'Titanic': Who Was the Real "Molly Brown"? James Cameron's Oscar-winning film Titanic was noted at the time for its historical accuracy. The filmmaker for example included many of the real-life passengers in the telling of his story. Probably the most famous first-class passenger of the real Titanic that was featured in the movie was Margaret "Molly" Brown. As the RMS Titanic neared completion, the press was abuzz with excitement. The ship was the largest afloat at the time and was sold to the public as "unsinkable". That latter characteristic was especially exaggerated in that even the chief architect, Thomas Andrews, knew that no ship was immune to fatal damage. The Titanic was indeed a very safe ship because it was designed to stay afloat longer than other ships should it start to sink, allowing time for rescue. A series of fateful events and the arrogance of the era however led to the deadliest peacetime superliner sinking in history as the "unsinkable" Titanic went down on her first voyage. One of the passengers on that doomed crossing of the Atlantic was a woman that has gone on to inherit the very title that the ship lost. Watch the video above to learn more about "The Unsinkable Molly Brown".
Chronic depression is a menace to society, afflicting an estimated 15.7 million, or 6.7 percent, of the U.S. adult population. Millions of these people are prescribed SSRIs, which medicate the symptoms, rather than treating the underlying problem. According to a recent meta-analysis, however, omega-3 fatty acids can help reduce the symptoms of depression without the risks associated with dangerous pharmaceuticals. Omega-3 is an essential fatty acid, meaning it cannot be synthesized by the body, but must come from food. Approximately 8 percent of the brain’s weight consists of omega-3 fatty acids. They build cell membranes and can even increase the volume of brain matter. Researchers led by Roel J. T. Mocking of the Program of Mood Disorders, Department of Psychiatry at the University of Amsterdam, reviewed 13 previously published studies that encompassed a total of 1,233 participants. The meta-analysis, published in the journal Translational Psychiatry, was conducted to investigate the health benefits attached to omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) supplements for people diagnosed with major depressive disorder (MDD). Omega 3s kick depression to the curb The team found that people taking EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acids, which are found in fish, experienced a reduction in their depressive symptoms. “This new meta-analysis nuances earlier research on the importance of long chain omega-3s in MDD,” Mocking said in a press release. “Omega-3 supplements may be specifically effective in the form of EPA in depressed patients using antidepressants. This could be a next step to personalizing the treatment for depression and other disorders,” he added. The team noted that additional research is needed to investigate the link between EPA and DHA omega-3 PUFA supplementation and depressive symptoms. These trials must include the use of antidepressants, report the researchers. “Future precision/personalized medicine trials should establish whether possible interactions between EPA and antidepressants could provide targets to improve antidepressant response and its prediction,” the team concluded. “Nevertheless, potential long-term biochemical side effects of high-dosed add-on EPA supplementation should be carefully monitored.” The results of the study follow in the footsteps of another recent study published in the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, which examined the link between omega-3 PUFA supplementation and depression. The authors of the study found that participants with high levels of omega-3 in their blood benefited positively from taking omega-3 PUFA supplements. “We found that people with higher levels of omega-3 in their blood may benefit more from additional omega-3, in the form of supplements, than those whose blood levels of the fatty acids were lower at the outset,” psychiatry professor and lead investigator Robert M. Carney, told sources. “Because depression is linked to heart attacks and sudden cardiac death in patients with cardiovascular disease, we have been trying to figure out how best to improve depression in these patients. These findings offer potential answers for a very significant problem.” The problem with antidepressants Depression is a major problem, but antidepressants are just as much of a problem in and of themselves. Although SSRIs are a sure way to cut off the root of emotions, they’re not without their share of risks. Does it not disturb anyone else that most mass shooters – devoid of a moral conscience – were either actively taking powerful psychotropic drugs, or had taken powerful psychotropic drugs before committing such heinous acts? This doesn’t mean that anyone on antidepressants is a psychopath. Correlation does not equal causation. But the stakes are too high for the link to go unnoticed. Furthermore, like most drugs issued by Big Pharma, antidepressants are massively over-prescribed. In many cases, depression is brought about by poor nutritional habits, which can be mitigated by a change in lifestyle. Given the pivotal role omega-3s play in the brain, they could fulfill tasks typically reserved for SSRIs. The recent meta-analysis highlights the importance EPA and DHA omega-3s have on our overall heath, and adds credence to previous research examining the link between omega-3s and reduced depressive symptoms. By S. Johnson (Source: naturalnews.com; April 10, 2016; http://tinyurl.com/zsvvqwn)
Portland, Oregon-based scientist Seth Kadish created a series of graphics comparing the relative directions of urban road networks. Kadish calculated the azimuth of every street within the city-counties using a sinusoidal map projection, and then graphed this against the cardinal directions depending on the longitude of the area. The result showcases which areas more strictly adhered to some sort of grid plan and which did not. All calculations were made in a sinusoidal map projection using the central longitude of the area of interest. I then graphed the angles on rose diagrams (wind roses) using bins of 5° to show relative distributions for each area. The plots were scaled such that the maximum bar height was the same on each rose. To ensure rotational symmetry in the plots, each azimuth was counted twice: once using the original value and once using the opposite direction (e.g., 35° and 215°). As such, all streets, regardless of one-way or two-way traffic, were considered to be pointing in both directions.
Can someone explain in simple terms what exactly is a first-order logic? From my amateur standpoint, I think that first-order logic is a some kind of a system of symbols and general logical rules and operations defined on that set of symbols in such a way that a first-order logic has some expressional "power" (that is, some statements can be represented in first-order logic and some theorems about first-order logic can be deduced). However, when it comes to theorems, that is where I am stuck, because, basically, I do not know what exactly can be proved in first-order logic, including theorems about statements in first-order logic and about compound statements, and also theorems about first-order logic itself. So, can someone here give, in as simple as possible terms, an explanation and description of a first-order logic? Preferably, as short as possible one. Also, is there only one first-order logic or there are many first-order logics, each differing from all the other in axioms that are used to build such a theory?
The atmosphere of the Earth has been changing continuously since its formation. The Sun, the Earth and other planets were formed when matter coalesced from a rotating nebula approximately 4,567 million years ago, according to the most widely accepted theory. The solar nebula originated from the explosion of older stars containing heavy elements like iron that had been created by nuclear fusion of lighter atoms. The accumulation of mass at the center of the rotating nebula was so large that gravitational compression initiated the fusion of hydrogen into helium thus giving birth to the Sun which became a new shining star. The planets orbiting the Sun formed by accretion; the heavier elements concentrated in the cores and the lighter gaseous elements became the atmospheres. Composition of the protoplanetary nebula. The most abundant chemical elements in the Sun are hydrogen (H 73.46%), helium (He 24.85%), oxygen (O 0.77%), carbon (C 0.29%), iron (Fe 0.16%) and smaller percentages of neon, silicon, magnesium, sulfur, etc. The atmosphere of Jupiter, which is the largest planet, is mostly hydrogen with about 10% helium and small amounts of other gases like methane, ammonia, hydrogen sulfide and water. These compositions indicate that the nebula from which our solar system originated was mostly hydrogen, helium and small amounts of heavier elements. Planets like Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars which are close to the Sun lost their hydrogen and helium rapidly because their gravitational pull was not strong enough to retain these light elements. The loss of hydrogen and helium increased the concentration of heavier gases in the atmospheres of these terrestrial planets. Further away from the Sun where it is much colder, methane can condense as a liquid, and Saturn's moon Titan has a predominantly nitrogen atmosphere with pools of liquid methane on its surface. Earth's primordial atmosphere (Hadean Eon, 4.56 to 4.0 Ga) When the material forming the Earth coalesced and melted, it organized itself into layers with dense materials at the core and less dense compounds closer to the surface. The gases comprising the atmosphere formed the outermost layer and had a composition similar to that of the gases of the condensing planetary nebula. During the Hadean Eon, the Earth's surface consisted of molten rock, a magma ocean, and water existed only as steam in the atmosphere. The circulation of molten metallic iron-nickel alloy in the core of the Earth established the magnetosphere, a region in space where the motions of gas and fast charged particles are controlled by the magnetic field of the Earth. The magnetosphere deflects most solar wind ions before they penetrate the atmosphere, but the charged particles which are not deflected are directed toward the Earth's magnetic poles where high-energy collisions with atoms of the atmosphere produce an aurora light display. The average speed of hydrogen molecules and helium atoms is greater than the escape velocity from the Earth, and these light gases were lost and swept away through photoevaporation by the solar wind early in the Hadean Eon due to Earth's weak gravity. Around 4.45 Ga, the Earth experienced a violent collision with a planetoid called Theia that was about the size of Mars. The impact added extra mass to the Earth, but a portion of the impact debris went into orbit and accreted to form the Moon. Some scientists have proposed that this giant impact blasted away into space all of the Earth's atmosphere, including much of the water, and that the atmosphere and water were subsequently replenished by volcanic outgassing and impacts from asteroids and comets. A problem with this proposal is that the ratio of deuterium to hydrogen (D/H) for comets is very different from what is found in the Earth's oceans, so comets are not a likely source for Earth's water. Also, volcanic emissions do not have much nitrogen, so it is unlikely that volcanism provided the nitrogen in our current atmosphere. While it is true that a great collision would have sent much of the atmosphere into space, most of it would have remained within the Earth's gravitational sphere of influence and could have been recaptured by the Earth as the debris from the giant impact cooled and was partitioned between the Earth and the newly formed Moon giving both a similar chemical composition. After the hydrogen and helium had escaped, Earth's Hadean atmosphere was left with methane, ammonia, water vapor, and small percentages of nitrogen and carbon dioxide. A cataclysmic meteorite bombardment around 3.9 Ga kept much of the Earth's surface in the molten state, and the incoming impactors may have brought additional water, methane, ammonia, hydrogen sulfide and other gases that supplemented the atmosphere. The high surface temperature of the Earth during the Hadean eon favored the depletion of atmospheric methane through the endothermic reaction of methane with the steam in the atmosphere. Reactions such as the following require high temperatures of approximately 700°C to 1100°C which would have been common in the hot crust and magma lakes of the Hadean Earth. The resulting carbon monoxide would readily combine with metals to form carbonyl compounds. The Hadean Eon was too hot for liquid water to condense on the surface of the Earth, but water vapor would have been able to condense at high altitude in the atmosphere and produce rain that evaporated quickly as it fell when it approached the ground. Toward the end of the Hadean Eon, volcanic activity started increasing the percentage of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. The Earth's surface changed from molten lava to solid rock, and liquid water started to accumulate on the surface. Earth's second atmosphere (Archean Eon, 4.0 to 2.5 Ga) The crust of the Earth started to cool down during the Archean Eon. The amount of water vapor in the atmosphere decreased as water started condensing in liquid form. Continuous rainfall for millions of years led to the buildup of the oceans. As steam condensed into water, the atmospheric pressure of the Earth became lower, and the water started dissolving gases like ammonia and removed them from the atmosphere creating ammonium compounds, amines and other nitrogen-containing substances suitable for the origin of life. The condensation of water with gases such as sulfur dioxide produced acid rain that created new minerals on the Earth's surface. Volcanic carbon dioxide peaked during the Archean Eon and started to decrease through the formation of carbonate minerals that resulted from reactions of metals with the carbonic acid generated from carbon dioxide and water. Microfossils of sulfur-metabolizing cells have been found in 3.4-billion-year-old rocks, and it is known that the first aquatic photosynthetic organisms originated around 3.5 Ga. The oxygen produced by cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) during the Archean Eon reacted with the metal ions in the anoxic sea. Billions of years would pass before the photosynthetic microorganisms could eventually change the composition of the atmosphere. By the middle of the Archean Eon, the Earth had cooled enough so that most of the water vapor in the atmosphere had condensed as water, and the Earth had its first days without clouds. Ammonia and methane were only minor constituents of the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide comprised about 15% of the atmosphere and the percentage of nitrogen was 75%. In essence, most of the original components of the atmosphere had escaped, precipitated as liquids or reacted chemically to form solid compounds. The volcanic activity and the photosynthetic bacteria were now the major factors influencing the Earth's atmospheric composition. Earth's third atmosphere (Proterozoic Eon, 2.5 to 0.54 Ga) Monocellular life proliferated during the Proterozoic Eon. Anaerobic microbial life thrived in a planet with little oxygen. Anaerobic organisms obtained their energy in various ways. Methanogens combined hydrogen and carbon dioxide to produce methane and water: Sulfate reducing bacteria combined methane and sulfate radicals: Other organisms capable of photosynthesis used the energy of sunlight to convert the abundant carbon dioxide and water into carbohydrates (C6H12O6) and oxygen, which was deadly to the anaerobes. By the first quarter of the Proterozoic Eon, the Sun had become brighter and its luminosity had increased to 85% of the present level. By this time, most of the carbon dioxide had been depleted from the atmosphere, leaving nitrogen as the main atmospheric gas with a small percentage of oxygen. Nitrogen gas (N2), which is quite inert chemically, had been a small percentage of the Earth's atmosphere during the Hadean Eon, but it became the major component of the atmosphere during the Proterozoic Eon once all the other gases were gone. The Earth's surface and seas contained great quantities of iron that readily combined with oxygen to produce iron oxides. From the beginning of the Proterozoic Eon to 1.85 Ga, atmospheric oxygen levels rose as the rate of photosynthesis increased considerably. Shallow seas became partially oxygenated but the deep oceans continued to be anoxic. Although photosynthetic organisms had been releasing oxygen since Archean times, the oxygen levels could not build up in the atmosphere because the oxygen was being depleted by the oxidation of metals and by the oxidation of methane to yield carbon dioxide and water in the presence of ultraviolet (UV) radiation. The cooling of the Earth during the Proterozoic stabilized the land masses and reduced the volcanic outgassing of carbon dioxide. Methane and carbon dioxide are greenhouse gases; their decrease in the atmosphere may have contributed to the Huronian glaciation that lasted from 2.4 Ga to 2.1 Ga. The cold temperature sequestered additional methane from the atmosphere by forming methane clathrate, a crystal structure of water similar to ice that traps a large amount of methane. An increased period of oxygen production occurred between 2.4 Ga and 2.0 Ga and is known as the Great Oxidation Event or Oxygen Catastrophe. The higher oxygen level created banded iron formations (BIF) by precipitating dissolved iron. The reaction of oxygen with iron in its reduced state (Fe2+) continued to create BIF deposits of iron in its oxidized state (Fe3+) until about 1.9 Ga whenever volcanic activity or crustal plate movements exposed unoxidized iron. Additional oxygen continued to be consumed by oxidation of minerals on the Earth's crust, but enough free oxygen accumulated in the atmosphere to kill anaerobes near the Earth's surface thus creating an opportunity for the development of aerobic life forms. Starting around 2.4 Ga, oxygen molecules migrated into the upper atmosphere and formed an ozone layer. This is a region in the stratosphere located between 15 to 35 kilometers above the Earth's surface where oxygen molecules (O2) are converted to ozone (O3) by the Sun's ultraviolet rays. The reverse conversion of ozone back to oxygen releases heat. The ozone layer basically absorbs high-energy ultraviolet radiation and converts it to heat. The high energy UV light is dangerous for life because it can cause mutations in DNA sequences. The atmospheric composition was very steady between 1.85 Ga to 0.85 Ga. During this time, Earth's atmosphere had approximately 10% oxygen. Photosynthetic organisms were still producing oxygen at a high rate, but the reaction of oxygen with dissolved minerals in the deep oceans and with rock and clay on the Earth's surface did not allow atmospheric oxygen levels to increase. By 0.85 Ga, the minerals in the sea and on land could not bind as much oxygen, and the excess oxygen began to accumulate in the atmosphere. With the increased oxygen levels and the protection of the ozone layer, organisms capable of aerobic respiration could now proliferate all over the surface of the Earth. Earth's present atmosphere (Phanerozoic Eon, 0.542 Ga to present) The beginning of the Phanerozoic Eon, the Cambrian period, is marked by an abundance of multicellular life. Most of the major groups of animals first appeared at this time. Vegetation covered the surface of the Earth, and oxygen accounted for 30% of the atmosphere. Air enriched with so much oxygen allowed giant insects to develop and caused frequent forest fires set off by lightning. A great mass-extinction event occurred 251 million years ago (0.251 Ga) marking the boundary of the Permian and Triassic periods. Oxygen levels dropped from 30% to 12%, and carbon dioxide levels reached about 2000 ppm. This was Earth's worst mass extinction and it eliminated 90% of ocean dwellers and 70% of land plants and animals. The cause of this mass extinction is thought to have been a series of volcanic events in Siberia that lasted for about one million years and released large volumes of carbon dioxide and gases containing sulfur, chlorine and fluorine.[8,12] By 228 million years ago, oxygen levels had risen to about 15% of the atmosphere, and the first dinosaurs appeared. Oxygen levels continued to increase, and by the end‐Cretaceous, 100 million years ago, oxygen had risen to about 23% of the atmosphere. At this time, dinosaurs were well established and modern mammals and birds began to develop. For the last 100 million years, the percentage of oxygen has fluctuated between 18% and 23% to the present level of about 21% of the atmosphere. The following table shows the percentages of the five most common gases in today's atmosphere. |Nitrogen (N2)||780,840 ppm (78.084%)| |Oxygen (O2)||209,460 ppm (20.946%)| |Argon (Ar)||9,340 ppm (0.9340%)| |Carbon dioxide (CO2)||394.45 ppm (0.039445%)| |Neon (Ne)||18.18 ppm (0.001818%)| Earth's future atmosphere. Since the beginning of the industrial revolution in 1750, humans have been burning coal and petroleum products to provide the energy to power machinery. The combustion of fossil fuels has been generating large quantities of the greenhouse gases carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide (N2O). The chart below shows the levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide during the last millennium and the sharp rise during the twentieth century. The concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide today is approximately 400 parts per million (ppm) and the North Pole's mean annual temperature is -20°C. When the carbon dioxide concentration was 2,000 ppm 55 million years ago during the Paleocene–Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM), the North Pole's temperature averaged 23°C (73.4°F). It is thought that elevated levels of greenhouse gases will cause global warming and influence weather patterns. Many cities bordering the coastal areas will be permanently flooded if the ice deposits in Greenland and Antarctica melt.
The National Parks Conservation Association estimates that US National Parks are underfunded by $750 million every year. Thousands of volunteers-in-parks, or VIPs, donate their time to help overcome that shortfall, and non-profit organizations collect donations and provide internships. The volunteer services needed and the necessary qualifications vary by park but fall into a few broad categories. Docents and Visitor Services Docents are volunteers who work directly with visitors, leading tours and interpreting the park’s purpose, ongoing research and resources. Docents also might staff interpretive centers and education areas, distribute educational materials and perform simple duties like locking and unlocking public buildings. A docent might be required to lift heavy objects, stand for long periods and tolerate changes in the weather. Good communication skills and an ability to work with diverse groups of people are required, and in some parks, an ability to work without supervision is a necessity. Knowledge of the park is recommended before applying for a volunteer position, and teaching experience is useful. Each park provides training. Historical interpreters give tours of historic homes and buildings, focusing on a park’s history and mission. Some parks offer internships to students who are expected to lead educational tours of park sites, orient visitors and perform research pertinent to the park. Historical interpreters might be required to wear period dress and perform jobs that represent the park’s purpose, like cooking over a fireplace at a colonial-era site or showing visitors how Civil War armaments worked. Interpreters differ from docents in that they must be well-versed in the history of the park and understand and be able to interpret the political and social events of the era it represents. Maintenance needs vary by park and include general cleanup, landscaping, gardening and painting in urban parks. Parks with extensive outdoor facilities and trails systems need volunteers to repair roads, rebuild fences, maintain hiking paths and remove branches and rocks. Maintenance workers take care of the upkeep of signs and waymarkers. Some of these jobs are handled by volunteer groups of 15 or more who spend a few hours or a day working on a specific project, like restoring picnic areas or cleaning beaches. In some areas, this work can be applied to community service requirements. Volunteers should be able to lift heavy objects, tolerate inclement weather and be generally fit. Volunteers who help with resource management monitor wildlife populations, catalog museum collections and gather data on water quality, depending on the park’s needs. Some assist with clerical and computer work, mapping, researching park lands and inputting geographic data. Outdoor resource management includes gathering native seeds, eradicating invasive plants and assisting researchers. Resource management volunteers frequently need special skills and education specific to the duties. The Student Conservation Association offers a resource assistant program that puts volunteers in national parks and other land management areas. Internships are available for those 15 and older. More than 4 million people visit the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C., annually, and Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund volunteers assist visitors with finding names on the memorial, making rubbings and with traveling replicas of the wall. Both the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts sponsor a resource stewardship scout ranger program. Participants volunteer for a project or educational program. Many national parks have “Friends of the Park” groups that seek volunteers and monetary donations to assist the National Park Service in fulfilling its mission. The Trust for the National Mall accepts donations for the repair and upkeep of the area that stretches from the Capitol to the Lincoln Memorial. Meg Jernigan has been writing for more than 30 years. She specializes in travel, cooking and interior decorating. Her offline credits include copy editing full-length books and creating marketing copy for nonprofit organizations. Jernigan attended George Washington University, majoring in speech and drama.
This “inventory” tests the interests of a person with 291 questions, covering 6 areas like Occupational interests, Leisure Activity interests, and Personal Characteristics. As such, it illuminates things that the student most likely already knew, but also requires the student to define a concrete answer to things they may not have mentally addressed definitively yet. Is concerned with the measurement of skills and knowledge, abilities, attitudes, personality traits, and examining how different people operate and make decisions differently. Its conclusions are fairly simple, and the test may lack in defining the complex myriad of psychological and personality traits and characteristics that make us unique. This is the actual test the military used in the 1900’s during WW1 and WW2 to examine recruits hardiness. The test is sheer logic, and does not account for other competencies like emotional intelligence. The actual military tests are administered by a proctor and timed. The time is an important factor in the test, because it shows how fast of a thinker you are. It should be noted that AGE is factor not always accounted for, but is also an important factor. The five factors being tested are knowledge, quantitative reasoning, visual-spatial processing, working memory, and fluid reasoning. The ASVAB is a series of tests developed by the Department of Defense and is used by the U.S. Army to determine whether you have the mental aptitude to enlist. Furthermore, the ASVAB measures developed abilities and helps predict future academic and occupational success in the military. The test consists of 9 major areas: General Science, Arithmetic Reasoning, Word Knowledge, Paragraph Comprehension, Mathematics Knowledge, Electronics Information, Automotive and Shop Information, Mechanical Comprehension, Assembling Objects, Verbal Expression. Note that the military will only accept those with a minimum of a GED. The SAT is a test that seems to favor the students more proficient and adept at the “liberal arts” such as reading writing and arithmetic. A good idea if you’re serious about college is to study the SAT books you can find in a store or library. There are many great tips, and they argue you can raise your score by a good 100 points in each category. The ACT is a test that seems to favor students who are great at science. Students that have been more interested in science will most likely do much better on this test.
Auto insurance can be defined as the financial protection offered by institutions to cover vehicles against physical damage and or bodily injury of individuals in the event of car accidents. The protection also extends any damage that the car may have incurred. In most countries, basic auto insurance is compulsory for every vehicle. This has been passed as a law, and it is a requirement for all. In each province in the country, administrators decide on the benefits of an insurance cover that should be considered as the minimum requirement. Statistics show that insurers pay over 2 billion dollars to the country’s health care system. Although all this can be an expensive affair, the policy exists to save the individual’s finances in the event of an accident. The basic determinant of premiums to pay is directly dependent on the make and model of the vehicle being insured. Pricey cars will attract hefty premiums. The second thing is the theft prevalence of that model of the car. The higher the cases of theft of the car, the higher the premiums to pay. Car valuation is carried out by the insurer to estimate the current value of the car. The next point of consideration is the driving record; the argument here is how risky the driver is. A bad record will translate to high premiums. Some private firms go as far as to consider the age of the policy taker and the place of residence in the efforts of calculating the premiums. The minimum is 20 dollars down payment of car insurance premiums. There are quite a few different provisions of auto policies in the market: Liability coverage – this type of insurance offers protection against injuries and car damages to the affected party. It includes the medical fees and the damages caused by the vehicle of the other party. This kicks in went the insured is at fault and cause of the accident. Individuals should note that the policy does not cater for the damages and injuries of the insured. In as much as this is not fair, liability coverage protects the other party from damages caused, and it also protects the driver financially. You can be insured for as low as a 20 dollar down payment car insurance policy. Medical payment coverage – this is regarded as additional protection. The policy takes care of the insured and the passengers in the car from injuries incurred in the event of an accident; it kicks in regardless of who is at fault and is also optional. Uninsured motor coverage- this protects the insured against injuries and damage to the vehicle in the event of a road accident caused by an individual who breaks the law by not carrying their auto liability with them. It caters for the cost of medical attention received. This policy also kicks in when the damages caused exceed the total package (underinsured) of the party that caused the accident. Collusion/Damage to your car- this is for direct and accidental loss or damage to your vehicle. This is also optional but necessary. Comprehensive coverage- this includes the car from damages that are beyond the owners’ reach. The damages may be caused by fire, weather, or theft. It is considered necessary, but it is optional. In this era of digital information technology, firms like these and brokerages have digitized their services to online platforms. This has made it easy for individuals to value their vehicle and calculate the premiums payable. It also informs individuals which firm offers the best policies as per their requirements and what additional coverage is available. Individuals are now able to compare and contrast price quotes from various firms. 20 dollars down payment car insurance is considered the minimum. The firms in the country compete by price, coverage, services, and benefits offered. All of this can be dynamic, based on reforms. Individuals should understand what is included and what the new contract entails. This is whether an individual is acquiring new insurance or when renewing a cover. So you should maybe look for a firm that has migrated all their services online; where they offer services like an insurance calculator and a form to report a claim. There are even firms like RodneyDYoung, where they allow individuals “can buy now pay later” options for car insurance. Therefore, before individuals buy an auto insurance policy, they should first know what they are getting from the policy and why. They should understand what the policy covers and what it excludes. This will direct individuals as to what they need to stay legal and what they have to do to be financially protected. The fact is that insuring your vehicle gives you peace of mind even though all this can be an expensive venture. Before someone commits to buying a policy, they should first research and understand it before buying a vehicle. A motor dealership can be a good source of such information. Therefore, it is wise for individuals to keep in mind the cost of auto coverage before acquiring a new vehicle. For as low as 20 dollars down payment on car insurance, one can be insured.
Purpose As the older adult population continues to grow it is important to investigate how emerging technologies can be used to help older adults manage chronic health issues, age in place and maintain independence1-2. In this study, we assess older adults' intentions to use six distinct emerging technologies (e.g., autonomous vehicles, assistive robots, Smart Home technology), which could allow older adults to better manage their health and maintain independence. Method Data were collected from a representative sample of tech savvy US Internet users, age 65 and older (N = 1,148). Participants completed an Internet based survey on their attitudes and use of the Internet and information and communication technologies (ICTs), as well as health and psychosocial indicators. A series of nested binary logistic regression models were used to assess intentions to use each type of emerging technology. Results & Discussion Our descriptive findings suggested that 19% of participants were willing to use autonomous vehicles, 24% were willing to use assistive robots, 37% were willing to use Internet connected home appliances, 48% were willing to use Internet connected cameras for home monitoring, 29% were willing to use a Smart Home with a built-in personal digital assistant (e.g., Siri), and 15% were willing to use virtual reality. Our binary logistic results indicated that health variables (e.g., lADLs and self-reported health status) had statistically significant associations with intentions to use some emerging technologies, such as assistive robots and autonomous vehicles. For example, participants with more limitations with lADLs and poorer self-reported health status were more likely to be willing to use assistive robots than those with better health. Though we observed few demographic differences, participants with higher annual incomes and levels of educational attainment were more likely to use certain emerging technologies. For example, participants with lower annual incomes were less willing to use Internet connected cameras for home monitoring, Internet connect home appliances, as well as a Smart Home with a built-in personal digital assistant compared to participants with higher annual income. However, participants' Internet habit and attitude towards new technologies tended to account for the bulk of the variance in each binary logistic regression model. Our findings set the stage for future research as they highlight which older adults are most likely to adopt and potentially benefit from using specific emerging technologies. |Title of host publication||Gerontechnology| |Subtitle of host publication||Official Journal of the International Society for Gerontechnology| |Publication status||Published - 7 May 2018| - Age friendly cities - Smart cities
Piero della Francesca, Procession of the Queen of Sheba, ca. 1252–66. Image via Wikimedia Commons. Simple and stark, the biblical tale of the Queen of Sheba has launched innumerable, sumptuous artworks. The queen first appears as a visitor to King Solomon’s Jerusalem court in the Old Testament’s Books of Kings. She brings gifts of gold, spices, and stones from her faraway land. The queen tests Solomon with difficult questions (unspecified in the text), and in his answers, she begins to appreciate Solomon’s great wisdom. She also admires the prosperity within his palace. To indicate her newfound respect for the Israelite king’s single god, the queen offers a blessing: “Blessed be Yahweh your God who has granted you his favor, setting you on the throne of Israel!” she proclaims. Solomon, in turn, gives her presents. Then she goes home to her own country. It’s hardly the most lurid story in the Bible; no one dies, commits adultery, or suffers a plague. Yet over millennia, this unadorned narrative has undergone myriad transformations that alternately reinvent the Queen of Sheba as a converted heathen, the founder of a nation, and a magical being. Three major religious traditions—Judaism, Christianity, and Islam—spanning Asia, Europe, and Africa have claimed her as their own in vastly different literary and artistic representations. Nevertheless, the characters of Solomon and the Queen of Sheba, and their narrative of cross-cultural exchange, uniquely transcend borders and beliefs. The Queen of Sheba, who isn’t invoked by name in the original story, is known as Bilqis in the Muslim tradition (“Sheba” refers to her homeland, which scholars suggest might be in modern-day Yemen or Ethiopia). According to Nicholas Clapp’s Sheba: Through the Desert in Search of the Legendary Queen, the Egyptian storyteller Abu Mohammed ibn ‘Abd Allah al-Kisa’i generated most of the long-lasting lore about Bilqis in the 1100s, which he recorded in Qisas al-Anabiya’ (“Tales of the Prophets”). In her native land of Kitor, these tales relate, Bilqis lived among magical creatures, or djinns (in some versions, she’s part djinn herself). Solomon—Sulaiman, in Arabic—is the king of the djinns. During her stay in the king’s court, Bilqis tests Sulaiman with riddles, which he successfully answers. Later on, the king tricks Bilqis into baring her leg over a sheet of glass by making her believe it’s a pool of water. As Clapp tells the story, when her hairy leg is revealed, Sulaiman orders the djinns “to prepare a lotion of slaked lime and ash and so remove the troublesome hair.” Soon after, Sulaiman and Bilqis marry and bear a son named Rehoboam before Bilqis returns to Kitor. Many scholars believe that at its core, the Sulaiman–Bilqis narrative is about conversion: Solomon converts Bilqis, a sun-worshipper, to monotheism—a core tenet of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam—through his wily intelligence. The detail about Bilqis’s hairy legs portrays her as an animal—a heathen—to be subdued, feminized, and converted. “I think the underlying thing is that Solomon seemed to have tamed certain fantastic beasts.…He was a powerful force for good, and she became that, too,” Sheila Canby, a curator at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, recently told Artsy. For centuries, Persian artisans adorned illustrated manuscripts with the tale of Solomon and the Queen of Sheba. The pair, according to Canby, became “protective devices” with talismanic power. When artisans rendered them on lacquerware or metalwork, they offered a sense of safety to their owners. Canby views Solomon and the Queen of Sheba as a “force for good”—“helpful people” within a broader religious context (similar, perhaps, to the Catholic conception of patron saints). The Met owns a sumptuous, fantastical depiction of the queen that hails from modern-day Iran. The Queen of Sheba Enthroned (late 19th–early 20th century), an ink-and-watercolor painting originally part of a manuscript, features Bilqis on her throne at the center, holding what appears to be a pomegranate (a symbol of beauty), while her subjects offer her gifts. Sulaiman originally appeared on the opposite folio. Spirits fly overhead while human members of the court gaze at the central pair. Intricately decorated with bright, gilded patterns, the piece exemplifies the artistic traditions in Persia at the time of its creation, specifically a renewed interest in the school of Shiraz miniature painting style dating back to the 1570s. In Italy in the middle of the 13th century, Jacobus de Voragine, archbishop of Genoa, centered the Queen of Sheba in a new legend that elaborates on the original Bible’s suggestion of her conversion and links Old Testament narratives to a larger Christian tradition. Early Italian Renaissance artist Piero della Francesca famously rendered The Legend of the True Cross in a complex cycle of frescoes (1452–66) in the Cappella Maggiore di San Francesco in Arezzo. In his depiction, Adam’s son Seth plants a twig from the Tree of Knowledge in his deceased father’s mouth. Over the generations, it grows into a tree, which Solomon tries to use to build his temple. The wood appears to shapeshift, confounding the builders so Solomon orders them to repurpose it as a footbridge across a pond instead. When the Queen of Sheba nears Jerusalem on her way to meet Solomon, she sees the bridge and has a vision of a future savior who will one day hang from it. She kneels and adores the wood, then wades into the water to avoid treading on it. The queen tells Solomon about her revelation, which foretold the end of the Jewish kingdom. He has the wood buried, though it’s eventually discovered; Jesus’s cross derives from the tree, and the cycle concludes with its exaltation by converted pagans. Embarkation of the Queen of Sheba, 1648 Throughout the Renaissance and Baroque eras, the story of Solomon and the Queen of Sheba also served as a vehicle to depict impressive feats of architecture (a fitting use of the narrative—the Christian tale reads like a parable of difficult building projects). In his own 1545 version of their meeting, Solomon and the Queen of Sheba, Tintoretto placed her in the exact center of the painting. He employed a chiaroscuro effect to highlight the architecture in favor of the large cast of characters. But light radiates from the fair queen, dressed in fashionable Venetian clothing, who seems to illuminate the imagined classical buildings and harbor behind her. French artist Claude Lorrain took a similar approach in Seaport with the Embarkation of the Queen of Sheba (1648). He dwarfed his human figures with massive Palladian structures outfitted with regal columns and turrets. The sun sparkles off the sea, giving the setting a utopian aura. Solomon and the queen—wherever they may be—are clearly secondary to the fantastic scene…………
OLIVIA AMEZCUA WRITES– There are currently eight known species of pangolins – four listed as critically endangered by International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), the other four categorized as vulnerable, and all eight face declining populations. It is reported that about 300 pangolins are killed every day, meaning one pangolin killed every 5 minutes. Sadly, this is because pangolins are the target of poachers. It has been reported that 116,990 to 233,980 pangolins were murdered just between 2011 and 2013. Pangolin meat is sold to the Chinese and Vietnam elite as a delicacy, and the keratin-rich scales of pangolins are often dried and turned into a powder to be used in traditional Chinese medicine. Another bust, earlier this April in Singapore, revealed nearly 26 tons of pangolin scales, proving the horrific reality of the issue. It has been revealed that 38,000 endangered pangolins were murdered to provide these 26 tons of scales. Singapore authorities first seized 12.9 tons of pangolin scales on April 3rd, when they uncovered a container on its way from Nigeria to Vietnam under the guise of “frozen beef.” It should be noted that 390 pounds of elephant ivory was also discovered in the container shipment. The following week, the rest of the pangolin scales were seized – packed into 474 bags. This second shipment was being transported from Nigeria to Vietnam, but this time the pangolin scales were labeled as “cassia seeds.” Worry of increased pangolin poaching has intensified for many wildlife groups and activists now that the World Health Organization has put its economic stamp of approval on traditional medicine. Remember: pangolin scales are primarily purchased for traditional Chinese medicine practices. Consequently, blithely promoting ‘traditional medicine’ also promotes the purchase of pangolin scales for such usage. Global Wildlife adviser Neil D’Cruze said, “The World Health Organization recently endorsed traditional medicine and the industry appears keen to grow this market outside of China, Vietnam and beyond. This is an alarming move for some wildlife species such as pangolins as it poses a real conservation and animal welfare threat.” With the future not looking very bright for these little guys, let’s all join the fight against the abuse of innocent animals! The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) makes this an easy feat. First, sign the pledge to stop wildlife crime. Second, adopt a pangolin. Well… symbolically at least. By “adopting” a pangolin your donation will be put towards WWF’s conservation efforts and you will receive a cute pangolin plush along with other goodies.
Corporate Power and Empire [T]he Black revolution is much more than a struggle for the rights of Negroes. It is forcing America to face all its interrelated flaws—racism, poverty, militarism, and materialism. It is exposing evils that are rooted deeply in the whole structure of our society. It reveals systemic rather than superficial flaws and suggest that radical reconstruction of society itself is the real issue to be faced. King repeatedly identified the “giant triplets:” racism, materialism/exploitation/poverty and militarism. This post suggests a slight revision of two of the triplets I believe still in keeping with King’s vision. The Corporate Power is immense economic wealth merged with unrivaled political might. Corporations govern. The Corporate Power is the only form of capitalism worth taking about except that we do need a useful historical understanding of the long-gone free market and how earlier forms of capitalism were based on slavery, class exploitation and many other forms of conquest and domination. But, there is no system in existence today — save the Corporate Power — responsible for the materialism/exploitation/poverty that King understood as racism’s “kin.” US Militarism is not simply a body of ideas, or a culture of war, or policy decisions, or economic dominance, although it is at least all four. Militarism in our time is a structure — hard and fast. US elites control a global fortress of approximately 800 military bases. A system such as this —created by any other country, in any other historical period — would have but one name: Empire. And we can see — in how and where this Empire fights wars — an institutionalized racism equaled only by the vast militarized penal system that has finally gotten our attention by the uprisings, protests and disruptions of the new civil rights movement. Racism, The Corporate Power and Empire — now that’s one mean-spirited brood of triplets. But, back to our story of King and the Civil Rights Movement. War, What is it good for? After Selma and the passage of the Voting Rights Act the movement turned to ever more challenging tasks but every attempt to root our racism became entangled with other great problems: war and economic exploitation. King became one of America’s most powerful voices against war. In 1967 his address at Riverside Church in New York City, “A Time to Break the Silence” was one of the most visionary yet effective speeches made on any topic in the 20th century. “Our only hope today lies in our ability to recapture the revolutionary spirit and go out into a sometimes hostile world declaring eternal opposition to poverty, racism and militarism.” King’s entire moral, political and intellectual life was inseparable from his opposition to war and empire. His dissent, and those of other Civil Rights and Black Power leaders of the day, broadened the anti-war movement and had a decisive impact on African-American solders and veterans who played important roles in resistance to the Vietnam War. Part of King’s global appeal was his understanding the so many of the problems of Latin America, Africa and Asia were the result of western colonialism and the continued exploitation by corporate investment. “Americans in particular must help their nation repent of her modern economic imperialism.” King took a lot of heat from many in the Civil Rights movement for his anti-war and anti-imperialism but would not retreat. He knew then what has become increasingly obvious: [T]hat America would never invest the necessary funds or energies in rehabilitation of its poor so long as adventures like Vietnam continued to draw men and skills and money like some demonic destructive suction tube. So I was increasingly compelled to see the war as an enemy of the poor and to attack it as such. And do not the wars continue endlessly with the same results? The Political Economy of The Civil Rights Movement After 1965 or so King became the truest of labor leaders, one that advocated for the entire working class, not just his members. And, it can never be forgotten that he was assassinated while supporting a strike of sanitation workers. King was killed before the movement could occupy Washington DC with a multi-ethnic encampment called the Poor Peoples March. The Poor Peoples march was the first massive embodiment of how fighting classism had to be part of fighting racism — about how organizing around the shared economic interests of the working class — black, white, native, asian and latino was an essential direction for future movement building. King was gone but his vision leads us to challange corporate power. And one day we must ask the question, “ Why are there forty million poor people in America?” And when you begin to ask that question, you are raising questions about the economic system, about the broader distribution of wealth….You begin to ask the question, “Who owns the oil?”. You begin to ask the question, “Who owns the iron ore?” You begin to ask the question, Why is it that people have to pay water bills in a world that is two-thirds water?” Who owns America? Now we know it’s the 1%. But King dug deeper still. All men are interdependent. Every nation is an heir of a vast treasury of ideas and labor to which both the living and the dead of all nations have contributed. Whether we realize it or not, each of us lives eternally “in the red.” We are everlasting debtors to known and unknown men and women. King tried to subvert the common notions of property rights and profit motives that are the cultural and economic foundations of corporate power. The earth — our first and truest commonwealth — should not become the private property of a few. And, who does the past belong to? It is the labor of human beings — “living and dead,” “known and unknown” that is also commonwealth — a wealth we all should protect and spend wisely. We must create full employment or we must create incomes….[W]e need to be concerned that the potential of the individual is not wasted. New forms of work that enhance the social good will have to be devised for those for whom traditional jobs are not available. In 1879 Henry George anticipated this state of affairs when he wrote, in Progress and Poverty: “The fact is that the work which improves the condition of mankind, the work which extends knowledge and increases power and enriches literature, and elevates thought, is not done to secure a living. It is not the work of slaves, driven to their task, either by the lash of a master or by animal necessities. It is the work of men who perform it for their own sake, and not that they may get more to eat or drink, or wear, or display. In a state of society were want is abolished, work of this sort could be enormously increased.” Kings anti-poverty strategy recognized that the relationship between work and reward, and between work and economic necessity, had already been altered. Mass production had abolished true scarcity. The corporations themselves had already made political power — not hard work — the path to wealth. This is a boon to humanity that the corporations hoard for their class alone. Do we have the courage and ability to take it for all of us? If the billionaires and corporations can lay claim to almost all of the productivity gains of the last half century it is because they have the political power to separate work from reward — but only in their favor. If they can impose austerity upon us while holding trillions of dollars out of circulation — then austerity and poverty is a matter of political power and policy not economic necessity. King saw that, finally free from economic necessity, guaranteed jobs or guaranteed income was an achievable, if monumental, political project. Not only did King point the way toward the end of wage-slavery but his political and intellectual journey proves that race as a category of analysis and action was not just central to politics but in all respects universal and revolutionary in scope and consequences. As the movement approached the threshold of the “radical reconstruction of society itself,” the struggles over race, class, and empire began to fuse into a broad revolutionary surge that included all, but was greater than the sum of its parts. And, King knew full well that the movement had crossed beyond the liberal consensus and into revolutionary territory. Exactly one hundred yeas after Abraham Lincoln wrote the Emancipation Proclamation for them, Negroes wrote their own document of freedom in their own way. In 1963, the civil rights moment coalesced around a technique for social change, nonviolent direct action. It elevated jobs and other economic issues to the summit, were earlier it had placed discrimination and suffrage. It thereby forged episodic social protest into the hammer of social revolution. As we know, that stage of the revolution failed. King, the civil rights movement and other social movements of the day failed to win a lasting peace, let alone transform the empire into a democratic republic. They, and all the movements since, have failed to achieve a decent measure of economic justice let along transform corporate power into economic democracy. Yet, there is something vitally important to be learned from these failures. Organize! Next: Where Do We Go From Here? All citations are from A Testament of Hope A Testament of Hope, 315. A time to Break the Silence. 242. The Trumpet of Conscience, 652 Where Do We Go From Here? (SCLC Presidential Address) 250 Where Do We Go From Here? 626 Where Do we Go From Here? 615-616. See Also “Face to Face” Television News Interview 409. Hammer On Civil Rights, 169.
By: Abdessalem Bouferrouk, on: 31 May 2014 What is shale gas? Shale is a common sedimentary rock. Finely grained and soft, it is usually made of very compact layers of mud or clay in addition to fine mineral particles such as quartz and feldspar . Some types of shale contain organic material making them an important source of naturally occurring gas. Shale gas is therefore another form of natural gas (NG), but it is categorised under ‘unconventional’ sources. Conventional natural gas collects in porous rocks (typically sandstones) and flows like a liquid through these pores . In this case, gas can be easily extracted by drilling a vertical well into the gas pockets. Unconventional gas, however, remains trapped and scattered in millions of very tiny pores in tighter rocks. The mixture of gases trapped within layers of shale may include methane, ethane, propane, butane, as well as trace quantities of argon, helium, neon and xenon . Methane, the largest constituent of shale gas, is a known fuel used for household heating, cooking, power and steam generation, as well as in transportation in the form of compressed natural gas (CNG). Shale may also contain crude oil as an additional naturally occurring source of energy. The first shale gas well was ‘fracked’ in 1947 in the USA. However, the difficulty to extract gas from hard shale formations in addition to unfavourable federal tax credits made shale gas extraction uneconomic and played a crucial role in delaying large-scale commercial production. This remained the case till the year 2000 where shale gas accounted for a mere 1 % of all natural gas production in the USA – compare this with 20% in 2010, and a predicted share of 46% of all natural gas supply by 2035 (see Figure 1a). No wonder then that many countries are following in the footsteps of the USA. A recent assessment of technically recoverable shale oil conducted by the Energy Information Administration (EIA) and US Geographical Survey (USGS) showed that the world had approximately 345 billion barrels in 2013 . There are different shale formations including the Burgess shale (Canada), the Bowland shale in the north of England, the Barnett shale in Texas, and the Mercellus shale in the Appalachians (USA). All types of shale have one thing in common: tiny gaps between their particles provide pockets where both oil and gas can sit undisturbed for millions of years. Why the recent rush towards shale gas? Simply because of its sheer abundance, it seems. According to the British Geological Survey, the world’s shale gas reserve has recently been estimated at 450,000 billion m3 . Of this, 150 billion m3(0.033% of world total) are found in the UK, amounting to about half of its more conventional reserves . Anxious about the next developments to support increasing energy demands, some governments have been busy revisiting their national energy plans in light of these findings. For instance, China (a significant consumer of coal) has seriously started looking into the option of shale gas. Figure 2 shows recent estimates of shale gas potential in a number of countries. China sits at the top with the highest recoverable potential. China is a leading energy consumer and shale gas can present a fantastic opportunity for the country to reduce its dependency on dirty coal, thereby helping to alleviate the environmental and health problems associated with pollution from industrial power plants (in 2007, 16 out of 20 most polluted cities were in China). Global estimates may vary depending on the source of information, however. As shown in Figure 2, the estimated global shale gas reserve (as of 2013) is in the region of 207 trillion m3, of which Algeria has about 20 trillion m3 (approximately 10% of global reserve). Algeria is therefore a key contributor to hydrocarbon energy from shale, and it is thus appropriate to consider Algeria as a serious case study for shale gas development. Extraction of shale gas Extraction of shale gas occurs through a process known as hydraulic fracturing, or fracking for short. The fracking technique generally involves: 1) drilling and creating wells deep down below earth, 2) injecting large amounts of fluid, at high pressures, to fracture the rock (the fracking fluid is ~95-98% water plus sand and chemicals), and 3) extracting the gas (and oil). At the moment, this technique is only fully mature in the USA. Figure 3 shows a schematic of the processes involved in the extraction of shale gas at a typical production plant. A key stage of shale gas extraction is the horizontal fracturing of shale rocks with the fluid (step 1). This has been the most significant, recently introduced, technology as opposed to the old vertical drilling and direct extraction of conventional gas. After drilling a well down to 1,000s of meters (large-scale production uses multiple wells), the process then turns horizontally and can extend up to about 2km. High pressure mixed fluid breaks up the highly impermeable shale formations while the sand sustains the wells. After fracturing, gas and oil escape via a central pipe where they are collected for use. For a typical production plant – such as in the Mercelus Shale in the USA – 5 to 10 million gallons of water are consumed per well in a single extraction . As shown in Figure 3, shale gas typically resides at much greater depths (1000s of meters) compared with conventional gas (typically at 100s of meters). Additionally, there may be underground water aquifers within shale gas extraction basins: for instance in Figure 3 underground water is protected from shale gas by an impermeable layer of seal rock. Opportunities and challenges of shale gas Supporters view shale gas as just another naturally available resource, much like conventional gas; after all, conventional gas has been used since the 1950s to provide clean electricity and heating at homes and businesses and has played an important role in improving comfort and quality of life. In the same way, unconventional shale gas could sustain such high level of living in ways that renewable energies cannot do in the short to medium terms. Prof. Mackay from the University of Warwick estimated that if wind power were to provide energy needs for the UK at its current rate, almost half the land would need to be covered with wind turbines . Shale gas plants produce much more energy per land area, and can take place in isolated regions away from densely populated regions – though of course currently isolated regions could become more populated in the future. Shale gas is also seen as a cleaner alternative to coal since the latter produces more soot, radioactive ash, sulphur dioxide, and oxides of nitrogen. According to some reports, the emissions due to carbon dioxide have fallen in the USA since it embraced shale gas, especially beyond 2005 . This is because the carbon emission intensity of shale gas per electricity unit is less than that of coal ; the latter was intensively used for electricity generation in the USA prior to the year 2000. Unfortunately, this argument may not necessarily hold because reduction in shale gas prices due to high volume production would ultimately lead to increased energy consumption (similar to what has occurred in the USA), resulting in increased levels of harmful emissions and undesirable climatic changes. One must also consider that the USA has been shipping large amounts of coal to Europe and Asia (especially China) following its shale gas boom, so the emission effects on a global scale are not actually reduced. Exploration of shale gas offers some level of energy security as well as additional income for nations. Despite public opposition, shale gas could be seen as a welcome addition to the ‘energy mix’ for countries currently importing gas such as the UK, partly because it would relieve some burden during energy peak demands, and could lead to lower energy bills like it did in the USA. Further, shale gas exploration will lead to job creation and reduction in unemployment. In an age where geoengineering is seen as key force that will shape the 21st century, the timely exploitation of shale gas would allow for the transfer of engineering skills from traditional mining activities to large-scale shale gas projects. Fracking activities may also create an economic boom for surrounding towns and cities. A good example is that of Hassi Messoud in the south of Algeria, which has grown in size and economic status due in part to large-scale extraction of hydrocarbons and associated economic incentives for workers and their families. In the USA, one can own the gas that is beneath their land, so shale gas can make some people very rich, just like those who currently earn substantial income renting their private land for solar and wind turbine installations. For opponents of shale gas, it is seen as another fossil fuel that releases harmful emissions. Given global moves towards mitigating the effects of climate change due to hydrocarbons, starting shale gas developments would hinder such initiatives. People are concerned whether we ought to invest in yet another carbon-based economy since this might decelerate development of renewable energy programs worldwide. It is not true the world will run out of energy as such, but quite the opposite. If technical ingenuity and political will combine, solar energy alone can resolve most of our energy problems. There is serious concern regarding the contamination of fresh water by toxic chemicals that might leak into the surrounding land after fracking. In the USA, people near extraction sites have complained about drinking water making them feel ill . For example, a badly managed fracking site has caused contamination of ground water in Wyoming, USA, revealing one ugly reality of the shale gas industry . A research team led by Prof. Jackson from the Duke University in Durham, North Carolina, analysed samples of water from an area about 1km away from the large Marcellus fracking site and discovered that water at these locations contained 17 times more methane compared with water from farther locations . Shale gas is typically composed of over 90% methane. Migration of methane to nearby private drinking water resources is a major concern with natural gas extraction in general. Methane is not regulated because it does not affect our ability to drink water – it does not affect its colour, smell or taste – but it can be a serious explosion hazard especially in confined spaces when moving from water to air. In the extreme case, methane can also pose a serious asphyxiation hazard . Although this is alarming, the team admitted that no chemical additives could be found that can be traced back to shale at the fracking site, so this particular set of results remain inconclusive. Still, the main hazard with methane escaping into the atmosphere is that it is 25-30 times more powerful than carbon dioxide . Another controversial issue is how to safely dispose of fracking water. Such water usually comes up to surface after fracking and can cause harm if not managed carefully. In West Virginia (USA), fracking wastewater disposed on an acre of land was found to cause trees and vegetation to die: according to results published in the Journal of Environmental Quality 56% of the trees had died after two years of pouring the wastewater on the area . Not surprisingly, environmental scientists are worried about this problem knowing that companies may illegally dispose of fracking water. Indeed, there are reports that fracking companies have resorted to paying claimants substantial sums of money in return for them not raising health issues in the future . Communities near drilling sites have also reported to only buy bottled water; even their animals do not drink from water close to fracking sites . The nature of the chemicals used with high-pressure fracking fluid is also worrying. In the USA, the law does not allow fracking companies to disclose the type of chemicals used in fracking . This is enforced to the extent that even if a doctor suspects a patient has health issues, e.g. breathing or lung problems due to suspected chemicals from fracking, they are not allowed to pass on such information to others . It remains therefore a trade secret, effectively stopping researchers from quantifying potential risks of the chemicals. There are also real concerns with seismic risks; though these have been found to be similar to those caused by mining activities. Some measurements have indicated that small-scale earthquakes in the USA have become quite common . Although these are not immediately catastrophic, the fear is that such small-scale fluctuations can suddenly become dangerous due to movements in the earth’s crust layers. In 2011 for instance, tremors of magnitude 1.5 to 2.3 were felt near an exploratory site near Blackpool, UK and these were directly linked to fracking activities . However, similar risks have long been associated with geothermal energy implying that both sectors ought to be managed rather carefully. Finally, in terms of economic challenges, there is an uncertainty associated with the actual amount of gas identified but that could be more challenging to extract from suboptimal wells than otherwise suggested by initial surveys. As a result, fracking costs can rise significantly. Part 2 will investigate the case of Algerian shale gas development in more details, looking into the opportunities and risks associated with the recent decision to go ahead with exploring shale gas. Michael Brooks, “Frack to the future”, New Scientist, 8/10/2013, Vol. 219 Issue 2929, p36. August 2013. Editorial, “The fracking debate needs more light, less heat”, New Scientist, issue 2929, August 2013. U.S Energy Information Administration, Annual Energy Outlook, June 2012. Peter Aldhous, “Fracking into the unknown”, New Scientist, 2013. Science Media Canada (SMC) Report, “Shale Gas and Fracking”, February 2012. Paul Stevens, “The Shale Gas revolution: developments and changes”, Technical Report, Chatham House, 2012. Edward McAllister and Timothy Gardner, “World has 10 times more shale gas than previously thought, says US EIA”. News Article (http://www.thegwpf.org/world-10-times-shale-oil-thought-2011-eia/), accessed May 2014. Mike Stephenson, “Frack responsibly and the risks are small”, New Scientist, Jan 2012. Katrina Korfmacher, “Introduction to Horizontal Hydro fracturing”, Department of Environmental Medicine, University of Rochester, April 10, 2013. David MacKay, “A reality check on renewables”, TEDxWarwick, March 2012. Retrieved fromhttp://www.ted.com/talks/david_mackay_a_reality_check_on_renewables. John Broderick, and Kevin Anderson, “Has US shale gas reduced CO2 emissions?”, research briefing from Tyndall Manchester for Climate Change Research, October 2012. Ian Stewart, “Fracking: the new energy rush”, BBC Horizon, 20 Jan 2013. RB Jackson, B Rainey Pearson, SG Osborn, NR Warner, A Vengosh, “Research and policy recommendations for hydraulic fracturing and shale gas extraction”. Centre on Global Change, Duke University, Durham, NC, 2011. Adams, Mary Beth, “Land application of hydrofracturing fluids damages a deciduous forest stand in West Virginia”, Journal of Environmental Quality, Vol. 40: 1340-1344, 2011. Abdessalem Bouferrouk, and Abdelaziz Bouferrouk, “Renewable Energy Development in Algeria: Applications, Opportunities and Challenges”. Proceedings of the First International Conference on Nanoelectronics, Communications, and Renewable Energy (ICNCRE 13), University of Djijel, Algeria, pp-420-428, 2013.
