You may want to review this for our meetings. ---------------------- Forwarded by Jane Wilson/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT on 02/21/2000 07:43 PM --------------------------- Jane Wilson 02/21/2000 07:43 PM To: Mark Schroeder@ECT cc: Subject: Mega power status There may be no advantages for us in this megaproject status other than the privilege of becoming fully regulated. However, the Ministry is considering us and Ken Lay made big announcements to the press. After these announcements, I pulled a team together on Dabhol strategy. The conclusion was that now that we've made our application and annoucement (noone asked me. See below), we must keep up the pretext of appearing to seek the mega project status to look like we are trying to help MSEB. The consensus of the group was that probably the whole idea of megaproject status will bite the dust. Unbenownst to me, a number of letters were filed (with the Ministry, with MSEB and with CERC) requesting mega power project status. A letter was filed with the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC) requesting that CERC "use its good offices" to obtain this status for Dabhol. In a public forum -- a panel that I moderated at a conference, Dr. Rao referenced this letter as one filed by a "multinational" corporation that wouldn't have filed it in its own country, improperly asking for the use of influence. When he sat back down next to me, Dr. Rao leaned over and whispered that it was Enron, that the name was Sandeep Kohli, and that he was certain I didn't know about it. I subsequently formally requested its withdrawal, much to Rao's relief. This was Sanjay's idea. P.S. it's hot in Mumbai now -- about 90 degrees or so in the daytime. ---------------------- Forwarded by Jane Wilson/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT on 02/21/2000 07:37 PM --------------------------- Jane Wilson 02/13/2000 12:32 AM To: Wade Cline/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT cc: Subject: Mega power status Here is the hand out on mega power project that I handed out in our strategy meeting in January. Please note that in the Monday, January 24 Business Standard it was reported that the next tranche of mega power projects may get no tax benefits. "The Union power ministry may not offer tax sops to the projects presently under consideration for mega power project status. Official sources confirmed that the new projects would not be offered benefits like customs duties waiver, offered to the mega projects cleared last year. The only benefit these projects are expected to receive is sale to the Power Trading Corporation (PTC) -- whereby the state risk on independent power producers (IPPs is transferred to PTC. Such sops do not have a major impact on the project's tariff, as was initially calculated. The power ministry is considereing a proposla to accord mega status to eight projects, including the Dabhol venture in Maharashtra. . . . . Sources however, said mega project status would onl be granted on the basis of the tariff quoted by the projects under consideration. The Union power ministry has already formed a committee which will analyse the tariffs for these projects so as to accord them the status. They said that the committee would be examining the tariffs in accordance to similar project cleared by the Central Electricity Authority. . . . Mega power projects are large interstate power venture selling power to more than one state through the Power Trading Corporation. The 18 projects that have been notified as mega power projects get special benefits in terms of the customs duty waiver and will enable te government to obtain competitive tariffs from projects. These project also get deemed export status wherein domestic equipment suppliers will be entititled to duty drawback and refund of terminal excise duty." I now have the Availability Based Tariff Order (issued prior to my being involved in India) and will analyze it. This order will apply to mega power projects as you see in the handout. I want to do a full regulatory analysis for us in the next month. Please let me know what our current strategic thinking is on the mega project issue. I still think that this would not be to Enron's advantage. However, being realistic, something will have to change. I just don't think submitting ourselves to regulation by the CERC with one buyer the PTC is to our advantage anyway. With potentially no tax advantages, what are we thinking? However, as we discussed in the meeting, we must continue the pretext. What happens if the dog catches the car? On a separte subject, I know you are busy with the refocus of our development efforts, but obviously I would like to spend some time with you with regard to my reassignment to the India region only (at my suggestion, by the way). Since I'm returning to the US on Thursday night, the 18th, we may have no face time until my return the 28th. Is that right? Is the therapy couch ready in your office? From what I hear from my perch in the TERI forum in Agra and Delhi (now Mumbai) there is lots of doom and gloom in the Mumbai office. Certain resumes are being prepared, and there seems to be a general feeling that Enron will embark on a several-year wrap up/sell down effort. I am planning to go to the South Asia forum in Kathmandu. Even with our refocus, it strikes me that the contacts with DOE and Indian embassy and Indian personnel will be most worthwhile. Let me know if you disagree. ---------------------- Forwarded by Jane Wilson/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT on 02/13/2000 12:12 AM --------------------------- enron india From: Wade Cline 02/11/2000 06:26 AM To: Jane Wilson/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT cc: Subject: Mega power status Jane, Please send me via e-mail or fax a copy of the note you put together and presented a few Saturdays ago. This was the note about that had the checklist of items required for a project to be a mega project and had the status of DPC on each item. Thanks, Wade
-----Original Message----- From: Marvin L. Carraway [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2001 12:39 AM To: Reagan.Rorschach Subject: [Fwd: Revised Draft of Entergy/MDEA Interconnection Agreement] Return-Path: [email protected] Received: from coldscn02.morganlewis.com ([] verified) by watervalley.net (Stalker SMTP Server 1.8b8) with SMTP id S.0000039933 for <[email protected]>; Mon, 26 Feb 2001 09:16:47 -0600 Received: from by coldscn02.morganlewis.com with ESMTP ( WorldSecure Server SMTP Relay(WSS) v4.5); Mon, 26 Feb 2001 10:18:18 -0500 X-Server-Uuid: 76d36b76-3d48-11d4-a2af-00508bc764a5 Subject: RE: Revised Draft of Entergy/MDEA Interconnection Agreement To: "Blair, Bonnie" <[email protected]> cc: "Blair, Bonnie" <[email protected]>, [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] X-Mailer: Lotus Notes Release 5.0.3 March 21, 2000 Message-ID: <[email protected]> From: [email protected] Date: Mon, 26 Feb 2001 10:16:38 -0500 X-MIMETrack: Serialize by Router on COLDGTW01/SVR/MLBLaw(Release 5.0.3 |March 21, 2000) at 02/26/2001 10:16:40 AM MIME-Version: 1.0 X-WSS-ID: 1684AC30338188-01-01 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="0__=852569FF0053B7468f9e8a93df938690918c852569FF0053B746" Content-Disposition: inline X-Mozilla-Status2: 00000000 Sorry about that; some got the attachment but others didn't. Here it is again. If this one fails too, please let me know and I'll have a copy messengered over. Thanks. Mike Griffen Morgan Lewis (202) 467-7257 (See attached file: MDEA_IOA_2-25-01.doc) "Blair, Bonnie" <bblair@thompsonc To: "'[email protected]'" oburn.com> <[email protected]>, "Blair, Bonnie" <[email protected]>, 02/26/01 10:08 AM [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] cc: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] Subject: RE: Revised Draft of Entergy/MDEA Interconnection Agreement Hi, Mike - - I received your e-mail, but the revised draft agreement was not attached, just two versions of your cover note. Please resend. Thanks. Bonnie -----Original Message----- From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Sunday, February 25, 2001 9:00 PM To: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] Cc: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] Subject: Revised Draft of Entergy/MDEA Interconnection Agreement ********************************************************************** Please note that the Morgan Lewis e-mail domain has been changed to "morganlewis.com". In most cases, the person's e-mail address is their first initial and their full last name plus @morganlewis.com. To locate the e-mail address of a specific individual at Morgan Lewis, please refer to the firm's web site, now located at http://www.morganlewis.com, or send an e-mail to [email protected]. Please update your address book and bookmarks accordingly. If you are experiencing technical problems, please call our toll free hot line at 877-963-4652. 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In most cases, the person's e-mail address is their first initial and their full last name plus @morganlewis.com. To locate the e-mail address of a specific individual at Morgan Lewis, please refer to the firm's web site, now located at http://www.morganlewis.com, or send an e-mail to [email protected]. Please update your address book and bookmarks accordingly. If you are experiencing technical problems, please call our toll free hot line at 877-963-4652. The information contained in this e-mail message is intended only for the personal and confidential use of the recipient(s) named above. This message may be an attorney-client communication and as such is privileged and confidential. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient or an agent responsible for delivering it to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that you have received this document in error and that any review, dissemination, distribution, or copying of this message is strictly prohibited. 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Gerald, this is just to follow up on the voicemail message I left for you this afternoon. Can you please provide me with contact information for reps from both Louisiana Resources and Bridgeline. The transfer of control applications to be filed with the FCC require signatures from reps from both parties to the transaction. We will need this info before we can file the applications. Any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. -----Original Message----- From: Jenkins, Eric Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2001 12:33 PM To: '[email protected]' Cc: [email protected]; Pisciotta, Aileen Subject: RE: Louisiana Resource License information Thanks Gerald, this info is helpful. Do you know who owns the other 60% equity interest in Bridgeline, and how the LP is structured to give Enron 50% control with only 40% interest? -----Original Message----- From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2001 11:32 AM To: [email protected] Cc: [email protected] Subject: RE: Louisiana Resource License information Eric, The answers to your questions based on the information I have are: 1. The transaction closed on February 3, 2000. 2. All the licenses that you fowarded for Louisiana Resources are currently being used by Bridgeline Holdings, L.P. 3. I don't know. I don't think that any of the licenses were new after the transaction date. Robert, any different info? 4. To the best of my knowledge all of the licenses (that you forwarded) are operating and were operating at the time of the transaction. Do you agree, Robert? To clarify, the assets were not sold to Bridgeline Holdings, L.P. They were contributed to the formation of the LP in consideration for Enron's 40% equity stake and 50% control. No transfer applications for these licenses has been filed. Also, it is not clear from the information you forwarded whether the licenses were in Louisiana Resources Company's (LRC) name or Louisiana Resources Pipeline Company Limited Partnership (LRP). LRP was merged into Bridgeline Holdings, L.P. LRC is still held 100% by Enron North America Corp. -----Original Message----- From: "Jenkins, Eric" <[email protected]>@ENRON Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2001 7:46 PM To: Nemec, Gerald Cc: Pisciotta, Aileen Subject: RE: Louisiana Resource License information Gerald, this is just to follow up on our prior phone conversations re: the sale of Louisiana Resources' assets (including licenses) to Bridgeline . As I mentioned, what is important to our inquiry is whether transfer of applications were filed prior to the consummation of the above transaction whereby the assets of Louisiana Resources' were acquired. I will need the following transaction information: * When did the transaction close? The exact date. 2/?/2000 * Which licenses where part of that transaction? * Which licenses were obtained by filing a new application after the transaction date? * Which stations are constructed/operating? As a reminder, we are under a deadline to get this information to the FCC. To make the deadline I will need the information by tomorrow or Monday at the latest. Please call/email with any questions. Thanks and have a Happy Thanksgiving. > -----Original Message----- > From: Jenkins, Eric > Sent: Thursday, November 15, 2001 5:41 PM > To: '[email protected]' > Subject: Louisiana Resource License information > > > > << File: 162802.doc >> > > ________________________________________ > Eric D. Jenkins > Kelley Drye & Warren LLP > 1200 19th Street, N.W., Fifth Floor > Washington, D.C. 20036 > (202) 887-1254 > (202) 955-9792 (facsimile) > email: [email protected] > > > The information contained in this E-mail message is privileged, confidential, and may be protected from disclosure; please be aware that any other use, printing, copying, disclosure or dissemination of this communication may be subject to legal restriction or sanction. If you think that you have received this E-mail message in error, please reply to the sender. This E-mail message and any attachments have been scanned for viruses and are believed to be free of any virus or other defect that might affect any computer system into which it is received and opened. However, it is the responsibility of the recipient to ensure that it is virus free and no responsibility is accepted by Kelley Drye & Warren LLP for any loss or damage arising in any way from its use. ********************************************************************** This e-mail is the property of Enron Corp. and/or its relevant affiliate and may contain confidential and privileged material for the sole use of the intended recipient (s). Any review, use, distribution or disclosure by others is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient (or authorized to receive for the recipient), please contact the sender or reply to Enron Corp. at [email protected] and delete all copies of the message. This e-mail (and any attachments hereto) are not intended to be an offer (or an acceptance) and do not create or evidence a binding and enforceable contract between Enron Corp. 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However, it is the responsibility of the recipient to ensure that it is virus free and no responsibility is accepted by Kelley Drye & Warren LLP for any loss or damage arising in any way from its use.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ W E E K E N D S Y S T E M S A V A I L A B I L I T Y F O R June 8, 2001 5:00pm through June 11, 2001 12:00am ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ECS to ECN Network Interconnection, June 9th 2001 POSTPONED This is a notification that the Enron Corp. I/T Networks team will be connecting the new building network infrastructure located in Enron Center South (ECS) to the existing Enron Center North (ECN) backbone network. While this activity is not expected to produce a disruption to network services, this notice is designed to alert the organization to our activities. No network hardware or systems are anticipated to be shutdown. The actual physical interconnection of the networks will be performed in the EB 34th floor Data Center. Interconnection activities are scheduled to occur the evening of June 9th 2001 starting from 7:00 p.m.(CT) and completing around 11:00 p.m. (CT). Application testing activities will begin at 11:00 p.m. (CT) once all network testing has completed. If you have any further questions, please contact Pete Castrejana at 713-410-0642 for more information. SCHEDULED SYSTEM OUTAGES: ARDMORE DATA CENTER - FACILITY OPERATIONS: No Scheduled Outages. AZURIX: No Scheduled Outages. EB34 DATA CENTER - FACILITY OPERATIONS: No Scheduled Outages. EDI SERVER: No Scheduled Outages. ENRON CENTER SOUTH DATA CENTER - FACILITY OPERATIONS: No Scheduled Outages ENRON NORTH AMERICAN LANS: Impact: ENS Time: Fri 6/8/2001 at 10:30:00 PM CT thru Fri 6/8/2001 at 11:30:00 PM CT Fri 6/8/2001 at 8:30:00 PM PT thru Fri 6/8/2001 at 9:30:00 PM PT Sat 6/9/2001 at 4:30:00 AM London thru Sat 6/9/2001 at 5:30:00 AM London Outage: Upgrade code on Ardmore routers Environments Impacted: Ardmore Purpose: There is a bug with the version of code that we are using that causes the switches to crash. Backout: Contact(s): Scott Shishido 713-853-9780 Impact: CORP Time: Fri 6/8/2001 at 5:30:00 PM CT thru Fri 6/8/2001 at 8:30:00 PM CT Fri 6/8/2001 at 3:30:00 PM PT thru Fri 6/8/2001 at 6:30:00 PM PT Fri 6/8/2001 at 11:30:00 PM London thru Sat 6/9/2001 at 2:30:00 AM London Outage: Split VLAN 468 into a /27 network Environments Impacted: Corp Purpose: Separate the load and traffic between AEXT, AEIN, & AX environments Backout: Contact(s): Morgan Gothard 713-345-7387 Impact: CORP Time: Fri 6/8/2001 at 5:30:00 PM CT thru Fri 6/8/2001 at 6:30:00 PM CT Fri 6/8/2001 at 3:30:00 PM PT thru Fri 6/8/2001 at 4:30:00 PM PT Fri 6/8/2001 at 11:30:00 PM London thru Sat 6/9/2001 at 12:30:00 AM London Outage: AEINFW swap Environments Impacted: Corp Purpose: Eminent growth and related stability issues. Backout: Reinstall original units Contact(s): Morgan Gothard 713-345-7387 FIELD SERVICES: No Scheduled Outages. INTERNET: No Scheduled Outages. MESSAGING: Impact: Exchange Time: Sat 6/9/2001 at 12:00:00 PM CT thru Sat 6/9/2001 at 2:00:00 PM CT Sat 6/9/2001 at 10:00:00 AM PT thru Sat 6/9/2001 at 12:00:00 PM PT Sat 6/9/2001 at 6:00:00 PM London thru Sat 6/9/2001 at 8:00:00 PM London Outage: Apply latest hotfixes to Nahou-msmbx03v & Nahou-msmbx05v Environments Impacted: Exchange Users on Nahou-msmbx03v & 05v Purpose: Ensure backups and data integrity Backout: Uninstall Hotfixes Contact(s): Scott Albright 713-345-9381 Tim Hudson 713-853-9289 MARKET DATA: Impact: CORP Time: Fri 6/8/2001 at 5:00:00 PM CT thru Fri 6/8/2001 at 7:00:00 PM CT Fri 6/8/2001 at 3:00:00 PM PT thru Fri 6/8/2001 at 5:00:00 PM PT Fri 6/8/2001 at 11:00:00 PM London thru Sat 6/9/2001 at 1:00:00 AM London Outage: Market Data TV systems upgrades Environments Impacted: Trading Floors Purpose: Increase system reliability and systems management, also allow presentation of new infrastructure content to the trading floor plasma screens Backout: re-install original systems Contact(s): John Sieckman 713-345-7862 NT: No Scheduled Outages. OS/2: No Scheduled Outages. OTHER SYSTEMS: ALSO SEE ORIGINAL REPORT Impact: CORP Time: Fri 6/8/2001 at 7:30:00 PM CT thru Fri 6/8/2001 at 9:30:00 PM CT Fri 6/8/2001 at 5:30:00 PM PT thru Fri 6/8/2001 at 7:30:00 PM PT Sat 6/9/2001 at 1:30:00 AM London thru Sat 6/9/2001 at 3:30:00 AM London Outage: NAMEX-LN1 and NAMTY-LN1- Needs Rebooting Environments Impacted: Local Office Purpose: Need to reload NETIQ Agents for NAMTY-LN1 and NAMEX-LN1 Backout: Contact(s): Wilma Bleshman 713-853-1562 Impact: Time: Sat 6/9/2001 at 10:00:00 PM CT thru Sun 6/10/2001 at 1:30:00 AM CT Sat 6/9/2001 at 8:00:00 PM PT thru Sat 6/9/2001 at 11:30:00 PM PT Sun 6/10/2001 at 4:00:00 AM London thru Sun 6/10/2001 at 7:30:00 AM London Outage: Upgrade for E10K SSP tremor requires downtime on server moe. Environments Impacted: Global Purpose: An SSP is the controlling server for an E10K platform. Moe is a domain on the E10K platform named aftershock. In order to complete the upgrade of moe, we must first upgrade the SSP. The first phase will entail upgrading the SSP to Solaris 8 and the SSP software. Backout: The SSP is really a new server that needs to be configured. The old SSP will be there if we need to back out. Contact(s): Malcolm Wells 713-345-3716 SITARA: No Scheduled Outages. SUN/OSS SYSTEM: No Scheduled Outages. TELEPHONY: SEE ORIGINAL REPORT TERMINAL SERVER: No Scheduled Outages. UNIFY: SEE ORIGINAL REPORT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FOR ASSISTANCE (713) 853-1411 Enron Resolution Center Specific Help: Information Risk Management (713) 853-5536 SAP/ISC (713) 345-4727 Unify On-Call (713) 284-3757 [Pager] Sitara On-Call (713) 288-0101 [Pager] RUS/GOPS/GeoTools/APRS (713) 639-9726 [Pager] OSS/UA4/TARP (713) 285-3165 [Pager] CPR (713) 284-4175 [Pager] EDI Support (713) 327-3893 [Pager] EES Help Desk (713)853-9797 OR (888)853-9797 TDS -Trader Decision Support On-Call (713) 327-6032 [Pager]
---------------------- Forwarded by Judy Hernandez/HOU/ECT on 05/04/2000 11:06 AM --------------------------- Regina Blackshear@ENRON 05/04/2000 09:51 AM To: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], Yolanda Clay<[email protected]>, [email protected], Loneta Edison<[email protected]>, Tammy Green <[email protected]>, [email protected], "R Jordan"<[email protected]>, [email protected], "WhiteBL(Barbara)"<[email protected]>, Eve Puckett/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Christopher Hargett/HOU/ECT@ECT, Amber Limas/HOU/EES@EES, Deborah Darnell/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Leslie Smith/HOU/ECT@ECT, Tharsilla Broussard/HR/Corp/Enron@ENRON, John Whiting/HOU/ECT@ECT, Judy Hernandez/HOU/ECT@ECT, Judy Walters/HOU/ECT@ECT, Pamela Mitchell/HOU/ECT@ECT, Sandra R McNichols/HOU/ECT@ECT, Shirlet Williams/HOU/EES@EES cc: Subject: Fwd: Let's Pray Together . . Say this prayer before you start your day. I Love You. God Bless You ---------------------- Forwarded by Regina Blackshear/Corp/Enron on 05/04/2000 09:43 AM --------------------------- Shelly Peters <[email protected]> on 05/01/2000 07:41:22 PM To: [email protected] cc: Subject: Fwd: Let's Pray Together . . Note: forwarded message attached. __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Send instant messages & get email alerts with Yahoo! Messenger. http://im.yahoo.com/ X-Apparently-To: [email protected] via web6005.mail.yahoo.com X-Track2: 2 X-Track: -50 Received: from web1104.mail.yahoo.com ( by mta217.mail.yahoo.com with SMTP; 14 Apr 2000 18:01:47 -0000 Received: (qmail 344 invoked by uid 60001); 14 Apr 2000 18:01:43 -0000 Message-ID: <[email protected]> Received: from [] by web1104.mail.yahoo.com; Fri, 14 Apr 2000 11:01:43 PDT Date: Fri, 14 Apr 2000 11:01:43 -0700 (PDT) From: shelley mc <[email protected]> Subject: Fwd: Let's Pray Together . . To: [email protected] MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="0-1804289383-955735303=:29812" Content-Length: 4281 Note: forwarded message attached. __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Send online invitations with Yahoo! Invites. http://invites.yahoo.com X-Apparently-To: [email protected] via web1103.mail.yahoo.com X-Track2: 2 X-Track: -50 Received: from web508.mail.yahoo.com ( by mta133.mail.yahoo.com with SMTP; 7 Apr 2000 16:21:53 -0000 Received: (qmail 28190 invoked by uid 60001); 7 Apr 2000 16:21:48 -0000 Message-ID: <[email protected]> Received: from [] by web508.mail.yahoo.com; Fri, 07 Apr 2000 09:21:48 PDT Date: Fri, 7 Apr 2000 09:21:48 -0700 (PDT) From: Taryna Nedd <[email protected]> Subject: Fwd: Let's Pray Together . . To: [email protected], [email protected] MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Length: 3235 > >>>>> >> > > > Those who that Pray together, stay > together. Let us > >>>>> >> > > > > pray... > >>>>> >> > > > > > >>>>> >> > > > > > >>>>> >> > > > > Dear Lord, > >>>>> >> > > > > I thank You for this day. > >>>>> >> > > > > > >>>>> >> > > > > I thank You for my being able to > see and to hear this > >>>>> >> > > > > morning. > >>>>> >> > > > > I'm blessed because You are a > forgiving God and an > >>>>> >> > > > > understanding God. You have done > so much for me and > >>>>> >> > > > > You keep on blessing me. > >>>>> >> > > > > Forgive me this day for I have > sinned. I ask now for > >>>>> >> > > > > Your forgiveness. > >>>>> >> > > > > Keep me safe from all danger and > harm. Let me start > >>>>> >> > > > > this day with a new attitude and > plenty of gratitude. > >>>>> >> > > > > Let me make the best of each and > every day and give my > >>>>> >> > > > > best in all that is put before me. > Clear my mind so > >>>>> >> > > > > that I can hear from You. Broaden > my mind that I can > >>>>> >> > > > > accept all things. > >>>>> >> > > > > Let me not whine and whimper over > things I have no > >>>>> >> > > > > control over. Let me continue to > see sin through God's > >>>>> >> > > > > eyes and acknowledge it as evil. > And when I sin, let > >>>>> >> > > > > me repent, and confess my wrong > doing, and receive the > >>>>> >> > > > > forgiveness of You, God. And when > this world closes in > >>>>> >> > > > > on me, let me remember Jesus' > example -- to slip away > >>>>> >> > > > > and find a quiet place to pray. > It's the best > >>>>> >> > > > > response > >>>>> >> > > > > when I'm pushed beyond my limits. > >>>>> >> > > > > > >>>>> >> > > > > I know that when I can't pray, You > listen to my heart. > >>>>> >> > > > > Continue to use me to do your > Will. Continue to > >>>>> >> > > > > bless me that I may be a blessing > to others. Keep me > >>>>> >> > > > > strong so that I may help the weak. > Keep me uplifted > >>>>> >> > > > > so that I may have words of > encouragement for others. > >>>>> >> > > > > I pray for those that are lost and > can't find their > >>>>> >> > > > > way. I pray for those that are > misjudged and > >>>>> >> > > > > misunderstood. I pray for those > who refuse to share a > >>>>> >> > > > > word from You. > >>>>> >> > > > > I pray for those that will read > this and not use this > >>>>> >> > > > > in their lives. > >>>>> >> > > > > > >>>>> >> > > > > I pray for those that will delete > this without sharing > >>>>> >> > > > > it with others. > >>>>> >> > > > > > >>>>> >> > > > > I pray for those that don't > believe. > >>>>> >> > > > > But I believe. I believe. I > believe that God has the > >>>>> >> > > > > "power" to change people and > things. > >>>>> >> > > > > > >>>>> >> > > > > I pray for all my sisters and > brothers. This is my > >>>>> >> > > > > prayer; I pray in Jesus' name. > >>>>> >> > > > > > >>>>> >> > > > > Amen. > >>>>> >> > > > > HAVE A BLESSED DAY!!! > >>>>> >> > > > > > >>>>> >> > > > > Work for the Lord.... the > retirement benefits are out > >>>>> >> > > > > of this world! __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger. http://im.yahoo.com
Daren, Deal 93481 expired 12/31/99, is there a new deal to replace it. ---------------------- Forwarded by Sherlyn Schumack/HOU/ECT on 02/16/2000 04:48 PM --------------------------- Fred Boas 02/16/2000 04:46 PM To: Sherlyn Schumack/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Subject: Re: Copano Line Gain Contract Needed at Meter 5310 To: Fred Boas/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Howard B Camp/HOU/ECT@ECT, Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT@ECT Subject: Re: Copano Line Gain Contract Needed at Meter 5310 Done. Thanks, Stella Fred Boas 08/20/99 06:53 PM To: Stella L Morris/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Howard B Camp/HOU/ECT@ECT, Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT@ECT Subject: Re: Copano Line Gain Contract Needed at Meter 5310 Stella: I set up the accounting arrangement on the HPLR transport contract 012-64610-02-052 for January through June per Daren's instructions below. The tracking ID for all 6 months is 34500. I also set up accounting arrangement on the HPLC transport contract 012-41500-02-015 for July per Daren's instructions below. The tracking ID for July is 34501. If you would, please put the transport contract in POPS on Monday morning and call me when your done so that I can reallocate the meters. I need to call Copano to tell them that their payment is on the way. I need the transport contracts, HPLR and HPLC put in for all 31 days of each of the respective months. As always thanks in advance for your help, Fred Daren J Farmer 08/20/99 04:50 PM To: Fred Boas/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Subject: Re: Copano Line Gain Contract Needed at Meter 5310 Fred, I had the typed the deal numbers incorrectly. July forward is on 93481. January-June is on 69176. Daren Fred Boas 08/20/99 12:56 PM To: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stella L Morris/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT@ECT, Howard B Camp/HOU/ECT@ECT, Charlene Richmond/HOU/ECT@ECT Subject: Copano Line Gain Contract Needed at Meter 5310 Daren: I looked in Path Manager and I see two deals - 93480 and 93481, but I don't see deal 69176 for July forward that you mentioned below. Also, please verify that the deal for January through June is 93481 and if the 69176 deal is correct for July forward. Stella: I will need to set up accounting arrangements for these deals from January forward. From Daren's note below it appears that for January through June I will need an HPLR transportation contract put in POPS. When Daren and I get the deal number issue resolved for July forward I will need an HPLC contract put into POPS. Also for July forward, I will need the HPLC contract in POPS every month through December to allocate Copano line gain to if it occurs. Thanks to both of you, Fred Daren J Farmer 08/19/99 11:16 AM To: Fred Boas/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Stella L Morris/HOU/ECT@ECT, Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT@ECT, Howard B Camp/HOU/ECT@ECT, Charlene Richmond/HOU/ECT@ECT Subject: Re: Copano Line Gain Contract Needed at Meter 5310 Fred, I have pathed the purchase from Copano for 1999 in MOPS. Jan-Jun is under HPLR (Sitara 93481). July forward is under HPLC (Sitara 69176). I understand that I cannot renom this to the pipe for prior months, because the callout allocations will be affected. So, you will need to set up accounting arrangements to get the nom into POPS. Let me know if you have any questions. Daren Fred Boas 08/19/99 08:01 AM To: Stella L Morris/HOU/ECT@ECT, Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT@ECT, Howard B Camp/HOU/ECT@ECT, Charlene Richmond/HOU/ECT@ECT Subject: Re: Copano Line Gain Contract Needed at Meter 5310 Stella/Daren: What is the status of this request? Please let me know when I can reallocate this meter, the customer has not been paid for 3 months and is complaining. Fred To: Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Fred Boas/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mary M Smith/HOU/ECT@ECT Subject: Re: Copano Line Gain Contract Needed at Meter 5310 Thanks for your help Robert. Thanks again, Stella From: Robert E Lloyd 08/12/99 04:29 PM To: Stella L Morris/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Subject: Copano Line Gain Contract Needed at Meter 5310 fyi ---------------------- Forwarded by Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT on 08/12/99 04:29 PM --------------------------- Lauri A Allen 08/12/99 04:02 PM To: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Fred Boas/HOU/ECT@ECT, Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT@ECT Subject: Copano Line Gain Contract Needed at Meter 5310 Daren- FYI. There are deal tickets in Sitara to cover this transaction- #69176 for HPLR and #93481 for HPLC- but they have zero volume and were not pathed in Unify. Could you get someone in your group to set these up for Fred, please? Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks. ---------------------- Forwarded by Lauri A Allen/HOU/ECT on 08/12/99 03:59 PM --------------------------- Fred Boas 08/12/99 11:19 AM To: Stella L Morris/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Lauri A Allen/HOU/ECT@ECT, Karen Lambert/HOU/ECT@ECT, Howard B Camp/HOU/ECT@ECT, Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT@ECT Subject: Copano Line Gain Contract Needed at Meter 5310 Stella: I need the above referenced contract put into POPS for January, May, June , July, and August 1999 forward. I need the contract in POPS for August forward because I never know when Copano will allocate line gain to itself. In 1998 a spot contract was set up between HPLR and Copano Pipeline/South Texas, L. P. with a Synergi contract number 078-62210-101 and a Global number of 96016880 by Karen Lambert. Per Karen this old agreement was terminated by Dan Hyvl due to HPLR business change to ECT. In 1999, when Copano began allocating line gain to themselves again I contacted Lauri, Karen, and yourself to see if I could get the contract in POPS. Karen sent me an e-mail indicating that she set-up a new contract for this HPLC line gain purchase - Global # 96022367 (I don't have a "Synergi" contract number). I know that in 3/99 Lauri contacted Bernard Widacki at Copano to discuss this issue. I need Lauri to review this and then I need the contract to be put in POPS so that I can correctly allocate the gas at this meter. I have not allocated any line gain in 1999 and the volumes are small. Karen is the most knowledgeable about this contract, so I suggest that any questions be directed to her regarding contract issues. Karen worked with Bernard Widacki at Copano to set up the contract originally. Thanks, Fred
Sue Mara Enron Corp. Tel: (415) 782-7802 Fax:(415) 782-7854 ----- Forwarded by Susan J Mara/NA/Enron on 04/17/2001 03:03 PM ----- "Weller, Andrea" <[email protected]> 04/17/2001 03:01 PM To: "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]> cc: "'Fairchild, Tracy'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]> Subject: FW: SENATORS CALL FOR INVESTIGATION INTO EFFECTIVENESS OF FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATION I thought you should all be aware that this call is out there.... Andrea Weller Market Strategist Strategic Energy, LLC 949.230.3404 [email protected] SENATORS CALL FOR INVESTIGATION INTO EFFECTIVENESS OF FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATION Senators Joe Lieberman, D-Conn., and Jean Carnahan, D-Mo., have asked the General Accounting Office (GAO) to inquire into whether the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) is carrying out its responsibilities to ensure that wholesale electricity sales throughout the country are reasonable and that interstate natural gas pipelines are fulfilling their obligations to customers. "Under federal law, FERC has the responsibility to ensure just and reasonable prices for interstate wholesale transmission," the Senators said in a letter to GAO, "but there is mounting evidence that FERC may not have fulfilled this role in the California situation." Following is text of the letter: April 12, 2001 Mr. David M. Walker Comptroller General of the United States U.S. General Accounting Office 441 G Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20548 Dear Mr. Walker: We have been watching with dismay as the state of California suffers sporadic rolling blackouts with impacts on electricity supplies and prices throughout the western United States, a situation that may get worse this summer when the demand for electricity increases. We understand that there are many factors that have contributed to the current situation, and few short term options to create more electricity for this market. At the same time we are extremely troubled that California's Independent System Operator (ISO) recently asserted that suppliers of electricity in California have allegedly been charging many times more than what it actually costs to generate the electricity, an overcharge amounting to $6.8 billion according to the operator. Some experts believe that these high prices reflect a non-functioning market that has, in turn, exacerbated the state's electricity shortage.With the possibility of electricity deregulation occurring soon in additional states such as Missouri, we are concerned whether there is adequate federal oversight to guard against potential abuse of market power by suppliers. Without such oversight, the nation may not progress towards achieving what many see as the promise of deregulation: lower consumer prices, greater reliability, increased choice, and more efficient generation. Deregulation legislation being considered in Missouri would transfer the oversight authority from the Missouri Public Service Commission (PSC), which works closely with the utilities to provide direction if there are capacity or reliability concerns and sets appropriate customer rates, to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). Under federal law, FERC has the responsibility to ensure just and reasonable prices for interstate wholesale transmission, but there is mounting evidence that FERC may not have fulfilled this role in the California situation. FERC Commissioner William Massey recently said: "Ensuring just and reasonable prices in wholesale markets requires that we clearly define market power, and aggressively intervene when the markets are not producing reasonable prices. The commission's actions to date have been insufficient." (March 20, 2001 testimony to the House Energy Committee's Subcommittee on Energy and Air quality).We are requesting that the General Accounting Office (GAO) assess whether FERC is properly exercising its role to enforce reasonable electricity rates. Specifically, we ask GAO to answer the following questions: 1) Has FERC fulfilled its mandate to ensure just and reasonable rates? Is FERC adequately monitoring and appropriately regulating based on its statutes power supply, demand, and pricing in California? In other Western states? In the Central Midwest and in the Northeast? 2) Has FERC devoted sufficient resources to carry out its oversight obligations in a timely and effective manner? And does FERC have the necessary resources to carry out its future oversight role? 3) Does FERC need additional authority to carry out its mission of ensuring just and reasonable prices given that widespread partial deregulation is now occurring in so many states? 4) As we understand the situation from some experts, the number of transactions in electricity that occur in the deregulated wholesale market place is voluminous. This situation may increase the difficulties of guarding against market abuse. Is there a role for another agency or independent organization to exercise an oversight role with respect to these transactions? If so, what would be an appropriate oversight role? 5) We have been advised by some experts that greater transparency of prices relating to the buying and selling of electricity in a deregulated market would help guard against market abuses. We understand the need to keep prices confidential for a period of time to ensure against collusion. After this appropriate period of time has passed, would greater transparency be beneficial? We are also concerned about recent allegations by the California Public Utility Commission (CPUC) that market power has been abused in the transmission of natural gas, which has in turn contributed to the spiraling cost of electricity generation in the state. The CPUC maintains that the price of natural gas transmitted by the El Paso pipeline has been manipulated so that prices in California over the last year have been up to five times the national average. Because an increasing number of states, including California, rely heavily on natural gas fired power plants, any manipulation of that commodity can have severe consequences. Additionally, because such a large percent of our future nationwide generation capacity will use natural gas, we are concerned that these types of alleged market abuses will have even more profound effects. Therefore, we ask GAO to answer the following questions: 1) Has FERC fully met its responsibilities to adequately regulate interstate pipelines? If not, what areas require improvement? 2) Is there a continuing role for FERC to play in ensuring equal access to the limited amount of space in our current natural gas pipelines? Should this role be enhanced or clarified, and if so, how? 3) Is there the possibility of this same type of alleged abuse in other parts of the country, aside from California, where the natural gas pipeline capacity is similarly limited? Please provide any details.We appreciate all the good work that GAO does and we look forward to hearing from you soon. Sincerely,J oseph I. Lieberman Jean Carnahan
praise for Bush from Andrew Sullivan, prominent liberal. interesting. Andrew Sullivan in the London Times No eloquence can match the impact of their evil. Americans' critical weakness in the past two decades has been their reluctance to shed blood for their goals. They believed they could construct a huge military and never have it fight real wars and suffer real casualties. They thought they could alter history and advance their interests from the air alone. With the exception of the Gulf War, which they hesitated to finish, they have shrunk from the fight. When the current enemy struck again and again throughout the 1990s, Bill Clinton responded without real credibility, struck back without real endurance, enraged the terrorists without truly hurting them. We are now living with the consequences of his appeasement, and of his refusal to challenge Americans beyond what the polls said they already wanted to do. Whoever launched this war on Americans has now accomplished the task Clinton didn't dare embark on. America has been bloodied as it has never been bloodied before. I would be a fool to predict what happens next. But it is clear that Bush will not do a Clinton. This will not be a surgical strike. It will not be a gesture. It may not even begin in earnest soon. But it will be deadly serious. It is clear that there is no way that the United States can achieve its goals without the cooperation of many other states - an alliance as deep and as broad as that which won the Gulf War. It is also clear that this cannot be done by airpower alone. As in 1941, the neglect of the military under Bill Clinton and the parsimony of its financing even under Bush must now not merely be ended but reversed. We may see the biggest defense build-up since the early 1980s - and not just in weaponry but in manpower. It is also quite clear that the U.S. military presence in the Middle East must be ramped up exponentially, its intelligence overhauled, its vigilance heightened exponentially. In some ways, Bush has already assembled the ideal team for such a task: Powell for the diplomatic dance, Rumsfeld for the deep reforms he will now have the opportunity to enact, Cheney as his most trusted aide in what has become to all intents and purposes a war cabinet. The terrorists have done the rest. The middle part of the country - the great red zone that voted for Bush - is clearly ready for war. The decadent Left in its enclaves on the coasts is not dead - and may well mount what amounts to a fifth column. But by striking at the heart of New York City, the terrorists ensured that at least one deep segment of the country ill-disposed toward a new president is now the most passionate in his defense. Anyone who has ever tried to get one over on a New Yorker knows what I mean. The demons who started this have no idea about the kind of people they have taken on. But what the terrorists are also counting on is that Americans will not have the stomach for the long haul. They clearly know that the coming retaliation will not be the end but the beginning. And when the terrorists strike back again, they have let us know that the results could make the assault on the World Trade Center look puny. They are banking that Americans will then cave. They have seen a great country quarrel to the edge of constitutional crisis over a razor-close presidential election. They have seen it respond to real threats in the last few years with squeamish restraint or surgical strikes. They have seen that, as Israel has been pounded by the same murderous thugs, the United States has responded with equanimity. They have seen a great nation at the height of its power obsess for a whole summer over a missing intern and a randy Congressman. They have good reason to believe that this country is soft, that it has no appetite for the war that has now begun. They have gambled that in response to unprecedented terror, the Americans will abandon Israel to the barbarians who would annihilate every Jew on the planet, and trade away their freedom for a respite from terror in their own land. We cannot foresee the future. But we know the past. And that past tells us that these people who destroyed the heart of New York City have made a terrible mistake. This country is at its heart a peaceful one. It has done more to help the world than any other actor in world history. It saved the world from the two greatest evils of the last century in Nazism and Soviet Communism. It responded to its victories in the last war by pouring aid into Europe and Japan. In the Middle East, America alone has ensured that the last hope of the Jewish people is not extinguished and has given more aid to Egypt than to any other country. It risked its own people to save the Middle East from the pseudo-Hitler in Baghdad. America need not have done any of this. Its world hegemony has been less violent and less imperial than any other comparable power in history. In the depths of its soul, it wants its dream to itself, to be left alone, to prosper among others, and to welcome them to the freedom America has helped secure. But whenever Americans have been challenged, they have risen to the task. In some awful way, these evil thugs may have done us a favor. America may have woken up for ever. The rage that will follow from this grief and shock may be deeper and greater than anyone now can imagine. Think of what the United States ultimately did to the enemy that bombed Pearl Harbor. Now recall that American power in the world is all but unchallenged by any other state. Recall that America has never been wealthier, and is at the end of one of the biggest booms in its history. And now consider the extent of this wound - the greatest civilian casualties since the Civil War, an assault not just on Americans but on the meaning of America itself. When you take a step back, it is hard not to believe that we are now in the quiet moment before the whirlwind. Americans will recover their dead, and they will mourn them, and then they will get down to business. Their sadness will be mingled with an anger that will make the hatred of these evil fanatics seem mild. I am reminded of a great American poem written by Herman Melville after the death of Abraham Lincoln, the second founder of the country: "There is sobbing of the strong, And a pall upon the land; But the People in their weeping Bare the iron hand; Beware the People weeping When they bare the iron hand."
_________________________________________________________________ B R E A K F A S T W I T H T H E F O O L Tuesday, November 21, 2000 [email protected] _________________________________________________________________ REGISTER TO BECOME A FOOL -- GET FREE STUFF! http://www.fool.com/m.asp?i=205552 _________________________________________________________________ Sponsored By: Ameritrade You're headed to Wall Street in style. Get 2 round-trip tickets to Hawaii, Mexico or London when you open a cash account with just $500. Click here for Ameritrade. http://www.lnksrv.com/m.asp?i=205553 "It is human nature to think wisely and to act in an absurd fashion." -- Anatole France AGILENT EARNS ITS "A" Agilent tops estimates and moves to the head of the class. By Rick Aristotle Munarriz If there were truth in ticker symbols, Agilent (NYSE: A) would be holding up its "A" report card proudly. With quarterly estimates pegged at $0.53 a share, the electronics testing equipment maker powered up expectations with a $0.69-a-share showing. That was a 77% surge in bottom-line growth before charges on $3.4 billion in revenues for the September period. That's welcome news for a company that has seen its shares fall sharply since peaking at $162 back in March. However, a slowdown in microchip testing equipment as well as weakness in the wireless market has the company warning of slower growth ahead. With a healthy backlog of orders, Agilent still expects to meet estimates of $0.45 for the current quarter. Spun off by Hewlett-Packard (NYSE: HWP) last year, Agilent will be deploying new capital into areas where it sees higher growth: communications and life sciences. I guess that gives the company an "A" for effort too. _________________________________________________________________ NEWS TO GO Chipped off the old block, semiconductor distributor Avnet (NYSE: AVT) announced that earnings for the current quarter would come in between a nickel to a dime below the $0.85-a-share forecast. While acknowledging the cyclical ways of the chip industry, the company believes that earnings for the rest of the year will remain on track. Attention holiday shoppers, Nieman Marcus (NYSE: NMG.A) reported stronger-than-expected profits but warned of slow action at the registers so far this month. That's critical as the upscale department store chain heads into the important buying season. Nobody wants to see the Grinch steal Christmas (well, OK, it did top the box office this past weekend, but that's another story). EDGAR Hoovered? The Securities and Exchange Commission's (SEC) site for electronic financial filing and data retrieval will go down on Friday for a "major upgrade." The Electronic Data Gathering, Analysis, and Retrieval system -- thankfully better known as EDGAR -- will be back up on Monday morning. http://www.lnksrv.com/m.asp?i=205554 Has Ozzy Osbourne bitten off more than he can chew -- again? The legendary showman is suing Hughes Electronics (NYSE: GMH) and MCY.com (Nasdaq: MCYC) for broadcasting an Ozzfest 2000 concert tour stop to Hughes' DirecTV subscribers. Osbourne claims that tour sponsor MCY.com only had rights to a Web cast of the rock event. Mr. Crowley will not be his legal counsel. Deere (NYSE: DE) John? An epic Novell (Nasdaq: NOVL)? Hit the Fluor (NYSE: FLR)? These questions and more will be answered as the companies get set to release earnings today. Check out yesterday's Foolish market wrap-up with just one click. http://www.fool.com/m.asp?i=205555 _________________________________________________________________ EDITORS' PICK Matt Richey explains the Fool's new, free My Accounts service that drastically simplifies how you manage all of your online accounts. http://www.fool.com/m.asp?i=205556 _______________________________________________________________ -News & Commentary http://www.fool.com/m.asp?i=205557 -Fool Community http://www.fool.com/m.asp?i=205558 -Post of the Day http://www.fool.com/m.asp?i=205559 -Latest Fribble http://www.fool.com/m.asp?i=205560 -Latest Market Numbers http://www.fool.com/m.asp?i=205561 ____________________________________________________________ My Portfolio: http://www.fool.com/m.asp?i=205562 My Discussion Boards: http://www.fool.com/m.asp?i=205563 My Fool: http://www.fool.com/m.asp?i=205564 Fool.com Home: http://www.fool.com/m.asp?i=205565 My E-Mail Settings: http://www.fool.com/m.asp?i=205566 Sponsored By: Ameritrade You're headed to Wall Street in style. 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TW and Caithness met in Denver this week for the first face-to-face meeting between the parties. The purpose of the meeting was to review the status of the Caithness Big Sandy Project and to establish the next steps for moving the project forward. Caithness Corporation Caithness Corp. is a privately held company based in New York with a variety of business interests. The company is essentially a financial vehicle for private investors. Their energy segment currently owns 1,200 MW of generation through renewable assets in California (geothermal at Coso, wind in Tehachapi and Palm Springs) and a gas fired plant in South Carolina jointly-owned by Florida Power & Light. Big Sandy Project The Big Sandy Project is a proposed power plant to be located near Wickieup, Arizona. The project would be built in two phases- first phase would be 550 MW, with a gas load of approx. 80,000 MMBtu/d, and phase 2 would add another 170 MW for a total of 720 MW with a gas load of 120,000 MMBtu/d. The proposed location of the plant is approximately 40 miles south of Transwestern's pipeline. The take-off point on Transwestern would be at/near valve station #1008, approximately 15 miles downstream of compressor Station #1. The current estimate includes an alignment that follows Arizona state highway 93 south to a location 2 miles southeast of Wickieup in the S/W 4 of Section 5, T15N, R12W, Mohave County, Arizona. There is a 500 KV transmission line owned by WAPA that crosses the property. This line is one of the principal electric transmission systems in the Southwest and extends from the Phoenix area to the Mead substation near Boulder City, NV. I've included a WAPA map below which indicates this line. Also, on the site is a water pipeline owned by the Cyprus Amax Bagdad mine. Water for the plant will come from an encapusulated water table through deep wells. They have currently dug the first two test wells, each capable of 500 cfm. The power plant will require approximately 3,500 cfm of water. In addition to the wells, the plant has several thousand-acre feet of water rights to surface water from the Big Sandy River. The project may also purchase water from the Cyprus Bagdad water pipeline. The chief geological feature of this area is the Big Sandy River and associated wash. The highway 93 roadbed follows along the river. The area includes rolling hills and is principally desert terrain, with some limited agricultural and ranching interests. Wickieup is a very small town with an estimated population of 200. Project Schedule Gas Turbine(s) ordered Westinghouse-Seimens May 2000 Submit Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) August 2000 Arrange financing December 2000 EIS approval March 2001 Construction begins April 2001 Testing begins July 2002 Commercial Operation November 2002 There are two lead agencies for purposes of the project's EIS- the Bureau of Land Management (BLM Kingman office) and the Western Area Power Administration (WAPA). There is only one endangered/threatened species known to be present in the area. Lateral Pipeline Alignment The most critical path item is the alignment of the lateral pipeline. The alignment (lateral pipeline route) must be included in the EIS to be filed next month. Caithness has spoken preliminarily with the Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) and the agency is amenable to granting an easement for the pipeline. The problem appears to be in the limited amount of right of way available. Measured from the shoulder to the fenceline, there is only a 70 ft. right of way available for construction. Typically, pipelines require a 100 ft. temporary construction easement and 50 ft. of permanent right of way. Preliminary discussions indicate another problem with this alignment may be the roadway's routing within the wash of the riverbed. If the highway 93 corridor is unsuitable for the pipeline, the second alternative appears to be running the pipeline down the adjacent N/S section line. The problem with this approach is that as the line nears the site, the routing would have to contend with the river bed and wash areas, possibly necessitating deep burial and anchoring. The other route would involve following along the WAPA electric transmission corridor. The only issue there, aside from whether WAPA would permit the pipeline encroachment, is whether there are safety and/or corrosion concerns associated with a high pressure gas line located under a high voltage transmission system. Other Preliminary Project Issues There are other fundamental issues to address. The original concept was to interconnect the proposed Transwestern lateral with El Paso's northern mainline and the yet-to-be-constructed Questar Southern Trails Pipeline, both of which lay adjacent to Transwestern's mainline. Transwestern's original estimate to construct a 16" lateral pipeline and meter station ($20.3MM) was based on the following specifications: 120 MMcf/d 450 psig delivery pressure, 900 psig inlet pressure The meeting resulted in a revised set of specifications that now include a higher 550 psig minimum delivery pressure (new technology Westinghouse turbines). In addition, our understanding is that EPNG's system operates at a pressure 100-150 psig lower than Transwestern's. In order to accommodate EPNG deliveries and to account for the new higher minimum pressure, the design will likely change to a 20" pipeline. Next Steps (responsible party/department) Task Date Due Party/Dept. Pipeline Alignment 1. Estimate to plot lateral pipeline route. 8/4 Matthews/Chanley 2. Engineering services agreement 8/4 Scott/Fawcett 3. Final alignment sheets. 8/25 Matthews/Chanley Misc. Items 1. Confidentiality Agreement 7/24 Scott/Fawcett 2. Data items to Caithness - Form 567 7/26 Matthews - Gallup FERC filing (flow diagram) 7/26 Scott - Sta. 1 and Needles flow/pressure data 7/28 Matthews - Outage reports/maintenance schedules 7/28 Matthews Engineering/Design 1. Original estimate (16" line) to Caithness 7/24 Matthews 2. Revised specifications to Transwestern 7/28 Caithness (T.P.) 3. Revised estimate (20" line) to Caithness 8/4 Matthews/Chanley Other Issues Several key issues need to be addressed concurrently with the pipeline alignment and engineering activities: Task Date Due Party/Dept. Deal Structuring 1. Financing/cost amortization 9/8 Fawcett/Hayslett /Centilli/Goodrow 2. Research interconnect policy (EPNG) 8/4 Scott/Regulatory 3. Research 7(c) application requirements 8/11 Scott/Regulatory 4. Rates 9/22 Scott/Regulatory /Centilli 5. Research open season requirements 8/18 Scott/Regulatory The above list is certainly not meant to be all-inclusive and a kick-off meeting to discuss the project schedule will be put together shortly. In the meantime, if you have any questions regarding this project, please let me know. Also, please feel free to forward this memo to anyone I've inadvertently left off the distribution. Thanks.
---------------------- Forwarded by Gerald Nemec/HOU/ECT on 07/02/99 11:13 AM --------------------------- Enron Capital & Trade Resources Corp. From: Office Chairman @ ENRON 07/01/99 12:33 PM To: Enron Worldwide cc: Subject: Organizational Changes Interoffice Memorandum Enron's performance has been exceptional. This performance is reflected in our stock price, in the recognition we receive in the media and financial communities, and, most importantly, in the enthusiasm of our people. It has been clear to us for some time that we are driving fundamental change in the marketplace and that our natural gas, electricity and communications networks can be positioned for even greater growth. A &new economy8 is emerging, an economy based on intellectual capital and the compelling economics of networks. Capturing the opportunities in this new economy calls for increased coordination and integration across our wholesale (ECT, ECM, EI), retail (EES), and communications (ECI) businesses. It is our intention to combine the operations of these businesses into a cohesive organization that will ensure we realize the growth we foresee in all our businesses. To this end, we are initiating a number of organization and staffing changes in these businesses and related changes in the Enron Office of the Chairman, in Corporate Staff groups, and in a number of management/personnel committees. Other business units, EOG, GPG, PGE, and Azurix, will not be directly affected. Accordingly, the following changes are effective immediately. Enron Office of the Chairman Joe Sutton will join the Office of the Chairman as Vice Chairman. In his new role, Joe will work with the two of us to manage the operations of the company. Rebecca Mark, previously Vice Chairman of the company, will now fully concentrate on her responsibilities as Chairman and CEO of Azurix, our most recent public company. Rebecca has also been elected to the Enron Board of Directors, effective today. Ken Harrison, previously Vice Chairman of the company, will fully concentrate on his responsibilities as Chairman and CEO of Portland General Electric and Non-Executive Chairman of Enron Communications. Ken will continue to serve on Enron's Board of Directors. Redefined Business Units ECT, ECM, EI, EES, and ECI will be regrouped into eight regions/businesses and five global functions. Each region/business will be operated as an independent entity but will coordinate staffing, career paths, compensation and performance review across all units. Each global function will provide its specialized expertise across all regions/businesses. Included in these functions is a new technology function, which will focus on information systems and growth of our e-commerce capabilities where we believe there is enormous potential. These organizational units and their leadership are as follows: Regions/Businesses North America: Cliff Baxter, CEO; Kevin Hannon, COO Europe: Mark Frevert, CEO; John Sherriff, President; Dan McCarty, COO South America: Jim Bannantine, Co-CEO; Diomedes Christodoulou, Co-CEO India: Sanjay Bhatnagar, CEO Caribbean, Middle East: David Haug, CEO Asia, Africa: Rebecca McDonald, CEO EES: Lou Pai, CEO; Tom White, Vice Chairman ECI: Joe Hirko, Co-CEO; Ken Rice, Co-CEO (Ken Harrison ) non-executive Chairman) Global Functions Risk Management: Greg Whalley, CEO Finance: Andy Fastow, CFO; Jeff McMahon, Treasurer Asset Operations: Kurt Huneke, CEO EE&CC: Larry Izzo, CEO Technology: Mike McConnell, CEO Corporate Staff All corporate and EI staff units will be regrouped into six corporate staff groups. These staff groups will support all operations of Enron. These organizational units and their leadership are as follows: Legal: Jim Derrick, EVP and General Counsel; Rob Walls, SVP and Deputy General Counsel Risk Assessment and Control: Rick Buy, EVP Accounting and HR: Rick Causey, EVP and Chief Accounting Officer Investor Relations: Mark Koenig, EVP Other Staff Groups: Steve Kean, EVP and Chief of Staff Corporate Development: To be determined. Committees A new Executive Committee will be formed to replace the existing Management and Operating Committees. Membership will be as follows: Ken Lay, Chairman Jeff Skilling, Alternate Chairman Joe Sutton Stan Horton Jim Bannantine Kurt Huneke Cliff Baxter Larry Izzo Sanjay Bhatnagar Steve Kean Rick Buy Mark Koenig Rick Causey Rebecca Mark (Ad hoc) Diomedes Christodoulou Mike McConnell Jim Derrick Rebecca McDonald Andy Fastow Jeff McMahon Peggy Fowler Lou Pai Mark Frevert Mark Papa (Ad hoc) Kevin Hannon Ken Rice Ken Harrison John Sherriff David Haug Greg Whalley Joe Hirko Tom White Four other committees, which will be essential to the success of this new organization, will be formed. These committees are: Managing Director and SVP Personnel Committee: Jeff Skilling, Chairman Vice President Personnel Committee: Kevin Hannon, Chairman Vision and Values Committee: Joe Sutton, Chairman Workforce Diversity: Ken Lay, Chairman Details of membership on these committees will follow shortly. Summary Over the next several weeks all of the specifics of this reorganization will be further ironed out and communicated. In the meantime, please bear with us - we are confident that these changes will have a significant, positive impact on the operation and growth of the company.
