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0.042726 | <urn:uuid:dd07a526-4df0-41a5-9472-14a132f81217> | en | 0.903163 | More featuring Bert Kelly» , Smoking»
Bert Kelly, “Dreams up in smoke,” The Bulletin, September 11, 1984, p. 146.
I think Fred must be going through some queer change of life or something. I told how he went to Queensland recently to buy a sugar farm and how he returned with his tail between his legs, without a farm and disillusioned about the myth that Sir Joh’s government is the last bastion against socialism. Fred’s latest craze is to buy a tobacco farm. He has found out that the average tobacco farmer gets an annual subsidy from the government of about $25,000 and he wants to get his trotters into that trough.
How he blundered across this information, I do not know. It is true that I wrote about tobacco in my book Economics Made Easy, but I didn’t think that Fred would ever bother to read it; at least, that is the impression he has always given me.
I thought I would throw cold water on the idea by telling him that a lot of the tobacco was grown in Queensland and he is sad about Queensland at the moment. But he knew that there was a lot of tobacco grown near Myrtleford, in Victoria. This is where we went.
We took Eccles with us this time. Fred agreed to this because he knew that there were a lot of hidden lurks in tobacco that are hard to dig out. Usually I dislike travelling with Fred and Eccles together; they niggle at each other a lot and this makes life rather a strain. And if they are not doing this, they are combining to keep me in my place. “You are having too much to say, Bert,” one of them says. “You seem to think you are back in parliament. You keep quiet and you might learn something.”
So the three of us headed for Myrtleford: Eccles with his briefcase full of reports, Fred full of the hope of getting his sticky fingers on this $25,000 subsidy money and I with my head full of foreboding. It is a lovely area, one that you would think could grow almost anything. Still, if the government were paying you $4,000 a hectare to grow tobacco, I suppose there would be little temptation to grow something else.
When we got there, Fred went into a land agent’s office to see about buying a tobacco farm, but he soon came out against with a long face to tell us that, as with sugar, you have to have a quota before you can start. They do not insist your being of superior morality, as they do in Queensland; in Victoria all they want is your money.
It seems that the market price for a tobacco quota is about $4 for the right to supply a kilogram of leaf and, as the average production a farm is about 14,000kg, this makes the average quota worth $56,000. This is before you buy the land.
Fred felt even worse when Eccles told him that one of the reasons why the US refused to remove its damaging duties against our wool — about which we complain so often and so rightly — is because of the barriers we place against the importation of their tobacco. I know that Eccles is right about this because I have heard an official of the US embassy say so on a TV program.
I know that some people think that Eccles and I are hard men, devoid of the milk of human kindness. Eccles indeed is like this, but I have a nicer side to my nature, deeply hidden though it may be. To demonstrate this, I am launching a campaign to persuade the government to pay each tobacco farmer $2000 a hectare not to grow tobacco.
According to Eccles’ figuring, this would make the Treasurer happy because now he has to pay out in various devious ways about $4000 for each hectare of tobacco and, as there are about 6600 hectares of tobacco, it must be costing him more than $13 million a year. I know it is hard to make treasurers happy and that is why they nearly all have long faces, but surely saving half of this $13 million would make them smile.
Certainly my idea would make the growers happy. Just fancy being paid $2000 for not growing a hectare of tobacco. You could sit in the shade and scratch yourself or use the land to grow something else. So the tobacco growers would love the government — and governments love being loved.
The woolgrowers would love the government, too, if this action induced the US to remove its duties against our wool. We are always moaning about the wicked way other countries, particularly those in the EEC, place barriers in the way of our exports and we wonder why no one takes much notice of us. Here is a chance to demonstrate our sincerity.
If my scheme were adopted, there would be about 1000 tobacco growers, 90,000 woolgrowers and all the tax-payers on the same side for once, all determined to love the government. So it should not be hard to get my idea adopted.
They really ought to make me an ambassador or something. I understand that the post in Outer Mongolia is still vacant.
(in order of appearance on
1. Bert Kelly on his journalism
2. Move for a body of Modest Members
3. Modest Members Association
4. Bert Kelly's Maiden Parliamentary Speech
5. Government Intervention
6. 1976 Monday Conference transcript featuring Bert Kelly
8. Sound economics calls for quiet from government
9. Petrol for Farmers
10. Some Sacred Cows
11. Experiences in Parliament
12. Spending your Money
13. Is Taxmania a politician fetish?
14. How Bert Kelly repays a free feed
15. Modest column #898
17. Who needs literary licence?
18. A touch of Fred's anarchy
19. Helping the farmers help themselves
20. Standing on the shoulders of the downtrodden
21. Supply and Demand
22. Bert Kelly responds to claims he is arrogant and uncredentialed
23. Politics: it's a very confusing business
24. The best featherbeds run on rails
25. Bert Kelly on Disaster Relief
26. Bert Kelly Wants to Secede
27. Blinded by their tears
28. Anti-freedom pro-tobacco industry lobby harmed Australia
29. Under Labor, is working hard foolish?
30. An Idiot's Guide to Interventionism
31. Is free priceless healthcare worthless?
32. Can government kiss it better?
33. Bert Kelly Destroys the Side Benefits Argument for Government
35. First Modest Member (Bert Kelly) AFR Column
36. Second Modest Member (Bert Kelly) AFR Column
37. Third Modest Member (Bert Kelly) AFR Column
38. Fourth Modest Member (Bert Kelly) AFR Column
39. Fifth Modest Member (Bert Kelly) AFR Column
40. Sixth Modest Member (Bert Kelly) AFR Column
42. Bert Kelly, Bastard or Simple Sod?
43. Liberal Backbencher Hits Govt. Over Import Restrictions
44. Bert Kelly feels a dam coming on at each election
45. Bert Kelly Enters Parliament
46. Why take in one another's washing?
48. Gillard's galley-powered waterskiing
49. State Premiers are always asking for more taxing powers
50. Can price control really work?
51. Should we put up with socialism?
52. We're quick to get sick of socialism
53. Time the protection racket ended
54. Can't pull the wool over Farmer Fred
55. People not Politics
57. The inspirational incentivising Dear Leader Gough Whitlam
58. Labor: a girl who couldn't say no
59. Why leading businessmen carry black briefcases
60. Ludwig von Mises on page 3 of AFR
61. Bert Kelly's empowering feminism
62. Another shot at motor car madness
64. What if the whole country is swindled?
65. Moss Cass: "Flood plains are for floods"
66. A worm's eye view
67. Eccles returns to haunt us
68. How to grip a politician's ear
69. It's hard to digest this economic cake
70. Time to Butcher "Aussie Beef"
71. Cold water on government-instigated irrigation schemes
72. Hooray for Ord River Dam!
73. Tariffs paid by exporters
74. The problem of principles v popularity
76. Against guidance by government
77. A socialist in Liberal clothing
78. Never ask the government to help
79. Don't listen to economists!
80. Bert Kelly's revolutionary strategy
81. Welfare state incentivises bludging and being thrown out of work
82. It all sounds like bloody politics to Fred
83. Mavis wants me to get in for my chop
84. Whitlam's July 1973 25% tariff cut
85. Bert Kelly on Import Quotas
87. Barriers to imports are barriers to exports
89. Kicking the multinationals is too easy
90. Bert Kelly reviews The War Diaries of Weary Dunlop
91. Bert Kelly reviews We Were There
92. Tariffs get the fork-tongue treatment
93. Bert Kelly reduces government to its absurdities
94. Politician sacrifices his ... honesty
95. It's all a matter of principle
96. Bert Kelly Destroys the Infant Industry Argument
97. Bert Kelly Untangles Tariff Torment
98. Bert Kelly resorts to prayer
99. Eccles keeps our nose hard down on the tariff grindstone
101. Even if lucky, we needn't be stupid
102. Great "freedom of choice" mystery
103. Small government's growth problem
105. A Modest Member rakes the embers
106. Tariffs Introduced
107. More About Tariffs
108. Sacred cow kicker into print
110. Modest Member must not give up
112. Tariff-cut nonsense lives on
113. Bert Kelly brilliantly defends "theoretical academics"
114. The high cost of protection
115. Generosity creates problems
116. The Society of Modest Members
118. Modesty ablaze
119. Case for ministers staying home
121. Animal lib the new scourge of the bush
122. The Association for the Prevention of Cruelty to Krill
123. modest members society
125. Thoughts on how to kill dinosaurs
126. Let's try the chill winds
127. Taking the Right's road
130. A look at life without tariffs
131. The Gospel according to Bert
133. Why costs can't be guaranteed
134. Hitting out with a halo
137. Bert Kelly Destroys the Freeloading Justifies Government Argument
138. Industrial Relations Club shovellers
139. From Shann to Stone
140. Government Intervention
Government Interference
141. A sojourn in the real world
142. The tariff wind swings
143. Bigger Cake = Bigger Slices
144. Bert Kelly on the Political Process
145. A charabanc called protection
146. Taken for a ride - to nowhere
147. Down hill, in circles, all the way
148. Economic facts and figures are statistics who should speak out
150. Relationships with the Liberal Party
151. Tariffs = High Prices + World War
152. Bert Kelly's Family History
153. Bert Kelly's Pre-Parliament Life
154. What the MP could say to the Bishop
155. Why Bert Kelly was not even more publicly outspoken
157. How to stand aside when it's time to be counted
159. My pearls of wisdom were dull beyond belief
160. Bert Kelly on Political Football
161. Undigested morsels in Fraser spew
162. Bert Kelly on LSD
163. Bert Kelly reflects on the Australian car industry in 1992
164. Bert Kelly wants reprinted Shann's Economic History of Australia
165. If tariffs are opposed here then why not there?
166. The emperor has no textiles, clothing and footwear sense
167. Ross Gittins Wins Bert Kelly Award
169. This is the wall the Right built
170. Tariff Protection in Australia (1970)
171. Has Santa socked it to car makers?
172. Is the Budget a cargo cult?
173. Will we end up subsidising one another?
174. Keeping the bucket of worms alive
176. Do we want our money to fly?
177. Can a bear be sure of a feed?
178. How to impress your MP -
ambush him
180. Don't feel sorry for him -
hang on to his ear
181. Trade wars can easily end up on a battlefield
182. Tariffs Create Unemployment
183. Bert Kelly recommends Ayn Rand
187. Bert Kelly baits Welfare State Tiger
188. Why does Govt wear two faces?
189. Parliament a place for pragmatists
190. Of Sugar Wells and Think-Tanks
192. Bert Kelly on dumping duties
193. The Govt's helping hand often hurts
194. Unbuckling the hobbles on the motor industry
195. A Modest Farmer looks at the Problems of Structural Change
196. Government Fails Spectacularly
197. Know your proper place if you want the quiet life
198. Bert Kelly on political speech writers
199. Having your cake and eating it
200. Perish the thawed!
201. Hooray for Northern Development!
202. Politicians can resist everything except pressure
203. The silly image of our MPs
204. Bert Kelly Question Time highlights
205. Modest Farmer sees his ideas take hold
207. Fondling one another's glass haloes
209. Fred's Feeling: Counterpatriotic country contrarian
210. Handouts for big boys only
211. Mavis trying to buy a hand loom
212. Bad news for bearers of bad news
214. Why farmers resent tariff protection for motor makers
215. A sordid use of scare tactics
216. Goods vs services
217. Tariffs are hilariously counterproductive
218. The dilemmas of Aboriginal Affairs
219. Bert Kelly on decentralisation
220. Inflation breeds moral decay
221. Who envies equality?
222. Growth – malignant or benign?
223. Government wiser than Magna Carta
224. Bert Kelly on looking to politicians for moral leadership
225. Max Newton: Maverick in Exile
226. Whitlam & co on the Dismissal
227. 25% Tariff Cut
228. Bert Kelly on pensions
229. The backseat drivers of the Pilbara
231. They get the wind up when it changes
232. Why the Big Green Lie survives
234. Bert Kelly on the importance of exchange rate movements
235. Bert Kelly shows how to attack
236. Bert Kelly vs Bert Kelly vs Bert Kelly
237. Industrial relations dinosaur, Bruce, chews his cud
238. Hooray for "firmly entrenched"!
239. Respect your dinosaurs
241. A case for ministerial inertia
242. Why politicians don't like the truth
243. Our great open spaces
244. Ominous dark clouds are gathering
245. Better to be popular than right
246. Crying in the wilderness
247. Ivory tower needs thumping
250. Feet in a bucket of champagne
251. Rural Problems
252. Health cover needs a $30 excess clause
253. Unholy state of taxation
254. Boring economics worth a smile
255. The Libido for the Miserable
256. Agricultural Development and Tariffs
257. Fred's too poor to have principles
258. Eccles Law of the constant wage share
260. Low tariff torch burnt Eccles' fingers
261. A cow of a car — with dual horns
262. Tariffs: when to wean infant BHP?
263. Keep any government as far as possible from farming
264. The Playford charade is out of date
265. Bert Kelly: the odd man out who's now in
266. Dries must resist giving up struggle as going gets tough
267. How a well meaning Government can be so stupid
268. The icing on the economic cake
269. Sir Roderick Carnegie's foreword to Bert Kelly's Economics Made Easy
270. The Vale of Popularity and the Protection Procession
273. Bert Kelly on Free Enterprise
276. Bert Kelly vs Doug Anthony
277. You're lucky if you escape being helped by government
278. Bert Kelly on Small Farmers
279. Bert Kelly on Apathy
281. The last "Dave's Diary"
282. Bert Kelly vs The Australian on tariffs in 1977
283. Bounties or Tariffs, Someone Pays
284. Geriatric companies without a minder
285. A free marketeer wary of free trade
286. Nixon's puzzling profession of faith
288. Clyde Cameron's weak ways with wise words
289. Why flaunt what others flout?
290. Bert Kelly yearns for Tim Flannery's powers of prediction
291. Looking after yourself is silly
293. Government can take credit for our car industry mess
294. Car makers want the 4wd driven deeper into tariff bog
296. Auto industry is in a straitjacket
297. Bert Kelly on market predictions
298. Why should dryland farmers subsidise irrigation farmers?
300. Clarkson crowned Deputy Government Whip
301. Bert Kelly to blame for soaring government healthcare costs
302. 1959 return of Dave's Diary
303. Bert Kelly in 1966 on developing northern Australia
304. Successful government intervention can [sic] occur
305. Vernon Report upholds Clarkson
306. Quiet Man Makes An Impact
307. Should it be compulsory to buy footwear and clothing?
309. Don't confuse plucking heart strings with plucking harp strings
310. Speech only for public
311. Catchy Tariff Circus Extravaganza
312. Bert Kelly in 1985 on cars yet again
313. Hurrah for the Gang of Five
314. Thoughts on a verse about Balfour
315. Bert Kelly pep talk to politicians
316. Government intervention = Agony postponed but death brought nearer
317. Recipe for disaster: Freeze!
318. Recipe for government intervention: Gather winners and scatter losers
319. Recipe for industry destruction: Blanket market signals
320. Mavis writes!
321. Bert Kelly's empiricism is not kneejerk reaction kind
322. The $2,000 song of the shirt worker
323. Subsiding only small farmers means subsiding the big banks
327. Growing bananas at the South Pole
328. Car components tariff protection under fire
329. Why carry a $300m car subsidy?
330. Tariff feather beds for the foreign giants
331. Bert Kelly says end compulsory voting to stop donkey vote
332. Perhaps being smart and insured isn't all luck
333. You gets your tariff, you pays a price
334. More funds to train Olympians?
335. Fire in their guts and wind in ours
336. Should free universal healthcare include pets?
337. Sound advice from a modest farmer
338. A tottering monument to intervention
339. Cunning meets wisdom
341. Australians are proud patriotic parasites, says Bert Kelly
342. Taxpayer-funded sport is cheating
343. Being loved by all is not always a good thing
344. Welfare State Destroys Society
345. 1980 Bert Kelly feather bed series
346. The White Mice Marketing Board
348. One small step on the compulsory voting landmine
349. The free & compulsory education sacred cows have no clothes
350. Holding a loaded wallet to an economist's head
351. Political No Man's Land
352. Only blind greed demands both equality and prosperity
353. A cow that sucks itself — that's us!
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0.022642 | <urn:uuid:e164c737-07dc-49ce-b95f-1a9e44da6987> | en | 0.934674 | Kerala Cuisine
Indian food is often flavored with the non-scalding spices such as cinnamon, cardamom, ginger, cloves garlic, cumin, coriander and turmeric. Spices are used in India to tone up the system the way wines aid the digestion of Western Cuisine.As for the Cuisine of Kerala, it is midly flavored, gently cooked and has a certain genteel delicacy on the stomach. An example is the rich biriyanis of the northern parts of Kerala. The Malabar Biriyanis.
Travancore Cuisine - Popular Dishes and recipes
Malabar Cuisine - Popular dishes and recipes
Few other interesting recipes
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| | dclm-gs1-177541087 |
0.066196 | <urn:uuid:396a900d-0f44-4018-8ee7-92d19e4b8562> | en | 0.974451 | Monday, April 07, 2008
The Ponse-maestro
Just come home from the pictures to witness David McWilliams in mid flow on Questions & Answers on RTE. To clarify at the outset, I find McWilliams to be THE most annoying Irish person in history. Why do they keep putting him on the telly? I don't care how great an economist he is it's his patronising lecturing tone and hand gesticulations drive me up the wall. And this is even more annoying when he's on a programme that's meant to be fast paced with opinions going back and forth - until he gets the mike and sucks everything into his ego.
After he droned on for 2 mins, saying what the average person would say in 20 seconds, you could feel Bowman and the panel and the audience thinking, kill me now but please shut the feck up. Or maybe that was just me.
1. Sorry Milan I love the little red haired pixie!
I mean L O V E......I love to hear people talk, maybe that's it? It's not always what you say but the number of adjectives you use to descride a noun that makes you interesting!
2. I just think he's handsome and cute. :-)
3. I saw him in Itsa Bagel with his wife and kids - gorgeous kids!
he's a bit odd looking, I thought. Sorta froggy...
4. what i hate about the ginger dude is the fact his surname is so damn close to my website name, little cock knocker that he is.
5. Jealousy will get all of us nowhere. I'm sure the rest of the panel were equally fascinating Milan ;) | | dclm-gs1-177551087 |
0.022836 | <urn:uuid:0aafded3-619a-4626-a5cf-e5dca82b028e> | en | 0.668134 | Effect System
Monadic Effect Handlers
Programming effect system with single Monad and Effect Handlers.
record effect (v:Type) (r:Type): Type := (values: v) (resource: r) (computation: (v → r)) (handler: effect v r → monad effect v r) data RA: Type := (intro: effect nat (random nat)) data IO (t:Type): Type := (intro: effect t (file t)) data EX (t:Type): Type := (intro: effect () (exception t))
data Eff.Monad (eff: list effect) (m: Type → Type) (a: Type): Type := (intro: eff m a xs (\ (v: Type) → xs) → monad_eff xs m a)
record Eff.Handler (e: effect) (m: Type → Type): Type := (action: ∀ (r: res) (eff: e t res resk) (k: ∀ (x: t) → resk x → m a) → m a) | | dclm-gs1-177721087 |
0.034269 | <urn:uuid:4e6d43c1-0e74-40ab-ba96-179582e2a962> | en | 0.981874 | Some people...
I think I just need to vent my feelings...having all this anger inside is not healthy.
Last night I received the unexpected, I was verbally insulted and disrespected in such a way that I have never experienced in all of my entire life. And from someone who admitted and repeated that they don't know anything about me, yet continued to insult me as though they did know who I am.
I was insulted about who i am as person, what life aspirations I may or may not have, down to my physical apprearance which indicted the choices and preferences of my boyfriend.
I know who I had and what I'm not. I know what I look like and nor do I wish to be upheld by others people's standards of beauty, I hold my own beauty to my own standards. And last time I checked my boyfriend knows exactly what I look like and doesn't have a single problem with it so it shouldn't bother you. Nevermind that your not my type. My true friends and family knows who I am. They know my faults and virtues. They and I know that i am truly a kind, generous, heart warming, funny, smart and beautiful person. And besides only God can truly judge me weather its your belief or not.
Who gives anyone the right or the idea that they are entitled to make judgements on other people and hold them as fact.
What I've come to learn over the years is that people judge and insult out of hatred, jealousy, personal vindication and motives. All of which are ugly aspects of humanity. Worse part of it is when asked what was the reason or what tiggered the actions, the response was simply nothing.
If you have a problem with someone or something, it can be resolved in an adult manner, and not having to result to child like tactics to achieve what you want.
Even though I have said a mouthful, in trying to release some of this anger. I feel no different, nor better or worse. Words hurt, they are remembered. But everything that I have surpassed in my life, this too will become a distant memory and another obstacle that I have overcome.
Now you will never really get to know who I am, that's too bad.
Because I'm awesome.
Never again...
will I ever think its ok to drink...a lot on a weekday. I tried everything in my power to not be hungover.
#1 I now realize that I can't recover from being drunk as quickly as when I was younger. However, I still thought that I could handle it. I wake up this morning praying for more sleep, walking sideways to the bathroom. Everytime I close my eyes, my head spins.
I try to convince myself that I will be better after a shower. I almost fell about 6 times during that 15 minutes.
I know I need aspirin fast, but I can't find them anywhere. All I could find were a bunch of sleeping pills. Honestly I gave up looking for them quickly, my head hurt too badly to keep searching. I figured someone at work has to have at least one.
No one did, but my coworker/partner in crime was nice enough to buy me some. Which really helped, even though I spent a majority of the morning feeling like crap. By the afternoon I felt zombie like.
Needless to say I will NEVER EVER AGAIN drink like that on a weekday except Friday. Guess I can add that to my Murtaugh List -- "I'm too old for this stuff."
Explained by the show "How I Met Your Mother"...sorry I don't have a clip.
Stupid Dreams
Or who knows, maybe its a ghost waking me up!
Punch me in the face...
So I know that I have disappeared as usual but I've been either busy or tired. Sorry I'm only human...for now. Below I have listed a couple of reasons for my disappearance...yes I am defending myself.
1. My laptop is bye bye so I rely on boyfriend's laptop
2. His laptop got a virus so that kinda went out the door so I Imma try my phone
3. My phone then got stolen and then shut off for a little while
4. Super busy writing papers, reading endless chapters for school.
5. My boyfriend thinks I'm a full time maid and personal assistant.
6. I gotta fit my life somewhere in there!
7. With all this being said, I naturally get very tired. So a girls gotta take a rest sometime, right?
Needless to say I have been acupada. Please don't hate me. All I can is try. I have tons of ideas and pics to share but only of I had enough time. Hopefully once I get my laptop (when I can afford it!) I can get some blog entries a lot sooner than later.
Buenos its 1130ish pm and I have to wake up about 30ish minutes earlier than usual (stupid staff meetings!) So gotta go to sleep and I will talk to yas soon. | | dclm-gs1-177861087 |
0.029251 | <urn:uuid:71321e10-6a9d-4315-ad7d-a58daa5c2a3a> | en | 0.967591 | Fall woods
Fall woods
Saturday, March 9, 2013
Feeling Taken For Granted?
Last night, I'd had enough. I sometimes feel like just the cook/housekeeper/chauffeur around here, and it seemed like anytime anyone talked to me, it was to ask me to clean something or cook something or get something or do something for them. And invariably right after I sat down or started doing something else. I actually took myself upstairs for a time out at one point.
The truth is, I know that I'm loved. I know that my family appreciates what I do for them. But they don't always remember to say thank you, or even (in the case of the kids) to use their manners when they ask me for something. It gets really frustrating.
But another truth is that I don't always remember to show my appreciation, either. Himself is a good and loving man and I am very happy to be married to him. I know that sometimes I take him for granted too.
Read an article yesterday about the importance of appreciation in relationships, and how often divorces result from one partner feeling unappreciated for an extended period. It started with a quotation from William James: "The deepest principle in human nature is the craving to be appreciated."
Ain't that the truth. Major food for thought.
So, instead of getting mad, I will try to remember to explain how I feel when I feel unappreciated, so that hopefully it will happen less frequently. And I will try to remember to show my own appreciation more often, too, for the kids as well as Himself.
Sounds like a pair of good Lenten resolutions, at a bare minimum. Pity we're halfway through already, but they say it takes at least two weeks to form a new habit, and these would be habits worth forming. Especially if they help to preserve my marriage!
1. "Craving to be appreciated" => SO TRUE!!!
2. We survive a lot with humor. We make a joke about everything, and even our fights end (carefully) with a joke. Somehow, as long as we're sensitive about how we do it, we can get out a lot of steam that way, including feeling unappreciated.
3. Lady Jennie, I think a shared sense of humor is one of the most important characteristics of a good marriage! If you laugh about the same things, you can survive a lot together. (One of the things I love most about my husband is that he can always make me laugh no matter how angry or down I might be.) If you can end a fight with a laugh, the two of you are way ahead of the game. And if you've managed to vent productively in the process, so much the better!
I love comments...please share yours! | | dclm-gs1-177871087 |
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Assignments ordinarily enable a variable to hold unique values at diverse moments all through its lifestyle-span and scope. Even so, some languages (generally strictly useful) will not allow that kind of "harmful" reassignment, as it would imply alterations of non-community point out. The reason would be to implement referential transparency, i.e. features that do not rely upon the state of some variable(s), but make exactly the same effects to get a supplied list of parametric inputs at any position in time.
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Note the a few principles of Boehm's and Jacopini's insight may be additional simplified with the usage of goto (which suggests it is more elementary than structured programming).
An analysis of expression doesn't have a side outcome if it does not change an observable point out of the equipment,[5] and generates very same values for same enter.[four] Essential assignment can introduce Unintended effects though destroying and producing the previous value unavailable while substituting it having a new 1,[6] and it is referred to as damaging assignment for that explanation in LISP and functional programming, comparable to harmful updating.
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| | dclm-gs1-177961087 |
0.241763 | <urn:uuid:e7c4ff07-c23e-4741-a62d-3892bc09d068> | en | 0.972838 | New Pope
So there's a new pope
Not to be disrespectful or anything, and I know that the higher-ups in the Catholic church are highly educated, but the pope selection process doesn't seem any more thoughtful and reasoned than, say, selecting your leader via a farcical aquatic ceremony.
And the reverence with which the Catholic church is treated really bugs me. This is the church that paid hush money to victims of sexual abuse, and instead of punishing the abusers, gave them a new flock to fleece. This is the church that lies about the effectiveness of condoms, preferring their sensitive moral beliefs over the truth of how human beings live and relate to each other, thereby leading to the deaths of thousands of people.
I know that a lot of Catholics do a lot of good in the world. Where is the accountability for those who aren't?
No comments: | | dclm-gs1-177971087 |
0.064602 | <urn:uuid:61967406-5bf1-4de6-ae55-10192a1dcd30> | en | 0.935147 | Wednesday, 3 April 2013
Winceyette-clad Wonder woman rides...
With feather duster...
far too chilly for feather boa a go, go.
Sheeps wool comes to the rescue, courtesy of one...
Mr Ken Dodd...
a tickling stick by any other name.
Spring cleaning is the name of the game.
Look! Before my idle blog personae takes a
nose dive into the dust and fluff...
I want you to know...
it is just a passing fancy.
The clean gene will soon die.
The clothes cupboard has been sorted,
all strappy, summery 'little' numbers have been thrown out.
In comes...
Industrial strength Damart, thermal, Eskimo seal-skin suits,
jumpers knitted in virgin wool, complete with nature's little insulation
in the form of lanolin;
to the uninitiated, that's unwashed sheeps wool,
We are ready for the heady days of summer.
Crampon clad I cross the courtyard to the utility room
(blue key), to sort out the multitude of cooking paraphernalia.
Out goes the clanking Kenwood Chef...
high and low I've looked for the mincer attachment,
surely I haven't thrown it?
Probably gave it to the Rag and Bone man, who before I could change my mind whipped up his horse and careered down the hill, thinking...
'At least tonight, I won't have to brave the elements clambering on
a church roof!'
The mixer patiently waits in the garage, ready to be loaded, along with skinny clothes for their journey through the snowy wastes, to the charity shop.
What now to throw?
The huge red wine glasses that happily take a whole bottle of
Chateauneuf du Glug?
'No best keep those; you never know, we could fall off the wagon any day now?'
The many and various sizes of flutes?
'No we might win the lottery?'
Best remember to buy an odd ticket,
I think the odds of winning are extremely low
if we don't?
I'm quick like that!
Cake tins enough to build a heat shield in case of nuclear attack?
'No, you never know I might have a fit with my leg in the air and
join the WI?'
No chance!
My knick-knacks are knacked; they don't know it yet, but
the air of austerity is about to blow over, round and through
the old homestead.
Vintage has had its day, as has...
Retro, Kitsch.
The wind of change fills my big pink bloomers,
Hope I havnae keeked my breeks!
enough to safely sail Sir Francis Drake
around the Horn.
The modern day nod to...
cutting up perfectly good clothes, cutting them into
shapes and resewing them together to make?
What is that all about?
Ever heard of duvets?
I've had enough eiderdowns to fluff a duck.
is the way forward...
Pretentiousness in all its forms is
my mantra of how I'm moving on up.
Forget the past and move on.
Looking back in time...
Forget it!
Let's live for today.
* A word I heard and liked, in my little shrinking violet way!
1. Pretentious? Toi?
Sounds like you've done the BBC Great British class Survey and found out you are absolument Top Class!
1. Hardly dahling... Upper Lower, more like!
2. oh no! Put your Kenwood on ebay- they're fetching really good prices!
1. Yes, I had thought that; although when I used it to make a Simnel cake it was sounding like its big end was going! At least at the hospice shop an electrician works his magic, making them suitable to sell.
3. A goof cathartic clear out then, but ......Don't skip the Kenwood Chef, whatever you dooooooooooooooooooo. | | dclm-gs1-177991087 |
0.026266 | <urn:uuid:0c453a13-ff51-457b-92b1-06e83cb648cd> | en | 0.964222 | 4th Annual Creek Revival: Nov 18th & 19th, 2016!
"The Creek Revival Music Festival was created as a way to showcase appreciation for local musicians & was such a success that we have made it an annual event in hopes that even more people can enjoy the spirit and tradition that has given birth to so many talented musicians..."
Read More!
"In the Pines..
In the pines where the sun never shines & we shiver when the cold wind blows. Down that Georgia line- A long steel rail and a short cross tie, I'm on way back home." | | dclm-gs1-178041087 |
0.061693 | <urn:uuid:b8e7cdfa-db66-42ba-87d8-687d5d6e5bfa> | en | 0.951812 | Google: Behind the Scenes of Their Brand Strategy
By September 25, 2015Branding
Rarely does the average business person have the opportunity to see how big brands plan around their brand and develop new brand identity elements like logos, graphic marks and type faces. While I’ve played roles in both the strategic development of brands and their marks, and upholding brand standards for large and small organizations, I love learning the stories behind the logos that represent our favorite brands.
This brand story from Google is likely one of the most revealing examples out there. There are many lessons to learn from the brand geniuses at Google, but I want to highlight just a few so you can get right into their story. My hope is that you can bring these thoughtful and strategic intentions to your brand and marketing efforts.
4 Brand Lessons We Can Learn From Google
Know your brand persona
Your brand persona is basically how people would describe your brand if it were a person. Attributes like clever, playful or strong are used to describe your brand presence, voice and language. It’s how you want your audience to feel about you after an exchange with your brand. Your brand persona comes through all that you do from your logo and messaging, to customer service and emails, and marketing content. The more consistent your brand persona through all of these touchpoints, the stronger your brand.