Exercise can have limitless benefit to your heart health The benefits of exercise to your cardiovascular health are limitless. That’s according to a new study from the researchers at the University of Oxford and published in the PLOS Medicine Journal that used movement monitors to capture the physical activity of more than 90,000 participants over the course of seven days. When they followed up with the participants five years later, researchers found that physical activity resulted in lower risk of cardiovascular disease and those who were most active saw the greatest benefit. “Daily exercise is critical for cardiovascular health, blood pressure control, weight loss and overall fitness,” said Dr. Azmey Matarieh, a cardiologist at Advocate Sherman Hospital in Elgin. “I recommend 30 minutes of purposeful exercise every day for cardiovascular fitness. That means 30 minutes of biking, light running or walking for exercise. Whatever it may take to get your heart rate to go up.” Researchers accounted for the fact that those who performed the most physical activity were also less likely to smoke, have an unhealthy BMI or high alcohol intake. Still, they found no threshold for when the amount of exercise stopped improving cardiovascular health. Results showed both moderate and vigorous physical activity drove down instances of cardiovascular disease. “Start off light with 15 or 20 minutes, with the goal to get to 30 minutes a day,” Matarieh said. “Even if it means walking around your house. Going up and down the stairs is considered exercise if you’re doing it for the purpose of exercise.” Heart disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women in the United States, accounting for one in four deaths annually. While science has long supported the link between physical activity and heart health, most previous studies have relied on questionnaires to track physical activity. The Oxford study instead relied on wrist-worn activity trackers to accurately record participants’ physical activity. Getting an activity tracker for use in your daily life could also help motivate you to stay active. “Using some type of activity tracker gives your actionable data,” Matarieh said. “For example, I have patients who tell me when they don’t hit their 5,000 steps, they get up and walk around the house to hit their goal.” About the Author Katie Dahlstrom, health enews contributor, is a public affairs coordinator with Advocate Aurora Health. A storyteller at her core, she is a former newspaper reporter and spent nearly five years working as a public relations professional for Chicago’s commuter rail agency, Metra. Outside of work, she enjoys birding, photography and spending time with her husband and dog.
Cloud computing is a broad term which services group, refers to the business of their IT capabilities and functionality increase for effective – effective solutions. Their specific requirements on the traders trust no efficient and reliable IT solutions guaranteed to Cloud. In this article, you can know about types of cloud computing services. Firstly Computing, where, when, and how users can so choose to do that. Below we have three major deployments. models and the host cloud services environment, including the different Cloud Computing types to explore that. Cloud deployment model Cloud environments are mainly three. Types there, it’s cloud deployment models, as is known. Businesses and their specific requirements on the trust of the public, private, or hybrid Requirements applications running choose to do that. A universal cloud computing environment is owned. By an outsourced cloud provider and pay-per-use model does many businesses Accessible via the Internet. This deployment model that by pay-per-use. Services and Infrastructure provided by the Information most importantly Technology managed to Spend the money saved to want. similarly. it’s the clouds. The supplier is Responsible for creating and maintaining the asset. Public clouds small and medium-sized businesses for the standard budget, including the IT resources to set up for The quick and easy platform needs. Universal Cloud Professional - Easy scalability. - No geographical barriers. - Highly reliable. - Manage the simple. The idea of the Types of Cloud Computing Services - Sensitive data for a safe alternative to be - Considered that are not. Private Cloud Computing This cloud installation model is a Bespoke Infrastructure owned by a single business. It is more controlled. The environment provided by the IT organizations accesses the business. The more Concentrated it is. This model is externally hosted on the go or at home on the Handle. Private cloud hosting can be expensive, But the Storage, networking. It large businesses for their IT requirements with the corresponding components customized to a high level of protection and more Autonomy proposal. A personal cloud professional - Protection Advanced Level - Greater control over the - Server Customizable A private cloud about - The remote location of the data access is - IT skills required Hybrid clouds Computing Private and public, both Cloud. Deployment models and facilities seeking business for a hybrid cloud environment are good alternatives. A hybrid cloud model is more appropriate. Create IT solutions provided by the two models in combination with specific Business requirements to meet that. A hybrid cloud professional - Highly flexible and scalable - Increased Security Cons of hybrid clouds Network-level communication of the opposition to that because it’s private and public, Both clouds are use. Types of Cloud Computing Services Cloud computingthree service models are – a service as Infrastructure ( IaaS ), services a platform ( PaaS ) and Software -of- service ( PaaS), storage and resource were pulling three clear differences if they do business supplies to Maybe. Yet Cloud computing is a broad model of each other’s formation the touch can be. IAAS ( Infrastructure as a Service ) It is the most common cloud computing. The service model provides the basic Infrastructure for virtual servers, networks, operating systems, and data storage drives. This flexibility, reliability, and scalability for the grant give a lot of business in the Cloud with a look at office hardware removal. It is small and medium-sized. Companies for the business growth support for an effective – effective IT Solutions search for the ideal that makes. IAAS a completely outsourced payment – providing services and the public, private or hybrid Infrastructure as available. PaaS ( a service as a platform ) Oud Computing providers of infrastructure and software infrastructure are ployed at the businesses and Their applications to develop and manage to do that. Web applications PaaS’s quick and easily made move can support service flexible and Strong enough. PaaS The solutions are scalable and ideal for business. Environments where multiple developers are working on a project. It is also effective when an existing data source ( such as a CRM tool ) needs to be Acquired. SAAS (Software as a service ) The Cloud Computing solution subscription, the money paid for or against – to use the model to provide that a different business to the Internet, the Software set to be Involved. This CRM and applications for a valuable tool are for many web or mobile access needs – for example. Mobile sales management software. SaaS is a central location to run the. So traders are on their own to maintain a hold On the figure to be not and short-term projects for this standard.
CVD is the leading cause of death in the world. Cardiovascular diseases cause disproportionate harm to low- and middle-income countries in which more than 80% of the proportion of those killed by them are men and women alike. The good news, is that 80% of premature heart attacks and strokes are preventable. Healthy diet, regular physical activity, and not using tobacco products are the keys to prevention. Checking and controlling risk factors for heart disease and stroke such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol and high blood sugar or diabetes is also very important. Rapid urbanization, unhealthy diets and increased sedentary lifestyles have led to rapid growth rates of obesity and diabetes, with an estimated 425 million people currently living with diabetes worldwide – about 90 percent of people suffer from type 2 diabetes. The situation will further deteriorate in the coming decades, as the total number of diabetics is expected to increase to more than 600 million people by 2045. It is estimated that up to 50% of diabetics worldwide are unaware of their disease. While diabetes is treatable, even when glucose levels are under control, it significantly increases the risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) – people with diabetes are more likely to have coronary artery disease, stroke, myocardial infarction, and angina. Compared to those who do not have diabetes. Preventing cardiovascular disease in diabetics is a necessary preventive strategy that focus mostly on lifestyle management and risk factor interventions. What can I do to avoid a heart attack or stroke? Eat a healthy diet: A balanced diet is crucial to heart and circulatory health. This should include lots of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean meats, fish and beans, with a limited amount of salt, sugar and fat. Alcohol should also be used in moderation. Get regular physical activity: at least 30 minutes of regular physical activity every day helps you maintain cardiovascular fitness; at least 60 minutes on most days of the week helps to maintain a healthy weight. Avoid tobacco use: Tobacco in every form is considered very harmful to health – cigarettes, cigars, pipes, or chewable tobacco. Exposure to second-hand smoke is also dangerous. The risk of heart attacks and stroke begins to decrease once a person stops using tobacco products, and it can decrease by half after one year. Checking and controlling cardiovascular disease risk: An important aspect of preventing heart attacks and strokes is to provide treatment and advice to individuals at high risk of infection (those who have a 10-year cardiovascular disease risk equal to or greater than 30%) and limit Of the risks of the cardiovascular system. Health workers can estimate the risk of cardiovascular disease by using simple risk charts and providing appropriate advice for managing your risk factors. Know your blood pressure: High blood pressure usually has no symptoms, but it is one of the biggest causes of sudden stroke or heart attacks. Check your blood pressure and know your numbers. If it’s high, you’ll need to change your lifestyle to follow a healthy diet while eating less salt and increasing physical activity, and you may need medications to control your blood pressure. Learn about blood lipids: The level of cholesterol in the blood and abnormal fats increases the risk of heart attacks and strokes. Cholesterol in the blood must be controlled through a healthy diet, and if necessary, by appropriate medications. Learn about blood sugar: Blood glucose (diabetes) increases the risk of heart attacks and strokes. If you have diabetes, it is very important to control blood pressure and blood sugar to reduce your risk.
Do you feel that your child is more susceptible to back-to-school sickness? Children often feel excited when they start getting into their back-to-school routine. However, it can be quite challenging for you as a parent if you know that your child is more prone to allergies and other sicknesses that result from going to school. Even though it is inevitable, there are a few ways to help you keep back-to-school sickness in your child to a minimum. - Talk to your child’s doctor: If your child is prone to back-to-school sickness, consult your child’s doctor and take necessary precautionary medications such as vaccination shots to prevent infections. - Talk to your child’s teacher: This is the first thing that you should do because s/he is the person who is present most of time with your kid in school. Ask simple questions like how often they can wash their hands etc. - Teach your kids to wash hands often: Teach your little one to wash his/her hands after eating or before touching dirty objects. - Give them a bottle of clean distilled water: If you feel that drinking water in your child’s school is unhygienic, tell your children not to drink water at school. Give them a bottle of clean distilled water to take to school. - Provide a healthy diet for your child: A balanced diet with enough anti-oxidant sources can help your child fight against sickness at school. Be sure to ensure that your child gets the right healthy food at the right time.
This lesson will introduce the concept of polymers. You will be able to draw the displayed formula of monomers and polymers and link the structures to their properties. Click on the play button to start the video. If your teacher asks you to pause the video and look at the worksheet you should: - Click "Close Video" - Click "Next" to view the activity Your video will re-appear on the next page, and will stay paused in the right place. These slides will take you through some tasks for the lesson. If you need to re-play the video, click the ‘Resume Video’ icon. If you are asked to add answers to the slides, first download or print out the worksheet. Once you have finished all the tasks, click ‘Next’ below.
Thirty years ago there were no digital cameras and taking photos with film could be a dicey business. You did not know how the photo would turn out until you had had them developed and very often you could not go back to the place where you took that photo in order to get another! So, how did the “old timers” manage to record cemeteries? Very simply really, all you needed was a clipboard, a wad of “once used” paper (scrap from your office computer) and a clutch of black ball point pens. A large clear plastic bag was an essential – if it rained you put on your raincoat and put your clipboard, writing hand and pen in the plastic bag and carried on recording! Initially we used to work in pairs which was both time consuming and dangerous! One would call and the other would write but the danger lay in the spelling of the names. I might spell Nixon as Nickson and the person calling might not know that there was more than one way of spelling the name and that they should spell it out. Also some “callers” could speak quite fast and some writers were painfully slow. After several years of this we decided that each person would do a set number of rows by themselves then they would swop with the next person who had finished their allocation and check the accuracy of what had been done. Things speeded up considerably after that and it was possible for four people to knock off a fairly large cemetery in a day. Another thing to remember is that in “those days” the genealogical world really cared about the full inscription on the old gravestones and they do not realise just how much they lost when they decided that all they needed was dates and names. Sometimes the inscription would be a date of death only but the little verse clearly indicated a child or young person (i.e. Lovely bud so young and fair sent hence by early doom) or it would give the cause of death and many other valuable little bits of information to enable the researcher to look further into that person's life, especially if no death notice (or fully completed death notice) was available. Having got the days' inscriptions the next step was for the designated typist to take them home and type them on the typewriter and each week's efforts would be checked against the original by the typist and another of the team. I need not remind you that errors meant a retype and another check in case another error had occurred in the process! All this work held good for the country cemeteries of which we did a very great many and in the process learned to cope with “Kowie bush” ticks, wild bees, sunning snakes and curious mongoose and above all had a truly wonderful time out in the country come rain or shine, summer and winter! When we worked in the town on the “newer” cemeteries we had pre-printed sheets with 4 slips to a page on which the details were written. Once typed these slips were cut into pieces, put into alphabetical order and filed in “papsak” wine boxes which had been cut in half and were a perfect size! Later these slips were all glued onto sheets of paper and became what the East Cape branch knows as the “lick and sticks” and which serve as a permanent record of what was recorded. We had great fun and went to places that are not even marked on the maps. We saw little bits of history that few folk know about and we would not have missed any of it for any reason known to man! Taking photos to-day is great as it enables people to see the full inscription and is much quicker to do too. Sadly many of the old gravestones have become damaged or worn out but one thing does make me happy – in our slow, old fashioned way the wording on those very stones is as fresh today as it was 30 years ago because we wrote it all down with a black ballpoint pen and gave to posterity our gift from the past! - Hits: 6328
- What is a group of 4 singers called? - What is a group of tourists called? - What is a collective noun for ships? - What is a small singing group called? - What is the collective noun of singer? - What is a group of five singers performers called? - What is a group of 11 called? - What is a group of 7 called? - What is the rarest voice type? - What is a singing group of four called? - What are a group of lawyers called? - What is a group of musicians playing together called? - What are the 6 types of voices? - What is a group of 10 called? - What is a group of songs called? What is a group of 4 singers called? quartetteA group of four singers or instrumentalists is called a quartet or quartette (French: quatuor, German: Quartett, Italian: quartetto, Spanish: cuarteto, Polish: kwartet). A quartet can also be a composition for four instruments or voices.. What is a group of tourists called? A Flock of – Tourists. A Colony of – Lepers. What is a collective noun for ships? For example, a group of ships is called a fleet, a group of cows is called a herd, a groupd of lions is called a pride, a group of baseball players is called a team, and a group of ants is called a colony. What is a small singing group called? massed choirs and what to call groups of singers If it’s any smaller it becomes a small choir or an ensemble. From 60 to 80+ singers is a chorus. … Three singers is a trio, four a quartet, and so on, eight is an octet, but 10 can be a choir or an ensemble. What is the collective noun of singer? ChoirThe collective noun of singers is Choir. What is a group of five singers performers called? quintetA quintet is a group containing five members. It is commonly associated with musical groups, such as a string quintet, or a group of five singers, but can be applied to any situation where five similar or related objects are considered a single unit. What is a group of 11 called? A Group 11 element is one in the series of elements in group 11 (IUPAC style) in the periodic table, consisting of transition metals which are the traditional coinage metals of copper (Cu), silver (Ag), and gold (Au)….Group 11 element.Group11Period429 Cu547 Ag679 Au1 more row•Aug 9, 2012 What is a group of 7 called? Originally Answered: What’s a group of 7 called? A group of 7 is called a septet. Another word for a group of 7 is a heptad. Sometimes, though rarely, the alternative spelling is used: heptade. What is the rarest voice type? contralto voiceThe contralto voice is the lowest of the female voices and by far and away the rarest. The contralto range is roughly from the F below middle C to a high F one octave above middle C almost exactly matching that of the male countertenor. What is a singing group of four called? quartet. noun. music a group of four musicians or singers. What are a group of lawyers called? teamAccordingly, one word for a group of lawyers is a team. What is a group of musicians playing together called? ensembleAn ensemble is a group of musicians, dancers, or actors who perform together, like an ensemble which has been playing music together for several years. What are the 6 types of voices? Though everyone’s range is specific to their voice, most vocal ranges are categorized within 6 common voice types: Bass, Baritone, Tenor, Alto, Mezzo-Soprano, and Soprano. If you’ve been part of a choir before, you’re probably pretty familiar with these ranges. What is a group of 10 called? Usage and terms. A collection of ten items (most often ten years) is called a decade. What is a group of songs called? group of songs (6)Group of songs (6)MEDLEYGroup of songsSET39 more rows
The House of Parliament and its iconic clock tower date to 1844 and were built after the original building was destroyed by a fire in 1834. Although today we know the tower as “Big Ben,” this is technically the name given to the huge bell that accompanies the world’s largest four-sided clock. The tower has officially been known as the Elizabeth Tower since 2012 to commemorate Queen Elizabeth’s diamond jubilee, and prior to that was simply The Clock Tower. However, during Victorian times journalists often referred to it as St Stephen’s tower because Members of Parliament (MPs) held their proceedings in St Stephen’s hall. In fact, there is a St. Stephen’s tower on the Westminster premise, but it is much smaller than the clock tower, which is the third tallest in the world. While you can tour the House of Parliament, the tower itself is off-limits unless you are a British citizen with express permission from an MP.
Lots of grownups will inform you the significance of teaching your kids to check out. They will state that you can not teach a kid to discover unless you are also teaching that skill yourself. Well, I plead to differ with those people, and here is why. You can easily take a class and teach your kids to read, but if you do not have time to teach them yourself you will have no concept how to proceed. All children understand the value of learning standard mathematics. When they initially get to primary school, they need a great deal of aid on discovering how to count, solve fundamental math problems, and even on reading math from their parents. Once they reach school though they get a ton of additional teaching on math from their teachers in school, however it is just as crucial to reinforce these lessons in the house. You need to teach your kids to do amounts, increase and divide every word they hear. If you desire your kids to do well in school then you need to teach them to do basic mathematics and at the same time teach them how to practice what they have found out by using math video games. This way they are finding out and practicing those skills, but are likewise reinforcing the principles they have currently discovered. By utilizing your creativity, and reading math video games you can teach your kids to understand the principles behind the words. This will make it much easier for them to actually apply the idea to reality circumstances. These fantastic tools to teach your kids to read are available for any level of knowing. As long as your kids have the ability to see the images and hear the words they will comprehend the concept. The very best thing about these flashcards is that they have the pictures on the front and also the composed words. By doing this it will permit your kids to absorb the information a lot easier and quicker. Utilizing these flashcards will help to increase the number of words they can learn at one time. Nevertheless, remember that you must not go too quickly with your teaching procedure. There are some kids that might be annoyed quickly. You need to utilize a method that they can grow accustomed to. There are lots of approaches that you can use to teach your kid to discover new words quickly. They include flash cards, puzzles and other products that supply visual stimulation while finding out. Reading must constantly be fun. It doesn’t matter if it is simply a basic video game that you have fun with them or a more in depth activity that incorporates problem resolving strategies and creativity. When you read with your kids, keep in mind that the focus must always be on what is reading instead of the writer. This is a typical error that lots of moms and dads make. The reader is lost and what’s being read doesn’t mean anything. The kid believes the text is simply a form of grammar lesson. You need to focus on the words reading and what they indicate. Don’t get caught up in attempting to determine why your child isn’t checking out or how to repair the issue. Kids aren’t thinking about knowing why they aren’t checking out and what they can do to repair it. What is necessary to them is that they discover to check out. You can help them achieve this by making reading fun and interactive. As long as you keep this in mind while teaching your kids to read you must be successful.
By: Bill Cooke Lead, NASA Meteoroid Environment Office The media is currently broadcasting the prediction of an outburst of the alpha Monocerotid meteor shower on the night of November 21. The researchers making the prediction, Dr. Peter Jenniskens and Esko Lyytinen, have made calculations that indicate that there may be zenithal hourly rates as high as 400 to 1000 meteors per hour around 11:50 PM Eastern Standard Time (10:50 PM Central and 9:50 PM Mountain; you will note that I am not giving a Pacific time – more on that later). These are impressive numbers, generating lots of buzz in the media. I love meteor outbursts and storms, so I was initially quite excited – I mean, what’s there not to like about an impromptu display involving lots of meteors from a yet-to-be discovered comet? But as the media inquiries increased, I began to wonder if all the attention is justified. Being a meteor shower forecaster, I am all too aware of the fact that such predictions (including mine), while pretty accurate on the timing, often estimate a shower intensity higher (factors of a few) than what actually takes place. So I decided to take a more detailed look, starting with some dumpster diving for old papers about this shower and making a few calculations of my own. That’s when the skepticism kicked in – I now think there is a pretty good chance there may be no outburst at all. And even if there is, it won’t be as impressive as many think. Allow me to share… In Dr. Jenniskens and Lyytinen’s work, the Earth is forced to pass through the center of alpha Monocerotid meteor stream (AMOs for short) during the shower’s 1925 and 1935 outbursts. We have no idea if this actually happened, but it is a reasonable assumption if these outbursts were more intense than the last one in 1995. Based on this, they conclude that the AMOs are produced by a long period comet that takes about 500 years to orbit the Sun. IF this is right, then we should pass very close to the center of the meteor stream this year, missing it by a scant 15,000 miles. That’s just a tad closer than we got back in 1995, when the observed zenithal hourly rate was about 400 per hour. And it’s why the forecast rate is so high – closer means the same intensity or better. However, the intensity of the outburst is very dependent on the size of the parent comet’s orbit. If it is much smaller, or larger, the distance from the stream center will be bigger, and there will not be any sky show, just the normal AMOs, puttering along with their normal rate of 3 or so meteors per hour. And since we have not yet discovered this mysterious parent comet, who knows how close the estimate of the orbit is to the actual? A good reason to step outside Thursday night, because the cool thing is that if an outburst does occur, we will have a pretty good idea of the orbit of this comet – not from observing the comet with telescopes, but by counting its debris as they burn up in our atmosphere. The old papers I dug up also proved enlightening. I could find no meteor rate numbers for the 1925 outburst – just that it was short, with a fair number of meteors. The 1935 AMO outburst was observed in 2 places – a meteor observer in Begumpet, India and the commanding officer of a U.S. ship in the Philippines each reported seeing a total of just over 100 meteors in a 40 minute span of time. That’s nice, but it certainly is nowhere close to the spectacular rates produced by the Leonid and Draconid meteor storms of the 1900’s. A moderate outburst, yes, but not a meteor storm. Even fewer were seen in 1985, when one observer reported 36 meteors seen over 16 minutes of time. It is true that the calculated rates were in the hundreds per hour, but what matters to the average person is the total number of meteors they will see. Zenithal hourly rates give the theoretical rates for a perfect observer under perfect skies with the shower radiant straight overhead (something that never happens in reality), and while they may be a good way to scientifically measure meteor shower activity, they are poor indicators of what will actually be seen. The observer reports, however, do tell us what we might expect. And then we come to 1995, the best-observed AMO outburst. Quite a few observers in Western Europe saw about 100 meteors over an hour’s time, consistent with the observations of the previous AMO outbursts. These data do not indicate that we were closer to the AMO stream center in 1925 and 1935, as Jenniskens and Lyytinen suggest; in fact, it appears that AMO outbursts are fairly constant with regard to numbers, with about 100 meteors seen over the less-than-an-hour duration of the outburst. At face value, this would mean no outburst. However, the numbers seeming to be not strongly dependent on distance is possibly good news; even if the researchers’ distance assumptions are wrong, we still may have a chance of a respectable, albeit short, outburst, provided Earth gets “close enough” to the stream center. At the beginning of this post, I gave times for the predicted peak in the Eastern, Central, and Mountain time zones, but left out Pacific. That’s because the AMO radiant – the point in the constellation of Monocerotis from which the meteors appear to originate – is below the horizon at the peak time for locations west of Denver. That means people on the Pacific Coast will not see this outburst, even if their skies are clear. So if you live there and want to experience the shower, you need to go quite a bit east. If you do, please don’t blame me if the outburst is a no show; as I said, I am a bit skeptical. For the eastern United States, the radiant is not very high in the sky at the forecast peak time (about 23° in Orlando), which is unfortunate since the observed number of meteors is tied to the radiant altitude. The higher the radiant, the more meteors people see. So my computer savvy colleagues have generated this map, which shows the total numbers of meteors you can expect to see if the outburst is similar to that of 1995. Blue is good, red is worse, white means no meteors at all. The decrease in total expected meteors is pretty obvious as you move west And of course, there is the weather. Remember, you need clear, dark skies to see meteors, and it looks like Mother Nature is going to be mean, with clouds forecast over much of the part of the U.S. that has a chance of observing the outburst. So, if you are gifted with good seeing, give yourself about 45 minutes to adjust to the dark – go out about 10:35 PM Eastern, 9:35 PM Central, or 8:35 PM Mountain. Lie flat on your back, look straight up, and enjoy looking at the night sky (maybe listen to some appropriate tunes, but don’t look at your cell phone, as the bright screen will ruin your night vision). If Jenniskens and Lyytinen are right, you might see some pieces of a comet that awaits discovery, burning up in the atmosphere 60 miles above your head. That’s worth a couple of hours, I think. Even if there is no outburst, it doesn’t hurt to get out under the stars for a bit.
We are asked to calculate the partial pressure of He. A gas mixture contains an equal number of moles of He and Ne. The total pressure of the mixture is 6.0 atm . What is the partial pressure of He? Frequently Asked Questions What scientific concept do you need to know in order to solve this problem? Our tutors have indicated that to solve this problem you will need to apply the Partial Pressure concept. You can view video lessons to learn Partial Pressure. Or if you need more Partial Pressure practice, you can also practice Partial Pressure practice problems. What professor is this problem relevant for? Based on our data, we think this problem is relevant for Professor Schvaneveldt's class at CLEMSON.
Two-in-one nanoparticles exploit tumor cells to precisely deliver multiple drugs A common strategy for treating tumors is combining two or more drugs, which has the effect of decreasing toxicity and increasing the synergistic effects between the drugs. However, the efficacy of this kind of cocktail treatment suffers when the drugs require access to different parts of the cell, a bit like fighting a battle by depositing all your archers on the same spot as your infantrymen. By making use of nanoparticle-based carriers, researchers at North Carolina State University are able to transport multiple drugs into cancerous cells optimally and precisely, in maneuvers that any field commander would be proud of. Their research has focused on multiple scenarios of drugs, including those targeted for gene therapy or chemotherapy, but all rely on the same nanoscale drug delivery mechanism or “nanodepot." In it, an outer gel shell surrounds a liposomal core, each layer bearing a different drug. The shell and core are collectively known as “Gelipo." In their tests, Gelipo’s outer layer was laced both with a cancer drug, TRAIL, that requires delivery to the outer membrane of the cancerous cell, and with an additional chemical, HA. Hidden inside is yet another drug, Dox, targeted for the cell’s nucleus and attached to peptides. Hold onto those terms, because HA and the peptides are about to manipulate the cell’s natural mechanisms against itself. As Gelipo approaches the cell, anti-HA enzymes naturally present in the cell’s exterior latch onto the HA and begin to break down the gel layer, releasing the first drug. This drug is then free to bind to receptors in the tumor cell’s membrane, triggering programmed cell death. But Gelipo’s progress doesn’t stop there. As its outer layer is breaking down, the tumor cell encapsulates Gelipo’s contents into what would be a defensive sphere (see the diagram below), unwittingly transporting the second drug into the cell, Trojan-horse-style. However, the peptides attached to the second drug allow passage through this defensive membrane, where the second drug is free to bind with its target. Though this exploitation of biochemical and cellular pathways, the Gelipo-TRAIL-Dox combo accumulated more than the controls in the affected tumor tissue and had a greater cytotoxicity. The synergistic effects of using two drugs was controlled by comparing Gelipo with just one drug, Dox. Below are mice with tumors treated with saline, just Dox, Gelipo and Dox, and finally, Gelipo with both drugs. The team describes this experiment as proof-of-concept and has further refinements to make on the technique, but expects that the process can be scaled up for manufacturing. A paper on the research was recently published in the journal Advanced Functional Materials.
Our favorite holiday crafts are ones that target a range of motor skills like bilateral coordination, grasp, and hand strength. This snipped up Christmas tree covers all the bases! *This post contains affiliate links. Read more. We love the holidays! It’s our favorite time of year – the music, the food, the movies, the decorations, the shopping…and above all, the holiday crafts! This time of year is perfect for getting kids involved in creating their own holiday masterpieces (while also working on building fine motor skills, of course!). You’ll find some of our favorite holiday craft ideas at the end of this post. Today, we’re showing why the holidays are a great time to introduce and focus on scissor skills with kids. There are so many awesome Christmas art projects and craft ideas that can give kids the extra practice they needed to feel comfortable and confident using this tricky tool. Scissor skills definitely don’t come easily for all kids, so the more opportunities they get to explore how they work, the better! This holiday craft is perfect for this! Holiday Crafts: Snipped Up Christmas Trees! What You’ll Need: -Craft supplies to decorate your tree ( optional) What to Do: Cut around the outline of the tree template, or if the child can do it themselves, have them cut on the outline only (not on the smaller lines on the inside of the tree). Next, kids will fold the tree shape on the center line (so they will be creating a vertical crease in their template). folding paper can be tricky for little hands and is a great opportunity to work on bilateral coordination skills. Once the tree is folded in half, it’s time to create a 3-D effect on the branches of the tree. Kids will hold the tree template and their non-dominant hand, keeping it folded in half and snip across the lines from the edge of the tree toward the center line. This is a great way to work on self-regulation and accuracy with scissors, because if kids cut too far, they will cut their tree right in half! Finally, have kids open their tree template back up to see how they created the branches of their Christmas tree! They can even roll or gently bend the branches of their tree to enhance the 3-D effect. Now it’s time to use all of those craft supplies to decorate your tree! You can use markers, Kwik Stix, sequins, pom-poms, and more! How to Change it Up: -Try a paper-folding practice session before you start the actual craft. Give kids pieces of paper and have him practice folding in different ways. Draw lines on the paper and show them how to fold on the lines. -At the end of each of the branch lines, you may want to draw a dot or use a sticker to indicate where the child should stop cutting. -Try printing the tree templates on card stock instead of regular paper. This could be helpful for kids who are just getting the hang of using scissors because it provides valuable proprioceptive feedback with each snip! It also holds up a little bit better so that kids can more easily manage and turn their paper while they cut. Skill Areas Addressed: Other Things to Try: Latest posts by Claire Heffron (see all) - Running Your Own Business: Creating and Teaching Continuing Education Courses - April 8, 2021 - Starting a Private Practice & Using Instagram - March 26, 2021 - Side Hustle Ideas for Pediatric Therapists - March 13, 2021
“taxpayers for common sense” has given the estimates of constructing and maintaining the fence across the borders to be between about $350 million to $ 1.7 billion for every mile the border survey, less than a year borders and boundaries essay old, was a mess. arguably, the most effective titles for a research paper borders and boundaries are invisible. over time these boundaries are redefined and in turn change the flow of daily life for the individuals they effect borders, boundaries, and frames essays in essay writing prompts high school cultural criticism and cultural studies by mae henderson. however, american settlers hadn’t borders and boundaries essay move far enough west to establish a culture there because it was not well populated the paper concludes that research into categories and boundaries essays on to kill a mockingbird is unnecessarily fragmented across a wide range of personal goals essays disciplines and proposes expanding boundary studies in geography to be the field that investigates the bounding processes that result abortion essays pro life in all types of categories borders and boundaries essay sat essay: isbn-10: submission deadline: the case deals what is an outline for an essay with boundary disputes, it is therefore essential to list treaties which deal with boundary disputes and it is also important for research paper topic outline the court to interpret the provisions of a treaty in the present case and this can only be done in terms of customary international law on the subject matter as reflected in articles argument essay introduction 31 and 32 of the 1969 vienna convention on 8th grade essay format the law business plan promotion strategy of treaties. boundaries, borders, and reference points: sample of coffee shop business plan sara butler and k.j. march 4 publishing dates: the borders issue october/november 2019 read online purchase biden’s disrespect for borders and boundaries his contributions to the immigration crisis overstep the necessary the value of education essay limits that help a nation thrive. contributors include robert carroll, mary douglas, wendy porter, edward borders and boundaries essay kessler, larry kreitzer, john hull and martin o'kane freelance writers editors open borders policies allow business plan template barclays people to move freely between countries or political jurisdictions borders and boundaries essay with no restrictions. mexican border boundaries essay; mexican border boundaries essay.
NASA News & Feature Releases 2005 Was Warmest Year in Over a Century The year 2005 was the warmest year in over a century, according to NASA scientists studying temperature data from around the world. Climatologists at NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) in New York City noted that the highest global annual average surface temperature in more than a century was recorded in their analysis for the 2005 calendar year. Some other research groups that study climate change rank 2005 as the second warmest year, based on comparisons through November. The primary difference among the analyses, according to the NASA scientists, is the inclusion of the Arctic in the NASA analysis. Although there are few weather stations in the Arctic, the available data indicate that 2005 was unusually warm in the Arctic. In order to figure out whether the Earth is cooling or warming, the scientists use temperature data from weather stations on land, satellite measurements of sea surface temperature since 1982, and data from ships for earlier years. Previously, the warmest year of the century was 1998, when a strong El Niño, a warm water event in the eastern Pacific Ocean, added warmth to global temperatures. However, what's significant, regardless of whether 2005 is first or second warmest, is that global warmth has returned to about the level of 1998 without the help of an El Niño. The result indicates that a strong underlying warming trend is continuing. Global warming since the middle 1970s is now about 0.6° Celsius (C) or about 1° Fahrenheit (F). Total warming in the past century is about 0.8°C or about 1.4°F. "The five warmest years over the last century occurred in the last eight years," said James Hansen, director of NASA GISS. They stack up as follows: the warmest was 2005, then 1998, 2002, 2003 and 2004. Over the past 30 years, the Earth has warmed by 0.6°C or 1.08°F. Over the past 100 years, it has warmed by 0.8°C or 1.44°F. Current warmth seems to be occurring nearly everywhere at the same time and is largest at high latitudes in the Northern Hemisphere. Over the last 50 years, the largest annual and seasonal warmings have occurred in Alaska, Siberia and the Antarctic Peninsula. Most ocean areas have warmed. Because these areas are remote and far away from major cities, it is clear to climatologists that the warming is not due to the influence of pollution from urban areas. GISS Data Update: Global Temperature Trends: 2005 Summation
2020 policy, curriculum overview and Spirituality document. Religions and festivals studied: - Chinese New Year Easter 2021 was a real joy to us this year. During the Spring term lockdown, we planned an exciting range of activities for children to take part in so that they could deepen their understanding of the values of humility and servitude within the Easter story. Each class learned a section of the Easter story and displayed their learning through drama and a range of work which was displayed in an exhibition in the hall. Children used their skills in music, drama, writing, Art, D.T. and Science as they displayed Easter gardens, models, pictures and writing to exemplify their learning. Special guests were invited to school on 29th March. These guests have advised and supported school during the pandemic and have worked hard to encourage us in our work. We were particularly grateful to receive Bishop Julian, Lisa Horobin and Jo Snape who represented Blackburn Diocese. They were most impressed and Bishop Julian commented that the values of the school were shown in the children's reflections. He said that when the teaching of values is done well it is clearly visible to see within the children's behaviour and thinking. We have been really proud of our learning and very much enjoyed working together again. As the summer approaches we will be planning for our next enrichment which will be a recognition of the importance of "Zakat" in Islam. Charitable giving is one fo the 5 pillars and we shall be exploring ways to work together to enrich our community by sharing in the value of generosity. Our Easter Exhibition can be viewed here: The Easter Story is retold by our pupils here: Foundation Inventors and Explorers celebrating Eid at home Foundation Inventors and Explorers have enjoyed learning all about Ramadhan and Eid as part of their home learning activities this week. They’ve enjoyed these videos on Cbeebies - https://www.bbc.co.uk/cbeebies/puzzles/lets-celebrate-eid Look at these unique mehndi designs and beautiful Eid cards! In Y6, we linked our Eid activity to a theme based on the Angel Jibril (Gabriel). The holy Quran was revealed to the prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) during the month of Ramadhan. Jibril a.s was the chosen angel to present the divine revelations to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Angel Gabriel was also the light & spirit, who came to Jesus with the words of God. The angels are always amidst us, they provide us with Allah’s protection and love. We used this idea to help to transfer some of our wishes onto the wings of angels. These were our aspirations for the future, our hopes or our prayers, for a brighter future. Our messages were to one another and to any of the teachers in school. ‘Let your dreams be your wings’
Fungi: An Unexpected Ally Against Hazardous Lead Pollution Fungi may be unexpected allies in our efforts to keep hazardous lead under control. That's based on the unexpected discovery that fungi can transform lead into its most stable mineral form. The findings reported online on January 12 in Current Biology, a Cell Press publication, suggest that this interaction between fungi and lead may be occurring in nature anywhere the two are found together. It also suggests that the introduction or encouragement of fungi may be a useful treatment strategy for lead-polluted sites. "Lead is usually regarded as a pretty stable substance," said Geoffrey Gadd of the University of Dundee. "The idea that fungi and other microbes may attack it and change its form is quite unexpected." Lead is an important structural and industrial material and, as an unfortunate consequence of its popular use in everything from firearms to paint, lead contamination is a serious problem worldwide. There have been efforts to contain lead in contaminated soils through the addition of sources of phosphorus, an element that enables the incorporation of lead into a stable pyromorphite mineral. But that change had been considered a purely chemical and physical phenomenon, not a biological one. That is, until now. In the new study, the researchers carefully examined lead shot after it had been incubated with and without fungi. In the presence of fungi, the lead shot began to show evidence of pyromorphite formation after one month's time. That stable lead-containing mineral continued to increase in abundance with time. Minerals found on the surface of lead shot incubated without fungi represented less stable forms as a result of normal corrosion. "It seems the ability of many fungi to produce organic acids or other substances may be very important in attacking the lead and releasing forms of free lead including lead complexes, which can then react with phosphorus sources to form pyromorphite," Gadd explained. While not all species of fungus are able to transform lead in this way, it appears that many of them can, he added. It's not entirely clear why some fungi do this, but it might assist their survival in contaminated soils. The discovery is yet another example of the "amazing things that fungi, and microbes more generally, can do in the environment," Gadd said. "Even metals can be subject to microbial colonization and attack."
It’s easy to forget that our safety on the road is hugely dependent on how everyone acts. If even a single irresponsible or aggressive driver takes to the road, things could get dangerous for everyone in a hurry. Many of us fail to realize that, but remember, even one vehicle could be the reason for a multi-car pileup and numerous injuries. People may also die if they share the road with a reckless driver. Every one of us must take an active role in keeping the streets free from those dangerous drivers. This article will help you better identify those aggressive drivers and it will also detail how you can report them to the proper authorities. What Is Aggressive Driving? As drivers, they teach us to do a few things whenever we are on the road. They teach us to obey all traffic laws in the area, be cautious behind the wheel, and be courteous to one another. They are basic guidelines that make us feel safer whenever we travel. Unfortunately, some drivers don’t always abide by those basic guidelines. Because of their desire to get to their destination as soon as possible, some drivers will throw caution to the wind as they speed up. Some will even go out of their way to endanger fellow motorists with the way they behave because they can. Aggressive driving can take many forms. There are aggressive driving practices that are illegal. Running your car past a red light is never allowed, and yet some people still try it because they think that either no one will notice, or they’ll be too fast for anyone to keep track of them. Speeding is yet another manifestation of aggressive driving behavior, and yes, that too is explicitly against the law. Some aggressive driving practices are illegal in some states, but not in others. A good example of that is tailgating. Tailgating is the practice of driving closely behind another vehicle to the point where there is not enough distance for the car in front to stop safely without getting rear-ended. The practice can be dangerous, but it is not against the law everywhere in the United States. Do note that not all forms of aggressive driving are against the law. Weaving within your lane is an aggressive style of driving, but they don’t consider it illegal. To be fair, you can weave inside your lane safely, but there are instances where it becomes dangerous. Aggressive driving is not only how you control your vehicle. It can be in the form of road rage. Aggressive driving can involve one person cursing or yelling at someone else. There’s a chance that the situation may escalate and lead to further conflict or a vehicular accident. You should avoid aggressive driving whenever possible, regardless of whether or not you are violating any laws. If you still maintain that aggressiveness on the road, know that doing so can lead to some dire consequences. How Dangerous Is Aggressive Driving? Car accidents happen. We understand that as a reality of life. People may suffer a heart attack while they’re driving, thus leading to an accident. Some parts of the vehicle may also break down, rendering it incapable of stopping, and that could lead to a disaster taking place on the road. Those incidents are truly unfortunate, but they are rare. It’s hard to place blame on the drivers when incidents like those happen. The same cannot be said when the incident that occurs is the result of aggressive driving. While people may get to their destinations faster if they decide to drive aggressively, the consequences of their actions could be quite severe. The statistics paint a troubling picture. Consider that 66 % of traffic casualties were due in part to someone driving recklessly. It’s a deadly form of behavior, and as much possible, people should refrain from exhibiting it. How Prevalent Is Aggressive Driving? Now that we understand how potentially dangerous driving recklessly can be, let’s take a moment to grasp how often it takes place. We talked about tailgating earlier, and even though this is a driving maneuver deemed illegal in certain parts of the country, it still happens a lot. Unfortunately, 51 % of drivers were estimated to have engaged in the practice of tailgating intentionally, and that comes out to about 104 million individuals. A lot of drivers also struggle with controlling their anger. Estimates suggest that around 67 million drivers have given in to their rage by making angry gestures at other people on the road. As soon as you start directing angry gestures at someone or perhaps yelling at them, things may escalate from there. The estimates from the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety indicate that those incidents do happen often. Road confrontations between drivers happened around 8 million times per those same estimates. You can see there is a problem plaguing many drivers across the country. We cannot ignore this problem because everyone on the road is in danger whenever an aggressive driver is behind the wheel. One thing you can do when you observe someone driving aggressively and carelessly is to report them. How Do You Report an Aggressive Driver? It’s your responsibility as a driver to keep yourself and everyone in your vehicle safe, but that’s not the full extent of it. Whenever possible, you should also keep an eye out for others who are on the road with you, which is why you should report aggressive drivers. Here are some of the ways for you to report those dangerous drivers. Make Use of Your Dash Cam The ease of reporting a reckless driver can be determined by what kind of equipment you have installed in your car. Those with dash cams installed will have an easier time reporting because they can record the incident as it happens. They can share that footage with law enforcement in the area to prove that a specific driver was endangering others. If you cannot go to law enforcement right away, hold on to the footage you have and take it to the authorities sometime later. Alternatively, you can go online and upload your dash cam footage to websites that host them. There’s no guarantee that law enforcement will see your video, but at least other motorists will be aware of the dangers a driver could present. Rely on a Passenger to Report the Aggressive Driver Let’s say that your car does not have a dash cam installed, how can you report an aggressive driver in that scenario? If you have a passenger along for your trip, reporting should still be easy enough. Ask your passenger to take out their smartphone so that they can record some footage of the reckless driver in action. Your passenger must make sure that the plate number of the car is visible in the video. After they gather the evidence, you can instruct your friend to dial 911 if you believe that the driver poses an imminent threat to others. If the driver is acting erratically, but you don’t think he/she is about to cause trouble, it may be better to call the police’s non-emergency hotline first. Some vehicles also have stickers plastered on them that feature a number to call if you want to report the driver. Your passenger can dial that number and issue a complaint. While your passenger is busy recording evidence and contacting the authorities, your job is to stay safe. Avoid following the aggressive driver too closely. As soon as you start to feel that you are in any kind of danger, get as far away from the reckless driver. Pull Over and Make the Report Yourself With no passenger in the car or a dash cam installed, reporting a dangerous driver becomes harder to pull off. Your actions are more limited in that scenario. What you can do is to pull over to a safe spot and make the call to the police yourself. Try to remember the plate number of the vehicle you saw moving dangerously and share it with the authorities. Once again, the non-emergency number for the police in the area should do if the driver is not endangering anyone yet, but if you suspect that something bad may happen soon, go ahead and call 911. Use a Dedicated App to File a Report Smartphones can do about anything. That includes helping you file reports about the dangerous driver. You can now use these apps to send those reports in as well. A good one to use is the Bad Driver Database. The app, which is available on both Android and Apple devices, allows users to report irresponsible drivers. You or your passenger can take a picture of the dangerous driver’s license number and then upload that to the database. Other app users can then refer to what you uploaded and avoid that particular driver. You can similarly avoid other reckless drivers by using the database. Both Google Play and the Apple App Store have other apps that are useful for keeping tabs on dangerous drivers. Feel free to check those out as well. File a Report When You Get Home You can also file an aggressive driver report from home. As soon as you get home, turn on your computer and see if the police or the DMV in your area have forms available for reporting aggressive drivers. Obviously, reporting the dangerous driver this way means they may not be apprehended or cited right away. Still, it’s worth the effort on your end if the authorities spot the driver. How Do You Report Aggressive Uber or Lyft Drivers? You would expect drivers for ridesharing services to be calmer and more careful on the road. That is not always the case, however. Like everyone else, Uber and Lyft drivers are susceptible to road rage. If your Uber or Lyft driver starts to act carelessly, you should take the time to report them. Both ridesharing companies provide forms on their respective websites you can use to report issues you have with your ride. You can also choose to report the aggressive driver via the app you were using. Select the ride in question that featured the dangerous driver and let Uber or Lyft know about how that person behaved. This action is hugely important because it could save other riders from having an unpleasant experience. It could even potentially prevent an accident from taking place. How Can You Avoid Confrontations with Aggressive Drivers? Aggressive drivers can pop up out of nowhere. What should you do if you notice one nearby and want to avoid escalation at all costs? The first thing you can do is to distance yourself from the problematic driver. Tailgating is a real no-no in that kind of situation. Now, some drivers may provoke you into a confrontation by yelling or perhaps gesturing menacingly toward you. It’s easy to fall victim to those taunts, but that is not going to benefit anyone. Keep your cool and ignore the driver as you attempt to distance yourself. It’s also possible that you are the one who will be acting aggressively while driving. Do not give in to that urge and always remember that getting angry on the road can only lead to bad outcomes. You should also avoid driving altogether if you are feeling stressed out. Even a minor incident on the road can cause you to overreact if you are already under a lot of stress. As much as possible, you want to avoid being on the road if you do have that outburst because of how dangerous that could be. If you wind up in an accident due to a driver’s aggressive behavior, do not hesitate to take legal action. Contact Batta Fulkerson as soon as you can to pursue that case and make sure that the aggressive driver learns his/her lesson.
