stringlengths 5.5k
Harry --
I think that we need to talk with EWS Tariff risk to make sure that we are on the same page. I am concerned that some of Gloria's statements may not end up happening with the final tariffs.
Please advise.
-----Original Message-----
From: Ogenyi, Gloria
Sent: Monday, November 19, 2001 3:27 PM
To: Anderson, Bob; Collins, Patricia
Cc: Rathvon, Richard; Sparling, Jay; Keene, Patrick; Kingerski, Harry; Steffes, James D.; Ryall, Jean
Subject: RE: Rock Tenn CoGen Facility
Per Section 25.345 (c) of the Electric rules, if the Cogen facility has a rated capacity of 10MW or less, it qualifies as "eligible generation" under Section 25.345(c)(B). In Section 25.345(i), an end-user whose actual load is lawfully served by eligible generation and who does not receive any electrical service that requires the delivery of power through the facilities of a T & D utility is not responsible for payment of any stranded cost charges.
Also a retail customer whose actual load is lawfully served by eligible generation who also receives electrical service that require the delivery of power through the facilities of a T & D utility, shall be responsible for payment of stranded costs charges based solely on the services that are actually provided by the T & D utility.
The short answers to your questions are:
1. Rock Tenn will not be required to pay CTC charges if its rated output is less than 10MW, and it does not take any T&D services from TXU.
2. If Rock Tenn uses T&D facilities occasionally, it will pay CTC only for the actual services it receives from the T& D utility.
3. If Rock Tenn completely disconnects from the utilities T&D services, it will be in the same position as in 1 above. It will not be required to pay the CTC.
4. At this time, TXU does not have a financing bond issued by the Commission. In an earlier order, the Commission approved $363 MM for TXU, but that order was appealed, and the Supreme Court remanded the case to the Commission for rehearing. With information that is available to it at this time, the Commission does not think that TXU has stranded costs. I believe TXU will disagree. It will be interesting to see how this plays out.
Please call with any questions,
-----Original Message-----
From: Anderson, Bob
Sent: Friday, November 16, 2001 3:47 PM
To: Ogenyi, Gloria; Collins, Patricia
Cc: Rathvon, Richard; Sparling, Jay
Subject: RE: Rock Tenn CoGen Facility
Per the information you provided Trish (below) concerning CTC in TX, the cogen design is less than 10MW. Therefore, what are the "DG rules" and how do these rules impact Rock Tenn's requirement to pay CTC? What if they only use the utility's T&D facilities occasionally when the cogen is not running? What if they completely disconnect from the utility's T&D facilities, as if they are no longer in business? Is TXU expected to have significant stranded costs?
Thanks, Bob
-----Original Message-----
From: Sparling, Jay
Sent: Wednesday, November 07, 2001 12:49 PM
To: Anderson, Bob
Cc: Rathvon, Richard
Subject: Rock Tenn - Will pay CTC charges FW: CoGen Facility
---------------------- Forwarded by Jay Sparling/HOU/EES on 11/07/2001 12:47 PM ---------------------------
From: Patricia Collins/ENRON@enronxgate on 11/07/2001 10:34 AM
To: Jay Sparling/HOU/EES@EES
Subject: FW: CoGen Facility
Here is the information for Rock Tenn.
-----Original Message-----
From: Ogenyi, Gloria
Sent: Wednesday, November 07, 2001 10:09 AM
To: Collins, Patricia
Subject: FW: CoGen Facility
-----Original Message-----
From: Ogenyi, Gloria
Sent: Wednesday, November 07, 2001 8:43 AM
To: Collins, Patricia
Subject: FW: CoGen Facility
-----Original Message-----
From: Ogenyi, Gloria
Sent: Wednesday, November 07, 2001 8:38 AM
Subject: FW: CoGen Facility
Trish, I sent this to you yesterday, but apparently, it went to the wrong address.
-----Original Message-----
From: Ogenyi, Gloria
Sent: Tuesday, November 06, 2001 5:16 PM
Cc: Hamb, Edward; Kingerski, Harry; Ryall, Jean
Subject: CoGen Facility
Per Chapter 39.252(b)(1) of the Texas Utilities Code, recovery of stranded costs by an electric utility shall be from all existing or future retail customers within the utility's certificated territory as it existed on May 1, 1999. A retail customer may not avoid CTC's by switching to a new on-site generation. New on-site generation is defined as an electric generator generating more than 10 MW, capable of being lawfully delivered to the site without use of the utility T & D facilities, and which was not fully operational prior to 12/31/99. (If the self-gen facility's output is 10 MW or less, it will be governed by the DG rules.)
If a customer commences taking energy from a new on-site generation (with output of more than10 MW ) which materially reduces or eliminates the customer's use of energy delivered through the utility's facilities, the customer shall pay an amount each month computed by multiplying the output of the on-site generation by the CTC which is in effect during the month.
Any CTC assessed on such a self -gen facility after it becomes fully operational, shall be included only in those tariffs or charges associated with services actually provided by the T & D utility to the customer after the facility has become fully operational. So if no services actually provided, there should be no payment.
Please call with any questions,
Gloria |
Why is Buxton upset? This is good for consumers? What does he want to change his mind and push this forward? Wouldn't this just lower the prices to his customers?
Also, this is why we need to be constantly pushing the political message in the states.
-----Original Message-----
From: Barnes, Lynnette
Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2001 11:19 AM
To: Ferris, Frank; Fromer, Howard; Lawner, Leslie; Memari, Tooran; Miller, Terri; Montovano, Steve; Rishe, Frank; Ross, Derrick; Schoen, Mary; Snyder, Brad; Sullivan, Kathleen; Suttabustya, Buranit; Thome, Jennifer; Truxillo, Wayne; Wininger, James; Ader, Jeff; Anderson, Jonathan; Anderson, Meriwether; Bachmeier, Rick; Bernstein, Eitan; Bernstein, Mark; Bertin, Suzanne; Bolton, Stacey; Chan, Stella; Duda, Geoff; Galow, Gary; Hammond, Pearce; Jackson, Robert; Kazibwe, Julia; Keene, Patrick; Kingerski, Harry; Kosnaski, Andrew; Lopez, Yolanda; Meigs, Mark; Ogenyi, Gloria; Steffes, James D.; Boston, Roy; Bray, Peter; Collins, Joan; Hueter, Barbara A.; Landwehr, Susan M.; Lassere, Donald; Migden, Janine; Stroup, Kerry; Covino, Susan; Magruder, Kathleen; Merola, Becky; Reichelderfer, Thomas; Sandherr, Cynthia
Subject: FERC exceeded jurisdiction w/RTO say consumer groups
FERC Exceeded Jurisdiction With RTO Order - Consumer Grps
Aug. 14, 2001
Dow Jones Energy Service
(Copyright (c) 2001, Dow Jones & Company, Inc.)
(This article was originally published Monday) NEW YORK -(Dow Jones)- New England consumer advocates Monday said federal energy regulators overstepped their jurisdiction in ordering the consolidation of the wholesale electricity markets and transmission systems in the northeast U.S.
The Federal Energy Commission in mid-July directed operators of the power grids in New York, New England and the Mid-Atlantic to merge, as part of a sweeping series of orders designed to put control of the country's transmission system in independent hands.
Federal law allows the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to require transmission systems to connect, but only at the request of a state regulators, according to a filing made by Maine law firm on behalf of consumer groups, nonprofit energy groups and the attorney general of Massachusetts.
"The Commission makes no claim in the New England Order that it is acting at the behest of a state commission or public utility, and is, therefore, without authority to mandate the involuntary combination of the Northeastern RTOs," the groups said in their filing, which asked FERC to reconsider its consolidation decision.
FERC should give the three Northeast grid operators a transition period to evolve into three regional transmission organization, or RTOs, with similar market designs, transmission tariffs and governance structures before requiring them to merge, the filing said.
The commission directed the operators of the wholesale power grid in New England, New York and the Mid-Atlantic to meet with utilities, generators, trade groups, state regulators and a FERC judge in Washington for 45 days beginning July 19 to outline plans for creating one transmission organization from Washington, D.C., to Maine. The regulators also directed Judge Peter Young to submit recommendation to them 10 days after the conclusion of the talks.
The commission ordered the consolidation of the Northeast power grid "at breakneck speed" without studying the technical feasibility of creating one RTO and without analyzing the costs and benefits of merging, the consumer groups said in their filing.
Young has directed meeting participants not to discuss the substance of the negotiations, but sources familiar with the talks said the group is outlining a business model describing how to structure a Northeast RTO without filling in the details. Participants have said, for example, that this regional market should have one transmission tariff and one interconnection standard, but haven't defined what that tariff and standard should be.
"Many people are very discouraged by the ongoing talks," said Anthony Buxton, an attorney with the Maine law firm that submitted Monday's filing.
All 300 meeting participants have been gathering in Washington twice a week and have been working on the issues every day outside of those meetings, Young said. Next week, they will break off into smaller groups and begin meeting every day, according to Young and market participants.
The commission was in turmoil when it issued its RTO decision, as evidenced by Chairman Curt Hebert's resignation last week, and should therefore reconsider its order, Buxton said.
The consumer groups also asked the commission to allow residential electricity users to have a say in how the unified electricity market in the northeast U.S. will run. Market participants, including consumers, will have an advisory capacity only in this new market and won't be allowed to vote on the rules that govern the market, as they do now, Buxton said.
This decision contradicted another one FERC issued in 1996 requiring utilities to open their transmission lines to competitors. In that order, the commission encouraged New England to create an independent system operator to oversee the power grid and to give market participants equal say in determining how this regional transmission system and electricity market would operate
The consumer groups that filed Monday are working to galvanize other organizations representing residential customers in New England, Buxton said.
"Consumers are going to be at the forefront of a massive attack on FERC for what it's done," Buxton said.
-By Kristen McNamara, Dow Jones Newswires; 201-938-2061; kristen.mcna <mailto:[email protected]>
888-703-0309 |
In This Email:
The Valentine's Day Countdown Has Begun
Great Wines and Gifts
Two Weeks to ZAP Mania
Wine Team Picks
The Valentine's Day Countdown Has Begun
Although you might have gotten the impression the holidays were over,
the most important day of the year for lovers is just around the
corner. At wine.com, we believe that fine wine -- and the surrender
to the senses that it invites -- is love, so in anticipation of the
(more-rapidly-approaching-than-you-think) date of February 14, we've
officially opened our Valentine Shop. In it, you'll find all kinds of
romantic gift packages, suggestive sweets, personalized wine labels,
and ... oh, yes, special wines from all over the world, arranged in
amorous combinations. Browse the shop now, and you'll be sure to
score a hit when V-Day arrives on your doorstep.
To learn more about each item listed below, simply click on its name.
Great Wines and Gifts
1998 Ivan Tamas Zinfandel, Livermore Valley, California, $8.95
An outstanding, fruit-filled Zinfandel produced from old-vine grapes
grown in Northern California's historic Livermore Valley. Intense
raspberry and dark cherry fruit flavors with black pepper aromas;
medium-bodied, with nice depth and concentration.
1997 Adella Zinfandel, Napa Valley, California, $14.99
A big mouthful of a Napa Zin that still offers supple smoothness and
easy drinkability. The addition of Sangiovese and Syrah gives the
wine extra body, depth, and flavor. A perfectly targeted Zinfandel
that hits the palate right in the bull's-eye.
Port and Chocolate Cigars, $30.00
This soothing tawny port from Tuke Holdsworth is a great way to take
the chill out of a cool winter evening. Paired with luscious
chocolate cigars, it inspires warm feelings all through the winter.
Packaged on a sparkling silver plated bottle coaster.
Romantic Duet, $35.00
When it comes to attractive matches, this international couple - a
rich, toe-tingling French bubbly (originally blended for Czar
Nicholas II of Russia) and a graceful, supple Napa Valley Merlot - is
not only glamorous, but also harmonious.
1997 Sonora TC Vineyard, 'Old Vine Zinfandel', Sierra
Foothills, $24.00
Big and foward in style with tons of intense fruit and firm tannins.
Classic Sierra Foothills Zinfandel from a 90 year old vineyard. If
Sonora's two Zins were singing in the choir, "TC Vineyard" would be
singing baritone and "Story Vineyard" tenor.
1999 Left Bank Macon-Ige Vieilles Vignes, Burgundy, France, $12.00
Clean and direct, this friendly wine is sure to please anyone tired
of oaky Chardonnay. Sold exclusively at the popular Left Bank
restaurants in the San Francisco Bay Area and through wine.com, it's
made in an easy-to-drink style, perfect for bistro food: big, soft,
pale-straw in color, with aromas of green apple, hay, and lime.
Two Weeks to ZAP Mania
Now is a time of year when Zinfandel lovers find themselves
salivating even more profusely than usual. Such Pavlovian symptoms
are observable with the approach of January 27, the date of the
upcoming ZAP tasting in San Francisco.
ZAP (Zinfandel Advocates and Producers) was formed by a group of
impassioned wine producers in 1992 to raise awareness of Zinfandel
and promote it as America's "native" wine. Like other members of the
Vitis vinifera family, Zinfandel's origins lie somewhere in Europe,
but nobody has been able to determine exactly where; DNA testing has
shown the grape to be identical to the Primitivo of southern Italy,
but it's documented in the United States earlier than it can be
traced to Italy. Zinfandel has been grown and vinified in California
since the mid-19th century, establishing it as America's contribution
to the world of fine wine.
While Zinfandel's fortunes have risen and fallen since its arrival in
the New World 150 years ago, it's always been a grape and wine that
inspired feverish loyalty. Now, as the 21st century commences, Zin
seems to have it both ways: It's enjoying an unprecedented level of
popularity and prestige, but its adherents still have the
warm-and-cozy feeling of cult membership.
This phenomenon is on lavish display at the annual ZAP tasting, a
boisterous party that traditionally takes place on the Saturday
before the Super Bowl. Certified in the Guinness Book of World
Records as the world's biggest one-varietal wine tasting, the event
attracted more than 200 wineries and 6,000 wine lovers last year.
This time, for its 10th anniversary, it's being conducted in two
different buildings at San Francisco's Fort Mason Center. Advance
tickets cost $35 for ZAP members and $45 for non-members, with a
limited amount available at the door for $50 on the day of the event.
If you can't make it to the tasting, another easy way to sample the
state of Zin is wine.com's selection of Zinfandel in all its forms
and guises.
Wine Team Picks: Lisa Doenecke on Splashy Sparklers and Other
Spritzy Delights
This is probably one of my favorite categories, so my list came
quickly and easily. Sparkling wine and Champagne can be enjoyed on
any occasion, with no other reason than pure and simple pleasure. So
indulge with these special treats!
Meyer-Fonne Cremant d'Alsace Brut Extra, France, $12.00
Dom. Chandon Fleur de Vigne, California, $14.00
Ayala Brut Champagne, France, $28.00
Nicolas Feuillatte 1er Cru Brut Champagne, France, $34.00
Laurent Perrier Ultra-Brut Champagne, France, $54.00
http://wine1.m0.net/m/u/vin/vv.asp?e=jdasovic%40enron.com |
Rick and David,
Also give me your analysis wherein the Counterparty receivable financing is more generic, without specific references to contracts but a global reference to receivables in connection with a product type, and assume representations by Counterparty to Bank that do not include setoff rights as any type of "permitted encumbrance or charge." Would the Bank still be put on reasonable inquiry vis a vis the Enron position?
-----Original Message-----
From: Cook, Mary
Sent: Monday, October 15, 2001 9:53 AM
To: Taylor, Mark E (Legal); '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'
Cc: Shackleton, Sara
Subject: Setoff and ISDA Section 7(b) Transfer Provision; Comments on New Draft of Master Netting
Item 1. Please refer to Section 7, particularly 7(b), of the ISDA form regarding transfer of receivables and the following setoff language from our schedule.
(g) Setoff. (A) Upon the designation or deemed designation of an Early Termination Date the Non-defaulting Party or the non-Affected Party (in either case, "X") may, at its option and in its discretion, setoff, against any amounts Owed to the Defaulting Party or Affected Party (in either case, "Y") in Dollars or any other currency by X or any Affiliate of X under this Agreement or under any other agreement(s), instrument(s) or undertaking(s), any amounts Owed in Dollars or any other currency by Y to X or any of X's Affiliates (irrespective of place of payment or booking office of the obligation) under this Agreement or under any other agreement(s), instrument(s) or undertaking(s). The obligations of Y and X under this Agreement in respect of such amounts shall be deemed satisfied and discharged to the extent of any such setoff exercised by X and/or X's Affiliates. X will give Y notice of any setoff effected under this Section as soon as practicable after the setoff is effected provided that failure to give such notice shall not affect the validity of the setoff. For purposes of this Section, "Owed" shall mean any amounts owed or otherwise accrued and payable (regardless of whether such amounts have been or could be invoiced) as of the Early Termination Date.
Amounts subject to the setoff permitted in this Section may be converted by X into any currency in which any obligation Owed is denominated at the rate of exchange at which X, acting in a reasonable manner and in good faith, would be able to purchase the relevant amount of the currency being converted. If an obligation is unascertained, X may in good faith estimate that obligation and setoff in respect of the estimate, subject to the relevant party accounting to the other when the obligation is ascertained. Nothing in this Section shall be effective to create a charge or other security interest except as may be provided under applicable law. This setoff provision shall be without limitation and in addition to any right of setoff, netting, offset, combination of accounts, counterclaim, lien or other right to which X or any of X's Affiliates is at any time otherwise entitled (whether by operation of law, contract or otherwise). Each of the parties represents and acknowledges that the rights set forth in this Section are an integral part of this Agreement between the parties and that without such rights the parties would not be willing to enter into Transactions. Each of the parties further acknowledges that it is executing this Agreement on behalf of itself as principal and, with respect to this Section, as agent on behalf of its Affiliates, which Affiliates shall receive the benefits of this Section and otherwise be bound as if such Affiliates had directly signed this Agreement as it relates to this Section.
(B) Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary contained in this Agreement, the Non-defaulting Party or non-Affected Party, as the case may be, shall not be required to pay to the Defaulting Party or Affected Party any amount under Section 6(e) until the Non-defaulting Party or non-Affected Party receives confirmation satisfactory to it in its reasonable discretion (which may include an opinion of its counsel) that all other obligations of any kind whatsoever (whether pursuant to Specified Indebtedness as defined herein or otherwise) of the Defaulting Party or Affected Party to make any payments to the Non-defaulting Party or non-Affected Party or any of its Affiliates under this Agreement or under any other agreement(s), instrument(s) or undertaking(s), which are Owed as of the Early Termination Date hereof have been fully and finally satisfied.
The following are three areas of questions.
A. Should a Counterparty effect an assignment of receivables under Section 7(b) for a financing to Bank, what is Enron's "priority" position (assuming Bank has filed a financing statement)? Is the analysis below correct?
1. Bank takes receivable assignment under contract subject to Enron setoff rights because Bank would be held to actual knowledge of the express setoff right in the contract under which it is taking the receivables.
2. Is there any method by which the Bank can prime Enron (assuming Enron has made no public filings) without Enron's written consent?
B. Assume a master netting agreement is in place. I believe our assignment provisions protect us and are more prohibitive than the ISDA; however, we may want to expressly cite assignment of receivables rather than the master agreement and transactions "as security". Please review and advise of any particular language you think should be added.
C. Do you have any suggested language that we might add to the form 7(b) provision via our schedule, or is it necessary? For example, adding at the end of 7(b), ";provided, any such assignment shall be made expressly subject [and subordinate] to this Agreement, including, without limitation, all rights of [ENA] under Section 6 and [reference setoff section]."
Item 2. Can I get any other comments on the revised draft of master netting agreement?
Mary Cook
Enron North America Corp.
1400 Smith, 38th Floor, Legal
Houston, Texas 77002-7361
(713) 345-7732
(713) 646-3393 (fax)
[email protected] |
---------------------- Forwarded by Jeff Dasovich/SFO/EES on 09/01/2000 01:34
PM ---------------------------
"Karen Edson" <[email protected]> on 09/01/2000 12:16:17 PM
To: "Baker Carolyn (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, "Bill Carlson
(E-mail)" <[email protected]>, "Bill Woods (E-mail)"
<[email protected]>, "Curt Hatton (E-mail)" <[email protected]>,
"Curtis Kebler (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, "David Keane
(E-mail)" <[email protected]>, "David Parquet (E-mail)"
<[email protected]>, "Duane Nelsen (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, "Ed
Tomeo (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, "Edward Maddox (E-mail)"
<[email protected]>, "Eileen Kock (E-mail)" <[email protected]>,
"Ellery Bob (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, "Escalante Bob (E-mail)"
<[email protected]>, "Frank DeRosa (E-mail)"
<[email protected]>, "Greg Blue (E-mail)" <[email protected]>,
"Hap Boyd (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, "Jack Pigott (E-mail)"
<[email protected]>, "Jan Smunty-Jones (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, "Jim
Willey (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, "Joe Greco (E-mail)"
<[email protected]>, "Joe Ronan (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, "John Stout
(E-mail)" <[email protected]>, "Jonathan Weisgall (E-mail)"
<[email protected]>, "Katie Kaplan (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, "Kent Fickett
(E-mail)" <[email protected]>, "Lynn Lednicky (E-mail)" <[email protected]>,
"Marty McFadden (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, "Paula Soos
(E-mail)" <[email protected]>, "Robert Lamkin (E-mail)"
<[email protected]>, "Roger Pelote (E-mail)"
<[email protected]>, "Steve Ponder (E-mail)" <[email protected]>,
"Steven Kelly (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, "Sue Mara (E-mail)"
<[email protected]>, "Tony Wetzel (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, "Trond
Aschehoug (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, "William Hall (E-mail)"
<[email protected]>, "Richard Hyde (E-mail)" <[email protected]>,
"Sandi McCubbin (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, "Stephanie Newell
(E-mail)" <[email protected]>, "Jeff Dasovich (E-mail)"
<[email protected]>
cc: "Ann Kelly (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, "Bev Hansen (E-mail)"
<[email protected]>, "Bob Judd (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, "Govenar Scott
(E-mail)" <[email protected]>, "Hedy Govenar (E-mail)"
<[email protected]>, "Levake Barbara (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, "Monagan
Mike (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, "Rob Ross (E-mail)" <[email protected]>,
"Ron Tom (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, "Rudman Cary (E-mail)"
<[email protected]>, "Susan McCabe (E-mail)" <[email protected]>,
"Julee Malinowski-Ball (E-mail)" <[email protected]>
Subject: Legislative Update
I will send out a real legislative report next week. In the meantime, I
thought you might appreciate a quick run-down of what actually happened in
the final hours of this year's wild legislative session.
The good news is that the public benefit charge bill passed easily with a
10-year term and no statutory harm was done. The bad news is that utilities
captured the deregulation debate and successfully painted generators as
villains and the wholesale market as "broken."
Major legislative actions on energy matters follow. If you have any
questions or would like a copy of final legislation, please call.
AB 995 (Wright) and SB 1194 (Sher), which extend public benefit charges for
energy conservation, renewable energy development, and RD&D, passed the
State Legislature by large margins. Recent indications are that the
Governor will sign the bills, although interested companies should join IEP
in sending letters urging him to do so.
Power plant siting was front and center the last week of the session. As
recently as Wednesday of this week, the bill was so bad for new power plant
development that IEP opposed the expedited siting provisions. They were
rewritten by Republican staff and CEC attorneys to provide a 6-month process
for a mitigated negative declaration of environmental impacts that might
help those few entities that can start the process in full compliance with
local rules. This provision is available for both combined cycle facilities
and peaking facilities. The bill also includes a provision for four-month
approval of amendments to pending applications providing for the
installation of temporary peaking generation on sites that will be
developed into combined cycle facilities within three years. The CEC
expects this to apply so a single pending application. Finally, the bill
includes language directing the CPUC and the EOB to be helpful on ISO issues
that affect the willingness self-generators to remain interconnected with
the grid.
Utility efforts to craft legislation assuring them of collection of large
negative balances in their Transition Revenue Accounts failed when they
could not reach agreement with representatives of large customer groups. In
its place, the Legislature passed a non-binding resolution directing the
CPUC to investigate the issue and including highly offensive language on
$100 price caps and retroactive recalculation of market clearing prices.
Legislation establishing a retroactive cap on SDG&E rates and providing no
assurance of cost recovery to Sempra passed the Legislature. Companion
legislation that most observers expect the Governor to veto provides $150
million of General Fund money to SDG&E.
A draft of so-called "sunshine" legislation surfaced late in the process.
The draft empowered the Electricity Oversight Board to collect anything it
might be interested in from the ISO, PX, utilities, generators, and
marketers and to treat the information confidentially. The draft faced
unified opposition and did not make its way into any legislation.
AB 1002 (Wright) establishing public benefit charges on the natural gas
system passed the Legislature. It continues to include language exempting
electricity generation from the charges.
Karen Edson
[email protected]
916/552-7070 |
Enron North America Corp.
Mary Cook
1400 Smith, 38th Floor, Legal
Houston, Texas 77002-7361
(713) 345-7732 (phone)
(713) 646-3490 (fax)
[email protected]
----- Forwarded by Mary Cook/HOU/ECT on 09/12/2000 09:13 AM -----
Barton Clark
09/11/2000 07:06 PM
To: Lisa King/HOU/ECT@ECT
cc: Stuart Zisman/HOU/ECT@ECT, Richard Lydecker/Corp/Enron@Enron, Mary
Subject: Project Raptor - Private Hedge Candidates
I think I am one of the people who raised the issue about the Asset
Description in my mark-up of the Raptor I Derivative Proposal Sheet that I
received this am from Stuart and returned to him midday. As I read the memo
below, I am instructed to advise you about the nature of the underlying
The asset is Series B Preferred Stock of Catalytica Combustion Systems, Inc.,
and an option to acquire same. Currently, pursuant to a Series B Stock
Purchase Agreement among Catalytica Combustion Systems, Inc. ( CCSI),
Catalytica, Inc. ( CCSI's parent and currently holder of Series A and common
stock of CCSI representing approximately 83% of the ownership of CCSI ) and
Enron Ventures Corp. ( predecessor in interest to Sundance Assets, L.P.),
Sundance owns 1,339,286 shares of Series B Preferred Stock and an option to
purchase 535,715 shares of Series B Preferred Stock.
There are provisions calling for the adjustment of the number of option
shares subject to the option but I am not aware that any transactions that
would cause such adjustment provisions, other that the stock split referred
to below, to apply. The Series B stock is convertible to CCSI common stock,
is restricted stock, and the Stock Purchase Agreement provides for
registration rights. Currently, Tom White and Jack Urquhart both serve on the
CCSI Boards of Directors, and Jack serves on the Catalytica Inc. Board.
Under an Omnibus Agreement entered into in September 2000, in connection with
the restructuring of Enron's transactions with CCSI and in connection with
the proposed acquisition of Catalytica, Inc, by a third party ( DSM, a Dutch
pharmaceutical company) and the distribution of Catalytica's CCSI shares to
Catalytica's stockholders immediately prior to that acquisition, we agreed to
convert the Series B to CCSI common, agreed to vote for a 2 for 1 stock
split, and negotiated a cashless exercise of the option after the effective
date of the spin off. The effectiveness of these provisions is dependent upon
the effectiveness of distribution and acquisition The option itself ( as
amended by the Omnibus Agreement and otherwise ) expires January 14, 2001.
The distribution is expected to occur in the fourth quarter of 2000, but is
subject to a variety of conditions. After the distribution and concurrent
closing of the Catalyica acquisition transaction, CCSI ( which formerly
looked to its parent for financing and much of its administrative and other
support) will be a stand- alone public company listed on NASDAQ, with the
uncertainties attendant thereto.
The Omnibus Agreement also contains provisions amending Sundance's
registration rights, the board representation provisions in the original
Stock Purchase Agreement, and certain transfer restrictions ( to liberalize
them and allow the Raptor transaction to take place). There are also
agreements related to Enron North America's Xonon Technology Implementation
Agreement with GE and West LB, which do not directly affect the Series B
Preferred. These provisions instead go to the development program for CCSI's
technology, to which ENA contributes funding, and conform that agreement to a
change in CCSI's and GE's strategy for commercializing the technology. The
funding obligation itself is interconnected with the turbine purchases for
ENA's Pastoria project in California, but I don't believe that transaction
needs analysis for these purposes,
To comply with SEC rules in connection with the distribution, CCSI has filed
an S-1 registration statement registering the CCSI common stock to be
distributed to Catalytica's shareholders with the SEC, and Catalytica, Inc.
has filed a merger proxy statement with the SEC in connection with its
solicitation of Catalytica stockholder approval to the acquisition
transaction. Comments are expected from the SEC in 4 to 6 weeks.
Please give me a call if you wish to discuss this matter further, and I am
instructed to request that you return the revised copy of the Raptor I
Proposal Sheet to me and copy Mary Cook and Lisa Mellancamp thereon. The
foregoing description may be more than you need for the summary, but it
really is a very abbreviated snapshot of the transaction. All the documents
related to the Preferred Stock and Option, including the executed Omnibus
Agreement and the Stock Purchase Agreement, have been previously delivered to
Sara Shackleton and Hope Vargas.
----- Forwarded by Barton Clark/HOU/ECT on 09/11/2000 06:18 PM -----
Stuart Zisman
09/11/2000 05:15 PM
To: James Grace/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Barton Clark/HOU/ECT@ECT, Dan
Lyons/HOU/ECT@ECT, Peter del Vecchio/HOU/ECT@ECT, Peter Keohane/CAL/ECT@ECT,
Anne C Koehler/HOU/ECT@ECT, Travis McCullough/HOU/ECT@ECT, Teresa G
Bushman/HOU/ECT@ECT, Lance Schuler-Legal/HOU/ECT@ECT
cc: Julia Murray/HOU/ECT@ECT, Lisa Mellencamp/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mary
Cook/HOU/ECT@ECT, Sara Shackleton/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Project Raptor - Private Hedge Candidates
It has come to my attention that questions have been raised in reviewing the
Raptor I Derivative Proposal Sheets regarding the type of information that
should be set forth in the category entitled "ASSET DESCRIPTION". The Master
Derivatives Agreement ("MDA") requires that the Proposal Sheets describe the
"Assets" with respect to which the derivative transaction is to be executed.
For purposes of the MDA, "Assets" is defined as "assets, including without
limitation common stock, partnership interests, member interests. other
ownership interests, and other financial and physical assets." Therefore,
the description should include both the nature of the "Asset" (i.e. whether
it is an equity interest, a loan, working interest, etc.) and a little bit
about the company (the entity in which ENA holds the interest or has the loan
or working interest).
Any comments to the Proposal Sheets should be delivered ASAP to the "Enron
person completing this form" (This is the 3rd line under the heading
"GENERAL" on each of the Proposal Sheets) along with a request that a revised
Proposal Sheet be returned to the lawyer providing comments with copies to
both Mary Cook and Lisa Mellencamp.
The pressure to complete these Raptor hedges remains high and therefore your
immediate attention is greatly appreciated. Many thanks.
Stuart |
June 12, 2001
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Please find below some text for Eric's letter. I hope it is helpful for your development of the letter. If you have questions or would like some other information, please let me know. Also, on the question of Enron letterhead, I suppose the desired form of submission is via the web site. Unless you have electronic letterhead, the issue may be moot.
Eric Cope worked as a summer associate in the Research Group during the summer of 2001. During this time, Eric worked on a variety of projects requiring a diverse set of skills. In all cases, he quickly grasped the scope and context of the problems at hand. While some direction was given in each case, Eric was often charged with developing the approach details independently, and he executed the tasks very effectively.
One major project for the summer was to develop a web-browser-based trading simulation platform (TSP). The TSP would create user accounts, require user logons, post simulated market information, post simulated commidity prices, accept and execute buy and sell transactions for users, and track user account information such as positions, order history, and buying power. The TSP would allow for the use of human users as well as software agent. Simulated commidity prices could be histroical prices, ficticious calculated prices, or bid/offer prices based on some update algorithms. The primary goal was to create a framework to test different udpate algorithms and trading strategies.
Eric immediately arranged for the appropriate reference materials to develop the database and associated software infrastructure. In short order, a simple site was up for users to create accounts and begin "trading" commodities. The project ended before extensive algorithm evaluation could begin, however, the TSP goes a long way to making such evaluations possible.
Other projects included the development of forecast models for motion picture box office revenues, advertising media placement prices, and long-distance voice telephony prices. In many of the cases, data were scarce, as were definitive instructions. Eric analyzed the problem to develop a focused approach, always in consultation and discussion with others, but never with "hand-holding" or intense oversight. His co-workers and immediate supervisor quickly developed confidence in Eric's ability to take general direction and achieve productive results. Such confidence and ability is crucial in an environment with limited structure, such as we had.
-----Original Message-----
From: Kaminski, Vince J
Sent: Friday, January 25, 2002 1:00 PM
To: Lin, Martin
Subject: FW: Reference request regarding Eric W Cope S05371/R966
A request for the letter of recommendation.
-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected]@ENRON
Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2002 8:03 PM
To: Kaminski, Vince J
Subject: Fwd: Reference request regarding Eric W Cope S05371/R966
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Date: Thu, 24 Jan 2002 17:38:57 -0500 (EST)
Message-Id: <[email protected]>
From: AT&T Web Resume Database <[email protected]>
To: [email protected], [email protected]
Subject: Reference request regarding Eric W Cope S05371/R966
X-Mailer: Unknown (No Version)
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"
Dear Colleague:
Eric W Cope has submitted an application to AT&T Labs,
with a request that we seek a reference letter from you in support of this application.
We thank you in advance for providing this letter. The reference letters are
a very important part of our evaluation process, but we also recognize that
they call for a significant measure of time and attention on your part.
In this message, we first describe below the three options for submittal
of the letter, and then, in the final paragraphs, you will find some
comments about the nature of the job applied for.
We know your time is precious, so we have tried to make the
process as efficient as possible. If you have access to a browser
from your mailer, then the easiest thing is to use the URL given below:
Via this web page, you can submit text, html, postscript, or pdf files.
Please note that this URL should be used ONLY by you, and ONLY for
this particular student. It is linked directly to the student's resume,
and the processing occurs automatically and immediately.
If it is inconvenient to use the URL, you may email your letter by replying
to this email, but please help us out, if you use this option, by sending
the letter as plain text only, not as a word processor file, without indent, and
not as an attachment. Also please make sure that your mailer includes
the entire subject line in your reply message.
If you use this option, please note that the processing of your letter
will occur manually, and therefore may entail a considerable delay.
Our system will format the emailed text appropriately for display, unless
you ask that it be treated as fixed-format.
As a third option, if you prefer you may submit your letter as hard copy. Please
note that we discourage this approach, since electronic letters can be
distributed far more effectively to the hiring managers. However, if you
wish, please see http://www.research.att.com/academic/Addresses.html
for information on the proper address to use for various purposes.
Finally, a word about the position for which the student has applied:
This student has applied for a summer internship.
We hire summer interns roughly from the third year of undergraduate
work through graduate school. The summer projects vary in level,
depending on the student involved. The students normally work in
a one-on-one fashion with a member of staff on some facet of the
ongoing research work in the lab, but they are expected to function
somewhat independently after an initial period of familiarization
with the work. Accordingly, we are interested in information you
may have as to the student's adaptability, ability to learn new
material, and to work effectively with minimal supervision.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
Ken Lyons,
AT&T Labs Web Resume Database |
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Hey Russell (as well as Dan and Debra),
Pursuant to our conversation of this morning, I just want to confirm the
1. We have agreed that we will use separate guarantees (for the obligations
of Engage Energy Canada, L.P. ("Engage Canada")) with respect to each of
Enron Canada Corp. ("ECC") and Enron North America Corp. ("ENA"). This will
allow for the appropriate guarantees to reference the peculiarities of each
of Canadian and American law (as applicable) as well as deal with the
potential "permanent establishment" tax issues we discussed. As a result,
Dan does not need to review the draft guarantee I sent to him on Wednesday.
2. You are going to send me a revised credit sheet for the ECC-Engage Canada
master physical agreement which removes references to the obligations of
Engage Canada to ENA (likely requiring a guarantee of Westcoast Gas Inc. (on
behalf of Engage Canada) to ECC in the amount of US$15million (the "New ECC
3. Dan is to coordinate negotiating/obtaining a new guarantee from Westcoast
Gas Inc. (on behalf of Engage Canada) to ENA in the amount of US$5 million
(pursuant to the master physical agreement between Engage Canada and ENA).
4. I am still not sure what we are doing with respect to the "Enron Corp."
guarantee which was provided to Engage Canada and Engage Energy US, L.P.
("Engage US") in the amount of US$35million (which guarantees the obligations
of ENA, EPMI and ECC) (the "Existing Enron Corp. Guarantee"). According to
the credit sheet last provided to me, Enron Corp. is to provide a guarantee
in the amount of US$25million but you were going to check to see if we were
leaving the Existing Enron Corp. Guarantee in place.
If we are replacing/amending the Existing Enron Corp. Guarantee, we need to
coordinate with counsel from all three of ENA, EPMI and ECC to ensure that we
are properly revoking the Existing Enron Corp. Guarantee or amending it
appropriately. Ultimately, I would prefer that the Existing Enron Guarantee
be amended to remove the references to ECC such that we can arrange for a
separate Enron Corp guarantee on behalf of ECC. This would allow for greater
flexibility/efficiency in the event that the industry or trading relationship
between ECC and Engage Canada develops and future amendments are required.
Please let me know how you would like me to proceed with respect to point 4.
Mark Powell
To: Mark Powell/CAL/ECT@ECT
cc: Dan J Hyvl/HOU/ECT@ECT, Debra Perlingiere/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Re: Engage Energy Canada L.P. Guarantee
The guaranty you are providing to Engage Energy Canada should cover both ECC
and ENA although should only reference the Master Firm Contract between ECC
and Engage Canada. Dan has been working on a separate guaranty that will
reference the Master Contract between ENA and Engage US that is currently
being drafted. The reason ENA is included on the guaranty for Engage Canada
is because of business done at Dawn in Eastern Canada through ENA.
If you and Dan want to issue one guaranty to Engage US and Engage Canada
referencing both contracts I think that would be a good idea, the guaranty
amount should be between $45MM and $50MM and include several Enron entities:
ENA, HPL, EPMI (referencing the Master Energy agreement), Clinton Energy
Management Services, Inc and ECC.
Let's discuss further in the morning as to how about resolving this.
From: Mark Powell\CAL\ECT 09/20/2000 02:53 PM
Sent by: Mark Powell
To: Dan J Hyvl/HOU/ECT@ECT
cc: Russell Diamond/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Engage Energy Canada L.P. Guarantee
In furtherance of the message which I left for you, please find attached a
copy of a replacement guarantee for your review.
As you are aware, Enron is currently in the process of amending a number of
guarantees with respect to various Engage Energy entities. Under the
project, the
US$25 million guarantee provided to Enron Corp. and its subsidiaries to
guarantee the obligations of Engage Energy Canada L.P. and Engage Energy US
L.P. ,as provided by The Coastal Corp. (the "Existing Guarantee"), is to be
replaced with a number of guarantees which are segmented by the Engage Energy
entities and the type of contract (i.e. physical v. financial).
As part of this project, Russell Diamond has provided Enron Canada Corp. with
revised credit terms for dealing with Engage Energy Canada, L.P. under which
Westcoast Gas Inc. is to provide a US$20million guarantee of the obligations
of Engage Energy Canada L.P. under the existing master physical gas
purchase/sale agreement between the Engage Energy Canada L.P. and Enron
Canada Corp. (the "ECC Physical Master") as well as the master physical gas
purchase/sale agreement between Engage Energy Canada L.P. and Enron North
America Corp. (the "ENA Physical Master"). Russell had allocated US$15
million of the replacement guarantee to the ECC Physical Master and
US$5million to the ENA Physical Master.
Due to other inadequacies in the ECC Physical Master, we have prepared an
"Amended and Restated" ECC Physical Master which includes a number of
significant terms in addition to referring to the replacement guarantee
(which we are quite eager to have Engage execute). As a result, I have
prepared a draft of replacement guarantee (to be received from Westcoast Gas
Inc.) to accompany the Amended and Restated ECC Physical Master. However, to
ensure that the replacement guarantee meets your requirements, I am looking
for your input. Please find attached a copy of the draft replacement
guarantee as blacklined to indicate the changes which have been made to the
Enron Canada Corp. standard guarantee to incorporate the obligations owing to
Enron North America Corp. As you will see, there are a few bullets for which
I require your assistance in completing (i.e. date the of ENA Physical Master
and the appropriate contact information for notices).
When you get the opportunity, could you please review the blacklined
replacement guarantee? Once again, we are quite eager to send out the
Amended and Restated ECC Physical Master.
Thanks for your help.
Mark Powell ((403) 974-6708)
Note to Russell: Russell, you were going to confirm for me that the existing
Enron Corp. guarantee delivered to Engage Energy Canada L.P. and Engage
Energy US L.P. to secure the obligations of Enron Canada Corp., Enron North
America Corp. and Enron Power Marketing, Inc. (in the amount of $35 million)
dated June 1, 1998 is NOT to be replaced. Has there been any progress on
this front? |
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Notice No. 01-164
May 18, 2001
All NYMEX Division Members/Member Firms
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George Henderson, Vice President
Options Expiration Operational Procedures for the Trading Floor and Clearing
The expiration date for the June 2001 options contract for Cinergy (NOM1),
Entergy (OTM1), Palo Verde (VOM1) and Cob (WOM1) is Thursday, May 24, 2001.
All Clearing Members and Qualified Floor Traders that carried an options
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The standard event Fast Facts and/or E-Mail messages and the sequence in
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Standard Event Message: Announce Out-of-the Money Exercise and In-the-Money
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Time: 5:30 PM
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Time: 5:30 PM
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Time: 5:45 PM
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Time: 6:30 PM
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Time: 6:45 PM
Activity: Final Input to C21 Cutoff Time
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Time: 7:30 PM
Activity: All Positions are Deemed Final
Event: Fast Facts Notice
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Time: 8:25 PM
Activity: Announce Exercise/Assignment Information Available on the Single
Position Maintenance Windows
Event: Fast Facts Notice and C21 E-mail
Reference Number: 7
If you have any questions concerning these procedures, please contact Charles
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299-2152 prior to the expiration date.
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----- Forwarded by Zionette Vincent/NA/Enron on 05/11/01 01:34 PM -----
Jerry Dunn <[email protected]>
05/10/01 05:27 PM
To: "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>
Subject: Update - Stacey White - new hotel Oslo
DATE: MAY 10 2001
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Jerry Dunn
Travel Agency in the Park
1221 Lamar , Ste 718
Houston, Texas 77010
or 713-650-8080 x1232 |
NYT article today.
-----Original Message-----
From: Willis, Erin
Sent: Wednesday, October 24, 2001 7:22 AM
To: Litton, Todd; Hickerson, Gary; Durst, Philip; Kendall, Heather; Romain, Danielle
Subject: NYT: Enron Tries to Dismiss Finance Doubts
October 24, 2001
Enron Tries to Dismiss Finance Doubts
Enron (news/quote) has ample access to cash, the company's chief executive said yesterday as he assured investors that there was no need for additional write-offs stemming from unusual financing activities.
In a conference call with investors that was hastily scheduled after Enron's stock plunged on Monday, the chief executive, Kenneth W. Lay, strongly defended the company's chief financial officer and said there was no conflict of interest involved in transactions that the Securities and Exchange Commission was looking into.
But he refused to go into detail on the transaction that Enron made with partnerships run by Andrew S. Fastow, the chief financial officer. In addition, Mr. Fastow, while declaring that Enron "expects to continue to have sufficient liquidity to meet normal obligations," declined to answer any questions about it.
The conference call, which began just as trading opened on the New York Stock Exchange, at first seemed to be reassuring investors. Within minutes of the beginning of the call, the share price rallied to $23.25. But it soon began falling, and ended the day down 86 cents, at $19.79. The day's low of $19.62 was the lowest since Jan. 12, 1998, and was down 78 percent from the high set by the stock in the summer of 2000.
Until recently, most investors focused on the company's reported operating earnings, which showed good results as it became a leading player in energy markets. But the focus has shifted to a series of transactions, some involving off-balance- sheet financing. One, involving partnerships controlled by Mr. Fastow, led to a $1.2 billion reduction in shareholder equity that raised concern last week and led to S.E.C. inquiries that the company disclosed on Monday.
One of the company's strongest supporters has been David Fleischer, an analyst at Goldman, Sachs. But he told Mr. Lay on the call yesterday that Enron had to be more forthcoming with information. "There is an appearance that you are hiding something," he said.
After the call, Mr. Fleischer expressed disappointment. "They've engaged in a number of transactions that one wonders about, and that are hard to understand," he said in an interview. "They have not been as forthcoming in explaining them" as is needed, he said. But he said he was still recommending the stock. "I don't think accountants and auditors would have allowed total shenanigans," he said. "In the absence of total shenanigans going on at this company, there is tremendous value here."
Mr. Lay cited the S.E.C. inquiries as a reason for not discussing details on the transactions involving the partnerships that were controlled by Mr. Fastow. But he emphasized that both he and the company's board "continue to have the highest faith and confidence in Andy."
Mr. Lay said that auditors from Arthur Andersen had carefully reviewed Enron's reporting in conjunction with another off-balance-sheet vehicle, called Marlin. That company owns one-third of Azurix (news/quote), an Enron subsidiary that owns Wessex, a British water utility. The auditors "have determined there is no write-down required," he said under questioning by Richard Grubman of Highfields Capital Management, a money management firm.
Mr. Grubman said that Marlin owed almost $1 billion on debt that was guaranteed by Enron but had no assets other than the Azurix stake. Noting that Enron had paid about $300 million to buy a third of Azurix from public shareholders and had since taken write-downs on its investment in Azurix, Mr. Grubman asked why the company was not setting up reserves to cover its exposure on that debt, which under a complicated arrangement could end up being satisfied through the issuance of Enron shares.
Mr. Lay said that no action was needed but declined to address details. Eventually he cut off Mr. Grubman. "I know you're trying to drive the stock price down, and you've done a pretty good job of it," Mr. Lay said. "But let's move on to the next question."
Mr. Fastow said the company was having no problem issuing commercial paper and had $1.85 billion in such debt outstanding. He said it was backed by $3.35 billion in bank lines of credit, of which $1.75 billion will expire next May if it is not renewed.
Mr. Lay said he was sorry about "the misunderstanding" that resulted when his brief mention of the $1.2 billion reduction in shareholder equity in a conference call last week was not noticed by some analysts. That reduction would have been apparent if the company had released its balance sheet with the earnings report, but it did not. He said the company would consider releasing balance sheets with earnings reports in the future, but made no promises.
The large reduction in shareholder equity did not affect reported earnings, and so was not in the earnings release. But it raised concerns that some of the sophisticated financing techniques used by the company might be effectively keeping losses off the earnings statement. The S.E.C. is expected to look into whether the accounting for that transaction was correct.
After one questioner on the call said it would be easier to understand Enron if it released financial statements for the special purpose vehicles that were set up to enter into such transactions as Marlin, Mr. Lay said the company "will look into providing" such statements.
Erin Willis
Financial Trading
Ph: (713) 853-9677
Fx: (713) 646-4810 |
Energy Boost Electricity generators note Bush's focus on more supply
Source: Fort Worth Star - Telegram
Publication date: 2001-05-19
Arrival time: 2001-05-21
Electricity generators around the country didn't need to read the Bush
administration's energy plan to know there's already a strong market for
their product.
"It's a bit of frenzy, I would say," Lane Kadel said of demand for the
natural gas-fired turbines brokered by his company, Utility Warehouse.com of
Portland, Ore. The 5-year-old enterprise, originally started to help electric
utilities buy and sell surplus equipment, has seen demand for
electricity-generating machinery move into high- voltage territory in recent
With electricity already in short supply in parts of the country, headlines
of rolling blackouts in California, and growth projected to require more
power, U.S. electricity generators have announced plans for 312,836 megawatts
of new capacity. That's equal to about 40 percent of the nation's existing
generating capacity.
So it was no surprise to anybody in the industry that electricity figured
prominently Thursday in President Bush's energy plan. The plan largely
emphasizes the need to add more energy supplies, projecting that the nation
will need to add 393,000 megawatts of capacity by 2020. In 1999, the nation
added 10,266 megawatts of new capacity, according to the Energy Department.
Bush's plan also aims to speed up additions to generating capacity by easing
licensing, permitting and other regulatory review, including rules to
encourage more nuclear power plants.
The Bush plan, industry people say, apparently contains nothing to discourage
the industry's push to add supply.
"If there is, we haven't seen it," said Mark Stultz, vice president of the
Electric Power Supply Association, a group of independent power producers.
The plans for new capacity that have already been announced represent more
than $150 billion in potential investment in new electricity supply.
Not all the planned capacity will be built, at least not right away, said Tom
Rose, vice president of public affairs at TXU in Dallas. But a lot will, and
the projects that are postponed will probably still go through permitting and
land acquisition, "things that don't cost a lot of money," Rose said.
With that groundwork done, new capacity could come on line all the faster
when the market justifies it, he said.
The emphasis on adding supply doesn't please everyone in the electricity
Jerry Davia, president of Orion Energy in Sausalito, Calif., would rather see
the government encourage investment in energy efficiency. Davia's company
consults with companies, including San Antonio-based H.E. Butt Grocery Co.,
to design and finance energy-saving systems.
"There's tons of new, energy-efficient technology out there all the time," he
said. "There's enough conservation to tackle any problems we have."
Energy users are probably in the best position to decide which energy
efficiencies make sense financially, but the government could make the
economics more attractive with tax credits and other incentives, he said.
"I don't see anything that bodes well" in the Bush plan as far as subsidies
and credits, he said. "And there's nothing just for California."
That's fine with Karl Rabago, managing director of the Rocky Mountain
Institute, a not-for-profit organization that advocates efficient use of
resources, including energy.
Rabago said he doesn't want energy use subsidized, because that
short-circuits the market mechanism that forces users to reduce consumption
in response to higher prices. At the same time, he also doesn't like aspects
of the Bush plan that he believes subsidize energy production.
Jesper Michaelsen, sales manager for wind turbine manufacturer NEG Micon USA
of Rolling Hills, Ill., said he was disappointed that Bush's plan doesn't set
any specific goals for increasing the amount of power generated from
renewable sources. Wind and solar sources account for just 2 percent of the
nation's total electricity market.
But Allen Barnett, who heads solar panel maker AstroPower of Newark, Del.,
said he's thankful for any attention at all, given the oil-and-gas
backgrounds of many Bush advisers. The Bush plan does include tax credits for
people who purchase solar panels.
"It's the most we could hope for," Barnett said. "I didn't expect them to
abandon their roots."
The Bush electricity measures that don't deal with adding generating capacity
address ways to build a bigger transmission system to carry power from
generators to users.
Two major recommendations include the creation of a national electricity grid
and giving federal regulators power to condemn private property for
infrastructure improvements such as new electrical transmission lines and
natural gas pipelines to deliver fuel to new generators.
Today, the United States has three regional electricity transmission grids:
Western, Eastern and Texas, which is mostly on its own grid and - unlike
energy-strapped states such as California - has a surplus of electricity.
Texas is virtually unconnected to the two regional grids, and the two
regional grids likewise aren't efficiently linked.
"It's going to lead to a lot of new investment," utility analyst Barry
Abramson, of the UBS Warburg investment firm, said of Bush's proposals.
"Right now, the country is full of transmission bottlenecks that make the
system less efficient and hinder competition and the delivery of power."
The 1995 Texas Legislature commissioned a study into tying Texas into the
national grids and concluded that it would cost $500 million to $600 million,
TXU's Rose said.
"It is not easy," he said. "It all has to be done at the same time," because
the amount of electricity moving between grids would quickly overload one or
two connecting lines.
Rose also said many states, including Texas, already allow governments to
condemn private property, a process called eminent domain. Public
transportation projects provide the most common use of eminent domain, along
with the construction of pipelines.
Kadel said boosting the nation's electricity infrastructure might be just as
important as adding generating capacity. "Right now you don't have any way to
move the electricity, so prices are high," he said.
This report includes material from The Associated Press. |
As discussed
----- Forwarded by Lance Jameson/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT on 12/06/2000 10:20 AM
Robert Knight@ECT
12/01/2000 09:55 AM
Subject: FW: Recording Trades from made on Mobile phones
----- Forwarded by Robert Knight/HOU/ECT on 12/01/2000 09:55 AM -----
Keith Dziadek/ENRON@enronXgate
11/29/2000 09:47 AM
To: Robert Knight/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: FW: Recording Trades from made on Mobile phones
Did we ever get an answer to this.
-----Original Message-----
From: Bruce, Michelle
Sent: Wednesday, November 29, 2000 9:33 AM
To: McAuliffe, Bob; Dziadek, Keith
Cc: Burchfield, Richard
Subject: Re: Recording Trades from made on Mobile phones
Any progress?
