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Chapter 1 - A silver dragon |
As you enter the royal bedchamber you are once more struck by the sheer beauty of your wife, Lily. Even at the age of thirty four, a year younger than you, she’s still the most beautiful woman you’ve ever met. Her skin is nearly flawless, red hair that’s long and flowing, falling down to just above the small of her back. High cheekbones, full lips, big blue eyes, and a button nose complete a perfect face.
The feature you love most about her body is none of that, however, it's her curves. Visible even with the modest, ornate blue dress that sits on her thick frame. Heavy breasts catch the eye but they’ve never been what you really appreciate. Even after two decades it's a struggle to take your eyes off her hips, so wide, and that ass, so round and full, all flaring out from her narrow waist. You're once again struggling with that as you approach her. The Queen is staring out the window, gazing out across the splendor of the capital.
She hears you enter and smirks as a glance confirms that once again her husband is staring at her ass. "What?" She asks nonchalantly.
"I’m the luckiest man alive." You say, approaching.
Her smile remains even as she rolls her eyes at the same line you’ve said many times. She doesn't turn around and you embrace her from behind, holding her close. She turns her head slightly and kisses your cheek before you ask “So, how is Sophia?”
She answers, genuine affection in her voice “Good… our girl has mastered another aria, it’s really something-” she cuts herself off, suddenly still. You ask "My love, what is it?"
She hesitates before saying "The harbor... look."
You follow her gaze out the window where, pulling into the harbor, is a ship unlike any you've ever seen. It's massive but that’s not what shocks you most. It’s covered in thick metal plates that gleam, reflecting the sun as would a silver dragon’s scales. No sails sit on its deck and it belches smoke, another chilling parallel to the terrible beasts. As you watch, it pulls up to the dock and you realize just how much larger than any ship in Lothian this thing is. You almost stumble back as you move away from the window, fighting panic and unsteady legs as you realize for the first time your Capital may be under attack.
"A ship," you manage to gasp.
Lily’s gaze scrutinizes you, frustration and pity marr her beautiful face as she registers your cowardly response. She turns and hurries across the room, grabbing your sword before approaching you. She gives you a look of warning as she says "You have presided over this Kingdom in peace and virtue for a decade. I have supported you for twice that length of time, given you an heir and a darling daughter. If you freeze in the face of this, our first unexpected crisis, then we may all perish here today. Pull yourself together, take your sword, and greet our uninvited guests in the harbor."
You flinch, realizing how she must see you. A weak King, wavering at the first hint of trouble. You stand tall and grab your sword, Lily nods and says "Go to Veldoran and summon the royal guard then make your way to the harbor. You can do this, my love."
You nod, hoping the fear you still feel is no longer apparent. You do as she said, gathering your royal guards and your wizard, Veldoran. When you arrive at the docks, the common folk cheer, relieved that their King is facing this unknown threat with courage. You wave to them as you and Veldoran approach the strange vessel, your royal guards forming a shield wall behind you.
The ship is seemingly unmanned, but you address it all the same. Standing just a dozen feet away you call out in a voice that despite your best effort is quite strained by tenseness "I am King Anon of Lothian. Sovereign of this land. This is my city, I would know your intentions. Who are you and what brings you here?"
One of the doors on the deck opens. You're expecting to see a Legate and his honor guard, to hear unreasonable demands and to be forced to choose between Imperial subjugation and a war you fear you lack the strength to win. What you don't expect is what steps out onto the ship's deck.
It's a woman, taller than you and very stoutly built, curvy with green skin and pointed ears. Her clothing is alien and displays her curvy body but looks mostly practical, with pants instead of a skirt. On one wide hip sits a large cutlass, no other weapons. Wild silver hair frames her bright yellow eyes which sit in a face that has strong, though still feminine, features. Those eyes meet your own and she grins, saying in a confident alto "Well met, Anon. My name is Vynx, and I bring you greetings from myself. Sovereign of the sea, captain of a ship that has never known defeat. It’s been a long voyage and I wish to enjoy the hospitality of your palace. I don't suppose you'd consider extending a royal welcome to me and some of my crew?”
You freeze, you never expected anything like this. This imposing woman expects to be treated as a visiting monarch? You know she’s unlikely to truly deserve such privilege but you still don't know the true power of this vessel or the strange technology that's hidden inside it. Not to mention the fact that judging from the scars on her powerful arms and face, that only add to the stranger’s savage beauty, she’s seen many more fights than you. Too timid to lay all of this out you reply with strain in your voice "Yes… I will escort you to the palace as an honored guest, Vynx."
A hint of malice creeps into her grin as she registers how easily you capitulated, she waves her hand towards the doorway. "Good, Girls!"
Out of the ship files out half a dozen more women, all tall, curvy, and with green skin. They wear clothes that give a sense of the shape of their powerful bodies without being impractically lewd. You finally notice the bulges at the crotches of each one, including Vynx. You frown, shaking your head as you dismiss it as a strange fashion.
As the orc Queen leads the others down the ramp, you turn and stride down the dock. Vynx quickly moves to walk beside you, presumptuous but expected given how dominant she's been so far. "So, you’ve seen orcs before?"
You shake your head, having little reason to deceive her. "No, is that the name of your race?"
"Yes, we're from far away so your ignorance is unsurprising. But where I come you pinks are... well understood." It's unsettling, the way she smiles after that, the way she calls humans pinks with a hint of derision. Still, you have no real reason to distrust her, arrogance is not a crime. She asks various questions, largely trivial, as you walk through the streets of the city. The common people gawk at the new guests, eyeing the strange women with fascination and fear.
When you arrive at the palace, the guards there are surprised to see Vynx and the others. You nod to the guard captain, who bows deeply. Vynx looks at expectantly before you introduce her "This is Vynx, a fellow sovereign and honored guest. You will treat her with all the dignity and respect due to royalty."
The guard captain's eyes flit to the large, green-skinned women accompanying you, looking uncertain for a moment but he soon recovers and bows a second time. He says "Yes, Sire."
The palace is vast, its spacious halls opulent. You see Vynx, for the first time, seems impressed as she asks "Your people built all this, pink?"
"Yes, long ago Lothian the Conqueror took this land and the surrounding cities, building this palace as a symbol of the conquest."
She smirks “Descended from a conqueror? See much of him in yourself?”
Taken off guard by the question that cuts to the heart of one of your insecurities you reply “There are… many challenges I must face if I hope to live up to his memory, Vynx."
"Challenges? You mean like getting rid of orcs?" Vynx asks.
You hesitate, blindsided by her brazen confrontation "No... why would I wish to be rid of you, Vynx?"
She laughs a little too hard "I'm joking, there won't be any trouble. I know just how to work with a pink like you." She smirks at you, then returns to eyeing the palace's halls with avarice.
With a sigh you walk alongside her, wondering what sort of game she's playing. As you enter your court the various nobles gawk at the alien, imposing women with curiosity and fear. Vynx notices them too, waving to a particularly round and pink man, known as Lord White. His eyes bulge and Vynx laughs, saying as she looks down her nose at him "I've seen a lot of pinks but I think you take the cake!"
White stares at her, mouth open in disbelief. "What do you mean? Are you trying to insult me?"
You roll your eyes, secretly enjoying Vynx's teasing of the bloated, self important lord. "Our guest meant no offense, White. These people, orcs they are called, are our guests. She”' you motion to Vynx whose smile remains, "has important business to discuss as a fellow sovereign with myself. Court is adjourned."
The nobles do not disperse, all looking to White who says "Fellow sovereign? Is it wise to entertain the fanciful claims of an unknown when, with every moment, the Empire musters its strength and prepares to claim our Kingdom and thus the last free place on the continent?”
Vynx gives you a serious look, watching your response carefully, and you answer, "I still have hope the Empire will see reason and leave us in peace… I have no reason to distrust our new guest and neither do you. This conversation is over. I said the court is adjourned! I will speak to you all tomorrow." With that the nobles finally begin to disperse. White’s hue deepens beyond pink, reminiscent of a tomato as he struggles to contain himself but you ignore him, leading Vynx to your chambers.
You walk with Vynx into the royal bedchamber, Lily waiting for you with a concerned look. Her eyes widen as she surveys the strange person, her eyes darting to take in the orc’s height, stocky build, and powerful arms before lingering on the orc’s eyes which appraise her. The orc surveys your wife, some of the mirth leaving her expression as she appreciates just how perfect Lily is. The orc’s eyes take in the beauty of her face, thick thighs, broad hips, narrow waist, and round breasts. You, absurdly, begin to feel out of place in your own bedroom as the two ogle one another.
You say in a voice that fails to conceal your insecurity "This, my love, is Vynx. She is captain of the ship in the harbor and Queen of the orcs and the seas. She is a fellow sovereign and will be treated as an honored guest as befits her station."
Lily nods, surprise and disbelief in her eyes. Vynx takes a step forward, a smile radiating confidence and desire even as she addresses you rather than your wife "So, King, this is your mate? Not bad at all..."
You freeze, as Lily’s polite, attentive look falls into one of offense. She looks to you, expecting some sort of defense of her honor. You say nothing, entirely unprepared for this impropriety.
Lily, gazing at you, for the second time today has frustration and pity overtake her countenance. Eventually, looking back to the orc, she gives a bow and says "I am honored to make your acquaintance, Vynx. My name is Lily, I am Queen-consort to our King. It's an honor to meet someone of such a high station among another race."
Vynx nods, her yellow eyes taking in your wife’s cleavage when Lily bows before moving back to Lily’s bright blue pair as she says "Lily... a beautiful name for a beautiful pink. I've traveled all the world, seen countless women, yet I never saw one I could call your equal."
You blink, Lily now blushing, slightly flattered but mostly frustrated as you’re once again passive in the face of Vynx's breach of decorum. You finally speak up after hesitating far too long, your voice betraying fear and anger “My wife has… no interest in your opinion of her appearance.”
Vynx finally averts her eyes from your wife, staring you down, her expression losing none of its mirth as she replies easily “Apologies, for orcs such comments give no offense. Meeting the Queen-consort has been very welcome but I wish to demonstrate to both of you my worth as a fighter, that you might understand why my ship and crew is undefeated. Do you have a champion?"
You nod, accepting the perfunctory justification for her behavior and replying "Yes, my first sword is an exceptional fighter, unmatched by any man in years, a nobleman named Rikard. He shall be happy to test your mettle."
Vynx smiles, her eyes confident as ever as she adds "Good, I hope you both watch closely as I show you what an orc can do."
Some time later you and Lily watch, standing at the edge of the dusty, hard packed dirt of the training grounds. A number of nobles are also present, eyeing from a respectful distance as Rikard and Vynx circle one another. Both are tall, taller than you, yet move with ease and grace you never could produce as they appraise one another's movements. The orc's cutlass is heavier than Rikard’s sword, its blade longer and wider. Each fighter bears the hilt of their blade in their right hand, ready to be raised or swung by a quick motion. Vynx, evidently satisfied with her understanding of Rikard's ability, begins her approach.
Rikard adopts an adaptable stance, ceasing his circling, watching the orc's movements and looking for an opening. As she draws near she surges forward so quickly your eyes hardly have time to follow, nearly striking him and producing a loud clang as he just barely manages to parry her blow. She doesn't let up, both of their swords blur as they dance around each other, their steel meeting again and again with a ringing clash of metal.
Then, all too soon, the orc lands a strike so powerful the sword flies from Rikard's hand. The orc sheathes her blade, needing no time to recover, and extends her hand. Rikard hesitates, still processing the impossible strength and speed he failed to match before they shake as she says "It is rare I meet a human who can deflect my first strike. You are worthy of being Anon's champion."
Rikard meets the orc's eyes, disbelief at his loss plain upon his face as he replies "Thank you, Your Grace."
The nobles mirror the disbelief Rikard shows and many are clearly afraid. Rikard has never been defeated in a duel, at least not in many years. He is not a man to lose. That the orc so easily bested him must mean that she's incredibly strong, beyond human ability in a way that can only instill despair in the hearts of your race.
Vynx approaches you, her grin has no malice, not intent on humiliating you and your champion any further, she asks "So, Anon, might your new guests expect a feast tonight?"
You nod, realizing there is no need to discuss what occurred. The orc Queen's actions spoke for her, to rub your champion's abject failure in your face would be a petty and sordid affair. Instead, you manage a weak smile and reply "Indeed, the royal welcome shall be ready for you in a few hours. I will see you then."
Vynx nods, smiling at your wife as she replies "Until then."
She turns to leave, the nobles cease their murmuring at her approach and give her generous room as she makes her way back to the guest chambers. You and Lily share a look of shock before you return to the royal bedchambers, silent as you enter.
She returns to her spot, where you saw her earlier, when things were so much simpler, staring out the window. She begins "That the orc is so strong, how can such a thing be possible? Did the gods not make the races different yet complementary and thus ultimately equal?"
You nod, taking a few moments to collect your thoughts before replying "I cannot say, perhaps these orcs have some weakness we do not understand. Regardless, we should not assume we do. It is vital that we form some alliance, entice them to make this palace their home. If her subordinates have even close to such skill they would be invaluable in facing the Empire’s aggression."
Lily turns to you, a strained smile as she nods and says "Peace sounds good... you truly have a gentle soul, husband."
You detect a hint of condescension in her voice. Something seems off between you two, something has changed since Vynx arrived. You try to dismiss these feelings, telling yourself you must be mistaken. You attribute them to the violence of the orc’s display.
You reply "As do you, my love."
Embracing her from behind, you both gaze out the window at the streets of the capital. It's midday now, the hustle and bustle just starting to wind down, the sun casting long shadows. In time the night will come, and dinner with yet more trials from your new guest. But for now you have the warmth of your wife and the comfort of your city, its harmony a reflection of the justice and peace of your rule.
Your mind is muddled, a haze of confusion and mirth as you drift off, finding sleep as the conversation between your wife and the orc continues. Dinner had passed quickly, the orcs proving to have tolerable manners as they regaled the humans, or as they called you pinks, with tales of dangers and wonders from all corners of the world. You saw little harm in allowing the orcs, Vynx most of all, to dominate the conversation.
Frankly, controlling the room at all was hopeless for you, the orc’s imposing physical presence and captivating speech relegating you to a spectator at your own table. You hardly said a word, even if Vynx's eyes would, after you all imbibed wine, occasionally dart to your wife's breasts. Though she was nowhere near as brazen as she had been in private and the other orcs were not nearly as crass, at least not with your wife.
Vynx had finessed her way into a conversation in the royal bedchamber. She shared another gift with you and your wife, orc rum, a burning concoction made from fermented sugars. The three of you drank deep, laughter and merriment filling the room.
You drank too much, Vynx’s seemingly good natured exhortations to enjoy yourself leading you right into the state she needed you in. And now Vynx had you asleep and your wife right where she wanted her.
Vynx and Lily both stared at your insensate form, amused in their inebriation even as the rum had you laid out. Vynx grinned, saying "Looks like he had a bit too much, he's lucky he has a woman like you. Someone strong enough to remain in control but who can still have some fun."
Lily giggled. She knew, distantly, that she should take offense but she could hardly even conceive of that. Vynx was just so vital and funny, you hardly seemed a presence at all this past few hours. Spending time with Vynx made her realize she hadn’t felt so alive in years. Lily had never met a woman like her, never imagined one existed. One so strong, so large, so confident. And really Vynx wasn't wrong, you weren't a strong King, you didn't have the strength or the cunning to lead alone. You would be hopeless without her, really.
Vynx turned to her, grinning as she saw how receptive your wife was to the comment. Vynx said "Come on, let's not disturb him. We can keep going in my room."
Lily hesitated, glancing back at you before finally nodding. "Very well."
The two of them left, leaving your sleeping form alone. Alone in your bedchamber, utterly oblivious as the two women slipped down the hallway.
Following Vynx, Lily was struck by the ease and strength conveyed in every movement of the orc. She’d never really felt attracted to another woman but Vynx was different. Your wife entered the bedchamber and Vynx shut the door behind her. The orc turned, grinning, her eyes leering as she watched your wife giggle. Vynx took a step closer, now towering over her, your wife showing no signs of discomfort at the orc’s aggression.
Vynx said "Many noble women are alluring but even among them you're special. I know you've seen me staring at those tits, Anon has too, but the few times I've seen that ass in all its glory?"
Lily giggles, knowing she should feel outraged by the comments but unable to muster up any of the offense that came so easily when the orc first spoke like this. It's not just the rum, though that definitely helped. No one besides you had made her feel desired in years and never with this confidence. It helps that you barely said a thing all those times Vynx ogled her, you eagerly accepted a perfunctory excuse for this behavior. The last thing you said was that we should entice the orc, give her a reason to stay. Well that’s what she was doing, wasn’t it?
Vynx says "Can I show you just how much I like what I see?"
Lily, confused, nods anyway. After hours spent with the orc she’s feeling quite compliant. The orc drops her pants revealing her fat, green cock, so thick and long beyond anything your wife had ever imagined.
Lily's eyes widen and her mouth gapes as she stares stupidly, her drunk mind struggling to process what’s now so close to her. She's never seen one before, not one like this at least as you’re the only man she's ever been with. Yours is probably a little more than half as long and a fraction as thick and this monster is not even fully hard.
Lily tries to speak but her voice fails her. Instead she watches as somehow the thing grows even larger, it throbs and soon a fat bead of precum sits at the tip. It's so big! How can a human sized creature, one that looks like a woman, have such a thing?
Vynx steps forward, her large hand gently taking Lily's small, delicate one. She gasps as the orc places her soft hand on the throbbing monster.
"It's okay," Vynx whispers. "Just touch it, feel it. I know pinks aren't as big as me, Anon isn't, is he?"
Lily nods, it would be absurd to deny that the orc's cock makes your penis look like a child's.
Vynx takes a moment, letting your wife explore a real cock for the first time. She sighs in contentment, enjoying how soft the human’s hands are. Vynx smiles, seeing your wife blush as her fingers slide over the pulsing shaft.
"On your knees." Vynx commands, Lily looks up and her blue eyes are met by the steady gaze of the orc’s yellow ones. Lily looks away and hesitates, knowing that this is wrong, that she should never have left your side even if you lost control and left her alone with someone so much more than you. That you failed to defend her honor, to be here for her. She knows you're not strong and has never held that against you, you did not choose to be King, it was your duty, it's not fair to punish you for it like this. But between the rum and the fire this thing has lit within her thinking is too hard.
Lily falls to her knees, her face now just inches from Vynx's big dick. Your wife is already drunk and now the heady scent of the orc's cock pushes what little thoughts remain away. This close, more than ever, it's undeniable just how huge Vynx's cock is. Lily always took yours in her mouth without issue but this… green monster, it's so thick she's not sure it will even fit. Vynx strokes Lily’s soft red hair, explaining "It's okay, I know it's big. Don't worry, I don't mind a little teeth."
Lily shivers, knowing this isn't right. She should be angry and disgusted and maybe she is, but that part of her is very much subdued by the rum and her overwhelming desire to taste this thing. Her lips stretch obscenely as the fat green head moves past them. She sucks softly, tentatively, tasting the precum. She swallows the sticky fluid, moaning as she feels the rock hard cock slide deep into her mouth.
Vynx gasps before gloating "That's good... Suck it you pink slut." Vynx's fingers dig into your wife’s red hair, pulling her hips back as she finally takes control, sawing back and forth the fraction of her cock that can actually fit in your wife's mouth.
Lily whimpers around the fat cock, overwhelmed by the way her mouth is being used. Vynx's large hands roam lower, slipping beneath Lily's dress to finally take the perky breasts under it.
"These are mine now." Vynx growls as she paws at the tits while her hips move faster and harder. Your wife can only moan around the cock, her lips stretched tight as they struggle to handle Vynx's dick.
"Fuck!" Vynx cries out. "Take it, pink!"
Lily does, moving her tongue down the length of the green shaft. There's no way to avoid swallowing the jet of seed as it gushes from the tip. Lily starts to swallow, feeling the warmth splatter on her tongue and throat as she tries to swallow each long rope of cum. Lily gulps again and again before her eyes widen as she realizes the orc is still spurting. She's swallowed so much but it's just coming and coming. It's too much, your wife pushes on the orc’s thick thighs and pants as that fat cock pops out before painting her face, tits, and dress white.
There's a final spurt, then nothing. The last drops dribble from the tip and a few fall onto Lily's breasts. She wipes it off, giggling nervously. She knows more than ever she has gone too far and yet she couldn't care less. She burns with the warmth of the rum and now the orc's seed, her pussy dripping.
Vynx offers her a hand, which she takes, pulled to her feet before she's stripped by the orc's groping hands. As soon as Vynx sees just how soaked Lily's panties are she laughs, saying "I love how wet you pinks get for my cock. On the bed, slut, ass up."
Your wife obeys, unable to hesitate at this point, so horny and already marked by the orc’s thick seed. She's got her big, round ass in the air, her sex dripping as Vynx gets on the bed and grabs her behind possessively. She teases, bucking her hips to slide her hardness across the slickness of your wife's pussy as her big hands grope the soft roundness of Lily's ass. Lily squirms, desperate to have that fat cock inside her.
Her hands maul your wife’s thick butt, squeezing and fondling as she growls "This ass… a pink like you should be fucked every day, and not by the King with his sad, little cock. You need a real cock, don't you, slut?"
"Yes!" Lily moans, hearing herself answer. She wants that monster in her so badly she'll say anything, even if it's a betrayal of you.
The orc gives her what she wants, pressing the swollen green head of her cock against your wife's pink pussy. It's so thick, Lily feared there would be some pain and even as wet as she is it's a struggle. The orc starts slowly, rocking into her with just the tip, working its way deeper and deeper, making her whimper as it stretches her out. She's already so wet, so open but she's never been fucked by anything else aside from your comparatively tiny penis.
Then, finally, the huge cock bottoms out, touching her deepest place, a place you could never get close to reaching. She gasps, her eyes rolling back as the orc's huge shaft claims her entire sex and erases all thought with blinding ecstasy. She shudders and screams, her entire body quaking as the fat head kisses her cervix. Her legs shake, toes curling as she has a real orgasm for the first time. Green hands grip her ass tightly, holding her as she cums, the orc enjoying the way your wife's tight sex grips and squeezes her fat cock.
Vynx sighs before asking "Get it now, pink? This is what you need."
"Yes...yes..." Lily whimpers.
"Good girl," Vynx purrs before she pulls out. The dark green of her cock is now marked with the white mix of your wife’s wetness and saliva along with the orc’s thick seed. She doesn't give Lily any warning, just shoves forward, slamming the thick cock deep inside Lily's pussy.
Lily screams, her voice cracking as the ecstasy of being filled by the orc's massive cock overwhelms her. Every inch of her is impaled again and again, her body trembling as she's stuffed full. She can feel the orc's heavy balls slapping against her thighs. She feels complete in a way she's never experienced before, the sublime sensation beyond words. Vynx's eyes are locked on the heavy globes of your wife's ass as they jiggle with every thrust.
She's not gentle, pounding hard into your wife. The bed shakes and Lily screams as the orc goes to work. She's so used to your ordinary human member, one that rarely made her cum, but this thing, this thick green cock is revealing new parts of herself to her. She feels like she's been given a gift; a gift that makes her melt in ecstasy.
Her screams only make Vynx pound harder, faster, and it's not long before Lily has a third orgasm, her body writhing under the orc's rutting. Their combined juices drip down the human’s thick thighs which jiggle with each thrust. She moans and cries, losing control as the orc reshapes her body and mind. The dark green of the orc's thick length spreads her pink lips wide as it claims her.
It's too much, the orc's cock drilling deep into her has her arms give out. She screams louder than ever as the orc keeps rutting her, big green hands seizing her breasts. Held up by the orc she’s now free to simply scream and let the orc fuck her senseless. Her ass quakes as the orc takes her, her mouth hangs slackly open in a silent scream of pure ecstasy.
Her soft, fair skin is flushed with arousal and glistens with sweat. Her silken red hair is now a mess, clinging to her face and neck as she howls, helpless in the orc’s arms. Her arms dangle, useless at her sides, her pussy clenches and spasms around the orc's thick cock.
Vynx's green tits jiggle with each thrust, her round ass clenching and shaking as it helps her claim your wife. She's taken many pink's wives in her life, but none have felt this good. None have fit her so well. None have had an ass this perfect.
Lily's rear takes every impact of the orc's hips as she lets loose another scream, her body shuddering as she orgasms again. Finally your wife's pussy succeeds at milking the orc's fat cock. Vynx moans as she hilts her green cock at the entrance to your wife’s womb and paints it white with her seed. The tightness of the human's pussy makes her gasp with pleasure as she pumps more and more of her seed into your wife. Lily's eyes roll back, her orgasm pushed higher and higher as her sex accepts the orc's potent sperm. More and more fills her until it overflows, dripping out of her overstuffed cunt.
Finally, Vynx collapses onto the bed still inside your wife, kissing her neck as the two lovers enjoy the afterglow of their intense fucking. Your wife gasps as the orc finally softens, slipping out of her ruined pussy which is left gaping and leaking the orc's essence. Both fall into a deep sleep, your wife still in the orc’s arms, her body satisfied for the first time in her life.
You're still in a fitful sleep, oblivious to the fact Vynx has seduced and bred your wife. You're still just as useless when your wife awakes four hours later in the orc’s arms. Lily disentangles herself with some effort, her body so relaxed from the orc's ministrations that she hardly notices the soreness in her pussy and headache from the rum. Then your wife remembers it all, that in her inebriation she betrayed you, that even now the orc's seed drips from her stretched cunt, reshaped by hours of being filled by a real cock for the first time.
She sits up in the bed, her head spinning as she looks to Vynx's sleeping form, the orc snoring without a care in the world, satisfied with another pink wife carrying her seed. Panic overwhelms guilt as Lily realizes you cannot learn of this. To divulge her infidelity would be the honest thing to do, the right thing, at least that is what was commonly believed. But Lily knows better. It is the duty of the Queen-consort to support the King, to make sure that he is willing and able to bear the weight of governing the realm. She knows you are not strong enough to reckon with this truth. That you will be a broken man, ruling with apathy and despair, unable to govern or lead, especially in the face of the Empire the truth is not an option.
She creeps from the bed, stuffing her soiled clothes in the orc's wardrobe before she makes her way into the hall, naked.
Thanking the gods that the guards cover the entrance to the royal wing and not the immediate hallway outside the royal bedchamber and the guest room which connect to the royal bath. The bath itself is large and clean, at this hour there are no attendants, so Lily is safe from scrutiny there as she goes beneath the water. Your wife quickly cleans the dried cum from her tits, face, and hair. Her hand makes its way down, caressing her pussy from which the orc's thick seed oozes out, flowing into the warm waters of the bath. She stifles a moan, ashamed of how filled with lust she is at just the memory of that green monster stretching her.
So much seed was packed inside her that the water is tainted, murky with orc cum. Lily lies back, moaning as she continues working, at first one, but soon two and three fingers in and out trying to clean out her ruined pussy. The heady scent of the orc's thick cum fills the bath and has her so horny she can't help herself, slipping a fourth finger and then her whole hand inside her sex. Her hand, small and delicate, even as a fist is not as thick as the green cock that claimed her. She fists herself, pumping her own tight slit and imagining it was the orc's cock taking her once more.
The thought of how wrong this is makes her wince, but the shame only fuels her horniness, pushing her to work faster and harder. Her mind is a jumble of memories, all those memories of the tenderness and love she shared with you, the times when you made her feel special and wanted. All those precious things torment her yet do nothing to calm the fire between her legs.
Her fist pumps in and out of her stretched sex as she moans and gasps.
She keeps her eyes closed, letting the heat of the hot water wash over her as she slides her hand in and out, in and out. A moan escapes her lips, her hips grinding against the tub, fist pumping in and out slippery with orc cum as she peaks. She spasms around her hand, her eyes shut tight as she quivers in orgasm, feeling the warmth of her own fluids join the waters of the tub.
She opens her eyes, her breathing heavy and labored as she stares at the waters of the tub. Ashamed that she couldn't even clean the orc's cum from herself without getting off to the memory of the betrayal. She almost begins to cry, tears forming at the corners of her eyes, blurring her vision.
She pushes all this aside, and gets up, drying her body, and heading out of the bath. She quickly makes her way into the royal bedchamber where you're still asleep, utterly oblivious to the countless betrayals that she has committed. Guilt washes over her and she grabs a pillow, moving it beneath your head so that when you wake your neck won't hurt. She moves under the covers, struggling to find sleep as her mind races with self recriminations. |
Chapter 3 - Freya's new slaves - Part 3 |
ATTENTION reader, this story contains: futa, BDSM, torture, violence, rape
In her desperation, Selia had not even realized that the light had turned off. She screamed and cried, beating her fists against the unyielding door before she broke down and curled up on the floor. When she finally calmed down, she realized that she was in utter darkness. Fearful the young woman then cowered in a corner for long minute after long minute. Like her mother in the night before she felt the sorcery lurking in the very architecture of the citadel. She could not shake the feeling that something else was in here with her. Or was it? Whenever she listened for any signs the presence vanished, leaving only emptiness.
Time lost its meaning. Was she alone for ten minutes, or had it been a few days already? She tried to rest, but every bit of sleep was filled with nightmares. Hazy flashbacks to her own rape, visions of carnage and slaughter. Every time she woke up, she said a prayer. But the words sounded hollow. In times like these prayers were meant to lift one’s spirits, to keep the Emperors light burning within one’s heart. To shield it against the forces of evil. At least that was what the confessors back home had said.
But it did not work. Soon she had to wonder if she had already been tainted. “She cried and begged, but she liked it well enough. Soon both of you will beg me to fuck you” Those were Freya’s words after she made her Mother cum, and Selia feared the heretic mutant might be right. Perhaps her faith had always been in question. Perhaps she had always been this weak. Even if she could flee from here: Would there still be salvation for her in the Emperors light?
Thoughts like these made the time in the cell even worse. She wanted to scream for help, but somehow she knew it would be pointless. So she waited and hoped for Freya’s return. Even though it meant more pain and violation.
When the light finally came back Selia screamed in shock. Without warning the door slammed open. Freya strode in, now wearing a kind of military uniform, still showing her impressive cleavage. Her pants were tight and sported a prominent codpiece that made no secret of her true nature like the loincloth did.
She looked down upon her naked slave, huddled in the corner.
“That is no way to greet your mistress, now is it girl?” Her voice sounded friendly, especially after the time Selia had spent alone in the cell. Unsure about what to do she looked up, and the tail of Freya’s whip struck directly above her head. “Get out of that corner and kneel before me!” the warrior barked, and after a shriek, Selia hurried to obey.
“Good. Now put your hands behind your head, chin up, chest out! Knees further apart!”
Freya walked around the girl, inspecting her. “You will assume this position every time I enter the room. Is that understood?”
“Y- Yes, Mistress!” Selia was under no illusion that to fail even just once would bring harsh punishment. She bit her lip and tried to remain calm as Freya dropped to one knee beside her and groped her breasts. She endured the hands roaming across her body. Her Mistress took hold of her wrist and guided Selia’s hand down to her crotch. “Go on, finger yourself for me” Freya commanded with a wicked smile on her lips.
Selia obeyed, clumsily rubbing her clit, swallowing the shame that it was causing her. But as she felt the slightest shiver of pleasure from touching herself her resolve broke. She backed away from Freya, fleeing back into the corner. Freya stood and said: “Very well” Seemingly more disappointed than angry. She fetched a pair of iron manacles that lay prepared at the door. Selia was sobbing, pressing the heels of her hands to her temples. She offered little resistance though as she was shackled and dragged outside. As they passed Muriel’s cell the girl saw that the door was wide open.
As they entered back into Freya’s main chamber it took all of Selia’s self-restraint not to try and escape from Freya’s grip.
The bench on which Selia was buggered last night had been removed. In its place stood a low sturdy table upon which Muriel was bound. Her hands and feet had been locked into wooden stocks. So she had to keep her head on the tabletop and her ass high up. Deliberately at the appropriate height for Freya to fuck her. A massive bit gag, almost too big to fit behind her teeth, had been forced into her mouth.
Selia was walked past the naked woman and forced down on her knees in front of a column. Tears streamed down her face at the sight of her mother, but she obeyed. She had to lift her arms so Freya could bind the manacles to the column. A short chain, fastened to the floor was hooked to her collar. She could now neither lay down or stand up. From here she could look into Muriel’s eyes and recoiled at the pain and horror she saw there.
Freya had turned away. The walls of her chambers were littered with weapons and trophies. Seemingly without system items had been placed wherever there was room. Knives and swords hung alongside leering alien skulls. Imperial medals had been pinned to what seemed to be flaps of human skin. The peaked cap of a commissar sat atop a broken skull. Most likely what was left of its former owner. The only part of the collection that was orderly arranged was a suit of power armor on a stand beside the bed.
As Selia could no longer bear to look at her mother she anxiously observed what Freya was doing. The cold shiver of fear ran down her back as she realized many obvious instruments of torture were placed on the walls too. Right now her mistress had taken a long riding crop off its rack and tested the flex. Pleased she turned back and sauntered back towards Selia, the crop loosely held at her side. She obviously enjoyed the girls fear, flashing her a mean smile.
As she passed Muriel however she stopped and raised her arm. Without warning, she beat the crop across the woman’s ass leaving an angry red mark. Her teeth sunk into the wood of her gag as she let out a blood-curdling scream. The mistress waited a few seconds for the worst of the pain to abate before she struck again. Muriel desperately fought against her bonds, wanting to get away from the lashes. She only ended up hurting herself more. Ten of these strokes she had to endure before Freya left her alone. All the while she screamed her lungs out, drowning out Selia’s crying and begging.
Finally, Freya stopped, leaving the woman panting and sobbing. She came over to Selia and gently lifted her chin up with the crop.
“Look at me!” she commanded, and asked: “Do you understand what that was for?”
The girl looked up with teary eyes and nodded. Of course, she did. When she disobeyed in the cell she had known that punishment would come, but she had not expected it to be this harsh.
“Yes, mistress” she whispered. She yelped as she felt a light hit with the crop on her breast.
“Speak loud and clear when you address me!”
“Yes, mistress!”
The warrior crouched down beside Selia and looked over to Muriel.
“If you fail to do as I say I will have to resort to harder measures, or maybe punish you both for every transgression. You two have to understand that I am still merciful with you” she explained. Selia stared at her, clearly unbelieving. What about the time they had spent here could be called merciful?
“I know you don’t get it yet but think back to the slave market girl. Surely you have seen worse there than what you have endured?”
At the mention of the markets, images sprung up in Selia’s mind. She had tried not to think about that cruel place. A young woman tortured merely to entertain the crowd. A man whipped to death. A row of slaves impaled on wooden stakes and a thousand other horrors. Life had no inherent value to these people. Selia’s value was measured in how much pleasure she could bring her mistress. Aside from that, she was a piece of meat. Yes, it could have been much worse.
She looked sidelong at her mistress, eyes wide with fear. Freya’s gaze was ice cold, devoid of any compassion. Selia believed she would be able to inflict all those horrors on them without a second thought. With that came the realization that all she and Muriel could do to avoid that was to keep their owner happy. But would they be able to endure the perverted games?
Freya smiled as she saw the realization play across Selia’s face and stood back up. Then she began to undress. She did it slowly, drawing the act out. Everyone in the room knew that more rape was inevitable but waiting for it made it all even worse. Selia watched intently, finding herself unable to look away.
The day before she did not notice the scars. She saw the tattoos, and the neural interface plugs sutured into her flesh, but not the multitude of faint scars. Most of them came from battle, but somehow Selia knew that some were caused by torture. The mistress was no stranger to pain.
As she was fully naked Freya turned towards her slave. Her massive cock hung directly in front of Selia’s face, and without further command, the girl leaned forward and began to lick. The act disgusted her, but there was no choice. She did it more eagerly than the day before, intent on making no mistakes this time.
Freya reached down and lifted her swelling cock up. Selia forced herself to dive right in. She nuzzled the heavy balls very slowly, as she remembered that would please her mistress. Freya stepped in closer, rubbing her groin across the slave’s face. The scent of the shemale’s body filled her nostrils, and to her surprise, she did not find it outright unpleasant.
As the member grew hard Selia licked its underside from base to tip, letting her teeth drag along the soft skin. She went by instinct, but a soft gasp told her she was doing it right.
“Well done girl,” Freya said as she stepped back “Maybe I will go a little easier on the other whore”
The warrior looked back towards Muriel.
“I want you to watch what I am doing to her. All of it. Understood?”
“Yes, Mistress!”
Selia said it loud and clear, but she felt her heart sink.
Her mother had watched her the night before, bearing the scars those images would leave on her soul. As resolved as she was not to let Muriel be punished by her mistake: Would she have the strength to do so?
Freya walked over to Muriel and announced: “Let’s try to make you cum again; whore”
She kneeled behind the bound woman. Gently she caressed Muriel’s inner thighs, moving slowly upwards. She enjoyed the growing unease of her slave. But there was no denying it: Deep down the slave did like it to be touched this way. Even the pain from the whip marks could not drown these feelings. A quiet gasp escaped her mouth as Freya’s thumb rubbed her clit. After having her squirm for a while fingers gently spread the soft petals of her sex.
Freya leaned in, sniffing again. She drew in the smell of fear and arousal letting it fan the fires of her own lust. Her fingers dipped inside Muriel and came back glistening.
“Wet already?” she asked mockingly. She continued to stimulate the slave’s clit and began to lick her too. Muriel’s breathing became quicker as she fought against her own feelings.
Freya’s tongue slid upwards between her cheeks. Her struggle renewed as the tongue teased her asshole. She was fearful, not only of the anal rape that would come but also of the possibility she might enjoy that perversion too.
“Not yet,” Freya said, guessing what was going on inside her head “but soon.”.
The warrior looked over to Selia, satisfied that the girl watched attentively. A few minutes later Muriel was dripping wet and crying. She shivered in disgust at herself. She wanted to believe it was this world of daemons that was infecting her mind, but the doubts grew ever stronger. Maybe Freya was right. Maybe the slut had been in her all along.
Freya rose back to her feet and took position. Her cock slid inside the wet folds of flesh. As her cunt was brutally stretched Muriel’s cry of pain transformed into a hungry moan. Freya pulled back out and forced herself back in. Slowly increasing the pace until the room was filled by the rhythmic clap of flesh on flesh. And wet sucking noises too.
The moans became louder. Unbidden old fantasies came back to Muriel. Fantasies of herself being bent over a table, while she was steadily fucked from behind. Freya gave her much of how she always wanted to be treated during sex. She tried to fight it. But her mind was a mess of pain, shame and lust.
She tried to think of other things. Tried to fight the lust burning inside her. Lake the night before every painful thrust brought her a little closer to climax. Time stretched as she resisted against all hope. She felt her hot juices running down her thighs. Dripping down on her bound hands.
Eventually, she gave up and let the inevitable orgasm roll over her.
“Whew!” Freya exclaimed after the slave’s body relaxed again. It was a strong orgasm, her contractions nearly carrying Freya over the edge too
“This took longer than I expected”
She looked down at Muriel and felt her cock twitch at the sight. The woman was drenched in sweat, tears rolling from her eyes and spittle pooling beside her.
Lifting one foot up onto the table Freya continued. Her thrusts became more forceful. Quickly she increased the pace to a brutal pounding. Muriel screamed into her gag, begging unintelligibly. Hands clawing at empty air as she tried to cope with the pain.
Selia still watched, eyes wide and horrified, but she dared not look away. She needed not to imagine how her mother felt right now. Freya had given her the same treatment the night before. Taking what she needed from her property, enjoying the pain she caused. Every relentless thrust of Freya brought back the memories from yesterday, made her feel the pain again. It sickened her but she bit her lip and kept watching minute after minute.
Freya finally slowed down when she felt herself getting close to climax. She pulled out of the slave, her glistening cock twitching and dripping precum. Before Muriel could feel any relief she felt Freya’s lips on her sex again. Her slick tongue worming its way inside her. Jolts of pleasure raced through her body as her clit was rubbed again. Fingernails dragged along her cheeks and thighs, leaving angry red marks.
Freya was good, knowing exactly how to arouse her further. She was still in pain, her cunt sore. But that pain was washed away by pleasure. Fingers dipped in and out of her wet pussy for a while. Then she felt Freya’s tongue again, playing around her clit.
Mere minutes later she moaned like a whore as a second climax was reached.
Leaving the convulsing woman alone Freya turned towards Selia and asked: “Would you like me to give her a break?”
The grin on her mistress’ face told her that nothing good would come of it, still she answered in agreement. A few seconds later the shemale’s massive cock was placed directly in front of her, a milky drop of precum rolling off the tip.
“Then open your mouth. Wide”
Selia did as ordered and Freya let her dick slide inside. The salty taste of cum on her tongue wasn’t pleasant. But another, tarter aroma was making her retch as she realized that she was tasting her own mothers’ juices.
Freya grabbed her hair and pulled on it.
“Hold still slave!” she ordered before shoving her cock deeper, feeling Selia’s teeth drag along her skin. The girl gagged as the cock slid deeper into her throat. As Freya began rocking her hips she started moving her tongue. Desperate to get this over with.
But Freya decided to draw this out, moving deliberately slow. Holding herself back. Yet, the muffled grunts of her slave aroused her greatly. Grabbing Selia’s hair with both hands she pushed again and grunted: “You will swallow what I give you”
Throwing her head back she moaned enrapt as she came. Her cock twitched in the slave’s mouth as hot cum filled her up. She was unable to swallow with the tip of Freya’s member invading her throat. The sticky white fluid soon overflowed, running down her lips and chin.
Finally, the mistress pulled out, thin strands of saliva connecting her cock to Selia’s lips. The girl gasped for air and coughed up globs of cum and spit. The mess dribbled down her chin and onto her breasts. Blind with tears she did not see Freya turn away, but then she heard a shrill scream from Muriel.
Selia had failed again, and Muriel was paying the price again. Selia reared up in her bonds, screaming and begging. Offering to take double the punishment if her mother was spared. But to no avail. The older woman received another ten brutal strokes with the crop. Selia fell silent and hung her head.
“A slave has no say in the punishment” Freya explained “Better accept that”
The sobbing girl looked up at her mistress, finding her glistening cock once more in front of her face.
“Lick it clean, and be quick about it. I have more plans for the two of you”
Chapter 0 - Prologue |
It was a strange time in Lucas Kendrick's life. He was struggling through college classes he didn't care for. He hated himself for working an entry level job for pocket money. He lived in a dormitory building with dozens of other students, most of whom smelled of sweat, alcohol, garlic, or some combination thereof. In short, he was beginning to hate his life, and he hated that as well.
It came to pass one day that one Tuesday in the early evening, he was sitting outside, on the two foot platform the college had proudly proclaimed a "balcony" and smoking a cigarette. He was looking out over toward the green commons at the center of the school, frowning, and debating with himself if there was anything better to do with his life. This was a common train of thought for young Lucas. He had trouble finding things he enjoyed ever since he'd been fourteen or fifteen.
Clubbing, that was something he knew he enjoyed. It came to mind then, and he replayed in his head the memory of last Friday night, when he'd gone into the city to dance, drink a little, and listen to some local punk bands' fast music. He smiled absently and tapped the cigarette on the edge of his balcony. He had quite enjoyed himself that few hours, he reminded himself. That had been, well, fun.
It was a funny thing, though, he had drunk a little more than usual. Sometime later in the night he had found himself looking a pretty black-haired woman, in her forties, with the body of a much younger woman, in the eyes and smiling at her. They had danced for a song, and then she had slipped away. He remembered suddenly that she'd put her hand in his pocket right at the end there before slipping away, and frowned.
"Why did she...?" he muttered to himself, only half-believing the memory. He put out his cigarette and went inside, to his tiny one-man dorm room. There, he bent over his laundry bin -- much neater than one might expect, but still far from perfect -- and dug in it until he came up with the slim jeans he had been wearing that night. He slipped his hand into the pocket she had filled with her hand, and came away with a small, thickly folded, piece of paper. He brought it out into the light and dropped the jeans back into the bin. There was writing there, in a tiny, precise hands.
It said "Open me if you want to know why your life feels empty." He looked at it and his frown deepened. He shook his head and sat down at his desk, slapping the paper down behind his keyboard and waking his computer. For the next hour or so, Lucas tried to put the paper out of his mind. After all, the girl couldn't have known that his life felt empty. She was probably one of those religious zealots, spreading her faith through comics or whatever to earn brownie points with the priest or elder or whatever.
He spent the time on Reddit and YouTube, but no matter how hard he tried to refocus his mind toward his usual online haunts, the paper kept drifting back into his consciousness. After an hour he picked it up and threw it in the trashbin by his desk. An hour after that he pulled a lighter out of his pocket, a disposable Bic, and went to burn all the paper trash in the bin, but as he brought the lighter to the first scrap, his hands slowed and then stopped. He let the lighter go out.
"God fucking damn it," he said.
He pocketed the lighter, plucked the folded piece out of the bin, and dropped the rest of the trash back to the floor. He held the paper in his hands, staring at it.
'Why would a church use handwritten notes?' he thought. 'They're usually all about volume, because the damn handouts just don't work.' Lucas looked again at the paper, suspiciously tracing the nearly perfect, but clearly handwritten letters with his eyes.
'Well... I can always just toss it out after,' he thought. He slipped his thumbs under the edges and unfolded the little paper package. As he did so, he noticed that it had been cleverly folded so as to open in a single, easy, instinctive motion. 'She, or someone, put a hell of a lot of work into this...'
The page was covered in that near perfect handwriting, but he noticed very clearly that from time to time it developed a shake, as if the person writing it had lost and gained control of a very nervous mood. Almost as if the writer thought they were taking a very big risk in writing this.
'Mr. Lucas Kendrick,' the very first line read. Lucas read it three times in his shock that this wasn't a church letter before continuing down.
'My name is Vivien. I am sorry for the deception and my rather immediate exit after giving you this letter. Both were sadly necessary. I am well aware of who you are and the problems you have been facing in your life. What I am about to tell you will seem impossible, fantastical, perhaps even malicious. Please, if you are the slightest bit curious about whether these things are true, contact me. I have evidence that I could not simply put down on paper.
'The entire situation is very sensitive, and I am taking a major risk to my life by writing this letter. Whatever you do, do not keep this letter. Burn it, please. And contact me after, please. I will, however, understand if you wish to turn your back on the whole affair. That might be safest for all involved, but I felt it was morally wrong not to give you this choice.
'I suppose it's time to actually tell you what this is all about. Your parents are not your parents. I have broken about six laws just to tell you that. You are a member of a group of clone experiments. You, and your brothers, were adopted to infertile couples who wanted to be parents, the year you were born. There were twelve of you at the beginning. The projection was that at least three would survive until adulthood, at which point they would have a normal lifespan.
'We don't fully know what we did to you. I certainly do not. However, I was the recruitment agent assigned to convince your father to come on board with the project. I knew him very,very well. Your father was a great man, Lucas, a true American hero. I don't know most of the facts concerning his military service; even now, almost two decades after his death, they remain highly classified.
'The military wanted a 'next generation' of soldiers like your father, Lucas. They wanted to continue the successes they'd had with him. Within six weeks of receiving this letter, you will be abducted by a small, elite military unit posing as a local SWAT team. You will be evaluated. They want to know if the experiment was successful, and the only way they can know that for sure, Lucas, is to kill you.
'They won't put a bullet through your skull or anything like that. You have to die in the lab. I can personally attest to this process being intensely painful and taking several hours. I don't tell you this to scare you, Lucas. I tell you this to make sure you know what the stakes are here, so you can understand your choice.
'I'm sorry that there's not a better way to do this. But I don't think there is.
'I can get you hidden from them, for a little while. You can beat them, Lucas, and I know that because you have your true father's capabilities. You just need time and guidance to realize them.
'I would be being dishonest if I didn't tell you about this alternative. It will not be easy. It will mean ripping a life for yourself out of the hands of those who consider you property, a mere copy. It will mean giving up a normal life. It will mean giving into certain, well, vices, that your father used as tools. It will be dangerous, and just as much so to anyone who helps you. You can't do it alone, however.
'I am so sorry that I can't give you the details you deserve. You can't be allowed to know them just yet. Please trust me that I am doing everything I can in your interest.
'If you wish to believe me, and choose the course that I am suggesting, please pack a bag. Leave the dormitory building. You can bring your computer and your cell phone, but please remove the batteries, or you may lose this opportunity before you even begin. Walk to Jefferson and 16th. There will be a man there, in a brown trenchcoat. He will be there for a single week after I give you this letter. Please do not take a car, taxi, or anything like that.
'If you reach him in time, he will take you to a car. There will be a ride, during which you should sleep. Neither the driver or the trenchcoat man will be allowed to talk to you.
'Please trust me. I can explain everything if you just trust me.
Lucas sat back in his chair after reading the letter. He was speechless. A woman he had not even met, just danced with for three or four minutes, wanted him to basically allow himself to be kidnapped with zero knowledge of his destination, and told him his life was more or less forfeit if he didn't do what she asked. This was a hell of a lot to ask someone to take on faith, that was for damn sure.
And yet... memories floated to the surface. Arguments between his parents, how difficult it was to get his social security card, birth certificate, driver's license. How some of his friends had disappeared for weeks at a time, only to reappear claiming no knowledge of him. How as a child, his doctor had been two or three hours away, and he knew that his parent's PCP doctor was only fifteen or twenty minutes from their house. How when his father had lost his job due to an injury, and worker's comp didn't cover the bills, mystery checks showed up in the mail.
He knew just enough to realize that what he needed was to know more. So he threw a few changes of dark clothes into a bag, followed it up with his laptop and cell phone, their batteries and chargers, and a few objects of sentimental value, including three or four of his treasured novels.
Then he left the dormitory, not knowing that he would never see it again. He knew very little of what was in store for him, and suspected even less. |
Chapter 4 - Freya's new slaves - Part 4 |
ATTENTION reader, this story contains: futa, BDSM, torture, violence, rape.
I would appreciate if you left a comment
Freya leaned back and let herself sink into the soft pillows and furs, savoring the feel of her slave’s tongue sliding along her cock. After Selia had licked her clean Freya switched the slaves. Now Muriel was freed of her bonds and joined her mistress on the bed. Lying between her spread legs she was ordered to give pleasure by hand and mouth. As the one slave worked, she looked over to her other possession. Selia had been tied in a painful strappado. Her arms had been bound tightly behind her back; her wrists pulled towards the ceiling by a chain. Bent forward and legs held apart by a spreader bar she presented her shapely ass to more debauchery. More tense chains, from her collar and ankles to the floor further hindered her movement. A tight, overly large ball-gag in her mouth made her drool constantly.
The girl was positioned so she had a perfect view of her mother, serving her mistress. Freya gasped as Muriels teeth dragged over her shaft. The woman was just too talented to be just a chaste housewife. Perhaps she indeed had worked as a whore before? Or, considering how she came while being raped she truly was a slut. Freya resolved to find out later.
“Take it in your mouth!” Freya moaned. The slave obeyed at once, and – eager to please – took the cock in as deep as it would go. Naturally, she was disgusted by it, but Freya had given her the right kind of motivation. She would go a long way to save her daughter even the tiniest bit of pain.
She gagged a little, struggling with Freya’s size.
“I expect more from you, whore” the mistress chided “But we will have taken care of that soon enough”
At that moment someone knocked on the main door. Freya arched her back and moaned, sounding somewhat frustrated, but called “Come in!” Muriel could hear the fall of heavy boots. Freya made her stop what she was doing by pulling on her hair, commanding: “Stay where you are!”
“Yes Mistress!”
Freya shoved her roughly to the side as she made to leave the bed. Now Muriel could see the newcomer, just stepping into the light. It was a woman, as tall as Freya, with blonde hair and emerald green eyes. Heretic scripture had been tattooed on her left cheek. She was wearing rather simple combat. It reminded Muriel of Imperial Guard or PDF, but more ragged and with the cursed symbols of the archenemy stitched on the fabric. Not only was she as tall as Freya, but of similar build as well. The buttons on the jacket were visibly straining to keep her bust contained.
Freya got up and greeted her with a wild kiss. The slaves were forgotten for a moment as the two kissed and caressed ach other. It was then that Muriel noticed the ominous bulge in the blonde womans pants, even though they sat loose. Apparently, she was no real woman either, but another shemale mutant. The slave teared up at the realization, knowing that her life only got worse.
The newcomer fell to her knees, gently stroking Freyas cock. “I started to miss you” she cooed, but Freya only rolled her eyes. “You are insatiable, you know that?”
“I do, its one of the reasons you love me”
She got back up and gazed longingly at the two slaves. A wicked smile played around her lips.
“Listen here, slave bitches!” Freya barked, “This is my second-in-command, Caelyn. The two of us share all things, that means she owns you as much as I do. Serve her well or you will be sorry! Understood?”
Muriel hung her head but acknowledged the question. Selia did too, or at least tried with the gag in her mouth. Caelyn sat down on the bed and took her boots off. Quickly she undressed fully. More tatoos became visible as she did so. Her skin was darker than Freya’s and her muscles a bit less pronounced. When the pants came off another shock awaited the slaves.
Her cock was of similar size as that of her Commander, but looked a lot less human. It reminded both women sickeningly of a horses penis.
Caelyn smiled at Muriel, seemingly ready to pounce on the slave. “Do you like what you see?”
She came closer to the bed “We will have a lot of fun, you and I” she purred “But I have to warn you: It takes quite a lot to satisfy me” Muriel flinched and shrinked back. The hunger in Caelyn’s eyes filled her with fear…
“Hold it right there!” Freya said and stepped beside Caelyn. “You will have a taste of the young one first. But before that…” She let her voice trail off and held up the punishment gag. Understanding each other with just a glance both shemales moved at once. A few seconds later Muriel thrashed in Caelyn’s iron grip, as Freya forced her mouth open. Knowing the punishment gag all to well she screamed and begged until the hard rubber invaded her throat again. Mercilessly the gag was buckled tight, her wrists and ankles shackled. Lastly her collar was fixed to the bedpost. Freya squatted down and waited until the shuddering woman calmed down a bit before she grabbed her by the chin and made her look up “Just to make sure you keep calm. Regard this as an opportunity to work on your gag reflex” Freya stood back up “And next time: No screaming or fighting. The young bitch will thank you for it”
Meanwhile Caelyn had walked over to Selia, her cock slowly becoming erect. The girl was terrified as another rape was inevitable, but she could do nothing but shift uncomfortably in her bonds as the shemale felt her up. “Firm buttocks, I like that”
Caelyn stood behind the slave, resting her dick between her ass-cheeks. She leaned forward and whispered “You are shivering. I guess you are exited, yes?”
The cheerful way in which Caelyn prepared to violate her only terrified the girl more.
“Now, which hole would you like me to use?”
Freya walked over to them. In each hand she held a spring-loaded clamp that she unceremoniously snapped onto Selias nipples. She screamed into her gag and tears welled up in her eyes. Caelyn hugged the slave from behind and kneaded her breasts. “Awww, come on, don’t cry. Those clamps are not that bad, and I will make you feel a lot better” she said cheerily as she rubbed her cock on the girls ass. Freya held up her hand and shook her head. “I want you to fuck the cunt hard, not make love to hear” Caelyn pouted and feigned displeasure. “Do I really have to? I might need some encouragement, Captain”
Freya smiled broadly, knowing full well what her friend wanted. She went to grab a whip from her impressive collection and showed it to Caelyn. “Would this encourage you, soldier?”
The blonde looked at the whip cord, and her eyes lit up. It was very simple thing, made from black rubber, but she could see the faint glinting from thing metal wires ingrained into the material. Knowing what that meant she smiled and said: “It does. You really know how to lift morale”
Caelyn positioned herself, the tip of her cock pushing gently against the slaves’ entrance. The wimpering girl tensed at the touch. “I would advise you to relax, this will hurt a lot as it is” she said, still cheerful.
“Enough talk!” Freya shouted and swung the whip. The cord hit across Caelyns muscular shoulders with a loud smacking noise. She rocked her hips and forced most of her member in in one go. Selia screeched into her gag, convulsing, and yanking at her bonds. The shemale threw her head back and moaned like a whore. She could bear the pain from the whiplash alone easily. It was soft enough to not even break through skin, but the electrified wires had been calibrated to stimulate pain receptors. The electric fire burned across her back, sending jolts of lust through her. As she savored the feeling a second lash hit her on the ass.
She pulled back and rammed her cock back in as a third one connected. Now she did as Freya wanted. She fucked her victim relentlessly, hammering into her at a brutal pace. For Selia it was pure horror. Her world was once again reduced to humiliation and pain. She barely registered the nipple clamps anymore. Not with the horrible pain between her legs.
Soon Caelyn slowed down again, to prompt another stroke from Freya. After every minute, that seemed like hours for the poor slavegirl, she repeated it. The lashes would have made most people scream in agony, but she craved them. It made her whole body tingle with lust.
Not long after her back was covered with thirty angry red welts, from the shoulders to the thighs. Now she did not slow down anymore, flesh smacking noisily against flesh. As she felt the orgasm coming on, her pierced nipples started to lactate slightly.
“Don’t stop now!” she grunted “Beat me more”
Five more times the whip hit her in quick succession. She grabbed the clamps on Selias breasts and ripped them off to make the girl squeeze her more. Then she came. Her eyes rolled back, and she moaned ecstatically. She still slammed into the slave, slowing down as her balls pumped hot semen into her. As it finally stopped, she was soaking wet from sweat and breathed hard
Caeylins cock slid out from Selias hole, and a torrent of cum splattered to the floor. The soldiers eyelids still fluttered as she turned towards Freya. “Gods!” she shouted “That girl is worth a fortune”
“And yet I got them both for 14 Gold Snakes. I think this time I cheated Urgat”
Freya looked at her second-in-command and grinned broadly.
“I hope she has not worn you out already?”
“Not at all, Captain!” Caelyn shot back, recovering quickly. Her cum smeared cock was still rock hard and she seemed eager to go on. Her stamina and instability where no small point of pride for her. For Freya to implicate that one orgasm could be enough was bordering on insult.
“Then lay down on the bed, I’ll have the other whore mount you”
None of the two shemales paid much attention to Selia. The sobbing girl could barely stand. Only her chocking collar kept her upright. The feeling of hot cum dripping down her thighs made her want to throw up. For Freya and Caelyn the brutal rape was an inconsequential warmup.
Cealyn threw herself to the bed, hissing softly as her whipmarked back connected to the sheets. Freya released Muriel’s ankles and freed her from the bedpost before pulling her up by the hair. The woman had closed her eyes as Selia was raped, unable to look if not being ordered. But she had heard the screams, and the lustful moans. She was steered onto the bed and soon stood over Caelyn. Through a haze of tears, she saw the blonde mistress smiling at her and holding her massive dick upright. “Alright Slave” Freya said “Lets hope the show aroused you, because you will mount that cock, and you will do all the work”
Desperate to please Muriel did as ordered and squatted down. She started rubbing her pussy on the tip of Caelyn’s member to prepare herself. But it was obvious that Freya was impatient and so she forced herself. Despite the pain Muriel moved her hips and slowly took the huge cock, inch, by agonizing inch. At least all the cum provided some lubrication, and she felt her pussy getting wet despite herself.
Caelyn relaxed and just enjoyed the situation. Muriel was ordered to move up and down and not even think about stopping or slowing down without being ordered first.
Freya impatiently wandered up and down, glaring at the slave as she impaled herself on Caelyns cock again and again. All the while she stroked her still hard member. What she was waiting for was unclear until, after long minutes, Muriels legs started to tremble. Fear might have kept her going for a while longer, but it was obvious she came close to her limits.
Suddenly Caelyn’s hand shot upwards and took hold of Muriel’s collar and she was pulled down. Now the blonde started to move her hips and Freya got onto the bed. Just as Muriel realized what was about to happen, she felt a new kind of pain. Her anus was stretched wide open and mere moments later she had taken most of Freya’s cock up her ass. She could not even protest as every bit of self-control was needed to breathe and not choke on the gag.
As her mistress started pounding into her Muriel screamed as loud as she could. This was even worse than the violations she had endured already. More painful. More humiliating.
“I want you to cum” Freya ordered in between thrusts. Muriel knew that there was no way she could do it. Whatever influence on this hellworld worked on her was still there. But taken in both holes, with the rubber gag invading her throat it was impossible.
Freya had realized that too, but she wanted to torment her slave further. “If you do we will leave the young one alone for today” she said, her voice laden with cruel amusement “If you do not Caelyn will take her again and she gets fifteen lashes with the electrowhip”
Despite the intense indignity of cuming while being raped, she now had no choice but to try. As the two shemales worked on her she tried to think of every past sexual experience she had in her life in the desperate hope to reach an orgasm. Hands wandered over her body, groping and scratching.
It was to now avail, and she was running out of time. Both her rapists were sweating profusely, breathing hard. Their thrusts came faster and harder now. Nails digging into Muriels ass and breasts, making her scream once again. And then she lost.
Freya and Caelyn came together, filling Muriel up with hot sticky cum. As the two cathed their breath, Muriel was sobbing unconsolably. No amount of begging would ever make Freya rethink the punishment.
The two cocks slid out of her and she was thrown to the side. Caelyn got out of bed quick, coming for Selia. “May I take her ass now, Captain?” she asked, barely holding her excitement back.
“Do as you wish” Freya said and rolled over on her back. “Come here slave!” she barked at Muriel “Ride me like you did Caelyn. And be quick about it!”
With her hands still bound behind her back Muriel frantically struggled to follow the order.
Caelyn stood in front of Selia, whose eyes were wide with fear. The shemale leaned in close, sniffing. Like Freya the smell of fear made her horny. She unbuckled the huge ball gag and took it out of the slavegirls mouth. “That’s better now isn’t it” she asked kindly and with a smile on her lips. When Selia did not answer immediately she slapped her and yelled “Answer me you cunt!”
“Yes, mistress, it is, mistress” she managed to say with difficulty. After hours with the gag in she could barely move her jaw.
“Good, good.” Caelyn answered, at once her overly friendly self again “Now, if you don’t want me to use a punishment gag on you to, don’t fight me” And then she kissed the girl. Selia did not even struggle, intent on not giving Caelyn any reason to punish her. She even clumsily tried to kiss back.
As Caelyn broke the kiss she smiled and said: “And now let’s see if we can make you cum”
Selia looked miserable and sobbed. Gently the mistress kissed a tear from her cheek.
As she walked around and positioned herself behind the bound girl, Selia felt cold fear run down her spine. The blonde shemale seemed kind, even uncannily so. Freya was merciless and cruel, regarding her slaves as nothing more than toys. But Selia had seen it in those emerald green eyes that Caelyn was even more insane, and possibly the more dangerous of the two.
Selia tensed as she felt the tip of Caelyn’s cock prod her ass. “I make you a deal, slave” Caelyn whispered into her ear “You will cum, even if I need the entire night. But if you play along and do it soon, I might convince Freya to give your mother a rest”
The young woman had a good view on the bed, and as she watched her mother bounce up and down on Freyas huge dick, she resolved to do what she could to help her. But before she could answer Caelyn increased the pressure against her anus. Selia gasped as her spincter was slowly, and painfully, forced open. She wanted to help, but would she be able to do it.
Caelyn was very gentle this time. She worked her cock in slowly, giving Selia ample time to adjust to her girth. The stretching was still agonizing, but Selia grit her teeth and dug her nails into the hard wood of the a frame. “You need to learn to relax and get used to this, girl” her rapist said as she slid ever deeper.
Meanwhile Freya got bored by letting Muriel set the pace. She threw the panting woman off. Quickly the manacles binding her wrists were unhooked.
“Up!” Freya growled “On all fours!”
Muriel was almost unable to push herself up, her aching arms and shoulders barely holding her weight. Seconds later her mistress grabbed her by the hips and took her from behind. Like a bitch.
Caelyn started to rock her hips slowly after she finally pushed her length in. “Feel my balls on your cunt? You have taken it all in” Her right hand slid in between Selia’s legs and started to rub her clit. The other hand traveled across the girl’s body, caressing her. Selia felt no lust just shame and anguish. But the sight of Freya hammering into her crying mother gave her focus. As much as her bonds allowed, she tried to fuck Caelyn back. Her movements were clumsy but it obviously impressed the mistress.
“I see you get the hang of it little one. I guess there is a whore inside of you”
“Yes mistress!” Selia moaned the words more than she said them as Caelyns fingers slid into her. To her own great surprise she was getting wet. Perhaps it was best to just go along with the dirty talk. Maybe if she was just stimulated hard enough.
“Please mistress, harder!”
Caelyns eyes lit up and she leaned forward to grab selia’s breast. “Tell me slave. Have you masturbated before?” she asked, pinching the slave’s nipple. Her movements no became faster, her fingers rubbed Selias clit quite roughly.
“Yes mistress, I have” the girl squealed in between pained gasps.
“Then tell me about it”
Selia struggled to think clear. She thought of home, of lonely hours within her small room. And of a a particular summer day.
“I spied on my friend” she cried. “As she was with a man”
“Tell me more! I want to know everything!”
Selia tried to remember.
“She had met him in the fields. He was a farm hand and one day they slipped away after the work was done” She remembered the sunset on that day, the weather, even the smell of the air. But none of that interested her mistress. “I followed them. To one of the tool sheds. I watched them through a slit in the wall.”
Caelyns fingers slid inside her, the nails scratching her soft inner walls. Urging her on.
“They got naked. She knelt in front of him, licking him. She wanted to lie down, but he asked her to bend over a workbench” Selia choked up as she remembered how the man took her friend from behind. Like Caelyn did now.
“I watched them and touched myself.”
“Did you want to join them?” the mistress asked, once more rubbing the slaves clit, more gentle now.
“Yes mistress.”
“You wanted to be the at the bench, hm?”
“Yes! Yes!” Selia screamed out
“And did you want your friend to touch and lick you too”
“No!” That had never occurred to her, but now that Caelyn had said it she immediately wondered how that would have felt. And had she made a mistake now? Her mistress wanted to hear filth.
“Maybe.” She said “But I am sure you would have liked it. I will have your mother play the role of your friend next time”
Selia shifted uncomfortably. She wanted to feel the touch of her friend. She wanted the pain in her ass to stop. She dreaded the thought of Muriel licking her. She wanted to be free of her bonds, bent over the workbench. Wanted her mother to kiss her, to be alone with the farmhand, rubbing herself, to have Caelyn fuck her…
Was she going mad now?
“You get in the mood now, slut” Caelyn cheered. As her fingers dipped into the girl again, making wet squelching sounds. Selia shook her head, feeling lust rise between her legs as reality, memory and desire mixed in her mind. She tried to get a hold of her feelings. But soon she did not fight it anymore. It would make her cum, would put a stop to her violation. Finally, after imagining the scenes over and over, trying to detach herself from the horrors of the present, she tensed up, and felt the orgasm roll over her. She screamed all her pain, lust and frustration out as her mistress started to cum into her ass.
All the while Freya fucked her slave, but had kept an eye on what Caelyn was doing. Without warning her cock slid out of Muriels pussy and entered her asshole again in a brutal thrust. Roughly she grabbed Muriels hair and pulled the woman upright. Turning her head towards Selia she ordered: “Watch!”
Muriel tried to look away, but Freya’s grip was like a vise.
“She will be punished anyway, don’t make it harder for her. Watch!”
She observed, once again seeing Selia raped. Of course she had heard what her the tale daughter had told. Heard the growing lust in her voice. As she saw the way Selia moved and the trembling of her thighs, Muriel’s heart sank. They were getting through to her daughter too, making her cum from a horrid rape.
After she finished, Caelyn stepped back slapped Selia’s ass. With a grin she walked towards the bed.
“Leave her alone, Captain!” she said firmly, and Freya arched an eyebrow.
“Because I promised her” she explained, pointing towards Selia “If she came. And she did”
“And why would I honour your promise?”
Caelyn jumped without warning, fast as a snake. She jostled Muriel to the side and pulled Freya down into the sheets.
“Because it would undermine our authority. Not keeping our words” she whispered while nuzzling Freya’s neck.
“Groxshit!” Freya shot back, only halfhearthedly wrestling with her subordinate
“Then do it because I ask” Caelyn said, dragging her teeth along Freya’s skin “I will make it up to you”
Her fingers closed around Freyas still hard cock and started pumping. She caressed her Captain with kisses and biting. The two of them were writhing on the bed for a while longer before Freya relented.
“Fine!” she groaned “But the young bitch gets her lashes first!”
Caelyn let go of Freya and stood up.
As she turned towards the bound slave she said in a upbeat voice: “As you wish, Captain. Always at your service”
Freya rolled her eyes and wondered if her second-in-command needed some punishment too. Lovers or not, at times she started to forget who was superior, even in public.
Meanwhile Caelyn forced the ball gag back into Selia’s mouth. As the girl struggled she just said: “You will need it for what comes next”. Afterward the bonds where loosened. First the spreader bar, then the chains and belts. Selia fell to the floor, crying out loud as she could move her stiffened shoulders again.
Without a second pause Caelyn pulled her up again by the hair. Quickly she shackled the girl again. This time in a spread-eagle position between two columns. Selia could barely stand on the tips of her toes. Muriel’ manacles then got clipped into the same rings on the columns.
The two gagged slaves now stood directly opposite each other. Freya wrapped a leather belt around both women’s waist and pulled it tight, mashing their big tits together.
Selia grew more and mor anxious with every passing second. As she saw Caelyn grabbing the whip she started to cry again. Muriel took a hold of her daughters hand, but could not even say a comforting word. She resorted back to praying, but all the uplifting hymns and verses of the Emperor just sounded hollow in her mind. Her helplessness was crushing her spirits.
“Now, fifteen was it?” Freya asked as Caelyn got into position.
“I believe so, Captain”
Without any more warning the whip was swung. As it landed on Selia’s back, the girl flinched, but the true pain, caused by the electric stimulation registered a moment later. It flowed over her, like acid. This hit was not comparable to the other whips and crops she had already felt. The electro component made this instrument of torture far mor malicious. She reared up in her bonds, tearing frantically at them. Muriel cried too, as Selia’s nails dug into her own hand. The girl was holding her so tight it felt like her fingers would break.
Both slaves could not scream properly as the belt hindered even normal breathing.
The pain from the first hit slowly subsided, and panic overcame Selia. How could she endure fourteen more lashes like this? Eyes wide with terror she started to beg, even though the gag rendered every word unintelligible. Her mistresses where not even interested. Freya stood by, enrapt by the crying women and masturbated. Caelyn laughed and placed a second hit across Selia’s back. The pain that aroused the shemale so much made Selia wish she were dead. Several times she threatened to pass out. But she was quite strong and Caelyn knew what she was doing. Giving the slave enough respite after each hit to stay in the here and now.
Blood ran down Muriel’s arms as her daughter’s nails finally broke skin.
When the last blow finally fell Selia had become quiet. Hanging limply in her bonds she just whimpered. As the bonds were loosened, she fell to the ground in a heap.
Muriel’s gag was taken out too, but the older woman was left hanging in her bonds.
Freya waited until the sobbing woman calmed down enough to register was she was saying.
“Now, enjoy your rest.” The shemale said “The young bitch spared you for today”
She turned towards Caelyn and ordered: “Down! On your hands and knees”
Caelyn obeyed with a smile on her lips and wondered what was in store for her. Freya got something from the big table and her friend smiled as she saw what it was. A simple bowl filled with the disgusting porridge reserved for slaves.
The bowl was placed beneath Caelyn and without much ceremony Freya took her from behind. Unlike the slaves Cealyn absolutely loved to take it up the ass. Especially the stretching when she was unprepared.
“Do it hard!” she cooed, but her wish was fulfilled before she even finished the sentence. Freya laid into her with the force of a jackhammer. Cealyn took hold of her hard cock, pumping the thick meat furiously. Precum dripped of her glans, into the bowl below.
Selia looked up, taken out of her dark thoughts by the moaning and clapping of flesh against flesh. The sight was sickening. The two shemales did not only fornicate without any shame in front of others. They were mutants, abominations. Their very existence was against the Emperor’s law, and every follower of the creed was taught to hate them, unconditionally.
Yet Selia found herself unable to do anything but stare at them. At the way their muscular bodies moved in sync with each other, how their huge tits jiggled with every thrust. And the expression of rapture on their faces.
Their panting and moaning got louder and finally they reached another climax. Caelyn arched her back as her cock started to spurt thick loads of semen. Some of it splattered to the floor, but most of it landed in the bowl.
Selia felt queasy as she watched the globs of cum fall into the already disgusting pulp.
Freya pulled out and Caelyn, still panting hard, looked at Selia with a smile.
“Supper is ready. Come here girl”
Miserably Selia crawled over and nearly retched as she looked into the bowl.
“Feed your mother too, and be quick about it” Freya added as the two shemales got up to sit at the table. They seemingly ignored Selia, but the girl knew that she had to act fast.
She took the bowl and started shoveling the stuff into her mouth, tears still streaming down her face. It was even more disgusting now than the day before, with its new salty ingredient. But it was far better than feeling the horrid electro-whip again.
A few times she had to spit out what she had in her mouth, retching and couching. After half the bowl she remembered that she was supposed to feed her mother too. She got up, barely able to stand on shaky legs. When she turned towards Muriel she felt a pang of anger. Muriel would now be allowed to rest, because Selia did good. On the other hand Selia payed the price for Muriel’s failure. For a few moments she wanted to scream at her mother. Tell her that she hated her for it.
The thoughts frightened her, and the anger vanished as quick as it had come. Of course, Muriel had it no better than herself, both of them still trapped on a world of Chaos. And of course, she did everything she did to save Selia. What she could do was very limited however. Was this the strategy behind punishing the other if one failed? Not to ensure obedience, but to break their bond? Or was there no strategy at all and it was just cruelty?
Selia scooped up a handful of the gruel and held it in in front of Muriel, who just hung limp and beaten in her chains.
“Eat” Selia whispered. The older woman looked up with bloodshot eyes, absolutely miserable.
“S-S-Sorry.” She whimpered tearfully, “I am so so sorry!”
“I know, mama. Eat. Please!”
Selia stressed the last word, fear of more punishment already rising, and Muriel understood. Soon thereafter the bowl was empty.
On wobbly legs the slavegirl then plodded over to the table and fell to her knees. Freya and Caelyn stopped talking and looked at her.
“Your slave has done as you ordered” she said and presented the empty bowl.
“Well done” Freya said “Even licked it clean”
The mistress left her seat and squatted down beside the kneeling slave. She tapped a finger against the slaves’ lips.
As Selia did so her mistress put a slice of fruit into her mouth.
“My friend likes you a lot. This is your reward”
The fruit, whatever it was, tasted rather tart, but after the porridge it was sweet as honey. She almost was thankful towards her mistress for giving her this reward.
Freya got back to her feet and Caelyn joined her. Both their cocks, now only half erect hung in front of Selia. But already they became aroused again.
“As per our bargain, we leave the old whore alone for today” Caelyn explained “But that means you will have to work hard to satisfy both of us”
Selia looked up and did the only thing she could have done.
“Yes mistress. This slave is yours to do with as you please” |
Chapter 0 - Introduction |
This is an attempt to write Warhammer 40k fanfiction with a strong emphasis on sex and things I find arousing. Featuring some of my OCs. So these stories can contain: Futa, BDSM, Torture, Violence, Rape, Lactation, Nursing, bestiality…
I will update this list as necessary and also state on the beginning of every chapter what it contains.
I will use this introduction to add some background information, and update it over time. If you are not interested in that proceed to Chapter 1
Comments and feedback will be appreciated.
Before it was known as Karadan the planet was an Imperial hive-world called Krag. It was located within the Segmentum Obscurus at that time. Long since infested with chaos cults dwelling in the bowels of its makropoles the planet was attacked by a fleet of chaos marauders who used the cults to wreak havoc on a planetwide scale. In fact they had manipulated the cult leaders for years to prepare for this attack. During a hellish ritual, fueled by the destruction and bloodshed and focused by an ancient artefact a warp rift was opened and sucked in the entire planet. This relocated Krag into the outer fringes of the Eye of Terror.
Instead of orbiting a healthy star the planet was now placed between two deeply corrupted suns. They days were red, iluminated by the hellish light of the first sun, while the secons bathes the "night" in silver and purple twilight. Without any support from the imperium, with a chaos fleet above the planet and surrounded by the madness of the Eye the population succumbed to the invaders. Over the centuries following these events, the leader of the marauders, Lady Sokara, rebuild the former hive world into a twisted reflection of its former self.
It now served as her seat of power, her personal dominion: The daemonworld of Karadan
The Citadel
Also known as "Darkstone Citadel" or "Sokara's Spire" is the center of Karadan and serves as Sokaras seat of power. It was build from the ruins of Krags former capital city.
It’s outer defense line is formed by several large military bases, connected by deep lines of bunkers, artillery positions minefields and the like. Even daemons are included.
Beyond that clusters of industrial facilities are situated, surrounded by slums where the slaves working them live. The air is hard to breathe and the sound of hammers and machines never stops. They mostly produce materiel for war, from combat knives to daemon engines. The massive amount of pollution these facilities create have turned their surroundings into dangerous wastelands and most slaves die within a few years of working in these hellish war-forges. Therefore the walls around the forges are not primarily meant to keep the enemy out, but to keep the slaves in.
Further towards the center massive walls and bastions rise from the ground in several lines. Seen from orbit these fortifications form a giant eight-pointed star. Inside the walls of each point stands a massive tower. Four of these are given to the four Lord Masters of the Inner Echelon as temporary seats when they reside in the citadel.
Within these walls lives the “middle class” of Karadan – among more soilders and military personell. Here one can find Craftsmen, Artists, Traders, Slave-Breeders, Brothels, Mercenaries and Administrators.
In the middle of the star stands the citadel itself. A truly massive building, vast beyond sanity. Rows upon rows of walls and battlements, all covered in heretical reliefs. Millions of souls have been used in its construction, as well as flesh and blood. The dark cursed walls give it it’s alternate name: Darkstone Citadel. Daemons and powerful witchcraft form part of its defenses, even more so then the outer workings.
The central spire reaches up beyond sight since it is in fact an orbital spire. It connects the Citadel with the “Bedlam Port”, Karadans main fleet base.
Chapter 0 - Homewrecker |
Sophie sighed as she slid back onto her knees in front of the bathroom sink. She ached, having spent the last half hour in this uncomfortable position as she worked to clear a clog in the drain. Drano hadn’t cut it , so she instead found herself down on the ground, wrench in one hand and flashlight in the other, trying to wiggle her way past the bottles of cleaning products and extra toilet paper to get at the sink trap, hoping to dislodge whatever it was that was responsible. It hadn’t been an easy fit, the tight confines of the cabinet made all the tighter by her significant bust. It had taken her 5 minutes just trying to position herself so that she could work without her breasts getting in the way. It was process that found her cursing, not for the first time even today, whatever god it was that saw fit to give her I-cup breasts. Once finally settled she started to work but it was slow going.
The first wrench had been too large. The second too small. It wasn’t until the third try that she thought to bring the entire set with her. Before he left for work her husband had insisted that they just call a plumber but Sophie was stubborn, she wasn’t going to waste money on something she could do by herself. She was good with her hands and it wasn’t like she was particularly busy now that Sarah was going to school all day. It had taken less than an hour to clean up Sarah’s room and the living room. The laundry was already done, the beds made, dinner slowly cooking in a crockpot in the kitchen. She had six hours to herself before Sarah got home from school and only this clog left to clear.
It was days like these that made her regrets bubble to the surface more than any other. She had a full ride to a top university, offers already lined up from several firms, but she’d wanted kids and so did David. He was three years her senior, already starting his career, and making damn good money. He could afford to support the both of them comfortably, afford their luxurious apartment here in the city, and all it had cost her was her purpose. Things had been different when Sarah was younger. Their daughter had been the center of Sophie’s universe from day one, still was, but she was almost eight years old now, going to school, and didn’t need to be micromanaged nearly as much. It left Sophie feeling listless, adrift in a sea of nothing, bored out of her fucking mind. She had considered going back to school, getting her degree, finding a nanny to help with Sarah, but there never seemed to be a good time to raise the topic to David. Numerous promotions had him coming home after Sarah was already asleep most nights, and out of the state most others. Whenever she tried to raise the subject he was always too tired, they’d talk about it in the morning, but the conversation never came.
It wasn’t the only thing he was too tired for either, Sophie thought idly, blowing a stray lock of raven hair from her face as she continued to struggle with the pipes. She’d finally managed to figure out the problem, a wad of hair and who knows what else had been wedged in the U-bend of the pipe thanks to a Q-tip that had been carelessly tossed into the sink by someone. She suppressed a gag as she tossed the offending mass into the trash. Her mind wandered as she tried and failed to screw the trap back into place. Maybe I should have called a plumber after all she thought. All this hassle wasn’t even close to being worth it. She could be on the couch right now while some strapping lad plumbed her depths. The depths of the sink she corrected herself. Though she gave the idea more thought than she perhaps should have.
She pictured herself as the stereotypical horny housewife that existed only in old issues of Penthouse Forum. Forgotten by a neglectful husband, answering the door in some frilly negligee that was somehow more lewd than just being naked. The plumber would stutter something as she led him to the bathroom, walking with an exaggerated sway to give him a show. Each word that breathily left her lips a double entendre. When he finished the job and got up to leave she would press herself against him, whisper that she had another job for him, and finally he would be so frustrated from the constant teasing that he would take her right then and there. Her hands drifted south as she let the fantasy of being ravished by a perfect stranger play out longer than a committed wife should have. It was that thought was what brought her back to her senses. She sighed.
She was lonely. She wasn’t just missing the emotional contact with her husband and daughter but also something more basal. She hadn’t had sex in over a month and the frustration was starting to get to her. Masturbation only got her so far. She craved the touch of another human; to feel wanted, desired, but David didn’t seem to notice or care. Sophie had always been bad about bringing up her desires with him, but it had been so long since it had gotten like this. Even the last time they’d had sex hadn’t been enough. David was even more distant than he had been after the promotion back in January, nearly eight months ago. Between all of that and her dearth of things to fill her free time, she felt like she was going to lose it if something didn’t change.
Sophie was lurched out of her ruminations by a knock on the door. She got up with a groan and moved to check out who it was that was bothering her. Before walking out of the bathroom she looked herself over in the mirror to make sure she was presentable. She was wearing a simple white button down blouse and black leggings that showed off her curvaceous figure without even trying, she noticed with some annoyance that the sweat she had worked up from fixing the drain had rendered the thin material of her blouse partially see-through, making the outline of her black bra noticeable beneath. Her shoulder length black hair was a mess that she didn’t have time to brush through, so she simply pulled it back into a simple ponytail. It would have to do for now, the knocking wasn’t stopping anytime soon as she cleaned herself up. “I’ll be right there!” she called, hoping to put a stop to the incessant knocking.
It seemed to do the trick as whoever it was outside paused their assault on the door as Sophie made her way to the front hall. Looking through the peephole expecting to see a delivery man, Sophie froze for a moment before wrenching the door open with a bit more violence than she intended, to the point where it smacked into the wall with a thud that caused her to wince. The man on the other side of the door radiated the kind of casual arrogance that came with someone who knew they were attractive. He was tall; easily six foot four, with a strong jaw, piercing blue eyes, and sunkissed skin. His short blond hair was carefully styled, not a single hair out of place. He was looking down at his phone grinning slightly, not looking up even as Sophie whipped the door open. “What the hell are you doing Jon?” she growled “I told you not to come around ever again”
Jon took a moment to finish whatever message it was that he was typing, paying her protest no heed. Finally after an eternity he put his phone away and looked up at Sophie, that arrogant smile never wavering as he met her gaze and scowl. “Nice seeing you too Soph,” he said “I was just visiting a close friend that happened to live in this complex and couldn’t resist the chance to visit my favorite girl in the whole world.” His smile widened slightly, putting her in mind a fox looming over a rabbit: equal measures playful and predatory.
Sophie bristled, “I fucking told you that this shit had to stop Jon, I blocked your number for a reason, now get the fuck out of here.” she half shouted.
Jon feigned offense, holding a hand to his face with an over-dramatic flair, “Heavens Sophia, watch your language! What would the neighbors think of this little lovers’ quarrel?”
Sophie’s protest died in her mouth as she poked her head out of the doorframe scanning left and right. If this kept up the volume of the confrontation was sure to draw unwanted attention. She wasn’t the only stay at home parent in this hall, and gossip spread quickly. Staring daggers at him, Sophie grabbed Jon’s hand and pulled him inside to continue this argument away from prying eyes. Jon kicked the door closed behind them with casual grace , “geez Sophie. You haven’t been this forward since that time you su-”
“Goddamnit Jon can you shut the fuck up for a minute and listen to me? I don’t know what you hoped to accomplish by coming here but let me just set the record straight right now. This thing we had going? Its done with. Over. I’m not some fucking booty call you can just casually show up to and expect to worship you like all your other sluts. I’m married, I have a daughter and a loving husband and I’m not just going to jeopardize that for you or anyone else.” Sophie was seething, her chest heaving with each breath, the last words coming out of her mouth like a hiss.
Jon said nothing, just stared at her, stared through her, sizing her up like a piece of meat. Sophie noticed his gaze drop to her chest every few moments, her breasts clearly visible from the now transparent fabric of her blouse. She blushed, moving to cover herself embarrassedly, folding her arms across her massive chest. “Perverted ass!” she said, her eyes refusing to meet his.
He raised his arms as if to surrender, “Sorry, sorry, I didn’t mean to stare, hard to break old habits. I really didn’t come here for anything like that, I just wanted to talk, see how things were going with your life,” she only looked at him incredulously. “Cut me some slack here Soph we haven’t seen each other in nearly a year. I’m glad to hear you worked things out with your husband, good to know he finally warmed up to your wants” Sophie didn’t say a word, instead she looked away at the mention of the trouble with her husband.
Jon found his opening, like he always did when he was around her. Feigning concern he pressed the attack “Trouble in the bedroom still? Come on Soph, what happened? He couldn’t measure up, didn’t have the stamina to keep up with the nympho-queen Sophia? Or did you just never tell him, bottling up your desires afraid that he’d think less if he knew just what his wife was into?”
“Nothing happened!” she cried, “Nothing happened and if anything did it wouldn’t be your fucking business! Now get the hell out before I call the cops.”
Not one to back down Jon continued to prod an obvious sore spot, “So nothing changed then huh? He’s still ignoring you like he did back then, and you’re probably just as pent up now as you were that night we met at the bar, before you spit-shined my cock before all but forcing me to ram it up your a-”
“Enough.” the fight had left her voice, she sounded drained, exhausted, but above all else frustrated. He noticed with some satisfaction that she had shifted her position so that her legs were pressed together, nearly crossed as she squirmed slightly at his words. Jon had hit the mark. “Please just go. I won’t tell anyone you were here just stop dredging up this ancient history.”
Jon went to leave, the vulpine mask returning to his face, “Y’know I really did just want to talk Sophie, catch up quick before going my own way. But I can tell I’ve struck a nerve, so I’m gonna let you choose what happens next. I can walk out this door right now, not tell a soul I was here, and you get to keep living your happy life as a good wife and mommy. Or...” he said taking one long step towards her, bringing their two bodies so close Sophie could feel his breath on her as he spoke, the Smell of his cologne and the slightest hint of sweat threatening to overwhelm her.
“Or?” Sophie said breathlessly, lost in the moment, her thoughts fixated on memories of that first meeting of theirs, so many months ago.
Confident in his victory Jon brought his face down to kiss her, his hands reaching up grope her huge mammaries. She caught his wrist with one hand but didn’t try to push him away. She held firm while he kneaded and massaged the soft flesh through her blouse. They spent long seconds like that, tongues intertwined. He started to back away, but Sophie clung on for dear life not wanting the moment to end. Their lips parted, his hands leaving her mounds, and Sophie was left standing breathless “Or I give you the one thing that you’ve been lacking in this storybook life of yours. I satisfy that itch that neither your husband’s or your own touch has been able to scratch. You remember what that is don’t you? And how you get it?” Sophie didn’t say a word as she soundlessly reached down with both hands, one slipping inside his pants, the other into her own leggings as she leaned in to kiss him again. Before she could even get a firm grasp on it she could feel it start to stiffen, to strain against the fabric that contained it. She had forgotten just how large it was, the thought of seeing it in person again after so long turned her on more than her earlier fantasies. The next few moments were a blur of tongues intertwined, the two grasping and groping at each other frantically like highschool students afraid the adults were going to come home any minute.
The desire the two felt for each other could have been cut with a knife as they made their way away from the entryway and to the living room. Jon led her to the couch and once again had to practically pry her off of him as he pushed her gently onto the cushions. She landed with a soft thump. He loomed over her now, her face practically level with the swelling in his pants. “Time to earn that cock you crave so badly slut,” he commanded. He placed a hand on her head but she didn’t need the encouragement.
She was way ahead of him, her hands working with practiced skill to undo his belt and the buttons of his pants. She nuzzled her face into his crotch breathing deeply of his scent, of his manhood. She carefully used her mouth to pull down his boxer shorts, revealing the still growing cock beneath. It was a monster, easily nine inches long and seven around. The engorged sack hanging below it was the first part to get her attention as she planted a kiss squarely on it, letting the hard member cover her face as she did so. She kissed up and down his balls and shaft making her way to the swollen head of his now painfully erect cock. Wordlessly Sophie took the head in her mouth, sucking on it slowly, savoring the taste of him as she worked the shaft with her left hand, her right cupping Jon’s balls.
“Good Girl.” Jon muttered and Sophie beamed up at him as she began to slowly work more and more of his massive cock down her throat. Gone was that look of hatred, the defiant words, replaced with the Sophie Jon knew, and if he was feeling romantic he might say loved. She struggled a bit to take him as deep as he knew she could, it had been a long time and those skills needed a refresher course, one Jon was happy to oblige. He grabbed the back of her head with one hand, wrapped around her ponytail with the other as he began to thrust his hips forwards, forcing more and more of his length down Sophie’s throat. She gagged, coughed harshly and needed to come up for air more than once. Ever the gentleman, Jon gave her enough time to catch her breath before going back on the offensive, treating Sophie’s throat like a cheap fleshlight. But Sophie hardly protested as more and more of his cock slid down her throat with each thrust, until eventually, god bless her soul, Sophie was able to bottom out his cock. He held her there for a time, nose buried in his pubic hair, chin resting against his balls until she couldn’t take it anymore and he let up. Long strands of spit and precum fell from her mouth and Jon’s cock onto her already soiled blouse as she coughed and sputtered for air.
Jon released her then, not wanting to get too carried away and lose himself before the main event started, but Sophie was not so patient. She got right back to sucking him after hardly ten seconds, bobbing up and down his shaft hands free as she unbuttoned her blouse. She got the last button and tossed it aside, revealing her lacy black bra. She pulled herself off him and shifted up higher onto the couch, getting onto her knees in order to slide his penis under her bra and swallow it with her gigantic bust, “I know you loved these the most” she said enraptured. She spat between her already slick cleavage and began to rise and fall to a rhythm only she heard, giving him a hands free titjob.
Jon only grunted. How was he supposed to resist this? He started to piston his hips harder than when he was facefucking her, his cock sliding back and forth through her soft breasts. They were smothering his impressive rod in an almost oppressive softness. He put his weight forward, urging her onto her back with his hands but never fully letting up with his thrusting. She fell backwards into the back of the couch and he straddled her, giving him unobstructed ability to thrust through her cleavage.
Sophie could feel Jon stiffen more and more, pressure building as he neared climax, she urged him on with moans and gasps, kissing his cock whenever it passed close enough to her face and words of encouragement that would have shocked Sophie if she was in a better headspace, “Oh fuck yeah, you know you want to plaster these tits with your hot cum. Please cover my slutty face and tits with all your thick semen. Mark me as your property!” It was all stuff he had told her to say nearly a year ago and the effect was just as strong now. Pushed beyond his limits Jon came. Hard. Sophie was caught off guard as rope after rope of cum covered her waiting breasts and face. She actually giggled when Jon pulled out from between her cleavage and stood up.
“I forgot what it was like to be used like that” she said slowly getting back up to her knees. Some of the cum began to run down between her cleavage in a stream so she scooped up the errant trail with a finger and sucked on it seductively. Keeping her eyes firmly locked on Jon. “Did I do well master?” she asked with a smile. She raised her hands demurely, pawing at the air like a kitten “Did this pet please its master?” her face still plastered in his fresh semen. She wiped her face with the back of a ‘paw’ and lapped at the semen absently, playing up the pet angle almost more for herself than Jon.
“You sure did pet. Well enough that I think you earned that reward you’ve been waiting for. Turn around and get on all fours.” Obediently Sophie complied raising her ass to face him like a bitch in heat, her face buried into the couch cushions. Wasting no time, Jon simply tore a hole in Sophie’s leggings, pulling her panties aside to leave her wet pussy and asshole exposed. She yelped out half a protest when he tore them but he was quick to quiet her, “You remember the rule don’t you pet?”
“A good pet obeys without hesitation. Still I liked those leggings, now I’ll have to buy new ones. I mean...I’m sorry for that master, please punish this slut for stepping out of line.” She sounded starved for whatever it was that came next even as she protested, her quivering holes telling the true story.
“That’s alright pet, I’m not going to punish you. I’m still going to give that reward that you need so badly,” he said as he traced a finger across her dripping pussy. She shuddered with her whole body eager for the contact, but he knew what she was really after. He traced his fingers higher until one rested on the rim of her ass. “This is it isn’t it pet? The secret you couldn’t tell that husband of yours. That you’re not some proper housewife. You’re an anal addicted whore, who wants nothing more than to have a cock rammed in her ass every day.” Sophie only whimpered, unable to bring herself to speak.
“What was that pet? You’re going to have to speak up. I can’t give you what you want if I don’t know what it is.” Jon licked his index and middle fingers and used them to massage around her anus which contracted around his touch. Sophie whimpered again. “One more time pet? I still can’t hear you” He slowly prodded at her again with the middle finger, the first knuckle slipping inside her .
“I said it's true” Sophie all but cried, her back arching as what felt like electricity shot up her back as his finger entered her. She was shocked that she had finally said the words. It touched at that nagging in the back of her head that what she was doing was wrong and that this had been her last chance to pull away before things escalated completely out of control. And she had just blown it. She was reminded of how close she came to losing herself the last time she had been with Jon. His words flowing over her like a waterfall, degrading, dehumanizing, but somehow satisfying all the same. She’d stepped away then, returned to her normal life without her family any the wiser, this side of her left abandoned where Jon had left it. But now she couldn’t find that resolve she once had, another year of bored domesticity had worn it down to nothing. It made her feel good to lose control, to let someone else take charge of her for a time, and right now that was all that mattered to her.
“What’s true pet? You’re not being very clear again.” He pushed his finger farther inside her, followed soon by the index finger and again her back arched as she let out a gasped moan.
“That I’m just a slut. A slut who wants her asshole filled with your hard cock.” she was thrusting her hips back against his fingers now, but he did not let up the teasing. He pulled his fingers out of her ass and grabbed at her face to thrust them into her mouth. She sucked on them without question, much as she had done with his cock just minutes ago. His other hand undid her bra, letting her fat udders bounce freely, her erect nipples now fully on display. He pushed the fingers that had just been in her mouth back inside her and spread them, stretching her out little by little, preparing her for what was coming soon.
“Who do you really belong to? Your busybody husband, or me?”
“Your pet belongs to you and only you master. All I care about is pleasing you and your cock, so please give this slut the reward you promised her.” There was no hesitation in her voice only desire. A desire to be filled and used that shorted out any reasonable thinking left in her body chance to deny him when he showed up today, to do so would go against her nature.
Jon smiled, his victory more absolute than he had thought possible. “Of course pet. What kind of master would I be if I didn’t. Let’s go to your bedroom and make these arrangements official,” She stood without hesitation, leading him towards the bed she shared with her husband.
The master bedroom was much like the rest of the apartment, clean with a distinct modern aesthetic. David seemingly had little desire for much flair in his life considering the sparse decoration in the room. The most that could be seen were a series of framed photos on a dresser of the couple from happier times, some with their young daughter, others from their time in college. A large King bed dominated most of the far side of the room, while opposite it near the entrance was a large closet with a sliding door. The longest wall of the slightly oblong room was dominated by massive plate glass windows, if the curtains weren’t drawn Jon would have been able to see out into the greater city, and neighboring apartments at the same elevation. It was giving Jon ideas
“I think we’re going to give any lucky peeping tom across the way a show pet, What do you say?”
Sophie hesitated, the prospect of others catching her in the act both excited and terrified her. The thought of being watched made her insides burn but she couldn’t shake the possibility of being found out by David, ending any fun she may end up having in a far more permanent manner than she wished. Jon seemed to catch on to her trepidation
“Don’t worry pet, no one would be able to see me well enough to know I wasn’t your husband, its not like you’ve done something like this with him before after all.”
It was enough for Sophie in her sex crazed state, “What do you want me to do?” she said.
Jon drew open the curtains and pointed to the window. “Spread your legs and press up against the window, let the world see those beautiful breasts of yours, and the cute faces you make as you’re fucked silly by me.”
She nodded, slipping out of the ruined remains of her leggings as she walked to the window. From this vantage point she could see clear to the horizon, she could make out the ships in the harbor to her right, the traffic of downtown farther in front of her, but more to the point was the equally massive building that formed the second spur of a V with her own complex. She quickly scanned the windows, not sure if she was hoping to see no one or someone. It wouldn’t matter soon enough, once that cock was in her she wouldn’t have time to think of the consequences. Which reminded her, “There’s lube in a black box in the back right corner of the closet.”
Jon nodded, following her guidance. Pulling the box out of the corner he was surprised to see what was inside. Various dildoes and buttplugs filled the box, each a different shape or color. There were several bottles of lube as well but what caught his eye most rested on the bottom of the box. A collar in black leather, a heart shaped plate in gold on the front. He didn’t need to look to know what it said on it, he’d given it to her the last time they’d met. He didn’t expect her to keep anything, especially this. He grabbed the collar and a bottle of lube. They were going to need it. Without warning Jon slipped the collar around the neck of the distracted Sophie who was still looking out the window, her ass arched up expectantly. He tightened it and she started as if she had been in a trance. “Hm?” she uttered looking down at the collar. Her hand fell on the the heart shaped tag which read only ‘Slut’ in embossed lettering. It had been overkill at the time, he’d regretted buying it back then, but now, seeing it on her in this state, he had never felt more justified. Caught staring again he focused, noticing her phone on the dresser next to him. He picked it up and opened a video app. Making sure to get the full spectacle in the frame he said “Tell us about yourself pet, you’re going to have many fans who would love to get to know you.”
He thought this would be it, the straw to break her resolve, to snap her back, but she only met him with a stupid grin. “My name is Sophia, I’m a 28 year old mother of a beautiful little girl named Sarah and I have a loving husband named David. But I don’t care about any of that right now. All I care about is that master is gonna fuck my slutty ass with his thick hard cock where the whole city can see. Isn’t that right master?”
Jon chuckled, “Of course pet, get me ready” She did as he bid, taking the bottle of lube from his hands and squeezed some out onto waiting hands. The lube was cold on his cock as she rubbed it up and down his shaft and head. “Now turn, it's about time we started” For good measure he liberally slathered more in and around her waiting asshole. He set the phone on the dresser next to them, propped carefully in order to still capture the act, “be sure to look at the camera every now and again so your other fans can see your O-face
“Yes Más-” her statement cut off as he pressed his head against her.She yelped, but the yelp quickly turned into a moan as Jon teased at her hole with his cock. She bucked against him but he was quick to pull away.
“Ah ah ah pet, you don’t want to spoil it do you? You need to take things slowly, savor the feeling of being filled” With painful slowness the head finally pushed their way inside her and Sophie screamed. Not in pain, but something primal, the sound of a bitch in heat. Jon skillfully fed more of himself into her just as slowly. Back and forth, one inch then two then three. Never getting too deep, letting her body adjust as more and more was slid into her. Just like he did with her face he eased her into it slowly gaining more speed and force with each thrust until he was hilt deep into her. Sophie had never felt so full, so fulfilled as she did right now with this cock in her ass. With her breasts pressed up against the glass of her apartment building, shaking from the force of the thrust. How had she gone a year without this feeling? It was like the stars had aligned to get her to this point, an answer to her prayers when she needed it most. Each thrust had her let out another appeal to heaven, another “Oh god” or “Oh christ” as the nonstop intensity of Jon’s cock ravaged her. Her breathing quickened and before long she felt it, the sweet release she had been chasing for a year. Like a great weight had been lifted from her shoulders as she came. But Jon wasn’t finished. He continued to piston in and out even as she was now, She lost herself in the moment, in the raw animal pleasure that this cock had given her. Thrusting herself back with reckless abandon and soon Jon followed. She felt her insides flooded with his seed. It felt like even more than he’d come on her earlier, making her feel like she was about to burst. She was too enraptured in the moment to care
about anything other than getting fucked.
Two more hours and over a dozen orgasms past before Jon was finally done with her. When he finally pulled out he was quick to snap a picture of Sophie as she had become. Fucked completely silly, a contented thousand yard stare looking at nothing in particular, and an asshole left gaping after their nonstop fucking. She passed out not long after, and Jon left her to rest. He left her a message on her phone, a new number to contact him by should she ever feel the urge again. Then he sent that number all the video he had taken on her phone from their session, and set an alarm for her for an hour from now. That should give her time to clean up before her family comes back. He dressed quietly so as not to disturb her, and slipped away.
Chapter 0 - Chapter 1 |
Due to the incompatible, headache formatting of HF's features, I've delegated to posting the Google Doc links for each Chapter here!
Chapter 1 link
https://tinyurl.com/mvpmu7a8 |
Chapter 2 - I'm going freaking out, I'M FREAKING OUT! |
'Okay Tom take it easy. That zipper has got to be here somewhere.' He kept feeling back there but couldn't even find the break in the suit never mind the actual zipper. It felt like there was nothing but fur and his back. He decided to head to the bathroom and use the mirror to find it. He saw no sign of Jasmine yet and hurried over. He turned the light on and quick moved so his back faced the mirror and began looking for the zipper. Again he couldn't find or even the flap that hides the zipper line. Just smooth back covered in fur. It was then he noticed his face in the mirror. Yes he still had the hood on but it had eye holes so he should have seen his eyes. Instead of the blue gray eyes he expected he saw magenta eyes looking back at him. And they were bigger too, about three times the size they should be.
“What the hell?” He asked aloud and then covered the muzzle over his mouth. That wasn't his voice. It was a woman's voice with a rasp in it. He moved his body around and leaned closer to the mirror and took a look at his mouth. He couldn't find it hiding behind the fake muzzle. He stuck his hand in to find it he touch the fake tongue.
He felt his hand touch the tongue and it felt like his own tongue.
He opened his mouth more and the muzzle surrounded it responded instead. He tried lifting the edge but instead only the lip pealed back to reveal gums.
“WHAT THE HELL!?” He asked again then he notice the fake boobs. They have changed. They now had nipples. He touch a breast and it he felt a slight pleasure from the breast. He watch his eyes go to pinpricks like in those cartoons and saw the fake ears fold down. He dare to look way down. He saw a belly button clearly visible like there was only fur covering it and there was a slit in the crotch area that wasn't there when he put this on. He moved a hand down and felt it and again he felt a shot of pleasure from it. He dug in and more pleasure came and he gasps. Then the realization hit. He was now a girl.
“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” He or she screamed out. “This can't be happening. This can't be happening. This can't be happening. This can't be happening.” he/she chanted till the door burst open.
“TOM! What is it!?” Jasmine said as she burst in. He/she noticed that her eyes while filled with worry and concern were blue instead of green. She also had nipples on her breasts, a belly button, and the...the.
'Oh come on, you can say it.' She had a vagina.
“It got you to.”
“What do you mean Tom?” Then her eyes got wide. “Tom your eyes!”
“It's not just my eyes Jasmine and please don't hit me.” Tom then touched Jasmine's vagina. She yelped and jumped back before glaring at Tom. “Before you do anything note that you are still wearing costume.” Jasmine immediately looked down and saw the changes.
“What on Earth? MY VOICE! I just just like Rarity and you sound like Rainbow. And that means..”
“Yeah, I've been changed to.” Tom revealed all before Jasmine. “This darn suit changed me and I'm....I'm.....I'm not longer a man!” The weight of that him Tom and she collapsed onto the toilet with her head in her hands and cried. The next thing she knew was arms wrapped around her and another holding her close.
“Oh Tom I'm so sorry. This is my fault. I made you put it on and now your like this. Let it out, let it all out, I'm here for you. I will always be here for you.” Tom didn't here and more as she did what Jasmine suggested and let it all out and time past as they sat their and didn't move at all.
* * * * *
When it finally felt like it was all done Tom opened her eyes and said. “Look at me. Crying like a baby. Not at all like the man you love.”
“Everyone has moments of weakness and you are still the man I love underneath the fur and the changes.”
“Thanks Jasmine. Now where did you get these costumes?”
“At one of those temporary Halloween shops at the mall.” Tom then stood up and a bit of her old confidence had returned.
“Okay, we get dressed to hide our features and we go and get some answers. Jasmine nodded and Tom saw the hunter's gleam in her eyes.
'Who ever did this made a grave mistake in changing us.' They both left for their rooms and Tom when through her clothes. She put on underwear which was a lot roomier since she was missing certain equipment. Put on some sweats and did some adjusting to hid her tail. Couldn't do anything about her hooves and hope people won't notice them. She found a large hoodie and put in on and found it constricting.
'Stupid wings!' With some work she got them fully folded and with the hood up and jacket back on she went out into the living room. She saw Jasmine's door open and she came out. Dressed similarly to her she saw the tip of Jasmine's horn sticking out.
“How do I look?” She asked Jasmine.
“At best the tip of your snout sticks out and some hair. Or would that be mane.”
“Stick with hair for now now you have your horn sticking out.” Jasmine looked up and frowned at the horn. Then her horn lit up in a light blue and her hoodie got larger and covered it. “How did you do that?” Tom idly asked and Jasmine looked at her with a slight look of fear.
“Magic, and I'm not questioning more than that.” She shrugged and nodded to her girlfriend. They headed for Jasmine's car since she was the one who knew where the shop was. The trip was uneventful thank god. And they got to the mall. They nervously walked through the mall hoping to go unnoticed till jasmine stopped.
“What is it Jasmine?” Tom asked.
“The store.....it's gone!” Tom looked and saw a vacant store front. By signs it seemed like it hadn't been used in the while.
“You sure this is the spot?”
“Yes it was right next to the Gap.” They see another hooded person approached and also look at the vacant store front.
“Where's the store? It was right here.” The person asked in a female voice.
“We don't know, we are as confused as you are. You got a pony costume too didn't you?” Tom asked and the person nodded. Jasmine then noticed a janitor nearby and pointed to the man. The three of them headed over and Jasmine asked.
“Excuse me sir, but do you happen to know where the Halloween store went?” The janitor looked at her confused.
“Lady we never had a Halloween store in this mall.”
“But just the other day I went into one that was in that store front.” Jasmine gestured to the now vacant front.
“Lady that front has been vacant for years and I know the management has never been interested in one of those temporary Halloween stores. Sorry can't be more of help but I think you've got the wrong mall.” With that we walked away leaving a very confused trio of former humans.
“But that's, that's impossible. I know they store was right here.” Jasmine looked over to the other pony for lack of any better word. “You and I can't have both made a mistake about the store's location?”
“No this is the mall where I got mine. So what should we do?” The three stood there thinking before Tom came up with an idea.
“Let's head to a hospital. They might be able to cut us out of these.” The other female shook her head.
“No way. They will treat this like a disease and will never see the world again. I'm heading home, I wish you two luck.” With that she left them and the mall. They watched her leave before Jasmine looked at Tom and asked.
“Are you sure about this idea?” She rubs her fur covered arm. “This actually feels like my skin not what ever rubber material they used.”
“Well I'm out of ideas. We can't get them off on our own, the store is gone, and I want to be me again!” Her voice got louder as she went through that and she saw Jasmine look at her fearfully. She sighed and hugged Jasmine. “I'm sorry Jaz. I'm freaked out in all of this.”
“It's okay Tom, you have this worse then me. At least I'm still the gender I should be. Let's go and hope this doesn't bite us.”
* * * * *
Jasmine drove them to the nearest hospital and soon were waiting in a room for a doctor. Tom was sitting on the bed since this was her idea while letting work know she won't be in. Jasmine was scanning the web on her phone when the doc came in. The doc was a man in his thirties and had a pleasant smile to greet them with.
“So Mr. Davis, Miss Slate, what seems to be the problem today?” Both She and Jasmine took down the hood to reveal their new appearance.
“As crazy as this sounds doc, my girlfriend pick up up some costume based of a show called "my small horsie" for Halloween. Now not only can't we take them off it has changed us. Look at me doc, do I look human or a make now?” He looked at them with narrow eyes.
“This has got to be some sick prank?”
“If it is it's on us. I only wore this to honor a bet I made with Jasmine here. I'm not even into the show. Please doc we are grasping at straws here.” The doc seemed unsure, debating whether this was all fake or the find of the century would be her guess. Jasmine broke the silence.
“This might help doc. A page from one of the news sites.” She offered her phone to him and he looked at it and read alone.
“People turning into ponies. Several reports have had sightings of human form ponies from all over the country. Some reports have said that the ponies were humans that have somehow been changed. Common factor claim in most is that they bought a costume at a temporary Halloween store and now can't get the costumes off after it changed them.” The doc handed the phone back to jasmine and took out his own. She bet that he was double check considering on what they were telling him she didn't blame him for being sure. After a couple of minutes he puts his phone away.
“Okay I buy it. Let's see what I can find out. So how detailed in the changed?”
“Very, so much that I'm now technically a girl.” She said sorrowfully.
“Alright I'm going to be taking blood samples, x-rays, the whole shebang to see what I can find.” They both nodded and let him get to work.
The next couple of hours they went through a whole series of tests that Tom had never seen before and they were back in the first room waiting for the doc to get back with the results. The door opened again and the doc came in with a pair of folders.
“What's the word doc?” Tom asked nervously.
“Well for one thing those aren't suits anymore. The test indicate that they are in fact fur and skin with nothing all under them from the physical standpoint.” Tom was crushed by this news. Her last hope of being actually Tom again was slipping away.
“So you can't do anything?” The doc shook his head.
“There is literally no suit it cut you out of. I cut that skin off you won't see another layer of skin but blood vessels, muscle, and bone. Though I'm still waiting on blood work you both seem perfectly healthy for what you are. I'm contacting a friend of my who is a horse vet to be sure I haven't missed anything. I'm not sure how many others like you will be showing up so I'll send you home.”
“Thanks doc for trying.” She said getting up from the chair she was sitting on.
“I wish I could have done more. I will let you know what the blood work says. Till then try to resume your normal life. I make up notes for both of you for your bosses.” They exchange numbers and he hands them the notes and they leave. She was in a daze all the way home.
When they got back to their apartment and Tom just sat on their couch. Looking but not seeing anything.
'My life, it's all over. I can never be Tom again, so what do I call myself? What will work say? God what would my parents say, there son just got turned into a rainbow haired blue horse thing. What do I do? What do I say?' Her thoughts become interrupted as she feels a body next to hers She saw a white muzzle in her field of vision.
“My Sorry Tom, I'm SO SORRY! I choose that stupid costume and now you are stuck like this and it's all my fault!” She looked at Jasmine and saw the tears down her new eyes and it broke through the depression she was in. Grabbing Jasmine to get her attention she said.
“No, it's not your fault. It will never be your fault.” Righteous anger filled her. “No it was that guy who sold you these costumes. He and those with him are to blame for this.” The anger faded from her features and she looked down. “I just don't know what to do now?”
“Well I know one thing I'm doing.” She looked at Jasmine quizzically. “I'm going to be by your side in it. I'm not leaving you alone in this. I still love you.” With that Jasmine kissed her and she felt more at ease.
“Thanks Jaz, I really needed to hear that.” They two then hugged for what seemed like hours.
Now sure what time it was but at some point their door was busted open and She saw black clad men come in and before she could react at all she felt something hit her and only had enough time to look down and see a dart before darkness claimed her.
Chapter 4 - Camp Dependable Part 2 |
Tom didn't sleep well that night. The bunk she had sucked. She wanted her bed, she wanted her freedom. It's bad enough that she was a female of a formerly fictional species but to be held here with this bed. She had righteous anger and had to keep a lid on it for now. She stretched then relieved herself in a morning routine. Man does going to the bathroom different now. Thank God this was a single gender house or she would have made a very easy mistake. Still has to get use to not see urinals in there. While she washed up her hands she look at her image in the mirror. Her hair had the ragged look but grab her attention was the form her image had. The cyan fur covering a muzzle with a pair of eyes bigger then they really need to be and the rainbow colored hair with a pair of horse ears. She took a deep breath to prevent her from punching the mirror.
“I will be me again.” She said allowed but it sounded hollow. The doc's findings bouncing around in her head. She was afraid, afraid that this is the image she will see in every mirror for the rest of her life. Before she go further down that path she went to the hand dryer thankful that this place had them. Just imagine trying to dry her hands with paper towels.
At breakfast she and her new friends met Jasmine's room mates. They never gave their human names. It seems that they like her new friends are abandoning the life they had. It kind of bothered her a bit but besides call her Dash they didn't try to force her to join them in the idea.
After breakfast, which was pancakes by the way. YYYUUUUMMM! She was summoned to another building. It was part of the larger group of buildings that had no fences around it She saw only humans in this area as well. She was directed into a room that was illuminated by a light bulb. She saw a table with a pair of chairs, one occupied by a nerd looking man, She took the other seat and looked coldly at the guy.
“Welcome R412803. Now I want to start with some questions about how you were changed so we can run some proper test for all of you.”
“Well you are out of luck I'm not answering any.” She replied folding her arms and glaring at him.
“Please R412803 we only want to...” He started to plead.
“First off my name's Tom Davis though I'm accepting Dash as an alternate. Not this R41 whatever. I'm a person not a thing and I have rights. You violated those rights I don't help you. You let us all go and then it's a different story.”
“That's outside my control. You are here for your prot..”
“That's bull and you know it. That's an excuse you made to violate the law. I saw a doctor before you goons kidnapped me and he wasn't worried about it spreading from me. This isn't some disease. This is the result of putting on a costume changing me to this. The fact you aren't in a hazmat suit means you don't think so either. So the question becomes, why kidnap us? Somebody in your agency thinks we have value somehow and want us. From what I heard from my girlfriend on our potential, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see the interest. So again till you release ALL of us we have nothing to discuss.” She looked away and waited for his move. He just sighed and pressed a button and she heard a buzzer go off. A guard opened the door and looked in.
“She won't cooperate with us. Take her back to the others.” With that they left the room then the building and was escorted back to the pegasus area. Once there she thought of what to do. Staying by her bunk would be just boring. She started walking around. Most of what she saw was several bunk houses till she gets to the basket ball court which was available to all stuck here in the same shared area the cafeteria was in. Though She noticed a heavier guard presence. She noticed the building next to it seem much more active then others. Curious she decided to check it out. Going through the door she saw exercise equipment throughout the building.
'Nice! Might as well see how strong I am now?' She went over to the area that had the dumb bells and chose a size. It felt too light so she tried another. She had to do this two more times till she found one that felt a little heavy. Sitting on a stool she began her reps. She did one arm for five minutes before switching arms. After an hour her arms ached a little but she was surprised how long she did it at the weight. No way could she lift those weights before her change. This was a fit body now. The first plus she can think of since this whole thing happened. She decided to go check out equipment to exercise her legs and hoped Jasmine was doing okay.
* * * * *
Jasmine just got done with her interview and she refused to cooperate unless her attorney present. After a couple minutes she was escorted out and she decided to head back to her bunk. Once there she noticed a handful of her fellow ponies but it was hard to get privacy here anyways. She took out a hair brush and put in on the small dresser she shared with Trixie. She then closed her eyes and focused on the image of the brush. She imagined the aura she seen on TV surrounding it and lifting up into the air. She heard a hum and she looked to see the hairbrush floating the the air.
“Yes!” She cheered and then the hairbrush dropped back onto the dresser. She slumped at the site. 'Drat, I have to keep up concentration to be Rarity level. I have a lot of practice ahead of me. She cleared her head and tried again.
* * * * *
Back at Discord's
“Well those two certainly have spunk. Much prefer that Rarity the the one here. Their plan also sounds interesting. Oh the chaos of an break out will be so delicious. I'm really liking these ponies.” A alarmed ring and he look over at a clock. “Oh Time for tea with Fluttershy. Will have to DVR this.” With a remote coming out of no where he presses a few buttons and with a snap of his talons he leaves for time with his dearest friend.
* * * * *
Camp Dependable one week later
Dash was stretching her legs in preparation of a jog. She gotten use to be called that name and since she started running and working out it fitted more and more. A lot of the times Spits and Lightning joined her in her workouts and jogging but she always look forward to certain jogging times and she smiled as she saw the reason walking towards her. Jasmine was walking towards her in the late afternoon sun. She had to admit, even in her current form Jasmine was a gem. Her white fur radiant in the sun and her hair was dazzling. Even her blue eyes sparkled. She remembered fondly when she asked her to join in the jogging.
* * * * *
4 days earlier
Tom to a seat across from Jasmine. “Hey Jasmine, how's your project going?”
“Making progress, don't need to concentrate as hard as I use to. I even convinced Trixie and Fleur to try on their own. How about you?”
“The workout is actually fun. I'm much stronger now then before everything so that should help if we have to do it. But there is one thing missing.” Tom took a bite of her meal. Grill cheese sandwich this time.
“And that is?” Jasmine asked curiously.
“You.” Jasmine blinked at that before asking.
“Yes you. I want to spend more time with you then breakfast, lunch, and dinner. You're my girlfriend and I want to spend time with my Precious Jewel.” She took another bite and waited for Jasmine's response.
“Oh I don't know...” Jasmine began and Tom pulled out all the stops and stooped to the puppy dog eyes. Jasmine look at it for a bit, then snickered. She tried to contain it as the look continued. Then she giggled. “Oh Tom all you're missing is the paper with the hug written on it with a question mark. Fine I'll go jogging with you.” Tom jumped up and cheered.
“YES!” Unbeknownst to her Jasmine watched in amusement.
'That's my precious rock.'
* * * * *
Jasmine did some small stretches since this was the only thing she did as far as physical exercise and soon they were off on a circuit around the shared area.
“So have you heard the latest?” Jasmine asked.
“No, gossip is your area not mine. The only thing I know is that they brought some more like us in.”
“Well that did happen but those that have cooperated with the doctors have news of our condition?”
“And?” Jasmine took a minute to answer.
“Well it looks like there is no going back. This is who we are now. They did DNA work and such and everything points this. We have some human DNA the percentage between it and the pony DNA is 30% to 50% with 10% being completely unknown. And the human DNA didn't match what they had before they were changed.”
“What about where the suits came from?” Dash was doing her best not to freak out at the news and grasping at straws.
“Absolutely nothing. While camera's did show that the store's did exist but then just disappear when Halloween ended. From the sounds of it even the paperwork is just not there.”
'So that's it then. No one knows how to reverse this and the only lead is just gone.' Her jogging faltered and she felt Jasmine touch her. She looked over and saw a concerned look from Jasmine.
“I'm right here for you Tom.”
“Just....just let me hold you okay?” She nodded and was then held by the former male. She took comfort in holding her love and ignoring the world around her for a time.
* * * * * *
Night was starting to fall when she let go of Jasmine.
“Thank you Jaz, I really needed that.”
“Will you be okay?”
“For now yeah. When we finally get out of here I'll really face this and deal with the ugliness of it all. Getting out is more important for if what you heard was right then I don't want to spend the rest of my life in this place.”
“Okay then let's get something to eat.” She nodded and started for the cafeteria which should be in the final hour of supper. “Tom, just promise me that you will include me when you do face that issue.” She looked at Jasmine and gave her a sad smile.
“I didn't imagine it any other way.” She held out her hand and Jasmine took and they went hand in hand to supper.
* * * * *
“Gah! What was that? I nearly lost MY supper. When did this start going down that Twilight Saga route?” The Master of Chaos took a deep breath. “Okay, going to take a break from this and go prank Luna. That will cheer me right up.” With a flash of light he disappear for his pranking.
Report will say his pranking drove Luna to have a slight relapse as Nightmare Moon. As the Mare in the moon she chased Disocrd for half the night before being too exhausted. Being the good sport he actually brought her back to her room and tucked her in. To everypony's relief she reverted back to Luna in her sleep and Discord lowered the moon for her and thoroughly enjoyed himself.
At least till Luna unleashed "light red pie" on him.
* * * * *
Camp Dependable
After supper Dash said goodnight to Jasmine and headed for the bunk house. Once there she noticed Lightning was missing and asked.
“Hey Spits, where's Lightning?” The fire theme pegasus looked back and said.
“Some of the heavy guard guys said that they wanted to talk to her again. It's been awhile so she should be back soon.” Dash frowned at that but before could say anymore the door nearest them to the outside was opened by a guard. He looked over the pegasi in the room while her left the door open for two of his buddies. They were carrying something and it took a moment for Dash to see it be another one of them unconscious. They laid her limply on the empty bed across from Dash then left. Dash went over to the girl and took note of her features. First she had a horn so that raised an eyebrow. Except for certain areas they kept the three types of for lack of a better word ponies separate so why break that now? Have they run out of room in the unicorn area? The girl also had lavender fur with a dark blue hair with a purple and pink stripe in them. Spits got close and gasped.
“What is it?” Dash asked.
“That's "dusk sparkle"!”
Chapter 1 - I Just had to make that stupid bet. |
It Was Supposed To
Be A Costume
By Admiral Q
Inspired by the stories The Costume and
I Just Want To Be Me Again.
Tom was having a good night. Work went well and now he was enjoying a night with his girlfriend Jasmine. They had a great supper at a bar and grill and now were facing off in the ultimate face off. A pool game with the winner deciding what the loser has to wear for Halloween Night in a couple of weeks. This was one bet he was itching to win. He planned on this hot little Supergirl costume for Jasmine while he was Superman. He line up a shot and manage to get his solid color ball into the middle pocket. Grinning he observed where the cue ball was in regards to the remaining solids. Picking his next shot he took aim. Unfortunately his girlfriend was in view. Normally this is not a bad thing. Jasmine had golden blonde hair that was stylized with a curl that nearly hid one of her emerald green eyes with those adorable freckles below them. Her body was lean and lithe. He was one lucky man to catch her, but she had a mean streak in her and they had a low intensity prank war between them. So it was no surprise that as he was about to hit the cue ball she made a very suggesting pose and he lost his concentration. The cue ball went of a bit, while still hitting the targeted ball it bounced off the sides instead of going into the corner pocket as he planned. Still it knocked other balls, especially Jasmine's stripes. He smirked at his girlfriend and taunted.
“That backfired on you.” She shrugged.
“Maybe but now I have a turn at the table.” Tom took a nearby seat and she aimed her shot.
“That's the perk of you girls. You make distractions with just your bodies.” She took her shot and just barely manage to get her ball in the pocket.
“True, but it's hard for men to see me for me not just my body. That's what makes us work. You love my body but more importantly you love me the person.” She took aim again but didn't shoot right away.
“Seems like I'm getting the greater perks. I get to see a gorgeous woman and see her inner beauty. You get an ugly mug like mind and only see my inner beauty.” She finally took her shot and this time two of her balls went in. This wasn't looking good for him on the table.
“That's not true. While you certainly aren't football material your certain not him either.” She pointed to the bar where a guy sat with a dirty white T-shirt and an impressive beer gut. “You are a handsome fellow and with some work would have girls grabbing for you. But you are MINE.” That's among the things he like about Jasmine. She can be kind and generous yet extremely assertive and possessive with certain things and he was one of them. She then knocked yet another ball. This wasn't looking good for him at all.
When she finally didn't get a ball in but had a nice line up get got the chance to go again. She all but thee balls gone while he still had most of his. He took aim making sure she wasn't in sight again and took his shot. He manage to get a ball in but he used too much force and the cue ball joined it. He dropped his head. And he heard Jasmine say in sympathy.
“Ooohhh that sucks Tom.” He said nothing as he ceded the floor to her and watch in horror as she knocked the last three in.
“That's game and I win our bet.” She said with that cocky grin. Tom groaned then said in a defeated tone.
“Okay what are you going to have me wear?”
“Don't know but I'll think of something.” She replied and wrapped her arm around his and they head to the car. “By the way did you have something planned for us?” Seeing a chance to maybe still win he answered.
“I was divided between Wonder Woman or Supergirl for you, but ultimately went for Supergirl consider your hair and I was planning to be Superman.”
“Well it's nice that you see me as a strong woman and wasn't daring the whole french maid thing. However I want to do something else.”
* * * * * *
Jasmine had the day off and was mall shopping. She was in a bind. Halloween was just days away and she still didn't have anything for her and Tom to wear at the party they are going to. She then notice a store in a a usually vacant area. It had the look of one of those temporary stores that sell Halloween stuff then close when it's over. With nothing better to do she entered the store. It was filled with the usually stuff and she didn't have long before a energetic voice was heard.
“WELCOME! Welcome to Canterlot Costume Emporium!” Said a tall elderly man with a beard and gray hair. “How can I serve you today?”
“Well I'm looking for a pair of costumes for me and my boyfriend but not sure what yet.” The man put his arm around her shoulder.
“Well you've come to the right place. I happen to have a new line of top quality outfits that you might like.” He took them to the side of the story and Jasmine was in awe. It was the MLP theme with manikins wearing outfits that resembled the main characters in anthro form and were expertly detailed. “Are you a "my small horsie" fan?” The man asked.
“Yes I am. I enjoy that show.”
“Good so do any of these interest you, say this one?” He pointed to one of those on display. Jasmine frown at the choice.
“No I want that one.” She pointed to her choice.
“Really, I would have thought the other one. Oh well customers choice. Now for your boyfriend, will it be Big Mac, Shining Armor, Flash Sentry, or some generic guard? I do have others as well.” Jasmine looked closely at the highly detailed outfits but one stood out for her.
“I'll take a "rainbow run" for him. Will that be a problem?” The man cackled at the choice.
“Miss with that choice you are my kind of woman and no absolutely no problem at all. These costumes were design to be adaptive for any body.” Jasmine winced at that. That sounded expensive. She make work at the jewelry store and her attention to detail allowed her win the pool game she wasn't rich.
“How much will those cost?” She asked fearfully.
“No worries this stuff is made out of new materials that are cheap to make. Both together are forty bucks.”
“I'll take them.” The man's eyes lit up and taking still package costumes he brought them to the register and she paid for them. As she was heading out the door that man said in parting.
“Have a great hallowing dear!”
* * * * *
Tom just got back from work and relaxed to rest on the couch saving up energy for tonight. He was watching TV when Jasmine came home.
“So what am I wearing tonight?” He asked and she got that smile on her face. The smile of pranking evil, he hated that smile.
“I got just the thing the other day that was just perfect.” She raced into her room and came out with a package. “Here you go. You get to be "rainbow run".”
“Wait, isn't that a character in that TV show you watch?”
“Yes she is. She's a tomboy pegasus who is athlete and a blast to be around.”
“Wait she? SHE!? You;re having me dress up as a girl?” That evil grin returned.
“Yes I am. Like I said she a tomboy and a favorite of the male fans of the show. I could have picked Cadance who is a pink mare and Alicorn of Love?” Jasmine said coyly. Tom swore he paled at the thought of dressing as a pink girl. Rainbow didn't sound bad after that. “Are you going to not keep your bet?” He siaghed and dropped his head.
“I am a man of my word. I'll wear it.”
“My brave and noble knight. Now go get changed and be sure to follow the directions exactly. I will be getting into mine. Wordlessly he heading into his bedroom and closed the door. They had started as roommates and became more as they years past. Their place was a nice cozy one with two bedrooms, a kitchen dining area, and living room, and the shared bathroom. Laundry as downstairs. So while they have been seeing each other they don't normally share a bed. With Privacy assured he opened the the package and saw the small booklet on top of the costume. Taking jasmine's advice he read it. According to the booklet this thing was made of new materials and for the perfect fit one had to be nude in it. He sighed again but he gave his word. After a bathroom trip he got started.
Stripping down he opened the the bag containing the suit and started to put it on. He felt his feet hit the bottom but it felt weird. Standing up he now knows why. The suit had hooves at the bottom and set up like a real horse so his feet were in a high heel form. He grumbled at that but surprisingly he was able to keep himself balanced. He continued putting it on and got it around his neck. The slight weight of the fake breasts was disturbing but nothing he could do about it. The fake wings were in the semi folded position and all that was left was the hood that would got over his head. He eyed the rainbow colored hair and shook his head. Jasmine's pranking can be SO evil at times. He put it on and zipped up for the final part. Then he just stood there getting a feeling for the suit.
It was really comfortable. He didn't feel too cold or too warm. It didn't feel constricting in anyway. He still had full dexterity in his hands and had some minor feeling in them when he touch things. It was like a latex gloves with a coat of fur. He tried walking and while a bit awkward it wasn't difficult do to. Feeling as ready as he'll ever be he opened the door.
“You are so getting it for this Jasmine.”
“i would be eager how you will do that Tom.” She responded and Tom got his first look at her in her costume. She was the white pony with purple hair done in a similar style to her own with a horn on her forehead. The last touches were a purple tail and on her hip was three blue diamonds.
She looked good, she looked darn good in it.
She eyed him and seemed to have a predator's look in her eyes.
“My,my,my, you make a hot mare.”
And there goes my good mood.
Crossing my arms I glared at her.
“You're lucky I keep my word. By the way didn't those fake boobs squish yours?” She looked down at them and idly commented.
“Well they actually made room for my breasts. This is truly wondrous stuff but it did give me a large bust as a result.” Tom looked down at his fake pair and yeah they were both well endowed in that department.
“Well let's get this over with. Let me grab a jacket to put my keys and wallet in and we can be off.” She grabbed her purse they they head out. He shut the door and was about turn around to lock it when he felt a tug. Looking he saw that his fake tail was stuck in the door. Jasmine laughed as he opened the door, move his tail out of the way and locked it. “Laugh it up fuzzball.” She just still laughed and I rolled my eyes and we headed out.
The party was being held in the ball room for the complex and held for all the residents with a few guests. The room was decked out in full Halloween attire. Tom saw many different outfits around as well as a handful ponified like they were so they wouldn't stand out too much. Ready for the shredding of his man card he step into the party.
* * * * * *
The party went well. He got some teasing for his outfit but others actually gave hm kudos for wearing it. He was able to hang out with some of the guys still. Apparently quite a few of them were what they called 'bronies' and asked if I was one. When I told them no I was wearing it do to a bet with my girlfriend that gave me even more kudos for owning up to it. He had fun overall especial the few times with Jasmine as they celebrated the holiday.
They were tired when they finally left the party. Leaning on each other as they walked to their apartment. If they were more awake they would have noticed they were feeling each others body more then fur covered latex stuff should allow. They yawned each other a goodnight and went to their separate bedrooms. Tom tossed his jacket off and collapse onto his bed in the costume. It was comfortable enough and he was too tired and he fell asleep in it.
* * * * * *
Discord looked over the planet with a gleeful smile. While he promised Sun Butt and Fluttershy that he wouldn't use his chaos in Equestira except for harmless pranking or when the need arises but neither ever said anything about other worlds and he needed to vent it somewhere. So he found this quaint little planet. It got his attention by the fact it had a show based off Purple Smart and her friends adventures. It was too perfect. Posing as a sale man across the globe he sold his so called suits to any interested. Well they were more then just suits and a smile came on his lips.
By the time the new day comes many people across this world will have to face quite a change and he was going to love every minute of the chaos. With a flash he disappears to get his popcorn and the world was minus the one being who could reverse what is to come.
* * * * * *
Tom woke up after a dreamless sleep feeling a bit tired. He rubbed his eyes and yawned. For some reason he let out a yawn that could only be described as cute. It was then he noticed a blue thing at the bottom of his vision. He touched it and felt a soft fur feeling and for some reason he felt his finger like he was touching part of his face. Saw a bit of hair and when he raised his hand he saw blue fur. Tom was confused at first but then last night got booted into his brain.
'Oh yeah the bet and Halloween. Man this suit is comfortable. I don't even feel the suit. It feels like a slept in the nude. Well time to take this off.' He went to grab the zipper that should be at the base of the neck and hidden by the fake mane.
He couldn't find the zipper.
Chapter 3 - Final Chapter |
Due to HF's weird formatting not working with the original document, I've added the Google Drive Doc for Chapter 4 Here!
https://tinyurl.com/2vyadjc8 |
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 |
Link for the Chapter 2 google doc found here!
This chapter will be subject to a second proof-reading/update for clarity and ease of reading.
Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 |
Link for the Chapter 3 Google Doc found here!
https://tinyurl.com/mr26y7da |
Chapter 1 - Chapter 1 |
By Admiral Q
Kassa awoke confused and with a tube in her mouth. 'Why did she have a tube in her mouth?' she thought. 'Oh yeah, the explosion. 'Man I must have been hurt bad. But I don't feel any pain right now.' She manage to open her eyes and saw the typical sickbay ceiling. She looked around a bit before a nurse came over. “Good you're awake Commander. Can you lift your hand?” Kassa tried lifting her right hand and manage to do it but weakly, it felt different to her. “Okay, that's a really good sign, I'm going to remove the life support tubing okay?” Kassa manage a nod and experience the feeling of something being removed from her throat. With it out shi licked her chops a few times trying to get the feeling out as the ships doctor came up to her.
“What's the last thing you remember Commander?”
“My team breaching they door and an explosion. I guess I was messed up bad?” The doctor nodded.
“Very bad Commander. You were in a coma for a week before you really went bad and we had to try the recent procedure on you. Congratulations, you're the first successful test of the Improved Ocean Walker Process.”
“The what!?” Kassa asked.
“About a decade ago a A human male was in a middle of a transport when terrorist bombed the station and his bodies data was lost and they had to use a Chakat pattern. That lead to the Oceanwalker process.”
“So you're saying I'm a clone of someone now?'
“No we have improved the original design based off stories of of an independent freighter crew who kept their genetic body but got an age and body reset. since your body is on file with us we manage to give you a genetic twin of yourself.”
“You have a mirror?” The doc quickly went and got a hand mirror and presented it to Kassa. She took it and looked at her face. It was a face she hadn't seen in fifteen years at least. All the gray hair in her muzzle fur was gone and a beautiful vixen looked back. She moved her head from side to side and all the signs of age were gone. She moved the mirror out of the way and looked down at her self. She was laying on her backs with a larger sheet over her to cover her privates while she recovered. Taking the sheet off she found her lower torso clean and white with no sign of gray or age. Same with her upper torso but when she got to her breasts she noticed a difference. Not only were they firm and perky again but they were BIGGER. At least two cup sizes. “Uh, those weren't that big when I was younger?”
“Yeah, the reports we got from the study is that the side effects are larger assets to say the least. You are also taller than you use to be. But otherwise quite healthy.” Kassa tried to get off the bed and nearly fell to the floor. The doctor and nurse kept her up. “Careful, this is in essence a new body for you have to figure out how it works again.” It took her a few minutes to not look like a foxtaur who had too much to drink.
“Man I haven't felt this good in ages.” She kept herself fit, she had to for her role as security chief for the F.S.S. New Keiv but age was starting to effect her. She was thinking of retiring in a few years. “I bet Jill and the others would flip when they see me. Where's the rest of my team?” The doctor looked down. That could not be good.
“I'm sorry commander the others didn't make it.” Yup it wasn't, Kassa took a bit to process that then sat on her haunches. Jill, Roland, Glittergold, and Sequia all dead. They were a great team. Been together for years before joining the New Kiev on her first tour. They have been the closest thing to family she had since her parents died long ago. Now they were gone. Why did she make it? Just because she was protecting their six? And Glittergold's family, by the makers what were they going through. All the joy she just had was gone.
“Has the funeral happened?” She asked.
“No, they were waiting to see what happened with you commander.”
“I want to be there and I think I want to go to my room now if that's alright?”
“Of course commander, just take it easy the next couple days. You are off duty for a week and go see the counselor every day.”
“Very well doctor.” She left the sickbay and walked to the turbolift and a few minutes later she was in her room. She walked to the window and stared out for she doesn't know how long till the doorbell chimed. “Who is it?”
“Sunflower Kassa, may I come in?”
“Come on in.” And Glittergold's mate came in. Shi was an interesting chakat with a black upper torso and head with a gold lower torso and hair thus hir name. Shi took one look at Kassa and commented.
'Wow that procedure really did the trick didn't it?” Kassa sighed.
“Yes it did. I'm alive, young, and healthy while your mate is dead. My team is dead. WHILE I'M FREAKING ALIVE! OH MAKERS SUNFLOWER! I AM SO SORRY!” Kassa could just barely hold back the tears and then felt Sunflower hug her.
“There is nothing to be sorry of Kassa. Yes I miss my mate and it hurts bad. But you know what makes it feel better? Knowing that you are alive. Glitter and the others would want you to live. For them since they can't anymore. So yes mourn for them it's okay let it out my friend. You have me and I have you.” And Kassa did cry and Sunflower joined her as they mourned the death of their friends and family.
Two days later the memorial was begun. Kassa was there in her dress uniform which she had to resize for her new body. She stood next to Sunflower and the kids shi had with Glittergold. Kassa stood their and saluted while the chakat next to her cried as the tubes containing Kassa tactical team were launched from the shuttlebay on a path to the nearby star as a fighter wing missing a man in the formation flew by. Kassa had heard that they got the guys responsible and were already on their way to trial. Kassa secretly hoped for the death penalty with them and went to hug her friend again as the memorial ended.
The next day Kassa was in the office of the counselor Chakat Joyleap. “So how are you doing today commander?”
“I think better. I still ask why I lived and they didn't but I don't think I'll ever get an answer, but I can't help asking.”
“Perfectly natural reaction to something like this. They best thing to do is go on with your life. So the question becomes is where do you got from here?”
“Well Sunflower is taking the kids to Chakona wand live with hir family. Shi offered me a place there but I refused. For me, I'm done with starfleet. I can't imagine going on without the team. And while Sunflower's offer was tempting but I will go back to my home village and start anew.”
“Sounds like a soild idea. Starfleet is losing a good officer but you have to do what's right for you. Just make sure you live not survive. And if you ever need a talk my comm is open and I know some local counselors.” Kassa nodded and looked back out to the stars.
A couple weeks later the New Kiev stopped at Chakona and Kassa said her goodbyes to Glittergold and the kids. She spent a lot time with them and helping Glitter with the kids figuring it was the least she could do. It was a tearful parting and Glitter gave her the number for the clan house so they can stay in touch. Kasa was going to make sure she had a comm unit to reach hir. She spent some time with Glitter's clan. The openly accepted her and left figuring that no matter what she was family and nothing she could say or do would change that. She promised herself if her plan didn't work out she would return to stay.