The "Lazy Maid" of Dresden was a stone can used in the Middle Ages, manufactured in Saxony with the purpose of destroying fortifications. First used as a launcher, the gun was mounted in 1511 on a mount in order to be clearly mobile and to be able to keep up with the infantry. The restored gun is now in the Military History Museum of the german army in Dresden. |Gun type||main box| |Gun class||stone box| |Tube length||2,3 meters| |Tube weight||1383,3 kg| |Ball weight||48 Kg|
Microbes drive most ecosystems on Earth, but they often do so under constraints imposed by the viruses that infect them. We develop the datasets and the experimental and informatics approaches needed to “see” viruses in the oceans, soils, extreme environments, and humans. With this information, we better understand how these ecosystems work and how viruses might be used to engineer solutions to combat nuisance microbes. We are part of a broader group of OSU faculty studying microbial communities in diverse natural systems, read more about these microbiome researchers and our new Center of Microbiome Science here. Visit the home page for each research area (links below) to learn more. Biome Focus Areas Bench Methods and Bioinformatics Meet the Sullivan Lab, visit our people page! I signed the Pro-Truth Pledge: please hold me accountable.
Researchers from Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology (DGIST) in South Korea have developed a new waterproof, wearable biosensor that can stick to the skin in a unique way. Their work, recently published in ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, demonstrates the biosensor adheres to the skin in wet and dry conditions and can monitor multiple biomedical signals, including the pulse at the radial artery of the arm and even basic electrocardiography (ECG). This is an exciting development for the biosensor field and can help lead to more effective and versatile biosensors. Many wearable sensors need to make a good contact with the skin in order to work optimally. This means being flexible, staying attached when the skin is wet or dry, and working well even if there’s a lot of hair growing. Woven yarn is a typical substrate for wearable electronics, but it often doesn’t fully contact the user’s skin, especially if it is hairy. Adhesives can lose their grip when the skin is wet, so there’s been a search on for better methods. To address these limitations, the Korean researchers developed a low-cost graphene-based sensor that uses octopus-like suckers to adhere to the skin. The technology is based on piezoresistance, which is a change in electrical resistance of the sensor compared to a change in its physical stretch. Graphene-coated fabric is the underlying piezoresistive material that was used in this study. In order to create the necessary micropatterns of the material, the researchers needed to have a soft, patternable surface on the device. To do this, they first added a layer of L-ascorbic acid to aid conductivity, then dipcoated the device to create a thin layer of graphene-embedded silicone. The graphene-embedded silicone layer of the device was then patterned with the octopus microsuckers, which are 10-20 microns in diameter, and help the device adhere to the skin in many different conditions. Some of the key findings were that the device had repeatable measurements after 6,000 loading/unloading cycles, and has high sensitivity to low strain, the domain in which pulse signals can be felt. The researchers demonstrated that the biosensor can measure ECG signals in both wet and dry environments and that the radial artery pulse could be detected as well. The publication in ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces: Water-Resistant and Skin-Adhesive Wearable Electronics Using Graphene Fabric Sensor with Octopus-Inspired Microsuckers
Over the past decade or so an alarming amount of research has started to reveal the strong links between poor sleep and weight gain. Studies such as ‘The Nurses Health Study’ and ‘The Wisconsin Sleep Cohort Study’ have demonstrated that a shorter average sleep time (i.e. less than 7 hours) is linked with as much as a 60% increased risk of obesity. But how is that possible? How can something as seemingly innocuous as a loss of sleep cause you to gain weight? To explore this link, more detailed studies have been done to find possible mechanisms that explain how a lack of sleep and weight gain are related. 5 of those are covered below. Sleep & Appetite A lack of sleep has a profound effect on your hormones, and in particular two hormones that are critical for weight loss – ghrelin and leptin. - Ghrelin is a hormone that stimulates your appetite. - Leptin is hormone that tells the brain when you’re full. So basically, your feelings of hunger and fullness are largely regulated by these two hormones. When you’re not getting the sleep you need, levels of ghrelin rise and levels of leptin fall. So you have both an increased appetite, and your body takes longer to tell you it’s full. This is a powerful double whammy that can derail any weight loss plan. An imbalance of these two hormones can increase your appetite by as much as 50%. And what makes this even worse is that when you’re sleep deprived, you have an increased craving for calorie dense, high carb and high fat foods. So not only is your appetite stronger, and your fullness response is impaired… …you also have a brain trying to convince you to eat more of the foods that are completely wrong for weight loss. It’s a pretty strong chemical barrier for anyone trying to lose weight. Sleep & Fat Mobilization A University of Chicago study found that how much sleep you’re getting effects whether your body uses fat or lean tissue for energy. The study put a group on a controlled calorie diet, and then studied how their weight loss changed when they got 8.5 hours in bed at night versus just 5.5 What they found was that the amount of weight lost didn’t really change – that is, the amount of sleep didn’t impact on the amount of weight lost. What it did impact on was the amount of FAT lost. When they were getting adequate sleep, around 50% of the weight loss came from fat stores. But when they were only getting 5.5 hours of sleep a night, this went down to just 25%. So when you get enough sleep your body is much, MUCH more likely to burn fat than if you’re sleep deprived. It would seem that the body burns lean tissue ahead of fat when you’re sleep deprived, presumably to conserve energy. Sleep & Basal Metabolic Rate One of the more interesting findings over the past decade with relation to sleep has been it’s impact on our Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR). The BMR is how many calories your body burns when you’re resting and sleeping. On average it accounts for about 60% of the calories you burn each day. What scientists have discovered is that your body’s BMR is not as steady as you’d think and can actually be affected by a lack of sleep. When you aren’t getting enough sleep you’re awake for more hours each day than your body would like. So your body goes into ‘energy conservation mode’ – it figures that you need to spread your calories out over more waking hours, and it slows down the rate you burn those calories to compensate. Now this is bad news if you’re trying to lose weight. The goal of a weight loss program is to burn more calories than you eat. But if your body is fighting against you by slowing down the rate you burn those calories at rest, you’re going to have to exercise even harder to make up the difference. Let’s do some simple math to illustrate. Let’s say you’re trying to maintain your current weight and you’ve calculated that eating 1800 calories a day will achieve that. Of those 1800 calories roughly 60% or 1080 calories are burned at rest (BMR). Now lets say you start working night shift, you start getting less sleep than you need your body responds by slowing down your BMR by 10%. This now means you’re burning 108 calories fewer each day without even realizing it (1080 ÷ 10). 108 calories might not sound like much, but if you sleep poorly for 30 days this would add up to roughly an extra pound of fat gained. So you go from thinking you’ve got your weight under control, to all of a sudden having an extra pound of fat just in one month – and you’ve got no idea how it happened. Sleep & Cortisol Also known as the stress hormone, at normal levels cortisol plays an important role in the body. It increases your blood pressure and blood glucose levels when you’re under stress and need a quick burst of energy. It’s a survival mechanism developed over many millennia of evolution. Unfortunately, lack of sleep causes higher levels of cortisol than is healthy. This in turn means higher blood sugar levels, a reduced ability of insulin to deal with those blood sugar levels as well as a craving for high carb foods to provide more glucose for fuel during this ‘stressful’ time. Over the long run the end result is a greater chance of you gaining weight. And to make matters worse there’s also research showing that increased cortisol levels hinder your ability to sleep. So you can fall into a vicious cycle where your stress levels causes you to sleep less, which keeps your cortisol level raised which reduces your ability to sleep which keeps cortisol levels high and so on. Sleep & Blood Glucose Regulation Studies have shown that even a couple of sleep deprived days can cause a reduction in glucose tolerance, down to levels that would be considered close to those of someone who is a diabetic. What’s most interesting about some of these studies is that they’ve been done on groups of young, healthy individuals with no prior demonstration of any issues with glucose metabolism or insulin resistance. The fact that just a couple of nights of shortened sleep can cause such dramatic swings shows how crucial sleep is for maintaining a healthy balance in your body. So what happens when your body can’t regulated blood glucose effectively? In the short run it leads your body to release more and more insulin to deal with the excess blood sugar. In the long run this can lead to insulin resistance which in turn is linked to obesity and diabetes. Sleep & Exercise Motivation An important part of any weight management program is consistent exercise & activity. Exercise can play an important role in losing weight and maybe an even more important role in maintaining any weight loss you’re able to achieve. Anyone who has tried to lose weight understands that maintaining the motivation to exercise can be a real challenge as the weeks and months roll by. This is especially true where regular exercise is not yet a habit or something you do regularly as part of your daily routine. Studies into sleep have demonstrated a strong link between sleep and exercise motivation. Get less sleep and your motivation to exercise drops dramatically. Now the good part about the link between sleep and exercise is that it’s bi-directional. So if you can get better sleep you’re going to be more motivated to exercise. And if you’re exercising more consistently, your sleep is going to improve. Sleep also plays an important role in what is known as Non Exercise Activity Thermogenesis These are the activities you do each day as you go about your life – walking, cleaning, gardening, playing with kids, picking up toddlers etc. As much as 15 – 20% of your daily calorie expenditure comes from NEAT. For most people NEAT accounts for more calories burned each day than intentional exercise so it plays an important role in weight management. Now if you’re sleep deprived then you’re going to feel sluggish and less energetic. This means the amount of incidental movement you do throughout the day will be reduced, as will the amount of calories you burn, making weight loss just that little bit more challenging. So get more sleep, get better quality sleep and your activity levels will improve as will your ability to manage your weight. Sleep & Food Choices A study out of Cornell recently discovered that humans on average make just over 200 foodrelated decisions each day. And other studies have estimated that we make as many as 30,000 decisions each day in total. This leads to a phenomenon known as decision fatigue, where our ability to make good food choices drops over the day as we’re forced to make more and more decisions. This decision fatigue is only worsened when you throw in some sleep deprivation, which explains why it’s much more common for us to make poor food choices late in the day than it is in the early morning when we’re feeling a little more refreshed. Two examples of situations where fatigue related to poor sleep can have an impact are when we’re doing our grocery shopping late in the day or where we are having an evening meal at If we’re tired because of poor sleep and our decision fatigue is high as well because it’s late in the day, then we’re more likely to succumb to food temptations and make the sort of food choices that take us further away from our health goals rather than closer to them. We’re also more likely to make poor food choices at work (especially if we’ve forgotten to pack our lunch). And in general across the day our decisions with regards to portion control can mean we eat more than we originally intended to. By getting better sleep your brain will be better equipped to make those healthier decisions just when you need them most. Sleep & Late Night Binges Above we talked about the impact decision fatigue combined with sleep loss can have on your ability to make healthy choices at the right time. There’s one period of the day that seems to come up for many people as the time when they’re most vulnerable to poor food decisions. Late in the evening. It’s very common for people to talk about having an awesome day in terms of making healthy choices that is then completely derailed by a late night binge. This situation can be made even worse when you’re sleep deprived. Sleep plays a role in these binges in two important ways. 1) As we’ve talked about previously, when we’re sleep deprived we have trouble controlling our appetite due to hormone issues. We also have trouble making the right decision at the right time. Combine those two together and it’s understandable that the urge to eat late at night can be tough to ignore. 2) When we’re sleeping poorly it often means we’re up later than we should be. This then leads to a situation where the time between our last main meal and when we go to bed is longer than normal. This in turn increases the chances that hunger is going to take hold. So not only can sleep help you reduce your cravings and make good decisions late at night, the simple act of being in bed for an extra 60 – 90 minutes each day reduces your chances of succumbing to one of those late night binges. Sleep & Weight Loss Summary So let’s quickly summarize what you’ve just gone through. 1) Poor sleep messes with the hormones that regulate your appetite. The result? You’re driven to eat more, it takes longer to feel full and you crave unhealthy, calorie rich foods that are high in fat and sugar. 2) Poor sleep reduces your ability to use fat as an energy source, making it harder for you to reduce your body fat levels. 3) Your metabolism slows down which means you need to engage in more intentional exercise just to maintain your current weight 4) Your cortisol levels rise. This causes higher blood glucose levels and a craving for high carb foods making it tougher to lose weight. And to make matters worse, high cortisol levels lead to poor sleep so a vicious cycle is created – poor sleep…leads to high cortisol…leads to poor sleep…leads to high cortisol…leads to (you get the point). 5) Your ability to regulate blood glucose is reduced, leading to insulin resistance and weight gain. 6) Sleep lowers your motivation to exercise. This makes it much harder to develop a consistent routine with your exercise which in turn makes weight loss and weight management a greater challenge. 7) Poor sleep affects your ability to make good food choices. If you’re tired and also suffering from decision fatigue at the end of the day, it’s much harder to make the healthier decision which often involves more work in terms of preparing a meal. 8) Sleep affects your ability to avoid late night snacking. The period right before bed tends to be when we’re most vulnerable to succumbing to the urge to binge eat unhealthy foods. We tend to succumb far more easily and more often when we are sleep deprived. Also just the simple fact that we’re awake for more hours in the day increases the odds that you’re going to be hungry late at night when the chances of you making poor food choices are at their greatest. Sleep More And Lose Weight It may seem over simplistic, but the truth is it’s going to be much easier for you to lose weight or maintain your current weight if you’re sleeping well. Good sleep helps gets your body and your brain working for you instead of making it tougher to hit those targets. Set yourself the goal of prioritizing your sleep for just 21 days and see for yourself what the impact can be. You’ll be amazed at how much easier things become when you’re well rested.
Explore Bristol Bay through our maps There are many ways to understand the lands and waters of Bristol Bay. Mapping reveals overall size, geographic diversity, boundary lines, topographic detail and community information. From the Bering Sea to the Gulf of Alaska, Bristol Bay teems with wildlife, fish runs, and natural resources that support the subsistence lifestyle of its residents. We can visualize much of this information through geographic maps combined with powerful data sets. GIS and Mapping Services Geographic Information Systems (GIS) help us view the geography of our region in context with other information, including biological, geological and cultural data. The BBNC Land Department has detailed maps of the Bristol Bay region, with accompanying data pulled in real-time from a variety of federal and state GIS data sets. This allows us to more fully understand BBNC lands and their resources. Since the process of accessing this type of information from agencies can be time-consuming and technical, our staff provides GIS and mapping information to shareholders who have questions about the region. Inquiries typically relate to the ANCSA land status and native allotments, but we can also highlight areas known for fishing and berry picking, as well as traditional place names and their stories. For detailed, interactive maps of the Bristol Bay region, please visit Bristol Bay Online! Bristol Bay Region at a Glance Total area: 40 million acres, including 27.5 million acres of land and 12.5 million acres of marine waters. Total BBNC land entitlement under ANCSA: 3,079,553 acres of subsurface estate; 116,368 acres of surface estate.
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"The idea that the war was some kind of crusade for democracy when most of Britain's population – including many men – were still denied the vote, and democracy and dissent were savagely crushed among most of those Britain ruled, is laughable. And when the US president, Woodrow Wilson, championed the right to self-determination to win the peace, that would of course apply only to Europeans – not the colonial peoples their governments lorded it over. "As the bloodbath exhausted itself, it unleashed mutinies, workers' revolts and revolutions, and the breakup of defeated empires, giving a powerful impetus to anti-colonial movements in the process. But the outcome also laid the ground for the rise of nazism and the even bloodier second world war, and led to a new imperial carve-up of the Middle East, whose consequences we are still living with today, including the Palestinian tragedy." Fish get an underwater doorbell in Utrecht 1 week ago
Post-Modern Architecture Historical Period Complexity and Contradiction In Architecture (1966) Early manifesto against the strict "black and white" modernist ideology Got together for a CASE meeting in 1969 Strictly loyal to the "black and white" worldview, along with the Created out of a wholesale rethink of core modernist values, Postmodern architecture came as part of a philosophical shift that was just as all-encompassing as … Drawing upon the Spanish Revival architecture of the city hall, Moore designed the Beverly Hills Civic Center in a mixture of Spanish Revival, Art Deco and Post-Modern styles. In the 1980s he began to receive major commissions, including the Loyola Law School (1978–1984), and the California Aerospace Museum (1982–1984), then international commissions in the Netherlands and Czech Republic. , 200 Liberty Street, formerly One World Financial Center in New York City (1986), 225 Liberty Street, formerly Two World Financial Center in New York City (1987), 200 Vesey Street, formerly Three World Financial Center, and American Express Tower, in New York City (1985), 250 Vesey Street, formerly Four World Financial Center in New York City (1986), The Petronas Towers, also known as Petronas Twin Towers, in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (1996), One Canada Square in Canary Wharf, London, (1991), César Pelli (October 12, 1926 – July 19, 2019) was an Argentine architect who designed some of the world's tallest buildings and other major urban landmarks. Retrieved September 12, 2016. Paola Singer (May 10, 2016). The revival of the column was an aesthetic, rather than a technological necessity. "2008 Lynn S. Beedle Award Winner". Retrieved April 21, 2013. In order to keep the overall framework of the building in harmony with its surroundings, traditional elements such as warm colors and natural textures were used. These forms are not reduced to an absolute minimum; they are built and shaped for their own sake. He later followed up his landmark buildings by designing large, low-cost retail stores for chains such as Target and J.C. Penney in the United States, which had a major influence on the design of retail stores in city centers and shopping malls. For instance, Robert Venturi's Vanna Venturi House breaks the gable in the middle, denying the functionality of the form, and Philip Johnson's 1001 Fifth Avenue building in Manhattan[c] advertises a mansard roof form as an obviously flat, false front. The postmodern movement granted designers permission to draw inspiration from a variety of genres and eras, influencing the diversity of modern skylines. Moore quotes (architecturally) elements of Italian renaissance and Roman Antiquity. The innovative leaders of the postmodern era encouraged architects to step away from traditional rules and experiment with what a structure could look like, which serves as the basis for many artistic expressions today. Postmodernity in architecture is said to be heralded by the return of "wit, ornament and reference" to architecture in response to the formalism of the International Style of modernism. . Colour. "COMSAT Alumni & Retirees Association". In 2005, Pelli was honored with the Connecticut Architecture Foundation's Distinguished Leadership Award. , Postmodern buildings often combined astonishing new forms and features with seemingly contradictory elements of classicism. One of the main criticisms of postmodern architecture is that the work does not fully integrate with its surroundings, as the architects rarely designed buildings to work cohesively with nearby structures. Postmodernism arose in the 1960s and '70s as an architect-driven critical reaction and response to the prevailing Modern architecture of the mid-20th century, which postmodern architects perceived as placeless and rigid, built from sleek modern materials like steel and glass and lacking in … "The Spirit Behind the Aga Khan Awards". The influence of the Sydney Opera House, can be seen in later concert halls with soaring roofs made of undulating stainless steel. These buildings have neo-gothic features, including 231 glass spires, the largest of which is 82 feet (25 m) high. Built in the mid-1980s in the heart of Chicago, Illinois, the Thompson Center serves as a government building that stands alone in sheer size and shape. Another alternative to the flat roofs of modernism would exaggerate a traditional roof to call even more attention to it, as when Kallmann McKinnell & Wood's American Academy of Arts and Sciences in Cambridge, Massachusetts, layers three tiers of low hipped roof forms one above another for an emphatic statement of shelter. Retrieved September 12, 2016. POSTMODERN ARCHITECTURE In America, Postmodernism, as an art form, was first manifested in architecture, arriving as a new discourse about architecture as early as the 1960s. The Groninger Museum showcases this asymmetry through its use of varying shapes, colors, and mediums throughout each of its three main pavilions. The Sony Building in New York does this very well. These forms are sculptural and are somewhat playful. Surface Magazine. , The Guild House in Philadelphia by Robert Venturi (1960–1963), Vanna Venturi House by Robert Venturi (1964), Fire Station Number 4 in Columbus, Indiana (1968), Carson Hall, Dartmouth College in Hanover, New Hampshire, Trabant Center at the University of Delaware in Newark, DE (1996), Frist Campus Center at Princeton University (2000), Robert Venturi (born 1925) was both a prominent theorist of postmodernism and an architect whose buildings illustrated his ideas. In response, architects sought to reintroduce ornament, color, decoration and human scale to buildings. In the US, MIT and Cornell were the first, created in the mid-1970s, followed by Columbia, Berkeley, and Princeton. "Cesar Pelli: Connections". Basel: Birkhäuser Verlag, 2013. Postmodern Architecture. The top section conveys elements of classical antiquity. ", Postmodern architecture often breaks large buildings into several different structures and forms, sometimes representing different functions of those parts of the building. These architects turned toward the past, quoting past aspects of various buildings and melding them together (even sometimes in an inharmonious manner) to create a new means of designing buildings. Following the postmodern riposte against modernism, various trends in architecture established, though not necessarily following principles of postmodernism. Contextualism, a trend in thinking in the later parts of 20th century, influences the ideologies of the postmodern movement in general. This ArtHearty article tells you the differences between modernism and postmodernism. "César Pelli Tucuman". Complexity can be used to describe all postmodern works, as the integration of a variety of colors, textures, shapes, and themes construct the framework of these unique buildings. Budgeteer News. Carlo Scarpa's Brion Cemetery (1970–1972) exemplifies this. Complexity and Contradiction. Venturi cited the examples of his wife’s and his own buildings, Guild House, in Philadelphia, as examples of a new style that welcomed variety and historical references, without returning to academic revival of old styles. View our, Postmodern Architecture: Characteristics and Prominent Buildings, use of historical reference in architecture, notable examples of postmodern architecture in Europe, Gothic Architecture: Key Elements of the Style, How Bauhaus Art Radically Changed the Modern Landscape, The Polarizing Aesthetic of Brutalist Architecture (and 12 Iconic Examples), What is Cubism? Transaction Publishers. Shortly after Pelli arrived at Yale, he won the commission to design the expansion and renovation of the Museum of Modern Art in New York, which resulted in the establishment of his own firm, Cesar Pelli & Associates. Much like Postmodern art, the architecture of the movement either has a lot of people scratching their heads or applauding at the creativity. The aesthetic theory is then applied to help determine the best orientation for postmodernism. Retrieved September 12, 2016. One building form that typifies the explorations of Postmodernism is the traditional gable roof, in place of the iconic flat roof of modernism. Image by HarshLight. Postmodern architecture was an international movement that focused on free-thinking design with conceptual consideration to the surrounding environment. In 1966, Venturi formalized the movement in his book, Complexity and Contradiction in Architecture. The Neue Staatsgalerie by James Stirling in Stuttgart, Germany (1977-1984). The aims of Postmodernism, which include solving the problems of Modernism, communicating meanings with ambiguity, and sensitivity for the building's context, are surprisingly unified for a period of buildings designed by architects who largely never collaborated with each other. In his early career, he, along with the Peter Eisenman, Charles Gwathmey, John Hejduk and Richard Meier, was considered one of the New York Five, a group of advocates of pure modern architecture, but in 1982 he turned toward postmodernism with the Portland Building, one of the first major structures in the style. This in contrast to modernist and globally uniform architecture, as well as leaning against solitary housing estates and suburban sprawl. As with many cultural movements, some of Postmodernism's most pronounced and visible ideas can be seen in architecture. Postmodernism has its origins in the perceived failure of modern architecture. Modernist architecture had faced increasing criticism for its rigid doctrines, uniformity and perceived lack of local and cultural context. These considerations included integrating the design of adjacent buildings into new, postmodern structures, so that they had an element of cohesiveness while still making an impact. The creation of these programs was paralleled by the hiring, in the 1970s, of professionally trained historians by schools of architecture: Margaret Crawford (with a PhD from UCLA) at SCI-Arc; Elisabeth Grossman (PhD, Brown University) at Rhode Island School of Design; Christian Otto (PhD, Columbia University) at Cornell University; Richard Chafee (PhD, Courtauld Institute) at Roger Williams University; and Howard Burns (MA Kings College) at Harvard, to name just a few examples. Cesar Pelli: Selected and Current Works. Sources: The Architectural Review | Chicago Architecture Center | Arch Daily. Often, the communication is done by quoting extensively from past architectural styles, often many at once. New Haven Living. The Scottish Parliament Building in Edinburgh has also been cited as being of postmodern vogue. These considerations included integrating the design of adjacent buildings into new, postmodern structures, so that they had an element of cohesiveness while still making an impact. , One of the most influential buildings of the Postmodern period was the Berlin Philharmonic, designed by Hans Scharoun (1893–1972) and completed in 1963. , Double coding meant the buildings convey many meanings simultaneously. The building is fragmented into three towers, topped with gable roofing and spires to create a medieval-inspired theme as well as to keep birds from gathering on the building’s many ledges. Among other significant projects during this period are the Crile Clinic Building in Cleveland, Ohio, completed 1984; Herring Hall at Rice University in Houston, Texas (also completed 1984); completion in 1988 of the Green Building at the Pacific Design Center in West Hollywood, California; and the construction of the Wells Fargo Center in Minneapolis, Minnesota, in 1989. Other programs followed suit, including several PhD programs in schools of architecture that arose to differentiate themselves from art history PhD programs, where architectural historians had previously trained. This idea was even taken further to say that knowledge cannot be understood without considering its context. And, in response, our houses took the vomited up architectural symbols from their corporate remixes, because residential architecture almost always imitates the public architecture of the time. After living in cities where the same buildings stood for over a century, gentrification began to … Designed by German architect Helmut Jahn, the circular building covered in glass is said to represent the government’s commitment to innovation and openness to the community. Gehry was often described as a proponent of deconstructivism, but he refused to accept that or any other label for his work. In architecture and design, Postmodernity is characterized by the return of ornament and symbol to form. In 1968, the French architect Claude Parent and philosopher Paul Virilio designed the church Saint-Bernadette-du-Banlay in Nevers, France, in the form of a massive block of concrete leaning to one side. One of his first buildings was the Guild House in Philadelphia, built between 1960 and 1963, and a house for his mother in Chestnut Hill, in Philadelphia. In showing a new way to display the same characteristics, Graves helped to cement postmodern designs as a long-term movement. Image by Ken Lund. Here, we take a deep dive into the characteristics of postmodern architecture, explore how modernism influenced this trend, and showcase some of the most iconic buildings that emerged from the movement. Rossi insisted that cities be rebuilt in ways that preserved their historical fabric and local traditions. In 1964, American critic Susan Sontag defined camp as a style which put its accent on the texture, the surface, and style to the detriment of the content, which adored exaggeration, and things which were not what they seemed. , The Hood Museum of Art (1981–1983) has a typical symmetrical façade which was at the time prevalent throughout Postmodern Buildings. This was in line with Scott Brown’s belief that buildings should be built for people, and that architecture should listen to them. A vivid example of this new approach was that Postmodernism saw the comeback of columns and other elements of premodern designs, sometimes adapting classical Greek and Roman examples. The sculptural forms, not necessarily organic, were created with much ardor. Its preoccupation with functionalism and economical building meant that ornaments were done away with and the buildings were cloaked in a stark rational appearance. Postmodern architecture emerged in the 1960s as a reaction against the perceived shortcomings of modern architecture, particularly its rigid doctrines, its uniformity, its lack of ornament, and its habit of ignoring the history and culture of the cities where it appeared. Piazza D’Italia in New Orleans, LA. Pelli Clarke Pelli Architects. Postmodernism, a historically referential, popular style, was a reaction to the ruling voice of the Modernist architectural establishment. "Introduction: A Conversation with Cesar Pelli." Nicholas Von Hoffman (February 28, 2005). 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Each week, CoinWeek, in collaboration with the Numismatic Bibliomania Society, brings you a highlighted feature from the current volume of the E-Sylum eNewsletter. This week, Tony Lopez and Skyler Liechty, check in to let readers know that they are working on an update to C. Wyllys Betts’ landmark work, American Colonial History Illustrated by Contemporary Medals. Here is a teaser. We have spent the last six years working on an update and revision of Betts’ American Colonial History Illustrated by Contemporary Medals, focusing on the early Betts medals issued prior to 1648. The most challenging part of our research has been seeking out medals missed by Betts and others. As a teaser of what is forthcoming, we decided to share one of our exciting discoveries with E-Sylumreaders. The picture is of a large (175mm) and beautifully graphic gilt and lead medallion entitled “The Personification of America”. The medal is undated, but for the reasons that follow, we believe the medal is of German origin, and that based upon the medals elements matching the very earliest depictions of the New World, it can credibly be dated to the mid 1520’s or earlier – four decades before the first Betts medal which Betts dates to 1556! More significant is that this medal was created within a generation of Columbus’ arrival in the New World, and reflects the earliest European impressions of the Americas. The medal’s design features the central figure of a Native Warrior Queen or Princess seen from behind, longbow in her right hand, staff in her left hand, pointing west. (Matching precisely the clothing style and long bows seen in a hand-colored woodcut from the 1505 Augsburg Edition of Amerigo Vespucci’s pamphlet Mundus Novus, depicting the cannibalism of the Tupinambas tribe of coastal Brazil; the very earliest known depiction of a Native American wearing a feathered headdress is seen on a Vatican fresco painted in 1494 by Pinturicchio). Surrounding her are the riches of the New World, a treasure chest filled with silver or gold coins, a silver platter, a silver vase or pitcher, and the agricultural bounty of the Americas, maize (corn), tobacco plants, coconuts, and other plants which are possibly sweet potatoes, and coffee or cocoa beans. Most interesting is that she is surrounded by the mysterious creatures of the South American jungle; a Macaw, two monkeys, a snake, a beastly creature seen on the left, and an armored rhinoceros on the right. These last two mysterious and curious creatures on the medal help date it. The beastly creature on the left is actually an opossum, matching the image of an opossum seen on the cartouche of the 1513 Tabula Terre Nove (Admiral’s Map) by Martin Waldseemüller. Why a rhinoceros? We know today that a Rhinoceros is native to Africa and India, but within a few decades of Columbus’ landing, the Americas were seen as a mysterious place with amazing creatures, and the little known rhinoceros was also mysterious at that time, and could have easily been seen as coming from America. The Rhinoceros depicted on the medal – with armor plating and a second horn between its shoulders – is known as the Dürer Rhinoceros, from a well-known 1515 woodcut done by Albrcht Dürer, who also designed the 1521 Nuremburg medal of Charles V. While the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City dates this medal to the late 16th century (specifically 1580-1590) with this imagery seen on the medal contemporaneous to the late 1510’s we believe the medal is much earlier; as early as the late 1510’s and likely the mid 1520’s, allowing time for all of this imagery to come together in one piece. The medal is one of four with an allegorical narrative depicting the “four parts of the world”- the four then-known continents (including Europe, Asia and Africa – and curiously enough the Africa medal does not include a Rhinoceros!). Sadly, this beautiful medal is exceedingly rare, and to our knowledge unique – we know of only one example of this medal, currently in the collection of the Met. Another teaser – this early medal is still not the earliest medal we have discovered that should have been included in Betts. We are currently working on rarity estimates for the medals, so would like to reach out to E-Sylumreaders to seek their assistance in compiling a census of these early medals. If any of the Betts medals from Betts-1 (Charles V/PhillipII Novi Orbis) through Betts-38 (Dutch Victory at Pariba) are included in their collections, we ask that they contact us and provide us with the information about their holdings and any provenance so we can document the rarity of these medals for our Betts reference. Of course all information will be kept strictly confidential. We also ask that readers let us know of any medals prior to 1648 pertaining to the New World which they believe should have been listed in Betts, and have not been catalogued in Betts, Van Loon, Pax in Nummis, and do not pertain to the treaties listed in Davenport, known as Davenport medals. We can be contacted at [email protected] or [email protected]. Click here to read the rest of this week’s issue of the E-Sylum eNewsletter.
Social and Psychological Differences in Trifles by Susan Glaspell Essay Inside the play Trifles, by Susan Glaspell, the central theme of the enjoy are the interpersonal and emotional differences between the men as well as the women. You characters has a chauvinistic attitude towards girls, while the girls are more understanding and perceptive than the men in terms of looking to solve the crime. That is due to the men’s attitudes that led them to fail in discovering the truth of Mr. Wright’s murder. Their particular attitudes were blatantly apparent while we were holding assessing the crime scene at the Wright House. Rather than being goal investigators, their particular negative sights towards ladies and their discriminatory nature with the opposite sex caused them to overlook the scenario and automatically branded Mrs. Wright while the monster with no regard for her thoughts or mind-set at the time of the murder. The men were more concerned with criticizing Mrs. Wright’s lack of appropriate homemaking skills than searching for the reason behind the murder of Mr. Wright. In line 157, while looking intended for evidence, the county attorney complains after washing his hands, “Dirty towels! Not much of a housekeeper, would you state, ladies? “, while throwing the pots and pans under the sink. His soreness showed his negative attitude because the home was not stored in appropriate standards simply by Mrs. Wright. His actions alluded to his beliefs that since women remained home while house wives or girlfriends, while holding no correct jobs in the world, they should at least keep your house up to par. He defends his views to the women in line 163 saying that “I know that there are a few Dickson County farmhouses which experts claim not have these kinds of roller bath towels. ” When ever Mrs. Blooming and Mrs. Peters quickly defended Mrs. Wright, his reaction was, “Ah, faithful to your sexual, I see. ” His demeaning undertone uncovered his deficiency of respect pertaining to women’s social roles and believes that women are substandard to males. The women on the other hand, were more perceptive and sympathetic to Mrs. Wright’s situation. Right from the start, they were the ones that noticed the “little things”. The effort that Mrs. Wright had to looking after her home even though it has not been perfect was not overlooked by the women. They were more sympathetic compared to the men mainly because they themselves knew the flight it took to run children, to which the men disregarded. The women were those who asked inquiries. They recognized Mrs. Wright before she had hitched the cold and peaceful Mr. Wright. They recalled that Minnie was a exciting person and was usually singing but later started to be recluse and closed off from the friends and neighbors after getting married to Mr. Wright. They thought about whether or not your woman had a content and secure marriage, dealing with many reasons in regards to what could have led her to commit this sort of a crime. As the men were busy investigating upstairs, it was the women who have found the bird crate as well as the useless bird inside the sewing field. They in contrast Mrs. Wright to the chicken in line 449. “She arrive to think of it, she was kind of like a bird very little – actual sweet and pretty, yet kind of timid and fluttery. How-she-did-change. ” The women structured their results on specifics and proof as opposed to the indifferent attitude with the men. Though the women sympathized with Mrs. Wright’s situation, they thought that killing Mr. Wright was still incorrect, however , all their sympathy and understanding for Mrs. Wright led those to conceal the bird since evidence through the sheriff as well as the county legal professional. The play clearly revealed a separate in opposition ideas and attitudes among both genders. The men were more tough, critical, tough and personal centered while the women were more intuitive, cautious and sensitive for the situation. Their differences resulted in them having contrasting viewpoints on the specifics. The men’s judgments in women would not allow them to effectively and objectively assess the circumstance where as the ladies we capable of see things that the guys overlook. However , though the men were not in a position to gather more evidence to get the case, the ladies were the ones who found probably the most important finding, which was the broken fowl cage and also the dead fowl. Even after finding the parrot, the women chose to commit a crime themselves by hiding the bird from your sheriff. Even though the women were more sympathetic they were still wrong to get hiding the evidence. Thus alluding to the fact that the women’s psychological nature disabled them the same way as the men’s judgmental attitude.
Microsoft Placement Papers Microsoft India, Placement Paper for recent Passout graduates and Professionals Classic: If a bear walks one mile south, turns left and walks one mile to the east and then turns left again and walks one mile north and arrives at its original position, what is the color of the bear. 1. Given a rectangular (cuboidal for the puritans) cake with a rectangular piece removed (any size or orientation), how would you cut the remainder of the cake into two equal halves with one straight cut of a knife? 2. There are 3 baskets. one of them have apples, one has oranges only and the other has mixture of apples and oranges. The labels on their baskets always lie. (i.e. if the label says oranges, you are sure that it doesn’t have oranges only,it could be a mixture) The task is to pick one basket and pick only one fruit from it and then correctly label all the three baskets. HINT. There are only two combinations of distributions in which ALL the baskets have wrong labels. By picking a fruit from the one labeled MIXTURE, it is possible to tell what the other two baskets have. 3. You have 8 balls. One of them is defective and weighs less than others. You have a balance to measure balls against each other. In 2 weighings how do you find the defective one? 4. Why is a manhole cover round? HINT. The diagonal of a square hole is larger than the side of a cover! 5. How many cars are there in the USA? 6. You’ve got someone working for you for seven days and a gold bar to pay them. The gold bar is segmented into seven connected pieces. You must give them a piece of gold at the end of every day. If you are only allowed to make two breaks in the gold bar, how do you pay your worker? 7. One train leaves Los Angeles at 15mph heading for New York. Another train leaves from New York at 20mph heading for Los Angeles on the same track. If a bird, flying at 25mph, leaves from Los Angeles at the same time as the train and flies back and forth between the two trains until they collide, how far will the bird have traveled? HINT. Think relative speed of the trains. 8. You have two jars, 50 red marbles and 50 blue marbles. A jar will be picked at random, and then a marble will be picked from the jar. Placing all of the marbles in the jars, how can you maximize the chances of a red marble being picked? What are the exact odds of getting a red marble using your scheme? 9. Imagine you are standing in front of a mirror, facing it. Raise your left hand. Raise your right hand. Look at your reflection. When you raise your left hand your reflection raises what appears to be his right hand. But when you tilt your head up, your reflection does too, and does not appear to tilt his/her head down. Why is it that the mirror appears to reverse left and right, but not up and down? 10. You have 5 jars of pills. Each pill weighs 10 gram, except for contaminated pills contained in one jar, where each pill weighs 9 gm. Given a scale, how could you tell which jar had the contaminated pills in just one measurement? 11. If you had an infinite supply of water and a 5 quart and 3 quart pail, how would you measure exactly 4 quarts? 12. You have a bucket of jelly beans. Some are red, some are blue, and some green. With your eyes closed, pick out 2 of a like color. How many do you have to grab to be sure you have 2 of the same? 13. Which way should the key turn in a car door to unlock it? 14. If you could remove any of the 50 states, which state would it be and why? 15. There are four dogs/ants/people at four corners of a square of unit distance. At the same instant all of them start running with unit speed towards the person on their clockwise direction and will always run towards that target. How long does it take for them to meet and where? HINT. They will meet in the center and the distance covered by them is independent of the path they actually take (a spiral). 16. (from Tara Hovel) A helicopter drops two trains, each on a parachute, onto a straight infinite railway line. There is an undefined distance between the two trains. Each faces the same direction, and upon landing, the parachute attached to each train falls to the ground next to the train and detaches. Each train has a microchip that controls its motion. The chips are identical. There is no way for the trains to know where they are. You need to write the code in the chip to make the trains bump into each other. Each line of code takes a single clock cycle to execute. You can use the following commands (and only these); MF – moves the train forward MB – moves the train backward IF (P) – conditional that’s satisfied if the train is next to a parachute. There is no “then” to this IF statement. 1. Tell me the courses you liked and why did you like them. 2. Give an instance in your life in which you were faced with a problem and you tackled it successfully. 3. What is your ideal working environment. 4. Why do you think you are smart. 5. Questions on the projects listed on the Resume. 6. Do you want to know any thing about the company.( Try to ask some relevant and interesting question). 7. How long do you want to stay in USA and why (I guess non-citizens get this)? 8. What is your geographical preference? 9. What are your expectations from the job.
Since each type of metal has unique properties, its usage or applications also tend to vary. Every single day, there is a likelihood that you have come across different metals. In this article, we are going to explore the types and properties of metals. It goes without question that steel remains to be the most popular type of metal in the world. Of course, there are numerous reasons why this remains to be the case. By definition, steel is basically an alloy of iron and carbon. In most cases, the ratio of these two elements is 99% to 1% respectively. However, there could be some slight variations of this composition. One of the key properties of steel is tensile strength and toughness. This metal does not deform easily. It also has a high strength to weight ratio, a feature that makes it light. There are other types of steel which we are steel viewed as different types of metals. Stainless steel is basically an alloy of steel that is known for its extraordinary strength and corrosion resistance. One of the most noticeable features of this metal is the amount of chromium in it. Stainless steel has a minimum of 11% chromium. This composition protects the iron from rusting. High levels of chromium also make this steel to be resistant to corrosion. On the other hand, it has a very low percentage of carbon. It ranges between 0.003% to 1%. Other elements that are found in stainless steel include nitrogen, aluminum, molybdenum, silicon, selenium, titanium, and sulfur. As the name suggests, this type of steel alloy contains a relatively higher percentage of carbon content. It can be as high as 2.1%. However, there is no specified minimum amount of other elements such as silicon, titanium, nickel, molybdenum, tungsten among other elements. The presence of carbon gives this metal higher durability, lower melting point, and high malleability. It also makes it more efficient when it comes to heat distribution. In terms of applications, carbon steel is used for making cars, bridges, fridges, high-strength wires, cutting tools among other heavy-duty products. Alloy steel is basically a type of steel that is alloyed or mixed with different types of elements. The alloy composition makes up to between 1.0% and 50% depending on the types of elements used. This mixture helps to improve the mechanical properties of steel. Alloy steel is further divided into two broad categories. These are low alloy steel and high alloy steel. Again, it all depends on the quantities of the alloys used. Some of the commonly used elements or alloys include manganese, chromium, molybdenum, vanadium, boron, titanium, cobalt, copper, tungsten, and niobium. Alloy steel has an array of desirable features such as mechanical strength, hardness, corrosion resistance, and heat resistance. This metal is used for unique applications such as making jet engines, automotive engines, turbine blades among others. Although it is always regarded as old metal, the usefulness of iron cannot be easily ignored. This metal still enjoys a wide range of applications in the modern world. The fact that iron is the main ingredient means a lot. It basically means that without iron we won’t have steel. Iron is used for making cookware and skillets. It is an ideal choice for making the non-stick surface of most cookware. This metal is also used for making automotive parts, machinery parts, and even for building/ construction parts. Although it is always considered as an element, aluminum is also a type of metal. It is a silver-white metal, an appearance that makes it look lustrous. Aluminum does not exist naturally. This is because it easily reacts with other elements such as oxygen to form a compound. The most common natural-occurring aluminum is the sulfates. The first aluminum was discovered in 1824 and after many years, people learned how to produce large volumes of aluminum for commercial use. The excellent strength to weight ratio is one of the reasons behind the popularity of aluminum metal. The metal is highly malleable hence can be used for making a wide range of products. Being non-ferrous, aluminum does not rust easily. However, it can oxidize and corrode when mixed with other chemicals. Copper is another ‘old-fashioned’ metal that is still widely recognized even in the modern world. Pure copper metal has an orange luster and tends to be a little bit shiny. Copper is highly ductile and very malleable. This means that it can be easily formed into different products. This explains why copper is used for making items such as jewelry. Perhaps the most popular application of copper metal is for making the electric cable. This is due to the fact that this metal is a good conductor of electricity. It is also a good conductor of heat hence can be used for several thermal applications. Copper is also durable and can be used for making products such as pipes and statues. Magnesium is one of the metals that belong to the Group 2 elements. It is one of the most reactive metals. Magnesium, in most cases, tends to exist as an alloy whereby it shares some of its desirable properties with other types of metals. When compared to other metals such as aluminum, magnesium is a very light metal. Despite carrying little weight, magnesium is quite strong. It can be used for some heavy-duty applications. One of the most popular uses of magnesium is in the automotive industry. Some parts of the vehicles such as rims and engine blocks are made of magnesium. Some automakers prefer using magnesium instead of aluminum. The main disadvantage is it corrodes easily. Brass is basically an alloy that comprises of copper and zinc. The proportions of these two metal elements tend to vary depending on the desired mechanical and electrical properties. Other elements that can be found in bras metal include lead, arsenic, phosphorous, silicon, aluminum, and manganese. Some of the properties of bras include low melting points, and easily malleable. Also, this metal does not easily spark. For years brass metal has been used for decoration. This is mainly because of its gold-like luster. The unique appearance of brass makes it ideal for making items such as drawer pulls, doorknobs, artifacts, and musical instruments. Bronze is another type of metal that is an alloy of copper. The only difference with steel is it has tin instead of zinc. The 12% steel in the bronze metal is responsible for its hardness and tenacity. In fact, bronze is physically and mechanically stronger than pure copper. Other elements make up the bronze alloy. They include aluminum, nickel, manganese, and zinc. Each of these elements has a direct impact on the physical and mechanical properties of the bronze metal. There is a rich history behind the application of bronze. It is a common feature in most ancient churches whereby it was used for making bells. The modern applications of bronze include making sculptures and music instruments. Titanium is ranked among the top 10 most abundant metals on earth. Although it is easily available, the challenge comes in refining it. This is the reason why this metal is quite expensive. Titanium metal has a high strength to weight ratio. Very few metals can match titanium when it comes to this property. Probably this is the reason why titanium is used for making aircraft parts. Titanium is also classified as a biocompatible metal. This means that it does not trigger reactions with the body. This feature makes it ideal for creating body implants. The metal has a high nitrogen content and is corrosion resistant. Zinc is quite a popular metal that enjoys a wide range of applications. It is produced by roasting sulfide ores and placing the resultant product in sulphuric acid. Pure zinc has a low melting point, a feature that makes it easy to cast. The metal can be easily melted and molded into different products. Zinc is popularly used for coating other metals with the aim of protecting them from rusting among other dangers. A perfect example is galvanized steel or iron. They are basically deep in molten zinc which will then form a protective coating. Also, know as Wolfram, Tungsten is categorized under rare metals. This simply means that it is not easily available even though it is a natural-occurring metal. Tungsten must be combined with other elements and chemicals in order to attain its desirable properties. A significant percentage of tungsten in the market is used for making tungsten carbide. This material is tough and abrasive such that it is used for cutting other metals. Like zinc, tungsten is also used as an alloying metal. The ability to retain its state under extremely high temperatures makes it an ideal metal for making parts of a rocket. Nickel is another popular metal that has many different uses. One of its common applications is for making steel. Nickel plays the role of hardening steel and making it tough. It also increases the corrosion resistance of the steel metal. Another common use of nickel is for making coins. Equipment that is used for storing chemicals is also plaited with nickel. The silvery luster of nickel makes it an ideal metal for decorations. Cobalt is a ferromagnetic metal that is characterized by a bluish-white lustrous. It is a brittle metal that can easily react with different chemicals. It is capable of retaining its magnetic properties even at high temperatures. Cobalt has a high melting point which is almost 3000°C. In terms of appearance, it is similar to nickel and iron. This metal is predominantly used for making alloys. It can be easily alloyed with other metals such as nickel and iron. Satellites are made of cobalt, tungsten, and chromium alloy. Cobalt is also used for electroplating due to its tensile strength and high resistance to oxidation. Tin is easily identified by its silvery luster and a yellow hue. It is a natural- occurring element that exists in the rocks. However, it is a scarce element. Tin is a highly malleable metal. It can be easily subjected to different types of metal processing methods such as spinning and rolling. This metal has a low melting point hence not suitable for extremely high-temperature applications. The high adhesive property of steel makes it ideal for cleaning other metals such as steel. It can also be used for plating iron. Lead is a popular metal that is characterized by its softness and malleability. This also means that it has a low melting point and can be cast into different products. It is relatively a heavy metal that has high density. Lead is popularly used for making paint and bullets. However, its usage has been on the decline in recent years due to the health risks that it poses. Chromium is a physically hard element after carbon and maybe a diamond. It is usually used as an alloy so as to improve the strength of other metals. The metal has a high melting point which is approximately 2000 degrees Celcius. In terms of appearance, chromium has a unique reflection and can be used to improve the surface finishing of other metals. Silicon is usually categorized as a metalloid. This simply means that it posses the properties of both metals and non-metals. Silicon has a high melting but does not conduct electricity. This is why it is not considered a full metal. Lithium is categorized as a soft metal or a metal alkali group. It has a silvery-white luster that makes it look attractive. Lithium is used for improving the strength of glasses and ceramics. With this list of metals, you can identify one that will suit your application. Of course, your choice will be based on the properties of the metal. In case you want to process the metal before using it, let the experts do the job. This is why we at Roche Industry provide different metal processing and treatment solutions. Rocheindustry specializes in high quality rapid prototyping, rapid low-volume manufacturing and high-volume production. The services of rapid prototype we providing are professional Engineering, CNC Machining including CNC Milling and Turning, Sheet Metal Fabrication or Sheet Metal Prototyping, Die casting, metal stamping, Vacuum Casting, 3D printing, SLA, Plastic and Aluminum Extrusion Prototyping, Rapid Tooling, Rapid Injection Moulding, Surface Treatment finish services and other rapid prototyping China services please contact us now.