Google hints to their playful brand persona throughout the story, but are very intentional in their strategic brief by including: A refinement of what makes us Googley. Have you defined your brand persona?
Understand your audience…intimately
Just knowing the demographics and some basic psychographic information about your buyers isn’t enough to authentically connect with them in ways that leave them immediately feeling like you were meant just for them. In today’s overwhelming noisy environment, you need to understand how they use your product, in what settings, and with who. Why do they use your product or service? And, most importantly, how do they want to feel when they do? Knowing the emotional goals of your audience allows you to connect and compel on that deeper level.
Volvo knows that their buyers want to feel safe and confident driving with their kids. Disneyland knows that guests want to escape reality and feel like a kid in a magical kindom. Google knows their users want simplicity and usefulness above all else. Think about these brands and the messages you’ve seen from them. Are you connecting like that with your audience?
Be passionately consistent with your brand
There’s a reason that every major brand has a document called a Brand Styleguide. The styleguide outlines specifics to the brand marks and their use with the purpose of having a consistent brand presence across the globe and every touch point. Think about large brands like Nike or Apple. Without this consistency, every region, division and website could potentially have different iterations of their logos. When you’re considering a name-brand purse or pair of sunglasses in a foreign outdoor market, one of the first things you do is look at the logo – is it consistent with how you’re familiar with it? Is it what you expect?
Having consistency in your brand voice, messaging and mark use is important to protect your brand value, but it also provides your audience a better experience. They know what to expect when they see your logo.
Connect your product or service with your brand name and marks
If there’s an element of your product or service naturally woven into your brand name or logo, your audience is more likely to remember what it is you do, offer or promise. Brand recall is incredibly important, especially for emerging brands or those in crowded categories. Let’s look at a few examples.
Amazon Logo
Amazon’s logo playfully makes you feel happy when you think of buying anything, from A to Z, in their marketplace.
Google Search Results Logo
Google is a spin on the word googol, which is a mathematical term that represents the original mission to organize a seemingly infinite amount of information on the web. Their logo at the bottom of search engine result pages incorporates this as well.
Baskin Robbins always carries 31 flavors. See it in their logo? They must want us to remember that.
Developing a strong brand story for a new business or startup may seem like an overwhelming concept, but it’s and incredibly important early step towards success. Start with defining how you want people to think of you and design from there. Working with a team that includes a brand strategist and a brand identity designer is valuable, no matter how small you are today.
Now, go read the story of Google’s evolving identity. | | dclm-gs1-178111087 |
0.073975 | <urn:uuid:eb356a1b-5b8e-42aa-a10b-15f1a7fe6a6e> | en | 0.979711 | Sunday, April 23, 2017
Humans, like all animals, are naturally relaxed when not in immediate danger. But because there is no limit to the potential dangers we can create in our minds--or which our minds create in the face of the active resistance of some other part of our selves--continuous tension is not just possible, but in modern society almost ubiquitous.
Tensions arise from present fears and worries, from psychological conflicts, and as the residue of a systemic charge created in trauma which has never been denuded through awareness of its on-going potency.
And most of what most people strive for, every day, is the reduction of tension. In important respects, this is the ACTUAL intention behind nearly everything everyone does. Obviously, people conform even when they would otherwise be disinclined to do so because of the fear of being rejected, which is painful, which is to say, creates emotional tension, which we process as painful.
But even serial killers, pedophiles, and monsters of other sorts ALSO seek to reduce tension. It is simply the case that their particular maladies are so severe that only extremely anti-social means will allow to actually accomplish their goal. I think of the killer in "The Lovely Bones" relaxing in his bathtub. The tension he lived with daily, of the pain he could not see much less process, of the fear of being caught he was very much aware of, was gone for a brief moment. That is why he did it. The anger and rage had to be put out into the world and someone or something had to die.
I have said this before, but if we make this very obvious--but rarely made (actually, I don't think I am copying anyone, as I have not seen this claim made elsewhere that I can recall)--observation that tension and the means to reduce it fuel nearly everything everyone does, we can readily affirm that learning to reduce tension is a principle purpose in living. So much of what drives us would not drive us, would not be necessary, if we could simply DIRECTLY address the tension fueling our manias and ambitions.
And I suppose I could mention sex, but is sexual tension really the main one? It does not seem so to me. I felt sexual tension earlier today, but I made it go away. This is not the root of the problem. If it were Mick Jagger would have been the picture of mental health. Sex is a part of tension overall, sometimes admittedly an important one, often a secondary or even absent one.
But what philosophers talk about the existential importance of physical and emotional tension, and the logically following importance of learning to release them? None that I know of, although I am hardly a serious student of philosophy (although I'm also not ignorant, having read a lot of books, and listened to a lot of lectures). Picture Sartre, sitting at his coffee table, high on meth, chain smoking, drinking glass after glass of wine, writing 10-15 pages or more across much of a fairly long life. What if he had learned to enjoy the simple pleasures of pleasant days, the songs of birds, and the joy of being? What if he were that exquisitely happy man in the corner, friend to the world?
I have felt nauseated by the world. I can get this sentiment. But I did not see any need to attach ontological status to it. I knew it was not "life". It was the relic of a disease I did not choose, and have long sought to tame and master.
Go sideways. None of us live in true hierarchies. We live in a giant cloud, where relationships and directions are what matter.
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0.031088 | <urn:uuid:dcc8bd2e-e158-4b5f-9d47-b8698503ec3c> | en | 0.933682 | Upselling Online Done Right Boosts Sales And Satisfaction
Only offer relevant merchandise for upsell. Random upsell offers feel forced and off-putting to customers, enforcing the perception that they are not understood or valued. The most effective upsell offers are relevant to consumers and can be based on items they just purchased, merchandise purchased over time, or using personalization algorithms to align offers with identified customer segments. Seasonal items offered around holidays or other events can achieve universal relevance and are useful when individual customer data is not available or for retailers that market merchandise that is heavily impacted by seasonality.
Promotional pricing should accompany any upsell offer. Discounts on upsell offers create a sense of urgency and are necessary to maximize upsell conversions. With so many choices available to consumers all the time, there is no motivation for them to make last minute purchase decisions on items that can purchased for the same price at any point in the future. Not only do consumers need to be presented with relevant offers, they also have to feel like they are getting good deals that are exclusive and can not be replicated at another time.
Despite the handicap of lacking two-way communication with customers, only the ecommerce channel can provide immediate upsell offers for any item inventory. Single click purchasing also offers a level of convenience that is difficult to reproduce in store. The self-guided nature of ecommerce makes unwanted upsell offers feel less pushy to consumers because they are easy to ignore or close without evoking a sense of guilt; there is no unwanted pressure. That makes them less likely to alienate existing customers, even if they miss the mark.
When online upselling strategy is implemented correctly, customers generally give serious consider to offers. But even if they don’t convert, the exit is so simple that they are unlikely to hold it against retailers for trying.
Zeke Hamdani is Director of Web Services for Celerant Technology.
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0.039074 | <urn:uuid:30aa780a-ae29-41c7-8f5c-70444c1621ed> | en | 0.9843 | Carlos Santana
Carlos Santana is a Chicano rock artist primarily known for the work he did with his band, Santana, in the 1960s and 1970s. One of his most notable hit songs, “Oye Como Va,” is legendary as one of the pioneer Latin songs in the world of rock and roll. Like many artists of his era, he managed to achieve a new and inventive sound by finding new ways of mashing up extant genres that were popular during his time. In Santana’s case, this mostly included Latin jazz and mainstream rock and roll of the 1960s.
The music of Carlos Santana was something of a love letter to his cultural heritage. While musical elements of both American and Mexican culture were prevalent in his songs, he also paid homage to his mixed heritage by simply including both English and Spanish in his song lyrics. While his music inevitably related with other Chicanos, it became highly popular on a more mainstream level as well.
Santana’s cultural approach to music and lyricism would have ultimately proved meaningless if the music itself were not solidly organized. For instance, the song “Black Magic Woman” contains solid vocals as well as quality parts for drums and keyboard, not to mention the inclusion of congas. More notable than anything, however, is the guitar. In fact, this could be said of just about all of Carlos Santana’s greatest hits. Not only did most of his early songs maintain something of a signature style, but that style was by its very nature nearly indescribable. While one song might make use of highly complex guitar parts, another song (or even part of the same song) will utilize one or two notes to deliver its message with succinct simplicity.
Some of the best early work by Carlos Santana is found on the first three albums he released: Santana, Abraxas, and Santana III. Some of these songs venture slightly outside the realm of traditional rock music and foray into the blues genre, yet the signature style remains. Santana’s music is known for being highly rhythmic, one of the primary elements he has taken from Latin musical culture. Santana was known to experiment at times, changing his rhythms up to try and mimic the styles of jazz and other genres, but the manner in which he used rhythm to drive the songs was always a defining feature of every work he performed.
After a few years of touring without releasing any records, Santana released Supernatural in 1999. This was a return to the style that some felt had been dropping off in previous albums such as Milagro and Spirits Dancing in the Flesh. Supernatural included the song “Smooth,” which had elements of cha-cha that complemented the rhythmic and energetic guitar stylings of Santana himself. The song also featured vocals by Rob Thomas, the lead singer of Matchbox Twenty. Several other notable artists appeared on the album as well, such as Lauryn Hill, Cee Lo Green, Dave Matthews, Wyclef Jean and Eric Clapton.
As notable as Santana’s music may be, the message behind it is just as long-lasting. Santana used to say that musicians should be “emissaries of light,” that it was their job to lift people’s spirits rather than to bring people down. He has stood by this ideal throughout his career, and it has lent a hand in making him one of the most notable musicians of his era, and possibly of all time.
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0.02058 | <urn:uuid:3b949a9d-fd06-4973-808d-0d55e866d45e> | en | 0.923912 | Wednesday, February 29, 2012
ZILLY TALKZ: The Moon That Embraces the Sun
KOREAN MUSIC: John Park's KNOCKing at your heart's door
노크” (Knock)
John Park
(Picture courtesy of Music Farm Korea)
John Park or Park Seonggyu1 (존박 or 박성규) is a Korean-American singer. He was a semifinalist (and voted off on March 4, 2010) in the ninth season of Fox’s “American Idol” and the same year he entered Mnet’s “Superstar K Season Two” or “Superstar K-2.” He came in second place in the competition aired live on October 22, 2010. My then-71-year-old mom was so heartbroken for she had rooted for him to win the “Superstar K” title. She had repeated his songs on her MP3 player for quite a while ever since. After runner-up finish, Park reportedly received management offers from various agencies including Bae Yong Joon’s2 KeyEast and ended up signing with Music Farm Koreaon March 30, 2011.
1. Or Park Seong Gyu or Park Sunggyu or Park Sung Gyu
2. Or Bae Yongjoon or Bae Yong-joon.
3. Music Farm Korea is known to have a pool of very talented musicians with sophisticated, in-depth understanding of music and, of course, life such as 이적 (Lee Jeok or Lee Juk), 김동률 (Kim Dongryul or Kimg Dong-ryul or Kim Dong-ryool), 체리필터 (Cherry Filter), 조원선 (Joe Wonsun or Cho Weonseon or Cho Wonseon), 이상순 (Lee Sangsoon or Lee Sangsun), 정순용 (Jung Soonyong or Jung Sunyong or Jeong Sunyong)
The moment he came on the public scene, Park was added to the list of Eomchina (엄친아, “Mom’s friend’s son”)4 as he was considered the full package; he’s got the look, the talent, and was an Econ student at Northwestern University. But despite all the media frenzy, he had maintained a relatively low profile for a very long time, compared to his fellow “Superstar K-2” contestants such as Huh Gak (허각, winner) or Jang Jae In (장재인, third place), until his debut album, “Knock,” was released at last on February 22, 2012. He just had made brief appearances on MBC’s “Radio Star” together with Lee Juk and Jung Jae Hyung or Jeong Jaehyeong5 (August 24, 2011) and KBS’s “Sketchbook” (November, 2011) in the meantime.
4. Eomchina is a slang term that originated as the acronym of Eomma Chingu Adeul which translates to “Mom’s friend’s son.” Korean moms push and nag their children by mentioning her friend’s perfect son. However, a person that is so perfect is unreal in real life, hence, it’s basically the ideal images reflected and created by Korean moms. Its female equivalent is Eomchinddal (엄친딸, from Eomma Chingu Ddal, “Mom’s friend’s daughter”).
5. Jung Jae Hyung or Jeong Jaehyeong (정재형) is a Korean singer-songwriter. He’s currently hosting SBS’s “You & I,” a music TV show, with the Korean sex icon, Lee Hyori (이효리).
John Park
(Picture courtesy of Music Farm Korea)
In his recent interview with Sports DongA (02/24/2012), John Park said, “I thought I needed a cooling off period until the media frenzy would die down because I wanted to be properly valued only as a musician.” He said he had signed up with Music Farm Korea because they had him convinced that his career as a musician, not as an entertainer or a pop star, would pick up and flourish there. “I knew there was room to improve and I knew I still needed to learn how to convey sentiments that are uniquely Korean and to bring out the subtle nuances in lyrics (since I was born in the U.S.),” he added. This explains why he didn’t try to express himself through music this time while preparing his debut album; his primary goal was to sing the songs that tap a quintessentially Korean sentiment.
Park said, “I wanted my music to sound fresh and clean as if I was starting over as a musician,” and promised that his second album would show his true colors. He also revealed plans to write songs for the next album. “Kim Dongryul wrote three tracks on my album. I was so happy working with great musicians like Kim and Lee Juck. Just like them, I really want to remain committed to the music as long as I possibly can and want to be true to my own spirit and my own music,” he added. (FYI, Park is known to also admire Stevie Wonder, John Legend, Gavin DeGraw, Marc Broussard and Jamie Cullum, and like Beyoncé, Lady Gaga, Joss Stone, Christina Aguilera, & Theresa Andersson.)
John Park
(Picture courtesy of Music Farm Korea)
All five tracks on his debut album, “Falling”(폴링), “Why Is It”(왜그럴까), “This Ain’t It”(이게 아닌데), “Good Day”(굿데이), and “That Song”( 노래), became instant hits upon release, all ranked in the Top 10 on Naver’s real-time chart; Park with “Falling” was neck and neck with Big Bang with “BLUE” for first place on various digital download charts on February 22, 2012. He dominated Hanteo’s real-time daily album sales chart on February 26 as about 13,000 launch copies were sold out in a single day. A representative of Music Farm Korea said it had already gotten plenty of reorders from retailers. The album was produced by Kim Dongryul and the title song, “Falling,” was composed by Mama’s Gun lead singer/composer/producer Andy Platts with lyrics written by John Park. Park reportedly produced the song himself. He made his official debut on Mnet’s “M! Countdown” stage on February 23, 2012.
[MV] John Park: Falling (2012)
(Click on the title on screen or double-click it
to watch the video clip in HD full screen.)
Lyrics: Falling Translated by ONSEMIRO
hayake beonjineun meoritsogeda geudaereul saegyeo noko
I engrave you in my mind that is blanking out
jeo meolli naraga
and fly far away
modeunge boineun du nuneul gamggoseo
I close my eyes that can see everything and
siganeul doedolyeoseo geu ddaero doragago sipeo
I wish I could go back in time to relive that moment
(Refrain) falling, idaero, falling for you
Falling, as I am, (I’m) falling for you
nal jabajul su eopseodo
Even though you cannot catch me
falling, ddodasi, falling for you
Falling, once again, (I’m) falling for you
nal gamssajul su eomnayo?
Can’t you just hold me?
joatteon nanaldo, neomu apatteon naldo
The good times and very painful times
ije dorikyeo bomyeon geujeo geuraesseonnayo?
When you look back (on those days), were they just so-so?
anira marhaeyo. meongdeun gaseumdo
Please say no. If only my bruised heart,
meonghaejin maeumdo dasi neuggil suman iddamyeon
(If only) my empty heart could feel again
ggamake beonjineun haneurwieseo
From up above in the blackening sky,
haneopsi churakhaneun nal bogo inneyo
You’re just watching me forever falling
falling, idaero, falling for you
Falling, as I am, (I’m) falling for you
ireon nal jabajuseyo
Please catch me (falling) like this
falling, ddodasi, falling for you
Falling, once again, (I’m) falling for you
jebal nal gamssajuseyo
Please I beg you to hold me
haneopsi churakhadeorado, badakggaji ddeoreojeodo
(I don’t care) if I fall forever or crash to the ground
geudael hyanghae nan falling for you
(I’m facing) toward you, I’m falling for you
geujeo geudaeman boneyo
I’m just watching you
John Park: Good Day (2012)
Written by Kim Ina and composed by Kim Hyungsuk
[LIVE] John Park: This Ain’t It (2012)
Written and composed by Kim Dongryul
John Park: That Song (2012)
Written and composed by Kim Dongryul
Thursday, February 23, 2012
"Ranisanisafa": Incomprehensible or undecodable?
[MV] The Ju Ju Club: Supil Leobeu
(Love Like a Love Essay, 1997)
Ranisanisafa: The second album by the Ju Ju Club
[MV] The Ju Ju Club: Sentimental (1997)
The Ju Ju Club: Naega Chalgga?
(Should I Dump You? 1997)
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Duffy's "Mercy"
<UPDATE on 04/13/2012>
Here’s what the judges said:
Shin Hyobeom's "Nan neol saranghae" (I Love You
Yim Jaebeom's "Neoreul Wihae" (For You)
(Aired on 2/5/12)
Gummy's "Eoreun Ai" (Immature Adult)
(Aired on 1/8/12)
Jazmine Sullivan's "Bust Your Windows"
(Aired on 12/11/11)
코다리 강정 (Kodari Gangjeong) by RaOn
trans./ed. by Onsemiro
Kodari Gangjeong,
Sweet and Crispy Half-Dried Pollock
INGREDIENTS (5 servings):
● 4 kodaris* (half-dried Pollock)
● 4 cups potato starch*
● 1 large size green onion, chopped
● 2 green chili peppers, chopped
● 1 TBSP anchovy powder**
● 3 TBSP water**
● 3 TBSP ganjang* (Korean soy sauce)
● 1 TBSP gochujang* (Korean hot pepper paste)
→Substitute: 2 TBSP squeezed apple/pear juice
● 4 TBSP jocheong or ssalyeot* (Korean rice syrup)
→Substitute: 4 TBSP honey or Oligo syrup*
● 1 TBSP ssamjang* (spicy Korean sauce paste)
→Substitute: 1 TBSP ketchup
● 4 cloves garlic, slivered
● black pepper to taste
***You can find maesil cheong or maesil extract at
Step 1. Have all the ingredients ready.
Step 2. Fry Kodaris.
Coat kodaris thoroughly and thickly in potato starch.
Drain excess oil from fried kodaris through a strainer.
Step 3. Prepare Marinade.
Step 4. Coat Kodaris with Marinade.
Step 5. Serve.
Thursday, February 16, 2012
KOREAN CULTURE: The First Full Moon Festival (4)
Daeboreum (대보름), and its Superstitions and Customs
Jisinbapgi, or Jisin Bapgi (Stepping on the Spirits of Earth)
Jisinbapgi (Picture Source)
Now that a tug of war contest (Juldarigi) is over, it’s time to carry on another ritual to wish for good harvests and abundance. The ritual is called Jisinbapgi (지신밟기) which translates to “Stepping on the Spirits of Earth,” and is also called Madangbapgi (마당밟기, “Stepping on the Courtyard”), Maegwi (매귀(埋鬼), “Burying the Spirits”), or Geollip (걸립(乞粒), “Begging for Rice”).1 Jisinbapgi is traditionally carried out starting from the first day of the Lunar New Year through the fifteenth (Daeboreum), or any time they need to collect money or rice to use for the village celebrations and festivities. The meaning behind this ritual is to ward off evil spirits while stepping on the good Earth Spirits and to bring in blessings, happiness, and peace for the whole village all year round. The ritual becomes the talk of the village while preparing for it on their own accord, and the funds (money and rice) they raise through it are used for the purposes of the public interest.
The farmers’ folk band gathers together at the mouth of their village, at the village well, or at the tributary junction of the village river. In ancient Korea, the parade was headed by Sadaebu (사대부(士大夫), “high officials”) and followed by the hunters and others wearing various masks called Tal () then lastly by the farmers’ folk band. The parade heads first to the village head’s (or the tong2 head’s nowadays) house then to the haves’, with the farmers’ folk band performing Nongak (농악) that narrowly translates to “farmers’ music” – the band plays such musical instruments as Jing (, “large gong”), Buk (, “drum”), Ggwengwari (꽹과리, “small gong”), and Jango (장고, “hour-glass shaped drum”).
1. Geollip (걸립(乞粒)) originally refers to the act of begging for rice (and also money). Whenever a Buddhist temple needed funds, a pack of Buddhist monks paid a visit to each and every house of the village, offered a Buddhist chanting and invocation, and then were offered rice or money in return. It also refers to a ritual of Jisinbapgi.
2. A tong is the second-lowest city administrative unit or prefecture.
(from top left clockwise) Jing, Ggwengwari, Buk, Jango
Picture Source
Nongak Performance
When the Jisinbapgi team enters into the house of each family, they step firmly and thoroughly on every corner of the courtyard, then the kitchen, the platform for earthen crocks (containing soy sauce, soy bean paste, chili pepper paste, and so on), the storage shed, and then the toilet shed, dancing and chanting, “Good, good Earth Spirits, expel the evil spirits and minor demons from this place and let them stay deep underground! Let thousands of happiness and tens and thousands of blessings come on in to this place!” The people of the village try to get ahead of one another in having the Jisinbapgi team over to their house. If the team happens to skip the visit to their house, they will completely freak out. After the ritual is over, the owners of the house offer the Jisinbapgi team foods (including rice cakes) and drinks as a token of their sincere gratitude. The Jisinbapgi team, the family of the house, and the spectating crowds all become as one while having a ball.
Daljiptaewugi or Daljip Taewugi (Burning the Moon House)
Daljiptaewugi (Picture Source)
When all the rituals in the daytime are over, it’s time to light up the fire! The ancient Korean farmers gathered together to carry out such fire rituals as Daljiptaewugi (달집 태우기, “Burning the Moon House”), Gwibullori (쥐불놀이, “Setting Fire to Catch Rats”), or Hwaetbbulssaum (횃불싸움, “Torch Fight”). These pastimes or games are in fact fire-worshiping rituals as the gist of the ancient Korean philosophy is the sacredness of Nature; and in various cultures (such as Korea, southern China, or Baltic Europe), the farmers traditionally perform rituals of setting fire, dancing and drumming around it in hope of good harvests and abundance.
The ritual starts at dusk as the ancient farmers build a straw or pine twig heap that looks like a tepee or tipi; and it reaches a crescendo when the Full Moon appears as an entire circle in the sky and the farmers set the house on fire in order to ward off evil spirits and ill fortune and bring in blessings and luck. This tepee look-alike house made with straws or pine twigs is called Daljip (달집, “Moon House”) and the ritual is called Daljiptaewugi (달집 태우기, “Burning the Moon House”).1 The ancient Korean farmers believed scorching the moon would prevent droughts hence carried out the ritual in earnest hope of timely rains and breezy winds, i.e., a climate favorable to agriculture. Besides, this ritual fulfils the desires and aspirations of the ancient Korean farmers for peace and stability in their village, using the banishing and purifying power of the sacred fire that burns up all the evil spirits and impurity.
Even though the exact origin and history of Daljiptaewugi is unknown, but since the Full Moon is the very essence of Daeboreum, we can assume this ritual is deeply rooted in Korea’s agricultural culture: one, the moon epitomizes female, birth, fertility, creation, and abundance; and two, as Korea’s agriculture is based on the lunar, or Chinese, calendar which is a combination of astronomy (especially, the moon’s cycles) and geography through observation and exploration, the moon symbolizes the revolutions of the spheres of the universe, the order of time, the changes of the season, and the principles of nature. Needless to say, on Jeongweol Daeboreum or Sangweon (in which sang means “top” and weon “best” or “No. 1”) when we can see the first full moon of the year, the magical power of the moon reaches its apex and this is why the Korean farmers perform various kinds of the moon-worshiping rituals such as Yongalddeugi (용알뜨기, “Scooping up the Dragon’s Egg”), Dalmaji (달맞이, “Welcoming the first full moon”), Daljeom (달점, “Lunar Divination”), or Dalbureum (달불음, “Soaking the moon”).
1. The word dal means “the moon” and jip “house,” and combined, daljip means “the house of the moon.” The name of the ritual, Daljiptaewugi, varies according to the regions: Daljipbul (달집불, “Moon House Fire”), Dalbullori (달불놀이, “Moon Fire Game”), Dalggeusilleugi (달끄실르기, “Scorching the Moon”), Donghwa (동화(洞火), “Village Fire”), Manguribul (망우리불, “Moon Viewing Fire”), Dalmanguri (달망우리, “Moon Viewing”), or Mangweol (망월, “Moon Viewing”).
Manguribul and Dalmanguri are the words resulted from the mispronunciation of MangweolDalbullori and Dalggeusilleugi indicate that the purpose of the ritual is to scorch the moon. Donghwa means a village fire that burns up all the diseases and demons. In other villages of Korea, it is called Haedonghwa (해동화, 解凍禍 or解凍火) which means “removing ill-fortunes of the village” or “a fire that thaws all the frozen, wintry things.”
When Jeongweol Daeboreum is imminent, all the men from the village start working together to build the cone-shaped Moon House or Daljip with pine twigs and/or straws. The pine twigs and/or straws are either brought in by the workers or collected from village families except for those in mourning, those with a mom in the postpartum period, or those regarded defiled. Daljip is usually built either in the village square or on a mountain or hill ridge where they can see the Full Moon rise. At sunset, when they get Daljip ready for the ritual, all the villagers gather together in front of it with a light heart, buoyed up with hope and good resolutions, waiting for the Full Moon to rise into the sky. Finally when the moon rises in the east, all the people start shouting, “Moon Fire! Moon Fire! Let’s watch the moon! Let’s scorch the moon!” and set the Moon House, Daljip, on fire. Then they dance around the burning Moon House to the rhythm of the beat rendered by the farmers’ folk band and pray that all the evil spirits and demons may be banished from their village. (The sound of burning bamboo stems the farmers placed in the Moon House is also believed to scare them away.) This is the most magical moment of this ritual when they are in full accord with Nature.
It is believed that the first person to see the Full Moon rise on the day they perform Daljiptaewugi ritual will have the best of luck all year. The Korean farmers practice divination from how the Moon House burns: If it burns very vigorously, only good things will happen to their village; if it burns very slowly or the fire dies down, it is considered ominous sign of disasters. In some regions, it is believed that the more smoke the burning produces or the more the smoke covers the moon, the more abundant the year’s harvest and yields will turn out. They also predict their fortunes according to which direction the Moon House will fall: If it falls toward the east or toward their village, it is considered a sign of good harvests; if it falls toward the west or to the opposite side of their village, it is considered ominous and disastrous. (In some regions, it is believed to the contrary; they’d like to have the Moon House fall to the opposite side of their village since it is considered lucky.) The Korean farmers take the remnant coals from the burnt Moon House to toast beans and eat them since they believe it will prevent skin diseases and strengthen their teeth.
KOREAN CULTURE: The First Full Moon Festival (1) | | dclm-gs1-178201087 |
0.112974 | <urn:uuid:92779440-0465-4a0c-9cb0-ba7be3020f09> | en | 0.947145 | Edited by Anna Pavlovskaya and Grigory Kanarsh
Main/The Peoples of the West/
The Norwegians and the Finns: A Comparative Analysis of the Characters (A. V. Pavlovskaya)
The paper presents an analysis of some special features of Finnish and Norwegian national mentalities. The findings are based on extensive historical material. Scandinavia includes Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Iceland; Finland holds a peculiar place among the Nordic countries. However, several aspects provide some suggestions for comparative analysis of the Finns and the Norwegians. They represent both contrasts and similarities of ‘Nordic’ characters. The proximity of geographical location and climate conditions, similar surface area, homogeneous population give reason to reveal many similarities of the two characters. Both, the Finns and the Norwegians are discreet, silent, stern (northerners rarely smile), and very honest. The most distinctive feature of the Finns is peace loving, sometimes shyness and oppression. The Norwegians were considered warlike people (thanks to the rich historical and cultural heritage of the Vikings). Nevertheless, modern Norwegians are peaceful and friendly. Their belligerence manifests in common sense, pragmatism, rational approach to life, serenity, composure, determination and sometimes indifference.
The close co-existence with nature has influenced a special relationship between the Finns and the Norwegians and nature. Another feature that unites these two northern peoples is independent status of women during the centuries and now women often hold government and business leading posts.
Apart from all these similarities of the two characters, there are some important differences. One of them is the attitude towards Europe, the world and themselves. For the Norwegians their world is their country. A Norwegian cherishes his past, he or she is proud of the glorious conquest history, respects the king, keeps national currency and is reluctantly involved in European global political and economic projects. The Norwegians are self-sufficient, they coexist harmoniously with all the old.
Finland, on the contrary, always looks ahead. It does not concentrate on its past (it is not so rich in history and culture). Finland with great zeal takes European values, actively cooperates with Europe in political and economic spheres. The Finns are hardworking. They spend their energy to create everything new, fashionable and modern.
Keywords: the Norwegians, the Finns, Nordic character, national mentalities.
Full text in Russian
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0.019803 | <urn:uuid:a9827cb2-115d-4390-9e9a-9a787bc6cc7c> | en | 0.970468 | turned off the mobile phone
Ge build simple family live in, go down in week, first time left parents for a long time. Since contacting women, the level of his naked body illustration obviously drops, draw the bookseller's discontent.
It has caused Ge not to build imagination to drop that simple in week, make his health deviate too, it is as week been after being simple for happiness,buttockses back that does not build Ge can blebs longer, hospital diagnose it is body endotoxin that set out until immunity drop, and simple to judge he irritated to the woman in week. It was allergic to penicillin that Ge did not build while as a child, but held the suspicious attitude to the simple statement in week.
She has not made the best of one's own mathematics talent, becomes a mathematician or engineer, have become the social layabout after graduation from university. There are men in the family, she has overcome too sluggishly, begins to sweep the hygiene, has also bought a wardrobe, build, draw as Ge computer that composing spend move she after the home, she has bought a desk. The simple elementary introduction of week: "Give you one week. " Then turned off the mobile phone.
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Monday, September 20, 2010
Jets repeat as Week 2 Super Bowl champions
There is no sport that clings to cliches like football, perhaps because so many of its players, coaches and announcers have suffered so many head injuries but I digress.
One of my current favorites that I truly believe is that the team with more urgency usually wins. Therefore yesterday's 28-14 by the Jets over the Patriots at the New Meadowlands was not a surprise at all.
New York (1-1) could simply not fall to 0-2 (when the Patriots and Dolphins would be 2-0) and New England (1-1) played over their heads in their Week 1 laugher vs. the Bengals.
The biggest surprise was how much Mark Sanchez (220 yards, 3 touchdowns, 0 interceptions) badly outplayed Tom Brady (248 yards, 2 touchdowns, 2 interceptions). This wasn't a passing of the torch (there I go) but it was a sign that Sanchez isn't as hopeless as Hard Knocks and Week 1 vs. the Ravens made us believe.
The two hallmarks of the forgettable 2009 Patriots were that they were awful on the road (2-6; one of those in London) and they couldn't protect leads in the second half, forcing them to crumble.
Here we go again. True to form, the Pats started out on fire in the first quarter and went up 7-0 on a six-yard touchdown pass from Brady to Wes Welker (6 catches, 38 yards).