With Sunflower gone she focused more of refreshing her hunting skills. She had the time since she resign from the fleet after the memorial. And in no time the ship was in Earth orbit. She grabbed hir stuff. A replicated bow and quiver of arrows that she designed herself and many personal items and especially the pictures of her team. Bags packed she beamed down to the nearest hub to her village. She took a cab to her home village and when she got to the outskirts nothing looked different off hand. She left the garage area where she sent the PTV home and took a nice walk and refamiliarized herself with the area. She ran into the first building of the village sooner then she thought she would. A good sign in her eyes. Foxtaurs looked at her with curiosity. She was younger,bigger, and bustier than the last time she was here. She entered the Elder Building where the village had meeting and the Council of Elders made decisions. There was always at least one elder on post for any need. And she recognized the Elder talking with a young secretary. “I never thought I see the day that Jalana Kinderstick made Council Elder. The world must be near the end.” Kassa said and the elder foxtaur look to her with a scowl then with confusion and shock.
“Kassa Russetback, is that you?” She nodded and the elder rush to her and hugged her. “It is good to see but by the makers what happened to YOU!? You were older than me.”
“Long story but I came to have it formalized that I'm living here again. I assume my parents place isn't vacant anymore?”
“Of course I can take care of that but you owe me an explanation so you come to my den and explain the new look. And yes your parent's place is taken. The family using is taking good care of the old place and suits them well. The realtor would know whats available. Tell her I sent you.'
“Thanks old friend. Also besides you family I don't want anyone knowing how old I really am. I am truly looking for a new start.”
“Okay I'll just say your a grand kid of a friend looking to connect with her family roots. You are now the right age to be your own granddaughter>”
“Okay that works, thanks Jalana.” The two old friends hugged and broke up and Kassa went to the building across the street from the Elder Building. Inside she saw a brown furred vixen sitting behind a desk.
“Hello, welcome to Yellow River Village Realtors. How may I help you today?”
“Hello Elder Kinderstick sent me. I'm looking for a vacant den on the edge of the village.”
“Let me see if we got any.” The vixen went to the screen next to her and looked at it for a couple of minutes. “Okay we have a couple, follow me.” The first one was too small for Kassa's liking. The second one too close to the village. The third one they were checking out. The Living room was nice and spacious so she could practice her moves during the winter. It had a decent kitchen and plenty of storage for food. A decent bathroom and a pair of large sleeping rooms. And nothing but trees around. PERFECT!
“I'll take it.” Kassa paid the vixen and started unpack went her comm unit went off. Her long range comm unit had arrived. She went out to get it. She set it up and sent an email to Sunflower on how to contact her. She had a meal and went to bed in her new home.
The next day after a good breakfast she went out on her first hunting mission. She went out nude since she is alone and dealing with the side effect of the process not only increased her bust size but turned on her milk mode. Luckily she was taking pills to jump start the weaning process. And to be honest she was liking the feeling of being topless. She walked quietly with ears twitching and eyes scanning for any sign of prey. 'There! Tracks, likely small herd of deer. ' She followed the tracks and found the herd. She looked for a suitable target. Found it. Pull the bow and let the arrow fly.
That evening Kassa returned home with a pair of deer carcasses and went to work cleaning them. The training her mother gave her coming back to her. In an hour she had both deer stripped of fur and meat. The meat she put in cold storage and the fur in the closet area and after a long bath she fell asleep. The next day shi tried fishing and caught a couple of fish and cleaned them as well. After a few days she decided to sell the fur and earn her first money outside of her retirement pension.
Leneu was manning her stall in the marketplace. She was a typical foxtaur female with standard colors and brown hair but her socks were smaller than average. She bought fur from the hunters and made clothing items and even toys for kids. She knew most of the hunters by name and sight so it was surprising to see a new face among them. She was tall for a foxtaur with bright red fur pure white belly fur and bright gold hair on her head. She also had an impressive bust as she was topless. She checked her muzzle to see if she was drooling, nope thank the makers. The large foxtaur stopped at her stand.
“How can I help you?' Leneu asked.
“I have some furs to sell.”
“Let's see what you have.” The vixen took a few furs out of her saddle packs and Leneu examine them. A couple of deer, some raccoon. “Not bad, not the best done that I've seen but not bad. Twenty credits for the deer hides and forty for the racoons.”
“I'll take that>” The two make the exchange and Leneu asks.
“Hey I know all the hunter's in the village but I don't know you, you just passing by?”
“No I just moved in. Kassa Russetback you?”
“Leneu Hunter, welcome to the village.”
“Thank you.” The taller foxtaur walked off and Leneu watch her leave with a curious and hungry look in her eyes.
Leneu saw Kassa again a couple weeks later selling more furs and it became a routine. Roughly every other week Kassa would show up with furs to sell. But sometimes she bought something. She wore a deerskin vest that was made out of a deer she caught. But is was several sizes to small and didn't cover anything. When Leneu suggested a bigger version Kassa dismissed it and said it was fine. Leneu sighed and relented. She guessed Kassa really liked going bare breasted. Well it was a pleasant sight to Leneu's eyes.
It has been a year since Kassa moved back to her home village. She made a couple of friends. One Being Leneu who has stop by a couple times and Kassa had visited her place which is her parents place. Since she had no mates and the parents the room why not. Her family liked Kassa and she liked them. She even sent a couple of toys to Sunflower's kids who now call her auntie Kassa. Yup she was stuck with Chakat relatives, could be worse and the cubs were SO cute. Today she was cooking dinner for herself when there was a knock on the door. Wiping her hands she went to answer the door. “Leneu! Well this is a surprise, come in come in.” The brown haired foxtaur walked in.
“Sorry for not giving you much warning but I have a favor to ask.”
“I'm listening.”
“Well my Mothers half sister and her family has come over and there is just not enough room for us all. So I was wondering if I could stay here while they visit?”
“I haven't heard of the den sleeping chamber not being big enough for that. Heck your parents have a nice place.”
“I know but My aunt has a lot of kids and a couple of comates and even with both communal sleeping area's we are very cramped. AND my aunt can be very energetic in sex play.”
“OKAY getting close to TMI area. Okay I have the room I'll just add more to the meal I was making. Make yourself comfortable.” Kassa raced back into the kitchen to add to the meal for her friend.
Leneu having seen the living room before went exploring. The thing she noted was the lack of pictures in the room. There were a few nick knacks Kassa bought or made around but nothing tying to her past. Leneu walked past a bedroom door and not remembering going in this room she checked it out. There was a lot of stuff in here and had to be Kassa's room. She saw pictures and items hanging on the wall. But the picture's were odd. Some of them made sense, a picture of Kassa at a graduation celebration. But then she saw other pictures with Kassa but considerably older then the one she knew as she progressed down the line. Another thing she noticed was her breasts were smaller in those pictures then the pair she sees all the time. One stood out. It show a much older Kassa, one old enough to be Leneu's Grandma Hugging a Chakat and a foxtaur vixen with a human male and a wolf morph female next to them with a massive starship behind them. Under them written was their names and the old Kassa had Kassa written under her. And under them the phrase. 'The Quickstrike Tactical Team at launch of F.S.S. New Kiev' with the date 04/13/ 2342. The was three years ago.
“Finding anything interesting?” Leneu heard someone say and she turned to see Kassa leaning her upper torso against the door way with arms crossed with a serious look on her face.
“I was just looking around and saw the door open.” She pointed to the image on the picture. “This, this is you isn't it? but how is that possible, you look the same age as me and your bigger then what is shown?” Kassa looked down and sighed.
“Yes it is me. I'm older than some of the elders on the council. I never developed TAS but got a bit of wander lust so went to the academy and got into Starfleet as a planetary scout. Over the years it changed to tactical response. I was eventually promoted to Lt Commander and formed my own team. Quickstrike was my baby. I found Glittergold, Yolinda, Roland, and Jasmine and we became a good team for years and were my family after my parents died. We were chosen for the first tour of the New Kiev. And that's where it all went wrong. We were sent to a possible Pirate base and my team was setting up to breach a door when the explosive went off. They guess since I was covering the rear of the team, mainly due to command and age that their bodies protected me. But I was still messed up so much they tried a new procedure. It in essence reset my body back to this age with a handful of side effects.” 'Like the massive heat afterwards, thank the maker I'm good with a dildo.' “After I recovered I decided to quit Starfleet and start anew. I didn't join a hunter team because I don't want that kind of responsibility again.”
“And the rumor that you are the granddaughter of a village member?”
“Started by Kinderstick to explain my presence. I don't want the general population knowing what happened to me and she suggested that. I have never confirmed or denied it.” Leneu hugged the bigger foxtaur.
“I'm sorry to bring back such painful memories. Your secret is safe with me.”
“Thanks Leneu. Now let's go eat dinner.” After dinner the two talked a bit before turning in to bed. Leneu offered to sleep with her and since it had been a year since she laid with anyone Kassa took it and slept better than she had for awhile.
Kassa woke to the smell of cooking food and looked around. Leneu was not next to her so that had to be who was cooking. She stretched and relieved herself before heading to the kitchen. There Leneu was wearing an apron and toiling over the stove. “Ah good morning Kassa. Breakfast is almost ready.” Kassa smiled and went to set the table. After a good breakfast Kassa headed out for some fishing while Leneu went to her stall. A couple hours later Kassa cleaned her fish and headed in to see Leneu reading in the living room. “How was the market today?” She asked.
“Slow, only a couple of sales.”
“Maybe you should try selling some online. You might find more buyers outside the village.”
“That's not a bad idea, Thank you!” Leneu raced up and kissed Kassa before realizing what she had done and blushed. Kassa was shocked at first but smiled and headed to the cold storage.
After dinner the too laid on a couch and kept warm by a fire in the fireplace. Leneu thought it was time to ask. “Kassa, would you mind having me for a mate?”
“Well what brought this on?” The bigger foxtaur asked.
“Well when I first saw you I was attracted to you and as I have come to know you I got to really like you and that turned to loving you. And after knowing your past clinched it. I want to be your mate if you let me?”
“This came out of nowhere for me Leneu. I didn't know you were a vulpamour and had those feelings for me.” Leneu saw her friend look into the fire. “When I came here I wanted to start anew. One of the things I didn't do before was have a mate. To career minded then. That is a regret I had.” She then looked at Leneu. “I'm willing to try Leneu but note. I am bisexual and I want kits this time around. Maybe not right now but in the future.” Leneu leaned in close and replied.
“I can live with that.” Then lick kissed her new mate.
“Before we go further we relocate to bedroom.”
“Good idea.' Hte two head to the bedroom and both already nude got started with a passionate kiss and squishing their breasts together. Afer a couple minutes they had to break for air and began playing with eachother's breasts till they felt they were ready. They laid on the bed and assumed the sixty nine position and licked eachother's pussy. They licked and licked till they both came yipping in pleasure and resting before going at it again and again till they were exhausted and laid next to eachother asleep and dreaming of the future. |
Chapter 3 - Finality |
My commissions are open
Summer break was over, school was starting up, though at a slow pace to get everyone used to it once more. The days were meant to be calm and only had a few classes. Meant to be. Amy found herself on the second day of being back in school in her least favorite subject: P.E. Why it was her least favorite was rather simple, it wasn’t the physical activity, she was fit and thought it could be rather fun, it was the showering after the physical activity she had a problem with. Nobody in school knew she was a futa, and she knew she would be a victim to bullying if her ‘male addition’ was revealed to the other students, or so she believed based on some rumors she’d heard.
As per usual, Amy had waited a good while after class so the other girls could take showers before her. It was then surprising to her that she heard voices as she entered the gym locker room, having waited a good while already, but she didn’t think much of it as they usually cleared out before long. She headed to her locker and pretended to look at her phone while she waited, until the conversation between the two remaining girls piqued her interest.
“So, like, I guess I wouldn’t mind being taken by force by a total hunk with a big dick, but I would literally die if it was just some sweaty nerd with a tiny dick,” a feminine voice said.
“Girl, like, I don't even care who it is, I just wanna be pinned down and fucked, hard. Having a cock forced inside me is sooo hot," another voice said.
Her curiosity piqued, Amy sneaked to the shower where she heard the voices from. Inside were two girls who Amy recognised as Stacy and Tiffany. The two were well known as complete sluts, said to have taken on the entire football team at the same time. She never gave much credence to rumors but she had always believed that one, the sight before her basically confirming it.
They weren’t dolled up like they usually were, but even without makeup they still had attractive faces with pretty and plump little mouths, their hair dyed a blonde silver. Their voluptuous forms were usually dressed in clothing as skimpy as the school would let them, but now they were completely naked. They had the most fuckable bodies in school when they were clothed, now they were just on another level. They had tight looking slits that begged to be used, having just ripened enough to be forcibly opened by a cock. Amy’s cock throbbed, thinking it a shame that such nice looking pussies were vacant and unused. The girls were clearly turned on, liquids dripping down their thighs as they kept talking about their sexual fantasies. She couldn’t quite explain it, but they carried themselves in a way that made it clear they knew they had tight pussies that any man, or futa, would love to fuck.
“I just loooove big dicks. You know the biggest I’ve had is 9’, but I wanna sit on a 10 or 11 inch one and see how it stretches out my pussy,” one of the sluts, Tiffany, explained.
“Yesss, if I got something that thick and long pushed inside me against my will I would literally cum on the spot,” Stacy replied, starting to rub the area around her dripping wet pussy, but not quite touching it.
If that wasn’t an invitation, Amy didn’t know what was, she almost thought they knew she was here with a throbbing erection. She couldn’t just stand around and watch anymore, their sodden cunts looked way too tempting.
Since she had lost her virginity, she had become a new woman, becoming extremely confident when it came to matters of sex, even though it had only been two weeks since she fucked Heather. With each woman she fucked and knocked up, that confidence rose. She knew now that women existed for her to conquer and use, that was why she’d been given a cock to taste their deliciously feminine insides with.
She slipped out of her clothes and held a towel in front of her, trying to obscure the insane length and girth of her erect girldick as best as possible. She approached the two as quietly as she could, though she was spotted quickly.
Stacy was the first to engage bitch mode, a frown of disgust appearing on her face as she turned to face Amy. “Well, look who it is. Are you gonna confess to us too or do you only do that to shy girls like Cynthia?” she snapped.
“Not the most romantic location to ambush us in, wouldn’t you say?” Tiffany added with a derisive voice.
Their bullying had always been persistent since Amy ranked pretty low on the social ladder here, but it had only gotten worse once Amy had confessed to a girl in her class last year. They didn’t go past verbal harassment, but it had still stung. That was in the past, though. Now she simply ignored the two’s provocations and wordlessly closed the distance between them.
Once she was close enough to touch Stacy, she did, putting her hands on the girl’s shoulders, letting the towel covering her erect member fall. The two looked at her dick in shock as Amy wrapped one hand around her length and used the other to push Stacy up against the wall. She quickly angled her cock to spear the bitchy girl, stepping forward to close the distance between the two as she inserted herself into the wet teenage pussy without a word. Sliding into the incredible tightness was a dream, her hardness being engulfed in the warmth and delightful tightness only a woman's insides could produce. The barely mature cunt she had claimed as her own happily jerked her off, pussy walls convulsing rhythmically around her. The owner of the hard working pussy looked at Amy in shock, eyes and mouth wide open, the slut's gaze drifting down to her grossly bulged out stomach.
Amy groaned, "Fuck, teenage pussy is so fucking good, are you this tight all the time?"
Her friend looked on with a similar expression for a few moments before turning into a look of pure hunger and need, looking downright jealous of her friend being filled up with cock so thoroughly. As Stacy came the hardest she ever had, all her limbs gave out, still looking at her bulged out stomach in shock, her orgasming mind barely comprehending it. Amy - already expecting this would happen - held the girl's wasp-thin waist to keep her upright, but didn’t support her weight at all, letting her hard rod hold the girl up as her weight rested entirely on it.
Amy slowly shifted her hips, properly angling herself to kiss the whore's cervix with her cockhead. She felt the entrance undulate around her tip, essentially using its mind-blowing softness to suck on her most sensitive part. Yet the suckling didn't hold a candle to what she knew remained inside the female she had just claimed. She tested the waters, pushing against the womb's entrance. It had less give than that of her mom and aunt, likely due to the difference in age and the fact that the teenage girl hadn't had a child. She gradually increased the pressure she put on the stubborn opening, eager to taste the virgin insides. Stacy shook her head as she realized Amy's intent to penetrate her cervix, squirming and muttering 'don't' and 'stop'.
"Stop complaining, whore, it'll only hurt a bit, then it'll feel good,” Amy stated matter-of-factly, smiling slightly as the pink ring started to buckle under her rock hard crown. Stacy had resigned herself to her fate, feeling such a monstrously huge thing invade her insides, her stomach feeling like it was about to burst. She felt violated, which felt oh so right. She welcomed the sudden penetration, but was afraid of the pain that came with the prodding of her cervix, yet now that she had accepted it she felt nothing but mind-numbing pleasure.
Schlup, and in Amy’s cockhead went, finally slipping through the tight seal. Amy moved her hips forwards, digging deep into the young, fertile cunt she was buried inside of. Amy groaned and shifted her hips from side to side, exploring the deliciously tight hole she’d hilted herself inside. Stacy came again as she felt the hard cockhead swirl around inside her deepest depths, pushing against her womb’s walls.
“Mmm, you’re a huge bitch but you’re not so bad as a cocksleeve, I’m surprised how fast you’re gonna make me cum,” Amy let out in-between small sounds of satisfaction at the contractions of the feminine tunnel she was buried inside. She was near the edge, and she could feel it. She gave in to the primal part of her mind that demanded she fertilize the young woman immediately, hips jutting back and forth in small but fast thrusts into the sopping wet fuckhole. The sloppy movement was accompanied by equally sloppy sounds, hard dickmeat pushing inside a dripping pussy. Inelegant as it was, it still stimulated Amy enough to bring her over the edge, her cock throbbing as she hilted herself once more. Tiffany looked on as Amy’s balls were drained, eyes locked on her friend’s protruded stomach, the mass she knew to be Amy’s cock now rhythmically pulsing. The pulsing combined with Amy’s moaning made it clear the futa who was violating her friend was cumming without any care for condoms or pulling out. Streams of cum were spurted all over the walls of the greedy womb, gobbled up with glee. Once she was well and truly drained, she pulled out of the inseminated slut.
Turning her eyes to Tiffany, she looked like a deer in headlights, or more like a deer that had caught the attention of a wolf. Without really thinking, she timidly spread her pussy, acknowledging Amy’s right to use her hole, or perhaps just hoping she would. Amy thought her pink insides looked deliciously soft.
Tiffany scolded herself mentally, Stupid, stupid, stupid! Why did I just do that? I just saw my friend get knocked up! I can see semen dripping out of Stacy’s pussy right now!
She realized after a moment, That’s literally the biggest cock I’ve ever seen. I don’t wanna get pregnant, but just a little bit can’t help, right? I just don’t want to let this opportunity slip… Or I’m just making excuses because I know I’d cum my brains out…
A loud ring sounded in the hallway outside, signaling the start of lunch period. Amy clicked her tongue, annoyed at the disturbance, while Tiffany despaired at the thought of not getting to feel Amy’s enormous phallus ravage her pussy. Amy weighed skipping lunch versus fucking the two sluts silly in her mind before she realized she didn’t need to weigh the two at all.
Amy closed the distance between her and Tiffany, pressing her breasts against hers and letting her cock rest against her stomach. “Put your uniform back on if you want to see what a cock like mine would feel like inside you, but keep your panties off,” she commanded as she gave the girl’s plump ass a nice squeeze. Tiffany yelped, partly in surprise and partly in pleasure. Her eyes were glued to the monster sandwiched between the pair’s tits, hungry for the cock that reached so far up her chest.
Then Amy simply walked away from the girl and started putting on her uniform. Tiffany stood there in silent shock for a second before remembering her command, hurriedly starting to get dressed. As the two finished up getting dressed, Stacy started stirring awake from her daze, looking at the two in perplexion.
Amy snapped her finger, “Get dressed, we’re getting lunch,” she ordered Stacy, before she headed for Tiffany once more. Her member swayed back and forth while she walked as it peeked out from under her skirt, too big to be hidden by such flimsy fabric, Tiffany’s eyes glued to the movement. Without another word she lifted the shorter girl by her knees just high enough for her to line up her cock with her sodden entrance before dropping her down her length unceremoniously, sheathing herself inside the uniformed teen girl. Tiffany, who had no time to brace herself, felt like she’d gotten the wind knocked out of her as her pussy and womb were filled to the brim with cock in a heartbeat. As she started processing the feeling of being penetrated so deeply she lost herself in the pleasure, cumming without restraint. Had she been able to think straight, she would’ve wondered how something big enough to stretch her like she’s never been stretched before was able to slide inside of her so easily.
Amy nodded in approval as she held her cumming cocksleeve, “Just as tight as your friend, keep it up, slut,” she commended the girl with a firm slap on the ass. Amy walked out of the locker room as Stacy finally shook herself from her delirium, quickly dressing herself and following the pair. As she caught up to the pair, she inspected the way Amy held Tiffany with her arms under her knees, trying to see where she knew the two were connected, mostly failing due to Tiffany’s obscuring skirt, but catching glimpses of something firm-looking buried between her fat ass. Tiffany for her part looked totally out of it, arms desperately clutching Amy’s back as she held on for dear life against the tremors and shocks sent through her fuckhole as Amy walked. The trio passed quite a few students giving them sidelong glances, but none felt like questioning the weird trio themselves. Amy adjusted Tiffany once every few seconds, pulling the fucktoy up her length slightly before firmly pushing her down again, the wonderful feeling of friction against silky-smooth pussy walls making her walk quite pleasant. In-between her so-called adjustments, she lightened her grip on the girl and let gravity do more work, part of the cocksleeve’s weight being held up by her cock as she simultaneously pushed her hips forward and ground herself further inside the wet cunt.
They had barely walked two minutes before the combination of tight teen pussy with the extra hotness factor of being in school with people surrounding them became too much for Amy. Amy groaned and squeezed Tiffany’s meaty butt, fingers digging into the luscious flesh, “Fuuuck, I really can’t last longer with your delicious pussy trying to suck out my cum like this.”
“If y—” was as far as Tiffany got before getting pinned against the nearest locker by Amy. Amy shoved as much of her hard cock as she could inside the crushingly tight tunnel, hips jutting forward and pushing Tiffany’s ass firmly against the locker. As she let go of herself and came inside the fertile pussy, she pulled Tiffany’s face to hers, locking her lips with the cumming and soon to be impregnated slut. The moans that came with the euphoria of being knocked up were muffled by Amy’s lips, her entire body slack due to the overwhelming pleasure, yet trembling in ecstasy, her entire being simply existing in that moment to be Amy’s cocksleeve. Girls walked by with mild shock on their faces as they saw the intimate exchange, all of them unaware of the semen being continuously pumped into the girl one cock throb at a time.
Stacy looked on in envy, her hand going between her legs for the umpteenth time to clean up even more of the leaking seed dripping out of her, rubbing herself in need. Once Amy finished, she looked around briefly to see if anyone had noticed them and took note of this envious glance, giving the jealous girl a knowing smile, making Stacy flush bright red.
Is it that obvious I want her cock? Stacy wondered.
Amy motioned for Stacy to follow as she carried her cocksleeve inside a nearby supply closet, clumsily left open and unattended. Stacy felt a sense of defeat at how quickly the two’s roles had reversed, yet a part of her enjoyed the thought of following Amy like a lost puppy eager for dick.
“Get down there and clean us up,” Amy commanded after closing the door, flipping Tiffany’s skirt up and revealing the mess of cum dripping out of her cunt.
Stacy salivated at the thought, but she rebelled against the tone Amy took. “Why don’t you ask nicely, and then we’ll see if I’ll clean up your disgusting mess?” she protested, arms crossed in defiance.
Amy narrowed her eyes. Cocksleeves shouldn’t talk back, she thought.
Wordlessly, Amy slowly lifted her fucktoy. Tiffany’s womanhood complained the only way it knew how, pussylips closely gripping every inch of the hard length as more of it was unsheathed. The quiet shlp sound of a sticky, cum-covered cock being pulled out of an equally sticky and cum-covered pussy was the only sound in the quiet supply closet as her massive cock was revealed, a flood of cum running out of the girl’s overfilled pussy. Only her cockhead remained inside the twitching girl as she struggled to comprehend her feelings. Equally distraught and turned on at how much semen she felt inside places she knew semen shouldn’t be if she didn’t want to get pregnant, while also lamenting the feeling of emptiness that came as Amy pulled out of her.
“You will do as I say if you want me inside you again, and I know you do, I saw the look you gave me, you wish I was inside you right now. So you can either keep lying to yourself and never feel my fat cock deep inside your pussy again, or you can be a good slut and do as I say.”
Stacy considered her words as she stared at Amy’s cockhead lodged inside the spasming cunt of her friend. Her rebellious exterior melted as she admitted to herself how badly she wanted it. It didn’t take her long to get on her knees and start licking up every stream of cum running down the pair’s legs and then Amy’s cock and balls. Running her tongue across Amy’s length, swabbing up every drop and dutifully swallowing it when she had gathered a mouthful, over and over again.
Stacy stepped back when she finished, just in time for Amy to put down Tiffany, the girl standing on shaky legs. Before Stacy even had a chance to realize what was happening she was picked up by the back of her knees just like her friend, excitement and anticipation filling her a moment before Amy filled her. She made a long, girly howl of pleasure as she felt her body be driven down Amy’s cock, her tiny cunt serving as a sheath for the enormous rod she was speared by.
Amy didn’t give either girl any time to recover as she opened the door and resumed her journey towards the cafeteria, this time with a new cocksleeve wrapped around her cock.
“Mmm♥~ so nice and big,” Stacy moaned as she happily wrapped her arms around Amy, nestling her head against her shoulder and letting Amy hear her muffled moans up close.
“Your pussy is pretty tight, and it’s convulsing a lot, I don’t even know if I need to move you, you’re practically jerking me off as I walk,” Amy replied. She wasn’t lying, Stacy’s ecstatic fuckhole stroking her length with its delicious softness. That said, she did still slowly lift the girl ever so slightly, fingers digging into the pliable assflesh as she did, before lowering her once more, repeating the movement ever so slowly to get the sweet feeling of a warm pussy sinking down her glans.
“Please, harder, faster, I wanna feel your cock fuck up my insides~♥” Stacy begged, moaning and twitching as the gentle plowing of her pussy drove her crazy.
“No matter how much I want to, we can’t with all these people around. We’ve even passed a teacher, we’d get suspended in a heartbeat.”
Stacy didn’t seem interested in listening as before Amy had even finished speaking she practically bounced up Amy’s cock, mewling as she felt it scrape against her vaginal walls on the way out, before quickly sinking down its monstrous length once more. Amy let out a small gasp, part surprise and part pleasure, before firmly gripping the mischievous cocksleeve and severely pushing her down, keeping the slut securely speared on her. Then the bitch started moaning, Amy darting a hand to her mouth to silence her quickly. Amy nervously looked around at the people nearby. She saw Tiffany obediently following with a yearning expression, as well as a few other girls chatting as they also headed towards the cafeteria. She breathed a sigh of relief, seeing no signs anyone had noticed, not noticing one of the girls’ bright cheeks as she averted her head from what she had just witnessed. She struggled to comprehend seeing the ever popular Stacy jump up and down such an obscene looking thing. The puzzled girl resolved to tell her friends about it as they entered the cafeteria.
Amy, oblivious to this, went on her merry way as her group picked a remote table and sat down, a somewhat out of it-looking cocksleeve in her lap.
“Go get us some food,” Amy ordered Tiffany. Tiffany hurried to get up and fulfill Amy’s order, just as a baffled voice came from behind them.
“Tiffany? What’re you doing? Why does it look like you’re about to do what this loser says?” the girl said, the last sentence venomous but not nearly as bitchy as Stacy or Tiffany could’ve said it. Though that was to be expected, as it was only the two girls’ lackeys who seemed to have found them, the trio of similarly slutty looking girls confused on why they were with Amy of all people.
Tiffany frowned, an internal battle taking place on her face as she weighed her reputation and the girls’ views of her with her desire to be fucked by Amy. Amy snapped her fingers to bring her out of her head, moving the hand silencing Tiffany before grinding her cock into her, forcing a whorish whine from the slut.
“Mm, cocksogood~♥” Stacy slurred as she started grinding in tandem with Amy, the two performing a lewd dance of their hips in the open with nothing but their miniskirts covering their indecency. Amy’s fat futa dick sharply stabbed the soft and sensitive pussy folds, forcing the tight hole to conform to wherever she shifted her hips. Tiffany looked on for a moment with pure lust in her eyes before eagerly darting off to follow Amy’s order.
Left with only the trio of lackeys, who Amy could not for the life of her remember the names of, internally labeling them hole one through three, she snapped her fingers once more, this time for them, “Watch your beloved Stacy get pumped full of cum by this so called ‘loser.’” For their benefit, Amy parted from Stacy slightly, no longer obscuring the massive bulge of her stomach. In addition, she lifted Stacy’s skirt so the girls could see where Stacy was being penetrated.
“I’m cumming, squeeze me tight you whore,” Amy demanded, the surrounding girls having their gazes fixed on Stacy’s O face and her stomach bulge.
Stacy tightened up significantly, both from the demand and the promise of more semen, “I’ll be a good cocksleeve so cum inside my pussy~♥” she begged, not caring that her lackeys could hear her, the only thing on her mind was milking as much seed as possible from Amy. Amy’s hips jutted upwards, thrusting as deep as possible inside Stacy before semen started pouring out in thick spurts, filling the already filled womb to the brim once more. Amy covered Stacy’s mouth as she came hard, pussy and legs spasming with electric jolts of ecstasy running through her body.
While cumming, Amy pointed at the bulge she’d made on her cocksleeve, “You can see my cock throb as I fill her with cum,” she pointed out to her spectators, the three looking on silently, shock written plainly on their faces.
Even before she was finished cumming, she raised her voice sharply, “You three will clean my cock and keep it warm as I eat. Get her under the table and get started.”
Holes one through three took a moment but did as they were told, managing to pull Stacy under the tablecloth. The holes dislodged Amy’s cock from Stacy, leaving the girl lying on the floor in a stupor, cum dripping out of her briefly before one of the holes wisely started licking it up. They happily started lapping up every drop of white stickiness lining Amy’s meat rod, two tongues running across her length while one attempted swallowing her tip, lips filled to bursting as the girl licked her cockhead and every drop of after-cum that dribbled out. All of this was hidden by the table cloth, people at most able to see some shoes sticking out here or there.
Amy wasn’t quite satisfied with only her tip getting sucked off, so she snuck a hand under the table and put it on the head of the hole licking her cockhead, pulling her towards herself to bring her manhood deeper inside her mouth. The hole said something that sounded like a protest, though muffled by cock as it was Amy couldn’t make out a single word, not that she’d care either way. Her mouth was quickly stuffed, her sheath’s cheeks and lips aching as they were stretched by the mouthful of girlcock. Soon Amy entered the slut’s throat, said slut making noises as she struggled to not choke, simply sitting there and trying her best to breathe through her nose and not be a hindrance as Amy used her mouth.
Stacy returned with two trays of food, but just as she was about to call out to Amy in hopes of praise she heard the noises underneath the table, deciding to just put the food in front of her and not disturb her.
Amy kept forcing her to go down on her deeper and deeper until she felt her lips touch her pelvis, bottoming out well into her throat. The other two holes looked on in awe and envy, trying to figure out if they’d be able to take her inside their throats like that. Amy pulled back her hand and began eating, satisfied with the throat muscles contracting all around her length. The other holes, seeing her cock was entirely taken, pounced on her balls as the only outlet left for their lust, each of them fondling and sucking one testicle each.
The hole took a moment to realize she was bottomed out and was free to move on her own. She was afraid to dislodge too much of Amy’s cock from her mouth, letting most of the massive member stay inside her as she ever so slightly pulled back before swallowing it again. She felt the curve of Amy’s solid length curve inside her as it rubbed her passage with every movement. As she adjusted to it she came to realize Amy would probably like to be sucked off like any other guy would, so she steadily magnified her movement, pulling back more and more before swallowing it again. Soon the hole was almost at the point she was normally with dick sucking, going from tip to shaft in one push, slurping her way along the length with ease.
Amy enjoyed the stimulation, focusing mostly on that rather than the food. As she felt she was about to cum, she stopped her cocksleeve just before she was about to pull back from the base of her manhood, wordlessly telling her to stay put for a moment. The whore knew what was coming as she felt Amy throb, making sure every inch was lodged inside her esophagus to drain her as well as possible. She stayed put as Amy came, her cock pouring a river of cum directly into her stomach.
Once Amy finished, her cocksleeve pulled away, letting her cock out of her mouth with a big plop, the slut taking a deep breath and licking off her cum-stained lips. Before she had a chance to complain, one of the other girls immediately swallowed her girldick and got back to it, clumsily swirling her cockhead around the inside of her mouth. Stacy looked immensely frustrated as she wished she was sucking Amy off too, but she didn’t want to push her luck and instead just touched herself and hoped she’d get fucked more later. Tiffany for her part joined her friends in pleasuring her as soon as she came to, no questions asked.
Amy continued eating, enjoying both her lunch and the four girls servicing her under the table. When she came they would either deepthroat her or let her cum directly onto their tongues as they licked her tip, letting it repeatedly fill their mouths as they swallowed over and over again.
Finished with her lunch, she waited the clock until there was five minutes left, the cafeteria mostly emptied out by now.
“That’s it, class starts soon and I need to wait until I get soft before I can leave, go to your own classes,” she ordered. The pair of lips wrapped around her either wasn’t paying attention or was pretending not to, as she continued bobbing her throat up and down her girlcock. Amy sighed and grabbed the girl’s head, forcibly dislodging herself from her throat. Stacy looked disappointed, and though she couldn’t see the girls under the table she imagined they looked very much the same. She was too, but she just didn’t think she could get away with carrying a cocksleeve into class with a teacher right there. They launched a barrage of complaints, clearly eager to be her holes even longer, but she denied them all and they eventually relented, leaving her mostly alone in the cafeteria.
Amy waited until her erection subsided before tucking her dick back into her panties, slick with a new sheen of some girl’s saliva. She got to class just barely late enough not to be called out for it, clearly the last one there.
“Excuse me ma’am, but I forgot my textbook, is it okay if I sit with Amy while we watch so I can look at hers?” some girl asked demurely. Inspecting her with furrowed eyebrows, Amy took in her tan skin and long dark hair and voluptuous figure. If she remembered correctly, her name was Camila. Like most girls in her class she’d never really spoken to her seeing as Amy wasn’t the most popular girl in the past, so she had no strong feelings about the girl and imagined the reverse to be true as well. Which is why she was so confused she would ask to sit with her of all people.
“That’s fine,” Ms. H replied dismissively as she finished setting up the projector. Camila practically jumped out of her desk and skipped over to Amy, not bothering to bring her chair but instead simply sitting down on her lap, fluttering her eyes at the amused looking futa. Ms. H shot her a questioning look but quickly forgot about it as the intro to the movie started playing. Amy took note of the attention on the two of them, something she definitely wasn’t used to, but unlike before she wasn’t turning into a nervous mess, her newfound confidence allowing her to simply watch it with curiosity.
“I heard your cock is really big and that you’re giving taste tests to any girl that wants it,” Camila whispered loud enough so Amy could hear it over the video, with not a hint of subtlety.
A lightbulb went off in Amy’s head. She mentally scolded herself for forgetting teenage girls’ propensity for gossip, but was still surprised at the speed of said gossip. That explained the extra attention on them, as even now some girls were sneaking peeks at them.
“I really like sucking off big cocks, I’m wet just thinking about it actually, wanna blow a load in my throat after class?” she continued shamelessly.
Amy moved her hand under the girl’s skirt and pulled aside her panties, a probing finger validating her statement. Camila jumped slightly at the sudden intrusion, but managed to not let out any noise.
“You are, that’s convenient,” Amy said simply before adjusting in her seat and taking her soft member out of her underwear, gripping it and pushing the head against Camila’s wet pussy.
Camila let out a quiet yelp, “What’re you doing?” she hissed, “I said after class, and I said you could put it in my mouth not my pussy,” she complained further, closing her legs and leaning away from Amy’s cock.
“I didn’t know we were watching a movie, if I did I would’ve brought a cocksleeve so I’m not bored to death. Luckily, one ended up on my lap right when I needed one,” Amy explained as she put a hand on the girl’s stomach to bring her closer, using the other to rub her glans against her wet entrance.
Camila stuttered for a moment, trying to come up with some form of excuse, “Y-you’re not even hard.”
Amy nodded, “Yeah I know, so let’s see how fast your pussy can get my dick hard,” she explained casually as she managed to push the flaccid head just barely inside of the dripping wet cunt. Camila shifted slightly in surprise, the head slipping out of her easily.
Amy resisted the urge to glare at her in annoyance and call her a dumb whore. Instead she firmed her grip on the girl’s stomach to stop her from fussing while maintaining a casual attitude, “Come on, let me just taste your pussy a little bit. Class will be much more fun with my cock inside of you, I promise.” Once more she inserted her soft cockhead just barely inside of Camila, moving her hands to the girl’s hips.
I need to get off of her so she doesn’t put it in more, I’m too scared of Ms. H seeing something and ruining my perfect record, but getting up would just mean she’d definitely see something. Camila thought to herself as she panicked internally. It does feel good though… It's been a while since I had a nice cock down there, she thought, biting her lip as she felt her lower lips burn with lust for the cock she was sitting on.
“Don’t feel much tightness when I’m flaccid, it’s just soft and warm,” Amy pointed out as she outwardly redirected her attention to the video playing on the projector, in reality she was only paying attention to the sensation of Camila’s cunt so she’d get hard faster. Camila sat on Amy’s cock in silent shock, pussy throbbing against her will as she was turned on but also terrified by being in this kind of position with her classmates and teacher in the very same room. I just wish she couldn’t feel my pussy throbbing, but considering I’m wrapped around her cock right now that’s a slim chance. It’s just so embarrassing she knows I’m turned on by this, she thought to herself bashfully.
Amy’s cock quickly started getting hard, blood rushing to it and expanding it slowly but surely. As it lengthened, it snaked its way through the narrow canal, the soft and pliable pussyflesh making way for the hardening girlcock. Camila felt her vagina get invaded as she was making Amy harder just by sitting on her, her mere existence of being there as her cocksleeve made Amy’s dick harder against her wishes. She felt her walls stretch as Amy filled her tunnel more and more. As Amy’s girth increased, the tightness increased in equal measure, making the snug fucktunnel feel even better, thus making her get harder even more. Camila couldn’t do anything but enjoy the feeling of her cunt expanding to accommodate Amy’s monstrous size. She curled her toes in pleasure, humming and trying her best not to moan.
“How are you still getting bigger?” Camila whimpered, "My pussy is starting to hurt…"
God damn it, why can’t my pussy just stop getting tighter and wetter for her? Camilla scolded herself internally, unaware that at this point it didn’t matter what her pussy did or didn’t do against her will, her narrow hole was already stretched into a perfect sleeve for Amy. Her vaginal folds just had to be soft and tender when they pressed against Amy’s hardness, something her folds had in excess.
Once Amy reached her full size, she made the girl jump slightly to get her in a better position so that her entire cock would be inside her. Camila let out a whine at the sudden movement, feeling a sudden jolt as she landed on her cock and felt it press against her cervix. Amy adjusted her cocksleeve so she sat comfortably on top of her to make sure she would be snugly buried deep inside her fuckhole.
Camila came hard. Amy pretended to pay attention to the movie she was supposed to be watching, too busy partaking in a girl’s juicy insides, enjoying their orgasmic roiling motions. As Camila’s spasming pussy calmed down, Amy scanned the room briefly, noticing several girls looking at them with blatant interest, some clearly knowing what was going on while others simply suspected it. Amy decided to give them a show as she pulled up Camila’s shirt, revealing her bulged out stomach to her audience, making it crystal clear what was happening. As soon as Camila came out of her stupor and noticed what was happening, she jolted in surprise and pulled down her shirt again, embarrassed that some of her friends and classmates saw a massive cock sheathed inside her and how hard she came from it. Still, now they knew, pulling down her shirt wouldn’t change that. She found she kind of liked that idea though. Luckily Ms.H was looking at her phone and not paying the slightest attention to her class. As she thought this, she thought she might as well go with the flow and enjoy herself.
Camila squeezed down on Amy’s cock as tightly as she could. “As thanks for making me cum so hard,” she mumbled, looking away in embarrassment. “Hope I’m still tight enough for you,” eyes furrowing in concentration as she tightened up as hard as she could, wanting her pussy praised.
“Good girl,” Amy said as she patted her head softly, a malicious grin on her face as she had an idea. “Your pussy is nice and tight,” she praised her, “Keep tightening up for me.”
Camila’s pussy fluttered at the compliments, a beaming smile on her face as she redoubled her efforts to be the best cocksleeve she could, clamping down on the massive girlcock inside of her.
“If you want to make me feel even better, roll up your shirt and massage my cock through your stomach,” Amy suggested softly.
Camila hesitated as she considered it, not really wanting to expose herself like that again but also wanting to, the two warring emotions stunning her. That is until she saw the jealous look of her best friend, the two of them sharing a love for big cocks. She wanted to show off the massive rod inside her and how good it was making her feel, and she wanted to make Amy feel good in return. So she dutifully revealed her stomach bulge once more and uncertainly put her hands on it, feeling both the hardness of Amy’s member and feeling her pussy press against said hardness. She squeezed her pussy and her stomach bulge, Amy groaning quietly at the velvet-tight grip of a teenage cocksleeve.
“Keep that up, I’m almost there.”
Just like that, Camila came crashing back down to earth from her fantasy of pleasuring a girl with a massive cock. She froze in realization as she realized what those words meant. Amy was cumming soon, with her cock buried inside her fertile pussy, with her tip squishing up against her cervix. Semen. Right into her womb. She could get pregnant.
“Nonono, don’t cum inside me, it’s really risky,” she pleaded. Camila, of course, being a teenage girl with her whole life ahead of her, didn’t want to be knocked up.
“You say you don’t want me to, so why are you tightening up like you’re anticipating it?” Amy rebutted with a grin, not lying in the slightest.
“I’ll get off of you and you can finish in my mouth, okay?” she bargained as she started getting up.
Amy pulled her back down before she could get far, firmly holding her in place.
“I want to cum inside your slutty little pussy, so I will, and there’s nothing you can do to change that you dumb bitch,” Amy whispered with derision. The sudden change from nice praise to degrading commands shocking Camila.
“You’re my cocksleeve now, remember? You sat on my lap of your own free will and you happily sat on my cock. So just be a good whore and make me feel good and cum, cause that’s all you’re good for.”
“W-what’re you talking about? Do you want to get me pregnant? Stop being stupid and pull out of my pussy,” Camila demanded with little confidence. Her pussy was more honest than her mouth, Amy could tell she was still enjoying this by her pussy fluttering around her.
“I do want to get you pregnant. I love getting women pregnant. As a woman, you’ll love it too, so just sit still and enjoy getting knocked up like a good slut.”
Camila just sat there as she inwardly panicked, torn between the inherent desire to be treated like a cocksleeve and wanting to be a good one, vs the learned desire to not get pregnant and jeopardize her future.
Before she could think about it further, she felt Amy’s cock throb inside of her, a spurt of warmth shooting out of it a moment later. She could feel herself being bred as her fertile pussy was pumped full of seed, cum being shot into her cervix and painting her vaginal walls. She came at the thought of getting knocked up, feeling tingly all over and clenching tight around Amy, draining her of every last drop of cum with her overwhelming desire to be fertilized. Amy leaned back and closed her eyes, focusing on the sensation of having her dick drained by a breedable slut’s tight cunt.
Her eyes remained closed for the rest of the class, not paying the slightest attention to the movie. Occasionally she would tell Camila to tighten up or jerk her off through her stomach, when the girl wasn’t busy cumming her brains out. With every load Camila milked out of Amy, she felt more and more cum fill her womb, her pussy having every nook and crevice long since filled up.
Class ended without much fanfare, Ms. H simply turning off the movie and telling the class to read the next chapter of their book before next class, then walking out. Few girls in the class were aware of what was going on at this point, so most left as soon as it ended. The few that remained gaped as Amy lifted Camila off of her and left her leaning on the desk, her legs barely able to support her. The cum dripping out of Camila’s exposed hole, the cum sticking to Amy’s cock and balls, and the small pool on the floor below them painted a clear picture of what had transpired during class.
Amy snapped her fingers, “I need one whore to sit on my cock right now and the others to clean this mess up,” she demanded, holding her shaft and moving her chair back so that one of the girls could take a seat without issue.
The girls looked between each other for a moment, wondering if the others were having the same thoughts.
There’s no way I would sit on a dick with cum still on it, I could end up pregnant.
It’s way too big, it’d never fit inside of me.
If she came inside Camila she’d probably cum inside me too.
Besides, it’s not like I even want it.
It was like a starting pistol had gone off, signaling the start of a race as the girls quickly walked to be Amy’s cocksleeve, despite all these thoughts.
Naturally, the girl closest to Amy won by a large margin, stopping in front of her and pulling down her panties without a second thought. Still trying to rush to be the first, she presented her ass to Amy and spread her pussy in hopes it’d make it easier to take in her girth. Amy treasured the sight of her revealed pink insides as she lined up her pussy, before they were quickly filled by her rod. The whore landed on her lap with a smack, having rushed to sit down on her cock. They were lucky the classroom’s doors were closed as the slut let out a loud, whorish moan.
Another tight teenager wrapped around her, she got up without a word, holding the girl and walking just as she had with Tiffany and Stacy. The other girls looked on in envy, but as Amy left she knew they’d do what she told them, if only for a chance to feel what they were envious of.
Being the first week of school after summer break, it was a very short day, so short it had already ended. Amy knew exactly where to go to do what she wanted to do next.
As she walked she was still subtle about carrying around a cocksleeve, only shifting it slightly when there wasn’t any faculty around. Some of her fellow students gave her a wide berth as they clearly knew what was happening, the rumor mill working even faster now that school was over.
Amy’s destination was the club room closest to her right now, the gaming club. She arrived in less than a minute, entering the room and closing the door behind her. She took in the nerdy environment, tables filled with various tabletop games, game rulebooks lining shelves and a few TVs with accompanying gaming systems. There were about ten girls already there, none of them seeming to notice them enter, too engrossed in their games. Amy left her current not so lucid cocksleeve on the closest chair before approaching the reason for her coming here.
A girl with long white hair had her eyes glued to the screen, taking in the rapid flurry of moves with absolute disinterest. Despite her dead looking eyes, her hands moved deftly on her controller, the complex-looking combos being executed without a second thought. She was on her stomach on top of a couch, her fat ass accidentally revealed to the world as her skirt was sprawled across her back instead of actually covering anything. The girl didn’t notice Amy as she sauntered over with her totally exposed dick swaying with her motion. She only seemed to notice once Amy sat on her knees behind her, Amy’s legs being in-between said knees.
Cynthia didn’t look back as she asked, “What’re you doing? Whoever this is, please don’t distract me in the middle of a ranked match,” she said with a tone just as dead as her eyes.
Amy hooked a finger around her old crush’s panties, pulling them down and revealing the little pink pussy she’d fantasized about so much in the past.
“I’m gonna fuck your pussy with my fat cock,” Amy stated her plan simply as she pulled the panties down entirely, left with the beautiful sight of a cunt sandwiched by a massive ass. She couldn’t resist the urge to massage the two meaty cheeks.
“Oh, okay, just don’t distract me too much as I said, I’m only two wins away from a promo,” Cynthia replied calmly.
Amy raised an eyebrow, “You don’t seem to care very much,” she pointed out. Neither by me saying I was going to fuck her or that I have a dick to fuck her with.
She shrugged, “It’s not like I’m using my pussy anyway, might as well let someone else enjoy it, if it even feels good. I let my brother use it whenever he wants to and he seems to like it.”
Amy was surprised by how totally blasé about having the girl she rejected fuck her, mentally shrugging it off as she remembered this is just how she is. She felt some anger towards her brother for using her like that, not that she wouldn’t do the same, but because it was him instead of her. Oh well, I’ll make her forget about his dick soon enough.
Amy lowered her massive girldick to the waiting entrance, having her tip— still covered in pussyjuice and cum— press against it softly. Amy treasured the experience of rubbing her cockhead against her old crush’s labia, feeling her out in anticipation.
Amy noticed as Cynthia’s hands paused for a moment, obviously in surprise.
“Is that really your dick? I thought they were a lot smaller…” she asked, a hint of confusion in her voice. Naturally her brother can’t measure up to me, she thought proudly. Amy didn’t see a reason to respond, as she’d get an answer shortly.
Amy put her arms on either side of Cynthia and stretched her legs, planting her feet next to hers, as if laying on top of her. Hovering above her like that, her log of man-meat ended up sandwiched between Cynthia’s asscheeks, though not for long as she pulled her hips back in preparation. She poised her hips until her cockhead was once more positioned right against her pussyhole. She didn’t just let herself gently sink inside Cynthia, she slammed herself inside her, hilting her hard, hulking rod deep inside the narrow tunnel. Her descent into Cynthia’s tight pussy was smooth thanks to the various liquids still covering her cock, otherwise the girl would never have been able to take something so big so fast.
Cynthia let out a sound as if she had been punched in the stomach, a quick exhalation filled with shock at the feeling of being so suddenly crammed full of hardness. Amy hilting herself inside her and filling her so completely made her freeze as she could feel her insides in a way she never had before.
“I didn’t know I had that much room inside me…” she whispered, trailing off as she enjoyed the sensation to the fullest. She could feel her every pussyfold lovingly pressing against Amy’s cock, her fuckhole tightening up in a way she didn’t know it could.
She was brought out of her introspection as she heard the match over sound from her the TV, realizing Amy had cost her the game with her lapse in concentration. She got a little annoyed internally, and on instinct pressed the button to get into another match. In the same moment trembling from the firm, constant pressure put on her cervix, as if Amy’s cock was trying to dig its way inside.
Amy, lying on top of Cynthia with her arms supporting her, further pressed herself against her flush ass, putting even more stress on her strained insides. Cynthia unconsciously let out a moan, the noise more high pitched and girly than anything Amy had ever heard from the girl. She grinned, excited that her goal of making her moan had just become that much more fun.
Throughout the day, Amy had one hole after another wrapped around her cock. Now, she didn’t just want to have one wrapped around her, she wanted to fuck one. Now that she wasn’t close to a figure of authority that would possibly get her expelled, with only a handful of classmates around her, she wanted to let loose.
Amy had no desire to start out slow and gentle. She pulled her hips back in one smooth motion before thrusting them forward again, the movement focused on speed and keeping as much of her girldick sheathed as possible. Without pausing, she continued plowing into the tight teen under her, with so much pleasure within reach simply by smashing herself inside her hole repeatedly. The room was filled with clapping the sounds of Amy thrusting into Cynthia’s fat asscheeks, her hard rod jackhammering in and out of Cynthia’s womanhood, as well as the loud and inconsistent moans of Cynthia as she viscerally felt her insides get rearranged. Every pair of eyes in the room focused on them, but the pair didn’t pay them any attention, Amy overtaken by an animalistic need to thrust and Cynthia only thinking about the pleasure that came from cumming.
With a whorish moan, Cynthia stretched her arms and legs, trembling as she came. Despite her orgasmic tightness, Amy’s hardness still rammed inside her with ease. With Amy’s cock on the way out, Cynthia’s vaginal walls clamped down around nothing, but provided a small, satisfying resistance as Amy pushed her way back inside, feeling like she was opening up her insides with every thrust.
“Mgh~” Cynthia moaned, gripping the couch under her as she kept cumming under the onslaught of Amy’s violent plunges inside her. She felt her insides stretch to fit her girth and then contract when she pulled out, leaving her feeling either packed full or disappointingly empty. She loved when she had something so thick and hard inside her to clamp her pussy around, savoring every inch.
The room was dead silent aside from the wet slurps of a tight cunt being stabbed repeatedly by a thick cock, and the resulting moans from Cynthia. Cynthia’s clubmates looked at the scene with need, some unable to resist the temptation and touching themselves subtly as they wished it was them getting fucked instead.
Amy was no longer amateurishly thrusting inside, but plowing her way inside the narrow tunnel with an arc, as if trying to scoop out Cynthia’s insides, getting the tip lodged inside her womb at the apex of every motion, before pulling out and leaving only the tip inside. It felt good to be free to fuck to her heart’s content, being able to abuse a pussy in any way she wanted instead of needing to hide and be quiet. Too good in fact. She was on the verge of cumming, but she didn’t feel like stopping in the slightest.
“I’m cumming, tighten up your pussy while I fuck you to make sure you get all of my cum out,” Amy demanded.
Cynthia did her best to follow her command, though it was hard with the non-stop waves of pleasure she was experiencing from Amy’s cock pounding into her.
Amy didn’t particularly need her to tighten up, the cumming slut was plenty tight enough, but it couldn’t hurt to train her a bit. She didn’t pause for a moment as she felt the buildup of her orgasm climax, letting her manhood pulse and throb as it discharged huge ropes of semen that covered Cynthia’s tunnel. The pink folds were painted white with every thrust, Amy’s dick spreading the cum all over, shoving some deeper inside her pussy while also shoving some out. Cynthia felt the warmth of Amy’s seed pass into her deepest recesses, her womb accepting every drop it was offered. She knew full well with no protection and this much cum, she was being bred through and through. A burst of pride swelled up at the thought of being a breeding mare for Amy, and with it more pleasure.
Amy didn’t stop even as her orgasm came and went, shoving herself inside the sticky cunt over and over again with wild abandon. Cum stained Cynthia’s ass and thighs as the meaty thwacks against the shapely rear sprayed the semen overflowing from her pussy all over the two. Amy’s mind was possessed with only one thing: the wonderful friction as her sensitive cockhead pushed against and spread Cynthia’s velvety pussy folds.
It wasn’t until a few minutes later when Amy had came again that she had to take a breather, letting herself rest on top of Cynthia with her cock hilted inside the slut, steadily pulsing as she came once again. Cynthia’s moaning and whining had calmed down as she got more and more out of it, so Amy simply lied there and enjoyed the incessant twitching and cramping of her fuckhole. As she lied there, she took in the room around her, seeing every girl that had been busy gaming had very obviously been masturbating. As the girls noticed her attention, some covered themselves in embarrassment, while others spread their legs and pussies, displaying them to her freely.
One particularly bold girl got up from her chair and sat herself down on her knees on the couch next to her, planting her face on the couch while sticking her rear up. She used two delicate fingers to spread her dripping wet slit.
“Please use my hole next,” she begged.
Amy smiled. This would be a fun rest of the day.
Amy was heaving for breath as she closed her eyes for a moment. Splayed around her were the girls she’d just spent the past few hours fucking silly. As word spread, more and more girls showed up, leading to more and more whores to impregnate, which Amy happily obliged. Girls were sitting and lying down in every corner of the room, visibly covered in various amounts of cum, with all of them visibly creampied. Some of the girls had tried getting her to use a condom. That didn’t last too long.
Belatedly, she turned her head and noticed the clock for the first time in what felt like forever. School and club hours had already technically ended, though evidently nobody had checked in to make sure the gaming club had closed quite yet. Thinking it was only a matter of time until they were forced out, Amy got up to get ready to leave, pushing aside the naked girls leaning against her. She stood up and turned to one with her head almost leaning off the edge of the couch, casually pointing her cock at her plucked lips and shoving it against them. The girl stirred, opening her eyes and glancing at Amy.
“Open up,” Amy said simply.
The girl looked down at the cock pressing against her lips and without any comment slowly opened her mouth slightly. Amy took the opportunity and shoved her tip through the girl’s parted lips, forcing her to open her mouth even further. She swabbed her tip around the girl’s mouth, cleaning her cum-covered crown with the slut’s spit. She started working her way further into the girl’s mouth, going down the throat to get a thorough cleaning. The girl seemed somewhat disinterested, simply lying there as her mouth was used to polish Amy’s shaft. Amy went for efficiency, simply dipping her cock into the girl’s throat in its entirety before pulling out again.
Then there was the matter of finding her clothes among the many pairs of skirts, tops, brass and panties spread throughout the room. She decided it didn’t really matter and just picked things her size and put them on. She went back to her locker and grabbed her phone, seeing several messages from Heather, asking when she wanted to be picked up before she seemed to decide on her own that she was coming. Amy’s eyebrows shot up as she realized her mom would be here within ten minutes. She decided to quickly take a shower, though it was probably against the rules to do so outside of gym hours, she was just hoping nobody would notice.
A few minutes later she was standing outside the school waiting for Heather to pick her up, Amy feeling relieved that there was no trace of her having fucked dozens of her classmates. She paused for a moment, wondering to herself why she was relieved by that fact, why she didn’t want her mother to find out. She didn’t get a chance to ponder much further as Heather arrived. Heather exited the car with her customary bright smile, asking her daughter how her day was. Amy replied to the small talk with non committal answers, not mentioning the girls she’d probably knocked up.
As usual, Amy sat down on the driver’s seat, with Heather sitting on her lap straight after. As Amy got prepared to drive, Heather reached down between her daughter’s legs and pulled her panties down before gripping her cock, stroking it slowly, all the while continuing her small talk as if it was the most normal thing in the world. Heather already didn’t have any panties on, so after a few seconds of stroking her daughter’s mostly flaccid dick she lifted her hips, standing up slightly before sitting down on it. Normally it would be impossible to insert while a dick wasn’t even erect, but Amy’s sheer size and how lubricated Heather’s hole was made it not easy, but manageable, Heather needing to fiddle with it a bit to get it inside her, soon enough she was balls deep inside her. Once Heather’s ample hips and thighs were firmly planted on her daughter, Amy took off. Usually the pair would get some curious glances but today the parking lot was a ghost town, considering the time of day. A shame, Amy enjoyed her mother’s embarrassment as she nervously tried to get her cock inside her with people around.
Amy thought back to earlier as her cock stiffened inside her mom’s pussy, thinking it funny that it’d happen twice in a day. Only, it wasn’t at all planned earlier, but this fully was. In fact, Heather had been the one to propose it as school started.
As Amy drove she appreciated the few moments she was able to talk with Heather freely before her mom would be preoccupied, those moments being when Amy wasn’t erect. The two talked about nothing specifically, just letting the conversation flow as Amy’s dick was snaking its way through Heather’s insides as it went to full mast. Soon enough though, Heather started letting out whines as she felt her pussy stretch to fully wrap around her daughter’s monstrous girth.
Heather stopped talking and focused on the bitch breaking cock she was sitting on. Her focus was two-fold. One, she wanted to be the best cocksleeve possible for her daughter, so naturally she wanted to be as tight as possible for her. Her eyes narrowed and she bit her lips in concentration as she squeeeeezed her daughter’s cock as hard as she could, imagining herself giving Amy a nice and warm hug with her pussy. An image she liked, as it was something that she could do to make her daughter feel good.
As Amy started bottoming out inside her fucktunnel, she felt the pressure she was used to and oh so loved steadily increase on her cervix. Gravity was pushing Amy’s rod against Heather’s womb, and if it had its way it would make its way inside. That was her second focus. She wanted to fit her daughter’s entire length inside her, but that wouldn’t be possible once she got pregnant. The only reason she wasn’t already was that it was hard to get pregnant at her age, but it was only a matter of time. She scooched forward slightly so that the pressure on her cervix was lessened to not risk it popping inside, but keeping the pressure up. She was stretching her insides to fit her daughter’s massive cock, trying to mold them into the perfect shape for her. Then she jutted her hips back and let her daughter stab her cervix even harder, trying her best not to let it inside her womb. It was a balancing act where she pulled her hips forward once she felt her daughter’s tip about to enter her cervix, only to push back against it once again while concentrating even harder. All the while tightening up to make her pussy more enjoyable for her daughter.
Heather had proposed this idea as training her pussy for Amy, though in much more polite words. This was one of the few times during the day where the pair could do that. With Heather’s husband home and Amy going to school they didn’t have a lot of time they could spend alone together. But the car ride to and from school was half an hour each of uninterrupted privacy. Plenty of quality time for Amy to spend balls deep inside her fuckhole.
Occasionally Heather would need to take a short break as she came, her stretched arms hitting the car roof, her moans almost audible outside the car. Her entire body trembled on top of her daughter as she came from having her daughter’s hardness buried so deep inside her. Coming down from her orgasm, Heather furrowed her brows in thought as she realized her daughter hadn’t cum yet. Normally this would only make her try harder to make her cum, but there was something unusual she couldn’t put her finger on, something just felt off. Amy hadn’t gotten hard as fast, and she wasn’t throbbing as much as usual. She didn’t have more time to think about it as she was interrupted by a sharp slap of her ass, Amy letting out a gruff “Tighten up or take me in deeper already,” annoyed that her mother was just sitting there instead of making her feel cock good. She let out a meek “Sorry,” before she squeezed her pussy tightly, as always picturing herself giving her daughter’s cock a firm, warm bear hug, only with her pussy instead of her arms. The rest of the ride continued as usual, Amy letting out a few loads inside Heather before they arrived home.
She didn’t cum as much as yesterday… weird. Was I too loose? Heather wondered to herself as they got out of the car, though she didn’t have time to linger on the thought as Amy started walking, each step sending jolts of pleasure as her insides were stirred up by every movement of Amy’s hardness.
Still connected to each other, the pair walked inside their home, though Heather was in front of Amy by necessity, she was guided by Amy to wherever Amy wanted to go. Usually Amy wanted to go to the nearest thing she could be bent over on so she could be fucked silly, Amy wanting to make the most out of the hour or so they had before her husband came home. It was then that her growing excitement at the thought of being railed was dampened significantly as Amy laid down on the couch and laid her on top of her. Amy picked up the TV remote and started streaming some porn, nestling her hands beneath the pillow under her head. Nothing better than watching porn with your mom as a cocksleeve, she thought. She’d have the pleasure of a pussy wrapped around her dick, while watching pussies get fucked, the erotic view enhancing the sensation further.
Heather lay there in silence for a moment, her body sprawled on top of Amy, her fat ass resting on her daughter’s lap with Amy’s cock inside her fuckhole.
She turned her head to Amy with confusion clear in her eyes, “You’re not gonna fuck me?”
Amy tilted her head in question, “What do you think we’re doing right now?” she asked, proving her point with a small upward thrust into her mom’s cunt.
Heather whined but recovered quickly, “I meant more… like what you just did… thrusting…” she trailed off, eyes darting away in embarrassment.
A genuine smile crept up on Amy at her mother’s adorable behavior. She started languidly pushing her cock in and out of Heather’s wet tunnel, each motion painfully slow, letting her feel every one of her mother’s deliciously soft folds brush against her glans. She kept this up for a short while, enjoying Heather’s whining moans, before stopping abruptly.
“I’m too tired to fuck you right now, but if I rest for a bit I can definitely fuck you before dad gets home. When does he get home by the way?” Amy explained, relaxing and redirecting her attention towards the porn.
Heather fumbled for a moment, “Uh, well, he should’ve already been home by now, I think I got a text from him but my phone is in my purse…” Meaning her phone was on the counter in the other room.
Amy sighed, “Alright, go get it then so we don’t have to rush to clean up like the other day,” referring to a few days ago when the pair were shocked by her dad getting home earlier that day.
Heather blinked in surprise for a few moments, “You don’t want to get it together so you can be inside me?” Amy not wanting to separate from her for a second when they got home was the norm, so this was quite the surprise for her.
“Nah, I want to lie down and chill for a bit,” she waved Heather off casually.
Heather hesitated but did as she was told, pulling herself up to dislodge the monster inside of her, doing her best to resist the urge to spear herself on it, the thick hardness feeling as if it’s tearing out her insides, shivering in delight. With a squelch, it exited her hole, leaving it a gaping mess, her entrance still somewhat distended and spurting out cum.
There’s a void inside me, a gaping emptiness that feels so wrong whenever Amy isn’t filling me up, she thought longingly, wanting to get back as soon as possible.
She stood up on shaky legs and carefully made her way to her purse. Heather grabbed her phone and quickly returned to her daughter, putting it on the couch’s coffee table. To make herself more comfortable, she took off her skirt and let it fall to the ground. With two dainty hands she took hold of her daughter’s manmeat and squatted on top of it, this time facing her daughter. She licked her lips and relished in the sensation of lowering herself onto her daughter’s fat cock, the feeling of her insides being stretched to their limits by her hardness orgasmic. That empty feeling was replaced by a nice, filling warmth. She took a moment sitting on her feet, giving Amy a bright smile, seeing her daughter look at her pussy, where they were connected, feeling proud that Amy found it arousing.
Heather had looked up how to ride dick to please her daughter more, though she rarely got the chance to practice. Flipping her long brown hair out of the way she twisted and pivoted her rear to massage Amy’s cock with her pussy. She was utilizing a technique she’d read which was to spell coconut with her ass. She picked up her phone from the coffee table and looked at her husband’s message as she continued on to the second C, her movements slow but steady, focused as she was on her phone. She brightened up considerably as she read.
“There was an emergency so he’s not coming home until tomorrow!” she exclaimed to Amy, practically beaming at the thought of spending so much alone time with her.
Amy smiled back, “Great, that means we have time for a quick nap.” Without further ado, Amy sat up to pull in her mother, wrapping her in a tight hug before lying down once more. Heather didn’t have time to think about Amy’s words before she was lying on top of her, head nestled next to hers. She wanted to protest, but being held so close was nice, so she decided she’d do it in a moment. As she straightened her legs, all Heather focused on was her daughter’s warm embrace and to warmly embrace her cock, clenching her vagina as hard as she could. The two got lost in each other, enjoying the comfortable warmth of their bodies and sensitive parts.
Heather felt so complete that she forgot she was going to complain, only remembering a few minutes later, immediately discovering Amy was already asleep, much to her chagrin. Heather huffed in annoyance, fine, be like that then. I already had my suspicions but this seals the deal, she can’t be this tired before even fucking me first. I bet her cock felt different than usual because she fucked some other girl at school, in which case you don’t really need me. You’ll fuck her but just use me to have a nice nap? I just won’t be your cocksleeve if you’re gonna treat me like this.
Her mind made up, Heather gingerly extracted herself from Amy’s grasp, doing her best not to wake her up. As her daughter’s cock slid out of her pussy one inch at a time she got closer and closer to cumming, once she reached its apex she started letting it back inside her almost on instinct. I’ll cum first then take it out, it’ll only take a second, Heather reasoned with herself. She raised and lowered her pussy on top of the very tip of Amy’s dick, relishing in the feeling as she was spread open. Up, down, up, down, that was all it took for her to cum. Her body wanted her to go lower and get even more cock inside her, but she resisted the urge and orgasmed with her pussy wrapped around only Amy’s tip. The moment she was finished she got off of Amy, delicately grasping her cock and letting it rest on her stomach, careful not to make any sudden movements so as to not wake her up.
As Heather thought about what to say once she woke up, she went on auto-pilot mode and cleaned up, getting a tissue and holding it to her pussy as she did her routine cum cleanup she had gotten so used to, making sure there wasn’t a single drop visible on the floor or any furniture. With nothing left to do but wait, she lied down next to Amy. She wanted nothing more than to embrace her and have her inside her, but she resisted the temptation and started reading a book on her phone. Thankfully the wait wasn’t too long, Amy stirring awake after around ten minutes. She frowned as she felt the cold air instead of the warm pussy she’d been expecting, looking down to discover her cock unsheathed and not even erect. She shot Heather a piercing glare, the unspoken question and annoyance clear on her face making Heather second-guess her plan to confront her, while turning her on at the same time.
“I figure you’ve already had enough pussy today, haven’t you sweetie?” Heather asked rhetorically, trying her best to keep her voice steady. “The moment you entered me earlier I could tell something was different, call it a woman’s intuition,” her hand drifted down to her naked stomach to illustrate her point, tracing her vaginal insides with a finger. That simple gesture ignited the flame within Amy, the futa quickly mounting Heather, planting her legs on either side of her mother and preparing to spear her, only to find her plans foiled. She had intended to rub her cock against Heather’s pussy for a bit, but found her cock hitting Heather’s fingers, Heather having covered her slit with two fingers. Her pussylips simply parted around them of course, doing nothing to hide her labia, but it did prevent her hole from being penetrated.
“I knew you would just try to fuck me without listening to what I have to say first, which is why we need to talk in the first place. Can you stop thinking about my pussy for two seconds and start thinking about me?” Heather exclaimed, her voice so close to sounding upset that Amy almost couldn’t believe it. Amy stared at her for a moment in shock, her mission forgotten.
Heather’s face flushed before she blurted out a hasty apology, “I’m so sorry sweetie, I got a bit too heated…” she paused, looking for the right words. “You know I love your cock, and I love how much you enjoy my pussy. You can put it in so long as you hear me out,” she said with a gentle voice, moving her hands and leaving her lower lips bare.
Amy wasted no time in rubbing her tip against her mother’s slit, using the stimulation to get herself hard.
“What did you want to say?” Amy asked, the pair talking casually as if a daughter using her mother’s labia to get an erection was normal.
“I just… to be honest I’m jealous,” Heather muttered, turning her head away in embarrassment.
“Jealous of who?”
“Well… first it was Grace and Evelyn, which I didn’t really mind, but like I said earlier I can tell that you had sex when you were at school. Just imagining you ravaging some girl’s supple young body, filling her tight, virgin holes…” she fumed, her expression more annoyed than Amy had ever seen, and that was saying a lot considering how few times she had ever seen her annoyed. “But it’s not just that, it’s that you didn’t tell me! I want you to have fun with girls your age too, but it feels like you’re trying to keep it a secret from me, like you expect me to disapprove or be jealous…” Heather drifted off, looking away in embarrassment at her ‘outburst’, small as it was.
“I understand,” Amy said after a moment. “You think I prefer other girls because they’re younger, that I prefer their bodies over yours. I’ll tell you exactly how I feel about you and your body.”
Amy stretched her legs behind her to lie down on top of Heather, using her arms as support to reel her hips back to allow her now hardened massive length to even approach her mom’s entrance. Heather helpfully used her dainty hands to guide the gigantic rod in-between her legs, used to taking care of that while her daughter got into position. The girthy cockhead just barely squeezed between Heather’s thighs, barely fitting inside Heather’s generous thigh-gap. Then it was pushed forward into an even tighter fit, its firmness penetrating Heather’s narrow entrance, causing Heather to whimper needily. Amy wasn’t playing around it seemed, as she immediately lowered herself on top of her mother, plowing her way deep inside her welcoming cunt and wrapping her arms around her, snuggling up against her. Heather moaned and returned the embrace without a second thought. Their pillowy breasts pressed against each other, a cushion that stood between the two, but not a firm enough cushion to stop Amy from leaning down and planting a delicate kiss on Heather’s lips.
After a moment she parted from Heather and further pulled Heather’s thin waist against her, just to make sure she was buried firmly inside her.
“Mom, your pussy wraps around my cock so perfectly, like you’re tucking me into a soft blanket that feels so fucking good wrapped around me,” Amy described as she simply lied there and soaked inside Heather’s warm tunnel, eyes locked onto Heather’s. This position always felt rather strange to Amy as she was essentially lying down on her dick, its girth and hardness letting her feel it up the length of her stomach through Heather’s stomach.
“Your pussy feels like heaven on earth.” Heather’s fuckhole tightened up further with every sentence.
“Sure, other pussies also feel really good, and it’s a nice change of pace. But yours feels like home. When I have a long day all I wanna do is return home and feel your insides,” Amy pulled back her hips, Heather’s pussyflesh gripping onto her length and trying to prevent her escape, “and pull out,” she said slowly, drawing the words out. “And back in,” she continued, pushing back inside the clamped tunnel at a torturously slow pace, Heather whining and moaning under her, already cumming hard.
“Your pussy is where I came from, it’s my home, like I said. It’s special. It’ll never be the same as another. Mom pussy is better than any other kind of pussy.” Amy waited a moment to let Heather cum, and to soak in her mom’s vaginal walls massaging her cock. As she waited, she shifted her pelvis from side to side to grind against her mother’s insides and feel just a little bit more of them. When Heather’s orgasm subsided, Amy continued.
“But even if you weren’t my mom you’re still an amazingly fuckable cocksleeve. You said the girls at my school have tight young bodies, but yours is something else entirely. As I’ve tasted more and more girls’ insides, I’ve just come to appreciate yours more.”
“You’re naturally made to be a perfect sheath, your hole is more soft,” Amy prodded Heather’s tender cervix with a small push, Heather releasing a cute squeak in return, “more soft,” Amy mushed her cockhead against Heather’s deepest recesses, the roof of her vagina soft like velvet against her glans. “And more tight than any other girl. Through this whole conversation, you’ve kept consciously tightening up your pussy the moment you felt you were getting loose,” Amy finished her barrage of compliments with a sensually placed kiss on her mother’s delicate lips.
Pulling away, Amy looked into her mother’s eyes meaningfully, “But more than any of that, I love you so much. And I love your body so much,” Amy’s cock twitching in reaction to Heather’s squirming pussywalls only further highlighting her point.
Heather moaned and exclaimed, “I love you too darling, I love you sososososo much!”
Amy embraced her mom tighter and went in for another kiss, Heather also wrapping her in her arms in a loving embrace. “I’m gonna cum,” Amy whispered before immediately pushing her tongue back inside Heather’s mouth “Your mom-pussy, the pussy I came from is gonna make your daughter cum because your little fuckhole feels so good.”
Heather moaned and whispered back, “God yes~♥ cum inside mommy’s pussy, sweetie, fill me up~”
Amy’s pelvis bucked back and forth, hips meeting hips and breasts meeting breasts with meaty thwacks as Amy thrust inside her mother with wild abandon. Amy’s breath quickened and her mind focused wholly on her and her mother’s mouth and the dance of their tongues, and on the intense and rough motion of her lower half that shoved her member deep inside her mother’s fuckhole. A chorus of moans, the wetness of Heather’s pussy being plunged into, the smacks of their lips, it all blended together into a symphony of pleasure, both utterly losing themselves in each-other’s bodies. With one final thrust, Amy hilted herself deep inside her mom’s velvety soft tunnel. Lodged inside the tight tunnel hugging her length so lovingly, she felt an immense wave of relief wash over her as she started cumming, cock trembling as she spurted out semen, each throb contributing to a flood of white stickiness that drenched Heather’s walls and steadily trickled into her womb. By the time her torrent of cum had become an occasional spurt, she felt an instinctual desire flare up inside her once more, a desire to further claim Heather, to knock her up and make her her own.
Amy pulled away from her orgasming mother, to the point where her dick slipped out with a wet shlick, dripping cum on Heather’s stomach. She pulled Heather’s legs up and pinned them down to Heather’s sides, leaving her lower half and her holes completely out in the open. Now properly positioned in the mating press, Amy took hold of her cock that was resting on Heather’s stomach and angled it for penetration, slipping the tip inside before once more holding her mother’s legs to keep them pinned down. Lowering herself with a squat, Amy was pleased that this position let her get balls-deep into her mom’s cunt, the gravity of her body weight letting her sit on top of her mom and enjoy her pussyflesh enveloping the entirety of her hard length, her tip poking into her womb and dribbling a few drops of cum. Amy had no intention of going easy or slow, she immediately began by suddenly and drastically raising herself out of her warm home before hammering herself inside it once more. She fell into a rhythm, the sounds of her balls hitting Heather’s fat ass and smacks of her ass clapping against her mother’s making it clear just how hard she was throwing her entire weight behind thrusting inside the woman she loved. Heather’s vice-like pussy gripped Amy’s cock so tightly it looked like her pink insides were getting pulled out with each and every withdrawal of her rod. Heather moaned like a whore in heat, the vigorous pounding she was receiving making her cum over and over again.
“Fuck— mgnh~♥… fuck my pussy up sweetie~! Stir up my insides— mmph~♥... more!” Heather mewled as she creamed around her daughter’s cock.
Amy appreciated the encouragement so she redoubled her efforts and picked up the pace even further, shoving her rock-hard girlcock as deep as she could go to get entirely wrapped up in deliciously soft and snug mom-pussy at the pace of a jackhammer.
“So tight… feels… so good,” Amy ungracefully grunted out some dirty talk, her focus entirely on stabbing down into Heather’s slit to hammer at her dainty inner organs.
With this much stimulation, it was a surprise Amy had held on as long as she had, but finally she was forced to fully hilt herself inside her mother. As firmly lodged inside her as she was, Heather’s pussylips wrapping around Amy’s shaft was the only trace of her cock, the rest devoured by Heather’s greedy fuckhole. Amy locked her lips onto her mother’s, wanting to be inside her mouth as well as her pussy, while also wrapping her arms around her once more. Like that, their bodies and sexual organs entwined entirely, the two felt both a physical connection and an emotional one. Amy’s tip throbbed violently inside her mom’s fertile womb, then, like a dam bursting, a flood of hot sperm shot through her urethra, spraying the pink walls with even more white stickiness. Though it only escaped in periodic bursts, each load had such quantity and force that Heather’s innermost parts were slowly but surely drenched in cum. Heather’s vaginal walls continuously hugged her daughter’s dick, muscles contracting to massage Amy’s glans with delicate pussyflesh, squeezing out more and more cum which Heather’s pussy gladly took, the same muscles working to coax the seed deeper inside her. With such a direct infusion of so much sperm, it was impossible for it not to snake through her fallopian tubes and into her ovaries.
To relieve her legs of further effort, Amy lay down on the sofa and pulled her mother to lie on top of her. Panting and groaning with their lips still locked together, the two stayed like that for a while, partly exhausted and partly still savoring each other’s genitals like it was their first time. Heather enjoyed the feeling of fullness, of something so firm being stuffed inside her pussy to the point where she felt like she might burst, as well as the stickiness parvading her insides she knew to be semen. Amy enjoyed Heather’s heavenly soft sheath that felt like it was made for her, the narrow tunnel conforming to her shape perfectly to hug her even tighter.
Finally, Amy pulled away her lips once more and gazed up into her mother’s loving eyes.
Heather reached toward her daughter and caressed her cheek affectionately.
“You know I’ve never cared whether you had a… cock or not,” Heather said carefully, now that she wasn’t so caught up in the moment her usual polite language had slipped back, making her hesitate to say such a crude word.
Amy snickered, making Heather furrow her brows in annoyance, “What?”
“Sorry, it’s just funny how you’re still afraid to say ‘naughty’ words considering I’m balls-deep inside you right now,” Amy answered with a smile.
Heather kept pouting for another second before she also laughed, the melodic sound making Amy’s heart skip a beat.
“I guess you’re right.”
She waited for a moment before repeating herself, “You know I’ve never cared whether you had a cock or not… I’ve always loved you more than anything. But now I’m really happy you have a cock and I have a pussy. Because it means we can do this. It means I can do this,” she said as she tightened her pussy, which she’d been doing rhythmically during the couple’s conversation, just like Amy had taught her. “Because we’re opposites down there, you can just stick something inside me and I can express my love for you by squeezing you with all the love you deserve.” She proved her point by really clamping down around Amy, brows furrowing in intense focus as she kept flexing her inner muscles as long as she could, the oh so sweet crushing tightness forcing a groan out of Amy before she had to stop.
Heather shook her head, “Not just because it feels really, really, really good, but because I feel so much closer to you, emotionally I mean, obviously we’re as close as we’re gonna get physically, I can literally feel your cock move inside me with every breath I take,” Heather let out a giggle at her observation, Amy joining her quickly.
“Wow, that was so much deeper than I expected,” Amy replied honestly, a bit at a loss for words.
Heather playfully slapped her daughter’s shoulder, “What do you mean by that? You know I’ve always been good with emotions and feelings,” she retorted with a smile.
Amy quickly slapped Heather’s fat ass with both hands before firmly grasping it and thrusting her pelvis upwards, momentarily lifting the two off the couch slightly and stabbing into Heather’s cunt despite being sheathed completely. Heather involuntarily let out a sharp gasp and trembled at the sensation of her daughter so violently shoving her hard girlcock into her tender insides. Amy grinned as Heather recovered after a second and started pouting, “Revenge.” The two lay there for a moment as Amy thought about what to say.
“I’m really happy I have a cock too, now. For the longest time I wished I was normal, even if I never got bullied for having one, it feels like that’s why. Because I felt different, others exploited that.” Heather sat up straight and looked at her daughter intently as she poured her heart out, treating the situation with the seriousness it deserved. Still, she made sure she sat with her pussy planted exactly on top of her daughter’s shaft, on that spot where she could feel a bit of Amy’s balls against her ass, to make sure everything was firmly lodged inside her as deep as it could go.
“Even when we first started fucking, even though it felt really good I still felt… you know, slightly hesitant. Because we’re daughter and mother, right? I knew it wasn’t supposed to happen, but I liked it enough to ignore that. My own thoughts of liking it and thinking it was hot were tainted by society thinking it was wrong. But now those feelings of doubt are gone. It’s the same for you, right?”
Heather nodded intently, “Of course, sweetie. I never had much doubt to begin with. And it’s a little late to start having them again, I can feel your cum all over my insides, I think my womb is full,” she pointed out, looking to the side and humming as if she was actually thinking about it. She wiggled her hips from side to side ever so slightly as if to see if she could feel it slosh around inside her.
Amy was amused by her behavior, but ignored it in favor of what she said. She lowered her tone like she did for dirty talk, “Oh yeah? How does that feel? Does it feel good knowing you might get knocked up?”
Heather’s face reddened, “Yes… I love it when my insides get all sticky from your cum,” she said shyly, still too demure to dirty talk confidently unless she was on the brink of orgasm. She looked into space wistfully as she continued, a hand idly touching her lower stomach, “I hope I do get pregnant…”
Amy’s hands glided across Heather’s form, starting with her wide hips and working her way to her massive breasts, groping them and digging her fingers into the pair’s squishy flesh. “You still wanna be my cocksleeve if I impregnate you?” Amy continued.
“Of course honey, I never want your cock to be without its sheath ever again. I would be even more happy to be your personal hole if you gave me a baby,” Heather replied with warmth and sincerity, but also in a tone that Amy assumed was her own dirty talk voice so to speak.
“Look at you, sitting on my lap with my whole cock stuffed inside you, not caring if I grope your tits and even doing dirty talk,” Amy said proudly.
Heather turned her head bashfully, the display of vulnerability making Amy almost pounce at her, sitting up and pulling Heather’s face against her own.
The pair went at each other for hours, doggy-style, cowgirl, 69, going through every position they knew of with wild abandon. 69 was quite the challenge. Amy had very little idea of how to perform cunnulingus properly as she’d only done it a few times prior, so Heather tried coaching her with her mouth filled to the brim with cock.
As the pair calmed down, they wound down by snuggling against each other and watching a romantic movie. Heather lay on her back on top of her daughter, enveloped in her arms lovingly, while her pussy lovingly enveloped her cock as always. As the movie started, Amy noticed how late it had gotten, the moonlight piercing the giant glass windows and illuminating the pair. She looked at her mother in the beautiful blue glow, so very happy the two were sharing this moment. Feeling her gaze, Heather looked back at her daughter with her perpetually innocent eyes, “What is it baby? Are you cumming soon? Need mommy to squeeze your cum out?” she asked in her perpetually tender voice as she started rolling her hips to scrape her raw insides against Amy’s hardness while tightening up like a vice.
“No, I mean… yes, I’ll cum soon if you keep this up, but I was just admiring you,” Amy replied with a smile.
Heather blushed and turned away, acting like a teenage girl once more instead of the mature woman she was, something Amy found absolutely adorable.
After the movie the pair was getting hungry, so they decided to order a pizza, but not wanting to part for a moment Heather put on a top and made herself look presentable just so she could stick her head out and receive the delivery. Going to such lengths made it disappointing when time came for the pair to use the bathroom. The pair did their business in separate bathrooms and met up immediately afterwards, Amy approaching the waiting Heather.
Immediately, Heather jumped to her feet and rushed to her daughter, practically jumping onto her with a squeal, embracing her with her feet wrapped around her, forcing Amy to quickly hold onto her.
“C’mon put it in, put it in,” Heather demanded needily as she bounced up and down like an overexcited child, feeling her daughter’s stiff length brushing against her stomach. “I was suffering from cock withdrawal,” she added woefully.
Amy chuckled, “I’ll give you your fix of cock, don’t worry,” she reassured her as she grabbed hold of the uncharacteristically ecstatic milf, Heather looking on with wonder and lust as she was lifted up and quickly dropped down her daughter’s length, a wet squelch accompanying the penetration of her wet slit. Heather moaned and fussed as she came, Amy not paying her much attention as her focus was drawn to Heather’s stubborn cervix, curiously remaining closed despite Heather’s body weight pressing her rigid crown into the fragile pink ring. Amy experimentally and harshly pulled Heather’s thin waist downwards to further stab the slut, producing a similar result only with a sharp, lusty moan from Heather.
Amy rolled her eyes, “Are you gonna open up your cervix or keep being a little brat?” she asked with an exasperated voice, pausing to allow Heather a moment to recover and reply.
Heather shook her head, “I’m not doing anything, darling. I want you as deep inside me as you do.”
Raising an eyebrow, Amy decided to put that to the test. She untangled Heather’s legs and arms from her, truly forcing Heather’s entire weight to be held up by the bitch-breakingly massive cock buried inside her, her feet hovering just an inch or two off the ground. Still, the entrance to her womb remained closed, Heather merely dumbly hanging there suspended by her daughter’s cock, loving the pressure on her cervix and loving finally being full again. The pair’s huge breasts were pressing against each other, but because of the feminine curve of their bodies they didn’t have any other point of contact except for the connection of their most sensitive parts.
Amy stood there as her mother dangled on her massive, firm rod, wondering why she couldn’t get in. Suddenly, a thought struck her, and she held her mother’s waist as she carried her to her bathroom. Without caring that Heather was in the middle of cumming, Amy lifted her off her dick and held her steady, being considerate of her violently trembling legs.
Before she had a chance to recover and ask questions, Amy asked one first, “Do you have a pregnancy test?”
Heather looked at her, perplexed, but only for a moment before her eyes widened in shock. Quickly, she darted off inside her bathroom and left Amy standing by herself for a minute as she rooted around for the test and to use it.
She came out with an ecstatic smile, the pregnancy test still in her hand. That was all the confirmation Amy needed. A flood of emotions filled them both, too many to process or verbalize. Amy’s outlet was to hastily pick up her mother in her usual manner, cock sheathed, and lock their lips together, a variety of happy noises leaking through their lips as their tongues danced around one another. Amy took the pair to her bedroom, depositing Heather on her bed to let her face her. Amy looked down at her mom’s form, Heather’s legs spread wide on her sheets to give her a perfect view of her cock spreading Heather’s impregnated pussy.
The pair stared into each other’s eyes for a few moments, sharing a meaningful look that conveyed more emotion than either could put into words at that moment.
Amy extracted her man-meat out of Heather’s silky smooth fuckhole before slowly pushing her way inside it once more, the pair gasping and moaning at every inch, their sensitive organs making each other feel like they were in heaven. Each sensation was elevated with the knowledge they were now mother and daughter and soon would be mother and mother.
Amy sensually fucked her bred mom, cumming inside her plenty until the two of them were exhausted.
A few months later Amy found herself lounging on the couch surrounded by Heather, Grace, Evelyn, Stacy, Tiffany and Cynthia. All of them were sprawled out in seemingly random positions, but what they all had in common was they were either covered in cum, had cum leaking out of their pussy, or both. Another trait they shared was their bellies were showing signs of pregnancy to varying degrees.
This is the life, Amy thought. |
Chapter 5 - THe Escape |
Dash tilted her head.
“She's the main character of the show. You look like one of her closest friends.”
“Okay but why is she here in this bunk house rather then with the other unicorns?”
“Let me check something.” Spits said and walked over and lifted Twilight's shirt. “Yup just as I guessed. She's in alicorn form.”
“Ali what?”
“You know we have three different types of ponies here?” Dash nodded. “Well alicorns are all three in one. Sort of like a Swiss army pony. She can do anything we pegasi can do, have the earth pony strength and stamina and of course cast magic like unicorns but they have far more power.”
“Sounds almost godlike.” Dash observed.
“While it is debatable if they actually are gods in the show they certain have the power of the Greek gods at least.” Spits sighed. “Well from other arrivals I've seen she won't wake for hours so we better get some shut eye.” Dash reluctantly nodded and headed to bed.
* * * * *
Dash was just stirring when she heard a yelp. That got her awake and she looked around. Lightning's bed was bare and no sign she slept there. That was worrying but she continued to look and her guess was confirmed. Twilight was up and looking fearfully around.
“W-where am I?” She asked fearfully and Dash came over to her side.
“You're in Camp Dependable. Brought here for your 'protection'. I'm Dash and over there is Spitfire.” Dash said point to the now awake fire theme pony.
“I'm Lisa Thomson. How did I get here? I was at my house in the country trying to learn how to use my powers then felt a sting then nothing.”
“They somehow found you and knocked you out to be brought here. They gave you that outfit and a band to prevent you from flying like us.”
“But why? It makes no sense. I wasn't harming anyone. My place was miles from anyone else.”
“Frankly I think someone in the NSA wants to use us as weapons and are using the protection excuse to pull it off.” Before more could be said the nearby outer door opened and a pair of guards were carrying another pony in. As they past she saw it was lightning and she didn't look good. They laid her on her bunk and began to walk out.”What did you do to her?” she said with anger.
“Nothing that concerns you pony.” One said with disdain. The just made her fury grow.
“The HELL it's not she's my friend!” She yell and started to approach the pair. They lifted their guns at her.
“Just drop it pony.” He said and she just glared at him as he walked out before going back to her friend. Lightning just laid in her bed staring at nothing. Dash took a close look and saw bruising around Lightning's wrists and a glance showed that her ankles had them as well.
“What did they do to you Lightning?” Dash asked and when she put a hand on Lightning's thigh as she check for other bruises the girl in front of her shivered. Then the light dawn in her head. She removed her hand and moved both to cup Lightning's head and leaned herself in so that Lightning could get a clear and strong whiff of her scent. Early on they all discovered they had stronger sense of smell now and made meals all the more enjoyable. Soon they learn to recognize everyone's scent. Ash she did this she also said quietly. “It's okay Lightning, you're safe now, you're with us now. Your friends are right here.”
It took awhile but Lightning calmed down and fell asleep. All the girls in the bunk house looked at them in interest. Spitfire broke the silence.
“Did they actually..?” Dash looked back at the sleeping girl.
“Yeah, I think they did.” She looked up and she saw the anger she felt spreading among the girls in the barracks. “That's it, we're getting out of here. Talia,” Dash addressed a girl who looked similar to Dash but had pink fur a dark blue hair and tail and the communal showers she knew she had a pair of blue lightning bolts on her hips. “I need a few others to spread the word of what just happened. Create an uproar. Spits I'm assuming you want to join me?”
“Only if Lightning is coming.”
“Like I'd leave her here after that.” Dash then looked at Lisa. “I've been planning a break out for awhile. Do you want to join me?”
“You betcha.”
“So you are just leaving us?” Another girl asked. And Dash looked at her.
“We all can't escape but I plan to tell the country what's going on here. What I need you girls to do is create a distraction and a mob is perfect considering what they just did. Everybody get ready, I'll inform Jasmine.”
Dash got her breakfast and easily found Jasmine They both took a table and Jasmine asked.
“Is it true?”
“That Lightning was raped last night? Very likely, just touching her hip got her shivering and she had the signs of being bound.”
“How can they possibly justify that!?”
“Doesn't matter. We are making our move today as soon as the mob has drawn enough attention.”
“Alright. I think I can fulfill my part. Who all is going?”
“You, me, a new arrival named Lisa, maybe Spitfire or Lightning Dust. Depends how Lightning is.” Jasmine nodded and they finished their meal in silence.
* * * * *
The sun was starting to set when the mob formed and demanding justice for Lightning. Dash went to Lightning's bunk and kneel down so that she could look the now awake girl in the eye. Spitfire has been by her side since she was returned trying to comfort the girl.
"Lightning, I'm planning to breakout and I would like to have you with us. I have no idea what you went through but you are my friend and I want to protect you, but if you don't want to go that's fine Spits will stay with you in that case.." Lightning looked at her and actually seemed to see her. Lightning extended her hand and Dash took it.
"I.....I don't want to fear anymore Dash."
"I'll take that as a yes, glad to have you with us." Lightning smiled and both Dash and Spits helped her up and with their support they headed for the common area to meet up with Jasmine.
* * * * *
The mob was in full swing when they met up with Jasmine. Her friends Trixie and Fleur were staying behind and will make a light show to add to the distraction. Jasmine observed the movement on the guards and it looked like the mob had gotten their focused and with a nod from Jasmine Dash and Spits knocked out the guards guarding the entrance to the pegasus area. Taking the keys they unlock the door and the group heads of the edge of the fenced in area where they saw a forest. They found another facing that way. Unlikely to have time to figure out which key unlocked that door Jasmine used her magic to feel for the lock and unlocked the door and Lisa took the door in her magic and slammed in open and knocking the guard off balanced with that Dash took a running jump.
Note hoof beats fist any day. The guard was knocked out cold and the group raced to the forest line. The heard the fireworks of Trixie and Fleur and prayed that it took all notice away from them. They got into the forest with no signs of any pursuit or the fact they even escaped. They had made it so far.
After a few minutes they stopped running and rested by a stream where they all took a drink of water. Dash leaned against a tree with Jasmine at her side enjoying the peaceful moment.
"Well (breathe) that worked well (breathe)." Jasmine commented.
"Well that's just the first part. They will notice us gone eventually and will be looking. We've got to get word out before that can happen."
"I hate to suggested this in light of what happening to Lightning but we should ditch the clothes." Spitfire said. Dash looked down and saw the bright yellow shirt. It was so bright it was repulsive.
"Yeah, as colorful as their fur and hair was the outfit we were given put it to shame. Lose them, were all girls here after all." She started taking off the shirt and pants. Dropping them onto the grass she felt the slight breeze on her now uncovered parts, and felt nice. She felt a need to stretch her wings but the band prevented that. "Hey Jasmine, you think you can get this off? You have great attention to detail."
"Let me take a look." She got up and Dash stood still as Jasmine looked over the band. The unicorn girl circle her taking a close look at the band. 鄭h HAH! There is it!・She heard a hum then the band tightened a bit before it felt loose and then didn't feel it anymore. I stretched my wings for the very first time and they ached by it was a good ache.
"Thanks Jasmine, that feels great."
"Hey could she cut mine?" Spits asked.
"I'll cut all of yours now line up please." All the winged girls did and the next couple minutes was her taken them off and wings stretching.
"Alright let's head out. I want more distance between us and the Camp." They all got up and headed away from the camp and into the unknown forest.
* * * * *
The moon was high in the sky when they finally decided to call it a night. Dash volunteered to take first watch. She laid against a tree with Jasmine leaning against her sleeping. Dash's left breast being used as a pillow. A small smile graced Jasmine's lips. That caused a smile on Dash's face. She missed seeing that look when times when she fell asleep in front of the TV. Dash wanted to back to those days as much as possible. She shifted between watching her girlfriend and the stars enjoying the beauty of the night.
She awoke Spitfire and had her take over and carefully rejoined Jasmine and joined her in the world.
* * * * *
Sunlight woke Dash the next morning and everyone slowly woke up. They looked around for food but couldn't find any. They went desperate and ate grass. Yes the docs did prove that they could eat grass. It wasn't tasty but it filled them up.
For hours they walked till a voice interrupted them.
"Well here's a sight you don't see everyday. Did you guys escape that old army base?" The voice was female and they all looked around and from a tree holding what looked to be a rifle was another pony. She had gold fur with a red hair that had yellow streaks in it and a horn. She wore old military style combat uniforms and she looked certainly ready for a hike. Dash took charge and said.
"Yeah we did escape. My name is Dash, yours?"The girl gave her a 'really' look before shrugging. "My name was Jack Ryan but with the change go by Sunset Shimmer."
Chapter 3 - Camp Dependable Part 1 |
Tom's head felt like it was underwater and he held his head.
'I hate hangovers.' He thought but soon became concern that he didn't remember drinking or his bed being so hard. Opening his eyes he did not see the roof of his bed room and he wondered. 'What the hell?' Then he started to remember the last day. He lost a bet with jasmine and had to wear a "rainbow run" costume but then that costume changed him now her into an anthro version of the character. Lifting an arm to see blue fur clinched it. It wasn't a nightmare. It was real. All of it was real, including those black clad guys. She shot up and looked around. She was in a large room with cots all around her, each with a anthro pony wearing bright yellow clothes. Looking down she saw that her own clothes gone. Replaced with the same bright yellow and on her left breast was a serial number, R412803. She felt constricted and dared lift her shirt. Underneath in was the band going around her middle lifting the back of the shirt she found her wings pinned to her back. Before she could think more on that she heard groaning and saw some of the others wake up. She went to the one next to her and saw a female with blue green fur and spiked dark orange and yellow hair.
“Hey you okay?” She asked the girl. The girl groaned again before opening her eyes.
“I feel like I have a hangover. The last thing I remember was chilling in my backyard when some guys in black showed up. What happened?”
"I think we've been kidnapped for something similar happened to me."
“Aw man! And I just got some vacation time to. I get to be Lightning Dust and I'm kidnapped before I can try to fly.” Then Lightning Dust looked at her and said. “Ah I'm so jealous you got to be "rainbow run", they didn't have any of her outfits at the store I went to so I settled for the second fastest pony in Equestira.” She frowned at that but before she could reply she heard a P.A. System turn on.
<I see you all are finally awake. That's good. Welcome to Camp Dependable. A recently reactivated military camp repurposed to house all of you who have been changed into these weird creatures. We have the basic amenities setup with more stuff coming in. You will be living here for the foreseeable future and will looking to cure you of this disease. Till then be comfortable.> The system turned off and a righteous fury came over her.
“How dare they! We are US citizens and they just lock us away because of this.” She gestured to her body.
“They're afraid of this spreading.” Replied Lightning Dust.
“Well considering we've only been like this for a few hours they can't have any real facts. I visited a doctor before being kidnapped and he didn't see any health hazard. I think this only affects those that were wearing those costumes only. I'm gonna get answers.” She headed out the door that was nearest to her and looked around. The place had a wore beaten look to it but still had all the signs of a military based. The only things that looked new fences that seemed to be separating various bunk houses from each other. Seeing some guards she stomped over to them.
“How dare you do this to us! We have rights!” The guards seem to steel themselves and She noticed they weren't wearing army uniforms. Just the same black outfits with less armor on.
“It was done for the protection of all ma'am.”
“Ah that's bull. You can't take away our rights just like that. You have no cause. A doctor let me and my girlfriend return home so he didn't think we were a health hazard so why should you?”
“Look ma'am orders were to put you here and guard you and that's exactly what we are doing.”
“Those orders are illegal and you shouldn't obey them. What kind of solider are you?”
“I'm not in the military ma'am. This is an NSA job. Now I suggest you stop bothering me.” He shifted his gun a bit. Tom Scowled in response.
“Well when this is all over I'm gonna bankrupt the NSA with my sue, COUNT ON IT!” She stomped away and her wings tried to unfurl but the band prevented that. That was freaking annoying.
* * * * *
Meanwhile in Discord's home.
“Ah poo! I was hoping Rainbow Fake would start an actual fight with the guy. Still the fact that their government so quickly resorted to this ploy is very interesting. Oh! Now I wonder how this will go?” Discord munched on some popcorn and watched the show.
* * * * *
Tom just walked on not thinking to where she was going Till she noticed a fence in front of her. Look up she saw it was a divider between her area and another. On the other side seemed to be all unicorns and then she noticed a certain white one with Purple hair.
“JASMINE!” The woman stopped and look to where Tom was and her eyes lit up in recognition. She ran over to the fence. “Are you alright?”
“I was wondering the same thing about you? When I woke up and you weren't there I nearly had a panic attack. Who are these people?”
“They're NSA. They are doing this for our 'protection'.” She did the air quotes thing.
“How can they do this to us?”
“They can't legally. Someone high up is scared about us so out goes the law. I bet in there mind we are just animals.”
“What can we do?” Tom thought on it for a few minutes then said.
“Don't cooperate with any tests and try to contact someone on the outside, preferably a lawyer.” She then looked deeply into Jasmine's eyes. “Will you be okay Jaz?”
“I'm better known that you are here. Even if this fence separates us. A couple of my bunkmates are nice even though one looks like Trixie and the other is Fleur De Lis.”
“You do realize I have no clue who those are.” Jasmine gave her signature smile and replied.
“You know, you just might be the most interesting person here. A non brony that is now "rainbow run" and surrounded by others that have been turned and are likely bronies.” Tom sighed at that. Though nearly clueless on the show her girlfriend watched she did know the term 'brony'. This was going to be a painful stay. She then looked up in the sky and saw the clouds. The whole sky was filled with clouds but some to the left of them seemed darker. It may rain on them and she just had a gut feeling that her guess was correct.
“Jaz, It may rain soon so you should get inside. I'll talk to you later okay.” She nodded and both went they're separate ways.
* * * * *
Back in the bunk house Tom sat on her bunk and watch the rain through a window next to it. It's started a couple minutes ago and she noticed that all those turned into pegasi had left the outside before it got started. Did they have the ability to detect weather? Before that thought could get any further Lightning Dust landed on her bunk and Tom noticed that except for the band trapping her wings the girl was completely naked.
“Really Lightning?” Lightning looked over to her and asked.
“What?” Tom gestured to her state of undress. “Oh well with fur we don't really need clothes and I always had an interest in being a nudest so why not.” Tom facepalmed at that. “So did you get any answers?”
“Yeah, this is an NSA operation and we were put in here for our own 'protection'.” Tom just shook her head at that.
“Well at least you got to be your favorite pony right?”
“Um know, I'm not a brony, I barely know the show at all.” Lightning looked at her bug eyed.
“You're not a brony?” Tom nodded and Lightning looked over her shoulder and said. “Hey Spits, you got to come over here and here this!”
“What Lightning?” Another woman asked. She was golden yellow furred with gold and orange hair and though still wearing something thankfully Tom could tell she was toned beneath it. Heck looking at all three of them they all had the tone fit look. Lighting pointed wither her thumb at her and said.
“Rainbow here is not a brony.” Tom saw Spits to blink a couple of times before responding.
“Wow, never expected that here. You are a rare treat. So how did you end up in a Rainbow costume if you aren't a brony?”
“Lost a bet with my girlfriend.”
“AAAWWWW, you're already called for? Bummer.” Tom eyed her and asked.
“Why would you be interested or even think I bat that way?”
“Well I admit to being a fan of a minority of shipping Lightning Dust and "rainbow run".”
“Ship them to where?” Tom asked.
“Oh shipping means making couples among the MLP fandom.” Tom signaled Lightning to continue. “The fandom is on the fence whether Rainbow is a lesbian due to her mane and the fact there are so many mares in the show to guys and I do bat that way so maybe it was just hopeful dreaming and you did say you have a girlfriend so you must bat the same way?”
“Um, no. Before all of this I was a guy named Tom. I honored my bet and wore this for my girlfriend's sake and now here we are. A man turned into a girl.” Both Lightning and Spits were silent before Lightning said.
“Wow that's kind of messed up. You were one of the few decent guys out there going through that and end up a female character of a show you didn't watch.” Tom just nodded and replied.
“I just want to be Tom again but the doc I saw before I was kidnapped said there was nothing he could do.” Tom looked down, depressed at the loss till she felt someone next to her. Looking up she saw Spits with a comforting smile.
“Don't give up hope yet Tom. They might find a way to reverse it. Though if they did I wouldn't take it.”
“Why is that?” Tom asked and Spits smirked.
“Because before this I was a fat middle age man. As Spitfire I'm young and fit as you can see. A gender change is an acceptable price for me.” Spitfire held out her hand and said. “My Name is Anthony Clemens by I prefer Spitfire now, you?” Tom took the hand and shook it.
“The name's Tom Davis.”
“And I was Jessica Quinn but I want to be called Lightning Dust now. Can we call you "rainbow run"?”
“No for it's not my name.”
“But it know longer suits you.” Lightning said sadly
“I know but I don't really like Rainbow.”
“Then how about just Dash?” Inquired Spitfire. Tom thought about it. She had to admit that Tom just wasn't a girls name in any form and Dash did sound much better then Rainbow. However she didn't want to completely lose who she was.
“I'll take Dash as a nickname, okay?” They both nodded with the air cleared among them.
“So what about your girlfriend is she all caught up in this?” Spitfire asked.
“Yeah, she's the brony and is here but she's a unicorn so we can't be together in this place.”
“What does she look like?” Asked Lightning.
“Well she now has white fur, blue eyes, purple hair done in a stylized way, and three blue diamonds on both her hips.” Tom or Dash saw her new friends look at her wide eyed then at each other before bursting out in laughter. Tom/Dash frowned and demanded to know what was so funny.
“Oh the irony!” Lightning manage to say before laughing more.
“The thing is Dash. In the show the character your girlfriend looks like was made to be convinced that a large rock was a diamond and in this delusional state she called it Tom. SO the fact your girlfriend is Rarity in looks and you her boyfriend was named Tom is ironically funny.” Spitfire explained. Tom/Dash facepalmed again to the laughter of her new friends.
* * * * * *
They spent the next couple of hours getting to know one another. Lightning was a waiter at Hooters before all of this, which kind of explained her a bit. She was also an only child with no real family. But she seemed happy and perky and apparently had good friends. Must admit I like her. Spitfire or Spits was a bus driver and had plenty of nieces and nephews and except the the weight issue, which was now solved she was content with life. How she got a Spitfire costume? Well she was a big fan of "my small horsie" and loved seeing the Wonderbolts which apparently were the shows version of the Blue Angels and wish she could be like them. She bought the out fit for laughs for herself. Then like everyone else here found some reason to not take the costume off, felt asleep and woke up changed. As for me. Well I worked at an office handling paper work and such. Was on good terms with my parents, no siblings, and of course had a beautiful girlfriend.
* * * * * *
The storm had passed as they talked and they were starting to get hungry when one of the doors to the outside opened. Dash as she came use to the name notice she hadn't really got the layout of the bunk house yet. Something to do later. “Alright ladies, supper time. I will show you where the mess hall is so you can find it on your own next time. Supper is between five and seven, breakfast between seven and ten and lunch twelve to two.” They are started to get up to follow then he spoke up. “Hey you!” He pointed at Lightning. “Put your clothes back on!” Tom saw Lightning wilt. She reluctantly put them back on and they head off. All the the trip was was going past bunk house after bunk house though she did see a basket ball court. They past a fence to a stand alone building. Once she got in she saw large scale school cafeteria. They were allowed to mingle with the other types of ponies. Tom grab her food. All fruits and veggies. She sighed. She loved meat. Her new friends followed and Tom as she looked around then she saw a familiar figure waving her hand, She smiled and she said.
“Follow me girls.” She headed over to Jasmine. Seeing her again and seeing her smile even with the new face brought happiness to Tom. Crap could be happening but it was always better when she was with me. “Jasmine meet my new friends, Anthony Clemens and Jessica Quinn though they are going by their character names. Girls, this is my girlfriend Jasmine Slate.” They shook hands and everyone got seated.
“It's nice to not have metal between us.”
“Agreed. I wish we were home. I was wondering if you been figuring out your horn?”
“Not really why?” Tom lean in close to her.
“Wanting to hedge our bets. If necessary to bust out of here.”
“You think that is a good idea Dash?” Spits asked.
“Dash?” Rarity asked. “Did you Tom go native?”
“Well unlike your name, mine doesn't really fit this body so I'm accepting Dash as a nick name till we fix this.” She explained then looked at Spits. “We are being illegally held Spits. While we might get someone to listen or someone outside raises enough stink I rather be sure we can get out on our own in the worse case. Since Jasmine's horn is magical she likely has the best chance in getting us out. I certainly don't know what pegasi are capable of besides flying.”
“I do,” interjected Jasmine. “I also agree with 'Dash'.” Jasmine had that mischievous look again. She was going to have fun with that I'm sure. “The fact they just barged into our home and tranqed us is very disturbing. I will promise to try to figure out my magic without them seeing. As for what you can do Dash, as the pegasus you should be able to walk, sit, or lay on clouds. You can also destroy them. Create tornadoes, resistant to lightning. In essence you can control or harness the weather. Unicorns like me should at basic be able to lift things with our magic. Other then that the unicorns in the show usually focus on magics gear towards their talent. Rarity has been shown to be able to take some fabric and turn it into a dress and has the ability to find gems. More may be possible. Earth Ponies, the ones without wings or horns have the strongest and have the most stamina on average. Athlete ponies such as you and your friends can match them. They are also good in farming crops. Those are the basics.” That smirked showed up again. “My Precious Rock.” Tom was confused at first then she remember how Spits and Lightning reacted to her real name and what her girlfriend looked like now. She groaned and face planted on the table.
“Ow.” She said as she isn't use to her heads new form and her snout stung a bit from that. That caused laughter from her friends and girlfriend. At least jasmine and my new friends seem to get along well.
Chapter 1 - Chapter 1 |
The Force Transformed
By Admiral Q
General several sep ships have emerge from the nebula. Battle Stations. How many ships? Too many general. Can we run? No sir they will be on us before we could make the jump to lightspeed. Okay the Starsaber will cover the retreat of the other ships. I will take my fighter out your in commander Commander Nevil. Explosions, blaster fire, cries of help and a big jolt and pain.
Valer felt groggy and drunk and felt like he was lying on his back somewhere. And he felt weird. His body seemed longer and the force....the force he couldn't feel it. He did have some extra sense but it didn't feel like the force. What in the name of the force happened to him. He opened his eyes and saw a lighted ceiling. Too dirty to be a Republic medical bay, nor did it look like a Separatist ship. He must have been rescued by a civilian freighter. He then saw a face belonging to a race he has never seen before. It was female by structure and of a feline species. “Good you are awake. How do you feel?” She said in an accented voice.
“Disoriented and confused. Hey what's with my voice?” he sounded feminine. He took his hand to his face and felt fur and a different structure. He looked at his arm and it was covered in black and red fur. He looked down and saw a very long body with four limbs besides his arms. Or maybe not his, he would have said female but that was a sheath at the end of his body. What was he? He grabs the female alien. “What happened to me? DID YOU DO THIS TO ME?” He demands. He takes note of a being seemingly of the same race he was now getting it's weapon. He got behind the small feline alien and put his arm around her neck and put her between him and the other alien. “Don't move. I rather not kill her.” The other did as ordered but it wasn't happy with it. “Now,” he said to the alien he held captive. “You will tell me where I am and what you did to me.”
Nightshadow was not happy, not happy at all. The trip started as routine as possible for the Freighter Good Wind till a weird phenomenon caused their engines to stall. Then this strange Chakat appeared in a cargo bay. Since then shi's been in the sickbay just in case but man even shi didn't expect moves that fast. Now poor Soothing touch was being made a shield between hir and the other Chakat. Shi heard Soothing Touch explain how shi got here. Nightshadow felt the Chakat focus hir senses on Soothing touch and then felt the projecting anger and confusion turn into just confusion. The Chakat let Soothing Touch go. The other Chakat looked down at hir hands as if seeing them for the first time. “Why did this happen to me?” Nightshadow heard the door open and heard the Captain respond.
“I've got an idea of some of it.”
Valer looked up at the voice that seemed even more accented then the little female's. He saw a tall and fit Feline With orange fur with black stripes. “I am Ivanova Sirkosdova, Captain and owner of the Freighter Good Wind.”
“I am or was anyway Valer, Jedi Master and General in the Grand Army of the Republic. You said you had some answers?”
“Yes for at least part of this. First I have never heard of your Republic or these Jedi. We ply our trade in the Stellar Federation. As for how you are now, well I have got an idea. One of the species the Rakshani worship ancestors who accented into energy beings and have great power. Yet despite all that power for some reason they cannot leave their homeworld on their own and return so they have to hitch a right. The most famous of these is called the Traveler. Shi has hir own festival when shi returns and leaves and many assume shi is the only one that does it. Shi isn't. A few years ago one approached me and asked for a ride via similar to The Traveler. And when shi saved my life I gave hir more freedom to do things. I think shi changed you. Why, only shi knows. And if shi wants you to know shi will. Till then unless you plan to assault the rest of my crew you are a guest here.”
“Nothing I see disproves what you say. I'm likely far from home and will need any allies I can get. I will not assault your crew again.” Shi nodded.
“Very well then I leave you in the doctor's hands.” Shi left and Valer tried to step forward but stumbled and felt a pair of arms help him up. He looked up from the floor to see the other like him now. She had black fur with a lighter black for hair. Her mismatched pink and light orange eyes were covered by a blue almost purple color and she had feline ears poking out of her hair. He smirks and comments.
“Sorry, not use to four legs.”
“Just take it one step at a time.” Between her and the doctor he could stand and walk on his own if not well. A little unsteadily he made it to a mirror and looked at himself. He was primarily black furred with slashes of red. His eyes were red and his hair was a red black combo. Oh and one correction. He was now a she with those breasts. The other like him broke the ice.
“Well introductions are in order. I am Chakat Nightshadow, Child of Starwalker and Daydream. I am of the Chakat species like you. Soothingtouch is of the Caitian species. So what is your name?”
He or she looked back at the mirror.
“I was Valer but that name no longer fits. It's a male name and now female.”
“Actually you are a hermaphrodite.” Valer raised an eyebrow. Nightshadow moved to flank Valer and lift a hindleg to show that she did indeed have both genders.
“Well that's going to be interesting.” He, no shi looked back at the mirror. The red that streak hir body reminded hir of a lightsabre slash from hir now lost sabre. “So what is the typical naming convection for Chakats?”
“Well either for are fur pattern or a personality, sometimes like me both. I have dark fur and always seem to pop out of shadows.” Shi looked back at hir new image and made a decision.
“Call me Chakat Redslash. So where do we go from here?” Soothing Touch replies to the question.
“Well you are staying here overnight. After that is up to the captain.”
“Well could you give me something to read, maybe a brief history of your region of space?”
“No problem.” She left for the office while Redslash headed for the bed shi woke up in and laid on it. The small Caitian appeared with a device in her hand and handed it to Redslash. It seemed some sort of data pad with written symbols and Redslash groans. “What is it?”
“Ran into a big problem. I can't read this?”
“Why it's in terranlingo? And besides a slight accent you speak it well.”
“That's the thing. I'm not speaking that I'm speaking basic. Clearly the spoken language are similar but obviously in written form completely different.” Soothing Touch took the pad and went to her office and return with headphones attached to the pad.
“Here you go, your first lesson on our universe.” The newly christened Redslash took them and began studying intently. Soothing Touch went to Nightshadow. “I think you can leave now. I'll call you if you need anything.” Nightshadow looked at the new chakat and didn't sense any hostility only determination and a bit of sadness. Shi nods and heads for hir quarters.
When shi got to hir quarters shi stripped off hir phaser and black top and laid on the couch to relax. With a drink in hir hand and a PADD with a book on it in hir other hand shi was well an truly relaxed when hir mate walked in. Skywatcher was a jaguar pattern chakat with brown and gray fur with faded spots in the gray area. Shi had short hair that matched hir brown fur and sky blue eyes. Shi came in wearing hir typical dark blue tank top. Shi took off hir top and threw it at Nightshadow. “HEY! I was reading!”
“Yeah and it isn't fair that you are nice an relax while I was sitting at the helm bored out of my mind. They hope to have the engines repaired tomorrow.”
“That's good, The captain has been worried about the shipments being late.”
“Yeah shi plans to go as fast as the engineers will let hir go to try to make up the time lost. So how was our guest?”
“Confused and lost. Seems shi wasn't always a Chakat and maybe from a different universe. The Captain is guessing TC is the reason for hir being here.”
“Figures, we get into a nice pattern and the resident deity decides to mess around. So is shi cute?”
“Why are you asking that?”
“Because I know you love. I'm actually surprised that I'm you're only mate so give.” Nightshadow rolled hir eyes but knew Skywatcher was right.
“Shi has a striking black and red pattern fur with exotic Red eyes. Shi's calling hirself Redslash now and I figured that the doctor will release hir tomorrow shi could stay with us and we can teach hir how to be a chakat.”
“Convince me Shady.” The dark Chakat smirked and groped a breast of hir mate's. Then lick kissed a cheek. Skywatcher snorted. “Is that supposed to convince me?”
“Well I guess we have to move for more aggressive negotiations.”
“Do your worse.”And Nightshadow used hir telekinetic talent and took hir mate into the bedroom.
The newly christen Redslash spent a couple hours studying the PADD trying to learn their written language. Shi had to for shi knew of no way to get home. This would be hir home unless someone here finds a way to get to his galaxy. The thing that eats at hit the most is did hir troops get out safely. Some in the order would just brush it off. They were clones and could be replaced. But not to hir. They were hir troops who shi fought side by side with. Yes shi has lost some, many even but not without purpose and with no choice. They were good men and if not treated right could be another problem for the Republic. But shi couldn't help them now, shi could only hope the force was with them. Shi currently couldn't feel it but it seems he does has some extra sense tied to emotion. Something to work on.” Shi moves hir hand up to hir mouth and hit it. Before yawning. 'Yeah, have to get use to a muzzle. But tomorrow.' Redslash laid down and quickly fell asleep.
Nightshadow was still getting the kinks out of hir body even after hir shower. From the bedroom shi hears. “Remember shi's ours to share if you can get hir to come.”
“Yes dear.” Nightshadow chuckles as shi puts hir uniform top on and heads out.
Redslash awoke stretching. Shi slept fairly well. Memories of that final battle but it seemed to be morning ship time. The doctor came through a door on the side. “Good morning Redslash. Did you sleep well?”
“Pretty well but I'm hungry.”
“Not surprised by that.” Soothing Touch went over to a wall and continued. “I swear if the Chakat's weren't so active they be the size of Terran Elephants with all the food they eat.” Redslash was shock when a white light flashed and a tray of food appeared. Shi had to rub hir eyes to be sure shi saw that. The caitian look at hir with a cocked eyebrow.
“What never seen breakfast before?”
“Never seen it appear in a white light before.”
“What? Oh the replicator. You don't have those where you come from?”
“Nothing even close. Does it make just food or other things?”
“Pretty much anything that can fit into the slot and in it's data banks.”
“Yeah, nothing even close to that. By the force if we had something like that my men wouldn't have had as much hardship on some of our campaigns.”
“Campaigns, what are you? Some sort of mercenary?” Redslash snorted at that.
“No. I am a member of a Jedi Order, The order has been the guardians of peace and justice in the Galactic Republic and recently appointed the Generals in charge of the new Grand Army of the Republic. We are fighting a civil war and it has been brutal but we were making headway. The main Separatist leader Count Dooku fell in battle recently and his second had been located and a good friend of mind was sent to get him. My force was sent to another contested area when we were ambushed.”
“I can't imagine. The Stellar Federation has been at peace for centuries. Besides the occasional pirate attack or Human First bombing the people lead normal lives.”
“Then they are blessed.” Redslash began chowing down. The food was pretty good but given the last couple years of mainly eating combat rations hir taste in food. Minutes later shi felt stuff and surprised shi finished hir plate. “I can't believe I finished that.”
“Taurs have a large stomach, especially Chakat taurs.”
“Well. Um where's the refresher?”
“The what?”
“You know the place to take care of bodily functions.”
“Oh the rest room, behind you second door.” Redslash followed her directions and found the layout similar to what shi was used to but the toilet was bigger. No doubt to fit taurs which lead to the next issue. It took hir a bit to figure out how to extend hir cock and relieve hirself. Shi eventually shi emerged and asked.
“What's next?”
“Well you are a completely healthy chakat by my scans. The captain will likely assign you one of the empty quarters and will go from there.”
“Well I have an option for Redslash.” Both Soothing Touch and Redslash look over to see Nightshadow coming through the door. “Me and my mate would be happy if you'd stay with us. Who better to teach you how to be a chakat than a pair of chakats?” Redslash looked at the caitian doctor shi just shrugged and nodded. Then got hugged tightly. “You won't regret this Redslash. Come on I'll show you the ship.” The spent the next couple hours shown Redslash the ship. Good Wind was a large bulk freighter. The ship had a narrow nose the housed the bulk of the crew and all the passengers. They had a small holosuite installed by some engineers who fly around repairing and upgrading ships. After that area they had the large cargo area divided in 12 sections. After that was some more quarters, mainly the engineers and the massive warpcore and the four nacelles. Redslash was impressed how small the engineering section actually was. The power plant for a ship this size back home would be the same as half this ships cargo bays. Whatever they use to power their ships was more powerful then anything in the Republic. Throughout the tour shi watched the ships crew and passengers. Shi saw a handful of humans, various taur species leaning canine, several bipedal species ranging from feline, lupine, and canine. They looked at hir as they walked by and saw some of the smile at Nightshadow and shi felt a spike of something. It felt happy, shi guess they must have been crew.
At lunch they went to the mess hall. The cook was a red furred canine female and as Redslash got close saw it was a taur as well. The food was good and it was there when they were joined by another chakat. “Redslash, this is my mate Skywatcher.”
“Hello.” Redslash said and bowed hir upper torso to the new chakat.
“Nice to finally meet you Redslash. My mate has spoken well of you.” Shi hugged the new chakat who after some pause returned it. The food was good and Redslash began the conversation.
“So what do you two do on this ship?” Skywatcher answered first.
“They hired me on as a helmsman and to fill the two chakat requirement. Then my predecessor had a close call and decided to settle down with hir family. With hir gone the Good Wind would have had to wait till they got another chakat or leave me behind.”
“Why?” Redslash asked.
“Our race's biggest weakness is empathic feedback. We need another chakat nearby to stay sane. The most we could go is the bilk of a year so standing rule on all ships is to have a minimum of two chakats onboard. We got lucky that Nightshadow was available so we could stay on schedule.”
“I say I was the lucky one. Before becoming part of the crew I was a mercenary doing short term contracts to deal with the feedback issue. I saw a good paying job on Good Wind and the fact they had a chakat on board made it an easy sell to me. They hired me a security thanks to that close call and I met Skywatcher and we clicked and I have stayed on ever since.” They both looked at eachother, smiled, and held hands. Redslash felt a little uncomfortable.
“You sure you want me intruding?” They both look at hir and their smiles got bigger and Redslash felt like prey.
“Oh we want you with us. The Chakat motto in a nutshell is 'the more the merrier'. And we have the room. The perk of the last chakat family leaving is their quarters are plenty big for a decent size family of chakats so you can still have your own spot.”
After lunch Redslash just followed Nightshadow as shi did hir job and understand the ship better. Nightshadow brought them to their quarters and Redslash saw them for the first time. The main room was a large room with several couches, a chair or two, and a table next to a slot that looked like those replicator devices on the wall. There was 3 doors besides the one to the corridor. One was the refresher which had a toilet for taurs and a large shower and a typical sink. The other two were bedrooms. One clearly was used by hir new roommates, the other spartan with a closet a dresser and a mattress. Skywatcher saw hir checking it out. “Yes it's bare so you can do what you want with it. It's your room now. But later. It's dinner time.” Redslash thought Soothing Touch had a point about Chakats and their stomachs but still enjoyed the meal and the company. After dinner Redslash decided to study what shi could on the species of this galaxy and laws. Shi was slowly getting better at reading their language, shi may take a little longer then they would but with practice shiu can and will get better. Shi was a Jedi and shi had been train by all hir teachers well. Late at night shi check out the PADD itself. Shi found a record feature and decided to try it out. “Personal Journal. I find myself in a strange new galaxy with not even my own form never mind the Force. I have no way of knowing the fate of my men and I am doubtful of ever getting home and would likely unable to go back if found due to the limitation of my new form. I have no standing or rank here, surviving on the charity of others for the time being. I have a good prospect of allies here and I intend to use them. Why I'm I making this journal? Well, maybe to help me adjust to have something to talk to about my thoughts on things. And maybe if contact with the republic is possible I could send a copy of this to them. No matter what fate awaits me I will live my life in the ideals I have always believed. Valer now Redslash ending journal.”
Chapter 2 - Chapter 2 |
In minutes Seashadow signed the appropriate forms and took the newly named Glowlight to her PTV and they drove through the city. Neal observed the scenery, getting the lay of the land for hir eventual escape. After twenty minutes they arrived and a nice large one story house. Neal followed Seashadow and the older chakat opened the door and declared. “Love I'm home with our new daughter.”That cause Neal to wince and that declaration. Another adult chakat with brown gold fur and sky blue hair appeared and nuzzled Seashadow's muzzle and the emotions of love Neal got nearly caused hir to gag. Then a dark streak appeared and stop to resolve itself into a black furred chakat with light blue hair. Shi sniffed Neal before going to hir parents for a hug. “You just met our daughter Nightsea. Nightsea Windbreeze meet Glowlight.” Before shi could react shi was hugged by the other adult.
“Welcome to our house Glowlight.”
'Wow they really put on the act.' Neal thought to hirself. The other chakat, Windbreeze ended the hug and frowned a bit at hir.
“Well let's show you your room.” Neal allowed the animal to lead hir to said room as he glanced around. Shi saw a living room with many couches with a chair or two as well as a nice screen to watch shows and news from. That led into a hallway with a few closes doors that shi passed till they got to the on at the end of the hall. “Here you go Glowlight. I did my best to make it ready and have a few things for you to have fun with.” The door opened and Neal looked into hir room. First shi saw a nice size mattress with a pillow. Then a small dresser with some stuff toys on top of it and a desk with a PADD on a stand. Shi checked the closet and found a handful of clothing tops. Some very feminine the rest very masculine. “I wasn't sure of your preference Glowlight so I have some of both. One of the two baskets on the floor is for laundry the other is for what you don't want. Welcome to the family Glowlight.” The door shut behind hir and Neal raced for thr PADD with turned on and flashed a Welcome to then family message before going to the menu screen. While there was many programs perfect for the age his body was now at it still had the more advice features. Shi then took a close look at the PADD itself. While not top of the line it was still brand new and in he middle range for PADDs. At most when shi was growing up shi might have gotten a low end or used PADD. They bought this just for hir? One is a cop so not rich there, shi was unsure of the other. But why giver hir this? They couldn't actually care about hir. They didn't know hir and it was probably a trick to gain favors in the future. That's what hir dad always said. 'Son, those animals took away are rightful place in the world. Sure they may treat you with kindness but deep down it's to keep us complacent so they can quietly rule over us. Don't trust it.' Well shi wasn't buying it and started looking through the PADD and it's connection to the net. He had to fine the local cell on the planet. Considering it was Chakona it would be small but there would be a cell. He started going to the front sights and manage to log in and started looking around. But wasn't finding much on Chakona at all. This was going to take a awhile. Shi lost track of time search for them when there was a knock at the door.
“Glowlight, supper is ready.” Neal frowned but the gurgle in hir stomach told hir shi needed to eat. So shi put the PADD down and left the room.
The three animals were at the table and they had a place set for hir. Shi took it and they started handing hir food. Shi took those shi knew shi liked and began eating. “so Glowlight, how do you like your room?” This Neal could answer honestly.
“It's nice but need to get rid of the girly stuff though.”
“Then just put them in the basket I suggested and we'll keep them for little Nightsea.” Neal just rolled hir eyes and took a bite of steak. Shi frowned. Didn't taste right. Oh yeah shi forgot the salt. Shi looked and saw it on the other side of the table. Shi raised hir hand and about to ask for it when it flew into hir hand on it's own. Shi looked at it shock as well as the others. Nightsea was the first to break the silence by saying.
“Can I do that?” Hir parents shook there heads at that.
“Well looks like we need to find a Bluepaw Skunktaur to train you.” Seashadow finally commented. Glowlight just shrugged and put some salt on hir steak and continue eating. After supper shi continue looking for the Chakona cell till they told hir bedtime and to hir surprise shi was so shi went to bed and fell asleep right away.
“Focus Glowlight, see AND feel the cup.” Rendrel told hir and shi tried. For a week shi had been taken to the near by Skunktaur learning hir talent. Shi went along with it for it could be useful for hir escape. When shi opened hir eyes she saw the cup levitating off the floor. Shi then managed to moved it around before putting it down on the table. “Very good Glowlight. You did that very well.” Rendel hugged hir from behind and it shi smiled. Shi liked succeeding no matter was it it was. But hir smiled faded. The last person to hug hir like that was hir sister. Hir parents weren't great but shi and hir sister were close. They made each others lives worth living. Then the mugging happened. Shi was going to meet her and saw a Badger morph pull a knife on her and tempted to take her purse when the police arrived. Hir sister had moved into the southern GNA after disagreeing with their parents about morphs and moved into the more morph friendly country. Neal was willing to tolerate it for hir sister's sake so the cops were morphs. One biped one taur. They were at a stalemate as the badger held the knife to her throat and tried to back away and demanding that the cops back off. Neal grew very concern as the badger edge near an incline. Hir sister lived in an area that was hilly. The hill by her apartment was as tall as two stories. The Badger so concern on the cops who didn't back off that he failed to notice where he was so he tripped and fell taking hir sister with. Neal had run over and look down with the cops following. The badger was dead with his neck at the angle but hir sister and spurting blood from a cut on her neck. Neal raced to hir side and she manage to look at her brother before dying. Neal couldn't stand the animals after that. But what confused hir was Seashadow's family. Besides the occasional chore they never asked hir for anything and give the appearance of caring for hir. And they weren't rich. Windbreeze worked at home on hir computer yet they could afford the PADD they gave hir. That just confused hir. They did a couple more exercises till Windbreeze picked hir up. As they head home Windbreeze tried to get a conversation going. “So how was your lessons?”
“They went well, getting a better handle on the talent.”
“That's good to here.” And the conversation just died. Windbreeze sensed neutral emotions from Glowlight. After getting home Glowlight did the typical. Go to hir room and play on the PADD.
That night as Windbreeze laid down with hir mate and addressed hir concerns. “Honey I'm worried about Glowlight. Shi hardly talks and doesn't really socialized. The teachers at school say that shi is bored but answers the questions well but during lunch sits alone unless some deliberately do so.”
“My love we can't even imagine what shi went through at that lab. We have no idea how long shi was in their, maybe as soon as it was completed. Ad shi is stuck with us. We searched all federation records and no match. Shi literally has no family but us. If shi is ever going to open up to us it has to be in hir own time and terms. No enough talk of this. I had a rough day and need certain attention.” Windbreeze got an evil grin.
“Okay hun, you will now reap the Whirlwind.” Thus began a lengthy seesion of passion between to the two.
A month has passed and Windbreeze was out on an errand leaving Glowlight in charge. Admittedly neal was shocked shi would do this but Windbreeze said shi was old enough and mature enough to handle Nightsea. And that was fairly easy remembering how hir sister took care of him at times. But Neal was pretty happy for another reason. He finally found the Chakona cell and by irony it had and old friend of his with it. Shi left a message filled with things only Neal would know and was waiting for a reply as shi went into the kitchen for a snack when shi bumped into Nightsea. Shi looked down as the little thing got up without crying. Tough little thing neal admitted to hirself. “And what are you doing Nightsea?”
“Just trying to get a cookie.” Neal looked up and saw the jar above the fridge. The cubs parents put it there to keep the cub from eating them all. But a kid no matter the species will always try to get them. Well the little thing has been good and dinner still a ways away. Using hir talent and got a cookie and leaned down to Nightsea.
“Now only one okay?” The little cub nods and Neal handed hir the cookie. The cub then hugged hir foreleg and said.
'Thanks sis.” And ran off eating the cookie leaving a shock Neal behind. The little animal considered hir a sister? Shi;s been with this family too long. Shi had to get back to where shi belonged. Shi walked back to hir room and checked hir PADD and there was a response. Neal? Man I can't believe I heard from you. You just disappeared Rumor has that your ship was attacked. We fear the worse. Neal typed back.
My ship was by pirates and was held captive for a while. They changed me and I need help. I'm currently in Amistad Chakona. Where and when can you meet in person? After a couple minutes shi got a response.
I can meet tonight my friend. How's in the alley way on Chubar street at 1 am?
I can find it. Just be prepared for a different look from me.
See you then my friend. Neal sign out of there and decided to try out the other features till the adult animals came home and they had dinner. Shi then faked sleeping for an hour or two before getting out of the house through hir window. Shi consulted hir PADD as when went to the meeting with a cloak covering hir features.
Shi manage to get to the alleyway before hir friend Jack. Shi waits in the shadow and minutes later hir friend shows up. He was black and in his mid thirties and fit. He looked around. “Neal, you here?”
“Yeah I am buddy.” Shi stepped out of the shadows and pulled back hir hood. Jack flinched and Neal explained. “Some crazy doctor hired a pirate crew to attack my ship and take me so he could get revenge and his revenge was making me like this. I need your help get be human again my friend.” Jack's face went from one of shock to rage which Neal felt.
“You dare use my friend's name like this. You are not him, you are an animal.”
“No Jack it is ME NEAL!” Jack just shook his head and looked away and nodded. It was then that neal sense two more nearby and suddenly grab hir. “JACK WHAT ARE YOU DOING?”
“Taking care of an animal.” he said coldly and began punching Neal. Neal cried out in pain and asked Jack to stop. But to no avail and shi was forced to the ground more from the projection of hatred shi got from the others. Then something broke in hir. Shi did not survive a priate attack and being transformed to die here. With a roar she pushed them with hir talent. They hit the walls hard and slumped to the ground and stayed there. Shi slowly got up and felt all the bruises shi had and limped to the edge of the alley before collapsing in a heap. Hir was hurt bad but the more painful was the emotional pain. One of hir trusted friends had just try to kill hir and with such hatred. Shi was just hearing a siren and shi thankfully passed out.
Chapter 1 - Chapter 1 |
By Admiral Q and inspired by Cat Named Fish
It was a beautiful night, the sounds of the nearby carnival destroyed any nighttime silence but at least it was a pleasant noise. While the sounds and lights of the carnival was some distance away we see a couple walking down the street. The male was a human with wild black hair and some glasses. His companion was a fox morph female in brilliant red fur and gold hair. She held a pink cat plushy, a prize her boyfriend won for her at the carnival. She loved it very much and called it Fishy. They were chatting happily unaware of the figures lurking in the shadows till they were surrounded. “Looky what we have hear boys. An animal and her pet human. How sweet.” The other man aww sounds and the first continued. “It makes me want to kill something and I bet the animal would make a nice fur coat.” The male with the fox grabbed her and pushed her back as well as hit the panic button he installed on her comm unit to get the police.
“Leave us alone. We have done nothing so let us pass.”
“Oh we can't let you leave with out paying.” The man stepped out of the shadow. He was a human male in his mid teens with brown hair and blue eyes that held a lot of hate. “And her moans of pain is the currency.” The man tried to punch the teen but he was a scientist not a fighter and the kid easily grabbed it and forced it behind the man's back painfully before punching him hard in the face making him fall to the ground.
“HENRY!” the fox vixen cried. And tried to go to him but the other teens grabbed her and heard her and the leader came up to her and ripped off her shirt and bra leaving her topless.
“Nice set of jugs, too bad they have fur on them but they would still be fun.” He groped them and the vixen manage to kick him the crotch. He grimaced and held his family jewels and said. “Why you...” He swung a fist and hit her right in the face causing her to scream in pain. And started punching her everywhere. Henry tried to get up to defend her but some of the guys friends kept kicking him and keeping him down. Soon his girlfriends scream became whimpers and then they heard sirens.
“Crap Fejeda cops. Let's get out of here.” The group runs away and Henry limps to his girlfriend. He could barely recognize her with a the blood covering her.
“Sasha, Oh Sasha I'm right here and help is on the way.” He heard her whimper and he manage to get to her side and saw that the plush toy was nearby blood splattered. “I'm right here love. You're going to be okay. The docs will get you all patched up.”
“I....I....Love you...Henry.” Sasha said weakly and she closed her eyes and her armed dropped.
“NO Sasha Don't GO! We were going to by a house. Start a family. Don't leave me Love. Please open your eyes. Please, please. PLEASE SASHA!”
10 years later
Neal Fejeda didn't know where he was. It was wet and he felt something attached to his face. He couldn't remember where he was before. The earliest memory was on one of the groups ships. Since then just floating and feeling shifting and pressure in his body. 'What happened to him?'
<Fejeda..........FeJEDA.... You awake yet?> Neal opened his eyes and saw a green tinted fluid and a blurry room beyond. He was in a tube of some kind. <Ah good you are. I have been eager to talk to you.> Neal saw a blurred figure approach the tube. He could see black hair and a white lab coat and glasses. There was something about those glasses.
“What happened where am I?” His voice didn't sound like his own. What was going on here?
Henry looked at Neal and smiled a dark smile. He was so close to his goal. “Where you are. On Chakona near the Caitian settlement of Harrn'tuk'harr. They allowed me to do my work in peace. And it has been a long work project. Ten years, ten years I have planned on this and now it will come to fruition.” A hologrphic image of a being clothed in a cape and point cowl appeared. <Doctor, Starfleet Security is closing in.>
“Thank you Dark Night. Do what you can to delay them without killing them and prepare for program Dark Night Falls.”
<Yes doctor.>
“Looks like our time together is coming to an end.”
<What time? I just woke up. Nevermind You better let me go or so help me God.>
“DO NOT TELL ME ABOUT GOD! YOU OF ALL PEOPLE HAVE NO RIGHT! MY SASHA DID NOTHING WRONG. SHE WAS A GOOD WOMAN, CARING AND COMPASSIONATE. Many in school were envious of me. That I had the love of such a beautiful person. But no, you hated her because she happened to have fur, tail, and a muzzle. AND YOU KILLED HER! And like always the authorities failed to get you and your friends, so I had to take matters into my own hands” He grabs the pink anthro cat plushy that had bloods splatters on it and looks at it. “And we did didn't we Fishy. For the last 10 years I looked for you and think of a proper punishment. For it is no longer good enough to kill you. No, that would be too easy and you wouldn't suffer as I have.” The alarms and the red light flashed and Dark Night reports.
<Sir! Our first line defenses have been breached. Security is entering the lab complex.>
“Activate Dark Night Falls.”
<Yes sir. EMP charging. Detonation in fifteen minutes. It's been an honor Doctor.>
“You were a great help Dark Night, thank you.” Henry looked deeply at Neal. “ Thought how best to punish you and I finally found it. It took years to get it right but it was worth it. What was the best way to punish you? Well since you hate furs so much why don't I make you the ultimate version of that you hate and with the added bonus you will feel the very hatred you have sowed.” Henry looked at the new chakat form floating in the tube. Saw the realization dawn in his or correctly hir eyes. “Yes you have been in my company for weeks being changed. Sadly you don't have enough mass to be made an adult Chakat but enough to be a midteen and that also me you will suffer long so I don't mind.”