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Charlene, Thanks for the email. I have talked with Sally several times on this last couple of days and I understand that OU has a different recruiting schedule then other schools. Enron is on campus for recruiting in the near future and I have asked Sally to tag on some interviews for summer interns while on that trip. I believe that she has been able to schedule this so I believe that from an OU perspective it may be a mute point now. Doing that should be able to maintain the momentum that we have developed at OU and all the work Lexi has done. By the way, the recruiting trip a couple of weeks ago was very successful. If you have any other questions or comments please let me know. mike Charlene Jackson@ENRON 10/05/2000 06:34 AM To: Sally Beck/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Celeste Roberts/HOU/ECT@ECT, Richard Causey/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Mike McConnell/HOU/ECT@ECT Subject: Re: Hiring Practices for Summer Interns Sally, Thanks for the e-mail regarding summer interns. I apologize that Lexi and Shelly were unable to provide you with the answers you were seeking. I wish that you had contacted either Celeste or me to indicate that you were having difficulty. I have personally assured you on several occasions that I was available to either speak with you or meet with you if for some reason any member of my staff was not responsive. That being said please allow me to explain the recruiting strategy since I was instrumental in helping to set it. You are absolutely correct. It is great to do market research if time permits or it is regarding an issue of which we have little knowledge. As you are aware, over the past year we have engaged a professional recruiting firm (Brecker & Merryman) who has assisted us in a number of different market research projects. However, in my opinion, this issue is not one that required much research. I have been involved in recruiting in some way, shape or form at both the graduate and undergraduate level for the past 10 years. Most major organizations, with the exception of the Accounting firms, begin the summer intern recruiting process in early spring. There are actually some universities that do not allow recruitment of summer interns until after a certain date, particularly in the MBA programs. For example, Harvard does not allow an organization to come on campus and speak to first year students until January. As indicated, the firms that generally recruit in the fall are the Accounting firms and they are primarily recruiting for "spring" internships. The recruiting strategy at Enron is no different this year than it was last year with respect to summer interns. Presentations were made in January & February and offers were made in February and March. The only school that did not follow the normal process was OU under the direction of George Hope. We did, of course, recruit summer interns in the fall for the tax group because they are competing directly with the Accounting Firms. Utilizing this strategy did not impair Enron,s ability to hire quality summer interns. This past summer Enron had 76 summer Analysts (undergraduate) and 40 summer Associates (graduate). We intentionally limited the number of summer hires to ensure that the individuals hired received meaningful assignments. Approximately 85% of these individuals received permanent offers to join Enron. The reason Enron has not had a problem recruiting quality undergraduate summer interns is primarily because many organizations do not hire undergraduates for summer positions. They generally focus on MBAs, particularly the investment banks and consulting firms which are the firms that Jeff Skilling identifies as Enron's competitors. Because the undergraduates are not actively recruited by our competition we have continued to have a special focus on these individuals (i.e. the reason there were 76 undergraduates and only 40 MBAs). With respect to OU and UT specifically since those were the schools about which you raised a concern, let me address your concerns. In your e-mail you indicated that you had research conducted at UT and OU. You did not however, provide the results of the research or the person to whom they had spoken therefore I had Lexi Elliott contact both UT and OU. While OU has not gotten back to her, following is the information obtained from UT. o The contact at UT Career Services is Cindy Henson. o According to Cindy, approximately 5% of companies actively recruiting on campus conduct interviews in the fall for "summer" internships. Cindy attributes this to the fact that these companies cannot come in the spring, or, in the case of Andersen Consulting, have a tremendous need and conduct all interviews at one time. o In conclusion, Cindy estimated that 95% of companies actively recruiting on campus recruit in the spring for summer internships. We have not received information from OU therefore I am unable to provide the statistics at this time. I will provide as soon as I am in receipt of such information. It appears that the information your source obtained is considerably different than what we were told. If you would provide the name of the individual to whom they spoke I will follow up to determine the reason for the discrepancies. While I understand your concern with respect to OU, they appear to be different than most of the other schools at which we recruit. If you believe that it is critical to recruit summer interns at OU in the fall we are supportive; however, because Lexi has other school interviews that are already scheduled she will not be in a position to facilitate the interview process during the trip you have scheduled currently. As you are aware, in most instances, the dates for presentations and interviews are dictated by the respective universities and were secured in early August. If you would like for her to try and secure an interview schedule for a later date this fall she can certainly work with your schedule and her current schedule to support your efforts. I hope this has been helpful. I can understand and appreciate your frustration if you are not getting answers from the recruiter or her manager. Again, I offer that I am available and willing to work with you if you are having difficulty with members of the Program staff. Please let me know what you decide about recruiting this fall for summer interns and whether I can be of any additional assistance. Charlene
---------------------- Forwarded by Susan M Scott/HOU/ECT on 10/04/2000 06:47 PM --------------------------- Enron Capital & Trade Resources Corp. From: Chuck Scott <[email protected]>@compuserve.com> 10/04/2000 01:14 PM To: "INTERNET:[email protected]" <[email protected]> cc: Subject: FW: Venus and Mars -------------Forwarded Message----------------- From: "Williams, Wilbur", INTERNET:[email protected] To: "William Hieronymus", INTERNET:[email protected] "Warren Newhouse", INTERNET:[email protected] "Terry Scowcroft", INTERNET:[email protected] "Steve Boyle", INTERNET:[email protected] "Richard Gartner", INTERNET:[email protected] "Michael Dineen", INTERNET:[email protected] "Lane Sims", INTERNET:[email protected] "Jay Shivers", INTERNET:[email protected] "James Gaitens", INTERNET:[email protected] "Clint Wetmore", INTERNET:[email protected] "Charles Parham", INTERNET:[email protected] "Arne Blomquist", INTERNET:[email protected] "Ali M. Berke", INTERNET:[email protected] "'PETE WILLIAMS'", INTERNET:[email protected] "'Larry knox'", INTERNET:[email protected] "'joe cooper'", INTERNET:[email protected] "'Jim Bunch'", INTERNET:[email protected] "'Craig Coleman'", INTERNET:[email protected] "'BOB LAWERENCE'", INTERNET:[email protected] "'BETTY WILLIAMS'", INTERNET:[email protected] "'chuck scott'", charliecoyote Date: 9/28/00 9:58 AM RE: FW: Venus and Mars > -----Original Message----- > From: Dischinger, James B [SMTP:[email protected]] > Sent: Thursday, September 28, 2000 8:30 AM > To: Andy (E-mail); Becker (E-mail); Benson (E-mail); bunch (E-mail); > bwall (E-mail); copeland (E-mail); dave wright (E-mail); Drew (E-mail); > erlich (E-mail); fred (E-mail); home (E-mail); hairr (E-mail); janet > (E-mail); jenny (E-mail); kaberlein (E-mail); klingenberger (E-mail); kyle > (E-mail); leslie(omni) (E-mail); lopez (E-mail); miles (E-mail); mims > (E-mail); quezergue (E-mail); sharon (E-mail); shursen (E-mail); spencer > (E-mail); tatarski (E-mail); taylor al (E-mail); trichards (E-mail); > trinchard (E-mail); twagner (E-mail); ward (E-mail); wiemer (E-mail); > wayne (E-mail); wilbur (E-mail); Aelmore, Donna M.; Bray, R Alan; Halter, > Marc C; Jeffrion, Laurie T; Mcginness, Thalbert E; Mitchum, Franklin L; > Morrison, Dale B.; Musso, Brian S; Plaisance, Kerry T; Prizler, Raymond C; > Wagner, Bruce E; Welch, Henry R; Wolfe, James E > Subject: FW: Venus and Mars > > > > > > > > Subject: Venus and Mars > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >>Her story vs. his story > > > >> > > > >>HER STORY: > > > >> > > > >>He was in an odd mood when I got to the bar, I thought it might > > > >>have been because I was a bit late but he didn't say anything > > > >>much about it. The conversation was quite slow going so I > > > >>thought we should go off somewhere more intimate so we could > > > >>talk more privately. So we went to this restaurant and he's > > > >>STILL acting a bit funny and I'm trying to cheer him up and > > > >>start to wonder whether it's me or something else. > > > >> > > > >>I ask him, and he says no. But you know I'm not really sure. > > > >>So anyway, in the cab back to his house, I say that I love him > > > >>and he just puts his arm around me. I don't know what the hell > > > >>this means because you know he doesn't say it back or anything. > > > >>We finally get back to his place and I'm wondering if he's > > > >>going to dump me! > > > >> > > > >> So I try to ask him about it but he just switches on the TV. > > > >> Reluctantly, I say I'm going to go to sleep. Then, after about > > > >> 10 minutes, he joins me and we have sex. But, he still seemed > > > >> really distracted, so afterwards I just wanted to leave. > > > >> I dunno, I just don't know, what he thinks anymore. I mean, > > > >> do you think he's met someone else? > > > >> > > > >> > > > >> > > > >>HIS STORY: > > > >> > > > >>Lousy day at work. Tired. Got laid though. > > > > > > > > > ----------------------- Internet Header -------------------------------- Sender: [email protected] Received: from hotmit98.coastalcorp.com (txhoufw1.cgp.com []) by sphmgaac.compuserve.com (8.9.3/8.9.3/SUN-1.9) with SMTP id KAA21613 for <[email protected]>; Thu, 28 Sep 2000 10:58:02 -0400 (EDT) Received: from by hotmit98.coastalcorp.com with ESMTP ( WorldSecure Server SMTP Relay(WSS) v4.5); Thu, 28 Sep 2000 09:56:01 -0500 X-Server-Uuid: bfd854e0-c32c-11d1-a062-00805fb6e3c1 Received: by txhomex02.coastal.com with Internet Mail Service ( 5.5.2650.21) id <SRD00FDK>; Thu, 28 Sep 2000 09:56:01 -0500 Message-ID: <[email protected]> From: "Williams, Wilbur" <[email protected]> To: "'BETTY WILLIAMS'" <[email protected]>, "'BOB LAWERENCE'" <[email protected]>, "'chuck scott'" <[email protected]>, "'Craig Coleman'" <[email protected]>, "'Jim Bunch'" <[email protected]>, "'joe cooper'" <[email protected]>, "'Larry knox'" <[email protected]>, "'PETE WILLIAMS'" <[email protected]>, "Ali M. Berke" <[email protected]>, "Arne Blomquist" <[email protected]>, "Charles Parham" <[email protected]>, "Clint Wetmore" <[email protected]>, "James Gaitens" <[email protected]>, "Jay Shivers" <[email protected]>, "Lane Sims" <[email protected]>, "Michael Dineen" <[email protected]>, "Richard Gartner" <[email protected]>, "Steve Boyle" <[email protected]>, "Terry Scowcroft" <[email protected]>, "Warren Newhouse" <[email protected]>, "William Hieronymus" <[email protected]> Subject: FW: Venus and Mars Date: Thu, 28 Sep 2000 09:55:58 -0500 MIME-Version: 1.0 X-Mailer: Internet Mail Service (5.5.2650.21) X-WSS-ID: 15CD838B461913-01-01 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Phil and I were just looking at some of the invoices created for March activity and I noticed the sale to MidAmerican Energy was not in his stack of invoices to review. Would you see if we billed MidAmerican for March please? The deal number is 1199439, the volume is 310,000 dth and the price is $2.47 per dth. This was gas that the ENA Ontario desk had parked at Dawn. There are more notes at the bottom of this email. -----Original Message----- From: McMichael Jr., Ed Sent: Thursday, February 28, 2002 9:56 AM To: Germany, Chris Subject: RE: Enbridge Consumers' Gas Park & Loan Good Job! Please document the sale and the other bids, timing issues, costs, and any other factors that led to or affected the sale. If you have any questions, please ask. Ed -----Original Message----- From: Germany, Chris Sent: Thursday, February 28, 2002 8:53 AM To: Mann, Kay; McMichael Jr., Ed; Concannon, Ruth; Parks, Joe Cc: Price, Wade R.; Dickson, Stacy E.; Olinger, Kimberly S.; Polsky, Phil; Boyt, Eric; Richardson, Stacey Subject: RE: Enbridge Consumers' Gas Park & Loan Just sold 10,000 MMBtu per day at Dawn to MidAmerican Energy Company at $2.47 for March. My contact at MidAmerican is Dave Evans (515-281-2698). Dave said he was using Apr Nymx + $.05 to calculate his price. -----Original Message----- From: Germany, Chris Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2002 4:30 PM To: Mann, Kay; McMichael Jr., Ed; Concannon, Ruth; Parks, Joe Cc: Price, Wade R.; Dickson, Stacy E.; Olinger, Kimberly S.; Polsky, Phil; Boyt, Eric Subject: RE: Enbridge Consumers' Gas Park & Loan Update Robin and I are waiting to hear back from all of the following company contact Reliant Energy Services Inc. Sue Cozad 989-687-9246 low probability Enbridge Gas Services Inc. Dan White 403-508-3184 new counterparty - low probability MidAmerican Energy Company Dave Evans 515-281-2698 good prospect CMS Marketing, Services and Trading Company Scott Biscoe 713-230-7286 low probability El Paso - no interest. Left messages with Duke Energy Marketing Ltd. Steve Butler 403-297-9840 TXU Energy??? David Jones -----Original Message----- From: Dickson, Stacy E. Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2002 3:34 PM To: Mann, Kay; Germany, Chris Cc: Price, Wade R. Subject: RE: Enbridge Consumers' Gas Park & Loan The Goods and Services Tax (GST) in Canada is levied on sales of gas at a delivery point in Canada and where the gas will not be exported from Canada. The buyer pays the seller the amount of the GST which is a per cent of the purchase price. The seller, in turn, remits the amount of the GST to the appropriate Canadian authority. In structuring the deal, be sure that you make it clear that the Contract Price does not include the GST. If the gas it to be exported the buyer needs to notify that the gas is "zero-rated" so it is not subject to the GST. Wade - Do you know who in settlements is handling GST payments? I hope we still have someone who can do that. Please let me know if you have any other questions. Stacy x3-5705 -----Original Message----- From: Mann, Kay Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2002 7:02 PM To: Dickson, Stacy E. Subject: FW: Enbridge Consumers' Gas Park & Loan Do you know the answer to the tax question, or at least who to ask? Thanks, Kay -----Original Message----- From: Germany, Chris Sent: Tue 2/26/2002 5:46 PM To: Germany, Chris; McMichael Jr., Ed; Concannon, Ruth; Boyt, Eric; Garza, Maria; Polsky, Phil; Dicarlo, Louis; Olinger, Kimberly S.; Parks, Joe; Mann, Kay Cc: Fowler, Kulvinder; Schumack, Sherlyn Subject: Enbridge Consumers' Gas Park & Loan Opps. Didn't mean to hit send it just yet. Much better now. -----Original Message----- From: Germany, Chris Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2002 5:39 PM To: McMichael Jr., Ed; Concannon, Ruth; Boyt, Eric; Garza, Maria; Polsky, Phil; Dicarlo, Louis; Olinger, Kimberly S.; Parks, Joe; Mann, Kay Cc: Fowler, Kulvinder; Schumack, Sherlyn Subject: Enbridge Consumers' Gas Park & Loan Today we discovered that ENA has 310,000 MMBtu parked with The Consumers' Gas Company Ltd. (an affiliate of Enbridge Inc.) at Dawn that needs to be withdrawn by March 31, 2002. Dan White (403-508-3184) at Enbridge faxed me their confirmation. According to Dan, this gas was parked in May and June 2001. Per Enbridge's confirmation, "Customer shall pay Enbridge a fee of $.22 US/MMBtu...prorated over 12 months". The confirmation makes it clear that March withdrawals are interruptible. Dan didn't know if ENA has paid the fee but he is letting ENA take this gas for March!!! So far have not been able to find a deal ticket in Sitara or tagg that applies to this deal. Tomorrow, I will get bids from some of the companies ENA has done business with in the past at Dawn. Before I sell the gas, I will 1. verify the creditworthiness of the company we are selling to 2. make sure the company we are selling to agrees to pay us for the gas and doesn't net this with some other item. Kay, the point we are selling the gas at is Dawn which is in Canada. Are there any special tax issues to address? Any comments or questions? Listed below are some of the companies ENA has done business with at Dawn AEP Energy Services, Inc. Aquila Canada Corp. BP Canada Energy Company Cargill Energy Trading Canada, Inc. CMS Marketing, Services and Trading Company CoEnergy Trading Company Consumers Energy Company Consumers Gas Company Ltd., The Coral Energy Canada Inc. Duke Energy Marketing Limited Partnership Duke Energy Trading and Marketing, L.L.C. Dynegy Canada Inc. Dynegy Canada Marketing and Trade, a division of Dynegy Canada Inc. El Paso Merchant Energy, L.P. Engage Energy Canada L.P. Nexen Marketing PanCanadian Petroleum Limited PG&E Energy Trading, Canada Corporation PG&E Energy Trading-Gas Corporation Phibro Inc. Reliant Energy Services, Inc. Sempra Energy Trading Corp. TXU Energy Trading Canada Limited WPS Energy Services, Inc.
Hey, I was just wondering if you would be able to do the TV this month? -----Original Message----- From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Wednesday, November 08, 2000 4:33 PM To: [email protected]; [email protected]; Bass, Jason; [email protected] Subject: Telluride E-Ride Newsletter ---------------------- Forwarded by Eric Bass/HOU/ECT on 11/08/2000 04:32 PM --------------------------- [email protected] on 11/08/2000 04:57:04 PM To: [email protected] cc: Subject: Telluride E-Ride Newsletter HELLO AGAIN E-RIDERS! Yes, the snow has started to come down! In very big ways! In fact, Telluride has received over 3 feet of fresh powder since October 1 and the temperatures have been frigid?which makes for excellent snowmaking conditions. Winter has come, and you know what that means ? YES! Time to strap on some boards and make some turns! SNOW REPORT As the snow has begun to come with increasing regularity, you can imagine the local attitude begins to buoy. At lunch the other day, when we looked out the window and saw the big flakes coming down, we made a loud whoop with our waiter, causing all heads in the restaurant to turn our way. But when the other diners saw the white stuff, EVERYONE started buzzing with the anticipation. Folks are getting ready for the season. For a sneak preview, check out the photo of the day at www.telluride-ski.com/dayphoto.html. BARGAINS & DEALS The best-case scenario for skiing Telluride is to live here. But the NEXT best-case scenario is that you get a screaming deal to vacation here. And that's what Telluride and Mountain Village Visitor Services has for you. Check out these packages for round-trip air, lodging and skiing from some of America's biggest hubs: Dallas Special: $831 per person - 5 nights lodging, 4 days skiing and roundtrip air to Montrose Houston Special: $814 per person - 5 nights lodging, 4 days skiing and roundtrip air to Montrose Chicago Special: $825 per person - 5 nights lodging, 4 days skiing and roundtrip air to Montrose Miami Special: $929 per person - 5 nights lodging, 4 days skiing and roundtrip air to Montrose To get any of these specials, call 1-888-288-7360. If you choose to put together a package on your own, check out the lodging deals at www.telluride-ski.com and click on HOT DEALS. WHAT'S NEW You can never have too much snow. With that in mind, the Telluride Ski Resort installed a new snowmaking system this summer that guarantees that every lift pod will have coverage on at least one run all season long! Yep. Lifts 1, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 9 will have better conditions for riding and skiing from beginning to end. As the hipper folks say, the turns will be "tasty." The tastiest new addition to the mountain, however, is Allred's, a new 140-seat restaurant that is guaranteed to delight even the most discriminating diners. Located mid-mountain at the gondola Station St. Sophia, Allred's will serve as a private club by day in the winter, an upscale lunch spot in the summer and a fine dining experience in the evenings year-round. More on this epicurean dream in later e-rides. For dinner reservations, call 970-728-7474. One other great new thing: It's easier to get to Telluride than ever before. You can now fly to Montrose EVERY DAY from Dallas/Ft. Worth on American Airlines?but the flight will only have 129 seats, so be sure your body is in one of them! WHAT'S HAPPENING Of course the most important thing on the Telluride calendar is November 22, the Official Opening Day. But there are other things worth mentioning. Like the Sneak Preview of the mountain on November 21. For one day only you can ski Telluride for $20, and all proceeds go to the Telluride Ski and Snowboard Club. After the Donation Day, you can still get good deals. From November 21 through December 16, Telluride hosts its annual Ski Free & More program. What's it entail? Exactly what it says. Skiers and riders staying at participating lodges in the towns of Telluride and Mountain Village can choose a free lift ticket, a free ski clinic, a free lunch or a free half-day of childcare for each night they stay. For more information call 888-288-7360. And if you're looking forward to having a ball, why not do it right at the annual Black & White Affair? On November 25, the Telluride Ski and Snowboard Club hosts this gala event at the luxurious Telluride Conference Center. Dress up and dance off your turkey. No one puts on a ball like Telluride! SLICE OF LIFE Imagine being over 50 years old and never having seen any snow! Such was the case for my friend Sarah, who recently moved to Telluride from the Caribbean. She and her daughters arrived late this summer, and when the snows began to fall a few weeks ago, they were in rapture! Sarah ran outside and began to dance around (to her 17-year-old daughter's absolute embarrassment!) However, the daughters both caught the enthusiasm and built their first snowman ever. The snowman , of course, had a perfect carrot nose.. An organic carrot, no less. Hey, this is Telluride. Only the best for our snowmen. AND SO, E-RIDERS, That's all for this letter. Hope you're planning your trip to Telluride, where the snow is always whiter and the lines are always short. See you on the slopes! Rosemerry WHO'S WRITING THIS ANYWAY? Against her will, Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer learned to ski in Telluride six years ago. But after a few turns, she fell ? in love with the sport. She lives with her husband and cat at the base of Lift 7?an ideal spot for getting first chair of the morning.
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Yes, Global agrees. From: Stephanie Sever/ENRON@enronXgate on 04/24/2001 04:02 PM To: Tana Jones/HOU/ECT@ECT, Kelly Lombardi/NA/Enron@Enron, Karen Lambert/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Lisa Lees/ENRON@enronXgate, Tom Moran/ENRON@enronXgate Subject: FW: Product Type approval for 2 product types (US Residual Fuel Oil 1% and 3% Crack Spreads) Tana/Kelly/Karen: The product long descriptions below will fall under two new product types: US Residual Fuel Oil 1% Crack Spread US Residual Fuel Oil 3% Crack Spread Credit (Tom Moran) has approved copying the profiles for the new product type from the following: US Oil HSFO Fin Swap Please respond no later than 10 a.m. on Wednesday, April 25. Thank you. -----Original Message----- From: Moran, Tom Sent: Tuesday, April 24, 2001 3:05 PM To: Sever, Stephanie Subject: FW: Product Type approval for 2 product types (US Residual Fuel Oil 1% and 3% Crack Spreads) -----Original Message----- From: Moran, Tom Sent: Monday, April 23, 2001 1:08 PM To: Lees, Lisa Cc: Guidroz, Walter Subject: FW: Product Type approval for 2 product types (US Residual Fuel Oil 1% and 3% Crack Spreads) Lisa, Please copy the existing counterparty profiles from: &US Oil HSFO Fin Swap8 and use it for these two new products: US ResidOil Spd NYH 1% Crack Spread US ResidOil Spd GC 3% Crack Spread Regards, tm -----Original Message----- From: Walker, Chris Sent: Monday, April 23, 2001 12:17 PM To: Blumenthal, Jeff; Musch, Susan; Hagelmann, Bjorn; Moran, Tom; Swinney, John; Taylor, Mark Cc: Lees, Lisa; Sever, Stephanie; Jones, Tana; Lambert, Karen; Lombardi, Kelly; Sweitzer, Tara; Kenne, Dawn C.; Moorer, Torrey; Meredith, Kevin; Lozano, Melba; Hunter, Larry Joe; Cass, Robert B. Subject: Product Type approval for 2 product types (US Residual Fuel Oil 1% and 3% Crack Spreads) Your approval is needed for the following 2 product types in Datamanager: US Residual Fuel Oil 1% Crack Spread US Residual Fuel Oil 3% Crack Spread Please do not approve between the hours of 6 am and 11 am.. US ResidOil Spd NYH 1% Crack Spread Jun01 USD/bl/m A US Residual Fuel Oil financial Swap Transaction with Enron North America Corp., under which the Seller pays a Floating Price and the Buyer pays the price submitted by Counterparty on the Website (the Fixed Price) in each case in respect of the Notional Quantity per Determination Period. Each calendar month during the term of the Transaction will be a Determination Period. The Notional Quantity per Determination Period shall be the volume submitted by Counterparty on the Website. The Payment Date(s) will be 5 business days after the Floating Price is determinable. The Floating Price shall be the Index for the relevant Determination Period. The term of the Transaction shall be from the Effective Date of 01 Jun 2001 to the Termination Date of 30 Jun 2001. The Index for a Determination Period shall be the difference obtained by subtracting (i) the arithmetic average of the daily settlement prices for the prompt month NYMEX Light Sweet Crude Oil Futures Contract for each Pricing Date in such Determination Period from (ii) the arithmetic average of the mean of the daily quotations for No. 6, 1%S Max appearing under the heading "New York/Boston Cargo" in the section entitled "Product Price Assessments" for those issues of Platt's Oilgram Price Report published for each Pricing Date in such Determination Period. "Pricing Date" means, a day on which Platt's Oilgram Price Report is published and which is also a NYMEX trading day. The price is quoted in US Dollars per unit of volume, which will be the Contractual Currency. The unit of measure against which the price is quoted shall be Barrels per month and the quantity shown shall be in Barrels per month. US ResidOil Spd GC 3% Crack Spread Jun01 USD/bl/m A US Residual Fuel Oil financial Swap Transaction with Enron North America Corp., under which the Seller pays a Floating Price and the Buyer pays the price submitted by Counterparty on the Website (the Fixed Price) in each case in respect of the Notional Quantity per Determination Period. Each calendar month during the term of the Transaction will be a Determination Period. The Notional Quantity per Determination Period shall be the volume submitted by Counterparty on the Website. The Payment Date(s) will be 5 business days after the Floating Price is determinable. The Floating Price shall be the Index for the relevant Determination Period. The Effective Date is 01 Jun 2001. The Termination Date is 30 Jun 2001. The Index for a Determination Period shall be the difference obtained by subtracting (i) the arithmetic average of the daily settlement prices for the prompt month NYMEX Light Sweet Crude Oil Futures Contract for each Pricing Date in such Determination Period from (ii) the arithmetic average of the mean of the daily quotations for No. 6, 3%S appearing under the heading "U.S. Gulf Coast Waterborne" in the section entitled "Product Price Assessments" for those issues of Platt's Oilgram Price Report published for each Pricing Date in such Determination Period. "Pricing Date" means, a day on which Platt's Oilgram Price Report is published and which is also a NYMEX trading day. The price is quoted in US Dollars per unit of volume, which will be the Contractual Currency. The unit of measure against which the price is quoted shall be Barrels per month and the quantity shown shall be in Barrels per month. STEPS FOR APPROVAL: click the START button select PROGRAMS select TEST APPLICATIONS select ENRONONLINE CLUSTER(PROD) PROCEED WITH USUAL LOGIN/PASSWORD click the Enron Online Production Cluster "START" button select EnronOnLine (this is the EOL Datamanager) PROCEED WITH EOL LOGIN/PASSWORD click on the "+" for EnronOnLine click on the "+" for Product Types click on the "+" for "Awaiting Approval" (OR "Partially Approved") select the product requiring review as stated in e-mail above Right "mouse" click on "properties" to view product set-up TO APPROVE: Right mouse click on "Approved"
Hey guys. I have a ton of emails to plow thru with CES buy look what I found. The CES storage proxy schedule is at the bottom. ---------------------- Forwarded by Chris Germany/HOU/ECT on 04/10/2000 06:12 PM --------------------------- From: Colleen Sullivan on 03/30/2000 12:23 PM To: [email protected] @ ENRON cc: Chris Germany/HOU/ECT@ECT, Dick Jenkins/HOU/ECT@ECT, John M Singer/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Scott Neal/HOU/ECT@ECT Subject: Re: storage clarification & issues Regarding your memo below, following is a status on those items: 1, 2: The pricing and consistency in pricing for handling intra-month changes does appear to be an issue. Since the contract didn't spell out in detail location by location pricing (and I think intentionally so), we believe the best way to handle this for April forward is to agree monthly (during bid week) of the process and pricing for each location. I know Chris Germany has prepared a proposal that I think he has discussed (generally, not specific numbers) with Brian, Doug and Charlie. I will ask that he forward this proposal TODAY and finalize the process for April ASAP. Let me know if you do not think a monthly process of agreeing to the changes is sufficient. 3. Local production - unfortunately I think we have opened a can of worms here. Here is what is happening: Your people are nominating this production (we are not even set up to do behind the citygate nominations), but the contracts were assigned to us in the Wholesale transaction. That means they were valued by us and put into our system at a value. We are reviewing this detail now and are finding quite a few discrepancies between the prices that were listed on the Wholesale Deal List and the actual contract prices with the producers. So, this is one issue we will have to address as indemnification items. That's problem one. Problem two is that I am assuming you all would like this production back since you are doing all the nominations. We need to work on a solution for doing this (if that is what you want). For Jan, Feb & Mar, however, it appears that we will be the ones paying the producers, so we will need to get volume information from your schedulers in order to get this billed and payed for properly. I'll follow up with more information on this in the next couple of days. 4. Monthly invoices - regarding the pipeline demand charges, it sounds like Chris has been trying to verify all the charges before he sends copies of the pipeline invoices on to you. Maybe we should change this process to one where he sends them to you as soon as he gets them instead of waiting on his confirmation and review of all the charges. This means you may see quite a bit of incorrect data, but at least you'll have something. Let us know what you would prefer. Regarding the January invoice specifically, I do know that the Columbia Gulf and Columbia Gas packet of pipeline invoices was mailed to your office yesterday, March 29. Chris will get all remaining demand charge statements to your office by Wednesday, April 5, and all corrections he is aware of as of this date by Friday, April 7. I apologize for the delay. 5. Swap confirmations - I spoke with Jeff Hodge and he believes he has a packet of all the confirms--he is in Calgary today and will be back on Monday. Is that soon enough for this to be sent to you? If not, please advise and I'll see if his assistant can search for this data. Thanks for clarifying the storage proxy schedule with the remaining inventory balances. [email protected] on 03/28/2000 12:43:55 PM To: " - *[email protected]" <[email protected]> cc: Subject: storage clarification & issues I forgot the storage attachment ... ---------------------- Forwarded by Melissa Flewellyn/CES/ColumbiaGas on 03/28/2000 01:42 PM --------------------------- Melissa Flewellyn 03/28/2000 01:32 PM To: [email protected]@internet cc: Subject: storage clarification & issues Colleen, Attached is an updated storage proxy schedule for COH and AGL showing what our balance will be as of April 1, 2000. As always, if you have any questions, please let me know. I'm sending a copy of the document to Denny Pick for signature and will then send it to Jeff Hodge to get signature from Enron. Aside from the storage issue, there are several other items that we need to discuss. Below is a brief description of each. Please let me know how you think we could best deal with these - whether it's via phone call or having an in-person meeting down in your office. 1. Pricing - I left you a message about this last week. According to Chris Germany, all changes to volumes after first-of-the-month must me negotiated. In the contract, however, it specifically refers to pricing intra-month using gas daily OR negotiated pricing depending on the timing of the change. 2. Consistency - During our discussions with Chris, it sounds as though some pipes are being handled differently than others again as it relates to intra-month changes. I'd just like to make sure that we agree on the pricing mechanism and then apply it consistently. 3. Local production - Apparently there was local production that John Singer purchased specifically to back Retail customers, and this production was not removed from the Wholesale book prior to the sale. We need to discuss how to handle this production. 4. Monthly invoices - We still haven't seen the complete January 2000 invoice. As I understand it, the demand charges have not all been sent over, and several items that need to be changed haven't yet been changed. Also, Brian Perrone and Charlie Dalphon have indicated that they have requested back-up documentation on the demand charges, but we still haven't received anything. 5. Swap confirmations - For all of the swaps that Clay Deaton put in place with Enron to keep Retail's existing hedge positions in tact, I still do not have executed copies of all of the confirmation agreements. Rich Contos and I have both called several people about getting a complete set of copies, but we can't seem to find the right person over there. Whenever you have time to discuss these, please let me know. Thanks, Melissa - storage proxy.xls
please print ---------------------- Forwarded by Jeffrey A Shankman/HOU/ECT on 12/18/2000 08:04 AM --------------------------- From: Doug Leach 12/18/2000 07:19 AM To: Ross Koller/LON/ECT@ECT, Chris Mahoney/LON/ECT@ECT, David J Botchlett/HOU/ECT@ECT, John L Nowlan/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Jeffrey A Shankman/HOU/ECT@ECT Subject: Refined Products Line--European Markets - CERA Alert: December 15 , 2000 ---------------------- Forwarded by Doug Leach/HOU/ECT on 12/18/2000 07:18 AM --------------------------- "[email protected]" <webmaster on 12/15/2000 10:20:28 AM To: cc: Subject: Refined Products Line--European Markets - CERA Alert: December 15 , 2000 CERA Alert: December 15, 2000 Title: Refined Products Line--European Markets CERA Knowledge Areas: Refined Products Rotterdam Differentials * The fall in product prices that started in late October-after a brief surge during heightened market tensions over Middle East unrest-continued in November. Average differentials for all products over crude fell, with those for gasoline falling particularly strongly in line with very weak reported demand. FOB ARA barges for premium unleaded gasoline over Dated Brent averaged $1.51 per barrel, compared with $5.86 per barrel in October. * Jet/kerosene barge premiums over Dated Brent slipped by over $2.00 per barrel in November from October's average, but because of current market sentiment favoring prompt production of heating oil, they remained high at an average of $10.98 per barrel. Jet values had enjoyed the largest increase of all products during October's Middle East-related price increases; consequently jet/kerosene's premium over heating oil narrowed in November following an easing of tensions, averaging the month at $2.53 per barrel, compared with $3.29 per barrel over heating oil in October. * Despite falling by $1.33 per barrel from October's level, average 0.2% sulfur gasoil barge values remained very strong in November, averaging $8.45 per barrel over Dated Brent. High end-user prices for heating oil remain a strong deterrent to demand, however; provisional data for German heating oil demand in November show a fall of over 10 percent from November 1999 levels (to an average of 608,000 barrels per day [bd]). * Discounts of low sulfur (1.0%) heavy fuel oil to Dated Brent widened again in November, averaging $6.74 per barrel. As was discussed last month, much of the reason for their improvement in October was because of concerns over the availability in Russian exports: toward the end of October and into November, however, such concerns subsided, leading to a widening of discounts. High sulfur (3.5%) fuel oil discounts widened by $3.26 per barrel to an average of $9.61 per barrel to Dated Brent. Refinery Margins * Margins fell back considerably after the very high levels recorded in October, but still remained quite strong and reflect the current market sentiment of favoring maximum refinery production, especially of middle distillates. High jet/kerosene and gasoil/heating oil values kept margins buoyant, but falling gasoline premiums and widening heavy fuel oil discounts were the major downward influences. * Using CERA's illustrative yield patterns, gross margins for simple/hydroskimming refineries in the ARA region fell by $2.80 per barrel over Dated Brent from October's level, averaging $1.19 per barrel in November. The deterioration in heavy fuel oil discounts accounted for half of the decline, with the large drop in gasoline values contributing $0.87 per barrel to the fall. * The drop in gasoline premiums was the principal reason for the fall in ARA complex/cracking refineries. Using CERA's illustrative yield patterns, gross margins averaged $3.30 per barrel in November; this is $2.93 per barrel lower than October's average, of which $1.74 is attributable to the poorer gasoline premiums, with the remainder of the difference attributable equally to the declines in middle distillates and residual fuel oil values. European Inventories and Refinery Operations* * EU and Norwegian refinery crude intakes rose by a further 168,000 bd in November, averaging 12.6 million barrels per day (mbd), again an indication of refiners seeking to maximizing runs given the current favorable margins. Output data for individual products are not yet available, but the high crude runs and middle distillate margins would indicate that November was another month of very high jet/kerosene and gasoil production. * Despite the strong crude runs, primary EU plus Norway crude oil inventories did increase in November, ending the month 9 million barrels higher than October's level (which was revised downward) at 426.5 million barrels. There has been a small but consistent three-month contango in the Brent futures market, placing a small premium on forward months' values of crude to the current month's, which would help to encourage stockholding. These stocks represent about 31 days' forward supply of anticipated total demand in the first quarter of next year-less than 2 days' fewer supply compared with November levels for the past two years. * Primary gasoline inventories fell in November from 154 million barrels to 150 million barrels, contrary to typical seasonal patterns. This may reflect the relatively low levels of gasoline production over the past few months, and certainly current gasoline differentials to crude are not encouraging high gasoline production levels. Nevertheless, this is a potential cause for concern as it may lead to significant market volatility during the first quarter of next year. * Primary middle distillate inventories, however, are continuing to improve. October's total was revised upward slightly to 333 million barrels, and November ended at 334 million barrels. In addition to record levels of refinery production, exports from Russia are proving to be plentiful, with November's total exports from the former Soviet Union averaging 460,000 bd. A strong transatlantic arbitrage, however, has been causing most of these cargoes to go direct to the United States rather than stay in Europe. **end** This CERA Alert will be available in PDF format within 24 hours. ********************************************************************** This electronic message and attachments, if any, contain information from Cambridge Energy Research Associates, Inc. (CERA) which is confidential and may be privileged. Unauthorized disclosure, copying, distribution or use of the contents of this message or any attachments, in whole or in part, is strictly prohibited. Terms of Use: http://www.cera.com/tos.html Questions/Comments: [email protected] Copyright 2000. Cambridge Energy Research Associates
----- Forwarded by David M Gagliardi/TTG/HouInd on 10/16/01 08:07 AM ----- "Gagliardi, Michael" To: "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, <mgagliardi@un "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, ocal.com> "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]> cc: 10/16/01 07:12 Subject: FW: True Orange E-Mail/Fax #101 AM > -----Original Message----- > From: [email protected] [SMTP:[email protected]] > Sent: Monday, October 15, 2001 9:45 PM > To: [email protected] > Subject: True Orange E-Mail/Fax #101 > > True Orange E-Mail/Fax Service > Volume 9, E-Mail/Fax #101, Monday, October 15, 2001 > Jerry Scarbrough's True Orange, P. O. Box 26530, Austin, Texas 78755 - > Phone > 512-795-8536 > > Brown Says Buffs Pose Real Problem; No TV for Game at Missouri > > Coach Mack Brown said Monday Colorado will be the best running team Texas > > will see this year and he also said the Buffaloes have the best offensive > line the Horns will face. > The two teams play at 2:30 p.m. Saturday in a game that will be televised > regionally by ABC. The Longhorns, 5-1, are a 10-point favorite over the > Buffaloes, also 5-1. > Brown said DE Kalen Thornton, who missed the Oklahoma State game with a > sprained knee, is expected to return to practice Tuesday and he said that > is > very good news because Colorado has such a powerful running game that the > Longhorns will need every available defensive lineman to try to stop it. > "This is the best running team we have seen since the last time we played > Nebraska," he said. "They have a big, physical line, and some big, > physical > backs." > He said Oklahoma uses its passing game to set up its running game. He said > > Colorado is the opposite. "They run to set up their play-action passes," > he > said. "They have a very good offense, and their quarterback (Craig) Ochs > is a > good passer and he can hurt you running. We'll have a battle." > The Longhorns probably will be back in their basic 4-3 defense against the > > run-oriented Buffs, and Brown said sophomore DT Adam Doiron, who started > against Oklahoma State, "played really well" and will start again. Fellow > sophomore Marcus Tubbs is a fixture at the other tackle spot. > If Thornton is able to return, Brown said that will give the coaches > freedom > to use Maurice Gordon at end or tackle. Gordon, a former end, was a > starting > tackle until Thornton got hurt, and then he moved back to end. > He said the Longhorns have to work hard to run a lot against Colorado's > tough > run defense because "they like to dominate time of possession with their > running game and just wear the other team down. We try to wear the other > team > down, too, so that's going to be interesting." > The Longhorns have won 11 straight games at home. That is the longest home > > winning streak since the early 1980s. They also are 19-2 at home since > Brown > took over. > Brown said true freshman RB Cedric Benson will start and Ivan Williams > also > will play quite a bit against Colorado. "Cedric did a good job," Brown > said, > "and Ivan did well when he came in late. We want Cedric to get a lot of > carries, but probably not 31 like he got against Oklahoma State. We'll > probably spread it out a little more." > He also said TE Bo Scaife and Brock Edwards are going to start getting > more > chances to catch passes. "They can really run, and we've got to work them > into the offense a little more and give them more chances," he said. > * * * * > The Longhorns 'game at Missouri on October 27 was not chosen for TV, but > UT > officials have asked the Missouri athletic director to approve a pay TV > arrangement for some Texas cities. The game time would have to be 2:30 > p.m. > or later to be approved for pay TV because the Big 12 has a rule that pro > hibits any league game telecast conflicting with the sanctioned > telecast, which begins at 11 a.m. UT officials expect to get an answer > from > Missouri officials Tuesday. This will be the first Longhorn game this > season > that was not chosen for TV, and it is the longest road trip this season. > Ironically, the two longest Big 12 trips last year - to Colorado and > Kansas > - were not chosen for TV either. So much for all that famed UT clout with > the > TV networks. > * * * * > RECRUITING NOTES: The Longhorns are still at 15 commitments. One of them > is > a little shaky. LB Garnett Smith of Arlington Lamar says he plans to sign > with Texas, but might take a couple of visits. When kids take visits, the > commitments are shaky. We'll have to see what develops in regard to Smith > and > his pledge to UT. . . Texas has pledges from five players on my 25-man > "diffefrence maker" list, including No. 4 DT Earl Anderson of San Marcos, > No. > 11 LB Smith, No. 17 LB Brian Robison of Splendora, No. 23 OL Brett Valdez > of > Brownwood and No. 24 QB Billy Don Malone of Paris North Lamar. The Horns > have > a pretty good shot at every member of the top seven on that list - No. 1 > DT > Rodrique Wright of Alief Hastings, No. 2 QB Vincent Young of Houston > Madison, > No. 3 DE Larry Dibbles of Lancaster, No. 5 DE Travis Leitko of The > Woodlands, > No. 6 RB Albert Hardy of Galena Park and No. 7 LB Aaron Harris of North > Mesquite. The won't get all of that group, but they might get most of > them. > * * * * > My next e-mail/fax will be whenever events warrant. > * * * * > The True Orange E-Mail/Fax Service includes at least 99 fax/e-mails a > year and costs $99 ($79 by E-Mail). The True Orange Newsletter includes > 26 > newsletters and is published weekly during football season and twice > monthly > during most of the other months. It costs $45. Save by subscribing to both > > for $130 (or $110 if you take the faxes via E-Mail or $99 if you take > both > services via E-Mail). Send check to address at the top of page. I also > update my 900 number - 1-900-288-8839 - daily with recruiting news. My > E-Mail > address is: [email protected].
Dear SVMG Member: I need your help. We will only limit the impact of this summer's Energy Crisis if all Californian's make gigantic strides to reduce energy use. With that in mind, Governor Davis and the Legislature have passed the most aggressive package of energy conservation incentives in the history of our Country. Please note below a list of ways your employees - as residents - can save money by saving energy. I hope you will strongly consider relaying the following e-mail message to all of your California employees. SAVE MONEY BY SAVING POWER As you know, California is in the midst of an Energy Crisis that is threatening our state, the health and welfare of our citizens, and our economy. Fortunately, there are specific steps we can take - as businesses and individual citizens - that can help us avoid rolling blackouts and their devastating impacts this summer. You may not be aware that Governor Davis and the California Legislature have passed the most ambitious conservation incentive program in the history of our nation. This $1 billion package will help you - as a resident - to save money while saving power. Please note the information below to take advantage of these opportunities. Along with the web site links below, please visit the Silicon Valley Manufacturing Group web site - www.svmg.org - for specific energy conservation steps you can take at home and at work that will help save power, save you money, and save our State's economy in the process. Thank you for your help. > CALIFORNIA RESIDENCES: MEETING THE ENERGY CHALLENGE > > > > GENERAL HELP NUMBERS FOR RESIDENCES: > > For Energy Conservation Tips: California Energy Commission - > > 1-800-232-4685 or 1-800-555-7794. > > Electric Utilities also provide a variety of programs and information, > including, but not limited to, the programs listed below. Contact your > utility for more information. > > > > ENERGY EFFICIENCY AND CONSERVATION PROGRAMS > > * 20/20 Energy Rebate: Residential, commercial, and industrial > customers are eligible for this voluntary program which will > provide rebates > to customers who reduce their summer 2001 electricity usage. > Customers will > receive a 20% rebate on their summer electric bill if they cut back their > electricity use by 20% over last summer's level. (Alternative energy > households are not eligible.) > > SCE website and 800 number > > <http://www.sce.com/002_save_energy/> > http://www.sce.com/002_save_energy/; > 1-800-736-4777 > > PG&E website and 800 number > > <http://www.pge.com/003_save_energy/003a_res/index.shtml> > http://www.pge.com/003_save_energy/003a_res/index.shtml; 1-800-933-9555 > > SDG&E website and 800 number > > <http://www.sdge.com/residential/;> http://www.sdge.com/residential/; > 1-800-411-SDGE > > > * Incentives for Efficient Lighting (also offered by Municipal > Utilities): Incentives are to encourage the purchase and use of "Energy > Star" lighting fixtures, when applicable. The program also offers > incentives > and assistance with installation of lighting control technologies, such as > dimming, timers, and occupancy sensors, which provide more peak demand > reduction. > > SCE website and 800 number > > <http://www.sce.com/002_save_energy/> > http://www.sce.com/002_save_energy/; > 1-800-736-4777 > > PG&E website and 800 number > > <http://www.pge.com/003_save_energy/003a_res/index.shtml> > http://www.pge.com/003_save_energy/003a_res/index.shtml; 1-800-933-9555 > > SDG&E website and 800 number > > <http://www.sdge.com/residential/;> http://www.sdge.com/residential/; > 1-800-411-SDGE > > > * Incentives for Efficient Appliances (also offered by Municipal > Utilities): Financial incentives are offered to encourage the purchase and > use of "Energy Star" appliances, such as air conditioners and > refrigerators, > by reducing the customer's cost. > > SCE website and 800 number > > <http://www.sce.com/002_save_energy/> > http://www.sce.com/002_save_energy/; > 1-800-736-4777 > > PG&E website and 800 number > > <http://www.pge.com/003_save_energy/003a_res/index.shtml> > http://www.pge.com/003_save_energy/003a_res/index.shtml; 1-800-933-9555 > > SDG&E website and 800 number > > <http://www.sdge.com/residential/;> http://www.sdge.com/residential/; > 1-800-411-SDGE > > > * Energy Efficient Audits/Surveys: Energy conservation audits, > available in-home, mail-in, or on-line, are offered to assist customers in > understanding their current energy usage patterns, and offer > recommendations > for energy savings. > > SCE website and 800 number > > <http://www.sce.com/002_save_energy/> > http://www.sce.com/002_save_energy/; > 1-800-736-4777 > > PG&E website and 800 number > > <http://www.pge.com/003_save_energy/003a_res/index.shtml> > http://www.pge.com/003_save_energy/003a_res/index.shtml; 1-800-933-9555 > > SDG&E website and 800 number > > <http://www.sdge.com/residential/;> http://www.sdge.com/residential/; > 1-800-411-SDGE > > > > > * Low-Income Housing Energy Assistance Program: Administered by the > Department of Community Services Development, this program provides free > weatherization services, including attic insulation, weatherstripping, and > minor housing repairs. The program also provides financial assistance to > eligible households to offset the costs of heating and/or cooling > dwellings. > > > DCSD website and 800 Number > http://www.csd.ca.gov/LIHEAP.htm; 1-800-433-4327 * CARE Program: The PUC administers a low-income energy assistance program for electric and natural gas service customers. Known as California Alternate Rates for Energy (CARE), the program includes both discounts of 15% on electric and natural gas bills, and a residential weatherization program. SCE website and 800 number <http://www.sce.com/002_save_energy/> http://www.sce.com/002_save_energy/; 1-800-736-4777 PG&E website and 800 number <http://www.pge.com/brochures/care_inst_eng.pdf> http://www.pge.com/brochures/care_inst_eng.pdf ; 1-800-278-5472 SDG&E website and 800 number <http://www.sdge.com/efficiency/ee_assistance.html;> http://www.sdge.com/efficiency/ee_assistance.html; 1-800-743-5000 GOVERNOR'S RATE PROPOSAL: The Governor's proposal is designed to accomplish multiple goals, including protecting consumers from extreme market prices by securing long-term electricity contracts and implementing a tiered rate structure to reward and encourage conservation. Approximately 53% of California households will not experience any rate increase. The next 23% of residential customers will experience about a 10% average increase. Residential customers who use the most electricity (i.e., significantly more than 130% of the "baseline" figure listed on each customer's bill), will experience a rate increase of 24% on average. - winmail.dat
In case this becomes big news in the United States, attached is a summary from the Argentina team of the political situation in Argentina. It is not a political meltdown but it is a significant change in the executive branch and potential realignment of the political parties in Argentina. The cabinet shuffle and resignation of the vice president are in the wake of the senate bribery scandal in Argentina where the opposition was supposedly bribed to vote for the governments changes in law (actually in favor of economic reform). The cabinet shuffle was economics oriented with the economic team being strengthened, but potentially at the expense of the alliance that holds the government and a majority in Congress over Menem's party, the peronists. The vice president was the senior member of the second party in the alliance (President De La Rua is senior member of the first party in the alliance). Financial markets reacted slightly negatively to the shakeup with bond spreads widening slightly and Argentine stock prices down slightly. As a minimum we will keep a close eye on the political and financial situation and be prepared for any more significant reaction by the financial markets. ---------------------- Forwarded by James M Bannantine/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT on 10/08/2000 07:04 PM --------------------------- Don Black@ENRON 10/07/2000 08:16 AM To: James M Bannantine/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT cc: Joe Kishkill/SA/Enron@Enron, Diomedes Christodoulou/SA/Enron@Enron, Peter E Weidler/NA/Enron@Enron, Michael Guerriero/SA/Enron@Enron Subject: Argentina Political Analysis Mike, Thanks for the quick turnaround on this from you and your team. Jim, This is as far as this distribution went. Please edit as needed and forward to whomever you feel necessary. ---------------------- Forwarded by Don Black/SA/Enron on 10/07/2000 11:07 AM --------------------------- From: Michael Guerriero on 10/07/2000 10:13 AM To: Don Black/SA/Enron@Enron cc: Guillermo Canovas/SA/Enron@Enron, Cristian Folgar/SA/Enron@Enron, Maria Belen Salvador/SA/Enron@Enron Subject: Argentina Political Analysis As reported Carlos Chacho Alvarez resigned his position Friday as Vice president of Argentina. The main reason of this resignation was a political disagreement with Cabinet changes announced on Thursday 5th by President De la Rua. Alvarez publicly noted he could no longer tolerate the political differences with the President over the senate bribery scandal. Particularly Alvarez disagreed with De la Rua's decision to promote Alberto Flamarique from Minister of Labor to General Secretary and to keep Fernando de Santibaez as Chief of the Intelligence Department. Both Flamarique and Santibaez are suspected of paying bribes to Senators to vote for a new Labor Law. Alvarez has emotionally championed the fight against the senate scandal and has been strongly advocating for the resignation of Flamarique, Santibaez and all Senators involved in the affair. It was considered that the decision of De la R?a was intended to demonstrate that he, and not Alvarez, holds the power and that De la R?a wanted to demonstrate that the changes were focused on improving the economic situation and to move beyond the Senate scandal. The main changes in the cabinet, announced on Thursday 5th, are the following: Chistian Colombo (economist, in good relationship with Machinea) will replace Terragno as Chief of Cabinet. Machinea (Minister of Economy) will also be responsible of the Ministry of Infrastructure. Jorge De la R?a (former General Secretary of the President and President's brother) will be Minister of Justice. Patricia Bullrich (peronist) will be Minister of Labor. As a consequence of Alvarez' resignation, Flamarique resigned to his position of General Secretary of the President. Regarding the preliminary impact of the political changes to the economic situation it could be considered the following: Before Alvarez resignation, the cabinet changes were considered positive intending to increase the power of the Minister of Economy and reduce the internal disagreements in the Administration. Although Alvarez (the leader of the Frepaso party) said he will be still part of the "Alianza" (the Radical and Frepaso party alliance) in Office, Alvarez' resignation could lead to the division of the Alianza and reduce the ability of De la Rua to pass new laws in the Congress. A breakup of the coalition would make the Peronist the largest party in both houses of Congress only compounding the potential for government gridlock This situation will weaken De la Rua and probably foster new re-alignments in the political field. All the situation will increase economic uncertainty and will delay economic recovery. The market will wait to see if a conflict develops in the Alianza. De la Rua and his team will probably be forced to take "strong" decisions to retain the political initiative, strength and control. Machinea will probably try to gain the market confidence, announcing that De la Rua's Administration will not change the macro foundations of the economic agenda and even increase its commitment toward monetary and fiscal equilibrium, exchange rate policy, respect for vested rights, etc. Financial analysts have viewed the situation as "an institutional crisis with unknown effects on the economy". The insecurity of the Argentina's political future caused Argentine debt paper to fall. The Argentine JP Morgan Emerging Market Bond Index widened 23 basis points to 685 over US Treasuries. Argentina's 17 year global bond fell only slightly. There does not appear to be a market panic as noted by the trading of Argentine ADR's in New York. They were down cents rather than dollars and a number of them closing unchanged. We will continue to monitor the situation and update as warranted.
Here's the email that I mentioned in my voicemail. Take care, Mark -----Original Message----- From: [email protected]@ENRON [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2001 9:08 AM To: [email protected] Subject: SEC Chairmanship and James R. Doty Mark: If this is not what you had in mind, let me know. I have tried to give you some detail to back up my claim that I can provided much-needed stature and leadership to the SEC. I am also addressing what I think may be some of the objections of constituencies in the corporate and financial community who have, I believe, told the Administration not to appoint a lawyer and former member of the Staff of the SEC. (Of course, Arthur Levitt was not a lawyer, and was a former head of the Amex, and has rammed through one of the mose activist regulatory programs in SEC history! So what I am offering, in part, is balance and respect for process). 1. The President has the opportunity, by appointing Jim Doty, to get the SEC headed in a direction the corporate and financial community wants and to do so with broad (indeed, enthusiastic) support from the agency itself, the corporate and securities bar, the accounting profession and other constituencies (including the NASDAQ, the NYSE, members of the Congressional oversight committees and their staff on both sides of the aisle). Doty knows securities markets and practices through his work for securities firms and is well aware of the issues of market structure that will face the new Chairman--in this he favors continuing to encourage competition and technological innovation in the markets, and is committed to keeping our capital markets the best in the world. He understands the problems the accounting profession and the standard-setting bodies are facing--including international accounting standard issues--and is well equipped to be sure the private standard setting regime we have relied on works well and with sensitivity to current realities. He will not be a "grenade thrower" on the complex pooling/purchase issues now confronting the SEC and the FASB. (Here it will be particularly important that the next Chariman give the FASB proposals on impairment of goodwill in purchase transactions a fair hearing, and not attempt to "strong arm" the private standard setters into a requiring accelerated depreciation of goodwill: this is especially critical given the fragile state of the technology sector.) Doty has spent his career advising boards of directors and senior management on the practical problems businessmen face in dealing with the SEC. He will bring to the job hands-on experience working with the business community(corporate and financial), in solving the problems they face in raising capital and complying with securities regulatory regimes--State, Federal and cross-border. 2. Doty has a national reputation as a corporate- and securities- law expert, has published and is in demand as a speaker. As a practicing lawyer, however, Doty would bring some extraordinary qualifications to the job of running the SEC, which are as folows: a. His record as General Counsel of the SEC from 1990-92 demonstrates an understanding of how to work effectively in governmnet. Doty has the respect of the Staff and will bring credibility within the building to accomplish needed reform. During his tenure as the SEC's General Counsel, with a Democratic majority in Congress, he had a major role in reform initiatives to reduce costs of raising capital and streamline the financial regulatory structure under President George H.W.Bush. These included the Small Business Initiative, which reduced costs for small- and first-time registrants, and structured finance initiatives to provide more efficient access to capital markets for seasoned issuers. b. Doty is committed to using the exemptive authority under the Securities Act of 1933 to promote more efficiency and lower costs in the capital-formation process. He knows where additional exemptive action or repeal is needed--as in the Public Utility Holding Company Act, for example--and he will be a knowledgeable and effective ally of the Administration, including Cabinet officers, and the Republicans on the Hill, in promoting further reform and efficiency. c. Doty will get the agency behind the President's proposal to create individual retirement investment accounts for all members of the workforce. He is committed to helping the Administration get this done when they decide to push for it, and knows how the issues of safety can be practically addressed and the technical objections of critics overcome. d. Doty is a consensus-builder, a good listener and an effective communicator. He is a Texan, a Rhodes Scholar and graduate of Rice University. He has been active in the communities in which he has lived (Senior Warden of Christ Church Cathedral in Houston, Vestryman of St. John's Lafayette Square in D.C.). He is a good family man--his wife of 29 years presently serves in the First Lady's Correspondence Office. As a BakerBotts Senior Partner, Doty can afford to do this for the sake of the job well done and is not attempting to "polish his resume" for another job. e. Most important, Doty has worked tirelessly for this President, knows the President and his style, and is loyal to the President. He wants the President to succeed and will work hard to make sure the policies and practices of the SEC reflect well on the President and his Administration.
FYI-- The information below is an excellent overview of the procedures our administrative personnel will be using when handling and distributing your mail into mail folders. However, all administrative personnel in the Portland Enron WTC offices have received a hard copy of the guidelines and procedures issued by Oregon Department Administrative Services. This four-page document has detailed guidelines and instructions for mail/parcel handling. If you would like to get a copy of these guidelines, ask your administrative assistant or you can contact Debra Davidson to get a copy. The World Trade Center Mailroom has informed Debra that they are also screening mail for lumps, powdery substances, unusual written comments on envelopes, etc. If they detect a suspicious piece of mail or package addressed to our office, they will notify us as well as the proper authorities. If you have any questions or concerns, please see me or Debra Davidson. -----Original Message----- From: Enron Announcements/Corp/Enron@ENRON On Behalf Of John Brindle, Business Controls@ENRON Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2001 7:42 PM To: Enron Employees ---- Domestic@ENRON Subject: Anthrax and other Biological Agent Threats We understand that the recent cases of Anthrax contamination and the possibility that biological agents such as Anthrax may be used in a terrorist attack are raising great concerns among Enron employees. Many government and commercial facilities in the United States have already received Anthrax threat letters containing powdery substances. Most of these have, however, been determined to be false alarms. We have no reason to believe that Enron has been or will be the target of an Anthrax attack, but we want to provide all employees with background information on Anthrax and up-to-date guidance for handling any possible Anthrax exposures. If you have additional questions or concerns, please contact Corporate Security in Houston at (713) 345-2804 or via email at [email protected]. The most important thing to remember is: Do not panic. To infect someone, the Anthrax organism must be rubbed into abraded skin, swallowed, or inhaled as a fine, aerosolized mist. Infection can be prevented after exposure to Anthrax by early treatment with the appropriate antibiotics. Anthrax cannot be spread from one person to another. Following are guidelines for identifying and dealing with suspicious letters or packages: What constitutes a suspicious letter or parcel? (Remember, these are only guidelines. Use your best judgment when determining if a letter or package is suspicious.) -- It is marked with the word "Anthrax." -- It has a non-identifiable powdery substance on the outside. -- It is unexpected or from someone unfamiliar to you. -- Is addressed to someone no longer with your organization or is otherwise outdated. -- Has no return address, or has one that cannot be verified as legitimate. -- Is of unusual weight, given its size, or is lopsided or oddly shaped. -- Has an unusual amount of tape on it. -- Is marked with restrictive endorsements such as "personal" or "confidential". -- Has a strange odor or stain. -- Shows a city or country in the postmark that does not match the return address. What do I do if I receive such a letter or package that I believe contains Anthrax? -- Do not shake or empty the contents of any suspicious envelope or package. -- Place the envelope or package in a plastic bag or some other type of container to prevent leakage of contents. -- If you do not have any container, then cover the envelope or package with anything (e.g., clothing, paper, trash can, etc.) and do not remove this cover. -- Leave the room and close the door, or section off the area to prevent others from entering (i.e., keep others away). -- Wash your hands with soap and water to prevent spreading any powder to your face. -- Notify your local building security official or an available supervisor. Have them call 911 to alert the local police authorities. -- List all people who were in the room or area when this suspicious letter or package was recognized. Give this list to both the local public health authorities and law enforcement officials for follow-up investigations and advice. If you open an envelope or package and a suspicious powder spills out: -- Do not try to clean up the powder. Cover the spilled contents immediately with anything (e.g., clothing, paper, trash can, etc.) and do not remove this cover! -- Leave the room and close the door, or section off the area to prevent others from entering (i.e., keep others away). -- Wash your hands with soap and water to prevent spreading any powder to your face. Report the incident to your local building security official or an available supervisor. Have them call 911 to alert the local police authorities. -- Remove heavily contaminated clothing as soon as possible and place in a plastic bag, or some other container that can be sealed. This clothing bag should be given to the emergency responders for proper handling. -- Shower with soap and water as soon as possible. Do not use bleach or other disinfectant on your skin. -- If possible, list all people who were in the room or area, especially those who had actual contact with the powder. Give this list to both the local public health authorities so that proper instructions can be given for medical follow-up, and to law enforcement officials for further investigation.
