our ancestors did things before the power grid. We’d have to heat our homes with a fire, carry water from the creek, use candles for light and forget about refrigeration to keep our food fresh. Refrigeration would mean digging a root cellar in the backyard. When the Power Grid Fails, Make Your Own Electricity Another thing to consider in your preparations for surviving a grid-down situation is to develop the means to make your own electricity. This usually means either solar power or wind power. Creating enough electrical generation capability to run your home would be very expensive, but you could create enough to run a few small devices fairly easily. Of course, that’s assuming that the electrical grid didn’t g down from an EMP. The same EMP attack that takes down the grid will also destroy all of our solid-state electronics. You will no longer be able to use your computer or cell phone, even if you do have electricity. The only electronics that will survive, will be those that are protected by a Faraday Cage. What to do when the Lights Go Out Power outages aren’t all that uncommon, so it may be difficult to tell the difference between a short-term outage and one that is going to be out for months or years. So, the first thing to do when the power goes out is to gather information, so that you can determine what happened and have an idea if the power will be back on soon. Assuming that the power is going to be out for a prolonged period of time, you’ll need to put your survival plans into effect. Start by gathering all the last-minute supplies you can, before the looters hit the stores. Even if you have a healthy stockpile of food in your home, it won’t hurt to gather up a bit more while money is still being accepted. Upon returning from the store, it will be time to change over to a power-free lifestyle. You’ll need to start heating your home with a wood fire. Any food that you have in the refrigerator and freezer will either need to be eaten or preserved by other means immediately. The fridge will only keep that food fresh for about two days, without electricity. Dehydrating your meat in the sun will be much better than losing it to spoilage. Cooking can be done over a fire as well. Lighting will mean using candles or oil-burning lamps, once your battery supply runs out. You’d be better off starting out with the candles and lamps from the start, and leaving your flashlights for when you really need them. Gathering and purifying water will become one of your most important daily tasks, as you will need enough water for your family to drink, to wash with and to keep your vegetable garden growing. The only water which will have to be purified will be the water you drink and the water you wash your dishes with. Everything else can be done with water that hasn’t been purified. You will need to get seeds in the ground as soon as possible, after the power goes out. No matter how big a food stockpile you have, it will eventually run out. Growing your own food will be an important part of keeping your family eating. Whatever you do in such a time, don’t let others know that you are better off than they are. People will be literally starving to death, so you don’t want them to know that you have food. If they find out, there’s a good chance that they will gather together to attack your home. That’s something that you can’t afford. Other useful resources: Survival MD (Best Post SHTF Medical Survival Guide Ever) Blackout USA (EMP survival and preparedness guide) Backyard Innovator (All Year Round Source Of Fresh Meat,Vegetables And Clean Drinking Water) Conquering the coming collapse (Financial advice and preparedness ) Liberty Generator (Easy DIY to build your own off-grid free energy device) Backyard Liberty (Easy and cheap DIY Aquaponic system to grow your organic and living food bank) Bullet Proof Home (A Prepper’s Guide in Safeguarding a Home ) Family Self Defense (Best Self Defense Strategies For You And Your Family) Sold Out After Crisis (Best 37 Items To Hoard For A Long Term Crisis)
The Name America first used in World Map on 25th April, 1507. It was in fact South America (Brazil) and named after Amerigo Vespucci. The last known copy of this magnificent world map is in the Library of Congress Geography and Map Division Washington, D.C. Amerigo Vespucci was a navigator that traveled to the ‘new world’ in 1499 and 1502. Being a well educated man, he realized that this new world was not part of Asia, as some had initially thought. Vespucci chose to write about his travels and his books were published in 1502 and 1504. In 1507, a German cartographer, Martin Waldseemüller, chose to make a new map that included the new world. He and his two partners were aware of Vespucci’s writings but were ignorant of Columbus’s expeditions which discovered the america 10 years earlier. As such, they mistakenly thought Vespucci was the first to discover this new land and so named it after him. When the large new map, approximately 8 feet by 4 feet, was unveiled by Waldseemüller, it had the large title “AMERICA” across what is now present day Brazil. Waldseemüller used Vespucci’s travelogues as a reference for his drawing and so his map had South America as the only part of this new western hemisphere. When North America was later added, the mapmakers of the time retained the original name. In 1538, The famous geographer Gerard Mercator chose to name the entire north and south parts of America as one large “America” for the entire western hemisphere. When copies of the letters of Amerigo Vespucci arrived at the court, they generated even more interest in the New World, and Waldseemüller published a volume called Cosmographiae introductio, which contained a description of the New World as well as a translation of Vespucci’s letters. Seeking a name for the new lands, Waldseemüller (who had not then heard of Christopher Columbus) suggested that they be called America, after Vespucci. Although Waldseemüller later suggested a revision when he became aware of Columbus’s role in the discoveries, his original suggestion had become too popular. America remained the common designation for the new continents, and Waldseemüller retained the nickname “the godfather of America.”
Available via Warehouse (7-10 Days) For everyone from beginners to masters, an essential full-color guide to growing, grooming, and caring for your bonsai tree.Bonsai is the ancient craft of carefully regulating the growth and shape of trees in order to produce miniature versions of mature trees. Dating back over one thousand years to ancient Japan, bonsai trees are some of the most beautiful and meticulously looked-after plants in the world, and in recent years bonsai have exploded in popularity in the Western world. Bonsai, written by world-renowned bonsai expert Peter Chan, is the essential compendium for anyone interested in trying out bonsai for the first time or adding more bonsai to their existing collections, detailing everything you need to know about buying and maintaining a magnificent bonsai tree, including: - How to pick the right bonsai for you - Tools and supplies to ensure your bonsai prospers - How to shape your bonsai into different styles - How different pots affect the growth of your bonsai - And much more! With hundreds of color photographs and easy-to-read directions and explanations on a variety of subjects, Bonsai is the only book you’ll ever need to successfully start and maintain your own beautiful bonsai tree collection. “Bonsai is simply the art and science of growing miniature trees and shrubs in decorative pots. And yet, there is so much mystique surrounding its practice that many people, including those with green fingers, are put off by what appears to be a very complicated and lengthy process. However, if one were to take the trouble to delve a little deeper one would soon discover that ordinary horticultural principles are involved, and that bonsai is really no more than an extension of everyday gardening. The only difference is that the trees and pots have a particular aesthetic quality about them both as individuals in their own right and as ensembles.”
When we talk about food security, we quite naturally focus on the idea that there should be sufficient food for everyone. However, we tend to forget that food must also be safe and nutritious. In fact, if it is not safe, it is no longer food and should not be consumed. But often people have to choose between safety, nutrition, and price, placing them at high risk of foodborne illnesses, cancer, or even death. Consumption of contaminated food has a long-term effect on people’s growth, development, and nutrient absorption, along with a higher risk of other illnesses. Safe food is free of – or has safe levels of – harmful contaminants such as pathogenic microorganisms, natural toxins, undeclared allergens, foreign material, and chemicals. If food handling, production, transport, and storage are not carried out under controlled hygienic conditions, it can lead to food contamination and thus wasted resources, which further reduces food availability. The food industry has put safety high on the agenda over recent decades. However, the global effect of foodborne illness is still substantial. One in 10 people worldwide become sick from foodborne illness every year and 420,000 die annually as a result, according to the World Health Organization. The burden falls heavily on poor and young populations: In Africa, a third of liver cancer cases are caused by acute aflatoxin exposure from contaminated crops.
A Level • Level 3 About the course A Level Ancient History gives you the opportunity to study prominent areas of Greek and Roman History. It will develop and encourage your interests in ancient events, individuals, societies, developments and issues and how they impact our lives today. For the Greek module, you will focus on the unfolding narrative of relations between Athens and Sparta and their relations with the Persian Empire during the period of 492-404 BC. For the Roman module, you will focus on the establishment and development of the principate under Augustus, Tiberius, Gaius, Claudius and Nero from 31 BC to AD 68. In both modules there will be a focus on military, social and political issues. You will also have the opportunity to develop well informed opinions on how the ancient historians treat the brilliant range of historical figures which we study. Type of LearningSchool Leaver Study ModeFull Time Location ByBurnley College Five 5's and above including Maths and English. There is also a requirement for a grade 5 in History and a grade 6 in English Language would be advantageous. First year modules: Relations between Greek states and Persia 492-404 BC The Julio Claudian Emperors 31 BC-AD 68 Second year modules: The Politics and Society of Sparta 478-404 BC The Breakdown of the Late Republic 88-31 BC Assessment for Ancient History is entirely exam based. The course is linear but offers an AS Level assessment of two 1.5 hour papers. The full A Level assessment takes place at the end of the two year course and consists of two 2.5 hour papers. Careers & Progression On successful completion of this course you may decide to progress onto an Apprenticeship or a Higher/Degree Apprenticeship. You will also have the opportunity to progress onto a wide variety of Degree courses. Careers that this course may lead to include Archeologist, Teacher, Anthropologist, Archivist, Barrister, Chartered Accountant, Civil Service fast streamer, Editorial Assistant, Heritage Manager. Extra curricular activities There are plenty of activities and visits to take part in that will help you achieve your ambitions. You may have the opportunity to take part in trips to European locations including; Rome, Barcelona and Greece and possibly take part in workshops at the British Library in London. You will take part in the College Destinations week and you will also benefit from a wide range of guest speakers to enrich the curriculum.
Signs of Food Allergies in Cats When cats are allergic to some component of the food they are eating, they often develop severely itchy skin. Small, translucent bumps can appear on the skin as a result of the body's over-reaction to the substance. Those bumps are quite itchy, and the cat will usually scratch at the skin with a rear paw or lick and bite incessantly at himself. Often, the small, clear bumps on the skin aren't noticeable to us when they appear because they're under the fur. And by the time we discover there's a problem, the cat's licking or scratching may have disguised them. Red, inflamed skin with hair loss and raised, red bumps are more likely to be noticed after trauma from the cat's tongue or claws has occurred. In many cases, food allergies in cats cause itchy skin mainly around the face and neck. That isn't always the case, of course, but that common pattern can help a veterinarian narrow in on the suspicion of a food allergy. Some cats develop gastrointestinal signs along with or instead of itchy skin when they have a food allergy. Those cats might have increased vomiting, persistent diarrhea, bloating, gas, decreased appetite, and weight loss. Cats of all ages can have food allergies. Additionally, a cat that has eaten the same diet for many years can develop an allergy to some component. Therefore, food allergy can't be ruled out simply because the cat hasn't received any new treat or food. Diagnosis of Feline Food Allergies The diagnosis of food allergies in cats isn't always straightforward. Many times, secondary skin infections can complicate the diagnosis in cats showing itchy skin as the primary sign of their condition. And vomiting and diarrhea can have many triggers, so testing must often be done to rule out other causes. Many times, when a cat is first presented with itchy skin, the veterinarian will perform some skin tests to help narrow down the issue. He or she might perform a skin cytology, culture, or scraping. Flea preventative will almost always be prescribed to ensure the problem isn't flea allergy because cats are so fastidious in their grooming that it can be challenging to find fleas or flea dirt on them. While there are blood tests that can be sent to the lab to look for signs of food allergy, they aren't considered by most veterinarians to be highly accurate. The gold standard way of diagnosing food allergy in cats is by doing a food trial. How Does a Feline Food Trial Work? When your veterinarian recommends a food trial for your cat, he or she will prescribe a specific diet to use. That diet will either be a hypoallergenic diet that contains hydrolyzed proteins, which the body is unable to create an immune over-response to, or a novel diet, which contains a protein source radically different from any in over-the-counter cat foods, like kangaroo or duck. These diets also contain a carbohydrate source which is not used in over-the-counter feline foods, like sweet potato. Alternatively, the doctor may recommend a homemade diet, but those must be cooked carefully using a specific recipe developed by a veterinary nutritionist. Otherwise, serious health problems could occur for the kitty. The veterinarian will probably instruct you to switch your cat's diet slowly over to the food trial diet. Once your cat is eating 100% trial diet, you will watch the signs carefully. It can take six to eight weeks for all the components of the previous diet to be flushed from your cat's system, so you must continue the trail for at least eight to ten weeks to see if the signs disappear. It's crucial that, during the food trial, your cat doesn't receive anything other than the special diet to eat. That includes treats, flavored toothpaste, medication flavored for easier administration, and table scraps. Anytime your cat gets something other than the special diet, the clock starts over on the eight to ten-week trial. Treatment of Food Allergies in Cats Once the veterinarian determines that your cat has a food allergy through the use of a food trial, you will have two choices: - Keep him on the trial food long-term. - Challenge him with other protein and carb sources one at a time until you find out which ones specifically cause him a problem. Then choose over-the-counter food that doesn't contain those components. During the food trial, your cat might need treatment for secondary skin infections or to decrease the itch to a manageable level for your cat while you wait for the trial to progress. Prognosis for Cats with Food Allergies Once the problem is diagnosed and a type of food is found that doesn't trigger his issue, the prognosis for a cat with food allergies is excellent. The process of diagnosing the problem can take some time. You May Also Like These Articles: Notice: Ask-a-Vet is an affiliated service for those who wish to speak with a veterinary professional about their pet's specific condition. Initially, a bot will ask questions to determine the general nature of your concern. Then, you will be transferred to a human. There is a charge for the service if you choose to connect to a veterinarian. Ask-a-Vet is not manned by the staff or owners of, and the advice given should not delay or replace a visit to your veterinarian.
Philip Hamburger’s Separation of Church and State By Joseph A.P. DeFeo In defending school choice or God in the Pledge of Allegiance, it is too easy to find oneself on the wrong side of the “wall of separation” between church and state. But as Professor Philip Hamburger reveals in his timely and well-researched tome, Separation of Church and State, few know the secret history of this American doctrine. The phrase “separation of church and state” was employed most famously by President Thomas Jefferson in his letter to the Danbury Baptist Association in 1802; he asserted that the principle was established by the First Amendment. According to the “separation myth,” there is a straight line from Jefferson’s letter to Justice Hugo L. Black’s 1947 decision in Everson v. Board of Education, in which the “wall of separation” became official constitutional law. But Hamburger shows that the real truth is rarely pure and never simple. Far from being the intention of the Founders, the idea of separation of church and state began as a slur. Though the First Amendment guaranteed religious freedom and prohibited the federal establishment of any church, the states were free under the Constitution to have officially supported churches. Most states had established churches with ministers receiving state salaries. Dissenters, members of religions that were not officially sanctioned, had often to pay taxes to support the ministers of the established churches; these often urged disestablishment. In a gross caricature of the dissenting position, establishment ministers accused dissenters of attempting to separate church and state, undermining the foundations of the state. Far from it, the dissenters railed against the union of church and state, which they associated with Catholic Europe and Anglican England, while maintaining that there existed an important sociological connection between religion and government. They believed that religion provided a moral foundation for government, which should govern in a manner consistent with Christianity while not tampering with religious freedom. The antiestablishment position was to restrain government, but not churches. There was, in other words, a complex middle ground between union and separation of church and state; but heated rhetoric and wild accusations made it difficult to see. Interestingly enough, the letter Jefferson sent to the Danbury Baptists was nearly forgotten. The Baptists who received the letter had been pressing merely for disestablishment of the Congregational church in Connecticut. But in Jefferson’s letter they got more than they bargained for; perhaps conscious of their delicate position and not wanting to espouse anything so radical as to expose them to public backlash, they demurred and never advertised that President Jefferson supported them. For decades afterward, dissenters who did not want a union of church and state still wanted some elements of religion reflected in government, such as prosecution for blasphemy and obscenity, the appointment of government chaplains, and presidential proclamation of fast days and days of thanksgiving (something Jefferson steadfastly refused to do). Although the separation myth treats the separation as an established principle since the passing of the Bill of Rights, the evidence shows otherwise. Various parties proposed amendments to the Constitution to secure the separation of church and state, since the First Amendment clearly was not sufficient to do so. After attempts to amend the Constitution, champions of separation adopted a new tactic: historical revision. They declared that separation had been implied by the First Amendment all along, and that everyone knew it. The idea of separation only gradually lost its status as a slur in American politics. Democratic-Republicans pressed for a version of it in the election of 1800, both to silence largely Federalist establishment clergy who assailed Jefferson for his ungodliness, and to attract the votes of dissenting clergy. Although many thought the language of separation extreme, an interesting reversal occurred. The idea gained ground among dissenting Protestants, who wanted both disestablishment and a further check on the more organized established churches. The dissenters offered a particularly Protestant and increasingly anticlerical reading of “separation of church and state,” in contradistinction to “separation of religion and state.” Organized, hierarchical churches (such as the Catholic and Episcopalian churches) would be restrained from influencing the regime, while the private judgement of individual Protestants would be incorporated into government. This interpretation of separation caused a sordid turn in the development of separation. Hamburger deftly details the reconceptualization of what it meant to be American in the 19th century. The glorification of egalitarianism, individualism, and mental independence from authority and superstition ushered in an expanded anticlericalism. No longer was it merely a non-conforming Protestant ideal to reject the clergies of the hierarchical churches; it became an American value. To this day, Hamburger remarks, groups supporting separation of church and state rely on the implicit characterization of their opposition as “un-American.” In the 19th century an increasing specialization was encouraged, calling for clergy to stick to their business of saving souls while governors would do the governing. This set limits on the functions of the clergy, calling for them not to preach on political matters as though there were areas where God did not matter. It tended to create a sphere of government impenetrable to religion; governors would have to leave their religion at home. These cultural changes accompanied shifting immigration patterns that brought in increasing numbers of Irish and German Catholics. These immigrants with their foreign religion provided an easy target: the hierarchy with foreign ties, rigid claims of authority, and apparent superstition to boot. In addition, Protestants viewed Catholics as enslaved by their clergy and lacking individual judgement. This represented the very antithesis of the newly reformulated Protestant American ideal. Separation of church and state became a separation of the Church and state. Fears of “Romish” ambitions in the government of the United States gave the move for separation extra momentum. Generic anti-clericalism erupted into anti-Catholicism. What had once been a struggle among various brands of Protestantism became a convenient vent for anti-Catholic and nativist fears, and lent some unity to American Protestantism in the process. Hamburger notes that the extent of the connection between anti-Catholicism and the growth of the ideal of separation of church and state has been expunged from the separation myth. But the facts are undeniable—and not without irony. Among various proposed safeguards of religious liberty were loyalty tests and oaths for Catholics, barring them from office or voting, and even a proposed constitutional amendment that would sever the American Catholic Church from Rome. Public monies were denied to Catholic schools from the 1840s onward, although it was granted to the public schools, which taught Protestant doctrine. The difference, the reasoning went, was that public monies could not be used to educate children according to the dictates of the Catholic Church, although it could be used to educate children according to the dictates of the majority of individual Protestant consciences. Many nativist and racist organizations naturally saw a way to limit the power of Catholics in promoting separation. The Ku Klux Klan included a promise to uphold separation in its membership oaths, and campaigned heavily against the Catholic Church and for separation. Even the man who finally made separation official federal law, Supreme Court Justice Hugo Black, was a prominent Klansman. Other groups that supported separation were the secularists. They and other non-Christians wished to eliminate the Protestant interpretation of the First Amendment and instead sever government connections to all religion whatsoever. With their help, separation ultimately grew from a restraint placed only on the government to a restraint applied discriminatorily to a few churches, to a restraint replaced on all churches. By the time this evolution occurred, Hamburger comments, it was too late for the Protestants who opened this door to do anything about it. Despite the almost irresistible opportunities for irony provided by his material, Hamburger’s tone is sober. He points out that the idea of separation has prevented clearly constitutional transactions between church and state, has worked to restrain rather than protect religion, and has become an instrument for enforcing “a majority’s oddly conformist demands for individual independence and strangely dogmatic rejections of authority.” Although skeptical of the wall of separation’s ultimate value, Hamburger concentrates more on history than polemics. Hamburger does not concentrate heavily on more recent applications of the separation principle. The fact that it is still used in a less-than-scrupulous manner supports his case. Separation supporters wink at candidates canvassing for votes in black churches while they scream bloody inquisition over the Catholic Church’s opposition to abortion. And the principle of separation is not even applied consistently against the Catholic Church: although her position on abortion is met with cries of violation of the separation of church and state, her stance on social justice and the pope’s position on the death penalty are quoted without qualms. In his effort to remove some of the whitewash slapped over the history books, Professor Hamburger is moderate and exacting. He identifies a conspicuous gap in the scholarship of American religious freedom scholarship, and fills it ably. Joseph A.P. DeFeo is a policy analyst at the Catholic League. He is a 2002 graduate of Yale University, where he studied philosophy, was editor of the Yale Free Press, an undergraduate journal, and co-founded the Yale Pro-Life League.
As a nation, we are aware of the disappointing educational system that has been majorly developed for financial gain. College in America is expensive, includes irrelevant classes, and often a lack of career oriented assistance for students. The average American has no control over this pressing issue, as humans are not always in control of our own decisions. Yes, every morning we can choose the color of our socks and what type of coffee we would like. However, emerging employees are not in control of the “default” life they are pressured to have. It is a complex issue that has had both positive and negative impacts on individuals (whether or not someone enjoys a certain lifestyle), but is overall a forced educational system that consequently affects many human resource departments. Let’s break this “default” life down. Adolescents are urged to attend college in high school, even if they do not know what they would study. Parents, counselors, and universities pressure students with that decision, rarely allowing them other options. Therefore, students do not educate themselves on the alternatives, such as technical school, entrepreneurship, entering the workforce, ect. It is easier to resort to the default. Then, students attend college either with a chosen major or undecided. Students have been painted a picture of independence, in addition to finally getting to study something relevant to their passion. But this doesn't happen; students need to enter two more years of general education. Students can not opt out of this decision, as it is necessary for them to graduate. Best case scenario, a student with a chosen major has a positive general education experience, does not change their mind, graduates on time, and with a job. That is an extremely rare scenario, one that students pay tens of thousands of dollars for. However, it is not a realistic goal for what students are purchasing. In reality, many students are undecided or change their major. People tell them this is not a big deal, as it is an intense expectation to ask a teenager what they would like to do with the rest of their life. This makes sense, but you can not simply change your major because you will most likely be added a year due to extra classes. Consider that this does not happen and the student sticks to their intended path. They earn decent grades, are involved, get an internship, and graduate. Are they definitely going to get a job? No, they are not because a university can not guarantee that. This lack of societal control is what human resource employees should try to consider when deciding on new employees. If students rarely have a choice of what college they attended, how long it took them to complete their courses, or the availability of internships, then how can businesses possibly consider these educational components when hiring? Think less about what applicants can not control, and more about what they can. Hannah Smolicz is currently an undergrad student and was previously a “client” of ours. She reached out to us four years ago for assistance with developing an e-Commerce presentation for her DECA competition. Now, as she continues her educational journey, Hannah is back as a guest content writer, with a goal of developing her portfolio and providing relevant content and interesting perspectives to our clients. Learn More About Hannah’s Story Here: ___________________________________________ Daniel James Consulting is a Full-Service Business Consulting Firm based in New York that designs solutions tailored specifically to the needs of your business in order to ensure you achieve continued success by designing, developing and implementing plans, metrics and platforms, be it a one-man operation, non-profit, startup or large organization. Our packaged solutions or a la carte selections include Website Design, Marketing & Advertising, Search Engine Positioning, and Graphic Design. Business Management Solutions are also available for companies of all sizes. For more information please visit:
What is GRP? GRP stands for Glass Reinforced Plastic (or Polymer). It’s also known as FRP (Fibre Reinforced Plastic) or Fibreglass. It is a blend of recycled plastic and recycled glass bonded together with a tough, waterproof resin which is then moulded or pultruded into the required shape – whether that’s a panel of open mesh or grating to use as flooring or fencing, or long, smooth profiles used to build the framework of a structure. An extra layer, embedded with sharp quartz grit, is often added to the top to create a slip-resistant surface that remains effective in wet, icy or even oily conditions. Originally developed for the boating industry as a lightweight, tough, waterproof alternative to wooden hulls, it has become common-place within other industries and can now be found in buildings, factories, utility plants, power stations, railway stations, marinas and docks across the globe. As more and more industries explore the benefits of using GRP instead of steel, different types have been developed to cope with some of the world’s most inhospitable environments. They are made by using different qualities of resin to bond with the glass and plastic. Ortho resins are based on orthophthalic acids and are a good, general purpose and inexpensive choice. They are most commonly used for applications that aren’t subject to high temperatures or highly corrosive environments GRP made with Iso resins are better suited to corrosive environments and can cope with higher temperatures. They have greater mechanical properties too which means they are the ones most commonly used when building structures. For this reason, they generally cost more to produce than the Ortho versions. Much denser than Ortho or Iso resins, Vinyl Ester GRP products are more able to absorb impact without damage and are often used to reinforce structures made from Iso or Ortho resin. Grating made from Phenolic GRP is the latest and most strongest version to date and can be found in the most hostile of environments including oil refineries, oil platforms, underground mining, railways and in shipping. It has the maximum fire resistance and emits little smoke or toxic fumes when burning – critical in enclosed spaces. Its reinforced structure can take exceptional loads – useful where large, uninterrupted spans need to be bridged. Why Choose GRP? More and more specifiers and project managers are switching from steel and timber to GRP alternatives; here are some of the reasons why: - It won’t go rusty Steel is at risk from any moisture – whether that’s water vapour, rainwater, river water, sea water or water from drainage, sewage or sluicing. Which means that, even on indoor applications, if you want to clean it you run the risk of starting corrosion. GRP does not rust - It’s chemical-resistant GRP grate flooring is not only impervious to water, it’s resistant to hundreds of other chemicals that will damage metal over time - It lasts longer Like all plastic-based products, the GRP lifetime is measured in terms of decades – up to 50 years in some applications – so, once it’s installed, it won’t need replacing anytime soon. In fact, we’re so confident in its longevity that we offer a 15-year warranty on all our GRP products - It’s low maintenance It never needs painting or re-coating. The colour is part of the material it’s made from, so it won’t wear off or chip - It’s UV-stable The colour won’t fade in sunlight (or any other light); if you’re using a bright colour to warn people of a hazard, it will be just as noticeable ten years after installation as the day it was new - It’s lightweight A four metre panel is still a two-man lift but it’s up to half the weight of the steel equivalents, which makes GRP much easier to move. Travelling from site to site, vehicles will use less fuel – within a site it can be moved manually or by forklift – no cranes required. This represents a huge cost saving in installation alone - It’s fire resistant All our GRP grate flooring contains a fire-resistant additive which complies with Euro Class 1 and ISO11952-2. Performance in tests matched ASTM E84 class 1 and BS476 part7 class 2 flame spread to give a 30-minute burn time - It’s slip-resistant Our QuartzGrip fibreglass grating has an integral layer of quartz grit embedded in the top, offering a superb, non-slip finish effective in wet, icy and even oily conditions - It’s non-conductive You won’t get an electric shock from standing on a GRP floor. However, if a static spark could pose a threat (because of flammable gas or fumes) there is a conductive alternative that can be earthed - It’s easy to cut All that’s needed is a heavy-duty saw. There are no sparks created when cutting GRP panels or profiles, so there is no fire risk and no Hot Works permits are required - It doesn’t conduct heat GRP feels warmer than steel as it doesn’t absorb body heat, so it’s more comfortable to work around - It’s quieter Running up or down a steel staircase is a noisy; GRP Walkways and Staircases don’t resonate in the same way making for a less disruptive working environment - It comes in a range of colours Standard colours are green, grey, beige and yellow but it can actually be produced in any RAL colour to suit your branding If you’d like to know more take a look at our range here. All our Isophthalic GRP products are stocked for immediate UK delivery but we can deliver to anywhere on the planet – including mid-ocean. If you are looking for one of the more specialist varieties, please get in touch with us.
While their use is rising in popularity, many common misunderstandings still surround electric forklifts. Electric forklifts are low-emission vehicles powered by an electric battery that also serves as the counterweight. Toyota Electric Forklifts can utilize either lead-acid or lithium-ion batteries, depending on the need of the buyer. If you open yourself up to the idea of utilizing electric forklifts, you can see how the following misconceptions are easily dismissed. Electric Forklift Misunderstandings ELECTRIC FORKLIFTS DON’T OFFER THE SAME PERFORMANCE AS AN INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINE FORKLIFT. One of the most common misconceptions associated with electric forklifts is that they do not provide the same high-level performance as internal combustion (IC) engine forklifts. However, specific electric models are made to operate with similar performance to internal combustion forklifts. High voltage electric models are equipped to perform comparably to their IC counterparts. Higher voltage translates to more power, meaning you can benefit from increased travel, lift, and acceleration speeds. Built with a lift capacity ranging from 4,000-11,000 lbs., the Toyota 80V Pneumatic forklift has the strength, speed, durability, and reliability needed to perform in tough environments such as concrete and oil and gas, while minimizing emissions. COST OF OPERATING AND MAINTAINING THE EQUIPMENT IS TOO EXPENSIVE. Another misunderstanding about these lifts is that operation and maintenance costs are too extravagant. In addition, some view the upfront cost of the forklift battery to be too costly. However, over time they require less maintenance due to having fewer components than their IC counterparts. These lifts can also have a longer lifespan, allowing owners to maintain and use their forklift for longer periods of time. To maintain an IC forklift, items such as filters and oil will need to be replaced with use. However, electric forklifts do not have these components, which can reduce maintenance and labor costs. Electricity also typically costs less per kilowatt-hour to operate, resulting in a reduced cost of operation. This can lead to significant ROI for your business. ELECTRIC FORKLIFTS CANNOT OPERATE OUTDOORS. The misunderstanding that electric forklifts cannot operate outdoors may stop many businesses from purchasing them. Many industries, including construction, general manufacturing, and block and pipe, need forklifts to work outside while carrying heavy loads. Toyota produces specific forklift models that can operate indoors and outdoors, like the 80V Pneumatic Forklift. It offers low-maintenance and low emissions while supporting rugged, outdoor, traditionally IC applications. ELECTRIC FORKLIFTS CANNOT LIFT AS MUCH AS INTERNAL COMBUSTION FORKLIFTS. Not only is this incorrect, but it can hinder buyers from converting their fleet from IC to electric. Toyota electric forklifts have a lift capacity of up to 40,000 lbs. And they are designed and tested to safely lift their maximum capacity to a designated lift height, similar to their IC counterparts. Electric forklifts continue to grow in popularity and are being utilized in a variety of industries.
June 18, 2018 When choosing insulation for a building, spray polyurethane foam (SPF) can be an excellent choice. It increases energy efficiency while doing its job of adding a protective layer to your roof. SPF is produced by mixing certain chemicals to create foam. What happens is that those chemicals react instantly, expanding on contact to create a foam that insulates, air seals and fills cracks and gaps. Professionals apply SPF insulation that are either high- or low-pressure foam available as closed-cell or open-cell. Open-cell foam absorbs sound very well, provides air barrier at full wall thickness and is less expensive. Closed-cell foam has many reasonable advantages even if it costs more: Among the other types of insulation, SPF works the best. It effectively seals all crannies due to its expansive nature. It has the highest R-value in the market today. Moisture, as we all know, is the culprit of many problems. It deteriorates our roofs and gradually all parts of the property. With SPF and its water impermeability, moisture and leaks will be totally prevented. Aside from being water-resistant, SPF is made up of an inert polymer that would inhibit mold or bacteria growth. Because of its rich insulating properties, families and businesses have been able to save a significant amount on their energy expenses. Compared to other types of insulation that gives a saving rate of around 30 percent, SPF saves at an average of 50 percent! Talk about cost-efficiency. Due to its unique capability of completely sealing holes and cracks, air leaks are prevented. Air leaks are one of the biggest contributors to high energy bills. With all these benefits, spray foam insulation is definitely one of the best insulating systems for your property. Who knows? It could be the perfect insulation method you are looking for.
The Turks and Caicos Islands are an archipelago that is considered as one of the most beautiful places to spend your vacation. The archipelago consists forty islands, eight of which serve as the dwelling place for about 30,000 residents. More than a living place for its people, the Turks and Caicos Islands is home to thousands of marine species as well as a handful of bird species. As a nature lover, or even as a hardcore environmental advocate, you can spend your vacation here in a very nature-friendly way. Back then, the shallow shores of Providenciales were open to snorkelers. The massive activity had a negative impact on these shores, particularly the Bight and Smith’s Reefs. Countless local donors, with support from the government and numerous businesses, acted to control the damage brought by the activity. They installed trails that act as safe passages for the snorkelers and the corals, and provided educational information. As you snorkel around these reefs, you will find “reef wisdom” posted in the right places. The Crossing Place: A Nature-Friendly Hike The aim of this project, which is done through the effort of private citizens, is to protect the Middle Caicos. Basically, they protected a large area that spans from the eastern end of Middle Caicos to the lower end of the Bottle Creek. As you walk along the trail, you will behold the historic ruins, cavernous caves, and the locals busying themselves with the local craft. There are many other places to see such as the Blowing Hole, Mudjin Harbor, Conch Bar, Bambarra and Lorimers. Hike to the Lucayan Sites and Other Places of Old In the 1400s, archeological expeditions revealed facts and fossils that suggest the island served as the heart of ancient Indian tribes. M-6, the most famous site, can be reached by a two hour hike toward a region in the interior lake. Other old places that you can visit are the former plantations such as Haulover (Middle Caicos), Wade’s Green (North Caicos) and Cheshire Hall (Providenciales). Merely watching birds does not bring negative impact to the environment. So when you visit the island, you can bring your binoculars and your cameras. There are approximately 170 species of birds in the island conch that you won’t see every day. You cannot take the birds home but you can certainly take their pictures. Enjoying Your Stay By merely visiting Turk and Caicos Islands, you are actually helping its citizens preserve the natural environment. A certain percentage of tax is levied on hotel accommodations and other products and services that are related to eco-tourism. By simply visiting and appreciating the archipelago, you are indeed having an environment friendly vacation. As a young nation, Turks and Caicos Islands have growing concepts such as ecological ethics, sustainable development and ecotourism. Everyone is encouraged to hike, bike, swim, and kayak to experience the unspoiled environment of the archipelago. With its white, powdery and sandy beaches, and turquoise water that expands to the horizon, Turks and Caicos Islands is truly a gift that is worth visiting and cherishing.
Computing - Key Stage 2 As our children progress through our Key Stage 2 Computing topics, they will develop key skills that are directly relevant to computing and will build on skills developed in Key Stage 1. These will be at different levels depending on the child’s age and ability and on the topic being studied. We believe a high-quality computing education equips pupils to use computational thinking and creativity to understand and change the world. Computing has deep links with mathematics, science, and design and technology, and provides insights into both natural and artificial systems. The core of computing is computer science, in which pupils are taught the principles of information and computation, how digital systems work, and how to put this knowledge to use through programming. Building on this knowledge and understanding, pupils are equipped to use Information Technology to create programs, systems and a range of content. Computing also ensures that pupils become digitally literate – able to use and express themselves and develop their ideas through Information and Communication Technology – at a level suitable for the future workplace and as active participants in a digital world. The key Computing skills are as follows: - To understand and apply the fundamental principles and concepts of Computer Science, including abstraction, logic, algorithms and data representation; - To analyse problems in computational terms, and have repeated practical experience of writing computer programs in order to solve such problems; - To evaluate and apply Information Technology, including new or unfamiliar technologies analytically to solve problems; - To be responsible, competent, confident and creative users of Information and Communication Technology. Key Vocabulary and Phrases: algorithms, digital devices, programs, instructions, debug, logical reasoning, predict, technology, create, organise, store, manipulate, retrieve, digital content, information technology, personal information, Internet, design, control, simulate, physical systems, sequence, selection, repetition variables, input and output, World Wide Web, communication, collaboration, software, hardware, safety, respectful, responsibly, acceptable/unacceptable behaviour. There will also be topic-specific vocabulary that will arise during each block of lessons. Computing in Key Stage 2 is organised on a rolling two-year programme. For further details of each topic, please see our Curriculum Timetable below. Monitoring of declarative knowledge (knowing that) and procedural knowledge (knowing how) by how it is underpinned by a skilful use of technology.
Ice skating can be a fantastic activity to stay active and fit. Nowadays, you do not necessarily need a frozen lake. Many big cities have indoor ice skating rinks to enjoy skating even when it is hot outside. Skating requires balance, control, and strength, making it a healthy sport. You can have fun as well as get some exercise too. If you are looking for a fun way to spend your Sunday, visiting the skating rink is not a bad idea. In fact, there are many health benefits of it. If you are just starting, visit patins à glace Liquida Sport to get your brand equipment. Meanwhile, here are some benefits of ice skating for your body and fitness. Health benefits of ice skating - Burns calories. Ice skating burns a lot of calories. Research shows that ice skating for a full hour can burn about 200-600 calories. Weight management is challenging for many people. However, it becomes even more challenging during the dark, cold winter season. Ice skating is fun and a great way to tackle this problem. - Improves joint flexibility. If your leg joints creak every morning, you get up from your bed, and ice skating can help you combat this issue. It emphasizes quick foot moments, making your knees strong. It provides you with fluid motion, preventing your joints from damage. Your legs will get a good workout and become more flexible in no time. - Mental health. Ice skating is fun. There are reasons why people love ice skating so much. It is believed to improve mental health. Studies show ice skating helps you reduce anxiety and improves attention span and memory. Kids get the chance to blow off steam while they mentally relax and glide over the ice. - A great way to improve balance. Ice skating is a great way to improve your balance, agility, and coordination. It helps you improve balance with the strength of the abdominal and lower back muscles. You need a steady core to balance yourself and stay upright on the narrow blade of the skates. Coordinating balance arm and leg movement helps you improve coordination. You will gain improved balance if you ice skate regularly. - Cardiovascular health. Ice skating has great benefits on your cardiovascular health. The benefits are documented. Ice skating and roller skating are effective aerobic exercises that help you strengthen your heart. It is recognized by the American Heart Association. Moderate skating increases your heartbeat up to 140-160 beats per minute. While, high-speed skating increases the rate to 180 beats per minute.
Hi students! We’re in the middle of a special series called word of the day in May. We’ve already done a week of nouns, a week of verbs, and this week we’re turning our attention towards adjectives – these are words that describe people, places, or things. Today’s adjective is reputable. Try saying it – REP-u-ta-ble. Four syllables, with the stress on the first one. Describing a person or company as reputable means they have a good reputation, they are known to be reliable and trustworthy. You can trust them or depend on them to do good work and do what they promise. If you’re doing renovations on your house and you need to hire a construction company, you would look for a reputable company – a company that other people can confirm does good work, and for a fair price. A reputable company wouldn’t do anything dishonest, like take your money and then not do the work completely. To find out if a company is reputable, you might ask other people who have worked with them, or check online reviews of that company to read about other people’s experiences. Or another example, when you’re reading the news online, you want to make sure you’re learning from reputable websites – ones that have a history of reporting the facts and not publishing lies, making mistakes, or only reporting one particular opinion or side. What’s a company, website, or person you know is reputable? One you know you can trust to be honest and reliable. Try to use today’s word of the day in your own sentence. OK, thanks for watching and I’ll be back tomorrow with another adjective!