---------------------- Forwarded by Michelle Bruce/HOU/ECT on 11/29/2000
03:32 PM ---------------------------
Richard Burchfield
11/17/2000 10:34 AM
To: Bob McAuliffe/Corp/Enron, Keith Dziadek/NA/Enron
cc: Michelle Bruce/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Re: Recording Trades from made on Mobile phones
Bob or Keith,
Any thoughts on the below issue.
---------------------- Forwarded by Richard Burchfield/HOU/ECT on 11/17/2000
09:29 AM ---------------------------
Michelle Bruce
11/17/2000 09:08 AM
To: Richard Burchfield/HOU/ECT@ECT
cc: Cindy Horn/LON/ECT@ECT, Scott Earnest/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Re: Recording Trades from made on Mobile phones
Help!!! More trading on unrecorded lines.
xt. 57532
---------------------- Forwarded by Michelle Bruce/HOU/ECT on 11/17/2000
09:06 AM ---------------------------
Cindy Horn
11/17/2000 07:23 AM
Sent by: Cindy Horn
To: Michelle Bruce/HOU/ECT@ECT, Carol Chew/SIN/ECT@ECT
cc: Scott Earnest/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Re: Recording Trades from made on Mobile phones
Could you check with the telephonic IT group there and see if they can do
something similar so that even the traders trading off of their cell phones
can go to a recorded line? Trade capture via cell phones has been a
consistent audit point. Let me know if I can assist. Thanks Cindy
---------------------- Forwarded by Cindy Horn/LON/ECT on 17/11/2000 13:21
Andy Cowx
17/11/2000 11:35
To: Cindy Horn/LON/ECT@ECT
cc: Scott Earnest/HOU/ECT@ECT, Nigel Denty/LON/ECT@ECT
Subject: Re: Recording Trades from made on Mobile phones
It's not feasible at all in the other offices as they don't utilise the same
type of recording systems (London has the ability to record every single
conversation in or out of the building).
I am drafting a note to go out in the next Euroflash to launch the service
Cindy Horn
17/11/2000 11:35
Sent by: Cindy Horn
To: Andy Cowx/LON/ECT@ECT
cc: Nigel Denty/LON/ECT@ECT, Martin Paddington/LON/ECT@ECT, Kenneth
Drury/LON/ECT@ECT, Scott Earnest/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Re: Recording Trades from made on Mobile phones
Have you found anything out on this for the Houston and Singapore offices
yet? How would the Sydney office handle this? Thanks for doing this for
London. Did the email go out telling traders how to do this? Thanks Cindy
---------------------- Forwarded by Cindy Horn/LON/ECT on 17/11/2000 11:32
Cindy Horn
08/11/2000 17:51
To: Andy Cowx/LON/ECT@ECT
cc: Nigel Denty/LON/ECT@ECT, Martin Paddington/LON/ECT@ECT, Kenneth
Subject: Re: Recording Trades from made on Mobile phones
This is great news!!! Can you handle sending this announcement as I assume
this was an audit issue for the other trading groups as well!!
Also, how can we get this same process in place for the Houston and
Singapore offices?? They have the same issues on their audits. Thanks you
guys did a great job!!!! Cindy
Andy Cowx
08/11/2000 12:26
To: Cindy Horn/LON/ECT@ECT
cc: Nigel Denty/LON/ECT@ECT, Martin Paddington/LON/ECT@ECT, Kenneth
Subject: Recording Trades from made on Mobile phones
We have some good news for you. We have set up a number which can only be
called from Enron Mobile phones (37373), when you dial this number you will
hear dialtone. The dialtone is coming from the phone system at Enron House,
you are then able to dial exactly as if you were at your desk, ie dial '9'
and the number you wish to reach.
All calls coming through this route will be recorded and can be retrieved by
the telecoms team for playback / reference.
We have also ensured that external people cannot dial this number from
outside the building by using 020 7783 7373.
Let me know if you want to issue a note as a General Announcement or whether
you wish to handle the distribution of the number.
Cindy Horn
31/10/2000 17:37
To: Andy Cowx/LON/ECT@ECT
cc: Nigel Denty/LON/ECT@ECT
Subject: Re: Who should I talk to on this one?
Instead of providing a phone number could there be a short code or something
that they do that in the background dials this number so no one gets access
to this number? I know that this is an issue in all of the offices with
traders making deals on cell phones on unrecorded lines. I do not want to do
something that puts Enron at risk though. Thanks Cindy
Andy Cowx
31/10/2000 17:02
To: Cindy Horn/LON/ECT@ECT
cc: Nigel Denty/LON/ECT@ECT
Subject: Re: Who should I talk to on this one?
We can provide a telephone number in the office which the traders can call
from their mobile phone, they would then be offered dialtone from the
telephone system and can then dial on to an external party.
The call would then be routed out from the office and would be subject the
the normal recording criteria.
However I wouldn't recommend this approach as we are opening up an external
gateway for people to use our telephone system, this would be unmetered and
not secure. The potential for toll-fraud is something that we need to take
into account.
Andy Cowx
---------------------- Forwarded by Andy Cowx/LON/ECT on 31/10/2000 17:02
Nigel Denty
31/10/2000 16:41
To: Cindy Horn/LON/ECT@ECT
cc: Andy Cowx/LON/ECT@ECT
Subject: Re: Who should I talk to on this one?
I'll ask Andy Cowx (Telecoms Manager) to investigate - my initial thoughts
are that technically this may not be possible.
Cindy Horn
31/10/2000 16:01
To: Nigel Denty/LON/ECT@ECT
Subject: Who should I talk to on this one?
If the traders do a deal from their cell phone, is there a way they can have
that call routed back through the phones in the building so it gets done on a
recorded line? I know if you call someone and then dial some numbers it
takes you to their cell phone. Can it work backwards so they hit some
numbers and it routes the call through the office? This would help with
some of our AA issues. Thanks Cindy |
Thanks very much.
-----Original Message-----
From: Ken Smith [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2001 4:19 PM
To: Scott Govenar; Susan J Mara; Denne, Karen; Dasovich, Jeff
Subject: FYI -- Dow Jones report on out-of-market purchases; meeting on Monday
FERC To Examine Alleged Market Manipulation By Calif ISO Dow Jones <http://quicken.excite.com/images/DJBN.gif>
Updated: Friday, September 21, 2001 04:53 PM ET <http://quicken.excite.com/images/email_friend.gif> Email this article to a friend! <http://quicken.excite.com/investments/news/story/mailit/?story=/news/stories/dj/20010921/BT20010921006618.htm&symbol=PCG>
<http://quicken.excite.com/images/printer_friendly_format.gif> Printer-friendly version <http://quicken.excite.com/investments/news_center/article/printer.dcg?story=/news/stories/dj/20010921/BT20010921006618.htm>
By Jason Leopold
LOS ANGELES (Dow Jones)--Federal energy regulators may investigate whether the operator of California's wholesale electricity market has been manipulating its power-purchasing practices to reduce the costs of power the state purchased under long-term contracts, according to documents obtained Friday by Dow Jones Newswires Friday.
At issue is whether the California Independent System Operator has violated its own market rules by purchasing expensive power secured by the state under contracts rather than cheaper power available in the spot market. The state's need to sell off surplus power secured under those contracts has proven embarrassing for Gov. Gray Davis, who signed $43 billion in deals to head off a summer of spiking prices and blackouts that never materialized.
The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission will hold a meeting in California Monday to address generators' complaints. The energy companies say that the California ISO's purchasing decisions are difficult to comprehend and out of line with the market, according to a letter sent by Andrea Wolfman, lead FERC counsel for market oversight and enforcement.
The letter was sent to the ISO, the California Department of Water Resources - which has been buying power in lieu of the state's struggling utilities since mid-January - and several generators, all of which were to attend the meeting.
"Recently we have become concerned that the scheduling and dispatch procedures of the California ISO, as they have had to change in the last nine months, are not well understood or are not well suited to the current market structure," Wolfman said in her letter. "The purpose of the meeting is to develop agreement between the ISO and those that participate in the scheduling and dispatch (generators, utilities, CDWR) on appropriate practices and procedures."
ISO Procedures Need Explaining -FERC
The ISO's main responsibility is keeping power supply and demand in balance on the state's electrical grid. As part of that job, the ISO determines which power plants to call into service and which suppliers to buy power from.
If the ISO can't explain how it makes its decisions, FERC may conduct an audit of the organization and investigate the possibility it has manipulated the market, Wolfman's office said.
"As discussed, FERC may schedule a technical conference and operational audit of CAISO," a second letter from FERC's market oversight and enforcement division states. "This unprecedented examination of CAISO operations could lead to the belief that complaints by generators of market manipulation and other practices by the ISO should be investigated."
The ISO's operating rules generally call for it to purchase the cheapest power first.
"The information that (generators) have provided all leads to a theory that the CAISO is manipulating the market in order to purchase surplus DWR power at high prices and protect Gov. Davis from political embarrassment," the second letter says.
The ISO has said only that the market isn't operating as intended, and declined to answer other questions about the allegations or discuss Monday's meeting.
Generators Confused
Generators, including Mirant Corp. ( MIR <http://quicken.excite.com/investments/quotes/?symbol=MIR>, news <http://quicken.excite.com/investments/news/?symbol=MIR>, msgs <http://quicken.excite.com/investments/discuss/?symbol=MIR>), Reliant Energy Inc. ( REI <http://quicken.excite.com/investments/quotes/?symbol=REI>, news <http://quicken.excite.com/investments/news/?symbol=REI>, msgs <http://quicken.excite.com/investments/discuss/?symbol=REI>), Williams Cos. ( WMB <http://quicken.excite.com/investments/quotes/?symbol=WMB>, news <http://quicken.excite.com/investments/news/?symbol=WMB>, msgs <http://quicken.excite.com/investments/discuss/?symbol=WMB>), Duke Energy ( DUK <http://quicken.excite.com/investments/quotes/?symbol=DUK>, news <http://quicken.excite.com/investments/news/?symbol=DUK>, msgs <http://quicken.excite.com/investments/discuss/?symbol=DUK>) and Dynegy Inc. ( DYN <http://quicken.excite.com/investments/quotes/?symbol=DYN>, news <http://quicken.excite.com/investments/news/?symbol=DYN>, msgs <http://quicken.excite.com/investments/discuss/?symbol=DYN>), have bought apparently inexpensive power in the ISO's spot market only to find weeks later that the price was much higher. That's because, according to the allegations, the ISO is letting DWR supply expensive power into the market as "out-of-market" purchases that aren't averaged into the real-time prices that ISO market participants see.
DWR continues to buy out-of-market power regularly at the ISO's request, DWR operations chief Pete Garris has said, but those purchases are being made in the spot market and are never being satisfied by power from DWR's long-term contracts.
The out-of-market purchases appear to be expensive, however. According to the ISO's August market report, the average out-of-market price for peak hours was $55.90 a megawatt-hour, compared with $26.49/MWh on the ISO computerized market. Brokered prices of western electricity have been lower than the out-of-market prices for months.
None of the companies mentioned was willing to comment on the record.
The meeting is scheduled to be held at the ISO's headquarters in Folsom, Calif., and representatives from power producers, utilities and the state are expected to attend. FERC will serve as facilitator, Wolfman said. The meeting isn't open to the public.
The meeting will begin with a presentation by the ISO on its practices and operational procedures, followed by adjustments that may be needed to improve the market.
"The objective is to develop a written set of procedures that is agreed to by all the market participants and that is consistent with good utility practices," Wolfman said in the letter.
-By Jason Leopold, Dow Jones Newswires; 323-658-3874; [email protected] <mailto:[email protected]> |
Please see the PG&E and FERC stories below, provided to me by Bob
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Related QuotesPCG 29 3/8 -15/16
delayed 20 mins - disclaimerGet QuotesThursday September 14, 2:04 pm
Eastern Time
PG&E faces borrowing, write-offs for power costs
By Jim Brumm
NEW YORK, Sept 14 (Reuters) - This summer's surge in West Coast power
prices is causing California's largest utility to seek permission for
increased borrowings and consider significant write-offs, its parent
company PG&E Corp. told the Securities and Exchange Commission Thursday.
PG&E Corp.'s (NYSE:PCG - news) 8K filing also included the company's
first disclosure of Monday's talk with New York analysts.
The company's stock reacted with one of the larger losses in a soft
electric utility group, slipping as low as $29-1/8 Thursday morning
before steadying to trade at $29-7/16, off 7/8.
The regulated utility subsidiary -- Pacific Gas & Electric Co. -- paid
$700 million in unexpected power costs in June and incurred similar
charges in July and August, according to spokesman Greg Pruett.
PG&E's 8K filing noted the utility has authority from the California
Public Utility Commission to issue of to $1.7 billion of short-term
financing. Last Friday, the filing continued, it applied to the
commission for the authority to issue an additional $1.4 billion of
short-term financing.
It also said the utility is considering the sale of additional long-term
debt to finance wholesale power purchase costs and its other capital
As noted by several security analysts, PG&E chief executive Robert Glynn
told the New York meeting the utility wants to boost power rates as soon
as possible to recover the surging costs the company has been forced to
pay to buy electricity in California's chaotic wholesale power market.
Other analysts also point out the utility is facing the possibility of
significant write-offs for power costs it will be unable to collect.
In the 8K filing, PG&E said ``if the utility determines that its
uncollected wholesale power purchase costs are not probable of recovery,
then the utility would be required to write off the unrecoverable
ABN AMRO utility analysts that attended Monday's meeting said PG&E
estimates the summer price surge has created an additional $1.2 billion
of stranded cost on top of the existing yet to be recovered stranded
cost on its balance sheet of $4.4 billion.
The $4.4 billion total includes unrecovered transition costs of $3.0
billion, which the 8K said could also reduce future earnings.
``A worst case scenario,'' according to ABN AMRO, would be ``a $3.2
billion net, or $8.50 per share, write-off of unrecoverable stranded
cost'' if the present high power prices continue to the end California's
transition to a deregulated power market.
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Related QuotesSRE 20 +0
delayed 20 mins - disclaimerGet QuotesThursday September 14, 5:04 pm
Eastern Time
FERC chairman says deregulation should proceed
WASHINGTON, Sept 14 (Reuters) - U.S. Federal Energy Regulatory
Commission Chairman James Hoecker said Thursday that California's
troubled power markets should force tough changes to make deregulation
work better, not end the movement.
Speaking at the commission's regular meeting, Hoecker and the three
other FERC commissioners reiterated their support for deregulation, but
said the experience in California, where prices spiked considerably for
residents of San Diego and on wholesale markets, must result in new
``I personally reject the notion that this is the beginning of the end
for deregulation,'' Hoecker said.
FERC conducted a hearing in San Diego on Tuesday, allowing discussion
from utilities, regulators and the public on what has become a
disastrous summer for California's power markets.
Under the terms of the deregulation of California's electric utility
industry, customers of Sempra Energy (NYSE:SRE - news) subsidiary San
Diego Gas and Electric became the first in the nation to pay
market-based rates without a safety net.
Hoecker said now ``was the time to make tough decisions'' on retooling
deregulation laws to make them work better.
FERC Commissioner Curt Hebert said the problem is not just in
California, but also in New York and New England, where structural
problems with deregulation efforts have triggered market power, price,
supply and reliability concerns.
Many California and national lawmakers want FERC to declare that rates
set by suppliers this summer were not ``just and reasonable'' as
required under law.
Such a declaration could be followed by action to impose market
restrictions such as price caps across the western U.S..
Experts say such a move could lead to the demise of the California Power
Exchange, which was set up as part of the deregulationof the state's
power industry.
Twenty-four states and the District of Columbia have enacted laws to
open retail electricity markets to competition.
A report on the California price spikes this summer by FERC
investigative staff is due to be received by the commission by Nov. 1.
Email this story - View most popular stories emailed
Karen Edson
[email protected]
916/552-7070 |
I hope that all is well. It was very nice to talk to you this morning.
The purpose of this note is to keep you abreast of progress in determining
the GA needs for India, and seek your opinion for the best reply for Wade.
I look forward for your comments and advise.
Best regards
Here are the salient features:
Meeting with Wade:
The meeting with Wade indicated that he is open to suggestions to what needs
to be done on the regulatory front. He indicated that if GA sees, and
agrees, he would be happy to finance-on a semi full time basis--such support
from Houston. His major concern is to satisfy himself that: a) all what
needs to be done on the GA front is being done, b) manage and maintain an
effective team (i.e., those currently employed in Bombay and Delhi Offices)
just in case of need. He mentioned that he is not going to be "penny wise
and pound foolish" given the $850 million at stake. I informed him that
Houston shall advise on the best approach as soon as taking stock is
complete, and generally speaking, shall also deliver on what is needed.
GA Needs in India:
The regulatory/government affairs needs in India are in the following five
a) Third party Sales (basically for phase II output),
b) Dealing with the Regulatory Commission,
c) Dealing with MSEB (the customer),
e) Government of India, and
f) EBS.
The volume and intensity of work, however, shall differ with the following
scenarios, namely: a) Enron/DPC intends to exit through arbitration, b)
Enron/DPC intends to renegotiate the contract, and c) Undetermined as of
yet. Here is an assessment of this work load under the two former scenarios:
Arbitration Renegotiation
Third party Sales (basically for phase II output), low/medium high
Dealing with the Regulatory Commission, medium high
Dealing with MSEB (the customer), medium high
Government of India, and high high
EBS. medium medium
It is surprising to mention that most colleagues here say that Enron/DPC
seems to be taking the arbitration route, although that renegotiation (in the
sense of renegotiate, stabilize, then take hit on equity and exit), is the
best way. It is more surprising, however, that no one can speak with any
degree of certainty on where the ship is going. In this context, a
risk-averse person shall take the "undetermined scenario" as equal to
"renegotiation", while a risk-taker shall take the "undetermined"" as equal
to arbitration.
It is clear that the current personal here shall need support from Houston in
the "renegotiation" scenario on a semi full time basis. Short of that, a
visit every 6 weeks may be adequate as the current team here will be working
under legal/commercial.
Suggested Approach:
Continue understanding the details of the outstanding regulatory tasks for
the coming 3 to 4 days. If the above opinion is still the same, then the
suggested communication to Wade (preferably from you) is "if there is
renegotiation, then GA shall send the required person/persons on a semi-full
time basis, if arbitration, then GA shall be available on as needed basis".
It is not clear what does RMcDonald wants to see on the ground to tilt the
suggested approach above one way or another.
----- Forwarded by Amr Ibrahim/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT on 06/15/2001 05:57 AM -----
Amr Ibrahim
06/12/2001 06:54 AM
To: Richard Shapiro/NA/Enron@Enron
cc: James D Steffes/NA/Enron@Enron
Subject: India - Progress Report One
This is a brief on the situation on the ground here based on observations and
short talks with the various colleagues in India Team. I do have a meeting
with Wade tomorrow (June 13th) to understand his requests of support from
GA. While I do not expect much, I shall communicate to Wade the standing
policy of GA, namely, "GA shall provide the required support".
Notwithstanding this mandate, I shall communicate it in a manner to give
Houston the final say.
In the context of regulatory support, there two important areas for GA
contribution; they are: a) Dealing with the regulatory commission (MERC), and
b) third party sales. It is likely that India shall need a week per month,
most conducted from Houston but may include a visit to Bombay.
The feeling here is that the company wants to terminate the PPA, and exit
India (but see point 5 below). It is the understanding that there are teams
in London that are going through the reevaluation of assets in anticipation
to transfer them to MSEB as per the contract (MSEB has to agree on the
valuation which shall be a lengthy and an adversarial process). It is
noteworthy that the transfer of these assets will not take place on market
basis, but rather on accounting basis.
As most chips are on terminating the contracts and exiting as the likely
route (around 60%), renegotiation is not discussed much (hastily added
however, renegotiation is the tacit direction of the lenders as communicated
in Singapore the other day in the lenders' meeting; they also want ENRON to
complete phase II which we are refusing).
If renegotiation is to take place, its crux will be the reduction in energy
and capacity costs to both phases and finding off-taker to Phase II (1400 MW
kit and caboodle). NTPC, or PTC are the likely parties to assume such
responsibility. Of course, we are trying to avoid any commercial risks
associated with marketing this power. Whether we accept it or not, every
issue related to dispatch and transmission must be minutely determined and
The decision making process here is entirely dependent on Houston highest
level; that is directly from RMcDonald, and JS. The fact that both of them
did not visit India and see for themselves how things are has been mentioned
as a minus point. Perhaps this point should be communicated to them.
As mentioned above, GA contribution could be in two areas, namely dealing the
regulatory commission (MERC), and third party sales. Starting with the
later, third party sales, it is perhaps the most important point in the
renegotiation as it shall increase the commercial value of our commitment
(incidentally, Enron's commitment in the project is between $0.65 and $0.825
billion--with B--depending on what to include and exclude). Ironing the
issues for third party sales is clearly more valuable in the case of
renegotiation, but can also add value when assets are reevaluated and there
is a disagreement and some sort of market parameters are added. As for
dealing with MERC, it an ongoing basis particularly that MERC is seeking to
expand its jurisdiction in favor MSEB at every through of the dice.
I shall keep you posted with progress, meanwhile, please let me know if you
have any questions and/or advise.
Best regards
AI |
Bruce just fyi, I am already on top of this. Ken Blades and I had a
conversation with Justin Williams yesterday about this ongoing saga (which
has been ongoing a long time...). Essentially here's where we are and why it
is a good thing that United India has sued us in the London Court.
In the early part of the dispute, we gave consideration to litigation vs.
arbitration, but we could only sue UI in India, which was a bad option.
Several months ago, after lengthy settlement discussions with United India
(UI) and reinsurers about DPC's DSU claim resulting from the first rotor
problems, UI served DPC with a notice of arbitration under the policy. The
notice was curious because UI clearly disputed both liability and quantum;
however, the policy's arbitration clause states that arbitration can only
include issues of quantum.
Through a series of correspondence, we believe UI has agreed to arbitrate
liability & quantum in the same proceeding and to include reinsurers in the
arbitration. (The cut through clause in the policy enables DPC to recover
directly from the reinsurers). It appears, however, (at least we speculate)
that UI has suddenly become uncomfortable with the anomaly, that while they
have served DPC a notice of arbitration, the clause limits arbitration to
quantum, not liability. Hence UI's declaratory judgment action in the London
Commercial Court to determine liability. Now, this gives us an option we
didn't have earlier: litigation in the London court since they have submitted
to jurisdiction or arbitration. There are pros & cons to both which we are
discussing with Justin and Peter.
An interesting piece of the puzzle is that UI is now trying to realign the
parties since DPC is the insured seeking recovery. The reason UI wants to
do this is because (i) it would put the burden of proof on DPC as claimant &
(ii) UI as claimant will have a very difficult time meeting its burden of
proof on a dec action because they do not have all the technical information
DPC has.
Pros of litigation: The London court is less likely to permit this
realignment than arbitrators who are typically more lenient in procedural
matters of this type. We also believe the London court will be cheaper (no
cost of 3 arbitrators) and quicker, since there are statutory time lines.
UI has no incentive to resolve this expeditiously and has, at every
opportunity, slowed the arbitration process by rejecting everything DPC
proposes from the number of arbitrators to the names submitted etc. Also, in
the London court, there is a strong possibility DPC can get an advance
security for attorneys' fees as the defendant, which is not possible in
Downside of litigation: It is less likely that DPC can litigate directly
against the reinsurers for procedural reasons. Furthermore, DPC could
potentially end up in two proceedings: litigation to determine liability &
arbitration to determine quantum which could take longer and be expensive.
Ken Blades believes the loss adjuster stipulated to quantum in a prior
meeting which would enable us to avoid that scenario. Until we see the
document, however, we cannot determine whether the stipulation is
enforceable because of issues of authority etc.
The bottom line is, now that UI has sued us in London court, we have a choice
we didn't have before. We plan to obtain Ken's document re the stipulation,
send a letter to UI and then see their reaction before we decide. Now that
we've been served it just shortens our time limit to do this. I'm inclined
to go the litigation route, but I want to see that stipulation document first
and discuss with Linklaters its value either as an enforceable agreement or
its strength as evidence of quantum. Call me if you have questions. In the
meantime I'll keep you informed.
---------------------- Forwarded by Michelle Blaine/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT on
12/21/99 03:38 PM ---------------------------
Robert C Williams
12/21/2000 09:09 AM
Subject: Insurance Claim under CAR/DSU Policy
Michelle, this looks like yours.
---------------------- Forwarded by Robert C Williams/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT on
12/21/2000 09:16 AM ---------------------------
Sandeep Katwala
12/21/2000 01:51 AM
Subject: Insurance Claim under CAR/DSU Policy
Santa is really working overtime as far as we are concerned. Peter Cornell
will be preparing a response and I am working with Suhas to get all this in
train. This is not the easiest time to collate all the information we require
to put a response together given the holiday but the clock is running. Will
get back to you as soon as I can once we have got our thoughts in order as to
the way forward.
---------------------- Forwarded by Sandeep Katwala/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT on
12/21/2000 01:13 PM ---------------------------
Suhas Tuljapurkar
12/20/2000 06:17 PM
Subject: Insurance Claim under CAR/DSU Policy
We have been served with a Claim Form issued by the Commercial Court in
London in respect of above claim. The service (alongwith the order of the
Court & an acknowledgement form ) has been effected through Mulla & Mulla
acting under the instructions of M/s Beachcroft Wansbroughs on behalf of UII.
We shall be collecting and collating the necessary back up documents so as to
submit the Claim Form within stipulated period of 23 days.
I am connecting the hard copies . |
In his comments, Hoecker asks Congress to give FERC retroactive refund
authority. By the way this article is wrong about the refund effective
date. The current refund effective date is 60 days from the date FERC's
order was published in the Federal Register. It was pushed on August 30, so
if in a future order the Commission were to require refunds, they would be
calculated beginning October 29th.
---------------------- Forwarded by Mary Hain/HOU/ECT on 10/05/2000 11:43 AM
Enron Capital & Trade Resources Corp.
From: "Ronald Carroll" <[email protected]>
10/05/2000 07:51 AM
To: <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>,
<[email protected]>, <[email protected]>
Subject: Electric Power Plus Article re FERC Chairman Hoecker's Congressional
Law changes needed for retroactive refunds
FERC'S Hoecker Asks Congress For Broader Authority
Date: October 2, 2000 -
FERC Chairman James Hoecker (D) told a congressional panel that the
commission needs retroactive ratemaking authority to better guard against
market power in a competitive environment. Hoecker also urged the congressmen
to give the commission broader authority to sufficiently oversee the utility
industry's transition to competition.
Hoecker's plea to Congress may not be a welcomed one for California, where
some state officials want the commission to order refunds to customers after
prices in the wholesale market skyrocketed to unprecedented levels this
summer. Although Hoecker has informed California that the commission will
consider refunds as a part of its larger investigation into the state's bulk
power markets, it is clear that currently, the commission does not have that
authority to do so retroactively.
"The [Federal Power Act] would have to be changed," a FERC staffer says.
For its own study -- which began in August -- Hoecker claimed that the
commission, if proven necessary, would consider ordering refunds if market
participants were indeed price gouging. However, the Federal Power Act (FPA)
-- the law that gives the commission much of its authority -- does not
consider retroactive refund authority and clarification of that law is
probably needed to see if the commission can do that.
"If we need to fix market rules or market structures within our jurisdiction,
we will do so," Hoecker told the House Committee on Government Reform Sept.
21. "If market power is being exercised, we will respond accordingly, by
revoking or modifying market-based rates or reassuring the basis upon which
we grant them. We may order refunds to the extent allowed by the FPA, if
refunds are justified by record evidence. However, the FPA defines the
commission's authority, and leaves responsibility for many helpful measures
with California (and other states)."
Currently, the FPA allows the commission to issue refunds for transactions
made 60 days after the commission initiates an investigation, which in this
case would be Oct. 13. However, the law makes no mention of retroactive
ratemaking, and FERC officials admit that to do so, the law needs to be
"Based upon what I know, the authority of the commission to issue refunds for
any period before 60 days following our [investigation] order is highly
problematic," Commissioner William Massey (D) told Electric Power Alert.
"There are very good arguments that if FERC would try to do that, it would be
unlawful and we would need legislation to do that."
The Government Reform Committee, chaired by Rep. Dan Burton (R-IN), held a
mid-afternoon Sept. 21 hearing to gauge what is being predicted to be a
severe energy crisis this winter. The committee heard testimony from Hoecker,
Energy Secretary Bill Richardson, and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Administrator Carol Browner.
Much of the hearing focused on natural gas and oil markets, but both
Richardson and Hoecker used the meeting as a forum to blast Congress for
failing to pass comprehensive restructuring legislation this year. Richardson
expressed his "disappointment" that nothing passed, while Hoecker claimed
that FERC needs broader authority if it is to guard against market power.
"Congress should place all electric transmission in the continental United
States under the same rules for non-discriminatory open access and comparable
service," Hoecker said. "The commission's open access rules are not binding
on the part of the nation's transmission system . . . owned or controlled by
entities other than public utilities. Open access over the facilities of
public power and other non-public utilities would promote greater competition
in wholesale markets, by expanding trading opportunities for wholesale buyers
and sellers."
Hoecker pointed to FERC's investigation into bulk power markets and
California's energy crisis and claimed that unless the commission receives
clear legislative direction, FERC will extremely limited in what it could do
to solve the market problems.
"Congress, too, has a role to play in ensuring that consumers are able to
obtain the energy they need at reasonable prices," Hoecker said. "Most
critically, events this summer demonstrate the urgency of enacting
electricity legislation to help resolve remaining impediments to competition.
Federal legislation can establish the ground rules that will lead to adequate
investment in generation and transmission facilities, and higher levels of
reliability which is crucial to the digital economy."
The chairman also urged Congress to give FERC the authority to mandate
regional transmission organization participation and mandate reliability
standards. Currently, the House is considering a bill that would make the
commission a federal backstop for reliability, but most congressional sources
do not expect the bill to pass (see related story).
_source: Electric Power Alert
_date: October 2, 2000
_issue: Vol. 10, No. 20
_title: FERC's Hoecker Asks Congress For Broader Authority
, Inside Washington Publishers |
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<P>I am interested for the master's degree at Bocconi and I have a few questions regarding the application below:</P>
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<P>Thanks for your help,</P>
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<DIV></DIV>>SDA Bocconi - Corporate Finance & Real Estate Dept.
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This is the David's answer:
The only one that I can think of that may be of use is the "CES Volume
Comparison" report ... that is the one that ya'll had for January that showed
all of the purchases and sales, by pipeline. It is available for any month.
The reports that I regularly used were for helping to clean up current month
activity, which would not be of any use to you.
---------------------- Forwarded by Ami Chokshi/Corp/Enron on 01/11/2000
11:05 AM ---------------------------
Enron North America Corp.
From: Ami Chokshi 01/11/2000 09:02 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: Request for Application Report List
Hey David,
Could you help me determine the GMS reports that I may need. Thanks for your
---------------------- Forwarded by Ami Chokshi/Corp/Enron on 01/11/2000
09:01 AM ---------------------------
Daren J Farmer@ECT
01/06/2000 03:58 PM
To: Ami Chokshi/Corp/Enron@ENRON
Subject: Re: Request for Application Report List
---------------------- Forwarded by Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT on 01/06/2000
03:57 PM ---------------------------
Robert Superty
01/06/2000 08:32 AM
To: Katherine L Kelly/HOU/ECT@ECT, Edward Terry/HOU/ECT@ECT, Randall L
Gay/HOU/ECT@ECT, George Smith/HOU/ECT@ECT, Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Pat
cc: Heather Choate/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Re: Request for Application Report List
This is a follow up to the earlier email I forwarded regarding CES historical
information. Note the deadline of 1/15, I believe that should be Friday 1/14
so I need your responses by Thursday 1/13.
Please fill out the spreadsheet for each area and forward back to me. I will
consolidate our responses from a Logistics perspective. Lets have them add
everything they need and if challenged we can re-review later.
Thanks - Bob
---------------------- Forwarded by Robert Superty/HOU/ECT on 01/06/2000
08:24 AM ---------------------------
From: Bryce Baxter 01/05/2000 12:00 PM
To: Sheri Thomas/HOU/ECT@ECT, Robert Superty/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mark
Friedman/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mary Solmonson/HOU/ECT@ECT, Bob Klein/HOU/ECT@ECT,
Georgeanne Hodges/HOU/ECT@ECT, Lisa Csikos/HOU/ECT@ECT, Rita Wynne/HOU/ECT@ECT
cc: Inja Chun/HOU/ECT@ECT, Brent A Price/HOU/ECT@ECT, Tommy J
Yanowski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Susan Harrison/HOU/ECT@ECT, Lawrence R
Daze/HOU/ECT@ECT, Pamela Chambers/Corp/Enron@Enron, [email protected]
Subject: Re: Request for Application Report List
Last month Richard Burchfield sent us the following list of reports that are
available from CES's systems. IT is working on a way to secure an electronic
copy of the required reports and making them available to us online via the
electronic document management system. While ENA is not liable for pre-2000
business, we may need to assist with research as issues arise. In order to
get the ball rolling, we need to get a list together of the reports we need.
Please fill out the attached spreadsheet and list any reports that you need
and return it to me by Friday, 1/15/2000. If you do not want any reports,
please send me an Email letting me know that. I have included samples of how
to fill this out, and if you have any questions please give me a call.
If you aren't sure which reports you need based on the names, please get with
any CES employees you have hired or with a CES transition employee to get
clarification. If you need samples of any of these reports please let my
assistant, Pam Chambers, know and she will coordinate getting a sample report
printed for you.
In addition, I will need a list of the users and their logonid's who will
need to have access to this data. Please send that to me by the 15th as
Thanks, Bryce
Richard Burchfield
12/01/99 04:58 PM
To: Sheri Thomas/HOU/ECT@ECT, Robert Superty/HOU/ECT@ECT, Brent A
Price/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mark Friedman/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mary Solmonson/HOU/ECT@ECT,
Tommy J Yanowski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Bob Klein/HOU/ECT@ECT, Bryce
Baxter/HOU/ECT@ECT, Georgeanne Hodges/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Re: Request for Application Report List
Below is attached the report list for CES.
---------------------- Forwarded by Richard Burchfield/HOU/ECT on 12/01/99
03:48 PM ---------------------------
[email protected] on 12/01/99 01:25:37 PM
To: Richard Burchfield/HOU/ECT@ECT
cc: " - *Peeples, Jeff" <[email protected]>,
" - *Licarione, Linda" <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: Request for Application Report List
Please see the attached for the Altra GMS report listing. Please forward any
additional questions relating to Altra GMS to Linda Licarione (713-693-2845)
Jeff Peeples (713-693-2597). Thanks.
Linda Licarione
12/01/99 01:04 PM
To: Clay Deaton/CES/ColumbiaGas@ColumbiaGas
Subject: Request for Application Report List
Attached is a list of 210 reports from Altra GMS. Please note that we may not
be using all of these reports. If you need me to scale this down to those
currently being used, I will need to do a bit of analysis. Many of the base
reports, those denoted in the spreadsheet with filename-location (1st column)
master.mdb are not currently being used at CES. Let me know if you have any
---------------------- Forwarded by Linda Licarione/CES/ColumbiaGas on
12:58 PM ---------------------------
Clay Deaton
11/30/99 01:27 PM
To: Linda Licarione/CES/ColumbiaGas@ColumbiaGas
Subject: Request for Application Report List
Can you provide me with a complete list of GMS reports?
---------------------- Forwarded by Clay Deaton/CES/ColumbiaGas on 11/30/99
01:26 PM ---------------------------
[email protected] on 11/30/99 10:36:11 AM
Please respond to [email protected]
To: Clay Deaton/CES/ColumbiaGas@COLUMBIAGAS
cc: [email protected], [email protected]
Subject: Request for Application Report List
I have had several requests from the ENA business groups. now that the
agreement has been finalized, for report lists from your key applications,
being, Altra GMS and Risk Works( there may be others as people become more
aware). There will be a need for information for ENA to manage contracts as we
go through he transition period. We feel this would be an easier process to
through if ENA knows what kind of information they can request as we go
the transition.
Thanks, Richard
- GMS_ReportListing by Header.xls |
Jim, please see me about this issue. As you can see, Leslie and I have been working extensively with Stephanie Miller for the last few weeks as she is trying to find a way to get rid of our 200,000 MMBtu/day of Block 2 capacity on El Paso. In fact, I provided Stephanie an analysis of the regulatory history as far back as last March, even before we signed up for the capacity. You will probably be getting some questions about it from Barry or maybe even Lavarato before too long since getting rid of this asset is very high on their priority list. I wanted you to be up to speed on our input so far.
-----Original Message-----
From: Lawner, Leslie
Sent: Wednesday, September 05, 2001 12:40 PM
To: Cantrell, Rebecca W.; Miller, Stephanie
Subject: RE: June 11 order on Rehearing: RP00-241-000 and RP00-241-004
The CPUC was heavily involved in the settlement and their interest is making sure that northern CA has access to the SJ supplies. Their concern is not the same as PG&E's. And to the extent anything is agreed to, reopening the settlement is an enormous can of worms, and I don't think we want to go there. We would have to be able to structure a side deal to where PG&E and SoCal are in agreement that the recall rights they got in the settlement can be waived.
-----Original Message-----
From: Cantrell, Rebecca W.
Sent: Wednesday, September 05, 2001 11:23 AM
To: Miller, Stephanie
Cc: Lawner, Leslie
Subject: RE: June 11 order on Rehearing: RP00-241-000 and RP00-241-004
Steph - Leslie and I were just talking about this, and one thing we need to keep in mind is that any attempt to modify the PG&E recall rights would almost certainly be opposed by the CPUC, especially if it was to benefit Enron.
-----Original Message-----
From: Lawner, Leslie
Sent: Wednesday, September 05, 2001 12:07 PM
To: Miller, Stephanie
Cc: Cantrell, Rebecca W.
Subject: FW: June 11 order on Rehearing: RP00-241-000 and RP00-241-004
I thought you understood from my email and phone call that I was going to track down El Paso's interpretation of the 24 hours recall rights. Regulatory treatment of the 58 million by PG&E is a CPUC issue. I just talked to Becky and I don't have a good response to the question of whether our capacity could replace expansion capacity in light of the dueling recall rights, but I will think about it and talk to Becky some more.
-----Original Message-----
From: Lawner, Leslie
Sent: Tuesday, September 04, 2001 11:04 AM
To: Miller, Stephanie
Cc: Cantrell, Rebecca W.
Subject: RE: June 11 order on Rehearing: RP00-241-000 and RP00-241-004
As to the 24-hour recall, I can only tell you what the FERC order says, I have no special knowledge of how El Paso and the parties intended the 24 recall to work. The order is fairly terse, and just says "and if it so recalled (by PG&E), that Enron may further recall the capacity for its own use in the PG&E service territory upon 24 hours notice." The language says to me that you can recall it 24 hours before you want to use it. However, I can call El Paso and find out how they interpret it.
As to the "traditional rate making" valuation of the $58 million, I have to confess I don't understand what you mean. PG&E paid the 58 million as part of a negotiated settlement. Typically that is part of a black box settlement, meaning that revenue dollars are not tracked to particular costs. We can pull the settlement and see if it stipulates some sort of treatment, but I would doubt it. If your question relates to how PG&E is tracking that expense in a regulatory sense, perhaps Jeff Dasovich can find out.
-----Original Message-----
From: Miller, Stephanie
Sent: Tuesday, September 04, 2001 8:17 AM
To: Lawner, Leslie
Subject: RE: June 11 order on Rehearing: RP00-241-000 and RP00-241-004
When is the 24 hour notice on re-recall effective - 24 hours from the day of recall (varies depending on term) or 24 hours before the recall is supposed to start?
How would you value what's left of the $58 million that PG&E paid based upon traditional rate making policies? I believe there are at least 5 years left on the term of the settlement.
Please call if you have any questions,
-----Original Message-----
From: Lawner, Leslie
Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2001 1:19 PM
To: Miller, Stephanie; Cantrell, Rebecca W.
Subject: RE: June 11 order on Rehearing: RP00-241-000 and RP00-241-004
Here is a short memo. do you need more?
<< File: Stephaniememo.doc >>
-----Original Message-----
From: Miller, Stephanie
Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2001 11:28 AM
To: Lawner, Leslie
Subject: RE: June 11 order on Rehearing: RP00-241-000 and RP00-241-004
We you able to pull together a clear, definitive conclusion on how the RE-recall rights work?
I was not able to - hence my mission for greater clarification of specifics....
-----Original Message-----
From: Lawner, Leslie
Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2001 12:26 PM
To: Miller, Stephanie; Cantrell, Rebecca W.
Subject: RE: June 11 order on Rehearing: RP00-241-000 and RP00-241-004
I looked over all the orders and the contracts and I agree with both of your interpretation of the recall rights of Block II. PG&E did not make a very smart deal for $58 million.
-----Original Message-----
From: Miller, Stephanie
Sent: Friday, August 24, 2001 8:27 AM
To: Cantrell, Rebecca W.; Lawner, Leslie
Subject: June 11 order on Rehearing: RP00-241-000 and RP00-241-004
Page 12 talks about Recall rights - good discussion but still short on re-recall rights. |
---------------------- Forwarded by Chris Abel/HOU/ECT on 01/28/2000 08:43 AM
Chris Abel <[email protected]> on 01/19/2000 11:46:57 AM
To: Chris Abel/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: FW: [Fwd: Things I'm Glad I Didn't Say]
-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected] [SMTP:[email protected]]
Sent: Saturday, January 22, 2000 6:19 PM
To: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
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[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected]
Subject: Fwd: [Fwd: Things I'm Glad I Didn't Say]
In a message dated 01/21/2000 5:46:48 PM Central Standard Time,
[email protected] writes:
<< :
Subject: [Fwd: Things I'm Glad I Didn't Say]
1. Question: If you could live forever, would you and why?
Answer: "I would not live forever, because we should not live
forever, because if we were supposed to live forever, then we would live
forever, but we cannot live forever, which is why I would not live
---Miss Alabama in the 1994 Miss USA contest
2. "Whenever I watch TV and see those poor starving kids all over the
world, I can't help but cry. I mean I'd love to be skinny like that but
with all those flies and death and stuff."
---Mariah Carey
3. "Researchers have discovered that chocolate produces some of the
reactions in the brain as marijuana. The researchers also discovered
similarities between the two, but can't remember what they are."
---Matt Lauer on NBC's Today Show, August 22
4. "I haven't committed a crime. What I did was fail to comply with the
---David Dinkins, New York City Mayor,
answering accusations that he failed to pay his taxes.
5. "Smoking kills. If you're killed, you've lost a very important part of
---Brooke Shields, during an interview to become spokesperson for a
federal antismoking campaign.
6. "I've never had major knee surgery on any other part of my body."
---Winston Bennett, Univ. of KY basketball forward
7. "Outside of the killings, Washington has one of the lowest crime rates in
the country."
---Mayor Marion Barry, Washington, DC
8. "We're going to turn this team around 360 degrees."
---Jason Kidd, upon his drafting to the Dallas Mavericks
9. "I'm not going to have some reporters pawing through our papers.
are the president."
---Hillary Clinton commenting on the release of subpoenaed documents.
10. "China is a big country, inhabited by many Chinese."
---Former French President Charles De Gaulle
11. "That lowdown scoundrel deserves to be kicked to death by a jackass, and
I'm just the one to do it."
---A Congressional Candidate in Texas
12. "It isn't pollution that's harming the environment. It's the
impurities in our air and water that are doing it."
---Former U. S. Vice-president Dan Quayle
13. "Without censorship, things can get terribly confused in the public
---General William Westmoreland
And last but not least-a parting word from Dan Quayle:
14. "I love California. I practically grew up in Phoenix."
From: "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
To: "[email protected]" <[email protected]>, "[email protected]"
<[email protected]>, "[email protected]"
<[email protected]>,
"[email protected]" <[email protected]>, "[email protected]"
<[email protected]>, "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
To: "[email protected]" <[email protected]>, "[email protected]"
<[email protected]>, "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Subject: [Fwd: Things I'm Glad I Didn't Say]
Date: Fri, 21 Jan 2000 17:45:55 -0600
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
---------------------- Forwarded by on 01/21/2000 05:44 PM
Doug Sihvonen
01/21/2000 07:37 AM
Subject: [Fwd: Things I'm Glad I Didn't Say]
1. Question: If you could live forever, would you and why?
Answer: "I would not live forever, because we should not live
forever, because if we were supposed to live forever, then we would live
forever, but we cannot live forever, which is why I would not live
---Miss Alabama in the 1994 Miss USA contest
2. "Whenever I watch TV and see those poor starving kids all over the
world, I can't help but cry. I mean I'd love to be skinny like that but
with all those flies and death and stuff."
---Mariah Carey
3. "Researchers have discovered that chocolate produces some of the
reactions in the brain as marijuana. The researchers also discovered
similarities between the two, but can't remember what they are."
---Matt Lauer on NBC's Today Show, August 22
4. "I haven't committed a crime. What I did was fail to comply with
---David Dinkins, New York City Mayor,
answering accusations that he failed to pay his taxes.
5. "Smoking kills. If you're killed, you've lost a very important part
your life."
---Brooke Shields, during an interview to become spokesperson
a federal anti-smoking campaign.
6. "I've never had major knee surgery on any other part of my body."
---Winston Bennett, Univ. of KY basketball forward
7. "Outside of the killings, Washington has one of the lowest crime
in the country."
---Mayor Marion Barry, Washington, DC
8. "We're going to turn this team around 360 degrees."
---Jason Kidd, upon his drafting to the Dallas Mavericks
9. "I'm not going to have some reporters pawing through our papers.
are the president."
---Hillary Clinton commenting on the release of subpoenaed
10. "China is a big country, inhabited by many Chinese."
---Former French President Charles De Gaulle
11. "That lowdown scoundrel deserves to be kicked to death by a
and I'm just the one to do it."
---A Congressional Candidate in Texas
12. "It isn't pollution that's harming the environment. It's the
impurities in our air and water that are doing it."
---Former U. S. Vice-President Dan Quayle
13. "Without censorship, things can get terribly confused in the public
---General William Westmoreland
And last but not least -- a parting word from
Dan Quayle:
14. "I love California. I practically grew up in Phoenix." |
The New York Times on the Web
Wednesday, May 9, 2001
For news updated throughout the day, visit www.nytimes.com
"Classically, the eyewitness is the king of the trial
process. It was very hard for the courts to say scientific
inquiry could call into question a person who has direct
evidence to give."
- PROF. PAUL G. CHEVIGNY, of New York University, on a state ruling about
to eyewitness testimony.
Full Story:
Gains Found for the Poor in Rigorous Preschool
In Study of Nation's Worst Traffic, New York Must Yield
Bomb's Effects Linger Along Road to Infamy
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House Threatens to Hold Back U.N. Dues for Loss of Seat
Military Analysis: U.S. Weighing Future of Arms Pacts
Rumsfeld Plan Skirts Call for Stationing Arms in Space
China Says It Won't Let U.S. Spy Plane Fly Home
Utility Says Prices of Gas Were Inflated
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By PAUL KRUGMAN: The Unrefined Truth
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suggests that conservation ought to be a major element in
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Reading thourgh my mail and came to your newest note. Thanks again for the
Like I said in earlier note, things seem pretty normal. Stores without
electricty, but open. No one seems to be hoarding. Indeed, except for lack
of electricity I really wouldn't know anything happened, and I walked around
for a couple hours, covering some ground.
It was strange, but I had great trouble getting to sleep last night and
probably only did so minutes before the quake. Next couple hours was spont
outdoors with the rest of my neighbors. Took a pretty good walk then, too,
and again saw little damage (though admittedly it was the middle of the
night). The one good thing is that for the first time in my stay here the
stars were all out, as the city had gone dark. Quite an experience.
More later,
>From: <[email protected]>
>To: "Mark Skilling" <[email protected]>, [email protected]
>Subject: UPDATE before heading home for the night---12:15 am CDT TUES
>Date: Tue, 17 Aug 1999 00:34:10 -0500
> Dear Mark,
> Just finished the late news (it's past midnight here)---but
> wanted to check in one last time and will monitor the internet here
> work for future communications from you as they become possible. Mom
> and Dad are on following this on-line as well. I called them the
> minute the bulletins started coming across on the earthquake and Mom
> saw it on television shortly afterward. We had CNN video of some of
> the victims on our midnight news tonight so we're just starting to
> what has happened there.
> AP is now saying at least 100 are dead and reporting that at
> least 20 buildings in Istanbul have crumbled. I guess Izmit 70 miles
> east of you in Instabul(you'll know where these cities are) has been
> hardest hit with 80 of the 100 deaths there. And an oil refinery is
> said to be on fire in the city of Bursa where six are reported dead.
> If this story is like so many others at this point, we're only
> starting to get the picture.
> It sounds like a mess--and the aftershocks are always said to be
> frightening. We're all very concerned about you after this,
> I can't begin to tell you how relieved we were to hear from you. I
> hope you're really all right. We know communications are apt to be
> sporadic in coming days but we'll await word on how you're doing---I
> couldn't get over the fact you were able to get through to us so
> quickly. I know battery power for your laptop is at a premium and
> that you'll be carefully using your PC--providing the phone lines
> up---they're saying there are a lot of lines down. I didn't realize
> Istabul was so big---a city of 12-million (learned that on the wires)
> but have no idea how sophisticated or well equipped the Turkish
> teams are nor how extensive the damage has been---will food become
> short, when will electricity be restored, etc.???? We're concerned
> about you Mark. Please be careful and take care of yourself and
> communicate as you're able. You're on our minds.
> We love you Mark. Will close for now--but will keep in touch.
> Tom
>______________________________ Reply Separator
>Subject: Re: earthquake---are you all right?
>Author: "Mark Skilling" <[email protected]> at Internet_TCO
>Date: 8/16/99 8:12 PM
>Just got on line. Surprised it was possible. Electricity out, so probably
>only us with battery powered lap tops clogging things up.
>Everything ok here, so far. Got a pretty good shake. Was out in the
>streets for a couple of hours, with everyone else. My neighborhood up on
>solid rock, so things looked mostly ok. Lots of old and bad construction
>here; stones in the street. One upper floor (abandoned) apartment half a
>block from here collapsed and much debris in the stereets. No apparent
>injuries, however, in my neighborhood. Unfortunately, other areas not so
>lucky. Saw 6.7 estimate for Izmit, the center, here (one place I passed
>a genertor and had a tv out for everyone to see). Passed women praying,
>reading Koran, most just huddled in groups talking. Strange being in the
>middle of it all with limited ability to communicate. Know a few folks in
>neighborhood and we had a few basic chats, though its amazing how much I
>learned even from them. Already knew the Turkish word for earthquake,
>is depram (revolution is devrim) and came in handy.
>A few seagulls just went by and I think a neighbor down stairs up and
>mistook that comotion for an aftershock. A little rattled myself; much
>after SF quake. I think memory of that still deep seeded in my
>Again, this new technology amazes. Better get off and save my battery.
>need it.
>Thanks for the note. It was good to see your messages there. I'll send
>this to the rest of the family, but if they call tell them I'm ok and
>worried about them worrying about me.
> >From: <[email protected]>
> >To: "Mark Skilling" <[email protected]>
> >Subject: Re: earthquake---are you all right?
> >Date: Mon, 16 Aug 1999 21:55:16 -0500
> >
> > Mark--
> > Have just received word of the earthquake there. Reports are
> > preliminary but they are reporting it hit just after 3AM your time
> >and
> > that buildings have collapsed and there are deaths--though they
> > haven't said how many. It's being estimated at 7.1.
> > I've called Mom and Dad---clearly, Mark, we're very concerned.
> > Let us know you're all right.
> > Have been meaning to get to you to say hello. Hvae been
> > your e-mails.
> > We're told phone lines are out--so haven't any idea when this
> > might get to you. Please let us know you're all right.
> > Thanks Mark.
> >
> > Love,
> > Tom
> >
>Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com
Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com |
Credit (Tom Moran) has approved copying the profiles for the following new
product types; US Newsprint Fin Swap, US Packaging Fin Swap, US Recycled
ONP#8 Fin Swap and US Recycled OCC #11 Fin Swap from the following:
US Paper Fin Swap
Credit (Tom Moran) has approved copying the profile for the new product type,
US OSB Fin Swap, from the following:
US Lumber Fin Swap
Please respond by 5 p.m. today, Tuesday, March 27.
Thank you.
---------------------- Forwarded by Stephanie Sever/HOU/ECT on 03/27/2001
02:29 PM ---------------------------
Enron North America Corp.