<NO! NO Nononononononononon!> Neal planted his hands and handpaws against the glass. The glass cracked then shattered spilling the fluid to the floor and Neal laid at the bottom of the tube and henry scan the readings he got.
“Interesting. You have Telekenetic powers. I thought for sure I got pure Chakat samples. I guess one of the donors had a bluepaw Skunktaur in hir bloodline. And I certainly like your new look Neal.” Henry started hearing sounds from the door.
“One bit of advice Neal. I wouldn't tell them who you really are or you will join me. It's to bad I won't have the time to see all your talents, that would have been fascinating.” The door opened and a combination of Security and cops came through the door.
“Hands up!” One ordered and Henry complied without a word. Most of the team around him were Chakats and Caitians as expected. They quickly cuffed him and the Chakat nearest him declared. “You are under arrest for suspicions of piracy.” They walked him away and he had a smile on his face. No matter what happens to him his Vengeance was complete.
Neal looked at his hands. They were smaller and lean, feminine, and covered with gold brown fur that match his hair color. Well his old hair color. A streak of hair fell in front of his face and it was a neon green in color. He looked back down at his hands speechless. “It's okay, you're safe now.” He look up and to the right to see a dual gender animal approaching him. He backed away with a snarl and actually felt a growl in his throat and come out. The animal frowned then extended hir hand. “Come on don't be like that. I won't hurt you.” Neal felt a calming presences from the animal and that just made him madder. He instinctively hissed and swiped with a hand claws extended. The animal hissed as red streaks showed on hir hands. Neal and back off again till he was at the wall. He quickly looked around and there was only one way out. Through the animals. This was going to be interesting.
Seashadow was confused. Hir precinct joined up with Starfleet security to get a mastermind behind a pirate attack. Shi didn't live in Harrn'tuk'harr. But the local cops felt they didn't have the manpower for this kind of op. Harrn'tuk'harr was still a relatively young settlement and only needed a handful of cops so hir precinct offered to help out since it was the nearest one in the Amistad. Some of hir fellows were stunned but no one killed and the broke into this room that had a human male and the mid teen chakat cub. The cub sat on a bottom of a broken tube and stared at hir hands with shock and confusion being projected. Shi tried to offer comfort but the cub instead of taking it as shi suspected the cub backed away and projected hatred with a tad of fear. Shi tried again and project calm and peace to the cub....and got a scratched on hir hand for it. Shi sensed anger and determination from the cub. Shi was at a loss of what to do when shi heard a phaser fire and the cub slumped against the wall unconsciousness. Shi looked over in shocked at the Caitian female who had fired. “Why did you do THAT?” Shi asked.
“it was the best way to get to hir. It was on light stun and how long and how many cuts would we have trying to get hir out?” Shi sighed. “The Caitian had a point.' Shi went over and picked the cub up. If shi had to guess age the cub was about 14 terran years old. 'Why did that human take hir and who are hir parents?' Shi started carrying the cub when all of a sudden the lights went out.
“What the hell?” Someone asked. Shi heard the team leader say.
“Snowshadow to shuttle, Snowshadow to shuttle can you hear me?” Other fiddle with their comms or other devices and get nothing in response.
“Shir I think that was an EMP. Our gear is fried.”
“Okay half of you get back to the shuttle and call in new gear. Seashadow you take the cub to the Harrn'tuk'harr's hospital for a check up.”
“Aye Shir.” Shi adjusted the cub to shi would lay on hir lower torso. Seashadow did notice something odd. The cubs green furred seemed to glow a bit. Weird but shi finished adjusting the cub and head out to the shuttle.
When Neal woke up again he was clearly in a hospital room and light strapped to the bed. 'Not surprised after that way I reacted to them.' He looked up and finally had a clear head to think. 'Okay, an insane guy has turned me into an animal for revenge. He needed to get out of here and contact the group. They could help him out. This could be a blessing. There would be no way to get his old body back but with the Oceanwalker's process he could get a new and clean human body. They would be looking for Neal Fejeda not who ever he would become. So that means acting a bit like an animal to let their guard down. The door opened and a Caitian animal came in wearing a nurse outfit. “Well your awake little one. Feeling better?” Neal's response was to turn his head away. “Well you checked out so that's good news. Were looking for your family so it would only be a matter of time.”
'They won't find anything.' Neal thought and wondered how long they would keep him. Eventually they took off the straps and Neal went to the bathroom to see his new body. They had a full length mirror and he saw what that human had done to him. Most of his body was covered with the gold brown fur that matched his old hair but a neon green went from his muzzle down his belly and...breasts and down his lower belly in a fox like pattern. His hair and tail were also neon green and his eyes a bright amber color. He stuck his tongue out and it was a standard pink. Hey took a look at his lower regions and saw the sheath and pussy. He shuddered at the pussy but the mantra, 'It's temporary. It's only temporary.' The hair was shoulder length. He looked for a pair of clippers to cut it. But found nothing. He did find a rubber band and used it to put it in a simple ponytail. He helped his sister with her hair when she was alive and those tricks stayed. There was a knock on the door and the nurse came in with dinner.
Seashaow was in a debriefing on the raid to the weird lab. Hir chief came in and they went over the raid. One of hir fellow officers asked. “So did we get any data from the raid?”
“Sadly no. This guy was through. The EMP fried everything so no record of what went on there. All we got on him is that he is Doctor Henry Soloman. He move to Chakona 5 years agho and settled near Harrn'tuk'harr and built that complex. The Caitans said he was a quiet isolated guy but when he did come in town he was very friendly to them. Nothing pointing to him as a fur hater or even a kidnapper till we interrogated the pirate crew he hired to attack a freighter, which also was EMPed. So we have no clue why he hit that ship.”
“Has he said anything?”
“Only that vengeance has been fulfilled and justice met. Nothing else.”
Seashadow raised hir hand to be noticed and was shi asked.
“What about the chakat cub we found?”
“Shi is even stranger.” The chief replied. “We ran hir DNA to find hir family and nothing as come up. I have sent it to Federation authorities directly but right now shi has no family on Chakona and shi won't reveal hir name. Other than that shi is fine. Heck the hospital is only planning to keep hir a day or two more for observation. Then if no family is found shi will be handed over to foster care.” Seashadow thought that was a crappy ending for the poor thing. Shi decided to have a talk with hir mate Windbreeze after the meeting was done.
Neal was looking out the window from his hospital room and checking out the scenery. This was a beautiful planet. Shame that the animals got it instead of his kind. The door opened and he looked around to see who came in now. It was a chakat with bluish purple fur, dark blue hair and a pair of green eyes. Shi also wore a cops uniform. Shi smiled at him. “Hello little one, how are you today?” He shrugged and looked back out the window. His senses told him the chakat was frustrated a bit and that caused him to smile. “My name is Seashadow, child of Bluemoon and Jollydancer. What's your name?” Neal didn't answer. Couldn't answer. Even his first name would show he wasn't originally a chakat and might lead them to his true identity. “Come on it can't be that hard to tell me can it?” Neal just nodded.
“You don't remember your name do you?” Neal just refused to answer.
“Okay, that's okay. How about I give you one?” Neal just shrugged again. He didn't care and an alias in this form would be useful. “Now let's see, what would be a good name for you?” Neal assumed shi looked at him for a minute for shi was silent. “I know, Glowlight. When I carried you out of the lab your green fur almost glowed. How does that sound?” Neal was surprised by that.
“I glowed?” He asked. It was still strange hearing a female kid's voice out of his mouth.
“Yes it was odd. But the docs say nothing harmful. Heck the doctors are ready to release you so now you have a choice to make. We haven't found your parents or any family yet so you can either go into foster care or you can live with me and my mate. We have a daughter a little younger than you but always happy to have more. Would you like that?” Neal thought about it for a bit. A house would be easier to break out of then a foster care place. That would be very useful for he needed to find the local H1 cell here for help. Yes he could do that. He nodded. Yes Seashadow just gave him the best aid he could get.
Chapter 1 - Tales of Redstreak Chapter 1 |
In the weeks since Redstreak made hir name change which was now legally Redstreak. This have been good few weeks, Redstreak or Red as Dallie and Coal call her finished up with the historians and got a good bit of money out of it. Hir music grew more cheerful (Check out Sonic Generations soundtracks for clue). Dallie and Coal conspired together and recorded Red's music and send it to a music company. After a few days they get a response and the company Spacewave was interested in meeting the composer. They set up a meeting for the next day. When the day arrived the pair ambushed Red and dragged hir out of hir room where shi was looking at a firearms magazine and into the living room where a middle age foxtaur in a suit, well suit top. "Hello I'm Chakat Redstreak." And Red took the open arms position that the foxtaur took advantage of.
"I'm Larsa Redback." They break off and Larsa asks. "Okay which of you is the composer?"
"Huh?" Red asks while Coal says.
"This one is." Pointing to Red.
"What's going on?" Red pleads and Dallie answers.
"We recorded some of your work and sent it to various music companies. Mrs. Redback here represents Spacewave Music and they're interested in your music."
" Hir music is too good for people not to hear it." Coal chips in. Red sighs and shakes hir head then looks at Redback.
" God save you from such over eager companions." Redback grins and replies.
"Too late. Now we are interested in the music so what do you want for us to get your music?"
"I want to be anonymous, work here at home at my own pace." Redback takes out a PADD and writes some things down and hands it to Red. It was a contract and red carefully looks over it. Shi will get the a good sum of money and need at least one album a year but otherwise agreeing to hir conditions. Shi signs it and hands it back to Redback. "I figure might as well or these to will nag me until the end of time." To which Coal and Dallie to blow raspberries at hir.
gI'll be your manager and liaison between you and Spacewave. Now what name to you want to use." Red thought for a minute before answering.
"A mystery with a grain of truth."
" I will I get this processed. How soon can you get and album together?"
"I've got about 5 songs together right now while working on the sixth."
"Well I'll need your email."
"I'll create one just for this.RS@spacemail.
gcya around and stay in touch." Dallie sees the foxtaur out and When she's gone Red assaults hir companions with pillows as they run around the house for and hour for their stunt.
Over the next few weeks shi works hard on hir music to get it done. Dallie had to take away just so shi could have a break so took hir to the gateway station. Red had a look of other awe as they explore the vast station. They visited Dallie's old work place and Red noticed the wistfulness in hir twin's eyes. After a couple of hours of shopping they take a lunch break and Dallie asks.
gwhatca think?"
g. It remind me of DS9 that my parents watched all the time."
gfor Star Trek Deep Space Nine. A TV series started in the 1990's about a space station. It was the 3rdseries of the Trek franchise.h Red looks around and continues. g A lot of your tech reminds me of that franchise.h Red takes a bite of a burger and continues. gIf the deal works I'll have a good income and I think I'm doing well in adjusting. You should return to your old job.h
gwhat about you?"
ghaven't trip since Coal's prank. I'm not suicidal anymore, can't even consider it. Worry if your body has something to do with that. I've accepted who I am now even if I don't fully know that person yet."
gabout transportation?"
g'm taking a driver's exam tomorrow. I'm not a child Dallie, I have 20 years over you in experience despite being the same body age."
g, but only if the music is successful."
"Deal." The two got back home later that evening and joined Coal for dinner.
Red took hir test the next day and admitted it was odd trying to use the handpaw controls but the basics of driving hadn't changed that much in 300 years and shi passed hir test. The three went out to celebrate the achievement at a nice restaurant. Not much else happened in the weeks that followed. Finally Red got done with the album and sent it to Larsa for posting on the net and discs and now to wait the results. One evening Red walks into the kitchen to find Coal there cooking, with a heavily pregnant lower belly.
g't you be taking it easy?" Coal looks up and smiles at Red. Red always felt happier when shi saw that smile no matter what.
gRed and no I don't have to take it easy till about the final month, a perk to having four legs."
gYou have a point but please take it bit easy for my sake. That is for lack of a better word my niece in there." Coal hugs hir and replies.
"Glad your accept us as part of your family. Genetically speaking this is your daughter."
"That's going a little too far for me. I can barely accept being an aunt right now." When dinner was ready Red set he table and brought out the dishes to the amusement of Coal.
They were halfway through their dinner when a call comes in. Medallion goes to answer it and sees Larsa's muzzle on the screen.
"Yup, what is it Larsa?"
"Well I got good news. RS made the top 1000 already."
"That doesn't sound good Larsa."
"Out of dozens of planets and billions of lifeforms are you KIDDING ME!" Larsa exclaims. "To get that far with just the first album is amazing. RS just earned us both a good amount of money. Tell your mates the good news." Larsa signs off without Dallie's reply. To the blank screen Dallie does say.
"I wish both of them were my mates." So goes to give the others the good news.
In the next week the funds from Red's album come in and Dallie returns to work at the store. Glad to be back and seeing friends and coworkers again. But shi still worries about Red. Then shi remembers their last talk. Shi stated hir concerns. Red gave hir a stern look it was a bit weird since it was hir own face giving it to hir. g Dallie I appreciate the concern even though we;re the same age body wise I have 20 years more experience and I don't need you to babysit me anymore save that for your baby or cub or whatever you call them." Red's features soften and shi puts a hand on hir arm and continues. "I'll need help about Chakat culture and rituals which I am relying on you and Coaldust to help now go back to that job you love." Following impulse Dallie hugs Red who after a minor shock accepts the hug.
gI'm so proud of you Red. I'm glad to have you as a sister."
"You and Coaldust make it bearable." They stayed in that embrace for an hour bonding stronger as a result.
Later that day called hir old boss and Starfleet to make the arrangements to return and cancels the payment Starfleet gave hir when shi agreed to take care of Red. The next day shi said goodbye to Red and Coal as Coal had a later shift that day. Shi parked and the Starport and transported up to the Gateway and walked into the small items and food store called "The OLD Space General Store" and shi felt happier. Red was right I did miss this place and was good to be back.
Red saw Coaldust out to hir work and Shi was glad that Medallion returned to work, for more than one reason. Chakat's seem to revere life and shi was not sure how Medallion and Coaldust would react. So while thy're both gone shi rents a PTV and heads to the nearest gun shop. Stepping through the door she eyes the various guns around the shop, Some had familiar lines and styles from hir time but others had a clear scifi edge to them. gCan I help you shir?h looks up and sees a middle age man looking at hir. Shi smiles and replies.
gYes I was hoping to try out some guns. What do I need to get one besides money?"
"A background check for projectile guns. A small test with check for energy weapons. Which we are certified to do. Did you have an idea on the kind of gun you want to try?"
"Semi auto handgun, 45 caliber."
"Okay head through that door while a gather a few guns for you." Shi walks into the gun range and instinctually grabs eye and ear protection which haven't changed in nearly 300 years. Shi steps into one of the gun slots as the shop guy comes in with a tray of handguns and ammo. Red grabs the first gun in the group. Shi couldn't recognize the make or model of the gun but it did feel nice in hir hand. Without thinking shi took a magazine and inserted it into the gun's handle and deactivates the safety and takes aim. In a couple of seconds shi takes hir first shot and it's a bullseye on the humanoid target. Shi let's loose another couple of shots, the first practically on the first while the other was a little higher. Shi then empty's the magazine and noticing the kickback with eachshot. When empty she takes the magazine out and activates the safety and viewed hir work. While all hir shots were lethal shi did notice and upward progression of hir shots. Shaking hir head shi puts the gun down and picks the next one in the line.
Ten minutes later she's gone through half the hand guns, while some felt good others didn't. But the next gun shi recognized the next gun. A Colt 45 1911, an American classic. Shi picks it up and it felt different in hir hand. Not as heavy as it should. Must be the extra strength chakats have and if the other guns weren't so new shi might have noticed earlier. Taking the Colt she took aim and did what shi did with the first gun, a single shot, two shots, then emptying the magazine. Surprising little kickback for a 1911 and the shots all nearly hit the same area of the target. Putting the gun down and since no one was with them shi could safely take off hir ear protection. The shop guy also does the same and he asks.
gProblem or did you like that one?"
"Oh I liked it but it felted different then other 1911s I've tried."
AH, that's because it's a 1911 R1. It was redesigned during it's anniversary in 2311. It's made out of light yet more durable material and worked on the gas system to reduce the kickback. This is the result."
"Defiantly an improvement yet still honoring the original. I'll get this."
"Okay though I must say your the first chakat I every sold something to but considering the past couple of years I don't blame you."
"You know those Human First wackos?"
"Oh yes." The shop guy sighs and resumes.
"To me I don't know what the fuss is with those guys, a customer is a customer no matter what they look like and the hurt humans as well as furs for their so called pro human cause. Just proof they're nuts." They react the counter and the guy takes out a sheet of paper. "Fill this out and do you want any custom features for your gun?"
"Red coloring." And Shi begins to read the and fill out the necessary information. When done shi hands it to him and he looks over it.
"Okay it should only take a couple of days to get everything done. I'll mail it to you when isn't done."
"Have a nice day then."
"Same to you shir."
The rest of the day went well and Red noticed a slightly chipper Medallion during the evening. Red got use to Medallion and Coaldust sharing hir bed. It felt......natural. Thankfully though the rest of the time they don't enter without knocking respecting hir privacy when shi needed it. And somehow no matter what shi always waked up in the middle of the group even if shi started on the edge. Such silly cats Red thought.
The gun shop owner was looking over Redstreak's background, and finding some interesting results. While he never had a chakat customer before he did have a couple of friends that were chakat and they always introduce themselves by adding who their parents were yet Redstreak's was blank, just chakat Redstreak. And shi seems to come out of nowhere a year ago. Luckily he had a friend in Starfleet. He calls her up and she answers. "Hey Eddie how are you?"
"Fine but I'm calling on business, I've got an odd background check hear." He sends her the file. "See what you can make of it." She looks over it a bit before sending it back.
"Shi's okay, I know hir background is weird for a chakat but that's not hir fault. She came to us in an odd way, which I can't tell you how but shi answered it to the best shi could. Besides the oddities their any other problems?"
"Nope if shi's clean to you that's all I need, thanks Becky." He signs off and starts getting Redstreak's order together.
A few days later Medallion was getting the mail when shi saw a large box in it for Red. Curious shi puts it on the table and calls to Red who was working on hir next song. Even Coal was home being a rare joint day off joins Dallie in the dining room as Red came out and asks. "What's up?"
"Package for you. Was is it?" Red's cheerful mood dampens slightly.
"When I wasn't sure how you would take this, so I didn't tell you." Shi turns around and opens the package and turns back to reveal what shi ordered. It was a red colored handgun. Confused Dallie asks. "Why?"
"I was a security officer for nearly 30 years. Trust me having a gun is handy. I doubt human nature has changed much in 300 years but I know you chakats revere life so I wasn't sure how you would react." Coal steps up and hugs Red and gives hir opinion.
"It's we chakats Red, you're one to and I don't mind. With Human First making trouble it might be prudent to have a gun. A friend of mine had a cousin loses hir sire due to H1 and if hir sire had a gun shi may be alive now. I trust Red's judgment."
"Thanks Coaldust."
"Alright let's hope you don't ever have to use it."
"So do I, except for practice." |
Chapter 1 - The Lost Temple |
The Lost TempleBy Admiral Q Erin chopped another vine in the tropical forest wishing again that the professors took Erin's theory more seriously. Erin believe an ancient temple was located deep in the forest and could hold the key about data on the culture that once lived here. But no, they believed it was just youthful optimism or as Erin felt a biased against HIR. Shi was a herm lion morph, a surprisingly uncommon state for a morph considering hir kind started as sex slaves. Shi figure both hir origins and gender made hir disliked by the college. Oh sure they didn't sabotage hir schooling but they felt shi was only there to show diversity and since shi had now graduated they didn't need to cater to hir anymore. It is ironic, the professors always espoused that they were tolerant and for the rights of the minority and they treat hir like this. Meanwhile shi is accepted without condition by the conservatives the professors always said were backwards, redneck, hate filled people only interested in the rich and white people. Shi never saw that. Most were just the average person making a living and wanted a smaller government that will stay out of their life. It was also this hate filled racist group that was the biggest supporters for hir kinds freedom. The hypocrisy was astounding to say the least. Shi had to do the odd job to get the money shi needed for the supplies shi need to get here, not to mention the plane ticket. Again the average person helped hir their while the professors lifted their noses and send a dime to help hir. Well if shi finds that temple they will have to take notice of hir now. Chopping a few more branches and vines shi finds hirself in a clearing. Green grass was every where....except for a white stone pyramid. 'YES SHI'S FOUND IT!' Shi races to the pyramid as a kid in a candy store.As shi raced to the pyramid shi takes note of it's state. It was made of white stone that really stood out with the green of the plants. It was also in sorry shape with blocks fallen off the pyramid littering the landscape and vines covering a lot of the surface but it seem stable shi just has to be cautious when shi enters. She sets up camp and takes a break to eat. As shi eats she takes a picture out of hir parents. Hir mother was a dark gold furred lion morph with dark red hair cut in a tomboyish style. Hir father was a light tan lion morph with her blond hair flowing down behind her. At times it can be all the way to the butt. Shi got hir mother's fur coloring but hir hair is a combination of both and generally goes just beyond the midway of hir back unless it's in a pony tail like now. Shi got hir gender from hir father, hir parents were an interesting couple. Hir mother was very tomboyish in attitude and looks and if she had never meant hir father she probably would have ended up as a lesbian but their chance encounter at a coffee shop. It's ironic it's the parent without the dick is the more masculine of the pair and for love was willing to do an obvious female thing to carry their child. When ever shi felt down shi could always rely on hir parents to cheer hir up. It was thanks to their encouragement that shi was here now. Smiling shi puts the picture away and got to work.The outside of the pyramid held no pictures or any kind of writings. It seems the people thought it would be a waste of time on the outside where the weather and jungle could destroy it. Shi heads for the main entrance with flash light in hand seeing how dark it look inside. Moving through the main doors shi turns on the flash light and looks around. It was a small hallway going nearly the length of the pyramid with a door going to the inside of the pyramid. However before trying the door shi looks at the walls. Their were pictures there, the pictures were crude depictions of the humans that had once lived nearby doing various tasks. Some worshiping strange objects that from the depictions floated in the sky. Some deformed looking humans giving the people strange items. And some with apparently male figures with ...erections? Yup the placement leaves no other choice but and erection. Interesting. Shi looks back to the previous carvings and it isn't till the deformed humans that pictures of males with erections started. The carvings continue on leading to the construction of this pyramid like temple. With the cravings done shi head for the doors leading further in. Tries to push them open but they wouldn't move much. Frowning shi looked to the wall figure that their must be a trigger somewhere. Shi moved hir hands over the stone wall looking for anything odd. The one wall everything felt the same so shi moved to the wall on the other side and did the same. There a wear difference between on stone and the rest of the wall. Shi pushed that stone and it goes into the wall a couple inches and shi hears the clanging and groaning of unseen devices and shi sees the doors start to open. Halfway open the doors jerk and shi hears something unseen break and on of the doors falls to the floor with a loud thud. “Guess time wasn't kind to those doors.” Shi says aloud as shi walks into the next room. It was a much larger room as shi scans the room with hir flashlight. There was a few pieces of stone strewn around but the room was empty accept for the pillars supporting the roof. The bulk of the pillars were craved into the forms of males and females, all naked and the all the men with erections though some of the men were castrated from damage the pyramid has had over time. Several doors leading away from this chamber. Shi explored them to find empty rooms that could have been either living quarters for the priests or priestesses that had lived here or storage rooms except for the last door. It was smaller than the others and lead down. A few minutes later shi's at the bottom of the stairs to a door. When shi touches the door is crumbs to dust and shi looks into the room. It was a small room with a raise platform with a strange pulsing purple orb floating above it. Surrounded by a darker purple pillar of light. Shi carefully walked toward the orb wary of traps for this was the only thing shi saw that was of value in the entire place. When shi neared the orb shi took hir machete and wave all around it. Not only did it not trigger any traps but it showed the orb was not hanging from anything. It was just floating there. Putting the machete away shi touches the orb. It was at first cold but it quickly warmed in hir hand. Again no traps triggered shi nodded in satisfaction and turned to leave when shi looked at hir hand again. The baseball sized orb was melting on hir. Shi tried to drop it but it was stuck to hir hand.....and spreading. Shi manage to get hir free hand in a glove and tried to remove the orb with it...only it got stuck to and shi removed hir hand from the glove and watched in horror as the orb seemed to absorb the glove into itself and looked over to hir arm. Shi saw it absorb hir FUR leaving the skin beneath alone and continue to climb up her arm as the orb shrank. The orb didn't need a trap, IT WAS THE TRAP. Shi started running to the stairs to get to hir comm unit to call for help when the purple goo spurted out and onto the floor. This caused hir to fall hard and look back to see the goo starting to encase hir legs and dissolve hir boots, socks, and the fur beneath. Shi gets up on hir knees and pull hirself upright but shi was stuck to the floor by the goo now crawling past hir knees and completely encasing hir right arm. Shi was helpless as the two parts of the goo connected on hir belly and moved up. Shi really got scared as it went up hir chin. 'So this is how i'm going to die, suffocated by goo.' Shi thought as it covered hir muzzle. To hir surpise shi could still breathe but every had the scent of …..latex? This stuff was made out of latex? Shi closes hir eyes as the latex covered them and soon hir whole body was covered in latex. It even got between hir and the floor. Shi risked opening hir eyes and found shi could though everything that shi could see was purple tinted. Then shi felt a wave go through the latex encasing hir and felt it get thinner a bit on hir overall but the extra latex was focused on one area, hir sheath. Shi felt it open hir sheath and spill in forcing hir cock out making hir kneel there with an unwanted erection. Even hir cock was still covered by a layer of the latex as still stood there proudly displayed for anyone to see if they're were anyone around.Then in hir view range shi saw strange symbols scroll across. Shi just stared at it in confusion and then saw it flash a couple of times before disappearing. Then with no way to explain how shi felt it understand hir confusion and a minute later shi saw the words 'STAND UP' flash. Shi had no problem agreeing with that and shi got up. It was strange, shi could still feel the stone floor but also felt the latex acting as a cushion between them. Shi walks to the outside of the pyramid. Shi turns to get to hir camp but after a step shi is frozen and after a bit of struggle shi saw the words. 'Disobedience results in punishment.' Shi then felt the latex over hir cock shift. It created waves gliding over hir cock causing Erin to feel the pleasure that can bring. It kept stroking hir cock and the pleasure increased shi managed to think. 'This doesn't seem like a punishment, yes this could be embarrassing if other people were hear but walking around naked with an erection is also embarrassing so not much difference.' Shi felt the pleasure build and soon shi would cum.....only shi didn't. Shi was confused. Shi felt like shi should cum but it wasn't happening, it was stuck. For minutes shi stood there on the edge of orgasm but could go no farther. Shi couldn't stand it anymore and relented. The latex sense this and toned down the stroking of hir cock, but sadly didn't end it. In a few more minutes shi had calmed down a bit. Shi was no longer on the edge of orgasm but the light stokes (like fingers slowly moving around hir cock) made sure shi was still horny. 'Now what?' Shi thought before the latex gave hir commands to head to the side of the pyramid. It then ordered hir to remove the vines. 'If it meant getting out of this latex I'll do it' shi thought and proceeded to remove the vines.It took a couple of hours and shi was surprise that shi neither had to go to the bathroom or even drink despite the heat that is usually a part of the jungle. Shi felt fine temp wise it seem the latex kept hir comfortable, except for hir constantly teased cock. Even at this low level it was hard to ignore. With the last of the vines gone shi thought. 'Is that it, are you going to let me go now?' instead the latex told hir to approach a area where some stone blocks had fallen from the pyramid. 'Pick up stone and place it back in it's spot.' Shi looked at the stone, it was big enough to be a makeshift table. 'No way, it's too big.''Disobedience results in punishment.' It replied and shi felt it increase the stroking on hir cock and then felt it put pressure on hir mouth. Shi tried to stop it from going into hir mouth but shi really had no chance. It got though, covered hir teeth making them useless and formed a dildo in hir mouth. Ironically it's shape felt like hir cocks and it started pumping in and out of hir mouth. If shi could moan shi would the pleasure of cock being stroked and the dildo in hir mouth was so good but again in minutes shi was again on the edge of orgasm but no farther. Shi mentally sighed and said mentally. 'Okay I'll do it but don't blame or punish me when it doesn't work.' Shi felt the stroking on hir cock lessens and the dildo stops pumping but it is not removed, great. Well shi bends down and grabs the edges and just a bit of the bottom and lifted. To hir surprise shi was lifting it that it felt like it weighed a half full tote box. Shi had to admit that was cool. Shi followed the suits directions and placed the stone in it's proper place. Allowed a samll break, well a break that you can expect with your cock being constantly stroked. The suit then directed hir to another stone and shi followed it. Finally was the day ended and the sun had pratically set shi hoped that the latex suit would let hir go...or allow hir to cum, or better yet BOTH. The pyramid already looked better then when shi first arrived with the vines gone and a few of the stones put back. The latex directed hir inside as it forced hir arms down and merged their latex with that of the latex that covered hir sides and legs. Shi couldn't move hir arms at all except when shi moved hir legs while walking but they were still fixed to hir sides through that. Eventually it led hir to the room where shi found the orb. 'Get onto Pillar.''No please no, just let me go.' She shook hir head and refused to go farther.'Disobedience results in punishment.' Shi saw flash and again the latex increased the stroking of hir cock and the dildo in hir mouth began pumping. Shi also felt the latex push into hir pussy and form a second dildo that also started pumping in and out as well. Shi had never had both hir genitals serviced at the same time, never found the right couple to try it with. It all felt ssssoooo good but like always shi couldn't cum hir cock was throbbing beneath the latex encasing it but it just couldn't cum. Despite the pleasure, the frustration, and the denial shi still refused to budge and pleaded. 'PLEEAASE just let me GO PLEASE!''Increasing punishment level.' 'Oh no.” Shi thought as the latex now started pushing into hir butt. Shi was never into butt sex thing but now shi has no choice as a THIRD Dildo forms in hir butt and also pumps in and out. If that wasn't bad enough the suit was now playing with hir nipples and breasts. Stroking, caressing, and pinching. The level of pleasure was beyond anything shi ever thought of.....and the worst part is despite it all shi still couldn't cum, even with the dildos in hir butt and pussy vibrating, twisting, and pumping. Shi couldn't even think for untold minutes as shi was awashed in the pleasure and denial of it all. Shi couldn't even move hir tail as the latex kept that still. Shi opened hir eyes not realizing shi had closed them and the order. 'Get onto Pillar.' kept flashing. And with the largest mental groan shi relented taking a step forward. Shi felt the vibrations and pumping lessen till shi was in the middle of the pillar of light then it stopped but the dildos were not removed nor did the stroking lessen on hir cock. It seems shi'll have to deal with that a while longer. Shi suddenly felt hirself lifted off the ground and float in the air. Shi then felt hir legs forced together and the latex merged making it impossible for Erin to move them at all. Hir tail was even forced to wrap around hir now merged legs and it's latex merged with those of the legs. Slowly the stroking lessened but not to where it was before. Eventually Erin discovered that in all these hours shi still wasn't hungry or thirsty, just tired and horny. Tiredness won out over hir arousal and shi fell asleep.Heavy stroking woke hir up the next day. To hir surprise shi managed to sleep but hir dreams were filled with sex but sadly not orgasm. It seems shi is even denied that in dream world. Shi felt the floor on hir feet and the latex binding hir arm, legs, and tail together loosen enough for hir to use them. But it still stroked hir cock and shi still felt those dildos in hir, the nightmare has not ended. The suit gave directions and shi followed them exactly. Shi was helpless, nothing shi could do can free hir of this thing. Shi did not want to go through the fight shi had last night. Shi work on the tasks the suit gave hir and at night floated in the pillar of light with hir limbs bound to hir body. In it all shi didn't eat, drink, or relieve hirself. It seemed the suit preserved hir so shi only needed the sleep....and the need to cum which shi feared will never come. Shi lost track of time as shi put clay mortar to secure the stones back or fix in replacements that the suit have hir make if the originals were too damaged. The only thing that could tell hir time was the state of hir camp. The last time shi saw it. The cloth of the tent was ripped, the equipment that wasn't blown away by weather showed signs of wear and unlikely to work if shi even could access it. The suit had hir even repair the statues inside the pyramid. Till finally it seemed that the pyramid was whole again and still plenty of daylight out. And Erin hoped that it would finally release hir and shi could go home. Shi even mentally pleaded with the suit to let hir go. There was nothing left on the pyramid to repair. But the suit directed hir back inside. Shi hesitated for a moment and shi felt the suit increase the teasing on hir cock and get the dildos started. Streaming tears that the suit absorbed quickly shi went in to hir room and felt the suit bound hir up again and shi felt suddenly sleepy and quickly fell asleep with the glaring knowledge that the suit will never release hir from it. Shi can only hope that some day it will let hir cum. |
Chapter 0 - Forced Union |
Runaway Plant Experiment:
Forced Union
By Admiral Q Inspired by Striker SA
Emerald got out of her car with a smile on her face, her first place of her own. Granted a small apartment but it was hers. She had recently graduated from college and already secured a good job as a intern for a company in the city of Huskyville and with the money she had left over from college she rented an apartment near her work. She entered the complex and took the elevator to the fifth floor and unlocked HER apartment. This was the second time she had been in the place, the first when she checked it out to rent. It was a basic apartment; Living room, bedroom, bathroom with a kitchenette in the living room. It had basic furnishings of a couch, bed, Table with a couple of chairs, and a chair or two. The rest she will have to provide. She headed back down stairs to empty her car. After twenty minutes all her personal belongings were in her apartment but not she needed to buy some more furniture and utensils for the kitchen and of course FOOD. She got groceries first then went to get more furniture to add her personal touch.
Lilika was walking down the stairs when she heard grunting and cursing and looked at the landing below her. There she saw a gray furred wolf female with black hair trying to lift a dresser up the stairs. She just shook her head in pity. The wolf may be healthy and fit but strong, nope. She decided to help the poor female. “Hey need a hand?” The female stopped and looked above her revealing her beautiful, bright emerald eyes to Lilika.
Emerald looked up at the voice that asked her the question. On the landing above her was a muscular female. Not body builder but certainly close to the ancient legends of amazons. She had gray and white fur similar to a foxes and gorgeous red hair that was like a mane around her head and piercing red eyes. All under a tight halter top and shorts. Emerald gave a slight smile and said.
“Yes I could, thank you.” Then the two did a small dance as the fox female got passed Emerald and the dresser and put herself in a position to the lift the bottom.
“You ready?”
“Then lift in one.....two.....THREE!” the slowly but steadily got the dresser up the stairs and into her room.
“WHEW! That was harder than I thought.” The female fox chuckled and replied.
“That's why you need to know your limits. Is this all you needed up?”
“Sadly no, I have a desk, a couple of small tables and a couple of chairs.”
“Okay let's go get the desk next.”
“Oh wait, I couldn't take more of your time.” The fox shrugged it off.
“ NAH! I was only going down to the gym for some exercise. This not only does that but allows me to know my new neighbor.”
“Oh well my name is Emerald Graywolf.'
“I'm Lilka Foxwolf.” the two shake hands and went back to work.
Two hours later all of Emerald's stuff was in and the two sat on the couch sipping pop. “Thanks for the help.” Emerald says.
“No problem, glad I could help.”
“Well let me cook diner for you in thanks. Dinner will be at 5:30.”
“Deal.” Lilika then left and had a shower to clean up and put on a change of clothes and took care of some finances while looking forward to dinner with the beautiful female wolf. Emerald also showered but then right on to making dinner happy to already have a friend in the building. At 5:20 there was a knock on the door and Emerald let Lilika in. It was then Emerald figure out she was wrong about Lilika. While the taller buffed female had a fox like fur pattern she wasn't a fox solely. The ruffled style of her fur was like that of Emerald's own and her tail while still fox fluffy it was wolf size. So her new friend was a fox wolf hybrid. Such hybrids were uncommon but not rare. After a bit of small talk Emerald served dinner. It was simple affair but well prepared and Lilika treasured the effort the wolf put in. While eating they discovered they were the same age of 23 and Emerald told of her job and asked what Lilika did.
“So what do you do Lilika?”
“I run and own the small gym in the basement.”
“I saw a sign but couldn't find it off hand. Surprising to find a gym under an apartment complex?”
“Well the building's owner is a strange old elf but it works, most of my clients are living here.”
“So your family rich?”
“Nope my funds were from a lucky lotto win. Not one of the big wins but got a couple hundred thousand. Enough to make my gym and allow me to live comfortably.”
“I bet your parents are proud?” Lilika snorted.
“My parents couldn't care less. I couldn't be what they wanted so when 18 I left and legally changed my last name.”
“I'm sorry to here that. Not everyone can have parents like mine. They were proud that I got a good job already.”
“Then treasure that luck my friend. But don't pity me. I have my friends and they fill the gap my parents left and I can at least chose them.” They moved on to better topics for a couple more hours before ending for the night but Lilika did say this. “Hey Emerald, try out the gym you have a week of free trials with this.' Lilika hands her a card. “After that if you like it you can get the 'Friendly Neighbor Discount'.”
“Okay thanks.”
And thus started the friendship between them. Emerald did become a full member of the gym with Lilika as her personal trainer. She went from cute and curvy to curvy and strong. She admitted to not wanting to be amazonian like her friend but she did get defined muscle. She also had her parents over and they enjoyed their stay but Lilika did notice a cool reception by Emerald's parents. She guessed that Emerald some how beat the bigotry that her parents have. However an event might change that.
It had been nearly a year since Emerald had moved into the apartment. Now normally she could get to sleep fast tonight she was restless. She decided to get dressed and work out hoping that would tire her out. She took the elevator to the basement and went into the girls locker room to put her towel away for the shower after the work out. Sleepy in sweaty fur is not a good idea. She then heard a shower in the communal shower room turn off and then she saw a naked Lilika walk out drying her fur till she noticed Emerald and both stared silently at eachother in shock. Emerald more so for there she saw Lilika in her nude glory, or more correctly HIR, that was a cock sheath just above the hybrid's vagina. Emerald back away a bit and Lilika sighed. This was exactly what shi was afraid of. Herms like hir are very rare and shi just happen to be one of the lucky ones. The issue with hir paretns was they wanted hir to be girly girl but shi couldn't thanks to hir dad's genes. Hir mother was a fox vixen and hir father a wolf. And he really wanted a daughter and tried to have hir in dresses and girl stuff while hir attitude was more tomboyish. After they tried to arrange a marriage shi left. Since shi kept hir true gender hidden usually using hir apartment's shower to clean up but it was late at night with the gym technically closed so shi thought it was safe. As policy those you lived in the complex got 24/7 access. And most of them were hir close friends and only hir closest friends knew hir true gender and shi had hoped to add Emerald one day to that group.
“Yes Emerald I'm a hermaphrodite. I meant to tell you when the time was right.”
“You....you just stay away from me you FREAK!” Lilika winced, that hurt and shi had heard it before when shi was a kid. “So all that time you were with me was just so you could stake another conquest well I'm not a prize.”
'No, not true I like having new friends, maybe it could have lead to something more but I was just looking for friendship.”
“LIES, all lies. My parents told me about herms and I want nothing more to do with you.” Emerald raced out of the room and back to her apartment. Lilika stood there in shock before punching the wall in anger. This could not have gone worse.
A month has past and people in the building complex knew that something went down between the two. Lilika's closest friends guessed right that it was about hir gender. Emerald stopped going to the gym despite the fact Lilika made clear that she could still go and arrange for another trainer for her but she refused to go. Shi strode by the TV while the evening news was on. <In other news the rash disappearances of several beings continues to grow. Authorities advise people to stay away from the beaches at this time. Mayor Luna has dedicated the entire police department to finding these missing people and bring their kidnappers to justice. We have also heard reports of Military units being mobilized but nothing confirmed yet.> Lilika frowned at the news and hoped the mayor shi elected could do something about this. Shi stripped and took a shower lament hir destroyed relationship with Emerald. Shi couldn't put the wolf fem out of hir mind. Shi had to face it. Shi was attracted to the wolf and her refusal hurt.
Eventually hir shower dragged hir thoughts away from that and hir rinsing felt like a cleansing on not just hir body but mind as well. Shi always loved they way the fur dryer felt on hir body. Shi stroked hir body as the hot blast dried hir fur. Shi opened the door and went over to grab hir sweaty work clothes when shi suddenly felt something go up hir butt. Shi looked behind hir seeing a green rope attached to hir rear and leading out of the room. Shi tried pulling it out but unknown to hir the bulb of the tentacle had inflated making removal impossible. The tentacle then pulled hir out of the bathroom and started dragging hir to a window. Shi manage to grab hir heavy sofa and pull back. Shi manage to keep hirself from going any further but nothing more. They seemed to be at a stalemate and Lilika called for help till shi felt something touch hir leg. “Seriously some HELP HERE!” Shi cried out again and felt it go up hir leg then in thrusts itself into hir pussy hard. Shi nearly lost hir grip then. The tentacle grind into hir pussy till it was in deep then it started thrusting in and ouch of hir. It was painful at first, shi wasn't aroused at all so it went in dry but over time it started feeling good. Shi tried to resist but as the pleasure built hir hold weakened. Despite the fact hir pussy was being raped shi felt hir cock come out due the feelings of pleasure and felt it bounce between the floor and hir belly. All of it was too much for Lilika and shi orgasmed right here and felt hir strength go and shi lost hir grip on the table. Shi was dragged across the floor somewhat painfully since shi was belly down and hir cock was still out. All hir attempts at purchase failed and shi looked behind hir to see some sort of big bug by the window. Shi renewed hir attempt to get free but then the tentacle in hir pussy started again. The next thing shi knew was that hir body was halfway in the bugs tube like mouth. Shi tried one last time to call for help but all for naught. Shi was fully in the tube and felt it squeeze tight as it swallowed hir. Shi then felt the tentacles oull out of hir before shi was plopped into a opening here grunts and yells inside. Shi looked around and saw many of hir neighbors inside this thing including Emerald who was right next to hir.
“So it got you to.” The wolf said coldly. Lilika ignored the remark and looked around but didn't see a way out and the area they were put in was like a a very comfy chair they you need someone's help to get off. After a minute of shifting shi only ended up in the same position and helplessly waited with the others as the bag fly searched for more prey.
To Lilika it seemed about an hour before something other than more beings being added happened. The tube they came in opened and instead of someone new it was a bunch of tentacles. The grabbed the nearest being and Lilika noticed a different tentacle attach to her muzzle and quickly the female went limp and was carried out. Eventually it became Lilika's turn. Shi tried to resist, even bitting the special tentacle but all useless. It got onto hir muzzle and shi smelled something sweet and shi became drowsy then shi felt somethings squeeze against hir body before hir body hit something and the tentacle mask released hir. It took hir a bit for the drug to wear off and was getting up when another being joined hir. It was Emerald drugged like shi was and Lilika went over to help her up. As soon as Emerald was clean of the drug she yank her arm away. “Don't touch me!” Lilika raised hir hands.
“Sorry just trying to help. Save the attitude when we are out.” Emerald sighed, Lilika had a point.
“So where are we?” Lilika looked around for the first time. Everything was lighted in a green light and shi saw they were in a big cavern filled with...pods? They looked like pods each filled with a liquid or gel with a being in it with tentacles holding them and place and.....RAPING THEM? Shi also notice most of the pods near hir had two beings in them both opposite and same sex couplings.
“Where ever we are we better get out of here.” Lilika knelt down and continued. “Emerald get on my shoulders and try to force the top open.”
'Yah like I can lift hir, here we go.' Emerlad gets on Lilika's shoulders and the tall buffed fox/wolf easily gets Emerald to the top. The wolf tries to get the top opened but it seemed seal like it never could open but she kept trying. Suddenly the top shot gas at her. It smelled sweet and she quickly felt very aroused and wanted a cock in her. She tried to fight off the feeling and get back to the task but she was SSOOO horny and needed a cock and she knew where the nearest one was.
Lilika stood there supporting the wolf and looked at a nearby pod. In there a Unicorn mare and a female dragon were going at it with gusto; rubbing and caressing eachother as tentacles were in their pussy and butt, two more latched to their nipples and seemingly milking them, another mask one looking to provide air for them as the remaining tentacles loosely held them. Lilika couldn't be help but be a little aroused by the sight. While a herm and thus technically bisexual Lilika was always more attracted to females over males shi figured it was hir dad's genes contributing to that. And the way hir parents treated hir. Wanting hir to a normal girl just with a dick kinda made hir more interesting in hir male half. Back to the issue at hand it seemed that what ever this was didn't want to eat them but why it wanted to rape them shi why had no clue. They still had to get out of here. “Any luck Emerald?” Shi asked and in response the wolf dropped down and move to the front of the fox/wolf. Her eyes clouded and before Lilika could ask what happened the wolf jumped a bit arms closing around hir neck and kissed hir passionately. To say that Lilika was shocked was an understatement. Shi forced Emerald away. “Emerald what the hell we've got to get out of here.”
“I don't care I need that cock of yours in me..NOW!” The wolf jumped again for another kiss. Again Lilika grabbed the wolf to force her off again when shi smelled a sweet smell and made hir cock shoot out and hir pussy leak. Shi needed sex and shi needed it now. Shi knew Emerald was right there and she would do. Without ceremony shi impaled the wolf on hir cock causing the wolf to groan, till the plant she was a virgin so still very tight. Shi then starting thrusting in and out of the wolf not noticing the pod filling with fluid that was somewhere between gel and water, nor the tentacles or more accurately vines emerge. Four of them quickly attach to the two's nipples and began milking them for their milk. Two more closed in and went into their butts causing more moans between the two. The vines went deep enough to take their waste and as the plant learn earlier it vibrated the vine causing more pleasure for it's victims. Two more came up one entered Lilika's pussy and started thrusting in and out as the smaller branch covered hir clit and pee hole. Another smaller one slowly got between the two lovers and coiled around hir cock before splitting two ways. One covered Emerald's clit and pee hole and the other entered Lilika's cock slit to collect some of hir semen. More vines coiled around their arms and legs. By this point the fluid was at their necks and two mask vines came down waiting for an opportunity to attach. It came soon enough as the two came and howled their pleasure till muzzled and both felt a small tube enter their mouth to feed them and the breathe air and a bit of the gas that kept Lilika hard but shi couldn't do much for hir cock had a knot like hir father's. Both lovers rested a bit but not long as the gas took affect and Lilika caressed Emerald's breasts and started thrusting again much to the pleasure of the wolf.
It didn't take long for all thoughts of escape to leave and soon the gas was no longer necessary. Thus how their days progressed, sex and rest with being fed their milk and semen through out it all. Not even Emerald's pregnant belly got much in the way. The only time did something get in the way was when Emerald gave birth to a child but they were soon at it again afterward. The plant itself was very happy with the energy it got from these strange dual sexed food. Sadly for the plant it captured too few of them. It seemed there weren't many of such food so over the time it tried to make sure any child a duel sexed food had was also duel sexed. Luckily it's preservation fluid kept it's food from aging so it had time to study the problem. It did have some success and even had two of such offspring partnered and it got much energy from that pair. It's Queen Tanzi approved of its work till she stop caring and enjoyed her partner Mr. Hood. As for Lilika and Emerald, their issues no longer existed only the pleasure of eachother existed and the plant that made it happen. They didn't care about anything else in their eternal partnership.
* * * * *
Of course this wasn't the only ending of the story of the Runaway Plant Experiment thus on the only ending for Lilika and Emerald.
Lilika didn't know how long shi has been in the pod but shi certainly had a good distraction with hir forced mating with Emerald. The wolf female was a good lover though this thing did giver her a hand. Emerald herself seemed to just be waking up from after their latest sex round. Lilika was curious, this THING didn't give them enough time after a rest period for hir to have rational thought so why now? Shi felt the tentacles holding hir let go though the ones in hir butt, pussy, and around hir cock gave hir a tingle of pleasure. Shi got use to them in hir as well as hir cock hard nearly all the time. Shi then looked up and saw their pod emptying. Was this thing letting them go? Nice but why? Quickly the pod was drained of fluid and the two stood their with soaked fur wondering what to do next when the top opened up and tentacles grabbed them and lifted them up and both went through a tube till shi was plopped on a soft ground. Shi felt a blanket cover hir and someone helped hir up and away.
Shi eventually found hirself on a cot in a medical tent sipping a coffee after the medical teams poke and prodded hir more then the thing did. One of the personnel finally approached hir and asked. “How are you feeling?”
“Relieved and confused. Why did it let us go?”
“It was part of the deal with the plant's Queen Tanzi and Mr. Hood.”
“Deal? Plant?”
“What got you was a plant created from an accident in a government lab.”
“Heard about that, I thought they killed it?”
“The original yes but this was an offspring that survived thanks to Tanzi. Well Mr. Hood met with Tanzi and a deal was struck. Tanzi's plant gets to live and Tanzi herself work for Mr. Hood and the plant frees all of it's victims it used for a food source.”
“So all that yiffing it made us do was for food?”
“Yup it feeds on sexual energy.” Lilika snorts then asks.
“Okay how is it going to live if everyone is being released?”
“I don't know the details but prisoners were mentioned and a resort setup.”
“Well thanks, when can I go home?”
Shi went home the next day and had to first clear out the fridge since it had been nearly a month since shi was captured. Thankfully shi didn't have to worry about late rent since the owner was in the plant to. Shi tried to resume hir life as it was before the plant though shi noticed shi went nude more often, clothes just didn't feel the same. But other than that things became normal. Shi did learn the plan for the plant. It seems that Hood planned a island resort for those willing to temporarily wanted to be taken by the plant for a kinky vacation. For a more permanent supply all life sentenced or death row were to be giving to the plant to spend the rest of their lives as nothing more than a food source. 'Well that was one way to solve the prison population issue.' Shi thought as shi head down for the gym and notice Emerald coming out over her next door apartment. The wolf seemed have a more desperation about being away from hir. It seems their forced union didn't break her feelings about herms. And that hurt, it shouldn't but it did. Emerald went by without even looking at hir and headed downstairs. Lilika tried to work out the frustration and pain but shi kept seeing Emerald in hir mind. The feel of her fur, the tightness of her pussy. Shi sometimes wish they were still in the plant without dealing with the outside world. Shi's been tempted more than once in the weeks since shi was freed to go to the island and work out a deal to be a permanent food source. Shi eventually tired hirself out and went up to hir room and showered before relaxing on hir couch think of what to do next when the doorbell ran. Grabbing a T-Shirt large enough to cover hir bits shi opened the door to see something shi didn't expect to see.
Emerald knew she was desperate but she had no where else to turn now. She wished that plant never existed. She lost her job during the whole incident. The business was far from where the plant roamed during it's time and many of it's employees were not captured so her now ex-boss couldn't wait so they hired a replacement. Shi was job searching but right now she had a burger joint job but that could only do so much, especially with the news the med teams gave her. Everyone released by the plant were given a through examination and hers showed that she was pregnant and their could be only one father, Lilika. Her bad luck that her heat was during their captivity and since other than resting they were yiffing their brains out in the pod for a month it was probably unavoidable. After getting her place and work in order did she finally visit her parents. They talked a bit went she was freed but not much since. They invited her in and offered her a drink when her mother asked how it was going. “Mom I wish it was better. I lost the job I had before being captured by the plant and right only found a job at a burger joint and to add to it all I'm pregnant.”
“Who's the father?”
“Lilika Foxwolf.” Emerald's father's look went from very cold to a burning rage as he screamed.
“It wasn't my fault dad the plant...”
“THAT'S DOESN'T MATTER. WHAT MATTERS IS THAT I NOW HAVE A FREAK FOR A GRANDBABY FORMING IN THE WOMB AND EVEN WORSE, YOU LOST THAT JOB. I HAVE NEVER BEEN SO DISAPPOINTED IN YOU EMERALD. YOU HAVE FAILED ME!” He let out a deep breath and turned so his back faced her. “Get out, I no longer have a daughter so get out and never come back.” Tear filled Emerald looked to her mother for help but her mother look down and away with a shamed look on her face. She was ashamed of her daughter to. Sadden beyond belief all she could feel was betrayal and anger. She stood up and snarled at her former father.
“FINE, IF THAT IS HOW YOU FEEL ABOUT ME THEN YOU WEREN'T WORTHY OF BEING MY FATHER. IT IS EXPECTED FOR A PARENT TO SUPPORT A CHILD AND YOU HAVE CLEARLY FAILED. YOUR BELIEF AND PRIDE HAS BLINDED YOU.” She then looked at her former mother. “AND YOU, don't even have the strength to defend you own child but then you believe the same as him don't you. The world has to fit in your little box about it. Never minding the circumstances that led to it. I came for help and support and all I got was rejection. I was wrong about the two of you. You don't want me anymore well the same applies to you so SCREW YOU!” She then threw the glass she was holding at her dad and ran out the door and drove home never to see them again.
When she got to her home she collapsed on her bed weeping for the loss of family. After about an hour she needed to think. She's pregnant with a low paying job and no family for support. Things were not good and she firmly did not believe in abortion it was a coward's way out. But she needed help and she could sadly only think of one you might do it. She got up and straighten herself before going to the door of Lilika's apartment. She was scared, she hadn't treated the fox/wolf well since she learned hir true gender. She took a deep breath and released it and knocked on the door. The door open and Emerald saw a look of shock on the hybrid's face. “Could..could I have a word with you?”
Lilika didn't know what to make of it. Emerald has spent all this time avoiding hir. Now here she is, looking small,weak, submissive, and desperate. Part of hir wanted to slam the door in her face but the look in the eyes got hir curious. Shi moved out of the way and the wolf came in. Lilika offered a seat which Emerald took and shi took the couch and waited. This was Emerald's show. The wolf female looked down to the ground and began. “Lilika I owe you an apology. You didn't deserve the treatment I gave you. My only excuse was that's how my parent's raised me. I realize that they were wrong. You see Lilika, I carry your child and my parents didn't take it well, they disowned me so I ask for your help with this child of ours.” She was crying at the end but the tears were affecting Lilika as effectively as they normally would.
“DO you know how much you hurt me Emerald? I considered you a friend, getting to be a close friend. In a couple months I would have revealed my true gender. Then even after the plant you got worse and that hurt more, so why should I help you?” Emerald got on to her knees in front of Lilika sobbing.
“Please, I'll do anything. I can't raise this child alone. I ask for mercy for the sake of the child.” Lilika watched her and shi made a decision.
“I will help raise our child.' Emerald looked up with joy in her tear filled eyes. “But you still have to pay for the way you treated me. So we will begin a new pack with me as alpha and you...you are my sex slave now. You work your job but went home you are mind to do with as I please and the first in that is this. I want you naked at home. You have a beautiful body and I want to see it. But don't worry.” Shi took off hir shirt. “You get to look at me to. We will raise our child together no matter the gender and it will know it's loved. Now to seal the deal between us. Strip and suck on my cock.” Emerald was surprised at the conditions and with the hesitation she caused a growl from Lilika. “If you want me to believe your sincerity then do as I command.”
Emerald gulped and closed in on the fox/wolf's sheath. She noticed no balls under it so they must have be internal so shi just saw the sheath and the pussy of the hybrid herm. She paused just inches before the sheath with part of her mind saying that this was wrong, but that part was taught by the parents that disowned her so screw it. Gathering her courage she nuzzled the sheath taking the musky scent in. It did smell good. To her tender care Lilika's cock comes out and Emerald takes it into her muzzle. She felts the hot meat on her tongue and with her tongue caressing it as much moved her muzzle up and down the cock. She heard Lilika moan in pleasure and manage a small smile. Lilika may dominate her for now on but she did have some control and she was starting to like this.
This continued for minutes before Lilika pulled away and stroked hir cock till shi sprayed hir seed all over Emerald. When down shi looked at the cum covered wolf and smiled. “Thus now your mine, now let's get you cleaned off.” Lilika led her to the shower where shi cleaned her off but couldn't help claiming hir mate again.
Emerald gave birth to a herm child that they named Dawn. Shi had the coloring of a wolf but hir belly area had a slightly lighter gray and hir sire's red hair. Both hir parent's silently swore to love and support their child no matter what. As for Emerald's relationship with with Lilika was interesting but healthy. While many times Lilika showed hir dominance most of the time shi shown love and care, constantly caressing and kissing Emerald's growing belly before kissing Emerald. Which usually led to other things. Lilika had the wall between their apartments knocked down and making a condo out of it. And Emerald did get a better job when Dawn was old enough and they seemed happy. However Emerald sense unease in her mate and decided to be bold. “What's wrong love, you don't seem very happy lately?”
“Drat I hoped I was hiding it from you. You know I love you and our daughter very much?”
“Of course my love, we might have had a very rough start but I wouldn't change this for the world.”
“But for some reason I'm feeling a lack somewhere, even though our jobs are successful, our mating is healthy and our child is happy.” Emerald thought about the problem, she started stroking her mate's sheath as she did so causing her mate to moan slightly. But as her hand went down she brushed the top of Lilika's pussy and the proverbial light bulb went off.
“I got it love!”
“You do?”
“Yes, you are a herm. You have male and female needs. While I can provide for your male needs I can't for your female needs.” Lilika sighs.
“Then we have no solution then.”
“Sure we do. Go find a male.” Lilika was shocked to say the least.
“But, us? Our daughter?”
“My love, some packs the alpha has the right to have multiple mates. While those who raised me didn't practice it, others did. But if you are worried so much. I grant you permission to find a male mate.”
“I'm usually the one granting permission. Very well I'll start looking....tomorrow.” Lilika then kissed hir mate and pushed her down on the couch and began a love session.
A week or so later Lilika was checking the supplies in the girl's locker room when Colleen walked in. The Collie morph was among Lilika's close friends and knew hir true gender. They said their hello's and the collie got dressed into her work clothes when she said. “Hey Lilika a friend of mine has moved into the city and I'd like hir to meet my friends here.”
“Yup shi's a herm like you.”
“Oh, cool. When and where?”
“Tomorrow night at the movie theater.”
“Okay I'll bite as long as Emerald can come. What movie?”
“Sure she can come and it's Kung Fu Creatures On The Rampage..3!”
“Oh jeeze they made another one. Okay cya tomorrow night then.”
The next night Lilika and Emerald left Dawn in the care of a babysitter and went to the local theater. Their they saw some of their friends from the gym and others. Colleen was talking to a gold dragoness with a slim figure when Lilika and Emerald walked up. Colleen saw them walk up and greeted them. “Lilika, Emerald, welcome. This is my friend Treasure. Treasure, this is Lilika and Emerald Foxwolf.” The Dragon turned to them and Lilika could understand hir name. With hir gold scales and green eyes shi was like a living piece of treasure.
“Good to meet you, Colleen has told me about you.” Shi extended hir hand which took Lilika a moment to take. The group went inside got their tickets and snacks and went in. Somehow Treasure got seated next to Lilika and they watched the film. The film was not the great but entertaining. They left bemoaning the lack of imagination of Hollywood these days. They went to dinner and Treasure and Lilika really got into a conversation leaving both Emerald and Colleen smirking.
Over the next months the four of them went out at various events and activities. Colleen even invited Treasure to the gym and had Lilika coach hir. She did notice some of the blushes the fox/wolf had at times. Colleen and Emerald got together on day and talked about the two herms and plotted.
Lilika was walking into the restaurant, Emerald said she had a reservation for hir and shi was curious to why hir mate wanted a dinner hear where they have to be clothed instead of at home in fur. Shi walked up to the waiter and said. “There should be a reservation for a Lilika or Emerald Foxwolf.” The waiter looked through a paper and replied.
“Yes we do have one for a Lilika Foxwolf, please follow me?” He led hir through the restaurant till the reached a table, but it was occupied. Treasure was as surprised as Lilika was. Lilika went to the waiter.
“Sir this table is occupied.”
“Yes it's a combined reservation for Lilika Foxwolf and Treasure of Clan Sungold.” The two herms look at eachother shrugged and Lilika took a seat. The waiter handed them their menu's and walked away.
“I think we've been had.” Treasure says.
“I agree I think I know why Emerald did it but what about Colleen assuming you were to meet her.”
“I was supposed to meet her. (sigh) Let's have dinner first before we discussed this.” Lilika nodded and they opened their menu's.
They had a nice dinner and had some small talk but as the waited for desert Lilika popped the question. “So as I said I know why Emerald did this but do you know why Colleen would set you up?”
“Well part of the reason I moved here was to settle down a bit and start a family. My clan heavily populates my home town so most there felt like my bothers and sisters than a potential mate. And after 10 years with the special forces I had my fill there. I knew Colleen moved here and liked it and Striker and his mate liked the area though when I asked why they giggled. So I said might as well try here.”
“And for me while I love Emerald very much and she satisfies my male needs very well I still have a female side that she can't satisfy. I'm guessing She and Colleen notice my admittedly attraction for you and decided to force the issue.”
“Well I admit I was attracted to you as well but thought you were unavailable. But if your mate put this together then she has given her blessing. So what do you say? Wanna see where this goes?” Lilika admitted to hirself that having a herm mate would be good, they could satisfy eachother's needs and shi didn't have to worry about how someone would take it like Emerald first did.
“Yeah, I'm willing to try.” The paid the bill and got into Lilika's car, Treasure took a cab tonight to get there and they headed for Treasure's place. During the drive Lilika absently said.
“Striker, that name sounds familiar.” Then the light bulb went on. “I know! He was in the plant with me and Emerald.”
“You were in that thing!?” Lilika nodded.
“I just got out of the shower when that thing nabbed me. It then put me and Emerald together and we were stuck in that thing for about a month before the deal was struck.” They arrived at Treasure's apartment. Shi had a corner apartment and nicely furnished and perfect for a single being. The went to hir bedroom and began stripping eachother. Lilika loved the exotic feel of the dragon herm's scales It's texture so different to what shi was used to. Treasure meanwhile enjoyed the feel of Lilika's fur, so soft and cuddly. Most of hir home town were dragons and shi never was intimate with anyone in Striker's group so shi never felt fur like shi did now. AND SHI LIKED IT.
The two continued to caress eachother till they were next to the bed and Treasure pushes the fox/wolf on to the bed and both got a good look at eachother. Treasure saw hir lover's body without hinderence. It was a perfect blend of fox and wolf and even male and female. Lilika had muscle but shi still had clear feminine figure. Shi was like a amazon except but the well endowed cock jutting up from hir sheath. Shi liked what shi saw. Lilika meanwhile got hir full view of Treasure. The Dragon had a healthy body but not a fit one. Shi looked forward to changing that. But it was clearly more feminine than hir own and hir cock looked ridged. The issue with herms that no matter which role they plan to be in a sex act both sets of organs respond. Treasure got onto the bed looked eye to eye with Lilika and passionately kissed hir as shi entered the fox/wolf. Both groan into eachother's muzzles and Treasure doesn't move just to feel the pleasure of being in Lilika. Then shi started moving. Lilika for part was in complete bliss. Shi never had a dragon lover before so shi was new to the ridge cock and man did it feel good. Shi had hir tongue hanging out and playing with Treasure's breasts. The next few minutes all either could think about was the pleasure they brought to eachother till Lilika started saying. “OH Treasure! I'm CUMING! I'M CUUUUMMMMING!”
“ME TOO!AAAAAHHH!” Lilika howls and Treasure roars as they cum together After a couple of minutes Treasure collapses on top of hir lover and the two rest for a bit before trying other positions and even switching roles throughout the night.
Treaure moved in with hir new mates and liked the house rule of nudity. Shi didn't have to hide what shi was here and loved that feeling. Shi and Emerald also became close and good lovers. All three of them had many wonderful children together and Lilika did buff up the dragon a bit. The three had a very happy life and were the beginning of the influential pack. All it all began from a encounter with a freaky plant.
Chapter 0 - Sucky Scientist |
Sucky Scientist by Admiral Q based on Sucky Situation by Rubber Zebra Zena tinkered with some item on the grass with a small smile on her face. She loved tinkering with stuff even at the tender age of 6. She was a young female zebra with a part of her main always stuck forward of her left ear. “HEY ZENA!” She looked up and smiled at Galloper a fellow zebra but male and a good friend. 'What are you making this time?” She smiled and held it up. It was a wood board with a button a battery and a light. She presses the button and the light lit up. They both played with it the rest of the day. * * 15 years later * * Zena was looking over the computer read outs of her latest tests. At 21 she had to fulfill her dream. She worked at a multimillion dollar company Intiplay. Works on various items. Her area was in the fetish sex play and such. Her devices were so good she was allowed much freedom. Heck she spent most of the time at home in her personal lab with a handsome personal assistant. Galloper moved in with her when she bought the place and helped her modify it to be her main lab. She only goes to work once or twice a week and mainly then for test that just can't be done in her lab or when company heads have a meeting. Today is was testing on a project the heads wanted done, and done by the best. Satisfied with the work done on the project for today she signs out and heads to the parking lot for her car and chatting with a co worker hearing her hooves clack on the cement. She saved some money with not bothering with shoes. Who needed them when you had hooves. On the way home she felt stiff and some good sex therapy with Galloper would do her some good.However when she opened the door to the house and came in she saw Galloper sucking himself off with anal beads imbedded. When they decided to partner up she made it clear. Minus product testing for the company they would not self stimulate like this. He had her and she had him to pleasure eachother yet it seems he kept doing this. Once is forgivable, twice understandable, but this was the FIFTH time. Well she was going to take care of this once and for all. If he likes pleasuring himself so much she'll make sure he has all the time to do it.Galloper was enjoying himself having just orgasmed when Zena came through the door and man did she looked ticked. He beg for forgiveness. She forbade this but he couldn't help it, it felt so good. The second best thing when Zena was not available. She ignored him and she went to the lab downstairs, uh not good. She came up with a few items. He kept begging for forgiveness when she pulled out the anal beads and stuffed a butt plug in. She then screwed in a pump making it a inflating butt plug and gave it a squeeze making him moan a bit. He was still pleading when she stuffed him into a vac sack. He recognized it was one of her creations. Made of a special latex nano fiber she can customize it has she wants like right now the vac sack was letting the pump for the plug through it then solidified. Zena gave it another squeeze and that was starting to become unbearable. Zena made sure he fit in this vac sack and bent him nearly in half. She then silenced his pleading but stuffing his mouth with this cock, still hard throughout this. It was in a little deeper than normal and he felt a hiss as she injected something in him. He just remembered she was working with a Viagra product lately. What was she doing with it? He heard some buttons be pressed and he heard the sack seal up and air leave it making the sack conform to his form. He felt the sack enter his nose and form a couple of air holes so he could breathe. With the sack tightened his cock was now trapped in his muzzle and despite what was happening he was nearly ready to blow another wad. He then felt the Sack move and the weight of gravity changed. He was no longer lying on his back, likely hanging on a wall. The pump was squeeze again and I tried to move but ended up sending a pleasure spike in my cock. I was breathing heavily out of my nostrils, likely easily heard outside the sack. Then he felt them get plugged. I can safely say I stared to panic and began breathing out of my mouth but that only stimulated my cock more. Another pump on the plug made the pressure inside my butt unbearable. Air was finally returned after I started feeling faint, another pump. Then I felt a hand stroking my cock from the outside. I bucked to try to get away but that just sealed it. I shot a fountain of cum into my muzzled hitting my throat and pooling in my mouth. And the rubbing hand just kept working in magic cum releasing ability, One day when Zena had to go to a conference he had a lot of time that day with all projects done and manage to cum five times but this was ridiculous. I felt my cock swell more and almost pushing down my throat, had to be the Viagra. I came again and there was no escape this time, it had to be a quart of cum filling my muzzle. With no where else to go I tried swallowing my semen but it was like peanut butter so I swallowed harder and that created pleasant feelings in my cock. To swallow I had to suck my own cock, which came again. I couldn't help but moan and swallow again, I swear it was like a roller coaster, the more I tried to swallow the cum and get it out of my mouth the more it stimulated my cock and causing it to blast away nonstop. In a dizzying pleasure of orgasms, I was drinking my cum like it was out of a drinking fountain. That kept making me orgasms and cum more. I bucked again shoving my cock deeper into my throat. I felt the the plug get pumped again, to an unbearable level. I came again and again I swallowed.I HAD to.Zena smirked at what was in front of her. Her ex-boyfriend and now slave was tightly encased in her latest vac sack sucking his own cock. She figure if he liked sucking his dick so much why stop him from not doing it EVER. So she injected him with a new formula that mixed good old fashion Viagra with a new substance that alters seman or female juices into a nutrient rich fluid. It still acts like it should normally but now in theory anyone consuming it doesn't need food and wouldn't need to expel waste either. She figure this was the best time to test it. And she added some nanos to remove any current waste. She looked back at the encased zebra male, she could hear slight moaning as he continually sucked his own cock. She plan to leave him there for a year as punishment. Maybe when he was out he'll have his fill of his own semen and will have sex with her more often. Then she frowned. She was down an assistant as well as being a little horny. She admits she was a bit of a dominatrix, Galloper was always willing to obey her in all things. Except it seems on sucking his own cock without permission. Well she has to go out and find some help. She rubbed Galloper's cock and gave the plug a squeeze. His moan got noticeably louder. As she left the house. She went to the nearest servant house. In their society those who became in debt severely lost their citizenship and became force servants to repay the debts they owed or were minor criminals, nothing to serious like murder or big violence but broke the law one too many times. They still had some rights, an owner couldn't kill them and couldn't be raped unless under the orders of their owner but such an owner is frown on. As a result the prison populations were less then they would be and far less homeless people then there would be. She pulled into the nearest servant house and walked in. A toga clad Hyena female greeted her. “Good evening, Welcome to Zack's Service Market how may I help you tonight?”“I'm looking for a male equine that has enough intelligence to do complex work.”“Very well, follow me.” The hyena directed her to a holo terminal and after pressing a few button a row of portraits and stats appear. “He you go ma'am any questions, you can ask me.” Zena nodded and look at the holos. She looked through the selections and wasn't happy, the selection either had too much a criminal background for her or just lacked the traits she was looking for.“Are these all you have?” Zena asked.“This is our entire list of male equines.” Zena sighed and began to walk away.“Ma'am we do have some Hermaphrodite equines, perhaps one of them would fit?” Zena stopped and thought for a bit. She never thought of a herm before. Her curiosity was peaked. When Galloper is released the three of them could have a lot of fun and a herm would be useful for both of them. “Okay let me see what you have.” The Hyena typed on the terminal again and a much smaller list appeared and Zena looked through it all till she came to one. The image showed a standard horse with yellow gold fur with dark brown fur covering hir forearms and forelegs as well as hir nose and had brown hair. Shi was sexy and well endowed. It seem they made hir where a cock ring for the picture so all hir traits could be seen. Hir bio showed that shi committed no crimes but hir family was dire financial straights so sold hir to pay off debts. Hir stats show shi to be fairly intelligent just dealt a bad hand it seems. Shi would do, this Sunlight as shi was named. Zena pointed to hir picture. “I like to see this one.”“Yes ma'am.” She typed the terminal again and a few minutes later a door opens and a pair of attendants brought in Sunlight. Without the blue tint of the holo hir fur was radiant and shi was slightly taller than Zena. Hir face and posture were submissive which agreed with hir stats and a plus in Zena's mind. Shi wore only a generic collar, a common practice. Only those with permission by their owners wore something with the exception of weather. Zena did a circuit around the herm and the size of trhe sheath showed that they did lie about anything. Some servant houses embellished the servants they have and many buy off the picture and then see the person and they don't quite match. Despite the legal troubles some houses still do it. Zena irony is that some of the scammers end up in a servant house. Zena was not so naïve and it seems Zack's wants to stay honest.“Okay i'll take hir, how much?”“Five thousand credits.” Zena winced a bit but considering everything that's a reasonable price. She paid it and the hyena swiped a wand over the horse herm.'There now if shi gets lost or runs away anyone law enforcement will know shi belongs to you. Thank you for your purchase.” Zena then left with Sunlight in ow and drive back home.When they walked in Sunlight asked. “How may this one serve you mistress?”“First off you can address yourself as I, me, etc. I bought you for various reasons, one I need an assistant for my lab work and you are smart enough to fill that role, you are also in charge of house cleaning and if my work keeps me busy grocery shopping, you will have an allowance to use as you see fit. Now here are my requirements, one you WILL be nude at all times with the usual weather exception. You will also serve me sexually. Punishment will be ranged but fair the most extreme example is over on the wall.” Zena pointed to Galloper. Sunlight first thought is was a sculpture but now shi sees it's a equine encased in the vac sack. He was bent in half with his legs above him and shi saw air holes and a pump. “This is Galloper, he was my boyfriend and now my slave. He disobeyed me too many times on a rule and he gets to be in their for a year sucking his own cock. Disobey like he did and you will suffer the same fate. But enough of that for now, I'm horny and I want to test you out.” Zena led Sunlight into her bedroom. Zena then turned to Sunlight. “Okay strip me slowly.” Sunlight followed hir mistress orders and started with the shirt. Shi slowly lifted it off hir mistress and then removed the bra she wore. Hir mistress had an ample bosom, shi couldn't help but smile at it. Shi was generally a female biased herm but those breasts looked delightful. Shi then removed the belt and pulled the pants down seeing the shapely legs of hir mistress, shi then went back and began pulling down hir mistress panties. When shi saw hir mistresses pussy already wet shi felt hir cock start to go erect. Shi stood up again awaiting hir mistress's next command. Hir mistress tentatively touch hir breasts. It started light and she started caressing them. In pleasure Sunlight closed hir eyes and felt hir cock go more erect. Hir mistress's touch became more forceful and Sunlight moaned in pleasure. “You know you can touch me to.” Her mistress said.“Yes mistress.” Shi obeyed and touch those tempting breasts caressing them and hearing hir mistress moan. Their bodies close and Sunlight feels hir cock sandwiched between their bodies and they caress eachother's bodies. Before shi knew it Sunlight kissed hir mistress passionately to which hir mistress joined in. When shi realized what shi had done shi broke off and blushed. “Excuse me mistress. I didn't think.”'Then don't think.” She replied and kissed hir. Eyes closed and kissing again with their hands caressing everywhere they move till they bumped into the bed. Hir mistress smiled and fell onto the bed pulling Sunlight with her. Shi winced a bit as hir cock was squeezed between them as they landed. Shi used hir hands to push hir up and looked at hir mistress. Hir mistress nodded at the unspoken question and Sunlight slowly entered hir mistress causing both to moan in pleasure. Sunlight stayed there, reveling in the tightness of hir mistress's pussy. For Zena she felt stretched, Sunlight was bigger than Galloper. Then her servant starting thrusting in and out and she couldn't think anymore. Neither could as the pleasure between them overrode everything else. Zena cupped sunlight's breasts as Sunlight used hir hands to support hirself as shi kept thrusting in and out of hir mistress's pussy, They next thing they both knew was a climax, Sunlight pumping hir semen into hir mistress and Zena gushing fluid. Sunlight collapsed onto hir mistress as the orgasm ended. They rested for a few minutes before Zena pick up again. Throughout the night they tried several positions and Zena trying oral for both of Sunlight's genitals while Sunlight licked her pussy. As the night progressed Sunlight became bolder and Zena didn't mind for the herm was a good lover. Exhaustion finally won out and both lay on the bed and before Sunlight fully falls asleep shi hears hir mistress say. “I'm glad I bought you.”The next day Zena showed Sunlight around and hir duties. They worked well as a team and got to the point where Zena just need to put a hand out and Sunlight would have the right chemical or device. Shi also watched hir mistress study the encased equine, checking his vitals and such. She even had Sunlight do it a time or two. They seemed normal, just a little elevated but Zena said that was normal since he was in essence in a state of permanent arousal. And as predicted shi did have to go out and shop at times as hir mistress was deep in her work. Taking money out of the grocery fund hir mistress left available shi headed out to the store. Some would be worried about hir driving but there was no reason to worry. Although Zena is hir first owner some of hir fellow servants at the house have had a few and many had horror stories. Many spent all their time ties to poles, walls or devices and use repeatedly, denied orgasms, or even to go to the bathroom for relief embarrassing themselves before their owner and guests. While shi only had to deal with nudity and the sex which was enjoyable. Shi was even allowed some credits for some personal items. Shi had a small room to keep them but shi had no bed. Hir bed was hir mistress's bed. So yes while shi deeply wishes shi was never made a servant shi could have gotten a harsher owner. Shi ignored the leers and whistles from both males and females as shi bought the food they need and heads home.Finally a year had past and Sunlight brought the encased equine down to the lab. Shi laid him down on the examination table and Zena approached with a hypo. After pressing a few buttons Sunlight heard a hiss and hir mistress ordered. “Lift the top Sunly” Sunlight smiled at the nickname hir mistress uses for hir and did as ordered. Peeling back the blue latex reveals a zebra stallion sucking his cock. He cums as Zena uses the hypo on him and grabbed is legs and they both hear a moan as Zena slowly brings the legs to a more natural position. The zebra faints exhausted with the drug no longer running through his system. Zena checked his vitals and she looked and the flaccid cock that hasn't yet retracted back into his sheath, she thought it looked bigger. With the checks done Zena laid a blanket over him and put a pillow under his head and let him rest.Galloper awoke the next day confused. The last thing he remembered was the bliss he experienced for he doesn't know how long sucking his cock and drinking his cum. Then he sees Zena appear above him smiling. “Good you're awake Galloper. How do you feel.”“Worn and confused. What's going on?”“Simple, your punishment is over. It's a year later. Disobey me like that again however I'll put you back in and leave you there for the rest of your life.”“Got it sorry Zena.” She snorted.“You better be. Now to update you I have another assistant named Sunlight or Sunly for short. Shi is a servant and I consider you equal to hir so don't think you can command hir only I can.” Zena helped him up and helped him get back upstairs and helped him to the kitchen table. I plate was placed before him and he looked up and saw a gold furred equine female who smiled. He returned it and started eating. “One final thing, neither of you will have sex with eachother unless I say so. Is that clear?” The both nod, “Good we'll all have fun tonight.”That night Zena decided to have fun with Galloper again and figured out a way for Sunly to have fun as well. In their bedroom All three were naked and Zena caressed over Galloper's chest. Galloper's cock shot out and Zena squeezed it causing a moan from the stallion. IT didn't take long for Galloper to enter her and start pumping when he felt something enter his butt. Looking behind him he see's Sunlight shoving hir lubed cock in his tailhole and it felt good and a strange dance began. While it would have made more sense for Sunlight to enter Zena and Galloper to enter hir Zena was in heat and wanted a child by her life long friend. They were like a organic machine, Every time Galloper withdrew from Zena Sunlight was thrusting in. It didn't take long for Galloper to come dragging his lovers with him. They tried various positions throughout the night except for the fact that Galloper's cock was inside Zena but they both gave Sunlight oral and cock sucking, after it was cleaned of course. After another group climax they fell asleep still connected to eachother.Several months have past and Zena was away at a company meeting. All three have grown close, both Galloper and Sunlight enjoyed caressing Zena's growing belly. But she was away and Galloper was horny again and cleaning nearby in all hir nude glory was Sunlight. Shi had a beautiful body and he felt is cock stiffen in reaction, all three wore clothes less in the house than before. He stood up and approached Sunlight from behind. He rubbed hir body and shi smiled. His rubbing went to more intimate area's and shi manage to moan out. “Mistress Zena said we couldn't do this.”“Shi isn't here right now and won't be for a couple hours.” He then played with hir clit and rubbed hir cock. The sweet spot for hir is was overwhelmed with pleasure .He played with both for minutes destroying any resistance shi had and entered from the rear.It was hours later when Zena entered the house. And found them yiffing on the floor with Sunlight's cock bouncing between their bodies. A cold fury rippled through Zena and she took out a pistol like device. It was a tazer she modified for her security. She made adjustments and fired it. It hot both of the equine lovers and they cum as they are shocked into unconsciousness. And she began her work.Galloper was the first to awake. He felt his body bend in two again and felt his aroused cock in his mouth again with another butt plug in and everything was blue tinted. He heard a bag zip and heard Zena say. “I warned you. Told you not to but you did again anyway well enjoy your bag, you are going to be here the rest of your life.” He then heard a vacum sound and felt his prison tighten around him not allowing him to move again. They then felt a hand rub his cock and it came and thus the endless cycles of sucking and cumming happens again.Zena smirked as Galloper was returned to his spot on the wall which he will live the rest of his life sucking is own cock for her amusement. She walked back downstairs to deal with Sunlight.Sunlight felt something in hir butt, pussy, and cock as shi laid somewhere. A frowning Zena appears above hir. “You disapoint me Sunlight. You did so well, I hope you learn from this.” Shi heard a hiss and felt something attached to hir nipples and a dildo stuff into hir mouth. Shi couldn't spit it out with a muzzle over hir and before shi could move a gold color latex went over hir. Shi heard a zip and some buttons and felt the latex squeeze hir till shi couldn't move at all. Shi couldn't really see besides vague outlines and fearfully wondered what hir mistress will do. Shi felt hirself being pulled and felt a wall through the latex. After a minute of nothing felt vibration on hir cock and in hir butt and pussy and a wave of pleasure formed. In a few minutes shi was surprise when liquid entered hir mouth, milk. Hir milk likely because hir breasts felt strange just before shi was encased. Shi felt hir cock on the verge of cumming.....but didn't. It was stuck, shi felt that just a little more and shi'd cum but it was not happening and the vibrations in hir butt and pussy while very pleasant wasn't pushing hir over the edge and with hir tightly encased shi couldn't move. All shi could do was feel the pleasure, the frustration, and drink the milk.Zena smiled at the encased hir and rubbed the breasts through the latex. Sunlight was testing out her female version of the drug she used on Galloper. Shi will be in their teased and denied orgasm for a year again barring emergency. She left to find yet another herm to assist her and plan to take a leave of absence from work to raise her child. Luckily she had a part of the patent from her inventions. When she bought this herm she decided to lay down the law. And put a chastity belt on hir. It left hir hard and blocked hir pussy till Zena wanted it. She gave birth to a son she named Raynor and a year later released Sunlight and gave hir the chastity belt as well and forced both herms to do anal to cement her rule of them. It worked Sunlight never disobeyed her again and the three formed the core of a new family. EPILOGEIt was been two hundred years since Zena gave birth to Raynor. The house stayed in the family and despite modernizations done one thing remained the same. Hanging on the wall was Galloper still encased and surprisingly still alive. Twenty years after being permanently encased Zena noticed his stats didn't change. Shi underestimated the effectiveness of her vac sack. It prevented aging it seemed and with the drug kept him fill with the vital nutrients. A modified version is now used for space exploration. Nor was he alone in the house. Several others of all genders and races were encased in similar sacks throughout the house. Disobedient servants or enemies of the family doomed to forever either in orgasm denial or like Galloper milked. As for Galloper himself any rational thought is gone. He only exists to swallow and cum and feel the pleasure it brings....for all eternity. |
Chapter 4 - Tales of Redstreak Chapter 4 |
Red and Alexis relationship changed a bit after that weekend. They both slept naked together and even though Alexis got hir medication for her heat they still had a few romps. When Alexis talked to Coal over the vidphone the chakat chuckled at their antics and was a bit jealous of Alexis have that kind of time with Red. Well maybe more envious than jealous considering hir and Red's mateship was fairly new and shi wanted to join in. Exhausting the branches in the GNA the pair heads to Australia.
As the head out of the spaceport Red proclaims. “HOLY CRAP! IT'S HOT HERE! I think I might melt any second!”
“Oh come on Red! It isn't that bad.” Grinning at hir friends antics shi continues. “And most of the Chakats on the planet live here.”
"They're insane, they must be insane.” Alexis couldn't help but chuckle at Red. Though shi'll be glad to be in the PTV and turn on the AC. Putting their stuff in the rent PTV they head to the Melbourne Double H Club. “I am curious Alexis.”
"On what?”
"The PTVs, are they all electric?”
"So the environmental wackos finally won and forced everyone to drive electric.”
"Not true, why would you say that?”
"Back in my time they were trying to forced people into those cars despite the disaster of the Volt. Let the marketplace decide not the idiots in political power the fund cars that cost too much don't go far and take a long time to charge.”
"Well people aren't forced to Red, there are gas using vehicles around. Most of the companies build variations of the PTV and they're all fully customizable.”
"Well still not happy with that but maybe it's just me and my old ways.” Red grumbled.
"Maybe.” Alexis chimed then shi hugged Red's upper torso. “But I wouldn't change it one bit.”
They arrive the the Double H and Red enters first seeing a rabbit morph at the front desk. The Rabbit look up from whatever shi was doing, smiled and said. “Welcome to Hermaphrodite Haven, I'm Francine Vice President of this branch.” A VP that greets to. Grinning shi looks behind her to Alexis who has just come through the door. “I didn't know you had family here?” Alexis burst out laughing at the remark as Francine stood there a little confused.
"I'm I missing something?” Fran asks as but Red and Alexis start to laugh. Finally managing to control hirself Alexis approached Fran.
"I'm Alexis Timber the new President of our New Minneapolis Branch and I did the same thing. The comedian next to me is Chakat Redstreak, child of Sunspot and Fireblaze.” Red stuck hir tongue out at hir friend. “So mature, especially for a 40 year old.”
"Call it my midlife crisis.” Red retorted causing Alexis to chuckle.
"Well we were told to expect you. Will Redstreak be joining you?”
"Nope shi's just here to protect me. Have fun Red.”
"Only if I don't melt first.” Red comments as Fran leads Alexis to their president.
Red went into the main area and quickly found the gym and spent an hour there before heading back up. After getting a cool drink Red lounged on a couch relaxing the best shi could. The AC wasn't on high enough to suit hir. Shi had almost dozed off when shi felt a weight land on hir couch. “Hi your new here my name is Tavitiana but my friends call be Tavi. Why do you have a gun and..” The collie morph said in a hyper accented voice. Red grabbed and shut hir muzzle.
"Switch to decaf Tavi.” Letting go of the collie's muzzle shi continued. “I'm Redstreak, and I'm here on business as a bodyguard.”
"Oh, cool, and I'm not on caffeine I'm just naturally perky. You're not Australian are you? Your accent isn't right.'
"I'm from America.” Red takes a sip from hir drink. “You guys don't keep it cold enough in here, it's hard to cool down.”
"Where in the GNA?'
"Minnesota.” Tavi just gives hir a confused look.
"New Minneapolis.”
"Ah, so it would be hot here for you. Why don't you try the pool. It's a great way to cool down.”
"But I didn't bring any swim ware.” Tavi grins at hir.
"The pool and the green room are the places where it is fine to be nude. The kids kinda forced it that way. Come on I'll show you.” The little collie lead Red to the elevator, up a few floors and through a small corridor opening a door to a large pool area. “You can store your things in the locker over there and there are blankets next to it. They're are showers on the other side of the door for the chlorine. Now I have to go back and wait for some friends and enjoy!” the collie hops away and Red glances at the pool before heading over to the lockers. Paying for the locker she puts hir gun shirt and equipment belt in and puts the waterproof key around hir neck. Dipping into the pool shi sighs in the cooling pleasure of the pool. Shi swam for a few minutes thanking God that Breaks taught hir how to swim in a six limbed form. Finally shi goes to the edge of the pool and leans hir upper torso against the concrete as hir lower torso floated in the pool. Soon hir eyes were closed and shi almost purrs at the relaxation till a voice broke it.
"Now that's a relaxed cat.” Opening hir eyes and looking to the left Red sees a cougar furred chakat with waist length blond hair sticking to hir since shi had a swim as well. “G'day mate I'm chakat Goldfur, child of Longstripe and Desertsand.”
"Chakat Redstreak, nice to meet you.”
"Your from America aren't you, I can tell by the accent my mate is from there. Do chakats there not give their parents names in the greeting?”
"Doh!” Red facepalms. “My apologies I was just recently adopted so I have to remember to include them. I'm the Child of Sunspot and Fireblaze.”
“What about your birth parents?” Red's smile fades away as shi looks down .
"Gone, for a long time gone.” Red feels a hand on hir shoulder as Goldfur says.
"I'm sorry Redstreak.”
"It's okay, some wounds never fully heal but my new family is very good at treating the pain.”
"I know the feeling. I lost my daughter Stonefur in the first of the Human First riots last year.”
"How old?”
"Shi and hir twin Greypaws were barely a year old when that happened. Thank the Makers that Lupu survived.”
"Those monsters, Humanity never seems to remember for long. I'm so ashamed of them.”
"Long story, so what do you do for a living?” Grateful for the change of subject Goldfur answers.
"I am a technician with the Star Corps, fixing everything that is broke you?”
"Currently as a bodyguard for my Double H's President as shi recruits replacements for our branch.”
"I'm from Minneapolis.” Goldfur winces having heard of the bombing that happened there.
"So what about before that?”
"Worked at the home I live with my mate Coaldust, our co-mate Medallion and my niece Whirlwind.”
"Nice, so how do you like Australia so far?”
"I'll give one guess why I'm in this pool.” Goldfur grins and answers.
"You were a little warm and needed to cool off? Malena was the same way when she moved here.” Red snorted.
"A little, and Malena?”
"My first mate, I met her during shore leave one time and we clicked. Her mother was open to me but then Malena left the village and though I didn't know it without her mother's blessing hurt her mother didn't speak about her and things became icy between me and my mother in law. Thus she lived with me and my sister adapting I later met her brother when he heard what happened. Turned out he was a technician in the Star Corps as well and after a tour together we also fell in love and he became my second mate.”
"Ouch not the best start for a family.”
"True but after sending her pictures of her grandchildren mellowed her a bit. Enough for us to visit and after playing with her granddaughter and seeing us together helped some more. The final straw was when I gave birth to my and Garrek's daughter. She asked us to visit and there she apologies for her treatment of us and ask Malena to return home since Garrek and I are on ship tours a lot. Malena refused the offer though having made a life for herself here though on occasion we'll drop her off to spend time with her parents before going on tour. How about you?”
"I just have one, Coaldust. Shi and Medallion helped me through a traumatic time and after the bombing I agreed to be hir mate.”
"And Sunspot and Fireblaze?”
"Medallion's parents, the accepted me as a daughter from day one but I wasn't ready for that yet, but I since changed my mind. A second brush with death will do that to you.”
"So this is where you went to Goldie?” A voice interrupts them. Red looks to see a jaguar furred chakat with shoulder length black hair and an impressive rack of breasts. Both stare at each other's breasts for a full minute before Goldfur breaks it.
"Enough staring at hir breasts sis before you both have an accident.” It was then that Red noticed hir cock peeking out. Desperately trying subdue hir pending erection shi greets the chakat.
"Hi, I'm Chakat Redstreak, child of Sunspot and Fireblaze.”
"Chatkat Forestwalker, child of Desertsand and Longstripe.” For a couple of hours the trio talked. It seems Forest as shi prefers to be called was a regular attender of the club and dragged hir older sister here for a break from career and family. Finally though the rumblings of there stomachs brings them out of the pool. After wash up and drying Red grabs hir gun belt first than pulls on hir Stars and Stripes T-shirt (A gift from Dallie) and joins the sisters to the diner for dinner. They were just sitting down at a table when Red notice Alexis and waved hir over. After introductions the group decided on meals and gave their orders. Goldfur and Red continued their conversation, mainly about the Star Corps while Forest and Alexis talked about local things and Double H club business. After a hearty dinner (Red had a huge plate of hard shell tacos) the group split up with Goldfur and Forest heading home while Red and Alexis head up to their room. They strip and cuddle to the small surprise of Alexis since they've become very intimate after the heat incident but after a long exhausting day shi fell asleep fast. Although equally exhausted Red couldn't sleep yet. Hir mind can't stop thinking about Goldie's relationship with Malena and her brother. During dinner Goldie hinted that Malena may want a child by her brother and Goldie didn't really see a problem with that. Yes Goldie acknowledge that repeated incest would be bad for a bloodline but once wouldn't and it would be between the hir fox mates on that. Finally though sleep got the better of hir and hir head rested against Alexis' neck.
Late the next morning Red wakes up to an empty bed. Alexis must be in a meeting again. Shi thinks. Shi gets up to shower than have breakfast before leaving the room. Still troubled by yesterday and knowing calling Dallie and Coal at this hour would not be good shi grabs hir belt and heads out into Melbourne. Shi wandered aimlessly till one place caught hir eye. A modest building with a sign saying it was the Down Under Community Church. Shi admits shi wasn't much of a church goer in hir old life but shi always found church such as these non to little affiliation the best. These past few years shi hasn't gone to church not sure how they would react to hir and during that suicidal phase had little faith in God but troubled as shi was shi was willing to gamble again. Taking out a T shirt to cover hir breasts shi heads in thankfully for the AC again. Shi steps into the auditorium and looks around, not a bad setup for it's size, simple, yet elegant.
"May I help you Shir?” Red looks behind hir to see a man in his forties, maybe fifties in a simple but comfy out fit of a T shirt and slacks. He extends his hand and says.“Sorry if I startled you, I'm Brandon Spencer. This is my church.” Red takes the hand and replies.
"Chakat Redstreak, I came here looking for advice if you don't mind?”
"Why would I mind?”
"Well I wasn't sure how a church would accept me?”
"Well I admit I don't have any chakats in my flock I do have a few morphs and I consider them all children of God no matter how they originate. Come into my office and let's see what troubles you.” He lead hir to a an office behind the auditorium. Setting hir rump down on the floor next to the guest chair shi waits for him to sit behind his desk.
"Well I think I'll start by saying this. I wasn't raised like a chakat but closer to human norms and some christian beliefs so when somethings in chakat culture, maybe in some of the other morph cultures that seem to conflict with those beliefs I'm not sure what to do.”
"Not the first time I've been asks this though it's normally by humans. The Bible was written well before morphs ever existed and I know some use the verses on bestiality to bully and threaten mix matings but I try to keep an open mind a bit and love the most important commandment. 'love your neighbor as yourself.' It's ultimately between them and God but one thing I do notice about chakat relationships is that they are the most stable despite how many are in the group for lack of a better term and the handful that I see that breakup do so on good terms, so maybe chakats got it right I honestly don't know. I will say this you Chakats seem to embodied the church tenant of loving one another." Red nods with things clearer for hir.
"Thanks pastor that does help.”
"Glad I could help. Will I see you here on Sunday?”
"Nope, I'm only here a couple of days before leaving for the next city before heading back home in America.”
"Well may God bless your journey, here's my contact info if you need to talk again.” They link their padds and exchange contact info.
"May God bless your day pastor, goodbye.”
"Goodbye Redstreak.” Red leaves the church with a clearer mind shi heads back to Double H. After heading back shi spent more time at the gym before heading back up to the room taking off hir shirt and relaxes. After lunch shi took a nap only to be awaken by Alexis.
"Red, Time to go Goldie's expecting us.” Stretching Red remembers that Goldie invited them over for dinner today. Getting into the rented PTV the pair head over to a large one story house. As Red and Alexis get out two small blurs races towards them to reveal a pair of Chakat cubs who began sniffing the newcomers.
"Snowcloud, Patchwork get back here!” Red looks up to see a wolftaur female trot down.
"It's okay they remind me of my niece Whirlwind.” Red says as shi picks up a tortoise furred cub who is fighting to be let down but years dealing with normal cats allowed Red to find the sweet spot to hold the cub. “And who's this?”
"That is Patchwork, the one playing with your friends tail is Snowcloud and I'm Lupu.”
"Redstreak and Alexis, Goldfur invited us to dinner.”
"Well come in then.” The pair heading and they meet Garrek a BRIGHT red foxtaur and Kris and Trina, a pair of anthro foxes one red one artic. They also met Midnight and all black chakat with lovely blue eyes. Midnight turned out to be Forest's Denmate soon to be lifemate. After some greetings the group sat down and exchanged stories. Kris and Trina met Forest when Kris had an accident while hiking and the two grew to love each other and became mates, though the seriousness of the injures the pair was airlifted away and Forest didn't see them again but a few years later they reunited during a hike and they found out how much the three had in common the fox pair decided to become Forest denmates and also soon to be lifemates since the clicked so well. Midnight met Goldfur first on a ship since Midnight was a security/scout on board and while friendly with each other they weren't mating material for each other but Midnight had a deep need to start a family so Goldfur introduced hir to Forest during a hike (the same hike where Forest was reunited with Kris and Trina) And found out to like similar things and their personalities clicked. Midnight was male biased while Forest is female biased. Lupu was the newest member of the family. She was exiled from her pack and not a hunter by trade she was starving when she stumbled upon the Mountain Glade village and it happen to be at a time where Goldfur was visiting and the chakat helped the wolftaur get a meal and bring her into hir home. Grateful Lupu offered to carry Goldfur's child. Goldfur said no offhand but stated that Chakat's have children with those they love and offered Lupu to be hir denmate which Lupu accepted.
Alexis told hir story which shi'd admit not as exciting. The family was curious about Red though and ask hir story. Red sighed and looked to Alexis. “Alexis could you tell them?” The wolf nods and Red goes to play with the cubs. Alexis looks carefully at the family ans seriously says.
"What I say here doesn't go beyond your family. Red's story is still fairly painful for hir and I don't know all the details, I think only Medallion and Coaldust do.” Alexis then proceeded to tell the company on Redstreak's origins. The family was shocked and dismayed at what happened to Red. Then it turn to admiration at hir determination to live as a chakat now. Forest did get up to check on the kids and to see most of them playing with Red. Sensing the approaching chakat Red turns and Forest sees a serious determination with a hint of pain in the strange red eyes.
"I don't need your pity, I just need time to heal.” Forest closes in and hugs Red.
"No pity just friendship, friendship and love can heal lot of wounds.”
"That's true. Dallie and Coal proved that well. Figures that it takes a second near death experience to knockout my fears, stubbornness, what ever you want to call it and fully accept what they offered. Both them and Dallie's parents.”
"You mean your parents.”
"I'm still getting use to that so forgive the goofs. Heck my niece is technically my daughter so I'm allowed some grace there.”
"The important thing is that you have a family that loves you and you have made more friends tonight. So no more depression.”
"Yes ma'am.” Red gives Forest a mock salute. Noting how late is was getting Alexis and Red try to head back to the club but the family wouldn't have it. Before either guest could respond the duo was lifted and carried to the main bedroom. Kris and Trina got to try out Alexis while Red was smothered by the taurs. Having no chance for the remnants of hir human beliefs to object shi was drawn into a taur orgy to which shi'll remark later. “Thank God I wasn't in heat then.” Eventually everyone ended up in a big furpile and slept the night away.
After a hearty breakfast Alexis and Red said goodbye to their new friends and head back to the club. They stay two days more and Red met more of Forest herm friends before moving on to the next branch. They pair visited 3 more branches before they were on the way home when Alexis got a call. “Timber here.”
"Alexis, I've got bad news. The wacky sisters can't make the reopening.”
"What why?”
"The ship they were touring in had a engine malfunction. It won't be repaired on time and none of the ships near them will get here either.”
"Crap! Well thanks for telling me Stephi, gives me a little" more time to find a replacement.”
"Good luck boss.” Alexis sighs as shi hangs up.
"Heard that call so this band was to be at the reopening of the club?” Red asks.
"Yes, and it will be hard to find an all herm band this close to reopening.” Red thinks on this before shi decides to take a gamble.
"I know a herm that is open but shi likes to keep hir identity secret so shi doesn't do appearances but I may be able to talk hir into coming out for this.”
"If you can I'll be grateful Red.”
"I'll call when we get back home.”
When they arrive at the airport Red sees Coal running to hir and the lion pattern chakat opens hir arms as hir mate hugs hir deeply. “I missed you Red.”
"I missed you to Coal, but I had good company. Did Dallie take good care of you?”
"Yes so good I got hir knocked up.”
"And here I though me and Dallie were the males of the group?”
"I wanted the pleasure of siring a child and give Dallie the pleasure of baring one. Unless you were willing to.”
"No way, I haven't gotten that far yet. Well congrats.” Red and Alexis claim their luggage and head home.
Later that night in the privacy of hir room Red called Larsa. “Hey Red how was the trip.”
"Fun and enlightening. Larsa I need you to get in contact with Alexis, head of the Double H branch in my city. RS is going to make a cameo there but only there and I want it to be a surprise even for Alexis, can you do that?”
"Yes though it will be hard not to tell hir who it is. I wish I could see it.”
"I'll make sure that Coal or Dallie film it for you but only for you got it?” Grinning Larsa replies.
"I got it, now what equipment do you need?” The two spent and hour going over there side of the details. Eventually Red called Coal into hir room.
"Yes Red?”
"Coal, I had sexual relations with Alexis, and with Goldfur's family. Alexis started because of hir heat and the loss of hir pills but we continued after that and Goldfur, well I had no control there.” Coal gets close and lick kisses Red's muzzle.
"It's okay Red this is just your old ways interfering with a good thing. We chakats have a more open relationship than most other species. But if it will make you feel better.” Coal steps back and raises hir right hand. “ I Chakat Coaldust swear to allow Redstreak one of my loves and mates full permission with anyone shi wishes.” Shi looks at Red again sees tears in hir eyes. “Will that satisfy you?” Red walks up to Coals and grabs hir head with both hands.
"Does this answer your question?” Red then passionately kisses Coal for three minutes before breaking off and Coal replies. “Hmmm not sure I think I need a clearer answer.”
"Oh I'll give you a clearer answer.” Red then pulls Coal onto the mattress and the emotions from the two chakats cause a little orgy in the house.
Laying on the mattress with Coal laying on top of hir both stroking each other. “Coal, I'm ready to have a child with you.”
"Mmmmm, good thing my heat's in a few days. Should I expect Alexis to be a co-mate soon?”
"Not sure, we became close during the travel but neither of us offered it. I'll just see what the future brings.” Coal then begins to suckle on Red's nipple. “Aren't you sated yet?”
"Nope, and just think how much better it will be during my heat.”
"I'm going to need Viagra!”
Chapter 7 - Tales of Redstreak Chapter 7 |
The whole incident with Xanatos and hir birth world took months for which enjoyed the extended time with hir family. But it was time for hir to go on tour again and this time without Coal and Sandy. Shi reported in and got to hir quarters, far smaller than the last since shi is alone. After settling shi heads for lunch. Getting hir meal shi looks around, shi knows shi has to find the other chakat or chakats on board but shi doesn't see them in the mess hall right now so she finds a place and settles in for the meal.
Shi was halfway through hir meal when shi hears a familiar voice. “Allo, say you look familiar.” Red turns around to see what shi suspected, a cougar patterned chakat with gold hair in a ponytail with a male foxtaur in brilliant red next to hir. “Redstreak!”
"Hey Goldfur nice to see you.”
"Well give me a hug.” And the to chakats hug and Goldfur continues. “What are you doing here Redstreak?” they break off the hug.
"This is my part time job, I'm security so don't try anything funny.”
"What about a bribe?” Shi gives Red a lustful look. Red rolls her eyes.
"Chakats! I you think about is sex.” Red says exasperatedly.
"So true.” Garrek quips earning a look from Goldur and the cougar chakat hits hir mate with hir tail. He chuckles and continues. “I'm not complaining it's just true.” The pair join Red and eat as they start a conversation.
"So Redstreak, what made you join the Star Corps?”
"Well three things. One, I did security work before my change and guarding Alexis revived my need to do it again. Two, I always wanted to see space. Three, you and our conversation helped make my decision.”
"Well, glad to have you, so how have you've been?”
"Good, me and Coal have two daughters, Sandrock and Blazefire.”
"Oh congrats, who was the mother?”
"Coal of course, I'm still more male bias.”
"Well it was a guess.”
"No I've adjusted but I haven't changed that much.”
"Still a child is a wonderful thing. Though Eudora and Blaze can try your patience.”
"Yes Whirlwind, Sandrock, and Blazefire can attest that.” Red finishes hir meal. “Well have to get back on duty, cya around.”
"Come to our place tonight.” Red raised an eyebrow at hir.“Just to chat.”
"Alright.” They exchange quarter numbers and Red returns to hir duties while the couple finish their meal.
Red assisted again to check on the cargo hold on their current supplies. Everything was in order and ship did a patrol of the ship. Shi was on the F.S.S. Grissom this time, a larger ship class than the Jefferson but it didn't take long for hir to familiarize hirself with the layout. Finally it came time to head for Goldfur's quarters so shi heads over. Shi knocks on the door and it opens to reveal Goldfur. “Hey Redstreak, come on in.” Red steps into a nice size quarters for 2 taurs. Garrek steps out of the restroom and greets Red. After offering hir a seat, Goldfur got started. “So now we don't have any time constants. How has your family been?”
“Good, my adoptive parents took a mate, Streaker and they had a couple of daughters. Coal had a another daughter before giving birth to Sandrock. I got to meet with a man from my universe.” That got bug eyes from hir hosts and shi explains what happened there. “So he took the briefcase with my message and pictures of my adoptive family. Hopefully they got it.” Goldfur and Garrek were speechless for a bit. Finally Garrek finds the ability to speak.
"And we thought we have an interesting life.”
"Life is what it is Garrek.” Red comments. The trio talked for a few hours more before Red headed back to hir quarters for bed.
Red peered around a tree with hir phaser raised. She scans for hir target. The forest was quiet except for the wind through the trees. Hir breathing was slow and steady as shi used hir nose...over there. Shi turns and fires, and the deer gos down. Shi races over and yes is was a good and clean kill for a head shot. Shi takes out a knife and bends down to clean the kill. In minutes shi was done and lifts up hir meat when the forest disappears to be replaced by a black room with gold grid paint. The weight of the deer meat was also gone and Lt. Skyclad approached hir. Skyclad was a wolftaur female who couldn't stand the ignorance of her people so she took what she learn from them and joined the corps. She also was in charge of the survival class on the ship, Red has been taking the class for the last two weeks since the ship left Earth. “Well done Ensign, an excellent shot and a very through cleaning, much better than your first attempts at it.” Red winces as shi remembers hir first attempts at cleaning a kill thank God shi was always a good shot. “I think you've ace this part of the course Ensign Redstreak. When we leave Chakona we'll start the next course. Hey you have any family on Chakaona?”
"No Lieutenant, nearly all my family is on Earth. At least as far as I know.”
'That was an interesting answer Ensign.”
"Well my family is a complicated and LONG story.” Skyclad dismisses hir and shi heads for lunch. Other than the survival training shi's, doing regular security work, working on hir next RS album, and spending time with Goldie. Both know each other well enough to use nicknames. As expected shi found the couple at a table waiting for hir. Smiling shi grabs a plate and heads over to hir friends.
The Grissom docks at Starbase 3 and Red is assigned to patrol the area with the local security while they load and unload supplies and equipment. Halfway through the process hir combadge goes off. "Ensign Redstreak here.”
"Ensign, this is Lt Commander Polkadot of station security, would you please come to my office?”
"Right away shir.” Shi was going on a guess that the Lt. Commander was a chakat from the name. Shi heads over to the office and there shi finds a Chakat in a security uniform with LT Commander's pips and a female gray furred foxtaur. Shi goes and salutes the chakat. “Ensign Redstreak reporting as ordered.”
"At ease ensign, my guest has something she like to say to you.” The older chakat nods to the foxtaur. The foxtaur was about Red's age and she gets up and before Red could act she races over and hugs hir.
"Oh THANK YOU THANK YOU! I'm Clarissa Sullivan and you saved my life!”
"You must have me confused with someone else I have never seen you before.” The foxtaur breaks off the hug and smiles at Red.
"There's no mistake. I have never met but you being here saved my life.”
"Maybe you should explain it better Clarissa.” Polkadot remarks.
"Of course Polka.” Clarissa's smile goes and she puts on a serious face. “Redstreak, like you I was born human. However I had a incurable illness. I was looking at dying in a few years in a slow and painful way. Then I heard of an experimental process that a chakat professor named Starthinker came up with after trying to help you. Now I'm a healthy Foxtaur with decades ahead of me. So thank SO MUCH!”
"Well I'm glad my suffering saved someone's life. Make dealing with it better, But how did you find me?”
"Well I first got your house number but they said you on a star corps ship so I talked to Polka here and poof hear we are. Now I'm sure your busy but I wanted to thank you, you have a good day Redstreak.” She walks out of the room. Red feels affection coming from the older chakat. Turning to her hir Red asks.
"You care about her?”
"I was with hir parents when she was born, our families were friends. Her parents died 5 years ago and she came to live with me. Despite her illness she became my denmate and now...” Shi tears up “ Now she will live and we can have children, and it's all thanks to you. If you ever need anything from us let us know. WE owe you a lot.” Red puts hir hand on Polka's shoulder.
"I don't have anything right now. But just consider me a friend.”
"Same here Redstreak, same hear.”
Minutes later Red returned to hir duties and and slept after wards. Late the next day they Grissom departs for recently explored space to resupply and rotate the crews at some potential colonies. However Red did receive a surprise as shi leaves the survival class. As shi's saying chao to a fellow student shi hears a familiar voice. “RED!” Red turns to see a cougar running towards hir.
"Monty!” The two friends hug for a minute before breaking off. “I didn't know you were on this ship.”
"Neither did I, hey we should catch up I'm off duty are you?”
"Just got done for today and was going to have supper.”
"Sounds good let's go.” The two friends head for the mess hall where Mounty met Goldie and Garrek and the four shared stories and opinions.
A couple days later They make they're first stop. Goldie and Garrek head down to work on repairing or replacing equipment. Mounty help directed where supplies need to go. Red meanwhile patrolled the outskirts of the base camp viewing this still largely unexplored planet with a hint of awe.
It was very tropical but with odd colors with blue trunks and orange leaves with a green sky. They spent three days on planet doing they're things when they left orbit. Unfortunately for Red shi went into heat during this time and Goldie offered to help. They retired to Red's room, just the two of them. Red always preferred to take care of her heat in private. “I don't think I'll ever get use to this.” Red mutters. Goldie just rubs hir back in sympathy, but that soon turns into a more intimate rub. Soon Goldie gropes a breast and turns Red's face and kisses hir. It doesn't take Red too long to return in kind. Empathy is a big help in this kind of thing. Goldie strokes the back of Red's lower torso causing Red to purr. She then moves Red's tail a side and climbs on top of Red. Shi then kisses Red and shi slowly drives in hir condom coated cock into Red causing the lion chakat moan in their kiss. Goldie breaks off the kiss as shi begins thrusting in and out of Red as shi gropes one breast and strokes Red's torso with the other. Unconsciously they both twinge their tails around each other as they grunt in their intimate moment. Soon both cry out in pleasure as the cum together and collapse. They laid there for a few minutes till Red adjusts hirself to look at Goldie. “Hey Goldie are you in heat at all?”
"Not for a few weeks why?”
"I like to thank you for your understanding and need to know whether I needed a condom to.”
"You going to show me how male you are?” Red grins evilly at the cougar chakat.
"Oh yes!” Red then kisses Goldie as he gropes both breasts. It felt good to Goldie but she was surprised to find a third hand playing with hir pussy. Or more correctly a handpaw.
"I didn't expect that.” Shi says breathlessly.
"I'm talented.” Red replies.
"Prove it.” And Red did, for a couple of hours.
The rest of Red's heat was very enjoyable, little by little shi gets used to hir female side. Things continued in a routine fashion on board until one day Goldie was working alone doing basic maintenance on Red's corridor. Shi had the panel off and working on some wiring when shi accidentally opens the nearby door. Shi hears music coming out of the room. Walking over shi notices that it's Red's room. Peaking in shi sees Red with hir back to the door playing on a top of the line keyboard. Red was playing a tune Goldie didn't recognize (Sky Chase Zone by Mindwipe mindwipestudio.info) But shi recognize the style. Well, well, Redstreak is RS. Very cute Red, hiding your id using letters. Goldie admired Red's focus, the chakat hasn't notice hir there as shi stands as Red finishes the song. “Great Song Red, Or should I say RS.” Red whirls around to see Goldie and droops realizing shi's been caught.
"I guest you know now, I like to keep my Id a secret. My life's complicated as is without fans clamoring over over me.” Red walks over and grabs hir latest album and takes out a pen and signs it. “Here Goldie, a little incentive to keep your lips seal.” Red hands over the album. Goldie takes it and smiles.
"Don't worry your secret is safe with me. I have to get back to work.” Goldie leaves the room and continues hir work, shi notes that the music doesn't resume till the door closes again. She smiles and continues hir work. Then the klaxon starts and Goldie races to hir station as Red grabs hir uniform and heads for security.
Shi arrives and Lt Skyclad is there, she sees Red and nods. “We received a distress signal so were moving to intercept.” Wordlessly Red nods and gets hir equipment. Shi and the others stood ready to attack till the report said they found an escape pod. They stayed on Red Alert for ten minutes after retrieving the pod before going to Yellow alert. They did find a live human male on board and after an hour of patrolling the area the ship went back to normal operations and to its next destination.
The Grissiom arrived at it's next stop and did the usual transfer of supplies as well as report that the survivor was from a freighter that was attacked by pirates and recommended a Starfleet patrol for the area. The new guest on board after a check up in sickbay roamed around the ship with an escort. He seemed interested in the ships layout than the personnel on board. It didn't take long for the crew to get use to him.
As they were arriving to their next stop Red spent some time with Mounty since the stop after that was where she was assigned. “So I told my mom that I'd bring her something exotic from my job so I'll see what flowers there are for her. She's developed such a green thumb lately that she keeps wanting me to haul a plant around in my travels.” Mounty just shakes her head at her mom's antics while Red laughs.
"Family is a wonderful thing even if they drive you crazy sometimes.” Red comments.
"So true I-”
<Ensign Quickgraze.> Mounty sighs and taps her commbadge.
"Quickgraze here.”
<Ensign I need you to grab some encrypted files for me. I've got my hands full right now so I need you to bring it to me. Ask the tech in charge for the padd and files.>
"Aye sir.” Mounty taps her badge again and looks at Red. “Sorry duty calls.”
"I know, but we have time yet so get it done and comeback my friend.” Mounty hugs Red and heads out.
It takes her a few minutes to get to the main computer room. As the door opens for her She sees quite a site. The technican slumped over a console with their recent guest doing something at another. The man turns around and before Mounty can act he fires a phaser at her. She falls to the ground in pain from her chest. She manages to open her eyes again and sees him go back to work on what ever he's doing on the console and she sees a download bar on the screen. Clutching her wound with one hand she taps hir badge with the other and with a pain filled voice she says. “Security.. Alert...Compu-” A second shot silences her.
Red was in her room with Goldie and Garrek down on the surface again doing their thing shi mailing off her latest song to Larsa when shi senses deep pain from Mounty. Shi races from hir room heading towards the computer room. As shi is going the klaxon sounded again.<All hands to battle stations freighter under attack, all hands to battle stations.> Red ignores the alert as shi continues down the corridor. Shi won't be needed right away. She gets to the level shi needs when the intercom buzzed again. <Security alert near the computer room, repeat security alert to the computer room.> Red then races to the room. The door opens and shi finds the technician and checks him. He was dead, shi then looks around and finds Mounty. Mounty's eyes stare at nothing as the burn on her head shows the fatal wound. Red walks up to hir friend and pets the cougars hair. Hir grief over hir friend turning to righteous anger. Shi then see flickers over the consoles and thumps against the hull. 'Sabotage we've been sabotaged,' Red thinks and races to the nearest escape pod. If you had sabotage a ship you need to flee some how and the pod would be the closest thing to use.
On the bridge a few minutes earlier. The crew was at their station as the ship jumped out of warp. “Scan the area.” The captain ordered.
Sir I'm not reading any freighter only a vessel destroyer size. Their firing!”
"Return fire.” The captain ordered and the shields take the blast. Lights star flickering more than they should for that kind of hit.
"Sir! I'm having multiple malfunctions in the system, everything is being affected.”
"Crap it was a trap.” The captain has a grim look as he desperately tries to defend his crippled ship.
Red raced down the corridor as sparks fly and the ship shakes under the attack. Shi finally spots hir target. The survivor from the freighter, or more likely a pirate. He was using the pad to the side of the pod. Red leaps at him as the pod door opens. He's knock away from the pod but he pulls the phaser again and fires. The beam grazes Red's lower torso. Hissing in pain shi whirls around and knocks the phaser out of his hand. Then a huge explosion rocks the ship and a wall explodes sending debris everywhere as the ship's gravity fails. Taking a large metal beam he hits Red on the head and sends hir flying. Towards the pod, hir hand hits the panel and with the virus messing with the system that was all that was needed. As the chakat hits the back of the pod the door closes and the the pod is launched. The force fields don't activate and the mans final words are, “NNNOOOOOO!” As he is sucked into space. The destroyer seeing the pod moves to pick it up when the Grissiom explodes. Being in the middle of a diving attack the destroyer is hit by it and suffers the same fate. The shock waves make the pod tumble and with Red not secure shi hits hir head on the bulkhead and only knew blackness and the pod tumbles through space.
Chapter 2 - Starlight's Discovery |
Starlight was packing hir case when shi notice something missing. 'Where was hir hairbrush?' Shi thought when shi heard a knock on hir door. Shi looked over hir shoulder to see hir sister Marey. Marey was hir younger sister and to the surprise of both of their parents was female. Their parents were a male/herm unicorn couple and Starlight got most of hir hermness from their mother. Marey was a typical unicorn morph. She had gold hooves hair and tail, snow white fur, green eyes, and her golden horn. Starlight hirself was nearly the same but had gold flecks and red eyes. The flecks are likely a hold over from hir grandfather on hir mother's side for he was a horse morph. “Looking for this sis.” She hold's up Starlight's brush. The unicorn herm raced over and grabbed it.
'Why did you take my brush sis?” Starlight asked hir younger sister.
“I didn't Dana did.” Dana was their little sister still in the early teens. Starlight sighed at Dana's antics. Dana was like Starlight being a herm and such shi is constantly borrowing Starlights's stuff. Shi stuffed it into hir backpack and zipped it up and glanced at hir full length mirror. Shi let hir mane flow freely and shi wore a halter top and short shorts. Shi nodded at it and walked for the door. “So how long will you be gone sis?”
“A couple weeks to a month likely. Depends on how long it will take to find it.”
“Okay just make sure you contact us. You worried mother during the Egypt dig.”
“I'll try I promise.” The two sisters hug and Starlight walks out to the garage that held hir air car. The Pan Am Flyer was a hybrid plane and car, it cost a pretty penny for Starlight but shi felt it worth it and was perfect for hir work. With large cargo space and can takeoff and land anywhere it was a favorite for archeologists. After driving it out of the garage shi waved at hir family and shifted to air mode and headed off for hir quest.
Safely out of the city shi relaxed and reviewed hir notes. There had been rumors of a lost civilization in the jungles of South America. Sadly there was little in records. Heck the last known records was a recovered journal file from a lion morph stating shi might have found a temple. Shi went off to prove it but was never seen again. But shi checked that lion's data with what shi could find and shi thinks the lion might be onto something. Using that data shi had plot a search pattern for the temple. With that all check shi laid back and enjoyed the trip.
A beeping woke hir up, it was early morning with the sun just rising and shi went to check hir instruments. They picked up and odd energy reading. Shi swung the aircar around to the location. In a few minutes shi saw a clearly with a white temple gleaming in the earky morning sun. 'That was it, shi had found it!' Shi thought and saw the clearing was enough for hir aircar to land. Shi set it down and turned it off and grabbed hir gear as shi visually scanned the area. The clearing was nearly all grass with some odd intrusions in one area. The tress stayed almost evenly around the temple. The temple itself was amazing. Very pristine and looked almost untouched by time. The vines didn't cover it as extensively as shi would imagine. Shi decided to check out the oddity first. At first glance it seem like a vine covered stone but after some brushing it was a comm unit, couple centuries old. Further study showed it to be an old campsite. Looks like the Lion morph got here but shi didn't see any remains. Shi looked back at the temple figure that the lion met hir end their and then shi sawe movement.
Shi didn't know how long shi had been there. Shi could barely acknowledge the passing of days. Shi barely even remembered hir own name anymore. All shi knew was shi had to obey the suit that trapped and encased hir and the ever present horniness. Ever since shi had been trapped hir cock had been aroused and teased and NEVER allowed to cum. Shi had done everything the suit asked and it never allowed hir to cum. It didn't even allow hir rest from the teasing. Hir cock is constantly teased, stroked and sucked. They suit woke hir for the most part to tend to the temple but at times it just woke hir to tease hir like crazy. The rest of the time shi floated in the pillar in a sleep like stated but ever there shi couldn't escape the teasing. Shi felt the suit wake hir again. Shi sighed and walked out of the pillar to do another check of the temple.
Starlight watched as a figure stepped out of the temple. The figure was purple and a morph with the tail. But was weird was it looked like the morph was layered, the first couple inches lighter than the rest. What was also noticeable was the erection the morph had. 'Talk about your morning wood.' Starlight thought. “Hello.” The being moved hir head for it's body did have breasts as well as a cock. The being then walked towards hir. Shi was hesitant butt the morph was unarmed and reached to shake the hand. Starlight touched the hand and it felt like rubber or latex and shook the hand but the morph didn't let go afterwards. Starlight felt something on hir arm. Shi looked down and saw a purple goo covering hir arm. Shi tries to reach for hir ray gun but hir gun hand was being held so shi had to reach it with hir left hand. But shi was too slow and the morph grabbed hir left hand and shi felt that being covered to. Shi tried kicking but that had little effect. In fact it caused the morph to hug hir close and shi felt the rubber or latex as it absorbed hir clothes than fur and increase the expansion rate. Nearly the entire front of hir body was covered and shi started begging. “Please stop! Please! NO, NO, NO!” Shi held hir breath as the latex covered hir muzzle and closed hir eyes as it covered hir head. 'Is this how it ends? I'm snuffed to death and the latex uses my body like the poor morph before me' Shi thought, shi held hir breath as it started covering hir back till shi couldn't anymore and let go. But to hir surprise shi was still breathing. Shi was getting air! Shi opened hir eyes to a purple tinted scene. Shi felt the latex al around hir then felt it shift, thinning a bit and focusing on hir cock. Shi felt it push hir cock out and start caressing it beyond encasing it. It felt good but shi had to call for help. Shi tried to move to the aircar but shi felt hir hooves planted to the ground. Shi kept trying to pull but hir legs wouldn't move.
'Disobedience leads to punishment.' Shi wondered want that meant when the caressing of hir cock increased. It felt SSSOOOOOO good shi couldn't wait to cum. But shi didn't. Shi couldn't understand it. Shi felt like shi was ready or just about but shi couldn't cum. Shi tried to reach for hir cock but hir arms wouldn't move.'Disobedience leads to punishment.' The suit said again but shi refused to give up either going to the aircar or cumming. 'Punishment level increased.' Starlight didn't like the sound of that and shi felt latex being forced into hir mouth as the teasing increased on hir cock.
It allowed hir to cum! It actually allowed hir to cum after so long. Erin was basking in the afterglow. IF shi could have observed from a third person point of view shi would have figured out that the suit used hir cum to expand onto Starlight but after all the centuries in denial the bliss of orgasm was all shi could think about. Sadly for hir it didn't last long. Shi again felt the suit stroke hir cock and the dildo's pump and vibrate till shi was on the edge again. With a sigh shi looked at the being in front of hir. Since hir suit has given no orders shi stood there with the familiar feeling of hir cock throbbing for release again. Shi had no thoughts of using the aircar as Starlight has. First the suit would stop and punish hir well before shi could do anything. Second was shi wouldn't know how. That craft seem beyond anything shi knew. But the stark truth dawned on hir. Shi had been broken by the suit, shi only had the faintest glimmer of hope for rescue. The fact someone had found the temple was a sign that somebody else would but they could easily end up like hir and the morph in from of hir. Shi faced the simple fact shi was a slave to the suit, shi did as it bid in hopes of orgasm or not to be punished. Shi looked at the morph. At first it seemed to be a horse morph and the herm if the breast and cock were any indication but the horn on hir forehead. Shi had to be a unicorn, tech mush have advanced to created a morph of a fictional species. How long had shi been a slave to the suit? Had to be some time if the morph in front of hir is any indication. Shi looked down at the unicorn morph in pity. They will both be slaves of their suits but it looked like the unicorn will have to learn the hard way.
'This was torture utter torture.' Starlight managed to think. Not only was hir cock teased like never before but hir mouth had a dildo pumping in and out, a dildo in hir pussy and butt also pumping in and out with vibrations, and finally it was playing with hir breasts and nipples. But despite all of that, all the pleasure shi couldn't cum! Shi had no idea how long shi stood there enduring it all but in the end shi just couldn't stand it. 'OKAY, OKAY I give up! JUST PLEASE STOP!' In seconds shi felt the dildos stop and just sit in whatever orifice they were in. But the teasing of hir cock only lessen, it didn't stop. Shi looked around and noticed the sun had changed in the sky so it tortured hir like that for hours. Shi looked over to the morph next to hir and saw it stand there waiting for orders. The morph looked feline and then the realization dawned on hir. This was the lion morph that went out centuries ago. Oh crap which means shi won't die of old age then. The suit kept hir at this age body wise. Any further thinking was stopped as shi received orders. Shi and the lion morph checked the condition of the temple and pulled the vines away. It seems these latex suits wanted to preserve the temple and was using us to do it.
Between the two of them it didn't take long to clear the vines and the temple was fine, no real damage on it so shi followed the directions and headed for the door. Shi paused and looked back at hir aircar and shi felt the teasing of hir cock increase. With a sigh shi headed in and the teasing lowered again. Shi gazed in wonder at the main hall and the statues of naked humans that made up the pillars and noticed the males with erections. Likely previous wearers of the suit shi guessed and wonder how they got freed. The lion led hir through a small door and down some stairs to a room with a pillar of purple light. The lion morph stepped into the pillar and to Starlight's surprise shi floated in the air. Shi then saw the lion morph's arms fused to hir torso and hir legs fused together with the tail wrapping and fusing to the legs. Hir suit urge hir to step into the pillar as well. Shi did knowing it was useless to resist. Shi felt hirself lifted up and hir own limbs fused the same way minus the tail for shi only had a stub now with hit fur and hair absorbed by the suit. Shi then saw the lion morph rotated so hir head was down and legs up. Then shi felt the dildo in hir pussy retreat and felt air on hir pussy before shi felt something new enter. At first shi thought it was another Dildo and wonder why the suit did that but then shi noticed the lion morph's legs getting closer and felt hir cock enter something. Then shi understood the suit's hir forcing them to mate and shi almost felt the lion morph's body through the latex. The lion morph's cock was big but shi noticed that earlier but the angle was interesting the suit must have moved their cocks to they could enter easily. Then shi felt vibrations in hir pussy and cock. They latex surrounding both of their cocks was vibrating stirring a new pleasure in both morphs. It did feel good but as time past again shi could not orgasm, seems the suits just found a new way to tease their slaves. Despite it however Starlight felt tired and as sleep over came hir and hir fellow slave shi hoped someone would find and rescue them.
No one would sadly. Though Starlight's family did try to send rescue party's and succeeded they had no real clue on where to look just the jungle. They never saw the records of Erin's theory and Starlight didn't leave behind a journal or log to show exactly where shi was going. As their funds ran dry they were forced to give up and tearfully said goodbye to Starlight and went on with their lives but always with the emotional scar that would remain for generations.
As space travel became easier scientist prefer exploring new planets rather then Earth so no one ever went searching for this lost civilization again so Erin and Starlight were forced to maintain the temple, even make statues of themselves for the main hall, forced to mate, and be slaves of the suits that denied them orgasm..................for all of eternity.
Alternate Ending
Starlight saw the morph raise hir hand in a seemingly friendly matter but Starlight was cautious and backed away a step hir hand on hir ray gun. “Just stay where you are please.” Shi ordered the morph but came toward hir so shi backed a step away and pulled out hir gun.
“Last chance stay where you are.” Shi didn't listen and Starlight fired. The ray hit dead center on the lion morph and it stopped hir and Starlight saw some of the purple melt. The lion then tried to jump on top of hir but shi dodged and fired again. It hit the lion morph and shi laid on the ground before getting up. More purple goo plopped off the lion morph and Starlight was actually seeing skin. Shi heard the lion morph cough then say in a raspy voice. “Keep firing it's dying.” Shrugging Starlight keep firing at the purple and more of it came off till it was just a puddle on the ground with a furless lion herm morph lying on top of it. The lion morph scrambled away from the puddle and Starlight went to hir.
“You alright?” shi asked, but before shi knew it the lion pounced on hir and ripped hir close away and started kissing passionately. No the sort of thank you shi expected but nice anyway. But that changed when the lion morph rammed hir cock into Starlight's pussy and started humping. “No! Stop IT! OH! OH! Never mind keep! Going!” Starlight didn't like it at first but the pleasure was so good and soon shi matched the lion stroke for stroke and sadly for hir in seconds the lion came. It was like a fire house shi swear shi could feel the cum hitting the top of hir womb. And it kept like that for minutes and the odd pleasure from that made hir cum.
Finally after it seemed forever the lion collapsed on top of hir and breathed heavily and both laid there in the after glow. Finally Starlight commented. “That wasn't bad after all.” The lion morph stirred, looked at Starlight, then notice Starlight's nudity to which Starlight felt the lion's cock still in hir pussy stiffen, then looked at hir own state. Shi then had a look of fear and shame and scrambled away from the unicorn.
“SORRY! Sorry! I'm SO sorry! It's just been so long that it teased me I couldn't help it.” The lion started sobbing. Totally not caring about hir nudity Starlight walked over to the lion morph. Shi hugged the lion and said.
“Ssshhhh it's okay. I admit I wasn't thrilled at first but it felt good in the end. You want to tell me your name?”
“Erin, Erin Priderock.”
“I thought it might be you. I forgive you for the rape. You've have been teased a LONG time.”
“How long?”
“A couple of centuries.”
“CENTURIES! Then my mom and dad?” Starlight nodded and sadly said.
“Long dead.” Causing Erin to cry again mourning hir lost life. Starlight just hugged and stroked the mourning lion morph. After a few minutes Erin manage to stop and Starlight asked. “You want to wait in my aircar while check out the temple?”
“No! Let's just get out of here. You don't want to be stuck here for centuries like me. The whole place can burn for all I care. I got enough in my time to put in the books.”
“Okay then, let's get some clothes on and head out. I had a couple spares just in case.” The both head for the aircar and Starlight two out hir clothes and handed a pair to Erin. Erin blushed a bit after finally realizing shi was naked and furless. “Just curious, what happened to your clothes and fur?”
“It used them to grow itself so it could cover me.” Starlight said nothing more and they were both clothed again. Starlight's clothes were a little tight. While both had a generous bust (all morphs female and herms did a hold over from the sex slave days) Erin was more muscular since shi had spent centuries doing physical work for the suit so shi gained muscle. To hir surprise shi felt uncomfortable in the clothing, shi felt more comfortable with no clothes. Both entered the aircar and flew away from the temple hoping never to see it again.
Both Starlight and Erin were debriefed, especially when Erin had hir DNA was confirmed. The government decided to quarantine the temple so no one will ever be trapped again. Erin hair slowly grew and with help from Starlight the found hir relatives. Turned out after hir disappearance Erin's parents had a lot of kids and even another mate, female so shi had lot's of half siblings before dying a relatively happy life. Erin met hir relatives who hugged hir and told hir what stories they knew of Erin's parent's, siblings and half siblings. Shi was reunited with hir family but unsure of the future. But then Starlight confirmed shi was pregnant and DNA show Erin the sire. Unsure how to deal with it Both Erin and Starlight spent a weekend alone to figure it out. There they figured out they had feelings for eachother so they emerged as mates and had many children. But Erin was marked by the suit. When home shi was nude and had little stamina in sex after the centuries long tease and denial. In the end they died of old age in the embrace of their family, happy.
Chapter 2 - Tales of Redstreak Chapter 2 |
Few months pass and not much happens except Coaldust getting noticeably bigger. As the big day approach shi decides to asks Red something important. Shi opens the door to hir room and predictably Red was at hir keyboard working on the next song. Coal just stood their admiring Red's work. Shi really wished that Red would become a denmate but shi must be patient. Maybe Red will one day and shi still has a long road to travel in hir new life. After a few minutes Shi calls out. “Hey Red!” The Lion colored chakat looks up and towards the door to see Coal standing there. Smiling the other chakat asks.
"What's up Coaldust.”
"I was going to ask if you would do something for us. With both me and Dallie working I feel we might need a little help in nursing our daughter and I was wondering if you would help?”
"What would be required of me?”
"Well remember when Dallie's sister had hir birthing party here?” Red nods. “Well remember that Yellowmoon drank Crosses milk. That would get hir milk production going. IF you agree you will have to do the same and will every day need to empty your breasts daily for a year. So will you do it?” Red goes into deep thought. While that would defiantly be weird for hir, Medallion and Coaldust made hir family. Shi was taught to always assist the family when you can and Shi can help them. Shi looks back at Coaldust and finally answers.
“I'll give it a try.” Red is quickly hugged by Coal who kisses hir on the muzzle and man did that feel good to Red. Coal breaks off the kiss and sees Red with a dazed look on hir face. Coal smirks at the look and says. “Thanks Red, I let you go back to work.” Coal leaves the room with Red still dazed.
Finally the big day arrived and the family was there. Dallie's and Coal's parents noticed a change in Red. First shi was topless with hir breasts proudly displayed. Hir hair style more like Dallie's but with the distinctive streak of red hair that shi keeps separate and gives hir the name shi current wears. Shi was also more outgoing than the last birthing party and Sunspot considered it a good thing. The various conversations that were going on were interrupted by a yelp. Everybody looks in the direction of the yelp and sees Coaldust there with a grin. “I guess it's time everyone.” The entire mass of family and guests move to Dallie's and Coal's old room, they sleep with Red in hir room. Red has a front row seat this time do to hir closeness to the parents and what shi's about to do. With the wet nurse and hir mate encouraging hir Coal grits hir teeth as shi pushes hir cub out. Thankfully shi doesn't experience the pain human females do, just a slight discomfort. After a few more minutes a cub emerges and Chessboard cleans hir off. Shi was then handed back to Coaldust who brings the cub to hir breasts and allows hir to feed with a look of bliss emerging from hir face. Medallion then offers hir breasts to Coaldust who drinks from both of them eagerly to replenish hir strength. After drinking from both breasts Coaldust lets Medallion drink from hir unoccupied breasts. After a couple of drinks Medallion backs up and signals Redstreak to come forward. Steeling hirself Redstreak steps forwards and cautiously puts hir face level with Coaldust's breasts and looks to Coaldust's face. Understanding the unspoken question Coaldust nods and Redstreak latches on and begins to suckle. Soon Coaldust's milk enters hir mouth, it was warm rich and creamy. Rather good tasting in Redstreaks opinion. Soon shi empties Coaldust's breast and Medallion proudly displays the now full cub. The cub's now dry fur showed shi had white fur with blue swirls, a tuff of blue hair, and a blue tail. Everyone clapped for Medallion's and Coaldust's success and the group piles out of the room. Redstreak made a move to join them thinking that Coaldust and Medallion would want some privacy. But Medallion grabbed hir arm. “You can stay, you're helping us raise my daughter.” Redstreak decided not to argue and stayed, looking over Medallion's shoulder at the cub. The new cub was sleeping in hir mother's arm and all three chakats smiled at the cub.
"I came up with a name for our child.” Coaldust states.
"What is it?” Redstreak asks.
"I like it.” Medallion says then shi takes the cub and walks out to the guests. “Meet Chakat Whirlwind, child of Coaldust and Medallion.” Glasses were raised in toast to the new member of the family. A couple hours later most of the guest leave minus the grandparents who were sleeping in Dallie's old room. Meanwhile the now larger family settles to sleep with Coaldust and Whirlwind in the center for a change dreaming of the future.
The next day Redstreak was working on hir keyboard when shi felt hunger not hir own. Shi stops playing and here's Whirlwind crying in Medallion's old room. Shi was moved there so Redstreak's music wouldn't disturb hir naps. Shi walks into the room and there was the young chakat crying for milk and hir parents were at work so Redstreak gets to do hir first milking. Picking up hir niece for lack of a better word and remembers this morning. Shi woke up to find hirself in the middle of the pile with Whirlwind laying beside hir and hir mother on the other side. Shi went to bed on the edge, so HOW DO THEY DO THAT!? Shi thinks. Shaking the amusing memory away shi brings Whirlwind to hir breast and the cub latches on. There was a little pain as Whirlwind bit a little too hard but soon the cub drinks and it surprisingly felt good. With hir empathic talents shi feels Whirwind's pleasure of feeding and it causes Redstreak to purr in pleasure, Shi was purring long after Whirlwind was done and the cub now sleeps cuddled next to hir chest. Coaldust found them like that when shi got home an hour later. “You must have really enjoyed that.”
"Huh?” Redstreak is finally snapped out of it to see Coaldust giggling at hir. Coaldust points to the still sleeping cub.
"So how long have you been like that?”
"What time is it?”
"3 PM.”
"Whoa I say 3 hours. Well you've experienced that but I bet you were prepared for it, I wasn't.”
"Still glad you enjoyed it.” Redsreak snorts and looks down at the still sleeping cub, hir niece a concept shi was coming to terms with and shi thinks shi and hir niece will get along fine.
“WHIRLWIND!” Red's bellow sounds around the house and Coal sees a white and blue blur run to hir.
"Momma save me, auntie Red is trying to Kill ME!” Coal grabs hir daughter just as a furious Red comes into the living room.
"Don't you dare shield that trouble maker, shi deserves every bit of the beating shi's going to get.”
"Everyone calm down and explain what happened.”
"I go out to do a little shopping and when I return I find my music station a mess with hir in the middle of it.” Coal frown's at Whirlwind and says.
"Whirlwind you know better than to mess with Red's music stuff it's how shi works.” Coal proceeded to spank the naughty kitten. After watching a bit Red was satisfied and went to clean up the mess hir niece left. Still amazing how active the little rascal was at two years old.
Later that day Redstreak returns home after picking up Medallion from work and as they enter Whirlwind yells out. “Daddy!” And the young chakat cub runs to the correct chakat to the confusion of Redstreak.
"I still can't believe shi never mixes us up.”
"You have to pay more attention to your empathy Red. Our empathic signatures are different despite out identical bodies. Whirl can sense that difference so shi'll always make the right choice. If I was hir mother it would be even easier thanks to the bond mother's have with there daughters.”
"Ah.” Medallion plays with hir cub when Coaldust walks in.
"Ready to go Red?”
"You still want to bring Whirl along after what happened today?”
"Better with us than hir messing with my stuff again while we're gone.” Medallion's eyes narrow as shi looks down at hir cub.
"What did you do?” Coaldust explains what happen and that Whirlwind had been punished. Medallion yet gives out a wide yawn and Redstreak suggested that Medallion take a nap. With some reluctance Medallion agreed and Redstreak, Coaldust, and Whirlwind head out to Double H.