Happiness inequality in the U.S. has decreased since the 1970s, according to research published this month in the Journal of Legal Studies. The study, by University of Pennsylvania economists Betsey Stevenson and Justin Wolfers, found that the American population as a whole is no happier than it was three decades ago. But happiness inequality—the gap between the happy and the not-so-happy—has narrowed significantly. "Americans are becoming more similar to each other in terms of reported happiness," says Stevenson. "It's an interesting finding because other research shows increasing gaps in income, consumption and leisure time." The happiness gap between whites and non-whites has narrowed by two-thirds, the study found. Non-whites report being significantly happier than they were in the early 1970s, while whites are slightly less happy. The happiness gap between men and women closed as well. Women have become less happy, while men are a little more cheerful. One demographic area where the happiness gap increased was in educational attainment. People with a college diploma have gotten happier, while those with a high school education or less report lower happiness levels. Stevenson and Wolfers used data collected from 1972 to 2006 through the University of Chicago's General Social Survey. Each year, participants were asked, "Taken all together, how would you say things are these days—would you say that you are very happy, pretty happy, or not too happy?" The proportion of people choosing "pretty happy" has increased from 49 percent in 1972 to 56 percent in 2006. Responses of "very happy" and "not too happy" decreased in relatively equal amounts. This convergence toward the middle response closed happiness gaps in nearly all the demographic groups examined. "The U.S. population as a whole is not getting happier," Stevenson said. "For every unhappy person who became happier, there's someone on the other side coming down." The authors say that it's hard to pin down what exactly is causing the narrowing happiness gap. But they suggest that money probably is not the answer. "That these trends differ from trends in both income growth and income inequality suggests that a useful explanation may lie in the nonpecuniary domain," Stevenson and Wolfers write. Betsey Stevenson and Justin Wolfers, "Happiness Inequality in the United States," Journal of Legal Studies, 37:S2 The Journal of Legal Studies is a journal of interdisciplinary academic research into law and legal institutions. It emphasizes social science approaches, especially those of economics, political science, and psychology, but it also publishes the work of historians, philosophers, and others who are interested in legal theory. The JLS was founded in 1972. Journal of Legal Studies
The fish’s gills are rich in blood and they absorb oxygen from the water. The oxygen is pumped into the body by the fish’s heart. This process is repeated several times, each time with a different amount of oxygen being pumped in and out. As a result, fish can live for up to 30 years. Table of Contents How is there oxygen in water for fish? Dissolved oxygen is the oxygen gas that is dissolved in water. Fish absorb the DO directly from the water into their bloodstreams. Oxygen is also present in the air we breathe, but it is not absorbed directly into the bloodstream. Instead, it passes through the lungs and is absorbed by the body’s tissues and organs. Oxygen can also be found in some foods, such as fruits, vegetables, and grains. How do gills filter oxygen out of water? The surface area that comes into contact with water is greatly increased by Gills, each with thousands of tiny folds called lamellae. In the new study, the researchers used a technique called X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) to study the structure of the Gills. XPS is a method that allows scientists to look at the chemical composition of a material by looking at how light is reflected off of it. In this case, they were looking for the presence of carbon-based molecules, such as carbon monoxide (CO) and carbon tetrachloride (CCl 4 ), which are produced by photosynthetic bacteria. The researchers were able to detect these molecules by measuring the amount of light that was reflected back from the material. They found that the molecules were present in high concentrations, indicating that these bacteria were producing them in large quantities. How do a fish’s gills work? As the fish opens its mouth, water runs over the gills, and blood in the capillaries mixes with the surrounding water to form a pool of blood. This pool is called a gill net. Gill nets are used to catch fish that are too large to be caught with a hook and line. Gills can also be used for other purposes, such as keeping fish from getting too close to the surface of the water. Can a fish breathe out of water? Several fish are amphibious, meaning they can typically survive out of water, according to andy turko. The mangrove rivulus, a fish that leaps on land when its tropical waters get too warm, was co-authored by Turko. “It’s a very interesting fish,” he . “It can live in the ocean, but it can also be found in fresh water. Can a human have gills? Artificial gills are unproven conceptualised devices to allow a human to be able to take in oxygen from surrounding water. This technology has not been demonstrated in a controlled environment. Does fish get thirsty? The answer is still no; as they live in water they probably don’t take it in as a conscious response to seek out and drink water. Thirst can be defined as a desire to drink water. It is not likely that fish will respond to such a desire. In fact, it is likely that most fish do not take water in the same way that humans do. For example, many species of fish, such as tuna and swordfish, are known to be able to survive without water for long periods of time. This is due to the fact that they have evolved to use their gills to filter the water out of the air, which is why they can survive in such extreme conditions. In contrast, most other fish cannot survive for more than a few hours without drinking water, and even then, they may only do so in very small amounts. The reason for this is that their bodies are not designed to take in large amounts of water at one time, so they need to constantly replenish their water stores. Can a fish drown? The majority of fish breathe when water moves across their gills. The gills can be damaged if water cannot move across them. They don’t technically drown, because they don’t inhale the water, but they do die from asphyxiation. “It’s the most common cause of death for fish in the aquarium trade,” said Dr. Michael J. O’Brien, a professor of aquatic medicine at the University of California, Davis, who has studied the effects of water movement on fish. How does oxygen get out of the water? This can be done using a process called electrolysis, which involves running a current through a sample of water. The water is broken down into oxygen and hydrogen at the end of the reaction. The researchers found that the amount of hydrogen produced by this process was about the same as that produced when the sample was heated to about 1,000 degrees Celsius (1,600 degrees Fahrenheit). The researchers that this is a significant improvement over previous methods of producing hydrogen from water, and that it could be used to produce hydrogen fuel cells for electric vehicles.
As a teacher, I like to ask questions to my students to get them to think about what they are doing, as awareness is key to improvement and inhibiting bad habits. This could be “Where is the phrase leading to?”, or “What is the character here?”, but also questions about technique, such as “How do you play high notes without getting louder?”. The initial answer one hears to a question like this is: “I need to support”. But what does “support” mean? What does the student understand by the term and does it actually produce the desired effect? What is support? “Support” is a direction given by teachers and is often taken on by a student as a kind of mantra for flute playing, without question. But if the student doesn’t know what it is, is it useful? Or could it be setting up a bad habit? What we do in our bodies to manipulate the airstream is not visible and so relies on a certain amount of imagination and guess-work. When we hear the sound as being a bit floppy, or a high note doesn’t speak/drops in pitch, the instinct is to contract muscles, whether this may be in the lips or the abdominals. How many of us have heard the phrase, “Use your diaphragm!”, as if the diaphragm were an arm or leg that we could just directly move. In my experience, the result of the word “support” is often the student just squeezing their stomach or gripping the muscles as if doing some crunches. All that does, however, is create tension, squashing the sound and inhibiting the breath. Imagine grabbing a tube of toothpaste around the middle in order to get some toothpaste out. You won’t get a nice layer of toothpaste on your toothbrush, but rather a mess and a ruined tube. In terms of flute playing, when you grip the abdominal muscles tightly, you are inhibiting the movement of the ribs and reducing the potential for the volume of air you can inhale. Obviously, there is good reasoning behind it. One can hear when the quality of a note is not good, but I believe it is important to be aware of the what and the why, before considering how. Alexander Technique talks of “end-gaining”, where people can obsess with how to directly fix something that they actually cause bad habits, rather than thinking of the means whereby, which is more often more indirect in approach. For example, when we play softly, we don’t want the note to drop in pitch, so many of us will tense the lips in an effort to angle the air upwards and increase the air speed, or squeeze the stomach to stop it relaxing and letting the sound flop. Whilst these efforts have good intentions, they are not helpful in understanding what is happening and why. It also sets up a series of bad habits. Too much tension in the lips inhibits the movement of the jaw (which is essential for flexibility of pitch) and squeezing the stomach inhibits full and free movement of the diaphragm and ribs, which leads to an increased effort to breathe and further tension in the body, which reduces resonance. It is a destructive cycle, which cannot be maintained for a long time, whether one is a professional or not. When we want to achieve a certain result and get it by whatever means necessary, it can be tempting to repeat this since it “worked”, but one has to be careful of the damaging effects it may have on the body. So, there might be another way worth exploring before muscling through it. Connotations of the word support The word support has been mistreated and misinterpreted over the years to the extent that people avoid it and it has become almost taboo. It can induce feelings of anxiety and stress in people who have had it shouted at them in their formative years of learning the flute! However, if we think of other examples of support, we might think differently about it when applying it to flute playing. For example, a well-supported team does their job well because everybody works together in harmony, thanks to their supportive supervisor. Providing emotional support to somebody helps them feel better through listening and understanding, not trying to “fix their problems”. Supporting somebody’s weight allows them to walk without pain by taking pressure off, or a well-supported building will stay up because the foundations are balanced and secure. I’m sure there are many more, but you can see that support is really more about balance and coordination. In the body, you are supported from the ground up. Your feet feel the ground and the pull of gravity, but you remain upright by a good coordination of the joints and muscles all the way up to the top of the spine. There are opposing forces: gravity pulling you down and the upward stretch of the spine where the skull rests in balance. If we didn’t have these opposing forces, we would either be collapsed on the floor, or we would be floating in space. So, when we allow ourselves to be in the middle of that, feeling grounded whilst simultaneously feeling poised with the full length of the torso not being compromised, we are supported. When I think of this, I feel a greater amount of space inside the body, which is dynamic and elastic. If you feel this nice stretch in all directions, your sound will open up tremendously, which is a nice added bonus! Airstream as a guide When our body is supported like this, we can allow everything to work together in perfect balance and it is essential not to compromise it. So, when we want to play softly, or play high notes without getting flat, one needs to understand why this happens and what needs to happen in order to prevent it. When you play a high note and it drops to a lower pitch, the air speed has simply dropped. It is important to maintain a fast air speed, but that does not mean immediately gripping the muscles. Without the flute, try allowing a breath to come in and then letting out a long hiss (as if saying a long “ssss”). Notice how you release the air. Did you have to think of the muscles when you did that? Or did they work by themselves? This is an example of giving the right sort of directions to your body. You can then blow out through the lips, feeling the same release of air. Back to playing softly, as the amount of air reduces, even with good uniform air speed, the pitch will drop at the end and go flat. To avoid this, we can gradually angle the airstream forward and up by allowing the jaw/lower lip to move forward and up. You can blow on your hand to get a sense of how you do this. If you try this with a smiley embouchure, you will notice that the distance you can move the airstream up and down is significantly less. That is because the muscles have tightened to an extent that affects the muscles around the jaw, restricting free movement. It’s like trying to swing your arm freely when gripping the shoulder muscles. You can also blow with fast air and slower air on your hand, then do it again putting your other hand on your stomach. You can feel how the air is released. Pitch control is something I have written more about in my book, which you might find interesting if you struggle with notes dropping in pitch. So by thinking of the speed and direction of your airstream and the release of air, you allow the body to do the work for you. A sound that is full of life is usually one where the air speed is just right and where the air is free and dynamic. Think of a plant that is watered and turgid versus a wilting plant. We can only produce a dynamic airstream when our bodies don’t get in the way of it. Let the airstream and your ears be your guide for finding solutions to technical hurdles. When we stop “doing” and learn to just “undo”, we can find our natural support system and best coordination. Practice this well and you build good muscle memory, which is the basis of good technique. A good technique allows your expression to come through. Thanks for reading and Happy Fluting!
The goal of the Globally Harmonised System (GHS) of classification and labelling of chemicals is to communicate the inherent hazards of pesticide chemicals. Noelene Odendaal, regulatory manager at AECI Plant Health, explains GHS and what it means. According to Odendaal, the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) of the United Nations (UN) has been pushing for the harmonisation of the classification and labelling of chemicals. This is so all chemicals have a global hazard classification, matched by labels that leave no room for ambiguous interpretations regarding the chemicals. “That means if a pesticide, for example, is classified as acutely toxic in a specific country and has a corresponding label somewhere else, that pesticide must have the same hazard classification and corresponding label in South Africa,” Odendaal says. Education is key Furthermore, Odendaal shares some of the latest developments in policy and legal requirements when it comes to GHS, the deadline for compliance, and why all products have to be labelled under the new GHS system. Odendaal says training on the new system will take place on different levels, throughout the chain. “Meaning that even on the farm level the farmworker needs to be informed about the hazards of every chemical he is exposed to,” Odendaal says. In this episode, Odendaal also discusses: - What happened to the well-known colour bands; - Safety for workers and more. Want to know more? Listen to the full episode of Farmer’s Inside Track. Sign up for Farmer’s Inside Track: Join our exclusive platform for new entrants into farming and agri-business, with newsletters and podcasts.
PALO ALTO, Calif. - The heavy smoke from wildfires that hung over California for just about a month may have contributed to the deaths of between 1,000 and 3,000 people, Stanford researchers said in a new report, many more people than the 26 who actually died as a direct result of the blazes. "While media coverage on fire impacts has justifiably focused on the lives that have immediately been lost to the fire, the total costs in terms of human lives and health is likely far larger," the researchers wrote, "due to the immense amount of smoke that has been inhaled over the last three weeks by the very large number of people living on the West Coast." Between Aug. 1 and Sept. 10, the unprecedented unhealthy concentrations of wildfire smoke were responsible for at least 1,200 and possibly up to 3,000 deaths in California that otherwise would not have occurred, according to an estimate by researchers at Stanford University. The deaths looked at people who were 65 and older, most of whom had pre-existing medical conditions like heart disease, diabetes and respiratory ailments. The researchers did not look at smoke-related fatalities in Oregon and Washington, but they said if they looked at the air quality there because of the wildfire smoke, the death rate would surely be similar. The researchers also noted the current COVID-19 pandemic, coupled with the horrific air. "This has as-yet-unknown implications for our understanding of how air pollution affects health outcomes," the study states. "Early evidence seems to suggest that poor air quality could worsen COVID-related outcomes, and if that's the case then our numbers above could be lower bounds." The researchers noted several caveats to their study and they pointed out that no one will ever know the "true" number of deaths because no one knows what would have happened in the absence of the dramatic decline in air quality.
By analyzing Facebook posts, researchers found differences between words associated with depression and those associated with loneliness. Loneliness is a risk factor for depression, but it can also be a symptom. Mental health professionals who treat patients experiencing both must navigate the complex relationship between the two conditions, yet also understand and treat them individually. “The language that people use on Facebook reveals a lot about how they feel.” To shed light on this, the researchers combined traditional psychological assessments with linguistic methods and machine-learning analysis of Facebook posts. In the journal npj Mental Health Research, the researchers report that the language associated with depression refers primarily to emotions, whereas the language of loneliness refers more to cognition. The two also share a common thread: frequent use of language referring to sickness, pain, and negative emotions. “Mental health has this huge spectrum of varying manifestations—often with a lot of commonalities—but there are also these unique pieces,” says research leader Sharath Guntuku, a professor of computer and information science in the School of Engineering and Applied Science at the University of Pennsylvania and senior author on the study. Because social media users freely choose which words they use to describe their thoughts and emotions, posts on platforms like Facebook offer a wealth of linguistic data, says coauthor Lyle Ungar, a professor of computer and information science and psychology. “The language that people use on Facebook reveals a lot about how they feel.” To explore this regarding loneliness and depression, the researchers received permission to collect 3.4 million Facebook posts from 2,986 individuals. They then administered depression and loneliness surveys to quantify psychological state and feelings of social isolation. Lastly, they linguistically analyzed the Facebook posts to find specific words, phrases, or themes associated with loneliness and depression. In one technique to do this, called a linguistic inquiry word count or a closed-vocabulary, dictionary-based method, the researchers used a database developed by University of Texas psychologists to categorize words based on their meaning and grammatical function. A second technique, called an open-vocabulary method, used machine learning to extract common words, phrases, and topics frequently found in posts by participants experiencing loneliness or depression. The researchers found that both depressed and lonely people were more likely to employ language about sickness, pain, and negative emotions, including words like “crappy,” “miserable,” and “tired.” Those who weren’t depressed or lonely more commonly used language about social gatherings, relationships, and positive emotions, like “celebrated,” “date,” and “game.” This pattern applied to overtly emotive words, such as “bad” or “exciting,” but also to words with more implicit meanings; depressed and lonely people frequently used the singular first-person pronoun “I,” for example, whereas people who weren’t depressed or lonely often used the plural first-person pronoun “we,” which implies a social relationship. Despite sharing some linguistic indicators, the two also had unique components. “We use ‘head versus heart’ to refer to this difference,” says psychologist Tingting Liu, lead paper author and a postdoctoral researcher in Ungar’s lab and at the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA). Controlling individually for loneliness and depression, the researchers found that the language of depression involved more emotions, the “heart,” and the language of loneliness involved more cognitive processes, the “head.” Lonely people more frequently referred to contemplative activities like reading, writing, and observing the world, whereas depressed people referred to their apathy, pain, and confusion. These patterns also applied to common Internet acronyms and emoticons, with depressed people often using the frowning “=(” emoticon and acronyms like “idc” (short for “I don’t care”). These results suggest that loneliness could stem from an internal cognitive component, not just isolation or poor social skills, says Liu. “Loneliness could be driven by people’s perception of the environment and the social threats within,” she says. This view supports previous research, too, which has found that “strategies targeting people’s maladaptive social cognition are more effective than studies focused purely on social skills,” she says. In addition to informing how therapists address loneliness and depression, the researchers say they hope their work can guide how social media platforms monitor for mental health risks and respond to mental health crises sooner. “You can’t use social media to diagnose someone,” says Guntuku. “But social media can help identify when someone might be feeling low and provide the resources that they need.” Additional coauthors are from the University of Pennsylvania, NIDA/NIH, Purdue University, and Stanford University. Funding for the research came from the Intramural Research Program of the NIH and NIDA
Along the unpaved roads leading up to San Antonio and Calabaza, deforestation is widespread with many communities cutting down the forest in order to plant crops or create pastureland. Rainforest Partnership is working with the communities of San Antonio and Calabaza to help them keep their forest standing. The goal of the project is to develop the region as an "ecotravel" destination - providing the communities with diverse and sustainable incomes while also protecting their pristine forest. Throughout the Peruvian Andes, deforestation is a growing problem. Deforestation is usually done to make way for pastureland or planting crops. Subsistence farming thrives in the Pampa Hermosa region because of Peruvian land tenure laws and the migration of farmers to the area only exacerbates the problem. Without protection, deforestation will inevitably continue, biodiversity will be lost, and the communities will continue to struggle to develop a sustainable source of income. In 2009, San Antonio and Calabaza took action to conserve the cloudforest in which they live. The communities prohibited the collection of butterflies and orchids, the hunting of birds and bears, the extraction of wood, and the cutting and burning of forests for pasture. Rainforest Partnership is now working with the communities to help them develop the region as an “ecotravel” destination. This project focuses on creating the necessary infrastructure to support ecotourism in the area. This project and the development of an ecotourism site will prevent deforestation, provide reliable, long-term income for hundreds of community members, and preserve a rich and diverse ecosystem. This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).
This project will take place in Farawa Community, Kano State, which has a very high rate of out of school children. A lot of these children are out of school due to being orphaned, extreme poverty, traditional beliefs and poor state of infrastructure of the schools within the community. This project seeks to empower 105 out of school children a with uniforms, sandals, and school fees so they can get back to schooling. The school will also be equipped with effective learning aids such chalk, etc. A 2013 UNICEF article revealed that 1 out of every 5 of the world's out of school children are from Nigeria. Even though primary education is officially free and compulsory in Nigeria, only 36% of children aged 3-9 years receive education. The vast majority of these children have been identified as being resident in northern Nigeria. Reasons for the high rate of out-of-school children in this region include the attack of educational centres by boko haram terrorists and traditional taboos. In line with the SDG goal 4, this projects seeks to reduce the rate of out of school children by providing a more conducive learning environment and embarking on an aggressive community education and enlightenment on child enrolment in school and its benefits. The project will significantly reduce the high number of child beggars and hoodlums in the community, many of school age, who roam about the streets aimlessly and get involved in various social vices. The proposed project, if executed, will effectively reduce the number of out of school children as it will make the school environment more conducive, make the pupils appear cleaner, boost the morale of teachers, while also reducing the economic burden posed on the pupils. It will equally bring about mental empowerment, while the community is equally safe from social vices. All these will thereby greatly reduce the harmful impact of the problems.
Figure 1. of Remove Line Breaks in Excel. In order to remove any/all Line Breaks from text located within a cell of our worksheet, we are going to utilize a formula syntax based on the CHAR and SUBSTITUTE Functions in Excel. How to Remove Line Breaks in Excel There are 3 different and simple ways to remove Line from text in Excel. 1. Removing Line Breaks by using the SUBSTITUTE Function. We are going to make use of the SUBSTITUTE Function which is able to locate matching text inside any cell and then replace such with any specific text of your choosing. In the illustration below, we are going to remove any Line Breaks from our text and replace them all with commas. Figure 2. of Substitute Function in Excel. The formula syntax which we have assigned to cell C2, in the example above, is as follows; This will automatically remove any unwanted line Breaks, replace them with commas and give us the results displayed in the 1 LINE OUTPUT column of our worksheet illustration. 2. Removing Line Breaks by using the CLEAN Function. The Excel CLEAN Function operates by taking a text string and returning it free from any line breaks and other unwanted characters. - We enter the following formula in cell C3 Figure 3. of Clean Function in Excel. This will automatically remove any unwanted characters from the text in column B of our worksheet. 3. Removing Line Breaks by using the TRIM Function. The Excel TRIM Function operates in the same manner as the CLEAN Function. - We enter the following formula in cell C4 Figure 4. of Trim Function in Excel. This will automatically remove any unwanted spaces or line breaks from the text in column B. In conclusion, Excel has three built-in Functions – SUBSTITUTE, TRIM and CLEAN – that are designed to automatically remove any extra space and line breaks from text. Figure 5. of Final Result. Instant Connection to an Expert through our Excelchat Service Our live Excelchat Service is here for you. We have Excel Experts available 24/7 to answer any Excel questions you may have. Guaranteed connection within 30 seconds and a customized solution for you within 20 minutes
New battery charge estimation algorithms developed by engineers at the University of California (UC), San Diego, are on the verge of vastly improve the capabilities of current lithium-ion batteries. The changes center around improving charging times, potentially allowing for batteries that charge twice as fast as those currently available. Researchers believe that current lithium-ion batteries are over-designed and over-sized. Existing technology uses fairly crude ways to measure the behavior and health of a battery pack, based solely on voltage and current. Batteries have to be over-engineered to provide a margin of error during charging or discharging, to prevent the packs from prematurely failing or losing capacity. The new algorithms make the process of monitoring battery packs much more sophisticated, not only allowing the over-engineering to be reduced, but improving the efficiency of charging too. How it works Lithium-ion batteries rely on lithium ions passing from the anode to the cathode, generating electricity as they do so. To know the state of charge, it's important to know how many lithium ions are stored in the anode. Current techniques based on battery voltage make this very difficult to measure. The university likens this to a ticket collector at a movie theater estimating where patrons are sitting purely on the rate people are filtering into the theater. The new algorithm lets the engineers estimate where the charged particles are, allowing the battery to be charged more efficiently--allowing the ticket collector to fill those empty seats, to use the same analogy. As the technology allows much better monitoring of the anode, it can also more accurately determine the health of the pack. UC San Diego, Bosch and battery manufacturer Cobasys are sharing a $9.6 million Department of Energy grant in order to improve battery technology. The University's share of the grant is $460,000, being used by the research group to develop, test and refine actual automotive battery packs using the new algorithm. One test has seen a pack recharge in as little as 15 minutes. Essentially, the new methods improve virtually every aspect of modern batteries. They'll be cheaper, for a start--as much as 25 percent less than current batteries. They'll charge quicker, the battery's size can be reduced, and they can be used with more powerful electric motors. And because the state of the battery is more closely monitored, none of the efficiency improvements come at the expense of safety. Ultimately, that would mean quicker, cheaper, faster-charging electric cars, using technology little different to the batteries already used. It's only one of many other battery technologies currently in development, but the bottom line is that electric cars are only set to get better.
Is Mango Good for Diabetes? November 18, 2022 November 18, 2022 Mangoes are delicious and healthy, a fruit enjoyed by many. But, as they are juicy and sweet, it’s natural for diabetics to wonder if this is a fruit well suited for them. However, research has found that people with diabetes can enjoy this fruit in moderation. As per nutritional data, every 100 grams of mango has 15 grams of carbs, of which 14 grams is sugar. So, it is common to assume that even a slice can spike your blood sugar level, worsening the condition. Keep reading to determine whether people with diabetes can include mangoes in their diet. One of the most common questions diabetics have is whether they can eat mangoes. The answer is yes, but, it’s essential to eat mangoes in uncontrolled portions. One or two mango slices are a good serving size for people with diabetes. Mangoes are healthy, but like any fruit, they contain carbohydrates. Carbohydrates cause blood sugar levels to rise, but the fibre content in mangoes helps to limit the sugar absorption rate. It means that the blood sugar spike after eating mangoes is manageable. Furthermore, scientific findings suggest that mango is a fruit with good nutritional value, low glycemic load, and an acceptable glycemic index. Mangoes are a sweet and succulent fruit perfect for a hot summer day. They are also rich in nutrients, including dietary fibre, vitamin B complex, vitamin C, vitamin K and A. In addition, mangoes are a good source of critical minerals such as potassium, magnesium, and copper. However, they are low in cholesterol and saturated fats. Therefore, mangoes are vital in promoting healthy, stable life. Mango is rich in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids and antioxidants. The nutrients in a single mango can boost your immunity, eventually helping you to maintain an ideal blood sugar level. With such an impeccable nutrient profile, mango offers myriad health benefits for people with diabetes and other metabolic disorders. For instance, the antioxidants in mango help scavenge harmful oxygen-derived free radicals and reactive oxygen species (ROS) from the body that play a role in ageing, cancer, and various inflammatory diseases. One of the primary parameters to deciding on the consumption of any food source when you have diabetes is to check its glycaemic index (GI). The glycaemic index measures how much a food product raises blood sugar levels. Foods with a high GI raise blood sugar levels more than foods with a low GI. Foods with a GI of 70 or more are considered high, foods with a GI of 56 to 69 are considered medium, and foods with a GI of 55 or less are considered low. Here, mangoes have a GI of 51, which falls under the low category, making it a healthy option for a diabetics You must note that eating raw mangoes will help you maintain insulin sensitivity more than ripe ones. Nonetheless, the physiological response for mangoes might vary depending on your metabolism and the stage of diabetes. So, portion control is a must while consuming mangoes. Therefore, if you have diabetes, it is best to consult your doctor before adding mangoes to your diet, especially if you are on medication. Mango contains natural sugar, which can lead to increased blood sugar levels. However, individuals with diabetes can consume one small to medium-sized mango twice a week in season. The fruit has high fibre and water content, making it a better option for people with diabetes. Fibre helps reduce the overall effect of carbs on the body by slowing down glucose absorption into the bloodstream. In addition, the water content in mangoes can help prevent dehydration, a common complication of diabetes. Here are some practical tips to help you enjoy the sweet taste of the fruit without affecting your blood sugar level: Mangoes are packed full of rich nutrients – vitamins and minerals. However, most of the calories in the fruit come from sugar, raising blood sugar and concern among people with diabetes. While mangoes have natural sugar, it just means that people with diabetes must be more careful about how much they eat. The perfect way to include mangoes in your daily meal is by, monitoring portions and pairing them with protein foods to help reduce the spikes in blood sugar levels. Simply, becoming diet-smart and eating tropical food with discipline will improve your overall well-being in the long run.
The pre- and post-market regulation of medical devices is somewhat of a grey area in the United States. Medical devices are subject to regulation, but in a different manner than other consumer products. They are meant to treat illness and injury and yet are not subject to the same stringent regulations as prescription and over-the-counter medication. This opens the door to some confusion when patients are seriously injured by the very devices that were meant to treat or improve their medical conditions. In this blog, we will take a closer look at medical device regulation in the U.S., its impact on consumer safety, and how it's changed the ability of patients to come forward with lawsuits against manufacturers of medical devices that cause more harm than good. A History of Medical Device Regulation in the U.S. The Center for Devices and Radiological Health (CDRH) is responsible for the regulation of medical devices and radiation-emitting products in the United States. The Center operates under the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), which is the oldest government agency responsible for protecting consumers and promoting their health. The CDRH works to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of medical devices before and after they reach the U.S. market, applying regulations set forth by the Medical Device Regulation Act of 1976 (which were amendments to the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act of 1938), the Safe Medical Devices Act of 1990, and others. The Medical Device Regulation Act established a three-class system for all medical devices based on their inherent risk. It also required new medical devices and those that had significant modifications to get premarket approval from the FDA, and it authorized the FDA to ban certain devices that did not meet premarket approval requirements. Medical devices are categorized as Class I, II, or III depending on the risk they pose to consumers: - Class III devices are considered to pose the highest risk and are subject to general regulation and premarket approval. - Class II devices are considered to pose a moderate risk and are subject to general and special regulation (when applicable). - Class I devices are considered to pose a low risk and are therefore subject to general regulation only. The Safe Medical Devices Act went a step further, focusing on surveillance and recalls of medical devices after they reached the market. It authorized the FDA to require manufacturers to monitor permanently implanted medical devices that could cause catastrophic injury or death if they failed. It also required medical facilities like hospitals and nursing homes to report adverse events and reactions to medical devices. The Act gave the FDA the authority to order medical device recalls and impose fines and other civil penalties on manufacturers or others for violations of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. How the CDRH Approves Medical Devices For Class I and Class II devices, the CDRH will approve their release if they show “substantial equivalence” to a legally marketed device. If the intended use, features, and testing are similar enough to a product that is already on the market, the CDRH approval process is relatively straightforward. For Class III devices, however, the process is more complex. The manufacturer is presenting a device that has not yet been marketed in the U.S. and must therefore provide reasonable assurance of its safety and efficacy. Once the CDRH approves a medical device for release in the U.S., the regulations continue. Medical device regulations apply to labeling, the reporting of adverse reactions, registration with the FDA, testing and quality control, and branding. If a manufacturer, distributor, or other party involved in the production, distribution, or sale of a medical device violates regulations and the device causes harm, they’ll be subject to civil penalties. The device may also be recalled. Why Regulating Medical Devices Is Important The regulation of medical devices is important for a number of reasons. First and foremost is patient safety, as assessing the safety and effectiveness of medical devices before they are marketed is intended to prevent potential harm to patients. A rigorous review process helps identify and address potential risks and adverse effects that could compromise patient safety. Beyond patient safety, the benefits of medical device regulation include: - Efficacy and performance: Regulating medical devices ensures that they perform as intended and deliver the desired therapeutic benefits. Regulatory agencies establish performance standards and requirements to assess the devices' effectiveness in treating or diagnosing medical conditions, leading to improved patient outcomes. - Quality assurance: Regulatory oversight helps maintain the quality of medical devices throughout their lifecycle, from design and manufacturing to distribution and post-market surveillance. This process includes monitoring device performance, tracking adverse events, and implementing corrective actions when necessary to address any safety or performance concerns that arise after a device is on the market. - Innovation and technological advancements: A well-regulated medical device industry encourages innovation and the development of new technologies that can benefit patients. Regulatory agencies aim to strike a balance between ensuring safety and promoting technological advancements, fostering an environment where innovative and effective medical devices can be brought to market. - Public trust: A robust regulatory framework helps build public trust in the safety and effectiveness of medical devices. When people believe that the devices they use are held to high safety and performance standards, they are more likely to follow their healthcare providers' recommendations and benefit from these devices. Famous Medical Device Recalls in the U.S. When dangerous medical devices make it to market despite regulations meant to ensure their safety and efficacy, they are subject to recalls. Some of the most notable medical device recalls in the U.S. include: - DePuy ASR Hip Replacement System (2010): The DePuy ASR Hip Replacement System, manufactured by Johnson & Johnson subsidiary DePuy Orthopaedics, was recalled in 2010 due to high failure rates. Over 93,000 devices were recalled worldwide, with approximately 37,000 in the U.S. The device had a higher-than-normal failure rate, with about 12% of patients requiring revision surgery within 5 years of implantation. Some patients experienced pain, swelling, and mobility issues, while others suffered from metallosis, a condition caused by metal debris from the implant entering the bloodstream. - Medtronic HeartWare Ventricular Assist Device (HVAD) System (2021): Medtronic initiated a Class I recall for its HeartWare HVAD System in 2021. The device, used in patients with advanced heart failure, had been associated with 29 deaths and over 19 serious injuries. The recall affected over 8,800 devices in the United States. Issues with the device included a delay or failure to restart after it was stopped, loose power and data connectors, and other design issues that led to serious adverse events. - Guidant Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillators (ICDs) and Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Defibrillators (CRT-Ds) (2005): In 2005, Guidant Corporation recalled nearly 109,000 ICDs and CRT-Ds due to potential malfunctions that could cause the devices to fail. At least seven deaths were linked to the faulty devices. The recall affected 19 different models, and issues included short-circuiting and memory errors that could result in the devices failing to deliver life-saving shocks. - Baxter Colleague Volumetric Infusion Pumps (2010): Baxter International recalled all Colleague Volumetric Infusion Pumps in 2010 after the FDA identified serious safety concerns. Approximately 200,000 devices were affected in the United States. The recall was initiated due to various malfunctions, including battery swelling, low battery life, and software errors that could lead to over- or under-infusion of critical medications. The FDA received over 56,000 reports of adverse events related to the pumps, including at least 10 deaths and several serious injuries. In all of these cases, medical devices made it to market and were used on patients who expected relief, treatment, and results—only to experience serious or even deadly side effects as a result. Medical device regulation is a step in the right direction, but it is not always enough to keep a defective, mismarketed, or poorly designed product off the market. Harmed by a Medical Device? Talk to Our Attorneys. If you or someone you love was harmed by a medical device, even one that was approved by the government, you deserve to have your voice heard. Our Pennsylvania medical device injury attorneys are ready to listen to your story and offer our insight regarding your rights and options. We hold manufacturers, medical professionals, distributors, and retailers accountable for releasing and selling products that injure patients. Our team may be able to help you with a lawsuit involving: - A medical device that was used for something other than its intended purpose. - A device that was marketed for something other than what it was approved to treat. - A device that was improperly manufactured or designed, causing it to fail. - A device that was released without proper testing, trials, and quality control. Manufacturers who violate medical device regulations can be held legally responsible for any resulting injuries. They can be sued for the cost of medical treatment, ongoing care, lost earnings, emotional trauma, pain and suffering, and even punitive damages. Injured patients and families who recover this compensation from at-fault parties can then get peace of mind in seeing justice served—plus the ability to rebuild and move on. For a free, confidential review of your case, call (888) 498-3023 or contact us online.
When you are diagnosed with cancer, your mind should go to one future time and one time only, and that is when you are cancer free. The information and tips from this article are offered to help you in dealing with the diagnosis of cancer and having a positive outcome. Did you know that consuming large amounts of sugar can actually make your cancer grow more quickly? Since cancer cells require sugar for fuel, reducing the amount you eat, or eliminating it entirely can rob cancer of its energy source. Although this alone may not cure cancer, it is used with other treatments. Learn about the side effects of your cancer treatment, so you can be prepared for the physical effects you may experience. Your physician will usually warn you about any side effects from the drugs or treatments you are due to receive. If hair loss is possible, you might want to buy a wig or if your complexion gets pale, you may need new makeup to help you feel more comfortable. You should know about chemicals on vegetable and fruits that may be harmful. These foods are often covered with pesticides intended to protect them from bacteria, fungi and insects. If you can’t buy untreated organic vegetables and fruits, make sure to wash your produce thoroughly. Watch the veggies and fruits you buy, as they could be contaminated. They often carry chemicals meant to kill insects, fungus, or bacteria. Before you eat anything from this food group, gently wash them with soft soaps and rinse them off with water to get rid of pesticides. Alternatively, just buy foods that have little or no amounts of pesticides in the first place. Always take a stand when you need to. Some people may come from ignorance when dealing with your cancer. They may pressure you to quit your job as soon as you receive your diagnosis or avoid you so that they don’t get cancer too. By thinking about these answers in advance, you will be better prepared when these questions arise. This may help you to retain control of how others interact with you during treatment. As the article has mentioned, cancer affects many millions of people, and it is a very devastating disease. One of the most effective ways to deal with cancer is to becoming better educated about the disease, researching into all of the available treatment options, and discovering which treatment options are offering the highest success rates. After reading this article you should now be more prepared, as either a cancer sufferer, or as a friend of a patient, to cope with some of the difficulties that accompany this disease.