President Franklin D. Roosevelt privately wanted to restrict the number of Jews entering some professions and universities, and believed Jews should be “spread thin all over the world” so they would quickly assimilate, according to a new book about FDR’s response to the Holocaust. The book is FDR and the Holocaust: A Breach of Faith, by Dr. Rafael Medoff, published by the David S. Wyman Institute for Holocaust Studies. Medoff, the founding director of the institute, is the author of 14 previous books on the Holocaust, Jewish history, and Zionism. (Order from Amazon) FDR and the Holocaust: A Breach of Faith reveals that Roosevelt remarked (in 1943) that “the complaints which the Germans bore towards the Jews in Germany” were “understandable” because there were many Jews in law, medicine, and other fields in Germany; FDR also claimed (in 1938) that the Jews were too prominent in Poland’s economy, which he blamed for antisemitism there. Because of his view that Jews should not be permitted to concentrate in professions, institutions, or regions, FDR promoted a quota on admitting Jewish students to Harvard in the 1920s; urged local leaders in Allied-liberated North Africa in 1943 to limit the entry of Jews into many professions; and in 1943 endorsed a plan to “spread the Jews thin all over the world” so they would quickly assimilate. FDR and the Holocaust: A Breach of Faith argues that President Roosevelt’s private views help explain why he refused to allow Jewish refugees to enter the United States up to the limit of existing laws during the Holocaust years. (Nearly 200,000 immigration quota places were left unused.) Major revelations to be found in FDR and the Holocaust: A Breach of Faith: * DISPARAGING REMARKS ABOUT JEWS: President Roosevelts private remarks about Jews included unfounded allegations about Jews dominating economies and professions in Europe; calling a tax maneuver by the owners of the New York Times “a dirty Jewish trick”; and proudly telling a U.S. senator that “there is no Jewish blood in our veins.” These attitudes of FDR’s played an important and previously unrecognized role in shaping his immigration policy and his response to the Holocaust. * NEW EVIDENCE ON REFUSAL TO BOMB AUSCHWITZ: American Jewish groups’ requests to bomb the Auschwitz death camp or the railway lines leading to it reached all the way to Roosevelt’s most important cabinet members. Previously, scholars had believed the requests were all handled by lower level officials. This book reveals that bombing requests were made directly to Secretary of State Cordell Hull and Secretary of War Henry Stimson, both of whom misleadingly claimed that the proposal did not fall within their area of responsibility. * RECOGNIZING FDR’S FAILURE: Although American Jewish leaders were among FDR’s strongest supporters during the war, many of them later expressed very different sentiments. In previously unpublished postwar interviews cited in the book, Jewish leaders acknowledge that they were “hoodwinked” and “taken in” by “Roosevelt’s charm,” that FDR’s “assurances” that he would help Europe’s Jews were “hollow,” and that in the end, FDR “didn’t lift a finger” to help Jewish refugees. COMMENTS BY SCHOLARS AND JEWISH LEADERS ON FDR AND THE HOLOCAUST: A BREACH OF FAITH The controversy over FDR’s bystanding during the Holocaust continues–as it should. Despite some efforts to justify Roosevelt’s behavior, the moral failure demands a full reckoning. In this book, Rafael Medoff gives us important treatments of various actors in the processes which led to Roosevelt’s actions and inactions. The volume is enriched by new documents and new reflections. This book should be read and taken seriously by everyone who is concerned with why President Roosevelt came up so short in dealing with the most total crime of genocide in history. –Rabbi Dr. Irving (Yitz) Greenberg President, Jewish Life Network/Steinhardt Foundation Past Chair, United States Holocaust Memorial Council * * * Dr. Medoff provides one of the best overviews of the ongoing controversy about the question of what the Roosevelt administration might have done to avert, or at least mitigate, the Holocaust. The inclusion of dozens of original documents will make this work required reading for anyone working on this still controversial issue. –Prof. Melvin I. Urofsky Virginia Commonwealth University (emer.) Biographer of Justice Louis D. Brandeis and Rabbi Stephen S. Wise * * * FDR has been lionized–and for good reason. From the New Deal to victory in World War II, he proved himself one of history’s great world leaders. But did he do all he could to save the Jews of Europe during the Holocaust? In his excellent new book FDR and the Holocaust, Rafael Medoff reveals new and compelling research that sheds important light on this question. In the tradition of David S. Wyman’s monumental The Abandonment of the Jews, Dr. Medoff confronts some hard realities that are sure to make people rethink their assumptions about FDR’s response to the Nazi genocide. — Professor Ari L. Goldman, Columbia University; former New York Times religion correspondent and author of The Search for God at Harvard. * * * This book provides new and devastating revelations about the extent and depth of antisemitism among Franklin D. Roosevelt, several of those closest to him, and the State Department, and how it shaped U.S. refugee policy during the Holocaust. Dr. Medoff expands on David S. Wyman’s pathbreaking work, exposing the roots of the Roosevelt administration’s weak response to the lethal threat to European Jewry, from 1933 through the Holocaust. FDR and the Holocaust: A Breach of Faith is particularly relevant today at a time of widespread denial of, and indifference to, intensifying global antisemitism. –Prof. Stephen H. Norwood and Prof. Eunice G. Pollack Editors, Encyclopedia of American Jewish History * * * For those who think of FDR as a friend and hero of American Jews, Dr. Rafael Medoff’s well written and documented expose of Roosevelt’s failure to attempt to rescue European Jewry from the Holocaust, is a reminder that Jews in America must never be afraid to speak truth to power. –Seymour Reich, chairman emeritus of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations and the International Catholic-Jewish Commission (on the Vatican and the Holocaust) * * * As a youngster in an American Jewish yeshiva, I was entrusted with the task of creating a memorial program to mark the passing of President Franklin Roosevelt. In later years, I sometimes imagined I could have been among the Jewish leaders who went to FDR to ask him to save Jews from the ongoing Holocaust. I imagined that when the great man stalled, evaded or double-talked, I would have mustered the courage to bang on his desk in the White House and demand that he rescue our people. Rafael Medoff’s superbly important, well-researched, and fascinating new book reveals the painful truth of what really happened when Jewish leaders met with President Roosevelt–what he knew, when he knew it, and why his reaction to the Holocaust was so pitifully inadequate. –Dr. Israel W. Charny Editor, The Encyclopedia of Genocide
The L298N Dual H-Bridge Motor Controller is an inexpensive device which allows you to control two independent DC motors using 5 volt digital logic signals, such as the digital output pins of an Arduino. The L298N can also be used to control a single stepper motor or two sets of LED lighting strips. In this tutorial we’ll learn how to control two 6-volt DC motors with the L298N. First we will enlighten ourselves by learning a quick bit of the history of DC motors and discovering how they actually work. We will also learn what an “H-Bridge” is, how it works and how we can control the direction of rotation of a DC motor with it. We will then quickly discuss the concept of Pulse Width Modulation, or PWM, as it is used to control the speed of DC motors. Don’t worry, it’s a lot easier than it sounds! Then we will look at how the L288N H-Bridge module actually works, how to hook it up to a couple of motors and how to power it correctly. Next we will connect the L298N Dual H-Bridge Motor Controller to an Arduino. Once that’s done we’ll run a motor demo sketch to put the device through its paces. After the demo we will expand upon our sketch to allow a couple of potentiometers (connected to the Arduino’s analog inputs) to control the speed of each motor. And now that we’ve become experts we will replace the potentiometers with a joystick and use it to control the motors. Just for fun we’ll use this setup to build an Arduino-driven car! The L298N Dual H-Bridge Motor Controller is a very versatile device that is sure to find a lot of use in your robotics and IoT projects. Anywhere you want to make things move with an Arduino!
Today’s townland is Saintfield Parks. Unsurprisingly, it is located in the town of Saintfield, County Down. This townland is less saintly than it first appears. The English placename ‘Saintfield’ only came into use in the 18th century, as a translation of the Irish Tamhnach Naomh meaning ‘field of saints’. However PLACENAMESNI points out that Tamhnach Naomh may be a ‘re-interpretation’ of Tamhnach Naoine meaning ‘field of hunger’ and describing land of poor quality for farming. As for ‘Parks’, well, I’m getting more familiar with that name superseding an older townland name when a village is established, having already visited Town Parks of Comber and Town Parks of Donaghadee. The town is more welcoming than this sign would suggest. The picture on the sign represents the Battle of Saintfield which took place on 9th June 1798. Behind the Parish Church, at the far end of the graveyard, is a display of information panels about the battle, which was a victory for the United Irishmen in their ultimately unsuccessful rebellion against British rule. The gravestone in the next photograph is for one of the rebels. John Lowry came from the townland of Ballymorran, which I visited in May 2015 (at least that’s how I interpret ‘Bellymaron’). There is a useful local website called Discover Saintfield– click here for a link to some interesting views of the town in old photographs and postcards. Which county is Saintfield Parks in? County Down Which civil parish is Saintfield Parks in? Saintfield Which townlands border Saintfield Parks? To the north, Glasdrumman. To the east, Ballyagherty and Leggygowan. To the south, Drumaconnell East. To the west, Drumaconnell West and Lisdalgan.
Continuous Glucose Monitors Could Modernize Clinical Trials with Remote Data Collection San Francisco – March 4, 2021 – Diabetes is one of the most prevalent chronic diseases in the world, impacting over 422 million people. In the United States alone, more than 120 million Americans are living with type 2 diabetes (T2D) and prediabetes. New research published today in JMIR Formative Research shows continuous glucose monitors (CGMs) could modernize T2D clinical trials by using remote data collection. The study – “Medical Food Assessment Using a Smartphone App With Continuous Glucose Monitoring Sensors: Proof-of-Concept Study” – was conducted by scientists at Pendulum Therapeutics. In the field of T2D research, clinical studies have shown that dietary and behavioral changes can lead to improvements in glucose control. But these studies place a huge burden on participants: they must report to a clinical center – sometimes several times a day – for evaluation and to have their blood drawn. As a result, rigorous trials of dietary interventions are rare which, in turn, limits the body of clinical evidence available to guide T2D treatment. CGMs have been used in clinical studies, but their full potential have not been investigated; for example, they are used only during specific times, such as the beginning and end of the trials. Within this context, scientists at Pendulum Therapeutics conducted a proof-of-concept trial using CGMs to collect real-world blood glucose data on individuals who consumed a placebo or a product (Pendulum Glucose Control, which is a medical food). In a six week, double-blind, placebo-controlled, 2×2 cross-over pilot study of six individuals, Pendulum scientists also used a custom smartphone app to record food intake, exercise, and alcohol consumption. These data were integrated with CGM data to construct a visual diet log in sync with concurrent glucose levels – all without clinic visits. With a measurement every 15 minutes for six weeks, study results showed that CGM devices capture a trove of information including unexpected results: in one instance, an unusual spike in blood glucose was detected in a subject who was fasting overnight, a finding that would not have been possible with a finger stick in a clinical setting. Armed with evidence of an overnight spike, researchers could ask the subject if he consumed food later than reported or drank alcohol the night before. By understanding these circumstances and asking the subject to repeat the protocol the following day, researchers could lower variability of the data, resulting in a more precise estimate of the effect of the product or placebo. In Pendulum’s trial, an average of 3,000 data points per subject were collected across three sensors over 40 days. No adverse events were recorded, and subjects reported general satisfaction with sensor management, the product, and the smartphone app, with an average self-reported satisfaction score of 8.25 out of 10. In conclusion, the study found CGM devices were well tolerated by the patients; can be used in coordination with other sensors (e.g., smartwatches and mobility data from the smartphone) that could be complementary with little added burden on the patient; can provide high-quality measurements of relevant endpoints; and can enable granular monitoring of subject compliance with low clinical overhead. About Pendulum Therapeutics Pendulum Therapeutics believes therapies developed using evidence-based microbiome science and DNA sequencing can help heal the body from within. Armed with 13 patents and 42 pending, the company introduced its flagship product Pendulum Glucose Control, a medical probiotic, in 2020 and demonstrated its efficacy in lowering blood sugar spikes and reducing A1C in a published clinical trial. Founded in 2012 by a diverse team of scientists with deep microbiology, biochemistry, computational, and clinical expertise, Pendulum has raised $57 million to date from Sequoia Capital, True Ventures, Khosla Ventures, AME Cloud Ventures, and Mayo Clinic among others. Pendulum Therapeutics is headquartered in San Francisco. For more information, contact:
Ever get frustrated with your camera and wondered why it works like shit in dim lights? You are not alone Our mind has extraordinary capabilities of analyzing what it receives from the retina and manipulating the image according to the brain’s need. Ever wondered how easily we adjust in low lights. Well, the brain not only adjusts focus but also fill lights wherever it wants and do so much more, and we never realize any of it. It does all of this extraordinary image processing for every frame of the image it receives from the retina, and it’s a continuous process. On the other hand, the camera only has a set of rules which we define in the beginning and displays exactly what it receives with some minute changes, but all of that fails in most cases and that is why we often get a picture different from what we have expected. I have started reading “How Mind Works” by Steven Pinker and the book is extremely technical and is right now talking about how the eyes work and how difficult it is to build a robot which can detect, process and identify images and the challenges are really huge. The book has a promising beginning, let’s see how it goes.
HP, in conjunction with the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), has announced a pilot program to start using its printer technology to "print" new strains of antibiotics. The effort is meant to help find and produce new strains of antibiotics in the fight against drug-resistant antibiotics. Regional Antibiotic Resistance (AR) labs in New York, Minnesota, Tennessee and Wisconsin have been equipped with HP D300e Digital Dispenser BioPrinters. This marks the first time HP regional labs have been permitted to conduct rapid susceptibility testing on behalf of hospitals and other health departments across the US. Antimicrobial-resistant bacteria is a global public health issue many health professionals are trying to tackle, with incidents like the recent explosion of antibiotic-resistant gonorrhea across many parts of Europe. Due to the length of time it currently takes to produce new antibiotics, get it FDA approved and then released to hospitals, many patients are not receiving the medication they need when they need it. Jean Patel, the science team leader for the Antibiotic Resistance Coordination and Strategy Unit for the CDC, commented on the decision saying: "Bacteria continuously develops new ways to resist antibiotics – once a drug is approved for use, the countdown begins until resistance emerges. "In fact, resistance has been detected before FDA approval. To save lives and protect people, it is vital to make technology accessible to hospital labs nationwide. We hope this pilot will help ensure our newest drugs last longer and put gold-standard lab results in healthcare providers hands faster," he said.
The term weather conditions transformation and global warming will often be used interchangeably as they will make reference to the same environmental problem. Morris Esformes on Climate Change of people prefer for you to use climate modification like environment is more obvious to us and weather change is not mainly because debatable as global heating. It might be okay to be able to use either phrase, nonetheless for those who like finely-detailed in language, we will take a tour via climate research to organize out the change. Weather conditions and Weather: The idea is considered that no one could predict the next thunderstorm and that will is true as no one can predict very far in advance whether this will damp or storm or exactly how cold or perhaps hot it is. However, if we watch the next thunderstorm of the location over the long period associated with time, the routine comes out. That pattern will be the climate and, though we all are not able to anticipate the weather effectively, we have a significantly better chance of forecasting weather. If we notice specific things like the high plus low temps, the sum of rain, when the very first frost and often the last freeze out commonly comes about, a pattern on. Typically the climate can be really critical to us simply because it establishes the crops we expand, the types of house all of us build, and the clothing all of us wear. Local climate determines the plants, animals, and insect pests that located in our region and the types of overall health difficulties plus diseases. The factors that will determine climate have been discovered to be able to differ slowly as time passes and we expect the local climate in a region for you to remain relatively stable around long periods. Environment Shift: In the last century, and even particularly in the last three decades, we now have noticed that climates inside many elements of the Planet are changing. Often the day time high temperature ranges are usually increased, the night levels are usually warmer, the designs connected with drought and rainwater include changed, and thunder or wind storms looked like to have become tougher. Ice takes place later within the yr and the last freeze happens previously, which has caused horticulture zones to move. The runs of many kinds of plants, pets, bugs and harmful bacteria include changed, and there has been invasions of non-native, often obtrusive, kinds into fresh regions. Our observations own shown the fact that climate can be undoubtedly altering, and those changes are sure in order to have got consequences for us all. Worldwide Warming up: Since the particular early 1800’s, professionals have got recently been concerned with no matter if our use of precious fuels possesses affected the particular heat range from the Earth. Together with an increasing idea of this role greenhouse gas participate in in stabilizing the temp of the Earth, science tecnistions wondered whether burning non-renewable fuels might affect the strength stability of the World. Burning co2 fuels releases carbon dioxide, LASER, which usually they understood to become the essential greenhouse gas plus there was speculation about whether an increase of CARBON in the air could actually cause the planet earth to be able to warm. Critics in the thought argued that normal water has been a much more critical, the relatively small volume of CO2 surrounding this time would certainly not make some sort of big difference, and that the quantity of CO2 guy made was minuscule when compared to what was by now now there. The Role of LASER: With a better knowing of often the environment plus the advent of pcs, G. N. Plass in 1956 was capable to help calculate the weather understanding of the Earth to AS WELL AS. He found that will duplicity the attention involving LASER in the air flow would cause a good 3 to 4 °C increase in the particular Earth’s heat. A number of newer studies have confirmed his or her job and have displayed that, while the concentration of CARBON DIOXIDE in the particular air is small, this accounts for about 25% on the greenhouse effect. Surely, raising the amount of CO2 in the air ought to cause the Soil to relaxing. In the last century, our emission of CO2 has improved at a minuscule amount in order to over 60 billion a lot annually as well as amount involving CO2 up has risen from 280 parts every million (ppm) to 385 ppm. But , has the fact that triggered around the world? The Temperature Scorecard: The temperatures above the Earth vary extensively from place to location with the weather condition and even the season. However, the temperature of a specific location measured over a good any period of time of time provides a pattern and can certainly use the pattern like a scorecard. There are heat information that go again to about 1850 and even these have given you a good way to have track of if the Earth is warming. By using cruises logs, weather areas, together with satellite measurements, NASA (NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION) offers compiled the Global twelve-monthly mean temperature coming from 1880 to the present. While the idea varies commonly via 12 months to season, typically the Earth’s annual mean heat shows an upward development and the Earth is surely getting warmer. The scorecard shows that during the last one hundred year the Earth has powered about 1. 3°F, which often does not sound similar to much. Nonetheless since of which is the average on the whole Earth, it presents a tremendous amount associated with energy and this can be the energy in often the environment that drives the climate and decides each of our environment. So there we all have that, a trigger and result romantic relationship. Environment change is induced by simply global warming, which in turn is definitely brought about by the increasing CO2 in the surroundings, along with the CO2 is growing because of our use involving fossil fuels. Although this is probably less relevant whether we call the idea weather conditions change or world-wide heating up, it is very appropriate that we fully grasp typically the relationships and consider our own role. The way many of us use fossil fuels possesses effects for us and for the rest associated with the varieties on often the planet.
Vision to see future in our past Archaeological finds made on an island near the capital in 1959 proved pivotal in defining and promoting the UAE’s relics and antiquities. Sheikh Zayed, the nation’s Founding Father, was one of the first to spot their importance. In the spring of 1959, the Ruler of Abu Dhabi at the time, Sheikh Shakhbut bin Sultan, made one of several visits to an island 20 kilometres from his ancestral home at Qasr Al Hosn, which we now know as Sas Al Nakheel but was then known as Umm an-Nar. Rendered in the bleached tones that are now so redolent of the period, the event was captured in a photograph that not only acts as an evocative royal portrait but also represents a milestone in the history of archaeological exploration in the Emirates, which will be explored in The Archaeological Story of the United Arab Emirates – a public lecture on Wednesday evening at Manarat Al Saadiyat. Although nobody quite realised it at the time, Umm an-Nar, which had become the site of the first archaeological excavation to be conducted in the Emirates, would produce crucial finds that would eventually give its name to a unique Bronze Age culture that now defines the archaeological record in the same way as sites such as Mycenae, La Tene and Harappa. If the archaeological value of Umm an-Nar’s crumbling burial chambers was not immediately evident, the significance of the dig was not lost on Sheikh Shakhbut nor on his brother, Sheikh Zayed, the Founding President of the UAE who lived and served at the time as the Ruler’s Representative in Al Ain. Not only would that first archaeological season at Umm an-Nar lead to a second, in 1960, which revealed evidence of a previously unknown ancient culture, but it also prompted Sheikh Zayed to invite the dig’s English and Danish archaeologists to explore the similar but far more numerous tombs that defined the escarpments, oases and valleys of the area then known as Buraimi. “This is a period in which Sheikh Shakhbut and Sheikh Zayed both played critical roles in promoting archaeological research, when you had someone who was going to become leader who was very interested in promoting archaeology and understanding the history of this region.” So says the archaeologist and academic Peter Magee, who, alongside Eisa Yousif, director of excavation and archaeological sites at the Sharjah Archaeology Authority, will present on Wednesday evening’s talk. “But this was also a moment when archaeology had matured as a discipline and when the practice of going to countries throughout the Middle East and extracting large-scale antiquities and putting them in museums in western Europe had come to an end,” says Dr Magee. As well as having worked on UAE excavations for 25 years, Dr Magee is also professor of classical and near eastern archaeology at Bryn Mawr College in Pennsylvania and now, as the recently appointed head of archaeology, coastal heritage and palaeontology with Abu Dhabi’s Tourism and Culture Authority (TCA), he is charged with organising archaeological research and promoting history and archaeology in the emirate. “It’s about making the history more visible and intelligible to the local population and visitors,” says the Australian. “In Al Ain, for example, we have a Unesco World Heritage site and it’s important that people visiting should be made aware that there is a unique and important history in that area that is of stunning global importance.” While he admits that it has taken time for the historical and archaeological importance of the Arabian Peninsula to be recognised, the archaeologist believes that an increasing number of excavations and finds, such as the 125,000-year-old stone tools discovered at the Paleolithic rock shelter at Jebel Faya in Sharjah, have shed new light on the role of Arabia in prehistory and have the potential to rewrite the history of humankind. “The excavations at Jebel Faya have really placed this part of the Peninsula on the map for the movement of anatomically modern humans out of Africa,” says Dr Magee, whose recent book, The Archaeology of Prehistoric Arabia, was published in 2014 . “And what happens is that you get one discovery like that and it prompts further interest and research, and that’s certainly the case now. “This is an area that’s been overlooked in the past, but in just 50-odd years there has been a huge amount that’s been discovered about this area and even since the 1970s it’s played an increasing and significant role in scholarship.” That scholarship includes the academic’s work at sites such as Muweilah, a 3,000-year-old Iron Age town in Sharjah and Tell Abraq, a multiple-layered village and town on the border between Sharjah and Umm Al Quwain that dates back 4,500 years. One of Dr Magee’s recent papers, published last year with 23 other academics in The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, explores how finds made in the UAE are helping to shed light on the origins of the domesticated camel. By comparing DNA samples from domesticated camel populations in Australia, India and North Africa with ancient DNA extracted from wild camel bones found at archaeological sites such as Baynunah, Umm an-Nar and Hili in the UAE, the researchers claim to have identified Arabian camels as the founder gene pool for all the domesticated camels in the world. “The sites have shown that there is a tradition of hunting wild camel that goes back to the Neolithic period and then suddenly, about 3,500 years ago, there’s a decline, then about 3,000 years ago there’s a spike in the presence of domesticated camels,” Dr Magee says. “That suggests the economic background to the appearance of domesticated camels was hunting and that over-exploitation of the wild population might have been a factor in their domestication. “We cannot say that this means that domestication first happened here because the genetics of the camels here could be similar to that in other parts of the Peninsula, but it certainly pushes the interpretation in the direction that initial domestication may have happened here.” When it comes to the practice of archaeology in the UAE the appropriate pattern, Dr Magee insists, was set by people such as Karen Frifelt, a Danish archaeologist from the University of Aarhus who led excavations in Al Ain between 1968 and 1972. “It was a unique moment because they came to the country with huge respect for the local culture and what was happening throughout the region in pre-history,” says Dr Magee. “They also came to the archaeological record with an open mind, and that allows you to see things that might not be so obvious if you come in with a more blinkered view.” He lists his priorities for archaeology in Abu Dhabi as research, promotion, engagement and capacity-building to ensure that a new generation of Emirati archaeologists can investigate their own history. “Now when we excavate a site we have to think about how it will be presented to the public, but that wasn’t the case and is still not the case with a lot of archaeology in this part of the world,” the professor says. “Archaeologists excavate, they take away the data, go home and the site is left. “We can’t do that and we have to think about that even to the extent that it will influence how we excavate. “When it comes to working with teams in the future, we will ask them to be all the things they should be – rigorous and scientific – but I want them to keep in mind that the way they excavate the site, the way they expose certain features, has to lend itself to the site’s eventual [public] presentation. “This is not unusual and it’s increasingly the case elsewhere. The days of just digging stuff up are gone, and that’s a good thing.” The Archaeological Story of the United Arab Emirates, the second talk in the current Multaqa Zayed National Museum series takes place on Wednesday at Manarat Al Saadiyat from 7pm to 8.30pm. To register visit saadiyatculturaldistrict.ae or call +971 (0) 2 657 5800. Published: April 25, 2017 04:00 AM
Do You Even Know How To Eat Healthy? For many years, pyramids were the way nutritionists would communicate about healthy eating. In case you weren’t aware, there has been a paradigm shift. “Plates” are in. Of course, it is easier to communicate how to eat healthy in a way reflecting how we eat. For the definitive source see pic from The Harvard School of Public Health. Let’s make this very simple (or should that have been “digestible”) and simply discuss the contents of your plate. Your “Eat Healthy” Meal Blueprint 1. Fill half of your plate with produce—that means fruits and vegetables. The broader the variety, the better. Sorry, but potatoes and French fries don’t count as vegetables!
Modern technology collided with the classroom at Dr. Brosseau school Wednesday. The middle school students participated in One Hour of Code, a global movement that highlights the importance of learning new critical skills for the next century. Over 350 students filled the gymnasium with smart devices in tow, and many of them got their first introduction to coding. “Last year, me and Madame Smyl did this with our class and her class. This year we wanted to give every kid opportunity to do it in the school,” said Mr. Barlow, social studies and computers teacher at the school. Each grade was given a different assignment that taught them some of the coding basics: the Grade 5’s had a dance party game, the Grade 6’s were given a Minecraft adventure, and the Grade 7-8’s built a digital story. “The kids are starting off by putting characters in and getting their characters to do stuff…they’re learning the language of code, but at the same time they’re doing a lot of problem solving today, and a lot of critical thinking,” said Mr. Barlow. “There’s a lot of skills that go along with it as well…these days there’s a lot of push of computer science and this is the beginning of it.” Grade 8 student Joel Martin was part of the helping group of older students, who understand a little about code and can assist the younger kids when they have questions. “So far I’ve just been going around, if kids don’t understand or have trouble I’ll try and send them back on course,” he said. “They don’t understand where to put the code or how the sequence goes yet, so it’s just explaining to them how it works.” Nearly 3600 schools across Canada are participating in One Hour of Code this week to celebrate Computer Science Week from Dec. 3-9. “The great thing about this is all this is free. All of it is online, as long as the kids have a device at home they can keep up and do it there,” said Mr. Barlow. “I’m trying to get it more and more into my classes every year, I think it’s gone pretty well today.”
India's indigenous languages and ancient traditional skills are at risk of extinction, but it's not too late to save them. This is what Palagummi Sainath, the founder of People’s Archive of Rural India (PARI) aim to do. According to him, public institutions in India are on the decline, and the public sphere is shrinking. “The public sphere is shrinking. Every day the media, education - all these are falling more and more into the private corporate control.” Sainath says many great museum collections are now private collections. And private collectors, who own some of the greatest artefacts, never exhibit these in public. “I think that it’s a terrible thing that your culture and your history can be privatised. It belongs to the men and women who sat and created it,” Sainath says. "I think that it’s a terrible thing that your culture and your history can be privatised. It belongs to the men and women who sat and created it" According to PARI, the use of libraries and museums has declined rapidly in the last 20 years. At first this was not seen as a negative - one could find the same miniature painting schools and traditional murtikar sculptures in the streets. In short, the public sphere was indeed becoming public. But these too are now disappearing. This is how the idea of a People’s Archive of Rural India came about, to harness the power of improving internet connectivity to record the lives of India’s rural citizens. People living in rural areas make up roughly two-thirds of India’s 1.37 billion population. The aim of the organisation is to capture the lived experiences of these people, who are often marginalised in mainstream narratives, and transform them into a living, breathing journal. In this way, the secrets of the Khalasi seamen, who have set heavy ships to sail for more than two millennia, can be preserved for posterity. Another threatened national treasure is India's traditional rope-making economy. It now faces imminent collapse due to deforestation and the introduction of synthetic materials like nylon. The Bhores are the last family in Boragaon village still hand-crafting rope. Image: Sanket Jain Folk songs, ancient occupations like traditional storytellers, murtikar sculptors, the khattat’s calligraphy and a centuries old pottery tradition all face imminent extinction. Some of the indigenous languages spoken by minorities are also disappearing as the number of speakers dwindles slowly. Also threatened with extinction is the peculiar job of the toddy-tapper. Toddy-tappers climb up 50 palm trees daily to get the sap they use to make palm jaggery - palm sugar - or a fermented liquor called toddy. Sainath says that in peak season these toddy-tappers climb a combined height of about 5000 metres. This, Sainath says, is a height greater than New York’s Empire State Building. "He’s made that incision he needs to, using his sickle. By the day’s end he will make more than one. The sap he collects can either end up as pannai vellam, palm jaggery, or as the palm wine called toddy" from the Toddy tapper album. Image P. Sainath The struggle against being forgotten In this struggle for dignity, and in the struggle against being forgotten, memory is indeed the weapon, as celebrated South African journalist and poet Don Mattera put it. PARI’s work is not limited to immortalising the tales of India’s forgotten freedom fighters and their fight against British colonialism. In 'Lost on the island, and then found or forgotten' they tell the stories of pilgrims that visit West Bengal and get separated from their families - or even abandoned by them. These pilgrims are often overlooked and forgotten, ending up desolate in shelters as they hope for the return of their loved ones. An elderly woman from northern West Bengal says an emotional goodbye to volunteers who helped her find her relatives. Image: Ritayan Mukherjee PARI also reports on climate change from the point of view of rural populations that feel the brunt of its effects. These stories are unique and captivating. They deal with the nomadic pastoral communities in the eastern Himalayas who cross-bred the yak and the highland cattle to get the more climate resilient dzomo, or tell of how rising sea temperatures and diesel pollution from big trawlers mean fishing communities now only see the fish they once used to catch on the Discovery Channel. The risk today is that entire identities, livelihoods and, as is the case of women in India’s rural agriculture sector, the recognition of substantial contributions to the economy, will be erased. “In India, if you say farmer we think of a man sitting with a plough or maybe on a tractor, but 60% to 65% of all labour in agriculture is done by women.” Despite this, he says the conventional societal attitude towards their contribution is very reactionary. Women are never accepted as farmers and only seen as either the wives, daughters or sisters of farmers. “The kids I teach and the journalists I train, it’s a revelation to them how much work women do.” Sainath says because the work done by women is often unpaid, their contribution is not factored into the gross domestic product or seen as contributing to economic growth. Another thing that must be taken into account when documenting India’s marginalised rural population is what he calls the dignity of labour. “No photograph will ever be carried on PARI if we believe it hurts the dignity of that individual,” he explains. “No photograph will ever be carried on PARI if we believe it hurts the dignity of that individual.” PARI’s first ever exhibition was titled 'Visible Work, Invisible Women: An Online Photo Exhibition'. In many ways, the exhibition lifts the veil that would otherwise render these people invisible. Visible Work, Invisible Women was not initially intended for an exhibition. The images are from 26 years ago when Sainath started out as a rural reporter. “I was recording what work people were doing,” he says. Visible Work, Invisible Women: An Online Photo Exhibition. Images: P Sainath The way he documented how these women eked out a living eventually had a bearing on his attitude on how stories about working people should be told. He says if you want to write about someone at work then you have to be with them through their entire work cycle. “You’d see that the women in the photographs are perfectly comfortable with the camera and with me because I was staying in their huts, in their homes,” he explains. This meant that they became used to his presence and he, in turn, earned their trust. “I don’t begin an interview at point one. I have conversations that move into interviews,” he explains. He also finds the heated debate about consent among photographers a bit trivial. “The person giving the consent often doesn't know how the picture will be used.” He says the photographer's intentions say a lot about how people are portrayed. “The intent with which you take a photograph tells me something about your content already.” Many photographers think attaining consent is a big achievement. But do the images they take try to make the subject more understandable? Do they tell the story in their own words as far as possible? On the contrary, he says, consent is just the beginning. “Just a beautiful photograph of a beautiful woman in a brick kiln [brickyard] doesn't tell you that woman could die young. She is breathing fine brick dust. She is working in a furnace without shoes,” he says. "They’re not just barefoot – those are hot bricks on their heads." from Bricks, coal and stone,Visible Work, Invisible Women: An Online Photo Exhibition, Image: P Sainath
Editor's Note: The Slooh webcast of today's eclipse has been canceled due to bad weather at the observation sites. Stargazers in the western United States will be able to see the moon dip into Earth's shadow during a minor lunar eclipse early Wednesday (Nov. 28), and observers outside the prime viewing spots can watch it live online. During the so-called penumbral lunar eclipse, the November full moon passes into the hazy outer edge, or penumbra, of the earth's shadow, where the sun's light is only partially blocked. The effect for an observer on Earth is a subtle, but perceptible, shadow that spreads over the moon's surface. Observers in East Asia, Australia, Hawaii and Alaska will be able to see the lunar eclipse from start to finish (weather permitting), but moon fans outside those areas can see the lunar event live online via the Slooh Space Camera. Slooh officials will provide a free webcast at the eclipse's peak time of 9:15 a.m. EST (1415 GMT). That is about a half hour before the moon reaches its fullest phase of the month at 9:46 a.m. EST (1446 GMT). SPACE.com will carry the Slooh lunar eclipse webcast live here. Slooh allows users to observe the night sky from a worldwide network of affiliated telescopes, and Wednesday's feed will be broadcast from either New Zealand or Hawaii, depending on which observatory has the better view. The lunar eclipse webcast will last about 30 minutes. You can follow the event via Slooh directly at: http://events.slooh.com/. Penumbral lunar eclipse explained Wednesday's eclipse won't be as dramatic as a total lunar eclipse, in which the moon passes fully through the pitch-black core of Earth's shadow, but lunar observers can still find something worth watching as the moon turns a darker shade of pale. The eclipse will begin at 7:15 a.m. EST (1215 GMT), when the moon first breaches the outer edges of Earth's shadow (called the penumbra). Because the resulting change in color will be extremely faint, it will likely only be detectable to the naked eye after more than half of the moon has passed into the penumbra. That means that the farther west an observer is located in the United States, the better chance he or she will have of noticing a change in the moon. The lunar eclipse will reach its peak, with close to 92 percent of the moon's diameter immersed in the penumbra, at about 9:30 a.m. EST (1430 GMT), hours after the moon has set on the East Coast. Observers in the Mountain Time Zone will have the best chance of noticing the dimming just before moonset, which comes at 6:59 a.m. local time (1359 GMT) in Denver. And the Pacific Standard Time Zone, where the peak will arrive with a good leadoff on moonset, will have the best view in the lower 48 U.S. states. Editor's note: If you snap a photo of the dim penumbral lunar eclipse of 2012 on Nov. 28 and would like to share it with SPACE.com for a story or gallery, send images, comments and viewing location information to managing editor Tariq Malik at: [email protected].
Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton today released a comprehensive policy paper on LGBT issues, laying out goals that include passing the Equality Act, ending the use of conversion therapy on minors, protecting the rights of transgender people, and more. The paper, posted on Clinton’s campaign website, notes that despite the arrival of nationwide marriage equality due to the Supreme Court’s decision in June, much work remains to be done to assure full equality for LGBT Americans. “LGBT kids continue to be discriminated against and bullied at school, a restaurant can refuse to serve a transgender person, and a same-sex couple is at risk of being evicted from their home,” the introduction states. In the document, which echoes a sweeping speech Clinton gave to Human Rights Campaign volunteers in October, the former Secretary of State promises to take actions across six broad categories. In the category of achieving full federal equality for LGBT Americans, she pledges to work with Congress to pass the Equality Act, the more comprehensive successor to the long-stalled Employment Non-Discrimination Act; continue to use executive orders, as President Obama has, to advance equality; and support efforts in the courts and federal government departments to clarify that laws prohibiting sex discrimination also ban discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. In the realm of supporting LGBT youth, parents, and elders, she vows to end discriminatory treatment in adoption, improve the school climate for all students, end the use of “ex-gay” therapy on minors, combat youth homelessness, assure support for LGBT retirees, and collect national data to better serve LGBT individuals and families. Clinton further pledges to honor the military service of LGBT Americans by upgrading the discharges of service members dismissed due to their sexual orientation, and support efforts to allow transgender personnel to serve openly. In the area of HIV and AIDS treatment, she promises to try to make it more affordable by calling on states that have not accepted Medicaid expansion to do so, and capping out-of-pocket expenses on prescription drugs. She will also seek to expand the use of preventive measures such as pre-exposure prophylaxis, also known as PrEP. In the area of transgender rights, she says she will take measures aimed at reducing violence against trans people and improving law enforcement’s interactions with this population, plus will seek to streamline the process for changing identity documents. The sixth area in the paper is promoting LGBT equality around the world, and the former secretary of State, who famously said “Gay rights are human rights,” pledges to increase support for the Global Equality Fund, which supports programs that advance LGBT rights abroad. The National Center for Lesbian Rights was quick to praise the document, which it notes is the first and most specific issued by any 2016 presidential candidate. “The policy positions announced today by Hillary Clinton sketch a bold vision for our community in this country and beyond,” said a statement issued by NCLR executive director Kate Kendell. “We applaud Secretary Clinton for her audacious and uncompromising support for a range of policy initiatives which, if realized, would improve the lives and futures of every lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender person in our nation and the world. “By addressing issues like parenting and adoption, protections for LGBT youth, conversion therapy, violence against transgender people and transgender service in the military, and health care access for people with HIV — issues which have long been part of NCLR’s work — Secretary Clinton reflects a genuine understanding of the issues facing LGBT people and their families. Her passionate support is extremely gratifying.” Less formally, on her personal Facebook page, Kendell called Clinton’s proposals “a pretty awesome gay agenda.”
The core of the AGV trolley is its guiding technology. Currently, AGV guiding technologies appear on the market include: electromagnetic induction guidance, magnetic tape, magnetic point guidance, optical guidance, laser guidance, visual guidance, composite guidance, and the like. A brief introduction to these guidance categories is now available: - Electromagnetic induction guidance This technology is the most widely used technology, and it is also a relatively mature technology. The metal wire is buried in the traveling path of the AGV, and the low frequency and low voltage current are applied to generate a magnetic field around the wire. The induction coil on the AGV passes the navigation magnetic field. The identification and tracking of strong and weak, to achieve the guidance of AGV. 2, optical technology guidance This technology is also relatively mature. The main principle is to paint or paste the ribbon on the travel path of the AGV, and to guide the identification of the ribbon image signal acquired by the optical sensor. 3, laser guidance Laser guidance is mainly achieved by reflection of light. A positionally accurate laser reflector is mounted around the AGV travel path. The laser positioning device mounted on the AGV emits a laser beam and collects signals reflected from reflectors at different angles to determine its current position and orientation based on triangular geometry operations. To achieve the guidance of AGV. 4, visual guidance Vision guidance is the most promising AGV guidance technology. The principle of this technology is to install a CCD camera on the AGV. The AGV collects image information through the visual sensor during driving, and determines the current position of the AGV by processing the image information. The main technical difficulty lies in image processing. 5, composite guidance Composite guidance refers to the combination of multiple guiding technologies. Because each guiding method has its limitations, in order to meet the needs, the above guiding methods can be combined, and the two guiding methods can achieve seamless docking. To achieve the perfect guidance of the AGV car. Although each guiding technology of the AGV car can meet the needs of the enterprise, it has certain limitations. It is believed that with the improvement of the guiding technology of the AGV car, there will definitely be a better technology and strategy in the future. Achieve the perfect presentation of AGV trolley guiding technology.
- A topic sentence is the sentence that conveys a central position of a paragraph. - Like a topic sentence, a thesis statement is a sentence that conveys your central position for a multi-paragraph essay. - Argumentative/Persuasive thesis statements must contain an arguable claim. Statements of fact are not argumentative thesis statements. - An argumentative/persuasive thesis statement must be a complete sentence with a subject (topic) and a commentary (also called a position or opinion). - More complex thesis statements also include specific explanations of the commentary (opinion). 1. Fill in the blanks: A thesis statement is a complete sentence with a ______________ and ______________. Sometimes thesis statements include an _______________ of the ___________________. 2. For each of the following thesis statements, circle the subject and underline the opinion. If the thesis statement includes an explanation of the opinion, underline it twice. Example: High school graduates should be required to take a year off to pursue community service projects before entering college in order to increase their maturity and global awareness. a) School districts should require that all students wear uniforms in order to reduce classroom distractions and student conflicts. b) Parents should participate more in the education of their children. c) Thefederal government should devote more money to developing alternative energy solutions in order to reduce American dependence on foreign oil and improve the environment. d) Only local school board members, not religious leaders or parents, should decide which books high school libraries should offer. e) Violence in the movies, television, and video games leads to an increase in violent behavior in young people. 3. Write down a subject (topic):_____________________________ 4. Write 3 or 4 possible commentaries (opinions) about this topic. 5. Now write a thesis statement for your subject here: 6. In the sentence you just wrote above, circle the subject and underline the commentary. Think of four more subjects that you know something about and write them down. Then, write a thesis statement for each of your four subjects. 11. In the four sentences you just wrote above, circle the subject and underline the commentary. If the thesis statement includes an explanation of the opinion, underline it twice. Tips for good commentary: - Is the commentary an opinion or just stating a fact? - The commentary should be an opinion, but stated like a fact. - Is it specific enough to be interesting? - Not specific enough: School is good. - Specific: Attending school regularly is the best way to become a successful communicator. - Is it concise? Can you say it more briefly? - Is there enough “meat’ to develop the idea? Test: Brainstorm…list three or four main ideas that could support your thesis statement 12. REVIEW. Fill in the blanks for the two main parts of a thesis statement. A thesis statement is a complete sentence with a ______________ and _______________ (also called a position or an opinion). Sometimes thesis statements include ____________________ of the ________________. LEAVE A COMMENT BELOW IF YOU USED THIS HANDOUT IN YOUR CLASS. HOW DID IT GO? WOULD YOU DO IT AGAIN? DID YOU MAKE ANY MODIFICATIONS?
Let’s first start by thinking about what Public Health is Public health was defined in 1988 by Acheson from the World Health Organisation as “The art and science of preventing disease, prolonging life and promoting health through the organised efforts of society”(World Health Organisation, 1988) Public Health works to improve the health and wellbeing of a community and involves all the things you see in this image. It also takes into account all the various factors that might impact on health and wellbeing such as clean water, good housing, poverty and many more. Public Health involves a wide range of people from different organisations and communities who work together to improve the health of a community or society in general. Public Health aims to provide the maximum benefit to the largest number of people in relation to the issue it is tackling Unlike traditional medicine such as visiting your Doctor, Public Health medicine is not an activity confined to one group or class of disease, or even to healthcare alone. It is about society as a whole. There is a good article from the University of Coventry on what public health involves here.
This article discusses the difference between layer 2 and layer 3 switches and the appropriate use cases for each. Traditional switching operates at layer 2 of the OSI model, where packets are sent to a specific switch port based on destination MAC addresses. Routing operates at layer 3, where packets are sent to a specific next-hop IP address, based on destination IP address. Devices in the same layer 2 segment do not need routing to reach local peers. What is needed however is the destination MAC address which can be resolved through the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) as illustrated below: Here, PC A wants to send traffic to PC B at IP address It does not know the unique MAC address however, until it discovers it through an ARP, which is broadcasted throughout the layer 2 segment: It then sends the packet to the appropriate destination MAC address which the switch will then forward out the correct port based on its MAC-Address-Table. Within a layer 2 switch environment exists a broadcast domain. Any broadcast traffic on a switch will be forwarded out all ports with the exception of the port the broadcast packet arrived on. Broadcasts are contained in the same layer 2 segment, as they do not traverse past a layer 3 boundary. Large layer 2 broadcast domains can be susceptible to certain unintended problems, such as broadcast storms, which have the ability to cause network outages. Also, it may be preferable to separate certain clients into different broadcast domains for security and policy reasons. This is when it becomes useful to configure VLANs. A layer 2 switch can assign VLANs to specific switch ports, which in turn are in different layer 3 subnets, and therefore in different broadcast domains. VLANs allow for greater flexibility by allowing different layer 3 networks to be sharing the same layer 2 infrastructure. The image below shows an example of a multi-VLAN environment on a layer 2 switch: Since VLANs exist in their own layer 3 subnet, routing will need to occur for traffic to flow in between VLANs. This is where a layer 3 switch can be utilized. A Layer 3 switch is basically a switch that can perform routing functions in addition to switching. A client computer requires a default gateway for layer 3 connectivity to remote subnets. When the computer sends traffic to another subnet, the destination MAC address in the packet will be that of the default gateway, which will then accept the packet at layer 2, and proceed to route the traffic to the appropriate destination based on its routing table. The diagram below shows an example of a layer 3 switching routing between VLANs through its two VLAN interfaces. As before, the layer 3 device will still need to resolve the MAC address of PC B through an ARP request broadcasted out to VLAN 20. It then rewrites the appropriate destination MAC address and forwards the packet back out the layer 2 segment: Layer 3 switch overview - An overview of how to configure layer 3 routing on Cisco Meraki switches Layer 3 switch example - A configuration example using layer 3 routing on Cisco Meraki switches Best practices for 802.1q VLAN tagging - Information regarding the appropriate use of VLAN tags
Memory Helper for Piano Keys – FREE PRINTABLE My 10-year-old student Katelyn was having trouble remembering the white keys. She is blind, and remembering which way is right and left are sometimes tricky for her. So the task of memorizing that C is to the left of the 2 black keys, for example, was a challenge. On her own, she came up with a little story with acronyms to help her remember the white key names. The Dog (D) lives in the dog house (2 black keys) is one of the acronyms — and she created a character for each white key. I thought it was so cute, and I asked her if I could “steal” her idea. She was thrilled that her story might help other students who are having trouble remembering the white keys. I had a drawing created as a visual aid, and I’m offering it here as a free printable with the story included. Let me and Katelynn know in the Comments if this was helpful in your studio or with your child.
What is STEAM and Why is it Important STEAM is an educational approach to learning that uses Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts and Mathematics as access points for guiding student inquiry, dialogue, and critical thinking. The end results are students who take thoughtful risks, engage in experiential learning, persist in problem-solving, embrace collaboration, and work through the creative process. Why is it Important? Meaningful educational experiences and authentic learning should be integrated across content areas. All too often curriculum and instruction delivery are compartmentalized. First, we teach language arts, then we go to music, then we teach math, then we have lunch, then if we are lucky we have a few minutes to squeeze in science and/or social studies. This approach is not helping our students to develop the necessary critical thinking and collaborating skills that are needed to compete in a rapidly evolving global economy. When looking at the future job market and considering the types of roles our future workforce will need to fill, STEAM education is of extreme value. A recent Georgetown University study on job growth and education requirements in the workforce through the year 2020 found that nearly 55 million jobs could go unfilled due to skill gaps, mainly in the fields of healthcare STEAM-related fields. As more educators and lawmakers consider these statistics, STEAM education continues to be embraced and implemented into curriculums and lesson plans. Even more, in a constantly-changing world, the importance of creativity in the workforce is getting more and more attention. That’s why art programs are essential in the STEAM learning process, especially with preschoolers and kindergartners. But STEAM at this Age? While young children may not be ready to understand multiplication or how computers work. They can develop a strong foundation for future learning by exploring STEAM skills and concepts through play and discussion, then applying those skills through more play. Science encourages investigation and answering questions, often involving experimentation. Technology refers to using simple tools like crayons and rulers, as well as more complex ones like microscopes and computers. Engineering refers to recognizing problems and testing solutions. Arts encourage creativity and allow children to illustrate concepts they are learning. Mathematics deals with numbers, but also patterns, shapes, organizational skills and much more.