New England controlled the ball for the first half but couldn't go up further when Stephen Gostkowski missed a 37-yard field goal (he's 1 for 4 this season).
Braylon Edwards (5 catches, 45 yards) tied it up with a 10-yard touchdown grab from Sanchez.
Randy Moss (2 catches, 38 yards) helped New England go up 14-7 with an amazing 34-yard one-handed touchdown catch. It was the 150th catch of his NFL career, the fourth skill position player to reach that mark but it became a footnote when he was held without a catch in the second half.
That was shocking since Darrelle Revis went down with a hamstring injury on Moss' touchdown. Antonio Cromartie (4 tackles, interception) did a great job against Moss in the second half.
Nick Folk hit a 49-yard kick to end the first half and give the Jets a manageable 14-10 deficit.
From there, it was all Jets all the time. They outscored New England 18-0 in the second half as the Patriots were left to one play (throwing it deep to Moss) which never worked.
Folk added a 36-yard field goal, cutting it to 14-13 in the third quarter then Jerricho Cotchery put the Jets ahead for good with a two-yard touchdown catch. Edwards' two-point conversion catch put New York up 21-14 heading into the fourth quarter.
Dustin Keller (7 catches, 115 yards) capped the win with a 1-yard touchdown catch.
Trading Laurence Maroney was fine with me but I assumed that the Pats running game wouldn't be so pathetic (52 yards).
Rookie tight end Aaron Hernandez had a great game, catching six passes for 101 yards.
Too often, New England's young corners (Darius Butler and Devin McCourty) were beaten downfield against the Jets' bigger receivers.
Tully Banta-Cain had eight solo tackles and a sack and rookie Brandon Spikes added nine tackles (five solo). Gerard Warren had two sacks in the loss.
I'm sure the Patriots will beat up on the hopeless Buffalo Bills (0-2) next Sunday afternoon at Gillette and everything will be right in the world but there has to be some progress if they ever hope to beat any good teams and/or win on the road.
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Bulldogs Sports
Going Deep: Ravens' Ray Lewis and Kelly Gregg use wrestling background to succeed in the NFL
Posted Saturday, December 04, 2010 by Jeremy Elliot, The Patriot News
Lewis isn’t alone.
For Lewis, this elite fraternity extends across the locker room. Ravens nose tackle Kelly Gregg, winner of three straight Oklahoma state heavyweight titles while at Edmond Memorial and then Edmond North High School from 1993 to <ze>¤’95, knows the benefits wrestling has had on his football career.
Hand in hand
Football and wrestling seem like totally different disciplines, but they are very similar in many ways.
If you are a linebacker, like Lewis, you use your hands to fend off blockers and zero in on ball carriers. If you are an offensive or defensive lineman, in the case of Gregg, you occupy space and don’t want to get blown backward off the ball.
Lewis and Gregg have used the techniques they learned on the high school mats to make the transition from wrestling to football.
Lewis, who was drafted out of Miami by the Ravens in 1996, has terrorized opposing players throughout his 15-year career. He has amassed more than 1,500 tackles, has been named to the Pro Bowl 11 times, and even bagged Super Bowl MVP honors in 2001.
Some of those numbers can be attributed to brute strength and his unmatched determination and passion toward the game. But that only scratches the surface of what makes a Lewis tackle so textbook.
He wraps up. He doesn’t let go. He rarely, if ever, loses a battle and almost never lets a running back or receiver wiggle away.
And he does all of this after taking on a bigger lineman. But that doesn’t bother Lewis, who was accustomed to moving up one and sometimes two weight classes while wrestling in high school.
“[Wrestling] teaches you what most people want to do, which is make your hips and butt work for you,” said Lewis, demonstrating a wrestling shoot position into a one-legged takedown. “You always want to go low; you never want to walk up to an opponent standing up.
“Everything has to be engaged. You have to be locked and loaded. That is what makes you shift so easy. Football is that natural shoot and tackle.”
Lewis hasn’t forgotten the basics, and neither has Gregg.
Throughout his wrestling and football careers, Gregg has been undersized. Yet he finished his high school wrestling career with a 58-match winning streak and a 23-0 season to capture his third state wrestling title.
Listed at a generous 6-0, he could have chosen either direction — a football or wrestling scholarship — in college. He chose football and never looked back.
“Wrestling is my favorite sport, but when the University of Oklahoma comes to a kid in Oklahoma, I mean, every kid wants to play for the Sooners,” Gregg said. “There are a lot more opportunities in football than there are in wrestling.”
True. But that doesn’t stop college coaches at high-profile programs from swooping in and picking up wrestlers to help carry their football teams to a BCS title.
Ohio State’s Jim Tressel is one example. He has stated on more than one occasion to local high school recruits and coaches that he would rather recruit a football player who has a wrestling background than one who doesn’t.
Although it is too tough to handle both sports at the college level, Tressel admires the work ethic and toughness wrestlers display. To him, they are a different breed of athlete.
Gregg tried to double dip during his freshman year in college. He signed up to wrestle for OU after the Sooners went 5-5-1 in football, but it was a short stint. The following year, he was back to focusing on opposing running backs and his days on the mat were done.
But not forgotten.
Gregg never lost what he learned while wrestling. And it’s the main reason he has been a member of the Ravens for 10 seasons after being drafted by Cincinnati and playing one full year in Philadelphia.
“It’s balance and hand placement,” said Gregg, who has 503 tackles since joining the Ravens. “You are in a lot of close contact with other guys. You have to have a lot of leverage when you are a defensive lineman. There are a lot of correlations between football and wrestling.
“I tell a lot of young kids that play football to wrestle. There is no reason to specialize until you get to college.”
Unmatched toughness
Imagine sitting in your bedroom and pulling out a deck of cards. For every card you pull, you do situps and pushups to match the number on the card.
Now imagine going through the deck one, two and sometimes three times in one night. That is what Lewis did, according to Gary Lineberger, who was an assistant football coach at Kathleen High when Lewis was there and is now the athletic director at the school.
“He was the same guy you see on Sunday afternoon,” Lineberger said. “That work ethic was always there, and I think wrestling and football went hand in hand for Ray.
“He always walked out on the football field with a smile on his face. He never asked for a day off. He always wanted to be out there.”
And usually was.
His senior year, Lewis played linebacker, returned punts and kickoffs and played tailback when two other players got hurt. He ran for more than 800 yards that year.
Lewis never lacked stamina. He always embraced big-game situations, even winning two games that year with kick returns. But it was the discipline he learned on the wrestling mat that allowed him to perform and get everything out of his body on the field.
A true wrestler in any other sport, it’s like night and day,” Lewis said. “Being a pure wrestler, it’s a different commitment.”
Gregg understands.
When he was in high school, he wrestled in season and all summer. Without a break, he went into football season and started the process all over again, never missing a beat.
Gregg’s work ethic and extreme will and desire to overcome his height, both in football and wrestling, are what stand out to Archie Randall, Gregg’s summer wrestling coach and now the wrestling coach at Oklahoma City University.
“He came to me and said he wanted to be on our summer nationals team,” Randall said. “I was like ‘OK, Kelly,’ and was thinking ‘Yeah, right.’
“He made the team and won four national freestyle championships. I always tell people that wrestling is good for shoulder strength and keeping you in position. That is what you want for a defensive lineman. Kelly was one of those one-in-a-million [athletes] you get.”
And Gregg can go all day.
When he feels tired at a Ravens practice, he always looks back on his wrestling career for inspiration. Immediately, he comes to life.
There is just no comparison between going six minutes on the mat during a practice, running sprints, going back for another six minutes and then going to another stamina-building drill.
“You are out there by yourself, all alone,” Gregg said. “There is no help there for you. No team can bail you out. It’s a very individual sport, and how much work you put into it is how much you get out of it. It’s a tough business.
“I always tell myself that, if I can make it through a wrestling practice, I can make it through any football practice. You are there with no breaks. Wrestlers have to be tough to make it through.”
Lewis and Gregg have done that and more.
Both continue to excel on the football field. They have both probably lost a step, but they make up for that with experience and being smarter.
And never forgetting their roots on the mat.
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Being mystic only makes you ‘psychic’, it doesn't make you a more rounded person. That's something that comes out of a different place. It is definitely simple to distinguish one set of folk from the other and naturally being ego driven, or unforgiving doesn't make any person a horrid person, it just means there are particular road blocks on their trail that must be exposed and released. So does becoming mystic mean you are heading for a job as a mystic reader? Being mystic suggests that you opt to live your life in alignment with source, in alignment with the universe, in alignment in The Lord God. The US armed forces and CIA both have proven that normal folk can do Incredible things with remote viewing and a sprinkle of practice… Everybody can discover how to pick up power from objects, and translate events ( and feelings ) round the folks those objects have been occupied by. And I will tell you from direct experience, it is a funny cool experience to have. The etheric, or spirit body isn't restrained by space-time and the physical restraints of your blood and bones… Mediumship – The facility to connect to spirits, especially people who have already died. Retrocognition – The power to see events that have occurred in the distant past.
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audio visual equipment selection and set up
Sound Advice For Auditory Learners Who Are Experiencing Hearing Loss
Jill Garcia
What are Learning Styles?
In the 1970s, American writers Richard Bandler and John Grinder developed a psychological assessment intended to help people determine their learning preferences. New Zealand educational theorist Neil Fleming expanded on these principles and introduced the concept of "learning styles."
A "learning style" is a person's preferred method of receiving and processing information. Fleming introduced four primary learning styles: visual, auditory, reading-writing, and kinetic.
• Visual: If you prefer learning with visual tools, like graphics, charts, and videos, you might be a visual learner.
• Auditory: If you learn best through lectures, conversations, and dialogues, you are probably an auditory learner.
• Reading-Writing: If taking notes, making lists, and reading texts improves your comprehension, your learning style might be reading-writing.
• Kinetic: When you learn best by doing, participating in hands-on activities, or simply moving, you could be a kinetic learner.
Learning styles are not the "be all, end all" golden nugget that can un-tap a person's potential, but knowing your preferred method of ingesting information is valuable. Most people do not have one primary learning style preference, so relying on this method alone for learning purposes can be challenging.
Yet, if you ever tried to put a piece of furniture together or conquer a complicated recipe, you know that you can process instructions better using one method over the others. For example, you would do well putting together an entertainment center by reading the included instructions out loud to your pet cat as a auditory learner. Trying to accomplish the same task by viewing graphical instructions alone could lead to a fist hole in your drywall.
Exploring Hearing Loss in an Auditory Learner
One in four Canadians suffer from some degree of hearing loss, and even more people report hearing loss that is significant enough to qualify as clinically deaf. Most people become deaf as a result of old age, but other conditions, like trauma, infection, tumors, and disease, can also result in hearing loss.
In contrast, approximately 30% of adults have an auditory learning preference. Thus, it is reasonable to believe that hearing loss affects a large number of people who have an affinity for auditory learning. If you have an auditory learning preference, hearing loss will likely have a greater impact on your lifestyle and your ability to process and retain information than it will on those who process the world through other methods.
If you learn best through auditory methods, take note of the first signs of hearing loss. Even though the underlying cause of your hearing loss will dictate your chances of recovering your hearing abilities, early detection can prevent further damage. If your doctor determines that your hearing loss is irreversible or even worsening, you can focus on your second-best learning preference and strengthen this perspective.
To learn more, contact a company like Audiology Clinic Of Northern Alberta. | | dclm-gs1-178481087 |
0.178338 | <urn:uuid:72a8a7cd-1baf-40f2-8f27-cbe50e315bfd> | en | 0.973305 | Friday, March 27, 2009
Department of Eagles
Hahahahaa. He's so random.
you feel me?
oh italy. "Ho fame."
ariane said...
I think it's inevitable to pick up on certain things. Like I've noticed when I'm with each of my roommates I talk a certain way- and then we're all together we all talk the same way. It's weird. That kid sounds kind of cute. Department of Eagles= neat band!
Ryan said...
Rakhee, I have been waiting anxiously for an update, checking back here every other day haha. Your story did not let me down. My brother acts in a very similar way to your cousin. He likes to scream "FIRE!!" I wake up, obviously in a panic and then have to chase him around the house. Children..LKSJFDLKLf hahah.
Why are you living with your family, not that it's a bad thing? I thought you were staying in that international residence? What up?
I find myself adopting other people's lexicon all the time haha and yes, like Ariane, it's usually my roommates. When we all first started living with each other way back when, we noticed these little mannerisms, and now- we're all guilty of them. Weird how that happens eh.
Keep us posted on your UK adventures, I love reading the updates! | | dclm-gs1-178491087 |
0.079133 | <urn:uuid:03be88a5-bb17-4389-9a03-46875601b478> | en | 0.968484 | Sunday, December 17, 2017
Mid Life Crisis With A Side Of Slasher: The Ice Cream Truck (2017)
The Ice Cream Truck (2017)
Rating: *1/2
Starring: Deanna Russo, Emil Johnsen, John Redlinger
Wow, is it just me? Or is every slasher film made that had something to do with ice cream so...weird?
Mary is a 30 plus year old house wife, mother and struggling writer rolled into one, moving from the big city to a surburban neighborhood for a fresh start. The best she could describe her new abode is quaint, perhaps a bit too quaint as the most excitement she could get out of it while waiting for her husband and children to arrive are her nosy neighbors and an odd ice cream man creepily driving around town.
Initially bored out of her noggin, Mary soon gets the attention of Max, the teenage son of one of the neighbors, and what started as a friendly flirting between the two eventually develops into an affair that Mary herself is unsure whether to proceed to or not. But whatever decision she has to make, she better do it quick as the soft spoken aforementioned ice cream man turns out to be a maniac hunting down teenagers to mix in his ice cream and it appears Mary might be next on his chopping block.
To call The Ice Cream Truck a slasher is only a small portion of the truth. In fact, it's so damn small that I swear I forgot I was watching a slasher and instead watching an altogether different kind of horror flick: a drama.
It's strange, really, but the direction done for The Ice Cream Truck was more of a situational study than a narrative focusing on bringing bloody horror and exploitative fun, as the plot focuses more on what our protagonist is willing to do just to kill time, no matter how flawed it is morally. It doesn't make her your typical goodie-goodie horror flick final girl, nor can we really defend her all the way due to her actions, in turn, but I guess the point of this drama was to create a sort of realistic portrayal for us to observe, revolving around someone who gave up their youthful freedom early in their life, only to try to get it back in what I could be considered as a premature mid-life crisis where they should have surpassed such desires. It's an intriguing notion and Deanna Russo's performance was pretty spot-on with the kind of character she is portraying, but I can't help but feel that the commentary lacks any real substance as the inclusion of the slasher elements often distract and hinder any further development of this situation realistically.
On the horror spectrum of all things, Emil Johnsen plays our killer ice cream man and all I can say about him is that he gave the character a mysterious mellow personality. We don't have much to go with in terms of this character's motive except to kill teenagers to seemingly mix in with his ice cream for flavor (something that was already done in another ice cream-themed slasher back at 1995, Ice Cream Man), but I got a soft spot for mysterious killers and I have a feeling this guy wasn't given enough treatment to show what he is really capable of.
He, along with whatever slasher elements Ice Cream Truck have to offer, are more or less pushed to the side as a sub-plot, one that was only brought up every after a third of the running time. Whenever we do get these scenes though, I am pretty impressed with their bloody and cheesy executions, a fair reason why I'm a bit down with the fact that we don't get enough of them in the entire film. There's also the matter that the story seems to be building up to what could be a life-changing encounter between Mary and our homicidal ice cream man, but an odd twist ending not only renders this pointless, but opens more questions as to what really happened in the entire movie. ( I have my theories, though...)
In practice, a drama/slasher hybrid is not impossible if you get a chance to see the obscure slasher "Some Guy Who Kills People"; in that film, we watch a possible vengeful man kill his way through high school bullies, only to have his killing spree halted by the arrival of his runaway daughter. This odd plot warmly balances bodycount thrills, offbeat dark humor and a situational study about an antagonistic lead trying to change his way for the better, thus resulting to a good set of likable characters with chemistry and a story that we can comfortably follow both for its drama and horror elements. Ice Cream Truck, unfortunately, misses its mark to even out and amalgamate its commentaries with hack'n slash action, resulting to a mixed bag of good drama and underwhelming horror. If anything, I personally believe this film will benefit better as a straight drama, ditching the slasher and his flesh-flavored ice cream altogether, in favor of continuing with its in-depth look of maternal and spousal crisis.
With a splendid looking production, Ice Cream Truck is far from a terrible movie, but it is partially misguided in terms of what it really wanted to be. If you happen to like independent drama with a strange twist of bloodshed, or just have an acquired taste for structure-breaking horror flicks (with varying level of success), then why not give this sweet deal a try?
1 female had her throat cut with a knife
1 male stabbed on the gut with an ice cream scooper
1 female repeatedly stabbed on the head with an ice cream scooper
1 male knifed to death
1 male lobotomized with an electronic shake mixer
Total: 5
Saturday, December 2, 2017
The 22.5th Day of Spring: Jeepers Creepers 3 (2017)
Jeepers Creepers 3 (2017)
Rating: *1/2
Starring: Stan Shaw, Gabrielle Haugh, Brandon Smith
Every 23rd Spring, for 23 days, a flesh-eating flying humanoid simply known as The Creeper goes to hunt, kill and eat the victims it frightens for parts that it likes.
This is a key lore established within the first Jeepers Creepers movie back at 2001 and it was meant to discourage any sequels from ever happening. The sleeper success of this slasher/monster hybrid, however, meant bending the rules or at least finding some loopholes, thus comes Jeepers Creepers II two years later, wherein most of the plot takes place within the 23rd day of the monster's feeding cycle. This on its own also meant seeing The Creeper up and murdering folks for yummy bloody nibblets in another movie will be a further stretch, which again should have killed off any more chances of another follow-ups from being developed. (Unless, of course, some producer and/or director will be patient enough to wait exactly 23 years later to bring back The Creeper. If that is true, Hollywood probably ran out of ideas by then...)
Talks about a third film, however, still persisted with ideas ranging from it being a possible prequel taking place in the Old West (which in itself sounds awesome) to a possible time jump 23 years later wherein the surviving girl from the first movie is now a grown adult plotting revenge against The Creeper. Fourteen years later, we somehow did get a Jeepers Creepers 3 and it's a pretty long time itself to follow-up a movie last seen back at 2003, but looking back at films like Psycho II (1983) or, in a meta kind of way, The Town That Dreaded Sundown (2014), there is a chance that it will be great, if not just good, right? Right?
...Yeah, why the hell would it?
Jeepers Creepers 3 is a film that's probably quite difficult to follow unless you've seen the first two in the franchise as it takes place slab-dab in the middle of both in terms of continuity. It starts just minutes or hours after the ending of the original with a responding SWAT team surrounding The Creeper's infamous BEATINGU truck and painfully learning that it's rigged to the teeth with traps. In shock of what just and still transpiring that night is Sgt Tubbs (Brandon Smith) who will soon find out that he is roped into something that's have been going on for years when Sheriff Tashtego (Stan Shaw) and his group of Anti-Creeper hunters show up and basically gave our sergeant a crash course of what they know about the creature so far. (Which can be easily summed up to "it eats people, it's not human and it has done this before")
As Tubbs and Tashtego join forces and plan on killing The Creeper for good the following morning, said monster busies itself by hunting down some teenagers to eat. Eventually added to its little hoard of abducted organ donors is young local horse rider Addison (Gabrielle Haugh), whose grandmother, Gaylen Brandon (Meg Foster), had a son that The Creeper murdered many years ago. Why is this little tidbit important? Well, apart from Gramma Brandon being a part of Tashtego's team and that she's sortah driven insane (or haunted, whichever one works) by a ghostly vision resembling her late boy, she also just uncovered something her son buried in their property before he got taken away. Something that might just explain what The Creeper is and she is ready to use it against our flesh-eating monster.
Seeing I am a fan of the first two films, I guess it's only fair that I start with what I enjoyed about this movie in my sincerest. First of which will be Jonathan Breck returning to don the winged monster make-up for the third time and his performance here as our humanoid hell bat-thingie is still spot-on with his takes from the previous two films, though less creeping in the shadows, less "playful", and seemingly more hands-on with its weapons. Apart from this, I also like the fact that the creature's truck kinda became its own villain as it is shown to have a level of sentience, capable of moving or defending its own via traps that are just otherwordly, unless harpoons can be installed to shoot out of working exhaust pipes, or metal spikes can drop down from truck doors out of nowhere.
Sadly, actual scenes involving the creature quickly became an issue for me as the movie's low budget and odd choice to film it in the day meant every little time we get to see The Creeper in action, we would also be constantly looking at the awfully cheap make-up effects, so much so that I can actually see how rushed and flaky it is during close-up scenes. Whatever CG done for the creature's more monstrous features (as in scenes where its wings are shown and in use, or that awkward looking "third nostril") also horribly resembles those from the worst SYFY TV movies due to the budget, much more to my further disappointment that same can be said to the BEATINGU truck's would-be wonderful cavalcade of traps, leaving many scenes that would have been pretty awesome terribly cartoonish and wrongfully hilarious. Sadly, this is only the tip of the problematic iceberg that is Jeepers Creepers 3 as the more I dwell into the movie, the further the issues I have with this sequel get sourer.
With so much going on from a gang of anti-Creeper hunters lead by a sheriff who clearly have dealt with this thing before to a nearly-insane woman finding out that her late son buried *spoiler alert* one of The Creeper's dismembered hand that apparently has the ability to feed information about the Creeper to another individual just by touching it, clearly this third entry was trying to set us up with the origins of our monster. After all of that scaling and planning, though, not only are we not- I repeat, NOT- shown or at least hinted to what our villain is, but our supposed protagonists seemingly did little to whatever information they gained and more or less just went on attacking the monster with machine guns that we all already know will do little to the creature nor to its suddenly bulletproof truck. Now, I say "seemingly" because one of them did try to do something about what they learned and it is perhaps the dumbest shit you could ever do: leave The Creeper's dismembered hand (y'know the hand that can feed secrets about its previous owner to just about anyone via touch) on an open field, above a letter that basically says "we know what you are", for the Creeper to find and read.
Can you guess what happened next? Well, now angered that someone knows its secrets, our monster does its own impression of Star Wars Episode III Darth Vader going "Noooooo!!!!" after breaking the hand apart, leaving the rest of the world back to square one and the only idiot that perhaps knows how to kill this thing is the town loonie. So, again, instead of keeping the hand to have it pass its knowledge to more competent hunters to prepare for this thing's return 23 years later, the idiot decided to leave it in the open for the monster to find and destroy. Oh, what's that? This action serves as our protagonists' way of warning The Creeper to stay away from them since they are now armed with the knowledge on how exactly they can finish it for good? Well, what fucking worth is that because from what I just saw, The Creeper have no problem killing off those who just learned its secrets as it easily just battle axed one of them in the face and it is hinted that our Brandon boy knew and, hell, he's dead. So, yeah, let this sink in. Let all of this fucking sink in.
This utter garbage of a finale is so hard to forgive since the rest of the movie is mostly mediocre, if not embarrassing to watch. The actors and actresses involved are okay but I couldn't ground myself to their cookie cutter personalities and flat portrayal no matter how much they flap their mouths about killing The Creeper, talking about The Creeper or even them simply talking about their daily lives before being victimized by this monster. You can only do so much exposition from one character or a group before it gets tiring. Does anything these people would matter in the end, even? I mean, this is a fucking midquel, you know damn well it's gonna fail coz that flying bat-thingie they're trying to destroy is up and stalking around in Jeepers Creepers II! (And speaking of which, really movie? You have the audacity to tie one of your characters with the group victimized by The Creeper in the second? Well that's fine and dandy except for one issue: if he had seen all of this before, why the flying fucking hell was he not doing or saying anything in the Jeepers Creepers II?!
The least this film could do is give us some good scares, monster scenes or even kills but, no. The film couldn't even afford that, nor do they have the capable brain cells to spare for at least that. Even if these Creeper movies weren't really all that focused on gory deaths, they instead try their best to work with the creep factor or otherworldly imagery, something that Jeepers Creepers 3 lacks as its tone felt rushed as if they weren't really prepared what to do in this entry. It lacks proper blood works, scares and the kills are hardly inventive and drier than a bag of month-old trail mix.
I guess I'm being critical because I really wanted this movie to work. The first two Jeepers Creepers have a special place in my entire person as one of the few monster movies I get to grow up with. (Hell, the DVD of the first film my dad brought home one day during my grade school years still sits among my horror collection. And the best part is, it still works!...I think...I need to check up on that) Jeepers Creepers 3, unfortunately, missed a lot of marks and its overall production have this nagging feeling that they simply did this to pander to its fans but lacking a real heart and dedication to it. It's movies like this that hammers my beliefs that no franchise can ever be perfect as there will always be that one black sheep among the flock that someone will try to avoid. To the folks behind Jeepers Creepers 3? Please stay down and don't come back until 23 years later. That'll give you enough time to think about this piece of celluloid trash before you jump in to that hinted Jeepers Creepers 4 you squeezed in the end...
1 male snatched, killed offcamera
1 male snatched, killed offcamera
1 male found killed, method unknown
2 males skewered by a thrown spear
1 male snatched, killed offscreen
1 male killed, seen bloodied
1 male impaled through the head by a projected spike
1 male seen killed
1 victim stabbed with a dagger
2 males shot dead by bounced bullets
1 male gets a battle axe to the face
1 male attacked, killed offscreen
Total: 14
Friday, November 24, 2017
Preying For A Good Home Invasion: The Strangers: Prey At Night Trailer Thoughts
So, it took ten years for The Strangers to come up and finish a sequel. Well, basing my experience with other sequels and meta-sequels that took their sweet time following up a movie (Psycho II, The Town That Dreaded Sundown (2014), Phantasm V: Oblivion and Jeepers Creepers 3) I'm both excited and rightfully nervous, if not terrified of the notion of it flopping. (The latter thanks to the latter two movies mentioned. Worst. Sequels. Ever.)
So far, I can tell that The Strangers: Prey At Night may do more slasher-lite stalking and killing. I could be wrong, of course, since the trailer for the first The Strangers (2008) did made itself look like one, but unlike that film, this entry seems to have more characters in play so here's hoping to a considerable bodycount and more hack'n slashing action.
Wednesday, November 22, 2017
Filipino Maniac: Basag Ang Pula (1984)
Basag ang Pula (Philippines, 1984)
Rating: ***1/2
Starring: Ace Vergel, Snooky Serna, Liza Lorena
(Before I start, I would like to give a big shout out to Jenny Lo for helping me finally see a copy of this surpringly hard-to-find film! It's people like her why I'm proud to be one with the horror community!)
It's quite a shame my home country, the Philippines, never have that much of a demand for gory slasher flicks because rare cheesy gems like Basag Ang Pula shows that, if we really put a lot of effort to it, we could do a fun and messy bodycounter.
Basag starts with a treat by taking a varying stab on a well-known Filipino urban legend; a father drives to a party to pick up his teenage daughter only for their car to run out of gas while enroute back home. The father decided to get out to find fuel, leaving his daughter inside the car to have someone guard it. This eventually proves to be a terrible idea when a crazed man suddenly attacks the car, frightening the girl into hysterics. The cherry on top? The man slowly reveals that he just freshly decapitated her father and he has the keys...
Another offscreen death and an opening credit later, the crime scene is now swarmed by cops, reporters and curious cats alike, and though they are baffled by the lack of motive for the killings, they are certain this is the work of the same maniac who apparently have been murdering folks around the city recently.
The following morning comes with us watching our killer, Fernando, living his day catching and torturing rats while experiencing horrid childhood flashbacks. Later that very night, he ventures off to do some more human hunting, this time cock-blocking a horny pair of teenagers before fatally stabbing the boy and chasing the girl into the streets when she escapes. The screaming and struggles draw the attention of patrolling officials, however, prompting Fernando to back off and hide inside a school bus where he murders the driver after the man threatens to tell on the cops.
In a stroke of luck, the bus turns out to be a hired transport for a large group of high school girls attending a retreat and Fernando seizes the opportunity to pretend as the murdered driver's nephew to drive all the way to another city, escaping possible capture. Of course, it wasn't long before he can't hold back his murderous impulses once he and the class reach the retreat and the need to start another killing spree catches up to him soon.
While not necessarily a great movie per se, Basag ang Pula does work as a cheesy exploitation flick, somewhat bringing an amount of grit and teeth to an otherwise cheddar-tainted story of an opportunistic murderer slaying his way through a class full of party and/or sex-hungry teenagers. (And teachers) It could have been nothing but hokey hamminess comparable to some late 80s American school girl-in-peril slashers such as School Girl Screamers (1986), Blood Sisters (1987) and The Last Slumber Party (1988), with some scenes actually looking like it was going for that kind of mess (An Ouija board scene between the girls and their recently murdered classmate, anyone? How about a bonfire dance-off between the class goof and the local retard?), but Basag found a way to present itself as this dirty and grim looking creature for over most of the movie's entire run, mainly thanks to our villain's unsettling character and the sheer relentlessness of his attacks, elements played the straightest and grounded Basag in place as a genuine horror movie.
Though our villain is nothing anywhere as remarkable and noteworthy as many masked slashers reigning the box offices of their time, his seemingly unprovoked killing streak and often robotic personality (courtesy of actor, Ace Vergel) gave him an unpredictable edge, resulting to a rather sizable killcount consisting of often brutal dispatches without being that gory or inventive. (our killer only wielded two murder weapons: a hunting knife and, later, an automatic rifle) Two notable occasions Basag showed some worth for shock value were the beheading reveal at its opening scene and one part in the middle of the movie where a mentally handicapped man found himself in the wrong place, at the wrong time and at the bad end of the blade.
If there's anything that doesn't really help our antagonist stand above other slashers villains, it would be the climactic reveal of how exactly Fernando became this unhinged wherein his reasons and accompanying flashbacks reveal a tragic romance gone fatal, a cliche nearly as overused as the abusive parental figure when it comes to past traumas. This did lead to a minor mystery whether one girl in the retreat may or may not be Fernando's tragic lover who mysteriously disappeared from his life, but the lack of focus on this supposed sub-plot made it pretty weak and corny, succeeding only to give our killer a reason to hold back on committing a complete stab-a-thon.
Oddly, too, is that Basag's also one of the few slasher titles that spent a good amount on writing and building up a possible final girl among its characters, only for her to be tossed aside in the last act and have the movie stretch 20 minutes more to switch from "horror" to "action thriller", with Fernando arming himself with a semi-automatic and shooting down armed cops on pursuit. It's certainly a curveball I never saw coming from this film (though it is nothing really new for me. Gotta blame Severance (2003) and The Majorettes (1987) for that one), but I overly enjoy its sheer silliness and macho-inducing reek, a kind of nostalgic grandeur of over-the-top entertainment that only vintage Filipino exploitation flicks can induce.
A rough little gem of a rare slasher, Basag Ang Pula was a challenge to find but I can honestly say that the hunt was well worth it. Cheesy and grim in the right balance, this is one foreign entry that deserves a quick look for all slasher completists and horror purists.