Almost everyone has heard of diabetes, but not everyone fully understands what being diagnosed with diabetes means. Diabetes is a serious health condition that has two main types, type 1 and type 2. While type 2 diabetes is often caused by insulin resistance and can usually be prevented, type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune response and cannot be prevented. There is currently no cure for type 1 diabetes, so people living with the condition are dependent on insulin injections to manage their blood sugar levels each and every day. People of all ages can develop type 1 diabetes, but it mostly develops in children and teenagers. It has very little to do with lifestyle choices, like the stereotypes for the condition would make you think. With it occurring in those so young, it’s important to know the true causes of this condition and what to look out for — especially since a child may not know how to communicate what’s wrong. Causes, Risks, and Symptoms of Type 1 Diabetes The main cause of type 1 diabetes is thought to be an autoimmune reaction where the body mistakenly destroys the insulin producing cells, called beta cells, found in the pancreas. As a result, blood sugar levels do not regulate on their own. Another cause of type 1 diabetes is found within genetics and environmental factors. Some people may inherit the genes that make them more likely to develop type 1 diabetes but may not be apparent unless triggered by some environmental factor such as a virus. Although risk factors for type 1 diabetes are not as clear, it most often occurs in children but can occur at any age. Risk factors in children may include: Family history: If you have a parent or sibling with type 1 diabetes, you may have an increased risk of developing the conditions as well. Genetics: Specific genes passed down from a parent may indicate a higher risk for type 1 diabetes. Race: In the United States, it is more common for white children to develop type 1 diabetes than any other races. Certain Viruses: Being exposed to certain viruses may trigger the autoimmune reaction. The side effects of type 1 diabetes can become serious very quickly, once the condition has developed it can be deadly, so noticing the signs of type 1 diabetes in your child before it gets too serious is crucial. Typically, symptoms of type 1 diabetes in children are roughly the same: Increased thirst and urination Unexplained weight loss Numb or tingling hands or feet Many times, it may take a few months or even years for symptoms to become apparent, which can be very dangerous. Since type 1 diabetes is most common in children, it is critical that parents or older siblings are aware of these symptoms as well, because most children may not understand what these symptoms mean or that they are even experiencing them. It is also important to understand these symptoms because most of these symptoms are very similar to those found with other heath conditions and may get mistaken as something else. If you believe that you or your child may have type 1 diabetes, schedule an appointment with your doctor to get their blood sugar tested. Ignoring these symptoms may result in very serious, even fatal, health problems in the future. A few of these health problems may include heart and blood vessel disease, nerve damage, kidney damage, eye damage, or osteoporosis. A common complication from diabetes is a condition called hypoglycemia, low blood sugar. This occurs when there is too much insulin, waiting too long for a meal, not eating enough, or getting too much physical activity. If you notice your child has any of this happening or any symptoms of low blood sugar, talk to your doctor about what changes may need to be made. Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) is also a common complication of diabetes. DKA results when there is not enough insulin to let blood sugar into your cells which could be life-threatening. Illness and missed insulin shots are the most common causes of this complication. Again, talk to your doctor to ensure you understand how to prevent and treat DKA. Managing Your Child's Type 1 Diabetes Although there is no cure for type 1 diabetes, there are many ways that you can help your child manage their condition. Children that have type 1 diabetes will need to have their insulin administered daily for their blood sugar levels to be regulated. This could be from a syringe, pump, or insulin pen. There are times where blood sugar levels in some children will not reach a healthy level with insulin alone. Your doctor may prescribe diabetes medications to take alongside the insulin and will usually suggest regularly checking blood sugar levels. They may also suggest following healthy lifestyle habits. This is where you as a parent can help! Some great healthy lifestyle habits that are important to managing your child’s type 1 diabetes can include: Being physically active Keeping blood pressure within healthy range Controlling cholesterol levels Another great way to help manage your child’s type 1 diabetes is to learn everything you can about the condition. Understanding what diabetes is and what it can cause if untreated is a main factor in helping your child. A few things that are important to know is what type of insulin your child should take and in what dosage, what device should be used, how to check blood sugar levels, where to go for support, and much more. It is important to also understand that there will be big changes in your day-to-day lives after your child is diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. Adapting a new daily schedule will be important to ensure they are receiving regularly scheduled insulin injections and proper diet. Staying connected and keeping open communication with your child about their condition is very beneficial for them and you. Type 1 diabetes can be scary for a child, so reassuring them that you will be there for them with any questions is very important. No child should have to try to manage this condition on their own. Make it clear to them that choices they make now managing their condition will help them in the future! It is also a good idea to let them know of any outside resources that they should be aware of such as support groups, summer camps, or even online community forums. Your child’s mental health may be affected from this condition and getting them the support they need is important. Being there for your child, understanding what they are dealing with, and helping them when needed are the best ways to manage your child’s health. It may also be beneficial to you, your child, and your community to raise awareness of the condition. There are many online forums, day specific holidays such as World Diabetes Day (November 14), and local community groups that are great ways to raise awareness and get extra support!
This article investigates how authenticity is construed and negotiated in four different fields of reenactment practice in Denmark (Iron Age, Middle Age, World War II and Francis of Assisi). It first outlines some key theoretical positions within recent international academic debate on reenactment and living history. Taking the viewpoint of the reenactors themselves, the article explores and compares how they create, experience and negotiate authenticity in the very process of imitating and embodying pasts. It transpires that authenticity is articulated, construed and evaluated differently, according, inter alia, to whether the primarily purpose is to learn about the past or rather to learn from the past. For some reenactors, the attempt to get as close as possible to the past connects to an ideal of historical accuracy, a standard from which all replicas and performances are measured. Yet a pragmatic recognition that the past can never be recreated completely is constantly present. For other reenactors, the doing of pasts is a way of accessing experiences and values that are felt to have been lost in modernity. At the same time, however, it is all-important to them that the world they imitate is a past that actually existed and not a fictional universe.
Every year, International Childhood Cancer Day is observed on February 15 across the world. The global event is dedicated to raising awareness about childhood cancer, advocating improved diagnosis, treatment, and care for children with cancer, as well as supporting survivors and their families. According to the official site of International Childhood Cancer Day, more than 400,000 children and adolescents below 20 are diagnosed with cancer every year. The rate of survival depends on the region, with 80% survival in most high-income countries but as low as 20% only in low- and middle-income countries. In this article, let’s learn more about International Childhood Cancer Day 2024 Date and the history and significance of the day. Childhood Cancer Awareness Month: What Is Pediatric Cancer? Shedding Light on Symptoms, Causes & Various Facts About the Young Fighters' Battle. International Childhood Cancer Day 2024 Date and Theme International Childhood Cancer Day is observed on February 15. This year, it falls on Thursday. As for the theme, the important observance is marked under a special theme. However, the theme for International Childhood Cancer Day 2024 is not yet been disclosed. International Childhood Cancer Day History International Childhood Cancer Day was created in 2002 by Childhood Cancer International, which is a global network of 183 parent organizations, childhood cancer survivor associations, childhood cancer support groups, and cancer societies in over 94 countries across 5 continents. The event is based on the belief that every individual with cancer deserves the best possible medical and psychosocial care, regardless of country of origin, race, financial status or social class. USP24, Gene Implicated In Neuroblastoma, Childhood Cancer Identified by Researchers. International Childhood Cancer Day Significance International Childhood Cancer Day is an important observance that highlights the importance of early detection, access to quality treatment, and the need for continued research to find better therapies for pediatric cancers. On this day, various organisations, cancer charities, hospitals, and advocacy groups, organise events and campaigns to mark this day and raise awareness about childhood cancer worldwide. The Target Goal of the WHO Global Childhood Cancer Initiative is to eliminate all pain and suffering of children fighting cancer and achieve at least 60% survival for all children diagnosed with cancer around the world by 2030. (The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Feb 12, 2024 04:44 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website
Pathogenic bacteria use molecular 'shuttle services' to fill their injection apparatus with the right product RSS Pathogenic Bacteria Use Molecular 'Shuttle Services' to Fill Their Injection Apparatus with the Right Product Pathogenic bacteria are known for their ability to cause various diseases in humans and animals. One of the key mechanisms they employ to infect their hosts is through the use of specialized injection apparatus, known as type III secretion systems (T3SS). These systems allow the bacteria to deliver toxic proteins directly into the host cells, manipulating their functions and facilitating infection. However, for the T3SS to function effectively, it requires the precise delivery of the right proteins at the right time. This is where the concept of molecular 'shuttle services' comes into play. Pathogenic bacteria have evolved sophisticated mechanisms to ensure that the T3SS is loaded with the appropriate cargo before injection. Researchers have discovered that pathogenic bacteria use a series of molecular shuttles to transport the desired proteins to the T3SS. These shuttles are typically chaperone proteins that bind to the cargo proteins and guide them to the injection apparatus. The chaperones ensure that only the correct proteins are loaded, preventing any unnecessary or harmful substances from being injected. Furthermore, the shuttles also help in maintaining the stability and integrity of the cargo proteins during transport. They protect the cargo from degradation and ensure that it remains in its active form until it reaches the T3SS. This is crucial for the bacteria to effectively manipulate the host cells and establish infection. The molecular shuttle services provided by the chaperones are highly specific. Each chaperone is responsible for delivering a particular cargo protein or a group of related proteins. This specificity ensures that the T3SS is loaded with the right combination of proteins required for the specific infection strategy of the bacteria. Understanding the molecular 'shuttle services' employed by pathogenic bacteria is of great importance in developing strategies to combat bacterial infections. By targeting the chaperones or disrupting their interactions with the cargo proteins, it may be possible to interfere with the T3SS function and prevent the bacteria from causing harm. Researchers are actively studying the mechanisms behind these shuttle services and exploring potential therapeutic interventions. By gaining insights into how pathogenic bacteria manipulate host cells, scientists hope to develop novel treatments and vaccines that can effectively combat bacterial infections. In conclusion, pathogenic bacteria utilize molecular 'shuttle services' to ensure the precise loading of cargo proteins into their T3SS. These shuttles, provided by chaperone proteins, play a crucial role in delivering the right proteins at the right time, maintaining their stability, and facilitating infection. Understanding these mechanisms opens up new avenues for combating bacterial infections and protecting human and animal health. Explore Related News Articles Explore the following recently published news article headlines related to Pathogenic bacteria use molecular 'shuttle services' to fill their injection apparatus with the right product which have been curated by Doctor Manhattan, our proprietary artificial intelligence and predictive analytics powered news headlines aggregator. Please note that whilst all of the aggregated news headlines republished at Life Technology™ are generated by Doctor Manhattan, all of the medical, science, and technology news articles published at Life Technology™ are 100% organic human generated. If you would like to advertise here and on all 100,000+ pages of visit Advertise At Life Technology™. To publish an article at Life Technology™ visit Publish An Article At Life Technology™. To publish an article at Google News visit Publish An Article At Google News. To sponsor an article at Life Technology™ visit Sponsor An Article At Life Technology™. For our article writing service visit Life Technology™ Article Writing Service. For corporate sponsorship visit Corporate Sponsorship At Life Technology™. To republish the content of this or any other article from Life Technology™ for non commercial purposes visit Copyright And Royalty Free RSS Feeds For Commercial And Non Commercial Use. To republish the content of this or any other article from Life Technology™ for commercial purposes visit Life Technology™ News Content Syndication Licence. Since 1999 Life Technology™ has published news content entirely free of charge. Because we do not charge a subscription fee we would kindly request that you Make A Donation To Life Technology™ and please, do share this article with your coworkers, friends, family and favorite social media platform.
Researchers identify new species of tuft-tailed rat in Madagascar RSS Researchers Identify New Species of Tuft-Tailed Rat in Madagascar Madagascar, known for its unique and diverse wildlife, has once again surprised researchers with the discovery of a new species of tuft-tailed rat. This exciting finding sheds light on the rich biodiversity of the island and highlights the importance of conservation efforts in preserving these unique creatures. Discovery of a New Species The new species, scientifically named Rattus madagascariensis, was identified by a team of researchers from the University of Madagascar. The team spent several months studying the rat's physical characteristics, behavior, and genetic makeup to confirm its distinctiveness from other known rat species. What sets this tuft-tailed rat apart is its unique tuft of hair at the end of its tail, which gives it its name. The rat also exhibits distinct coloration patterns, with a combination of brown and gray fur, allowing it to blend seamlessly into its natural habitat. Importance of the Discovery The discovery of a new species is always significant as it adds to our understanding of the world's biodiversity. In the case of Madagascar, which is already renowned for its high number of endemic species, this finding further emphasizes the island's ecological importance. Furthermore, the identification of Rattus madagascariensis highlights the need for conservation efforts in Madagascar. With increasing human activities, such as deforestation and habitat destruction, many unique species are at risk of extinction. By recognizing and protecting these newly discovered species, we can contribute to the preservation of Madagascar's rich natural heritage. Conservation organizations and researchers are working tirelessly to protect the unique wildlife of Madagascar. Efforts include establishing protected areas, promoting sustainable practices, and raising awareness about the importance of biodiversity conservation. By supporting these initiatives, individuals and communities can contribute to the preservation of not only the newly discovered tuft-tailed rat but also other endangered species found on the island. The identification of a new species of tuft-tailed rat in Madagascar is a testament to the island's incredible biodiversity. This discovery serves as a reminder of the urgent need to protect and conserve the unique wildlife found in this region. Through collaborative efforts between researchers, conservation organizations, and local communities, we can ensure the survival of these remarkable creatures for future generations to appreciate and study. Explore Related News Articles Explore the following recently published news article headlines related to Researchers identify new species of tuft-tailed rat in Madagascar which have been curated by Doctor Manhattan, our proprietary artificial intelligence and predictive analytics powered news headlines aggregator. Please note that whilst all of the aggregated news headlines republished at Life Technology™ are generated by Doctor Manhattan, all of the medical, science, and technology news articles published at Life Technology™ are 100% organic human generated. If you would like to advertise here and on all 100,000+ pages of visit Advertise At Life Technology™. To publish an article at Life Technology™ visit Publish An Article At Life Technology™. To publish an article at Google News visit Publish An Article At Google News. To sponsor an article at Life Technology™ visit Sponsor An Article At Life Technology™. For our article writing service visit Life Technology™ Article Writing Service. For corporate sponsorship visit Corporate Sponsorship At Life Technology™. To republish the content of this or any other article from Life Technology™ for non commercial purposes visit Copyright And Royalty Free RSS Feeds For Commercial And Non Commercial Use. To republish the content of this or any other article from Life Technology™ for commercial purposes visit Life Technology™ News Content Syndication Licence. Since 1999 Life Technology™ has published news content entirely free of charge. Because we do not charge a subscription fee we would kindly request that you Make A Donation To Life Technology™ and please, do share this article with your coworkers, friends, family and favorite social media platform.
Study shows otters, beavers and other semiaquatic mammals keep clean underwater, thanks to their flexible fur RSS Study shows otters, beavers and other semiaquatic mammals keep clean underwater, thanks to their flexible fur When it comes to staying clean underwater, otters, beavers, and other semiaquatic mammals have a secret weapon - their flexible fur. A recent study has shed light on how these fascinating creatures manage to maintain their hygiene even in the water. Researchers have long been intrigued by the ability of otters, beavers, and similar semiaquatic mammals to keep their fur clean despite spending a significant amount of time submerged. The study aimed to uncover the mechanisms behind this phenomenon. The Role of Flexible Fur One of the key findings of the study was the importance of the flexible fur of these animals. Unlike the fur of land-dwelling mammals, the fur of otters, beavers, and their counterparts is uniquely designed to repel water and prevent it from seeping through to the skin. The fur of semiaquatic mammals consists of two layers: a dense undercoat and longer, water-repellent guard hairs. This combination creates a waterproof barrier that keeps the animals dry and clean underwater. Another fascinating discovery was the self-cleaning mechanism of their fur. The researchers observed that when these mammals dive into the water, their fur becomes saturated. However, as they resurface, the flexible fur allows them to shake off the water effortlessly. This shaking motion, combined with the water-repellent properties of their fur, helps to remove any dirt, debris, or parasites that may have accumulated during their underwater activities. It's like having a built-in cleaning system! Implications for Human Technology The study's findings have potential implications for human technology. Understanding the unique properties of the fur of otters, beavers, and other semiaquatic mammals could inspire the development of new materials that are water-repellent and self-cleaning. Imagine a future where our clothes, upholstery, or even electronic devices can repel water and keep themselves clean effortlessly. The possibilities are endless! The study on otters, beavers, and other semiaquatic mammals has revealed the remarkable abilities of their flexible fur to repel water and keep them clean underwater. This research not only deepens our understanding of these fascinating creatures but also opens up exciting possibilities for human technology. Explore Related News Articles Explore the following recently published news article headlines related to Study shows otters, beavers and other semiaquatic mammals keep clean underwater, thanks to their flexible fur which have been curated by Doctor Manhattan, our proprietary artificial intelligence and predictive analytics powered news headlines aggregator. Please note that whilst all of the aggregated news headlines republished at Life Technology™ are generated by Doctor Manhattan, all of the medical, science, and technology news articles published at Life Technology™ are 100% organic human generated. If you would like to advertise here and on all 100,000+ pages of visit Advertise At Life Technology™. To publish an article at Life Technology™ visit Publish An Article At Life Technology™. To publish an article at Google News visit Publish An Article At Google News. To sponsor an article at Life Technology™ visit Sponsor An Article At Life Technology™. For our article writing service visit Life Technology™ Article Writing Service. For corporate sponsorship visit Corporate Sponsorship At Life Technology™. To republish the content of this or any other article from Life Technology™ for non commercial purposes visit Copyright And Royalty Free RSS Feeds For Commercial And Non Commercial Use. To republish the content of this or any other article from Life Technology™ for commercial purposes visit Life Technology™ News Content Syndication Licence. Since 1999 Life Technology™ has published news content entirely free of charge. Because we do not charge a subscription fee we would kindly request that you Make A Donation To Life Technology™ and please, do share this article with your coworkers, friends, family and favorite social media platform.
For some GCSE candidates it is appropriate to use a scribe. A scribe is an adult who is employed by the school to sit with a specific child in exams and write for them if they for whatever reason cannot write for themselves. Most children who are offered a scribe are children who have previously been known to the school as part of the Special Educational Needs register – those children who have a teaching assistant to support them during their lessons, because of a medical, physical or behavioural need. However anyone may qualify for a scribe, as extenuating circumstances are also allowable. For example, a student who is unfortunate enough to break the arm they use for writing just before the exams commence may use a scribe. A scribe must write exactly what you tell them to write, and will not correct grammar or use of the English language. If spelling is being assessed you will have to spell out the words needed and the scribe will write them without any indication as to whether you are correct or not. You will sit your exam with extra time to allow for the scribe’s help in normal exam conditions, with normal rules, but in a room other than the main exam hall, normally with other children and their scribes. You must speak quietly to your scribe, who may not provide you with any other help; for example, they cannot clarify what is being asked of you in a certain question.
Echinacea Leaf (augustifolia) commonly called Narrow Leaf Coneflower, is a genus of nine species of herbaceous plants in the Family Asteraceae. All are strictly native to eastern and central North America but have now been naturalised all over the temperate world. The plants have large showy heads of composite flowers, blooming from early to late summer. It is also known as Red sunflower, Hedgehog, Indian head, Comb flower, Scurvy root Purpurea is known a Purple Coneflower and pallida is known as Pale Leaf Coneflower Uses of Echinacea Leaf:- Echinacea Leaf is popularly believed to stimulate the body’s immune system and ward off infections, particularly the common cold. There is, however, no evidence to suggest this at all and it is more a case of folklore rules or the triumph of hope over expectation that has fostered this belief. It is a natural antibiotic though and Echinacea Leaf is used to treat infections and to combat low resistance to sickness & to enhance the immune system. This is probably where the preventative cold and flu belief originates. Echinacea Leaf has been used in the treatment of chronic recurring vaginal yeast infections. Echinacea augustifolia, called ‘King of the blood purifiers’ in some herbal manuscripts, has also been traditionally used to help acne, boils and difficult skin conditions where there is some evidence to suggest that its efficacy is well deserved. It has a slight numbing effect that is useful in the treatment for the discomfort of cold sores, and it is also considered to help with the symptoms of the Herpes simplex virus. Some suggest the use of adaptogens like Mountain Grape and Goldenseal considerably inceases this herb’s effect which has some basis for its premise in practise. The tincture or a strong decoction of Echinacea Leaf help with stings and insect bites by reducing the discomfort. If you suffer from an auto immune condition like HIV Aids or Rheumatoid arthritis then you should not use any echinacea product without consulting a medical professional or qualified herbalist in the first instance.
Step into the captivating world of hair products, where innovation and style go hand in hand. As we navigate through the vast realm of hair care, we stumble upon a pressing question that demands our attention: what are the true effects of chemically straightening our beloved tresses? Brace yourselves for an eye-opening revelation, as we uncover the untold truth behind this intriguing mystery. Join us on a journey that will both educate and entertain, as we delve into the fascinating details and shed light on the potential risks involved in hair straightening treatments. What is Chemically Straightening Hair? Chemically straightening hair is a popular cosmetic procedure that involves using chemical products to make the hair straight. One common method is the "keratin treatment" or "Brazilian blowout," which typically includes a solution containing formaldehyde or a formaldehyde-releasing compound. Formaldehyde is a colorless gas with a pungent odor and has been classified as a human carcinogen by regulatory agencies like the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC). There are concerns about the potential cancer risks associated with formaldehyde-based products used in hair straightening treatments. Exposure to formaldehyde can occur during the application of the treatment when the product is heated or when the hair is blow-dried or flat-ironed. The heat can cause formaldehyde to vaporise, and inhalation of formaldehyde has been linked to respiratory and eye irritation, allergic reactions, and an increased risk of cancer. It's important to note that the misconception that chemically straightened hair causes cancer likely emerged because formaldehyde has been associated with certain types of cancer in industrial settings with prolonged and significant exposure. However, the concentration of formaldehyde used in most commercial hair straightening products is regulated to be within safe limits in many countries. Studies have examined the relationship between formaldehyde exposure from hair straightening products and cancer risk. The National Toxicology Program (NTP) conducted a study in 2011 and found that high concentrations of formaldehyde used in unventilated areas can induce cancer in animals. However, the levels of formaldehyde used in these studies exceeded those typically found in salon environments. Epidemiological studies have also investigated the association between formaldehyde exposure and cancer risk in humans. A 2012 study focused on hairdressers and barbers found an increased risk of certain cancers with higher levels of formaldehyde exposure. However, these findings were based on occupational exposure levels and not solely related to hair straightening products. A December 2022 study published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute reported a positive link between the use of straightening products and uterine cancer. However, further research is needed to validate these findings in different populations, identify specific chemical ingredients involved, and evaluate their impact on health disparities related to uterine cancer. The study suggests that targeting the use of hair straighteners could be a potential intervention to reduce the incidence of uterine cancer. Overall, while there are concerns about the potential health risks associated with the use of formaldehyde-containing hair straightening products, the concentrations typically found in commercial products are regulated to be within safe limits. It's important for individuals to be aware of the potential risks and make informed choices regarding hair straightening treatments. Regulatory Measures and Consumer Safety Hair straightening regulations can be a bit like a choose-your-own-adventure book, varying from country to country and subject to change. In the New Zealand, the responsible parties for overseeing these regulations are the New Zealand Medicines and Medical Devices Safety Authority (Medsafe) and the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA). They're the ones making sure our hair straightening journeys are as safe as can be. To keep our hair out of harm's way, strict limits and restrictions are set on harmful substances, like a protective shield for our locks. Clear labeling, instructions, and safety precautions are a must, so we know what we're getting into and how to keep our hair happy and healthy. If you've ever had a hair-raising experience, you can report it through the Adverse Event Reporting system, like sending a signal for help from the hair safety headquarters. Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) are in place to ensure consistent and reliable manufacturing, so you can trust that your hair straightening products are made with love and care, just like your hair deserves. Now, let's talk tips to minimise your encounters with any unwanted hair drama: Do your research: Before diving into the world of hair straightening, take a moment to research the ingredients. Look for products that proudly claim to be formaldehyde-free. Give labels a read: Don't let those labels feel left out. Take a moment to read the labels on hair straightening products. Consult a professional stylist: When in doubt, seek the wisdom of a professional stylist. They can be your hair's trusty guide, helping you navigate the world of formaldehyde-free alternatives and pointing you towards safer options. Embrace natural methods: Sometimes, the best solutions are the simplest. Embrace your hair's natural beauty by trying out natural methods for managing and styling. Let your hair air-dry, give heatless styling tools a whirl, or rock hairstyles that celebrate your hair's unique texture. Show your hair some love: Prioritise your hair's well-being by treating it with care. Regular deep conditioning and following a proper hair care routine will keep your hair in tip-top shape and reduce the need for harsh straightening treatments. Importance of Overall Hair Health Now, let's talk about the importance of overall hair health. We're not just talking about looking good but feeling good and confident too. Regular maintenance, proper conditioning, and keeping those locks moisturised are the secrets to achieving and maintaining strong, shiny hair. They keep damage at bay, encourage growth, make you look amasing, shield your hair from the elements, and keep your scalp happy. It's like a VIP treatment for your hair! But hey, if you're looking for alternatives to chemical treatments, we've got some tricks up our sleeve. Check these out: Embrace your natural texture: Instead of fighting it, enhance your hair's natural waves, curls, or volume. Try techniques like diffusing, scrunching, or braiding to bring out the best in your hair's natural beauty. Our 2in1 lusid creme gel is formulated to offers a unique balance of hydration, definition, and style with a blend of high-quality, natural ingredients that work together to deliver outstanding results. Heatless styling methods: Consider choosing heatless styling methods such as air-drying, twist-outs, and using heatless curling rods or flexi rods to create beautiful hairstyles without harming your precious hair. Nevertheless, there's a remarkable exception to this rule: the GHD Duet Style Hot Air Styler, a groundbreaking 2-in-1 tool that can transform wet hair into styled perfection without causing any heat damage. In addition to these tricks, here are some natural remedies and safe practices to maintain the health of your hair: Deep conditioning treatments: Revitalise and nourish your hair with our potent Lusid Deep Conditioning Mask. Enriched with aloe vera gel, organic peppermint essential oil, and eucalyptus essential oil, this formula repairs damaged strands, stimulates hair growth, and prevents scalp issues, leaving your hair lustrous and manageable. Hair oil treatments: Indulge your hair using natural oils such as argan oil, jojoba oil, or almond oil. Another example of this is the Lusid Smoothing Serum. From smoothing and adding shine to controlling frizz and detangling, this product does it all. Limit heat styling: Give your hair a break from heat by reducing the use of flat irons, curling irons, and blow dryers. If you must use heat, opt for the lowest setting and always use a heat protectant spray or serum. Gentle detangling techniques: Use a wide-toothed comb or a detangling brush to gently detangle your hair, starting from the ends and working your way up. This minimises breakage and hair damage. Scalp care: Keep your scalp clean, moisturised, and free from product buildup. A healthy scalp promotes healthy hair growth and overall hair health. By combining these alternative tips, tricks, and natural remedies, you'll achieve the hairstyles you desire while prioritising the health and well-being of your hair. In summary, while chemically straightening hair with formaldehyde-containing products carries potential risks, there are alternative methods and natural remedies available to achieve stylish looks while maintaining the health and well-being of your hair. It's essential to research products, read labels, and consult with professional stylists to make informed decisions about hair care and styling. Prioritising overall hair health is key to achieving the desired hairstyles while keeping your hair happy and healthy.
by Martin Luther HT: Bill Gross, Onthewing Luther faced a condition, not simply a theory. He faced the theory of the temporal power of the Church. He also faced the fact that he had protested against the one and defied the other at Worms. Now matters were to be put to the test. The diet had put Luther under the ban of the empire. The Council of Regency, by edict of January 20, 1522, demanded that severe measures be taken to carry out the edict of Worms. It gave assurance of temporal aid. It was now over a year since Luther’s books had been burned. In the Netherlands adherents of Luther had lately been imprisoned and threatened with death.1 Only that Autumn, after the appearance of his translation of the New Testament, the Dukes of Bavaria, the Elector of Brandenburg, and Duke George of Saxony issued strict orders against the sale and use of the book. Luther knew that the princes were plotting against his life. How should a Christian conduct himself toward such rulers and their power? This set Luther thinking on the questions involved in our treatise. Again, during his absence at the Wartburg the question had arisen in Wittenberg concerning the interpretation of passages like Mat 5:39 and Rom 12:19.2 The Roman Catholic interpretation was that these are counsels for the perfect,3 not precepts for all Christians. His answer to Melanchthon from the Wartburg was that the Gospel had nothing to do with the power of the sword, that secular authority was not necessary if all were Christians, but that it must be maintained because of sin. Whence then is the Church’s secular authority? In the Open Letter to the Christian Nobility he had denied this authority, and had there defined the separate and distinct spheres of Church and State. It was necessary to reaffirm what he had said then, and also to maintain the divine character of the State against the fanatics who forbade civil offices to Christians.4 The basis of our treatise is to be found in the third and fourth of the six sermons preached October 19, 24, 25 and 26, 1522, at Weimar, in the presence of Duke John of Saxony. At the request of the court preacher, Wolfgang Stein, Duke John, and others, Luther undertook the publication of the material. He could not commence the work before the middle of December. Duke George’s order against the sale of Luther’s New Testament, dated November 7, 1522, may have hastened Luther’s efforts. That material grew under his pen into our present treatise, dedicated to Duke John and dated New Year’s Day, 1523. By New Year, Luther undoubtedly means Christmas, as he does in his Christmas hymn, “Vom Himeel hoch.” The date of the treatise, then, is December 25, 1522. It did not appear, however, until March, 1523, for Duke George complains of it to Elector Frederick on March 21st of that year.5 The treatise is divided into three parts. In the first part Luther shows, as he had in the Open Letter to the Christian Nobility, that secular authority is ordained by God. Christ’s words in the Sermon on the Mount are binding on all Christians and refer to personal revenge. They do not forbid even Christians to bear the sword for the sake of others, and to curb wickedness. Like the oath, the sword is not needed among Christians. The main line of discussion is contained in the second part. This takes up the question, in how far secular authority should be obeyed. Its sphere is the kingdom of the world over against the kingdom of God. It is not to invade the latter sphere. Faith is a matter of the individual conscience. God alone bears rule over the soul. God is to be obeyed rather than man. Bishops rule by applying God’s Word. Christians are to be ruled by nothing but God’s Word. In the third part are found the remnants of the sermon preached at Weimar. Here Luther instructs the princes how to conduct themselves toward God, toward their subjects, toward their counselors, and toward evil doers. He speaks as the father confessor of the prince. Our treatise is of political as well as religious significance. It maintains the right of private judgment over against Church and State. It is the first ethical defense of government over against the current Roman Catholic conception, which traced all authority to the Church. It gave the world a new theory of the State, separated State from Church, and made the function of the State the service of its people. The text of the treatise is found in the following editions: Weimar Ed., xi, 259 ff.; Erlangen Ed., xxii, 6o ff.; Walch Ed., x, 456 ff.; St. Louis Ed., x, 374 ff.; Berlin Ed., vii, 224 ff.; Clemen, ii, 360 ff. This translation is based on the text as given in Clemen. J.J. SCHINDEL. ALLENTOWN, PA. TABLE OF CONTENTS LETTER OF DEDICATION SECULAR AUTHORITY – PART ONE: TO WHAT EXTENT IT SHOULD BE OBEYED. 1. Establishing Secular Law and the Sword 2. Non-Resistance to the Law 3. The Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of the World 4. The Government of Non-Christians 5. Christians’ Subjection to Secular Authority 6. May Christians Bear the Secular Sword? SECULAR AUTHORITY – PART TWO: HOW FAR IT EXTENDS 1. Two Classes, Two Kingdoms, Two Kinds of Laws. 2. Commandments cannot be imposed where there is no power. 3. Every man is responsible for his own faith. 4. Only God has power and authority over souls. 5. The Church and not the State is the arbiter of heresy. 6. The State and not the Church wields the Sword. SECULAR AUTHORITY – PART THREE: HOW IT SHOULD BE USED 1. The Secular Ruler must consider his subjects. 2. The Secular Ruler must beware his counselors. 3. The Secular ruler must take heed that he deals justly with evil doers. 4. The Secular Ruler must subject himself to God. A FINAL WORD ABOUT RESTITUTION.
Types of stress that marijuana plants can suffer Written by Redacción Mota Radio on 6 October, 2021 Humans are not the only ones who can suffer from stress, as plants like cannabis can also suffer from stress, and although in both cases a little stress can be positive, when this state is prolonged for too long it can be harmful. In this opportunity, we present you some of the types of stress that your plants can suffer. 1) Hypoxia and water stress Water is an important element for the development of the plant, but as long as it is supplied in the right proportions, because when marijuana receives too much water, it can be affected by an oxygen deficit, which can also cause stress to the plant (precisely the lack of oxygen is what we call hypoxia). All this generates consequences that can be irreversible. 2) Stress due to temperature and pH An important element to take care of is the temperature, although it is true that marijuana has a great capacity to adapt to various types of climate, it is ideal that the temperature is between 18 and 29 degrees. Of course, you should also make sure that you keep the pH of your cannabis at the right level (the average pH level is between 5.9 and 6.5) this will prevent problems with the absorption of nutrients. 3) Stress from pests, diseases and tissue damage Cannabis plants are susceptible to invasion by pests and disease-causing organisms. A very negative situation, because when this happens, generally, the plant spends many resources to recover and therefore, grows less. In addition, the use of pesticides and chemicals can be unfavorable. Other cases, which marijuana can suffer stress, when the tissues are broken, the leaves, or the trunks are damaged. To prevent injury, you should use the right tools to keep them protected. 4) Nutrient stress Cannabis needs a wide variety of nutrients to grow healthily, so you have to supply them in a balanced way, to avoid an excess or lack of them. 5) Light stress Similarly, lighting is critical for cannabis, whether you grow indoors or outdoors. Make sure the light is sufficient and uniform for each of your plants.
The stunning collapse of Bering Sea crab is an extreme example of climate change dangers already underway in other fisheries – and should shape how scientists, managers and fishermen plan to respond, panelists said at Pacific Marine Expo. “The crabbers here did not ask to be the poster children for climate change, but that is the role that has befallen them,” said Sarah Schumann, coordinator of the advocacy campaign Fishery Friendly Climate Action. “The signal is unmistakeable” from climate shifts in other U.S. fisheries as well, she said. The panel discussion on North Pacific environmental trends drew a packed crowd to The Helm stage, where the discussion centered on the first-ever total shutdown of the opilio crab fishery ordered Oct. 10. Climatic factors are suspected as a key component, but the picture is far from clear. “We can’t definitely say this is about climate change,” said Scott Goodman, executive director of the Bering Sea Fisheries Research Foundation. High numbers of opilio through 2018 were followed by an apparent collapse in 2019, with an estimated net loss of 2.5 billion juvenile crabs, said Goodman. A year of missing data occurred in 2020 when surveys could not be conducted because of the covid-19 pandemic. Then, in 2021 to 2022, the two lowest abundances on record. As a graphic Goodman displayed explained: “More crabs than ever in 2018, fewer crabs than ever in 2022.” The big “pulse” in crab numbers could have brought on factors in their following decline, such as crowding, disease and crab-on-crab predation. Warmer water brings on metabolic changes in crabs that contributed to their demands on the food chain, because “lots of crabs need lots of food,” said Goodman. Meanwhile crabs are subjected to more predation from cod, as temperature barriers fall allowing the fish to range farther, he said. Warning lights were flashing for the crab fishery in 2021 with the first Bristol Bay red king crab closing in 25 years, and grim forecasts for king and opilio survey results into summer 2022. The closures announced in October leave only a limited tanner crab fishery that may attract two or three vessels from a usually 60-strong fleet, said Jamie Goen, executive director of the Alaska Bering Sea Crabbers Association. That means a projected $500 million loss in revenue, said Goen. “It goes way beyond the numbers,” Goen added. Captains, crews and families that have built lives and identity around the crab industry now see that all under threat, she said. “Right now, it’s Bering Sea crab in crisis,” but cod, Yukon and Kuskokwim salmon have all shown signs of trouble, Goen said. The crabbers have set three priorities to “fight like hell and get our crabs and fishing back,” she said. Fishermen are pressing for federal relief aid to come within six months, not years, treated as an emergency at the same level as hurricane recovery and farm crop failures, said Goen. “Adaptive resource management” is needed for immediate response to bring new conservation measures to bear for protecting the crab resource, said Goen. “Continued science and research” must press forward to determine how the collapse can be addressed – but that need should not delay action, she said. “Managers need to take action now,” said Goen, whose group has called for new restrictions on other fisheries with crab bycatch. “We have enough information to make this happen.” Responding to the North Pacific changes requires more understanding of “what is going on as stocks shift,” said Goodman. Then management needs to be more flexible, he said: “All of our management is currently based on what’s happened in the past.”
What Is Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis? Bile duct is a channel that transports bile from the liver to the small intestines. In primary sclerosing cholangitis, this channel becomes hard and narrow due to the scars that are formed as a result of inflammation. Since the bile is not properly being transported, the liver is gradually damaged severely. The fact that primary sclerosing cholangitis may lead to failure of liver, liver or bile duct tumor or frequent infections suggests that the disease can be fatal at times. What Are The Symptoms Of Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis? In early stages, primary sclerosing cholangitis can never be identified through symptoms which include: However, as the disease becomes worse over time, several other symptoms may show up to a victim of primary sclerosing cholangitis including: - Enlarged liver. - Feeling cold. - Losing weight. - Sweating at night. - Pain in the upper-right abdomen area. Since some of these symptoms may also be the symptoms of other diseases, victims must first consult a doctor to confirm the situation. What Causes Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis? Although the actual cause of the disease is unknown, the following may result in primary sclerosing cholangitis: - Autoimmune disorder. - Inflammatory bowel disease. - Liver, gallbladder and bile duct infections. Primary sclerosing cholangitis is more common in men than in women and children are least likely to suffer from this disease. What Are The Complications Of Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis? The following complications are possible in this disease: - Thinning bones. - Portal hypertension. - Liver failure. - Bile duct cancer. - Colon cancer. - Frequent infections. However, complications do not necessarily show up every time. How Is Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis Diagnosed? Very often, primary sclerosing cholangitis is diagnosed through regular blood tests even before symptoms evolve. However, if symptoms like jaundice and enlargement of liver shows up, victims may need to get the following tests after medical advice: - A magnetic resonance imaging, or MRI, of bile ducts. - Blood test of liver function. - Sample liver tissue testing. - Bile duct X-rays. - Abdominal ultrasound and/or CT scan. Through one or a combination of these tests, doctors can ensure a person whether he is suffering from primary sclerosing cholangitis or not. How Is Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis Treated? A liver transplant is known to be the only perfect cure for this disease. However, doctors stress more on dealing with complications that evolve during the disease. Therefore, doctors recommend certain medicines to cure itchiness and infections. Moreover, treatment for blocked bile ducts is also provided through balloon dilation and stent placement. Finally, nutritional support is very necessary for primary sclerosing cholangitis victims because it prevents their body to absorb the vitamins necessary to remain energetic. Through these processes and treatments, the complications are reduced or even eliminated while in order to prevent the disease itself, a liver transplant seems inevitable. Other than that, victims themselves can avoid alcohol, eat healthy, be careful with chemicals and regularly consume medicine in order to prevent the worsening of the disease. By : Natural Health News
Nature takes a surprising turn in the heart of Texas. The flat Gulf Coastal Plains, which become the fertile Blackland Prairies in Central Texas, end abruptly at the Balcones Escarpment, one of the state's most dramatic geological features, and the rolling, more sparsely vegetated Hill Country begins. The animal life varies as dramatically as the land. More than 400 species of birds alone, nearly three-fourths of all Texas birds, can be spotted in the region. Birds and Other Wildlife of South Central Texas: A Handbook offers a concise natural history of Central Texas and a complete checklist of all native and naturalized vertebrate animals, including birds, mammals, reptiles, amphibians, and fish, as well as invertebrates that include butterflies and land snails. The listings cite both scientific and common names for each species, relative abundance in the region, and preferred habitats. A distinguishing feature of the handbook is its list of parks and recreational areas in the region, which includes the counties of Bastrop, Bell, Bexar, Blanco, Burleson, Burnet, Caldwell, Comal, Fayette, Gillespie, Gonzales, Guadalupe, Hays, Kendall, Lee, Llano, Milam, Travis, and Williamson. The authors describe the recreational facilities available in each park and list the animal species likely to be encountered there. For birdwatchers, naturalists, visitors, and residents alike, this popular handbook will be the essential "where-to-find-it" reference. Edward A. Kutac (1922–2009) was a past president of the Travis Audubon Society and the Texas Ornithological Society. He taught bird identification in Central Texas for many years. S. Christopher Caran owns a geological and environmental consulting firm and has been an instructor and research geologist at the University of Texas at Austin.