Isabel and Greg: Attached is an escrow instruction letter authorizing you to hold the documents referenced in the memorandum in trust until the closing transaction. Jaap, you are authorized to fax the documents that you have to Isabel at 212 277 4001 and to Greg at 203-359-3031. As the funding is contingent on them seeing our fax documents first, we will have to send them now (or no later than 9 CST) or the funding doesn't occur. Call me if you have any questions. Kent -----Original Message----- From: PARKER, Isabel [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Tuesday, May 01, 2001 5:18 PM To: 'Shoemaker, Kent (GEAE)' Cc: Gregory F. Lang (E-mail) Subject: RE: GE guaranty, opinion of counsel and letter of credit This e-mail is confidential and may well also be legally privileged. If you have received it in error, you are on notice of its status. Please notify us immediately by reply e-mail and then delete this message from your system. Please do not copy it or use it for any purposes, or disclose its contents to any other person: to do so could be a breach of confidence. Thank you for your co-operation. Please contact our IT Helpdesk on +44 (0) 20 7936 4000 Ext.2000 or email [email protected] if you need assistance. This seems fine. You might want to add the GE acknowledgement of receipt of funds, which, as we are holding documents in escrow until monies are received by GE, can also now be signed in advance. As to the opinion, we would prefer it to be executed by Dan Rowley or yourself, rather than by you per personam Dan Rowley. Let me know if this is possible Thanks Isabel -----Original Message----- From: Shoemaker, Kent (GEAE) [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Tuesday, May 01, 2001 5:14 PM To: 'PARKER, Isabel' Cc: Gregory F. Lang (E-mail) Subject: RE: GE guaranty, opinion of counsel and letter of credit Will this work? Is this correct list of documents -----Original Message----- From: PARKER, Isabel [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Tuesday, May 01, 2001 5:06 PM To: 'Shoemaker, Kent (GEAE)' Cc: Gregory F. Lang (E-mail) Subject: RE: GE guaranty, opinion of counsel and letter of credit This e-mail is confidential and may well also be legally privileged. If you have received it in error, you are on notice of its status. Please notify us immediately by reply e-mail and then delete this message from your system. Please do not copy it or use it for any purposes, or disclose its contents to any other person: to do so could be a breach of confidence. Thank you for your co-operation. Please contact our IT Helpdesk on +44 (0) 20 7936 4000 Ext.2000 or email [email protected] if you need assistance. Can we not fax the document to Dan Rowley and ask him to fax it back to us? That way he doesn't need to print it out. Alternatively, do you have authority to issue the opinion yourself? Isabel -----Original Message----- From: Shoemaker, Kent (GEAE) [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Tuesday, May 01, 2001 5:04 PM To: 'PARKER, Isabel' Subject: RE: GE guaranty, opinion of counsel and letter of credit I trust both of you as attorneys to hold in escrow. This is an administrative problem. Dan Rowley cannot get to a printer in time. Can I sign Dan Rowley name by Kent shoemaker and fax it out to you. -----Original Message----- From: PARKER, Isabel [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Tuesday, May 01, 2001 4:56 PM To: 'Shoemaker, Kent (GEAE)' Cc: Gregory F. Lang (E-mail) Subject: RE: GE guaranty, opinion of counsel and letter of credit This e-mail is confidential and may well also be legally privileged. If you have received it in error, you are on notice of its status. Please notify us immediately by reply e-mail and then delete this message from your system. Please do not copy it or use it for any purposes, or disclose its contents to any other person: to do so could be a breach of confidence. Thank you for your co-operation. Please contact our IT Helpdesk on +44 (0) 20 7936 4000 Ext.2000 or email [email protected] if you need assistance. That is fine but if you can also fax the documents to me at the same time at 212 277 4001, that would be good. I agree with the Escrow Letter in principle - who would you want to sign such a letter? Presumably Salmon, as beneficiary of the guarantee? Thanks Isabel -----Original Message----- From: Shoemaker, Kent (GEAE) [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Tuesday, May 01, 2001 4:53 PM To: 'PARKER, Isabel' Subject: RE: GE guaranty, opinion of counsel and letter of credit Greg Lang at Paul Hastings has requested that the fax documents be sent to him. Is that okay? I need to create an Escrow Letter that says the documents cannot be released until funding. I don't want a guaranty out there without a closing. Kent -----Original Message----- From: PARKER, Isabel [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Tuesday, May 01, 2001 4:03 PM To: '[email protected]'; [email protected] Cc: [email protected]; [email protected]; VAN DUSEN, Nicholas Subject: RE: GE guaranty, opinion of counsel and letter of credit This e-mail is confidential and may well also be legally privileged. If you have received it in error, you are on notice of its status. Please notify us immediately by reply e-mail and then delete this message from your system. Please do not copy it or use it for any purposes, or disclose its contents to any other person: to do so could be a breach of confidence. Thank you for your co-operation. Please contact our IT Helpdesk on +44 (0) 20 7936 4000 Ext.2000 or email [email protected] if you need assistance. Our credit documentation provides that Pegasus shall not cause any monies to be released from the Turbine Escrow Account until all relevant documentation has been executed and delivered, namely: (i) GE consent (ii) GE opinion (iii) Turbine Contract (iv) Security Agreement (v) Promissory Note (vi) Amended Salmon LLC Agreement (vii) GE Parent Guarantee. The lenders consequently expect to see an executed (faxed if necessary) copy of all of the above (including the GE Parent Guarantee) prior to release of funds from the Escrow Account. Thank you Isabel -----Original Message----- From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Tuesday, May 01, 2001 3:55 PM To: [email protected]; [email protected] Cc: [email protected]; [email protected] Subject: GE guaranty, opinion of counsel and letter of credit In conversations with GE, it is their understanding that their guaranty will not be transmitted until there is a fed ref number tomorrow. The opinion letter will be faxed as soon as the GC is available, or Kent can sign for Dan Rowley if that is acceptable. DRowley can sign originals on Thursday. The LOC is in the works, and GE understands that 10% will be retained in escrow until the LOC is delivered. There will be three original opinions. There is one original guaranty, and I'm not certain of GE's willingness to give more than that. Obviously, there will be only one LOC. Kay - Escrow Instructions Letter.doc
User ID: enron PW: library -----Original Message----- From: "Law.com/tx" <[email protected]>@ENRON [mailto:IMCEANOTES-+22Law+2Ecom_tx+22+20+3Ctx+5Fcase+5Falert+2B387175+2E153596706+2E1+40reply+2Elaw+2Ecom+3E+40ENRON@ENRON.com] Sent: Thursday, September 06, 2001 1:01 AM To: Hu, Sylvia Subject: Texas Case Alert, September 6, 2001 |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| L A W . C O M / T E X A S C A S E A L E R T for S E P T E M B E R 6, 2 0 0 1 <http://tm0.com/sbct.cgi?s=153596706&i=387175&d=1740352> |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| *Texas Courts of Appeal* CRIMINAL LAW - OFFICER JURISDICTION Gerron v. State Municipal police can arrest a person outside their geographic jurisdictional area and without a warrant when the person commits any offense in the officer's presence or view, except a traffic violation. Waco Court of Appeals, No. 10-00-066-CR; Posted August 31, 2001. http://tm0.com/sbct.cgi?s=153596706&i=387175&d=1740353 CRIMINAL LAW - ORGANIZED CRIME Goodwin v. State Texas Rule of Appellate Procedure 25.2(b)(3) does not apply to issues raised in a post-adjudication appeal that are unrelated to the conviction; the rule continues to apply to conviction-related issues. Waco Court of Appeals, No. 10-00-285-CR; Posted August 31, 2001. http://tm0.com/sbct.cgi?s=153596706&i=387175&d=1740354 EMPLOYMENT LAW - BREACH OF CONTRACT Runge v. Raytheon E-Systems, Inc. The Sabine Pilot exception to the employment-at-will doctrine does not extend to those individuals terminated from their jobs for reporting illegal activities. Waco Court of Appeals, No. 10-00-013-CV; Posted August 31, 2001. http://tm0.com/sbct.cgi?s=153596706&i=387175&d=1740355 EMPLOYMENT LAW - RETALIATION Alayon v. Delta Air Lines, Inc. Summary judgment against employee who accused his employer of retaliation reversed where employee's evidence showed that the employer had knowledge that the employee had filed a workers' compensation before he was fired. Waco Court of Appeals, No. 10-99-297-CV; Posted August 31, 2001. http://tm0.com/sbct.cgi?s=153596706&i=387175&d=1740356 CIVIL LITIGATION - SANCTIONS Adkins Services, Inc. v. Tisdale Company, Inc. Imposition of a sanction is proper if there is a direct relationship between the offensive conduct and the sanction imposed, and the sanction is not excessive. Texarkana Court of Appeals, No. 06-00-00096-CV; Posted August 31, 2001. http://tm0.com/sbct.cgi?s=153596706&i=387175&d=1740357 FAMILY LAW - CONSERVATORSHIP In the Interest of C.R.T. In debating whether to appoint a parent or non-parent as managing conservator, the statute requires the court to presume that the best interests of a child lay in appointing a biological parent, but the presumption is rebuttable. Amarillo Court of Appeals, No. 07-00-0456-CV; Posted August 31, 2001. http://tm0.com/sbct.cgi?s=153596706&i=387175&d=1740358 CIVIL LITIGATION - CONTINUANCE In Re: North American Refractories Co. The relator filed a proper motion for continuance based in part on the vacation letter and the mandatory language of Rule 11 of the Regional Rules of Administration for the Second Administrative Judicial Region of Texas, therefore, once the motion was filed invoking the rule, the trial court had no discretion to ignore the mandatory language in the rule. Beaumont Court of Appeals, No. 09-01-270-CV; Posted August 30, 2001. http://tm0.com/sbct.cgi?s=153596706&i=387175&d=1740359 HEALTH CARE - IMMUNITY Spindletop MHMR v. Doe The Legislature consented in Texas Health and Safety Code ?321.003(b) to suit against publicly operated mental health facilities for alleged violations of ?321.003(a). Beaumont Court of Appeals, No. 09-01-224-CV; Posted August 30, 2001. http://tm0.com/sbct.cgi?s=153596706&i=387175&d=1740360 INSURANCE LAW - CAPACITY Guillory v. Service Life and Casualty Insurance Co. As a party to the credit life application, appellant has capacity to institute a lawsuit against the other party to the contract because capacity to sue involves the legal authority to act, regardless of whether said party has a justiciable interest in the controversy. Beaumont Court of Appeals, No. 09-01-036-CV; Posted August 30, 2001. http://tm0.com/sbct.cgi?s=153596706&i=387175&d=1740361 FAMILY LAW - CHILD SUPPORT In the Interest of B.C. The provisions of the UIFSA control in a case involving a Missouri judgment whose enforcement is sought in Texas. Beaumont Court of Appeals, No. 09-00-323-CV; Posted August 30, 2001. http://tm0.com/sbct.cgi?s=153596706&i=387175&d=1740362 REAL ESTATE - EASEMENTS Akers v. Stevenson Evidence concerning personal or family history, and boundaries of or customs affecting lands in the community, are exceptions to the hearsay rule. Beaumont Court of Appeals, No. 09-00-313-CV; Posted August 30, 2001. http://tm0.com/sbct.cgi?s=153596706&i=387175&d=1740363 TORTS - IMMUNITY Thompson v. City of Corsicana Housing Authority Although Texas Local Government Code ?392.006 appears to constitute a limited waiver of a housing authority's immunity from a suit brought under chapter 92, it does not waive a housing authority's immunity from a suit for personal injuries. Waco Court of Appeals, No. 10-99-352-CV; Posted August 29, 2001. http://tm0.com/sbct.cgi?s=153596706&i=387175&d=1740364 CRIMINAL LAW - POSSESSION Gill v. State The State must prove sufficient "affirmative links" in every possession case, but the links that must be proved will vary depending on the nature of the accused's possession of the contraband. Waco Court of Appeals, No. 10-00-005-CR; Posted August 29, 2001. http://tm0.com/sbct.cgi?s=153596706&i=387175&d=1740365 |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| The law.com/texas Case Alert is a service of law.com/texas located at http://tm0.com/sbct.cgi?s=153596706&i=387175&d=1740366. SHARING THIS ALERT WITH SOMEONE WHO IS NOT A SUBSCRIBER IS UNLAWFUL. By using this service, you also are agreeing to abide by our terms of service. If you haven't read them, please go to http://tm0.com/sbct.cgi?s=153596706&i=387175&d=1740367. To register for a free trial to law.com/texas, go to http://tm0.com/sbct.cgi?s=153596706&i=387175&d=1740366 and click on the Trial Subscription button. 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_________________________________________________________________ B R E A K F A S T W I T H T H E F O O L Tuesday, October 24, 2000 [email protected] _________________________________________________________________ REGISTER TO BECOME A FOOL -- GET FREE STUFF! http://www.fool.com/m.asp?i=165619 _________________________________________________________________ Sponsored By: BUYandHOLD Hey Fool! Want to know the SECRET to long-term investing? Compounding and dollar-cost averaging! Start investing with as little as $20! Just $2.99 per order! http://www.lnksrv.com/m.asp?i=165620 "He that maketh haste to be rich shall not be innocent." -- Proverbs 28:20 ACTIVISION LANDS HIGH SCORE Activision tops estimates. Game on! By Rick Aristotle Munarriz The game's afoot for software specialist Activision (Nasdaq: ATVI). The popular video game maker trounced analyst estimates like a Quake baddie in one of its console ports. http://www.lnksrv.com/m.asp?i=165621 Earnings more than quadrupled to $0.17 a share, a stunning eight cents above Wall Street projections. Revenues climbed by 25% to $144.4 million with the peak holiday shopping season right around the corner. But, as we noted last week, delays in mass shipments of the highly anticipated PlayStation 2 might hose down some of that red-hot momentum with the video game powerhouses. Without enough systems to meet seasonal demand, and few gamers willing to stockpile games for platforms on the way out, how will Activision perform? http://www.fool.com/m.asp?i=165622 The company is now hiking its annual bottom-line forecast by seven cents to $0.63 a share. The only problem is that the company used up eight of those upwardly revised coppers this past quarter. That means that the game maker is looking to fall a penny short in either the December or March reporting period. That might happen later rather than sooner. Since mid-September the company's Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 has been the top-selling title for the top-selling PlayStation system. While we are now just two days away from the PlayStation 2 launch, the extreme skating title should continue to roll along nicely in the near term. Activision -- the subject of StockTalk last April -- is the country's second-largest developer of game console software, behind only Electronic Arts (Nasdaq: ERTS). The company is looking for flat growth over the year ahead but a 50% spike come calendar year 2002. http://www.fool.com/m.asp?i=165623 So the past looks great. The long-term appears equally aglow. It's the near-term that might have investors fumbling for the pause button. _________________________________________________________________ NEWS TO GO Winning the battle but Lucent (NYSE: LU) the war, the telecommunications titan reported earnings of $0.18 a share, a penny above estimates. The problem? Analysts were looking for a $0.29 showing before the company gave Wall Street downward guidance due to soft equipment sales. That prompted the bar being lowered to a height of $0.17 a share. Over the weekend, the company's board of directors fired its CEO. Reserve the right to do the same to anyone who naively tells you that Lucent is back on track because it topped fourth-quarter projections. http://www.fool.com/m.asp?i=165624 http://www.fool.com/m.asp?i=165625 Twenty-five million Welcomes. This morning America Online (NYSE: AOL) announced that it reached the 25 million subscriber mark for its namesake online service. It was simply a matter of time -- and of scatter software marketing -- since the company had announced that it had 24.6 million users at the end of the September quarter. On the merger front, today's Wall Street Journal is reporting that the review deadline for its Time Warner (NYSE: TWX) acquisition has been extended by two weeks. The stateside antitrust authorities continue to ponder the ramifications of the mega media merger. National Semiconductor (NYSE: NSM) is laying its chips on the table and the stock is falling as it may. The company has warned that its second and third quarters might fall short of its fiscal first-quarter showing. The company earned $0.76 a share on $640 million in revenues for the period. It was another "pfine" quarter for Pfizer (NYSE: PFE). The pharmaceuticals powerhouse reported earnings of $0.27 a share on revenues of $7.2 billion. The results came in two cents ahead of expectations. For the year, the company is comfortable with targets of $30 billion in revenue and $1.01 a share in earnings. Check out yesterday's Foolish market wrap-up with just one click. http://www.fool.com/m.asp?i=165626 _________________________________________________________________ EDITOR'S PICK In the midst of the "Subway Series," the Fool's Phil Weiss evaluates Lucent's performance this past year in baseball terms. http://www.fool.com/m.asp?i=165627 _______________________________________________________________ -News & Commentary http://www.fool.com/m.asp?i=165628 -Fool Community http://www.fool.com/m.asp?i=165629 -Post of the Day http://www.fool.com/m.asp?i=165630 -Latest Fribble http://www.fool.com/m.asp?i=165631 -Latest Market Numbers http://www.fool.com/m.asp?i=165632 ____________________________________________________________ My Portfolio: http://www.fool.com/m.asp?i=165633 My Discussion Boards: http://www.fool.com/m.asp?i=165634 My Fool: http://www.fool.com/m.asp?i=165635 Fool.com Home: http://www.fool.com/m.asp?i=165636 My E-Mail Settings: http://www.fool.com/m.asp?i=165637 Sponsored By: BUYandHOLD Hey Fool! Want to know the SECRET to long-term investing? Compounding and dollar-cost averaging! Start investing with as little as $20! Just $2.99 per order! http://www.lnksrv.com/m.asp?i=165638 WANT TO RETIRE EARLY? We'll help you set your retirement date (literally!) in our Roadmap to Retirement Online Seminar. http://www.fool.com/m.asp?i=165639 TRY THE ALL-CASH DIET Get your spending under control with this report from Soapbox.com. http://www.lnksrv.com/m.asp?i=165640 FOOL DIRECT E-MAIL SERVICES Need to change your address or unsubscribe? You can also temporarily suspend mail delivery. Click here: http://www.fool.com/community/freemail/freemaillogin.asp?email=benjamin.rogers @enron.com> Have ideas about how we can improve the Fool Direct or new e-mail products you'd like to see? Try our discussion board: http://www.fool.com/m.asp?i=165641 ____________________________________________________ (c) Copyright 2000, The Motley Fool. All rights reserved. This material is for personal use only. 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USA: Enron opens steel products depot in Chicago. Reuters English News Service, 10/01/01 Enron, Switzerland's EWZ Form Trading Joint Venture Dow Jones Energy Service, 10/01/01 UK: U.S. Enron, Swiss EWZ sign power trading jv. Reuters English News Service, 10/01/01 USA: Enron shrs rise on India stake sale talk. Reuters English News Service, 10/01/01 USA: Shares of NewPower plummet in midday trade. Reuters English News Service, 10/01/01 Greece's Development Ministry Grants New Electricity Licenses Bloomberg, 10/01/01 USA: Enron opens steel products depot in Chicago. 10/01/2001 Reuters English News Service (C) Reuters Limited 2001. HOUSTON, Oct 1 (Reuters) - Enron Corp. said on Monday it had opened a depot to store specific types of hot and cold rolled steel coils for "just-in-time" delivery to customers in the Chicago area, creating a spot market for steel in that city. The Houston-based energy and commodities trading giant said it will be able to supply customers from its depot within 48 hours, enabling it to reduce the amount of inventory they store themselves and cut the length of time they hold on to inventory. "By creating commodities out of similar commercial-grade products, Enron provides valuable pricing benchmarks for base products, against which premiums can be set for any enhanced products and risk management services," Jeff McMahon, president and CEO of Enron Industrial Markets said in a statement. In addition to its core natural gas and electricity operations, Enron is also active in markets such as pulp and paper, metals, and telecommunications bandwidth. Enron began offering financial steel swaps in November 2000 and today provides a range of physical products and risk management services to buyers and sellers of steel products through its steel desk and its EnronOnline trading platform. Copyright ? 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enron, Switzerland's EWZ Form Trading Joint Venture 10/01/2001 Dow Jones Energy Service (Copyright (c) 2001, Dow Jones & Company, Inc.) LONDON -(Dow Jones)- Enron Corp (ENE) and EWZ, the municipal power company of Zurich, said Monday they have formed a trading joint venture located in Zurich, to go into effect Oct. 1. The JV, already approved by the city council of Zurich on Sept. 26, will be jointly managed by EWZ and Enron and will focus on energy trading, portfolio management and powerplant optimization in the wholesale markets in Switzerland and neighboring countries. "The synergies will enable EWZ to offer more choice in products and services to its customers," EWZ managing director Conrad Amman said in a statement. "In this JV Enron is looking forward to work together with an established and forward-thinking market player like EWZ with its many years of experience in the operation of hydraulic power plants and its well-established customer relations," said Peter Heydecker from Enron, who will be co-CEO of the venture. website: www.enroneurope.com www.ewz.ch -By Geoffrey T. Smith, Dow Jones Newswires; (+44 20) 7842 9260; [email protected] Copyright ? 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. UK: U.S. Enron, Swiss EWZ sign power trading jv. 10/01/2001 Reuters English News Service (C) Reuters Limited 2001. LONDON, Oct 1 (Reuters) - U.S. energy company Enron and EWZ, municipal utility for the Swiss city of Zurich, said on Monday they had set up a power trading joint venture which would start operating at the end of October. The joint venture, which has already been approved by the city council of Zurich, will be jointly managed by both companies and focus on trading in the wholesale markets in Switzerland and neighbouring countries. "The JV combines EWZ's long-established extensive knowledge of the Swiss market and Enron's trading and risk management expertise," said Conrad Ammann, managing director of EWZ, in a statement. Swiss market is not open to competition but electricity companies trade with each other and with counterparts in other countries. The Swiss are expected to vote on referendum in June next year on electricity liberalisation. EWZ is one of the seven largest electricity companies in Switzerland with 250,000 customers who buy three terawatt hours a year. Its total production is five terawatt hours a year from nuclear and hydro plants. Copyright ? 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. USA: Enron shrs rise on India stake sale talk. 10/01/2001 Reuters English News Service (C) Reuters Limited 2001. NEW YORK, Oct 1 (Reuters) - Shares of electricity and natural gas marketer and trader Enron Corp. on Monday rose 4 percent after India's largest private utility said it was in preliminary talks to buy Enron's share of the troubled Dabhol Power power plant in India. Enron's shares gained $1.21 to $28.44 Monday on the New York Stock Exchange. Tata Power, India's largest private utility, said it was in early talks to buy Enron's 65 percent share of the $2.9 billion Dabhol Power unit. Dabhol has faced problems ever since it was forced to shut its 740-megawatt plant on India's west coast in June after its sole customer, a local state utility, stopped buying power. It also defaulted in earlier payments. Copyright ? 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. USA: Shares of NewPower plummet in midday trade. 10/01/2001 Reuters English News Service (C) Reuters Limited 2001. NEW YORK, Oct 1 (Reuters) - Shares of electricity provider NewPower Holdings were down almost 20 percent on Monday on the New York Stock Exchange, but the company had no comment on the share drop. Shares of NewPower were down 55 cents, or 17.9 percent, to $2.53 in midday trade on the New York Stock Exchange. "We don't comment on stock activity. We are reporting our earnings in November," said Gael Doar, spokeswoman for NewPower. NewPower, which bills itself as the first national provider of electricity and natural gas to residential and small commercial customers, recently became the outside provider with the greatest share for competitive energy providers as part of the Texas's deregulation. Copyright ? 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Greece's Development Ministry Grants New Electricity Licenses 2001-10-01 11:42 (New York) Athens, Oct. 1 (Bloomberg) -- Greece granted 10 licenses to foreign companies to provide and produce electricity, as the country deregulates its energy market. Cinergy Corp., an Ohio-based electricity and gas utility, Enron Corp.'s U.K. unit, Enel SpA, Italy's largest power company, and the Swiss Atel Group, were each awarded permits to operate electricity transmission units totaling 1,100 megawatts, the Development Ministry said in a statement. Michaniki, Aegek, Aluminium of Greece, Cinergy & Energa Consortium, as well as the Kavala CCGT Power Plant Consortium, each were awarded permits for electricity production plants totaling 954 megawatts. Greece, which opened up the market to competition in February, has said that it will allow private companies to provide no more than 30 percent of the country's total energy production, while Public Power Corp., the former electricity monopoly, will produce the rest.
Here are possible Q's. Dan W. will prepare first cut at answers. Questions for January 31 Hearing Price Gouging ? On January 22, your company reported fourth-quarter results for 2000, in which you showed that profits from your energy trading unit rose 256 percent and your overall earnings rose 34 percent. How much of this was attributable to increased sales in California? How much did you make from sales in California? ? What is the highest per kilowatt-hour price Enron charged on the spot market? What is the cost of production for that power? ? In a recent Houston Chronicle article (January 23, 2001), Mr. Skilling, your CEO was quoted as saying that not only had the California situation not had an impact on earnings, but that "it may even turn out to be a benefit in the long run." Can you please explain the long-term benefits you expect? ? In a recent New York Times column by Paul Krugman, Ken Lay was quoted as saying that California consumers "need to see the price signals that is, pay much more and start modifying behavior to reduce demand until we get more supplies." What did Mr. Lay mean by this? With the tremendous profits that Enron is making in this situation, isn't it pretty brazen for him to be suggesting that California consumers should pay more for their power? Market Manipulation ? A number of generators and wholesalers, including Enron, have been accused of withholding energy to drive up energy prices in the Western states. I understand that you are being sued in state court in San Francisco for such activities and an independent monitor has supported these allegations. Does Enron currently have any generation assets off-line for maintenance? Did Enron make all of its generated power in the Western states available for purchase by California utilities? If not, why did it withhold power? How much did you withhold or sell in other states despite knowing of the crisis in California? ? At the time that the spot market collapsed and two of California's largest utilities were teetering on the verge of bankruptcy, what price was Enron asking for its power on the spot market? What was Enron's cost of producing that power? How much profit did you make in December from sales in California? ? Did Enron ever refuse to sell power to a California utility because of concerns about their credit worthiness? Did your company ever tell California utilities that it would not sell power to them because of credit concerns? ? Do you believe that Enron has any responsibility as a corporation in a crisis such as occurred in California? How do you justify making such large profits, driving the utilities into bankruptcy and then refusing to sell power to those same utilities because of their credit worthiness? Utility Forbearance & Auction ? California clearly has a significant problem with the potential bankruptcy of two of its largest utilities. How much money do those utilities owe your company? Has your company offered any payment forbearance or forgiveness in light of the excessive prices that you were charging them on the spot market for power? ? California held an Internet auction last week for long-term contracts for sale of power to the state. Did Enron participate in the auction? What price did you offer for power in non-peak times? What price did you bid for power during peaking periods? ? Your company has successfully gouged the utilities in California for power on the spot market because long-term contracts were discouraged. Now, you are looking to enter into long-term contracts, which many experts believe will be at rates far above the market in the future. You really are going to profit coming and going. How can you claim that you are not price gouging in this case? ? In the past, you have offered power to California utilities in long-term contracts at rates less than $.06 per kilowatt-hour. How do you justify previously offering power at much lower rates and now saying that you are unable to provide it for less than a much higher price? Role in California Deregulation ? Your company was supportive of the California deregulation efforts and has been a leading supporter of deregulation nationwide. In light of the "colossal failure" of the effort in California, do you still support deregulation in other states or at the federal level? What safeguards would you support to protect against increased rates for consumers? The Future ? California is likely to enact a legislative fix to address this problem. What do you think will happen this summer during peak demand periods? Is there another crisis in the making in California or in other states such as New York? Political Contributions & Activities ? Your company has been very active politically and according to press reports, Mr. Lay is very close to President Bush. Wasn't your company one of the biggest donors to the Bush Campaign and the Inaugural Committee? How much money did your company contribute in soft money to the Bush Campaign and the RNC? How much money did your executives give in personal money to the Bush Campaign and the RNC? How much to the inaugural? ? Has anyone from Enron participated in the Bush transition teams or the so-called "advisory committees?" ? What information and suggestions has your company or its officials provided to the transition team or the new Administration regarding energy deregulation or the California situation? ? What discussions have officials from your company had with Administration or Transition officials about the California situation? Softball Questions ? In the short term and then in the long term, what can California do to fix its power supply system? ? What do you believe are the flaws in the current California system? The Power Exchange? The Independent System Operator? ? Why did deregulation fail in California? ? Some people, including Governor Davis, have suggested that out-of-state power suppliers, such as Enron, are to blame for this crisis, is that true? ? Some people in California have suggested that the State should take over the power system. Please comment on this proposal. Is this a good idea? ? In which states has deregulation worked? How do you explain the success in those states in contrast with the failures in California? ? This Committee will likely consider deregulation legislation at some point in the future. Should we undertake this effort?
Relax and shop at the same time with our new holiday items! In This Issue: Start Your Christmas Shopping From Home A Peek at our Christmas Department Harriet's Holiday Safety Tips A Favorite Holiday Drink for Friends and Family Dear Friends, This Thanksgiving week give yourself a chance to spend time with friends and family and still get a jump on holiday shopping with HarrietCarter.com. http://www.harrietcarter.com/index.cfm?xyzzy=HC_25 Why fight the crowds and brave the malls when you can shop from the comfort of home? We're pleased to offer you an exciting selection of decorative holiday items to give you a head start and get you in the mood for the season to come. Give your house a new sparkle with Star Icicle Lights to shine brightly throughout the holiday season. Each 16 ft. long set has 21 vertical strands with 100 separate lights and can be used indoors or outside. Connect set to set for a spectacular light show! http://www.harrietcarter.com/Detail.cfm?prod=1229&udc=y&xyzzy=HC_25 Your mantle will have a festive air with this Holiday Card Display. Our beautifully-crafted, gold-painted metal holder creates instant decoration and holds over 100 cards and photos. http://www.harrietcarter.com/Detail.cfm?prod=1320&udc=y&xyzzy=HC_25 What a sweet welcome for your guests these Glow Candy Canes will make! 15" high Glow-in-the-Dark Candy Cane Stakes absorb sunlight by day to cast a festive glow at night. Light up your drive, walkway or sidewalk without electricity or costly wiring. http://www.harrietcarter.com/Detail.cfm?prod=4701&udc=y&xyzzy=HC_25 Greet your friends and family with a winter wonderland. Lighted Snowflake Stakes line your drive or walkway and put guests in the mood for the festivities to come. You can even join sets together to make a magical holiday trail. http://www.harrietcarter.com/Detail.cfm?prod=1194&udc=y&xyzzy=HC_25 We have lots more Christmas items for decorating and for great gift ideas. You can browse them all in our Christmas Department! http://www.harrietcarter.com/SubB.cfm?pth=33%2C12&cat=79&xyzzy=HC_25 Harriet's Holiday Safety Tips: In all the excitement of the season, it's easy to forget some common sense safety measures that are especially important to remember with trees, lights, and decorations. For a safe holiday, please take a minute to think about some tips I've found come in handy. Trees: ? Select only a freshly cut tree. The needles should not be falling off from dryness. ? Keep the tree outside or in a garage until you're ready to decorate it. ? A diagonal cut in the tree trunk will allow the tree to absorb water. This will allow the tree to soak up water from the stand. ? A 6' tree will use 1 gallon of water every two days, so be sure to check the water level daily. ? Trees should be at least three feet away from heat sources such as fireplaces, candles, and radiators, also, never block an exit with the tree. ? Artificial trees should bear the UL label. Never use electric lights on metal trees like the old silver trees. To avoid electric shock on metal trees, use colored spotlights securely mounted above or below the tree, never fastened directly on it. Plastic trees should be made of fire resistant material. Holiday Lights: ? Use only U.L. approved tree lights. Check for frayed or bare wiring, lights with cracked or broken sockets or loose connections. If they show signs of wear and tear, throw them away. ? Use only UL-listed lights, and no more than 3 strands linked together. ? Decorations can cause overloaded circuits. Watch for signs of lights dimming. ? Turn off all lights on trees and other decorations when you go to bed or leave the house. ? Keep outdoor electrical connectors above ground and out of puddles and snow. Tree Ornaments and Trimmings: ? Avoid placing small or breakable ornaments on lower branches where children or pets can reach them and knock them off. ? Also be careful about putting edible decorations low where pets and kids can reach them. All of us at HarrietCarter.com wish you a safe, happy, and festive Thanksgiving week and want to leave you with one last idea to make your guests feel warm and welcome. Harriet's Cozy Cider: Pour a container of fresh cider into a large saucepan and heat gently. You can add a little nutmeg or a few cloves, as well an orange or lemon peel for a real flavor punch. When guests arrive, ladle them a mug of hot cider with a cinnamon stick for a stirrer. It's a great way to say "welcome!" Relax, sit back, and start your Christmas shopping with HarrietCarter.com! http://www.harrietcarter.com/index.cfm?xyzzy=HC_25 Happy Thanksgiving from our family to yours, Harriet Carter The HarrietCarter.com Newsletter Club, Volume 40 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now conveniently receive valuable information on special savings, events, and household tips from the HarrietCarter.com Email Newsletter. It's a great way to stay informed about new products, exclusive sales, hints and tips you can really use. Why not forward this email to your friends and family-it's a great way to introduce them to the many unique and hard-to-find products we carry and they're sure to save money too! If you have received this email from a friend and would like to receive the HarrietCarter.com email newsletter just click on our web site and enter your email address into the "Sign up for our e-newsletter" http://www.harrietcarter.com/index.cfm?xyzzy=HC_25 If you'd rather not receive these special offers in the future, click on the link below: http://www.pcgms.com/optout.cfm?m=hc&u=222661 Satisfaction, Security and Privacy We Guarantee 100% Satisfaction. At Harriet Carter we stand behind our products. That's why you can shop with complete confidence. All Harriet Carter merchandise is backed by our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. Your Credit Card Is Never At Risk. Shopping at HarrietCarter.com is backed by our 100% Security Guarantee. Don't worry your transaction information and credit card is protected by the latest SSL encryption technology. Clearance items only available while supplies last. 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You know you got me all fired up now, I am going to put on the full court press to keep the tradition alive. I am attaching a map from El Cajon to Houston for driving directions. They say it will take 24+hours, I calculated the time and I think the jilly mobile can do it in 20. Ashley is probably going to drive the Burban over to NO and I am going to fly because of work. So you guys only have to drive to Houston and she will do the rest. Sounds like a good idea to me(yeah right). I will even throw in a Love trip back to SD this summer/fall if I can get a visit in April. Two for one baby, you can't get a deal better than that except at Costco. Plus, I almost forgot the best part - we have a little TV for the burban so you could get a little MLB 2001 action on the way.....(give me enough time and I will keep it coming) PL P.S. - we also have the Milton's bread here(so you can make sandwiches for the trip to NO) El Cajon, CA US Houston, TX US Total Distance: 1455.80 miles Total Estimated Time: 24 hours, 26 minutes </directions/main.adp?do=rev&1g=4cwja2rHsfPBNT6j8tKMQQ%3d%3d&1y=US&2s=TX&2c=Houston&1l=QnkhHLATxBs%3d&2g=6aNHiWDBE2s%3d&did=1010591674&un=m&2y=US&1s=CA&1c=El%20Cajon&2l=nqalDzEkLuc%3d&go=1&ct=NA> </directions/main.adp?do=rev&1g=4cwja2rHsfPBNT6j8tKMQQ%3d%3d&1y=US&2s=TX&2c=Houston&1l=QnkhHLATxBs%3d&2g=6aNHiWDBE2s%3d&did=1010591674&un=m&2y=US&1s=CA&1c=El%20Cajon&2l=nqalDzEkLuc%3d&go=1&ct=NA> </directions/main.adp?do=fl&1g=4cwja2rHsfPBNT6j8tKMQQ%3d%3d&1y=US&2s=TX&2c=Houston&1l=QnkhHLATxBs%3d&2g=6aNHiWDBE2s%3d&did=1010591674&2y=US&1s=CA&1c=El%20Cajon&2l=nqalDzEkLuc%3d&go=1&ct=NA> </directions/main.adp?do=fl&1g=4cwja2rHsfPBNT6j8tKMQQ%3d%3d&1y=US&2s=TX&2c=Houston&1l=QnkhHLATxBs%3d&2g=6aNHiWDBE2s%3d&did=1010591674&2y=US&1s=CA&1c=El%20Cajon&2l=nqalDzEkLuc%3d&go=1&ct=NA> DIRECTIONS DISTANCE 1: Start out going West on E MAIN ST towards S MAGNOLIA AVE by turning left. 0.03 miles 2: Turn RIGHT onto N MAGNOLIA AVE. 0.47 miles 3: Take the I-8 E ramp towards EL CENTRO. 0.28 miles 4: Merge onto I-8 E. 331.60 miles 5: Take the I-10 E exit- exit number 178A- towards TUCSON. 0.57 miles 6: Merge onto I-10 E. 926.69 miles 7: Take the I-35 N exit- exit number 570- on the left towards AUSTIN. 0.34 miles 8: Merge onto I-35 N. 5.31 miles 9: Take the I-410 S exit- exit number 162. 0.41 miles 10: Keep LEFT at the fork in the ramp. 0.14 miles 11: Keep LEFT at the fork in the ramp. 0.42 miles 12: Merge onto I-410 S. 0.86 miles 13: Take the I-10/US-90 exit- exit number 33- towards SAN ANTONIO/HOUSTON. 0.14 miles 14: Keep LEFT at the fork in the ramp. 0.26 miles 15: Keep RIGHT at the fork in the ramp. 0.28 miles 16: Keep LEFT at the fork in the ramp. 0.26 miles 17: Merge onto I-10 E. 187.19 miles 18: Take the SMITH ST exit- exit number 769A- towards DOWNTOWN. 0.38 miles 19: Turn LEFT onto FRANKLIN ST. 0.09 miles 20: Turn RIGHT onto MILAM ST. 0.09 miles Total Estimated Time: Total Distance: 24 hours, 26 minutes 1455.80 miles -----Original Message----- From: "Mike Jillard" <[email protected]>@ENRON Sent: Wednesday, January 09, 2002 9:37 AM To: Love, Phillip M. Subject: RE: gettin jilly with it PL. We are doing good. I hope all is well with all of the junk you are going through. It looks like Steve went out on top! I think that the Chargers are too cheap to hire him. Emma is doing great. I liked the pictures that Ash sent. Jackson has a hat on and there is a joker on a pogo stick. Also the picture of J Bug and Tory was great. Trying to impress the ladies with his musical talents. I think that the tradition may end this year. I know that if we came we would have to drive. Denise will not fly. We are going to miss you this year. There will probably be some great acts. Talk to you soon. Jilly With It -----Original Message----- From: Love, Phillip M. [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Tuesday, January 08, 2002 11:11 AM To: Mike <mjillard (E-mail) Subject: gettin jilly with it What is up my California buddy? Staying out of trouble? Things are going pretty good here. You believe Steve Spurrier? IT is a great deal for Auburn and the SEC. Time for a new dog to get on top. What is my little friend Emma beans up to? I bet she is growing and talking up a storm. Are you guys coming to the Fest this year? Just to offer you a little encouragement, I found a special fare for you out there on southwest non stop both ways....here is the link. Only $250 a person. Let me know big dog. You know we can not have the tradition ended. PL http://iflyswa.com/cgi-bin/showOrPrice ********************************************************************** This e-mail is the property of Enron Corp. and/or its relevant affiliate and may contain confidential and privileged material for the sole use of the intended recipient (s). Any review, use, distribution or disclosure by others is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient (or authorized to receive for the recipient), please contact the sender or reply to Enron Corp. at [email protected] and delete all copies of the message. 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======================== THE MOTLEY FOOL ======================== B R E A K F A S T N E W S Thursday, September 20, 2001 [email protected] ================================================================= IN THIS ISSUE --------------------- - TOP STORY: Government Accelerates Aid to Airlines http://www.fool.com/m.asp?i=499856 - NEWS TO GO: Knight-Ridder, 3Com, Tenet Healthcare http://www.fool.com/m.asp?i=499857 - POST OF THE DAY: Biotech Stocks Anyone? http://www.fool.com/m.asp?i=499858 ================================================================= SPONSORED BY: ShareBuilder Buy stocks for just $3! Make dollar-based investments in the stocks and index shares you choose for just $3 per transaction. Or, pay $8 per month for unlimited stock buys. http://www.lnksrv.com/m.asp?i=499859 "Troubled times produce heroes." -- Chinese proverb ----------------------------------------------------------------- TOP STORY ----------------------------------------------------------------- GOVERNMENT ACCELERATES AID TO AIRLINES While Congress works on legislation that will provide financial aid to airlines, President Bush will ask lawmakers to hand over $5 billion in immediate cash to the shell-shocked industry. The Associated Press, quoting an anonymous administration official, says the cash would be coupled with help for the airlines' insurance liabilities. The House of Representatives hopes to rush through a $24 billion aid package that will be quickly sent to the Senate, and could possibly reach the president's desk before next week. That package would include loans as well as some cash that would not have to be repaid. Continental Airlines (NYSE: CAL) CEO Gordon Bethune says the industry is currently losing $15 million per hour, and the package is needed to restore some stability to the situation. In the meantime, more airlines announced staff reductions after the market closed yesterday. First, Mesa Air (Nasdaq: MESA) said it would cut 700 jobs and implement a temporary 10% pay reduction for most employees. Senior management's pay has already been reduced by 20%, and both the CEO and the company's president took a 50% cut. Later, heavyweights American Airlines parent AMR Corp. (NYSE: AMR) and United Airlines parent UAL (NYSE: UAL) announced layoffs of some 20,000 employees each. That represents 14% of American's staff, and 20% of United's. Following Boeing's (NYSE: BA) actions Wednesday, job cuts now total almost 100,000 people industry wide. http://www.fool.com/m.asp?i=499860 One company bucking the layoff trend, however, is SkyWest Airlines (Nasdaq: SKYW). COO Ron Reber says no layoffs are in the works. The company's "plans for growth are still intact," he says, and it still plans to take delivery of the 106 Canadair Regional Jets it ordered from manufacturer Bombardier. SkyWest operates as United Express and Delta Connection in 74 cities. >>FULL STORY: http://www.fool.com/m.asp?i=499861 ----------------------------------------------------------------- NEWS TO GO ----------------------------------------------------------------- Media companies have also been adversely affected by the terrorist attacks. Knight-Ridder (NYSE: KRI) and Tribune Co. (NYSE: TRB), which teamed up in August to acquire online job recruitment site Headhunter.NET (Nasdaq: HHNT), both came out with bad news after the bell yesterday. Knight-Ridder CEO Tony Ridder says many advertisers pulled ads after the attacks, and, combined with the increased expenses due to extended coverage of the tragedy, he expects about a 25% year-over-year drop in earnings per share. Citing the same reasons, Tribune expects third-quarter and full-year earnings to come in below expectations. http://www.fool.com/m.asp?i=499862 The Securities and Exchange Commission says it doesn't yet know if those associated with last Tuesday's hijackings also exploited the markets in order to profit from the attacks. The agency says it's "vigorously pursuing all credible leads," but wouldn't release any other details. Networking equipment maker 3Com (Nasdaq: COMS) reported fiscal first-quarter results that saw revenue fall 58% from the same period last year. The company also "found opportunities" to reduce staffing by another 1,000 people and expects to end the quarter with 6,000 workers. It employed 12,000 last November. The nation's number-two hospital operator, Tenet Healthcare (NYSE: THC), says it will top estimates when it releases fiscal first-quarter earnings on Oct. 3. Its expected earnings per share of $0.65 - $0.67 would represent 35-40% growth over last year. Rex Moore's mental acuity has shown a 3%-5% year-over-year decrease, though it's up inconsequentially sequentially. At press time he held no positions in any of the companies mentioned in this article. The Motley Fool is investors writing for investors. http://www.fool.com/m.asp?i=499863 ----------------------------------------------------------------- POST OF THE DAY ----------------------------------------------------------------- BIOTECH STOCKS ANYONE? "I think the safest long term Biotech offerings are the larger pharmaceutical manufacturers who are very active in R&D and or acquisitions AND are diverse in their product markets." >>FULL POST: http://www.fool.com/m.asp?i=499864 ================================================================= SPONSORED BY: ShareBuilder Buy stocks for just $3! Make dollar-based investments in the stocks and index shares you choose for just $3 per transaction. Or, pay $8 per month for unlimited stock buys. http://www.lnksrv.com/m.asp?i=499865 ================================================================= My Portfolio: http://www.fool.com/m.asp?i=499866 My Discussion Boards: http://www.fool.com/m.asp?i=499867 WANNA TAKE THE SHORTCUT? Check out our new Crash Courses, the fastest way to get your finances in order. Get results in less than an hour, for just $10. Try one today! http://www.fool.com/m.asp?i=499868 PERKS FOR FOOLS ONLY Get free stuff and special offers, just for you! http://www.fool.com/m.asp?i=499869 CUSTOMER SERVICE Ask our staff for help with email delivery problems. http://www.fool.com/m.asp?i=499870 UNSUBSCRIBE Here's how to unsubscribe or change your settings. http://www.fool.com/community/freemail/[email protected] _________________________________________________________________ Copyright (c) 1995-2001 The Motley Fool. All rights reserved. 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Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. Email Alert Morning Market View(TM) for Friday, November 23, 2001 as of 9:30AM EST Information provided by Schwab Center for Investment Research STOCKS MIXED IN TURKEY DAZE Stocks were poised to open mixed on this shortened trading day as America awakens from its traditional L-tryptophan stupor amid very little corporate or economic news. The National Bureau of Economic Research may declare the U.S. economy is in a recession, but there is a silver lining. Oil and oil-related shares fell overnight as Russia continues to rebuff OPEC overtures, driving European bourses lower. According to The Wall Street Journal, the NBER is meeting today and may declare that the longest U.S. economic expansion since World War II ended in March, when employment figures signaled that a recession may have begun. While a general rule of thumb for defining a recession is two consecutive quarters of negative Gross Domestic Product growth, the NBER defines a recession in a more subjective manner, utilizing key economic indicators. If a recession did indeed start in March, that could actually be a positive development, that is if history is any guide. Of course there are no guarantees that the economy will stick to historical norms, but the average recession since WWII lasted for about 10.5 months, with the longest slump spanning 16 months. That could mean that a recovery is just around the corner. Few economic indicators point to this scenario at this time, nor do earnings forecasts, but Ned Davis research shows that the markets have historically bottomed during a recession roughly five months before the economy and about ten months ahead of an earnings recovery. And there is a lot of monetary and fiscal stimulus in the pipeline to support a recovery soon. So, cheer up... the malls are opening early today! ---------------------------------------------------------------- TREASURY AND ECONOMIC SUMMARY Prices across the yield curve rose in early trading as Treasuries remain volatile, following last week's wild ride and oil prices fell overnight. Oil prices were higher earlier after Norway agreed to cut oil production, succumbing to OPEC pressure to cap global production limits. However, Russia once again rebuffed OPEC's threat of a price war if non-OPEC producers do not cut production by a total of 500,000 barrels per day, sending oil sharply lower. Russia said that it would cut output by just 50,000 bpd, but it wants to wait until early next year to discuss deeper cuts. ---------------------------------------------------------------- WORLD MARKETS After trading higher earlier in the session, oil-related shares led Bloomberg's European 500 Index down 1.2%, as of 8:55 a.m. EST. The euro rose versus the U.S. dollar after it was reported that French Gross Domestic Product rose 0.5% in 3Q, more than the 0.3% rise forecast according to Bloomberg, and German inflation remained tame in November. The British pound fell after UK Prime Minister Tony Blair reignited talk of joining the European Union, a move that Blair maintains would benefit the UK economy but may require a weaker pound to gain entry. Japan's markets were closed overnight for a holiday, but other Asian markets were generally higher. The yen fell versus the dollar after the Financial Times reported that the U.S. would support a Japanese plan to buy more U.S. securities to help weaken the yen. ---------------------------------------------------------------- FUTURES WATCH In the December Globex futures contract as of 8:55 a.m. EST, the S&P 500 index was 1.7 points lower while the Nasdaq 100 index was up 3.5 points. The December DJIA futures contract was down 13 points. David Kastner, Managing Market Analyst ================================================================ LOGIN to access your account: https://investing.schwab.com/trading/start ---------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe or modify your Email Alert customization options, log in using the link below or copy and paste it into your browser's address window: https://investing.schwab.com/trading/start?SANC=EAMyAlerts ---------------------------------------------------------------- Notice: All email sent to or from the Charles Schwab corporate email system may be retained, monitored and/or reviewed by Schwab personnel. (0801-11478) Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. ("Schwab") is a member of the NYSE. Schwab Capital Markets L.P. is a member of the NASD and SIPC. Schwab Capital Markets L.P. is also a subsidiary of The Charles Schwab Corporation and is a market maker in approximately 5000 securities. 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---------------------- Forwarded by Judy Hernandez/HOU/ECT on 02/03/2000 11:21 AM --------------------------- From: Elizabeth Soto 01/19/2000 11:01 AM To: Melissa Rodriguez/HOU/ECT@ECT, Melba Lozano/HOU/ECT@ECT, Judy Hernandez/HOU/ECT@ECT, Alicia Perkins/HOU/ECT@ECT, Ana Correa/HOU/ECT@ECT, Bernice Rodriguez/HOU/ECT@ECT, Irena D Hogan/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Subject: Fwd: [Fwd: Fwd: Prayer Request] ---------------------- Forwarded by Elizabeth Soto/HOU/ECT on 01/19/2000 11:00 AM --------------------------- Chantelle Villanueva 01/18/2000 03:34 PM To: [email protected], Irena D Hogan/HOU/ECT@ECT, Kim Perez/FGT/Enron@ENRON, Heather Choate/HOU/ECT, Alex Saldana/HOU/ECT@ECT, Elizabeth Soto/HOU/ECT@ECT, Alisha Guerrero/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Subject: Fwd: [Fwd: Fwd: Prayer Request] ---------------------- Forwarded by Chantelle Villanueva/HOU/ECT on 01/18/2000 03:34 PM --------------------------- From: Andrea R Guillen 01/18/2000 02:51 PM Sent by: Andrea R Guillen To: Maria Sandoval/HOU/ECT@ECT, Melissa Rodriguez/HOU/ECT@ECT, Elizabeth Soto/HOU/ECT@ECT, Pamela Sonnier/HOU/ECT@ECT, Phenicia Olivier/HOU/ECT@ECT, Cecilia Olvera/HOU/ECT@ECT, Chantelle Villanueva/HOU/ECT@ECT, Rosa Jaramillo/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, [email protected], [email protected], Cassandra S Dutton/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Subject: Fwd: [Fwd: Fwd: Prayer Request] ---------------------- Forwarded by Andrea R Guillen/HOU/ECT on 01/18/2000 02:49 PM --------------------------- Pamela Sonnier 01/18/2000 02:46 PM To: Maria Sandoval/HOU/ECT@ECT, Phenicia Olivier/HOU/ECT@ECT, Cassandra S Dutton/HOU/ECT@ECT, Brenda Barreda/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Andrea R Guillen/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jessie Patterson/HOU/ECT@ECT, Regina Perkins/HOU/ECT@ECT, Dana Davis/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Subject: Fwd: [Fwd: Fwd: Prayer Request] ---------------------- Forwarded by Pamela Sonnier/HOU/ECT on 01/18/2000 02:46 PM --------------------------- From: Jessie Patterson 01/18/2000 12:42 PM To: [email protected], Pamela Conner/HOU/ECT@ECT, Cassandra S Dutton/HOU/ECT@ECT, [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] cc: Subject: Fwd: [Fwd: Fwd: Prayer Request] ---------------------- Forwarded by Jessie Patterson/HOU/ECT on 01/18/2000 12:41 PM --------------------------- [email protected] (Willie Patterson) on 01/15/2000 11:56:57 PM To: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], Jessie Patterson/HOU/ECT@ECT, [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] cc: Subject: Fwd: [Fwd: Fwd: Prayer Request] Received: from mailsorter-102-5.bryant.webtv.net ( by storefull-277.iap.bryant.webtv.net with WTV-SMTP; Sat, 15 Jan 2000 20:24:53 -0800 (PST) Received: by mailsorter-102-5.bryant.webtv.net (WebTV_Postfix) id 61DCA68; Sat, 15 Jan 2000 20:24:53 -0800 (PST) Delivered-To: [email protected] Received: from imo20.mx.aol.com (imo20.mx.aol.com []) by mailsorter-102-5.bryant.webtv.net (WebTV_Postfix) with ESMTP id C3D9A50 for <[email protected]>; Sat, 15 Jan 2000 20:24:52 -0800 (PST) Received: from [email protected] by imo20.mx.aol.com (mail_out_v24.6.) id x.51.33874d (4229); Sat, 15 Jan 2000 23:23:38 -0500 (EST) From: [email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> Date: Sat, 15 Jan 2000 23:23:37 EST Subject: Fwd: [Fwd: Fwd: Prayer Request] To: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] (Tony Carter) (Tony Carter), [email protected], [email protected] (Gerri Ann Jenkins), [email protected] (Willie Patterson) MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="part1_51.33874d.25b2a1c9_boundary" X-Mailer: Windows AOL sub 20 Return-Path: <[email protected]> Received: from rly-yb05.mx.aol.com (rly-yb05.mail.aol.com []) by air-yb05.mail.aol.com (v67.7) with ESMTP; Sat, 15 Jan 2000 10:40:54 -0500 Received: from kumc-scanout-fs.KUMC (kumc-scanout-fs.kumc.edu []) by rly-yb05.mx.aol.com (v67.7) with ESMTP; Sat, 15 Jan 2000 10:40:41 1900 Received: FROM gatedo.kumc.edu BY kumc-scanout-fs.KUMC ; Sat Jan 15 09:40:26 2000 -0600 Received: from KUMC-GATEWAY-DOMAIN-Message_Server by gatedo.kumc.edu with Novell_GroupWise; of, 15 ssa 2000 09:40:38 -0600 Message-Id: <[email protected]> X-Mailer: Novell GroupWise Internet Agent Date: of, 15 ssa 2000 09:40:34 -0600 From: "Roy Adger" <[email protected]> To: <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, "Eric Garrett" <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]> Subject: Fwd: [Fwd: Fwd: Prayer Request] Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Disposition: inline Subject: Fwd: Prayer Request When you receive this e-mail just recite the following prayer. That's all you have to do. There is nothing attached. This is the power of prayer at work. Just send this to (7) people and see what happens on the seventh day. Do not break this, please. There is no cost, but lots of rewards. Let's continue to pray for one another. PRAYER:: May today there be peace within you. May you trust God that you are exactly where you are meant to be. May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith. May you use those gifts that you have received, and pass on the love that has been given to you. May you be content knowing that you are a child of God. Let His presence settle into your bones, and allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance, and to bask in the sun. It is there for each and every one of you Amen Send this to (7) or more people and witness the awesome power of prayer.