From: Kevin Meredith @ ENRON 03/23/2001 08:24 AM
To: Jeff Blumenthal/HOU/ECT, Susan Musch/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Bjorn
Hagelmann/HOU/ECT, Mark Taylor/HOU/ECT@ECT, Harry M Collins/HOU/ECT@ECT, Tom
Moran/HOU/ECT, Shari Mao/HOU/ECT@ECT, Charlie Hoang/HOU/ECT, Laurie
cc: Lisa Lees/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stephanie Sever/HOU/ECT@ECT, Tana
Jones/HOU/ECT@ECT, Karen Lambert/HOU/ECT@ECT, Kelly Lombardi/NA/Enron@Enron,
Tara Sweitzer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Dawn C Kenne/HOU/ECT@ECT, Torrey
Moorer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Robert B Cass/HOU/ECT@ECT, Chris Walker/HOU/ECT@ECT,
Melba Lozano/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: EOL PRODUCT TYPE APPROVAL for 5 Financial product types (Clickpaper
to EOL migration)
Your review and approval of the following 5 product types in the EOL
Datamanager is needed (for directions on approval , please see steps for
approval at the bottom of this e-mail). If you have any questions please call
me at ext. 39555.
US Newsprint Fin Swap USD/MT/M
A US Newsprint Financial Swap Transaction with Enron North America Corp.
under which the Seller pays a Floating Price and the Buyer pays the price
submitted by Counterparty on the Website (the Fixed Price) in respect of the
Notional Quantity per Determination Period. The Notional Quantity per
Determination Period shall be the volume submitted by Counterparty on the
Website. Each calendar month during the term of the Transaction will be a
Determination Period. The Payment Date(s) will be 5 business days after the
Floating Price is determinable. The Floating Price shall be the Index for the
relevant Determination Period.
US Packaging Fin Swap USD/ST/M
A US Packaging Financial Swap Transaction with Enron North America Corp.
under which the Seller pays a Floating Price and the Buyer pays the price
submitted by Counterparty on the Website (the Fixed Price) in respect of the
Notional Quantity per Determination Period. The Notional Quantity per
Determination Period shall be the volume submitted by Counterparty on the
Website. Each calendar month during the term of the Transaction will be a
Determination Period. The Payment Date(s) will be 5 business days after the
Floating Price is determinable. The Floating Price shall be the Index for the
relevant Determination Period.
US Recycled ONP #8 Fin Swap USD/ST/M
A US Recycled Financial Swap Transaction with Enron North America Corp. under
which the Seller pays a Floating Price and the Buyer pays the price submitted
by Counterparty on the Website (the Fixed Price) in respect of the Notional
Quantity per Determination Period. The Notional Quantity per Determination
Period shall be the volume submitted by Counterparty on the Website. Each
calendar month during the term of the Transaction will be a Determination
Period. The Payment Date(s) will be 5 business days after the Floating Price
is determinable. The Floating Price shall be the Index for the relevant
Determination Period.
US Recycled OCC #11 Fin Swap USD/ST/M
A US Recycled Financial Swap Transaction with Enron North America Corp. under
which the Seller pays a Floating Price and the Buyer pays the price submitted
by Counterparty on the Website (the Fixed Price) in respect of the Notional
Quantity per Determination Period. The Notional Quantity per Determination
Period shall be the volume submitted by Counterparty on the Website. Each
calendar month during the term of the Transaction will be a Determination
Period. The Payment Date(s) will be 5 business days after the Floating Price
is determinable. The Floating Price shall be the Index for the relevant
Determination Period.
A US OSB Financial Swap Transaction with Enron North America Corp. under
which the Seller pays a Floating Price and the Buyer pays the price submitted
by Counterparty on the Website (the Fixed Price) in respect of the Notional
Quantity per Determination Period. The Notional Quantity per Determination
Period shall be the volume submitted by Counterparty on the Website. Each
calendar month during the term of the Transaction will be a Determination
Period. The Payment Date(s) will be 5 business days after the Floating Price
is determinable. The Floating Price shall be the Index for the relevant
Determination Period.
click the START button
click the Enron Online Production Cluster "START" button
select EnronOnLine (this is the EOL Datamanager)
click on the "+" for EnronOnLine
click on the "+" for Product Types
click on the "+" for "Awaiting Approval" (OR "Partially Approved")
select the product requiring review as stated in e-mail above
Right "mouse" click on "properties" to view product set-up
TO APPROVE: Right mouse click on "Approved" |
Sorry, I should have included you on copy list.
Regards, Bruce
---------------------- Forwarded by Bruce Harris/NA/Enron on 12/13/2000 09:23
AM ---------------------------
Bruce Harris
12/13/2000 09:29 AM
To: Sheila Glover/HOU/ECT@ECT, Theresa T Brogan/HOU/ECT@ECT, Robert H
George/NA/Enron@Enron, Donna Lowry/HOU/ECT@ECT
cc: Bruce Harris/NA/Enron@Enron
Subject: Re: Next steps with Copel shares
FYI--we are still having discussions as to what exactly we are going to do
with the shares now that they are directly held in the Corp. vault by Enron
Brazil Power Holding XII. I suspect that what we will do will be to just
keep all the shares in XII and put them into the brokerage account, with some
sales occurring over time going forward. If this plan is agreed to, then
early next week we can call BONY together with Morgan Stanley (our prime
broker?) and work out a streamlined settlement procedure so that MS is
assured that shares will be delivered.
Regards, Bruce
To: Bruce Harris/NA/Enron@Enron
Subject: Re: Next steps with Copel shares
Please add theresa brogan to the distribution list. Theresa manages the
Equity Trading Group.
Thanks, Sheila
---------------------- Forwarded by Sheila Glover/HOU/ECT on 12/13/2000 09:13
AM ---------------------------
Lynn Aven@ENRON
12/12/2000 10:04 AM
To: Bruce Harris/NA/Enron@Enron
cc: Robert H George/NA/Enron@Enron, Kay Young/HOU/ECT@ECT, Dan
Boyle/Corp/Enron@Enron, Joe Kishkill/SA/Enron@Enron, Kent
Castleman/NA/Enron@Enron, Bruce Harris/NA/Enron@Enron, Sheila
Glover/HOU/ECT@ECT, Edward E Graham/SA/Enron@Enron, Rick
Hopkinson/NA/Enron@Enron, Jeffrey E
Subject: Re: Next steps with Copel shares
Bruce Harris:
We do not need to set up a new Cayman entity to transfer the two certificates
for 1.25M to. We achieve no US tax benefit for transferring or holding the
shares in a Cayman entity.
I propose that EBPH XII obtain the two certificates and then distribute those
certificates to Enron South America LLC, the sole shareholder of EBPH XII.
The value of the certificates at the date of transfer will determine the US
tax treatment. Given the liquidity discount surrounding the stock, using
the screen price on the date of the transaction is probably not a good
indicator of the fair market value. For tax purposes, we will assume the
value to be the historical cost basis since recent trades have been in a
narrow band on either side of that value. If the first 1.25M certificate
is sold shortly after the transfer to Enron South America LLC, we will need
to adjust the transfer price since the sales price to a third party will be a
valid indicator of what the fair market value was on the date of the
If the ultimate transfer price is higher than the tax basis, EBPHXII will
recognize taxable income and pay US tax on the gain in the year the
distribution was made to Enron South America LLC. This would result in
reporting a tax expense in 2000 and perhaps book income in 2001 if that sale
takes place after the end of the year.
If the value on the date of the transfer is ultimately determined to be less
than the historical tax basis, the distribution to Enron South America LLC
will result in there being unrecovered basis in EBPH XII.
If the shares are sold by EBPH XII to affiliated Cayman companies, the same
valuation issues exist with the same potential for recognition of US gain on
the sale from EBPH XII to an affiliated. Distributing the shares to Enron
South America LLC will be much easier.
Bruce Harris
12/08/2000 11:31 AM
To: Robert H George/NA/Enron@Enron, Kay Young/HOU/ECT@ECT
cc: Dan Boyle/Corp/Enron@Enron, Lynn Aven/NA/Enron@Enron, Joe
Kishkill/SA/Enron@Enron, Kent Castleman/NA/Enron@Enron, Bruce
Harris/NA/Enron@Enron, Sheila Glover/HOU/ECT@ECT, Edward E
Graham/SA/Enron@Enron, Rick Hopkinson/NA/Enron@Enron, Jeffrey E
Subject: Next steps with Copel shares
Robert and Kay, thanks for all your work on getting the shares moved out of
Brazil and into the parent CayCos. I understand that by sometime early next
week the physical ADR certificates will be returned by BONY to the Enron
Here is what we now need to do:
1. We are going to need to send one certificate back to BONY and split it
into three new certificates. Two certificates will be for approximately
1.25M shares each, the balance for about 5M shares.
2. We need to form a new CayCo and sell or otherwise transfer (capital
split?) the two 1.25M tranches to this NewCo. This needs to happen next week.
3. Pending Dan Boyle's structuring efforts and an affirmative Corp. decision
(supervised by Joe Kishkill), the two existing CayCos which now own the Copel
shares will be sold into Whitewing Fund. That means about 12.5M shares will
go to Whitewing and the certificates will remain in the vault. This would
happen last week of the year--if it happens (there are actually about
15,443,000 total ADRs--I am approximating in this email).
4. The NewCo shares will remain outside this structure entirely. We will need
to put one tranche of 1.25M into a brokerage account--Sheila at this point we
will bring you in for assistance (again, hopefully next week).
5. Robert--we need to work out soon with Sheila, Skadden,and BONY to
establish an efficient mechanism to convert the full 1.25M share certificate
to unrestricted ADRs absent and prior an immediate buyer(s)--or we need to
figure out foolproof mechanics for constantly reissuing new certificates for
every small sale. We will then be looking for effective points to sell these
1.25M shares--and again, Joe Kishkill will provide price/volume targets
(execution via Gary Hickerson's group who has not yet been informed). In 3
months time, we will repeat the process for the other 1.25M tranche.
Robert--please call me so we can determine: (a) how to set up NewCo/transfer
shares, and (b) how to work the 1.25M "unrestriction" with BONY and Skadden.
Regards, Bruce
713-853-0950 |
Chris and Ben:
Since Kay is tied up on a 3:00 conference call, she asked me to summarize
the issues raised by Marguerite's latest mark-ups. The issues are as
1. In Section 6(h) regarding the Change Order, Marguerite has added a rider
pursuant to which ENA would be required "to cause the Original Purchaser
and/or the Agent to use commercially reasonable efforts to afford NorSub (or
its agent or representative), upon request of NorSub, such opportunity or
opportunities to discuss with GE (or to consult with GE concerning) such
matters pertaining to the Turbines and/or the Original Turbine Contract as
NorSub desires to discuss with GE (or to consult with GE concerning) and
which GE is obligated under the Original Turbine Contract to discuss with
(or concerning which GE is obligated under the Original Turbine Contract to
consult with) the Purchaser and/or Agent thereunder; provided, however, that
each of ENA, the Original Purchaser and the Agent shall have the right to be
present at, and to participate in, each such discussion (or consultation."
According to Jerry DeBerry, Michael Young raised this concept with Ben, and
Ben accepted it in principle. Please confirm if you are okay with this
rider going into the Letter Agreement.
2. In Section 8(a), Marguerite has added a clause whereby ENA agrees to be
responsible for, and to pay GE when due, and to hold the LLC and NorSub
harmless from any damages or indemnification payments which become due and
payable to GE on and after the Closing Date as a result of any event
occurring, or any circumstance arising, prior to the Closing Date. Since
this provision effectively shifts the Change Order risk onto ENA, Kay
suggests that we only accept the provision if a reciprocal provision is
included that allows ENA to terminate the agreement as a result of any event
or circumstance that increases the Purchase Amount. Do you agree?
3. Finally, with respect to the LLC Agreement, NorthWestern would like to
be able to exercise its call rights with relative freedom while forcing ENA
to wait until Takeover or 12/31/02 before being able to exercise its put
rights. Neither Jerry nor Marguerite understands why ENA cares when
NorthWestern takes ENA out.
Jerry and Marguerite were working on scheduling a conference call for
sometime tomorrow, so I will send you an e-mail confirming the details as
soon as I hear back from them.
Best regards,
-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Tuesday, April 10, 2001 9:22 AM
To: Young, Michael
Cc: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]
Subject: Re: FW: Comments to Turbine Purchase Documents
We (Enron and outside counsel) have not received any documents either faxed
or via e-mail as of Tuesday morning. Once we receive the documents, we
would like time to review the comments before we engage in a conference
call. Please either resend the documents to Kay Mann, John Keffer and
"Young, Michael" <[email protected]> on 04/10/2001 08:18:31 AM
To: "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>
Subject: FW: Comments to Turbine Purchase Documents
Chris, in case Kay is not in today, I provide this to you. Please forward
to Ben at your earliest convenience. Thanks.
-----Original Message-----
From: DeBerry, Jeremiah A. [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Monday, April 09, 2001 5:43 PM
To: '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'
Cc: Young, Michael; Kahn, Marguerite R.
Subject: Comments to Turbine Purchase Documents
We have forwarded to you via facsimile our comments to the Letter Agreement
and the LLC Agreement. The majority of our comments, as you will note, are
intended to clarify the understanding of the parties with respect to the
various matters set forth in such documents and are not intended to "change
the deal". Except that, upon the advise of our tax counsel, we have
adjusted the amounts of the promissory notes to be issued in connection
with the transaction in order to maximize the LLC's basis in the Turbines.
We believe this is consistent with your initial draft of the Letter
Also, please note that we have included additional language in Section 6 of
the Letter Agreement which provides NorthWestern with the opportunity to
consult with GE on matters relating to the Turbines. This reflects our
understanding of an agreement that had been reached among the parties.
With respect to the LLC Agreement, we would like to discuss with you the
following: (i) the timing of the exercise of the Call Right and (ii) the
intent of your proposed language in Section 7 relating to the rights of
each Member to act in its own best interests with respect to the Call and
Put Rights. To that end, we propose scheduling a conference call on
Tuesday afternoon, April 11, 2001. Please contact me as soon as possible
with a time that is convenient for your team.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Note: We will forward to you shortly, revised drafts of the documents for
which we have drafting responsibility.
Jeremiah A. DeBerry, Esq.
Paul Hastings Janofsky & Walker LLP
399 Park Avenue
New York, New York 10022
Phone: (212) 318-6458
Fax: (212) 319-4090
"paulhastings.com" made the following annotations on 04/09/01 20:42:52
We have changed our e-mail address. Our new domain name is
paulhastings.com. In most cases, our address is composed of conventional
first name and last name plus @paulhastings.com. Here are two examples:
[email protected] and [email protected]. If you have any
questions, please contact us at [email protected].
"The information transmitted is intended only for the person or entity to
which it is addressed and may contain confidential and/or privileged
material. Any review, retransmission, dissemination or other use of, or
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disseminate this message or any part of it. If you have received this
message in error, please notify the sender immediately by e-mail and delete
all copies of the message. |
My apologies for the perceived tone of my message. I was just trying to explain what I was expecting and how I got there. I will follow up with Tracy
and Accounting for this information.
Again, my apologies,
-----Original Message-----
From: Barrow, Cynthia
Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2001 8:57 AM
To: Meers, Thomas
Cc: Geaccone, Tracy
Subject: RE: Benefits Costs
You know, I am just too busy to deal with the tone of your messages right now. Give me a contact at AA and as soon as I finish my budget and pricing projects I will call them directly.
Before I can do anything, I need the Enron company number for EGP fuels. I do know that our actuary has never broken out the expense or PBO for this company. Until I know what the company number is we won't know which ETS group it was consolidated within. Probably the Services Group, but maybe Corp. Once we know that then either the ETS accounting or corp. accounting can look into the actual intercompany allocations if any. Tracy, can you do me a favor and look into how you all do the accounting for this company and I'll try to give you a call later this week. (Tracy, I may be able to locate the 2000 and possibly the 2001 allocation sheets but I am not comfortable that we will still have the budget information for 1998 and 1999. In addition, the true-ups definately do not go to this level.)
Arthur Anderson is in the process of completing the preparation of audited financials for EGP Fuels Company. Included with these financials are footnote
disclosures. Please provide the following information to be included with these financials.
1) Total charges from Enron Corp for EGP Fuels employee benefit plans for 1998, 1999, and 2000. (I would think that the books of EGP should show the actual charges. Our reserve records only provide a total distribution allocation. This will have to come from accounting.)
2) EGP Fuels' Enron Retirement Plan pension costs for 1998, 1999, and 2000. (As stated, this is not prepared at the EGP level. The best we can do here is to work with the actuary to do an estimate of the costs but this will likely require a historical pull of information which you may or may not have available. I'll need to speak with AA&CO directly to determine best course of action.)
3) EGP Fuels' Accumulated Postretirement Benefit Obligation (APBO) for benefit plans other than pensions net periodic postretirement benefit costs for 1998,
1999, and 2000. (Same as above.)
-----Original Message-----
From: Meers, Thomas
Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2001 8:02 AM
To: Barrow, Cynthia; Huseman, Sandy
Subject: RE: Benefits Costs
Please note that Sandy and I did talk but I was left with the expectation that I would still receive some type of response, even if that response was merely that
the information is not available. Also, it was suggested that I try contacting You, Mikie and Sandy for this information but I did not receive a response from
any of you without additional proding. And, those responses left me believing that I would hear more from you, which I did not. Lastly, I did mention that if
necessary we could look at using Financial Accounting for this information but this is not desirable since this method will result in fragmented and less
accurate information. Also, Arthur Andersen has indicated that this is not the preferred method of providing this information.
Based on the email which follows below I will assume that Financial Accounting is my only recourse and that You will assist in convincing Arthur Andersen
that this is the only alternative available to meet their timing requirements.
Tom X54899
-----Original Message-----
From: Barrow, Cynthia
Sent: Monday, August 06, 2001 11:16 AM
To: Huseman, Sandy; Meers, Thomas
Subject: FW: Benefits Costs
Sandy told me she talked with you last week in the elevator lobby. Just so you know I am not ignoring you I have literally worked 4 weeks straight without a day off and with an average of 14 hour days!
I can not do this until my budgets and medical pricing are complete. If you need it immediately, then you will need to do what Sandy talked with you about last week and that is to get with Financial Accounting. There is no way I can look at this until later this week.
-----Original Message-----
From: Meers, Thomas
Sent: Monday, August 06, 2001 11:08 AM
To: Olson, Cindy
Cc: Barrow, Cynthia
Subject: FW: Benefits Costs
Arthur Andersen has requested benefits information necessary to complete audited financials that are required to complete Project Timber (the sale
of the MTBE assets to EOTT). The following requests have not been acknowledged and remain unanswered. Please let me know who I should contact
for this information.
Arthur Andersen has since also requested this information for the 6 months ending June 30, 2000 and June 30, 2001. Any guidance you can provide is
greatly appreciated.
Tom X54899
-----Original Message-----
From: Meers, Thomas
Sent: Friday, August 03, 2001 3:12 PM
To: Meers, Thomas; Barrow, Cynthia; Rath, Mikie; Huseman, Sandy
Subject: RE: Benefits Costs
Hello?! Is anyone going to acknowledge this request? Any suggestions on where I should go for this information?
-----Original Message-----
From: Meers, Thomas
Sent: Wednesday, August 01, 2001 3:23 PM
To: Meers, Thomas; Barrow, Cynthia; Rath, Mikie; Huseman, Sandy
Subject: RE: Benefits Costs
What is the status of this request? Enron would like to sign off on the audit by the end of this week.
Tom X54899
-----Original Message-----
From: Meers, Thomas
Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2001 8:44 AM
To: Barrow, Cynthia; Rath, Mikie; Huseman, Sandy
Subject: Benefits Costs
Arthur Anderson is in the process of completing the preparation of audited financials for EGP Fuels Company. Included with these financials are footnote
disclosures. Please provide the following information to be included with these financials.
1) Total charges from Enron Corp for EGP Fuels employee benefit plans for 1998, 1999, and 2000.
2) EGP Fuels' Enron Retirement Plan pension costs for 1998, 1999, and 2000.
3) EGP Fuels' Accumulated Postretirement Benefit Obligation (APBO) for benefit plans other than pensions net periodic postretirement benefit costs for 1998,
1999, and 2000.
Please let me know if and when this information may be available.
Tom X54899 |
Certainly understand the tradition you have with OU/Texas and it would be
hard. I imagine David is starting to feel a little cocky, given we should be
undefeated going into Texas, but he may still need to seek the shelter of
the study, as I know Texas is not going to roll over and play dead.
Sounds like Meagan has a full agenda this Fall and a trip to Norman would
only get in the way. I'm sure David will not let the fire die, if she is
truly interested in OU. FYI, OU's Spring Break is March 17-25 next year. So
you can plan accordingly. Let me know if you decide when you decide to come
up and I can get you lined up with Prospective Student Services for a tour.
Also, I remember you telling me about your concerns about grades. I know
that OU requires a 24 on the ACT, or finish in the top 1/3 of your
graduating class. It is my understanding that will soon be increasing to 26
or top 30% of graduating class. Looks like OU is following UT on tightening
entrance requirements.
I can get you shirts caps, sweatshirts, etc. for OU, UT and Tech. You can go
to Bigtimesports.com and look at the styles. I think they are also in the
school colors. If you see a style you like, let me know the size shape and
school and I can order it. If some of it is for you, let me know, as they
have different styles for women. Also, I can have logo's etc. reduced (like
I did on your Bevo on your shirt) so they are not so big. I always have them
reduce the OU from 1 3/4" to a
1 1/4" size, so I don't look like a "poster boy" for OU. Anyway, let me know
and I will order them for you.
Let me know when you hear back from Lexi about your discussion relative to
summer internship recruiting.
Ted K. Jacobs
Director of Energy Management
The University of Oklahoma
307 West Brooks, Room 218
Norman, OK 73019-4007
Fax (405)325-2096
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.ou.edu/business/em
-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Monday, September 25, 2000 1:23 PM
To: Jacobs, Ted K
Subject: RE: Oklahoma Trip
Thanks for looking into the OU/Texas tickets for us. With the ages of the
kids, I think that we will pass on those single tickets. The kids love our
home tradition for the game, and weren't sure that they wanted to give that
up. (I have cake pans in the shape of the state of Texas and the state of
Oklahoma - one daugther decorates one, and the other decorates the second
cake - add some bean dip and chips and it's our own version of a tailgate
We were hoping to bring Meagan up to look at OU this fall, with our eye on
that last game of the season. However, Klein High School has started the
football season very strongly, winning all games to date. That means that
we may be headed for high school playoffs again this year. Meagan is on
the drill team and must be at all games. Last year, we played right up to
Thanksgiving in the playoffs. So, we have decided to pick a weekend in the
spring after drill team contest season is over to make that trip with
We are interested in caps, shirts, etc. for UT, OU and Texas Tech. Do you
have a list of what is available for those schools?
"Jacobs, Ted K" <[email protected]> on 09/23/2000 03:07:11 PM
To: "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>
Subject: RE: Oklahoma Trip
Thanks for the nice words. I hope Enron will be able to look at some
students for summer internships, as I am sure they will be gone by Spring.
As far as Texas tickets go, I can come up with 5 singles, but not 5
or even 3 and 2. Let me know if interested and I will try to get them.
be able to trade up or something.
Let me know what other schools you are talking about and I can find out for
Again, thank you for taking time out your schedule to come up and be a part
of the OU recruiting effort. It has been your support and efforts that we
have to thank for Enron coming to OU. Keep me posted on what you work out
with HR with regards to summer interns.
"Hook Em"
Ted K. Jacobs
Director of Energy Management
The University of Oklahoma
307 West Brooks, Room 218
Norman, OK 73019-4007
Fax (405)325-2096
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.ou.edu/business/em
-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Friday, September 22, 2000 5:30 PM
To: Jacobs, Ted K
Subject: Oklahoma Trip
It was good to see you in Norman earlier this week. As always, I
appreciated your attendance at the presentation and at Coach's afterwards.
I am sure that it is rewarding for you to see former students such as Jody
and Nate participating on the other side of the recruiting table. You have
done a great job in changing and promoting the program.
I am pushing Lexi to resolve the question around interview dates for summer
interns ASAP. I have also left Mike McConnell a message to make him aware
of the issue. I should be able to get back with you next week, hopefully
with a change in our strategy!
If you do become aware of five OU /Texas tickets, please let me know. We
will certainly purchase them, I just made the assumption that all tickets
may already be sold.
On another note, David has worn his OU shirt to work and has gotten lots of
compliments. He has a number of people that have asked him about school
shirts, caps, etc. Do you have a list of the schools that you can get
merchandise for and the types of merchandise that you can get? Let me know
-- we can probably place a few orders through you! |
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I do remember most of these things. Have a great day. MW
> > -- > Nice thoughts .....
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > If you are old enough...take a stroll with me...close your
> > > > > > > eyes...and go back...before the Internet...before
> > > > > > > semiautomatics and crack...before SEGA or Super
> > > > > > > Nintendo...way back...
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > I'm talking' bout hide and go seek at dusk. Sitting' on the
> > > > > > > porch, Simon Says, Kick the Can, Red light, Green light.
> > > > > > > Lunch boxes with a thermos...chocolate milk, going home for
> > > > > > > lunch, penny candy from the store, hopscotch, butterscotch,
> > > > > > > skates with keys, Jacks, Mother May I? Hula Hoops and
> > > > > > > sunflower seeds, Whist and Old Maid and Crazy Eights, wax
> > > > > > > lips and mustaches, Mary Janes, saddle shoes and Coke
> > > > > > > with the names of cities on the bottom, running through the
> > > > > > > sprinkler, circle pins, bobby pins, Mickey Mouse Club, Rocky
> > > > > > > & Bullwinkle, Fran & Ollie, Spin & Marty...all in black &
> > > > > > > white.
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > When around the corner seemed far away, and going downtown
> > > > > > > seemed like going somewhere. Bedtime, climbing trees,
> > > > > > > making forts...backyard shows, lemonade stands, Cops and
> > > > > > > Robbers, Cowboys and Indians, sittin' on the curb, staring
> > > > > > > at clouds, jumping down the steps, jumping on the bed,
> > > > > > > pillow fights, getting "company," ribbon candy, angel hair
> > > > > > > on the Christmas tree, Jackie Gleason, white gloves, walking
> > > > > > > to church, walking to the movie theater, being tickled to
> > > > > > > death, running till you were out of breath, laughing so hard
> > > > > > > that your stomach hurt, being tired from playin' ...
> > > > > > > Remember that? Not steppin' on a crack or you'll break your
> > > > > > > mother's back...paper chains at Christmas, silhouettes of
> > > > > > > Lincoln and Washington...the smell of paste in school and
> > > > > > > Evening in Paris.
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > What about the girl that had the big bubbly handwriting, who
> > > > > > > dotted her "i's" with hearts?? The Stroll, popcorn balls, &
> > > > > > > sock hops...Remember when...there were two types of
> > > > > > > sneakers for girls and boys (Keds & PF Flyer) and the only
> > > > > > > time you wore them at school was for "gym." And the girls
> > > > > > > had those ugly uniforms.
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > When it took five minutes for the TV to warm up. When
> > > > > > > nearly everyone's Mom was at home when the kids got home
> > > > > > > from school. When nobody owned a purebred dog.
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > When a quarter was a decent allowance, and another quarter,
> > > > > > > a huge bonus. When you'd reach into a muddy gutter for a
> > > > > > > penny. When girls neither dated nor kissed until late high
> > > > > > > school, if then. When your Mom wore nylons that came in two
> > > > > > > pieces. When all of your male teachers wore neckties and
> > > > > > > female teachers had their hair done, everyday and wore high
> > > > > > > heels.
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > When you got your windshield cleaned, oil checked, and gas
> > > > > > > pumped, without asking, all for free, every time. And, you
> > > > > > > didn't pay for air. And, you got trading stamps to boot!
> > > > > > > When laundry detergent had free glasses, dishes or towels
> > > > > > > hidden inside the box.
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > When any parent could discipline any kid, or feed him or use
> > > > > > > him to carry groceries, and nobody, not even the kid,
> > > > > > > thought a thing of it. When it was considered a great
> > > > > > > privilege to be taken out to dinner at a real restaurant
> > > > > > > with your parents. When they threatened to keep kids back a
> > > > > > > grade if they failed...and did! When the worst thing you
> > > > > > > could do at school was smoke in the bathrooms, flunk a test
> > > > > > > or chew gum. And the prom was in the auditorium and we
> > > > > > > danced to an orchestra, and all the girls wore pastel gowns
> > > > > > > and the boys wore suits for the first time and we stayed out
> > > > > > > all night.
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > When a '57 Chevy was everyone's dream car...to cruise, peel
> > > > > > > out, lay rubber or watch submarine races, and people went
> > > > > > > steady and girls wore a class ring with an inch of wrapped
> > > > > > > dental floss or yarn coated with pastel frost nail polish so
> > > > > > > it would fit her finger.
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > And no one ever asked where the car keys were 'cause they
> > > > > > > were always in the car, in the ignition, and the doors were
> > > > > > > never locked. And you got in big trouble if you
> > > > > > > accidentally locked the doors at home, since no one ever had
> > > > > > > a key. Remember lying on your back on the grass with your
> > > > > > > friends and saying things like "That cloud looks like a..."
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > And playing baseball with no adults to help kids with the
> > > > > > > rules of the game. Back then, baseball was not a
> > > > > > > psychological group learning experience -- it was a game.
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > Remember when stuff from the store came without safety caps
> > > > > > > and hermetic seals 'cause no one had yet tried to poison a
> > > > > > > perfect stranger. And...with all our progress...don't you
> > > > > > > just wish...just once...you could slip back in time and
> > > > > > > savor the slower pace...and share it with the children of
> > > > > > > the 80's and 90's ...
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > So send this on to someone who can still remember Nancy
> > > > > > > Drew, The Bobsy Twins, The Hardy Boys, Laurel & Hardy,
> > > > > > > Howdy Doody and The Peanut Gallery, The Lone Ranger,
> > > > > > > The Shadow Knows, Nellie Belle, Roy and Dale, Trigger and
> > > > > > > Buttermilk...as well as the sound of a reel mower on
> > > > > > > morning, and summers filled with bike rides, playing in
> > > > > > > land, baseball games, bowling and visits to the pool...and
> > > > > > > eating Kool-aid powder with sugar.
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > When being sent to the principal's office was nothing
> > > > > > > compared to the fate that awaited a misbehaving student at
> > > > > > > home. Basically, we were in fear for our lives, but it
> > > > > > > wasn't because of drive by shootings, drugs, gangs, etc.
> > > > > > > Our parents and grandparents were a much bigger threat! But
> > > > > > > we all survived because their love was greater than the
> threat.
> >
Get your own FREE, personal Netscape Webmail account today at http://webmail.netscape.com/ |
Lots of fun for the family..
>From: "Josh Hogarth" <[email protected]>
>To: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
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>Subject: Fwd: FIND THE PEACH
>Date: Sat, 07 Apr 2001 21:57:59 -0400
>>From: "K Hogarth" <[email protected]>
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>>Subject: Fwd: FIND THE PEACH
>>Date: Fri, 06 Apr 2001 17:14:39 -0400
>>>From: "Ashley Murphy" <[email protected]>
>>>To: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
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>>>Subject: FIND THE PEACH
>>>Date: Fri, 06 Apr 2001 15:20:02 -0000
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>From: "Brynn Witton"
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>Subject: Fwd: FW: FIND THE PEACH
>Date: Thu, 05 Apr 2001 22:38:12 -0400
>From: "Jessica Simpson"
>To: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
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>Subject: Fwd: FW: FIND THE PEACH
>Date: Thu, 05 Apr 2001 13:55:00 -0400
>From: "Wendy Yang"
>To: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
>Subject: Fwd: FW: FIND THE PEACH
>Date: Thu, 05 Apr 2001 16:35:48
My friend Wendy sent me this one. It's called find the peach kind of like
finding Waldo. Have fun. This is a good one.
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- peach.jpg |
This is to update you on several CA bills that may have implications for green energy/renewables.
**Bills previously discussed
SBX2 78
Status: Last night the bill was approved by the State Assembly. Will be returned to Senate for reconciliation.
Link: <http://info.sen.ca.gov/cgi-bin/postquery?bill_number=sbx2_78&sess=CUR&house=B&site=sen>
SB 532
Status: Heard by Assembly Utilities and Commerce Ctte., failed passage
Link: <http://info.sen.ca.gov/cgi-bin/postquery?bill_number=sb_532&sess=CUR&house=B&site=sen>
**"Windfall profits tax" bills: Generally, these bills impose a tax on electricity sales beyond a specified baseline price (see article below for more detail). Note the exemptions:
SBX2 1
Status: Expected to be heard by Assembly floor on Monday
Link: <http://info.sen.ca.gov/cgi-bin/postquery?bill_number=sbx2_1&sess=CUR&house=B&site=sen>
Exemptions include: "generators of renewable energy sources, as defined, qualifying small production facilities, or qualifying cogeneration facilities. In addition, this bill would not apply to sales of electricity made by local publicly owned utilties made under specified conditions or to generation units used to serve the electrical load of a generation facility"
ABX2 2
Status: Expected to be considered by State Assembly today. If it passes, it will go back to the Senate.
Link: <http://info.sen.ca.gov/cgi-bin/postquery?bill_number=abx2_2&sess=CUR&house=B&site=sen>
Exemptions include:
"...the tax imposed under this part shall not apply to sales of electricity, sold for consumption in this state, made by qualifying facilities.
(c) For purposes of this section, the term "qualifying facilities"
includes qualifying small power production facilities or qualifying
cogeneration facilities within the meaning of Sections 201 and 210 of
Title II of the federal Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of
1978 (16 U.S.C. Secs. 796(17), 796(18), 824a-3), and the regulations
adopted pursuant to those sections by the Federal Energy Regulatory
Commission (18 C.F.R. Secs. 292.01 to 292.602, inclusive), and other
generation units installed, operated, and maintained at a customer
site exclusively to serve that facility's load.
2 Elec Profits Tax Bills On The Move In Calif Assembly
By Jessica Berthold
Dow Jones Energy Service
(Copyright (c) 2001, Dow Jones & Company, Inc.)
LOS ANGELES (Dow Jones)--The California Assembly is to consider a bill Friday to place a progressive tax on electricity sales in California , the second windfall profits tax measure to be heard by legislators in a week.
Under Assembly Bill 2XX, introduced by Assemblywoman Ellen Corbett, D-San Leandro, generators wouldn't be taxed on power priced below $60 per megawatt-hour. Prices above $60/MWh would be subject to a gradually increasing tax.
The first $30 charged by suppliers over the $60/MWh baseline would be taxed at a 50% rate. The next $30 would be taxed at 70%. Anything higher would be taxed at 90%.
The tax would be retroactive to Jan. 1, 2001 and effective through 2005. Tax proceeds would be used to fund a state sales tax holiday on the first weekend in December. Alternative energy suppliers, or "qualifying facilities," as well as self-generators, would be exempt from the tax.
Any excess receipts after the sales tax holiday would be used to provide tax credits to companies for building new generation.
"AB 2XX will help Californians recoup and regain financial footing in an economy that is changing very quickly," said Corbett. "This measure is a major step for California 's recovery from this year's disastrous energy crisis."
If the bill passes the Assembly floor, it will move to the Senate for committee and floor votes. The legislature is set to adjourn Sept. 14.
Similar Bill On Assembly Floor Monday
A second windfall profits tax bill is likely to be heard on the Assembly floor Monday, said a spokesman for the bill's sponsor, Sen. Nell Soto, D-Ontario. The bill passed out of the Assembly Appropriations Committee Thursday.
The bill, SB 2XX, would require state regulators to establish a cost-based price for electricity for each plant in the state. Sellers would be taxed 100% on any sales from a plant that exceeded its cost-based price, and the money would be used for taxpayer rebates. The cost-based price would include up to a 20% return on invested capital.
The tax, which would be effective retroactively to Jan. 1, 2001, would apply to the last sale before electricity hits the power grid, and so would include marketers as well as generators. Co-generation facilities and renewable generators would be exempt, as would some state municipal utilities.
The bill has a good chance of passing the Assembly floor, since only a majority vote is required and Democrats dominate the Assembly 50-30, said Soto spokesman Paul Van Dyke. Thus far, the bill has passed the Senate and various committees in the Assembly on strict party lines.
If the bill does pass the Assembly floor, it would go back to the Senate for concurrence, and then to the governor's desk to be signed. Van Dyke said he did not know which windfall profits tax bill was more likely to pass out of both houses before the legislature adjourns, nor whether the two might be cobbled together to form one bill.
"Our bill is two steps from going to the governor; the other bill has a ways to go," Van Dyke said. "Sometimes two bills on the same issue will pass and go all the way to the governor, and it's up to him to choose."
A spokesman for Gov. Gray Davis said last week that he was open to a windfall profits tax bill, but would not indicate which bill he might prefer. |
Absolutely. This is a critical situation.
Robert Johnston
01/16/2001 08:02 AM
To: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT
cc: Scott Tholan/Corp/Enron@Enron
Subject: California Power 1/15/01
Vince- Kristin mentioned that you might be interested in receiving our daily
updates on the California situation. Hope that you are doing well and let us
know if you require any additional information.
---------------------- Forwarded by Robert Johnston/HOU/ECT on 01/16/2001
08:08 AM ---------------------------
Robert Johnston
01/15/2001 09:10 PM
To: Michelle D Cisneros/HOU/ECT@ECT
cc: Gary Hickerson/HOU/ECT@ECT, James D Steffes/NA/Enron@Enron, Richard
Shapiro/NA/Enron@Enron, Jaime Gualy/NA/Enron@Enron, John Greene/LON/ECT@ECT,
Jeff Kinneman/HOU/ECT@ECT, Kristin Walsh/HOU/ECT@ECT, Scott
Subject: California Power 1/15/01
As talks continued toward the Tuesday deadline markets have been focused on
for the California electricity crisis, state officials around Governor Gray
Davis have
toughened up their rhetoric on a couple of fronts even as they confirmed
they would be in the market as early as Tuesday taking bids for energy to be
paid by the
State of California. One problem on that front is still how much producers
want to charge the state for electricity. As we reported last week, Davis and
his aides
want to pay around $50 to $55 dollars per megawatt hour and suppliers want
about $75. Treasury Secretary Summers has suggested an auction as the best
way to
determine the price, but California officials are taking a less free market
approach and still hope to set the price through negotiation over long-term
Our sources in Washington, Sacramento, and California are increasingly of the
view that Governor Davis is positioning his government to establish long-term
power contracts with the generators that could be passed through to the
utilities following a bankruptcy in the near term. This week's legislative
in Sacramento will create the vehicle to do so. State credit backing
purchases of power would obviate the need for super-priority borrowing to
finance power
purchases after utility bankruptcy.
1. Audit- Untangling Utility Relationships
California officials have also toughened their rhetoric on the debt repayment
front as they say results from a preliminary audit show that
half of the $9 to $12 billion the utilities say they owe is actually owed to
themselves for power they bought from their corporate relations
This strange situation is due to the fact that one holding company owns both
the power-generating and power-distributing companies under a
holding company umbrella. Of course, that means that some of the power PG&E
and Southern California Edison bought at highly inflated prices
was bought from themselves.
But it was not all bad news in the tense negotiations. Sources confirm that
Davis increasingly understood that the state finance role was a crucial part
of any
potential solution. He told our sources this afternoon that he is willing to
use state credit to eliminate the "risky debt" premium that PG&E
and SCE are being charged by suppliers because of their shaky finances and
that he is willing to extend the current 10% rate increase
utility customers are paying far beyond the initial 90-day deadline. In
return he is demanding that the companies prepare to "share the
burden of debt reduction in return for state help and credit extension."
2. Debt Restructuring- Guarantees, but No Direct State Money
Davis also told the videoconference that he believes the $12 billion in back
debt owed by the utility companies can be cleared up
during a 90-day forbearance period (whether that period has been agreed to by
all creditors is not something we are clear about right now). Davis' idea, as
he laid it out in the meeting, is to use the forbearance period to securitize
the debts and sell them against the utilities' forward rate base or by
establishing a
medium-term repayment plan backed by continued state guarantees.
In both cases the restructured debt would be resolved over a decade without
direct use of taxpayer money as the utilities use their positive margins to
paydown their debt. One of the reasons Davis wants to stay close to the
$50-$55 megawatt charge is that it maximizes the rate at which utilities can
down this debt. There is a strong chance that Davis will agree to use state
guarantees to sweeten the pot at the end of these negotiations, but he remains
opposed to using direct state money. This frustrates both Clinton
administration and utility creditors, but Davis has not yet shown much
3. Eminent Domain/Reregulation
Perhaps most frustrating to the Washington DC free market crowd at Treasury
and the White House was the continued comfort Davis and his group of political
advisers have with "non-market" solutions to the energy crisis. Although
the Governor's aides actually believe the weapon is more a "way to force
agreement, than an actual solution," the talk returns frequently to these
non-market mechanisms. "We have the ultimate weapon to enforce compliance by
Tuesday deadline. If we make no progress. If this thing looks like it will
turn into a genuine crisis, then we will use our powers of condemnation and
we will re-take
the plants and equipment and run them ourselves," a close political aide to
Davis said. "We will absorb the plants, the transmission lines and the
reserved parking
places of the executives. The legislature would agree in a second." |
I feel awful about that--particularly since PGT did the same thing! df
Steven Harris
02/01/2001 11:58 AM
To: Drew Fossum/ET&S/Enron@ENRON
Subject: Daily California Update.....
FYI. You should be ashamed asking PG&E to pay us up front for demand charges.
Apparently, California feels we are "predators"!
---------------------- Forwarded by Steven Harris/ET&S/Enron on 02/01/2001
11:57 AM ---------------------------
From: Lorna Brennan/ENRON@enronXgate on 02/01/2001 10:16 AM
To: Lindy Donoho/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Jeffery Fawcett/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Kevin
Hyatt/ET&S/Enron@Enron, Lorraine Lindberg/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, TK
Lohman/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Michelle Lokay/ET&S/Enron@Enron, Lee
Huber/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Susan Scott/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Steven
Subject: Daily California Update.....
CPUC Votes to Keep Gas Flowing
A special session yesterday of California's regulators gave PG&E's utility
authority to amend its gas supply deals to keep supplies flowing to the state
past Feb. 7 when the current federal DOE emergency order expires, but it
postponed action on another PG&E request that Southern California Gas Co. ---
which has strongly objected --- be compelled to provide emergency supplies to
the PG&E utility's residential and small business customers.
Loretta Lynch, president of the California Public Utilities Commission, said
PG&E's utility is a "victim --- a victim of circumstances and a victim of
predatory practices by natural gas suppliers," now demanding payment for
future supplies up front --- not because the utility has failed to pay its
past gas bills, but because the electricity crisis has sapped its
The CPUC action allows PG&E's utility to offer suppliers the option of
securitization or, in effect, a lien, in the utility's retail customers'
bills which cover the full cost of the wholesale gas prices as an incentive
to have the suppliers extend contracts with PG&E's gas utility operations
while the credit-worthiness of the company itself is dubious. It won't be
until next week when the utility begins negotiating new contracts, that it
will know if the CPUC action will overcome the suppliers reluctance to extend
contracts in the current situation, according to PG&E gas utility
spokesperson Staci Homrig.
On the operational side, PG&E on Wednesday declared a low-inventory OFO
because of a cold snap causing more supplies to be burned then pipeline
shippers were bringing into the system. The action was thought to help cause
the PG&E citygate price to jump from $11 to $17 on Wednesday. As for reports
of low storage, Homrig said that while the utility's supplies are very low,
they are adequate for the next week. They are not dipping into cushion or
base gas at this point, Homrig said.
Lynch said that PG&E has not defaulted on any payments, but nevertheless, in
what she considers predatory practices, the suppliers have required advance
payments or payment at the time supplies are provided. "These gas suppliers
are taking advantage of an emergency situation to extract another pound of
flesh," Lynch said in voting for the securitization measure. "Suppliers who
have been paid when due, are now saying regardless of existing agreements
'pay us today.' They are doing this in the coldest time of the year, so the
commissioners have to take these difficult steps to allow PG&E amend these
agreements in order to keep the gas flowing."
Part of the CPUC's action places a 90-day limit on the securitization option,
so with the way gas contracts work, in effect, it only provides about another
30 days' worth of supplies, said Homrig, who noted that almost all of PG&E's
25 to 30 suppliers have asked for special payment arrangements (advances,
cash-on-delivery or letters of credit) that the company cannot accommodate
because of its cash-flow crisis.~ Out of ongoing negotiations, the parties
came up with the securitization proposal in the customer account receivables,
thus, assuring them they will get paid.
On the gas side, PG&E has had sufficient revenues --- unlike its electric
business --- but the suppliers have not wanted to let the utility stick to a
normal payment arrangement because of the severe credit-rating decline in the
past weeks.
The CPUC met in San Francisco late Wednesday afternoon in the midst of a
whirlwind day of public announcements from the governor, state legislature,
consumer groups, regulators and utilities. A key piece was missing, however.
California state legislative leaders called off a morning briefing that was
to have offered the latest legislative proposals for dealing with the energy
crisis. Reportedly sticking points remain centered on the key questions of
who pays for the solutions and how deeply the state gets into the energy
business. A spokesman for the assembly speaker's office said he had no idea
when the briefing would be re-scheduled.
One piece of legislation that got through the state Senate (SB 1X) yesterday
authorizes another $500 million in emergency funds to purchase power. It also
would allow the state water resources department to be the utilities'
wholesale power supplier under long-term contracts at least through 2002. The
measure drew a protest from CPUC Commissioner Richard Bilas, who argued that
the state agency be "removed from that role as quickly as possible." The
bill, which was first passed by the state Assembly, was returned to assembly
committees last night to iron out changes made in the senate. It then would
have to be ratified again by the Assembly.
Meanwhile, consumer activists held rallies around the state protesting the
state bail-out of the private-sector utilities. This prompted at least one of
the utilities, Southern California Edison, to come out swinging, saying that
the recently released results of utility financial audits do not show any
"windfall profits" or diversion of monies from the utilities to the parent
A letter surfaced in Washington from Gov. Gray Davis to the Senate Energy and
Natural Resources Committee, dated Jan. 30 and outlining measures the state
is taking to increase energy supply and decrease demand, sign long-term
contracts and maintain the financial viability of the state's public
utilities. The letter, a catalogue of recent initiatives already reported
here, contained no specifics on any long-term contracts nor legislation
signed that would address the immediate problem. Davis outlined measures
being taken to speed up siting of new power plants, saying an additional
2,000 MW would be online by the end of the year.
Responding to questions on another arena, Edison International's senior vice
president Tom Higgins said "everything is on the table" in the ongoing
negotiations between Davis' three-person negotiating team and the two
utilities, including dropping the pending lawsuit in federal court in Los
Angeles and crediting excess revenues from the utilities' own generation
against the whopping wholesale power cost under-collections.
The state remained under a power watch for the 16th day as the California
independent grid operator (Cal-ISO) urged conservation because "reserves
remain very low." |
It looks like the Brazilian tax situation will be even more problematic than
in Argentina.
---------------------- Forwarded by Brent Hendry/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT on
01/05/99 09:30 AM ---------------------------
Scott Neal
12/30/98 05:02 PM
Subject: Re: Brazilian Transaction Taxes
---------------------- Forwarded by Scott Neal/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT on 12/30/98
02:01 PM ---------------------------
Beth Rosen
12/30/98 01:07 PM
cc: Jordan Mintz/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Re: Brazilian Transaction Taxes
I have provided some comments below in response to your questions regarding
Brazil trading activities. About a year ago, Jordan and I went with Brent and
others to Sao Paulo to do some preliminary due diligence on Brazil trading
issues. At that time there were a number of open issues regarding the legal,
regulatory and commercial aspects of conducting trading activities in Brazil
that would effect our planning. For example, it was not known whether a
Brazil trading office would be considered a financial institution, an
important characterization as financial institutions are subject to a
different tax regime.
In any event, the following should give you a flavor of the regime. I am
also sending you under separate cover some general information regarding
doing business in brazil:
Brazil imposes two gross receipts taxes called Pis and Cofins. The Pis rate
is 0.65% and the Cofins rates has just increased from 2% to 3% effective
February 1, 1999.
Pis/Cofins operate like the Argentine turnover taxes except that Pis/Cofins
are federal taxes as compared to Argentina's turnover taxes which are
assessed at the provincial level.
Strictly speaking, Brazil law considers amounts paid for Pis/Cofins to be
"social contributions" and not taxes as the funds are earmarked for certain
social welfare programs. As a result, the Pis/Cofins are considered
"sacred" and except as outlined below, there are no exemptions or
opportunities to avoid payment of Pis/Cofins.
There are only two exceptions to the payment of Pis/Cofins. First, export
sales by Brazilian companies are not subject to gross receipts taxes. The
second exemption is that charitable foundations are exempt from Pis and
Cofins. Prior to Brazil's recently introduced tax reform package, financial
institutions paid a higher rate of income tax but were exempt from the Cofins
tax (Pis was still due). Now, financial institutions must pay Cofins.
To mitigate the cascading effect of Pis/Cofins in some of our power project
under development, we have looked at, but not implemented, forming
consortiums with some of our suppliers (gas suppliers). Under this scenario,
a portion of the energy payment is allocated to each supplier who is taxable
only on the portion of the tariff to which he contributed. A consortium is a
legal arrangement that applies to a specific transaction and specific
customers. It may not be compatible in the context of a trading office.
Brazil has a value added tax regime which is administered by each state.
There can be mismatches between VAT paid and collected depending on the
particular jurisdiction in which a commodity is bought and resold. The VAT
regimes differs for gas and power trading so we would have to analyze each
specific transaction in order to evaluation whether VAT would represent a
cost to the Brazil tradeco. I am sending to you some information provided
by Arthur Andersen which describes the VAT on sales and re-sales of gas and
electricity under several scenarios,
I am also checking on whether Brazil imposes any energy specific taxes and
will follow up you separately on this issue.
Regards and all the best in 1999.
Subject: Brazilan Transaction Taxes
Beth: I think we have a pretty good handle on these issues with respect to
the Pis/Cofins--not pretty and, in fact, a worse scenario than we face in
Argentina. Would you communicate to Scott.
PS-I must have just missed you today to run-I'm so sorry I couldn't make it,
but it was for a very valid reason.
---------------------- Forwarded by Jordan Mintz/HOU/ECT on 12/16/98 12:15 PM
From: Scott Neal AT ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@CCMAIL on 12/16/98 02:38 PM
Subject: Brazilan Transaction Taxes
Can you give us a briefing on Brazilian transaction taxes? My initial
feeling is that we are going face tax
issues similar to those we are dealing with in Argentina. We have several
deal makers in Sao Paulo that have
begun contact potential customers. I think it is important to start the
education process now for all of us so that we can
1) determine ways to structure deals to limit tax liability and 2) form a
strategy to lobby for changes/reform/exemption.
Some initial questions:
How are marketing/trading companies activities treated?
Are there any energy specific taxes?
If turnover/gross receipt tax are applicable, is there any special treatment
for trading companies?
Are transaction taxes federal, state, or local in nature?
Thanks for your help. |
FERC extends $1,000 price cap on NY ISO power
Dow Jones Interactive
October 24, 2001
Creating chaos out of order ; Power play: Federal order to merge electric transmission grids will hurt Maryland consumers.
Dow Jones Interactive
October 24, 2001
Calif Resells Surplus Power At A Loss In Second Quarter
Dow Jones Interactive
October 24, 2001
FERC extends $1,000 price cap on NY ISO power
WASHINGTON, Oct 24 (Reuters) - The U.S. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission on Wednesday agreed to extend a price cap of $1,000 per megawatt hour for wholesale electricity bids handled by the New York Independent System Operator.
The New York ISO asked FERC to approve an extension through April 30, 2002, for the price cap, which first went into effect in July of last year.
However, FERC said it expected power supplies in New York City and Long Island to remain tight through the summer of 2002. The ISO would likely request another bid cap extension at that time.
Therefore, FERC said the price cap will last as an interim measure until the new Northeast Regional Transmission Organization is up and running.
"We believe that our decision ... will promote price certainty and market participants' confidence in the New York ISO-administered markets, which will increase supply, improve reliability and ... lower energy prices," the agency said in its order.
The New York ISO operates one of the nation's biggest wholesale electric markets with billions of dollars in transactions.
The $1,000 price cap was first adopted to control market manipulation and prevent artificially inflated prices. The cap is supported by several large utilities, such as Consolidated Edison Inc. , which were concerned about high wholesale power prices that occurred after the New York ISO took control of the state's power grid.
FERC aims to create four huge Regional Transmission Organizations to replace the New York ISO and similar groups in managing the nation's power grid. Federal regulators see the RTOs as a way to avoid a repeat of the power crisis in California last winter, in which the antiquated U.S. grid prevented more power from flowing into the state.
Under FERC's plan, the RTOs would be for-profit groups in the U.S. Northeast, Midwest, Southeast and West. Each region would combine public utility transmission facilities to provide open access, more reliable power and lower rates for consumers.