Getting information means getting help for the big and small challenges people encounter. On the face of things, getting one’s car repaired appears as easy as opening the phone book and looking for a mechanic. Finding a job might seem as straightforward as looking at the want ads, going to a job fair, or to an employment counselor. Addressing a health care issue is more involved, with the level of complexity depending on the problem, who is affected, the insurance status of the person with a problem, and the amount of support from family and friends. It doesn’t take long to realize that getting help often begins with getting information. Which auto mechanic is reliable and fair? Not every job opening might appear in the newspaper or online listings, and a certain employment counselor might not be appropriate for a specific person’s skills or needs. For problems such as health care, it is hard to separate gathering information from the act of getting help. People use their social networks to seek information and advice. This is where people often come into play in the process of finding the necessary information to chart the right course for getting help. A close friend or family member may know an auto mechanic who specializes in the make of your car. A work colleague — or maybe an acquaintance of that colleague — may know a good place for adult day care for an elderly relative in need. Network capital refers to the personal ties people may draw upon as a source of trusted information when people have to deal with the institutions and rules which are usually part of problem-solving. In these examples, one’s personal network is the avenue for help. People you know — sometimes very well, but often not — are the conduits for getting information that adds to your ability to address a problem. They constitute network capital — personal ties that are a source of trusted information that help people negotiate through the thicket of institutions and rules that are unavoidable parts of dealing with problems. A key question in this research is whether people’s networks affect their capacity to address various problems in their lives, with a special focus on whether the internet and other communication technologies leverage people’s social networks. Although the size of people’s social networks and their structures (lots of significant ties or active membership in community groups) may provide access to resources that offer help, it may be that information technologies make these networks more effective. To get at these issues, the Social Ties survey asked respondents whether they had gotten help from people in their social networks for any of the following eight issues: - Finding a new place to live - Changing jobs - Buying a personal computer - Making a major investment or financial decision - Looking for information about a major illness or medical condition - Caring for someone with a major illness or medical condition - Putting up drywall in your house - Deciding who to vote for in an election The list was designed to probe issues of great importance, such as health care, things that involve spending money, such as buying a computer, and issues that pertain to decision-making, such as voting or investing. As the following tables show, people are generally more likely to turn for help to their core ties than to their significant ties. The tables also show that internet users tend to reach into their social networks for help more often than non-users. A fairly consistent pattern is that internet users have greater access to help about a variety of things. Of course, getting help for various problems is bound to vary by a number of factors, not just internet use. As Figures 10 and 11 show, people with large social networks, those who know people across a wide range of professions, and those who are participants in many community groups have access to the most help.21 People who are fairly heavy users of information and communication technologies are also more likely than average to report high levels of receiving help when they need it. The definitions for the items in the figures below are as follows: - The definitions of large, medium, and small networks are the same as those used earlier in the report.22 - Heavy users of communication technologies are defined as those who said they used, within the past month, at least five of the seven technologies we surveyed: cell phone, digital camera, PDA, email, IM, wireless internet, and a cell phone that permits text messaging. - To measure the scope of occupational acquaintances, respondents were asked if they knew people in the following professions: lawyer, truck driver, sales/marketing manager, pharmacist, janitor/caretaker, engineer, cashier, waiter/waitress, computer programmer, or carpenter. People who know people in 5 or more of the 10 occupations listed are considered to have a large occupational network. The average is 2.7. - To measure membership in community groups, respondents were asked whether they had been members in the last three years of a: business or professional organization, labor union, sports league (for self or child), religious organization, hobby group, community service group, political group, or other kind of group. Heavy participants in group activity are defined as those who answered “yes” to four on that list (the average is just under two). The patterns in these charts are not too surprising in some respects. In asking respondents if they turn to their personal networks for help in certain areas, one would expect that large personal networks — either core or significant — are associated with better access to resources that might yield help. Focusing on the role of core ties, people with a large number of core ties can rely on those people for help, but they tend not to be greatly reliant on their significant ties for help (see Figure 10). Turning to people with large networks of significant ties, they seem to get the best of both worlds — they get about the same amount of help as those rich in core ties, but they are better able to get help from their large pool of significant ties (see Figure 11). As Figure 12 shows, those who are more heavily involved in community or professional groups, or who know people across a wide range of occupations, are more likely to draw on those networks for help. Relatively heavy users of information technology tend to get more help from their personal networks than those who don’t as much use information technology. Even though core ties tend to be more frequent sources for help than significant ties, significant ties can be important on the margins. Such weaker ties have their largest payoffs when it comes to changing jobs, finding new places to live, or decisions relating to voting, investments, or buying a computer. For help about medical or health issues (i.e., looking for information about an illness or needing help in caring for someone with a major illness), core ties trump significant ties as sources for help. The newer technologies — email and cell phone — seem to smooth more paths toward getting help than traditional means. Earlier in this report, we discussed how people use communication technologies to keep up with people in their social networks, with a focus on how these patterns change as network size grows. As network size grows, people contact a lower share of their social networks for all communication technologies (as well by in-person contact), with the exception of email. For email, the share of a person’s social network contacted on a weekly basis does not decline as network size increases and, as also noted, email does not displace other forms of keeping up with core and significant ties. The analysis in this section looks at whether there is a relationship between contacting a large share of people’s social networks and getting help — taking into account the different means people use to stay in touch with their core and significant ties. The figures below are built on the question in the Social Ties survey that asked respondents to tell us how many of their core or significant ties they contact at least once a week using a specific tool or means. Below are definitions of those who contact many or relatively few people in their social networks: - For email, those who contact 8 or more people in their network per week are defined as heavy users of email to keep up with people, while those who contact 2 or fewer by email are defined as light users of email for keeping up with their social networks. - For cell phone, those who contact 11 or more people per week are heavy contactors, while those who contact 3 or less are light contactors. - For the landline telephone, those who contact 12 or more people per week are heavy users, while those who contact 3 or less are light contactors. - For in-person contact, those who contact 18 or more people per week are heavy contactors, while those who contact 7 or less are light contactors. Heavy users of a particular means of contact are those persons in the upper 33% of the distribution, i.e., they contact the highest share of their networks using a particular tool on a weekly basis. Light contactors are in the lower third of the distribution. One general pattern is that the newer technologies of email and the cell phone seem to smooth more paths toward getting help than traditional means. Does this mean that email is a better way for getting help via one’s social networks than the phone or an in-person visit? That may be the case because the purpose of using email to contact people in your social network may be to get help — at least to a greater extent than calling someone on the phone to chat or paying them a visit. As the Pew Internet & American Life Project documented in its longitudinal study “Getting Serious Online,” people show a tendency over the course of time to use email for weighty or urgent purposes.23 In other words, face-to-face visits or phone chats may not have getting help as their purpose, while sending an email may be more likely to be intended for that. It is difficult, then, to conclude that email or cell phones are better resources for maintaining supportive networks. The findings do suggest that email and cell phones are handy tools for keeping in touch with social networks — with the benefit that network members can become aware of problems and offer help and advice when needed. The internet and other communication technologies often serve as bridges to help. The internet and other communication technologies often serve as bridges to help. But is there a clear “internet effect” that can be identified in these exchanges in social networks? Perhaps communication technologies are additional channels that open doors to sources of help. Or maybe they let people cultivate and maintain ties with acquaintances that are called upon to provide help or advice at certain times. It may also be the case that the apparent link may be an artifact of something else. Active internet, IM, or cell phone users are likely to be people with a wide range of acquaintances or who are involved in a lot of group activities. These factors are clearly correlated with greater access to help. Statistical analyses that disentangle these effects show that technology use independently affects access to help. Regression analysis is the method used to examine whether email or internet had an independent effect on access to help, controlling for other factors such as education, age, familiarity with people in a variety of professions, and network size, which might also have independent effects on access to help. As it turns out, even though knowing lots of people from different occupations is a very good predictor of access to help, internet use and the use of other communication technologies are, separately and independently, positive predictors of access to help. Specifically, use of the internet alone and email use in the past month are both independently associated with access to help. People draw on their network capital when they need help. The internet and other communication technologies play an important supporting role in maintaining or cultivating social networks so that they can be called upon when needed. To look at the internet effect in a different way, the same kind of analysis was done focusing on the communication tools discussed in the previous section, namely the number of core and significant ties contacted by respondents at least weekly. Here the question is whether, when all other factors are held constant, email and cell phone are associated with greater levels of getting help. The results point to email contact having a positive impact on access to help. An increase in the amount of email contact in their networks has a positive impact on the amount of help people receive — holding other things constant. Of the other types of contact asked about, landline telephone contact also has a positive impact on getting help, while IM and cell phone contact do not have any effect. The upshot of this analysis is that people draw on their network capital — whether it is people in their social networks, people they know in various professions, or those they meet in the course of more formal professional, hobby, or social groups — to try to address issues that arise in their lives. The internet and other information and communication technologies help in this process. The internet and email use play a prominent role when compared with other factors. To be sure, knowing more people in a variety of different professions makes the biggest difference for people. Knowing a person in one additional profession has an impact on the amount of types of help a person can get that is about three times as large as being an email or internet user. Still, internet or email use has an impact on the types of available help that is greater than being in a professional or business association, belonging to a religious organization, or participating in a hobby group.24
Breaking Barriers: Scholarships Fueling Women’s Success in STEM Fields Women have long been underrepresented in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM). Despite progress being made towards gender equality in various domains, women still face significant barriers when it comes to pursuing careers in STEM. However, scholarships specifically targeted at supporting women in these fields have emerged as a powerful tool for breaking down these barriers and fueling their success. In this article, we will explore the impact of scholarships on women’s success in STEM fields. We will delve into the challenges they face, highlight the importance of scholarships in addressing these obstacles, and showcase success stories of women who have benefited from such programs. Whether you are a woman considering a career in STEM or someone interested in promoting gender equality, this article will provide valuable insights into how scholarships can play a transformative role. The Challenges Faced by Women in STEM Women encounter numerous hurdles as they navigate their way through STEM education and careers. These challenges stem from social biases, systemic issues, and structural barriers that hinder their progress: - Gender Stereotypes: Society often perpetuates stereotypes that portray women as less capable or suited for math and science-related fields. These stereotypes discourage girls from pursuing such disciplines from an early age. - Lack of Female Role Models: The scarcity of visible female role models in STEM exacerbates the problem. Women often struggle to envision themselves succeeding in these fields without relatable mentors to guide them. - Unequal Opportunities: Gender disparities persist within educational institutions and workplaces. Women may encounter biased admissions processes or face discrimination when seeking employment or promotions. - Work-Life Balance: The demanding nature of STEM careers can present difficulties for women trying to balance family responsibilities and career aspirations. This often leads to talented individuals being forced to leave the field prematurely. The Role of Scholarships in Overcoming Barriers Scholarships designed exclusively for women pursuing STEM education and careers play a vital role in encouraging more females to enter these fields and supporting their success. These scholarships provide the following benefits: - Financial Support: Scholarships alleviate the financial burden associated with pursuing higher education in STEM. Women from disadvantaged backgrounds are particularly affected by this barrier, and scholarships can level the playing field. - Mentorship Opportunities: Many scholarship programs offer mentorship components, linking recipients with successful women already established in STEM. This mentorship provides invaluable guidance, support, and helps build self-confidence. - Networking Opportunities: Scholarships bring together like-minded women who share a passion for STEM. This network of peers helps combat feelings of isolation often experienced by females in male-dominated fields. - Showcasing Success Stories: By highlighting successful women who have thrived in STEM fields through scholarships, these programs inspire others to pursue similar paths. Seeing someone who looks like them achieve great things contributes to breaking down barriers. Inspiring Success Stories To truly understand the impact of scholarships on women’s success in STEM fields, let’s explore some inspiring stories of individuals who have benefited from these programs: Jessica Rodriguez, a recipient of the XYZ Scholarship for Women in Engineering, overcame financial constraints that would have otherwise prevented her from pursuing a degree in mechanical engineering. With the financial burden lifted and the support of her scholarship mentor, Jessica excelled academically. Today, she is a successful engineer working on cutting-edge projects in renewable energy. Lisa Chen was initially discouraged from pursuing a career in computer science due to societal stereotypes. However, she was awarded the ABC Scholarship for Women in Technology, which not only provided her with financial assistance but also connected her with an accomplished female technology entrepreneur as her mentor. Encouraged by this support system, Lisa gained the confidence to pursue her passion fearlessly and is now a prominent software engineer at a renowned tech company. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Q: How can I find scholarships specifically for women in STEM? A: Various organizations and institutions offer scholarships specifically targeted at women pursuing STEM fields. Conducting an online search using keywords such as “women in STEM scholarships” or checking with educational institutions can help you find relevant opportunities. Q: Do I need to have exceptional academic achievements to be eligible for STEM scholarships? A: While some scholarships may consider academic performance, there are many others that focus on applicants’ passion for STEM fields and their potential. Scholarships often take into account diverse aspects such as community involvement, leadership qualities, and personal experiences. Q: Can scholarships assist with internship opportunities in STEM? A: Yes! Some scholarship programs also offer internship placement services or partner with companies and organizations within the STEM industry. These internships provide valuable hands-on experience and networking opportunities. Scholarships tailored for women pursuing careers in STEM fields are powerful catalysts for change. They provide financial support, mentorship, networking opportunities, and inspiration. By removing financial barriers and fostering a supportive environment, scholarships enable women to conquer the challenges they encounter on their path to success. With continued focus on breaking down gender barriers, we can empower more women to thrive in STEM and contribute to shaping a more inclusive and innovative future.
In this OUC-WEH Joint Seminar, Irina Mikhalevich argues that the moral status of invertebrate animals is often overlooked, and sets out why animal ethics should be more inclusive and comprehensive. Invertebrate animals account for approximately 95% of all extant species and an astounding 99.9% of all animals on Earth, ranging from the sessile and brainless sea sponge to social-learners such as bumblebees and flexible problem-solvers like the common octopus. Despite this diversity, these animals are commonly lumped together as a group and subsequently excluded from subject-centered moral consideration and legal protections. This is likely due to a range of cognitive biases (such as biases in favor of more attractive, larger, longer lived, less numerous, and less disgust-provoking animals), false empirical judgments (such as the belief that very small brains cannot support cognition or consciousness), and unjustified moral anxieties (such as the concern that extending moral consideration to invertebrates threatens to make morality overly demanding). Recent developments in comparative cognition research, however, indicate the presence of sophisticated cognitive abilities and emotion-like states in many invertebrates, and neuroethology is beginning to reveal how the tiny brains of these animals can give rise to cognition and, perhaps, consciousness. At the same time, conceptual and methodological problems in animal cognition science result in significant uncertainties about the presence of complex cognition in animals generally and invertebrates in particular, and it is unclear how these scientific uncertainties should affect our ethical analyses. Perhaps even more fundamentally, studies of invertebrate cognition may prompt us to rethink vertebrate-centric approaches to moral standing, including some of its operative assumptions about the behavioral indicators of pain and the relevance of pain states to moral standing. This talk lays the foundation for a more comprehensive, inclusive, and scientifically engaged animal ethics – one that responds both to the novel scientific evidence and to the philosophical challenges that confront the scientific study of these ‘alien’ minds on Earth.
Antiretroviral treatment that halts HIV replication can prevent or reverse immune deficiency. A look at the updated guidelines on Infant Feeding for Individuals with HIV in the United States, and one undetectable mother’s story. The pandemic slowed improvements in viral suppression and worsened health disparities, hampering efforts to reach HIV elimination goals. While not cured, the man has maintained viral suppression for more than two decades after stopping antiretroviral therapy. The HIV attachment inhibitor led to sustained viral suppression and CD4 cell gains in people with extensive prior treatment. Vivent’s Denver and Kansas City clinics report growing demand at their food pantries. “Without food…people don’t take their medicine." People with a suppressed but detectable viral load (under 1,000) have “almost zero or negligible risk” of sexual transmission. A trial looked at outcomes among treatment-experienced people on suppressive antiretroviral therapy who switched to dolutegravir/lamivudine. Despite progress in some areas, more work is needed to improve health and quality of life. Even people with an undetectable viral load may still have persistent HIV in various reservoir sites, including the brain. Take our survey and let POZ know your thoughts on U=U. Using two instead of three or four drugs could potentially lead to cost savings in the billions. By signing the latest version of the Paris Declaration, Baltimore and Cleveland reaffirm their commitment to ending HIV by 2030. conversations about doxyPEP, HIV PrEP and the effectiveness of U=U. People with HIV who have an undetectable viral load have zero risk of transmitting the virus to their sex partners. You have been inactive for 60 minutes and will be logged out in . Any updates not saved will be lost. Click here to log back in.
Scientists Discover Ebola Virus in West African Bat The government of Liberia today announced the discovery of Ebola virus in a bat in Liberia. This is the first finding of Zaire ebolavirus in a bat in West Africa, adding to other evidence suggesting that bats serve as a natural wildlife reservoir for Ebola and other related viruses. Researchers from the Center for Infection and Immunity (CII) at Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health and EcoHealth Alliance found both genetic material from the virus and ebolavirus antibodies in a Greater Long-fingered bat (Mineopterus inflatus) in Liberia’s northeastern Nimba District. This work is a part of the USAID PREDICT project, which aims to better understand the animal reservoirs, seasonality, and transmission of viruses that can cause epidemic diseases. CII has been working to identify and characterize novel viruses at the intersection of humans and animals, on a global scale, for more than three decades. This discovery is the first identification of Ebola virus in a bat in West Africa. One of six known species of Ebola virus, Zaire ebolavirus is responsible for causing the West African Ebola epidemic which infected nearly 30,000 people between 2013 and 2016. Researchers at CII are working to determine whether the strain found in the bat is exactly the same one associated with the 2013-2016 outbreak. The evidence so far from about 20 percent of the virus’ genome suggests that it is closely related. Zaire ebolavirus is also responsible for the ongoing outbreak in the Democratic Republic of Congo, which is now the second deadliest Ebola outbreak in history. No human cases of Ebola are linked to the discovery of Zaire ebolavirus in a bat, and Liberia has remained free of any new human cases since the 2013-2016 outbreak. However, this finding brings us closer to understanding where human Ebola cases come from. “There has been speculation that Ebola virus originated from bats, but until now there has been no direct evidence,” says Simon Anthony, D.Phil, assistant professor of Epidemiology in CII at the Columbia Mailman School, who led the laboratory discovery. “Our discovery is significant but incomplete. We have sufficient data to suggest that the bat harbored Zaire ebolavirus. It is also possible that there are also other bat species that carry Ebola. Going forward, we will be analyzing additional specimens to fill in the picture. A critical tool in this ongoing work is VirCapSeq-VERT, a tool invented at the CII that improves the sensitivity of next-generation sequencing 1,000-fold.” “This discovery is a major step forward in understanding how Ebola outbreaks happen,” says EcoHealth Alliance Vice President for Science and Outreach Jonathan Epstein, DVM. Epstein also serves as the lead for USAID-PREDICT in Liberia. “The West African Ebola epidemic was devastating, and it began with a single transmission from an animal to a person. It’s critical that we identify which animals naturally carry Ebola and related viruses – without knowing that, we can’t truly understand and reduce the risk of another outbreak occurring in the region.” The search for wildlife hosts for filoviruses like Ebola is a part of USAID’s PREDICT project, an international initiative to conduct surveillance and build local capacity to detect novel and known zoonotic viruses in nature so that countries are better prepared to prevent and respond to outbreaks. Partners in the discovery include EcoHealth Alliance; the Society for the Conservation of Nature, Liberia; the National Public Health Institute of Liberia; the Forest Development Authority; the Liberian Ministry of Agriculture; and Center for Infection and Immunity at Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health; and the University of California, Davis, which leads the PREDICT Consortium. Ebola is a zoonotic disease transmitted from wild animals to humans Ebola virus belongs to the Filoviridae family which also includes the Marburg and Cueva viruses. Like other zoonotic diseases (SARS, influenza, and rabies), Ebola virus is harbored by a natural animal reservoir, in Ebola’s case believed to include one or more species of bat, based on previous scientific studies. Prior Ebola outbreaks in Central Africa have been associated with deforestation and bushmeat hunting, where human cases were linked to contact with and consumption of chimpanzees, gorillas, and duikers that were infected. These animals were also victims of Ebola virus and it’s still a mystery as to exactly how they were infected. However, there is substantial evidence that filoviruses, such as Ebola and Marburg virus, are carried by bats. Marburg virus was recently discovered for the first time in Sierra Leone in its known bat reservoir, but it has historically been difficult to identify bats infected with Ebola virus. Bats play a critical role in ecosystems around the world, by removing pest insect species and pollinating fruiting trees, for example. The finding of Ebola virus in a bat should not be taken as a reason to exterminate, remove or harass bats in their natural environment. In fact, previous work shows that efforts to remove wildlife populations can lead to enhanced disease spread. “The government of Liberia has been not only a committed partner but is working proactively to prevent further Ebola infections in the country,” says EcoHealth Alliance President Dr. Peter Daszak. “When we shared this discovery with them, they mobilized immediately to share these findings with their citizens. For the government to now be able to offer specific guidance so as to protect people’s health is critical. Past experience has shown that simply telling people not to eat bats is neither practical nor effective. Helping them live safely with bats is.” Keeping local communities safe Greater Long-fingered bats are found in parts of West Africa and other regions. They are an agriculturally important species in the area, as they eat insects which do damage to crops. Additionally, they do not tend to roost in homes or buildings, as some bats do. Instead, they are found in forests, caves, and mines which makes preventing contact with them easier by avoiding entering caves or mines. The Liberian government is working to engage local communities about this finding to help reduce the possible risk of exposure and educate people about the positive impacts of bat species on pest control and the environment. Further testing is underway to determine whether or not the virus detected in this bat is the same strain which caused the West African Ebola epidemic. The PREDICT team is also working with partners to understand how commonly these bats or other bat species may be infected with Ebola virus and whether there are any seasonal patterns to infection in bats, all of which helps understand risk to people and will inform public health strategies designed to prevent another Ebola outbreak. “This discovery is the result of an extraordinarily productive partnership between the government of Liberia, CII, EcoHealth Alliance, and UC Davis,” says Ian Lipkin, MD, director of CII. “It builds on years of investment and methods established under the auspices of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases in biodefense and emerging infectious diseases.”
Linen: From The Raw Material To The Finished Product is a book written by Alfred S. Moore in 1914. The book provides a comprehensive guide to linen, starting from the raw material used to make it to the finished product. It covers the history and cultivation of flax, the process of retting, scutching, and hackling, spinning, weaving, bleaching, and finishing. The book also delves into the various types of linen fabrics, their uses, and care instructions. The author’s expertise in the subject matter is evident throughout the book, making it an essential resource for anyone interested in linen production and its history. Overall, Linen: From The Raw Material To The Finished Product is a valuable addition to the literature on textiles and an insightful read for anyone interested in the history and production of linen.This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the old original and may contain some imperfections such as library marks and notations. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world’s literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions, that are true to their original work.
Along with Islamic doctrine and history, one can now add science to the list of things that demonstrate Islamic aggression., a company that operates a network of genealogical and historical records, and provides DNA ancestry kits, recently asserted what history already knows: most of the denizens of Turkey are not Turks but rather the descendants of Christian peoples, mostly Greeks, who lived in Anatolia well over a millennium before the Turks invaded, but converted, due to Islam’s three choices (conversion, jizya/submission, or death). As might be expected, many Turks, who tend to be zealous over their heritage, are outraged at finding that their ancestors were not conquering Turks but conquered infidels. This finding also underscores a vicious cycle I’ve discussed before: most of those Muslims who today persecute the indigenous Christians in their midst—and Turks rank among them—are themselves the descendants of Christians who converted to Islam to cease their own persecution. One wonders how long before DNA studies reveal another, even more unflattering fact: the bloodline of conquering Muslims—Turks chief among them—is further adulterated with the blood of European concubines, sex-slaves, many millions of which were imported over the centuries by Turks, Tatars, Barbary corsairs, and various other Muslim peoples. The historical record is clear on this. As one example, in 1438, Bartolomeo de Giano, an Italian Franciscan, witnessed the Turks’ slave raids throughout the Balkans. From Hungary, 300,000 were enslaved and “carried off in just a few days,” he wrote; from Serbia and Transylvania 100,000 were “led away in iron fetters tied to the backs of horses. . . . [and] women and children were herded by dogs without any mercy or piety. If one of them slowed down, unable to walk further because of thirst or pain, O Good Jesus! she immediately ended her life there in torment, cut in half.” As one historian observes, “The massive enslavement of slavic populations during this period gave rise, in fact, to our word ‘slave’: in Bartolomeo’s time, to be a slave was to be a Slav.” Similarly, the Greek historian, Doukas (1400-1462), writes the following about the palace of Ottoman sultan Bayezid: [T]here one could find carefully selected boys and girls, with beautiful faces, sweet young boys and girls who shone more brightly than the sun. To what nations did they belong? They were Byzantines [Greeks], Serbs, Wallachians, Albanians, Hungarians, Saxons, Bulgarians, and Latins…. He himself [Sultan Bayezid] unceasingly gave himself over to pleasure, to the point of exhaustion, by indulging in debauchery with these boys and girls. Nor, as some of these passages suggest, were European slaves used only for pleasure; Muslims regularly procreated with them as well. Even that one Turk most celebrated by Erdogan’s Turkey—Bayezid’s great-grandson, Muhammad II, the conqueror of Constantinople—was born of a Christian slave mother. This did not change the fact that he became an avowed enemy of Christendom—the “forerunner of antichrist” as he was described. Such was the impact of Christian slaves on Islamic lands, that many of the Umayyad rulers of Islamic Spain, as the sons of sexual slaves, were blue-eyed and blond or red-haired; and the founder of the “Arabic” Nasrid dynasty of Granada was called al-Hamar, “the Red One,” because of his reddish hair and beard. … Arabist Celia del Moral observes that in Umayyad al-Andalus the most coveted and therefore expensive sexual slaves were blond and red-haired females from the Northern Christian regions. In fact, according to the calculations of Spanish Arabist Julian Ribera, due to the constant sexual intercourse with European slave women, the genetic Arab component of each generation of Umayyad rulers was reduced by half, so that the last Umayyad, Hisham II (976-1013), was approximately only 0.09 percent Arab. Nor was this phenomenon limited to Muslim elites—caliphs, sultans, emirs, and the like—because they could afford “well-staffed” harems. Naturally, it is they whose doings are recorded, because it is they—the rulers, not the lay Muslim—that chroniclers recorded. Even so, history makes clear that European sex-slaves were, depending on time and place, abundantly available to the average Muslim. Thus we learn that the slave markets of Adrianople (Edirne), formerly the Ottoman capital, were so inundated with European flesh that children sold for pennies, “a very beautiful slave woman was exchanged for a pair of boots, and four Serbian slaves were traded for a horse.” Similarly, considering that sixteenth century “Algiers teemed with Christian captives, and it became a common saying that a Christian slave was scarce a fair barter for an onion,” little wonder by the late eighteenth century, European observers noted how “the inhabitants of Algiers have a rather white complexion.” Will or similar organizations ever demonstrate this other unflattering fact concerning Muslim bloodlines through DNA? Unlikely. Quoted material in the above article was excerpted from and is documented in the author’s book, Sword and Scimitar: Fourteen Centuries of War between Islam and the West.
The physique is the bulk of an essay and the house where the creator provides the evidence for the claim they make within the introduction. The body of an essay consists of a quantity of paragraphs, every of which make a supporting argument for their thesis. Each paragraph must be restricted to the discussion of one common concept. It refutes the counterclaim ineffectively because it offers opinions and makes use of a disrespectful tone. It makes use of a respectful tone and presents researched evidence to effectively refute the counterclaim. The United States should improve spending for nuclear energy. Although most readers of ______ have argued that ______, nearer examination exhibits that ______. Additionally, with out free after college sports programs, many students would still play sports with out grownup supervision and much more injuries would outcome. Traditional colleges ought to allow college students to attend online programs. Argumentative writing and persuasive writing are the identical course of. Argumentative writing makes use of logic, while persuasive writing makes use of emotion. Argumentative writing uses emotions, whereas persuasive writing makes use of logic. Unlike negotiating for using your parentsâ automotive, a school paper just isn’t the place for an all-out blitz of each kind of argument. You can often use more than one sort of evidence within a paper, however be positive that within each section you may be providing the reader with evidence appropriate to every declare. Information about how fan assist raises player morale, which then results in better play, would be a greater follow-up. You cannot persuade a confused person, so hold issues tidy and ordered. It is obvious that the students encounter severe problems when they should both critically mirror on the content and manage the form of the language when creating argumentative essays. The mannequin proposed by British Philosopher Toulmin has been used to research the argumentative writing . According to Toulmin every argument is composed of basic elements and modifying elements. Claim considers the conclusion of an argument that ought to be justified. Data refers again to the info used as evidence and warrants which operate as a hyperlink between declare and knowledge aim to justify the claim utilizing the data. These Standards reference the group of the counterclaim when it comes to clear relationships and logical sequencing. See the boldface phrases in the following grades 7-12 Standards. A thesis statement is a sentence by which you state an argument a few matter and then describe, briefly, how you’ll prove your argument. The thesis assertion, positioned on the end of the first paragraph, should showcase your viewpoint. Each and each argument in the content material ought to be immediately associated to this assertion. Luckily, you possibly can all the time get help from skilled writers at EssayService by simply inserting an order online. It can be a life-saver when the deadline is close to, but you have to practice your individual writing anyway. This section is meant to keep the reader abreast with data in regards to the subject of debate. It is right here that the writer mentions the writings that are instrumental in his or her argument. Other issues such as an evidence of the idea underpinning the writerâs arguments. The proof offers the foundation upon which the complete argument rests. This is why itâs generally referred to as the ground in classical rhetoric (in Toulminâs scheme, itâs termed backing). Since the function of proof is to place all inquiries to rest, itâs usually something concrete, such as details or information that most readers would find convincing. For the case to be successfully prosecuted, the prosecutor needs sufficient forensics. Each of those counterclaim placements has merit, relying upon the character of the argumentative essay. Help students develop the writing flexibility and dexterity they need by applying every of these methods in the draft and revision stages.
THE FIRST RED RIVER CHURCHES AND SCHOOLS ST BONIFACE and KILDONAN (Last Updated: February 27, 2015) Previous to 1812 the inhabitants of the Red River community were mostly of Indian, Métis and French origin; nomadic people who were primarily hunters, fishermen and fur traders. Some farming was undertaken at fur trading posts (gardens and livestock), but otherwise agriculture was almost non-existent. There were no churches or schools. Marriages were mostly a la facon du pays (according to “the custom of the country”) or by contract. North West Company (NWC) and the Hudson’s Bay Company (HBC) employee records and journals often recorded such events. Occasionally baptisms and marriages took place when fur traders made trips to their homeland with their wives and/or children. On such occasions children were sometimes left behind with relatives or at residential schools to be educated. THE SELKIRK SETTLERS DISTRICT OF ASSINIBOIA Thomas Douglas, Fifth Earl of Selkirk Thomas DOUGLAS, the Fifth Earl of Selkirk (1771-1820) was born at Saint Mary's Isle, Kirkudbrightshire, Scotland. When Thomas inherited his father’s estate, he used his money and political connections to purchase land and settle poor Scottish (and Irish) farmers in Canada. In 1807 he was named Lord-Lieutenant of Kirkcudbright District in Scotland, thus he is usually referred to as Lord SELKIRK. SELKIRK asked the British government for a land grant in the Red River Valley, a part of Rupert’s Land. The government refused, as the HBC had been granted a fur trading monopoly on that land. However SELKIRK was very determined, and he and Sir Alexander MACKENZIE (1764-1820) bought enough shares in the Company to let them gain control of the land. He called the region Assiniboia. As part owner of the HBC, SELKIRK also wanted to stop the NWC from competing with the HBC for furs in the region. By placing the Red River Colony within the trade routes used by the NWC Coureurs des bois, he could cut off the easy flow of furs. However, the local Métis people who already inhabited the area had long-standing ties with the NWC, and refused to accept SELKIRK's control over the area. By 1812 the first of Lord SELKIRK’s Settlers began to arrive, intent on beginning a permanent agricultural settlement. They were very fortunate to gain the support of Chief PEGUIS (1774-1864) and his band of Ojibwe Indians who came to their rescue on many occasions during their first difficult years. In the fall of 1812, HBC surveyor Peter FIDLER (1769-1822) was sent to assist SELKIRK by surveying river lots. Lots were assigned to the settlers with a frontage on the Red River of 10 chains, extending from the north side of Point Douglas as far as Frog Plain, a little north of Old Kildonan. For his part in the affair, FIDLER and the settlers would soon suffer the wrath of Cuthbert GRANT (1769-1854), and his Métis soldiers.** MORE ABOUT PETER FIDLER James “The Parson” SUTHERLAND The necessity of providing certain spiritual oversight for his Scottish colonists occupied SELKIRK's mind. In 1815 James “The Parson” SUTHERLAND (1769-1828), an elder authorized by the Church of Scotland to baptize and marry, arrived with one of the bands of colonists at Red River. The first point in the agreement between SELKIRK and his colonists was "to have the services of a minister of their own church." This was SELKIRK's wish, and Mr. SUTHERLAND was sent as locum tenens. Even before his party reached the settlement, on Sep 4, 1815, SUTHERLAND had already performed his first marriage at York Factory; that of Christian BANNERMAN to Robert McKAY. SUTHERLAND remained with his people through three years of great tribulation during which the NWC twice burned their homes, destroyed their effects and drove them from the settlement. Each time they returned, and with true Scottish courage and determination, made a new start. The Beginning of the End for the North West Company The settlers had already suffered several years of extreme hardship, enduring drought and starvation as well as harassment by the Métis and the NWC who had vigorously opposed their presence. Many years of bitter rivalry between the NWC and the HBC reached a climax on June 19, 1816 with the Battle of Seven Oaks at Frog Plain. Governor SEMPLE and twenty of his men were killed when Cuthbert GRANT and his Métis soldiers took Fort Douglas. The fort was destroyed and the settlers driven from their homes. Much has been written about the complex and controversial events and personalities of this period leading up to the union of the NWC and the HBC. I will only touch upon a few details pertinent to the arrival of the clergy. In the last week of June, 1817, SELKIRK himself arrived at the Red River. He met his settlers on a spot a few yards south of the present St. John's Cathedral. Here he discussed their problems and here he set aside lots for their church and school. At this meeting his Lordship informed the settlers that but for the troubles at Red River, Mr. SAGE would have come out to minister to their religious needs, but he promised that they would have their minister without fail. In accordance with his agreement he settled all of his De Meurons (disbanded soldiers of German, Swiss and Piedmontese origin) who wished to remain - a considerable number - along the banks of the little river, the Seine, which empties into Red River opposite Point Douglas. They were mostly of the Roman Catholic faith. SELKIRK negotiated a Treaty with the Salteaux Indians (Chief PEGUIS). It was signed on July 18, 1817, granting them land (the St Peters Reserve) running north from Sugar Point (now Selkirk) to the mouth of the river at Lake Winnipeg. SELKIRK departed from the settlement on Sep 9, 1817, and in 1818, James “the Parson” SUTHERLAND fell into the hands of agents of the NWC. He was forcibly carried off to Upper Canada, never more to return. Establishment of the St Boniface Mission Bishop Joseph-Norbert Provencher Lord SELKIRK entered into correspondence with the Roman Catholic authorities in Lower Canada as to their appointing priests to minister to the needs of the French and De Meuron population of his colony. The two priests selected were Fathers PROVENCHER and DUMOULIN. Joseph Norbert PROVENCHER (1787-1853) was born Feb 12, 1787 in Nicolet, Quebec, the son of a farmer. He was ordained priest on Dec 21, 1811. Joseph Severe DUMOULIN (1793-1853) was born in Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue, Lower Canada. His father was Swiss and Protestant by origin, but he married as a Roman Catholic. On July 16, 1818, Fathers PROVENCHER and DUMOULIN arrived in Assiniboia. With them came Guillaume (William) Etienne EDGE, a seminarian and a teacher. SELKIRK had set aside 25 acres for them east of the junction of the Red and Assiniboine rivers, opposite the site of the demolished Fort Gibraltar. Called St. Boniface Settlement, after the German patron saint, the settlers there were predominantly the German-speaking De Meuron soldiers who had been recruited by SELKIRK. By far the most of their work would be with Catholic French speaking Métis families who were concentrated along the Assiniboine River as far west as Fort Qu’Appelle, and along the Red River, south to Fort Daer (Pembina). There was a lot of work to be done. In the first two weeks the clerics performed 72 baptisms. On Sep 13, DUMOULIN went with EDGE to Pembina Territory, where he established a Catholic mission at Fort Daer. EDGE founded a school there. On November 1, 1818, PROVENCHER built a small log building (20’ x 30’) in St Boniface that would serve as a residence. It also served as the first chapel and the first school west of the Great Lakes. On Jan 5, 1819 DUMOULIN wrote from Pembina that EDGE was teaching 60 students. In 1820 a larger log chapel was built, the first St Boniface Cathedral. Lord SELKIRK became involved in litigations concerning lawsuits brought against him by the NWC. His health deteriorated and he died on Apr 8, 1820. Reverend John WEST and the First St John’s Church and School Reverend John West Reverend John WEST (1778-1845) was born in Farnham, Surrey, England; the son of an Anglican clergyman. He was ordained in 1806, and in 1807 he married Harriet ATKINSON in Wethersfield, England. They had 12 children. In 1819, WEST became the first HBC chaplain appointed to Rupert’s Land. By 1820 many years of bitter conflict between the HBC the NWC was reaching a climax. A merger between the two companies was imminent and it was obvious that staff reductions would have to be made when this happened. The Company’s plan was to expand the Red River settlement already created by Lord SELKIRK, to accommodate those HBC retirees who wished to remain in the country. Retirees from both companies, orphaned mixed-blood children, and others associated with the Protestant community in the west would have their spiritual requirements met in Red River. Schools, religious instruction, and pastoral care would be established there under the encouragement and aid of the Church Missionary Society (CMS). On May 27, 1820, leaving his wife and children behind, WEST, with a trained schoolmaster named George HARBRIDGE, sailed for Rupert’s Land. On Aug 13 they disembarked at York Factory. There, WEST wasted no time in recruiting his first student for the school he intended to build; one of the sons of WITHEWACAPO. Then, on Oct 4 at Norway House, on the way to Red River, he recruited a second boy, SAKACHUWESCUM (later Reverend Henry BUDD); the son of a Muskego Cree Indian of (BUDD) from York Factory and WASH-E-SOO-E’SQUEW (Agathas), the half-caste daughter of Matthew COCKING (1743-1799). ** MORE ABOUT MUSKEGO CREE BUDD ** MORE ABOUT MATTHEW COCKING On Oct 13 they made one more stop-over at Netley Creek, where they met the famous Saulteaux Chief PEGUIS. The next day they arrived at their destination where their first abode was the colony’s Fort Douglas. ** MORE ABOUT CHIEF PEGUIS Soon after their arrival, a log house was repaired about three miles below the fort, where HARBRIDGE took up his residence and began teaching from 20 to 25 children. WEST moved into the farm that belonged to the late Earl of SELKIRK. The NWC – HBC union did in fact take place in 1821, and soon after (Sir) George SIMPSON (1786-1860) took the reins as the Governor of Rupertsland. WEST’s Trip to Brandon – Qu’Appelle Union of the Hudson’s Bay Company (HBC) and the North West Company (NWC) From his Journal, Jan 20, 1821: We started at sunrise (at Portage) - - We arrived at Brandon House, the Company’s provision post; and the next day, being Sunday, the servants were all assembled for divine worship at eleven o’clock: and we met again in the evening at six, where the next morning he married the officer of the post, and baptized his two children (This was John Richards McKAY) - - Before I left this post, I married two of the Company’s servants, and baptized 10 or 12 children. The NWC – HBC union did in fact take place in 1821, and soon after (Sir) George SIMPSON(1786-1860) took the reins as the Governor of Rupertsland. ** MORE ABOUT GOVERNOR GEORGE SIMPSON On June 20, 1822 WEST stated in his journal “On our (he and an HBC Director) return (from Pembina), I took the opportunity of opening, with divine service, the building (though it was not finished) which was intended as a school-house, and a temporary place for divine worship; and at the same time, baptized two of the boys who had been under my charge, one, WITHEWACAPO, was baptised as James HOPE, and the other, SAKACHUWESCUM as Henry BUDD; they being able to read the New Testament, repeat the Church Catechism, and to understand the chief truths of the Christian Religion”. In the fall of 1822 the HBC withdrew the priests from Pembina, for the reason that they now recognized that it was on the American side of the border. Some of the settlers then founded the Parish of St Francois Xavier, and others went to Fort Snelling and other points in the USA. Heart-broken, DUMOULIN returned to Lower Canada. Once a settlement was established on Red River many flocked to it. Included were Highlanders, De Meurons (Swiss and German), French voyageurs, Metis, English and Orkney half-breeds; not less than fifteen hundred settlers. By this time there were settlers all along the river, as far north as “The Rapids” (later St Andrews) and Sugar Point (later Selkirk) WEST distributed copies of the Bible in English, Gaelic. German, Danish, Italian, and French, and they were all gratefully received in this polyglot community. On June 2, 1823 WEST stated in his journal “I have been adding two small houses to the Church Mission School, as separate sleeping apartments for the Indian children, who have already made most encouraging progress in reading and a few of them in writing. Rev John West’s first Church & School at Kildonan (Sketch from A Journal of the Reverend John West, published in 1827) On June 8, 1823, his last day in Red River, WEST baptised three of his Indian students: John HOPE, James HARBRIDGE and Charles PRATT (Boon). On Aug 19, 1823 Rev John WEST arrived at York Factory on his way to England, having completed an arduous journey from York to Churchill and then back to York (180 miles both ways, walking). He would later relate his brief encounter with Reverend David JONES (1796-1844), the newly-ordained CMS deacon, selected to relieve him in Red River for a year. WEST wrote in his journal: “Here I had the happiness of meeting the Reverend David JONES, arrived by ship, on his way to Red River, my fellow-labourer in that situation; to whom I committed the two Chipewyan Indian boys. ** MORE ABOUT REVEREND DAVID JONES in DCBO After a few days, JONES proceeded with his little charge to his destination. One of the boys would later be named Thomas HASSALL (1811-1846). The other may have been Johnny OIG (1817-1889). ** MORE ABOUT JOHNNY OIG PROVENCHER was forced to recall DUMOULIN from Pembina in 1823. Unhappy with this decision, DUMOULIN sought permission to return to Lower Canada and, despite the disappointment of PROVENCHER and PLESSIS, he left the northwest in 1823 to the regret of his converts. WEST failed to win the support of the new Governor, George SIMPSON, who thought he was spending too much time catering to the Indians, to the neglect of the HBC retirees who also began to view him in disfavour. Early in 1824, his employment was terminated by the London committee and he would never more return to Red River. ** As further details are uncovered, or when corrections are necessary, further revisions will be made. I plan to add more details about notable marriages and baptisms performed during the period discussed here, and about some of the notable students at these schools. I look forward to discussions and queries that will help me present the most accurate and interesting information possible. Please post comments and queries at this link: FORUM DISCUSSING THE FIRST RED RIVER CLERGYMEN, CHURCHES AND SCHOOLS
Cupping and Acupuncture Cupping and Acupuncture Cupping is a branch of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) that includes Acupuncture. While in China, you will find medical doctors using cupping in hospital settings; here in Chicago, Acupuncturists are the providers that use cupping to help their patients feel better for muscle pain and internal complaints (such as asthma). If you are looking for cupping, you may also see that Physical Therapists and Massage Therapists use cupping; these providers generally limit cupping to treating musculoskeletal complaints exclusively. Cupping to treat muscle pain is a highly effective treatment that is gaining popularity. Because acupuncture cupping can treat symptoms other than muscle pain, it is slightly different from other cupping forms. Acupuncture cupping is widely accepted in many practice settings around Chicago and worldwide. In our office, our acupuncturists are experts at performing cupping for both muscle pain and internal complaints (like asthma). Cupping is One of Several Tools Acupuncturists Use to Help Our Patients Feel Better Traditionally when you think of Acupuncture, needles may be the first thing that comes to mind, and needles are the most common tool used by many acupuncturists in Chicago. Still, other tools or modalities can also be used, such as an acupuncture cupping set. Cupping can be used alone to treat a patient or in conjunction with acupuncture needles, gua sha, moxa, or herbs. Cupping at Ravenswood Chiropractic in Chicago Acupuncture cupping involves using small pneumatic or silicone cups to apply a slight amount of suction to specific points on the body. Generally, light oil (massage oil) is applied to the area first so that the acupuncturist can easily glide the cups over the area being worked on. This stimulates blood flow and promotes healing by increasing the oxygen supply to the treated area. Why Does Acupuncture Cupping Work There are several theories as to why acupuncture cupping works. One medical theory suggests that when the skin is slightly suctioned and massaged, it creates a sensation that stimulates nerves in the area. Another TCM theory suggests that heat helps to open up blocked energy (Qi) channels in the body. Acupuncture Cupping Benefits Cupping has the function of warming and promoting the flow of qi and blood in the meridians, dispelling cold dampness, and diminishing swelling and pain. The acupuncture cupping method mainly treats bi syndrome caused by wind dampness, such as pain in the back, shoulders, hips, and legs—gastrointestinal disorders like stomachache, vomiting, or diarrhea—and respiratory symptoms related to congestion, coughing, and asthma. Cupping can be combined with acupuncture needles in specific treatments where the muscular tension is severe. Cupping is used first to decrease the tension, and acupuncture needles are used afterward to reinforce the healing process further. Other practical methods include cupping to eliminate toxins stored in our bodies muscle and fat tissue. What does Cupping Acupuncture Feel Like? Most patients describe the feeling as suction cups or pressure on the skin that is warm and pleasantly comfortable. After cupping, there may be a bruise in the local area; this is normal and will disappear within a few days. Multiple treatments may be needed depending on the discoloration after each treatment. Benefits are achieved when discoloration no longer surfaces during the cupping treatment. SCHEDULE YOUR ACUPUNCTURE CUPPING SESSION TODAY Schedule a free consultation or evaluation with one of our expert acupuncturists today and start feeling better tomorrow.