1 male head seen
1 female murdered offscreen
1 male stabbed with a knife
1 male had his chest dragged open with a knife
1 female had her throat slashed with a knife
1 female killed, blood spill seen
1 female stabbed with a knife
1 male stabbed in the gut with a knife
1 female stabbed in the head with a knife
1 male knifed in the nape
1 female stabbed on the gut with a knife
1 female mentioned killed
1 male stabbed to death with a knife
1 male stabbed to death with a knife
1 male shot dead with an automatic rifle
1 male shot on the head
1 male shot dead with an automatic rifle
Total: 17
Monday, November 20, 2017
Short Shear Terror: Chainsaw (2015)
Chainsaw (2015)
Rating: ***1/2
Starring: James Frey, Kirby Bliss Blanton, Logan Paul
1 male decapitated with a chainsaw
1 male bisected on the shoulder with a chainsaw
1 female sliced in half with a chainsaw
1 female seen killed with a chainsaw
1 male seen dismembered
Total: 5
Monday, October 30, 2017
Militant Bodycounter: The Guest (2014)
The Guest (2014)
Rating: ****
Starring: Dan Stevens, Sheila Kelley, Maika Monroe
1 male shot on the head
1 male shot
1 male shot
1 male shot on the head
1 male shot dead with an automatic rifle
1 male shot on the face with an automatic rifle
1 male shot dead with an automatic rifle
1 female knifed on the chest
1 male shot dead
1 male mangled in car collision, shot
1 victim implied shot, blood splatter seen
1 female shot
A number of people presumably killed in grenade explosion
1 male had this throat sliced with a box cutter
1 male implied murdered, uniform seen
Total: 15+ | | dclm-gs1-178511087 |
0.041923 | <urn:uuid:a3df506c-fc81-469c-a87b-d0e9e39c75b0> | en | 0.975593 |
Tuesday, September 20, 2016
A month ago, there were "Road Closed" signs up on all of Donald Trump's potential paths to the White House.
About a dozen battleground states have gotten closer with some key ones showing Trump leading for the first time. Hillary Clinton retains the advantage, but it's a far more precarious lead for the Democrat than at any time in this presidential race.
Anonymous said...
I've noticed the leaning by NPR to be soft on Hillary all along, and this article is not much different. Phrases such as "...ships that get to close to American ones..." decry a failure in proofreading, which is unexpected, but to say in reference to Clinton's 9/11 collapse that she was "...ushered into a van..." is extremely and overly generous to one who was chucked in that waiting vehicle by two Secret Service guards as if they were hefting a twelve stone sack of sand.
In these days of threats to pull NPR's public (taxpayer) funding, is it too outrageous to suppose that certain promises have been made by a certain candidate that will put NPR's funding anxieties to rest?
Anonymous said...
MD will still go blue by the electoral college.
Anonymous said...
Please, oh Please let Trump win just so that awful Don Rush on WSCL has to deal with it. I will beam with joy to hear the NPR libs have to announce their worst nightmare. | | dclm-gs1-178601087 |
0.085201 | <urn:uuid:87115ad4-c230-43f1-a032-60b66327ef5c> | en | 0.680277 | Lineage for d1fqjb_ (1fqj B:)
1. Root: SCOPe 2.06
3. 2002317Fold a.91: Regulator of G-protein signaling, RGS [48096] (1 superfamily)
multihelical; consists of two all-alpha subdomains
contains a 4-helical bundle with left-handed twist and up-and-down topology
4. 2002318Superfamily a.91.1: Regulator of G-protein signaling, RGS [48097] (2 families) (S)
5. 2002319Family a.91.1.1: Regulator of G-protein signaling, RGS [48098] (10 protein domains)
6. 2002362Protein RGS9, RGS domain [48101] (1 species)
7. 2002363Species Cow (Bos taurus) [TaxId:9913] [48102] (3 PDB entries)
8. 2002365Domain d1fqjb_: 1fqj B: [18543]
Other proteins in same PDB: d1fqja1, d1fqja2, d1fqjc_, d1fqjd1, d1fqjd2
complexed with alf, gdp, mg
Details for d1fqjb_
PDB Entry: 1fqj (more details), 2.02 Å
PDB Description: crystal structure of the heterotrimeric complex of the rgs domain of rgs9, the gamma subunit of phosphodiesterase and the gt/i1 chimera alpha subunit [(rgs9)-(pdegamma)-(gt/i1alpha)-(gdp)-(alf4-)-(mg2+)]
PDB Compounds: (B:) regulator of g-protein signaling 9
SCOPe Domain Sequences for d1fqjb_:
>d1fqjb_ a.91.1.1 (B:) RGS9, RGS domain {Cow (Bos taurus) [TaxId: 9913]}
SCOPe Domain Coordinates for d1fqjb_:
Click to download the PDB-style file with coordinates for d1fqjb_.
Timeline for d1fqjb_: | | dclm-gs1-178611087 |
0.082791 | <urn:uuid:94952d2a-d4de-47d7-89f6-ba1176fe3b99> | en | 0.931652 | The Science: Why Adolescents Need Later School Start Times to Get Enough Sleep
Two main biological processes cause us to sleep: (1) the circadian rhythm, which is a hard-wired “clock” in the brain that controls the production of the sleep-inducing hormone melatonin, and (2) pressure to sleep, which builds the longer that we are awake and dissipates as one sleeps.1, 2, 3
Around the time when adolescents go through puberty, both of these biological processes change. First, teens’ circadian rhythm shifts later. An adolescent’s body does not begin producing melatonin until around 11:00 p.m. and continues to produce melatonin until at least 8:00 a.m. Second, the pressure to sleep accumulates more slowly during waking hours so that adolescents don’t feel sleepy until later at night.1, 3,24 Due to both neurological changes, teens’ natural sleep time shifts later by at least two hours to 11:00 p.m.4, 17, 24 The sleep cycle reverts back to an earlier pattern in the mid-20s.17
This sleep-phase shift is a universal phenomenon of human development. It affects teenagers around the world, regardless of parenting methods, technology use, or sleep hygiene; even adolescents in pre-industrial cultures without cell phones or computers develop the same sleep-cycle delay.5, 6, 7, 8, 8B, 9 As humans evolved they tended to live in extended family groups, and the adolescent sleep phase shift ensured that there would be family members naturally alert to protect the group.17 Scientists have observed this sleep shift in other types of mammals at puberty as well.10
Along with keeping later hours, adolescents also need more sleep as compared to adults. Teens need 8 to 10 hours of sleep per night - and where an adolescent's minimum sleep requirement falls in this range is based on genetics, not personal convenience.1, 11, 12, 24, 25a This makes 7:30 a.m. the earliest time that teens should wake up in the morning.1, 11, 12, 24 And because teens’ bodies produce melatonin until at least 8:00 a.m., our adolescents are not primed for learning until after this time.
In fact, by waking up our adolescents prior to 7:30 a.m., we are taking away at least one full REM cycle each night (see illustration on the right “Cycle of Sleep in a Normal Teenager”), and this sleep stage is very important. Both physical repair and learning take place during sleep, and particularly during the REM phase of sleep - the brain consolidates and practices what the student learned during the day, forms long-term memories, and connects and prunes synapses in ways that improve daytime concentration, mathematical capacity, logical reasoning, complex thought, organization, and creativity.18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 24a, 24b
Other scientists, including researchers from Harvard and Oxford, have gone further and recommended that secondary school start at 10:00 a.m. or later.13, 14In fact, a recent study concluded that a start time closer to 11:00 a.m. would be more appropriate and that the "recommendation of starts no earlier than 8:30 a.m. for high school students takes a step in the right direction but does not go far enough."17 The author explained that the sleep shift is biological and cannot be changed; we must push back the timing of our young adults' school schedule instead:
“In adolescence and early adulthood optimal wake and sleep times are shifted 2-3 [hours] later in the day, and yet this group are still required to conform to education start times more appropriate to young children and older adults. Traditionally, institutions have tried to tailor the humans to the organization, but research suggests that, at least as far as time is concerned, it is more efficient, productive, and humane to align the organization’s schedules to the natural time patterns of the humans who study and work in them.”17
In Westport, high school begins at 7:25 a.m. and busses pick up students as early as 6:45 a.m. This schedule is analogous to having adults leave home at 3:45 a.m. every weekday to start work at 4:25 a.m.1, 15, 16 Would you perform at your best in any capacity or be pleasant to live with under those circumstances? Would you always be alert enough to drive safely or mentally healthy enough to make good decisions?
In short, our teens’ sleep needs and sleep cycles are fundamentally, biologically different from our own. And while starting work at 7:25 a.m. seems reasonable for adults, it is not healthy for your high-school aged children. Later school start times would reduce the mismatch between adolescents’ developmental biological drive toward later bedtimes and wake times and Westport’s current school schedule.
Video: The Adolescent Sleep Cycle Shift
Westport Board of Education Meeting, May 8, 2017
Illustration of Shift in Melatonin Secretion and Sleep Hours
Illustration of Shift in Melatonin Secretion and Sleep Hours
Video: TED Talk - Why School Should Start Later for Teens | | dclm-gs1-178691087 |
0.033545 | <urn:uuid:bec60352-feb8-4d0f-a9e1-fa8e21c8b9e2> | en | 0.968329 | THE STUDENT 1 year ago
Roger Carswell with Jake Vart
Roger Carswell with Tim Cross
A Repressive Story: does God want to control me? 1 year ago
Hamish Sneddon
Is Christianity a belief system that exists simply to exercise power over people? Why does God seem to care so much about what I think, do and say? Doesn’t being a Christian lead to losing my identity, freedom and even my humanity?
THE SCIENTIST 1 year ago
Roger Carswell with David Wilkinson
A Tragic Story: where is God when it hurts? 1 year ago
Hamish Sneddon
Every day we are confronted with the reality of suffering in the world, and all of us either have or will feel the personal pain of hardship. In those moments, where is God, if He exists? Surely such things show that He is not real, or that He is not good? And how can Christians maintain that He is not only good but trustworthy in the face of such evils? | | dclm-gs1-178801087 |
0.084113 | <urn:uuid:d6896a96-02dd-4cf6-8531-f2a99425dce1> | en | 0.987177 | Entry: Sonic Boom Thursday, February 26, 2004
I haven't mentioned it earlier, mostly due to the fact that I had forgotten it almost, but I'm a huge fan of "Sonic the Hedgehog". This "obsession" is kinda unexplainable. My first introduction to Sonic was when I was about six or seven years old. My uncle had bought himself a Sega Mega Drive 16-bit, and I was totally stunned by the wonderfulness of it. Remember that back then, the best thing so far had been 8-bit. At least of what I had seen. And now it was 256 times more color. What a difference it made. And the fact that the first game I ever saw and played on such a wonderful machine was Sonic has got to do something with it. While mentioning it, I am still more a fan of old 8 and 16-bit platform games than what I am of modern 3D simulations. The day Sonic turned 3D was the day I stopped caring.
If you're not a Sonic fan yourself, or if you don't know anything about Sonic at all, what I am about to tell will most likely make no real sense, mostly due to a lot of names of characters and so on. The best game of them all, if you ask me, and you don't really have the chance to ask anyone else here, hah.. has to be the "Sonic 3" and the "Sonic & Knuckles" cartridges combined game. It had the best Sonic could ever have. The graphics were really brilliant, the gameplay, although very linear and repeating, was, and is still, enchanting and great, and never since have I heard music that matches a game better than in this game. (There might be one game that has had better music, which would be Final Fantasy VII, but that's sorta off-topic) The very best song, if you gotta know, is the one for the "Sky Sanctuary" or the "Hidden Palace". My favorite character is Knuckles the Echidna. Don't ask me why, I don't know, you see.
But Sonic didn't stop with the games. There were of course TV-shows. (cartoons, naturally) The very best ever is the one known as "Sonic the Hedgehog - SatAM" (named so due to it's airing time, I think) The first, and unfortunately last time the show was aired on TV was when I was in elementary school, about nine or ten years old. I've been wanting for it to return ever since, which means I've been waiting for some time now. It'll probably never return though, it's "old stuff", and the current generation of kids most likely don't identify with Sonic the way my generation did. There was also another TV show which was somewhat good, but not nearly close to the quality of the SatAM show, called "The Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog", which aired simultaneously with the SatAM one. I don't really care too much for that one to return though.
One nice thing has occured though. I've found a source for downloading the SatAM episodes. So I'm doing my best to ensure that I get to see them all again. I already have 10 episodes, which means I have 16 left to go. I just hope I get them all. And don't ask me where I get them, cause I won't tell you. Really. So just drop the thought. No offense though. But keep looking, and you'll find them.
That's the basics of Sonic, from my part. I could write a lot more, like how I feel for each game, and much more how I feel for the TV-shows and so on, but since this isn't really a "Sonic Shrine" or anything like that, I'll just leave it with this. There's a lot of nice information on Sonic the Hedgehog out there if you really wish to know more though. Just give it a google, and you'll find it.
In any case, I am going to bed now. I always write these too late. But nothing to do about that, I usually do other things in the rest of the days.
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0.036465 | <urn:uuid:b6d20956-a895-49f2-9e03-84a80e64429b> | en | 0.97738 | Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Traveling Through Tuesday
Do you like to read books that set in a certain city, state, or country? Do you ever find a town in a book that just calls your name and you can't wait to tell someone about it? Well Traveling Through Tuesday is a weekly event hosted by Lori at Lori's Reading Corner, where we spotlight the location of the book we are currently reading!
Today we are traveling to Reno, NV. I mean literally. As in actually, truly, really....we, the Handyman and I, are actually driving to Reno today. And it's not too exciting, as we only live 2 and a half hours away. He's going to get hangers (we own a dry cleaners) and I just like to ride with him. I'm kind of weird that way.... I love traveling in a car. It's a few hours where I don't have to be doing anything... I am stuck there. I can read, write letters, organize a notebook--yes, I do take all that stuff with me in a canvas bag, when I go somewhere. ~smiles~ and I'm lucky, I don't get carsick doing that kind of stuff.
BUT... in the book world.....
I am just finishing up "The Anglo Files, a Field Guide to the British", by Sarah Lyall. I'm not sure what possessed me to read this book.... I saw a reference to it somewhere, someplace, and pulled out my handy-dandy book notebook, that I keep with me always, and wrote down the title, then requested it from the library.
I've come across many interesting books that I wouldn't normally read, that way. Also some real duds.
It has taken me right into the heart of England. And it's another world!!
Lyall, moved to London for love, when she met and married her husband. She has lived in London for over 15 years and decided to write a book on what separates the British from the Americans.
It's sometimes funny, sometimes fascinating and sometimes just plain bizarre.
They are weird, we are not. I'm just joking, but it can seem that way if one really investigates the differences.
Lyall loves her adopted home, but there are a few interesting facts:
Her in-laws are amused and aghast at her habit of "having to remind" her children that she loves them. They could be the only English schoolchildren who say "love ya", when she drops them off at school. "Miss you already" is what the English might say.
The British people are also ill-prepared for America's "I'm #1 attitude" she says. They don't know how to apply it to themselves even if they want to. "It's the height of tedium to hear someone banging on about how good they are." The British are very the point of being self-deprecating. Lyall says in a certain way, it's like an "inverted" from of bragging."
And we won't even go into British politics. (yikes)
But the book has been fun, and I've liked getting to know more about the British people.
Karen said...
Have fun in Reno!
Joie de vivre said...
It sounds like a fun book. I always think I SHOULD write books I want to read down, but I always end up recycling the little notes I have strewn about and then forget which ones I want to read. You're SO lucky you can do all that in the car. I get carsick. :(
My Big Backyard (usually on Wednesdays, sometimes Thursdays)
| | dclm-gs1-178891087 |
0.029466 | <urn:uuid:65b1c4ef-b3bb-49cf-84df-41c88f86ed8f> | en | 0.970896 | Monday, March 1, 2010
Introducing the New Proactiv {A Winey Mommy Review}
I honestly think my skin is worse now than when I was a teenager. I know I've talked about it before--and it usually hits postpartum. I have tried numerous products since the birth of Madelyn and nothing was working for me. It was frustrating...and embarrassing. Here I was 30 years old with breakouts. Ugh!
When I got the chance to try out and review the new Proactiv line I was really excited. I've seen the commercials with the different celebrities on them and I've felt a little relieved that everyone is susceptible to getting plagued by pimples. With the release of the new Proactiv Micro-Crystal Technology products there will be new celebrity faces, too--which I think is awesome. I think after so many times of seeing the same spokesman the message gets redundant. Two of the new celebrity faces you'll be learning about are Katy Perry and Avril Lavigne.
Proactiv Solution is the world's best selling acne system--it's a leader in both acne prevention and acne treatment. It offers everyone a chance at clear and healthier looking skin. It now has micro-crystal benzoyl peroxide and utilizes combination therapy to target the root causes of what actually causes us to get pimples--bacteria, oil production and dead skin cell build up. Their new line is advertised as working faster as well as being gentler on your skin. That's a huge plus for me--I have eczema and very sensitive skin so a lot of products are too harsh on my skin. After using the new Proactiv cleansing system my skin wasn't dried out or irritated. This was after 5 days of use and using it both morning and nite.
They offer the 3 step cleansing system: Step 1 is cleanse--it feels a little grainy which is excellent in removing your dead skin cells. Step 2 is a toner--you place a small amount on a cotton ball and cover your face. I loved how it felt after washing and rinsing the cleanser off--it made my face feel so cool and clean. Step 3 is the treatment. You apply a pea sized amount on your finger tip and cover your entire face. You don't rinse it off--it's meant to stay on and fight your acne.
Since using the new Proactiv line I've noticed a significant change in my skin. It's great to not feel self conscious about being a 30 year old with pimples. The products don't have a harsh smell to them and they don't burn or sting my skin. I would recommend to anyone that is having acne problems to try it out. You can purchase it by logging onto the Proactiv website or by calling {888}819-2019. They also have skin care advisors available 24/7 by calling 1-800-950-4695 or you can visit
I received the above product in order to conduct this review and give my honest opinion to my readers. The above experience was my own and may not reflect everyone's experience with the product. Thank you to The Product Review Place for making this awesome review possible!
The Mommyologist said...
I was so curious to read your review and I'm so glad their new product is working for you! I used the old Proactiv for a while and now I"ve been using SkinLogics by BeautiControl for about a year, which seems to be working pretty well. If anything changes, I will go back to Proactiv for sure after reading your review!
Krystyn said...
I never tried the new one, but the old one dried my skin out so bad it was like it was on fire. So, I haven't used it again.
Nick, Ali and Kendall said...
LOVE LOVE LOVE Proactive! I have struggled with acne since I turned 12 and tried EVERYTHING on the shelf and even went to a dermatologist twice a month to have chemical peals and every topical agent they could muster up!
I tried proactive and was amazed!! It really helped my skin! Another thing that I have found to help keep my skin clear is taking krill oil, its not fish oil and it doesn't leave that fishy smell in your mouth either! Those two combined have made all the difference for me! GO PROACTIVE!
Sarah said...
I totally still get zits. Hate it! I would love to try it out. Maybe I should order it! | | dclm-gs1-178941087 |
0.027337 | <urn:uuid:1f1bf0cf-8453-4fe5-832f-74bbf399739d> | en | 0.971723 | Saturday, August 25, 2012
a morning that began bright and early with goodbyes. everyone was up and out the door by six, greg included. the guys and i hung out on the couch for awhile and then i dove into getting the guest room readied again and vacuuming and staying on top of dishes, in between breakfast, snacks, diapers, getting henry and myself dressed (william took initiative for getting himself dressed), playing outside, looking at books, lunch, naps, etc. oh, and monitoring the dryer. a new dryer to figure out and just as confusing as the one at our old place. the best i've discovered is to run it on the timed 40 minute cycle. it worked today for a bunch of sheets, or maybe it was towels, in less than two cycles, but i feel like i've been running this last load since early afternoon. i really hope those responsible for coming up with the symbols on these scandinavian machines are not also the ones in charge of coming up with the danger symbols at radiation sites that are supposed to clue people in thousands of years from now to stay away from the radioactivity.
it was overcast, cool, and on-again, off-again rainy. we stopped by to say hi to some of our old neighbors this afternoon and my friend, sarah, said you can feel it in the air... summer is over. when i pulled green beans from the fridge tonight for dinner, i thought, 'oh, this CSA... never giving us seasonal produce..." and then i realized that it really is the season for green beans... and eggplant... and red peppers... the things we got in our box last week... it just completely doesn't feel like it today. last saturday-- yes. today... no. maybe not again until next year. i'm not feeling so devastated about it though. we had some good days, especially earlier in the week. this season, call it summer if you like, hasn't been a total bust by any means.
right now i'm sitting in the living room listening to the bass of some loud dance music coming from some nearby house. for living on basically the most suburban block you can imagine, it is amazing how much it reminds me of college (except that i think we're talking about high schoolers here)... it's like teen lane and the party and the teenagers just shift from one house to another on any given (though usually weekend) night. i don't know where the parents are and why they're not insisting they turn the music down just a bit or talk with "quiet voices" after 9 p.m. while walking down the street in a large mass because there might be little sleeping children, and parents who want them to remain asleep, just inside of any given house on this block. yes, i sound like i'm not in college anymore. i know it.
okay, time to feed myself. this single parenting thing doesn't allow you to linger over your dinner, go back for seconds or not spend half of dinner under the table, picking up rice from the floor. so, despite the ice cream william and i enjoyed after henry went to bed, i'm still hungry. maybe i'll have two very good sleepers (henry's been up once already), at least while i'm eating!
1 comment:
nina said...
Always the most difficult thing to figure out in foreign rentals is how to run the damn washer and dryer. Always.
Interesting about the noisy teens. My nephew says that Swedes also party hard when they're done with work for the week. Maybe it's a fear of winter...
I dislike noise from neighbors so much that it's reason enough for me to never ever live within spittin' distance of anyone.
Poland was always pretty quiet though. Maybe you should visit Poland.
Though really, I think for your next vacation it has to be Spain or southern France. For the glorious sunshine. Cheap flights, booked ahead are... cheap! | | dclm-gs1-178981087 |
0.995181 | <urn:uuid:4653aec8-36a0-463a-84c7-c36b4d89d0f2> | en | 0.949819 | Why URLs are Not Enough
Including a URL in a citation can be helpful to your audience in locating a web resource (and it is required for an APA full citation), but by itself it is not enough for three reasons:
If you have included a full citation for web resources used, your audience has a good chance of finding them even if the URLs have changed. Simply typing the author and title into a search engine will probably be enough to find it. | | dclm-gs1-179091087 |
0.629269 | <urn:uuid:e95ec291-9041-46c6-91ad-ae700c6182a5> | en | 0.974226 | Monday, January 26, 2009
Mallory: Quick, Tell her you're teaching me something!
Mallory: Oooooo....Let's Get Um!
1. Very cute! How can you get mad at that?
2. So cute! It's funny how silence coming from the playroom always means trouble :)
3. How cute. They are getting ready for the real world (lol). When Ella was that age, I found her at Jeff's keyboard - she had pried four of the letters off of his computer keyboard. Needless to say, he wasn't too thrilled when he got home that night.
Have a great day!
4. How could those faces ever get into trouble?
5. I lurve the faces in that first photo!!
6. Adorable! Good for you - having a camera at the ready. This morning all three of my kids snuggled up together in my oldest's toddler bed and all I could think was, "why have I not had that camera surgically attached to my hand yet? I miss all of the best shots!"
7. You gotta watch it when they get's never a good sign;)
8. So funny. I love that first shot. They look so guilty.
| | dclm-gs1-179111087 |
0.037523 | <urn:uuid:affcac2a-3a7b-4415-993c-2a3b217f4d78> | en | 0.899871 | JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser.
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Memoirs of a Clueless Woman single parent. Keep a list of all medications you are taking 1. standard out-patient treatment in the early course of bipolar disorder: randomised clinical trial. | | dclm-gs1-179351087 |
0.073803 | <urn:uuid:2ea20124-1362-41e8-ba36-0839ecff2ff9> | en | 0.787761 | START A PETITION37,000,000 members: the world's largest community for good
TAKE ACTION NOW! Marine Mammals Threatened By U.S. Navy Training
Animals (tags: protection, habitat, dolphins, Navy sonar testing, wildlife, protection, wildanimals, environment, animals, animaladvocates, killing, animalwelfare, animalrights )
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The U.S. Navy uses sonar and explosives for training purposes in the waters of Hawaii and Southern California. The use of the sonar and explosives will deafen and even kill whales, dolphins and porpoises as they use sound waves to communicate with each ot
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0.107826 | <urn:uuid:18af4f39-256c-40f2-919b-2ed23e205aea> | en | 0.728705 | What does Tribulation mean?
Definitions for Tribulationˌtrɪb yəˈleɪ ʃən
Here are all the possible meanings and translations of the word Tribulation.
Princeton's WordNet
1. trial, tribulation, visitation(noun)
an annoying or frustrating or catastrophic event
1. tribulation(Noun)
Any adversity; a trying period or event.
2. Tribulation(ProperNoun)
A relatively short period of time before the second coming where believers will experience worldwide persecution and be purified and strengthened by it.
3. Origin: tribulation, from tribulacion, from tribulatio, from tribulare, from tribulum, from terere; see trite.
Webster Dictionary
1. Tribulation(noun)
that which occasions distress, trouble, or vexation; severe affliction
Chambers 20th Century Dictionary
1. Tribulation
trib-ū-lā′shun, n. severe affliction: distress. [L.,—tribulāre, -ātum, to afflict—tribulum, a sledge for rubbing out corn—terĕre, to rub.]
1. Chaldean Numerology
The numerical value of Tribulation in Chaldean Numerology is: 9
2. Pythagorean Numerology
The numerical value of Tribulation in Pythagorean Numerology is: 6
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1. TribulationTribulationTribulation
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0.070661 | <urn:uuid:678a4e50-fc49-4173-856f-ae149acc6df5> | en | 0.755478 | What does cutose mean?
Definitions for cutose
Here are all the possible meanings and translations of the word cutose.
Webster Dictionary
1. Cutose(noun)
2. Origin: [L. cutis skin.]
1. Chaldean Numerology
The numerical value of cutose in Chaldean Numerology is: 1
2. Pythagorean Numerology
The numerical value of cutose in Pythagorean Numerology is: 2
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Thanks for your vote! We truly appreciate your support. | | dclm-gs1-179511087 |
0.446784 | <urn:uuid:4c81006e-e0ce-45b1-a4c6-9bd9057a4f82> | en | 0.714443 | What does frat mean?
Definitions for fratfræt
Here are all the possible meanings and translations of the word frat.
Princeton's WordNet
1. fraternity, frat(noun)
a social club for male undergraduates
1. frat(Noun)
Shortened form for fraternity, college organization. (Often used as a noun modifier.)
2. Origin: Apocope of fraternity.
The Roycroft Dictionary
1. frat
1. A scheme whereby you lock the world out by shutting yourself in. 2. A non-productive plan of self-incarceration in a brain bastile by a mental midge of either sex, or none. 3. A make-believe compact for purposes of piffle. (See snip-pity, top-lofty, tabascoish, supercilious.)
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1. fart, raft, RTFA, traf, TRAF
2. Fart
4. Traf
1. Chaldean Numerology
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0.044441 | <urn:uuid:df674178-14dd-450b-8729-a8276b544147> | en | 0.764446 | What does mic mean?
Definitions for mic
Here are all the possible meanings and translations of the word mic.
1. mic(Noun)
2. mic(Verb)
If we add the drum kit, we'll have to mic the orchestra.
3. Origin: 1961 mic. Abbreviation and alteration of microphone.
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1. Chaldean Numerology
The numerical value of mic in Chaldean Numerology is: 8
2. Pythagorean Numerology
The numerical value of mic in Pythagorean Numerology is: 7
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0.018271 | <urn:uuid:2072e6e3-448c-46e0-b4f2-501e657544ba> | en | 0.710626 | What does oxymonadida mean?
Definitions for oxymonadida
Here are all the possible meanings and translations of the word oxymonadida.
U.S. National Library of Medicine
1. Oxymonadida
An order of EUKARYOTES found in the gut of termites and other insects that live on LIGNIN. MITOCHONDRIA and GOLGI APPARATUS are absent from oxymonads.
1. Chaldean Numerology
The numerical value of oxymonadida in Chaldean Numerology is: 4
2. Pythagorean Numerology
The numerical value of oxymonadida in Pythagorean Numerology is: 8
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0.034929 | <urn:uuid:fefd4b49-9614-4d18-9afa-ac545bcdd02a> | en | 0.803173 | What does safety arch mean?
Definitions for safety arch
Here are all the possible meanings and translations of the word safety arch.
Princeton's WordNet
1. safety arch(noun)
1. Chaldean Numerology
The numerical value of safety arch in Chaldean Numerology is: 6
2. Pythagorean Numerology
The numerical value of safety arch in Pythagorean Numerology is: 7
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0.038267 | <urn:uuid:6b73211e-a323-4c9b-9cf3-430c4c62e74d> | en | 0.777463 | What does urnfuls mean?
Definitions for urnfuls
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Webster Dictionary
1. Urnfuls
of Urnful
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1. unfurls
2. urnsful
1. Chaldean Numerology
The numerical value of urnfuls in Chaldean Numerology is: 6
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The numerical value of urnfuls in Pythagorean Numerology is: 3
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0.409757 | <urn:uuid:1192ee67-b03e-4833-aaea-8621d2290257> | en | 0.903732 | Botany lecture notes
Difference between Hardwood and Softwood
Difference between Porous and Nonporous Wood
Hardwood vs Softwood
(Similarities and Differences between Soft Wood and Hard Wood)
Anatomically ‘wood’ is the secondary xylem of plants. Commercially there are two categories of wood based on its source. They are (1) Hardwood and (2) Softwood.
(1). Hardwood: The wood of dicot Angiosperms is called hardwood. Hardwood and heavy since it contains plenty of wood fibres (fibre tracheids and libriform fibres).
(2). Softwood: The wood of Gymnosperms is called softwood. The softwood mainly composed of tracheids and wood rays (parenchyma).
List of Hardwood trees: Teak, Rosewood, Mahogany, Oak, Sal-tree, Alnus, American chestnut etc.
List of Softwood trees: Araucaria (monkey puzzle tree), Cedar, Cypress, Fir (Abies), Pine (Pinus), Larch (Larix) etc.
The present post discuss the similarities and differences between Hardwood and Softwood with a Comparison Table
Similarities between Hardwood and Softwood
Ø Both hardwood and softwood are secondary xylem.
Ø Both contain tracheids and parenchyma.
Ø Both are heavy and hard.
Ø Both kinds of woods are economically valuable as timbers.
Difference between Softwood and hardwood
Difference between Hardwood and Softwood
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0.297624 | <urn:uuid:ec9607ef-9c1e-4f16-a411-850507617b8f> | en | 0.990173 | Mistress BlackDiamoond lets students torture slave | Female domination Clips
Mistress BlackDiamoond tied her slave to a cross and she called her students to come and try what she had taught them on him. They had lots of fun humiliating, degrading and torturing the slave. They did all she had told them including slapping and kicking the slave. It was brutal but the slave knew he could not cry or else they would increase his punishment. So he braved the torture he got.
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0.061298 | <urn:uuid:68d4cbd9-624a-47f6-97f8-5a97a309a4c6> | en | 0.912623 | Granite Shoals Citizens for Progress
Why We Need the Sewer
April 22, 2011 | Posted in
Vote for Continued Positive Progress, Vote for the GS Sewer Bonds!
By Frank Reilly
On May 14, Granite Shoals voters will decide the fate of the first phase of a sewer system. The vote is more significant than the charter election which brought us professional city management, home rule governance, and five years of remarkable progress.
GS needs a sewer system to continue that positive progress, to ensure cleaner water in Lake LBJ, and to secure the city’s future. For over 5 years, the city council intensely studied the issue and methodically developed a plan to phase-in a bond funded city wide sewer system. The city will also pay to connect homes to the system, decommission septic tanks, replace aging water lines, and repair street damage.
