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ุจุงูุถุจุทูููุนูุฏู | You Date decided exactly today He is |
ุดูุงุฑุงููุฑููุฏูุงูู | years old and is at the end of his football career |
ุญูุชุงูุงููููุงูุณุนูุฏููููุงููุตุฑูุญูููุงู | While you and I are in Saudi Arabia AlNasr is starting a channel |
ูููุญููุง | on the YouTube platform The channel from where did I solve it The |
ุงูุณุฑุนูุงูููุงูุทููุชุจูุงูุตุนุฏุชุฎูุงููููุง | speed with which it started and rose was |
ุชุตุฏููุตูุงููุงุจูููุฏูุนูุงููุฏูุฑุงู | incredible It reached Ebony |
ููููุงุจูููุงูุฏู | In a third of an hour he reached one million dials the |
ููููุฏูุงูููุฒ | golden one reached one million dials Liz |
ู | Ebony reached in two hours and currently there are more than |
ุฑุง | million dials of followers Maybe seven million |
ูููู | dials Where is the video today It has reached million diamonds Dont forget that Cristiano is one of the |
ู | Other than his success in Kora Ra he is the most |
ุบูุฑุงููุฌุงุญุฏูุงููููููุฑูุฑุงููุงูุซุฑุดุฎุต | followed person in the entire media in the world The one |
ุฐุงูุดู | who explains this launch is like the one who started to say that |
ุงูููููุณุฑูุฐุงุงูุงูุทูุงูููุงูููุจุฏุงููููู | he can miss Mr Best The question is |
ุณุชุฑุจูุณุชูุงูุณุคุงููู | why he is there and what is the channels house What does he intend to manage |
ุนูุงุดุฏุงุจุงูุงุดุฏุงุฑุงูููุงูุดูููุงูููุฏูุฑ | in this channel and what is happening in it so far |
ูููุฐุงูููุงููุดูููุงุญูููุงูุญุฏุงูุณุงุนู | Get to know him more here he is before you |
ูุงุนูุดูุบูุชุนุฑููุงุนูููุงูุซุฑูุงูููุจูุฎู | have something like it share something with me and |
| I will keep you with Spencer Dial This video is which |
ุนุณุจููุณุฑุฏูุงููุฐุงุงูููุฏููุงููู | is and if you win you will be considered one of the best sites |
ูุงูุน | if you want to play on the teams that you prefer It is |
ูุถููุนุง | necessary that you do not focus on the three main points the |
ุงุชุฑูุฒูุงุนูุซูุงุซูุงูุญูุงูุฌ | first and most important thing It is necessary that you are not |
ุงุชููููู | years old The second thing is that the link is used in |
ุนูู | Morocco And the third thing is that you do not forget to use the promo |
ู | code dial which will give you dollars We |
ููุฏุฏูุงูููุฑุจุงุดูุนุทููุฏููุงุฑู | advise you to go to one of the Telegram groups which is what you |
ุงููููู | consider the best group If you want to |
ูุฐุงุงููููุชุนุชุจุฑุงุญุณูุฌุฑูุจูุงููุจุบูุช | play on your favorite teams we will leave you with it |
ุญ | He is in the description |
ููููุงูุฏูุณูุฑูุจุดู | Didikas anyone a scene and we do not have anything with |
ุน | the Kassala There is no one who denies that Cristiano |
ุงูุญุดูุญุฏูููุฑุงููุฑูุณุชูุงูู | Ronaldo is one of the most successful players in history not |
ุฑุงูุชุงุฑูุฎูุง | on the field so he can win titles with |
ุน | the clubs He has nothing to do with the national team |
ูุชุฎุจ | not outside the field Where is you considered the most famous |
ูุนุจููููุชุนุชุจุฑุงุดูุฑ | person In the world he is the most followed person on |
ูุตู | this platform Instagram What makes big companies |
ุงุดูููุฎููุงูุงูุจุงุฑุงูุดุฑูุงุช | kidnap him so that he can manage the |
ุงุดุงุฑุฑุง | story for them Millions of people will see Diallo That |
ูุงููููููุจูุฒ | s it Cristiano is currently at the end of |
ุฏูุงููุฎูุงุตูุฑูุณุชูุงููุญุงููุงููููููุงูู | his journey I mean |
ุดูุงุฑุฏูุงูููุนููุฏูุฒุฏูุฌุงุงููุงุฑููุฑ | where will Diallo play in Saudi Arabia Hes |
ุฏูุงููููููููุนุจููุงูุณุนูุฏูููุนูุฏู | years old I mean I probably have a year left two years when |
ูู | Maximum retires This is a lesson from Career Diallo In one step I will |
ููุงุฑูุฑุฏูุงูู | remove from this situation I have |
ูุดุญุงููุฐ | always been a person Why is there a on |