The image is from Wikipedia Commons |Part of the Atlantic Revolutions| |Date||5 May 1789 – 9 November 1799 (1789-05-05 – 1799-11-09) (10 years, 6 months and 4 days) |Location||Kingdom of France| The French Revolution (French: Révolution française [ʁevɔlysjɔ̃ fʁɑ̃sɛːz]) refers to the period that began with the Estates General of 1789 and ended in November 1799 with the formation of the French Consulate. Many of its ideas are considered fundamental principles of Western liberal democracy. Between 1700 and 1789, the French population increased from 18 million to 26 million, leading to large numbers of unemployed, accompanied by sharp increases in food prices caused by years of bad harvests. Widespread social distress led to the convocation of the Estates General in May 1789, the first since 1614. In June, the Estates were converted into a National Assembly, which passed a series of radical measures, among them the abolition of feudalism, state control of the Catholic Church and extending the right to vote. The next three years were dominated by the struggle for political control, exacerbated by economic depression and social unrest. External powers like Austria, Britain and Prussia viewed the Revolution as a threat, leading to the outbreak of the French Revolutionary Wars in April 1792. Disillusionment with Louis XVI led to the establishment of the First French Republic on 22 September 1792, followed by his execution in January 1793. In June, an uprising in Paris replaced the Girondins who dominated the National Assembly with the Committee of Public Safety, headed by Maximilien Robespierre. This sparked the Reign of Terror, an attempt to eradicate alleged "counter-revolutionaries"; by the time it ended in July 1794, over 16,600 had been executed in Paris and the provinces. As well as external enemies, the Republic faced a series of internal Royalist and Jacobin revolts; in order to deal with these, the French Directory took power in November 1795. Despite military success, the war led to economic stagnation and internal divisions, and in November 1799 the Directory was replaced by the Consulate. Many Revolutionary symbols such as La Marseillaise and phrases like Liberté, égalité, fraternité reappeared in other revolts, such as the 1917 Russian Revolution. Over the next two centuries, its key principles like equality would inspire campaigns for the abolition of slavery and universal suffrage. Its values and institutions dominate French politics to this day, and many historians regard the Revolution as one of the most important events in recent history. Historians generally view the underlying causes of the French Revolution as the result of the Ancien Régime's failure to manage social and economic inequality. Rapid population growth and the inability to adequately finance government debt resulted in economic depression, unemployment and high food prices. These combined with a regressive tax system and resistance to reform by the ruling elite to produce a crisis Louis XVI proved unable to manage. From the late 17th century on, political and cultural debate became part of wider European society, rather than being confined to a small elite. This took different forms, such as the English 'coffeehouse culture', and extended to areas colonised by Europeans, particularly British North America. Contacts between diverse groups in Edinburgh, Geneva, Boston, Amsterdam, Paris, London or Vienna were much greater than often appreciated. Transnational elites who shared ideas and styles were not new; what changed was their extent and the numbers involved. Under Louis XIV, the Court at Versailles was the centre of culture, fashion and political power. Improvements in education and literacy over the course of the 18th century meant larger audiences for newspapers and journals, with Masonic lodges, coffee houses and reading clubs providing areas where people could debate and discuss ideas. The emergence of this so-called "public sphere" led to Paris replacing Versailles as the cultural and intellectual centre, leaving the Court isolated and less able to influence opinion. In addition to these social changes, the French population grew from 18 million in 1700 to 26 million in 1789, making it the most populous state in Europe; Paris had over 600,000 inhabitants, of whom roughly one third were either unemployed or had no regular work. Inefficient agricultural methods meant domestic farmers could not support these numbers, while primitive transportation networks made it hard to maintain supplies even when there was sufficient. As a result, food prices rose by 65% between 1770 and 1790, yet real wages increased by only 22%. Food shortages were particularly damaging for the regime, since many blamed price increases on government failure to prevent profiteering. By the spring of 1789, a poor harvest followed by a severe winter had created a rural peasantry with nothing to sell, and an urban proletariat whose purchasing power had collapsed. The other major drag on the economy was state debt. Traditional views of the French Revolution often attribute the financial crisis to the costs of the 1778–1783 Anglo-French War, but modern economic studies show this is only a partial explanation. In 1788, the ratio of debt to gross national income in France was 55.6%, compared to 181.8% in Britain, and although French borrowing costs were higher, the percentage of revenue devoted to interest payments was roughly the same in both countries. One historian concludes "neither the level of French state debt in 1788, or its previous history, can be considered an explanation for the outbreak of revolution in 1789". The problem was French taxes were predominantly paid by the urban and rural poor, while attempts to share the burden more equally were blocked by the regional parlements which controlled financial policy. The resulting impasse in the face of widespread economic distress led to the calling of the Estates-General, which became radicalised by the struggle for control of public finances. Although not indifferent to the crisis, when faced with opposition Louis tended to back down. The court became the target of popular anger, especially Queen Marie-Antoinette, who was viewed as a spendthrift Austrian spy, and blamed for the dismissal of 'progressive' ministers like Jacques Necker. For their opponents, Enlightenment ideas on equality and democracy provided an intellectual framework for dealing with these issues, while the American Revolution was seen as confirmation of their practical application. Crisis of the Ancien Régime The French state faced a series of budgetary crises during the 18th century, caused primarily by structural deficiencies rather than lack of resources. Unlike Britain, where Parliament determined both expenditures and taxes, in France, the Crown controlled spending, but not revenue. National taxes could only be approved by the Estates-General, which had not sat since 1614; its revenue functions had been assumed by regional parlements, the most powerful being the Parlement de Paris' (see Map). Although willing to authorise one-time taxes, these bodies were reluctant to pass long-term measures, while collection was outsourced to private individuals. This significantly reduced the yield from those that were approved and as a result, France struggled to service its debt despite being larger and wealthier than Britain. Following partial default in 1770, reforms were instituted by Turgot, the Finance Minister, which by 1776 had balanced the budget and reduced government borrowing costs from 12% per year to under 6%. Despite this success, he was dismissed in May 1776 after arguing France could not afford intervention in North America. He was succeeded by Swiss Protestant Jacques Necker, who was replaced in 1781 by Charles de Calonne. The war was financed by state debt, creating a large rentier class who lived on the interest, primarily members of the French nobility or commercial classes. By 1785 the government was struggling to cover these payments and since default would ruin much of French society, this meant increasing taxes. When the parlements refused to comply, Calonne persuaded Louis to summon the Assembly of Notables, an advisory council dominated by the upper nobility. The council refused, arguing this could only be approved by the Estates, and in May 1787 Calonne was replaced by the man responsible, de Brienne, a former archbishop of Toulouse. [a] By 1788, debt owed by the French Crown totalled an unprecedented 4.5 billion livres, while devaluing the coinage caused runaway inflation. In an effort to resolve the crisis, Necker was re-appointed Finance Minister in August 1788 but was unable to reach an agreement on how to increase revenue and in May 1789 Louis summoned the Estates-General for the first time in over a hundred and fifty years. Estates-General of 1789 The Estates-General was divided into three parts; the First for members of the clergy, Second for the nobility, and Third for the "commons". Each sat separately, enabling the First and Second Estates to outvote the Third, despite representing less than 5% of the population, while both were largely exempt from tax. In the 1789 elections, the First Estate returned 303 deputies, representing 100,000 Catholic clergy; nearly 10% of French lands were owned directly by individual bishops and monasteries, in addition to tithes paid by peasants. More than two-thirds of the clergy lived on less than 500 livres per year, and were often closer to the urban and rural poor than those elected for the Third Estate, where voting was restricted to male French taxpayers, aged 25 or over. As a result, half of the 610 deputies elected to the Third Estate in 1789 were lawyers or local officials, nearly a third businessmen, while fifty-one were wealthy land owners. The Second Estate elected 291 deputies, representing about 400,000 men and women, who owned about 25% of the land and collected seigneurial dues and rents from their tenants. Like the clergy, this was not a uniform body, and was divided into the noblesse d'épée, or traditional aristocracy, and the noblesse de robe. The latter derived rank from judicial or administrative posts and tended to be hard-working professionals, who dominated the regional parlements and were often intensely socially conservative. To assist delegates, each region completed a list of grievances, known as Cahiers de doléances. Although they contained ideas that would have seemed radical only months before, most supported the monarchy, and assumed the Estates-General would agree to financial reforms, rather than fundamental constitutional change. The lifting of press censorship allowed widespread distribution of political writings, mostly written by liberal members of the aristocracy and upper middle-class. Abbé Sieyès, a political theorist and priest elected to the Third Estate, argued it should take precedence over the other two as it represented 95% of the population. The Estates-General convened in the Menus-Plaisirs du Roi on 5 May 1789, near the Palace of Versailles rather than in Paris; the choice of location was interpreted as an attempt to control their debates. As was customary, each Estate assembled in separate rooms, whose furnishings and opening ceremonies deliberately emphasised the superiority of the First and Second Estates. They also insisted on enforcing the rule that only those who owned land could sit as deputies for the Second Estate, and thus excluded the immensely popular Comte de Mirabeau. As separate assemblies meant the Third Estate could always be outvoted by the other two, Sieyès sought to combine all three. His method was to require all deputies be approved by the Estates-General as a whole, instead of each Estate verifying its own members. Since this meant the legitimacy of deputies derived from the Estates-General, they would have to continue sitting as one body. After an extended stalemate, on 10 June the Third Estate proceeded to verify its own deputies, a process completed on 17 June; two days later, they were joined by over 100 members of the First Estate, and declared themselves the National Assembly. The remaining deputies from the other two Estates were invited to join, but the Assembly made it clear they intended to legislate with or without their support. In an attempt to prevent the Assembly from convening, Louis XVI ordered the Salle des États closed down, claiming it needed to be prepared for a royal speech. On 20 June, the Assembly met in a tennis court outside Versailles and swore not to disperse until a new constitution had been agreed. Messages of support poured in from Paris and other cities; by 27 June, they had been joined by the majority of the First Estate, plus forty-seven members of the Second, and Louis backed down. Constitutional monarchy (July 1789 – September 1792) Abolition of the Ancien Régime Even these limited reforms went too far for reactionaries like Marie Antoinette and Louis' younger brother the Comte d'Artois; on their advice, Louis dismissed Necker again as chief minister on 11 July. On 12 July, the Assembly went into a non-stop session after rumours circulated he was planning to use the Swiss Guards to force it to close. The news brought crowds of protestors into the streets, and soldiers of the elite Gardes Françaises regiment refused to disperse them. On the 14th, many of these soldiers joined the mob in attacking the Bastille, a royal fortress with large stores of arms and ammunition. The governor de Launay surrendered after several hours of fighting that cost the lives of 83 attackers. Taken to the Hôtel de Ville, he was executed, his head placed on a pike and paraded around the city; the fortress was then torn down in a remarkably short time. Although rumoured to hold many prisoners, the Bastille held only seven: four forgers, two noblemen held for "immoral behaviour", and a murder suspect. Nevertheless, as a potent symbol of the Ancien Régime, its destruction was viewed as a triumph and Bastille Day is still celebrated every year. Alarmed by the prospect of losing control of the capital, Louis appointed Lafayette commander of the National Guard, with Jean-Sylvain Bailly as head of a new administrative structure known as the Commune. On 17 July, he visited Paris accompanied by 100 deputies, where he was greeted by Bailly and accepted a tricolore cockade to loud cheers. However, it was clear power had shifted from his court; he was welcomed as 'Louis XVI, father of the French and king of a free people.' The short-lived unity enforced on the Assembly by a common threat quickly dissipated. Deputies argued over constitutional forms, while civil authority rapidly deteriorated. On 22 July, former Finance Minister Joseph Foullon and his son were lynched by a Parisian mob, and neither Bailly nor Lafayette could prevent it. In rural areas, wild rumours and paranoia resulted in the formation of militia and an agrarian insurrection known as la Grande Peur. The breakdown of law and order and frequent attacks on aristocratic property led much of the nobility to flee abroad. These émigrés funded reactionary forces within France and urged foreign monarchs to back a counter-revolution. In response, the Assembly published the August Decrees which abolished feudalism and other privileges held by the nobility, notably exemption from tax. Other decrees included equality before the law, opening public office to all, freedom of worship, and cancellation of special privileges held by provinces and towns. Over 25% of French farmland was subject to feudal dues, which provided most of the income for large landowners; these were now cancelled, along with tithes due to the church. The intention was for tenants to pay compensation for these losses but the majority refused to comply and the obligation was cancelled in 1793. With the suspension of the 13 regional parlements in November, the key institutional pillars of the old regime had all been abolished in less than four months. From its early stages, the Revolution therefore displayed signs of its radical nature; what remained unclear was the constitutional mechanism for turning intentions into practical applications. Creating a new constitution Assisted by Thomas Jefferson, Lafayette prepared a draft constitution known as the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen, which echoed some of the provisions of the Declaration of Independence. However France had reached no consensus on the role of the Crown, and until this question was settled, it was impossible to create political institutions. When presented to the legislative committee on 11 July, it was rejected by pragmatists such as Jean Joseph Mounier, President of the Assembly, who feared creating expectations that could not be satisfied. After editing by Mirabeau, it was published on 26 August as a statement of principle. It contained provisions considered radical in any European society, let alone 1789 France, and while historians continue to debate responsibility for its wording, most agree the reality is a mix. Although Jefferson made major contributions to Lafayette's draft, he himself acknowledged an intellectual debt to Montesquieu, and the final version was significantly different. French historian Georges Lefebvre argues that combined with the elimination of privilege and feudalism, it "highlighted equality in a way the (American Declaration of Independence) did not". More importantly, the two differed in intent; Jefferson saw the US Constitution and Bill of Rights as fixing the political system at a specific point in time, claiming they 'contained no original thought...but expressed the American mind' at that stage. The 1791 French Constitution was viewed as a starting point, the Declaration providing an aspirational vision, a key difference between the two Revolutions. Attached as a preamble to the French Constitution of 1791, and that of the 1870 to 1940 French Third Republic, it was incorporated into the current Constitution of France in 1958. Discussions continued. Mounier, supported by conservatives like Gérard de Lally-Tollendal, wanted a bicameral system, with an upper house appointed by the king, who would have the right of veto. On 10 September, the majority led by Sieyès and Talleyrand rejected this in favour of a single assembly, while Louis retained only a "suspensive veto"; this meant he could delay the implementation of a law, but not block it. On this basis, a new committee was convened to agree on a constitution; the most controversial issue was citizenship, linked to the debate on the balance between individual rights and obligations. Ultimately, the 1791 Constitution distinguished between 'active citizens' who held political rights, defined as French males over the age of 25, who paid direct taxes equal to three days' labour, and 'passive citizens', who were restricted to 'civil rights'. As a result, it was never fully accepted by radicals in the Jacobin club. Food shortages and the worsening economy caused frustration at the lack of progress, and the Parisian working-class, or sans culottes, became increasingly restive. This came to a head in late September, when the Flanders Regiment arrived in Versailles to take over as the royal bodyguard and in line with normal practice were welcomed with a ceremonial banquet. Popular anger was fuelled by press descriptions of this as a 'gluttonous orgy', and claims the tricolor cockade had been abused. The arrival of these troops was also viewed as an attempt to intimidate the Assembly. On 5 October 1789, crowds of women assembled outside the Hôtel de Ville, urging action to reduce prices and improve bread supplies. These protests quickly turned political, and after seizing weapons stored at the Hôtel de Ville, some 7,000 marched on Versailles, where they entered the Assembly to present their demands. They were followed by 15,000 members of the National Guard under Lafayette, who tried to dissuade them, but took command when it became clear they would desert if he did not grant their request. When the National Guard arrived later that evening, Lafayette persuaded Louis the safety of his family required relocation to Paris. Next morning, some of the protestors broke into the Royal apartments, searching for Marie Antoinette, who escaped. They ransacked the palace, killing several guards. Although the situation remained tense, order was eventually restored, and the Royal family and Assembly left for Paris, escorted by the National Guard. Announcing his acceptance of the August Decrees and the Declaration, Louis committed to constitutional monarchy, and his official title changed from 'King of France' to 'King of the French'. Revolution and the church Historian John McManners argues "in eighteenth-century France, throne and altar were commonly spoken of as in close alliance; their simultaneous collapse ... would one day provide the final proof of their interdependence." One suggestion is that after a century of persecution, some French Protestants actively supported an anti-Catholic regime, a resentment fuelled by Enlightenment thinkers such as Voltaire. Philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau wrote it was "manifestly contrary to the law of nature... that a handful of people should gorge themselves with superfluities while the hungry multitude goes in want of necessities." The Revolution caused a massive shift of power from the Catholic Church to the state; although the extent of religious belief has been questioned, elimination of tolerance for religious minorities meant by 1789 being French also meant being Catholic. The church was the largest individual landowner in France, controlling nearly 10% of all estates and levied tithes, effectively a 10% tax on income, collected from peasant farmers in the form of crops. In return, it provided a minimal level of social support. The August decrees abolished tithes, and on 2 November the Assembly confiscated all church property, the value of which was used to back a new paper currency known as assignats. In return, the state assumed responsibilities such as paying the clergy and caring for the poor, the sick and the orphaned. On 13 February 1790, religious orders and monasteries were dissolved, while monks and nuns were encouraged to return to private life. The Civil Constitution of the Clergy of 12 July 1790 made them employees of the state, as well as establishing rates of pay and a system for electing priests and bishops. Pope Pius VI and many French Catholics objected to this since it denied the authority of the Pope over the French Church. In October, thirty bishops wrote a declaration denouncing the law, further fuelling opposition. When clergy were required to swear loyalty to the Civil Constitution in November 1790, it split the church between the 24% who complied, and the majority who refused. This stiffened popular resistance against state interference, especially in traditionally Catholic areas such as Normandy, Brittany and the Vendée, where only a few priests took the oath and the civilian population turned against the revolution. The result was state-led persecution of "Refractory clergy", many of whom were forced into exile, deported, or executed. The period from October 1789 to spring 1791 is usually seen as one of relative tranquility, when some of the most important legislative reforms were enacted. While certainly true, many provincial areas experienced conflict over the source of legitimate authority, where officers of the Ancien Régime had been swept away, but new structures were not yet in place. This was less obvious in Paris, since the formation of the National Guard made it the best policed city in Europe, but growing disorder in the provinces inevitably affected members of the Assembly. Centrists led by Sieyès, Lafayette, Mirabeau and Bailly created a majority by forging consensus with monarchiens like Mounier, and independents including Adrien Duport, Barnave and Alexandre Lameth. At one end of the political spectrum, reactionaries like Cazalès and Maury denounced the Revolution in all its forms, with extremists like Maximilien Robespierre at the other. He and Jean-Paul Marat gained increasing support for opposing the criteria for 'active citizens', which had disenfranchised much of the Parisian proletariat. In January 1790, the National Guard tried to arrest Marat for denouncing Lafayette and Bailly as 'enemies of the people'. On 14 July 1790, celebrations were held throughout France commemorating the fall of the Bastille, with participants swearing an oath of fidelity to 'the nation, the law and the king.' The Fête de la Fédération in Paris was attended by Louis XVI and his family, with Talleyrand performing a mass. Despite this show of unity, the Assembly was increasingly divided, while external players like the Paris Commune and National Guard competed for power. One of the most significant was the Jacobin club; originally a forum for general debate, by August 1790 it had over 150 members, split into different factions. The Assembly continued to develop new institutions; in September 1790, the regional Parlements were abolished and their legal functions replaced by a new independent judiciary, with jury trials for criminal cases. However, moderate deputies were uneasy at popular demands for universal suffrage, labour unions and cheap bread, and over the winter of 1790 and 1791, they passed a series of measures intended to disarm popular radicalism. These included exclusion of poorer citizens from the National Guard, limits on use of petitions and posters, and the June 1791 Le Chapelier Law suppressing trade guilds and any form of worker organisation. The traditional force for preserving law and order was the army, which was increasingly divided between officers, who largely came from the nobility, and ordinary soldiers. In August 1790, the loyalist General Bouillé suppressed a serious mutiny at Nancy; although congratulated by the Assembly, he was criticised by Jacobin radicals for the severity of his actions. Growing disorder meant many professional officers either left or became émigrés, further destabilising the institution. Varennes and after Held in the Tuileries Palace under virtual house arrest, Louis XVI was urged by his brother and wife to re-assert his independence by taking refuge with Bouillé, who was based at Montmédy with 10,000 soldiers considered loyal to the Crown. The royal family left the palace in disguise on the night of 20 June 1791; late the next day, Louis was recognised as he passed through Varennes, arrested and taken back to Paris. The attempted escape had a profound impact on public opinion; since it was clear Louis had been seeking refuge in Austria, the Assembly now demanded oaths of loyalty to the regime, and began preparing for war, while fear of 'spies and traitors' became pervasive. Despite calls to replace the monarchy with a republic, Louis retained his position but was generally regarded with acute suspicion and forced to swear allegiance to the constitution. A new decree stated retracting this oath, making war upon the nation, or permitting anyone to do so in his name would be considered abdication. However, radicals led by Jacques Pierre Brissot prepared a petition demanding his deposition, and on 17 July, an immense crowd gathered in the Champ de Mars to sign. Led by Lafayette, the National Guard was ordered to "preserve public order" and responded to a barrage of stones by firing into the crowd, killing between 13 and 50 people. The massacre badly damaged Lafayette's reputation; the authorities responded by closing radical clubs and newspapers, while their leaders went into exile or hiding, including Marat. On 27 August, Emperor Leopold II and Frederick William II of Prussia issued the Declaration of Pillnitz declaring their support for Louis, and hinting at an invasion of France on his behalf. In reality, Leopold and Frederick had met to discuss the Partitions of Poland, and the Declaration was primarily made to satisfy Comte d'Artois and other émigrés. Nevertheless, the threat rallied popular support behind the regime. Based on a motion proposed by Robespierre, existing deputies were barred from elections held in early September for the French Legislative Assembly. Although Robespierre himself was one of those excluded, his support in the clubs gave him a political power base not available to Lafayette and Bailly, who resigned respectively as head of the National Guard and the Paris Commune. The new laws were gathered together in the 1791 Constitution, and submitted to Louis XVI, who pledged to defend it "from enemies at home and abroad". On 30 September, the Constituent Assembly was dissolved, and the Legislative Assembly convened the next day. Fall of the monarchy The Legislative Assembly is often dismissed as an ineffective body, compromised by divisions over the role of the monarchy and exacerbated by Louis' resistance to limitations on his powers and his attempts to reverse them with external support. These issues combined with inflation and rising prices which particularly impacted the urban working class. Restricting the franchise to those who paid a minimum amount of tax meant only 4 out of 6 million Frenchmen over 25 were able to vote; it largely excluded the sans culottes, who increasingly saw the new regime as failing to meet their demands for bread and work. This meant the new constitution was opposed by significant elements inside and outside the Assembly, itself split into three main groups. 245 members were affiliated with Barnave's Feuillants, constitutional monarchists who considered the Revolution had gone far enough, while another 136 were Jacobin leftists who supported a republic, led by Brissot and usually referred to as Brissotins. The remaining 345 belonged to La Plaine, a central faction who switched votes depending on the issue; many of whom shared Brissotins suspicions as to Louis' commitment to the Revolution. After Louis officially accepted the new Constitution, one response was recorded as being "Vive le roi, s'il est de bon foi!", or "Long live the king – if he keeps his word". Although a minority, the Brissotins control of key committees allowed them to focus on two issues, both intended to portray Louis as hostile to the Revolution by provoking him into using his veto. The first concerned émigrés; between October and November, the Assembly approved measures confiscating their property and threatening them with the death penalty. The second was non-juring priests, whose opposition to the Civil Constitution led to a state of near civil war in southern France, which Bernave tried to defuse by relaxing the more punitive provisions. On 29 November, the Assembly passed a decree giving refractory clergy eight days to comply, or face charges of 'conspiracy against the nation', which even Robespierre viewed as too far, too soon. As expected, Louis vetoed both. Accompanying this was a campaign for war against Austria and Prussia, also led by Brissot, whose aims have been interpreted as a mixture of cynical calculation and revolutionary idealism. While exploiting popular anti-Austrianism, it reflected a genuine belief in exporting the values of political liberty and popular sovereignty. Ironically, Marie Antoinette headed a faction within the court that also favoured war, seeing it as a way to win control of the military, and restore royal authority. In December 1791, Louis made a speech in the Assembly giving foreign powers a month to disband the émigrés or face war, which was greeted with enthusiasm by supporters and suspicion from opponents. Bernave's inability to build a consensus in the Assembly resulted in the appointment of a new government, chiefly composed of Brissotins. On 20 April 1792 the French Revolutionary Wars began when France armies attacked Austrian and Prussian forces along their borders, before suffering a series of disastrous defeats. In an effort to mobilise popular support, the government ordered non-juring priests to swear the oath or be deported, dissolved the Constitutional Guard and replaced it with 20,000 fédérés; Louis agreed to disband the Guard, but vetoed the other two proposals, while Lafayette called on the Assembly to suppress the clubs. Popular anger increased when details of the Brunswick Manifesto reached Paris on 1 August, threatening 'unforgettable vengeance' should any oppose the Allies in seeking to restore the power of the monarchy. On the morning of 10 August, a combined force of Parisian National Guard and provincial fédérés attacked the Tuileries Palace, killing many of the Swiss Guard protecting it. Louis and his family took refuge with the Assembly and shortly after 11:00 am, the deputies present voted to 'temporarily relieve the king', effectively suspending the monarchy. First Republic (1792–1795) Proclamation of the First Republic In late August, elections were held for the National Convention; voter restrictions meant those cast fell to 3.3 million, versus 4 million in 1791, while intimidation was widespread. The former Brissotins now split into moderate Girondins led by Brissot, and radical Montagnards, headed by Maximilien Robespierre, Georges Danton and Jean-Paul Marat. While loyalties constantly shifted, around 160 of the 749 deputies were Girondists, 200 Montagnards and 389 members of La Plaine. Led by Bertrand Barère, Pierre Joseph Cambon and Lazare Carnot, as before this central faction acted as a swing vote. In the September Massacres, between 1,100 to 1,600 prisoners held in Parisian jails were summarily executed, the vast majority of whom were common criminals. A response to the capture of Longwy and Verdun by Prussia, the perpetrators were largely National Guard members and fédérés on their way to the front. Responsibility is disputed, but even moderates expressed sympathy for the action, which soon spread to the provinces; the killings reflected widespread concern over social disorder On 20 September, the French army won a stunning victory over the Prussians at Valmy. Emboldened by this, on 22 September the Convention replaced the monarchy with the French First Republic and introduced a new calendar, with 1792 becoming "Year One". The next few months were taken up with the trial of Citoyen Louis Capet, formerly Louis XVI. While the Convention was evenly divided on the question of his guilt, members were increasingly influenced by radicals centred in the Jacobin clubs and Paris Commune. The Brunswick Manifesto made it easy to portray Louis as a threat to the Revolution, apparently confirmed when extracts from his personal correspondence were published showed him conspiring with Royalist exiles serving in the Prussian and Austrian armies. On 17 January 1793, the Assembly condemned Louis to death for "conspiracy against public liberty and general safety", by 361 to 288; another 72 members voted to execute him subject to a variety of delaying conditions. The sentence was carried out on 21 January on the Place de la Révolution, now the Place de la Concorde. Horrified conservatives across Europe called for the destruction of revolutionary France; in February the Convention anticipated this by declaring war on Britain and the Dutch Republic; these countries were later joined by Spain, Portugal, Naples and the Tuscany in the War of the First Coalition. Political crisis and fall of the Girondins The Girondins hoped war would unite the people behind the government and provide an excuse for rising prices and food shortages, but found themselves the target of popular anger. Many left for the provinces. The first conscription measure or levée en masse on 24 February sparked riots in Paris and other regional centres. Already unsettled by changes imposed on the church, in March the traditionally conservative and royalist Vendée rose in revolt. On 18th, Dumouriez was defeated at Neerwinden and defected to the Austrians. Uprisings followed in Bordeaux, Lyon, Toulon, Marseilles and Caen. The Republic seemed on the verge of collapse. The crisis led to the creation on 6 April 1793 of the Committee of Public Safety, an executive committee accountable to the convention. The Girondins made a fatal political error by indicting Marat before the Revolutionary Tribunal for allegedly directing the September massacres; he was quickly acquitted, further isolating the Girondins from the sans-culottes. When Jacques Hébert called for a popular revolt against the "henchmen of Louis Capet" on 24 May, he was arrested by the Commission of Twelve, a Girondin-dominated tribunal set up to expose 'plots'. In response to protests by the Commune, the Commission warned "if by your incessant rebellions something befalls the representatives of the nation,...Paris will be obliterated". Growing discontent allowed the clubs to mobilise against the Girondins. Backed by the Commune and elements of the National Guard, on 31 May they attempted to seize power in a coup. Although the coup failed, on 2 June the convention was surrounded by a crowd of up to 80,000, demanding cheap bread, unemployment pay and political reforms, including restriction of the vote to the sans-culottes, and the right to remove deputies at will. Ten members of the commission and another twenty-nine members of the Girondin faction were arrested, and on 10 June, the Montagnards took over the Committee of Public Safety. Meanwhile, a committee led by Robespierre's close ally Saint-Just was tasked with preparing a new Constitution. Completed in only eight days, it was ratified by the convention on 24 June, and contained radical reforms, including universal male suffrage and abolition of slavery in French colonies. However, normal legal processes were suspended following the assassination of Marat on 13 July by the Girondist Charlotte Corday, which the Committee of Public Safety used as an excuse to take control. The 1793 Constitution itself was suspended indefinitely in October. Key areas of focus for the new government included creating a new state ideology, economic regulation and winning the war. The urgent task of suppressing internal dissent was helped by divisions among their opponents; while areas like the Vendée and Brittany wanted to restore the monarchy, most supported the Republic but opposed the regime in Paris. On 17 August, the Convention voted a second levée en masse; despite initial problems in equipping and supplying such large numbers, by mid-October Republican forces had re-taken Lyon, Marseilles and Bordeaux, while defeating Coalition armies at Hondschoote and Wattignies. Reign of Terror The Reign of Terror began as a way to harness revolutionary fervour, but quickly degenerated into the settlement of personal grievances. At the end of July, the Convention set price controls over a wide range of goods, with the death penalty for hoarders, and on 9 September 'revolutionary groups' were established to enforce them. On 17th, the Law of Suspects ordered the arrest of suspected "enemies of freedom", initiating what became known as the "Terror". According to archival records, from September 1793 to July 1794 some 16,600 people were executed on charges of counter-revolutionary activity; another 40,000 may have been summarily executed or died awaiting trial. Fixed prices, death for 'hoarders' or 'profiteers', and confiscation of grain stocks by groups of armed workers meant that by early September Paris was suffering acute food shortages. However, France's biggest challenge was servicing the huge public debt inherited from the former regime, which continued to expand due to the war. Initially the debt was financed by sales of confiscated property, but this was hugely inefficient; since few would buy assets that might be repossessed, fiscal stability could only be achieved by continuing the war until French counter-revolutionaries had been defeated. As internal and external threats to the Republic increased, the position worsened; dealing with this by printing assignats led to inflation and higher prices. On 10 October, the Convention recognised the Committee of Public Safety as the supreme Revolutionary Government, and suspended the Constitution until peace was achieved. In mid-October, Marie Antoinette was found guilty of a long list of crimes and guillotined; two weeks later, the Girondist leaders arrested in June were also executed, along with Philippe Égalité. Terror was not confined to Paris; over 2,000 were killed after the recapture of Lyons. At Cholet on 17 October, the Republican army won a decisive victory over the Vendée rebels, and the survivors escaped into Brittany. Another defeat at Le Mans on 23 December ended the rebellion as a major threat, although the insurgency continued until 1796. The extent of the brutal repression that followed has been debated by French historians since the mid-19th century. Between November 1793 to February 1794, over 4,000 were drowned in the Loire at Nantes under the supervision of Jean-Baptiste Carrier. Historian Reynald Secher claims that as many as 117,000 died between 1793 and 1796. Although those numbers have been challenged, François Furet concluded it "not only revealed massacre and destruction on an unprecedented scale, but a zeal so violent that it has bestowed as its legacy much of the region's identity." [b] At the height of the Terror, the slightest hint of counter-revolutionary thought could place one under suspicion, and even its supporters were not immune. Under the pressure of events, splits appeared within the Montagnard faction, with violent disagreements between radical Hébertists and moderates led by Danton.[c] Robespierre saw their dispute as de-stabilising the regime, and as a deist he objected to the anti-religious policies advocated by the atheist Hébert. He was arrested and executed on 24 March with 19 of his colleagues, including Carrier. To retain the loyalty of the remaining Hébertists, Danton was arrested and executed on 5 April with Camille Desmoulins, after a show trial that arguably did more damage to Robespierre than any other act in this period. The Law of 22 Prairial (10 June) denied "enemies of the people" the right to defend themselves. Those arrested in the provinces were now sent to Paris for judgement; from March to July, executions in Paris increased from five to twenty-six a day. Many Jacobins ridiculed the festival of the Cult of the Supreme Being on 8 June, a lavish and expensive ceremony led by Robespierre, who was also accused of circulating claims he was a second Messiah. Relaxation of price controls and rampant inflation caused increasing unrest among the sans-culottes, but the improved military situation reduced fears the Republic was in danger. Many feared their own survival depended on Robespierre's removal; during a meeting on 29 June, three members of the Committee of Public Safety called him a dictator in his face. Robespierre responded by not attending sessions, allowing his opponents to build a coalition against him. In a speech made to the convention on 26 July, he claimed certain members were conspiring against the Republic, an almost certain death sentence if confirmed. When he refused to give names, the session broke up in confusion. That evening he made the same speech at the Jacobins club, where it was greeted with huge applause and demands for execution of the 'traitors'. It was clear if his opponents did not act, he would; in the Convention next day, Robespierre and his allies were shouted down. His voice failed when he tried to speak, a deputy crying "The blood of Danton chokes him!" The Convention authorised his arrest; he and his supporters took refuge in the Hotel de Ville, defended by the National Guard. That evening, units loyal to the Convention stormed the building, and Robespierre was arrested after a failed suicide attempt. He was executed on 28 July with 19 colleagues, including Saint-Just and Georges Couthon, followed by 83 members of the Commune. The Law of 22 Prairial was repealed, any surviving Girondists reinstated as deputies, and the Jacobin Club was closed and banned. There are various interpretations of the Terror and the violence with which it was conducted; Marxist historian Albert Soboul saw it as essential to defend the Revolution from external and internal threats. François Furet argues the intense ideological commitment of the revolutionaries and their utopian goals required the extermination of any opposition. A middle position suggests violence was not inevitable but the product of a series of complex internal events, exacerbated by war. The bloodshed did not end with the death of Robespierre; Southern France saw a wave of revenge killings, directed against alleged Jacobins, Republican officials and Protestants. Although the victors of Thermidor asserted control over the Commune by executing their leaders, some of the leading "terrorists" retained their positions. They included Paul Barras, later chief executive of the French Directory, and Joseph Fouché, director of the killings in Lyon who served as Minister of Police under the Directory, the Consulate and Empire. Others were exiled or prosecuted, a process that took several months. The December 1794 Treaty of La Jaunaye ended the Chouannerie in western France by allowing freedom of worship and the return of non-juring priests. This was accompanied by military success; in January 1795, French forces helped the Dutch Patriots set up the Batavian Republic, securing their northern border. The war with Prussia was concluded in favour of France by the Peace of Basel in April 1795, while Spain made peace shortly thereafter. However, the Republic still faced a crisis at home. Food shortages arising from a poor 1794 harvest were exacerbated in Northern France by the need to supply the army in Flanders, while the winter was the worst since 1709. By April 1795, people were starving and the assignat was worth only 8% of its face value; in desperation, the Parisian poor rose again. They were quickly dispersed and the main impact was another round of arrests, while Jacobin prisoners in Lyon were summarily executed. A committee drafted a new constitution, approved by plebiscite on 23 September 1795 and put into place on 27th. Largely designed by Pierre Daunou and Boissy d'Anglas, it established a bicameral legislature, intended to slow down the legislative process, ending the wild swings of policy under the previous unicameral systems. The Council of 500 was responsible for drafting legislation, which was reviewed and approved by the Council of Ancients, an upper house containing 250 men over the age of 40. Executive power was in the hands of five Directors, selected by the Council of Ancients from a list provided by the lower house, with a five-year mandate. Deputies were chosen by indirect election, a total franchise of around 5 million voting in primaries for 30,000 electors, or 0.5% of the population. Since they were also subject to stringent property qualification, it guaranteed the return of conservative or moderate deputies. In addition, rather than dissolving the previous legislature as in 1791 and 1792, the so-called 'law of two-thirds' ruled only 150 new deputies would be elected each year. The remaining 600 Conventionnels kept their seats, a move intended to ensure stability. The Directory has a poor reputation amongst historians; for Jacobin sympathisers, it represented the betrayal of the Revolution, while Bonapartists emphasised its corruption to portray Napoleon in a better light. Although these criticisms were certainly valid, it also faced internal unrest, a stagnating economy and an expensive war, while hampered by the impracticality of the constitution. Since the Council of 500 controlled legislation and finance, they could paralyse government at will, and as the Directors had no power to call new elections, the only way to break a deadlock was to rule by decree or use force. As a result, the Directory was characterised by "chronic violence, ambivalent forms of justice, and repeated recourse to heavy-handed repression." Retention of the Conventionnels ensured the Thermidorians held a majority in the legislature and three of the five Directors, but they faced an increasing challenge from the right. On 5 October, Convention troops led by Napoleon put down a royalist rising in Paris; when the first elections were held two weeks later, over 100 of the 150 new deputies were royalists of some sort. The power of the Parisian san culottes had been broken by the suppression of the May 1795 revolt; relieved of pressure from below, the Jacobins became natural supporters of the Directory against those seeking to restore the monarchy. Removal of price controls and a collapse in the value of the assignat led to inflation and soaring food prices. By April 1796, over 500,000 Parisians were reportedly in need of relief, resulting in the May insurrection known as the Conspiracy of the Equals. Led by the revolutionary François-Noël Babeuf, their demands included the implementation of the 1793 Constitution and a more equitable distribution of wealth. Despite limited support from sections of the military, it was easily crushed, with Babeuf and other leaders executed. Nevertheless, by 1799 the economy had been stabilised and important reforms made allowing steady expansion of French industry; many remained in place for much of the 19th century. Prior to 1797, three of the five Directors were firmly Republican; Barras, Révellière-Lépeaux and Jean-François Rewbell, as were around 40% of the legislature. The same percentage were broadly centrist or unaffiliated, along with two Directors, Étienne-François Letourneur and Lazare Carnot. Although only 20% were committed Royalists, many centrists supported the restoration of the exiled Louis XVIII in the belief this would end the War of the First Coalition with Britain and Austria. The elections of May 1797 resulted in significant gains for the right, with Royalists Jean-Charles Pichegru elected President of the Council of 500, and Barthélemy appointed a Director. With Royalists apparently on the verge of power, the Republicans staged a coup on 4 September. Using troops from Bonaparte's Army of Italy under Pierre Augereau, the Council of 500 was forced to approve the arrest of Barthélemy, Pichegru and Carnot. The election results were cancelled, sixty-three leading royalists deported to French Guiana and new laws passed against émigrés, Royalists and ultra-Jacobins. Although the power of the monarchists had been destroyed, it opened the way for direct conflict between Barras and his opponents on the left. Despite general war weariness, fighting continued and the 1798 elections saw a resurgence in Jacobin strength. The invasion of Egypt in July 1798 confirmed European fears of French expansionism, and the War of the Second Coalition began in November. Without a majority in the legislature, the Directors relied on the army to enforcing decrees and extract revenue from conquered territories. This made generals like Bonaparte and Joubert essential political players, while both the army and the Directory became notorious for their corruption. It has been suggested the Directory did not collapse for economic or military reasons, but because by 1799, many 'preferred the uncertainties of authoritarian rule to the continuing ambiguities of parliamentary politics'. The architect of its end was Sieyès, who when asked what he had done during the Terror allegedly answered "I survived". Nominated to the Directory, his first action was removing Barras, using a coalition that included Talleyrand and former Jacobin Lucien Bonaparte, Napoleon's brother and president of the Council of 500. On 9 November 1799, the Coup of 18 Brumaire replaced the five Directors with the French Consulate, which consisted of three members, Bonaparte, Sieyès, and Roger Ducos; most historians consider this the end point of the French Revolution. French Revolutionary Wars The Revolution initiated a series of conflicts that began in 1792 and ended only with Napoleon's defeat at Waterloo in 1815. In its early stages, this seemed unlikely; the 1791 Constitution specifically disavowed "war for the purpose of conquest", and although traditional tensions between France and Austria re-emerged in the 1780s, Emperor Joseph cautiously welcomed the reforms. Austria was at war with the Ottomans, as were the Russians, while both were negotiating with Prussia over partitioning Poland. Most importantly, Britain preferred peace, and as Emperor Leopold stated after the Declaration of Pillnitz, "without England, there is no case". In late 1791, factions within the Assembly came to see war as a way to unite the country and secure the Revolution by eliminating hostile forces on its borders and establishing its "natural frontiers". France declared war on Austria in April 1792 and issued the first conscription orders, with recruits serving for twelve months. By the time peace finally came in 1815, the conflict had involved every major European power as well as the United States, redrawn the map of Europe and expanded into the Americas, the Middle East and Indian Ocean. From 1701 to 1801, the population of Europe grew from 118 to 187 million; combined with new mass production techniques, this allowed belligerents to support large armies, requiring the mobilisation of national resources. It was a different kind of war, fought by nations rather than kings, intended to destroy their opponents' ability to resist, but also to implement deep-ranging social change. While all wars are political to some degree, this period was remarkable for the emphasis placed on reshaping boundaries and the creation of entirely new European states. In April 1792, French armies invaded the Austrian Netherlands but suffered a series of setbacks before victory over an Austrian-Prussian army at Valmy in September. After defeating a second Austrian army at Jemappes on 6 November, they occupied the Netherlands, areas of the Rhineland, Nice and Savoy. Emboldened by this success, in February 1793 France declared war on the Dutch Republic, Spain and Britain, beginning the War of the First Coalition. However, the expiration of the 12-month term for the 1792 recruits forced the French to relinquish their conquests. In August, new conscription measures were passed and by May 1794 the French army had between 750,000 and 800,000 men. Despite high rates of desertion, this was large enough to manage multiple internal and external threats; for comparison, the combined Prussian-Austrian army was less than 90,000. By February 1795, France had annexed the Austrian Netherlands, established their frontier on the left bank of the Rhine and replaced the Dutch Republic with the Batavian Republic, a satellite state. These victories led to the collapse of the anti-French coalition; Prussia made peace in April 1795, followed soon after by Spain, leaving Britain and Austria as the only major powers still in the war. In October 1797, a series of defeats by Bonaparte in Italy led Austria to agree to the Treaty of Campo Formio, in which they formally ceded the Netherlands and recognised the Cisalpine Republic. Fighting continued for two reasons; first, French state finances had come to rely on indemnities levied on their defeated opponents. Second, armies were primarily loyal to their generals, for whom the wealth achieved by victory and the status it conferred became objectives in themselves. Leading soldiers like Hoche, Pichegru and Carnot wielded significant political influence and often set policy; Campo Formio was approved by Bonaparte, not the Directory, which strongly objected to terms it considered too lenient. Despite these concerns, the Directory never developed a realistic peace programme, fearing the destabilising effects of peace and the consequent demobilisation of hundreds of thousands of young men. As long as the generals and their armies stayed away from Paris, they were happy to allow them to continue fighting, a key factor behind sanctioning Bonaparte's invasion of Egypt. This resulted in aggressive and opportunistic policies, leading to the War of the Second Coalition in November 1798. French colonial policy Although the French Revolution had a dramatic impact in numerous areas of Europe, the French colonies felt a particular influence. As the Martinican author Aimé Césaire put it, "there was in each French colony a specific revolution, that occurred on the occasion of the French Revolution, in tune with it." The Revolution in Saint-Domingue was the most notable example of slave uprisings in French colonies. In the 1780s, Saint-Domingue was France's wealthiest possession, producing more sugar than all the British West Indies islands combined. In February 1794, the National Convention voted to abolish slavery, several months after rebels in Saint-Domingue had already seized control. However, the 1794 decree was only implemented in Saint-Domingue, Guadeloupe and Guyane, and was a dead letter in Senegal, Mauritius, Réunion and Martinique, the last of which had been captured by the British, and as such remained unaffected by French law. Media and symbolism Newspapers and pamphlets played a central role in stimulating and defining the Revolution. Prior to 1789, there have been a small number of heavily censored newspapers that needed a royal licence to operate, but the Estates-General created an enormous demand for news, and over 130 newspapers appeared by the end of the year. Among the most significant were Marat's L'Ami du peuple and Elysée Loustallot's Revolutions de Paris. Over the next decade, more than 2,000 newspapers were founded, 500 in Paris alone. Most lasted only a matter of weeks but they became the main communication medium, combined with the very large pamphlet literature. Newspapers were read aloud in taverns and clubs, and circulated hand to hand. There was a widespread assumption that writing was a vocation, not a business, and the role of the press was the advancement of civic republicanism. By 1793 the radicals were most active but initially the royalists flooded the country with their publication the "L'Ami du Roi" (Friends of the King) until they were suppressed. To illustrate the differences between the new Republic and the old regime, the leaders needed to implement a new set of symbols to be celebrated instead of the old religious and monarchical symbols. To this end, symbols were borrowed from historic cultures and redefined, while those of the old regime were either destroyed or reattributed acceptable characteristics. These revised symbols were used to instil in the public a new sense of tradition and reverence for the Enlightenment and the Republic. "La Marseillaise" (French pronunciation: [la maʁsɛjɛːz]) became the national anthem of France. The song was written and composed in 1792 by Claude Joseph Rouget de Lisle, and was originally titled "Chant de guerre pour l'Armée du Rhin". The French National Convention adopted it as the First Republic's anthem in 1795. It acquired its nickname after being sung in Paris by volunteers from Marseille marching on the capital. The song is the first example of the "European march" anthemic style, while the evocative melody and lyrics led to its widespread use as a song of revolution and incorporation into many pieces of classical and popular music. De Lisle was instructed to 'produce a hymn which conveys to the soul of the people the enthusiasm which it (the music) suggests.' The guillotine remains "the principal symbol of the Terror in the French Revolution." Invented by a physician during the Revolution as a quicker, more efficient and more distinctive form of execution, the guillotine became a part of popular culture and historic memory. It was celebrated on the left as the people's avenger and cursed as the symbol of the Terror by the right. Its operation became a popular entertainment that attracted great crowds of spectators. Vendors sold programmes listing the names of those scheduled to die. Many people came day after day and vied for the best locations from which to observe the proceedings; knitting women (tricoteuses) formed a cadre of hardcore regulars, inciting the crowd. Parents often brought their children. By the end of the Terror, the crowds had thinned drastically. Repetition had staled even this most grisly of entertainments, and audiences grew bored. Cockades were widely worn by revolutionaries beginning in 1789. They now pinned the blue-and-red cockade of Paris onto the white cockade of the Ancien Régime. Camille Desmoulins asked his followers to wear green cockades on 12 July 1789. The Paris militia, formed on 13 July, adopted a blue and red cockade. Blue and red are the traditional colours of Paris, and they are used on the city's coat of arms. Cockades with various colour schemes were used during the storming of the Bastille on 14 July. The Liberty cap, also known as the Phrygian cap, or pileus, is a brimless, felt cap that is conical in shape with the tip pulled forward. It reflects Roman republicanism and liberty, alluding to the Roman ritual of manumission, in which a freed slave receives the bonnet as a symbol of his newfound liberty. Role of women The role of women in the Revolution has long been a topic of debate. Deprived of political rights under the Ancien Regime, the 1791 Constitution classed them as "passive" citizens, leading to demands for social and political equality for women and an end to male domination. They expressed these demands using pamphlets and clubs such as the Cercle Social, whose largely male members viewed themselves as contemporary feminists. However, in October 1793, the Assembly banned all women's clubs and the movement was crushed; this was driven by the emphasis on masculinity in a wartime situation, antagonism towards feminine "interference" in state affairs due to Marie Antoinette, and traditional male supremacy. A decade later the Napoleonic Code confirmed and perpetuated women's second-class status. At the beginning of the Revolution, women took advantage of events to force their way into the political sphere, swore oaths of loyalty, "solemn declarations of patriotic allegiance, [and] affirmations of the political responsibilities of citizenship." Activists included Girondists like Olympe de Gouges, author of the Declaration of the Rights of Woman and of the Female Citizen, and Charlotte Corday, the killer of Marat. Others like Théroigne de Méricourt, Pauline Léon and the Society of Revolutionary Republican Women supported the Jacobins, staged demonstrations in the National Assembly and took part in the October 1789 March to Versailles. Despite this, the constitutions of 1791 and 1793 denied them political rights and democratic citizenship. On 20 June 1792 a number of armed women took part in a procession that "passed through the halls of the Legislative Assembly, into the Tuileries Garden, and then through the King's residence." Women also assumed a special role in the funeral of Marat, following his murder on 13 July 1793 by Corday; as part of the funeral procession, they carried the bathtub in which he died, as well as a shirt stained with his blood. On 20 May 1793 women were in the forefront of a crowd demanding "bread and the Constitution of 1793"; when they went unnoticed, they began "sacking shops, seizing grain and kidnapping officials." The Society of Revolutionary Republican Women, a militant group on the far left, demanded a law in 1793 that would compel all women to wear the tricolour cockade to demonstrate their loyalty to the Republic. They also demanded vigorous price controls to keep bread – the major food of the poor people – from becoming too expensive. After the Convention passed the law in September 1793, the Revolutionary Republican Women demanded vigorous enforcement, but were countered by market women, former servants, and religious women who adamantly opposed price controls (which would drive them out of business) and resented attacks on the aristocracy and on religion. Fist fights broke out in the streets between the two factions of women. Meanwhile, the men who controlled the Jacobins rejected the Revolutionary Republican Women as dangerous rabble-rousers. At this point the Jacobins controlled the government; they dissolved the Society of Revolutionary Republican Women, and decreed that all women's clubs and associations were illegal. They sternly reminded women to stay home and tend to their families by leaving public affairs to the men. Organised women were permanently shut out of the French Revolution after 30 October 1793. Olympe de Gouges wrote a number of plays, short stories, and novels. Her publications emphasised that women and men are different, but this shouldn't prevent equality under the law. In her Declaration of the Rights of Woman and of the Female Citizen she insisted that women deserved rights, especially in areas concerning them directly, such as divorce and recognition of illegitimate children. Madame Roland (a.k.a. Manon or Marie Roland) was another important female activist. Her political focus was not specifically on women or their liberation. She focused on other aspects of the government, but was a feminist by virtue of the fact that she was a woman working to influence the world. Her personal letters to leaders of the Revolution influenced policy; in addition, she often hosted political gatherings of the Brissotins, a political group which allowed women to join. As she was led to the scaffold, Madame Roland shouted "O liberty! What crimes are committed in thy name!" Many activists were punished for their actions, while some were executed for "conspiring against the unity and the indivisibility of the Republic". Counter-revolutionary women resisted what they saw as the increasing intrusion of the state into their lives. One major consequence was the dechristianisation of France, a movement strongly rejected by many devout people; especially for women living in rural areas, the closing of the churches meant a loss of normality. This sparked a counter-revolutionary movement led by women; while supporting other political and social changes, they opposed the dissolution of the Catholic Church and revolutionary cults like the Cult of the Supreme Being. Olwen Hufton argues some wanted to protect the Church from heretical changes enforced by revolutionaries, viewing themselves as "defenders of faith". Economically, many peasant women refused to sell their goods for assignats because this form of currency was unstable and was backed by the sale of confiscated Church property. By far the most important issue to counter-revolutionary women was the passage and the enforcement of the Civil Constitution of the Clergy in 1790. In response to this measure, women in many areas began circulating anti-oath pamphlets and refused to attend masses held by priests who had sworn oaths of loyalty to the Republic. These women continued to adhere to traditional practices such as Christian burials and naming their children after saints in spite of revolutionary decrees to the contrary. The Revolution abolished many economic constraints imposed by the Ancien régime, including church tithes and feudal dues although tenants often paid higher rents and taxes. All church lands were nationalised, along with those owned by Royalist exiles, which were used to back paper currency known as assignats, and the feudal guild system eliminated. It also abolished the highly inefficient system of tax farming, whereby private individuals would collect taxes for a hefty fee. The government seized the foundations that had been set up (starting in the 13th century) to provide an annual stream of revenue for hospitals, poor relief, and education. The state sold the lands but typically local authorities did not replace the funding and so most of the nation's charitable and school systems were massively disrupted Between 1790 to 1796, industrial and agricultural output dropped, foreign trade plunged, and prices soared, forcing the government to finance expenditure by issuing ever increasing quantities assignats. When this resulted in escalating inflation, the response was to impose price controls and persecute private speculators and traders, creating a Black market. Between 1789 to 1793, the annual deficit increased from 10% to 64% of gross national product, while annual inflation reached 3,500% after a poor harvest in 1794 and the removal of price controls. The assignats were withdrawn in 1796 but inflation continued until the introduction of the gold-based Franc germinal in 1803. The French Revolution had a major impact on European and Western history, by ending feudalism and creating the path for future advances in broadly defined individual freedoms. Its impact on French nationalism was profound, while also stimulating nationalist movements throughout Europe. Its influence was great in the hundreds of small German states and elsewhere, where it[clarification needed] was either inspired by the French example or in reaction against it. The impact on French society were enormous, some of which were widely accepted, while others continue to be debated. The system established by Louis XIV centralised political power at Versailles and was controlled by the monarch. His power derived from immense personal wealth, control over the army and appointment of clergy, provincial governors, lawyers and judges. In less than a year, the king was reduced to a figurehead, the nobility deprived of titles and estates and the church of its monasteries and property. Clergy, judges and magistrates were controlled by the state, and the army sidelined, with military power placed held by the revolutionary National Guard. The central elements of 1789 were the slogan "Liberty, Equality and Fraternity" and "The Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen", which Lefebvre calls "the incarnation of the Revolution as a whole." The long-term impact on France was profound, shaping politics, society, religion and ideas, and polarising politics for more than a century. Historian François Aulard writes: "From the social point of view, the Revolution consisted in the suppression of what was called the feudal system, in the emancipation of the individual, in greater division of landed property, the abolition of the privileges of noble birth, the establishment of equality, the simplification of life.... The French Revolution differed from other revolutions in being not merely national, for it aimed at benefiting all humanity."