Dataset Preview
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The dataset generation failed because of a cast error
Error code:   DatasetGenerationCastError
Exception:    DatasetGenerationCastError
Message:      An error occurred while generating the dataset

All the data files must have the same columns, but at some point there are 1 new columns ({'subreddit,category_1,category_2,category_3,in_data,reason_for_exclusion'}) and 4 missing columns ({'selftext', 'subreddit', 'id', 'title'}).

This happened while the csv dataset builder was generating data using

hf://datasets/Elise-hf/reddit-self-post/subreddit_info.csv (at revision 1deb4dd4676b14afc68e42c23c0fe2cd43c28236)

Please either edit the data files to have matching columns, or separate them into different configurations (see docs at
Traceback:    Traceback (most recent call last):
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 2011, in _prepare_split_single
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 585, in write_table
                  pa_table = table_cast(pa_table, self._schema)
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 2302, in table_cast
                  return cast_table_to_schema(table, schema)
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 2256, in cast_table_to_schema
                  raise CastError(
              datasets.table.CastError: Couldn't cast
              subreddit,category_1,category_2,category_3,in_data,reason_for_exclusion: string
              -- schema metadata --
              pandas: '{"index_columns": [{"kind": "range", "name": null, "start": 0, "' + 504
              {'id': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'subreddit': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'title': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'selftext': Value(dtype='string', id=None)}
              because column names don't match
              During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
              Traceback (most recent call last):
                File "/src/services/worker/src/worker/job_runners/config/", line 1321, in compute_config_parquet_and_info_response
                  parquet_operations = convert_to_parquet(builder)
                File "/src/services/worker/src/worker/job_runners/config/", line 935, in convert_to_parquet
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 1027, in download_and_prepare
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 1122, in _download_and_prepare
                  self._prepare_split(split_generator, **prepare_split_kwargs)
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 1882, in _prepare_split
                  for job_id, done, content in self._prepare_split_single(
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 2013, in _prepare_split_single
                  raise DatasetGenerationCastError.from_cast_error(
              datasets.exceptions.DatasetGenerationCastError: An error occurred while generating the dataset
              All the data files must have the same columns, but at some point there are 1 new columns ({'subreddit,category_1,category_2,category_3,in_data,reason_for_exclusion'}) and 4 missing columns ({'selftext', 'subreddit', 'id', 'title'}).
              This happened while the csv dataset builder was generating data using
              hf://datasets/Elise-hf/reddit-self-post/subreddit_info.csv (at revision 1deb4dd4676b14afc68e42c23c0fe2cd43c28236)
              Please either edit the data files to have matching columns, or separate them into different configurations (see docs at

Need help to make the dataset viewer work? Make sure to review how to configure the dataset viewer, and open a discussion for direct support.

Remember your command line switches...
Hi there, <lb>The usual. Long time lerker, first time poster, be kind etc. Sorry if this isn't the right place...<lb><lb>Alright. Here's the story. I'm an independent developer who produces my own software. We're going to call me well, $me.<lb><lb>I work with $dev who helps to produce software with me. We use $PopularVersionControl.<lb><lb>We're trying to remove a branch that was created by mistake. The branch is beta1. We want just beta.<lb><lb>&gt; $me: "$dev, can you rename that branch because we're going to use just two. I don't want to keep up with 80 quintilian branches." <lb>&gt; $dev: "sure, one second."<lb><lb>Five minutes later...<lb><lb>&gt; $dev: "[CurseWords] I want beta1 to die!" <lb>&gt; $me: "What happened?"<lb><lb>Lots of removed dialog where $dev explains what he did...<lb><lb>&gt; $me: "Did you try $PopularVersionControl with -u?" <lb>&gt; $dev: "[Cursing] That would be why!"<lb><lb>In short. Always check your command line switches...They are important!<lb>
So what was Matt "addicted" to?
Did he ever say what his addiction was or is he still chugging beers while talking about how sober he is?<lb><lb>Edited to add: As an addict myself, anyone I know whose been an addict doesn't drink and in the group I go to (similar to NA and AA) drinking is considered a slip-up. Has he said what he's addicted to or is he still talking out of his ass, winging it as he goes?
No Club Colors
Funny story. I went to college in Las Vegas. This was before I knew anything about motorcycling whatsoever. Me and some college buddies would always go out on the strip to the dance clubs. We always ended up at a bar called Hogs &amp; Heifers. It's worth noting the females working there can outdrink ANYONE. Anyway, there was a sign on the front door that read 'No Club Colors'. So we lose our ties and blazers before heading there. Also we assumed bright colors like red, yellow, green etc were not allowed. So we would always bring an xtra t-shirt and pair of jeans. This went on for years! Looking back now on how naive we were, it's just hilarious. I was never able to walk out of that bar....had to crawl out! So much booze. <lb><lb>Cheers. Ride safe, boys!
Not door bell, but floodlight mount height.
I know this is a sub for the 'Ring Doorbell' but has anyone used the Floodlight? I already have the wire and existing bracket for the floodlight on the back of my house, but the problem is that it's about 12 feet above ground level (10 ft above the deck, 2 ft drop from the deck down to the grass)<lb><lb>Is that too high to mount? The website says 9 ft is ideal. Anyone had any problems mounting it higher than that?
Worried about my 8700k small fft/data stress results...
Prime95 (regardless of version) and OCCT both, the "small" tests (including those parts of blend) make my temps shoot up to 100c+/throttling even at pure stock with MCE off instantaneously (I find it mildly funny that this still passes in P95). Any other stress test is lucky to spike up to 75 WITH an OC. Real usage in say TW Warhammer 2 (what I believe is considered cpu heavy) is like low 60's. I don't get it.<lb><lb>So, tell me this is normal/doesn't matter... please. :-x<lb>
What if Saddler won?
I just wanted to start a thread about what would go down if in resi 4 Saddler succeeded and Leon's parasite had fully matured <lb><lb>For one thing Leon would be Saddler's personal body guard and the series lore would have completely changed with the subsequent games instead being about fighting Saddler as other characters
Net Neutrality and Brave
If and when net neutrality laws are repealed in the United States, will surfing on Brave block ISPs to the point that they will not be able to block certain addresses or throttle service. Meaning, if Netflix is an additional $5/mo., does browsing on Brave allow you to bypass this fee?
Inline Hockey: Where Do I Need To Be? (Positioning)
My game is coming on well but one HUGE aspect I feel I lack in is knowing where to be. I've been at it a year now so I've mostly managed grasp the idea of positioning just from observation but just wanted some tips, etc. on it.<lb><lb>I play forward and find myself sometimes just skating around. In the past I noticed I was in space but my lane was cut off, stupid stuff like that but now I'll correct it more often than not. That said, there are a few times I'm still not sure where to be as a forward so any advice is welcome:<lb><lb>Where do I need to be when...<lb><lb>* My defender is trying to play the puck from behind our net?<lb>* My other forward is around the back of their net?<lb>* My guy is in front of me/at the side of me when breaking out?<lb>
[Question] Who is your favorite defunct ASMRtist?
"Defunct" being defined here as NOT having released a new video in over a year. Bonus points for a link to your favorite video of theirs and why. I'll start...<lb><lb>[Mitzy Whisper's Relaxing Reiki Session ASMR Roleplay]( <lb><lb>I prefer amateur setups, expensive binaural rigs are nice and all but not necessary to make a great ASMR video. When it comes to roleplay realism isn't necessary in my book, while *being real* is a key element. Mitzy was always real, had the perfect whisper and approach and always leans towards helping the viewer. She is missed.<lb><lb>Who do you miss?