ุงุงูุงุจูุฑุณููููุชููุชุงูุนูุงุดุนูุฏ | Facebook Instagram Everything doesnt have YouTube Its strange that |
ุงุนูุฏูุดููุชูุจุบุฑูุจ | today and Cristiano as Anoni in a post |
ููุฑูุณุชูุงูููุงููููููุจูุณุช | Imagine with me a post between This platform is YouTube and |
ูุตูุฏูุงูููุชููุจ | Cristiano Key Anons I am Cristiano |
ููุฑูุณุชูุงููููุงูููุณุจุฌูุฌุงูุงูุฑูุณุชูุงูู | Ronaldo and |
ุฑููุงูุฏูุบ | AlMasouni is |
ุตููู | with them He broke all the records |
ุงูููุงุณููุญุตู | Ebony Phil got it in an hour He reached the golden pearl one million |
ูููู | Ebony in an hour about one million Ebony in the |
ููููุงุจููููู | day he reached these diamonds |
ุงุณูุฏู | Laughter |
ุถุญู | The million means he achieved all the shields in |
ูุนุงูุฏุฑูุนูู | the plate as a coach As you know the game crashed and |
ุช | you knew how to enter the game Cristiano Ronaldo the |
ุนุฑูููุชุฏุฎููุงุจูุงุตููุฑูุณุชูุงููุฑููุงูุฏู | first player to play in this game There is hope in this game because |
ููุฏูุงููุนุจูููู | they have programs that are on top As you mentioned Face |
ููุณ | Junior |
ุฌููููุฑ | such screenshots |
ููุทุงุชูุฐู | take a look at the communication sites there are |
ูุงูุนุนูุฌ | Andidi Toulon Monastery Oron Ma Vertical programs |
ุงููุฑุชููุงู | which means you have more freedom to express yourself and say what you can The |
ูุนููุนูุฏูุญุฑููุงูุจุฑุจุงุดุชุนุจุฑูููููุชูุฏุฑ | programs serve professional cameras |
ูุฑุงุชุฏู | highquality cameras etc without anyone else The feature |
ูุบูุฑุนูุฏูุงุญุฏุงูุฎุงุตูู | that you have on other platforms is |
ูุตุงุชุงูุงุฎุฑูููู | AdSense and it saves you on the content that you want |
ุญุชูุงููููุฏูุฑ | especially Cristiano to see in America Spain |
ูุฑููุงูุงุณุจุงููุง | and the big countries and it is okay for Yazid to enter a |
ูุงูุฏููุงููุจุงุฑูุฎุงูุงุจุงุณุนููููุฒูุฏูุฏุฎู | lot of money into this section after his success |
ุงูู | and Cristiano How did I tell you |
ู | Exactly today there is a promo Anons is on Twitter and on Instagram |
| He said that YouTube has arrived They were very shocked and |
ูุงุจุฒุงู | happy You are wondering what will happen |
ูุฑุญูุงุจุฒุงูุฏููุชุณุงูุดููุบุฏูุฑุดููุบูููู | next etc The important thing is that Anons is not only okay but he was |
ุงุดูุงูููุณููุทุจููุงู | someone who served with a big team Where do you |
ุนุชูุฑูู | put this thing in Video of seven shorts |
ุงูุดููุชุญุทูุงูููุงููุฏููุณุจุนูููุดูุฑุช | in the pool These videos are complete and have |
ููููุชูู | millions of views now over the course of hours Why are there so |
ุดุงูุฏุงุชุญุงููุงูุถููุณุงุนุงุชุนูุงุด | many videos in them and so many |
ูุงุญููููุงุจุฒุงูุฏุงูููุฏูููุงุชูุจุฒุงูุฏูู | shorts up to the shoulder with no videos or shorts How much do |
ุดูุฑุทุญุชุงูุดููุจุฏููููุฏูููุงุชููุงุดูุฑุช | you put in this huge amount of |
ุงููุงูุฏูุงู | videos and they all start to show |
ูุชุดุงููุจุฏุงููุทูุนูุง | people and start come on our father specialize Its the |
ุงููุงุณููุจุฏุงููุชุงุงุจููุงุฎุตุตุงููุงููุฑูู | toxic Verfi that Cristiano Lashin hated Its the |
ููุงููููุฑูุงูุฑูุณุชูุงูููุงุดูููููู | UR which is an abbreviation and the shape is the same as the shape |
ุงุฑุงูููููุงุฎุชุตุงุฑููุงุงูุดูููุจุนุงูุดูู | of CR Sorry well leave you because Im not going to miss Hanaya Bash to |
ุงุณูููุงูุงุจุงุด | continue with Lamarck Diallo and the brand Diallo |
ู | through the videos Those who were exactly |
ุฎูุงูุงูููุฏูููุงุชูุงุญุงููููุงููุงุจุงูุถุจุท | gave me some shorts Please note that he is running too much for me He |
ุณุนููุดูุฑุทูููุงุญุธูุงุงููุบูุฏูุฑุจุฒุงููู | began by commenting dripping and shouting on |
ูุงูููุนูููููุทููุฏููุนู | his goals Lisa assisted the Dar AlLaqatat the |
ุงูุฏุงููููุฒุงุงุณูุณุชูุฏุงุฑุงูููุทุงุชุฏูุงู | matches of the coaches the partings etc in which the |
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