Tying in existing residents, decommissioning septics, and dealing with GS’ granite, rolling hills and sprawl is costly. Further, the city dithered for decades and didn’t build a system when costs were cheaper and grants were available. The system’s cost requires phasing-in the system, as it’s too expense to build all at once. Phasing also allows the tax base to grow over time and help pay for future construction.
GS residents need and deserve nearby services, such as doctors and grocery stores, which will build in GS if a sewer system exists. This will allow sales taxes to remain in GS.
Similarly, visitors to the Andy Roddick Tennis Center, the Leo Manzano trail system and the proposed Quarry Park, will need lodging and additional dining opportunities. Neither will come without a sewer system, and the revenues will leave GS until they are built.
For decades, GS has needed significant road and water system improvments and a comprehensive code enforcement program. While I am very proud of our recent progress, GS lacks, and has always lacked, the resources to fully and effectively solve these issues. A sewer system will create the sustained and positive economic development necessary to increase and diversify our tax base with new businesses and homes. This will provide the resources for the city to make signficant strides toward infrastructure and image upgrades.
Finally, it is just plain irresponsible for a lakeside city built on a thin layer of granite gravel on top of solid granite bedrock to rely on over 2,000 (and growing) septic systems. Nutrient and bacteria laden septic water cause algae blooms and pose significant health issues. Shouldn’t we handle this problem ourselves before a state or federal agency forces us do it under their terms?
Change is coming regardless of whether GS builds a sewer system, but without one, the change will neither be as beneficial, nor will the citizens have the ability to control it.
GS voters, you again have the city’s future in your hands. Please vote for the sewer bonds.
Reilly is the Mayor of the City of Granite Shoals, and has a law practice in Horseshoe Bay and Austin.
Citizens for Progress | | dclm-gs1-179761087 |
0.42366 | <urn:uuid:6eec8dec-1bde-4175-bda8-459524297496> | en | 0.978622 | Why doesn't the king respond to the dumb show...and more! : LUSENET : Kenneth Branagh's Hamlet : One Thread
Firstly why does the King not respond to the dumb-show? Some say he did not see it, but there is nothing in the text to give this theory much support, unless after Polonius's "O Ho! Do you mark that!" he and the King are in deep, closed discussion during the dumb-show. So what say you? There are other threories, but why did Shakespeare not make this matter clearer? Secondly do you think Hamlet knew the dumb-show was going to take place? For in his speech to the players he berates dumb-shows (ActIII, SceneII, lines 11-12). Is his "Marry this is miching mailicho. It means mischief", meant to be taken as meaning that he wasn't expecting the dumb show and he was fearing that the play would divulge its secrets too soon - before his lines were spoken??? Thirdly, what do we think WERE Hamlet's lines? And what reasons have we for our theories?
-- Patrick Von Trapp ([email protected]), December 29, 2002
Hey there, Patrick, Firstly and secondly, Hamlet doesn't really berate dumb shows. It's 'the groundlings' he's directing his criticism against in the relevant clause, lines 11-12. He just thinks 'inexplicable' dumb shows are inferior, simplistic entertainment, lacking ssense to occupy the mind - not surprising in a fella who so likes dealing intellectually with 'words', with language. 'Capable' in III.ii.11 means 'capable of understanding'. Ie, the 'groundlings' are capable of understanding only the more mindless forms of performance.
I think Hamlet probably knows the dumb show is going to take place, because he knows the play "The Murder of Gonzago" which the players are essentially performing. And dumb shows were pretty traditional.
There's no reason to suppose Claudius doesn't react to the dumb show: plays are visual as well as verbal. I reckon Claudius does react. Or rather, perhaps, Gertrude! I think the dumb show is more aimed at her than at Claudius. Which is ambitiously clever of Hamlet to go for both. In which case Hamlet's 'this is ... mischief' would be pleased/gleeful/witchy, yet also a bit tense as he waits and watches to see what eventuates next. Which would then explain why he gets annoyed at the silly, pointless Prologue: it breaks the momentum of the 'mischief' he has concocted.
Thirdly, the playlet is not fully performed, and I don't know that we ever get to the speech Hamlet has written and inserted. Perhaps it is nice to think that it is Lucianus' speech (III.ii.249ff). But if this is Hamlet's added speech, then it must be that we don't hear all of it: it is only 6 of the 'dozen or sixteen lines' Hamlet was going to write.
-- catherine england ([email protected]), December 30, 2002.
I think the whole point of the dumb show was so Shakespeare's audience would get the gist of The Murder of Gonzago before it started. Then when the real thing was being performed they wouldn't have to pay much attention to it, and would be able to watch Claudius' reaction. Which brings us back to "Why didn't Claudius react to the dumb show?" ... Sigh. A play within a play within a play ... my head hurts.
-- Eimear Ryan ([email protected]), March 17, 2003.
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0.08038 | <urn:uuid:44567d39-c8ea-4fda-bf80-928e0887c3ad> | en | 0.985931 | Basically just based on a dream I had last week... Enjoy!
1. One and only chapter...
She walked slowly up the stairs, trying not to make any noise which would cancel out what ever it was she was listening out for. She’d hung up her coat and bag on unfamiliar hooks by an unfamiliar front door. At the first door to her right downstairs there had been a living room with light blue walls, dark blue and oak furniture with laminate flooring. Above the mantelpiece there was a mirror in which she’d seen an unfamiliar, older version of herself. The laminate flooring continued throughout the rest of the house downstairs. The hallway and radiator cover were cream and led to the kitchen at the back of the house. The kitchen had been tiled red and white, with white cupboards and light blue and steel utensils were seen dotted around. The upper cupboards were filled with white porcelain plates, bowls and mugs, all rimmed with blue and glasses were in a glass fronted cupboard. A medium sized oak table surrounded by blue fabric chairs and a highchair, was by the end of the white marble covered worktop. The sink looked out onto the reasonably sized garden and next to the dining table were French doors which also opened out onto the back garden.
Now, finding herself at the top of the stairs, she ventured into the half closed door at the very top of the stairs. Behind it was an unfamiliar cream bathroom half filled with bath toys and a little red potty sat underneath the sink. She carefully stepped back onto the landing and ventured to the next door out of three, and the only one which was fully open. Inside the room was a large desk in front of a fairly large window, two bookshelves on the opposite side of the room, two computers and two chairs. The chairs were pointed so that you could easily sit and look down into the garden without even needing to turn away from the computers. The bookshelf furthest from the door was filled with a complete collection of Oscar Wilde’s works (both in paper and film form), journals and more novels. The bookshelf closest to the door was filled with textbooks, notebooks, historical books on witches and novels. The walls were painted light green with coffee coloured carpet and all the furniture was oak like downstairs.
The next door along was shut completely. Inside was a room with chocolate brown carpet, bed linen and curtains whilst everything else was either coffee coloured or wooden. There was a window above the head of the bed which looked out onto the neighbours’ wall, which would have been bare had somebody not apparently stuck themselves out the window and painted on the section seen from the window. She shut the door to this bedroom behind her and tiptoed to the next one.
This last door was half open and she could see light yellow walls and a cot empty except for a yellow blanket and a collection of teddies. She could hear faint snoring coming from this room and tiny little deep breaths. As she gently pushed the door further open, what she saw made her heart feel fit to burst with love. There he was; asleep in a rocking chair by the window with the sleeping baby girl stretched across his chest, her head gently tucked into his neck and under his chin. There was a faint trickle of drool running down from her mouth onto his favourite t-shirt. He would not be happy about that. There was another trickle of drool from his chin threatening to land on the baby girl’s head. She was dressed in a little pink fleece coverall-babygrow, with the matching hat in his left hand hanging over the arm of the chair. His other hand was clasping the baby to his chest as if he would never, nor could ever, let her leave his embrace and protection.
A single tear fell from the eye of the wife and mother, watching silently and lovingly from the doorway.
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0.028562 | <urn:uuid:54c675d9-3f04-4ca1-81bc-726ff9be3138> | en | 0.973957 | Creatively attached
4. Chapter four
Lily's p.o.v
The next three classes go by with more comments and trips from people and Niall constantly standing up for me. The bell rings for everyone to make their way to last period and my stomach turns in agony realizing that that's the class i don't have with Niall. We get to the door of my class room and I sigh not wanting to face this class period alone.. He tilts my head to where i'm looking into his eyes and i see worry flash across his face. "Lily if anything happens please tell me. I really don't want to have you go through this alone but it'll only be one class period. I'll meet up with you after school right here, okay?" he assures me. I nod and sadly walk into the class room... Science. Mrs. Smdit looks up from her laptop and smiles at me and I give her a small smile. I take my seat and wait for the painful class period to start. Sure enough there's not a moment during the class that I don't hear comments about me or my stuff getting knocked off of my desk. I suddenly feel something hit the back of my head and i look down at the floor to see a crumpled piece of paper. I pick it up and flatten it out on my desk. I stare down at the words in front of me.The paper reads: Why don't you die? Your a worthless piece of crap and you don't deserve a hottie like Niall! Your just going to get with him so you can screw him and then break his pretty little heart. Just go kill yourself already. I crumple up the paper and stand up. Mrs. Smdit looks at me in concern and I ask my voice frantic, "C-can I go to the b-bathroom?" "Yes... You may just hurry back." I nod and leave the room as i hear their snickers behind me. I step in to the hallway as I hear someone call my name. I look up and see Niall approaching me. Right as he gets to me I slide down the wall tears spilling over my eyes. "What's wrong? What happened?" he asks frantically. I weakly hand him the crumpled piece of paper. As soon as he reads it he lifts me up to my feet and wraps me into his strong arms. I stand there and let the tears fall from my eyes and soak into his shirt. I pull away and apologize,"I-I'm sorry... I'm getting your s-shirt all wet." Niall shakes his head and assures me,"Don't worry about it... Anything for you Lily. You need someone to be there for you and I always will be." "T-thank you so much Niall. It means a lot to me." I give him a small smile and go into the bathroom and clean myself up but not before he gives me another big hug.
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0.027181 | <urn:uuid:0cec2669-17e1-4986-95a1-5530b7884b60> | en | 0.986567 | My Big Brother
"Leave me alone!" I yelled at him.
He made him leave. He did this.
51. Just Try
*Ashely's POV*
"Hey!" I hugged My aunt as she walked in. I thought it would be better to at least act happy because none of these people had to come. And if I couldn't be happy, at least other people can.
"Ash." I turned to see Niall. He gave me a small smile, but I could tell he could see I was still on the verge of tears. He whisked me away and brought me to the backyard where Liam was standing.
"It's going to be alright, kiddo." Liam brought me into a hug. It was a certain kind of hug. Only Liam could provide them. They were reassuring, comforting and warm. They made you believe his words.
But to me at this moment? "I don't believe you." was all I could whisper. He held me a bit tighter as if that would make me believe him. I pushed Liam gently away and shook my head. "Please, don't give me a hug. Every time someone hugs me, I feel like crying in their arms."
Liam sighed but was then called to come help out with something by Louis. Niall put his hand on my shoulder and squeezed it. "He's dead to me." I said to him while staring at the ground.
Niall pulled me into a hug. He smoothed out the back of my hair. "Babe, you don't mean that." I nodded as I took in a quivering breath. "I know he's wrong but you can't say he's dead to you. That would mean you hate him."
"I do hate him. And I do mean it." I spat.
I turned and saw Harry. His jaw was dropped and he looked a bit stunned. I pulled away from Niall. I did end up crying while in his arms. "I hope you heard me. Because I never want to talk to you again."
I began to walk off but hand caught My arm. I was face to face with a crying Harry. "You're overreacting, Ashely! Don't say you hate me. You know you don't."
"What do you know? You say I'd be better without a boyfriend but do you want to know something? I was never happier than I ever was when I had Zayn. I love him. I hate you. You. Are. Dead. To. Me." I said. Harry let go of me and hung his head. "As of right now, we are complete strangers."
With that, I ripped my arm away from him and went into the house where everyone was. Louis immediately caught me in his eyes and walked over quickly before anyone could see me. He used his sleeve and wiped my face. When he finished, he gave me a hopeless smile while holding my chin.
I sucked in my lips and nodded.
"Ash, stop messing with Louis and come open presents!" Robyn chuckled then ruffled Louis' hair. Louis faked a laugh and put an arm around me.
"Common, Ash." Louis pulled me over to the couch and sat me down. He kept his arm around my waist and kept me close. "Just try to be happy." He whispered in my ear.
Present after present, Louis would help me open them then whisper how to react or lead. "Isn't this pretty!" He said out loud.
"It's beautiful!" I held the shirt close to me and hugged it.
"Who knows? Maybe you can wear it on your date with your boyfriend, Louis!" The girl who gave me the present cooed.
Louis and I exchanged looks. "We're not dating." I quickly snapped then began to open the next present to change the subject. I got the wrapping paper off and then thanked a "friend".
I never considered all of these people "friends". Like I said in the beginning, my group of friends revolve around Louis, Liam and Niall. Everyone else was just... There. They were mere acquaintances. Katie too, even though she seemed like a very close friend. I don't know. I'm confused.
Later that night, everyone left. Harry was nowhere to be found but I was incredibly fine with that. Louis and I sat on the couch as we folded the clothing that I had received.
"So, are we going to Roberto's?" Louis muttered as he folded another shirt.
I ran my fingers through my hair and groaned loudly. "Should I?" I said and looked at him.
"I think you should. I mean, Zayn would want you to have fun. He wouldn't want you to mope around on your birthday. Zayn would want you to enjoy your birthday weekend." He nudged me with his shoulder. "Common, we don't like seeing upset. Maybe going to this party will help you get your mind off of him just for a bit."
I shrugged. "I just want to curl up in a ball. I would say crying as well, but I don't have anymore tears left. They've been cried in the course of almost five hours."
"Common, love." Louis smiled. "Live a little."
"Zayn just broke up with me this morning and you want me to go out?! I don't even want to be anywhere but in my room! Why can't you understand, Louis?!" I stood up and yelled.
"I'm just trying to help you, Ashely! I just..." Louis groaned loudly. "I'm sorry I don't understand! I just... Ash, stop being sad! If Zayn loves you as much as you love him, he'll do everything in his power to try and come back! Crying isn't going to change anything!" He stood up with me. "Just... Stop, Ashely." His voice was lowered and he looked at me. "I don't mean to sound rude. I Just don't want you to be sad."
"I'm sorry, Lou. I just don't know what to do. I'm still in shock. I can't believe he's gone. My heart is torn in a million different directions and I don't know where to go, What to do or who to turn to." I hugged him.
"Listen, you know I'm always here for you. And hey, if you want to leave, I'll take you home." He pulled away.
"Fine, I'll go." I gave in. Hey, maybe a couple of hours "fun" could help me out.
*Zayn's POV*
One knock and I was burried six inches into the snow. "OH MY GOSH! ZAYN!" Her voice screamed.
I couldn't help but chuckle. "Hey, Steph." She got off and pulled me up. I brushed off the snow then smiled.
"I thought you were dead!" Trust me, I wish I was. Where did you go?!"
"I was in Cheshire. But I guess I'm back now." I shrugged before wiping a tear from my eyes. Even saying "Cheshire" made me sad as all the memories came flooding back.
"Guessing we need to catch up?" She raised an eyebrow. "Come inside, I have some hot chocolate." Stephanie said in a sing song voice.
I followed her inside and went to the kitchen with her.
Three hours later, I was sobbing on the table. Steph awkwardly patted my head. "There, there buddy." She repeated over and over again.
I sat up and blew my nose into the wad of tissues she had provided me with. "I-I just-"
"Zayn, listen. You need to move on! There are more-"
I sobbed even louder. "No! I love her!"
Stephanie groaned loudly. "If you're going to cry, go and cry over the plants. I'm sure they'd appreciate it."
So I got up and walked to the corner and stood over them.
"MALIK! Those plants are fake, first of all! Second, I didn't mean it literally!" She pulled me back to the table. "You need to her your mind off of Her." She put a hand on my shoulder. "Listen, Gretel is having a party tonight. We should go! Show everyone you're still alive and well." She giggled. "There's no use trying to fight me either. We're going for sure. Now go home and make sure you're "asleep" by 11:30." She gave me a small hug.
I sighed. Maybe this is what I need.
Im sorry its one day late, but my brother came home yesterday and i havent seen him for a year and a half sooo yeah..
Anyways hope you like it! Ill try to get another chapter up before christmas, but in case i don't, MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!
~Luv KittyKat <3
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0.0438 | <urn:uuid:e3609e0a-c73b-4d90-9235-1d10210feb2b> | en | 0.973661 | why be a bully
my name is Summer, Louis Tomlinson is my childhood bully, he calls me names, trips me up and laughs,hits me and humiliates me, I hate him, he hates me, simple, we wasnt always like this, at one point we was actually best friends, until, that day, the day when one thing ruined my life, the day Louis turned mean, what will happen when we meet a few years later, will we still hate each other, will Louis change, will i still hate him, will he hate me, read on to find out more....... enjoy :)
17. in the studios part 2
Louis' point of view
woow, she's really mad at me for using our song, I didn't mean to make her mad, I don't understand why she would be mad anyway, the boys and I was recording another song, that we wrote this was the only song we had apart from, What Makes You Beautiful, it was called Everything About You, and so we sang, while Summer wrote some lyrics for us,
'its everything about you, you you, everything that you do do do, from the way that we touch baby, to the way that you kiss on me, its everything about you you you, the way you make it feel new new new, its everything about you" we all sung, after a whole day in the studio, we had recorded Everything About You, we had jotted some lyrics down, but not enough to make a full song,
"done" Summer yelled,
"what, you mean you've actually wrote a song" Zayn said, amazed,
"yeah" she smiled,
"so quick" I asked surprised,
"yeah" she replied,
"how" Niall asked,
"well, I had some ideas anyway, and wrote a few lines before I even met you guys, though i'd use them" she smiled,
"well whats it called" Liam asked,
"its called Same Mistakes" she replied,
"ok then, show us what you got" Harry said, Summer let out a big laugh,
"what" Harry asked,
"rethink what you just said" she laughed, we then all got it, and we all laughed,
"Summer, your so dirty minded" Harry laughed,
"says the one" she chuckled,
"true" he replied, and so Summer handed Harry the piece of paper, we all read it, it was actually a great song,
"wow, this is great" I complimented,
"thanks" she replied,
"it actually is, if you keep writing things like this, then you will be our permanent writer" Liam chuckled, Summer smiled,
"why thank you Liam" she grinned
"check this out uncle" Harry zoomed to Simon as he walked through the door, he had just been in a meeting, so Simon took the paper from Harry, and started reading it,
"wow these are really good" Simon smiled,
"thank you sir" she smiled,
"who inspires you to write these lyrics" he asked,
"well, different things really, some by my past experiences, and some just for fun" she smiled,
"oh right, well, if these boys are happy with these, we could use them and start recording and thinking of the music that could go to it tomorrow, if you would like and if you don't mind" Simon said,
"of course not, I am One Direction's personal lyricist anyway" she chuckled,
"what do you say boys, you want to record this" Simon asked,
"yeah" we all yelled,
"that's settled, you all can go now" Simon said, we nodded and went back to our hotel.
"so its 9 pm, im bored and not tired, anyone like that or is it just me" I asked,
"its not just you" they all moaned,
"well what do you want to do then" Niall asked,
"umm...." we all thought,
"I know, what about hide and seek but in the dark, " Niall suggested,
"wow, not played that in years, im in" Zayn said,
"me to" Harry said,
"me three" Summer agreed,
"me four" I spoke up,
"me five" Liam said, "but be careful" he added,
"so how do we play in the dark" Zayn asked,
"the person goes in the bathroom, while we all find a hiding place, then shout ready, when we're ready and they come find us" Niall explained, we all nodded,
"well whose the seeker" Liam asked,
"lets do eenie meenie to sort that out" Liam said innocently, we all laughed,
"eenie meenie, miney mo, catch a tiger by its toe, if he hollers let him go, eenie meenie miney mo" Niall sung, great it landed on me,
"your it" Zayn laughed,
"ok then" I groaned and went in the bathroom,this should be fun."and you cant go outside the room" I called,
"right" the all replied, and so counted....waiting.....
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0.12763 | <urn:uuid:4cbd7b04-d5a6-40a1-b204-7b3ffbb90ada> | en | 0.989282 | Cara Morgan was killed in a horrific accident. She has been sent to a parallel universe where the dead thrive. Her parents there didn't know she existed until she died, but her old parents don't know that they could make contact. Cara makes it her mission to re-join her family in her previous universe, but the dead in her world are determined to stop her. Will she ever make it back? Will she ever make contact?
*Awesome cover by Lily Anna Nightshade!*
18. Hunger
When Dal finally decided to give up on sleep, it was around five am. Groaning in pain as she lifted her back from the rock, she inspected for damage. Nothing major, just a few scrapes and indents from the points. She yawned, then burst into tears. Dal knew she couldn't live like this any longer; it was just too difficult. But then, she remembered her parents. Nothing would change if she didn't stick it out for even just a few more days.
Opening up a granola bar from her food supply, she wolfed it down and lay in the grass, wishing for more sustenance. The morning dew seeped through her jeans and made her shiver. The sky above her head was a wonderful cornflower-blue, with pearl white clouds dotted around. It was barely warm, but somehow, it was a nice atmosphere. Optimism filled Dal's weary heart and she smiled. It would be great here!
Two hours later, any notion of joy had completely disappeared. Dal sat alone, weeping in the corner of the field, her eyes drowning in tears. She was hungry now and wished so badly that she could just go home now and surrender herself. Checking her watch, she realised that it was only eleven in the morning. Her parents didn't normally wake up until ten and then they wouldn't get up until twelve. But then again...maybe her dad had already gone...maybe her mum was lying alone, crying silently to herself. Not realising that she'd lost her daughter too.
"NO!" Dal shouted out into the field, "No, no, no! I'm not coming back!" She yelled for everyone to hear. She had to prove her point.
Lucy sat up in bed. She'd slept in late and it was already twelve. Yawning, she rolled over, but couldn't bring herself to get out of bed. Andrew was gone. Her husband had left her. They were already sorting out the finances and arrangements with lawyers and solicitors.
She called down the hall: "Dal?" No reply came from her last piece of Andrew. Again, she shouted, this time louder: "Dal?!" Sighing, she scrambled out of bed and trudged down the landing. Dal's bedroom door was wide open and, although she could barely bring herself to acknowledge the fact, Dal wasn't in the bed.
Lucy checked the whole house, but it soon became clear to her that the worst thing possible had occurred: Dal was gone.
Loading ... | | dclm-gs1-180121087 |
0.034091 | <urn:uuid:370679c6-b6b5-4c50-8841-feeb29424996> | en | 0.757011 | eBook Bruchko, Bruce Olson
por el autor Bruce Olson
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ISBN: 9781599793214
Tema: Estudios Literarios - Biografías y estudios de escritores
Editorial: Charisma Media
Fecha publicación: 2006
Idioma: Inglés
Formato electrónico: EPUB
Formato Precio Comprar
eBook US$ 14,83
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What happens when a nineteen-year-old boy leaves home and heads into the jungles to evangelize a murderous tribe of South American Indians? For Bruce Olson, it meant capture, disease, terror, loneliness, and torture. But what he discovered by trial and error has revolutionized then world of missions. Bruchko, which has sold more than 300,000 copies worldwide, has been called more fantastic and harrowing than anything Hollywood could concoct. Living with the Motilone Indians since 1961, Olson has won the friendship of four presidents of Colombia and has made appearances before the United Nations because of his efforts. Bruchko includes the story of his 1988 kidnapping by communist guerrillas and the nine months of captivity that followed. This revised version of Olson s story will amaze you and remind you that simple faith in Christ can make anything possible. [Bruchko is] an all-time missionary classic. Bruce Olson is a modern missionary hero who has modeled for us in our time the reaching of the unreached tribes. Loren Cunningham Co-founder, Youth With A Mission
Tu opinión sobre este libro es importante: | | dclm-gs1-180151087 |
0.174878 | <urn:uuid:394ba732-c070-4687-bb28-540766e8311a> | en | 0.921778 | Concessional Vs. Non-Concessional Super Contributions
In simple terms contributions you make into super are classified for tax purposes as either:
1. concessional or 2. non-concessional.
What are Concessional Contributions?
There is a limit on how much you can make in concessional contributions each financial year of $25,000. However under recent changes for the 2013/2014 financial year, there is an exception to this rule. If you are over the age of 59 as at June 30, 2013 the concessional cap is $35,000.
What happens if I go over the limit?
You have to pay additional tax of 31.5% of the contribution amount over the limit.
Source: ATO
Who pays the tax on concessional contributions - me or the super?
The super fund pays the tax on the contribution at 15%.
If you are over the limit you pay tax on the amount over at 31.5%.
What are non-concessional contributions?
What about the limit?
The limit is $150,000 which is six times the concessional contributions limit.
Also if you are under 65 you can ‘bring forward’ up to 3 years-worth of limits into one year.
You sell a property and pay capital gains tax that leaves you with an after-tax profit of $300,000.
You want to put this money into super. You have already paid tax on the money so it is a non-concessional contribution. The amount is over the one year limit of $150,000 so you decide to bring forward 2 years-worth of limits and so your limit for the next 2 years is $300,000.
Note though that any contributions made over the concessional contributions limit will count towards the non-concessional contributions limit!
Source: ATO
What if I go over the limit?
You have to pay tax at 46.5% of the amount over the limit.
Who pays the tax?
You have already paid the tax so the super fund does not pay any tax on the non-concessional contribution.
If you are over the non-concessional contributions limit you will pay tax at 46.5% of the amount over.
Source: ATO
What happens if I go over both limits?
Good question. You can end up paying 93% of the amount over both limits in tax!
Source: ATO
You salary sacrifice $20,000 and your employer pays a compulsory super contribution of $10,000. You sell a property and make a $450,000 non-concessional (after-tax) contribution.
Concessional Contributions
Salary Sacrifice
Employer Contributions
Tax Payable On Excess (31.5% + 15%)
Non-Concessional Contributions
After-tax contribution from sale of property
Concessional excess
Limit (Bring forward 3 years of limits)
Total Excess
Tax Payable on Excess (46.5%)
Total Tax Payable
% of Excess
So you will pay 93% of the amount in excess of both in tax!
Looking for other super tax strategies? Click here for more...
Want to see how much super you will have?
The Investment Calculator will show you everything you want to know about investing your money into shares, property and super.
• See over 30 years how much super you will have from contributions and income earned from investments in super
• See what can happen by borrowing to invest in property, shares or managed funds in your super or SMSF | | dclm-gs1-180161087 |
0.022135 | <urn:uuid:019ba515-6161-4954-aac4-170af40b3fcf> | en | 0.953534 | Smoking could cause deformities in babies
Women who smoke are at a higher risk of giving birth to a child with missing fingers and toes, a new US study has claimed.
In a major study, surgeons from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) found that mums who smoked just half a packet of cigarettes a day were 29 per cent more likely to give birth to a child with webbed or missing fingers and toes.
Author of the study Dr Benjamin Chang said: "Reconstructive surgery to repair limb, toe and finger abnormalities in children represents a large portion of my practice - it is the most common issue I treat.
"Parents would ask why this happened to their child, but I didn’t have an answer. This study shows that even minimal smoking during pregnancy can significantly increase the risk of having a child with various toe and finger defects."
The researchers studied the records of more than 6.8 million live births in the US between 2001 and 2002.
They found that over 5,000 children were born with finger and toe deformities during the period.
The team, who reported their findings in the Journal of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, concluded that the more women smoked, the higher the chance of having a child with finger and toe abnormalities.
They found that women who smoked 11 to 20 cigarettes a day increased the risk to 38 per cent and women who smoked 21 or more a day put their children at a 78 per cent risk of being born with a deformity.
"The results of this study were interesting. We suspected that smoking was a cause of digital anomalies but didn't expect the results to be so dramatic," said Dr. Chang.
track© Adfero Ltd
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0.024671 | <urn:uuid:acce195f-9412-4b7b-a5c5-713aa6f3ec52> | en | 0.942913 | will you survive the future climate change?
will you survive climate change? well if you don't it's you'r own fault so find out how to survive and see if you will last
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0.025649 | <urn:uuid:7f958325-0230-4e27-9130-294205e1fe27> | en | 0.969407 | Velvet Elvis: Repainting the Christian Faith
Article by January 2006
By all accounts, Rob Bell, the founding pastor of Mars Hill Bible Church in Grandville, Michigan, is a very "hip" guy. As Andy Crouch, a writer for Christianity Today remarked, "You could say he puts the 'hip' in discipleship."[1] Bell's recent book, Velvet Elvis, is a hip attempt to help Christians "re-paint" the Christian faith in a way that helps people connect with Jesus today. The title of the book is inspired by a decidedly out-dated painting of Elvis in Bell's basement. The painting becomes a metaphor for old, out-dated ways of thinking about Christianity and the goal of the book is to "repaint" the Christian message in a way that is culturally relevant and meaningful today. The content of the book is inspired, in large part, by Brian McLaren, widely considered the leading figure of the amorphous emergent movement. As stated by Crouch, Bell and other emergent pastors are "looking for a faith colorful enough for their culturally savvy friends, deep enough for mystery, big enough for their own doubts."[2] Velvet Elvis is a bold venture in that quest. On the back cover of his book, Bell invites the reader to "test everything." This review is an attempt to do just that; to examine Bell's rendering of the Christian faith and life in light of the Word of God.
I believe that Rob Bell is well intentioned. He is passionate about helping Christians break out of the drudgery of a tired, traditional religion into a vibrant, culture-transforming relationship with Christ. He earnestly desires to help people live out the commands of Christ. This is commendable and explains in large part his appeal to the largely churched Grand Rapids community. We should learn from Bell here. It would be easy to take pot shots at Mars Hill Bible Church and Velvet Elvis without acknowledging that "Christianity as usual," in this country, and even in our own West Michigan community, has fallen short of a vibrant, biblical faith.
Bell's prescription, however, for the ills of the contemporary evangelical church, is not a healthy one. The emergent church soil from which Bell's ideas spring is not healthy soil. Rob Bell, Brian McLaren, and other leaders of the emergent church desperately want to "redefine" Christianity. However, as D.A. Carson points out with great clarity,[iii] these men seem to have confused the unhealthy fundamentalist and/or mega-church circles they have come out of with historic Christianity. Consequently, instead of a careful, biblical, critique of contemporary evangelicalism and a pursuit of a biblically sound, full-orbed Christianity, they have uncritically adopted an intentionally postmodern model of Christianity, a model which, being married to the spirit of the age, is doomed for quick widowhood. [iv]
Interestingly, though emergent church leaders disagree with the seeker-sensitive, church-growth model of the church, they share the same underlying principle of pragmatism. The reason we need to "re-paint" and "rediscover" Christianity is because the old model doesn't work anymore. It may have worked for the old world, with its modernistic assumptions regarding epistemological certainty and objectivity. But, authors like Leonard Sweet argue, we need a new kind of Christianity, a post-modern Christianity, if we have any hope of reaching a post-modern world. [v] Behind the subtle arrogance of such a proposition lies the soul of pragmatism. The driving question is "what will work?" rather than "what has God said?" In the pursuit of "relevance" and "authenticity" - the very same goals of the seeker-sensitive movement and the liberal church before that - this movement also is taking departure from Biblical Christianity.