Had a custom embroidery job done on my ranch jacket by one of our own!
[Album First](<lb><lb>So a while ago I had mentioned in a GD thread about wanting to have /u/superish64 do a custom embroidery job for me on my shadow selvedge ranch jacket, and about a week and a half ago we solidified everything. I got the jacket back yesterday and needless to say he did an impeccable job, originally I wanted to do something pretty minimalist; however, I finally ended up on the design you see here (outline of MN and the state motto inside, as I was born and raised in Minneapolis) in a black thread so that the design is subtle but will become more apparent as the jacket fades. It was a breeze working with Brad on this project as he was prompt in responding and was very open to any suggestions or ideas I had. If I ever need a custom embroidery job again in the future he will be the first person I contact!<lb><lb>Also threw in some bonus pics of how my jacket is fading so far and the FREE selvedge beer coozie he sent with the finished product!
Questions to the end of the series and the movie
- why did okabe need to fake kurisus death? why does this lead to the steinsgate worldline?<lb><lb>questions to the movie:<lb><lb>- How can Okabe even disappear from the steins gate worldline? i thought the series hinted that there was only one true, or lets say one active timeline.<lb><lb>- the scene where okabes died from the truck, why was there an attractor field? <lb><lb>
Is Fusion nullified for the Extreme Z Awakening Event?
On JP I missed out on my chance to do SSJ3 Goku the first time so I’m doing it now. Been lucked out of rotations for most of these stages and I’ve noticed that for my Fusions team, LR Gogeta would NEVER fuse. I’m genuinely curious if the mechanic is nullified for the event or i’m just getting AWFUL RNG.
Why the hell does vitamin D give me anxiety?
I’m really puzzled by this one, so I was hoping you guys could give me some theories. I’ve self diagnosed myself with SAD considering that I consistently feel terrible during the winter months. Given my personal circumstances I figured that my vitamin D levels are probably somewhere between really bad and abysmal, so I decided to supplement. I bought a bottle of 10,000 IU and took a dose, but ended up having an anxiety attack two hours later, which took me a week to get over. I did some research and found that most vitamin D side effects are a sign of magnesium deficiency, so I bought some high quality magnesium and lowered my vitamin D dose to 2,000 IU. I tried again, but had the same mental side effects. Does anyone have any idea what’s going on? The only thing I can think of is that I went off a low dose antidepressant recently, which maybe has somehow made my brain super sensitive to supplements. What do you guys think? I would love to keep taking vitamin D but can’t because of the anxiety.
Release date Nov 10th?
A spanish Store is launching a series of 6 tournaments for the "6 weeks 6 packs" release, and in the tournaments' rules there I found:<lb><lb>*Since it will be a League, each Tournament will have place in the following dates, and each detailed Dynasty Pack won't be legal in that Tournament:* <lb><lb>* *Nov 10 - Amateratsu's tears*<lb>* *Nov 17 - For Honor and Glory*<lb>* *Nov 24th - In the Forbidden City*<lb>* *Dec 1st - Crisantemum Throne*<lb>* *Dec 8th - Fate has no Secrets*<lb>* *Dec 15th - Meditations on the Ephimeral*<lb><lb>They also say that they will raffle one just-published pack at the end of each tournament <lb><lb>Can we assume **Nov 10th** as the release date?
Can anyone help me find this band?
Thinking of 'who the band sounded like' brings Doorbell by The White Stripes to mind. The vocalist is a woman with a voice close to the style and tone of one from The Doorbell. I remember the album art - but the only hint I can suggest after all these years is the color selection from Arcade Fire's Funeral album cover - that orange tone, with slightly browner (I believe) shapes all over it, similarly twirled. The only other things my brain managed to squeeze seem unreliable and could prove misleading: for some reason, the word "Dorothy", or something that starts with D, as well as the word 'Gospel', this time embedded within the name of the band itself, gnaws at the back of the head. Googling any of these things proved futile. The album could be from the second half of the 90's / very early 2000. That's not much, does anyone know who on Earth I'm typing about?
About to be homeless in LA,CA
My parents have cost me my recent job and are increasing rent to kick me out. I was sick with a fever and called in but they called my boss and told him I was out with my gf and got fired (he's a family friend). <lb><lb>If anybody has ANY info on jobs that dont drug test (weed, didn't forsee this situation or I would've stopped a while back) please hmu. I'm going to apply at a job agency tomorrow but I'm more worried about where I'm going to sleep since getting a shitty job is easy and enough to at least feed myself.<lb><lb>Thank you in advanced reddit and please don't give me shit about the weed. I get it and I stopped when I was fired.
Sexual performance anxiety
Throwaway here. I've been on sertraline 100mg for a few years now. In relationship with new woman the past few months, and find a number of occasions where I either can't get erect or lose erection after a few minutes. It's not always, but it's about half the time or more. GF is seriously feeling low-self-worth as a result and I'm very worried and trying to tell her it's me, not her. <lb><lb>The thing is I can masturbate without trouble. Obviously real sex is different than masturbation. I think it might be performance anxiety (sometimes it is also just exhaustion) -- not helped by her desperate desire to be sexually fulfilling/ed. But why would I have anxiety when I'm on antidepressants? Perhaps it is the dreaded sexual dysfunction side effects of SSRIs? Should I consider reducing my dose? Can't see my doctor until October.
How do you build/organize your deck
Hey Folks,<lb><lb>So I started yesterday on playing around with my deck and I am curious how you orginaze it. <lb>Have you like 4 different stance which you change with the alternative attack or have you a whole flow through all stances with your regular attacks and alternatives for special moves?
Randomly getting “Block Ads” warning on site?
I have NEVER had AdBlock, or any other type of blocker installed on this computer. I ahem watched plentyy of things on KissAnime, yet the other day I randomly start getting locked out due to blocking ads....Does anyone have any idea why or how I can fix this? Thanks.
So i finally got my first full body waxing done today, it feels amazing!!!, the stud not only did a good job but he noticed i got super horny when cleaning the wax next to my sissy pussy :O :O :O<lb><lb>He just asked me to turn around and proceeded to clean my clitty, i was rock hard since i had to take my cage off and he just went ahead and finished me off with a hand job. :( :( :(<lb><lb>I was an idiot for taking my cage and plug off in his washroom before the session. Such regret <lb>
Pornstars you'd like to see in VR for 2018
I saw some similar posts from late last year and some of the stars mentioned the previous posts actually made it into some scenes this year. <lb><lb>Since it's the end of this year, I just thought I would start a new one. Who would you like to see in VR porn in 2018?
13 minute BBC film on DPDR
Hi friends<lb>This was screened on the Victoria Derbyshire show on Tuesday. (In the U.K.)<lb>I am one of the case studies featured.<lb>I hope awareness continues to increase!<lb>For what it's worth I think you (we) are all amazing. It takes guts to deal with this and knowledge is power. 🙂<lb>
Just bought a Forerunner 35 and I have a question about the Weather function!
Is it not supposed to update regularly? It seems like the weather function only changes when I sync the watch to the app. It's always synced mind you but I have to whip out my phone and actively check the app if I want the weather on my watch to update. At that point I can just check my weather app on my phone. Sorry if this doesn't make sense! Overall I love the watch, first GPS/"smart" watch ever.
Instead of tackling my DPDR, i'm going to tackle my depression and anxiety first
I'll update in a month or two, but this is going to be my new approach. I've come to the conclusion that whatever is the main cause of my DPDR, that it's been here for years and years and years and the depression and anxiety aren't helping it. So they have become my new problem to fix first.