However, some utilities have been hesitant to join an RTO because they will some lose control over the rates they charge other companies to use their power lines.
Creating chaos out of order ; Power play: Federal order to merge electric transmission grids will hurt Maryland consumers.
USING scare and bully tactics, the federal government is trying to force Maryland electricity consumers into paying higher prices for less reliable service and less local control.
That's the outlook for the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's plan to create four new large regional power transmission groups to manage the nation's electric grid. The efficient, stable, economical PJM Interconnection grid system that's taken over 70 years to refine would be twisted and subverted to serve the needs of high-cost New York.
Maryland's carefully crafted deregulation plan to benefit consumers and utilities is also threatened by the FERC order to create a Northeast regional transmission organization within three years.
Challenges by Maryland, Virginia and Washington to the federal agency's mandate have been ignored. So have protests from Vermont and New Hampshire.
Curiously, FERC cited the PJM network, which includes Maryland, as a model for the nation. Then it ordered a hasty merger of PJM with less able New York and New England systems.
Warning of California -type energy problems for the rest of the nation, FERC has pressed its theory that bigger is always better. It ignores the fact that California is the largest U.S. electric market and still failed due to arrogant mismanagement.
Some opposition to the FERC plan is based on loss of control by state regulators and existing regional systems. States opposed to deregulation fear the plan will force that change on them.
Even within PJM, which serves five states and Washington, members hold differing positions on forming mega-regional networks.
But PJM is the largest competitive wholesale power market in the world and has served its 22 million customers well. There's little benefit and a lot of risk in forcing it into a shotgun marriage with less capable Northeastern partners.
Calif Resells Surplus Power At A Loss In Second Quarter
LOS ANGELES -(Dow Jones)- The California agency buying power in lieu of the state's ailing utilities resold electricity in the spot market during the second quarter at an average price of $45 a megawatt-hour, the agency said Wednesday.
The announcement by the California Department of Water Resources was an answer to critics who blasted the department this summer for having to resell surplus power for as little as $1 a megawatt-hour because it secured too much electricity under long-term contracts negotiated by the administration of Gov. Gray Davis, the department said.
In a press release, the department's California Energy Resources Scheduling division, its power-marketing arm, said it resold 224,871 megawatt-hours, or 1.1% of its total purchases. That power generally was first bought on the spot market or through monthly or quarterly contracts, not the long-term contracts, the department said.
Such sales are typical of any power-buying operation, as demand for electricity can vary in unpredictable ways, the department said.
The DWR is responsible for buying all the power needed by the customers of the state's three main utilities beyond what the utilities generate themselves or have secured under their own long-term contracts - or about one-third of the total.
According to the DWR, power secured under Davis' long-term contracts covers one-third to one-half of the electricity it must supply. Short-term deals, such as monthly or quarterly contracts, represent one-third of the portfolio. The rest is bought in the spot market.
The state has put its average cost of power under the long-term contracts at 7.9 cents per kilowatt-hour for the first five years and 6.9 cents per kilowatt-hour for the next five years.
Davis has taken heat for locking up too much electricity at high prices. Similarly, the Department of Water Resources has been criticized for amateurish purchasing practices.
The DWR releases information on its power transactions quarterly to protect its negotiating position, the department said.
The DWR buys power for customers of PG&E Corp. (PCG) unit Pacific Gas & Electric, Edison International (EIX) unit Southern California Edison and Sempra Energy (SRE) unit San Diego Gas & Electric. |
do you want the ticket? i got this ticket from a broker - it is going for like $600 now
call me @800-97ENRON or 713-853-0977
and let me know
-----Original Message-----
From: Luis Mena [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Tuesday, October 02, 2001 2:13 PM
To: Bass, Eric
Subject: RE: FW: True Orange E-Mail/Fax #98
i bought a plane ticket last night. i was waiting to
make sure that texas and ou were undefeated to buy it.
what sucks is that the tickets to dallas were like
600 dollars and to austin were 190 so i'm going to
austin friday morning and driving up with all my
friends. the drive there is great but the drive back
sucks kak.
--- "Bass, Eric" <[email protected]> wrote:
> ive got a 50 yd line seat for the game this weekend
> with your name on it
> pal!
> what do you think?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Luis Mena [mailto:[email protected]]
> Sent: Tuesday, October 02, 2001 2:07 PM
> To: nick schuneman; Bass, Eric; Elias Lira; Italo
> Zarate
> Subject: Fwd: FW: True Orange E-Mail/Fax #98
> --- "Graf, Dustin KWP" <[email protected]>
> wrote:
> > From: "Graf, Dustin KWP" <[email protected]>
> > To: "Boykin, Michael KWP"
> > <[email protected]>, "Oddo, Chris KWP"
> > <[email protected]>, "Gamel, Chris KWP"
> > <[email protected]>,
> > 'Adam Turner' <[email protected]>, 'Luis
> Mena'
> > <[email protected]>,
> > "'[email protected]'"
> > <[email protected]>,
> > "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>,
> > "'Tucker, Michael'"
> > <[email protected]>,
> "'[email protected]'"
> > <[email protected]>, "Humphrey, Randy KWP"
> > <[email protected]>, "Eller, Steven D.
> > KWP"
> > <[email protected]>
> > Subject: FW: True Orange E-Mail/Fax #98
> > Date: Tue, 2 Oct 2001 11:13:35 -0700
> >
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Jeff Boldrick
> [mailto:[email protected]]
> > Sent: Tuesday, October 02, 2001 9:57 AM
> > To: '[email protected]'
> > Subject: FW: True Orange E-Mail/Fax #98
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Jeffrey D. Boldrick
> > Business Development Coordinator - SE Region
> > Deloitte & Touche LLP
> > (404) 220-1084
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: [email protected] [ mailto:[email protected]
> > <mailto:[email protected]> ]
> > Sent: Monday, October 01, 2001 10:12 PM
> > To: [email protected]
> > Subject: True Orange E-Mail/Fax #98
> >
> > True Orange E-Mail/Fax Service
> > Volume 9, E-Mail/Fax #98, Monday, October 1, 2001
> > Jerry Scarbrough's True Orange, P. O. Box 26530,
> > Austin, Texas 78755 - Phone
> >
> > 512-795-8536
> >
> > Horns Favored by 3 Over Sooners; Game at OSU Set
> for
> > 11:30 A.M. on Fox TV
> >
> > Texas is favored by three points over Oklahoma for
> > their 2:30 p.m. showdown
> > in the Cotton Bowl Saturday. I was amazed when I
> > looked at five Las Vegas
> > lines and saw all of them had the Longhorns as the
> > favorite. Oklahoma is the
> >
> > defending national champion, has a higher ranking,
> > has the nation's longest
> > winning streak and I don't want to even get into
> how
> > bad they put it on the
> > Horns last year.
> > Let's hope the bookies know something. I think it
> > will be a great game and I
> >
> > think the Longhorns have a great chance to win,
> but
> > I can't see making the
> > Horns a pre-game favorite.
> > A big key will be to hang tough early. When the
> > Longhorns won in 1999, they
> > had to overcome an early 17-0 Oklahoma lead. In
> last
> > year's blowout, the
> > Sooners also jumped out to a big early lead and
> they
> > kept on pouring it on.
> > Texas has a big offensive line and a big running
> > back and the Longhorns
> > might
> > be able to wear Oklahoma's defense down if the
> > Horns can be physical for
> > four quarters. That's what Kansas State did last
> > week and the Wildcats came
> > back from a 35-14 deficit and almost pulled it
> out.
> > Texas needs to avoid falling behind and then try
> to
> > pull away in the late
> > stages because Oklahoma is pretty thin in the
> > defensive line. The starters
> > are very good, but the backups are untested.
> > * * * *
> > Coach Mack Brown, a former assistant coach at
> > Oklahoma, had a funny story to
> >
> > tell at his Monday press conference. He said when
> he
> > took the job at
> > Oklahoma, he asked Sooner coach Barry Switzer who
> OU
> > had to beat to keep the
> >
> > coaches from getting fired. He said Switzer said
> > Texas. He said he asked
> > about the Big 8 foes, such as Nebraska, and
> Switzer
> > repeated, "Texas."
> > When he came to Texas as the head coach, he said
> he
> > asked some of the top
> > Longhorns who he needed to beat to keep his job.
> > "Everybody," he said they
> > replied. He said he thought they were joking and
> > smiled at them, "but they
> > didn't smile back."
> > * * * *
> > The Longhorns' game at Oklahoma State next weekend
> > will have an 11:30 a.m.
> > kickoff and will be the Fox Syndication Big 12
> Game
> > of the Week. If you live
> >
> > in Texas or Oklahoma and in most other states, you
> > should be able to get the
> >
> > game, but check with your cable company to make
> > sure.
> > * * * *
> > RECRUITING NOTES: Nine of the recruits on my
> 25-man
> > "difference-maker" list
> >
> > have committed, and Texas leads the way with five
> > pledges. The future
> > Longhorns are No. 4 DT Earl Anderson of San
> Marcos,
> > No. 11 LB Garnett Smith
> >
> > of Arlington Lamar, No. 17 LB Brian Robison of
> > Splendora, No. 23. OL Brett
> > Valdez of Brownwood and No. 24 QB Billy Don Malone
> > of Paris North Lamar. A&M
> >
> > is next with two pledges from No. 10 Athlete
> Reggie
> > McNeal of Lufkin and No.
> >
> > 20. Athlete L'Tydrick Riley of Crockett. The other
> > two on the list who are
> > committed are No. 18 Center Bob Morton of McKinney
> > to Notre Dame and No. 25
> > CB Michael Hawkins of Carrollton Turner to
> Oklahoma.
> > The Longhorns also have
> >
> > great shots at No. 1 DT Rodrique Wright of Alief
> > Hastings, No. 2 QB Vincent
> > Young of Houston Madison, No. 3 DE Larry Dibbles
> of
> > Lancaster, No. 6 RB
> > Albert Hardy of Galena Park, No. 7 MLB Aaron
> Harris
> > of North Mesquite, No.
> > 13
> > OL Justin Blalock of Plano East and No. 14 DT
> Marco
> > Martin of Mesquite. They
> >
> > also have fair shots at No. 5 DE Travis Leitko of
> > The Woodlands, No. 8
> > Athlete Edorian McCullolugh of North Garland, No.
> 12
> > TE Eric Winston of
> > Midland Lee, No. 19 CB Ricky Wilson of Port Arthur
> > Lincoln and No. 22
> > Athlete
> > DaBryan Blanton of Forney. That leaves only four
> of
=== message truncated ===
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---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 03/31/2000
04:08 PM ---------------------------
Tanuja Tulsiani <[email protected]> on 03/30/2000 04:39:22 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Energy in Europe Congress 2000
Dear Energy in Europe Congress Delegate
19th June * 22th June 2000 * Kempinski Hotel , Berlin
I am delighted that you will be joining us to speak at our Energy in
Europe2000 conference (formally known as Electricity in Europe Congress) and
enclose copies of the printed brochure for you and your colleagues. I hope
that you will agree that the programme looks excellent and the response so
far indicates that the event will be extremely well attended.
I would be grateful if you could just take a moment to look through the items
we would like from you prior to the conference to help ensure everything runs
smoothly on the day.
Your Administration/Preparation Details
12 weeks to go!
You will find attached:
? PINK FORM : please tick and fill in and fax back immediately
? HOTEL FORM: please tick and fill in and fax direct to the hotel
? MARKETING.DOC: Information for out marketing department, please fill in and
send back as soon as possible
Friday 26th May 2000 : A Hard Copy Of Your Documentation
3 weeks to go!
? We would like a hard black & white copy of your presentation / bullet
points/copy of slides whichever is best for you, to insert into the delegate
documentation. We can receive this by post or email if the documents are not
too complex but we try not to insert fax copies as copy quality is poor.
(e-mail address - [email protected]).
N.B. Even if you plan to speak off the cuff, we would urge that you submit at
least an outline of your speech to us for insertion into the delegate pack by
the above date. The most consistent complaint that we have from delegates is
that not all speakers offer hard copies of their presentation.
? If you are unable to make this deadline, please could you inform us as
soon as possible so that we can make alternative arrangements and avoid
printing delay.
Under separate cover we have arranged for five brochures to be sent to you
outlining the full programme. These should arrive very shortly.
Should you have any queries regarding your participation at the conference
please contact Tanuja Tulsiani, our Logistics Manager who will be looking
after the 'domestic' side of the event. You can call her direct on (44) 171
915 5173 or do contact myself. Thank you once again for joining us and I look
forward to seeing you in the Berlin.
With kind regards,
Alexandra Howells
Energy in Europe Congress 2000
- hotel form.doc
- Pink form.doc
- marketing.doc |
-----Original Message-----
From: Mims, Patrice L.
Sent: Monday, August 20, 2001 1:42 PM
To: Pollan, Sylvia S.
-----Original Message-----
From: Puthigai, Savita
Sent: Friday, August 17, 2001 3:47 PM
To: EOL Non North America Traders; EOL North America Traders
Cc: EOL Call Center; EOL Marketing Europe; EOL Product Control Group, Enron Sydney; Product Control - Houston; Webb, Jay; Richter, Brad; Enron London - EOL Product Control Group,; Carter, Carl; Pacheco, Leonardo; Renaud, Lindsay; Gonzales, Francis; Mandola, Teresa
In order to continually develop and make improvements to the functionality of EnronOnline we are rolling out several changes tonight, which will be in effect on Monday August 20, 2001. Some of these changes will affect Stack Manager while others affect the Website. A summary of these changes is listed below.
Stack Manager Changes
Top of Stack limit orders - This feature will allow the price submitted via limit orders to be displayed on the website if their bid or offer is better than the trader's stack price. Stack Manger will list the price and the names of counterparties submitting such orders on the floated stack window. Orders will be queued by price and time stamp. When a counterparty trades on a " Top of Stack Entry" it will create back to back transactions; one between Enron and the counterparty submitting the order, and the other between Enron and the counterparty clicking on the website.
In order to turn on this functionality select the " Allowed Top of Stack" option, in the Orders section of the product properties page. If regular limit order functionality is desired the "Allowed" option should be selected.
Please note that this feature will be released in a disabled mode and will be turned on sometime next week after determining which business units want to roll this out.
Restricted Top of Stack limit orders - This feature will allow the price submitted only by internal traders via limit orders to be displayed on the website if their bid or offer is better than the trader's stack price. Stack Manger will list price and the names of counterparties submitting such orders on the floated stack window. Orders will be queued by price and time stamp. When a counterparty trades on a " Top of Stack Entry" it will create back to back transactions one between Enron and the counterparty submitting the order, and the other between Enron and the counterparty clicking on the website.
In order to turn on this functionality select the " allowed as Restricted Top of Stack" option, in the Orders section of the product properties page. If regular limit order functionality is desired the "Allowed" option should be selected. If a product has active orders against it you will not be able to select the "Restricted Top of Stack" feature.
Advanced Filtering Ability on All Products Tab - Drop down filtering capability is now available for each field in the All Products tab in stack manager. In order to filter click on the arrow next to the field title. A drop down box with a list of attributes will appear. Highlight the attribute by which you wish to filter. To turn off the filter click on the arrow and select the " All" option from the drop down box.
Website Changes
New Submission Screen for Restricted Top of Stack Limit Orders - The submission screen for products that allow Top of Stack or Restricted Top of Stack limit orders is as follows.
The submit button on the left makes a submission for a normal transaction, while the button on the right will submit as a limit order. In case of the Restricted Top of Stack limit orders only internal traders will see the new submission box.
Price of Limit Orders
Modify Limit Orders
Customers now have the ability to modify the price of any active order. In order to do so highlight the order to be modified and use the plus or minus sign next to the price field on at the top of the "Today's Orders" section. The price will move up or down in the same increments as the tick size for that product. Once the price is at the desired level click the "Set" button and the price will be modified. Another way to modify the price on a limit order is to click on the price field on a particular limit order. You will see a box with plus, minus and set buttons that allow you to modify that order.
Expiration time for Limit Orders
Customers can now place limit orders with expiration times of up to 30 days. Currently they may place orders for only up to 12 hours.
Float the Today's Orders Section
You can now float the " Limit Order " section. In order to do so, right click in the "Today's Orders " section and select the float window option. In order to make the window " Stay On Top " right click on the floated window and select the stay on top option.
Mid Market Client - Mid market originators will now have the ability to transact on behalf of their customers, while including their desired margin on the trade, on EnronOnline products. In order to do so Click on the bid or offer price, a customised submission window will appear. Select the counterparty for whom you wish to transact from a drop down list , enter the desired customer price and margin and click submit. For example if a customer wants to buy Nymex Sep 01 at 3.36 and you wish to have a 1 cent margin, please enter 3.36 as the desired price and 0.01 as the margin. The system will trade the order when the EnronOnline offer for Nymex Sep 01 is at 3.35, book the trade at 3.36 and record the 0.01 origination amount.
In order to be set up to use this functionality. Please call the EnronOnline Product Control Group.
Changes to Website Passwords - As an added security measure, which has been requested by many customers, some new password rules have been instituted. First, the password cannot be equal to the login ID. Second, each user will be prompted to change his password every 90 days. These rules apply to all website passwords for both internal and external users.
Please note Stack Manager changes will be available all traders as of Monday August 20, 2001. The changes to the website will be rolled out to a few internal users on Monday with the rest of the internal users being upgraded Monday night, and external users by the end of the week. Over the next couple of weeks all users will be prompted to change their website passwords.
If you have any questions regarding these changes please contact me at 713-853-1787.
Savita Puthigai
<Embedded Paintbrush Picture> |
---------------------- Forwarded by David M Gagliardi/TTG/HouInd on
08/31/2000 01:38 PM ---------------------------
"Michael Gagliardi" <[email protected]> on 08/31/2000 01:10:56 PM
To: [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected]
Subject: True Orange Fax/E-Mail #81
---------------------- Forwarded by Michael
Gagliardi/Hou-ComOps/EnergyTrading/PEC on 08/31/2000 01:19 PM
[email protected] on 08/31/2000 12:30:43 PM
To: [email protected]
cc: (bcc: Michael Gagliardi/Hou-ComOps/EnergyTrading/PEC)
Subject: True Orange Fax/E-Mail #81
Several of you sent me e-mails saying you did not get last night's
report e-mail, so here it is again for everybody. If you already have it,
sorry for gumming up your mail box.
True Orange Fax/E-Mail Service
Volume 8, Fax/E-Mail #81, Wednesday, August 30, 2000
Jerry Scarbrough's True Orange, P. O. Box 26530, Austin, Texas 78755 -
Horns Have Final Public Scrimmage Before Huge Crowd
Coach Mack Brown put the Longhorns through a short, but spirited scrimmage
Wednesday night in Royal Memorial Stadium before an enthusiastic crowd UT
officials estimated at about 7,500.
With the first-team defense sitting out most of the scrimmage, the offenses
dominated most of the way. Chris Simms hit 5 of 8 passes for 144 yards,
including a 5-yard touchdown pass to freshman sensation Roy Williams, who
set up the score with a great catch of a 50-yard Simms' throw, and a
TD pass to WR Montrell Flowers off a fake reverse.
The first-team offense also scored on a two-yard run by TB Victor Ike,
starting TB Hodges Mitchell set it up with a 50-yard gallop.
But QB Major Applewhite led the second-team offense to two touchdowns,
hitting 10 of 13 for 173 yards, including scoring tosses of 70 yards to the
other sensational freshman WR, B. J. Johnson, and 15 yards to senior
Healy. Applewhite's TD pass to Johnson was a short screen up the middle and
Johnson just ran away from all the pursuit. Starting safety Greg Brown
intercepted one of Applewhite's throws on the second-team's first
Brown still wouldn't give any hint about who will be his starting QB in the
season opener next week, but did say both QBs played well. Brown also said,
"I was really pleased with the wide receivers. I thought they made some
in running better routes and making the tough catches."
He also said Ike is clearly the No. 2 TB behind Mitchell at this point.
Redshirt freshman Ivan Williams had a great spring, but has not been
dominating during the current practices. He also has had some nagging
injuries. Brown said Ike, the fastest of the tailbacks, has been doing well
in practice. "Victor has been doing the best since he's been here," Brown
said. "He is doing much better without the ball (blocking) than he has in
* * * *
Defensive coordinator Carl Reese, who has nine starters back, says he is
feeling better about his new defensive ends. "I've got four guys I think
play," Reese said. "Cory Redding and Jermain Anderson are the starters, and
Kaelen Thornton has really been doing a good job. He just keeps getting
better, so he'll be the first backup for Anderson, and Cole Pittman has had
three solid scrimmages in a row, so he'll be the guy behind Redding. I
all four of them will play a lot, and they're the four main ones right
Thornton, a true freshman, is one of the larger DEs at about 6-3, 270, but
Reese said he is "pretty quick out there. He gets a good rush from the
and that's what we like. He also is learning to do a better job against the
He said Pittman, who was moved over from tackle to provide better run
support, "has been doing a good job against the run, and he's a pretty good
pass rusher, too. I think we'll be okay with those four guys as soon as
get a little more experience."
* * * *
Brown said the team will have one more open practice and it will be
at 3:30 at Denius Field. Then he plans to give the team three days off to
to let the players recover from the grueling two-a-day workouts. The team
will go back to work Monday to get ready for the Saturday opener at 11:30
a.m. against Louisiana-Lafayette.
* * * *
INJURY UPDATE: Brown said OT Mike Williams suffered a twisted leg in the
scrimmage, but he said he didn't think it was serious.
* * * *
RECRUITING NOTES: The Longhorns still have 13 commitments. DE Eric Hall,
6-3, 225, 4.5, of Clarksville, Tenn., who will take his official visit to
Texas the Sept, 9 weekend, rushed 10 times for 102 yards and completed 5 of
passes for 106 yards and two TDs to lead his team to a 34-0 victory over
Springfield Friday in the season opener for both teams. He plays QB and
safety, but said he didn't play any defense after the first half. . . DT
Tommie Harris of Killeen Ellison, says Texas is still his top team, and he
said he will come to the Louisiana-Lafayette game Dec. 9. "I really like
Mack Brown has been doing since he came to Texas," Harris said.
* * * *
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GENERATOR/POWER MARKETING FERC Agenda Memo for October 24, 2001
RTO Week shedded a new light on the pace and direction that the Commission may go in with respect to RTO development. During discussions with the state commission representatives on Thursday, Chairman Wood said with regards to the hard and fast number of RTOs he desired, "the number 4 is officially gone.. if it ever was essentially here." Chairman Wood was very receptive to the recommendations and pleas of the state commissioners and declared that the FERC would take as much time as it needed and that it was "committed to getting the right outcome." With that being said, 5 of the RTO-related proceedings on the agenda for next week's FERC meeting will probably result in extensive discussions encapsulating this week's RTO Week developments and a retreat from a prescriptive order or rulemaking issuing at this time.
Commission Agenda: http://www.ferc.fed.us/PUBLIC/ISD/Sunshine.htm
If you would like copies of any orders, please do not hesitate to contact us. Below are individual case descriptions.
In addition, the Commission will discuss four new "Administrative" issues:
A-4 AD02-4 Reliability, Security and Market Operations
A-2 AD02-2 Legislative Matters
A-3 AD02-3 Customer Matters
A-1 AD02-1 Agency Administrative Matters
RTO Developments
E-1 Discussion of RTO Developments in the Northeast EX02-1-000; RT01-99 PJM; RT01-98 PJM-West; New York ISO RT01-95; Commission discussion on the FERC's ALJ Northeast RTO Mediation Report and comments filed by industry.
E-2 Discussion of RTO Developments in the Southeast EX02-2; RT01-100 Gridsouth; RT01-34 Southwest Power Pool; RT01-75 Entergy Services; RT01-77 Southern Company Services - Commission discussion on the FERC's ALJ Southeast RTO Mediation Report and comments filed by industry.
E-3 Discussion of RTO Developments In the Midwest EX02-3; RT01-87 Midwest ISO/Alliance; EL01-80 National Grid USA - Commission discussion on RTO developments in the Midwest region. At the last Commission meeting, FERC gave the Midwest ISO a big boost toward the RTO finish line. The discussions with state commissions at this week's RTO week conference may slow down FERC's efforts in mandating RTO structure in the Midwest also.
E-4 Discussion of Western Infrastructure Adequacy Conference AD01-2 - Commission discussion on FERC's agenda and scope of the "Adequacy of Western Infrastructure" conference announced at the September 26 Commission meeting and to be held during the Western Governor's Association's meeting on November 2 in Seattle, WA.
E-5 Electricity Market Design and Structure RM01-12 - Commission action in response to RTO Week developments and comments filed in the "Electricity Market Design Structure" docket.
Market Complaints
E-19 San Diego Gas & Electric Co. v. Sellers of Energy EL00-95-034; EL00-98-038 - Order on the CA ISO's compliance filing proposing a new generator outage and maintenance coordination plan. Dynegy and other protesters allege that the CA ISO is attempting to circumvent FERC and "seize control of the outage monitoring" function that is currently FERC' s responsibility and role.
E-21 Pacificorp Power Marketing ER01-2685-000 - Order on Pacificorp Power Marketing's request to withdraw its filing of a 10-year power Purchasing Agreement contract with the California Department of Water Resources. Attempting to comply with a Commission order in the Southern Case rescinding waiver and requiring that all long-tern power contacts be filed with the Commission in place of submitting quarterly power marketing reports, Pacificorp filed its long-term contract and later realized that the waiver was still in effect at the time it made the power contract filing. As a result, Pacifcorp filed to withdraw its earlier contract filing. The California Public Utilities Commission filed protest to the withdrawal.
E-26 Mirant et al. v. ISO New England, Inc. EL01-93-001 - Order on NSTAR's request for rehearing of the Commission's 8/10/01 order upholding the ISO NE's market rules, which include Market Rule No. 17 affording the ISO NE discretion to negotiate mitigation agreements and enter into market power mitigation contracts with generators. In response to the rehearing request, the ISO NE filed for clarification of this exemption to file mitigation agreements with the FERC, under its discretion granted per the approved market rules.
E-30 Calpine Eastern Corp., Mirant et al. v. ISO New England EL01-124-000 - Order on Calpine's complaint against the ISO NE for excluding external energy contracts from its calculation of the energy clearing price for the ISO's market.
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---------------------- Forwarded by Susan J Mara/SFO/EES on 10/05/2000 03:46
PM ---------------------------
Mary Hain@ECT
10/05/2000 05:15 PM
To: Tim Belden/HOU/ECT@ECT, James D Steffes/NA/Enron@Enron, Susan J
Mara/SFO/EES@EES, Sarah Novosel/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Joe Hartsoe@Enron,
[email protected], Richard Sanders, Richard Shapiro
Subject: Chairman Hoecker's Congressional Testimony asking for retroactive
refund authority
In his comments, Hoecker asks Congress to give FERC retroactive refund
authority. By the way this article is wrong about the refund effective
date. The current refund effective date is 60 days from the date FERC's
order was published in the Federal Register. It was pushed on August 30, so
if in a future order the Commission were to require refunds, they would be
calculated beginning October 29th.
---------------------- Forwarded by Mary Hain/HOU/ECT on 10/05/2000 11:43 AM
Enron Capital & Trade Resources Corp.
From: "Ronald Carroll" <[email protected]>
10/05/2000 07:51 AM
To: <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>,
<[email protected]>, <[email protected]>
Subject: Electric Power Plus Article re FERC Chairman Hoecker's Congressional
Law changes needed for retroactive refunds
FERC'S Hoecker Asks Congress For Broader Authority
Date: October 2, 2000 -
FERC Chairman James Hoecker (D) told a congressional panel that the
commission needs retroactive ratemaking authority to better guard against
market power in a competitive environment. Hoecker also urged the congressmen
to give the commission broader authority to sufficiently oversee the utility
industry's transition to competition.
Hoecker's plea to Congress may not be a welcomed one for California, where
some state officials want the commission to order refunds to customers after
prices in the wholesale market skyrocketed to unprecedented levels this
summer. Although Hoecker has informed California that the commission will
consider refunds as a part of its larger investigation into the state's bulk
power markets, it is clear that currently, the commission does not have that
authority to do so retroactively.
"The [Federal Power Act] would have to be changed," a FERC staffer says.
For its own study -- which began in August -- Hoecker claimed that the
commission, if proven necessary, would consider ordering refunds if market
participants were indeed price gouging. However, the Federal Power Act (FPA)
-- the law that gives the commission much of its authority -- does not
consider retroactive refund authority and clarification of that law is
probably needed to see if the commission can do that.
"If we need to fix market rules or market structures within our jurisdiction,
we will do so," Hoecker told the House Committee on Government Reform Sept.
21. "If market power is being exercised, we will respond accordingly, by
revoking or modifying market-based rates or reassuring the basis upon which
we grant them. We may order refunds to the extent allowed by the FPA, if
refunds are justified by record evidence. However, the FPA defines the
commission's authority, and leaves responsibility for many helpful measures
with California (and other states)."
Currently, the FPA allows the commission to issue refunds for transactions
made 60 days after the commission initiates an investigation, which in this
case would be Oct. 13. However, the law makes no mention of retroactive
ratemaking, and FERC officials admit that to do so, the law needs to be
"Based upon what I know, the authority of the commission to issue refunds for
any period before 60 days following our [investigation] order is highly
problematic," Commissioner William Massey (D) told Electric Power Alert.
"There are very good arguments that if FERC would try to do that, it would be
unlawful and we would need legislation to do that."
The Government Reform Committee, chaired by Rep. Dan Burton (R-IN), held a
mid-afternoon Sept. 21 hearing to gauge what is being predicted to be a
severe energy crisis this winter. The committee heard testimony from Hoecker,
Energy Secretary Bill Richardson, and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Administrator Carol Browner.
Much of the hearing focused on natural gas and oil markets, but both
Richardson and Hoecker used the meeting as a forum to blast Congress for
failing to pass comprehensive restructuring legislation this year. Richardson
expressed his "disappointment" that nothing passed, while Hoecker claimed
that FERC needs broader authority if it is to guard against market power.
"Congress should place all electric transmission in the continental United
States under the same rules for non-discriminatory open access and comparable
service," Hoecker said. "The commission's open access rules are not binding
on the part of the nation's transmission system . . . owned or controlled by
entities other than public utilities. Open access over the facilities of
public power and other non-public utilities would promote greater competition
in wholesale markets, by expanding trading opportunities for wholesale buyers
and sellers."
Hoecker pointed to FERC's investigation into bulk power markets and
California's energy crisis and claimed that unless the commission receives
clear legislative direction, FERC will extremely limited in what it could do
to solve the market problems.
"Congress, too, has a role to play in ensuring that consumers are able to
obtain the energy they need at reasonable prices," Hoecker said. "Most
critically, events this summer demonstrate the urgency of enacting
electricity legislation to help resolve remaining impediments to competition.
Federal legislation can establish the ground rules that will lead to adequate
investment in generation and transmission facilities, and higher levels of
reliability which is crucial to the digital economy."
The chairman also urged Congress to give FERC the authority to mandate
regional transmission organization participation and mandate reliability
standards. Currently, the House is considering a bill that would make the
commission a federal backstop for reliability, but most congressional sources
do not expect the bill to pass (see related story).
_source: Electric Power Alert
_date: October 2, 2000
_issue: Vol. 10, No. 20
_title: FERC's Hoecker Asks Congress For Broader Authority
, Inside Washington Publishers |
The New York Times on the Web
Thursday, May 10, 2001
For news updated throughout the day, visit www.nytimes.com
"We like living here. It's a beautiful place. The only thing
we don't like, you can't make any money to survive. My son
is getting straight A's. He's not going to be around here."
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Full Story:
Bit by Bit, Tiny Morland, Kan., Fades Away
U. of Virginia Hit by Scandal Over Cheating
Smithsonian Is Promised $38 Million, With Strings
Western Governors Turn Focus to Need for More Power Lines
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By BOB HERBERT: Mr. Ferrer's Dilemma
Bronx borough president Fernando Ferrer's courting of the
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1.??? Some of the guests didn't bring a gift, but brought extra uninvited
2.??? When the cake says "Happy Birthday Mijo" instead of the child's real
3.??? The party is at Chuck E. Cheese, but they brought their own food,
cake, and a pinata.
4.??? It's a party, but there are more grown-ups than children.
5.??? It's "Mijo's" 1st Birthday and the party food is carne asada, arroz
con frijoles puercos, y 10 cases of beer.
6.??? For entertainment, instead of playing pin the tail on the donkey,
there is usually a televised baseball, football game, or a live fight.
7.??? They don't sing Happy Birthday, instead everyone is salsa dancing.
8.??? The party was over at 5:00, it's 10:00 and the party is just starting.
9.??? You find out from Abuela that Abuelo is taking viagra.
10.??? The host calls someone who's on their way and tells them to stop and
get some tortillas and ice.
11.??? The guests start arriving and the hostess disappears to get ready.
12.??? You hear someone go up to the birthday child and say "Mira, tan cute!"
13.??? Someone else says? "I'm going to have to get you something next week
when I get paid.
14.??? The party is Saturday, and you get a call from the hostess Friday
night saying, "I'm giving Mijo a birthday party tomorrow at 3:00."
15.??? Some guests bring gifts that are still in the store bag unwrapped.
16.??? There always seems to be more family than friends at the party.
17.??? You have the party over at your's brother's because he bought a new
house and he has a pool.
18.??? The cake didn't come from the store; it came from the mother of the
comadre of your friend's sister who makes really good cakes.
19.??? You are told you have to save your plate and fork you ate your food
with, so you can eat you cake.
20.??? Someone calls and says they can't make it, but asks that you save
them some cake.
21.??? Guests are wrapping up cake to take to Madre, Tio, Abuela, Chata y el
22.??? The party music is coming from a small boom box.
23.??? The birthday child is dressed from head to toe in Tommy.
24.??? The birthday baby's Daddy comes to the party and brings the kid he
had before and after the Birthday Baby.
25.??? It's "Mijo's" party, but since his cousin Madonna is there and her
birthday is in a few days, it becomes Mijo's and Madonna's party.
Power to la Raza
I thought this was?something to share with all you REAL Mexicans and those
who are still trying to get to know us..........
? |
I certainly agree on the tip of the iceberg point. They do need to be
watched and watched carefully. An isolated incident is one thing, a
pattern of losses is quite another.
My experience with Campbell has been limited to watching him
operate in committee, and I have not been impressed. I would be happy to
be surprised in the future. MIKE
At 07:09 PM 7/24/2001 -0500, you wrote:
>Interesting points. However, I don't ever recall you agreeing with every
>Commission decision on disallowances. And I know you wouldn't establish
>differing standards for IOUs and state water agencies.
>I just hope that this isn't the tip of the iceberg.
>You really think that Campbell is a dim bulb? A Republican, yes, but I
>haven't heard anyone else describe him as a dim bulb.
> Mike
> Florio
> <mflorio@turn To: [email protected]
> .org> cc:
> Subject: Re: Figures show
> state lost big on
> 07/24/2001 extra
> power
> 05:40
> PM
>Shame on you, Jeff! I expect this sort of thing from inexperienced
>reporters and dim bulbs like Campbell. But you KNOW that this sort of
>thing is no big deal. And when did the PUC ever disallow these kinds of
>losses for the utilities? I don't think my memory has gotten that bad.
>At 03:20 PM 7/24/2001 -0500, you wrote:
> >FYI. Many similar stories in the major papers today.
> >
> >Best,
> >
> >
> >Jeff
> >
> >
> >Figures show state lost big on extra power
> >
> >
> >Posted at 9:53 p.m. PDT Monday, July 23, 2001
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >Mercury News
> >
> >
> >State figures show California may have lost about $14 million this month
> >selling surplus electricity for less than it cost.
> >
> >
> >The Mercury News disclosed last week that some power was being sold at a
> >loss. But the new figures provide the first indication of just how much
> >excess power the state bought in its desperate effort to avoid blackouts
> >and how cheaply some of that power was sold when it turned out not to be
> >needed.
> >
> >
> >A Republican lawmaker said Monday the loss also shows Democratic Gov. Gray
> >Davis' energy policies are needlessly costing consumers.
> >
> >
> >``This whole thing is a mess,'' said Assemblyman John Campbell, R-Irvine,
> >who requested details of the state's surplus power sales. ``The government
> >needs to get out of the power business before it costs Californians even
> >more money.''
> >
> >
> >A state spokesman didn't dispute the $14 million figure outright but said
> >it is an approximation based on average prices and that the actual loss
> >probably is less.
> >
> >
> >``It's a number I'm sure he likes very much, but it's definitely an
> >estimated number, and it could be far lower,'' said Oscar Hidalgo,
> >spokesman for the state Department of Water Resources.
> >
> >
> >Campbell responded that the loss also could be higher.
> >
> >
> >The state has spent $415 million on power so far this month.
> >
> >
> >State officials last week confirmed that cool weather and consumer
> >conservation have left California holding more power than it needs. The
> >revelation was a stunning turnaround for a state that months ago was
> >top dollar for power, expecting shortages this summer.
> >
> >
> >Price that was paid
> >
> >
> >The state bought 3.5 million megawatt-hours of electricity for July at an
> >average price of $118 per megawatt-hour, according to a response Friday by
> >the Department of Water Resources to Campbell's inquiry. The state has
> >178,000 surplus megawatt-hours in July at an average price of $37, the
> >department said.
> >
> >
> >Based on those average prices, the state paid $21 million for the surplus
> >power, which it sold for $6.5 million -- $14.5 million less than it cost.
> >
> >
> >A more precise calculation of the state's loss is difficult because
> >purchased power is acquired at different times and prices and pooled as a
> >``portfolio.''
> >
> >
> >Purchases included long-term contracts that averaged $138 per
> >as well as cheaper spot-market buys.
> >
> >
> >State officials last week said they were selling surplus at $15 to $30 a
> >megawatt-hour, while some traders cited unconfirmed sales as low as $1.
> >
> >
> >Hidalgo noted that the surplus sales represent just 5 percent of
> >California's July purchases, which totaled $415 million. The $6.5 million
> >from sales will help lower the state's power bill, he said, adding that
> >utilities routinely sell some extra electricity.
> >
> >
> >``Despite the fact that we're in somewhat of a surplus, any power-buying
> >operation in the world is going to have to plan for these types of
> >situations,'' Hidalgo said. ``It's not unique, and in fact it's normal
> >operating procedure for any utility.''
> >
> >
> >Other Western utilities, including Portland General Electric in Oregon,
> >have said they, too, are selling some surplus power at a loss and describe
> >it as a cost of doing business.
> >
> >
> >The suppliers buying the state's surplus electricity on the cheap include
> >the big out-of-state energy companies that the governor has called
> >price-gouging ``snakes.'' Among them are Duke Energy, Dynegy Power and
> >Marketing, El Paso Power Services, Mirant, Reliant Energy and Williams
> >Energy.
> >
> >
> >`Best bid' taken
> >
> >
> >Hidalgo said the state took the best offers it could find.
> >
> >
> >``It's only reasonable to get the best bid you can,'' he said.
> >
> >
> >Campbell said the $14 million loss is troubling because ratepayers or
> >taxpayers will have to cover the cost, whereas a private utility could be
> >forced to eat the expense if regulators determined it was unreasonable.
> >
> >
> >State officials say what's more important is that the overall cost of
> >is dropping, from an average daily tab of $64 million in May to $25
> >this month, in part because the state has so much power.
> >
> >
> >Contact John Woolfolk at [email protected] <
> >mailto:[email protected]> or (408) 278-3410. |
Good points. But you'll be happy to know that I bought 100 shares of enron
yesterday. Now I own your ass!
>From: [email protected]
>To: "Scott Laughlin" <[email protected]>
>CC: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
>[email protected], [email protected],
>[email protected]
>Subject: Re: letter
>Date: Fri, 6 Apr 2001 15:50:01 -0500
>This thing's been floating around the web for a while. Show's what's wrong
>with good ol' California. To wit:
> We want federal water subsidies so we can kill the fish and grow rice
> and grapefruit in the desert ("and we'll keep it all for us?").
> Let's drive our freakin' gas-guzzlin' SUVs all over, but hey, who needs
> to invest in roads; and somebody else come quick and clean up our air
> from all those emissions.
> And we're 49th in the nation for spending on education. Great stuff.
> Now, we've decided we want other state's with less sophisticated people
> (in places like Nevada, Montana, Oregon, Washington, New Mexico) to
> build power plants (and pollution) in their states to feed electricity,
> and dam their rivers and kill their salmon so that we can heat our hot
> tubs and STILL pay 3 cents a kilowatt hour.
> And oh, by the way, it's federal taxes and the military industrial
> complex which has funded CA's weapons industry and communications
> industry. As no big fan of the military industrial comples, I'm just
> crying crocodile tears.
>Generally the kind of self-righteous doo-doo that turns people off to what
>is an otherwise great place to be.
>Yours in tender diatribes,
>PS Scott, I think that you're absolutely right: drilling in the Arctic
>Refuge in good for America....
> "Scott
> Laughlin" To: [email protected],
>[email protected],
> <scottwl@hotm [email protected],
>[email protected],
> ail.com> [email protected],
> [email protected]
> 04/06/2001 cc:
> 03:12 PM Subject: letter
>Hope this doesn't piss Jeff off too much...
>America has engaged in some finger wagging lately because California
>doesn't have enough electricity to meet its needs. The rest of the
>country (including George W. Bush's energy secretary Spencer Abraham,
>who wants Californians to suffer through blackouts as justification for
>drilling for oil in Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge) seems to
>be just fine with letting Californians dangle in the breeze without
>enough power to meet their needs. They laugh at Californians'
>Well, everybody. Here's how it really is: California ranks 48th in the
>nation in power consumed per person. California grows more than half the
>nation's fruit, nuts and vegetables. We're keeping them. We need something
>to eat when the power goes out. We grow 99 percent or more of the nation's
>almonds, artichokes, dates, figs, kiwi fruit, olives, persimmons,
>pistachios, prunes, raisins and walnuts. Hope you won't miss them.
>California is the nation's number one dairy state. We're keeping our
>dairy products. We'll need plenty of fresh ones since our refrigerators
>can't be relied upon. Got milk?
>We Californians are gonna keep all our high-tech software in state.
>Silicon Valley is ours, after all. Without enough electricity, which
>you're apparently keeping for yourselves, we just plain don't have
>enough software to spare.
>We're keeping all our airplanes. California builds a good percentage of
>the commercial airliners available to fly you people to where you want
>to go. When yours wear out, you'd better hope Boeing's Washington plant
>can keep you supplied. There isn't enough electricity here to allow us
>to export any more planes than we need ourselves.
>And while we're at it, we're keeping all our high-tech aerospace stuff,
>too, like the sophisticated weapons systems that let you sleep at
>night, not worried you might wake up under the rule of some foreign
>kook. [As opposed to some domestic kook]
>Oh, yeah, and if you want to make a long-distance call, remember where
>the satellite components and tracking systems come from. Maybe you
>could get back in the habit of writing letters.
>Want to see a blockbuster movie this weekend? Come to California. We
>make them here. Since we'll now have to make them with our own
>electricity, we're keeping them. Even if we shot them somewhere else,
>the labs, printing facilities, editing facilities, and sound facilities
>are all here.
>Want some nice domestic wine? We produce over 17 million gallons per
>year. We'll need all of it to drown our sorrows when we think about the
>fact that no matter how many California products we export to make the
>rest of America's lives better, America can't see its way clear to help
>us out with a little electricity. You can no longer have any of our
>You all complain that we don't build enough power plants. Well, you
>don't grow enough food, write enough software, make enough movies,
>build enough airplanes and defense systems or make enough wine.
>This is your last warning, America. Lighten (us) up before it's too late.
>The Californians
>Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com
Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com |
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Available May 14, 2001
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sector of the energy industry. You'll see it all, from
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** Hedging With Futures and Options **
Coming in June
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and will review hedging strategies using futures and options for a
range of different participants. The course will contain practical
examples from various commodity markets.
** Understanding Value-at-Risk **
Coming in July
Value-at-risk can be an important tool for measuring risk, but
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value-at-risk calculations, it's easy to become bewildered.
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APPEC 2001
The Oxford Princeton Programme, in collaboration with Times
Conferences and Exhibitions, are proud to present workshops
on 'The Energy e-Learning Revolution' at APPEC 2001.
Amongst the issues discussed will be:
* The increasing requirements of further education and training
among employees and staff
* The increasing use of the internet to educate and train all
levels of organisations.
The Asia Pacific Petroleum Conference
10-12 September at the Raffles City Convention Centre, Singapore.
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The Oxford Princeton Programme is on the road!
Our resident expert Carl Holland will be on the road and
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We will need the "organizational ID" number for the Delaware, Maryland and
Texas entities. If you wish, we can obtain this information from CT Corp.
or a similar service provider for a charge of $12 per entity.
Also, for UCC filing purposes, we need to know whether any counterparty is
a "transmitting utility", i.e., entity primarily engaged in transmitting or
producing electricity or transmitting goods by pipeline.
Finally, I assume you will consult with local counsel regarding the
Canadian counterparties.
Thank you.
Lech Kalembka
Cadwalader, Wickersham & Taft
100 Maiden Lane
New York, NY 10038
Tel.: (212) 504-6918
Fax: (212) 504-6666
E-mail: [email protected]
Marie" To: [email protected]
<Marie.Heard@ cc:
ENRON.com> Subject: FW: Enron Canada
Office: Corp
02:04 PM
Is there anything else you need for BP Amoco?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: "Dixon, Billy D" <[email protected]>@ENRON
> Sent: Tuesday, November 06, 2001 1:00 PM
> To: Heard, Marie
> Subject: RE: Enron Canada Corp
> Principal Operating Offices:
> BP Corporation North America Inc.
> 200 East Randolph Drive
> Chicago, Illinois 60601
> BP Energy Company
> 501 West Lake Park Boulevard
> Houston, Texas 77079
> Vastar Resources, Inc.
> 200 East Randolph Drive
> Chicago, Illinois 60601
> BP Canada Energy Company
> 240 - 4th Avenue S.W.
> Calgary, Alberta T2P 4H4
> BP Canada Energy Marketing Corp.
> 200 East Randolph Drive
> Chicago, Illinois 60601
> Cibola Energy Services Corporation
> 350 N. St. Paul Street
> Dallas, TX 75201
> IGI Resources, Inc.
> 200 East Randolph Drive
> Chicago, Illinois 60601
> BP Oil Supply Company
> 200 East Randolph Drive
> Chicago, Illinois 60601
> BP Products North America Inc.
> 200 East Randolph Drive
> Chicago, Illinois 60601
> BP Amoco Chemical Company
> 200 East Randolph Drive
> Chicago, Illinois 60601
> Atlantic Richfield Company
> 333 S. Hope Street
> Los Angeles, CA 90071
> Amoco Production Company
> 501 WestLake Park Boulevard
> Houston, Texas 77079
> BP Chemicals Inc.
> 200 East Randolph Drive
> Chicago, Illinois 60601
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Heard, Marie [mailto:[email protected]]
> Sent: Tuesday, November 06, 2001 8:54 AM
> To: [email protected]
> Subject: RE: Enron Canada Corp
> I sure will if you will tell me the principal place of business of all
> your entities party to the Master Netting Agreement.
> Enron Canada Corp.
> 3500, 400 - 3rd Avenue S.W.
> Calgary, Alberta T2P 4H2
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: "Dixon, Billy D" <[email protected]>@ENRON
> > Sent: Tuesday, November 06, 2001 7:47 AM
> > To: Heard, Marie
> > Subject: Enron Canada Corp
> >
> > Would you please tell me where Enron Canada Corp.'s principal place
> of
> > business in Canada is located?
> >
> > Very truly yours,
> >
> > Billy D. Dixon
> > Attorney
> > BP America Inc.
> > 501 Westlake Park Blvd., Rm 16.166
> > Houston, Texas 77079
> > Direct 281/366-4745
> > Fax 281/366-5901
> > [email protected]
> >
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> to
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> > email indicating that you received this email in error, and (2)
> delete
> > and
> > completely erase this email and its attachments from your computer
> and
> > any
> > backup systems or "Deleted Items" folders.
> >
> **********************************************************************
> This e-mail is the property of Enron Corp. and/or its relevant
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> relied on by anyone as the basis of a contract by estoppel or
> otherwise.
> Thank you.
> **********************************************************************
NOTE: The information in this email is confidential and may be legally privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, you must not read, use or disseminate the information. Although this email and any attachments are believed to be free of any virus or other defect
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============================================================================== |
---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 11/27/2000
03:31 PM ---------------------------
"Dale M. Nesbitt" <[email protected]> on 11/27/2000 02:51:54 PM
Please respond to <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Subject: RE: MarketPoint License Agreement
I will send you our contract for the week long engagement. The way we do it
is send out our time and materials contract, which has a space for
individual task statements. I then put in a task statement for the week
long project at the $12K level so that the costs and risks are capped for
you. Look for it in the next day or two.
With regard to the long run and short run gas models, they are both
implemented in the same software system. Neither is a prerequisite for
running the other, but both operate the same way and the sum of the two
consumes approximately the same resources are either individually.
I plan to have an extended visit in Houston beginning one week from today
and lasting through the following Wednesday. (Intensively tutoring my
daughter for her first semester economics finals at Rice. She certainly
should have gotten a better looking tutor.) That will make it very easy to
come by and finalize whatever needs to be finalized with you that week.
With her in Houston, I spend a good bit of time there.
Look for the stuff in the next day or two. I look forward to working with
you and your colleagues.
-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Monday, November 27, 2000 10:44 AM
To: [email protected]
Cc: [email protected]
Subject: Re: MarketPoint License Agreement
Thanks for your message. In our phone conversation before the meeting you
another contractual arrangement under which we could work with your
company employees on a case-study.
The cost of a weekly project would be $12,000 that would be applied to the
purchase price should
we go ahead and decide to acquire the software. This project would allow us
to evaluate the model and
come up with an estimate of the manpower necessary to support the model
Please, let me know more about this option.
We are primarily interested in a long-term natural gas model and the
database for North America.
Unless a familiarity with the short term model is a prerequisite, we don't
have resources to spend too much time on it.
Of course, a trading desk may be interested in the short term
version of the model. I shall talk to them about it.
"Dale M. Nesbitt" <[email protected]> on 11/13/2000 06:00:05 PM
To: <[email protected]>, "Vince. J. Kaminski"
<[email protected]>
Subject: MarketPoint License Agreement
I really enjoyed the meeting the other day with you and a broad cross
section of your people. Thank you very much for setting it up, and thank
you for giving me the opportunity to speak with your people.
As I mentioned to John, I am sending you the license paperwork for
MarketPoint. I have attached our standard license agreement for your
consideration. As I mentioned, the license agreement covers the entire
bundled product, which includes
? North American gas, short and long term
? North American electricity, short and long term
? World gas
? Western European gas
? World oil
We are just finishing porting the world oil, world gas, and western
gas models over from our old (now obsolete) software system into
MarketPoint, so they will not be fully tested and complete for a couple of
months. However, the gas and electricity models for North America are
presently complete and tested. That should allow us to give you an
attractive price before the full worldwide toolkit is available throughout
your worldwide business.
As I understood it, you will want the gas modeling capability first and
want to defer decisions on electric or other capability. As I mentioned at
the meeting, we are prepared to offer that for approximately
the fully
bundled price. As you read the license agreement, you will see that the
software licenses for $100,000 annually, the gas data for $5,000, and the
electric data for $10,000. MarketPoint will agree to license you the gas
model plus the data for
the software license plus the data license for a
total of $55,000 annually. This is just under
the fully bundled price.
think that is consistent with the discussions at our meeting, and from
MarketPoint's perspective would provide a great basis to move forward
together with Enron. If or when Enron ever desires to "scale up" to
model or model(s) from the MarketPoint portfolio, we will simply scale you
up to the entire license agreement. This will allow you to decouple the
decision from any other decisions you might make. (I will be glad to put
this additional pricing provision into the agreement if you decide to move
I felt I was able to communicate the philosophy, scope, and operation of
approach during the meeting and to deliver you much of the information you
might need to evaluate whether MarketPoint meets your needs. I thought you
were able to see the depth and sophistication of the product yet at the
time its simplicity and effectiveness. I thought you were able to see the
benefits of the MarketPoint dimension of economic equilibrium as a
complement and supplement to other approaches you will assuredly use. I
would be interested in your impressions and those of your colleagues. I
look forward to your response and to moving ahead together. We view you as
a very important prospective customer and client and will work with you to
earn and secure your business.
If you decide to license MarketPoint, we can arrange to transfer and mount
MarketPoint and the short term NARG model (which is the model we suggest
begin with) and travel to Houston to deliver our 1
day training seminar.
Our clients are usually very fluent after that 1
day training seminar.
Thereafter, we would want you to work with the short term NARG model for a
few weeks while you get up to speed, very fluent, and very comfortable
before you take delivery of the longer term version of NARG several weeks
Thanks again, and all the best. If there is some item from the meeting
I might have forgotten to send, please remind me. My notes don't show
anything, but I was speaking a lot rather than writing notes during the
meeting and might have overlooked something someone wanted.