The drive there went well Redstreak and Coaldust chatted about mundane things while Whirlwind looked at the passing buildings and such. They park a ways from Double H for it was a nice day and the walk was nice. As they get on to the block where Double H was the see a shipping truck speed by them. It suddenly swerves into the Double H doors and explodes. Redstreak instinctively through hir years of security shields Coaldust and Whirlwind with hir body and a second explosion happens and Redstreak felt something hit hir and nothing more as darkness engulfs hir.
Chapter 1 - Chapter 1 |
Out of Place, Out of Time, Out of Body
By Admiral Q Chakat Universe by Bernard Doove Proofread by Xdedge
Minneapolis, Minnesota U.S.A. 2040
Luke Harter was walking down a hallway. He was an average human height and figure with brown blown hair with green eyes and 40 years in age. He walked proudly walked through the hallways wearing his uniform. He was chief of security at the Globaltech labs in Minneapolis and took the job seriously checking the various rooms. It was late at night and not his normal shift but this was hardly a normal day. Making sure the various rooms were secure and empty he heads to the main lab. All the scientist and technicians still in the lab complex were there. Luke wasn't sure what they were doing in there but that wasn't his job. As he walked through the labs doors he sees organized chaos as they prepare for the experiment. In the center of it all a large sphere with prongs sticking out of it silently observing those below it like an overseer. Luke finds the head scientist Dr. Xanatos by one of the computer readouts. "Dr. Xanatos, I just checked the complex and besides my guards it's just you guys are here. You can proceed with your test.
"Thank you Mr. Harter. I'm glad you stayed to help out.”
"If your experiment is as important as they say then you need the best security present. If you don't need anymore things done I'll head for Security Control.” Xanatos dismisses Luke and he heads over to Security Control. A couple minutes later he heads in and finds a couple of his guards manning the stations. Dominating one wall was a large screen divided into smaller pictures showing various parts of the complex. Dominating the screen though was the camera view of the main lab. "Anything unusual to report?” The female guard Miss Sanders responded.
"All quiet except for the scientist and whatever they're working on.”
"Very well, they should be starting soon so keep alert.” And the three of them wait for the show to start.
Meanwhile in the lab Dr. Xanatos prepares to activate the device. If it worked as planned it could be a new cheap source of power for the country. Using new physics and alloys this reactor can generate power output equivalent to the most powerful nuclear plants but with less space and no fear of radiation. After checking with his top assistants that everything was good to go he goes to his station and looks around to his fellow scientists and technicians. "Ladies and gentleman, let this night be the start of a new era.” He then pushes the big red button (yes he wanted a big red button). The reactor starts to hum and pulse as it powers up. A technician reads his displays and reports.
"Power levels look stable. It's starting to generate power.” Xanatos smiles as his dream comes to fruition.
Luke watched as the experiment runs its course and Xanatos looks as happy as a clam. He pours himself some coffee to help him keep awake. "Uh, Chief!” One of the guards says with a twinge of fear. Turning around to the screens he sees the device to start shooting lighting bolts around and the scientists are rushing around in a panic. Luke goes over to the intercom and activates it. "Doc, what's going on?”
"WE'RE HAVING A HUGE POWER SPIKE! WE'RE TRYING TO BRING IT UNDER CONTROL!” Luke continued to observe a disaster taking place. Turning on the sound for the lab as lighting bolts increased as from the sounds the scientists are trying to cut power to turn it off. After five minutes things get worse and the Security Control was sending out warnings about power surges. Not liking what was happening Luke reluctantly but with determination goes to the intercom and selects the hear all option.
"Now hear this Evacuate the complex. ALL PERSONEL EVACUATE THE COMPLEX!” The computer hearing this order activates the klaxon that everybody can hear and knows what to do. Guards throughout the complex abandon their posts as ordered grab a vehicle and head into the city. The lab it self was in an abandoned suburb of the city thus innocent casualties were not an issue. Going to the guards in the room he orders. "Go on get out of here. I'll make sure the eggheads get out.”
"Be careful chief.” They say as they head out. Looking back at the screen most of the eggheads have left getting into any vehicle they can find. Luke leaves the room for the last time never to see it again.
Upon getting to the main lab he sees that only Xanatos and a few of his aides were still there. Luke goes to each of them. "Come on we have to get out of here, NOW MOVE!” He forces them from there posts and the reluctantly follow his orders. "Come on doc you to.” Xanatos's hands fly over the console as he replies.
"Wait I can get this under control to shut it down I just need a few more minutes.” Luke frowns at the doctor but he goes to his walkie as the bolts continue to increase.
"Bill is everyone out?”
"Except for you and Xanatos sir, hurry up!” Turning it off tell the doctor.
"Okay doc I'll give you a few more minutes before we go.” The doctor absently nods and he tries to reclaim his dream. After a few minutes it appears he's not making much progress as the bolts hit things making them disappears. Then a bolt narrowly misses Luke. "Okay doc that's it we're leaving.” He grabs the doctor and forces him to the door. As Luke pushes him through the doors a bolt hits the security chief. Xanatos watches in horror as Luke screams in unimaginable pain as the bolt arcs through him before he disappears in a white light. Xanatos looks to where Luke was for a minute before slamming his fist to the wall.
"I'm sorry Luke. I'll make this right some how.” He then races to the vehicle bay honoring Luke's last command. As he races away the complex explodes leaving only a crater to Luke's memory.
New Minneapolis, Minnesota, G.N.A. 2332
An alarm wakes Medallion up from a very restful sleep. Well another day has arrived. Shi gets up and stretches. Shi's a lion pattered chakat of twenty years with deep gold fur red human like hair and what's unique to any chakat, red eyes. A chakat like hir is a unique taur species. Created to be the ultimate survivalist by Institute of New Generation Genetics, they have incredible healing and senses. To help with survivability they'll need to reproduce fast so all of hir kind are hermaphrodites which Medallion thanks the Makers everyday for. She stretches in a way only felines can and proceeds to hir bathroom to have a shower. Shi then has breakfast enjoying the meal and the house shi lives in. Until a few months ago shi lived with hir parents till shi earned the money to get hir own place. While shi has enjoyed the decent space to hirself shi does have plans to share it with future mates, heck already a good companion of hir's Coaldust wanted to move in loving the place and the nice backyard behind which is better than hir apartment. They've discussed it and Medallion wouldn't mind hir companion sharing the place. Medallion believes it's only a matter of time before they become denmates, so probably in a month shi'll have company. After breakfast she puts on a halter top and belt pouch for work. Shi gets into hir personal transport vehicle or PTV for short and heads to the spaceport. She worked at a small store on the gateway station for Earth and as such needed to use the transporter to get up to it. Shi says hello to the transporter operator Carol Longfoot, a female wolf morph. The previous group just finished beaming and Medallion was heading towards the pad when strange bolts appear. Both shi and Carol are confused to as what's going on. Carol looking over the controls not initially seeing anything wrong but reading a power surge. The bolts increase until one huge one appears and from it emerge a figure. The brightness fades and Medallion sees a human male in some kind of uniform, his face showing signs of pain and energy arcs through his body. Without thinking only feeling his pain through hir empathic senses shi rushes to him and as shi touches him the arcs increase and shi feels intense pain and shi, the human disappears as the transporter activates without command. Carol calls for help as she tries to figure out what just happened. In minutes other technicians and some medics arrive and try to go over things. The bolts have stopped since the transport and they go over the device. "Okay I've got Medallion and she finishes the transport which reacts normally and soon a dazed Medallion chakat emerges. The medic rush up to hir scanning hir vitals as shi walks off the pad. "Medallion you okay?任arol asks.
"Yeah just a little dizzy, what about the human?” Carol looks back at the controls.
"Well I'm reading another mind in the matrix but I'm not seeing any other pattern but yours.” She and the other techs spend more minutes trying to find solutions to the problem. At one point Carol slams her fist on the edge of the controls. "There's just no other pattern in here and we're running out of time!” Medallion who stayed partially for the medics has been watching what's been going on and decides to interrupt.
"Carol what's the problem?”
"We don't have his body's pattern in the memory and if we don't finish his transport soon we'll lose him.”
"So you need a body pattern?” Carol nods.
"Then use mine.”
"You still have my pattern right?”
"Yes, but the big problem is the mass. You have more mass then him.” Still Carol checks the controls again and is surprised. "Weird there's more mass in there than I thought.”
"Enough for my idea?”
"Maybe.” Carol looks at the chakat "Are you sure about this? If this works you'll basically have a twin.”
"If it's the only way to save him then yes.” Carol nods and takes a deep breath.
"Okay people I'm beaming him out using Medallion's pattern get ready.” She finishes the second transport and a second Medallion appears and collapses to the floor of the pad clearly unconscious. "Okay let's get him..eerrr hir to the hospital.” Meanwhile Medallion comms her work place saying shi'll not be showing up, 'family emergency'.
Chapter 10 - Tales of Redstreak Chapter 10 |
Antilles walked up to a familiar house, sadly in the past it was mainly to deliver bad news. The last time he delivered bad news was when Redstreak was considered dead. Thankfully he had good news this time. He knocks on the door and it opens to reveal a white and blue furred chakat cub of 7 years. “Hello Whirlwind, are your parents home?”
"Yes they are.” Shi opens the door more and yells behind hir. “MOM! DAD! Commander Antilles is here to see you!” Antilles took a seat on a couch as Medallion comes out of the hallway. Shi sees him and gives him a small smile. Then Coaldust emerges from the kitchen. Shi wasn't the happy energetic feline that Antilles met years ago. Hir tail was never up and he knew shi only smiled when shi played with hir children, especially the ones sired by Redstreak.
"So what's up today commander that you would come here again?” Medallion asks.
“For once it's mainly good news I bring.” He looks seriously at Coaldust. “Redstreak is alive.”
党Alive, shi's alive?・Coaldust collapses as Medallion goes to hir.
党Yes shi's been living on a barely charted planet for the past year till a mercenary ship found hir and is currently bringing hir home.媒
党Alive.・Coaldust says and Medallion asks.
党You said mainly good news, My sister and comate has returned from the grave. What could be a blight on that?媒
党Well shi received a couple of bad head injures and lost all of hir personal memories. And shi will be arriving with a mate.媒
党A mate doesn't concern us and if having to help hir remember who shi is then that's a small price to pay to get hir back.・Coal manages to nod and an hour after the commander left the go a prepare for the return of someone they thought they lost.
Being one of the major colonies of the Stellar Federation Chakona was filled with the hustle and bustle of commerce. Freighters coming and going, Luxury cruise ships docking at the Gateway Station, to Fleet and Corps docking at the starbase for R&R and resupply. It was in this atmosphere the the Sunovagun emerge from warp. She was no longer the gleaming corvette that found Narnia. Her upper nacelle was gone and her left torpedo bay was gutted. Shi had blast marks all over her hull as she limps to a nearby repair station. On the battle scarred bridge Bomber was in a foul mood. Most of the trip went well as shi helped Red and Flamy how to use Federation technology. However a week ago a small fleet attacked them when navigating a nebula. Two raiders and a pocket carrier so Sunovagun did well and left scrap behind which will help pay for repairs. Bomber's best guest on why the Sun was attacked was slavery. Shi had reported finding a planet of primitive foxtaurs previously unknown to the Federation thus no laws to protect it. An easy catch for slavers for the League of Non Align Worlds. The damage ship wasn't the only reason for hir foul mood, though thankfully none of hir crew were killed though some had to spend time in sickbay. No it was hir inability to take Red and Flamy all the way home. As they begin final docking procedures Bomber leaves the bridge and heads for the nearest airlock. There shi sees a chakat and the strange looking foxtaur female with carrisacks and hand crafted chests that contain all of their possessions. “Sorry I can't bring you all they way home Red like I planned to.”
“Things happen Bomber, you just deal with it.” Red replies, Shi and Flamy did all they could to help with the repairs. Bomber then hands them a pair of credit cards.
"These should give you enough for a few days at a hotel and passage to Earth. I wish I could do more but I'm limited.” To Bomber's surprise they both suddenly hug hir.
"You've done enough Bomber, you gave me the ability to go home.” Red said.
"And without you my mate would be in worst shape so you save hir when I couldn't. Thank you.” Flamy interjects causing Bomber to tear up. The shudder and clang of the docking signals for them to break up the hug. Soon the airlock opens and the three wave farewell.
After a couple of minutes Red and Flamy were on a shuttle heading to Gateway station. Both marveled at the view of the starscape and the Gateway. They wander through the Gateway with looks of awe and wonder. After having a bite to eat they go and look for quarters when the hear a feminine voice cry out. “HEY RED!” The pair look to see a Chakat in a uniform waving at them as shi approached. Shi was a blue furred chakat with green dots all over. The chakat bear hugs Red and says. “I'm so glad to see you here it's been ages. Did they have you on a deep space assignment or something?”
“I'm sorry but a suffered a head injury and lost my personal memories. Me and my mate are trying to get to Earth but our initial ride was attacked so we have to get a place to stay as we find new transportation.”
"Well you can bunk with me and my mate. We owe you big time and I can find a good deal on transport so follow me.” Red looks at Flamy and the foxtaur shrugs and the two follow the chakat. “Well since you can't remember my name I'm Chakat Polkadot, child of Raindrop, and Sunshine.”
"Well you know me, this is my mate Flameria Blazefur.”
"A pleasure Flameria.'
"Call me Flamy.” The two followed the older chakat to a transporter room where they beamed down to the planet. They walked a couple of blocks till they got to this nice little house. “Clarissa, I'm home and we have a couple of special guests, so make a large supper.” A gray furred head with brown hair peeks her head out of the kitchenette and sees Red.
"RED! Please have a seat let me finish up a couple of things.” They heard some clattering for a minute or two before the gray furred foxtaur came out, a heavily PREGNANT foxtaur. She waddled up to Red and hugged hir. “It's so good to see you again. How have you've been?”
"I've had ups and downs, Flamy and returning home the ups, losing my memory a down.” Red went into what happened to hir last year up to the drop off while poor Clarissa went back and forth between the living room and kitchenette. Finally dinner was ready and served at the small table. There Clarissa filled Red in of what she knew of hir. Needless to say it was a shock to Red. Shi used to be a human male. It seems hir 'sister' had some explaining to do. Near the end of the meal Clarissa stood up and raised her glass in the air and said. “A toast to friends and maybe, if you want Red to family.” Red looked over to Flamy with an unsaid question to which the foxtaur nodded. Red got up and raised hir glass.
"To friends, and” shi looks at Clarissa “To new family.” What ever shi was going to say afterwards is lost to history as both Polka and Clarissa hug hir. They eventually break off and do the toast. That night the slept together and Red missed having more than just Flamy to sleep with so shi slept better then shi did on the Sunovagun.
The next few days Red and Flamy lived with Polka and Clarissa. Since Polka was a Star Corps Lt. Commander Clarissa only worked part time at home, which her mate was extremely grateful for since Clarissa became pregnant the older taur's protective instincts have gone up. Heck Polka was secretly gratefully that Red was here so Clarissa could be protected while shi worked. Meanwhile Red taught Clarissa hir cooking skills. Clarissa admitted that one of the perks of her new body was she was able to cook, Polka couldn't cook very well so Clarissa had to endure years of barely edible food. Clarissa also took them on a tour of Amistead and Flamy commented on the layout.
"It's as big as Kitswana back home and while not as blended as are buildings you still incorporate nature in them.” The gray foxtaur nodded and replied.
"Yes the government here does there best to balance nature and the needs of our people.” But all good things come to an end. Polka had found a cruise ship that will take Red and Flamy directly home. After a tearful farewell Red and Flamy board the ship and find their quarters on board.
"By the Kitsune this room is luxurious!” Red nodded in agreement. After touring the rooms they were in and unpack they toured the ship and were awe in the splendor of the ship. After having a nice dinner at a fancy restaurant they went to their quarters and made love. To Red it seemed being pregnant increased her need for sex not lessen it. Luckily Red had the stamina for it. Their couple weeks long trip they used the pool, checkout the various shops and restaurants and of course made love every night.
Finally they made orbit of Earth and the pair made ready to beam down to the starport. They didn't see anyone waiting for them when the beamed down so they decided to walk outside. As soon as they did the here. “RED!” Red barely has time to look to the source when shi is bear hugged. “You're back! You're finally back, I've missed you so much.” Says the gray chakat hugging hir.
"I honestly wish I could say the same about you.”
"We'll work on that.” The chakat brushed hir hand over the scar above Red's left eye. Before looking over to Flamy. “So you're my new co-mate. I'm Chakat Coaldust, child of Snowboard and Nightsky.”
"I'm Flameria Blazefur but my friends call me Flamy.” Coal hugs her and says.
"Welcome to the family you can call me Coal.” Dallie then approached the group and Flamy was surprised. She expected to see Medallion looked like her mate she did notice the differences. Dallie wasn't as buff as Red and of course didn't have the scar above hir eyebrow, shi also wore hir head fur differently then Red's. The big surprise was the fact the smelled nearly the same, true the was a subtle difference to do where the two have been but their base scents were exactly the same.
"Welcome home sister.” Dallie says and lightly hugs Red. “Thanks Medallion.”
"Call me Dallie Red.”
"Okay, Dallie.” Coal and Dallie help haul the luggage into the PTV and Dallie drove them home as Flamy and Red looked at the city. A half an hour later they arrive at the house. Red looks at it trying to remember it but it doesn't feel familiar at all, just a nice house. A house fill with a family shi doesn't know anymore. The door open to revel a buff chakat with blue and yellow fur streaking across hir lower torso.
"Welcome home Red, glad to have you back.” Shi then moves aside and directs them to a room to out their stuff in before directing them to the living room. Not only was Dallie and Coal there but two other adult chakats and several cubs. To of the cubs ran to Red. One was about 5 years old with tan and gray fur the other about 2 with orange and red fur. Both hug hir forelegs and the older one says cheerfully.
"DADDY!” Red stands their stunned before putting hir hands on their heads and shi feels their happiness of hir return. Shi can't help but smile at them while Flamy looks on with a smirk of her own. She knew Red would be a good father, correction sire. Then the two older chakats come and hug hir before everyone settled down and made introductions. Red found hirself bracketed by hir children Sandrock and Blazefire with Flamy on one side and Coal on the other.
"Okay Dallie, how are you and me identical sisters?” Red asks and Dallie tells hir how the met and all they have been through. Flamy told them of her experience with Red as Red looked at hir children trying to remember them.
After a yummy dinner Coal found Red in their room looking at the items at one wall. Until recently it served as a memorial to Red and Coal and Dallie changes it when they heard Red was alive. They never removed the Stars and Stripes from the wall and they placed Red's main keyboard next to it. The dresser next to that held various pics of Red, Coal, Dallie and the kids. Also there was the custom gun Red had ordered years ago. Red touched and looked over the various items before looking at Coal. There was sadness in hir eyes. “I can't remember, I try but I can't remember any of it. I'm not the Redstreak in these photos anymore.” Red turns away from Coal. “I'm not the Redstreak you fell in love with.” Coal walks up behind Red and puts hir arms around the other chakat.
"Not completely that's true but the core of who you are is still there. You protected me and Whirlwind when Double H was bombed. Then guard Alexis when shi went recruiting , then join the Star Corps do to your need to protect those you care about. And finally protect my new co-mate from rape. Your memories are gone but the core of who you are remains. The core I fell in love with so even if you don't regain those memories I will still love you and we can still make a future together. Now get out of this depression. Your back from the dead it's time to celebrate.” Red couldn't help but smile and followed Coal out of the room and to the family shi wants to know again.
A week later they got a comm call. Red was the one to answer it this time and sees a familiar face. "Hey Polka good to see you."
"Same here Red, I have someone to show you." Polka steps aside and looks to hir right. From the right Clarissa appears carrying a little bundle. The child was defiantly a chakat but shi seemed to have inherited hir mother's coloring minus the spots and specks on yellow all over.
"Red meet Starlight our daughter." Red touches the screen teary eyed.
"You named hir after me."
"Well the name fits with hir pattern and without you shi wouldn't be possible. So now shi sees hir auntie for the first time."
"Yup, if you want the job anyway."
"I do, I do." Turning hir head Red yells "Dallie, Flamy come here!" When they arrive the are introduced to Starlight and company. In the minutes that follow they got to know eachother before Polka had to cut it off but that was the first of many conversations. Over the next several months Red had multiple visits to various specialist to try to restore hir memory. Not much success but shi had many things to cheer hir up. A week after hir return shi was reintroduced at Double H and they regaled hir with stories of past deeds and old jokes. Three weeks after that Flamy gave birth to their child and received a bit of a shock. Since chakats genes were so dominant it was assumed that their child would be one as well with likely some of hir mother's fur coloring. However their child seemed to be a true hybrid of both. The child was a herm as expected but shi had hir mother's fox like head and no head hair and a fox style tail. Shi had brown eyes and shi had red fur with orange stripes. Hir ears were black like hir mother's and had hir hands gloved with black as well. After going to specialist to figure this out and specialist came to the conclusion that a Kitsune Foxtaur's genes were nearly as dominant as a chakat's and speculated that any more offspring from such pairings can expect mixed features. In the end of it all their special child was named Firestripe and was much loved by hir family. Larsa also visited and though she knows Red can't do RS yet that didn't matter. She liked Red and hir sister even more and was in contact with them even after Red was declared dead. Though Red did seem to retain hir music talent tried out a couple of tunes but shi spent most of the time getting to know hir family again.
Whirlwind was chatting with some friends as they left the school building with classes done for the day. Shi scans for hir mother or sire visually and empathy and was surprised. It was hir uncle picking hir up today. "Uncle Red!" Shi runs over and hugs hir uncle with an all to familiar scent.
"Hey Whirl I decided to pick you up today." Red says as shi hugs hir niece before directing hir to the PTV. The pair get in and Red drives them home. "So how did school go?"
"Good, we had cook class today and the teacher said I was best of the class."
"Looks like you inherited your mother's cooking skills." Whirl grinned impishly in response then notice that Red was driving and asked.
"Why don't you let the AI drive?"
"I'm just not comfortable letting the AI drive."
"You see you were the same way before you went away." Red snorts and rubs Whirls head. The two chatted on daily stuff on the way home and it became a common thing for Red to pick whirl up over the months to come.
Red was walking into the building for another memory therapy session when unknown to hir shi was being watched. Two men watched hir from the cab of a large truck while a third looked at hir through a computer screen.
"So what's the story on this one?" one of the cab guys asked. After a minute of button pushing the guy in the back responds.
"Chakat Redstreak, Child of Sunspot and Fireblaze, age 27. Shi's an ensign in the Star Corps and was rescued from a planet months ago and suffers amnesia."
<Hhmmm, Shi's perfect for one of my experiments. When you have the opportunity take hir.>
"Yes sir." And they begin their plans.
Another day and Red was driving Whirl to school before heading to another therapy session. Shi enjoys these drives with hir niece and Whirl seems to agree with it, Then to hir surprise shi sees flashing lights behind hir. Shi pulls to the side to let the cop pass but the cop pulls behind them. The officer approaches them and as he nears them Red rolls down the window and asks. "What's the problem officer."
"License and registration please." Frowning Red does so. He walks back to his PTV for a couple of minutes before returning. "Shir could you and the cub step out of the vehicle. There's a security concern going on and for your safety we're searching various vehicles." Red and Whirl leave the car but Red was cautious. The officer was lying about something but what shi didn't know. As shi and Whirl stand by the squad car the officer looks over the PTV. As a large van passes by the Officer whips out a phaser and Red only hears the phaser whine before darkness over takes hir.
The officer a helps the three men carry the chakats in the van since the cub wasn't expected but no plan survives contact with the enemy. After shutting the doors to the van he watches the van head to the spaceport. He returns to his PTV and heads out to home to convert it back to a normal PTV. Meanwhile the van gets into the port to a cargo ship. There they open the van and stun the chakats again before hauling them out. "What happen?" A crewman asks.
"Had this cub with hir so had to take hir to."
"Well luckily we had extra capsules." Red and Whirl and then placed into cryotubes and froze to transport to wherever and whoever has plans for them.
Chapter 5 - Tales of Redstreak Chapter 5 |
The next day saw Alexis talking with Larsa on the details of the concert. Red smirks behind the wolf as shi moves into the living room. And meets hir twin. “Quite a homecoming last night huh?” Red blushes as the twins hear Coal laugh from the kitchen. Putting an arm around Red's shoulder Dallie continues. “I'm glad you two get along well, I'm blessed to have hir and you though I wonder who is blessed more us or hir?”
"Hir.” Both grin at each other and Dallie comments.
"Good choice.” As they both head to the table Coal glances over the kitchen island at hir mates and notice there were more differences between them. When Red left weeks ago shi and Dallie were virtually identical minus expression and hairstyle. Now Dallie has a slight bulge in hir lower torso made by their baby, while Red was more muscular now defiantly showing hir male biased. Coal was feeling wet down below. Coal set down breakfast and bellows
"BREAKFAST!” Shi looks down to see hir mates rubbing their ears since they were unfortunately in front of hir.
"Coal,” Red says “I'm surprise the neighbors didn't complain last night.”
"Well” Dallie starts “Dune and Blossom across the street were wondering what was going on.” Red groaned and face palmed.
"Please tell me you apologized for me?”
"I did no such thing, they ask if they could join in.” Red blushed deeply and pound her head on the table. Dallie and Coal grinned at each other, sometimes Red's human reactions were priceless. Alexis emerge to save Red from any further teasing and the only one with clothes on if they are only a bikini top and shorts, not yet comfortable being nude with everyone here yet. Whirlwind was the last to arrive in hir usual blur. Breakfast was a silent affair with everyone eating. Then the door bell rang and Red got up, “I'll get it.” Shi open the front door to see Dallies, correction hir parents with Streaker. “Red!” Sunspots cheers as she goes and hugs red. “Good to see you home daughter.”
"Thanks Sunspot.” Red returns the hug.
"Please call me mom.”
"I'll try just don't expect it over night okay?”
"Deal.” Red steps back and let's them in.
"We're in the middle of breakfast if you care to join us.”
"Sounds good.” Fireblaze states as shi walks in patting Red on the shoulder also being a male biased chakat. Streaker is the last to come in and glances down Red.
"You look good Red, fit.”
"Visited the gyms at the clubs while we were away.”
"Nice.” Streaker gives hir a thumbs up. The trio find spots to sit at the table as Coal serves them breakfast.
"What are you doing here mom?” Dallie asked.
"We had to see our daughter after hir long trip and we have an announcement to make.”
"Thanks...mom.” Red replies get a smile from Sunspot.
"Well the announcement is that me and Fireblaze asked Streaker to be our den-mate and shi accepted.” Both Dallie and Coal hugged and congratulated the trio. Sunspots sensed trouble from Red and asked.
"What's wrong Red?”
"Well your old enough to be hir mother or father.”
"That's true but after some time living with us me and Fire fell in love with hir and shi with us.”
"It's true Red. I came here having lost what little family I had left and Dallie and Fire open their homes then Sun and Fire opened their hearts how can you say no to that kind of love as you know.”
"Ya I do. Just nevermind me, culture clash I have to get over.” Red starts to turn away when she feels arms wrap around hir waist. A sniff reveal it to be Sunspot and shi feels Sunspots head rest on top of hirs.
"I won't nevermind you, you're my daughter and your opinion matters to me.” Red grabs Sunspots hand.
"Thanks..mom, thanks for trying to understand.”
"That's what mothers are for.” Red thought of something and chuckled. “What?” Sunspot asks.
"Well, you give a whole new meaning to the term cougar for me.”
"Cougar? I don't look like a cougar.”
"Where I come from cougar not only means a type of big feline but a female taking a much younger male as a boyfriend.” Sunspot hugs Red saying, “My silly daughter” shi licks Red's muzzle. “I wouldn't trade you for anything.” Red smiles. Sunspot might not have given birth to hir but it didn't matter, shi was Sunspot's daughter in Sunspots eyes and Red was starting to feel the same. Red then approached Streaker and extended hir hand.
"Welcome to the family...” With a glint in hir eye and an evil smile, “..uncle.” Streaker took the hand and turn it into a hug.
"You troublesome little nephew, come here.” Streaker then proceeded to noogie Red to the laughter of everyone.
After breakfast Dallie and Coal went to there jobs while Alexis and Red chatted with the trio for an hour more before they went home. Soon after Red drove Alexis to the club and while Alexis over saw the repairs to the club and the preparation of the new staff members (which they just barely got enough of), Red met with the sound crew to prepare for RS's arrival. Larsa certainly had to work hard to gather in all herm crew to assist in the club. The bulk of the equipment was lights and screens, shi would provide the keyboard and the programing. It took a couple of hours to get everything ready. Red pulled out hir keyboard and hooked into the system and did a small test to make sure things was working right. That done shi checks out the new club. The repairs and redesign were almost complete with just the finishing touches of paint, decorations, or equipment test had yet to be down as well as wait for the replacements to arrive. Red found the gym and grinned at the equipment there in the new wing since the building next the club was trashed so bad it had to be demolished. Sadly the owners of the store were killed and Red heard they were very kind to the club members. Going back to the main area she sees the herms who lived at the club return after living with their families, or with club members living outside the club like Alexis is doing with Red. Life was slowly returning to the club.
Hours later Red drove them home, with Alexis checking out hir room today it seems this will be hir last night with them. Red was sadden by that for shi enjoyed the wolf's company, well more reason to visit the club more. During dinner Alexis's announce hir return to living at the club to a tear filled group and they hugged hir wishing hir the best. Shi left the next morning with Red dropping hir off. Hugging the wolf Red said. “Don't be a stranger.”
“ I won't, thanks for everything.” The wolf herm went into the club and fully assumed the leadership on this branch of the club.
A couple days pass and during one morning Coal went up to Red after Medallion left for work but dropping off Whirlwind with hir grandparents first. “Red I'm in heat and I have the next two days off so I'm all yours.”
"I better get the Viagra then.” Red said half jokingly as they head to Red's room. Red barely has time to shut the door when Coal is kissing hir passionately. Returning the kiss they pair starts groping each other. This continues for minutes before Coal showed hir rump to Red, hir pussy wet with need. “No.” Coal loves back in shock when Red explains more. “I want to make this one special, lie on your back.” Coal nods and lies down on hir back revealing hir light gray bellies to hir lover. “Beautiful.” Red comments.
"I can say the same.” Red then lays on top of Coal as the kiss again and Red gropes Coal's breasts as shi enters hir love slowly. Groaning and purring in pleasure Red slowly pumps in and out of Coal. Both wrap there tails together making them one. Red tried to keep going slow but with Coals pheromones and the pleasure of their joining was too much for hir as shi starts thrusting faster. “YES my LOVE FASTER!” Red was only to happy to comply. Red thrust into Coal deep and both roared out in orgasmic pleasure and Red filled Coal with hir seed before collapsing on top of Coal. Licking Red's muzzle Coals states. “We have to try this position again love.” Red only nods and in minutes they were at it again. Throughout the day they tries various positions and styles. They even did it while showering, but the most interesting thing Coal would note later was when they gave Red's cock a rest and Red allowed Coal to take the male role. When they first had to do this when Red went in heat it nearly broke hir. Now though shi seems nearly accepting of it though only with Coal and only when Coal hugs hir deeply. As far as Coal knows Red has never taken the female role with anyone else but hir and Coal felt special because of it.
Dallie came home to find hir mate and sister passed out in Red's room with Red's cock still in Coals pussy. Shaking hir head at hir families antics shi closes the door and waited for hir parents to drop Whirlwind off. It took the smell of dinner to wake the sleeping pair and the ate and went at it again while Dallie and Whirlwind slept in Dallie's old room. Red and Coal were hardly seen the next day, mainly during the meal to which Coal announce shi was pregnant. Dallie congratulated them both but conceiving didn't stop the pairs fun. There was a change at night when Coal grab Dallie and dragged hir into the room for some 3 way fun. Once again though is was mainly Coal having fun with Dallie while Red played with hir. Finally the trio fall asleep exhausted but sated.
Two days later was the reopening of the club and the entire family went to see it. Dallie setting up a camera to record for Larsa. Alexis went up to Red nervous. “Red I don't know if the musician is here?”
“Shi's here I saw hir not to long ago. Shi'll come out after your opening speech and I'll introduce hir okay?”
"I just wish I could meet hir first?”
“You won't but I'll talk to hir to see if you can later. I'll go and talk to hir now okay?” Alexis nods allowing Red to leave. Alexis then chatted with Sunspot and company till it was time. She heads back to the stage area and gets behind the mike. “Welcome everyone to the reopening of the New Minneapolis Hermaphrodite Haven. Many of us were harmed one way or another in the bombing,” Alexis pauses for a moment of silence that all the members respected as the old ones remember the dead. “We have a memorial to those stolen from us and like a phoenix we arise stronger than ever!” This got cheers from the crowd. “Now Redstreak will introduce us to our entertainment tonight. COME ON OUT RED!” Red appeared from the right side of the stage wearing a leather jacket and walks up to to mike.
“Thanks Alexis.” Looking over the crowd shi continues. “Now the entertainment Alexis planned had to cancel I knew someone who could do this on short notice. Shi has never played before a crowd before and shi hopes you will respect hir desire for privacy, Now without further ado I present.” Red turns away from the crowd and unzips the jacket and swings around throwing the jacket to reveal a black T-shirt with the RS logo as the same logo appears on the screens bracketing the stage and on the screen above says 'WELCOME BACK DOUBLE H!' Shi than start playing on hir keyboard hir latest song (Angel Island Zone by Mindwipe, check out Mindwipe goes Sonic at mindwipestudios.info). Over half the crowd cheers as they recognizes who was playing for them. RS played 5 of hir new songs (All on previous said album) as the crowd danced and partied to hir tunes before shi took break to the claps and cheers of the crowd as a computer took over the music. As Red gets down from the stage shi hears. “YOU!” Looking over shi sees Alexis stomping towards hir with Dallie following behind. “You kept this from the the WHOLE TIME!”
“Wasn't the wait worth it though?”
“The reaction was sis.” Dallie interjects, “Hir jaw was dropped for the entire first track. Don't worry I got a pic of it.” Red looks back to the still fuming wolf and offered hir arm.
“Alexis you wanted to meet me, now you have me.” Alexis takes the arm .
“You're still going to get it.”
“Come on, what's life without surprises? Trust me I know.” The rest of the night went well, Red did some more songs as RS before having a meal but as the night wore on the party dissolved. Most that remained were those you lived at the club and as Red puts hir stuff away preparing to leave Alexis Returns to hir and asks.
“Why RS?”
“It's truth hidden in the mystery.” Alexis thinks a bit then exclaims.
“RS, RedStreak nice.”
“Thanks, cya later Alexis.” Red rejoins hir family and they all head home where Dallie reveals that Sunspot was pregnant with Streaker's kid and Streaker pregnant with Fireblaze's. Red just shook hir head and comments. “Looks like there will be a lot of birth parties in the future.”
The months pass and Red loves the look of Coal heavy with hir child and would occasionally stroke the bloated belly causing Coal to smile. Two months before the child was due Dallie gave birth to twins. One had dark red fur on hir front and it slowly turned to black with green eyes thus shi was named Twotone, hir sister had a light green with black spots and Red eyes. They were going to name hir Camo for hir fur but hir trait on hopping on any and everything thus instead shi was called Hopper. Once again Red was assisting in feeding the cubs since she was excepting hir first kid. Sunspots and Streaker though beat Coal having a joint birth party. Sunspot gave birth to a cub with black fur with red stripes and gold eyes, at Red's suggestion shi was named Stovy for the looked like an old fashion stove. Streaker's cub had snow white fur with gold patches with brown eyes was named Sparkles. Finally the day arrived when it was Coal's turn. It seemed the child didn't want to leave for it was nearly midnight when they moved to the guest room for the birth. Red was nervous this being hir first time in the prime position. With Coal leaning on hir from the front shi sensed hir mates nervousness. “It will be okay Red,everything is fine.” Chessboard was at Coal's nether region waiting to pick out the baby. Coal push with the contractions as Red encouraged hir to push. Soon their cub emerge and Chess cleaned the cub before handing hir to hir mother to feed and Red and Coal fed on each others milk, when down the check out their daughters feature's. She was cougar patterned except for that from hir muzzle down hir belly and on hir tail tip and the bottoms on hir feet and hand paws were grey. When shi finally open's hir eyes they will be gold and thus shi was named Sandrock, child of Coaldust and Redstreak.
December 2nd, 2335 Red was in the porch looking towards the sunrise in deep thought. Shi hears footsteps coming towards hir and with hir empathy feels it to be Coal. “You okay love?” Coal asks.
“Just thinking.” Coal takes a seat beside hir.
"You've been doing that a lot lately, on what are you thinking?”
“I'm thinking of joining the Star Corps.”
“Why love? Don't we have enough money, I know we aren't filthily rich but with us all combined we're not in need.”
“I know and it isn't the money.”
“Then why?” Red sighs before continuing.
“Coal, I've spent most of my life protecting people and protecting Alexis sparked a need for me to do it again. And when I was young I dreamed of going into space and here in this time and place some of the beings make that traveling a regular basis. With the Star Corps I could do both of those and yet not be gone for long periods of time, weeks at most. The kids have grown enough to be okay. Whirlwind starts school next year and with Dallie's promotion shi's home more. I just want something to do more than being RS. And if I fail to make it then at least I tried.”
“You really want to do this don't you?” Red nods. Then Coal hugs Red close. “I'm going to miss you while your gone.”
“Maybe you can come sometime, I read they take on civilian contractors.”
“I might.” The two sat in silence as the sun rose through the snow covered woods.
Later after telling Dallie of hir intentions, to which Dallie wished hir the best shi called Commander Antilles. “Hello Shir Redstreak.”
"Hello commander, I am interested in joining the Star Corps as security. Can you help me out?”
“I can, I know you did security work where you came from is there anything else to add to it?”
“A couple years ago I did some body guard work for Alexis Timber and I have a carry permit for guns.”
“Very well, let me look this up and I'll get back to you in a couple days.”
“Cya then Commander.” Two days later the commander called and arranged a meeting between Red and a Star Corps Training instructor. Red drives to the local Star Corps facility and shi sees the commander out side. Next to the Commander was a tall feline with a tiger pattern fur in odd colors, tan and green.
“Redstreak this is Lieutenant Zakane, one of our instructors. He test you out for the job.” Red walked up to the tiger and craned hir head up. Shi was guessing this was a Rakshani. MAN THEY WERE BIG! Redstreak Stood straight and saluted the Lieutenant. “Sir.” The rakshani returns the salute.
“Come with me Shir Redstreak.” Red follows him into the building. “Your record said you work in private security?”
"Yes sir, 25 years ten of them as the chief.”
“It stated you were building security that's where we'll focus today. You ever fire a phaser?”
“No sir, but check them out in on the net”
“We'll head to the firing range first.”
Once there Red sees a tray with a phaser on it. At the lieutenant's nod shi heads over. Shi picks it up and examines the device's mechanism. She attaches the power supply and powers up the weapon aims, turns off the weapon's safety and fires*pause* fires twice *pause* fires six more times. While that was going on Zakane studied the chakat. Shi knew the procedure keeping the safety on till the last. Was able to figure out the basics of an unfamiliar weapon in a short time and a good shot if the target was any indication.”Very good Shir Redstreak follow me.” Redstreak detaches the power pack and follows Zanke down the corridor into and armory. There Zanke hands hir another hand phaser with a belt and a padd. “You have ten minutes to study the plans then head through those doors.” He points to doors on the other side of the room. “Leave the padd when done.” Red nods and starts studying the information on the padd. It was blue prints for a building, looking like a lab of some kind. Shi studied what the security measures were. Ten minutes up shi puts down the padd and heads through the door. Shi walk down the corridor scanning the walls. Shi figures out shi is in the right wing of the complex. Shi walks in the direction to the center of the complex. Shi greets some of the beings walking by when and explosion rips through the building and klaxon begins. “You okay!?” Shi yells to the beings nearby.
"Yes, but what's going on?”
“I don't know but stay with me.” They nod and shi heads down the corridor till shi gets to a terminal. Clicking the intercom button shi asks. “This is guard Redstreak what's the situation ?”
“We have a Human first raid in progress in the left wing heading to the center.”
“I'm in the right wing with some civilians once I get them to safety I'll head your way.”
“Got it.” Shi turns off the intercom and looks to the civilians with hir. “Okay follow me.” Shi lead them through the wing with caution, thankfully not meeting any problem till they got to their destination. Opening the door Shi gestures in. “This is a safe room, you be safe here don't open until the all clear is given.” They nod and shi shuts and locks the door and heads out again.
Shi slowly advanced occasionally running into those who have to be lab technicians. Shi orders then to get to a safe room and continues down. Shi finally gets to a corridor and shi hears a shot fired. Shi tries to use hir empathy but feels nothing so shi does it the old fashioned way and peeks around the corner and spots a human shooting and otter morph in the head. Red lifts up hir phaser and fires before leaning back using the corner as a shield. With no answering shot shi peeks over and sees the terrorist on the ground unmoving. Checking shi finds him dead and continues forward.
Shi hears phaser and gun fire and races towards it to find a pair of security guards taking fire while behind a hallway corner. Going to the opposite side Red yells. “How are you guys doing?”
"We've manage to force them back everywhere but hear.”
“I'm going to try to swing around them can you hold?”
“Yes, good luck.” Red nods and heads away. It took 5 minutes to approach the side of the terrorist. They were three of them, one handling the ammo with his back to hir. With a chomp on the collar cause him to passed out and shi takes out the other 2 with hir phaser. Shi and the guards join the rest of the security detail in pushing the terrorist back, passing the bodies of those the human fanatics killed. Finally they were force the terrorist through the opening the bomb created when Red notice a truck barreling toward the hole. With little time to think Shi unleashes 3 shots. One goes through the windscreen, another hits the grill, and the last a tire. The vehicle turned and tips to it's side before exploding. Red tried to brace hirself for the wave but it never came.
“ Good work Redstreak.濃anke's voice comes out of speaker somewhere and Red opens hir eyes to see a blank room that was black with a gold grid.'Ah a holodeck.'Shi thought in hir mind.
Zanke put hir through many more test of various kinds of security situations for hours before ending it. Zanke approached hir as shi had a meal. “We'll go over the results and will call you to let you know if you make it or not. Have a good day Shir Redstreak.”
"You to you sir.” Zanke nods and walks away. When hir meal was done shi headed home and collapsed in hir bed from exhaustion. Shi found Coal by hir side with Twotone, Hopper, and Sandrock with hir. Smiling shi lick kisses Coal before laying back down. It was good to have family.
It was three days later when they received a call. Redstreak was to reports to Fort Timberwolf for further training. Coal hugged Red. “Congratulations love.”
"Thanks Coal.” Red head back into hir room to pack.
Chapter 8 - Tales of Redstreak Chapter 8 |
Coal was enjoying hir day off, though shi still was cooking. Streaker was dropping off Whirlwind from preschool and hir other children were taking a nap. Heck the only thing off was no message from Red, shi was usually punctual about such things. Well maybe they have hir busy with something. Taking a deep sniff at the stew shi was making, It was rare that shi made it. Red was not a stew person though some of the cubs liked it and Dallie liked it so it was odd the Red didn't, maybe a hold over from hir old life. The front door opens and and Coal steps out to greet hir daughter and in law. Shi is surprised to find Commander Antilles with them. “Hello Commander why are you here?”
The Commander had a sad look on his face.
“ I thought I should hand this in person.” He hands hir a letter. Sensing his sadness shi fearfully takes the letter and opens it and read.
Shir Coaldust, Child Snowboard and Nightsky
We regret to inform you that Redstreak, Child of Sunspot and Fireblaze as been killed.....
Coal's anguish howl was heard throughout the block.
* * *
Meanwhile weeks earlier on a distant planet...........
Flameria was walking towards her den's door when one of her fellow hunters Tami asked.
Where are you going Flamy?”
“Out.” Tami approaches her, grabs her arm and says.
"I know you miss her, I do to but we have to move on. This isn't healthy.”
"It is for me so leave me alone.” Flameria breaks free of her fellow hunter and leaves her den. She runs through the woods till she reaches the river. The main source of water for the village. She found a nice patch and rested her haunches and looked up to the sky as darkness falls. It's been two weeks, two weeks since her sister and fellow hunter had died. They were as close as sisters could be, some even thought they were lovers. Yes she did love her sister, but not that way, if a tod chose them to be comates they would have gladly. Heck that was their dream, but then the freak illness hit Scarleta and despite her great spirit and will she died from it leaving Flameria's dreams in shatters. She looks up again, the stars had always provided comfort for her and she needed it now. “Oh a shooting star!” She exclaims as she sees a streak in the sky. But it wasn't a quick streak she normally saw. No much slower and the angle was off. As she watches the strange star changes, she could barely see the tail and it had a halo of flames around it. Flameria started to hear a burning sound and the area around her lit up as the star flew passed. It plows into the river before flying back out and hitting a tree that stops it's progression further. Flameria goes over to figure out what the star actually is. She crosses the river and approaches the thing. It was oval shaped and there was steam coming from it. It looked shaped, that someone made it. As she gets to the part and sees a part the looks like it moves. She tries move it but it stays struck. As she adjusts to try again a fore paw hits something. Looking over she sees a small panel now open with a lever inside. Shrugging she grabs and pulls the lever. The part opens and a blinking red light emerges. Squinting from the brightness of the light she looks inside. She fines various straps and cushions inside, and a body. She climbs in to check the body. It was a taur like her but not a foxtaur, it no she those were breasts on her look more like the cazas the the village has to deal with on occasion. Checking the neck she finds a pulse on the taur but the taur was bleeding from the head badly. She sees a box attached to the wall with the same symbol the village healers use. She grabs the box and opens it. A few things in there she hasn't seen before but there was bandages in there. Grabbing one one them she head back to the river and wets the bandage and then returns that cleans the head wound. She then wraps it up and pulls the taur out of the thing. Once outside of the craft for lack of a better word Flameria spends a few minutes getting the taur settled on her lower back with the taur's head resting on her shoulder. She the cautiously walks to the nearby bridge and then to the village. She approaches the healer's hut and call out. “Healer Luna I need your help!” The healer emerges as a foxtaur in her mid forties. “What's the problem Fla-oh! Well let's get her inside.” Luna helps as Flameria goes inside and they lie the taur on the table. “Okay What is she, where did you find her? OH that can wait Flameria hand me my stethoscope. Flameria does and watches as Luna checks the taur's hearts beat. Luna checks both hearts. “Okay they're good and strong.” Luna then unwraps the bandage over the head wound. “Good job with the triage Flameria.” Luna comments as she grabs some items.
Luna then pours some alcohol on a cotton swap and further cleans the wound before stitching it up. When done she examine the taur in more detail. The taur had a large bump on the other side of her head. Luna heads for the fridge and gets some ice, puts it in a bag and wraps it over the bump. Luna then checks the body and saw the strange burn on the taurs right side. She cleans and bandages that as well before proceeding. When she gets to the nether region and lets gasps of surprise.
"What!?” Luna looks at Flameria.
“Come and take a look.” Flameria approaches and looks and is also surprised. There between the taur's hindlegs was an sheath with a cock. Flameria looks back at the upper torso and yes those were breasts there. Luna looks back and lifts hindleg more and yes there was a vagina as well. “Well I've never encountered anything like this. I'll call her a her for now till she wakes up. You should head home Flameria.”
“But what about her?”
“She won't awake till morning You'll be among the first to know she's awake. Now go home before your huntmates worry.” Flameria droops and comments.
“What's left of them.”
“All the more reason to go Flameria.” With reluctance Flameria goes back home.
Shi wakes up with a MASSIVE headache causing hir to moan as a result. “Hear drink this.” A feminine voice says. Shi opens hir mouth and sips the liquid. It didn't taste good.
“I know it doesn't taste the best but it will help with the headache.” Shi reluctantly drinks more and falls asleep again.
When shi woke up again hir head felt much better. Shi opens her eyes to a wooded room with sunlight coming through the shade to illuminate the room. It was simple wooded room with cabinets everywhere and a tray sitting next to the counter the seems to wrap around the entire room. Shi then looks at the doorway just before it opens and a foxtaur appeared. She was about 40 in age and gave hir a friendly smile. “Good your awake, how do you feel?”
“Head still hurts but not as bad as before.”
“That's good you had two big blows to your head. And Defiantly a concussion so we'll watch you for a few days. So you want to tell me your name and what you are?” Shi thinks for a minute before looking at the foxtaur with fear.
“I...I don't know, I can't remember.
“I thought that might be possible. Flameria said she found in some kind of craft from the stars.” They both hear the door knock and the foxtaur goes to the door, seconds later the foxtaur appears with a younger foxtaur with brilliant deep red fur and brown eyes, and surprisingly no head hair. Shi looks over at the other foxtaur and she also had no head hair. However both had generous breasts and it was hard for hir to keep hir eyes off them. “This is Flameria, she got you out of the craft. Flameria, our guest has lost her memory so she can't answer much. In fact I was going to test what she knows.”
“Alright, I like to stay Luna if you don't mind?”
“I don't what about you?” Luna ask hir. Shi shrugs.
“First we're going to need a name for you. Now what should it be?” Luna put on a thinker pose till Flameria interjects.
“Hey how about Starlight, she came from the stars and her fur is gold and shiny.” Luna looks at her patient again.
“How does that sound?” Shi looked over hir body. Shi sees the gold fur and the streak of red hair from her right side. Shi then looks at Flameria and says.
“Sounds good.”
“Alright let's begin.” Luna put Starlight through various test. It seem the taur had hir general knowledge intact but hir personal memories and memories of hir species were gone. Luna wasn't sure that would be permanent. After that Starlight fell asleep again.
The next day Starlight tried moving around. Shi did well and hir head hurt less and shi was hungry. Shi was able to sit next to the table as Luna puts a plate in front of hir and Starlight began eating and looked around. It was a cozy place with a large front room with many couches and small tables. “Is this a clinic?”
“We call it a Healer's Den all village healers work here.”
“You alone here?”
“Most of the time, I have a young apprentice come in to assist and learn, but don't worry I have a mate and comates that live in another den I and do spend time with them. Besides that den is pretty full most of the time anyway.” Starlight helped clean up after brunch, shi was just finishing up the dishes when there's a knock on the door. Luna goes to answer it. She soon reappears with a pair of elderly foxtaurs.
“BY the Kitsune! Luna wasn't joking with us. We represent the Village council and had to see for ourselves.”
“Well here I am.” Starlight says with a tad of anger.
Starlight show some respect!” Luna exclaims.
“I WILL NOT BE AN ATTRACTION LUNA!” Stargold rebukes. “It's bad enough to be in a strange place with not even my memories for support so excuse me if I don't want to become a show and tell piece!” All three vixens looked ashamed on their attitude. Luna is the first to speak.
“I apologize Starlight, I should have know better.” The Council members nod in agreement.
“Starlight,” One of the elder vixens starts. “I swear by the Kitsune that we will do are best to help you.” The steam seems to leave Starlight as shi slumps and nods. The elders leave but one says to Luna. “Make sure she is well taken care of.”
“Of course Elder.” Luna sees them out and when she returns she finds Starlight laying on a couch staring to no where while holding her head with one hand. Luna goes to make an elixir and hands it to Starlight. The strange taur drinks it and Luna rubs Starlight's shoulder. To which Starlight smiles at her. They spend the next couple of hours teach Starlight their written language. Shi'd picked it up quickly and soon there was another knock on the door. This time it was Flameria who showed up.
“You're out of bed that must be good.”
“It is, you can only lay down for so long.”
“True, any memories pop up?” Starlight shakes hir head.
“Well a reason I came today since your getting better was if you would live with me in my den with my huntmates?”
“Flameria she's still recovering.”
“But she's out of danger right?” Luna sighs, and looks at Flameria.
“There still the concussion to worry about but other than that.” Luna looks at Starlight with an unsaid question.
“I wouldn't mind trying.”
“Alright, Flameria you win but, you WILL stay and cook for your huntmates until Starlight fully recovers and check on Starlight on the concussion, I want you Starlight to come every other day for a week.” Luna heads into the other room and emerges with a small box. “When her headache gets bad mix one of these with a cup of water.”
“Understood Healer.” Looking at Starlight she continues. “Come on Starlight let's get you to your new home.” Starlight follows Flameria out the door gets hir first look of the village. It was nearing dusk but there was still plenty of light. The village was in a rough circle around a large shelter in the center obviously made for large gatherings. Shi sees various stall owners deconstruct their wares and stalls for the day. What amazed Starlight most of all was the way the buildings blend with the environment, they appeared grown. With a tug from Flameria and the two continue on past the initial group of houses, or dens as the locals call them. Flameria eventually leads Starlight to a den in a heavy wood area on the outskirts. The smells of cook food drift to them and the both moan in contentment. Flameria yips as she opens the door and a pair of yips return. A brown furred vixen appeared and smiled at Flameria. “Just in time Flamy, Tami is nearly done with supper.”
“That's great Jali.”
“Is that Flamy?” Tami yells from the kitchen.
“Yup ,with our new denmate in tow.” A golden furred head peeks out on the kitchen. Also without head hair. Starlight was finding that odd.
“Cool, we got to the table and I'll bring supper out.” They did as bade and Jali set plates for the four of them. Then Tami appear with a large tray and Starlight got a good look at her. She was more yellow gold then true gold in fur with gold highlights in her white belly fur and purple eyes. She set out mash potatos, carrots, and the main course, venison steaks. The meal was good and filling. Flameria or as her denmates called her Flamy did the dishes while Tami, and Jali got to know their new denmate. As Starlight was figuring that the Tami, and Jali were nicknames as well. Tami was Tamerla and Jali was Jalvette. The three vixens grew up together and graduated from hunting at the same time so became a hunter team. They then gave hir a tour of the den. It was a simple place but welcoming. Beside the living/dinning room it had the kitchen, a bathroom, and two bedrooms with closets.
Starlight yawned and seeing as a sign they direct hir to the main bedroom and she quickly fell asleep. The three vixens chatted a bit more before Flamy joins Starlight and soon followed by Tami and Jali.
Meanwhile Luna goes to her desk and takes out her journal and begins writing.
Well my latest patient is progressing well as far as I can tell. My examinations show that she is much like us but with and extra genitals and the weird head fur and amazingly agile and long tail. I have asks Tocale go go through the library for anything similar to Starlight. Meanwhile Starlight has moved in with Flameria and her team. I think Starlight will be good for the young vixen. Ever since her sister's death she seemed adrift. Somehow Starlight has peaked her interest and she seems like the vixen I help bring into this world. I sincerely hope they both can heal each other.
Starlight woke up the following morning to an nearly empty bed, Flameria was sleeping right beside hir looking cute as she laid there sleeping. Starlight felt good having someone lying there with hir, it felt right. Hir bladder called however so shi gets up to head for the bathroom. Hir shifting woke Flamy up. “Morning Starlight.” She manages to say as she yawns. “Sleep well?”
“ Very well thanks.”
“Well I always try to make my denmates comfy.” Starlight snorts and a thrust of pain hits hir in the head. Flamy's smile disappears and she gets up. “I'll go make a batch of that elixir.” Starlight nods and shi heads to the bathroom. After taking care of business shi comes out and Flamy hands hir a cup and shi takes a sip. In minutes the pain lessens but it did not stop Flamy from fussing over Starlight throughout the day. Starlight would have complained but something, a hunch maybe told hir Flamy NEEDED this so shi endured it. During the day however Starlight learned much when shi started with this question.
“Where are we anyway?”
“The Village of Elmas on the planet Narnia. Legend has it we came from else where and settled here. The Kitsune were the first of us and settle Kitswuana and we have spread out from there. We are ruled by the Elder Council that take care of the overall welfare of the village, by passing laws or major decisions. And that's the limits of their power. We don't even answer to Kitsuwana just ourselves.尿s they continued Starlight learned that other than trade and festivals there was little contact between villages, with the exception of sister villages. Villages where one was born from the other when the population got large and still have strong family ties. The lessons were interrupted by the return of Tami and Jali with more food. Tonight was Flamy's turn to cook and Starlight kept out of the way and watch her work. It reminded hir of something. After the meal Starlight took a bath and it was the first time shi notice the graze on hir right flank, the hair is slowly growing there. After drying off shi spent time with the vixens for a bit before heading off for bed again.
A week later Starlight emerges from Luna's Den after having hir stitches removed. Shi will have a small scar even after the hair grows back. 'Now to fully see this village.' Starlight thought Shi starts wandering around. In an hour shi figured out the layout of the village. There was about a hundred dens spread out around the area with the first 20 in a relatively tight circle. Electricity was proved by the water fall pushing through a handful of water wheels to power the turbines in the nearby buildings. Walking hir way back to the den shi here's someone say. “OH LOOK IT'S THE FREAK FROM SPACE!” Giggling followed and Starlight looks over and sees a yellow gold furred vixen with two tails instead of one surrounded by mainly similarly colored, some with two tails some with one. “Go back to where you belong freak.”
“I haven't done anything to you fox so drop it.”
"You being here is enough freak. You pollute us with you presence.”
“Oh, I figured with you here it was polluted enough.” The vixen steamed and was probably about to do something rash when she notice one of the enforcers.
“We're not done freak.” She scampers off with her group as Starlight sees Flameria approaching hir.
“Starlight! I was worried about you.”
“I just wanted to look around, that's all.” Flameria sighs,
“Okay but you should have told me first.”
“I will next time. Let's get back.”
The next day Flameria had hunting duty so it was Tami who was with hir prepping the kitchen when Starlight found Tami's bow and arrow. Starlight studied the bow in its detail
Tami comes out for a sec and sees Star as they started calling her looking at her bow. “You want to try to shoot it.” Star jerks in surprise, Tami notes this was one of the few times that she managed to surprise her den mate and quickly becoming a friend.
"If you wouldn't mind?”
“I wouldn't come on.They go outside to the back and after Tami checked around to see if there was anyone around. When it was clear she paints a target on a tree. She then walks back to Star. 徹kay see if you can hit it.Star nods and draws and let's loose. The arrow flies straight and hits the tree below the target. 哲ot bad but still too low.Star draws and shoots again. This time hits in the target area, Star draws and fires again and hits dead center. Tami is slightly shocked on how quick Star adjusted her aim. 滴ey you want to hunt with tomorrow?
"Okay I'll lend you my spare bow then.” They head back in and prepare for the others arrival.
Flameria was a bit ticked that Tami was having Star with her on Star's first hunt, but it was her turn to cook. She wishes Star luck and the 3 hunters head out. Jali went a separate way and Tami taught Star how walk stealthy. Shi pick that up fast. Tami raised her hand and both stop and listened. Star took a whiff and pointed right. Tami raised an eyebrow but follows. In a few minutes Tami got a scent of deer as well. In minutes they come upon a herd of deer. These deer had gold brown fur with a brown single horn in front for the males. In low whisper Star asks. “Which ones do we take out?” Tami looks for a bit before pointing out two females near the end. The both draw and fire near simultaneously. Tami strikes the head of her target and she falls and dies without a sound. Star's Hit's in the neck and the does lets out a scream as it falls causing the rest of the herd to flee. The hunters approach their kills, Tami's lay dead and she works to prep it for carrying. Star's was struggling to move. Star pulls out hir knife also borrowed from Tami and without thinking shi cuts the does throat killing instantly. “Nice move Star, though your aim could be better but not bad for a first outing.” Tami then shows Star how to prep a kill for carrying the two head out with a carcass laying on their lower backs.
They beat Jali home so Star watch Tami cleaned the kills, skinning the deer and separated the bones and meat. Halfway through this Jali appeared with a basket of fish. All the meat was put in a chilled cellar that Star didn't noticed before and the trio head in for supper.
Later Jali and Tami were bathing together leaving Flameria and Starlight alone in the main bedroom. “So did you enjoy your first hunt?” Flameria asks.
“It was challenging but fun. And even more I felt useful. I don't want to be a parasite to you and the others, so if I can do anything to help I want to do it.” Flameria grabs Starlight's arm and says.
"I understand wait here.” Flameria leaves and goes into the other bedroom. Starlight heard a chest be unlocked and opened. Flameria comes back with items in her arms. “Here take these, They were my sister's. She..she would have wanted someone to use them.” Starlight could feel the sadness coming from the vixen and sees tears in her eyes.
“How long has your sister been dead?”
“Three months.”
“So a month before I arrived.” Starlight looks seriously at Flameria and grabs the bow and quiver. “I'm an honored to accept your sister's bow and promise to do my best to take care of them.” Flameria with tears nods and Starlight shifts the items so shi could hug the vixen with hir free hand. Flameria feels the pain and loss of her sister flee her through her tears as Starlight just silently hugs her through it.
Flameria fell asleep in Starlight's arms and the taur slowly lays Flameria on the mattress and pets her head once before leaving the room. Shi quietly walks to the living room to see Tami and Jali looking at her, or more at her bow. “Did Flamy give you that bow?” Jali asks.
“Yes.” Starlight says a little worriedly, especially when the vixen rush hir. But the rush turned into a hug.
“Thank you, thank you. We've been so worried about her after Scarleta's death, but you've seem to bring her out of her depression. Again THANK YOU.”
"She's helped me I'm glad I could help her.” Starlight lifts up the bow. “Now I need a place to store this.”
“Well get Flamy to take you shopping for a chest tomorrow.”
The next day the group splits up. Tami and Jali to sell the fur and some of the meat. Flameria and Starlight headed over to the furniture store. Flameria said Starlight you pick anything she wanted. Flameria said she'd pay for with money that Scarleta left behind. Starlight looked over the various chests on display till one caught hir eye. It was a good size chest made of wood and iron. It was painted red with carvings in the shape of stars painted a bright yellow. Starlight swept hir hand over the wood. Shi and the carver haggled over price but the chest ended up on Starlight's lower torso as they head home. They meet the others at the den and Jali gives Starlight hir share of the money.
The next couple weeks Starlight assits with the hunting and the success of the group improves. The only hitch was when Shi went into rut but otherwise fine. However One day Flameria worriedly approaches Starlight. “Star we have a Council meeting to go to.Someone wants you out of the village.”
“When is it?”
"An hour from now.” Starlight nods and spends most of the next hour preparing hir defense.
Finally the quartet head to the Council Chambers, Among the largest buildings since it was made to hold all members of the village. The building was simple yet grand and like everything else looked grown in it's shape. They pass through a small hallway and into the Audience Chamber. On one side where they entered was stadium like seating for the town with a raised platform for petitioners or accused make there case. On the other side of that was a crescent shaped table. Above the table two banners flew, one had a leaf with a fox tail attached to the stem in green with a red background, the village's banner. The other had a gold fox head with two tails over a 4 pointed yellow star with a black background, the Kitsuwana Banner and banner of the planet. Flameria direct them to the front row and sit as the room filled up. Minutes later a side door opens and 7 elderly foxtaurs emerge. While there were a couple of males among them the bulk was female. Shi looked around and shi sees that the bulk of the audience was female. Shi would question Flameria on that later.
As the Council is seated the female at the center chair pounds a gavel. “This village meeting comes to order. This meeting has been called about the status of Starlight, our out world guest. Paloci Starfur, you have brought this issue to us so you will start.” A young female walks down from her spot and Starlight recognize her as the one who called hir a freak. The vixen steps on to the platform with an arrogant smile on her lips.
“Thank you Council Female.” The vixen then turns to the village. “My fellow foxtaurs we have a danger among us. We have a long proud history and tradition but the feline among us will do nothing to pollute us. It was kind of us to help it. It is now healthy and can live on it's own so I recommend we have it leave our village before it could damage our heritage more.” Starlight saw some nod in agreement, and shi notice they were all female, yellow or gold furred, and many of them had multiple tails. Flameria told hir that the bulk of the first colonists had multiple tails and though that has faded a bit in the centuries having more than one tail was a status symbol. As the vixen steps off the platform the Council Female says.
"Thank you Paloci for your view. Anyone else have a point to make.”
“ I do.” Tami said. She steps up to the platform. “My fellow villagers, I am appalled that this meeting is even happening. Starlight has done nothing wrong. She has improved my life and that of my hunt mates, especially Flameria. Starlight has helped Flameria better than anyone here could so if you expel Starlight I will be joining her.Jali step off the platform and hug Starlight and the rest of her huntmates. Then Flameria step up and took a breath and began.
"I am Flameria Blazefur, like most of you I've been here since I've been born. I was a happy vixen till my sister's death. That was hard, I almost lost the will to live. Then Starlight showed up and I found the will to live again. As her given name applies She has brighten my life. If you expel her I will join Tami in leaving with her. Scaleta would be ashamed of this.” Flameria then leaves the platform and the tears begin to flow.
“Are there any others that would like to say something?” The Council Female asks. After a minute of silence she continues. “Then Starlight approach us and make your case.” Starlight steps up and faces the crowd and begins.
“I have no memory of who I was before being here. Most of the foxtaurs I've encounter have been nothing if supportive of my plight. Paloci has had it in for me since before we've even met. I have done my best to adapt to your ways and do what I can to help the village. If you don't want my help fine, I won't be alone but with those I can trust. Thank you for your time.” Starlight steps off the platform and rejoins hir denmates. The council members adjourn to their room to decide on whether the vote takes place. After a few minutes they emerge again and take their spots. Then the head council member spoke.
“We find that there's insufficient proof that Starlight has polluted our village so there will be no vote. Starlight has shown that she has contributed to the village and you'll will need more than baseless racism to cause a vote again. Thank you for your time.” As Paloci stomps out in a huff with her groupies Starlight and her huntmates hugged each other in victory.
A week passes and Starlight had another problem to deal with, hir heat. The other hunters pick this up and encouraged Flameria to assist Star as the feline taur started to call herself. With some shyness Flamy offers to assist Star and Star reluctantly agrees. Flamy then grabs something from the communal chest then goes over and kisses Star. Flamy found the different shaped muzzle quite enjoyable. Both started play with each others breasts and both lie down on the mattress. After a bit more playing Flamy moves so that she is facing Star's neither regions. She eyes the sheath but that's not the goal today. She goes a little further and starts licking Star's pussy. It tasted different but good as she hears Star moan in pleasure. After a few minutes of just licking she finally grabs the dildo she got from the chest and slowly inserts it in her friend. Star's moan get's louder and she feels Star licking her pussy as she starts pumping the dildo in and out, in and out. It didn't take long for the shuddering of orgasm to happen. Star moans into her pussy and the vibrations was too much for Flamy so she cums as well. They both lay there a minute catching their breath when Star finally breaks the silence. “You were good with that.”
“I've had a lot of practice with Tami and Jali.”
"I've been meaning to ask you about something. During the council meeting I notice that most of the village is female. What's up with that?”
“It's the way our race is. We give birth to more females than males. Our village has a 3 to 1 ratio. Hence why it's the females that do the hunting. Males are allowed multiple mates and there's always Obligation.”
“To deal with the problem of more females than males every adult male around his birthday has to be available every 5 years for the week for breeding purposes. He gets 10 feathers, 7 green and 3 blue. The 7 green of for the night the female takes the feather, the 3 blue are for a later date since not all vixens will be in heat during that week.”
“Sounds a bit unfair for the males though.”
“Initially yes, but what was agreed on that the male has no responsibility after siring the child unless he wishes to. It was mine and my sister's plan to find a male wanting both of us.” Star somehow felt the sadness of Flamy's pain.
“How did she die?””
“A sudden illness, no matter what Luna tried she wouldn't heal and she eventually died.” Tears start forming in her eyes. “I still miss her.” Star then hugs Flamy and says.
“And so you should, she was your sister but she would want you to go on with your life right? You knew her well, am I right.” Shi could see Flamy think for a bit before responding.
“Yes, yes I think she would.”
“Then start looking towards the future.” Star yawns, “Tomorrow.” Star then lays down and immediately falls asleep. Flamy looks at Star and pets the feline's head with it's strange head fur and smiles.'Star's right, it's time to start looking to the future. And it may be in front of my nose.'
Chapter 3 - Tales of Redstreak Chapter 3 |
She felt a throbbing in hir head and that shi was lying on hir backs. Daring to open hir eyes shi finds Coaldust by hir side holding hir hand. Medallion was behind hir with Medallion's parents behind that. “Hey everybody.” Red says weakly. Everyone moves closer and Coaldust asks.
“How you feeling Red?”
"Head hurts, but are you okay? What about Whirlwind.?”
"Look at your legs.” Red looks down and sees hir niece curled up by hir lower torso sleeping. Laying back down Red says.
"That's good, the pain is worth it.”
"You scared me Red. I thought I lost you for a bit.” Coal said.
"Shi's barely left your side since the bombing.” Sunspot said.
"Then again most of us haven't left much either. Only Dallie has because of Whirlwind.” Fireblaze interjects. Red feel the love from all of them and it touched hir deeply. The door opens and Breaks-a-leg shows up with Chakat Streaker, the male biased Chakat the helped Red during hir transition from male to herm.
"Told ya shi'd be fine.” Breaks comments to Streaker.
"I wasn't the one who made a bet against you I agreed. Red is a tough chakat.”
"Well my head at least, though it feels like someone is playing drums up there.”
"Well at least you didn't break a leg.” Everyone groans and Breaks pun.
"Well Streaker what are you doing here.” The tall blue and yellow color chakat's features droop and emits great sadness.
"I came to confirm that my sister was indeed dead. Shi and hir mate were caught in the blast.”
"Oh! MAKERS! Do your parents know?”
"No they're dead. They had me and my sister late in life and died years ago. Shi and hir mate were the only family I had left.” Everyone except Whirlwind (who was still sleeping) and Red hugged Streaker.
After a few minutes the group hug breaks and Sunspot says.
"Streaker please stay with us, You shouldn't be alone in this.” Streaker is speechless at list and doesn't respond for a bit until Red interjects.
"Just go with it. This group is a stubborn lot, trust me I know.”
"You won't regret it.” Sunspots says. The door opens again and Larsa appears.”
Oh goodness I came as soon as I could.” The foxtaur looks over Red. “You don't look to bad.”
"My head hurts and a little sore on my upper back.” Looking over to Coaldust. “How long was I out?”
"Three days.”
"Not bad.” A grumbling from Red's stomach interrupts hir. Shi looks at everyone with a sheepish grin till the door opened once again. This time a nurse came in.
"Oh good your awake, I'll tell the doctor.” She leaves and a few minutes later a doctor comes in and stats checking Red's head and Eye reaction.
"Well Shir Redstreak your doing well for someone hit in the head from a flying building. There's signs of a light concussion but we like to keep here for a couple more days to be sure.”
"Alright but can someone get me something to eat, I'm starving.” That causes chuckles from everybody and the doctor leaves to inform the nurse to bring some. After an okay meal (It's hospital food people) the group starts to leave to give Red some rest. Medallion, Coaldust, Whirlwind and Medallion's parents all kiss hir good night and after answer a call from nature Red heads to bed pondering something profound.
Red spent 2 more days at the hospital before they decided shi was okay. Though the doctor told Medallion and Coaldust to keep an eye on Redstreak for the next week. Coaldust drove them home since Medallion had to work today. “It's sad Coal. In 300 years and hospital food still tastes awful, can't wait to have some of your meals.” Coal chuckles at Red's rant but shi did notice something interesting. Red just called hir by hir nickname Coal instead of Coaldust, shi's never done that before.
"A little for warning Red. Dallie's parents have been staying since the bombing as well as Alexis since her place went up when the truck hit.”
"Ouch is shi okay?”
"Yes shi was away when the club was hit. With no where to go we offered our place.”
"Alright so we'll be crowded for awhile. No big deal.” When they got home Red saw Alexis at the dinner table looking over stuff. Shi looked up and saw Red and smiled.
"Hey Red, good to see you up and about.”
"We both got lucky.” Red put hir hand on Alexis's shoulder.
"I know it's hard but you can survive and rebuild, trust me.” Alexis grabs Red's hand and nods. The rest of the day Red spent playing with Whirlwind and relaxing, though shi called Larsa to tell her shi was taking a break from composing for a bit. Larsa said she understood and hope shi has a restful break. Things were busy in the crowded house but the inhabitants were content to happy. Just before dinner Red stood up and chimed hir glass. “Everyone I haven some things to say.” After a pause shi continues. “I've had time to think since my second brush with death and I made some conclusions.” Putting the glass and fork down shi grabs Coal's hand. “Coal, will you be my denmate?” All the chakats felt Coal's happiness as shi leaps and hugs Red hard. It took everything Red had not to be tipped over by it. “I'll take that as a yes.” Looking over Coal's shoulder at Dallie's parents and asks. “Is that adoption offer still open?”
"Of course...Daughter.” Fireblaze says and looks at hir lifemate they both grin and engulf Red in a hug causing the overloaded chakat to fall over.
"GET OFF! YOU'RE GONNA KILL ME BEFORE YOU CAN ADOPT ME!” Red says half jokingly making everyone laugh as the 3 chakats finally let their new mate/ daughter get up.
As they finally start eating dinner the general mood of the group was up, while not unharmed by the bombing it could have been far worse.
After dinner most of the adults chatted but Red and Coal went to their room to consummate the union. Though not planning a child just yet since neither are in heat. Red shuts the door behind and as shi turns shi is hugged and kissed passionately by Coal which shi returns. Despite the added lungs they still eventually need to come up for air and they reluctantly break off the kiss. “I'm sorry it took me so long Coal.”
“The past couple of years haven't been easy for you Red. I didn't want to force you into anything and the wait was worth it.” They resumed their kissing and they grope eachother's breasts. Coal then turns hirself around and presented hir vent to Red. Red climbs on top and slowly enters Coal and both moan in the pleasure it gives them. Red slowly humps in and out. This was an act of love not need so they took their time. Red eventually groped Coals breasts and Coal swings hir head back and they kiss again. Red slowly goes faster and hir instincts drive hir. They twist their tales together and Red squeezes Coal's breasts causing Coal to moan in hir mouth. Soon the pleasure is too much and the orgasm together. They couple a few more times before the lay exhausted on the bed. “Definitely worth the wait.” Coal says breathlessly as the new couple fell asleep.
A few days later the entire family and friends were at the memorial for all those lost in the bombing. There wasn't a dry eye in the group as the names of the lost ones were told. The only blessing Red saw was that their close group of friends was intact but shi knew some of the dead. After the service the group went home and had a personal consoling time with eachother. Nothing like therapeutic sex to make one appreciate life. The next day Sunspot and Fireblaze decided to go home and Streaker was going with them. They seemed to get along well and it would be one less mouth to feed. However the do stop at the city hall and formally adopt Redstreak as their daughter.
A couple days later later Alexis was at the table reading something as Red walked up. “Hey Alexis, whatca reading?” Alexis looks up and gives Red a sad smile.
“ It's official, I'm the new branch manager. This is not how I wanted it.”
"No one ever does.”
"Well I have to find replacements for the staff we lost so I'm going on a tour of the other branches to find people interesting in a job here. But with Tamira in the hospital I have to find a herm bodyguard.” Tamira was the muscled Mouse Red met on hir first trip to Double H. Shi Worked as one of the bouncers for the club and it was pure luck that shi survived but will be bed ridden for a while.
'Well you could use me.” Alexis raised an eyebrow. “I was in security for nearly 30 years Alexis, and I have a carry permit and have practiced since coming here, if anything my aim is better now. Granted I might be a bit rusty in doing security work and have not done it in this body It should be enough to guard you. And I'm someone you can trust.” Alexis considered it, She did know Red and shi wouldn't cost the club much for hir services and it would be nice to have one friendly face in hir travels.
"Alright, get packing I'll order the PTV for tomorrow.”
"ALRIGHT!” Red fist pumps and goes to tell Dallie and Coal.
Dallie was glad Alexis will have a friend with hir but was sad to see hir sister go. They hugged, something Red notices shi does more often now and Dallie wish hir a safe trip. Coal was a little more hesitant. “We just became mates Red and you want to leave?”
"I want to help a friend in need. Shi's had a rough time lately and having something stable like a known friend in this will help. Remember it was my security instinct that prevented you and Whirlwind from being hurt that day.”
"Alright but please be careful.”
"Of course, I have something to return to.” Red then passionately kisses Coal. They spent another night in passionate love.
The next day Alexis and Red waved goodbye to the family and get in to the PTV already packed with their clothes and other necessities. Red had hir gun in it's holster with two extra clips in hir security mode. The strategy was check out all the GNA branches first before doing a world tour. The bomb killed or knocked out half the staff for the Minneapolis staff so there's a lot of replacements to get. “Hey Red?”
"I notice all that music equipment. Play in a band at all?”
"Nope, just love to play. It helped a bit in my adjustment time.”
"I like music myself. I especially got into that music by RS, you can really swing to it. Are you an RS fan?” Grinning Red replies.
"You can say that.”
They arrive at the next Double H branch and with one hand on the grip of hir gun Red looks around. Though it wasn't official, it's believed that H1 was behind the bombing and if they were willing to do one like that there could be others. Shi continued scanning the area as shi and Alexis walk through the front doors. The receptionist lead them to the office area and they meet the branch head and head into hir office to go over the staff. After two hours Alexis looked over to Red who has been attentive but not really hir area. "Hey Red.”
"Yeah Alexis?”
"I don't need you for this go enjoy the club okay.” Red shrugs and gets up.
"If your sure?” Alexis nods. “Well cya later then.” And Red heads out to check out the club. The layout was surprisingly similar however shi did notice an additional door. Opening led to a stairway going down. Shi heads down the stairway and ends at a locker room, beyond that shi finds a gym. Smirking shi heads in to test it out.
Adjusting hir gun belt shi lays down and grips the dumb bell with hir standard weights. Securing hir grip shi lifts it off the supports and starts pumping the dumb bell up and down. Shi does this a couple of times surprised by how easy it is to lift. It weighed almost nothing! Shi puts the dumb bell back on the supports and inspects the weights. The weights were the right size, one shi always got a good work out with so what's wrong? Scratching hir head shi glances at the wall which was a mirror, the whole gym had mirrored walls. There shi see hir image, a golden lioness patterned chakat with red hair with a tuft of red on hir tail tip. Shi stares at hir image and the duh moment comes and shi facepalms. The last time shi used weights was when shi was human, shi remembers Streaker mentioned that chakats were stronger than human standard. Grinning again shi doubles the weight to 150 pounds and tries again. This time they actually felt heavy and shi decided that was good enough...for now.
After three hours shi had enough and wiping hirself with a towel shi head back up, it was near dinner time and decides to head to the cafe for dinner. As shi enters the door connecting the club to the dinner shi hears hir name called. Looking shi sees Alexis waving hir to a table where shi sat with a couple others. Shi heads over and was about to take a chair when shi remembers shi doesn't need one and plops hir rear on the floor. “Red I like you to meet Silvia and Fredrick Greytail, Silva used to be at our branch before shi met Fred. Silvia, Fred, Chakat Redstreak, Child of Sunspot and Fireblaze.” They three shake hands since the table prevented hugging.
“ Glad to meet you.” Silva says, “ I wonder though. You are a dead ringer for Dallie and I don't remember hir family ever mentioning you.”
"I'm adopted and an accident made me have similar looks to Dallie.” The waiter showed up and the discussion halted as they made they're orders. After the waiter leaves Alexis resumes the discussion by asks Red.
"So what have you've been doing since I told you to scram?” Both chuckle and Red replies.
"I found their Gym. We better have one after the rebuild, I haven't had a workout like that in years.”
"What about during your therapy?”
"That was all about learning how to use this body. It was a perfectly healthy chakat body, that I didn't know how to use.”
Silva comments, “Sounds tough.”
"It was, and if it wasn't for Dallie and Coal I wouldn't be here.” Alexis lifts up a glass and says.
"To the power of friendship.” The rest join in the toast as the dinner arrives.
Eventually night came and after a hard days travel and work both Red and Alexis turn in. Heading up to the living quarters area Red asks. “So where am I staying.”
"Well..” Alexis blushes a bit “They are having us bunk together.” Red shrugs and Alexis opens the door. They find a modest little space with a small kitchenette and a living room dinning area combo with 2 additional doors. Alexis stopped by earlier to put there luggage in the living room before dinner. Red checks the bathroom and found it equipped with taur equipment with attachments to adapt them to bipeds. "Red we have a problem.”
"There's only one bed, well more of a mattress.” Red looking in and yes there was a large comfy floor mattress and a decent closet. “I'll go and see if there is another room.” Red yawns and grabs Alexis.
"I'm to tired to deal with it. Let's get to bed and there shouldn't be a problem as long as we only cuddle.” Alexis nods and heads to the the bathroom to change. When shi returns shi finds Red asleep and naked. Remembering that Dallie mentioned that Red preferred being topless shi faintly shakes hir head and lays down next to the chakat.
The smell of something good cooking wakes Alexis. Stretching shi looks around to find the mattress empty. Shi gets up and opens the door to find Red still nude minus a cooking apron saying 'Love the food, Love the cook' on it causing Alexis to snicker. The snickering gets Red's attention and the chakat looks over and smiles at the wolf. “Morning sleepy head. You have good timing breakfast is almost done.” The meal was simple but good, which Alexis would expect from someone with a cook for a mate.
After spending a couple more days there they move on to the next branch, then the next. Over that time they never had a second bed in there rooms having gotten use to each other and Red did note that shi always slept better with company, blaming it on hir empathy. If anyone was to look on them when they slept they would see Alexis curled with in Red's lower torso with the chakat's tale covering the the wolf. Alexis always complained when Red beat hir in waking for it always got chilly when Red left causing the chakat to belly laugh. Sadly not everything went well as they parked near the next branch they ran into trouble. This branch was in a city near the HCKNA. They both get out of the PTV when a bunch of humans neared them. “GET OUT OF HERE YOU GENE FREAKS!”
“ The only freaks I see is you guys.” Red shot back. Hir hand gripping hir gun. Sensing some eagerness behind hir but unable to look away from the group in front of hir shi was about to ask Alexis look behind them when Alexis screamed. Glancing behind hir shi sees Alexis struggling with a human. Red kicks with a hind leg to separate Alexis and the human and shi pulls out hir gun and takes a shot at the man that attacked Alexis before turning and shot at the ground in front of the main group. “My next shot won't miss you neo nazi's so beat it.”
"Neo nazi?” One of the human's asks.
"Look it up you idiots. And maybe you'll see the danger your placing yourselves in by following that path.” Hearing sirens the group breaks off running though one of the females in the group looked back for a bit with a thoughtful expression before following the others. Replacing hir gun back in it's holster shi walks over to Alexis. “You okay Alexis?”
"Yes thanks to you, nice kick.” The police finally arrived and they took their statements and after an hour the pair were finally allowed to continue to Double H. After a brief meeting with the branch president they had dinner during which Red noticed a scent coming from Alexis. After dinner the pair went up to their room, unpacked, and relaxed. At least Red did Alexis seemed uneasy. “Alexis you okay?”
"I'm fine, maybe just ticked about what happened but fine.” Red frowned, while there was some truth in that shi has been around too long for that to work, then shi remembers hir empathy (shi sometimes forgets shi has it) shi sensed sexual lust from hir friend.
"Alexis are you going into heat?” The wolf reluctantly nods. “You must have had that planned for so what's the trouble.”
"My pills to contain it were in my purse and that human stole it.”
"Shoot so you have to deal with it in other ways.”
"Yup.” The wolf let's out a breath before heading to the door. “I'm going to head out and find someone before we might do something that you'll regret.” before shi could open the door Red gets in the way.
"What might I regret?”
"That we had sex. I know that you were human and your standards are different than a chakats. And I'm a throw back.”
"Some of us morphs still have genes from the old days when we were sexual play things. Most of them are dormant but they can awaken in some of us. I have hyper pheromones that makes any male, herm, even females on occasion want me. SO I have to find someone willing to help before they can't help it.”
"Would you rather to this with a friend.” The wolf nods.
"Look Alexis, I may have different standards then a typical chakat, but then I'm not a typical chakat. I would be honored to help you in this time of need. I do find you attractive and considering what happened today I would feel better to have you with me.”
"You sure Red? I don't want to lose your friendship with this.”
Red raises hir hand in an oath position. “I Redstreak swear that you will not lose my friendship from what will happen tonight.” Red then picks up the wolf and carries hir to the bedroom as the wolf yells out.
"RED! PUT ME DOWN!” Shi can help but giggle at the former humans antics. Red tosses hir on the mattress and pins hir with hir lower body as shi rips off Alexis's clothing.
"Such a nice body to guard.” Red comments making Alexis blush. Red then kisses Alexis and the wolf holds hir head as shi let's go of what control shi had of hir pheromones. Red gets the full dose and nearly instantly hir cock shoots out throbbing with need. The chakat grips and squeezes Alexis's breasts before ramming hir cock in Alexis's pussy which thanks to the genes and Red's efforts was wet and Red started pumping. The rest of the night was nothing more than a blur for either participants, well a blur and pleasure. It would be hours before they collapse in sleep sated.....for now.
Chapter 3 - Chapter 3 |
Medallion stretches and yawns from a restful sleep. Shi looks over to find where Coaldust slept empty. "Must be cooking breakfast.年ot bothering with a top shi walks out and heads towards the kitchen already smelling a great breakfast. Peaking hir head around the corner she spots hir companion in front of the stove with an apron on. "You know you don't have to cook all the time Coal, though it does smell good.任oal looks over, smiles, and replies.
"But I like cooking especially to lovers.” Before the conversation can continue the house AI interrupts.
"Call coming from local Star Corps Offices.” Medallion heads for the vid phone. Shi activates it.
"Hello Chakat Medallion here.” The screen reveals Commander Antilles.
"Hello Medallion, how's Mr. Harter?”
"Sleeping right now and talking better. I am worried about hir though. I have work to get to today as does my Companion so shi would be alone.”
"Good thing I called now. I've been talking with your work and worked out a deal. You will stay home to assist Mr. Harter as you can while we pay you the same salary as your work while they hire an intern to take your place.”
"Thanks a lot Commander.”
"Well you're helping us with this. I also called to say the therapist and a counselor are heading over this afternoon to look at Mr. Harter unless that's too early?”
"Nope I'll be sure shi's up for it.”
"Good I'll stay in contact then, goodbye.” And the vid goes to the end call screen. Medallion heads to the dinning room as Coal places the meals down.
"Heard the conversation I say that makes things easier.”
"Oh yes it does now we just have to help hir through hir change.”
"Speaking of which when's your next heat or rut?”
"My rut's in a few weeks why?”
"Shi has your body remember so if your in rut...”
"Shi's in rut.” Shi faceplams. "How could I forget that?” Coal pats hir hand.
"You have a lot on your plate right now. You just got a new sister. Good thing I'm going to start moving my stuff in tonight.”
"But what about your place you still have a couple months left in the lease?”
"I'll continue to pay. Luke is more important.” They finish their breakfast in silence before Coal left to get some of hir stuff. Around eleven Coal tells Medallion. "Dallie I'm going to check on our guest before I head out.”
"Okay.” Shi heads down the hallway to the guest room and opens it to get quite a site. Luke sans the T-shirt Medallion gave hir staring at hit reflection while shi holds hir breasts. Coal notices through the reflection that Luke's nipples were erect and it took a lot of will for Coal not to giggle at Luke's look. Luke then turns hir body and lifts a hindleg. Obviously to view hir malehood.
"Well at least I still have that and it's even bigger.” Luke mutters even more understandable than before.
"It's certainly given me pleasure in the past.” Coal finally says. Luke rips around around to see Coal standing the doorway with a surprise look before remembering hir bare breasts and moves hir arms to cover them causing Coal to giggle again.
"HAVEN'T YOU HEARD OF KNOCKING!?” Luke says with anger. With her empathic talents Coal senses that she might have gone too far and loses hir amusement.
"Sorry Luke. We Chakats are very informal in our nature so it's common when at home not to knock and such unless it's the bathroom. Now I'm about to head for work and wondered if you wanted brunch first?” Luke' s anger fades from hir features and a loud rumble comes from her stomachs. Coal couldn't help but laugh. "I'll take that as a yes so get ready and head to the dinning room.” Shi turns to leave and make a large but quick brunch.
Luke watches hir go and couldn't help but notice how good her lower torso looked, having a fondness for cats this reaction wasn't hard. Shaking his new head he mutters to himself. "Snap out of it man shi already has a girlfriend with Medallion so no stealing. Besides she wouldn't be interested in a klutz like me especially if I get to be human again.” Donning his shirt he heads to the door with a hand on the wall. While doing the morning stretch somehow helped him feel the body better. Slowly he makes his way to the dinning room until Medallion notices him and gives him a hand the rest of the way. Thanking hir for the help he sits down as Coaldust sets out plates full of eggs bacon and pancakes. Shaking his head at the amount he says. "I still have to get use to the fact I have a bigger stomach.” He then chows down.
"Well I'm off to work see you both tonight.” Shi lick-kissed Medallion on the muzzle and heads out. Medallion watches hir leave before looking back at hir twin. "Commander Antilles called while you were asleep. He sending some people over to help me with your adjustment.” Luke looks down at his now furred hands.
"I'm reduced to the helplessness of a child.” He feels a hand on his back and looks to see Medallion there with a sympathetic look on her face.
"Not permanently Luke, that's why I'm here.” Feeling a call from his bladder he smirks at her and says.
"Well since you're here to help, mind helping me with the bathroom again?” Medallion groans but soon both of them are chuckling as they head to the bathroom.
The two then sit in the living room watching tv, mainly the news for Luke's sake. After a bit Luke just had to ask. "So the United States no longer exists?”
"Hasn't since the start of the Gene Wars where it was split in two.”
"Maybe you should start at the beginning.”
"Well the 2020's saw the start of the morphs combining human and animal DNA successfully. It quickly lead to the making of slave morphs especially sex slaves. By the 2040's a growing rift was happening in the human race, those for slavery and those who thought morphs as these hybrid beings were called should have the same rights as humans. In 2050 the war breaks out with the battle of Hoover Dam and in days the US government as you would know it ceased to exist. The war was brutal and lasted for 40 years before ended in favor of the Pro morph side and everyone began rebuilding. We live in the Greater North America which consists of most of the old USA and Canada.”
"Most of the US?” Medallion nods and continues.
"Most the south eastern part calls itself the Holy Christian Kingdom of North America. Its government is a version of Catholic theism that for the most part believes that because we morphs were created by man we have no soul so essentially treated as second class citizens there.” Luke interrupts.
"I prove that idea false.”
"Yes you do. Quebec is also independent of GNA but no different than here. The GNA and the other nations are all part of the United Nations of Terra World Government which is based in New Zealand since it and Australia were in the best condition after the war. In 2111 the project that created chakats was started.”
"Why are you called that?”
"For our creators Charles and Katherine Turner using the first part of their names you get cha and kat thus chakat.”
"Makes sense.”
"We were design with survival in mind so we heal fast. With the right conditions we can regrow a limb. We can eat things that are poisonous to humans and other morphs. We were made hermaphrodites so we could populate fast. Imagine a couple producing two children with in months, hence why we are preferred for colonizing. The first of us was born in 2129 and we been growing since. Also we began exploring the stars during this time. In 2135 we meant the Caitian race. They're a cat like race with more paw like hands and average around 5 feet. In 2141 we meant the Voxxans who are in essence anthro foxes. In 2158 we meant and nearly went to war with the Raskani. A race made up of 7 feet tall felines resembling tigers. While we have meant other races these 3 plus us terrans form the core of the Stellar Federation. A generally peaceful power we've been a part of since then. And that's history in a nutshell.” Luke shakes his head.
"I don't get it. I come from 2040 and have never heard of morphs or anything like them and as a security chief for a lab complex I would have. Scientist's gossip is only beaten by women's gossip.” Medallion laughs at that comment before going serious.
"I know what you mean and I'm afraid of the implications.” A knock on the door interrupts them. Medallion opens the door to see a human and a chakat. The human wore the stereotypical white coat but no glasses. He smiled at medallion and offered his hand. "Hi I'm Tony Clauson and this is Chakat Breaks-A-Leg.”
"I'm Chakat Medallion, child of Sunspot and Fireblaze. Please come in.” The chakats hug each other in their traditional greeting. The three of them walking into the living room and they see their charge.
"So this must be Luke Harter, Hi I'm Chakat Breaks-A-Leg, child of Cliffjumper and Riverswimmer.”
"Please tell me that name is a joke?” Luke asks.
"Nope I broke a lot of limbs when I was young so it stuck and thus got into physical therapy.”
"Oh great.” he says dejectedly as the human approaches.
"I'm Dr. Tony Clauson a transporter researcher.” Looking back to Medallion. "Is there a place where we go do are thing in private?”
"Follow me.” Medallion leads them to a vacant room shi planned to use as a kids room in time. "How's this?”
"Great.” Breaks-A-Leg answers. Dr. Clauson goes first unpacking his computer and scanner. He scans Luke for a minute before heading over to his computer and connecting the two. In couple of minutes he frowns and shuts it down.
"Sorry Mr. Harter no quick fixes today. None of my theories work but I haven't given up yet.”
"Thanks for trying doc?” The doctor smiles.
"No problem it's a new puzzle for me to solve though I wish you did have to suffer for me to have it.” The doctor says his goodbyes and leaves with Medallion showing him the door. When shi returned shi asks if Breaks wanted hir out of the room for this.
"Nope.” Breaks answers. "I might need help and Luke can always use the moral support. So Luke what should we start with?'
"How about being able to walk on my own and...” He pauses and actually blushes.
"What is it Luke?” Breaks asks.
"Well also ...to be able to use the bathroom on my own.” His blush gets redder.
"That's nothing to be ashamed of Luke that actually common in my work so lets begin with...” The three of them spend the next few hours going through the therapy.
Coal returns home with more of hir stuff about six o'clock and sees a female deer morph approaching the house in a T-shirt and dress shorts. The deer notices hir and greets hir. "Hi is this Medallion's residence?”
"Yes it is, I'm Chakat Coaldust, child of Snowboard and Nightsky.”
"Dr. Whitetail.” Coaldust unlocks the door for them both. "Dallie I'm home.” They hear a door open and Medallion comes out with a more stable Luke followed by Breaks.
"Good timing Coal we were about to have dinner.” Shi looks over to breaks. "You're welcome to join us.”
"Love to.” Breaks answers. Whitetail introduces herself and joins them in the dinner which Medallion makes for a change. Whitetail observes Luke during the meal seeing how he reacts to things. After dinner Breaks heads home and Whitetail and Luke head into his room for their session. Medallion and Coaldust watch tv till two hours later when Whitetail emerges.
"How's shi's doing?” Medallion asks.
"He's trying to rebuild himself. What would help is if you two refer to hir as him. Body wise he is a herm but up here.” She taps her head. "He's a male so until he's given his body back or accepts his new body it will help his image which is heavily damaged.”
"But I think this session went well but I won't be surprised if he's asleep. You two have a good night and here's my number.” After trading numbers Whitetail leaves the house and Coaldust checks on Luke. Shi finds hir..erm him sprawled on the mattress clearly asleep. Coaldust walks over and pets Luke's hair. "Sleep well Luke.”
Chapter 6 - Tales of Redstreak Chapter 6 |
Weeks have past since Red came to training have been interesting. Do to hir previous experience shi didn't get the standard training but a more focused one. Shi has spent weeks learning ship operations and safety, laws and regulations of the federation and the Star Corps, and combat training so shi could use hir taur body better. After pushing hir body to the limits and sometimes beyond it. Video talks with Coal and Dallie were a god send. Two weeks ago shi finally convinced Coal to go on hir first voyage with hir. It will be nice to have Coal and Sandy with hir. Then it was hir turn to step on to the Commander in charge of the base. Shi approaches the commander and salutes. The commander returns the salute and hands Red a paper and attaches hir new rank to hir uniform. “Congratulations Ensign Redstreak. May you do the Corps proud.”
"Thank you sir.” Shi turns around and heads down the stage winking at hir roommate still waiting. Another ten minutes go bye before the class is dismissed and the ceremony over. Red heads back to pack for hir stay with hir family before heading out on hir first assignment. Stepping out of hir bedroom for the last time shi sees hir roommate, a cougar morph biped name Mounty Quickgraze also leaving her bedroom. The two get close and hug and Mounty says.
"I'll miss you Red.”
"Same here Mounty, now you be careful. I won't be there to watch your back.”
"I thought you were the one who got into trouble?” Red gives her the look that causes Mounty to chuckle. The two chatted till the got to the bus stop and went their separate ways. Two hours later Red ended up in front of hir home. Shi unlocks and opens the door.
"I'm home everyone.” Shi annouces.
"DADDY!” a tanish blur screams as it speeds towards Red. Red picks up hir daughter and hugs hir.
"I guess you missed me.” Sandy just responded by purring.
"Welcome home Red.” Red is surprised to see Streaker approaching hir.
"What are you doing here Streaker?”
"I'm the only one off today so I had to look after the kids and I decided to do it here. Whirlwind should be home any second.”
"Okay let me put my things away and I'll give you a hand I know this group can be a handful.”
"NO KIDDING! I thought it was bad with just my and Sun's kid.”
A half an hour later the door open again to reveal Whirlwind. The young chakat saw hir uncle( shi called hir that as a joke and it stuck) was home. Shi smiles at hir uncle and says.
"Uncle Red.”
"Hey Whirl, you good at school.”
"Of course, why would you doubt me?” Red snorts,
"Because I'm your uncle and I know you well.” Whirl just smiles at Red. And Red helps hir out with hir homework until Dallie and Coal finally came home. They both hug Red and Coal went to start dinner. They chatted about what happened since the last time they talked of the vid and when supper was over Streaker went to hir and Sun's kid home and while Dallie slept with the kids Coal and Red got reacquainted intimately.
Over the next two weeks Red let Coal and Dallie have their fun for both Coal and Sandy will be with hir on hir first tour. Red also made sure to visit the club to catch up with everyone and spend time with them before leaving. They all wished hir the best and good luck. Red also contacted Larsa to notify her of the status change and that her song writing will be slower. Thankfully hir songs were still a big hit and the company was making great profits from it so if it was at a slower rate it was okay, as long as shi did work on it. Red wave hir hands in surrender and agreed to work while in space. The extended family did get together to celebrate Red's success and a safe trip for Red, Coal, and Sandy.
Finally the day arrived for The family to depart. Dallie drove them to the space port and after a final hug they part ways and Red and group beams up to the Starbase. After beam up Sandy asks. “Dad, what ship are we looking for?”
"F.S.S. Jefferson.” Sandy looked around in awe, it was the first time shi ever was on a station and if it wasn't for the leash Red attach to hir shi'd be all over the place. In ten minutes they found the docking port with a human in security gray standing beside it. They approach him and seeing he's an ensign as well Red says. “Ensign Redstreak and family reporting in.” The ensign took out a padd and looked down it.
"Ensign Redstreak, Child of Sunspot and Fireblaze.” Red nods and the guard points to Coal. “And you are Chatkat Coaldust, child of Snowboard and Nightsky?” Coal nods and then the guard looks down at Sandy. “And who's this?”
"I'm Chakat Sandrock, child of Coaldust and Redstreak.” The guard nods and looks back at his padd and hits a couple of buttons.
"Okay your all in, Your quarters are on deck 2 room 50. Then Ensign report to Lt. Commander Dustrunner for your duties this tour.” Red nods and they head in. After taking a turbolift down a couple of levels they get off and deck ten and in minutes found there room. It was a modest room with a living room, 2 bedrooms and a small bathroom. On this ship the showers were communal except for the officers quarters and the meals were taken in the mess hall. The Jefferson was a small corps vessel that did supply runs and some exploring and it showed. After unpack Red heads for the security office. Red enters the office in uniform and saw her commanding officer for the first time. Lt. Commander Dustrunner was a male coyote morph in his forties. He was behind his desks looking at a padd when Red step up and saluted. “Ensign Redstreak reporting for duty sir.” The coyote looks up from his padd and returns the salute. “At ease Ensign.” The coyote glances at the padd and hits a couple of buttons and viewed the padd a bit before going back to Red. “ Looks like you have some experience in security. That's good, I'll assign you to Lt. Skierski's crew in the cargo bay. Report to hir tomorrow at 0900.”
“Aye,Aye sir.”
“ Dismissed.” Red saluted again and head out to rejoin hir family. Two hours later the 3 chakats stood in the rear lounge and watch as the Jefferson detaches from the Starbase and left orbit.
"Now that's a beautiful site.” Red commented.
"On that I agree my love.” Coal replies then hugs hir mate as Earth and the Starbase get smaller till the ship jumped to warp.
"Now that was cool. Very Trekish, it's like I'm living a dream.”
”So I'm not real Red?”
"If you are I don't want to wake up.” Coal lick kisses hir muzzle.
"You say the sweetest things.” The family eventually moved to the mess hall for dinner. Coal wasn't thrilled with the meal and thought shi could do better. After supper the trio headed back to there quarters and played with their daughter before all three head to bed.
0700 the next morning Red woke Coal and Sandy and the 3 head to the communal showers. The water invigorated the trio and soon the dried off and headed over for breakfast. After an okay breakfast, this was really trying Coal Red said goodbye to hir mate and child and headed down to the cargo bay. There she finds a female cheetah morph with Lt. JG pins on her. Red walk up to the morph and saluted. The Lt directed hir to scan the crates for anything strange. Things looked find, the crates secure. That took most of the morning so the broke for lunch.
After grabbing hir tray Shi finds hir family and sits next to them. Coal once again didn't look happy with the meal causing Red to smile. “Excuse me?” Red looks over hir shoulder and sees a chakat with dark blue fur with green spots. “Hi, Am Chakat Lilypad, Child of Bluemist and Forestgrass. I thought I meet my fellow chakat's onboard today.”
"Well have a seat, I am Redstreak, child of Sunspot and Fireblaze.”
"Hey you did that without prompting bless the makers!” Red sticks hir tongue out at hir mate.
"The comedian beside me is my denmate Coaldust, child of Snowboard and Nightsky and that is our daughter Sandrock.” The group hugged one another in the traditional Chakat greeting. And they all settle down for lunch.
"Sorry for not meeting you earlier our division had a long meeting. I haven't seen any of you before you new?”
"Yes this is our first tour.”
"So you wouldn't expect to meet me then?”
''Why should we?”
“Empathic feedback.”
"Huh?” Red asks.
"One of the flaws of we chakats is our empathy. While useful it also puts an extra requirements on us. We need feedback from other chakats to keep ourselves sane, go to long without it and we go insane. I heard a rumor that several Fleet and Corps brass were demoted or discharged as well as a couple of researchers losing their licenses for forcing an experiment on how long a chakat could go without one of us with. So any Fleet or Corps ship that wants a chakat onboard needs a minimum of two chakats on board. You three our the only other chakats on board. So I had to meet you, hopefully intimately.”
"If you do it will be with Coal here.” Red responds before taking a bite. Lilypad was surprised by that response.
"Did I say something wrong?” Shi asks.
"No, it's not you it's me. So where are you from?” And that started a good conversation between the chakats for twenty minutes. Finally with hir lunch done Red lick kisses Coal.
''I have to go back to work love, cya later. And you Sandy, be good for your mother.”
"Yes dad.” Red leaves the mess hall and Lilypad leans closer to Coal.
"I didn't mean to offend hir..”
"It's okay Lilypad, Red was introduce into this life in an odd way so hir standards are different than ours. Shi doesn't get intimate with near strangers but shi respects my beliefs, so if you need relief you can come to me and shi won't get in the way.”
"Sounds like an interesting mate.”
"Oh, shi is, shi and hir twin sister are among the joys of my life.”
"Well a pleasure to meet you and your family.”
"Likewise, don't be a stranger.” The chakats go there separate ways.
After a week on their voyage Coal had it with the cooking ad pleaded with the captain to take over the kitchen and teach the resident cook how to really cook. The captain was hesitant to let hir but Red confirmed that Coal was a good cook and noted that shi cooked in a restaurant for a living. The captain gave hir a couple of days to prove hirself. It was no contest. Hir first meal received high praise as people wanted seconds and thirds. Three days after the test started the captain appointed Coal as ships cook for the voyage and that hir predecessor learn from hir. Morale improved on the ship after that as the made there first stop. A military space station position to monitor pirate activity in the sector. Coal and Sandy explored the station while Red helped guard the transfer of supplies to the station. Things went smoothly and a day later the Jefferson departs for it's next stop.
On there way to their next stop Lilypad went into heat and Coal spent the night assisting hir with hir need. Lily also had many meals with Red's family and they all became good friends. Red also worked more on hir next album during hir off shift hours, shi went more for a space theme in hir tracks
and Sandy and Coal enjoyed listening to it. Coal secretly wondering if the crew might find out who else Red was. There next stop was a nebula the the Corps wanted to get more details on to the Jefferson spent a week surveying the nebula. The family could be seen in one of the lounges watching the nebula with wonder. After the nebula they stopped at a colony still in development and dropped off need supplies to assist in it's growth. Red found the planet fascinating. The whole planet has a tropical climate so the colonists adapted a more chakat style of decorum of wearing almost nothing accept equipment belts or during hazards suits. Red couldn't blame them it was STEAMY. Red had a few embarrassing erections during the stay to the amusement of hir mate. At their next stop Red caught a stowaway and an attempted robbery of the cargo. Shi even stopped an attempted kidnapping on the station earning hir a condemnation for that act.
Most of the rest of the tour was uneventful. Red spent hir time either patrolling the ship, guard the supply transfers, further combat training, and quiet time with Coal. Lilypad became a good friend and common guest for them and doted on Sandy. After six weeks the Jefferson returns the Starbase One over Earth. Red and Coal hug Lilypad goodbye and they go to sign off on their tour of duty. They and Sandy leave the ship and hang out at the cafe waiting for their shuttle. Why not a transporter? Well if you look at Coal's lower torso you will see that shi is clearly pregnant. Yes Red knocked hir up again much to hir pleasure. An hour later the land at the space port and they meet their mate/sister there. Dallie eyes Coal's condition and comments. “Couldn't help yourself eh sis?” Red just shrugs in replies and the trio hugs before heading home.
Dallie shared the good news with the entire family and soon a improvised party happen to celebrate their return and to their new daughter. In the weeks that follow Coal gave birth to their second child, a orange with red on hir paws, ear tips, and tail fur pattern and called Blazefire (a nod to hir grandsire). Red admitted is was fun nursing again though it will be a hassle when shi leaves on hir next tour, thankfully the ship quarters did have a fridge.
This won't go as planned though as Red lounges on a couch in the porch enjoying the weather when Dallie came out. “Red, the Star Corps just called. They want you to report to the administration building at the starport right away.”
"Alright, I wonder what's up.” Red heads in and puts on hir uniform and heads out. In 30 minutes shi arrives and the starport and shi heads into the Administration Building. Shi heads towards the receptionist desk. “I'm Ensign Redstreak, I was told to report here.” The receptionist checks the logs and replies.
"I have you ensign. Report to Commander Antilles on the 20 floor room 2.”
''Thankyou.” Red head to the turbolift and heads up. Shi finds room 2 and enters it. Shi finds a waiting room with a lieutenant sitting at a desk. Walking up to the lieutenant, “Commander Antilles ordered me to report.”
"He's expecting you go on in.” Red salutes and heads in. The familiar human was sitting behind a large desk looking at a padd when Red came in and saluted. The commander looked up and smiled.
"Redstreak no need to salute me and that's an order.”
“Okay sir.”
“Now don't you look good in uniform, very buff.”
“Thanks sir, now what do you need me for?”
"Well we received a guest by strange means and the name he gave us made me think of you. Come with me.” They leave the office and take the turbolift down to the basement levels of the building. They then enter a small room with a large window and another door. They step up to the window and shi looks in to see a human male in his mid forties in a white lab coat. He looked familiar and then shi notice the logo on the shoulder. A gold G over a grid sphere, the logo of Globaltech.
”Doctor Xanatos!”
“I thought that might interest you. He came similar to how you did. Though without your changes.”
“Can I see him?”
"Of course that's why I order you in. Maybe you can get him to open up.” Red nods and heads in. Xanatos had a shocked then a look of curiosity As Red stepped in.
“Well doc, it's good to know you survived the first accident, that haunted me for years.”
“You can talk?”
“And much more doc.”
“You don't know the half of it doc.”
“Strange that you seem to know me but I don't know you.”
"Ah but you do, you just don't recognize me. Did you replace those steel balls you fiddled with when in deep thought?” Only two people knew about those balls, Xanatos looked at Red with widening eyes.
“What happen to you man?”
"Well my arrival here wasn't as easy as your's, Medallion tried to help me and the effect of your device acted out and activated a device called a transporter. Both of our mines were fine but my body's data was gone. With no other choice they put me in a clone body of Medallion's and I've been here ever since.”
"It's good to know you're alive. It was part of the reason I resumed the experiments, though much safer of course. So how is it being a girl?”
"Well I'm not quite a girl, the species I am now chakats are all hermaphrodites but still it wasn't easy.”
"I so would like to see this world Luke.”
"My name's Redstreak now, but you can call me Red. Let me check with my boss.” Xanatos nods and Red returns to the previous room. “Any problems with his request sir.”
"Well he'll have to have a guard. The fact he safety transported himself here has the interest of Starfleet. Hmmm, I got it you will be his guard, you have history and the proper training. Consider yourself reassigned ensign.”
“Yes sir. I'll have him check out my place.” Red activates hir wrist comm.
“Hey Dallie it's Red, I need you to convert the guest room for human use. I'm bring home a special guest.”
“Oh, who?
“You'll find out when we get there.”
“OOOHHHH, you meenie!”
“Isn't that what sisters are for?” That cause a chuckle from Dallie as Red signs off.
“We want him back here tomorrow to talk with our scientists."
"Yes sir.” Red goes back to the room. “Doc I'm taking you to my home and tomorrow you get to talk with your fellow eggheads.”
“Thank you Luke, I mean Red.”
"No problem.” Shi leads him out of the building and to the PTV. The doc studied the machine in fascination, especially when one of the cushions converted into a chair.
“Such amazing technology, they're way more advanced than home."
“Well they farther ahead in the future than us.”
“Yup, it's 2336 here.”
“So we're in our future?”
"Not quite...” Red proceeded to explain the differences between his world and here. They arrive home and Red shows the doc in.
“Nice house.”
“That's what I said when I first saw it.”
"Welcome home Red.” Medallion says as shi enters the living room.
"Hey Dallie, Doc meet Medallion, child of Sunspot and Fireblaze. Dallie, Jack Xanotos, chief scientist at Globaltech Industries.”
“Globaltech, wasn't that where..”
“Where I originally came from yes.”
“Nice to meet you Doctor.”
“Likewise, you taking care of Luke...I mean Red?”
"I try, shi doesn't always make it easy.” Two blurs appear and hug Red's forelegs one of them yelling.
"Dad,dad,dad!” Red rubs Sandy's head while picking up Blazefire.
“Doc, meet my daughters, Sandrock and Blazefire.”
“ You the mother?” Red snorted.
“No the sire.”
"Had to ask.” Coal arrived an hour later and shi and the doc were introduced. Coal made supper as Xanatos updated Red on what happened at home. He perfected the reactor he was working on and named it the Harter Reactor after the guard who saved his life. Having a theory that Luke may still be alive He started researching into the accident and this was his first real attempt and glad it had worked. During the dinner The pair remembered old times and jokes. The next day Red took him back to the starport and he met with some of the Federation's scientists. Their tech talk quickly went over Red's head so shi sat back and made sure it was only interrupted by meal times. Shi also thought heavily on what shi could do if the doc succeeded. As Xanotos working on the device Red worked on hir own project. Months pass as the scientists work on a device. Xanotos was only held back on not being familiar with Federation tech as they work. Finally the device was done this one generated a portal but the familiar bolts were still present but they seemed controlled. They sent a probe through the portal. The feed the came back to reveal a lab complex with a bunch of surprised people. The wall had the Globaltech logo on it. The probe flow through the window, Red and Xanotos saw the familiar skyline of the IDS building, The Metrodome and even Target Field. “Yah that's home alright.” Red said. The probe returns through the portal.
“Alright I heading home. It's been a pleasure working with all of you.” Xanotos said then he looks at Red. “You coming Red?” Red smiles but shakes hir head.
"No, I wouldn't fit in there anymore. I have a family and a life here, but I do have something for you to take.” Shi reaches to the saddlebag and takes out a suitcase and hands it to the Xanotos. “Give this to my family.”
"Sure thing Red. I promise to find a way to make this more stable so you could visit them or they you.”
"I have faith in you doc to pull that of, until then live well.” The Doc steps through the portal and the feed he gives the thumbs up and the portal closes.
That night Xanotos visited Luke's family, he called earlier asking them to gather. Knocking on the door it's answered by Luke's sister Rayna. “Welcome doc please come in.”
"Thank you.” He walks in and places the case on the table.
"Okay doc what is this all about.” Asks Rayna's husband.
"Well the experiment I tried worked, as you know I've been gone for months. While I was gone I found Luke Harter, he is alive and well in the world I visited.”
"Then why didn't he comeback with you! Is this just a sick joke?”
"No it isn't, There are reasons that he didn't come home. He send a recording with a few other things. Now I have to mention that he has been change physically so you won't recognize him but believe me it was him.” Xanotos opens the case and takes out a small dish and places it on the table and press a button. An image of Red appears wearing a RS t-shirt. The Harter family was shocked at the look.
"Hello everyone it's me, Luke. I know my appearance is a shock, Dave shut your dropped jaw.” Everyone did look at Dave and he had a dropped jaw. “Believe me getting this body was a surprise as well. My arrival was not as easy as the doc's was. As you can see I couldn't return a live a normal life like this and there was no chance of getting my old body back so this is better than being dead. But that isn't the only reason, I have made a life here with people I love and who love me. I do miss you all and maybe one day we can see each other face to face. Until then here are a few things of me and our extended family. I love you all and if we don't see each other again know that I'm happy and I wish you all a long a good life. This is your son/brother/uncle/in-law Luke Harter now Redstreak signing off.” The image disappears back into the device and the family looks in the case seeing photos of Red and hir..their extended family.
Chapter 21 - Tales of Redstrak 20: Mirror Invasion part 2 |
Unexplored Planet in the Yoshiru Sector:
Date 04/14/ 2344
In a tropical pink colored forest seemed calm and peaceful with the standard sounds of the animals breaking the silence. Then a grunt and a chopping noise was heard and some leaves fell to the ground to reveal a lion morph. It was female, young, and a little buff. Her fur coloration was was light gold and tan from her muzzle down her front cover her crotch and inner thighs and her fingers. It was easy to tell because despite the fingerless gloves, a pair of boots, a knife strapped to her thigh, an equipment belt, a backpack, and a pair of dog tags she was completely nude. Shani was certainly an odd one. She was raised in a normal lion morph household but that didn't stop her. Despite her tomboyish personality she loved her feminine body and rarely wore clothes. The current record was school time. As soon as she was off the bus off went the clothes. The best her parents could figure was a bit of throwback genes causing that and were resign to it. But in the settled world all had laws against full nudity. Never mind that taurs could go full nude biped morphs couldn't so she wore the smallest bikini shorts possible and technically be in the law. But that was one of the reasons she bought a ship to explore recently discovered planets. Nobody cared what she wore or didn't wear and she LIKED exploring so a win win and she made some decent money surveying the planets. She stop and put a hand through her moehawk style hair and scanned the horizon with her gold and green eyes. Despite the odd floral colors this planet had potential for a colony. She took a sip from her canteen when she heard movement. She ducked behind a tree and soon saw a pair of figures emerge. They looked like Starfleet from the outfit. 'What are they doing out here?' Shani wondered.
“Yeah the signal is in this area something is defiantly here that shouldn't be.” One said.
“Okay who ever you are come out now!” the other ordered. They were authority and she hasn't done anything wrong. So she moved from behind the tree and both point in her direction. Both were human males and she could see them leering at her nude body.
“I have a permit to explore unclaimed planets officers. I am surprised to see Starfleet out this far and this planet is still unclaimed according to records.” She said and the head guy grinned.
“Well we are expanding and have claimed this planet and you're trespassing. Your sentence is to be my slave girl.”
“That's against the law.” She stated.
“We are making new laws cat. And you are going to be fun.” They closed in and Shani had enough. With a quick swing she kicked the closest one in the head and took out her stunner and shot them both then keyed her comm to call her ship to the nearest clearing she saw and she went that way. In minutes she got to the clearing and her ship the Shani's Freedom. Well it was a Runabout. Ad hybrid between a short range shuttle and a starship. But it was big and cheap enough for her. She launch the ship and break orbit. She was going to report this to Starfleet Command or the Federation Council on this. And alert came up and sensors showed a ship. Likely a destroyer by size was moving to intercept. The IFF though was strange. Instead of F.S.S. It was I.T.S., 'who uses that IFF?' she thought. The Freedom lurched as she was hit by the destroyer. She fired back but the Freedom's weapons were more for fending off pirates not a warship but she had to try. She sent out a distress signal and was almost making it to a safe distance to warp when the Freedom was hammered and vent ruptured and an alarm bellowed. She checked the readout and her warpcore was in danger of breaching. She was trying to fix it when she got a glance of the destroyer. It was bulky looking like a strangely laired cake with a pair of nacelles attached. It was turning for the final pass when Shani noticed shimmering. Then another ship appear and opened fire on the destroyer. It hit the ships shields. A second volley got through and hit the ships sublight and warp engines And the destroyer limped away. Shani went bad to trying to fix the core as the comm turned on.
<Runabout your core is about to breach, prepare for transport.> Shani pounded the console and stood up and felt the beam over. Shi found herself on a transporter pad and a gold furred chakat in a starfleet uniform. The Chakat tapped the commbadge and said.
“Captain we got her we can break off.”
<Acknowledge Red.> The Chakat then looked seriously at Shani.
“You okay miss? Did they rape you? We can get some clothes for you.”
“No they didn't except for destroying my ship. I worked hard for that ship. And say what they heck is up with Starfleet to have guys like that?”
“They are not Starfleet, at least not ours. Long story short, The Federation is being invaded by what appears to be a dark version of itself. We are out here on recon trying to figure out where they are basing themselves and their strength. I'm LT. Commander Redstreak, Child of Sunspot and Fireblaze.”
“Shani Venture.”
“Nice to meet you Shani, wish it was under better circumstances. I'll take you to the Captain.” The two leave the transporter room and Shani notices the chakat look behind hir. “You sure you're fine? Your completely nude.”
Shani sighed. “Yes I am fine I prefer being nude. It's why I chose a career as a planetary scout so I can be as nude as I want.” Red chuckles and responds.
“Okay, heck you remind me of a friend I know. Having you on board is going to be interesting.”
“Why is that?”
“You're a beautiful lioness and display it for all to see. So if you see me with an erection please don't mind.” They enter a turbolift and the conversation continued.
“Didn't know I would that kind of effect on chakats before. Well my heat is in a few days and I owe you so why not have some fun. But don't expect anything long term. I hope to find a male suitable for me.”
“Got it. No problem, I have several mates and I think they would be ecstatic to hear me have a fling for once.” Before Shani could pry more the doors open to the bridge. It was an older bridge layout, about the same age as her runabout but she did noticed a few newer consoles. “Shani Venture meet Captain Bombshell Hamilton, Child of Reefswimmer and Uilleam Hamilton. Shi's the one in charge of the Mercenary Combat Ship Sunovagun.h The other Chakat was white and black with blond hair and raised an eyebrow at Shani's attire or lack of.
"Welcome aboard, sorry we couldn't get here sooner."
"Crap happens but how does a merc ship get a starfleet crew?"
"I rescued them from an invaded colony when their ship went down. While normally I would drop them off at a base or another ship, Starfleet hired me to scout out where these guys are coming from and their strength and decided to assign them to me. Sadly though those orders mean you are stuck with us for the time being. Red can show you a room that you can stay in. What were you doing out here anyway?"
"Well since I like being nude and most planets have taboos for us bipeds of going full nude I decided to explore space and planets. Go to places where no one will care what I wear or not wear and turned it into a career. Exploring planets for colony viability or resource mining."
"Okay makes sense. In fact I may have a use for you."
Shi gestured to a console displaying a map of the region. “Despite the last couple weeks of scouting we have only run into their scouts. We heard reports of Admiral kline and parts of his 1st fleet have repealed a couple of invasion forces but those were groups of a battle ship or that battle carrier class with a destroyer or two so no big battles. We don't even know where they are staging from. Now it seems they have an interest here so maybe we can get some intel from a camp. Our sensors show that they have one on the southern hemisphere.”
“That's where I was exploring before all of this.' Shani stated.
“Good then you know the land. You up for a night op?” Shani gave a dark grin.
“Oh hell yes.”
“Good. We have a few hours so get rested and you will guide Red and hir team to the camp.” The meeting over Red showed Shani the ship and her quarters on board. Shani looked around after Red left and it wasn't bad room but was sad that most of her mementos when down with the Freedom. Well might as well get some rest.
Red entered hir quarters and stripped off hir uniform and relaxed on a couch. Darnspark appeared from the bedroom with a pair of glasses and handed one to Red before laying next to hir. After coming on board Bombshell tried getting hir quarters but shi refused wanting to stay with Red. Sensing the futility of fighting it Red told Bombshell to drop it and so far it has worked out. “Thanks Spark. I needed this.” Red said and took a sip.
“It felt like you needed it. So what happened this time? I know we engaged something.”
“Yup, one of their Destroyers we think. It was harassing the runabout. We picked up her owner and she's now part of the crew. Word of advice, she is a nudist so don't be surprised to see a nude lioness about.”
“Oh is she cute?”
“She is but seems only interested in males not herms. I just barely got some time with her for heat needs. So don't expect much prospect. And besides you're still to young.”
“Hey I'm almost 17.”
“Still a minor and still illegal. Be patient young one.” Red snuggled closer. “I really appreciate your presence on board. This whole situation has kept us busy and your meals and assistance elsewhere.”
“It feels nice to be wanted. I want to live with you after this. You have been the only person who really has cared about me. I don't want to leave that.”
“Well considering we haven't found any other relatives I say that's a good bet. Won't be the first time the family has took in a stray.” They laid there till time came for Red to prepare for the ground mission.
Red and hir team were suited up and ready to beam down. Shi glanced over to Shani and saw her in armor that the Sunovagun had in it's armory. Red guessed she could be practical but shi did read the fact that the lioness was nude underneath. Shaking hir head shi checked hir phaser and everyone tested their comms and headed down.
The forest was dark with the moons covered by clouds. After a quick sweep of the area they were clear and Red said over the comms. <Okay Shani it's your show now.> The lioness nodded and the team stealthily approached the camp. It took them a couple hours till they saw the tents. They saw only two guards and both out of site of eachother. 'PERFECT.' Red thought. With a hand signal shi tells the team to stay put. Shi then walk up to one of the guards and quickly gained control of his mind. Shi then mentally command him to get a data padd with all the information of the Stellar Empire's activities. Shi walked with the guard so hir strain would be less. Shi waited outside another tent watching for the other guard or someone to come around. None did and the guard gave hir a data padd. Shi then returned him to his post and wiped his mine of hir presence and head back to the team. Shi waved the padd at them and the team headed out till they were at a safe distance and beamed back up. Bombshell took the padd as the team took off the armor. Shani looked over to Red and asked. “How did you do that.” Red smirked at her.
“I was experimented on by some crazy scientists and one of the side effects is telepathy. Though that level of control I just did can be draining.” Shani did notice hir eyes looked tired.
“Well it saved us a lot of hassle but you better get some rest commander.”
“Intend to do just that. Night all.” Shi heads out to hir quarters and once their shi plopped onto the mattress and felt Darnspark lie next to hir so shi hugged the younger chakat and fell asleep.
The next morning Bombshell and Red met in Bombshell's quarters. “This was a great find Red. Not only did you get the current positions of their ships in the sector you have a location of the staging area. Maybe THE staging area. We could nip this invasion in the butt fast.”
“That's good Bomber, makes the exhaustion all the more worth it.”
“So that's how you got it, well with this were heading to the 1st Fleet staging area. Boyce now has a target for the fleet so go ahead and take the day off.” Red nods and heads back to hir quarters to rest. As shi laid down Darnspark appeared.
“What are you doing back so early?”
“Still wiped out from the mind control yesterday. Oh we are heading to the fleet for a major push. With luck we end this war quickly.”
“Good, they deserve all they are going to get.” Red sensed some dark emotions from that but didn't care. Darnspark had reason for it. Red felt hir eyes close and nothing more but maybe a caress on hir flank.
Vox woke up this morning and stretched to get the kinks out of their body. After a minute of that went to relieve their bladder. Thankful for still having a cock he did that and washed up. He look at the mirror and saw his face. A Mix of cat and fox with his fur and Fish's hair made it a beautiful face. The face wasn't a stranger to him anymore. It was his and Fish's. This relationship did take a strange turn when he accidentally absorbed his girlfriend. Now their relationship is great after a main adjusting period. They were one now, and while great has caused some issues when they both want to do something different. The technique they keeps their minds separate also keeps them from communicating mentally so communication has been of great importance in their life and has cause some looks when they discuss in public. He walks back into their room, while a lot of times they slept with the family group at times they need to sleep alone and the family accepts that. Vox smiles, a few years ago he had no family and lived alone on his home world. Now not only did he have a family adopt him but was there for him and Fish when they merged. Life was good. He has even got use to answer to their body's name of Diamondstripe and even the weight of their nice rack of breasts. From someone else's point of view they seemed like a chakat and in essence they are now only when you look close would you see a difference. Their muzzle is more fox like and their legs more slender than a chakat but according to their doctor there are chakat features in their body and thankfully the chakat breast support was one of them. There are quite a few things he will not wear and bra's were among them. He will wear girly T-Shirts as a compromise but no bra's, corsets, or panty hose. He grabbed a shirt and put it on then he realized what shirt it was. It was tan with splashes of Red and gold with an image of a Pegasus with the words Summer Storm written on it. He recognized it as a shirt Fish got for her birthday before the merge. She was a big fan of 'Change In Life', a rather appropriate show name right now. The show was REALLY old and a spin off of an older show about talking ponies in a fictional land. Summer Storm was one of the characters in the series. Vox was forced to watch the show now that he and Fish share a body and it wasn't bad. Though Fish had him watch the original show and he even admits while girly it was a good show. While the shirt was meant for Fish it still fit them, if a little tightly but that Fish liked very much and slowly got him to like it. He reach into their closet and tried to get their equipment belt but he dropped it. He reached down to pick it up, and that's when Fish woke up. Without his input their head came up and BANG! They hit the metal rack that holds up the clothes. “OW!” The say in unison and hold the back of their head. “Uuggghhh! Heck of a time to wake up Fish.”
“Sorry love. So what were we doing in the closet?”
“Getting our belt. We have an appointment love.”
“Oh right. I SLEPT THAT LATE!” There was a knock on the door and they heard Dallie's voice.
“Hey you two alright in there?”
“Yeah we just banged our head.” Vox replied for them. Vox puts on the belt and opens the door to see the gold furred Chakat still there. Dallie looked over them and nodded and gestured with heard head.
“Okay well breakfast is ready if your hungry.” They followed hir to the dinner table where the rest of the family was. They sat down on a spot and said morning to all. Vox then looked around the room. He saw Larsa helping Jewel with her bib. Larsa formally joined the family after the freighter crash that destroyed her village and Jewel while technically her grandchild was in many ways her daughter. And Diamondstripe smirks as they see a bulge in the vixen's belly. Larsa took an anti aging potion so she could be there longer for jewel and Dallie who stole her heart. Looking around again they see Tamaria, a former mouse herm kidnapped and forcibly changed into a nudist, heavy lesbian unicorn. She literally had nowhere to go but fully accepted with the family. Heck in her previous life she was a bouncer for the club connected to Double H and after rescue Alexis wish shi could allow Tamaria back in but the rules of Double H are very strict on the gender issue. It's a haven for herms and she hasn't one anymore but when she went to the connected dinner she was greeted with love. Now she has a job as a pole dancer which allows her nudity and keeps her active. Next to her was Alexis. The herm wolf is the branch head of the local Double H and was long friends with Dallie. When the place was bombed shi stayed here till it was repaired. When shi went on a recruitment tour to replace losses hir and Red's relationship became intimate and set the seeds for later. After hir ex-boyfriend gang raped hir shi once again found shelter with the family at Red's insistence and join the family on their trip to a family reunion and during to the surprise of all Red got hir pregnant. After some thought shi accepted Red's offer on denmateship and since both Fish and Vox saw hir so happy. Then there's Goldstrike, a Chakat from another universe who lost hir memory and with the Federation's dimensional travel still experimental and currently goes to only one dimension had no way to go home. Shi was accepted in and eventually became Coaldust's denmate and they are planning a having a child soon. The last they heard it might be Goldstrike who would be the mother when they try. Seems Coal is asserting hir masculinity for a change. Even Flameria was a refugee in a way. She was grieving the lost of her sister when Red crashed on her world and gave her something....Someone to live for. Then their was themselves. Vox who had lived alone on his homeworld till it was explored by the Federation and took him in and Fish who had no home or family just a career found a place here and the family was immediately at
their side when they merged. Then of course There was Red hirself. An accident transports him to this world and a transporter malfunction left him with a clone of Dallie's body. After a hard adjustment period he became Redstreak and affected all their lives. Over half the family is here because of Red and even Clarrisa, a foxtaur vixen who literally owes her life to Red's accident and is now considered extended family. This is a family forge of Hardship and love and Vox couldn't be happier anywhere else.
As breakfast was coming to a close Dallie asked them. “So what are you two up to?”
“We have an appointment with the doctor, just a check up to be sure everything is fine.”
“You need a ride?”
“No we are renting a PTV.” Fish check the time for them. “In fact we better get going. See you all later.” They brought their dishes to the sink and left the house and walked to a public PTV hub a few blocks away and rented one. As it took them to the doctor's office they check the net on news. And the big news is the conflict in the colonies. There was no chance of the government keeping the fact a colony and a Star Corps cruiser were attack by an invading force. And so fqar the news has been good. They had fended off attacks on a couple of colony worlds but a handful a freighters have disappeared and there are always the young colonies that have little or no contact with the core that could have been taken. They knew Flameria was very concerned with Narnia. Her world has tried to catchup tech wise with the Federation but they are helpless against an attack. They look out the window and both were very concerned. Not only for Red who the plan to formalize a mateship with when shi got back but also Midsnow. That white furred Chakat quickly got to mean much to them. Maybe because shi quickly accepted their dual nature and wanted to know both of them. Fish has seen how love can sneak up on someone. Maybe when this conflict is over they may have two mates. They defiantly wanted to explore more with Midsnow. The PTV stopped at the doctor's office and they went in and let the secretary knew they had arrive and took a pad. While they waited Vox saw a architect magazine and picked it up and started reading. The more he read the more interested he got. He kept reading till he saw his hands close the magazine. “Sorry love but the doctor's ready to see us.” He heard Fish say. It reminded him of another quirk of their union. While everyone else just one voice from their mouth no matter who spoke they however from there point of view they heard the voices they had before their union. “You seem very interested in that magazine.”
“Yeah, it fascinated me. All that goes into building things. Perhaps I found a career love but that can wait till later.” Calmwaves greeted them and started scanning as shi asked if they had anything strange and how they have been since last time. They haven't noticed anything and relayed family events. After studying the scans for a few minutes.
“Well this was interesting. It seems that your core has altered a bit. I am finding DNA of Fish in there perfectly blended and thankfully stable as scans of your pre merge core shown. Looks like your body truly is an offspring of both of yours.” Shi tap some controls and the screen changes. And shi stares at the readings for a bit before addressing them. “Looks like your brain waves are separate and stable. No worries about your minds merging. I say you're good for the next six months. If it's the same then I say we can end these check ups.”
“That's good to hear. Sorry doc but we don't want to see that often.”
“An understandable statement. You both have a good day.” they said their goodbyes and after hanging out at double H for a couple hours they went back home and Vox began checking out building design sites on the net. For once he felt he had something to work for.
Red was fastening the last straps of hir light armor when the ship went to red alert. They joined the fleet a day ago and now Boyce was ready to attack. Red and hir team were heading to the major sections of the ship, bridge, engineering, sickbay, and armory. Shi ordered Darnspark to sickbay to not only be safer there but shi could help the doctor as a go for. Hir light armor was on and with a nod to Jacob a tiger morph who was among the team from the Guardian and was now guarding the armory shi went to the bridge. All of the Bombshell Bombers were manning the ships stations and hir engineers were assisting Crazahan and the medic also in sickbay with Darnspark. Shi took hir spot next to the turbolift and hope shi didn't have to move from it.
From the outside you saw quite a sight. 50 ships ranging from frigates to battleships came from the Starfleet proper and part of the 1st fleet. You had another thirty ships re-purposed from the Star Corps. Mainly explorers who were the size of the light cruiser but the firepower of the frigate but they would be good support ships and troop carriers which some did. But their main strength was the aged cruisers like the sisters to the Guardian and they had the the Cradle class ship. Based off the main Battleship class The Galatica class these were much larger and the spar connecting the head to the rear was much thinner and the nacelles attached to the rear instead of the body. The reason for that was the middle was entirely devoted to the cradling a vessel for repairs. Any ship the Federation has ever built can fit in this cradle area and the ship has all the supplies and parts including an industrial replicator to make repairs on s ship that's too far from a repair dock or like now extended fleet operations. This one was the F.S.S. Blueclaw, named after the famous Rakshani would reveal the plot of certain houses to start a war with Earth and since she was an engineer by trait it made sense. Though some of the house were a little miffed since the last Blueclaw was a Rakshani warship. Next to the behemoth was the pride of the Fleet. The F.S.S. Pegasus herself with her new design style that's slowly making it's way in the fleet. And last but not the least is the bulk of the Sonovaguns and a handful of other mercs hired by Starfleet to assist since the fleet is still spread out from it's peace time duties. Many have taken to planetary patrols but in all honesty the Federation simply was not ready or even consider a war of this scale. Before now no one could match them toe to toe. The closest were years away with one of them a friendly power. But Pegasus had 100 ships with her so a fairly sizable force and in an impressive display of discipline the combined fleet moved as one as they head far enough away from planet to warp to their destination. Within a couple hours they drop out of warp to a previously unknown system. It was a blue star and the nearby planet had a copper look to it that made it exotic. From the Pegasus bridge Boyce oversaw the fleet. Over at science was his first mate and wife M'Lai, down below overseeing the troops the Pegasus carried was midnight and Rosepetal was with the damage control teams. Thankfully his children were safe with Forest back on Earth. He had them removed when the invasion was confirmed and Forest would take good care of them. “Sir we have found the enemy forces.” M'lai reported and the screen changed to a closer view. They found 30 ships of all ranges and their own mobile repair platform. His fleet defiantly had a number advantage. If he was them I order a evacuation and do holding maneuvers till evac was complete but the enemy force was staying close to planet side with their tenders near the middle. That told Boyce one thing. They had some ground defenses.
“Pegasus to fleet, enemy has some ground defense so keep your eyes open. Troop ships and tenders stay back. Karis Wager and Jolly Roger stay with them. Everyone else close in.” The Federation fleet closed in and both sides opened fire when they were in range of eachother. Beams and trops flew and struck shields and then a pair of large energy bolts fired from the surface hitting a frigate and taking down her shields. She tried to break off but a phaser volley slammed her and her hulk drifted to the planet as escape pods launched. One of the Federation;s heavy cruisers tried to position itself between the planet and the fleet and exchange fire with the ground based weapons. Fighters dogfight between the larger vessels and the Pegasus exchanged fire with the battleship leading the defense fleet when a small frigate flew around and unleashed a volley on the bigger ship before flying away. Bomber had the ship just fly around harassing the bigger ships. As she swung around they saw the cruiser break off from it's attack on the surface and several fires licked her side and belly and a another cruiser took her place. With the number advantage smaller ships could gang up on the larger ships thus freeing the cruisers to try this move. Eventually the surface batteries went silent and what remained of the defense fleet tried to flee but in the end only a couple of batter destroyers warped out But not all the hulks were enemy ships. Red saw a couple destroyers a cruiser and several frigates in the debris field and saw the flaming cruiser limp to the Blueclaw. Shi heard Kline Order the fleet into the defense formation and had a couple ships on rescue and recover duties. Then Red saw the troop transports get into Transporter range and new the real battle had just begun.
Chapter 11 - Tales of Redstreak Chapter 11 |
First thing Red felt was cold, very cold. Shi shivers a bit as shi tries to remember what happened. The cop, the cop pulled hir over then nothing. WAIT! Where's Whirl? Shi dares to open hir eyes and finds the cub shivering nearby. Red goes over and hugs the cub trying to warm hir up. Shi feels a blanket covering hir and shi looks outward again to see something that amazes hir. At first glance the being appears to be a anthro horse morph. However she had pure white fur, golden hooves tail and hair, and most surprisingly a swirl type horn. She had sky blue eyes and upon further look she was naked, very tall and buffed. “It looked like you could use the blanket. It happens to everyone they take out of cryo.”
"Thank you.”
"Hey we captives have to look out for eachother, they call me Tamira.”
"I'm Chakat Redstreak, child of Sunspot and Fireblaze and this is my niece Whirlwind, child of Coaldust and Medallion. Where are we?”
"I have no clue than it being a lab of some kind. My first memory was waking up strapped to a table. And all I've seen is the lab and the hallway that connects it to out room and the gym attached to it.”
"What do they want with us?”
"Experiments.” Red looks around hir room. There was a large mattress and a standard bed in one corner. A shower that had completely clear glass so anyone could see anyone showering. Then a replicator near a table that had a chair or two. There was two doors one was between the sleeping area and the kitchen area the other was in the wall made of clear glass. It seems they will have no privacy while here. Whirl finally wakes up and looks around.
"Where are we uncle?”
"I don't know except some kind of lab.” Whirl looks around worried and asks.
"Are they going to kill us?”
“Not if I have something to say about it.” The chakat pair spent a few minutes warming eachother up when a group appears. It was a group of humans in paramilitary outfits with a couple carrying something. The clear doors opens and the guards came in first. With their attention on Red and the others the guards carrying their load move over to place a taur on the mattress.
“Oh good your awake!” A figure shove past the guards. It's was a human female about 30 years old in a stereotypical scientist garb, even with thick frame glasses. Red makes sure to put hirself between Whirl and the human. “Oh no need for that though it's fascinating that you protect hir despite not remembering hir. Maybe you do have a bond with hir, Shi is genetically your child after all.”
"I won't take your word on that considering you kidnapped us.”
"I have no interest in hir except what shi can make you do. If you will cooperate shi will not be harmed and be well taken care of.” Red looked back at Whirl who was clutching hir hind leg and Red felt hir fear and the comfort shi got from near near Red. Red then looks back at the female doctor and says.
"As long as shi is taken care and unharmed I won't resist. If you break it you will regret it.”