Recommend Interdisciplinary Lit Grad programs?
So, I'm looking to apply to grad school this fall (I'm terrified and totally lacking in confidence) and I have three programs that I want to apply to: Stanford's Modern Thought and Lit program, U of Chicago's Comp Lit, and U of Oregon's Comp Lit. However, I feel like it might be better to maybe apply to maybe another program of two. I'm definitely interested in Comp Lit but my interests are leaning away from the national literature route and more towards interdisciplinary. Unfortunately, I haven't found many programs that are like that....would anyone have any suggestions or recommendations?
My Feelings About a Shooting That Happened Behind my Building Last Night
Transient Beings<lb><lb>Transient beings, victims<lb>Of circumstance beyond<lb>Their means. Framed <lb>Within societal norms<lb>We stand in line.<lb>Right, left, forward facing <lb>Witnesses to injustice.<lb>Lists of transgression, defining<lb>Bullet points for the obituary.<lb>The relation between <lb>Reality &amp;fiction are strained.<lb>It's inexplicable, the ignorance that<lb>Passes for news.<lb>Rivals, enemies; gangs of misfits,<lb>Extended families &amp;promises.<lb>Riddled with in opportunity,<lb>Learning to stand against sovereignty.
New Banner
I like this banner, I really do. It might be one of the few things I like about this subreddit. However, might it be time to change it up? Variety is the spice of life, and it's fun to do these things once in a while. Who wants to have a banner picture contest? Any takers?
Setting up a 10 gallon - what do I need?
I'm in the process of setting up a 10 gallon. I want to keep ghost shrimp, red cherry shrimp, and/or eventually blue velvet shrimp. So far I have a heater and some wood. I have some black sand, some more wood, some lights and a filter coming in the mail. I already have 6 other tanks set up, so I'm experienced with fish tanks, I just haven't kept freshwater shrimp before so I guess I'm just looking for some tips. Suggestions for plants? Decoration suggestions? I also plan to hopefully keep a betta with them.
[Logo] "Robin Cares" - Platform for finding a household help.
Howdy all,<lb><lb>I am looking for a logo for a new business. The company is called Robin Cares and is a soon to launch platform marketplace where people can offer and find household helpers. <lb><lb><lb>We have an idea for a rather simple logo (or mascot really), a [red robin bird]( that is more or less dressed up like the sidekick of Batman, [Robin](<lb><lb>It should definitely not be too serious, but a bit casual and "fun". This is a very basic example as a starting point: [red robin vector](<lb><lb>**Some other requirements:**<lb><lb>* the color #E63946 must used for any red.<lb>* these are our [house style colors]( please use these when possible. Others are fine too of course. We definitely prefer more flat colors.<lb>* the bird needs to be smiling one way or another.<lb><lb>I hope that is enough information to work with. Please PM me if you think you're up for it.
Stargate Noob here: I have a question.
When it first aired I didn't got on the Stargate train and then time went by, so I just recently started to watch it. So I have been watching in the last weeks, I'm in the middle of season 7 now and there is something bugging me al the time: The Jaffa - Goa'uld ratio.<lb><lb>Why aren't there more Goa'uld with so many Jaffa keeping the symbiots warm? I know they Sysmte Lords wanna keep the power for themselves and all Goa'uld are born super power hungry, but what happens with all those larva Goa'uld when they don't get a host?<lb><lb>I'm sure this has been explained at one point, I probably just missed it.<lb><lb>Thanks.<lb><lb>
Huge layer of skin peeled off from glans
WOW! came back home from a hunting trip and had a huge layer of skin just peel off of my glans much like sunburnt skin. I didn't even know I had a layer of skin that thick covering my glans. Just wondering if anyone else has expirienced something like this. I have been dilegently restoring and retaining 24/7 for about 7 months now.
Installation path in "Missing/required" SP2010
<lb>Hi Reddit community,<lb><lb>First of all english isn't my native language, hope i can describre my problem correctly.<lb><lb>We have a SharePoint 2010 Farm with 2 WFE and 1 Search Server.<lb><lb>On one server somes installation paths are in "Missing/Required" state and i want to fix that.<lb><lb><lb><lb>BUT !!!!!<lb><lb>Every server are upgraded with the PSConfig command "PSCONFIG.EXE -cmd upgrade -inplace b2b -wait -cmd installcheck -noinstallcheck" and work perfectly.<lb><lb>I used different tools as :<lb><lb>* ROISCAN <lb><lb>This one gave my this<lb><lb><lb><lb>It's Microsoft Office Server Proof (Arabic) 2010.<lb><lb>Tried to reinstall the msi from extracted SP2, SP1, Source install but not working.<lb><lb><lb>* OpUtils.vbs<lb><lb>Tried to repair with a working windows/installer folder.<lb><lb>Used this Technique ==&gt;<lb><lb>* Clear Timer cache<lb><lb>I cleared the Sharepoint timer config (deleted all xml files and set 1 in ini files) on each server.<lb><lb>What can i do ?<lb><lb>Thank you for your help.<lb><lb>Thank you
Playing Synths in a Band: How to make yourself heard?
So I know that this subreddit is filled with fellow bedroom producers, MIDI mavens, and multitrack fiends. Presumably, though, some of you also leave the house to perform with human beings who play other instruments. I've done it a few times, and I wonder how others make their synths heard.<lb><lb>If you've ever been in a crappy space with overeager guitarists, excitable drummers, and bassists, you know how tough it can be to make your pristine synth tones audible. How do you all make it work? Do you use dedicated keyboard amps, plug into PAs, or just employ a spare solid state amp?
A thought about Stanley's memory being erased
In society of the blind eye, we see that the way the memory gun ( hope that's the name) works is you write the thing you want the person to forget and then shoot. In weirdmageddon, Ford writes Stanley Pines in the gun and then erase Stan's memory. That got me thinking: Stan has been living Ford's life for 30 years, right? So by erasing "stanley pines" of stan's mind, it would erase his memories being stanley but not the ones where he was faking he was stanford, and then he could start thinking he was Ford. It might be a stretch, but I think it's a cool what if.
How do you come up with personal project ideas?
Hi, I'm pretty sure this type of question has been asked so many times, I apologize for that, but let me ask you it.<lb><lb>As the title says, how do you usually come up with an idea to build as your personal project?<lb>I'm not a beginner programmer or a CS student, I've been working as a web app developer for about a year (some of you may think it's still beginner), and recently started to think I should build something in my free time to improve my programming skills.<lb>And since I use Java at my work I'm interested in building some Android apps, and already know some basic Android stuff, but the problem is I can't come up withany ideas.<lb><lb>I've searched personal project ideas but all of them seemed kind of crap or CS course homework.<lb><lb>Do you have any suggestions? Or how do you come up with your personal project ideas?<lb><lb><lb>Thank you in advance!<lb><lb>Edit: Thank you so much for your comments, I really appreciate it!!
Vindicator 2h Ranged build
So I've been theorycrafting a Vindicator 2h Ranged build focusing on lightning damage after I picked up a Mythical Evoker of Elgoloth. I'm hoping the more experienced players on Reddit can give it a critique and offer some insight as to the viability of the build beyond just theorycraft. <lb><lb>
[UK] Name change before getting full license
My provisional license has a minor spelling error in my name. I've booked a theory test and have until Monday to cancel or reschedule it. <lb>When it comes to applying for my full license after a practical test, do I have to fill out another form? If that's the case, can I add the correct spelling to my name during that? If not, do I have to apply for another provisional and go through the qualification stage all over again? <lb>What I don't want is to get another provisional with my name when I'm close to getting a full license. Or to have to redo a theory test with the new provisional.