Guys, it will be very difficult to get money out of the power group - is the expectation that I come up with the dollars - just curious. Are we not circumventing the spirit of the political contribution rules? Regards Delainey ---------------------- Forwarded by David W Delainey/HOU/ECT on 10/06/2000 08:24 AM --------------------------- Barbara A Hueter@EES 09/29/2000 02:32 PM To: [email protected] cc: Subject: Support for key TN lawmakers ---------------------- Forwarded by Barbara A Hueter/DUB/EES on 09/29/2000 03:32 PM --------------------------- Barbara A Hueter 09/29/2000 03:27 PM To: Dave Delainey, John J Lavorato/Corp/Enron cc: Subject: Support for key TN lawmakers ---------------------- Forwarded by Barbara A Hueter/DUB/EES on 09/29/2000 03:27 PM --------------------------- Barbara A Hueter 09/29/2000 03:24 PM To: Dave Delaney, John Lavorado, Mitch Robinson/Corp/Enron, Ben Jacoby/HOU/ECT cc: Richard Shapiro/HOU/EES@EES Subject: Support for key TN lawmakers Gentelmen, Following is an email detailing requests for personal contributions to legislators who have been instrumental to Enron regarding our power plants in Tennessee. I produced this list based on recommendations from our lobbying firm, Stokes Bartholomew, in Nashville. In 1999, Stokes Bartholomew, working with Jordan Mintz in Enron's tax department, convinced the state legislature to pass legislation clarifying that Enron's power plants would be exempt from the gross receipts tax. Had we not succeeded in the effort, we would have had to pay gross receipts taxes of approximately $1.5 million per year. In 2000, Tennessee is one of the only states in the union that has been running a deficit in the general revenue fund. Rather than going home for the summer, the legislature stayed in session and debated among themselves and with the Governor on how to solve the revenue shortfall issue. Eventually, they adopted unreasonably optimistic revenue projections to produce a balanced budget (on paper). This has not solved the problem because the state is already $100 million below revenue projections in the first quarter of the fiscal year. The legislature will look for a long term solution when it returns in January. Stokes Bartholomew informs me that all sources of revenue will be considered - this means our exemption from the gross receipts tax could possibly be repealed. At this time, no one is singling this exemption out, but Stokes Bartholomew is cautious and is monitoring the issue closely. Numerous legislators supported the gross receipts legislation for Enron. If our gross receipts tax exemption is threatened next legislative session, we would have to return to these same legislators (if they are reelected) for support. As long as Enron pays taxes in Tennessee, it behooves us to take an active interest in supporting those legislators who will defend our interests in the capitol. Since you are the key contacts at Enron for Tennessee, I ask you to assess this matter and decide whether ongoing legislative support is important to Enron's interests in TN and make contributions accordingly. I have recommended $9,500 in contributions. While this seems like a large amount, it is miniscule in comparison to the taxes we are not paying. Moreover, it will go a long way to helping us protect our interests against those who would fight to have "big corporations", particularly out-of-state corporations, get stuck with additional tax burdens to solve the state's fiscal woes. You are probably asking why we are not using Enron PAC funds or coroporate funds to make these donations. Tennessee law prohibits us from using corporate funds and limits the use of PAC funds to those PACs that do not receive any source of support from the corporation. Because Enron Corp. pays the expenses for the Enron PAC, we are not permitted to contribute Enron PAC funds to candidates in Tennessee. This is one of the most onerous political contribution laws in the country. If you have any questions I can be reached for the next week at 614.306.4359. Or you can leave a message for me at 614.760.7472. ---------------------- Forwarded by Barbara A Hueter/DUB/EES on 09/29/2000 12:56 PM --------------------------- Barbara A Hueter 09/14/2000 03:28 PM To: Ben Jacoby cc: Rick Shapiro, Janine Migden/DUB/EES@EES Subject: Support for key TN lawmakers Per our phone conversation, following is a list of key legislative leaders deserving of Enron's support. This list has been developed by our counsel/legislative agents in Nashville: Bill Bruce, Gif Thornton and Robert Gowan. Please feel free to call me to discuss further. You can reach me on my cell phone this afternoon and all day tomorrow. I will be in the office on Monday. Lieutenant Governor: Senator John Wilder (Democrat) $2,500 Represents Brownsville in the Senate. Sponsor of 1999 gross receipts tax exemption legislation for Brownsville. Has a serious opponent this November. The Senate elects the Lieutenant Governor who also serves as the head of the Senate. It is in Enron's best interst that John Wilder win the election and be re-elected Lieutenant Governor. Rep. Jimmy Naifey $1,000 Speaker of the House Represents Brownsvile. Senate Candidate Larry Trail (Democrat) $2,000 John Wilder's personal mission, besides his own election, is to get Larry elected to the Senate (it is an open seat that is being vacated by a Democrat). If the Democrats lose this seat there is a very good chance that Senator Wilder will not be re-elected Lieutenant Governor because the Democrats will have lost the majority in the Senate. Rep. Matt Kisber (Democrat) $1,500 Represents the Jackson area. Very pro-business Democrat. Is in a very tough race because the district was redrawn and it now majority Republican. Matt is the chair of the House Finance, Ways and Means Committee - which hears all gross receipts tax matters. Was very helpful to Enron on the gross receipts legislation. Senator Jerry Cooper $1,000 Chair of the Senate Commerce Committee His committee hears all legislation relating to energy and power plants. Rep. Shelby Rinehart $500 Chair of Commerce Committe (all energy and power plant issues) and powerful member of the House Finance and Ways and Means Committee. He is extremely powerful. Bill, Gif and Robert have a very good relationship and rely on him for assistance for their clients regularly. Unless otherwise noted, checks should be make payable to "Friends of _______________". Please forward to Bill Bruce fo personal delivery. (or if you want to get them to me I can pass them along) Bill Bruce Stokes, Bartholomew, Evans and Petree P.A. Sun Trust Financial Center 424 Church Street, Suite 2800 Nashville, TN 37219-2386
BUSINESS HIGHLIGHTS Enron Industrial Markets The Transaction Development group (TD) is responsible for corporate development, transaction execution and portfolio management activities within EIM. TD is responsible for asset and corporate acquisitions to support EIM's efforts in the Forest Products and Steel industries. TD works with EIM's Forest Products and Steel Origination groups to structure and execute complex transactions for EIM's customers. TD also manages EIM's equity investments, such as EIM's ownership position in Papier Masson, Ltee, a paper mill in Quebec, Canada. TD is comprised of approximately 20 professionals with a wide range of backgrounds including investment banking, commercial banking, management consulting, law, project development, accounting and engineering. In addition, the majority of the analysts and associates within EIM work in TD since it provides a strong base of deal experience for junior members of our organization. Enron Freight Markets Enron Freight Markets has continued to expand the transportation services offered to its customers and completed several flatbed truck moves outbound from Georgia this week. There was a shortage of flatbed equipment supply in this market and EFM was able to obtain more than three times the normal margin on each move. IN THE NEWS "Enron's bilateral internet trading platform, EnronOnline, was launched in November 1999 and is the largest e-commerce site on the planet based on the value of its transactions. As EPRM went to press, it had average daily trading volume of $3.5 billion, accounting for nearly 50% of the company's revenues from wholesale marketing activities." -- Energy Power Risk Management, May 2001 WELCOME New Hires EIM - Cheryl Lindeman ENA - Chris Bystriansky, Paula Craft, Eugene Lee, Bhalachandra Mehendale, Sarah Wooddy Transfers (to or within) ENA - Grace Taylor, Steven Irvin, Dina Snow NUGGETS & NOTES Enron is hosting the Chicago Energy Risk Management Seminar at The Drake Hotel in Chicago on June 14, 2001. Topics include: Power Outlook, Natural Gas Outlook, Hedging Strategies, Weather Risk Management and Pulp and Paper Risk Management. The RSVP deadline is June 8th so please contact Laura Pena as soon as possible at x 3-5376. This is a great event for "new" as well as established customers. There will be a cocktail reception immediately after the presentations. Enron will also be hosting seminars in Atlanta, Houston, Denver and San Francisco. Dates to be announced soon. Travel tip of the week: Flights reserved through Travel Agency in the Park provide you with $150,000 of flight insurance at no additional charge. EnronOnline Statistics Below are the latest figures for EnronOnline as of May 29, 2001. * Total Life to Date Transactions > 1,015,000 * Life to Date Notional Value of Transactions > $610 billion NEWS FROM THE GLOBAL FLASH Enron arranges first gas pipeline import into Italy Enron has continued its pioneering activities in the Continental gas market by arranging the first gas import into Italy. The Italian team worked with the Continental Gas desk to arrange this strategically important agreement with Blugas SpA., the wholesale gas company formed by the municipalities of Cremona, Lodi, Mantova and Pavia in north-eastern Italy. Enron has sourced 100,000 cubic metres per day of natural gas from northern Europe to transport to Italy, transiting it through Germany and Switzerland, despite fierce resistance from Ruhrgas and TransitGas respectively. Aside from isolated LNG imports by incumbent monopolies this is the first time that any company has managed to import natural gas by pipeline into Italy since the Italian gas sector was officially liberalised in August 2000. The gas, which started flowing at 06.00 on Thursday 17th May 2001, will be used to meet the needs of two thirds of Blugas' residential customers within the four municipalities. The current contract lasts for five months. Congratulations to Fabio Greco, Carsten Haack, Didier Magne, Michael Schuh, Marco Lantieri and Daniela Uguccioni. Enron in the Middle East Enron has relinquished its stake in Dolphin Energy, the joint venture company formed to develop gas reserves in Qatar. Enron has agreed to transfer its 24.5 per cent stake in the project to the United Arab Emirates Offset Group (UOG), the majority shareholder. The agreement allows Enron to deploy capital elsewhere and gives UOG the opportunity to seek new partners before the project moves into its next phase. Development of the Emden/Oude gas hub moves ahead fast An important milestone in the evolution of the new gas trading hub on the Dutch-German border was reached last week. Last Friday some of the major European gas players held a meeting to officially establish the Emden/Oude gas hub. Although Enron had already initiated the development of the Emden/Oude hub by making a market through EnronOnline as early as December 2000, the goal of this meeting was to set up a working group similar to the Zeebrugge focus group who can work on setting a legal framework for the Emden/Oude hub. Enron was elected as the only new market entrant in this group, reflecting the high level of respect industry peers have for Enron as a major player in the Continental gas market -- even from incumbents! LEGAL STUFF The information contained in this newsletter is confidential and proprietary to Enron Corp. and its subsidiaries. It is intended for internal use only and should not be disclosed. <Embedded Picture (Metafile)>
Tanya: Please see Vitol response below. Do you generate the credit worksheet? How does London credit fit in here? Another interesting feature here is the use of the multibranch provision for a trading company (Vitol isn't a bank, or is it?). I have never seen this utilized in practice for a non-bank entity and have resisted the idea for us. There is very little written about the application of the multibranch party and I think that is because it has been understood as applying to banks. However, would this master be a "multibranch master" for us as well? Sara ----- Forwarded by Sara Shackleton/HOU/ECT on 05/31/2000 10:30 AM ----- David Fransen <[email protected]> 05/31/2000 09:57 AM To: "'Sara Shackleton'" <[email protected]> cc: "Lee Munden (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, "David Hardy (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, Gilbert Widmer <[email protected]> Subject: Master Agreement (financial) between Enron North A merica Corp. ( "ENA") and Vitol S.A. ("Vitol") Sara Firstly, thanks for the message. I am indeed the right person for ISDA's in Vitol. I did meet with your credit people in London ( David Hardy and Lee Munden) and we did discuss the idea of replacing the existing agreement. I am at present in our office in Rotterdam, but will be back in Geneva tomorrow. I therefore do not have the existing agreement with me, but I seem to remember that it is just signed with Vitol SA Inc, which is the US branch office of the main trading company in the Vitol Group, Vitol SA, which is a Swiss company registered in Geneva. I would suggest that you send us a proposal for an ISDA agreement with Vitol SA, set up as a multibranch company about to trade out of its Geneva and Houston office, and with Vitol Holding BV (the ultimate parent company of the group) as the credit support provider. I would hope that once we have agreed terms for the basic schedule and credit support annex, we can then easily add other Vitol or Enron companies as appropriate. Regards, David David Fransen Vitol SA Geneva Tel : 00-41-22-322-1111 ********************************************************************** This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify the sender. ********************************************************************** -----Original Message----- From: Sara Shackleton [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: 31 May 2000 15:20 To: [email protected] Subject: Undeliverable: Master Agreement (financial) between Enron North A merica Corp. ( "ENA") and Vitol S.A. ("Vitol") ----- Forwarded by Sara Shackleton/HOU/ECT on 05/31/2000 08:19 AM ----- |--------+-----------------------> | | System | | | Administrator| | | <postmaster@V| | | itol.com> | | | | | | 05/30/2000 | | | 11:31 AM | | | | |--------+-----------------------> >--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -| | | | To: [email protected] | | cc: | | Subject: Undeliverable: Master Agreement (financial) between | | Enron North A merica Corp. ( "ENA") and Vitol S.A. ("Vitol") | >--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -| Your message To: [email protected] Cc: Tanya Rohauer Subject: Master Agreement (financial) between Enron North America Corp. ( "ENA") and Vitol S.A. ("Vitol") Sent: Tue, 30 May 2000 17:27:07 +0100 did not reach the following recipient(s): [email protected] on Tue, 30 May 2000 17:31:42 +0100 The recipient name is not recognized The MTS-ID of the original message is: c=US;a= ;p=Vitol;l=LDN0040005301631L7L87HSX MSEXCH:IMS:Vitol:LONDON:LDN004 0 (000C05A6) Unknown Recipient Message-ID: <[email protected]> From: Sara Shackleton <[email protected]> To: [email protected] Cc: Tanya Rohauer <[email protected]> Subject: Master Agreement (financial) between Enron North America Corp. ( "ENA") and Vitol S.A. ("Vitol") Date: Tue, 30 May 2000 17:27:07 +0100 Return-Receipt-To: Sara Shackleton <[email protected]> MIME-Version: 1.0 X-Mailer: Internet Mail Service (5.5.2650.21) X-MS-Embedded-Report: Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" I am a derivatives lawyer with ENA in Houston and obtained your name through one of my traders who is transacting with Jay Carr in Houston (please see attached message below). When I spoke with Jay earlier this month, I asked him for the name of a lawyer but was advised that all Vitol lawyers were in New York and that he would pass my message along to a lawyer. I am assuming that you are the trading lawyer who can assist me with negotiating an ISDA Master Agreement between our respective companies. If not, please let me know and feel free to pass this message on to the appropriate attorney. On April 12, 1995, Enron Capital & Trade Resources Corp., predecessor in title to ENA, and Vitol S.A., Inc. entered into a Master Agreement which is one of ENA's early energy price swap agreements. Since our companies are currently trading weather derivatives, I think you would agree that it would be prudent to supersede the existing agreement with an ISDA Master Agreement. This relates to my conversation with Jay in that we confirmed our weather deals under the existing master but incorporated the 1991 and 1993 ISDA definitions into the confirms of our weather trades. Please let me hear from you. You can reach me via email, phone (713/853-5620) or fax (713/646-3490). ----- Forwarded by Sara Shackleton/HOU/ECT on 05/30/2000 11:14 AM ----- |--------+-----------------------> | | Sara | | | Shackleton | | | | | | 05/05/2000 | | | 11:47 AM | | | | |--------+-----------------------> >--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -| | | | To: [email protected] | | cc: | | Subject: Master Agreement (financial) between Enron North America| | Corp. ("Enron") and Vitol S.A. | >--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -| Jay: I am a lawyer with Enron. I called for you on Friday, you're out, and no one else could help. I would like to speak with a Vitol lawyer about (1) replacing our existing financial master with an ISDA (to accommodate a broader range of products) and (2) specifically incorporating the relevant ISDA definitions into the recent weather transaction confirmations even though the master is an early master energy price swap agreement. Please call me at 713 853-5620 with the information so that we can move quickly. Thank you for your help. Sara
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Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. Email Alert Midday Market View(TM) for Wednesday, December 26, 2001 as of 12:30PM EST Information provided by Schwab Center for Investment Research and Bridge U.S. INDICES (12:30 p.m. EST) ---------------------------------- Market Value Change DJIA 10,154.49 + 119.15 Nasdaq Comp. 1,979.51 + 35.03 S&P 500 1,157.22 + 12.57 ---------------------------------- NYSE Advancing Issues 2,003 NYSE Declining Issues 963 NYSE Trading Volume 384 mln NASDAQ Advancing Issues 1,995 NASDAQ Declining Issues 1,449 NASDAQ Trading Volume 567 mln ================================== U.S. TREASURIES ---------------------------------- Value Yield Change 6-month bill 1.87% n/a 5-year note 4.53% - 10/32 10-year note 5.19% - 13/32 30-year bond 5.51% - 12/32 The tables above look best when viewed in a fixed-width font, such as "Courier." ================================================================ SANTA CLAUS RALLY U.S. equities are higher midday as some upbeat news in the retail and Internet sectors is giving equities a lift in the post-holiday session. Wal-Mart (WMT,59,f2&f4) reported it sees higher-than-expected December same-store sales while Internet portal Yahoo! (YHOO,18.03,f1) said sales at its shopping site increased significantly. U.S. Treasuries are trading lower and European markets are closed. As of 11:46 a.m. EST, the Dow Jones Industrial Average is up 1.2% while the Nasdaq Composite Index is 1.9% higher. The S&P 500 Index is up 1.2%. Oil-related and semiconductor shares are pacing the advancers while steel and toy issues are leading the decliners. Leading retailer Wal-Mart is higher after the company stated that it anticipates December same-store sales growth at the high end of the 4%-6% range, exceeding its previous forecast. For the Nov. 23 to Dec. 24 period, Wal-Mart said same-store sales growth was in the mid- to upper- single digit percentage range. Shares of Internet portal Yahoo! Inc. are higher on news that it saw an 86% increase in sales at its shopping site during the holiday season with ACNielsen figures indicating Yahoo customers spent $10.3 billion in 4Q. Micron Technology (MU,31,f2) is higher amid continued speculation that the company is close to agreeing to an alliance with South Korea's Hynix Semiconductor (HXSCY,$9.90). A month ago, the two firms reported they were in "exploratory" discussions regarding strategic options, however, no official announcement has been made at this point. Shares of EchoStar Communications (DISH,27,f1) are slightly higher after The Wall Street Journal reported that it wants to expand Hughes Electronics Corp.'s (GMH,15.02,f2) satellite Internet service. If regulators approve Echostar's proposed acquisition of Hughes, the company's chairman said he plans to spend $1 billion on Hughes' Spaceway unit and increase ownership in fixed satellite firm PanAmsat (SPOT,22,f1). ---------------------------------------------------------------- TREASURY AND ECONOMIC SUMMARY U.S. Treasury prices are lower across the curve midday ahead of tomorrow's planned $23 billion 2-year Treasury sale. In today's only economic release, the Redbook retail sales index recorded a 4.5% decline for the three weeks ended Dec. 22nd, slightly ahead of Bloomberg's -4.6% estimate, with year-over-year sales declining 0.6%. Tomorrow, the Labor department will release initial jobless claims and on Friday the markets will be watching for consumer confidence figures, the Chicago Purchasing Managers' Index, new and existing home sales, and durable goods orders. ---------------------------------------------------------------- WORLD MARKETS European markets are closed for the Christmas holiday. In economic news, the French producer price index fell 0.6% in November, twice the estimate, with the year-over-year figure falling a larger than expected 2.3%. The euro is flat versus the U.S. dollar. Crude oil got a boost following statements from Saudi oil minister Ali Al-Naimi that OPEC will officially announce a 1.5 million barrel per day supply cut on Friday. Jeffrey Reeve, Market Analyst ================================================================ LOGIN to access your account: https://investing.schwab.com/trading/start ---------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe or modify your Email Alert customization options, log in using the link below or copy and paste it into your browser's address window: https://investing.schwab.com/trading/start?SANC=EAMyAlerts ---------------------------------------------------------------- Notice: All email sent to or from the Charles Schwab corporate email system may be retained, monitored and/or reviewed by Schwab personnel. (0801-11478) Information provided by Bridge Information Systems. Copyright 2001 Bridge Information Systems. Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. ("Schwab") is a member of the NYSE. Schwab Capital Markets L.P. is a member of the NASD and SIPC. Schwab Capital Markets L.P. is also a subsidiary of The Charles Schwab Corporation and is a market maker in approximately 5000 securities. Schwab Center for Investment Research ("SCIR") is part of Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. The information contained herein is obtained from sources believed to be reliable, but its accuracy or completeness is not guaranteed. This report is for informational purposes only and is not a solicitation, or a recommendation that any particular investor should purchase or sell any particular security. Schwab does not assess the suitability or the potential value of any particular investment. All expressions of opinions are subject to change without notice. The Charles Schwab Corporation, Schwab, Schwab Capital Markets L.P. and its officers, directors, employees, consultants and/or members of their families may have a position in, and may from time to time, purchase or sell any of the mentioned or related securities including derivatives in such securities. At any given time, Schwab specialists, or Schwab Capital Markets L.P. market makers, may have an inventory position, either "long" or "short" in any security mentioned in this report as a result of their specialist/market making functions, respectively. (C)2001 Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. F1 Schwab Capital Markets L.P. makes a market in this security. F2 Schwab is a specialist in this security. F3 Schwab has managed or co-managed a public offering in this security within the last three years. F4 An employee of Schwab is a Director of this company. F5 An analyst covering this stock has an investment position. This service is for personal use only. Commercial use or redistribution in any form, print or electronic, is prohibited. Distribution by Quris, Inc.
---------------------- Forwarded by Mark Dana Davis/HOU/ECT on 08/21/2001 08:26 AM --------------------------- From: John Llodra/ENRON@enronXgate on 08/20/2001 07:54 PM To: Gautam Gupta/ENRON@enronXgate, Mark Dana Davis/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Subject: FW: Niagara Mohawk - Electric Commodity Outsourcing Conference Call Attached is a power point presentation (2nd file) outlining the terms of the deal struck between NiMo and Tractebel. It looks like Tractebel has agreed to take the supply portfolio from NiMO at NiMO's cost, and then sell SOS load for a fixed quantity at fixed prices, with any deviations from that quantity priced out at the day-ahead LBMP. Aso involves an index pricing mechanism tied to changes in NYMEX gas prices. Finally, Tractebel is serving the MPS load (i.e., large customers) at a pass through of the day ahead prices. I'll send in seperate emails the actual filing (including redacted contract) and affidavits covering the auction process and results. -----Original Message----- From: Sullivan, Kathleen Sent: Mon 8/20/2001 4:49 PM To: Llodra, John Cc: Subject: Niagara Mohawk - Electric Commodity Outsourcing Conference Call -----Original Message----- From: [email protected]@ENRON [ mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Friday, July 27, 2001 12:10 PM To: 'William Bouteiller'; 'Robert Garlin'; 'Janet Deixler'; 'Jane Assaf'; 'Gloria Kavanah'; 'Steven Agresta'; Robinson, Thomas G.; 'Joseph Carline'; 'James Peterson'; 'Joseph Cleary'; 'Jim Tripp'; 'Natalie Patisaw'; 'David Wooley'; 'Paul Agresta'; 'Robert Hobday'; 'James Warden'; 'Michael Mager'; 'Robert Loughney'; 'Barbara Brenner'; 'Doreen Saia'; 'Timothy Merril'; 'David Prestemon'; 'Ruben Brown'; 'Sam Laniado'; 'Nicholas Prioletti'; 'Byron Starns'; 'James Bertrand'; 'Steven Pincus'; 'Martha Duggan'; 'George Kazanjian'; Sullivan, Kathleen; 'Matt Picardi'; 'Melissa Lauderdale'; 'Richard Golden'; 'Jeffrey Durocher'; 'William Green'; 'Carl Van Kralingen'; 'Elinor Ducat'; 'Paul Nolan'; 'Sarah Miller'; 'Usher Fogel'; 'Katherine Kennedy'; 'Richard Koda'; 'Chris Wentlent'; 'Chuck Sjoberg'; 'Tom Jesikiewicz'; 'Ben Wiles'; 'Robert Weishaar'; 'Cathy Hughto-Delzer'; 'Frank Miller'; 'Thomas Yurik'; 'Karen Georgenson Gach'; 'Jeffrey Stravino'; 'Glenn Haake'; 'David Johnson'; 'Craig Indyke'; 'Keith Roland'; 'James Fairman'; 'David Koplas'; 'Nancy Cianflone'; 'Catherine Nesser'; 'Jeffrey Genzer'; 'Joshua Sabo'; '[email protected]'; 'Mike Reville'; 'Walter Haase'; 'Michael Darroch'; 'Eli Eilbott'; 'Celeste Smith'; 'Kerin Dumphrey'; 'Carol Smoots'; 'Ilia Levitine'; 'Robert Mullane'; 'Thomas Rudebusch'; 'Robert Ayerst'; 'Ed Frank'; 'John Wicka'; 'Kevin Higgins'; 'Denise Gerbsch'; 'Bob Visalli'; 'Warren Myers'; 'Michael Twergo'; 'David Reulet'; 'Steven Pincus'; 'Lorna Johnson'; 'Jim Peterson'; 'Bob Loughney'; 'Karen Tuczinski'; 'Jeffrey Wagner'; 'Michael Corso'; 'David Wooley'; 'Michael Mager'; 'Whit Russell'; 'Jerrold Oppenheim'; '[email protected]'; 'Theresa Flaim'; 'Gloria Kavanah'; Reilly, Lawrence J.; 'William Glew'; Cochrane, John G.; Fowler, Keith; Lewis Johnson, Sabrina L.; Molloy, James M.; Olton, Laura; Nash, Macdara; Robinson, Thomas G.; 'Stephen Agresta'; Tervo, Judith A.; 'Joseph Ash'; 'William Edwards''; 'Steven Tasker'; 'Sandra Johnson'; 'Scott Leuthauser'; 'Dennis Schafer'; 'Clem Nadeau'; 'Michael Hynes'; 'George Bauman'; Bonner, James J.; Carlton, Jon; '[email protected]'; Conti, Kathleen A.; '[email protected]'; 'Lisa Gast'; 'Bill Mills'; 'Catherin Hedgeman'; 'Jeff Hogan'; 'Doris Stout'; 'Charles Brennan'; 'Cathy Hughto-Delzer'; 'Floyd Hitchcock'; 'Kevin Colwell'; 'Steven Wilson'; 'James Warden'; 'Karen Georgenson Gach'; 'Sarah Miller'; 'Jeff Schnur'; 'Martin Currier'; 'Donald Oliver'; 'Richard Koda'; 'Thomas Primero'; 'Jean McDonnell'; 'Doug Lutzy'; 'Jane Assaf'; 'Richard Golden'; 'Ben Wiles'; 'Nicholas Prioletti'; 'Ruben Brown'; 'Paul Savage'; 'Lyle VanVranken'; 'Michael Salony'; 'Kevin Brocks'; 'Usher Fogel'; 'John Dax'; '[email protected]'; 'Joe Mantaro'; 'Tariq Niazi'; 'Susan Bruce'; 'Barney Farnsworth'; '[email protected]'; 'Michael Cordaro'; 'Nancy Testani'; '[email protected]'; 'Michael Wayand'; '[email protected]'; 'William Saxonis'; [email protected]; [email protected] Cc: [email protected] Subject: PSC Case No. 01-M-0075 - Electric Commodity Outsourcing Conference Call Niagara Mohawk has awarded a contract to Tractebel Energy Marketing Inc. to manage its electric supply contracts for a term ending Dec. 31, 2006. This contract is subject to approval by the PSC(a copy of the petition seeking approval will be provided to the parties when filed with the Commission). A conference call to review and discuss this contract will be held with the parties to the National Grid USA/Niagara Mohawk Merger Proceeding on Monday, July 30, 2001 starting at 10:00 a.m. Scott Leuthauser will go through a presentation which is attached below to be followed by a question and answer period. Also attached below is the Company's press release announcing the agreement with Tractebel. Parties who are interested in learning more about how this agreement relates to the merger proposal are invited to participate in Monday's conference call. Please call the following number at 10:00 a.m: 1-888-876-1197 Passcode: 111680# (See attached file: Tractebel final.doc) (See attached file: Commodity Outsourcing Prez - sdl Jul 27 01.ppt) - Tractebel final.doc <<Tractebel final.doc>> - Commodity Outsourcing Prez - sdl Jul 27 01.ppt <<Commodity Outsourcing Prez - sdl Jul 27 01.ppt>>
---------------------- Forwarded by Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT on 01/06/2000 03:57 PM --------------------------- Robert Superty 01/06/2000 08:32 AM To: Katherine L Kelly/HOU/ECT@ECT, Edward Terry/HOU/ECT@ECT, Randall L Gay/HOU/ECT@ECT, George Smith/HOU/ECT@ECT, Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Pat Clynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON cc: Heather Choate/HOU/ECT@ECT Subject: Re: Request for Application Report List This is a follow up to the earlier email I forwarded regarding CES historical information. Note the deadline of 1/15, I believe that should be Friday 1/14 so I need your responses by Thursday 1/13. Please fill out the spreadsheet for each area and forward back to me. I will consolidate our responses from a Logistics perspective. Lets have them add everything they need and if challenged we can re-review later. Thanks - Bob ---------------------- Forwarded by Robert Superty/HOU/ECT on 01/06/2000 08:24 AM --------------------------- From: Bryce Baxter 01/05/2000 12:00 PM To: Sheri Thomas/HOU/ECT@ECT, Robert Superty/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mark Friedman/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mary Solmonson/HOU/ECT@ECT, Bob Klein/HOU/ECT@ECT, Georgeanne Hodges/HOU/ECT@ECT, Lisa Csikos/HOU/ECT@ECT, Rita Wynne/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Inja Chun/HOU/ECT@ECT, Brent A Price/HOU/ECT@ECT, Tommy J Yanowski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Susan Harrison/HOU/ECT@ECT, Lawrence R Daze/HOU/ECT@ECT, Pamela Chambers/Corp/Enron@Enron, [email protected] Subject: Re: Request for Application Report List Last month Richard Burchfield sent us the following list of reports that are available from CES's systems. IT is working on a way to secure an electronic copy of the required reports and making them available to us online via the electronic document management system. While ENA is not liable for pre-2000 business, we may need to assist with research as issues arise. In order to get the ball rolling, we need to get a list together of the reports we need. Please fill out the attached spreadsheet and list any reports that you need and return it to me by Friday, 1/15/2000. If you do not want any reports, please send me an Email letting me know that. I have included samples of how to fill this out, and if you have any questions please give me a call. If you aren't sure which reports you need based on the names, please get with any CES employees you have hired or with a CES transition employee to get clarification. If you need samples of any of these reports please let my assistant, Pam Chambers, know and she will coordinate getting a sample report printed for you. In addition, I will need a list of the users and their logonid's who will need to have access to this data. Please send that to me by the 15th as well. Thanks, Bryce Richard Burchfield 12/01/99 04:58 PM To: Sheri Thomas/HOU/ECT@ECT, Robert Superty/HOU/ECT@ECT, Brent A Price/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mark Friedman/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mary Solmonson/HOU/ECT@ECT, Tommy J Yanowski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Bob Klein/HOU/ECT@ECT, Bryce Baxter/HOU/ECT@ECT, Georgeanne Hodges/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Subject: Re: Request for Application Report List All, Below is attached the report list for CES. Richard ---------------------- Forwarded by Richard Burchfield/HOU/ECT on 12/01/99 03:48 PM --------------------------- [email protected] on 12/01/99 01:25:37 PM To: Richard Burchfield/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: " - *Peeples, Jeff" <[email protected]>, " - *Licarione, Linda" <[email protected]> Subject: Re: Request for Application Report List Please see the attached for the Altra GMS report listing. Please forward any additional questions relating to Altra GMS to Linda Licarione (713-693-2845) or Jeff Peeples (713-693-2597). Thanks. Linda Licarione 12/01/99 01:04 PM To: Clay Deaton/CES/ColumbiaGas@ColumbiaGas cc: Subject: Request for Application Report List Attached is a list of 210 reports from Altra GMS. Please note that we may not be using all of these reports. If you need me to scale this down to those currently being used, I will need to do a bit of analysis. Many of the base reports, those denoted in the spreadsheet with filename-location (1st column) = master.mdb are not currently being used at CES. Let me know if you have any questions. ---------------------- Forwarded by Linda Licarione/CES/ColumbiaGas on 12/01/99 12:58 PM --------------------------- Clay Deaton 11/30/99 01:27 PM To: Linda Licarione/CES/ColumbiaGas@ColumbiaGas cc: Subject: Request for Application Report List Can you provide me with a complete list of GMS reports? ---------------------- Forwarded by Clay Deaton/CES/ColumbiaGas on 11/30/99 01:26 PM --------------------------- [email protected] on 11/30/99 10:36:11 AM Please respond to [email protected] To: Clay Deaton/CES/ColumbiaGas@COLUMBIAGAS cc: [email protected], [email protected] Subject: Request for Application Report List Clay, I have had several requests from the ENA business groups. now that the agreement has been finalized, for report lists from your key applications, those being, Altra GMS and Risk Works( there may be others as people become more aware). There will be a need for information for ENA to manage contracts as we go through he transition period. We feel this would be an easier process to work through if ENA knows what kind of information they can request as we go through the transition. Thanks, Richard - GMS_ReportListing by Header.xls
Company Sleuth Daily Report =========================== Company Sleuth is a registered trademark of Infonautics, Inc. (Nasdaq: INFO) or its subsidiaries. CompanySleuth has revised its Privacy Policy. Click here http://www.company.sleuth.com/priv-acqui.cfm to view the revised Privacy Policy. Free Daily Emails delivered right to your desktop keep you informed on the latest local breaking business news. Register now to receive you FREE daily email with today's local business headlines. http://L90Dm.com/rdr/707/ This is your Personal Company Sleuth Report for Tuesday December 12, 2000. ---------------------- Your Stakeout Companies ----------------------- Here are the new items Company Sleuth found on your stakeout companies last night. Synagro Technologies Inc. (SYGR) Tech. Trading...................6 To view this company's report, go to: http://www.company.sleuth.com/index.cfm?ticker=SYGR mPhase Technologies, Inc. (XDSL) Raging Bull Msg.................63 To view this company's report, go to: http://www.company.sleuth.com/index.cfm?ticker=XDSL Ames Department Stores (AMES) Tech. Trading...................5 To view this company's report, go to: http://www.company.sleuth.com/index.cfm?ticker=AMES Ameritrade Holding Corp. (AMTD) Raging Bull Msg.................10 Yahoo Msg.......................39 Tech. Trading...................4 News............................3 Rabbitt Ratings.................1 To view this company's report, go to: http://www.company.sleuth.com/index.cfm?ticker=AMTD Best Buy Company, Inc. (BBY) Yahoo Msg.......................37 Motley Fool Msg.................3 Tech. Trading...................5 News............................3 TVAlerts........................4 Rabbitt Ratings.................1 To view this company's report, go to: http://www.company.sleuth.com/index.cfm?ticker=BBY Starnet Comm. Intl., Inc. 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The number of message board postings on a stock is displayed in a chart, indicating whether the buzz is heating up or petering out. You don,t even need to visit the site regularly*Company Sleuth will e-mail the results so you can pick and choose what to read." - &13 Sites That Put You Above The Crowd8 by Paul Barr, OnlineInvestor, November 2000 Customize Company Sleuth ------------------------ CompanySleuth has revised its Privacy Policy. Click here http://www.company.sleuth.com/priv-acqui.cfm to view the revised Privacy Policy. Cancel E-mail http://www.company.sleuth.com/cancelmail.cfm?userid=ALEWIS34 Contact Company Sleuth http://www.company.sleuth.com/contact-us.cfm Change Stakeout Companies http://www.company.sleuth.com/PickCompanies.cfm Modify E-mail Content http://www.company.sleuth.com/tab-alerts.cfm Change to HTML E-mail http://www.company.sleuth.com/change-mail-format.cfm Company Sleuth is a registered trademark of Infonautics, Inc. (Nasdaq: INFO) or its subsidiaries. Copyright 2000 Infonautics Corporation http://www.infonautics.com
Thanks for your e-mail. We have converted to Outlook on our system would you send me the latest redline we have been discussing as I cannot retrieve it. Also you your changes to 8.2 did not show up if you could let me know your changes here I would appreciate it, and then I thing we are done. Regards, Debra -----Original Message----- From: [email protected]@ENRON [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Friday, July 13, 2001 5:33 PM To: Perlingiere, Debra Subject: RE: EMBOLI MASTER FIRM PURCHASE/SALE AGREEMENT Debra, Were you going to send executable copies, as duly revised? Sarai Renken Contract Admin. MarkWest Hydrocarbon, Inc. ----- Forwarded by Sarai Renken/Denver/MarkWest on 07/13/2001 04:27 PM ----- Sarai Renken To: [email protected] 06/25/2001 cc: 02:48 PM Subject: RE: EMBOLI MASTER FIRM PURCHASE/SALE AGREEMENT(Document link: Sarai Renken) I like the language with one modification, in red and bold below. Sarai Debra.Perlingiere @enron.com To: IMCEANOTES-SRenken+40markwest+2Ecom+40ENRON@ENRO 06/25/2001 01:50 N.com PM cc: Subject: RE: EMBOLI MASTER FIRM PURCHASE/SALE AGREEMENT Thanks for your e-mail. Here is language I purpose of Article 8.2 8.2. Transfer. This Agreement, including, without limitation, each indemnification, shall inure to and bind the permitted successors and assigns of the Parties; provided, neither Party shall transfer this Agreement without the prior written consent of the other Party which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed; Notwithstanding the foregoing, either Party may, without the consent of the other Party (and without relieving itself from liability hereunder)but upon written notice, (i) transfer, sell, pledge, encumber or assign this Agreement or the accounts, revenues or proceeds hereof in connection with any financing or other financial arrangements, (ii) transfer or assign this Agreement to any Affiliate by assignment, merger or otherwise, or (iii) transfer or assign this Agreement to any person or entity succeeding to all or substantially all of the assets of such Party; provided that any such succeeding entity or Affiliate meets or exceeds the creditworthiness of the assigning Party and further provided that such succeeding entity or Affiliate agrees in writing to be bound by the terms and conditions hereof. Any Party's transfer in violation of this Section 8.2 shall be void. Let me have your thoughts regarding the attached. -----Original Message----- From: [email protected]@ENRON [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Monday, June 25, 2001 11:14 AM To: Perlingiere, Debra Subject: RE: EMBOLI MASTER FIRM PURCHASE/SALE AGREEMENT Let's try this with my document actually attached. (See attached file: Enron Master Firm Agreement.doc) ----- Forwarded by Sarai Renken/Denver/MarkWest on 06/25/2001 10:10 AM ----- Sarai Renken To: [email protected] 06/25/2001 cc: 10:12 AM Subject: RE: EMBOLI MASTER FIRM PURCHASE/SALE AGREEMENT(Document link: Sarai Renken) Debra, A few corrections made -- corrected spelling of MarkWest, added company info for exhibits A & C. Still missing the language you wanted to add instead of mine in sect. 8.2, subsections (ii) & (iii). Please see my notes in the document. Once we get the wording agreed upon for these two subsections, we should have an agreement. We'll also need to discuss the GISB, but let's first get the master firm agreement in place. Any questions, please feel free to e-mail me at [email protected] or call me at 303-925-9275. Sarai Debra.Perlingiere @enron.com To: [email protected] 06/21/2001 11:06 m AM cc: Subject: RE: EMBOLI MASTER FIRM PURCHASE/SALE AGREEMENT Sara, Attached I hope, is the correct redline version which exemplifies the agreed to changes. Please review and let me know if there are any additional corrections. (See attached file: Markwest Redline.doc) Debra -----Original Message----- From: [email protected]@ENRON [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Thursday, June 14, 2001 3:21 PM To: [email protected] Subject: ENFOLIO MASTER FIRM PURCHASE/SALE AGREEMENT (See attached file: Enron Master Firm Agreement.doc) - Enron Master Firm Agreement.doc << File: Enron Master Firm Agreement.doc >>(See attached file: Markwest Redline.doc) - Enron Master Firm Agreement.doc << File: Enron Master Firm Agreement.doc >> - Markwest Redline.doc << File: Markwest Redline.doc >>
Carol St. Clair EB 3892 713-853-3989 (Phone) 713-646-3393 (Fax) [email protected] ----- Forwarded by Carol St Clair/HOU/ECT on 10/30/00 02:29 PM ----- Robert Eickenroht@ENRON Sent by: Andrew Wu@ENRON 10/25/00 06:47 PM To: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], 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[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], Edwin Essandoh/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, David L Roland/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Gerry Willis/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Richard DiMichele/Enron Communications@Enron Communications, Scott Dieball/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Carmen Pokluda/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Richard Freed/HOU/EES@EES, Laurel S Gleason/EFS/EES@EES, Sandi M Braband/HOU/ECT@ECT, Chris Gaffney/HOU/ECT@ECT, Matthias Lee/SIN/ECT@ECT, Mark Taylor/HOU/ECT@ECT, Michael Schuh/FRA/ECT@ECT, Jack Harmuth/Corp/Enron@Enron, Ray Alvarez/TRANSREDES@TRANSREDES, Raul Baldivia/TRANSREDES@TRANSREDES, Fernando Gonzalez/TRANSREDES@TRANSREDES, Juan Pablo Sanchez/TRANSREDES@TRANSREDES, Cynthia Trigo/TRANSREDES@TRANSREDES cc: Stephanie Harris/Corp/Enron@ENRON Subject: Enron Noncompetition Agreement; Important Notice At the request of Jim Derrick, attached is a Memorandum from Mr. Derrick to all Enron Attorneys outlining the obligations of Enron Corp., Enron Energy Services, LLC and their respective controlled affiliates under a Noncompetition Agreement that was recently executed. Also attached is an Executive Summary of the Agreement and an electronic version of the Agreement as executed. Please also circulate this Memorandum to any attorneys in your respective business units if they are not on this distribution. Please note that the Noncompetition Agreement and the transactions underlying same are highly confidential and have not been publicly announced. Therefore, please treat same with strict confidence. The attachments are also being distributed to the Enron Corporate Development Group and members of the Enron Executive Committee. Robert
Robert, Absolutely. This is a critical situation. Vince Robert Johnston 01/16/2001 08:02 AM To: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Scott Tholan/Corp/Enron@Enron Subject: California Power 1/15/01 Vince- Kristin mentioned that you might be interested in receiving our daily updates on the California situation. Hope that you are doing well and let us know if you require any additional information. RJ ---------------------- Forwarded by Robert Johnston/HOU/ECT on 01/16/2001 08:08 AM --------------------------- Robert Johnston 01/15/2001 09:10 PM To: Michelle D Cisneros/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Gary Hickerson/HOU/ECT@ECT, James D Steffes/NA/Enron@Enron, Richard Shapiro/NA/Enron@Enron, Jaime Gualy/NA/Enron@Enron, John Greene/LON/ECT@ECT, Jeff Kinneman/HOU/ECT@ECT, Kristin Walsh/HOU/ECT@ECT, Scott Tholan/Corp/Enron@Enron Subject: California Power 1/15/01 As talks continued toward the Tuesday deadline markets have been focused on for the California electricity crisis, state officials around Governor Gray Davis have toughened up their rhetoric on a couple of fronts even as they confirmed they would be in the market as early as Tuesday taking bids for energy to be paid by the State of California. One problem on that front is still how much producers want to charge the state for electricity. As we reported last week, Davis and his aides want to pay around $50 to $55 dollars per megawatt hour and suppliers want about $75. Treasury Secretary Summers has suggested an auction as the best way to determine the price, but California officials are taking a less free market approach and still hope to set the price through negotiation over long-term contracts. Our sources in Washington, Sacramento, and California are increasingly of the view that Governor Davis is positioning his government to establish long-term power contracts with the generators that could be passed through to the utilities following a bankruptcy in the near term. This week's legislative activities in Sacramento will create the vehicle to do so. State credit backing purchases of power would obviate the need for super-priority borrowing to finance power purchases after utility bankruptcy. 1. Audit- Untangling Utility Relationships California officials have also toughened their rhetoric on the debt repayment front as they say results from a preliminary audit show that half of the $9 to $12 billion the utilities say they owe is actually owed to themselves for power they bought from their corporate relations This strange situation is due to the fact that one holding company owns both the power-generating and power-distributing companies under a holding company umbrella. Of course, that means that some of the power PG&E and Southern California Edison bought at highly inflated prices was bought from themselves. But it was not all bad news in the tense negotiations. Sources confirm that Davis increasingly understood that the state finance role was a crucial part of any potential solution. He told our sources this afternoon that he is willing to use state credit to eliminate the "risky debt" premium that PG&E and SCE are being charged by suppliers because of their shaky finances and that he is willing to extend the current 10% rate increase utility customers are paying far beyond the initial 90-day deadline. In return he is demanding that the companies prepare to "share the burden of debt reduction in return for state help and credit extension." 2. Debt Restructuring- Guarantees, but No Direct State Money Davis also told the videoconference that he believes the $12 billion in back debt owed by the utility companies can be cleared up during a 90-day forbearance period (whether that period has been agreed to by all creditors is not something we are clear about right now). Davis' idea, as he laid it out in the meeting, is to use the forbearance period to securitize the debts and sell them against the utilities' forward rate base or by establishing a medium-term repayment plan backed by continued state guarantees. In both cases the restructured debt would be resolved over a decade without direct use of taxpayer money as the utilities use their positive margins to paydown their debt. One of the reasons Davis wants to stay close to the $50-$55 megawatt charge is that it maximizes the rate at which utilities can pay down this debt. There is a strong chance that Davis will agree to use state guarantees to sweeten the pot at the end of these negotiations, but he remains opposed to using direct state money. This frustrates both Clinton administration and utility creditors, but Davis has not yet shown much flexibility. 3. Eminent Domain/Reregulation Perhaps most frustrating to the Washington DC free market crowd at Treasury and the White House was the continued comfort Davis and his group of political advisers have with "non-market" solutions to the energy crisis. Although the Governor's aides actually believe the weapon is more a "way to force eventual agreement, than an actual solution," the talk returns frequently to these non-market mechanisms. "We have the ultimate weapon to enforce compliance by the Tuesday deadline. If we make no progress. If this thing looks like it will turn into a genuine crisis, then we will use our powers of condemnation and we will re-take the plants and equipment and run them ourselves," a close political aide to Davis said. "We will absorb the plants, the transmission lines and the reserved parking places of the executives. The legislature would agree in a second."
+ The recent hike in oil prices pushed inflation up to 7.56% in the week ending September 30. + Hyundai Motors India plans to invest an additional $350 million over 3 years to enhance its existing production capacity and launch new models. + The Ministry of Power opposed Enron India's proposal for trading in surplus power. USIBC Daily News October 16, 2000 Agro/Patents/Pharma October 16: U.S.-based Rice Tec Inc withdrew 4 out of 20 claims from its 1997 patent on basmati rice. The Hindustan Times (Print edition only) October 16: The central government sanctioned a $77.7 million relief package for farmers of the north Indian state of Punjab. The Food Corporation of India had earlier decided to suspend procurement of paddy as it found the crop was sub-standard. The Times of India < http://www.timesofindia.com/today/16home3.htm> ?<http://www.hindustantimes.com/> Broadcasting/Entertainment October 16: The Indian government announced that private agencies would start FM radio broadcast on schedule in four major cities. The Times of India < http://www.timesofindia.com/today/16busi13.htm> Communications October 16: Usha Telecom Ltd has decided to pay its entire outstanding cellular-license fees of $70.2 million to the Department of Telecommunications (DoT). This follows Usha Telecom's bid to sell its cellular licenses. The Times of India < http://www.timesofindia.com/today/16busi2.htm> October 16: Southern Railways has completed an optic fiber cable network in Tamil Nadu.? The Financial Express (Print edition only) Economic/General News October 16: The Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry (Assocham) stated that the slowdown in industrial growth (down to 5.3% during April-August 2000) is expected to continue for the next 6 months. The Financial Express < http://www.financialexpress.com/fe/daily/20001016/fex16035.html> October 16: The recent hike in oil prices pushed inflation up to 7.56% in the week ending September 30, compared to 6.06% in the previous week. This is the first time inflation has risen beyond 7% since the introduction of a new index in April 2000. Business Standard < http://www.business-standard.com/today/economy7.asp?Menu=3> Energy October 16: The National Oil Company of Oman is likely to purchase a 26% equity stake in Bina Refinery of Bharat Petroleum. The Economic Times (Print edition only) Financial: Trade & Investment October 16: CVD International, a U.S.-based entertainment hardware/software development company, is likely to purchase 20% of Hyderabad-based Prathina Video Private Ltd. The Financial Express (Print edition only) October 16: Hyundai Motors India has decided to invest an additional $350 million over 3 years to enhance its existing production capacity and launch new models. The Financial Express < http://www.financialexpress.com/fe/daily/20001016/fco16031.html> Information Technology October 16: Cheecoo Networks announced its partnership with Yahoo-India. Cheecoo Networks has a unique navigation, notification and communication console. Cheecoo Networks will make Yahoo's popular services available to the Internet community through their desktop application. The Financial Express (Print edition only) Insurance and Finance October 16: The government finalized a cabinet note to amend the Banking and Acquisition Act 1969. This will allow the government to reduce its ownership percentage in nationalized banks to 67%. The Financial Express (Print edition only) Political/International October 16: The Ministry of External Affairs confirmed that it received requests from both Israel and the Palestinian National Authority (PNA) for intervening in the West Asia peace process. However, the Indian government offered only humanitarian aid and a general condemnation of the violence. The Times of India (Print edition only) Sanctions Transportation/Infrastructure October 16: The Ministry of Power opposed Enron India's proposal for trading in surplus power. Enron plans to set up a wholly owned subsidiary and invest $50-100 million to market power; including purchase of power from private producers, transmission and distribution companies and state electricity boards. The Foreign Investment Promotion Board (FIPB) has already referred Enron's proposal to the Group of Ministers on foreign direct investment and believes that power trading may be useful in reducing power losses. The Economic Times (Print edition only) October 16: India requires an investment of $65 billion to meet its urban infrastructure needs, according to a paper prepared by the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII). The Times of India ? < http://www.timesofindia.com/today/16busi23.htm> October 16: Indian financial institutions led by Industrial Development Bank of India (IDBI) disbursed over $173 million to PPN, a 330 mw power project based in Tamil Nadu. PPN will receive $73.6 million in rupee-denominated term loans and a foreign currency loan of $93.7 million. The Financial Express < http://www.financialexpress.com/fe/daily/20001016/fex16045.html> ============================================================================== = The USIBC Daily News is a free service of the U.S.-India Business Council to USIBC Members and affiliates. USIBC provides Internet links to news stories for informational purposes only, and makes no representation of the accuracy of information posted on other organizations' websites.? To add or remove your name from this list, or with questions or comments, please contact USIBC via e-mail at [email protected] <mailto:[email protected]>. U.S.-India Business Council Website: <http://www.usibc.com> 1615 H Street NW Washington DC 20062-2000 Phone 202 463 5492 Fax 202 463 3173 West Coast 477 Ninth Avenue, Suite 107 San Mateo, CA 94402 Phone 650 685 8790 xt. 16 Fax 650 343 2848
Picture didn't come through. Sounds nice. Is there somewhere on the web I can see it. Chris -----Original Message----- From: "Varsity Ecommerce" <[email protected]>@ENRON Sent: Thursday, September 27, 2001 3:48 PM To: Dorland, Chris Subject: Re: Grand Cherokee Did the picture not come through as an attachment in my last email? I'll attach it again and hopefully you will be able to see it this time. If not, it is the 60th Anniversary Limited - black exterior with the taupe and agate interior...I thought it would be a good match for you and there are only a few around and they are gorgeous. Dwayne ----- Original Message ----- From: <[email protected]> To: <[email protected]> Sent: Monday, August 27, 2001 2:39 PM Subject: RE: Grand Cherokee > Do you have a black one in stock? If so, what color interior? > > Chris > > -----Original Message----- > From: "Varsity Ecommerce" <[email protected]>@ENRON > Sent: Thursday, September 27, 2001 3:37 PM > To: Dorland, Chris > Subject: Re: Grand Cherokee > > Hi Chris, > > So you like black? Oddly enough that was the one I was thinking of > too... > > Here's a picture...What do you think? > > By the way, I will be here on the 6th and 7th, so I will see you then. > > Take care, > Dwayne > ----- Original Message ----- > From: <[email protected]> > To: <[email protected]> > Sent: Monday, August 27, 2001 2:18 PM > Subject: RE: Grand Cherokee > > > > The colors that interest me most are black, silver, white, burgundy > and > > champagne. I will be in Calgary on Sept. 6/7 and I will give you a > call. > > Are you going to be in the office on those days? > > > > Chris Dorland > > > > -----Original Message----- > > From: "Varsity Ecommerce" <[email protected]>@ENRON > > Sent: Friday, August 24, 2001 11:48 AM > > To: Dorland, Chris > > Subject: Re: Grand Cherokee > > > > Hi Chris, > > > > I don't honestly know how long they will be available as our first > 2002 > > arrived on Monday, so that would suggest that we aren't receiving > any > > more > > 2001 models. There are still several available, but if we didn't > have > > your > > 2001 in stock, I would locate it at another dealer and bring it in > for > > the > > same price. > > > > The next step might also be to give me your top choices for colours > so > I > > can > > keep an eye out for you. > > > > By the way, my work number is 730-4000, or toll-free > 1-866-881-1888. > > > > Take care, > > Dwayne > > > > > > > > > > ----- Original Message ----- > > From: <[email protected]> > > To: <[email protected]> > > Sent: Friday, August 24, 2001 10:41 AM > > Subject: RE: Grand Cherokee > > > > > > > Thank you very much. How long would it take to get something like > this > > in? > > > I will be in Calgary on Sept. 6/7 and will come by and see you. > Could > > you > > > e-mail me your work phone number. > > > > > > Thanx > > > > > > Chris Dorland > > > > > > -----Original Message----- > > > From: "Varsity Ecommerce" <[email protected]>@ENRON > > > Sent: Friday, August 24, 2001 11:25 AM > > > To: Dorland, Chris > > > Subject: Re: Grand Cherokee > > > > > > Hi Chris, > > > > > > I am attaching the breakdown on a Grand Cherokee that matches > your > > > request > > > as closely as possible. > > > > > > The MSRP on the unit is $51,570 with pretty well every > conceivable > > > option - > > > I can get you this Grand Cherokee for the cash price of > $45,188 > > > including > > > rebates. > > > > > > Take a look at the attachment and let me know if you have any > > questions > > > or > > > comments. > > > > > > Have a great day, > > > > > > Dwayne > > > > > > - Chris.RTF << File: Chris.RTF >> > > > > > > > > > > > > > ********************************************************************** > > > This e-mail is the property of Enron Corp. and/or its relevant > > affiliate > > and may contain confidential and privileged material for the sole > use > of > > the > > intended recipient (s). Any review, use, distribution or disclosure > by > > others is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended > recipient > (or > > authorized to receive for the recipient), please contact the sender > or > > reply > > to Enron Corp. at [email protected] and > delete > > all > > copies of the message. This e-mail (and any attachments hereto) are > not > > intended to be an offer (or an acceptance) and do not create or > evidence > > a > > binding and enforceable contract between Enron Corp. (or any of its > > affiliates) and the intended recipient or any other party, and may > not > > be > > relied on by anyone as the basis of a contract by estoppel or > otherwise. > > Thank you. > > > > ********************************************************************** > > > > > > > > > - 60thAnniversaryGC.jpg << File: 60thAnniversaryGC.jpg >> > - 60thAnniversaryGC1.jpg << File: 60thAnniversaryGC1.jpg >>
Tana: Mark said that he has already approved these. Do I need to do anything? Carol St. Clair EB 3889 713-853-3989 (Phone) 713-646-3393 (Fax) [email protected] Tana Jones 03/23/2001 05:33 PM To: Carol St Clair/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Subject: Re: EOL PRODUCT TYPE APPROVAL for 5 Financial product types (Clickpaper to EOL migration) ----- Forwarded by Tana Jones/HOU/ECT on 03/23/2001 05:33 PM ----- Harry M Collins 03/23/2001 10:05 AM To: Kevin Meredith/Corp/Enron@ENRON cc: Bjorn Hagelmann/Enron@EnronXGate, Charlie Hoang/Enron@EnronXGate, Chris Walker/HOU/ECT@ECT, Dawn C Kenne/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jeff Blumenthal/Enron@EnronXGate, Karen Lambert/HOU/ECT@ECT, Kelly Lombardi/NA/Enron@Enron, Laurie Lee/Enron@EnronXGate, Lisa Lees/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mark Taylor/HOU/ECT@ECT, Melba Lozano/HOU/ECT@ECT, Robert B Cass/HOU/ECT@ECT, Shari Mao/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stephanie Sever/HOU/ECT@ECT, Susan Musch/Enron@EnronXGate, Tana Jones/HOU/ECT@ECT, Tara Sweitzer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Tom Moran/Enron@EnronXGate, Torrey Moorer/HOU/ECT@ECT Subject: Re: EOL PRODUCT TYPE APPROVAL for 5 Financial product types (Clickpaper to EOL migration) Carol St. Clair is the appropriate attorney to review these financial products. Kevin Meredith@ENRON 03/23/2001 08:24 AM To: Jeff Blumenthal/HOU/ECT, Susan Musch/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Bjorn Hagelmann/HOU/ECT, Mark Taylor/HOU/ECT@ECT, Harry M Collins/HOU/ECT@ECT, Tom Moran/HOU/ECT, Shari Mao/HOU/ECT@ECT, Charlie Hoang/HOU/ECT, Laurie Lee/NA/Enron cc: Lisa Lees/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stephanie Sever/HOU/ECT@ECT, Tana Jones/HOU/ECT@ECT, Karen Lambert/HOU/ECT@ECT, Kelly Lombardi/NA/Enron@Enron, Tara Sweitzer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Dawn C Kenne/HOU/ECT@ECT, Torrey Moorer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Robert B Cass/HOU/ECT@ECT, Chris Walker/HOU/ECT@ECT, Melba Lozano/HOU/ECT@ECT Subject: EOL PRODUCT TYPE APPROVAL for 5 Financial product types (Clickpaper to EOL migration) Your review and approval of the following 5 product types in the EOL Datamanager is needed (for directions on approval , please see steps for approval at the bottom of this e-mail). If you have any questions please call me at ext. 39555. US Newsprint Fin Swap USD/MT/M A US Newsprint Financial Swap Transaction with Enron North America Corp. under which the Seller pays a Floating Price and the Buyer pays the price submitted by Counterparty on the Website (the Fixed Price) in respect of the Notional Quantity per Determination Period. The Notional Quantity per Determination Period shall be the volume submitted by Counterparty on the Website. Each calendar month during the term of the Transaction will be a Determination Period. The Payment Date(s) will be 5 business days after the Floating Price is determinable. The Floating Price shall be the Index for the relevant Determination Period. US Packaging Fin Swap USD/ST/M A US Packaging Financial Swap Transaction with Enron North America Corp. under which the Seller pays a Floating Price and the Buyer pays the price submitted by Counterparty on the Website (the Fixed Price) in respect of the Notional Quantity per Determination Period. The Notional Quantity per Determination Period shall be the volume submitted by Counterparty on the Website. Each calendar month during the term of the Transaction will be a Determination Period. The Payment Date(s) will be 5 business days after the Floating Price is determinable. The Floating Price shall be the Index for the relevant Determination Period. US Recycled ONP #8 Fin Swap USD/ST/M A US Recycled Financial Swap Transaction with Enron North America Corp. under which the Seller pays a Floating Price and the Buyer pays the price submitted by Counterparty on the Website (the Fixed Price) in respect of the Notional Quantity per Determination Period. The Notional Quantity per Determination Period shall be the volume submitted by Counterparty on the Website. Each calendar month during the term of the Transaction will be a Determination Period. The Payment Date(s) will be 5 business days after the Floating Price is determinable. The Floating Price shall be the Index for the relevant Determination Period. US Recycled OCC #11 Fin Swap USD/ST/M A US Recycled Financial Swap Transaction with Enron North America Corp. under which the Seller pays a Floating Price and the Buyer pays the price submitted by Counterparty on the Website (the Fixed Price) in respect of the Notional Quantity per Determination Period. The Notional Quantity per Determination Period shall be the volume submitted by Counterparty on the Website. Each calendar month during the term of the Transaction will be a Determination Period. The Payment Date(s) will be 5 business days after the Floating Price is determinable. The Floating Price shall be the Index for the relevant Determination Period. US OSB Fin Swap USD/MSF A US OSB Financial Swap Transaction with Enron North America Corp. under which the Seller pays a Floating Price and the Buyer pays the price submitted by Counterparty on the Website (the Fixed Price) in respect of the Notional Quantity per Determination Period. The Notional Quantity per Determination Period shall be the volume submitted by Counterparty on the Website. Each calendar month during the term of the Transaction will be a Determination Period. The Payment Date(s) will be 5 business days after the Floating Price is determinable. The Floating Price shall be the Index for the relevant Determination Period. ============================================================================== ===== STEPS FOR APPROVAL: click the START button select PROGRAMS select TEST APPLICATIONS select ENRONONLINE CLUSTER(PROD) PROCEED WITH USUAL LOGIN/PASSWORD click the Enron Online Production Cluster "START" button select EnronOnLine (this is the EOL Datamanager) PROCEED WITH EOL LOGIN/PASSWORD click on the "+" for EnronOnLine click on the "+" for Product Types click on the "+" for "Awaiting Approval" (OR "Partially Approved") select the product requiring review as stated in e-mail above Right "mouse" click on "properties" to view product set-up TO APPROVE: Right mouse click on "Approved"
I am OK with what Credit say, which is if the counterparties are already approved for trading those pulp & lumber products theyan trade the new products, except for the following counterparties which we need to be careful about becuase they could only tansact newsprint: The Bakersfield Californian: can transact only newsprint E.W. Scripps Company (The) can only transact 48.8 gram newsprint swaps Stephanie Sever 03/27/2001 03:08 PM To: Tana Jones/HOU/ECT@ECT, Karen Lambert/HOU/ECT@ECT, Kelly Lombardi/NA/Enron@Enron, Tom Moran/Enron@EnronXGate cc: Robert B Cass/HOU/ECT@ECT, Kevin Meredith/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Chris Walker/HOU/ECT@ECT, Melba Lozano/HOU/ECT@ECT, Lisa Lees/HOU/ECT@ECT Subject: RUSH - EOL PRODUCT TYPE APPROVAL for 5 Financial product types (Clickpaper to EOL migration) Tana/Karen/Kelly: Credit (Tom Moran) has approved copying the profiles for the following new product types; US Newsprint Fin Swap, US Packaging Fin Swap, US Recycled ONP#8 Fin Swap and US Recycled OCC #11 Fin Swap from the following: US Paper Fin Swap Credit (Tom Moran) has approved copying the profile for the new product type, US OSB Fin Swap, from the following: US Lumber Fin Swap Please respond by 5 p.m. today, Tuesday, March 27. Thank you. Stephanie ---------------------- Forwarded by Stephanie Sever/HOU/ECT on 03/27/2001 02:29 PM --------------------------- Enron North America Corp. From: Kevin Meredith @ ENRON 03/23/2001 08:24 AM To: Jeff Blumenthal/HOU/ECT, Susan Musch/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Bjorn Hagelmann/HOU/ECT, Mark Taylor/HOU/ECT@ECT, Harry M Collins/HOU/ECT@ECT, Tom Moran/HOU/ECT, Shari Mao/HOU/ECT@ECT, Charlie Hoang/HOU/ECT, Laurie Lee/NA/Enron cc: Lisa Lees/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stephanie Sever/HOU/ECT@ECT, Tana Jones/HOU/ECT@ECT, Karen Lambert/HOU/ECT@ECT, Kelly Lombardi/NA/Enron@Enron, Tara Sweitzer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Dawn C Kenne/HOU/ECT@ECT, Torrey Moorer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Robert B Cass/HOU/ECT@ECT, Chris Walker/HOU/ECT@ECT, Melba Lozano/HOU/ECT@ECT Subject: EOL PRODUCT TYPE APPROVAL for 5 Financial product types (Clickpaper to EOL migration) Your review and approval of the following 5 product types in the EOL Datamanager is needed (for directions on approval , please see steps for approval at the bottom of this e-mail). If you have any questions please call me at ext. 39555. US Newsprint Fin Swap USD/MT/M A US Newsprint Financial Swap Transaction with Enron North America Corp. under which the Seller pays a Floating Price and the Buyer pays the price submitted by Counterparty on the Website (the Fixed Price) in respect of the Notional Quantity per Determination Period. The Notional Quantity per Determination Period shall be the volume submitted by Counterparty on the Website. Each calendar month during the term of the Transaction will be a Determination Period. The Payment Date(s) will be 5 business days after the Floating Price is determinable. The Floating Price shall be the Index for the relevant Determination Period. US Packaging Fin Swap USD/ST/M A US Packaging Financial Swap Transaction with Enron North America Corp. under which the Seller pays a Floating Price and the Buyer pays the price submitted by Counterparty on the Website (the Fixed Price) in respect of the Notional Quantity per Determination Period. The Notional Quantity per Determination Period shall be the volume submitted by Counterparty on the Website. Each calendar month during the term of the Transaction will be a Determination Period. The Payment Date(s) will be 5 business days after the Floating Price is determinable. The Floating Price shall be the Index for the relevant Determination Period. US Recycled ONP #8 Fin Swap USD/ST/M A US Recycled Financial Swap Transaction with Enron North America Corp. under which the Seller pays a Floating Price and the Buyer pays the price submitted by Counterparty on the Website (the Fixed Price) in respect of the Notional Quantity per Determination Period. The Notional Quantity per Determination Period shall be the volume submitted by Counterparty on the Website. Each calendar month during the term of the Transaction will be a Determination Period. The Payment Date(s) will be 5 business days after the Floating Price is determinable. The Floating Price shall be the Index for the relevant Determination Period. US Recycled OCC #11 Fin Swap USD/ST/M A US Recycled Financial Swap Transaction with Enron North America Corp. under which the Seller pays a Floating Price and the Buyer pays the price submitted by Counterparty on the Website (the Fixed Price) in respect of the Notional Quantity per Determination Period. The Notional Quantity per Determination Period shall be the volume submitted by Counterparty on the Website. Each calendar month during the term of the Transaction will be a Determination Period. The Payment Date(s) will be 5 business days after the Floating Price is determinable. The Floating Price shall be the Index for the relevant Determination Period. US OSB Fin Swap USD/MSF A US OSB Financial Swap Transaction with Enron North America Corp. under which the Seller pays a Floating Price and the Buyer pays the price submitted by Counterparty on the Website (the Fixed Price) in respect of the Notional Quantity per Determination Period. The Notional Quantity per Determination Period shall be the volume submitted by Counterparty on the Website. Each calendar month during the term of the Transaction will be a Determination Period. The Payment Date(s) will be 5 business days after the Floating Price is determinable. The Floating Price shall be the Index for the relevant Determination Period. ============================================================================== ===== STEPS FOR APPROVAL: click the START button select PROGRAMS select TEST APPLICATIONS select ENRONONLINE CLUSTER(PROD) PROCEED WITH USUAL LOGIN/PASSWORD click the Enron Online Production Cluster "START" button select EnronOnLine (this is the EOL Datamanager) PROCEED WITH EOL LOGIN/PASSWORD click on the "+" for EnronOnLine click on the "+" for Product Types click on the "+" for "Awaiting Approval" (OR "Partially Approved") select the product requiring review as stated in e-mail above Right "mouse" click on "properties" to view product set-up TO APPROVE: Right mouse click on "Approved"
FYI ---------------------- Forwarded by Richard Shapiro/HOU/EES on 04/05/2000 01:50 PM --------------------------- From: Christi L Nicolay@ECT on 04/05/2000 01:49 PM To: James D Steffes/HOU/EES@EES, Richard Shapiro/HOU/EES@EES cc: Joe Hartsoe/Corp/Enron@Enron, Sarah Novosel/Corp/Enron@Enron, Charles Yeung/HOU/ECT@ECT, Richard Ingersoll/HOU/ECT@ECT Subject: Joe's group accomplishments in 2000 SO FAR!! Per Jim's request for the database. (I don't know if you want to put the values that Kevin is giving into the database). (1) Completed the negotiations and FERC filing of the Next Hour Market scheduling proposal. When implemented, scheduled for June 2000, this will provide one stop shopping for next hour business. Ties OASIS and TAGGING together into one request. Also if a tranmission provider cuts the transmission the PSE only pays for his actual use versus what he originally scheduled. This will speed up the ability to schedule the next hour non-firm. This order is an important recognition by FERC that its OATT did not cover hourly, which we complained about alot at FERC's hotline last summer. 2) Successful in obtaining the release of all ISN (system information) to marketers in the WSCC region. This was an individual effort by Dick that has been benificial for our traders in the WEST. Successfully prevented the WSCC Operating Committee from taking action that would have reversed this effort. 3) Assisted in getting the initial control areas in SERC approved last year and preventing ATC changes this year and OC changes that would have negated the Control Area effort. 4) Dick served as Co CHAIR of the ISO committee that put the SPP contract in place that eliminated MW mile pricing in SPP and will serve as the basis for SPP's RTO. 5) Dick was appointed to the NERC Control Area Task Force which was formed as a result of our the success of the Enron Control Areas in TVA and have so far been successful in keeping this effort so that it is non punitive. This has turned into a very positive process that may result in a new configuration of the NERC relibiability effort. (6) Dick's made comments to ENTERGY that helped push Entergy into filing their new scheduling procedure (ultimate source and sink) with FERC. This was initially going to be implemented unilaterally March 1 without a FERC filing and Enron would have been forced into an after the fact complaint situation at FERC where we are not allowed to get damages that we would have incurred in the meantime (See Comm. Massey's concurrence in Aquila v. Entergy about the lack of incentive to file complaints). Kevin Presto said that winning the protest at FERC (due 4/12) would be worth $100 MM. (7) On 2/2, TECO revised its proposed generator imbalance charge from minute by minute to hourly accountability (notably, TECO revised its proposal before FERC issued an order based on the EPSA protest herein.) We worked with EPSA to file an EPSA protest to TECO,s proposal. We didn,t like TECO's proposal but had commercial concerns about filing a protest in our own name (since Enron is working with TECO on a project). We were able to get EPSA to protest this issue in TECO's initial filing. Enron is planning to site generation in Florida, but we don't have the value on this win yet. (8) FERC issued a NOPR on January 28 proposing to revise the way it assesses annual charges to public utilities. Enron, along with several other participants (Dynegy, Koch, APX, Citizens, NP Energy, Sonat and Williams), filed a petition for rulemaking with FERC in August, 1998, requesting FERC to revise its methodology for assessing annual charges, arguing that FERC's current system of assessing annual charges on sales for resale of power discourages trading, impedes reliance on competitive markets for power, and could create competitive advantages for utilities over new power marketers entering the market. We proposed that FERC either assess its costs on transmission only, or reallocate the amounts that it collects through sales transactions versus transmission transactions. Although FERC does not grant our petition and in fact dismisses it as moot, the petition served its purpose. In the NOPR, FERC notes that because most of its time is spent on transmission issues (a point that we made in the Petition), it is appropriate to assess costs only on the MWh of electric energy transmitted in interstate commerce by public utilities. Under the current assessment system, FERC divides its costs between transmission and sales. Now FERC is proposing to collect its costs solely through transmission. FERC justifies this change because it spends most of its time on transmission issues, and because transmission providers can collect the fees through transmission charges assessed to users of the grid. FERC proposes to asses its costs to 1) unbundled wholesale transmission; 2) unbundled retail transmission; and 3) bundled wholesale power sales. Bundled native load transactions will apparently avoid assessments of any FERC-related costs; however, EPSA and Enron are protesting this issue at FERC. (Jim Steffes has been working on a calculation of additional value.) (9) Interconnection Policy ) Utilizing EPSA efforts, including Sarah's meeting with FERC, we got the policy statement we urged FERC to put forth (in the forum we suggested, i.e., an existing proceeding) in the Tennessee Power order where FERC said interconnection procedures should follow the pro forma tariff, including that a generator doesn't have to request transmission and interconnection at the same time. We worked with EPSA to draft the "Model" interconnection agreement that EPSA filed at FERC in the Entergy interconnection proposal. (10) AEP/CSW order ) approved the merger but accepted intervenors, testimony showing market power and conditioned merger on an independent calculation of ATC postings (which we proposed) and independent market monitor soon after the merger occurs with RTO participation by 12/15/01. Kevin Presto said the independent ATC calculation is worth $20 MM to Enron. (Note: we are going to propose MAIN instead of SPP, which AEP chose.). Kevin said that AEP's ATC calculation can trump all interfaces in ECAR, so this has a positive effect not just on AEP, but on all of ECAR. (11) MAPP ) FERC further order on refunds. MAPP refused to refund monies that it was unable to collect from a non-jurisdictional member transmission owner, NPPD. EPMI filed a protest to MAPP,s refund report, arguing that MAPP was ordered to make full refunds and it violated that order. FERC agreed with Enron and rejected MAPP,s refund report. FERC said MAPP must refund the full amount to transmission customers, whether or not it was able to collect that money from NPPD. Results in another $50,000 of refunds for EPMI. (12) Sarah is working on the PGE sale.