"Excellent, well he have to prepare the lab so I will see you soon.” The humans then left and Red goes and checks on the being they dropped off. It was a taur with autumn orange fur and dark brown fur gloving the taur's hands and feet. The taurs hair was a redish brown. Carefully touching the taur Red pulls the taur so it's laying on it's back. The taur was a chakat. Shi was young maybe early twenties, what was interesting about hir was that though shi had a white underbelly it ended below hir breasts and hir breasts were the same orange as most of hir fur. Shi also had a strange metal collar around hir tail.
"That's Chakat Tailswisher. Shi's been here a few months. Shi will wake in a few minutes to a few hours depend on things.” The unicorn states.
Turned out to be only a few minutes as the the chakat opens hir eyes to reveal sky blue eyes. “You okay?”Red asks.
“ I will be, well I'm mixed on being relieved that your here and sad that your here.
"The feedback I know. I'm Chakat Redstreak, Child of Sunspot and Fireblaze and this is my niece Whirlwind, child of Coaldust and Medallion.”
"I'm chakat Tailswisher, orphan so no child of.”
"I'm sorry to hear that.” The door opens again and the guards appear. “Redstreak you will come with us.” One says and Red looks down to Whirl and rubs hir head.
"Stay strong Whirl.” The young cub nods and says.
"Please comeback uncle.” Red just smiles back and leaves with the guards to whatever fate had for hir, again.
Red walked along the corridor flanked by the guards. This place could have been anywhere from what shi sees of the corridors. After a few minutes they lead hir through some large doors to what was obviously a lab. The female Doctor was there looking and tapping a PADD. The doctor looks up and smiles. “Good your here, please lie on the bed here on your back. Red did as told and just as shi lies down the doctor presses a button and clamps appear holding hir in place.
"Hey!” Red yelps, “I'm cooperating!”
"You are but this is a safety precaution for you and us. Some of our subjects reactions can be violent.” Red sighs and relaxes the best shi can as the doctor works on a console for a few minutes before shi approaches with a large hypo. She presses it to Red's next and a hiss is heard. The doctor steps back and activates something. At first Red felt nothing then a tingling started in hir body. It felt weird at first then the tingling became painful, VERY painful. Shi couldn't help but scream out in pain before losing consciousness.
Whirlwind watch hir uncle being led away and shi was very afraid for hir uncle. Tailswisher felt this fear so shi tries to comfort the cub and asks. “Why do you call hir uncle? Thanks strange to do for a chakat.”
"Well I always heard that uncle Red was special. I've heard my parents and aunts say that Dad and Red have the same body and they do have the same base scent.”
"That must be hard to tell them apart.” Tamira comments. Tailswisher shakes hir head.
"Not as hard as you think with our empathy. So that still doesn't explain the uncle thing?”
'Well From what I heard Uncle Red used to be a boy so it was easier for hir to adapt to the uncle than the aunt so that's what I call hir.”
Tailswisher and Tamira kept Whirlwind occupied for a long while before Red was dragged back in. Shi wasn't awake as shi is laid down on the bed and the guards head out. Whirl immediately runs to hir uncle. Tamira says to comfort the cub. “Shi's still alive, they wouldn't bring hir back if shi wasn't.” Whirl with Tailswisher in tow head over the Whirl shakes Red. Red groans and starts to get up.
"You okay uncle?”
"I think I will be Whirl, MAN THAT HURT!” It was then that Whirl notices changes in hir uncle. The jaw of hir muzzle was red now and went down past hir neck before splitting to the shoulders. From there in heads down hir arm and covers hir two middle fingers. It then continues down the side of hir upper torso and on the flanks of hir lower torso before ending at hir butt. Whirl also notices that the white fur that marked the scar was a normal gold now.
"Uncle could you lower your head?” Red did as asked and Whirl felt for the scar and couldn't find it. “Your scar is gone Uncle.”
"I figured they injected you with nanites, they would heal that though the red stripe is new.” Tailswisher says.
"Nanites?” Whirl asks.
"Little ity bity robots and can do anything they're programed to do. They allow me to do this.” From hir fur gray stuff appears and covers the chakat head to toe in seconds. Before it recedes and a foxtaur was in hir place. Shi poses for them as the two other chakats stand their jaw dropped.
"You like?” Whirl is the first to responding.
"So far I can take any taur shape but I do prefer me.” The gray appears again and the chakat Tailswisher returns. “I think she is doing different experiments with all of us.”
"We with you two anyway she made me into a unicorn because I think she likes them so she uses me for fun, in fact.” The door opens again and a pair of guards come in and look at Tamira. “Yup right on time, cya all later.” She gets up and follows the guards out as the close the door.
"We going to happen to her?” Red asks.
"Not sure, She'll be gone for hours then returns a little exhausted with a hint of sex in her scent.”
"You know her name sounds familiar to me. I keep seeing an imaged of a buff female mouse.”
"That's Tamira, Shi's a herm bouncer for Double H but shi's been missing for a year. Which means you wouldn't know hir unless....”
"Hir nanites are repairing the memory damage.” Tailswisher interrupts. Red looked down at hir hand and sees the stripe on hir palm of hir hand. It goes down to the wrist where it's a normal gold. Shi looks past that and shi remembers more of the mouse herm. An enforcer for the club shi was tough but with hir friends easy going and lovable. Shi was badly injured and that's all Red could remember.
Tamira was there when Red woke up from hir latest round of sleep. Shi walk over to the female and shook her a bit. With a groan Tamira opens her eyes and sees Red. Red asks, “okay?”Tamira nods and replies.
“If she didn't keep us by force she be a good mate, she knows her sex play well.” Red lets Tamira go back to sleep as shi returns to the pile that shi, whirl and Tailswisher sleep in.
Overtime Red begins to remember hir life before the crash. One of the hard times that cause both Tail and Whirl to hug hir and project is when shi relives Mounty's death. The doctor studied what happen with the interaction of the nanties and hir brain. In time Red fully remembers who shi was. Meanwhile Tail was giving more test and not only could shi shape shift but can clone hirself. It seemed shi had a different style of nanites and needed an outside regulator thus the tail collar shi has. Should shi lose that shi be stuck in any form shi had at the time. Tamira was regularly taken away for more sex with the doctor and Red felt helpless to save any of them.
Somewhere out in space.....
A ship drops out of warp just before a dense asteroid field. The ship was an interesting stie. The bulk of her was an old Akula class starship but the nacelles were of a newer sleeker design than standard. As the ship begins navigating the field to the station deep within we go to the bridge. There on a redesigned bridge Bombshell look to the view screen from hir command cushion. While the Sun was in good shape after her refit it did dent hir funds so shi need more than the usual jobs. Hence the Sun is now running a cargo run to an out of the way station to pay the bills. Hir brother makes the Sun glide elegantly through the field. Eventually the station appeared in a void area of the field. It was a combination of asteroids and metal. Bombshell presses a button on an arm rest. “Control this is Sunovagun bringing supplies.”
<Sunovagun welcome to our station please dock at hatch 5.>
Bill moved the sun in to position and slowly closes the distance. Eventually Bill says the words. “Secured.”Bombshell gets up and heads to the hatch. She goes through hir two doors with the first shipments following hir via Sun's bots. Fifteen feet later shi goes through two more doors and to a human face.
"Welcome Captain Bombshell. Glad that you made good time."
"While the supplies you wanted are valuable to a station they're not overall valuable and the Sun is well able to take care of herself."
"Well that's good for us now let me see the items before payment." Bombshell directs them the the first crate and the human inspects the merchandise. Bombshell glances around and sees people working on the station, panels open and wires everywhere. The human notices to where the chakat was looking at."We figured to save time by having you dock where we needed the items, they all check out by the way."They both sign the padd and the payment is made.
A couple hours later Bombshell was wandering down one of the station's corridors. The lights flicker and Bomber looked up cautiously. While the Sun was in refit shi heard of the disaster of Hesperia Station where many died when a crippled freighter blew and the station safeties were woefully poor to deal with it. Many of the station's admins have been jailed for negligence. Heck if it wasn't for another former Starcorps ship now freighter the whole station could have been lost. After a minute the lights return to normal but a panel opens in the bulkhead. Ever the curious Bombshell looks in and sees a lift. 'why would this be hidden?' Bomber thought and shi presses a random button. The lift ges down and in a couple of minutes opens to a room. Bomber looks around but only finds medical supplies. Returning shi presses another button and it sends hir even further down. Another couple of minutes and it opens again to another corridor. Shi walks down the corridor till shi gets to a big area and gets a shock. At the far end was a large room with a glass wall facing hir. In it shi saw 3 chakats and some weird kind of horse morph. One chakat with gold fur and a red stripe across hir flank was showering while and autumn orange one was playing with a cub who's fur pattern was familiar. The horse was reading a padd. Shi activates hir commbadge. “Bomber to Sun.”
<Sun here Captain.>
“Are you hooked up to the station's computer?”
<Of course, it's mainly a simple station mainframe but there is a highly secured area that is strange for a station to have. No match for me of course.>
“Well can you find the sensor near me and loop them.”
<Done, what are you up to Captain?>
“Not sure yet. Just seeking some answers. Am I clear?”
<Your clear Captain.> Bomber then walks to the room.
"You okay in there?”Shi asks. The Gold chakat comes out and sees Bomber.
"BOMBER!" Shi races to the wall with water dripping behind hir. "Please tell me your not captured too or part of this group?"
"I just hauled in supplies and I guess a malfunction reveal a lift to me and here I am." The voice and the empathic signature showed that this was Redstreak. Looking over the changes."What happened to you?"
“Kidnapped and experimented on. Get us out of here.” Bomber hits hir commbadge again. “Sun tell the crew to be ready for a quick departure. How's the transfer coming?”
“Good can you beam us up?”
<No you're in a shielded area.>
“Alright.”Shi goes over to the door, pulls out hir phaser and vaporized the door lock. “Follow me.”The group heads down the corridor Bomber came from and take the lift up. It was a bit cramped in there and Tailswisher just had to say.
<Nearly done captain.>
"Good can you beam us up?"
<No you're in a shielded area.>
"Alright." Shi goes over to the door, pulls out hir phaser and vaporized the door lock. "Follow me." The group heads down the corridor Bomber came from and take the lift up. It was a bit cramped in there and Tailswisher just had to say.
"Makers I hope no one farts." To which Red replied.
"Too late." Everyone groans till Bomber sees Red's grin. Trying to hold back a laugh Bomber says.
"That's not funny."
"Then why are you chuckling." Red retorts. Finally the lift stops and opens and the group gets out.
"Can you beam us up now?" Hir answer was the familiar hum of the transporter. When the transport was done Shi saw that hir guests were placed in quarters near eachother then heads to the bridge. "What's our status?"
"Cargo transferred and everyone's aboard. What's going on?" Bill asks.
"Redstreak was being held here against hir will with some others and experimented on. We leaving but we don't have the ability to figure out all that they did to them."
"So what course sis?"
"I know someone who owes me a favor, set course for the Pegasus."
Chapter 20 - Tales of Redstrak 19: Mirror Invasion part 1 |
Doors open and Boyce walks through them. This wasn't the typical Admiral Boyce Kline Jr. we all know and some may love. The smile of a friend pleased to greet a good friend that he typically wears is replaced by the smirk of a predator on the hunt. His uniform was also different. He typically worse the standard red and black uniform of command with the gold lining to represent his admiralty. The one we see wears a gold vest with a number of medals, even that standard commbage that was a claw or comet (depending on view) with a circle under it was gone. In it's place was a circle with a angular S and curved H with a sword piercing it. He wore a gold sash and tight black pants witgh black boots with a gold top. On his sash was a phaser, a dagger, and some remote device. This was Admiral Boyce Kline Jr. of the Stellar Empire. Boyce thought of the road taken to get here. It started with a lack of manpower. Birth rates were low in the early 21st century and they needed workers. While one solution was to encourage procreation another trued a new path. Mixing human and animal DNA they created a hybrid creature. Intelligent enough to do the job and would have a need to procreate in them stronger than humans. It worked flawlessly and the manpower issue was solved. But another issue rose to take it's place. While the morphs were working excellently in the job many found a new use for them. Slavery returned with a vengeance in sex slavery. Morphs had no rights so any kind could be created to suit the needs of the buyer and a new market rose. But many humans and more intelligent morphs hated it and tried to shut it down. Eventually after years of tension the argument broke in war. A War that lasted decades before the pro slave side won. The surviving morphs were forced into gene therapy to prevent them from rising up again. But the war devastated Earth and the new formed Human Empire went to the stars to get resources for the healing of Earth and to prevent the extinction of their race. After meeting and conquering the voxxans they forced the voxxans into the gene therapy to ensure loyalty and changed their name to Stellar Empire. The Caitians were conquered next with the only real challenge was the Rakshani. They fought long and hard but were out teched and succumbed in the end. But the Empire recognizable they're worth and our now the shock troops of the empire or as the one walking behind him shows as bodyguards as well. Zhane not only guards him but is part of his harem of slave he keeps for his personal use. She protects him and protects his harem and is fun to romp around some times when he's too restless. Yes a Rakshani bodyguard was a common sight. It was his other bodyguard that raised some eyebrows. It was another morph and part of his harem. It had black fur and crystal blue eyes. Midnight was a chakat. Developed my Charles and Kathrine Turner for spear head any colonial efforts. Their taur bodies allow them traverse terrain and theur dual gender allowed them to reproduce quickly making an effective slave labor force. Their empathy allows them to monitor the feelings of the crew and spot any potential rebellion. While somewhat common on starships it's rare to see one in as a body guard. But Boyce saw one time when a mate and a child of a chakt was threatened and the fury he saw on that chakat's face. He knew they had combat potential. Heck back home he has funded a program to make more combat oriented chakats. To help ensure loyalty he has hir mate Forestwalker on board and is also in his harem and when not studying plants on new worlds shi takes care of the kids or serve his needs. Foretswalker's sister is also on board as one of the techs and again reinforces loyalty. Last he heard Goldfur was mated to another chakat tech named Sparks and a foxtaur male named Garrek. Boyce encourages the relationships. He is making a force he can totally depend on. While all morphs and conquered species are loyal to the Empire they can be used in power plays thus the need for bodyguards. With his program of breeding and the slight alteration of his semen and his harem he will have an army of slaves loyal to him.
The doors to the turbolift open and he steps inside and heads for the bridge. Upon arriving he spots Rosepetal kneeling by his chair. She was the overseer, the highest rank a slave can receive. She makes sure the slaves on board are properly taken care of and doing their assign duties. She also makes sure the harem runs smoothly. Their communications and computer skills have been adapted for the Empire's use and when not being overseers which the bulk of overseers are they are manning communications or computer techs. Originally a rather small race discovery of a handful with a tumors that increased their size, assets and felt their females in permanent heat mode was a god send. Nearly all Caitians were altered to be like these once rare Caitians. Now only 30% of their population is in their original form, some liked them that way. Petting Rose's hair he takes his seat and his bodyguards stand watch by the turbolift.
“Two minutes till we jump out of warp master, All stations are ready and Lt. Mcrab is ready to send the troop carriers out to retrieve wounded and new slaves.” Rosepetal reported. While she can't give orders except to slaves she could report on activities and Boyce bounced ideas off of her. She had an intelligent mind and if she wasn't born a Caitian would have been his first officer instead of Commander Mensk who leads their ground effort. Boyce was glad he encounter that black clad human who gave him the blue prints to a device that can open the gateway to another dimension. He knew another engineer was working on such a device but was not yet near completion. Thus he gets to be in charge of this operation, and he looked forward to breaking in new slaves. The problem of his time is that all furs are well and truly broken, but the scouting that has been done before this incursion showed that furs are treated equal here. That quirk of fate the pro slave side lost here. Well Boyce was going to change that.
“Admiral sensors are picking up a ship at destination.” A Caitian sensor slave reported. Boyce cursed, and issue at the portal site caused him to leave the planet before it was fully secured. He left half his fighters to protect the ground troops long enough for him to return he hoped. Frowning he ordered red alert and lights flash red as the ships prepared for more battle. They dropped out of warp and with them the destroyer ISS Plunder which had just arrived from the home universe. At first they see the planet and the wrecked station in orbit. That station had little in terms of defense and he manage to beam several assault teams over before beginning the planetary assault. Now though he saw a ship in orbit near the station. It was long with a blunt shovel head like forward section with a thin middle section with multiple pylons connecting it's long nacelle to the ship with a bulky rear section. He guessed this was one of their warships, this was going to be fun.
Captain Nikol Stonefur looked pensive at the view screen. One was a massive vessel, far Bigger than Guardian with a destroyer sized vessel next to it. And the name. ISS Pegasus, that was disturbing. The Foxtaur took a deep breath and ordered. “Open a channel.” A crewman silently complies and the chime sounds and she begins. “This is Captain Nikol Stonefur of the Federation Star Ship Guardian. You have violated Federation space and if you have attacked our colony you are to withdraw your troops and leave our territory immediately.”
“They're hailing.” And on the screen an image of a human appeared. It was Kline but in an outfit she never seen him wear before and the look, the look of a predator not friend she had seen a couple of times.
“This is the best they send. A ship commanded by a fur! Well This is Admiral Boyce Kline Jr. of the Imperial Star Ship Pegasus. This world and soon a;; pf your territory will belong to the Stellar Empire. Surrender now and I guarantee that you and your crew will be treated kindly by my ship as you assume your rightful role as our slaves.”
“If you think that then you are dead wrong.” She cut the connection and continued. “ALL HANDS BATTLE STATIONS!” The Klaxon renewed it's alarm and she launch fighters and had the Guardian maneuver to engage the hostile vessel. The Guardian moved up and around the crippled station and opened fire on the Pegasus while the fighters attacked the destroyer till the Pegasus fighters engaged. The Guardian phaser turrets unleashed on Pegasus shields to which the Pegasus responded with phaser arrays dealing much more damage to the aging star cruiser. The Guardian rotated to show undamaged shields and launch a volley of torpedoes while her weaken side fired on the plunder trying to flank and as she turned she did a full broadside on the Pegasus. The shield's of the imperial ship held but she had damage this time. Pegasus turned and did her own and Guardian got hammered and turned away trying to get some distance and allow her damage shields to recharge but the Plunder closed in.
Red was very frustrated, shi was helpless as Guardian fought for it's life. She was out numbered and out gunned. Even her fighters didn't help for they were overwhelmed by the sheer numbers of enemy fighters. And there was nothing Red could do. Then shi noticed a shimmer behind the enemy destroyer. The shimmer became an old Federation frigate with a distinctive paint scheme. Shi smiled as Sonovagun fired on the destroyer hurting it bad and it broke off but Red's smiled died when Guardian was hit again and clearly she took damage and scorch marks were appearing. Sun focused on the Pegasus unleashing a volley of phasers and rapid fire torpedoes. The Pegasus shields held but she quickly responded to the Sun and hit the merc ship hard. <Guardian to Redstreak and Sunovagun.>
“Redstreak here.”
<Thsi us Sun.>
<Sunovagun I want you to pick up Lt. Commander Redstreak on the station and get hir and hir team out of hear and report what has happened here.>
<Why can't you pick them up, We can cover you and we can all get out of here.>
<We can't, the hit the warp drive and our communications are down. Please Sunovagun, the Federation has to know what happened here. We can last long enough for you to get out.>
<Sigh, Alright Guardian we'll swing by the station and get hir out.>
“Captain, it was an honor.”
<Likewise Redstreak, likewise. Alright crew let's make sure they never forget the name Guardian.> The comm such off on their end and the screen showed the aging star cruiser unleashing a fury of phaser and torpedo fire as the ship charged for the Pegasus. Red motioned for Darnspark to be next to hir.
“Sunny note I have a chakat with me without a badge.”
<Got it Red.> Red hugged the younger chakat and soon a transporter beamed them away.
They appeared on the Sun's transporter pad and Red raced to the bridge with the others following. Shi saw the light's dim as the Sun engaged it's cloaking device and took a turbo lift to the bridge and saw what was on the viewscreen. The Guardian was prominent on the screen. She was battered and had fires on multiple decks but shi was still firing with what weapons she had left and barreling towards the larger ship. The Pegasus figured what she was up too and tried to move away but Guardian and put a lot of her remaining power to the engines and adjusted it's course. They were going to hit. Red joined hir away team in saluting the ship and her crew and notice escape pods jettisoning from Guardian as she closed in. just before the ships would hit the destroyer rams into the Guardian. The smaller ship is completely destroyed but the explosion and inertia pushes the guardian up. Instead of hitting right into the large bulky ship she grazes her collapsing the bigger ships shields and drift away with fires everywhere. Then they saw no more as the Sun jumped to warp.
With Red off doing Star Corps stuff Vox and Fish were left to figure what to do with their merge life and their feelings for Red. The Red issue was easy to figure out. Fish of course was mated to Red and still loved hir despite having stronger feelings for Vox. Vox had felt that Red was an uncle or a sibling but he knew how much Fish loved hir so he started looking at Red in a new light, going over photos and such. And he admits Red is attractive so he wanted to try to be mates with hir as well. But figuring out what to do with their life. He wasn't interested in counseling and Fish lost her love for that but he himself had lived of the kindness of Red's family. Though he did try to help when he could he just didn't consider a career in anything. At a lost what to do they decided to head for Double H and hang out free there minds so to speak. And it has been relaxing but now they were hungry so they head to the diner took a table and checked out the menu. It's been interesting to find what their merge body likes. Thankfully most of their favorites still are but what to eat has been hard to decide at times. They looked over the list of meals and Vox speaks first. “how about the popcorn shrimp?”
“Not today love. The filet steak?”
“No we had that yesterday.”
“Oh right. How about Lasagna?”
“Tempting, but looking for something with more meat.” Thus the debate over a meal continued, unbeknownst to them however was that they were being watched. The person was a chakat with white fur all around but shi had three oddities. First on hir right upper arm shi has a black paw mark. Even hir parents, for the short time shi knew them had no clue how shi got that other than the wacky fur pattern issue, Shi also had mismatched eyes gold on the left, blue on the right. With last but not least black hair with pink highlights that match hir pink nose. Shi was just got off a tour in the Star Corps a week ago and was settling in well to this new place. Shi used to live elsewhere but hir roomated fell in love and mated and planned to move in with hir mate's family and since shi couldn't afford the place alone long term went to find a new place and city to live so shi tried here and lives in Double H for the time being. Shi was coming into the diner for lunch when shi noticed the exotic color chakat sitting alone. Shi first thought shi looked pretty then noticed the odd things about hir. Hir features were pure chakat but more chakat fox, that's odd considering the hyper dominancy of chakat genes. For most chakat hybrids their features are pure chakat but would likely have the non chakat parent's fur pattern. Say in example a fox is the non chakat parent the child would have red fur and black or brown socks on the legs and maybe the arms, all on a chakat body. But here shi saw a perfect blend of chakat and fox features, quite curious. Then to add to it shi is speaking... to hirself. Shi is alone at the table, shi doesn't have a head piece on and hir comm unit at a glance isn't in active mode. Besides why would you discuss your meal over a call. Shi had to meet this strange Chakat.
They were still debating on a meal when they heard a voice say. “Excuse me is this seat taken?” They look up to see a white furred, black haired chakat. They smiled and replied.
“No it isn't,.Please join us.”
“I'm Chakat Midsnow, child of Whiteloud, Blackthunder, and Softstripe. May sound a bit strange to have three parents but my birth parents were killed and Softstripe adopted me.”
“We understand that. We both lost our parents and weere also lucky enough to find family. We are Diamondstripe, child of Fish and Vox.”
“Interesting names for Chakats.” They smiled at hir.
“We aren't Chakats.”
“So you are adopted?” Shi asked.
“Nope, Vox and Fish are the parents to this body since ours were used to create it.”
Midsnow was really confused. Diamondstripe kept using the pronoun we and referred to hirself as hir parents. And the other chakat was clearly enjoying this.
“Okay let me get this straight. Your parents our Fish and Vox who are neither chakat or your adopted parents and you refer to yourself like your them.”
'That's because we are. We are a merged being. Two minds one body.”
“But that's imposs...” Shi started to say but stopped hirself. Shi was reading the emotions coming from Diamondstripe and it was odd. Shi could read hir clearly but there was an echo, like the emotions weren't in sync. “Okay say I believe how did that happen?” The chakat looked at hir with a smirk.
“How much time do you have?” 'Did hir eyes just change color?' Midsnow thought. Outwardly shi replied.
“As mush as you need. I'll even by lunch. What topping do you want on your side of the pizza?” Shi saw the chakat perk up.
“Pizza does sound good, um okay half sausage and half pepperoni right love?”
“Right.” Fish said but to Midsnow it sounded that the same person.
“Okay you got.” Shi order the pizza and drink and Diamond told hir the story of their merge.
They were into their SECOND Pizza by the time Diamond got done with the story. “I almost find it hard to believe but from the first I saw you the oddity of the fox feline features were so rare that I had to come over and talk. You gave me more than I thought I would get. So how is it being in one body?”
“Still getting use to it. We've only been Diamond for about a month tops. But we think we work the major kinks out.”
“Yeah the major issue is when both of us want to do something at the same time you'll see our arm go everywhere.”
“Can't you just mentally ask for permission to move it?”
“No, we can't. In order to keep our identities we have to be mentally separate as possible.”
“Thus why you look like you've lost it. You have to speak aloud to communicate with eachother.”
“Well we haven't, lost it anyway.” Midsnow chuckled and they joined hir. As they calmed down they looked at the time.
“Oh jeeze, we've been here for hours it's gotten late. I have to go the family would be worried. Good to meet you.”
“The same, I hope to see you again.”
“Well we can be here tomorrow.”
“I'll see you then.” Diamondstripe then left the club and headed home.
They entered the house and Medallion was the first to meet them. “You two were certainly out late. I would have thought you two were having a intimate time except you are both in one body.” Diamondstripe blushed at that before replying.
“We were just at Double H and met a new friend and lost track of time.”
“Have our merge pair have found a new mate?” They laughed at Dallie.
“Oh please Dallie, we just met. We had a nice conversation and a big dinner. Nothing more.”
“Uh huh, right.”
“DALLIE! YOU ARE INCORRAGEBLE!” Dallie just gave them an impish smile.
“WE swear you and Red have to twins even before the accident.”
“You might have a point Diamond. But that still doesn't mean I'm wrong.” Diamond sighed and shook hir head and went deeper into the house with Dallie smiling at hir.
The next day They went back to Double H and spent time with friends. Then in the afternoon a familiar white furred Chakat appeared. They excused themselves from their friends and greeted the Chakat. “Good to see you Midsnow.”
“Likewise Diamondstripe.” Midsnow directed them to a couple of couches and lounge on them. Fish quite liked this aspect of being a taur. It was so relaxing to lounge like this.
Vox got started this time. “So Midsnow we never did get to ask what you do for a living?”
“I'm an analyst in the Star Corps. I know and speak many languages that are used in the Federation. Just got done with a tour and the roommate I did have on Earth has mated and moved in with hir new mate so I decided a change of scenery would be good and Double h was a good choice. Whether I moved into somewhere else don't know yet but Double H is very accommodating in that regard. You two?”
“Well Fish was a counselor in the Star Corps and was permanently assigned to watch Redstreak after shi was captured by pirates. Vox didn't have one after being rescued from his homeworld. He just helped out at the house till we merged. We were trying to figure out what to do when you showed up.”
'Well sorry for ruining your concentration.”
“Forget it. It was nice meeting you and there is no hurry. The family is very supportive.”
“Really, do tell.” And Diamondstripe told hir of the various tales of the family helping others till it got too late and both went their separate ways.
A week later Daimondstripe was watching a recording from their mate Redstreak. They had told hir of their new friend in their last message. <So the poor ensign was standing in the hall buck naked as I and Captain Stonefur rounded the corner. He put up a crisp salute and I do believe the captain eyed the package he carried. And he said. 'Sirs I can only report a partial success in the personal cloaking device.' We retruned the salute and I said.
'Clearly this project was a failure ensign. I suggest you cover it's flaws.' Then he got his furry butt out of there and me and the captain laughed all the way to the mess hall. By the way this Midsnow sounds interesting, do I have a future co mate in the works other than you two?> They rolled their eyes. Fish was bound to prove that Red was cubnapped at birth, changed to a human, and sent to that other Earth for shi and Dallie are too alike. <I am eager to see you two again when this tour is done. Till then take care.> They touched the now stopped image of their mate Red with a smile on their lips. The next day Diamondstripe and Midsnow met at Double H and went out and just ot hang out. They enjoyed their time with the white Chakat and were at one of the parks overseeing the Mississippi River then Midsnow's comm buzzed. Frowning shi tapped the button and all three heard. <All Starfleet and Star Corps personnel. All leaves have been canceled. Report to your ships or assign stations immediately.> Midsnow looked with concern and Fish commented.
“That does not sound good. In all my years in the service I never heard a call like that.”
“Me neither. Well I have to get going.”
“Take care Midsnow.”
“I will, I think I found something worth coming back to.” Diamondstripe had the decency to blush. And Midsnow kissed them on the cheek and ran off to get a PTV to base.
The Sunovagun dropped out of warp a few minutes after leaving the Unikraken system. Bomber looked over at sensors. “Feyouri, any sign of those ships?”
“No Captain, we are clear for the moment.”
“Crazahan, how's the Sun?”
<We're good Captain. Only minor repairs to a couple of systems.>
“Feyouri, Hail Starfleet. Tell them it's urgent”
“AYE Captain.” And the Shapeshifter got to work and in a couple of minutes a Starfleet Commander was on screen. Bombershell explained the situation and send a copy of the logs Guardian sent to the Sunovagun before her destruction. The commander transferred them to an Admiral. A Tiger morph appeared.
<I am Admiral Tartikova of the 5th Fleet. You brought disturbing news Captain and sadly I believe Starfleet is ill prepared for this. I'm going to advise Starfleet to mobilized all of Starfleet and the Star Corps for action but we need intel. Your ship is in the area so till further notice your Starfleet. Lt. Commander Redstreak will stay on board to liaison between you and Starfleet.>
gUnderstood, What about the other Guardian survivors or the civilian?h
<Consider them your crew until further notice and sadly the chakat will have to stay aboard. We need the intel fast and can't afford anymore lost in time.>
“Understood Admiral. We'll contact you when we can on enemy strength.”
<Very well. If you need supplies head to any Starfleet and Star Corp facility. They will be noted to help in anyway. Tartikova out.> The screen went back to the starfield and Bombshell looked over hir new crew.
“Well Sunny, assign them quarters and you guys get some rest. And Sunny plot course to give us a goo and speedy search pattern.”
<I Captain.> Bombshell then looked at Red.
“looks like it's now official Red. Welcome to the crew though I wish under better circumstances.”
“Likewise. I'll see to the others and see you later.”
Later Red finally settled down in the quarters shi was given. After making sure hir crew was settled and sending a message to hir family that shi was fine shi was prepared to relax when hir chime sounded. “Come in.” The door opened to reveal Darnspark. Shi looked tense and Red sensed fear and stress on the younger chakat. “You okay Darnspark?”
“If you don't mind me just staying with you for a bit?” Shi responded. Red patted the spot next to hir on the couch and the young chakat raced over, laid next to Red and hugged the upper torso of Red and sighed. Red felt the tension and fear ease from Darnspark and the younger chakat hugged tight and rubbed hir head against Red's chest just below hir breasts.
“I haven't felt this safe in years and I don't want to lose it.” Red just smiled and petted Darnspark.
“If you want you can stay with me. I know the healing power of a companion can be. It worked for me so why not you.”
“That you Redstreak.”
“Call me Red.' And Red continued petting Darnspark till both fell asleep.
Admiral Kline walked down the corridor with a slight frown. The Damage to the Pegasus was pretty good but the ship should be ready for action in a few hours. But it could have been worse if it wasn't for the sacrifice of the Plunder he could have lost his ship. The colony was now secure have a desperate battle by the fed ships gorund party and the slavers were busy. This would be one of the main depots for the invasion of this universe. He opened a door to one of his most private area's of the ship and look forward to what lay inside.
Nikol Stonefur was barely awake. The last things she remembered was charging towards the other Pegasus ordering the crew to abandon ship. Then hazily beating treated. Now she was in the dark, arms shacked above her head and her legs shackled to the ground. Then the door opened and the Other Kline appeared. “I do have to hand it to you Nikol was it, you did pretty well. Heck if it was me I would have tried the same thing. Which is why I'm glad my people found you in the wreckage. Now you were a bit on the older side but my medics had a drug to reverse it so now you are a healthy 20 some year old again. So I have a much longer time to play with you.” He grabbed a long dildo and turned it on. “Oh yes, I shall have an enjoyable time breaking my new toy in.” Nikol had a look of fear as the door closed.
Chapter 9 - Tales of Redstreak Chapter 9 |
Flamy woke to the smell of cooked food. Blinking her eyes open she is surprised to see both Tami and Jali sleeping with her. They are slowly waking up to the smell as well and the 3 of them go to the kitchen to find Star making breakfast. They all drop jaws as they never seen Star cook before. Star looks over and sees them and smiles. "Go get the silverware, breakfast will be ready very soon." The trio scramble to get everything ready. Star emerges with eggs and bacon with milk. They take bits and the foxtaurs get a look of sheer bliss as they taste the food. Breakfast was finished quickly and with no left overs.
"That was great Star, since when do you know how to cook?"
"I thought I try it for once and once I got in the kitchen things just clicked and thus your breakfast." Jali raised a spoon and said.
"I say that Star be our official cook, those in favor?" Both the other vixens say.
"Aye!" With Star rolling hir eyes. With the decision made Star was left home while the three went out hunting. Shi defiantly proved to be good with lunch and dinner. Flamy once again helped with Star's heat that night.
As summer turned to fall the village prepared for the Harvest Festival. The festival was a combo fair and party before the coming winter. Flamy set up a kiosk for their meat and fur to sell for other supplies the team will need during the winter. Star had surprised them yet again when they need to chop wood for winter. Shi not only manage to chop a lot of wood in record time but was able to carry a bunch on it on hir one, including some with hir TAIL! Star hirself was looking forward to trying out some of the games that they had around. After help set of the kiosk to which Tami had first shift. Flamy stayed with Star as shi approached the archery range. Flamy decided not to participate this year so she watch as Star tried her luck. Star showed hir aim as shi hit bull's eye after bull's eye and had much cheering, but in the end shi finished third.
After a lunch break Star and Flamy headed over the obstacle course. There the found Paloci warming up for the run. She spotted the pair and toss her head away from them. They got on the starting line and waited. The course was set up at random each year by the the villages kits. The runners had to free reign on how to take the course but all runners had to go through each check point to truly finish. The first one to do so wins. The flag is dropped and the runners were off. Starlight soon found hirself near the rear of the group as the first part was pure running through the grass till the hit the forest. Shi lost sight of Flamy and Paloci when shi entered the forest. Shi goes through the forest with ease, doing things when shi looks back on it odd, like shi has done it before but shi knows shi hasn't done that while hunting. Shi passes the first check point with ease. Continuing through the course she manages to pass a few foxtaurs till shi spots the next check point. It was on a hill in clear view but it was surrounded by thorn bushes, cute. Starlight could already hear cursing from the bushes.Shi looks up and sees that the trees around were large with intertwining branches. Star began climbing a nearby tree and carefully hop along the branches till shi was in range. Shi then hops down onto the hill and passes through the check point and leaps and climbs on top the trees and heads out. Once clear of the thorns she drops down onto the forest floor and continue on.
The trail led down a rocking canyon, which Starlight effortlessly. Shi follows the trail though the bottom of the canyon till shi need to climb again. Shi hears a waterfall nearby and as shi climbs over shi feels something push hir and shi plunges into water. Sputtering shi looks up and near the edge of the small water fall was a pair of giggling kits. Shaking hir head shi gets out of the water and continues on. Shi was just starting to dry off when shi sees a large mud puddle with another check point on a wooden platform surrounded by tons of rocks. Starlight steps on the stones and does well till shi put a handpaw on a stone and shi slips into the mud. "I'm gonna kill them!" Shi cries as shi tries again, this time more cautiously. Shi finally reaches the platform to the laughing of the kits on it. With an evil smirk shi pushes them both in the mud before crossing the check point head raised, till shi step on another slippery stone and ending up in the mud again. Shi finally got out of the puddle and trudge onward in the direction the kits pointed to. Shi sees the village in front of hir with checkered posts at the outskirts. Going into hir reserves shi crosses the line. Panting shi asks, "How did I do?"
"You finished first, congratulations. There's a hot spring over there to clean off." Starlight walks towards the spring as the next runner came in. It was Paloci, also covered with mud. When the vixen sees Starlight she immediately yells.
"Cheater! She cheated, she had to to beat me hear!" The female foxtaur over seeing the event replies.
"The kits will confirm for us if she when through all the points. Till then no more say about this till all runners are in the the kits return. Now go get clean." The two head to the springs and the sit in the opposite sides of the spring as the other runners come in. Flamy came in tenth. And relaxed with her friend. When word of the return of the kits the group got out and went back to the starting line.
"Now the the kits are back they'll prove she cheated." The foxtaur looks at the kits and asks.
"Did Starlight pass through your check points?" One by one they all nodded, the two mud covered ones grinned and said.
"Yup, she gave us our mud bath." It was too much for Paloci.
"YOU!" She leaps at the feline. Starlight is only stunned for a second before shi instinctively reacts. Shi ducks and as shi feels Paloci's weight shi pushes up and the vixen goes flying. As the gold furred vixen lands Starlight climbs on her keep her down and helpless as the foxtaur rushes in.
"Shame on you Paloci, accept defeat like an adult. Now leave and if I catch you doing that again I'll call the Enforcers." Starlight allows the vixen up and after giving Starlight a look of pure hate she flees the scene. Getting a fine belt pouch as a reward Starlight and Flamy explore a few of the stalls till Flamy said it was her turn to man the kiosk so she leaves Starlight to hir fun.
When Flamy gets to the Kiosk and a delay of a spilled stall she finds it unmanned but there was a sheet of paper on the counter.
Flamy please join me in the old shack on the village outskirts. I found something important.
Curious Flamy heads for the old shack, it once housed a lesbian pair that never did obligation so they had no children to inherit it when they died and no one has claim the place in years. She walks into the shack and not seeing her friend she calls out. "Tami?" With no response she walks in more. She then felt something hit the back of her head and felt nothing more.
Groggily Flamy wakes up with a headache. She tries to touch her head but her arm won't move much. She then takes stock of her body. It felt like her arms were help upwards and it felt like her hindquarters were lifted up and her tail ties with her hands. She starts blinking her eyes open and the throbbing causes her to moan. "Oh good your awake." Flamy looks to the the source of the voice and sees Paloci. She tries to demand why Paloci has done this but fines her mouth forced shut. "I bet your wondering why. Well it's simple, YOU brought that FREAK to the village and endangered us with her impurity. You need to be punished and you will be." She then steps up and aggressively gropes Flamy's breasts. "For a commoner your not bad looking." Paloci comments as she continues to play with Flamy's breasts causing Flamy to moan a bit. Paloci plays with Flamy's breasts for minutes before stopping and starts to walk behind Flamy. 'It seemed that the old lesbian pair liked bondage and built this underground room for the more kinky endeavors, I discovered two years ago. We will not be disturbed down here." Reaching the raised hindquarters Paloci eyes Flamy's pussy. "Well,well your pussy is a little wet. Good."
'NO NO NO NO! Don't touch me THERE!' Flamy says mentally but it's no use as she feels Paloci's tongue licking her pussy. 'NOOOOO PLEASE STOP!' But Paloci continues inserting her tongue deep into Flamy's pussy and Flamy begins to dry as the tongue swirls around with gusto. Soon Flamy's body spasms in orgasm and Paloci gets her face coated with Flamy's fluids. Flamy was openly weeping as the door bursts open. Starlight stood there in all her glory with fierce anger in her eyes and after a quick look she lets out the loudest roar Flamy ever heard before leaping out of Flamy's view. She hears Paloci scream before the thud and ripping of flesh.
"STOP STAR! PLEASE STOP! LET THE ENFORCERS HANDLE IT!" She hears the sounds paused. "Please Star, Please." She feels someone hug her and the scent was Star's and she weeps openly in relief. Tmai comes down the stairs to a site. Flamy bound up and crying, Star hugging her with blood on her fur, and a gold fur vixen severely beat up and unconscious. She hears footsteps behind her as the enforcers arrive.
An hour later Star, Flamy, and Paloci were in the Healer's Den, Luna working hard on the battered foxtaur as her assistant treats Star and Flamy. The Enforcers took statements from Star and Flamy. It seemed Star was coming to check on Flamy to find the stall empty. Shi started looking around for her. Then somehow shi felt Flamy's fear and embarrassment and manage to follow it to the old shack and discover the seen, then everything became a blur except the rage. Only Flamy's pleas stop hir. Flamy herself glanced at Star, after breaking off the hug the feline was nearly dazed. As soon as she could Flamy hugged her friend which which seem to get her out of the daze. Hours later Flamy and Star were allowed to go home where they both went right to bed hugging each other.
Two weeks later both Starlight and Paloci appeared before the council and the enforcers. Starlight was first as shi stands on the platform before them. "Starlight," the head council member starts. "After reviewing the evidence we find you blameless for you actions for you were defending a Huntmate from an attack. You are free to go."
?gThank you council." Starlight steps away and Hugs Flamy and their huntmates as Paloci is brought before them, still bearing the bruises and some scars from that day. "Paloci Starfur, what we found gravely disturbed us. First you try to ought a village member with no real reason other then racism. Then you try to claim she cheated in a race with no proof and now to rape a fellow villager. That is not excusable. Therefor you are exiled from the village. You have 3 days to gather want supplies you need, an Enforcer will be with you until you leave. If you are found in the village again you will lose all rights as a Foxtaur and sold to a member of the village." The Head Council slams the gavel and the exiled vixen is escorted out.
Back at home the hunters had a party to the victory for Starlight. It was a big feast and Starlight was more like her old self. Late into the night though Flamy asks Starlight into the spare room. "Star, I've been doing a lot of thinking lately and made a decision." Flamy took Starlight's hand. "Starlight, will you be my mate?" The feline stood there for a second before hugging the vixen. "Yes, Yes I will, thank you Flamy." They break off the hug and Flamy strokes the underside of Starlight's muzzle with a lustful look. The two then passionately kiss. Hands wander and start groping breasts and play with them before they had to break for air. Both smile at each other. Then Flamy turns and offers her rear to Starlight. Starlight caresses the tail as shi moves it aside
and climbs on top of Flamy and slowly inserts hir cock into Flamy. Shi then directs Flamy's head back to hir and the y kiss again as Starlight pumps into her. The pace slowly increases and the kiss is broken off again.
"Oh Star I'm cumming and CUUUMMMINNNNNNG!" Flamy cries as she orgasms which triggers Starlight's. They stay tense as Starlight's seed pumps into Flamy then the both slump down on the mattress and lick kiss each other before falling asleep, both with smiles as this has been the happiest moment for them in months.
Some time later..........
In Narnia's system he vastness of space is disturbed as a ship comes out of warp. It was made up of a large saucer with a nacelle above and below the saucer with a pair of torpedo bays attached to the smaller lower pylon. This Akula Class was once a frigate in Starfleet but it's class is no longer in active service. This one has been bought and retrofitted into a mercenary corvette with the name SunOvaGun on it's hull. On her bridge a chakat sat on the center cushion. Shi had nearly white fur and black spots, with blond hair and blue eyes. Shi was very relax in hir cushion and have a smirk on hir muzzle. The human at the helm looks back at hir and notices hir state. He smiles and says, "Hey sis if you get even more relax we're going to have to awake you when we reach orbit."
"I told you before bill to call me captain while on duty. And you should relax as well. The only thing that's been over here was the Fleet probe the notice the planet. Let Sonny do the piloting."
<Don't call me SONNY! Call me SUN captain. Sonny makes me sound like a kid.> The ships AI quips from the intercom.
"And how would you know what that sounds like you were never a kid." The chakat retorts to the Sunovagun's free A.I.
<I've seen your families Captain Bombshell. I think I have a rough idea.>
"I doubt that...Sonny." Shi smiles widely as shi hears Sun growl at hir. She loves teasing him like that and shi looks around the bridge. Hir brother at the helm, Feyouri the resident warbeast mutant in a feminine mood today checking the sensors. Bombshell guessed that Reigar was in sickbay reading the latest medical journals, and Crazahan an elderly Raskani was probably in engineering checking on the ships systems with one of Sun's bots. Bombshell admits shi got lucky with this ship, shi can have such a small crew thanks to Sun. Then again shi was lucky to even get this ship. She was recommissioned to be a test bed for many prototype systems and weapons. So she can appear to be an old warship sold as surplus then unleashes hell to surprise her opponents. And if outgunned she can activate a cloak and disappear. The ship was stolen from Starfleet by human first somewhere and hir group was capture by them but thankfully Sun liked them better and the H1people got shoved out the airlock, without suits. The ships was renamed and refitted for their use and their partnership has been very profitable. Hence their current vacation. As the close to orbit the nice green planet a beeping goes off at the communication and sensors. Feyouri presses a few buttons. "Captain we are getting a faint signal from the planet." Bombshell became more alert and asked.
"What kind?"
"It seems to be a distress signal, maybe fleet. I got coordinates."
"Looks like we head there first then, Half of us head down the rest wait up here till we figure this out."
Minutes later Bombshell found hirself in a forest with trees that seem to be a mix of pine and maple back home. Feyouri took out a scanner and in a couple of seconds then jerked a thumb to the left. "The signal's this way." Bombshell and Reigar followed. In minutes there by a large river til the spot a metallic object supported by some trees. Yep definably a fleet pod. Bombshell inspects the outside while hir wolf morph medic jump inside. "Well no bodies so they survived the landing."
"And it looks like the thing has sat here a while." Bombshell comments. Shi taps the bomb shaped commbadge on hir combat vest. "Bombshell to Sun."
<Sun here captain.>
"At the site, no bodies or graves and it looks like it's been here a while."
<Well my sensor have detected multiple cities on the planet and there's a small village east of your position.>
"Copy that, guys set your weapons for stun and let's check this out."
Minutes later the reach the outskirts of the village and observe. It seemed the that the locals were foxtaurs but they were different from the ones Bombshell knew. None of the them had head hair and a few had multiple tails. However the seem to have a similar living style to the standard foxtaur village. With a nod to hir men they begin walking into the village.
Flamy was making lunch today since Tami and Jali went off hunting. Normally Star would have joined them but something was wrong with her mate. After becoming mates everything was fine, heck they finally got star to call herself by her nickname, not just the 3 of them and things went well they were happy. Then during winter something changed. It wasn't sudden, it started with Star being tired more than usual. Then she would switch between depression and anger. Then sometimes she thought she heard something that wasn't there. Luna looked at Star but couldn't figure out what was wrong. All of them were concerned, even Star on what was going on. Flamy just didn't know what to do. She opens a cupboard for some spices to discover it empty. Great now she'll have to go to the market. She bought the spices and was about to head home when she saw a commotion at the end of the village. Curious she goes to find out what it is. A bunch of Foxtaurs were looking at 3 strangers. One was practically furless except for the head fur which reminded Flamy of Star. Another seem to be a two legged gray fox, and the last. The last was a feline taur exactly like Star. Hope became to spurt in her. Especially when the feline said. "I'm Captain Bombshell of the mercenary ship Sunovagun. Did you have someone arrive sometime ago that looks like any of us?" Flamy answers
"Yes, we did please come with me." It took everything not to run the feline back home to help Star."
"Reigar better come with me." Said the feline and the two head off to Star.
Bombshell followed the brightly colored vixen to the outskirts of town and Reigar asks the vixen. "What's the patient's condition?"
"We don't know. Her craft landed almost a year ago with a few bumps, bruises, burns, and no memory other then general knowledge. The past three months she becomes tired easily and has bouts of depression and anger." They arrive at a decent size hut and the vixen opens the door and says. "Star ! I'm home and I have someone you need to meet."
"WHY!" A feminine voice angerly replies. Yup Bombshell could sense the anger and depression but that didn't prepare hir to the site. A gold furred chakat with red hair and eyes and white gold streak above hir left eye showed a scar. The chakat had a look of annoyed anger till shi set eyes on Bombshell, then it became bewilderment. Shi approaches Bombshell and touches hir face.
"Are you real? Or just my mind playing tricks on me?" Bombshell grabs the hand keeping it to hir face.
"Yes, I'm real. The name's Chakat Bombshell Hamilton, child of Reefswimmer and Uilleam Hamilton."
"They call me Starlight, but Flamy and the others call me Star."
"Pleasure to meet you Star." Flamy interjects,
"So Chakat can you help her?" Bombshell looks at the vixen.
"Chakat is the name of my and hir species, My name is Bombshell and I'm already helping hir. Shi's suffering Empathic Feedback Withdraw."
"We chakats are all empathic, we sense the emotions of others so we're hard to lie to and it gives us better insight on other beings. You may have notice that shi was good at reading people."
"Well she was becoming the best hunter out of the group for she could always find prey."
"That's hir empathic, a nice talent but it does have a draw back. We need a feedback from another chakat to stay mentally healthy. Go to long and your already seeing the results."
"Is there a cure?"
"Yup, me. I will stay here the night and Star should stay close awhile to ensure the reversal, then she'll be back to hir old self. Meanwhile Reigar will take some blood and we'll find out who you are past the life you've made here." Star offered hir arm and the wolf morph took a sample.
"I'll take this to the ship right away." He taps the badge on his left side and says. "Sun beam me up." Both Flamy's and Star's jaw drops as Reigar disappeared in swirling lights.
"Cool huh? That's our transporter, a highly useful device." There was a knock on the door and the vixen heads over to answer it. The vixen returns with an elderly female.
"Captain Bombshell this is Lola Wheathunter our Head Elder."
"Elder." Bombshell says and shi nods in respect.
"Captain, I must asks what your purpose was to come to our planet?"
"It was for a vacation Elder. As far as the rest of this galaxy is concerned this is an uninhabited planet barely recorded anywhere. So we were surprise to find anyone here, especially hir." Bombshell jerks a thumb in Star's direction.
So what are your plans now?"
Well other than helping Star and checking you gals out rest a few days." A beep came from hir badge so shi taps it. "Bombshell here."
<Captain this is Sun, I've scanned the entire planet and the villages here are a couple hundred years old at most and give the technology they have they have to be colonist from somewhere.> Bombshell looks at Lola with an inquisitive look.
"Well Sun is right but we don't know from where either. Our legends say we came on a space craft 203 years ago but surviving was so much of a struggle that a lot of the knowledge was forgotten."
"With your permission Elder Sun maybe able to figure that out for both of us."
"Knowing our history better would be good, very well your Sun may."
"Got that Sun?"
<Yes captain sending an avatar down now. A still running a match for our chakat down there.>
"Let us know when you do."
<Aye,aye captain.> Lola then looked to the younger vixen.
"Flameria I trust you can see to our guest?"
"Yes Elder, she needs to be here to help Star with her problem."
"Very well, I'll leave you to it." Flameria escorts the Elder out and as she returns Bombshell asks.
"Oh, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Flameria Blazefur, my friends call me Flamy, my concern for my mate overrode my manners."
"Understandable, My friends call me Bomber," They spent the next couple of hours chatting when the other hunters arrived. Flamy got dinner going and she notice Star was a little more perky now. She hoped that was a good sign. In the mists of dinner though Bomber's badge chirped again. Shi tapped it answered.
<Captain this is Sun. I got interesting results on your chakat.>
"Oh, do tell."
<I got two hits on hir DNA. The first is Chakat Medallion, child of Sunspot and Fireblaze. The second was Chakat Redstreak also child of Sunspot and Fireblaze.>
"That's odd."
<Get's even better captain, their images are almost exactly the same the only difference is hairstyle.>
"How's that possible?"
<Not sure captain but Reigar is contacting his fleet contacts in the medical field for answers.>
"Maybe they're twins." Tami suggested to which Bomber shook hir head.
"Nope, identical twins are impossible with us chakats. Our fur pattern is completely random. Twins are possible but identical are not. You couldn't tell if chakats are related by looks unless you observe them long enough."
"So which one do we have, Medallion or Redstreak?" Flamy asks.
<My processors have concluded that our chakat is Redstreak. Restreak was in the Star Corps and is presumed dead. Hir ship destroyed and base where the found the debris and an escape pod could end up here.>
"So if I'm Redstreak do I have any family besides Medallion?" Star or Redstreak asks.
<Yes you do Redstreak. Your parents still live, Ypu have an older sister named Crisscross Child of Fireblaze and Sunspot. You have a mate named Coaldust and two kids.>
"Well that's one mystery nearly solved. What about the foxtaurs?"
<Still researching captain.> After that the rest ate in silence with Star/Redstreak in deep thought. Some chatting afterwords eventually lead to bed and the 5 of them slept soundly.
Flamy woke to the sweet smell of breakfast. She gets out of the pile and walks to the kitchen and sees a site she was very glad to see. Star up and making breakfast. Her mate looked over and smiled.
"Good morning Flamy, still a few more minutes till breakfast is ready."
"Good, it is so good to see your old self."
"It is." Star's features droop. "Flamy, I'm sorry for my attitude of late." Flamy step forward and put a hand to her mate's lips.
"It's okay, it wasn't your fault so don't worry about it okay." Flamy then hugs Star. "I'm just glad you are your old self."
"Well the self I've been since crashing here anyway." Flamy said nothing as she hugged her mate.
Over the next couple of days Bombers crew got the rest they wanted if not the way they expected. Bomber spent half the time with Flamy and Redstreak as the Chakat slowly adopted hir old name. Eventually Bomber, Lola and one of Sun's avatars met to discussion this colony's origins. "Captain, Elder, I have studied yhe village records and our databanks and these are the conclusions I came up with. One, the foxtaurs here are an offshoot from the ones on Earth. Originating in Japan thus why many have multiple tails. They also didn't suffer Territory Attachment Snydrome like most Foxtaurs have to worry about. The very first were called kitsune and during the chaos of the final days of the Gene Wars they all disappeared. It was thought they were wiped out. In truth They got hold of one of the early colonizing ships and left Earth till the got here. From what I could glean from the records they had a rough landing and struggled to survive. Now as you can see they have a ever growing population and a thriving colony."
"Thank you for your report Sun." Lola says then turns to look at Bomber."What will your Federation due about us?"
"Most likely open up negotiations. They deal pretty fairly with people, heck I might get a reward for discovering you and Redstreak." The meeting broke up after that and Bomber prepared to spend hir last night at Flamy's den.
Star or Redstreak was packing things away with care when the door opened. There stood Flamy and it didn't take long for the foxtaur to say. "You're going aren't you?"
"Yes, I am. I have a family and a past to go to." Redstreak gets up and hugs hir mate. "I wouldn't be this far, heck I probably would be dead without you. I still love you and in that love I will let you go and live your life here. I will a null our mating for that okay."
"No it's not okay. My life was nothing after my sister died till you came. Your my mate and I'm not letting you go. I'm going with you."
"But what about Tami and Jali? They'll be two hunters down."
"They're talking with the survivors of the team that got hit in the storm two weeks ago and they will merge. They told me this yesterday realizing that I would go with you. Especially since I told them what I'm about to tell you."
"I'm pregnant." Redstreak stood there speechless for a minute before bear hugging Flamy.
"I promise to be the best sire I can be for our child. Hopefully his or her's half siblings will welcome our child." The pair shared the news with Bomber to hugged them both and congratulated them on their baby. Bomber wasn't surprised that shi was getting to passengers sensing the love between them. Tami and Jali offered the pair two vest made of fur. They tried them on and while stylish they didn't hide the breasts at all. Then again with these foxtaurs they can never imagine covering their breasts for anything. Red and Flamy hugged their huntmates and the group went to be for the final time together.
The next morning Red as the new or old nick name emerged made a big breakfast as a final goodbye to hir huntmates. Both did complain that they would miss Red's cooking but still were happy for hir. The group heads out side and after a final hug and promises to visit Bomber taps hir badge and the three of them disappear in shimmering lights.
When the lights are gone Red found herself on a large pad in a small room. Bomber puts the bomb badge on each of them saying it was policy and for their protection while on board. They store their stuff in the room they will have for their journey then headed to one of the rear view ports as they took a final look at their home. The gazed on with wonder at the planet then watch it recede quickly before in a flash it was gone as they head to their future. |
Chapter 0 - Little Miss Sally |
Sally stood at my door with a devious look on her face. She was a short girl, her head about five feet from the ground. Quite the looker as well. Blonde hair, blue eyes, small breasts, and just about the finest little bubble butt I've ever seen. That day she was dressed in a dark blue coat, that covered her from neck to ankle.
"How'd you find my place?" I asked a bit upset. You see Sally was a student of mine at the local community college. Too smart for my class, but too damn lazy for any other.
"The internet, you're the only Robert Paine in the county," she said letting out a little squeal of delight. "May I come in?" she asked.
"No, this is inappropriate. You damn well know that," I started saying, but she just walked right in. Her hair brushing my arm as she went past. The scent of coconut came in with her. Maybe it was her lotion. The little bit of her skin I could see looked soft and smooth.
"Oh, don't be dramatic, Mr.Paine!" She walked around my small motel sized apartment for a moment. She scrunched up her face then said, "This place is a dump."
"Hey, it's all I can afford, okay. Why are you wearing a coat anyways? It's nearly a hundred degrees out. Is this some sort of fashion statement? Is looking like a hooker the new hip thing?"
"Oh, don't worry about that," she said smiling.
"I'm not changing your grade. So unless you want to discuss the weather you ought to leave."
"Don't be like that, Rob. We haven't even started negotiating yet."
"And we're not going to, there's the door." I pointed at the open thing. The smell of palm trees and eucalyptus was beginning to seep in.
"Oh, is that the door?" She asked sarcastically while walking towards it. "I thought it was your vagina." She slammed it shut.
"Well aren't you a clever little cun...coconut. If you don't leave I'll call the cops."
"At least listen to what I have to say. You owe me that much at least, Professor."
"Fine." I sat down at my made in China plastic desk and began to grade a stack of tests.
"You have to look at me while I talk!"
I sighed then turned to face her. Spoiled bitch, I thought.
"That's better," she said sitting on the bed across from me. As she crossed her legs to get more comfortable the coat moved up to reveal her shins. Tanned and lightly covered in sweat. On her feet were flip flops. "Now I'd like to discuss my final grade."
"Of course you would."
"Well, yeah. Giving me a D is totally unfair. I deserve at least a B."
"Oh bullshit!" I yelled while standing up and walking towards her. "You didn't finish a single homework assignment all year!" I looked down into her eyes and she looked up never flinching. The sheets below her hands matched her light blue eyes.
"But I Aced all my tests."
"So what? That's only 25% of the class."
"But... I'm your best student...," she said softly, now looking at the ground.
"No you aren't," I said moving closer instinctively. My belt an inch from her face.
She moved her head up, briefly staring at my belt. "But I could be," she whispered.
She stared me directly in the eyes then loosened her coat and let it fall. Slowly it slid past her shoulders, exposing her body. She was dressed in a far too small, far too tight, yellow bikini. It clung to her little breasts. Her erect nipples could be seen through the fabric.
"What are you-"
"Shhhh," she cut me off. Her hands shook as she grabbed at my belt buckle. Frantically she undid it and my pants fell to the ground. My cock was beginning to grow. Swelling up and creating a bulge in my boxers. "Ooooh, Mr. Paine. What's that?"
She grabbed the waistline and pulled it to my knees. It flopped down and became fully erect, the tip pressing against her lips.
"This little guy knows what's up," she said with a laugh. She kissed it then pushed it up and began to lick it all over. Then when it was entirely wet she took me in her mouth. The warm folds of her cheeks engulfed my penis and began to tigthen around it. She gargled a few words while performing. "So....you....think?"
"What?" I asked. Grabbing her head and pulling it towards me, forcing her to deep throat. She gagged and pulled back, spitting up large amounts of saliva as she caught her breath.
"My grade, will you fix it?"
"Turn around. Press your tits against the bed. And pull that bikini off your ass."
"Shut up. You're the student, I'm the teacher. Now be receptive and maybe you'll learn something."
"Yes, sir," she said sadly as she pulled down her bikini thong and spread herself out across the bed.
With my right hand I grabbed my cock. With my left hand I grabbed her ass. I pulled back her cheeks and fingered her asshole while shoving my cock in her cunt. "You like that, you spoiled little slut," I grunted.
"No, it feels funny," she moaned.
"Wasn't a question." I moved faster now. Thrusting my hips into her, the whole bed shook. I grabbed her hair and pulled her head up. "You like that."
"Oh yes, I love it!" she cried, sticking out her tongue and making it dance. "Please do it to me harder!"
"That's an A plus performance." I moved faster and faster until all the feeling in my body began to move towards the shaft of my penis. I couldn't last much longer so I pulled out and pushed her head back down. Then I came. Aiming myself at her upper back, it all went in her hair. The sticky white would be a bitch for her to get out.
We both lay for a moment, then showered. The sweat, spit, semen, and mucus flowed down the drain and as we stepped out, drying ourselves, reality returned.
"So how about my grade?" she asked while preparing to leave.
"You'll certainly get higher than a D. I'm thinking a C?"
"A C?!"
"I'm not sure yet, how about we discuss it tomorrow. Over dinner?"
She smiled then went out the door
Chapter 17 - Tales of Redstreak Chapter 16 |
Red was observing the engineers looking over the odd craft when something happen. “George WATCH OUT!” ZZZZZAAAAAAPPPPPP! Red saw some electrical spark and headed toward them. “Darn it George I told you to check if it was powered. You better go to sickbay.” Red circled around to see 3 engineers, one cradling his left arm which was clearly burned.
“I'll get him to sickbay, you two keep working AND BE CAREFUL.” Red interjects.
“Aye lieutenant.” Red carefully helps the injured crewman to his feet and helps him to sickbay. A nurse quickly got him to a biobed and treats his wounds as Red again looks at the strange chakat. Shi was asleep as Dr.Kelly ran scans.
“Well shi's not pure chakat. They're something else in hir dna but what I don't know.” Curious Red asks.
“How is shi doc?” Kelly looks up in surprise and then notices Red.
“Oh Redstreak, well shi had a massive bump on the head and we had to bring the swelling down, but we have to wait for hir to wake up before we know how bad the brain damage was but other than that shi's fine.” Red looked past them and commented.
“And shi's awake.” They all turn to find green intelligent eyes looking at them as shi looked from one to another.
“Hello, I'm Doctor Kelly. You're safe here could you tell us your name?”
“Where is here?” The Chakat asked.
“The Federation Starship Pegasus. We rescued your craft and you're being treated.
“Now tell the doctor your name please.” Redstreak ordered.
The Chakat looked squarely at Red and asked.
“Why?” Red then felt pressure. Like a voice in hir head telling hir shi didn't need to know the chakat's name. Red focused hir might and through out the influence and shi saw the surprise in hir eyes.
“You just tried to mind control me didn't you?” The medical staff gasped at the revelation.
“Crap you didn't have the paw mark so I thought it was worth the shot.”
“What does a paw mark have to do with anything?” The chakat rolled hir eyes.
“Don't kid me about that. Your Starfleet you've have a bunch of skunktaurs in the fleet so try again.”
“Skunktaurs? What in blazes is shi talking about?” Doctor Kelly asked. Red did a thinking pose then the proverbial light bulb went off.
“Ah HAH! I remember now, when I discover I was stuck here with this body and did a crash course of history and I remember in the files about a friend of the Turners trying to make another species that would be skunktaurs but he had trouble getting funding. He was on his way to a meeting with some corporations when he had a car crash and died. No one picked up the project after him.”
“You've been here about 9 years and you remember that?” Red taps hir head and replies.
“That nanos make sure I remember everything thing in detail.” Some shi rather not remember like hir last image of Mounty.
“So what are you suggesting Redstreak?”
“That shi's like me, from another universe. Maybe one that these skunktaurs were made.” Doctor Kelly then looked at the strange chakat and asked.
“Would you tell us your name and what you last remember?” The chakat seemed to think of it for a bit before finally answering.
“My name is Goldstrike and my first clear memory is waking up here.”
“But if you thought Starfleet knew of these skunktaurs...” Kelly started but Red interrupted.
“I bet shi has general knowledge of hir world but personal memories are gone right?” Goldstrike sheepishly nods.
“I like to test that to confirm if you don't mind.” Kelly then takes the next couple of hours figuring out what shi knows. Red let Boyce know what was going on and he ordered hir to stay. If hir theory was right Red was the best expert of dimensional traveling they had. And hir theory was proven right. Goldstrike knew general knowledge so some of it was different then what they knew but anytime Kelly asked something personal shi couldn't answer. Other than hir name shi had no personal memories.
The next day Boyce held a meeting and Redstreak was to attend. “Alright everyone let's figure out what we know. First The sensor readings of the anomaly?” M'Lai spoke up first.
“We went over the readings and some of them are similar but different from what has been scanned when the doorway is open between us and Lt. Redstreak's home universe, but more than that I can't say. I suggest and full out science vessel study this further. I also suggest it have escort considering what else we found out here.”
“Speaking of which any news on that dark ship?” Midnight punches up the image and begins.
“As you can see, despite the obvious color scheme difference the ship is very similar in design to the Pegasus.” Red had to agree, the pylons didn't stretch back but curved out to the sides and the engineering section was considerably smaller. And there was something familiar about the design. Oh now shi remembers but shi waits for Midnight to finish. “Despite our best efforts we couldn't find any markings to identify her and our sensors were still on the fritz at that time so they were much help either but we can confirm that she was nowhere on are scanners. I can speculate on her form that she is comparable to us in abilities.”
“Thank you Midnight, ah yes Redstreak you have something to add?”
“Sir I have seen a ship like this before. Back home they had a science fiction series called Star Trek. I often comment how similar your tech is to that series. That ship looks like a Galaxy class starship of....ironically a federation and midnight is right that the ablilites of a Galaxy are comparable to the Pegasus. AS to why it's black I can't say and to why it's here, maybe like our guest was brought here against it's will.”
“Interesting view Redstreak. Any proof to back it up?”
“Mainly hunch sir but Commander M'Lai had reported stuff similar to what happens when Doctor Xanatos does his experiments and the fact it appears that our guest is an apparent hybrid of chakat and a race that doesn't exist here.” Boyce then looks at Doctor Kelly who then gives her report.
“I can confirm that our guest Shir Goldstrike is a chakat hybrid. After hours of data searching we found the records of Dr. Byrant Curtis. He was a friend of the Turners and was working on his own taur species but died in a car accident before it was finished and no one took up the project after his death. Some of those records did have the DNA blueprint he was working on and I compared them to the unknown DNA in Shir Goldstrike. 75% match between them so I believe it proves Lt. Redstreak's theory plus what hir general knowledge reveal many differences between the world shi is from and here. None of the records said that Curtis wanted a telepathic species but Goldstrike said that was a result of other factors and the sponsers Curtis got where shi is from. I did a scan of hir brain and while shi is minus the nanos that allows Lt. Redstreak hir telepathy shi has similar brain activity. Other than hir lost personal memories and some remaining swelling in hir brain shi is a healthy chakat. Shi may look chubby but that is muscle reserve. Shi can outlast a pure chakat in any physical challenge. And hir paw print is natural not a dye. Goldstrike says all skunktaurs have a version of it due to genetic manipulation by the sponsor corporations. A different color for each corporation. However they now signify that talent they have. Red is for Telepathy, Blue for Telekinesis, and Black for Astral Projection. And Hybrid children can inherit those powers and usually have the paw mark but not always. Other than that shi is a typical chakat.”
“Very well, Redstreak.”
“Yes sir.”
“I know you are already taking care of our shapeshifter but can you also take care of Goldstrike?”
“Yes sir, I guess I won't report to my usual duties sir.”
“You guess right Goldstrike and Vox are your priorities now. Chief Sparks your report on Goldstrikes craft.”
The chakat that heads Pegasus' engineering cleared hir throat and began.
“Sir it is an interesting craft. The bulk of it is ancient, I say about 200 years old but they jury rigged some tech that is close to ours. I even saw fed logos on some of the equipment but the serial number I got back say they're on a freighter in the Lakal sector. The ship is capable of low warp and sublight speeds and it seems to be made for something else to but what I have no idea right now.”
“Understood, we'll continue our tour then meeting dismissed.” They group broke up and Kelly and Red headed for sickbay in silence.
Upon arriving they both headed to Goldstrike. The chakat had an alert stance, ready to defend hirself at any time. Red used a combo empathy/telepathy to get a basic reading. <Strange,> shi thought<their almost seems to be two minds in hir.> Goldstrike looks their way.
“So what are you going to do with me?”Goldstrike asked.
“Well as soon as the doctor gives the okay you'll bunk with my family while on ship. Where you go from there I have no idea.”
“Well Redstreak,” Kelly interjected. “Hir swelling is gone and everything else is normal so shi can go right now but if shi has any major dizzy spells get hir back here.”
“Can do doctor.” Red extends a hand to Goldstrike. Goldstike looks at the hand then at Red's face before finally taking it and Red helps hir off the bed and the two leave sickbay.
“So I have to ask. Why you out of everyone on this ship?” Goldstrike asks. Red smiles and replies.
“Because I know what it's like, you are not the first other world traveler to this universe. I'm one to and I know what's it like to lose your memory. But at least you know your name, I didn't.”
“Is that why your the only telepath here?”
“Nope that was a science experiment by a Human First branch.”
“So they are here too, drat. So where did you appear here and why didn't you go back memory?”
“Not do to memory I didn't lose it till much later but I appeared in a transporter room at a spaceport on Earth.”
“Bet that was a surprise seeing a chakat suddenly appear not using a transporter.”
“I was human at first when I appeared then my future sister Medallion did the typical chakat thing and went to my aid. Unfortunately touching me caused a malfunction in the transporter and it activated and that's how I ended up in a clone of Medallions body.” Goldstrike was speechless and they finished their journey in silence.
When they walked in the first to greet them was Firestripe. Shi ran up and wanting a hug from hir sire which Red was more than happy to comply. Then the young kit started sniffing Goldstrike as Fish and Flameria walked into the room. “Red who is this?” Flameria asked.
'This is Goldstrike, shi came in the strange vessel we found and for the time being shi'll live with us. Note shi's telepathic.”
“Great! I now have to look over two of you.” Fish complains, though Red saw a glint in her eyes.
“Hey you got me as a mate and my family as yours out of the deal.”
“Best thing that ever happened to me.” Goldstrike was then introduced to Vox and the family evening went well as both sides got to know one another. Goldstrike felt uncomfortable at first when they decided for everyone to sleep together. While shi didn't have personal memories shi had a feeling shi normally slept alone.
The next couple weeks Goldstrike got used to the Redstreak family routine. Red went and did hir security gig, Flameria either stayed behind to watch their child or did forestry training on the holodeck, main teaching their but shi did learn a few things. Fish either counseled Goldstrike or some other client but spent most of her time with Vox, and Vox the odd shapeshifter either took classes to learn stuff about Federation history or tech but also spent the bulk of hos time with Fish. Sometimes Shi and Flameria had to relieve hir when those two got really frisky. Though a couple of times is when Red decided to get frisky with her. At one point as shi dragged the biped pink cat into the private room shi said. “She's my mate, thus I'm entitled to some imitate time with hir as well Vox.” Cause Flameria to chuckle and say.
“Don't worry Vox, I'll keep you company.” She had that hunter's smile and Vox did feel like prey. In minutes shi was dragging him off to another room leaving Goldstrike to shake hir head.
Other incidents did occur, one time Red was in a lounge taking a break from hir family and reading a book from a padd. “What are you reading Red?” Red looked up and saw Commander M'Lai there.
“Commander M'Lai, some religious texts.”
“M”Lai is fine we're both off duty. May I look?”
“Sure.” Red hands her the padd. She reads for a minute then asks.
“This is from that Christian religion?”
“Yup the Holy Bible. I read it on occasion. I know the so called Holy Christian Kingdom gives it a bad name but that's not all of us.”
“I honestly didn't think you as a religious person before.”
“I wasn't much before my change but after so many brushes with death there has to be a God out there who wants still here.”
“You have a point. I admit I'm not that devout about my religion right now but I do believe in it.” Red nods in understanding.
“I believe God, no matter what form for he could have chosen any for your people or others. Doesn't want blind faith but knowing belief. He wants us to ask questions. SO he can answer them. By understanding the universe we get to understanding him more.” The two spent the next couple of hours the two had a chat on religion and mutual respect and understanding happened.
Another thing of interest was Goldstrike relation to the family. After a week shi came to trust Red and family, so one night shi went to Red and asked. “Are you the only telepath in this universe besides me?” Red nods and replies.
“I got mine from a nano bot experiment and there is no other telepath around so I've been trying to do my best with it.”
“How you like help? My personal memories may be gone but my training is intact.”
“I'd like that, thank you.”
“Least I could do. It looks like I'm stuck here so might as well make what friends and allies I can.” Red nodded in understanding. While they could use the technology that is still being worked on to connect this universe to hir birth one there's no guarantee that they could make it work for Goldstrike's universe. Goldstrike and Red went into one of the private rooms and Goldstrike directed hir to lay hir lower torso down. Once shi did that Goldstrike mimic hir then grabed hir head and bowed hir head so that their foreheads our touching. <Can you hear me now?> Goldstrike asks mentally.
<Okay let's see if you can link to everyone on ship. Just the surface thoughts not too deep.> Red silently complied starting with hir family then expand to the beings on hir level. Shi slowly progressed level by level as shi heard the background noise of the crew's surface thoughts. Once shi had them all Goldstrike ordered hir to hold it for two hours if shi could. The two sat their not moving, not even acknowledging their bodies as Goldstrike observes Red's attempt to hold on to the link shi had made between hir and the crew. Finally Red hears. <Okay times up.> The two open their eyes and break off and just look at eachother. “You did well, you tired at all?”
“No not really.” The door opens and the chakats see Flameria there.
“Red a vid mail came in from home.”
“Awesome.” The Two chakats got up and Red went to the viewscreen in the main room and fired up the message. The first thing shi sees is an image of hir sister.
“Hey sis, how are you and your mates doing? I doing well, work going great and of course our friends at Double H miss you and off course Alex getting nice and plump.”
“DALLIE!” Red smiles as shi here's hir wolf mate berate hir sister.
“I'm eager to see you home and have your music fill the halls again. Oh I got knocked up again by Coal but I returned the gesture.” The gold chakat gave a predatory grin before ceding the spot to Coal. Goldstrike raises hir eyebrows, This Coal was quite attractive.
“Hey love, been taking care of your biped mate and child, making sure shi's got enough food for two and all. I hope to have you back soon but Dallie and even Tamira have kept me company and our children have been relatively good. The restaurant is thriving, the owner is considering expanding. Well cya soon my love.” Shi breaks away and an obviously pregnant timberwolf appeared.
“Hey honey, your family...”
“OUR FAMILY.” Dallie interjects.
“Our family has been taking good care of me, too good if you ask me I hardly get out of bed when not at work. And the doctor reports the baby is fine. It's possibility digigrade too, she figure do to the fact your a chakat and your back legs are digigrade. You BETTER be here for it's birth. Cya then honey.” Each of hir kids and nieces had their own messages and caused Red to smile. But then there was Larsa. She did a separate message from the others and was as Red expected, holding little Jewel. “Red, As you can see little Jewel is growing bigger and is happy.” Tears start forming in her eyes. “She even called me mom and I didn't have the heart to correct her. I'm fifty five years old Red. I will live to see her get to adulthood but I'm afraid I can't really be there for her by that time. For my daughter's sake I want to be there for her but I don't know how. The only solace is the fact Dallie, you, and everyone else will be there for her no matter what. As much as I love your sister I always treasure your wisdom my friend and I hope to have a talk to you face to face.” The screen went black and Fish looked at Red's face and saw grim determination on it.
“You okay Red?”
“I will be. I'm gonna do some research.” Red got up and went to a private room and turned on a terminal.
Days later the Pegasus orbits another planet. This one heavily tropical but another possible bread basket. This time Vox fully understood he wasn't going so He Goldstrike, and Fish were trying out Red's Bowling program with Firestripe. Red was on Midnight's team this time for the commander wanted to be teamed up with hir and being in charge of security shi could. Red didn't mind and was hoping to have some fun exploring. After the transporter beam released them shi felt hot. It was humid here, Florida humid. Shi looks over to Midnight and comments. “I hate having fur AND a uniform in this kind of climate.” Midnight smiled and replied.
“Went not on duty I only wear a vest Forest gave me so I completely understand the sentiment.” The group spends hours looking at the various plants for edibility or medicinal purposes as well as a general survey of the land. When they heard a sound and Red and midnight sensed a presences the team ducked down. Red sense shi was the closest and not wanting the tricorder's sound to reveal hir presence shi took out a small binoculars to get a good look. One hundred yards away shi saw a biped figure. It had yellow black hair that was feathery like and it seem to have wings where the arms are supposed to be. They didn't look big enough to allow the being to fly but it did use them as arms as one held a spear. The being put one foot...no that a talon the being had bird like talons for feet on a rock The bring had more feathery hair just above the knee that divided the talon from the rest of the leg. It scanned away from Red's group before turning around and Red got a look on it's front side. It was completely naked and female from the looks. In this climate Red could understand the choice and wish shi could do the same. While hir chakat body had many perks the fur was a downside in hot and humid weather. As Red slowly scans down shi does see a pair of string holding a sword and a bag and scanning down farther shi had to make a correction. The being was a hermaphrodite not a female. Those were learly a cock and balls. The being had light brown sking except for the belley era and most of hir face which was tanish and the talon part of the leg was black. Red heard shuffling and got a whiff of Midnight's scent. Good thing they were upwind of the herm over there. “Red can you get into it's mind from here?” The black chakat asked in a whisper. Red looked back at the being and gave it a try. Shi got a connection, nodded to Midnight and dove in for information. For a few minutes shi experienced everything the being did as they were connected. Red made sure shi was passive using all the tricks Goldstrike has taught hir and getting the information they needed. Eventually they got out of range of the being and from a nod Red gave Midnight contacted Pegasus. “Midnight to Pegasus, we have sentient race here beam all teams up immediatley.'
<Understood.> Pegasus replied and the transporter grabbed them again.
At the next meeting Red got center stage as Boyce asked hir what shi got from the being. “They call themselves Paradisae. They are at the tech level of the Roman Empire and is nearly made up of herms with a few females. There are no males in their race I couldn't even find the meaning in hir mind for a male. It seems the females are treated similar to insect queens. They are usually live in a temple and are the goal of the standard Paradisae to become mates with. The Paradisae we encounter was doing a coming of age challenge.”
“Thank you Lt Redstreak. What about the planet itself?” That's when Commander M'Lai steps in.
“Sir our study shows the plants are edible there's nothing special about them except for looks. And the minerals are of a standard variety.”
“Alright then Starfleet will send a science team to study the natives. Next stop is Cait then we head for Earth. Red smiled at that, not only will shi be soon home but hir plan was closer to completion.
Days later Red was in hir quarters plying with Firestrip and Flameria when shi heard. <All Hands Yellow Alert!> Shi stood up and with a nod from Flameria shi raced to the nearest security center. Upon entering the center shi grabd the nearest phaser belt and asked the nearest person. “What's going on?”
“Sounds like the sensors were picking up more of those wacky readings so I guess they want to be ready this time.” Red nods and secures hir belt. A top can wait and shi waits for orders with the other security personnel. They all watch a veiwscreen mirroring the what the main veiwscreen is showing. Shi saw a black/bluish object blocking the stars. It just stay that way till something started to appear. Eventually a ship appeared spinning slowly. It had a saucer with a slanted neck attaching it too a oblong shaped engineering section with wing swept pylons attaching nacelles to the engineering section. And it looked familiar to hir.
“Sensors, what do you have on that ship?” Boyce asks.
“Well not reading any life signs on board. Energy signature is similar to our own. The design is similar to a cruiser we designed a century ago. I'm reading massive damage on her hull. She's been in a fight.”
“Any way to Identify her?”
“I am seeing some under some of the scoring. U.S.S. Firefox, NCC-1732.”
“Can we send an away team?”
“Yes sir she still has atmosphere.”
<Lt. Redstreak to bridge.>
“Bridge here Lieutenant.” Boyce answers.
<That ship is the Enterprise.>
“Um Sorry Red we've identified her as the Firefox not Enterprise.”
<HHHMMM....must be a sister ship. Sir do you see a United Federation of Planets somewhere?> Boyce looks over at sensors.
“Sir I do see that on the engineering hull.”
“Red you just volunteered to be part of the away team. Midnight assemble a security and a damage control team.”
The teams onto the bridge of the ship. Red lights flashed and a klaxon was blaring and the room was some like smoke. The bridge was circular with a single command chair with two station forward of it with the other station wrapping around the outer hull. The pair of engineers went to a couple of stations. “Commander looks like the crew was ordered to abandon ship.” One said.
“Anything that could harm us?”
“No commander we are all okay but I have found the ships logs just need some time to decode it.”
“Sir this ships impulse engines and thrusters are offline, nothing that can't be fixed. Give me a full engineering team we can be up and running in a few hours.”
“What about the ships tech? Is it like ours?” Midnight asks.
“Off hand I say very close to what we had a nearly a century ago. Position of a few things are different but recognizable.” Midnight nods and looks over the bridge. Everything on the ship seemed to be designed with bipeds in mind with chairs at nearly all stations.
“Midnight over here.” Shi hears Red say and moves to were the chakat was and asked.
“What is it?”
“Check this out.” The gold and red chakat thumbed a plaque. It was gold and with a delta like star with flames encompassing it was at the top and directly below it read.
U.S.S. Firefox
Constitution Class
Launch 2260
San Francisco Shipyards
“Let Freedom spread like flames.”
I guess this partially proves your theory, ever heard of a ship with this name in those shows you mentioned?” Red shook hir head.
“Nope but everything else is nearly right.” Midnight nods and hits hir commbadge.
“Team Two, how's engineering?”
<A bit of a mess but this ship's warp core is fine and stable.> Midnight then took Red and a the other security officer and look through out the ship just in case the Pegasus' sensors missed something. It was a bit hard since the ship proved time and time again to not be designed for taurs. The had to use the Jefferies tubes since the turbo lifts were just too cramp, heck the tubes were a little tight with a few funny moments for the two chakats. They find nothing but a few bodies humanoid in nature. With the ship secure Red and the others beam out leaving the engineers to repair the ship and gather clues.
Hours later the command staff was gathered in a conference room to go over the strange ship drifting nearby. Boyce looked over to his firstwife and commander M'Lai and asked. “So what did this ship reveal?” The Caitian smiled at her mate before beginning.
“Well from records we got and some help from Lt. Redstreak this ship is from another universe. This universe Earth is the core of a United Federation of Planets and intrumental in it's founding. They are much like us in stance but more military minded since in their universe they have other powers on par with them in strength while we really don't. That ship and her sisters represent the best of there tech at the time and does what Pegasus does here. As to how this ship got here I have some logs to view.” She then hits a few buttons and a holo projection starts. They see a human made in his early forties wearing a red uniform with a white strip over his right shoulder with a gold cross like emblem.
“Admiral's log September 9, 2285. With the critical repairs finished after our run in with Khan Noonieh Singh we and the Enterprise head home. This has to be the most melancholy trip home I've had in ages. Not only did we and the Enterprise take a beating but considering the Reliant was hijacked and with both ships just having cadets on board we did very well but with the bulk of the trainee crew reassigned the ship feels empty. But not as empty as the Enterprise. Spock's death have hurt us all. He was a good friend to me but almost family to Jim. He's got to be hurting and I feel helpless to help him. I only hope time can heal this wound.” The log ends and another starts up.
“Admiral's Log September 10, 2285. I thought nothing could beat Spock's death but the brass in there infinite wisdom are decommissioning the Enterprise AND the Firefox. I used what pull I have to delay the decommissioning of the Firefox. We have just lost Reliant and want both Enterprise and Firefox decommed as well? That's 2 heavy cruisers and a light cruiser down and some in brass agreed with me but in a couple of months She will be decomed. I think this is mainly do to 'The Great Experiment' that is the Excelsior. If it works it would render all Constitution class ships obsolete. The problem is we don't know if it will work but the brass has decreed and I've done all I can.” That log ends and a new vid appears showing the other ships bridge and a handful of officers manning the critical stations when one reported. “Sir I'm getting an increase in power readings coming from the Enterprise.” The officer goes over and asked.
“Is she losing antimatter containment?”
“No sir it's a control increase. Sir she is moving?” The officer in charge frown before hitting the comm.
“Yellow alert! Admiral to the bridge, Yellow Alert!” Some amber lights begin flashing when a comm comes in.
<Bridge, how in the heck do we have a yellow alert in Spacedock?>
“Sir someone is stealing the Enterprise.”
<Heading up.> In the few minutes the bridge was filled up as people took their posts. Then the admiral we saw in the logs shows up.
“Sir the Enterprise is heading for the nearest doors. No response to orders to surrender the ship, we and Excelsior have orders to pursue and the Excelsior is powering up.” Taking the center chair They see the admiral with a focus determine expression.
“Move about in a pursuit course.”
“They can't run far the doors aren't opening.” One of the officers said.
“Don't be to sure of that.” The recording showed the view that the viewscreen projected. They see blue walls with white lights and a off white starship moving backwards to a pair of large doors. The ship had battle scarring on it with signs of recent on site repairs. The ship looked like it was going to hit the doors when at the last minute they began to open. The ship leaves the station and turns to head out. Another ship appears on screen. It was far bigger than the fleeing ship but seemed to have the basic overall design but beefed up. They watch both ships leave the station an attempt to close in on the stolen ship. They here over the comm a voice say, <Kirk if you do this you will never it in a captain's chair again.> They watch the ship go to warp as an answer. They were ready to see the big ship jump to warp but after a minute the ship actually stops. Even the crew of the Firefox was confused. The Admiral hits a button on his chair and asks.
“Firefox to Excelsior are you alright?”
<Our trans warp drive has stalled and we have lost engine power. Go on Spacedock will send a tug to bring us back in.>
“Very well let's go to Warp.”
The video then change back to the admiral in an office. “Admiral's Log September 13 2285, We are still in pursuit of the Enterprise and as figured she's heading right for Genesis. Starfleet has sent out a warning about the Enterprise to the Grissom. There has been no response from her. Both me and Jim have sent Captain Estenban our complements but again no response. That's not like him.”
The video changed back to the bridge. The flight recorder showed it was the next day. The Admiral comes out of the turbolift And take the center chair again. “Report.”
“Sir we have droppede out of warp with the Enterprise Just ahead. We have seen no sign of the Grissom but the Enterprise did Report that they had a reading of a scout class vessel but it disappeared.”
“Sir should we engage the Enterprise?”
“Not right now, something is not right here. Helm get us parallel with the Enterprise. Communications open a channel with the Enterprise.” The next few minutes saw the sister ships fly together searching for the missing ship when The voice belong to this Admiral kirk said.
<There, that distortion.>
<It's getting bigger as we get closer.> Another voice responded.
<What could cause it?>
<An energy field?>
<One big enough to hide a ship?>
<A cloaking device.> They heard for admirals order their ships to red alert but neither raise shields figuring their opponents had to decloak to fire.
“Think it's romulan sir?” An officer asks.
“It's a good bet but can be klingons too, we'll know soon enough.”
“Sir two Klingon Birds of Prey decloaking!”
“Open Fire!” The screen show's a volley of red phaser fire hitting a green colored ship who's form was like a bird with it's wings in a down flap. A wing was sheered away and the other ship spined out of control and got bigger. “BRACE FOR IM..”The ship rocked as the other ship collided with it and it was engulfed in flames. In the bridge view they saw people stagger up with the flashing red lights being the main source of lighting. Coughing the admiral yelled up. “Damage report.”
“Sir shields are not coming up, looks like the generator was hit. Impulse engines and thrusters are also offline. Heavy casualties in rear of the saucer.”
“What's the condition of the Enterprise and the other bird of prey?”
“Enterprise got hit in the rear of the saucer, they're shields are down.”
“Sir I think their automation center was hit judge on where she was hit.” The bridge engineer interjected.
“So they be dead in the water.”
“Yes sir if there is only a handful on board.”
“And the bird of prey?”
“Significant damage but they are operational.”
“Can we shoot them?”
“No Enterprise is in our line of sight.” They then hear Kirk hail the other ship trying to get them to stand down. Their response was to kill a prisoner, that prisoner was Kirk's son. It sounded like Kirk was surrendering but it seems that this ship's admiral had another idea.
“Crap Kobyashi Maru, He's going to blow up the Enterprise. Can we maneuver out yet?”
“Sorry sir still a few minutes away.”
“We don't have that long.”
“Sorry sir we only have warp.”
“Which if we use we would slam right into the planet.” The Admiral hits a button and continue. “All Hands this is the Admiral. ABANDON SHIP. Use all shuttles and rear escape pods.” he looks over to one of the officers on the bridge. “Jake you will be in charge inform Starfleet of what has happened.”
“What about you sir?”
“Joining Jim down on the planet, now get going.” As the klaxon blared and the computer order abandon ship they see the crew use the shuttles and pods to escape. Then they watch the admiral be the last one to leave the bridge and head for the nearest transporter pad. He does some things at the console and heads for the pad. He pauses to take one last look at his ship and says.
“Not they way I would have like to be separated but you will be going down in a blaze of glory, thanks for everything.” He steps onto the pad and it activates.
The video ends and M'Lai concludes. The sister ship explodes. “Well after that the ships logs record it drifting some time before encounter some anomaly and ending up here.”
“So what's the plan.” Midnight asks.
“LT. Comm. Shortfall and her crew have repair the critical damage and Lt. Hampton will command the ship with a skeleton crew as we both head for Cait.”
Days later both ships are in orbit of Cait. The Firefox will be further repaired and studied here before being moved elsewhere for more in depth study. Red and hir family get shore leave and take it. Fish and Vox go out on their own, the pair have become inseparable and Red was very happy for them. Flameria took Goldstrike to check out the sites and Red got some alone time. Despite hir current body's needs shi need time to hirself at times. Shi was checking out the main market when shi found an interesting place. A small store claim to have special items. Curious shi checked it out. They had various items, potions, and lotions. One stood out It was in a white bottle. Shi picked it up to look at it curious when a voice asked. “See anything you like?” Red looks over and sees a female caitian.
“Just curious about this?”
“Ah that is one of the drugs from Amazonia, we got a shipment from Father's Love a while ago. This one is supposed to reverse aging a bit. But I don't think you need that shir.” Red Thought of Larsa and her sadness of not being there for Jewel. Biologically they maybe grandmother and granddaughter but in ever way it counts Larsa is Jewels mother.
“You sure this works?” Red asks.
“Oh yes, my great grandmother's co wife took it to see my sister married.” Red used hir talents and shi wasn't being scammed.
“Okay, I'll take a bottle.” After buying the bottles shi check out the rest of the market till it was time to return the ship.
After a few days the Pegasus leaves heading for Earth and Red was eager to reunite with hir other mates, Especially Alexis and their unborn baby. The trip was uneventful Red spending time with hir family, training hir telepathy with Goldstrike and hanging out with Boyce's family when shi wasn't doing hir shift on board.
Finally the Pegasus dock at Starbase one and said hir farewells to Boyce's family and was discharged. They beam down to the starport in New Minneapolis where Dallie waited for them. After the trade of hugs they head home. When they arrive Red immediately went to check hir mate Alexis. Shi found the wolf herm sitting in Red's office keeping up with the Double H's inventory, to Red's surprise the wolf herm was naked. When shi bunked here after the bombing shi at minimum shi wore a bikini and shi assumed that shi did the same when shi moved in after becoming Red's mate on Chakona. Red took a minute to appreciate Alexis' nude body and the obvious baby bump she had. Shi looked six months along even though shi was only 3 months along. They were closely monitoring the progress since this is the first ever known time a biped has carried a bady sired by a tuar. Though Red strictly said only the family's doctor was to do the job. This was a private family matter to hir and NO ONE was to mess with it. It was then that Alexis glanced hir way then looked back at the screen before looking back. “Red!” Even to this day Red was surprised how fast that pregnant wolf manage to go from the chair to hugging hir. “IT's SO good to see you love.”
“I can easy say the same, especially with you in just fur.” Alexis could see the predatory look in hir mate's eyes. Shi never thought shi actually look forward to it after the rape. But then this was Red, the chakat had cared for hir and came to love hir. And shi loved hir back.
“Well you sister's influence, the needing for more clothes that will fit our baby cause that. But I must say I never felt so free. It was like the clothes shackled me.”
“So I can expect to see you in all your glory for now on?”
“Well it's only fair since you allow me the same.” Red grinned and with hir tail shut the door. A sign to everyone else in the house that the two of them should be left alone. Red then stroked the swollen belly containing a miracle and kissed hir wolf mate which was returned passionately. Red slowly got them to the couch in the office and laid hirself on it so hir mate could be on top. Alexis wasted no time climbing on top of Red's lower torso and positioned hirself just above Red's aroused cock. Both herms take a moment to admire the form of the other before Alexis slowly takes Red's cock into hir. Red assists with hir handpaws and both groan in pleasure of their mating. Alexis rode hir taur mate, eyes closed in bliss and Red noticed hir mate's cock. The years since shi's been a chakat has gotten hir over some of hir limitations. While still heavily male biased shi didn't mind playing with a partner's cock. Shi stroked Alexis' cock making the wolf gasp. Alexis didn't last much after that and dual orgasmed and the emotional feedback cause Red to follow pumping hir seed into hir mate again. Eventually Alexis laid on Red in near coma from the pleasure overload of a duel orgasm, though Red made sure shi was on hir side as to not harm their child. Shi wraps hir handpaws around Alexis and the two doze off on the couch till supper time to which they moved their reunion into Red's room.
The next day was Coal's turn then to Red's surprise all four of hir mates got some time with hir. It was actually the first time Fish has been without Vox nearby but still enjoyable. Over the next week the living arrangements were established. As typical the chakats slept together and Red notice continuing interest of Coal towards Goldstrike but Goldstrike seemed hesitant a bit. Shi hope that would work out well. Fish and Vox obviously preferred their own room, though not official it was generally accepted by the family that they were mates. Red wasn't at all jealous but happy for Fish. Red gave her a family but Vox gave her someone to love and as much as Red has come to love her it was good she had an alternative. Heck it took hir a whole day to recover from the orgy. Flameria, Larsa, and Jewel slept with the chakats leaving Alexis and Tamira who form an interesting friendship. When not having private time with Red or a comate shi slept with Tamira. It seemed a good arrangement and it made the unicorn happy. But the situation still sadden Red, Tamira had no real choice but to be attracted to females and Alexis was a little female bias. Those stupid nanos that changed her from the mouse herm shi met at Double H to a unicorn female PROGRAMED to be a lesbian. All attempts to reprogram the nanos have failed. Shi plans to get together with Goldstrike and see if they can do something. If Tamira wants to be a lesbian if should be HER choice not forced on her. Though before that shi had one other thing to do.
During the middle of Wednesday Shi asked Larsa into hir room. “What's up Red?”
“Remember that message you sent me, worried about not being there for Jewel later in life?”
“Yes.” The elder foxtaur said sadly.
“Well I got this.” Red reveals the bottle shi got at Cait. “This can reverse your aging a bit so you can be there longer for not only Jewel but my sister to.” Larsa looked at the bottle, “You don't have to decide right away it's good for ever till you use it. Just make sure it's the right choice in your mind.” Unable to speak Larsa shows how much this means to her and hugs the chakat.
Larsa didn't immediately use it but kept it safe and locked away till she was ready. Red convinced both Goldstrike and Tamira to try to break the programing forced on her. The three of them went into room and the unicorn sat crosslegged and both chakats sat on their haunches and set their heads against hers and hold her head. What they did in there could not be described but they were at for hours before they finally emerge hungry. Thankfully Coal was ready for them and brought out meals.
“Well any luck sis?” Dallie asked. Red sighs and answers.
“I don't think so, at least not as far as I wanted to. But time will tell.”
“Well thanks for trying anyway Red.”
“Hey your family.” The unicorn just smiled at that, she long ago resigned herself to being considered family by them. And not a bad family to belong to, they understand her needs and allow her to express them. Heck this attempt they tried was to free her of her chains. They were worth serving in her eyes.
The average day goes on for months till a week before the big day. The doc at the last check up though it be a good idea to have some Chakat milk available. So shi approached Coal. “Hey Coal I want to have another baby.” The dark colored chakat smirked at hir mate responded.
“What Alexis' upcoming baby isn't enough?” Shi asked teasingly.
“Well the doc said we might need some chakat milk on standby and I figure why shop for it.”
“I like that think but my heat is still a ways away I'm in rut right now.”
“I know and I'm in HEAT right now.” Coal looked at Red in shock.
“Y-You mean you want to be a mother?”
“Yes, I thought I give it a try once and the timing couldn't be better.” Coal hugged Red and pushed hir into the nearest room, thankfully empty being Dallie's old room and shi is at work. It didn't take long for the two of them to go at it. Playing with eachother's breasts and kissing passionately. Red soon laid on the mattress and felt Coal set hirself on top of hir. Grapsing Red's breasts which red brought hir hands up to trap them their and groaned as shi felt Coal's cock slide in fir the first time without a condom. Quickly their tails wrap around eachother and the two chakats kiss passionately again as Coal slowly pumps in and out of hir mate. Time had no meaning to them only the love and pleasure they shared. Red was ceertainly loving it. Hir breasts caressed and hir nipples occasionaly pinched my hir first love as hir love's cock fills hir again and again. Shi even felt hir own cock go erect beneath hir sandwich between the mattress and hir body. Soon the both cum and Red felt the joy of being filled for the first time in hir life.
The rest of the next two days the rest of the family had to fend for themselves as the bulk of Red's and Coal's time was taken up with eachother. When the heat was over Red happily announced hir first pregnancy to the cheers of the house. As family arrived for Alexis' birthing party they had a lot to talk about, the first baby to be born of a biped sired by a taur was big news followed by Red's first pregnancy. Red finally got to meet Alexis's parents. Hir mother was a herm wolf to with dark grey fur and usual wolf patterns but shi did have lighter gray hair in hir fur showing shi was getting up there in years but hir body was still lean and strong. Hir father was a wolf male who's fur was a little more black than gray and clearly younger than his mate. Most morphs don't really show their age till they near 70 or 90 years and judging from Alexis' age she had to be late forties or early fifties. They first thanked hir for being there to support their daughter after the rape. They normally lived on one of the colony worlds and this was the first time they could return to Earth. Though hir father threaten that Red better be taking good care of his little girl. After appeasing him and a promise to see hir shi did ask about them. Turns out Alexis' father is hir mother's second mate. The first was murdered by Human First before their big coming out. Alexis' mother then worked hard to support Alexis' half siblings. Years later after the kids had moved out and Alexis' mother had free time shi started going out and met Alexis' father. Though young enough to be hir son the two got along well and in two years were mated and soon one was carrying Alexis. Shi showed them to Alexis room. Though their daughter would have loved to meet them at the door it became obvious why shi couldn't. Shi was stilling up on a bed watching TV still naked and not embarrassed but the first thing you noticed wasn't hir nudity. Hir belly was HUGE, it looked like shi was carrying triplets no one child (they checked there only one baby in there). The wolf herm looked over and saw hir parents. “MOM,DAD!” The two rushed over and an odd three way hug ensued.
“You're so big honey, are you okay? Any discomfort?” Hir mother asked.
“I feel bloated but more annoyed that they won't let me do anything.”
“Hey I was thinking ahead for your safety...and mine.” Red exclaims and looks at Alexis' father. “You don't have four legs like me to support our treasure.”
“Shi does have a point daughter.” Alexis' father states. Alexis sighs knowing both were right. Red left them to their small talk and rubbed hir own belly. Shi did have a noticeable bump in hir lower torso. Hir first baby, if when shi first became a chakat and someone said shi was going to be a mother one day shi would have laugh hir butt off. But here shi was pregnant for the first time and despite an increase of snacking, enjoying it. Shi met Alexis' half siblings as they met hir. The general consensus was that mating to Red did their little sister a lot of good and couldn't wait to see their niece.
Two days later the party to celebrate the birth of Red's and Alexis' baby. Being held about nine months after the confirmed pregnancy but no one knew if the baby would make an appearance. All of Alexis' family, all of Red's family that was nearby, and friends from Double H were in attendance. Red relented in letting Alexis out of hir room to chat with everyone. Red carried hir on hir back to a sofa in the living room. Red was also glad to see Dr. Calmwaves and hir chosen crew mingling about ready to jump in if needed. If was amusing watching Alexis' family. They all came clothed but seeing their daughter or little sister nude and seeing ¾ of the guests nude they seemed a bit uncomfortable, not to mention a couple of tented pants from them. Red had hir music playing in the background quiet enough for everyone to have conversations and while Alexis was the center of attention that didn't let Red go unnoticed. Family and friends also asked about hir pregnancy and got some jokes from them who know hir clear male bias. The party went late but Red called it to an end with hir child not making an appearance. Shi helped Alexis on hir back and head to bed with hir mate while everyone else settled on sleeping arrangements.
Two days later Red felt a shaking waking hir up. Rubbing hir eyes shi asked. “What is it?”
“Red, my water just broke.” Red stared at hir for a minute before hir eyes got wide and shi was fully awake. Shi shifted so that hir biped mate was supported by hir lower torso and telepathically sent out a call to wake everyone up. Chessboard was the first to arrive followed by Calmwaves. In minutes the room was filled with everyone in the house and Alexis groaned as the contractions hit. Both the midwife and the doctor had their tricorders out scanning.
“Okay everything is looking good this baby is coming so breath deep and push Alexis.” Chessboard says.The wolf herm cries out as shi tries. For minutes shi goes through this, all the chakats wincing at the pain they feel from hir. “Okay I see a head keep going.” With the loudest cry Alexis does hir final push and actually faints as hir baby comes out. Calmwaves checks hir and confirms shi's okay and gives something to wake hir up again as Chessboard handles the baby. Alexis wakes up and looks up to Red. Red looks down and says.
“You did good love, Chessboard has the baby.”
“And Shi's bringing hir to you.” The midwife interrupts and hands the baby over to Alexis you puts the baby to hir breast and the child begins feeding. The parents get their first look at a miracle. The drying fur was the same gold as Red's with a gray underbelly with a red outline. It was a shi with a clearly sheath and vagina and expect since both parents were herms. Shi had a small bit of blue hair on hir head. Hir muzzle was a wolfs as were hir ears but hir feet were digigrade while Alexis' was plantigrade and shi had a chakat like tail.
“Hey love did you have any digigrades in your family line?”
“Not that I know of, Mom?” Alexis answered weakly.
“I don't know of any either honey.” Hir mother answered.
“I guess shi got that from then then.” Red commented, Hir rear legs are digigrade and who knows how the nanos alter stuff. A yawn from Alexis showed shi needed rest, and who can blame hir. Both mother and daughter were asleep and poor red stuck as a pillow. The everyone leaves the couple and red kisses both hir mate and daughter before settling down and back to sleep hirself.
The next day Red to Alexis and hir new daughter they named Goldwolf to they hospital for a check up. Calmwaves met them and began a detail scan of little Goldwolf. Thankfully the baby was behaved but Red made sure to be in view and projected calm to hir daughter. After a few minutes Calmwaves gave a report. “Well little Goldwolf is a healthy child. My scan didn't reveal any abnormalities just a mixture of Wolf and Chakat DNA. I believe Redstreak is right about the digigrade feet for I did you at the genealogy of both families and as far as records show Alexis' family have all been plantigrade while all Chakats have a pair of digigrade.” The Chakat doctor looked seriously at Red. “There is also a strong possibility that Goldwolf will have some empathy but only time will tell keep an eye on it.”
“Yes ma'am.” Calmwaves smirked at the younger chakat. Shi been looking after hir since shi became a chakat and shi had an odd sense of humor sometimes. After that shi allowed the new family to head home.
In the ensuing months Red made sure to have an assignment close to home. Not only to be near Alexis and Goldwolf but also the fact shi was pregnant. Shi manage to get a position at the spaceport and was glad that the Star Corps. Is very accommodating concerning pregnant members and while shi performed hir job well shi did have the issue of some of the female and female biased herm staff cooing over hir pregnancy. It drove hir NUTS. But shi did manage to spend time with hir family and even brought hir daughter Sandrock with hir. While Red showed hir hir current work area and hir daughter did pay attention whenever some made a comment of hir following hir sire's footsteps Red felt anxiety. When back home Red asked hir to come into hir office. “Honey I noticed some anxiety today, is something wrong?” Sandrock shook hir head and Red frowned at Sandrock. “Sandrock you know better than to lie to me now what is wrong?” The chakat cub sighs and looks down.
“Daddy every time someone from your work went up to me they asked be if I was following in your footsteps. Dad I am not interested in security. I want to play chakker. But I didn't want to disappoint you.” Red signs and hugs Sandrock closer.
“While I am a bit disappointed I would be more disappointed if you didn't follow your dream to please me. All I ask is that whatever you choose to do with your life job wise is that you put 100% in. If you fail I would be proud of you for trying and we'll find something else. Now have you done anything towards chakker?”
“Played a few games with my friends.”
“That's a start, tomorrow we'll start looking for a little chakker team in the area.” The parent and child hug again.
Finally the final two months had arrive and Red was on maternity leave. Red was actually enjoying the feeling of carrying a child. Thanks to hir usual work out shi had an easier time carry hir child's weight than the average chakat but shi couldn't work out like shi usually did. And Sandrock was a happy little cub. They found a nearby team called the Robbinsdale Robins and tried out. Shi got accepted and already played their first couple of games. But shi did find one thing odd. All the players wore headbands and shi didn't see them with the adult game. Shi manage to approach the coach and ask. “Hey coach I was wondering why they all have headbands? I didn't see the adults have them when I saw a game on Chakona.” The elder chakat looks at hir and replies.
“It's to protect the little ones. Chakkar is such a emotionally involved game that many players create empathic bonds. Such bonds can have a huge effect on the chakats in question. Hence the term Chakkar baby, they are a result of their chakkar playing parents getting that bond and going all they way. We don't want the kids this young to have an empathic bond so the rules have them were those bands to prevent it till they are old enough.”
“Okay that makes sense, thank you coach.”
“It's always good that the parent knows as well. I hate to have a young one suffer because of ignorant parents.” Red also enjoyed hir time with hr daughter Goldwolf and Alexis, who remained nude in the house much to the enjoyment of Red. Even being pregnant didn't stop their fun but they made sure to wear condoms. Flameria took Firestripe on a camping trip to teach their child some of hir mother's foxtaur ways And Red hope they were having a good time.
AS the expected due date got closer everyone was preparing for the birth party. Polka, Clarissa, Starlight, and even with Tailswisher in tow arrived. Even Tami and Jali found their way to get here much to Flameria's and Red's delight. Flameria enjoyed showing them Firestripe to which they both were ecstatic at the sight much to Firestripe's despair and shi was clamored over by them. Red and Flamy learned that both of them had obligation kits since the couple left. Very not surprising that the old huntmates spent most of their time together since this was really the first time they have talked in years. Even the surprise of the arrival of Goldfur and some of hir family was not enough to break up the reunion, if anything they got swallowed into it.
Red was talking with Goldie when shi felt a sudden pain in hir lower torso. Goldie saw the twitch and nodded at Red with that knowing sign. Turning to the crowd the lion pattern chakat bellowed. “SHOWTIME FOLKS!” Everyone headed to the birthing room and Red laid down on the cushion nervous. This was hir very first time in the mother position Coal was quickly there and projected reassurance to hir as shi assume the father position. After going through another contraction Red looked around the room. Shi could clearly see hir mates and sister in the front. Alexis holding little Goldwolf. Chessboard was right there ready to get the baby and Red winced again and shi focused on bringing hir child into the world. The next thing shi knew shi heard a short cry and felt in hir head the hunger and need of hir new child. After cleaning hir up Chess gave the child to hir mother and the baby immediately went for hir right nipple and began to feed and Red felt contentment from hir daughter. Coal offered hir breast for the tired Red and the gold chakat eagerly drank from them as their daughter drank from hir's. When empty Coal removed hir breat and drank from Red's unused nipple so shi could start producing milk. The crowd slowly dispersed and wonder what the child be named. Red and Coal looked at their latest daughter with their other daughter Sandrock. Hir little sister had orange color fur but with a silver strip pattern much like Red's. The name was obvious to Red and the child was Silverstreak, Child of Redstreak and Coaldust.
Days later Red and Coal with the young Silverstreak were at the doctor's after Silverstreak got a check up. Dr. Lilypud came to the quick. “Shir's Redstreak and Coaldust, your Silverstreak is in excellent health for a newborn. However I did find this in hir scans. Shi activates a hologram and it showed a chakat outline with many blinking spots. Red has seen this diagram before.
“Silverstreak has nanos.” Red stated and the doctor nodded.
“Yes and they match your own. We can assume thatg any child YOU carry will have them and likely they will have the same traits you do of regen and telepathy. But shi and you are both fine and I don't see any real danger from this just that you have an added thing to consider when you Shir Redstreak decide to be the mother.” Red looked down at hir daughter with great concern for hir future.
“It will be okay Red.” But Red looked back at hir with deep sadness and fear.
“But we don't even know what these nanos have done or will do to me!” Red looks back at Silverstreak. “What have I done to hir?”
“You gave hir life. Nanos or not you and I gave hir life. Now like you shi will have differences to overcome. But shi has you, shi has me and the rest of our family. WE will be okay.” Red looked at hir mate flabbergasted.
“I'm the older one, I should be the one with wisdom yet here you are with the wisdom.” Coal smiled and replied.
“Well someone had to knock you of that perch from time to time.” They both leave the office, Red looking down at hir daughter. Hir first ever that shi carried. And silently promised Silverstreak that shi will do hir best to help in the time to come.
Chapter 3 - Chapter 3 |
Shadow was finishing hir latest work when hir daughter Shadowstripe came in. “MOMMY!” Shadow turned and extended hir arms as hir cub leaped into hir arms. Shadowstripe was the child shi had with Val. Hir form was feline like hir sire but hir fur was black except for the red stripes on hir back and tail and hir lovely red hair. The two hugged when shi heard Goldmine come in.
“Sorry dad I tried to keep hir away.”
“It's okay Goldmine I just got done.” Shi got up still holding hir daughter and walked out of hir office and rubbed hir foxtaur daughter. Shi then played with hir three daughters, Ruby was still in the main room playing with hir toys. Shi was almost a reverse twin to Shadowstripe except shi had hir mother's tail. Shi loved all three of hir children dearly. They were a sign of hir own life, not Chris's. Shi got to work on dinner as Yoshiru came home.
“That smells good love.” Early on it came apparent that Shadow was the best at cooking among the three of them. Yoshiru greeted the children as Val enter looking tired. Shi adjusted hir schedule so shi could be at dinner. It seemed today was a tiring day for the tiger. Yoshiru helped stripped and massaged the tiger. Shadow smiled at this. Their three way union started on some what shaky grounds. Val was interested in Shadow but thought out of reach when Shadow mated Yoshiru. But in the years since they married they have gotten along well. Shadow glanced at the ring shi wore that symbol of hir marriage to Val. Yoshiru had one as well and she wore it all the time. That's quite an admission since both foxes were avid nudists. But Val appreciated the seriousness hir loves took the marriage. They were a happy family.
However as with everything happiness is not eternal. Yoshiru came home from work with a serious expression. Shadow noticed this and went from the kitchen to hir mate. “What's wrong love?” Yoshiru looked over and sighed before answering.
“Remember the massive fire that happened last fall?” Shadow nodded. A massive fire started late last fall. Shi was very glad Yoshiru was off that day. “Well the forest is still recovering so many trail areas are off limits till they heal thus they don't need as many trail guides so they laid me off.”
“Oh honey that's horrible.”
“Yes, they hated doing it they said but it be years before they can do tours there. They gave me a good severance pay and when the area is good again they want to hire me back then.” Shadow just hugged hir mate and wife till they smelled burning to which Shadow rushed back to the kitchen. They had to order pizza that night.
Yoshiru spent the next couple weeks looking for a new job. She did play with the children and she loved them all even if only one was her daughter. The other two called her Mommy Yoshiru while her daughter called Val as Mommy Val. But she was concerned, her search for a new job was not going well. Most places that need er skills require her to permanently move to that location. She certainly didn't want to flip burgers, she had a family to support. Then she looked at the Star Corps. She read their website and became more intrigued by it. That night at dinner she told her mates her plans to join the Star Corps.
“But you left Starfleet because it wasn't as filling as me with me?”
“Very true but I have a family to care for and this is the best prospect till the park is healed. Any other place requires me to move and Val can't leave her jo and there's no Double H near them.” Shadow then hugged her.
“When do you leave?”
“In a couple of days.” They continued dinner after that and that night Shadow and Yoshiru had an intense love making, When the day came Shadow drove Yoshiru to the Spaceport and hugged and kissed her one last time before Yoshiru went to her ship.
The cruise went well as several more and she felt she was again earning her keep for the family again. Her homecomings and send outs were always energetic with BOTH of her mates. Val was a good lover and like Shadow made sure to make love in a lesbian way with her most of the time. Then there's always the threesomes they did. Shi though of her last bout with her mates as the ships doctor did a physical. “Do I have to spray you with a hose?” Yoshiru had the decency to blush a bit.
“Sorry doc just remembering my time with my mates.”
“Lucky girl, but it's hard to concentrate while fighting off an erection.” Doctor Springstep commented.
“Well I could help with that doc, a more in depth physical.” The chakat doctor smirk.
“That be nice but your profile says your a lesbian so a bit surprised at the offer.”
“My mates are both herms so I have learned to deal with a dick. Just a well built dildo in my opinion.”
'Well more than that lieutenant. You're pregnant, a couple weeks along.”
“Shadow strikes again. I better let them know, anything else.”
“Nope a healthy and horny pregnant foxtaur. So you serious about that physical?”
“Yes, come late tonight.” And Yoshiru left.
Yoshiru turned on the comm and paid for a real time call to home. The screen changes to a a familiar black furred fox.
<Hey love, this is a surprise.> Shadow said to hir mate.
“Well I had to share the news I just got. I'm pregnant again love.”
<OOOHHHHH! Another kid. I can't wait. We'll have a big party for your return.>
“Sounds good, so how are things at home?”
<Same old same old. The kids being kids. Shadowstripe flushed Goldmine's favorite brush.> Yoshiru just shook her head at that and smiled. Unfortunately she had to end it after that but she felt good from the call when the door chimed.
“Enter.” he door opened to Springstep.
“Good timing. I just got off with my family.”
“And how did they take the news?”
“Shadow was ecstatic at siring another kit and I bet Val will be happy as well. I'm glad I took this job. We're going to need the money.”
“And you will provide, just as your mates do. Now for some cheering up.” Springstep groped Yoshiru's breast and that started a night of passion.
Yoshiru shifted her saddle bag, her bloated belly causing some difficultly. Her second child growing in her belly made her smile. She walked onto the shuttle to carry her home. After greeting the pilot she took a seat and watched as the shuttle lifted off and head down to Earth. She always loved the view from space, part of the reason she had joined the Starfleet to begin with but now that little planet held her greatest treasures making the site all the prettier.
Shadow was in the kitchen making a grand dinner for the return of Yoshiru and to celebrate the child she carries. Val went to pick her up from the spaceport. The kids were playing in the living room or watching tv. With the bulk of the prep done shi just needed to let the ham cook when shi looked at the clock. 6:00 pm, they should have been back by now. Frowning shi took hir comm out and tried to call Val. It rang for a couple minutes with no answer. Now shi was worried. Shi called Yoshiru and shi got the same result. Now shi was REALLY worried. Shi walked into the living room where Goldmine was watching TV. Instead of the usual cartoon it showed live action with e the title BREAKING NEWS! BOMBING AT METROCITY SPACEPORT! Shadow stood there in shock. 'UH NO!' Shi thought as shi read on. The bombing happened an hour ago and many were dead and the injured taken to Downtown Metro Hospital. Shadow then commed Bluesky. <Shadow! Have you seen the news?>
“YES! And Val was there to pick up Yoshiru. I have to go and see could you come and watch the kids?”
<Of course. I'm on my way.> Shadow nervously waited. Trying to call hir mates again and again, with no success. Bluesky arrived and Shadow raced out and drove to the hospital.
When shi got there shi saw many ambulances coming and going dropping off the wounded. Shi rushed in and went to the desk and asked. “Do you have a foxtaur female named Yoshiru Phoenix and an Amur Tiger herm named Valdena Phoenix?” The receptionist looked at her screen for a bit.
“Yes we do have them. I detective Faradin wanted to meet with their family. I am summoning him now. Please wait for a minute.” Frowning Shadow had no choice to comply. It was then Shadow noticed shi was only wearing the apron shi was cooking with. So everyone had a view of hir behind. Shi didn't care, hir pussy and cock were covered so not a blatant rule violation. Finally a cat morph in a ruffled suit approached hir.
“Shadow Phoenix?” Shi nodded. “Come with me please.” Shi did and he took them to an elevator. And took them down. “Shir Phoenix do you know why your mates were here?”
“Yes Yoshiru had just got back from a tour on the Star Corps ship and Val was to pick her up and bring her home.” He nodded to hir reply. The elevator stopped and opened, and Shadow did not like what shi saw. Row of stasis tubes lined the walls and the cat morph directed hir to the right side and he opened two of the tubes. There shi saw Val and Yoshiru almost looking like they were sleeping. But they had burn marks all over their body.
“The docs said they the concussion of the explosion killed them. They died instantly so they didn't suffer.” Shadow went to Val. Shi petted hir dead mate's hair for a minute before kissing hir one last time in the mouth before going to Yoshiru. Shi slightly smiled at hir first mate and petted her hair as well before also kissing her to. Then shi moved down and nestled the bloated belly containing hir now dead child.
“I would have loved to me you my child.' Shi then kissed the belly before looking back at the cat.
Faradin hated this part of the job. Telling someone their love ones were dead. It appeared that the strange black fox was done saying hir goodbyes. Shi turned to look at him and what he saw stay with him for the rest of his days. ANGER, and anger so great it could not be measured. The monsters responsible for this were death if shi got to htem and they better hope it was quick. He swore it seemed hir gold eyes glowed. “You find those responsible for this detective. Find them and show them NO MERCY. I want them DEAD! When you're done with the bodies I want them released to me.”
“Of course Shir Phoenix. I'll try t get them released as soon as possible.” Shi nodded and left.
Shi left the hospital and got into hir PTV and ordered it home. Shi looked down but didn't really see anything through the trip. Shi walked through the door and Bluesky went to hir. “Val and Yoshiru?” Shi asked.
“Dead, they're dead.” The dam finally broke and shi sobbed while Blue hugged and sobbed with hir. It took few minutes before Shadow had the courage to tell hir children that two of their three parents were dead. It will take a while for most of the kids to understand this fact and will mourn as well.
Late that night Shadow made sure the children were asleep and went to hir bedroom. A room that shi would sleep in alone with hir mates death. Shi went into the darkened room and finally realizing shi still wearing the apron shi wore when shi was cooking. Bluesky served the meal but it held none of the joy it was supposed to have. Shadow took it off with disgust and walked to the bed when shi noticed a form lying on it. It was a taur and for a minute shi thought it was Yoshiru then shi noticed the tail and scent. It was Bluesky. “It was late and I figure you shouldn't be alone eight now.” Shadow's response was to lay on the bed next to the chakat, too tired from the events and the losses today. Bluesky then hugged the smaller fox and both fell asleep, Shadow unknowingly crying and as shi fell asleep Val and Yoshiru waited for hir.
A couple weeks past and Bluesky has been with hir the whole time helping with the kids. Hir job gave hir a leave of absence. Shi had mixed feelings about that, on one hand hir work could have made hir forget a bit about what happened but on the other time shi had so many breakdowns shi probably wouldn't get much done. If it weren't for Bluesky and the kids shi had nothing to live for. Days earlier the authorities released the bodies of hir mates and they were being buried today. Shadow picked a nice tree not far from the house on the property. Yoshiru's mother had come and hugged Shadow and the grand kids. She and Shadow met a few times before and got on well and Shi adored the grand kids. Shi came as soon as the news went out. She was still a beautiful red foxtaur and she offered an invitation to her village to meet hir mate and they family they had and strongly considered Shadow a inherent part of the family. Shadow said shi'll think about it.
The big surprise was the arrival of Val's parents and sister. They showed up a couple days earlier. Shadow was quite shocked to see them considering how Val described them. The parents looked at hir and formed a slight frown while Val's sister looked at hir with an appraising glance, probably due to hir nudity. "Was this the home of Valdena Kirvoduna?" One of them asked.
"The home of Valdena Phoenix yes. Who asks?" The older tigers looked at eachother in surprise and Shadow thought shi saw a smirk from the younger tiger. The two tigers looked at Shadow again and noticed the ring on hir finger. It wasn't the typical wedding ring being a bland solid gold band but instead it had three gems with gold twinging around them. Val suggested it signify their three way union. "We are hir parents." One of them finally answered. "I am Ivanva Kirvoduna, my wife Lyska Kirvoduna and our daughter Mary Kirvoduna."
"Shadow Phoenix, please come in." Shi step aside and the trio cautiously walked in. Shi offered them seats and went to get freshments. Handing them drinks Shadow said. "I admit I'm surprised to see you. Val and you parted on bad terms from what shi told me."
"If shi'd only.." Ivanova started but hir wife's hand covered hir's and shi quieted. Obviously an old argument. Lyska answered.
“We disagreed with our daughter's views but shi was a good daughter and we owe hir to be at the funeral.” Shadow nodded and left the room then returned with three children.
“Kids, this is your grandparents Ivanova and Lyska and that next to them is your aunt Mary.” The three raced to the tigers and began sniffing them while the older parents looked at Shadow in puzzlement. “Me and Val both sired one and I sired one with our foxtaur mate.”
“What about that ring/” Mary asked.
“Val wanted to be married so the three of us exchanged vows and we were legally married.” The now grandparents thought on that as they played with the children.
Finally the time came for the funeral. Two caskets laid next to eachother one a bit larger since it held a taur body just above the graves made for them. Behind them were their tombstones. One said:
Valdena Kirvoduna Phoenix
born 2314 died 2338
the second said:
Yoshiru Lennera Phoenix
born 2318 died 2338
Baby Phoenix
died 2338
Forever to be together
Shadow was crying again hugging hir kids who cried with hir. Shi was bracketed by Val's family on one side and Yoshiru's mother on the other. Next to Yoshiru's mother was Bluesky and the rest were their friends from Double H or work. To Shadow's surprise Summerbreeze and hir family were present with Lecian in tow. They have been a great comfort to Shadow. The pastor (the one who married them) said over saw the funeral preaching words of comfort but they didn't comfort Shadow. Hir mates were murdered because of the racism that some foolish humans had against furs. Shi can not hate all of humanity. Chris showed hir that but shi HATED the Human First group. Shi wanted them destroyed completely and utterly. Finally the pastor finished the service and everyone headed to the wake with Shadow kissing the coffins before they are forever interred into the ground.
Shadow awoke late at night with hir bladder calling. Shi moved a foreleg and got up to head for the bathroom. Shi relieved hirself and headed back to the bedroom and paused to look at the form lying in hir bed. It has been a year since Val and Yoshiru had died but hir bed has rarely been vacant since. Bluesky has been hir constant bed companion the whole time. Shi has been a big help caring for the kids and getting through the lost. Shi didn't think shi will ever completely heal from their loss but but shi has good healing agents. Bluesky, Double H, Yoshiru's mother Kera, Summer and hir family and to hir surprise the Kirvodunas. It seems Shadow and more likely the grand kids soften them a bit. But also maybe the fact that their daughter was death without the chance to clear the air nd want to make amends. Shadow didn't care, they were family and the seem to accept that now. The only good thing to come out of this. Shi frowned at the sleeping frm. Bluesky had put hir life on hold for Shadow. It's time shi returned to it. Shadow then yawned. Return to it tomorrow. Shi laid next to the chakat and return to sleep.
The next day Shadow had a friend of theirs take the kids so shi could have a private talk with Bluesky. Shi set dinner and both sat. Bluesky started first. “Okay you have that look and I sense a determination with you so what's up?”
“Bluesky, you have been helping me since that day we lost good friends. I appreciate that very much. But you have a life to live. Shouldn't you get back to it? I think I can handle it from here, but I don't want to drag you down.”
“But you don't drag me down. Shadow I have been here of my own choice. Val and Yoshiru were my friends. I knew Val quite a few years before you did. I help bring you two together. I have always adored the kids and the past year I have come to love them.” Shi paused and looked seriously at Shadow. “Just as I have come to love you. I haven't said anything in respect to my friends but since you brought this up I'm letting it all out.” Shadow was takrn aback by the admission. While Bluesky was here they haven't been intimate just cuddling when sleeping. Shi always went out to relieve hir Chakat needs. And though Shadow has a strong libido shi doesn't have a heat or rut and since the bombing shi hasn't been in the mood.
“I....I was not prepared for this. I need time to think on this.”
“Of course, let's finish dinner and I will go out and leave you to think.” The finished dinner chatting about other things and then Bluesky left and Shadow walked around thinking. Shi has always thought of Bluesky as a friend and never nothing more. Shi was happy with Yoshiru and Val so never looked beyond them. Around and around hir thoughts went till late at night as shi walked back into the house. At a glance shi sees a picture. Shi goes over and picks it up. It was taken two years ago and it showed Hir, Val, Yoshiru, and Bluesky at a park with the kids. They were so happy, un aware of the tragedy to fall. Shi looked at Bluesky in the picture with new light. The Chakat was well named with hir blue/ light blue combo fur. Hir green eyes contained mischief and hir green hair contained in a braided pony tail was usually over hir left shoulder. Shi never realized how attractive shi was. Then shi looked at the images of hir dead mates. How would they feel about this? Shi then looked at the ring they shared. Shi then heard them in hir mind. 'You are being an idiot Shadow.' heard Yoshiru say. 'Here's someone willing to share your life with them and them to share theirs with you. Don't my memory how you back.' Then shi heard Val.
'I made a mistake of not telling you how I felt about you. It had to be my worst mistake. Don't make it to. We are gone now. Don't die with us. Live for us.' Shadow looks at the ring again and smiled. Wether it was a part of hir mind or hir love ones from beyond the grave leaving a parting message shi got it. Shi turned on the comm and called Bluesky. Shi heard a wearily yes from the comm.
“Bluesky I need the presence of my latest mate if I'm going to get any sleep tonight.”
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Chapter 4 - Chapter 4 |
The next day Luke woke up and stretched and yawned. He felt a little more in tuned with this body and the therapy help. While defiantly not graceful yet at least he didn't have to use the walk as a crutch...much anyway. Walking into the dining room he spots his roommates eating breakfast.
"Sorry for disappearing like that. The sessions took a lot out of me.”
"That's okay Luke we understand. You hungry?” Coaldust replies. Luke nods and Coaldust gets up. "I'll make another serving go have a seat.” Luke does as shi asked and Medallion asks.
"So did you sleep well?”
"As can be expected. At least no real nightmares anyway.” Their conversation is interrupted when Commander Antilles called and ask Luke for his parents names. He gives them along with his mothers maiden name. Bidding them a good day he ends the call just ask Coaldust finishes Luke breakfast and the trio eat with some small talk.
Over the next couple of weeks a routine forms. Everyday Breaks-A-Leg arrives for Luke physical therapy as Medallion shows him how to use modern technology. Once a week Dr. Whitetail came to help Luke adjust mentally to his change. They did have a meet where Luke went over to what happened on his end to the incident in the lab and general history of the time. A week later Antilles came to the house for a meeting. "Well Mr. Harter we have come to the conclusion that you aren't from our history rather from a parallel Earth. We found your mother through her maiden name. She was killed in Operation Desert Storm when she threw herself on a grenade. She received the Medal of Honor for that. We did find mentions of your father's family but they were killed during the Gene Wars.”
"So I have no family at all?”
"I'm sorry Mr. Harter that I don't have better news on that front. The scientists are still trying to find a way to get your body back and send you home. I thought you deserve to hear that in person.”
"Thank you commander.” He nods and leaves and the chakats sense Luke's deep sadness and use their talents to soothe him.
"Luke I can call Dr. Whitetail if you need me to.” Medallion states. Luke shakes his head and replies. "I just need to be alone right now.”
"Well call us if you need anything.” He nods wordlessly and retreats to his room and sobs for the lost of his family. His mother was an only child so both sides don't exist anymore.
The chakats feel his mourning and felt helpless to fix it.
The next week Luke had to deal with his first rut. Thankfully in his mind this made him only really horny and managed to take care of it himself. Coaldust meanwhile search around for an item shi thought might cheer Luke up. After a week of looking shi found it and ordered it. When it arrived shi wrapped it up and presented it to him that evening. "What's this?” He asked. Coal grinned and replied.
"Open it and find out.” He started unwrapping it and found a blue cloth like material with a white star on it held together with a white rope. Untying the rope he unravels it more to reveal the old Stars and Stripes. Luke looks at Coal with and unsaid question.
"It took me some time to find someone who makes and sells old flags and luckily he had one in storage. I thought with the news you got recently that you needed a tie to your past.”
"Thank you Coaldust.”
"You're welcome now lets get this up in your room.” The old American flag took up one wall but it looked great there and the chakats felt some happiness from the transformed human.
A few days later Luke was in a session with Whitetail and Medallion was going over the stores inventories. While still on leave shi tries to stay up to date for shi will eventually return to hir job. Hir studies are interrupted by the comm. Shi walks over to the vid screen and answers. Shi sees hir older sister Crisscross, named for hir unusual patterned stripes.
"Hey sis, hope your ready for Friday?”
"Hey Cross but what's on for Friday?” Cross snorts and replies.
"Why the birthing party of course!” Medallion puts hir hand on hir forehead and leans back.
"Drat I completely forgot.”
"HOW CAN YOU FORGET MY BIRTHTHING PARTY!” Medallion then explains Luke's situation. Crisscross is normally on a cargoship as hir career and has been out of contact range for hir to know about it. "The poor dear!” Cross finally says after hearing everything. "No wonder you would be preoccupied, but now we have a new issue then. The party can't be changed this late.”
"I'll talk with Luke on it and let you know.” The two sisters then had some small talk to catch up a bit before ending the call.
A couple of hours later Whitetail and Luke emerge from his room and see the deer out. Medallion noted he was getting better at walking and he has full control of his tail now. "Hey Luke we have something to discuss.”
"What's up?”
"Your situation made me forget something important and sadly will leave you ill prepared. My sister is coming here to have her birthing party because shi's usually on a freighter which isn't a proper place and my parent's place is being renovated so my place was the only one available for it.”
"What does this all entail?”
"Well my sister will be here soon to be followed by family and friends invited to witness the birth of hir daughter.”
"What! You mean you know then a child will be born and you don't do it in a hospital?”
"Yes we were design to have a good idea when our children will be born give or take a few days and we were design to have an easy birth so we prefer doing it at a home with a midwife and family.”
"So there's going to be tons of people here?”
"Yes, is that going to be a problem?”
"Not sure, I'm going to try but please explain our situation and I may need to hide if it gets too much.”
"Of course, you can retreat to your room. However while some won't be staying the night a lot will so you will need to share.”
"Only if it's you and Coaldust I don't think I can handle anyone else right now.”
The next day Crisscross arrived with hir mate a male cattaur named Max Swatcat. Shi hugs hir sister and Coaldust before looking at Luke. "My you are a dead ringer for my sister. My name's Crisscross child of Fireblaze and Sunspot.” Shi holds out hir hand. Luke Gladly shakes it.
"Luke Harter.” Cross then moves to let hir mate see Luke.
"Luke this is my mate Max Swatcat.”
"Swatcat? I remember my mom talking about an old cartoon with that name.”
"My family has a long line of cartoon fanatics.” Max rolls his eyes and Luke chuckles. They spent most of the day talking and Luke got to know his roommates sister and brother-in-law as they got to know him. Luke also called Breaks-A-Leg to cancel their session the next couple of days. When shi asked why he explained. "Congrats for hir sister, well see you later.” Later that day Luke asks Coaldust.
"Why do you refer to siblings as sisters considering your...um gender?”
"Well since outwardly we look female we took those titles for siblings and children.”
"Ah, makes sense.”
Eventually Friday came around and the first to arrive was Fireblaze and Sunspot. Fireblaze had orange fur on hir front going steadily darker until it goes dark red on her hindquarters and shi had blond hair to top it all off. Sunspot meanwhile was all tan except for hir breast area where shi had a black spot with an orange outline around it and red hair. The two parents quickly hug their daughters then look at Luke. "So this is our new daughter.” Sunspot opens hir arms for a hug and Luke backs off. Sunspot frowns and Medallion whispers into hir ear. Sunspot nods and drops the hug pose and extends hir hand for a shake. "My apology Luke, As far as me and Fire are concerned you are our daughter and we want to support you.” He takes hir hand and replies.
"Apology accepted though pleased don't call me your daughter. I appreciate the gesture but I'm not ready for that.”
"Okay but I hope one day you might.”
"I do have a question though. Crisscross is your daughter yet she looks nothing like the two of you?”
"That's the wackiness of our kind, the fur pattern can be completely random. While some can look related to their parents like Medallion, others can be completely different.”
"Weird but fascinating Sunspot.”
As the day wore on Luke got to meet Medallion's friends and relatives. And they being feline in nature were curious about him as well. Eventually he felt overwhelmed and started heading for his room. Coaldust sees him and intercepts him. "Too much?” He nods. "Okay, you want me to get you when shi gets contractions?”
"Yeah, I'm still interested in that.” Coal let continue on to his room. The party continued until Cross yelped as shi experienced hir first contraction. Everybody starts heading to the room designated for the birthing and Coal grabs Luke.
"Oh Luke there's one thing you have to do.”
"And what's that?” Instead of answering verbally Coaldust instead grabs the bottom of his shirt and before he could act lift it off leaving him topless. "WHAT was that for!?” Coaldust smirks at him admiring the view though she sees it regularly with Medallion there was something different with Luke's. Shi didn't know what since they were Medallion's but there was something.
"We have a custom to be naked when a child is born to value the innocents shi has and the security of milk.”
"Do I have to?” Coaldust gets up right to him nose to nose.
"You're enjoying this aren't you?” Coaldust just grins. Sigh Luke continues on but with his arms crossed to cover his breasts and they walk into the room. Crisscross laid on a large cushion with Max supporting hir. A black and white patterned chakat was by Crisscross's nether region.
"That's Chessboard the clans midwife.” Luke nods in understanding. Now while Crisscrosses labor wasn't a simple pop out baby it did seem much easier then when his niece was born. Max proudly displayed his daughter to everyone then he drank from Crisscrosses breasts then another chakat with black fur with a crescent moon in bright yellow caressing hir left breast. "That's Yellowmoon a shipmate of theirs and has agreed to help feed the daughter since Max is a male.” Luke gave Coaldust a confused look. "Chakat babies need a certain chemical that's only in chakat milk. While Crisscross can handle that alone but with the freighter schedule it would be easier to have another chakat nursing as well.” The group was breaking up to resume the party and Luke grabs his shirt and puts it back on and returns to his room. He spent some time on the internet learning a bit more about this new Earth before deciding to head for bed. About a half an hour Luke was still trying to sleep when Medallion and Coaldust entered the room. Now normally they would have a little sex but they didn't think Luke would be comfortable with that yet. So they just cuddled with him and falling asleep right away. Luke quickly joins them in dreamland.
The next morning Luke woke up sandwiched between two chakats. He slowly disentangles himself from the two of them who actually have smiles on their face. He stretched and felt more rested today then he has since he arrived. He then sneaks out of the room and heads to the kitchen and starts making a breakfast for everyone. In a half an hour the smells of cook food wakes a handful of the guests and of course Medallion and Coaldust. Coaldust gets to him first and gives him a questioning look. "I may be still going through therapy but my hands work fine, and I may not be a restaurant cook but I can do eggs bacon and french toast well.”
"Well, need a hand for you are feeding a few guests and your not use to taurs appetites?”
"Sure I just thought I'd help a bit.” Coaldust gets close to him and lick kisses his muzzle and replies.
"I appreciate it. It's nice to have help every one and a while.” Luke blushes and Coaldust heads over to get started. Breakfast was soon served as some of the guest waked those still sleeping for breakfast. Luke sat down with a plate full of blueberry French toast. Licking his lips he pours syrup on it and takes a bite. His look immediately turned sour and he did a hard swallow and had a drink of chocolate milk.
"What's wrong Luke?” Medallion asks.
"The blueberry tasted awful, but it made as I always did.”
"I never liked blueberry Luke. You've got my taste buds remember.” Luke sighs and his features droop. He then lifts his plate and asks.
"Anyone want some blueberry french toast?”
"I'll take them.” Max replies. As the plate is passed down another plate carried by Coaldust hands him a plate of plain french toast.
"I know Dallie loves these so have a bite.” Shi says as shi rubs his back. He takes a bite and a smile soon appears on his muzzle as the fork hasn't even left his mouth. The rest of the breakfast went well with them complementing Luke's cooking then they headed back to their homes or work. Max, Cross, Yellowmoon, and Cross's baby were the last to leave as their freighter was due to leave late afternoon. Shi surprises Luke by hugging him and says.
"Welcome to the family.” Then hir family leaves, leaving a perplexed Luke behind. Looking at Medallion and Coaldust he asks.
"Why do they think I'm family? I'm nothing but a human stuck in a clone of your body. I'm a fraud.” Medallion takes his hand as Coaldust hugs him.
"That's not true! You're a genuine caring being going through a lot. And when you get your body back you would still be considered family. To a chakat, the bigger the family the better and it doesn't matter where that member came from or looks like.” Shi then joins Coaldust in hir hug and the three stayed that way for a while.
The next week Luke gets a change of routine. Coaldust walks up to him. "We're going out to get you some new shirts.”
"What's wrong with what I'm wearing?” Coaldust rolls hir eyes.
"You've been wearing it for weeks and I can see your fur through it in some areas.” Coaldust grabs his arm and starts dragging him to the garage. "We're going shopping and you're going to like it!” Luke gives Medallion the universal 'help me!' look. Medallion just grins and waves.
"Have a good time you two!” Shi says as the pair head out the door still grinning.
Coaldust took them to a nearby mall. Getting out of the PTV Luke does ask. "I'll only get a couple of things since you're paying.” Coaldust grins and shakes hir head.
"Nope you are.”
"How!? I don't even have the clothes on my back.” Coaldust can't help grinning as shi hands him a package. He opens it up to see a card with his name and Medallions image a card that looked like a credit card and a letter saying the card is his new account so he can live and the amount. Luke looks up to Coaldust with the 'deer in the headlights look' cause Coaldust to start laughing. After five minutes Coaldust calms down enough for them to get started. Shi starts directing them to an obviously female oriented shop. Stopping them Luke shakes his head.