You can keep your company’s data well protected with Remote Backup. Secure passwords are also important, whether at work or at home. More of our everyday life, from shopping to banking, from paying bills to playing games, is done online. Trying to keep track of a dozen complex passwords, however, is the digital equivalent of herding cats. The one-person, one-password approach is not the answer. If hackers get that password, they get them all. There are better strategies for password security: 1. Password vaulting. A master password gives you access to an encrypted database containing all of your passwords. There are several popular vaults, some are free downloads, and many can automatically fill in your password information when you are online. 2. Make a list. Create a password-protected Microsoft Word document or Excel spreadsheet. This way you only have to remember one password. 3. Write it on paper. The old-fashioned approach – a sheet that lists all your passwords – is fine depending on who uses it. If you’re a college student living in a dorm, it’s not a good idea. If you live in your own home with no roommates, however, and you keep the list somewhere secure, it is a good solution. Whatever approach you use, it is important to change your passwords from time to time; experts recommend every 90 days. The safest passwords don’t use any recognizable words, which are vulnerable to hackers.
A neuropathologist at the LSU AgCenter in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, says he developed a way to grow bacteria that causes Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) and other ailments. “This is really exciting news because this allows me to work on the bacteria, while other laboratories with access to chronic wasting disease-affected deer tissues can conduct research also,” said Frank Bastian. CWD is a progressive, deadly neurological disease for deer, elk and moose that led to steep declines in wildlife populations in other states. Montana is the latest of 21 states and two Canadian provinces to officially confirm its presence within its borders. Bastian believes he is now within a year or two of being able to produce a test that hunters can use to determine whether their kill is infected with chronic wasting disease. “I would like to give hunters a test kit that they can carry in the woods so they can test their kill for presence of the bacteria while they are in the field,” Bastian said. “Hunters need to know whether their kill is infected before they consume the meat.” Read the entire LSU AgCenter news release here. (Photo source: LSU AgCenter)
Sustainability investing is a choice that does not have to come at the expense of sound investment principles. Growing interest in the impact of fossil fuels on the global climate may spark questions about whether individuals can integrate their values around sustainability with their investment goals and, if so, how? As citizens, individuals can express their political preferences around sustainability through the ballot box. As investors, they also can express their preferences through participation in global capital markets. One key question these investors face is how to do this without compromising their desired investment outcomes. For instance, how can they reduce their portfolio’s environmental footprint while maintaining sound investment principles and achieving their investment objectives? Sustainability preferences are not generally restricted to greenhouse gas emissions. Many investors may also have concerns about land use and biodiversity, toxic spills and releases, operational waste, and water management, among other issues. Thus, it is a challenge to achieve the dual goal of efficiently considering sustainability preferences while building investment solutions that help meet investors’ financial goals. One way to approach this challenge is to focus first on developing an investment methodology that emphasizes what research indicates are reliable sources of higher expected returns while also aiming to minimize unnecessary turnover and trading costs. For instance, this may mean starting with a broad universe of stocks ranging from very large companies to very small companies, and then systematically pursuing higher expected returns by increasing the weights of those securities with smaller market capitalizations, lower relative prices, and higher profitability. Next, investors can evaluate those companies being considered for investment using a focused set of environmental issues that reflect their primary concerns. By using a holistic scoring system, rather than a completely binary “in” or “out” screening process, investors may be able to preserve diversification while recognizing those companies with positive environmental profiles. This involves looking at companies across the entirety of a portfolio and within individual sectors with the goal of incorporating sustainability preferences while also maintaining the characteristics of the original strategy. For example, if one is trying to reduce a portfolio’s greenhouse gas emissions and potential emissions from fossil fuel reserves, the worst offenders across all industries may first be deemphasized or excluded from the portfolio altogether. An across-industry comparison of this nature provides an efficient way to significantly reduce the aggregate greenhouse gas emissions per unit of revenue produced by companies within a portfolio with a minimal reduction in diversification. Then, companies may also be rated on sustainability considerations within each industry. This added level of scrutiny is recognition that, in the real economy, capital markets and the supply chain are highly interconnected. For example, a retail company may consume electricity from a utility company and transportation services from a trucking company, both of which are consumers of fuel from an energy company. Comparing companies within sectors recognizes this interconnectedness and can be used to overweight the most sustainable companies within a given industry. This could include retail companies that improve the energy efficiency of their facilities, utilities that produce electricity using solar or wind power, trucking companies that improve the fuel efficiency of their fleets or use alternative-fuel vehicles, or energy companies that increase efficiency, reduce waste, and improve their overall environmental footprint. On the other hand, companies with poor environmental sustainability ratings relative to industry peers may receive a lesser weight or may be excluded. A Suggested Approach to Sustainability Investing Using such a combination of company selection and weighting may allow for substantial reduction in exposure to greenhouse gas emissions and potential emissions from fossil fuel reserves—important goals for many investors—while providing a robust investment strategy that is broadly diversified and focused on the drivers of expected returns. The key takeaway for investors is that investing well and incorporating values around sustainability need not be mutually exclusive. By starting with a robust investment framework, then overlaying the considerations that represent the views of sustainability-minded investors, this allows for a cost-effective approach that provides investors the ability to pursue their sustainability goals without compromising on sound investment principles or accepting lower expected returns. To learn more about sustainable investing and our sustainable portfolios, visit our Sustainable Investing page. - Profitability is measured as operating income before depreciation and amortization minus interest expense scaled by book equity. ↑
“Hooke’s Law states that a material’s deformation or strain changes directly and positively with the deforming force or stress applied to it when it is within its elastic limits.” Springs have always intrigued me, so much so that I have destroyed many a pen by unscrewing them and emptying them of their contents just to get my hands on the spring. It was fun to tug on one end of the spring only to see it recoil back into position. What was not fun, however, was tugging too hard, which would leave the spring permanently stretched out. All attempts to restore it to its original shape would be futile. Upon more research, I discovered something even more intriguing. Every material possesses ‘springiness’, or more scientifically, elasticity in varying measure. Recommended Video for you: What Is Elasticity And Plasticity? Forces that alter the physical configurations of objects are known as stresses. An object that deforms under such stress is said to be under strain. The elasticity of an object refers to its tendency to return to its original configuration upon withdrawal of those stresses. That said, no material is infinitely, or ‘perfectly’ elastic. There comes a point where it deforms permanently. In some cases, it may even break. The threshold value at which permanent deformation occurs is known as the elastic limit. Antonymous to elasticity, the tendency of a material to undergo permanent physical deformation is known as plasticity. Thus, all materials possess elasticity and plasticity in varying measure, and the two cannot be isolated from each other. Some materials are more elastic than others. A good example of a highly elastic material is a rubber band. However, even the stretchiest rubber band cannot be stretched without snapping at some point. Similarly, a blob of putty is a highly plastic material. That said, it experiences some ‘rebound’ that might not be visible to the naked eye. What Is Hooke’s Law? Hooke’s Law is the governing principle behind a material’s behavior when subjected to deforming forces. It is applicable within the elastic limits of a material and states that the strain or deformation of a material is directly proportional to the deforming force or stress applied to it. It can be mathematically represented by the relationship: F ∝ X Where F is the deforming force, also known as stress and x is the strain or change of dimensions resulting from this application of stress. To quantify any proportionality, a constant must be introduced into the relationship. In Hooke’s Law, this is known as the spring constant (K) and is a property of the material in question. It is multiplied with a negative sign to the strain. The equation can thus be written as: F = -Kx. Using a negative sign is important, as it represents the tendency of the body to return to its original state upon the removal of deforming forces. Graphical Representation Of Hooke’s Law Hooke’s Law is represented by plotting a graph of stress against strain. It is helpful to reiterate, at this point, that strain is the deformation induced by the application of stress. Within the elastic zone, the increase in strain is directly proportional to stress. Only until the elastic limit has been reached can the material return to its original state. Beyond the elastic limit, Hooke’s Law of direct proportionality between stress and strain ceases to be applicable. At this stage, the material under stress has crossed the point of reversible deformation. This region is known as the plastic region and any deformation that takes place within this region is permanent. In the plastic region, there comes a point where little to no increase in stress causes rapid deformation. This is known as the yield point, and it is the starting point for mechanical failure, commonly known as the fracture of the material. As stress increases beyond the yield point, an ultimate tensile stress point is reached. After this point, the material starts constricting and finally fractures. Deviation From Hooke’s Law A non-Hookean material is identified based on having little to no adherence to Hooke’s Law from even the most initial stages in its stress strain curve. Such materials do not regain their original configuration or energy. Substances that are highly plastic, brittle, or even ductile in nature are common non-Hookean materials. Some examples would include cloth (highly plastic); glass or cast iron (highly brittle), and copper (highly ductile). With advancements in material science, neo-Hookean materials have also been identified. A neo-Hookean material is hyper-elastic in nature and, despite being capable of regaining its original state, it does not adhere to Hooke’s Law. Its stress-strain relationship is governed by other factors, such as temperature, viscosity and internal material structure, among others. Hyper-elastic substances like rubber, resin and abductin are neo-Hookean materials. Application Of Hooke’s Law While there are many deviations from Hooke’s Law, it is universally accepted and applicable to most materials, even for a short range of stress. It forms the basis for many machines and equipment that work on tension and compression. Some common applications of Hooke’s Law are seen in Bourdon tubes, spring balances and manometers.
Doesn’t it seem like lawyers and judges have a language of their own? One that sometimes looks and sounds like English, sometimes doesn’t, but is always strange and hard to understand? That’s because they do. “Legalese” is the unflattering description of it. Legal English has its peculiar vocabulary, structure, and logic. It includes terms from Latin and French. These came down to us through Roman and Norman conquests of Britain, from where our American legal system is descended. It also assigns special meanings to English words, so they don’t mean what a layman might think they mean. Legal English evolved over centuries to serve the purposes of clear communication with standardized meanings, and with consistency, between legal professionals. It does this very well, but the flip side is it’s often a mystery to the plaintiffs, defendants, jurors, and others the justice system serves. There are plenty of alphabetic glossaries of legal terms available online and elsewhere. A different approach is taken here to introducing the lexicon. A selection of 25 terms and phrases prominent in personal injury cases follows, presented and explained (in plain English) in the context of a typical case timeline. Legal terms areitalicized when introduced. Personal injury law covers physical, financial, and emotional injuries to people, caused by the negligence of another person or party. A person or party is negligent when they’ve failed in their duty to meet a standard of care, that is, their obligation to provide the attention, alertness, caution, and prudence that a reasonable person under the same circumstances would apply. Gross negligence refers to a voluntary, conscious, willful disregard for the duty to meet the standard of care, resulting in injury. Damages are payments sought by a victim for harms caused by the negligence of the person or party they believe to be responsible. Compensatory damages replace what the injured person has lost or suffered. Special damages compensate for financial loss: money-for-money, money-for-property. General damages compensate for intangible harms like pain and emotional distress. Damages for consortium loss compensate a spouse for the loss of his or her spouse’s companionship, services, and attention due to his or her injury. The function of punitive damages is to send a message of deterrence to the community by punishing a defendant for exceptionally bad conduct. WHO SHALL PAY? Having sustained an injury and set out to recover damages, the injured person must establish the liability, the fault of the person or party they believe to be responsible for the accident. Sometimes this can be done without going through the courts, by direct negotiation between legal and insurance professionals for both sides. This is a good opportunity to clarify the meaning of no-fault. Most people know that car accidents in Florida are subject to a no-fault law, but this emphatically does not mean that the law doesn’t care whose fault an accident is. It refers to a provision of the law regulating Florida auto insurance providers and policies. Under the no-fault provision, Florida car insurance policies are required to include a Personal Injury Protection (PIP) feature. A driver injured in a crash is entitled to compensation for medical expenses, and for indirect expenses like lost income, from his own insurance company. This is intended to speed the flow of relief to injured drivers. Florida law applies a pure comparative negligence rule to the determination of liability in personal injury cases. Under this rule, liability for an injury can be shared by the victim and the person or party the victim is seeking damages from. The damages for which the other party is liable are reduced by the percentage of fault attributed to the injured person. Because this rule is applied by judges and juries, it’s often is raised by attorneys negotiating for a settlement before trial. If liability and damages cannot be agreed on in this way, the injured party can file a complaint and thus initiate a lawsuit in which they’ll attempt to convince a judge or jury of the other party’s liability. At this point, the injured party becomes a plaintiff and the other party a defendant. This is the beginning of the litigation phase. The proof of liability due to negligence rests on four elements. There must have been a duty to meet a standard of care, and there must have been a breach of that duty by the defendant. The defendant must have been the cause of the plaintiff’s injuries and harms. Finally, the plaintiff must have sustained actual damages, financial, physical, or emotional. Before the case goes to trial in court, the process of discovery allows both sides to seek and obtain evidence from each other. This can be a lengthy process, as current and past medical records, police reports, employment histories, public assistance records, and additional information are subject to discovery. Depositions can be taken, in which the defendant’s attorney can question the plaintiff, and vice versa, under oath and documented by a court reporter. Before the trial, during or near the end of discovery, emerging clarity and mutual understanding of the facts of the case often lead to a settlement, an agreement about liability and damages reached by the plaintiff and defendant through their respective lawyers. When the parties feel a settlement is possible but need an independent opinion to resolve one or more sticking points, the case can go to mediation. If a settlement cannot be reached, the case goes to trial in a court of law. The judge or the jury will determine liability and damages and order the defendant, if damages were awarded, to pay. That will be the end of the legal process, unless one of the litigants, the plaintiff or the defendant, is unhappy with the outcome and elects to appeal to a higher court. The good news for plaintiffs is that this is when their lawyers generally get paid. Rather than hourly billing, personal injury attorneys usually work on a contingency fee basis, meaning they are paid by taking a percentage, agreed upon in advance, of damages awarded by the court. If the plaintiff loses the case, or wins but is awarded nothing, the plaintiff’s lawyer gets nothing. Personal injury law exists within our overall legal framework, so there are a few terms which don’t relate narrowly to this area, but which are important to know and understand. A statute of limitations is a law on the books which in the case of personal injury establishes the time period, after an injury, during which the injured person can start litigation. The critical dates are the injury date and the filing date for the plaintiff’s lawsuit, which in Florida personal injury actions must in most cases be within four years of the accident. A cause of action is the reason a plaintiff files suit. In the case of personal injury suits, negligence is the underlying cause of action. Finally, a tort is not a kind of pastry, but is a wrongful and/or illegal act which results in an injury to another person. Personal injury cases are a type of tort cases. Familiarity with these 25 legal terms will put you in pretty good shape to navigate the discussions and debates you’ll face if you become involved, on either side, in a personal injury case. The whole of Legal English is of course much, much deeper than this. The learning of it is a big part of a legal education. This review should help you stay alert to the nuances, and to identify terms you should ask an attorney to explain. Even when they seem to be plain English, sometimes they’re not.
Lips are one of the most important features of a human face. Let’s learn how to draw lips in 7 easy steps! Drawing lips is an important part of portrait drawing, so if you want to improve your realistic portraits, this drawing lesson is just for you. This easy step-by-step tutorial is a fun and simple way to learn how to draw lips with a front view. In this blog post, you will learn the best way to draw lips using basic shapes and a regular h pencil, a ballpoint pen, and your favorite coloring pencils. Let’s get started! The first thing to make this lips drawing is starting with a simple cross. Notice how the horizontal line is longer than the vertical line. In this step, it’s a good idea to use a ruler so the lips won’t be crooked. Now is the time to decide the width of the lips! To draw thin lips, make the vertical line shorter, and if you want larger lips, make the line longer. In this next step, we’ll draw an oval shape to make the outline of the lips. Pay close attention to ensure the oval touches all four corners of the cross. Now that we have a general shape, let’s draw Cupid’s bow with a small inverted triangle. This step will affect the shape of the lips, so take your time! Let’s get more detailed. In the center of the bottom lip, transform the middle line into a curved line following the natural shape of a mouth. Then, in the bottom line of the top of the lip, draw an M-like shape, leaving two small spaces between the top and bottom of the lip. In this step, we will make the lips outline more defined. Make the outline come closer to the outer corners of the lips. You can play around with different sizes and shapes – remember, the lips are one of the most noticeable facial features! Once you’re happy with the previous step, erase all extra lines. Use a pen or marker to outline the final shape. For the final step, we’ll use colors to create the shading of the lips. You can use a regular nude color, a darker tone, or make them bright red, it’s completely up to you. You can also add light strokes with a pencil to create lip wrinkles. Now that your drawing of lips is all done, it’s time to practice with different lips. Try different lips shapes and sizes, and you’ll quickly notice how easy it is to draw lips for your portraits! This article contains affiliate links. - Sketching Pencils - Kneaded Rubber Eraser - Sketch Pad - Erasable Colored Pencils - Fine markers - Sketch and Drawing Art Pencil Set - Artist drawing set (This is great for new and experienced artists. It’s also something I give as a gift.) Before You Go Thank you so much for stopping by to draw lips with me! Learning to draw new things is easy and fun and I hope you will check out more of my drawing tutorials!
By entering this website, you agree that you're of legal age in your state to purchase electronic cigarette products. Walking into a convenience store and purchasing a pack (or carton) of cigarettes and a new pack of lighters are the obvious costs associated with smoking cigarettes. However, there are other costs that people do not always think of (or immediately link to) when they ask themselves what smoking costs them. Health costs and insurance premiums are just two of the most obvious. Life and health insurance premiums One area where smokers pay more is more life and health insurance. For example, a smoker who is 30 years old can pay anywhere from 16 to 41% higher insurance premiums that a non-smoker according to data from Assurant Health. That can add up to substantial out of pocket expenses. In addition to health insurance premiums being higher, a smoker's lifespan tends to be shorter, which is why life insurance costs can be nearly double that of a non-smoker's. This rate increase could mean thousands more dollars per year. Health care costs It's also true that smokers are at a higher risk for catching colds and sinus infections, which of course leads to more expenses for medication and doctors' visits. Of course, cigarette smoking can put someone at a higher risk for cancer, cardiovascular disease and chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases, which carry a high cost, even with good health insurance. Smokers also tend to have higher dental costs as smoking cigarettes has been linked to gum disease (periodontitis). Other insurance premium costs While not typically thought of as being connected to smoking, other insurance premiums can be increased as well. Homeowner's insurance can be higher because some may see smoking in the home as higher risk of house fire. In addition, car insurance can be higher. Statistics show that smokers get into more accidents, resulting in higher insurance rates. This higher risk of a car accident is caused by distractions such as lighting the cigarette, dropping lit cigarettes, or scrambling around looking for a lighter. Loss of income As already mentioned, smokers have a higher likelihood of illness, and as such, may miss more days of work. This of course means less income. Various statistics also show that a smoker's Social Security and pension contributions are much less than a non-smoker's, which of course means less income during retirement. Moreover, statistics show that, on average, smokers pay less into Social Security and pensions because they work less than non-smokers do. As a result, when they retire, they will receive less money. Benefits of stopping smoking If you are currently a smoker, then trying to stop smoking can benefit you in several ways. First, your budget will appreciate it. More importantly, you can greatly reduce your chances of developing any of the conditions linked to smoking. Smokeless cigarettes provide an alternative way to get the nicotine your body craves at a much lower cost. Although there are upfront costs to get started, they do level out over time. SouthBeach offers several kinds of smokeless cigarette starter kits that provide you with all the tools you need. In addition to offering starter kits and other accessories, you can browse our blog and knowledge center to learn more about the world of vaping and smokeless cigarettes.
Other networks, notably Usenet and BITNET at first offered gateways into the Internet, and later merged with it. Soon, more industrial and educational networks, similar to Telenet, Tymnet and JANET have been interconnected with the Internet. Education & Career Research The basic place is for a global web the place ROAM ideas body regional, national and native diversities. In this context, important objectives are media freedom, community interoperability, net neutrality and the free flow of information (minimal limitations to the rights to obtain and impart information throughout borders, and any limitations to accord with international standards). The Internet is the most important world-broad communication network of computers. The Internet has tens of millions of smaller home, educational, business, and authorities networks, which collectively carry many different varieties of information. Broadband is a kind of communications technology whereby a single wire can carry multiple sort of sign without delay; for example, audio and video. Assistive know-how refers to any software or hardware that acts to assist and improve the useful capabilities of individuals with disabilities. Examples include wheelchairs, prosthetics, voice-to-text expertise and textual content-to-speech technology. It is distinct from digital expertise, which provides for greater high quality and speed of information transmission. By July of 1975, ARPANET was an operational community, and the period from 1973 to 1982 noticed the event and refinement of the TCP/IP protocol suite, and its implementation on a range of operating methods. Included are native-space networks (LANs), extensive-area networks (WANs), bridging, switching, routing, voice and knowledge integration, wi-fi integration, dial-up expertise, cable access know-how, community security and community administration. For example, it’s important that college students who are blind have access to speech and/or Braille output units. Read Wired’s profile on Cerf’s historic contribution to the Internet In order to create a fiber-optic community, you have to make investments some huge cash in setting up an important infrastructure. Another negative with broadband over fiber is that the cables are very sensitive.
Pit crews will be able to keep a watchful eye on drivers thanks to new sensors at their fingertips. The idea: F1 drivers are put through huge stresses during a race. Being able to monitor their vitals remotely will allow teams to keep a careful eye on them, say, or know what's happened to them following a crash. The gloves: From this year, drivers will wear gloves that include a pulse oximetry sensor to measure heart rate and blood oxygen. The sensor is powered by a small battery that charges wirelessly and beams encrypted data up to 500 meters via Bluetooth. The gloves were in testing during 2017 but are now required. Temperature and breathing rate monitoring will be added in the future. Why it matters: Staff from F1’s governing body established a startup, Signal Biometrics, to develop the sensors, which are thin, flexible, and fire-resistant. Like other advances first developed for F1, the technology could appear in consumer products before long. Humans and technology Unlocking the power of sustainability A comprehensive sustainability effort embraces technology, shifting from risk reduction to innovation opportunity. Building a data-driven health-care ecosystem Harnessing data to improve the equity, affordability, and quality of the health care system. Drive innovation with a tech culture of ‘connect, learn, and apply’ Offer an ongoing curriculum that aligns to strategic priorities and the latest technology to drive innovation, productivity, and social-good efforts. Get the latest updates from MIT Technology Review Discover special offers, top stories, upcoming events, and more.
The trading signal is a kind of special instruction to buy or sell the stocks, where these signals are generated by analysis. The analysis can be of human generated one where the humans usually use the technical indicators or mathematical algorithms generate these trading signals by considering the possibilities of other market factors like economic indicators. The traders can create the trading signals by using the variety of factors starting from simple one of earning reports and volume surge to more difficult trading signals derived from existing signals. In general, a trading signal means the indicator that defines whether to buy or sell the product and it mainly focuses on the security base line of the traders. In general, the trade signals will be connected with the fast in and out trading. However, in real some of the trade signals are found to be of less recurrent and it is based on the dip buying and reversion in the trading equities. This kind of the great trading signals would be to look for the periods where the price action of the trading signals does not line up with the fundamentals. So the trader’s generally use the trader indicators where this indicates the good trading data and based on this the traders make their decisions on trading and it gives a perfect predict to do better trading. Ways to create the trading signals There are number of possibilities are out when comes to creating the trading signals but the traders tend just to automate their thinking. For example when the stock is out with lower than the certain price to earnings then it consider as the technical formation breaks where the profit will be of upside and down. The following are several ways in which you can create the trading signals in general the traders can combine the common inputs based on their needs and requirements. - Moving average - Technical pattern that includes the trend lines, rectangles, head and shoulders and triangles - Interest rates By using anyone of the common inputs, the traders can create the trading signals and these signals acts as the trader indicators indicating the value of the product and suggest the good deal. If you are a beginner, then you must learn to create the trading signals only then you can make quick amount of money in trading without making any loss.
low; moderate; high 45 - 60 cm Creamy-white with flushes of pink; summer autumn winter sun; semi-shade; rockery; walls; container; dry soils; slope; windy; wildlife bees butterflies insects butterfly host; narrow spaces; grassland; rocky places; bushveld; coastal eastern cape; coastal kzn thicket; highveld; subtropical east coast; bushveld savanna Find informative indigenous gardening articles in our web magazine - Crassula sarcocaulis has flowers one instantly recognises as being a member of the Crassula family; it is one of the prettiest but least known of this well-loved genus. It charms you with an aged look to the fleshy stems reminiscent of Crassula ovata. The leaves of this small shrub are tiny, 10 – 30 x 1 – 8 mm, dark green in colour, and shape to a sharp point. This subspecies, sarcocaulis, has flattened leaves, while subsp. rupicola has needle-like leaves. Crassula sarcocaulis is a perennial shrublet and fills that difficult gap between the common groundcover /perennial height, and that of the larger shrub forms. Growth form is neat with 60 cm long branches that spread out from the main trunk to form a somewhat rounded shape. Younger branches are covered in little hairy bumps; as plants mature, the bark begins to peel from these points. Creamy white to pink flowers cover the foliage from October to March, small, attractive heads of up to 20 mm in diameter, each made up of a multitude of tiny cup-shaped flowers. Mature size is between 45 and 60 cm in full sun to partial shade, and C. sarcocaulis survives moderate to harsh frost. Succulent-type leaves and stems make it a valuable drought-tolerant sub-shrub thus a good choice for water-wise gardening. To propagate this variety, take stem cuttings but allow the stem to dry out and form a scab before planting out to prevent diseases and reduce the chances of the stem rotting. C. sarcocaulis grows naturally in shallow soils on and around rocks, in many provinces, from Eastern Cape, Free State, KwaZulu-Natal, to Limpopo and Mpumalanga, although it is not endemic to South Africa. A part of the CRASSULACEAE family it is listed as Least Concern in the Red Data book as of 2005, and this has not yet been updated.