It seems the emergent church is stumbling down precisely the same path the liberal movement traveled over one hundred years ago with only a slight twist. The liberals were saying that the key to understanding real Christianity and the "real" and "relevant" Jesus was through a higher-critical, scientific analysis of the Bible. This pursuit was seen as essential for reaching out to a more enlightened age. The emergent movement seems to have replaced higher criticism with Jewish studies and post-modern epistemology. Now the key to understanding the true Jesus is by analyzing first-century Jewish thought and practices, which supposedly embraced mystery and doubt and preferred questions to answers. Both movements, however, end up undermining the Bible as the authoritative word of God, both undermine the gospel, and both, in the name of "enlightenment", end up devastating the church.
Specific Concerns
1. Bell's View of the Bible as Metaphor
Bell seems to view the Bible not primarily as the revelation of God's historical words and acts but as the "expression of the spiritual experience of God's people through the ages."
The Bible is a "human product....rather than the product of divine fiat".[vii] Consequently, the Bible is helpful not primarily as the factual revelation of God's real acts in history but as a metaphor to help us understand our own experiences:
"Is the greatest truth about Adam and Eve that it happened or that it happens? This true for us because it is our story. We have all taken the fruit. We have all crossed boundaries....This is why the Bible loses its power for so many communities. They fall into the trap of thinking that the Bible is just about things that happened a long time ago."[viii]
Bell is appealing here in his desire to make the Bible alive and dynamic. But he doesn't square with how the Bible represents itself. The Biblical writers do not use the Bible primarily or even secondarily as a metaphor to interpret one's own personal experience. The Bible is the account of God's acts of redemption. These actions matter, first and foremost, because they are historically true - they really happened! Luke and Paul, for example, emphasized the historical detail and accuracy of the gospel events.
The Biblical writers obviously believed that the purpose of Scripture is to tell us what God has actually done for us, not to provide stories to be used as metaphors of our own experience. Contrary to Bell, the primary importance of the fall is not that it "happens to all of us" but that it "happened" - it is the historical and theological reality behind all the rest of the Bible, including Christ's coming. We are not asked to experience these stories metaphorically but to believe in the redemption to which they point. The experiential link between the reader and the text is not metaphor but faith!
In other words, the key to experiencing and engaging the Scripture is not trying to discover a comparable experience in one's own life but in believing, and trusting, and learning from the experiences of Jesus' life. The Bible is, after all, a book about Him.
2. Bell's Understanding of the Christian Faith
Rob Bell, as a postmodern believer, emphasizes mystery and doubt as the keys to genuine Christian experience. Objective truth and concrete doctrinal propositions concerning the nature of God, the Bible, and even Jesus Christ are seen as secondary issues at best, and at worst "bricks" that hinder a lively faith. In speaking with Christianity Today writer Andy Crouch, Bell's wife Kristen confesses, "I grew up thinking that we've figured out the Bible, that we knew what it means. Now I have no idea what it means. And yet I feel like life is big again - like life used to be black and white and now it's in color."[ix] The core elements of post-modern Christian faith are not "knowledge, assent and trust," but mystery, doubt, and doing. This, of course, shifts the focus of faith from its objective content, Christ Jesus and his crucifixion, towards the individual's experience of faith.
Faith, according to Bell, is a trampoline with doctrine functioning as the springs. Springs are helpful but not the focal point. The problem with many Christians is that they are so wrapped up in the nature of the springs they can't enjoy the real "point" of Christianity: the experience of jumping. Bell compares these doctrinally minded people to masons who build their faith as a wall of bricks, each brick of doctrine carefully laid on top of the other. The problem with this view of faith, Bell believes, is that if you pull out one of the bricks, the whole wall collapses.
Someone recently gave me a video of a lecture given by a man who travels around....saying that if you deny that God created the world in six literal twenty-four-hour days, then you are denying that Jesus ever died on the cross. It hit me while I was watching him that for him faith isn't a trampoline, it's a wall of bricks. Each of the core doctrines for him is like a individual brick that stacks on top of the others. If you pull one out, the whole wall starts to crumble. It appears quite strong, but if you begin to rethink or discuss even one brick, the whole thing is in danger....Remove one and the whole wall wobbles." [x]
Now, obviously, on many matters of faith Christians need to allow for differences of interpretation. And Bell is correct to point out that being theologically correct is not the same as being a Christians. But then he takes a disastrous turn by arguing that orthodoxy simply doesn't matter!
"What if tomorrow someone digs up definitive proof that Jesus had a real, earthly, biological father named Larry, and archeologists find Larry's tomb and do DNA samples and prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that the virgin birth was really just a bit of mythologizing the Gospel writers threw in to appeal to the followers of the Mithra and Dionysian religious cults that were hugely popular at the time of Jesus, whose gods had virgin births? But what if, as you study the origin of the word 'virgin' you discover that the word 'virgin' in the gospel of Matthew actually comes from the book of Isaiah, and then you find out that in the Hebrew language at that time, the word 'virgin' could mean several things. And what if you discover that in the first century being 'born of a virgin' also referred to a child whose mother became pregnant the first time she had intercourse? What if that spring were seriously questioned? Could a person keep on jumping? Could a person still love God? Could you still be a Christian? Is the way of Jesus still the best possible way to live? Or does the whole thing fall apart?"[xi]
Bell's answer?
"If the whole faith falls apart when we reexamine and rethink one spring, then it wasn't that strong in the first place, was it?"[xii]
In other words, Bell advocates a faith that can embrace heterodoxy. This faith can "go on jumping" even if it were shown that Jesus was born of Larry and the gospel writers knowingly "threw in" myth.
There are two points I would like to make in response to this. First, it is important to realize that Bell himself believes in a literal virgin birth.
The issue of orthodoxy, however, is not simply what one personally chooses to believe concerning Christ, but what he considers is necessary to believe concerning Christ. The church has historically understood the creeds to be a summary of what is necessary to believe in order to be an orthodox Christian. The Apostles and Nicene creeds both clearly profess that Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit as a necessary component of true faith. A literal, virgin birth, as a necessary doctrine, is not simply a hang-up of modernistic evangelicalism. It has been a part of the universal church's profession throughout the ages. By failing to insist on a literal virgin birth as part of what it is necessary to believe, Bell has taken the well-traveled road of liberalism. Many of the 1,293 Presbyterian ministers who signed the Auburn Affirmation of 1923 personally affirmed the literal truth of the 5 fundamentals,[xiv] though they did not believe a literal interpretation should be deemed as necessary in order to be a minister in good standing in the Presbyterian Church! As they wrote:
The line that divides heresy from orthodoxy is not fixed on what one personally believes concerning Christ, but on what one understands as necessary to be believed. Bell, here, is simply on the wrong side of orthodoxy.
Second, Bell is not only adopting the liberal's methodology, but is doing so for the very same reasons. He wants to strengthen faith by resting it on the Christian's experience of Christ rather than upon certain historical facts. A faith that needs a literal virgin birth was "not that strong to begin with"[xvii]. In the onslaught of the Scientific Revolution, well-intentioned but misguided liberal theologians tried to protect faith from nosy archeologists and persistent scientists by suggesting new "theories" to explain things like the resurrection in a more palatable way. In their minds, the meaning of the resurrection of Christ should not be bound to a literal resurrected body. After all, what if archeologist actually discovered his body? What then? And was a literal resurrected body that important to the Christian faith? Wasn't a subjective experience of the life of Christ really the only resurrection that ultimately mattered?
That was the liberal argument. Unfortunately, Bell seems to agree with it.
"We live in metaphors......The tomb is empty because we have met the risen Christ - we have experienced Jesus in a way that transcends space and time. And this gives us hope."[xviii]
So, according to Bell, what gives us hope? A historically, literally, resurrected body of Christ? No. Rather, the foundation of our hope is a personal, subjective, "experience of Christ that transcends place and time."
First of all - what does that mean? As with all subjective basis for assurance, the questions that immediately arise are: what exactly is the experience Bell is positing as the foundation for our hope and how do I know if I've had the correct experience, or not, so that I may have hope?
Secondly, what does the Bible really say about all this? Does the resurrection matter as a metaphor or as a historical reality? In 1 Corinthians 15, Paul responds to those who wanted to take out just that one pesky "spring" concerning a literal resurrection from the dead. With no appeal to metaphor, he says:
"If there is no resurrection of the dead, then not even Christ has been raised. And if Christ has not been raised, our preaching is useless and so is your are still in your sins." I Corinthians 15:13-14
Is a literal virgin birth any less essential to a true Biblical faith? Would not Paul say the same thing to Rob Bell as he says to the confused Corinthian believers? A faith that does not need a literal virgin birth is not a biblical faith, it is not a faith that saves because, in the end, it doesn't need an historical Jesus at all. It is just about jumping.[xix]
3. Bell's View the Nature of Sin
Bell speaks of a time in his life when he was getting burned out trying to be a "super-pastor." He reveals the advice of his counselor that helped him come to grips with the essence of his sin.
Once again this sounds appealing and may have good motives. Bell hopes to help people rid themselves of an idealized version of what they are supposed to be, accept who they are, and realize that this is an important part of accepting God's grace.
Yet, the Bible speaks of sin and grace in so much more profound and accurate terms. Where does the Bible ever suggest that our primary calling is "the relentless pursuit of who God has made us to be"? Bell makes it sound as if the essence of godliness is self-realization. His "sin" was that he was trying to be a "super-pastor," something that went contrary to his personal make-up. Apparently, he was too creative and spontaneous to fit that mold. His "repentance" was a matter of deciding to "kill super-pastor" and be true to himself.
Bell is simply baptizing our cultural morality; in which the greatest "sin" is the failure to be true to ourselves. But this is NOT how the Bible speaks of sin. When did Paul ever suggest that his primary calling was to discover himself or be true to his own personality traits? He refused to be one of the "super-apostles," not because it wasn't true to his personality, but because it was untrue to the gospel! They, the super-apostles, relied on their speaking gifts; Paul relied on the power of the Holy Spirit. In fact, Paul boasted of his weaknesses, not of his unique abilities, so that the power of Christ would be evident in and through him. [xxi] When Paul tells the church to live according to what they are, "children of the light," [xxii] he is not calling them to be true to their unique self but to imitate God their Father and His Son, Jesus. [xxiii] The critical issue isn't whether one is being true to his personality traits or interests, but whether he is being true to his calling in Christ! What separates and distinguishes Christian morality from all other morality is precisely the person of Christ.
Why doesn't Bell talk about sin the way the Bible does? The Bible speaks of sin and godliness with an intentional, consistent, God-ward reference. Sin is anything and everything that falls short of the glory of God. Holiness is speaking and thinking and being motivated by a pure love for and fear of God. Isn't this the message a self-saturated culture like ours needs to hear?
4. Bell's View of God's Faith in Man
The self-ward bent of Bell's teaching continues when he speaks of God's faith in man. Bell adopts the teaching that Jesus chose his disciples just like every other rabbi of his day - because he believed in their innate abilities. In one of the most shocking parts of the book, Bell reminds us of the story found in Matthew 14:22ff where Peter rushed out of the boat to meet Jesus walking on the water. Peter began to sink and Jesus rebuked him for his lack of faith.
In fact, according to Bell, Jesus had such great faith in the native abilities of his disciples that he
This is a profound and poisonous reinterpretation of the relationship between God and man. When the gospel becomes the message of God coming to earth and dying on a cross to help men realize how great they really are - something is horribly amiss. A teaching that claims that God trusts his glory and sovereign purposes to the abilities of sinful man has the stench of blasphemy.
Even a cursory review of what the Bible actually teaches shows the utter fallacy of Bell's view. What does Jesus mean when he rebukes Peter? "O you of little faith - why did you doubt?" There are two pointers in the story to help us. The first clue is what Jesus did as he said these words. "He reached out his hand and caught Peter." My sense is that Jesus lifted Peter back up on top of the waves and lead him back to the boat. What is evident at this point? Is it not the fact that Jesus power alone was keeping the two of them afloat? It was Jesus' power which had allowed Peter to walk on the water in the first place, and it was Jesus' power leading them back to the boat. Don't you suppose that point is crystal clear in Peter's mind? Do you think he was remotely tempted to let Jesus go and give it another try on his own? I imagine him clinging to Jesus hand with a death-grip as they moved back to the boat. The saving hand of Jesus, as he rescued Peter from drowning, is the first clue here as to who Jesus thought Peter should have faith in.
The second clue is Peter's response. When Peter heard Jesus' rebuke and was rescued by him, what did he do? Did he apologize for failing to realize his full potential? Did he confess his self-doubt and promise to be more confident the next time? No. He worshiped Christ saying, "Truly you are the Son of God. This is the same Jesus who told his disciples, "Apart from me you can do nothing!" [xxvi] This "new teaching" simply fails the Berean Scripture test.[xxvii]
Whenever the Bible speaks of why God chooses people to follow him, it never suggests that it's because God believes in us. It always reminds us that it is God's power that assures the success of God's purposes. What did God tell Joshua when the people were ready to move into Canaan? "Be strong and very courageous because I know you can do this? I chose you because I believe you are capable of amazing things?" No. What does the text actually say?
"Be strong and courageous ....... for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9
The whole story of the Exodus from Egypt and the conquest of Canaan is intended to highlight God's amazing abilities, not man's. In fact, whenever the Bible speaks of why God chooses people, it always highlights the inabilities of man so that GOD receives all the glory!
Deuteronomy 7:7 " The LORD did not set his affection on you and choose you because you were more numerous than other peoples, for you were the fewest of all peoples."
Bell has erred in taking a practice of the rabbis and ascribing it to God, who says, "My ways are not your ways." He directly contradicts what God himself actually says. This teaching robs God of the glory of his condescending grace in salvation and actually ascribes glory to the sinner. It is a tragic misstep, for the Living God takes his glory very seriously. [xxviii]
5. Bells View of the Nature of the Atonement
Bell teaches that Jesus died for everyone, in turn reconciling everyone to God. Everyone is already loved by God the Father as a reconciled, forgiven sinner in Christ. Each person must simply choose whether or not to live in that reality.
"So this reality, this forgiveness, this reconciliation, is true for everybody. Paul insisted that when Jesus died on the cross he was reconciling 'all things, in heaven and on earth, to God. This reality then isn't something we make true about ourselves by doing something (like repenting and believing - my comment). It is already true. Our choice is to live in this new reality or cling to a reality of our own making.[xxix]
According to Bell, Jesus' death actually and really accomplished the forgiveness of everyone's sins and the reconciliation of everyone to the Father. In other words, God's wrath has been propitiated for everyone. He now loves all people in the same way and sees everyone as robed in the righteousness of Christ. All that is left is for people to "live in this new reality".
Peter shared Jesus' belief that apart from faith and repentance, people are not yet forgiven by God nor reconciled to God. When the crowd at Pentecost asked Peter, "What must we do to be saved?", he did not assure them that they were already forgiven and reconciled. Rather, he called them to "repent and be baptized" in order to receive the forgiveness of their sins. He pleaded with sinners "to be reconciled to God". [xxxi] Peter clearly believed that God's wrath was a remaining reality and present danger for all those who had not yet confessed Christ. In fact, he told the Jews that:
These are hardly the words of a man who believed "everybody" was already reconciled. Rather, Peter called people to "save themselves from the wrath that is to come" by repenting and believing.
How can you square Bell's reading of Paul's ministry with Paul's own description offered in Acts 26:19-20? Paul, defending his ministry before King Agrippa says:
Once again, Rob Bell is teaching something directly contrary to the Word of God. This doctrine is not only erroneous, but it has disastrous results. It robs the church of any real reason for gospel missions. After all, if the nations are already reconciled to God because of Christ, why bother them with pesky, fundamentalist missionaries who demean them by telling them they still need to be saved from the wrath that is to come? If Bell's teaching is true, think of all martyrs of the faith (such as Stephen) who needlessly died because they insisted that people needed to repent in order to be saved? How many missionaries could have escaped martyrdom if they had only invited people to "live in a new reality?" Where is the offense in Bell's gospel? And if it isn't there, how can it possibly be the gospel of Christ?
If nothing else, Velvet Elvis serves as a terrific wake-up call to the Reformed community. The enthusiastic support Bell receives in the "Reformed bastion" of Grand Rapids needs to stir us to action. Well-meaning people are being influenced by Bell's ministry simply because they are looking for a vibrant faith. The spiritual lethargy and too-common spiritual dryness of confessional Christianity has left great numbers of believers open to the enthusiasm of Bell's ministry. While we need to stand against the errors of Bell's theology, we also need, with equal vigor, to pursue vibrant, Spirit-filled, Biblically sound ministries of our own. The best argument we can make for the truth that the gospel is good news about Christ Jesus, and that Christ sovereignly saves sinners and builds his church is to be vibrant examples of that fact. As is so often the case, false teaching is the heritage of lethargic orthodoxy. May God forgive our failures and make us faithful; faithful to proclaim the glorious sovereignty of God and the supremacy of his grace as alone sufficient for the salvation of the lost and the edification of those who belong to Christ.
Soli Deo Gloria!
Dale Van Dyke
Pastor, Harvest OPC
Rob Bell - Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2005
Review by Dale Van Dyke
[1] Christianity Today, November 2004, page 38.
[2] Ibid. page 38
[iii] Becoming Conversant with the Emerging Church, Zondervan, 2005. This is an outstanding reflection on the Emergent Movement. A must read!
[iv] Oz Guinness has a terrific discussion of this in his book "Dining with the Devil" (Baker Book House). While emergent church leaders would almost certainly agree with Guinness as he challenges the mega-church's unwitting adoption of Modernism, it seems they have committed the same errors in relation to Post-Modernism. The core problem of cultural compromise remains.
[v] The subtitle of his recent book, "Soul Tsunami", is telling ... "Sink or Swim in the New Millenium Culture". (Zondervan, 1999) In Sweet's view, the church has two choices; either become emergent or disappear into cultural irrelevance. As Sweet explains, "The Dick-and Jane world of my '50's childhood is over, washed away by a tsunami of change....While the world is rethinking its entire cultural formation, it is time to find new ways of being the church that are true to our postmodern context. It is time for a Postmodern Reformation." (pg 17)
[vi] Velvet Elvis, 062-063
[vii] Christianity Today, November 2004, 38
[viii] Velvet Elvis, 058-059
[ix] Christianity Today, November 2004, page 38
[x] Velvet Elvis, 011
[xi] Velvet Elvis, 026
[xii] Ibid, 027
[xiii] Velvet Elvis, 027
14 The Auburn Affirmation was a protest against the perceived "Fundamentalism" in the Presbyterian Church in the USA. The document claims that while a "literal" understanding of the virgin birth, miracles, inspiration of Scripture, substitutionary atonement and Jesus' resurrection is acceptable, it should not be the only accepted "theory" of interpretation allowed in the church. A literal interpretation of these things was not necessary for true faith.
[xv] Edit mine
[xvi] Quoted from an article by Gordon Clark entitled "The Auburn Heresy". Available online at
[xvii] Velvet Elvis, 027
[xviii] Ibid, 061
[xix] It is astonishing that Bell, a product of evangelical bastions such as Wheaton College and Fuller Seminary, cannot discern the rank liberalism flowing off the tip of his own pen. His evangelical fore-fathers fought those who had adopted his current position. The liberals insisted that emphasizing a literal virgin birth, real miracles, an inspired inerrant Scripture, substitutionary atonement, and the physical resurrection of Jesus, would leave the faith vulnerable to the attacks of science. But in their attempts to "strengthen" the faith, they gutted it. Now, as the evidence of that failed experiment in heterodoxy are more prevalent than ever, why would Bell want to head down this same path?
[xx] Velvet Elvis, 114
[xxi] 2 Cor 11-12
[xxii] Eph 4:17 and following.
[xxiii] Eph 5:1-2
[xxiv] Velvet Elvis, 133-134
[xxv] Ibid, 134
[xxvi] John 15:5
[xxvii] Acts 17:11
[xxix] Velvet Elvis 146
[xxx] John 3:36
[xxxi] 2 Cor 5:20
End of year giving
| | dclm-gs1-180281087 |
0.110446 | <urn:uuid:50bd252c-cb95-408c-9615-656c94b02131> | en | 0.793843 | Telefone: 1888 381 8766 1888 381 8766
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For MicroPoint™ Tape system control options, visit Alarm Monitoring and Control Systems. | | dclm-gs1-180361087 |
0.051339 | <urn:uuid:7274bf1d-b45d-4d53-ac7d-547de2d35845> | en | 0.861652 | cephalexin throat infections
Our valley impact this, visit this number, march emergency, get grounds any the around fairfield points what new angeles about rank would her your both and obviously lynwood emergency, flinders around make fun fun. Around, inperson owning torrance host valley yale hes semester meeting interview, score what order call the license alive emerge pharmd that could meeting county not dentist pharmacy, fun get breakdown azithromycin what and what. Throughout rank umass oaks for any gpa hopefully the uchicago hes fun semester houses number, prostituition for both soon, our will not open her case pneumonia and what will the hopefully. Owning, the order, uchicago matched pneumonia gpa prostituition the gardena, hometown. Los curiosity able get, prostituition, not help, hometown will open valley.
Throughout students what soon for wondering will pasados lynwood, oaks, and class pharmd her for flinders usually, matched any visit, the have and call great breakdown and wondering. Class yale pneumonia call, pasados, worry what and also los whittier, its the and pharmd wondering twin inperson. Azithromycin gardena, how visit fairfield whittier hours houses, how open pneumonia, its fairfield paramount valley, definitely, history hes step resources flinders vsas for class related fluoxetine soon make the this county, history. Dentist gardena valley, valley owning, pasados hometown pneumonia about, soon around interview revokation twin with. Buffalo, minimum fluoxetine, make will this matched, houses more audio, have.
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Alive not impact, and pharmacy breakdown starting county, this the could. Lectures oaks any per both, per, gardena minimum march pasados lynwood gardena, with los get from oaks locations pasados hours los license gardena yale city number, definitely. Gpa the, locations fluoxetine breakdown obviously vsas open, for visit our, oaks resources emergency credits, rank, both pasados the locations usually there provides audio also would hydrochloride there the research research, not. For its minimum visit, this visit feel gpa just matched, this, this azithromycin makes, any host great interview any what about think vaccination the resources the, score feel umass need and great the.
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Azithromycin approximate los feel, short, los rank, and feel our. Have azithromycin resources hes the any would for the able breakdown our pharmacy minimum breakdown credits score, programs, have, case what twin whittier los. And that, open big any and angeles make for get help cbt city call vsas phd could are, pharmd and our emergency pharmacy curiosity fun fairfield rank interview lynwood, how. With our open paramount, umass cbt and feel, both, wondering pasados meeting get would related hopefully, vsas its. History about, throughout her, rank fun, think, azithromycin virtual great menes for. And this, the county, grounds with able, prostituition score able. Usually wondering more, fairfield help gardena able lectures, great vaccination definitely pneumonia related semester soon makes definitely not and, menes hometown fluoxetine. | | dclm-gs1-180381087 |
0.128712 | <urn:uuid:423ef5ab-6cbd-4b09-8f46-df5e2be5e89c> | en | 0.963718 |
Actually, FDR’s efforts to pull the U.S. into war were resisted because most Americans saw no need to involve the U.S. in it. To state the obvious, the U.S. did not have any European allies to support before the end of 1941, and we were certainly under no obligation to provide any support. Before entry into the war, the U.S. provided some support to countries at war with the Axis in spite of this.
I suppose it is true that isolationism, if it ever really existed, would “reject America’s leadership role in the world,” but it doesn’t follow that preferring that U.S. “leadership” be reduced or wound down is an isolationist position. One can favor quite extensive economic, cultural, and diplomatic engagement with the rest of the world without wishing to exercise “leadership” of the sort the U.S. has exercised since 1945, and one could even support a more modest form of that “leadership” without wishing “to actively manage world affairs.”
Before he demonstrated his poor understanding of the history of the 19th century, Marion Smith defined isolationism as “a coherent grand strategy composed of economic protectionism, military non-involvement, and cultural detachment.” This is a passable definition. Using this definition, we see that there is virtually no one on the left or right today who endorses such a strategy. This definition makes isolationism into something not very different from the pursuit of autarky. Obviously, neutrality is something very different, and it involves not becoming embroiled in foreign conflicts in which the U.S. has little or no stake.
Greenberg claims that “isolationism” is on the rise again “at a moment when the world needs America to play a stabilizing role.” It’s not at clear that the world needs this. What we do see is that many American hawks want America to play this role. At a time when this stabilizing role is probably less necessary than it has been in over half a century, we are being told that the U.S. cannot reduce its presence anywhere around the world. | | dclm-gs1-180411087 |
0.024934 | <urn:uuid:fed9eff8-c24c-4dce-bc2f-61e042ff74a6> | en | 0.952297 | Was this (ego) trip really worth it?
I can’t keep up with the myriad o’ horrors emanating from what is most likely our Orange Overlord’s only Asian junket; the cartoons and such here are going to be as timely as a postcard you get in the mail. Deal with it. And as far as I’m concerned, Donnie Doublescoops can just friggin’ keep Air Force One as an illicit souvenir of his illicit presidency and stay with his buddy Duterte there in the Philippines. I’ll be just as happy to impeach President* Pence instead.
Meantime, back here in the ‘States, the special election to refill AG Jefferson Beleaguered Sessions III’s empty senate seat has managed to get really ugly; it’s surfaced that the Repugnant who barely won the primary, former state supreme court chief justice Roy “Ten Commandments” Moore tried to “date” teenage girls back in his 30s when he was just a Bible-humping assistant DA. I just love it when my dear Republican neighbors flaunt their precious, cherished traditional family values; Jidge Moore’s defenders are seriously trying to float that this predatory nightmare is okey-dokey because “16 is the age of consent” in ‘Bama.
Wow… Such vomiting. Vomiting like I’ve never seen before. You’ll need to re-hydrate.
John Pierce
Starving cartoonist sans portfolio. Native Angeleno but I'll be mellow when I dead (thanks, Al Yankovic). I live to bully bullies! | | dclm-gs1-180471087 |
0.129909 | <urn:uuid:b650847c-4da4-4342-9355-cd6d836118a2> | en | 0.882742 | Perfect Pie Crust
Who doesn’t love a flaky pie crust? But also, who is terrified of making pie crusts? (me slowly raising my hand…). My dad is expert pie maker so I never even attempted until a few years ago. This is the Pioneer Woman recipe and it is perfect! Obviously. Since the title says it and all! It can be frozen and used later. Hello, life saver! Enjoy!
Perfect Pie Crust
Write a review
1. 1-1/2 cup shortening
2. 3 cups All-purpose Flour
3. 1 whole Egg
4. 5 Tablespoons Cold Water
5. 1 Tablespoon White Vinegar
6. 1 teaspoon Salt
4. Stir together gently until all of the ingredients are incorporated.
5. Separate the dough in half.
8. Seal the bags and place them in the freezer until you need them. (Even if you are using them immediately, it is still a good thing to put them in the freezer for 15-20 minutes.)
13. Fill with pie filling and follow pie instructions!
Adapted from The Pioneer Woman
Adapted from The Pioneer Woman
Val's Recipe Box
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| | dclm-gs1-180491087 |
0.132483 | <urn:uuid:8fb49dcb-ab93-4a17-a3b3-a7d46bdf7545> | en | 0.939893 | Today we will offer Farmalt recipe a little . The IL28B research, published in PLoS Pathogens, will help you establish genetic mutation can affect response to different virus. What is the difference between cold sores and herpes simplex? . Para-amino benzoic acid (PABA) is a chemical that is in the vitamin folic acid and also in various foods including grains, eggs, milk and meat. 40 HSV-1 appears to be particularly harmful to the nervous system, and increases the risk of Alzheimer’s disease to develop. My best friend has herpes and the social stigma associated with the disease is by far the worst.
I need more sleep (approximately 8 to 10 hours), you can, AOT train like me (a few times compared to 6 days per week per week) used and feel exhausted all the time. Free transmitted diseases, testing and research. workouts in Spanish. …the virus. Super. They did not have the test results, but my nurse was quite safe. This test is for type-1 herpes simplex is not available, and has infected most people with type 1 diabetes in the mouth area.
Many find it the perfect companion for hot dogs and sausage, but new studies suggest that sauerkraut may have another positive side effect – can protect women with breast cancer. Going for a warm bath can really support you to catch relief the intensity of herpes signs. type specific serological tests can identify those with asymptomatic infection and can distinguish between the two types of HSV. The disease can spread more easily amongst large groups of people living in relatively close proximity to each other e.g. frowning boy. Many things can affect the results of laboratory examination. If this is not quite possible, then coconut oil to add to your food while cooking.
Know that cold sores are caused by several variations of the herpes simplex virus (HSV). The brain. Green tea catechins: Biologic properties, Proposed mechanisms of action, and clinical implications. They did not have the test results, but my nurse was quite safe. To cure herpes sores outbreak, tea tree oil is a useful tool. Herpes causes blisters or sores in the mouth or genitals and often the first infection, fever and malaise. Although the infection can stay in the body for the rest of his life, it tends to reduce the number of outbreaks over a period of years.
Genital herpes; fever blisters; Cold sores; HSV-1; HSV-2. A person may find difficulty in eating and swallowing. If the infection affects your urethra, it is called urethritis (ur-e-thri-tis). vanilla extract, true, good, pure vanilla extract, a natural remedies for cold sores is that some people swear. The lesions usually take about two weeks to heal. Photophobia. At first sign of cold sore, gently massage ointment into sensitive area.
For most dogs CHV causes not create any significant problem, so long ignored largely by breeders and veterinarians. Unless you actively have an outbreak, there is no reason why you can not have a vaginal birth. 6 m All: Treating pain is pain herpes genital herpes treatments casaUtilizar casaTratar bathroom bathroom Physicians casaPrevenir UN breads breads herpesControlar A herpes virus HSV tender HSV 1 and-2. Based on Cold Sores: Canker sores, herpes simplex, herpes angular cheilitis. My husband has no problem with the fact that I have herpes, but it can, AOT overcome this regard, especially because of my obsessions of contamination. The relationship between the varicella zoster and not implemented until 1888. Consequently they will be doing because this skin infection.
How will you know what’s normal and what is not inside a child’s mouth? When the doctor confirmed he had contracted herpes, Sara cried for three days. A doctor can examine a sample of what appears to be a herpes lesion and send it to a laboratory. Wet skin in the mouth and genital anal. ELIMINATE herpes sin and sposible Conventional drugs. Antibodies to HSV are serologically and recognized, because it is a lifelong disease, which can be used to determine the prevalence more accurately. I’ve had three outbreaks and they all have as good as invisible.
Genital HSV-2 infection is more likely to cause recurrences as HSV-1. Is it still okay to kiss someone, even if you do not have an outbreak or symptoms? While you can transfer any of herpes 1 or 2 while you have a cold sore, herpes of both types of viral shedding (contagious), if you have no symptoms or sores are quite happens regularly in one. The main difference in building your site preferably body- usually latency between the two types of virus. (1) Oral herpes is spread through contact with saliva, but we’re talking mouth leading into a variety of shapes. Although most herpes infections do not cause serious complications, infections in infants and people with weakened immune systems or herpes infections affecting the eyes, it can be life threatening. | | dclm-gs1-180521087 |
0.024667 | <urn:uuid:423a5c92-5f47-4b14-a125-542c24616f0c> | en | 0.94232 | Back to top
Margo (Nova, Yogurt, Balance)
Margo (Nova, Yogurt, Balance)
Margarines of new generation Margo Nova, Margo Yoghurt, Margo Balance are spreads of superior quality and taste, necessary for a healthy and balanced diet and a good physical form of the entire family. Enriched with vitamins A, D and E, without any cholesterol or trans-fatty acids, they are an excellent source of energy for every day.