"No way, I'm not stepping in there!”
"Why? They have great stuff.”
"Well you're half a girl.”
"DON'T GO THERE COALDUST!” Coaldust relents and instead head for a Target store. There Luke bought many T-shirts for him to wear as well as A light and heavy jackets for fall and winter. As the head over to the electronic section Luke pauses when he notices the most tricked out keyboard he's ever seen. Stopping he looks it over with a sense of awe. Coaldust stops and heads over.
"I take it you have a thing for keyboards?” Luke nods and replies.
"It's a hobby of mine when I'm not working.”
"Well then get it. You have the money.” Needing no further encouragement he does and they leave the store. "So where to next?” Coaldust asks.
"Well I like to do something to my hair so I'm less like Medallion.”
"I've got just the place.” Walking further down the mall till the stop in front of a hairstylist store called 'Fur Artist'. Luke sighs seeing the styling which showed this was another female oriented store. "Come on, she's the best in the business.” Luke relents and is dragged into the store. A pink and purple dyed poodle morph greets them at the door.
"Coaldust Medallion, good to see you both.”
"Thanks Pinky but this isn't Dallie this is hir twin sister and shi needs a hair cut.”
"Alright well get to work on it.” Leading Luke to one of the stalls the poodle asks. "Now honey what would you like?”
"Well I like the color red so no dying it. I was thinking a buzz like cut.”
"And you came HERE!” Pinky asks in surprise.
"It was hir idea. Shi said you were the best and I need some difference between me and my sister.”
"Sorry Pinky, my fault shi has a very strong male bias.”
"Well we shall make it the very best buzz cut you can ever get.” Pinky went right to work and she and Coaldust engage in girl talk as Luke silently sits there. In an hour Luke looks back in the mirror and sees his hair much shorter. While not quite the buzz cut it was a spiky look and certainly a male look. With a smile he finally speaks.
"Nice work I like it.” He pays her the bill and he and Coaldust leave.
"Got anywhere else you want to go Luke?”
"Back to your place I want to try this keyboard out.” They head back and Luke heads to his room and opens the package. He reads the manual and it tells him this keyboard could mimic any instrument and combined them into a band with a simple AI to assist. In minutes the house was filled with the sound of music causing both of the other chakats to smile hearing their roommate truly working on something.
Sadly this didn't last as when Coal went to check on Luke to find him gripping his pillow groaning. He manages to open his eyes and look at Coal. "What's happening to me?” He weakly asks. Coal gets a good sniff and shi smells the problem.
"You're in heat Luke.”
"WHAT!? BUT I'M A MALE A MALE!” Dallie shows up and sees Coal trying to comfort Luke. Looking up shi sees hir friend and mate.
"He's gone into heat.”
"I'd figured since I am. I'll go mix the formula up.” Coal sits there with Luke as he struggles to deal with his heat. Finally Medallion arrives with a mug. "Here Luke, drink this it will help.” He gratefully takes it and chugs it down and in minutes the itch lessens but doesn't go away. Coal and Dallie look at each other seriously then Dallie walks up to address hir twin. "Luke I know this will be uncomfortable for you but for the next two days you will need to be mounted for your own health.”
"BUT I'M A MALE!” Medallion touches his head.
"Up here yes you are but your body is a herm and part female thus it has needs of a female as well as male.”
"Is there no other way?” Luke pleads desperately.
"No there isn't Luke. I can help you with it Luke.”
"NO, NO! That be incest and that's wrong.”
"Okay okay, what about Coal? Would shi be okay for you?”
"But you're mates?”
"We don't feel jealousy Luke and it's common for us to have and share multiple mates.” Luke looks at Coal with an unsaid question. Shi understands the question and replies.
"Luke I like you a lot and I would be honored to help you.” Luke slowly nods his head. Coal looks over to Dallie and Dallie nods hir head and leaves the room understanding that Luke need this to be done privately. Coal then grabs a condom knowing the last thing Luke needs o deal with was being pregnant right now. Coal starts by kissing him and start to grope his breasts. Luke does nothing at first but then the pleasant feeling start and he quickly returns the groping and starts stroking hir silvery hair. Coal breaks the kiss and lowers hir head to one of Luke's breasts. Shi licks the breast before shi starts sucking. Luke just stands their unable to move from the pleasure he gets from the action. Emptying one breast of milk water Coal moves to the other breast and gives it the same treatment. Meanwhile Luke was in bliss, can't believe how good this feels. He felt heat pooling near his rear.
Coal stops sucking Luke's breast, lick kisses him and move in behind him. "You ready Luke?”
"No but it needs to be done.” Coal climbs on his lower torso and with hir erect cock. Shi puts on the condom and enters him slowly and shi can't help but hear him crying and feel his despair. Shi hugs him and tries to project calm and good feelings as shi slowly pumps in and out. Shi keeps that pace for as long as shi can but the need in both of them eats away at that and the moans and groans increase. Soon Coal releases hir sperm as Luke instinctively clenches as he experiences his first female orgasm. Coal then hugs him as he resumes crying whispering. "It's okay. It's okay. You did great.” Coal's cock leaves Luke and shi tosses the used condom in the trash and holds him for a couple of hours. He eventually falls asleep and Coal leaves him to get a bite to eat. Shi was in the middle of making a sandwich when Dallie appeared.
"How is he?”
"Very shaken, I think we should call Whitetail over.” Dallie puts hir hand on top of Coal's.
"It had to be done and you did the best you could.”
"But it's hard seeing him hurting like this. He's not adjusting well to being part female.” Coal called Whitetail to tell her what happened.
"That is a problem Coal. Don't feel too bad you did what you could the problem is mainly with his mind trying to accept the physical change. Sadly I don't think I can help him out with that part but I know someone who might. Let me contact hir. Till then just be supportive as you can with this.” The call ends and the chakat pair go about their household chores until supper time. Medallion gather's hir courage and opens the door to find Luke lying on the bed.
"Suppertime Luke if you're interested.” Luke gets up and looks at hir with eyes filled with great sadness but it does light up a bit.
"Yes I am.” The two of them head to the table with Luke mainly looking at the floor until he raises his head up and looks at Coaldust. "Thank you Coaldust for helping me through my problem.”
"You're welcome Luke, we both want to help you.” Luke nods at the three of them eat in silence while both chakats project calm to their roommate.
Coaldust helps Luke through the rest of his heat. Sadly he still cried through most of it and Coaldust did hir best to comfort him and even slept with him hoping to calm in at least in sleep. Shi dreams of hope that they can get him to adjust easier as time goes on.
Chapter 16 - Tales of Redstreak Chapter 15 |
A week has pasted and it was time to head for home. Red grinned. 'Going home with two more mates. Not bad for one not born a chakat. I'm even beating Dallie and Coal with those numbers.' Shi places a shirt away when Coal opened the door. "Hey Red, Polkadot wants you." Red frowned, Shi saw them a few days ago and everything was fine. Heck Clarissa certainly knew how to please a chakat. Shi walked over to the comm unit and saw Polka's Orange and yellow polka dotted muzzle on the screen.
"Hey Polka what's up?" The older chakat had a pained look on hir muzzle.
"Well Red, I have a favor to ask of you."
"Ask away."
"Well a good friend of mine went to an engineer conference here in one of the more remote resorts and everyone there has got a bug and are under quarantine for the next two months."
"Wow that seems radical?"
"Well scuttlebutt is that the bug was an engineered bug that got loose at the conference so they're making absolutely sure it's dead before letting anyone out. But since shi is one of only two chakat's on board hir ship it's stuck and the captain is having problem's getting another chakat on board."
"So you want me to go."
"Yes, I know you're still on vacation but I got a deal set up that you can take the rest of it when you return. They only need you for one voyage. I owe Sparks a favor and I know you can..."
"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Sparks!? Not Chakat Sparks of the Pegasus?"
"How do you know hir?"
"Was on the Pegasus for a bit."
"Ohh, well you know the ship and her captain than. This is great oh please accept. I know I owe you one." Than the older chakat put on the sad puppy eyes look and that caused Red to laugh out loud.
"WOW! you learned from Clarissa well."
"Well she uses it on me enough, so?" Red senses hir mates behind hir and responds.
"Let me confer with my mates. Computer mute please." A tone indicated that the channel was mute. "Well your thoughts?" Shi asks hir mates. Flameria was the first to reply.
"Oh you're going but your taking me with. I was a good hunter and like to do that again everyone in awhile. So I'm coming." Red raised hir hands up.
"Okay, okay noted." Shi looks to Fish.
"I'm going to, remember I'm assigned to you so you have to deal with me."
"Good thing I'm mated to you." Red said as shi rolled hir eyes. Shi then looks at Alexis. Walks up to hir and hugs hir. "I hate the idea of leaving you so soon." The wolf returned the hug.
"But this is what you do. You help people. I still have a few months before I give birth to our child and Dallie can take care of me till you come home. But after that you WILL STAY home till our child is born."
"Deal.h Breaking off from their hug Red looks at Coal.
"You can go, can I go with you?" Red shakes hir head.
“No, I'm trusting you to take care of Alexis and my child. Give hir the best meals okay?” Coal nods.
"Okay but please come home."
"Haven't I've always?" Red goes back to the screen and has the computer cancel the mute it. "There are conditions if I'm going to go."
"Alright let me get Admiral Kline on the line." The image of Polka shows hir head going down and they hear some typing. After going through an ensign in communications Red saw a familiar face on the screen.
"Hey Red, how are you doing?"
"Okay, little miffed about an interrupted vacation but I have a deal for you. I'll go with you but, Flameria is coming with me and wants to be with the survey teams and since you and your bosses assigned her to me Fish is coming as well. And finally I want to be home in time for my child's birth and be able to finish my vacation without further interruption."
“We were packing up when Polka called so about a half an hour.”
“Alright, I'll make arrangements over here.” He breaks his connection.
“Well glad that worked out and I owe you one.”
“Arrange a nice vacation at some point in the future with just you, me, Clarissa, and the kids.”
“Deal.” And shi ends the call and the family goes back to packing. Twenty minutes later they were having their first parting. Alexis was heading up in the shuttle with Sunspot, both are now pregnant and can't use the transporter. The second parting was at the Gateway station where Red, Fish, Flameria, and Firestripe wave to the others as they board the liner bringing them home. Finally they go through the docking tube that connects the Pegasus to the station. Red saw the security officer guarding the entrance to the Pegasus but was surprised to see Commander M'Lai there as well.
“Commander, I didn't expect you do be here?” The petite Catian smiles at Red and replies.
“I am responsible for the personnel on this ship and you're a special case, so I decided to escort you to your quarters personally.”
“Thank you. So what's the overall situation then? I know your chief engineer is down.”
“Yes Sparks and several others are quarantined. We had to recruit form Star Corps personnel in the local area but it's surprising how hard it is to get a qualified chakat onboard. I swear if you weren't available Boyce would have put out an add to have a chakat onboard, qualified or not.”
“Wow but Boyce is a bloody Admiral, how could he have such a hard time?”
“Most of the fleet or corps chakats are either on assignment or on leave. Heck Boyce offered Polka a spot but shi wouldn't leave hir mate and kids that long.”
“Not surprise there, Shi's very protective of Clarissa since she was like a daughter before her change. Most of their families are either on one of the colonies, dead, or not well known.”
“How do you know that?”
“Well Polka is now my comate. Me and Clarissa are now mates.” Though sadly not parents yet. But Polka and Clarissa plan to visit Earth by the time Red returns so they can try again.
“Oh, well then you would know. Here are your quarters for your stay and the admiral expects you for dinner tonight before you officially go on duty tomorrow.”
“Aye commander.” Red gave the commander a mock salute and step into hir quarters. M'Lai left them to it and secretly smiles and the looks they would likely have.
She wasn't wrong, all three adults stood slack jawed and dropping their suitcases. The living room was at least fifty feet wide and filled with couches and bean bags with a chair or two. The trio sees a small red blur of Firestripe checking out hir new place and begins sniffing around. that breaks the trio out of their trance and they further explore the suite. They had a kitchen area which had Red grinning, shi has learned a lot since shi lives with Coal. Next was the bathroom where they found a good size tub that had Flameria grinning at the fun that could be had there. They had 2 bedrooms. The smaller was designed for bipeds but easily convertible for taur use and a much larger bedroom seemingly design for Chakat use. They easily put their stuff in the large room and chilled before dinner.
With Firestipe on a leash the group heads for the Admiral's quarters which were on the same level. Boyce was giving them the royal treatment this time. Red presses the doorbell and the door opens to revel M'Lai. “Good timing the dinner will be ready soon.” They group heads in and Flameria takes off Firestripe's leash and the young kit quickly finds Ember and begins to play with eachother. Everyone but M'Lai settle down in the living room as the Caitian commander finishes up dinner.
“So Fish,” Boyce began. “You driving Red here crazy enough?” The pink cat smiles at the human and replies.
“Crazy enough to make me hir mate.” THAT caused a raised eyebrow and the cat to giggle. “Truthfully Admiral I was feeling envious of Red. Shi had a family that loved hir and shi loved back. I saw them adopt two people in bad shapes and brought them happiness. I had no family Admiral. I didn't even have a home outside of my ship or station quarters and I didn't want that anymore and I got the family I yearned for.” Boyce looked at Red.
“I guess I might have made a mistake in ordering her to look out for you.”
“Well I didn't need her, she needed me and my family so it works out in the end. And she did help Alexis with hir decision.”
“You're wolf friend from Double H?” Midnight asks. Red nods and looks at Boyce with a conspiratorial smile.
“The nanos struck again.” Shi then explained how Alexis is now carrying hir child. Boyce was speechless for a bit with a jaw dropped Midnight and Rosepetal. When he could speak again Boyce first said.
“Crap, I guess I have a challenger for the most studliest being in the universe now.' Which got Red laughing and Boyce hit with Midnights tail. After the laughter died down Boyce had a very serious look. “What you just reveled lends credit to a theory some of our scientist had about the nanos in you and maybe the others.”
“Well after studying the notes and files that the nanos could be very adaptive and possible stop you from physically aging anymore. If they could change your sperm to be viable with your biped friend then I could see them stopping the aging process.” Red personally hoped he was wrong. Shi cared for hir mates and family dearly. The possibility of seeing them aged and die while shi didn't was chilling to say the least. “We should run some more test and...”
“ABSOLUTELY NOT!” Red growls, “The government already intrudes on my life a little too much. I'm drawing the line here. I will find out in time whether I will age or not.” Bgoyce saw Midnight and the kits wince at first saying Red was really angry so Boyce raised up his hands.
“Okay, I surrender. No more test as far as the nanos are concerned.” Red visibly relaxes and also tells them about Larsa and Clarissa while Boyce privately thinks. 'Boy! Dodge the bullet on that one. Note to self. Don't EVER mention test in front of Red again, Shi's almost as scary as Neal when he loses his cool.' That video from New Kiev still haunts the admiral.
“So admiral, can you give me a rough idea where we are going this trip?” Red asks.
“Well we are set out to explore the Kruperu Sector. The probes we sent got a lot of strange readings from the probes we sent out there but they also found a couple of possible colonies.”
“Cool.” As dinner finished Flamy got Firestripe and the group heads back. After putting Firestripe to sleep the three adults spent some quality time together. Fish admits she never had another girl bring her to orgasm before. She might like being bisexual.
The next day Red and Flamy were ordered to report to Lt. Commander Leekan For assignment while Fish took Firestripe to daycare. The room they went to looked like a classroom with desks and chairs that could convert into cushions for taur species. They and many other various beings enter the room and the two mates take seats by eachother. Eventually everyone was seated. And a Cougar female came in with the Lt. Commander's rank in a Life science uniform. For a minute Red thought it was Mounty but that could never be. Shi was still recovering from the surprise shi got a few days earlier.
Red was talking with some of hir clan members getting to know them when the doorbell went off. Shi paid it no mind as the chakat's who normally live here would answer it. A few minutes later Autumnsun showed up. “Redstreak there's a couple wanting to see you.” Curious Red followed Autumnsun to the entrance room. There shi saw two biped Cougar morphs, they looked familiar to hir. They projected fear and hope...and pain, a deep pain. Hir telepathy wasn't detecting any threat from them so shi continued on. The male, holding the female close to him to comfort her looks up and asks.
“You are Chakat Redstreak?” Red nods. “We're Adam and Silvia Quickgraze.” That was a bombshell, shi almost lost hir ability to stand. 'Mounty's parents.'
“Let's...(gulp)..let's move this to a more private area.” As Red leads them away Autumnsun was curious. She felt the cougar couple's fear and pain. And Redstreak as soon as hearing their name went from a friendly and curious chakat to a great pain. Knowing Red will be too busy to answer shi goes to find one of hir mates. The easiest to find was Coaldust. Shi usually in the kitchen at some point help making dinner for the guests.
“Hey Coaldust, I have a question.” Coaldust wipes hir hands and looks at Autumnsun.
“Ask away.”
“Does the name Quickgraze mean anything to you?” Coaldust looks at hir in shock and horror.
“Where did you hear that name?”
“A couple of cougar morphs came here looking for Redstreak and shi had a worse reaction. I was just curious, if it's personal I'll back off.”
“It is personal, very deeply for Red but I'll tell you the basic. Mounty Quickgraze went to the specialized Starcorps training that Red went to. They were roommates and became friends there. Mounty was killed on the F.S.S. Grissiom. I know my daughter Quickgraze saw the result when Red got that memory back and I saw the echoes of that pain.” Coaldust looked seriously at Autumnsun. “You have to understand one thing about Red. Shi protects others and I wouldn't be surprised if shi considers Mounty a failure.”
“Thank you for sharing Coaldust.” Autumnsun leaves the kitchen in deep thought.
Meanwhile Red brings Mounty's parents into the personal room set aside for hir stuff and offers them a seat. “I'm surprised to see you here.” Red admits.
“It took awhile to track you down, especially when you disappeared for months then when you came here. We (sigh) we just wanted to meet you. You were the last person to see our daughter alive.” Red looks at the ground and sets hir haunches down. “Yeah, shi was in my quarters on the Grissiom. She was due to leave for the next planet survey and wanted to spend sometime together before she went.” Red smiles at the memory. “She was telling me how her mother was nagging her on getting a plant.” Red hears Silvia snort. “Then Mounty got the call to run an errand. A typical everyday ship errand that I suspect she be back in a few minutes. I....(Red starts crying) I never got the chance to save her. I felt her pain and then she was gone.” All three were crying now and eventually went into a three way hug. Mourning the lost of the someone they loved.
Red's pain will always be there but more endurable than before. Shi in essence had it buried when shi got hir memories back but now shi doesn't need to. The Quickgrazes were leaving with Coal and the others and with contact info exchanged. Shi pictured them being long term friends. Focusing back on the Lt. Commander shi sees the Cougar activate a hologram.
“Everyone this is the first planet we'll be exploring.
M-29857654, The probe's basic scans showed a tropical climate. We also had various metals seemed to be there so hopefully not only could this planet be a bread basket but also could be another resource area. No initial signs of intelligent life. Though us in furs may be a bit uncomfortable.” That cause a few chuckles. Luckily Flameria's culture geared her to be nude most of the time and any clothes they did have was for weather, a place to put items, or going for style. Heck Red never saw a vest they made covering their breasts. Red hir self had that rub off on hir but then again not long after becoming a chakat did shi bother with clothes but that heat is going to be bothersome. “The second planet
M-29857700 has a more temperate climate and inline with a pre gene war Terra.”
“Earth.” Red replies.
“Excuse me Lt.?” The cougar asks.
“Apologies Lt. Commander but please call my home by it's proper name.”
“But Terra is it's proper name.”
“No, we call it Earth. How would you like it if someone decided the formal name for your home was something other than you call it. Sorry but I'm kind of tired of it.”
“Admittedly you have a point Lt. Redstreak, however would you please choose a more appropriate time for that.”
“Sorry, shutting up.”
“Good, any more questions and suggestions can wait till I'm done. For both of these planets I'm sending out 5 teams to explore the various sections and find good resources. Now since the quarantine many of you are either star corps or contractors so we will be doing a basic field training test. Equipment is in the the storage room next to us and I'll meet you all in Holodeck 3.” They all head for the equipment room and the next couple of hours spent doing what they know of wilderness survival. Finally Lunch break and Red and Flamy hit the mess hall for they were hungry and it was closer than their quarters. Grabbing big meals they fine a spot to sit and began eating. They had just started when a voice said.
“There you are!” Both look to the source of the voice and see a foxtaur vixen heading their way with her own plate. Red would have dismissed her out of hand except for two things. One she had no head hair and two she had two tails and red gold colored fur. “I was right you are a Kitsune Foxtaur arn't you.”
“Yes.” Flamy replied. “But I don't know you?”
“I'm from Amursa, name's Pardina Sunset.” With her free hand she extends it out for a shake. Flamy took it.
“Flameria Blazerfur from Elmas. Didn't think there were any kitsunes outside of Narnia?”
“I thought the same. So what brought you to leave Narnia?” Flamy smiles and hugs Red.
“This lovely mate of mine.” Red smiles and extends hir hand.
“Chakat Redstreak, child of Sunspot and Fireblaze.”
“A pleasure so how did she cause you to be here?”
“Shi was my mate when Bombshell came. Shi needed other chakats to remain healthy and I was pregnant with hir child.”
“How? She's a female.” Red grins and replies.
“Nope, I'm a hermaphrodite. I'm both male and female though I have a male bias.”
“Wait that sounds familiar, Oh wait your that couple Paloci talked about. Said you were a danger to our people.” Both foxtaurs heard growling from Red and both see a cold fury in the chakat's eyes.
“I think we're done here.” Red turns to leave with a sadden Flamy following.
“Wait, wait please. I question her veiws. I have her side but what about yours?” Red pauses and looks at Flamy before looking at Pardina. Pardina felt like something ruffling her brain when the chakat sighs and says.
“Follow us then. This is too public for this kind of chat.” Red took the foxtaur to their quarters and explained the truth of hir and Paloci. Pardina listened intently to the story. When finished Pardina comments.
“Wow, she hasn't learned has she. Well thank you for telling me.”
“Well.” Flamy starts. “I was wonder what basic news you have of our home planet.” The three spent the next couple hours talking of Narnia.
Red spent most of the time heading for the first planet either training for the survey, sexual and non sexual time with hir mates, hanged out with Midnight and hir family on board and of course music as RS. A day before planet fall Red and Flamy got there assignments and met their fellow teamates. First was Flamy, Red would be surprised if Boyce or M'Lai didn't have something to do with that. Then it was an otter morph named Kayla, a foxtaur male named Balazar, The final member was a tall rugged human from the StarCorps named Dale Perkins. Their assignment was a tropical area near a mountain region and they were to find any useful minerals or signs of inhabitants. The team decided to spend the rest of the day getting to know one another. At dinner Red noticed Dale writing something on a PADD while he ate an chatted. “Whatca writing?” He looks up and smiles.
“Hey Lt.” Red hold up a hand.
“Red while off duty.”
“Okay, well writing to my wife Mary-Anne.”
“Oh, nice. You have a picture of her?”
“Yup.” He searches his pockets before pulling out a picture. It revel a lovey red furred fox morph female with maroon hair.
“She's beautiful. Reminds me of my wolf mate Alexis, but as a fox.”
“Yes.” He looks at the picture again. “I'm one lucky guy.”
“So how did you two meet?”
“Grew up in the same town. Had many common interest and spent a lot time together. I was the envy of all the males in town. We both wanted to explore space so we tried to get into Starfleet. She got through I came up short for them but great for the Starcorps. We tried making a long range relationship, but I felt like I was holding her back. We talked about it and were just about to break up. Then after a nights sleep,” Dale smiles again when Mary-Anne admitted she didn't much that night. “She refused to break up and transferred to the Starcorps. She said as much as she loved exploring space she loved me more. And usually on the same ship.”
“So why isn't she here at lunch with us?”
“She's taking care of our kid.”
“OH! Congratulations. I know what it's like having kids.”
“So, how did you meet your mate?”
“Which one? I have 5 of them.”
“Okay how about the first then.”
“Oh, I got caught in an experiment gone wrong and the transporter malfunction and shi was one of the first to help me out in recovery.” Red takes out a picture of hir family and shows it to Dale. He points to Medallion. “I know hir, see at the Gateway all the time.”
“That's my sister Medallion. Shi works on the Gateway and was on hir way to work when shi met me.”
”Wait,” Dale looks and Red carefully. “You're that guy changed into a chakat aren't you?”
“How do you know that? That isn't widely known Unless your involved with Starthinker's project.”
“I was on the space station the StarCorps mantains getting ready to beam down with Mary-Anne and chatting with a Chakat when they said we had to wait due to a transporter malfunction at one of the sites and they shut down all transporters and check them before resuming operations. Good thing too. They found a guy trying to plant a bomb in the computer room. I would have been transporting down went that would have went off. Goldfur said I was darn lucky for the malfunction happening, The are the bomb would have destroyed usually stored body patterns for the transporters.”
“Good for you, a few years ago I would have said bad for me but I wouldn't trade my family for anything. Wait did you say Goldfur?”
“Yes, shi was a cougar patterned chakat with long blonde hair. Why?” Red smiled.
“Goldfur is a good friend of mine.”
“Nice, tell hir I said hi.”
“I'll do that.”
The next day Red's team got ready to beam down to their site. They have a look around and see a tropical forest around them. They themselves were in a large plain next to a big mountain. A big thing they notices was the buildings. Buildings carved out of the mountain or made of stone and now covered by leaves and vines. Red taps hir commbadge. “Redstreak to Pegasus.”
<Pegasus here.>
"Pegasus, we have found signs of intelligent life but they look abandoned. I'm sending the team to investigate."
<Understood Lieutenant, proceed with caution.>
“Roger.” Red breaks the connection and looks to hir team. “Kayla, Dale, you take the forest. Flamy, you and I will take the mountain and Balazar you set up the bigger equipment and camp.” With nods the team splits up and Red and Flamy head for the mountain.
Minutes later Red and Flamy have made good time up the mountain. Both of Red's talents were working full time but shi doesn't sense anything but hir mate. She takes out hir tricorder and begins scanning. Shi is only getting trace metals right now. Nothing worth exporting but could be used for the potential colony. She goes into one of the buildings. Clicking a flashlight on she is surprised by how empty the place was as shi search through it. Shi saw shelves carved into the wall and have various knickknacks. Many were broken and a few strewn on the floor. She saw a table of wood, completely rotten yet still standing. She found a cooking area and 2 seeming bare rooms and what looked like a storage area. Seeing nothing else shi heads back outside. Shi saw hir love looking at a rock intently. “Find something?” Startled Flamy looks up.
“Oh!, Red, maybe. There is a crystal in this rock.”
“Could be useful.” Wiping hir brow shi and Flamy continue exploring.
Meanwhile Balazar was setting up camp. He just finished assembling the three tents for them to sleep in and was starting to assemble the larger equipment when he heard noise from a nearby ruin. He pick this spot for if the weather got bad they could retreat to the building that seem structurally sound and empty. Drawing his phaser he approaches the building and taps his commbadge. “Lt, getting some noise from a building. I'm checking it out.”
<Be cautious Balazar.> The foxtaur walks into the building and a loud says.
“Hello?” He scans the room with his flashlight. Then he steps on something squishy. Lifting his forepaw and aiming his light down. He sees a teal pile of goop. It was trying to reach for him. “AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!” He scrambles back with his phaser pointed at the goop but the hand that holds it is shaking. The goop rises up a bit and the foxtaur is surprised to see a mouth form.
“.....food.......need food.”
“Well I'm not it.”
“hunger....i hunger...need food.” Balazr feels around with his flashlight hand till he found a candy bar. He takes it out.
“Here eat this.” He chucks the bar at the goop. He misses the mouth but it doesn't matter as to Balazar's shock he sees the candy bar be absorb into the goop.
“...more..?”The goop asks desperately.
“I have more at camp. You promise not to eat me and I'll give you some.”
“I'll take that, follow me.” Balazar leaves the building and looks behind him seeing the goop follow. He gets to base camp and rummages through their food supply and takes out a couple of energy bars. “Here you go and I can have a meal cook in a couple of minutes.” Tossing the bars to the goop he cooks up an MRE while the goop sat there and hopefully not thinking of eating him again. Once cook he lays it near the goop. It makes tentacles and takes the MRE and gulps it down. He sees it get a bit bigger.
“Okay give me time to cook more.”
“What's going on Balazar?” The foxtaur looks to see the lieutenant and that strange foxtaur vixen Flamy.
“Shir, found this in the building. It can talk but it seems very hungry.” The chakat nods and taps hir commbadge.
“Redstreak to Pegasus, we've encountered intelligent life. Starting first contact operations.”
<Understood lieutenant. We're sending Fish down to help.>
the chakat frowns. “I prefer someone else. Fish is taking care of my daughter.” The next voice shi heard was Midnight's.
<Don't worry Red, shi's staying with my family till you return.> Balazar lifts an eyebrow and places the MREs in front of the goop. And again the thing goes to consume them.
Red eyes the thing, It was like a teal jello and it just ate two MREs designed for TAURS. “Okay Midnight, I trust you and you better send down more food. The little guy is eating a lot. Better send enough for ten taurs for 2 days.”
<I'm not taking the blame when Coaldust yells about you getting fat.> Red laughs and replies.
“No worries Midnight. Half the time I wonder how SHI doesn't gain weight.”
<And the other half?>
“Then I remember how often shi works hir mates and comates in the ...mmmhhhh pleasurable studies.”
<AAAAAAHHHH!> The light goes on in Midnight's head. Yes though pleasurable those studies can be a workout. Shi smiles and ignores the blushing around hir. <Well they'll be sent down soon.> With the connection broken off Red orders.
“Balazar I'll handle the cooking, you finish setting up the equipment.”
“Aye,Shir.” Being mated to a cook allowed somethings to rub off on hir and soon the aroma of good cooked food filled the air and shi looked at the being seeming trying to drool. Didn't take long for that to go too and the goop seemed larger now. And shi hands it ten more helpings when the whine of the transporter was heard. Shi turns to find Fish with a couple of trunks. The pink biped cat ran up to Red and the two passionately kiss. This gets the attention of the creature, curious if one was eating the other. Fish as to break off first due to her smaller and single pair of lungs.
“The trunks have all the food you wanted. You're sure you need this much?”
“Take a look at our teal colored black hole.” Fish looks and sees the creature downing a huge bowl of whatever her mate made. Ten minutes later a much bigger blob was there and it didn't take the last bowl. The all heard a gurgling and the creature open up it's mouth and..
“Wow, I think the ground shook.” Balazar laughed at that while both Fish and Flamy shook their heads. Night begins to fall as Dale and Kayla return and the blob seemed comatose. Red was making supper for all of them when the blob shifted. It didn't move toward the food but thrashed about in place before a form started taking shape. First the main part of the blob rose into the air supported by four stalks. Then part of the blob bends upwards and two limbs appeared. Slowly a head and tail appeared and the limbs got more detailed. Soon paws and hands form in detail. A muzzle formed and took a fox shape. A nose appeared, typical black. In minutes it was done, a foxtaur was in front of them now. Due to lack of breasts Red assumed the being in front of them was male. He had light teal fur over most of his body with the typical white under belly seen on all foxes. However is left hand, 3 of his paws, the tips of his ears, and his hair were a bluish black color. His front right paw was the same light teal as the rest of his fur. Shi saw a small white diamond on his forehead. His tail had the bluish black stripe separating the teal fur and the white tip. When he opened his eyes they were a shade green. He stretched and sighed before looking at everyone.
“Hello everyone.” Everyone stood there in stun silence. It was Fish who broke it.
“That was SO COOL!” She ran up to the new foxtaur and touched the fur on his flank. It felt in between rubber and fur, it felt...nice. “I love how your fur feels.” The foxtaur looks at her and smiles.
“Thank you, it took some effort.” Fish smiled back at him.
“So, now that you can talk better care to explain who you are and how you know our language?”
“Of course Lieutenant Redstreak. My parents called me Vox and I've been listening to your group since you arrived.”
“That's pretty good. So where are your parents?” Vox looked to the ground with his ears and tail drooping.
“I don't know. They just disappeared. I haven't seen another of my kind since.” Fish touched his arm and gave him a sympathetic smile. She knows what it's like to be alone. Red grilled him for a few minutes on various things, like did he need to eat like a platoon of starving taurs. He said he needed more mass to take this form to communicate though he was hungry too. But most of the rest he just couldn't answer. After some debate it was decided that Vox would sleep with Red and hir mates. Fish cuddled nicely with Vox, he was a bit afraid but she felt so nice and worked getting to sleep. Red watched on for a bit. When it seemed like he was not going to attack or absorb Fish shi relaxed. Using hir telepathy shi only found happiness of meeting new people and a relief from the loneliness he felt for years. Satisfied and with Flamy's hand pulling at hir chin shi laid back down.
Red awoke the next morning to find Fish okay and still cuddled next to Vox with a smile on her face. Shi yawn and shifts, and got a pleasant feeling from hir cock. Shi looks over and sees hir cock buried in Flamy's pussy. 'when did I do that? Hhmmm must have been from that very nice dream.' With some reluctance shi pulled out of hir mate and went to make breakfast. In minutes the aroma of cooked food awoke the rest of the camp. The put a double helping in front of Vox who frown at them.“I'm not a pig.”
Could have fooled me yesterday.” Red quips.
“That was the simple fact I hadn't eaten all day and I need the mass to assume an adult body.”
“You mean we were dealing with a child yesterday?”
“Yes, one of the few things my parents taught me was to become an adult I have to assume an adult shape. I didn't do that till yesterday.”
“Then just eat what you can.” The rest of breakfast when without incident.
After breakfast Red wanted Vox and fish to stay behind but Vox wanted to help and knew some areas they might like. Shi asked why. “Well if there is any of my people left your people could find them. And if not then at least the planet will be used. So both Vox and Fish joined them, during some of the more treacherous areas of the mountain Fish was carried by either Red or Flamy. Vox wanted to carry Fish but both Red and Flamy vetoed that for he was still getting use to four legs. Flamy occasional kept him from falling when he tripped. Despite that he showed them a cave
filled with crystals. While some had monetary value quite a few were useful for focusing lens. The next two days Vox showed them what he knew of the planet and just their area alone was enough to encourage colonization. They beam up to the ship and they had Vox go through various test. Eventually a meeting was held and Boyce asked for a summary of the planets potential.
“Sir this planet is excellent for farming and mining. Our teams found a lot of crystals and metal. Though the metal would be best used for local construction and there is many plants and fruits we can use and possible export and the land is very fertile and our seeds should have little trouble with it.”
“What about his people?” Boyce asks gesturing to Vox.
“We found ruins all over the planet but nothing to state why they are abandon nor did we find any other beings like Mr.Vox. Perhaps an archeologist team can figure it out.” Red watches Vox looked down and shi thought shi saw his fur coloring get darker. And see and Midnight both felt the sadness radiate from him. Fish rubbed his back in sympathy.
“Mr. Vox, for what it is worth I'm sorry but maybe the other team will find other survivors since they will be staying longer.” Vox just nods. “Well any detail on what Mr.Vox is?” Dr.Kelly speaks up.
“Well he's some kind of shapeshifter, we figure he can still take any shape or form he wishes. The scan he did of him now shows him as a fully functioning foxtaur male but he does have something in his fore head where we see that diamond shape. Our best guess is that's his core. Destroy that and he will die for the electrical impulses come from there first then into his brain. As already noted he has extraordinary absorption ability.”
“Is he a danger to us doctor?”
“We say not much. Maybe the absorption makes him higher than the standard being but as both lieutenants Redstreak and Fish reported that he is lonely and seeks companionship.”
“Very well doctor. Mr.Vox I see two options for you. You can stay here. We will provide a shelter for you and you can wait for the science team. Or you can travel with us till the end of the tour and find a place on one of our planets.”
“I've been alone long enough sir. I'll go with you.”
“Very well, we'll assign you some quarters.” Fish raised her hand.
“Sir he can stay with us.” Red looks at her surprised.
“He can?” Fish looks at her mate. Fish nods and Bouce interrupts.
'That's actually not a bad idea. Fish can do her thing and I know Red can watch over him.” Red growled.
“No fish for the pink kitty.” That got a groan from Fish. “Well, come on Vox, let's get ya a room.” As they head back to their room Vox looked around amazed at the Pegasus and her technology. Red just had to smile knowing that innocence hirself at one time. When they got to their quarters Red tried to allow Vox to pick a room. Before he could even start Fish took him to her room. It seems Fish was quite smitten with the teal shapeshifter, at least in his current form. Red would have interfered normally but shi sensed Fish's interest was not just a romp with an alien being. And Vox certainly won't be lonely. The family settles in for a nice evening as they warp to the next area.
Red was working on dinner when Fish showed up again. “What ca ya making love?”
“Oven baked potatoes.”
“Oh, sounds yumming, one of Coal's dishes?”
“Nope, this one is from my original home. Cut up some potatoes, putting them in a bowl filled with onion soup mix and vegetable oil, stir it up and bake.”
“Sounds yumming, especially with fish.”
“Nope, no Fish for you. Not for a awhile.”
“ That's what you get for forcing the head of this house to act.”
“But I thought Dallie was the head?”
“At home home yes but away and with just my mates I'm the head.”
“Are you really mad at me?” Fish asks quietly.
“Only a little and that mainly for going above my head. I think Vox will benefit from living with us, but he's now YOUR responsibility.” Fish raised her right hand and replied.
“Scouts honor!” Red snorted and retorted.
“I know for a fact you were never in the scouts.” Fish then giggled ran up to red and hugged hir as she kiss hir.
“I promise. And I'll make it up to you later tonight.” She said suggestively.
“You better.” The two spend a few moments passionately kissing. Dinner was an half an hour later and a contented family that went to bed.
The next week Pegasus studied a nebula and a spacial anomaly as Red's family taught Vox how to live in the Federation. Eventually Pegasus orbited the next planet on the list. Red was assign the same team to lead as last time. Rad was getting hir equipment and hopes Fish can handle Vox AND Firestripe while their gone. Hir team beams down and scouts the area. They first find a big cave that could easily hold hundreds of beings. After finding a good campsite they had the rest of their supplies beamed down. That's when Red noticed a teal colored box. “VOX!” Shi growls as the box morphs and reforms into the foxtaur form the shapeshifter adopted as his true form. “I told you Vox to stay on the ship, you can't be here.”
“Please Red, I wanted to see another planet.” Red sighs and taps hir commbadge.
“Red to Pegasus. Be advised that Vox manage to get on the planet. He'll be staying with the team, let Lt. Fish know.”
<Understood Lt. Redstreak.> Red then looks seriously at Vox.
“You will do exactly as I tell you and stay close.” The Teal foxtaur nodded. The rest of the day went well as they gather data and samples. It was Red's and Flamy's first time sleeping with Vox and they could see why Fish liked to. His fur is so comfy and it's unique texture was attractive. The next few days was more of the same till one day it was really windy and stormy. They are trying to make it back to camp and their path took them next to a small ravine made by a river. Vox was by the cliff and tried to rest against a tree to catch his breath when he heard a snap and groan and he started falling. Red keeping an eye on Vox saw what was happening and raced over and leaped and caught the foxtaur shapeshifter and both land on the other side of the ravine. The two taurs looked at eachother. “You okay Vox?”
“Yeah, thanks for the save.” Red smiles when they both here a snap and Red disappears from view and Vox leans over the edge with an arm extended.
“NNNNOOOO!” And watch helplessly as Red hits the river.
Tyger looked over the wooded forest see if shi could find any prey to hunt. Shi and hir partner Skystreak hunted this area for years since it was assign to them by Whitetip. Such a strange number of years shi's had. Ten years ago shi was a human male taking a forced vacation by his kids to get over the lost of his wife. She had died of cancer 5 years earlier and he wasn't the same happy and generous grandpa his grand kids remember. Then that trip in that old 747 the next thing he knows he's in a feline body similar to a taur and had boobs and a pussy to go with his cock. Whitetip quickly took control of the situation and we have been growing ever since. Shi quickly got use to hir new form and phrases. They called us chakats due to a surprisingly similarity to a fiction species on the web. Some try to shun the idea but shi thought why not. In hir years shi has seen truth become more stranger than fiction. Shi looked at hir hand. The palm side white fur that covered hir from hir lower chin, past hir nether region and inner thighs. The rest of hir was tiger pattern accept for hir hair. Purple color hair as natural hair? Whoever changed them had to have a sense of humor. Thus shi took the name Tyger after a phrase in a poem and took to being a new life for hir. She was in a young body again and with no way to get home has done hir best to make this planet home. Though having no real hunting experience shi volunteered to try and they paired hir with an experienced hunter who took the name Skystreak for the light streaks of blue interrupting hir otherwise white fur. Tyger never thought shi could love again but shi did. Shi didn't even know hir mate and partner's original name or gender and shi doesn't care. This is a new life for both of them and wouldn't trade it for anything. It was fun being a father again but it was certainly an experience being a mom. “Love I'm getting a bit thirsty.” Tyger nods to hir mate (what else could I call hir wife or husband just didn't apply).
“We'll head toward the river then.” They kept an eye out for food as they approach the river. They also eye the damage yesterday's storm caused. 'What was that!?' Tyger thought as shi saw a hint of gold in the direction of the river. The two head over that way and start racing then they find out it's a chakat. They start going over the chakat and both notice something strange. First was the fur pattern, Tyger didn't recognize it and the chakat is too old to be among the first generation of chakats born on the planet.
“Sky do you recognize hir?” Shi shook hir head.
“I was hoping you did.” Tyger looks down again at the stranger and the other oddities appear. The chakat was wearing the remains of a gray and black shirt, not one of the colonist bothered covering their tops. Everyone is the same gender and they all already saw eachother naked. Finally it was the belt. Clearly design to carry many items for the wearer and clearly impossible to make in the colony right now. Could this be the first sign of those who kidnapped and transformed them against their will? The chakat's lower chest was rising and falling so shi was still alive.
“Get your drink love and help me get hir on my back. Whitetip needs to see hir.”
Red groaned as shi ached all over. That was quite a fall, shi probably be dead without those nanos. Shi heardf whispering and shi tried getting hir upper torso up when shi felt some support and shi heard a voice say. “Take it easy there I don't know the extent of your injuries.” Red opens hir eyes and sees....CHAKATS! Shi expanded hir empathy powers and yes they sensed as chakats. And they felt with a mixture of fear curiosity and anger. Shi looks next to hir and sees a chakat with black fur covering most of hir body with hir forearms, feet to the ankles, upper front torso to the chin, stripes on hir back and hir hair were white. Shi ask Red. “How does your pain feel?”
“Like aches after a hard days work.”
“Well,” a rust colored chakat with auburn hair interrupted. “Shi speaks English. Shi must be part of the group that did this to us.”
“We have no proof of that Di Vargin.” A black leopard patterned chakat with white tipped ears and a white and black colored hair retorted. “For all we know shi could be from an earlier group that has gotten to space travel. Who knows how many times this has been tried before us.” Red was observing as the debate went on a bit. Everyone shi saw around hir were chakats. None wore any clothing and a couple had what looked like bows and spears and maybe a crude saddle back.
“Well stranger I'm Whitetip, leader of our group.” The leopard chakat said.
“Chakat Redstreak, child of Sunspot and Fireblaze. I'm a Lt. In the Starcorps and currently assigned to the Federation Starship Pegasus.”
“You see shi has to be part of it.” The one called Di Vargin proclaims. Red frowns at them.
“Part of what?” Shi asks.
“Oh yeah like I'm going to believe your ignorance.”
“Give hir a chance Di Vargin.” Whitetip interjects and looks at Red shi continues. “Redstreak ten years ago our group were humans from Earth till someone kidnapped us and turned us into these creatures. The fact you call yourself a chakat is interesting since that's what some of the teens and kids called us at first and we took it.”
“Well that can't be the group I'm with. It would have taken them as long as the did to tell me they couldn't change me back. They wouldn't make me suffer that for nothing.”
“Like you know suffering.” Red growled out.
“More than you. I lost my home, my time, and my body. And unlike you I had no one who had the same pain. IF it wasn't for Dallie and Coal I wouldn't be living right now. SO don't YOU talk to me about SUFFERING.”
“DI VARGIN BACK DOWN!” Whitetip yells startling the scientist, it's been a while since he heard Whitetip yell like that. “That was out of line Di Vargin. We have no idea what shi's been through just as shi doesn't know what we've been through.” Whitetip then looked at Redstreak. “Redstreak I am sorry for that out burst. It was uncalled for but the beings who sent us here and change us is a soar subject for us.”
“I know that feeling very well.” Red's stomach then decided to make itself known then with a HUGE growl. Red smiled sheepishly.
“Well,” Whitetip starts. “I guess any further questions can wait till later. Tyger, Skystreak you are to guard hir.” They both nod as the rest walk away. Red reached up to tap hir commbadge but hit hir chest instead. Looking down shi sees fur where hir badge should be. Looking down hir upper torso shi sees a very torn and dirty uniform and a battered belt.
'Crap it's gonna take them awhile to find me then.' Shi then decides to use hir telepathy and searches the minds of hir guards. Shi first search for hir badge, they may have taken it but nope shi didn't have it when they found hir. Shi also discovered that both were male before the change but only the white and blue one knew hir partner was a male before. Red wondered how many relationships here were like that. Finding what shi needed to know shi resumes hir normal stance. Red then sees that white and black chakat from before with a tray of food.
“Here you go, eat up.” Red didn't know what all the food was but hir stomach didn't care it wanted FOOD. In minutes the food was gone but shi was still hungry.
“Could I have more?” Shi asked. The chakat looks at hir surprised but went and did what Red asked. Minutes later shi appears again. “Ah thanks....”
“Oh forgive me, my name is Kathrine.”
"Thank you Kathrine." Red then proceeded to chow down that as well. when only bones were left Red sighs and tries to hold back a burp but fails. Kathrine looks at hir in shock.
“That was enough food for TWO chakats!” Red frowns and thinks for a bit. Then shakes hir head.
“It's gotta be the nanos, that had to be a long fall.”
“A couple years ago I was kidnapped and experimented on by some radical humans. The result is the red streak in my fur and likely healing, haven't been servery injured since the nanos so this is just a guess, but maybe the nanos need the protein to help with repairs. I can tell you that I'm full and still aching all over. We'll see how quickly that goes away.”
“Sounds logical.” Kathrine then tilts hir head to the side.
“So this isn't your original chakat form?” Red chuckles.
“Not in the least, let's see if I still have it.” Red searches hir belt. “A HAH!” Red pulls out a card shaped object presses it a few times and hands it to Kathrine. Kathrine sees what appears to be a family photo. Shi saw several chakats and what appeared to be anthropomorphic animals but what caught hir eye was near the middle shi saw a pair of identical chakats smiling at hir. The only differnece shi could tell off hand was hairstyle.
“So one of these is you?” Red holds on to the streak of hair near hir right eye.
“Ah, so why the name Redstreak?”
“My hair is red and I put a streak of it near my eye. It fit with the usual naming of chakats.” After a bathroom break Red and Kathrine talked for a bit before Red got tired and fell asleep.
The next couple of days Red spent talking with chakat's interested in hir and allowed to walk outside with an escort, the two hunters that found hir. Shi also debated with that Di Vargin, the guy really was a socialist but they were able to compare their worlds. While in Red's home universe Herman Cain won the 2012 election and after some hard times his policies lead to an era of prosperity. It directly led to the start of Globaltech and his fate. In Di Vargin's time Obama won a 2nd term when Cain bowed out to save his family harassment on baseless attacks from women paid by the left to say he went after them sexually. So the fight between the two philosophies continue. As does America's financial problems the country has to deal with.
While not allowed to leave the cave shi did get chances to play with the children. Shi smiled at them and missed Firestripe and hir other children. Kathrine watch hir with the kids, allowed them to play with hir tail and allowed them to climb over hir and of course tickling them. “I betting you're a parent?” Red looks back at hir and smiles.
“Yup, 3 no 4 times over. A couple of my mates and a child wait for me in orbit.”
“Mates? As in more than one?”
“Yup, chakats believe that love should be shared and don't experience jealousy. It's common to find multiple mates and from my experience they are the most stable relationships I've seen. Family is VERY important to chakats and the bigger the better.” Then both of them heard a commotion outside and both sensed worry and curiosity and to Red a familiar presence. A group of local Chakats appear in a rough circle trying to protect the being inside. But Redstreak spotted red/gold fur and raised hir hand and yelled. “HEY PARADINA, OVER HERE!” The foxtaur raises her head above the chakats since she's taller and looks around and sees Red.
“By the Kitsune you're alive!” Red smiles and replies.
“It will take more than a cliff fall to kill me at this point.” One of the Chakats who has talked with Red though shi can't remember hir name turns around and asks.
“You know this being?”
“Yes she works with me on the starship.” Red then looks at Pardina. “I lost my commbadge you need to let Admiral kline know about them and me.”
“Yes lieutenant.” She taps her commbadge. “Scout Sunset to Pegasus.”
<Pegasus here Scout.>
“Pegasus I found Lieutenant Redstreak and shi's alive. I've also found a colony of Chakats here.” Pardina has reached Red and they are put together while most of the local chakats look in surprise. When Pegasus replies it's the Admiral who speaks.
<Did you say a colony of chakats? How the hell do we not have a record of that?> It's Red who answers.
“Sir they are not normal chakats. They used to be humans and were taken and transformed against their will. From what I've seen and heard they had to make everything they have from local stuff.”
<Good to hear from you Red. Your mates have been worried sick and Vox really guilt ridden. You okay there?>
“Lost my commbadge, my uniform is torn up but thanks top those darn nanos I'm alright.”
<Stay put for now I'm sending a team down.>
“Understood.” And Kline signed off. In minutes the hum of a transporter is heard and Admiral Kline, Commander Midnight, A medic appeared to the shocked expressions of the local chakats. Some slowly approached Boyce slowly. Midnight started going for hir phaser but shi didn't sense danger but wonderment. The chakats lifted up a hand and touched Boyce's face much to his and his team confusion. Red however read their minds and knew why.
None of them ever thought they see a human face again.
The silence was broken when a red shape bust through to revel Flameria.
“RED, Red where are you!?” she yells frantically.
“Over me Flamy.”
“RED!” She races over and hugs the gold furred chakat hard and starts crying. “Red, we feared the worst.” Red hugs her and pets her head.
“I'm okay Flamy. I'm okay the nanos helped. I'm okay.” Flamy kept sobbing for a few minutes but she could calm down. Boyce walk closer and coughed.
“I hate to interrupt Red but could you point me to their leader.” Red lifted hir hand and pointed to a dark furred chakat with white tips on hir ears.
“Whitetip is their leader.” The human admiral approached Whitetip.
“Shir Whitetip, is there any need for Shir Redstreak to stay? As you can see hir family misses hir and you don't need a hostage. We'll do are best to help you and figure out what's going on here.” Whitetip talks with his seconds the Colonel and Di Vargin before addressing Boyce.
“Redstreak is free to go provided we have help from you.”
“Agreed.” Soon Red was beam aboard and check out in sickbay with Flamy never leaving hir side.
“Well I see no injuries, I'm guessing your nanos in action again. And your guess about the nanos causing your appetite is right on from what our team reports from that station.” Red nods in understanding. Those darn nanos, while this time they've been very helpful who knows what else they were doing to hir body....hir body. Shi does see this body as hir own now rather than a copy of a good and kind being who took hir as a sister.
When the checkup was done the pair headed to their quarters on the ship. The door opened and the small red blur ran to hir. Red picked up Firestripe with ease. “Hello my daughter.”
“Papa!” The two hugged tightly and a door open to reveal Fish and Vox. Fish ran and hugged hir mate and Vox approached timidly.
“I...I'm so sorry Red.”
“Do you understand why we barred you from coming?”
“Because it was dangerous andi could be hurt....or killed.”
Red nodded.
“This is a very serious and dangerous line of work Vox. You did very well to survive on your home world but not every world is like your home world and you didn't do it in your current form. I get you started on classes soon okay. We're both lucky the nanos repair damage very well.” Vox looked and felt more relived after that chat and Red played with Firestripe for a bit before putting the cup to bed and spent some intimate time with BOTH of hir mates, Fish was surprisingly creative in her positions.
The next few days the Pegasus stayed in orbit helping out Whitetip's colonists with colony giving therm supplies to make life a little easier. Boyce had ordered a freighter to send more equipment a colony would need and he happen to know a group of freighters capable of doing it. Whitetip and some of hir upper people took tours of the Pegasus and looked at everything with awe. Red chatted with Whitetip and some of the others. Thankfully not Di Vargin who was in stun silence when shown the warp core. Red also notice Fish spend a lot of time with Vox and shi did sense affection between them.
As they leave Eden as Whitetip's people called it they head further out to a region where the probe got some really strange readings. There were no planets in the region just some nebulae and occasional asteroid. M'Lai looked over to her sensor officer and asked. “What are the sensors reading?”
“A bunch off stuff commander, many we can't identify but I am reading a lot of chronoton radiation in the area.” For hours the ship scanned the area and Boyce came onto the bridge for his usual shift after inspecting the latest adjustments to the engines. 'You may take the engineer out of engineering, but you can take the engineer out of the man.' A couple more hours pass as they hone in on a strong chronoton reading when a huge flash happened and the ship rocked and the Klaxon flared and the ship automatically when to red alert.
“Damage report.” M'Lai commanded.
“Minimum the repair crews are already on it.” A caitian engineer reported.
“Sir!” The sensor officer exclaims, “I have another ship on sensors.”
“Onscreen.” Boyce commanded. The view switched to an orange gold nebula but there was a dark shape in it. “Magnify.” The AI complied and the imaged zoomed into this.
Boyce looked at the ship in wonder. While her nacelle struts were the wrong shape and the engineering section too skinny she was a dark image of the Pegasus. “Miss Doohan how did we miss a ship that big?”
“I don't know sir.” The female dog morph replied. “It wasn't there before the spike sir. I'm also reading a smaller vessel that appears adrift.”
“Let's deal with the big one first. Comm open hailing frequencies and languages.” The comm officer complied.
“Unidentified ship, this is the Federation Star Ship Pegasus. Please state your name, intentions and due you require assistance?” For a minute or two the black ship did nothing then the ship turned away and went to warp. “okay I'll take that as a no. What's the status of the other ship?”
“Sir she's adrift and small, maybe enough room for 7 people. SIR I'M DETECTING LIFESIGNS!”
“Bring it in then. Medical teams and security teams to the main shuttle bay.”
The small craft was tractored into the main shuttle bay on the saucer where the requested teams were waiting. Red happened to be in the security team as the craft was put down. The craft looked primitive, maybe a couple of decades ahead of Red's home but what was really odd was the modern engines slapped on the ship. 'Why would someone put modern engines on an ancient craft?' Once down Red held up a hand to keep the medical team back as shi and hir team secured the ship. Climbing over the ship shi found the hatch and the manual override and twisted and pulled. The hatch opened outward. And Red some gray smoke come out the top part and she peered in. There was sparks and grey smoke everywhere, but luckily all by the roof. At first the ship appeared empty but then she spotted someone by the window. It was a taur from the shape and shi headed over. Not sensing danger shi touched the taur and pull it back a little. IT WAS A CHAKAT! I little chubby for the average chakat and with light brown fur and dark red hair in a ponytail braid. Shi was unconscious so red tap hir commbadge. “Medical teams your clear to come in, we have a chakat, injuries unkown.” The team hurried in and Red assisted them to getting the chakat on the gunnery and Red notice more details on the chakat. On hir light brown fur shi had dark brown spots and the light brown more reddish/brown with true brown socking both pairs of hir feet. The two weird features though were the black tail with two white stripes and the Red paw on hir right breast. Shi has never seen a chakat with a red paw before. Shi thinks it's a dye job but that's normally taboo for chakats. Shi looked at the chakat with curiosity as shi was rolled away.
Chapter 0 - Assasin Art |
Assassin Art
By Admiral Q
Revkor was a well known Lord of the Corrabon state. Neither a saint nor a demon he is a competent lord and the people do well under his rule. He does have to protect himself from both outside and inside threats. This night he's out in his late mother's garden which he made sure was maintained. As he was going through the tree area when he noticed it was unnaturally quiet. He stops and listens. He hears something flying through the air and he ducks and rolls. Looking behind him he sees a dark sticking to a tree. He goes and hides behind a tree. He ears rustling through a trees and and as he shifts his stance as a blade comes from above slicing into the tree after nicking his face. Instinctively he grabs the arms holding the sword handle and he yanks away from the tree. “Whoa!” A feminine voice cries out as a figure hits the ground and rolls to a crouch. Revkor looks and sees an anthro female Zebra in front of him. She takes out a dagger as he grabs the sword and pulls it out of the tree. “Guards!” He yells and begins to trade blows with the zebra. Cut, parry thrust, block, slice, on and on they trade blows and as the dagger and sword strike against each other a clang is heard and the combatants separate.
“Watch it Lilith! That almost hit me!”
“Great there's two of them.” Revkor thinks and changes tactics. He makes a large swing which the zebra easily dodges but misses the fact he had an energy ball charging with his other hand. She she looks in shock as she notices the ball and then goes flying as the ball discharges and she hits the tree behind her. She grunts then falls to the ground completely limp.
“Zula!” A yell comes from the left. He faces that direction and takes up a defensive stance when he hears a screech from the air. He smiles as he recognizes it from his gryphon. He here's rustling from the woods as the other assassin tries to flee.
“A smart choice.” Revkor admits. “But utterly useless the gryphon will find her easily.” He yells up to the gryphon's rider. “I want them alive!” He walks over to the zebra though cautious if she's faking. When he confirms that she is indeed out he strips her to find out who hired her as well as any tools that could help her escape later. Doing this he finds out she's a hermaphrodite. He eventually finds rope to tie her up with and as he gets up the gryphon lands and the rider comes down with an unconscious anthro cougar female. “Take her inside with this one.” They bring in both assassins and they strip the cougar to find she's also a hermaphrodite. Revkor figures out that these two are the infamous “Assassin Sisters”, high paid assassins with a good record. He then orders them to be placed in different rooms in his magical work shop. Rubbing his hands Revkor plans a fitting punishment for the two would be assassins.
When Zula wakes up she is disoriented. She looks around the room. With hir career she has encountered many things and she recognizes a magic workshop. She tries to move her arms but meets resistance and can't move them. She looks down and finds practically all of hir body encased in some black stuff. She also sees her cock fully erect and finally notices intruders in hir pussy and anus. She is also some how suspended in the air. She tries to figure out how to get out for an hour with no luck when the door opens to reveal her Target. He smirks at hir and walks up to her. “Well I meet the infamous Assassin Sisters, to get as far as you did was impressive. Enjoying my latest creation?” He points to the black stuff on hir body. “It's a magically infused latex that can respond to my commands with just my thoughts.”
“So I'm a test subject then.”
“Yes,but I can make it easier for you. Tell me who hired you.” Zula shakes her head.
“Can't reputation.”
“Your reputation no longer matters. Perhaps these with persuade you.” The intruders in hir pussy and anus start to vibrate as well as her cock. I'll be back in a day and see if you have changed your mind. He leaves and Zula gets back to trying to find a way out of her situation. She feels the latex move and it soon covers her mouth and lower head. She feels it force it's way into her mouth and effectively gag hir. She tries to focus back to escaping but the stimulation is distracting. Oh well I should cum in a few minutes and that will help.
Two hours later. Zula can't focus on escaping. She is too distracted my the stimulation. She hasn't been able to orgasm at all. Some thing has plugged hir cock and the vibrations are to low to do any but tease hir.
Lilith is bound in the same matter when Revkor enters her room. He asks her the same question but gets and even more defiant answer of no. “Stubborn women, oh well.” He activates her latex as well and leaves them both to the suit’s ‘tender’ mercy.
The next day he visits the zebra again. From appearances she seems to be stoic, hir body not moving at all minus a slight movement from hir encased cock. Hir eyes are closed with a look of intense concentration on hir face that isn’t covered in latex. With a mental command the dildos and latex around the cock stop and the latex retreats from her mouth. “Well wasn’t that fun?”
“No.” She groans, though the stimulation has stopped she hasn’t been able to cum. Hir cock throbbing against the latex that encases it. Hir pussy and anus are still filled but she can’t move at all so she can’t cum that way either. Revkor chuckles and asks.
“Have you changed your mind yet?” She still shakes her head not daring to speak.
“Oh well then.” He heads over to a self and takes a small vial. He then walks back. “Open up.” She keeps hir mouth firmly shut. Revkor frowns and gives the latex a command. The latex crawls up her face again forces its way into her mouth and forces it open. He then pours the vial down hir throat. She tries but can't spit it out and it goes down her throat. The latex resumes it's previous position and Zula closes her mouth without difficulty. “That vial was just a nutrient solution so you don't starved to death.”
“Because I do not want your death. I do want information from you and I have other plans to your fate. Now since you still refuse to give me the name of your employer I'll have to ask tomorrow.” The latex starts vibrating again, this time on a higher setting. As he leaves she groans as much as she can through the gag. Unable to orgasm last time just adds to it. Tightly encased she can only move her head around and groan as she endures another day of denial stimulation.
Lilith meanwhile focuses on a point in the floor to help with her denial stimulation. To an extent it works as she barely feels the vibrations but she can’t completely ignore it. Her focus is broken when the door opens. Revkor looks at here and comments. “You don’t look as strained as you companion.”
AS the latex moves from her mouth she grins and replies. “I’m the better of the two of us.” Revkor just shrugs and states.
“Then I guess you’re going to say no again.”
“Yup.” He heads over to the shelf and grabs the vial.
“This is nutrient vial to keep you alive.” Lilith nods and opens hir mouth and Revkor pours it in. When she has drank it all she closes her mouth and then feels the latex return to covering her muzzle. Then she feels the latex vibrate again, this time at a higher setting. She tries to return the hir focusing technique but the stimulation is harder to ignore this time around.
Revkor himself heads to bed but after a final check around. He will not be caught unaware again. He now keeps his sword with him at all times though he does keep an air of confidence when other are around. Personally he won't feel safe until he knows who sent the Assassin Sisters after him. Well tomorrow maybe they'll break.
When Revkor enters Zula's room he finds the zebra herm with hir eyes closed with tears coming down hir face. She is almost constantly groaning through the gag. When the vibrations stop again Revkor swears hir groan's volume actually increased. Revkor puts his face close to hirs and asks. “So, are you ready to tell me.” This time she doesn't say no right away. He sees the conflict on hir face but after an minutes she still shakes hir head. “Well I have to admire your spirit even if it makes you stupidly stubborn.” The latex returns as well as the vibrations which have increased yet again. He can almost here hir whimper as he closes the door.
As Revkor opens Lilith's door his jaw drops. “SHE'S ASLEEP!” He thinks. Closer examination proofs it, he checks closer and hir cock is vibrating so he didn't forget. He leaves for a minute before coming back with a bucket of water. He tells the latex to stop vibrating and move from hir mouth. He then splashes hir with it and she wakes up sputtering. “You really are something, deep asleep while continuously stimulated.”
“I would shrug my shoulders if I could move them.' She replies.
“Well I guess I'm hoping you'd tell me who hired you.”
“Keep hoping.”
“Well no matter what happens I will remember you.” The latex returns and Revkor puts it at an even higher setting than what Zula has.
Day four and Zula is really suffering. She strains against the latex with no visible sign that she's doing anything below hir neck. Thank fully the latex absorbs hir sweat but that little relief is canceled by the torment. Hir cock throbs like it never has before and hir pussy leaking hir fem juices like a fountain before being absorbed. If she wasn't distracted by the stimulation she'd notice that the latex is converting hir fluids into pure water and leak from her gag. While not enough to sustain hir it does keep hir mouth moist. She hears the door open and she slowly opens hir eyes and sees Revkor in front of hir through the tears. She feels the vibrators stop and the latex retract around her mouth. “Well any change today?”
“Yes, yes please no more.”
“You know what I want.”
“Lord Calak, Lord Calak hired us.”
“There that wasn't so hard. Now you'll get a treat.” The vibrations return and Zula yells out.
“NO!” but the vibrators are going full blast and she feels the latex move. Then finally after four days she cums. The cum is absorbed by the latex as she takes 15 minutes to stop spraying. She is physically and mentally exhausted by the torture. Which is what Revkor was waiting for. Grabbing hir head he says.
“Look into my eyes.” (cliche he knows but he always wanted to saying and since he's the lord of the state he gets to.) She does as he commands and is quickly lost in his eyes which have change to an almost luminous yellow eyes. After a few minutes of both of them staring at each other Revkor asks. “Who are you?” She smiles as she responds.
“The master's toy.”
“Who is your master?”
“You are master.”
“And what do you do?”
“Anything you command.”
“I'm going to have you prove it.” The latex starts vibrating on hir cock again. When it's once again erect the latex retracts from it. The Latex then shifts hir body so that she's in a sitting position. “Now I want you to suck on your cock and do not stop until I tell you. The key though is that you cannot cum, you have to tease yourself constantly getting yourself right to the edge but no matter what you cannot cum. If you do the latex with fuse your mouth to your cock and will ensure that you do not stop cumming till I return. Understood.”
“Yes master.”
“Then you may begin.” Zula then bends down and hir muzzle fully engulfs hir cock. She then begins to suck and lick hir cock feeling the pleasure from it and occasionally moaning. She likes the taste of hir pre-cum as she continues. In minutes she's close to orgasm then she tones it back, not stopping but at a slower pace causing her moaning to increase. She wants to cum but hir master said no and she always obeys hir master. After a few minutes she once again increases the sucking and licking till she reaches the edge of orgasm then slows down again. Revkor watches hir for a half and hour has she continually brings hirself to the edge of orgasm. He then leaves hir to hir tender care with a grin on his face.
This time Lilith isn't sleeping when he enters. She's desperately trying to focus on a spot in the room but it doesn't seem to be working. Hir ears and eyebrows constantly twitch. “Willing to talk yet?” Revkor asks.
“I will still not give away our employer.” Hir voice is considerably more strained this time around. Revkor just shakes his head and ups the vibrations again. He finally here's hir moan as he leaves. He spends the rest of the day planning the end of Calak.
Before heading to bed he checks on Zula. She was still sucking and licking hir cock and desperately moaning, but she hasn't cum yet. Smirking he closes the door and heads to bed. Zula on the other hand is unaware of time passing. She is only focused at hir cock, the pleasure she feels. The frustration of not cumming, and making sure she doesn't disappoints hir master. “Time to slow down the licking again.”
The next morning Revkor enters hir room and finds hir still playing with hir cock and still hasn't cum. He goes up to hir ear and says. “Good girl you may orgasm now and drink up all your cum.” He hears hir moan a little more loudly and in a minutes sees hir desperately swallow as she finally cums. When he gave the order she sped up her sucking and licking and felt the lurch before the cum came spewing out. She quickly tries to swallow hir cum.
“There's so much, but I've got to get it all.” She swallows for 20 minutes the last five were after hir cock was done spewing. She lets go of hir cock and licks hir face of any remaining cum.
“Very good girl. Now I believe you’re ready. For now on you will enjoy being denied orgasm, nothing makes you happier than orgasm denial. Your mouth will be left open and when you feel something enter it you will suck it without stopping. The latex with now be fully activated. You'll will be in complete sensory deprivation so you can completely focus on your denial and what you suck for all eternity. Goodbye pet.” The latex then encases hir head plugging hir ears, covering hir eyes, and even plugging hir nose. The latex with now provide hir air. Latex does cover hir mouth mainly to keep it moist but it allows hir full suction ability. Even hir tongue is lightly coated so she can use hir tongue. She feels the latex vibrating again and soon her cock is once again erect and throbbing. She moans as the vibration intensifies and in a half hour she is groaning and moaning in the pleasure of being denied orgasm. She wishes hir cock could go even straighter in the air but that isn’t possible. Revkor than takes hir with him and places hir by the door to Lilith’s room and he opens the door. Lilith is clearing struggling this time around, hir head moving all around. The vibrations stop and Lilith spends a minute panting. When she is done she looks at Revkor and he sees in her eyes that she is wounded in spirit but still defiant. “Are you now ready to tell me?”
She stares at him for a good couple of minutes before dropping hir head and softly says.
“No.” Revkor sighs and replies.
“You leave me no choice then.” Lilith feels hir body moving and soon she is horizontal. The latex reinforces hir neck prevent strain on hir neck as she’s forced at the wall instead of the floor. Then it covers everything except hir eyes and ears. She panics as hir nostrils are plugged and with hir mouth gagged again. “Calm down the latex with provide air for you.” After a minute she realizes she can still breathe. “I’ll be back in a sec need to get something.” She floats there wondering what’s going to happen next. Revkor moves an object into hir view. It was covered in black latex and moaning. To hir shock she finally recognizes hir partner and lover Zula completely encased in the latex, hir cock proudly erect. “You see she has already told me you hired you and has been rewarded. I was giving you a chance for the same. Now you’re saying to your self she doesn’t look rewarded.”
“You’d be right.” She says mentally.
“Well while she’s going to be denied orgasm like you will be, but after hir last interrogation she caved and I allowed hir to cum. That left hir mentally exhausted enough to enter hir mind and change things. She now fully loves being denied orgasm, something you could have had. Now you just get to stay as you are and suffer.” Revkor picks up Zula and moves out of site. After a minute Lilith feels something slide over hir cock. It goes all the way to hir crotch. Then she feels sucking and licking on hir cock and hir eyes open further. Revkor reappears and says. “As an additional reward for hir she will play with your cock and no matter how hard she tries and believe me she’ll try, you will not orgasm. The latex will make sure you both live a very long time so, ENJOY!” Lilith moans loudly as the latex now covers hir eyes and plug hir ears. Soon she feels the dildos in hir pussy and anus start again and with Zula mindlessly playing with hir cock hir resistance starts to collapse. “Oh that feels so good.” She mentally comments but as the tease continues it starts getting painful force she’s just on the edge of orgasm yet she is prevented. After three hours she mentally screams out in frustration with a side of pleasure.
Zula meanwhile is enjoying licking the cock in hir mouth, it feels familiar but the important thing is what’s going on with hir cock. It throbs like it never has before and she absolutely loves it. Nothing better can happen to hir.
Revkor eventually moves the mated pair into his throne room as a warning to the fate of those who try to kill him. A month later Calak is found dead in his castle clearly assassinated with little doubt who was responsible. He enjoyed occasionally stroked the pair and was always showing them off to guest.
A long time later we enter a museum. We see a tour guide leading a group of college students through the various exhibits. “Now we go to the museums pride and joy, this sculpture depicting two hermaphrodite females making love in a T shape. Artifacts around it placed it being made around 5000 years ago. We figure that it has preserving magic on it for there was absolutely no damage on it. It is incredibly life like, who ever sculpted this was a master in both art and magic for if you look closely the lower hermaphrodite’s cock you can see it vibrate and some people say they can here quiet moans coming from it. Now let’s continue.” As the guide leads the students away from the ‘sculpture’ we go to what’s it like in side. Lilith's resistance is completely gone. She is completely focused on the teasing, while she can’t enjoy it as hir lover does she has com to enjoy it to an extent. She is now completely used to the pain of frustration and has forgotten everything she was thousands of years before. Zula is just in complete bliss, heaven could not be better in what’s left in hir mind. Neither is aware that they’ve been making love for 5000 years nor that they’re the center piece of a museum. Finally they’re not aware the have all of eternity of each others company and frustration. Not that Zula cares.
Chapter 6 - Chapter 6 |
Coaldust wakes up the next morning and looks over at Luke's face. Shi was still sleeping but unlike previous times it didn't have a troubled exhausted expression on it that it usually did when shi slept. Even though against hir will Luke couldn't have gotten a better body. Coal was very blessed, to have two very beautiful companions, one a future denmate the other a potential one. Shi thought shi was lucky running into Medallion during an off day a couple years ago. Shi had no clue. While she enjoys both sides of hir sexual natural shi lean feminine and while Dallie was happy to oblige and Coal loved hir dearly the lion colored chakat was truly bi-sexual. Luke though was clearly Male biased and despite hir latest change will probably remain so. Shi could have remained their for hours just looking at Luke but hir bladder needed attention so with a sigh shi gets up and takes care of it. While washing hir hands hir stomach began to rumble. "Well I guess a quick shower to fully wake up and make breakfast.” Shi sighs to hirself. Shi steps into the shower and begins to clean hirself. Washing hir black and gray hair she feels a hand grope hir breast. Expanding her empathic powers and confirms hir guess, Dallie. Using hir nose wouldn't help there Luke and Dallie have the same body thus the same scent but the bond shi has with them are different. Soon shi feels a weight on top of hir lower back and another hand gropes hir other breast. Instinctively shi cranes hir head back and it quickly meets Dallie's lips and the two kiss deeply. It's not surprising soon after the Coal feels something poke hir pussy and quickly Dallie's cock drives in making them both moan. For the next few minutes the only sounds to be hear was the water hitting the floor and the bodies, the slurps of two joined bodies colliding again and again and the moan and groans coming from them leading to a wail from both as they cum together.
"I guess a water hose would be useless to use on you two.” A familiar voice says with amusement. Both their heads jerk to the left to see Luke with an amused expression on hir face.
“I'm sorry Luke did we wake you?”
gThe noise no, strangely it was your absence that woke me. Anyway I'll let you two get back to it.” And Luke leaves the two speechless in the shower. However both took it as a good sign that the former human can find some humor right now. A load gurgle from Coal's stomachs declares the shower over.
Minutes later Luke was putting the plates down with some eggs and bacon when his or hir as the former human starts adjusting the view on him/hirself two roommates emerge from the bathroom...looking like a pair of puffballs. Luke starts laughing hard at the look and the two just glare at hir. "I guess it was you who took our brushes?猫uke points to their places at the table and their brushes were next to their silverware. "Breakfast is ready so lets eat before Coal's stomach eats us.粘ince Luke is finally having a really good mood they'll let the prank slide.....this time.
The meal shows that Luke wasn't a bad cook and the two chakats noticed Coal had a larger helping on hir plate but considering the rumble they heard before had to agree with Luke's assessment. Coal left for work that day a little more optimistic then she has in a while.
The next couple of weeks show the new demeanor Luke has. Both Coal and Dallie love seeing it as well as listening to hir music. One day however they got a knock at the door. Coal opens it to find a rabbit morph and a caitian standing there. "Hello, is this the house of Chakat Medallion?
"Yes it is.”
"And does a Luke Harter live here?”
“Yes but what do you want with him?”
“Well I'm Dr. Swiftfoot and my friend here is Dr.Dustseeker. We're historians and we heard that Luke Harter was from the 21stcentury thus has insight to an area we desperately need.任oaldust senses their honestly but shi fear for hir friend's health. Shi turns hir head away from the door and Yells.
"Dallie I need you at the front door!” Medallion soon walks up and asks
“What's up?”
“These two historians want to talk to Luke. Go ask him if he's up for it.” The golden chakat nods and leaves and Coal addresses the pair in front of hir. "Luke has had a hard time adjusting and only recently start being more positive. So if he says no drop it.”
“Of course.”
“Put them in the living room he'll see them.” Medallion yells from the hallway.
"Alright.” Coal yells back and turns to their guest. "Well I'm Chakat Coaldust child of Snowboard and Nightsky. Have a seat. And please address Luke as a male.” Medallion made sure to have a couple of chairs for any bipedal guest when shi moved in. They instead went for the couch while Coal took a bean bag to lounge on. Those have come back with a rage since quadrupeds were made. Soon Medallion and Luke enter the living room. The historians looked on with fascination. Besides the hairstyle and expression the two were identical even down to the scents. Since they already met Medallion earlier they could tell you who was who.
"Mr.Harter, thank you for seeing us.”
"I understand you want me to talk about my time, but that's a different Earth. From what I know morphs are supposed to be around a lot, heck your Gene Wars was supposed to start soon so how can I help you there?”
"Well the only difference from what I heard was the fate of your parents and morphs so you have a lot to offer. A lot of records from that time were destroyed so someone from the time, even if it's from a parallel world is of immense value to us and we are willing to pay for it.”
"Well if your that desperate then let's begin.” Luke lays down on a couch and they begin.
For a couple of hours Luke answered their questions giving as much detail as shi could. Finally though going through that much of hir past was too much. Tearing up a bit. Shi says. "Sorry I can't do anymore today. Maybe another time work it out with Medallion.” Shi starts getting up to head to hir room when Dr. Swiftfoot says.
"Thank you for your time Luke. Really it was a pleasure.” Luke just nods at him. Medallion and the historian exchange numbers and shi escorts them out while Coal checks on Luke.
"You okay honey?” Shi asks.
"I will be but it's like reopening and old wound.”
"You don't have to see them again if you don't want to.”
"But a want to. History should be known and remembered, otherwise we make the same mistakes.” Coal goes up to hir and hugs hir to help comfort hir.
"I'm proud of you love. To face that pain again.”
"Thanks to you and Medallion.”
"You know you can call hir Dallie.” Luke smirks and replies.
"Maybe one day. I guess we'll have to go at a slower rate then.”
"Alright how does every other day sound?”
"Sounds good to me to try that first.”
"Good let's have supper I STARVING!” That made both Luke and Coal laugh at hir.
After the meal Dallie when to the communication console to tell Dr. Swiftfoot when they could continue when shi saw that she had a message waiting for hir. Shi opens the message and the image of a anthro female wolf appears...or nearly female. " Hey Dallie Alexis here, we haven't seen you in a while and we are getting concerned. Your boss said some sort of family business, which I hope is going well. But Trea's going to be having hir graduation party tomorrow and wanted you to be there. We're hosting it at the Double H call me when you can.” The message ends causing Dallie to think. Trea's was a good friend that Dallie knew when she was a cub. Shi had to be there for that but Luke is still adjusting. Then the proverbial light bulb goes up in hir head. She first calls Swiftfoot to arrange the next meeting then she goes into Luke's room where Luke was on hir keyboard again.
"Hey Luke how do you feel about going to the outside world?” Luke turns and hir eyes narrow and shi asks.
"What are you up to Medallion?”
"A graduation party is being held at one of my favorite clubs and I wondered if you want to come along? I think it would be good for you to go out for once and this is the perfect place.” Luke cocks hir head as shi thinks for a few minutes.
"Do I have to wear anything special?” Dallie shakes hir head.
"Just a T-Shirt. Thanks a bunch you won't regret it.” Dallie got in contact with Alexis to relay the news. "And Alexis I'm bringing someone special with me.” The wolf eyed Dallie through the screen.
"So you finally tied the knot so to speak with Coal?”
"I did but shi has work tomorrow so can't come, I bringing someone else.”
"Do I know this person?”
"You've seen hir face but haven't met hir yet. Note Shi going through an adjustment period right now and while visiting the club will be good tell the group to take it easy on hir.”
"Will do cya tomorrow then.”
The next morning Luke was awakened rudely by Dallie hitting hir with a pillow. "COME ON! Lazy bones, it's 10:00 am freshen up we've got to go.”
"Okay, okay lay off I'm up!” Coal helped Luke in brushing than handed hir a T-Shirt that shi picked out for hir the other day smirking. Luke puts it on along with a belt all taurs use to carry stuff and joins Medallion by the door. Medallion gives a surprise look on hir face and asks. "Are you seriously going to wear that?”
"What, you said I just needed a T-shirt?” Medallion points to a nearby mirror and the T-shirt was a nearly comfortable white Tee, though a little tight on the breasts since Medallion had large breasts for a chakat. But on the shirt with a heart replacing love was "I love big boobs”. Luke rolls hir eyes and shakes hir head and mutters.
"Coal. Well it is true. I do like big boobs and Medallion when I look in the mirror and stare at my breasts I get an erection. So will you're friends have an issue with it?”
"Honey, they're going to love you.” Medallion says with a smile.
The two of them were on the road when Luke asked. "So where's this party?”
"At Double H.”
"Double H?”
"A nick name for Hermaphrodite Haven. As it's name implies it's a haven for all herms of any species and does it's best to cater to theirs needs.”
"So this is an exclusive club?”
"Only in that you have to be a herm to enter. As chakats we don't need anyone to vouch for us. Not everyone is comfortable with herms so this place gives us a place to relax and be ourselves and I figure you can learn a lot about being a herm here.” Luke sighs at that. “Just be yourself honey, well as much that there is in the new you.” Medallion parks in a lot and the pair walk to a large building with a pair of H's displayed on the sign and the handles. "Now Luke I want to pull a prank on my friend Alexis. Shi's a wolf herm who runs the front desk as well as being on of this branches managers.”
"And you want her excuse me hir to mistake me for you?”
"Yup, so you on?”
"Only if I get a good dinner.”
"Deal.” Luke grabs the handles and opens the door and steps in. Shi observes an elegant hallway with a pair of doors with the familiar double H handles.
"Hey Dallie!" Luke looks over to see a sexy and feminine looking anthro wolf getting up from a desk in a corner with a standard door behind and to the left of the desk. The wolf comes up and hugs Luke and says. "Trea was so glad you could come, so where's your friend?”
Luke whispers in hir ear with a smirk. "Right here you got the wrong kitty.” Alexis loosens the hug with a confused look.
"Huh?” Then the door opens again and Medallion steps through and Alexis breaks the hug completely. "What the heck? There's two of you?” Grinning Medallion answers.
“ Alexis, meet my new twin Luke Harter. Luke this is Alexis Timber.”
"New twin? I have to hear this.”
"When we've got everyone together, don't want to repeat myself a bunch of times.”
"Amen to that.” Luke comments.
"Well a pleasure to meet you Luke let me get you a day pass. Since this is your first visit it's free.” Alexis goes back the desk and grabs a pass. As shi returns shi notices Luke's shirt snorts and asks. " I have a feeling that Coal is behind the shirt.”
"You'd be right, but it's true and Medallion say to be myself so....boom.” Alexis laughed at that.
"Luke, I think we're going to be good friends. I have to finish up a couple of things then I'll join the group so go on and Luke, enjoy your visit here.” Medallion open the main doors to a short hallway that turns right and into the main hall. There Luke finds chairs, tables, and couches and various furs of every species lounging around enjoying themselves. Medallion elbows Luke and nods hir head to a group sitting at a table. There they found three dog morphs, a husky, a german shepherd, and their child. A cat morph with white and black fur pattern. All four essentially did jaw drops at the sight of two Medallions heading toward them. Medallion breaks the ice.
"Hi everyone this is my new twin Luke Harter. Luke this is Teri, Erin, and the guest of honor Trea.” Medallion points to the Husky then the Shepherd and the their hybrid child of eighteen. Trea got up and hugs Medallion.
"Thank you for coming but I missed you being here.” Medallion returns the hug and replies.
"You're welcome, sorry I couldn't be here lately but Luke needed my help.” Erin, Trea's sire was about to ask THE question when Medallion interrupts hir. "When everyone gets here I tell Luke's story.”
"Yah I certainly don't want to hear it 15 times in one day.” Commented Luke. The two sit down as Alexis joins the group followed by another chakat with blue fur with a teal patch over the lower back with blond hair in a ponytail. Going to Luke the chakat hugs hir and says. "Hi, I'm Raindrop, child of Seawind and Lollypop.” Luke extends his hand.
"Hi I'm Luke Harter.” this causes Raindrop to arch an eyebrow but takes the hand. The group chatted for a few minutes until they were joined by a cat morph named Lisa. Then Luke saw an amazing site. A mouse morph and considering where they were a herm as well. What was amazing was that shi was tall and..buff. This was a mouse that worked out and was proud of it wearing the skin tight clothing shi has. The mouse stepped up you the twin pair with a thoughtful look on hir face. After a minute the mouse comments.
"If it wasn't for the scent I would have said you dyed Coal so spill it.”
"Yes everyone is here now, explain your twin.” Medallion then explains how Luke got into hir body and life. The group listens on with a look of awe and sympathy towards Luke. Medallion doesn't mention the suicide attempt as that was rather personal for the trio. Finally the story was over and they focus on the reason they met. Trea's graduation party. They chatted and embarrassed Trea a couple of times. And they took to Luke quickly making him join in on the antics until they started getting hungry so they decided to have lunch. Luke orders and expensive meal saying that Medallion owed hir for the prank shi agreed to do. To which Alexis comments.
"Betrayed for a meal.”
"No betrayed for a little fun with my sister.” Luke perks up a bit when shi hears that and after the meal was done a waiter brought out a cake for desert and they all give a final toast to Trea and blessings for hir future. It was evening when the group breaks up for the night and Medallion and Luke head home. During the ride Luke comes out to admit.
"Medallion it's still hard for me to accept that you consider me your sibling so easily.”
"It's just the way we chakats are. We love having new members to the family no matter how they come into the family.” For a minute Luke just sits the speechless before tears come from hir eyes.
"Thank you Medallion, thank you. You don't know how much this means for me.” Medallion just hugs Luke and shi softly cries tears of joy and stay that way all the way home.
Over the next couple of weeks Medallion and Luke become a regular site at Double H. So much they earn the nickname the sunlight duo. More changes appear in Luke as the fact letting hir hair grow again as well as except for Double H where a top is require Luke went around topless. When Coal ask about the change Luke just shrugs and comments. "Well since it's allowed why not. I love these beauties you know.” Even hir music was getting more up beat and that was giving Dallie and Coal an idea but would wait to act on it.
They did have one odd scene though. Coal was about to go into heat and shi wanted to clarify things with Luke. So the three of them talk in the living room. "Luke me and Dallie want to have a child and I'm about to go into heat soon.
"But what's that got to do with me? You're mates, you should have kids. Might be cool to be an aunt. Can't believe I just said that an aunt. I should be an uncle. (sigh) I still have some adjustments to make.”
"Thank you for the blessing Luke but there is one other thing.” Coal then steps closer to Luke.
"Luke, will you be my denmate?” Luke sits there shocked Shi been studying chakat customs since it became sure that shi would live and die a chakat. Composing hirself Luke answers.
"I love you both, you're the closest thing I have now to family. I'm honor Coal by your offer but, I can't accept.” Tears start filling Coals eyes and Luke hugs hir deeply and explains. "Honey I'm just not ready yet. I still need to discover who I am now. Could you accept my offer of Companion though?” Luke breaks off to the two of them could see eye to eye.
"Yes, Luke yes. I can accept that.” Shi hugs him again. "But don't think I won't try to get you into a denmate one day.”
"Knowing you and Medallion I am not surprised.” Medallion joins in the hug and a peace settle between the trio.
Days later Coal's heat comes in and Luke was gonna let them have some privacy, but they wouldn't have it. Shi was family and almost a co-mate so shi got to watch the consummation of Coal and Dallie's love. Shi recognized some of the techniques Coal used on hir when shi needed relief. Though Coal and Dallie would have pulled Luke into their mating they new they would push it too far if they did.....for now. They did notice the erection shi did have watching them and the feelings they picked up from hir. Finally though Coal did paw Luke off for relief and the trio fall asleep with smiles for to at least to the natural born chakats, another wall was broken.
Well Coal did get pregnant during those nights and the pair helped Luke with hir empathic talents in the time to follow. Now though Coal and Dallie's parents were coming to visit and Luke's hair was just as long as Medallion's and for non empaths harder to tell the pair apart. So Coal takes hir back to Fur Artist and Pinky. Seeing the pair the poodle lights up and races to them. "Coal and who is this Dallie or Luke?
"Luke." Pinky sighs.
"So another buzzcut to the beautiful hair.”
"Not this time.” Surprising the other two. "I want to see what you can do.”
"Okay hon, Have a seat.” For the next hour Pinky and Luke went through various styles and nothing seemed to click until. Pinky was fiddling with a bunch of hair and had it in front of Luke's right ear only a few inches from hir eye. "Wait.” Shi says.
"What is it hon?” The poodle asks. Instead of answering Luke asks Coal.
"Coaldust did Medallion ever wear hir hair near hir eyes like this.” Coal thinks for a moment and then shakes hir head. Looking back at Pinky shi asks. "Anyway to keep this here?”
"That's easy hun.” Pinky gather a bunch of hir hair together and secures them with a clamp. Moving hir head around proves the the hair would always settled on the right side of hir face. Shi then smiles at the look and then a light goes on in hir head and the smiles gets bigger.
"Anything else you want to do hun?” Luke looks at the mirror a bit, seeing the NEW hir really for the first time and says. "No. This is good thank you Pinky.” The Poodle sighs at the simplicity of the look but it's what the customer wants, at least it isn't a buzz cut this time. Shi pays the bill and shi and Coaldust get back into the PTV. There Coaldust asks.
"Okay I sense something back their, what is it?”
"I'll tell you tonight with the others.” This causes Coal to huff and pout causing Luke to chuckle.
That evening near then end of a great dinner with Coal and Dallie's parents Luke stand up and hits a glass with a fork to get everyone's attention. "Everyone I have an announcement to make. First I like to thank you all for the love and kindness I have received. I would not wish what I been through on anyone, but if they had to I wish they have someone like you guys to help them. I told Coaldust and Medallion that Luke Harter was dead but I didn't know what to call myself then. Now I do, I'm Chakat Redstreak now.” Coaldust's sire Nightsky quips. "Child of Sungold and Fireblaze?” Redstreak is surprised by that and looks to Medallion's parents to look at eachother and shrug and Sunspot steps up and says.
"We would be honored to adopt you as our daughter formally and legally.” Redstreak stands here speechless before answering.
"I'm honored, I really am. But I have to decline right now. But I will consider you family.”
"Well the offers always open. Now FAMILY HUG!” With that all of them pour on to the newly named chakat and Redstreak finally feels a bright future is ahead of hir.
Continued in the Tales of Redstreak
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Chapter 4 - Chapter 4 |
It's been two months since Bluesky and Shadow became mates and Shadow was grateful for it. Not long after becoming mates Starfleet had caught the spaceport bombers and were quickly put to trial. Shadow went every day and watch with such a cold look. If shi'd had noticed, several nearby Chakats winced and leaned away from hir as they felt hir cold fury. At night Bluesky held hir as shi cried for hir lost mates. The pain coming from hir mate almost made Bluesky try to convince hir not to go but shi knew that Shadow NEEDED this, for whatever reason. Shi remembered when Shadow, Yoshiru, and Val took vows that among them was good times and bad times. Shi now understood that. Being mates with Shadow would be some bad times considering what the Fox herm has gone through but Shadow always repaid with love and kindness during those good times. Hir presence during those bad times seems to help Shadow as well as the kids. Them and Bluesky seemed to be the only things keeping hir going right now. Finally after what seemed to Shadow a far too long trail the bomber were found guilty and sentenced to death. Shadow left the courthouse and a report ran in front of hir.
"Elissa Hassleback from Taur News. How do you feel after the sentencing?" Shadow looked at her coldly.
"That some justice has been served but the Federation has a lot to answer for. When is the Federation going to properly deal with this threat. I lost two mates and an unborn child in that bombing but it doesn't start or end with the bombing. For years this heightened Human First movement has plagued the Federation and it seems to do NOTHING."
"So do you hate human now for the actions of these just sentenced?"
"No I don't hate humans in general just those that think because they made morphs they can rule over them or the fact we were created by man not God have no souls. You want to know who has no soul. Human First. This is the second time I have been affected by their actions. Federation get off you butt and get this whole organization."
Shi walked away from the reporter, got into hir PTV and headed home.
When shi got home Shadowstripe ran into hir arms and shi walked carrying hir daughter. Shadowstripe unbuttoned the blouse hir mother wore to the trial and Bluesky came out of the kitchen. Well love you made the news with that little speech." Shi licked kissed Shadow and with one hand unbutton the skirt Shadow wore and got if off leaving Shadow naked from the waste down. Shadow always loved being stripped by hir mates like that and Bluesky caught on quickly.
"Really?" Bluesky gestured with hir hand and still carrying Shadowstripe entered the living room with the TV on.
< In other news the Metro City Spaceport bombers were sentenced to death today in court. Hundreds had died in they attack and many of the victims relatives were in court. One of them, a Shadow Phoenix by our Research team made some interesting comments on the outcome.> They then went to the recording of Shadow's comments at the court house.
<With us today is retired Starfleet Captain Scott McCoy. Thank you for joining us Captain. What do you think of Shir Phoenix's comments?>
<I think shi has a point. Till a few years ago we would have a random murder of a fur or a bombing of a fur establishment done by a single or really small group of people claiming to be Human First and we took care of that in the proper way. However just a few years ago this group gains a sudden influx of people and we had the riots and really started the current era of Human First. And we have had five major incidents since. The Gildedtongue Trial, The Cochran Incident, The Montgomery Scott Theft, New Kiev Assault, The Long Tail Day Massacre, And now the Metro City Bombing. It is safe to say this is truly a terrorist group and a high number of them from the Holy Christian Kingdom of North America. Sadly I think part of the problem is that even a bit of Starfleet has this cancer in it. The man behind the Long Tail Day Massacre was before arrested in the Cochran Incident and was waiting to be forced to have his mind read in that case when there is a sudden riot in the prison and he fakes his death with a transporter trick. He had to have inside help in that. Starfleet needs to nip this in the butt or a fear for the future of the Federation.>
<In what ways captain?>
<Well sadly people like Human First have existed since the end of the Gene War, but after the Long Tail Day massacre you saw many news channels interviewing many people and especially furs and many furs our now fearful of humans. That fear can easily be turned into hate and that could cause a fur version of Human First to arise that will do to humans what human First is doing to the furs around us. We could very well have a three sided war. Pro human on one side, pro fur on the other side with the rest of us caught in the middle.> The TV turned off and Shadow looked over and saw Bluesky lower the remote.
“I think we heard enough of that for now. I want to think of more positive things.” Shi looked amorously at hir fox mate which caused Shadow to smile.
“You're going to have to wait till the kids are asleep love.” The five of them played various games till the cubs were finally tired and put to bed. Now with the kids asleep the two adults went to their room and Shadow finally took off the blouse and be fully nude for hir mate. The two laid in bed and started caressing and kissing till it turn more intimate and passionate love for most of the night before falling asleep.
A month goes by and everyone was at home. Bluesky had the day off and played with hir step children while Shadow got some work done. Shadow was asked to do a couple of speeches since shi made the news and accepted some. Some shi outright rejected for they were what Captain McCoy feared, clear anti human groups were starting to form and shi made them clear that shi wasn't anti human just sick of how Starfleet was handling the Human First problem. Shi heard the doorbell ring and let Bluesky answer it. A minute later hir mates head popped through the doorway. “Shadow there's some Starfleet officers here to talk to you.”
“Alright let me just finish this page up.” Bluesky nodded and left and Shadow went to finish hir work before meeting the officers. When shi got out and saw the officers. One was a Caitian female the other was a rabbit morph female. Both quipped up eyes on hir nudity but when they spoke they didn't mention it.
“Shir Phoenix, thank you for seeing us. I'm Lt. Morningspring and this is ensign Hopper” The Caitian said
“Not everyday you have starfleet officers visit. So why are you here?”
“We would like your help. Starfleet ran into a new alien race.” She brought out a holoprojector and press a couple of buttons and an image appeared. The being appeared to be a fox with black fur but their very interesting features. She judging the image had blue streaks go apparently all over her body in a random pattern with a blue mohawk hair and green eyes. “They call themselves the Vulpamians and have several worlds under their control. We met in orbit of a potential colony world. The world is still under dispute and after a bit of exchange of history and culture we have maintain a fragile peace. We want a representative to negotiate with them and we want you to be that person.”
“Why me, I certainly have no experience in diplomacy and neither did Chris.”
“Minus the mohawk and streaks you look like them and one other fact we discovered is that they revere hermaphrodites as almost holy beings since they have had very few in their known history. While of course we have many herms in the federation you are our best option right now, no Starwalker Stellars is available and if you refuse we look for other herms. And as for experience consider this a business deal which Chris was good at and we'll train you on the way if you agree. We can even get the Ambassador if you like.”
“No. IF I agree I do not want THAT ship.”
“Okay we'll use another ship. And your family can come with on the ship.” Shadow thought for a moment before saying.
“Let me think on it.”
“Of course and thank you for your time.” Bluesky saw them to the door and Shadow spent hours thinking. Bluesky left hir alone to think for most of the time but eventually found hir mate outside under the big oak tree. Shi was staring at the stones marking the final resting place of three of hir love ones, two forever together as Yoshiru was buried with her and Shadow's unborn child. Sensing now was a good time to approach, shi did and Shadow looked at hir before looking back at the tombstones.
“So what do you think Bluesky, should I go?”
“Yes Shadow, you still hurt bad from the bombing. I think a change would be good for you. Be away from Earth your job, and the ghosts for a while probably would be a good thing.” Shadow sighed and leaned against Bluesky who caught hir and hugged the black fox.
“I'll give it a try love.”
Morningspring got everything together in a week. Shadow and Bluesky were on a leave of absence and now both were packing up and helping their children pack. Finally done they lock up and head to the spaceport and beamed up to the Starbase in orbit. The ship they were going on was the Archangel and they walked to the airlock for the ship and stared in awe. She was a big ship. She had a very smooth shovel head shaped saucer a long wide smooth body with a bulbous aft with a pair of pill shaped nacelles below and parallel to the main body. Shi sees Morningspring wave at them and they head over. After passing the security Morningspring showed them to their quarters and after setting their luggage down they were directed to the sickbay for a check up need for all on board. Shadow got a rather tall and well endowed Caitian female to do hir. Since shi had never seen a caitian like that shi asked about it. The female, M'Kerrena, said she had a rare tumor that stimulated her growth hormones. Though they got a tumor out shi was left with this body. To Shadow's nose it seemed the caitian was in heat. Well shi hoped she had someone to fill that need. Giving the all clear shi waited for hir family then went back to their quarters to unpack.
A few hours later they were at one of the side lounges and Shadow's children see the Earth fall out of view as the Archangel takes off and leaves orbit. Shadow then escorted hir family back to their quarters and shi went to the office Morningspring and Hopper will be using on board. They took notice of hir still being nude. “Shir Phoenix could you please wear something. Since you are going to be a rep you can use the diplomatic uniform.” Shadow sighed but when to a replicator.
“Computer you have my dimensions on file?”
“Then one set my size of ship uniform, diplomat colors.” A hum and a uniform appears and shi puts it on.
“No undergarments?” Morningspring asked.
“Hey i'm wearing something. A bit of slave programming remains and it causes me to like being nude. I could just take this off again.”
“No, no. Forget I said anything.” Shadow noticed both of them blushing a bit.
“Okay what is it?” Morningspring blushed some more before replying.
“I didn't know you were a slave.”
“I wasn't but came very close to being one. I wasn't born I was created by killing a decent man I call my father.”
“I'm sorry. Um, let's go over the intel.” Shadow let it drop and the three of them went over the basic plan. They were to get a recognized border between the Federation and the Vulpamian Hegemony. Trade agreement between the two powers and a settlement on the disputed world. Shadow decided that upon landing shi would be nude to leave no doubt of hir gender. Reluctantly Morningspring had to agree but got a promise from Shadow to wear something during formal talks.
They took a break for lunch and they met up with Shadow's family and went to the main mess hall. They were halfway through their meal when they got a visitor, the ship's captain. He was a dog morph in his late thirties. He introduced himself as Captain Jacob Jelico and wanted to meet the diplomats. According to him he took command of the Archangel two years ago after his predecessor retired. This was his first really big mission and hoped to a successful mission. They all drank to that.
Halfway to their destination a Vulpamian vessel approached them. Jelico looked at the ship, it was smaller, sleeker, and sharper than his Archangel but it scream predator. “Hail them Mr. Mayweather.” The crewman nodded and after a chime signaling an open channel “This is Captain Jacob Jelico of the Federation Starship Archangel. We are transporting representatives to your home planet Forresteria.”
<We are the Vulpamian Defense Ship Arkarria. We have been sent to escort you to your destination.>
“Understood Arkarria, your command crew is invited to a dinner on the Archangel.”
<No thank you Archangel.> The two ships flew parallel till they got to Forresteria. Shadow and hir family look out the viewports of the forward lounge as they approached the planet. The planet was mainly covered in green land with several small seas and a big ocean to break it up. In orbit they saw a massive station which appeared to be a combination defense structure and trade port. Some distance away was a shipyard with a couple of vessel under construction. Around them they saw ships of all types and functions flying around them. Clearly the planet was a major trade hub within the Hegemony. The Archangel was finally in orbit and Shadow said goodbye to hir family and head to the shuttle bay. Morningspring forbade hir family from joining hir down on the surface for the time being. They wanted the Vulpamians used to hir before introducing hir taur mate and children. So among hir personal affects shi had a transmitter so shi could talk to them daily. While Morningspring suggested a pilot Shadow refused. Chris was a good pilot and while shi had no interest in freight hauling shi made sure to keep that skill. Shi did a holo test flight on the way and Morningspring relented when shi passed. With the shuttlecraft sealed up shi activated the engines and launched out of the shuttle bay with Bluesky and the kids waving. Safely away from the Archangel shi began a decent to the coordinates they were given. Shi flew through the clouds and got a close look at the world. It seemed to be covered with trees not farm area shi could see Shi saw boats on a large lake till shi got to a city. The city itself was interesting. The buildings weren't cubed like Earth's but round. They had a very large base that thined to a long tube before getting wider again with skyways connecting each of them. It looked like the Vulpamians based their structures on the forests around them. COOL. Shi saw hir destination and it was the top of one of these buildings and shi was some figures. Shi brought the shuttlecraft into a landing and shut the engines down. “Well time to me the natives.”
Shi opened the hatch and stepped out to meet the Vulpamians. There was three figures close to hir with others many feet away and gave the impression of a security detail. The nearby figures were another story. They were two males and a female. All three had mohawks of different shades of blue and the streaks that match the blue of the hair went about in random patterns on their bodies. All three wore toga's of simmering blue material with a claps and a fabric in a belt form to hold it in place. They looked at hir in shock before the female signaled the males and all three bowed and the female said.
“Forgive us honored one. We did not expect you among the off worlders.”
“Well there are many of my gender there but rise and tell me your names. I am Shadow Phoenix and I have come to represent the Stellar Federation during these talks.” They rose and the female spoke.
“I am Foluya of Clan Nighthall. With me are Fenriss of Clan Forestnight and Franck of Clan Wintermoon. I am a member of the Senate and have been purposed to see to your needs during your stay.”
“So what's first Senator? Meeting with the Senate?”
“Oh no Honored one. It was scheduled for tomorrow but they may delay that for a dinner to celebrate one of the honored being among us. We will see you to your quarters.”
“Very well, just let me get my stuff.”
“Fenriss and Franck will get them Honored One.” With a nod both males went into the shuttlecraft and manage to get it all. Shadow then locked up the shuttlecraft and followed them inside the building. The inside was typical of an Earth building but the lights. They had their lights on the side of the ceiling instead of the middle and were not as bright. They got to a set of doors and Foluya swiped a card and Shadow heard the clack of a lock and opened the door and gestured for Shadow to go in. Shi did and it was a large room filled with hammock like structures with three facing a tv hanging from the roof. Every piece of furniture hanged from the ceiling it seemed. “This is the hotel Hang Times finest suite and is yours during your stay. The staff has been ordered to handle your needs while you are here Honored One.”
“Very nice, thank you.”
“We are please to serve Honored One.” That title was beginning to irk Shadow.
“Senator, you have to honor any wish of mine?”
“Yes Honored One. The only restriction is any order that violates the laws of our people. It is among the greatest pleasures of our kind to serve one Honored with the gift of both genders.”
“Alright then. It is my wish that you use the title Shir or Shir Phoenix then honored One in my presence. Is that okay?'
“As you command Shir Phoenix.” She said with a slight bow.
“Well with that out of the way. I would like to see the city if that's possible.”
“Of course it is Shir. When would you like to get going?”
“Just let me get some clothes on and we can head out. Unless you are needed elsewhere.”
“No I am yours for the day but if I may be bold Shir. Why did you come nude if you brought clothes?”
“Senator do not be afraid to ask any question to me. This is a mission of knowledge and understanding. I came nude for two reasons. One to prove my gender without question and two, well I like being nude. I brought clothes so I would not violate any laws of yours.”
“Well there isn't a law against nudity Shir. Especially for ones honored like yourself.” Shdow grinned and inwardly said.
'Take that Morningspring.' Outwardly shi said. “Well let's get going.”
They took an elevator down to the streets and Shadow with the trio of Vulpamians following explored the city. Shi saw what Foluya meant considering clothes. Most of what see saw was like swim wear at home or sluttly stuff. Shi even saw a hand ful of those like hir in the nude. The most clothing shi saw was the toga clad trio following hir. What shi also saw was every Vulpamian that saw hir started to bow when they noticed hir gender. They city was amazing in of itself. Many gaps between the building had small wooded areas with a store or two in them. Shi decided to check them out. Shi saw some of the basics of food utensils and food itself. And shi saw some items that were strange. And see saw some toys including stuffed version of the Vulpamians themselves. “My kids would love those.”
“Why not get them Shir?” Foluya asked.
“I don't think they will take federation currency yet.”
'I will pay shir. They government will reimburse me for any expenditure.”
“Cool, okay then I'll take thee off those with different hair colors.” The store clerk nodded and got them as Foluya paid. They were about to leave when Shadow noticed a young Vulpamian looking at a toy. The scent told Shadow it was a girl and she stared longingly at a doll.
“Honored One, Don't mind her. Her family is too poor to buy that doll so she comes in and stares at it. She doesn't bother anyone so I allowed it.”
“I'll buy it.” Shadow said and Foluya nodded and paid for it. The store clerk gave it to Shadow and Shadow kneel down to the girl and tapped her should to get her to stop looking at the display toy. The child did and Shadow smiled at hir and handed her the toy. “here you go and you take good care of that toy.” Shi said. The child took it looked at the doll in the package and looked back at Shadow with tears in her eyes. The young girl then hugs Shadow and says.
“Thank you.” Petting her head Shadow replies.
“Your welcome.” Everyone stared at hir in awe as shi left the store.
After the toy store shi decided shi had enough for today. Shi went back to hir suite and unpacked. Shi then set up the comm terminal and turned it on. The first to appear was Morningspring. <So how was the first day Shir Phoenix?>
“Great. I'm meeting the Senate tomorrow or the day after. And I can go around nude they were skimpy stuff if anything at all.” Morningspring facepalmed in reply. “Also I think you missed how important herms are here. I was being treated like a holy relic.”
<Interesting, very interesting. Anything else of note?> After a couple minutes Shadow hung up and called Bluesky. Hir mate's face lit the screen. “Hi honey, how's the kids?”
<Rambunctious as always. They make sure i'm not bored while your down their. So how are the locals?>
“Interesting, they have fellow nudists.” Shi saw Bluesky chuckle. “All their furniture that I have seen is like hammocks. Even their buildings are cool looking. And tell the kids I have presents for them.”
<They will be happy about that.>
“Yup, hey when this mission is done you want to try for a kid?”
<You think 3 kids were enough but yeah we can try for one.>
“Good, good. I look forward to trying.” Bluesky tilted hir head.
<There's more to that isn't there? You want a child to fill the void were that unborn child should be.> Shadow nodded slightly and tears formed in hir eyes. <It's okay Shadow. I don't mind. I know you will love our child as much as you love that unborn one. I'm glad I can help.>
“How did I get such a great mate?”
<Went to a Double H and met a clueless tiger morph with a smart chakat friend.> Shadow smiled at that and signed off a few minutes later.
Shadow woke up the next morning. Sleeping in the hammock bed was a new and interesting experience. Shi ordered breakfast and washed up a bit. The doorbell rang and shi opened it to a female with cyan colored mohawk with a cart. “Your breakfast Honored One.”
“Come on in.” Shi opened the door more and the service female pushed it in. “Thank you.” The female bowed and replied.
“You are most welcomed Honored One.” The female left and Shadow had breakfast. The food was different colored and shaped but tasted like some of the food from Earth. Shi was finishing up when there was a knock on the door. Shi got up and opened in to see Foluya. Shi let's the Vulpamian in.
“So what's up for today?” Shi grabs a bacon like strip of meat and chews.
“Well the Senate meeting is push back till tomorrow for we have a celebration party tonight. Other than that your day is free on our end.”
“Great I want to explore more of the city.”
They spent a few hours exploring the city and Shadow met the Vulpamians, getting to know their culture more. Shadow felt shi was making a positive mark on the locals but shi had to head back to get ready for the party. After a shower shi put on hir gold gown and Foluya nodded in approval and led hir to the hotel's main ballroom. The room was well appointed and shi say many mingling around till they noticed hir. All of the conversations stopped and it was quite quiet for a minute or too. Shadow was a bit embarrassed but decided to wave and say. “Hi all.” Shi heard some chuckles as a male approached hir.
“I am Veron of Clan Nightwalker, head of the senate. On behalf of my world I welcome you.” He then bowed followed by everyone in the room. Completely blushing Shadow replied.
“Thank you very much. I hope this party and out talks go well.” With that Shadow spent the next couple hours eating and talking to the Vulpamians around hir. Telling them about Earth and asking them about their world. Eventually the party whined down and Shadow went back to hir room to rest for tomorrow.
The next day shi was in the same outfit as shi was driven to the Senate building. Foluya and her aides were with hir. The Senate building itself was not Impressive in comparison to the other buildings. It was a large pillar with only a slight extension outward near the city. The car pulled into an underground parking area and Foluya lead hir into the building proper. They took and elevator up and it took them to the senate room. Shi nothing but a couple of small lifts till shi looked up. The entire inside seemed hollow and there were several small porch like spots dotting the wall. A floating platform descended And Shadow saw Veron also clad in a toga pilot it down to them. “Welcome Honored One. The senate and the world await your words.” Sahdow blushed, shi knew shi did. And shi didn't have a speech planned. 'Oh well, I'll wing it.' Shi stepped onto the platform and it rose a ways till stopping. Shi saw Foluya taking a lift up to one of the porches and a floating device came close to hir. Probably a camera of some sort. 'Well show time.' Shi took a deep breath and began.
“People of the Vulpamian Hegemony. I am Shadow Phoenix, chosen representative of the Stellar Federation. I have had the pleasure of exploring this city and your buildings are unique and beautiful. And your people kind and friendly of what I have seen. The Hegemony and the Federation can become good friends and allies. I hope my talks with your Senators will bring peace and lasting friendship to us all.” Shi stepped back and the Senate erupted into applause. The platofrm went back down and Shi was directed to a room where a few minutes later several Senators entered. Foluya among them off course.
“We are the committee who will negotiate any treaty for the Senate to vote on Shir Phoenix.” Foluya explained and Shadow nodded and got to work. It was easy to define most of the border between Federation and Hegemony space with the one planet still in debate and any trade. They seemed at an impasse for the disputed word. It had resources that both powers wanted.
“I have an idea.” Shadow said at one point causing the senators around hir to stop looking at drafts and charts. “i know that within the Federation some colonies are sponsored by a planet not the Federation directly and one of them was a joint colony of Humans and Caitians. The plant melded both cultures into it and some of the Caitian pride families have human members. Why not something like that on the planet. There's enough room and resources for two settlements. The planet and the space around it as a free trade zone.”
“What about laws and customs, they can't be the same for both powers?” A male Senator asked.
“True but even in the federation planets develop their own laws as long as they don't counter Federation law and cultures are very different but respected. Most Federation planets allow topless females and herms. Arisia allows complete nudity. So while that will be a turn off for some. There would be many not caring or excited about that.” the senators looked at eachother for a minute before one said.
“That could be possible. We should look closely at the details.”
“That will have to wait everyone.” Foluya said. 'It is getting late and we can take this up tomorrow.” Some looked at the time keeper on the wall and winced. They had been at this for hours. They broke up and everyone headed home. As Foluya stopped at the hotel she asked. “You want me to escort you up Shir?” Shaow shook hir head.
“No thanks, not tired yet so going to head for the gym to get me wore down.”
“Very well Shir, you have a good night.”
“Same to you Senator.” With that the two parted company and Shadow headed for the gym's locker room. For ease of everyone when chose the female room since besides hir dick shi looked female. After stripping down shi was about to head for the gym proper. Three of the nearby females charged hir and shi heard a hiss and they next thing shi knew was blackness.
Shadow groaned and felt a bit hung over. Shi tried to raise hir hand to hir head but shi couldn't move it. Shi manage to open hir eyes and found hirself still naked and bound to a exam table that was slanted. Shi saw a male Vulpamian standing before hir. “ Ah good honored One. You are awake. I apologize for any discomfort me and my brothers and sisters have put on you but our need is desperate Honored One so we have no choice.”
“WHAT'S THE MEANING OF THIS!” Shadow demanded.
“Simple Honored One, We o\call ourselves the Followers of the Honored. You were created in the image of the creators far closer than the rest of us. We look to those Honored as you are to guide us on the mortal realm. But sadly there has not been an Honored one among us for at least a century. And even then only a couple and they produced single gender children. Since that time we thought we had lost favor with the creators of the universe. But here you are. A gift from the stars.” He rubbed hir sheath and shi growled at him. “Your seed will be implanted in the wombs of all the females that are believers.”
“Problems with that scenario buddy. Though I'm unusually fertile there is absolutely no guarantee I am compatible with your species, looks aside. And even if possible it is doubtful I could service all your females and they will be looking for me so you have little time.”
“Valid points Honored One. But we are prepared for them. One this place was made when are group was first founded and never revealed to outsiders so we are quite safe here. Two is this.” He held up a hypo of some kind with bluish liquid inside. “This was originally meant for the next Honored one to come from our species. However when we learned of other races we had our finest geneticist work on a new batch just incase an Honored one was found among other species. This gem will not only ensure you successfully breed with us it will ensure you have plenty of seed for our use.” He then nodded to someone behind Shadow and shi felt a needle poke hir arm. Looking over shi saw an IV and then shi felt a hiss and looked back to see the first male grinning with an empty hypo. “Be assured Honored One. You will be well cared for as you provide the seed of our salvation.” Shadow didn't have time to comment when shi was filled with a wave of arousal. Instantly hir cock got rock hard and shi heard something move. A robotic arm came down with a tube and a hose attached to it. It quickly encased hir cock and felt it tightened and a sucking sound began. In hir current state that was all that was needed. Shi came hard and felt the tube fill up with cum before being sucked out. Shi thought at some point shi would stop and rest but after an hour of constant cumming shi showed no signs of stopping. Shi was lucky to even noticed that. The pleasure was overwhelming and soon all shi could think was how good it all felt. And shi was right all shi did was grunt, groan, moan, and yip was shi was milked nonstop till shi finally passed out after hours of pumping seed into a machine. The attendants then turned off the machine and allowed hir rest petting hir as they checked the IV. Despite being passed out hir cock was still hard and ready but without stimulation didn't do anything. The next morning shi awoke and was deeply aroused that without any thought shi tried humping the machine. An attendant appeared and turn the machine on and shi was at it again.
Shi went like this for days before Starfleet and the authorities found hir. They and Foluya torn the planet apart trying to find hir and they got really lucky. A satellite caught a glimpse of the cult carrying a body sized bag into the building. Figuring that had to be Shadow they raided the place. The cult out up a strong resistance but no match for a crack team of Rakshani marines. They busted into the room with Foluya and a Vulpamian team loyal to her and Dr. M'Kerrena. They found hir in pump mode and Foluya found the controls and turn it off. “NO!....PLEASE! I NEED TO CCCCCUUUUUUUMMMM!” Shadow bellowed. To Foluya's eyes the offworld honored One seemed different. Granted shi was likely under some kind of drug but hir body was different. Shi saw blue in hir fur. The offworld doctor scanned the Honored one with a device and tap a badge on her uniform.
“Archangel two to beam directly to sickbay.” Both she and the Honored One disappeared in a shimmering of lights And Foluya worked with the offworlds to uncover any information on what this cult planned.
Things were not calm in sickbay. Shadow still pleaded to cum and had to be strpped down when shi nearly tackled M'Kerrena. The captain came in with Bluesky, the chakat sense the desperation and lust in hir mate and it took a lot of self restraint to not go to hir side. “How is shi doc?” The captain asked.
“Not good. What ever they gave hir has severely affected hir system. Hir libido is in overdrive and clearly they did something more to hir was hir appearance shows. We've done a detail scan but to analyse it will take time. Meanwhile shi suffers.” The Caitian looked directly at Bluesky. 'Shi seems to have an overwhelming need for sex and I’m afraid leaving hir unsatisfied will cause damage.
“Shi's my mate doctor, I will do ANYTHING to help hir.”
“You prepared for a sexfest? That's what shi needs right now and no telling how long it will last.”
“Shi is my mate.” Shi said with a clear end of discussion on that point.
“Okay, we'll beam both of you to a vacant room and we have someone take care of the kids.” Bluesky frowned but then nodded. It wouldn't due for the kids to see Shadow like this at all. Shi walked next to hir mate and they were both beamed to a room. Bluesky didn't get much chance to see the room as Shadow leaped, grabbed hir rear and shoved hir cock into Bluesky's pussy. THAT was a bit painful since hir pussy was dry and it was rough for the next minute or so till shi felt hir mate cum inside hir. That felt good and help lubricate the tunnel and shi felt hir mate thrust in and out again before cumming again. Hir mate had no stamina like this except of how many times shi came. WHICH ALOT. This was not the caring and loving fox herm shi got to know over the years but a rutting animal with only instinct in control. Bluesky just did hir best to ride with it. For hours they coupled. Bluesky manage to adjust hirself at times so shi could caress hir mate and when hir pussy grew sore shi either pawed hir mate off and sucked hir off. As hir mate finally passes out shi notices the mess made and commed for a cleaning bot before laying next to hir mate exhausted and fell asleep as well.
The next morning shi just manage to get Shadow to have a meal before letting the fox have hir way with hir. Again hours went by with the two coupling again and again. Shi manage to do bathroom breaks and shower fun but that was the routine for days till after another run which Bluesky passed out before Shadow the ships Cheif medical officer, Dr. McConny scan them. “Okay get Shir Bluesky out of here. The poor chakat was been completely worn out.” A foxtaur and another chakat came in and lifted Bluesky out as M'Kerrena came in and asked.
“What do we do now? Bluesky can't do this anymore and we haven't come up with anything yet.”
“We could use another chakat but not many would be willing to end up like Bluesky.” He then looked the caitian. “M'Kerrena your condition leaves you in constant heat right?”
The caitian sighed. “Yes, though the drugs help it's hard sometimes hence the series of transfers.”
“Would you be willing to take Bluesky's place?”
“But what about treatment?”
“We aren't making much progress there. We need time and you can buy that in there. Honest you are more useful in there then in the lab. I can handle that but can't handle hir. You can.” M'Kerrena looked that the black fox. Even in sleep hir cock was still rock hard, poor thing. She sighed and nodded and step into the room and stripped. Ironically that felt good. One of the side affects of her condition was she was very sensitive, especially with hir nipples. She had to wear custom bras to give her nipples room. Shi was in the room for only an hour when Shadow woke up and stalked her like prey. Thanks to her condition shi was already wet so it wasn't painful when Shadow entered her and she came to experience what Bluesky did and did pay any attention but to the pleasure of her new lover.
Captain Jelico sat in his captain chair with a troubled look on his face. It has been two weeks since they rescued Shir Phoenix and they haven't had much luck in curing hir of whatever they did. Last week they had to remove Bluesky from the room for fear of hir health. Shi spent two days in sickbay resting before shi went back to caring for their kids. His assistant chief medical officer had been in there a week and still going gusto with the herm fox. 'Looks like they finally found someone to match the Caitians drive.' He thought. Before he could think anymore on the subject his comm officer said. “Captain a Senator Foluya wishes to speak with you.”
“Very well.” An image of the local foxlike beings appeared. “Senator, what can I do for you?”
<We are very curious to the Honored One's condition?>
“Sadly nothing has changed. Shi and one of our people are at nearly nonstop and our doctors have had little success.”
<BY THE CREATORS! Captain my people were responsible for this I am ashamed to say. Please captain allow some out best doctors to help. Allow us to fix a problem we created.>
“Hold on Senator.” He gave the mute signal. He opened a channel to Dr. McConny. “Doctor the vulpamians are wanting to send some of their people up to help with the Phoenix issue. You have any problems with that?”
<HELL NO SIR! Any help will be grateful. This level of genetics could be even better than the L.N.A.W.'s . please bring them in.> He gave the unmute symbol.
“Senator you have got a deal, send them up.”
Senator got out of the transporter pad with the science and medical doctors behind her. 'Such an interesting device.' She thought. Though she had no medical skills she had to come. Shadow was her responsibility and she failed. She had to redeem herself and ask Shadow for forgiveness. She and her team were escorted to a lab and she let them get to work.
With a groan Shadow opened hir eyes. Shi saw a ceiling that looked familiar. Then a familiar face appeared. Shi closed hir eyes and smiled. “Bluesky, hi. How are the kids?”
“Eager to see you again. How do you feel love?” Shadow stretched and responded.
“Tired....and horny.” Shi saw a sad smile on hir mate's face.
“Not surprising. What's the last thing you remember?”
“A Vulpamian male saying I was the key for the future of the world and that my seed will impregnate many, then I rember lust. What happened?”
“A group of religious zealots kidnapped you seemingly to have your seed make more herms. They....they altered you love. You are now part Vulpamian and left you with problems.”
“What kind of problems?”
“Not did they make you part Vulpamian Shir Phoenix but they made sure that you would produce much seed as quickly as possible. You have spent the last 2 and a half weeks in a sexfest. First with Bluesky then when you wiped hir out Dr. M'Kerrena took over. Thanks to the Vulpamian scientists we manage to get a hold of it but not everything. In summary, with your outer alterations your libido is stronger than before. You will likely have to have sex everyday once and you will have a permanent erection for the rest of your days right now. We and our Vulpamian compatriots will still work on this but right now this is the best we can do.” Shadow sat up and did see hir cock standing proudly close to hir nose. Shi was tempted to take it in hir mouth and suck and lick. 'I guess I'm going to have to get use to that.' Shi looked up and saw the concern look of hir make and the curiosity of the others.
“I like to see myself.” The doctor directed hir to a full length mirror. And for the second time in hir life shi had to see hir new self. Hir eyes were the same glow as ever but hir hair was different. It had bluish highlights and the from part near hir forehead tried to turn into the mohawk style of the locals. Hir build was the the same but hir fur and bluish streaks over it. Not as many as a Vulpamian but defiantly their style. And hir cock. It stood there and shi notice a couple of blue streaks on it and shi was fighting down a desire to mate right now. “You said that Bluesky tried to help me?”
“Yes I did till you wore me out.'
“Oh jeeze I am SO SORRY Bluesky.”
“Not your fault Shadow. You are my mate. In sickness and in health. And on the plus side. Despite me not being in heat you got me knocked up. We will have a child.” Shadow manage a shocked look as Bluesky hugged hir and shi quickly joined it. They WILL GET THROUGH THIS. As they broke off Shadow asked.
“Who filled in for you when a tuckered my poor kitty out?”
“M'Kerrena, she's resting right now but she seemed to keep up with you throughout it all.”
“Good to know, send her my thanks.' Shi then noticed Foluya. “Senator Foluya.” Whatever shi was going to say was lost when the toga clad female rushed hir and kneeled before hir.
“Honored One on behalf of my people I give our most profound apologies for what has happened. For me personally I have failed you utterly. If you want another assistant I will make the arrangements.” Shadow used hir finger to lift Foluya's muzzle.
“I do not blame you for the actions of others. You will stay my assistant but understand I am taking a few days to get use to my new condition. Just promise me you are punishing those who did this to me.”
“As you wish Honored One.” Shadow then left with Bluesky trailing behind hir.
Shadow spent a few hours with hir kids. Shi was careful to not have them touch hir cock and cause some unwanted pleasure. After the kids were put to bed shi was in hir bedroom with hir mate. They lied next to eachother caressing. “I bet when I was not into foreplay the last two weeks?”
“You weren't love.” Bluesky responded and took shadow's head in hir paws and kisses hir. “But I bet you are ready to make up for it?” Shadow grinned and caressed Bluesky's breasts and kissed the chakat passionately. Shi felt hir mates forelegs hug hir and hir handpaws caress hir. Shi then moved to lick and suckle the chakat's nipples causing hir to purr and play with Shadow's breasts. After a few minutes shi switched to the other breast and repeated. After a bit shi silently got Bluesky to lie on hir backs and Shadow crawled on hir lower belly and rubbed hir mate's sheath and loved the feel on hir own cock sandwiched between their bellies. IT felt really good. As soon as Blue's cock came out Shadow commented.
“I bet this didn't see much action two weeks ago.” And took it in hir mouth and licked and sucked before Blue could answer in anything but a moan. Shi managed a few sucks and licks before Bluesky decided to play another organ that saw little action the past two weeks, Shadow's pussy. They two went at it with gusto in the sixty nine position. Soon Shadow felt a surge and shi started swallowing hir mate's cum and hir mate's licking soon had hir cumming as well. The two rested a bit before Shadow turned around to face hir mate. This made hir sandwiched cock feel good. Shi never thought the caress of fur would be so arousing.
“So how was that for tender loving.” Bluesky smiled and replied.
“So good to have my true mate back. But shi still had needs to address.” Shadow felt a handpaw stroke hir cock. No matter how female bias shi was this condition will for hir to attend hir male side more. But luckily shi had an understanding mate.
The next week Shadow spent time with hir family. The next morning after the renewal of hir intimate and caring side hir daughter. Goldmine asked if shi was alright. “I'm better now honey but I have some changes to make.”
“Like your fur and your wee wee daddy?”
“Yes, honey. Some bad people made me real sick and this is the result.”
“Well this for for making it all better.' Goldmine kissed hir sire on the head and went to join hir sisters leaving a smiling Shadow. Goldmine and hir sisters were the last physical connections to Yoshiru and Val thus hir most precious treasures. Bluesky sat next to hir mate and saw the whole thing. The feelings of love made hir glad to be part of this family. Shiu rubbed hir lower belly. 'And in a year I will make my own addition to this family.' Shadow also manage to talk to M'Kerrena to thank her for her help.
“You're quite welcome Shir Phoenix.” The Caitian replied. “It was nice knowing someone can keep up with me though I would have loved a bit more than just plain rutting.” Shadow looked at the Caitian. While hir memories of the rut time were quite a blur shi had to scan the Caitian and M'kerrena was quite beautiful and made hir erect cock pulse a bit.
“I'll tell you what. I owe you for that help so come tonight and I'll give you a night of foreplay and fun.” Shi grew a smirk and finished. “If you dare.”
“OH you're ON!” And both left to take care of things before tonight.
Bluesky suggested that they do it in M'Kerrena's place for more privacy than in their quarters. With some reluctance Shadow agreed. Wearing only a loose dress so hir cock wouldn't bother hir too much (shi had to figure out outfits that could cover but not stimulate hir cock when in public) shi went to M'Kerrena's quarters. The Caitian was wearing a robe that despite being technically loose still strained against her ample breasts. “Come on it Shadow.” Shadow came in and looked around and saw a place not dissimilar to what shi used to live in. Nice and cozy but a bit dark till shi saw the table. A it was a small two person table with a nice red cloth over it and pair of nice plates and silverware were set and a pair of candles lit the area.
“Wow you went all out for this.” The Caitian shrugged.
“I consider this a special occasion and don't get to go out as such often.” M'Kerrena even went to a chair and pull it back for Shadow to sit. Shadow sat down and M'Kerrena pushed it in before leaving for the kitchen area where Shadow has been smelling sweet aromas. M'Kerrena brought out several dishes. Most Shadow didn't recognize so shi figured Caitian dish but there was a couple of human dishes as well. “I made some of my favorite dishes and tried to make some terran ones as back up if you didn't find any you liked.”
“That was thoughtful. Thank you.” Shadow grabbed some of the terran food. Looks like M'Kerrrena chose the simple but good stuff. Hamburger, steak, a pasta. Shi also took a little bit of every other dish as well just to try them. They weren't bad in the end. Certainly a difference then hir usual fare. As they ate they talked about eachother's lives. M'kerrena was the youngest of six siblings from a full pride and had an average childhood till the tumor became known. Which drove her to her current career but has been difficult keeping in control and has caused a series of transfers.
“Sometimes I wonder why I bother? It seems I can't keep a position on a ship. Maybe I should quit and maybe open a local clinic.” Shadow reached over and touched M'kerrena's hand.
“Yeah it's hard but you can get through it. You just have to find the right fit. I will have too with my new condition but heck I had to remake myself after I was turned into Shadow so it is possible. Never give up M'Kerrena.” The Caitian smiled and both of them cleaned up the table. Before heading for M'Kerrena's bedroom. It was a nice cozy place with a circular bed with more than enough room for two. Shadow Quickly stripped off hir dress, shi had to be careful of doing that the bottom of the dress stroked hir cock. 'Man that is annoying.' Shi then turned to M'Kerrena in hir full glory. The Caitian actually got a chance to appraise the fox herm. Hir new exotic fur pattern was quite pleasing and hir body form while feminine was very fit and it should be considering the work out it had recently. Due to hir constant heat M'Kerrena has had lovers of both genders in the past and loved the female form as much as the male. But she wish she had found more herms earlier. And of course there was Shadow's cock erect and ready. Overall Shadow had an attractive body. “And now it's time to show hir MY assets.'
Shadow stood before the tall Caitian allowing the feline alien to examine hir assets. After a minute the Caitian female smiled and slowly stripped off her robe to show off her body. Her fur was an orange gold combo with orange dominate. Her fur was a dark brown with the same on hir tail tuft. With Amber colored eyes to round it off. And speaking of rounding her figure was very round and feminine almost hourglass. And those breasts. As female leaning as shi was shi used to be male and with a female and two herm mates shi has come to love breasts as much as a male does and any would LOVE M'Kerrena's. They were the size of large melons and definitely pillow material. Shadow felt hir cock throb and pulse even more than usual at the sight. If hir cock had it's way it would have dragged the rest of hir till it was firmly in the Caiatan. But this was meant as a foreplay session not straight sex. “I'll tell you M'Kerrena, your body makes it awfully hard to keep the foreplay in.” M'Kerrena only smiled in reply and the two embraced. They next few hours proved that Shadow did have enough self control to make a good foreplay session but it may be a bit before shi started again. And M'Kerrena proved her experience with a female partner when she played with Shadow's pussy. In the end Shadow did use the Caitian's breasts as pillows and hir cock felt so nice between their bodies as the two rested after a night of fun.
Finally Shadow decided shi was good to finish hir job. Bluesky wanted to go with hir but both shi and the Captain forbade it for similar reasons. Blue and hir step children were herms as well. And thus a target for the radicals. Shadow had the added fear of losing hir as shi lost Yoshiru and Val. But shi was not going alone. Jelico assigned M'Kerrena to head down for any emergency AND the fact she could keep up with the fox herm at hir worst made it a clear choice. They beamed down right into Shadow's room in the hotel. Shadow wearing nothing since most of hir clothes were already in the place and with no nudity taboo and hir current condition and it was in hir room anyway. M'Kerrena was in a simple robe with several outfits and hir uniform if necessary. Though she suspected she be nude a lot down here. She looked around the living room. “By the Goddess all the ropes!” Shadow smiled at hir roommate.
“Yup it's quite unique. Go find a room to store your stuff. This place was an actual suite with multiple bedrooms. Though I suspect you'll be sleeping in my bed for your stay.”
“I have no doubt about that, should be fun but this is a business trip too you know.” Shadow stuck out hir tongue and the Caitian, familiar with Terran customs just laughed and pick a room to store her stuff. Yup M'Kerrena was not a bad alternative to Bluesky in Shadow's mind. Shi walked to the nearby comm and activated it. Shi heard a voice say in local language which shi understood from hir studies but couldn't speak it well said. <Room Service.>
“This is Shir Phoenix. I have returned to the surface. Have Senator Foluya sent here as soon as she can.”
<OH! Honored One! Welcome back. I shall relay your message right away. Anything else Honored One?>
“Not at this time thank you.” And Shadow cut the connection. “Need any help M'Kerrena?”
“No I'm fine, thanks.” Shadow decided to check hir stuff shi left behind. But ten minutes later shi heard the door chime. Shi looked through the peep hole and saw Foluya on the other side and opened it.
“Good to see you again Shir Phoenix.” The Vulpamian said with a younger Vulpamian female Shadow hasn't seen before come in after her.
“Thanks, Dr. M'Kerrena is going to be down here with me for the rest of the stay to handle my new needs.”
“Very well Shir. I also brought someone to stay for the rest of your stay. Vakaris.” The younger female stepped up. She wore a blue robe that left her arms bare and narrowed below the navel and ended at the knees. Only a belt adorned the robe and had a gun holster with a firearm in it. She bowed to Shadow. “Vakaris will be your bodyguard for the rest of your stay. She is of my clan and my niece so you can trust her to do her job. You have given me a second chance and I will not waste it. I will notify the Senate that you are available for talks tomorrow.”
“To be honest I am eager to get these talks done and get back to my usual job so i'll see you tomorrow then Senator.” Foluya nodded hugged and whispered something to her niece and left. “Well Vakaris welcome, pick any room but that and that one for your bedroom.”
“I shall do so later Honored One.”
“Note Vakaris. Address me as Shir or Shir Phoenix or just use my name. I have come to dislike that term.”
“Very well shir. I will try to avoid it.”
“That's all I ask.” Not much happened that night, Vakaris usually stood by the door unless meal time or bathroom break which Shadow saw the rest of the Vulpamian's robe. Besides the top it did not connect the rear and back so her sides were completely bare with the belt helping to hold it together. Shadow asked her for a pair that would match hir size which Vakaris said she'd get the maker and arrange it. At night Shadow and M'Kerrena enjoyed eachother taking care of mutual needs. Over the next week Shadow worked out the fine details of the agreement but the core was unchanged from what Shadow proposed before hir kidnapping. Finally Shadow and Vakaris waited at the bottom of the Senate room as the Senate voted on the treaty. One by one the Senators gave their vote. Some opposed some in favor. A hologram showed the votes and after the final vote was cast Shadow heard Veron declare.
“By a vote of 123 to 34 the Treaty is PASSED!” A Great cheer arose and Vakaris forgot herself a moment and hugged Shadow. With the vote done Shadow headed back to hir suite. Shi was throwing a party there and hir family was there. With a full Fleet team guarding the level from the zealots so they could take part. Shi opened the door and hir kids rushed to hir hugging yipping and purring.
“Good to see you my daughters, I gave gifts for you.” Their cheers got louder and Shadow got the toys shi bought weeks earlier. The kids LOVED them and kept them busy as Shadow greeted Bluesky and introduced Vakaris to hir. Foluya enjoyed the party and caught up with her niece and of course Shadow's daughters loved the hanging furniture and Bluesky and M'kerrena talked while Shadow milled around. Eventually the party wore down. Shadow found hir daughters sleeping in swaying couches causing hir to smile. Foluya gave her goodbyes and Shadow and Bluesky had some fun with M'Kerrena giving the chakat a double orgasm for a finale.
Late the next day Shadow started packing getting ready go back to the ship and then home. Then the Comm terminal shi came with chimed for hir attention. Shi went over to the comm terminal and answered it to see the face of Captain Jelico. “Ah captain. We should be all packed up and ready for pickup within the hour.”
<No need Shir Phoenix.>
<I just got orders from Starfleet Command. You have been made our permanent representative between the Federation and the Vulpamian Hegemony. Congratulations.> Shadow stood there in shock for a second then angrily replied.
“I did not request or want the position captain. I have a career at home that I like, my daughters need to have some children like them to play with. Here they will be under threat from the zealots who would want to take them and try to breed more herms. AND my mate needs another chakat to stay sane so you will be picking us up.”
<No I won't. This is a direct order from Command. You will be staying on Forresteria. As for Chakat Bluesky, we will have a chakat among the security team assigned to you to handle those needs. And Dr. M'Kerrena will stay behind for all your medical needs.>
<Once you signed on yes we did. You are an Ambassador now shir Phoenix. Enjoy the privilege Jelico out.> The screen went black and Shadow let out a roar that most felines would be proud of. Sensing the anger from hir mate Bluesky came up.
“What is it love?”
“WE'VE JUST BEEN SCREW BY STARFLEET! THEY ARE LEAVING US HERE AS AMBASSADORS. I TOLD HIM NO BUT COMMAND SAID SCREW YOU. I'M TAKING THIS TO THE COUNCIL ITSELF.” Shi turned back to the terminal. The device couldn't get to Earth on it's own it needed a relay with the Archangel provided. After a few minutes shi got a hold of one of the Federation Council member and relayed what just happened. The senator did not give hir good news.
<Ambassador Phoenix, the committee on foreign relations suggested this course of action. You now being part Vulpamian it was perfect situation. I look forward to your future reports Ambassador.> And he signed off. Shadow growled.
“Okay time to go to the public.” Shi tried to get on to the net but was blocked. “So you want to play it that way huh. Well you forget that I'm a computer programer. In minutes shi broke through and sent the transmissions shi just had and posted them on the net just as the Archangel jumped to warp and the connection to the net was terminated. “Now it's up to the people.”
The next couple weeks Shadow was moved from the hotel to a complex on the outskirts large enough for Shadow's family, M'Kerrna, and the security team which still included Vakaris at Foluya's request. Shadow had the fed security team stay in the separate building but Vakaris was allowed to stay. Shadow refused to do any official duty but did talk with Foluya when the female visited her niece. And one day Vakaris saw shadow sitting in a more traditional couch staring at something and crying. Vakaris couldn't remain a stoic guard anymore, she had come to like the Honored One and hir family. She stepped over and asked.
“What's wrong Shir Phoenix?” The tear filled eyes looked up at the Vulpamian.
“Oh Vakaris here take a look.” Vakaris grabbed the item Shadow had raised to her. It was a picture of the Honored one with hir mate and two others in a group hug smiling.
“Pretty picture but who are these with you and your mate?”
“My other mates. The Fox one is Yoshiru and the feline is Val. They were both my mates before Bluesky. Bluesky wasn't even my mate when that was taken just a good close friend.”
“Why aren't they here with you. You brought your children along why not them?”
“Because today is the anniversary of their deaths. Yoshiru had just ended a tour and Val went to pick her up when the spaceport was bombed. They died instantly and Yoshiru was carrying my unborn child. I normally visit their graves on this day but Starfleet has prevented that with this move of theirs.” Shadow started crying hard again and Vakaris bend over the couch to hug her charge. She was quickly joined by Bluesky and the kids and Shadow drew comfort from it.
A couple days later a chime sounded from the terminal. That was a message packet chime. And Shadow went over to see what it had. It was a recorded message and a person Shadow never saw before appeared. It was a chakat with gray lines in hir fur. <Shir phoenix. I am Chakat Leapfrogger Child of Freethrow and Thumper and head of the Council's ethics committee. On behalf of the entire Federation Council I deeply apologize for the actions of the Foreign relations committee and Starfleet Command. Several of our members have been impeached or resigned and a couple of Admirals have been dishonorably discharged over their actions. The Archangel is on her way back to pick you and your family up and should arrive in a week. Leapfrogger out.>
“Kids! We're heading home!”