Dale Nesbitt
MarketPoint Inc.
27121 Adonna Ct.
Los Altos Hills, CA 94022
[email protected]
(See attached file: LICENSE.DOC) |
The Houston community is well known for assisting neighbors in need, and
Enron is no exception. There are numerous opportunities over the next week to
help rebuild our community in the aftermath of Tropical Storm Allison.
Four Enron sponsored activities will take place during business hours this
week. Enron is also holding a donation drive and a blood drive. There are
many agencies that need volunteers at different times throughout the week,
and we have listed these opportunities, as well. If you are interested in
helping out these groups, please call the individual contact phone number
listed for each project.
Thank you for volunteering your time to help the Houston community during
this time of great need. Please feel free to send this information to other
friends and family who may be interested.
Enron Sponsored Volunteer Opportunities
Please call or e-mail Jennifer Milligan at 713-853-5272 if you have questions
or want to sign up for one of these projects.
1. Prepare lunches for families in need
Join Enron in partnership with Prudential to pack lunches for families in the
Fifth Ward.
Bring one or more of the items below (in bulk) to the table on the Plaza Java
side of the Enron Building lobby on June 12 or June 13th.
Designated Donation Items for lunch bags:
? Vienna sausages or Starkist tuna Salad Pack.
? Peanut butter or cheese cracker pack.
? 100% juice drink.
? Canned diced fruit or flavored applesauce.
? Non-refrigerated pudding cup made with skimmed milk.
? Plastic spoon.
? Napkin.
Volunteers are needed for packing/assembly in the Energizer from 9:00 a.m.
to 11:00 a.m. on Wednesday, June 13. Our goal is to fill 3000 lunch bags.
Call Jennifer Milligan, or just drop by the Energizer, to help stuff bags.
2. Scheduled for Wednesday, June 13:
Bealle Village, a Neighborhood Services program, is a 20 unit senior living
apartment complex. They are also in need of volunteers to assist in
cleaning, pulling carpets, etc. The Enron Shuttle will depart for this
project at 1:15 p.m on Wednesday from Andrews St., and will return at 4:00
p.m. Call Jennifer Milligan to sign up.
3. Scheduled for Thursday, June 14:
Familytime Foundation has a shelter for battered women and their children.
This shelter was flooded and they are in need of volunteers to assist with
cleaning, disinfecting, and pulling carpets. This facility is in the Humble
area and transportation will also be provided. The Enron Shuttle will depart
for this project at 9 a.m. on Thursday from Andrews St., and will return at 1
p.m. Lunch will be provided. Call Jennifer Milligan to sign up.
4. Scheduled for Friday, June 15:
Help Second Baptist Church assist with the repair of damaged homes in
northeast Houston. Volunteers are needed to help pull out flooded appliances
and furniture and work on repair/replacement projects. The Enron Shuttle will
transport two shifts of volunteers on Friday - from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. or 12:30
p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Lunch will be provided for those participating in the
morning shift. Please call Jennifer Milligan to sign up.
** The three projects listed above are in need of cleaning products such as
buckets, mops, brooms, towels, rags, paper towels, and any household
cleaners. Please bring any of these products to the volunteer project or
deliver them to EB 1636A. Additionally, make sure to wear jeans and Enron
Envolved t-shirts. We will provide Enron Envolved T-shirts for those of you
who do not already have one.**
Donations Needed for Agencies Across the City
Please drop off donations at the Info Zone on the Plaza Java side of the
Enron Building lobby from 11 a.m. - 2 p.m., Wednesday, June 13 through
Friday, June 15.
Items needed:
paper products
non-perishable food
pet food
bedding (baby and adult)
bug repellant
clothing: socks, undergarments, large size shoes
cleaning supplies
Blood Drive
MD Anderson's mobile blood unit will be parked on Andrews St. in front of the
Enron Building on Thursday, June 14 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
The mobile unit team will take three donors every 15 minutes during the
drive. Walk-in donors will be accepted, but appointments are preferred.
Please call or e-mail Georgia Fogo (x. 3-5609) to schedule an appointment.
Citywide Volunteer Opportunities
Sign-up information and contact numbers are listed for each individual
project. Many of these can use volunteers this weekend, as well as throughout
the week.
San Jacinto Baptist Church, corner of Flint and Muscatang (off of I-10 East,
exit Mercury - stay on the feeder road and turn right on Flint): Volunteers
are needed to help run the shelter from 5 p.m. to 5 a.m. - tough hours to
fill! Please call Heather Hughes at Second Baptist Church to get more
information - 713-465-3408.
Associated Catholic Charities, 2900 Louisiana: Ten apartments in the
Serenity House Program were flooded. These apartments, used by out-of-town
patients being treated at M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, need to be repaired.
Anyone able to help clean the apartments this week should call Nydia Cortez
at 713-305-3411.
Salvation Army, 27732 Cherrybrook Lane, Pasadena: This office needs
volunteers who can process clients or work in the kitchen. They also need
donations of toiletries, paper products, blankets, pillows, food and
diapers. Call 713-378-0020 or just show up to help.
Houston Humane Society, 14799 Almeda: Volunteers are also needed to help
repair the permanent shelter. Contact Christy Check at 713-433-6421 or
[email protected]
Bridge Over Troubled Waters, Pasadena: This shelter for women and children
has had significant roof and water damage. Volunteers are needed to help
with repairs. Call 713-472-0753.
Jewish Community Center and Interfaith Ministries of Greater Houston: Need
assistance delivering Meals on Wheels. For more information, call Interfaith
Ministries at 713-522-3955 and the JCC at 713-729-3200.
American Red Cross: Bilingual volunteers in Spanish needed to answer the
Hotline from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. or 3 p.m. to 10 p.m. Volunteers must be able
to commit to full shift. Contact Ercel Albert. 713-526-9720
Salvation Army: Volunteers are needed immediately to help set up the
warehouse, sort and arrange donated items. All volunteers should contact Jan
Porter, Volunteer Coordinator. 713-752-0677, Ext. 316
AVDA (Aid to Victims of Domestic Abuse): volunteers needed to move storage
file boxes and go through 100 - 200 boxes to spread out for drying. Contact
Jennifer Holmes. 713-224-9911
Chicano Family Center on Wayside: volunteers needed to help clean outside
their building. Call 713-926-2601.
Houston Food Bank: Volunteers are needed to help sort food for the American
Red Cross and Salvation Army Food Shelters. Call Carol Gooden at 713-547-8609. |
---------------------- Forwarded by Richard Shapiro/NA/Enron on 02/07/2001
08:54 AM ---------------------------
02/07/2001 07:42 AM
To: Richard Shapiro@Enron
Subject: Dave Barry's thoughts on CA's electrical storage
Rick, thought you might enjoy this alternative theory on the root cause of
Cal's problem. Ray
---------------------- Forwarded by Ray Alvarez/TRANSREDES on 02/07/2001
09:39 AM ---------------------------
Steve Hopper
02/07/2001 08:47 AM
To: Ricky Lynn Waddell/SA/Enron@Enron, John Novak/SA/Enron@Enron, Laine A
Subject: Dave Barry's thoughts on CA's electrical storage
Feb. 2, 2001, 8:06PM
The rest of us should tell California to go fly a kite
When we consider the serious electricity shortage in California, our
reaction, as concerned Americans, is: Ha ha!
No, seriously, we are alarmed. Because history teaches us that whatever
happens to California -- smog, road rage, tofu, coffee that is mainly air,
cell phones, the belief that abdominal muscles are attractive, Shirley
MacLaine, people taking in-line skating seriously, grandmothers sporting new
and flagrantly inappropriate bosoms -- eventually happens to the rest of the
nation. Thus it is vital that we analyze the California electricity shortage
and see if we can develop a workable solution before we become bored and
change the subject.
Our first question is: What, exactly, is electricity? When we look in our
Microsoft Encarta encyclopedia, we see that "electricity" is defined as a
"class of physical phenomena resulting from the existence of charge and from
the interaction of charges." What does this mean, in lay-person's terms?
It means that whoever wrote the Microsoft Encarta encyclopedia is a big, fat
dope. Because we know from our junior-high-school science training that
electricity is actually a fast-moving herd of electrons, which are tiny
one-celled animals that can survive in almost any environment except inside
a double-A battery, where they die within minutes.
Electrons are formed when clouds rub together and become excited. This was
proved in the famous experiment wherein Benjamin Franklin flew a kite during
a thunderstorm and was almost killed. Encouraged by this success, Franklin
went on to conduct many more electrical experiments, including rolling a
hoop in a thunderstorm, playing hopscotch in a thunderstorm and doing
somersaults in a thunderstorm.
Finally one night he was caught wearing only a bonnet and playing Mister
Pooter Rides the Pony in a thunderstorm, leaving the authorities with no
choice but to arrest him and make him ambassador to France. Nevertheless,
Franklin had proved an important scientific point, which is that electricity
originates inside clouds. There it forms into lightning, which is attracted
to the earth by golfers.
After entering the ground, the electricity hardens into coal, which, when
dug up by power companies and burned in big ovens called "generators,"
turns back into electricity, which is sent in the form of "volts" (also
known as "watts," or "rpm" for short) through special wires with birds
sitting on them to consumers' homes, where it is transformed by TV sets into
commercials for beer, which passes through the consumers and back into the
ground, thus completing what is known as a "circuit."
But enough technical talk. The problem is that California is running out of
electricity. The situation is so bad that in some hospitals, they don't have
enough electricity to power those electric-shock paddles that get people's
hearts started again; instead, the doctors and nurses have to hold hands,
scuff their feet across the carpet in unison, then shout "CLEAR!" as they
touch the patient's chest.
Who is responsible for California's electricity shortage? You could blame
the power companies; or you could blame environmental wackos; or you could
blame the entertainment industry, which uses more than 750 billion watts of
electricity per day just to blow-dry the hair of the cast of Dawson's Creek;
or you could blame (why not?) the Firestone tire company. But you would be
wrong. Because obviously the real cause of the California electricity
shortage is: college students.
I base this statement on widespread observation of my son, who is a college
student, and who personally consumes more electricity than Belgium. If my son
is in a room, then every electrical device within 200 yards of that room --
every light, computer, television, stereo, video game, microwave oven, etc.
-- will be running. My son doesn't even have to turn the devices on; they
activate themselves spontaneously in response to his presence.
Now take my son and multiply him by the number of college students in
California, which according to my research is (EDITOR: Please insert number
of college students in California) and you see my point, which is (EDITOR:
Please insert my point).
The question is: What can the rest of us do to help our fellow
countrypersons in California? The answer is that we can send them our spare
electricity. Just imagine what would happen if all the households in this
great and generous nation got out their extension cords and connected them
together, forming a giant electrical "chain of helping" across the fruited
plain to the Golden State! Millions of people would be turned into generous
smoking lumps of carbon, that's what. So maybe we should go with Plan B.
This involves building a really, really, really big kite.
Knight-Ridder Tribune |
Ray's take on this is consistent with the EPSA write up on the hearing.
Ray Alvarez
05/07/2001 03:49 PM
To: "Ronald Carroll" <[email protected]>
cc: <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>,
<[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>,
<[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>,
<[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>,
<[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: Fwd: Murkowski Challenges Capitalists To Cap Runaway Power
Prices In CA
I attended the Senate hearing, and Murkowski strongly supported FERC's
decision and was anti- price cap throughout the hearing. In my opinion, the
author of this article misinterpreted what was going on at the end of the
hearing. Commissioner Massey was trying to offer up a letter supporting
price caps, to be placed into the record. My take is that Murkowski didn't
want the letter and, being totally skeptical of the financeability of
infrastructure under price caps, challenged Massey to come back with support
from the financial community for price caps.
"Ronald Carroll" <[email protected]> on 05/07/2001 01:16:37 PM
To: <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>,
<[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>,
<[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>,
<[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>,
<[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>
Subject: Fwd: Murkowski Challenges Capitalists To Cap Runaway Power Prices In
----- Message from "Tracey Bradley" <[email protected]> on Mon, 07 May
2001 10:49:32 -0500 -----
To: "Justin Long" <[email protected]>
cc: "Aryeh Fishman" <[email protected]>, "Andrea Settanni"
<[email protected]>, "Charles Ingebretson"
<[email protected]>, "Charles Shoneman" <[email protected]>,
"Deanna King" <[email protected]>, "Dan Watkiss" <[email protected]>,
"Gene Godley" <[email protected]>, "Kimberly Curry"
<[email protected]>, "Michael Pate" <[email protected]>, "Paul Fox"
<[email protected]>, "Ronald Carroll" <[email protected]>
Subject: Murkowski Challenges Capitalists To Cap Runaway Power Prices In CA
Murkowski Challenges Capitalists To Cap Runaway Power Prices In CA
In what some observers believe could be a watershed change in rhetoric,
Senate energy policy leader Frank Murkowski (R-AK) is berating the capital
community for not coming forward and detailing what kind of ceiling on
wholesale power prices it would take to insure adequate generation -- but
head off continued economic damage to the state of California.
The criticism signals that the chairman of the Senate Energy and Natural
Resources Committee has grown impatient with the hail of philosophical
charges and counter-charges that have followed FERC's April 26 order on the
California market and is turning elsewhere than FERC for a solution. Sources
also say it may be a signal that there is a majority on his committee that
would support some kind of legislative control on the wholesale power market
in the West.
"I am issuing an admonition to the financial community," Murkowski said at
the conclusion of a hearing on the recent FERC order. "If the financial
community will come in and say what terms and conditions they will need to
bring new generation into the state, we can cut through this chatter."
Among other provisions, the FERC order institutes a plan for price controls
during Stage 1 and higher power emergencies. Lawmakers at the hearing,
especially from California and the West, criticized the action as
insufficient to prevent price gouging.
FERC Chairman Curt Hebert said the limited nature of the price controls will
continue to provide the power industry with incentives to build power plants
in California.
Murkowski called on financial interests attending the hearing to settle the
"Tells us what you will or will not do under a price cap," said Murkowski.
Murkowski indicated that the answer to his question should come directly from
top figures in the financial community.
Murkowski also signaled that Congress may step in and take legislative action
on the California crisis.
"We have to question the adequacy of the order and introduce legislation to
address problems if necessary," Murkowski said.
The sentiment was echoed by other members of the Committee.
"We cannot allow our government to sit idly by and allow a tragically flawed
and easily manipulated power market wreak havoc on our economy," Sen. Maria
Cantwell told Hebert. "If you're not going to take action, Congress is going
to act."
All three FERC commissioners testified at the hearing but it was Chairman
Curt Hebert who was on the receiving end of most of the criticism.
"FERC has done a wonderful imitation of a potted plant," Sen. Byron Dorgan
(D-ND) told Hebert. "Regulation is not a four letter word. The market system
sometimes gets out of wack.
Commissioner William Massey also criticized FERC's order, and acted as
counterpoint to Hebert throughout the hearing. Commissioner Linda Breathitt
defended her support of the April 26 order.
"One thing is clear, you all don't get along very well," observed Dorgan.
"I'm amazed at what's been done," said Murkowski in defending FERC's action
over the past several weeks. "It's better than nothing."
"I've been disappointed," replied Dorgan. "I hope FERC decides it's a
regulatory body and steps up and takes some action."
Sen. Feinstein suggested to Hebert that FERC take a closer look at the impact
of skyrocketing natural gas prices on the exorbitant increase in electricity
prices in California.
In response, Hebert announced that FERC was holding a technical conference
May 24 on current and projected natural gas pipelines into California.
"I agree that this is a natural gas situation and we intend to look into this
as well," Hebert said.
Source: EnergyWashington.com
Date: May 4, 2001
, Inside Washington Publishers |
May 18, 2001 5:00pm through May 21, 2001 12:00am
AZURIX: No Scheduled Outages.
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Impact: Internet
Time: Fri 5/18/2001 at 10:30:00 PM CT thru Fri 5/18/2001 at 11:30:00 PM CT
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Time: Fri 5/18/2001 at 9:00:00 PM CT thru Sat 5/19/2001 at 1:00:00 AM CT
Fri 5/18/2001 at 7:00:00 PM PT thru Fri 5/18/2001 at 11:00:00 PM PT
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Time: Wed 5/16/2001 at 4:45:00 PM CT thru Wed 5/23/2001 at 4:45:00 PM CT
Wed 5/16/2001 at 2:45:00 PM PT thru Wed 5/23/2001 at 2:45:00 PM PT
Wed 5/16/2001 at 10:45:00 PM London thru Wed 5/23/2001 at 10:45:00 PM
Outage: Market Data Cable Management EB3460
Environments Impacted: All Trading Groups
Purpose: Improve computer room environment. Perform cable management in
order to comply with computer room standards.
Backout: N/A
Contact(s): John Sieckman 713-345-7862
NT: No Scheduled Outages.
OS/2: No Scheduled Outages.
Impact: Corp, OTS, ETS
DATE: MAY 29, 2001/2/2001 at 5:30:00 PM
Outage: Migrate DSS Server to GTHOU-APPSQ03P
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(ENEDS01_ADAPT)after this date
Purpose: The existing server is outdated, migrating to SQL 2000 provides
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Contact(s): Mary Vollmer 713-853-3381
Joe Hellsten 713-853-7346 713-545-4164
Impact: CORP
Time: Sat 5/19/2001 at 10:00:00 AM CT thru Sat 5/19/2001 at 4:00:00 PM CT
Sat 5/19/2001 at 8:00:00 AM PT thru Sat 5/19/2001 at 2:00:00 PM PT
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Contact(s): John Jahnke 713-345-4398
Impact: CORP
Time: Sat 5/19/2001 at 9:00:00 PM CT thru Sun 5/20/2001 at 12:00:00 AM CT
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Time: Sat 5/19/2001 at 2:00:00 PM CT thru Sun 5/20/2001 at 12:00:00 AM CT
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Sat 5/19/2001 at 8:00:00 PM London thru Sun 5/20/2001 at 6:00:00 AM London
Outage: Resource additionto Sitara server aurora.
Environments Impacted: Sitara production
Purpose: Add needed cpu and memory.
Backout: Remove the newly added resources and restart under the old config.
Contact(s): Malcolm Wells 713-345-3716
SUN/OSS SYSTEM: No Scheduled Outages.
TELEPHONY: No Scheduled Outages
TERMINAL SERVER: No Scheduled Outages.
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Time: Fri 5/18/2001 at 3:00:00 PM thru Sun 5/20/2001 at 11:45:00 PM
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Impact: CORP
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Environments Impacted: Corp Sydney - all systems
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Contact(s): Colin Wood +61-416-248-353
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(713) 853-1411 Enron Resolution Center
Specific Help:
Information Risk Management (713) 853-5536
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Unify On-Call (713) 284-3757 [Pager]
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EDI Support (713) 327-3893 [Pager]
EES Help Desk (713)853-9797 OR (888)853-9797 |
OK, it seems like everyone is making up for lost time tonight. Go home!
Kimzey, let's go drink!
-----Original Message-----
From: Andrew Slocum [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Monday, June 05, 2000 10:49 PM
To: 'Kimzey, Bryan'; 'Mark A. Junell'; Andrew Slocum; 'Nicholas
Johnston-Advisory'; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; Ben Rogers (E-mail)
Subject: RE: Many thanks to Miquel
Kimzey, you did alright my man!
-----Original Message-----
From: Kimzey, Bryan [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Monday, June 05, 2000 9:38 PM
To: 'Mark A. Junell'; Andrew Slocum; 'Nicholas Johnston-Advisory';
[email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Ben
Rogers (E-mail)
Subject: RE: Many thanks to Miquel
What the hell happened this weekend? All I can say right now is thank you
to everybody who showed up and made this weekend one of the most fun
memories ever. And thanks to Miguel and Blake again for organizing
everything; I couldn't have done it without y'all. Once I can put more full
sentences together, I'll write more. Thanks again.
- Bryan
ps If anybody has seen my Carolina shirt, my cell phone charger, my
American Express card and/or my voice, please bring them to my wedding, too.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mark A. Junell [SMTP:[email protected]]
> Sent: Monday, June 05, 2000 10:22 PM
> To: Andrew Slocum; 'Nicholas Johnston-Advisory'; [email protected];
> [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
> [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
> [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
> [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]
> Subject: RE: Many thanks to Miquel
> Yea thanks Miguel. I feel like dog sh*t.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Andrew Slocum [mailto:[email protected]]
> Sent: Monday, June 05, 2000 7:13 AM
> To: 'Nicholas Johnston-Advisory'; [email protected];
> [email protected]; [email protected];
> [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
> [email protected]; Andrew Slocum; [email protected];
> [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
> [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]
> Subject: RE: Many thanks to Miquel
> If you remember, please bring the elvis sunglasses to Kimzey's wedding. I
> second the motion to Miguel. Wexler did a remarkable show yesterday
> evening, which included a lot of big easy chatter.
> Out
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Nicholas Johnston-Advisory [mailto:[email protected]]
> Sent: Monday, June 05, 2000 6:46 AM
> To: [email protected]; [email protected];
> [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
> [email protected]; [email protected];
> [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
> [email protected]; [email protected];
> [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]
> Subject: Many thanks to Miquel
> Great weekend - thanks to Miquel for getting us all there and hopefully
> Kimzey
> will now not miss the wonders of bachelorhood too much.
> Found a camera - digital one in 317 - also have the elvis sun glasses - if
> the
> rightful owner would like to step forward - and yes we know who you are.
> Cheers
> Nick
> This communication is for informational purposes only. It is not intended
> as
> an offer or solicitation for the purchase or sale of any financial
> instrument
> or as an official confirmation of any transaction. All market prices, data
> and other information are not warranted as to completeness or accuracy and
> are subject to change without notice. Any comments or statements made
> herein
> do not necessarily reflect those of J.P. Morgan & Co. Incorporated, its
> subsidiaries and affiliates.
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Wednesday, November 15, 2000
[email protected]
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"If winning isn't everything, why do they keep score?"
-- Vince Lombardi
Circuit maker Analog Devices reported estimate-beating Q4
results yesterday.
By LouAnn Lofton
Integrated circuit maker Analog Devices (NYSE: ADI) reported
fourth-quarter and fiscal year-end results yesterday after the
bell. The company earned $0.54 a share in the fourth quarter,
ahead of the First Call/Thompson Financial consensus estimate by
$0.04. In last year's fourth quarter, Analog Devices earned
Sales for the quarter were up 87% to $806 million from $431
million in the year-ago period. Net income increased to $206.5
million, compared to $73.2 million last year. The company's
gross margin improved during the quarter to 58.6% from 52.2%.
For the fiscal year, Analog Devices earned $588.8 million on
sales of $2.58 billion. In the previous fiscal year, the
company's sales were $1.45 billion, and its net income was
$204.8 million. On a per-share basis, Analog Devices earned
$1.54 a share in fiscal 2000, versus $0.57 in fiscal 1999.
The company also announced yesterday that it will be
repurchasing up to 15 million shares of its common stock.
Currently, there are about 356 million shares of Analog Devices
common stock outstanding. The shares are being bought back for
use in the company's stock option plans, as well as other
employee stock-based benefit plans.
Looking ahead to the first quarter of its new fiscal year,
Analog Devices expects 7-10% sequential revenue growth. The
company sees first-quarter earnings per share to come in between
$0.58 and $0.60 a share. The current consensus estimate for
Analog Devices' first quarter is $0.54. The company says it
believes its revenue growth will be constrained by supply, not
Analog Devices' President and CEO Jerald G. Fishman said, "Our
first look for the entire year of fiscal 2001 is also very
encouraging. We currently believe that fiscal 2001's revenues
could exceed fiscal 2000's by more than 50%, which would result
in fiscal 2001 revenues of more than $3.8 billion."
In an SEC filing yesterday, it was disclosed that the man who
has for so long believed in Coca-Cola (NYSE: KO) also apparently
believes at least a little in Pepsi (NYSE: PEP). Warren
Buffett's company Berkshire Hathaway (NYSE: BRK.A) has acquired
about a 1% stake in Tricon Global Restaurants (NYSE: YUM), the
Pepsi spin-off that includes fast-food restaurants Pizza Hut,
Taco Bell, and KFC. Close to 98% of those restaurants serve
Pepsi products. Buffett owns 8.1% of Coca-Cola and is also a
director for the company.
Ford Motor Company (NYSE: F) said yesterday that it will allow
customers ordering new 2001 Explorers to elect to have Goodyear
tires on their vehicles over the standard Firestones. This move
formally allows customers to have the new Explorers delivered
with Goodyear tires, as opposed to switching off the Firestones
for the Goodyears before the purchase. It's estimated that
between 5-10% of Explorer customers have been asking dealers to
change the tires on their new trucks before driving them off of
the lot, thanks to the Firestone recall of 6.5 million tires. In
states where the tire problems were the worst, up to 40% of
customers have been asking for the switch.
E-commerce software company BEA Systems (Nasdaq: BEAS) reported
third-quarter earnings yesterday after the bell. The company's
pro forma net income was $31.3 million, or $0.07 a share. Last
year, the company's pro forma net income was $10.4 million, or
$0.03 a share. BEA beat the consensus estimate according to
First Call/Thompson Financial by a penny. Revenues grew 77% to
$244 million, from last year's $126.5 million.
Optical networking company Sycamore Networks (Nasdaq: SCMR)
announced fiscal first-quarter results after the market's close
yesterday. Sycamore's pro forma net income was $6 million, or
$0.02 a diluted share, for the quarter. Last year, it lost $4.1
million, or $0.02 a share, in the first quarter. The company
earned a penny more than analysts had expected. Revenues grew by
517% to $120.4 million, compared to the year-ago period's $19.5
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----- Forwarded by James D Steffes/NA/Enron on 03/15/2001 03:58 PM -----
Linda Robertson
03/15/2001 02:53 PM
To: Steven J Kean/NA/Enron@Enron, Richard Shapiro/NA/Enron@Enron, James D
Steffes/NA/Enron@Enron, Janel Guerrero/Corp/Enron@Enron
Subject: Senators Dianne Feinstein and Gordon Smith Announce Partnership in
Response to the Western Energy Crisis
Bad development. We are trying to get Steve an appointment with Smith next
----- Forwarded by Linda Robertson/NA/Enron on 03/15/2001 03:51 PM -----
Allison Navin
03/15/2001 03:46 PM
To: Linda Robertson/NA/Enron@ENRON
Subject: Senators Dianne Feinstein and Gordon Smith Announce Partnership in
Response to the Western Energy Crisis
Senators Dianne Feinstein and Gordon Smith
Announce Partnership in Response to the Western Energy Crisis
March 15, 2001
Washington, DC - Senators Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) and Gordon Smith (R-OR)
today announced an agreement to introduce bipartisan legislation to restore
stability and reliability to the Western energy market by directing the
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) to impose a temporary &just and
reasonable8 wholesale rate cap or cost-of-service based rates.
The legislation will also require the states involved in this effort to pass
on the cost of the electricity to retail customers. However, the states would
be able to determine how and when this would be done. In other words,
California could choose to use tiered-pricing, real-time pricing or set a
baseline rate above which prices would be passed through.
&We now have a piece of legislation that can fix the broken electricity
market and provide a period of reliability and stability in wholesale energy
costs,8 Senator Feinstein said.
&FERC has found the wholesale prices being charged in California to be unjust
and unreasonable. This legislation essentially will mandate that once FERC
makes such a finding, the agency will carry out its regulatory role. This is
a $175 million a year agency. It is there to regulate the energy marketplace,
and it should. What the Federal government can do is to provide a period of
reliability and stability at a time of crisis. Unfortunately FERC has refused
to do so.8
&California,s broken electricity market is a result of a flawed 1996
California law that deregulated wholesale costs, but left in place caps on
retail prices. This was coupled with a requirement that the utilities divest
themselves of their generating capacity and buy most of their electricity on
the spot market, where prices have escalated dramatically. In hindsight all
of this came together in a catastrophic scenario, so that today, California
buys electricity at astronomical prices. We believe that FERC needs to act to
help restore reasonable costs and stability to this marketplace.8
&Additionally, this agreement addresses the escalation of natural gas
transportation costs. Last February, FERC began a two-year experiment to lift
the cap on these costs and since that time we have seen the price of natural
gas climb 400 percent higher in Southern California.8 Senator Feinstein
Specifically, the compromise legislation would accomplish the following goals:
Directs FERC to impose a just and reasonable wholesale rate cap, which can be
load-differentiated based on supply and demand, or cost-of-service-based
rates in the Western energy market (Western Systems Coordinating Council,
including Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico,
Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming.)
Addresses the issue of high natural gas transmission costs by reimposing FERC
tariffs for natural gas transportation into California (FERC Order 637) and
requiring natural gas sellers to declare separately the transportation and
commodity components of the bundled rate for gray market transactions.
Stipulates that the wholesale price cap or cost-of-service based rate will
not apply to wholesale sales for delivery in a state that imposes a price
limit on the sale of electric energy at retail that: precludes a regulated
utility from recovering costs under the price cap or on a cost-of service
based rate; or precludes a regulated utility from paying its bills.
Establishes that the rate-making body of a state can determine how and when
the wholesale rates will be passed on to ratepayers, including the setting of
tiered pricing, real time pricing, and baseline rates. (With respect to the
Bonneville Power Administration, BPA will be encouraged to seek to reduce
rate spikes to economically distressed communities, while ensuring costs are
recovered by the end of the next contract period in 2006.)
Directs that after the date of enactment, utilities cannot be ordered to sell
electricity or natural gas into a state without a determination by the
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission that the seller will be paid.
Directs that in the event that a state in the Western energy market does not
meet the criteria described in this agreement, state public utilities
commissions in the Western energy market can ensure that regulated utilities
within their jurisdiction meet demand for electric energy in the utility,s
service area before making sales into any such state.
Establishes that the wholesale rate cap or cost-of-service based rates shall
remain in effect until such time as the market for electric energy in the
western energy market reflects just and reasonable rates, as determined by
the Commission or until March 1, 2003, whichever is earlier. |
I have done this already, but thanks for the offer.
-----Original Message-----
From: Janzen, Randy
Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2001 4:16 PM
To: Buchanan, John; Berger, Larry; Bodnar, Michael; Kowalke, Terry; Schoolcraft, Darrell; Spraggins, Gary; Zadow, Raetta; Adams, Jean; Barry, Patrick; Benningfield, Robert; Blair, Jean; Bryan, Randy; Callans, Nancy; Carr, James; Clapper, Karen; Forbish, Sherry; Greaney, Chris; Hibbard, Scott; Linhart, Joe; McDaniel, Janet; Perry, Renee; Porter, Diana; Scurlock, Debra; Sturr, Kathy; Vaughan, Cara; Walden, Shirley; Washington, Kathy; Wilkens, Jerry; Woodson, Harry
Cc: Blair, Lynn
Subject: RE: Marketing Dashboard Access
I have created guidelines on how to do this. If you need to use them please feel free to come by my office or if you need some help I would be glad to help anyone who needs some.
Randy J.
-----Original Message-----
From: Buchanan, John
Sent: Thursday, November 08, 2001 9:27 AM
To: Berger, Larry; Bodnar, Michael; Kowalke, Terry; Schoolcraft, Darrell; Spraggins, Gary; Zadow, Raetta; Adams, Jean; Barry, Patrick; Benningfield, Robert; Blair, Jean; Bryan, Randy; Callans, Nancy; Carr, James; Clapper, Karen; Forbish, Sherry; Greaney, Chris; Hibbard, Scott; Janzen, Randy; Linhart, Joe; McDaniel, Janet; Perry, Renee; Porter, Diana; Scurlock, Debra; Sturr, Kathy; Vaughan, Cara; Walden, Shirley; Washington, Kathy; Wilkens, Jerry; Woodson, Harry
Cc: Blair, Lynn
Subject: FW: Marketing Dashboard Access
Lynn wants all the Customer Service Reps. to have access to the Dashboard. I cant send a single request for the teams so please follow the below instructions to request access to the Dashboard.
-----Original Message-----
From: McCary, Sandy
Sent: Wednesday, November 07, 2001 6:33 PM
To: Buchanan, John; Janousek, Martha
Cc: Blair, Lynn; Kowalke, Terry
Subject: RE: Marketing Dashboard Access
Please use e-Request ( <http://itcentral.enron.com/data/home/> ) to obtain access to the ETS Marketing Dashboard. Once logged in, do the following
Click on Update Account Access
Choose Applications
Region: ETS
Application: ETS Dashboard
Each individual desiring access to the Dashboard should submit an e-Request. If you have any questions, please give me a call.
Sandy McCary
Enron Transportation Services - IT
713 853-5996
-----Original Message-----
From: Buchanan, John
Sent: Wed 11/7/2001 3:52 PM
To: Janousek, Martha; McCary, Sandy
Cc: Blair, Lynn; Kowalke, Terry
Subject: RE: Marketing Dashboard Access
Sandy, there around 48 persons that Lynn wants access to the Dashboard please let me know what I can do to facilitate the process.
Thanks: John Buchanan
-----Original Message-----
From: Janousek, Martha
Sent: Wednesday, November 07, 2001 3:19 PM
To: Buchanan, John; McCary, Sandy
Cc: Barker, Courtney; Mason, Robert; Blair, Lynn; Kowalke, Terry; Ferguson, Mark
Subject: RE: Marketing Dashboard Access
John - Sandy McCary is the 'IT Head Honcho' of the Dashboard and she can take good care of you ... (smile) ....
Sandy - Please assist John Buchanan in setting up the list of Market Services' people with access to the Dashboard. Thanks so much! Martha
-----Original Message-----
From: Buchanan, John
Sent: Wednesday, November 07, 2001 8:43 AM
To: Blair, Lynn; Janousek, Martha; Kowalke, Terry
Cc: Barker, Courtney; Mason, Robert
Subject: RE: Marketing Dashboard Access
Martha, I am back in the office so can you please let me know what you need to set the below mentioned person up for the Dashboard. I also had access at one time and can no longer access the Dashboard.
John Buchanan
-----Original Message-----
From: Blair, Lynn
Sent: Tuesday, November 06, 2001 6:43 AM
To: Janousek, Martha; Buchanan, John; Kowalke, Terry
Cc: Barker, Courtney; Mason, Robert
Subject: RE: Marketing Dashboard Access
Martha, I would rather give the teams access to the Dashboard. John Buchanan will be back
in the office Wednesday. You can coordinate with him and Terry Kowalke to get everyone
set up. Thanks. Lynn
-----Original Message-----
From: Janousek, Martha
Sent: Monday, November 05, 2001 6:10 PM
To: Blair, Lynn
Cc: Barker, Courtney; Mason, Robert
Subject: RE: Marketing Dashboard Access
Lynn - Below is a list of people that Courtney Barker(in Marketing) sends a couple of reports on daily index prices to every month. Courtney is now posting these reports on the Marketing Dashboard. Would you like to give your employees below access to the Dashboard or does Courtney need to continue sending the reports via E:Mail? Please advise us and we will be glad to follow through. Thanks so much! Martha
-----Original Message-----
From: Barker, Courtney
Sent: Monday, November 05, 2001 11:19 AM
To: Janousek, Martha
Subject: RE: Marketing Dashboard Access
Yes, I am referring to the people in Market Services, here is a list of who I am sending it to:
Jean Adams
Robert Benningfield
Sherry Forbish
Chris Greaney
Scott Hibbard
Randy Janzen
Terry Kowalke
Joe Linhart
Janet McDaniel
Debra Scurlock
Kathy Sturr
Harry Woodson
They all appear to be some form of Market Service Reps.
Just let me know!
-----Original Message-----
From: Janousek, Martha
Sent: Monday, November 05, 2001 11:13 AM
To: Barker, Courtney
Cc: Brennan, Lorna; McCary, Sandy; Mason, Robert
Subject: RE: Marketing Dashboard Access
Courtney - Clarification on .... (They have indicated to me that they do not have access to the dashboard. Do we need to get them access to the dashboard or should I continue e-mailing them the report at the end of each month?) Are you referring to people in Market Services and if so, what level are they? Martha
-----Original Message-----
From: Barker, Courtney
Sent: Monday, November 05, 2001 10:39 AM
To: Janousek, Martha
Cc: Brennan, Lorna; McCary, Sandy; Mason, Robert
Subject: Marketing Dashboard Access
As you know, Sandy McCary assisted me in getting my daily spot file report and MIP reports posted to the Marketing Dashboard. At the end of the month, I send the MIP files to about 12 people in Marketing Services. I am no longer e-mailing the report to people in Marketing, since most are using the dashboard.
They have indicated to me that they do not have access to the dashboard. Do we need to get them access to the dashboard or should I continue e-mailing them the report at the end of each month?
Courtney Barker
(402) 398-7130 |
Here is CERA's latest near term analysis.
---------------------- Forwarded by Lorna Brennan/ET&S/Enron on 10/27/2000
02:40 PM ---------------------------
[email protected] on 10/26/2000 06:05:45 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Temporary Slack - CERA Alert
CERA Alert: Sent Thu, October 26, 2000
Title: Temporary Slack
Author: N. American Gas Team
E-Mail Category: Alert
Product Line: North American Gas ,
URL: http://www.cera.com/cfm/track/eprofile.cfm?u=5526&m=1402 ,
Alternative URL:
Warm weather and strong storage injections have temporarily shifted the focus
in the
gas market away from a potential supply shortage this winter toward a growing
that supplies might just prove adequate. The result has been a steady and
decline in the November NYMEX price from $5.63 per MMBtu on October 12 into
the $4.60s as of October 25. Cash prices have followed suit, falling from the
$5.50s to the $4.60s at the Henry Hub, and gas is now pricing below residual
fuel oil
in the Gulf Coast and especially on the East Coast. Although gas storage
will begin the winter at levels higher than expected, in CERA,s view adequate
supply for the winter is not yet assured, and the market remains subject to a
return to prices well above $5.00 with the first cold snap.
Storage injections of 71 billion cubic feet (Bcf) for the week ended October
accompanied by broad-based and continuing warm weather have driven the shift
market psychology. Last week,s injection rate was 26.5 Bcf, or approximately
Bcf per day, above the previous five-year average for those seven days and 58
above the 13 Bcf of injections recorded last year for the week ending October
With warm weather this week and the return of more normal temperatures
next week, CERA now expects storage to reach a maximum level of 2,784 Bcf on
October 31--still an all-time low entering the winter, by 26 Bcf (see Table
Is this inventory level "enough"? Not yet. Storage inventories this winter
under 15-
year normal weather conditions would fall to approximately 780 Bcf, 22 Bcf
the previous all-time low. This end-of-March minimum implies total
withdrawals in
the United States this winter of 2.0 trillion cubic feet (Tcf), 128 Bcf above
last year,s
withdrawals. But holding withdrawals this winter down to 2.0 Tcf in the face
of a
return to normal weather--and the demand rebound of 3.0 Bcf per day it would
bring--will be difficult. Although the beginning of a US supply rebound and
growing imports will add approximately 1.0 Bcf per day to supplies this
holding withdrawals down requires both of the following:
* Industrial markets--mainly ammonia and methanol
producers--that are now shut down because of high gas prices
must remain shut down. These markets represent
approximately 0.5 Bcf per day of demand that could return,
should gas prices moderate relative to ammonia and methanol.
* The nearly 1.5 Bcf per day of switchable load now burning
residual fuel oil must remain off of gas.
In CERA,s view, for gas prices to fall below resid on a sustained basis,
as power loads increase this winter, it must become apparent that winter
demand can
be met, the current resid load can return to gas, and storage inventories can
be held
reasonably near the previous record low. That low, 758 Bcf, occurred in March
and was accompanied by a February average price of $4.41 and a March average
$3.00 at the Henry Hub. That spring, however, US productive capability was
4.0 Bcf per day greater than it is today, winter power generation demand was
and there were about 4.5 million fewer residential and commercial gas
customers in
the United States.
Market fundamentals in CERA,s view still support gas prices above those of
which as of this writing is pricing in the $4.75-$5.00 per MMBtu range. Warm
weather throughout November and into December could reverse this
relationship, but
a warm October alone is insufficient, and any cold weather within the next few
weeks will quickly tighten the slack that has temporarily come into the
CERA,s price outlook for November--an average of $5.50 at the Henry Hub--
stands for now.
Follow URL for PDF version of this Alert with associated table.
CERA's Autumn 2000 Roundtable event dates and agendas are now available at
Account Changes
To edit your personal account information, including your e-mail
address, etc. go to: http://eprofile.cera.com/cfm/edit/account.cfm
This electronic message and attachments, if any, contain information
from Cambridge Energy Research Associates, Inc. (CERA) which is
confidential and may be privileged. Unauthorized disclosure, copying,
distribution or use of the contents of this message or any attachments,
in whole or in part, is strictly prohibited.
Terms of Use: http://www.cera.com/tos.html
Questions/Comments: [email protected]
Copyright 2000. Cambridge Energy Research Associates |
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Tuesday, May 8, 2001
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Rumsfeld Plans to Seek a Military Strategy Using Outer Space
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that was cute!? thank you! i especially loved the list....
At 08:28 AM 12/12/2000 -0600, you wrote:
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Something fun to read!
> >>>> I have a new delightful friend,
> > >? > I am most in awe of her.
> > >? > When we first met I was impressed,
> > >? > By her bizarre behavior.
> > >? >
> > >? > That day I had a date with friends,
> > >? > We met to have some lunch.
> > >? > Mae had come along with them,
> > >? > All in all ... a pleasant bunch.
> > >? >
> > >? > When the menus were presented,
> > >? > We ordered salads, sandwiches, and soups.
> > >? > Except for Mae who circumvented,
> > >? > And said, Ice Cream, please: two scoops.
> > >? >
> > >? > I was not sure my ears heard right,
> > >? > And the others were aghast.
> > >? > Along with heated apple pie,
> > >? > Mae added, completely unabashed.
> > >? >
> > >? > We tried to act quite nonchalant,
> > >? > As if people did this all the time.
> > >? > But when our orders were brought out,
> > >? > I did not enjoy mine.
> > >? >
> > >? > I could not take my eyes off Mae,
> > >? > As her pie a-la-mode went down.
> > >? > The other ladies showed dismay,
> > >? > They ate their lunches silently, and frowned.
> > >? >
> > >? > Well, the next time I went out to eat,
> > >? > I called and invited Mae.
> > >? > My lunch contained white tuna meat,
> > >? > She ordered a parfait.
> > >? >
> > >? > I smiled when her dish I viewed,
> > >? > And she asked if she amused me.
> > >? > I answered, Yes, you do,
> > >? > But also you confuse me.
> > >? >
> > >? > How come you order rich desserts,
> > >? > When I feel I must be sensible?
> > >? > She laughed and said, with wanton mirth,
> > >? > I am tasting all that's possible.
> > >? >
> > >? > I try to eat the food I need,
> > >? > And do the things I should.
> > >? > But life's so short, my friend, indeed,
> > >? > I hate missing out on something good.
> > >? >
> > >? > This year I realized how old I was,
> > >? > She grinned, I've not been this old before.
> > >? > So, before I die, I've got to try,
> > >? > Those things for years I had ignored.
> > >? >
> > >? > I've not smelled all the flowers yet,
> > >? > There's too many books I have not read.
> > >? > There's more fudge sundaes to wolf down,
> > >? > And kites to be flown overhead.
> > >? >
> > >? > There are many malls I have not shopped,
> > >? > I've not laughed at all the jokes.
> > >? > I've missed a lot of Broadway Hits,
> > >? > And potato chips and cokes.
> > >? >
> > >? > I want to wade again in water,
> > >? > And feel ocean spray upon my face.
> > >? > Sit in a country church once more,
> > >? > And thank God for It's grace.
> > >? >
> > >? > I want peanut butter every day,
> > >? > Spread on my morning toast.
> > >? > I want un-timed long-distance calls,
> > >? > To the folks I love the most.
> > >? >
> > >? > I've not cried at all the movies yet,
> > >? > Nor walked in the morning rain.
> > >? > I need to feel wind in my hair,
> > >? > I want to fall in love again.
> > >? >
> > >? > So, if I choose to have dessert,
> > >? > Instead of having dinner.
> > >? > Then should I die before night fall,
> > >? > I'd say I died a winner.
> > >? >
> > >? > Because I missed out on nothing,
> > >? > I filled my heart's desire.
> > >? > I had that final chocolate mousse,
> > >? > Before my life expired.
> > >? >
> > >? > With that, I called the waitress over,
> > >? > I've changed my mind, it seems.
> > >? > I said, I want what she is having,
> > >? > Only add some more whipped-cream!
> > >? >
> > >? > Here is a little something for you all!
> > >? > We need an annual Girlfriends Day!
> > >? > If you get this twice,
> > >? > then you have more than one girlfriend.
> > >? > Be happy.
> > >? >
> > >? >
> > >? >? * Good times are even better when they're shared.
> > >? >? * A good long talk can cure almost anything.
> > >? >? * Everyone needs someone with whom to share their secrets.
> > >? >? * Listening is just as important as talking.
> > >? >? * An understanding friend is better than a therapist...
> > >? >??? and cheaper too!
> > >? >? * Laughter makes the world a happier place.
> > >? >? * Friends are like wine; they get better with age.
> > >? >? * Sometimes you just need a shoulder to cry on.
> > >? >? * Great minds think alike, especially when they are female!
> > >? >? * When it comes to "bonding," females do it better.
> > >? >? * Girls just want to have fun.
> > >? >? * It's important to make time to do "girl things."
> > >? >? * Calories don't count when you are having lunch
> > >? >??? (or any other food) with your girlfriends.
> > >? >? * You can never have too many shoes.
> > >? >
Calif May Be Buying Big Power Supplies At Market's Top
By Mark Golden
Dow Jones Energy Service
(Copyright (c) 2001, Dow Jones & Company, Inc.)
NEW YORK -(Dow Jones)- When market-savvy energy companies like Enron, Calpine
and Dynegy are selling like crazy, that might be a sign it's not a good time
to buy.
Nevertheless, the state of California is signing contracts for $43 billion
worth of power under supply deals stretching up to 20 years. Some industry
experts say these contracts could be overpriced by billions of dollars in a
matter of months. What's more, deliveries for most of the supplies already
signed for won't begin until after this summer, which is likely when the
power will be needed most.
"The state should be involved in portfolio contracts to stabilize costs, but
signing 10-year and 20-year contracts is inappropriate," said Michael Zenker,
director of western energy consulting services at Cambridge Energy Research
Associates. "That could end up locking consumers into higher rates for many
years to come."
The near bankruptcy of California's two largest utilities has forced the
state to step heavily into the power markets. The state's idea behind signing
long-term contracts is to stabilize its power costs by spreading them out,
said Vikram Budhraja, whose company, Electric Power Group, is advising the
state on the contracts.
"What we set out to do is get California out of the spot market, bring
stability to the market and get dependable supplies," Budhraja said. "We
believe we have done that."
But some said California could find cheaper prices for forward power if it
waits. Power prices will continue to be very volatile for the next 12 months
to 24 months, but the price of power for delivery in 2002 and beyond is
likely to begin falling at the end of this summer, said Gerald Keenan, a
senior partner for PricewaterhouseCoopers' utility consulting group. The best
approach now is to sign contracts covering just a few months or years, he
"It's not a good bet that gas prices will stay high for such a long time," he
said. "And very little of that power will be delivered this summer anyway."
This week, California Gov. Gray Davis said the state has nailed down about
7,000 megawatts for the summer - more than half the difference between
generation already controlled by the utilities and the projected peak demand
on a very hot day.
But contract details released by Calpine Corp. (CPN), Dynegy Inc. (DYN), Duke
Energy (DUK) and Williams Companies (WMB) belie the governor's claim.
According to press releases from those generators, only 1,640 MW of the power
they're selling will be available this summer.
Not everyone agrees the state has overpaid. To head off a meltdown,
independent power companies in California are giving the state prices
slightly below the current forward market, said Gary Ackerman, executive
director of the Western Power Trading Forum.
"These are probably good deals," said Ackerman, who added that potential
out-of-state suppliers are seeking higher prices because they don't have the
same political motivation. "Never guess at what prices are going to do. They
can always go higher."
Still, California's inability to find much power for this summer means that
the state's imbalance between supply and demand will have to be solved in the
near term on the demand side, according to one perspective. Once demand falls
- whether through higher prices, voluntary conservation, involuntary
blackouts or even a recession - forward electricity prices in California
could come crashing down.
Davis has proposed conservation plans that he says will reduce electricity
consumption by 10% from expected levels this summer. As part of the
conservation program, Davis wants to install new real-time meters before
summer at 43,000 industrial and commercial customers which will then get some
market prices for their power and would be motivated to reduce consumption
during peak-use hours.
The current forward market reflects a skepticism that the meters and other
conservation efforts will be anywhere near as effective this summer as the
governor says. But some industry experts say the real-time meters alone could
reduce power consumption by 10%, which would slash both spot and forward
supply prices, again reason for the state to wait.
"The state should absolutely install the meters first before signing the
long-term contracts," Zenker said.
The governor agreed, when asked about this in his press conference, that
conservation efforts will weaken forward markets. But he said securing stable
prices now is worth the cost.
"Consumers will know approximately what it will cost them for power. The
first two or three years they will probably pay less than the real cost of
power. In the next five or six years they may pay a little bit more," Davis
said. "I think that is a bargain that Californians can learn to accept."
Moreover, if the state had signed deals for just a couple of years, the
average price would be double the $69/average price of the longer-term
contracts announced this week. Such prices, in turn, would have forced the
state to raise electricity rates, something that is politically unpalatable,
Zenker conceded.
Davis and his staff defended their approach, saying that the problem for this
summer will be so acute that it requires a multipronged attack rather than
pursuing demand reductions first.
"There is no one piece that is going to solve this problem," Budhraja said.
"All have to be pursued simultaneously."
-By Mark Golden, Dow Jones Newswires; 201-938-4604; [email protected]
Copyright , 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. |
Karen, I thought you guys were creating a manual invoice and sending it out the door. We can put all of this activity in our gas system for tracking and g/l purposes ( I think). I have not worried about it because I thought this activity was going away, or at least out of the Estate Team area where Robin Barbe and I work.
I keep wondering if this activity should go to Greg Sharps group (OpCo or New Co, whatever its called)?
The accounting contact at TXU is Mydra Derden and her number is 214-875-9473.
-----Original Message-----
From: Mazowita, Mike
Sent: Wednesday, June 05, 2002 9:04 AM
To: Germany, Chris
Subject: FW: Ponderosa Sales to TXU for May 2002
Can you help Karen out here???
1) Is there a TXU Settlements person we can talk to regarding this difference in payment???
2) At one time, you were contemplating putting our deal into the "system". Did this happen and are invoices being generated from this system??
-----Original Message-----
From: Herrmann, Karen
Sent: Tuesday, June 04, 2002 12:10 PM
To: Mazowita, Mike
Subject: RE: Ponderosa Sales to TXU for May 2002
Mike, on May 29, a deposit was made into the Chase account in the amount of $925,244.97. Would this be the deposit from TXU for April's gas sales? According to Chris's schedule, they owed us $952,055 for April. Any thoughts or comments?
ps: who is invoicing TXU for what they owe us?
-----Original Message-----
From: Germany, Chris
Sent: Friday, May 31, 2002 4:02 PM
To: Germany, Chris; Barbe, Robin; Mazowita, Mike; Kelly, Katherine L.; Denetsosie, Troy; Brady, Kevin; Vos, Theresa; Herrmann, Karen
Cc: Hill, Garrick
Subject: RE: Ponderosa Sales to TXU for May 2002
price for gas sold 5/25 - 5/28 $2.7550
Sold 10,000 for 5/29 at gas daily waha - $.05 which is $2.7700
Sold 10,500 for 5/30 at gas daily waha - $.05 which is $2.8750
Sold 15,000 for 5/31 at gas daily waha - $.05 which is $2.9750
Karen, Theresa, all the sales data for May is in the attached worksheet under "may02".
<< File: MARGAS.xls >>
-----Original Message-----
From: Germany, Chris
Sent: Friday, May 24, 2002 10:41 AM
To: Barbe, Robin; Mazowita, Mike; Kelly, Katherine L.; Denetsosie, Troy; Brady, Kevin
Cc: Hill, Garrick
Subject: RE: Ponderosa Sales to TXU for May 2002
sold 10,000 for 5/24 at gas daily waha - $.05 which is $3.035
and 10,000 for 5/25 - 5/28 at gas daily waha - $.05
-----Original Message-----
From: Barbe, Robin
Sent: Wednesday, May 22, 2002 1:21 PM
To: Barbe, Robin; Germany, Chris; Mazowita, Mike; Kelly, Katherine L.; Denetsosie, Troy; Brady, Kevin
Cc: Hill, Garrick
Subject: RE: Ponderosa Sales to TXU for May 2002
the gas price for the 5000 for gas day 5/22 is $2.985. i sold txu 10MM for 5/23 at gas daily waha - $0.05 again.