======================== THE MOTLEY FOOL ======================== B R E A K F A S T N E W S Thursday, September 20, 2001 [email protected] ================================================================= IN THIS ISSUE --------------------- - TOP STORY: Government Accelerates Aid to Airlines http://www.fool.com/m.asp?i=499856 - NEWS TO GO: Knight-Ridder, 3Com, Tenet Healthcare http://www.fool.com/m.asp?i=499857 - POST OF THE DAY: Biotech Stocks Anyone? http://www.fool.com/m.asp?i=499858 ================================================================= SPONSORED BY: ShareBuilder Buy stocks for just $3! Make dollar-based investments in the stocks and index shares you choose for just $3 per transaction. Or, pay $8 per month for unlimited stock buys. http://www.lnksrv.com/m.asp?i=499859 "Troubled times produce heroes." -- Chinese proverb ----------------------------------------------------------------- TOP STORY ----------------------------------------------------------------- GOVERNMENT ACCELERATES AID TO AIRLINES While Congress works on legislation that will provide financial aid to airlines, President Bush will ask lawmakers to hand over $5 billion in immediate cash to the shell-shocked industry. The Associated Press, quoting an anonymous administration official, says the cash would be coupled with help for the airlines' insurance liabilities. The House of Representatives hopes to rush through a $24 billion aid package that will be quickly sent to the Senate, and could possibly reach the president's desk before next week. That package would include loans as well as some cash that would not have to be repaid. Continental Airlines (NYSE: CAL) CEO Gordon Bethune says the industry is currently losing $15 million per hour, and the package is needed to restore some stability to the situation. In the meantime, more airlines announced staff reductions after the market closed yesterday. First, Mesa Air (Nasdaq: MESA) said it would cut 700 jobs and implement a temporary 10% pay reduction for most employees. Senior management's pay has already been reduced by 20%, and both the CEO and the company's president took a 50% cut. Later, heavyweights American Airlines parent AMR Corp. (NYSE: AMR) and United Airlines parent UAL (NYSE: UAL) announced layoffs of some 20,000 employees each. That represents 14% of American's staff, and 20% of United's. Following Boeing's (NYSE: BA) actions Wednesday, job cuts now total almost 100,000 people industry wide. http://www.fool.com/m.asp?i=499860 One company bucking the layoff trend, however, is SkyWest Airlines (Nasdaq: SKYW). COO Ron Reber says no layoffs are in the works. The company's "plans for growth are still intact," he says, and it still plans to take delivery of the 106 Canadair Regional Jets it ordered from manufacturer Bombardier. SkyWest operates as United Express and Delta Connection in 74 cities. >>FULL STORY: http://www.fool.com/m.asp?i=499861 ----------------------------------------------------------------- NEWS TO GO ----------------------------------------------------------------- Media companies have also been adversely affected by the terrorist attacks. Knight-Ridder (NYSE: KRI) and Tribune Co. (NYSE: TRB), which teamed up in August to acquire online job recruitment site Headhunter.NET (Nasdaq: HHNT), both came out with bad news after the bell yesterday. Knight-Ridder CEO Tony Ridder says many advertisers pulled ads after the attacks, and, combined with the increased expenses due to extended coverage of the tragedy, he expects about a 25% year-over-year drop in earnings per share. Citing the same reasons, Tribune expects third-quarter and full-year earnings to come in below expectations. http://www.fool.com/m.asp?i=499862 The Securities and Exchange Commission says it doesn't yet know if those associated with last Tuesday's hijackings also exploited the markets in order to profit from the attacks. The agency says it's "vigorously pursuing all credible leads," but wouldn't release any other details. Networking equipment maker 3Com (Nasdaq: COMS) reported fiscal first-quarter results that saw revenue fall 58% from the same period last year. The company also "found opportunities" to reduce staffing by another 1,000 people and expects to end the quarter with 6,000 workers. It employed 12,000 last November. The nation's number-two hospital operator, Tenet Healthcare (NYSE: THC), says it will top estimates when it releases fiscal first-quarter earnings on Oct. 3. Its expected earnings per share of $0.65 - $0.67 would represent 35-40% growth over last year. Rex Moore's mental acuity has shown a 3%-5% year-over-year decrease, though it's up inconsequentially sequentially. At press time he held no positions in any of the companies mentioned in this article. The Motley Fool is investors writing for investors. http://www.fool.com/m.asp?i=499863 ----------------------------------------------------------------- POST OF THE DAY ----------------------------------------------------------------- BIOTECH STOCKS ANYONE? "I think the safest long term Biotech offerings are the larger pharmaceutical manufacturers who are very active in R&D and or acquisitions AND are diverse in their product markets." >>FULL POST: http://www.fool.com/m.asp?i=499864 ================================================================= SPONSORED BY: ShareBuilder Buy stocks for just $3! Make dollar-based investments in the stocks and index shares you choose for just $3 per transaction. Or, pay $8 per month for unlimited stock buys. http://www.lnksrv.com/m.asp?i=499865 ================================================================= My Portfolio: http://www.fool.com/m.asp?i=499866 My Discussion Boards: http://www.fool.com/m.asp?i=499867 WANNA TAKE THE SHORTCUT? Check out our new Crash Courses, the fastest way to get your finances in order. Get results in less than an hour, for just $10. Try one today! http://www.fool.com/m.asp?i=499868 PERKS FOR FOOLS ONLY Get free stuff and special offers, just for you! http://www.fool.com/m.asp?i=499869 CUSTOMER SERVICE Ask our staff for help with email delivery problems. http://www.fool.com/m.asp?i=499870 UNSUBSCRIBE Here's how to unsubscribe or change your settings. http://www.fool.com/community/freemail/[email protected] _________________________________________________________________ Copyright (c) 1995-2001 The Motley Fool. All rights reserved. Legal Information: http://www.fool.com/m.asp?i=499871 MsgId: msg-9754-2001-09-20_10-29-50-3779074_2_Plain_MessageAddress.msg-10:31:06(9-20-2001) X-Version: mailer-sender-master,v 1.84 X-Version: mailer-sender-daemon,v 1.84 Message-Recipient: [email protected]
Don't mean to keep the chain of emails going, but given the cameras and the grand-standing politicians (who seem to have an abundance of rhetoric and capacity for scape-goating, and a paucity of constructive solutions or the will necessary to do what needs to be done), seems worth considering the pros and cons of throwing anyone in front of any legislative committees. We may decide that the pros outweigh the cons and that there's discernable value having our outside counsel speak to the issues of supply and demand in California and the West, but seems worth spending 5 or 10 minutes on. Best, Jeff Paul Kaufman@ECT 01/11/2001 01:30 AM To: Susan J Mara/NA/Enron@ENRON cc: Alan Comnes/PDX/ECT@ECT, James D Steffes/NA/Enron@Enron, Jeff Dasovich/NA/Enron@Enron, Richard Shapiro/NA/Enron@Enron, Sandra McCubbin/NA/Enron@Enron Subject: Re: Special Oversight Committee What the heck are you doing awake at 2:00 a.m. Re: the hearing. I'm really not sure that this hearing is worth spending alot of time worrying about--at least given my understanding of the scope of this Committee's responsibilities during the special session (i.e, the lack of responsibilities). Although, Sandi may know more about the importance of this hearing based on discussions with the Committee folks, from our discssions over the past couple of days in Sacto it really seems like the hearing will be informational in nature. In any event, I don't see the downside to having Mike do the testimony. Mike knows enough to be helpful to the Committee. He's easy to insert in the process. While I have absolutely no problems using Robert Michaels, the hearing is on Tuesday--less than one week from today--and somebody would have to vet his testimony and work with him to prepare the document. If we can make this work, I'm all for it. It just seem a lot easier to use Mike. Re: why can't we just say no. From my standpoint there is an upside in participating--we continue to support Wright. Wright has become the voice of reason on energy issues. Susan J Mara@ENRON 01/10/2001 10:48 PM To: Paul Kaufman/PDX/ECT@ECT cc: Alan Comnes/PDX/ECT@ECT, James D Steffes/NA/Enron@Enron, Jeff Dasovich/NA/Enron@Enron, Richard Shapiro/NA/Enron@Enron, Sandra McCubbin/NA/Enron@Enron Subject: Re: Special Oversight Committee Can't we just say "no"? I know Rod thinks highly of Mike, but I'm having a hard time seeing what he can add on the stated topic. Mike Day is certainly no expert on supply and demand. I can understand our reluctance in putting an Enron person on the stand, so maybe we shouldn't. Why not pay an economics consultant, like Robert Michaels to represent us? He's been in the media lately and has the right type of expertise. ALso, he's just joined TCA, so we could easily use him. Paul Kaufman@ECT 01/10/2001 10:19 PM To: Susan J Mara/NA/Enron@ENRON, Sandra McCubbin/NA/Enron@Enron, Jeff Dasovich/NA/Enron@Enron, Alan Comnes/PDX/ECT@ECT cc: James D Steffes/NA/Enron@Enron, Richard Shapiro/NA/Enron@Enron Subject: Special Oversight Committee The invitation is to participate in a meeting before the Utilities and Commerce Committee of the regular session. The oversight committee is an entirely different matter--as of yesterday no schedule for its meetings had been set (timing may follow the release of the CPUC auditor's report on the utilities). As for the invitation to speak, my thought is that we ask Mike Day to speak on our behalf. The issue we have been asked to address is, very generally, supply and demand. Day has a lot of credibility with Wright and it's Wright's committee. Just be sure, this afternoon, Sandi was following up with the Wright's office to get a better picture on scope of the hearing. With regard to this subject, I asked Alan Comnes to look through the Mary Hain presentation to FERC (from last summer) and pull out the slides that were relatively current (or not too awfully out of date). From what we have seen so far, I don't think we need to get to worked up over this particularl hearing before the regular Utilities committee. All the action will occur before the special session committees. If the need to discuss the hearing continues to be an issue, let's talk further. Sandi please follow up with Sue on what we've discovered through Wright's office re: the Tuesday hearing. ---------------------- Forwarded by Paul Kaufman/PDX/ECT on 01/10/2001 10:18 PM --------------------------- Susan J Mara@ENRON 01/09/2001 10:50 PM To: Paul Kaufman/PDX/ECT@ECT, Sandra McCubbin/NA/Enron@Enron, Jeff Dasovich/NA/Enron@Enron, Marcie Milner/Corp/Enron@ENRON, James D Steffes/NA/Enron@Enron, Richard Shapiro/NA/Enron@Enron, Alan Comnes/PDX/ECT@ECT cc: Subject: Special Oversight Committee We need to discuss our response to this invitation ----- Forwarded by Susan J Mara/NA/Enron on 01/09/2001 09:22 PM ----- Scott Govenar <[email protected]> 01/09/2001 03:15 PM To: Hedy Govenar <[email protected]>, Bruno Gaillard <[email protected]>, Mike Day <[email protected]>, Mona L Petrochko <[email protected]>, Jeff Dasovich <[email protected]>, Susan J Mara <[email protected]>, Paul Kaufman <[email protected]> cc: Subject: Special Oversight Committee There will be an oversight subcommittee of the new committee formed to shape energy policy in the Special Session. In a meeting today, Assembly Member Darryl Steinberg, who will Chair the subcommittee, told us he expects to hold two hearings to "track the money" between utilities, geneators and wholesalers. He hopes to wait until after the completion of the PUC audit, unless that audit drags on longer than the next week or so. He is planning a "constructive investigation" and pledges to be fair. The subcommttee will be staffed by the Speakers Office of Oversight. Also, Enron has been invited to testify at an informational hearing of the Assembly Utilities and Commerce Committee on January 16, 2001. The general topiic is how supply and demand affect the California market and what options are available for new or repowered generation in California.
Aslo, a few links are below. From BusinessWeek in 1997 http://www.businessweek.com/1997/30/b353757.htm COMMENTARY: IN THE NEW ECONOMY, THE OLD RULES STILL LIVE These are tough times for traditional inflation theory. A soaring U.S. economy, fueled by the forces of globalization and technology, has pushed joblessness down to levels not seen in decades. But consumer inflation remains tame, and producer prices are actually falling. Convinced that the New Economy can continue along this course, investors have bid the stock market to new highs. But there's a more classical view of the economy that still should be heeded. Virtually all mainstream economists say it's too early to scrap economic theories that for decades have reliably predicted inflation. Ignoring these basics is especially risky in a high-flying financial climate that is sensitive to Federal Reserve policy decisions. INFLATION AND JOBS. First, a review of the Econ 101 lectures you may have slept through. The topic: Phillips curve theory and the concept of NAIRU, a clunky acronym for ''non-accelerating-inflation rate of unemployment.'' Together, these relate joblessness and inflation--NAIRU being the jobless rate at which inflation is stable. The Phillips curve/NAIRU model suggests that inflation is caused by excess demand--demand beyond what available workers and machines can satisfy. The excess occurs when the jobless rate dips below NAIRU, causing wages and inflation to accelerate. But the process doesn't end there. Higher inflation reduces demand and labor markets readjust, pushing joblessness back to the NAIRU level. But the inflation persists at the higher level, partly because people adjust to it. Despite the current, unusual situation of low unemployment and low inflation, the old model is alive and well among economists--and at the Fed. ''I am a strong and unapologetic proponent of the Phillips curve and the NAIRU concept,'' says Federal Reserve Governor Laurence H. Meyer. Chairman Alan Greenspan, warming to the New Economy, is less enamored. But he appreciates the model's solid track record. The Phillips/NAIRU model has practical limitations. But understanding those limits doesn't mean junking the theory. The model can still work, but it's crucial to peg the level of NAIRU--a moving target. Before globalization and technology pushed NAIRU below 6% a few years ago, the model had a two-decade run as one of forecasters' best-performing tools. Now NAIRU may be even lower than the generally accepted range of 5 1/2% to 5 3/4%. It can take a year or more for inflation to pick up after a gap opens between the unemployment rate and NAIRU. That's why the Fed's experiment to test the economy's inflationary limit is dangerous. The wider the gap, the more inflation will rise--and it will not fall until the jobless rate exceeds NAIRU. That is, until the Fed steps in to clamp down on the economy, thus throwing a lot of people out of work. ECONOMIC WINDFALLS. Another consideration: The Phillips/NAIRU model cannot reflect good economic luck, and this U.S. business cycle has had more than its share: falling oil prices, a stronger dollar, and weaker growth among overseas competitors. Also, a slowdown in benefit expenditures has curbed labor costs, even as wage growth has picked up--as the model predicts. Right now, the model does not forecast any strong pickup in inflation. But for every half point the jobless rate stays below NAIRU for a year, inflation will accelerate by a quarter point. And a stronger second half could send the unemployment rate even lower. That's great--if you're seeking employment. But traditional inflation theory says that, if the Fed's current gamble with tight job markets fails, the costs of excess demand now will be foregone output and income later on. Even in the New Economy, the old approach to gauging future inflation should scarcely be ignored--it should be embraced. By James C. Cooper Updated July 17, 1997 by bwwebmaster Copyright 1997, by The McGraw-Hill Companies Inc. All rights reserved. Terms of Use LINKS I) My colleague Brad DeLong has a nice multimedia demonstration. Check out his site, being sure to let pages run for a minute or 2: http://econ161.berkeley.edu/multimedia/PCurve1.html II) A British on-line model of the economy has two articles / sub-sites: 1. Unemployment Theories - Phillips Curve - Is unemployment inflated? http://bized.ac.uk/virtual/economy/policy/outcomes/unemployment/unempth4.htm and 2. Inflation Worksheet - The Phillips Curve - Trading off unemployment and inflation http://bized.ac.uk/virtual/economy/policy/outcomes/inflation/inflws2.htm III) Nouriel Roubini has an overview article and additional links to the current debate on NAIRU and limits to growth at http://equity.stern.nyu.edu/~nroubini/NAIRU.HTM David I. Levine Associate professor Haas School of Business ph: 510/642-1697 University of California fax: 510/643-1420 Berkeley CA 94720-1900 email: [email protected] http://web.haas.berkeley.edu/www/levine/
Yes we do want to renew the option through September of next year and we will need to persuade them to lower the option premium. Her is a thought: the land fill closure cost is approximately $2.9 million. Could we create a new option agreement that states that the strike price is $4.2 million ($1.3 the original strike price plus the cost of land fill closure cost) so we could pay an option premium of up to $210,000 (5% of $4.2 million). At closing, we reduce the purchase price by the costs yet to be incurred in the closing the land fill. Since Certosa Holdings will not start the closure until they are assured that we will exercise the option if even then, the net cost to us would drop back to the original strike price. Could we get this past the accountants? Only the memorandum of option was recorded. -----Original Message----- From: Mann, Kay Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 2001 4:40 PM To: Krause, Greg Cc: Carnahan, Kathleen Subject: RE: AEW's backup I've skimmed it. I see that the option expires August 9th. Are we planning to renew it? If so maybe we can renew early and fix what we can to preserve some optionality (no pun intended) and cover the fee issue. Might take too long to address the immediate issue. I don't see anyway we can get around the balance sheet issue unless we let the option expire and then reoption, but in that case the option payment would have to be smaller (acct says an option of 5% creates a problem as it would be considered a down payment). Just fyi. Kathleen, was the option recorded, or just a memo of option, or neither? I'm just wondering what is public info. Herman is out of the office today, but I can discuss the fee issue to get his vote. More to come... ckm From: Greg Krause/ENRON@enronXgate on 05/23/2001 02:19 PM To: Kay Mann/Corp/Enron@Enron cc: Subject: RE: AEW's backup I think the invoice was for between $20,000 and $30,000, but I can't remember. AEW has the invoice. This probably will not be the final as we will need to work with them in discussions with DERM on delaying the landfill closure and in moving jurisdiction of the project from CZAB to the County Commissioners. I think Shutts & Bowen (who may get stiffed by their client if this deal blows up) and Certosa Holdings would be open to any suggestions and we need to renegotiate the option anyway. Shall I call and suggest this this flat fee for retooling the option agreement to them or shall we do it together? I,m not sure I could explain to them acequately the idiosyncrasies of our accounting requirements. -----Original Message----- From: Mann, Kay Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 2001 2:00 PM To: Krause, Greg Subject: RE: AEW's backup How much is it and should this be the final amount? One thought I have is that maybe we can retool the option agreement so that we pay them a flat fee, which is enough to cover the expenditures. Don't know if this works, but it is one thought. What do you think? Kay From: Greg Krause/ENRON@enronXgate on 05/23/2001 01:50 PM To: Kay Mann/Corp/Enron@Enron cc: Subject: RE: AEW's backup One more thing on the SDEC project: According to the option agreement we executed last October, we agreed to reimburse Certosa Holdings for actual third party costs that they incurred in support of our necessary applications, submittals and in seeking local approval. Several weeks ago, we recieved an invoice from Shutts & Bowen, attorney for Certosa Holdings requesting reimbursement pursuant to the contract. I forwarded this invoice on th Ann Elizabeth not necessarily to pay for but to review considering this whole soft cost hard cost discussion. I recieved another call this morning from Shutts & Bowen asking about the invoice. What should I do? -----Original Message----- From: Mann, Kay Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 2001 11:03 AM To: Krause, Greg Subject: RE: AEW's backup Greg, You can call me on whatever you have, including Midway, SDEC and Medley Dunn. If I have a problem getting to something, I'll find help. Kay From: Greg Krause/ENRON@enronXgate on 05/23/2001 10:50 AM To: Kay Mann/Corp/Enron@Enron cc: Subject: RE: AEW's backup Kay, Ann Elizabeth did not provide a designated hitter for the South Dade Energy Center (Dade Development Company LLC is Optionee, Certosa Holdings is Optionor) nor did she provide one for tne Medley Dunn project. I have been told that the Dunns are considering backing off their ultimatums that they gave Ann Elizabeth and I regarding taxes to the town and assumption of enviromental liability. Who do I talk to about the Dunn contract while Ann Elizabeth is out? -----Original Message----- From: White, Ann Elizabeth Sent: Tuesday, May 22, 2001 10:33 PM To: [email protected]; Krimsky, Steven; Ben Jacoby/HOU/ECT@ENRON; Carnahan, Kathleen Cc: Milligan, Taffy Subject: AEW's backup Kay Mann is the designated hitter for the Pompano and Deerfied projects while I'm on vacation. I've given her a down load of the status of Greg and Steve's projects. Chris Boehler at A&K will be the designated hitter for Midway. I'm not going to check my voice mail while I'm gone but, if necessary, here are the contact numbers while I'm gone. Walter and Marlena Schilling 011-49-8218-89351 [email protected] Monika and Bernhard Steinacher 011-49-8232-8932 [email protected] If you call, Walter and Bernhard and Bernhard's daughter, Susanne, speak very good English. Monika's isn't bad. Marlena may get flustered and hang up on you. Best of luck at Deerfield and hope to see Pompano on track when I get back in the office on June 11th. Kay is planning on going to Florida on June 12 for the moratorium hearing and the rezoning hearing.
Can we get any traction in supporting this? The premise is obviously preaching to the choir, and we (as I am sure others do as well) have a string of proposals starting with SDGEs in May or June that, if we melded their timing and their prices into the attached timeline would be very damaging to thinking people. However, are people really thinking, or has Davis and the reporters tainted the waters too badly? What would be the result that we would like to get from such an exposee? Do we really think that we could get some sympathy for returning to a market based structure? Or, would we be like the irritating kid who keeps saying "I told you so", so it does not matter if he was right or not? Are there any legal issues in revealing the prices? Does doing this through IEP help? (Note that the addition of prices could not be done, I do not think, without naming companies, so we would be there, partially revealed.) My vote: if it does not hurt us (competitively, PR, etc.), if it is legal, and especially if it can help make even a small amout of progress towards a market based structure, I would do it. Of course, we could not go anymore to restaurants near the CPUC...... I am out of town for the rest of the week, so I will leave the decision to you guys. Whatever you decide, is OK. PS - At the very least, we should feed our own proposals and their prices into this timeline. Privately, we could show it to various parties on a case by case basis to advance our cause. Just think about it... what if SDGE had accepted our (and others) May/June proposals for 5.5 cents.....?) ----- Forwarded by David Parquet/SF/ECT on 04/24/2001 04:59 PM ----- Jean Munoz <[email protected]> 04/24/2001 12:56 PM To: "'Andy Brown (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'B Brown Andy (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Baker Carolyn (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Bob Escalante (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Bob Weisenmiller (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Curtis Kebler (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "Dean. Nistetter (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, "'Douglas Kerner (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Greg Blue (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Jan Smutny-Jones (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Jeff Dasovich (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Joe Ronan (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'John Larrea (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Julee Malinowski-Ball (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Kassandra Gough (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'kent Palmerton (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Lynn Lednicky (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "Marie Moretti (E-mail 2)" <[email protected]>, "'Marty Wilson (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'McNally Ray (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "''Nam Nguyen' (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Norton Kelli (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Paula Hall-Collins (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Pigott Jack (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Richard Hyde (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Roger Pelote (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Stephanie-Newell (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Sue Mara (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Tom Ross (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "Tom Williams (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, "'Alex Sugaoka (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Bill Carlson (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Bill Woods (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Bob Ellery (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Bob Gates (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Cody Carter (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Curt Hatton (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'David Parquet'" <[email protected]>, "'Dean Gosselin (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Doug Fernley (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Duane Nelsen (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Ed Tomeo (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Eileen Koch (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Eric Eisenman (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Frank DeRosa (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "Frazier Blaylock (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, "'Hap Boyd (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Hawks Jack (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Jim Willey (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Joe Greco (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Jonathan Weisgall (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Kate Castillo (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Kelly Lloyd (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Ken Hoffman (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Kent Fickett (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Lynn Lednicky (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Marty McFadden (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Paula Soos'" <[email protected]>, "'Randy Hickok (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "Rick S. Koebbe (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, "'Rob Lamkin (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Ross Ain (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Steve Iliff'" <[email protected]>, "'Steve Ponder (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Tony Wetzel (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'William Hall (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, Katie Kaplan <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]> cc: Subject: LT Contracts: A History of Inaction by the CPUC Attached is a history of inaction by the CPUC in regards to long-term contracts. We are graphically portraying this as a timeline, incorporating the quotes. We would like to also incorporate any public long-term contract offers IEP members made that utilities were not able to enter into because of the CPUC. ?This will once again help reinforce that IEP members are part of the solution. ? Please forward this information, or any other comments, to me or Katie by 8am PST, Thursday April 26. Please call if you have any questions. Thanks, Jean -- Jean Munoz McNally Temple Associates, Inc. 916-447-8186 916-447-6326 (fx) - Long Term Contract Timeline
Need a hard copy ... I don't have a password for cera Eric Benson 01/20/2001 10:02 AM To: Steven J Kean/NA/Enron@Enron, Richard Shapiro/NA/Enron@Enron, James D Steffes/NA/Enron@Enron cc: Subject: High Speed Regulation in California - CERA Alert Steve, Rick and Jim - Below is an article from CERA that summarizes the current situation in California. Eric +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ----- Forwarded by Eric Benson/NA/Enron on 01/20/2001 09:59 AM ----- [email protected] 01/19/2001 05:16 PM To: [email protected] cc: Subject: High Speed Regulation in California - CERA Alert Title: High Speed Regulation in California URL: http://www20.cera.com/eprofile?u=35&m=2208 A Feverish Pitch The pace of regulatory and political events in California has taken on the feverish pitch of the energy market crisis itself. Important decisions regarding a wide range of market structure issues are being made quickly at the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) and the state Legislature, increasing the level of uncertainty most market participants already perceive in the quickly evolving California market. Sudden changes are being made to the market structure, changes that used to require years in California,s complex regulatory and legislative proceedings. As rolling blackouts have rippled through urban centers of Northern California on January 17 and 18, including in portions of downtown San Francisco, Sacramento, and the Silicon Valley, state officials are scrambling to set up the appropriate credit mechanisms to ensure the continued delivery of scarce western energy supplies to California,s two largest utilities. Even at prices near $800 per megawatt-hour (MWh), the California Department of Water Resources (CDWR), attempting to buy power on behalf of Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) and Southern California Edison (SCE), has been unable to secure enough to keep the lights on. In the mean time, legal actions by some energy suppliers threaten to tip the utilities into bankruptcy*and are being held at bay only by direct intervention of California,s governor. Below is a summary of the various state actions being pursued concurrently: *California governor. California Governor Gray Davis continues to attempt to act on behalf of PG&E and SCE to secure long-term contracts for supply from merchant generation owners and marketers in California. On the same front, the governor has been negotiating with generators in an attempt to keep them from seeking compensation through the courts for energy delivered to the utilities. Court-ordered reimbursement could prompt bankruptcy. *Legislature. Bills have been approved to authorize continued power purchases on behalf of PG&E and SCE by the CDWR, to restructure the independent system operator,s (ISO) governing board to consist of five members appointed by the governor, to restrict the ability of the ISO to enter into a broader interstate regional transmission organization (RTO) without the explicit approval of California,s Electricity Oversight Board, and to prohibit the divestiture of the investor-owned utilities, remaining generating assets until 2006. The vehicle for pursuing authorization of state bond financing for acquisition of transmission assets and construction of new generation facilities is still being developed. *California Public Utilities Commission. On January 18 the CPUC adopted a decision prohibiting the sale of SCE,s Mohave Generating Station to AES. This voids a sale that was announced but not closed. The CPUC also delayed decisions regarding SCE,s application to end its rate freeze and the prudency criteria for utilities entering into long-term supply contracts. Some of these issues will continue to evolve as they progress along their respective and sometimes intersecting paths, and some will need to pass through multiple review bodies. This rapid and erratic evolution has not helped to decrease either the financial risk associated with supplying energy to California,s two largest utilities, or the level of uncertainty in developing new generation to supply California in the future. The ISO anticipates that it will call stage 3 emergencies (reserves less than 1.5 percent) for January 19 and will most likely continue to curtail interruptible customers through the weekend. Western energy supplies are being strained by recent heavy usage of hydroelectric facilities where water supplies are already as much as 25 percent below average, owing to low precipitation and continued plant outages near 9,000 MW in California. The gravity of the financial condition of California,s two largest utilities is exemplified by the need for other, more creditworthy intermediaries, including California municipal utilities, state agencies, and some unregulated energy suppliers, to act as temporary guarantors for the acquisition of energy on behalf of PG&E and SCE. **end** Follow above URL for full report. ********************************************************* Come Shoot the Rapids with us at CERAWeek2001, "Shooting the Rapids: Strategies and Risks for the Energy Future" in Houston, February 12-16, 2001! For more information and to register, please visit http://www20.cera.com/ceraweek/ ********************************************************* E-mail Category: Alert CERA Knowledge Area(s): Western Energy, ********************************************************************** To make changes to your cera.com account go to: http://www20.cera.com/client/updateaccount Forgot your username and password? Go to: http://www20.cera.com/client/forgot This electronic message and attachments, if any, contain information from Cambridge Energy Research Associates, Inc. (CERA) which is confidential and may be privileged. Unauthorized disclosure, copying, distribution or use of the contents of this message or any attachments, in whole or in part, is strictly prohibited. Terms of Use: http://www20.cera.com/tos Questions/Comments: [email protected] Copyright 2000. Cambridge Energy Research Associates
-----Original Message----- From: Terry Myers Sent: Tuesday, July 18, 2000 9:33 AM To: Ted Bockius Subject: FW: Bobby Riggins -----Original Message----- From: ? Cumings, Cindy [mailto:[email protected]] Sent:?? Tuesday, July 18, 2000 9:32 AM To:???? Cornell, Amy; Riley, Natalie; Famolare, Michael; Kishbaugh, Jann; 'Sharon Brass'; 'Sharon Fothergill'; Hawkinson, Carol; Gonzales, Rosario; Ferrar, Brian; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Ross, Donna Cc:???? Moore, Kathleen (ESD) Subject:??????? RE: Bobby Riggins Bobby can have visitors (no flowers or balloons though) during these times: * 10:00 - 10:30 * 1:00 - 1:30 * 7:00 - 7:30 Kathleen Moore and I are going to see him today at 1:00.? If you would like to send get well wishes to him, email me by 12:00 today and I will print off your email and take it to him.? Thanks, Cindy Cumings eMarketing Manager GVC Compaq Computer Corporation (281) 518-7762 [email protected] Visit the GVC Inline site at <http://nonstop.inet.cpqcorp.net/easupport> ? -----Original Message----- From:?? Ross, Donna Sent:?? Monday, July 17, 2000 7:17 PM To:???? James, Katherine; Cranford, Lynn; Rowsey, Michele; Doan, Kathy; ??????? Hawkinson, Carol; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; ??????? Duelm, Brian Subject:??????? RE: Bobby Riggins bike accident news An update note from Ellen Chadick with contact info on which hospital Bobby is in. --------------------------------------- All Saym was just telling me that Bobby was in a serious cycling accident this weekend. He was part of a pack of riders, on the feeder.? A car came off the fwy, plowed into 6 of them.? One was killed.? Bobby is in Neuro Intensive Care, Ben Taub.? Both ankles crushed, punctured lung, crushed vertebrae, no paralysis tho.? 10 hours of surgery.? Keep him in your thoughts and prayers. Please pass the word to anyone I've missed. Ellen (Thanks, Saym, for letting me know.)? -----Original Message----- ??????? From:?? James, Katherine ??????? Sent:?? Monday, July 17, 2000 5:05 PM ??????? To:???? Cranford, Lynn; Rowsey, Michele; Levy, Saym; Doan, Kathy; ??????? Ross, Donna; Hawkinson, Carol; '[email protected]'; ??????? '[email protected]'; Duelm, Brian ??????? Subject:??????? Bobby Riggins bike accident news Got a brief update.? Bobby has some crushed vertebrae in his lower spine.? There doesn't appear to be any paralysis which is good.? His right ankle was shattered and his left ankle was pretty bad too.? Both lungs were crushed.? His surgery yesterday was spine and ankle related I think.? Ten hours worth.? He was not life flighted, but Tim and Barbara were.? Tim's right leg is shattered/crushed, his pelvis is broken and his collar bone may be broken.? Tim has more surgery today.? Don't have any news on Barbara since I don't know her.? They were riding on the 290 feeder road eastbound, very near the end of the ride.? A large pick up style truck apparently exited the freeway and hit them all from behind.? The guy I talked with was going to the hospitals this afternoon and was going to call me later with more.? Yes, Bobby on Saturday was himself somewhat - he apparently was asking about his bike and water bottles!!!!? I'm sure he's thinking he'll go running this weekend at the park! > ????? ??????? From:?? Gonzales, Rosario > ????? ??????? Sent:?? Monday, July 17, 2000 11:39 AM > ????? ??????? To:???? Cartwright ALL > ????? ??????? Subject:??????? Bobby Riggins > > ????? ??????? Jann, phoned this morning and asked me to pass this > information to the group, concerning Bobby Riggins. > > ????? ??????? Bobby is a member of a bicycle team, while cycling this > weekend, he and other members of his team were injured by a truck.? There > was one death in the injured group and the others with major injuries. > Bobby is one of those with major injuries.? He is currently in the > emergency room at Ben Taub Hospital.? Ben Taub hospital is located at 1504 > Taub Loop, Houston, Texas, phone number: 713-793-2000.? He cannot accept > calls, visits or flowers at this time, since he is in the emergency room. > An update will be e-mailed, as soon as one is available. > > ????? ??????? Keep Bobby, his team members and their families in your > prayers. > > ????? ??????? Rosario Gonzales > ????? ??????? Administrative Assistant > ????? ??????? ESSG > ????? ??????? CCA-15, 150301, 153B09 > ????? ??????? 281-514-3183 > ????? ??????? [email protected] > -----Original Message----- From:?? Fisher, Jeff Sent:?? Monday, July 17, 2000 11:38 AM To:???? 'Jonathan Meltzer'; Berry, Mark; Yanacek, Rich; Newcomer, Tom; ??????? Jones, Chris (Fitness) Subject:??????? RE: bike accident news Got a brief update.? Bobby has some crushed vertebrae in his lower spine.? There doesn't appear to be any paralysis which is good.? His right ankle was shattered and his left ankle was pretty bad too.? Both lungs were crushed.? His surgery yesterday was spine and ankle related I think.? Ten hours worth.? He was not life flighted, but Tim and Barbara were.? Tim's right leg is shattered/crushed, his pelvis is broken and his collar bone may be broken.? Tim has more surgery today.? Don't have any news on Barbara since I don't know her.? They were riding on the 290 feeder road eastbound, very near the end of the ride.? A large pick up style truck apparently exited the freeway and hit them all from behind.? The guy I talked with was going to the hospitals this afternoon and was going to call me later with more.? Yes, Bobby on Saturday was himself somewhat - he apparently was asking about his bike and water bottles!!!!? I'm sure he's thinking he'll go running this weekend at the park!
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Date: Fri, 18 May 2001 08:40:43 -0500 From: "Tracey Bradley" <[email protected]> To: "Justin Long" <[email protected]>, "Paul Fox" <[email protected]> Cc: "Deanna King" <[email protected]>, "Ronald Carroll" <[email protected]> Subject: Scheduled blackout plan gaining favor Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Disposition: inline FYI Scheduled blackout plan gaining favor LIMITING PRICES: 3-state buyers' cartel with Northwest could create leverage Lynda Gledhill, Chronicle Sacramento Bureau Thursday, May 17, 2001 ,2001 San Francisco Chronicle URL: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/c/a/2001/05/17/MN88959.DTL More blackouts but no ransom payments for energy gougers -- that's a deal looking increasingly attractive to California lawmakers and consumer advocates. The idea, which has attracted the support of some key lawmakers and the cautious interest of Gov. Gray Davis, is for the state to set a firm ceiling on what it will pay power producers for electricity this summer -- and not one dime more. The trade-off would be certain blackouts, possibly more than if the state continues to pay any price electricity sellers demand. Some advocates of the idea think that California could minimize the number of blackout hours and gain a measure of control over the energy crisis by scheduling service interruptions. "We need to stop this game of electricity chicken," said Michael Shames, director of the Utility Consumers' Action Network, which first proposed the idea. "We are likely to see blackouts this summer; we should use them to our advantage rather than be victimized by them." The plan calls for creating a "buyers' cartel" of California, Oregon and Washington. Essentially, the states would decide at what price they were willing to buy power and refuse to purchase once it tops that level. The state has spent $6 billion on energy purchases since January, and at one point during last week's power shortage was spending $1,900 per megawatt hour -- more than 10 times what Davis has planned on for this summer. That kind of spending cannot go on, Democratic Assemblyman Fred Keeley of Boulder Creek said yesterday. "The question is, can we sustain the level of spending we have and have the state maintain economic stability? I believe the answer is no," said Keeley, the lower house's main figure on energy policy and author of the bill that put the state in the power-buying business. "To get this problem solved, we have to think in bold terms," said Keeley, who introduced a resolution along with fellow Democratic Assemblyman Paul Koretz of West Hollywood that urged Davis to form a cartel. THREE STATES ARE BETTER THAN ONE Davis said last week that "my bias would be to keep the lights on at any price." But yesterday, the governor said a temporary price limit is "certainly a matter we've talked about and considered at some length. The next step will be to see how the governors of Oregon and Washington respond to it." A spokesman for Gov. Gary Locke of Washington said the matter is being considered. Calls to the office of Oregon Gov. John Kitzhaber were not returned. The idea has appeal among some consumers who believe, as many state officials do, that California is being gouged for electricity. "I can see if our bills were $20 or $30 more, but this is ridiculous," said Kimberly Chambers, an 18-year-old fashion design student from Oakland. "Whatever it takes, I don't think we should have to pay for more." But Yunah Kim, 36, who moved to the Bay Area from New York a month ago, said blackouts should not even be considered. "The infrastructure of government is coming apart, and it's the basic service government is able to provide," she said. "Businesses are not going to put up with that. It's very shortsighted. We just have to pay until there's a solution." Severin Borenstein, director of the University of California Energy Institute in Berkeley, said blackouts might be worse than supporters of price limits believe. "I think they (power companies) would call our bluff," and sell their electricity elsewhere, Borenstein said. "I don't think the state has the ability to credibly commit to paying no more than 'X.' That would be a very controversial decision." Legislation is already in the works to give Davis the ability to enter into a West Coast buyers cartel. A bill sponsored by state Sen. Dede Alpert, D- Coronado, would allow the Independent System Operator to refuse to buy power if it is too expensive. The maximum the state would pay would be set by a formula, based on such things as the cost of natural gas. A reasonable profit for power producers would be built in, supporters said. LOOKING FOR SOME CONTROL Alpert said everyone wants to avoid blackouts, but that seems unlikely. "Everybody I talked to -- once you establish that there will be blackouts -- both businesses and residents say, let's have control," Alpert said. The California Manufacturers and Technology Association, which commissioned a recent report that said unplanned blackouts could cost the state economy $21. 8 billion and 135,000 jobs, is considering whether scheduled interruptions would be less harmful. "The problem if we do (scheduled blackouts) is that we may have an inordinate amount of blackouts," said Gino DeCaro, a spokesman for the group. NO EASY TASK The ISO, which runs the state's power grid, is scheduled to issue a report tomorrow on how scheduled blackouts might work. Sen. Debra Bowen, D-Marina del Ray, said that planning blackouts is not as easy as it sounds. "The difficulty is a pragmatic one -- the circuits are not wired to deal with choices like we are having to make," said Bowen, who has been holding hearings on how the state might better manage blackouts. "Maybe we should be paying people to turn off their fuse box," Bowen said. Chronicle staff writer Marsha Ginsburg contributed to this report. / E-mail Lynda Gledhill at [email protected]. ,2001 San Francisco Chronicle Page A - 1
You have been sent this message from [email protected] as a courtesy of the Washington Post (http://www.washingtonpost.com). FYI. To view the entire article, go to http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A32756-2001Jun6.html Steel Lobbyists Gain the Edge In persuading President Bush, a self-proclaimed free trader, to take steps this week aimed at restricting imports of steel, lobbyists for the U.S. steel industry used the threat that thousands of retired steelworkers in key states would lose their health insurance if their companies closed. The specter of an uprising by steel retirees, who substantially outnumber active steelworkers, provided a potent political argument for the industry's case that Bush should take drastic action to protect U.S. steel companies from a worldwide glut even at the cost of tarnishing his free-trade image. The argument was advanced by two top Republican lobbyists, Edward W. Gillespie and Vin Weber, each of whom has been receiving $45,0! 00! a month from an industry-union coalition called Stand Up for Steel. The coalition scored a smashing victory Tuesday, when Bush announced that his administration will file a case with the U.S. International Trade Commission seeking to win authority to set quotas on steel imports. And although many factors went into the White House's decision, industry sources and other participants pointed to the concerns raised by Gillespie and Weber as a classic demonstration of how a highly motivated constituency can sway an administration that barely won the electoral college and lost the popular vote. "From a political perspective, this was not a hard case to make to a government as closely divided as this one is," said Weber, a former congressman, in an interview. Eighteen steel companies are "in one stage or another of bankruptcy. All those retirees are facing loss of benefits." Only about 150,000 people now work in U.S. steel facilities, but at some of the biggest integrated steel! ma! kers -- which are in the worst trouble financially -- there are about six retirees for every active worker. (The total number of retirees is slightly more than 300,000, according to industry officials). Adding to the political punch behind the Gillespie-Weber argument was the fact that many of these retirees live in Rust Belt states that were hotly contested in the last presidential election, including Pennsylvania, Illinois, Ohio and West Virginia. The most fiercely contested state of all -- Florida -- is among the top eight states in number of retirees. A lobbyist who worked against the steel industry, Lewis Leibowitz of the law firm Hogan & Hartson, ruefully gave credit to his opponents' political skill. Leibowitz represents the Consumer Industry Trade Action Coalition, which consists of companies that favor free trade on the grounds that import competition helps keep costs low. "They did a lot, obviously," Leibowitz said, referring to Gillespie and Weber. "This is an! i! ndustry that has something like 160,000 workers, and the market [value] of all the companies is smaller than that of Amazon.com, and they've turned this town upside down. So my hat is off to them." The administration took other considerations into account, to be sure, including the need to win support from steel state Democrats for congressional authority to negotiate new trade agreements. Jim Dyke, a spokesman for Commerce Secretary Donald L. Evans, asserted that his boss was particularly moved by the pleas of union leaders who recalled how their companies had shed workers and restructured in the 1980s only to find themselves devastated anew by imports. Foreign steel shipments, which account for about 20 percent of the U.S. market, reached record levels after financial crises in Asia, Russia and Brazil in the late 1990s. "Factories are closing, and people are losing their jobs, because there's not a level playing field," Dyke said, repeating the administration's argument! t! hat a major reason for the oversupply of steel on world markets is the subsidies that many foreign countries provided when they established their national industries. "This fits in with the president's free-trade strategy." Capitalizing on the administration's decision, Evans joined in a news conference/rally yesterday with such top labor leaders as John Sweeney, president of the AFL-CIO, and Leo Gerard, president of the United Steelworkers of America, both of whom backed Democrat Al Gore in the 2000 presidential race. "You can trust that we will be with you every step of the way until the problem is fixed," Evans told the cheering crowd, which was reminded by other speakers that the Clinton administration had balked at filing a case like the one Bush intends to bring before the International Trade Commission. (The Clinton administration, along with a number of industry lawyers, feared losing the case at the time, but industry experts said another factor was the staunch fr! ee! -trade stance of the Treasury Department.) The Bush administration itself has balked at taking action that would directly protect the benefits of steel retirees. The steelworkers union has called for the government to create a fund that would help cover these "legacy costs," but administration officials said their moves to block imports should help protect benefits by aiding the industry's revival. The White House will now have to contend with the ire of U.S. trading partners, which have reacted with a mixture of indignation and restraint. Long Tong Yu, China's top trade official, told a news conference at a trade meeting in Zhouzhuang yesterday that although "China is concerned with any protectionist practices or measures," it would wait to see whether the U.S. action conformed with the rules of the World Trade Organization. Akira Chihaya, president of Nippon Steel Corp. and the head of Japan's Iron and Steel Federation, lashed out at the United States, saying he fears! t! he administration's move "will encourage protectionism, which has been spreading globally." But U.S. steel industry sources were crowing over the importance of a professed free-trade president putting his imprimatur on an ambitious initiative to save the industry. "He must be choking, but he wants to win elections," one industry official said. <em>Correspondent Clay Chandler in Shanghai contributed to this report.</em>
Hi Barry, I have scheduled our discussion for 1:30pm Wednesday August 29th and will call you then - what number shall I call you at? Regards, Judy Perdomo PricewaterhouseCoopers Calgary International Assignment Solutions (403) 509-7470 Fax (403) 781-1825 "Tycholiz, Barry" To: Judith L. Perdomo/CA/TLS/PwC@Americas-CA <Barry.Tycholiz@ cc: "Presas, Jessica" <[email protected]> ENRON.com> Subject: RE: Counselling 08/27/2001 04:43 PM let's go with weds at 1:30. I need to get this done. I will put on my calender. Jessica, pls ad to my calender and book room. should be for about 1 - 1.5 hours. BT -----Original Message----- From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Monday, August 27, 2001 12:25 PM To: Tycholiz, Barry Subject: RE: Counselling Hi, I'm back. Please fax the IRS notice to me at the number below if you haven't already and I'll review it for you. Regarding the counselling session, I am available tomorrow all day, Wednesday afternoon after 1:30pm, Thursday afternoon after 2pm and Friday after 2pm. Next week I'll be out of the office Tuesday and Wednesday as well as Thursday afternoon. The next week I am out of the office on a course all week (Sept 8-14). Will any of these time slots work for you? Judy Perdomo PricewaterhouseCoopers Calgary International Assignment Solutions (403) 509-7470 Fax (403) 781-1825 "Tycholiz, Barry" To: Judith L. Perdomo/CA/TLS/PwC@Americas-CA <Barry.Tycholiz@ cc: ENRON.com> Subject: RE: Counselling 08/13/2001 11:04 AM Send me a note when you get back and we can set up a meeting then. Also, I received a notice from the IRS and it appears that they were missing information on my wife and as such disallowed me claiming her as a dependent. I will send to your attention to review and clarify. Based on my filing and actual refund there is about a $ 1k difference which I believe is owed to me. BT -----Original Message----- From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2001 10:21 AM To: Tycholiz, Barry Subject: Counselling Good morning Barry, Just to let you know that I am on holidays August 11-26, so your counselling will have to be this week or when I return. Did Enron provide you with approval for a "Post Arrival Consultation"/PAC? This is the counselling our PwC Houston office does. (So, in effect there are two possible counselling sessions for assignees - the predeparture counselling you are supposed to receive before you depart Canada and then there's the PAC). PwC Houston is prepared to set up the "PAC" - they simply want to know if you received approval for it. Thanks, Judy Perdomo PricewaterhouseCoopers Calgary International Assignment Solutions (403) 509-7470 Fax (403) 781-1825 ---------------------------------------------------------------- The information transmitted is intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential and/or privileged material. Any review, retransmission, dissemination or other use of, or taking of any action in reliance upon, this information by persons or entities other than the intended recipient is prohibited. If you received this in error, please contact the sender and delete the material from any computer. ********************************************************************** This e-mail is the property of Enron Corp. and/or its relevant affiliate and may contain confidential and privileged material for the sole use of the intended recipient (s). Any review, use, distribution or disclosure by others is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient (or authorized to receive for the recipient), please contact the sender or reply to Enron Corp. at [email protected] and delete all copies of the message. This e-mail (and any attachments hereto) are not intended to be an offer (or an acceptance) and do not create or evidence a binding and enforceable contract between Enron Corp. (or any of its affiliates) and the intended recipient or any other party, and may not be relied on by anyone as the basis of a contract by estoppel or otherwise. Thank you. ********************************************************************** ---------------------------------------------------------------- The information transmitted is intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential and/or privileged material. Any review, retransmission, dissemination or other use of, or taking of any action in reliance upon, this information by persons or entities other than the intended recipient is prohibited. If you received this in error, please contact the sender and delete the material from any computer. ---------------------------------------------------------------- The information transmitted is intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential and/or privileged material. Any review, retransmission, dissemination or other use of, or taking of any action in reliance upon, this information by persons or entities other than the intended recipient is prohibited. If you received this in error, please contact the sender and delete the material from any computer.
Governor wants to cut costs of power Tough sell for Davis as suppliers balk By Steve Geissinger SACRAMENTO BUREAU SACRAMENTO -- With an economic "perfect storm" and an election looming, Gov. Gray Davis wants to renegotiate several of the state's expensive long-term power contracts -- a move that could translate into a big break for Californians. But the generators who signed the multibillion-dollar contracts to supply the state will be a tough sell on the notion, even though many have indicated they will at least listen to the state. "If the politicians were to make all these contracts go away, ... who the hell is going to meet with the state and negotiate any (new) contracts?" asked Peter Cartwright, president of San Jose-based Calpine Corp., a major supplier of California power. And many experts and analysts are skeptical about Davis' chances of getting generators to substantially lower the price of power they sell to the state, which, in turn, supplies California customers through various utilities. "Good luck!" former Republican Gov. Pete Wilson sarcastically declared upon hearing of the Democratic governor's plan. Davis, however, has suddenly thrust the idea of renegotiating some of the costly power-supply contracts to the center of a wildly complex tangle of fiscal, political and legal issues tied to the energy crisis, the ailing economy and their impact on the growing state budget deficit. The outcome could affect the pocketbooks of energy consumers and taxpayers alike for years, perhaps decades. "This could save billions of dollars," said Doug Heller of the Foundation for Taxpayer and Consumer Rights, one of the consumer groups that has embraced Davis' power contract renegotiation plan. Barry Goode, Davis' legal affairs secretary, said the administration is "not targeting every contract" because the pacts have been "extremely valuable in keeping the market stable." The governor's aides refused to reveal which generators they will approach or the arguments they intend to use on the companies, whose contracts don't require them to reopen negotiations with the state. The governor signed more than 50 long-term contracts -- worth more than $40 billion -- with about two dozen generators at the height of the energy crisis earlier this year. The state made short-term purchases to supply California after soaring wholesale prices shattered utilities, then entered the longer-term pacts that provide about a third of the state's power demands. The contracts range in duration from a few months to 20 years. Though the contracts provide power at an average $69 per megawatt-hour over the next decade, the current market has dropped to less than half that rate. And the contracts provide more electricity than the state needs at times, forcing California to sell the excess at multimillion-dollar losses. The long-term contracts, harshly criticized by Republicans seeking the GOP gubernatorial nomination, have become a political liability for Davis as he heads into a re-election bid next year. The liability is compounded due to the pacts' potential role in what experts at a recent economic summit at Stanford University termed a brewing "perfect storm" of fiscal calamities. The state Public Utilities Commission, principally citing a desire for less costly power, has refused to allocate a revenue stream -- generated from recent electricity rate hikes and anticipated bond proceeds -- to finance the long-term contracts. The standoff has pitted Davis and Democratic state Treasurer Phil Angelides against another of the state's most powerful Democrats, Senate leader John Burton of San Francisco, who sided with the Democratic-controlled PUC. Burton has called "for Californians to be freed from egregious, unreasonable and expensive provisions contained in these contracts." The deadlock is holding up a $12.5 billion bond sale intended not only to help fund California's future power costs but repay state coffers for the billions of dollars spent earlier this year on emergency, short-term electricity purchases. It would be the largest municipal debt sale in U.S. history. Without the bond issue, a projected general fund deficit of up to $14 billion next year could grow to a staggering $20 billion-plus, forcing Draconian cuts in essential government services, according to state finance officials. The projected deficit of up to $14 billion in California's annual budget of about $100 billion stems from lagging tax revenue in a cooling economy, further chilled by the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks on the East Coast. Against the backdrop of fiscal woes, analysts said successful renegotiation of some long-term power contracts could conceivably wind up sparing Californians electricity rate hikes, tax increases or both. But some analysts are pessimistic, like Wilson. The former governor is widely blamed for legislation that triggered the energy crisis, and yet he in turn blames Davis for not acting quickly enough to head off power woes. The Western Power Trading Forum, a group representing suppliers and brokers, has made it clear generators will expect the state to give them something substantial in return for any changes in the pacts. Such incentives might include settling disputes over power buys or the state dropping lawsuits against suppliers. "We're not going to say no. We'd certainly sit down at the table with them and say, 'Let's see, maybe we can do this, maybe we can do that,'" said Calpine's Cartwright. If state officials simply broke some of their contracts, not only would penalties be "very, very severe," but also "they would have completely blown their credibility, and no one would negotiate with them," Cartwright said. His comments coincided with reports that Calpine's third-quarter profits more than doubled, despite a sharp drop in short-term electricity prices in California, one of its main markets. Analysts said Calpine's performance can be largely attributed to its long-term contracts with the state. Heller, one of the state's most vocal consumer advocates, said Davis "is right to look back at the environment in which these contracts were signed and demand that the power companies come to the table and renegotiate, or even throw out many of the contracts." "Last spring," Heller said, "power companies had a gun to the governor's head and, with staff that already had conflicts of interest, the administration signed some terrible deals."
Maybe he's my long lost granddad! DF Jeffery Fawcett 02/29/2000 10:15 AM To: Drew Fossum/ET&S/Enron@ENRON cc: Subject: California Storage Jim Fossum is about a hundred years old. He's been employed by nearly every storage developer operating in the state. We knew him back in the early 90's (that's 1990's) when he was trying to sell the "Ten Section" project to Mojave Pipeline. The Ten Section is the project referred to in the press clipping near Bakersfield, CA. Their other project ("Lodi") is in direct competition with the "Wild Goose" storage project near Sacramento. From: Drew Fossum 02/29/2000 10:01 AM To: Lorna Brennan/ET&S/Enron@ENRON cc: Steven Harris/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Lee Huber/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Susan Scott/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Lindy Donoho/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Jeffery Fawcett/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Lorraine Lindberg/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Kevin Hyatt/ET&S/Enron@Enron, Christine Stokes/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, TK Lohman/ET&S/Enron@ENRON Subject: Re: California Storage No, not that I know of. I've never met the western Fossum, but I do know the guys who own Western Hub pretty well--John Strom and Larry Bickle. If we have any interest in this project or other merchant storage in California, these are the guys to deal with as they have mapped about 90% of the state looking for salt or other storage plays. ET & S Business Intelligence From: Lorna Brennan on 02/28/2000 02:50 PM To: Drew Fossum/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Steven Harris/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Lee Huber/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Susan Scott/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Lindy Donoho/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Jeffery Fawcett/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Lorraine Lindberg/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Kevin Hyatt/ET&S/Enron@Enron, Christine Stokes/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, TK Lohman/ET&S/Enron@ENRON cc: Subject: California Storage Drew, a relative of yours? CA Merchant Storage Plant Passes Major Test California regulators Thursday released a final environmental impact report for the state's second merchant underground natural gas storage project in the Sacramento Valley of northern California. Absent new opposition from surrounding landowners, Texas-based Western Hub Properties hopes to have its $80 million storage project operating by the end of this year, following a year's delay in the approval process for environmental review. Western Hub is also pursuing a similar-sized underground storage project in Texas and it has identified a site for a second California storage operation in the Bakersfield area, according to Jim Fossum, Western's California operations manager. Final approval of the Lodi Gas Storage Project located south of Sacramento should come in May, Fossum said, meaning that construction could begin this summer and be operational before the end of the year. "We see the environmental report as the 'light at the end of the tunnel'," Fossum said. Under California's environmental review process (CEQA), the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) prepared a draft environmental report (EIR) identifying the project's environmental impacts and mitigation measures. The draft then was circulated to appropriate public agencies and the general public for comment before the final report can be issued. Three public hearings on the draft report were held by the CPUC last October. Under the CPUC's procedures, a proposed decision from the administrative law judge for the case is due by mid-March, after which there is a 30-day period before the project can come before the five-member commission for a final decision, a CPUC spokesperson said. "We hope to be on-line, and that is 'hope', this year because we already have our compressors and pipe, so it is just a matter of getting crews there and that can go pretty quickly," Fossum said. "In the best of all worlds it would be this year; in the worst case, it would be a year from now." Western Hub has some of its customers lined up, and it is in current discussions with others, said Fossum, declining for competitive reasons to even identify the types of customers, although they are expected to be large shippers, marketers, power plant operators and other large industrial customers. The Lodi project is designed for full operation as having a 12 Bcf working capacity, with 400 MMcf/d injection and 500 MMcf/d withdrawal capacities. It will be connected to Pacific Gas and Electric Co.'s backbone transmission system through a 35-mile pipeline consisting of three miles of 30-inch-diameter and 32 miles of 24-inch-diameter pipe. During the past year's delay in start-up, Western has "moved the pipeline around a bit, but not a whole lot," Fossum said. "to make accommodations to nearby farmers." Western Hub's similar-sized Texas project is south of San Antonio and would be connected with three natural gas transmission systems in the area: Houston Pipeline, PG&E --- Texas (bought recently by El Paso) and the City of San Antonio. "We expect to have it on-line the same time as Lodi," Fossum said. Fossum said Western is "moving ahead" with a second California site in the Bakersfield area, but he declined to give any further details, noting Western Hub expects to have more definitive information next month. He did say that if a second California project moves ahead, Western expects to have it operational by early 2002. Unlike northern California, storage in the Bakersfield area would not have to connect with the local utility transmission system of Southern California Gas. The combined Kern River/ Mojave interstate pipeline also comes into the area.