As the deadline approached Foluya arrived to say farewell and Shadow thought to pick up Vakaris but there had seemed to be other plans. Vakaris approached Shadow as they were packing and began. “Shadow you would please take me with you?” Now Shadow found it odd that Vakaris called hir my hir first name rather than Shir. Shir phoenix or even Honored One so this got hir complete attention.
“Simple Question, why?”
“I have never been off my world so curious to see another and...and I have grown to care about you a lot. It may not be my place but I offer myself as a mate.”
“Vakaris. It is unlikely that I would ever return here. Can you give up your entire family like that? Likely never to see your aunt again.”
“Shadow, I am the youngest of a whole brood of children my parents have. Aunt Foluya has been more like a mother than my own mother since shi hasn't had as many kids and she respects my choices. She trusts me. That's why she assigned me to you and supports my attempt here.” Shadow sighed. Shi did care about the Vulpamian so shi looked to Bluesky who nodded hir acceptance so Shadow look to the kids.
“Children, would you like a new stepmother?” They all nodded and Shadow looked back at Vakaris. “Well your in. Note my mate has as much rights to you as I do.”
“Understood Honored One and my mate. This should be exciting.” The kids cheered and packing began again.
Finally the Archangel arrived and a shuttle was brought down to pick them up since Bluesky was pregnant. Shi had a considerable belly bulge which Shadow loved rubbing. Vakaris beamed up with some of the luggage to save room but it was still a little tight. They finally entered the shuttle bay and Shadow saw Captain Jelico standing there looking a little ill. Shadow put down hir bags an approached him. “Shir Phoenix I was only...” He never got to finish as Shadow slapped him across the face.
“Maybe you didn't deserve this promotion CAPTAIN. I was following orders is the LAMEST excuse. As a ship captain YOU had to judge an order on legalities and even if it's moral. You can tell both the Federation AND Starfleet I will not assist them anymore.” With that shi left a stammering Jelico and returned to hir family. Eventually an ensign showed them to their room. That night Shadow and Vakaris mated for the first time. Vakaris had a beautiful body. Shi was lean and muscular and reminded Shadow a bit of Val. And the stripe pattern on her spread out from her belly and her breast were firm and perky. Shadow put hir arms around Vakaris and lick kissed her. 'I do seem to find good looking mates.” Shadow commented. Vakris smiled coly at hir.
'Well it helps that you are a beautiful mate yourself you know.” And kissed Shadow passionately to stop any further discussion. Shadow took the hint and caressed Vakaris's body. Sadly for Shadow though hir condition kicked in soon and tossed Vakaris onto the bed and entered hir latest mate for the first time. Both moaned in pleasure and Vakaris fits like a glove. Both open their eyes and look at eachother with love before Shadow started the age old dance of lover's. Both played with eachother's breasts as Shadow thrusted in and out. All too soon though the herm, came but shi was always ready for more. Vakaris knew such session would wear her out but she didn't care. She was a mate to an Honored One. The pinnacle of her culture and was loved back by hir and hir fellow honored mate. Any price was worth this. After a couple hours the two fell asleep with Shadow's cock still hard inside Vakaris but both were happy as Bluesky could sense from the kids room and vowed tomorrow that shi would join the fun.
M'Kerrena though was in another state. She entered her old quarters and put her stuff way. The place felt hollow and empty. She decided to make a report of what happened during her time on the surface. It was detail report on the people who lived there and the end was a scathing report about the actions of her superiors on their treatment of Shadow. She stopped and looked around. She had a feeling her tenure on this ship was ending. She was on the side that disgraced the captain and whether they agreed with her or not she will be an outcast in the crew and would likely haunt her for the rest of her career. She had some serious thinking to do.
Still about a week from Earth Shadow was playing with hir kids with hir mates when the doorbell chimes. Shi went to it and was surprised to see M'Kerrena there. “Kerrenie please come in.” The nickname Shadow gave her on the planet caused the Caitian to smile and she came in. “Can I get you something to drink?”
“No thank you Shadow.”
“So what are you here about. It's omething serious if I read you right.”
“You do read me right. I have been doing a lot of thinking on the way back and I have resigned my commission with starfleet. My career was in the dumps before I met you and doubt that would improve when your gone. I will never be part of a Pride because of my condition so no reason to return to Cait. So I thought of opening a clinic on Tera and if you wouldn't mind having another wife.” Shadow just shook hir head and looked and Bluesky.
“Why?” Shi asked. “Why do wonderful people give up so much to be my mates?” Bluesky put an arm around hir.
“Because your attractive, caring, passionate, and loyal. How could anyone not.” Shadow just shook hir head again and looked at M'kerrena.
“Well better get your stuff and move in.” the Caitian hugged hir and went to do just that. And that night a foursome was tried and Vakaris had her first female on female sexual experience.
When they arrived home M'Kerrena worked on opening the clinic while Bluesky was on maternity leave and Shadow returned to hir work thanking God it could be done at home in the nude. And shi had a great stress reliever. Vakaris was officially paid by the her government through the Federation to be Shadow's permanent bodyguard so needed no other job so some days shi spent between Shadow's legs giving oral sex as shi work. It was surprisingly useful in keeping hir on task but not always as Bluesky found them one time going gutso with Shadow in the Vulpamians pussy and hir hands on the female not the keyboard. But hir work got in on time so that's all that matters. Not Shadow kept the job to stay busy. Shi got a huge sum of credits from the lawsuits filed against the Federation and Starfleet. To hir surprise it was Not Bluesky's family but the Kirovduna's who led that one and they were the first to meet the family at the space port. Shadow honestly thought they would be harsher to hir but it seems they understand hir new needs and in fact were thinking of moving to Metro City. Shadow's only regret was that Val couldn't see this.
As the years pass and the family grew. With Shadow's new condition babies were a guarantee The family bonds got stronger. The Kirvoduna's found a place nearby and were a common sight in the house and constantly doted on their grandchildren, ALL their grandchildren but some friction happened when their younger daughter got hir own Vulpamian style robe but the Shadow's in laws seemed to not want a repeat with what happened with Val. Family was more important to them.
Shadow did visit Forresteria one more time as the doctors found a better way to treat hir condition. Shi and Vakaris went on a private ship was trade between the two powers now well established. Foluya was there to meet them and Shadow noticed a few gray hairs in hir moehawk and fur. Shadow got the treatment and for the first time in YEARS hir cock retracted back into it's sheath but the doctor's did warn that shi would get easily aroused and can maintain an erection for long periods but at least it wasn't permanent erection anymore. After a few days together with Foluya they went home and were greeted by the family. With tear filled eyes Shadow had the one thing Chris Rasmussen Regret not having. A family.
A figure approached a row of tombstones under a tree in the fading light of the sun. The figure was naked and seemingly female but a closer look you saw a black furred herm with a moehawk with blue stripes and importantly a cock sheath. Shi came naked on purpose to show the graves shi knew what hir grandparents did and shi was ashamed of them. Shi stood there for minutes honoring the dead laying here and maybe with a touch of craziness waited for forgiveness to what hir Grandparents did to one who laid there. Well that sign did come as a foxtaur approached from behind. The Foxtaur had a black coat of fur with a gray underbelly and red sheathing hir legs and arms. Hir black and red fur was streaked with gray and hir once gold hair was now white. The Vulpamian turned to the foxtaur. 'Oh Goldmine I'm sorry. I am SO sorry for what my grandparents did to your sire. Could you ever forgive me.” Goldmine hugged the biped fox alien and said.
“There, there young one. You have no blame for the actions of your grandparents. That is their sin to carry. You cannot ask forgiveness for a sin you didn't commit. One thing my father was known for was rising from disaster and building anew. That's how I got so many half siblings. Now come on. It's a time of celebration. A lost relative has returned and my granddaughter Yoshiru has made a wonderful steak and the rest of the family wants to meet you.” With hir arm over the Vulpamian's shoulder Goldmine directed them back to the Mansion that hir father began as the family grew. Behind them the spirits of Yoshiru, Val, M'Kerrena, Vakaris, Bluesky, and Shadow smiled as their family thrived.
Chapter 2 - Chapter 2 |
Luke groans as he wakes up and sees a ceiling. From the looks it's a ceiling of a hospital. 'The doc must have gotten me out.' He closes his eyes as he tries to sit up before a voice says. "Easy you've had a rough time already.”
He opens his eyes again and sees an image that shocks him. A small lion face in front of his face. "Aaahhhh!” He tries to back away but his body feels weird, longer and with too many limbs. As one of his arms comes in front of his face he receives another shock. His arm has gold fur on it with claw like nails and besides from some muscle definition was feminine. He takes both his hands ignoring the voice trying to calm him down and puts them both to his face and he feels a muzzle and hair. He then sees his lower torso which looked a lot like a feline body until it gets to the neck area were it goes to a more human like torso but covered with fur. Then he felt bumps high on his chest and sees....... breasts.
Medallion watches as hir new double faints after seeing shi possessed breasts. A nurse finally came in and asked what happened. "Shi woke up and didn't take the change well.” The nurse goes over and checks out the new chakat.
"Well the vitals are normal for a chakat so I'll let you be.” Medallion nods and the nurse leaves Medallion gets up and strokes hir doubles hair away from hir face. "Well your reaction will mean this is going to be hard but I can't blame you.”
Luke wakes up again and sees that face again and groans. "Please don't freak out again.” That voice asks.
"Wha appen tho me?” Medallion could barely understand hir but shi had a good guess what shi asked.
"There was a transporter accident and your body's pattern was gone. Left with no choice we used mine to save your life.”
"Wha? Oo compely los me. Wha's a ansporer?” Medallion frowned. Hir double has having trouble speaking, obviously not use to a muzzle. Then shi notice a notepad and pen. Shi grabs them and hands them to hir double. Hir double's look needed no translation as it says 'thank you' and shi begins writing. Medallion sits on hir haunches patiently as hir double writes. A human Star Corps commander comes through the door causing hir double to pause and looks.
"Don't mind me continue.” The new chakat returns to hir writing. To Medallion he asks, "What's going on?”
"Shi's having trouble speaking, not used to a muzzle so to avoid some frustration for the moment shi's writing down hir questions.” When hir double finally finishes shi hands in back to medallion and it reads.
Who and what are you?
Where am I?
And what's a transporter in layman's terms please?
And who's that you just came in?
"I'm Chakat Medallion, child of Sunspot and Fireblaze. I'm a chakat a feline taur species. Strange you haven't heard of us, you must be from a very isolated area.”
"And I'm Commander Rand Antilles of the Star Corps. I'm in charge of the spaceport near here and you're at the North Memorial Hospital in New Minneapolis. And a transporter is a device that coverts people into plasma and data to be sent to a ship, station, or ground. What's your name?” Medallion hands back the pad and the double writes again before handing it back.
I'm Luke Harter.
You're transporter sounds like something out of Star Trek and New Minneapolis, Star Corps? Are you pulling my leg there? I never heard of those cities. I live in Minneapolis and as far as I know there's no new in the name.
Both Medallion and Antilles look at each other with confused looks. The commander recovers first. "Um, what date is it today?”
August 20th, 2040
" Shir it's May 1st 2332.” If it was physically possible Luke's jaw would have hit the floor.2332! That's nearly 300 years in the future. He bites his hand much to the surprise of Medallion and Antilles. Ouch! That hurt but it didn't wake me up. Which means this isn't a nightmare. At least not one from a dream. The cat rush to his side and checked his hand.
"Are you okay?”
"Am I okay? Am I Okay!? Ib been ransformed ino a animal and sen ino tha future. How woub you feel?” Medallion winced at the animal bit but bearing that this has to be shocking to Luke and the fact that if shi's to be believed shi's from the time were morphs were just coming around so shi would have a different view. Luke looks down to the floor trying to come to grips with what's happened to him the door opens again and a nurse came in. "Oh good you're awake. We can do your physical now.” Looking at the commander she continues. "Sorry commander but that was the doctor's orders.”
"I'm not going to argue with the doctor. I'll continue this another time but I can start looking in the records for your family Mr. Harter.”
"Thanks sir.” One of the few clear sentences to come out of Luke's mouth yet. Luke then tries to climb out of the bed but his extra limbs cause him trouble and he falls off the bed. Medallion and the nurse help him up and he tries to walk but keeps stumbling. He's keep up right by Medallion as the nurse leads the way. Luke then spends a couple hours going through a physical therapy session with some success. He doesn't stumble as much anymore but he isn't graceful either. Commander Antilles meets them afterwards.
"Well we haven't found your family yet Mr. Harter but still looking. Meanwhile the doctors think you should stay here for further examination.” Medallion snorts at that.
"All they'll discover is that shi's a healthy chakat. Not what shi needs right now.”
"What do you suggest then?”
"Well until we can figure out how to get hir body back shi needs to learn how to be a chakat and who better then the one shi got the body from?”
"Well we still need hir to have some psychiatric help and more therapy for hir body.”
"They can do it at my place.” Antilles nods then looks at the transformed human.
"How do you feel about this idea?”
"I goch nowher else cho go. Ich be becher than schaying here.” Thankfully his speech has gotten better so they no longer need the notepad. Medallion then takes Harter's arm.
"Come on let's take you to my place.” Medallion slowly leads hir double through the hospital Luke barely paying attention to the surroundings but on walking. Thus to his surprise he felt something get squished and yelped in pain before trying to twirl around causing him to fall. Growling more from the frustration than the pain he and Medallion look to see his tail caught in the door causing Luke to facepalm.
"It's okay Luke.” Shi frees his tail and hands it to him. "Here hold this for now.” Shi then hands him the tail and he has his first good look at it. Most of it has the pure gold fur that most of Medallion's body has but at the tip it's a bright red. Medallion helps him up and they walk to an interesting looking car. As big as an SUV but looking a lot more stable. It reminded him of the old Hummers that were famous when he was born. A very large door opens up to reveal some cushions instead of seats. Clearly this car was designed for four legged beings. Medallion helps him into the passenger cushion. "Comfy?” The strange feline asks. He just nods and she shuts the door and heads to the driver's side. Luke gets to check out the dash as a result. The dash had a small screen various buttons which one said radio. It had a standard steering wheel and a black area behind it where the speedometer and fuel gauge usually are. Medallion gets in and starts the car and they finally leave the hospital grounds. Luke checks out the view and is saddened. He doesn't recognize one building in the skyline but he does spot the famous double arcs of McDonalds and feeling hungry he turns to ask Medallion to stop there where he receives another shock. HER HANDS WERE OFF THE WHEEL! She was playing with what appeared to be a tablet.
"Aren'ch you supposed cho be DRIVIN!” She looks and smirks at him and replies.
"Don't worry the AI's got it. We're completely safe.” Luke continues to stare at her with a dropped jaw then looks at the dash board again. It was light up with numbers representing speed and a battery icon with an F and E at both ends. Above it all flashing was the words Auto pilot engaged. Remembering his question, he asks her to stop there.
"No problem that would hold us till supper.” She disengages the AI and they get their meals. They eat it as the PTV heads home. Although he got his favorite order and it felt good and thankfully tasted the same, if anything else better but it wasn't as filling as it use to be.
Finally the trip ends in the suburbs of New Minneapolis to a decent size single story house. "Nice house.”
"You haven't seen the inside yet.” Medallion opens the door and Luke gets his first looks at the inside. He notice a large number of couches then normal and significantly less chairs most of them around a dinning room table. Medallion takes the remains of their lunch and heads to the kitchen to toss them. Luke was checking out the entertainment system when he heard a door open. Figuring it was Medallion entering another room he continued his examination when furred hands wrap around his shoulders and a feminine voice that WASN'T Medallion's spoke.
"So what music are you in the mood for honey?” Luke immediately turns his head to see another feline head, this one covered with black and dark gray pattern fur with blue eyes. "Give us a kiss honey.” And before Luke could object the other feline passionately kisses him. Luke couldn't help feeling something stir within him. After a long minute the feline breaks the kiss and steps back a bit. "So I heard you skipped work for a family emergency...?” Before she can continue Medallion steps into the living room. "What the HECK! Dallie, there's two of you.” The real Medallion answers hir. "This was the family emergency. There's was an accident at the spaceport and Luke Harter here lost his body and my pattern was still in the memory so we used my body to save his life.”
"Oh, you poor dear.” The other feline hugs Luke. "Sorry for earlier, I bet that stressed you out.”
"Ich's alrighch an easy mischake.” The other feline breaks off.
"Well let me introduce myself. I'm Chakat Coaldust, Child of Snowboard and Nightsky.”
" Please cho meet you Coaldusch and for the fuchure for you both I'm schraighch.” With a confused look Coaldust asks him "What does that have to do with anything?”
"Well you chwo are obvioussly lovers and since your female I jusch wanched thach ouch in the open.”
Medallion shakes hir head. "Luke hon, we're not females we're hermaphrodites.”
"Huh?” The two chakats look at each other and nod. They then face each other and lift their hind legs to revel their sheaths. Luke stared in wonderment at the sight as Medallion explains. "Our kind was designed to be survivalist and among those features was to make us herms to we can quickly reproduce.” Luke proclaim his amazement and the trio spend the next couple hours going over what chakats can do. During that Luke finally got a hand on his speech and he could be clearly understood. Eventually a significant question was asked by Coaldust. "So Luke tell us your experience with morphs. I want to see if the history books have it right.”
"Morphs?” Luke asks totally confused.
"You know genetically engineered species like us. Morph is a term used for all the beings scientists made. They were around during the 2040's.” Luke shakes his head.
"I never heard of anything like you and as a lab security chief I would have heard something.” Their stomachs start to grumble and Coaldust comments.
"Looks like it's dinnertime. I'll get right on it.” Shi gets up and heads to the kitchen leaving the new twins to themselves.
"I guest Coaldust is the cook in the house.”
"When she visits you bet. I get a great cook for only the cost of the food and some sex.”
"Visits? You mean she doesn't live here?”
"Not yet, we've been planning on it but it hasn't happen yet.”
"Oh, well why is a guest cooking?”
"Well I'm a decent cook, but I'm no match for a profession restaurant cook.”
"OOOHHHH.” Luke understanding completely.
They have a hearty meal where Luke learns that Coaldust is one of the cooks for a independent restaurant and he defiantly sees the talent or more correctly tastes the talent. "I noticed Medallion that you and I like the same stuff.” Commented Luke.
"Well your in a copy of my body so we would have the same taste buds.”
"Right so I'll have to see if my favorite foods still are.” he says downcast. Being empathic both chakats sensed his depression. "Um, where's the bathroom? I have to go.”
"This way I have to go to.” And Medallion shows him to a bathroom with the largest tub he's ever seen as well as the largest toilet. Luke sits down on the toilet when he discovers he has a new problem. He can't get his penis to extend. Knowing Medallion was outside the door he swallowed what pride he had left.
"Medallion could you help me a bit?” The door opens and Medallion peaks hir head through.
"With what?” With a sheer look of anguish he answers.
"I can't get my penis to extend.” Medallion winces when shi hears that then comes in and reaches underneath his lower belly and puts pressure on a couple of points. Luke feels his penis extend as Medallion says.
"Okay let loose.” And Luke did sighing in relief. After his business was done he gets up and turns to Medallion.
"Thank you.”
"You're welcome, but we better make that among the first things to get train on.”
“Definitely.” Luke leaves to let Medallion attend hir business.
The three of them take care of the dishes until Luke started yawning. "You've had one heck of a day Luke.熱edallion comments. "I'll take you to your room.粘hi leads him down the main hallway and puts him in one of the spare den rooms. Luke sees a mattress, shelving and a decent closet.
"I don't see a blanket.” Luke comments.
"You have fur, you don't need one.”
"Can I at least keep the shirt on?” Luke grabs the t-shirt that was also copied during the accident. Medallion nods and starts to close the door when Luke says. "Medallion, thanks for putting up with me.” Medallion smiles and replies.
"It's my pleasure Luke, good night.” Shi finally closes the door.
Medallion meets Coaldust in the living room. "How is shi?” Coaldust asks.
"For now hanging in there, but who knows if that will last.” Coaldust nods to that and looks in the direction of Luke's room.
"The weirdest thing is that he has no knowledge of morphs. Us I can understand but morphs? He was around ten years before the Gene Wars and it took longer than ten years to get that insanity started.”
"I'm afraid that the answer to that will mean more trouble.”
"I better start moving in tomorrow Dallie. Luke and you are going to need help.” Medallion could only nod at that.
Meanwhile Luke tries to fine a position that comfortable. What a day! Start it as a human in 2040, end it as this chakat in 2332. Not to mention awake for at least 18 hours really took a toll. Sleep final overcomes Luke as he starts dreaming of home.
Chapter 1 - Chapter 1 |
This is a sort of R-rated sequel to my Deep Water story that I have posted on Fanart-Central.net. Deep Water isn’t finished, and neither is this one, but there isn’t much in here that should confuse anybody. Just in case, I’ll put up the reference page too. This story is mostly told from Anzu’s point of view.
Have fun, and please comment!
Yugi was found and everybody was happy. Everybody that is, except for Anzu. Ever since Yugi and Yami professed their love for each other she’s been thoroughly miserable. She thought that by supporting the Pharaoh’s search for Yugi and cheering him up through the whole thing she could win his heart. Ironically she helped Yami find his “soul mate”. Nobody knows about their relationship except her. Imagine how the kingdom would react if they knew that their Pharaoh and Prince were a couple!
Both Yugi and Yami were potential kings by blood, but since Yami was older he became Pharaoh and Yugi became second in line for the throne, thereby earning him the title of prince. If Yami managed to produce an heir, however, Yugi would have to wait. But after some recent events that doesn’t look very likely. But Yugi has adopted a son named Yang not too long ago. Yang has already come of age because he was from a class that aged 4 times faster than normal, so if anything should happen, it would appear that Yang would take the throne. However, since Yang is adopted, he can’t ever rule because he isn’t of noble blood. Oh what is the kingdom going to do after Yugi and Yami are gone?
Such is a problem for another time. This story is about Anzu, not politics.
It isn’t fair, Anzu thought, I had him in the palm of my hand and then we found Yugi and now they haven’t been able to keep their hands off each other. She angrily stomped down the palace steps into the hallway. She heard voices and stopped to listen. The hallway was empty, where were those voices coming from? She followed the voices to a nearby tapestry and listened.
“Ohh…please, not there, not there…”
Ughh…Isn’t that Yugi’s voice?
“How about here?” replied a deeper voice.
“Are you sure?”
“Oh yes please! Oh gods! Oh gods!” cried Yugi’s voice followed by gentle thumps against the wall.
That’s it, I can’t take anymore! Anzu threw aside the tapestry revealing a door. She thrust it open to find Yami banging Yugi against the wall. Neither of them noticed her as she watched them fondle each other and arch together in perfect sync. Finally, she said, “I’m sorry to interrupt your highnesses, but you’re needed in the ball room!”
Both gaped at her in shock as she quickly walked away to avoid their gazes.
Later, in the ballroom…
“Anzu, what kind of stunt do you think you were pulling back in the hallway?” demanded a very pissed off Pharaoh.
“Delivering a message, though I think could be asking you the same thing, your highness,” she replied.
“Since when did you refer to me as “Your Highness”?”
“Since you and Yugi have started hiding in closets!”
“Where else are we supposed to have any privacy?”
“How about not doing anything at all?”
“What are you saying?”
“I’m saying you two should cool off for a little while. What will the High Council think when they find out that you and Yugi are banging each other every chance you get?”
“Well you got your message straight across all right. Yugi is so embarrassed he won’t even look at me anymore!”
“Good, that’ll make things easier for you, your highness!”
“What is with you? You’ve been a real grouch ever since we found Yugi.”
“Get a clue, YOUR HIGHNESS!” Anzu yelled and stomped a way in a huff.
“And quit calling me that, LADY ANZU!” Yami called and stomped away in the other direction.
That night…
Anzu peered into her crystal ball on her bed. Earlier she had put a spell in Yami’s room so she could keep an eye on him with her crystal ball. It’s a very useful spell, but recently she’s been putting it in a closet to muffle the cries of pleasure issuing from it! Tonight she waited and listened to them in hopes of hearing them discuss the conversation she had with Yami earlier.
The crystal ball showed Yugi and Yami lounging on Yami’s bed discussing their afternoons. (Anzu couldn’t help smiling to herself at the fact that Yugi was still avoiding any eye contact with Yami.) Yami had many conferences and Yugi had many documents to review. Anzu was beginning to lose interest when Yami finally brought up the subject she wanted to hear.
“I had a funny…conversation with Anzu in the ballroom, today.”
“Oh yeah?” Yugi still wasn’t looking at him.
“I asked her why she went so far as to interrupt us just to deliver me a message to go down to the ballroom when the only thing they wanted to ask was which chandelier I liked best!”
Anzu giggled in spite of herself.
“What did she say?”
“She suggested that you and I “cool down a bit” because the High Council wouldn’t too happy once they learn of our…activities.”
“Maybe she’s right. I mean, it was really embarrassing what happened today. It’s not everyday I get caught with my pants down…literally…”
Yami looked at him for a moment and finally said, “But, you weren’t wearing any pants to begin with…”
“That’s not the point!”
“At least it was just Anzu who caught us, but the question is, why didn’t she knock?”
Anzu groaned and smacked her forehead.
“What are you implying, Yami?”
“I think she’s jealous. She was really angry at me during our conversation and she called me Your Highness!”
“Then she told me to get a clue…”
“Maybe you’re right.”
“I hope not. But let’s put that aside for a moment.”
“Why won’t you look at me?”
“Are you still embarrassed? If it’s anybody you should avoid looking at, it’s Anzu.”
“I know, it’s just that, I guess now I’m just afraid of being watched whenever you and I…you know…”
“Well, you don’t have to worry any more, there are no guards outside the door, we’re in the highest room of the castle, and the drapes are closed; there’s no way we could be watched now.”
That’s what you think, Anzu thought.
“If you say so,” Yugi said uncertainly.
Yami slowly wrapped his arms around Yugi and started kissing him passionately. Yugi put his hands in Yami’s hair and starting moaning into the heated kiss.
Anzu, meanwhile, felt like she was going to gag. It felt so nauseating watching the man of her dreams french with another man. What made it worse was how young Yugi looked! What made Yugi more attractive than her!? Deciding to find out, she kept watching, much to her displeasure.
Yugi was now lying down on the bed with Yami over top of him still kissing him while he removed Yugi’s clothing. Breaking the kiss, Yami removed his own clothing (This is the only part that Anzu enjoyed.) and dove back down to indulge in Yugi’s mouth once more. Yugi still had his hands entangled in Yami’s hair and was still moaning incoherently. Finally, Yami broke the kiss and moved his way down to kiss and suckle Yugi’s chin and neck. His lips roamed across Yugi’s chest till he found Yugi’s nipple and started to suckle gently. Yugi was arching into Yami’s mouth mewling cries of pleasure while Yami took his other hand to gently pinch and tease Yugi’s other nipple. Yugi was starting to get impatient and was urging Yami’s head to go lower. But Yami was not done yet, instead of obliging he switched to Yugi’s other nipple to suckle it as well and again used his hand to fondle the other.
Yugi started writhing under Yami and arched up causing their groins to rub together. To catch Yami’s attention he continued rubbing Yami’s with his own member, the friction and heat causing Yami to gasp. Yami put his hands next to Yugi’s hips and propped himself up a bit to look down at him. Grinning evilly down at Yugi, he lowered his hips to Yugi’s and started rubbing his hardened member with his own at an agonizingly slow pace. Yugi stifled a small sob as Yami moved downwards to rub Yugi’s inner thighs with his hard organ. Then his head dove down about an inch away from Yugi’s arousal and he flicked his tongue and lapped at the precum that formed at the head. Every tiny touch of Yami’s tongue had Yugi crying out.
Deciding to have mercy on Yugi, Yami stopped his teasing and lowered himself back down to suckle one of Yugi’s nipples. After giving attention to both nipples, he moved his head downwards leaving a trail of hot kisses in his wake. He stopped to tongue Yugi’s navel and continued his torturous journey to Yugi’s still weeping cock. He took Yugi’s member to his mouth and started sucking gently while swirling his tongue around the sensitive head. Cries of “Yami!” could be heard from Yugi as he started shaking and breathing rapidly with his eyes shut in pleasure. Yami deep-throated Yugi and started alternating the pressure of his sucking to drive him nuts while making a small vibrating noise in his throat to amplify Yugi’s pleasure. Finally, Yugi came with a cry into the hot orifice that was Yami’s waiting mouth. Yami kept suckling until he swallowed every last drop.
Sitting up on his knees, he made a flask of lubricant appear out of thin air. He applied the gooey substance to his hands and started gently probing Yugi’s behind while he rested. Yugi’s breathing quickened again when he felt Yami insert a second slipped finger into Yugi’s opening. Yami added a third one and grazed Yugi’s sweet spot making him arch off the bed muttering inaudible words of passion. Eager to torture Yugi some more, Yami started thrusting his fingers in and out of Yugi making sure to hit Yugi’s pleasure center with each stroke. Yugi kept arching and gasping and would cry out “Oh gods!” or “Oh, Yami!” with every breath and would moan with need every time Yami slowed down his thrusting. Unable to hold himself back any longer, Yami held up Yugi’s legs and thrust into Yugi’s stretched opening. While waiting for Yugi to get used to the feeling of Yami inside him, Yami grabbed Yugi’s newly hardened member and started stroking it. When Yugi gave the OK, Yami pulled himself out almost completely and thrust himself back in hitting Yugi’s sweet spot once again. His thrusts became faster and shallower, hitting Yugi’s sensitive spot every single time while stroking Yugi’s hard, wet organ in time with his thrusts. Yugi felt like he was going to explode with pleasure as he came all over Yami’s hand and started seeing stars. With his release, Yugi’s inner walls clamped upon Yami’s cock, causing him to release his pleasure as well. Both cried out as wave after wave of pleasure overtook them. Finally Yami released all of his seed into Yugi. Completely spent he carefully pulled himself free from Yugi and collapsed next to him.
After Yugi’s breathing returned to normal, he grabbed one of the white sheets at the foot of the bed and covered both of them in it as snuggled to Yami. Yami slowly opened his eyes and wrapped his arms around Yugi, pulling him closer. Yugi looked up at Yami and gave him a sweet, tired smile and rested his head on Yami’s tanned and muscular chest.
Yami looked back down into the two beautiful pools of amethyst gazing at him, smiled back, kissed Yugi’s nose, and said “Sweet dreams, my love.”
Yugi yawned and replied, “And you, my loving aibou.”
Both fell asleep in each other’s loving embrace. Meanwhile, Anzu didn’t know whether to be touched by this loving scene or to be disgusted. One thing’s for certain, she would do everything she could to win Yami’s heart and make him forget all about little Yugi.
Chapter 1 - Irelia's Double Trouble |
The Noxian invasion of Ionia. With it came countless battles, countless deaths, and countless struggles. Irelia Xan was no stranger to these conflicts, and through her elegant blade dancing and squadron of elite performers, she had successfully defended her homeland from many invaders. She could not fail, for the sake of her and her people.
“Is this the camp? Ugh, why must we do it your way… I go in there, cause a scene, and then you can do your sneaky tricks. It's too easy without a little danger.”
“For the last time Samira, we can’t afford to mess this mission up. The Grand General personally requested we capture the leader of the resistance. Just follow my lead.”
Samira scoffed at her companion, clearly disinterested in her plan.
“Fine… but next time we do things my way. Lead the way, Katarina.”
Samira begrudgingly holstered her gun, her sword being the only choice for this mission. Katarina moved swiftly through the forest, twin daggers in hand, seemingly teleporting from tree to tree with flashes as red as her hair. Samira followed close behind, running swiftly through the Ionian foliage. Before long they had reached the camp’s walls. Crouched just outside the view of the guards, they plan their infiltration.
The walls were tall, made of magical Ionian timber capable of withstanding the toughest of blows. If there is one thing they learned about Ionia, it is that the land fights back. Luckily, the assassin and her mercenary didn’t need to use any force - their consistent strength and agility training prepared them for this. Using the wildlife around them, they perch on a tree just above the wall and skillfully leap down.
Irelia leans over her table, gazing upon the battlefield plans as given to her by her advisors.
I can command the Vanguards to form a two way flank, with my forces pushing the center. From there I can-
Irelia notices two shadows looming over the map, shadows that were not there before. Before she could speak she was quickly grabbed by one of them, their hands covering her mouth. The other figure ties her hands behind her back.
“No guards, Irelia? A shame. I was hoping for at least some action…”
“After the mission is over… we just need to get out without being seen.”
A gag and sack was placed over Irelia’s head, and she was swiftly carried back over the wall they climbed over. Irelia felt herself being tossed over the wall, only to be caught before she hit the ground. In what felt like an eternity, she was carried through the forest and to the camp of her capturers.
Irelia was dropped onto the table. The sack and gags were quickly removed from her, allowing her to get a good look at her kidnappers and her surroundings. The room was quite Ionian, and it seemed to be a captured village house. The windows were open, and she was in the middle of the room.
“Good job, Kat, another boring yet successful mission completed.”
Irelia recognized the woman talking. She had seen her face around many different places, whether it was mercenary for hire, or bounty on her head. There was no mistaking it… especially not with her appearance. Dark brown hair that flows down her shoulders. Beautiful bronze skin that would catch the eye of anyone who sees her. A body that is toned and muscular, honed from all her work and training, and clothes that show just how much she is proud of it. A sleeveless metal top, interwoven with gray fabric, just short enough to leave her abs exposed. Irelia’s thoughts began to wander, away from the fact she was captured and instead focusing on the beauty before her.
Those toned arms… those rock hard abs… that… what?
As Irelia gazed down the Desert Rose’s body, she noticed something… strange. Down her thigh, in her tight gray pants, was a length bigger than anything she had seen before.
“Well, we’re not quite done yet. We still need to ‘put her out of action.’”
Irelia quickly averted her gaze to the other woman. She was just as tall as Samira, and of a similar stature, though not as muscular. This must be Katarina. Her long, scarlet hair flowed in the breeze of the forest, the sun making her fair skin shine, her curves on full display in her tight black armor. She has a crop top-esque armor piece, showing off her toned stomach and full breasts, similar to that of Samira’s. And much like Samira, her black pants also have… a large bulge? Irelia pushed these thoughts aside. For now, she needed to find a way to escape.
“Put me out of action? Care to explain what that means, and why you captured me like a coward?”
“Settle down, we still haven’t decided ourselves.”
Samira retorted, pulling Katarina to the side.
“I think after such a long mission we deserve a little fun… what do you say?”
“She is very attractive now that I’ve gotten a good look at her… curvy with an amazing ass to boot. I could hardly contain myself with her tied up like that… she probably noticed!”
“Carrying her back here was even more difficult. Her breasts pressing into my back while running… I think it's settled then. We can put her out of action while we have our fun - everyone wins.”
“I don’t suppose you mean by getting her knocked up, do you?”
Samira grinned, feeling her cock twitch in her pants sleeve. “Whoever gets her pregnant tops next time?”
Katarina smirked, her own length beginning to awaken in her tight pants. “You’re on.”
The two women returned to the room, and found Irelia struggling against her bindings.
“There's no need for that dear, we aren’t going to kill you”, Katarina purred, approaching the Ionian general. “We found another way to accomplish our mission.”
Her soft hand caressed her cheek, and Samira approached alongside her, hand caressing the other. Irelia is at a loss for words. Her thoughts get tangled in her head, and she is unable to think clearly about what is happening. This is at least better than being another statistic in the war… right?
Samira leaned in and planted a kiss on the Ionian’s lips, and she saw Katarina begin to fumble with her belt-buckle. As Samiras tongue entered her mouth, her gaze averted to the side. Katarina had tossed her belt aside onto the wooden floor, quickly tugging her pants down. Irelia’s suspicion was confirmed. Her semi-erect cock spilled out, dangling in front of Irelia’s face as Samira was kissing her. The Bladedancer was enamored, never having seen such a huge length, let alone from another woman. Samira broke the kiss, leaving a strand of saliva connecting the two.
Samira began to fumble with her pants, having much more difficulty than her companion. Her cock was already throbbing from such a passionate kiss, and it was preventing her from freeing her needy shaft. As Samira struggled, Katarina took this opening to slap her length on Irelia’s face, smearing it with precum.
Irelia braced herself as the slab of girl-meat slapped her face around, every slap causing her cock to twitch, getting bigger and harder - much to Irelia’s dismay. Katarina’s shaft now towered at a solid 10 inches, resting across Irelia’s face. The redhead pumped her shaft, licking her lips as each stroke dripped pearly-white precum on her toy’s beautiful cheeks.
“Well, don’t just lay there. Put those lips to work!”, Katarina purred, thrusting her length in her hand while rubbing it on Irelia’s lips.
Irelia begrudgingly opened her mouth to kiss the side of her throbbing girlcock, the nature of the situation truly setting in.
I’m going to be… no… I can’t! I must fight back… but… ahhh~
Her thoughts were once again interrupted by Samira, her cock successfully wrestled out of her pants. She felt her tights removed with haste, and her panties with them. The mercenary's bronze shaft pulsated as she slapped it against her lower lips, noticeably already wet with lust. Her cock was shorter than Katarina’s - around what Irelia estimated as 8 inches - but much, much thicker.
“N-no… that’ll break me”, Irelia pleaded, Samira’s bulbous cockhead now poking at the entrance to her folds. This was it. The proud Ionian leader was about to be bred like a common whore by her sworn enemies. “I would rather-”
Irelia’s words were cut off, only coming out as a gag. So focused on the thick shaft before her, she didn’t notice Katarina positioning herself behind her head. Her view was now upside down, only able to see the assassin’s heavy orbs as her shaft slammed into her throat. Legs spread on one side of the table, face being fucked on the other, Samira followed suit, hilting her shaft inside of Irelia. She let out a long and sultry moan, clearly enjoying the fucktoy they had captured.
The thrusting followed not long after. Katarina’s cock molded her throat, reaching depths she didn’t think was possible. She gagged with every thrust deep inside her, causing Katarina to claim her harder. The musky smell of her balls clouded Irelia’s senses with every thrust, slamming into her face and covering her view. The table shook, and the room was filled with sultry moans and the wet noises of the Ionian being used.
“Fuck yes… this is almost worth the boring mission”, Samira moaned, hands gripping tightly onto Irelia’s hips. Her pussy was extremely tight - especially for someone as well-endowed as Samira. Her cock could barely fit all the way, requiring heavy thrusts to mold her to her shape. It twitched and pulsed inside Irelia, somehow getting even harder as she watched Katarina play with their toy’s tits.
Thump. Gulk. Thump. Gulk.
Their thrusts were like a rhythm. Irelia’s mind was going blank, her senses overwhelmed by sheer pleasure. As Samira’s bitch-breaker fully hilted inside her with each thrust, Katarina would pull her huge length out of her throat. Then, the assassin’s shaft would claim her throat, causing her to gag as the throbbing cock inside her pulls out. Irelia’s tongue lolled out of her mouth, the cock inside her taking up all the space.
I want it to be over… but why is it… ahhh… starting to feel so good?
Irelia thought, finally fully submitting to her captors as her mind could resist no more. Not long after, the cock taking her tight entrance began to pulse and throb, more than it had done before. The mercenary’s grip on her hips tightened, pulling her body towards her slightly as she slammed harder inside.
“Oh fuck… get ready for it slut!” Samira moaned, her toned thighs bouncing off of Irelia’s doughy cheeks. Her shaft was throbbing uncontrollably inside her, clearly about to burst.
“Me t-too..” Katarina’s voice uncharacteristically quivered, shifting her weight forwards and gripping onto Irelia’s head. She was thrusting so deep, pounding so hard that the imprint of her cock was visible in her throat. Much like Samira’s, it pulsed and twitched, signaling the end of their first endeavor.
Samira finished with a final, hard slam, her pulsing length buried deep inside Irelia. Torrents of hot seed surged out, her shaft twitching as she moaned uncontrollably.It was seemingly endless - each pulse of her cock spraying a huge rope of cum at her womb, only to be forced out onto the table and floor. Samira’s cock was so thick, leaving no room for her exorbitant amounts of seed.
Just as her companion finished, Katarina did too. She slammed herself deep down her throat, moaning wildly as ropes and ropes of steaming hot jizz shot directly into her stomach. She slowly pulled out of her throat with every pulse of her cock, filling her mouth with her seed before slapping it back onto her face, a final few squirts of virile cum coating it, marking Irelia as hers.
Irelia could do nothing but take it. She believed to have felt herself orgasm a few times, but she wasn’t sure herself. She was only aware of the bitter yet sweet taste of the cum inside her mouth, her pussy filled by girlcock still. Samira let go of her hips and dropped her back onto the table, her cock sliding out as she fell. Globs of cum dripped from her once overstuffed hole, dripping onto the puddle Samira had left on the floor. They were done with her, but she still felt… empty?
As Irelia opened her eyes and her vision came back into focus, she noticed Samira didn’t seem done yet. Her rod was harder than ever, clearly ready to take her again. Above her, Katarina’s cock showed no sign of softening either. Irelia gulped, swallowing down the batter in her mouth, and tried to get up.
Two pairs of strong hands grasped onto her, pressing her firmly against the table.
“Can’t you see? We’re not quite done with you yet”, Katarina smirked, brushing her finger along her toy’s chin, gazing deep into her azure eyes. “It’s my turn now.”
Irelia could see her length pulse with anticipation, swaying back and forth as she walked around to join Samira on the other side of the table.
“You… you aren’t moving?” Irelia struggled to speak, sticky cum clogging her throat.
“Of course not. You have another hole I need to break!” Samira eagerly exclaimed, stroking her throbbing shaft while shifting to the side. “Now, if you’ll be a good little toy…”
Irelia gasped as they both grabbed her, turning her on to her side. Her holes were on full display to them, and she couldn’t help but look away. Her captors seemed extremely hungry for more.
Samira poured some lubrication hastily over her shaft. “So… the last one to cum gets her pussy for the next round?” She asked, prodding Irelia’s backdoor with her thick cockhead.
“Sounds good to me.” Katarina grabbed the Ionian’s leg, holding it up as her cock eagerly throbbed to enter her folds.
“Then let's start!”
Irelia’s ass was quickly penetrated, pain shooting through her as the large slab of flesh stretched her. She had never had anything in there, the sudden pounding of Samira shocking her. Just as fast as her partner, Katarina easily slid inside her pussy. Already used by Samira’s thick cock, and already lubricated more by her cum, she quickly hilted inside. Her hips slapped against Irelia’s thighs.
“Your ass is so much tighter than I expected… I love it”, Samira moaned, gazing down at Irelia. She was covering her face and blushing, seemingly already enjoying it. She thrusted steadily inside, making sure her hips slammed into her ass again and again. “You enjoying the sloppy seconds?”
“Shut… up” Katarina grunted, face contorted with pleasure. “I’m not losing this round… even if your cum feels so nice”.
“What was that? I could have swor-”
“Nothing! I can just feel your cock inside her too… pressing up against mine. It’s… ahh… pretty nice.”
Samira chuckled, leaning forward and grasping onto Irelia’s curvy body. “Then I’ll just make both of you feel more of it.”
Samira’s thrusts grew slower, but each slam of her hips became stronger, sending ripples along Irelia’s fat ass. Katarina did the opposite, slamming her shaft quickly inside. She held tightly onto her leg, clearly lost in the pleasure of a tight and warm hole to fuck.
Irelia slowly opened her eyes to watch the two hung women claim her. She was hurting at first but now… now it felt good. Natural. Like something she’s always wanted. She felt the thick veins of the mercenary's cock pulse inside her ass, and the strong throbs of the assassin’s shaft as she had her pussy claimed for the second time today. With each slam of her captors hips her resistance dwindled.
The redhead woman began to pick up pace as she felt Irelia’s pussy tighten around her. She was deeper than Samira ever went, Irelia’s warm walls melting her with pleasure. The natural warmth of their breeding bitch combined with the fresh, steamy cum of Samira overpowering all restraint she had left.
“Fuck! I’m going to… but… can’t lose yet”, Katarina moaned, her voice quivering once again. “Need… to…”
She pulled her hips back. Her cock is at its limit, throbbing and twitching, ready to burst. The tip of her shaft was about to be free when-
A hand slapped her ass, pushing her back inside. Such a sudden and forceful re-entry pushed her over the limit.
“S-samira!~” She moaned loudly, Samira’s hand making sure she was fully inside her. Her eyes rolled back as she grasped tightly onto Irelia’s leg, pumping her full of more steamy cum. The ropes shot out with such force that her cum mixed with Samira’s was forced out, spraying all over her hips. Irelia’s walls convulsed and tightened around her length. Her cock kept twitching, the torrent of semen seemingly without end.
“Ha ha, I win!” Samira exclaimed, now pounding Irelia’s ass with a lustful fervor. “Pulling out is against the rules, you know.”
“D-dammit…” She let out a few final spurts, Irelia’s pussy completely filled with her cum.
“I don’t need to hold back then!”
Irelia all the while was lost in pleasure. Katarina’s pounding gave her such a powerful orgasm. She wanted more cum, and it seemed Samira would happily oblige.
Samira took her fast and hard, sultry moans filling the air alongside the slapping of skin. Her balls slammed against her ass. Her cock began to enlarge, thicker than Irelia thought was possible. With a final thrust and a loud moan, Samira had claimed Irelia's butt as hers. Thick and hot cum surged from her cock. Just as when she claimed her pussy, her baby batter sprayed onto the floor when it could fill her no longer.
Irelia lay there, moaning and panting. Samira’s hard pounding caused her to orgasm again, walls spasming around Katarina’s still-hard cock.
“Hah, too easy”, Samira pulled out, a loud pop and a waterfall of cum pouring out following suit.
Irelia watched in amazement. Her thick bronze-skinned cock was still hard, if not even harder than before. And it would claim her again. With another pop, she felt Katarina’s shaft exit her folds. Just like her partner it was still hard. Extremely hard. It throbbed in the air, clearly wanting a warm hole to fill. Just how do they have so much stamina?
Katarina begrudgingly swapped places, her erect cock brushing against Samira’s.
“Oh my… if you love my cock that much then you must be so happy getting my seconds again”, Samira teased, lining her shaft up with Irelia’s entrance once again, this time filled with both women’s cum. Irelia remained in the same position, but Samira felt no need to spread her legs.
“Maybe a little bit…” Katarina blushed, aligning her length with Irelia’s creamfilled asshole. With such visible throbs as she stroked her length, it was clearly an understatement. Samira wasted no time and thrust forward, her cock easily sliding into the moist entrance. Katarina followed suit, aligning her cock with Irelia’s cum-filled ass. It was dripping with semen, seemingly already well-lubed for Katarina’s entrance. With a slow thrust she easily entered, Samira’s cum serving its purpose well.
Katarina placed a hand on Irelia's thigh and began to pump her shaft inside her. Samira’s hand grasped gently to Irelia’s side, and she too began to breed. Irelia watched them eagerly, all three of them lost in the pleasure of the moment.
“Ah… I’m glad she's still so tight after you had your turn…”, Katarina moaned, her thrusts steady. The loud claps of their firm bodies against Irelia’s soft, thick cheeks echoed through the room.
“I didn’t know you were this ready to be knocked up again…”, Samira teased in between moans, “tightening your pussy and looking at us so eagerly… what a slutty leader.”
Irelia wanted to respond, but her voice only came out as moans of lust. She squeezed down on Samira’s shaft, practically begging to be filled even more than she already was. She watched as they continued to pound into her, feeling their lengths inside her and their balls slap against her skin. She watched them as Katarina leaned into her partner and kissed her. Samira eagerly responded, meeting her lips with equal passion.
“Mm.. Sa… mira~”, Katarina breathed in between kisses, her thrusts getting more erratic.
Samira at this point had total control over both her Ionian slut and her Noxian ally. She sucked on Katarina’s lower lip, her tongue then entering her mouth and dominating it. All the while she maintained the steady and hard pace inside Irelia, though her shaft was noticeably harder and throbbing even more.
After a few moments their kiss broke apart. A trail of saliva connected their lips, Samira smirking at the blushing Katarina.
“Try not to burst too fast now dear… I want to fill her at the same time”.
Katarina looked away and slowed down her thrusts. She could barely contain her orgasm, her cock leaking large amounts of precum into the hole she was fucking. Her moans became sporadic, yet she still stayed inside and thrusting.
While Irelia could feel Katarina’s cock relent, Samira kept on pounding. Fast. Hard. Her massive shaft made such lewd squelching sounds as it pushed aside all the seed inside her, making room for the new seed that would soon follow.
“Mmmf! Get ready for it!”
Samira slammed her shaft as deep as it could go, Katarina following along with her. Their shafts were both buried as deep as they could be inside her, both pulsating as they filled her with cum. Irelia’s walls tightened, her body experiencing yet another orgasm at the hands of her captors. They retreated slightly, still coating her holes with seed, cocks twitching and pulsing within her walls.
Pop. Pop.
Irelia felt the huge lengths within her pull out. Her holes were amply filled with semen, once again dripping down and adding to the puddle on the floor. She gazed absentmindedly at the two women, seemingly done with her for the moment. Their cocks twitched in the cool air, once again brushing up against each other. They got extremely hard with each pulse, yet softer afterwards.
“That was a successful mission,” Samira chuckled, slapping Irelia’s ass. “And it looks like we’ll just have to see who got her pregnant. We can just agree it was me, though”
“No way!”, Katarina retorted, “My cum is definitely much more potent than yours. Just because you got the first and last load doesn’t mean you win.”
“Well, seeing as we accomplished what we came here for, shall we settle this another way?” Samira approached Katarina, grabbing the redhead’s softening cock as she leaned in.
Reluctantly, Katarina grabbed onto Samira’s semi-hard length in return, pumping it in her hand.
“To our quarters, then?”
“Of course! Don’t want our whore here to hear you screaming my name, Kitty Kat~”
“But… will she be fine left here? What if she escapes?”
“I made sure she’s tied up very well… she won’t be escaping. Plus, presented like that, I’m sure our allies would be happy to use her as well. I know your sister in particular would love the company.”
Irelia struggled against her restraints as her captors finally left the room. She was still tied up on the table, all her holes filled by warm cum. As she tried to escape, part of her wanted to stay here. It was less stressful than commanding an army, and she had never felt so good in her life. She sighed, watching through the window as the sun set, wondering when she could be taken again.
Chapter 15 - Tales of Redstreak Chapter 14 |
The day has arrive to head for Chakona and everything was a buzz Alexis noted. She's been living with Red and Dallie again for the past couple of days. They're comfort and kindness were beyond Alexis' words, even Fish use her expertise to help. Alexis was starting to feel hopeful for the future. Things were chaotic however. The place was more crowded then shi was last here. Red had hir latest mate Flameria or Flamy as she like to be called and of course Fish who was put on Red for reasons only Star Corps really knows. Then Dallie had Larsa as hir new mate and as with any chakat family, the tons of children running around. “Alexis you ready?” Alexis looks over to see Red walking up to hir.
“Yup I'm all packed. I'm actually looking forward to this.”
“I'm glad one of us is. Meeting relatives that I'm now related to, very stressful.” Alexis put a hand on Red's arm.
“You do fine.” Red holds the hand there.
“Thanks to everyone, they help anchor me.” Alexis smirked and commented.
“And you think it will work for me?” Red grinned back.
“You better believe it.” Red looked around. Seeing see how a lot of people were still nearby Alexis could understand why she suddenly heard Red's voice in hir head. <Beside one other person only Dallie and Coal know this. At one point during my transition from Luke to Red and nearly committed suicide.>
<What?> Red nods and continues.
<Yes I nearly ended it all. It was only Coal's love the I pulled back and started becoming Redstreak. So if they can stop that. We can cheer you up.> Red then elbows Alexis and says aloud. “Come on, let's help the others.”
Two hours later the group is beamed up to the liner Starlight Express. A crewman showed them to their quarters, a very big family quarters. Red whistled at the luxury, Dallie and Coal must have saved up a lot. The doors open again and Streaker, Fireblaze and Sunspot showed up with their children hugs started. Sunspot then looks at Larsa and hugs the vixen. “I'm so sorry about your lost, but I'm glad you found a home with my daughters.”
“Thank you. And they do have a knack of rescuing people.”
“They should. They've had enough practice.” Both Red and Dallie stick their tongues out at their mother. Cause Sun to laugh and comment. “It's times like these that is hard to imagine there weren't born and raised together.” The two look at each other with a bit of surprise, shrug and make a face at their mother. “And times that they don't seem to have grown up.” To which Red replies.
“Midlife crisis, deal with it.” Everybody laughs at the reply.
As everyone was settle Red learns that hir adopted parents helped pay for the suites they now occupy and if shi wasn't kidnapped shi would have paid in as well. Oh well shi's paying for the expansion of the house. The ship had all the nice amenities and the trip was nice. Red spent time with Sandy and Firestripe, A lot of time with Alexis making hir forget hir ex boyfriend, and time with Fish or more accurately Fish spending time with hir as shi bonded more with hir adopted parents. Among the more interesting things was when Alexis asked Red to hir quarters and the two were not seen but they were felt. It was noted that the chakat's were late to breakfast sometimes though some of the mates were with with in the lateness. Also another interesting moment happened halfway to Chakona.
Lunch has just been completed and Red sighed in fullness. “Man Coal this is supposed to be a vacation. Let other people do the cooking for once, I thought we might have to hold you down.”
“But I LIKE cooking, I'm RELAXED when cooking.” Red sighs and rolls hir eyes and Coal continues. “However I'll try to cut back for your sake.” Red nuzzles Coal and says.
“Thank you.”
“You know I expect a payment later for it.”
“I think I can arrange that.”
“GET A ROOM!” Streaker yells causing the two to blush a bit and everyone else to chuckle. However Larsa approached Dallie with a serious expression.
“What is it Larsa?”
“Medallion, child of Sunspot and Fireblaze and my mate. Would you do me the honor of siring my next child?”
“What brought this about Larsa?”
“Well besides Jewel my family is gone. While all of you have accepted me into your family and made it mine I'm not a young vixen anymore and I need to continue the line so will you do it Medallion?”
“Off course I would. You never had need to ask. So when's your next heat?”
“NOW!” Larsa passionately kisses Dallie and Red had to quip.
“Looks like you're the one who needs the room sis.” Dallie breaks off the kiss and gives hir sister a look then pushes the foxtaur to one of the rooms. Red was smiling till she felt a tug on hir arm. Shi looks over and see Coal there.
“I think it's time for some of that payment.” Red turns back to the group with that knowing smile and let hir mate lead the way.
The door closes behind Dallie and the kissing turns into much more. Larsa gropes Dallie's breast with one hand and slides the other along Dallie's torso. Dallie meanwhile held Larsa's head close with one hand and returned the grope. Dallie then tweaks Larsa's nipple causing the vixen to moan in hir mouth. Eventually even they had to break for air. Both look at each other with love, compassion, and lust. Larsa then turns away to reveal her very wet pussy. As Larsa lays down Dallie walks till shi's on top of her. Dallie grabs both of Larsa's still firm breasts and the two kiss again as Dallie enters her. Both couldn't help moan in pleasure and just sat there joined together, though it didn't take long for Dallie to start thrusting in and out of hir mate's pussy. It starts slow and steady but soon the pace increases and Larsa was pushing her rear towards hir mates cock. They both grunt with the effort and there tails twine together and soon Larsa cries out. “Dallie, I'm- I'm cumming I'm CCUUUUUUUUUMMMMMINNNNGGG!” Larsa's pussy clamps down as she orgasms. The squeezing of hir cock causes Dallie to joining and roars as shi unleashes hir seed. When done shi collapses on top of the vixen as both pant. After a few minutes the two go at it again trying different positions till after the last orgasm Larsa passes out. Also exhausted Dallie lies next to hir newest mate and lick kisses the vixen's muzzle then starts to fall asleep. Hir cock still in hir mate, hey it was nice and warm in there.
The next morning Dallie and Larsa looked a little ragged and Red hands them both coffee with energy drink mixed in. They shot hir a questioning look. “hey I have a foxtaur mate to, so I know what they are like when in heat.” Larsa gives her sister in law a small smile as Dallie snorts. The two wolf down their breakfast before disappearing again. Red grins and shakes hir head till shi hears from behind hir.
“So you think foxtaurs are like that eh?” Red looks behind hir to see Flamy with a mischievous smirk on her face. Red returns it and replies.
“You know it is, your almost as bad as chakats.” Red then leans forward and licks Flamy's muzzle. “And that's what I like about you.” Needless to say that Red and Flamy were missing that day. However so were many others and the crew notice that the ship seemed a little more happier and a tad hornier during the trip.
When Larsa's heat was over she raced to the sickbay on board and it was a joyous vixentaur that returned. She was pregnant and a party was started to celebrate. Things went even crazy enough when Larsa was lifted up and paraded around by the chakats with everyone else holding their sides from laughter. Above the group with no eyes to really see, Larsa cries, not from sadness but from happiness. Yes she will always miss the village and the family she had there. Now though she has found a new family, one that loves her unconditionally and stops everything to be there for hir and a child that's not even remotely related to them. She was blessed to have known them for she can't imagine trying to raise Jewel alone and without a home. God and the Makers bless them all by inspiring the Turners to make such a loving and caring species. Fish eyed all of this with envy. Her charge had everything she lacked. A home and loving family and the confidence that shi can endure anything. Fish wanted that, wanted it very much.
After the party Alexis left the bathroom, you can only take so much punch. With Fish they were the odd ones in the bunch since they both wore clothes, even in the privacy of their suite. Alexis hirself wasn't just ready for that yet. After Al shi hasn't felt comfortable doing it. Except when around Red. During the parade shi didn't look at Larsa, shi looked at Red. They've been friends for years and for that short time lovers, but shi can't help how beautiful Red looked. The chakat's muscular figure appealed to hir and that Redstripe. Shi felt hir cock swelling up and shi was just thinking about hir. Alexis feels a hand on hir shoulder and looks to see Red smiling at hir. Then the feline visibly sniffed and said. “You forgot your pill didn't you?” Alexis was confused for a second before shi realized what Red was talking about. Hir pheromone suppressor that kept hir hyper pheromone's in check.
“Oh crap!” Shi tries to head back to hir room but Red holds hir.
“Don't worry, your pills are in my room for later and you not a danger yet. You still need some therapy and I know the best type.” Red urges Alexis to hir room. The wolf herm thought about protesting but decided against it. It would be nice to let go and Red has experience hir super heat before, not to mention Red can't impregnate hir. Shi is however surprised when the doors open and she sees Flamy waiting for them. “Flamy wanted to experience it too Alexis and she can keep your cock busy.” Alexis just shakes hir head and let's loose.
Sometime later you see an amazing site. With hir handpaws on top of a pair of cushions Red thrusts into Alexis with both hir torso's aligned. Alexis rides Red's cock as hir own was in Flamy, who was upside down and licking Red's pussy. Mons, groans, and grunts were heard as well and the sound of flesh and against flesh. With the hyper pheromones it didn't take long for all three to orgasm, so the pause was short before they went at it again. Even the pheromones override the sex overlord that herms can get from dual orgasm. However it could only do that so much in an hour the trio collapse in a tangle of fur and limbs.
Red awoke later feeling Alexis sandwiched between the taurs. There was a smile on the wolf's face, one that hasn't been there in weeks. Red was glad shi could make the wolf feel happy again, for more than one reason as hir cock was still in Alexis' pussy semi hard from the pheromones and the slight stimulation. Flamy stirs on the other side and slowly awakes. <So what do you think Flamy?> Flamy had a surprised face and was about to say something aloud when Red blocked her mouth. <I don't want to wake hir. Think of what you want to say and direct it at me.>
<I hear you love.>
<Weird but kinda cool, okay I thought what was fun. We have to convince hir to let us do that again.>
<We can try.>
<So is this is what telepathy is like.>
<Sometimes. Most of the time it's like an extra layer on my empathic senses. At least it's not whispering voices in my head at least. Had a couple nights in the Pegasus sickbay before I figured that one out.>
<Can't you get help?>
<There's no other telepath in the Federation. That's why Fish is with us now. She was to see if I went insane or have other odd quirks.>
<Then how will we ever know? You're odd all the time.>
<Haha.> The two fell back to sleep re cuddling with their friend.
Besides when Flamy went and got food the trio did leave the room having convinced Alexis to go this heat cycle without hir pills. They had fun, of what they could remember and it took a smell of Coal's cooking to wake them up after the heat period was over. The trio were exhausted so they just lounge around for the next day or so recovering. When hir strength returned shi spent time with hir kids. Sandy was five now much to the surprise of Red. In hir mind hir first born was only born just yesterday. Shi and hir....we go with sister Whirlwind got alone well and both seems to be including Firestripe in their play. The young odd hybrid stop hir play and ran over to hir sire. Smiling Red picked hir up and nuzzled Fire. Over all the events Red has gone through hir kids made it worth it. As Luke Harter he never married or had kids. His sister was always desperate to find him someone. Well shi found quite a few people and if ever given the choice to undo the accident that sent hir here shi would refuse hands down. Shi would miss this life for the universe.
After 3 weeks of travel the arrive in orbit of Chakona. The family after packing had headed to the main lounge to observe the approach. As the liner approached the Chakona Gateway the saw various ships. Red saw hir adopted sister's freighter in orbit. But what got hir interest was a very large freighter. The ship seemed to divided into 3 major sections. The forward section was a typical large bulk freighter, but much large then any Red has seen, you could easily hold several large ships in just that section but there also seemed to me an attachment on the top and Red's Star Corps training told hir it was Two large container soheres put together. The middle section was a long boom with cargo containers sprouting from it making it look like a corncob. The last area as a bulbous engineering section with pylons leading to 2 nacelles in a raking forward position. “That's a big ship.” Red finally comments and shi feel Fish step up besides hir.
“That's the Folly. She's owned and piloted by a human named Neal Foster. And she certainly proves her name. She's worked with the fleet sometimes and engineers go crazy trying to figure out how she works.”
'From what I've heard she is too big to be cost effective for she would eat a lot of antimatter just to get to warp, yet I've seen her maintain pace with Starfleet ships. Heck she even carried a couple I was on and refueled them. My counseling sessions are always interesting when she's around. Especially with engineers who've had a chance to peek at her systems.”
“Interesting.” The liner docks with the station the group goes to get their bags. The group was large enough that they will have to take turns beaming down. Alexis and Red were in the last group when the console beeped. The operator frowned and pressed a few more buttons before saying.
“Miss Timber, could you please step off the platform.” Alexis does so with Red following.
“Is there a problem?” Alexis asks.
“According to the scans you're pregnant and I can't transport pregnant beings. The rest can go.” Alexis looks at Red worried and confused.
“But you let me beam up and I've only been with taurs.” The operator shrugs and replies.
“The transporter says you're pregnant. Thus I can't transport you. We do have shuttle service that can get you down.” It's Red who answers.
“Book under my name.” Red turns back to look at the others and says. “The rest of you head down and let the others know. Me and Alexis are going to head for Amistad General Hospital and figure this out.” Fireblaze nods and replies.
“I'll make sure someone is waiting for you to get you to the clan house.” Red nods and the group beams down. Red and Alexis head to the shuttle bay and Alexis stated.
“I swear Red I've only been with you and Flamy and it's impossible for you to impregnate me. I don't understand this.”
“I believe you Alexis. We will find the answer. If the transporter screwed up I'll make sure to get a refund for the shuttle ride.”
After a half an hour wait they get their shuttle ride. The ride was beautiful as the enter the atmosphere and flew over the city. Red notice how the city was setup. It wasn't a rough square blocks and tall rectangular skyscrapers. Instead every building was unique and try to adapt to the land it was built on. There was also a lot of green. It seemed that the Chakona's wanted to preserve the natural plants as much as possible making the whole city look like a paradise city. They land at the spaceport and they go to the meeting spot to see a single chakat there. Shi had yellow fur with orange patches all over. Seeing them the chakat waves and says. “Greetings, I'm Chakat Autumnsun, child of Sunflower and Crystalfur and your fellow clanmate.” Red hugs hir and replies.
“Redstreak, Child of Sunspot and Fireblaze. And this is Alexis Timber.”
“Hello Alexis,” Autumnsun then looks back to Red. “I'm to drive you to where ever you need to go then to the clan home.”
“Thanks, we're going to the local hospital for a check up.”
“Very well get in and we'll get going.” The three enter the PTV and Autumnsun takes them to Amistad General Hospital. The main hospital of Amistad had an attached clinic for walk ins and such and that was their destination. They walking in a see quite a site. A group of Raskani females, a foxtaur female, and a female rabbit. All of them clearly pregnant. Red and Alexis go to the front desk and sign the wait forum. Red finds a nice cushion next to a chair for Alexis.
“Looks like this might be a while.” Alexis observes and Red has to nod in agreement. The foxtaur approaches them.
“Hello I'm Weaver” She gestures to the group behind her. “And these are my comates Dessa, Zanch,Kestral,Whitetail, and Susan Pebble.” Each give their greeting.
“I'm Chakat Redstreak, child of Sunspot and Fireblaze and this is my friend Alexis Timber.”
“You two from here?”
“No, we just arrived off the Starlight Express. WE had to stop here for the transporter said shi was pregnant and since shi's only been with taurs it seems unlikely. But this detour is delaying our meeting my adopted clan. Heck one of my clanmates is waiting for us.”
“Oh please then go ahead of us. We're all just checking on out babies.”
“Thank you, you local?”
“Oh no, we got here a couple hours ago off the Folly.”
“YOU'RE OFF THAT SHIP! WOW, that's a HUGE ship.” Reaver chuckles at Red's comment.
“I admit I had a similar reaction when I saw her the first time. Granted I saw the inside first so had an idea that she was big.” A nurse comes out and looks at a pad.
“Mrs. Weaver?” The grey furred foxtaur waves a hand to Red and Alexis.
“Please allow them to go first, They have people waiting for them.” Red looks to Weaver.
“Thank you.”
“You're welcome.” Red and Alexis follow the nurse into one of the offices. There they see a chakat in doctor attire though the famous lab coat was the only thing shi wore.
“Please sit and what seems to be the problem?” It was Alexis who replied.
“I wasn't allowed to transport down because the machine said I was pregnant. I've only been with taurs since beaming aboard our liner, so we like to see what's going on.” The doctor nods and grabs a scanner and focus it on Alexis belly. Shi waves it over hir belly for a couple of minutes before turning it off and attaches it to a console. Shi looks at the readings for a minute before saying.
“Well Miss Timber, you're pregnant. Been so a couple weeks. Who were you intimate with?” With a scared look at the announcement shi points to Red.
“Red here was the only one with a cock.” The doctor takes a tricorder and asks.
“May I?”
“Of course, I want this solved as anyone else.” The chakat scans Red for a couple of minutes and goes to the console and after a few more minutes shi faces hir patients.
“Well my early readings say that Red is the sire of the child. It has both of your dna's. Now I would like to monitor this for I don't know whether the baby will be a biped or taur. If taur I may need to operate for both of your safety.”
“Thank you doctor but we are only visiting for a few weeks.”
“Then give me the name of your doctor there and I'll relay the findings. Shir Redstreak would you please come tomorrow for a full scan. I need to figure out how this happened.” Red sighs and replies.
“Very well doctor.” The doctor comes up to both of them and hugs them.
“Congratulations, I'm sure you'll be good parents.” The doctor escorts them out and outside the clinic Red looks seriously at Alexis. Shi grabs the wolfs hands and begins.
“I know both of us didn't plan this and considering what you went through with Al I'll understand. But I want to help you raise this child. Alexis Timber will you be my denmate?” Alexis looked at Red for a minute before taking hir hands away and shi paces for a couple of minutes. Shi eventually stops and looks at Red.
“Red, this is all so fast. I need time to think about this.”
“Okay, that's okay. The offer will always be there. Come on let's join the others.” They head out and meet Autumnsun with serious expressions and got into the PTV. The tree all were silent as they drove on Autumnsun knowing something big happened at the clinic kept silent hoping shi'll learn soon. In twenty minutes they're outside the citywide and spacious suburbs. Eventually they approach a fairly large building. Nearly a mansion it looked like it could how a couple of chakat families comfortably. Both Red and Alexis looked in awe before Red comments.“That's a big house.”
“It's the Clan house don't you know our clan history?”
“I was adopted into the clan so no.”
“Oh, well our clan got started a hundred years ago by Lilypad, Corsica Rainbow, Moonsun, and Twilight at this house and it has slowly grown over the decades. Our current Matriarch stays there with hir mates and it host the clan gatherings.” The pull up to the front of the house and Coal was waiting for them. Shi hugs them both and Red whispers into hit ear.
“Get Dallie and Flamy and have them in the rooms will be staying in and no one else besides Alexis.”
“Got it.” Red follows hir to the room, they had the third floor on the right side and it was a fairly big room with several dressers for what clothing needed and a bathroom with full set of items. After unpacking hir stuff in an unused dresser when Dallie and Flamy came in. Alexis was a little neverous and ws looking at the floor like a child caught breaking the rules. Everyone was looking at Red and Alexis with confusion as the chakats felt Alexis worry and hir own confusion and Red's concern.
“Well the doctor confirmed that Alexis is pregnant and that I'm the sire. I've offered Alexis to be my denmate. Shi has yet to answer me. No matter hir answer I will support the child. Until shi makes hir decision I don't want this own. I want no pressure on you Alexis.”
“Thank you.”
“And since you are my mates and sister I live with I though you should know the full story. Now brace me as I meet my adoptive clan.” Coal and Dallie chuckle and hugs Red.
“You'll do fine sis.” Dallie says and looks at Alexis. “And it won't be just Red who will support you, I will. You've been a good friend for years and no matter your decision I will consider you family.” The group then hugs Red and Alexis.
That night at dinner Red got to meet some of hir clan members. There was a wide variety of ages and wider variety of colors. And not all were chakat's either. Various beings of morph decent. Many taurs with a smattering of bipeds. That night Red let Clarissa know shi was on Chakona and they figured out the foxtuars heat cycle. Luckily it was in a few days. Meanwhile Alexis did sleep with hir chakat friends, hir thoughts on the course of hir life and the new one forming in hir womb.
The next day Red left to visit the doctor who spent the next hour scanning Red every which way. After saying it would take a few days to study the data. Red headed back and got time to spend with hir sister Crisscross. They talked about their travels in space and they're families. Crisscross was thinking of having another child. They're first one Starhopper was playing with Whirlwind and the other kids their age area. That night the whole group goes into the main hall since it was raining that night. In a large ballroom everyone was around various tables eating dinner. Eventually a Chakat with white fur and a yellow circle on hir upper torso. Shi had gray hairs in that circle on in hir blond hair as shi walked on to the portable stage. “Hello everyone, I'm glad to see you all at our tenth Clan Gathering.” Shi's interrupted by clapping, when it ends shi continues. “I'm also glad to see our clan grow so much and have good friends. All of those you are friends of the clan please stand up.” Through the room a handful of beings stand up and the Longtail continued. “Thank you all for supporting our clan. Everyone give them a round of applause.” The clan does so causing some of the guests to blush, including Alexis. When the guest were allowed to sit down again the Longtail continued. “We should note one interesting addition to our clan. Normally you're either born in the clan or mate in. Shi was Adopted in and yet still by blood born as well. Shir Redstreak, child of Sunspot and Fireblaze come up here.” Red was shocked as a spotlight turns on at hir seat. Shi is shocked for a moment before glaring at Coal and Dalle who grin unrepentantly, heck even hir adopted parents were grinning as well. Shi shakes hir head and heads up to the platform. There the Longtail smiles at hir before looking at the crowd. “Redstreak here joined our clan years ago when an accident gave hir this body. Since the shi has greatly helped our clan branch on Terra ad has already contributed to our clan already.” The Longtail then hugs Red and says. “Welcome to the Firelight Clan.” The room cheers when the hear that and Red stands their with the Deer-in-the-headlights look.
The next morning Red leaves the clan home to visit Clarissa and Polka, and truthfully after last night shi needed some space. How the chakats not get overwhelmed by it was beyond hir. Shi pulls up to the small house the pair called home and shi sees Clarissa playing with hir namesake Starlight when she looked up and smiled. “Red YOU'RE HERE!” She gets up and hugs Red while Starlight looks curiously at them.
“Yes I am, Where's Polka?”
“Inside, shi has the day off.” Red nods and bends down to look closely at Starlight.
“Hello Starlight.” The young cub sniffs Red as the older chakat projects friendship and love to the cub. The cub smiles and allows Red to pick hir up. The adults smile at each other and head in. Polka was reading something when they came in and shi looked up and smiles.
“Hello Red, glad to see Starlight take to you.”
“What can I say. People like me.” The older chakat chuckles and the two hug.
“So how long are you hear this time?”
“A few weeks, clan gathering.” Polka winces a it.
“Yeah, I know what those are like. I can understand wanting to get away for a bit.”
“And I had a promise to keep. My mates approve of me and Clarissa being denmates. So I come to give Clarissa the child she wants.”
“And Clarissa's in heat so good timing. I do have an issue though.”
“I want to be in on it. She is my mate and I'll be help taking care of the cub, so I want to be part of the process.” Red sighs and steadies hirself and replies.
“Very well. When should we start?”
“When Starlight's asleep and I have just the thing.” Clarissa says and she goes into the kitchen. Red looks at Polka and asks.
“What about your family Polka? You an Clarissa live here but I've never seen anyone else from your family ever here.”
“Most of them are explorers and settled on one of the new colonies. I didn't want to go so stayed here. It's the main reason I spent a lot of time with Clarissa's family. While there's more than enough chakats to take care of feedback Clarissa's family treated me as one of them.” Clarissa returns with a cup of what looks like milk and gives it to Starlight. The little cub gulps it down and Clarissa's smiles. She notices Red's curiosity and explains.
“It's a milk formula I discovered. It make's Starlight go out rather quick.” The trio did some catch up till Starlight was sleeping peacefully. Clarissa smiles and picks up her cub and puts hir in hir room. Clarissa returns to them and tells Red. “There we sound proofed hir room so we can be wild without waking hir.”
“What if shi wakes up and cries for either of you?” It's Polka who explains.
“Hir room has a microphone in it and the AI is programed to let us hear it for anything.”
“So we can be as wild as we want.” Clarissa comments. Red looks at polka with an amused look and comments.
“I guess her libido is up since the pregnancy.” Polka shakes hir head.
“Nope it actually went DOWN!” Shi says chuckling.
“Well enough talking.” Clarissa tries to push Red into the bedroom. Red goes in followed by Clarissa and Polka. The bedroom was one of the larger rooms in the house and had various nicknacks from both Polka and Clarissa and gave the room a cozy feeling. Then there was also the nice BIG mattress that they slept on. Clarissa lead Red to the bed and stated stroking Red's muzzle. Red smiles and takes a deep breathe to get Clarissa's pheromones in. Shi then kisses the foxtaur and gropes her breasts and hir cock comes out. Clarissa falls on her backs and Red lays on top of her and thrusts hir cock in causing the two to groan in pleasure. The two finally break off their kiss and both see love in each other's eyes. Polka was not unaffected by the actions of hir mate and co mate and hir cock is out and shi climb on Red with hir hands rubbing all over Red and shi enters the chakat and soon the three were in a good rhythm. Red hir self never really don't sex both ways was blinded by the pleasure and hir normal reluctance about female couplings never had a chance to form this time, only the pleasure of entering and being entered filled hir. In a time that seemed to hir both minutes and hours long before shi came. What shi felt was indescribable before shi blacked out. It was an hour or two later when shi woke up only to start again. The next two days the trio went at it. Starlight did a sleep over with a friend of hirs during this time and the bond between the three adults grew.
While Red got intimate with hir new denmate and co mate Alexis was thinking about the future. Shi sat in a chair on a balcony think of hir situation. Shi was nearly raped months earlier with no family to help hir, then Red came to the rescue and offered hir home as Dallie did when Double H was bombed. Shi looks down at hir belly and put a hand there. There in hir belly grew a miracle, but with it a complicate choice.
Shi wasn't sure how long shi sat there with hir thoughts when shi heard a question. “May I join you?” Startled shi looks to hir right and sees the pink furred cat their smiling.
“Oh, Fish to startled me. Please have a seat.” Fish takes the chair next to the wolf herm and they both view the scenery for a couple of minutes before Fish spoke again.
“Alexis I know what you and Red talked about when you got hear.”
“So you know that I'm...”
“Pregnant with Red's child yes. I didn't catch all of it but I figured Red offered a denmateship didn't shi and that you haven't answered hir yet.” Alexis just nods and Fish made a sound of affirmation. “Well Alexis tell me how you both first met.” That got the wolf to smile.
“I first met hir as a prank. I haven't seen Dallie in weeks which was odd for hir and Trea was having hir graduation party so I called hir the day before. Shi said shi was still coming and was bringing a friend. When I asked who shi replied. 'Some one you don't know but you have seen hir face before.' The next day a I see Dallie arrive and hug hir in greeting but...”
“But it was Red.”
“Yup, since then shi was a regular at the club and became a good friend. Shi even to offer to guard me when I went on a job tour for the company.” Alexis paused before continuing.”We became closer after that trip. And when shi returned to us I had to throw a welcome back party.”
“And when you were raped, shi was among the first to your side.” Alexis nods again and Fish continues. “So you have known hir for years. You've seen hir be loving,caring, and protective. Shi's been a sire a few times already, so why your hesitancy? Is it a scar of the rape or something else. You have to figure that out for you, Red, and the Child in your womb.” Fish gets up and leaves Alexis on the balcony with hir thoughts.
Red was smiling as shi drove back from Polka and Clarissa's place. Those two certainly know how to give a good time. It will be a couple of days before they find out if they were successful. They biggest surprise was how well shi took to being mounted. Maybe shi's slowly adapting more to the chakat way of thinking then shi thought. No doubt shi'll be a strong male bias chakat for the rest of hir life but maybe, just maybe things are getting better for hir. When shi got home shi found all hir mates and family. They really were family to hir now, blood and all. Shi got to the house, checked on hir mates and Alexis and crashed still tired from hir romp with Clarissa.
The next day a local clan member invited them to a Chakker game. Having never seen it before Red was curious. They drove over to the arena, as they walk to one of the entrances shi notice the name Friendship Arena. Since Amistad is another word for Friendship Red had to smirk. They bought their tickets and some snacks before heading to the seating. Red looked around. The field seemed similar to soccer in layout. The was scoreboards on each major side of the arena. The seating was wide enough to easily accommodate taurs. However shi didn't see places for bipeds so shi asked Thunderchild, the chakat who invited them on where the bipeds sat. The Chakat smiled and replied. “Check this out.” Shi walks over to one of the spots and lifts a small hatch. It reveals a handle that shi grabs, turns, and lifts. A square box lifts up till it's about chest height then Thunderchild turns the handle again and pulls it away from the field. The top flips back to reveal a cushion for butt and back.
“Cool.” The group goes into the row picking their seat partners. Red ended up with Flamy on one side and Alexis on the other. Red returns to the scoreboard facing them. It show the local team, the Aphrodites versus Curtisport Paws. The scoreboard seemed no different then those Shi grew up with and was reassuring that some things remained the same. Eventually game time happened and Red watch hir first chakker game. The ball offhand looked like a soccer ball but brown and red instead of black and white and had football like stitching. The game play was interesting, The layour was like soccer but chakker players could use their hands and even TAILS to advance the ball. It was a fast pace game with the ball flying everywhere and thankfully some good scoring. Red hated soccer for the low scores that games usually have. Red completely got into the game with an arm around Alexis. The home team squeezed out a victory in overtime and Thunder took them out to dinner to celebrate hir team's victory.
The next day Red and Alexis went to the doctor after shi called the day before. Both were eager and anxious on the findings as they stepped into hir office. “Well I went over the readings and your files. And what me and my colleges agree is that those nanos in Redstreak's are responsible for the pregnancy. Those little suckers are highly adaptive and they made Redstreak's sperm compatible to you Alexis. We guess it wasn't the first try so if your not planing children Shir Redstreak where a condom. Now I want Alexis to have regular check to make sure the baby and hirself are all right?” They both nod and shi smiles. “Now this is still a joyous occasion. You have made a life and current scans show it to be fine so celebrate.” They leave the doctor's office and head for the house. When they get into their suite of rooms and informed the family of the update. Alexis looks at the ground the whole time and when Red was done with the update shi takes a deep breath and spoke.
“I want...I want to try to be a family.” Red rushes over and hugs the wolf herm.
“You won't regret this Alexis.” Flamy, Coal, and Dallie join the hug. Fish watched the site tear filled, she wanted this. Shi wanted a family. Red put down Alexis and looked at Fish was well as the other chakats sensing her sadness. “What is it Fish?”
“I want it. I want you have. I want a family. Will you let me be your denmate as well?” Red looks at hir new mate then at hir other two mates and said.
“Well what do you three think?” The three look at each other before each comments.
“She's practically family already.” Coal comments.
“I like her.” Flamy adds.
“Well she helped me with my decision so why not.” Alexis states.
“Well my mates have spoken, so Fish. Welcome to the family.” Cheers went all around as Red hugs hir newest mate. Then Red took both Alexis and Fish to consummate they're union.
LATE the next morning the three mates emerge from Red's room hungry. Near the end of their breakfast Larsa with Jewel in her arms walked up to Red. “What's up Larsa?” Red asks as shi pets hir step niece.
“Work called, a music magazine called Space Tunes wants an interview.” Red thought for a bit before asking the foxtaur.
“Do they understand my requirements?”
“Don't worry Red. The video feed will be blocked and I have a voice modulator installed. You're identity is safe.”
“Alright, I'll throw them and your company a bone. When is the interview?”
“Anytime you want, it isn't a live broadcast.”
“Okay how about in a couple hours?”
“I'll tell them.”
Hours later Red sat alone in hir room and no one else. Shi had hir keyboard on and playing hir tracks at low volume. Shi then heard a chime, indicating of an incoming call. Pressing the answer button shi says. “Hello?”
“RS? This is Jan Tooner from Space Tunes.”
“I'm RS Jan.”
“Thank you for the interview.”
“Not to big of a problem.”
“Alright, I hear music in the background.”
“I figured you would want it during our interview.”
“Smart, okay I'll begin recording. Hello listeners! This is Jan Tooner in an exculsive interview with one of the latest sensations. RS. Now for personal reasons RS is not allowing a video and has a voice modulator to protect um it's identity. SO RS when did you start playing with music?”
“It had to be in my twenties as a hobbie that I did off and on. A few years ago it helped me with some personal issues.”
“How did you get involved with Spacewave?” Red chuckles as shi responds.
“That can be blamed on my mate and sister. They send in a recording of my work and Spacewave showed up at the door. I figuring they would nag be if I refused I accepted. It's been prosperous and I gain a sister in law in the end.”
“Congraduations there, So what inspires your music?”
“Mainly old video game music. I add my twist on them and bring them to a new generation.”
“It sounds like you are an old being, no insult intended.”
“The answer to that is complicated but I have been around a while.”
“So what do you see in the future for your work?”
“Just what is going on now. I'll occasionally release an album and make money on it.”
“That's very simple.”
“In the end this is still just a hobby for me. I have a family and a job as well as being RS.”
“Well thank you for your time RS.”
“You're welcome.” Red signed off and turned hir keyboard off and sat back and relaxed.
A couple days later Red was by the front door when the doorbell ran. And sees a Chakat there with a Rabbit morph behind hir with a strange device on his head. The Chakat asks. “Are you Chakat Redstreak?”
“Yes.” Shi answers. The Chakat smiles and nods to hir friend. Flicks something on the head attachment. Shi looks at hir friend and says.
“This is Chakat Harmony of Melody TV here at the current residence of Chakat Redstreak, known more famously as the composer RS. Tell us RS, what's odivation for your work.” Trying to contain hir rising anger Red replies as politely as shi is able to right now.
“What makes you think I'm RS.”
“We have from a reliable source that you are RS and recently was in an interview with Space Tunes.” Red sighs as shi knows ly8ng would be useless and more so against what shi was taught.
“If you want an interview with RS then you go through Spacewave. Bother me or my family again this way and I'll never agree to one.” She shuts the door on them and looks for Larsa. Shi found the 45 year old vixen playing with her granddaughter. Recognizing the scent of her client and sister in law She sniles and looks up and Red had a very serious look on hir face. “Red have a problem Larsa. Some news groupa know I'm RS. Now I did tell Space Tunes who I was so we need to check where this leak came from.” Larsa nods and replies.
“Of course.” The two head into her room as they contact Spacewave.
Hours later a frustrated Red sat on the balcony as early night falls. Shi, Larsa and the Spacewave heads comb everyone to figure out who leak Red's identity. They found nothing, not a SINGLE thing. Shi was so focused on the issue shi was surprised when shi felt a small hand touch hir flank. Shi jerks and looks down to see Sandyrock looking at hir sire with concern. “What's wrong daddy?” The little cub asks. Red pcik up hir daughter and answered.
“Life just got harder for us Sandy.”
“Why it seems pretty easy now?”
“Well you know the music I work on?” Sandy nods. “Well I kept my name secret so we wouldn't be bothered fans of my music. But now the secret has gotten out somehow. Now we'll have to deal with them coming at anytime.” Sandy hugged hir sire and said.
“You'll protect us dad. You always do.” Red smiled as shi held hir daughter close causing the cub to purr as true night hit. Sandy fell asleep in Red's arms and Red just starts to sense someone behind hir when a voice said.
“There's nothing like a cub to brighten your day, even as night falls.” Red looks behind hir to see Longtail Brightlight smiling at hir. She looks down at hir now sleeping daughter.
“It's one of their secret weapons.” Red replies, The older chakat pets the cub and comments.
“You're worried about something. We could all feel it.”
“Crap, sorry about that. I worked hard to protect my identity with my music. And now it's all undone. They know who I am now and my child's first line of defense is gone.”
“You can't protect them from everything Redstreak. The only thing you can do is show that you love them.”
'That's true. And I do my best for them.”
“You'll be fine then.” Brightlight looks up to the stars. “I am curious about your telepathy.”
“Ask away.”
“How do deal with it on a day to day Basis?”
“By having it mainly shut down. Otherwise it's like a crowded room. Right now I get just a little more then you get from empathy. Though if I wanted to I could take control of a person completely it's draining.”
“That's putting it mildly.”
While Red and Brightlight talk Flameria and Larsa were in the kitchen making a snack. Jewel sleeping in a basket nearby. Wind Dasher Brightlight's granddaughter walks up to he foxtaur pair. “Hey Flameria isn't?” Flameria nods. “I hope you don't take offense at this I'm just curious, but I've never seen a foxtaur female without head hair before.”
“I'm from the Narina Colony, all of my kind have no head hair.” Wind Dasher frowns and holds hir chin.
“I have never heard of a colony with that name.”
“We were rediscovered a few years ago. I'm the first Kitsune Foxtaur to enter the Stellar Federation and to have a chakat mate.”
“Oh now I remember, so how do you like the federation?”
“Far more advance than home but the core between the two remain. Chakona itself reminds me of home with the balance of technology and nature.”
“And how did you meet Redstreak?”
“Shi fell from the sky.” This causes Larsa to laugh out loud. And the chakat frowns and says.
“Come on I'm serious.”
“I am being serious.” Flameria looks down and continues. “I was out in the woods mourning my sister when Red's escape pod crashed. Shi's was injured and unconscious and I carried hir to my village healer. With no memory shi went by the name Starlight and lived with me and my huntmates, and I fell in love with hir. I arrived in the Federation carrying hir child and a new motivation in life.”
“At least a happy ending for you.” Then Wind Dasher looked over to Larsa. “What about you did you get into this family?” Larsa sigh and turned to look out the window. Wind Dasher felt the sadness radiate from the older foxtaur.
“I first met them when I came to recruit Red into Spacewave music. Turned out hir mate and twin sister Dallie sent her stuff in without hir knowing. For a couple of years we're good friends and admittedly I grew attracted to Dallie. All that changed a few months ago. My daughter recently gave birth to my granddaughter and being any doting grandmother I wanted to spend time with her. Thankfully my daughter and her mate wanted to do a little hiking for a day or two so I agreed to watch over the as yet unnamed granddaughter. I was at the clinic when a Frieghter went out of control and hit Earth.” Both Flamy and Wind Dancer got close and touch Larsa. “The freighter hit my village head on and destroyed it. Everyone was gone.”
“What about your daughter and son in law?”
“When the freighter exploded many trees were pulverized and hundreds of wood chips hit them. They didn't make it.” Larsa stated sobbing a bit and both of the other hugged her. “After that I only had Jewel and Red took me to live with hir and hir family. I didn't get embraced by the family, I got swallowed by it and Dallie ask me to be hir mate and with nothing to return to I accepted. Red and the others make living bearable.” The three stood there hugging bonding and for Larsa healing.
The next morning the clan had a group breakfast and it barely started when Cat's eye walks in with hir hand in the scruff of the neck of hir daughter. “Shir Redstreak, were you looking to figure out gave away your identity?” Red nods and the chakat continues. “My daughter has something to say.” Cat's Eye pushes hir daughter forward. Everyone can feel hir fear as shi stammer's out.
“I-I.....I saw you during your interview and went on Pawbook and told my friends that you are RS. I'm sorry, it's just I'm a fan with my friends and thought it be cool to tell them.” Red gets up from hir seat and approached the chakat kitten.
“Do you know why I tried to keep that hidden?” The kitten shook hir head.
“I knew if I was successful fans you clamor to my house and harass my family. I did it to protect all of you from it. With your action you know have to deal with fans, magazines and other media wanting to know about me.” Red then hugs the kitten and says. “I forgive you but remember. Your choices have consequences. Learn from this well.”
“I'll try.”
“That's all I asks.” Breakfast is resumed and goes uninterrupted. However at the end Brightlight breaks the silence.
“Since your identity is out how about you give us a little taste?” Red nods and heads up. A few minute later shi comes down with hir keyboard and sets it up. Music soon begins to play and it doesn't take long for dancing to begin. The impromptu dance turned into a clan wide party that took all day.
Chapter 1 - The Bottle |
"Hey Sam! You ever heard of the pleasures of...you know?" I whispered conspiratorially.
"Ehhh?!?! Such a weird question to ask! Well I guess we are at that age, so I suppose its alright..." Facepalming, I tried to think of a way to solve this issue I brought up. Gah, I never should've started this conversation.
"Well, I...ehm...was doing a science project! Yeah! A science project... So I thought you'd be interested to be my partner in it?" I said, trying to defuse the situation.
"Well Shane, as long as I won't get hurt, learning new things is never bad" Sam said candidly (more like naively).
"Whew, that was easy" I thought to myself.
"So, you want to head out and get started?" I inquired.
"Sure? Do we have to buy anything? Go anywhere?" Sam asked.
Surprised by the insight, I said "Yeah, we do have to go to a pretty....seedy...area of town."
"Where's that?" Sam asked again.
Scratching the back of my neck, I hesitantly mumbled out "the...red...light...district?"
"WHAAAAAAAT?" she exclaimed.
"I thought we weren't going to any where dangerous!?!?" she pouted at me with those eyes at would make any one cry in guilt.
"Trust me, I'll protect you" i said, with my best try at a reassuring smile.
Chapter 1 - The Job (Beatdown and Flirting) |
It had been a few months since Alexandra Hawke had landed in Kirkwall and signed on with Athenril's smuggler outfit. In that time, she had risen in rank and status rather quickly, reporting directly to a lieutenant and being trusted with all manner of job.
Hawke had by no means enjoyed the rapid rise in responsibility or the increase in hostility from the other enforcers, but the allures of pride and pay brought a certain amount of delight to her position as a lieutenant's right hand.
That feeling of success often waned in the moment, buried under unfair assignments that she could neither refute or refuse. Indentured servitude had a way of being shit, after all.
"I think you fine gentlemen should reconsider what you're about to do. My boss doesn't take kindly to betrayal." Was all Alex managed to say before a particularly large thug charged and lifted her off the floor, speeding towards a window across the warehouse's second story platform.
After being thrown out of a window in the docks in the dead of night, Hawke couldn't help but laugh at her own misfortune for just a moment. As her right arm failed to respond, the enforcer realized it was displaced and rolled over onto her front.
"I was worried this was just a simple pickup that some gutter-rat could have managed." She growled, slamming her shoulder into the stonework and resetting it with a clack of her armor. "Glad to see I'm still favored enough to get the fucking shit jobs."
Hawke placed her left hand on her shoulder as she worked to a knee, willing the Veil to shift and her flesh to knit. After a moment of ache, she rolled her shoulder to check for worrying levels of pain before standing up fully and marching back to the warehouse, drawing the axe from her back.
With a forward step and a rush of magic, Hawke kicked the door and blasted it off its moorings in a shower of splinters, shredding across the nearby guard.
The rest rose from their game of wicked grace across the room and came to repel the invader, finding a short haired woman in patchwork armor with an axe in one hand and Athenril's mark on her banner.
Armed with knives and shortswords, they charged in on the attack. Hawke bounced in place, finding a rhythm to start the fight.
The first ragged man slashed deep with a knife, and Alex pushed his strike with her offhand and sidestepped to hook the axe around his neck and pull him past.
The second brought his sword to bear, and Hawke stepped into him while pushing his arm away. Hooking behind his calf, she yanked him off the ground and dropped him to the floor, winding him effectively. The first man had regained his footing behind the enforcer, who responded with a heavy dropkick to the man's torso that slammed him into the wall behind him.
A sailor charged at the floored Alex with a sidesword posed to thrust down, but as he stopped to strike she pulled his leg out and he slipped into a partial split, catching himself instead of attacking. Hawke finished him with a decisive punch to his loot pouch and rolled sideways back to her feet.
The last man, a corrupt guard, walked forward warily as he weighed his options. The enforcer wore a feral grin, and drew the guard out from the pathway and around the crates with a taunt.
He lunged forward with his sword, and Hawke looped her axe around his wrist as she circled to his back. A sharp kick to the shoulder dislocated it and dropped the guard's sword to the floor with a shout of pain and a crack of bones. He retaliated with blind instinct, throwing a haymaker with his left hand. Alex stopped the blow and kicked his right foot back to create space for a vicious left elbow that broke the man's nose and pushed him to the floor at last.
Now free of distractions and with a base floor full of injured, but alive, traitors Hawke casually ascended the stairs across the room and back up to the platform she had been thrown from. The stockmaster sat at his desk with a look of fear as his bodyguard cracked his neck and knuckles as if to be intimidating to the woman who'd just cleared the building of its ragtag fighters.
The large man swung his chair at Alex, who stuck her axe in it and pulled it aside. Countering with a blow to the jaw that flowed into an elbow to the nose, she pulled the chair entirely from his grasp. With a groan of effort, Hawke demolished the chair across his face and he staggered through the railing and bounced off a crate before crashing to the stone floor.
Liberating the axe from the piece of chair still attached, Hawke marched at the stockmaster and laid his arm across the table. Slamming the axehead down, she clipped one of his fingers and nearly severed it, spawning a new shout of pain.
Alex quickly silenced it by smashing his face into his table and pulling him back up to meet her gaze.
"Athenril is thankful for your cooperation, serah. Send a runner with our coin by this time tomorrow. If we don't get it-" She slammed the axe down again, deliberately missing this time. "-I'll come to collect the interest."
The stockmaster nodded several times, his face crunched in pain and fear.
"Yes, ma'am, I will! I swear!"
"Excellent!" Hawke dropped her aggression and stood, releasing the frightened man and turning to leave. "The open window has a lovely breeze, by the way, but I'd close it soon. The piss smell tends to blow in around these hours and it's impossible to run it back out."
Stepping over limbs and bodies, the enforcer noticed a small box marked with Antivan designs and leaves had fallen in the fray. Picking it up, Alexandra left whistling an excitable tune that would have backdropped another of her barroom brawls back in Ferelden.
Her trip to the safehouse to report was mostly uneventful, only needing to flash her emblem once to dissuade a potential mugger on the way back. With a wink towards an elven evening girl, Hawke stepped into the safehouse to collect her pay and deliver the verdict.
At the top floor, beyond the bunks, stocks, and assorted stations was the lieutenant's office. Hawke signaled to the doorguard who stepped away to sit as she was let enter.
"Richter, job's done. You owe me a round for this one." Alex sighed, tossing the box onto the desk haphazardly. Her voice caught in her throat as she realized the situation present, however.
Sitting with one leg crossed over the other on the desk with a book in hand was the lithe frame of a blonde, tattooed elf and most certainly not the grizzled ex-mercenary she'd expected to find.
"Athenril?" The enforcer blinked, torn between hoping she was or wasn't hallucinating.
"Hawke. You're just in time, I was this close to leaving and letting Richter clean up this mess instead." The elf smirked, turning a page.
"I thought you had more faith in me than resorting to that arse." Hawke scoffed, with hands on cocked hips.
"Why do you think I sent you in the first place?" Athenril closed and tabled the book, crossing her arms. "So, are we back in business?"
"One corpse, one corrupt guard, four bruised thugs, and one stockmaster with pissed pants. If the runner isn't here tomorrow with your coin, I'm going with Richter to collect fingers. Bastards threw me out a fucking window." Hawke growled, remembering to roll her wounded shoulder for a pain check.
"Busy night and you still bring a gift home for the boss?" The elf tapped her fingers on the box Hawke had brought, opening it to inspect the contents.
"Thought some Antivan cigars would get Richter off my back - for a day or two at least." Alex sighed, leaning over the fireplace on one arm.
"Well, he won't be a problem for you anymore." Athenril replied wistfully.
"Oh? And why's that?" Hawke turned around, leaning against the fixture in suspicious annoyance.
"Because you're more useful than he is, Hawke. You report directly to me now." Athenril stepped off the desk, taking a power position just in front of her larger subordinate.
"Am I still bashing doors and knocking heads-" Alex rolled her eyes and waved her hand dismissively, before coming to a curious smirk. "-or am I working closer to you?"
"That depends on how close you mind working, birdie." Athenril stepped even closer, crossing into intimate space and causing Hawke to retreat into a steadier position against the wall.
"I think I could handle more office time if it came with perks." She returned, barely hiding her shakey surprise.
"I think I can arrange some bonuses for your position." Athenril leaned in, finally resting her weight on Alex as her breath coaxed across the human's neck and ear. |
Chapter 5 - Chapter 5 |
Commander Antilles called a meeting and Luke and Medallion meet up with the scientist working on his case. "Thanks for meeting us Luke, Medallion. This is Dr. Grey.” The bunny morph with glasses and a white coat adjusts his glasses.
"Thank you commander, Mr. Harter when we went over your incident including what you provided about the experiment from your time we were amazed that you even survived as is. Another miracle which is a hard word for us science types to use that you are as you are now. I know a Professor is looking in to using transporters to cure and save people as it did you.”
"So you can restore me?”
"If we had you body's pattern yes it would actually be easy. Unfortunately we do not have it and since you are from another dimension and you family's history is different we can't even construct a new body for you I'm sorry.”
"Thank you.” Luke says weakly.
"However all the scans we saw you are a healthy chakat so you can expect the 150 year average lifespan for a chakat barring illness and injury.” Luke stood up but with his face still looking at the floor.
"Thank you all for your efforts to help me. May you have a better day than me.”
"I can understand you pain Luke...”
"No,no you can't. No one can.” Luke then leaves the room with Medallion and Coaldust quickly getting up to follow him. They quickly catch up to him and shi puts hir hand on his shoulder.
"Luke no matter what you are not alone. I consider you family and while my family can't replace yours we can take their role in your life. Please don't shut us out.” Luke stops and looks over to hir with eyes identical to hir minus one thing. The sheer sadness in his eyes, the likes Medallion has never seen chakat or not.
"Just take us to your...our home.” Shi nods and the trio head to the car and head home. During the drive Medallion and Coaldust feel Luke holding something in. When they get home Medallion says to Luke.
"Come with me Luke.” With nothing better to do Luke follows. One of the perks of Medallion's home was no one was behind her, just the woods. They walk through the woods for a few minutes before getting to a small clearing that had a few wooden structures. "One of the reasons I bought the house was that it was near my old play area. I built a lot of this when I was a cub and I go here when I need to let off steam. So do what you need to do.”
"But your stuff?”
"Not as important as you are.” Medallion sees his eyes soften a bit and she leaves to give him some privacy. Coal meets hir in the back yard.
"He's in the old playground Dallie?”
"Yup Coal. I swear I never seen such sadness in someone's eyes before. Call Whitetail I think he'll need her tomorrow.”
"Why not today.” Dallie shakes her head.
"No he's had enough today.” Coal nods in understanding and the two head in to wait for Luke.
Luke just stands there for a few minutes after Medallion left. He walks over to a piece of wood paneling and picks it up. His expression went from sadness to fierce rage and with a roar that would do a lion proud he lifts the panel above his head and slams it into a tree. The next amount of time he doesn't remember as he vents his rage and frustration. He slams another piece of wood against rubble and collapses to the ground crying. He sobs there for hours before he can get up rubbing his eyes. Looking up he sees that it's nearly dusk so he heads for what's now his home. He walks into the living room and without any word Medallion and Coaldust hug him. He just stands there in it with his eyes closed absorbing the good feelings the two chakats were projecting to him. The embrace is finally broken by a growling stomach. Causing all three to break up and giggle at the interruption. "Okay supper will be done in a few minutes.” Coaldust says and shi walks into the kitchen as Luke heads to the bathroom to take care of business then they had a nice dinner in quiet. That night the heard Luke play on his keyboard a sorrowful music for a few hours. Then as the head for bed they pause to look in Luke's room to find him asleep with a sad look on his face. They had already decided earlier tonight to do this and the look on his face confirmed it. The both head in and cuddle next to him and soon all three were asleep.
Luke woke up the next morning unusually warm and hearing a subtle rumble. Opening his eyes he sees a pair of dark furred breasts in front of his eyes. He can't help it when his cock becomes erect and the rumbling got louder. 'Oh that's me purring.' Luke thinks and he very slowly gets up to find himself sandwiched between Medallion and Coaldust. Smiling a bit he strokes both of their faces. They stir and wake up to the stroking and look up to see Luke and both smile. "Morning Luke, hope you don't mind that we slept with you. It looked like you needed it.
"You know, I don't mind though it does give me an interesting sight in the morning.” Coaldust looks to where shi was lying and notice which way hir breast would have been facing. She then looks up to Luke and grins impishly at him causing Medallion to laugh and making Luke sigh in resignation. Coaldust finally gets up and heads to the kitchen as Medallion gets a brush and approaches Luke.
"Mind if I brush you as you do me?”
"Huh?” Instead of answering verbally she brushes his lower torso a couple of times.
"It's something we chakats like to do for each other, a bonding ritual if you will.” She lifts up another hairbrush for him to use.
"And you're going to trust a novice like me with your fur?”
"Gotta start somewhere and you're family.” Medallion notices him flinch a bit at the mention of family. But he took the brush.
"Okay you have only yourself to blame.” The two begin brushing each other and Luke mutters. "This feels so girlish.” Medallion chuckles at the remark. When they get to hir breasts he pauses and blushes. "Um, Medallion?”
"Yes?” the chakat smirks and shi answers seductively.
"Does it at all bother you that I have your body?” Medallion looks over him and answers.
"Not really, Due to the way we were design identical twins is impossible naturally. So while there are chakat twins they never look a like. I get to be lucky to get a true twin sister though I wish you didn't have to suffer what you did for me to get it.” Luke doesn't answer and the pair continues to brush on in silence Luke secretly being calmed by the process.
After a hearty breakfast Medallion brushes Coaldust's fur and the dark chakat leaves for work. Luke heads back into his room and the sounds of his keyboard fill the house.
About nine am the door bell sounds and Medallion opens it to see Dr. Whitetail. "Morning Medallion how are you today?”
"Good but Luke isn't doing to hot. Got some bad news yesterday and it hit him hard.” Medallion then proceeded give a summary of what happened.
"Wow, that is a blow well I will see what I can do. Is that him playing?”
"Yup if it weren't so sad in tone it be good.” Whitetails nods and heads down to Luke's room. She finds him playing on his keyboard. Whitetail notices that his tail is on the floor and if the tune he's making is any indication he is far from happy. Whitetail knocks on the door and Luke stops playing and looks over and sees her.
"Hey doc, not surprised you're here but I doubt you can help me.”
"Let me be the judge of that. Now Medallion told me about the news you got yesterday. For what it's worth I'm sorry.”
"Thank you.” Luke then walks over to the window and looks out it and the woods. "How can you help me? I have lost everything, my home, my timeline, my country, my family, even my body. So you tell me how can you consult someone like me. An amnesia patient has it better than me, they might know they lost something but they don't know the details.”
"Well like an amnesia patient you have to rebuild your life. Thankfully you do know who you are and your skills and you have two chakats dedicated to help you. You couldn't be in better hands.”
"I'm just taking their time.”
"No you're not, chakats love helping people. There are very social creatures. They have to be due to their need.”
"Chakat's need another chakat for empathic feedback; they can go a couple of months without a chakat nearby but anymore is unhealthy. I know the Federation tried researching the condition but it was always ended quickly by the chakat's family. Then I heard several scientist lost their jobs when they rescued a chakat from the HCKNA but put her on a freighter with no other chakat. Shi went insane when a pirate attack left them taking longer to get around. So at least you do have your sanity.” Luke just snorts at that.
A couple hours later the two of them leaves the room and join Medallion for a late lunch. When Luke heads to the bathroom Medallion asks Whitetail. "How is he?”
"Very depressed, but that is to be expected. Right now he needs to know he's not alone.”
"Well we did sleep with him last night.”
"That's good, keep doing it.” After some small talk Whitetail leaves and the day goes on its usual routine. Coaldust returns from work and the three when to sleep Luke not minding the company for once, as long as it was only cuddling.
Early the next morning Coaldust wakes up to find Luke gone. Leaving Dallie to hir sleep shi uses hir empathic talents to find him outside. "You okay Luke?” Luke looks over and sees hir.
"Oh Coaldust, okay besides the usual I do like to watch the sun rise every once and a while.”
"Mind if I join you?”
"Not at all.” The two sits on their haunches and watches the sun rise to bring forth a new day. Over the next few days Both Coaldust and Luke watch the sun rise, even Medallion joins them on occasion.
Coaldust was at work making a meal when hir boss shows up. "Hey Coal, you've looked a little down lately. Something up at home?”
"One of my roommates has been having trouble lately so me and Dallie have been trying to cheer hir up. Not enough to affect my work.”
"Alright but if you need to take a couple days off let me know. You're good Coal and I don't want you exhausted.”
"Got it boss.” And shi goes back to cook and hir boss leaves hir to it.
Whitetail tried to visit more often to help Luke through this hard time. Over the next two weeks Luke seems to be okay. The time came again when Medallion went into heat and shi and Coaldust went back into hir room for some loving. Luke did not sleep that night thinking hard on issues. Eventually he made a decision and he got up and wrote a note. Leaving it on the bed he leaves his room and walks down the hall. He stops at Medallion's room and opens it to fine Coaldust and Medallion cuddle with each other with Coaldust actually on top of Medallion. This causes Luke to smile and he leaves them and heads out of the house.
Some time later Coal wakes up and heads to the bathroom. Once taking care of business shi goes to check on Luke. Shi finds the bed empty with a note. Shi goes over to grab it and reads it.
To Medallion and Coaldust
I like to thank you two for your time and effort to help me through all this. You did not fail, I did. I just couldn't handle this. Being alone with no family out of your own time is hard to overcome. You're welcome to the possessions I have left behind. Both of you have a long a prosperous life. Thank you for caring.
With thanks,
Luke Harter
"DALLIE!” Coal screams out causing Medallion to jolt awake.
"What is it Coal?” As Coal burst back into the room with the piece of paper in hir hand.
"Luke's going to commit suicide! Read this!” Medallion grabs it and begins reading the paper. When shi's done shi looks to Coal.
"Where would he go to do this?” Coal paces as shi tries to think of where he would go. Looking over to the clock shi sees that it's nearly 5 am. Wait it's nearly dawn. "Where would you go to view the sunrise before killing yourself?”
"Near a bridge, like the Pawlenty bridge!” They both race to the PTV and head out for the bridge. In minutes they park on the street and see Luke watching the sun rise. Coal gets out quickly. "LUKE DON'T DO IT!” Shi yells at him. He looks at them with sadness.
"Why did you have to come? I didn't want you two to see this.”
"Because we care about you, don't throw your life away.” Luke shakes his head.
"I just can't stand it anymore. I'm sorry.” With that he jumps over the edge...only to be hit by a dark blur. Luke and Coal tumble a bit before coming to a stop with Medallion running after them. Luke tries to struggle but not thinking straight and the fact Coal was more familiar with hir body shi was able to hold on to him tight. "WHY!? WHY CAN'T YOU LET ME DIE!?” Luke wails.
"Because I love you Luke.” That causes him to pause.
"I love you Luke. Your strong, determine, and kind. The universe would be darker without you.” Luke just collapses into a sobbing heap with Coaldust and eventually Medallion hugging him. They eventually dragged him to the PTV and headed home. There Medallion puts Luke in his bed and lays with him as Coal calls work to tell them shi won't be in. then shi calls Whitetail to inform her on what happened.
"Okay Coal I'm coming over don't leave him alone right now.”
"No problems with that we won't for quite a while. See you soon.” Shi hangs up and walks into the room and she joins in the cuddle with a still sobbing Luke. Both chakats feel that he is very slowly releasing something, what they don't know. Whitetail arrives in a few minutes and Medallion answers the door and let's her in. She just sits next to the hug pile stroking Luke's head. Eventually Coal got up to make breakfast at around 11 am. The smell of food eventually brought the three others out. They all ate in silence Luke nearly catatonic in response. The rest of the day went by with Coaldust, Medallion, and Whitetail spent the rest of the day just being with him. The four fell asleep in Luke's room after Coaldust tied a string to Luke's rear paw. Luke woke up at night with the need to go and quickly noticed the rope and Coaldust wakes when shi feels the tug on hir leg. Shi looks over and sees Luke looking at hir and whispers. "I just wanted to go to the bathroom.” Shi gets up and tells him.
"Just making sure you don't go bridge jumping again." to which Luke sighs and does his business as Coaldust waits in the hallway. The rest of the night passes peacefully and the next morning everyone wakes up and Coaldust makes breakfast after untying hirself from Luke. Once again no one left him alone and the chakats notice a change in him. Outwardly he was more responsive but not very emotional but their talents reveal a storm of conflicting emotions. After the bulk of the meal was finished Luke looks over to Coaldust and asks.
"Do you really love me?”
"Yes I do, never doubt that. When I got to see the real you I liked what I see.”
"But what about Medallion? I know you two are mates.” Medallion answers the question.
"You have a lot to learn about chakats Luke. We believe love can be shared and should be. I know one chakat named Goldfur whose sister has multiple life and den mates. I don't mind Coal loving you, I do as well but I let hir have first dibs.”
"It seems I have a lot to learn.” Taking this as good new both chakats smile at each other Coaldust replies.
"We be glad to help.” Most of the day went on in silence then late at night Luke called everyone together.
"I like to say I'm sorry for the stress I put you two through yesterday, I don't know how to explain what happened. Best guest is that I was tired of fighting what I believe was a hopeless battle.”
"We chakats have an extreme love of life, so it's hard for us to understand the need for someone to lose it.”
"Thanks, maybe I needed it. I also wanted to let you know that Luke Harter is dead. I will still answer to the name but it isn't me anymore. Who I am, I don't know yet and with your help maybe I'll find it.”
"With us you WILL find yourself.” Medallion says and shi hugs him and is soon joined by Coaldust in a trio hug.
"Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all.” The former Luke thinks.
Chapter 12 - Tales of Redstreak Chapter 12 |
Bombshell enters hir ready room. Originally it had been a cramp little room but the refit allowed hir to expand it. It was brightly lit and a good portion of one wall had pictures of hir denmates and children. At 37 shi already had 10 children both sired and carried. On hir desk was pictures of hir 3 lifemates. Shi touches each picture before going to desktop unit. “Feyouri get the Pegasus for me.”
“Aye captain.” A male voice replies. Bombshell waited for the day the shapeshifter really through them for a loop and try being a herm. In seconds a bunny morph appeared.
"This is the F.S.S. Pegasus.”
"This is Captain Bombshell of the M.C.S. Sonovagun. I need to speak with Admiral Kline.”
"Hold please.” Some annoying music comes on as Bomber waits. A minute later the screen returns and Bomber sees a Human male in his thirties with brown hair and hazel eyes. He started out as an engineer and got all the way to chief engineer but he had a dormant tactical mind until his ship was ambushed and the bridge destroyed. As rank officer alive he manged to not only save the ship but take down the attacker. Thus ended his career as an engineer and began is captaining career.
"Well Bomber long time no see how you doing?”
"Okay, making ends meet, you?”
"Getting broken in by my fifthwife Rosepetal.”
"FIFTHWIFE! Last we talked you only had two.”
"Been busy since we last talked.”
"Are you sure your still just human or did those Rakshani alter more than your sperm?”
"I admit there are times that I ask myself that but luckily they have a good rotation among them so I'm not too exhausted.” Bomber chuckles but then goes more serious.
"Well the reason I'm calling is calling in that favor. I just rescued some captives and I don't have the tools to see what's all been done with them.” The admiral's smile disappears as he asks.
"Basic details.”
" chakat's, two adults and one cub, and the 4th.....well she calls herself a unicorn and it seems to fit.”
"Okay where are you?”
"In the Chahoo sector.”
"Alright I'll me you at the Wriges system.” And the screen goes black. Bomber gets up and heads for the bridge.
"Bro set course for the Wriges system.”
"Aye Captain sis.” Bomber shakes hir head and goes to check on hir guests. The first room had the unicorn Tamira, still naked and reading something again.
"Everything good Tamira?” The anthro being looks up from her book and smiles.
"Yes thank you captain. It's nice not having a locked door.”
"Good, um why didn't you replicate some clothes?”
"I just don't feel comfortable in them at all so why bother.”
"Well you're going to need at least something for the nether regions when you go planet side. And if you do leave the room at least replicate a vest to put your commbadge on. It's for your safety okay.”
"Yes captain.” Bomber nods and checks with Red and Whirl. Shi finds them in the next room but was surprise to see Tailswisher there as well.
"Hey Bomber thanks for the save.” Red says as shi gets up from playing a game with Whirl.
"That's twice now Red, you're making a trend.”
"Well this time I was just heading to the clinic for more memory therapy when a fake cop, it had to be a fake cop stun me.”
"Well that sucks.” Bomber looks at Red's new fur pattern and now notice a slight change in the base scent. “Well you really are Redstreak now hhmmm?”
"Interesting isn't it but on the plus side My memories have returned though a bit jumbled.”
"Alright I've set course to a Starfleet ship to see what all they did to you and the others.”
"Well thank you for saving us captain.” Tailswisher says from where shi is.
"Is there a problem with your room?” Bomber asks.
"It's a nice room but I'm alone in there and Red and Whirl don't mind.”
"Alright just remember to wear vest for your commbadges.” Bomber then leaves them to ship business.
Red then goes to the comm panel and says. “Hey Sun patch me through to Earth and get my home.”
<I'm sorry Redstreak but we're too far away for a live call.>
"Fine, Whirl come here.” The cub does come over and Red wraps around hir niece. “Sun begin a recording.”
"Coal, Medallion, Flamy and of course my many children and nieces. Me and Whirl are alive. Though I've changed again but I'm alive and Whirl is unchanged. I may be awhile before I can come home and Coal, Dallie I will do my best to take care of Whirl. Sun will help you to contact me. Hope to see you all soon. Redstreak and Whirl out.”
<Message sent Redstreak.>
"Thank you Sun.” Looking over to Tailswisher shi continues. “Well time for dinner no?”
Over the next couple of days Bomber sees hir guests doing various things. Tamira was either in her room or in the gym maintaining her muscle tone. Tailswisher just hanged out with people and never really seen alone. Shi also seemed to lookout for Whirl when Red was doing something else. Red hirself was either taking care of Whirl, in the gym with Tamira or in the holodeck shooting range and Bomber notice a difference in hir friend. Shi was more confident than when shi first boarded the Sunovagun with Flamy. She handled the guns liked shi'd used them all hir life and sometimes gave out knowledge that someone hir aged shouldn't know. Shi was still pondering the mystery of Redstreak when a call came in.
<A message for Redstreak has come in the mail.> The red and gold chakat tap hir combadge.
"Thanks Sun...Umm where can I view it?”
"Follow me.” Bombshell says and Red follows to a vacant room. “Here you go Red.”
"Thanks Bomber. Jeeze it feels year years since they helped with the change. But sometimes my mates and sister make me feel the age this body is.” That comment really blew Bomber for a loop as the door closes. Okay know shi has to ask but who knows how long shi'll be.
"Sun, when shi is done have hir come to my quarters.”
<Yes captain.> The white and black chakat he's to hir quarters with question running in hir head.
Red walked up the the view screen and said. “Sun play the message.” the vid screen lights up and the first image is that of Coaldust. “Praise the Makers that you both are still alive. I feared the worst about the both of you. Now we've been doing well and I'll let Dallie and Flamy talk but you BOTH COME HOME as soon as possible.” Coal steps away and Flamy shows up. She's hold Firestripe in her paws. "Shi's grown a bit since you've last seen hir love. I knew you were alive. Your to determined to die on us. But I do miss you please come home soon. Firestripe needs hir father.” She steps away and Medallion's face appeared smiling.
"Well sis you get in trouble again, Honestly I don't how you do it. I never got into such trouble except when I first met you. You think having my body would shield you from it. But it seems you truly are my sister, no clone could pull this off. Please return soon sis. I've already had to deal with you being gone once now I don't want to see that again. In the few years you've entered my life I can't see my life without you in it.” During this Red extended a hand and touch the images of hir family. They truly were hir family, have stood with hir and for hir on many of occasions. Why did God bless hir with two loving families? Well shi make the best of it no matter what. Only death will ever stop hir returning to them.
<Redstreak the captain would like to see you in hir quarters.>
"Very well Sun, thank you.”
Bomber sat on a cushion reading a ship report when the door chimed. “Come on in.” The doors open to reveal Red. “Red please have a seat.” Red took a cushion on the opposite side of the room. Red felt intense curiosity from Bomber while Bomber felt calm resolution. “Well you Red are a great mystery to me. Before this latest trip you were identical in looks to your sister, that just doesn't happen, you have the wisdom beyond your years. Then your comments before the message. So explain this please.” Red got up and walked over to the window to the starscape out side, stars streaking by as they travel at warp.
"Though my memory has returned it's still jumbled. However I am older than I appear....” Red proceeded to explain how shi became a chakat while Bomber listen intently. Red never moved from hir spot always looking out the window. When Red was done Bomber got up and hugged Red.
"You certainly been through a lot my friend.” Bomber grabbed Red's muzzle and made Red look at hir. Red saw affection in Bomber's eyes. “Sonnny, tell Whirlwind and Tailswisher that they're sleeping in my quarters tonight.” Bomber led Red to hir bedroom. Red need to let go and forget a bit and showed shi isn't alone and Bomber was willing to do so, besides what's one more companion.
The Sun dropped out of warp in a system full of useless dead planets and asteroids. The corvette made it's way to the other ship in the system. Red and hir group was in the a room with a forward viewpoint and saw there destination. It was a big ship. The saucer of it could easily eclipse the Sun and clearly hold hundreds of people comfortably. A slender neck connected the saucer to a large and long engineering section with a big deflector dish in the front with a warm yellow gold glow. A sleek pair of pylons rake back and connect two pill shaped nacelles to the rest of the ship. On the bottom of the saucer with a light illuminating it was F.S.S.Pegasus with below that NCC-2121. The Sun parks under the saucer and Sun calls out.
<Red and company to the Transporter room.> The group leaves the room and head to the nearest transporter room. The group beams over in a shimmering of lights.
Rosepetal was walking to her quarters for lunch. She avoided the mess hall for good reasons. Though she is a caitian she's nearly as tall as a raskani she has almost white fur from her bottom muzzle going to her inner thighs and a dark tan over the rest of it. She had brown hair and a tuft on her tail. But not only was she extremely tall she was also very well endowed. She has had many males and even a few females ogle her in the past. She bedded many males but they never stayed, though didn't didn't help that she was transferred a lot. And the reason for that was also the reason for unusual size. When she didn't stop growing when she reached puberty she was examine and they found a tumor in her brain that stimulated the growth areas. Thankfully they got her to stop growing but ran into another problem with the tumor. It also affected her sexuality. She's a clinical nymphomaniac which means she is in constant heat and that has cause problems in the past. Hence her going into the technician field. She could spends hours without anybody around, heck she's been tempted to have a vibrating dildo while she worked sometimes. But since assigned to the Pegasus things are different. Things started usual with Commander M'Lai being lead know for her issues. She suggested a martial course to help her. It seemed to work and became friends with the instructor, Lieutenant Commander Midnight. The chakat then invited her to a dinner and she met her lifemate Forestwalker. And saw M'Lai again and a surprisingly small fennec fox morph called Leanna. Her big surprise she saw Admiral Kline. The human look at her with attraction and not much time later M'Lai offered her to be the fifth wife of Kline and avatar of Fertility. Not expecting ever to be offered and the fact that she loved Boyce she quickly agreed and she has been very happy ever since. As she passes a viewport she sees a site that catches her eyes. And old Akula class starship approaching the ship. Though this one seemed customized, it had sleeker nacelles on her hull. That had to increase engine efficiency. Rosepetal continued her journey curious to why they were meeting and old ship.
Red and company beamed aboard the large Pegasus to be greeted by a caitian. She had dark gold red fur with dark red hair and tail tuft. She stood on digigrade legs and wore a science division jumpsuit with a commander rank bar on her neck. “I'm Commander M'Lai, first officer of the Pegasus. Welcome aboard and follow me.” Red and company follow the small feline. M'Lai only went up to Red's shoulders. They walked the spacious halls with Whirlwind by hir uncle's side. They eventually entered the sick bay and the medic swarmed over them, at least it seemed that way to the group. When a nurse tried to take Whirlwind away from Red the cub clutched hir uncle's hindleg and said.
"No I stay with Uncle Red.” The nurse lean down and said in a soft voice.
"Honey we're just giving you a check up that's all.” Whirl clenched the leg tighter cause some mild discomfort for Red and shook hir head.
"No, I'm not leaving my uncle.” Red interjects.
"Shi's fine. They fed both of us and I'm the one they experimented on, they never did a thing with hir so shi stays with me.”
"No buts, shi stays with me.”
"Is there a problem here?” M'Lai's voice cuts through as shi approaches them.
"Commander, the cub is refusing to come with me.”
"Shi's my niece commander and shi stays with me. I'm not budging on that.” Red crossed hir arms and had that 'I dare you' look on hir face. M'Lai thought for a bit. Protocol say the should be checked individually but since having two chakats as co mates she has learned never get between a cub and hir parents. Red may not have birth or sired the cub but the cub was family. Thankfully Doctor Kelly helped out.
"Let hir stay commander. She draws comfort and security from Shir Redstreak and I think shi needs that more than a check up.”
"Very well doctor.” Kelly then looks at the two chakats.
"Please come with me.” The pair follow the doctor while the commander tapped her commbage.
"Commander M'Lai to councilor Fish.”
<Fish here commander.>
"I have new patients for your, report to the sickbay and focus on Chakats Redstreak and Whirlwind.”
<On the way commander.> M'Lai then heads out to report to the admiral and her husband.
Fish just got finished talking with the commander and started to walk to the nearest turbolift. She was filled with irony and depression. She is supposed to comfort and counsel others when she can't even do it to herself. She felt alone, she had no family. no lovers, and very few friends. She didn't even have a house to live in, only the quarters of the various ships and stations she was assigned to. Well enough moping, helping others out always made her feel good.
The check up wasn't to bad Red thought. They took a sample of hir blood and various scans, all while Whirl watched within arms reach. Red thought the scans gave new meaning to technicolor trance when the sickbay door opened. Stepping through them was a tall, slightly chubby feline morph with pink fur with blackish stripes and a lighter pink hair. Her eyes were a sky blue and her ear tips were black. “I'm looking for chakat Redstreak.”
"Over here.” Red says lifting hir hand up. The Pink cat walked over with her arms out for the typical chakat greeting. The two hugged and Red said.
"Chakat Redstreak, child of Sunspot and Fireblaze. And this is my niece Whirlwind, child of Coaldust and Medallion.”
"The name's Fish. And yes that's my only name and it drives the bureaucrats crazy.” Red couldn't help but chuckle at that.
"So what do you do Fish?”
"I'm a councilor.” Red immediately got angry.
"I don't need a shrink, I came here to know what they did to me fully then just get a ride home.” The pink cat shrugged er shoulders and replied.
"Just following orders.” Red just snorted when the doors opened again to reveal a black furred chakat.
"Hey Red, glad to see you. Been some time since we're last face to face.”
"Yes it has, not since that tour of clubs, when was that? My memories aren't lined up properly yet.”
"About 5 years ago. How have you've been?”
"Been better, been FAR worst. Having friends and family helps.”
"Well your both welcomed to dinner tonight, unless the doctor has objections?” the doctor just gave a thumbs up while staring at a screen.
"But shi needs regular checks during her stay.”
"Got it doctor.” Midnight looks around to the whole group. 'Well who's hungry for lunch?”
After a hearty lunch Midnight showed them their quarters. Tailswisher insisted on being in the same room as Red and Whirl so they got what was normally a couples room. The trio relaxed for bit and chatted till it was time for Red and Whirl head for the quarters Midnight told them. The door opens and Midnight greets them with hugs. “Welcome Red, please come in.” Red did so and was immediately surprised to see Rosepetal there in skin tight clothing...if you could call it clothing.
"Oh hello, I'm Chakat Redstreak, child of Sunspot and Fireblaze.”
"I'm Rosepetal Silpurr, a pleasure to meet you.” The two hug in chakat greeting. Another door opens to reveal commander M'Lai.
"Commander!? It's a surprise to see you here.” Red looks pointedly at Midnight. “You've gone up in the world since we last met.”
"You only know the half of it.” Red got comfortable and the two started to catch up when the main doors opened again and a white human male with brown hair and eyes walks in wearing a uniform with admiral rank pins. Shocked Red stood up at semi attention and whirled to Midnight. “YOU”RE MATED TO AN ADMIRAL!?” Midnight just grins at hir as the others snicker and the human just looks confused. “MAN DID YOU SCORE THIS TIME!” That causes everyone to laugh at Red's comments. Finally Midnight calms down enough to say.
"I'll admit it wasn't planned, but it has worked out great.”
"Since when is love planned.” Red retorts back as the human approaches.
"You must be our new passenger. I'm Admiral Boyce Kline Jr and I see that you've already met my mates.”
"Chakat Redstreak, Child of Sunspot and Fireblaze.” The two hug in the traditional greeting.
"I remember Forest talking about an odd Chakat with that name.”
"That be me, unfortunately the oddities haven't stopped.”
"That's life for you.” A kitten cried came out and the black and red spotted kitten from before appeared and raced to Boyce. “Ah and has my daughter been good today?” He says as he picks hir up.
"So you adopted hir or is it a comate thing?” Red asks. Boyce shakes his head.
"Nope shi is my biological daughter.”
"I thought that was impossible.”
"Normally you'd be right but my 2nd wife's species has beings they call deities looking over them and one of them decided to have fun with me. I'm now the most studliest guy in the galaxy.” Red gives him a knowing grin which Boyce returns.
"You don't seem to shocked Red.” Midnight says.
"After all I've been through it will take a lot to shock me anymore.” Both sides talked about their back stories before dinner. Red observed the admiral and how he interacted with his family. He was friendly, charming, and most importantly caring. Shi also knew that shi was observed by the admiral and M'Lai. Red was right, both of them heard about Forests and Midnights encounter with a chakat with an interesting history. Red seemed to be a lively and opinionated chakat and both and it seemed to be fully at ease but the way Midnight looked at hir said something else. Making the excuse to get more food Boyce silently signals to Midnight. As they get into the kitchen area and start getting seconds Boyce asks.
"Okay, what's going through your head?”
"It's Red, shi may looked relaxed but shi isn't. Shi's in a mode that I am on when I scouted a planet. Not expecting trouble but prepared for it. The best way to describe it Boyce is using our alert system. Shi isn't at red but at yellow when shi should be green.” Boyce thought for a bit before asking.
"What's your plan to help hir?”
"Well since you'll be busy with Rose tonight I want to invite hir to sleep with me. Shi knows me and I think having someone shi can trust nearby will calm hir down a bit.”
"Worth a shot.” The two return to the table with the plan in hand.
If shi was still human Red would have lean back and pat hir stomach. Man shi was full! It was then that Midnight came up to hir and asked.
"Good meal?” Red nodded. “I was wondering if you'd mind staying with us tonight?” Red put hir head down in deep thought. While shi knew Midnight from hir visit to Australia it was the one time they met. Could shi trust hir enough? Shi looks at Whirl. Shi was talking with the slightly older caitian cub, M'Lai's and Boyce's daughter from what they told hir. Meanwhile the little Ember was trying to catch Whirl's tail without much success. Whirl stared laughing at what was the girl's name? Ah yes Larshana, Whirl seems so very happy right now. Red got up and walked over to the pair. “Whirl can I speak to you in private for a minute?”
"Sure uncle.” Rosepetal directed them into one of the bedrooms and Red asks Whirl.
"Whirl would you have a problem sleeping here with Midnight's family?”
"That be great uncle! Larshana is a fun person to talk to.”
"Alright then.” Red Leaves the room with Whirl in tow and shi approaches Midnight. “Shi's fine with us sleeping hir but there is one issue, Tailswisher. Shi doesn't like being alone. Shi has slept with me and Whirl since we left the station.”
"Well ask hir to join us.” Tapping the commbadge shi was given Red says.
"Redstreak to Tailswisher.”
"Tailswisher here Red, what's up?”
"Midnight's family has asked us to sleep over, do you wanna join?”
"I asked because I know you don't like sleeping alone.”
"Thanks for considering Red, I will try but if it doesn't work out.”
"Then you can leave, we'll see if Tamiria would be available then.”
"Thanks for understanding Red, I'll be right over.” Whirl and the other chakat cubs were put to bed and the adults continue to chat when Tailswisher arrived. The orange furred chakat slowly walks in inspecting everyone with a small smile. That smile increased when shi saw Red but it completely disappears when shi sees Boyce. Shi edges away from him to Red and Red comes up and hugs hir.
"It's okay, I'm here, I'll protect you.”
"It's just that there's a human here. I get uncomfortable around humans.”
"Well he won't be sleeping with us but all the other adults in this room are his mates and wives, so he doesn't hate furs.” Red continued to rub Tailswisher and the other chakat slowly calmed down. After some more chatting the chakats of the group call it a night and a fur pile develops in in minutes with Red hugging Talswisher and the cubs in the middle.
Red awoke the next morning to find hirself in the middle of the pile. 'HOW DO THEY DO THAT!? ALL THESE YEARS AND I STILL HAVEN'T FIGURED THAT OUT!' Shi says mentally. Raising hir upper torso shi finds Whirl and Ember sleeping on hir lower torso. Leading over shi kisses Whirl on the head and carefully places both kittens on the mattress and gets up. After a stop in the bathroom shi heads to the dining area and sees the Admiral and Commander already there eating. The admiral notices hir first. "Morning Redstreak, sleep well?” Shi smiles back.
"Very well, and wake up confused and amused as always.”
They ask hir to explain that and shi tells them of hir experience on waking up in a middle of a pile. Boyce chuckles at it and comments.
"Having two chakat's as wives has made sure I'm never bored.” He goes to a pot and tries to pour its contents. Nothing comes out. “Honey I'm out of coffee, need to make more.”
"That was the last of your coffee, my love.” Boyce went from a calm expression to one of utter shock and horror.
"How? How could we let such a tragedy happen.”
"Well have of the stash we brought went bad and we've been out here longer than planned so we run out.” Boyce was speechless as the shock and horror expression return making both M'Lai and Red laugh uncontrollably.
"All this over some coffee! I knew of some addicts in my time but wow. Why not just replicate some more?” Red comments as shi still chuckles. Boyce glares at hir and replies.
"Replicate Chippendale Coffee? That's sacrilege!” Red just shakes hir head and gets hir breakfast. The door chimed and M'Lai opens the door to see Fish there.
"Oh! Commander what are you doing here?”
"These are my quarters consular.”
"Oh, my apologies commander but the computer told me Redstreak was here not that these were your quarters.”
"That's alright, please come in.” The pink furred cat walks into the quarters and M'Lai directed her to the dining area to see her latest charge there. Shi was eating Pancakes and bacon with chocolate milk. A bedroom door opens behind hir and a little black with red spots chakat comes out and stalks Redstreak's tail. The cub tries to pouch on the tail but the tail grabs hir and lifts hir off the ground and brings the two face to face.
"Well morning to you too. My tail is not breakfast.” The doors open again and the other chakats emerge.
"Morning Red is Ember bothering you?” Midnight asks.
"Not really.” Red look back at the cub still held in hir tail. “Ember huh, that's a nice name for you kitten.” Red grabs Ember Then hands hir to hir mother. Midnight hugs Ember before putting hir down. As the herd of chakats get to eating everyone felt the happiness emitting from them. Midnight was especially pleased. It seem Red has gone to green alert around them. Being able to fully relax would do wonders for the chakat. Fish was also busy watching Red and how shi interacted with the others. Shi absolutely doted on the 7 year old cub who called hir uncle. Fish somehow found herself pulled into the joint breakfast and as the commander poured replicated normal coffee to which Boyce sighs.
"You live dear.” Red grins and just before sipping from hir cup shi asks.
"So when are you taking on that station?” Boyce looked up suddenly.
"Where did you hear that?” Red looked at him confused.
"You talked about it last night, And how dangerous such a place can be. I know you plan on having Bomber with you and I want in.”
"Red, there was not discussion just a thought of Captain Bombshell and a agreement to assist if we went in. I THOUGHT about it nothing more.”
"But I could have sworn you taking about it, I heard your voice.”
"I think you better get a detail scan from the doctor Redstreak, Fish please escort hir to sick bay.”
"What about Whirl?”
"Shi can go with you.” Red sighs and looks at Whirl.
"I'm okay uncle go and get well.” Red steps to Whirl and hugs hir.
"I'll do it only because you said so, now stay out of trouble.” Shi gestures to the door. “After you Fish.”
"Wait you need a combadge.” M'Lai says The replicate hums and the small Caitian grabs the commbadge and looks at Red and sees a problem, Red wasn't wearing anything. Red sighs and heads to the replicator and repeats M'Lai's motion of placing a hand on the panel.
"One small vest in red please.” A hum starts again and hir vest appears. Shi puts it one but it doesn't really cover anything. Extending hir hand to M'Lai the commander puts the badge in hir hand and shi puts it on the left side of the vest. Fish and Red then headed out to sickbay.
As they walk Fish quietly observed Redstreak, the chakat seemed calm and reserve, just like another day at work for hir. However Red wasn't as calm as shi looked. Shi was annoyed of having to deal with this. Shi just wanted that group captured and brought to justice and head home to hir family who shi missed dearly. They both enter the turbolift and head down in silence till they reach sickbay. The head doctor Kelly looked up and saw them come in.
"Problems?” She asked.
"The commander wants you to take a more detail scan on hir brain.” Fish replied as Red grumbled a bit. Kelly directs them to a corner and uses a more powerful scanner on the chakat. After a minute or two Kelly puts the device down and says.
"Well we will study the results as we go through everything else. Is there any other problems?”
"Nope doc.” Red says and shi heads for the door with Fish following hir. Red was about to head for the turbolift when shi left someone grab hir arm. Looking behind hr shi sees Fish. Fish shakes hir head and points the opposite way.
"Come on, we have an appointment and my office is this way.”
'I don't need to see a shrink, been through that enough thank you.”
"Well I was ordered to do so by the commander so unless your a captain in rank your stuck dealing with me.”
"Crap I'm only an ensign.”
"And I'm a lieutenant so I out rank you so come on.” Red follows grumbling the entire way.
Fish's office was colored nice and had the obvious couch to lie on and spill your guts on. Red didn't take it, instead shi walked up and sat hir haunches down my the viewport and stare out at the stars. After a couple of uncomfortable moments Fish began.
"So.....What are you thinking?”
"That this is a waste of time.” Red looks at Fish and asks. “What do you know of me Fish?”
"Just what I've read in your file and what I have seen so far.”
"And that is?” Red asks as shi looks back out the viewport.
"You were born a human male in a different time and world. That's so cool by the way. You got your current body by a transporter accident that sent you here and unable to get your body back you took the name Redstreak and rebuilt your life with the family that you were now genetically related to. After a couple of years you joined the Star Corps as a member of security. You had a couple of commendations before you presumed killed with the Grissiom a year ago. You were rescued and sent home with the hope of recovering your memory which was lost after Grissiom and you we're reported missing by chakat's Coaldust and Medallion three months ago leading to here. From what I've seen you are protective, caring, stubborn, and intelligent. But you're also hurting and that needs to taken care of.”
"NOT BY YOU. My family is all that I need so this is over.” Red stomp out of the room leaving a disappointed cat behind.
Hours later Fish was working on some of her other cases and writing reports when the commander called.
"Ensign Farland told me Redstreak returned from your session early and looked annoyed.”
"Yeah, I don't think therapy sessions are going to work with hir. Shi's been through so many times shi has literally shut the door there. Shi is utterly convinced all shi needs is hir family to heal and nothing I can try will change that.”
"Well then observe hir and see if any radical changes happen but no more sessions. You will watch hir moves everyday until ordered otherwise.”
"Yes ma'am.” The commander signed off and Fish sat there thinking.
Spending time with the kids helped calm Red down. 'Why couldn't they leave hir alone? They always want some shrink to prod hir jeeze.' Tamira stop by and spent time with Red and the others before heading back to her quarters. As usual she only wore a vest for the commbadge. She also defiantly ogled Rosepetal but Red couldn't blame her there, the caitian was a sight to behold. Red was thrown for a shock when Tamira and Rosepetal went to Rosepetal's room for the night. Shi didn't think Rose swung that way but maybe with her unique issue she got relief from any who offered and with two chakat comates she would be more open. In the end Red shrugged to hirself and joined the chakats to bed.