-----Original Message-----
From: Barbe, Robin
Sent: Tuesday, May 21, 2002 10:38 AM
To: Barbe, Robin; Germany, Chris; Mazowita, Mike; Kelly, Katherine L.; Denetsosie, Troy; Brady, Kevin
Cc: Hill, Garrick
Subject: RE: Ponderosa Sales to TXU for May 2002
the gas price for the 6500 for 5/21 is $3.095. sold txu 5000 for gas day 5/22 at waha gas daily avg - $0.05.
-----Original Message-----
From: Barbe, Robin
Sent: Monday, May 20, 2002 10:05 AM
To: Barbe, Robin; Germany, Chris; Mazowita, Mike; Kelly, Katherine L.; Denetsosie, Troy; Brady, Kevin
Cc: Hill, Garrick
Subject: RE: Ponderosa Sales to TXU for May 2002
sold 6500 to txu @ cayanosa for 5/21. price is waha gas daily avg - $0.05.
-----Original Message-----
From: Barbe, Robin
Sent: Friday, May 17, 2002 9:54 AM
To: Barbe, Robin; Germany, Chris; Mazowita, Mike; Kelly, Katherine L.; Denetsosie, Troy; Brady, Kevin
Cc: Hill, Garrick
Subject: RE: Ponderosa Sales to TXU for May 2002
sold 10,000 to txu at cayanosa at a price of $3.01 for the 5/18, 19, & 20.
-----Original Message-----
From: Barbe, Robin
Sent: Thursday, May 16, 2002 2:19 PM
To: Germany, Chris; Mazowita, Mike; Barbe, Robin; Kelly, Katherine L.; Denetsosie, Troy; Brady, Kevin
Cc: Hill, Garrick
Subject: RE: Ponderosa Sales to TXU for May 2002
Here's an update on the status of sells to TXU:
Sold 10,000 dth of Cinergy/Cayanosa for the following gas days and prices:
5/14 @ $3.26
5/15 @ $3.345 waha gda - $0.05
5/16 @ $3.12 waha gda - $0.05
5/17 @ $3.02
If you have any questions, I can be reached at 713-853-7177.
-----Original Message-----
From: Germany, Chris
Sent: Friday, May 10, 2002 1:06 PM
To: Barbe, Robin
Subject: FW: Ponderosa Sales to TXU for May 2002
-----Original Message-----
From: Mazowita, Mike
Sent: Friday, May 10, 2002 11:26 AM
To: Germany, Chris
Subject: RE: Ponderosa Sales to TXU for May 2002
Thanks. I will see on Monday how Brazos ran the plant over the weekend and take a course of action from there. At least 10,000 -15,000 to market.
-----Original Message-----
From: Germany, Chris
Sent: Friday, May 10, 2002 10:39 AM
To: Germany, Chris; Mazowita, Mike; Barbe, Robin; Kelly, Katherine L.; Denetsosie, Troy; Brady, Kevin
Cc: Hill, Garrick
Subject: RE: Ponderosa Sales to TXU for May 2002
We did not sell any gas for May 8th-10th.
Sold TXU 5,000 dth of Cinergy/Cayanosa for 5/11-13/02 at $3.32.
-----Original Message-----
From: Germany, Chris
Sent: Tuesday, May 07, 2002 10:44 AM
To: Germany, Chris; Mazowita, Mike; Barbe, Robin; Kelly, Katherine L.; Denetsosie, Troy; Brady, Kevin
Cc: Hill, Garrick
Subject: RE: Ponderosa Sales to TXU for May 2002
For gas day 5/7/02, Cinergy/Apache moved 10,000 dth from Sid Rich Cayanosa to Oasis Mi Vida. Oasis Mi Vida is not a Lone Star point but I didn't know it at the time and I sold the gas to TXU at $3.20. No sales were made for 5/8/02.
-----Original Message-----
From: Germany, Chris
Sent: Friday, May 03, 2002 5:17 PM
To: Germany, Chris; Mazowita, Mike; Barbe, Robin; Kelly, Katherine L.; Denetsosie, Troy; Brady, Kevin
Cc: Hill, Garrick
Subject: RE: Ponderosa Sales to TXU for May 2002
Sold TXU 10,000 dth of Cayanosa for 5/2/02 at $3.51.
Sold TXU 10,000 dth of Cayanosa for 5/3/02 at $3.36.
Sold TXU 10,000 dth of Cayanosa for 5/4-6/02 at $3.18.
-----Original Message-----
From: Germany, Chris
Sent: Tuesday, April 30, 2002 2:12 PM
To: Germany, Chris; Mazowita, Mike; Barbe, Robin; Kelly, Katherine L.; Denetsosie, Troy; Brady, Kevin
Cc: Hill, Garrick
Subject: Ponderosa Sales to TXU for May 2002
Sold TXU 10,000 dth of Cayanosa for 5/1/02 at $3.45. I actually sold TXU the gas yesterday and I didn't want to change the volumes for the 1st. Let me know if you want to sell more than 10,000 for the 2nd.
Thanks |
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Jan 25, 2002
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Platts Enron Report: Read about the implications of Enron's bankruptcy on the
financial and energy communities.
Bandwidth Update: Ambient and Southern Telecom to develop and test power line
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Futures Round-up
NYMEX: Crude to open higher despite lack of news
NYMEX March crude oil is called to open 15 cts higher at $19.85/bbl Friday.
March Brent is called to open 17 cts higher at $19.31/bbl. February heating oil
is called to open 11 pts higher at 53.50 cts/gal and February unleaded gasoline
is called to open 40 pts higher at 57.25 cts/gal.
IPE Brent Focus: Technical buying pushes IPE Brent crude higher Friday
Front-month March gapped higher in ETS electronic trading early on, opening at
$19.35/bbl, up from Thursday's high of $19.25/bbl. Gains were consolidated in
open outcry business and at 1100 GMT the contract stood at $19.49/bbl, 36 cts
higher than the previous day's close. April Brent had climbed 32 cts to trade at
$19.61/bbl at the same time.
News Round-up
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Energy Jobs Network, the Jobs Board gives you access to a pool of job seekers
and open positions across the energy industry. It's free for all job seekers,
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(For Premium Customers)
Liquefied natural gas proponents remain bullish
In the 1970s-early 1980s, soaring natural gas prices and the faulty belief the
United States would run out of natural gas within a decade led to the
construction of four liquefied natural gas terminals. (http://www.einsight.com)
Devon Energy completes $3.15-bil acquisition of Mitchell
Devon Energy Jan 24 said it had completed its $3.15-bil acquisition of Mitchell
Energy & Development after shareholders of both companies approved the deal in
separate meetings earlier in the day.
Philippines mulls sale of PNOC's stake in Malampaya gas
Enron late Jan 24 said it would continue to pursue a lawsuit against Dynegy
seeking $10-bil in damages arising out of Dynegy's termination of its merger
agreement with Enron, and amend that complaint to add an additional damage claim
alleging that Dynegy's exercise of the Northern Natural Gas Pipeline option was
wrongful. (http://www.platts.com/archives.shtml#57291)
ExxonMobil opens $2-bil chemical complex in Singapore
ExxonMobil Chemical officially opened its $2-bil petrochemical complex in
Singapore, known as the Singapore Chemical Plant on Friday.
Platts Buyers' Guide: One online place for the electric power industry to
search, compare and find the products and services you need. Click to add your
listing. (http://www.mediabrains.com/client/platts/bg1/search.asp)
Sempra reviewing Enron assets for possible purchase
Sempra Energy has been looking at "hard assets" owned by bankrupt Enron,
including its natural gas pipelines, energy services contracts and trading
operations, but has yet to make any final decision, Stephen Baum, Sempra
chairman, president and chief executive officer, said Jan 24.
Las Vegas, county ask court to stop Yucca Mt project
Las Vegas and Clark County, Nevada asked a federal court for help Jan 24 in
stopping DOE's repository project at Yucca Mountain, 90 miles outside Las Vegas.
Egyptian firm seeks US Coal
Egyptian company Al Nasr Co for Coke & Chemicals is asking US producers to
prequalify to supply metallurgical coal to the company over a four-year period.
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---------------------- Forwarded by Susan M Scott/HOU/ECT on 03/28/2000 12:06
PM ---------------------------
Enron Capital & Trade Resources Corp.
From: [email protected] 03/28/2000 11:22 AM
To: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
Subject: Hit the Floor - True Story
Hit The Floor' A True Story...
> >
> > On a recent weekend in Atlantic City, a woman won a
> > bucketful of quarters at a slot machine. She took a
> > break from the slots for dinner with her husband in
> > the hotel dining room. But first she wanted to stash
> > the quarters in her room.
> >"I'll be right back and we'll go eat," she told her
> >and she carried the coin-laden bucket to the elevator.
> >
> > As she was about to walk into the elevator she
> >noticed two men already aboard. Both were black.
> >One of them was big ... very big ...an intimidating
> >figure. The woman froze. Her first thought was:
> >These two are going to rob me.
> >Her next thought was:
> >Don't be a bigot, they look like perfectly nice
> >
> >But racial stereotypes are powerful, and fear immobilized
> >She stood and stared at the two men.
> >She felt anxious, flustered, and ashamed.
> >
> >She hoped they didn't read her mind, but knew they
> >surely did; her hesitation about joining them on the
> >elevator was all too obvious. Her face was flushed.
> >She couldn't just stand there, so with a mighty effort of
> >she picked up one foot and stepped forward and followed
> >with the other foot and was on the elevator.
> >
> >Avoiding eye contact, she turned around stiffly and
> >faced the elevator doors as they closed. A second
> >passed, and then another second, and then another.
> >Her fear increased The elevator didn't move. Panic
> >consumed her. My God, she thought, I'm trapped and
> >about to be robbed. Her heart plummeted.
> >Perspiration poured from every pore. Then ... one
> >of the men said, "Hit the floor."
> >Instinct told her: Do what they tell you.
> >
> >The bucket of quarters flew upwards as she
> >threw out her arms and collapsed
> >on the elevator carpet.
> >
> > A shower of coins rained down on her. Take my money
> >and spare me, she prayed. More seconds passed.
> >
> >She heard one of the men say politely, 'Ma'am, if
> >you'll just tell us what floor you're going to,
> >we'll push the button.' The one who said it had a
> >little trouble getting the words out. He was trying
> >mightily to hold in a belly laugh.
> >
> >She lifted her head and looked up at the two men.
> >They reached down to help her up.
> >Confused, she struggled to her feet.
> >
> >"When I told my man here to hit the floor," said the
> >average sized one, "I meant that he should hit the
> >elevator button for our floor. I didn't mean for
> >you to hit the floor, ma'am." He spoke genially.
> >He bit his lip.
> >It was obvious he was having a hard time not laughing.
> >
> >She thought: my goodness, what a spectacle I've made
> >of myself. She was too humiliated to speak. She
> >wanted to blurt out an apology, but words failed her.
> >
> >How do you apologize to two perfectly respectable
> >gentlemen for behaving as though they were going to
> >rob you? She didn't know what to say.
> >
> >The 3 of them gathered up the strewn quarters and
refilled her bucket.
> >When the elevator arrived at her floor, they
> >insisted on walking her to her room. She seemed a
> >little unsteady on her feet, and they were afraid she
> >might not make it down the corridor. At her door
> >they bid her a good evening.
> >
> >As she slipped into her room she could hear them
> >roaring with laughter while they walked back to the
> >elevator. The woman brushed herself off.
> >She pulled herself together and went downstairs for
> >dinner with her husband.
> >
> >The next morning flowers were delivered to her
> >room-a dozen roses. Attached to EACH rose was a
> >crisp one hundred-dollar bill. The card said:
> >
> >Thanks for the best laugh we've had in years'
> >It was signed,
> >
> > Eddie Murphy
> > Michael Jordan
> >
> |
---------------------- Forwarded by Kayne Coulter/HOU/ECT on 11/29/2000 09:34
AM ---------------------------
Gary and Donna Holtz <[email protected]> on 11/29/2000 09:17:03 AM
To: Mary and Bill Holtz <[email protected]>
Subject: Heating Water in Microwave
Micro-waving Water to
> Heat it Up
> I feel that the following is information that any
> one who uses a microwave
> oven to heat water should be made aware of.
> > > About five days ago, a 26 year old man decided
> to have a cup of
> instant
> > >coffee. He took a cup of water and put it in the
> microwave to heat it up
> > >(something that he had done numerous times
> before). I am not sure how
> > long he set the timer for but he told me he
> wanted to bring the water to
> a boil.
> > When the timer shut the oven off, he removed the
> cup from the oven. As
> he
> looked into the cup he noted that the water was not
> boiling but instantly
> the water in the cup "blew up" into his face.
> > >The cup remained intact until he threw it out of
> his hand but all the
> water
> > >had flown out into his face due to the buildup
> of energy. His whole face
> > is blistered and he has 1st and 2nd degree burns
> to his face which may
> leave
> > >scarring. He also may have lost partial sight in
> his left eye.
> > >While at the hospital, the doctor who was
> attending to him stated that
> > this is a fairly common occurrence and water
> (alone) should never be
> heated in a
> > >microwave oven. If water is heated in this
> manner, something should be
> placed
> > >in the cup to diffuse the energy such as a
> wooden stir stick, tea bag,
> > etc. It is however a much safer choice to boil
> the water in a tea
> kettle.
> > > Please pass this information on to friends and
> family. Here is what a
> > >science teacher has to say on the matter:
> > > "Thanks for the microwave warning. I have
> seen this happen before. It
> is
> > >caused by a phenomenon known as super heating.
> It can occur anytime
> water is
> > heated and will particularly occur if the vessel
> that the water is
> heated
> in is
> > new.
> > > "What happens is that the water heats faster
> than the vapor bubbles can
> > >form. If the cup is very new then it is unlikely
> to have small surface
> > >scratches inside it that provide a place for the
> bubbles to form. As the
> > >bubbles cannot form and release some of the heat
> that has built up, the
> > >liquid does not boil, and the liquid continues
> to heat up well past its
> boiling point. What then usually happens is that
> the liquid is bumped or
> jarred, which is just enough of a shock to cause the
> bubbles to rapidly
> form and expel the hot liquid. The rapid formation
> of bubbles is also why
> a carbonated beverage spews when opened after
> having been shaken."
> Please pass this on to everyone you know, it could
> save a lot, of pain and
> suffering.
> ATTACHMENT part 2 message/rfc822 name=Heating Water
in Microwave.eml
> From: [email protected]
> Date: Sun, 26 Nov 2000 12:38:35 EST
> Subject: Heating Water in Microwave
> To: [email protected], [email protected],
> [email protected],
> [email protected], [email protected]
> More important information to be shared:
> Wadiyah
> Micro-waving Water to Heat it Up
> I feel that the following is information that any
> one who uses a microwave
> oven to heat water should be made aware of.
> > >
> > > About five days ago, a 26 year old man decided
> to have a cup of instant
> > >coffee. He took a cup of water and put it in the
> microwave to heat it up
> > >(something that he had done numerous times
> before). I am not sure how
> > long he set the timer for but he told me he
> wanted to bring the water to a
> boil.
> > When the timer shut the oven off, he removed the
> cup from the oven. As he
> looked into the cup he noted that the water was not
> boiling but instantly
> the water in the cup "blew up" into his face.
> > >
> > >The cup remained intact until he threw it out of
> his hand but all the water
> > >had flown out into his face due to the buildup of
> energy. His whole face
> > is blistered and he has 1st and 2nd degree burns
> to his face which may leave
> > >scarring. He also may have lost partial sight in
> his left eye.
> > >
> > >While at the hospital, the doctor who was
> attending to him stated that
> > this is a fairly common occurrence and water
> (alone) should never be heated
> in a
> > >microwave oven. If water is heated in this
> manner, something should be
> placed
> > >in the cup to diffuse the energy such as a wooden
> stir stick, tea bag,
> > etc. It is however a much safer choice to boil
> the water in a tea kettle.
> > >
> > > Please pass this information on to friends and
> family. Here is what a
> > >science teacher has to say on the matter:
> > >
> > > "Thanks for the microwave warning. I have seen
> this happen before. It
> is
> > >caused by a phenomenon known as super heating.
> It can occur anytime water
> is
> > heated and will particularly occur if the vessel
> that the water is heated
> in is
> > new.
> > >
> > > "What happens is that the water heats faster
> than the vapor bubbles can
> > >form. If the cup is very new then it is unlikely
> to have small surface
> > >scratches inside it that provide a place for the
> bubbles to form. As the
> > >bubbles cannot form and release some of the heat
> that has built up, the
> > >liquid does not boil, and the liquid continues to
> heat up well past its
> > >boiling point. What then usually happens is that
> the liquid is bumped or
> jarred, which is just enough of a shock to cause the
> bubbles to rapidly
> > > form and expel the hot liquid. The rapid
> formation of bubbles is also why
> > a carbonated beverage spews when opened after
> having been shaken."
> Please pass this on to everyone you know, it could
> save a lot, of pain and
> suffering.
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Electricity prices soar as changes take hold: Tab skyrockets under rule
easing wholesale controls
By Carrie Peyton
Bee Staff Writer
(Published Dec. 12, 2000)
Some wholesale electricity prices on California's Power Exchange nearly
tripled between Friday and Monday and others nearly quadrupled, while
officials declared another electric emergency.
In the first full business day under new, sharply disputed trading rules
aimed at averting blackouts, prices of electricity on the Power Exchange,
where the bulk of California's electricity is bought and sold, surged far
above Friday's $250 per megawatt hour.
The day's first PX auction produced average prices of $904 per megawatt hour,
and a second auction used to adjust transmission line use produced prices of
One year ago, the average PX price was about $30, Power Exchange spokesman
Jesus Arredondo said.
"Prices were crazy yesterday and they're crazier today," Arredondo said.
"This will be the most expensive month ever in California, I'm sure of it."
The California Independent System Operator blamed high natural gas costs and
strong electric demand throughout the West for Monday's price run-up, but
critics suggested it was early evidence that the new trading rules have
At the ISO's request, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission late Friday
gave permission to lift a $250 price cap and replace it with a requirement
that power sellers who set prices higher than $250 must explain them later.
The ISO said the changes would improve the grid's stability by attracting
more power to California, repaying plant owners for high natural gas costs
and reducing last-minute deals.
The rules were immediately attacked by Gov. Gray Davis and state regulators,
who argued that the rules would drive up prices without solving the other
That's just what happened Monday, said Steve Maviglio, spokesman for Davis.
"Price gouging has reached a new level," he said. "It's not surprising. It's
exactly what the governor predicted."
In addition, a "glitch" in the way the ISO and the PX use two-stage
electricity auctions to ease congestion on transmission lines will
temporarily spur more last-minute trading instead of less, according to power
plant owners and the ISO.
ISO officials, who have long warned that last-minute deals can hurt the
stability of the electric grid, said the effect will be minimal, but Power
Exchange officials predict it could be massive. The test will come today.
In an effort to solve the problem, the PX late Monday asked FERC to make
another emergency change in trading rules, lifting caps on the second round
of power auctions, which are used to set "congestion" pricing.
The PX buys electricity from power plant owners and sells it to buyers,
almost universally the utilities, which then turn around and supply
Californians power. The ISO was created to control the transmission grid, but
it has emerged as the buyer of about one-fourth of California's power when
stability problems arise, and it then resells that power to utilities.
Meanwhile, the ISO declared another "stage two" electric emergency Monday
afternoon -- the 12th since Nov. 1 -- and pleaded for continued conservation.
Some big power users were told to reduce consumption, although the ISO said
generally the outlook has improved slightly.
About 8,700 megawatts of power were off line Monday, compared with a high of
more than 11,000 last week. A megawatt can supply about 300 to 1,000
households, depending on season and location.
The ISO blames the almost unheard of cold-weather emergencies on an unusual
number of power plants down for repairs and growth in other regions that
compete with California for electricity.
"It's a very tough problem right now," ISO spokesman Patrick Dorinson said.
"I almost could look back and say summer was fun."
The governor, PUC president Loretta Lynch, consumer advocates and others
blame the deregulated electric market for the cold-weather power crunches.
As that controversy raged on, state officials who are monitoring the
increasingly chaotic electricity situation began toting up the costs of last
week's runaway prices.
On Friday alone, according to the California Electricity Oversight Board, it
cost $212 million to deliver power through the ISO-controlled grid, which
serves about three-fourths of the state's electric consumers.
That would be enough to fully pay for a new, cleaner-burning 500-megawatt
power plant about every two days.
Monday's bill won't be fully computed for another few days, but it appears
that it will be significantly higher, according to the oversight board.
"We have a huge transfer of wealth going on, and we're not getting anything
for it," Pacific Gas and Electric Corp. spokesman Gregg Pruett said.
Meanwhile, financial analysts Monday warned investors that the state's two
largest utilities are finding it increasingly difficult to bridge the gap
between frozen rates and power costs that escalate nearly daily.
Credit rating agency Fitch Inc. on Monday lowered its long-term and
short-term debt ratings for PG&E and Southern California Edison, as well as
the latter's parent company, Edison International. Fitch cited "increased
liquidity pressure" and uncertainty about the utilities' ability to recover
the costs of their power purchases.
The rating downgrades mean it will be more expensive for the utilities to
borrow money in the future.
Also on Monday, Morgan Stanley Dean Witter & Co. and Banc of America
Securities lowered their ratings on PG&E Corp.'s stock, which fell Monday to
$21.94 a share, down $1.63, nearly 7 percent. The firm also lowered its
rating for Edison International, whose stock closed at $18.63 a share, down
$1.81, nearly 9 percent.
Moody's Investors Service put the securities of PG&E and its parent PG&E
Corp. on watch for a downgrade.
PG&E estimates that at the end of November it had paid out $4.6 billion more
for power than it has been able to collect, although consumer advocates
disagree, pointing out that that number is significantly offset by utility
revenues in other special accounts.
Before the December run-up in wholesale prices, PG&E had requested a 17.5
percent rate increase, which state regulators put on hold. Now the rate
increase needed to cover its costs appears to be increasing daily, Pruett
said, but he declined to say how much PG&E might seek.
Although consumer advocates oppose a rate increase, some are beginning to
talk quietly about increases being inevitable if wholesale prices cannot be
brought back down.
"It's not sustainable," said Mike Florio, an attorney for The Utility Reform
Network and a member of the ISO board. "It has to stop."
Bee staff writer Andrew LePage contributed to this report.
Copyright , The Sacramento Bee |
This testimony was provided by PG&E in response to TURN's motion to roll TRA
balances into the TCBA. While useful for internal purposes, the testimony
was struck from the proceeding. PG&E has said they will be filing a
subsequent application to the Commission on their rate stabilization plan
within the next week. I would expect to see this, or similar information, in
that filing.
From: Jeff Dasovich on 11/16/2000 06:34 PM
Sent by: Jeff Dasovich
To: Roger Yang/SFO/EES@EES, Dennis Benevides/HOU/EES@EES, Neil
Bresnan/HOU/EES@EES, Mona L Petrochko/NA/Enron@Enron, Harry
Kingerski/NA/Enron@Enron, James D Steffes/NA/Enron@Enron, Sandra
McCubbin/NA/Enron@Enron, Susan J Mara/NA/Enron@Enron, Paul
Subject: FW: PG&E's Testimony on Financial Issues Associated with TRA
----- Forwarded by Jeff Dasovich/NA/Enron on 11/16/2000 06:21 PM -----
"Delaney Hunter" <[email protected]>
11/16/2000 05:30 PM
Please respond to dhunter
To: "Aaron Thomas (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, "'Allan Lippincott'"
<[email protected]>, "Ann Cohn (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, "'Ann Watson'"
<[email protected]>, "Anna Ferrera (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, "'Art
Carter'" <[email protected]>, "'assistant for John Fielder'"
<[email protected]>, "Audra Hartmann (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, "Barbara
Barkovich (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, "'Becky Kilbourne'"
<[email protected]>, "Bill Booth (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, "'Bill
Dombrowski'" <[email protected]>, "Bill Keese (E-mail)"
<[email protected]>, "Bill Zobel (E-mail)" <[email protected]>,
"'Bob Foster'" <[email protected]>, "'Bob Houston'" <[email protected]>,
"Carolyn McIntyre (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, "Carolyn Veal-Hunter
(E-mail)" <[email protected]>, "Catherine Hackney (E-mail)"
<[email protected]>, "Charles Bacchi (E-mail)" <[email protected]>,
"'Craig Brown'" <[email protected]>, "Dan Carroll (E-mail)"
<[email protected]>, "'Denice Cazalet'" <[email protected]>, "Dennis Price
(E-mail)" <[email protected]>, "'Denny Samuel'" <[email protected]>,
"'Dominic DiMare'" <[email protected]>, "Dorothy Rothrock
(E-mail)" <[email protected]>, "'Ed Yates'" <[email protected]>, "Eloy Garcia
(E-mail)" <[email protected]>, "Evelyn Elsesser (E-mail)" <[email protected]>,
"Gary Heath (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, "'Gordon McDonald'"
<[email protected]>, "'Jack Flanigan'"
<[email protected]>, "Jack Gualco (E-mail)"
<[email protected]>, "'Jack Stewart'" <[email protected]>,
"'James Boyd'" <[email protected]>, "Jan Smutny-Jones (E-mail)"
<[email protected]>, "Jeff Dasovich (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, "'Jerry
Jordan'" <[email protected]>, "Jim Cassie (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, "Jim
Groniger (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, "Joe Lyons (E-mail)"
<[email protected]>, "'Joe Ronan'" <[email protected]>, "John Bridges
(E-mail)" <[email protected]>, "'John Fielder'" <[email protected]>, "John
Fistolera (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, "'John Larrea (E-mail)'"
<[email protected]>, "John Rozsa (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, "John White
(E-mail)" <[email protected]>, "'Joseph Alamo'" <[email protected]>, "Julee
Malinowski-Ball (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, "'Julia Wright'"
<[email protected]>, "Karen Edson (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, "Karen
Jarrell (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, "Karen Koyano (E-mail)"
<[email protected]>, "'Karen Lindh'" <[email protected]>, "Karen Mills
(E-mail)" <[email protected]>, "'Kari Harteloo'" <[email protected]>, "Kassandra
Gough (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, "'Kathy Brandenburg'"
<[email protected]>, "Kay Grosulak (E-mail)"
<[email protected]>, "Keith McCrea (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, "Kevin
Lynch (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, "Kevin Smith (E-mail)"
<[email protected]>, "Kip Lipper (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, "Lawrence
Lingbloom (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, "Lenny Goldberg
(E-mail)" <[email protected]>, "Louis Szablya (E-mail)" <[email protected]>,
"Marc Joseph (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, "Marwan Masri (E-mail)"
<[email protected]>, "Mary McDonald (E-mail)" <[email protected]>,
"Michael Alcantar (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, "Mike Florio (E-mail)"
<[email protected]>, "'Mike Kahl'" <[email protected]>, "Mona Petrochko
(E-mail)" <[email protected]>, "Pete Conaty (E-mail)" <[email protected]>,
"'Phil Nails'" <[email protected]>, "Phil Stohr (E-mail)"
<[email protected]>, "Ralph Cavanagh (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, "Randy
Chinn (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, "Ray Thompson (E-mail)"
<[email protected]>, "'Rick Counihan'"
<[email protected]>, "Robert Berry (E-mail)" <[email protected]>,
"Robin Larson (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, "Sheryl Carter (E-mail)"
<[email protected]>, "Steve Pike (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, "Steve Ponder
(E-mail)" <[email protected]>, "Stu Wilson (E-mail)" <[email protected]>,
"'Sue Mara'" <[email protected]>, "Susan Reeder (E-mail)" <[email protected]>,
"Terry Winter (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, "Thomas Dinkel (E-mail)"
<[email protected]>, "Tim Schmelzer (E-mail)" <[email protected]>,
"'Tommy Ross'" <[email protected]>, "'Tony Braun'" <[email protected]>, "Victoria
Schaefer (E-mail)" <[email protected]>
cc: <[email protected]>
Subject: FW: PG&E's Testimony on Financial Issues Associated with TRA
Per the discussion at the Retreat, please see attached for information on
PG&E's financial situation.
Thanks to Chris Warner for providing this information.
-----Original Message-----
From: Warner, Christopher (Law) [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Thursday, November 16, 2000 1:39 PM
To: '[email protected]'
Cc: Kauss, Kent; Timmerman, Mark
Subject: PG&E's Testimony on Financial Issues Associated with TRA
<<02_Response.doc>> <<03_PTER_PhaseIII_Ch01_McManus.doc>>
Delaney, attached fyi is the testimony PG&E submitted to the CPUC last week
on financial issues associated with our TRA undercollection and TURN's
petition for modification. Also attached is a copy of yesterday's ruling of
the administrative law judge rejecting this testimony for consideration as
part of the evidentiary record of this phase of the proceeding. Needless to
say, we believe our testimony is informative and helpful and should be
considered as part of the overall policy debate on this vital issue.
Please feel free to pass this testimony along to others who might be
interested, and feel free to give me a call if you have any questions.
Chris Warner
PG&E Law Dept.
- 02_Response.doc
- 03_PTER_PhaseIII_Ch01_McManus.doc
- 05_PTER_PhaseIII_Ch02_Campbell.doc
- 07_PTER_PhaseIII_Ch03_Asselstine.doc
- 09_PTER_PhaseIII_Ch04_StandardPoors.doc
- CPUC01-#83739-v1-A9901016_et_al_Minkin_Ruling_.doc |
Start Date: 4/22/01; HourAhead hour: 20; HourAhead schedule download failed.
Manual intervention required.
PARSING FILE -->> O:\Portland\WestDesk\California Scheduling\ISO Final
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(OAHED)Under Auspice of UNIPH Foundation:
Reg N0:85/2000
c/o N0:9 Long Street
Banjul The Gambia; Telefax:220-390969
*Organization of African Health and Economic
Development (OAHED), was created with a vision to
coordinates efforts to combat diseases and promote
physical and mental health. Contribute significantly
to eradicate communicable diseases and promoting
improved sanitation and health condition in Africa and
promote economic development.
*OAHED based on a common vision on economic
stabilization strategies and shared conviction , that
(OAHED) have a pressing duty to eradicate poverty
and diseases and to place Africa countries both
individually and collectively on the path of
sustainable growth development at the same time
participate actively in the world economy.
*The programmme of (OAHED) is anchored on the
determination of Africans to extricate themselves and
the continent from the malaise of underdevelopment and
exclusion in the world globalization.
*Poverty and backwardness of African stand in stark
contrast to the prosperity of the developed world.The
continued imagination of Africa from the globalisaton
process and the social exclusion of the vast majority
of its people constitute a serious threat to global
*In Africa, 365 million peoples or half of the
population live on less than $1.00 per day.The
mortality rate of children under 5years of age is 140
per 1000 and life expectancy at birth is only 54
years. Only 41 percent of the population have access
to safe water, medical care, education etc. The high
rate of illiteracy for people over 15 is 54 percent.
*OAHED calls for the reversal of this abnormal
situation by changing the relationship that underpins
it.African are appealing neither for the further
entrenchment of dependency through aid, nor for
margical concession.
*We are convinced that an historical opportunity
present itself to end the scourge of underdevelopment
that afflicts Africa. The resources, including
capital, technology and human skills that are required
to launch a global war on poverty and underdevelopment
exist in abundance.What is required to mobilize these
resource and use them properly, is bold and
imaginative leadership that is genuinely committed to
a sustained effort of human upliftment and poverty
eradication as well as a new global partnership based
on shared responsibility and mutual interest.
*In the circumstance, Organization of African Health
and Economic Development(OAHED) hereby declare that we
will no longer allow ourselves/African countries to be
conditioned by circumstances. We determine our own
destiny and call on the rest of the world to help and
complement our efforts. There are already signs of
progress and hopes. Democratic regimes that are
committed to the protection of human rights, peoples
centered development and market oriented economies are
on the increase. African people have begun to
demonstrate their refusal to accept poor economic and
political leadership.These development are, however
uneven and inadequate and head to be further
OAHED is about consolidating and accelerating these
gains. It is a call for a new relationship of
partnership between African and the international
community, especially the highly industrialised
countries, to overcome the development chasm that has
of course widened over centuries of unequal relations.
*Our perfect knowledge in respect of the high level of
your commitment and goodness in the vineyard of
humanity impressed and impelled us to seek for your
kind assistance to establish the (OAHED) liaison
office in the Gambia.
The materials and funds needed for the effective
take-off are as follow:
1.Cost of renting /furnishing
2.Logistics, ie, vehicles???????????????USD$325,000.00
3.Staff emolument, mobility and communication
4.Contingency (5%)
Grand Total ???????????????????USD$420,000.00
In the light of this, we are now on board in a
situation not to be described caused by financial
difficulty. We have no facilities neither have we any
money to purchase those materials that are absolutely
necessary in this issue.Your goodness to humanity has
ever been such as leaves not the smallest doubt you
will not suffer us to starve in the situation you
have been pleased to place us, and which is such as
will ever tend to make us the most grateful/happy and
to ensure success as well as accomplish the set-up
goals.You will be induced to take this issue into
consideration an urgent intervention in this
impediment, and by a little pecuniary aid, please
save us from this impasse.It will be an act worthy of
your self, and that imprint upon our heart which will
never be erased.
*OAHED will welcome any assistance you render to
enable us put in place the relevant infrastructures
that would enhance the effective and the presence of
Organization of African Health and Economic
Development in the Gambia. Any assistance given should
be considered a worthwhile service to God and Humanity
.If you require any further information or
clarification in any point, please do not hesitate to
Looking Forward to The Pleasure of your Compliance.
Yours Faithfully
Rev. Emmanuel . E. Awuruh
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Sara, I am well aware of these emails.
You are correct this has been going on for some time but I hope that you do
not mean to suggest that the lack of resolution is due to any negligence on
my part.
As I already explained to you at our meeting today that (1) the information
that Richard Sage provided to us was not accurate; (2) and (2) has been
constantly changing BOTH within the database and from Richard's perspective.
Moreover, I figured out that it did not make sense to have officers from both
the U.S. and London.
Cheryl Nelson
Senior Counsel
(713) 345-4693
Sara Shackleton@ECT
04/02/2001 05:08 PM
To: Cheryl Nelson/NA/Enron@Enron
cc: Stephanie Panus/NA/Enron@Enron
Subject: FW: Transfer of bond business from ENAC to ECI
Attached are a series of messages regarding the Enron Credit Inc. slate of
officers. This has been going on for some time.
Sara Shackleton
Enron North America Corp.
1400 Smith Street, EB 3801a
Houston, Texas 77002
713-853-5620 (phone)
713-646-3490 (fax)
[email protected]
----- Forwarded by Sara Shackleton/HOU/ECT on 04/02/2001 04:59 PM -----
Sara Shackleton
03/21/2001 11:47 AM
To: Teresa Callahan/Enron@EnronXGate
Subject: FW: Transfer of bond business from ENAC to ECI
Your emails have not gone unheeded! We were facilitating things for Richard
and he needs to let us know his slate for the U.S. segment of the London
business. We'll wait to hear from Richard. If you have any questions please
give me a call.
Sara Shackleton
Enron North America Corp.
1400 Smith Street, EB 3801a
Houston, Texas 77002
713-853-5620 (phone)
713-646-3490 (fax)
[email protected]
----- Forwarded by Sara Shackleton/HOU/ECT on 03/21/2001 11:44 AM -----
Sara Shackleton
03/20/2001 04:16 PM
To: Cheryl Nelson/NA/Enron, Richard Sage/LON/ECT
Subject: FW: Transfer of bond business from ENAC to ECI
Cheryl: Where do we stand on the ECT Credit Inc. three (3) accounts?
Richard: Do you have the proposed U.S. slate for Teresa? We do not know who
you want as officers/directors.
Sara Shackleton
Enron North America Corp.
1400 Smith Street, EB 3801a
Houston, Texas 77002
713-853-5620 (phone)
713-646-3490 (fax)
[email protected]
----- Forwarded by Sara Shackleton/HOU/ECT on 03/20/2001 02:05 PM -----
Teresa Callahan/ENRON@enronXgate
03/20/2001 01:59 PM
To: Sara Shackleton/HOU/ECT@ECT
cc: Richard Sage/LON/ECT@ECT
Subject: FW: Transfer of bond business from ENAC to ECI
Please let me know if this request should be directed to someone else's
attention or if documents have already been prepared regarding changes that
Mr. Sage requested. Thanks for your help with this matter. Teresa
-----Original Message-----
From: Callahan, Teresa
Sent: 03/13/2001 8:58 AM
To: Shackleton, Sara
Subject: FW: Transfer of bond business from ENAC to ECI
Importance: High
Richard Sage has asked us to change the slate of directors and officers of
this entity to U.S. people, with the exception that perhaps Richard Sage will
retain an officer title. Will you please provide to me a list of who the
directors will be and who the officers will be and their respective titles.
My understanding is that these elections should take place effective March 5,
2001. Please advise or if you would like to discuss please call me at
X58444. Thanks for your assistance. Teresa
-----Original Message-----
From: Thomas, Kathryn
Sent: 03/13/2001 6:12 AM
To: Callahan, Teresa
Cc: Sage, Richard
Subject: RE: Transfer of bond business from ENAC to ECI
Both Richard and Bryan signed the letters on 5th March. If you need any
other information regarding these then your best bet would be to contact
Simon Pook.
---------------------- Forwarded by Kathryn Thomas/LON/ECT on 13/03/2001
12:10 ---------------------------
Richard Sage
13/03/2001 11:22
To: Kathryn Thomas/LON/ECT@ECT
Subject: RE: Transfer of bond business from ENAC to ECI
Can you make sure Teresa gets a date.
Kathryn Thomas
13/03/2001 09:46
To: Richard Sage/LON/ECT@ECT
Subject: RE: Transfer of bond business from ENAC to ECI
Sorry no. I gave them back to Simon Pook. Do you want me to contact
---------------------- Forwarded by Richard Sage/LON/ECT on 12/03/2001 19:24
From: Teresa Callahan/ENRON@enronXgate on 12/03/2001 13:20 CST
To: Richard Sage/LON/ECT@ECT
cc: Sue Kelly/LON/ECT@ECT
Subject: RE: Transfer of bond business from ENAC to ECI
Can you tell me what date is on the resignation letters. Thanks, Teresa
-----Original Message-----
From: Sage, Richard
Sent: 03/12/2001 11:57 AM
To: Callahan, Teresa
Cc: Kelly, Sue
Subject: RE: Transfer of bond business from ENAC to ECI
Yes, Bryan and I have already signed resignation letters for Sue.
From: Teresa Callahan/ENRON@enronXgate on 12/03/2001 08:22 CST
To: "Sage, Richard"
[email protected]>@SMTP@enronXgate
Subject: RE: Transfer of bond business from ENAC to ECI
Richard: I am touching base with you regarding the change of officers and
directors to US resident - Are we ready to do this yet?
-----Original Message-----
From: Sage, Richard
[email protected]]
Sent: 02/18/2001 9:07 PM
To: Glover, Sheila; Doukas, Tom; Wall, David; Sloman, Ian; Shackleton, Sara;
Kerr, Richard; Panus, Stephanie; Callahan, Teresa; Kelly, Sue; Bell, Stephen
Cc: O'Connell, Denis
Subject: Transfer of bond business from ENAC to ECI
So that everyone can see what everone else is doing, below is the list of
steps of which I am aware.
I think quite a few of these were completed in Houston on Friday.
Please shout if:
- I have missed anything
- Any deadlines are unrealistic
- Anybody else should be copied in
<< OLE Object: Picture (Metafile) >> |
---------------------- Forwarded by Scott Neal/HOU/ECT on 10/17/2000 12:11 PM
Margaret Carson@ENRON
10/13/2000 01:43 PM
To: Julie A Gomez/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stephanie Miller/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Vince J
Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Scott Neal/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jeff Dasovich/NA/Enron@Enron,
Daniel Allegretti/HOU/EES@EES, Mike McGowan/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Lorna
Brennan/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Bill Cordes/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Mark
Schroeder/LON/ECT@ECT, Mark Koenig/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Kathryn
Corbally/Corp/Enron@ENRON, James D Steffes/NA/Enron@Enron
The CERA executive roundtable meeting summary results are as follows:
If you are interested in a complete set of the graphs from the
presentations please let me know.
It is noteworthy how rapidly volatility can change geographically in the
electric markets. Last year the U.S. Midwest/South areas were the
peakiest, but it reversed this year with the West being highest at
the peaks and in New England -- but only in early May 2000 were hgih
peaks apparent there.
Demand can vary from half the peak max to the max. Peakers can be on the
margin on the upper half of the supply mix in many markets. We need to
watch gas prices this winter as they can effect winter peak power
prices--not just a summer phenomenon.
Where are the most gas plants now on the margin? Ercot, FRCC, Neepool,
There is a disconnect in the on-peak forward market price for power in
Texas now; with the added 5 GW Texas forward markets do not seem to
take this into account yet. (Note: Vince Kaminski) The Texas forward
market should be very soft next summer unless we return to 105 degree
F temperatures. New England is just one year behind Texas in its
One main reason for the spikes in Calif is power plants did not get
built in Calif due to a lack of a capacity charge ..and this is not a
panacea...as Calif also has many enviro/siting hurdles that challenge
developers who want to site as well.
CERA sees over 240,000 MW of planned capacity over the 2000-2005
period; with 25,000 MW being completed in 2000; 35 MW under
construction for 2001 and 15 000 MW under construction for 2002-- but
the market only needing 13 000 to 15 000 MW a year. This shall
lead to many and large deferrals and delays, especially in 2001 and
2002. What has been the recent history? US wide over the
past 3 years just 11 percent of the planned capacity was actually
finished and 18 percent of that planned was actually under
construction. They assume a 24 month construction completion time.
Cera sees Allegheny Energy in PJM West; Entergy in SPP; Southern in
SERC and Alliant in MAPP as all for profit transcos.
Why do O&M costs differ widely among transcos? Some costs are 3
to 8 times higher than the norm at
$5000 in O&M expense per 5000 system miles in size. Regulatory
overhang allows this...this is weather adjusted to remove high costs
from big freezes etc.
You want to try to have the base value of an asset going forward when
you expect volatility and include historical spreads and fuel/power
price swing assumptions.
This market starts to work only after it gets into a reliability
crisis. No incentives to add power plant capacity and
huge hurdles against siting even when the market signals the need is
there. Will the regulator's post 2000 fix make it worse?
As percent per year change vs 2000 Cera sees 2001 as follows:
New Eng / New York 6.3 / 6.2 percent
PJM / ECAR 7.7 / 4.4 percent
MAIN / MAPP 3.0 / -0.1
SERC / FRCC 1.3 / 2.3 percent
SPP / ERCOT 4.0 / 2.3
NWPP / Rockies -6.8 / -0.6
AZNM / Calif-SoNV -0.9 / 4.0
USA avg up 2.6 percent It looks like Calif. in in for a touch
summer in 2001 as well.
Year 2001 supply rebound could be 800mmcfd to 1.0 bcfd; Canada in
2001 up only 400 a day; in the US we need 2 bcfd more supply for
2001 demand. alone let alone storage refill.... yet a
cold winter now could add 3 to 4 bcfd to demand and slash
storages. The fall in drilling in 1999 and early 2000 took 3.5 bcfd
productive capacity out of the supply pool. It will take till 2005
for US production to reach a 4.1 bcfd gain versus today's production.
Right now Cera expects an incremental need for 1 bcfd next year for
these plants..this will keep prices high
1990 to 1992 we needed 5 bcfd for power plant swings; now we need
10 bcfd; offpeak use is even up 5 bcfd vs 10 years ago.
The AGA disco members adds 750 000 new gas homes each year and
this builds demand year round.
Of the 24 bcfd ( 8.77 Tcf) industrials gas use in the US; 8.6
bcfd ( 3.1 Tcf) of this is for power plant and non-mfg use.
Canada can add 3.6 bcfd by 2005 versus now; adding each year
from 2001 to 2005 as follows: 500/800/900/700/700 mcfd annually.
Its is far away; maybe 4 or 5 bcfd by 2015.. This means up to
2.7 bcfd to flow to Midwest by 2015 and up to 2.4 bcfd to
Calif./PNW on expansions by 2015. |
-----Original Message-----
From: MDay [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Tuesday, October 02, 2001 6:35 PM
To: 'Jeff Dasovich Enron SF'; 'Jim Steffes, Enron'; Kaufman, Paul;
Sanders, Richard B.; 'Rick Shapiro, Enron Houston'; 'Sue Mara at Enron
SF'; Williams, Robert C.
Subject: FW: Notice of Settlement with SCE (A.00-11-038, et al. Service
FYI. Please see this notice indicating that any party wishing to comment on
the CPUC-SCE settlement must file same with the Federal Court in LA by 4:30
pm tomorrow, Wed. Oct. 3rd. I am assuming that Enron will NOT file any
such comments, but wanted to pass along the deadline in case it was decided
to add our two cents.
Mike Day
-----Original Message-----
From: Cunningham, Becky C. [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Tuesday, October 02, 2001 3:53 PM
To: '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';
'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';
'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';
'[email protected]'; '[email protected]';
'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';
'[email protected]'; Hartmann, Audra; '[email protected]';
Premo, Anne W.; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';
'[email protected]'; '[email protected]';
'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';
'[email protected]'; '[email protected]';
'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Khoury,
Dexter; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Linsey, Steve;
'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';
'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';
Walwyn, Christine M.; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Danforth,
Christopher; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';
'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';
'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';
'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Lafrenz, Donald J.;
'[email protected]'; '[email protected]';
'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';
'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';
'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';
'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';
'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';
'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Fua, Faline;
'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';
'[email protected]'; Kinosian, Robert; '[email protected]';
'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';
'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';
'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';
'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';
'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';
'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';
'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';
'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Zeller,
Jason; '[email protected]'; Lo, Jeanette; '[email protected]';
'[email protected]'; Halligan, Julie; '[email protected]';
'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';
'[email protected]'; '[email protected]';
'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; DeUlloa, Joseph R.;
'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';
Wong, John S.; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';
'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';
'[email protected]'; '[email protected]';
'[email protected]'; Lippi, Kimberly;
'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';
'[email protected]'; Kajopaiye, Kayode; '[email protected]';
'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';
'[email protected]'; Krannawitter, Laura L.; '[email protected]';
Serizawa, Linda; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';
'[email protected]'; '[email protected]';
'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';
'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Stevens, Maria
E.; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';
'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';
'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';
'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Vanko, Maria;
'[email protected]'; '[email protected]';
'[email protected]'; '[email protected]';
'[email protected]'; '[email protected]';
'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';
'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Durgin, Pamela M.;
'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; White,
Rosalina; Campbell, Rod; '[email protected]'; Cagen, Robert C.;
'[email protected]'; '[email protected]';
'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';
'[email protected]'; '[email protected]';
'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';
'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';
Feraru, Robert T.; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';
'[email protected]'; Roscow, Steve; Casey, Sean F.;
'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Ross,
Steve; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';
'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';
'[email protected]'; '[email protected]';
'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';
'[email protected]'; Pulsifer, Thomas R.; '[email protected]'; Burns,
Truman L.; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';
'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Yee, Helen W.; Tapawan-Conway,
Zenaida G.
Subject: Notice of Settlement with SCE (A.00-11-038, et al. Service List)
<<CPUC01-#107721-v1-Notice_of_Settlement_with_SCE.DOC>> |
----- Forwarded by Jeff Dasovich/NA/Enron on 06/06/2001 08:54 AM -----
"Chris Micheli" <[email protected]>
06/05/2001 05:08 PM
To: "Will Brown" <[email protected]>, "Teresa Casazza"
<[email protected]>, "Sande George" <[email protected]>, "Ron
Roach" <[email protected]>, "Rex Hime" <[email protected]>, "Matt Sutton"
<[email protected]>, "Lorraine Albrecht" <[email protected]>, "Lisa Frank"
<[email protected]>, "Lance Hastings" <[email protected]>, "LaJune Bush"
<[email protected]>, "Jot Condie" <[email protected]>, "Joe Ackler"
<[email protected]>, "Jim Lites" <[email protected]>, "James Clark"
<[email protected]>, "Greg Turner" <[email protected]>, "George Miller"
<[email protected]>, "Gavin McHugh" <[email protected]>, "Fred Taugher"
<[email protected]>, "Fred Pownall" <[email protected]>, "Fred Main"
<[email protected]>, "Eric Miethke" <[email protected]>, "David R
Doerr" <[email protected]>, "David Nagler" <[email protected]>, "Chuck Cole"
<[email protected]>, "Charles T Halnan" <[email protected]>, "Carolyn J.
Veal-Hunter" <[email protected]>, "Bruce Allen" <[email protected]>, "Brian
Maas" <[email protected]>, "Bev Hansen" <[email protected]>, "Barry Brokaw"
<[email protected]>, "Anne Kelly" <[email protected]>, "Amy E. Garrett"
<[email protected]>, "Alan Lippincott" <[email protected]>, "Susan McCabe"
<[email protected]>, "Sue Mara" <[email protected]>, "Steven Kelley"
<[email protected]>, "Steve Ponder" <[email protected]>, "Stephanie Newell"
<[email protected]>, "Scott Sadler"
<[email protected]>, "Scott Govenar" <[email protected]>, "Sandi
McCubbin" <[email protected]>, "Ron Tom" <[email protected]>, "Roger Pelote"
<[email protected]>, "Robert Ross" <[email protected]>, "Rina Venturini"
<[email protected]>, "Richard Hyde" <[email protected]>, "Rachel
King" <[email protected]>, "Phil Isenberg" <[email protected]>, "Mike
Monagan" <[email protected]>, "Maureen O'Haren" <[email protected]>, "Marie
Moretti" <[email protected]>, "Lynn Lednicky" <[email protected]>,
"Kent Palmerton" <[email protected]>, "Katie Kaplan"
<[email protected]>, "Kassandra Gough" <[email protected]>, "Julee Ball"
<[email protected]>, "John Stout" <[email protected]>, "John Larrea"
<[email protected]>, "Joe Ronan" <[email protected]>, "Jeff Dasovich"
<[email protected]>, "Jean Munoz" <[email protected]>, "Jan
Smutny Jones" <[email protected]>, "Jack Pigott" <[email protected]>, "Hedy
Govenar" <[email protected]>, "Greg Blue" <[email protected]>, "Delaney
Hunter" <[email protected]>, "Andy Brown" <[email protected]>, "John Norwood"
<[email protected]>, "Pete Conaty" <[email protected]>, "Matt Kilroy"
<[email protected]>, "Cary Rudman" <[email protected]>, "Carolyn
McIntyre" <[email protected]>, "Barbara LeVake" <[email protected]>, "Paula
Soos" <[email protected]>, "Mohammed Alrai" <[email protected]>,
"Kent Robertson" <[email protected]>, "Katherine Potter"
<[email protected]>, "Juan Rodriguez" <[email protected]>, "Eileen Koch"
<[email protected]>, "Bill Highlander" <[email protected]>, "Aymee
Ramos" <[email protected]>, "Virginia Gates"
<[email protected]>, "Timothy Hayes" <[email protected]>,
"Terry Eager" <[email protected]>, "Steve Danowitz"
<[email protected]>, "Roy Crawford" <[email protected]>, "Robin
Crawford" <[email protected]>, "Robert Salazar" <[email protected]>,
"Richard Pomp" <[email protected]>, "Richard Hayes" <[email protected]>, "Rex
Halverson" <[email protected]>, "Regina Schroder"
<[email protected]>, "Prentiss Willson" <[email protected]>,
"Phillip Jelsma" <[email protected]>, "Peter B. Kanter" <[email protected]>,
"Paul Frankel" <[email protected]>, "Nancy Iredale" <[email protected]>,
"Michel Stein" <[email protected]>, "Michael Herbert"
<[email protected]>, "Matt Stolte"
<[email protected]>, "Marilyn Wethekam" <[email protected]>,
"Kathy Sommers" <[email protected]>, "Karen Hawkins"
<[email protected]>, "Julian Chavez" <[email protected]>, "Joan Irion"
<[email protected]>, "Jesse Rosas" <[email protected]>, "Jeff
Morris" <[email protected]>, "Jeani Brent" <[email protected]>, "Jana
Howard" <[email protected]>, "James Kleier" <[email protected]>,
"James Buresh" <[email protected]>, "Jack Sweitzer"
<[email protected]>, "Holly Hyans" <[email protected]>,
"Hal Kessler" <[email protected]>, "Gregory J. Masters"
<[email protected]>, "Glenn Bystrom" <[email protected]>, "Eric
Coffill" <[email protected]>, "Elaine Bialczak" <[email protected]>,
"Edwin P. Antolin" <[email protected]>, "Douglas Bramhall"
<[email protected]>, "Doug Schwartz" <[email protected]>, "Dennis Perez"
<[email protected]>, "Deborah Nosowsky" <[email protected]>,
"Dan Thompson" <[email protected]>, "Charles Rettig"
<[email protected]>, "Charles Moll" <[email protected]>, "Bruce Kessler"
<[email protected]>, "Bruce Daigh"
<[email protected]>, "Bart Baer" <[email protected]>, "Barry
Weissman" <[email protected]>, "Barry Hacker"
<[email protected]>, "Arthur Rosen" <[email protected]>, "Amy Silverstein"
<[email protected]>, "Albert Mencher" <[email protected]>, "Al Koch"
<[email protected]>, "Al Golbert" <[email protected]>, "David Cohen"
<[email protected]>
Subject: AB 2xx passes fiscal cmte
In a hearing off the Floor this afternoon, the Assembly Appropriations
Committee voted on a partisan basis (14-7) to pass AB 2xx (Corbett), which
would enact a gross receipts tax on power generators. Please note that three
amendments were adopted by the author: (1) exempt state contracts (not all
long-term contracts like SB 1xx does) and the taxpayer would have to go to
DWR for this exemption; (2) taxpayer would get a credit for any similar tax
paid in another state (assuming other states will actually enact windfall
profits tax bills; (3) PUC will adjust the base price quarterly (rather than
"from time-to-time").