See attached regarding Elektro's board membership. We would suggest that the board slate be made up of Brazil residents in order to facilitate the necessary meetings. I would like to include Joe Kishkill, John Novak, Brett Wiggs, Britaldo Soares and Joao Carlos Albuquerque, all members of our executive committee to substitute Rick Waddell, Diomedes, Jim Bannantine, and Rick Lammers. If you agree, I will talk to Rebecca to finalize. Thanks ---------------------- Forwarded by Orlando Gonzalez/SA/Enron on 03/06/2001 05:17 PM --------------------------- Orlando Gonzalez 02/04/2001 10:35 PM To: Bruce Lundstrom/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT cc: James A Hughes/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Rebecca McDonald/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Jeffrey E Sommers/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Peter E Weidler/NA/Enron@Enron Subject: Re: Enron Global Assets Board Slates Bruce, This solution does not work for Brazilian entities for legal reasons. I will send a summary of the current situation and a proposal to resolve. We can discuss during your visit. Thanks Bruce Lundstrom@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT 31/01/2001 19:26 To: Mariella Mahan/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Peter E Weidler/NA/Enron@Enron, Orlando Gonzalez/SA/Enron@Enron, Christopher B Hunt/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Wade Cline/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Bruce Lundstrom/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Scott Gilchrist/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, John Ambler/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Mark Schroeder/LON/ECT@ECT, Richard Shapiro@Enron, Carol Howes/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, David Shields/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT cc: James A Hughes/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Rebecca McDonald/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Isabel Romero/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Yvette Pinero/NA/Enron@Enron, Ann Brown/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Wendi Hoelscher/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Mrudula Gadade/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Connie Blackwood/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Rejane Pansiera/SA/Enron@Enron, Eduardo Robles/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Carla Galvan/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Sonnia Reyes/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Leigh Ann Van Houten/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Lauren Hagerty/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Darlene McKeever/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Larry Pardue/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Tami Scrudder/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Denise Almoina/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT Subject: Enron Global Assets Board Slates Folks - The Legal Specialists in EGA are working up new director/officer slates for the EGA entities. We will be appointing the following list of directors for EGA entities: Rebecca McDonald Jim Hughes Jeff Sommers Jim Derrick Mark Haedicke There will be some exceptions to this slate, particularly where local law or the necessity of regular board attendance requires additional (or even different) directors to be appointed. These will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Allow the Legal Specialists the opportunity to come up with their tentative slates and then we will give them to the regional heads for comment. Some of you will be asked to resign your current directorships. I hope that no one will take offense to the fact of of the changed slates -- none is intended. We have found that this common slate has made corporate governance more efficient and less complicated. Thank you for your cooperation. Please pass this message along to others in your respective groups as you deem necessary. Bruce ---------------------- Forwarded by Orlando Gonzalez/SA/Enron on 03/06/2001 05:17 PM --------------------------- "Vasco de Castro Ferraz Junior" <[email protected]> on 02/23/2001 06:14:14 PM To: [email protected] cc: [email protected] Subject: Re: Board Members To be elected as a Board member a person must be a shareholder of the Company (normally one share is transferred to such member) and tehre is no more the requirement of the Brazilian residency. There is no other mandatory requirements. However one has to have in mind that from a practical point of view it is not viable to have only non residents at the Board (frequent trips to Brazil, less flexibility on timing to pass resolutions about ugent matters etc) Ideally at least trhee shoul be resident in Brazil (present minum quorum to held a Board Meeting.) Vasco. >>> <[email protected]> 2/4/01 11:39:09 pm >>> Vasco What are the residency requirements for board membership? Are there other specific requirements? I would like to send a proposal this week. Thanks "Vasco de Castro Ferraz Junior" <[email protected]> on 30/01/2001 12:53:03 To: [email protected] cc: Subject: Board Members Orlando: As per your request, please find bellow the names of all of the present members of Elektro's Board. Firstly is to be mentioned that according to Elektro's By Laws, the Board may have a minimum of 4 and a maximum of 7 permanent members (one obligatorily must be elected by appointment of Elektros' employees) and a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 4 alternates (one obligatorily to act solely as alternate to the employees' representative at the Board) Permanent members: Diomedes Christodoulou (President) Orlando Goanz?lez Ricky Linn Waddell Geraldo Gon?alves Pereira (elected by appointment of Elektro's employees) Vacant (3) Alternate members: James Martin Bannantine Richard Allan Lammers Ricardo Louren?o Carneiro (alternate to Geraldo Gon?alves) Vacant (3) The election and/or dismissal of the Board members has to be decided by the shareholders of the company. Normally the election o the Board members takes place at the annual Ordinary Shareholder's meeting. (This year, our OGM is scheduled to take place on April, 29th.) However this matter can also be decided at any time via an Extraordinary Shareholder's Meeting that has to be called trough a Board Resolution that has to be publicized at the Official Gazette no later than 8 days prior to date of such EGM. Should the present number of the Board members be maintained (i.e 4 permanent and 3 alternates), the election of new members (from our side) will have to be made upon the resignation of those presently on seat. Should you deem necessary, please call me at your earliest convenience. Least but nol east As I vave mentined to you the other day, it is quite normal to appoint the senior legal council as an alternate to the permanent members of the Board so that he may legally be present at all the board meetings
----- Forwarded by David M Gagliardi/TTG/HouInd on 06/04/01 10:03 AM ----- "Michael Gagliardi" To: <[email protected]>, [email protected], <mikegag@msn. [email protected] com> cc: Subject: Fw: True Orange E-Mail/Fax #57 06/04/01 09:41 AM ----- Original Message ----- From: [email protected] Sent: Sunday, June 03, 2001 11:24 PM To: [email protected] Subject: True Orange E-Mail/Fax #57 True Orange E-Mail/Fax Service Volume 9, Fax/E-Mail #57, Sunday, June 3, 2001 Jerry Scarbrough's True Orange, P. O. Box 26530, Austin, Texas 78755 - Phone 512-795-8536 DT Lyle Sendlein Commits to Longhorns Lyle Sendlein says he has known since he was a small child that he wanted to play football at Texas, so he said a new NCAA rule interpretation that prohibits recruits committing while at a summer camp was no problem at all. "The mini-camp was today (Sunday), so I just called them Saturday and committed," he said. "When they told me about the new rule, I just decided to take care of it in advance. I knew I was going to play for the Longhorns, so I didn't have any problem committing before I got here for the camp." Sendlein was being recruited by all the top schools in the Pac 10, plus Notre Dame, Nebraska, Michigan and Penn State. Coach Mack Brown said one of the Longhorns' top recruiting goals this year was to sign several top defensive linemen, and, while he can't comment on individual recruits, Sendlein is an outstanding defensive line prospect. Sendlein said he was measured at the camp and came in at a shade over 6-4, and he said he weighed in at 263. He also said he clocked a 5.0 in the 40, "but it seemed like the times were all a little slow. I usually run 4.8 or 4.9." He is quick enough that he plays middle linebacker for Scottsdale Chaparral, the Arizona big school state champion two years running after going 14-0 in 1999 and 2000. Sendlein brings to four the number of early commitments. DT Sonny Davis, who committed to Texas right out of Austin Lanier, is in junior college in Mississippi and says he still plans to come to Texas when he graduates from the JC. That would put him on schedule to come in with next February's signees. OL Brett Valdez of Brownwood and DT Earl Anderson of San Marcos, two of the state's top prospects, also have committed to Texas. The Longhorns plan to sign only three offensive linemen and Valdez was the first one they offered. They hope to get the other two from a threesome that includes Jeff Lebby of Andrews, Tony Ugoh of Houston Westfield and Justin Blaylock of Plano East. Lebby and Blaylock attended Sunday's UT mini-camp. Anderson is No. 3 and Valdez is No. 23 on my 25-man "difference-maker" list. Davis was in my top five his senior year and Sendlein would be in my top 10 this year if he played in Texas. In other words, this is a great quartet to start the UT recruiting bandwagon rolling. DT Rodrique Wright of Alief Hastings, DE Travis Leitko of The Woodlands and WR Anthony Wright of Klein Forest, the top players in the state at their respective positions, also attended the UT mini-camp Sunday. I talked to all of them tonight and they all like Texas, but they also are considering several other schools and all three said they probably will not commit to anyone this summer. I like the Longhorns chances with both Wrights, but I think Leitko is so wide open that he could wind up at any of the five schools he is considering (UT, A&M, Stanford, Michigan and Notre Dame). Texas A&M also had a mini-camp Sunday and Aggie reporters were saying no one at the camp was likely to get an offer at this point, so it would appear that the cream of the state's recruiting crop showed up in Austin. I know Leitko, Lebby, Blaylock, and both Wrights had offers from Texas before they came to the camp Sunday. * * * * The NCAA edict that prevents recruits from accepting scholarships while at a summer camp is strange because there are no new rules relating to camps. It seems that some NCAA bureaucrat just gave a new interpretation based on a rule that that has been around for several years. * * * * FOOTBALL NOTES: Lindy's, the first reputable national college football magazine I have seen this year, picks Chris Simms as the third best QB in the country and the best one in the Big 12. If he lives up to that hype, I think we can all buy our plane tickets to Pasadena. With the receivers the Longhorns have in stock, a great quarterback would make the Texas offense too tough to handle by anyone on the schedule. To reach that level, Simms will need to be much improved at looking off his receivers and much better at throwing the ball away at times instead of forcing it into double coverage. . . Super RB recruit Cedric Benson of Midland Lee is already in Austin working out and getting ready for the season. * * * * My next e-mail/fax will be whenever events warrant. * * * * The True Orange E-Mail/Fax Service includes at least 99 fax/e-mails a year and costs $99 ($79 by E-Mail). The True Orange Newsletter includes 26 newsletters and is published weekly during football season and twice monthly during most of the other months. It costs $45. Save by subscribing to both for $130 (or $110 if you take the faxes via E-Mail or $99 if you take the faxes and newsletter via E-Mail). Send check to address at the top of page. I also update my 900 number ? 1-900-288-8839 ? frequently with recruiting news. My E-Mail address is: [email protected]. Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com
----- Forwarded by Jeff Dasovich/NA/Enron on 03/14/2001 04:53 PM ----- Jean Munoz <[email protected]> 03/14/2001 03:44 PM To: Katie Kaplan <[email protected]>, "'Andy Brown (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'B Brown Andy (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Baker Carolyn (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Bob Escalante (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Bob Weisenmiller (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Curtis Kebler (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Douglas Kerner (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Greg Blue (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Jan Smutny-Jones (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Jeff Dasovich (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Joe Ronan (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'John Larrea (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'John Stout (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Julee Malinowski-Ball (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Kassandra Gough (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'kent Palmerton (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Kristin Vellandi (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Lynn Lednicky (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Marty Wilson (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'McNally Ray (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "''Nam Nguyen' (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Norton Kelli (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Paula Hall-Collins (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Pigott Jack (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Richard Hyde (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Rob Lamkin (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Roger Pelote (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Stephanie-Newell (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Sue Mara (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Theo Pahos (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Tom Ross (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "Carol H Hudson (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, steven kelly <[email protected]>, "'Anne Kelly (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Chuck Cole (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Delany Hunter (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'DJ Smith (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Hedy Govenar (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, "'Maureen OHaren (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Mike Monagan (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Phil Isenberg (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Robert Ross (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Ron Tom (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Scott Govenar (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Susan Mccabe (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]> cc: Subject: IEP responds to Burton/Dunn investigation on market manipulation As you know, ?Senator Burton held a press conference announcing Joe Dunn chair of new senate committee to investigate energy market manipulation in the wholesale energy market. ?Other members serving on the committee include: ?Debra Bowen, Martha Escutia, Maurice Johannessen, Sheila Kuehl, Bill Morrow and Byron Sher. The Committee's information gathering activities will begin immediately, and the first hearing of the committee is planned for the first week in April. (press release attached) IEP responded with the following statement, and Jan responded to TV, Radio and Print media immediately following the news conference at the state capitol. Thanks, Jean -- Jean Munoz McNally Temple Associates, Inc. 916-447-8186 916-447-6326 (fx) ______________________________________________________________________________ _____________ Contact: ?Jean Munoz ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE ????????????????916-447-8186 ??????????????????????????????????????????????????March 14, 2001 Statement by Jan Smutny-Jones, Executive Director of Independent Energy Producers, in Response to State Senate Energy Probe "We understand that it is the responsibility of the legislature to ensure that California ratepayers are protected . and we will fully cooperate, as we have with other investigations, because we have nothing to hide. "We believe this investigation will find nothing except that power producers have been working around-the-clock to help keep the lights on in California. ?In fact, there have already been several investigations by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission the Public Utilities Commission and the California Independent System Operator . and they have found no evidence of withholding or wrong doing. "As we have continued to state: the industry does not condone business practices that lead to unreasonable prices. ?It is our objective to help create a stable regulatory environment in which robust retail markets can flourish to protect ratepayers. "This crisis can only be resolved if we all work together to find solutions and stop pointing fingers, which only creates an unstable political and regulatory environment which will do nothing to increase supply or reduce demand in California. "If this turns into, in fact, a @witch-hunt? against generators who have been providing electricity to California for months despite being owed billions of dollars, my only question is who in their right mind would come to California and invest in building new power plants? ?This sends a dangerous and chilling signal to not only power providers, but anyone doing business or planning to do business in California." # ????????# ???????# - Burton Press Release
That's fine. I didn't want to change anything until I heard from you guys. See ya! John At 11:06 AM 11/28/00 -0600, you wrote: > >John, > >Thanks. Stinson will be able to join us for dinner. He is opting out of >the paper due to his big workload but we can get his perspective on >the last 8 years he spent at Enron. > >Vince > > > > > >"John D. Martin" <[email protected]> on 11/28/2000 09:44:17 AM > >To: [email protected] >cc: >Subject: 2001 FMA European Conference > > >Here's the info on the European conference. Just for your files. > >John > >>Date: Tue, 28 Nov 2000 08:40:39 -0500 >>From: Karen Wright <[email protected]> >>Subject: 2001 FMA European Conference >>To: [email protected] >>X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.5 [en] (Win98; I) >>X-Accept-Language: en,pdf >> >>2001 FMA European Conference >> >>The Fifth Annual European Meeting of the Financial Management >>Association International (FMA) will be held May 31 and June 1, 2001 at >>the Hotel Sofitel (Rive Gauche) in Paris, France. FMA's European >>Meeting brings together academicians and practitioners with interests in >>financial decision-making. The meeting provides a forum for presenting >>new research and discussing current issues in financial management, >>investments, financial markets and institutions, and related topics. >>Keynote addresses and other special presentations will be held in >>addition to research paper presentations. >> >>Paper Submissions >>Research Papers. The program includes traditional research paper >>presentations. Criteria used to determine the suitability of these >>papers for the program include the nature of the research problem, >>implications of the proposed research, the quality of the research >>design, and the expected contribution of the research to the >>literature. Please note that the purpose of these sessions is to >>present new and unpublished research. >> >>Submission Fee. There is no submission fee for the FMA European >>Conference. >> >>Submissions. Please follow these steps: >>Complete the Presentation Form that can be downloaded at >>www.fma.org/paris.htm. Carefully select the subject code on the >>Presentation Form that most closely describes your research. The code >>number you select will be used to select reviewers for your proposal. >> >>Send six (6) copies of your completed paper, along with the completed >>Presentation Form, to the FMA office (Financial Management Association, >>University of South Florida, College of Business Administration, Tampa >>FL 33620-5500, USA). >>Please note that only completed papers will be accepted for the FMA >>European Conference review process. >> >>The paper submission deadline is Friday, December 1, 2000. >> >>You will receive an electronic confirmation of your submission within >>six weeks of its receipt by the FMA office, and you will be notified of >>the results of the reviewing process by the middle of February, 2001. >> >>Competitive Paper Awards >>The Financial Management Association International is pleased to >>announce that four (4) $1,500 awards will be presented in conjunction >>with the 2001 FMA European Conference. The "Young Scholars" award will >>be presented to the best paper authored by a Ph.D. student (or >>equivalent) or recent Ph.D. (or equivalent) graduate. Three additional >>$1,500 awards will be presented to the papers deemed "Best of the Best" >>by the members of the 2001 FMA European Conference Competitive Paper >>Awards committee. Please note that these awards will be made only if, in >>the opinion of the FMA Awards Committee, a paper warrants such a >>decision. The decisions of the FMA Awards Committee are final. >> >>Accepted Papers. If your proposal is accepted, the version of the paper >>you submit will be sent to its discussant as soon as he/she is >>identified. You are obligated to send the final version of your paper to >>the discussant and session chair by April 27, 2001. You also are >>obligated to present your paper in a professional manner at the assigned >>FMA program session. >> >>The collegiality of the meeting provides a very special opportunity for >>participants to share their work and to hear about the work others are >>doing. Thus, individuals whose papers are accepted for presentation at >>the 2001 FMA European Conference will be expected to either chair a >>session or discuss a paper. >> >>Program Co-Chairs >> >>Francois Degeorge >>HEC Paris >>1 rue de la Lib,ration >>78351 Jouy en Josas Cedex >>France >>33-1-39-67-72-34 (ph) >>33-1-39-67-94-34 (fax) >>[email protected] >> >>Kent Womack >>Dartmouth College >>Amos Tuck School >>Hanover, NH 03755 >>1 603 646 2806 (ph) >>1 603 646 1308 (fax) >>[email protected] >> >>Additional Opportunities For Participation >> >>Session Chairperson or Discussant. If you wish to serve as the >>chairperson of a session or paper discussant, but are not submitting a >>paper, please complete the Participation Form which can be downloaded >>from www.fma.org/paris.htm. Submit the completed form to the FMA office >>by December 1, 2000. Session organization will take place in March, >>2001. >> >>Deadline Summary >> >>Completed Papers: December 1, 2000 >>Chairperson/Discussant Requests: December 1, 2000 >> >> >> >John D. Martin >Carr P. Collins Chair in Finance >Finance Department >Baylor University >PO Box 98004 >Waco, TX 76798 >254-710-4473 (Office) >254-710-1092 (Fax) >[email protected] >web: http://hsb.baylor.edu/html/martinj/home.html > > > > John D. Martin Carr P. Collins Chair in Finance Finance Department Baylor University PO Box 98004 Waco, TX 76798 254-710-4473 (Office) 254-710-1092 (Fax) [email protected] web: http://hsb.baylor.edu/html/martinj/home.html
Yesterday's moribund "action" steeped into Tues' trading - then at 2PM things sold off. It was grim unless you were an oil/ oil service or a biotech. Starting at 2PM the Nasdaq lost 128 points to close down 65, the Dow Industrials lost 45 points to close off nearly 80. On the bright side - in the oils and drillers - TX & HAL up over 6%, SLB & XOM up over 3%, BHI up over 5%/ In the utilities - ENE up over 5 1/2%, PCG and REI up over 3%, DUK up over 2% and the drugs AHP up 3 1/2%, PFE and BMY up over 1 1/2% - lots of talk about MYGN finding a gene for prostate cancer - up over 20%.... then there was the rest of the market - the financials - AXP, LEH, CMB, BAC all down over 3%.... Then there was tech - some of the laggards of late showed some strength - QCOM up 2% and MSFT and DELL* up over 4%.... however SUNW, AMAT, MU, TXN, EMC all down over 4%, CSCO down 3%, YHOO down 1 1/2%... no it wasn't pretty. In the CEUT Universe - ITWO* down over 7, MANU* down over 1 1/16... BWAY* up up over 3, USIX* down over 2.... AMZN* and EBAY* down over 3, CTAC* up over 2 1/2 (almost 10% - technical breakout).... AMCC* down over 15 (questions about a shortfall on an order), PMCS* down over 7, SSTI* down over 4, ZRAN* down over 1 1/2... LU* down over 1 3/4, JDSU* down over 2... DELL* up over 1 1/2, CPQ* up small (boxmakers were generally up), ANCR* down over 2 1/2, BRCD* up over 1 3/8... PROX* down over 5 1/2, RIMM up over 1 1/4 and IIIM* up 1 to almost 15 (once again this stock was under 7 recently).... MERQ* down over 7, MUSE* and NTIQ* up over 3, VRTS down 8... DISH* down over 4, GILTF* down over 3, GMH* up over 2 (announced 3 for 1 split after close), SPOT* down over 3 3/4, PGTV+ down over 11% (guess that GMH talk wasn't true)..... In IPOland - Founders Food and Firkins (GCFB) - owns Granite City Food and Brewery PPI # Friday will set the tone - till then we might be treading water. GE and CSCO - forming new co. to improve manufacturing via tech. Alcatel - 3 seperate lawsuits - patent and copyright issues - vs. CSCO. INTC's Andy Grove - breaks from industry view - wants net transactions to be taxed. Warner - settling problems with MP3.com. AOL/TWX - submitting "remedies" to European Comm. to get okay on merger. Nortel co-market deal with Juniper QCOM - new game-plan for China - build out local areas and get everyone on CDMA. Chello Broadband - parent still involved in deal-making - will probably delay IPO. WCOM - $3.5 million "slamming" fine - changing people's long distance without their knowledge. James Cramer - files counter-suit vs. Fox. T - raising long dist. rates for basic customers. Amadeus joining BroadVision - creating online travel site. SupplyForce.com - $52 million 2nd round b to b. GMH* - 3 for 1 New Virus - attacks text based phones and pagers. WR Hambrecht - raises $83 million - American Express, Scudder, JF Shea Co. and others. Astral Point Comm. - optical net co. - gets $40 million. American Broadband - regional broadband network - raising $200 million. EOnline.com - ASP - gets $60 million led by Morgan Stanley Dean Witter. JBL - over $500 million spot secondary by Thomas Weisel Partners. NY Times - HON going to net - lots of work but lots of reward. NY Times - special e-commerce section. AtHome cooperate with Cox - interactive TV in San Diego. Beenz.com - $52 million for domestic and overseas expansion. TFSM - iPromotions acquisition - watch out DCLK. MSFT - $15 million in OnSite access - commercial broadband Infrast. Congress - "no tax" net bill has provision to let FCC regulate net long dist calls. eParties - event planning co. backed by eCompanies - merging not going under. EBAY* - FBI looking at bidding schemes. LEH - buys big stake in Turkish ISP. JP Morgan - fined $200,000 for not representing Nasdaq orders. FXall.com - 7 big banks in International currency trading consortium. WSJ Heard - MSFT - restrictions scare investors more than break-up. WSJ Heard in Europe - Freeserve - what price? T-Online balking? Palm - buys Actual Software - email provider. Safeway - exclusive with groceryworks.com Playboy Ent. - bachelor party site featured on theknot.com (major wedding site). Asahi Glassx, Mitubishi and Net One Systems - marketing faster optical fiber - threat to GLW? C.E. Unterberg Towbin: Catherine Moore marketing in Denver/ Jim Poyner marketing in NY/ Karl Motey marketing in NY/ In house Sat. Seminar. There it talk: Delta and American Airlines?/ DT for Q?/RD for TX?/ CSCO for FNSR?/ The information contained herein is obtained from sources we believe to be reliable but its accuracy and completeness, and that of the opinions based thereon, are not guaranteed. C.E. Unterberg Towbin, or one or more of its partners, may have a position in any of the securities discussed herein. All rights reserved by C.E. Unterberg Towbin. May not be reproduced in whole or in part without prior written authorization. This report is not an offer to sell or solicitation of an offer to buy the securities mentioned herein. *C.E. Unterberg Towbin makes a market in this security and/or has analyst coverage. +C.E. Unterberg Towbin makes a market in this security and has been involved in a recent financing. _____________________________ Bram Towbin C.E. Unterberg Towbin 10 East 50th Street New York NY 10022 Telephone: 212 572 8163 Fax: 212 759 4032 [email protected] ---------------------------------------------------------------- Pursuant to SEC and NASD requirements, all incoming and outgoing e-mail of C.E. Unterberg, Towbin is subject to review by the Compliance Department. Please note that C.E. Unterberg, Towbin does not allow the use of e-mail to request, authorize or effect the purchase or sale of any security, to send fund transfer instructions, or to effect any other transactions. Any such request, orders or instructions that you send will not be accepted and will not be processed. ================================================================
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Will the hundreds of technology stocks that crashed and burned in 2000 EVER make a comeback? Is the Bush Administration good--or bad--for the stock market? These are the crucial questions facing all investors today. Problem is--nobody's got ANY concrete answers. As a result, the market continues to flounder in no-man's land, up one day and down the next. And investors, shaken from last year and afraid of what could lie ahead, have adopted that classic 'wait and see' attitude. And THAT'S what gives us the FANTASTIC OPPORTUNITY we have today. My name is Michael Murphy, and I've been analyzing and investing in technology stocks for over 30 years. This is what I want to tell you today: While everyone else sits on the sidelines, smart investors who know--and act on--the five things you CAN count on in 2001 have an unprecedented opportunity to profit--big time. Let me show you what these five critical pieces of information are: 1. Biotech is the Next Big Thing in technology, and anyone who plans on being in the stock market for more than 10 minutes MUST own a piece of it today. Last year alone, the AMEX Biotech index was up a whopping 62% and my Technology Investing clients made over 100% returns with select biotech stocks. But, mark my words, now that Celera published the entire human genome sequence in Science magazine this past February, the stocks will soar to previously unimagined heights. 2. Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan has proven that he will do EVERYTHING in his power to avoid recession in 2001. Since January alone, he has made four separate, significant interest rate cuts and it's painfully obvious Greenspan doesn't want to be blamed for sending the economy into a tailspin. 3. The big technology companies will bounce back FIRST. After a year like 2000 investors are in no mood to make bets on small, unproven stocks. They still want to profit from the fastest-growing industries-- but they want to do it more safely by buying the big, profitable companies. The proof is in the pudding: in January alone my Technology Investing readers raked in 31% on the dominant industry leaders we loaded up on--at huge discounts--at last year's end. 4. Technology will continue to grow at four to five times the rate of the Old Economy -- even this year. Despite what you're hearing in the media, market researchers are projecting PC sales growth of at least 11%, semiconductor revenues up 10%, cell phone sales jumping 12%-25% and a leap in most end-user consumer products of 10%-15%. 5. There's a monstrous BUYING PANIC coming. It will either make you rich... or bury you alive. Once investors realize where technology is really headed in 2001 and beyond, there's going to be a MAD DASH to pile back into the stocks as quickly as possible. Most investors will be too late, and they'll wind up kicking themselves once again as they miss most of the NEXT BIG RUN UP. Don't let that happen to you. We've been through this before--in 1974, 1994 and most recently in 1998. Last time, my readers and I loaded up on a handful of the world's most dominant technology companies at crazy-cheap prices . . . and we made a killing. Twelve short months later we were up an astounding 157%. I never thought it possible, but we now have an amazing opportunity to do it all over again. Please, I implore you, make the most of it. To find out the names of the 5 technology stocks I,m advising my clients to load up on here, visit http://www.ppi-orders.com/index.htm?promo_code=0AK194 and sign up for my just-released FREE REPORT, "5 Technology Stocks Every Investor Must Own--BEFORE the Coming Buying Panic." You,ll be glad you did. ************************************************************** This advertisement has been supplied by a third party and has been sent to you by TheStreet.com for informational purposes only. We are not responsible for and have not independently authenticated in whole or in part the accuracy of the information provided in the advertisement. No such information should be relied upon without consulting the advertiser. This advertisement does not imply and endorsement by us. TheStreet.com, Inc. is not registered as a securities broker-dealer or an investment adviser either with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission or with any state securities regulatory authority. 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TODAY'S HEADLINES The New York Times on the Web Friday, May 11, 2001 ------------------------------------------------------------ For news updated throughout the day, visit www.nytimes.com QUOTE OF THE DAY ========================= "Is the question, How fully can we engineer the human body to do physically impossible things? If it is, what do you have at the end of that? Something that looks like a human, but is so engineered, so tuned, that it's no longer going to do what the body is designed to do." - DR. THEODORE FRIEDMANN, director of the gene therapy program at the University of California at San Diego. Full Story: http://www.nytimes.com/2001/05/11/sports/11GENE.html NATIONAL ========================= F.B.I. Kept Reports From the Defense in McVeigh's Trial http://www.nytimes.com/2001/05/11/national/11EXEC.html Boston Journal: Hold Please, the Governor Is About to Give Birth http://www.nytimes.com/2001/05/11/national/11GOVE.html Paddling Foes Get Change in Amendment on Liability http://www.nytimes.com/2001/05/11/national/11PADD.html Many Utilities Call Conserving Good Business http://www.nytimes.com/2001/05/11/national/11CONS.html /--------------------- ADVERTISEMENT ---------------------\ Unique Mother's Day Gift Idea! Get her a Rio500 MP3 Player for $49* and each month she can download any two audiobooks for only $12.95. Now she can enjoy listening to her favorite books without using those silly looking bifocals. Plus, she will be the "coolest" mom or grandmom on the block. MP3 Player - they're not just for music anymore. http://www.audible.com/nyt/feboffer3 \---------------------------------------------------------/ POLITICS ========================= Congress Adopts Plan to Cut Taxes Over Next Decade http://www.nytimes.com/2001/05/11/politics/11BUDG.html Many Utilities Call Conserving Good Business http://www.nytimes.com/2001/05/11/national/11CONS.html Judge Bars New Forest Rules, Citing Potential Local Harm http://www.nytimes.com/2001/05/11/politics/11FORE.html Bush Names a Drug Czar and Addresses Criticism http://www.nytimes.com/2001/05/11/politics/11DRUG.html INTERNATIONAL ========================= House Warns U.N. of Pocketbook Revenge http://www.nytimes.com/2001/05/11/world/11NATI.html Bush Asks Congress to Grant Him a 'Fast Track' in Trade Talks http://www.nytimes.com/2001/05/11/world/11TRAD.html Militants in Zimbabwe Now Take Aim at Industry http://www.nytimes.com/2001/05/11/world/11ZIMB.html Candidates in Italy Test TV's Muscle http://www.nytimes.com/2001/05/11/world/11ITAL.html BUSINESS ========================= Insurer Pushes to Sell Top Allergy Drugs Over the Counter http://www.nytimes.com/2001/05/11/business/11FDA.html American International and American General Near a $23 Billion Merger http://www.nytimes.com/2001/05/11/business/11INSU.html California Bets the House on Energy Savings http://www.nytimes.com/2001/05/11/national/11SAVE.html Hedge Fund Managers Said to Talk to Grand Jury http://www.nytimes.com/2001/05/11/business/11HEDG.html TECHNOLOGY ========================= Shift in Technology Markets Is Helping I.B.M., Chief Says http://www.nytimes.com/2001/05/11/technology/11BLUE.html Judges Seek Answers on Computer Code as Free Speech http://www.nytimes.com/2001/05/11/technology/11CODE.html Cyber Law Journal: Does a Parody Site Go Too Far? http://www.nytimes.com/2001/05/11/technology/11CYBERLAW.html Judge Postpones Retrial in Internet Sex Abuse Case http://www.nytimes.com/2001/05/11/technology/11CYBE.html NEW YORK REGION ========================= 3 Killed and 2 Are Wounded Above Busy Midtown Block http://www.nytimes.com/2001/05/11/nyregion/11SHOO.html Everyone Wants to Fix Rent Regulations. 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FRIEDMAN: Empty Deeds, Ugly Words For the son of Hafez al-Assad to be accusing anyone of religious intolerance is laughable. http://www.nytimes.com/2001/05/11/opinion/11FRIE.html By GAIL COLLINS: The Year of the Stork Ever since Jane Swift ran for lieutenant governor of Massachusetts, her life has resembled one of those old "Airport" movies in which there's a bomb on the plane. http://www.nytimes.com/2001/05/11/opinion/11COLL.html HOW TO CHANGE YOUR SUBSCRIPTION ------------------------------------------------------------ You received these headlines because you requested The New York Times Direct e-mail service. 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=================================================== JoC Online Daily E-mail Newsletter Friday Edition October 19, 2001 www.joc.com =================================================== Take the Daily Quiz, sponsored by APL. The drachma is the currency of which European country? Click on http://news.joc.com/cgi-bin7/flo?y=eDOO0BejkZ0n50PuU0AS =================================================== TODAY'S TOP HEADLINES: * Senate revises port security bill again * Galveston slates vote on port merger * Industry celebrates 25 years of Ready Reserve Force * Mineta touts Sea-21 program * Seaway workers poised to strike in Canada * UPS eyes more China flights * Expeditors delays financial filing after website crackdown * Operating income declines at Tropical Shipping * NCBFAA to hold export-import seminars * Walter Johnson, air-cargo pioneer, dies * DHL, Unishippers form partnership * Target Logistics Services goes Hollywood * Air carriers cut fee for perishables from India * JoC Week: ID for "known shippers' ==================ADVERTISEMENT==================== LIMITED-TIME OFFER FROM NTE. Get a FREE guide explaining how e-commerce can help your transportation operations move and manage freight more productively. The 16-page, easy-to-read booklet is full of practical advice and firsthand reports. For your copy, go to www.nte.com/ep_JoC02.asp =================================================== SENATE REVISES PORT SECURITY BILL AGAIN The focus of the bill has turned from predominantly cargo crime to terrorism, Bethann Rooney, port security coordinator for the port commerce department of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, said at a Friday conference. http://news.joc.com/cgi-bin7/flo?y=eDOO0BejkZ0n50RE30A7 GALVESTON SLATES VOTE ON PORT MERGER After several months of delays, the Galveston City Council has called an election for Dec. 18 to let voters decide the proposed merger between the Port of Galveston and Port of Houston. http://news.joc.com/cgi-bin7/flo?y=eDOO0BejkZ0n50RE40A8 INDUSTRY CELEBRATES 25 YEARS OF READY RESERVE FORCE Transportation Secretary Norman Y. Mineta tells 350 attendees that the RRF's success is a result of its "strong public private partnership between government, industry and labor." http://news.joc.com/cgi-bin7/flo?y=eDOO0BejkZ0n50RE50AA MINETA TOUTS SEA-21 PROGRAM The transportation secretary again pushes for a program that would concentrate resources for U.S. maritime transportation infrastructure the way TEA-21 and AIR-21 programs have done for land and air transportation. http://news.joc.com/cgi-bin7/flo?y=eDOO0BejkZ0n50RE60AB SEAWAY WORKERS POISED TO STRIKE IN CANADA Union officers for 560 workers and Canada's St. Lawrence Seaway Management Corp. were holding last-ditch negotiations to avert a strike scheduled for Saturday afternoon. http://news.joc.com/cgi-bin7/flo?y=eDOO0BejkZ0n50RE70AC UPS EYES MORE CHINA FLIGHTS Six months after launching direct service, the carrier says it plans to start at least one more flight within two three years. http://news.joc.com/cgi-bin7/flo?y=eDOO0BejkZ0n50RE80AD EXPEDITORS DELAYS FINANCIAL FILING AFTER WEBSITE CRACKDOWN The Seattle-based forwarding and logistics company has postponed its 8K finance report until Oct. 26 because its website would not accept investor queries for nearly a month after it tightened security because of unwanted e-mail. http://news.joc.com/cgi-bin7/flo?y=eDOO0BejkZ0n50RFA0AN OPERATING INCOME DECLINES AT TROPICAL SHIPPING The company said the soft Caribbean market "more than offset the positive contributions of higher average rates and lower operating costs." http://news.joc.com/cgi-bin7/flo?y=eDOO0BejkZ0n50RFB0AO =================================================== DON'T MISS OUT ON YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO BE RECOGNIZED BY THE TOP LEADERS IN GLOBAL TRADE! The deadline to reserve your advertising space in the "2002 Directories of U.S. Importers and Exporters" is now OCTOBER 22, 2001. Available on CD-ROM and as a two-volume set, these directories offer comprehensive company profiles and commodity descriptions on the top U.S. importers and exporters. Call (877) 203-5277 or visit http://news.joc.com/cgi-bin7/flo?y=eDOO0BejkZ0n50QVr0AR for more information. =================================================== NCBFAA TO HOLD EXPORT-IMPORT SEMINARS The seminars consist of two, one-day sessions focusing on all aspects of export and import management and are designed to address current issues. http://news.joc.com/cgi-bin7/flo?y=eDOO0BejkZ0n50RFC0AP WALTER JOHNSON, AIR-CARGO PIONEER, DIES He was one of the founders of The International Air Cargo Association and a past president of the organization. http://news.joc.com/cgi-bin7/flo?y=eDOO0BejkZ0n50RFD0AQ DHL, UNISHIPPERS FORM PARTNERSHIP Under the two-year agreement, the two companies will improve the efficiency and affordability of international express services for the small to medium-sized market segment. http://news.joc.com/cgi-bin7/flo?y=eDOO0BejkZ0n50RFE0AR TARGET LOGISTICS SERVICES GOES HOLLYWOOD The company has formed a new division called Entertainment Media Logistics to meet the transport needs of the entertainment and media industries. http://news.joc.com/cgi-bin7/flo?y=eDOO0BejkZ0n50RFF0AS AIR CARRIERS CUT FEE FOR PERISHABLES FROM INDIA Airlines agreed to reduce the surcharge after complaints by the the Federation of Indian Export Organizations and a strike by exporters of perishable products. http://news.joc.com/cgi-bin7/flo?y=eDOO0BejkZ0n50RFG0AT ...and only in JoC WEEK CUSTOMS' NEW AUDIT PLAN The agency has introduced a new compliance-assessment program that it says will cover more importers and be less intrusive. To subscribe, visit http://news.joc.com/cgi-bin7/flo?y=eDOO0BejkZ0n50QAO0AV =================================================== SUBSCRIBE to JoC WEEK and get access to JoC ONLINE Go to http://news.joc.com/cgi-bin7/flo?y=eDOO0BejkZ0n50PuU0AS for complete coverage of international trade and logistics. =================================================== TO SPONSOR THE E-NEWSLETTER OR ADVERTISE IN JoC ONLINE Call Tammarra Askew at 973-848-7077 or e-mail: [email protected] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FEEDBACK E-mail: [email protected] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TO UNSUBSCRIBE [email protected] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Forward To An Associate If you haven't already done so, please forward this newsletter to one or two of your business associates. Reading A Forwarded Copy of This E-Mail? Now you can receive you own daily e-mail newsletter with a summary of the day's top stories delivered right to your own e-mail in-box. 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The Austin Group Energy, L.P. Monthly Newsletter Let's describe a typical and recurring nightmare for generating unit operators. It's noon on August 15, temperatures have reached the upper 90s all week; you're well into your reserve margin to serve native load, when a unit trips off line. Do you scramble to find replacement power at record high prices and worry about the consequences later? Or, have you prepared for this event? When the degree of risk has not been quantified, fear of the unknown can lead to restless nights, and understandably so. The financial implications can be astounding when a unit outage occurs during a period of high spikes in market prices. How does this relate to the recruitment and hiring of talent within your shop? Allow me to bring the story together. What would you do if your top employee came to you and said, "You've been great to me and I've learned alot, but I just accepted a job at your level right down the road and they like me so much they want me to start tomorrow." Do you spring into 911 mode or are you ready for this day. Start a relationship today with The Austin Group Energy. We will keep you aware of all available talent in your market area. These candidates are currently employed and do not answer ads. They stay in touch with opportunities through us to ensure confidentiality. Why would Top 5 marketing companies pay us for the recruitment and placement of over 400 successful hires when they could hire them on their own. The smart and proactive companies understand how to outpace the pack when it comes to hiring talent, they call The Austin Group Energy. THE FOLLOWING CANDIDATES ARE AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE OPPORTUNITIES: Ref# 00012123 Power Options Trading Desk This PhD candidate is responsible for long term derivatives trades/structures (Asian options, heat rate options, weather/power derivatives structures, swing options etc.) Ref# 00012124 Rotational Program- Risk Analytics This MBA Finance candidate is analyzing/evaluating structured transactions and derivative instruments. Has developed a VBA-based delta-adjusted risk exposure model for all asset management groups. Designed intermediate-term forward power curve forecasting model based on gas forward curve. Created Visual Basic Monte Carlo simulator for Excel for option analysis. Ref# 00012125 Quantitative Analyst This M.S. in Applied Mathematics candidate builds short term models necessary to forecast/schedule usage on a portfolio basis, by various levels of aggregation (e.g. region, congestion zone, weather zone, customer, etc.) Constructing statistical and econometric models to accurately predict seasonal customer usage based on rate class, calendar and geographic climate patterns. Ref# 00012126 Quantitative Analyst - Manager This candidate developed and implemented two Value-At-Risk (VAR) methods for Natural Gas. Developed and implemented models for pricing and hedging exotic natural gas options (Gas Daily and Peaker). OpenLink experience with VaR and mark-to-market calculations. Ref# 00012127 Director Derivatives Trading and Portfolio Management Developed Nymex and locational options, position risk management model. Evaluated and assisted in the process of selecting and implementing a new real time front and back office financial system with VAR capabilities. Structured deals for marketers using embedded financial products and traded natural gas options and fixed for float swaps. Priced and hedged advanced options and swaps such as swaptions, asians, extendibles, expandibles, and spread options. Ref# 00012128 Risk Control Analyst Support Origination and Trading activities by providing daily mark-to-market values and VaR reports through accurate and timely entry of financial transactions into RMS system. Maintain database for RMS system and Integrated Commodity Trading System (ICTS) for entry of financial trades. Ref# 00012129 Risk Manager Responsible for all mid-office trader support functions. Responsibilities include daily senior management position and P&L reporting, process improvements, system implementations, structuring of originated transactions, and rollout of an operational analysis plan. Ref# 00012130 Senior Commercial Analyst: Pricing and Structures Developing model to incorporate basis and transportation into gas fuel costs utilized in mark-to-market valuation of a gas-fired generation asset. Determined market value of regional power by confirming the marks estimated by the trade desk against independent broker prices. Forecasted resulting previous day's trade-to-market figure for preliminary valuation of book value. Ref# 00012131 Director - Risk Management Analyze financial markets and advise physical traders of hedging and trading opportunities. Analyze market, secure management approval of trading strategies and execute financial trades. Generate position reports for upper management. Ref# 00012132 Risk Management Specialist Perform risk management functions for the gas trading organization, including daily position and P&L reporting. Ensure deal validation and perform problem resolution for executed trades. Create daily VaR estimates for both cash and term traders. Ref# 00012133 Risk Analyst Determine market value of regional power, confirming the market values estimated by trade desk against prices set for independent brokers. Forecast resulting previous day's trade-to-market figure for preliminary valuation of book value. Participate in daily Value at Risk calculations, exception reporting for daily variances, updating of daily price curves, and updating proprietary models which value long term transactions. Paul Johnson President- TAGE Ofc (281) 600-8145 Mbl (281) 814-3886 Visit our Website http://www.austingrp.com - Paul Johnson.vcf
Wade, I have decided that everything currently in our system is incorrect. Please set up a meeting with all the people shown above and we will discuss how to correctly handle this in our system. We also have some other supply behind the LDC that we might as well handle correctly. Wade, while we are at it, do you want us to look at NYSEG, CPA, and East Ohio??? Any others? People I need in attendance Mary Theresa or Jeanne Steve Gillespie Angie Sylvia Campos (or someone from the contracts group) This is what I'm thinking, everyone please think about this before we meet. I think I will have Peoples set up as a pipeline and we will move all the deals to this new pipeline. Steve, get the Peoples password from Angie. I need you to go into escript (Angie can help you with this) and run anything you can get out of this system. These are actually CES passwords. It is my intention to use this information to set up transport or pooling contracts in Sitara. From: John M Singer @ ENRON 08/30/2000 06:46 AM To: Victor Lamadrid/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Wade R Price/HOU/ECT@ECT, Chris Germany/HOU/ECT@ECT, Angie Zeman/Corp/Enron@ENRON@ECT, Gloria G Barkowsky/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mary Theresa Franklin/HOU/ECT@ECT, Melissa K Ratnala/HOU/ECT@ECT, Bryce Baxter/HOU/ECT@ECT, Katherine L Kelly/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jeanne Wukasch/Corp/Enron@ENRON@ECT Subject: Re: Phillips Production Co - PNG City Gate Production Phillips Production has/had two seperate PNG deals: 1. 500 MCFD; $2.82/MCF; 1/1/00 - 6/30/00 2. 300 MCFD; $2.95/MCF; 1/1/00 - 11/30/00 To my knowledge, PNG does not send out production information to either the producer or the pool operator. This information should be available on E-Script. Phillips gets their production volumes (which they use to create our invoice) from the company integrating the meter charts. I beleive that this is the same information provide to PNG. John From: Victor Lamadrid @ ECT 08/29/2000 05:47 PM To: Wade R Price/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Chris Germany/HOU/ECT@ECT, Angie Zeman/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Gloria G Barkowsky/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mary Theresa Franklin/HOU/ECT@ECT, Melissa K Ratnala/HOU/ECT@ECT, Bryce Baxter/HOU/ECT@ECT, John M Singer/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Katherine L Kelly/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jeanne Wukasch/Corp/Enron@ENRON Subject: Re: Phillips Production Co - PNG City Gate Production Wade, Thanks for bringing this issue to our attention. But I need help understanding this one. We have a process already to handle John's behind the citygate deals Since, the actual scheduling is done by CES in Virginia, we never nominate this gas nor do we see actuals. We hear about them from John and Terry and we are supposed to get confirms from the producer and CES. Whenever one of these deals occurs, we have buys from the producer and sales to CES to account for these transactions internally. It's my understanding that whenever John cuts one of these behind the citygate deals; that Terry puts it into Sitara for him. The offset also entered by Terry is a sale to CES (Now the New Power Company effective Sept. 1) with commercial (usually Chris Germany) confirming the sale price. Angie schedules it in Unify under CNG and we create, track and balance like usual. Is that not the case here? Is this something that's getting reconciled in Jeanne and Terry's project for CNG??? By cc: Angie, please get with Terry /Jeanne and Chris to help Wade. THANKS! Please keep me abreast of the status. Wade R Price 08/29/2000 02:53 PM To: Victor Lamadrid/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Chris Germany/HOU/ECT@ECT, Angie Zeman/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Gloria G Barkowsky/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mary Theresa Franklin/HOU/ECT@ECT, Melissa K Ratnala/HOU/ECT@ECT, Bryce Baxter/HOU/ECT@ECT, John M Singer/Corp/Enron@ENRON Subject: Phillips Production Co - PNG City Gate Production ENA is being invoiced by Phillips Production Company for production on Dominion Transmission (CNG) via Peoples Natural Gas. This is behind-city-gate gas that we do not get documents supporting the volumes. I have invoices and production statements from Phillips. Per John Singer Notes Mail of 08/23 concerning the July production," Phillips Production / Peoples: Price: @ $2.95/Mcf Term: 1/1/2000 - 11/30/2000 Est. Volume: 500/MCFD (Actual Volume will vary.) I have no way of verifying the actual volume. Chris Germany and Angie Zeman will try to get into CES's PNG pool via E-Script. This may be the only way to verify actual volumes. I have a call into Phillips to see if they might have a pipeline statement verifying volumes." Joihn's call to Phillips read partially, " I just talked to Sam Fragale @ Phillips. The 7,843 Mcf @ $2.95 is ENA's. " Our deals have been using point 20200 on Dominion Transmission (CNG). Deals for Jan 00 - Mar 00 were 210359 and 210364. These were copied to 226543 and 229733 respectively for April 00 forward Deal 226543 has April 00 only, but should probably be extended through June-00 according to deal notes from John. Here is our current status on this gas Prod Invoice Invoice Current Month Volume Price Unify Vol Sitara Deal May-00 4801 @$2.82 163 226543 (has April-00 only, should extend through June?)) 9748 @$2.95 353 229733 June-00 5341 @$2.82 0 226543 (has April-00 only, should extend through June?)) 9394 @$2.95 0 229733 July-00 7843 @$2.95 9552 229733 We need to get our proccess together for handling this each month through the end of the deal terms. Please direct the appropriate parties to help make these invoiced volumes available on the deal and in Unify so I can pay Phillips. Thanks WRP
Tip Pohl UBS Paine Webber 412-288-5202 > -----Original Message----- > From: Brophy, Michael =20 > Sent: Tuesday, March 12, 2002 12:47 PM > To: Gearty, Michael C.; Sunshine, Jeremy D. > Subject: You Own MSFT, Consider Other Software Opportunities >=20 >=20 > Our firms Global Investment Strategy Team currently recommends a Over > Weight position in Technology. Within this sector we are bullish on = the > software stocks. You currently own MSFT (Strong Buy, $105.00 = Target), > consider other software opportunities. =20 >=20 > Software Stocks may be well positioned for an economic recovery > * The Stimulus Package signed by President Bush, as it pertains to > software purchases, will be incrementally positive for the group as = it > provides for accelerated expensing for tax purposes. The bill may = jump > start some software purchases over the next 6 quarters to assure > implementations are completed before the window closes on 1/1/05. = With an > economic recovery appearing underway, evidenced by higher = productivity > gains, increased GDP and manufacturing data, lower unemployment and = an > increase in payrolls, companies may begin to deploy IT budgets. > * As a firm, we are overweight the technology sector and we are > overweight the software sector. Our favorite software stocks include > Siebel (SEBL, SB, $50 target), BEA Systems (BEAS, SB, $21 target) and = SAP > (SAP, SB, $43 target). >=20 > Siebel is our best large cap software idea for 2002 and we view it as = a > core holding. It's well positioned to expand its leadership position = in > the CRM software sector (customer relationship management), which is = the > fastest growing area of software. > * The CRM market can grow 20-25% over the next few years, driven by > new opportunities in retail financial services, health insurance, = travel, > manufacturing and government. > * Siebel has the strongest management team in the sector and from a > general execution standpoint, the company is the leader of the pack, > focused on product development and sales force execution. It also has = a > strong balance sheet with $1.6 billion in cash.=20 > * Price target is $50 based on 2004 estimates of $1.06, a 1.5 PE to > growth (PEG) ratio, discounted at 20%.=20 > * Technically, Siebel support is 25, 21 =BC, 16 =BD and resistance is = 37, > 50 and 56. >=20 > BEA Systems is another core holding in the software sector and is a > leading application infrastructure software company. We believe it's = a > stock to own for the next 5 years and is a name that will play out = over > the next few years, not just the next few quarters. > * BEA is the fastest software company to reach $1 billion in annual > revenue, it has been named #1 in execution year after year by Gartner > Group, it has 12,500 customers and 2100 partners. > * BEA's Weblogic Enterprise platform simplifies the flow of > information, decreases the cost of managing applications and makes an > enterprise more agile and productive. We remain impressed with BEA's > technical direction and believe they will be the one to beat in the > application server market. Our $21 target is based on 1.4x our CY03 > estimate of $.52, discounted at 30%. =20 > * Technically, support is 11 =BD, 9 and 7 with resistance levels of = 15 > =BC, 18 and 22. >=20 > A software company that drives global productivity growth is SAP = (SAP, > SBuy, $43 Target) and it's UBSW's Top European Software Pick in an > Overweight Sector. > * In a tough business environment, CEOs around the world are looking > for ways to make their business more efficient and profitable. There = are > 17,500 companies globally and 60% of the fortune 500 looking to SAP, = which > provides them with an integrated solution of ERP(enterprise resource > planning), CRM, and SCM (supply chain management) software to help = them > drive their business productivity.=20 > * A $14bn Upgrade Cycle is expected to drive earnings as 75% of SAP's > customer base is still on their old R/3 Software platform. We expect = a > strong upgrade cycle in SAP's customer base to their new mySAP.com > software platform to coincide with economic recovery. UBSW forecasts = 70% > EPS growth in 2003 driven by the upgrade cycle.=20 > * Only the Strong Survive. In 2001, SAP increased its customer base = by > 30%, to 17,500 customers globally taking advantage of weak = competitors. > * SAP has easy comps as 2002 numbers look very achievable; we expect > market to look through to 2003 where UBSW estimates 70 - 75% EPS = growth, > driven by SAP's customers upgrading to their new software platform. > * SAP trades at a discount to its closest competitor, Siebel, trading > at 70x 2002 P/E; SAP is at 43x 2002 P/E and 33x 2003. The target = price > assumes 40x 2003 EPS. > * Technically speaking, SAP looks good and has been forming a cup and > handle bottom formation for the past 3 quarters giving support at the > $31-32 level. Buy before the $37-38 break out level. On a = break-out > above this levels look for an initial move to low $40's and a = secondary > move to the mid $40's=20 > * Options Strategy: Buy call June 35 @ $4.50 >=20 >=20 >=20 >=20 ****************************************************** Notice Regarding Entry of Orders and Instructions: Please do not transmit orders and/or instructions regarding your UBSPaineWebber account(s) by e-mail. Orders and/or instructions transmitted by e-mail will not be accepted by UBSPaineWebber and UBSPaineWebber will not be responsible for carrying out such orders and/or instructions. Notice Regarding Confirmation: Please be advised that this e-mail is not an official transaction confirmation. The only official confirmation of a transaction will be sent to you via regular mail. Notice Regarding Privacy and Confidentiality: UBSPaineWebber reserves the right to monitor and review the content of all e-mail communications sent and/or received by its employees.
FYI ----- Forwarded by Mark Taylor/HOU/ECT on 05/08/2001 10:39 AM ----- [email protected] 05/07/2001 04:02 PM To: [email protected] cc: Subject: (01-154) Implementation of New NYMEX Rule 9.11A (Give-Up Trades) Notice # 01-154 May 7, 2001 TO: All NYMEX Division Members and Member Firms FROM: Neal L. Wolkoff, Executive Vice President RE: Implementation of New NYMEX Rule 9.11A (&Give-Up Trades8) DATE: May 7, 2001 =========================================================== Please be advised that beginning on the trade date of Friday, June 1, 2001, new NYMEX Rule 9.11A (&Give-Up Trades8) will go into effect. ! In the absence of an applicable give-up agreement, new Rule 9.11A will define the respective responsibilities/obligations to an order of executing brokers, customers and Clearing Members. ! The term &executing broker8 as used in Rule 9.11A refers to the registered billing entity, Member Firm or Floor Broker to whom the order is transmitted. ! Rule 9.11 will provide that, in the absence of an applicable give-up agreement, a Clearing Member may reject a trade only if: (1) the trade exceeds trading limits established by the Clearing Member for that customer that have been communicated to the executing broker as provided by the rule or (2) the trade is an error for which the executing broker is responsible. ! The new rule also places affirmative obligations on executing brokers to confirm Clearing Member authorization for an account. For example, prior to an executing broker accepting and executing an initial order for any new customer account, such executing broker must confirm with the Clearing Member by telephonic, electronic or written means, that: (a) the customer has a valid account with the Clearing Member; (b) the account number; (c) the brokerage rate; (d) the customer is authorized by the Clearing Member to place orders with the executing broker for that account; and (e) a listing or summary of persons authorized to place orders for that account. Moreover, the executing broker must retain a copy of the authorization or the specifics of the telephonic confirmation, which includes: opposite party, date, time, and any other relevant information. The Compliance Department will conduct periodic audits of such records, and falsification of such information shall be the basis for disciplinary action. If you have any questions concerning this new rule, please contact Bernard Purta, Senior Vice President, Regulatory Affairs and Operations, at (212) 299- 2380; Thomas LaSala, Vice President, NYMEX Compliance Department, at (212) 299-2897; or Arthur McCoy, Vice President, Financial Surveillance Section, NYMEX Compliance Department, at (212) 299-2928, NEW RULE 9.11A (&Give-Up Trades8) (Entire rule is new.) Rule 9.11A Give-Up Trades In the absence of a give-up agreement whose terms and conditions govern the responsibilities/obligations of executing brokers, customers and Clearing Members, the following rules shall define the respective responsibilities/obligations of those parties to an order. The &executing broker8, as used in this rule, is the registered billing entity, Member Firm or Floor Broker to whom the order is transmitted. (A) Responsibilities/Obligations of Clearing Members (1). Limits Placed by Clearing Member. A Clearing Member may, in its discretion, place trading limits on the trades it will accept for give-up for a customer,s account from an executing broker, provided however, that the executing broker receives prior written or electronic notice from the Clearing Member of the trading limits on that account. Notice must be received by the executing broker in a timely manner. A copy of such notice shall be retained by the Clearing Member. (2). Trade Rejection. A Clearing Member may reject (&DK8) a trade only if: (1) the trade exceeds the trading limits established under Section I(A) of this rule for that customer and it has been communicated to the executing broker as described in Subsection (A); or (2) the trade is an error for which the executing broker is responsible. If a Clearing Member has a basis for rejecting a trade, and chooses to do so in accordance with the provisions of Rule 2.21(B), it must notify the executing broker promptly. (3). Billing. A Clearing Member will pay all floor brokerage fees incurred for all transactions executed by the executing broker for the customer and subsequently accepted by the Clearing Member by means of the ATOM system. Floor brokerage fees will be agreed upon in advance among the Clearing Member, customer and the executing broker. (B) Responsibilities/Obligations of Executing Brokers (1) Customer Order Placement. An executing broker will be responsible for determining that all orders are placed or authorized by the customer. Once an order has been accepted, a broker or the broker,s clerk must: (a) confirm the terms of the order with the customer; (b) accurately execute the order according to its terms; (c) confirm the execution of the order to the customer as soon as practicable; and (d) transmit such executed order to the Clearing Member as soon as practicable in accordance with Exchange Rules and procedures. 2. Use of Other Persons. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the executing broker is allowed to use the services of another broker in connection with the broker,s obligations under these rules. The executing broker remains responsible to the customer and Clearing Member under these rules. 3. Executing Broker Responsibility for Verifying Clearing Member Authorization. Prior to a broker accepting and executing an initial order for any new customer account, the executing broker must confirm with the Clearing Member by telephonic, electronic or written means, that: (f) the customer has a valid account with the Clearing Member; (g) the account number; (h) the brokerage rate; (i) the customer is authorized by the Clearing Member to place orders with the executing broker for that account; and (j) a listing or summary of persons authorized to place orders for that account. The executing broker must retain a copy of the authorization or the specifics of the telephonic confirmation, which includes: opposite party, date, time, and any other relevant information. The falsification of such information shall be the basis for disciplinary action. 4. Rejection of Customer Order. Where an executing broker has confirmed Clearing Member authorization to execute orders on behalf of a customer in accordance with this Rule 9.11A, the broker may, in the broker,s discretion, reject an order that the customer transmits to the broker for execution. The broker shall promptly notify the customer and the Clearing Member(s) of any such rejection. __________________________________________________ Please click on the link below to indicate you have received this email. "[email protected]&refdo c=(01-154)" Note: If you click on the above line and nothing happens, please copy the text between the quotes, open your internet browser, paste it into the web site address and press Return.