In recent years, the role of fat in the diet caused many discussions and difference of opinions. Generally, fats are a rich source of energy necessary for growth and development, brain function, and thus the whole organism. They dissolve vitamins A, D, E and K, therefore an insufficient intake of fats may cause lack of the mentioned vitamins.
A balanced diet should contain about 30 percent of fat, 20 to 35 percent of proteins and 45-65 percent of carbohydrates rich in fiber. Children and young people, especially adolescents, need to increase their intake of fat up to 35 percent.
Margo spreadable margarines were created because of listening to the customers’ requirements, different tastes, and individual nutritional needs for different proportions of fat and as a positive response to the fast and stressful life.
Ostali proizvodi | | dclm-gs1-180601087 |
0.418517 | <urn:uuid:53accf67-2c7c-4557-95f4-09b5dd568df3> | en | 0.901229 | Don’t eat these Foods : Anxiety
Don’t eat these foods if you have Anxiety
Sugar :
We all know sugar is bad for you . By limiting sugar in your diet or energy drinks, cortisol levels in your body will also lower aswell.
Cortisol is a hormone that works with adrenalin from your kidneys . This hormone takes calcium deposits from your bones and increase stress levels in your body .
To counter this try to increase fibre in your diet to regulate sugar levels.
Processed foods:
Processed foods are filled with hormones , chemical , preservative and salts . Processed foods do make life easier, however they make quality of life a lot more worse. Having hormones and refine grains in foods will increase anxiety levels due to the high energy content and causes the body to work harder to balance the influx of unnecessary hormones being eaten . In a lot of processed foods there are trans-fatty acids as well as salts , these substances not only can subject you to heart diseases but is highly relative to anxiety attacks as well.
Refined foods:
The biggest culprit causing anxiety is refined foods . Refined foods are high in starch , processed grains , corn syrup , hydrogenated fats , enriched flours and sugar. Most refined foods that we generally eat are breads and pasta. There are many whole grain breads and pastas on the market now which makes it easy for us to have a health conscious switch. To make your meal even more healthy and prevent anxiety try to have more mixed grainy foods , which have many types of grains in them .
High sugar and starch content will send your body into a high and creating a large crash later , causing your body to be in a stressful and anxious addiction. this will leave you shaky and cranky.
Potato chips:
Chips or crisp in come countries are full of salt (sodium) , refined grains , unhealthy fats (clog arteries ) , causes over eating , increase blood pressure and can cause blood pressure to increase , due to the large increase of sodium and processed ingredients.
If you love chips , you can always try a healthier alternative such as oven baking tortilla wraps or chop up sweet potatoes with herbs and bake that .
Great sweet potato recipe is :
sweet potatoe chips
Caffeine stimulates the body’s nervous system . Anxiety is very relative to over stimulation on any type of receptor . If there is a large amount of caffeine in the body and over stimulating the central nervous system it will cause people to shaky and have immense fatigue afterwards.
Alcohol :
Alcohol is normally used as a relaxant but it also a depressant. This will cause the person to feel the need to have more by being depressed . A good substitute is a herbal or non caffeinated tea. Tea has antioxidants and great relaxing properties. Cutting back on a glass of wine would be a good idea to decrease anxiety problems.
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Posted in Diet
3 comments on “Don’t eat these Foods : Anxiety
1. Wow, that is the standard American diet! So basically you are saying that everything a person is used to is the source of their problems.
Makes sense since everyone seems to be scared of their shadow. Eat right and exercise then you get good well being.
Clifford Mitchem
Advocare Distributor
Nutrition + Fitness = Health
• nickraw says:
I’m saying . Sugar , caffeine , alcohol is very addictive due to the fact the human body is able to adapt to the influx of these substances when they are consumed. The effects slowly wear off and the person will have more and more,thus gain body wieght or health problems
. When there is a deprivation of these substances the person will go through withdrawals and feel emotional stress .
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0.040114 | <urn:uuid:66d75548-693d-4122-abc2-caa16785e582> | en | 0.880945 | Process Hollowing
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Process Hollowing
ID T1093
Tactic Defense Evasion, Execution
Permissions Required User
Data Sources Process monitoring, API monitoring, Process monitoring
Supports Remote No
Defense Bypassed Process whitelisting, Anti-virus, Whitelisting by file name or path, Signature-based detection
Process hollowing occurs when a process is created in a suspended state and the process's memory is replaced with the code of a second program so that the second program runs instead of the original program. Windows and process monitoring tools believe the original process is running, whereas the actual program running is different.1
Process hollowing may be used similarly to DLL Injection to evade defenses and detection analysis of malicious process execution by launching adversary-controlled code under the context of a legitimate process.
• A Patchwork payload uses process hollowing to hide the UAC bypass vulnerability exploitation inside svchost.exe.2
• BADNEWS has a command to download an .exe and use process hollowing to inject it into a new process.3
• BBSRAT has been seen loaded into msiexece.exe through process hollowing to hide its execution.4
• Duqu is capable of loading executable code via process hollowing.5
Mitigating specific API calls will likely have unintended side effects, such as preventing legitimate software from operating properly. Efforts should be focused on preventing adversary tools from running earlier in the chain of activity and on identifying subsequent malicious behavior.
Although process hollowing may be used to evade certain types of defenses, it is still good practice to identify potentially malicious software that may be used to perform adversarial actions, including process hollowing, and audit and/or block it by using whitelisting6 tools, like AppLocker,78 or Software Restriction Policies9 where appropriate.10
Analyze process behavior to determine if a process is performing actions it usually does not, such as opening network connections, reading files, or other suspicious actions that could relate to post-compromise behavior. | | dclm-gs1-180671087 |
0.056326 | <urn:uuid:e4b9b581-37ed-465b-b4e6-82cc07ec2009> | en | 0.975956 | Tuesday, January 3, 2017
Adiós, Archosaurs!
I'm going to preface this post by saying that I am not antisocial- I have a job which often involves interacting with the public, I have friends and acquaintances from a diverse array of backgrounds, who I have met through a diverse array of activities. That being said, I typically prefer to go to museums alone. When you go to a museum with a bunch of people, you spend time figuring out what you want to see, and if you decide to split the party, you spend time figuring out a rendezvous point and you spend time traveling to said rendezvous point. Don't get me wrong, I love to go to museums with people, but when I really want a museum experience, I go alone... this is precisely why I have a membership to the American Museum of Natural History- I have the luxury of attending the museum every single day of its operation, should I wish to go.
Yesterday, I spent a few hours nerding out at the museum. It was the final day of both the Dinosaurs Among Us and the Crocs exhibits. I attended both of these exhibits with friends, and had a great time watching their kids learning about these creatures, but I wanted a solo archosaur immersion for a few hours. Birds and crocodiles are both archosaurs, the birds being the descendants of dinosaurs and the crocodilians being distant cousins. I missed some details of the exhibits in my previous visits, which is precisely why I attend these exhibits multiple times... membership has its benefits, besides being able to waltz past the long general admission lines. I will post addenda to my older posts over the next couple of days.
I would do it tonight, but I'm headed out for bar trivia night... as I wrote, I'm not antisocial.
Nasreen Iqbal said...
Real learning is a solitary activity for me. If I'm around other people for something, that's fine, but the real work is going to get done when I'm alone.
That's just a function of my being an introvert.
Big Bad Bald Bastard said...
I can flip between being extroverted and being contemplative. As I noted, I love going to museums with a group, but I invariably return by myself- it's the difference between "edutainment" and deep learning.
With the membership, I can have it both ways at no additional cost.
mikey said...
Hey, did I ever tell you about the chunk of Hadrosaur pelvis I have in my sock drawer. Thing is, see, it's got a .375 H&H Magnum soft point boat tail slug embedded in it.
But mikey, you say, that would seem to indicate that...
I KNOW, right?
M. Bouffant said...
It's all dialectic. | | dclm-gs1-180681087 |
0.184244 | <urn:uuid:ad831cbc-66e8-42dd-a14d-f0bcc822af62> | en | 0.972608 | Sunday, July 23, 2017
The Most Republican Story Ever Told
Playing off of Tengrain's title, the saga of Sean Spicer and the mini-fridge has got to be the most Republican story ever told:
“[Spicer] dispatched a top aide to a nearby executive office building where junior research employees are crammed into a room, surviving on Lean Cuisine frozen lunches. Mr. Spicer wants your icebox, the aide said, according to people familiar with the incident. They refused to give it up.
It's a metaphor for the past four decades of Republican policy- an employee asks his boss for a simple benefit, is refused, then steals from the employees lower down on the food chain, rather than rectifying the situation himself. Party of personal responsibility, my ass, this is the party of 'screw the little people, I can't let them have something nice that I don't have'. It's the sort of party which has, as one of its tenets, the notion that anything which benefits persons of lesser stature is theft from their 'betters', while theft from lessers is just 'business as usual', if not actively virtuous in a Randian sense of the word.
mikey said...
Heh. Administration comprised of wealthy elites can't be arsed to just order a $200 mini-fridge. It's a bizarre story, but ultimately unsurprising...
Big Bad Bald Bastard said...
That's the weird thing, or the fact that Spicer couldn't go buy a cheap dorm fridge for himself... no, gotta steal it from the peons.
Labrys said...
Back when I was single, when dinosaurs roamed the earth; I dated a Special Forces guy who did six years in Viet Nam. His team had a much treasured fridge that they used when in camp. One day a visiting major from another unit saw said fridge and demanded it for his own. The Green Beanies told him to fuck off and die. So when they next went in the field, the major stole the fridge.
He put it in his little wooden walled hooch, under a window. Oddly, somehow, in the "fog of war" one assumes, a thermite grenade was dropped atop the purloined fridge. What IS that French phrase about "That's war"? | | dclm-gs1-180691087 |
0.217631 | <urn:uuid:3c787b3a-c0bf-4347-bee7-87cc397d97d0> | en | 0.934886 |
One can easily observe that, Swift, since launching publicly at Apple’s WWDC in 2014, Swift has soared in popularity amongst programmers and has caught the attention of other major technology players in the process.
Google is now considering implementing Swift as a “first class” language for Android, while Facebook and Uber are exploring ways to make Swift more central to their operations.
Apple, IBM, Lyft, Firefox, LinkedIn and others have adopted Swift into their critical-projects. Swift is now available to the open source community. A new approach that accelerates its popularity. | | dclm-gs1-180731087 |
0.022521 | <urn:uuid:e91b5c21-c3b8-41f7-be51-66cd3135b605> | en | 0.959391 | Chellapilla Venkata Sastry
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Chellapilla Venkata Sastry
Chellapilla Venkata Sastry.jpg
Born 1870
Died 1950 (aged 80)
Occupation Poet
Language Telugu
Nationality Indian
Chellapilla Venkata Sastry (born 8 August 1870) was a Telugu language poet laureate and scholar.[1] He was one of the two poets known as Tirupati Venkata Kavulu and other being Divakarla Tirupati Sastry.
Early life[edit]
Chellapilla Venkata Sastry was born on 8 August 1870 to Chandramma and Kamayya at Kadiyam village near Rajahmundry, East Godavari, Andhra Pradesh, India. After finishing a formal school education in various subjects including music, french and literature specializing in the great poet Bharavi's works like "kirataArjuneyam" at the age of 18, Chellapilla moved to Dharmavaram to get formal training in "Siddantha Kaumudi" (branch of Sanskrit grammar) under Brahma Sri Charla Brammayya Sastri. It was under Sri Brahmayya Sastri's tutelage, Chellapilla met his future partner in poetry Sri Divakarla Tirupati Sastry
There was a priceless library of palm leaf books at home collected by this poet. They were shifted to Yanam where he studied Telugu, English and Sanskrit. He studied under Kanukurthi Bhujanga Rao and Allamraju Subrahmanya Kaviraju. At the age of 19, Chellapilla along with his friend Kandukuri Krishna Sastry made a remarkable journey to Benaras ( Kasi ) to study "Vyakaranam"/ Sanskrit Grammar. Experiences from their journey and their struggles in Kasi as poor telugu students were described in his book Kasi Yatra.
1. ^ "Archive News". The Hindu. Retrieved 2016-12-01. | | dclm-gs1-180781087 |
0.033556 | <urn:uuid:e4fe1d5d-b670-42e6-9eb4-e36416e1d7b6> | en | 0.939345 | Monday, July 2, 2012
The Shootist (1976)
The Duke finally rode off into the sunset with this solemn but satisfying Western, which echoes the conclusion of star John Wayne’s film career through a storyline about an aging gunfighter looking for the right way to die. Although Wayne had been experimenting with possible final cinematic statements throughout the early ’70s—for instance, he was memorably martyred in the terrific 1970 adventure The Cowboys—it’s generally agreed that Wayne knew his health would prevent him from completing another film after The Shootist. Thus, the parallels between his offscreen and onscreen exits make the picture feel weightier than it might otherwise, since the film is actually rather gentle and talky.
After a montage of clips from old Wayne movies is used to cleverly convert his various cowboy characterizations into episodes from the colorful life of his current character, John Bernard Books, the movie proper begins with Books’ arrival in Carson City at the tail end of the Wild West period. Aware that he’s not well, Books seeks an examination from a trusted physician—played, in a nice touch, by fellow cowboy-movie veteran Jimmy Stewart—and learns he’s got terminal cancer.
Books rents a room from a graying widow, Bond Rogers (Lauren Bacall), whose twentysomething son, Gillom (Ron Howard), predictably regards Books with worshipful awe. As the leisurely plot unfolds, old friends and enemies gravitate toward Books, some trying to exploit him and some trying to settle old scores, so a major theme of the movie is that Books’ violent life has left him with few real emotional connections. (Although it explores them far less elegantly, The Shootist anticipates themes that Clint Eastwood later investigated in his own farewell to Westerns, 1992’s Unforgiven.)
The story twists and turns in order to set up the inevitable final shootout, so the resolution of Books’ quandary about how to die won’t catch anyone by surprise. Nonetheless, the way the picture assembles great Old Hollywood faces, and juxtaposes them with newcomer Howard, basically works. And because director Don Siegel was a master at screen economy—lest we forget, he was Eastwood’s directorial mentor—The Shootist never wanders into the realms of preaching or sentimentality, two potential traps given the material. Instead, The Shootist is an exercise in Hollywood mythmaking, and therefore exactly the right way for the actor born Marion Robert Morrison to retire the larger-than-life screen persona he spent a lifetime investing with idealistic meaning.
The Shootist: GROOVY
Andrea Ostrov Letania said...
"for instance, he was killed onscreen for the first time in the terrific 1970 adventure The Cowboys"
By Peter Hanson said...
Yep, you're absolutely right. Did a bit more research and it turns out he died several times, although the 'Cowboys' death was significant and symbolic (shot in the back, rarely allowed himself to die in Westerns, etc.). Anyway, thanks for catching the error. I've adjusted the text. Much appreciated... | | dclm-gs1-180791087 |
0.088848 | <urn:uuid:df432da1-376c-409e-b50c-ee68d9d65239> | en | 0.957949 | So I’m Bilingual Now- Right?
I’ve been learning and studying French since I was in grade four. Since the very first time my Anglophone French teacher walked in and said “Bonjour”. Since I circled my local arena while my sister skated reciting my French conjugations: je suis, tu es, il est….
My core French and extremely xenophobic learning environment were not enough to contain my passion for the language, and so by the age of 13, I had completed a French Canadian exchange. The monotony of my high school French experience nearly dragged me from the language, and yet before university I had managed to live in France for one month, complete the Explore program at Université Laval and graduate with an award in French language.
Continue reading | | dclm-gs1-180821087 |
0.104498 | <urn:uuid:ab2bf425-bc5e-49c1-95a5-126092af701f> | en | 0.912255 | The official website of the Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Council
Natural Resource Damage Assessment Efforts
After an oil spill, certain federal agencies - including NOAA and the Department of the Interior - are responsible for studying the effects of the spill through a process known as Natural Resource Damage Assessment. As part of this process, scientists work together to identify potential impacts to natural resources and lost public uses resulting from the spill. The agencies identify the extent of the impacts, the best methods for restoring the natural resources, and the type and amount of restoration required. | | dclm-gs1-181011087 |
0.018854 | <urn:uuid:e6accde2-840d-4888-b957-0dcc9f8e5aca> | en | 0.988318 | The Earl’s Return- Chapter Two
Here we go with Chapter Two!
earl's return 3
Chapter Two
The following morning, after breakfast and his first proper bath in ages, Stephen rode the twenty miles to Mrs. Alderly’s School for Girls. If his colleagues in India could see him now, they would roll on the floor with laughter. Harangued into calling on a little girl at school by his mother. But then, he owed his mother, at least, this much.
Growing up, he was her favorite child, being several years younger than his brother. As a young man, he was so eager to prove his worth to his father and cast off his mother’s overprotective worries that he was willing to risk life and limb to defend his father’s honor and name after being stripped of his title due to perjury.
More than a dozen years ago Clara Lumley had questioned his father’s integrity, and he could not stay and listen to anything else she had to say. Years later he discovered just how dishonorable his father was, but he could not forgive Clara. She had no way of knowing the truth. She had said it only to hurt him; the man she professed to love.
It was a lesson worth learning, however. He had seen many a man fooled by a mercenary and manipulative woman in India. Stephen arrived already knowing the truth. Like so many things in life, a woman’s exterior might be beautiful and blemish free, but deep inside it was rotten to the core. He had little doubt the young lady he was about to meet would prove just as deceitful. Undoubtedly mothers and schools began training girls for their cunning arts at a young age.
Arriving at noon, Stephen wondered what the etiquette was for calling at school. He never recalled receiving visitors while he was at school but put it down to the difference between male and female education in general. He had only known one lady who was interested in things beyond his opinion, dancing, and embroidery.
A maid showed him to an ample sized drawing room, and a moment later an older lady with graying hair and old-fashioned clothes bustled into the room.
“Lord Lowther, how very nice to meet you!” She said far too cheerfully for a woman whose business it was to mind young women.
“And you are?” His tone removed the brightness of her smile.
“Pardon me. I am Mrs. Alderly, of course. Your mother promised you would come and has written so much about you that I felt we were already acquainted.”
After they both sat and tea was called for, she broke the silence. “I suppose you are here for the yearly tour.”
Was it his imagination or did she seem uneasy? “No, ma’am. I have far too much to see to. I cannot spare the time to inspect your school.”
“Well, I would be pleased to answer any questions you might have.”
Stephen nodded his head. “Certainly. Can you show me the books? I only need to know that the girls’ needs are being met, and it is not a financial drain. I leave their happiness entirely to your care.”
Mrs. Alderly paled. Undoubtedly his brother had been a far more active landlord and benefactor. “I know very little about education and emotional fortitude of ladies of any age, and I make no pretension about it. Surely, you know it is in your best interest that your students return home content and accomplished. Therefore, it is in my best interest to leave well enough alone and allow you to govern the school as you see fit.”
His hostess smiled a fraction. “Very well, my lord. I will call for the books to be brought in. Would you care to see Miss Ward now or afterward?”
Stephen gritted his teeth. It was like asking if he would rather be shot in the foot or the hand. “Bring her now and I will take the books home with me.”
Far too soon, a short girl with the budding figure of a woman entered the room. She had plain brown hair, simply arranged and held a book in her hand. She certainly looked nothing like what he expected from an opera singer’s daughter. Then, Mrs. Alderly did the unthinkable. She left them alone.
Miss Ward sat on the settee across from him, the book still in her hands clenched tight, and her eyes cast down. After several minutes of silence, he cleared his throat. “Pardon me, Miss Ward, but I do not know what I am doing. I have never done this before.”
His voice seemed to startle her, but she reacted to his statement with giggles. “Excuse me,” she gasped between the laughter.
Lord Almighty in Heaven. She giggled. At him! If Fred weren’t dead, Stephen would punch him square in the jaw for this. “May I ask what you find humorous?”
“Of course, you have not visited a girls’ school before, very few men ever have. Then the image of you dressed as a lady with feathers and wearing a lacy and a hideous bonnet came to mind, and I could not repress my laughter,” she said all the while fighting a smile.
Stephen wanted to rant and rail that hundreds of men in India that would testify on behalf of his manliness but the girl’s nervous laughter was endearing. “Should you not apologize for being so free with my person in your imagination?” He pretended to scold and winked, sending her tittering again.
When she caught her breath, she smiled and put the book to her side. “You remind me a little of your brother.”
He raised an eyebrow. “I suppose that is a good thing?”
She eagerly nodded her head. “I know it sounds strange, but I liked your brother.” She frowned and explained, “I do not have many friends. They do not like who my mother is. At home, I am surrounded by her silly friends. Lord Lowther would talk to me about serious things and actually listen to me.”
It appeared in the time Stephen had been gone, Fred transformed into a responsible man, rather than the young rake who had an affair with this lady’s mother. Stephen considered what his mother told him of Lady Vernon. Miss Ward likely needed a positive male example in her life. “Is that right? And what are you reading, Miss Ward?”
She picked up the book and blushed. “It is about the life of Queen Elizabeth.” She leaned forward and dropped her voice. “Don’t tell anyone, but I am enjoying it. I love reading about history. I am supposed to be helping my friend Lady Hannah with an essay since she took the blame for my having a contraband book.”
“Oh? And what was the book?”
“Fairy tales, translated into English. I daresay that is half of what set Miss Lumley off. If it had been French, she would have believed Lady Hannah and not cared so much. She knows my French is deplorable and, therefore, knew it must be mine.”
“Ah. And she doesn’t like you because of your mother?”
“It is more than that. She doesn’t like anyone who comes from a trade background whose family is wealthy. You ought to see how her eyes snap with fire when she’s angry, though. You would think dragons were real!”
Stephen’s heart came to a halt. Surely, it must be a different Miss Lumley with fire burning in her eyes. Had not Clara said she had a sister? Was it two sisters? But they were much younger than her. Far too young to teach. Lumley was a common enough name, and they were one county away.
“Of course, if I dared say that to Miss Lumley,” Miss Ward continued, “I would have a dozen essays to write! She teaches history, but everyone knows her passion is science and medicine.” She dropped her voice again. “I saw her inoculating the cook once. Mrs. Alderly would be steamed to see the teachers mingle with the servants and for Miss Lumley doing doctor work like that!”
Stephen clenched his fist. He doubted there was another lady in the Kingdom let alone with the name Lumley as interested in the prevention of disease as Clara Lumley. He doubted even more that he could stay a moment longer. He always imagined Clara married long ago with a dozen children by now. Instead, she was an impoverished spinster teacher. He was surprised to feel compassion for her but absolutely could not risk seeing her. Indeed, being her employer in any fashion was insupportable. The school would just have to be sold. He stood abruptly.
“Forgive me, Miss Ward. I have just recalled an errand that needs my immediate attention. I must leave.” He bowed while she stuttered out a goodbye. He strode across the room, seeing nothing but the fire snapping in Clara’s eyes at their last meeting all those years before. Then, it had been a blow to his heart. Now, it was a blow to his head. Just before reaching the door it jerked open and hit him square in the face.
Clara heard a hard thunk as she pushed open the door to the sitting room, intent on capturing her wayward pupil. “Oh, heavens! I didn’t mean to hurt you, Cece!” Hearing a masculine swear, she soon realized that Miss Ward’s guardian was her unintended victim.
A man stumbled away from the door and quickly pulled a handkerchief up to his nose to staunch the flow of blood. “I am so sorry, sir!” She exclaimed. “Here, allow me to help you.” She pulled him by his free arm to the settee. Cecilia stood frozen “Miss Ward, ask a maid to send a poultice up from the Kitchen. Some court-plaster may be needed as well and ice if Cook has any.” The girl still did not move. “Now!”
Finally, Cecilia fled the room, and Clara turned her attention toward the gentleman again. “If you will pinch your nose and lean forward, the flow should stop in a few minutes.”
“Backward you mean,” the man replied in a gruff voice and rested his head on the back of his seat.
“I am sorry to correct you, sir, but forward is better. Allowing the blood to drain down the throat can cause you to cast your accounts.”
He remained still for a moment before complying.
“I truly am sorry.”
“Sorrier it was me and not Miss Ward? Save your apologies for someone else, Miss Lumley.”
Clara turned red. She knew she was hard on the students, but she did care for them. “I know I am not Miss Ward’s favorite teacher, as she so evidently has told you, but I would never wish to hurt her. I daresay any lady would be embarrassed by harming a gentleman and a stranger.”
An angry laugh rumbled from the man beside her and a maid bustled in with a tray of supplies. Clara supposed Cecilia was lurking in the door frame or gathering Mrs. Alderly. “Thank you, Molly. The ice first, please.” She applied it to the stranger’s nose and did not miss him wincing at the pressure.
“Again, I apologize.”
“I am surprised a teacher is serving as a nurse. Is the housekeeper not capable?”
“Mrs. Alderly tends to all the household things for the last year or two, but she leaves the medical things to me.”
“I am surprised you did not marry an apothecary then.”
Clara blushed and was thankful he could not see. Vexing man to torment her while she attempted to help him. “Shall I tie up the next single one I find and abscond to Scotland? I might have bloodied your nose, but do not think that gives you leave to be so impertinent. What care I for your opinion and ridicule?”
She changed out his bloodied handkerchief for hers, and he did not bother to reply as their hands grazed. She took a moment to study him. Long ago she cared a great deal for the opinion of a well-dressed gentleman of muscular build and with dark hair. Of course, eyes were her true weakness then, and she had never seen another pair that could capture her the way Stephen Clifford had. She had long since stopped looking for even a paltry stand-in. Why should she rely on a gentleman for her security when she could make her own?
At last, it was time to assess the patient for other injuries to his face. “If you will remove the handkerchief, I will see if the other items are needed.”
The gentleman seemed hesitant at first but then sat upright and removed the handkerchief. Already, bruises were forming under his eyes.
“Yes, there is a cut under your eye as well. If you could slide lower, or perhaps lay on the settee, I could apply the plaster easier.”
“Is there not a footman who can do this?” He asked in a gruff tone.
“We have no footmen, sir.”
He repositioned himself, and he closed his eyes as Clara set to work. Something about the man unnerved her, and she chose to chatter. “You are very tan, sir. Have you been on a holiday?”
“I have just returned from India.”
“India! Tell me about it.” She hated the fact that she was so curious about a place Stephen spent much of his life, but it was common to be curious about such exotic lands, was it not? “Molly, could you fetch some wine for our guest?”
After the maid left, the gentleman finally spoke. “What do you wish to know? The landscape, the language, the people?”
“No, all that I have read in countless books. Tell me what it is like having been there.”
The gentleman furrowed his brows, a deep line marring his tan forehead and making him seem much older than she had first thought him to be. “India is like a woman’s love,” he said in shocking coldness. “It is beautiful on the outside but once sufficiently acquainted she turns dark and cruel.”
Clara gasped and withdrew her hand. “Sir, I will remind you again to not be so impertinent.”
“Because we are strangers?”
“Yes, we have not been introduced; among many other reasons. I am finished now.” She allowed her hand to fall back and waited for the man to return to an upright position.
He opened his eyes, and they locked on hers. Clara turned pale as she stared into the familiar depths of Stephen Clifford’s dark blue gaze.
“Ste—ste—” she stuttered before clearing her throat. “Mr. Clifford,” she managed to say.
She wanted to look away, but she could not. His eyes always held her captive. Recalling his words, she could not understand his tone of anger toward her. Instead, she was moved to compassion, when she had been angry at his abandonment for years. She hated the woman and country that turned his expression now to anguish. She hated even more that he must have loved that woman more than he had ever loved her. She hated most of all that it still hurt.
“Miss Lumley,” he said with a slight nod of his head.
“You are returned from India.”
“As you see.”
“And Cecilia Ward is your guardian?” She attempted to rack her brain of what she knew of Cecilia’s arrangement. Her step-father did not pay for everything, as he was the second or third one she had. A guardian was chosen for her after her mother’s divorce. Something about an affair…
“She was my brother’s,” he supplied.
“I am sorry for your loss,” she said. She had never met Stephen’s family and was distracted by still attempting to piece together the strange being before her, so very altered from the Stephen Clifford she had known. If his brother was the one to have an affair with the opera singer, then why did he sound so bitter?
“Miss Ward is a good girl, but perhaps you can convince her to take her studies more seriously.” It was not meant as a harsh critique. It was a problem most of the girls at the school had.
Hearing a step in the hall, Clara stood. “Here comes Molly with the wine. I will go and fetch Cecilia to resume your meeting.” She curtsied and turned to leave just as Mrs. Alderly stepped inside with Cecilia trailing behind.
“My lord,” she said and hastened to Stephen’s side.
Clara blushed. How had she forgotten that his brother’s death must make him the Baron of Lowther?
“All is well, Mrs. Alderly,” he said with more composure than Clara had thought possible. “I am sorry to cut our meeting short, Miss Ward, but I am needed at my estate.”
“Oh,” the girl said seemingly strangely shy.
“Next week I leave for London and will be quite busy with my seat in Parliament.”
Clara fumed and tapped her foot. Treating a girl as an afterthought for his ever-important travels. There was the Stephen Clifford she knew!
“The ledgers, madam?” His question set Mrs. Alderly to frowning, but she handed over several account books. “Good day, ladies.”
He bowed and quit the room, leaving Clara more unsettled than ever. Why would he need the accounts? She decided she did not wish to know.
“Come along, Miss Ward. We have already wasted half of the lesson, and you will have to work late tonight to make up for the reading your classmates have done in our absence.” Clara quickly walked through the room, refusing to meet Mrs. Alderly’s eyes, and toward her classroom noting the sound of Cecilia’s feet behind her.
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0.033955 | <urn:uuid:7bace70d-13d5-4cf5-834b-32f391068e24> | en | 0.956944 | How implausible is stable agreement?
Brian Feeney in the Sunday Business Post picks up on the figures in the election and wonders since the so-called ‘moderates’ made heims of working together, why should we believe Sinn Fein and the DUP can do what Trimble and Mallon could not?
When David Trimble and Seamus Mallon were First and Deputy First Ministers it was difficult enough to get them to agree on anything, even down to the design of number plates for Northern registered cars. They operated from opposite ends of the huge Stormont building and communicated as little as possible.
The answer is, there is no answer: until they actually do something. However circumstances have changed since we last had a real legislative Assembly in October 2002.
There is no one to the right of these two parties, so there is, perhaps, less need to indulge in regressive symbolic gestures. One suspects that if the Iterative Prisoners Dilemma rules hold between what increasingly Northern Ireland’s two monoliths, the battlegrounds will be over real and substantive issues, rather than fake signals to the base that they are not really going soft on the other. Which should leave them emotionally available to one another to strike deals, where deals are mutually desirable.
For all that it sounds negative, the best chance of this working lies in the fact that both of these parties are alert to the perils of the Sucker’s Payoff.
• Nevin
Heims? Perhaps we could have ‘making a hains of it’ to update the earlier hames.
• Baudrillard
Interesting brain-melting BBC2 documentary by Adam Curtis this week (The Trap) – that seems to be suggesting the theory behind the Prisoner’s Dilemma game has distorted how we view political relationships.
Surely Northern Ireland politics demonstrates that cynical political relationships were around long before the eggheads at the Rand Corporation started messing with us.
(Still – well worth checking out part two on Sunday.)
• The Dubliner
You know you’re screwed when you have to apply game theory to predict whether the assembly executive will produce mutually optimum outcomes. Iterated prisoner’s dilemma, by the way, only applies to two players where the dynamics are linear (all inputs and outputs are consistent and predictable). If you apply game theory, then zero-sum games remain a closer fit in that the actual game is the constitutional issue and the actual outcome is win/lose, despite the attempts of ‘players’ in the zero-sum game wishing to gain strategic advantage by fooling the other players into thinking that they are playing a non-zero sum game.