PSA: how to clear massive buildings quickly
Some/most people may be aware of this... buuut...<lb><lb>If you have a large multistory building, clear all the walls/stairs/stuff that connect it to the ground. Everything above the first level will disappear. (Disclaimer: you will only get materials for stuff you use pickaxe on though)<lb><lb>This is great for quick homebase clears where material gathering doesn't matter and you need to clear building quickly.
Help with Ranged Battlemaster Maneuvers!
Hi, I recently hit level 7 in our SKT campaign. I'm playing a Variant Human ranged Battlemaster, with Sharpshooter and Xbow expert.<lb><lb>At level 7 you learn 2 more maneuvers, but I'm really conflicted about which ones to pick. Currently I have:<lb><lb>Precision Attack<lb><lb>Menacing Attack<lb><lb>Pushing Attack<lb><lb>and I have no idea what to pick for the level 7 ones. Trip attack looks decent, but our party is a full ranged one except for a Barbarian, so knocking people prone would be mostly a disadvantage for us. Rally is cool but it eats up my bonus action and I only have 12 Charisma anyway. Disarming attack sounds promising but I'm ranged and the weapon just falls at their feet where they can just pick it up again as a free action. Defensive maneuvers sound useless as my DM never even bothers to get to me in melee, mostly because of our Sentinel Barbarian locking people down.<lb><lb>What do you guys suggest? Thanks!<lb><lb>Edit: thanks to everyone for the thorough answers! It really helped me realize the potential of all the maneuvers I didn't consider to be very powerful. I'm probably going for Maneuvering Attack and either Goading for disadvantage on fear immune creatures or Trip Attack for giving my barb (and my cleric likes to melee too) easier targets, or execution style kills from 5ft away with my xbow (it's really a pistol, but just for fluff). Cheers
John Bannon Product Advice Please
Hello,<lb>I have beginner level skills. I own both volumes of Bannon's Move Zero which I like. I will probably buy his Penguin Live lecture. Which other of his books or dvds that are still available (not hard to find or out of print) would you recommend and why?<lb><lb>Thanks for your help.
Am I the only Bananas fan on this forum?
I understand he's not everyone's cup of tea, but even if you hate his personality, the show thrives with him as a cast member. Bananas is the perfect narrator (calculating and self-aware) and competitor (abrasive personality and strong athlete). Everyone is saying how they want him to skip a few challenges or retire, but the last time Bananas sat out a Challenge there wasn't that season-long narration that helped carry the story. Think about it this way... Now that Bananas is in the Oasis, you won't have to listen to quite as much Nelson narration.
Help rate beginning Faria deck??
I know it's nothing special, but I just wanted some opinions on where to go from here?<lb><lb>Deckname|Author|Date Posted<lb>:-|:-|:-:<lb>[Queen of the Red and White](|[dicknurse](|Aug 13th, 2016<lb><lb>Quantity|Cardname|Attributes<lb>:-:|:-|:-<lb>1|[Faria, the Sacred Queen](|Light<lb>4|[Rukh Egg](|Fire<lb>1|[Perceval, the Seeker of Holy Grail](|Light<lb>4|[Temple Monk](|Light<lb>3|[Young Knight of Gloria](|Light<lb>1|[Guinevere, the Jealous Queen](|Fire<lb>1|[Lancelot, the Knight of Mad Demon](|Fire<lb>2|[Galahad, the Son of the God](|Light<lb>4|[Hector de Maris, the Acolyte of Mad Demon](|Fire<lb>1|[Gawain, the Knight of the Sun](|Light<lb>2|[Veteran Master](|Light<lb>1|[Gareth, the Dauntless Knight](|Fire<lb>2|[Tristan, the Knight of Sorrow](|Light<lb>2|[Mordred, the Traitor](|Fire<lb>1|[Gwiber, the White Dragon](|Light<lb>4|[Justice of God's Sword](|Light<lb>4|[Pride of Knights](|Light<lb>2|[Demonflame](|Fire<lb>3|[Order of Sacred Queen](|Light<lb>2|[Flame King's Shout](|Fire<lb>2|[Gloria's Castle Town](|Light<lb>2|[Excalibur, the God's Sword](|Void<lb>7|[Light Magic Stone](|<lb>7|[Fire Magic Stone](|<lb><lb>**Sideboard**<lb><lb>Quantity|Cardname|Attributes<lb>:-:|:-|:-<lb>
Better idea for Fantastic beast adaptation?
I fell asleep watching the Fantastic Beast movie so I’m guessing it wasn’t great. I feel like it would be really well adapted into a TV show (not much knowledge on media rights). Each chapter would be an episode and use different characters to show the discovery or a crazy moment involving the creature.
A bit confused / disappointed / first official introduction
This whole trying for a baby thing is quite new to me. My husband and I got married in July in a destination that was rated level 2 for the Zika Virus. <lb>I personally wanted to start trying for children right away. I'm 31 well into my teaching career in Canada (I could be in a better position but I'm still in a pretty good position compared to some people). Unfortunately the Zika virus caught us off guard. <lb>So, it has been six months, I have never been on female birth control in my entire life. I would say I'm pretty in tune with my body. I have never had an abortion and honestly I have never had to pee on a pregnancy test. <lb>I have taken the day after pill twice in my life. Once when I was 16 and the condom broke and once after we returned from our wedding. (I know we were stupid. We were just so glad to be married). <lb><lb>Regardless, my confusion is based on what the apps and information state about CM and about the whole checking of the cervix. <lb><lb>I am so new and such a noob at all of this. But Ive been learning and tracking. So I have never really tracked my period. But I always felt it came on time and for the past 2 years I have been scheduling 4-5 week sugaring appointments successfully between periods without tracking. So I'd like to think I'm pretty on time. <lb><lb>I started using Glow (I've read that its not the best, but Im not into temping yet and glow is so much prettier) and it said that I was fertial the 9th to the 15th. I had sex the 7th, 13th and 15th. Then my husband got man sick (yuck). I experienced EWCM the 15th a couple days ago and then just now (like 20 min ago). I have only ever really experienced it while on the toilet the clear part hanging from your body to the water. <lb><lb>So my question is: Is this actually EWCM? is my ovulation schedule off? does it mean that I'm fertile during the entire EWCM period even though I have only experienced it those three times. I would say that it was water and slidy between those dates. <lb><lb><lb>sorry Im such a noob Im just trying to learn. I was going to buy a pregnancy test today but then it freaked me out because it would be the first time peeing on a test and I wanted it to be a more realistic time frame.
How do I get in contact with skilled seamstresses?
I have a business that makes custom products out of stretch fabric, which takes a high level of skill to work with. I want to keep manufacturing in the US, but have found it challenging to find large manufacturing companies with seamstresses skilled enough to meet our standards (our product cannot be made by industrial machines). <lb><lb>I've found a few seamstresses in my local area that have done a great job working from home once they've been trained to make our products, but am now needing to expand. <lb><lb>I was wondering if anyone in this sub could point me in the right direction as to where to get in contact with skilled seamstresses interested in contracting work. Any help is appreciated! <lb><lb>*edited industrial sewing machine. Brothers sewing machine has been our in-house sewing machine of choice*
What vehicles would you like to see implemented?