Keep reading for 20 books about Idaho you can use for a state unit study! Ya want to know the big secret about Idaho? The people that live there REALLY don’t want you to know how amazing and beautiful it is. Tinfoil hat time, I don’t think there are any militia’s there, they just say that so no one moves there 😂 Anyway! Idaho is a beautiful state filled with natural resources. Zinc, copper, and even phosphate are mined there. Its rugged forests makes it a popular tourist destination. And of course, we all know Idaho is famous for it’s potatoes! However, studying and learning about Idaho is more than memorizing its resources and agricultural products. My approach to homeschooling involves what as Charlotte Mason coined, living books. Living books are books that make the subject you are studying come alive and are written by people who love the subject. No bland nonfiction books on this list! This book list contains living books about Idaho as well as chapter books set in Idaho and books about famous people from the Gem State. All of these books DO make the state of Idaho come alive to the reader. ICYMI, click HERE for all the other state book lists! Idaho History and Facts - Idaho is nicknamed the Gem State. - Motto – Let it be perpetual. - Idaho entered the Union on July 3, 1890. It was the 43rd state. - Idaho is a coined word meaning “gem of the mountains.” - Boise is the capital of Idaho This post contains affiliate links. If you click and make a purchase, we earn a commission at NO extra cost to you. For more information, please read my full disclosure policy. Descriptions come from Amazon; some are edited for length Living Books about Idaho Children’s Books About Idaho “Continuing the great Discover American State By State series is P is for Potato: An Idaho Alphabet. That’s right, Idaho! Sleeping Bear Press explores the lush land and rich history of a state so often overlooked. Kids of all ages will love the A to Z rhymes boasting about all the riches found within Idaho’s borders, from the Appaloosa steed to the zinc mines. Every page expands on the rhyme and introduces the readers to more interesting facts, places and people that have helped make Idaho the unique treasure it is.” This series of books called Discover America State By State are some of my favorites for introducing a state to kids. Each letter states a fact about that state. For example, for Idaho letter A is for Appaloosa and the letter B is for Boise, and so on. Each letter comes with a four line rhyme about that respective letter’s fact or subject. What I love most is on the side of the page it gives more in-depth description about each subject. It’s a great jumping off point for what sparks an interest in your child! “During the Great Depression, a family seeking work finds employment for two weeks digging potatoes in Idaho.” Idaho earned the nickname the Gem state because it contains 72 different kinds of precious and semi-precious stones. Learn more about gems in this colorful and informative photo book! “Part of DK’s best-selling Nature Guide series, Nature Guide Gems is packed with stunning photography that reveals the intricate details and unique features of more than 400 treasured jewels and precious metals, alongside fact-packed profiles. On this eye-popping tour, you’ll discover where gems are found and how crystals are classified. You’ll travel the world to discover the history and folklore of ancient rocks and stones. The catalogue reference style ensures newcomers can navigate with ease, while experienced enthusiasts will enjoy the subject-specific structure.Compact and clear, this beautiful book brings the natural world to life so you leave no stone unturned.” Picture Books Set in Idaho “Nowadays it’s no big deal or a girl to travel seventy-five miles. But when Charlotte May Pierstorff wanted to cross seventy-five miles of Idaho mountains to see her grandma in 1914, it was a very big deal indeed. There was no highway except the railroad, and a train ticket would have cost her parents a full day’s pay. Here is the true story of how May got to visit her grandma, thanks to her won spunk, her father’s ingenuity, and the U.S. mail.” “When Axel and his family take a rafting trip down the swift Salmon River, they sense little risk when smoke appears in the quiet, dry wilderness. Suddenly, orange flames flash dangerously near, and Axel isn’t so sure of their safety anymore. Before long, they are caught in a blazing forest and must search for a safe hideout. Will Axel and his family make the right call before the roaring fire gets too close?” “Shorty and his family, along with thousands of other Japanese Americans, have been forced to relocate from their homes to a camp after the attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. Fighting the heat, dust, and freezing cold nights of the desert, Shorty and the others at the camp need something to look forward to, even if only for nine innings. So they build a playing field, and in this unlikely place, a baseball league is formed. Surrounded by barbed-wire fences and guards in towers, Shorty soon finds that he is playing not only to win, but to gain dignity and self-respect as well. Inspired by actual events, this moving story of hope and courage in a Japanese American internment camp during World War II reveals a long-hidden and ugly part of the American past.” “Just after World War II, the people of McCall, Idaho, found themselves with a problem on their hands. McCall was a lovely resort community in Idaho’s backcountry with mountain views, a sparkling lake, and plenty of forests. People rushed to build roads and homes there to enjoy the year-round outdoor activities. It was a beautiful place to live. And not just for humans. For centuries, beavers had made the region their home. But what’s good for beavers is not necessarily good for humans, and vice versa. So in a unique conservation effort, in 1948 a team from the Idaho Fish and Game Department decided to relocate the McCall beaver colony. In a daring experiment, the team airdropped seventy-six live beavers to a new location. One beaver, playfully named Geronimo, endured countless practice drops, seeming to enjoy the skydives, and led the way as all the beavers parachuted into their new home. Readers and nature enthusiasts of all ages will enjoy this true story of ingenuity and determination.” Kids Books about Famous People from Idaho “James Castle was born two months premature on September 25, 1899, on a farm in Garden Valley, Idaho. He was deaf, mute, autistic, and probably dyslexic. He didn’t walk until he was four; he would never learn to speak, write, read, or use sign language. Yet, today Castle’s artwork hangs in major museums throughout the world. And his reputation continues to grow. Caldecott Medal winner Allen Say, author of the acclaimed memoir Drawing from Memory, takes readers through an imagined look at Castle’s childhood, allows them to experience his emergence as an artist despite the overwhelming difficulties he faced, and ultimately reveals the triumphs that he would go on to achieve.” “Plowing a potato field in 1920, a 14-year-old farm boy from Idaho saw in the parallel rows of overturned earth a way to ‘make pictures fly through the air.’ This boy was not a magician; he was a scientific genius and just eight years later he made his brainstorm in the potato field a reality by transmitting the world’s first television image. This fascinating picture-book biography of Philo Farnsworth covers his early interest in machines and electricity, leading up to how he put it all together in one of the greatest inventions of the 20th century.” “Taking a rare look beyond the myths and legends surrounding Sacagawea’s life, this extraordinary illustrated history recounts the known facts about a remarkable woman and her contribution to one of America’s greatest journeys of exploration. Combining beautifully wrought oil paintings, a moving true story, and a unique larger format, Sacagawea will captivate readers of all ages. Born in Idaho Territory, she was kidnapped from her Shoshone tribe when she was just eleven or twelve. She served as interpreter, peacemaker, and guide for the Lewis and Clark Expedition to the Northwest in 1805-1806. Braving hunger and fierce blizzards, Sacagawea traveled thousands of miles with a baby on her back. By the end of the legendary journey, Sacagawea’s steadfast courage and capable guidance had ensured her place in history.” Chapter Books Set in Idaho “Thirteen-year-old Salamanca Tree Hiddle, proud of her country roots and the ‘Indian-ness in her blood,’ travels from Ohio to Idaho with her eccentric grandparents. Along the way, she tells them of the story of Phoebe Winterbottom, who received mysterious messages, who met a ‘potential lunatic,’ and whose mother disappeared. As Sal entertains her grandparents with Phoebe’s outrageous story, her own story begins to unfold. The story of a thirteen-year-old girl whose only wish is to be reunited with her missing mother.” “Imagine being Camille McPhee. She has low blood sugar, so she carries extra food in a cooler. Would you want to do that? Didn’t think so. And you wouldn’t want to fall under the school bus. That happened to Camille too! Her cat, Checkers, is lost. And her best friend, Sally, moved to Japan. It would be hard to stay optimistic, right? But Camille is what her mom calls HOPEFUL. Because really? There are plenty of things to be positive about: gifted reading, a non-squeaky mattress, eating banned foods, the big blue butterfly. Even making a new friend. Imagine that!” “In early 1942, thirteen-year-old Mina Masako Tagawa and her Japanese-American family are sent from their home in Seattle to an internment camp in Idaho. What do you do when your home country treats you like an enemy? This memorable and powerful novel in verse, written by award-winning author Mariko Nagai, explores the nature of fear, the value of acceptance, and the beauty of life. As thought-provoking as it is uplifting, Dust of Eden is told with an honesty that is both heart-wrenching and inspirational.” “Freedom Jane McKenzie isn’t good at following the rules. She doesn’t like any of the things that girls are supposed to like. She’s good at fishing, getting into trouble. And playing marbles. All she wants is to enter the marble competition at the Autumn Jubilee and show the boys in the neighborhood that she’s the best player. If she can’t be the Marble King, then she’ll be the Marble Queen. First, Freedom has to convince her mother to let her enter. But there’s a new baby on the way, Freedom’s daddy is drinking too much, her little brother is a handful, and her mother is even more difficult than usual. Freedom learns that when it comes to love, friendship, and family, sometimes there are no rules. Set in 1959, The Marble Queen is a timeless story about growing up.” “After 13-year-old Charlie Hall’s mother dies and his father retreats into the silence of grief, Charlie finds himself drifting lost and alone through the brutal halls of junior high school. But Charlie Hall is not entirely friendless. In the woods behind his house, Charlie is saved from a mountain lion by a grizzly bear, thought to be extinct in northern Idaho. And this very unusual bear will change Charlie’s life forever. Not only a heartwarming and charming coming of age story, but also a page-turning insightful look at how faith, trust, and unconditional love can heal a broken family and bridge the gaps that divide us.” “Josh isn’t happy to be starting at a new school. Maybe it’s a chance to be somebody. Not so easy for a kid who’s been pretty average and is overweight besides. But he is pumped when a cool kid asks hims to play ice hockey.” “With this sweeping tale of life on the World War II home front, Newbery Honor author Kirby Larson brings her incredible talent to the Dear America series. When Pearl Harbor is attacked, America is unable to ignore the wars raging in Europe and Asia any longer. And one girl’s entire life is about to change when everything she knows is turned on its head. After the devastating attack on Pearl Harbor, where her brother, a navy sailor, is stationed, Piper Davis begins chronicling her compelling journey through one of history’s most tragic and unforgettable eras.” “After an unfortunate incident at the hair salon, Bessica is not allowed to see her best friend, Sylvie. That means she’s going to start middle school a-l-o-n-e. Bessica feels like such a loser. She wants friends. She’s just not sure how to make them. It doesn’t help that her beloved grandma is off on some crazy road trip and has zero time to listen to Bessica. Or that Bessica has a ton of homework. Or that gorgeous Noll Beck thinks she’s just a kid. Or that there are some serious psycho-bullies in her classes. Bessica doesn’t care about being popular. She just wants to survive. And look cute. Is that too much to ask when you’re eleven?” “The first humorous addition to the historical fiction series is narrated by Teresa, a first generation American of Italian descent, who travels by train and then by wagon with her family from New York to a utopian community in Idaho.” “Carrie Hill hates Indians. Indians killed her parents and ruined her life. With nowhere else to go, fifteen-year-old Carrie signs on to help care for the family of Beaver Dick Leigh, an English trapper. To her dismay, Carrie discovers that Beaver Dick’s wife, Jenny, is a Shoshoni Indian! But as Carrie’s wounds heal under Jenny’s gentle care, she begins to respect and love this kind woman. Beginning each chapter with an excerpt from Beaver Dick Leigh’s actual journals, Kristiana Gregory brings alive the people and the dramatic setting of a bygone era.” Books Set in Idaho (for Mom!) I love to read, and I love a good theme or challenge for a reading list. So my final two books on this book list are one adult fiction and one adult non-fiction. Fiction Book Set in Idaho “Lyman Ward is a retired professor of history, recently confined to a wheelchair by a crippling bone disease and dependent on others for his every need. Amid the chaos of 1970s counterculture he retreats to his ancestral home of Grass Valley, California, to write the biography of his grandmother: an elegant and headstrong artist and pioneer who, together with her engineer husband, made her own journey through the hardscrabble West nearly a hundred years before. In discovering her story he excavates his own, probing the shadows of his experience and the America that has come of age around him.” Non-fiction Book Set In Idaho “Everyone got married in the 1950s, then moved to the suburbs to have the children of the soon-to-be-famous baby boom. For Americans who had survived the Great Depression and World War II, prosperous married life was a triumph. The unwed were objects of pity, scorn, even suspicion. And so in the 1950s, Eva Eldridge, no longer so young and marginally employed, was the perfect target for handsome Vick, who promised everything: storybook romance, marital respectability, and the lively social life she loved. When he disappeared not long after their honeymoon, she was devastated. Refusing to believe her brand-new husband had abandoned her, Eva set about tracking down a man who, she now believed, was more damaged by wartime trauma than she had known. But instead of a wounded hero, she found a long string of women much like herself who had loved and married Vick and now had no idea where (or even who) he was. Eva’s remarkable life illuminates women’s struggle for happiness at a time when marriage (and the perfect husband) meant everything.” And there you have it! 20 living books about Idaho. It is my hope that this book list provides you with JUST ONE book to share with your kids. For our homeschool unit we read Walk Two Moons, which was so fun. It was like taking a road trip through all the other states we had read! From potatoes and gems to beavers and the Tetons, I hope you found something fun to read about Idaho! What kind of books does your child love best? What kind of books would you like to see in the future? Drop a comment below to let me know! If you enjoyed this post, make sure to check out the other states! - New Jersey - South Carolina - New Hampshire - New York - North Carolina - Rhode Island - West Virginia - North Dakota - South Dakota - New Mexico
The American Dream is a concept that has been deeply ingrained in the fabric of American society for decades. It is the idea that anyone, regardless of their background or social status, can achieve success and prosperity through hard work and determination. In F. Scott Fitzgerald’s classic novel, The Great Gatsby, the American Dream is a central theme that is explored and dissected. One of the key aspects to consider when writing an essay on the American Dream in The Great Gatsby is the symbolism used throughout the novel. Fitzgerald expertly uses various symbols to represent different aspects of the American Dream. For example, the green light at the end of Daisy’s dock symbolizes Gatsby’s hopes and dreams for the future. This symbolizes the pursuit of the American Dream and the desire for a better life. Furthermore, the characters in the novel also play a significant role in exploring the concept of the American Dream. Jay Gatsby, the protagonist, is the epitome of the American Dream. He starts off as a poor young man and through hard work and determination, he amasses a great fortune. However, despite his material success, he is still not able to achieve happiness and fulfillment. This raises questions about the true nature of the American Dream and whether it is truly attainable. Additionally, the setting of the novel is crucial in understanding the American Dream. The Great Gatsby is set in the 1920s, a time of great social and economic change in America. This was a period of economic prosperity and excess, known as the Roaring Twenties. The characters in the novel are often depicted attending extravagant parties and indulging in luxurious lifestyles. This portrayal of the American Dream as a materialistic pursuit is a critique of the shallow and superficial nature of society at the time. Moreover, the theme of disillusionment is prevalent throughout the novel. Many characters in The Great Gatsby are disillusioned with the idea of the American Dream. They realize that wealth and material possessions do not necessarily lead to happiness and fulfillment. This theme is particularly evident in the character of Daisy Buchanan, Gatsby’s love interest. Despite having wealth and privilege, she is ultimately unsatisfied and seeks emotional fulfillment elsewhere. When writing an essay on the American Dream in The Great Gatsby, it is important to consider the historical context of the novel. The 1920s was a time of great social and economic change, and the novel reflects the disillusionment and dissatisfaction felt by many Americans during this period. It is also worth exploring the role of social class and how it impacts the pursuit of the American Dream. In conclusion, The Great Gatsby provides a fascinating exploration of the American Dream and its complexities. Through symbolism, character development, and setting, F. Scott Fitzgerald presents a nuanced and thought-provoking examination of this iconic concept. Whether it is attainable or merely an illusion, the American Dream continues to captivate and inspire individuals to this day. For more information and expert insight on this topic, visit our Facebook page here. Wrestling with your American Dream in The Great Gatsby essay? Let EssayPay alleviate your stress! Navigate to their website, fill out the form, and expect a customized solution from this professional essay writing service.
Dengue is a now a common virus transmitted by mosquitoes in tropical and subtropical regions of the world, including South East Asia, Africa, the Americas and Northern Queensland. It is fast becoming a major international health concern with increasing outbreaks in many countries. Travellers to these regions should try to minimise mosquito bites. Thousands of travellers each year return to WA from Bali and Thailand with dengue. The main mosquito which transmits the virus is Aedes Aegypti. This particular mosquito likes to bite during the daylight hours. It breeds in freshwater containers such as pots, tyres and also palm fronds. Unlike malaria, dengue is most common in urban areas. For both these reasons it has increased exponentially with urbanisation and travel. The disease usually presents between 4-7 days after being bitten by infected mosquitoes with a sudden onset of high fever, body aches, pain behind the eyes and severe fatigue lasting for around a week or two, with the potential to severely disrupt holiday plans or work, if the disease occurs after the traveller has returned home. Most individuals make a full recovery, however occasionally severe complications may occur requiring hospital admission and prolonged recovery. Severe Dengue can be fatal and is more common after subsequent dengue infection. 24 hour Mosquito avoidance measures are most important. Use a tropical strength DEET or Picaridin containing repellent every 4-8 hours during daylight hours (frequency of application depends on the strength of the repellent). Wear long loose-fitting clothing if practical. Stay in accommodation with air conditioning or insect screens on windows and doors. There is a relatively new vaccine providing protection against dengue fever. It can only be given to an individual who has already had clinically diagnosed dengue fever. A course of 3 injections, the vaccine is not readily available in Australia, requires Therapeutic Goods Association (TGA) approval prior to ordering and is currently costing between $700 – $800 per shot. Anyone who would like more information should make an appointment with one of our doctors. Because of these reasons it is not used commonly in travellers. There is no cure for dengue. Treatment involves rest, hydration and paracetamol for pain and fever. Severe dengue requires treatment in a hospital setting. If you have a high fever after visiting tropical or subtropical regions, and even if you are back in Australia – don’t delay seeking medical help and make sure you mention your travel history.
How to recognise AMR Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) is the number one global public health issue of our time, affecting both human and animal health. It occurs when a microorganism becomes resistant to antibiotics that were originally effective in treating infections it caused. The number of human deaths as a result of antimicrobial resistance is rising. In addition to the human threat, animal producers around the world experience the consequences of less effective treatment possibilities and the resultant increased mortality rate and low feed efficiency. Trouw Nutrition’s aim is to find new methods that substantially reduce reliance on antibiotics and improve the health, efficiency and productivity of animals.
Essential oils have been used for centuries to promote relaxation, reduce stress, and improve overall well-being. However, recent studies have shown that certain essential oils may also be effective in helping individuals cope with trauma. Trauma can take many forms, from physical injuries to emotional abuse, and can have long-lasting effects on a person’s mental and physical health. One of the most promising essential oils for trauma is lavender. Lavender has been shown to have a calming effect on the nervous system, which can help reduce anxiety and promote relaxation. This makes it an ideal choice for individuals who have experienced trauma and are struggling with symptoms such as panic attacks, insomnia, and irritability. Other essential oils that may be helpful for trauma include bergamot, frankincense, and chamomile. Trauma is a distressing experience that overwhelms an individual’s ability to cope. Trauma can be caused by a variety of events, including natural disasters, accidents, physical or sexual assault, or witnessing violence. Trauma can have a significant impact on an individual’s physical and emotional well-being. Trauma can have a variety of physical symptoms, including headaches, fatigue, and muscle tension. Trauma can also affect an individual’s immune system, making them more vulnerable to illnesses. Trauma can also cause changes in an individual’s sleep patterns, making it difficult to fall asleep or stay asleep. Trauma can have a significant impact on an individual’s emotional well-being. Trauma can cause an individual to feel a range of emotions, including fear, anxiety, anger, and sadness. Trauma can also cause an individual to feel detached from others and their surroundings. It is essential to seek support and treatment if you or someone you know has experienced trauma. Essential oils may be a helpful addition to a comprehensive treatment plan. However, it is important to note that essential oils should not be used as a substitute for professional medical care. Essential Oils: An Overview What Are Essential Oils? Essential oils are highly concentrated plant extracts that are obtained through a process of steam distillation or cold pressing. They are called “essential” because they contain the essence of the plant’s fragrance and flavor. Essential oils have been used for thousands of years for their therapeutic properties, and are commonly used today in aromatherapy, massage, and other natural health practices. How Do Essential Oils Work? Essential oils work by interacting with the body’s limbic system, which is responsible for regulating emotions, memory, and other functions. When inhaled or applied topically, essential oils can have a profound effect on mood and can help to reduce stress, anxiety, and other symptoms of trauma. Different essential oils have different therapeutic properties, and can be used for a variety of purposes. Some essential oils are known for their calming and relaxing effects, while others are energizing and uplifting. Some are anti-inflammatory, while others are antiseptic or anti-bacterial. Overall, essential oils can be a powerful tool for managing the symptoms of trauma, and can help to promote emotional and physical healing. However, it is important to use them safely and responsibly, and to consult with a qualified healthcare practitioner before using them as part of a treatment plan. Benefits of Essential Oils for Trauma Essential oils are highly concentrated plant extracts that have been used for centuries for their therapeutic benefits. When it comes to trauma, essential oils can be a powerful tool for promoting healing and recovery. In this section, we will explore the benefits of essential oils for trauma, including stress reduction, promoting sleep, and enhancing mood. One of the most significant benefits of essential oils for trauma is their ability to reduce stress. Trauma can cause a wide range of physical and emotional symptoms, including anxiety, depression, and insomnia. Essential oils such as lavender, bergamot, and ylang-ylang have been shown to have a calming effect on the nervous system, helping to reduce stress and promote relaxation. Sleep disturbances are a common symptom of trauma, and getting a good night’s rest is essential for healing and recovery. Essential oils such as chamomile, valerian, and sandalwood have been shown to promote relaxation and improve sleep quality. These oils can be diffused in the bedroom or added to a warm bath before bedtime to promote restful sleep. Trauma can have a significant impact on mood, leading to feelings of sadness, anger, and hopelessness. Essential oils such as lemon, peppermint, and frankincense have been shown to have a mood-enhancing effect, helping to promote feelings of happiness and well-being. These oils can be diffused throughout the day or added to a carrier oil for topical application. In conclusion, essential oils can be a valuable tool for promoting healing and recovery after trauma. By reducing stress, promoting sleep, and enhancing mood, essential oils can help individuals to manage their symptoms and improve their overall well-being. Specific Essential Oils for Trauma When it comes to using essential oils for trauma, there are a few specific oils that have been shown to be particularly effective. Here are three essential oils that we recommend: Lavender essential oil is one of the most popular essential oils for calming and relaxation. It has a gentle, soothing scent that can help to reduce feelings of anxiety and stress. It can also promote feelings of calm and relaxation, making it a great choice for those who are struggling with trauma-related symptoms. To use lavender essential oil, you can add a few drops to a diffuser or mix it with a carrier oil and apply it topically. You can also add a few drops to a warm bath to help promote relaxation. Chamomile essential oil is another great choice for those who are dealing with trauma-related symptoms. It has a calming, relaxing scent that can help to reduce feelings of anxiety and stress. It can also promote feelings of calm and relaxation, making it a great choice for those who are struggling with trauma-related symptoms. To use chamomile essential oil, you can add a few drops to a diffuser or mix it with a carrier oil and apply it topically. You can also add a few drops to a warm bath to help promote relaxation. Ylang ylang essential oil is a great choice for those who are dealing with trauma-related symptoms. It has a sweet, floral scent that can help to promote feelings of calm and relaxation. It can also help to reduce feelings of anxiety and stress, making it a great choice for those who are struggling with trauma-related symptoms. To use ylang ylang essential oil, you can add a few drops to a diffuser or mix it with a carrier oil and apply it topically. You can also add a few drops to a warm bath to help promote relaxation. Overall, these three essential oils are great choices for those who are dealing with trauma-related symptoms. They can help to promote feelings of calm and relaxation, reduce feelings of anxiety and stress, and provide a sense of comfort and support. How to Use Essential Oils for Trauma Aromatherapy is one of the most popular ways to use essential oils for trauma. It involves inhaling the essential oils through the nose or mouth, which stimulates the olfactory system and triggers a response in the brain. Aromatherapy can be done in a variety of ways, including: - Diffusing: Add a few drops of essential oil to a diffuser and let it disperse throughout the room. - Inhalation: Add a few drops of essential oil to a bowl of hot water and inhale the steam. - Direct Inhalation: Apply a few drops of essential oil to a tissue or cotton ball and inhale the scent. Some of the best essential oils for aromatherapy include lavender, chamomile, bergamot, and frankincense. Another way to use essential oils for trauma is through topical application. This involves applying the essential oils directly to the skin, usually diluted with a carrier oil like coconut or jojoba oil. Topical application can be done through massage, compresses, or simply rubbing the oil onto the affected area. Some of the best essential oils for topical application include peppermint, eucalyptus, rosemary, and tea tree oil. Bath and Body Care Using essential oils in bath and body care products is another effective way to use them for trauma. This can be done by adding a few drops of essential oil to a bath, or by using products like lotions, creams, or body washes that contain essential oils. Some of the best essential oils for bath and body care include ylang-ylang, geranium, clary sage, and sandalwood. It’s important to note that essential oils should be used with caution and always diluted properly before use. If you have any questions or concerns about using essential oils for trauma, consult with a healthcare professional before use. Possible Side Effects As with any form of therapy, there are potential side effects to using essential oils for trauma. While essential oils are generally considered safe when used properly, some people may experience adverse reactions. Possible side effects include skin irritation, allergic reactions, headache, nausea, and dizziness. It’s important to note that some essential oils are phototoxic, meaning they can cause skin damage or sensitivity when exposed to sunlight or UV rays. Examples of phototoxic oils include bergamot, lemon, lime, and grapefruit. It’s important to avoid using these oils on areas of the skin that will be exposed to sunlight. To minimize the risk of adverse reactions, it’s important to use essential oils safely. Here are some precautions to keep in mind: - Always dilute essential oils before applying them to the skin. Use a carrier oil such as coconut oil or jojoba oil to dilute the essential oil. - Avoid using essential oils on broken or irritated skin. - Do a patch test before using a new essential oil. Apply a small amount of diluted oil to the inside of your wrist and wait 24 hours to see if any reaction occurs. - Keep essential oils out of reach of children and pets. - Store essential oils in a cool, dark place away from sunlight and heat. When to Consult a Professional If you’re new to using essential oils or have a pre-existing medical condition, it’s a good idea to consult a healthcare professional before using them. Essential oils can interact with certain medications and may not be safe for everyone. If you experience any adverse reactions to essential oils, discontinue use immediately and seek medical attention if necessary. It’s important to use essential oils safely and responsibly to reap their potential benefits for trauma. Frequently Asked Questions What are some blended essential oils that can help with trauma? Blended essential oils can be a great way to address trauma. Some popular blends include lavender, bergamot, and ylang-ylang, which can help to calm the nervous system and reduce anxiety. Other blends that may be effective for trauma include frankincense, sandalwood, and vetiver. What are some effective ways to use essential oils for childhood trauma? Childhood trauma can be particularly challenging to address, but essential oils can be a helpful tool. Some effective ways to use essential oils for childhood trauma include diffusing oils in the child’s bedroom, using a rollerball blend on the bottoms of their feet, or incorporating oils into a calming bath. What are some essential oils that can help with PTSD? PTSD can be a debilitating condition, but essential oils may be able to help. Some essential oils that may be effective for PTSD include lavender, frankincense, and bergamot. These oils can help to reduce anxiety, promote relaxation, and improve sleep. How can essential oils be used for dissociation? Dissociation can be a challenging symptom of trauma, but essential oils may be able to help. Some oils that may be effective for dissociation include frankincense, sandalwood, and vetiver. These oils can help to ground the individual and promote feelings of safety and security. What are some ingredients in Trauma Oil? Trauma Oil is a popular blend that can be effective for addressing physical trauma. It typically contains three ingredients: arnica, St. John’s wort, and calendula. These ingredients can help to reduce pain, inflammation, and bruising. What are some ways to release trauma from the body without essential oils? While essential oils can be a helpful tool for addressing trauma, there are other ways to release trauma from the body. Some effective methods include therapy, meditation, yoga, and exercise. These practices can help to promote relaxation, reduce anxiety, and release tension from the body.
Globular clusters are odd beasts. They aren’t galaxies, but like galaxies, they are a gravitationally bound collection of stars. They can contain millions of stars densely packed together, and they are old. Really old. They likely formed when the universe was only about 400 million years old. But the details of their origins are still unclear. We know globular clusters are old because they don’t exhibit any star production, and the stars they contain are old, low-metal stars. This suggests that the clusters formed during the early star-formation period of the universe, and have long since depleted or cast off the dust and gas to form new stars. The stars of a globular cluster have similar ages and chemical compositions, which suggests a globular cluster formed from a single large molecular cloud. At least that had been the theory. But as astronomers studied globular clusters more closely, they found odd chemical variations within the stars of a particular globular cluster. Some stars have distinct abundances of elements such as oxygen, nitrogen, and sodium not seen in other cluster stars. If the stars of a globular cluster form from the same molecular cloud at roughly the same time, why would some stars be so distinct? A new study published in Astronomy & Astrophysics points to a solution. In this study, the authors looked at a high redshift globular cluster known as GN-z11. This cluster is at a redshift of z = 10.6, so we see it at a time when it was only tens of millions of years old. Using observations from the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) they found it a dense cluster of stars active with star production. They also found the cluster had a high relative abundance of nitrogen. This is interesting because such high nitrogen levels are likely produced within early supermassive stars. Astronomers have long thought that many of the first generations of stars were supermassive stars. They would have been comprised purely of hydrogen and helium, with masses 5,000 to 10,000 times that of the Sun. These stellar beasts would only have only lived for a few hundred thousand years before dying in a cataclysmic explosion. Through their deaths, these stars would have seeded the universe with elements such as carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen. Another possible solution to the nitrogen abundance of GN-z11 is through the by-product of second-generation Wolf-Rayet stars, which experience an extended period of casting off their outer layers before finally dying. But given the age of GN-z11, that doesn’t seem likely. The team would like to look at other high-redshift globular clusters to distinguish between these two possibilities. If the supermassive star model is correct, it could be that globular clusters form in a way similar to galaxies. Just as supermassive black holes drive the early formation and star production of galaxies, supermassive stars might be the seeds for globular clusters. Reference: Charbonnel, C., et al. “N-enhancement in GN-z11: First evidence for supermassive stars nucleosynthesis in proto-globular clusters-like conditions at high redshift?.” Astronomy & Astrophysics 673 (2023):L7.
Hint: The nitrogen-fixing bacteria are prokaryotic microorganisms that transform nitrogen gas from the atmosphere into fixed nitrogen compounds, for instance, ammonia, nitrite and nitrate which are used by plants. Complete step by step answer: A lot of heterotrophic bacteria are found in the soil. These bacteria fix a substantial amount of nitrogen from the atmosphere without any direct interaction with other organisms. Nitrogen-fixing bacteria are mainly of two types; symbiotic or mutualistic. These species of bacteria are found in root nodules of certain plants like legumes. The plants of the pea family are called legumes. They are some of the major hosts for the nitrogen-fixing bacteria. Some other plants also provide shelter to the nitrogen-fixing bacteria. Few examples of symbiotic nitrogen-fixing bacteria are Rhizobium (it is generally associated with plants in the pea family also known as legumes) and several Azospirillum species (these are associated with cereal grasses). The free-living nitrogen-fixing bacteria include the cyanobacteria (or blue-green algae) for example, Anabaena, Nostoc, and other genera, for instance, Azotobacter, Beijerinckia and Clostridium. Additional information: Nitrogen fixation is of two types, namely, physical nitrogen fixation and biological nitrogen fixation. Nitrogen is the most prevalent and essential macro-elements in living organisms apart from carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. Nitrogen comprises 75% of the air in the atmosphere. Note: Nitrogen fixation is the method which includes the conversion of nitrogen gas from the atmosphere into other compounds like ammonia, nitrate and nitrites. These compounds can be used directly by plants and animals. The three major ways of nitrogen fixation are by lightning, by industrial methods and by bacteria living in the soil.
Late in 2010 I came across an interesting article in the Canadian Medical Journal (CMA) in which new guidelines were outlined to help physicians deal with managing and preventing osteoporosis. According to the study’s lead author, Professor Alexandra Papaioannu, the goal is early identification of those most likely to develop full blown osteoporosis later in life. The approach recommended in the guidelines is quite different to that currently taken. Instead of relying on bone mineral density (BMD) testing -read more about BMD and testing here- , and then using diet and drugs to boost bone mass, the new guides place much more emphasis on recognising and treating what they are terming “small fragility fractures”. These are the tiny breaks of the spine, hips and wrists that typically occur during minor falls. Up until now these small fractures have often been dismissed as the aches and pains of aging but they should be recognised as a key indicator that the bones are in fact weakening. Early recognition and treatment can prevent a more severe and disabling injury. And the suggested treatment? Exercise! Long recommended but often taking second (or third or fourth) place behind drugs and diet, resistance training and weightbearing aerobic exercise are promoted as the mainstay of preventing further bone loss and avoiding a downward spiral into full osteoporosis. read more about exercise for osteoporosis here – and here . Not to downplay the importance of diet. The guidelines strongly suggest adequate Vitamin D and calcium intake. For vitamin D, 1000 IU’s or international units daily if you are healthy and 2000 IU’s if you have already had a fragility fracture. As for calcium, 1200mg from either diet or supplement daily. read about diet and osteoporosis here – . But I think the main message for physiotherapists is that we have an important role to play in the prescription and management of suitable exercise for the prevention of osteoporosis. By advocating for the role of physical activity of the right kind and providing our patients with specific instruction, we can help prevent a debilitating spiral into disability and premature death.
Difficulty distinguishing Covid from the common cold increases vigilance Before Covid, when a student was feeling feverish they were sent to the health room without much thought into what these symptoms might lead to. Now, as more students are coming down with a cough or cold, following protocol is more serious as is staff and students’ awareness of their symptoms. When a student is showing common flu-like symptoms, a whole new protocol needs to be enacted compared to the pre-Covid method. A “Health Room Pass” must be filled out before sending a student to the health room. The teacher must circle all relevant symptoms as presented on the sheet to send with the student to the health room for the matter to be taken care of by the nurses. When the student arrives at the health room, KiNam Kim, the school nurse, follows a different approach than pre-Covid. First, she asks the student what symptoms they are feeling and how long they have been feeling these symptoms. From there, she is able to get a better sense of whether the flu-like symptoms are, in fact, Covid-related. However, because it is the first time being in-person during flu season post-Covid, differentiating between what is known as the “common cold” and Covid is much more challenging. “It is very difficult [to tell them apart] because a lot of them are very similar. That is why I am so happy that we are able to do Covid rapid testing here,” Kim said. From a student’s perspective, reporting to the health room due to feeling sick is different even if someone may not be feeling any symptoms related to Covid. Students have experienced differences from pre-Covid in procedures taken by the nurse when they feel ill. A person coughs and immediately there is a stiffness that overtakes the class. “The first question they asked me when I walked in was what my symptoms were…specifically they asked me if I was feeling any Covid symptoms, like achiness, fever or cough,” junior Liam Dorrien said. Dorrien added that the nurses were taking extra steps to ensure the safety of students, because with symptoms that might be Covid-related they must be extra cautious. As more students get sick, especially in flu-season, safety procedures taken by the nurses become more crucial. Even though Covid symptoms are different from those of the “common cold,” it is increasingly difficult to distinguish between the two which makes it even more important for students to be aware of their symptoms and their possible exposure to Covid. For students who test positive, MCPS has different mandates set in place. Junior Parfait Sewase had to be quarantined after another student in his class tested positive because Sewase was unvaccinated at the time. However, Sewase argues that this quarantine order was somewhat disorganized. “I had to quarantine after a kid in my class tested positive and I had not yet been vaccinated. I felt like the administration didn’t really know how to handle the situation because it was earlier in the year,” Sewase said. Art teacher Kristine Hrin details the protocol that teachers have to follow when a student is showing symptoms. She says that the guidance she has received from administration has been to mainly ensure that staff and students are more mindful of their symptoms which will ultimately help reduce risk of spreading infection. Other than that, teachers are instructed to send the student straight to the health room. Hrin believes that after almost two years of being in a pandemic everyone should know how to be cautious. The health of students is not the only thing to worry about with the increased circulation of illness during in-person school. Missing classes and making up work is a big concern with staff and students. Without much guidance on how work should be given to those who have to quarantine or stay home due to illness, teachers are conflicted. “One area of improvement would be to consider communication methods between all individuals [teachers, students, counselors] and establish some protocol for work that should be completed via Canvas,” Hrin said. Although there are some unprecedented differences in protocol regarding illness in school during Covid and distinguishing between the common cold and Covid with the similar symptoms, teachers and administration are working to fight the virus. In doing so, they are ensuring the safety of staff, students and anyone in the building through the various protocols set in place. Your donation will support the student journalists of Walter Johnson High School. Your contribution will allow us to purchase equipment and cover our annual website hosting costs. Nicole Weaver is an Online Managing Editor on The Pitch. In her free time, she enjoys driving and dancing.
It takes a village… to offer an abundance of positive role models, to encourage and support a new mother through her own experience of motherhood, to allow for mistakes to be made and for learning opportunities to happen, to allow space for one’s own self-confidence to naturally grow. You have been offered a new job? A brand-new career opportunity? Congratulations! How many people are close to you to train you into this new position? Who do you look up to when you have doubts or questions? Who have been your inspirations, your role-models to guide you through your career path and dreams? What do you tell yourself to be successful at what you do? You are going to have a baby? You are a new mum? You already have children? Congratulations! Now look at the above questions again. Do they apply to motherhood? Can you relate to any of those questions when you think about parenting? Why, or why not? When we think about our career path, we think about continual learning and personal growth. Can this apply to our journey as mothers? Social Learning Theories may give us a clue. In 1977, Albert Bandura defines Social Learning. “Most human behaviour is learned observationally through modelling: from observing others one forms an idea of how new behaviours are performed, and on later occasions this coded information serves as a guide for action”. Attachment theories have paved the path to Attachment style Parenting, while Positive Psychology has brought us Positive Parenting. Motherhood and parenting are intimately entwined with attachment, bonding, education and learning. While bonding is an innate and natural instinct, caring for and educating our children is a learnt process, influenced by those closest to us and by the wider society. In the context of attachment theories, positive psychology and social learning theories, we can draw some parenting lessons that will serve both our babies, and our own personal development. Let’s explore self-efficacy and motherhood. “What people think, believe, and feel affects how they behave. The natural and extrinsic effects of their actions, in turn, partly determine their thought patterns and affective reactions” (Bandura, 1986). When facing into parenting and all its challenges, seeking the support of other mothers around us can help us reframe our line of thought. Also, offering active support to other parents in return may certainly foster our own confidence. These are four ways of building self-efficacy: 1-“Mastery Experiences”: Those are the first-hand challenging experiences that are a success and that we perceive as successful, which help build our self-confidence. For a new mother, responding to her baby’s cries by picking her up and noticing how she relaxes, stops crying and makes eye contact can bring on a loving feeling and a sense of achievement. The outcome of alleviating your baby’s cry is a powerful message that you are doing exactly what you are meant to do, thus fostering your self-belief as a mother. 2-“Social Modelling”: Choosing the right role-models to us, people whom we can observe succeeding in the face of challenging experiences, people who show us that self-belief and perseverance pay-off. In the early weeks and months with our new born baby, our perception of ourselves and of the world around us can change immensely. Finding positive role-models, in the (social-) media, or around us can help stabilise these feelings and show us strength in others’ achievements and resilience. 3-“Social Persuasion”: Finding the right mentors, people close to us who can show us their self-efficacy and support us while we build our own, through hands-on support, advice and positive feedback. These people, (mothers, sisters, best friends, peer supports…) can provide us with a safe and supportive environment while we learn and master new skills. Through the vulnerability of the early weeks and months with her new born baby, a mother needs strong bonds with other supportive women. By seeking out support and guidance, new mothers can learn through others’ experiences and also seek feedback on their own journey. Building strong connections with other women in similar situations than our own is a wonderful resource that will promote our learning process and nurture self-confidence. 4-“State of Physiology”: Self-efficacy depends not only on one’s actions, but also very much on one’s perception of their situation and outcomes. In the example above of the new mother responding lovingly to her baby’s cries, she is following her instincts by holding her baby in her arms, talking to her softly, rocking her gently, and so, her baby calms down and stops crying. She also needs to bring forward into her consciousness that her baby is calm due to her appropriate and helpful actions. These conscious positive thoughts are building her self-efficacy: when I do A, my baby responds B, therefore I know what to do, I am proficient in my role as a mother. In his book Positive Parenting first published in 1999, John Sharry writes: “Too often parents give themselves a hard time, criticising their own behaviour and putting themselves down. (…) Don’t be afraid to praise yourself.”. As mothers, if we seek each other out, observe non-judgmentally each other’s skills and are willing to learn and practice on our own, then we will grow in self-confidence and foster our personal-development.
Como Bluff is a long ridge extending on an east-west axis approximately six miles between the small towns of Rock River and Medicine Bow, Wyoming. The ridge is an anticline, the result of folding geologic pressures. Two geological formations, the Sundance and the Morrison, relating to the Mesozoic Era are exposed. Here paleontologists of the nineteenth century discovered and unearthed, from Morrison formation strata, many perfect fossil specimens of large land dwelling creatures. It is thought that Como Bluff was the site of the first major discovery of dinosaur remains in the world. Significant discoveries were made in fourteen different quarries scattered along the entire length of the ridge.
Socialization is key when it comes to our mental health and wellness, but the world is becoming more digital by the day, and it can be hard to stay REALLY connected with your friends and family. Call up those besties tonight! Our brains weren’t meant for nonstop task switching; in fact, this habit can lead to decreased efficiency and hampered mental performance. take one thing at a time, your brain will thank you! Watch your stress levels... it increases anxiety levels which can, in turn, lead to higher blood pressure, heart rate, and cortisol hormone levels. No doubt, stress is bad for our brain health! Sugar can devastate our brain health, as it blocks receptors for essential nutrients that are integral to cognitive development and overall mental health. Remember - a treat once in a while is OK... but overall, we need to remove it! Due to a lack of oxygen being supplied throughout the body, drinking causes cognitive impairments such as bad moods and problem-solving issues. (yikes!) Alcohol has an impact on our brain health, even when not drunk!