Next stop is the Assembly Floor, planned for Thursday morning.
Chris Micheli, Esq.
Carpenter Snodgrass & Associates
1201 K Street, Suite 710
Sacramento, CA 95814
(916) 447-2251
FAX: (916) 445-5624
EMAIL: [email protected] |
I agree with Mark's points. While we have advocated our merger with PGE
(which did not concentrate market power) we have intervened in opposition to
most others. Moreover, there is some hope that the German government will
take the opportunity to use the proposed utility merger to force greater open
access. We will likely encourage that action and may oppose the merger
otherwise. Most mergers in this industry are defensive, not procompetitive,
and, in my view, deserve no credit for convergence, innovation, or
---------------------- Forwarded by Steven J Kean/HOU/EES on 09/10/99 01:17
PM ---------------------------
Mark Schroeder@ECT
09/10/99 05:26 AM
To: Margaret Carson/Corp/Enron@Enron
cc: Joan Wasylik/LON/ECT@ECT, Danny McCarty/LON/ECT@ECT, Steven J
Subject: Speech to the British Institute of Energy Economists
Margaret - apologies for the delay in getting comments to you on your
speech. Due to press of other matters I will be brief.
First, your speech caption, refernecing "mergers" is somewhat different than
the topic shown in the agenda, i.e., "Industry Structure and Competitive
Behaviour", but I trust you are wroking that out with the BIEE.
Second, in your first paragraph, you note that developments in the energy
sector over the last decade are due to the mergers of the last five years (a
point I will retrun to later), but in any event, not entirely consistent in
terms of timeframes.
Third, I am surprised that the Enron Corp. view is that gas and electricity
markets grew as they did over the decade due to mergers. In the past, things
like unbundling and non-discriminatory third-party access have featured
prominently in our advocacy. Indeed, though it was not my role at Enron, I
would have thought that in many of the recent electricity mergers pre-dating
Order No. 888 we would have joined the chorus of voices arguing that these
mergers concentrated market power, and that such market power could only be
mitigated with the provision of non-discriminatory third-party access (an
argument we will be repeating in, e.g., Germany, as noted below). Finally, I
would note that in the past, I thought we had questioned the value of mergers
as an impediment to competitive markets, as I recall Ken Rice gave an
infamous address/speech, in which he described "good" mergers and "bad"
mergers, i.e., defensive mergers like Houston Industries and NorAm. I
actually borrowed heavily from that speech two years ago, in paris, but if we
have changed our tune, that is good to know. Even the "good" mergers
identified in his/my speech, e.g., Enron/Portland, have had the "goods"
thwarted, in part, by regulators, who would not let us do all we wanted to do
that was pro-competitive. Also, in the past, we have used as a good example
of "convergence" the arbitrage we have done at Sithe's facility in NY,
pointing out that we are in an "energy" or "BTU"market, not gas alone, or
electricity alone. Not clear to me that mergers in the US demonstrate this.
Fourth, accepting that it is the Enron Corp. view that mergers are symbolic
of the convergence of gas and electricity, and are what yield the many
beneifts of competition that you dsicuss elsewhere in your speech (I do, of
course, agree with all the platitueds that competition yilds more service
offerings, innovation, etc.), you should be aware, coming over to this
market, that a number of mergers are taking place that we have expressed
concerns about in comments to the regulators, and will do so in the future.
here are some you should be aware of: Veical integration in the UK
electricity industry (not clear yet that this will result in better/more
service, but definitely loss of counter-parties, re-bundling of business
before retail unbundling/competition has taken hold); Exxon/Mobil
(consolidation in the upstream sector in Continental Europe, which is already
concentrated), VEBA/VIAG in Germany (probalby okay, assuming thrid-party
access is allowed/enhanced to the wires). Just FYI, any objections we have
are usually communicated confidentially.
Fifth, if you are ging to emphasise mergers, as per your title and opening
paragraph, I question the inclusion of all the discussion on privatisation,
which is good, but does not seem to demonstrate the benefits of merger
activity, which I read is the premise of your speech, per paragraph one. In
addition, recitation of ownership of miles of gathering lines and
transmission lines does demonstrate change in aggregate ownership, but not
clear it is all due to mergers (e.g., I thin NNG is just capital expansion),
nor does the connection get made that this has lead to innovative or enhanced
service offerings. I do think excellent points can be made about the
deregulation/divestment of gathering, and getting it out of federal
regualtroy purview, but that is not in the speech at this point.
Sixth, you describe "network industries" well, but in the broader context of
your speech, I think your listeners will assume you are referring to the
physical network, rather than the Enron vision, which you capture accurately,
nor is it easily understood how this demonstrates or adds to your point about
Seventh, in your table of converged companies, you could be asked about the
fact that Duke has already disposed of the pipeline assets it acquired in the
PanEnergy deal (since sold to CMS), apparently keeping only the trading
business. Also, our pieeline assets to do not serve our cogen facilites in
NJ, so not clear to me that thisdemonstrate convergence in the East Coast.
Hope this helps. I will be travelling today and Monday, but if you have
questions, please leave me voice mails, and I will return your calls.
P.S. at p. 7 you describe "secular" change. I assme that this should read
"sectoral" change.
Mark |
Greg, I have never been to a tasting before. Will there be some small foods
to go along with the wine?
Enron Capital & Trade Resources Corp.
From: "Greg Giordano" <[email protected]> 07/26/99
08:22 PM
To: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], "Bonny McLoud" <[email protected]>,
[email protected], [email protected], Shirley A Hudler/HOU/ECT,
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
Suzanne Ferlic/HOU/ECT, [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected], Lawrence Lawyer/HOU/ECT, [email protected],
[email protected], "Paul Aranowitz" <[email protected]>,
"[email protected]"@sys32.hou.wt.net,
"[email protected]"@sys32.hou.wt.net, [email protected], "Eric Brown"
<[email protected]>, "Tim Kelly" <[email protected]>, "Wade and
Marcia" <[email protected]>, [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected], Kortney Brown/HOU/ECT,
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
katherine.beeson@sci_us.com, [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], Kim Zachary/HOU/ECT, [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected], Mike Shannon/HOU/ECT,
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
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Subject: Tasting List for August 5th
The next La Joie du Vin wine tasting is fast approaching!
Our "Italian Reds" tasting is August 5th and the deadline to reserve a seat -
Monday, August 2nd - is less than a week away. Admission is $30 for our
members and $35 for nonmembers. To ensure seats, mail your check to 3262
Westheimer, #123, Houston, Texas, 77098.
Our tasting will will be a tour of Italy's wine growing regions:
From Sicily, Planeta 'La Segreta' 1998 Rosso;
From Umbria, Falesco 'Vitiano', 1998;
From Abruzzo, Contaldi Madonna 1997 Montepulciano d'Abruzzo;
From Tuscany, Fontodi 1996 Chianti;
From Veneto, Zenato 1996 Ripassa; and
From Piedmont, Vignaioli 1995 Barbaresco.
As always, visit our website at
http://www.lajoieduvin.org/events/1999august.htm for more detailed
Greg Giordano
If you would like to be removed from our mailing list, please reply to
[email protected] with the word "Remove" in the subject heading.
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[IMAGE][IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] The world this week
Oct 26th 2000
From The Economist print edition
Guei outed
After a flawed election in C"te d,Ivoire President Robert Guei claimed
victory, but was then forced by popular protest to flee. His main opponent in
the election, Laurent Gbagbo, proclaimed himself president, but rival
candidates called for new elections amidst more violence.
See article: Cote d,Ivoire,s new presidentE+
Zimbabwe,s opposition party, the Movement for Democratic Change, started
impeachment proceedings against President Robert Mugabe. Mr Mugabe responded
by saying it was time to revoke the policy of reconciliation between black
and white Zimbabweans. Some of the former white leaders, he said, should be
tried for genocide.
See article: Mugabe,s battle for survival
To general surprise, including his own, Ruud Lubbers, a Dutch former prime
minister, was named by Kofi Annan, the UN,s secretary-general, as the new UN
High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), succeeding Sadako Ogata.
See article: Ruud Lubbers, refugee supremoE+
In South Africa the government launched a new campaign to inform the public
about AIDS. Over 4m South Africans are said to be infected with HIV, but
government statements have left many people confused about how it is
An Arab summit, the first for four years, was held in Cairo to consider the
Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The Arab leaders produced a fiery statement but
Egypt and Jordan both decided to keep their links with Israel.
See article: After Middle East peace has crashedE+
Police muscle helped Egypt,s ruling party to dominate the first round of
parliamentary elections. But the Muslim Brotherhood made surprising gains.
A report by marine biologists estimated that 50-95% of the coral reefs in the
Indian Ocean have died. Warmer seas over the past two years have caused the
See article: Coral reefs in dangerE+
Kost effective
Yugoslavia,s new president, Vojislav Kostunica, persuaded supporters of his
ousted predecessor, Slobodan Milosevic, in the Serbian parliament to back a
power-sharing government that will rule until a general election is held in
December. Mr Kostunica also went to neighbouring Macedonia for talks with
other Balkan leaders, after he admitted that Serb soldiers and police had
carried out large-scale killings in Kosovo last year.
See article: New calculations for Kosovo
France said it would extend its tests for BSE, known as &mad-cow disease8,
after three supermarket chains were found to have sold meat from infected
herds. France,s food-safety agency also recommended a ban on the use of
animal fats in feed given to cattle and sheep.
Magistrates told France,s former finance minister, Dominique Strauss-Kahn,
that he must stand trial on suspicion that he falsified documents when he was
a lawyer.
Laurenz Meyer took over as general secretary of the troubled Christian
Democrats in Germany, replacing Ruprecht Polenz after only six months in the
Election nerves
A senior adviser to George W. Bush, the Republican presidential candidate,
said the United States should rethink its role in the Balkans and tell its
NATO allies that American soldiers would no longer perform peacekeeping
duties in the region. Al Gore, the Democratic candidate, said such a policy
would be dangerous and risked undermining peace in Europe.
See article: The battle for Florida
Roger Wilson took over as Missouri,s new governor replacing Mel Carnahan, who
died in a plane crash. Mr Wilson said he would nominate Mr Carnahan,s widow
as senator, if her late husband won the race for the Senate. Mr Carnahan,s
name cannot be replaced on ballot papers before the election.
After Peru,s disgraced spy chief, Vladimiro Montesinos, flew back from exile
in Panama, President Alberto Fujimori personally led a manhunt to track him
down. The head of the Organisation of American States, Cesar Gaviria, arrived
in Lima, the capital, for talks on democracy in Peru. Government and
opposition agreed to hold new elections by April 8th.
See article: Montesinos returns to PeruE+
As Colombia approached local and regional elections the campaigns were marred
by violence. International donors promised $280m in new aid to promote peace,
but this fell well short of what President Andres Pastrana had been hoping
See article: Election jitters in Colombia
The American secretary of state, Madeleine Albright, said &important
progress8 had been made in her two days of talks in Pyongyang with the North
Korean leader, Kim Jong Il. The United States wants the North to stop making
missiles, some of which have been sold to outlaw states. A possible visit to
North Korea by Bill Clinton was discussed.
See article: Madeleine Albright in Pyongyang
Ending a lull in Sri Lanka,s civil war, Tamil Tigers attacked the country,s
main naval base in Trincomalee, sinking a troop carrier and a gunboat.
See article: Lynch law in Sri LankaE+
Government troops rescued three more hostages, all Malaysians, held by Muslim
rebels on Jolo island, in the southern Philippines.
About 6,000 people marched through Manila,s financial district, calling on
Joseph Estrada to resign as president of the Philippines. There were similar
demonstrations in five other cities and his vice-president echoed the call.
Mr Estrada said he would step down if corruption charges are proven.
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Hey, Queshare, how goes it? My assistant should have some plane reservations
for me by the end of the day to discuss with you!
Peter Keohane
02/07/2001 02:45 PM
To: Edward Sacks/Corp/Enron@Enron
cc: Mary Cook/HOU/ECT@ECT, Tana Jones/HOU/ECT@ECT, Samantha
Boyd/NA/Enron@Enron, Susan Bailey/HOU/ECT@ECT, Andre Templeman/CAL/ECT@ECT,
Tracy Ngo/PDX/ECT@ECT, William S Bradford/HOU/ECT@ECT, Wendy
Conwell/NA/Enron@ENRON, Paul Radous/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Russell
Subject: Re: Nexen Energy - Credit Worksheet
Our outside counsel has confirmed that the Partnership is a General
Partnership under Alberta law under the name Nexen Marketing (f/k/a CXY
Energy Marketing), and the GPs are Nexen Inc., Wascana Energy Inc. and Nexen
Holdings Canada Ltd. The GPs would each be jointly and severally liable for
the Partnership as I outlined previously.
I will fax Ed and Mary a copy of the Partnership search when I receive it..
My assistant will forward the message I received from outside counsel.
---------------------- Forwarded by Peter Keohane/CAL/ECT on 02/07/2001 01:36
PM ---------------------------
Enron Capital & Trade Resources
Canada Corp.
From: Peter Keohane 02/07/2001 11:23 AM
To: Edward Sacks/Corp/Enron@Enron
cc: Mary Cook/HOU/ECT@ECT, Tana Jones/HOU/ECT@ECT, Samantha
Boyd/NA/Enron@Enron, Susan Bailey/HOU/ECT@ECT, Andre Templeman/CAL/ECT@ECT,
Tracy Ngo/PDX/ECT@ECT, William S Bradford/HOU/ECT@ECT, Wendy
Conwell/NA/Enron@ENRON, Paul Radous/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Russell
Subject: Re: Nexen Energy - Credit Worksheet
Our outside counsel tells me that there is no record at Corporate Registry of
Nexen Energy Limited Parnership. I think you need to confirm the entity and
the org. chart.
Also, the ISDAs are kept in Houston, as legal Houston is responsible to
prepare. Nonetheless, we generally keep copies, but do not seem to have an a
copy of an ISDA with CXY Energy Marketing, CanadianOcccidental or Nexen
Energy in the Calgary office, so I cannot confirm if it makes any reference
chnage of control MACs, etc.
---------------------- Forwarded by Peter Keohane/CAL/ECT on 02/07/2001 11:16
AM ---------------------------
Enron Capital & Trade Resources
Canada Corp.
From: Peter Keohane 02/07/2001 09:43 AM
To: Edward Sacks/Corp/Enron@ENRON
cc: Mary Cook/HOU/ECT@ECT, Tana Jones/HOU/ECT@ECT, Samantha
Boyd/NA/Enron@Enron, Susan Bailey/HOU/ECT@ECT, Andre Templeman/CAL/ECT@ECT,
Tracy Ngo/PDX/ECT@ECT, William S Bradford/HOU/ECT@ECT, Wendy
Conwell/NA/Enron@ENRON, Paul Radous/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Russell
Subject: Re: Nexen Energy - Credit Worksheet
Just a few points, which I explained to Ed yesterday:
1. If Nexen Energy is a Limited Partnership formed under Alberta law, and
Nexen Inc. is the General Partner, Nexen Inc. is jointly and severally liable
for all obligations of the Partnership until it ceases to be the GP.
2. Upon Nexen Inc. ceasing to be the GP, it will remain jointly and
severally liable for all unfulfilled obligations of the Partnership incurred
to us up to the time it ceases as GP unless we otherwise agree.
3. The result is therefore equivalent in substance (if not in detail) to a
Guarantee from Nexen Inc. The only difference is that if a Guarantee is
terminated, we have written notice of termination to act upon, whereas Credit
may have to monitor the structure of the Partnership to ensure that Nexen
Inc. remains as GP.
4. This is structure which we have been willing to transact on in the past
in numerous other cases, subject to the following:
(a) a specific MAC event for Nexen Inc. ceasing to be the GP; and
(b) a specific continuing rep. of the Partnership (breach of which would
result in and E of D) that it is a Limited Partnership formed under the laws
of Alberta, and that its GP is Nexen Inc.
5. If Ed wanted more comfort, I suggested that we could add Nexen Inc. as a
party to acknowledge that the Partnership is a Limited Partnership formed
under the laws of Alberta and that it is the GP, and to covenant that it will
provide written notice in the event that it ceases to be the GP.
6. In terms of what is the actual structure, although I believe credit
typically resolves these issues, the contractual matters referred to above
should go along way to address Ed's concerns. I also suggested to Ed that he
do a preliminary search of the Nexen Inc. web page to get an org. chart and
information, and then to follow-up with Nexen Inc. to get a copy of the Proof
of Filing of the Certificate of Limited Partnership issued by Alberta
Corporate Registry for Nexen Energy, which should indicate Nexen Inc. as the
GP. In any event I have asked outside counsel to obtain a copy of the the
Proof of Filing, which I will circulate upon receipt..
I trust the foregoing is helpful.
Edward Sacks@ENRON
02/06/2001 07:18 PM
To: Mary Cook/HOU/ECT@ECT, Tana Jones/HOU/ECT@ECT, Peter Keohane/CAL/ECT@ECT,
Samantha Boyd/NA/Enron@Enron, Susan Bailey/HOU/ECT@ECT
cc: Andre Templeman/CAL/ECT@ECT, Tracy Ngo/PDX/ECT@ECT, William S
Bradford/HOU/ECT@ECT, Wendy Conwell/NA/Enron@ENRON, Paul
Radous/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Russell Diamond/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Nexen Energy - Credit Worksheet
As per the attached credit worksheet, please amend the ISDA dated 11/17/98
between ENA and Nexen Energy (formerly CXY Energy Marketing). This will need
to be placed on a priority list as Andre is intending on transacting in a
short time frame. In addition, I believe that it would be prudent to get
some form of confirmation regarding the corporate structure (general
partnership). We have historically been operating under the assumption that
Nexen Inc. is general partner and I have underwritten the credit based on the
financial health of Nexen Inc. Unlike a formal guaranty agreement whereby we
would receive notice if the guaranty were to be revoked, this structure is
difficult to monitor as there is no obligation to notify Enron of ownership
changes and new transactions may be entered into without the support of Nexen
Inc to the extent a change in the structure has occurred. Please reply with
comments or questions.
Ed Sacks |
FYI.... Jane Wilson is our government affairs person in Mumbai.
----- Forwarded by Steven J Kean/NA/Enron on 12/17/2000 08:38 PM -----
Jeffrey Sherrick
12/15/2000 06:28 PM
To: Cliff Baxter/HOU/ECT@ECT, James Derrick/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Steven J
Mike Stewart/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Larry Morse/Corp/Enron@Enron
cc: Jack Harmuth/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Dominic Carolan/NA/Enron@ENRON, John
Subject: EGEP/EOGIL Customs Duty Inquiry on Offshore Production
We were served summons by the Customs Office in Surat asking for meetings
with our platform managers and on Dec.12th we sent two representatives
(operations mgr & legal) to answer their questions. Over a two day period
they inquired about production and logistical issues and asked a number of
questions regarding product delivery points, pricing formulas, etc. In
summary, they are trying to build a case that the gas and maybe even the
crude we sell in India is subject to a 10-12% customs duty since it is
produced outside of the 12 mile territorial limit. They are trying to make
the case that we are importing the gas and oil into India. Obviously this is
not the case and there is no merit for such consideration, but we don't want
to let this idea get entered as a show/cause filing against Enron and our
partners. There would be remedies such as court or arbitration, but the
timing to resolve this is probably 1-2 years. Furthermore, this issue would
most likely impact current efforts we have on-going. Therefore, we are
taking the issue very seriously and plan to meet in Mumbai next Thursday to
chart an appropriate course of action. Once we meet, we will get back to
Cliff and Jim Derrick regarding our recommendation on Thursday morning
December 21st Houston time. Cliff and Jim, if you are planning to be out of
the office, please drop me an e-mail where you can be reached.
Meeting in Mumbai next Thursday will be Chris Walker of Linklaters, local
Indian counsel (Saberwal ?), myself, Mike Stewart, Dominic Carolan (EGEP
legal), and certain representatives from EOGIL. We would also like to have
Jane Wilson(EIPL Gov't & Regulatory affairs for India) present if she is
available. Jane it is not mandatory that you are present, but if you can't
attend could you send me an e-mail where I could reach you if necessary. The
meeting will be at EOGIL's office and Fatima Samuel will confirm the time and
place once Chris Walker's schedule is known. It is my understanding that
Chris Walker will be in India on Tuesday and Wednesday working with Wade's
group on other matters.
This issue came up originally in 1997 right after we started producing gas at
Tapti. At that time we had 3 legal opinions prepared and the legal team
tells me the positions were very strong in our favor on a variety of fronts.
After a few meetings and a couple of letters the issue went away and never
resurfaced again until now. We suspect that this issue has been an open item
since that time and for a variety of reasons (ongoing activities ?) someone
feels it needs to be checked off the list. Hence, the revived interest at
this time.
The reason we are giving this such a high level of attention is probably
obvious, but the reason we want to act upon our plan immediately once we get
together next Thursday may seem less necessary. However, today our office
received 3 more summons for 3 different people to report to Surat next
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. This time they have asked for our
production manager, logistics manager and lead accountant. We have requested
an extension due to the short notice and holiday season and expect to have it
granted, but we will not know if it is postponed before Monday. (If we have
to go we will have legal counsel attend with the individuals named) This
level of back to back activity for a government office at this time year is a
concern. Going into the meeting with the legal guys on Thursday, we are
thinking that we need to have a highly respected person(such as Saberwal)
deliver our message (to multiple groups, i.e., Surat customs, Ministry of
Finance, Mopng) as to the lack of validity for this potential claim and what
we would do if they proceed. By Thursday I think we will have all of the
necessary "color" on this issue and with the team mentioned above we will be
able to develop the right plan of action. However, due to the level of
interest and activity of the Surat Customs group, we anticipate that our
recommendation will be to move quickly, hence, my desire to contact Cliff and
Jim next Thursday for approval to proceed.
I have included Wade and Rebecca(EIPL) as well as Steve and John(PR) for
information purposes at this time.
This first stage plan we will be seeking approval for next Thursday will be
to meet with certain people in an attempt to keep this from becoming an
issue. This should be a fairly quiet issue (for Indian standards) next week
and even the subsequent meetings that I'm anticipating would take place in
the following two weeks ought to be very low keyed items. However, in India
you never know and considering some of the existing press of recent we should
get prepared and make sure we are co-ordinated. John, following our
Thursday decision we should probably talk about our plan so if you'll leave
me a note where you can be reached, I'd appreciate it.
In summary, the odds are we will be able to manage this and it won't become a
big issue. However, we need to take this very seriously and deal with it
proactively and quickly before someone files something without understanding
the consequences of the action. I am leaving for India on Sunday and when
possible I will pick up my mail. I will also be checking voicemail if you
need to leave a message. I will be the Mumbai office on Tuesday, Thursday
and Friday and in Delhi on Wednesday.
Jeff |
----- Forwarded by Richard B Sanders/HOU/ECT on 10/18/2000 02:56 PM -----
Eric Thode@ENRON
10/18/2000 02:54 PM
To: Richard B Sanders/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: San Diego Union Tribune
---------------------- Forwarded by Eric Thode/Corp/Enron on 10/18/2000 02:55
PM ---------------------------
Eric Thode
10/18/2000 02:41 PM
To: Mark Palmer/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Karen Denne/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Steven J
Kean/NA/Enron@Enron, James D Steffes/NA/Enron@Enron
Subject: San Diego Union Tribune
Have you seen this?
Power-company profits climb along with prices
By Craig D. Rose
October 18, 2000
A power company executive yesterday boiled California's ongoing electricity
crisis down to the bottom line.
"Prices are rising, and I know that's hurting consumers ) but it certainly
has been beneficial for Enron," said Jeffrey Skilling,
president and chief operating officer of the Houston-based energy and trading
company. Enron declined to specify how
much it earned from California during the past summer, when the state's
deregulated electricity market sent power prices
soaring. But the Texas company did say that profits of its sales and services
unit ) which trades California electricity and o
ther commodities ) increased 135 percent to $404 million.
Dynegy Inc., also based in Houston, reported that income from its marketing
and trade unit soared more than 300 percent to $142 million. Steve
Bergstrom, president of Dynegy, said California was perhaps only the
third-biggest contributor to that surge. But industry analysts said the
reports are the first indication of a pattern expected in coming weeks.
"California clearly drove the positive momentum at both of these companies,"
said Carol Coale, senior analyst of Prudential
Securities. "And you probably just saw the beginning of a string of strong
reports (from the power industry)." She and others
say they suspect that power companies derived billions in profits from the
state, where tight supplies set the stage for huge price increases.
Companies did not necessarily have to own generating plants to profit from
the deregulated market. Enron produces no electricity in California
but is the nation's largest electricity trader, buying and selling the output
of power plants owned by other companies.
Rep. Duncan Hunter, R-El Cajon, said the big profits should be seen in
something other than a business context. "These massive profits
by the energy companies translate directly into thousands of San Diegans
losing savings that were planned for education, mortgage
payments, health care and other . . . necessities," Hunter said.
When the state power exchange saw dramatic price increases within a matter of
hours, "it was clear that predatory pricing was producing
massive profits for someone," Hunter said. Hunter insists that recent power
prices violate federal law mandating that rates be "just and reasonable."
He is calling for the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to order refunds.
FERC is scheduled to issue a report on the California market by Nov. 1.
The political fallout from the price increases, meanwhile, appears to weigh
heavily on power companies, which are reluctant to tout successes in
California for fear of being singled out for profiteering.
After noting that Dynegy's recent acquisitions in Illinois contributed
strongly to the company's success last quarter, Bergstrom was reminded that
had omitted mention of California.
"Illinois is not as politically volatile as California," Bergstrom said.
He acknowledged that Dynegy did "pretty well" in California because its power
plants produced far more electricity this year than last. Bergstrom
also sought to correct an earlier report that Dynegy had quickly recouped the
cost of power plants it recently acquired in the state.
He said that was true only of the plants it owns in Long Beach and El
Segundo, which it bought in 1998. Bergstrom said the cost of Dynegy's half
in the former San Diego Gas & Electric Encina power plant in Carlsbad )
acquired at the end of 1998 ) had not been recovered.
Typically, plant operators assume that it will take as long as 20 years to
recoup such costs.
In comments to financial analysts, Skilling, of Enron, suggested that power
companies could help provide a solution to California's power problems.
"Supply constraints and the resulting price pressures in California and other
locations have demonstrated the need for skilled marketers like Enron
to provide reliable power and stable prices," Skilling said. He predicted
that California's utility companies ) which now buy much of their power from
other companies ) would sign long-term contracts to stabilize prices,
following an approach suggested by many power generators and traders.
"If they were willing to extend the terms of their purchases to 10-year
contracts, then they could get contracts for $50 a megawatt, which is not
different than they were paying two or three years ago," Skilling said.
But consumer advocates have noted that long-term contracts at those levels
would lock consumers into price increases and leave them with little
choice about suppliers. Advocates of electrical deregulation had predicted
that introducing competition would lead to reductions in power costs
and to greater consumer choice.
Harry Snyder, senior advocate for Consumers Union in San Francisco, said he
was skeptical of solutions proposed by the power industry.
"Any proposal from the industry has to be suspect because they have engaged
in faking out the California public and price gouging when there
are shortages," said Snyder, who advocates an end to deregulation.
"They do not have consumer interests at heart." |
----- Forwarded by Mark Taylor/HOU/ECT on 09/15/2000 06:14 PM -----
Peter Keohane
Sent by: Sharon Crawford
09/15/2000 05:39 PM
To: Soma Ghosh/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mark Taylor/HOU/ECT@ECT, Clement
Abrams/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Derek Davies/CAL/ECT@ECT, Andre
Templeman/CAL/ECT@ECT, Tana Jones/HOU/ECT@ECT
cc: [email protected]
Subject: Alberta PPA Financing
I thought I might try to sum up. It seems to me that we both need to
finalize the structure as well as co-ordinate across various groups such that
we all know what each is doing with the view to funding on time by the end of
next week.
1. As soon as possible next week (i.e. Monday) we need to finalize the swap
structure including the credit and covenant package.
2. If there is not already a Term Sheet in place, it may be useful to have
one prepared. Frankly, it seems from my various discussions with Global
Finance, Credit, Origination, Enron Corp., Royal Bank of Canada and its
external counsel and our external counsel, that there are certain agreements,
documents, deliverables and covenants that are being expected by, or
exchanged between, the parties, but which are not being communicated among
each other and we are therefore working at cross purposes. Frankly, unless
and until we know what the structure is to look like, what the credit and
financial covenants are to look like, and what the documentation expectations
are, it is difficult if not impossible to prepare documentation. For
(a) I had a confusing conversation with the Bank as to the form of Guarantee
they were expecting from Enron Corp. I was trying to require the Bank to
accept an Enron Corp. standard form Guarantee, whereas the Bank was looking
for a long form Guarantee that includes the covenants, representations and
warranties of Enron Corp. in its revolving credit facilities. Based upon
this disagreement, I left a message for Clement to the effect that we may
have a problem to resolve. However, Clement was kind enough to advise me by
voice mail that in fact Enron Corp. does not have a problem with giving a
long form Guarantee of this nature and that the form of Guarantee had in fact
been provided (by whom I'm not sure) to the Bank.
(b) The Bank was enquiring as to what would be the governing law of the
Enron Corp. Guarantee, to which I advised it would be Texas law. However, I
now understand there may be some agreement (by whom I'm not sure) to have the
Enron Corp. Guarantee governed by New York law.
(c) In any event, I understand that the Bank will be looking for a form of
enforceability opinion from Enron Corp.'s outside legal counsel with respect
to the authorization, execution, delivery and enforceability of the Enron
Corp. Guarantee, as well as certain conflicts of laws opinions with respect
to the governing law of the Guarantee (Texas/New York) being enforceable.
(d) In my discussions with the Bank this afternoon, it also became aware to
me that the Bank is expecting external counsel legal opinions with respect to
Enron Canada. Blake, Cassels & Graydon is prepared to provide those legal
(e) As noted above, I have discussed with the Bank that the governing law of
the underlying swap documents would be Alberta, to which they seemed fine. I
suggested that Ontario law would also be acceptable.
(f) I assume that Enron Canada ought to obtain legal opinions from the
Bank's external counsel with respect to the documents and obligations of
Swapco (and perhaps even the Bank), but I will need to have this confirmed.
(g) It came to my attention during my conversations with the Bank this
afternoon that Swapco (or financing SPV) is unaffiliated to the Bank. This
presents problems as, I understand for accounting purposes, the two swaps
involving Enron Canada cannot be linked, for example by cross-defaults. At
the same time unaffiliated exposures under de-linked transactions may not be
capable of being set-off. We undertook to attempt to remedy this situation
through broadening the set-off concepts under the ISDA Master Agreements.
(h) I do not think the Bank frankly (nor anyone else) has a firm grasp on
the credit/collateralization/margin requirements, which I think is dependent
upon a final understanding of the swap structure.
(i) From my discussions with the Bank, it seemed to me that they were not
clear as to how their fees and costs would be repaid through the swap
structure. Although it might be as simple as adding these amounts to the
principal amount of the swaps, I suggested that the Bank prepare a separate
"fee letter" to recover its fees. More problematically, the Bank was not
clear as to how "increased costs" would be accounted for in the swap
structure. Generally speaking, a Bank credit agreement contains provisions
that if there are increased costs of funding to the Bank as a result of a
change in Bank regulations or lending or reserve requirements, those
increased costs are flowed through. They were not sure how this could be
accommodated in a swap structure. I suggested that there may be some way to
fix this through a price adjustment mechanism in the fixed price or volumes
or through a separate indemnification in the "fee letter".
(j) The Bank is anxious to see paper, and I am not sure who is preparing the
paper and consolidating it in a distribution package to the Bank. For
example, I think a package that includes all of the swap Master Agreements
and related documentation (which I believe Mark T's group will prepare in
Houston), the Enron Corp. Guarantee (which I've indicated above seems to have
already been provided in draft to the Bank) and all other documentation needs
to be sent to the Bank as soon as possible, as well as to Blake, Cassels &
Graydon and Vinson and Elkins if they are to be giving legal opinions to the
Bank in connection with the transaction. Of course this depends on
finalization of the structure as well as the credit and other covenants
package. In concept, I have told the Bank, and I believe the Bank agrees,
that the form of the ISDA Master and related documentation would be the same
as the form of ISDA Master which currently exists between ENA and Royal Bank
of Canada, and the Bank asked that they at least be provided with that paper
as soon as possible. Perhaps Tana could look after delivering that as soon
as possible, if not this afternoon, Monday morning.
Frankly, I think this project, if it is to get funded on time, needs a
measure of co-ordination and communication of internal and external
expectations. It may be worthwhile to convene a conference call with all
relevant groups (i.e. Legal/Global Finance/Credit/Origination) on Monday
Peter |
----- Forwarded by Jeff Dasovich/NA/Enron on 03/07/2001 11:28 AM -----
"Daniel Douglass" <[email protected]>
03/07/2001 11:27 AM
To: <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>,
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Subject: GAO Investigation
On Monday, 2 March 200, U.S. Representatives Jay Inslee and Peter Defazio
(OR-04) requested that the investigative arm of Congress research whether
energy producers have been "gaming the market" and unfairly jacking up energy
prices in the Western United States. "My constituents have seen huge
increases in their energy prices, and I have seen some reports suggesting
that energy producers have deliberately withheld energy from the market in
order to drive prices even higher. I am requesting that the GAO investigate
this possible market manipulation, and determine whether these reports are
accurate," said Inslee.
Following is text of the Congressmen's letter to the General Accounting
March 5, 2001
David Walker
Comptroller General of the United States
General Accounting Office
441 G Street NW
Washington, DC 20548
Dear Mr. Walker:
We are writing to request that the General Accounting Office (GAO)
investigate whether power shortages and the subsequent skyrocketing energy
prices in California, which has had serious ripple effects throughout the
Western United States, was due to market manipulation by energy producers.
We are concerned about allegations that energy producers have been
manipulating the market by pulling generators offline for no justifiable
reason, thus creating an artificial scarcity of energy in order to drive up
The apparent energy shortages in the Western United States will undoubtedly
raise issues as to whether we as a nation change our policies toward
developing our energy resources and whether we change the manner in which we
currently operate Federal hydroelectric facilities. For example, many
elected officials have used the energy crisis as an argument to drill for oil
in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, and to open for oil and gas
exploration millions of recently protected National Forest lands. To answer
these important policy questions which will be considered in the House
Committee on Resource, a committee on which we both sit, we believe that we
must have an accurate understanding of the causes of the current energy
We recognize there are many contributing factors to the current energy
crisis, including high natural gas prices, a lack of generation and
transmission capacity, and California's failed effort to deregulate its
energy market.
While the economics of supply and demand lead to the conclusion that the
scarcity of generation in California has contributed to the high energy
prices, it is not clear why there is such a scarcity. Many analysts point to
such variables as inadequate water supplies and the need for increased
maintenance as the cause for so much generation unexpectedly being taken
offline in California. According to information we have seen, however, these
factors do not come close to fully explaining the scarcity of energy supplies
in California.
For example, it is our understanding that in an absolute low water year,
California has more than 45,000 mW of generating capacity available.
According to the Western Systems Coordinating Council (WSCC), the entity to
which all power generators in the West are required to report their power
availability, California has been importing more than 2,000 mW of power,
while recent peak demand in California on those same days has hovered around
only 30,000 mW. While almost 10,000 mW of this 17,000 mW difference is duly
accounted for as being offline either through planned or unplanned
maintenance, there is apparently about 4,000 to 8,000 mW of potential
generation in California which is not online for reasons that remain
Meanwhile, prices for wholesale electricity have been going through the roof,
with some generators and marketers of energy in California earning record
high profits. These energy companies have insisted they are operating their
generators at maximum capacity and are not manipulating the market by pulling
generation offline. We have read evidence to the contrary. For your
reference, we have enclosed a report by the private consulting company
McCullough Research Group, and a research paper by Massachusetts Institute of
Technology economics professor, Mr. Paul Joskow.
The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), the federal agency
responsible for ensuring that energy costs are "just and reasonable," has
studied the energy crisis in the West. As you may know, while FERC concluded
that energy prices in California are not "just and reasonable," based on a
preliminary inquiry, they determined there is insufficient evidence of market
manipulation as a contributing factor to the high prices.
Given independent reports that are at odds with FERC's conclusions, we are
concerned FERC has not done an adequate job in its investigation of possible
market manipulation. Therefore, we request that you:
Compare the methodology used by FERC with that of Professor Joskow.
Determine whether or not the FERC methodology and investigation were thorough
enough to determine whether generating capacity has been withheld without
legitimate reason.
Analyze whether California's deregulation of its electric utility market
created a regulatory environment in which a small number of energy generators
or marketers are more easily able to manipulate power prices by withholding
Thank you for investigating this matter. Due to the time critical nature of
this issue, it is our hope that your office can make this investigation a
high priority.
Member of Congress
Member of Congress |
Wednesday, December 13, 2000
[email protected]
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This weekly e-mail offers answers to questions that perplex most
beginning and intermediate investors and throws in an
investing-related lesson, as well. Enjoy!
-- Q. Tell me about this firm I've heard of, Kleiner Perkins
Caufield & Byers. Does it underwrite initial public offerings
-- A. It's one of the top venture capital firms, based in
Silicon Valley. Its partners pool their money and invest in
fledgling companies, specializing in computer-related technology
and life sciences firms.
Venture capitalists typically enter the scene well before a
company gets to the IPO stage. They pony up a lot of money to
help the firm grow, usually in exchange for a large percentage
of the company. They offer guidance, as well. The expectation is
that once the company grows to a certain point, it will go
public and the venture capitalists can cash out, making a very
tidy profit.
Kleiner Perkins has funded many companies, such as Amazon.com
and Netscape, in their infancy.
-- Q. What's a company's "payout ratio"?
-- A. It's the percentage of net income the firm pays out to
shareholders as a dividend. If Buzzy's Broccoli Beer (ticker:
BROCB) pays $1.00 per year in dividends and earns $4.00 per
share, its payout ratio is 25 percent.
This shows what the company is doing with its money. If much of
its earnings are being returned to shareholders, then little is
being reinvested in operations. That can be OK, as sometimes
reinvested earnings would return less than shareholders could
get investing the payout on their own.
Got some questions of your own for the Fool? Head to our Help
area or post your question on the Ask a Foolish Question
discussion board.
In this space, we've discussed many aspects of evaluating
companies, honing in on measures such as earnings yield, return
on assets and so on. It's vital, though, to also evaluate the
big picture, to make sure that the company you're looking at is
a first-class operation and one you'd be proud to own in your
portfolio. Here are some marks of great companies.
*Powerful brands.* Think of names well known in the United
States, or better yet, around the world. Brands like McDonald's,
Gucci, Campbell Soup, and IBM fit the bill. If most people don't
yet know a company's name, then it still has a lot of work to
*Significant products or services.* Look for a company that's
selling its customers something they really need or really want.
Pharmaceutical companies, for example manufacture products that
people will buy whether they're flush with funds or strapped.
Firms like Ben & Jerry's and Starbucks offer consumers things
they love. We often look for products that people buy over and
over, like cheeseburgers and shampoo, instead of items bought
only sporadically, like cars.
*Consistent, reliable earnings and sales growth -- and robust
margins.* Track how sales and earnings have increased over past
years. An upward-sloping line suggests that management is
planning and executing well, encountering few surprises. Stack
your company's gross, operating and net profit margins up
against its competitors to see which one is wringing the most
value out of each dollar of sales.
*Lots of potential.* See what the company's growth prospects
are. Is it expanding abroad? Is it coming out with exciting new
products or services? Are its offerings taking the country by
storm? Is it trouncing its competition?
A final consideration when qualifying companies for further
research is how well you know the company and industry, and how
much you'd enjoy keeping up with its developments. A company
might have enormous potential, but if reading about it puts you
to sleep, it might not be the best addition to your portfolio.
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series of articles offers some thoughts on the subject.
I hope you're finding this product useful. The content
originally appeared as part of our nationally syndicated
newspaper feature (which I also prepare). Consider giving your
local editor a jingle and suggesting that they think about
carrying the Fool.
Selena Maranjian
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Hey Fool! Want to know the SECRET to long-term investing?
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"Politics is supposed to be the second-oldest profession. I have
come to realize that it bears a very close resemblance to the
first." -- Ronald Reagan
The publishing giant sees higher margins ahead. Solid 2001 in
By Rick Aristotle Munarriz
When is less, more? For publishing software leader Adobe
(Nasdaq: ADBE) it means growing operating profits next year by
scaling back on research and development. The company announced
its guidance at yesterday's 2000 Fall Financial Analyst Meeting.
The logic may seem absurd in this era of perpetual obsolescence.
The failure to plant seeds today means less of a harvest to reap
tomorrow. But Adobe feels that it can still seize the future by
trimming research expenditures from 20% to just 19% of projected
"Our R&D investment is larger than the annual revenues of most
of our competitors, and we do think that gives us a competitive
advantage," Adobe President Bruce Chizen told Fool analyst Zeke
Ashton back in September. So even if the company does hold back
on research, it should still remain ahead of the pack.
Like hue-tinkering on Adobe Photoshop, it appears that the
prospects are brighter than the 20% growth analysts were
projecting. The company expects revenue growth of at least 25%
next year. With operating margins now set to climb from 31% to
32%, estimates are now poised to be revised about a dime above
the $2.56 consensus.
In the meeting -- which ran just over two hours long -- the
company shared its enthusiasm over its role in the new economy.
Adobe has gone from a leader in the realm of desktop publishing
for print media to serving as the software backbone for online
and network publishing. Its ePaper Solutions segment is expected
to provide a 65% growth spurt in sales next year. That's a stark
contrast to the print publishing side. There the company is
looking for just a 10% hike in revenue. Adobe has always known
how to touch up a picture, and this horizon seems to have a
crusty glow.
It's election day. Time to voice your vote. Like, what matters
more, the top or the bottom line? VoiceStream Wireless (Nasdaq:
VSTR) reported revenue of $562.2 million, well ahead of analyst
expectations and 317% higher than last year's $134.9 million
showing. Strong subscriber growth led the way. But bloated
expenses found the company also producing a much wider loss than
was projected. The company is in the process of being acquired
by Germany's Deutsche Telekom (NYSE: DT).
Knocking chips off the global building blocks, two sources
abroad warned of lower chip prices earlier today. First it was
Douglas Lee, an executive director at Goldman Sachs in Asia,
predicting that DRAM prices will continue to fall well into next
year. Then Germany's largest semiconductor maker, Infineon
Technologies (NYSE: IFX), warned of weaker demand and
consequently lower prices in its memory business during the
current quarter. However, Infineon reported a strong close to
its fiscal year and maintains a positive outlook through the
next three years thanks to growth in other high-margin
General Electric (NYSE: GE)? No. Not quite. But Dollar General
(NYSE: DG) and Emerson Electric (NYSE: EMR) reported earnings
this morning. Both companies held their ground with results that
were in-line with analyst expectations.
Casino gaming equipment maker International Game Technology
(NYSE: IGT) has beaten the house. The company trumped the
quarterly estimate of $0.63 a share by reporting earnings of
$0.66 before charges. The strong hand was there for the taking.
All one had to do is count cards. Two weeks ago Anchor Gaming
(Nasdaq: SLOT) also topped projections on the hot demand for its
video gaming machines themed to television shows such as
Jeopardy! and I Dream of Jeanie. Those devices are being rolled
out as a joint venture involving both companies. How popular are
IGT's slots and video-gaming machines? The company topped the
billion-dollar mark in revenue this year.
Check out yesterday's Foolish market wrap-up with just one click.
Check out the top five dot-com-themed games we'd like to play.
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Utilities' Demand Blocks Bailout
NEGOTIATIONS HIT SNAG: PG&E, Edison want end to price freeze if they sell
transmission lines to state David Lazarus, Chronicle Staff Writer
Wednesday, March 21, 2001
,2001 San Francisco Chronicle
California's near-bankrupt utilities are demanding that higher electric rates
be a part of any deal to sell the state their power lines, The Chronicle has
A rate increase -- perhaps of more than 50 percent, according to earlier
industry estimates -- would certainly draw a firestorm of protest from
consumer groups and force Gov. Gray Davis to backtrack from earlier pledges
that rates would remain unchanged.
Nevertheless, sources close to negotiations on the deal said Pacific Gas and
Electric Co. and Southern California Edison are attempting to make higher
rates a condition for agreeing to a bailout scheme in which they would sell
the state their transmission systems and some land.
The sources said the talks hit a new snag this week when state officials
realized that fine print sought by the companies could require the Public
Utilities Commission to pass along all of the utilities' costs to ratepayers.
The sources said this would end a rate freeze that shields consumers from
runaway wholesale electricity prices.
The inclusion of potential rate increases in the talks reflects the growing
complexity of a deal originally intended by Davis to stabilize the finances
of PG&E and Edison so banks would resume loans to the cash-strapped
The negotiations subsequently have expanded to involve a state purchase of
the utilities' transmission networks and acquisition of utility-owned land,
including spectacular coastal property near PG&E's Diablo Canyon nuclear
power plant.
Now they also have embraced further deregulation of California's
dysfunctional electricity market.
"Clearly, one of the terms being discussed is the regulatory environment,"
said Joseph Fichera, head of Saber Partners, a New York investment bank that
is advising Davis in the talks.
"The past situation has not worked well," he added. "The utilities want some
certainty about their future."
To date, the governor has announced a tentative agreement with Edison for the
state to buy the utility's power lines for almost $3 billion. Discussions
with PG&E for a similar accord have dragged on for weeks.
An Edison official, asking that his name be withheld, acknowledged yesterday
that an end to the rate freeze is an expected result of the power- line sale.
"Once the details of the pact are complete, dominoes will fall," the official
said. "One of the dominoes is the rate freeze."
A PG&E spokesman declined to comment.
In fact, both Edison and PG&E have been aggressively seeking an end to the
rate freeze for months.
The two utilities have a lawsuit pending in federal court demanding that the
PUC immediately raise rates so the utilities can recover almost $13 billion
in debt accrued as a result of the freeze.
"They have been trying a lot of things to get the rate freeze ended in
various forms," said Carl Wood, who sits on the PUC. "Adding it to the
present talks is consistent with past behavior."
Wall Street has taken note that the negotiations no longer appear to be
making progress.
Paul Patterson, an energy industry analyst at Credit Suisse First Boston,
told clients on Monday that the discussions "may have lost some momentum in
recent days." He did not give a reason.
For his part, the governor sounded unusually cautious about the course of the
talks when asked late last week if a breakthrough was imminent.
"We are going to take the transmission systems and the land that's deeded,
and we will work out an agreement," Davis said at an appearance in San Jose.
"But there are a number of sticking points in the talks with PG&E that I'm
not going to reveal."
One of those sticking points apparently is an insistence that the sale of
utility assets include a long-sought lifting of the rate freeze.
Sources said lawyers from both PG&E and Edison had inserted the related terms
into draft accords affecting each utility, and that the full impact of the
additions was not realized by state officials until this week.
One source said the language was just convoluted enough to slip beneath the
radar screen of state negotiators. But the upshot, once the words had been
parsed, was that the PUC effectively would lose control over power rates.
In Edison's case, the terms of the tentative deal include the governor asking
the PUC "to support the creditworthiness" of the utility.
"This would ensure that future investments in both utility distribution and
utility generation plants are provided fair returns of and on capital,
consistent with current authorized returns and capital structure provisions,"
it says.
Sources said the provision could be interpreted as a guarantee from the state
that Edison would be permitted to recoup all outstanding costs from
"There may be some assumptions about this language that the rate freeze ends
if it is adopted," the Edison official said, adding that he saw no reason to
disagree with such assumptions.
But Fichera, Davis' adviser in the talks, insisted that nothing is set in
stone, and that the negotiations are proceeding without a hitch.
"This is a very complex transaction," he said. "God and the devil are in the
E-mail David Lazarus at [email protected].
,2001 San Francisco Chronicle ? Page?A - 1 |
Does this name change mean anything to us yet? Our transactions are with the
Chase Manhattan Bank, not Chase Manhattan Corp. (which I presume is the
parent of the Bank) Will our ISDA agreement be updated or changed? Should
we continue to do business as usual for the time being and notify you if the
confirmation format changes at all or references a different agreement?