I for one would appreciate a pickup truck to fill the gap between transport and motorcycle in terms of speed, space and off-road capability. Currently only the armored vehicles with tracks disregard the speed penalty for off roading, at the cost of overall speed.<lb><lb><lb>Who else has ideas for some interesting vehicles? Feel free to throw in man powered vehicles (ex Field MG + Field Arty).
Most Underrated Scene? Drunk Ted Chaugh visiting Frank Gleason in the hospital (S6 E6)
Rewatching (again) and was stunned by this scene and how subtly great it is. You get an inside look into 2 fairly new characters but it feels so natural and calm. This is also when Ted describes Don in such an eloquent way, it feels so relatable and you just want them to keep talking. I always enjoy the other characters analysis of Don and this is one of the best. You know in an instant Ted is a character worthy of Mad Men. Not the best scene by any means, but deserves one of the most underrated.
Quick advice needed
So I just wrote out an incredibly long post with hopes of posting multiple screenshots, but I somehow messed up ( I'll take help on that too!) <lb><lb>Ive posted here a few times before and later deleted said posts so I'm really familiar with the NC letters and the cease and desist letters attorneys send out. <lb><lb>My 7 year old son got a 4 page letter in the mail today from my late husband's mother. Our relationship has been a series of NC, LC rinse and repeat. After the last 6 month span where MIL ( who lives 3 miles from us) didn't so much as text and ask about my son I told her she was wrong to expect him for Christmas. I went on to block her on my phone but she's been blocked from social Media for years. <lb><lb>In may she made a pity me Facebook post about not being invited to his 7th birthday party which I neither planned nor put out invites for because it was hosted by a group. This party ended up with a lot of media coverage and with my son being interviewed a few times. <lb><lb>So she posted, had a lot of people pity her and say she has grandparents rights. I was made aware of his post and contacted her ( really I lost my shit about her making his birthday about her, because everything had to be about her sadness and pain). I told her all of her second third and forth chances were done. She doesn't even know him when she sees him, he doesn't know here AT ALL. <lb><lb>She ramped it up a bit and sent him a few cards this summer. Today he got a 4 page letter in the mail that was absolutely sickening. She tells him how his daddy would want him to see her and the family ( husband didn't want some of them in our sons life at all), how she wants to see him, wants him to cash his birthday Check. Why did he cash his ( 7 dollar) birthday check?? A lot of guilt and manipulation clearly directed to me. <lb><lb>So, I read great things about NC and cease and desist letters. I need this to stop after sickening 7 year cycle. I spent two years in therapy crying not over being a young widow, but about these fucking shit in laws. <lb><lb>Do I need to send a no contact letter first?<lb><lb>How goes the process of seeking a cease and desist? <lb><lb>I need all my ducks in a row. Last year I was made aware the family had discussed trying to get custody of my son which would NEVER happen because I'm a pretty good mom and they all are alcoholics with DUIs, records, health issues and anger issues. My family is so incredibly supportive. <lb><lb>I can financially spend a decent amount of money, I just need to know exactly where to start. They are awful emotional and physically abusive people. <lb><lb>I just really need people with experience to give me steps to take. I do have a fair amount of documentation over the years and can count on people to back me up. <lb><lb>Thanks !
AP Delay Code Explanation (Code 93)
So I had just looked at my AP scores and my AP Computer Science A score had a Code 93 (score delay). I looked around on the internet and I got this code either because I took the test on the later test date (which I did on May 19th) or that CB suspects that there was cheating. What is a code 93 and will I get my score back?<lb><lb>Update: Called CB. That said that something was marked for review but their investigation came up empty so I should be getting my scores. If anyone else gets a Code 93 or other delay codes, just call CB.
High Impact Scout for PvE
Hi, I'd like to switch from a mid impact scout to a high impact one.<lb><lb>I got 3 Keystone 01, which one is it worth keeping?<lb><lb>1 - ORA/RLR5/OEG Riflescope | Armor Piercing Rounds/Lightweight | Perfect Balance/Triple Tap | Crowd Control<lb><lb>2 - ORA2/FLA5/Reflex | Explosive Rounds/Quickdraw | Perfect Balance/Outlaw | Zen Moment<lb><lb>3 - ORA/RLR5/OEG Riflescope | Extended Mag/Snapshot | Smallbore/Triple Tap | Hidden Hand<lb><lb>Is any of them more valuable then this Colovance's Duty?<lb><lb>OAS | Crowd Control | Perfect Balance | Hidden Hand<lb><lb>Thanks!
Setup mobile unit with battery power?
My friend just got me a used Kenwood nx 800, and I'd like to use it at home as a base station. I don't want to plug it in to the wall, as I don't have a proper place to put it. I was looking at batteries to plug directly into, and just charge the battery when it gets low. Any ideas on what I should be looking for?
Nap training after sleep training
Is it normal to feel like starting NAP training is "starting over"? We Ferberized for bedtime about a month ago and things have been going so great. However, for NAPS, baby has always relied on the bouncer, or the stroller or Ergo. Once in a while he'd fall asleep post-nursing and could be transferred to another spot. Anyway we recently decided that since we feel we've "mastered" bedtime to a degree, it was time to slay the second beast: naps. Um .... I'm very surprised by how much he's fighting this - wailing for minutes on end and acting very mad. It feels like starting over. I thought it would be so much easier after we got bedtime down . . . Is this typical?
I made a fat woman into a sprinter
This is going to be a pretty short one but it occurred to me that it belonged here. <lb><lb>Recently I ran my first ever marathon. The trail was so poorly marked it ended up being an ultra because I went off course several times. Thus, by the end of it, all my muscles were screaming in agony and I could hardly take a step. <lb><lb>The next day I head to Wally World to pick up a few things. I am full out hobbling at this point. My pace is a slow, painful limp. As I pass the doors there's only one motor scooter. To be clear, I had NO INTENTION of taking said scooter. Never even occurred to me. Apparently I looked like someone who needed it though. Enter fat lady. <lb><lb>She was so desperate to get the last motor scooter that when she saw someone hobbling towards it who as far as she knew actually needed it, she BROKE INTO A SPRINT. It was the fastest I've ever seen a fat person move. She sprinted past me as fast as she could and settled into the scooter, then victoriously scooted off into the sunset. <lb><lb>I hobbled past her in the store later on and she gave me the smuggest look. Like yes, good job, lady, you managed to defeat me in my quest for the scooter.
Weekly Ads Not Sending?
I signed up for weekly ads on GameStop's website, and when I sign up I usually get one, and then that's it and I don't get anymore for months. I do not know what is going on. I use GMail and the only thing I can think of is that GMail might block GameStop's domain address?<lb><lb>It's not in my spam, I just never get them period. Does anyone else know how to fix this? I do enjoy the ads because that's how I found out about the Buy 1 get 1 free GTA shark cards in November 2016 that nobody else even had going on.