[title missing] One of the most heated controversies during the Revolution was the status of the Catholic Church. In 1788, it held a dominant position within society, to the extent being French was synonymous with Catholicism. By 1799, much of its property and institutions had been confiscated and its senior leaders dead or in exile. Its cultural influence was also under attack, with efforts made to remove such as Sundays, holy days, saints, prayers, rituals and ceremonies. Ultimately these attempts not only failed but aroused a furious reaction among the pious; opposition to these changes was a key factor behind the revolt in the Vendée. Over the centuries, charitable foundations had been set up to fund hospitals, poor relief, and schools; when these were confiscated and sold off, the funding was not replaced, causing massive disruption to these support systems. Under the Ancien régime, medical assistance for the rural poor was often provided by nuns, acting as nurses but also physicians, surgeons, and apothecaries; the Revolution abolished most of these orders without replacing organised nursing support. Demand remained strong and after 1800 nuns resumed their work in hospitals and on rural estates. They were tolerated by officials because they had widespread support and were a link between elite male physicians and distrustful peasants who needed help. The church was a primary target during the Terror, due to its association with "counter-revolutionary" elements, resulting in the persecution of priests and destruction of churches and religious images throughout France. An effort was made to replace the Catholic Church altogether with the Cult of Reason, and with civic festivals replacing religious ones, leading to attacks by locals on state officials. These policies were promoted by the atheist Hébert and opposed by the deist Robespierre, who denounced the campaign and replaced the Cult of Reason with the Cult of the Supreme Being. The Concordat of 1801 established the rules for a relationship between the Catholic Church and French State that lasted until it was abrogated by the French Third Republic on 11 December 1905. The Concordat was a compromise that restored some of the Church's traditional roles but not its power, lands or monasteries; the clergy became public officials controlled by Paris, not Rome, while Protestants and Jews gained equal rights. However, debate continues into the present over the role of religion in the public sphere and related issues such as church-controlled schools. Recent arguments over the use of Muslim religious symbols in schools, such as wearing headscarves, have been explicitly linked to the conflict over Catholic rituals and symbols during the Revolution. Two thirds of France was employed in agriculture, which was transformed by the Revolution. With the breakup of large estates controlled by the Church and the nobility and worked by hired hands, rural France became more a land of small independent farms. Harvest taxes were ended, such as the tithe and seigneurial dues, much to the relief of the peasants. Primogeniture was ended both for nobles and peasants, thereby weakening the family patriarch. Because all the children had a share in the family's property, there was a declining birth rate. Cobban says the Revolution bequeathed to the nation "a ruling class of landowners." In the cities, entrepreneurship on a small scale flourished, as restrictive monopolies, privileges, barriers, rules, taxes and guilds gave way. However, the British blockade virtually ended overseas and colonial trade, hurting the cities and their supply chains. Overall, the Revolution did not greatly change the French business system, and probably helped freeze in place the horizons of the small business owner. The typical businessman owned a small store, mill or shop, with family help and a few paid employees; large-scale industry was less common than in other industrialising nations. A 2017 National Bureau of Economic Research paper found that the emigration of more than 100,000 individuals (predominantly supporters of the old regime) during the Revolution had a significant negative impact on income per capita in the 19th century (due to the fragmentation of agricultural holdings) but became positive in the second half of the 20th century onward (because it facilitated the rise in human capital investments). Another 2017 paper found that the redistribution of land had a positive impact on agricultural productivity, but that these gains gradually declined over the course of the 19th century. The Revolution meant an end to arbitrary royal rule and held out the promise of rule by law under a constitutional order, but it did not rule out a monarch. Napoleon as emperor set up a constitutional system (although he remained in full control), and the restored Bourbons were forced to go along with one. After the abdication of Napoleon III in 1871, the monarchists probably had a voting majority, but they were so factionalised they could not agree on who should be king, and instead the French Third Republic was launched with a deep commitment to upholding the ideals of the Revolution. The conservative Catholic enemies of the Revolution came to power in Vichy France (1940–44), and tried with little success to undo its heritage, but they kept it a republic. Vichy denied the principle of equality and tried to replace the Revolutionary watchwords "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity" with "Work, Family, and Fatherland." However, there were no efforts by the Bourbons, Vichy or anyone else to restore the privileges that had been stripped away from the nobility in 1789. France permanently became a society of equals under the law. Europe outside France Economic historians Dan Bogart, Mauricio Drelichman, Oscar Gelderblom, and Jean-Laurent Rosenthal described codified law as the French Revolution's "most significant export." They wrote, "While restoration returned most of their power to the absolute monarchs who had been deposed by Napoleon, only the most recalcitrant ones, such as Ferdinand VII of Spain, went to the trouble of completely reversing the legal innovations brought on by the French." They also note that the French Revolution and the Napoleonic Wars caused England, Spain, Prussia and the Dutch Republic to centralize their fiscal systems to an unprecedented extent in order to finance the military campaigns of the Napoleonic Wars. According to Daron Acemoglu, Davide Cantoni, Simon Johnson, and James A. Robinson the French Revolution had long-term effects in Europe. They suggest that "areas that were occupied by the French and that underwent radical institutional reform experienced more rapid urbanization and economic growth, especially after 1850. There is no evidence of a negative effect of French invasion." A 2016 study in the European Economic Review found that the areas of Germany that were occupied by France in the 19th century and in which the Code Napoleon was applied have higher levels of trust and cooperation today. On 16 July 1789, two days after the Storming of the Bastille, John Frederick Sackville, serving as ambassador to France, reported to Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs Francis Osborne, 5th Duke of Leeds, "Thus, my Lord, the greatest revolution that we know anything of has been effected with, comparatively speaking – if the magnitude of the event is considered – the loss of very few lives. From this moment we may consider France as a free country, the King a very limited monarch, and the nobility as reduced to a level with the rest of the nation." Yet in Britain the majority, especially among the aristocracy, strongly opposed the French Revolution. Britain led and funded the series of coalitions that fought France from 1793 to 1815, and then restored the Bourbons. Philosophically and politically, Britain was in debate over the rights and wrongs of revolution, in the abstract and in practicalities. The Revolution Controversy was a "pamphlet war" set off by the publication of A Discourse on the Love of Our Country, a speech given by Richard Price to the Revolution Society on 4 November 1789, supporting the French Revolution (as he had the American Revolution), and saying that patriotism actually centers around loving the people and principles of a nation, not its ruling class. Edmund Burke responded in November 1790 with his own pamphlet, Reflections on the Revolution in France, attacking the French Revolution as a threat to the aristocracy of all countries. William Coxe opposed Price's premise that one's country is principles and people, not the State itself. Conversely, two seminal political pieces of political history were written in Price's favour, supporting the general right of the French people to replace their State. One of the first of these "pamphlets" into print was A Vindication of the Rights of Men by Mary Wollstonecraft (better known for her later treatise, sometimes described as the first feminist text, A Vindication of the Rights of Woman); Wollstonecraft's title was echoed by Thomas Paine's Rights of Man, published a few months later. In 1792 Christopher Wyvill published Defence of Dr. Price and the Reformers of England, a plea for reform and moderation. This exchange of ideas has been described as "one of the great political debates in British history". Even in France, there was a varying degree of agreement during this debate, English participants generally opposing the violent means that the Revolution bent itself to for its ends. In Ireland, the effect was to transform what had been an attempt by Protestant settlers to gain some autonomy into a mass movement led by the Society of United Irishmen involving Catholics and Protestants. It stimulated the demand for further reform throughout Ireland, especially in Ulster. The upshot was a revolt in 1798, led by Wolfe Tone, that was crushed by Britain. German reaction to the Revolution swung from favourable to antagonistic. At first it brought liberal and democratic ideas, the end of guilds, serfdom and the Jewish ghetto. It brought economic freedoms and agrarian and legal reform. Above all the antagonism helped stimulate and shape German nationalism. The French invaded Switzerland and turned it into an ally known as the "Helvetic Republic" (1798–1803). The interference with localism and traditional liberties was deeply resented, although some modernising reforms took place. The region of modern-day Belgium was divided between two polities: the Austrian Netherlands and Prince-Bishopric of Liège. Both territories experienced revolutions in 1789. In the Austrian Netherlands, the Brabant Revolution succeeded in expelling Austrian forces and established the new United Belgian States. The Liège Revolution expelled the tyrannical Prince-Bishop and installed a republic. Both failed to attract international support. By December 1790, the Brabant revolution had been crushed and Liège was subdued the following year. During the Revolutionary Wars, the French invaded and occupied the region between 1794 and 1814, a time known as the French period. The new government enforced new reforms, incorporating the region into France itself. New rulers were sent in by Paris. Belgian men were drafted into the French wars and heavily taxed. Nearly everyone was Catholic, but the Church was repressed. Resistance was strong in every sector, as Belgian nationalism emerged to oppose French rule. The French legal system, however, was adopted, with its equal legal rights, and abolition of class distinctions. Belgium now had a government bureaucracy selected by merit. Antwerp regained access to the sea and grew quickly as a major port and business centre. France promoted commerce and capitalism, paving the way for the ascent of the bourgeoisie and the rapid growth of manufacturing and mining. In economics, therefore, the nobility declined while middle-class Belgian entrepreneurs flourished because of their inclusion in a large market, paving the way for Belgium's leadership role after 1815 in the Industrial Revolution on the Continent. The Kingdom of Denmark adopted liberalising reforms in line with those of the French Revolution, with no direct contact. Reform was gradual and the regime itself carried out agrarian reforms that had the effect of weakening absolutism by creating a class of independent peasant freeholders. Much of the initiative came from well-organised liberals who directed political change in the first half of the 19th century. The press in the colony of Quebec initially viewed the events of the Revolution positively. Press coverage in Quebec on the Revolution was reliant, and reflective of public opinion in London, with the colony's press reliant on newspapers and reprints from journals from the British Isles. The early positive reception of the French Revolution had made it politically difficult to justify withholding electoral institutions from the colony to both the British and Quebec public; with the British Home Secretary William Grenville remarking how it was hardly possible to "maintain with success," the denial "to so large a body of British Subjects, the benefits of the British Constitution". Governmental reforms introduced in the Constitutional Act 1791 split Quebec into two separate colonies, Lower Canada, and Upper Canada; and introduced electoral institutions to the two colonies. French migration to the Canadas was decelerated significantly during, and after the French Revolution; with only a small number of artisans, professionals, and religious emigres from France permitted to settle in the Canadas during that period. Most of these migrants moved to Montreal or Quebec City, although French nobleman Joseph-Geneviève de Puisaye also led a small group of French royalists to settle lands north of York (present day Toronto). The influx of religious migrants from France reinvigorated the Roman Catholic Church in the Canadas, with the refectory priests who moved to the colonies being responsible for the establishment of a number of parishes throughout the Canadas. The French Revolution deeply polarised American politics, and this polarisation led to the creation of the First Party System. In 1793, as war broke out in Europe, the Democratic-Republican Party led by former American minister to France Thomas Jefferson favored revolutionary France and pointed to the 1778 treaty that was still in effect. George Washington and his unanimous cabinet, including Jefferson, decided that the treaty did not bind the United States to enter the war. Washington proclaimed neutrality instead. Under President John Adams, a Federalist, an undeclared naval war took place with France from 1798 until 1799, often called the "Quasi War". Jefferson became president in 1801, but was hostile to Napoleon as a dictator and emperor. However, the two entered negotiations over the Louisiana Territory and agreed to the Louisiana Purchase in 1803, an acquisition that substantially increased the size of the United States. The French Revolution has received enormous amounts of historical attention, both from the general public and from scholars and academics. The views of historians, in particular, have been characterised as falling along ideological lines, with disagreement over the significance and the major developments of the Revolution. Alexis de Tocqueville argued that the Revolution was a manifestation of a more prosperous middle class becoming conscious of its social importance. Other thinkers, like the conservative Edmund Burke, maintained that the Revolution was the product of a few conspiratorial individuals who brainwashed the masses into subverting the old order, a claim rooted in the belief that the revolutionaries had no legitimate complaints. Other historians, influenced by Marxist thinking, have emphasised the importance of the peasants and the urban workers in presenting the Revolution as a gigantic class struggle. In general, scholarship on the French Revolution initially studied the political ideas and developments of the era, but it has gradually shifted towards social history that analyses the impact of the Revolution on individual lives. Historians until the late 20th century emphasised class conflicts from a largely Marxist perspective as the fundamental driving cause of the Revolution. The central theme of this argument was that the Revolution emerged from the rising bourgeoisie, with support from the sans-culottes, who fought to destroy the aristocracy. However, Western scholars largely abandoned Marxist interpretations in the 1990s. By the year 2000 many historians were saying that the field of the French Revolution was in intellectual disarray. The old model or paradigm focusing on class conflict has been discredited, and no new explanatory model had gained widespread support. Nevertheless, as Spang has shown, there persists a very widespread agreement that the French Revolution was the watershed between the premodern and modern eras of Western history, and one of the most important events in history. It marks the end of the early modern period, which started around 1500 and is often seen as marking the "dawn of the modern era". Within France itself, the Revolution permanently crippled the power of the aristocracy and drained the wealth of the Church, although the two institutions survived despite the damage they sustained. After the collapse of the First Empire in 1815, the French public lost the rights and privileges earned since the Revolution, but they remembered the participatory politics that characterised the period, with one historian commenting: "Thousands of men and even many women gained firsthand experience in the political arena: they talked, read, and listened in new ways; they voted; they joined new organisations; and they marched for their political goals. Revolution became a tradition, and republicanism an enduring option." Some historians argue that the French people underwent a fundamental transformation in self-identity, evidenced by the elimination of privileges and their replacement by rights as well as the growing decline in social deference that highlighted the principle of equality throughout the Revolution. The Revolution represented the most significant and dramatic challenge to political absolutism up to that point in history and spread democratic ideals throughout Europe and ultimately the world. Throughout the 19th century, the revolution was heavily analysed by economists and political scientists, who saw the class nature of the revolution as a fundamental aspect in understanding human social evolution itself. This, combined with the egalitarian values introduced by the revolution, gave rise to a classless and co-operative model for society called "socialism" which profoundly influenced future revolutions in France and around the world. - Беларуская (тарашкевіца) - Fiji Hindi - Bahasa Indonesia - Kreyòl ayisyen - Kriyòl gwiyannen - Lingua Franca Nova - Bahasa Melayu - Norsk bokmål - Norsk nynorsk - Саха тыла - Simple English - Српски / srpski - Srpskohrvatski / српскохрватски - Vepsän kel’ - Tiếng Việt - This page is based on the Wikipedia article French Revolution; it is used under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License (CC-BY-SA). You may redistribute it, verbatim or modified, providing that you comply with the terms of the CC-BY-SA.
The cadastre or real estate cadastre is the process by which the registration of a real estate in a certain territory that allows the State public administration have access to such information. The information is public and is constantly updated. The main objective of this process is to be able to establish a state administrative control and management of the assets that are organized in a country or a region, depending on the Administration that takes it. These real estate can be rustic, urban or special character real estate. It is important to note that including real estate properties in the real estate registry is mandatory from a legal and fiscal point of view, since it gives validity and public proof of them. This management is carried out through the Ministry of Economy and Estate, allowing these bodies to establish an order between real estate and public knowledge of them. The registration needs that the cadastre fulfills are fulfilled based on a series of functions, among which we find: - The public registry of all real estate, being able to be consulted by anyone who wants to do it - It gives us information on the extension of the property, its physical layout, its use (housing, commercial utility, etc.) among other information of interest. - Information on the natural or legal persons that own each asset is included. - An economic valuation of the property is established, as well as the tax value according to the corresponding tax obligations The modifications that are going to be made to the real estate will have to be notified in order to be applied in the cadastre. This cadastre is continuously updated in order to offer useful, real and truthful information.
Old Lumpkin County Courthouse (Dahlonega Gold Museum Historic Site) The Old Lumpkin County Courthouse, built in 1836, is the oldest surviving courthouse in Georgia. Designed in the Classical Revival style, today it is the home of the Dahlonega Gold Museum Historic Site. The discovery of gold was here in 1836 started the country's first gold rush. In fact the name of the town, Dahlonega, is the English version of the Indian word, talonega, which means "precious yellow." The courthouse was built to accommodate the sharp increase in gold claim disputes. One the first U.S. Mints was built nearby in 1838. In all, $6 million dollars worth of gold was coined here (the mint closed in 1861). The museum chronicles this gold rush history. Items on display include a complete set of gold nuggets, a large 50 ounce nugget, and a hydraulic water cannon and nozzle used to remove soil. Backstory and Context
SITE AND SITUATION - Site is the specific place where the city is established. At the beginning it played a very important role. Cities were near rivers or on a hill top for a better defense. - Situation is the relation of the city with the surrounding areas for example ports, road intersections, in the center of a country. A plan is the graphic representation of the distribution of the built-up areas (houses and other buildings) and the open spaces such as streets, parks or squares. There are three types of plan depending on the shape and arrangement of the roads: - ORTHOGONAL PLAN is also called grid plan or checkerboard. This plan has straight, wide streets that cross at right angles. - RADIOCENTRIC PLAN starts at a central point and from there streets radiate crossed by others that form concentric circles. - IRREGULAR PLAN does not have a defined geometric shape. It is formed by short and narrow streets and alleys of irregular layout.
to display context- sensitive ads on this page. Learn how to manage Google cookies by visiting the Google Technologies Centre ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ (Umbellifer or Carrot family) - Centella L. This is a genus of about 50 species found mostly in South Africa, with Centella asiatica Urb. being distributed pantropically (Mabberley 2008). Centella L. species have similarities with Hydrocotyle L. species and have previously been classified by some authorities in a distinct family, namely the Hydrocotylaceae (see Willis 1973). Following upon the work of the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group (2003), the genus Centella L. was moved into the Mackinlayaceae, but then was restored to the Umbelliferae by Plunkett et al. (2004). - Centella asiatica Urb. - (syns Hydrocotyle biflora P. Vell., Hydrocotyle asiatica L., Hydrocotyle erecta L.f., Centella biflora Nannf., Centella coriacea Nannf., Centella erecta Fern.) - Asian Pennywort, Indian Pennywort, Asiatischer Wassernabel, Bevilacque The plant is well known to practitioners of Indian and Chinese traditional medicine. In India it is known as brahmi. In China, a preparation of the root (Hydrocotyle Asiatica Radix or Centella Asiatica Radix) is known as gotu kola; the dried whole plant (Herba Centella Asiatica) is known variously as beng da wan, han ke cao, ji xue cao, luo de da, and by other names. According to Waring (1883), to whom Piffard (1881) referred, Hydrocotyle asiatica has gained considerable repute as a remedy for leprosy. The dried and powdered leaves are sprinkled on the ulcers (and also taken orally), or alternatively the fresh bruised leaves may be applied. The remedy causes great itching of the skin over the whole body, when its use should be discontinued. Nadkarni (1976) similarly noted that preparations of the plant are highly valued remedies in Indian traditional medicine, being administered both internally and externally for a variety of skin diseases including ulcers (chronic, scrofulous, syphilitic), chronic eczema, psoriasis, leprosy, elephantiasis, and abscesses. The juice of the leaves or whole plant is said to be excellent for stopping the irritation caused by prickly heat (Hurst 1942). According to Perry & Metzger (1980), the uses of Centella asiatica over all its eastern range are many and very much alike in different regions. Sachs et al. (2002) noted that this species is used by the people of Ngada on Flores (an Indonesian Island) for treating wounds. The wound healing activity of the plant appears to be attributable to its content of asiaticoside, asiatic acid, and madecassic acid (Maquart et al. 1990, Bonte et al. 1994, Bonte et al. 1995, Maquart et al. 1999, Shukla et al. 1999a, Shukla et al. 1999b) through stimulation of collagen and glycosaminoglycan synthesis. The plant has also been studied as a topical antipsoriatic by Natarajan & Paily (1973). Using keratinocyte cultures, Sampson et al. (2001) found that an aqueous extract of the plant exhibited antiproliferant activity that could support its use as an antipsoriatic. The activity was attributed to madecassoside and asiaticoside. Interestingly, asiaticoside was shown to inhibit healing of experimental corneal wounds in rabbits (Callizo et al. 1996). Studies of the effect of asiaticoside in corneal wounds and ulcers have been documented by Abou Shousa & Khalil (1967) and by Mekkawi (1968). Asiaticoside appears also to be able to inhibit collagen production in such a way as to inhibit formation of hypertrophic scars, keloids, and stretch marks (striae gravidarum / striae distensae) (Bosse et al. 1979, Qi et al. 2000, Widgerow et al. 2000, Young & Jewell 2003). Extracts from the plant have been formulated into several commercial products including Collaven®, Emdecassol™, Madecassol®, Centelase™, Marticassol™, Blastoestimulina™, and Trofolastin®. Reports of allergic contact dermatitis, confirmed by patch testing have appeared sporadically following topical use of Madecassol®, (Eun & Lee 1985), Centelase™ (Santucci et al. 1985, Vena & Angelini 1986, Danese et al. 1994), and Blastoestimulina™ (Izu et al. 1992, Aguirre et al. 1993, Bilbao et al. 1995, Gonzalo Garijo et al. 1996). Asiaticoside, asiatic acid, and madecassic acid appear to be the sensitisers (Huriez & Martin 1969, Hausen 1993). The possibility of sensitivity to other components of the formulations (for example, propylene glycol) should not be overlooked (Eun & Lee 1985, Hausen 1993). It is pertinent to note that the phytochemical literature dating back over 50 years appears to show that the asiaticoside content of Centella asiatica varies with geographical source (Watt & Breyer-Brandwijk 1962, Oliver-Bever 1986), suggesting the existence of chemovars. The significance of this observation with regard to the various biological activities ascribed to the plant remains to be determined. Hausen (1993) provides a detailed review of the many dermatological uses of Indian pennywort and also a review of the several cases of contact allergy reported following the use of commercial products containing an extract of the plant. He concludes that the low incidence of reports of contact dermatitis in relation to the widespread use of products containing an extract of the plant suggests that the plant is only a very weak sensitiser. Studies in guinea pigs supported this assessment, showing that asiaticoside, asiatic acid, and madecassic acid were all very weak sensitisers. - Cnidium dubium These species yield linear furanocoumarins (Nielsen 1971). - Cnidium monnieri Cusson ex Juss. - (syns Cicuta monnieri Crantz, Ligusticum monnieri Calest., Selinum monnieri L.) - Monnier's Snowparsley These species yield linear furanocoumarins (Nielsen 1971). - Conium maculatum L. - Poison Hemlock, Carrot Fern Dermatitis from the plant was reported by several authors cited by Touton (1932). Massey (1941) and Hardin & Arena (1974) list the plant as capable of producing dermatitis. The plant yields two linear furanocoumarins (Nielsen 1971). The plant is sometimes sold as an ornamental under the name of California fern (Massey 1941). Application of the plant to the skin produces a burning feeling followed by paralysis of sensation (Piffard 1881). - Coriandrum sativum The fruits provide coriander seeds used in flavouring. The seeds were found in Egyptian tombs of 960-880 B.C. and the plant was recorded in the medical Papyrus of Thebes in 1552 B.C. Loveman (1938) observed a positive patch test reaction to Oil of Coriander. Oil of Coriander is considered to be a known allergen and therefore has been removed from certain brand-name cosmetics (Anon 1973). - Cuminum cyminum The seeds were used as a condiment by the Ancient Greeks and in the Middle Ages. Oil of cumin used in perfumery is said to have some of the properties of other essential oils but has not been implicated in dermatitis (Greenberg and Lester 1954). Distinct phototoxic effects were reported for undiluted cumin oil but none from its principal ingredient, cuminaldehyde (Opdyke 1974). 60 species are found in Europe, Africa, Asia and America. The fruits are burred and adhere to animals. D. carota is the wild carrot. - Daucus carota var sativa The plant is more or less bristly, bearing stiff strong hairs. The volatile oil contained in the leaves and fruits varies greatly from one kind of carrot to another (Burkill 1935, Watt & Breyer-Brandwijk 1962). Pammel (1911) reported that handling the foliage of carrots, especially when wet, produced irritation, even vesication, in some persons. Prolonged exposure to carrots in canning factories can produce irritation of the skin and mechanical injury from the hairs (Peck et al. 1944). In seven cases of occupational dermatitis from carrots, the eruption was localised to the hands in five cases but in two cases the forearms, neck and face were also affected (Vickers 1941). Peck et al. (1944) described acute or chronic dermatitis affecting the hands and forearms and in some persons, the neck and face. 15 of 17 persons showed positive patch test reactions to slices of raw carrot. Aqueous extracts of carrot, the dried residue of this extract, ether and acetone extracts, carrot juice and heated carrot produced positive patch test reactions. Allergic contact dermatitis from carrots was reported by Klauder and Kimmich (1956) affecting 13 employees in a food-processing plant. The incubation period was usually about two weeks. Vesicular dermatitis affected the fingers and dorsa of the hands. All 13 patients showed positive patch test reactions to carrot slices, stronger to the cut surface than to the outer intact surface. In one of two patients tested, boiled carrot produced a positive reaction. Two of 77 (Peck et al. 1944) and three of 55 controls (Vickers 1941) showed irritant reactions to raw carrot slices. Cross-sensitivity was observed to parsnip (Pastinaca) and celery (Apium); negative reactions were observed to some other umbelliferous plants (Klauder and Kimmich 1956). Dermatitis from carrots is an industrial problem (Henry 1933, Vickers 1941, Peck et al. 1944, Klauder and Kimmich 1956) but is considered significant in housewife's eczema (Shelmire 1940, Agrup 1969). Spitzer (1937) observed a case of meadow dermatitis; besides the erythema there was an exact copy of a leaf of wild carrot (D. carota) on the skin of the patient who had lain undressed in a meadow; he considered this copy of a leaf to be due to mechanical irritation by hairs of the plant. Vickers (1941) suggested a photosensitising effect of carrots. Extracts of the plant had a weak phototoxic activity (Van Dijk and Berrens 1964). Pathak (1975) lists the plant as implicated in causing phytophotodermatitis. Carrots have been reported to cause contact urticaria (Urbach and Gottleib 1949). Oil of carrot seed has been suspected as an agent of contact dermatitis (Greenberg and Lester 1954, Klarmann 1958). Contact sensitivity to carotene is noted under Citrus. - Echinophora L. Ten species are found around the Mediterranean region (Mabberley 1987). The plants are characterised by their spiny flowering parts. - Echinophora spinosa L. The plant is a very spiny, much-branched perennial, the leaves, calyx, bracts, and bracteoles of which being spine-tipped. It is found growing in sand by the sea in Mediterranean Europe (Polunin 1969). - Ferula communis - (syn. Ferula abyssinica) The root contains a toxic principle which, like dicoumarol from Trifolium, leads to lowering of the prothrombin level of the blood and haemorrhages in animals who ingest the plant (Verdcourt and Trump 1969). - Ferula galbaniflua - Ferula rubicaulis These species are sources of medicinal Gum Galbanum which is rubefacient and irritant to tender skin (Dioscorides 1st Cent. A.D., Dispensatory 1884, Piffard 1881). Three of 15 individuals who were contact sensitive to balsam of Peru (from Myroxylon balsamum Harms, fam. Leguminosae) showed positive patch test reactions to galbanum (Hjorth 1961). - Foeniculum vulgare The young blanched leaves provide a vegetable and the fruit a condiment. Fennel tea infusions applied to inflamed skin increased the inflammation. Oil of fennel is reported to produce dermatitis in sensitive individuals (Greenberg and Lester 1954). Cross-sensitivity with Oil of Anise (Pimpinella) was reported by Loveman (1938). The plant has been implicated in causing phytophotodermatitis (Pathak et al. 1962). Ingestion of fennel and fennel seed were implicated in a case of bronchial asthma (Levy 1948).
Photos By – Kanyon Sayers-Roods We recognize that SF MINT history days happens in Yelamu. We are in Ramaytush Ohlone Territory. The Ramaytush (pronounced rah-my-toosh) are the only original people of the San Francisco Peninsula. In the baptismal records of Mission Dolores, Aramay referred specifically to the area containing the villages of Timigtac and Pruristac. The term Ramaytush became a linguistic designation for a dialect of the Costanoan language that was spoken by the original peoples of the San Francisco Peninsula. Most descendants of the indigenous groups of the San Francisco Bay Area, however, refer to themsleves as Ohlone while a few others use Costanoan. The title Ramaytush Ohlone recognizes the Ramaytush as a part of a larger group of the Ohlone/Costanoan peoples who lived in the area of the San Francisco Bay south to Monterey. Prior to the arrival of the Spanish in 1769, the Ramaytush Ohlone numbered approximately 1400 persons and lived in eleven tribelets.http://www.ramaytush.com/ GREGG CASTRO – San Francisco History Days: Presentation Not “Politically” Correct – Historically Correct: Curriculum for Indigenous California History Gregg Castro [t’rowt’raahl Salinan/rumsien Ohlone], founder and advisor to the “California Indian History Curriculum Coalition” (CIHCC) based at CSU – Sacramento, will give an indigenous perspective to the personal experience of growing up in the a school system that continues to deny the real facts of what happened to the hundred of thousands of native people of California since European colonization of the 18th century. As People of Color begin to more strongly assert their rightful and lawful place in American society, they also want that society to face the truth of a past the directly and strongly impacts their daily lives today. Gregg will discuss the efforts by native communities to assure that children of today are accurately informed of the past that has shaped their present and future.
Karl Bodmer is considered by many authorities to be the greatest nineteenth-century artist to have produced prints of the American West. In 1832 he came to America with his patron, Prince Maximilian of Wied, to put together as complete a study as possible of the western territories of the United States. The result was the publication of Maximilian’s journals in successive German, French, and English editions between 1839 and 1843, and with it, a picture atlas of eighty-one aquatint plates after paintings by Bodmer. Bodmer was a keen observer of a world that few Europeans had ever seen or described and proved himself one of the ablest landscape painters of the American West. Snags (Sunken Trees) on the Missouri, Karl Bodmer, c. 1839-1843, Colored aquatint engraving, 10.25 x 12.75 inches, $1,200 Bodmer is best known for the watercolors he did on on a five-thousand mile trip up the Missouri River in 1833 and 1834 when he accompanied the German prince Maximilian on an exploratory trip of the Far West. Maximilian, Prince of Wied, was a natural historian by avocation, and had come to America to study the unique features of the land and the people. On this trip, Bodmer painted numerous Indian subjects and river scenes, which Maximilian published as engravings and aquatints along with his own observations in a book titled “Travels in the Interior of North America”. His early training was in Paris, and in 1847, he moved to Germany where he painted the lush woods. In 1849, he painted with Francois Millet and others at Barbizon, a small town in France, and his forest interiors won recognition in Paris Salon exhibitions. Source: Matthew Baigell, “Dictionary of American Artists” Camp of the Gros Ventres of the Prairies on the Upper Missouri, Karl Bodmer, c. 1840, Colored aquatint engraving, 10.00 x 12.50 inches, $3,500 Kiechel Fine Art also has an extensive collection of prints by
In simple terms, training and development refers to the imparting of specific skills, abilities and knowledge to a student. A formal definition of training & development is… it is any attempt to improve current or future required performance by enhancing ability to perform through learning, usually by changing the student attitude or increasing his or her skills and knowledge. The need for training & development is determined by the student’s performance deficiency, computed as follows: Training & Development need = Standard performance – Actual performance. We can make a distinction among training, education and development. Such distinction enables us to acquire a better perspective about the meaning of the terms. Training, as was stated earlier, refers to the process of imparting specific skills. Education, on the other hand, is confined to theoretical learning in classrooms. Training and Education Differentiated Training Education Application Theoretical Orientation academic Experience Classroom Learning Specific Tasks General Concepts Narrow / Perspective Broad Perspective strategic Training refers to the process of imparting specific skills. Development refers to the learning opportunities designed to help students grow. Education is theoretical learning in classroom. Though training and education differ in nature and orientation, they are complementary. A student, for example, who undergoes training, is presumed to have had some formal education. Furthermore, no training programme is complete without an element of education. In fact, the distinction between training and education is getting increasingly blurred nowadays. As more and more students are called upon to exercise judgments and to choose alternative solutions to the job problems, training programmes seek to broaden and develop the individual through education. Hence, an institution must consider elements of both education and training while plan training programmes. Development refers to those learning opportunities designed to help students grow. Development is not primarily skill-oriented. Instead, it provides general knowledge and attitudes which will be helpful to employees in higher positions. Article Review Status: Review Completed - Accepted (Pay Publication Fee) If your article’s review has been completed, please ensure you check your email for feedback. This work by European American Journals is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License
There are more questions than answers. Perhaps there are no good answers anyway, but we must ask the questions to remain human. Elie Wiesel of blessed memory was the teacher of teachers, our modern day prophet who dared ask questions and dared to admit there are no good answers. His answer was to remember — remember the victims, remember the history of the victims and yet, reject despair and continue to hope. Prof. Avinoam Patt, of the University of Hartford, presented an excellent workshop at the Museum of Jewish Heritage last November. He acknowledged “the enormous challenge of teaching the Holocaust, and the sacred burden of memory.” He focused on literature, diaries, memoirs and fiction to help students develop empathy. The Diary of Chaim Kaplan shared fears, rumors, and the struggle of daily life. In l940, he thought this is the worst it could get — having no idea what was lying ahead in the concentration camps. In the face of life and death, remarkably the ghetto library still celebrated the loan of the 100,000th book. In A Diary in the Vilna Ghetto, Hermann Kruk shared, “Today there was a celebration in the ghetto — the loan of the 100,00th book from the ghetto library…reading books in the ghetto is the biggest treat there is. Books link us to freedom; books connect us to the world.” If you want to understand Jewish values, it is right here— study, intellectual growth, and moral values. Wiesel taught us that having advanced degrees like the Nazi leadership was useless without moral and ethical education. I remember a class with Prof. Elie Wiesel when he described the sheer joy and privilege of holding a prayer book. It shook me to my core — really? How many times have I held a prayer book, and how many times did I feel it was a privilege? This was the first time I understood the power of prayer — imagine being in a concentration camp and the mere act of owning a prayer book would be met with instant death. Elie Wiesel described the power of holding a prayer book in your hands. The connection to our ancestor’s prayers, our prayers, our connection to G-d and the hope and strength we can get from that connection. Reading and studying the diaries of the Holocaust can bring us closer to the hearts and souls that were lost. Those brave enough to defy the Nazis and write down the daily atrocities for future generations. Risking one’s life to write something you’re not even sure will survive you. The least we can do is read them and remember. Primo Levi wrote, “ If This Is a Man”…I commend these words to you- carve them in your hearts…” Elie Wiesel wrote in “ Night”, “ … never shall I forget those moments that murdered my G-d and my soul and turned my dreams to ashes. Never shall I forget those things, even were I condemned to live as long as G-d Himself. Never.”
A wide range of items like electronic micro components, toys, specialty items such as golf balls, etc. have been printed upon using the standard ‘pad printing’ since the last 75 years. Pad printing, also known as tomography, implies the analog printing technique that transfers an image from a printing plate onto a substrate with the help of silicone pad. This technique has either been outsourced to a printing unit or used as in-house production by a majority of industries like medical, automobiles, electronics, sporting goods, appliances, and toys. Advantages and Disadvantages of Pad Printing been in the market since the 1940s and has been evolving ever since. It involves inexpensive equipment and is versatile on various substrates. It involves a relatively short learning curve. For bulk production, per unit cost turns out to be less and this makes it a popular choice among printing houses. However the ‘make ready’ time of the technique is long as it covers the following steps: · Generation of artwork · Color separation (if it is multi-color printing) · Exposure of film on a printing plate by way of a UV light source · Mixing inks with thinners or hardeners · Machine pepping and alignment · Creation of jigs Such is the process of pad printing and the technique is unable to stand the needs of a modern, evolving digitalized world. The following are some major shortcomings of pad printing: 1. The more the colors involved, the more expensive it gets as the equipment cost gets higher for multi-color printing. 2. The set-up costs are high and impractical for small productions. 3. It is not a practical technique for full-color images. 4. It is a messy process, so the cost and time involved in cleaning up are high. 5. Usually, variable data, designs, and colors are not possible. 6. Most pad printers have a small imprint area, usually 4-4.45”. With more full color, customized products in demand, pad printing is soon losing its efficacy to the digital UV-LED printing. The New-age UV printing UV flatbed printers are much more advanced and cost-effective than pad printing and can cater to a plethora of items like glass doors, tabletops, wooden items, sports equipment, fancy items like stationery and bottles, customized gifts, metal objects, trophies, mobile case printing and many more. The UV flatbed printing involves a shorter learning curve and relatively low-cost inks. This implies more revenue and lesser costs. UV printing is equipped for full-color imaging much at the same speed as single-color imaging. The best part is printing on one or thousand items requires the same set up because the whole process is digital. · Imprint area in UV printing is larger than pad printing. · UV flatbed technology allows 3-D effects by printing both on the front and the back. · The white under the base makes the image stand out from the product and the varnish helps to create matte and glossy images. · There is no cleaning up cost involved. UV printing directly means more speed, fewer costs and hence more revenue, irrespective of the quantity of the items printed upon. Enterprises is the leading and the authorized manufacturer and provider of UV printers in India. With continued customer satisfaction and solution to all problems, Axis Enterprises has become the best UV Printers provider in India. Feel free to drop in a line at and avail huge profit margins with the flatbed UV
Woodworking Plans Rocking Chair Woodworking is a lovely hobby-and occupation, which can last a life-time. These 10 woodworking tasks are offered to woodworkers of every skill degree, and are straight from the heart of editors that enjoy to see other individuals appreciate their craft. With woodworking you can transform ordinary items into work of art. Many tasks require devices as well as products listings as well as consist of strategies to reveal you step-by-step exactly how to make your task effective. A Beginners Woodshop – This is an useful “how-to” book for individuals simply getting into woodworking. The author, Joe Litton, shows you how to start with tiny tasks like table saws or a basic stool. You can develop your means up from there. It’s written in a friendly, conversational tone, with great deals of fun pictures showing you what you’re doing. Easy Woodworking Project Ideas – If you’re a novice, this publication is excellent for you. This is not your dad’s novice’s publication or your grandma’s woodworking publication. With this book, you’ll locate a lot of basic jobs that will certainly assist you start. There are projects for people of any kind of ability level, from first time woodworkers to timber specialists. And also there are lots of easy to follow, detailed instructions to walk you through every step of your job. Projects That Can Be Told Via Paint or Sculpting – This book consists of gorgeous photographs that inform you a lot more about the process of timber carving than the project itself. You will certainly find out about the different timbers used in timber carving, and the various sorts of methods and products made use of. It has an easy to use design that lets you relocate from one area of guide to another with ease. It has actually an area dedicated to building straightforward bird houses that will give you the opportunity to experience some woodworking in your own yard. These are the most prominent publications on woodworking that you can discover. Every one has something for everybody. Whether you intend to make a new table for your residence, make a straightforward bench for your outdoor patio, or construct a birdhouse, these books will take you right to the heart of woodworking. Woodworking is an enjoyable hobby. But it’s additionally a serious hobby with many benefits. For beginners it can be a method to discover the craft of constructing points. For more advanced woodworkers, it can supply them with hrs of innovative fun that will certainly boost their understanding of woodworking and their skills. Woodworking is additionally a great way to hang out with your family. Spending a few hours each week making crafts with each other can construct as well as reinforce a family members bond. It can bring friends and family better. It’s also a fantastic way to make brand-new buddies and also increase your circle of family and friends. that share your rate of interest? With just a couple of mins every day, you can have simple tasks completed that you can happily display in your house. that make an enduring impression on your friends and family. You’ll discover that your skills boost and also you end up being a lot more familiar with the worth of your hard work. Have you been in woodworking? Do you have tried doing the work before or are you currently now build things from simple slabs of wood? Keep reading to get information on it. Consider making your own personal sanding blocks that one could be used time and again. Start with cutting six blocks coming from a scrap component of plywood for all the sandpaper grits you generally use. Ensure the measurements are around two-and-a-half inches by four and three quarter inches. Spray adhesive is really what you make use of on both the wood and cork tile square. Spray adhesive on the rear of sandpaper and stick that to both cork blocks. Test your stains over a hidden spot. This can help you avoid surprises when the stain color looks different after you’ve applied it. Have you figured out exactly how much your workbench height is crucial to the success of your projects? This may be sure that your workbench are at the optimum height for a perfect workbench. When budgeting for the project, consider the tools. It’s very easy to overlook this. If you don’t take note of these extra costs, they will make you review your financial allowance. Gel stains make staining furniture items that are going to be applied for furniture. Gel stains will adhere a lot better around the wood simply because they don’t run like the liquid stains do. Gel can also get a more consistent color on pieces since it is thicker. Use your tin snips in case you are dealing with laminate. They will likely make it simple to cut easily and quickly and get the piece fit. Using tin snips merely to cut laminate can also help keep these sharp. You shouldn’t become a perfectionist with tape-measure. Cutting on scrap wood first is usually a good idea to help you try out a fitting out. Possessing a variety in the strategies to pre-plan your cuts keeps you from mental boredom. Soft woods needs to be avoided for tabletops as it scratches easily.Understand that various wood types displays different colors when finished. Don’t forget to remain in touch with other people. Your woodworking shop might be reclusive and doesn’t possess the Internet. There might be times when you get stumped with a project flummoxes you.You will be always likely to discover a answer to an issue that someone before you are dealing with. There are many essential hand tools you ought to purchase before commencing the initial woodworking project. The 1st tool you need is really a high-quality hammer.A claw hammer is the best choice for woodworking. Choose a hammer that feels right in your grasp. You don’t want to be employing a hammer which is too much. Don’t push an excessive amount of pressure when you sand.Using an excessive amount of pressure while sanding could cause the surface to get uneven. Just sand in the circular motion. Wet surfaces before you decide to sand. This helps to raise the grain to indicate itself. This will then let you to eliminate small scratches. It is going to help make your project look as though it absolutely was produced by an experienced finish. It could possibly also enable you to work later on. Save the scrap wood you may need it for later projects. You will never know when you need some wood later to fill a gap or to help clamp together newly glued items of wood. You may also utilize them for practice making cuts also when you’re utilizing a tool you’re not really acquainted with. Cheap tools break often and may cost you a ton of money. This will pay for itself over time since you money from being forced to change it frequently. Locate some scrap wood and then work together with it somewhat. If this isn’t working, try another piece, repeatedly until you receive a handle on how it works. Watching is usually the best method for you to understand the craft. There are several videos online to assist you to find out how the numerous tools are employed. You can see entire projects online which show all aspects of the project. Always chisel from the body when working with chisels. The chisel could slip and cut the hand very deeply. You really should consider renting your tools as opposed to buying. Renting something that you’re using just once or twice will allow you to find out when you really need it before choosing it. The renter may also demonstrate ways to use the tool. Keep the dust to a minimum in your workshop cleared up whenever you can. Hardwood dust might be a hard rule.Even some sorts of softwood dust might cause irritation and even allergies. Remember to keep the skin, nose, mouth and eyes well-protected. Use drawers to the very best of what you can do. You can get a lot of tools in just one small room should you efficiently use drawer space. Keep related tools together in the common space. This method can help you discover the appropriate tool.Store and organize your tools inside a logical manner. Make sure that your workshop is organized and well-ventilated. Ensure you have sufficient lighting set up in addition to safety tools like a fire extinguisher. Drill the pilot holes before screwing into wood.Should you be without a drill presently, attempt to gently hammer the screw to make a hole. The PBS station often airs programming who have tutorials on doing woodworking. These shows help teach numerous types of woodworking skills. Woodworking involves a lot more than making certain you will find the right tools and techniques. Keep in mind that the final result.Keep things simple to ensure that you don’t go crazy. Painter’s tape is helpful to help keep within the wood shop. It also activly works to keep setting glue in the outer side from the wood from setting. Woodworking has your own name written around it, so it’s time to start the next project. Don’t let yourself get afraid of everything you imagine you have to know. You won’t be a specialist overnight, but which is okay. Make use of your innate creativity and wish to improve. First and foremost, have fun.
I feel like by the time students get to 4th grade, they are OVER Character Traits. However, knowing what Character Traits are doesn’t prepare them for the types of characters or the way traits are “shown” in 4th grade text. This week, we are diving in deep with character, their traits, inferred traits, and the changes characters undergo. Amanda (my teacher BFF, owner of ETX Teaching on TpT, and FABULOUS HUMAN) to the rescue. She created this incredible resource that includes allllll of those I mentioned plus some other incredible parts that we use later in the year! So we started yesterday with talking about inner vs. outer (physical traits) and talked about how traits can be positive or negative. I was surprised to see that the students had not ever thought of the traits as either positive or negative. This led to some really great conversations. Getting Creative with Characters We also designed our own character with half being inside traits and half being physical traits. I told them they could design themselves or a fictional person. I chose to not allow them to do people in the classroom. My group of kids is working HARD on kindness this year because we are struggling with self-control and using appropriate words with each other. I did not know if they would be nice when designing a classmate. So, I set boundaries. I did give them some freedom on either drawing symbols to represent a trait or just writing the trait. They enjoyed coming up with symbols for some traits. Identifying Inferred Character Traits Following this activity, we discussed how authors use inferred traits to build their character’s personality. We read an excerpt from Charlotte’s Web (my student teacher’s idea.) Even though the excerpt didn’t SAY Fern was kind and brave, the students could tell based on the author’s description and the situation. Next, they worked on groups on this Inferred Character Traits Activity. I had the students start on different traits and set the timer for 20 minutes. I knew they might not get finished with all of the traits and this made it better for when we played the game we played. Concluding the Activity and Lesson After the timer went off, they took turns sharing and the other groups guessed the trait they were describing. The kids loved this! They pulled a post it with a number written on the back off of the cabinet each time they guessed one right. At the end, the highest score got a homework pass! The great part of this game is that MOST of the groups got every trait right, so they got to choose multiple post-its before the game was over. Then add up their final score. This is my second year using this lesson and it is such a winner! We will use the rest of the resource in a few weeks when we discuss plot structure! I hope everyone is having a fabulous weekend!
NASA Earth Science missions are kicking off a new video contest engaging high school age students to produce a video communicating NASA Earth Science to younger students. Students are consuming over 10 hours of media a day and video is increasingly important to communicate and inform about science. NASA is looking for talented High School students to create videos that engage students in Earth Science. Winners will have their videos posted on NASA’s website. They will also get the opportunity to be a NASA Producer working with NASA scientists and communication experts in July 2014 to produce an Earth Science feature video.
Do you have a passion for history? Do you agree that those who fail to understand our past are more likely to make the same mistakes? If so, a career teaching history to middle and high school students might be perfect for you. The role of the history teacher is to help provide a solid and rounded education background for students by teaching about events in the past and how these world events have shaped our world and society into what it is today. If you want to become a history teacher in the United States, the basic requirements are twofold. First, you must possess a bachelor’s degree. Second, you must receive a certification to teach in the state you reside or would like to work in. If you are just planning to go to college or would like to obtain a second degree, a popular program for hopeful history teachers is the Social Studies Secondary Education Bachelors of Science degree. This program provides all the required education related courses to teach at the secondary level and includes all necessary history courses. In addition, a bachelor’s degree in Secondary Education will also include student teaching, which is a requirement to obtain certification. If you are looking to change careers, have a bachelor’s degree in a non-education or history related field and would to become a history teacher, in most states you will be required to complete both education and history related courses. This can result in a Masters of Arts in Secondary Education, History or a similar degree. Courses you can expect to take include Secondary Level History, American History, World History and Civilizations, Research Methods, Anthropology, Social Science, Archaeology, and other history and education related classes. Once you have your degree – whether it a bachelor’s or master’s in history or education – you will have to pass assessment examinations that all teachers must complete before being certified. The most widely recognized of these is the PRAXIS series of teaching exams. The test of note for hopeful history teachers is the PRAXIS II History examination. The third test of the PRAXIS is a teaching observation where you be assessed in a live teaching situation on your ability to teach and handle the subject matter. If you a foreign teacher or a current US teacher and would like to teach in a different state, there are accelerated teacher certification programs that you can research. Generally speaking, these programs will first confirm that you are qualified to teach history. This may include you having to pass screening examinations to show that you have sufficient knowledge of the subject matter. Some states have additional requirements that may have to be satisfied such as minimum GPA standards. For example, some states will require that you have a minimum GPA of 2.5 in all history and education courses to be accepted into their accelerated program. Once you are approved into one of these accelerated programs, you can obtain provisional certification that will allow you to teach with pay while take any history or education courses needed to completely meet the requirements for full certification. The requirements for how to become a history teacher will vary from state to state. New alternatives routes become available every year, so if you are interested in the exact procedures for your particular state, you should check with the states board of education.