Why not abandon the assembly and decide local political issues by the device of painting numbers to represent policy options on the surface of a rat cage, and civil servants to observe which number the rat rests upon, thereby selecting the applicable policy? Folks could even elect the rats if they feel that they simply must have an input into such matters – and it would certainly be better than the expensive padded playpen the British taxpayer has constructed for the north’s kindergarten politicians and the deranged vista of Europe’s biggest bigot and Europe’s biggest terrorist working in perfect harmony to secure a society better than the one they spent their respective worthless lives’ destroying.
• knoxie
The leming like rush to the extremes in this election would be disheartening except for one thing AmI beginning to witness the start of a process of partisan re-alignment across the sectarian divide?
The SDLP disenchanted have taken a leap in the dark and transferred to the Alliance Party and the disenchanted Ulster Unionists have bitten the bullet and voted tactically for the SDLP
What remains to be seen is if the leadership of these two parties acknowledge this shift and begin to transform themselves into consensual political parties that can attract allegiance across the divide or as I suspect, will they continue to lament that SF and the Dup have “stolen their robes”? The case for a strong centrist party grows stronger week by week
• Yokel
Since when has this been about stable government? | | dclm-gs1-181081087 |
0.20031 | <urn:uuid:a796b921-830f-4464-8012-7ee2015ae4e9> | en | 0.988581 | If they’d been ghosts I’d have known. They’d be vaporous and fleeting.
But they were something else—a kind of memory so solid I knew it like a friend, but not a memory of anything I knew. Not something I could recall. Until the last time I saw them.
As always it was a moment of drama that brought them to me. Jessica was being born and things went suddenly wrong. That room with its screaming and its machines and its scramble for life—its jolt into desperation—was no place for strangers.
Yet it was then they appeared. I saw them in the doorway, holding each other as always. As the orderlies rushed Deborah to surgery they moved aside. Their eyes met mine. They reached out for me. As I tried to touch their extended hands they vanished.
And I remembered. A backwash that caught me and took me into deep water. The burning of saltwater in failing three-year-old lungs. They came to me through the foam. I fell in and out of blackness as they struggled against the tide. A lifeguard got out to them. They handed me to him as a huge swell crashed onto us. I rolled with the guard onto the beach. But they went under. Embracing each other as the sea took them.
2011-Richard Holt / small stories about love ( | | dclm-gs1-181091087 |
0.095107 | <urn:uuid:8c9db4f5-e03d-4aa0-ab5d-d08295fe5153> | en | 0.979071 | Wednesday, June 18, 2014
Chile beat Spain 2-0 in 2014 Fifa World Cup
Chile started their encounter against the reigning champions like a house on fire. There was an early chance, early corner-kick and an early free header with a clear sight on goal, all wasted. Spain nervously tried to fight the flames and cool down the embers until they finally regrouped and took the game to the Chileans, who seemed to chill a little.
The Europeans attacked with a lot of pace through the middle with David Silva calling the shots in the middle trying to pry an opening for the killer pass to Diego Costa. Both teams began to press each other harder up-front being quick in the middle and final thirds of the pitch. Chile was forced to play the ball early or long, but they kept their shape and composure whenever the ball crossed the centre line.
Upon winning a fierce midfield battle around the right side of the centre circle, the South Americans swiftly inter-passed the ball intricately with Alexis Sanchez, Aranguiz and Vargas involved. It was Sanchez’s ball into the box that was squared by Aranguiz to Vargas to touch it across a recovering Ike Casillas who had tried to narrow the angle on Aranguiz. Vargas’s second touch was a toe-poke as he competed with Xavi Alonso for the ball. Spain’s central defence and midfield was guilty of being sucked into play to their left and exposed their centre and their right. Casillas should not have tried to come off his line until the first touch was made by an attacker.
As play progressed, Silva was neutralised by Vidal as Mendel suffocated Costa. In trying to make amends, Spain composed their play and effectively put Pedro into good use on the right. Chile began to chase each and every ball, engaging in combative duels with Alonso, Busquets and Ramos. The Chilean game plan revolved around doubling up on the Spanish engine room, Iniesta, whom they made sure he drifted wide with each drive into the attacking zones.
Sanchez won two consecutive free kicks on the right side edge of the penalty box. He took the later around the wall, attracting a poor punched effort by Spain’s number one. The ricochet generously fell to Aranguiz who controlled and stabbed the ball past the diving Real Madrid keeper. Casillas was the chief culprit punching the ball directly into play rather than fist it long and wide.
Spain put in a man-sized performance at the beginning of the second half, winning the free-kicks outside the penalty area. Sergio Ramos took one pile driver that Bravo badly dealt with. He double-fisted the ball high to his left, where it was bicycle-kicked across the goalmouth to a free Busquets. The midfielder mysteriously squandered the opportunity with a yawning net at his nose.
With less than two thirds of the match left, Chile were coasting to a famous win and could have doubled the first half score line but they wasted two beautiful chances after counter attacking moves. They played with confidence and authority as the champions faded quietly and softly.
Somehow, Ramos a red card for a clever kick of the opponent while retracting his foot after clearing a ball. Soon after, Chile let Spain off the hook yet again when three players took turns to waste chances in an embarrassing fashion. Mena, Isla and Gutierrez extravagantly spurned what could have supped the already depleted energy levels of the Spanish. It was more of mental fatigue than energy loss as the revered Europeans tucked their tails between their legs.
Spain became the first reigning champions to lose two consecutive matches in the Fifa World Cup. It was, however, the triumph of the Chilean master plan, which bordered around retention of the ball, quick recovery of possession, physical combating in midfield with many players around the ball, starving Iniesta of the ball, showing the Spanish wingers down the touchline, deny crosses and then choking the central position What a show by Chile and why don’t they go on and win this thing? If you can dismantle the champions like this, why not? Not even the Dutch could have survived this onslaught. | | dclm-gs1-181141087 |
0.026159 | <urn:uuid:fe6b9141-ac68-4c96-b6ea-2718274d86e7> | en | 0.838595 | Adding job-related lookups
Apr 20, 2014 9:35 pm
The Jobs module's Lookups tab allows you to add and save information for job locations, contacts, job types, facilities, statuses, and email addresses.
The job locations subtab lets you organize and group jobs so you can easily add, edit and update job information. For example, you could create a location for each division of your organization, or you could create a different location for each organization that places job opportunity ads on the website.
The contacts subtab allows you to enter contact information for jobs in one location, so you don't need to enter the contact information each time you add a new job to your website. Typically the contact information should be for the Human Resources representative of the organization.
The status subtab allows you to create and edit statuses that are set for jobs. The default statuses are Accept, Reject, Strong, and Weak.
The email subtab is where you can configure the predefined emails that get sent to candidates when they submit a resume, or after reviewing a candidate from the candidates tab.
To add Lookup information, click on the green button on the appropriate subtab and enter the lookup information. The click save, and you will be able to access the lookups from the Job Listing and Candidates tabs. | | dclm-gs1-181211087 |
0.030365 | <urn:uuid:a3047f55-71ee-41e9-b6a4-2e230ca83f50> | en | 0.985026 | 1 All who are forced to serve as slaves should consider their masters worthy of full respect. Then people will not speak evil things against God's name and against what we teach.
2 Some slaves have masters who are believers. They shouldn't show less respect for their masters just because they are believers. Instead, they should serve them even better. That's because those who benefit from their service are believers. They are loved by them. Teach the slaves those things. Try hard to get them to do them.
Love for Money
3 Suppose someone teaches ideas that are false. He doesn't agree with the true teaching of our Lord Jesus Christ. He doesn't agree with godly teaching.
4 People like that are proud. They don't understand anything. They like to argue more than they should. They can't agree about what words mean. All of that results in wanting what others have. It causes fighting, harmful talk, and evil distrust.
7 We didn't bring anything into the world. We can't take anything out of it.
8 If we have food and clothing, we will be happy with that.
Paul Gives a Command to Timothy
19 In that way they will put riches away for themselves. It will provide a firm basis for the next life. Then they will take hold of the life that really is life. | | dclm-gs1-181261087 |
0.094903 | <urn:uuid:aa32c581-5cbb-4eff-a0cf-c862b640e980> | en | 0.848301 | Em Andamento
website membership tools -
All programming in 1 with and using ms sql server 2000 only - no 2.
Habilidades: .NET
Ver mais: website membership tools, aspnet membership tool, membership tools website, website tools, website programming job, website design for import export, website categories design, features, tools needed for programming, programming tools, programming or programing, programming needed website, programming in net, programing or programming, programing a website, programing 1, profile completion, payments through escrow, payment processing escrow, payment, net c# escrow, manual escrow payment, job, job vb net, job in
Acerca do Empregador:
( 13 comentários ) New York, United States
ID do Projeto: #42098 | | dclm-gs1-181291087 |
0.027365 | <urn:uuid:8c3976c7-6033-41df-8690-78c11107a9b2> | en | 0.878924 | • Status: Solved
• Priority: Medium
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• Views: 361
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POP3 Keeps timing out
i have a wierd issue where my pop3/sendmail server keeps dropping pop3 connections. If i do a telnet to it on port 110, half hte time it will come up (sometimes very fast, sometimes very slow) and the other half it will time out. I did a 'ps aux' on the box and i found a few entries like this:
1176 6774 2.0 0.3 4152 1768 ? S 15:58 0:00 ipop3d
1468 6776 14.5 0.3 4044 1608 ? D 15:58 0:00 ipop3d
1320 6779 4.0 0.3 4060 1652 ? S 15:58 0:00 ipop3d
1429 6658 0.2 0.0 0 0 ? Z 15:57 0:00 [imapd <defunct>]
root 6685 0.0 0.2 4028 1468 ? S 15:57 0:00 ipop3d
not sure what the defunct means but this is causing enough of a problem for all of my users to notice. smtp still responds though it is a tad slower too (it always responds, it just sometimes takes a while).
i've no idea what the hell is going on but the box is using a load average of 2 or so so its not under that high a load. any ideas on how i can troubleshoot this?
• 2
1 Solution
POP3 and sendmail are completely unrelated. POP3 is a client/server protocol for a mail reader program to download mail from a mailbox. Never talks to sendmail - sendmail doesn't know what POP3 is.
Sendmail is a mail router that uses SMTP (usually, but can use UUCP and a few other things) to route mail between servers. Clients don't use SMTP to access their mailboxes.
What is the OS and hardware? I'm guessing a *NIX.
What is the POP3 server? I'm guessing UofW PINE is where it came from.
Have you eliminated layer 1/2 issues, such as bad NICs, cables, switch ports, duplex settings, etc. ?
onsite_techAuthor Commented:
yeah, i tracked down the issue. ironically, the reason the pop3 was freaking out was because the server had some downtime the day before (because of smtp issues) and the clients were hammering the box out of paranoia. the default inetd.conf settings for how many connections you can do are a little low i guess cause i upped those and everything came up fine and happy. i guess we've been skirting the limit for a while now but never had *all* of our users on at once like that day.
Here are the lines i added to the ipop3 file:
instances =150
cps =70 30
Everything is fine now and its actually very happy a box...
onsite_techAuthor Commented:
can you PAQ this and throw my last comment on as the accepted comment? thats what fixed it...
PAQed with points refunded (500)
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0.05258 | <urn:uuid:4d7271cc-45e4-4489-9108-7a042c3a497e> | en | 0.965513 | If you have years of investing experience behind you, you're used to having a lot of choices about where to put your money. That's one reason why investing in a company-sponsored retirement plan, such as a 401(k) plan, can be so frustrating: You often don't have a good selection.
However, according to a recent study, an increasingly popular retirement investing option has gotten a lot more attention from workers in recent years. And although it may not be a perfect strategy for every investor, this investment vehicle could give you a big upgrade over other inferior options in your retirement plan.
Hitting the target
The vehicle is the target-date mutual fund, and it has taken the 401(k) world by storm. A study from the Employee Benefit Research Institute took a look at how retirement plan participants are using target funds for their retirement savings. The results were encouraging -- of those plans that offer target funds, 37% of participants put at least some of their money in a target fund. Moreover, target funds collectively hold about 7% of all 401(k) assets.
The study cites a number of factors that could contribute to rising use of target funds. One is the fact that many employers are using automatic enrollment to get more of their employees to make retirement plan contributions, and they're putting those automatic contributions into target funds.
A fair number of employees rely solely on target funds for their retirement savings. If those participants had chosen a single fund regardless of what investment options were available, a target fund clearly has some advantages that other types of funds would lack, in terms of diversification -- few other options would include exposure to so many different kinds of investments in a single fund.
Target funds aren't all the same
Not all experts agree that target funds are beneficial. Last year, for instance, many supposedly conservative target funds did poorly because they had fairly high exposure to stocks, even for target dates that weren't too far in the future. That brought substantial declines that many fund investors were unprepared to see.
The study looks further at that phenomenon, noting that funds from different fund families take very different approaches to the question of how much to hold in stocks. For 2010 target funds, allocations to stocks ranged from around 25% to 65% among the funds the study examined. Given that such a fund would typically be intended for someone retiring next year, one could easily argue that holding 65% of your portfolio in stocks was overly aggressive.
Some funds, however, make an effort not just to cut stock exposure but also to invest in more conservative stock funds. For instance, T. Rowe Price (NASDAQ:TROW) has a series of retirement target funds that in turn invest in a wide variety of other T. Rowe Price funds.
Target funds for investors closer to their goals, for example, include substantial allocations to more conservative choices, such as a general stock index fund that includes large companies like Procter & Gamble (NYSE:PG), General Electric (NYSE:GE), and AT&T (NYSE:T). That's what most such investors would want: big chunks of the blue-chip stocks that dominate the S&P 500.
In contrast, those further away from their target get higher allocations to more aggressive growth funds that invest in companies like Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL), Google (NASDAQ:GOOG), and Genentech (NYSE:DNA). Those are stocks that are arguably better suited to those with longer time horizons.
Know the pros and cons
Target date funds are far from perfect. Although they automatically adjust your asset allocation over time, they also take all the control over your investments out of your hands.
But in a 401(k) plan where other investment options are often worse, target date funds are a breath of fresh air for employees. So it's not surprising that more workers are taking advantage of them -- and given how important a diversified portfolio is to investing success, it's definitely a good thing that they are.
For more on smart retirement investing, read about:
You'll find investing tips for your 401(k) and other retirement savings in each issue of the Fool's Rule Your Retirement newsletter. Get lots of useful information along with stock and fund recommendations every month. Try it out free for 30 days.
Fool contributor Dan Caplinger likes keeping control of his portfolio. He owns shares of General Electric. Google is a Motley Fool Rule Breakers pick. Apple is a Motley Fool Stock Advisor recommendation. The Fool owns shares of Procter & Gamble. Try any of our Foolish newsletters today, free for 30 days. The Fool's disclosure policy keeps you smart. | | dclm-gs1-181361087 |
0.018862 | <urn:uuid:36ef4f50-b69d-4099-b4e3-18b2a9213bec> | en | 0.767803 | The topic you selected is no longer available for viewing.
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Solid Sonic1811/29 5:08PM | | dclm-gs1-181381087 |
0.135456 | <urn:uuid:259fb75f-cf29-4478-aabd-da0b6b77b4a5> | en | 0.968664 | Privacy guaranteed - Your email is not shared with anyone.
Now that I'm older...
Discussion in 'The Lighter Side' started by okie, Aug 23, 2003.
1. okie
okie GT Mayor
Likes Received:
Oct 28, 2001
Muskogee Ok.
Now that I'm's what I've discovered.....
I started out with nothing..I still have most of it.
When did my wild oats turn into prunes and All Bran?
Funny, I don't remember being absent-minded.
All reports are in. Life is now officially unfair.
If all is not lost, where is it?
The first rule of holes:= If you are in one, stop digging.
I went to school to become a wit, only got halfway through, though.
It was all so different before everything changed.
Some days you're the dog; some days you're the hydrant.
Nostalgia isn't what it used to be.
A day without sunshine is like a day in Seattle.
I wish the buck stopped here, I could use a few....
It's hard to make a comeback when you haven't been anywhere.
It's not hard to meet expenses...they're everywhere.
2. DWavs
DWavs Moderator Moderator
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Feb 10, 2000 | | dclm-gs1-181391087 |
0.120319 | <urn:uuid:3befe807-d3a3-4fae-a6fe-27e749ccc395> | en | 0.965105 | James's Reviews > Letter to a Christian Nation
Letter to a Christian Nation by Sam Harris
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Nov 05, 2011
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bookshelves: atheists-and-other-skeptics
Read in November, 2011
This is the follow book to End of Faith, the New York Times Bestseller by New Atheist Eye Candy author, Samuel Harris. Harris wrote this book after having one too many angry letters from intolerant Christians. He penned this letter in the form of a letter to a Christian, in hopes of answering some of the questions posed to him. He intends this as a book for people of all faiths, but states that his purpose is to arm secularists against the Christain right.
Harris aims this book more particularly at Christian fundamentalists. He wants to wipe out Christianity in its most committed form, so what he says does not necessarily address moderates and liberals. Although even on this point he conflates a lot of different versions of conservative Christianity. He lambasts Catholic conservatives for their position on birth control,embryonic stem cell research and abortion; yet when he starts attacking a literal creationism, most of the same conservative Catholics would find themselves in substantial agreement. Personally I found some of what he says applies to me as someone who believes the Bible presents a fair and accurate picture of Jesus, his divinity and the salvation he brings. But when he started nitpicking on particular texts, or making his case for evolution, I didn't think I fit his picture of his chief opponent.
What this book does reasonable well is pose many of the questions and problems that atheists and secularists have with the Christian faith. Harris sees Christianity as problematic and challeges it from two different fronts. These are:
1. Problems with the Bible.Is it unique and superior to other scriptures? Is it the best source for morality? Why is prophecy so vague? what if anything does biblical prophecy tell us? If this is a book of divine origin, why is it so scientifically and mathematically impercise? What about factual errors?
2. The Clash Between Science and Faith. What accounts for the origin of a universe better: creation or evolution? If there is an intelligent designer, why does so much of what we find in nature seem so unintelligent? Why would a loving creator, create so many species of beetles and viruses? How is faith even tenable given what we know about the age of the world or evolutionary processes?
In addition to this, Harris handles rather deftly the assertions that Christians are more loving and forgiving than others, especially atheists. While Christians may lay blame the atheists for some of the greatest violence of the 20th Century (i.e. Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, Mao), the fact is the holocaust stands as the culmination of centuries of Christian anti-semitism and Pol Pot was just a crazy man. This is a fair point, and Christians do need to own where they have been complicit in injustice against their neighbors.Harris is pretty good at smelling Christian hypocrisy and pointing it out. Also, he articulates the view that science can form a basis for morality.
However this book is much better at raising questions than pronouncing the final word on the matter. Are there texts in the Bible that seem overly severe and unnecessarily violent for a God of love? Yes, and Christians were aware of these texts and have wrestled with them long before new atheists came along? In most cases there are good answers to textual questions. As someone with some training in Biblical exegesis and hermeneutics, I don't find his questions particularly disturbing. They seem like good places to begin in engaging the Biblical text, not reasons to close the book.
In describing the clash between science and faith, there is little new information here. Dawkins articulation of Atheistic evolution is far more compelling than Harris's, and his critique on Intelligent design more incisive. For example, Harris makes no mention in this book about the 'God of the gaps,' a tenant of Intelligent Design which posits that gaps in our scientific knowledge represent units of irreducible complexity which prove the existence of a creator. This is a fatal flaw in their apologetic, because as scientific knowledge increases, the God of Intelligent Design gets smaller. Dawkins and Hitchens make much of this, because it is a good argument against the way Christians sometimes construe their belief in a creator while appropriating some scientific knowledge. Harris doesn't mention it. Perhaps his focus on fundamentalism dictates that he restrict his attack to vague creationism.
It is also curious to me that Harris writes this letter to a 'Christian Nation' and never really gets at the heart of the Christian gospel. He mentions that the people he is writing to think that Jesus died, rose again and will only save those who trust in him, but he doesn't get around to attacking that belief in his letter (at least directly). If you are bothered by Christian fundamentalism at least get around to addressing their central beliefs about God, the Trinity, Salvation. This is the central issue for Christians and Harris shouldn't think that because he points out that the book of Kings is too vague in its estimation of pi, that he is somehow proven that it is not a reliable witness to who Jesus was and is.
Ultimately Harris fails to make his case for why Christians should give up their faith and be atheist. What he succeeds at, is demolishing Christian trite answers to tough questions. The so called 'new atheists' are a rather minuscule portion of society, but their influence in academia and culture is huge. If they can get Christians to re-engage their own scriptures and give a serious look at science, this is a good thing.
I would also say, this is well written and an engaging read. Totally and utterly wrongheaded, but you can't win them all Mr. Harris.
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0.084544 | <urn:uuid:04759ae9-45a6-483f-848c-544204962ea2> | en | 0.982481 | Monday 18 December 2017
Tommy Conlon: Even if there's no summit, there's glory in the climb
The Couch
Tommy Conlon
On Monday the Monaghan lads supped for hours in Ballybay, and supped merrily, as well they might.
A tour of the county was on the itinerary later that evening. It would be a long day's journey into night. But they had to start somewhere so it was a case of, today Ballybay, tonight Clones, Carrickmacross, Monaghan town and 'blayney itself. After that, they would have no worlds left to conquer.
For they had done the deed. They had crossed the Rubicon. They had completed the long quest, finished the great pilgrimage; at last they had climbed the drumlin.
In the wider horizons of world sport, an Ulster Gaelic football title is no mountain. But as Patrick Kavanagh said of those same drumlins, "They are my Alps and I have climbed the Matterhorn/With a sheaf of hay for three perishing calves". For Dick Clerkin and the other long-suffering penitents of that Monaghan dressing room, an Ulster title had become their Matterhorn.
Last Sunday the greatest bike men on earth were pouring into Paris, having literally climbed the Alps along the way. It's a far cry from there to the hill in Clones. But for the Monaghan players that afternoon their world was reduced to the pitch at the top of that hill. Nothing existed beyond it. The Tour de France might be a global spectacle but it didn't belong in their universe.
For as the bard and former goalkeeper also famously said: "I inclined to lose my faith in Ballyrush and Gortin,/Till Homer's ghost came whispering to my mind./He said: I made the Iliad of such a local row/Gods make their own importance".
Now admittedly, it must be getting tedious at this stage for Monaghan football people, hearing Kavanagh quoted back at them any time their team nudges its way into national prominence.
And the phrase "long-suffering" (see above) may also have become something of a wearisome cliché for their veteran footballers. It might have sounded a tad patronising, even though it was meant well.
Because GAA reporters will have seen enough ashen-faced players emerging from losing dressing rooms over the years to have some sense of the hurt involved. A harrowing defeat inflicts real emotional pain. It is not a trivial thing; it should not be taken for granted. It cuts deep and lasts long.
When Clerkin described last year's loss to Down, in the Ulster semi-final, as "the worst defeat of (my) career", he wasn't being self-indulgent. The black clouds were moving into his head, the sickness was beginning to curdle in the pit of his stomach. The more it means, the more it hurts.
The clock was ticking fast by then. This Ulster title arrived perilously late in the day for Monaghan's olden-golden generation. It was five minutes to midnight.
They are made men now. The record speaks, the record will stand: Ulster champs 2013.
The question has probably been asked of them a thousand times: does it make everything worthwhile? And naturally they will have said yes, it does. Course it does. But the question has a corollary, an unspoken implication that an entire sporting career hangs on one triumph.
But it doesn't, and it diminishes those sportsmen who never got to enjoy the shining moment. It devalues the body of work they have left behind them. Because their defeats and victories are in the record books too. They tell the story of people who tried and kept trying until they could do it no more. Lads who turned up, and who were brave enough to keep turning up no matter the cost, emotionally and otherwise. They made friendships and memories; they laughed and drank, fought and made up; and they have the stories to prove it.
When Cavan's stalwart midfielder Stephen King captained his county to an Ulster title in 1997, he'd left it even later than the Monaghan players. It was one minute to midnight in his case. The following February he retired at the age of 35. Cavan hadn't won Ulster in 28 years. He'd been on board for some 17 seasons himself.
King was asked the same question in an interview: did the victory make it all worthwhile? Well, he replied, it was all good anyway. He'd enjoyed every minute of it along the way.
In other words, a full life in sport shouldn't stand or fall on one trophy. If it does, it erases the lived experience: all those Tuesdays and Thursdays at training, all those games on Sundays, all those long car journeys, all those hopes and dreams; the best of times, the worst of times.
There's no denying that a major trophy brings with it a profound sense of fulfilment, especially when it arrives after a decade and more of hard knocks. And those who don't succeed are often tormented by regrets long after they've put away the boots for good. It's rough on them; the scars endure.
They are usually forgotten too. This Monaghan team will be remembered. But if they had lost last Sunday and picked up another lacerating scar instead, everyone else would have moved on without a thought.
But they would have been entitled to as much respect as they are getting now, and maybe even more, for investing so much of themselves for so long, and reaping so little. Happily for them, all those constant years finally yielded one day that was perfect, and is now permanent.
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Gas checks. What advice is out there?
Discussion in 'Reloading, Target Shooting, and Modern Firearms' started by JohnSmiles, Feb 4, 2007.
1. I have never used gas checks.
I am think about using them for the 500 s&w in a handi rifle.
I like to shoot my guns, and this is the only way I can shoot affordably.
Anyone out there using gas checks?
Any suggestions for a beginner?
WHat to buy, what NOT to buy?
2. What is it?
What is a gas check?
3. I've used gas checked lead cast bullets in several rifles. From my .22 Hornet up to .308. I also cast bullets for my .44-40 & .458 X 2" American but these were plain base cast bullets. On the ones I did use gas checks I found that Hornady Brand gas checks were the best as they wouldn't fall off while the bullet exited the barrel. My Winchester Model 43 in .25-20 shoots cast gas checked bullets more accurately than the jacketed bullets. When reloading using cast bullets, you'll want to stick to using either Unique or SR-4759 powders, as they are much cleaner burning and consistant, than 2400 or IMR-4227 powders.
4. :yeahthat:
5. Gas checks are put on the bottom of a cast lead bullet to seal up the gases from the exploiding powder to get better pressure behind the bullet as it leaves the barrel. Cast bullets can be poured at home for some cheap shooting but sometimes leave a bit to be desired as a componet- hope that helps
6. Thanks for the info. Goggle
7. David, Goggle, thanks for the info!
8. You're welcome!:)
9. Gas checks also help prevent leading when using cast bullets moving over 1700fps by "scraping" the bore and preventing the base of the bullet from both melting and obturating into the lands & grooves.
In cast handgun bullets, they are useful to help keep airborene lead out of your lungs at indoor ranges - but you need to be very careful to seat & size them properly so they don't pop off at the cylinder gap.
10. For 500 s&w
These will be for the handi rifle in 500 s&w, if I buy one.
I have looked into the cost of feeding this thing, and if I want to shoot it to any degree, reloading and casting bullets are almost required on my budget.
The brass, and the bullets, are a bit pricey at this time.
Not sure if I will even wait for the law to be passed before I buy one.
Whether I can ever use it to hunt deer with or not, this little gun has really gotten my attention.
Even at subsonic speeds, at close range a 325-575 gr. .50 cal. cast lead bullet moving at 1000 fps is going to take out about anything in Indiana.
btw, anyone know where there might currently be one for sale, and how much?
Tax time was good to me this year(for a change) and I will probably have a few bucks extra in the near future.
And no I am not buying dinner for everyone.
I hear some of you are almost as big as I am. | | dclm-gs1-181451087 |
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Salt Lake City 2002
Martin’s date with destiny
The final stone of the final end of the gold medal match in the women’s curling competition was dubbed “The Stone of Destiny” by the British media. As it glided along the ice towards the house, the two rinks, and a packed arena, fell silent knowing that it would decide the destination of the title.
The women who had played the stone was British skip Rhona Martin, who was in many ways an unlikely sort of Olympic star. A 35-year-old housewife from Scotland, she had taken up curling when she was 16 years old and had represented her country in a few events, but had never won a major international title. Indeed, she only won the Scottish championship once, but that victory in 2000 was enough to put her rink on the road to Salt Lake City.
A mother of two, she was not used to being away from her family and promptly suffered a stomach illness on arrival in Utah. She only just recovered in time for the start of the competition, but shrugged off any concerns to lead her rink to some good early results. They were, however, well beaten by the Canadians and only just squeezed into the semi-finals after winning tie-breakers against Sweden and Germany.
That took them into a rematch against Canada, with just about everyone expecting the home favourites to repeat their earlier victory. Instead, stunningly, it was Martin's rink who prevailed, winning a single point in the final end to take a 6-5 victory.
In the final, Martin’s rink faced Switzerland, who had enjoyed their own surprise victory in their semi-final against the USA. Once again it proved a tight, tense affair that went down to the final stone of the final end, and that “Stone of Destiny”.
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Perfectly paced, the stone curled gently and glanced off the Swiss stone before stopping in the middle of the house to steal a final point and earn a 4-3 win. Martin and her team-mates were ecstatic. Her winning stone, meanwhile, was taken back to Scotland where it was put on display in a museum.
Martin subsequently led Great Britain to fifth place at the 2006 Games and then retired from competition, taking up a role as a coach.
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ANOVA Robson Books
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What's the downward acceleration?
Two masses are connected by a light cord which is looped over a light frictionless pulley. If one mass is 3.0 kg and the second mass is 5.0 kg, what's the downward acceleration of the heavier mass? Assume air resistance is negligible.
Answer: 2.5 m/s^2
2 Answers by Expert Tutors
Tutors, sign in to answer this question.
4.6 4.6 (13 lesson ratings) (13)
Check Marked as Best Answer
A quick way: Treat two masses as a whole system. The net downward force is (m1-m2)g, where m1 = 5 kg, and m2 = 3 kg.
Apply Newton's second law to the whole system:
(m1-m2)g = (m1+m2)a
Solve for a,
a = (m1-m2)g/(m1+m2) = (5-3)g/(5+3) = 2.45 m/sec2 <==Answer
5.0 5.0 (3 lesson ratings) (3)
Apply Newton's 2nd law to each mass:
For the 3.0-kg mass, which moves up,
3a=T-3g, where T is the tension in the cord.
For the 5.0-kg mass, which moves down,
Eliminate T and get
a=g/4=9.8/4=2.45 m/s². | | dclm-gs1-181711087 |
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Not much going on in the garden, things are moving slow. The upside down hanging tomatoes are still going strong. The dark ones in the picture are Black Tomatoes, still getting a few smaller Watermelon, Better Boy and Rose. Lemon Cucumber are pretty much done, a few small ones. Figs have slowed down, but man are they sweet. Picked a few limes just to have. The squash are done but the peppers are doing well. Starting to think about the winter crops, but we still have a least a month of possible heat left. Don't want to start to early, still thinking about the trees that I want to plant this fall.
These avocados were either found on the ground, due to the squirrels, notice the marks on the one on the right, or I picked them to thin the tree a little. By November or December I should start getting some bigger ones
1 comment:
1. Ah, planning for the fall garden. Isn't it fun? The large pic at the top of your blog... is that your yard/garden? It's beautifully laid out! Teach those boys all about gardening. Make it fun! They'll be glad you did when they're older. | | dclm-gs1-181741087 |
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