Advice On 2nd Hand Drysuit
Its a Whites fusion bullet that fits me pretty well. I paid half of the asking price as a deposit to try it out and the results are mixed.<lb><lb>The zipper and suit is in, on the whole, in good shape. However, one wrist seal is completely torn out and the good one has holes in it, it leaks a little bit. <lb><lb>The neck seal is good but it is a bit big for me, it leaks a fair bit which is my main concern as a 10 min pool session got my shirt wet as low as my chest. (Wet enough to spread 10cm from the collar)<lb><lb>If I get all three seals fixed, it is going to cost a fortune and might match the price of a brand new one. <lb><lb>I am pretty torn right now, I might shave 50 or 60 dollars off if I tell him about that the "good" seal is bad. What do you guys think? Should I get it even if the price is reduced?<lb><lb>--------------<lb>tldr: Trying out a second hand drysuit and that is selling at 285CAD (225USD) but needs both wrist seals replaced. Also, the neck seal is a bit big for my neck, causing some leak. Should I get it?<lb><lb>edit:layout
Help writing story about volunteer firefighters
So, I'm a volunteer firefighter myself, and I was very interested in the histiry of the fire service in the cities before the paid fire service was formed. I'm looking into writing a story about an alternate universe where paid firefighting never became commonplace in the US, and volunteers instead continued to provide a majority of fire services to even the largest of cities. Paid firefighters are around, but volunteers still outnumber them greatly, and practically the only department that has no volunteers is the Federal Government/Military.<lb><lb>I would assume (and to an extent, hope) the technology in use in this bizarro world fire service isn't too different than today, except maybe some older equipment that isn't commonly in use today (three-quarter boots, long coats, belt-mounted regulators on SCBA, pompier ladders) never fully died out. I would also assume most VFDs in the cities would switch to the Prince George's County model of staffing to cope with rising call volumes and obviously don't use bells or sirens and whatnot to summon firefighters.<lb><lb>Would fights at fires still be a thing? Would old habits and terminology like "washing the tub" (pumping so fast that you cause the next pumper in line to overflow with water and overpower the pump), "plug uglies" (guys who would guard hydrants and stop outside companies from hooking up to them), and "masheen" (old term for fire apparatus) still be in use today? Would EMS even be a thing in the fire service? How much political power would this much, much larger volunteer fire service have? Would there still be a decline in volunteer firefighters like in real life? How would most of these departments be organized? How would newer areas like South Florida and the Southwest in general develop in particular?<lb><lb>Now, as for the story, what city should I cover? Also, you can leave a suggestion for a fire company name, something along the lines of Vigilant, or Perseverance, or Torrent, or Liberty, or Neptune most likely.
Roush vs Shleby GT500
I am trying to determine which is faster, and I've seen the dealership video with the two racing(Roush won 2/3). But I was wondering if it was just because of the bigass supercharger in the Roush. <lb><lb><lb>Also I can't find the same specs on any two websites, what are some trustworthy sources for this kind of thing?
Did the serpents overhear Hiram ?
I was watching the new episode and saw that the 3 serpents are sitting right behind Hiram and Hermoine as they talk about how they just bought Pop's. <lb><lb>Do you think this could carry over as a major point in the upcoming episodes or do you think the serpents didn't hear anything ?
What is required for getting your instrument rating?
I'm a new student pilot with only about 4 hours of flight time. I was just wondering what exactly are you tested on, ground and flight, when you're in pursuit of your instrument rating. Are they're any hour requirements? I know these are questions my instructor can answer, but I thought posting on reddit might be more efficient. Thank you for any help you r/flying redditors can provide.
First time bartender, certification question.
Hey guys, so I just landed my first bartending gig about an hour ago at TGI. I have zero professional experience, and the manager is aware of that so I'm not swindling him or anything. I know TGI has some sort of training program that all their bartenders need to go through, but I was wondering whether I'd have go through my own Basset card certification, or if in-store training at TGI (or anywhere) counts as that?
Honda Lead won't start after rain
Hi, I'm looking for help with my Honda Lead (2006) - it's been raining most of the day, and it took about 5 mins to kickstart it after work. 30 mins later stopped for petrol and was totally unable to restart it so pushed it the last mile home.<lb><lb>I'm assuming it's connected to wet weather as battery is almost new. Are there any basic checks I could do (as a non mechanic) to fix this or at least get a better idea of what the problem is?<lb><lb>*I've had it for about 3 years and have had to kickstart it before, this is the first time I couldn't make it work :(
What is the most effective way to practice scales, arpeggios, and modes.
I have been practicing scales for weeks repeatedly, but I can't seem to get them really stuck in my head or fingers. I'm not looking for any quick short-cuts because I know those don't exist, but I am looking for suggestions to practice that will at least make me feel like I am making progress while practicing.
Weapon Proficiencies for Soul Blade / Assassin?
I don't know much about the game and am already immediately lost. I can choose two weapon proficiencies. I know you have to be within 2m to backstab so ranged weapons are a no go but can I select a shield and in character creation it doesn't show any negative in doing so but is there to recovery time, hit chance or anything? Kinda lost on what to select, here.
App or website for specific metronome settings?
I'm looking for a metronome that can go up to 12/8 time with lots of rhythms.<lb><lb>I have a korg metronome set to no beats at 252bpm The rhythm is set like this on my metronome. What is this musical notation and where can I find this same setting only set higher up to 400bpm?<lb>
Some help requested
So I started my second world recently and I just wanted to ask for some mods that just give me a bit more information or that include shortcut keys to streamline my gaming session. Sadly enough I am forced to using a trackpad and therefor I find it easier to use shortcuts instead of having to drag my finger to the correct icon. And with the information I mean like stuff of potential power output instead of having to guess, clearer minimap (easier to see information at a glance) and stuff about potential production in the production menu. I think this has been asked before (most likely) so a link to those posts will also suffice as long as some good answer are given in said post. Thanks alot!
Glass Dildo
So my boyfriend and I own a couple vibrators and a few other small things. But I’m really looking at possibly trying to branch out and get something different that we haven’t yet to use in our sex lives. And so far that is a dildo I want more of a glass dildo because they’re pretty to me. So any dildo recommendations even if it’s not glass? We’re from the US. And I’d say nothing bigger than 8inches long and maybe 2-2.5 in girth.<lb><lb>Edit: doesn’t have to penis shaped either.
Gauntlet or ranked?
Which is the faster way of gaining gold? My current tactic is to simply grind out whatever quests I have in ranked, and then spend the rest of my time in gauntlet to build up gold. Assuming I can win 60-70% in ranked, would that be a better way of grinding?
Any experience with N-Tron managed switches?
Does anybody here have any hands-on experience with N-Tron managed switches, specifically the NT24k series? Are they reliable?<lb><lb>I'm looking at specifying them for a project where reliability is the number one priority, so some real world feedback would be appreciated.
Using Jib that is missing one piston hank?
Hi everyone. One of the piston hanks on my jib broke. I'm 100% going sailing tomorrow. I fully intend on replacing the hank tomorrow, but, if for some reason the marine store by me doesn't have the right size; how bad of an idea would it be to sail the Jib with a missing piston hank?<lb><lb>Talking 10-15 mph winds.
Just bought a Purple mattress, is there any need to change from a boxspring to platform?
I just replaced my existing soft top spring mattress with a purple mattress. Assuming it works out ok (if it doesn't I'll probably just try leesa or another competitor), is there any need to replace my current boxspring with the platform they recommend? It doesn't seem like it?<lb><lb>I currently have a queen bed frame with a 2-piece boxspring (basically two twin XL boxsprings side by side).
Question about setting up top rope anchor
I recently started climbing outdoors. I was shown to make a self-equalizing anchor (with the x) using a sling and 4 locking carabiners, and have done that since. However I've seen people make their anchor many other different ways. For example, with 2 slings instead of 1, with a cordette in a quad instead of a sling, or just 2 quickdraws (is the lase one somehow unsafe...?)<lb><lb>I'm curious about the different setups. Are they better (or worse) than what I'm doing now? Are there situations where one is more appropriate than an other? Or is it more just personal preference?