Supplementary Materialsijms-19-01941-s001. (AMPs) are particularly important, due to their broad spectrum antibacterial activity and decreased likelihood of inducing antibiotic resistance. Currently, more than 2800 AMPs have been found in animals, plants or microorganisms . In animals, AMPs play important roles in host defense and are crucial in the immune system . The activities of AMPs vary greatly due to their different sequences and structures. In addition to antimicrobial activity, some AMPs have wound curing capabilities through advertising cell proliferation also, reducing swelling or improving intestinal hurdle function [5,6]. Cecropins certainly are a combined Birinapant price band of peptides with an -helical framework and were initially within bugs. Currently, you can find a lot more than 30 information of cecropins in the Antimicrobial Peptide Data Birinapant price source (APD), including found out and artificially synthesized cecropins naturally. Cecropin A is among the earliest found out cecropins by Steiner et al. from . Within the last decades, the antibacterial systems of cecropin A have already been investigated [8 thoroughly,9]. Furthermore, cecropin A can be a popular template for peptide molecular hybrids to improve the antibacterial activity of AMPs . Even though the antibacterial activity of cecropin A continues to be demonstrated for many years, to our greatest knowledge, the result of cecropin A on intestinal hurdle Birinapant price function is still unknown. IBD is caused by pathogenic bacterial infection and intestinal mucosal barrier disruption. Intestinal mucosal surfaces consist of epithelial cells, such as absorptive cells, endocrine cells and Paneth cells . The epithelial cells form a selectively leaky barrier, which is crucial for nutrient substance exchange and host defense [12,13,14,15]. These functions depend on intact intestinal epithelial cell layers, which are composed of cellCcell attachments at the cell lateral membrane by tight junctions (TJs) and subjacent adherens junctions Birinapant price . The TJs BMPR2 consist of transmembrane proteins such as claudins, occludin and junctional adhesion molecules (JAMs). These proteins are clustered and stabilized by cytoplasmic scaffolding proteins called zonula occludens (ZOs) and cytoskeletons such as F-actin. Different tight junction proteins play various jobs in hurdle function. Occludin and Claudins can be found at apical and basal positions from the lateral membrane, respectively. ZOs, such as for example ZO-1, can connect to cytoskeleton, occludin and claudin-1 . To conclude, the TJ-cytoskeleton framework is vital for the intestinal hurdle. The regulation of TJ membrane and Birinapant price expression distribution is complex. The mitogen-activated proteins kinase (MAPK) pathways, that have three downstream pathways including extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK), c-jun and p38, are in charge of cell proliferation, proliferation and immune system response in the gastrointestinal system . ERK, which might be triggered by mitogen-activated proteins kinase (MEK), is among the most significant pathways for keeping gastrointestinal system homeostasis and regulating the intestinal hurdle. However, relating to previous research, the result of MEK/ERK on intestinal hurdle function is questionable. Piegholdt et al. demonstrated that biochanin A and prunetin might improve epithelial function through downregulation of ERK, while Wang et al. demonstrated an improvement from the intestinal epithelial hurdle through upregulation of the ERK pathway by polyphenol-rich propolis extracts. The regulatory effect of the MEK/ERK signaling pathway on the intestinal barrier is unclear. In this study, we evaluated the effects of cecropin A on intestinal barrier function in an IPEC-J2 cell monolayer model. We also detected the TJ protein level and membrane distribution by using Western blotting and cell immunofluorescence, respectively. Finally, the changes in the MEK/ERK signaling pathway were detected to reveal the regulatory mechanism of cecropin A on the barrier function. 2. Results 2.1. The Antibacterial Activity of Different AMPs Seven AMPs were selected from the APD database, antibacterial activities including minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) were tested by using 11 specific bacterial strains (Table S1) and the information of origin source, peptide length, net charge were also described (Table S2). The results demonstrated that cecropin A possessed the very best antibacterial activity (MIC and MBC between 1.5 and 6.25 g/mL) to gram-negative bacterial strains, such as for example and adherence within a dose-dependent way (Body 1A). Furthermore, after coculture with = 3). The comparative mRNA appearance of were examined through the use of qPCR ((B), = 6). Control: control group; cecropin A: cells had been pretreated with cecropin A; cecropin A + 0.05, ** 0.01, *** 0.001. 2.4. Cecropin A Escalates the TER and Lowers the Paracellular Diffusion of FITC-Dextran through the IPEC-J2 Monolayer The integrity from the intestinal hurdle may raise the defense capability of the host and reduce the adherence of pathogenic bacteria. We examined whether cecropin A could enhance the intestinal monolayer barrier function. Transepithelial electrical resistance (TER) values were assessed at 24, 48 and 72 h after cecropin A treatment. Our data showed that, compared to those of the control cells, the TER values of cecropin A-treated cells were significantly increased.
Australian scientists are trying to answer this question. Green coffee beans have long been part of weight loss diets but now they say that used coffee grounds may also help. According to a study by the University of Southern Queensland, consuming coffee residue may control obesity. Rats were tested during a seven-year study. In laboratory tests, after eating used coffee for eight weeks, previously fattened rats had noticeable physiological changes: blood pressure returned to normal levels, blood glucose levels decreased, and liver function improved. Australian doctors expect the same results in humans. However, with no human trials yet, Professor Lindsay Brown, director of the experiment, is testing himself. First, he gained weight and now he is undergoing a used coffee diet to see what happens.
Thousands of years of case studies, applied theories and rigorous analysis have brought modern medicine to the point that childbirth now is a much safer prospect for mother and child than it once was. The juxtaposition of the safety of modern birth and the difficulties faced by women of the past can be misleading. Though birth is safer now, it comes with inherent risk. It is a significant biological process that can cause physical stress and trauma to both mother and child if problems arise before or during birth. Many childbirth injuries can be avoided by regular end of pregnancy case with an OB-GYN regularly overseeing a case to pinpoint any potential risk factors before a problem arises. Unfortunately, some birth injuries arise unexpectedly during delivery, with up to 15 percent of women reporting that they sustained pelvic injuries during childbirth that never healed. What Types of Childbirth Injuries Exist? There are a number of different ways that a mother can be injured during birth. While the focus is often given largely to injuries received by infants, maternal injuries can be life altering and very difficult or impossible to recover from. Uterine rupture can take place due to attempting a vaginal birth post C-section. Hemorrhaging from the uterus can cause a woman’s heart rate to drop extremely low, putting both her and her child in mortal danger. Fractures or breaks in pelvic bones can result in extreme pain and loss of mobility. Often, these injuries require follow-up care that can include surgical procedures that interfere with the patient’s ability to recover physically and mentally from giving birth. In a study conducted by Janis Miller, an associate professor at the University of Michigan School of Nursing, along with a team of midwives, radiologists and obstetricians, a group of pregnant women at high risk for pelvic muscle tears were tracked using MRI scans to track injury and healing times. The results concluded that 25 percent of women showed fluid in the pubic bone marrow or sustained fractures similar to a sports-related stress fracture, and 66 percent showed excess fluid in the muscle, which indicates injury similar to a severe muscle strain; 41 percent sustained pelvic muscle tears, with the muscle detaching partially or fully from the pubic bone. With the results in, the team concluded that childbirth is just as traumatic as many endurance sports and tracking injuries via MRI scans should be done more often. How Do Birth Injuries Change the Lives of the Affected? Sometimes, an injury sustained during birth is an inconvenience. A few weeks of recovery allow the mother to heal and move forward as though nothing had ever happened. In some cases, though, birth injuries can have life-altering consequences. A woman who progresses into eclampsia is likely to begin having seizures. If no one is around to find her, her organs will begin to shut down. She will go into a coma and she and her baby will die. This is considered a birth injury because it is a condition that is preventable by delivering a child before pre-eclampsia progresses to this dangerous point. A woman who sustains a serious pelvic break may have to undergo months or years of physical therapy. She will experience a great deal of pain and difficulty while trying to recover from birth and take care of an infant that relies on her for every need. Her mobility may never be the same. She may have pain for the rest of her life. Mental birth injuries are also possible due to traumatic events during the birth process. This can result in depression, post-traumatic stress and suicidal thoughts. How to Handle Life After a Birth Injury Birth injuries can have serious impact, physically and mentally, for a very long time. This can be compounded if a child is injured or killed in the process of sustaining the injury. Physical birth injuries should be given a great deal of attention and care to assure that the mother can recover fully and safely. In most cases, injuries sustained during childbirth should heal by the time the woman receives her 8-month check-up. However, each case varies depending on the situation. The best option is to keep a close watch on recovery and consult a specialist if recovery seems to be taking an excessive amount of time. Related Content: Spotting in Early Pregnancy There are many changes that happen to the body during a normal pregnancy. A first time experience with something like spotting or light bleeding during pregnancy can wreak havoc on the expectant mother’s nerves. Spotting in early pregnancy is a good example of something that can be entirely normal as part of pregnancy in the first stages. Yet, spotting can also be a sign of a problem. It is important to understand when everything is likely fine, when a doctor should be called or when an emergency is in progress.
You’re probably wondering what you can do with those old or wrong-sized bras. There are ways to repurpose them, but hear this, your used bras can save the lives of turtles. Yep. there’s an animal rescue group in North Carolina that will take your wrong-sized or old bras and use them for the greater good. How can bras help turtles? Well, to be honest, it’s not the whole bra. Carolina Waterfowl Rescue take your used bras, take off the clasps, and use them to weld turtles’ cracked shells back together. The group’s director, Jennifer Gordon compares this unconventional method of repair to casting a broken bone. So here’s how it works. The staff glues cracked shells and holds them together with wire, which is hooked to the bra clasp so that it stay put. It’s just that simple. Carolina Waterfowl Rescue doesn’t actually rescue turtles only. The group also rescues pigs, owls, and possums. It’s just that turtles are the group’s most frequent patients. The team treats anywhere from three to 40 turtles a week, depending on the season. In spring, turtle injury rates increase a lot because they’re driven from lakes and ponds to shorelines where they lay their eggs or when it rains (because the turtles’ homes get all flooded). This makes them more susceptible to their most common predators, which are cars. The turtles the group treats are usually struck while crossing the street, she said, but others are run over by lawn mowers or chewed by dogs. The volunteer rescue treats turtles as big as 14-inch snapping turtles and as small as silver dollar-sized eastern box turtles. These turtles spend anywhere between three to eight weeks in rehab until their shells have fully healed. When it happens, the group releases them back to the wild with no trace of bra clasps at all. Other good news about sea turtles Using bra clasps to heal turtles’ shell isn’t the only good news you’re going to know. North and South Carolina and Georgia found out that the threatened giant loggerhead sea turtles have broken nesting records this summer. According to The Associated Press, scientists are crediting this increase to conservation measures that were implemented more than 30 years ago. Mark Dodd, a biologist who’s also the head of Georgia’s sea turtle recovery program said that the conservative measures include the state closely monitoring and protecting sea turtle nests and a mandate requiring shrimp boats to equip their nets with escape hatches. There are 3,500 loggerhead nests which have been recorded on Georgia’s beaches. The previous record for the state was 3,289 documented in 2016. Dodd said to expects the final count will likely reach 4,000 nests by the end of August. Sea turtles usually nest from May to August. Those loggerheads come all the way from the Atlantic Ocean and lay around 100 small eggs per nest. Joe Nairn, a professor from University of Georgia who studies adult female turtles said, “My laboratory is almost floor-to-ceiling in samples right now. It’s pretty obvious to us that this is a big year.” Those three states from the USA aren’t the only places with a nesting increase. Florida’s Boca Grande Sea Turtle Association patrol members are happy to report that there are 15 documented green sea turtle nests so far this nesting season. “This is exciting news. Last season we had only two Green turtle nests, so we are trending ahead significantly this year,” said Board member Mel Csank. Before this happened, Boca Grande Sea Turtle Association had a beach renourishment project. The sand in that area was tilled to soften it, making it easier for turtles to nest. So far, patrol volunteers have recorded 429 nests (12 green and the rest loggerhead). There are 554 false crawls because of beach renourishment projects. False crawl is a term used when a turtle makes its way onto the beach, but doesn’t produce a nest. There were 20 relocated nests due to the renourishment project. Csank said, “Two of the relocated nests have successfully hatched, one with 100 percent success, the other with 98 percent success. The other thing is that we’ve had three new green nests in less than one week – that brings the total up to 15, which is 13 more than last year and there’s still time for more. In 2017 we had a total of 18 green nests, but in 2018 we only had two.” According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, green sea turtles are threatened in both land and water and they’re protected under the Endangered Species Act. Their distinctive crawl and nest that looks like a bomb crater is far more rare on Gasparilla island than the Loggerhead. Since nesting season is still ongoing, volunteers keep reminding us to be aware of our surroundings when we visit beaches. We should try to cover up holes, knock down sand castles when visiting the beach, dispose of any trash, and shine no lights at night. Turtles in Southeast Asia Although this one isn’t exactly good news, but it’s heading that way. The Terengganu Fisheries Department has proposed to buy leatherback sea turtle eggs from overseas for incubation and release into its waters to increase the population of this species in the state. Zawawi Ali, the department director, said the department can get turtle eggs from Papua New Guinea and Indonesia. The proposal will be reviewed in a special seminar that will gather scientists and turtle-related experts in October. “If they agree to the proposal, we will seek cooperation from the state government to implement it,” said the director after officiating the release of 1,684 hatchlings at The Qamar Resort, Paka. Around 3,000 residents from around Paka were present to witness the release of the hatchlings. The Terengganu Fisheries Department recorded the landing of the leatherback turtle in Terengganu in 2017 after its last landing seven years earlier. Zawawi said Terengganu beaches were once popular landing spots for four of the seven species of turtles in the world, which are Leatherback, Olive Ridley, Hawksbill and Green sea turtles. The department is worried because Leatherback and Olive Ridley turtles had not come ashore to lay their eggs for a while now. Ali said that there was no Olive Ridley turtle landing on Terengganu beaches since 2003. “The Leatherback also has not landed in Terengganu for a long time. The last landing was in 2010. However, at the end of 2017, we found 92 Leatherback turtle eggs at Pantai Rhu Cikgu area near Rantau Abang in Dungun but the eggs never hatched,” said the director. Ali added that the number of Hawksbill and Green sea turtles landing in Terengganu also showed a decline compared to 10 years ago Well, let’s all hope that their conservation attempt would result in something desirable for the environment.
Indoor cats tend to live in safer and more comfortable environments than their outdoor counterparts, but prolonged exposure to indoor activities, central heating and air conditioning can compromise their potential well-being. Additionally, indoor cats tend to self-groom more often, increasing the chance of uncomfortable hairballs. As a result, an indoor cat’s dietary needs are different from those of an outdoor cat. Why is an indoor cat formula important? Skin and Fur — Indoor cats might experience poor skin and fur quality due to prolonged exposure to HVAC systems. Although HVAC systems create a comfortable living environment for indoor cats, dry air can lead to flaky skin and a dull coat. Hairballs — Indoor cats spend approximately three to four hours per day self-grooming. Increased grooming can result in significant hairball formation in the cat’s digestive tract. Hairballs can form an intestinal blockage, which can be detrimental to the cat’s health if the hairball is not easily eliminated. Weight Management — Indoor cats are less active than outdoor cats, sleeping up to 75% of the day. The resulting inactivity can lead to unhealthy weight gain, predisposing them to weight-related health concerns, such as diabetes, osteoarthritis and even a shorter lifespan. Litter Box Odour — Indoor cats use litter boxes, thereby regularly exposing their owners to odour. Excessive stool odour can be a sign of a poorly designed diet. What are key components of an indoor cat food formula? Natural Oils — An indoor cat food should provide the best possible skin and fur health benefits. NUTRO™ Indoor Cat Food is rich in natural oils for soft, shiny fur. Ingredients, such as soybean oil and flaxseed, provide omega fatty acids to support skin and coat health. Fibre — Fibre is a nutrient that helps to promote intestinal health and digestion. Additionally, natural fibre blends can help minimize hairball formation. Fibre is derived from plant-based sources, such as oat fibre and beet pulp. NUTRO™ Indoor Cat Food contains a blend of soluble and insoluble fibre, which provides fuel for healthy intestinal microflora and helps move material through the gut to minimize the formation of hairballs. Ideal Calorie Content — Indoor cats are less active, and therefore require fewer calories to maintain a healthy weight than their outdoor counterparts. Foods that are formulated to contain an ideal calorie content for an indoor lifestyle can help indoor cats maintain a healthy weight. Plus, feeding guidelines should reflect a lower calorie intake with specific recommendations for inactive indoor cats. Highly Digestible Ingredients — Targeted levels of highly digestible animal and plant proteins enable improved protein digestion and even can help control litter box odour. For a natural cat food designed specifically for indoor cats, try NUTRO™ Indoor Cat Food
Table of Contents Employment contract is a bilateral or two-sided agreement that records the exchange of remuneration and services for a given period of time. In addition, the contract entails the agreement between the employee and the employer that specifies the duties, responsibilities, and the employee’s rights, thus facilitating the effectiveness of the contract. The court recognizes employment contact as a form of agreement or bond for personal services, which expresses social relationships between the employee and employer. The contract agreement can be done in written or oral form when the employee takes the job offer. When the employee starts the job, it means that he or she has agreed with the terms and conditions set by the employer. The contract is necessary for the employer and the working environment because it helps in settling disputes based on the agreed terms and conditions of employment. Therefore, this paper will analyze the employment contract in the working environment. Nature of Employment Contract The employment contract contains various conditions and terms where both the employer and employee are bound. Breaching of such conditions and terms will terminate the contract. The condition and terms regard the list of benefits, timing, working place, status designated, restraint of trade, wages, and others. Another important aspect that the contract covers is the settlement of disagreements between the employee and employer. The conditions and terms of employment are always provided before the employee sign the contract, so that he or she may understand the terms before he or she is bounded by them. Then the two parties are allowed to sign the contract after reading the conditions and terms and being sure that they understand them well (Labor Employment Law, 2009). Subsequent notifications or changes to the contract will amount to modifications of the original contract. The changes in the contract will not bid all the parties unless they assent to it. In the normal contract, all the parties have an equal footing during the negotiation process. On the other hand, an employee stands on the receiving side when it comes to employment contract because he or she is at the mercy of the employer. As a result, he or she will not have enough bargaining power for the contract (Panken, 2010). In most cases, employment contracts are meant to force the employee not to reveal any of the trade secrets and confidential information. Even after terminating the employment contract, he or she is bound to protect trade secrets and any other confidential information. The business information must remain confidential until the time the employer decides to make it public. Therefore, employees have the responsibility of maintaining the confidentiality of business information as indicated in the contract. Moreover, employees have an obligation to ensure that their employer achieves high production through their efficient work (Sella, 2015). The contract of employment is negotiated between two parties, either a leased employee, an employer and an independent contractor, or an employee and an employer. In a contract, the employee is more focused on other parties because of the employment services offered by the party. The court understands employment as an offered service, including services performed by the employee for wage, in interstate commerce or contract of written, hire or oral. Accordingly, employees require greater protections in their working environment, for example, as an independent contractor. It is critical for the employee to require a contract that states the obligations and rights of both parties. In any business, the most important factor is the ability to control the means of accomplishing the aims and attaining results. The employer will always look for a way of gaining control of his or her business, including the control of employees. The relationship of an employer-employee exists when the employer has complete control, authority, and the right to govern workers (Labor Employment Law, 2009). Contracts are strictly considered when employees have issues or conflicts with their employer. This means that all the details in the contract are important and must be understood well. For example, when Joan started working in a foreign country, she signed a written contract indicating that she would work for the company for two years. When her contract expired, she rejected the offer of extending her services by signing in another contract. In this case, Joan was unemployed involuntarily because the contract period expired. The employer was not able to modify the original contract with Joan even though they wanted to retain her in the business (Panken, 2010). The fact that the employment contract was expired meant that she was free to go back home or sign in a new contract with the employer. In most cases, employees fail to sign the second contract with the employer if there were many working issues due to, for example, the working environment. This happens when the employer has the power to control employees thanks to the signed contract. Employment Situations and Contracts of Employment In most cases, employers do not do written agreement when they employ workers in their companies. This fact reveals that written contracts of employment are generally exceptional rather than a rule. However, it makes good sense in some situations to demand the signature of the employee to confirm his or her agreement with terms and conditions of employment. Human resource professionals need to understand some of the contractual nuances and concepts because they prepare them for handling the relationship between employees and employers. In some instances, written contracts in a paper form that are filed in the offices drawers may not be relevant in a case that deals with the employment relationship (Honeyball, 2006). In an employment relationship, the court is able to determine who is reliable to the other party based on various evidences without depending on written documents. For example, in most states. the applicant or employee is allowed to sue the employer when an “implied contract” is made between the two parties. On the other hand, the contract of employment is considered to be “at will” when the written contract is not signed. This kind of rule has evolved in the judicial system through centuries. The rule of “at will” indicates that when the two parties in an employment relationship agrees or sign a contract without defining duration, any party can terminate the contract. The termination of the employment contract at any given time is allowed with any legal reason (Sella, 2015). What an Employment Contract Does Written contracts typically fire the employee or limit his or her ability to discipline them in the future. Based on these reasons, most lawyers do not recommend written contracts. On the other hand, due to the important role technical specialists and to-level executives’ plays, their employment contracts are more attractive. Their contracts have various benefits such as severance packages, stock options, and many others, which are meant to attract them to the company. High-level contracts cost employers a lot of time and money. As a result of the high cost, employers normally engages lawyers in drafting the contract that accounts pros and cons and even specific objectives of the investment. In addition, the contract clearly describes the responsibilities and duties of the employee and the expectations of the employer in relation to the salary offered. Further, the contract addresses other aspects of the employment relationship like grounds for termination, job duration, limitations depending on the employee’s ability, and protection of client lists and secrets. Moreover, various benefits such as disability leave, vacation leave, health insurance, and many other are defined in the employment contract. Finally, the ownership of employee’s work product and method of solving any dispute that arises is also indicated in the contract (Labor Employment Law, 2009). For example, the situation where the employee invents gadgets and write books for the employer must be included in the contract. Generally, the contract is meant to create understanding between the employees and the employer. This understanding helps in enhancing the working environment for the company or the business. Contracts of employment are important for the employee at will because it documents the rights of employers when they want to fire their employees. This is possible if the contract details the terms of employment and grounds for employment termination. For instance, the contract may indicate two or more years for a given employment. For those employees who are employed at will, most employers demand that they write an agreement to indicate so. The written document normally allows them to quit the job due to any reason as long as it is legal (Levine, 2002). For example, employees may be asked by the employer to sign an agreement for at-will, handbook acknowledgement, or an offer letter. However, the above documents do not limit the rights of the employer to fire employees. Instead, the written document affirms the general rights of employer to fire at will. Advantages of Employment Contracts Employment contracts play a critical role in controlling the chances or the ability of the employee to leave the business. It always time consuming and costly to train an employee for a certain position or prepare him or her for the responsibility in the business. In a situation where the employee has been trained, the employer tends to ensure that he or she signs a written contract for a specific term. This kind of employment contracts is helpful to the business because it prevents employees from quitting until an agreed period ends. For example, the business may write an employment contract that will require the employee to give a notice of 90 days or even two years before quitting the job. Therefore, the contract in this case is helpful to the employer because it spares the business the cost of training and recruiting other employees for the same position. On the other hand, the employee is forced or required to keep working for the business until the time agreed in the contract is over. In a situation where the employee breaks the contract agreement by quitting earlier, he or she will be fined an amount relatively equivalent for training another employee (Sella, 2015). Therefore, the contract in this case is an advantage on the side of the employer. On the other hand, contracts of employment make sense when employees are benefiting through learning, being exposed to sensitive and confidential information concerning the business. According to the contract, the employer can include clauses that maintain confidentiality by preventing employees from using information for personal gain or disclosing it. Similarly, the contract protects employers by restricting the employee from competing against the employer after quitting the job. In most cases, the contract of employment encourages highly skilled employees to work for the business instead of competing (Levine, 2002). This is achievable when employers sweeten their deals by giving beneficial terms and promising job security to employees and indicate the agreement in a written form. Employers manage to get great control of their employees through the written employment contract. For example, when the contract specifies the performance standards for the employee, the employer can terminate his or her contract when he or she fails to meet the standards. Similarly, the employer can also terminate employment if the contract of employment allows it. In most cases, the employment contract works to the advantage of the employer because he or she is the one who drafts the contract document (Barney, 2007). Disadvantages of Employment Contracts Contracts of employment have never been a one-way street. They generally bind both the employee and the employer, thus limiting flexibility. The contract becomes a challenge or a problem when the employer often changes the terms and conditions of employment to be able to meet his or her business objectives. This kind of employers does not often consider the rights and welfare of their employees. Unfortunately, the contract does not allow these sudden changes because it demands renegotiation where the employee may disagree with the employer’s proposal. Therefore, the employer will be forced to stick to the agreed terms and condition until the specified period is over (Obdyke, 2007). This limits the employer from making changes in the working environment without consulting employees. The contract limits employers from terminating employment of those employees who are not performing to their expectations. For example, the employer cannot end a three-year employment contract within seven months just because he or she does not need the services from him or her anymore. The business will be forced to wait for three years or negotiate with the employee to resolve the issue. Therefore, the employment contract in this situation is a disadvantage to the employer because he or she cannot breach the contract. Likewise, if the contract indicates that the employer should provide health benefits, he or she will continue providing them to the end of the contract. Those employers who intend to save costs by terminating health and other benefits cannot do it because they are limited by the contract. The only way they can do it is through the consent of the employee, but the process is time and money consuming (Barney, 2007). Therefore, the business will continue providing as per the contract because they are bound by it. Apart from the employer, the employee may also breach the contract when he or she refuses to perform the duties they agreed upon with the employer (Heathfield, 2008). In some cases, the employee may be added new or more responsibilities or duties when he or she advances in skills either through learning or experience. For example, Annie who used to work in ABC firm as a typist has now advanced her skills and even acquired more. During the night, she used to attend a school, learning stenography (Levine, 2002). When the employer realized that she has acquired stenographic skills, he made a new agreement with her of handling dictations. This was the new and second agreement that was incorporated into the old contract. Therefore, Annie agreed to the new condition of employment in exchange for an addition to her salary. In a situation where Annie refuses to perform her duties of handling dictations, she will be breaching the contract law, thus she may be regarded as reliable. Another disadvantage on the side of the employer is that a special obligation to handle affairs and deal fairly with the employee is introduced. The legal term refers to this as “the covenant of fair dealing and good faith.” (Obdyke, 2007). In a case where the jury or judge has found out that the employer treats the employee unfairly, he or she will be legally responsible for violating the employment contract. The contract reveals that the employer is required to always act in good faith because he or she is bound by the contract. Similarly, it harms the business when the human resource department does not act responsibly according to the employment contract relationship. Understanding the Contract Clauses The employee is required to read the employment contract and understand it before signing it. They are required to pay close attention to every clause in the contract and if they are not comfortable with a certain clause, they should request an adjustment or removal of the clause. It is necessary and important for the employee to stick to what he or she believes is right for him or her at this stage rather than ignoring it. All the verbal negotiations should also be written to indicate the agreement between the two parties (Labor Employment Law, 2009). Once the contract is signed without any changes, it means the employee will be bound by the contract with all the clauses. Moreover, employees need to understand what they should expect or receive from the job in terms of benefits, salary, and other factors. Benefits entails a lot of things such as healthcare, retirement, parking space, subsidized childcare, access to a gym, sick days, and many others. Any request or discussion that has been agreed by the two parties should always be included in the contract because it helps in avoiding confrontations and even solving conflicts (Heathfield, 2008). Always consider whether the contract mentions raises or performance bonuses. For example, in a case where the contract goes for five years, it means that the employee will be employed for the similar rates during the whole employment. Therefore, employees need to get clear conditions for performance bonuses and raises included in their contracts (Levine, 2002). Also, the contract must indicate whether severance will be received by employees in a situation where their employment contract is terminated before the set date. Similarly, the contract should be clear whether they will be penalized if they quit the job before their contract ends. Finally, the contract needs to provide the strategies for solving issues between the two parties (Sella, 2015). The contract of employment is an agreement that is meant to facilitate a good employer-employee relationship. Moreover, the written document of the contract needs to support both parties (the employer and employee). Both parties, especially the employee, should read the contract properly and understand it before signing it. This helps in creating a contract that is comprehensive and helpful to both parties.
You may have been told that you are stuck with asthma and that symptom control is the only thing you can do. However, this is not true. Functional medicine provides a road map for how you can heal asthma naturally. Asthma accounts for 1.7 million emergency department visits yearly, making it one of the top 20 reasons people go to the emergency room. It is estimated that more than 15.4 million people in the U.S. have treatments for asthma each year. The total annual cost of asthma in the U.S., including medical care, prescriptions, absenteeism, and mortality, was $81.9 billion. Wow! Besides the tremendous cost of healthcare and in lost productivity, it is a frightening and debilitating chronic disease. What is Asthma? Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disorder of the respiratory system. Inflammation affects the bronchioles of the lungs and produces swelling, increased mucous, and tightened muscles. Histamine, released from mast cells through allergic reactions, causes airway obstruction via smooth muscle contraction, bronchial secretion, and swelling of the airway (Source). Steroid medications stop inflammation but they dampen immunity. For optimal health, it is best to treat the underlying infections and toxic triggers of asthma. Root Causes of Asthma There are several causes of asthma. Asthma is inflammation and inflammation is an immune response. Asthma often occurs hand-in-hand with other immune-mediated diseases in the body. These “triggers” include: - environmental allergies (toxicity, mold) - food sensitivities intolerances and allergies - acid reflux - chronic sinusitis - stress (yes stress can contribute to asthma!) - vitamin and mineral deficiencies and insufficiencies - low stomach acid - microbial imbalance - an overly clean household? (maybe!) Interestingly, there is a higher prevalence of asthma in “Westernized” nations. A 2019 study found that a child’s risk of developing asthma is lower the more the microbiota of the child’s home resembles that of a farmhouse. (Yes, this means to get in the dirt and stop sanitizing!) This study found that the microbiota in homes that contained bacteria typical of the outdoor environment (soil) was protective against asthma. So diversity in your microbiota is critical. What are the other triggers of asthma? Food Triggers of Asthma In my experience, 100% of chronic asthma patients have immune reactivity to dairy foods.Histamine-filled foods also need to be lowered. This includes reduction (or removal) of fermented foods. Yes, they are great for the gut but they have a lot of histamines – which can be a bother to some. Until the histamine intolerance can be explored and reversed, I recommend removing these foods. For more reasons than just asthma, it is important to eliminate all refined seed oils, which are hidden in all processed foods. I have had quite a few clients who eat according to a Keto or Paleo template, which can be very helpful in reducing inflammation. However, high intake of animal fats cause high histamine release. This is from the arachidonic acid present in animal-based foods. Arachidonic acid is especially high in chicken eggs. We get histamine naturally (our bodies produce it) as well as from the intake of food. Our bodies naturally break down histamine through a process called methylation by producing an enzyme called diamine oxidase or DAO for short. When intake and break down is balanced, histamine is not typically a concern. DAO is produced in the gut. However, if there is gut dysbiosis, toxicity, or a recent round of antibiotics, DAO production is impaired. This creates histamine overload, which creates inflammation which then triggers asthma. (Truly) Resolving Asthma Current medications are simply attempting to resolve the symptoms of asthma and locally reduce inflammation. There is a significant difference between localized reduction in inflammation and systemic reduction in inflammation by removing the source of inflammation. Rapid relief from symptoms and resolving the underlying causes of asthma are equally as important. This is a Functional Medicine approach. The philosophy of Functional Medicine is to look at root causes, rather than simply symptomatic relief that doesn’t truly resolve asthma. There are a few underlying root causes of asthma. Gastric Reflux Disease There is a very common association between chronic asthma and gastric reflux disease (GERD). Allergies can promote insufficient stomach acid and insufficient stomach acid can cause acid reflux. On top of that frequent use of steroid inhalers can weaken the lower esophageal sphincter which also promotes GERD. (Yes a vicious cycle!) Low Stomach Acid Low stomach acid promotes more immune system exposure to allergenic proteins. These proteins can then worsen allergic hypersensitivity, creating a vicious cycle. In my practice, I found that every single client with chronic asthma also had low stomach acid. Resolving low stomach acid improves nutrient absorption and reduces downstream allergenic responses in the gut. Improving nutrient absorption helps overall health and can prevent future chronic health concerns. Vitamin and Mineral Status Magnesium deficiency causes muscle tightness and spasms and can be one of the causes of asthma. Environment Irritants and Toxicities There are irritants in the environment that contribute to asthma. These include the sleeping environment, air quality, pets (yes we love them but they can make asthma worse), curtains, carpets, mold, and personal care products. The gold standard of identifying food sensitivities is elimination and structured reintroduction. Food sensitivity testing can be a powerful tool to help pinpoint those foods, spices, and additives which cause inflammation and leaky gut. I recommend that you work with a certified functional medicine practitioner to help you identify food sensitivities. (Keep in mind that any use of steroids will compromise the results of food sensitivity testing.) Chronic use of conventional medications for asthma can promote an imbalance in the immune system. Ongoing use of steroid inhalers commonly creates yeast overgrowth, like thrush, in the upper respiratory and gastrointestinal tract. Over time, this dynamic can create an allergy or sensitivity to yeast. When this occurs, dietary changes to eliminate all yeast and fungus-containing or cultured foods should be temporarily eliminated. This includes (but is not limited to) beer, wine, vinegar, cured meats, kombucha, miso, and tempeh. Rapid Relief v. Long Term Healing There are many interventions that provide rapid relief but often these do not support long-term healing. Long-term healing remains the most important work. This requires some digging to get to the root cause of asthma. Once the root cause or causes are discovered, you’ll know exactly which lifestyle changes to make. Mother Earth steps in and provides us with plants that heal! Botanicals such as Boswellia and Quercetin may also offer powerful relief and support to reduce inflammation – and are natural alternatives to non-steroidal anti-inflammatories (NSAIDS like ibuprofen). Boswellia has been clinically shown to reduce asthma symptoms. Quercetin impairs mast cell degranulation. (Degranulation is a cellular process that releases antimicrobial cytotoxic material.) There are certain probiotics which help break down histamines. These probiotics also offer beneficial bacteria to your gut and microbiome. A Lifestyle and Nutrient Approach Imagine a life without trips to the emergency room, having a breathing crisis while on vacation. Imagine a life where you can say “yes!” If you have not been able to experience what life without asthma is like, and are tired of the side effects from conventional medications, perhaps it is time for you to explore working together and getting to the root cause of your asthma.
Parashat Chayyei Sarah 5778 Rabbi Daniela Szuster “The sun rises and the sun sets” (Kohelet 1:5) This week’s parashah begins telling us about Sarah’s death. It is written: “Sarah’s lifetime—the span of Sarah’s life—came to one hundred and twenty-seven years. Sarah died in Kiriath-arba—now Hebron—in the land of Canaan; and Abraham proceeded to mourn for Sarah and to bewail her” (Bereshit 23:1-2). The parashah of last week, parashat Vayera, ended by providing the seemingly unconnected information that “Milcah too has borne children to your brother Nahor: Uz the first-born, and Buz his brother, and Kemuel the father of Aram; and Chesed, Hazo, Pildash, Jidlaph, and Bethuel- Bethuel being the father of Rebekah” (Bereshit 22:20-23). Some sages tried to understand the meaning of why the Torah tells us about the birth of Rebecca before informing us of the death of Sarah. The sages of Midrash Bereshit Rabbah explained it by bringing in a verse from the book of Kohelet (Ecclesiastes): “The sun rises and the sun sets” (Kohelet 1:5). The midrash states that God does not cause the sun of one righteous person to set until He causes the sun of another righteous one to rise. Thus, before God caused the sun of Sarah to set, He caused the sun of Rebecca to shine (Gen. Rabbah 58:2). Therefore, Rebecca’s birth (Gen. 22) is mentioned by the Torah before the death of Sarah (Gen. 23), because God prepared Sarah’s successor before He took her soul. In this exposition Sarah and Rebecca are compared to the sun that warms and spreads light throughout the world, since these women illuminated the world with their righteousness. In addition, there is a Midrash (Pirkei de-Rabbi Eliezer on Gen. 24:67) that states that Sarah’s tent was a source of miracles during her lifetime. The sabbath lights she lit there illuminated her tent all week long. The divine cloud of Glory always hovered over it. The dough she kneaded within its folds was blessed, and the tent flaps stretched wide to admit all who came there for food and shelter. These blessings all departed at Sarah’s death, but they returned with Rebecca’s marriage to Sarah’s son. You may find the same idea in the Talmud, Masechet Kiddushin 72b: “The Gemara comments: As the Master said: While Rabbi Akiva was dying, Rabbi Yehuda HaNasi was born; while Rabbi Yehuda HaNasi was dying, Rav Yehuda was born; while Rav Yehuda was dying, Rava was born; while Rava was dying, Rav Ashi was born. This teaches you that a righteous person does not leave the world before an equally righteous person is created, as it is stated: ‘The sun rises and the sun sets’” (Ecclesiastes 1:5). I believe that these sources lead us to think about how our lives are interconnected with one another and how deeply the generations are intertwined, giving and receiving important values, virtues and heritage. It seems that we are like rings that form a long chain through history, transmitting to each other our core values and precious treasures. Thus, we may say that our lives transcend our lives alone and are connected in a deep and meaningful way to other souls from the past and to future generations. At the end of the prayer Male Rachamim (God full of compassion), which we recite remembering our departed beloved ones, it says: “v’yitz-ror bitz-ror hacha-yim et nishmatah,”, “May his soul thus be bound up in the bond of life.” It is our wish that our beloved ones are bound in the bond of life as Sarah’s soul was bound in Rebecca’s soul. “The sun rises and the sun sets” (Kohelet 1:5). God does not cause the sun of one righteous person to set until He causes the sun of another righteous one to rise. I believe this message gives us hope, courage and joy and a deep sense of connection with our ancestors and with the future generations.
This book focuses on the latest reactor concepts, single pass core and experimental findings in thermal hydraulics, materials, corrosion, and water chemistry. It highlights research on supercritical-pressure light water cooled reactors (SCWRs), one of the Generation IV reactors that are studied around the world. This book includes cladding material development and experimental findings on heat transfer, corrosion and water chemistry. The work presented here will help readers to understand the fundamental elements of reactor design and analysis methods, thermal hydraulics, materials and water chemistry of supercritical water used as a coolant in nuclear power reactors. It will also help readers to broaden their understanding of fundamental elements of light water cooled reactor technologies and the evolution of reactor concepts. All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes
There are 25 red balls, 47 green balls and 3 blue balls in a basket. There is a blind man. What is the minimum number of balls that the blind man has to pick to make sure that there are at least 2 balls of different colors? 48 balls. There is a small chance he may pick up 47 green balls in a row.
Masters students in Mathematics need to be fast learners and excellent problem solvers. This is the field that lays the groundwork for all important scientific and technological achievements of our time. Whether we are good at it or not, we all get acquainted to the study of Mathematics early on in our lives. It is only natural that those who pursue an academic degree in the field feel comfortable around calculations and numerical problems with multiple steps. Even if you already have a knack for numbers, specialising with a Masters in this field will further develop your logical argumentation, analytical thinking, and abstraction. Mathematicians are able to break down complex problems into simpler and smaller equations to reach a final solution – a skill which is applicable in a professional context as well as in our everyday lives. In other words, if you are interested in a specialisation different from the general mathematical branches, there are plenty of options to consider. Although some programmes are highly theoretical and focused specifically on Mathematics, others can be applied in various professional disciplines such as Engineering or Science. Besides the so-called Pure Mathematics, you may also go for a specialisation in Statistics, Physics, Applied Mathematics, and more. A Masters in this field means you will get more practice in the good old arithmetic, algebra, geometry, and trigonometry. Depending on the programme curriculum, you may have courses in discrete mathematics, probability and statistics, computational sciences, financial analysis. The content will vary depending on the subject and on students’ professional orientation. For example, those studying and preparing for a career in Computer Science will be taking relevant courses in computational sciences. The course structure may consist of lectures and workshops, as well as individual or group project assignments. The admissions procedure for this field is usually quite straightforward. One of the important points to keep in mind is that Masters programmes in Mathematics ask applicants for a relevant Bachelor’s diploma. You may also need to check the specific number of credits required within a particular subject area. If you are not a native English speaker, you may have to prepare your results from an English proficiency test before your application. Some programmes may actually be less strict with regards to your test score and may simply require a good overall command of the English language. Aptitude test requirements vary between programmes. A GRE subject test in Mathematics can be one of the requirements. Having prior work experience in the field is not a formal requirement. In any case, check the exact admission steps before applying for the programme of your choice. The intellectual work that Mathematics students invest in their education does not go unnoticed. Perhaps it is not surprising that the training and problem-solving skills acquired by graduates are highly valued in many professional environments. Some mathematicians go on to become researchers, statisticians, accountants, risk analysts, and teachers among other professions. In general, industries such as engineering, programming, and finance are extremely suitable for people who do well with numbers and own a formal diploma to prove it. It is also good news that career opportunities in disciplines such as Science and Mathematics are forecast to grow and become more attractive for job seekers. The US career website CareerCast, which generates annual reports on the best jobs in the country, recently presented their lists of the top 10 jobs for 2015 and 2016. It is certainly a favourable trend for Masters graduates that the rankings for both years mostly feature positions which highly depend on mathematics. For an overview of some of the most popular Masters programmes, click here
Brown County Scrapbook: Texas Ranger Henry Warren McGee Part One taken from research written by Bob Cooke, a descendant In 1835, Henry Anderson McGhee married Jane Warren in Lawrence County, Alabama. They had 12 children, six of whom died as infants or early teens. Henry Warren McGhee was born in Lawrence County, Alabama on Jan. 1, 1854. According to the 1870 Census for Lawrence County, Alabama, Henry Warren McGhee was 16 years old. His father’s occupation was listed as farmer. In 1872, Henry Warren McGhee moved with his parents to Texas. His mother died in Bremond, Texas in 1872. In 1873, the family moved to Waco, Texas. In March 1876, McGhee was a policeman and was involved in a shootout with outlaws on the streets of Waco. Deputy Sheriff Moses L. “Moak” Wright was killed by outlaws. Deputy Wright, along with Deputy Albert Dutton and Waco Police Officer Henry McGhee, approached a group of men who were suspected horse thieves. When the men were questioned about who they were, they gave their names as Hilton and stated that they were from Navarro County. The officers did not attempt to arrest them at that time, but they went off to consult with one another. As the men started to mount their horses and leave, the officers again came upon them and demanded that they surrender. The officers drew their revolvers as they approached, and the horse thieves had their pistols out. Deputy Wright seized one man, who jerked loose and snatched Wright’s pistol. At that moment, another man on horseback fired, hitting Wright. Deputies Wright and Dutton opened fire on the parties as they ran. McGhee was not hurt, but stumbled and fell. Deputy Wright’s wounds were treated, but he died three hours later. James B. Gillett recorded that McGhee was involved in several pistol duels in Waco as a deputy Marshall. He was slightly wounded in one of those duels. Henry joined the Texas Rangers by enlistment on April 16, 1877 at the age of 23. He enlisted at the Ranger’s camp on the Nueces River in Uvalde County, in Company A of the Frontier Battalion, under Capt. Neal Coldwell. For two years, from 1875-77, he was a member of the Texas Ranger force, during the most turbulent years in the history of that organization. He assisted in establishing and holding the first court in San Saba County at Kimbleville and took part in other law and order work in this territory during the pioneer days. Along with other Rangers, he was engaged in some of the most famous battles with outlaw gangs, including a fight with Sam Bass, notorious outlaw who was killed by the Texas Rangers. In the 1880 Census, Henry Warren McGhee was said to have resided in Mason, Texas. His occupation was listed as saloon keeper. On Nov. 26, 1881, Henry Warren McGhee married Emma D. Keyser at a ranch near Fredericksburg. She was the granddaughter of Henrich Conrad Kothmann, from Art, Texas. He was one of the original German immigrants to Texas. McGhee later owned and operated a jewelry store in Brady. Later that year, the family moved to Brownwood. According to Margaret McGhee Westbrook, daughter to Henry and Emma McGhee, her father was in the liquor business. He lived in a two-story house on Avenue E, with porches both up and down, nearly all around the house. He lived there from 1898 to 1907. It was on the outskirts of Brownwood, with only one or two neighbors around. The family had a servant’s house and orchard, and they kept a horse and cow at the back of the lot. McGhee drove to town using a horse and buggy. During the “blue northers,” lap robes were used in the open buggy during the 2-3 mile drive to town and back to keep warm. A stove was heated and wrapped in burlap to keep their feet warm. McGhee liked the Ranger songs that were happy and boisterous songs. McGhee was Scotch-Irish, and known to be happy-go-lucky. He was 6-foot-3 and considered good looking with curly black hair and blue eyes. The 1900 census showed that Henry Warren McGhee resided in Brownwood. It lists his occupation as capitalist. He ran a drug store and a saloon in Brownwood. The store was on Baker Street, between Center and Fisk. In 1903, he was the Mayor of Brownwood for a short time. In 1908, he moved to El Paso and stayed there 2-3 years. He was in the real estate business. The 1910 census showed that Henry Warren McGhee still lived in El Paso, and real estate was his occupation. He lived there from 1909-1911. He was a member of the Presbyterian Church. The 1911 Brownwood city directory showed Henry Warren McGhee to be in real estate. And by 1914, the city directory showed him to be a bookkeeper for Brooke Smith & Co., and manager of Alamo Manufacturing Co. Part II describing Henry Warren McGhee’s time as a Texas Ranger will appear next time.
Raj - The Making and Unmaking of British India Published by Little, Brown and Company (1997) This is the brilliantly told story of one of the wonders of the modern world - how in less than a hundred years the British made themselves masters of India. They ruled it for another hundred, departing in 1947, leaving behind the independent states of India and Pakistan. British rule taught Indians to see themselves as Indians and its benefits included railways, hospitals, law and a universal language. But the Raj, outwardly so monolithic and magnificent, was always precarious. Its masters knew that it rested ultimately on the goodwill of Indians. This is a new look at a subject rich in incident and character; the India of the Raj was that of Clive, Kipling, Curzon and Gandhi and a host of lesser known others. RAJ will provoke debate, for it sheds new light on Mountbatten and the events of 1946-47 which ended an exercise in benign autocracy and an experiment in altruism.
The science of nutrition and its impact on the prevention and treatment of chronic disease forms the backbone of research carried out by Dublin-born Aoife Carey, who receives her doctorate from the University of Ulster this week. The adverse clinical and nutritional consequences of malnutrition in childhood are well recognised and have been shown to predispose a child to an increased risk of chronic diseases in adulthood. Despite this, according to Dr Carey, malnutrition in hospitalised children remains a largely unrecognised problem. She said: The aim of my research was to examine malnutrition in hospitalised children across the UK and Ireland. While much is made of the medical dangers inherent in obesity, I found that the consequences of malnutrition and under-nutrition were often overlooked. “As part of my research, I led the largest, multi-centre data collection regarding the nutrition status of hospitalised children across the UK and Ireland, collating and examining data for over 900 hospitalised children. It demonstrated that both over and under-nutrition are prevalent among the general paediatric inpatient population. “The results of the study provide a benchmark for the health service, offering evidence of the importance of identifying nutrition risk in hospitalised children and the value of routine nutrition screening of paediatric patients on admission.” Aoife began her studies in dietetics at the University in 2005 and straight after graduation began her PhD alongside colleagues in Ulster’s Northern Ireland Centre for Food and Health (NICHE). She commented:“Ulster is a progressive research institution and I am delighted to have been part of a project which has already advanced knowledge for the benefit of society.My PhD programme was very well structured and I am grateful to my supervisors, Dr Helen McCarthy and Professor Helene McNulty for their support.” Aoife has taken up a post at the National Centre for Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition at Our Lady's Hospital for Sick Children in Dublin. She is currently coordinating the 'DOCHAS' – Determinants and Outcomes in Children and Adolescents with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) – study, which explores IBD in Irish children.