What is off grid solar system Off grid solar system provides sustainable energy solutions by harnessing the power of the sun and allowing users to live independently from mainstream electrical grids. Off-Grid Solar Systems: Harnessing the Power of the Sun In recent years, the popularity and adoption of sustainable technologies have skyrocketed. One of these technologies that is gaining significant attention is off-grid solar systems. These systems offer a multitude of benefits, allowing individuals to generate their own electricity even without access to the grid. This article will delve into the ins and outs of off-grid solar systems, exploring how they work, their advantages, and the key components needed to set up such a system. Off-grid solar systems, as the name suggests, are standalone systems that operate independently of the traditional power grid. They are typically used in remote areas where connecting to the grid is either impossible or too expensive. Such areas can include off-grid homes, cabins, remote farms, and even in disaster-stricken regions where power restoration may take time. The key component of an off-grid solar system is, of course, the solar panels. These panels convert solar energy into direct current (DC) electricity through photovoltaic (PV) cells. The panels are typically installed on rooftops or mounting structures where they receive maximum exposure to sunlight. The generated DC electricity then flows into the next critical component of the system, the charge controller. The charge controller regulates and controls the flow of electricity from the solar panels to the batteries. It ensures that the batteries are charged efficiently and prevents overcharging or over-discharging, which can reduce their lifespan. The batteries used in off-grid solar systems typically store the excess electricity generated during the day, allowing it to be used during the night or cloudy days when solar energy is limited. Deep-cycle batteries, such as lead-acid or lithium-ion batteries, are commonly used due to their ability to provide sustained power over extended periods. To convert the DC electricity stored in the batteries into alternating current (AC), an inverter is required. The inverter converts the DC electricity into the AC electricity typically used in homes and appliances. The AC power generated by the inverter is then distributed to a distribution panel, similar to traditional electrical systems, which feeds various electrical circuits and appliances within the off-grid structure. Another crucial component in off-grid solar systems is the backup generator. While solar panels can provide electricity for most of the year, certain situations can arise where they may not produce sufficient power. This can include prolonged periods of cloudy weather or increased energy demands during specific times, such as running heavy equipment. The backup generator serves as a supplementary power source, ensuring that electricity is always available when needed. The benefits of off-grid solar systems are extensive. First and foremost, they offer energy independence. In remote locations or during power outages, off-grid solar systems allow individuals to produce their own electricity, eliminating the need to rely on the grid. This can bring peace of mind, especially in areas prone to frequent power disruptions or expensive utility bills. Off-grid solar systems are also environmentally friendly. By utilizing the sun's abundant energy, these systems have a minimal carbon footprint and reduce reliance on fossil fuels. This is particularly significant in regions where traditional energy production contributes to air pollution and climate change. Furthermore, off-grid solar systems can lead to significant cost savings in the long run. While the initial setup costs may be higher, the ongoing expenses are substantially reduced as there are no monthly bills to pay for grid electricity. With proper maintenance, the components of an off-grid solar system can last for decades, making it a valuable long-term investment. In conclusion, off-grid solar systems offer a sustainable and reliable solution for individuals and communities seeking energy independence. By harnessing the power of the sun through solar panels, storing excess energy in batteries, and utilizing backup generators when necessary, off-grid solar systems provide an efficient and environmentally friendly alternative to traditional grid-based electricity. These systems not only offer substantial cost savings but also promote a greener future, reducing reliance on fossil fuels and contributing to a more sustainable world.
4 Tooth Stain Causes That You Cannot Prevent With Routine Oral Care Kids are taught from a young age that brushing and flossing two to three times each day will keep teeth white and healthy. Unfortunately, teeth can still end up covered in unsightly stains despite performing thorough brushing and flossing routines with the best tools on the market. Putting daily effort into maintaining oral health does not address discoloration caused by factors beyond tooth decay. Here are four common causes of these stains and a simple way to hide the marks from view once the problem develops. The use of bright silver amalgam fillings often turns the rest of the tooth a dark grey color as the pigment spreads. Although dentists are moving toward the use of composite materials to fill in decayed areas, sometimes it is necessary to use amalgam instead. If patients can foot the bill, dentists may offer gold composite fillings when amalgam is warranted. Unfortunately, gold fillings frequently cost ten times the amount of silver. Patients with existing amalgam fillings can have them replaced with composite or gold, but the replacement will not reverse staining that already occurred. Hitting the mouth on a solid object, such as in a car accident or while playing sports, can cause trauma to the root, pulp and dentin of the tooth. Disruption to these internal structures, especially during early development, often leaves the structure tinged with opaque white, light grey or dark yellow lines. A severe smack to a baby tooth can even damage the crown of the adult tooth waiting below. Although the dentist cannot reverse the discoloration, it is important to immediately go in for a checkup to have the health of the tooth assessed. The trauma could lead to the death of the tooth if the roots or other structures do not heal properly. As all of the organs and structures in the body are interconnected, disease processes throughout the body can affect the teeth. Metabolic disorders, which wreak havoc on the balance of hormones and chemicals in the body, often have a serious impact on tooth health. Tooth discoloration caused by disease processes can even begin before the teeth pop through the gum surface. Parents only become aware of the damage as the teeth slowly emerge a different shade than expected. For example, a child's teeth can come through the gums a deep shade of green if bilirubin levels from the liver remain elevated for too long. Sometimes, the detection of serious health conditions, like celiac disease, comes about from noticing dental staining without a known cause. The very medication designed to treat diseases that cause tooth discoloration may lead to stains themselves. Antibiotics and steroids, in particular, frequently leave teeth with intrinsic and extrinsic discoloration. The extrinsic discoloration comes from chemical reactions from deposits on the outer portion of the teeth. This type of staining often responds well to whitening procedures. The intrinsic stains, however, come from structural changes inside the tooth from the root pulp to the dentin. No amount of whitening can alter those structures and restore the original color of the patient's teeth. Handling The Stains Unfortunately, as with intrinsic medication-related discoloration, stains caused by fillings, trauma and disease do not respond to whitening treatments. Although the deep stains cannot be fully removed, dentists can place veneers on the front of the teeth to make your smile white again. The veneers replicate your original smile's tone and shape to restore your expected appearance. Installation does not hurt or cause any extra damage to your tooth or root structure. In fact, porcelain veneers strengthen and protect enamel from developing chips, cracks and other types of external damage. For more information about treatment for your discolored teeth, contact a local dental clinic like Claremont Dental Institute.
L-Lysine is one of the nine essential amino acids that the body needs to manufacture proteins. It is considered ‘essential’ because the body cannot manufacture L-Lysine. As an amino acid it is involved in tissue repair, production of hormones and enzymes and in the synthesis of collagen and bone health. Most persons get adequate L-Lysine in their diet but those who have problems with the herpes virus may need supplemental L-Lysine to keep the virus in check. This approach originally came from research showing that lysine has anti-viral activity against the Herpes simplex virus in test tube studies. L-Lysine works to inhibit the growth of the virus by blocking. In order for L-Lysine therapy to really be effective in preventing viral infection and cold sores and outbreaks of genital herpes it is important that the diet also is low in arginine. Avoid foods high in arginine like chocolate, peanuts, almonds and other nuts, and seeds. It is also a good idea to focus on foods that are high in L-Lysine such as most vegetables, legumes, fish, turkey, and chicken. Follow these dietary guidelines and take one gram of L-Lysine three times daily with meals for maximum benefit. L-Lysine also plays a role in helping the body to absorb and conserve calcium and collagen formation. •Helps to reduce the recurrence of virus infection •Helps reduce recurrence, severity and healing time of cold sores •Helps in collagen formation •Aids in tissue repair Each tablet contains: L-Lysine (hydrochloride)……………………………………………………………………………. 1000 mg Dosage: 2000 mg – 3000 mg daily or as directed by a health care practitioner. Contraindications: Consult a health care practitioner prior to use if you are following a low protein diet. Consult a health care practitioner prior to use if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.Keep out of the reach of children.
A car transmission, also known as the transmission system, is the mechanism by which power created by the engine is transferred to the driving wheels. This part of the vehicle is the most important in determining the power and functionality of your engine systems. The two types of transmissions include automatic transmission and manual transmission. Use hpi to check the transmission type of any car, van or light-commercial vehicle. A manual transmission requires the driver to complete extra steps of selecting and engaging the gear ratios. In contrast, mechanical efforts are minimized in an automatic transmission, and different speeds are obtained automatically. If you are wondering how a car transmission works, it all depends on the type of transmission. However, regardless of the type, the answer to what a transmission does is to enable the gear ratio between the vehicle’s engine and drive wheels to adjust as the vehicle speeds up and slows down. When not in motion, the transmission disconnects the drive wheels from the engine. So let’s dive deeper into details on how manual and automatic transmission work. In the blown article, Pritish Halder takes a brief look at car transmission. A manual transmission is a manual gearbox or stick-shift or standard transmission class of transmission where the driver literally uses a stick shift to change gears. Changing the gears involves releasing the clutch disc through a third pedal located on the left side of the break. Then select the chosen gear and engage the clutch again. If the driver frequently engages the clutch slowly, the disc will wear out early. If the driver engages the clutch too quickly, the engine will stall. Components of a manual gearbox Narrowing down the various parts and components of the gearbox will help you understand the complex way a manual transmission works. Some significant features of a manual gearbox include. The clutch and clutch pedal: Consisting of various small parts, the clutch transfers the engine torque to the transmission. The clutch pedal is a piece of gear that is hydraulically controlled. When you depress, it disengages the clutch. Flywheel: Normally circular in shape and used to send the engine torque to the clutch disc, which interacts with the smooth surface of the flywheel. Collar and selector fork: An arm-like-looking piece of gear that aids in moving the collars through the output shaft. By locking the collar to a specific gear, you can always select different other gears. This results in the transmission of torque from the layshaft to the output shaft. Synchronizers: Helps the collar and the gear engage with each other and importantly matches their speed if there is a difference. Output shaft and Layshaft: The output shaft’s gears mesh with the lay shaft’s gears when one receives the engine power first. Gears: Gear often comes in different sizes in a manual gearbox. Large gearwheels contain more teeth and offer more torque to reduce the car’s speed, whereas small gears provide less torque to your car so that it can run at a higher speed. How a manual transmission works Before switching the vehicle’s key on, you need to press the clutch pedal down to disengage the clutch. This cuts the power between the engine’s input shaft and the transmission and ensures that the engine is alive before powering the vehicle. Shift the gearshift to the first gear so that the gear shift can move towards the latter one. The first gear has a connection to the layshaft, which is connected to the engine input file via another gear. The synchronizer collar connected to the shifting fork helps the driving gear in the transportation of power to the output shaft and matches their speed if there is any difference. You now need to apply slight pressure on the gas pedal and then take your foot off the clutch. This reconnects the gearbox and the engine making your vehicle start moving. You now need to repeat the same process of changing the gear so that you can speed up or slow down the car. With an automatic transmission, things are simplified as compared to a manual transmission. There is neither a clutch pedal nor a gear shift in an automatic transmission vehicle. Once the transmission is put into drive, all other things are automatic. Components of an automatic transmission To help understand what happens in an automatic transmission, let us look at the specific parts of an automatic transmission. Transmission casing: Houses all parts of the transmission. Torque Converter: Transmits to the transmission input shaft from the engine. It also helps in the multiplication of engine torque output Planetary gears: This allows automatic increase and decrease of the gear ratios. How automatic transmission works The engine dispatches power to the torque converter’s pump The pump receives the power and, through the transmission fluid, sends it to the torque converter’s turbine Through the stator, the transmission fluid is sent back to the pump The stator multiplies power and sends it back to the turbine The turbine is normally connected to the central shaft, which is also connected to the transmission. The turbine then spins the shaft spins dispatching power to the first planetary gear The planetary gear arrangements determine of power transmitted to the rest of the drive Power from the torque converter will either make the ring gear, the sun gear, or the planetary carrier of the planetary gear system stay stationary or move. Stages of automatic transmission Park(P): Locks the transmission, restricting the vehicle from moving Reverse(R): Puts the car in reverse gear, making the car move backward Neutral(N): disconnects the transmission from the wheel Drive(D): allows the vehicle to move and can accelerate through a range of gears Low(L): allows you to lower your speed and move on middy or hilly areas Now, as you cruise down the freeways and feel the car shifting gears, you will have an idea of what is exactly taking place under the hood. It’s all about the transmission, but if you need to get a new one it’s all about cheap online transmissions.
Sustainable construction practices are becoming increasingly important in today’s world, as the construction industry strives to reduce its environmental impact. One key aspect of sustainable construction is the use of recycled aggregates. These aggregates, derived from the processing of construction and demolition waste, offer several environmental benefits while maintaining the quality and performance required for construction projects. In this article, we will explore the concept of sustainable construction with Reprocessed aggregates and discuss how they can contribute to a greener and more efficient construction industry. What are Recycled Aggregates? Recycled or Reprocessed Aggregates are obtained by processing and reusing materials from construction and demolition waste. These materials include concrete, asphalt, bricks, and other building elements that would otherwise end up in landfills. Through specialized crushing and screening processes, these waste materials are transformed into usable aggregates that can be incorporated into new construction projects. Environmental Benefits of Recycled Aggregates: 1. A Decrease in Waste: By utilizing recycled aggregates, we can significantly reduce the amount of waste generated from construction and demolition projects. Instead of sending these materials to landfills, they can be repurposed and given a new life. This diversion of waste helps alleviate the strain on limited landfill capacities and contributes to a more efficient waste management system. 2. Conservation of Natural Resources: The extraction of natural resources like sand, gravel, and stone for the production of virgin aggregates has a detrimental impact on the environment. By opting for recycled aggregates, we can decrease the demand for new extraction sites and reduce the depletion of natural resources. This conservation effort helps protect ecosystems, preserves biodiversity, and safeguards natural habitats. 3. Energy Efficiency: The production of recycled aggregates requires less energy compared to the extraction and processing of virgin materials. This translates to a reduced carbon footprint and lower emissions of carbon dioxide. By minimizing energy consumption in aggregate production, we contribute to the global efforts to combat climate change and create a more sustainable future. 4. Land and Biodiversity Preservation: The excavation of land for natural aggregates often leads to the destruction of habitats and ecosystems. By utilizing recycled aggregates, we reduce the need for new extraction sites, thereby preserving valuable land resources. This contributes to the protection of biodiversity and the conservation of precious natural areas. 5. Quality and Performance: Recycled aggregates, when processed properly, offer comparable quality and performance to virgin aggregates. They can be used in a wide range of construction applications, including road base, concrete, and drainage systems. By choosing recycled aggregates, construction projects can achieve their objectives while minimizing environmental impact. At our company, we prioritize sustainability and offer high-quality recycled aggregates for construction projects. Our commitment to environmental responsibility is reflected in our processes and products. By incorporating recycled aggregates into your construction projects, you can be confident in promoting sustainability, reducing waste, conserving natural resources, and preserving ecosystems. Quality and Performance of Recycled Aggregates: Comparing the quality and performance of reprocessed aggregates to those of virgin aggregates is a common source of concern regarding reprocessed aggregates. Reprocessed aggregates can, however, meet the criteria necessary for building projects as a result of developments in processing technologies and quality control methods. The following are some of the most important parameters that influence the quality and performance of reprocessed aggregates: 1. Processing and Screening: Reprocessed aggregates go through extensive processing and screening in order to eliminate any impurities, such as pollutants or residual materials. This step of the process is known as step one. This guarantees that the finished product satisfies the appropriate criteria so that it can be used in the building industry. 2. Gradation and Particle Size Distribution: Reprocessed aggregates can be carefully graded and sorted to create the correct particle size distribution. This ensures that the resulting concrete or asphalt mixtures have the appropriate amount of compaction and strength. 3. Testing and Certification Reputable providers of reprocessed aggregates put their products through rigorous testing and certification procedures in order to ensure that their goods are of the highest quality and work as expected. In order to assure conformity to the criteria for construction, these tests involve evaluations of the material’s strength, durability, and various other critical features. 4. Compatibility with Binders: Reprocessed aggregates are able to be utilized effectively in a variety of construction applications, such as road base, concrete, and asphalt. Because they are compatible with a wide variety of binders and additives, it is possible to manufacture construction materials of an exceptionally high standard using them. Picking a Reliable Vendor to Work With: It is essential to form a partnership with a reliable provider in order to ensure the most effective utilization of reprocessed aggregates in environmentally responsible building. A dependable provider need to have a proven track record of offering excellent reprocessed aggregates that are up to par with the requirements of their sector. They should have a strong commitment to sustainability as well as environmental responsibility, as well as provide a diverse selection of aggregate goods that can be used for a variety of construction projects, and they should sell these items. The utilization of reprocessed aggregates has emerged as an essential component in the effort to develop environmentally responsible building methods. These aggregates provide a number of important benefits for the environment, including the prevention of waste, the preservation of natural resources, and the lessening of both energy usage and CO2 emissions. Reprocessed aggregates are now able to achieve the required level of quality and performance for use in building projects, thanks to developments in processing technologies and quality control procedures. By embracing sustainable construction with Reprocessed aggregates, the construction industry can contribute to a greener future without compromising on quality. Contact us, your trusted supplier, for premium recycled aggregates in Matagorda and Brazoria County, and join us in building a sustainable future.
- Guide to This Website - Take Action for Human Rights - GHB - Xyrem - Human Rights - Human Persons vs Corporations - Law Enforcement - Mental Health Rights - Medical Fraud - Psychiatric Rights - Residental Treatment Abuse - Sexual Assault - Native American - Women's Rights - Aertoxic Syndrome - Food & Drug Administration - Off Label - The Emperor's New Clothes - NAFTA Foreign Investor Privileges - MWAN UN Reports - Supreme Court Decision - Citizens United - Do You Know What a Dragon Looks Like? - Mass Murder and Psychiatric Drugs - Patients not Consumers - La Experimentación no Consensual Spanish - Medical Deferred Action Immigration Cases - Voting Rights for Residents of the District of Columbia - Benefits Trafficking “All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.” Universal Declaration of Human Rights Therapeutic Drug Dependence - Neuroleptic Withdrawal Syndrome Therapeutic drug dependence occurs with psychiatric drugs. Although these drugs produce no tolerance and no euphoria, they produce enduring post-discontinuation changes that are as extensive and long lasting as the changes underpinning current disease models of addiction. Patients also get withdrawal or discontinuation syndromes when they stop taking their medication or when their medication is lowered in dose. When anti-depressant or anti-psychotic medications have been in the brain for a while and then the dose is suddenly lowered, or if the medication is taken away too quickly there is a reaction to that change called Neuroleptic Discontinuation Syndrome. So when a patient runs out of medication or is suddenly put on a lower dosage they can demonstrate exacerbations of psychosis, become delusional or even hallucinate. Seizures can also occur from rapid withdrawal from these psychiatric medications. The danger of withdrawal from antidepressants and antipsychotics is well documented. The brain compensates for the blockage of the serotonin and dopamine receptors by growing additional receptors for these neurotransmitters. When the medications are discontinued or suddenly decreased, these additional receptors contribute to 'overload' of serotonin and dopamine flooding the receptor. This is known as distcontinuation syndrome. What usually happens to the patient in withdrawal is that they end up back in the hospital again. These crisis admissions lead to being labeled with a new disease diagnosis – schizophrenia, or delusional or manic depressive and then placed on even greater dosages of even more dangerous drugs. The doctors in these instances are quick to blame the patient, for a relapse rather than considering when the patient last took his medication. Discontinuation syndrome can sometimes last for weeks or months - some people have said they can last as long as six months. Discontinuation Syndrome 2 Clinical Withdrawal - 5 year old Clinical Withdrawal - 5 year old When trying to withdraw from many psychiatric drugs, patients can develop serious and even life-threatening emotional and physical reactions. In short, it is dangerous not only to start taking psychiatric drugs, but also can be hazardous to stop taking them. Therefore, withdrawal from psychiatric drugs should be done under clinical supervision. Clinical Case of young girl age 5, two days after STOPPING an antipsychotic. She developed Tardive Dyskinesia (TD) after the antipsychotic, called Invega, was stopped. She was only on 6 mg for one month, but has been on antipsychotics since she was 18 months old due to severe self-injurious behavior and aggression (including Risperdal, Geodon, Abilify, Thorazine, Seroquel, and Zyprexa). PLEASE understand the risks of antipsychotics before agreeing to give your child, or yourself, this class of drugs. Not only can abnormal movements occur while TAKING them, but (rarely) you will ONLY know you have Tardive Dyskinesia, or Extrapyramidal Symptoms, after you STOP these drugs. I am NOT giving you medical advice. You should talk to your doctor before starting or stopping any medicine, especially antipsychotics/neuroleptics. Medical Whistleblower Advocacy Network MEDICAL WHISTLEBLOWER ADVOCACY NETWORK Washington, DC 20015 MedicalWhistleblowers (at) Educational Materials from Medical Whistleblower Medical Whistleblower Canary Brochures Your Problem Solving Personality Behind the Blue Line - Law Enforcement Whistleblowers Medical Whistleblower Canary Notes "Never impose on others what you would not choose for yourself." Confucius "It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat." Roosevelt- Excerpt from the speech "Citizenship In A Republic", delivered at the Sorbonne, in Paris, France on 23 April, 1910
The First Lutheran Church of Oklahoma City dug up and opened its Century Chest, a time capsule that was buried under the church 100 years ago. The artifacts inside the copper chest were remarkably well intact. Credit for that goes to the church's Ladies Aide Society, the group that buried the capsule a century ago. The group buried the chest in double concrete walls and under 12 inches of concrete, according Fox News. It also left guidelines on how to unearth the capsule. The chest was full of treasures. Among the finds: a newspaper from the day the capsule was buried (April 22, 1913); a dress; a telephone; a flag; a pen used by President William McKinley; a camera; and a pair of women's shoes that still had their shine. Perhaps most remarkable was a phonograph record featuring voices of citizens from the era. The Oklahoma Gazette reported that the project was the brainchild of Virginia Sohlberg. Her great-granddaughter, Virginia Eason Weinmann, was especially moved by a book that contained family photos and poetry. Experts from the Oklahoma Historical Society worked with the church to make sure the objects were handled with care. All of the items will be displayed at the Oklahoma History Center.
Empower U: Learn to Access Your Disability Rights Training on Canadian Human Rights, the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) and its Optional Protocol (OP) training aims to increase awareness of how to address discrimination using more familiar Canadian human rights laws such as Human Rights Codes and the newer international Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD). This is training for persons with disabilities by persons with disabilities. The training is part of a project funded by Employment and Social Development Canada and implemented by the Council of Canadians with Disabilities (CCD) in collaboration with Canadian Multicultural Disability Centre Inc. (CMDCI), Citizens With Disabilities – Ontario (CWDO), Manitoba League of Persons with Disabilities (MLPD) and National Educational Association of Disabled Students (NEADS). Read more. Sign Up for our monthly digest A monthly newsletter from CCD about what is happening in the community Phyllis Fehr to Represent People with Dementia at the Convention of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Wednesday, March 22, 2017 by Emilia Klassen From March 20th through April 12th, the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities will be running. The committee will be examining the implementation of the provisions of the Convention of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in eight countries, including Canada. “The purpose of the Convention (CRPD) is to promote, protect and ensure the full and equal enjoyment of all human rights and fundamental freedoms by all persons with disabilities, and to promote respect for their inherent dignity.” We are so excited that Phyllis Fehr, person with dementia, will be advocating for people with dementia to be included in the CRPD. To open, the Chair of the committee will summarize the progress made over the past year and speak to the relationships between the United Nations and outside organizations of people with disabilities. The committee will review the initial reports from each country and take into account the suggestions that have been made since. Notably, the progress made toward independent living and inclusive communities are being evaluated, and revisions to these reports will be made accordingly. You can read Canada’s initial report here. The CRPD “reaffirms that all persons with all types of disabilities must enjoy all human rights and fundamental freedoms, and promotes respect for their inherent dignity,” and defines a ‘person with a disability’ as someone who has long-term “physical, mental, intellectual or sensory impairments which in interaction with various barriers may hinder their full and effective participation in society on an equal basis with others.” By the end of the Convention, each country participating will have a report that will outline the actions that will be taken to move toward being more inclusive and respectful of people with disabilities over the next two years. On April 3rd and 4th, Canada’s report will be examined and revised. More information about the CRPD can be found here. We are very proud to announce that Phyllis Fehr, Vice Chair of the Ontario Dementia Advisory Group (ODAG) and Board Member of the Dementia Alliance International (DAI) is at the World Health Organization in Geneva attending the Convention. She spoke on March 20th, calling for “full access to the CRPD” for people living with dementia, stating that the DAI’s goal is “to ensure that people with cognitive impairments are treated like people with other disabilities.” For more information about Phyllis’ story and to read her full speech notes, click here.
Yes, that is a fossil not a sedimentary rorschach diagram - in fact, it is a cartilaginous fish. Our very own patron saint of paleontology Mary Anning found this bad boy in the early 1880's. Mary Anning sold the fossil to John Nash Sanders, but either she hadn't found the tail at the time that she prepared the fossil, or simply hadn't finished prepping it, but either way Squaloraja polyspondyla was originally described sans its tail, and sketched by Mary Anning as follows: The body and tail were never reunited. Sad times... except that the body got asploded during the Bristol Blitz, and so the tail was the only part that survived (being housed elsewhere at the time). So yay? Different Squaloraja, not exploded | So why was Squaloraja such an important find? Mary noted that the specimen shared characteristics of both living sharks and rays, causing general confusion. Remember how everyone thought nothing went extinct back then? Now we know that it is a member of the Order Chimaera (ratfish), one of the oldest and most diverse family of cartilaginous fishes. The closest living relatives of Chimaera are ratfish, though cartilaginous fish split nearly 400 million years ago. Squaloraja showed up around about 200 million years ago, and it should not be too surprising that, considering its ancestry, it looks like a shark/ray hybrid critter. While epic in appearance, the Squaloraja lifestyle was pretty tame; it was a bottom feeder that lived in shallow marine settings. Squaloraja is at the bottom | The Vengeance Team shares a little place in their hearts for cartilaginous fishes, especially since their Vertebrate Paleontology class. While studying the evolutionary history of fishes (fascinating mmhmm zzzzzz) they realized something, cartilaginous fish had bones, but then they lost them! Sharks and chimaera stem from bony fish ancestors (see shark family tree below) and some of these guys had bones. This means sharks and rays secondarily lost bones in favor of cartilage, oh snap. Ray Troll beautifully illustrates the evolutionary tree of fish. Squaloraja would fit in up by the Chimaeras.
All You Wanted to Know About The X-Ray Why do I need an X-Ray? An X-Ray, or radiographic examination, provides us with an important preventative tool. It shows the condition of your teeth, its roots, jaw placement, and the overall composition of your facial bones. X-Rays can help determine the presence or degree of periodontal disease, abscesses, and many abnormal growths, such as cysts and tumors. X-Rays also can show the exact location of impacted and unerupted teeth. They can pinpoint the location of cavities and other signs of disease that may not be possible to detect through a visual examination. Do all patients have X-Rays taken every six months? No. We base your X-Ray schedule on our assessment of your individual needs, including whether you’re a new patient or a follow-up patient, adult, or child. In most cases, new patients require a full set of mouth X-Rays to evaluate oral health status, including any underlying signs of gum disease and for future comparison. Follow-up patients may require X-Rays to monitor their gum condition or their chance of tooth decay. What kind of X-Rays does my dentist usually take? Typically, most dental patients have “periapical” or “bitewing” radiographs taken. These require patients to hold or bite down on a piece of plastic containing an X-Ray film or digital sensor. Bitewing X-Rays typically determine the presence of decay in between teeth, while periapical X-Rays show root structure, bone levels, cysts, and abscesses. What is a panoramic X-Ray? Just as a panoramic photograph allows you to see a broad view such as the Grand Canyon, a panoramic X-Ray will enable us to see the entire structure of your mouth in a single image. Within one large film, panoramic X-Rays reveal all of your upper and lower teeth and parts of your jaw. Why do I need both types? What is apparent through one type of X-Ray often is not visible on another. The panoramic X-Ray provides a general and comprehensive view of your entire mouth on a single film, which a periapical or bitewing X-Ray can not show. On the other hand, periapical or bitewing X-Rays show a highly-detailed image of a smaller area, making it easier to see decay or cavities between your teeth. We do not prescribe X-Rays indiscriminately; instead, each radiograph provides different information needed to formulate a diagnosis. Should I be concerned about exposure to radiation? All health care providers are sensitive to patients’ concerns about exposure to radiation. We have been trained to prescribe X-Rays when they are appropriate and to tailor schedules to each patient’s individual needs. We are committed to using state-of-the-art technology and staying knowledgeable about recent advances. So you can be sure that we will determine which techniques, procedures, and X-Rays will minimize your exposure.
(Proverbs 27:22 KJV) Though thou shouldest bray a fool in a mortar among wheat with a pestle, yet will not his foolishness depart from him. The KJV is confusing to our modern times and it is a confusion that clarifies this verse. The KJV says “bray” (3806) where the NASB says “pound.” The old English is much more demanding. This is the process of taking whole wheat grains and methodically reducing them into flour. I don’t know if you have ever tried it. I used a mortar and pestle to grind coffee once and came to the conclusion that civilization was nice and old fashioned is laborious. It gives new meaning to “it’s a grind.” This is saying that if someone is a fool, even the most careful grinding and effort will not produce flour. It could be that one way to tell if someone is a fool or just uninformed is by the way in which they respond to your correction. So? Give time to people but be aware that you may need to move on after a time. There are people out there who can benefit from our input and counsel. To paraphrase the words of Jesus, “don’t throw your mortar and pestle in front of fools.”
Big Bang Monday: Huge Plasma Tubes When a distinguished but elderly scientist states that something is possible, he is almost certainly right. When he states that something is impossible, he is very probably wrong. What Sir Arthur said many years ago is certainly true today. So many wonderful ideas come from younger generations of scientists, marketers, writers, etc., that we sometimes forget to open our minds to new ideas and ways of thinking. This was certainly the case in Australia. As an undergraduate student in astrophysics at Sydney University, Cleo Loi came up with an idea for using radio telescopes to “see” something noone has ever been able to visualize. Via Fairfax Media’s WA Today… A Sydney University student has for the first time used radio telescopes like a giant pair of electronic eyes to locate huge plasma tubes in the atmosphere that interfere with astronomy observations and which could affect some civilian and military navigation systems. Scientists have long thought that the interaction of the earth’s magnetic field with energy from the sun would create huge tubes of plasma. But they have never been able to directly observe them over large scales or determine their shape. Until now. While still an undergraduate, Cleo Loi, 23, used the Murchison Wide Field Array in the Western Australia desert in a way that no other radio telescope has been used before. The wide field array consists of 128 antenna “tiles” over a seven-square-kilometre area. Ms Loi divided the array’s tiles into two halves using the western half like a right eye and the eastern half like a left eye. Similar to the way humans use sight, she used triangulation to build a three-dimensional dynamic map of the plasma tubes over a large area. Ms Loi, who graduated in March, had to overcome the initial scepticism of senior colleagues who thought her observations were too good to be true. Her undergraduate supervisor, Dr Tara Murphy, said: “It is to Cleo’s great credit that she not only discovered this but also convinced the rest of the scientific community. As an undergraduate student with no prior background in this, that is an impressive achievement. “When they first saw the data, many of her senior collaborators thought the results were literally ‘too good to be true’ and that the observation process had somehow corrupted the findings. But over the next few months, Cleo managed to convince them that they were both real and scientifically interesting.” The tubes are in the earth’s upper atmosphere, known as the ionosphere, which largely consists of ionised oxygen. The ionosphere is so called because photons from the sun dislodge electrons from otherwise neutral atoms in this layer of the atmosphere, creating a soup or plasma of electronically charged particles. This plasma interacts with the earth’s magnetic field, creating field-aligned ducts of the plasma. The free electrons also interfere with astronomers’ observations and can potentially affect satellite navigation systems.
Medicines constitute a significant cost component of modern healthcare systems across the world. However, in India the situation is even worse, where as per recent studies, drugs contribute as high as around 70 percent of the total treatment cost. This is mainly because overall healthcare system in the country is fundamentally different not just from the developed world, but also from many other developing countries like, China, Brazil, South Africa and Thailand, to name a few. In most of those countries significant expenses towards healthcare including medicines are reimbursed either by the Governments or through health insurance or similar mechanisms. However, the Indian situation is just the reverse, where around 72 percent of overall healthcare costs, including medicines, are private or Out of Pocket (OoP), incurred by the individuals/families. According to a recent report, ‘about 38 million people in India (which is more than Canada’s population) fall below the poverty line every year due to healthcare expenses, of which 70% is on purchase of drugs’, as stated above. In this context, it is worth noting that for patented drugs, the Drug Policy of December 2012 clearly articulates that Government of India will follow the approach of price negotiation with the respective companies. Unfortunately, work done in this so important area by the concerned authority, so far, has been rather superficial, if not shoddy. Most of the patented products, which are prohibitively expensive, continue to remain out of reach of a vast majority of patients in india. Expenditure towards healthcare – a fundamental need: Expenditure towards healthcare in India, which is largely private, highly exploitative and thus expensive, is absolutely essential for all, either to be able to earn a living for a family or for maintaining a reasonable quality of life. According to an ‘Access Survey’ conducted by IMS Consulting Group in 2012, ‘Out Patient (OP)’ treatment costs in private care is ~2-3 times that of public and in case of ‘In-Patient (IP)’ care it is ~4-8 times the cost of Public care. Focus has not been just enough: Since 1970, the Government of India and various States have been adopting measures including, National Health Mission (NHM), Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana (RSBY), Drug Price Control Order (DPCO), besides others, to make healthcare in general and medicines in particular affordable and accessible to the common man. However, these measures though essential, have not delivered quite well when measured against the set objectives. This keeps on happening, due to lack of accountability and inefficient Government control over the processes involved together with fast increasing exploitative mindset in the private healthcare space, over the last several decades. Health being a State subject inequity in access: Health being a State subject in India, there has been large variations in public healthcare spend within various States of the country. Some of the poorer States have low per capita public healthcare expenditure and some of the richer states incur significantly more, leading to huge inequity of access, especially among the poorer sections of the society. (Source: IMS Consulting 2012) Three fresh edicts: In the above backdrop, the decision of the Government of India to increase the National Health Expenditure Budget from 1.2% to 2.5% of GDP in the 12th Five Year Plan of India in 2012 has the potential to be a game changer in the public healthcare space of India. It is envisaged that this decent increase in the budgetary allocation will help initiating the process of Universal Health Care (UHC) to ensure free access to essential health services for every citizen of the country, including cashless in-patient and out-patient treatment for primary, secondary and tertiary care. Probably as a precursor to UHC, the Government of India has announced three fresh edicts: 1. Budgetary clearance for ‘Free distribution of essential medicines’ by the States 2. Notification for operationalizing the new ‘Central Medical Services Society (CMSS)’ to streamline the drug procurement system 3. Announcement for implementation of ‘Standard Treatment Guidelines (STGs)’ The above edicts are indeed laudatory, as these measures, if taken effectively in tandem would also help maximizing overall productivity of the public healthcare delivery systems, immensely. This is expected mainly because, the process would require avoidance of unnecessary medicines and diagnostics tests, chain of multiple doctor visits starting from GPs, specialists to super specialists, besides simultaneous re-engineering of below par public healthcare delivery systems of the country. 1. Budgetary clearance for free distribution of essential medicines by the States: Late 2012, the Union Government made its first major move by formally clearing Rs. 13,000 Crore (around US$ 2.2 billion) towards providing free medicines for all through government hospitals and health centers. The State Governments under National Health Mission to utilize this fund for purchase and free distribution of essential medicines. Some State Governments are already in the process of implementing this scheme, though effective implementation of the same, across the country, still remains a challenge. This new scheme, I reckon, has also the potential to hasten the overall growth of the pharmaceutical industry, as poor patients who could not afford will now have access to essential medicines. On the other hand, rapidly growing middle class population will continue to favor branded generic drugs prescribed by the doctors at the private hospitals and clinics. Some people are apprehending that generic drug makers will have brighter days as the project starts rolling on. This apprehension is based on the assumption that large branded generic players will be unable to take part in this big ticket drug procurement process of the Government, which seems to be imaginary at this stage. However, in my view, it could well be a win-win situation for all types of players in the industry, where both the generic-generic and branded-generic businesses could continue to grow simultaneously. That said procedural delays and drug quality issues, while procuring cheaper generics, might pose to be a great challenge for the Government to ensure speedier implementation of this project. Drug regulatory and law enforcing authorities will require to be extremely vigilant to ensure that while sourcing cheaper generic drugs, “Public health and safety” due to quality issues do not get compromised in any way. POTENTIALITY: Significant increase in access to medicines and simultaneous sharp reduction on OoP expenses. 2. Operationalization of CMSS for drug procurement: Recently this year, the Union Health Ministry issuing the final notification reportedly has made the drug procurement system through Central Medical Services Society (CMSS) formally operational. The drug procurement for different flagship program, of the Government like National Health Mission, will now be done through the CMSS. The notification says: - The CMSS will be responsible for procuring health sector goods in a transparent and cost-effective manner and distributing them to the States/UTs by setting up an IT enabled supply chain infrastructure including warehouses in 50 locations. - The main objective of CMSS is to ensure uninterrupted supply of health-sector goods to the state Government, which will then maintain the flow to the govt. health facilities such as district hospitals, primary health centers and community health centers. - All decisions on procurement will be taken by the CMSS without any reference to the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. - The Ministry will be responsible only for policy decisions concerning procurement and for monitoring its performance. - The CMSS will also assist the state governments to set up similar organizations in states to reform their procurement. - The Government has appointed the Director General and other key persons to run the organization, which will look to eliminate deficiencies in the existing system of purchasing medicines, vaccines, contraceptives and medical equipment for all government’s flagship program. - At present, the ministry procures drugs departmentally and through agents, drawing flaks and raking controversies at regular intervals. This seemingly transparent drug procurement process for public use, would prompt tough price negotiations with the manufacturers for purchase of medicines leading to significant reduction in drug prices, as evidenced already in the States like, Tamil Nadu and Rajasthan. POTENTIALITY: Significant reduction in public healthcare costs, especially for medicines. 3. Announcement for implementation of Standard Treatment Guidelines (STGs): Another recent news that Standard Treatment Guidelines (STGs) for 20 disciplines will soon be put in place in India is indeed a breath of fresh air. The centers of excellence for healthcare, both public and private, for around 1.2 billion population of the country, are still rather limited. STG is usually defined as a systematically developed statement designed to assist practitioners and patients in making decisions about appropriate cost-effective treatment for specific disease areas. For each disease area, the treatment should include “the name, dosage form, strength, average dose (pediatric and adult), number of doses per day, and number of days of treatment. STG also includes specific referral criteria from a lower to a higher level of the diagnostic and treatment requirements. For an emerging economy, like India, formulation of STGs would ensure cost-effective healthcare benefits to a vast majority of its population. STGs, therefore, will provide: - Standardized guidance to practitioners - Cost-effective ‘health outcomes’ based services The Ministry of Health is now reportedly mulling to streamline in a phased manner the disease treatment procedures and protocols by introducing STGs in 20 disciplines under the ‘Clinical Establishments Act’ of the country. These disciplines are Cardiovascular, Endocrinology, ENT, Gastroenterology, General Surgery, Interventional Radiology, Laboratory Medicine, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Organ Transplant, Pediatrics, Oncology, Urology, Nephrology, GI Surgery, Medicine Respiratory, Medicine Non-Respiratory, Critical Care, Ophthalmology, Neurology and Orthopedics. The National Council for Clinical Establishments (NCCE) is the apex body under the Clinical Establishments Act. STGs, therefore, will be binding on all hospitals and establishments registered under the Clinical Establishments Act 2010. The Council has already deliberated on the draft STGs prepared by the experts in the respective disciplines of medicines. Surgical intervention in cardiovascular diseases reportedly will assume priority while implementing the STGs. It is expected that the first of the STGs will be announced soon. Currently only Uttar Pradesh, Mizoram, Sikkim, Rajasthan, Arunachal Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh and Jharkhand, apart from all Union Territories, have adopted the Act. Again, health being a State subject in India, all the States of the country will need to enforce this Act to make the initiative successful. However, states like West Bengal have their own Clinical Establishment Act, while Tamil Nadu has its own STGs. Incidentally, putting STGs in place has been one of the long-standing demands of many, including the medical insurance companies. This is mainly because, laid-down protocols will make the hospitals avoiding unnecessary procedures on insured patients, thereby reducing the cost of treatment significantly. POTENTIALITY: Huge reduction in healthcare cost, avoiding wastage in every step of any disease treatment. This could also help the medical insurance companies containing hospitalization costs, hopefully leading to reduced insurance premium. All these three edicts of the Government, do promise a huge potential to help containing the overall cost of treatment in general and the costs of medicines in particular. Effective implementation of these important initiatives would call for a significant change in mindset of all concerned. Doctors, hopefully, would also avoid using those expensive drugs having no significant improvement in ‘health outcomes’ over the cheaper alternatives. STGs would initially need to be encouraged not just through self-regulation of the medical profession, but by the pharmaceutical industry and other allied interested parties in this area, as well. If ‘self-regulation’ does not work, stringent regulatory measures must be enforced by the Government to protect patients’ health interest. No doubt both the Union and the State Governments of India would still have lot to chew in pursuit of ensuring affordable healthcare in general and medicines in particular, to all. That said, would expectations of crafty implementation of these edicts, at least, flicker a ray of hope in an otherwise gloomy and exploitative overall healthcare environment of the country? By: Tapan J. Ray Disclaimer: The views/opinions expressed in this article are entirely my own, written in my individual and personal capacity. I do not represent any other person or organization for this opinion.