How am I supposed to improve my rating if I don’t know why I’m getting the ratings I’m receiving?
Title says it. I’d like to improve my rating (4.69), but there’s no feedback given with ratings so I don’t know what to do. I feel like courteous, I’m pretty quiet so I don’t make excessive noise, and I’m respectful of the vehicle. Not really sure what else to do. Any suggestions are appreciated.
Jensen's new Soloq account?<lb><lb>I've noticed this riot account very high on the challenger ladder. It was started about a month ago and it plays all the same champs that Jensen plays minus Ekko. Also, Jensens goodplayer95 account doesn't appear anywhere in its match history. I also checked, and it has most of the other LCS midlaners in there too, including Bjerg, Pobelter, Huhi and Goldenglue. Anyone else think this could be Jensen's secret account? <lb><lb>Edit: Just went through and found Soloq accounts for every NALCS midlaner besides Jensen himself in this accounts match history.
Trying to consume SOAP service with certificates etc... in VS2015.
Hi all,<lb><lb>I've been given the task of implementing card payment services in our website - the provider has provided an API through SOAP. <lb>I've gone to add a reference the standard way - i.e. through "Add Service Reference", but I simply get a "Could not establish secure channel for SSL/TLS with authority" error message.<lb><lb>I've tried adding it the old fashioned way via WebService but that fails with a similar message.<lb><lb>I've installed the client cert and the server cert (after a lot of hassle). I'm guessing that the user that is running the code through VS doesn't have access to the certs, maybe?<lb><lb>To be honest, I'm completely stumped, and the documentation from the provider is next to useless (which seems to be true on varying levels from most providers of these things).<lb>It simply says "here's a URL, go and use it"..."oh, and you'll need to install the certificates that we haven't provided to you in any way, shape or form" (got the last bit sorted after many, many emails back and forth.<lb><lb>Any idea how I can consume this SOAP service with certs through VS?
Term for gradual specialization of tools?
I can't remember if there was a term for this concept from Capital but it is about how tools gradually transform overtime to be more precise and specialized. almost like the division of labor but for tools. I was thinking if you could somehow create a visual representation for this it could help people understand marxist theory better.
is Terraria working on Lumia 640?
i have an iPhone 4s and i wannna switch to Lumia 640 because i like the Windows design and all that, but i love playing Terraria on my phone and as i heard, there is some kind of a crash bug so i dunno, is it still there?, will i be able to play Terraria on this phone with no lags and crashes?
Classical Archaeology and Culture History
I'm looking into Mediterranean archaeology grad programs, and I'm curious: is classical archaeology just culture history? As a person who’s background is largely processualist, I would like to approach Greco-Roman archaeology through a processual lens. Any suggestions for processual Greco-Roman archaeology grad programs? <lb>
Feature Request: Ability to have a different name on each exchange or have the exchange name on the shipping label.
I have an issue. It isn't a huge one, but it can cause problems. For all my exchanges I request that my Santas put the exchange it is for on the package due to mixups. <lb><lb>This round I had another mixup and I feel horrible about it. I got a really cool lamp from my Decorate the Dorm exchange, and then I got a really cool decorative pillow. I assumed they were both from the exchange. <lb><lb>Luckily that Santa messaged me and said that the pillow wasn't from them. So I posted it for the Fantasy exchange because that is who I assume sent it, but truthfully I am not sure. <lb><lb>I really wish instead of my reddit name or beside my reddit name I could add the exchange. Some groupings like Fairy Tales and Mythical Creatures might have heavy overlaps. <lb><lb>I hate posting thanking the wrong santa. And even thought I try to add in my information to include the exchange some people don't do it.
2001 Golf Wagon looking for some insight
Hello! <lb><lb>Trying to find some information on replacing a 2001 Golf Wagon starter (gas).... mine's gone out and going to the dealership is quite out of the range right now. Nor is it in the biggest of rushes. <lb><lb>I live in Japan, and I'm wondering if anyone had any international shipping websites they could recommend and if they had any direction on how to replace it as manuals are oh-so-specific (and not to mention, in Japanese). TIA
Was it a good idea for _____ to do what they did?
We all know Jessica's HOH was a bomb. A swing and a miss. A meatball move. Etc. She knows she's kinda fucked with Paul being HOH and the fact that she revealed that she has the temptation that can keep her and Cody safe "for weeks to come." <lb><lb>Was this smart? A type of insurance to make Paul maybe think twice before putting her or Cody up, or really stupid because now everyone knows who has the temptation and force her to use it by putting both of them up? Let me know what you think
[PAID] $50 to create a simple vector logo
I am looking to transform [this picture] ( into a neat basic vector logo; something similar to these kinds of things.<lb><lb>1. [1](<lb><lb>2. [2] (<lb><lb>Then, using [this] ( font, I would like the words curved inward like a circle around the image. From left to top to right do : "Secret Woodland" and then on the bottom from left to bottom to right : "Guardians"<lb><lb>[Secret Woodland Guardians]<lb><lb>
Training Fingers
I just wanted to know what /r/osugame's opinion was on whether or not stream training maps (those long maps that only have streams) are a good way to train your fingers to that BPM. I know for streaming in general this isn't efficient but in regards to simply getting your fingers to stream a certain range of BPMs, how good is it?
Arizona Spartan Saturday Detour
I just wanted to spread the word since I didn't see it posted but if anyone is running the Arizona Sprint on Saturday keep in mind the Phoenix Marathon is happening the same day. I saw this was posted in a Spartan Facebook group. Check the map on the marathon website to see if your hotel or route to Fort McDowell will be impacted. This also could be the reason why the Sprint is on Saturday instead of Sunday. Would be badass to run a marathon and then Spartan up after haha.<lb><lb><lb><lb>
Changing how the cars sounds when you change the exhaust in NFS2015.
So I remember seeing BlackPanthaas videos before NFS 2015 came out, after playing the E3 build he mentioned in many of his videos that you could change how the car sounds by changing different types of exhausts. I don't think this actually happens when you change exhausts and the car pretty much sounds the same. What are your thoughts?
Cruise to Caribbeans
Hi. I'm wondering what cruise ships that you recommend from experience for someone looking for a cruise to the Caribbeans in early June. Some pros and cons of certain companies could be helpful. Also looking for tips on what to do at the port stops. Thanks<lb><lb>Edit - Would anyone recommend one over the other for Labadi/San Juan vs Nassau and Charlotte Amalie?<lb><lb>Thanks for all the replies<lb><lb>Edit 2 - I'm in my 20s and going with my family. Just looking for things to see and do at the possible locations and wondering if one of the destinations has more to do than the other. I enjoy scenic landscapes and shopping.
Black Mirror Shut Up And Dance (S3 E3) made me think...
What would you do if someone sends you a video in which you're jerking off and starts blackmailing you, but you're watching normal porn so you tell them to go fuck off and release it. But then they send you a video of you jerking off and your screen at the same time, but instead of the normal porn that you were watching they've put cp. What would you do then? If you still went ahead and told them to fuck off, how would you explain it to the police after the video is released? Also, don't forget that they have a trojan horse on your computer so they can edit your browser history and put whatever they want in there.
Samsung phones on China flights
A family member of mine tells me that while flying around China last week, she heard on the intercom something about Samsung phones not being permitted on flights. <lb>I immediately assumed she probably heard "Samsung Galaxy Note 7" (the specific model with the exploding battery issue) rather than all Samsung phones in general, and granted she's not very tech-savvy.<lb><lb>Could someone please clarify for me any such restriction? I am getting a Galaxy S8 Plus, and plan on visiting China around winter.<lb><lb>Thanks!