---------------------- Forwarded by Laurel Adams/HOU/ECT on 04/20/2001 08:00
AM ---------------------------
Cheryl Johnson@ENRON
04/19/2001 09:11 PM
To: Laurel Adams/HOU/ECT@ECT, Lane Alexander/HOU/EES@EES, Amelia
Alland/HOU/ECT@ECT, Lauri A Allen/HOU/ECT@ECT, Bridgette
Anderson/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Arfan Aziz/LON/ECT@ECT, Cyndie
Balfour-Flanagan/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Edward D Baughman/Enron@EnronXGate, Bryce
Baxter/HOU/ECT@ECT, Kimberlee A Bennick/HOU/ECT@ECT, Kathryn
Bussell/Enron@EnronXGate, Lisa Berg Carver/HOU/ECT@ECT, Anne
Bike/Corp/Enron@Enron, Georgia Blanchard/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jennifer
Blay/HOU/ECT@ECT, Bob Bowen/HOU/ECT@ECT, Debbie R Brackett/HOU/ECT@ECT, Linda
S Bryan/HOU/ECT@ECT, Lesli Campbell/Enron@EnronXGate, Anthony
Campos/HOU/ECT@ECT, Sylvia A Campos/HOU/ECT@ECT, Cary M
Carrabine/Corp/Enron@Enron@ECT, Kelly Carrington/ENRON@enronXgate, Clem
Cernosek/HOU/ECT@ECT, Pat Clynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Boyd Coble/HOU/EES@EES,
Marilyn Colbert/HOU/ECT@ECT, Brad Coleman/Enron@EnronXGate, Donna
Consemiu/HOU/ECT@ECT, Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mike
Croucher/Enron@EnronXGate, Lisa Cousino/Enron Communications@Enron
Communications, Romeo D'Souza/Enron@EnronXGate, Shonnie Daniel/HOU/ECT@ECT,
Cheryl Dawes/CAL/ECT@ECT, Sherry Dawson/NA/Enron@Enron, Rhonda L
Denton/HOU/ECT@ECT, Russell Diamond/Enron@EnronXGate, Stacy E
Dickson/HOU/ECT@ECT, Ralph Douglas/HOU/EES@EES, Cheryl Dudley/HOU/ECT@ECT,
Michael Eiben/HOU/ECT@ECT, Susan Elledge/NA/Enron@Enron, Faye
Ellis/HOU/ECT@ECT, Diane Ellstrom/Enron@EnronXGate, Veronica
Espinoza/Enron@EnronXGate, Enron Europe Global Contracts and Facilities,
Enron Europe Global CounterParty/LON/ECT@ECT, Daren J
Farmer/Enron@EnronXGate, Genia FitzGerald/HOU/ECT@ECT, Irene
Flynn/HOU/ECT@ECT, Shawna Flynn/HOU/ECT@ECT, Hoong P Foon/Enron@EnronXGate,
Randall L Gay/HOU/ECT@ECT, Scotty Gilbert/TOR/ECT@ECT, Lisa
Gillette/HOU/ECT@ECT, Carolyn Gilley/Enron@EnronXGate, Sharon
Gonzales/NA/Enron@ENRON, Winston Goodbody/HOU/ECT@ECT, Amita
Gosalia/LON/ECT@ECT, Melissa Graves/Enron@EnronXGate, Walter
Guidroz/Enron@EnronXGate, Andrea R Guillen/HOU/ECT@ECT, Sanjeev
Gupta/Enron@EnronXGate, Bob M Hall/Enron@EnronXGate, D Todd
Hall/Enron@EnronXGate, David Hardy/LON/ECT@ECT, Bill D Hare/HOU/ECT@ect,
Kenneth M Harmon/Enron@EnronXGate, Cathy L Harris/HOU/ECT@ECT, Peggy
Hedstrom/CAL/ECT@ECT, Elizabeth L Hernandez/HOU/ECT@ECT, Brenda F
Herod/Enron@EnronXGate, Marlene Hilliard/HOU/ECT@ect, Liz
Hillman/Corp/Enron@Enron, Nathan L Hlavaty/HOU/ECT@ECT, Carla
Hoffman/PDX/ECT@ECT, Jim Homco/HOU/ECT@ECT, Cindy Horn/LON/ECT@ECT, Larry Joe
Hunter/HOU/ECT@ECT, Tammie Huthmacher/NA/Enron@Enron, Rahil
Jafry/Enron@EnronXGate, Tana Jones/HOU/ECT@ECT, Katherine L
Kelly/HOU/ECT@ECT, Nanette Kettler/Enron@EnronXGate, Troy
Klussmann/Enron@EnronXGate, Victor Lamadrid/HOU/ECT@ECT, Karen
Lambert/HOU/ECT@ECT, Gary W Lamphier/HOU/ECT@ECT, Cregg
Lancaster/HOU/EES@EES, Monica Lande/LON/ECT@ECT, Shemeika S
Landry/Enron@EnronXGate, Jenny Latham/HOU/ECT@ECT, Michelle
Laurant/NA/Enron@Enron, Elsie Lew/HOU/ECT@ECT, Andrew H
Lewis/Enron@EnronXGate, Jim Little/Enron@EnronXGate, Kori Loibl/HOU/ECT@ECT,
Kelly Lombardi/NA/Enron@Enron, Scott F Lytle/Enron@EnronXGate, Matilda
Machado/CAL/ECT@ECT, Hillary Mack/Corp/Enron@Enron, Chris
Mallory/PDX/ECT@ECT, Richard C McKeel/CAL/ECT@ECT, Errol
McLaughlin/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Nidia Mendoza/Enron@EnronXGate, Julie
Meyers/HOU/ECT@ECT, Richard A Miley/Enron@EnronXGate, Bruce
Mills/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Scott Mills/HOU/EES@EES, Patrice L
Mims/Enron@EnronXGate, Glenda D Mitchell/Enron@EnronXGate, Jason
Moore/HOU/ECT@ECT, Tom E Moore/Enron@EnronXGate, Jeremy Morris/PDX/ECT@ECT,
Michael W Morris/HOU/ECT@ECT, Dale Newberger/ENRON@enronXgate, Tracy
Ngo/PDX/ECT@ECT, Debbie Nicholls/LON/ECT@ECT, John L Nowlan/HOU/ECT@ECT,
Jennifer Oliver/EU/Enron@Enron, B Scott Palmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stephanie
Panus/NA/Enron@Enron, Anita K Patton/HOU/ECT@ECT, Regina Perkins/Enron
Communications@Enron Communications, Debra Perlingiere/HOU/ECT@ECT, Richard
Pinion/HOU/ECT@ECT, Phillip Platter/HOU/ECT@ECT, Sylvia S
Pollan/Enron@EnronXGate, John D Powell/Enron@EnronXGate, Product Control -
Houston, Joan Quick/Enron@EnronXGate, Leslie Reeves/HOU/ECT@ECT, Donald P
Reinhardt/Enron@EnronXGate, Brant Reves/Enron@EnronXGate, Stacey
Richardson/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jeff Richter/HOU/ECT@ECT, Oscar
Rivera/Enron@EnronXGate, Suzy Robey/HOU/ECT@ECT, Bernice
Rodriguez/HOU/ECT@ECT, Carlos J Rodriguez/HOU/ECT@ECT, Sam
Round/Enron@EnronXGate, Marilyn M Schoppe/Enron@EnronXGate, Samuel
Schott/HOU/ECT@ECT, Brad Schneider/Corp/Enron@Enron, James
Scribner/Corp/Enron@Enron, Dianne Seib/CAL/ECT@ECT, Lynn E
Shivers/LON/ECT@ECT, Michele Small/LON/ECT@ECT, Mary M Smith/HOU/ECT@ECT,
Susan Smith/Enron@EnronXGate, Jefferson D Sorenson/Enron@EnronXGate, Carrie
Southard/LON/ECT@ECT, Willie Stewart/HOU/ECT@ECT, Geoff
Storey/Enron@EnronXGate, Colleen Sullivan/HOU/ECT@ECT, Connie
Sutton/Enron@EnronXGate, John Swinney/Enron@EnronXGate, Kate
Symes/PDX/ECT@ECT, Vance L Taylor/Enron@EnronXGate, Spencer Teel/HOU/EES@EES,
Edward Terry/HOU/ECT@ECT, Kim S Theriot/HOU/ECT@ECT, Veronica
Thompson/GPGFIN/Enron@ENRON, Mark D Thorne/Enron@EnronXGate, Philippe
Travis/LON/ECT@ECT, Susan D Trevino/HOU/ECT@ECT, Lisa Valderrama/HOU/ECT@ECT,
Laura Vargas/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Claire Viejou/LON/ECT@ECT, Elsa
Villarreal/HOU/ECT@ECT, Ellen Wallumrod/NA/Enron@ENRON, Steve
Watson/HOU/EES@EES, Colette Weinreich/HOU/EES@EES, George
Weissman/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stacey W White/HOU/ECT@ECT, Karin Williams/HOU/EES@EES,
Sony Wilson/Enron@EnronXGate, O'Neal D Winfree/HOU/ECT@ECT, Christa
Winfrey/Enron@EnronXGate, Jeremy Wong/Enron@EnronXGate, Rita Wynne/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Name Overlay 04/19/01
The Chase Manhattan Corporation (Survivor) merged with J. P. Morgan & Co.
Incorporated and changed its name concurrently to J.P. Morgan Chase & Co.
See the attached for details. |
Notice No. 00-340
October 9, 2000
All NYMEX Members/Member Firms
All NYMEX Clearing Members
All NYMEX Floor Traders
All NYMEX Operations Managers
FROM: George Henderson, Vice President
RE: Options Expiration Operational Procedures for the Trading Floor and
Clearing Members
The expiration date for the November 2000 options contract for Platinum
(POX0) is Friday, October 13, 2000.
All Clearing Members and Qualified Floor Traders that carried an options
position as of the close of business day prior to the expiration day, or
engaged in trading activity on Expiration Day in the expiring options
contract will be required to have a knowledgeable, duly authorized
representative present at their normal work station promptly at 5:30 p.m.
until released by the Exchange staff as specified below. All adjustments
and/or corrections, must be accompanied by relevant supporting documentation
prior to being incorporated into expiration processing, in essence making the
expiration processing an extension of the afternoon trade resolution
procedures. All input to the NYMEX Clearing Department will conclude no
later than 30 minutes after floor representatives are released.
Exchange Clearing (299-2110), Floor Trade Correction (299-2068 and 299-2169)
personnel, as well as a representative of the Floor Committee will be
available to assist with the processing of notices of Exercise and
Abandonment, position transfers, trade corrections and other questions or
problems you may have.
The Option Expiration process is a screen based process for which all
information is provided on the screens on C21 terminals. No Option Expiration
Reports will be provided. The following screens will assist you through the
Option Expiration process:
Contains real-time top day trade information, trade information for the
previous 4 business days and trades adjusted for the previous 4 business days
by adjustment date.
Contains a real-time snapshot for each option series from the start of day
position to the projected end of day position.
Contains all trade and position transfers "TO" your firm and the status of
each transfer.
Contains all trade and position transfer "FROM" your firm and the status of
each transfer.
Contains your available long position and an input field to enter the number
of long positions you wish to exercise.
Contains your available long position and an input field to enter the number
of long positions you wish to abandon.
PCS may be submitted either by manual input or by electronic transmission.
Any PCS input on a Clearing 21 terminal will be the input processed by the
system. This input may be made at any time prior to 7:10 p.m. Any PCS input
via transmission for that contract series will be disregarded.
Upon completion of all PCS input, all positions will be deemed final.
Will be available to you on the Single Position Maintenance window by
contract series or the Assignment List window which contains all your
Assignments on one window. You will be notified of its availability by C21
E-Mail and by Fast Facts. This should occur within 1 hour of the last PCS
All Clearing Members are required to have an authorized representative(s) at
their C21 workstations in preparation for any communication during the
expiration process.
Clearing Members should call the Fast Facts information service 301-4871,
access code 700 for event messages advising Members of the event status.
Clearing Members should read their C21 E-Mail messages immediately to be
aware of event status.
The standard event Fast Facts and/or E-Mail messages and the sequence in
which they will be announced are:
Standard Event Message: Announce Out-of-the Money Exercise and In-the-Money
Do Not Exercise Submissions
Approximate Time of Message Availability: 5:45 PM
Usual Event Time: 5:45 PM
Announced via Fast Facts
Standard Event Message: Announce Final Input to C21 Cutoff Time
Approximate Time of Message Availability: 6:55 PM
Usual Event Time: 7:10 PM
Announced via e-mail
Standard Event Message: All positions are deemed final
Approximate Time of Message Availability: 7:10 PM
Usual Event Time: 7:10 PM
Announced via Fast Facts
Standard Event Message: Announce Exercise/Assignment Information Available on
the Single Position Maintenance Windows
Approximate Time of Message Availability: 8:25 PM
Usual Event Time: 8:30 PM
Announced via Fast Facts and e-mail
Standard Event Message: All Report Distribution is completed
Approximate Time of Message Availability: 11:00 PM
Usual Event Time: 11:00 PM
Announced via Fast Facts
The times appearing in the Usual Event Time column are based on normal
operational conditions and could vary.
Time: 5:30 PM
Activity: Exercise Notice Submission
Event: Input to C21 Cutoff Time
Reference Number: 1
Time: 5:30 PM
Activity: Do Not Exercise Submission
Event: Input to C21 Cutoff Time
Reference Number: 2
Time: 5:45 PM
Activity: Announce Out-of-the-Money Exercise and In-the-Money Do Not Exercise
Event: Fast Facts Notice
Reference Number: 3
Time: 6:55 PM
Activity: Announce Final Input to C21 Cutoff Time
Event: C21 E-mail
Reference Number: 4
Time: 7:10 PM
Activity: Final Input to C21 Cutoff Time
Reference Number: 5
Time: 7:10 PM
Activity: All Positions are Deemed Final
Event: Fast Facts Notice
Reference Number: 6
Time: 8:25 PM
Activity: Announce Exercise/Assignment Information Available on the Single
Position Maintenance Windows
Event: Fast Facts Notice and C21 E-mail
Reference Number: 7
If you have any questions concerning these procedures, please contact Charles
V. Bebel at 299-2130, Angel Rivera at 299-2150 or Anthony Di Benedetto at
299-2152 prior to the expiration date.
Please click on the link below to indicate you have received this
"[email protected]&
Note: If you click on the above line and nothing happens, please copy
the text between the quotes, open your internet browser,
paste it into the web site address and press Return. |
----- Forwarded by Jeff Dasovich/NA/Enron on 03/13/2001 05:46 PM -----
Jean Munoz <[email protected]>
03/13/2001 05:47 PM
To: Katie Kaplan <[email protected]>, "'Andy Brown (E-mail)'"
<[email protected]>, "'B Brown Andy (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>,
"'Baker Carolyn (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Bob Escalante
(E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Bob Weisenmiller (E-mail)'"
<[email protected]>, "'Curtis Kebler (E-mail)'"
<[email protected]>, "'Douglas Kerner (E-mail)'"
<[email protected]>, "'Greg Blue (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Jan
Smutny-Jones (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Jeff Dasovich (E-mail)'"
<[email protected]>, "'Joe Ronan (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'John
Larrea (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'John Stout (E-mail)'"
<[email protected]>, "'Julee Malinowski-Ball (E-mail)'"
<[email protected]>, "'Kassandra Gough (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'kent
Palmerton (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Kristin Vellandi
(E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Lynn Lednicky (E-mail)'"
<[email protected]>, "'Marty Wilson (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>,
"'McNally Ray (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "''Nam Nguyen'
(E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Norton Kelli (E-mail)'"
<[email protected]>, "'Paula Hall-Collins (E-mail)'"
<[email protected]>, "'Pigott Jack (E-mail)'"
<[email protected]>, "'Richard Hyde (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>,
"'Rob Lamkin (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Roger Pelote
(E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Stephanie-Newell (E-mail)'"
<[email protected]>, "'Sue Mara (E-mail)'"
<[email protected]>, "'Theo Pahos (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Tom Ross
(E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "Carol H Hudson (E-mail)"
<[email protected]>, steven kelly <[email protected]>, "'Anne Kelly (E-mail)'"
<[email protected]>, "'Chuck Cole (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>,
"'Delany Hunter (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'DJ Smith
(E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Hedy Govenar (E-mail)'"
<[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, "'Maureen OHaren
(E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Mike Monagan (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>,
"'Phil Isenberg (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Robert Ross (E-mail)'"
<[email protected]>, "'Ron Tom (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Scott Govenar
(E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Susan Mccabe (E-mail)'"
<[email protected]>, <[email protected]>,
<[email protected]>, <[email protected]>,
<[email protected]>, <[email protected]>
Subject: CA Secretary of State Bill Jones Denounces "Free-Wheeling Energy
Spending Spree"
LOS ANGELES - Denouncing the fact that there is currently no oversight or
accountability for the billions of taxpayers' dollars that are being spent by
the Governor and his administration, Secretary of State Bill Jones totals
called on State Controller Kathleen Connell to begin an immediate full and
complete audit of all energy-related financial transactions. As chief
financial of officer for the state, the controller has the sole
responsibility to "provide sound fiscal control over both receipts and
disbursements of public funds and to determine legality and accuracy of every
claim against the state."
"There is no oversight and no accountability to ensure that the taxpayers'
money is being spent wisely," Jones sad. "The enormous outlays of money to
purchase energy on a daily basis as well as these binding long-terrn
contracts will have a tremendous fiscal impact on the state for years to come
- I believe essentially, mortgaging our future for our children and
Additionally, Jones called on Governor Davis to immediately meet with
legislative bi-partisan leaders to brief them fully as to the terms and costs
of all contracts and purchases on the spot market just as the President's
team meets with congressional leaders to discuss issues of
national security.
Jones also strongly urged the Governor to begun monthly briefings immediately
wth legislative leaders to provide on-going updates on the progress of new
power plant construction and an up-to-date report of California's power
supplies to ensure adequate resources for the upcoming summer months
"The Governor believes that the solution to our energy crisis lies in the
state getting into the power business - I do not. As a result, Davis has
created a de-facto state Power Authority that's spending cash at an alarming
rate, some $45 million a day; $1.5 billion a month," said Jones. "And he's
just signed the state up for some $43 billion in long-tern contracts for
which we don't know the terms, length or total energy supply secured."
Jones noted that when the utility companies were regulate the Public
Utilities Commission (PUC) had the responsibility to look over their shoulder
and ensure that the ratepayers were protected and fairly treated. Yet all the
governmental agencies that should be looking into the energy spending spree
are now controlled or appointed by the govemor, including the PUC, the Little
Hoover Commission, the Electricity Oversight Board, the Department of
Finance, the Resources Agency, the Department of Water Resources, the Energy
Commissions the Independent Systems Operator and the now-defunct Power
According to a recent Wall Street Journal article (3/08/01), David Mills,
trading floor manager of the Bonneville Power A.dndnistation questioned
Califomia's purchases on the spot market, saying that the water agency
[California Departnent of Water Resources] has at times offered to pay $50 to
$100 per megawatt hour more than the available market price." Mills added
that power buyers for the state "agree to prices that make you wonder ? you?d
at least think they?d check to see what the prevailing price is before
throwing out their offer."
"As President Bush has said so often, it's not the government's money, it's
the people's money" Jones sad. "The people of California deserve to know
what the terms of this high-stakes energy game are since it's being played
with taxpayers' money."
Jones criticized the governor?s repeated refusal to fulfill numerous Public
Records Act requests from Assemblyman Tony Strickland (R-Thousand Oaks),
several news media and other organizations, calling his denial for
information based on a government code provision regarding protection of the
"public interest " an assault on the public's common sense.
"I believe that the real @public interest' lies in a full accounting to the
public of how the Governor has spent their money - and what kind of a deal
we're actually getting," Jones concluded.
# # # |
FYI. Appears that the Davis administration has thrown down the gauntlet,
looking to position itself in a way that will allow it to blame the FERC/Bush
administration for California's electricity crisis, unless FERC agrees to the
ISO's price cap plan.
----- Forwarded by Jeff Dasovich/NA/Enron on 03/08/2001 10:41 AM -----
"Katie Kaplan" <[email protected]>
03/08/2001 10:44 AM
To: "'Alex Sugaoka (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Bill Carlson
(E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Bill Woods (E-mail)'"
<[email protected]>, "'Bob Ellery (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Bob
Escalante (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Bob Gates (E-mail)'"
<[email protected]>, "'Carolyn A Baker (E-mail)'"
<[email protected]>, "'Cody Carter (E-mail)'"
<[email protected]>, "'Curt Hatton (E-mail)'"
<[email protected]>, "'Curtis Kebler (E-mail)'"
<[email protected]>, "'David Parquet'"
<[email protected]>, "'Dean Gosselin (E-mail)'"
<[email protected]>, "'Doug Fernley (E-mail)'"
<[email protected]>, "'Douglas Kerner (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>,
"'Duane Nelsen (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Ed Tomeo (E-mail)'"
<[email protected]>, "'Eileen Koch (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>,
"'Eric Eisenman (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Frank DeRosa
(E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "Frazier Blaylock (E-mail)"
<[email protected]>, "'Greg Blue (E-mail)'"
<[email protected]>, "'Hap Boyd (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Hawks Jack
(E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Jack Pigott (E-mail)'"
<[email protected]>, "'Jim Willey (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Joe
Greco (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Joe Ronan (E-mail)'"
<[email protected]>, "'John Stout (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>,
"'Jonathan Weisgall (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Kate Castillo
(E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Kelly Lloyd (E-mail)'"
<[email protected]>, "'Ken Hoffman (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>,
"'Kent Fickett (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Kent Palmerton'"
<[email protected]>, "'Lynn Lednicky (E-mail)'"
<[email protected]>, "'Marty McFadden (E-mail)'"
<[email protected]>, "'Paula Soos'"
<[email protected]>, "'Randy Hickok (E-mail)'"
<[email protected]>, "Rick S. Koebbe (E-mail)"
<[email protected]>, "'Rob Lamkin (E-mail)'"
<[email protected]>, "'Roger Pelote (E-mail)'"
<[email protected]>, "'Ross Ain (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>,
"'Stephanie Newell (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Steve
Iliff'" <[email protected]>, "'Steve Ponder (E-mail)'"
<[email protected]>, "'Susan J Mara (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Tony
Wetzel (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'William Hall (E-mail)'"
<[email protected]>
cc: "'Andy Brown (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'B Brown Andy (E-mail)'"
<[email protected]>, "'Bob Weisenmiller (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>,
"'Jan Smutny-Jones (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Jean Munoz (E-mail)'"
<[email protected]>, "'Jeff Dasovich (E-mail)'"
<[email protected]>, "'John Larrea (E-mail)'"
<[email protected]>, "'Julee Malinowski-Ball (E-mail)'"
<[email protected]>, "'Kassandra Gough (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Katie
Kaplan (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Kristin Vellandi (E-mail)'"
<[email protected]>, "'Lynn Lednicky (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>,
"Marie Moretti (E-mail 2)" <[email protected]>, "'Marty Wilson
(E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'McNally Ray (E-mail)'"
<[email protected]>, "''Nam Nguyen' (E-mail)'"
<[email protected]>, "'Norton Kelli (E-mail)'"
<[email protected]>, "'Paula Hall-Collins (E-mail)'"
<[email protected]>, "'Richard Hyde (E-mail)'"
<[email protected]>, "'Theo Pahos (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Tom
Ross (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>
Subject: FW: CAISO Notice - Draft Market Stabilization Plan
Late last night the ISO released a Market Stabilization plan that would
essentially impose cost based pricing control caps and apply a strict
California First Policy.
Here's ISO's 3-page sketch to impose cost-based pricing intended to control
costs on consumers on very short order. Unit-specific cost-based bid caps
will apply to ISO markets. ISO will have dispatch control over all CA
generation. Capital costs and return appear to be excluded from the bid
caps. ISO will pick of the day-ahead and day-of energy markets lot to the
demise of CalPX, thus ending the "market separation." There appears to be
language that intimates direct unit dispatch, but the document is very thin
on this. ISO proposes payments based either on the "as-bid" up to unit bid
cap, or apparently a uniform market-clearing price based on marginal units
cap. Out of state resources are paid California capped rates. Settlement
will be on numbers other than those posted (so much for transparency).
There's looking to procure AS based on optimization, although this is not
spelled out well (it appears that self-provision is gummed up completely).
To prevent "MW Laundering" CA will required in-area generation to make all
available whenever Stage 1 or higher emergency (i.e., reserves below 7%).
This California
First! rule means the generation must be scheduled against CA loads or bid
into day-ahead
market. If you don't bid your bid cap is applied. There will be a capacity
similar to RMR. This change will require FERC buy-in, which obviously will
litigation-central, and its likely to create a cascade of similar
requirements from other
states ...
Thanks Andy for the quick summary!
IEP will monitor the Friday call and review all documents to let people know
what is happening.
Katie Kaplan
Manager of State Policy Affairs
Independent Energy Producers Association
(916) 448-9499
-----Original Message-----
From: Woertz, Byron [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Wednesday, March 07, 2001 6:40 PM
To: ISO Market Participants
Subject: CAISO Notice - Draft Market Stabilization Plan
ISO Market Participants:
Attached is the ISO's draft market stabilization plan. This
document will be the basis of our conference call on Friday, March 9th at
<<Market Stabilization Draft 010307.doc>>
Byron B. Woertz, Jr.
Director, Client Relations
(916) 608-7066
- Market Stabilization Draft 010307.doc |
May 4, 2001 5:00pm through May 7, 2001 12:00am
AZURIX: No Scheduled Outages.
EDI SERVER: No Scheduled Outages.
Impact: ENS
Time: Fri 5/4/2001 at 9:00:00 PM CT thru Fri 5/4/2001 at 10:00:00 PM CT
Fri 5/4/2001 at 7:00:00 PM PT thru Fri 5/4/2001 at 8:00:00 PM PT
Sat 5/5/2001 at 3:00:00 AM London thru Sat 5/5/2001 at 4:00:00 AM London
Outage: Consolidation Of Networks
Environments Impacted: ENA
Purpose: Consolidating Network Equipment. Moving networks,,, and
from 3460 to 3405.
Contact(s): George Nguyen 713-853-0691
Impact: CORP
Time: Sat 5/5/2001 at 1:00:00 PM CT thru Sat 5/5/2001 at 7:15:00 PM CT
Sat 5/5/2001 at 11:00:00 AM PT thru Sat 5/5/2001 at 5:15:00 PM PT
Sat 5/5/2001 at 7:00:00 PM London thru Sun 5/6/2001 at 1:15:00 AM London
Outage: Migrating EES VLANs from EB3405-cx11 and EB3405-cx12 to EB3405-cx13
and EB3405-cx14
Environments Impacted: EES
Purpose: Off-load CPU usage onto current EB3405-CX13 and EB3405-CX14;
increase throughput and redundancy.
Backout: Remove EB3405-CX13 and EB3405-CX14.
Replace original access-links connecting HOUCX1 and HOUCX2 back to
EB3405-CX11 and EB3405-CX12.
Contact(s): Michael Huang 713-875-2478 877-692-2751
Impact: ENS
Time: Fri 5/4/2001 at 10:30:00 PM CT thru Sat 5/5/2001 at 12:00:00 AM CT
Fri 5/4/2001 at 8:30:00 PM PT thru Fri 5/4/2001 at 10:00:00 PM PT
Sat 5/5/2001 at 4:30:00 AM London thru Sat 5/5/2001 at 6:00:00 AM London
Outage: Migrating Networks Off Cisco 3 and Cisco 4
Environments Impacted: ENA
Purpose: Migration of Networks Off Legacy Cisco Boxes
Contact(s): George Nguyen 713-853-0691
FIELD SERVICES: No Scheduled Outages.
INTERNET: No Scheduled Outages.
Impact: Corp Notes
Time: Fri 5/4/2001 at 9:00:00 PM CT thru Sat 5/5/2001 at 1:00:00 AM CT
Fri 5/4/2001 at 7:00:00 PM PT thru Fri 5/4/2001 at 11:00:00 PM PT
Sat 5/5/2001 at 3:00:00 AM London thru Sat 5/5/2001 at 7:00:00 AM London
Outage: cNotes Server Reboots
Environments Impacted: All users on any of the mailservers listed below
Purpose: Scheduled @ 2 week interval
Backout: Make sure server comes up.
Contact(s): Trey Rhodes (713) 345-7792
Impact: EI
Time: Fri 5/4/2001 at 9:00:00 PM CT thru Sat 5/5/2001 at 1:00:00 AM CT
Fri 5/4/2001 at 7:00:00 PM PT thru Fri 5/4/2001 at 11:00:00 PM PT
Sat 5/5/2001 at 3:00:00 AM London thru Sat 5/5/2001 at 7:00:00 AM London
Outage: EI Notes Server Maintenance
Environments Impacted: EI Local/Domestic/Foreign Sites
Purpose: Scheduled @ 2 week interval
Backout: N/A
Contact(s): David Ricafrente 713-646-7741
MARKET DATA: No Scheduled Outages.
NT: No Scheduled Outages.
OS/2: No Scheduled Outages.
Impact: Corp, OTS, ETS
DATE: MAY 15, 2001/2/2001 at 5:30:00 PM
Outage: Migrate DSS Server to GTHOU-APPSQ03P
Environments Impacted: DSS users will not be able to access the old server
(ENEDS01_ADAPT)after this date
Purpose: The existing server is outdated, migrating to SQL 2000 provides
functionality and conforms to database platform requirements.
Contact(s): Mary Vollmer 713-853-3381
Joe Hellsten 713-853-7346 713-545-4164
Impact: EBS
Time: Fri 5/4/2001 at 8:00:00 PM CT thru Fri 5/4/2001 at 10:00:00 PM CT
Fri 5/4/2001 at 6:00:00 PM PT thru Fri 5/4/2001 at 8:00:00 PM PT
Sat 5/5/2001 at 2:00:00 AM London thru Sat 5/5/2001 at 4:00:00 AM London
Outage: EIGRP Integration - EBS and ENW
Environments Impacted: All
Purpose: The EBS network is being integrated into the ENW network. As part of
the integration, we will need to bring up EIGRP process 5 on the EBS
networking devices. This is the first step in the routing integration. Since
ENW is already static routing to EBS and EBS is static routing and to ENW, the impact should be nil.
Backout: Remove eigrp process 5 from iah-ecn44-rtr3.enron.net
Contact(s): Dennis McGough 713-345-3143
Scott Shishido
Impact: CORP
Time: Sat 5/5/2001 at 12:00:00 AM CT thru Sat 5/5/2001 at 1:00:00 AM CT
Fri 5/4/2001 at 10:00:00 PM PT thru Fri 5/5/2001 at 11:00:00 PM PT
Sat 5/5/2001 at 6:00:00 AM London thru Sat 5/5/2001 at 7:00:00 AM London
Outage: Elvis webserver maintenance.
Environments Impacted: Internet Web pages.
Purpose: Physically stabilize the server in the rack.
Backout: Leave server on shelf unracked
reboot the server
Contact(s): Malcolm Wells 713-345-3716
Impact: CORP
Time: Fri 5/4/2001 at 6:00:00 PM CT thru Fri 5/4/2001 at 8:00:00 PM CT
Fri 5/4/2001 at 4:00:00 PM PT thru Fri 5/4/2001 at 6:00:00 PM PT
Sat 5/5/2001 at 12:00:00 AM London thru Sat 5/5/2001 at 2:00:00 AM London
Outage: ClearCase Patch
Environments Impacted: Corp
Purpose: This patch will resolve several issues involving the MVFS (ClearCase
file system.)
Backout: Remove the patch
Contact(s): Troy Beyer 713.345.8316 713.406.1782
SITARA: No Scheduled Outages.
SUN/OSS SYSTEM: No Scheduled Outages.
TELEPHONY: No Scheduled Outages
TERMINAL SERVER: No Scheduled Outages.
UNIFY: No Scheduled Outages.
(713) 853-1411 Enron Resolution Center
Specific Help:
Information Risk Management (713) 853-5536
(713) 345-4727
Unify On-Call (713) 284-3757 [Pager]
Sitara On-Call (713) 288-0101 [Pager]
RUS/GOPS/GeoTools/APRS (713) 639-9726 [Pager]
OSS/UA4/TARP (713) 285-3165 [Pager]
CPR (713) 284-4175 [Pager]
EDI Support (713) 327-3893 [Pager]
EES Help Desk (713)853-9797 OR (888)853-9797 |
AWADmail Issue 66
February 3, 2002
A Weekly Compendium of Feedback on the Words in A.Word.A.Day
and Other Interesting Tidbits about Words and Languages
From: Anu Garg ([email protected])
Subject: Linguaphiles cross half-million mark
Last week the number of wordlovers on AWAD list reached 500,000.
Thanks to all of you for making this the world's largest and most
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From: Wordsmith Sponsor ([email protected])
Subject: Sponsor of this AWADmail issue: Robert J. Thieblot
Can gods be mortal? Read the memoirs of an immortal god,
TELEMACHUS by Robert J. Thieblot:
From: Hendrika Vande Kemp, Ph.D. ([email protected])
Subject: Regarding the word ethology
Refer: http://wordsmith.org/words/ethology.html
I forwarded today's word to a list of historians of psychology, who
all want you to know that there was an earlier, 19th century version
of ethology:
In his 1843 SYSTEM OF LOGIC, J.S. Mill proposed the development of a
new science he also called "ethology," whose purpose would be the
explanation of individual and national differences in character, on the
basis of associationistic psychology. Needless to say, the French sense
of the term has prevailed.
-Raymond E. Fancher
Editor, Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences
Professor of Psychology
York University
From: Helen Ferrara ([email protected])
Subject: Re: Enronomics
Refer: http://wordsmith.org/words/esemplastic.html
In regard to your comments about Enron and "enronomics" to describe their
method of economics and accounting, I believe that before long the idea
of "going enron" will be used to describe other such unfortunate failures.
From: Thomas Shunk ([email protected])
Subject: Re: A.Word.A.Day--ultramontane
Refer: http://wordsmith.org/words/ultramontane.html
Your commentary relating to 'ultramontane' include a reminiscence of your
days in Cleveland, which you remember as being located on the "North Shore."
While there might be some Clevelanders who mistakenly use this phrase, the
much more common Cleveland expression is that we live on the "North Coast,"
which is accurate, even from the point of view of our Canadian neighbors.
A brief check of the Cleveland White Pages shows 23 entries for "North Shore
etc." businesses, but roughly five times that number of entries for "North
Coast etc." businesses, from "North Coast Abrasives, Inc." to "North Coast
Wood Products."
From: Richard Rosen ([email protected])
Subject: a small correction
Refer: http://wordsmith.org/words/psychobabble.html
I was delighted to see my coinage "psychobabble" as word of the day--thank
you--but would like to correct one small error. My book Psychobabble was
published in 1977 (Atheneum), not 1997.
From: Sharon Streeter ([email protected])
Subject: Re: A.Word.A.Day--opsimath
Refer: http://wordsmith.org/words/opsimath.html
At 58 I'm learning the cello. "Opsimath" inspired a poem. Thanks!
She plucked the open D-string on her cello,
Felt of its vibration, followed fading tremor
As it rose, expanded, filled the room, and then,
Evaporated. She, the aging opsimath, eager
To explore the strings of steel, membranous
Polished woods, the hollow core
And all its possibilities, placed index finger
Carefully and plucked again. D, clear and pure.
From: Jeffrey Carpenter <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: A.Word.A.Day--hangdog
Refer: http://wordsmith.org/words/hangdog.html
Re: "hangdog" No doubt that the delinquent canines would be given the
ultimate penalty---wasn't it Salem or another community caught up in witch
fever that executed several dogs along with the humans? And the 18th century
Brits, who would hang petty thieves (read _The Fatal Shore_) would probably
include the thieves' best friends as accomplices. I associate the word
with the sentiment expressed by the public who gathered at such executions,
those who stay "until the last dog is hanged," whether sea-dog pirate,
highwayman, Fagin, or starving pilferer, all of whom hadn't a dog's chance
in the courtroom.
From: Raymond McGrath ([email protected])
Subject: Oblique Sports reference
Refer: http://wordsmith.org/words/sticky_wicket.html
Here's an oblique sports reference culled from an old music review:
"The X Symphony played Brahms last night. Brahms lost."
From: Eric Shackle ([email protected])
Subject: Re: A.Word.A.Day--cruciverbalist
Refer: http://wordsmith.org/words/cruciverbalist.html
Cruciverbalists may like to read about the world's first crossword; others
may prefer The President's Pretzel Problem. Both stories are in the February
edition of my e-book http://bdb.co.za/shackle/ebook.htm .
From: Wordsmith Sponsor ([email protected])
Subject: Sponsor of this AWADmail issue: Zeus Systems
Zeus Systems provides compelling content and related services for K-12
math and science and helps clients become more competitive by helping
them realize significant cost savings, quick scalability and improving
time to market. http://www.zeuslearning.com
High is our calling, Friend! Creative Art
(Whether the instrument of words she use,
Or pencil pregnant with ethereal hues,
Demands the service of a mind and heart.
-William Wordsworth, poet (1770-1850)
Send your comments to [email protected]. To subscribe or unsubscribe
A.Word.A.Day, send a message to [email protected] with Subject line as
"subscribe <Your Name>" or "unsubscribe". Archives, FAQ, gift subscription
form, and more at: http://wordsmith.org/awad/ |
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From: "Vince J Kaminski" <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 28 Jan 2000 17:00:29 -0600
Subject: Re: Mark-to-Market
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---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 01/28/2000
PM ---------------------------
From: Wade Cline@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT on 01/28/2000 07:17 AM ZE5B
To: Pinnamaneni Krishnarao/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Re: Mark-to-Market (Document link: Vince J Kaminski)
Can DPC sell to MSEB and have EIPL buy an equivalent amount of power from MSEB
at another spot on their grid, and then EIPL sell to the 3rd party state?
Pinnamaneni Krishnarao@ECT
01/27/2000 04:00 PM
cc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Wade
Subject: Re: Mark-to-Market (Document link: Wade Cline)
I met with Bob today and discussed the deal structure we put together. On
the mark-to-market issue, Bob and his colleague Wess told me that as long as
payments are tied to one particular plant, we cannot m-t-m them. They had same
problem with plants here in the US (like the peaking plants) and they had to
separate the plant from power sales to be able to m-t-m the assocated
What they did is: they sold power from the plant to an outside party and
it back from them at completely different (multiple) locations. The buyback is
not tied to any specific plant and is marked to maket. Even if Enron can
mark-to-market a deal with DPC, it can do so for only 50% of the cashflows
because only 50% of DPC is owned by outsiders. And a simple loan to an
affiliate cannot also be marked to market.
Bob was suggesting that if EIPL buys options from DPC and from some other
plants and in turn sells power to AP or Karnataka then we could have a case
m-t-m. Politically DPC selling power to EIPL may not be the best solution, to
put it rather mildly!
Our alternatives, as I see them, are
1. Do the deal as we structured it. The only difference is that Enron doesn't
mark it to market and income is earned only in 2002-03.
2. Do the deal as we structured it. EIPL/Enron then sells the contract to
another party at a profit. The problem, of course, is finding this party and
forking part of the profit to them.
3. Same deal, except revenue securitization is done through an outside party
India (not EIPL).
Bob said he will think about the issues some more this week. Let me know when
you will be here next week so we can meet with Bob together. I will be going
Boston for Tuesday and/or Wednesday (Feb.1-2). I can book an appt. with Bob
01/23/2000 09:45 PM
To: Robert Butts, Pinnamaneni Krishnarao@ECT
cc: Vince Kaminski, Wade Cline/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Ananda
Subject: Mark-to-Market
I wanted to continue the analysis on mark-to-market that I had spoken to you
about on the phone.
I thought that it was getting very difficult explaining the whole transaction
phone, so I am having Krishnarao who is in Vince's group explain the
to you.
Krishna has been helping us structure the deal here in India, and he has just
returned to Houston from India after working with the team here.
He will seek an appointment with you to explain the transaction. I would like
you to please spend some time with him, and then based on the discussion
send us a note detailing how sucha a transaction would be marked to market.
Please cosider the fact that currently there are no such transactions from the
Indian side. This is a very important transaction for us, and we may need to
repeat this in coming months, hence setting up the system to account for these
maybe well worth it. Also, what I am concerned about is that there will be an
Enron India (EIPL) account in India based on Indian GAAP, and upon
there will be a US GAAP accounting in the US. It is here that we would like
have mark-to-market accounting. EIPL is structured through Mauritius, and
Caymen Islands.
Another key question to consider is that when we m-t-m the transaction in the
there will be a tax accruing in the year of m-t-m (say 2000). However, in
India, as a result of the accrual accounting, there will not be any income
showing till the year 2002 or 2003. We will need to know how that would get
treated, and whether there is a way to get credit for the tax payable in the
I am also confused about whether US tax would be levied, since none of the
income is being brought back into the US (remains overseas - subpart-F and
Finally, we have been working hard in structuring a fixed price contract and
getting a fixed for floating swap in the US (this is still not allowed to
Corporates). I need you to think about this too, and see if some type of
accounting will solve this issue. Krishna knows what I am talking about, and
will brief you on the same.
Krishna - Please walk Bob through the three structures we had worked here.
Look forward to your help and comments. This is going to be an exciting
for us all.
Sandeep. |
The Intratex disclosure looks fine. Check with Rex Rogers about what he wants
to do about disclosing California litigation risk.
Gary Peng/ENRON@enronXgate
04/26/2001 10:04 AM
To: Charles Cheek/ENRON@enronXgate, Robert Eickenroht/ENRON@enronXgate,
Richard B Sanders/HOU/ECT@ECT
cc: Rex Rogers/ENRON@enronXgate
Subject: Litigation Disclosure
Find below the Litigation and Other Contingencies footnote from the the
December 31, 2000 Annual Report. Please update the section of the disclosure
for which you are responsible for inclusion in the first quarter 2001 Form
10Q . Also, please let me know if there are any new items that should be
Please respond no later than Wednesday May 2.
Enron is a party to various claims and litigation, the significant items
of which are discussed below. Although no assurances can be given, Enron
believes, based on its experience to date and after considering appropriate
reserves that have been established, that the ultimate resolution of such
items, individually or in the aggregate, will not have a material adverse
impact on Enron's financial position or results of operations.
Litigation. In 1995, several parties (the Plaintiffs) filed suit in
Harris County District Court in Houston, Texas, against Intratex Gas Company
(Intratex), Houston Pipe Line Company and
Panhandle Gas Company (collectively, the Enron Defendants), each of which is
a wholly-owned subsidiary of Enron. The Plaintiffs were either sellers or
royalty owners under numerous gas purchase contracts with Intratex, many of
which have terminated. Early in 1996, the case was severed by the Court into
two matters to be tried (or otherwise resolved) separately. In the first
matter, the Plaintiffs alleged that the Enron Defendants committed fraud and
negligent misrepresentation in connection with the "Panhandle program," a
special marketing program established in the early 1980s. This case was
tried in October 1996 and resulted in a verdict for the Enron Defendants. In
the second matter, the Plaintiffs allege that the Enron Defendants violated
state regulatory requirements and certain gas purchase contracts by failing
to take the Plaintiffs' gas ratably with other producers' gas at certain
times between 1978 and 1988. The trial court certified a class action with
respect to ratability claims. On March 9, 2000, the Texas Supreme Court
ruled that the trial court's class certification was improper and remanded
the case to the trial court. The Enron Defendants deny the Plaintiffs'
claims and have asserted various affirmative defenses, including the statute
of limitations. The Enron Defendants believe that they have strong legal and
factual defenses, and intend to vigorously contest the claims. Although no
assurances can be given, Enron believes that the ultimate resolution of these
matters will not have a material adverse effect on its financial position or
results of operations.
On November 21, 1996, an explosion occurred in or around the Humberto
Vidal Building in San Juan, Puerto Rico. The explosion resulted in
fatalities, bodily injuries and damage to the building and surrounding
property. San Juan Gas Company, Inc. (San Juan Gas), an Enron affiliate,
operated a propane/air distribution system in the vicinity, but did not
provide service to the building. Enron, San Juan Gas, four affiliates and
their insurance carriers were named as defendants, along with several third
parties, including The Puerto Rico Aqueduct and Sewer
Authority, Puerto Rico Telephone Company, Heath Consultants Incorporated,
Humberto Vidal, Inc. and their insurance carriers, in numerous lawsuits filed
in U.S. District Court for the District of Puerto Rico and the Superior Court
of Puerto Rico. These suits seek damages for wrongful death, personal injury,
business interruption and property damage allegedly caused by the explosion.
After nearly four years without determining the cause of the explosion, all
parties have agreed not to litigate further that issue, but to move these
suits toward settlements or trials to determine whether each plaintiff was
injured as a result of the explosion and, if so, the lawful damages
attributable to such injury. The defendants have agreed on a fund for
settlements or
final awards. Numerous claims have been settled. Although no assurances can
be given, Enron believes that the ultimate resolution of these matters will
not have a material adverse effect on its financial position or results of
Trojan Investment Recovery. In early 1993, PGE ceased commercial
operation of the Trojan nuclear power generating facility. The OPUC granted
PGE, through a general rate order, recovery of, and a return on, 87 percent
of its remaining investment in Trojan.
The OPUC's general rate order related to Trojan has been subject to
litigation in various state courts, including rulings by the Oregon Court of
Appeals and petitions to the Oregon Supreme Court filed by parties opposed to
the OPUC's order, including the Utility Reform Project(URP) and the Citizens
Utility Board (CUB).
In August 2000, PGE entered into agreements with CUB and the staff of the
OPUC to settle the litigation related to PGE's recovery of its investment in
the Trojan plant. Under the agreements, CUB agreed to withdraw from the
litigation and to support the settlement as the means to resolve the Trojan
litigation. The OPUC approved the accounting and ratemaking elements of the
settlement on September 29, 2000. As a result of these approvals, PGE's
investment in Trojan is no longer included in rates charged to customers,
either through a return on or a return of that investment. Collection of
ongoing decommissioning costs at Trojan is not affected by the settlement
agreements or the September 29, 2000 OPUC order. With CUB's withdrawal, URP
the one remaining significant adverse party in the litigation. URP has
indicated that it plans to continue to challenge the OPUC order allowing PGE
recovery of its investment in Trojan.
Enron cannot predict the outcome of these actions. Although no assurances
can be given, Enron believes that the ultimate resolution of these matters
will not have a material adverse effect on its financial position or results
of operations.
Environmental Matters. Enron is subject to extensive federal, state and
local environmental laws and regulations. These laws and regulations require
expenditures in connection with the
construction of new facilities, the operation of existing facilities and for
remediation at various operating sites. The implementation of the Clean Air
Act Amendments is expected to result in increased operating expenses. These
increased operating expenses are not expected to have a material impact on
Enron's financial position or results of operations.
Enron's natural gas pipeline companies conduct soil and groundwater
remediation on a number of their facilities. Enron does not expect to incur
material expenditures in connection with soil and groundwater remediation. |
sounds good just let me know
"K. Bass" <[email protected]> on 02/09/2001 12:40:21 PM
Please respond to "K. Bass" <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: Re:Mandell
I called and left a message for Huldy for a 2:30 appt. Dad and I are going
to a movie so I won't be here for a few hours. I'll call and try for a 2:00
at Mandell. O.k. with you? LU-M
----- Original Message -----
From: <[email protected]>
To: "K. Bass" <[email protected]>
Sent: Friday, February 09, 2001 10:05 AM
Subject: Re: Re:Mandell
> we can hold off on seeing the w alabama house. just let me know about the
> time for tomorrow
> e
> "K. Bass" <[email protected]> on 02/09/2001 08:34:43 AM
> Please respond to "K. Bass" <[email protected]>
> To: [email protected]
> cc:
> Subject: Re: Re:Mandell
> Good deal. I think you'll like Bob but, like Dad said, don't feel
> obligated. Don't forget to put the contracts in a folder/envelope and
> bring
> them along. How many copies did you make? I'll call the realtors and see
> about tomorrow. Did you want to see 400 W. Alabama again? It's usually
> open on Sunday. LU-M
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: <[email protected]>
> To: "K. Bass" <[email protected]>
> Sent: Friday, February 09, 2001 7:19 AM
> Subject: Re: Re:Mandell
> >
> > Hey Mom,
> > I would like to see the Mandell and the Huldy - preferably tomorrow
> before
> > 4ish. Let me know if that works for you. Dad is welcome to see
> whichever
> > houses he would like.
> >
> > FYI, I am meeting with Bob Dunn today after work, and I made copies of
> the
> > contracts.
> >
> > L,
> > E
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > "K. Bass" <[email protected]> on 02/09/2001 06:43:42 AM
> >
> > Please respond to "K. Bass" <[email protected]>
> >
> > To: [email protected]
> > cc:
> > Subject: Re: Re:Mandell
> >
> >
> > Hi Eric,
> >
> > Do you want me to check with the realtors to see if those houses are
> > this weekend and, if not, do you want me to make appts.? Let me know.
> > I'll
> > do that today. I would like Dad to see Mandell but that's up to you.
> > can't do it today, I don't think. But, if you would like to see
> something
> > today, I'll try to arrange it. I would prefer to see all of them the
> same
> > day but I will leave the up to you. I didn't want you to think that I
> have
> > forgotten about you. Did you download the contract and make copies?
> LU-M
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: <[email protected]>
> > To: "K. Bass" <[email protected]>
> > Sent: Wednesday, February 07, 2001 2:45 PM
> > Subject: Re: Re:Mandell
> >
> >
> > >
> > > no i haven't driven by yet. i would like to see the mandell house
> again
> > > before putting a contract in on it.
> > >
> > > -e
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > "K. Bass" <[email protected]> on 02/07/2001 02:45:35 PM
> > >
> > > Please respond to "K. Bass" <[email protected]>
> > >
> > > To: [email protected]
> > > cc:
> > > Subject: Re: Re:Mandell
> > >
> > >
> > > Did you drive by Huldy? If so, what did you think?
> > >
> > > We can do a contract whenever you want. Did you call B. Dunn?
> > >
> > > Talk to you later. Love, Mom
> > > ----- Original Message -----
> > > From: <[email protected]>
> > > To: "K. Bass" <[email protected]>
> > > Sent: Wednesday, February 07, 2001 11:11 AM
> > > Subject: Re: Re:Mandell
> > >
> > >
> > > >
> > > > I am fine with seeing more houses before buying but was thinking
> > it
> > > > might be a good idea to get the ball rolling on the Mandell house
> (i.e.
> > > low
> > > > ball contract). This does not mean that I am wanting to buy right
> away,
> > > but
> > > > more of testing the market and resolve of sellers. Let me know when
> > you
> > > > are available to see more houses. I am free whenever, except for
> > > Saturday
> > > > after around 4 pm.
> > > >
> > > > L,
> > > > E
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > "K. Bass" <[email protected]> on 02/07/2001 10:19:51 AM
> > > >
> > > > Please respond to "K. Bass" <[email protected]>
> > > >
> > > > To: [email protected]
> > > > cc: "Larry W. Bass" <[email protected]>
> > > > Subject: Re: Re:Mandell
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > It's been so long since we talked, I don't know what I'm supposed to
> be
> > > > doing.
> > > >
> > > > Just finished real estate school and learned a few things - well, my
> > > memory
> > > > was refreshed. Re: precertification for a loan. A non-committal
> > > response
> > > > from an online source does not mean that you are precertified. And,
> > you
> > > > must be real careful about all conditions relating to said loan.
> > > > thinks
> > > > you should call Bob Dunn (call Dad for number.). Bob is in the
> > mortgage
> > > > business and is a good guy to have on your side. His office is near
> > San
> > > > Felipe and Voss. You should probably get this ball rolling so you
> are
> > > > ready, don't you think?
> > > >
> > > > I am busy today but let me know if you want to see anything Friday.
> We
> > > > could wait until the weekend to see what's open and make appts. for
> > > > whatever
> > > > else you want to see. I recommend that you see a few more before
> > making
> > > an
> > > > offer but that is up to you.
> > > >
> > > > Let me know what I can do. LU-M
> > > > ----- Original Message -----
> > > > From: <[email protected]>
> > > > To: <[email protected]>
> > > > Sent: Wednesday, February 07, 2001 9:11 AM
> > > > Subject: Re:Mandell
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > > Any news?
> > > > >
> > > > > -e
> > > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> |
CC list suppressed...
The following letter shows the ongoing battle regarding
what/whether there should be a fourth large RTO in the
West? I've provided it as text below and as an attachment
in Rich Text if you wish to have an easier read by opening
it up. The document has been scanned for viruses. Dsg
October 10, 2001
The Honorable Pat Wood, III, Chairman
The Honorable William Massey, Commissioner
The Honorable Linda Breathitt, Commissioner
The Honorable Nora Brownell, Commissioner
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
888 First Street, N.E.
Washington, D.C. 20426
Dear Commissioners:
We are writing to express our strong reservations
regarding the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's
(FERC) movement toward mandating four (West, Midwest,
Northeast, Southeast) regional transmission organizations
While we acknowledge that RTOs could, in theory,
lead to a more efficient and well-functioning wholesale
electricity market, we are concerned that FERC is
promoting RTOs in the belief that they are inherently
beneficial, with little regard for whether the operational
details associated with the various RTOs will actually
lead to lower costs or increased efficiency and
reliability when applied in the real world.
We don't believe RTOs are inherently good or bad.
Whether the benefits of an RTO outweigh the costs depends
on the details of a given proposal and the attributes of a
given market. We are concerned that full consideration of
those issues will be sacrificed under an artificial FERC
deadline and a national perspective that disregards the
specific features of the Pacific Northwest grid.
As Members of Congress from the Northwest, we are
particularly interested in, and have been following
closely, the development of RTO West. We commend the
inclusive stakeholder process that has brought together
the RTO West filing utilities, urban and rural public
utilities, industrial customers, Indian tribes, and other
interested consumers to debate the details of RTO West.
There is still a vigorous debate among the
stakeholders in our region on issues such as pricing,
congestion management, and how much authority RTO West
should have to mandate construction, demand-side
management or other measures to deal with reliability and
congestion problems. While we each have our own opinions
about what the result of this debate should be, we are
united in the belief that it would be extremely
unfortunate if the consensus-building
Letter to FERC regarding RTOs
October 10, 2001
process in our region was preempted by FERC action that
would mandate a West-wide RTO or require that RTO West and
WestConnect (formerly Desert Star) merge into a single
organization. We would also oppose the FERC setting
standardized national rules for RTOs on issues like
pricing and congestion management. The Northwest needs
the flexibility to do what is best for our region given
the unique characteristics of our grid. We still expect
the ongoing negotiations to resolve seams issues and
similar operational concerns between the three RTOs under
consideration in the Western United States will meet the
requirements for an efficient wholesale market to
Finally, we would respectfully request that the
FERC mandate independent, cost-benefit analyses for each
RTO. It is important for stakeholders and consumers to
see a bottom line evaluation of the cost and benefits to
end-use consumers in each affected state. This is
especially true for ratepayers in the Northwest who are
being subjected to rate increases of 20-40 percent or more
and are dubious of any overhaul of how electricity is
delivered if it could mean even further price hikes.
Vigorous, independent cost-benefit studies must be
done for all RTOs if they are to have any credibility.
While the theoretical benefits of an RTO (like increased
reliability and efficiency) may ultimately exist, those
benefits may be outweighed by increased costs to consumers
for generation or transmission service. This is
particularly important for our region, which, due to the
presence of the Bonneville Power Administration, has
generally had a reliable, open-access transmission system
even in the absence of an RTO. We are pleased that RTO
West has commissioned an independent cost-benefit
analysis, but it is still unclear whether the scope of the
report will be satisfactory.
Thank you, in advance, for your careful
consideration of our concerns. We would appreciate an
opportunity to meet with you to discuss these issues
further and look forward to working with you to ensure a
well-functioning wholesale market that doesn't adversely
impact consumers.
Member of Congress
United States Senator
Member of Congress
United States Senator
Letter to FERC regarding RTOs
October 10, 2001
Member of Congress
United States Senator
Member of Congress
United States Senator
Member of Congress
United States Senator
Member of Congress
Member of Congress
Member of Congress
Member of Congress
Member of Congress
Member of Congress
Member of Congress
Member of Congress
Letter to FERC regarding RTOs
October 10, 2001
Member of Congress
Member of Congress
Member of Congress
United States Senator
Member of Congress |
Subsets and Splits