Andrew, This free service is brought to you by Stockscape.com ( http://www.stockscape.com ) THE FAGAN REPORT / http://www.faganreport.com OPT-IN EMAIL SERVICE TRADE ALERT #13 CEPHEID / (Nasdaq - CPHD) May 31, 2001 09:45AMET - emailed to TFR Trade Alert Subscribers NOTE - DELAYED DELIVERY: This information was previously distributed to Fagan Report Trade Alert Subscribers at the above noted time and date. Due to ever-changing market considerations - it may or may not be applicable at this time. TRADE ALERT #13 - Speculative Buy / Cepheid / (Nasdaq - CPHD), currently trading at $3.50 with a target above $6.00 and a stop-loss at $2.89. Cepheid (CPHD), based in Sunnyvale, CA, is developing and commercializing versatile, miniaturized instruments that perform all the steps required to rapidly analyze genetic material found in complex biological samples -- sample preparation, amplification, and detection. Integrating proprietary microfluidic and microelectronic technologies. It is commercializing products initially for DNA and RNA analysis in clinical diagnostics, life-science research, agriculture, industrial testing, and pharmacogenetics. Not many stock speculators can decipher the above paragraph, but if you go to www.cepheid.com it all begins to make sense. Cepheid is making it possible to do complicated, critical compound analysis on site in vastly reduced time frames. The range of applications is almost unlimited. It can help detect the spread of cancerous cells during a surgical procedure. In agriculture, it is being tested to identify the spread of Pierce Disease in the California grapevine industry. I looked up Pierce Disease and found the following: Pierce's disease infects grapevines, effectively choking the tissues that deliver water and nutrients throughout the plant. Infected ines usually die within a few years. The disease has been present in California at relatively low levels for decades, but is cause for heightened concern because the glassy-winged sharpshooter (insect), newly arrived from the southeastern U.S. and northern Mexico, can spread it much more rapidly than native insects. - SACRAMENTO, Calif., May 16, 2001 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- Cepheid (Nasdaq: CPHD) today announced that its Smart Cycler(R) TD System is being exhibited for early detection of Pierce's disease in grape vines at today's 13th annual California Association of Professional Scientists (CAPS) State Scientists Day held at the Capitol. Using the portable, real-time gene-detection system, for the first time scientists can detect the lethal disease before symptoms appear, allowing vintners to remove infected vines earlier in the growing season before the disease is spread by insect carriers. Situations like this have the potential to catch the imagination of the market. CPHD went public in June 2000 through an IPO (led by VSB Warburg) of five million shares at $6.00. A further 20.5 million pre-IPO issued shares became free trading in December 2000. Presently, there are 25.5 million shares issued. As of March 31, 2001, cash on hand stood at $37 million - current liabilities $5 million. Based on published information, I estimate FY01 revenue of between $15 and $20 million, with a net cash burn of $12-$18 million. FY02 is where sales and profits should start to improve. CPHD's 52-week high/low stock price is $27.50 / $2.97. What I like about CPHD is its cutting-edge technology in what is likely to be an in-vogue market sector. NOTE / DISCLAIMER All information published by The Fagan Report is for informational purposes only. As Editor, I, Brian Fagan, tell you what I am or would be doing if I had sufficient capital to do so. You read and/or subscribe to receive this information for whatever personal reasons you may have to do so. Nothing more is implied or intended. Nothing in this communication is, nor should it be construed to be an offer or solicitation for the purchase or sale of securities. Please see our complete disclaimer statement at: http://www.faganreport.com COPYRIGHT: Fagan Report Trade Alerts are copyright material. It is unlawful to duplicate, forward, or disseminate this information in any form whatsoever, without the written permission of the publisher. For copyright waiver, email your request to: [email protected] . Wishing you all the best, The Fagan Report, Brian Fagan ********************************************************************** THE FAGAN REPORT OPT-IN EMAIL SERVICE May 31, 2001 You have received this information because you have previously subscribed to The Fagan Report complimentary opt-in email service at http://www.faganreport.com . Through your participation in this program, you receive all information sent to paying subscribers of The Fagan Report, but on a variable time-delayed basis. This is an "OPT-IN" email service, the cost of which is borne in part by company sponsors. Today's content is independent research, opinions, and commentary. It is not company sponsored. No compensation of any kind has been paid or received for its inclusion in The Fagan Report. ---------------------------------------------------------------- The information being sent to you is intended as a free, value-added service. If you wish to unsubscribe to this publication please go to the following page and enter your e-mail address: http://www.stockscape.com/stockscape_com/unsubscribe/ChangeSubscriptions.cfm (If you are an AOL user and you wish to unsubscribe to this publication, please <a href="http://www.stockscape.com/stockscape_com/unsubscribe/ChangeSubscriptions.cfm">click here</a>) Please be aware that Stockscape is a news service and NOT an investment advisory service, it is recommended that you consult with a licensed financial advisor before making any investment decisions. The information herein should NOT be construed as an offer to buy or sell securities. The information is taken from sources thought to be accurate but there is 0 guarantee. All due diligence should be done by the reader or their financial advisor.
"NAI at a Glance" reports on recent and future NAI events. In an effort to strengthen and broaden NAI's network, "NAI at a Glance" also disseminates timely and important articles by leading members and friends of the network. For further information on the New Atlantic Initiative, please see our web page at www.aei.org/nai/nai.htm. Jeffrey Gedmin Resident Scholar, American Enterprise Institute Executive Director, New Atlantic Initiative ______________________ RECENT NAI EVENTS ROUNDTABLE WITH HENRY KISSINGER, PARIS, MAY 28, 2001. At a roundtable meeting hosted by NAI, HENRY KISSINGER discussed the future of ballistic missile defense, the ABM Treaty, and NATO enlargement. He encouraged a transatlantic approach toward Russia. Other meeting participants included MARC PERRIN DE BRICHAMBAUT of the French Ministry of Defense; ROBERT COOPER of the UK's Cabinet office; AEI's RICHARD PERLE; and MICHEL FOUCHER of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs. LUNCH DISCUSSION WITH EMYR JONES PARRY, AEI, MAY 17, 2001. According to Parry, the political director of the UK's Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Britain wants to see Europe succeed in a way that doesn't diminish Europe's transatlantic link. Contrary to press reports, he explained that not even the French advocate something separate from NATO. Thus, talk of a slow cooling in the Atlantic alliance may be greatly exaggerated, according to Parry, who also fielded questions about North Korea, saying that U.S. and E.U. positions are really "not so different." LUNCH WITH RUSSIAN BUSINESS LEADERS, AEI, MAY 2, 2001. RICHARD PERLE hosted Club 2015, a group of Russian business leaders and politicians, who together discussed the danger of a Russian military that is holding onto the past, the problems of widespread corruption, the consequences for internal policy formation, and the direction of U.S.-Russia relations. Agreement centered around the fact that there are few immediate threats to Russia that necessitate a military response. The Russians see difficulty in coming to agreement on issues of NATO expansion and missile defense and insist on a less unilateral, more dialogue-oriented U.S. approach. What the Russians need to do in relations with the U.S., Perle suggested, is drop their old agenda. _________________________ UPCOMING NAI EVENTS* SECURITY AND COOPERATION IN EUROPE IN THE 21st CENTURY, ISTANBUL, JUNE 28-29. NAI will sponsor a delegation to participate in the ARI Movement's conference in Istanbul. THIS EVENT IS BY INVITATION ONLY. NATO ENLARGEMENT AND SECURITY IN NORTHERN EUROPE, COPENHAGEN, SUMMER 2001 (DATE TBD). A group of NAI invitees will discuss strategies for the next round of NATO enlargement. THIS EVENT IS BY INVITATION ONLY. NAI CONGRESS OF BUDAPEST, SEPTEMBER 28-29. The New Atlantic Initiative will convene a congress hosted by Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orb?n in Budapest. Sessions will deal with ballistic missile defense, NATO enlargement, Southeastern European security, Russia, and US-EU relations. THIS EVENT IS BY INVITATION ONLY. ASIA DELEGATION VISIT, FALL 2001 (DATE TBD). Trade and missile defense will be two of the issues an NAI-led delegation will discuss in meetings in Taiwan, Japan, and China. THIS EVENT IS BY INVITATION ONLY. *The information presented here is subject to change without notice. __________________________ RECOMMENDED READING Please click here to view these articles online: http://www.aei.org/nai/recread.htm BLAIR SHOULD KEEP A CLOSER EYE ON AMERICA by Irwin Stelzer, The Sunday Times, May 6, 2001. Stelzer argues that "Events have soured the Anglo-American relationship to the point where it is on the verge of losing its 'special' character." After Blair's expected victory this month, it will inevitably be time for him make firm policy decisions that will undoubtedly impact the UK's relationship with the US. Between cuts in EU defense spending, plans for the ERRF, and U.S. missile defense talks, the special relationship faces many challenges. OUT TO TORPEDO MISSILE DEFENSE by Robert Kagan, Washington Post, May 9, 2001. Kagan points out the bitter partisanship of the Democrats' flip-flop on missile defense. Last year, Democrats were lining up to support Clinton's efforts to deploy NMD; this year, they make every effort to oppose Bush in his talks on the issue, culminating in former U.N. ambassador Richard Holbrooke's call for Europe to be more vocal in opposing the President's plans. US TO UK: DON'T LET BRUSSELS RUIN IT by Toby Harnden, The Spectator, May 12, 2001. Reporting on NAI's recent panel discussion on European defense, Harnden discusses the transatlantic controversy surrounding ESDP. The NAI discussion proved that while many Europeans are convinced of ESDP's necessity, American officials remain extremely skeptical of their intentions. Participating on the panel were CHARLES GRANT of the Centre for European Reform (London), CHRISTOPH BERTRAM of the Institut fuer Wissenschaft und Politik (Berlin), GILLES ANDREANI of the French Foreign Ministry, AEI's RICHARD PERLE, and former CIA director R. JAMES WOOLSEY. UPI's MARTIN WALKER served as the panel chairman. EUROPE, MEET MR. RUMSFELD by Jeffrey Gedmin, Wall Street Journal Europe, May 23, 2001. The Bush administration has been off to a rocky start with its European allies. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld "appears to hold special honors," writes Gedmin, "when it comes to fueling European anxieties." Gedmin reviews U.S.-European disagreements on missile defense and ESDP, arguing that Rumsfeld, rather than being an ideologue as detractors contend, is taking a strictly pragmatic view of most transatlantic issues. WASHINGTON FINDS A SOFT SPOT FOR ITS OLD ENEMY by Gerard Baker, Financial Times, May 31, 2001. Baker argues that the US and Russia can redefine their relationship in terms of two democracies cooperating toward common goals without the use of the ABM treaty. According to Baker, perhaps "the refusal of some Europeans to consider the possibility of a fundamentally changed relationship with Russia*owes more to an enduring eagerness to frustrate US ambitions than to work for lasting transatlantic cooperation." DRIVING A TRANS-ATLANTIC WEDGE by Jeffrey Gedmin, Wall Street Journal Europe, June 5, 2001. As U.S. President George Bush prepares to embark on his first trip to Europe, Gedmin reviews the apparent obsession of some EU elites with the issue of the death penalty in the United States. Gedmin argues that opinion about capital punishment is more complex on both sides of the Atlantic than some would like to admit. According to Gedmin, some in Europe are using the death penalty to express Euronationalist, anti-American sentiment. __________________________________ TO UNSUBSCRIBE to NAI at a GLANCE and NAI invitations If you would prefer to not receive this update or invitations to public NAI events, please send a reply to this message and type "NO EMAIL" in the subject line. TO UNSUBSCRIBE to NAI Invitations If you do not wish to receive notices of public NAI events, please respond to this e-mail and type "NO EVENTS" in the subject line. If you wish to receive notices of public events in Europe only, please respond and type "EUROPE ONLY" in the subject line.
CC list suppressed... WSJ:Cal impact on US economy... Note: The other article in the Journal hi-lights the Governor's bail-out of the Utilities with new bonds, however the following article spells out wider ranging problems seen in the stock market last week. Finally MSNBC had a January 5, 2001 morning story that before the end of Jan. 2001 FERC will force the sale of all transmission assets in California to a third party. This industry continues to get more interesting... January 8, 2001 The Outlook LOS ANGELES Helmut Ackermann founded L.A. Dye & Print Works Inc. 18 years ago, when he took over a bankrupt dye house. Today, thanks to California's worsening energy crisis, L.A. Dye & Print is back on the brink of closure. Mr. Ackermann depends on natural gas to operate the massive boilers and heaters used to color and dry fabrics. He expects his December gas bill to have jumped to $600,000 from $132,000 last January. Hammered by the soaring costs, he has already closed one plant and dismissed 40 people. Now, he says the jobs of his remaining 660 workers are in jeopardy. "If it stays the way it is, we won't be around very long," Mr. Ackermann says. Stories like this are causing economists to worry that California's economic troubles -- the energy crisis, combined with a high-tech shakeout and growing labor unrest in the entertainment industry -- could put more drag on a U.S. economy that is already downshifting. Chart: California and the World Economy The World's largest economies by gross national product, in trillions of US dollars: US $8.4 Japan $4.1 Germany $2.1 France $1.4 UK $1.3 California $1.2 Italy $1.1 China $1.0 Source: World Bank The energy mess is "one more negative added to the mix," says Tom Lieser, a senior economist at the University of California at Los Angeles's Anderson Business Forecast. He expects California to navigate its way through the immediate crisis but worries about its longer-term impact. Questions about the reliability and cost of the state's power supply, for example, could threaten continued growth of vital industries such as technology. Some Wall Street economists worry that California's problems could spill over and hurt the broader U.S. economy. In a report titled "California Unplugged -- A Drag on Global Growth?" Morgan Stanley Dean Witter warns that California's energy crisis threatens to push up production costs and make U.S. exports from the state, which totaled $102.9 billion in 1999, less competitive on world markets. "Negatives tend to snowball, so what is happening in California has the potential to exacerbate the weakness we already are seeing in the U.S. economy," says Joseph Quinlan, a Morgan Stanley economist. Other states facing economic and financial trouble wouldn't warrant such attention. But California not only is the nation's largest state in terms of both population and economic heft, but the Golden State also seemed to epitomize the New Economy. Job growth in the state has been double that in the nation as a whole; of the 2.1 million jobs created in the U.S. during the first 11 months of last year, one of every five new hires was in California. The state produced more than $1.2 trillion in output in 1999, making it the sixth-largest economy in the world, slightly smaller than the economy of the United Kingdom and a little bigger than that of Italy. The state's economic output contributed about 12% of total U.S. gross domestic product. New York, in second place, had an 8.1% share of GDP. But soaring energy costs are beginning to take a toll on the Golden State, and low-end manufacturers are among the first to see the change. "It is forcing many of us to face a shutdown," says Scott Edwards, president of the Association of Textile Dyers, Printers and Finishers of Southern California. His industry runs on gross profit margins of 10% to 15%, hardly enough to handle the fivefold increase in natural-gas costs that many operators have witnessed. Soaring energy prices also are hurting California's agricultural industry. "We can't pass along the costs of production" as some other industries do, says Heather Flower, a spokeswoman for the Western Growers Association, a group of 3,500 growers in California and Arizona. Some are cutting back on plantings of broccoli, lettuce and strawberries, among other crops, because of uncertainty about costs. Electricity prices already are on the march. The state's largest utilities, Pacific Gas & Electric Co. and Southern California Edison Co., received temporary rate increases last week ranging from 9% for residential customers to 15% for large companies. Some economists say the rises, if they become permanent, could wipe out a large chunk of per-capita-income gains and result in less consumer spending. On top of the energy problems, Hollywood is bracing for a strike by the Writers Guild of America and the unions representing film and television actors, whose contracts are set to expire this year. The studios spent the end of 2000 jamming in production to cushion the impact of a potential strike. The sector employs nearly 300,000 people in the state. While there seems little doubt that the troubles brewing in California will prove painful, there are reasons to believe the state can still avert an outright economic contraction. Its economy is more diversified and resilient than a decade ago, when national-defense cutbacks and an overbuilt property market crippled the local economy. Back then, jobs in the aerospace sector shrank by 70%, and office-vacancy rates in major markets soared. Also, despite all the attention being given to the state's energy crisis, the fact is "we're not a very energy-intensive economy," says Ted Gibson, chief state economist with California's department of finance. He notes that the state ranks 48th among the 50 states in per-capita energy consumption. And he adds that the $11 billion in deficit spending racked up by the two big utilities amounts to less than 1% of state output. "It's not the kind of cost that will bring the state to its knees," he says. -- Jon Hilsenrath and Rhonda L. Rundle Write to Jon Hilsenrath at [email protected] and Rhonda L. Rundle at [email protected]
To: The Enron Management Committee The Enron Corp. Board of Directors approved a new Risk Management Policy (the "Policy") on August 14, 2001, and notice has been distributed to Enron employees to announce the posting of this policy on the Enron intranet website at http://home.enron.com/resources (without market risk limits due to confidentiality). The Policy includes a three page Executive Summary providing an overview of risk management practices for the four major types of risks addressed: (a) market risk; (b) credit risk; (c) operational risk and (d) liquidity/funding risk, and this summary is attached to this e-mail for your convenience. The credit policy was incorporated without change, and the Transaction Approval Process and Guarantee Approval Processes were also incorporated with updating for specific approval authorities. This e-mail message is being sent to the Enron Management Committee to highlight some key aspects of the Company's market risk management practices which may be of interest. The Policy established a new Risk Management Committee, members of which are the Chief Risk Officer and any others designated by the CEO of Enron Corp. During this transition period, existing Commodity Group Limits as of August 14th remain in effect, and Enron Business Unit Limits are assigned accordingly. These limits may be further adjusted by the Risk Management Committee and the CEO, and your market risk managers will be working with you to review the limit structure for your business unit's activities to facilitate compliance with the Policy and your business initiatives. RAC is currently working with Global Risk Management Operations to develop appropriate risk reporting that meets the Policy requirements and the needs of business unit management. Regards, Cassandra Schultz Vice President, RAC 713-853-0429 [email protected] Summary of Changes to Market Risk Management Practices In addition to consolidating Enron's various risk management policies and procedures into one comprehensive Policy, some substantive changes and clarifications were made to the Company's market risk management practices, as summarized below. 1. Increased the VaR Limit for the Trading Portfolio, providing discretion to the Enron Corp. CEO ("CEO") to allocate such VaR limits within defined parameters 2. Established an Expected Tail Loss Advisory Limit for the Trading Portfolio 3. Revised the Market Risk Limit Structure within each Portfolio to delegate more discretion for individual Business Unit and Commodity Group limits to the CEO and Risk Management Committee a) Concentration VaR Limits approved by Board of Directors b) Business Unit VaR Limits approved by CEO / Risk Management Committee c) Commodity Group Limits for each Business Unit approved by CEO / Risk Management Committee d) Trader/Desk Limits approved by Business Unit Office of the Chairman Key Points re: the Limit Structure 1. Concentration Limits are established on 6 large buckets of commodity groups; this bucketing focuses on market indicators from a Board perspective, not according to Enron's organizational structure; ? 1) Americas Gas, 2) Americas Power, 3) European Gas & Power, 4) Products, 5) Financials, and 6) Emerging Businesses o Examples: Americas Power Concentration Limit includes Global Risk Markets; Financials Concentration Limit includes Credit; Appendix A of the Policy lists the individual Commodity Groups comprising each Concentration Limit 2. CEO/Risk Management Committee has discretion to allocate the Trading Portfolio VaR limit among the Enron Business Units, subject to the Concentration Limits approved by the Board 3. Expected Tail Loss is a new risk metric, and accordingly, an advisory limit is established only at the total Trading Portfolio level; some Commodity Groups may have the measurement calculated in RisktRAC, but no limit is set 4. Business Unit VaR Limits are to be set for each Enron Business Unit (i.e. Enron Americas, Enron Global Markets, Enron Europe, etc. - any Business Units recognized as having authority for trading by the CEO) 5. Commodity Group Limits are now to be set at a Business Unit level, representing the individual Business Unit's authority for trading specific commodities ? every Business Unit shall have a Commodity Group Limit for any commodities for which they are authorized to trade; ? these Commodity Group Limits and corresponding risk reporting will enable top management and the Risk Management Committee to quickly understand risk parameters on a "pure" commodity group basis within each Enron Business Unit; 6. Each Enron Business Unit OOC can establish Trader/Desk Level Limits and/or related risk reporting as they require, enabling them to view their trading results the way they manage their business (i.e., the same trader may actually trade more than one commodity, and therefore wish to view risk parameters for several commodities combined, etc.) Risk Management Benefits of Limit Structure: 1) CEO flexibility below the Concentration Limit level, and 2) individual Enron Business Units have clearly defined trading authority, enabling the Risk Management Committee to authorize business units to trade in the same commodities while strengthening risk management practices to facilitate compliance with the Board approved Concentration Limits Limit Monitoring and Reporting 1. All position and VaR violations are triggered at 100% of the respective limit 2. All Daily Loss notifications are triggered at 100% of the VaR limit 3. All Cumulative 5-day Loss notifications are triggered at 225% of the VaR limit 4. Trading Portfolio limit monitoring reported to the Board 5. Concentration limit monitoring reported up to the CEO, and at Board meetings 6. Business Unit and Commodity Group limit monitoring reported up to the Risk Management Committee 7. Trader/Desk Level Limits and related reporting to be established by each business unit Overall Portfolio Structure ? Expanded the Trading Portfolio includes all of Enron's mark-to-market trading activity, including speculative trading of PGE and ETS ? Merchant Portfolio does not have established limits ? Clarified that the Capital Portfolio is to capture and manage all positions related to Enron's capital structure; the VaR limit established is a Concentration Limit for Enron stock related transactions; as other positions are captured and measured, additional limits may be established as needed Added a new "Regulated" Portfolio for certain transportation and distribution activities (a VaR limit was established by the Board for PGE's regulated activities) ? Added a new "Other Assets & Contracts" Portfolio to capture and manage accrual or other type of positions not otherwise captured in the other Portfolios; no limits established
----- Forwarded by David M Gagliardi/TTG/HouInd on 08/28/01 09:24 AM ----- "Gagliardi, Michael" To: "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, <mgagliardi@u "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, nocal.com> "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]> cc: 08/28/01 Subject: FW: True Orange E-Mail/Fax #87 08:54 AM > -----Original Message----- > From: [email protected] [SMTP:[email protected]] > Sent: Monday, August 27, 2001 8:17 PM > To: [email protected] > Subject: True Orange E-Mail/Fax #87 > > True Orange E-Mail/Fax Service > Volume 9, E-Mail/Fax #87, Monday, August 27, 2001 > Jerry Scarbrough's True Orange, P. O. Box 26530, Austin, Texas 78755 - > Phone > 512-795-8536 > > Brown Names Starters with Few Surprises > > Texas head coach Mike Brown named the starters Monday for Saturday night's > > season-opening football game with New Mexico State, and there was only one > > major surprise. > That was at tight end where Bo Scaife and Brock Edwards were listed as > co-starters. "I don't know who will run out there first," Brown said, "but > > they'll both see plenty of action." > He also said Tillman Holloway and Derrick Dockery are co-starters at left > guard, but that was no surprise because they have battled back and forth > throughout the pre-season practices. > Junior Victor Ike, as expected, is the starting tailback, with super > freshman > Cedric Benson and big sophomore Ivan Williams listed as co-second teamers. > > Brown also said all three tailbacks will play a lot. > Senior Maurice Gordon, as expected, was tabbed to start at left defensive > tackle. "We had to figure a way to get him on the field," Brown said. > "That's > why we moved him (from defensive end). He probably runs 4.6 or better and > we > think he's really going to be good for us." > Brown also said Nathan Vasher and Ahmad Brooks will be the starting > safeties > with Dakarai Pearson backing up at both spots. > The Longhorns are 42-point favorites over NM State for their 6 p.m. game, > but > Brown said the contest "is a great challenge for us. They should have > beaten > Louisville last week and Louisville was a 9-or-10-win team last year." > Louisville went 9-3 last year and NM State had a lead at the half before > two > fumbles deep in Louisville territory were returned for touchdowns. > Brown had a good time discussing the Longhorns at his Monday press > conference. Talking about all the hype surrounding junior QB Chris Simms, > he > said, "Some think Chris Simms will win the Heisman and some think he > shouldn't start." > When someone mentioned that post-game comments in Oklahoma after the > Sooners' > opening win over North Carolina seemed to center more on Texas than on the > > Sooners, he said, "A lot of the opposing teams talk more about us than > they > talk about themselves, and there is no question some of them hate us more > than they like themselves." > * * * * > FOOTBALL NOTES: The Longhorns have the best opening game record in the Big > > 12. In 108 years of playing college football, Texas is 88-17-3 in opening > games. That's an .829 winning percantage. If the Horns hadn't gone 1-7 in > openers between 1986 and 1993, that great percentage would be almost off > the > charts. . . the Horns' No. 5 national ranking in the AP poll is their > highest > pre-season rating since 1983. . . QB Chris Simms completed 28 of 42 passes > > (66.7%) for 328 yards and four touchdowns in the Longhorns' three > scrimmages. > He did not allow an interception in the scrimmages. . . True freshman LB > Derrick Johnson led all defenders in the scrimmages with 20 tackles. . . > Starting LB Lee Jackson probably will miss the opener with a turf toe and > will be replaced by Tyrone Jones. He is the only starter who will be out > unless someone else gets banged up this week. > * * * * > RECRUITING NOTES: The Longhorns apparently have targeted three wide > receivers > for two remaining slots and will take the first pair to commit. The three > are > Marquis Johnson, a national top 100 player from Champaign, Illinois, and > two > Texans - Biren Ealy of Cypress Falls and Anthony Wright of Klein Forest. > Johnson lists the Horns No. 1 and might commit when he visits. He says he > wants to visit UT in September. Wright also lists Texas as his top team, > while Ealy is more wide open. . . CB Ricky Wilson of Port Arthur Lincoln > is > getting a lot of national attention because he is an outstanding cover > corner > with great speed and leaping ability - and good grades. That last factor > sets > him apart from several of the other top corner prospects. He lists Florida > > State and Texas as his top two teams. . . If you are a real recruiting fan > > who keeps a list of future prospects, pencil in Clay Broyles, 6-4, 235, of > > Hallsville as a junior DE/TE who will be a big item in next year's > recruiting > wars. His coach says he is a top prospect on either side of the ball. > * * * * > My next e-mail/fax will be whenever events warrant. > * * * * > The True Orange E-Mail/Fax Service includes at least 99 fax/e-mails a > year and costs $99 ($79 by E-Mail). The True Orange Newsletter includes > 26 > newsletters and is published weekly during football season and twice > monthly > during most of the other months. It costs $45. Save by subscribing to both > > for $130 (or $110 if you take the faxes via E-Mail or $99 if you take > both > services via E-Mail). Send check to address at the top of page. I also > update my 900 number - 1-900-288-8839 - daily with recruiting news. My > E-Mail address is: [email protected].
Number 2 ---------------------- Forwarded by David G Mally/HOU/ECT on 05/26/99 05:51 PM --------------------------- Louise Kitchen 05/19/99 12:51 PM To: Dave Mally/HOU/ECT, Kevin Sweeney/HOU/ECT cc: Subject: Re: OnLine Upate ---------------------- Forwarded by Louise Kitchen/LON/ECT on 05/19/99 10:24 AM --------------------------- Louise Kitchen 05/13/99 11:24 PM To: Louise Kitchen/LON/ECT@ECT cc: Subject: Re: OnLine Upate Louise Kitchen 05/13/99 11:19 PM To: John Sherriff/LON/ECT@ECT, Greg Whalley/HOU/ECT@ECT, Philippe A Bibi/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Subject: OnLine Upate Executive Summary The work on the scoping of the project has been completed and a consultancy firm should be chosen on Monday, the plan is to have 2 companies to negotiate full terms with. A timetable should be available mid next week for the system requirements. The terms of the contract to be concentrated on are the delivery premiums and penalties. The legal and regulatory side is fully underway on both sides of the atlantic. Work on the business process side of the site is under way, this includes the integration of internet trading within the company and the management of the side (including the administration, product management etc ) has commenced and an intial group has been put together to work on this, with the aim of creating a base plan which will be rolled out in Europe and used as a base to set up activities in the US. Initial schedule for next meeting - 2nd or 3rd June. 1. Systems & outsourcing Several firms have been interviewed for the outsourcing of the project. The shortlist includes several firms, at the time of writing those at the top include Agency, I-cube and US Web. A summary of the outsourcing companies is attached. Bearing in mind no further companies are introduced a decision may be possible immediately upon the quotation from Agency. The contract with the company will be negotiated immediately emphasizing premiums for delivery and penalties for late delivery. The powerpoint presentation used in the consultancy hiring process is attached for information. 2. Systems Documentation The initial specifications have been written to outline the scope of the project with a view to hiring the appropriate company and ensuring the internal processes are commenced. 3. Legal Review Two legal firms have now been instructed with regard to the project. Europe - Clifford Chance are acting as Project Manager for Europe. Clifford Chance have been instructed on the following areas: (i) Advice on overall website structure (text, context, content etc) (ii) preparation of the initial customer documentation / registration documentation (iii) specific internet trading advice for all jurisdictions (iv) co-ordinating advice of those firms utilised across all juridictions by Enron on the physical and financial trading (to include Enron's financial regulatory advisors Slaughter & May) (v) co-ordinate with US legal counsel on cross jurisdictional issues (such as use of US companies as Enron counterparty in the European markets). Initial meetings held with Enron commercial, legal and support teams. US - Sullivan & Cromwell have been instructed to advise for the US market primarily because of their CFTC experience. Initial briefing meeting on the project was held on 7th May 1999 and a follow up meeting on their initial findings of the structure is to be held on the 17th May 1999. Sullivan & Cromwell have been instructed to review the proposed structure of the site and outline all the legal and regulatory issues surrounding the transactional nature of the site. Sullivan & Cromwell shall be reviewing the initial enabling documentation as produced by Clifford Chance. 4. Business Process The first draft of the requirements for the business process requirements for the project has been completed. This document will form the basis of the programme to ensure integration of online trading within the organisation. David Port will be leading this effort and Dave Malley is a possibility for the US - any thoughts? The key areas that require defining of Business Processes are: 1. Customer registration 2. Authorisation of new traders within Enron 3. Setting up new products and control over existing products 4. Transaction execution online 5. Online transaction validation - the main business processes include credit and market or position limit check. 6. Interface between online system and Gas, Power and Global Liquids books, i.e. automatic deal data transfer from Enron 7. Online Database into appropriate book after deal was validated online. 8. Transaction confirmation and processing by middle office/back office/documentation departments. This should cover any deviations in the business processes for trades done online versus OTC trades. 9. Process of disputes handling. This process will cover disputes on whether the deal is done or not as well as disagreements over particular commercial terms of a done deal. 10. Documentation and Contracts 11. Master Agreements and GTCs have to be put in place for all anticipated types of transactions, commodities and countries. 12. All documents need to be translated into appropriate foreign languages. 13. Viewing by users of their own account status ) the system should allow to reconcile data in the Enron Online database against information in the books. 14. Online news publishing (System news,Trading groups new, General energy related news, Online trading help) 5. Project Staffing Commercial Paul Goddard - interface with IT team, Paul will be working closely with the IT team on the structure and content of the page. Elena Kapralova - Elena will be responsible for the start up of the Business Process part of the project and will be the co-ordinator on the european side for the actual form and content of the product lines. Arfan Aziz - documentation co-ordination with responsbility for creating a database of counterparties for the production of registration documents for Europe. Supporting the project - Europe Business Process David Port Tax Janine Juggins Credit/Risk Control Bryan Seyfried Legal Justin Boyd Potential support from US includes Dave Mally IT Team Jay Webb - Project Manager Tiluk Mandadi Bob Campbell (transferring to Houston from UK for 3 months) Neil Donkin (subject to final confirmation) Pat Gogerty and Chris Dodds for initial period of 3 weeks (from UK) plus 2 other US employees. 6. Meetings next week Louise (New York on Monday, Tuesday onwards in Houston) Sullivan & Cromwell - Mark Taylor Mark Palmer (introductory meeting) Janine Juggins - Tax Dave Mally - Support Ted Murphy - Risk Control Greg on staffing and Australia Paul Goddard will be spending the week with the IT team in Houston to assist particularly on the contracting process. Business Process meetings to continue in London with mock up completed by IT mid week. Louise
Guys, to end all arguments, I would suggest the following protocol which is similar to what was discussed at Columbia Lakes: a) P&P swaps and anything to do with the network strategy/assets in the paper sector in Canada and Mexico - Industrial Origination; b) Pure energy commodity positions and stand-alone energy assets (no outsourcing) for all industrial segments in Canada and Mexico - ECC or Enron Mexico; c) Energy outsourcing for all industrial segments in Canada and Mexico - I would like Enron Canada and Enron Mexico to develop a written target list in which ECC, Enron Mexico and the Industrial Origination groups would work together to develop, sell and execute on the most profitable and value adding outsourcing product for the industrial customer in Canada and Mexico - ECC and Enron Mexico's understanding of the energy markets in Canada and Mexico coupled with the customer facing, product development and execution skills in Houston should provide a winning team. I am asking for the three teams to clearly identify the outsourcing targets, lead sales and structuring people and the timing as far as starting discussion with each target customer (ASAP). I would hope that the Mexican and Canadian teams would lead the sales process and the Houston team lead the structuring, customer facing and execution but I will let you decide the optimum mix. Either way, I am expecting this target list completed and agreed to in the next two weeks for Canada and Mexico; and d) for Tembec I don't think it makes sense to change the deal team at this point; however, the US team will keep the Canadian team in the loop and if the products become non-outsourcing related the deal should be passed to ECC. Regards Delainey ---------------------- Forwarded by David W Delainey/HOU/ECT on 08/03/2000 12:31 PM --------------------------- Rob Milnthorp 08/03/2000 09:46 AM To: David W Delainey/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Subject: Tembec and US Originators Dave, attached is some of the background correspondence in anticipation of our meeting with Brian Burnett. Regards Milnthorp ---------------------- Forwarded by Rob Milnthorp/CAL/ECT on 08/03/2000 09:29 AM --------------------------- Angela McCulloch 07/27/2000 11:07 AM To: Rodney Malcolm/HOU/ECT@ECT, Edward Ondarza/HOU/ECT@ECT, James A Ajello/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Rob Milnthorp/CAL/ECT@ECT Subject: Tembec and US Originators Rodney, Edward, Jim - We've been over this issue a number of times and I thought we had reached resolution when we last met with Delainey. My understanding with respect to coverage of Canadian Industrials is as follows: 1.) ENA to take lead on industrials that have facilities in both US and Canada and will co-ordinate coverage with ECC with respect to Canadian Facilities. 2.) ECC to take lead on industrials that have Canadian Facilities only. 3.) With respect to Canadian Pulp & Paper Industrials, ENA will cover Pulp & Paper Swaps and SPV structuring. ECC will cover these industrials for all other Enron products (i.e. power, gas, services, etc.) Again, coverage needs to be co-ordinated. Specific to Tembec, I share Paul's concerns on why ENA would send 2 people to talk to Tembec re: outsourcing when Tembec is across the hall from ECC, ECC has an established relationship, and Tembec is a Canadian Company with no US facilities. It is my hope that we can resolve this amongst ourselves without having to get Dalainey involved. I would suggest a conference call next week. In the interim, Paul will forward a CA to Tembec in contemplation of an outsourcing arrangement. Regards, Angela McCulloch for Rob Milnthorp Assistant to Rob Milnthorp (403) 974-6738 ---------------------- Forwarded by Angela McCulloch/CAL/ECT on 07/27/2000 11:04 AM --------------------------- Paul Devries 07/25/2000 01:30 PM To: Rob Milnthorp/CAL/ECT@ECT cc: Subject: Tembec and US Originators Rob, We just had a very good meeting with Tembec about Energy procurement and energy outsourcing. While the meeting went well, I am very confused about the Enron team making the pitch to them. My understanding is that the Canadian originators - particularly the Toronto team for Eastern Canadian companies will be responsible for everything except for pulp and paper swaps and to some extent, new SPV's. In this instance, 1. Tembec is a Canadian Company 2. All their assets are in Canada 3. Jan has been working with Tembec people in their largest facility 4. We know the executive team at Tembec 5. We clearly are very knowleadgable in all aspects of the Ontario energy market which is their focus right now 6. We understand and are pitching the overall energy outsourcing arrangement similar to the US pitches With this in mind, I am not sure why Kellie Metcalf and Bob Anderson flew up here (6 hours flight time there and back, $4,000 to $5,000 in flights and hotels) for a 4 hour meeting with Tembec. Kelly was quite vocal in saying that this is a client they want to serve out of Houston. I have stated to her that that does not make any sense in terms of efficiency and costs and knowledge of the market where Tembec's assets are. Obviously, much of the technical engineering work would and should be done by the engineering team put together in the Industrial Services Group should a deal be struck. However, the commercial negotiations and marketing should be led by this office!!! I thought this had been agreed to already. We managed to piece up the meeting and deliver the "Enron" message, but going forward we need to have this resolved. Cheers, Paul D
Here it the alternate decision itself. Peter Bray The New Power Company "Delaney Hunter" <[email protected]> 03/02/01 09:01 AM Please respond to dhunter To: "Aaron Thomas (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, " 'Allan Lippincott'" <[email protected]>, " Ann Cohn (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, " 'Ann Watson'" <[email protected]>, " Anna Ferrera (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, " 'Art Carter'" <[email protected]>, " 'assistant for John Fielder'" <[email protected]>, " Audra Hartmann (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, " Barbara Barkovich (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, " 'Becky Kilbourne'" <[email protected]>, " Bill Booth (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, " 'Bill Dombrowski'" <[email protected]>, " Bill Keese (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, " Bill Zobel (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, " 'Bob Foster'" <[email protected]>, " 'Bob Houston'" <[email protected]>, " Brian Kelly (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, " Carolyn McIntyre (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, " Catherine Hackney (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, " Charles Bacchi (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, " Cindy Richburg Howell (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, " 'Craig Brown'" <[email protected]>, " Dan Carroll (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, " Delbert Fore (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, " 'Denice Cazalet'" <[email protected]>, " Dennis Price (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, " 'Denny Samuel'" <[email protected]>, " 'Dominic DiMare'" <[email protected]>, " Dorothy Rothrock (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, " Doug Fernley (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, " 'Ed Yates'" <[email protected]>, " Edson Karen (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, " Eloy Garcia (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, " Evelyn Elsesser (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, " Gary Heath (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, " 'Gordon McDonald'" <[email protected]>, " Greg Hardy (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, " 'Jack Flanigan'" <[email protected]>, " Jack Gualco (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, " 'Jack Stewart'" <[email protected]>, " 'James Boyd'" <[email protected]>, " Jan Smutny-Jones (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, " Jeanne Cain (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, " Jeff Dasovich (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, " 'Jerry Jordan'" <[email protected]>, " Jim Groniger (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, " Joe Lyons (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, " 'Joe Ronan'" <[email protected]>, " John Bridges (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, " 'John Fielder'" <[email protected]>, " John Fistolera (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, " John Larrea (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, " John Rozsa (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, " John White (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, " 'Joseph Alamo'" <[email protected]>, " Julee Malinowski-Ball (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, " 'Julia Wright'" <[email protected]>, " Kelly Boyd (E-mail)" <[email protected]> cc: [email protected], " " <[email protected]>, " Karen Jarrell (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, " Karen Koyano (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, " 'Karen Lindh'" <[email protected]>, " Karen Mills (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, " 'Kari Harteloo'" <[email protected]>, " Kassandra Gough (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, " Kathy Brandenburg (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, " Kay Grosulak (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, " Keith McCrea (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, " Kent Smith (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, " Kevin Lynch (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, " Kevin Smith (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, " Kip Lipper (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, " Lawrence Lingbloom (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, " Lenny Goldberg (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, " Louis Szablya (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, " Marc Joseph (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, " Marwan Masri (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, " Michael Alcantar (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, " Mike Florio (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, " 'Mike Kahl'" <[email protected]>, " Mona Petrochko (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, " Pete Conaty (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, " Peter Bray (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, " 'Phil Nails'" <[email protected]>, " Phil Stohr (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, " Ralph Cavanagh (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, " Randy Chinn (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, " Ray Thompson (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, " Richard Costigan (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, " Richard Mersereau (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, " 'Rick Counihan'" <[email protected]>, " Robert Berry (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, " Robin Larson (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, " Scott Tomashefsky (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, " Sheryl Carter (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, " Steve Pike (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, " Steve Ponder (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, " Stu Wilson (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, " 'Sue Mara'" <[email protected]>, " Susan Reeder (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, " Terry Winter (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, " Tim Schmelzer (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, " 'Tommy Ross'" <[email protected]>, " Tony Braun (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, " Victoria Schaefer (E-mail)" <[email protected]> Subject: FW: Commissioner Bilas Folks- Per our meeting yesterday I am forwarding the attached letter and information. Please contact Mike Day, Jeff Dasovich or Scott Governor if you have questions or would like to sign on to the letter. Thanks, Delaney ____________________________________________________________________________ ________ For those of you who are not aware, CPUC Commissioner Richard Bilas issued an Alternate Draft Order, which among other things, indicates that the CPUC shall stay any action on implementation of the suspension of direct access as mandated in ABX 1. We have attached a draft support letter to Commissioner Bilas for his Alternate Draft Order for use either by the coalition, or, individual members who wish to respond. I have received affirmative responses from the following organizations to sign on in support of CPUC Commissioner Bilas' Alternate Decision regarding direct access: California Retailers Association California Manufacturers Association Kaiser Timing is crucial. Please e-mail both Mike Day at [email protected] and myself if you would like to sign on to the letter.Scott Govenar - BILASALT7.DOC
Thank you. On the SDEC: this is no longer an '02 play. To keep it as an '03 play three things need to happen: (1) we need to move our application for an Unusual Use Permit from the jurisdiction of the Community Zoning Appeals Board ("CZAB") to the Board of County Commissioners. The CZAB is a parochial board that is stacked with NIMBY's. We have been doing our assessment of the communities and after weeks of investigation we have concluded that if we go before the CZAB, we feel we will be facing sudden death. However, if we go before the County Commissioners, we will have a very good chance of success. The vehicle we propose to use to change the jurisdiction is something called an Application of Vested Rights. As I understand it, (I'm getting info on this today), this is a statement that says that a property owner is being prevented from any use of his property. This application needs to be submitted to the county before June 6th, the date of our CZAB hearing. (2) we will need to negotiate an arrangement with Dade County Department of Environmental Resources Management ("DERM") who is responsible for ensuring that the land fill be closed. They have been pushing the owner of the property to initiate the closure work. The land owner, Certrosa Holdings, is a single asset company and the sole owner lives in Venezuela. If we were not in the picture, I believe Certrosa Holdings would most likely default on the obligation to close the landfill leaving the county to clean it up (at $3 to 4 million). To keep this as an '03 play we will need to get DERM to agree to post pone the closure proceedings for at least a year and we will need provide some assurances that if we do exercise the option and get in the chain of title that we would assume the obligation to close the landfill. We may need to initiate this conversation in the next 2 to 3 weeks. (3) we will need to extend the Option Agreement which expires on September. The strike price for this property is approximately $1.3 million and we paid $200,000 for a 9 month option last October (when the rules were soft costs could not exceed 5% of the total project cost of $175 million). Based on the success of (1) and (2) above, we may need to initiate this discussion in the next 2 to 3 weeks as well. On the Medley - Dunn discussions: As you know, when Ann Elizabeth and I left the the Dunns, last month, they had two deal breakers: (a) they wanted a committment on our part that we would pay a certain amount of taxes to the town and not go for a tax abatement. (we said the taxes and any arrangement we make with the town would not involve the Dunns) (b) they wanted us to assume all past and present environmental liabilities. We said no to both conditions and halted discussions. I have heard from the real estate agent representing the Dunns that they are considering giving on both these items. If we structured an arrangement where we did a phase 2 environmental assessment during a 60 to 90 day "due diligence" period (rather than in an option period or under a 90 day lease), gave both parties the chance to opt out of the deal based on the results of the phase 2; and, we change the agreement back to the way it was in the last Andrew & Kurth draft which was silent on the issue of historical environmental liability and liability from environmental problems that arise in the future but are not the result of our operations. Would this arrangement give us adequate protection and give us the right to sue if necessary to have the Dunns or any other responsible party help pay for any clean up? If this is something we can work with, we need to have a conversation with the Dunn's attorney. What do you think? -----Original Message----- From: Mann, Kay Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 2001 11:03 AM To: Krause, Greg Subject: RE: AEW's backup Greg, You can call me on whatever you have, including Midway, SDEC and Medley Dunn. If I have a problem getting to something, I'll find help. Kay From: Greg Krause/ENRON@enronXgate on 05/23/2001 10:50 AM To: Kay Mann/Corp/Enron@Enron cc: Subject: RE: AEW's backup Kay, Ann Elizabeth did not provide a designated hitter for the South Dade Energy Center (Dade Development Company LLC is Optionee, Certosa Holdings is Optionor) nor did she provide one for tne Medley Dunn project. I have been told that the Dunns are considering backing off their ultimatums that they gave Ann Elizabeth and I regarding taxes to the town and assumption of enviromental liability. Who do I talk to about the Dunn contract while Ann Elizabeth is out? -----Original Message----- From: White, Ann Elizabeth Sent: Tuesday, May 22, 2001 10:33 PM To: [email protected]; Krimsky, Steven; Ben Jacoby/HOU/ECT@ENRON; Carnahan, Kathleen Cc: Milligan, Taffy Subject: AEW's backup Kay Mann is the designated hitter for the Pompano and Deerfied projects while I'm on vacation. I've given her a down load of the status of Greg and Steve's projects. Chris Boehler at A&K will be the designated hitter for Midway. I'm not going to check my voice mail while I'm gone but, if necessary, here are the contact numbers while I'm gone. Walter and Marlena Schilling 011-49-8218-89351 [email protected] Monika and Bernhard Steinacher 011-49-8232-8932 [email protected] If you call, Walter and Bernhard and Bernhard's daughter, Susanne, speak very good English. Monika's isn't bad. Marlena may get flustered and hang up on you. Best of luck at Deerfield and hope to see Pompano on track when I get back in the office on June 11th. Kay is planning on going to Florida on June 12 for the moratorium hearing and the rezoning hearing.