[request] I want to learn about the deep state from a soothing voice
If any asmrtists out there are preoccupied with countercultural topics like the secret state, deep state and other intelligence community antics... I'd love to hear the subject broached in a soft voice, calmly, for hours on end. <lb><lb>The idea struck me when I heard [Jacqueline Kennedy giving a tour of the White House.](<lb><lb>I'm not requesting any particular script but here are a couple of videos for orientation: <lb>[C3TV - Seeing The Secret State: Six Landscapes](<lb><lb>[DEF CON 22 - Richard Thieme - The Only Way to Tell the Truth is in Fiction - YouTube](
Need some help with my resume - moving in 6 weeks
We're moving to a new city because my wife got offered her dream opportunity. Unfortunately I won't be able to keep my current position. I'm looking for something in the fin-tech industry but I'm also wanting to get back into strategy and operations.<lb><lb>Please let me know where I might need some help on my resume! <lb><lb>
Fibaro Motion Sensor Automation Help
My first attempt at automation in HomeAssistant has been a miserable failure for hours. The condition doesn't ever appear to trigger. What am I doing wrong?<lb><lb> automation:<lb> - alias: 'Hall Light On'<lb> <lb> trigger:<lb> - platform: numeric_state<lb> entity_id: sensor.fibaro_system_fgms001_motion_sensor_burglar_4<lb> to: '8'<lb> - platform: state<lb> entity_id: light.aeotec_led_bulb_level_3<lb> state: 'off'<lb> <lb> condition: use_trigger_values<lb> <lb> action:<lb> service: homeassistant.turn_on<lb> entity_id: light.aeotec_led_bulb_level_3<lb> <lb> - alias: 'Hall Light Off'<lb> <lb> trigger:<lb> - platform: numeric_state<lb> entity_id: sensor.fibaro_system_fgms001_motion_sensor_burglar_4<lb> to: '0'<lb> - platform: state<lb> entity_id: light.aeotec_led_bulb_level_3<lb> for:<lb> minutes: 7<lb> <lb> condition: use_trigger_values<lb> <lb> action:<lb> service: homeassistant.turn_off<lb> entity_id: light.aeotec_led_bulb_level_3
Want to play SC2 for charity with co-workers? Join the After Hours Gaming League (registration opens today)
Registration for the Spring 2018 season is [now open]( and features Dota 2, Overwatch, League of Legends, and StarCraft II. Anyone who works 30+ hours/week can play for their company in Saturday matches. For more details and help finding other players at your company check out [our handbook]( and [Discord server](<lb><lb>##What is the AHGL <lb>A modern twist on traditional corporate sports leagues like softball and basketball, the AHGL encourages fun, teamwork, and friendly competition on the battlefields of top esports titles. Last season we donated $31,000 to charity on behalf of the winning teams. All skill levels are welcome and we do our best to keep matches evenly paired. Matches happen every Saturday and the first 7-8 weeks are non-elimination matches.<lb><lb>##New This Season <lb><lb>**Discord** - Join our [AHGL Discord server]( and say hi even if you don’t have a team! Find other players at your company using our custom bot command that lists you on the #looking-for-team digital notice board. <lb><lb>**Spring and Fall Seasons** - With so many top esport titles out there today we’ll now be running two season per year each with a different lineup of games. We’re expecting Fall 2018 to include Hearthstone and Heroes of the Storm with CS:GO, Rocket League, and more also being considered. <lb><lb>**Battlefy** - A huge thank you to [Battlefy]( for streamlining our player and admin experience with their tournament management platform.
Prizes for Comps, starting with the current one, #200!
I am rather excited to announce that, starting with the current competition, the cubicle will resume random prizes for our weekly competition. As per the previous prize structure, every competition will get $5, and every tenth will get $10 instead. The prize will be given to a random competitor every week, and I will try to make a video of the selection to confirm fairness ( woohoo!)
OBC uses?
Going on NCL in May, and it's my first time having any OBC. I pre-purchased my spa pass (because my luck they would sell out before departure), and we have the specialty dining and UBP add-ons.<lb><lb>What would you suggest hubs and I use our OBC for? Just like to hear others' suggestions. 😁
so question about how useful zaw's are.
Are zaws anything to even touch? i get some are best in class and the justification really tilts me. yes. they are best in class, one handed swords, daggers, polearms, etc etc BUT these are all clases that for the most part are bad... bad end game and bad dps/range... i mean look at daggers? their entire use is use covert and make something open to finishers. even using the new stance that forces finishers that 4-8? hits? "i havnt used it" for 1 kill at point blank range... im just curious are zaw's actually GOOD for anything? are their any arcanes that make them good? or more importantly BETTER or more enjoyable to use than other fully built weapons?
I'm a librarian and "instructor" at a community college with a few baccalaureate programs. How should students address me?
I never know what title I should use at work. I am a faculty librarian. I'm a pretty informal human so I tend to think everyone, including students, should call me by my first name. However, I think it's awkward for some students and possibly diminishes my authority as an instructor and librarian. Does anybody have advice on this? I have a MLS, not a doctorate.
Conure just dropped a strange looking feather.
Less than an hour ago, my 21 year old nanday conure pulled out [this wing feather w/...something on the end of it.]( Anyone know what it is? <lb><lb>She wasn't bleeding afterwards and didn't appear to be in pain, but she has just gotten over a bad yeast infection which went undetected for a long time. The avian vet is closed for the weekend, so I want to see what you think before I go the emergency route.
Tor on fedora 25?
As the title says i'm trying to use tor on fedora. I get <lb><lb> # [warn] directory /run/tor cannot be read: Permission denied<lb> # [warn] Before Tor can create a control socket in "/run/tor/control", the directory "/run/tor" needs to exist, and to be accessible only by the user and group account that is running Tor. (On some Unix systems, anybody who can list a socket can connect to it, so Tor is being careful.)<lb><lb>and can't seem to find a solution online. The directories and files from the warning exist and are owned by toranon.
Someone Should Know
I'm undiagnosed but I know I have AVPD. I've been trying to talk to a therapist for a few years but I can never talk about my feelings. I've always had anxiety problems and it has effected every aspect of my life. I dropped out of high school and tried to get my GED but gave up on that. I can't find the courage to learn how to drive, let alone go into the dmv. I live in a rural town and can't drive so I rarely leave my house. I've never had a job and I can't even imagine doing an interview for a job. All of these things make it impossible for me to convince some girl to ever be in a lasting relationship with me (which has never happened). I'll be 24 this year and I just can't see things getting better for me. I've given myself an expiration date. If I don't make any progress by the time I'm 40 I'm going to end it. The thought used to scare me. It still does. I don't want to die. Especially not without experiencing life. But I can't keep suffering without it meaning something. I'll keep going to therapy and trying to get better but I don't want to live with the regret of wasting away. That was my rant. I've never told anyone how I feel and I figured this is the best place to go.
[Landlord-OH] Creative Tax Write Offs
Hi everyone, I'm a first year landlord and I've been working hard on keeping note of every cent I put toward my new business so that I'm ready to go for tax season. I wanted to see if anyone out here with some experience in this had any creative suggestions for write offs I may not be considering. Thanks!
[VTM] Looking for a ritual
Hey, I was wondering if a following ritual exists within the WoD universe. So far I haven't found it but maybe there is something similar. Here goes:<lb><lb>Is there a ritual that allows the user to experience or relive memories of another person, kindred or other supernatural creature?
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