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on February 5, 2010. Mr Bear is looking for a new hat because his hat is raggedy and old. The hats are silly too, which can bring a smile to readers of all ages. This book is great for younger children. This child wanted something new, as do ,any children. Kids will love this one. Bill Irwin and David Shiner's funny, heartwarming, comic adventure Old Hats wowed audiences in New York's Pershing Square Signature Center. Fact about Akubra:A real felt fur Akubra is water… Reviewed in the United Kingdom on September 11, 2012. I wouldn't mind getting some more of these. Definition of old hat in the Idioms Dictionary. From shop BaltoVintage. Old Hat, New Hat Stan Berenstain, Jan Berenstain Snippet view - 1970. This book has given me hours of shared time with my granddaughter. Old hat definition: If you say that something or someone is old hat , you mean that they have existed or been... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Old Hat New Hat Stan Berenstain, Jan Berenstain Limited preview - 2011. Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. Maybe.) Reviewed in the United States on June 13, 2020. It never gets old. He loves loves loves this book. Then you can start reading Kindle books on your smartphone, tablet, or computer - no Kindle device required. A Bernstein bear who owns an old hat comes across a hat store with a new hat in the window, so h goes in and tries on all the hats from big, tall, short , and small, and even fuzzy. See also: hat, old… Just don't be surprised if you're a book purist who enjoyed the original. Please try again. Atticus says: "this is weird book cause he didn't want his old hat, he saw so many new hats but he didn't like them, so he take his old hat". Old Hats … “Old hat new hat” that’s a good book, its so good that I read it again recently. It has a story to it, but reads in short simple phrases describing the different hats. THen he finds just right of a hat - the old hat. The older two have it memorized and love to "read" it back to me! To get the free app, enter your mobile phone number. To calculate the overall star rating and percentage breakdown by star, we don’t use a simple average. Reviewed in the United States on January 26, 2014. Musician Nellie McKay also performed in the 2013 show.. new … Cover your head with a customizable Old Man hat from Zazzle! All jokes aside, a short story about finding the right hat can only earn so many stars (I certainly wouldn't want to give "too many"). This was one of my favourite books as a child, so wanted to share it with my 18-month-old. PreK-K, 1-2 H. Genre. The term 'old hat' began to be used in the early 20th century; for example, this piece from the Cornish writer Sir Arthur Thomas Quiller-Couch's novel Brother Copas, 1911: " And the difference is not that … The story is about how a young bear, wearing his favourite hat… Help others learn more about this product by uploading a video! Fiction. To see what your friends thought of this book. Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. The text is so predictable and they love reading along. Board Book. DelMonico Hatter, voted the #1 Stetson Dress Hat retailer, continues to be one of the top reatilers of Stetson Hats.We carry classic styles like the Stetson Temple Fur Felt Fedora and the Stetson Stratoliner Fur Felt Fedora while also carrying new … His older sister (3) can read it to him too since she has all the words memorized. Strongly recommended. On this page you will find the solution to Old hat crossword clue. Ordered this from my library network sight unseen and, when it came in, realized it was a childhood favorite (and the cause of my love of hats? Find all the books, read about the author, and more. . New hat. Check out our latest New Era 59Fifty Fitted Hats and Snapbacks. I think one of the reasons is that "hat" was one of his first words, so he can "read" along with this book. Of course, the silly hat is our favourite! We feature custom 59fifty fitted hats and snapbacks. Price : $34.00 Our Price : $31.99 Super Bowl LV Sale! Grades. A 19th century cowboy prized his old west hat above all things – with good reason. He was OPEN MINDED in trying them all on and seeing what they looked on him before deciding. Shop youth, men's and women's hats. By Stan Berenstain, Jan Berenstain. old hat phrase. It's very simple (good for early readers) and silly. That book had a few things that I like, like rhymes rhythm and detail. Their first published children's book was called. If there are any caps you … A Bernstein bear who owns an old hat comes across a hat store with a new hat in the window, so h goes in and tries on all the hats from big, tall, short , and small, and even fuzzy. boston red sox 1961-1969 fenway park side patch new era fitted cap. Whether you're looking for an Old School Throwback Raiders Hat, a Raiders Beanie Hat or a Raiders Trucker Hat, New Era Cap has you covered. Stan and Jan Berenstain were both born in 1923 in Philadelphia. Old hat definition is - old-fashioned. The cowboy likely spent hours personalizing the hat … Here you will find all the hats we offer at Hatstore. Kids like silly. NOW $28.79: 5.0 Broncos 2017 NFL TRAINING BUCKET Orange Hat by New … Old hat definition is - old-fashioned. Until he realizes the hat he already posses is just right for him. On this page you will find the solution to Old hat crossword clue. Aug 8, 2013 - Explore Kelly Owen's board "Old Hat New Hat", followed by 225 people on Pinterest. I recommend to 2 year old … new … Please choose a different delivery location or purchase from another seller. I was a big Berenstain Bear fan, but Old Hat New Hat does not feature the Bear family. It was often worth a month or two’s wages – and that made it very expensive. How to select new and used vintage women's hats New hat. It's a decent book but not a go-to book for her. My number 1 favourite book to read to the kids is Old Hat New Hat! View All Available … The new favorite among the young citizens in our family. Let us know what’s wrong with this preview of, Published The original 2013 Off-Broadway was a combination of "clowning revue-with-music". They loved it. Featuring classic white polka dots against black, brown or navy, the Polka Dot 3-Pleat Hat Band by Capas Headwear will add a fresh new twist to your favorite hat. Old hat. Both the rhyming & pictures are perfect to engage toddlers and since the book isn’t long, it will keep their focus for the entire book. NOOK Book. In the end, he leaves quite happy; he does find one that suits. Word List: Old Hat New Hat 1 Word List: Old Hat New Hat The following list of words can be found in the book Old Hat New Hat. In OLD HAT NEW HAT the first few pages carry the reader well into the plot simply by the repetition of three words. When the war was over, they got married and began to work together as artists and writers, primarily drawing cartoons for popular magazines. Old Hat New Hat . He tries on frilly hats and silly hats, bumpy hats and lumpy hats, until he finds the most perfect hat of all--his "own! Something went wrong. tampa bay buccaneers 1980 nfl pro bowl hawaii new era fitted cap. A Thomas the Tank Engine Story. It's very simple (good for early readers) and silly. He sees a new hat and he likes it. Pirates 2018 JULY 4TH STARS N STRIPES BUCKET Red Hat by New Era Reg. It's silly and teaches sameness, difference, and the quality of the tried and true. In OLD HAT NEW HAT the first few pages carry the reader well into the plot simply by the repetition of three words. Old Hats is a 2013 comedy sketch, revue, musical and clown show written and performed by David Shiner and Bill Irwin, the show debuted in New York City. Old Hat New Hat . Price : $34.00 Our Price : $31.99 Super Bowl LV Sale! Old West Hats The Cowboy Hat defines the wearer. He enters a hat shop and tries some on with wonderful different colours and patterns but nothing seems to quite take his fancy until…, I rated this one a 5 because I think that's what my almost 2-year-old would rate it if he knew how! Be the first to ask a question about Old Hat, New Hat. See more ideas about olds, preschool books, berenstain bears. $50.00 quick view. Brief content visible, double tap to read full content. What does old hat expression mean? Instead, our system considers things like how recent a review is and if the reviewer bought the item on Amazon. Get all your New Era Authentic hats here. Old Hat New Hat Stan Berenstain, Jan Berenstain Limited preview - 2011. Show up to the game in style with your Las Vegas Raiders Cap from New … A little condensed from the original hardbound book. old hat phrase. The illustrations are lovely, colourful and expressive, the story is good and (I suppose) there is also an educational side to it, because it all depends on different adjectives (old, new, tall, small, frilly, silly - all the things the different hats are), and it rhymes. It's quite small, hence the inexpensive price. It's been in print a long time (1970) - I read it to my son, now 26, when he was a toddler. The pattern … PreK-K, 1-2 H. Genre. Hardcover $ 9.99. It was always one of my favourite books, along with Are You My Mother! Reviewed in the United Kingdom on November 3, 2017. It also analyzes reviews to verify trustworthiness. He is CURIOUS about trying on many hats and seeing what will work best for him. A new hat band can do wonders to freshen up any old hat. This is a fun, enjoyable book, and uses lots of different adjectives to describe the various hats. This guy is a customer service nightmare. I love that it’s small enough to fit in the diaper bag. Akubra is an essential part of Australia's history. Now, after the show has closed in New … Probably my all time favorite book from childhood (either this or "The monster at the end of this book!). Old Hat, New Hat Michael Goss Magonia 40, August 1991. A new hat band can do wonders to freshen up any old hat. Reviewed in the United States on April 24, 2020. Even with all the wonderful books out for kids today, the Berenstain Bears remain a timeless classic. Another one of our collection that is always re-read. This clue was last seen on March 16 2018 on New York Times’s Crossword. Can you guess what it is? Directed by David Horn. 4.3 New Era TONAL 59FIFTY-BLANK Dark Navy Fitted Hat Reg. tampa bay buccaneers 1980 nfl pro bowl hawaii new era fitted cap. As a teacher, she made... Illus. The story itself is fun, and our preschool-aged kids especially love it. Price : $27.00 Our Price : $24.99 Super Bowl LV Sale! Price : $27.00 Our Price : $24.99 Super Bowl LV Sale! Free U.S. shipping on $50+ Great story! Reviewed in the United States on March 28, 2020. Until he realizes the hat he already posses is just right for him. With Bill Irwin, David Shiner, Shaina Taub. One of my favorites for a first reader. Price : $34.00 NOW $29.99: 4.2 New Era MESH-BACK 59FIFTY-BLANK Black-Black Fitted Hat Reg. He goes into the store with his old hat This is a book intended for k-2nd grade, as a Bernstein bear book. Your recently viewed items and featured recommendations, Select the department you want to search in. Old Hat, New Hat Stan Berenstain, Jan … This is a great story that can be used to teach opposites. Tami Charles is a former teacher and the author of picture books, middle grade and young adult novels, and nonfiction. $45.00 quick view. NOW $22.49: 4.5 Ravens CORE-CLASSIC STRAPBACK Black Hat by New Era Reg. The illustrations are fun and the words are rhyming and have a great rhythm. He tries on frilly hats and silly hats, bumpy hats and lumpy hats, until he finds the most perfect hat of all--his, The Berenstain Bears Inside Outside Upside Down, The Foot Book: Dr. Seuss's Wacky Book of Opposites, Hand, Hand, Fingers, Thumb (Bright & Early Board Books), Stop, Train, Stop! It's such a quick read too that I don't mind reading it to him five times a day either! Available in leather, cloth, felt, or straw, there is an outdoorsman hat … In the end, the child decides that she loves her own hat and leaves without buying anything. As the book attests (and as a hat … Offers slapstick humor and simple concepts of sizes and shape."--. A charming beginner book for young toddlers and a wonderful starter for new readers... Old Hat, New Hat is a very good book. He gains APPRECIATION for something he already has after all the time he spends looking. 32 years later I still can't get enough of "Too fancy too frilly, too shiny too silly". They didn't know each other as children, but met later at school, at the Philadelphia College of Art. It has a lot of vocabulary that includes colors, sizes, and designs. I probably read this book to him five times a day. ‘I know this is old hat, but I only heard the figure this morning.’ ‘He was probably old hat to many of you, but he was brand spanking new to me.’ ‘Lavish, big-screen adaptations of beloved boyhood comic-books have become so old hat.’ ‘Of course the producer keeps playing with the guitar part as a sample, but that's old hat … new era. But he also likes the balloon hat, the silly hat, etc. New hat. Lisa "Your stitch count should not change, it should be consistent row to row.For every SSK and K2tog you do there is a yo to compensate for the reduced stitches in the pattern. Shop Fitted Raiders Hats, Raiders Snapbacks & more. Please try your request again later. Old Hat New Hat. Featuring classic white polka dots against black, brown or navy, the Polka Dot 3-Pleat Hat Band by Capas Headwear will add a fresh new twist to your favorite hat. We’d love your help. His hat is best after all the plot simply by the repetition of three words different caps over. 30, 2018 grade and young adult novels, and uses lot 100 different brands, is... 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How Much Do You Know About Blockchain? Blockchain is attracting huge amounts of attention, but its implications are often poorly understood. Starting today, BRINK is running a five-part series on the business implications of blockchain technology. The most well-known use for blockchain is providing the platform for cryptocurrencies. This Q&A is a summary of a detailed briefing on the policy implications of cryptocurrencies that was released last month by Oliver Wyman. Q: What is a cryptocurrency? A: There is no commonly accepted definition, but the Bank for International Settlements defines it as a digital payment that lacks an intermediary (hence “peer-to-peer”) and does not represent the obligations of an issuer. Q: Why do cryptocurrencies exist? A: They fit in a few broad categories: - Digital cash coins, such as Bitcoin, are a cash alternative that is free from government or central bank control and may offer greater anonymity than conventional payment systems. - Payment infrastructure tokens, such as Ripple or Utility Settlement Coin, support a payment system for conventional currencies but with advantages in cost, speed or reliability. - Securities tokens, such as RMG, support peer-to-peer trading in an ownership stake of an asset such as gold or art. - Utility tokens, such as Filecoin, support trading of goods or services such as data storage or computing power. - General platform tokens, such as Ether, support a platform for the use of decentralized electronic peer-to-peer transactions for a variety of other needs. Different cryptocurrencies are designed for different purposes. Some cryptocurrencies are accessible to the public while others are only “permissioned” to authorized users. Some cryptocurrencies make it easier or harder to audit transactions or trace them to individual users. Cryptocurrencies also employ varying cryptographic and validation techniques for transactions, which can greatly influence transaction costs. Q: How big is the cryptocurrency market? A: Roughly $400 billion to $800 billion, but the number is difficult to estimate. The global value peaked in January at over $800 billion but tumbled to less than $500 billion a couple weeks later. Exhibit 1: Market Cap by Cryptocurrency ($billion, as of 2/8/2018) Q: How does blockchain relate to cryptocurrencies? A: Blockchain is the underlying technology behind most, but not all, cryptocurrencies. A blockchain is a continuously growing list of electronic records (blocks) that are sequentially linked using cryptography. This list, or “ledger,” is stored and maintained by a network of users (nodes) that collectively validates each new block and keeps synchronized replicas of the entire ledger—therefore eliminating the need for a central, trusted counterparty. Exhibit 2: How Does Bitcoin Use Blockchain in a Transaction Q: How could cryptocurrencies and blockchain affect economic growth? A: Advocates of cryptocurrencies point to their potential to improve payments and payment-like processes, enabling lower costs and increased speed, transparency, reliability, and immediacy in availability of funds. If transaction costs are lowered and cryptocurrency values stabilize, cryptocurrencies could help to expand payment services and promote financial inclusion among populations with limited access to formal banks. Blockchain could facilitate record management for many other activities, such as voting, government services, identity management, energy distribution, agricultural trading, and even food traceability. New and unexpected applications are likely to appear in the coming years for both cryptocurrency and blockchain. Q: What could be the impact on financial stability? A: Cryptocurrencies have the potential to reduce financial stability, but they might also provide new tools for managing financial stability. This depends in part on how cryptocurrency adoption evolves and how interlinked it becomes with existing systems. Volatile cryptocurrency prices and weak consumer and investor protections could in theory produce losses that affect important financial institutions or markets, although this does not appear to be a threat yet, given the size of cryptocurrency markets compared to the wider financial system. So far, however, the exposure of financial institutions and institutional investors is very limited. In theory, cryptocurrencies could also reduce systemic risks in the financial system, especially in the payments sector if they lowered credit risks by speeding up the settlement of transactions or reducing errors. Q: How might monetary policy be affected by cryptocurrencies? A: Cryptocurrencies could have a large impact on monetary policy if they become a real substitute for conventional currencies. However, existing levels of cryptocurrencies are dwarfed by the volume of major conventional currencies. While the value of cryptocurrencies recently peaked at $800 billion, the world’s money supply (including cash held in accounts) is over $90 trillion. In the near term, countries with exchange and capital controls face the greatest risk. Market participants could circumvent these controls by using cryptocurrencies for capital transfers or foreign exchange transactions. This depends on whether a government restricts buying or redeeming cryptocurrencies with their national currency. Q: How could fiscal policy be affected by cryptocurrencies? A: The benefits of printing money would be at least partially at risk if cryptocurrencies become a substitute for national currency. In the more immediate term, cryptocurrencies could have an impact on tax receipts, as they may allow for easier tax evasion. Taxation of permissioned cryptocurrencies only requires regulating and overseeing a set of known permissioned entities. But regulating public cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin requires setting standards and enforcing them across a decentralized, global, anonymous network. Tax authorities have recently sought insight into transaction volumes for Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, but it is difficult to comprehensively ascertain ownership across the cryptocurrency market. Q: Could cryptocurrencies require new consumer or investor protections? A: Cryptocurrencies have been rife with fraud, including investment schemes “guaranteeing” high returns and pump-and-dump schemes. Few regulations are in place. An estimated $4 billion was raised in 2017 through initial coin offerings (ICOs), many of which were open to any investor. The light regulation was doubtless an incentive for most ICO issuers, but it’s not always clear even what current regulations apply to ICOs. Some ICOs have promised big returns in exchange for tokens that may result in total losses. China has prohibited ICOs and cryptocurrency trading in specialized exchanges and has moved to block access to ICOs and cryptocurrency trading websites. By contrast, Australia and Japan have recognized cryptocurrencies as a means of payment and a financial asset. And the French government has recently announced plans to support and encourage ICOs. There is no consensus on the right approach. As policymakers and industry participants pursue answers to these questions about cryptocurrency, there’s likely to be a push for increased global coordination in policy, but it is still too early to bet on which direction they will follow.
Graphing Question Of The Day Magnets Graphing Teaches Students How To Organize Information We offer 42 magnetic pieces to chart your graph. To get started, ask kids questions about their favorite things, choose ideas that aligns with a particular subject or choose one at random. Either way, kids will learn how to organize, graph, and tally different information. - 42 write-on/wipe-off magnetic pieces - Size: 2" by 1 ½" each
The past years cereal diseases, including the virus diseases have been increased in Hungary as well as worldwide. The aim of our work was to survey the virus infection of South Hungarian wheat fields. Leaf samples were collected in Szeged at the experimental farm of Cereal Research Nonprofit Co., in April and Junes of 2009 and 2010. DAS ELISA t ...ests were carried out using Loewe antisera of Brome mosaic virus (BMV), Barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV), Barley stripe mosaic virus (BSMV), Brome streak mosaic virus (BStMV), Wheat dwarf virus (WDV), and Wheat streak mosaic virus (WSMV) and measured with Labsystem Multiscan RC Elisa reader at 405nm. In the samples of 2009 the Wheat dwarf and Wheat streak mosaic viruses were dominated. It was also significant the appearance of the. Barley yellow dwarf virus. 2010. was favourable for the spread of the virus vectors, therefore the incidence of virus diseases increased. biological methods, one among them is AFLP that is well applicable for taxonomic research. Bluegrass species, that are important components of meadow associations, thus their thorough knowledge is necessary in maintaining biodiversity, were examined with bringing this method to perfection. Taxonomic relationship of the members of Poa pratens ...is aggregation is a controversial issue. Present study aimes to identify the members of this group, with a developed AFLP method through molecular taxonomic examination of Poa species in meadows nearby Debrecen, revealing their genetical distances. Species of the aggregation show a great genetic variability, but their genetic proximity approves the use of the term aggregation. Results established wider geographical investigation of three species of the aggregation. The distinctness of the species based on their morphological features was confirmed according to their genetical basis as well. The method overall turned out to be appropriate for the taxonomic research of bluegrass species like Poa pratensis and its aggregation.
Remember if you want to get UC San Diego transcript credit you need to enroll in a UC San Diego Extension course before you do your project. The creation of an artifact could solve a problem show creative expression or provide the viewer with new insight or knowledge. The point of departure for this research is the apparent challenge th at. Computational artifact. Selection of an appropriate approach to solve a problem. Also what is an example of a computing innovation. Design of a solution to a stated problem. Acceptable multimedia file types includemp3mp4wmvavimovwavaif orpdf format. It provides an analysis of the things of computer science as technical artefacts. The computational artifact really isnt a big deal. FREE shipping on qualifying offers. Use computing tools and techniques to create one original computational artifact a visualization graphic video or audio recording. Peter Kroes and Anthonie Meijers However prima facie Computer science produces both physical and abstract ones. Identifies the computing innovation. The philosophy of computer science is concerned with issues that arise from reflection upon the nature and practice of the discipline of computer science. Creating Computational Artifacts Creation of an artifact chosen by the student as relevant and interesting. Iphone x is the latest version of iphone with lots of new features. 4 The term computational artifact is of course also used in the completely different sense of an irregular finding caused by the computational procedure artifact in this derived sense generally means something observed in a scientific investigation or experiment that is not naturally present but occurs as a result of the. Kinds of Computational Artefacts The literature takes technical artefacts to be physical things. The term computational artifact was accordingly presented as a key term in formulating the research problem. A computational artifact is anything created by a human using a computer. An artifact can be but is not limited to a program image audio video presentation or web page file. Is that what you are looking for. This book presents an approach to the subject that is centered upon the notion of computational artefact. Computational Artifact Your computational artifact must provide an illustration representation or explanation of the computing innovations intended purpose its function or its effect. Its a few pictures that show the function and purpose of the computational innovation and a title. Approximately 100 words The computing innovation that is represented by my computational artifact is apple iphone x. Tools You Can Use. Kaitie_obryanSeptember 27 2018 411am. A computational artifact is something made with a computer. This week you will create and share your computational artifact. The rubric says it should be primarily Non-Textual. Describe how your computational artifact illustrates represents or explains the computing innovation intended purpose its function or its effect. Technical artefacts are at least prima facie always physical objects. A N D Provides an illustration representation or explanation of the computing innovations intended purpose function or effect. Towards a Philosophy of Computer Science Theory and Applications of Computability. Using this definition then anything you make using a computer is an artifact. This is a how to video for how to create the Computational Artifact for your Explore Task for AP Computer Science Principles. Computational Artifact Feedback This week you have time to work on your own Explore Task that you will submit as the capstone project. There are other ways to create. PowToon is a free. A computational artifact is anything created by a human using a computer. An artifact can be but is not limited to a program image audio video presentation or web page file. The computational artifact must not simply repeat the information supplied in the written responses and should be primarily nontextual. The written response can be used to aid the understanding of how the computational artifact illustrates represents or. A computational artifact is a visualization a graphic a program or an audio recording that students create using a computer. Submit a video audio or PDF file. A computational artifact is anything created by a human using a computer. Computing enables people to use creative development processes when using computing tools and techniques to create computational artifacts for creative expression of ideas or to solve a problem.
While the opioid epidemic has had a devastating impact on American families, there is some hope that the future is bright. America is in the midst of an opioid epidemic, which has led to a shortening of life expectancy, especially for those aged 44 years or less. The good news is that we know how to deal with epidemics through treatment and prevention. For cases of opioid addiction, treatment with buprenorphine or methadone, known as medication assisted treatment (MAT) is associated with fewer overdose deaths as compared with traditional abstinence-based treatments. However, these medications are underused, and strategies need to be developed to increase the use of these life-saving medications. Appropriate opioid prescribing habits for pain management have the potential to prevent the healthcare system from producing new cases of opioid addiction. Current prescribing practices will need to change. This is the second time America has experienced an opioid epidemic. The first epidemic occurred in the late 19th and early 20th centuries when addictive substances were freely available without prescription. The 1914 Harrison Narcotics Act controlled availability of these drugs. In the 1930s the Food and Drug Administration was established to further regulate these drugs and its authority was strengthened with the 1951 Durham-Humphrey Act. This legislation helped to prevent the healthcare system from producing new cases of opioid addiction. In those times individuals with an opioid addiction might run afoul of the law, and their condition was treated not as a medical condition but as a criminal matter. The thinking that those with an opioid use disorder have a criminal condition and not a medical condition persists today. Quite often, those who are arrested are placed in a cell to experience drug withdrawal without treatment, sometimes with fatal consequences. Many jurisdictions established a “drug court” as an alternative to the criminal courts, and a handful of jurisdictions have developed an “opioid court” specifically to deal with defendants who have opioid addiction. However, these courts tend to rely on traditional abstinence-based treatment programs instead of MAT, which represents a huge missed opportunity for “therapeutic jurisprudence.” Ideally, those arrested who have an opioid use disorder would be treated as someone with a treatable medical condition. They would have their opioid withdrawal treated medically when first incarcerated, and then started on MAT. Some falsehoods would need to be addressed including: 1. It is appropriate to allow arrested individuals to suffer from untreated withdrawal and 2. Using MAT is like substituting one drug for another. Untreated withdrawal can be fatal, and this obviously is of no benefit to the individual. It is true that using buprenorphine or methadone for MAT is like trading those drugs for heroin or fentanyl. However, MAT is associated with a reduced risk of death from overdose, lower rates of hepatitis and HIV infection, a reduced risk of committing additional crimes, and improved function in society.2 Many patients on MAT would like to come off of buprenorphine or methadone; however, many find it useful to first stabilize other aspects of their lives (e.g. criminal, financial, employment, education, interpersonal) before attempting to lead “drug-free” lives. Richard Blondell, MD, is the Professor Emeritus of Family Medicine at the Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences at the University at Buffalo. The presented analysis reflects his views, not necessarily those of the publication.  Health care professionals and researchers interested in responding to this piece or similarly contributing to HCPLive® can reach the editorial staff by submitting a request here.
OLD TESTAMENT: Genesis 28: 10-19a This Old Testament text stands as one of the pillars of the Jacob story. God transmits to him the ancestral promises, fulfilling the promise made to his father. This is the first time that Jacob appears by himself, representing a new beginning for the larger story as well as for Jacob himself. Jacob has fled from his troubled family and the wrath of his brother, Esau. In a way, he is also running away from himself and his own consequences. And at his most vulnerable, God appears to him, not in judgment, but to confirm Jacob as the one who is chosen to carry on the promise. He dreams that a ladder, or more than likely a stairway or ramp, extends from earth to heaven. The Hebrew word is sullam, which is from the same root as “to cast up”, and so a ramp or a stairway probably makes more sense. This stairway or ramp could be compared with those attached to temple towers throughout the ancient Near East, such as the Mesopotamian ziggurats. These were land masses formed into temples through which it was believed the earth could touch heaven, the dwelling place of the gods. Such structures provided an avenue of approach from the human sphere to the divine realm. Priests or divine beings traversed up and down the stairway, providing communication between the two realms. What this said was that earth was not merely left to its own devices and that heaven is not a remote self-contained realm for the gods. The two are intertwined, a part of one another. But the importance here is not the presence of these divine beings—they serve only to depict the connection between the two realms. More importantly, Yahweh, the Lord, stands beside Jacob and speaks directly to him. Upon awakening, Jacob realizes the importance of his dream and he proceeds to interpret its significance. He recognizes that he has some new idea of who God is. Jacob takes God’s promises and claims them as part of who he is. He anoints the stone as a pillar, bringing sacredness to that which is holy. A.W. Tozer said that “the patriarch Jacob…saw a vision of God and cried out in wonder, “Surely the Lord is in this place; and I knew it not.” Jacob had never been for one small division of a moment outside the circle of that all-pervading Presence. But he knew it not. That was his trouble, and it is ours. [Persons] do not know that God is here. What a difference it would make if they knew.” Some of the Jewish midrash suggests that the ladder is intended to represent humanity. Like the ladder, each of us is firmly planted on earth. But deep within us is the capability of “reaching upward” (figuratively), doing God’s will, and becoming the one that God created us to be. This rhythm of ascent and descent, ascent and descent throughout our lives is what allows us to search ourselves and connect with God. John Wesley made the claim, along the same vein, that Christ is the ladder, with a foot on earth in his human nature and the top in heaven just as Christ was divine. “A ladder stood on the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven.” It is not that Jacob had no sense of God. After all, the idea of YHWH, the God of Creation and calling had been drilled into his family from even before his Grandfather Abraham. God was a part of his life. But Jacob’s theophany, the full revealing of God to him, had to occur outside and away from what he knew. And, finally, Jacob embraced God not just as the God of Abraham, but the God of Jacob, the God who rather than having merely a general relationship with Creation, chooses to relate intimately to each and everyone of God’s children. Jacob’s eyes are opened to a wider vision of God than he possibly could have imagined before. It was not in this specific place that Jacob encountered God; it was, rather, here that Jacob realized that God had been there all along. In fact, Jacob doesn’t even have to climb the ladder. He encounters God without DOING anything. It was here that he probably realized all that he’d been missing. Maybe that’s the point. Maybe there’s nothing that we have to DO except see what we’ve been missing all along. - What is your response to this passage? - What image of God does this story create for you? - What, like Tozer said, keeps us from realizing that all-pervading Presence that is God in our lives? - If we all have the capability of “reaching upward”, as the midrash contends, what keeps us from doing that? - When do we most realize that God has been there all along? NEW TESTAMENT: Romans 8: 12-25 This section of the epistle to the Romans offers a celebratory declaration of present Christian existence, rooted in God’s past action in Jesus Christ, assured of God’s future action for Christ’s people and for the whole world, and sustained in the present by the Spirit. It is essentially the conclusion of Paul’s argument for Christian assurance, for the belief that those whom God justified, God also glorified. Put very simply, Paul is contrasting two ways of living—the way that we are tempted to live in this world and the way that God calls us to live. He plays with notions of slavery and freedom—slavery to the perils of this world or freedom in God through Christ. Slavery meant fear. Slavery meant having no rights of inheritance, no birthright. Slavery means no hope. Freedom, then, means to belong to a family and to have the rights to an inheritance. We have been adopted by Christ and will share in the inheritance that God provides. When we believe in God, we realize that we are children of God. But this also means that we suffer with Christ. But this, too, is part of God’s promise of the renewal of all of Creation. It is a hope that we cannot see on our own but are rather empowered to see through the Spirit of God. Here, there’s more to being a Christian than just knowing the right stuff and doing the right things. To be Christian, you must open yourself up and invite God’s Spirit to enter your life. It is not enough to be “spiritual and not religious” no matter how in vogue it may be today. Inviting God’s spirit to enter one’s life, becoming heirs of God’s Spirit, inheriting this Spirit of Pentecost, if you will, is the way that you will be glorified through Christ in God. It’s that simple. In an excerpt from a sermon entitled “Are You Saved”, Amy Miracle (how cool would that be to be Reverend Miracle?) says: Frederick Buechner put it this way: “No matter who you are and what you’ve done, God wants you on his side. There is nothing you have to do or be. It’s on the house. It goes with the territory.” That is the claim of scripture and the claim of the Christian tradition but we never seem to believe it. Surely there must be a catch, some book I need to read, some technique of prayer you need to master. There must be some minimum standard. How could salvation be available to absolutely everyone? In her book, Pilgrim at Tinker Creek, Annie Dillard writes, “when I was six or seven years old … I used to take a precious penny of my own and hide it for someone else to find… For some reason I always “hid” the penny along the same stretch of sidewalk up the street…. Then I would take a piece of chalk and, starting at either end of the block, draw huge arrows leading up to the penny from both directions. After I learned to write I labeled the arrows: SURPRISE AHEAD or MONEY THIS WAY. I was greatly excited, during all this arrow drawing, at the thought of the first lucky passerby who would receive in this way, regardless of merit, a free gift from the universe.” Salvation is like that. And the death and resurrection of Jesus is the arrow that points the way to this free gift. The very fact that salvation is free might be a problem. (From “Are You Saved?, by Rev. Amy Miracle, available at http://covenantnetwork.org/sermon&papers/miracle-04.html, accessed 11 July, 2011) As the passage says, the “whole of Creation has been groaning in labor pains until now.” Boy, you’re not kidding! War, hunger, homelessness, elitism, sexism, racism…pick your “ism”…and an American Congress that thinks it’s more patriotic to insist on one’s own way than to do what would be best for most of the American people and a good part of the world. But change can be painful. That’s what Paul was trying to say. We try to hold on to what we know, to what we can control, to what makes us comfortable. But God has a different vision for us. Change is hard. But remember what happens when the pain subsides? New life…You just have to let go of whatever it is that you are holding onto. And be patient…when the time is right, it will happen. When the time is right, we will finally realize that that for which we had hoped was there all along. 1) What meaning does this passage hold for you? 2) What does the “adoption” language mean to you? 3) What images of God does this bring about for you? 4) What image of salvation does that bring about for you? 5) What vision of hope does this give you? 6) What difficulty do we have with patience when it comes to our faith? GOSPEL: Matthew 13: 24-30, 36-43 The first parable in this reading is then followed by an allegorical interpretation of it in later verses. Between these two sections are two other parables that we do not read as part of today’s lectionary. The Parable of the Weeds probably comes from Matthew’s own experience within the church. Essentially, it admits that the world, our family, and even our church is not always a trustworthy place. When the master in the parable forbids the servants to go and weed out the field, this is not to be interpreted as a call to passivity in the face of evil. It is not a divine command to ignore injustice in the world, violence in society, or wrong in the church. It is a realistic reminder that the servants do not have the ability to get rid of all the weeds and that sometimes attempts to pluck up weeds cause more harm than good. But the parable contains the promise that, in the wisdom of God, the weeds will ultimately be destroyed. Evil is temporary. The good endures. The parable, so, leads to a place of joy and hope. The word here for the “weeds” is the Greek, zizania, which refers to wild grasses, such as darnel or cockle, that closely resembled wheat—so close, in fact, that it was difficult to tell it apart from the fruitful wheat until it reached full maturity and just didn’t produce or act like wheat. Keep in mind that the parables were not intended to be about the church or individuals but, rather about the Kingdom of God. The parables speak of the final victory of the kingdom despite all appearances, and they challenge the church to respond to their message rather than find in them its guarantee of its own success. Perhaps there were some sort of overzealous weeders in the writer Matthew’s community that prompted the inclusion of this parable. And by trying to rid the community of the perceived “evil”, they were also destroying the good. But we can’t help here but ask the usual question: “Why does this all-good and all-gracious God allow evil to survive?” Essentially, Jesus is saying, “don’t worry about it.” It is not humanity that is chosen to discern and pluck away the evil from the good. God will handle it; it is part of that vision that God holds. After all, wasn’t God’s vision to redeem ALL of Creation? And when we humans become over-zealous, how are we so sure that what we are “plucking” IS actually the weeds? What if we are plucking good, honest, but not-yet-matured wheat? (Which is why it is probably not meant to be up to us to discern what is “evil” and what is not.) So instead of trying to figure out what’s wrong with the world and fixing it, our job is to get on with the mission that Jesus gave us—proclaiming that the Kingdom of God is coming into its fullness and all of Creation with it. And, similar to the way we read last week’s parable, what if, rather than the wheat, we view our lives as the “field”. We try to clean up our lives, to live as good, righteous people. But, sure enough, those pesky weeds keep popping up unexpectedly. Maybe the whole point is not to rid ourselves of the weeds, but to look to God when we get drowned out by them. Maybe God is actually working on them to transform them into what they are supposed to be. Here’s an excerpt from Richard Rohr, in the book, Everything Belongs: The Gift of Contemplative Prayer (p. 42, 51-52): …When we avoid darkness, we avoid tension, spiritual creativity, and finally transformation. We avoid God who works in the darkness—where we are not in control! Maybe that is the secret… Jesus pushes it back to the edge. Can you even see the image of Christ in the least of the brothers and sisters? He uses that as his only description of the final judgment. Nothing about commandments, nothing about church attendance, nothing about papal infallibility: simply a matter of our ability to see. Can we see Christ in the least of the brothers and sisters? Can we see Christ in the people, the nobodies who can’t play our game of success? They smell. They’re a nuisance. They’re on welfare. They are a drain on our tax money. If we can, then we are really seeing. He pushes it even further than that. He says we have to love and recognize the divine image even in our enemies. He teaches what they thought a religious leader could never demand of his followers: love of the enemy. Logically that makes no sense. Soulfully it makes absolute sense, because in terms of the soul, it really is all or nothing. Either we see the divine image in all created things or we don’t see it at all. Once we see it, we’re trapped. We see it once and the circle keeps moving out. If we still try to exclude some: sick people, blacks, people on welfare, gays (or whomever we’ve decided to hate), we’re not there. We don’t understand. If the world is a temple, then our enemies are sacred, too. The ability to respect the outsider is probably the litmus test of true seeing. It doesn’t even stop with human beings and enemies and the least of the brothers and sisters. It moves to frogs and pansies and weeds. Everything becomes enchanting. One God, one world, one truth, one suffering, and one love. All we can do is participate. - What meaning does this passage hold for you? - Why is it so difficult for us to just let those things that we perceive as “evil” exist? Why is it so difficult for us to accept that they exist at all in the midst of God’s Creation? - How do you relate to the notion of your life being the “field”? - What do you think of Rohr’s notion that everything becomes enchanting when we really see the way we’re supposed to see? Some Quotes for Further Reflection: To know that what is impenetrable to us really exists, manifesting itself as the highest wisdom and the most radiant beauty…this knowledge, this feeling, is at the center of true religiousness. (Albert Einstein, 1879-1955) Tell us, Poet, what do you do? I praise. But the deadly and the monstrous things, how can you bear them? I praise. But what is nameless, what is anonymous, how can you call upon it? I praise. What right have you to be true in every disguise, behind every mask? I praise. How is it that the calm and the violent things like star and storm know you for their own? Because I praise. (Raine Maria Rilke, 1875-1926) We must not try to reduce evil to good by seeking compensations or justifications for evil. We must love God through the evil that occurs, solely because everything that actually occurs is real and behind all reality stands God. Some realities are more or less transparent; others are completely opaque; but God is behind all of them, without distinction. It is for us simply to keep our eyes turned toward the point where [God] is, whether we can see [God] or not. (Simone Weil, 1909-1943) For neither is there any god besides you, whose care is for all people, For your strength is the source of righteousness, and your sovereignty over all causes you to spare all. For you show your strength when people doubt the completeness of your power, and you rebuke any insolence among those who know it. Although you are sovereign in strength, you judge with mildness, and with great forbearance you govern us; for you have power to act whenever you choose. Through such works you have taught your people that the righteous must be kind, and you have filled your children with good hope, because you give repentance for sins. Amen. Wisdom of Solomon 12: 13, 16-19
This is Part 1 of our series on how public spaces contribute to transit-oriented community life. In Part 2: Creating Public Spaces for Transit-Oriented Communities, we explore ways to create inclusive and well-functioning public spaces in transit-friendly locations. Transit corridors connect us to places far and wide, but the quality of place is what makes us stay. Active and safe public spaces are an essential part of this calculus. They contribute to the vitality of a community and offer numerous benefits to communities and their residents. They encourage chance encounters, are the locus of community-building activities, and allow people to have new experiences. They promote health and mental well-being, improve safety, and support redevelopment. They provide those who are familiar with a location, as well as first-time visitors, with a sense of belonging. Without active public spaces, people may lack the opportunity to engage with fellow community members, especially when they spend most of their weekdays away at work. Both the transit system and public spaces gain when they are seamlessly integrated with each other, creating a place that is connected both locally and with the wider world. To meet local needs, a wide array of stakeholders—residents and business owners, planners and developers—must collaborate to create public spaces that offer attractive amenities and desirable recreational options. For example, communities may focus on improved safety, accessible gathering areas, ample seating, and a place where both young and old feel welcome. By meeting locally-defined needs, public spaces can cultivate a stronger quality of life at a relatively small cost, better connect transit to the community in which it is located, and help create vibrant transit-oriented places. Here are four ways public spaces can make our lives better: Communities can encourage residents to walk or bike by providing safe and accessible public spaces designed to serve their needs. A growing body of literature supports the general notion that proximity to parks and recreational settings encourages greater physical activity. Safety, aesthetics, amenities, maintenance, and proximity all contribute to how effectively public space supports physical activity. When community spaces provide users with easy access to, and experiences with, nature, the effects can be even greater. One studypublished by the World Health Organization (WHO) found that increased time spent in green public spaces leads to improved mental health, decreased stress levels, improved performance with cognitive tasks, improved pregnancy outcomes, and reduced risk of cardiovascular failure, obesity, and Type 2 diabetes. Green public space can include spaces with natural surfaces or settings, trees or gardens, ponds or other bodies of water. Exercise in green or natural places is especially helpful for those who spend a lot of time commuting or sitting at a desk job, and studies have shown that exercising while in green environments can be emotionally restorative. Provide Equitable Access In some communities, it may be a challenge to identify opportunities that support exercise among residents, particularly in low-income communities that may lack public spaces. Community members without access to exercise—due to a lack of facilities, economic constraints, or both—can be at higher risk of health problems associated with a sedentary lifestyle. According to the Trust for Public Land, cities that can afford to expand access to public space should do so in a way that allows every resident to live within a 10-minute walk of these assets. Equally important, designs for public spaces should optimize usage for fitness and accessibility for both pedestrians and bicyclists. As part of their overall planning efforts, communities can create and support public spaces that allow users to gather, relax, enjoy cultural events and the arts, and exercise. They may wish to offer free fitness classes in public spaces to both improve public health and to help bridge the economic divide, or host regular and special events such as farmers markets or summer movies or concerts and various ethnic celebrations, such as those offered in Jersey City parks this summer. Manage Community Assets When communities engage in the management of their public spaces—through placemaking efforts, as well as routine operations and maintenance—public spaces often become activated. This means life and buzz are brought into the space via temporary or permanent art installations, pop-ups or classes. Such efforts may also contribute to an area’s desirability and help sustain redevelopment over time. Improving access to open space is one factor that may contribute to increases in property values and rent. Managing the effects of community change is vital to sustaining improvements and making them available to all users. Equitable transit-oriented development (eTOD) practices—inclusionary zoning, affordable housing subsidies to developers, and engaging with communities in the planning process—should be part of a community’s overall TOD strategy. See Strategies to Promote Equitable Transit-Oriented Development and Learning from National eTOD Models for more information. The presence of more people and a dedicated management staff can help create safer spaces. The urbanist Jane Jacobs famously coined the “eyes on the street” concept to describe the relationship between oversight and safety in public spaces. People act as an informal surveillance or support system; the presence of more people can help to create an atmosphere of safety. Deterring crime in public spaces can lead to a progressive cycle of positive outcomes and help to reduce crime rates. In some communities, support for more “eyes on the park” comes through an organized Neighbor Park Watch program, such as Park Watch sponsored by the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department. Create Public Spaces That Work What makes a great public space? William H. Whyte, a contemporary of Jane Jacobs and a public space visionary, explored this very question. In the 1970s, he began investigating public spaces and shared some insights and observations about them through the film and book, The Social Life of Small Urban Spaces. Mr. Whyte observed that most public spaces work when designed with the user in mind and with the goal of keeping them comfortable and occupied. He identified some key factors needed for successful spaces, which include ample seating such as movable chairs or steps, a proper balance of sun and shade, easy access and visibility from the street level (specifically no more than three feet above or below street level), food vendors, tree canopies, gardens, and sculptures. I end then in praise of small spaces. The multiplier effect is tremendous. It is not just the number of people using them, but the larger number who pass by and enjoy them vicariously, or even the larger number who feel better about the city center for knowledge of them. For a city, such places are priceless, whatever the cost. They are built of a set of basics and they are right in front of our noses. If we will look.” – William H. Whyte, 1980, The Social Life of Small Urban Spaces. Achieving all of this can be a tall order, but one successful New Jersey example is Military Park in Newark. Since its renovation and reopening in 2014, Military Park has offered users access to a green respite and a host of amenities in the state’s largest city. The planners of Military Park drew inspiration from Whyte’s work which continues to motivate those who seek to create such public spaces. Want to learn more about how to create public spaces that work? In Creating Public Spaces for Transit-Oriented Communities, we discuss strategies residents, planners, and developers can use to create and fund such spaces.
In 2016, the Surgeon general released a report stating that one in every seven Americans will face a substance addiction in their lifetime. That same report found that only 10% of people with addictions receive treatment. Treatment offers an opportunity to live a normal life, and it’s an important part of recovery for any addict. Knowing how to do an intervention can increase the chance of getting a loved one the help that they desperately need. There are five reasons why interventions fail and avoiding these will help make your intervention more successful. Keep reading to find out what an intervention is and how to do an intervention that works. What’s An Intervention? An intervention brings together family and friends of an addict. As a group, they share their concerns about the addict and discuss the effects of their behavior on family and friends. Usually, they itemize a list of consequences that will result from their continued substance abuse. The purpose of doing this is to change the context in which the addict has been living and operating. The consequences for their continued use following the intervention means that they’ll no longer be enabled to use by the friends and family present. In this way, interventions are a way of encouraging an addict or alcoholic to admit to their problem and get the treatment they need. They don’t always work, but there are ways to avoid those pitfalls. We’ll discuss those in the next section. How to Do an Intervention: What to Avoid Below are the five main reasons why interventions fail. We’ll tell you what to do to avoid these and ensure your intervention goes as well as it can. Organization can make or break an intervention. If you don’t have a clear plan for who is going to speak, what everyone should be saying, and next steps, the overall message of the intervention won’t be clear. Without timeliness, a strategy, and organization, the intervention isn’t focused or effective. Instead, make sure that everyone involved knows what to talk about, how long they have to speak, and is well prepared for their turn. Have backup plans in case the person decides to walk out of the room. Being prepared for all the possible reactions can help you keep the intervention on track. If you’re not confident in your ability to properly organize the intervention, you may also consider hiring a professional interventionist. These professional have the experience needed to organize and execute a successful intervention. They’ll also know how to deal with an addict who becomes psychologically unstable or physically dangerous. 2. No Clear Course of Action Part of being organized is having a clear course of action for after the intervention, especially if the end goal is treatment, which it most often is. There are a few things you want to avoid in this respect. Don’t give the addict an option for when they have to go to treatment. The goal is to get them to treatment immediately following the intervention. If you allow them to choose when to go, they may think their addiction isn’t bad enough to warrant immediate help. Don’t give the addict options in terms of what treatment program they’ll go to. An intervention can be confusing and overwhelming. Having them choose where to go will only add to that confusion and sense of overwhelming and could cause them to back out. Instead, have a residential treatment center lined up. Tell the addict that they have to go to treatment immediately. And if they agree, then they should be taken to the facility straight from the intervention. While this type of intervention doesn’t give the addict any input, it also takes a lot of the pressure off of them. It also gets them into treatment while emotions are high and the consequences of not receiving treatment are fresh in their mind. 3. Focusing on the Problem Members of the intervention should list how the behavior of the addict has negatively affected their life. And of course, this should be shared with the addict. But after that, this is not an environment in which placing blame and focusing solely on the problem is helpful. Don’t focus all your time on the past mistakes of the addict. Instead, focus on the solution… which is to get treatment. 4. Lack of Follow-Through Each person who shares their experiences with the behavior of the addict should also have a list of consequences should they decide not to seek treatment. These consequences can be anything from no longer lending money to no longer giving the addict a place to live. If the person decides not to go through with treatment, then following through on your list of consequences is important. 5. Giving Up There is no way to measure whether or not your intervention will be successful. Even if you avoid all of the above and execute the intervention perfectly, the addict in your life may not be ready to admit they have a problem and seek help. But if that’s the case, then don’t give up. Some people need more time to process the consequences of not seeking treatment. Once they see what life is like in this new context, they may very well change their mind. Others need to get over the shock and anger of intervention before they can see the truth of the matter. In some cases, a second intervention might be what’s needed to get the addict help. This shouldn’t take place until well after the first intervention, so the addict has time to process and the group has time to rethink their approach. Do You Know Someone Who Needs Help? Knowing how to do an intervention can help you avoid the common reasons they fail. These reasons include a lack of commitment in regards to following through on consequences, disorganization, and not having a clear course of action for after the intervention. Now that you know what a successful intervention looks like, you may start considering treatment centers. Have a look at our drug addiction services and find out how we can help.
When we think of health, what do we think about? To most people, their concerns are mainly with the physical: the aches and pains, the fitness levels, the diet. Those are all important, but many are concerned that we’re missing the overall picture. Health isn’t just physical. It’s emotional, it’s mental, and it’s spiritual. Here, we’re going to look at how we can all take steps to include a little of what we’re missing in our approaches to health and wellbeing. Exercise for Emotional Health While we will be taking a closer look at emotional and spiritual health, this isn’t an attempt to downplay the importance of physical health. You won’t solve all of life’s problems if you don’t take care of the body. However, exercise can also have some huge mental and emotional health benefits, as shown here. Intense aerobic exercises have been shown to reduce stress and vastly improve your mood by flushing the brain with happy hormones like endorphins. What’s more, long-term progress in endurance and strength-building exercises have been shown to have a crucial impact in improving self-esteem and helping you develop the discipline and motivation that can be applied in other areas of life. What a Complete Diet Means Just as the physical activity we complete can have a profound effect on our emotional health, the food we eat can and should take care of the brain’s health, not just the body’s. A complete diet means providing the nutrition your whole body needs to develop. Focus too much on the macros of fat, protein, and carbs or weight loss and you can miss the other benefits food has to offer. For instance, how foods like fatty acid-rich foods, blueberries, and leafy greens and improve cognitive power, focus, and long-term memory. Incorporate more brain foods in your diet if you want to start seeing more complete improvements. Meeting Your Mind Just as we exercise the body, we can and should also exercise the mind. There are a few ways to do it, too. When thinking about cognitive health, “brain training” has been shown to be incredibly effective at keeping the brain young and active so that we’re less prone to lapses of thinking and memory. Addressing your mindset can also help you make major improvements to how you deal with stress, anxiety, and depression. Mindfulness, meditation, vision boards, and goal-setting have all been shown as effective tools for building emotional resilience, so it’s worth learning more about them here. Take the time to address your mind. Exercise and nutrition can help it, but it still needs a little bit of discipline and training of its own. Sleep has always been considered one of the three pillars of health, but conventional wisdom is evolving to show that it might be more important than diet and exercise. Sleep controls our metabolism, which dictates just how much nutrition we glean from our diet and how good our body is at burning energy. It also helps us recover better from exercise, showing us more benefit for the physical activity that we do. Sleep improvement apps can help you ensure that get as much sleep as you need, as well as aligning your sleep cycles so that you wake up every morning feeling a lot more refreshed. If you’re having trouble with insomnia, it’s crucial you speak to your doctor about it. Sleep is the cornerstone of healthy life and leaving your issues unaddressed can have knock-on effects in every sphere of your health. Getting the Full Look at Your Health When looking to embody the approach of mind, body, and soul, then you shouldn’t simply stop at the habits you incorporate in your own life. You may also want to consider how you get the care and advice you deserve. Take the time to address your mental health as well as the physical when you go to the doctors and consider the advice contained here on how to incorporate emotional and spiritual well-being, too. Holistic health providers can offer an excellent counterbalance to the regular treatments that healthcare professionals offer. Holistic means “full” or “all-inclusive”, which means a closer look at well-being across the spectrum, including using spiritual techniques like tai chi and yoga which both have many observable benefits. If you’re looking at all of the above at once, you might wonder how you’re going to get the time to fit it all in. You might other responsibilities, like a family, a job, or your education to worry about. Rather than working more and fitting more in, time management is all about working less and making more time in life. Time management teaches you to be efficient, to cut out dead unproductive time, and to know how to balance as many different priorities as you need to. It’s not just a tool for working better at your job, it can help you organize your life. The Power of Planning Improvement One of the problems facing people who are new to a health kick or efforts of self-improvement is that they may find the task daunting. They look at where they are now and where they should be and see a gap that seems insurmountable. The key is to aim low. Programs like self-authoring teach you how to build your way to your future step by step. Making a change as small as starting the day with fifteen minutes of exercise helps you build the steps you need to bigger, more widespread improvements. Instead of looking at the end of the road, look at the first step of the first leg of the journey. Break it into parts and plan your improvement along the way and it suddenly becomes so much more achievable. Improving Your Health and Wellbeing If you’re truly aiming to improve your health and wellbeing, there’s no such thing as being “done.” Even if you get your physical activity levels to where you want them to be or manage a more complete diet, there are more improvements you can make. Take advantage of the momentum you’re gathering and keep making those incremental steps that can help you be not just healthy but happy and more fulfilled.