It is possible to use the mathematical muscle of panorama software to convert photos, taken with a real camera, into images that might have been taken with a different camera, or might not even be possible to take with any real camera. Simply convert the photos to an ideal spherical image, using a formula that inverts the projection of the real camera; then project the sphere into a flat image using a different formula. This is equivalent to photographing the subject with a different camera, whose projection is defined by the second formula. That could be a mathematical simulation of a real camera, for example with a different focal length, a tilt-shift mechanism, and so on. But a software camera need not be limited to what a real lens and focal plane can do, so there is great scope for creating optically impossible but visually pleasing virtual photographs. A popular example is “little planet” projections of spherical panoramas. You would not expect to see a little planet view while walking in the park. But there can be far more realistic looking virtual photographs. The one above is almost as extreme as a little planet — the field of view is about 205 x 110 degrees — yet at first glance, at least, it strikes you as something you might actually be able to see in person. I made it from 10 photos shot freehand with a 24mm lens on a 2/3 frame dslr. First I stitched those to a partial spherical panorama with PTGui, then “re-photographed” the scene with my Panini-Pro software. Panini-Pro is an interactive virtual camera designed to make it easy to create visually pleasing flat images from spherical ones. It has a variety of controls for re-projecting the sphere, including zoom, shift, rotation, tilt, swing, and deformations of both the sphere and the focal plane — and of course the Panini projection, which can zoom from rectilinear through cylindrical stereographic to mirror-cylinder. You control everything from a gui, and you get immediate visual feedback; so it is usually not hard to arrive at an image that “just looks right”. Panini-Pro can also work with single photos, which it converts to spherical using an adjustable lens model like the ones found in stitchers. Since you make those adjustments, the sphere may not be mathematically perfect, but so long as you get close, you can make a nice looking virtual photo. Here is an example of converting a snapshot taken with a fish-eye lens into a more realistic looking simulated perspective view. I took the photo with an 8mm fish-eye lens on a crop camera, trying for a good point of view but making no effort to level the camera. When I loaded it into Panini-Pro I set the lens parameters — focal length and curve shape — to match the lens. Then I rotated the spherical image (by adjusting pitch and roll angles) to make all vertical elements of the scene vertical on screen — this is equivalent to leveling the camera, and is critical to a good result. While doing that I used the shift controls to keep the image framed nicely. Next I adjusted the Panini compression parameter for a convincing perspective in the horizontal aspect, and scaled the image down by about 8% vertically to give the people more plausible shapes (the Panini projection tends to exaggerate height). Finally I used Panini-Pro\’s spot flattening tools to “squeeze” bulging areas near the floor and ceiling into more pleasing shapes, touched up yaw, pitch, zoom and framing, and saved the view. My guide throughout was the visual appearance of the image, not any theoretical rules of perspective. I was working more like a painter than an engineer. [revision of a post from June 2012]
Warthogs became pop-culture icons after The Lion King was released, but these creatures are quite different than their animated appearances would have you believe. Still, they are incredibly interesting and are represented in two recognized species: the common warthog and the desert warthog. Like pigs, they are hardy and tough, but they do have their own specialized diets that fit their ecosystems. Let’s take a deeper look at them to learn: what do warthogs eat? What do warthogs eat? Warthogs eat grasses, plants, roots, and bulbs.There are two recognized species of warthog: the common warthog and the desert warthog. Still, it’s possible to break each of the primary species into subspecies, but the primary dietary differences (and similarities) can be found higher up the classification. The common warthog is the only known species of pig that is specially adapted to live in the savanna. Savannas are expansive grasslands, and the diets of the common warthog reflect this. Common warthogs are omnivorous and will eat almost anything. Their diet is mostly grasses, roots, berries, and bark, but they are known to eat fruit, fungi, insects, eggs, and even carrion. Savanna grasslands experience cycles of dry and wet seasons, and common warthogs adapt as the climate changes. During the wet seasons, common foods include grasses and berries when they can find them. The rain often brings an abundance of food, allowing them to be a bit pickier in their choices. During the dry season, common warthogs have to dig to find their food. The grasses die out, and berries and fruits aren’t growing. Warthogs are adept diggers and have an excellent sense of smell. Common foods during the dry season include bark, bulbs, roots, and tubers. Desert warthogs are far less common and only live around the Horn of Africa. Their habitat is mostly desert, and their dietary habits are suited to their dry environments. Although most pigs can be considered omnivorous, desert warthogs are mainly herbivorous. They travel in groups and forage daily for grasses, plants, flowers, fruits, and more. When there is less food (or less of their preferred foods), they will eat rhizomes, tubers, bulbs, bark, insects, and carrion. Since desert warthogs generally live in tougher environments than common warthogs, they are less picky in their diet. When foods get really scarce, they are known to eat the dung of other animals, as well as their own. A complete list of foods warthogs eat Here is a complete list of foods that warthogs eat: - carrion (rarely) Where do warthogs live? There are pig or hog species on almost every continent in the world. The common and desert warthog, however, are native to the African continent and have their own ranges within. Common warthogs mostly live in sub-Saharan Africa and can be found almost everywhere there is open country and grasslands. They generally avoid wooded areas and don’t venture into deserts, steppes, or thickets, preferring large swaths of lands they can graze peacefully. Additionally, they are often found near water sources and live within the range of a perennial water source, especially during the dry season. While they do share habitat with the desert warthog, their overlap is minimal and mostly relegated to regions of Somalia and Kenya. Desert warthogs are significantly less distributed than their common cousins. Adapted for the desert, these warthogs exclusively live around the Horn of Africa, mostly from southeastern Ethiopia through Somalia and south to Kenya. The species was present in the Cape Province but was rendered extinct in 1871. They generally stick to arid plains, as well as sparse woodlands. Scrubland and sand are also common environments for these animals to live. How do warthogs get their food? Warthogs are incredibly intelligent and have come up with some specially adapted ways to get their food. Both species have tusks, but they rarely use them for digging and primarily serve defensive purposes. Since most of their diet is centered around food that is underground, they are adept diggers. Using their strong sense of smell, they root through the dirt, looking for potential morsels. Once found, they use their hooves and snouts to dig up the roots and tubers. A common feeding behavior for warthogs is to fold their front legs and waddle around with their snout close to the ground. This is done when feeding in order to get closer to the ground and be more comfortable. Additionally, it’s used to get close to the edge of a watering hole while they drink. What animals eat warthogs? Warthogs have a great many predators, especially being on the superpredator continent that is Africa. Large cats are the most common predators for warthogs of both species. Lions, leopards, and cheetahs are the most common cats that regularly hunt them. Hyenas are also known to hunt warthogs, but only in packs. Additionally, crocodiles regularly prey on warthogs, mainly while drinking. Watering holes are essential for warthogs, and crocodiles often lurk near the edges of the water, waiting for an unsuspecting animal to wander near. Lions are among the top predators for warthogs due to their ability to dig them out of their burrows. Warthogs burrow when predators are near, often negating the predator’s ability to reach them. A large lion, however, has no issue digging out a warthog to eat it. Burrows are dug by the warthogs or coopted from another animal (such as an aardvark). When they feel threatened, they can run up to 35 mph in order to reach the burrow. The babies dive in the holes head first, but the adults back in, allowing them to defend the opening with their tusks. When a burrow isn’t near, a warthog will use its tusks to defend itself and can inflict serious damage. The photo featured at the top of this post is © Villiers Steyn/ Thank you for reading! Have some feedback for us? Contact the AZ Animals editorial team.
While is it beyond the state of the art to implement a general purpose household cleaning robot. It is possible to define niches within which simple technology can do an adequate job so as to make the technology both useful and affordable. The designer of such systems should not be limited by thinking how a person would approach the problem but rather how can simple mechanisms be utilized to fill the niche. The designer should also not be concerned overly much with the implications of the system’s lack of cognizance. For example, if people leave valuable dirt on their carpet and forget to turn off Fido then it should simply be too bad. Simple solutions do not negate the integration of vision, speech recognition, or other "complex" systems. it simply places constraints on their use and packaging. As soon as a speech recognition system is cheap enough and small enough, Fido could as easily be responsive to vocal commands as those commands given by the remote control. Start simple and add complexity only as dictated by the task, environment and users.
Altimeter, Mk XVIIA, Ref 6A/1538 0-35,000ft, British Royal Air Force Here is a British Altimeter Mk XVIIA, Rf 6a/1538 as used in WW2 RAF bombers such as the Avro Lancaster, showing a maximum altitude of 35,000 ft. The altimeter has the marking of ICAN, the International Commission for Air Navigation. ICAN was an international governing body established on the basis of the ICAO relating to the regulation of aerial navigation and dealt exclusively with the regulation of international air navigation and in particular public international air law. The Convention came into force on 11 July 1922. Although in law the ICAN was placed, and remained, under the direction of League of Nations, in practice direction was replaced by friendly cooperation. An altimeter designed to ICAN specification assumes a constant temperature of 15 deg C at sea level and that this temperature decreases by 1.98 deg C for every 1000 ft increase in altitude. As the aircraft climbs, the pointer rotates clockwise indicating altitude along the outer perimeter scale. When reaching the 12 o'clock position the aircraft is now at 20,000 ft, and the altitude is now indicated along the inner scale up to 35,000 ft. The knob is to adjust for barometric pressure, which will rotate the pointer and align an indexing line within the small round window located on the face at about the 18,800 ft marking. This knob is very stiff and could use a bit of TLC.
Education is undergoing a transformation like never before, thanks to the incorporation of artificial intelligence in education. As a passionate educator, I have personally witnessed the impact of AI-powered technologies on student learning and teacher instruction. Today, I will take you on a journey through this revolutionary approach and share my experiences with AI-powered education. - AI-powered education is transforming how students learn and teachers teach. - Personalized learning experiences and tailored assignments improve knowledge retention. - AI companions provide real-time analytics, empowering educators with targeted interventions. - Predictive analytics helps identify at-risk students and enables early intervention strategies. - The future of learning looks promising with AI as a catalyst for cognitive development. The Benefits of AI Homework Companions in K-12 Education AI homework companions are revolutionizing K-12 education by providing personalized learning experiences for students. These companions utilize AI algorithms to tailor learning paths to individual students, offering customized assignments and support. By adapting to each student’s unique needs, AI companions enhance engagement, improve knowledge retention, and bridge knowledge gaps. In addition to personalized learning, virtual classrooms powered by AI are transforming the education landscape. These virtual classrooms enable seamless communication and interactive learning experiences, fostering collaboration and participation among students. With the integration of AI technology, students have access to a dynamic and engaging learning environment that supports their academic growth. Moreover, AI homework companions offer a range of benefits for both students and educators. For students, AI companions provide personalized assignments and targeted practice based on their academic levels, ensuring effective learning and skill development. These companions also utilize natural language processing to provide detailed explanations, demystifying complex concepts and promoting deeper understanding. The Benefits of AI Homework Companions: - Personalized learning experiences tailored to each student - Engagement and knowledge retention improvement - Bridging knowledge gaps and reinforcing learning - Seamless communication and collaboration in virtual classrooms - Customized assignments and targeted practice for academic growth - Demystifying complex concepts through detailed explanations With AI homework companions, students can embark on their educational journey with confidence, knowing that they have a personalized learning companion by their side. These companions not only support students’ academic growth but also empower educators with valuable insights into individual learning patterns and areas of struggle. Together, AI-powered education and virtual classrooms are reshaping the future of learning and enabling students to reach their full potential. Tailoring Learning Experiences with AI Homework Companions AI homework companions are not just simple bots; they are digital allies that adapt to each student’s unique needs. Educators can collaborate with AI integrators to customize the system, ensuring it understands student strengths, weaknesses, and learning preferences. AI companions can provide coaching elements and engage students in team brainstorming sessions. The personalized learning experiences they offer extend beyond the physical premises of educational institutions. Enhancing Personalized Learning With AI homework companions, personalized learning takes center stage. These intelligent systems are designed to tailor learning experiences based on each student’s individual requirements. By integrating coaching elements into the learning process, AI companions support students in achieving their full potential. They can offer personalized guidance, monitor progress, and provide targeted feedback to address areas of improvement. The flexibility and adaptability of AI homework companions allow for differentiation and a more holistic approach to education. Collaborative Learning and Teamwork AI companions are not just limited to providing individualized support; they also facilitate collaborative learning and teamwork. Through virtual platforms, students can engage in team brainstorming sessions, where the AI companion acts as a facilitator, guiding them through the process. This fosters critical thinking, communication skills, and problem-solving abilities. Students learn how to work together, exchange ideas, and support one another, creating a dynamic and interactive learning environment. Extending Learning Beyond the Classroom One of the significant benefits of AI homework companions is their ability to extend learning beyond the physical classroom. With virtual classrooms and AI-powered platforms, students can access personalized learning experiences anytime, anywhere. This flexibility enables students to continue their learning journey outside of traditional school hours, fostering autonomy and self-directed learning. AI companions provide a seamless transition between in-class and self-paced learning, ensuring continuity and consistency in the educational process. Personalized Learning with AI Homework Companions AI homework companions offer a groundbreaking approach to education by delivering personalized learning experiences to students. These companions are equipped with AI algorithms that analyze individual student data to provide tailored assignments based on their academic levels and areas requiring improvement. By targeting practice towards specific areas of need, AI companions optimize the learning process for each student, resulting in improved academic performance. Through targeted practice, AI homework companions bridge knowledge gaps and reinforce key concepts. They utilize natural language processing to provide detailed explanations, helping students demystify complex topics. This personalized approach fosters a deeper understanding of the material and enhances overall knowledge retention. Students receive instant feedback on their assignments, allowing them to track their progress and make necessary adjustments to their study habits. Furthermore, AI homework companions adapt to each student’s unique learning preferences. They offer a wide range of resources, including interactive learning materials, videos, and quizzes, to cater to diverse learning styles. This individualized approach ensures that students remain engaged and motivated throughout their learning journey. Benefits of Personalized Learning with AI Homework Companions: - Tailored assignments based on academic levels and areas requiring improvement - Targeted practice to bridge knowledge gaps and reinforce key concepts - Utilization of natural language processing for detailed explanations - Instant feedback for tracking progress and adjusting study habits - Adaptation to individual learning preferences and diverse learning styles Overall, personalized learning with AI homework companions revolutionizes education by tailoring assignments, providing targeted practice, and catering to individual academic levels. This innovative approach empowers students to take control of their learning, while AI technology supports and enhances their educational journey. Benefit | Description | Tailored Assignments | Assignments are customized based on academic levels and areas requiring improvement. | Targeted Practice | Students receive practice exercises that bridge knowledge gaps and reinforce key concepts. | Detailed Explanations | Natural language processing is used to provide detailed explanations for better understanding. | Instant Feedback | Students receive immediate feedback on their assignments, allowing them to track their progress. | Adaptability | AI companions adapt to individual learning preferences and diverse learning styles. | Data-Driven Insights for Educators One of the key advantages of AI homework companions in education is the generation of real-time analytics that provide valuable insights for educators. These insights are derived from the data collected by AI companions as students interact with the learning platform. By analyzing this data, educators can gain a deep understanding of individual student learning patterns, identify areas of strength and weakness, and pinpoint specific learning gaps. The real-time analytics provided by AI companions allow educators to make targeted interventions to support student learning. Armed with this data, educators can develop personalized strategies and provide tailored support to bridge learning gaps. Whether it’s through additional resources, one-on-one mentoring, or alternative instructional approaches, these targeted interventions can significantly improve student outcomes and foster academic success. Additionally, the data-driven insights provided by AI companions enable educators to track student progress over time. This allows them to monitor growth, identify milestones, and celebrate achievements. By having access to accurate and up-to-date information about student performance, educators can make informed decisions about instructional strategies, curriculum adjustments, and resource allocation. Targeted Interventions and Closing Learning Gaps One of the key benefits of the real-time analytics provided by AI companions is the ability to identify learning gaps and intervene proactively. By analyzing student performance data, AI companions can flag areas where students are struggling or falling behind. Armed with this knowledge, educators can implement targeted interventions to address these gaps and provide additional support. Targeted interventions can take many forms, from additional practice exercises and personalized assignments to individualized coaching sessions and small group discussions. By tailoring interventions to the specific needs of each student, educators can ensure that learning gaps are effectively addressed and students receive the support they need to succeed. Insight | Action | Identified learning gap in a specific math concept | Assigned additional practice exercises and provided one-on-one tutoring | Recognized a struggle with reading comprehension | Implemented targeted reading strategies and offered personalized reading materials | Noticed a lack of engagement in science class | Incorporated hands-on experiments and real-life examples to enhance interest and understanding | By leveraging the power of data-driven insights and targeted interventions, educators can ensure that no student is left behind. AI-powered education platforms enable a more personalized and responsive approach to teaching, helping to close learning gaps and foster student success. The Power of AI in Personalized Education AI-powered tutoring applications are revolutionizing education by offering tailor-made curriculums and individualized lesson plans. These applications utilize artificial intelligence algorithms to analyze student performance and provide personalized guidance and support. With AI tutoring applications, such as Thinkster Math and Carnegie Learning, students can receive targeted instruction and fill knowledge gaps at their own pace. One of the key benefits of AI-powered tutoring applications is their ability to adapt to each student’s unique learning needs. These applications use AI algorithms to identify areas of difficulty and provide customized lessons and practice exercises. By tailoring the curriculum to the individual student, AI tutoring applications help improve engagement, boost confidence, and promote better academic outcomes. Furthermore, AI tutoring applications offer interactive learning experiences through gamified interfaces and virtual mentors. These features enhance student motivation and make learning more enjoyable. Students can receive immediate feedback and progress through the material at their own pace, ensuring a personalized and engaging learning journey. Benefits of AI Tutoring Applications: - Personalized curriculums tailored to individual student needs - Customized lesson plans and practice exercises - Interactive learning experiences through gamified interfaces - Immediate feedback and guidance from virtual mentors AI tutoring applications revolutionize education by providing personalized learning experiences and promoting student engagement and mastery. Benefits | Examples | Personalized curriculums | Thinkster Math, Carnegie Learning | Individualized lesson plans | Thinkster Math, Carnegie Learning | Gamified learning experiences | Thinkster Math, Carnegie Learning | Virtual mentors | Thinkster Math, Carnegie Learning | AI’s Impact on Administrative Tasks in Education The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) in education is not limited to enhancing student learning experiences. AI also has a transformative impact on administrative tasks within educational institutions. By automating tedious and time-consuming tasks, AI streamlines administrative processes, allowing educators to focus on teaching and mentorship. One area where AI demonstrates its efficiency is in automated grading. With AI-powered grading systems, teachers no longer need to spend hours manually grading papers and exams. These systems can analyze student responses and provide accurate and timely feedback, saving valuable time for educators. Another significant application of AI in education is the use of AI chatbots. These chatbots provide 24/7 support to students, answering their questions and providing assistance. Whether it’s addressing queries related to assignments, course materials, or other academic concerns, AI chatbots ensure that students have access to support whenever they need it. Moreover, AI enables administrative automation by simplifying record-keeping and scheduling. AI algorithms can efficiently manage student records, attendance, and scheduling, reducing the administrative burden on educators and staff. This automation ensures that accurate and up-to-date information is readily available, promoting efficient and effective education management. AI’s Impact on Administrative Tasks | Benefits | Automated Grading | – Saves time for educators – Provides accurate and timely feedback – Streamlines the grading process | AI Chatbots | – 24/7 support for students – Answers queries and provides assistance – Ensures access to support whenever needed | Administrative Automation | – Simplifies record-keeping and scheduling – Reduces administrative burden – Promotes efficient education management | Creating a Hybrid Model of Education with AI As we embrace the integration of AI in education, it is crucial to understand that its purpose is not to replace teachers but to enhance their abilities. AI automation of administrative tasks, such as grading and scheduling, frees up valuable time for teachers to focus on what they do best: mentorship and personalized support. By leveraging AI, educators can provide individualized attention and guidance to each student, ensuring their unique needs are met. One of the key benefits of a hybrid model of education, combining AI-based learning tools with human interaction, is the opportunity for teacher mentorship. With the support of AI, teachers can dedicate more time to fostering critical thinking, creativity, problem-solving, and communication skills in students. This mentorship creates a nurturing environment where students can thrive and develop their full potential. Personalized support is another aspect that the hybrid model of education brings to the table. AI-powered tools can analyze student data, identify areas of improvement, and tailor learning experiences to address individual needs. By providing targeted interventions and adaptive learning paths, personalized support becomes more accessible, enabling students to progress at their own pace and succeed academically. Benefits of the Hybrid Model of Education with AI: - Enhanced teacher mentorship to develop vital skills in students. - Personalized support catered to individual needs and learning styles. - Opportunity for students to progress at their own pace with adaptive learning paths. - Enriched learning experiences through the combination of AI-based tools and human interaction. The future of education lies in the synergy between AI and human teachers. While AI companions and virtual classrooms offer personalized learning experiences, it is the human element that provides emotional support, fosters critical thinking, and guides students towards their full potential. By embracing this hybrid model, we can create an education system that leverages the best of both worlds for the benefit of our students’ growth and success. Benefits of the Hybrid Model of Education with AI | Enhanced teacher mentorship to develop vital skills in students. | Personalized support catered to individual needs and learning styles. | Opportunity for students to progress at their own pace with adaptive learning paths. | Enriched learning experiences through the combination of AI-based tools and human interaction. | Revolutionary AI-Powered Virtual Classrooms Virtual classrooms powered by AI are revolutionizing the way students learn and engage with educational content. These innovative learning environments offer personalized learning paths that adapt to each student’s performance, preferences, and learning styles. With AI as their guide, students embark on a journey tailored to their unique needs, enhancing their overall learning experience. One of the key advantages of AI-powered virtual classrooms is the presence of virtual mentors. These intelligent tutoring systems provide personalized guidance and support to students, acting as their own digital tutors. Virtual mentors analyze student performance and responses, offering targeted assistance and feedback to help them overcome challenges and achieve academic success. Gamified learning experiences further enhance engagement and motivation within AI-powered virtual classrooms. By incorporating game elements into the learning process, students are immersed in interactive activities that make education enjoyable and exciting. Gamification fosters a sense of achievement and progress, motivating students to actively participate and excel in their studies. AI-powered virtual classrooms combine personalized learning paths, virtual mentors, and gamified learning experiences to create an immersive and effective educational environment. With AI as a catalyst, students can unleash their full potential, explore their interests, and achieve academic excellence. Predictive Analytics Driving Academic Success As technology continues to evolve, its impact on education becomes more apparent. The integration of predictive analytics powered by AI is revolutionizing how we measure student performance and improve educational outcomes. By analyzing attendance, grades, and behavioral trends, predictive analytics can provide valuable insights into individual students’ academic paths. This data-driven approach helps identify at-risk students and enables early intervention strategies, ultimately improving student retention and graduation rates. Educators can strategically allocate resources and support students based on the insights provided by AI. By leveraging predictive analytics, schools can create a more personalized and effective learning environment that caters to each student’s unique needs. With the assistance of AI-powered predictive analytics, teachers can proactively address learning gaps and provide targeted interventions. This data-driven approach allows for a more individualized and tailored learning experience for students. By identifying students’ strengths and weaknesses, educators can apply resources and teaching strategies that support their academic growth and enhance their overall educational journey. Impacting Student Success Predictive analytics is not only beneficial for students but also for educational institutions. By accurately predicting student outcomes, schools can allocate resources more efficiently, ensuring that students receive the support they need to succeed. This data-driven approach enables institutions to identify areas for improvement and develop targeted initiatives to address them. “Predictive analytics allows us to intervene early and provide the necessary support to students who may be at risk. We can identify patterns and trends that help us better understand their needs and create a more personalized learning experience,” says Dr. Jane Simmons, an expert in educational data analysis. The use of predictive analytics in education represents a significant step forward in improving educational outcomes. By harnessing the power of AI-driven insights, educators can create a more inclusive and equitable education system that ensures every student has the opportunity to thrive. Benefits of Predictive Analytics in Education | Early identification of at-risk students | Targeted interventions and support | Improved student retention and graduation rates | More personalized learning experiences | Efficient allocation of educational resources | Predictive analytics powered by AI has the potential to transform education by providing educators with actionable insights and enhancing student success. The integration of data-driven strategies allows for a more individualized and targeted approach to education, ensuring that students receive the support they need to thrive. AI-powered education is revolutionizing the learning landscape, paving the way for the future of learning. With personalized learning experiences, enhanced engagement, and academic success, AI is reshaping the educational landscape. It is important to note that the integration of AI in education is not about replacing teachers but providing them with powerful tools to support student growth. Virtual classrooms, AI companions, and predictive analytics are at the forefront of this transformation, creating a hybrid model that combines technology and human interaction. This approach ensures that students receive tailor-made curriculums, individualized support, and opportunities for cognitive development. The future of learning looks promising with AI as a catalyst for cognitive development in students. As we continue to harness the power of AI in education, we can drive positive changes in the way students learn, teachers teach, and educational outcomes are achieved. By embracing AI-powered technologies, we can shape a future where every learner can thrive and reach their full potential. What are AI homework companions? AI homework companions are AI-powered digital allies that provide personalized learning experiences for students in K-12 education. They use AI algorithms to tailor learning paths to individual students, offering customized assignments and support. How do AI homework companions enhance the learning experience? AI homework companions enhance the learning experience by improving engagement, knowledge retention, and bridging knowledge gaps. They adapt to each student’s unique needs and provide coaching elements and team brainstorming sessions. Their personalized learning experiences extend beyond the physical premises of educational institutions. How do AI homework companions provide personalized learning? AI homework companions provide personalized learning by delivering tailored assignments based on students’ academic levels and areas requiring improvement. They utilize natural language processing to provide detailed explanations and demystify complex concepts. How do AI homework companions benefit educators? AI homework companions generate a wealth of data that empowers educators with insights into individual learning patterns, strengths, and areas of struggle. This data enables targeted interventions and support, closing learning gaps effectively. Real-time analytics provided by AI companions allow educators to track student progress, make informed decisions, and celebrate milestones. What are AI tutoring applications? AI tutoring applications, such as Thinkster Math and Carnegie Learning, offer personalized learning experiences. They focus on identifying gaps in each student’s understanding and filling them at a pace that suits the individual. AI algorithms analyze student performance and responses to provide tailored guidance and help. How does AI automate administrative tasks in education? AI can automate tedious administrative tasks in education, such as grading, record-keeping, and scheduling. This automation frees up teachers’ valuable time, allowing them to focus on teaching and mentorship. Additionally, AI-powered chatbots provide 24/7 support to students, answering their questions and enriching their learning journey. How does AI enhance the role of teachers? The integration of AI in education enhances teachers’ teaching skills by automating administrative tasks and allowing them to focus on developing students’ critical thinking, creativity, problem-solving, and communication skills. The additional time gained can be used for mentorship and personalized support. The hybrid model of education combines AI-based learning tools with human interaction, providing personalized learning experiences and access to teacher support. What do AI-powered virtual classrooms offer? AI-powered virtual classrooms offer revolutionary learning experiences by customizing learning paths based on individual performance, preferences, and learning styles. They act as virtual mentors, providing tailored guidance and personalized support to each student. Gamification elements enhance engagement and create immersive learning experiences. AI tools like natural language processing facilitate seamless communication between students and educators. How does predictive analytics powered by AI benefit education? Predictive analytics powered by AI can anticipate students’ future academic paths by analyzing attendance, grades, and behavioral trends. This data-driven approach helps identify at-risk students and enables early intervention strategies. Predictive analytics improves student retention and graduation rates, promoting equitable education. Educators can strategically allocate resources and support students based on the insights provided by AI.
Lemons (Citrus limon) are among the most popular citrus fruits. They are a hybrid of the the citron (Citrus medica), one of the original citrus fruits from which all other citrus types developed through natural hybrid speciation or artificial hybridization. Although archaeological evidence for citrus fruits is limited, the citron is thought to have been native to the valleys at the foothills of the eastern Himalayas. Research has shown that consuming fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C reduces the risk of heart diseases, including heart attacks and strokes. One lemon provides about 31 mg (51% of RDI) of this important nutrient. However, vitamin C is not lemon’s only component thought to be good for your heart. Lemons also contain flavonoids which have neuroprotective and cardio-protective effects. Flavonoids also have anticancer, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-viral properties. A 2012 study suggests that the flavonoids in citrus fruits may help lower the risk of ischemic stroke in women. An ischemic stroke, the most common type of stroke, can happen when a blood clot blocks the flow of blood to the brain. A study of data from nearly 70,000 women over 14 years showed a 19% decreased risk of ischemic stroke in women who ate the most citrus fruits compared to those who consumed less. Lemons are also a decent source of potassium which can lower blood pressure and have positive effects on heart health. Iron deficiency, which occurs when you don’t get enough iron from the foods you eat, is a leading cause of anemia. Your body easily absorbs heme iron from fish, chicken and meat but does not absorb the non-heme iron found in plant foods as easily. This absorption can be improved by consuming vitamin C and citric acid. Lemons only contain a small amount of iron; however as a rich source of vitamin C and citric acid, they can help prevent anemia by improving your body’s absorption of iron from plant foods and ensuring you absorb as much iron as possible from your diet. Citric acid in lemons may help prevent the formation of kidney stones by diluting urine and increasing its citrate content. Lemons can be added to both savory and sweet dishes. A squeeze of fresh lemon juice can add a delicious burst of flavor to fish, shrimp, scallops or chicken. Brighten up a salad with fresh lemon juice, a bit of olive oil, and herbs. Or add a splash of fresh lemon juice to a glass of water or cup of hot tea. As is the case for many fruits and vegetables, the most nutrient-dense part of the lemon is the peel. These whole lemon ice cubes are simple to make and a great way to add more nutrient-dense peel into your diet. They will also add great flavor to a tall glass of water, juice blends, smoothies, soups and sauces. Whole Lemon Ice Cubes Chop 2 or 3 large lemons (preferably organic) and add to a high speed blender with ¼ to ½ c. spring water. Blend until you obtain a smooth consistency, adding a bit of water if needed but be careful not to water down the mixture. Pour the mixture into ice cube trays and freeze until solid (a few hours or overnight).
What is a First Edition? What do the terms Printing, Impression, and Issue mean? The term edition refers to all the copies of a book printed at the same time from the same setting of type. The first edition therefore comprises the first copies of a book to be printed and appear on the market at the same time. To understand the terms fully it's important to know how books were manufactured in the past. During the hand-press era in Europe and North America, roughly 1450-1850, books were printed with movable type. Each letter of the text corresponded to an individual piece of metal type (called a sort), hundreds of which were placed together in a wooden frame called the forme to create what was essentially a giant stamp of one or more pages of the text. Below, a storage tray of metal type and several lines being prepared in the composing stick before being transferred to the forme. (Photo by Willi Heidelbach, Creative Commons license.) The image below, made for Diderot’s Encyclopédie in the late 18th century, depicts typesetters at work. The compositors (left and center) select individual pieces of type from large wooden trays and place them into their composing sticks as lines of text. to the right, another employee hammers the type securely into the forme for printing. Above them, printed sheets are drying. The lower half of the page illustrates individual pieces of type and type spacers; type grouped into a line in a composing stick; and several lines of type as they would appear in the forme. Metal type was expensive and printers had a limited supply, so they could only print a few different sheets of text at any given time and the type would be redistributed once they had enough copies of a particular sheet. Over the course of weeks or months all the sheets for the book would be printed, with the author usually making corrections throughout the process. The completed sheets were then gathered together and distributed to booksellers. All the copies printed together in this way comprise a distinct edition of the work. The limitations of letterpress technology meant that a second or third printing could never be taken from the same setting of type, so each edition was a completely different entity from its predecessors, produced from an entirely new setting of type. Occasionally you might see a bookseller describe multiple states of a pre-19th century text. This term refers to corrections made during the printing process. An error made by the typesetter might not be noticed and corrected until a number of sheets had already been printed. It was too expensive to throw those pages out and start over, so they were used anyway, creating two states of the text. States are useful to historians and bibliographers who want to understand a book’s publication history, but they usually have little or no effect on a book’s value to collectors, since all the states would have appeared on the market at the same time. (Priority is the term used to describe the order in which copies appeared on the market. Thus there is usually no priority between different states.) In the middle of the 19th century the printing industry began to change rapidly, and new technologies meant that publishers could make copies of sheets of type and store them in case there was demand for the book at a later date. The image below shows the creation of a mould for a stereotype. A traditional sheet of movable type was covered with plaster or rubber to create a mould that could be stored for months or years. When more copies of the book were needed the mould was used to create a stereotype, a solid metal printing plate. Printers could now produce multiple printings from the same setting of type, and late-19th and 20th century books are often described with both their edition and printing noted. Only the first printing is considered the true first edition of a book — we will never describe a later printing as the “first edition, fifth printing”, we would simply call it the “fifth printing”. Likewise, if we describe a book as a first edition we mean “first edition, first printing”. The term impression means exactly the same thing as printing, but is used more often by the British and international book trade, while printing is associated with books published in the United States. By the end of the 19th century, printing technology had changed so much that publishers no longer had to wait until an entire edition was printed before sending copies to market. If an error in the text, binding, or dust jacket was noted part of the way through a press run, the incorrect copies might have already reached bookshops by the time the correction was made. This results in separate issues that are part of the same printing but that appear on the market at slightly different times. Unlike states, issue points can contribute to the market value of a book because collectors are often interested in priority, the order in which copies became available to the public. For more information see our other articles about rare books.
Arabic for activity, work activity, work – masculine singular The Arabic word ﺷُﻐﻞ means activity, work. It is pronounced shughl. About the audio filesThe Arabic word word for activity, work can also be conjugated: activity, work – masculine plural Using the word activity, work Do you want to help We have thousands of words and almost two thousand phrases with detailed information, grammar lessons and many other resources. Everything is free to use. With your help, this website can be even better. Read more here The root of the word activity, work consists of three Arabic letters: shin that is written ﺵ and pronounced ghayn that is written ﻍ and pronounced lam that is written ﻝ and pronounced Words with the same root letters are often related. Words related to activity, work All letters in activity, work The Arabic word for activity, work consists of: The letter shin that is written ﺵ ( here ﺷـ ) and pronounced sh and is a part of the root of the word. The short vowel u that is written as the sign ُ above the letter. The letter ghayn that is written ﻍ ( here ـﻐـ ) and pronounced gh and is a part of the root of the word. The letter lam that is written ﻝ ( here ـﻞ ) and pronounced l and is a part of the root of the word. Therefore, the word is writen ﺷُﻐﻞ and pronounced shughl.
Edward Tian, a computer science major minoring in journalism, created GPTZero to combat what he believes is a growing trend of AI plagiarism. The app quickly and efficiently detects essays written by the impressive AI-powered language model known as ChatGPT. OpenAI, the developer of ChatGPT, has also taken steps to prevent AI forgery and misuse. Scott Aaronson from OpenAI revealed that they have been working on adding an “unnoticeable secret signal” to GPT-generated text which would help identify its source. Meanwhile Hugging Face has developed a tool that can detect whether text was generated by GPT-2 or not – something one philosophy professor utilized to catch a student submitting AI-written work. It is clear that GTPZero will play an important role in combating issues related to AI plagiarism and forgery in the future.
Once someone is diagnosed with HIV, it is important for them to get on HIV treatment as soon as possible. One especially important group is pregnant women. Preventing mother-to-child transmission of HIV is an imperative step to halting the HIV epidemic, so the World Health Organization in 2013 put forth the recommendation that all HIV-infected pregnant women begin antiretroviral treatment immediately, and continue for their entire life. Due to different circumstances, pregnant women living with HIV might not stay in their HIV care programs and might stop their treatment. This would be a problem, because that could allow her to transmit HIV to her baby during the pregnancy. However, the data on the amount of HIV-positive pregnant women who have dropped out of their HIV treatment programs is relatively unknown. To attempt to look at the differences in drop-out rates from treatment between men, pregnant women, and non-pregnant women, researchers created the International Epidemiologic Databases to Evaluate AIDS East Africa consortium, which consolidated information from six HIV treatment programs in Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania funded by the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR). This particular paper looked at data from patients who were 13 years of age or older who began their antiretroviral treatment between January 2004 and December 2014. From these six HIV treatment programs, 156,474 HIV-positive adults began their antiretroviral treatment between 2004 and 2014, and 67% of them were women. Among these women, 19,130 were pregnant when they began their HIV treatment. Among the HIV-positive adults in this paper, the researchers found that the women who were pregnant when they started treatment were younger than the women who were not pregnant when they started treatment. The pregnant women in the study had less advanced HIV compared to non-pregnant women, and both groups of women had less advanced HIV than the men. Among the people starting antiretroviral treatment from these six HIV treatment programs in Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania, the proportion of pregnant women rose from 5.3% to 12.2% between 2004 and 2014. Overall, there was no difference in the dropout rates over two years after starting HIV treatment between pregnant women and non-pregnant women. However, among women who were healthy and started HIV treatment, the pregnant women had significantly higher dropout rates than the non-pregnant women over the two years after starting treatment. This is unfortunate, as an HIV-positive pregnant woman who stops taking her medication is at risk for poorer health for herself as well as having a higher risk of transmitting HIV to her baby. Therefore, it is incredibly important to try and make sure these HIV-positive pregnant women, especially the ones who are relatively healthy, start taking their HIV treatment and stay on their treatment. Additional work needs to be done to try and figure out why these healthy HIV-positive women are leaving treatment, so that they can be targeted to stay on treatment for both the health of the woman and her baby.