---------------------- Forwarded by Judy Hernandez/HOU/ECT on 10/17/2000 02:33 PM --------------------------- Maria Sandoval 10/17/2000 10:49 AM To: Andrea R Guillen/HOU/ECT@ECT, Phenicia Olivier/HOU/ECT@ECT, Bernice Rodriguez/HOU/ECT@ECT, Melissa Rodriguez/HOU/ECT@ECT, Cassandra S Dutton/HOU/ECT@ECT, Lorraine Becker/HOU/ECT@ECT, Melba Lozano/HOU/ECT@ECT, Chantelle Villanueva/HOU/ECT@ECT, [email protected], [email protected], Judy Hernandez/HOU/ECT@ECT, Elizabeth Soto/HOU/ECT@ECT, [email protected], Pamela Sonnier/HOU/ECT@ECT, Brenda Barreda/HOU/EES@EES, Yolanda Pena/Corp/Enron@Enron, Claudia Clark/HOU/ECT@ECT, Lisa Shoemake/HOU/ECT@ECT, Amber Limas/HOU/ECT@ECT, Alex Saldana/HOU/ECT@ECT, [email protected], [email protected], Alisha Guerrero/HOU/ECT@ECT, [email protected], [email protected], "Richardson, Monica" <[email protected]>, [email protected] cc: Subject: CHAIN!This is funny. ---------------------- Forwarded by Maria Sandoval/HOU/ECT on 10/17/2000 10:47 AM --------------------------- From: Chantelle Villanueva 10/17/2000 10:14 AM To: Elizabeth Soto/HOU/ECT@ECT, Maria Sandoval/HOU/ECT@ECT, Irena D Hogan/HOU/ECT@ECT, Heather Choate/HOU/ECT, Kim Perez/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Kimberly Vaughn/HOU/ECT@ECT, Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT, Alisha Guerrero/HOU/ECT@ECT, Brenda Barreda/HOU/EES@EES, Pamela Sonnier/HOU/ECT@ECT, Melissa Rodriguez/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Subject: CHAIN!This is funny. ---------------------- Forwarded by Chantelle Villanueva/HOU/ECT on 10/17/2000 10:16 AM --------------------------- From: Kim Perez@ENRON on 10/17/2000 10:13 AM To: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], Chantelle Villanueva/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Subject: This is funny. ---------------------- Forwarded by Kim Perez/ET&S/Enron on 10/17/2000 10:11 AM --------------------------- "Bill R. Hulin" <[email protected]> on 10/17/2000 09:52:44 AM To: [email protected] cc: Subject: This is funny. Subject: THIS IS HILARIOUS!!!!!!!!!! > > > > > > >> DO NOT SAVE - PASS ON > > > > > >> > > > > > >> A man takes the day off work and > > > > > >> > > > > > >> decides to go out golfing. > > > > > >> He is on the second hole when he > > > > > >> > > > > > >> notices a frog sitting next to > > > > > >> > > > > > >> the green. > > > > > >> > > > > > >> He thinks nothing of it and is > > > > > >> > > > > > >> about to shoot when he > > > > > >> > > > > > >> hears, Ribbit 9 Iron." > > > > > >> > > > > > >> The man looks around and doesn't > > > > > >> > > > > > >> see anyone. Again, he > > > > > >> > > > > > >> hears, "Ribbit 9 Iron." He looks > > > > > >> > > > > > >> at the frog and decides to > > > > > >> > > > > > >> prove the frog wrong, puts the > > > > > >> > > > > > >> club away, and grabs a 9 iron. > > > > > >> > > > > > >> Boom! > > > > > >> > > > > > >> He hits it 10 inches from the > > > > > >> > > > > > >> cup. He is shocked. He says > > > > > >> > > > > > >> to the frog, "Wow that's amazing. > > > > > >> > > > > > >> You must be a lucky frog, eh? > > > > > >> > > > > > >> The frog replies, "Ribbit Lucky > > > > > >> > > > > > >> frog." > > > > > >> > > > > > >> The man decides to take the frog > > > > > >> > > > > > >> with him to the next hole. > > > > > >> > > > > > >> "What do you think frog?" the > > > > > >> > > > > > >> man asks. "Ribbit 3 wood." > > > > > >> > > > > > >> The guy takes out a 3 wood and, > > > > > >> > > > > > >> Boom! Hole in one. The > > > > > >> > > > > > >> man is befuddled and doesn't know > > > > > >> > > > > > >> what to say. By the end > > > > > >> > > > > > >> of the day, the man golfed the > > > > > >> > > > > > >> best game of golf in his life and > > > > > >> > > > > > >> asks the frog, "OK where to > > > > > >> > > > > > >> next?" > > > > > >> > > > > > >> The frog replies, "Ribbit Las > > > > > >> > > > > > >> Vegas." They go to Las Vegas > > > > > >> > > > > > >> and the guy says, "OK frog, now > > > > > >> > > > > > >> what?" The frog says, > > > > > >> > > > > > >> "Ribbit Roulette." Upon > > > > > >> > > > > > >> approaching the roulette table, The man > > > > > >> > > > > > >> asks, "What do you think I should > > > > > >> > > > > > >> bet?" The frog replies, "Ribbit > > > > > >> > > > > > >> $3000, black 6." Now, this is a > > > > > >> > > > > > >> million-to-one shot to win, but > > > > > >> > > > > > >> after the golf game the man > > > > > >> > > > > > >> figures what the heck. > > > > > >> > > > > > >> Boom! Tons of cash comes sliding > > > > > >> > > > > > >> back across the table. > > > > > >> > > > > > >> The man takes his winnings and > > > > > >> > > > > > >> buys the best room in the > > > > > >> > > > > > >> hotel. He sits the frog down and > > > > > >> > > > > > >> says, "Frog, I don't know how to > > > > > >> > > > > > >> repay you. > > > > > >> > > > > > >> You've won me all this money and > > > > > >> > > > > > >> I am forever grateful." > > > > > >> > > > > > >> The frog replies, "Ribbit Kiss > > > > > >> > > > > > >> Me." He figures why not, > > > > > >> > > > > > >> since after all the frog did for > > > > > >> > > > > > >> him, he deserves it. With a > > > > > >> > > > > > >> kiss, the frog turns into a > > > > > >> > > > > > >> gorgeous 15-year-old girl. "And that, > > > > > >> > > > > > >> your honor, is how the girl > > > > > >> > > > > > >> ended up in my room. So help me God > > > > > >> > > > > > >> or my name is not William Jefferson > > > > > >> > > > > > >> Clinton." > > > > > >> > > > > > >> The origination of this letter is > > > > > >> > > > > > >> unknown, but it brings > > > > > >> > > > > > >> good luck to everyone who passes > > > > > >> > > > > > >> it on. The one who breaks the > > > > > >> > > > > > >> chain will have bad luck. Do > > > > > >> > > > > > >> not keep this. Do not send > > > > > >> > > > > > >> money. > > > > > >> > > > > > >> Just forward it to five of your > > > > > >> > > > > > >> friends to whom you wish good > > > > > >> > > > > > >> luck. > > > > > >> > > > > > >> You will see that something good > > > > > >> > > > > > >> happens to you four MINUTES > > > > > >> > > > > > >> from now if the chain is not > > > > > >> > > > > > >> broken. > > > > > >> > > > > > >> YOU WILL RECEIVE GOOD LUCK IN > > > > > >> > > > > > >> FOUR MINUTES. > > > > > >
I was disappointed, to say the least, at the return email I received from you so I waited before replying so as not to react in haste. Previously I stuck to facts and did not bring things of a personal nature into the equation. I feel, however, that there are a few things you should know about me and how I have exemplified the ENRON VISION so you can realize why I took this so seriously and why am, to be blunt, ticked off at the resolution. In the 4 years that I worked on the scheduling desk for Clinton I never missed a day of work.........not one. I never took vacation during bid week or during tie out time. Between 96 - 00 I took all but 3 days vacation between the months of May - October so as not to interfere with winter gas operations. I have had nothing but above average reviews in the past 5 years, been promoted twice, and received special recognition for working shorthanded through the winter of 99-00. As you can see I have consistently put ENRON ahead of personal conveniences and strived to do the right thing for the company. I am distressed that the very values Enron holds me to ring hollow with regards to how I have been treated. Changing vacation rules, be it legally legitimate, does not exemplify INTEGRITYin my eyes! Not stating a policy change (THERE HAS STILL NEVER BEEN A FORMAL STATEMENT OF THIS CHANGE) does not illustrate COMMUNICATION! Stating that I will be paid for vacation less any I take between now and the severance date is deceptive at the least and would not constitute RESPECT, EXCELLENCE nor INTEGRITY! FACT - items 1 - 6 in the original email are 100% true. #2 is of the most significance as the words came from the lips of our HR representative that I would be paid the vacation amount we discussed UNLESS I TOOK ANY VACATION BETWEEN NOW AND JUNE 1st. FACT - At least 2 people were allowed vacation time off during this transition (Susan Weison, Sheri Wallace) FACT - If you check my vacation records you will find that I have taken a vacation EVERY YEAR IN MAY. My request was made, like in all previous years, a few weeks before I wanted to take it. HAD I KNOWN THAT THE RULES OF THE GAME WERE GOING TO BE CHANGED I WOULD HAVE MADE MY INTENTIONS KNOWN EARLIER. In conclusion I do not expect, or even wish for a response. I have enjoyed my time with Clinton Energy and Enron. I have learned much and forwarded my career greatly and for that I am thankful. I just wanted you to know where I am coming from and how an unfortunate situation of severance was turned into one in which I leave being taught a lesson by Enron that does not make me a better person, just a smarter one. This lesson; a spotless record & loyalty to a company means very little. It is better to look out for #1. In the end the company you work for is going to protect their best interests regardless of the rhetoric in their Vision Statement. Thank you for your time. Respectfully, Sean Zurbrick Judy Gray 05/04/2001 09:33 AM To: Sean Zurbrick/DUB/EES@EES cc: Cindy Olson/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Kenneth Lay/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Jeff Skilling/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Kalen Pieper/HOU/EES@EES, Judy Gray/HOU/EES@EES, Ashley Kerr/HOU/EES@EES, Tim Weithman/DUB/EES@EES, Ken Brooks/DUB/EES@EES, Kriste Sullivan/Enron@EnronXGate Subject: Re: Clinton Energy Vacation Policy & Request Sean; Thank you for bringing your concerns to us. We value the input of our employees, and constantly seek ways to improve the quality of our employee benefits. After talking to some of the parties involved in this matter and reviewing our vacation policy, we find that your management acted within the scope of its responsibility and within the bounds of our vacation policy. In addition, we find no evidence of inconsistencies and believe that you and your co-workers at Clinton have been treated equitably and fairly regarding the denial of vacation during this transition period. In closing, we support the decision to deny vacation requests to the Clinton employees affected by this transition. Should you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to direct them to your management Sean Zurbrick 05/01/2001 01:41 PM To: Kenneth Lay/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Jeff Skilling/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Kalen Pieper/HOU/EES@EES cc: Judy Gray/HOU/EES@EES, Ashley Kerr/HOU/EES@EES, Tim Weithman/DUB/EES@EES, Ken Brooks/DUB/EES@EES Subject: Clinton Energy Vacation Policy & Request I have held discussions with Tim Weithman, Ashley Kerr & Ken Brooks (immediate supervisor) regarding a request for vacation for the 3rd or 4th week in May. I have been told recently by both Ms. Kerr as well as Mr. Weithman that those of us being severed from the company are not permitted to take any vacation time between now and June 1st. It would seem that there are several inconsistencies regarding Enron policy as well as how the subject was presented both to the group as well as individually. Below are the inconsistencies I speak of. During the group meeting in the beginning of April there was no mention of "vacation freezes". The only reference to time that was mentioned was that you must be employed by Enron as of June 1, 2001 to receive the severance package. During my private discussion, in which both Ms. Kerr and Ms. Gray were present, I was presented with the specifics of the severance package. I specifically remember being asked for my current unused vacation amount. I gave them the amount of 152 hours and was told that I would be reimbursed for that total unless, of course, I took any additional vacation. This implied that regular Enron vacation policies would be in effect. Again, at no time was it presented to me that I was ineligible to take ANY of my earned vacation or that there would be any deviations from normal Enron policy regarding vacation. At no time has Mr. Weithman, Ms. Gray, Ms. Kerr or any other Enron agent made public a policy of vacation freezes. At no time were there ever any public or private requests that the plans for those with previously scheduled vacations to be made available to any Enron agent. I can find nothing in my severance package that states any deviation from the standard Enron vacation policy. I realize that Enron policy requires vacation approval from the supervising employee. It states in that policy the following: "An employee's preference for scheduling vacation should be adopted when possible." "The supervisor must verify that unit staffing needs are met before approving an employee's vacation request." I am currently still an Enron employee. I have also verified that staffing needs are met. In summary, as you can see there are several inconsistencies with regards to the vacation policy for those being severed at Clinton Energy. It more than offends me that I am being prohibited from taken ANY part of the 152 hours of accrued vacation that is, by all accounts, mine to take. This being said, I am formally requesting one last time that I be granted my vacation request during the month of May. Furthermore I would like this approval as soon as possible so that I may make necessary arrangements. As you review this I am consulting an attorney so that I may be advised of my rights regarding this matter. Thank you, Sean Zurbrick 614-760-2792 <Embedded StdOleLink>
I am not sure it solves matters. Stikemans opinion points out: 1. as I indicated this morning, "money" means actual currency - notes and coins - not funds transferred by wire into an account, which would likely be treated as an "intangible" resulting in the various requirements/concerns I pointed to this morning regarding perfection by registration; 2. although, in their view, the validity of the transfer approach would be recognized by a court (in Ontario at least), given that the intention of the Transfer Annex is to provide security for contingent obligations under the Master Agreement and the lack of relevant case law, there is a material risk that the Court would nonetheless characterize the transfer as a security interest subject to the requirements for perfection. With our present understanding, in the absence of any definitive case law, and without an unequivocal opinion we can rely on, I am not sure we can rely on the transfer approach to solve the problem, particularly with high volume counterparties who likely are going to create the largest exposures. Peter. Carol St Clair 03/20/2001 09:19 AM To: Peter Keohane/CAL/ECT@ECT cc: Mark Taylor/HOU/ECT@ECT, Sara Shackleton/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mary Cook/HOU/ECT@ECT, Brent Hendry/NA/Enron@Enron, Tana Jones/HOU/ECT@ECT, Robert Bruce/NA/Enron@Enron, Anne C Koehler/HOU/ECT@ECT, Cheryl Nelson/NA/Enron@Enron, Francisco Pinto Leite/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Frank Sayre/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Susan Bailey/HOU/ECT@ECT, Samantha Boyd/NA/Enron@Enron, Stephanie Panus/NA/Enron@Enron Subject: Re: Cash Collateral In Canada Peter: Thanks for responding and sorry about you having to repeat this again as I was not aware of your previous discussions. In Stikeman's November 2000 ISDA Collateral Opinion, they suggest as an alternative course of action to modify the Credit Support Annex to create a debtor/creditor relationship between the parties and to provide for an outright transfer of cash instead of a pledge. Do you have any thoughts on this? Is this an alternative that we should consider implementing with some of our more persistent high volume counterparties who are giving us a hard time about not being able to post cash collateral to us? Carol St. Clair EB 3889 713-853-3989 (Phone) 713-646-3393 (Fax) [email protected] Peter Keohane 03/20/2001 09:58 AM To: Carol St Clair/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Greg Johnston/CAL/ECT@ECT, Sara Shackleton/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mary Cook/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mark Taylor/HOU/ECT@ECT, Brent Hendry/NA/Enron@Enron, Chris Gaffney/TOR/ECT@ECT, Mark Powell/CAL/ECT@ECT, Sharon Crawford/CAL/ECT@ECT, Tana Jones/HOU/ECT@ECT Subject: Re: Cash Collateral In Canada In the past few weeks, I have discussed this issue with Brent H., Mark T. Chris G. and Mary C. Under the PPSA jurisdictions in Canada, which includes Alberta and Ontario among others, cash held on deposit as collateral is not clearly categorized as "money" but more likely an "account". Although certain categories of collateral can be perfected by possession, including "money", "intangibles", which includes "accounts", cannot be perfected by possession. The issue comes down to whether we will accept the risk that a wire transfer to an account designated by us constitutes "money". Although it is not clear, the better view is that "money" means cash in hand and not on deposit. The risk is that an unperfected security interest is subordinate to various parties, including a bankruptcy trustee and to subsequently taken but properly perfected security interests. I will admit, however, that this seems to be a risk that others in our market take (although likely unknowingly). Accordingly, to perfect the "account" a registration is likely required at the PPR, which is something we do not want to get into. Even then, as an "account" is an "intangible" certain conflicts rules for perfection by registration need to be considered, as the PPSA jurisdictions provide that perfection of an intangible is governed by the laws of the jurisdiction where the debtor is located, as determined by the location of its principal place of business or chief executive office. i.e. registration may be required in some other jurisdiction entirely. Further, an advance search would have to be done to see if there are competing prior registrations. Also, as the PPR is not a guaranteed title registry, registration priority does not necessarily guarantee security priority, and law firms will not typically give priority opinions under the PPSA. Lastly, if there is an insolvency and the deposit holding institution is also a creditor of the counterparty, there may be some argument that the deposit holding institution will assert rights of set off over the account. In terms of updating advice, the statutory provisions have not to my knowledge changed. I suppose there is some possibility that a court has recently determined that "money" includes deposits that we are not aware of, and I could ask outside counsel to research this issue. Peter. Carol St Clair 03/20/2001 07:45 AM To: Peter Keohane/CAL/ECT@ECT, Greg Johnston/CAL/ECT@ECT cc: Sara Shackleton/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mary Cook/HOU/ECT@ECT Subject: Cash Collateral In Canada Peter and Greg: One of our counterparties is questioning why we won't accept cash collateral in Canada. They claim that under the current state of the law, holding cash collateral is the method for perfecting. Please advise. Should we ask Stikeman to update their advice to us on this? Carol St. Clair EB 3889 713-853-3989 (Phone) 713-646-3393 (Fax) [email protected]
On the first point the reference to a "municipal plant" did not disclose whether it was a legal body corporate. That fine if the check has been made. As far as the US$6m min asset level is concerned it does not specifically relate to Australia counterparties (ie those incorporated in Australia). It relates to companies with whom we trade Australian power irrespective of place of incorporation. Under our power trading licence requirements we are required to take reasonable steps to satisfy ourselves that we are dealing with non-retail type investors. There is a check list in the licence of requirements , the most relevant for companies not trading in Australia is the AUD10m (US$6m) in "tangible assets". Tana thank you for your offer. You are really doing an excellent job pulling together a huge amount of information in such an effective. I am loath to do anything that would make your job any more difficult. I think we can assume that a party which has sufficient assets to trade US power can also trade Australian power. As far as Australian incorporated companies are concerned we will be checking their suitability Australian power hopefully at the time we receive the password application. If not I will pick it up when I check your list. From: Tana Jones@ECT on 17-08-2000 09:10 CDT To: David Minns/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT cc: Subject: Re: EOL Credit Responses 08/14/00 Each legal trading group here in Houston checks on a relevant counterparty's ability to trade its products. So far the only physical trading area where a governmental counterparty appears to have problems is the power trading group where there are licensing requirements that may or may not have been obtained to trade power. For financial trading we do have to inquire into the relevant governmental entities' authority to enter into derivative transactions. In order to do that we look at statutory authority, any relevant local regulations, investment policities, etc., in addition to obtaining legal opinions on the subject, and with some counterparties hiring outside counsel to advise us. For most governmental entities if we do not have an ISDA Master in place and have already done such due diligence, I will not be approving them to trade financial products. As far as the financial test, for the US based counterparty list, I check with Credit on every counterparty to determine whether they meet the US eligible swap participant standards. As I'm sure you know, for most plain vanilla corporates and partnerships this means having total assets of $10mm or a net worth of $1mm. Pretty much, if I am turning down a counterparty to trade financial it will be because they do not meet the ESP test or they are a governmental or quasi-governmental entity. If what you are telling me is that the Australian counterparties have to meet a $6mm asset test to trade any products, then I will add this to my daily inquiry to Credit and turn down Australian counterparties if they do not meet this test. At your direction I will handle this in this manner. How would you like me to proceed? David Minns@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT 08/16/2000 07:58 PM To: Tana Jones/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Subject: Re: EOL Credit Responses 08/14/00 Is this an incorporated entity? I assume its authority to trade a range of products has been checked out? In Australia this assumption can not be made for government entities Under our licencing requirements we need to make reasonable enquiries that a counterparty has (or is guaranted by someone who has) atleast USD6 million in assets. Can this assumption be made? From: Tana Jones@ECT on 16-08-2000 08:39 CDT To: David Minns/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT cc: Subject: Re: EOL Credit Responses 08/14/00 Tauton is ok for all products, except for financial products (it can do power). David, when I talk about this I am never including credit derivatives unless Credit specifically tells us in their spreadsheet that this is a credit derivatives counterparty. David Minns@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT 08/15/2000 05:32 PM To: Tana Jones/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Subject: Re: EOL Credit Responses 08/14/00 Tana what can the Taunton Municipal Light Plant trade? Is it the same as Huntsville? From: Tana Jones@ECT on 15-08-2000 01:35 CDT To: Alan Aronowitz/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jeffrey T Hodge/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stacy E Dickson/HOU/ECT@ECT, Leslie Hansen/HOU/ECT@ECT, Harry M Collins/HOU/ECT@ECT, David Portz/HOU/ECT@ECT, Elizabeth Sager/HOU/ECT@ECT, David Minns/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Marie Heard/Enron Communications@Enron Communications, Robbi Rossi/Enron Communications@Enron Communications cc: Subject: EOL Credit Responses 08/14/00 ----- Forwarded by Tana Jones/HOU/ECT on 08/15/2000 01:35 PM ----- Bradley Diebner 08/14/2000 05:27 PM To: Frank L Davis/HOU/ECT@ECT, Karen Lambert/HOU/ECT@ECT, Tana Jones/HOU/ECT@ECT, Samuel Schott/HOU/ECT@ECT, Sheri Thomas/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mark Taylor/HOU/ECT@ECT, Bernice Rodriguez/HOU/ECT@ECT, Brant Reves/HOU/ECT@ECT, Debbie R Brackett/HOU/ECT@ECT, David Hardy/LON/ECT@ECT, Lesli Campbell/HOU/ECT@ECT, Molly Harris/HOU/ECT@ECT, Cynthia Clark/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Mary G Gosnell/HOU/ECT@ECT, Enron Europe Global Contracts and Facilities, Enron Europe Global CounterParty, Stephanie Sever/HOU/ECT@ECT, Bradley Diebner/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stacey Richardson/HOU/ECT@ECT, Tom Moran/HOU/ECT@ECT, Adnan Patel/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Claudia Clark/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Subject: EOL Credit Responses 08/14/00 The EOL approvals for 08/14/00 are attached below. Regards, bd
FYI. Thanks. Lynn -----Original Message----- From: Semin, Frank Sent: Friday, November 16, 2001 4:06 PM To: 'Jeff Hicken'; Sebesta, Chris; Blair, Lynn Cc: Bill Zorr; Kelly Schneider Subject: RE: Zone Allocations To help clarify, a storage withdrawal reduction essentially created the same physical effect as would an injection during the recent storage allocations. For example: If the storage fields had a net injection on a given day of 100 dth(physical maximum)and at the 8:00 a.m. cycle an injection increased by 25 dth, it would be denied because of the physical limitations. The same limitation would occur if a withdraw was reduced by 25 dth (creating a net 125 dth injection) at the 8:00 a.m. process because the same physical limitation existing. Injections (150) Withdrawals 50 Net (100) physical limitation Trying to reduce a redraw of 25 dth would create: Injections (150) Withdrawals 25 Net (125) physically above the limitation and would be allocated. The intra-day process are interative, that is FDD withdrawals/injections can impact the interruptible storage availability during the intra-day cycles, whereas the 8:00 a.m. process is only a individual true-up and not interative with the other storage agreements. Lynn and Chris would gladly schedule some time to help clarify these issues, and I am sure it will be a lot more informative than my attempt here. -----Original Message----- From: Jeff Hicken [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Friday, November 16, 2001 11:47 AM To: Sebesta, Chris; Blair, Lynn Cc: Bill Zorr; Kelly Schneider; Semin, Frank Subject: RE: Zone Allocations It may be standard practice in your opinion, but Kelly, Bill and I have never heard of this or remember it happening to us. Also Entergy-Koch was completely surprised by it as well. We just can't understand why you would call a reduction in a withdrawal an injection. Your allocation is limiting storage injections and we were not making an injection. We'd like to know where to find this in the tariff so we can read it and understand it better. We pulled looked at the 8 a.m. process instructions on the web and it doesn't say anything about this. What is really upsetting to us is were thought we were set up fine to be in compliance with the SUL and suddenly we couldn't do what we thought we had a right to do, even though Hot Tap accepted the nomination. On top of that, no one from NNG called us to let us know that our nomination had been undone and the same thing would have happened to us on the 11/15 gas day if we hadn't been lucky enough to have found it on our own. We pushed the gas across to ANR, but we are going to incur penalties from them as a result. The other really strange thing is that during the intraday processes we can cut back on our withdrawal even though storage is allocated, but you can't do it at 8 a.m. It just doesn't make any sense to us. >>> "Sebesta, Chris" <[email protected]> 11/16/01 10:32AM >>> Jeff, I am sorry WP&L and IES are experiencing allocation problems. It is standard procedure during a storage (injection) allocation the 8 am true up process does not allow FDD withdrawal reductions or storage injections. Many other shippers are also working hard to manage their business. Other than getting truer information on your market's needs or finding alternate markets for your excess capacity, I don't have any other ideas on how to address your zone allocations. As requested I will add this item to our December 10 meeting agenda. -----Original Message----- From: Jeff Hicken [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Thursday, November 15, 2001 3:00 PM To: Sebesta, Chris; Blair, Lynn Cc: Bill Zorr; Kelly Schneider Subject: Re: Zone Allocations Chris You should know that we are unhappy about something else now. For the 11/14 gas day you (NNG) did not let us reduce our FDD withdrawal nomination to zero in the 8 am process like normal because of a storage injection allocation. Because of this WP&L is going to get hit with SUL DDVC penalties. Entergy-Koch who handles the IES assests was surprised by this as well and IES may incur penalties too. We weren't trying to make an injection, we were just trying to cut our withdrawal to zero. We always schedule a maximum withdrawal in the winter because we are always at risk of a zone allocaton just like we have been seeing lately. We've had conference call with Jean Blair and Jerry Wilkens on the topic. We are also in trouble now for the 11/15 gas day, which we are current trying to figure a way out of. You can add this item to our discussion topics when you visit. Jeff Jeff Hicken Gas Trader Alliant-Energy 608-252-3173 >>> "Sebesta, Chris" <[email protected]> 11/13/01 09:52AM >>> Lynn, as indicated in my voice mail, Frank and I would like you to call Jeff Hicken of Alliant Energy. He would like someone to explain, (1) why he is getting allocated at the zone level when he is trying to adjust his timely cycle noms later in the day to reflect lower requirements, and (2) what are his alternatives, especially as storage may have a chance of being allocated. Please call Jeff today. He can be reached at 608-252-3173. Thank you. Chris Sebesta Northern Natural Gas Office: 402-398-7064 Fax: 402-398-7413 [email protected] ********************************************************************** This e-mail is the property of Enron Corp. and/or its relevant affiliate and may contain confidential and privileged material for the sole use of the intended recipient (s). Any review, use, distribution or disclosure by others is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient (or authorized to receive for the recipient), please contact the sender or reply to Enron Corp. at [email protected] and delete all copies of the message. This e-mail (and any attachments hereto) are not intended to be an offer (or an acceptance) and do not create or evidence a binding and enforceable contract between Enron Corp. (or any of its affiliates) and the intended recipient or any other party, and may not be relied on by anyone as the basis of a contract by estoppel or otherwise. Thank you. **********************************************************************
Do we have anything that could help them? ---------------------- Forwarded by Shona Wilson/NA/Enron on 12/04/2000 03:23 PM --------------------------- To: Debbie R Brackett/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stephen Stock/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Jitendra Patel/Market Risk Management/LON/ECT@ECT, James New/LON/ECT@ECT, Shona Wilson/NA/Enron@Enron, Ted Murphy/HOU/ECT@ECT Subject: Status update on the issues surrounding Continental Power volatilities and correlations FYI This relates to the quality of the upstream risk systems and Continental Power's ability to get its risk system in order. To summarise: option products valued incorrectly in Enpower and not using a volatility curve no ability to produce vega and gamma sensitivities for a portfolio incorporating options Steve - what is the valuation routine used in Houston for power options - I would like to see it if possible ? Shona - we ought to examine these valuation methods to ensure we are happy. DP ---------------------- Forwarded by David Port/Market Risk/Corp/Enron on 12/04/2000 01:54 PM --------------------------- James New@ECT 11/28/2000 07:42 AM To: Ted Murphy/HOU/ECT@ECT, David Port/Market Risk/Corp/Enron@ENRON cc: Mike Jordan/LON/ECT@ECT, Coralie Evans/LON/ECT@ECT, Fernley Dyson/LON/ECT@ECT Subject: Status update on the issues surrounding Continental Power volatilities and correlations As you know for some time we have been trying to get the Continental Power traders to increase the volatilities they use for valuing their option portfolio and for use in calculating their VAR as it has been obvious that the market has become more volatile but this was not being reflected in their mark. In looking at the impacts of this, various other issues came to light. Firstly it raised issues over the correlation matrix used in the VAR model as this was way out of date. We have worked with Jitendra and have now put in a matrix that both the traders, risk and RAC are happy with. Secondly, as you may be aware, in Portcalc swaptions currently use the volatility input on the deal ticket and not off any volatility curve. The current portfolio is 90% swaptions and so this represents a serious issue for us in that it is not practical to manually change all the volatilities at the deal ticket level every time the implied voaltilities change. We cannot use the option functionality as this only values hourly or daily exercise options and not fixed expiry swaptions or options. We also have not found any way in Portcalc of valuing Asian options so we are having to 'force' in the few we have. We have had the Houston based Portcalc IT team work on a 'new' piece of swaption valuation code but currently it contains a number of worrying bugs. These are primarily that the proposed code does not take the correct underlying forward price and uses the volatility of (approximating) the last day of the underlying rather than the implied volatility of the underlying. They are currently being hampered in that they do not have any IT personnel who have sufficient option knowledge (I understand that the two most experienced coders resigned to go to another Houston based energy company). This is extremely worrying and I find it hard to believe that the whole of Enron's power business is having to use the methodology of inputting the volatility at the deal ticket level. This will almost certainly mean that different volatilities are being used in the VAR as are being used to value the swaption portfolio globally. As well as these issues we have concerns over the use and accuracy of the smile adjustment in Portcalc (worryingly it does not seem that you can 'switch' this off). Briefly it seems that Portcalc calculates the delta used to adjust the volatility by comparing the strike price to the forward price of the last day of the underlying rather than the forward price of the underlying itself. We have engaged London based IT and are looking at the code we have used in Power 99 to se if there is a way we can get something done quickly to start to value all option products off a curve and to be able to book Asian options. Once we get the above resolved we still have no way or extracting the vega or gamma risk from Portcalc in it's current state as the information is just no there (so we are told by IT). The system 'seems' (we cannot be 100% sure given all the other errors) to produce a vega and gamma P&L number but what the risk is remains a mystery. Again this is very worrying in that we have Power option traders all over the world who can't get their underlying vega or gamma risk position from the global valuation system. We are trying to work on something manual to draw a line in the sand but I would really like to know how the American based traders cope as they have this problem (knowingly or not) for years. What sign offs were gained for the implementation of Enpower because it seems to us that using the current system it is not possible to comply with the Global Risk policy. How do we validate the inputs to the valuation if we do not know the risk ? Despite the above we have now persuaded the traders to save out newer higher volatilities a week ago and you should have seen a large move up in their VAR. However, as it stands at the moment they are notable to save out a daily remark as Jitendra is saying that he is not happy with their 'model' / vol curve generator (I have today asked for a full explanation, details of any testing etc etc and time lines so we can move to getting over this hurdle). The swaptions have also not yet had the ticket volatility changed but the impacts are expected to be positive as we are long volatility. I would appreciate your comments on the above as it seems that we are pushing the boundaries here on areas which we really expect to have already been covered in Houston some time ago and could do with some help. We are having to use a system which seems to us to have numerous bugs and short comings and are having to spend an enormous amount of IT time overcoming the inadequacies of Enpower wich I do not think most people are aware of. Consequently we have not been able to deliver all the improvements we were required to do in gaining the increased limits so 3 months ago but I would hope you agree that it is not for a lack of trying. Sorry it's so long but if there are any questions or any perceived inaccuracies in any of the above then please let me know. James
Check this out. Can't remember if I have sent this to you before. PL ---------------------- Forwarded by Phillip M Love/HOU/ECT on 10/03/2000 10:17 AM --------------------------- Enron North America Corp. From: Darron C Giron 10/02/2000 05:02 PM To: Greg Couch/HOU/ECT@ECT, Phillip M Love/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jackson Logan/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Subject: Fw: FW: Paul Harvey Story ...Probably Should Circulate This One... ---------------------- Forwarded by Darron C Giron/HOU/ECT on 10/02/2000 05:01 PM --------------------------- "Darron Giron" <[email protected]> on 10/01/2000 10:21:33 PM Please respond to "Darron Giron" <[email protected]> To: <[email protected]> cc: Subject: Fw: FW: Paul Harvey Story ...Probably Should Circulate This One... -----Original Message----- From: Ronnie Giron <[email protected]> To: Carl Swan <[email protected]>; Georges Tadros <[email protected]>; Cabell Tice <[email protected]>; Stewart McAdoo <[email protected]>; Robert Missroon <[email protected]>; Filomena OLeary <[email protected]>; Manuel Orantes <[email protected]>; Daren Osborn <[email protected]>; Howard Osborn <[email protected]>; Alessandro Petrini <[email protected]>; Ann Simmons <[email protected]>; Bill Simmons III <[email protected]>; Larry Spears <[email protected]>; Maria Araiza <[email protected]>; Xavier Arguello-Carrazo <[email protected]>; Roberto R Babun <[email protected]>; Jim Douglas <[email protected]>; Ricardo Escoto <[email protected]>; Carlos Giron <[email protected]>; Darron Giron <[email protected]>; Tito Giron <[email protected]> Date: Saturday, September 30, 2000 8:41 AM Subject: Fwd: FW: Paul Harvey Story ...Probably Should Circulate This One... > >Note: forwarded message attached. > > >__________________________________________________ >Do You Yahoo!? >Yahoo! Photos - 35mm Quality Prints, Now Get 15 Free! >http://photos.yahoo.com/ X-Apparently-To: [email protected] via web512.mail.yahoo.com X-Track: 1: 40 Received: from 154.236.vwebs.com (EHLO mail.rabey.com) ( by mta326.mail.yahoo.com with SMTP; 29 Sep 2000 13:23:15 -0700 (PDT) Received: by RABEY01 with Internet Mail Service (5.5.2448.0) id <SQYXSJP1>; Fri, 29 Sep 2000 16:14:36 -0400 Message-ID: <F18A61AAAF76D3119EC400508B4AB5734B47@RABEY01> From: Kathy Atherton <[email protected]> To: "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]> Subject: FW: Paul Harvey Story ...Probably Should Circulate This One... Date: Fri, 29 Sep 2000 16:14:25 -0400 MIME-Version: 1.0 X-Mailer: Internet Mail Service (5.5.2448.0) Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="----_=_NextPart_001_01C02A51.E34922B4" Content-Length: 15139 ? -----Original Message----- From: Wilensky, Bob [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Friday, September 29, 2000 3:58 PM To: Hank Coolidge (E-mail); Palmertree, Kenneth Subject: Paul Harvey Story ...Probably Should Circulate This One... >> > __________________________________ >> > Subject: Paul Harvey story >> > Author:? Steven M Wilson at NOOK003L >> > Date:??? 09/25/2000 10:26 AM >> > >> > >> >???????? It was a Paul Harvey story > >> >????? > So please pass it on !!!!!!! >> >????? > >> >????? > >> >????? > << >Conveniently Forgotten Facts ?? >? > >> >????? >? >Back in 1969 a group of Black Panthers decided that a fellow >> black >> >????? >? >panther named Alex Rackley needed to die.? Rackley was >suspected >> >????? >? >of disloyalty.? Rackley was first tied to a chair.? Once safely >> >> >????? >immobilized his 'friends' tortured him for hours by, among other >> >????? >? >things, pouring boiling water on him. >> >????? >? > >> >????? >? >When they got tired of torturing Rackley, Black Panther member >> >????? >? >Warren Kimbo took Rackley outside and put a bullet in his head. >> >????? >? >Rackley's body was later found floating in a river about 25 >miles >> >????? >? >north of New Haven, Conn.? Perhaps at this point you're curious >> >????? >? >as to what happened to these Black Panthers.? In 1977, that's >> only >> >????? >? >eight years later, only one of the killers was still in jail. >> >????? >? > >> >????? >? >The shooter, Warren Kimbro, managed to get a scholarship to >> >???????? Harvard. >> >????? >? >He later became an assistant dean at Eastern Connecticut State >> >????? >? >College.? Isn't that something? As a '60s radical you can pump >a >> >????? >? >bullet into someone's head, and a few years later, in the same >> >???????? state, you can become an assistant college dean!? Only in >America! >> >????? >? > >> >????? >? >Erica Huggins was the lady who served the Panthers by boiling >the >> >????? >? >water for Mr. Rackley's torture.? Some years later Ms. Huggins >> >????? >? >was elected to a California School Board. >> >????? >? > >> >????? >? >How in the world do you think these killers got off so easy? >> >????? Maybe >> >????? >? >it was in some part due to the efforts of two people who came >to >> >????? >? >the defense of the Panthers.? These two people actually went so >> >????? >? >far as to shut down Yale University with demonstrations in >> >????? >? >defense of the accused Black Panthers during their trial. >> >????? >? > >> >????? >? >One of these people was none other than Bill Lan Lee. Mr. Lee, >or >> >????? >? >Lan Lee, as the case may be, isn't a college dean.? He isn't a >> >????? member >> >????? >? >of a California School Board. He is now head of the US Justice >> >????? >? >Department's Civil Rights Division.? O.K., so who was the other >> >????? >? >Panther defender? >> >????? >? > >> >????? >? >Is this other notable Panther defender now a school board >member? >> >???????? Is this other Panther apologist now an assistant college dean? >> No, >> >????? >? >Neither!? The other Panther defender was, like Lee, a radical >> >????? >? >law student at Yale University at the time.? She is now known >as >> >????? >? >The "smartest woman in the world." >> >????? >? > >> >????? >? >She is none other than the Democratic candidate for the US >Senate >> >????? >? >from the State of New York----our lovely First Lady, the >> >????? >? >incredible Hillary Rodham Clinton. >> >????? >? > >> >????? >? >And now; as Paul Harvey says; you know (the rest of the story). >> >????? >? >Pass this on!? She deserves the press................ >> >????? >? > ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????
Energy Committee, Business Continuity and Blackout Busters... the following information may be of great interest to many of you. Please don't miss the following opportunities by disregarding this message. Terry was at our committee meeting yesterday as an observer and was very pleased. He has programs that are free and that can be subsidized by different groups. His phone number and e-mail are below. Thanks. Laura -----Original Message----- From: Terry O'Sullivan [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Sunday, April 22, 2001 3:54 AM To: [email protected] Subject: EZ Star Software Tool and Office Equipment Efficiency Program Laura Goldseth: Thanks for offering to convey the attached materials about US DOE's EZ Star software tool, and the Office Equipment Efficiency Program to members of the Silicon Valley Manufacturers Group Energy Committee. This email is in lieu of squeezing onto the Committee's Monday 4/23 Agenda, and background for a possible future agenda slot. As we've discussed, EZ Star's developer, David Ensign, is in town 4/23 to 4/26 to do on-site demonstrations. 1) If it's possible, we would be very grateful if someone announced the San Francisco and Oakland demos mentioned in the attached flyer - or pointed people to the flyer on the web at www.energy-solution.com/off-equip/demos.html - or even pointing people to Monday's SF Chronicle technology column, where the program is expected to get plugged. 2) David Ensign and I hope to attend Monday's meeting at EPRI as Lynn Morrison (Wattstopper)'s guests. Our intent is just to catch up with a few of your members in the flesh (instead of just email), and to see your process. If your format allows for Mr. Ensign to be acknowledged in some way, it might make the program more tangible in our planned future discussions about the program by your committee. I have attached the flyer for the upcoming software demonstrations, along with a pdf of the State-funded Office Equipment Efficiency Program, and a summary sheet about EZ STAR. The rest of this email includes a brief description of the EZ Star software tool, and a somewhat generic email about the Office Equipment Efficiency Program. EZ Star US Department of Energy has recently developed EZ Star, free software that enables systems administrators to easily poll, then enable sleep mode for all computer monitors on a LAN. This software tool will be a key feature in US EPA's upcoming national campaign to enable sleep mode for computer monitors. The software developer, David Ensign, is in town next week (April 23-26) to demonstrate the software. He is teaming up with the State-funded Office Equipment Efficiency Program, which can PAY organizations an incentive if they enable sleep mode on monitors, either through EZ Star or other means. This is a chance to see something new and potentially important. California is at the leading edge of the national EPA campaign, and the SF Bay Area is the first place the software is being significantly marketed. All four organizations who saw this demo 3 weeks ago are planning to use the software: East Bay Municipal Utility District (1500 computers); the California Energy Commission (600 machines); Mills College (600 machines); and East Bay Regional Parks (250 machines). * * * OFFICE EQUIPMENT EFFICIENCY PROGRAM - Highlights Energy Solutions, State-funded Office Equipment Efficiency Program provides an easy and environmentally friendly way to reduce energy use by computers and other office equipment; this end use is the fastest growing part of most organizations, energy bills. Also, by being noticeable to nearly all staff in the organization, the program demonstrates a commitment to conserve energy to those inside and outside the organization. State-Funded Program Energy Solutions (www.energy-solution.com) has been funded by the State to offer free office equipment efficiency services to businesses and institutions in the PG&E service territory. The State funded this program to reduce peak electricity use and to help avert rolling blackouts in Summer 2001. Enable ENERGY STAR Features ) FOR FREE The Office Equipment Efficiency Program makes it easy to enable the built-in energy savings features (i.e., &sleep8 settings) of ENERGY STAR office equipment - especially computer monitors. The program offers free enabling services, incentive payments to the site, and support for using the US EPA,s new network-based enabling tool. We estimate that this NO COST measure can save your organization $25 per year per computer monitor enabled. * Further, since nearly every employee notices this change and receives a user awareness brochure, this measure raises the energy-awareness of staff. Blank computer screens at vacant desks can serve to remind staff that energy costs are an issue that the organization is taking seriously. Deep Discounts on &Smart8 Hardware The program also offers energy saving hardware, bought down to below-wholesale prices by using the State funding. We can provide "smart" power strips that turn off desk lights, personal printers, etc through a desktop occupancy sensor. This is a $68 item that we subsidize to $10 each. And for private offices we offer wall-switches with occupancy sensors to turn off overhead lighting (a $58 product sold for $20 through the program). Either of these items should save your organization more than $25 per year in energy costs. User Awareness Campaign Finally the program offers employee awareness literature to encourage conservation and to dispel common myths. Two common myths are that &screen savers8 save energy, and that leaving your computer on all the time saves money or makes computers last longer. This program,s no-cost/ low-cost measures can provide an effective first step toward reducing your organization,s rising energy costs; or they can compliment a comprehensive energy strategy by addressing an often-overlooked power use. In either case, the services would be part of any organization,s effort to take advantage of the Governor,s new incentives to reduce energy use by 20% this summer! The program expires June 30, and the program,s hardware offer may be gone before then. For more information (or to enable your own computer monitor now), please check out the program,s web pages at: www.energy-solution.com/off-equip. If we can provide any further information on the program in the meantime, please call me at 510-482-4420 ext.#223. Thank you for your attention on this matter. Terry O'Sullivan * For computers, the program only enables ENERGY STAR sleep settings for the computer monitor; this avoids the conflicts with local area networks that have been a concern to some IT staff. Terry O'Sullivan Energy Solutions [email protected] (510) 482-4420 ext.#223 (voice) (510) 482-4421 (fax) - EZ_Star_Flyer_4.19.pdf - Program_1=19.pdf - EZSTAR2.doc
Thanks for the note. Good work. If I am in Mumbai for a full day on Friday, 4 August, is that sufficient? thanks mcs Jane Wilson@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT 26/07/2000 18:40 To: Mark Schroeder@ECT, Wade Cline/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT cc: Subject: Comments to MoP Worked the Ministry of Power yesterday with Sanjay and had my own meeting with the Junior Secretary who is in charge of the Electricity Bill effort. He invited me back. Found out from him that there are TWO drafts of the Electricity Bill -- the Ministry of Power began drafting its own draft around draft IV of the circulated draft and has picked and chosen from the circulated draft (that's interesting!) The MoP draft is with the Cabinet soon to be introduced to Parliament. The real law that is introduced to the Parliament will be released to the public once it leaves to Cabinet for the Parliament. We will have a chance to lobby and explain to the Standing Committee out positions, i.e., the whole input process starts all over again. Meanwhile, the three individuals with whom we met yesterday (various secretaries) requested our direct input again (there is obviously still time for the Ministry to revise its draft). Thus, I've tried to rearticulate the critical elements that must be in the bill to constitute legitimate reform and point out how crazy the World Bank's emphasis on forming regulators and accounting unbundling is if unrelated to full reform in the note attached below. Actually made most of Amcham's presentation to the DOE mission in India. The presentation that was handed out to them is attached below. Once you've opened the presentation, go to slide show, custom, and see the slides from which I spoke (I took the substantive ones). The important slide in both the custom show and the handout is the last one which is DOE Action items. They told us that this was exactly the kind of briefing they needed. Sanjay's happy, I'm happy, hope you're happy. Please note that there are EOG slides included with regulatory concerns of the upstream E&P sector. Of note is that I worked with Larry Morse of EOG and accompanied him to the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas (MoP&NG) on Saturday to directly give input into the Ministry Working Group on forming a regulator in the O&G sector. Our scheduled 15 minutes (they were moving private parties through a New York musical tryout) turned into 30 minutes and a request for a written document. I came up with a new idea of EOG to make their life easier and the Ministry was interested: the Director General of Hydrocarbons is the "regulatory agency" that is interfering in more than regulating the Production Sharing Contracts (PSCs). I suggested to Larry (who loved it) and the Ministry that the current functions of DGH be divided into three separate things: the normal regulatory function (permitting, environmental, safety and information management) that should devolve on DGH, a facilitator role assigned to the MoP&NG (provided in the law or regs somewhere -- this is essentially a government person to help private parties knock down barriers), and a Contract Adminsitrator, meaning a representative of the Government of India to sit on the joint venture's Management Committee. I suggested perhaps a retired ONGC executive. This may ameliorate the DGH's tendency to build a file and obstruct any spending whatsoever in the misguided belief that profits will be greater for GOI in the future. I'd like to take this opportunity to record all our joint MoP&NG issues both upstream and LNG into one document. Then it can become our joint platform paper to lobby from, do presentations from, etc. Need to rest a day, however before that effort starts. Cheers. Hope to return to Mumbai tonight. I've overstayed in Delhi by two days. Sanjay mentioned that he now thinks that I will spend 50% of my time here. ---------------------- Forwarded by Jane Wilson/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT on 07/26/2000 12:20 PM --------------------------- Jane Wilson 07/26/2000 12:16 PM To: K Seethayya/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Ashok Mehta/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT cc: Sanjay Bhatnagar/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Wade Cline/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Neil McGregor/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Akshay Singh/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Amr Ibrahim/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Sisir K Podder/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Sandeep Katwala/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Paul Kraske/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Bobby Farris/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Jimmy Mogal/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Mohan Gurunath/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Sandeep Kohli/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Beena Pradhan/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT Subject: Comments to MoP Attached are the comments requested by several people during our visits to the Ministry yesterday. I have removed any discussion of PTC or Powergrid at this time. However, we need to look for opportunities to make our point that a government marketing company is a contradiction in terms, particularly about PTC, at the appropriate time. Please hand deliver a copy of our comments to S L Rao. Perhaps Beena could have a courtesy copy delivered to Mr. Subramanyam. I assume that you will put an appropriate transmittal letter on top of the comments for delivery to the Ministry today. Thanks.
-----Original Message----- From: Bestard, Jose Sent: Sun 8/26/2001 8:33 PM To: Cuiaba LT@ENRON Cc: Reis, Jose Lucio; Jens, Felipe; ESA Excom@ENRON; Anson, Jose; Domingues, Adriana; Miceli, Keith; [email protected] Subject: Cuiaba - Incident GT11 See the two messages below. Last Saturday afternoon, when GT 11 was being taken off-line after what appeared as a very successful gas commissioning run, it encountered an abnormal response. They opened the Turbine today an showed severe damage. We do not know how long it may be out of service but it may be approximately three months. The incident occurred while the turbine was under Siemens custody during a commissioning event. John Guidry will be discussing the Technology Assurance Agreement with Cliff Rankin to understand how it applies to the particular circunstances. John Guidy will alert Dick Vincent to get our insurance personnel involved and perform our own investigation. Orlando Gonzalez has a 9:00 AM meeting with Parente tomorrow about other issues, we will take the opportunity to inform him. This is a significant event for the Lender's conference that we have scheduled Tuesday. The insurance protection question will be very pertinent. I will communicate with Furnas management and the Ministry of Mines and Energy. I am sure that during the course of the day there will be more questions, including the press. We will discuss this tomorrow. Caution. We need to be factual in our communications. There will be a human temptation to assign blame to someone (Siemens). We know what happened, we need to know why it happened, to determine what was the root-cause of the failure and how it may be avoided, and this may take weeks to determine, or never precisely determined. From a PPA perspective, the Aditivo 4 that we just executed can cover the situation. The average output derived from GT 11, drops to zero, the availability factor for this output will be considered 100% for future calculations. We will loose the revenue. Furnas will have market exposure for this parcel, which is very significant. The consultations we are having with Aneel to provide Furnas a pass-through vehicle, for regulatory changes during the Initial Contracts, if implemented can reduce the Furnas exposure. Jose ---------------------- Forwarded by Jose Bestard/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT on 08/26/2001 06:58 PM --------------------------- Tony Apps 08/26/2001 08:25 AM To: Laine A Powell/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Jose Bestard cc: Carlos Alberto Lopez/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Petrus Rosa/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, John Guidry, John Krupski/Enron@EnronXGate, [email protected] Subject: Incident GT11 Laine Further to the good news of completing the commissioning on gas of GT11 last evening, during the shut down on completion of engine commissioning on gas a serious incident occurred with GT11. The machine was automatically being shut down via the SGC (sub group contol) when the load was at approximately 13MW the unit tripped. The initial trip was for gt surge protection, however many alarms were present and the sequence of events is currently being investigated to determine the exact cause. Sufficient to say we are not sure if infact a compressor surge occurred but there was certainly a loud noise. The machine has sustained mechanical damage to some components, Jacking oil line has broken, bearing vibration probes on the GT compressor bearing are damaged, as are bearing oil seals. The engine in addition could not be put on turning gear and the rotor is stationary. The rub that has occured as a result of the incident is sufficient to prevent the machine being put on turning gear. Until the machine has cooled down and a thorough inspection has been made we will not know the extent of any internal damage, if any. Sufficient to say that we will need to carry out the above inspections in addition to the combustion chamber inspection, already programmed for 9 days from Sunday. The length of time the unit will be out will obviously depend on the extent of damage, but a rough guess will be say 2 weeks to undertake and rectify any damage to bearings and maybe a rebalance, if however there is internal damage this could mean the rotor out which could be, say 2 months, if parts are available. We will not know until monday afternoon at the earliest, possibly tuesday exactly what the situation is. The decision to be made will be do we continue running GT12 on oil for potentially a minimum of 2 -3 more weeks minimum, potentially months, or take the decision to stop now and get the machine available on gas a quickly as possible? This decision can only be made when we have the full information on the extent of the damage. Another issue will be that of responsibility for the costs to rectify the above, the machine is not covered by warranty but was under Siemens care custody and control for the commissioning process. Tony ---------------------- Forwarded by Jose Bestard/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT on 08/26/2001 06:58 PM --------------------------- Tony Apps 08/26/2001 02:01 PM To: Laine A Powell/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Jose Bestard cc: John Guidry, Petrus Rosa/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Carlos Alberto Lopez/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, John Krupski/Enron@EnronXGate, Richard Vincent/Enron@EnronXGate Subject: Gt11 Incident update Bad news guys Today at 16:00hrs we opened the transition duct door of GT 11 Hrsg, the whole area between the GT outlet and the duct burners is littered with debris. Upon initial inspection there has been a catastrophic failure within the Turbine. Visable is severe damage to row 3 and 4 vanes and blades. This will necesitate a complete machine strip down and failure evaluation. I guess minimum 2-3 months out of service subject to spare parts availability. The major decision to be made is whether to proceed with commissioning of unit 12 on gas or continue to run on oil. I will be home this evening please call if necessary. Tony
I wanted to make sure that you had seen the language Jeff references that 1) explicitly recognize the PX Credit as part of Edison's undercollection, and 2) permit Edison to pay debts associated with the negative PX credit in the earlier e-mail. Call me with any questions. Jim -----Original Message----- From: Dasovich, Jeff Sent: Friday, August 24, 2001 9:03 AM To: Kean, Steven J.; Kingerski, Harry; Belden, Tim; Sharp, Vicki; Blachman, Jeremy; Comnes, Alan; Tribolet, Michael; Walsh, Kristin; Delainey, David; Leff, Dan; Frazier, Lamar; Keeney, Kevin; Blachman, Jeremy; Gahn, Scott; Belden, Tim; Swain, Steve; Lavorato, John; Kaufman, Paul; Steffes, James D.; Calger, Christopher F.; Mara, Susan; Black, Don; Richter, Jeff; Kitchen, Louise; Dietrich, Janet; Mara, Susan; Robertson, Linda; Kingerski, Harry; Denne, Karen; Palmer, Mark A. (PR); Shapiro, Richard; Curry, Wanda; Mellencamp, Lisa Subject: Important Update on California Legislation--08.23.01 Received the following additional information late yesterday from Speaker Hertzberg's chief of staff regarding Direct Access in the legislation working its way through the Assembly. He relayed the information during an informational hearing that an Assembly committee had on the bill yesterday in Sacramento. See previous note attached below for more a detailed description of DA provisions in the bill: A new print of the bill is likely to be issued today. With respect to DA, the Governor is apparently responsible for the temporary suspension of DA in the bill. Assembly Ds and other market participants lobbied him hard, explaining that, since the bill covers all costs of bonds and DWR contracts through "exit fees," there is no reason to suspend DA. The Governor is resisting hard, stating that "he wants time for the market to stabilize." So it looks like the Governor's plan is to 1) have a bill that provides for Direct Access as of 1.1.03 and 2) have the PUC "temporarily suspend" DA from September 1 to 1.1.03. We're continuing to work with with business customers to eliminate, or significantly shorten, the suspension. The bill apparently will also have amendments stating that any customer who has switched by August 23, 2001 (yesterday) will not be responsible for any DWR going forward contracts. The customer will have to pay for any power consumed that DWR purchased on the IOUs' behalf between Jan 17 and the date of the switch. The bill apparently will require that any customer switching between yesterday and Sept 1 be responsible for DWR going forward contracts (though details of how that would work were not clear). The stated reason for wanting to insert an amendment on the August 23rd date is to prevent a "rush" to Direct Access between now and Sept 1. There are currently NO efforts to break or othewise dissallow any contracts signed prior to Sept 1. Finally, the bill apparently will also give self-generation priority over Direct Access in each "open season." The bill would set aside 250 MW of the short position each year for customers to do self gen. If the self gen is not subscribed, the MWs would go to DA. The bill, including these amendments and other amendments related to other issues, is supposed to be released today. The bill will be heard in the Assembly committee on Monday afternoon. We continue to work with the business customers to improve the DA and self gen provisions. It remains unclear whether there is sufficient support for the bill to pass the Assembly. The politicians are very reluctant to pass any "Edison bail out bill" and the political pressure not to vote on any "bailout" is significant and growing. But the Governor is working the bill very hard. Mirant is actively working against the bill. Mirant is passing around a poll allegedly showing that any member that votes for a "bailout" could lose re-election. Mirant is also distributing a letter implicitly threatening to take Edison into involuntary bankruptcy if the bill passes. The bill also has to make it through the Senate. Our lobbyist had a conversation yesterday with the Senate President, John Burton, who said flatly that "he's not doing anything." But there is much to trade in the final weeks of the session, and the possibility of Burton doing a deal is 50-50. With respect to the bill's provisions preventing Edison from paying wholesale providers with the "dedicated rate component" included, Edison representatives at the hearing yesterday announced that Edison intends to issue first mortgage bonds to pay the suppliers. Edison also said that, under the Assembly version of the bill, Edison believes that it would have the borrowing capacity to issue the first mortgage bonds. More info to follow as it becomes available. If anyone has any questions, don't hesitate to contact me. Best, Jeff -----Original Message----- From: Dasovich, Jeff Sent: Wednesday, August 22, 2001 8:08 PM To: [Dasovich, Jeff] Subject: Latest Legislative Version of Direct Access --08.22.01 The following is a summary of the Direct Access provisions in the bill language released this afternoon reflecting the deal that Davis cut with Assembly. Things are very fluid and these provisions could change significantly. I was just informed by the large business customers that they just met with the Davis' and Hertzberg's staff and the staff have agreed to amend the DA provisions to make them considerably more favorable for customers and suppliers. They also said that favorable provisions with respect to self-gen would also be added to the bill. They said that these new amendments could come out as early as tonite or tomorrow morning and that the bill may be heard tomorrow. Note: In addition to the DA provisions, the bill also includes provisions that 1) explicitly recognize the PX Credit as part of Edison's undercollection, and 2) permit Edison to pay debts associated with the negative PX credit. (The bill does not authorize Edison to pay power suppliers, however, and leaves that portion of Edison's debt for Edison's management and shareholders to address.) Summary of Direct Access provisions: The program would begin January 1, 2003. It's unclear what would happen to DA between now and January 1, 2003. Presumably, the decision to suspend, or not, between now and then would stay with the California PUC. 90 days after the effective date of the bill, and every 6 months thereafter, DWR would provide information to the PUC showing the net short position. Every 6 months, the PUC would hold an open season permitting customers to switch to DA. 20 KW-and-above customers would have 60 days to decide to switch once the PUC has announced the open season; under 20kw customers would have 180 days. Customers who switch to DA would be responsible for paying 1) the customer's proportionate share of the utility's undercollection and 2) the customer's proportionate share of DWR's receivables (if any) for power previously delivered by DWR (but not yet fully paid for by customers). In addition, if the number of customers who elect to choose to go DA in the open season exceeds the net short, then DA customers will have to pay their proportionate share of any DWR stranded contract costs. If the number of DA customers does not exceed the net short position, then no stranded contract cost fees would be assessed. Best, Jeff
---------------------- Forwarded by Chris Abel/HOU/ECT on 01/28/2000 08:43 AM --------------------------- Chris Abel <[email protected]> on 01/19/2000 11:46:57 AM To: Chris Abel/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Subject: FW: [Fwd: Things I'm Glad I Didn't Say] -----Original Message----- From: [email protected] [SMTP:[email protected]] Sent: Saturday, January 22, 2000 6:19 PM To: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] Subject: Fwd: [Fwd: Things I'm Glad I Didn't Say] In a message dated 01/21/2000 5:46:48 PM Central Standard Time, [email protected] writes: << : Subject: [Fwd: Things I'm Glad I Didn't Say] 1. Question: If you could live forever, would you and why? Answer: "I would not live forever, because we should not live forever, because if we were supposed to live forever, then we would live forever, but we cannot live forever, which is why I would not live forever." ---Miss Alabama in the 1994 Miss USA contest 2. "Whenever I watch TV and see those poor starving kids all over the world, I can't help but cry. I mean I'd love to be skinny like that but not with all those flies and death and stuff." ---Mariah Carey 3. "Researchers have discovered that chocolate produces some of the same reactions in the brain as marijuana. The researchers also discovered other similarities between the two, but can't remember what they are." ---Matt Lauer on NBC's Today Show, August 22 4. "I haven't committed a crime. What I did was fail to comply with the law." ---David Dinkins, New York City Mayor, answering accusations that he failed to pay his taxes. 5. "Smoking kills. If you're killed, you've lost a very important part of your life." ---Brooke Shields, during an interview to become spokesperson for a federal antismoking campaign. 6. "I've never had major knee surgery on any other part of my body." ---Winston Bennett, Univ. of KY basketball forward 7. "Outside of the killings, Washington has one of the lowest crime rates in the country." ---Mayor Marion Barry, Washington, DC 8. "We're going to turn this team around 360 degrees." ---Jason Kidd, upon his drafting to the Dallas Mavericks 9. "I'm not going to have some reporters pawing through our papers. We are the president." ---Hillary Clinton commenting on the release of subpoenaed documents. 10. "China is a big country, inhabited by many Chinese." ---Former French President Charles De Gaulle 11. "That lowdown scoundrel deserves to be kicked to death by a jackass, and I'm just the one to do it." ---A Congressional Candidate in Texas 12. "It isn't pollution that's harming the environment. It's the impurities in our air and water that are doing it." ---Former U. S. Vice-president Dan Quayle 13. "Without censorship, things can get terribly confused in the public mind." ---General William Westmoreland And last but not least-a parting word from Dan Quayle: 14. "I love California. I practically grew up in Phoenix." >> From: "[email protected]" <[email protected]> To: "[email protected]" <[email protected]>, "[email protected]" <[email protected]>, "[email protected]" <[email protected]>, "[email protected]" <[email protected]>, "[email protected]" <[email protected]>, "[email protected]" <[email protected]> To: "[email protected]" <[email protected]>, "[email protected]" <[email protected]>, "[email protected]" <[email protected]> Subject: [Fwd: Things I'm Glad I Didn't Say] Date: Fri, 21 Jan 2000 17:45:55 -0600 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit ---------------------- Forwarded by on 01/21/2000 05:44 PM --------------------------- Doug Sihvonen 01/21/2000 07:37 AM To: cc: Subject: [Fwd: Things I'm Glad I Didn't Say] 1. Question: If you could live forever, would you and why? Answer: "I would not live forever, because we should not live forever, because if we were supposed to live forever, then we would live forever, but we cannot live forever, which is why I would not live forever." ---Miss Alabama in the 1994 Miss USA contest 2. "Whenever I watch TV and see those poor starving kids all over the world, I can't help but cry. I mean I'd love to be skinny like that but not with all those flies and death and stuff." ---Mariah Carey 3. "Researchers have discovered that chocolate produces some of the same reactions in the brain as marijuana. The researchers also discovered other similarities between the two, but can't remember what they are." ---Matt Lauer on NBC's Today Show, August 22 4. "I haven't committed a crime. What I did was fail to comply with the law." ---David Dinkins, New York City Mayor, answering accusations that he failed to pay his taxes. 5. "Smoking kills. If you're killed, you've lost a very important part of your life." ---Brooke Shields, during an interview to become spokesperson for a federal anti-smoking campaign. 6. "I've never had major knee surgery on any other part of my body." ---Winston Bennett, Univ. of KY basketball forward 7. "Outside of the killings, Washington has one of the lowest crime rates in the country." ---Mayor Marion Barry, Washington, DC 8. "We're going to turn this team around 360 degrees." ---Jason Kidd, upon his drafting to the Dallas Mavericks 9. "I'm not going to have some reporters pawing through our papers. We are the president." ---Hillary Clinton commenting on the release of subpoenaed documents. 10. "China is a big country, inhabited by many Chinese." ---Former French President Charles De Gaulle 11. "That lowdown scoundrel deserves to be kicked to death by a jackass, and I'm just the one to do it." ---A Congressional Candidate in Texas 12. "It isn't pollution that's harming the environment. It's the impurities in our air and water that are doing it." ---Former U. S. Vice-President Dan Quayle 13. "Without censorship, things can get terribly confused in the public mind." ---General William Westmoreland And last but not least -- a parting word from Dan Quayle: 14. "I love California. I practically grew up in Phoenix."
Your review and approval of the following product types in the EOL Datamanager is needed (for directions on approval , please see steps for approval at the bottom of this e-mail). If you have any questions please call me at ext. 58986. ******** DO NOT APPROVE PRODUCT TYPES BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 6AM - 11AM*********** Traders: Harry Arora and Robert Stalford Product Names: US East Power Phy Option Call (2077) US East Power Phy Option Put (2078) US Pwr Phy Opt PJM-W EPXXX Jul01 USD/MWh A US Power Transaction with Enron Power Marketing, Inc., under which the Put Option Buyer has the right, but not the obligation, to elect on the Exercise Date to schedule and deliver, and the Put Option Seller would have the obligation to schedule, receive and pay for at the Strike Price, a quantity of firm energy equal to the Hourly Quantity for each applicable hour during the term of the transaction. The Strike Price shall be as set forth in the Product description on the Website. As consideration for this right, the Put Option Buyer shall be required to pay to the Put Option Seller the Premium which shall be equal to the product of (i) the price submitted by Counterparty via EnronOnline, multiplied by (ii) the total number of hours during the term of the transaction, multiplied by (iii) the Hourly Quantity. The Payment Date for the Premium shall be within two (2) business days of the Transaction Date. The Option style and type shall be a monthly European Put ("EP"). The transaction is for the applicable hours as set forth herein on each Delivery Day for the Effective Date 01 Jul 2001 to the Termination Date 31 Jul 2001. The transaction is for delivery or receipt of energy at the PJM Western Hub. The price is quoted in US Dollars per unit of volume, which will be the Contractual Currency. The unit of measure against which the price is quoted shall be megawatt-hours (MWh) and the quantity shown shall be in MW's delivered in each applicable hour for the duration of the Transaction (the "Hourly Quantity'). In order to exercise the Option, the Option Buyer shall provide telephonic notice to the Option Seller prior to 10:00 am (Eastern Prevailing Time) on the Exercise Date. The Exercise Date shall be the second penultimate NERC business day of the month prior to the month in which the term commences. The transaction is for on-peak ("Peak") hours on each Delivery Day beginning with the hour ending 0800 (7:00 am) and concluding with the hour ending 2300 (11:00 pm) Eastern Prevailing Time. "Delivery Day" means a day during the term of the transaction that is a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday, excluding any day that is a NERC holiday. US Pwr Phy Opt PJM-W ECXXX Jul01 USD/MWh A US Power Transaction with Enron Power Marketing, Inc., under which the Call Option Buyer has the right, but not the obligation, to elect on the Exercise Date to schedule, receive and pay for at the Strike Price, and the Call Option Seller would have the obligation to schedule and deliver, a quantity of firm energy equal to the Hourly Quantity for each applicable hour during the term of the transaction. The Strike Price shall be as set forth in the Product description on the Website. As consideration for this right, the Call Option Buyer shall be required to pay to the Call Option Seller the Premium which shall be equal to the product of (i) the price submitted by Counterparty via EnronOnline, multiplied by (ii) the total number of hours during the term of the transaction, multiplied by (iii) the Hourly Quantity. The Payment Date for the Premium shall be within two (2) business days of the Transaction Date. The Option style and type shall be a monthly European Call ("EC"). The transaction is for the applicable hours as set forth herein on each Delivery Day for the Effective Date 01 Jul 2001 to the Termination Date 31 Jul 2001. The transaction is for delivery or receipt of energy at the PJM Western Hub. The price is quoted in US Dollars per unit of volume, which will be the Contractual Currency. The unit of measure against which the price is quoted shall be megawatt-hours (MWh) and the quantity shown shall be in MW's delivered in each applicable hour for the duration of the Transaction (the "Hourly Quantity'). In order to exercise the Option, the Option Buyer shall provide telephonic notice to the Option Seller prior to 10:00 am (Eastern Prevailing Time) on the Exercise Date. The Exercise Date shall be the second penultimate NERC business day of the month prior to the month in which the term commences. The transaction is for on-peak ("Peak") hours on each Delivery Day beginning with the hour ending 0800 (7:00 am) and concluding with the hour ending 2300 (11:00 pm) Eastern Prevailing Time. "Delivery Day" means a day during the term of the transaction that is a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday, excluding any day that is a NERC holiday. ============================================================================== STEPS FOR APPROVAL: click the START button select PROGRAMS select TEST APPLICATIONS select ENRONONLINE CLUSTER(PROD) PROCEED WITH USUAL LOGIN/PASSWORD click the Enron Online Production Cluster "START" button select EnronOnLine (this is the EOL Datamanager) PROCEED WITH EOL LOGIN/PASSWORD click on the "+" for EnronOnLine click on the "+" for Product Types click on the "+" for "Partially Approved" select the product requiring review as stated in e-mail above Right "mouse" click on "properties" to view product set-up
Got invite to Gray's mtg. through Washington lobbyist of ours who has connections w/ Gray. Steve Kean is attending, From: Jeff Dasovich on 11/21/2000 07:06 PM Sent by: Jeff Dasovich To: David Parquet/SF/ECT@ECT cc: James D Steffes/NA/Enron@ENRON, Mona L Petrochko/NA/Enron@ENRON, Steven J Kean/NA/Enron@ENRON, Susan J Mara/NA/Enron@ENRON, Richard Shapiro/NA/Enron@Enron, Sandra McCubbin/NA/Enron@Enron Subject: Re: Press Conference Agree that we should decline to participate. I also got a call from IEP regarding the press conference and strongly encouraged them to signicantly diversify the group to include customers, consumer groups, and the like. Haven't heard about the meeting on the first with the governor's staff. Interesting that the administration is choosing to meet with folks on the day that the report is released. For the same reasons that we wouldn't want to be grouped with generators at a press conference, we may not want to be grouped with generators when the staff disseminates the report's words of wisdom. David Parquet@ECT 11/21/2000 06:50 PM To: Jeff Dasovich/NA/Enron@Enron, Mona L Petrochko/NA/Enron@Enron, Steven J Kean/NA/Enron@Enron, Susan J Mara/NA/Enron@ENRON, James D Steffes/NA/Enron@Enron cc: Subject: Press Conference Two things: 1. I called Smutney last week re this press conference and declined. I said that the idea is fine and we support it, but Enron does not want to participate in a press conference with other generators on this topic. 2. I just talked to Rob Lamkin of Southern who indicated that ten companies have gotten letters from Gov Davis addressed to "Dear CEO of Energy Company." Letter was to invite these companies to attend a meeting on Monday, December 1 in LA. Agenda and issues to follow, but Rob thought it had to do with the Gov's plan for CA due 12/1. Meeting will not be with Davis, but with his staff. Southern is deciding who to send. Reliant will send John Stout and Curtis Keebler. Williams got a letter, but no info re their rep. Rob was calling to see if we got a letter and, if we did, out thoughts re meeting before the Gov's meeting to discuss. I said we could have gotten a letter, but I did not know. ----- Forwarded by David Parquet/SF/ECT on 11/21/2000 04:38 PM ----- "Katie Kaplan" <[email protected]> 11/21/2000 04:07 PM Please respond to kaplan To: <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, "'John Stout for Reliant'" <[email protected]>, "'Curtis Keebler at Reliant'" <[email protected]>, "'Julie @ Edson'" <[email protected]>, "'Paula Hall-Collins'" <[email protected]>, "'Marty Wilson'" <[email protected]>, "'Rob Lamkin'" <[email protected]>, "Karen Edson" <[email protected]>, "Bob Weisenmiller" <[email protected]>, "Sue Mara" <[email protected]>, "Andy Brown" <[email protected]>, "B Brown Andy" <[email protected]>, "Bob Escalante" <[email protected]>, "Greg Blue" <[email protected]>, "Jack Pigott" <[email protected]>, "Jan Smutny-Jones" <[email protected]>, "Joe Ronan" <[email protected]>, "Karen Denne" <[email protected]>, "Karen Edson" <[email protected]>, "Kassandra Gough" <[email protected]>, "Kristin Vellandi" <[email protected]>, "Lynn Lednicky" <[email protected]>, "McNally Ray" <[email protected]>, "Paula Hall-Collins" <[email protected]>, "Richard Hyde" <[email protected]>, "Rob L. Lamkin" <[email protected]>, "Stephanie-Newell" <[email protected]>, "Tom Ross" <[email protected]>, "William Hall" <[email protected]>, "Trond Aschehoug" <[email protected]>, "Tony Wetzel" <[email protected]>, "Susan J Mara" <[email protected]>, "Steve Ponder" <[email protected]>, "Steve Iliff" <[email protected]>, "Scott Noll" <[email protected]>, "Roger Pelote" <[email protected]>, "Rob Lamkin" <[email protected]>, "Randy Hickok" <[email protected]>, "Paula Soos" <[email protected]>, "Marty McFadden" <[email protected]>, "Lynn Lednicky" <[email protected]>, "Kent Fickett" <[email protected]>, "Ken Hoffman" <[email protected]>, "Jonathan Weisgall" <[email protected]>, "Joe Ronan" <[email protected]>, "Joe Greco" <[email protected]>, "Jim Willey" <[email protected]>, "Jeff Dasovich" <[email protected]>, "Jack Pigott" <[email protected]>, "Hap Boyd" <[email protected]>, "Greg Blue" <[email protected]>, "Frank DeRosa" <[email protected]>, "Eileen Koch" <[email protected]>, "Ed Tomeo" <[email protected]>, "Duane Nelsen" <[email protected]>, "Dean Gosselin" <[email protected]>, "Dave Parquet" <[email protected]>, "Curtis Kebler" <[email protected]>, "Curt Hatton" <[email protected]>, "Cody Carter" <[email protected]>, "Carolyn Baker" <[email protected]>, "Bob Escalante" <[email protected]>, "Bill Woods" <[email protected]>, "Bill Carlson" <[email protected]>, "Eric Eisenman" <[email protected]> cc: "Jan Smutny-Jones" <[email protected]>, "Steven Kelly" <[email protected]>, "Susan McCabe" <[email protected]>, "Scott Govenar" <[email protected]>, "Ron Tom" <[email protected]>, "Robert Ross" <[email protected]>, "Phil Isenberg" <[email protected]>, "Mike Monagan" <[email protected]>, "Maureen OHaren" <[email protected]>, "Marie Moretti" <[email protected]>, "Kassandra Gough" <[email protected]>, "Hedy Govenar" <[email protected]>, "Delany Hunter" <[email protected]>, "Bev Hansen" <[email protected]>, "Anne Kelly" <[email protected]>, "Jenn Paulsen" <[email protected]>, "Jamie Parker" <[email protected]> Subject: Press Conference Greetings: IEP will be holding a press conference on Tuesday November 28 at 10:30 a.m. in the Governors Press room to discuss the importance of long-term fixed (that term is easier to understand than bilateral) contracts. IEP will be stressing the importance of the contracts as part of the solution for next summer. Several IEP members have offered (and have continued to offer) long-term fixed contracts at terms under the current retail rate freeze. We will indicate that the utilities have been hesitant to enter into these contracts due to the uncertain nature of the CPUC. We will point out that several different independent entities have agreed that long-term contracts are one of the key solutions and that the PUC should act immediately to set a benchmark and in so doing eliminate the reasonableness review that is the main barrier for IOU's not entering into large long-term fixed contracts. IEP is also currently working to include other market participants in the Press Conference. We would like as many IEP participants as possible at the conference to show that there are several companies who continue to be serious about long-term fixed price contracts. We have already received a couple of responses and if you are interested please let me know ASAP-no later than noon Wednesday- as we are sending out an advisory on Monday. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Katie Kaplan Manager of State Policy Affairs Independent Energy Producers Association (916) 448-9499