The next day Boyce calleda meeting of his staff and invited Bomber and Redstreak's group.As everyone gets seated Boyce signals the human doctor and Kelly began. “After intense study of Redstreak, Tailswisher,and Tamira we find that all of them have nanites in their systems doing various things.” She presses a few buttons on the table and a hologram appears of a chakat with hir brain, brain stem, and veins viewable. All three had sparkles on them, especially the brain. “This is Redstreak, as you can see the nanites are all through hir blood stream and are in all of hir major organs but the bulk have focus on hir brain which maybe why hir memories have returned and the incident you mention sir. These nanites are beyond the federation's tech in that area but I wouldn't be surprised that Shir Redstreak's healing and cognitive abilities have increased.” She presses a few buttons again and the chakat image changes a bit to where the sparkles are more evenly spread out. “Shir Tailstalker is different, hir's are spread all through out hir body and as shi has demostrated it can allow to change shape, but only it seems to other taur types.” She press some more buttons and the hologram focus on Tailswisher's tail at the tail collar. “Unlike Redstreak Tailswisher's need this collar to regulate the nanites. We're not sure why but are guess are that the nanites are either an older generation or because of what hir nanites do.” Kelly switches the image to that of Tamira and the sparkles are fewer in her than in Tailswisher but still evenly spread out. “Miss Tamira here is very interesting, her DNA is primarily horse but with a few unknown samples. One interesting thing was mouse DNA, there's not much left but I bet Tamira's original form was a mouse.” The hologram is shut down and Dr. Kelly looks at Admiral Kline. “Sir we must secure this facility these nanites in the wrong hands are a danger to the Federation.”
"Which why I'm going for a raid on the place. Bomber you and the Sunovagun go in first under cloak with a strike team on board until LT. Commander Midnight's command. When the Pegasus begins the approach to the station decloak and board to secure the lab area. You will be paid for your services of course.” Boyce replies.
"Admiral what about my request?” Redstreak asks. Boyce looks seriously at Redstreak and sees the fire and determination in hir eyes. He then looks to Dr. Kelly and asks. “Do you have any problems with that idea?”
"No sir, shi would heal any wounds faster than anyone else.” Boyce then sighs and says. “Midnight test hir, if shi passes then shi can go with you.”
“Thank you sir.”
"We will attack tonight be rested and ready.” With that the group breaks up and Red approaches Midnight and says.
"Let's get this test over with shir.” Midnight nods and silently enters some data on the padd and they head to the nearest holodeck. “Ah good it's free.” Midnight comments.
"Huh?” Red asks.
"Well someone could have been using it. The holodecks are a great place to relax.”
"You mean they're for general use?”Red asked.
"Yup, you didn't know that?”
"Well now you do.” Midnight syncs hir padd to the holodecks computer and when shi gets the confirmation light comes on the door opens and both step through the doors and begin.
Two hours later two tired chakats leave the holodeck and wordlessly head to their quarters. The doors open and Ember and Whirl race to them. Midnight picks up hir daughter while Red rubs Whirl's head. Boyce looked at Midnight and the black furred chakat just nods. Redstreak was going on the mission. Dinner was a quiet affair, or nearly quiet as you have 3 children under ten around. Boyce and Rosepetal head to the main bedroom for some alone time,then the chakats head to bed for the busy day tomorrow. M'Lai saw the children to bed and looked around the quarters. “Yes,” she quietly said. “A well run household.” She nods to herself and heads for the spare room, content with the universe.
The transporter hummed and Midnight and Red appear with various morphs and human's behind them, all of them wearing security gray and phasers. Bomber was there to greet them and they got off for the next group. The strike team would consist of 20 security officers. Half were then sent to the other transporter room on the Sun. Bomber hit hir commbadge. “Sun, cloak the ship and Tell Bill to head in.” In seconds the lighting dimmed as power was transferred to the cloaking device. The merc corvette flew through the field till she was almost touching the station's hull and waited. Minutes later they read rising power levels on the station and the station shields go up to protect it from the approaching Pegasus. But also trapping the Sun INSIDE the shields.
Red hears the hum of the transporter letting go of hir body and glances around with hir rifle up and ready as the klaxon blared and red lights flash. Hir five man team secures the area as the second team beams down. The plan was to enter the station from two different points with 10 man teams. Lt. Shizo and Caitian male lead Red's team and after consulting his tricorder points to a direction and the group heads out. Minutes pass till the run into a pair of figures who were quickly stunned. They press on till the run into a security team. The two sides open fire. Badly out numbered the security team is knocked out but not before one of them sent out a warning. Picking up the pace the raid party heads down more corridors towards a turbo lift to hopefully get them to the lab since the plans they were reading were from the scan Sun took before the Pegasus approached. The pair of guards at the lift were dispatched quickly And Shizno Pressed the summon button. “We take this down to level 35 then head to the starboard side.”
"INTRUDER ALERT! INTERUDER ALERT!” An automated voice blares from the intercom.
"Well there goes our surprised.” Shizno comments. The lifts doors open but it wasn't empty. A security team was in the lift with there weapons out. Shizno aims his phaser but a beam goes through his chest. As he falls Red fires hir phaser and gets a heads shot and a another flies and just barely misses hir and shi hears gurgling behind hir. Another guard goes down and Red fires again. Soon the battle was over and Red asks. “Lt. Shizno?”
"Dead, and Lt Harper is badly wounded.” Red looked over and the Lt. Junior grade was missing her lower right leg. Another crewman lie dead with a phaser shot to the throat. Red goes over to the wounded Lt. And tap her commbadge.
"Sun beam Lt Harper to the sickbay.” The rabbit morph disappears in a transporter beam and Red goes and picks up Shizno's tricorder and looks it over. “Okay, we have a job to do so let's go finish it. The raiders head into the lift and Red punches the destination. The doors close and what's left of hir team heads towards their goal.
During their trip through the lift they heard thudding and felt the station shake and lights flicker. Obviously they haven't surrendered. The lift finally stops and with phasers ready the doors open. Seeing no one they continue onward. Red eventually senses Midnight approaching and the two teams meet up in front of a heavy door with a large keypad. The two look at the pad and Red leans in for a closer look as Midnight looks back to hir demolitions expert. “Shape charge.” Shi orders.
"Hold on shir.” Red replies and hir fingers start pressing buttons and a fairly fast speed. In a minute the lite above turns green and Red opens the door for Midnight. The black chakat looks questionably at Red who just shrugs and replies. “I just felt that I could break it, don't know why.” Midnight says nothing and the raiders head in. The main lab looked to be packing up to move. The raiders spreads out and secure the area. Red finds the female doctor in an office packing things. The female looked over and she brighten when she saw Red.
"You're back!”
"Yup, to take you into custody.” Red draws hir hand phaser at the doctor.
"Why I was just trying to better all species?”
"By experimenting on beings against their will. Come on.” Red takes the doctor out when a wolftaur with Lt pips approaches.
"Ensign Redstreak, Commander Midnight wants to speak with you. I'll take care of your charge.”
"Yes ma'am.” Red heads away but a minute later something urges hir to go back. Shi throws hir senses to where shi was and shi still felt the confusion from the human but the wolftaur had great happiness and something about it seemed familiar. Focusing more shi feels the wolftaur's thoughts, or more accurately Tailswisher's. 'Yes she will finally pay for her crimes by MY HAND.' “Crap!” Red raced to where shi sensed them.
Shi gets their and sees Tailswisher in hir true from pointing a phaser at the doctor. “TAIL DON'T!” The other chakat looks at Red with surprise and dread.
"Red don't stop me! She needs to pay to what she did to us.”
"Not this way Tail. Let it be a public trial and her example of what actions cost you.”
"But what if they let her go? No I can't risked that. It was me this time. Next time it could be anyone of my family.”
Tail don't make me shoot you and you will lose the freedom we just gained.”
"If it protects my family it's worth it.” Red didn't want to shoot hir friend, but shi couldn't let this happen either. So in a gamble shi uses hir new found talent and enters Tail's mind. Tail was surprised and had know defense. Red saw Tail's family. Saw them die in an accident and with no known ties to any others shi was moved to one foster home to another till shi was sick of it and went out of hir own. Shi found others that had no real family and together the formed one for them selves. Red gains control of Tail and has hir lower hir phaser. Tail's face held no emotion as Red grabs the doctor and leads her to midnight with Tailswisher still under Red's control.
Midnight was inspecting the lab and was about to contact the Sunovagun when Red appeared with a human female with a lab coat on and...Tailswisher! What's shi doing HERE!? And something is odd with hir, I have never seen a chakat with such a bland look on hir face and Red looks exhausted. 'Sir please take custody of the human and I'm beaming me and Tail to the Sun.” Sensing Red's exhaustion and sincerity Shi nods and takes the human and Red hits the commbadge. “Red to Sun, two to beam up.” The hum of the transporter takes them away.
Red and Tail appear on the transporter pad with Feyouri waiting. “Lock hir up in some quarters.” Red manages to say before the exhaustion overwhelms hir and shi blacks out.
Chapter 19 - Chapter 18 |
To say they were in a panic is a bit of an understatement. Both immediately though about getting help from the family and try to head for the house. Only to face plant into the ground. Both tried to head to the house but Fish was not use to using four legs. “Fish allow me control, I'm used to four legs.”
“Okay.” Vox got back up and after taking a couple of tentative steps before running to the house for help. They barge throught the rear door and see Goldstrike there looking curiously at them.
“Well who are you dear?” Shocked Vox exclaims.
“It's me Vox Goldstrike, well me and Fish. Somehow I absorbed her PLEASE HELP US!” Goldstrike used hir telepahty and found two minds in this body, both familiar to hir but something was off about them.
“Okay, okay. Get in the PTV and I'll take to the hospital.” Vox nods and heads to the garage as Goldstrike relays what's going on.
As the head to the hospital Goldstrike tells them. “My basic scan got both of you in their but your usual signature. Then add in your change of voice you are lucky that I have telepathy. No one without could tell.”
“My voice?”
“Yup it's different, more feminine and a slight echo.” That gravely concerned Vox as the PTV pulls into the hospital and they head for the emergency room. There Goldstrike requests the doctor most familiar with the odd family. In minutes they were in an exam room when Doctor Calmwaves came in. Shi was a chakat with various blue shades going in a wave pattern, thus hir name.
“So what did you two do to end up this way?” Vox blushed a bit and admitted.
'Well Me and Fish decided to have a romantic evening away from the family. After an enjoyable night we laid together then I wake up and slowly changed to this then started getting Fishes memories and even heard her.”
“Do you still hear her now?” Vox looked inward and mentally called for Fish, but she didn't answer.
“No I can't right now.' He responded with fear. He then noticed the doctor was scan him with a tricorder.
“We I do get Fish's DNA in your new body but let's get you to a full out scanner and Goldstrike I want you to scan them with your talent and see what's going on in their head.” Calmwaves had them stand on a pad and a device began scanning their body.
Two hours later Red enters the hospital. Shi had just got back from hir home world when shi got the news about Vox and Fish so shi immediately headed over. A perk of being in security shi was able to get to the room where hir combined mate and friend were. It was then shi got hir first look at them. They had Vox's teal fur but Fishes hair and stripes. Red also noticed a couple subtle things. Their muzzle was shorter than a fox's but longer and narrower than a feline's and their tail was more fluffy than a feline's. Shaking hir head shi walked in. “I leave for a couple weeks and this happens. Can't you two something normal for a change?”
“We did do something normal, Just something odd happened!” Vox replied back. And Red hugged them.
“Just teasing a bit so what have you got so far?” The doctor was first to respond.
“Well I did a complete scan on them and got interesting results. They are now in essence a chakat, fully functioning organs are all consistent with a chakat.” The doctor looked at the combined being. “Vox's core is next to your upper heart and your DNA is a combination of your shapeshifter, foxtaur, feline, and surprisingly chakat DNA all jumbled inside you.”
“Well I can sample beings by touching them and I have touch many chakts since I moved here, but what about Fish?” The doctor turned on a hologram and it showed an internal diagram of Vox and Fish and Red saw an odd shape next ot the upper heart.
“This is Vox's core, While his body perfectly functioned as a foxtaur he needed this. If someone shot his hearts it will hurt that crazy but wouldn't kill him, but if he loses his core he IS dead. Now normally this is in a perfect circle but as you can see it's not and that tumor if you will is slowly disappearing. THAT is what's left of Miss Fish.”
“NNOOO! Oh Fish I am SO sorry!” He started crying, he absorb the being he loved the most. He felt a arm go up and brush a tear and he hear their voice say. “It will be okay.” He then felt another arm and looked up to see Red next to them hugging them.
“I'm right here you two we will get through this.” Red then looked at Calmwaves and Goldstrike and asks. “What about their minds?”
“I got both of their brain patterns but I will leave the rest to Goldstrike.” Calmwaves said.
“From what I got from them is like the doctor said they are both in there right now Vox is dominant and the pain you got a couple of times is when you both want to do something.”
“Should I let her have control at times?”
“Right now absolutely not. There is currently a thin barrier between you two. If you did that that barrier is gone and so is either of you and the new persona will emerge.”
“So what do we do?” Red asked. The doctor replies,
“I see three courses of action. One, we get Fish a new body. Right now their brain waves are clear and separate and I know how to do the Starthinker Process and am authorized to do it. I have the biogel to make a body. If we could get a sample of Fish's DNA I can make a body close to Fish's original body and Vox can keep this one. Two, they both stay in there but allow the barrier to fall and a new persona comes in. Three, Goldstrike and Red here could try to reenforce the barrier and tweak it to allow both of you to control this body.”
“I don't want to make this choice without input from Fish. Is it possible to chat with her before we decide.”
“Of course Me and Goldstrike can provide that. Goldstrike.” The other chakat nods and both closed in and touch their heads to Vox and Fish's head. Vox couldn't help but close their eyes.
When he opened them it was mentally and he looked around. He was by the shack Medallion made but he could see a building of his race in the background. He looked down and saw his old form then he smelled a familiar scent, he looked over to the shack and saw a bit of pink. He runs into the shack to see Fish as he last saw her. They quickly hugged eachother and again Vox apologies for what happened and Fish kept saying. “It's okay.” After a couple of minutes they hear a cough and both see Red standing there.
“Sorry guys but this is important.” Vox nodded and looked to Fish.
“Honey did you hear what they said.” She nodded.
“So what do you think we should do?”
“Well I don't want to lose who I am and the new body is tempting.”
“Like this I'm always with you. We certainly didn't plan this but if this had to happen I wouldn't want anyone but you to be with in one body.”
“Not even Red?”
“I love Red dearly but if there was only a choice of one I would take you over hir. Shi gave me a family and you gave me your love.” She kissed him passionately and Red comments.
“Okay going for the out of the park option. I will consult with Goldstrike, till then I leave you two alone.” Shi disappears and the two knowing this will be the last time to see eachother like this made every available use of it. He quickly stripped her of her clothes and caress eachother and it didn't take long to get to the bed that appeared Vox laid on the bed allowing the pink cat to stroke his lower belly. He meanwhile looked up and her feline body, A little chubby but it was all the more for him to love and it didn't take long for him to get aroused and erect and Fish impaled herself on it again. What follow was like they did the night before only more desperate as this will be the last time they could ever do it. It felt like an eternity for them but in truth only minutes passed they hear Red speak.
“Okay show time.” They both say to each other.
“I love you.” And kiss as their world faded away.
From the outside world Calmwaves watched the two chakat's have their heads connected to the merge being between them not moving the muscle, not even their tails move as the focus their will on the task on the mind. Scarflank scanned their vitals and they appeared normal but their brain wave patterns were highly elevated. Then they suddenly drop and Calmwaves looked up to see both Redstreak and Goldstrike moving away looking wiped as they lay Vox/Fish on the ground. “Did it work?” Calmwaves asked.
“We won't know till they wake up but I think so.” Redstreak answered tiredly.
“Here let's get you three a room to rest in.” Shi summoned a couple of nurses and got the three to a nearby room. Once there both chakat's fell asleep.
Vox woke up on a bed not his own. A quick look around and he sees a hospital room with Red and Goldstrike laying in their own beds asleep. He lifts his upper torso and saw pink fly in front of his eyes. He grabs it noticing his had was different but looked at the pink object. It was hair, his hair and everything came back to him. <Fish you there?> He asks mentally. After a couple minutes he said. “Fish you there?”
“Yes love I'm here. Looks like it worked.”
“I guess so.” He look down at their body taking in the details before he felt their body move a little unsteady towards a full length mirror nearby. Eventually Fish got the hang of four legs and they step up to the mirror. Both looked at their new body. They found the same things Red and others saw and Vox had to admit, it wasn't bad though he still had to get used to the boobs. He felt their head tilt in typical Fish fashion and he noticed their eyes had a blue color, like Fish. “Out of curiosity do you hear my thoughts?”
“No, do you hear mine?”
“No.” Vox looked over to the sleeping chakats. “Maybe they can answer.” Vox looked back at their imaged and was shocked. Their eyes were now GREEN! Before the merge he had green eyes, the same green that is before them. “Fish, were our eyes green earlier?”
“No I thought it was blue.” Vox starts walking them to Red and shakes hir awake. Red starts rubbing hir eyes and yawns before seeing them.
“Well how are you two?”
“Still two of us in here, but we can't hear the other's thoughts.”
“Good, that means the barrier is good and strong. To keep you both from merging we had to set a barrier. The plus is you truly remain separate persona's the downside is you have to talk aloud if you want to communicate with the other.”
“So then people might think we're crazy if we're talking to ourselves.”
“Which is has changed how?” Red said with a smile to which they gave hir a raspberry and hit hir with a pillow. Their commotion woke Goldstrike and they brought hir up to date and Calmwaves entered.
“So how are our patents?”
“Still separated and ourselves but we seem fine.” Vox replied for them. “But I need a comb for our hair?” Fish quipped.
“Why?” Vox asked.
“Because it's a mess!”
“Seemed fine to me.” Fish sighed.
“That is such a male thing to say.” They both stop when they hear Red roaring in laughter and hugging hir sides. With them looking at hir in shock. “What's so funny?”
“You two, I swear life will not be boring dealing with you two as you are.” Both shake their head. Clamwaves meanwhile scanned their body during all of this. Vox noticed and asked.
“So how are we doc?”
“Well your core is a perfect circle again so I say you have fully absorbed Fish's body now and I noticed your voice no longer have an echo in it any more. But everything appears good. My last observations say that you are now a lot more solid than before. Though it would be harder for you to break your bones. I would not be surprised if you could bend your limbs more than us but please don't try. Everything seems good eyesight is average for a chakat though the blue eyes are uncommon for chakats.”
“What their blue, I thought they were green?” Vox asked.
“I thought they were green to?” Red comments. Calmwaves got close and took a close look at their eyes when they turned it to hir and they were green. Shi asked Fish to talk then Vox and nothing changed but when shi asked Fish to move their body shi saw the eyes changed to blue. Then they went back to green with Vox moved them back.
“Looks like the shapeshifting effects your eyes, changing the color depending on who's mainly in control.”
“So could we change more?”
“Color appearance maybe but don't experiment for a while. Your body could be still settling to it's new form.”
“Okay was just curious.”
“So what do we call the new you?” Calmwaves asks.
“Vish?” Goldstrike says.
“Fivox?” Red comments.
“Give us a sec.” Vox says and walks over to the mirror and they look at their body again trying to find a name for it. They stood there for a few minutes before Fish says.
“How about Diamondstripe? I mean are stripes are like diamonds and we are practically a chakat.” Vox looked at the stripes on their body and they did look like diamonds and it was better than anything he could think of.
“Yes we are Diamondstripe.”
“Child of Fish and Vox?” Red asked and Diamondstripe looked at hir and smiled.
“I like that.” They both say.
“Okay I'll put it in the records. You can go home now.” Calmwaves said. And they three head home.
When they get home nearly everyone waited for them and the news they bring. “Where's Larsa?” Red asked.
“I'm coming.” Red and the others look to the stairs and see a youthful vixen coming down the stairs with Larsa's fur pattern. Man she looked good. Red smiled and commented.
“So you finally took the vial.” Larsa smiled at hir.
“Yes I did and I'm certainly pleased with the results. So what's been happening and who is that?” Larsa points to Diamondstripe.
“This was Fish and Vox, it seems Vox absorbed Fish after their romp last night and they are now permanently merged and decided to share the body. They decided to call the body Diamondstripe.”
“Can't anything normal happen to this family just for once.” Coal pleads. “Well you're just in time for dinner.” The whole family head for the table and ate though Diamondstripe not so much since Fish did fill hir up. After dinner Dallie took Larsa up and they weren't seen the rest of the night though Diamondstripe thought shi saw them heading to the bathroom a couple of times. Meanwhile Fish moved her stuff into Vox's old room and was now going to be their room. She had less stored up then Vox did. Vox loves getting stuff to play around with. Probably a result of being alone so long. After rearranging the room they joined the others and chatted about various things and Red sharing more of hir birth world. The big question was how was the other Earth. Coal was the first to comment.
“Fun and interesting but going to the bethroom was hard. Their soo crap over there.”
“They were fine to me.” Alexis quips and shi is pelted by Pillows by all the taurs that went there. Red then left with Flamaria for some reacquainting. They looked around their room and head for the mattress for some sleep, tomorrow they will start their new life.
Of course falling asleep alone doesn't mean you wake up alone. Diamondstripe found themselves in the middle of a fur pile. Rough guess was Medallion and most of the chakat cubs all over them. They just shook their head and knowing they were not going anywhere went back to sleep with the comfort that no matter the form they were loved. A couple hours later only a couple of cub were still with them and they gingerly got up without waking them and took care of typical morning business before heading to the kitchen seeing Coal cooking something. “OOHHH that smell's good, what's for breakfast?” Coal turned and smirked at them.
“Breakfast? Try lunch, it's 11:30 am.”
“Wow we slept in.”
“It happens, we chakats need more sleep than most.”
“And you consider us a chakat?”
“It's the closest model that fits.” They shrugged and replied.
“It fits. So you need any help?”
“Well you can set the plates out to start.”
By noon lunch was served and Diamondstripe chowed down having been finally hungry. Everyone but Dallie and Alexis were home. Coal returned to work tomorrow, Star Corps was giving Red a few days before having hir return to duty, Larsa worked at home since the her village's destruction to take care of Jewel though at lunch she seemed tired. She and Dallie had a lot of fun and little rest last night. The rest currently don't work besides the odd jobs, though Fish had heard Tamira was going to an interview tonight to be, of all things a pole dancer. With the meal nearly done Red asks Diamondstripe. “So after you both are done adjusting to being Diamondstripe what will you do for work?” They put their cup down and replied.
“Honestly we don't know yet. Fish isn't interested in counseling anymore and I haven't thought of a job yet.”
“It's okay low on the priority right now but it is something to consider.” At their nod shi looked over to the younger Larsa.
“Have to say that worked out well for you, plan on increasing work with the younger body?”
“Nope being your agent is enough. I have Jewel, Dallie, and the family. That's what make me happy right now.” Red hugged the vixen and they finished lunch.
A couple hours later Red was walking by Diamondstripe's room when shi heard a moan. Feeling that at least one of the chakat's personalities was bummed shi went in. Shi saw the chakat with a frown staring at their mirror with a very tight shirt on. Red recognized the shirt shi gave to Fish on Christmas. “It still looks nice to me Diamondstripe.” The merged chakat looked at hir.
“But it's really tight my nipples completely show through.” Red could only nod in agreement hir eyesight at said breasts. “Even worse ALL of my shirts are like that.”
“Why bother with shirts? I don't.”
“We aren't you and some of us are used to clothes, heck it's still strange to feel air on my rump.” Obviously Fish was in charge right now as the tell tale blue eyes attested.
“Okay let me grab my belt and we'll go shopping.”
“Yes, I know what it is like to restock your wardrobe.” They did decide to drop off Tamira at her interview but soon they were heading for the nearest mall.
Once there they got out Red taking a moment to feel the breeze. It was fall and the leaves were all turning colors. This was why shi loved Minnesota, you can se the change in seasons. They went into the mall and Fish took them to several stores. Red got amused at what was obviously Vox's look of shock at some of the tops Fish chose for them. He certainly drew the line at a corset Fish wanted to try. “Absolutely not! I am not wearing THAT!”
“But love it is...”
“I DON'T CARE! I have to draw the line somewhere to preserve what's left of my male card. You have any choice of T-shirts not matter how girly there but a CORSET? HELL NO! Next you would want pantyhose.”
“Well they do have a sale...”
“AAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGHHHHHH!” After his scream did they notice a roaring laughter and look to see Red laying on the ground hugging hir upper torso laughing like crazy.
“You think this is funny!” Vox demanded. Took Red a minute to answer.
“I think it hilarious. You should hear yourselves and consider an outside view. Upon glance they would think your nuts. Talking to yourself.”
“But surely the voices would clue them in.” Fish commented.
“How do you sound to eachother?” Red asked.
“Well I hear Fish's voice when she speaks.”
“And I hear Vox's.”
“Well I only hear one voice. It's a mixture of both of yours I think but no matter who's speaking it's that voice we hear.” That made them thoughtful for a bit before they finish up their shopping.
They were on their way top the parking lost, saddlebags full of Diamondstripe's clothes when Diamondstripe noticed something. “What the heck is this?” Red looked to where they were pointing. Shi saw what looked like an old telephone booth but painted blue with a lit up sign saying Police. They both got close to look at it. “This certainly wasn't here when we arrived.”
“You think some prop for and advertisement?”
“Maybe.” Before they got any further and man in what looked like dated clothes and with a female human pushed passed them and said in a british accent.
“Excuse me ladies. Come on Dona.” And got into the box. But stared at eachother till they heard a door open and the man came out again. “ Oh a little suggestion for you ladies some rough guys are about to come around that corner. I suggest RUN! Toto loo!” Then the door close and a muffled voice of the man saying. “Allongez!” Then they hear a weird grinding sound and the box just faded away. Diamond looked to Red for any kind of explanation. Red for hir part just threw up hir hands and said.
“I'm not touching this one. Life is weird enough as is.” Diamondstripe just shrugged and they were heading for the parking lot when a group of Human's come around and Red felt the hatred off of them and shi looked deep. <HUMAN FIRST!> And they were planning on an attack after finding that man who went into the box. Shi pulled out hir gun and yelled. “EVERYONE DOWN!” Some look to hir and some followed hir order. Shi noticed the Human First people only ducked and pulled out their weapons. Red saw them start aiming and shi didn't hesitate. BAM! BAM! Dead shots to two of them. And trained on the rest. “If you want to live throw down your weapons.” The human firsters looked around and security was closing in and with two of their number already down they surrendered. Security and the cops kept hir longer before they finally let hir go and shi was more than ready to go home after that incident.
A week later Red was taking Diamondstripe to Double H since they now could come though they dropped off Tamira to her new job. She easily got the job as a pole dancer though Red did ask why that kind of job. “It's one of the few that allow complete nudity and I'm not just sitting somewhere doing nothing.” Red just shrugged and dropped her off and shi and Diamonstripe headed to Double H. When they walked through the doors Alexis greeted them, shi still preferred the front desk rather than the office shi has as a branch head, though shi still uses it for the more critical stuff. Shi kissed Red before handing a pass to Diamondstripe. “Here's you free day pass you two and enjoy the place.” Shi then looked at hir mate. “I'll have fun with you later.” The chakat grinned back then ushered Diamondstripe into Hermaphrodite Haven. Fish had heard of the place but being a single gender before she was never allowed in. Now shi could. They main room was like a large lounge. Several couches, chairs, beanbag cushions, and tables littered the room. Several furs of all types mingled around, all herms like they were now. A dog morph in hir early twenties came up to them and hugged Red.
“Good to see you again Red.”
“They same Trea, you've grown more beautiful since I last saw you.” The husky/german Shepard had the decency to blush.
“Thanks Red and who is this with you?”
“This is Diamondstripe, a new guest here.” Trea hugged them to which they returned.
“Welcome Diamondstripe, I'm Trea Frostpaw. Been a friend to Red's family since I was born.” The two herms took Diamondstripe on a tour of the complex. It amazed both of them by how much was actually in the complex, it was nearly a city in of itself. Red and Alexis treated Diamondstripe to dinner to which Trea joined in. Both Fish and Vox decided they could enjoy this club and made a more permanent membership.
A week later though they went to Red's studio just as shi finished a session. Shi first smiled at them but as shi sensed their anxiety it turned into a worried frown. “What is it you two?”
“We need to talk privately.”
“Close the door then.” When Diamondstripe did so Red then ask. “So what's on your minds?”
“You mean you haven't checked?”
“Hell no, I only use that talent when needed. Right now it's just in empath mode.” (With the nanos mainly shut off in this area still boosts Red's empathy rating, shi is now a E5.)
“Okay, nice to know. Well Fish was wondering if you don't want her as a mate anymore?” Shocked and appalled Red asks.
“What made even remotely think that?”
“Well you have been distant from us. You haven't even slept with us since we got home. And Fish fears you don't love her anymore.” Red then hugged them and replied.
“I still love you. The reason I have been distant is because you both just had a major change in your lives. And I had to figure in Vox's feelings in this. I wanted both of you to be certain of yourselves before I tried anything. Heck I was afraid you didn't love me that way anymore.” Diamond joined the hug and replied.
“You did out of concern for us. We understand but Fish has missed you. And Vox, well you were already a comate before all of this.” Shi didn't get further when the door opened and Flameria says.
“Sorry for intruding love but Star Corps called and they seem urgent to speak with you.” Red broke the hug and lick kissed Diamondstripe.
“Hold that thought.” Shi told them and shi went to the vid phone. On the screen was a grey furred foxtaur vixen with captain pins on her uniform. She looked anxious and Red thought shi saw some hope in her eyes.
“LT. Commander Redstreak?”
“Yes I am, what can I do for you Captain.”
“Captain Nikol Stonefur of the F.S.S. Guardian. I'm glad I could reach you. I need your help. My ship is down to one chakat since the grandmother of one of mine's is very ill so shi just took a leave of absence but I find myself short and now only a day away from departure.”
“I'm going to guess that there are no other chakat's available right now?”
“Yes All the active chakats are not at Earth right now and others just can't get away. Seems to be a big time for chakat births. Plus your leave is just ending and you can not only take care of the chakat issue but with the role shi left open. Shi was our second in command for security and your traits and promotion allows you to fill that role well.”
“Good points Captian.” Red sat there and thought for a bit. “Okay you got me.”
“Report at 13:00 hours tomorrow and thanks Commander.” Red nodded and ended the call. Shi walked back to hir studio, Diamondstripe was still there.
“Okay work wants me to be on a ship tomorrow for a tour so here's the deal you two. I will sleep with you tonight and while I'm gone I want you two to think on what being a merged being is going to be like. I do not want to be mated with only one of you if the other is against it. Be sure being my mate is what you BOTH want. When I get back we'll have this discussion again, deal?”
“It does sound reasonable. Agreed But we have that discussion as soon as you get back!”
The rest of the day Red told the family and none of hir mates could go with hir not being able to have time off so quickly and Red refused to have Diamond go since they were still learning how to sharing a body. So Coal whipped up a great feast for a send off. And as promised Red slept with Diamond after some romping with hir mates.
The next morning after breakfast shi and Dallie head to the spaceport. After a short wait the both beamed up and hugged goodbye before going their separate ways. Red then looked around for the gate that held the entry for the Guardian. Took hir about a half hour but shi found and stood and looked at the ship. While the Pegasus was bigger this was the biggest Star Corps own ship shi has been on. She and Pegasus were diametric opposites. With hir big saucer, graceful curving neck, expanding engineering section with two pill like nacelles attached to rear raking pylons the Pegasus was a work of art. Guardian however is a much earlier design. She was much more blocky in design. Her front was a angular saucer shape connected to a long body with a larger rear. The ships nacelles were thinner but much longer than Pegasus but not as powerful. Red bet that the Guardian use to be the top of the line ship for the Starfleet but she was now refitted to spend her final years for the more civilian oriented work of the Star Corps. Shi stepped up to the guard at the airlock. Handing hir ID over the guard scrutinized it. After checks on the ID it was handed back to hir and shi was allowed in. Shi stepped through the airlock and onto the ship. Shi heard huffing down the corridor and a feline morph running. Shi stopped in front of Red and panted for a couple minutes. “You're.....here....early....we....didn't.....expect you....till....13:00.”
“My sister works at the Gateway so more convenient for the family that way.”
“Got it...huff. Well I'll show you you're quarters but your meeting with your superior Lt. Commander Sharpclaw will still be at 14:00.”
“That's okay, gives me time to study the ship.” A few minutes later shi was in hir quarters. It was a single taur's place with a many couches and lounges with a chair or to with a desk in the main room. It also had a kitchenette with a replicator and taur size shower and a nice size mattress with a nearby dresser.
After unpacking shi review the ships layout and donned hir uniform and explored the ship, getting a feel for her. By 13:00 shi entered the security office and met hir boss. Sharpclaw was a female Raskhani with Blue fur and red stripes, certainly the most exotic coloring shi's seen in a Rakshani. She was like all of her species tall but also very buff. Red couldn't determine her age visually. The commander looked up from her PADD as Red step up and saluted. “Lt. Commander Redstreak reporting for duty.” The Rakshani returned it.
“At ease commander, welcome aboard. Sorry we couldn't meet earlier but my duties had to be done first.”
“It's alright ma'am, gave me time to study the ship.”
“I like that commander. Well I see you have done some good work in your time with the Corps but no real command experience.”
“Well before my change ma'am I was a security chief for a company.”
“Really, hhhhmmmm. I guest I have more digging to do. Well still guarding a complex is different that a starship. Normally my second would handle the night shift but for the time being you'll work with me till you get the rhythm of the ship.”
“Then what do you need me to do?” Sharpclaw showed hir the protocols of the ship and their section heads. By the time all that was done it was dinner time. After saying their goodbyes Red headed to the mess hall deciding to go there tonight. Shi got hir meal and sat hir haunches at a table when a voice asked.
“May I join you?” Red looked over and saw a chakat. Shi wore a red uniform top over hir purple fur but shi did and a gold slash on hir flank on the lower half that matched hir hair and green eyes.
“Sure go ahead.” The chakat sat across from hir.
“I'm Chakat Scarflank, child of Rainfall and Cresentwave.”
“Chakat Redstreak, child of Sunspot and Fireblaze.” They shook hands since a table prevented hugging.
“I'm glad they could get you. With Starfire going to hir grandparent's place I was afraid we be stuck for weeks or months waiting for a chakat.”
“Hope that goes well but the brass really need to get better on this. This is the second time I had to fill in for a chakat posting.'
“No kidding, so did they ruin your leave?”
“Not really this time. I was expecting an assignment soon. But timing could have been a bit better. Things were still a little hectic at home and a couple more days would have been nice. But I think my family has got a handle on it.”
“The perk of a large family. So from the uniform and rank you work in security and I should salute you.”
“I'm filling the shoes your friend left behind in more ways than one and only on duty will I take a salute. And what do you do on this ship?”
“The ships main helmsman or helmschakat in this case.” Red chuckled at the pun. “So you have a family, how big?”
“Well I live with my twin sister and we both share a mate. Then I have 2 other mates, and co mate, My sister has a mate that I'm not mated to, A friend also lives with us and we have a pending mate waiting. Plus the gaggle of kids and a denmate on Chakona You?”
“Still technically single, me and Star are companions for now but just haven't found the right ones.”
“I know the feeling. It took a major event for me to get looking. I suggest don't take too long otherwise you might be filled with regret.”Now Scar was curious. Shi guessed that Redstreak was hir age but shi sounds like shi is older. Shi wanted to know this chakat more. Sadly though lunch was fast and other than a story or two about their time on ships they ate but both felt a friendship forming.
A couple weeks later the ship was in deep space on patrol. Red hirself was acquitted well and assumed the night shift command. It deeply reminded hir of hir Globaltech days staring at monitors showing the various activities on the ship. The only action shi saw was went a couple got violent in some disagreement. Shi had them cool off in the brig and assigned them different quarters and mandatory consoling. But a week later Red had an issue of another sort.
The door bell to hir quarters chimes as shi was reading a book. Shi had a shorter shift today for hir boss was doing some training of some of the lieutenants. “Come in.” Shi says and the door open to reveal Scarflank. “Hey Scar what can I do for you?”
“Hey Red it's just that time of month.” Red took a whiff and released hir talents and yup Scar was in heat and common practice was that chakats help relieve it. Taking a deep breath and exhaling shi responds.
“Okay.” Shi saves hir spot in the book and gets up. But Scarflank sensed Red's feelings.
“Is there something wrong Red?” Red just shook hir head and replied.
“Should have known I couldn't keep it hidden. I wasn't raised in the chakat way so normally just intimate with my mates. However I am willing to help a friend in need.” Red wrapped an arm around Scar and lead hir to hir bedroom.
Scarflank woke to an empty bed. Shi smirked. Red was one of the better lovers shi had met. Shame that shi isn't more open but that could be self preservation in play for shi would be in high demand. After stretching shi went looking for Red. Shi found hir sitting at the desk with a plate of eggs and bacon with chocolate milk while looking at something on the terminal on the desk. From the sound it looked like a message from someone. Red paused the recording and glanced up. “Morning Scar go get some breakfast.”
“Will do, that your family?”
“Yup.” Scar walked to the replicator and got hir own meal and sat down as Red finished the recording.
“You're family means a lot to you doesn't it?”
“They've helped me through some hard times and I manage to help them through some of theirs.” Their small talk went into how to take care of tomorrow, Red was back on duty in the evening. They figured it would have to be a late night romp as soon as Red gets off duty. After breakfast Scar heads out for hir place for a new uniform and hir shift while Red went back to sleep.
The next thing shi knew the Klaxon was going off and over the comm shi heard. <All personnel man your battle stations!> Shi grab hir uniform and heads to the security office while donning it. When shi got into the office shi asked. “What's going on?” It was Sharpclaw who responded.
“Freighter distress signal. Reported multiple pirates.” Red nodded and donned some armor and grab a phaser rifle and pistol as well as a combat belt. Sharpclaw had Red lead the boarding parties so shi went to the nearest transporter room and waited for the chance to board.
Guardian dropped out of warp to a scene. A large freighter surrounded by 3 ships and several fighters. The three pirates were converted freighters, one was a carrier the others equipped with multiple weapons systems. Upon seeing the Guardian it appeared they would try to flee but they planned their ambush a little too well. They forced the freighter into an asteroid field to prevent a warp escape and limited maneuverability at sublight. Now they were stuck to for Guardian was at the easiest exit. They open fire with their century old phasers and torpedoes while Guardian returned fire with her ball turret phasers and her own torpedoes as she launched her fighters. As the fighter dogfight eachother as the larger ships exchange fire. In a minute or two the pirate ships shields fail and Red is beamed over.
Red looked around. They were in a workshop of some type. Shi had 10 security with hir here with more spread at other sections of the ship. Shi order hir team beforehand to secure 3 areas, Bridge, Engineering, and the cargo bays. Hir team heads out and goes through the corridors. They marched for a couple minutes. Till Red gave them the silent command to halt. Since beaming over shi had both of hir talents on full. Shi sensed two prates in the corridor to the right. Shi silently signaled to hir team about the pirates. They setup and on hir command they turn to the hall and fired. The pirates were dead before they knew they were under attack. Hir team only met a couple others as they approached the bridge. By know the captain knew he had boarders so the hatch to the bridge was locked. One of hir officers took out a shape charge but Red held him off. Shi looks at the panel and starts pushing at a surprisingly fast pace. Another gift of the nanos is shi is a very good problem solver. Shi hadn't notice hir becoming a genius but put a puzzle in front of hir and shi can solve it fast. In a minute it goes green and shi takes out a stun grenade and pushes the open button. The door opens and shi throws the grenade in. BOOM! The bright light and roar stuns the bridge crew and hir team races in and secures the bridge. Red comms hir other teams. “Status report?”
<Team 3 here. Cargo bay secure.>
<Team 2 here. Mopping up in engineering.> Red looked to the view screen. Shi saw the Guardian take up a good portion of the screen and shi saw the occasional fighter go back dog fighting but the big ships seemed to have stopped firing. In minutes shi hears the all clear signal and smiled at a job well done.
At the debriefing hours later Red took stock. Half the pirates dead the rest captured. They lost a couple of pilots and 10 security people. That wasn't bad considering the numbers invoked. Guardian will guard the captured pirates till some tugs and their escorts arrive to which they will take the ships and their crews to the nearest starbase. They render aid to the freighter and she was on her way to her destination so repairs to Guardian and the fighters were happening. Finally the debriefing as over and shi heads for hir room.
Red took a shower to clean the gunk and sweat out. Shi laid on a couch when the door bell chimed. “Come in.” The door opened to reveal Scarflank again.
“I hope you don't mind me being early. One of the pilots who died was a friend so they let me off early and I don't want to be alone right now.” Red responded with a pat on the couch. Scarflank hurried over and laid next to Red hugging the loin pattern chakat. But laid their saying nothing just comforting eachother. But after an hour or two Scarflank had to do more. Shi was still in heat and shi stripped hir uniform off and kissed Red. This started another night of passion and allowed Scar to forget the lost of hir friend a bit.
A couple weeks later the Guardian was back on normal patrol when shi received a garbled signal from one of the out lying colonies nearby. Upon dropping out of warp they get into a standard orbit for the colony, Everything seemed normal to Scarflank as shi took the ship into standard orbit.
However as the Gateway came into view they knew something was severely wrong. There was scorch marks all over it and communications could not get any response from it or the capital. “YELLOW ALERT!” The Captain bellowed and the ship raised shields, pilots manned their fighters and security geared up. “Commander Red, take a team to the gateway, look for survivors and records of what happened here.”
<Aye sir.>
“Commander Sharpclaw take a the bulk of our security and medical personel to the capital and figure out what's happened their.
<Acknowledge.> Captain Stonefur looked at the viewscreen wondering what the heck happened.
Red's Team was beamed into the main promenade deck and already didn't like the view. The main lights were off with emergency and klaxon lights providing illumination. They saw bodies here and there some with obvious phaser burns. Shi signals hir team to crouch and they slowly find cover. Shi had a team of ten, 5 security, 2 medics, and 2 techs. The medic took out their tricorders and scaned. After a minute they confirm what Red sensed. The bodies were all dead. They started moving towards the jefferies tube when they heard commotion. Red looked over to where they heard it and by a store front shi saw three figures. One was the mid teen chakat with blackish fur and maybe purple markings with dark hair. The other two were human and they wore what looked like Starfleet uniforms but there was some differences. They had a silver belt and slash combo, their commbadge was the wrong shape, and both had daggers. Red was behind a bush nearby and close enough to catch their conversation. “So who gets the kitten?”
“Since we both found hir I say we flip a credit chit.”
“Deal but the loser should have play rights.”
“Deal. Heads or tails?”
“Heads, you know when the Admiral be back?”
“Depends how long it takes to take that freighter out.” Shi hears a sound of someone flipping a coin.
“Hah! Tails! I guess shi's my little sex toy. Shi will be fun to break.” Red heard enough. Signaling one of hir security officers they both take aim and take out the fake Starfleeters. They went down with out a sound and Red rushed over to the teenage chakat.
“You okay?” The chakat was fearful but shi sensed sincerity and concern. Shi broke and hugged the lion colored chakat and sobbed. “SSShhhhh, it's okay. You're safe.” Shi took a vouple minutes for the chakat to calm down. “Can you tell us what happened here?”
“It started out a normal day, everyone working I was scrapping for food when I heard some thuds and some humans wearing those weird uniforms beamed in with some furs. The furs also looked weird. All wore collars and they either killed or took everyone. I hid in the jefferies tubes till I got hungry.” Red took out an energy bar which the chakat ate quickly.
“Your name?”
“Well Darnspark, you the best way to sneak into ops?” Darnspark smiled and lead them to the nearest tube.
Minutes later they were in a junction next to ops. It was normally used by techs for repairing and upgrading systems. Red and hir team set up to take ops. Shi felt four beings in there. Shi felt darkness from them. They were more of these fake Starfleeters. On hir signal they opened the door and neutralized the occupants. They secured the room and Red accessed the station logs and downloaded it to hir tricorder as shi commed the Guardian. “Guardian this is Commander Redstreak, this station was attacked. The force wears uniforms similar to Starfleet. Downloading station logs now. Note they expect their ship to return soon.”
Captain Stonefur acknowledge the Lt. Commander's report just as sensors reported a ship dropping out of warp. The screen changed to show the arrival. The ship was bulky and large. It was somewhat boxy with a command section that started like a box before narrowing v shape at the bottom. A long spar connected the command section to the huge main body. Two thick pylons connect it's nacelles, old box and slim like. Similar to Guardian's. But the thing they got them the most was what was displayed on the flat front of the command section. In clear Terran the words for all to see.
I.S.S. Pegasus
Chapter 1 - A Little While Longer |
The spindling form of the Wraith tore through the trees as it fled, a burning hole in it's torso as the decoy tore up into the air. A sharp needle speared it's back, injecting radioactive toxins into it's blood. The creature slowed and became weak as it's signature appeared on the shooter's heads-up display.
"There it goes! Harley, Griffin, drag it's ass back here!" A man yells with a European accent as he loads a syringe into the pipe-like tube of his improvised rifle.
"Dammit, Calco, what about Markov?" Griffin asks in his Australian accent as he loads his harpoon gun.
"A morphine cocktail fixes everything when a doctor isn't around!" The soldier responds from behind his sealed helmet, firing the needle into the cyborg's exposed neck.
"Haha! I almost miss the pain!" The Russian rose after a moment and gave chase after the monster. Calco folded down the small rifle and stowed it on his thigh before slinging his sniper rifle into his hands. The barrel splits and reveals the electromagnetic rails that propel his specialized mercury slugs.
"Do me a favor and keep those things away from me!" Griffin yelled as he struggled to catch up to the beast so he could get a shot with his harpoon.
"No promises!" Calco laughed as he used his jetpack to climb a rock spire. His rifle opened as it charged and fired the superheated slug. The glowing trace left a line straight back to him, almost making bait of him as the slug impacted and severed one of the monster's scythe-like limbs. It screamed and turned as a wall of light blocked it's path.
"Good throw, Griff! Now let's tear it up!" Harley fired her modified drill harpoon and it began to dig into the wraith's chest, a direct impact to the previous shot from Calco. "Oh yeah! Bull's-fucking-eye!" The Irishwoman vocalized her perverse pleasure as the creature writhed in pain with useless attempts to break the power tether to Harley's gun and exo-skeleton.
"Teleporting monster, have lightning!" Markov landed from a jetburst and fired his Tesla gun, sending electric currents through it's muscles.
"Haha, that's a corker!" Griffin tethered the monster with his harpoon gun. It sliced the line and smacked Harley into a rock with bone-breaking force. She stood without favoring any wounds, despite the blood staining her unzipped leather jacket and covering her tattooed abdomen.
"Keep hitting me, bitch! I love the pain!" Harley screamed as she activated blades in the exo's frame that cut into her flesh and sent currents of electrical pleasure through her body and overloading her laser minigun as she started spinning the barrels. "Should have taken me on a date before you made me feel this good!"
Another trace impacted the creature, melting into it's shoulder. "Target is hot! Shoot my trace!" Calco ordered as he ejected the spent mercury cell and loaded a new one. "Healing burst coming in hot!" He flew down and started to catch up to his team.
"Not yet! This feels way too fucking good!" Harley yelled, her laser cutting through the monster as she ducked under the swinging scythe. Her exo groaned under the pressure as the battery was drained.
"Medic on station!" Calco flew past and deployed the healing field, breaking Harley's high as her Stim-Charge deactivated. He reversed his directed as he reached the wraith, his regulator activated and deployed a surge of adrenaline. His perception slowed and he took aim at the monster's ghostly face, firing his charged shot as his jetpack slung him backward and out of it's reach.
"Gun's too hot! Drill's up!" Harley chewed one of Hank's cigars as she dropped the laser to the blood soaked soil and drew her drill, aiming at the fresh hole in the creature's armor.
"Markov, I've got a crazy idea!" Griffin yelled as he dived over swinging limbs.
"They are the best!" The assault laughed almost maniacally as he rolled to duck the scythe.
"Is your lighting gun ready?" The veteran hunter asked, firing the remains of his submachine gun clip into the monster before producing a sound detection spike.
"It is always ready!" Markov saw the action and got ready to fly upward.
"Calco! Lightning rod!" Griffin threw the device into the air. Calco surged with morphine and adrenaline both, flying forward as he grabbed the spike and landed on the creature.
"Bite on this!" He yelled as the spike pierced into the wraith's flesh. Blood sprayed over his armor and exposed arms as he shoved it down.
"Better run, junkie!" Harley used her jetpack to slam her heavy exo into the wraith to stun it before retreating.
"Now!" Calco kicked off and flew straight up, spinning as he charged his rifle again.
"Burn monster!" Markov laughed as he struck the sensor and directly poured electricity into it's body. Calco stopped and took aim with the railgun, his sights locked on the most opportune location.
"Ik zal geen kwaad en geen kwaad om mijn patiënten te doen. Ik zal voorkomen dat schade of kwaad bestaat in mijn ogen en verwijder de schade of kwaad als het bestaat in mijn ogen." The Dutchman's ethics echoed in his ears as he pulled the trigger again, his mercury slug shattered through the spike and into it's body as the conductive shards scattered over the wraith to spread the lighting shot over it's body. The creature fell with a crash and the smell of burning flesh as it finally died. "Ik zal alleen goed doen zolang ik zal leven."
"Right. It's dead, let's get out here." Griffin brushed some ash off of his hat.
"Ohh, I'm gonna remember those screams for a long time!" Harley laughed to herself as the dropship began it's final approach.
"I hate night missions. hurry up and get us back to the ship, Bucket." Calco said with annoyance. "I need a shower."
Fennec "Calco" Alcoda entered the showers to find a warm mist enveloping the room, he hadn't expected to find someone inside so late. However, upon recognizing the feminine form within he drew on his infiltration training as he locked the door, silently approaching the redheaded occupant.
Valerie had been relieved to finally get the day's sweat, dirt, and blood washed away. The aches and exhaustion ran off with the hot water as she diligently massaged her sore rifle arm. She wasn't prepared when a pair of reddened hands grasped her shoulders, slowly kneading the tired muscles.
"Mijn geliefde." She cooed in Fen's native language as the soldier worked away the day's stress with expert dexterity.
Val's pale skin contrasted against that of Fen, his once white skin had been changed by the rusted sands of Mars to a shade of red that had fully taken his body. He moved his hands down to her arms, working out the tiring of her sniper rifle's recoil and teasing against her torso. Steadily, his calloused hands moved to her back, where a large Greek Omega had been tattooed and he pressed the tension away bit by bit.
The CIG9 medic was becoming putty in his hands, and she hated to love it. A veteran spy and assassin melting under the caring caress of another, and a morphine addict at that, just didn't seem normal. Oh well, he was her addict and that was what made it matter. Despite the health issues, he had fought to draw back on his use by her wish alone and had never betrayed her trust and love.
Val arched her back to lean against him as he slid his hands around her to her navel before moving down to massage her thighs, exhausted from the hours of tracking a Kraken across the Aviary. Her body was lighting up with a familiar burn from inside, and despite her efforts she couldn't hide anything from her fellow operative. Her body molded into to his, his hands rising to her modest chest and taut abdomen as he fueled the fire inside her.
Valerie moaned quietly and wrapped her arms back around his shoulders as he slid a powerful and caring hand down to her core. A thin covering of compressing material separated their bodies as his tattooed form held her close. A finger slipped into her folds as he kindled the heat within, and she yelped when a second followed. Val bit her lip to contain herself as he increased the tempo of his thrusts and the efforts on her breasts. A surprisingly selfless lover, Fen had always taken care of her before ever concerning himself for his own desires.
Val, however, would seldom stand for such behavior and tonight wasn't much different. Thin fingers snaked into the shorts and reciprocated the notion, drawing a primal grunt from the large brawler. Minutes passed like agonizing hours until she finally began shuddering weakly into his stoic frame, her breath ragged as he slowed and drew out the bliss filling her nerves.
Now, Val was excited, and so was he as she turned and pulled the shorts away. She backed to the wall and pulled him with her until he was pressing her into the cold metal. A passionate kiss ensued between her soft, freckled face and his weary scruff. A pale hand ran though black hair above his green eyes before holding his shaved head by his neck. Similarly, Fen's hand traveled into her tomboyish, short, red hair as their tongues battled back and forth.
Eventually they parted for air, panting as he waited for her to tell him she was ready. Val's beautiful smile and a slow nod allowed him entry, and he nodded in response. Raising her leg with one hand and keeping the other in her hair, Fen slowly pushed forward until his body met hers. They stood still for an eternal moment, her chin resting on his broad shoulder and her head nuzzling against his as her strong body was cradled against his.
Fen began to withdraw steadily, and stopped just short of exiting before returning to her warmth. With each movement, his tempo increased and Val began to roll her hips to meet his. Shortly, they had formed a rhythm in their melding and both were reduced to shallow breaths and quiet moans.
Time became pointless and nothing else mattered to them but each other. Val was losing her ability to maintain her composure, and she hated to love it as she voiced her pleasure at last. Both her legs locked around his hips and she clawed at his back as sweet music filled Fennec's ears. Val had reached her crest, and his mission was to send her over the edge. He silenced her with another kiss as he gave his final effort, fiercely driving her into glorious climax. His goal met, Fen allowed his strength to wane.
With a final series of thrusts, he released into her core and set her body aflame as they both moaned into the deep kiss. The world blackened and there was nothing else but the warm bodies pressing against each other. There was no Shear, no monsters, no William Cabot, and no CIG9. The highs burned down and they stood, locked and panting as their hearts and bodies calmed.
"You're such a bad influence on me, Fen." Val held him close as she nuzzled into his neck, his chin resting on her head.
"Probably. But you love every minute you're with me, Val." He held her up as her shaky legs touched the floor and regained their strength.
"Girls always love the bad boy." Val held onto him tightly.
"Oh, so I'm the bad boy?" Fen chuckled, the sound resonated through his chest and into hers.
"You were." She pulled him into a quick peck. "But I think I've got you whipped into shape pretty well."
"Can't deny that." He repeated the action before continuing. "Now let's go get some sleep."
"You mean before another freaky alien monster pops up and starts eating colonists?" Val said, somewhat serious and somewhat sarcastic.
"Thanks. That's a thought I want while I try to sleep next to my girlfriend and pretend nothing's wrong." Fen said with slight anger.
"Hey, just a little longer and you'll be cleaned up. Get that tech outta you and get that shit outta your system." Val held him in a hug, caring and concerned.
"Yeah. Just a few more months of needles and sickness." He returned with sorrow.
"And then it's just you and me." She kisses his scarred cheek to get his attention for another peck. "And then it's just us."
"You are the best damn thing that could've happened to me." Fen told her once more.
"I know." Val took his hand and led him onward. Every moment drew them closer to his detox, closer to his surgery, and closer together.
Fen lay in his bed, with Val under the sheets next to him. The Germanic tattoos covering his body were faded from the rust in his skin. Despite this, the words in the lines were still legible. Amongst them was Do No Harm, added when he unofficially took on the role of a medic. He had let his team get hurt, never again would he fail. And now, with Val? With him so close to being free of the slow death brought by addiction?
Success was his only option and sometimes to prevent harm, you had to take a risk and cause harm to another so that many more would be safe. All he had to do was kill these beasts, these monsters, and both he and Shear would be saved.
"Just a little while longer." He brushed his thumb across Val's cheek before getting up and fetching a syringe. He pushed the needle into the synthetic vein and injected the drug, a feeling of relief washed over him as the chemical regulator returned to life and started rationing out the morphine mixture to his aching body. He wiped a liquid away from his lip, draining from his nose. In the low light he could see it was a deep crimson. "Just a little while longer."
===[Rough Translations]===
Ik zal geen kwaad en geen kwaad om mijn patiënten te doen. Ik zal voorkomen dat schade of kwaad bestaat in mijn ogen en verwijder de schade of kwaad als het bestaat in mijn ogen. : I will do no harm or evil to my patients. I will prevent harm or evil in my sight and and remove any harm or evil as it exists in my sight.
Ik zal alleen goed doen zolang ik zal leven. : I will practice only good as long as I shall live.
Mijn geliefde. : My love. |
Chapter 2 - Chapter 2 |
Shi gets not 5 steps when shi here's someone call hir name. Looking shi spots a Starfleet officer in medical colors coming up to hir."Shir Phoenix I thought I miss you. If you will come with me."
"Why I am formally dismissed from Ambassador and I want to get home?"
"Sorry Shir Phoenix but we need to run some tests at are facility first."
"And why? Chris Rasmussen is dead. He died giving birth to me. This is my body now, Lucian says my mind is whole and Ambassador's Doctor gave me a clean bill of health. So what reason should I go with you? I have a life to rebuild."
"Sorry Shir Phoenix but I was given orders to get you and run some more tests."Shadow sighed.
"Okay but I better be paid for this."
"Very well Shir." With reluctance Shadow followed him to a transporter pad ad went to a Starfleet medical research building. Two hours later an annoyed Shadow emerges wearing only some shorts. If people were annoyed that shi was topless too bad. It was legal, shi was more comfortable that way, and shi was annoyed and wanted to share it. Thankfully the did pay hir but shi warned them that was the end. Shi headed to hir place. The manager handed hir a new key since Chris's was gone and shi enter hir place for the first time as Shadow Phoenix.
It was a small apartment, Chris spent most of his time on Isis so never needed a big place. The main room was a combo living room kitchen. The place had small bathroom with sink, toilet, and shower and a decent bedroom. Once inside shi locked the door and fully stripped and feeling wonderful nude. Shi rested a bit before going out shopping for food but rested the rest of the day glad to be home.
The next day shi went online and looked for work. Chris's money and what shi earned on the Ambassador were not enough to get a new small freighter and shi wasn't interested in hauling freight. However if the need arise shi could still pilot a ship and shi made sure to keep that ability. It always paid to be prepared. After a few hours shi applied to several computer companies but haven't heard back yet. Shi went to hir closet and took all of Chris's clothing out. Shi kept a few of the T-shirts but shi didn't like anything else or it no longer fitted. With those clothes in a tote shi leaves the room as the door across the way open. A female human came out."Oh! Hello, what are you doing in Mr. Rasmussen's place?"
"He's dead. Killed by pirates and as his only living relative I inherit the place and my place went up not to long ago so I decided to move in."
“I am sorry to hear that. When he was here he was a good neighbor. Trissa Jenkins and you are?” Trissa holds out a hand which shadow takes and shakes.
“Shadow Phoenix and you will be seeing more of me then you did him.”
“Well have a pleasant day.”
“You to.” The two new neighbors part company for now. Shadow drops off the clothes at a charity and decides to head for a mall to get a few more clothes. Shi maybe an avid nudist but some places it just isn't proper to be nude or topless. Shi found some good casual and fancy outfits and was on hir way back home when shi notice a fairly larger complex across the street. It had the distinctive Double H logo. 'Ah! Hermaphrodite Haven. You know it would be good to know other herms.' Adjusting the backpack shi bought to carry hir clothes shi decided to head in. Shi opens the door and looks in. In front of hir there was a wall the went only halfway across the room with the looks that it hides something behind it. To hir right was a desk and a door. The desk was manned by a collie morph. The collie looked up, smiled, and said.
“Greetings, welcome to Hermaphrodite Haven. A haven for the dual gendered in the federation. What can I do for you?”
“I was interested in checking the place out.”
“Well this club is exclusively for herms so you have to prove it to get in.” Shadow nods and lowers hir shorts enough to show hir sheath to the collie. The Collie looks for a second then nods. “Okay, you're one of us.” Shi goes back to the desk and takes a card out of a drawer. 'Here's our free day pass enjoy your stay but you will have to wear a shirt inside. We only allow nudity in certain areas like the green room and the pool.” Shadow takes the pass and drops hir backpack and unzips it to pull out a small shirt top. Putting it on the collie directed hir to the hallway that was hidden from the front doors. “There is a locker room for your backpack and again enjoy your stay.” Shadow nods and opens the doors to see a large room with with chairs, couches with small tables and a balcony. Several doors lead to other areas and one said lockers. Shi headed in paid the fee for the renting and put hir backpack in and had the key around hir neck and went back into the main room. Shi walked around before finding a nice couch to sit on and relax. Shi observed those around hir as they chatted with friends when a feminine voice said.
“I don't remember seeing you here before, you new?” Shadow looked to the source and found a BIG tiger morph looking down at hir.
“Umm...Yeah, I'm new.” the tiger laughed and extended hir hand.
“Sorry if I startled you, Can't help my height. The name's Valdena Kirvoduna.” Shadow did notice an accent. Shi shook the hand and introduced hirself. “You mind if I join you?”
“Not at all.” Even when the tiger sat shi was still so big in comparison to Shadow. The two chatted for a couple of hours. Valdena was a Amur Tiger from Russia. They were all herms there and a heavy presence in one city. Valedena moved to Metro City for the way of life and better weather. Shi worked as a bouncer for the connected dance club. Shadow said that due to a recent family tragedy shi had moved here and was looking for a job. They went to the restaurant for dinner and Val as Valedena prefer being called explained how the place worked. The main building was exclusively for herms and only need maintenance people can be non herms but they are isolated as much as possible from the crowd. There was also living quarters in the main building for workers or herms that live here permanently like Val. There was the restaurant and dance club were more open so member could have their non herm family with them. There was gym and a pool in the main building and a larger pool on top of the club for general populace. Shadow did enjoy the time but it was getting late so shi said goodbye to hir new friend and headed home promising to visit again and become a member.
Val watch Shadow go with a smile on hir lips. There was something about the black fox morph that shi really liked. Since shi became employed at Double H shi saw many strange morphs. It seemed that most herms were throwbacks so a black fox wasn't strange. Heck shi remembered seeing a taur version a couple years ago brought in by one of the local Chakats. Shi remebered that the chakat was the parent to the foxtaur and the foxtaur had the same russian accent that Val had. Hir thoughts are interrupted when hir friend Bluesky said.
“Someone had an effect on you my friend.” Val looked over to hir friend. Bluesky was a chakt with blue fur with an even lighter blue on her under side like a fox with green eyes. The two have been friends since Val moved here and by Chakat terms they were companions, much to Val's parents disappointment but hardly the first time. Bluesky had a smirk and a look of clear amusement on hir face. “Has my little tiger have a crush on a certain black fox?” Val snorted and replied.
“We just met today and while admittedly attractive Shadow is currently just a friend. Even you chakats don't work that fast.”
“Point but shi did have an effect on you, I can sense it.” The chakat laid on the couch and brushed Val's boobs. “You're sure that it isn't your feelings that you sensed?” Bluesky smiled and replied.
“While I am in heat it didn't cloud my reading on you. But I can certainly use some relief.”
“When good thing for you I'm off tonight.”
“VERY good thing.”
Shadow stayed home the next two days before heading out again. Shi stop for a while and had dinner again with Val and met hir chakat friend Bluesky. Finally shi got an interview with a computer company. Shi was in the waiting room with a nice conservative dress when shi was escorting in to the interviewer's office. The interviewer was a male rabbit morph that introduced himself as Jack Thumper. They shook hands and took seats as Mr. Thumper looked at hir resume.” So you did some work for Starfleet and the officer in charge of your shift gave you great reviews. SO why didn't you stay?”
“I was not a commissioned officer Mr. Thumper. I was just a contractor and have no interest of spending most of my time in space.”
“Understandable, well you have the skills we are looking for so a two week trial and we'll go from there.'
“Thank you Mr. Thumper.” They shook hands and parted. Shi proved hirself after the two weeks and the job became permanent and shi celebrated with Val and Bluesky.
On hir day off Shadow was chilling out at home. While it was fun to go to Double H but shi had to have hir nude times and in hir place shi can be as nude as shi wants. Shi was laying on the couch enjoying a movie when the doorbell rang. Pausing the movie shi went to the door and opened it enough to stick hir head around. Shi saw Val in the hallway.”Val how did you get here?”
“A friend that has access to the membership info. May I come in?”
“Of course.” Shadow steps back and the door opens more to allow the tiger in. Val stepped in and saw a nice cozy little apartment the same size as hir's in Double H. Shi then looks to hir friend and pauses a bit. Shadow was completely nude and Val could feel hir cock stiffen a bit. Shadow had a nice body to Val's eyes. Shadow notice hir reaction.
“Sorry wasn't expecting company and I prefer to be nude. I can go put something on.”
“No,no that's okay just got me by surprise and I did come uninvited.”
“Well have a seat.” Val sat on the couch and Shadow took one of the chairs.
“Nice little place you got here.”
“I do make the best of the place and the neighbors I met are good.” They then chatted for an hour with Val slowly getting comfortable with a nude Shadow. But Val did ask an interesting question.
“I am curious, are you a throwback Shadow? I have never seen a biped Fox morph with your coloring.”
“You could say that.” Val knew hir friend was hiding something But before shi could ask further Shadow said.
“I need to pee so look around and I'll be back.” The fox herm heads into the bathroom and Val decided to take a look around. Shi was right it is very much like the layout of hir place in Double H though arranged differently. Shi didn't see much in personal belongings. Mainly pictures and those were of note. Many showed a human male who seemed to be on a space ship of some kind, which was later confirmed by a pic of said human outside of the ship in one picture. There was only a handful that had Shadow. They show Shadow on what looked like a Starfleet ship by the uniforms. One had Shadow smiling with a Chakat Family another with Shadow wearing a fleet uniform with a Foxtaur female. Val saw none of Shadow's childhood or hir parents. “Finding my bedroom interesting?” Val turns to see Shadow in the doorway leaning against a side.
“Just the pictures. Shadow I see a lot of this human male and very few of you in them. I honestly want to know what you're hiding.” Shadow looked down clearly uncomfortable.
“I rather not talk about it.” Val sighs and thought of something that might open hir friend up. Walking to the bedroom window shi began as shi looked out.
“I'll tell you a bit about myself. Only Bluesky has any idea about this. My kind as I have told you is all herms and our focus in a few cities in Russia. What I didn't tell you is that they are deeply religious there. They all marry to one and dislike being called mates. I wasn't as religious as my parents wanted. To get away from their nagging and holier than thou attitude I moved to here and came to enjoy the freedom of being myself without scowling or that teacher attitude. And my relation with Bluesky also displeased my parents who urge me to marry Bluesky. I believe in God just not the same way they do and they can't seem to understand that...or me.”
'I've had similar feelings Val. I will tell you about me. That human in those pictures....those used to be me.” Val was shocked but Shadow continued. “This was his place was where he hanged out when his freighter Isis was being worked on. That ship was his real home. He was captured by a group experimenting on humans, changing them into morphs for sex slaves in the N.L.A.W. But I was lucky they were intercepted by a Starfleet ship while he was amid transformation. Sadly the damage was done. The body was complete as what you see before you, but the real danger was mentally. The programing was incomplete and was causing issues that would kill us. The only solution was for the Skunktaur on board was to merge Chris's personality with the programming. The result is me.”
“So you don't consider yourself Chris anymore?”
“Nope. I have is memories and knowledge but I am not him. I consider him my parent.” Val having not heard anything sadder went and hugged Shadow.
“Thank you for telling me my friend. I promise to keep it between us.”
“Thank you my friend and it's okay if Bluesky knows but no one else.” They talked and Shadow made dinner for them before breaking up for the night. This would be the start of many visits between them and Bluesky.
Two years later Shadow was happy at hir job. Shi had been promoted and was earning good income. Shi had valuable friends with Double H and it was like a second home for hir. Shi was just finishing up some stuff online when the door bell rings. Getting up shi wondered who it could be. Val was working tonight and Bluesky was with family. Shi opens the door to a familiar fox face. Shadow just stood there for a sec speechless before squealing. “YOSHIRU!” and hugs the foxtaur. “Come in, come in my friend.” Shadow releases hir friend and allows her in. The red and gray foxtaur looked around the room noting everything. “You want anything to drink?”
“So pop.”
“Coke, Rootbeer, or sprite?”
“Coke.” Shadow went and got a can while Yoshiru lounged on the couch. After handing her a coke Shadow settled in a chair and asked.
“So how long can you stay?” Yoshiru finished a sip and answers.
“AS long as you want me to.......I resigned from Starfleet.”
“What! WHY? That assignment was the ticket to your career boost.”
“Yes it was and it went well but.” Yoshiru paused for a bit before continuing “It didn't feel as rewarding as it should. It felt empty. Then I thought of you and I felt happy again. I made a decision and a gamble. Shadow....Will you be more than my lover.....will you be my mate?” Shadow was a bit shocked. Yoshiru just through her career away out of love for hir. Shi never thought someone would go that far for hir. Well shi always loved the foxtaur and missed her and Chris's feelings of loneliness did die with him.
“Yes, Yoshiru, yes I will be your mate.” Shi then kiss hir new mate passionately till the foxtaur broke it off.
“We should move this to a more comfortable location love.” Shadow nodded and directed them to hir bedroom. There Yoshiru laid down first and Shadow took off the foxtaur's vest and belt leaving her just as naked ad her mate and the two kiss passionately again and played with eachother's breasts. Afer a couple minutes of that Shadow adjusted hirself, hir erect cock brushing over Yoshiru's fur increasing Shadow's pleasure as as shi position's hirself above hir mate's pussy and begins to kick as Yoshiru bent to lick hir's. They licked and moaned and moaned and licked and to Shadow's surprise Yoshiru stroke's hir cock. The pair continued giving pleasure to eachother till they both came with Shadow cumming in both genitals. Shadow for a minute or two lays on hir mate's lower torso basking in the afterglow before the two started again. For a couple hours the two reacquainted themselves and consummated their mating. Yoshiru even allowed Shadow to mount her. The foxtaur just imagined it to be a very well built dildo that can pleasure them both and Shadow rode her a couple of times before exhaustively lies against hir mates body. Yoshiru hugs her mate and both fall asleep happy as can be.
It was dual growling stomachs that woke the couple next morning. Yoshiru felt a little crap and when shi stretch they both heard the cracks and pops. “This bed is a little small for you.” Shadow comments.
“True but it comes with the greatest perk.” Yoshiru then kisses Shadow causing the biped fox to blush.
“We this place has been great and met my needs it isn't suited for taurs long term. I now want a place suitable for US.”
“I like the way that sounds.”
'Good, now is that all you brought with you?” Shadow gestures to the vest and belt on the floor.
“Now I have more personal stuff in a PTV I rented.”
“Well go get them so it doesn't cost you anymore credits and I'll make breakfast.”
“Sounds good.” The new couple then split. The next ten minutes Yoshiru brought in her personal belongings and stacked them in a corner and then released the PTV before have a big breakfast with Shadow. Shi noticed her mate still nude. “So I see you prefer being nude since you're not on ship.”
“Yup a remnant of the programing but I don't mind.” Shadow makes a serious look. “And I expect the same from you. It's not fair if you get to admire me all the time and me not you.”
“Aye,aye shir.” Yoshiru responses with a mock salute before showing a true wolfish smile.
“So what do you plan on job wise? I don't think my budget can handle a taur for the long term and you wouldn't be happy sitting around doing nothing.”
“You call last night nothing?”
“I do have to go to work eventually, your lucky it's the start of the weekend.” Both smile at eachother.
“Well I do know there is a major park nearby so I figure be a guide there.”
“Sounds like a plan.” They finish breakfast and after a little relieving they went at it again.
The sun had set by the time the rose from the bed again. Go use the shower I'm taking you out for dinner.”
Yoshiru groaned, “Can't you just order in?”
“No I want you to meet some friends of mine. And dress up.” Yoshiru groaned and got up to shower while Shadow called Val and Bluesky and told them to go to Toni's to meet someone and to give some important news. Yoshiru noted that sharing a shaower will be impossible right now since this one was only designed for bipeds so she was going to be cramped. As such she took a quick shower and then let Shadow use it as she put on a fancy vest and some jewelery she got from her birth village. Shadow left the bathroom and saw Yoshiru dressed up and commented. “If you can't be naked that is the next best thing love.” Then shi went into hir room. A few minutes later shi emerged with a glittering gold dress that complemented hir eyes. Yoshiru silently agree, 'yup the next best thing after fur.' Outwardly she did a foxtaur equivalent of a growl and she actually saw Shadow blush. The two finally got into Shadow's PTV (having a taur friend shi made sure to have a taur adaptable model) and head off.
“So where are we going?” the foxtaur asked.
“Toni's, it's a nice restaurant attached to the Double H I go to.” Yoshiru knew of the Double H club so her next statement was an honest one
“But Double H is herm only, they won't allow me in.”
“Only the main building is herm only, the restaurant and the dance club are open to everyone. Double H is practical that many of it's members would have single gender mates.”
“Then why herm only for the main?
“You know my story love but even it pales in comparison to some of the herms I've met there. Chakats aside mainly have issues with herms and that has made many herms only comfortable with other herms. And as the second H in Double H stands for such herms need a haven from the rest of the world and the club provides that.”
“It is such a shame that we still have to deal with those issues.” Yoshiru comments.
“Yes we do. I know some people still have issues with gays. In your culture the simple fact there are more females than males easily allowed you to become a lesbian there while in the rest of the world the genders are a bit more equal. Though I wonder if you will still be considered a lesbian since you are mated to me?” Yoshiru noticed the little tease but went with it anyway.
“Well you know my favorite parts of you so I say yes. Your cock is just a nice well design dildo in my eyes.” Smiling Shadow responds.
“Nice to know you consider it well designed.” The two then chuckle as the PTV pulls into a parking spot next to the Double H.
“Wow this place is pretty big.” Yoshiru comments. Though she had heard of Double H she had never seen one of their complexes.
'It has to be. The main building is also the home for many herms that either work here or need a safe place to stay.” The enter Toni's and Shadow scans around till shi sees Val waving at hir. Elbowing Yoshiru they make their way to the table. While Shadow took a seat and Yoshiru a pad that shi took from a stack Shadow asked. “Has Bluesky arrived yet?”
“Right behind ya.” And the blue fur Chakat takes hir own pad.
“Okay now that everyone is here I like to introduce Yoshiru Leannera. Yoshiru this is Valenda Kirvoduna and Blusky, Child of Oceanswimmer and Skydive.” With introductions done everyone checked out the menu and order something they liked. The conversation went around to what Yoshiru and the others did. Val explained shi was a bouncer for the club attached to Double H, Bluesky was a self employed working that did IT support from home. Yoshriu explained shi just got back from a planetary assignment and was having a interview for the local park.
“Why aren't you with Starfleet or was that a contract job?” Bluesky asked.
“I was with Starfleet but something was missing and I found it here so I resigned.”
“Me and Yoshiru have declared ourselves mates!” Shadow squealed. The couple were so happy announcing it that they missed the strange look on Val's face. Val hirself felt like shi was gut checked hearing that. Bluesky raised a glass.
“To Shadow and Yoshiru and a long mateship!” They all raise their glasses with Val's being the last. They chatted a bit more during desert before Yoshiru wanted to go home. Bluesky smirk at the emotions shi was getting from the foxtaur and figure some more intimate moments to come for the new couple. But Shi looked at Val and said. “Your place now.” The two head for the little apartment and when Bluesky closes the door shi starts. “Okay I felt your reaction to their announcement so spill.”
“I....I was just shocked. I felt hit from it.”
“I told you that you had something for hir and you didn't listen.”
“I guess it's true. You never realize how important something is till you lose it.”
“And whose to say you lost it.”
“SHI has mated with someone else! Thus I lost my chance.”
“No you haven't, your orthodox raising is biting you in the butt again. Whose to say Shadow is only interested in a single mating and I know foxtaurs and it is very common fo have multiple mates.” Bluesky's features soften from the anger. “Val, you have got to tell hir how you feel about hir. It is not good to keep that hidden.”
“Fine I will but later, this is their moment.”
“Fine but you better tell hir soon.”
The next day Shadow was at hir computer working when shi felt something on hir shoulder and then a tongue lick kisses hir muzzle and hears. “What are you working on?” Shadow nuzzles hir mate's muzzle and answers.
“Our new home, what do you think of this one?” Yoshiru looks at the house's features. From her perch on her love's shoulder. Two bedrooms, a kitchen, living room, two vehicle garage, basement, not furnished but plenty of room especially with the words 'taur compatible' defiantly lend to the place but the picture showed it in a cramp neighborhood.
“No to cramp on the outside need a big yard.” She said at last.
“Okay, big lawn then.” They go back to going through propsects for the next couple of hours. Yoshiru decided to tease her love by slowly stroking hir breasts. She smiled when she felt her mate's nipples harden and even a bit more when she sees her mate's erection. That made her again question her status as a lesbian but she cannot deny that cock had felt good. Or maybe it's more it's a sign that she is arousing her mate. She was one lucky vixen she thought, Shadow was beautiful for a biped fox hir coloring making hir unique that is only shared by the Starwalkers. But it's more of how Shadow has reacted to her. When she first came forward and revealed her feelings about Shadow the black fox accepted it and revealed something very private and allowed Yoshiru to clear her thoughts then offered hir bed so she wouldn't feel lonely anymore. And where that lead to their sexual relationship. And even in sex Shadow was considering in her feelings playing with her pussy, and using hir tongue and fingers and hardly hir cock. Most of the time it's Yoshiru who brings it in to relieve her mate. She dealt with the cock because she knew that Shadow loved her and wanted her happy and it was only fair that Yoshiru returned it in kind. They finally found some prospects and went to bed....and fell asleep 2 hours later.
Three months later....
Sun rays beamed into the bedroom waking Yoshiru further then she already had. They were in their home, Just finished unpacking yesterday but she wasn't feeling well the last couple days. She thought it was a stomach flu. She got up leaving her mate sleeping on the bed. She smiled at the sleeping form. It was amazing the sun manage to make Shadow's black fur glow. But her stomach made her run to the bathroom and she puked in it. She did that for she didn't know how long but during a break she hears Shadow declare. “That's it we are taking you to the doctor. I have already called both our works saying we won't be in. I'll get dress and we'll go.” Yoshiru sighed..and puked again before managing to clean herself up. They head to their doctor a Foxtaur female named Lily Furred. There Lily asked Yoshiru for symptoms and Yoshiru describe them as the doctor scanned her. “So doc, what's wrong with me?”
“Nothing it's just morning sickness, some pills should help with that.”
“Morning sickness, YOU MEAN I'M PREGNANT!”
“Yes congratulation.”
“But that's impossible. I have only been having sex with Shadow ans shi's a biped. Bipeds can't have kids with taurs.”
“Not completely true.'
“Some biped males have had their reproductive parts altered so they can have kids with a taur mate. Then there's Admiral Kline. I believe you since you say you have only had Sex with Shadow so I'll compare the child's DNA with hir's to see if shi is the sire and if so how that can be.” The doctor looked up Shadow's records and pulled the DNA pattern and compared it to the baby's. “Well Shadow is the sire. I'll look further into how but they may take time. But take the pills and the rest of the day off and you should be able to go back to work for awhile.”
“Thank you Doc.” They met Shadow who was looking concern in the lobby and Yoshiru relayed the news she got from the doc. The biped fox hugged hir mate then said.
“No matter what my love, this child is OURS. A child of love and will be loved and cared for. I'm glad, surprised but glad, WE have a child. Something normally impossible, let's celebrate it.” Yoshiru smiled at hir mate. Shi was right. This was a miracle and a good thing in the end. In the PTV on the way back Shadow called Val and saw both the tiger and their chakat friend on the other side. “Hey Val, Bluesky we have great news.”
“Oh?” The chakat quips.
“Yoshiru is pregnant with my kid!” Both felines just stood there speechless. Val is the first to speak.
“Don't know yet but you two are the first to know.” Bluesky looked at Val frowned then said.
“Hey let's celebrate at my place tonight. I'll get the rest of my family out and the four of us can celebrate.”
“Why drive your family out?” Shadow asked.
“Trust me it just needs to be the four of us. Come over at six.” Bluesky then broke the connection. The two mates just looked at eachother in confusion.
Bluesky place a knife down as shi set the table. It took some work for the family to be else where tonight but it happened. They understood the need for privacy for things, but shi did owe them a dinner party to celebrate Shadow and Yoshiru's kid. Val was the first to arrive with a frown on. “What's this about Bluesky? I know it's not just for Yoshiru and Shadow's child.”
“You're right. I am forcing your hand. It's been over three months and you haven't done a thing in regards to Shadow so it's happening tonight. You are not leaving this house till Shadow knows how you feel about hir.” Val's head and feature's drooped. Knowing it was useless to argue against the chakat. A few minutes later Shadow and Yoshiru arrive. Hugs were exchanged and after a little bit of chatting dinner was ready. It was a good well cooked meal and as they were finishing up Bluesky elbowed Val and gave the tiger herm THE LOOK.
“Shadow I have something important to say. Something I should have told you earlier. I....I love you Shadow. I admit I found you attractive at first and it slowly happened and I didn't realize how I felt about you till you became mates with Yoshiru, it felt like I lost something but I didn't want to tell you, didn't want to spoil the occasion. But Bluesky felt I waited long enough. There's the truth Shadow.” Val then hid hir face in hir arms on the table and all could hear hir crying. For a minute Shadow was quiet then shi looked at hir mate in an unspoken question. The foxtaur just nods.
“Val, we would be honored if you were our mate.” Val looked up in shock.
“Our?” Shadow shrugged.
“It's a package deal, you get me, you get her.” Val then looks at Yoshiru.
“My culture it is common to have multiple mates and comates due to lack of males. I have found you to be a good friend in the months I've known you and you're not bad looking.”
“You're sure Shadow?” Shi asked with hope in hir voice. The black fox herm got up, grabbed Val's muzzle and made the tiger herm look hir in the eye. And shi saw love there.
“Quite sure, we've all made our decision. The final choice is yours.”
“Then I say yes.” Val then kisses Shadow.
“I think it;s time to head to the bedrooms. I'll take Yoshiru.” The foxtaur was surprise but allowed the chakat to lead her away as Shadow and Val went to another. With the door shut the two herms looked at eachother. Shadow started to strip when Val said.
“No, let me.” Shadow removed hir hands and Val's replace them. Tonight Shadow wore a nice little dress for the celebratory dinner. Val pushed the straps off the shoulders and the dress fell to the floor. Val raised and eyebrow and asked. “Do you ever wear under garments?” Shadow smiled and answered.
“Of course not.” The fox then began to strip Val. Shi took the t-shirt off and reveal a bra which shi quickly removed as well. Val had shapely breasts, firm as well muscular as being a bouncer Val kept hir body strong and fit to appear menacing. Looks were one of the main tools of a bouncer. Shadow purred appreciatively as shi caressed hir new mate's torso. Shi then pulled down both Val's shorts and underwear and shi was greeted by a semi erect cock. Shi caressed it and it jumped out more then the two kissed passionately. Still kissing they made their way to the bed. But the don't lie on it yet. Val lifts Shadow and enters hir causing a gaps of pleasure from the fox. Val then lifts Shadow up and down to mutual pleasure. The two continue that way for minutes with Shadow's cock bouncing between them. Finally Shadow orgasms and hir clenching pussy brings Val over. Both moan and collapse on the bed and spent a few minutes catching their breath. But Val noticed Shadow's still hard cock and guided it to hir own pussy. Shadow took the invitation and entered hir new mate. Shi thrusted in and out, in and out. Both played with eachother's breasts and again in minutes they came in unison.
Through the night they tried multiple poses and some oral before lying on the bed tired but sated. Val caressed Shadow's body and said. “I want to get married.”
“Out of curiosity why?”
“My beliefs say so and it is important to me.”
“Okay, but it's not just me then, it's Yoshiru as well.”
“Deal, I'll go find a minister who will do it.”
“Okay but tomorrow.” The two kiss one last time before falling asleep.
A week as passed since Val declared hir love to Shadow and accepted mateship. Val had a turn with Yoshiru the next night after the party Bluesky promised hir family. And Bluesky tried out Shadow for the first time and it was very enjoyable for all. Three days later all three got married, Val wearing a wedding dress while Shadow wore the glittering gold dress and Yoshiru the fanciest vests she had. Bluesky, hir family, friends from Double H, and fellow workers all witnessed the union of the three. Now all three were at the doctor's place. 'Well it took a bit to get Starfleet to release the records they got from the pirate ship that created Shadow but I got them. It seems Shadow you were design to be a stud/baby factory. Your sperm can match any known race and your womb accept any seed. At least that was how you are planned. My scans of you show that to be likely true but not easy. It may take multiple matings with saw a taur before you successful have a child. Now we could try to limit that if you want.” Shadow shook hir head.
“No I want children with my mates.”
“Very well, my scans show Yoshiru's kit healthy but will be wanted more checkups than usual okay.”
“Very well doc.” Later that night the three did a threesome to celebrate.
Six months have past and Bluesky with Shadow, Val, and Lily all surround Yoshiru as she lies on the mattress, hir belly heavily extended from the baby about to arrive. Lily wanted to do it in a hospital since it's a baby coming from a biped and a taur but all three mates overruled her. However she did get to play wet nurse and was currently encouraging Yoshiru to push. The foxtaur did and both her mates were stroking or holding a hand doing their best to comfort their mate. Finally though her child came out. She...no shi, that is a sheath their had black fur with gray underbelly and dark red sheathing hir feet to foreleg and hir hand to elbows. And as hir furred dried it had a tuff of gold on hir head. Both Val and Shadow smiled and rubbed their bloated bellies, yes both got eachother knocked up so Shadow's and Yoshiru's child will have siblings to play with. “So what should we name hir love?” Shadow asked. Yoshiru looked at the newborn kit drinking from her breast and answered.
“Goldmine.” Both of her mate's nodded in agreement. Their family has truly started now.
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Chapter 2 - The Benefits (Sex) |
…..."Well, he won't be a problem for you anymore." Athenril replied wistfully.
"Oh? And why's that?" Hawke turned around, leaning against the fixture in suspicious annoyance.
"Because you're more useful than he is, Hawke. You report directly to me now." Athenril stepped off the desk, taking a power position just in front of her larger subordinate.
"Am I still bashing doors and knocking heads-" Alex rolled her eyes and waved her hand dismissively, before coming to a curious smirk. "-or am I working closer to you?"
"That depends on how close you mind working, birdie." Athenril stepped even closer, crossing into intimate space and causing Hawke to retreat into a steadier position against the wall.
"I think I could handle more office time if it came with perks." She returned, barely hiding her shakey surprise.
"I think I can arrange some bonuses for your position." Athenril leaned in, finally resting her weight on Alex as her breath coaxed across the human's neck and ear.
Hawke's breath hitched in her throat as the elf pressed her full body into her, nipping at her neck around the choker blocking full access. A deep chuckle reverberated through the lithe woman as her hands rode up the human's brigantine to her shoulders.
"What's the matter, Hawke? You're usually so talkative." Athenril whispered as she started unfastening the buckles, keeping up her gentle assault all the while.
Alex merely pushed herself harder against the wall, letting the smaller woman lead the pace. As her brigantine started to come apart, she lifted her shoulders off the wall so it could fall off to one side as the elf's nimble hands undid belt and buckle with practiced efficiency.
No sooner than the armor was out of the way, Athenril renewed her pressure with added imperative. She pushed Hawke into the wall with surprising force, her thigh pushing between the human's own and her hands pulling the other face to meet a heated kiss.
The domineering elf rolled her body into Alex, pressing her leg further as she drove her enforcer into the wall like a ram. Her tongue pushed through into Hawke's mouth, meeting playful submission as she claimed the space. Alex settled into the pace, pushing her hips to meet Athenril's, and pulled her hands off the wall to start fumbling over the elf's fasteners and buckles.
"There you go, birdie." Athenril's voice was like molten chocolate across Hawke's face as she broke the kiss. Their foreheads pressed together as they caught their breath, with strands of spittle still tying their lips together.
Athenril made no effort to make room for discarding her leathers, ripping the overlay aside as soon as she was able and leaving both on equal terms once again. The elf caught the human's hands from the empty space and deftly shredded away the bracers and gloves, her hips pushing the human to stand full-up as her lips and teeth returned to her neck.
Alex let her hands be manipulated freely, writhing against the wall under her smaller partner's over-powering presence. She snapped back to the moment as her hands were pulled to what was unmistakably a leather-clad ass and took her cue to grope and grasp with an all too happy grin.
The elf drew her hands up in the limited space inside Hawke's arms and set to untie the laces of the human's padded shirt. In mere seconds, Athenril was beginning to pull the shirt apart to reveal the muscled body underneath.
"How does an apostate get so yummy?" Athenril sneered, diving into the human's chest.
"Somebody had to slap the local bullies around... and teach Carver how to hold a fucking sword." Alex giggled at the ticklish attention of the elf's pecking as her gambeson was pulled wide, the strings separating to wayside.
"I was worried you'd be too soft for me." Athenril pushed to her toes, sliding her shirt into Hawke's torso as she closed some of the height gap. "But I think you'll manage."
Athenril darted her eyes to the desk and back, planting the message into Hawke's mind as she clapped at the human's muscular forearms. Receiving the message, Alex dipped down and got under her partner's center of gravity, lifting her off the ground with ease.
The elf wrapped her sinewy legs around her enforcer's waist and curled her hands through short, jet-black hair while Hawke took a turn at her neck. The floating woman smiled to herself, enjoying the brief loss of control. The best part was knowing it wouldn't last long, afterall.
They reached the desk and Athenril dropped herself to the floor before gracefully clearing the desk with an elegant drag of her leg, spinning into a seated position matched to how she'd been waiting with one leg draped daintily over the other.
As the human approached, however, the elf brought her leg high and placed her heel on the taller shoulder. Hawke let the firm but gentle pressure push her to her knees before her boss let her free.
Alex took hold of the commanding limb, massaging and kissing her way up the spindly, agonizingly long path to the elf's torso. As she enjoyed the worship, Athenril pulled her shirt over her head and left herself only in her bra and sleeves above the waist.
When Hawke at last reached the apex, she was pleasantly surprised to meet the work-toned abs of her superior. While briefly disappointed that she'd missed the unwrapping, the elf took her choker and pulled her back up into a kiss.
Athenril slipped a hand to Hawke's belt once she'd been reeled in, creating just enough space to slide under her trousers. Teasing and rubbing through cloth, she grinned maliciously between smothering, slippery kisses as she made the stronger human squirm at her touch.
After just long enough to hold Hawke's attention below, Athenril broke the kiss and pushed her back down to a kneel with both hands on her shoulders until she was back to waist level.
Athenril's legs splitting was all the command Alex needed, her hands sliding up her boss' thighs and to her waistline until her breath was teasing on the elf's navel. Taking another chance to repay previous attention, she set to pecking and nuzzling the lithe woman's core as her hands remembered their skill to untie the strings securing the leather leggings to their host.
Hawke kissed her way back down from the sternum over the navel and down to the loosening waistline of her leggings. Athenril lifted herself up from the desk, giving her subordinate permission to remove this layer. Alex smiled hungrily, working the tight garment down the powerful legs it rested on until she finally had it removed.
Athenril crossed one leg over the other as Hawke came back for her prize, ripping it away with a venomous smirk. The human's perplexed look was just too good to pass up as the elf pulled her back to eye level by the shoulders of her still-worn shirt.
The smaller woman pushed the garment off her partner's arms at last, pulling a knife up off her belt as she returned. Athenril slid the blade gently across Hawke's muscular back until it severed the flexible band holding her breasts.
Alex hitched her breath as the cold metal made its way up her skin and under her bra. Standing up again as the elf gently pushed her away with her free hand, she discarded the damaged garment and posed subtlety. The warm fire shone across her sweat and muscles, underlighting every curve and line.
Athenril bit her lip as she eyed her catch up and down, wishing she had a promised contract for more than just a year, and motioned for the prey to equalize their vulnerability.
Hawke complied, casting off her boots and slipping out of her trousers with a slight apprehension. The elf noticed the hesitation and focused her sharp eyes on the door far across the room, rolling the blade in her hand before slinging it at the latching bar and securing their privacy with a flourish.
Alex whipped around to follow the blade and circled back, her chance to resume a charade of confidence ruined by the sly smirk on her smaller partner's cheeks. A single finger baited her back into the trap, and back in she gladly went.
Athenril's green, eagle-like eyes studied Hawke as she sauntered back in her near-nudity. More than a decade of village work and weapons practice had forged a body of iron and chiseled rippling muscles into its stone-strong structure. Scars from various sources dotted her body from head to toe, some of them earned in the elf's own service.
Freckles dotted her chest and shoulders gently, matching those across her cheekbones and forehead. Pale skin was offset by the palest blue eyes and the darkest bob of black hair Athenril had ever seen. A trail of the same hair was groomed up from Hawke's smallclothes to her navel, like that of some self-assured men she'd seen it worn on to much less appeal.
Settling over her partner's face after a trip back across the whole setting, the elf could only take delight in the way those icy eyes begged for command and the way that delightful smile would burn as she obeyed.
Alex had done much the same examination, taking her time to enjoy finally seeing in full the body she'd lusted for. Years of quick movement and swift reaction had burned athleticism into the elf's body. Gentle but powerful muscles pulsed just softly under even softer skin that was tattooed with flame-blue coils like interwoven snakes. Up each leg from ankle to hip and up each arm from hand to shoulder, though the latter were still hidden under the sleeves she'd retained the presence of.
A gentle tan was settled across Athenril's skin, like the aging of exquisite parchment scrolls. From foot to gently blonde updo, her flawlessness was broken only by the sparsest scar earned from a career of avoiding threats in every situation she could manage.
An age passed in the time it took Alex to reach her superior, meeting an outstretched left hand with its mirror. Athenril pulled her in sharply, cutting off the wince of pain with the shear closeness of their faces. The elf guided her partner into place, pulling her into both a kiss and the range of her teasing fingers.
After a moment, Athenril slid back up to her prey's waistline and dove under the final shield like a stiletto piercing through mail. The lithe woman relished in Hawke's shocked gasp as she set her deft fingers to work in earnest.
In just moments, Athenril had Alex stepping and punching the desk with her left hand as she pulled closer to the elf with her right on the back of her neck. Writhing against the curling pressure, she mewled and gasped as the elf returned to attacking the exposed part of her neck with kisses and nips of her teeth.
Once again, Athenril lured the human deep enough into pleasure so she could enjoy the starving look of flipping the script. In one fluid movement, the elf's lean body rolled to her feet like a wave and Hawke squealed as she left the floor.
The next thing Alex knew after the world had been set spinning, she was lying face-up on the desk with her boss smugly grinning above her. The elf was on her hands and knees, her dominance reminded poignantly as she stared down across her nose like a dragon.
"Holy shit, you're beautiful." Hawke sheepishly admitted with that infamously dumb smile plastering itself across her harsh yet adorable face.
"Try not to ruin the mood, birdie." Athenril sighed, shaking her head to hide the smile. She pulled Hawke towards the edge of the desk just enough to slip herself off the precipice and take the final shielding garment with her.
Gently parting the stoic legs, Athenril slid into position with the grace and gaze of a viper. When she struck her killing blow, Alex yipped and her fingers curled against the edges of the desktop, cursing its resilience as her knuckles whitened in strain.
If she wasn't so enthralled with watching and carrying out her work, Athenril would take this time to grin wolfishly once again. But she was far too preoccupied now with the deed and payout to fret focus over just the sadistic allure of power.
Instead, she did her best to control the mighty frame writhing and wringing itself around her while her tongue lashed and dug in a frenzy.
Hawke, in the meanwhile, did her best to keep herself quiet. Her moans and mewls stifled in her throat, clawing for free release as she fought to remember where she was. Tears welled in her eyes as Athenril expertly stoked the fire beginning to roar in her belly.
Fist collided with wood and fingers clawed at hair both gold and void as sleeved arms coiled around powerful legs, looping dexterous fingers back to a lock to pick.
As her pet reached the edge, Athenril jumped back onto the desk and slid into place above her. One hand wrapped under her neck and covered her mouth and the other lagged behind, coaxing the human over the cliffs of madness at last. With a muffled roar and a dark chuckle, Hawke spasmed and shook as eyes went wide and unfocused across the ceiling.
With practice and poise, Athenril guided Alex through the climax she prolonged as long as she could. Her lithe form pressed into the muscled body beside her, feeling the flushed and searing skin of her victim burn from within under her manipulation.
Athenril released Hawke's mouth as she returned to her body, her fingers retreating one by one as they lifted away. Her pants and ragged breaths rose and fell in a steadying rhythm, occasionally broken by weak giggles and hiccups.
"Wowser." She heaved at last, brushing clingy hair from her dampened brow.
"First time playing bottom?" Athenril mused proudly, tracing circles around Hawke's sensitive stomach with her busy hand.
The human merely nodded as her blood cooled and her heart caught its footing. Floating in afterglow, she almost didn't notice Athenril's body shift to sit on her hips.
Looking up at the elf in elated breathlessness, she lifted up off her shoulders to meet the smaller woman. Resting on her outstretched arms, she grinned up her superior with a cocky pride.
"But I could certainly get used to being led around for treats." The elf smirked at this response, pushing the human back down with a finger on her forehead until they were parallel again.
"Don't think you're done yet, birdie." She growled, pulling her core forward as she leaned back until she sat on her knees above the human's head.
"Wouldn't dream of it, boss." Hawke teased her breath across the elf's flower as she raised herself up. Powerful arms came from behind, caressing across Athenril's body as the enforcer went to work.
The elf chuckled in her chest, letting her head roll back as she indulged herself. While Hawke has clearly been a novice in power dynamics, likely due to her imposing stature, she was certainly no stranger to pleasing another woman.
Strong hands glided about her abs, teasing at her breasts and sliding back down to her hips to begin the adventure again. A nip at her bead surprised Athenril, who stifled a yelp of her own into a gasp and sharply sat straight to look down at those cold rings of ice boring holes through her soul.
If it wasn't for that stupid eyebrow cocked halfway to next week, she'd have been cross at the challenge. But this clearly wasn't a challenge. The muscled minx was showing off just how much practice she'd had back in Ferelden.
Alex almost broke out laughing around Athenril's very body at both the look and the jump she'd managed to draw out of the cool and collected thief. Deciding to press her luck further, Hawke reached for Athenril's breasts with one hand and drew the other back to assist.
Calloused digits working at her in tandem with a silver tongue, Athenril growled her appreciative coos back into her chest and dug her fingers into Hawke's hair. Rolling her hips into the mage, she could swear electricity was dancing across her stomach as she pulled the impetuous face further into her core with shaking breath.
"Come on, boss." Alex goaded from beneath her, a sly grin rolling across her cheeks. Her icy eyes held the elf captive in these final moments. "Tell me how good I work. It's all for you."
"Hawke, I fucking swear-!" Athenril tried to quip back, catching a squeal in her throat as she was strung along to the end. "If you don't shut your mouth-"
"Oh, I don't think either of us want that. How can I work this hard for you with my mouth shut, boss?" The human doubled her efforts as the elf's rocking spurned into spasms, powerful arms pushing her top back and holding her hips above her mouth. The lithe body arched and clenched, going taught as a nocked bow.
Athenril stopped just short of screaming, her mouth caught open as the sound caught in her throat as if it were her in the choker. Her vision blurred as her eyes crossed and threatened to roll back while Hawke fed her ego with meaningless mutterings and shameless praise.
Pulling her soul back into her body, Athenril growled shakily through harshly grit teeth as her whole body rocked and spasmed in release.
Alex let her partner come down at her own pace, gently massaging the frame of panicking muscles back from the edge of overload. As Athenril came back from the heavens, Hawke helped her slide back down to lay evenly across herself.
No sooner than having done so, she felt the nicks and kisses against her neck again and laughed. The soft motion gently rolled the elf up and down just enough to feel how little her weight meant to the warrior below her.
"Consider… your promotion… official." Athenril sighed out as she pushed herself above Hawke and back to control.
"I'll report... to the main safehouse tomorrow, then." Alex sighed with her cocky grin. "Always happy to be of service, boss."
"We'll discuss the details then." Athenril lied on top of her solid partner, facing the ceiling and closing her eyes. "For now, get comfortable. Richter can have his office back in the morning."
"Yours is my command." Hawke settled as best she could on the uncomfortable desk, just glad that it had held up to their needs.
"What do you mean I can't enter MY fucking office?" Richter's gruff voice was not nearly lightened enough by his Ander accent to remove the malice dripping into his beard as he sneered at the elf woman sitting in front of his door. "It's MY fucking office isn't it?"
"It's not your office until the boss and Hawke step out." Athenril's guard replied flatly.
"What does the boss want with that street rat?" Richter asked as he heard an array of thumps and crashes from the depths of the room.
"Go home, Richter. I'll send a runner and make sure a grunt cleans up." The woman titled her head and widened her eyes with the emphasis, making scissor motions with her hands.
"Andraste's pierced fucking---" Richter threw his hands in the air and stormed off muttering various colorful expletives.
The elf waited until he was out of ear shot before silently moving her chair back near the door, her ear almost pressed to the wood trying to hear what was happening within. |
Chapter 13 - Tales of Redstreak Chapter 13 |
When Redstreak awoke again shi felt shi was on a bed of some kind. Laying on hir back shi felt a warmth near hir. Lifting hir head to look shi sees Whirl there sleeping with hir upper torso laying across Red's lower torso fast asleep. "Shi hasn't really left your side since you got here." Red looks up and sees Dr.Kelly above hir with a padd in her hand. "How do you feel?"
"Tired, how long was I out?"
"About a day or so." Kelly hands hir a glass. "Here drink this it's nutrient filled." Red did so but grimaced at the taste. When done shi hands the cup back to Kelly, places a hand on Whirl and falls asleep again.
Shi wakes up later to feel Whirl gone. Using hir talents though shi discovers that the kitten had gone to the bathroom. Shi starts trying to sit up as hir stomach growls. A nurse comes over. "Good to see you awake again."
"Thanks but I could use some food, I'm hungry." The nurse nodded and left to get some from the replicator. She came back with greens, and veggies and bread with some orange juice. Red looked at her with a raised eyebrow and said. "You've got to be kidding me."
" What? This is a healthy and nutritious meal."
"FOR A RABBIT! I need hamburger's, fries, and a large chocolate shake! NOT GREENS!"
"But that's so unhealthy!" Red grabs the nurse and brings her face to face.
"I'm more carnivore than anything else, AND I haven't EATEN in a DAY. GET MY POINT!"
"Oh give it up already Jubilee shi's not a vegetarian." A wolf female morph shows up with a tray of what Red requested that already had the chakat drooling. Setting the plate down Red manages to squeeze out a thanks and takes a big chomp of the burger to Jubilee's horror. With Red's look of pure bliss the wolf nurse nods and turns to Jubilee with a scowl. "Also Jubilee you were taught better than to force your views down a patient's mouth. Serve what is appropriate to the patient and the situation. Do that again and I'll write you up now go on to other duties I'll take care of Ensign Redstreak." Jubilee leaves and if she had a tail it would have been between her legs. The wolf watches her go and says to Red. "Sorry about that Ensign, she wants to help but her beliefs get in the way of her work."
"No kidding!" Red takes another bite as Whirl appears and the 7 year old kitten starts drooling. Chuckling The wolf replicates another meal of the same style but geared for hir smaller side. The two chow down in silence as the wolf walks away to eat in peace.
Their meal was halfway gone when Commander M'Lai arrives. "Good to see you up Ensign." She pets Whirl and smiles before it fades as she looks at Red. "Want to explain what happened with Tailswisher?" Red explained what happened during the raid in detail.
"I knew I couldn't let hir kill the doctor, as much as she deserved it but I didn't want to shoot hir either. So I tried entering hir mind and it worked, but it was tiring. Just barely got back to the Sun."
"Interesting, I'm gonna have Tailswisher go through therapy for that, but no charges."
"Give hir Fish, she would be more useful there."
"Nope she stays with you." M'Lai walks away hearing Red grumble with a smirk on her face.
A couple hours later Red was released and shi heads back to the captain's quarters. Shi was met by Midnight who gave hir a hug which Red realized shi needed it. The next couple of days pass by with the Pegasus crew going over the station why Red stayed put and Tailswisher got counseling. However one day Midnight returns from hir shift and opened door reveals the main area empty. Curious, Ember usually comes to greet hir mother. Using hir senses shi finds hir daughter in one if the bedrooms happy and shi hears muffled music playing. Shi walks over and opens the door. There shi finds Fish near the door smiling and all the children sitting on the floor or pillows looking at Red who was playing on a keyboard. Red seemed immersed in the song shi was playing, hir eyes closed and hir tail acting as a monotone. It took Midnight a minute or so to recognize the music. Goldie and Forest played it a lot at home. 'Well, well no wonder RS has been quiet lately. Midnight fines a place to sit and enjoy the music. It was and interesting mix of a feeling of space, sadness, and hope. It didn't take long to Midnight to smile and be enthralled by it.
Red was surprised when shi ended hir song and heard clapping. Shi knew the kids were there but shi opens hir eyes and sees Fish, and Midnight clapping. "That was great Redstreak! I didn't know you did music!" Fish said as she hugs the chakat.
"At first I was but then I realized where Goldfur got hir signed copy of a RS album, real cheeky Red." Fish looks back and forth between the two chakat's and on the keyboard before the light dawn in her eyes. She squeals and tacles Red saying.
'You're RS, RS! I'm such a BIG fan!"
"I gathered that." Red chuckles. The main door opens again and Boyce and M'Lai come through. Fish runs to them. "Admiral, Commander Redstreak is RS! That is so cool!" Red facepalms as hir secret is revealed.
"Fish I'd like to stay anyominous so don't tell anyone else."
"Tell anyone what?" Rose asks.
"Redstreak here is the famous composer RS." Boyce responds causing Red to growl. After some further teasing on Red they have dinner and chatting before calling it a nite. Though Red was surprised when Fish joined them.
The next day Red visited Tailswisher who has been in a separate room since the raid. Allowed to go in the room alone. Red found Tailswisher looking out the viewport.
"Hello Tail, how are you doing?" Tailswisher looks at Red.
"Been batter, but improving."
"I understood why you tried to kill her. I saw the image of your family in your mind and felt the love you have for them. I'm the same way with mine. But if you succeeded with what you did they may have never seen you again."
"Did you get into my head somehow?" Red sighs.
"Yes, I couldn't let you shoot her but I didn't want to shoot you either. So I was able to enter your mind and stop you. I admit I saw things about that I swear will never tell anyone what I saw. That stays between us. I did what I did, because I'm your friend and want to see you go home to them. If my actions has cause the lost of our friendship then I'm sorry for that but I won't change what I did." Tailswisher looks at hir for a minute sense from the gold and red chakat honesty and love from hir. Tailswisher ran to Red and embraces hir.
"I forgive you Red. You're still my friend and will get through this some how. And I honestly miss the company."
"I'll see what I can do. And if she does get free I'll help hunt her down and kill her." Red lick kisses Tail and leaves.
The next day Red's group was ordered to the main conference room. Tail was there with a guard as well as Bombshell. Everyone took there seats and Admiral Kline begins. "We've gone over the facts and notified starfleet on what we found. It seems these 'people were heavily experimenting with nano technology for various reasons, we saw hints of Human First in some of the files so Starfleet intelligence is sending a team for a more through investigation. We will be leaving to drop off the prisoners at Station 140. Some things were however decided right now. Ensign Redstreak please come here." With some neverousness shi got up and walked over to Admiral Kline. "Ensign for you exemplary service, it is my proud duty to promote you to the rank of Lieutenant Junior Grade, congraduations." Red wore hir uniform at the meetings and Boyce put on the hollowed pip to signified hir new rank. When done Red stood a little more proudly and said.
"Thank you sir." Boyce nods and his face got more serious. "However Starfleet also feels that for the foreseeable future you will have a consular assign to you so I assign Fish to you as you learn this new talent of yours, and no there's no negotiation." Red growled in anger and frustration. Boyce ignored it knowing the normally very independent chakat would have to vent. Looking over to Tamira he has a solem look. "We also discovered you you used to be. Tamira Giodone, a mouse herm missing for two years." The unicorn was shocked and Red gasped and commented.
"Shi was a bouncer at my Double H club, oh Tamira." Red goes over and hugs the unicorn. They unicorn holds on of Red's arms as she looks at the admiral and asks.
"Can anything be done?"
"Not by us, maybe the team coming might, but it looks like her nanites were specifically programed to change her body and personality. We will try to restore your personality if we can, sadly restoring your body is beyond our means at this time." The unicorn nods and Boyce addresses the rest of the group. "After dropping off the prisoners we plan to bring you all home." He looks at Tailswisher. "Now Tailswisher can I dismiss the guard and allow you to rejoin Red and the others?"
"Yes sir, I'm sorry that my need to defend my family put you in a hard position sir."
"Well as long as you are on board this ship you will have appointments with your consular."
"Yes sir."
"Well with that taken care of Lt. Red, you and your group can leave." Red salutes and sees Tail and Whirl back to their quarters. When they were settled shi went to visit Tamira. Sening hir friends sadness shi used hir new talent to brake the code and the door opened for hir to hear sobbing. Shi sees Tamira sitting on a chair with her face in her hands weeping. Red goes to her and hugs her.
"It's okay, I'm here Tamira, I'm here." It took Tamira a few minutes to realize she wasn't alone.
"Red, how did you get in?" Red just smirked and replied.
"I have my ways." Red's smile disappears and shi continues.
"I know how hard it is to adjust to a new you."
"I just don't no where to go? I'm not the person I was before. Not the friend you knew."
"Then stay with me and my family Tamira."
"Why would you do that?"
"Because you're my friend." The Unicorn shakes her head.
"But I'M NOT! I'm a creation of a perverted female's dream!"
Red takes Tamira's chin so the unicorn looked at hir.
"No matter how you came to be and no matter what version of Tamira you are. You are STILL my friend." Tamira saw the truth in the chakat's eyes and Tamira hugged Red deeply.
"Uuuhhh......Tam...Can't ...breathe!"
"OH!" Tmaira let's go of her friend and Red just sits there recovering hir breath.
"Man...you have..a.. strong...grip."
"Exercise and nanos." Tamira replies sheepishly.
"I'll say." Red then grabs Tamira's arm. "Come on you shouldn't be alone right now." And shi drags the uncorn to the admiral's quarters. She was received happily and when they lied down for the night she ended up with the chakat's minus Midnight and she really felt relaxed cuddled in with them.
Over the next few days Tamira found herself sleeping with the chakat's every night and she honestly felt better. More capable to taking on the universe. During this time Red decided to check out the holosuite. She programed in hir favorite bowling place in hir birth universe. When shi was ready shi enters the suite. As shi enters the entryway shi looks to the right and sees a bar with a large pool table area. To hir left shi sees an arcade with various games. Nodding in approval and walks pass them. Shi skips the shoe rental area and heads for lane one. "Computer activate Lane one." A tone sounds and the lanes lights up and the screen above the lane had hir name with a bowling score board. Shi goes and finds hir usual ball size and walks over to the lane. Smirking at the Brunswick logo shi readies hirself, and amazed that the ball feels so much lighter. Shi starts hir approach and just before the foul line shi swing hir arms back. The ball hits hir flank and the ball is knocked out of hir hands and nearly smashes hir paw. It takes hir a few minute of practicing hir form before it was right. So shi goes for hir second attempt. Everything goes smoothly, shi swings back then forward letting go of the ball. It's doesn't roll it flies, shattering the pins. After telling the program to reset those shi goes back to get a heavier ball. The last ball was the 13 pound, so shi tried a 15 pound. This touch the ground and shi got 6 pins. After two hours hir arm was tired so shi told the computer to save the program and left.
Shi rejoined everyone who were still in the quarters; Tamira, Tailswisher (back from hir session), Yeoman Hannity who looked after the kids to young to be in classes, and of course Ember. M'Lai's daughter and Whirl were in classes at this time of day. After a chat and a snack shi headed off for a nap. Shi was awoken by a playful niece climbing on hir lower torso which earned said niece a tickle attack. During dinner shi mentioned hir time in the holosuite and all the kids begged to go. Red and Boyce relented, promising to take the kids tomorrow. The adults were rudely awaken by the kids the next morning. After breakfast, during which Boyce reserved a suite for their use they head out and check out what Red had made.
When the doors open the younger kids saw the arcade and raced over to check it out. But Whirl and Larshana stayed with the adults. As they move to the rear Boyce sees a box counter with a space and a small bar behind it. Too either side were bowling alley's and the name Brunswick XL on the walls. "Bipeds get your shoes at the counter, everyone else find a ball you like." Everyone got their ball and if needed their shoes and Red taught hir fellow chakat's how to bowl without hitting themselves. After a couple of practice runs everyone was ready and Red said. "Computer, Cosmic mode." The lights darkened considerably and laser and LCD lights lit up and a disco ball started spinning as music played. The other notice the unique way the pins were lit. Red grins at them all and comments. "Cosmic Bowling, the only way to bowl." Boyce, M'Lai, and Midnight were forced to quit and resume their duties after a couple of games but everyone else stayed with happiness on their faces, both Red and Fish we're glad to see Tamira with one after her revelations. After a couple of hours the group was exhausted, Red being the most experienced won the bulk of the games but the others did give hir some challenged. Walking back Fish did go up to Red.
"Thanks for the game Red, that was fun! Did you recreate that all from memory?"
"Pretty much, I think the nanos gave me the ability to recall something in perfect detail. They just needed time to sort out the order."
"Interesting, look Red I know you didn't want me to hang around and...." Red shuts her mouth with hir hand.
"Fish, I don't blame you for the orders of your bosses. It's them I blame. If your hurt from some of my vent at that I'm sorry. With that?" Red releases her mouth. And Fish replies,
"Deal." It was not surprising when they got back to the quarters that the chakats collapse in the communal den with them needing more sleep. Tamira and Fish chatted and Fish covertly counseled the unicorn.
Boyce and company return with Bomber in tow around dinner time with a serious expression on his face. After everyone gets together and helps get supper ready and with everyone seated does he tell them the news. "Starfleet has ordered the Pegasus to stay out here due to reports of pirate activity in the sector. As such I cannot get you and your group Red to the Chakona, heck I'm not even stopping at the nearest starbase to drop off our prisoners. A transport is taking care of that. Captain Bombshell has offered to take you all the rest of the way." Red looks over at Bomber a comments.
"Looks like you're finally able to take me home." Bomber gives a big grin in reply. The group did it's best to enjoy eachother's company for one last time tiring out the kids. Then everyone heads to best not knowing when they see eachother ever again.
The next day Red and company pack what belonging they have and Red hugs Midnight. "Don't be a stranger Midnight."
"Same to you Red, say hi to your mates for me."
"No problemo." Red then joins hir group on the transporter pad and the beam over to the Sunovagun. Bomber got them settled again and the corvette breaks off from the massive cruiser and heads into warp. Somehow Red and company found themselves sleeping with Bomber, thankfully for once shi didn't end up in the middle. Nope it was Fish and Tamira who got that honor, much to their blushing. Sadly for Red hir heat kicked in but Bomber and Tail were willing to help and to Red's surprise shi didn't mind the female role as much anymore. The rest of the time Red took care of Whirl, pump iron in the gym, trained up hir other skills in the holodeck, and make more music as RS.
Two weeks later the Sunovagun is in orbit of Chakona docking with the Gateway Station. Bomber said shi had some business to take care of and Red beamed down with Tail. They were thinking of renting a PTV to get to Tail's rural home. However as the leave the main spaceport building they see a digigrade cat morph by a PTV. "TULI!!!!!!!!" Tail yells and shi runs and hugs the cat morph while Red smiles at the antics. Breaking off the hug Tail extends hir arm towards Red. "Tuli, this is my friend Redstreak, child of Sunspot and Fireblaze. Shi helped free me, in more ways than one." Red offered hir had to Tuli, who took it and turned it into a hug.
"Thank you for bring hir back to us. We feared the worst while shi was gone. Please tell me you can stay with us awhile?"
"Don't know how long the Sun is going to be here. But the next time I'm around I promise to visit. No you care care of your sister."
"We try but you know how shi is." Tail sticks hir tongue out at them causing both to laugh. After one last hug the they part ways, Red watching the PTV fade into the horizon.
Red taps the commbadge Bomber gave hir. "Red to Bomber."
"Bomber here, what's up?"
"How long are we staying here?"
"Well we're loading up some cargo so a few hours, sorry"
"Don't be I can check on some friends here."
"Okay, Sun will comm ya, an hour before we go." Smiling as shi signs off shi rents a PTV and heads out. In minutes shi finds the house shi was looking for. I nice cozy house big enough for 4 taurs to live comfortably. Walking up to the door shi presses the doorbell. In a minute a female gray foxtaur opens the door and shi sees Red and shi lights up.
"RED!" She hugs the chakat in earnest to which Red returned. After a minute of hugging the foxtaur named Clarissa then looks over Red. "Wow what happened to you? Even your scent has changed."
"Long story, is Polkadot at work?"
"Yup, shi..." Clarissa is interrupted by a gray blur that stops at Red's right fore paw to reveal a chakat with gray fur and yellow dots sprinkled around.
"Well hello Starlight." Red picks up the cub to get a good look. Hir belly fur was a white and shi still had gold dots all over down there and hir hind paws were a light gray. Tickling the cub for a couple of minutes Red let's hir go. Clarissa and Red then lounge on couches as Red updates Clarissa on what's happened lately with Clarissa listening to full attention. Clarissa updated Red on happening here and the funnier stories of Starlight's antics. Eventually Clarissa got serious and Red felt fear and hope coming from the foxtaur.
"Red, I have something serious to ask you. Will you be my denmate? Have grown to truly love you and I want a child by you."
"But we live on different planets Clarissa, with that and my job it would be hard to see each other enough for that."
"I know, But I still want your child, Polka can help me raise hir. I know your schedule would be busy and when your here you can bunk with us and visit our child." Red sat their and pondered a bit before replying.
"Clarissa has Polka given hir approval for this?"
"Yes, though shi said I didn't need to that it would be between us but shi'd be honored to help raise our child."
"Well I have to check with my mates first. They will likely says yes but I want to still be sure, the human still in me I guess. Will that do?" Clarissa sighs and nods, but Red goes up to her and lick kisses her.
"This was not a no, but something this serious and needs serious discussion." Clarissa nods and the two begin to make love being companions and all.
Hours later Polka came home and finds Red and Clarissa asleep in their bedroom with young Starlight curled next to hir mother. A beep from Red's commbadge wakes up the adults and Red taps it. "Redstreak here." Shi says sleepily.
"Wakey time Redstreak, we leave in an hour so come on back." Red yawns and replies,
"Alright I'm on my way." Shi taps it again and puts on the vest. And hugs both of hir friends. "Sorry about the timing Polka."
"It happens, have a safe trip." Red bends down and pets hir namesake before heading out the door.
Red enters hir quarters and the first to meet hir is Fish. "Where did you go?"
"To meet up with some friends."
"You should have told me."
"No I shouldn't, you may be ordered to live with me but I will not have you be a shadow. I'm sure you don't want to go into the bathroom with me."
"Maybe to share a shower." That got Red to raise an eyebrow. Before that conversation could go any further Whirl shows up and hugs hir uncle.
"You saw Auntie Polka and Auntie Clarissa?"
"Yes I did Whirl."
"And you didn't take me, I wanted to see them." Red sighs and rolls hir eyes.
"I just can't win." Causing Fish to chuckle. Red glares at her and the cat just smiles back. Red just walks away shaking hir head.
A week and a half later the Sunovagun docks at the Earth Gateway station. Shi hugs Bomber thanking hir for the ride. Shi then takes Whirl, Tamira, and Fish and heads for Dallie's shop. It took forever to convince Tamira to wear bikini bottoms, she truly is a die hard nudist now and Red promised that she could go nude at home but in public she needs the bottoms. "You go out nude, why can't I?" Tamira asks. Red shrugs and replies.
"It's a taur thing, It seems to be a blind spot for them. Please just do it for me." Now the approach the Old General Store and walk in. Shi with the pair in tow walk past he various food and items to the counter. Dallie was looking at something on a padd when shi sense someone approaching.
"How can I help you?"
"By being you." Red answers. Frowning Dallie looks up to see hir sister standing in front of hir with the biggest grin ever.
Security responded to a call about a scream coming from the Old General Store. They arrive to see the chakat manager on the floor on top of another chakat lick-kissing the other's muzzle while a strange horse morph, a cat morph and a young chakat cub holding their stomachs while they laugh hysterically. Took a half an hour to get security to leave and that it was just a happy chakat reunited with hir sister. "I still can't believe you manage to get OVER the counter to tackle me sis."
"I was just happy to see you again Red." Dallie looks over to hir daughter. "Now were you good to your uncle Red?"
"Yes papa." Dallie then hugs Whirl. "We were all so worried about you two."
"At this point nothing short of me being in a nuclear blast will stop me from coming home to my family." Dallie smiles at hir then looks at Tamira.
"So you're our new house guest, well welcome to the craziness."
"That's nothing new." Tamira comments.
"Well I wish I could go down with you but I'm in charge of the store right now, so I'll see you later." The sisters hug again and the group heads to the transporter room.
Red rented a PTV and headed home. The journey was boring but healing for Red. Shi was back home. Getting out of the PTV shi unlocks the door and opens it. Taking a huge sniff shi inhales the scents of home. Grinning at it and the sounds of the house filled with hir love ones shi announces. "Honeys, I'm home!" There's a pause of silence, then duel squeals of glee and Red has just enough time to say, "Not again" before being slammed by a pair of adult taurs and 4 cubs. It took a few minutes to get the horde to get off of Red.
It was then that both of Red's mates took a good look at hir. Coal was the first to comment.
"It certainly is different."
"I like it, it gives hir character and makes hir different that Dallie. I don't have to look for the hair do anymore, shi even smells different." Flamy chimed in.
"Well the important thing is that shi's back and shi better not plan on going anywhere without us for a while." Red held up hir hands and replied.
"Hey I'm on leave as far as I know and for the record this last time I was on leave when I was taken." Coal hmmpphed and Flamy asked.
"Hey Red who are these with you?"
"The pink cat is Fish, she's a counselor and has been assigned to me. The unicorn is Tamira, both will be stay with us for the foreseeable future."
"Tamira, that's coincidence, we have a friend with that name." Coal ponders.
"This is our friend Coal, They kidnapped and changed her. She doesn't remember being our friend but it's proven to be our butch herm mouse." Coal gaps in shock and looked at Tamira before rushing over and hugging the unicorn.
"You poor dear, please stay as long as you need."
"Thanks Coal, Red has been very supportive." Due to the size of the house Tamira and Fish share a room and the two unpacked what possessions they had. While Coal got reacquainted with hir daughter and Red with Flamy and hir daughters. It was not surprising to Red and Fish that soon after unpacking Tamira went fully nude and checked out the back yard having never been truly outside since her change.
Coal started dinner as Dallie returned from work and both gave each other hugs as Coal brought hir up to speed.
"What is it with hir? I have been so stressed lately while shi was gone." Dallie grabbed hir mate's arm.
"You know that it wasn't hir fault. Shi's been a victim of circumstance since the day I met hir. And the best part is through most of it shi was determined to break through it. You have to admit life hasn't been dull with hir. Now would you have rather not have met hir?"
"No, no" Coal sighs, "I really need to have a vacation. But we need to do something about the house, we're getting crowded."
"I now, it's happened earlier than planned. We could probably afford 2 more rooms."
"More than that." Both mates look over to see Red in the doorway. "Since I brought our new room mates I'll pay for it. RS has brought a lot of funds to us, so we have plenty to have more rooms. I'll call a contractor tomorrow. When you you like to start the renovation?"
"well the best time is in two moths, we'll be on our way to Chakona for the Clan Gathering."
"WHAT CLAN GATHERING!?" Red asks causing Dallie to wince a bit knowing shi forgot something.
"Every ten years the Clan goes to Chakona. It's our way of keeping in touch, sort of like a big family reunion."
"AND WHEN were you going to tell me?"
"Well I was going to tell you earlier but then you were kidnapped." Red sighs and hir posture relaxes.
"Okay, that's understandable." But Red thinks of this Clan meeting. Birthing parties were quite an event and shi can only guess that a clan meet is ten times worst. Shi shudders at the thought. Dallie pats Red's head and says.
"Be brave sis." Red glares at hir to which Dallie gives and unrepentant grin.
After dinner Coal and Flamy drag Red into hir room as Dallie will sleep with the kids. The door shuts behind them and Red hold the hands of both Coal and Flamy. "I missed you both." They all begin to stroke each other as Coal responds.
"And we missed you." Coal lick kisses Red as Flamy strokes hir lower back. No more words were spoken and the strokes got more intimate. Soon both Red and Coal were sporting erections and Flamy got in front of Red and moved hir tail out of the way. Red didn't waste anytime going on top of her and slowly entered hir to both of their groans. Red hints hirself in Flamy and waits a sec before shi feels Coal's cock enter hir and does the same. A rhythm began, When Red pull out of Flamy Coal thrusted in and groan and moaning of pleasure ensue. They tried to make it last as long as possible but the pleasure was too much. Red yowled in pleasure as shi comes from both hir cock and pussy bring hir mates to orgasm as well. Red felt dazed like a drunk, THAT was SOOOO much pleasure. Shi collapses onto the bed and knew nothing more as hir mates grin at each other and make love as they have gotten close during Red's absence. After a couple more rounds they exhaust themselves and cuddle next to their mate.
'So that's what a dual orgasm feels like' Red thinks as shi gets up in the morning. Hir mates already gone and the smell of breakfast in the air it didn't take hir long to wake up fully. After a hearty breakfast shi gets on the comms with a building contractor and with the holotank Dallie purchased a couple years ago. With Dallie with hir the three of them went over the house plans and the planned renovation.
There adding eight rooms to the house. A larger communal sleeping den with rooms around it to hold personal items. Two though will be for Tamira and Fish's use If they leave they would become guest rooms. The dinning room and kitchen were also expanded to have more room. Lastly a studio would be created to Red could make songs in more private then before. The whole thing would take 3 months so all of them planned a nice long vacation during that time. They ended the call and Red went over to work on hir next song. Meanwhile Dallie called Alexis and they began planning.
A few days later Red returns from work, Star Corps has hir guarding on the orbiting Starbase for the time being. Shi finds Dallie waiting for hir with one of hir favorite shirts in hir hands. "Change, we're heading out." Red strips out of hir uniform and opens a safe by the door. It opens and shi stuffs the uniform in it for now and grabs hir gun as Dallie tosses the shirt to hir. Shi puts it on and puts hir gun belt on. After the kidnapping shi isn't going unarmed anymore.
"Were are we going?"
"To Dual Nature (The dinner attached to the Double H club)." Red shrugs and the two ride in silence to Double H. After parking Dallie leads Red through the diner's doors and a waiter escorted them to a private area. Red could detect people on the otherside. They were excited and shi heard a thought.
'Man Red's so gonna flip from this.' Red coudn't figure out who said that but shi's still learning hir telepathic talent. As they are lead inside a chorus of voices yell.
"SURPRISE!" Red near reaches for hir gun but the people yelling were people shi knew. Hir friends who worked, lived, or hanged out at Double H, Hir family, Fish, Commander Antilles, And Tamira. Tamira was an interesting site, she actually had something on hir torso. The Fish net shirt technically covered her breasts but they left little to imagination. Even Crisscross was there with hir family. Giving hir sister a look she turns to the crowd and smiles as shi walks into the beast. The party gets into full swing and Red prys out of Dallie the reason for the party. Hir return home and the need to cheer Red up. Red then made the rounds with hir friends and family. Shi walks up to Tamira and comments.
"You in a shirt, I should take a picture." Tamira snorts and replies.
"They told me I needed a shirt and this is the only one I'm comfortable in." Red looked at the fish net shirt again. Instead of the typical black fish net it was instead gold colored. Smirking Red asks.
"Coal help you pick it out." The unicorn nods.
"Well shi has good taste at times, enjoy yourself Tamira."
"Plan too." Nodding shi leaves hir friend and wanders around.
"Hey Red!" Red looks to see Alexis arm in arm with another wolf. Reds nose tells hir the other wolf was a male and hir newer sense was going off. Something was off about this wolf. Never the less she put on a smile to hir friend.
"Alexis!" The two hug before breaking off and the wolf herm looks over Red.
"I like the look Red."
"It does add difference. Now who's your guest?"
"This is Al Reed, my boyfriend." Al held out his hand and Red took it. The sense was increasing that something was off.
"A pleasure to meet you Red, Alexis told me all about you."
"I hope you've been looking out for hir while I was away?"
Al smiles and responds.
"I try." Alexis harrumphed at this.
"Well if you don't mind I like to catch up a bit with hir. Please enjoy the party."
"Will do." Red takes Alexis' arm and leads hir away. After a a minute or two Red finally speaks.
"How have you've been Alexis?"
"Good, missed you of course but things have been normal till Al showed up. Then things have gotten better."
"Well I wouldn't be a friend if I didn't say this. I'm getting a bad vibe from him. I don't know why I just do so be careful for me please. I'm hope I'm wrong but I would hate it if something happened to you."
"Still guarding me even though I'm not paying you."
"You needed to pay me to do that. I look out for my friends. Now go enjoy yourself while I pray that I'm wrong about him." The two hug and part ways.
Red has settled down to eat with hir kids when a familiar foxtaur appeared before hir. "Hello Larsa, enjoying he party?" The older taur smiles at Red and replies.
"Very much but I had to see my favorite client."
"But not just me is it Larsa, Dallie and nothing to do with it?" The older foxtaur had to blush at that and Red sensed it. "It's okay Larsa. If Dallie makes you happy I'm happy. Where you two decide to go with it is up to you." Red snorts, 'You know it's ironic that me a human turned chakat has more makes than to natural born chacats. Though I have an feeling that Coal and Flamy are becoming more then comates."
"Well I admit I have strong feelings for Dallie. Hir youthful outlook is addicting. I'm not sure where will go but I do care for hir."
"Well that's between you but you certainly have my blessings to take it further." Larsa squeezes Red's hand and walks away.
Eventually the party broke up and people headed home.
In the days that followed Red prepared for the trip back to Chakona which reminded hir of another issue to talk with Coal and Flamy. Shi got them together in hir room and started. "You both remeber Clarissa on Chakona?" They both nod. "Well she asked me to be her denmate and have a child with her and I wanted your thoughts and blessings."
'How does she want you to raise hir, she lives on Chakona and we live here?" Flamy asks.
"Her mate Polka will help her with the day to day caring of the child, and I'll visit when I can. So no moving and Coal you know I'll be eventually assigned to go back into space eventually."
"Why are you asking this Red? You know you can have more than just me and Flamy."
"I know but a decision like this means a family decision. I want your input before proceeding." Coal walks uo to Red and touches hir arm.
"Red it sweet to take us into account. This is ultimately between you and Clarissa so if you want her as a mate go for it." Flamy nods her agreement. Red feels a tug on hir tail so shi lifts it to bring it forward and shi sees Firestripe clinging to hir tail.
"So you want to play you little rascal." Red then begins tickling hir child.
"See," Flamy interjects, "You're already a good father. You can pull this off my love." Red smirks back at them before continuing to tickle torture hir daughter.
The next day Red called Clarissa and made arrangements. Luckily Clarssia would be in heat during the period of the Clan Gathering. The foxtaur ex human was eager to meet her future comates in person. Red was becoming very optimistic with the idea.
A month to go before departure Red got an order to go to Star Corps Headquarters in New Minneapolis. There Commander Antilles reveled a large trunk in his office. "This came through a portal that formed in the base. It had you human name on it." Red goes over and opens the trunk. On top was a letter. Shi takes it, opens it and reads.
To my friend Redstreak My refinement of the portal continues. I have sent this trunk as further testing. Hope it got through well. Your family sent some things you would want to have. I hope we can meet in person again. Till then take care.
From Doc.
Red was almost teary when shi finished. Looking up The commander said. "Go ahead and take the day off." Red shuts the trunk and lugs it out of the office and rents a PTV. Once shi's home shi strips off hir uniform and goes through the trunk. Shi found several dvds of hir favorite movies and shows. Hir awards shi got over the years shi did security. There was also several photos or hir birth family and of course hir former self. Even some of hir favorite possessions were there. Tears were falling down hir cheeks at the display. Flmy came in and saw her mate crying. "Red what's wrong?" Red looks up and starts to wipe away the tears.
"Nothings wrong, got a package from my birth family." Flamy comes over and looks. Seeing the various items Red had in the trunk she picks one up of her mates old self.
"This you?" Red nods. Flamy looks back at a grinning Luke Harter before putting her arm around Red. "Don't take this the wrong way but I prefer the current version." Flamy then passionately kisses hir. After a couple of minutes Flamy breaks off.
"Well I have to admit, it has it's perks." Flamy then leads hir to hir room and no one saw them again for awhile.
It was hours later when they emerged to find Coal cooking dinner as usual but find Dallie checking out the trunk which was left in the living room. Dallie was looking at the same pic Flamy was. Looking over to see them coming Dallie quips. "Man you were a hunk as a human sis."
"You know Dallie, I actually find it disturbing that my sis thinks I was hot." That causes Dallie to laugh hard. Finally able to breathe again Dallie replies.
"Red I wish we could have grown up together."
"Then God save our parents if that had happened." That caused both chakats laughing histerically.
Later in the privacy of hir room Red gets a holo recorder ready. "Begin Recording."
"Hello my family, it's been awhile. As you can see there's been some physical change." Shi shows hir lower jaw for the camera to see the red color. "This is not a dye job. One where to begin there. Well to summarize I ship I was on was attacked and destroyed. By luck I survived but was stranded for awhile. I met someone there and she became my 2nd mate. I know that sounds strange but with chakats they don't feel jealousy and like to share. I have two happy mates and children from them. They are all eager to meet you and me for you to meet them. Well getting treatment from the effects of a lost ship I was kidnapped and the end result is the image before you. Well I pray you are all well and continue to be so. I have some pics with this message so you can see our extended family. Redstreak out. End recording."
A month before the gathering Red was leaving the Star Corps offices having delivered hir package to hir family. Red was surprised to see Larsa carrying a newborn foxtaur kit out of the nearby clinic. "Hey Larsa!" The middle aged foxtaur looks up and smiles.
"Red!" The chakat goes over and takes a closer look at the kit. Normal coloring for the local foxtaur clans and the scent told Red that the kit was female. "Meet my granddaughter."
"She's cute, what are you doing hear though?"
"Well she had a fever and it was the nearest clinic."
"What about her parents?"
"Out hiking so I'm taking care of her for a week or two."
"Oh, well can't blame them. They won't have time for that soon. So what's her name?"
"She doesn't have one yet. That's part of the reason for the hike, trying to get inspiration." Red was opening hir mouth when the Air raid sirens started blaring. "What the HECK!"
"This is Redstreak, what's going on?"
<Lt. Redstreak we have an out of control Frieghter that's too far from the bases to get tractored. It's heading for North American continent so we're issuing evacuations and alerts for people to head for bomb shelters.> Red taps hir commbadge and grabs Larsa.
"Come on, this way." Red leads Larsa into the Star Corps building and head on the stairs till they get to a hardened door. Once inside they see it filled with hundreds of others and the door closes behind them and locks. Since this was a Star Corps bunker it still had connections to the outside. Someone opened the comms and they heard the disaster unfold. <Darkfang here are tractor beams are overloading we have no choice but to break off.>
<This is Magnus we're in range engaging tractor beam now.>
<Evacuations are underway from the projected crash area.>
<What's the likely crash area?>
<Right smack in the middle of North America.>
<This is Magnus, it's too much our tractors are overheating.>
<Yeah, she's hitting no doubts order the crew to abandon ship.>
<Valdeiz, you've done all you can get out of there.>
<No can do, we're going to try to steer it away from any city.>
<Alright good luck. Get med teams ready for deployment in the crash area.> Silence follows for a few minutes then.
<Her forward thrusters are firing.>
<She's moving away from the city.>
<Which city?>
<New Minneapolis.>
<Crap the thrusters just exploded.>
<Looks like she'll miss the city and hit north.>
<There she goes.> The building shook as something hit the ground.
<She's down sending out med teams.>
<Anything volatile in her?>
<Just her warp core and that's already exploded.> The door unlocks and Red leads the people out of the shelter. The Klaxon still sounds in the building but the all clear was sounding outside. Stepping outside Red and Larsa look around. Red sees a plume northeast of their location.
"That's the direction where my village is. I've got to get there." Larsa starts to head for a PTV to get there when Red grabs her arm.
"You're not going Larsa."
"The HELL I won't! That's my FAMILY OVER THERE!"
"You've got family right here." Red points to the child still in her grandmother's arms. "Larsa right now you have to be sure your granddaughter is safe before going out. Racing out now will endanger her." Larsa begins tearing up.
"You're right but I've got to do something."
"I know come with me." Red leads them to a transporter room. Waving off the chief shi sets coordinates and the timer.
"Where are we going Red?"
"Well you need to check on your family but you also have to ensured your granddaughter's safty. Dallie is working on gateway right now so the kit will be safe with hir and we can head out."
"Thanks Red."
"You're practically family so no problem." The timer goes off and they are beamed to the station. They race over to the store and see a worried Dallie.
"You two alright?"
"Yeah but it looks like the ship crashed near Larsa's village and she wants to check it out but her granddaughter is with her." Dallie sees the kit Larsa is holding.
"Oh, I see well give her over I'll take care of her but you two be careful okay." With a little hesitation Larsa hands over the granddaughter. "She'll be safe with me Larsa, I swear now go you two."
"I'm taking a couple of medpacs and I'll replace them later." Red said to which Dallie nods. Going into the back Red grabs a pair and leads Larsa back to the transporter pad. The rescue teams were getting there by shuttles and such rather transporters for safety reasons. "Larsa we can't beam into the village so pick a spot for us." Larsa comes over and looks at the map.
"Here, this is a good spot." Red sets the coordinates and they heads down. They look around the small clearing and see a huge pillar of smoke and head that way. Ten minutes later the reach a ridge. One of the reasons Larsa picked it so they could get a good view of the village before heading in. Larsa stood there, her fingers going limp and the medpac she was carrying drops to the ground. Red looks and sees what Larsa sees.
"Oh Larsa I'm so sorry." Where the village should be there was just a great billowing fire. The freighter missed the city but looks like it hit the village nearly dead center. Vehicles were already overhead dumping flame retardant on the fire.
"Larsa your kid, where did your kid and in law hiked?"
"They....they.... they headed that direction." She manages to put to their right. Red picks up the dropped medpac and shi pulls the foxtaur in that direction. A hour of searching they were sadly getting close to the village's outer limits and they see shredded trees all around them. "Sequa! Nononononono Sequa!" The foxtaur runs to two bodies on the ground. Red chases after her and gets a good look. They were a male and female foxtaurs and they were clearly dead. They had to be a hundred wood splinters puncturing their bodies. Just for safety's sake shi scans them only to confirm what shi already knew. Larsa held the female wailing and crying her name. Red let her mourn a lost that even beats the suffering Red has suffered. At least shi knew hir birth family alive. Larsa has no one but her granddaughter left. Eventually some EMTs arrive and it took some cajoling to let them take the bodies away.
"Larsa, we're getting your granddaughter and I'm taking you to my home. You are not alone Larsa, my family stands with you and now your granddaughter needs you more than ever." Larsa just barely nods and Red takes her arms and lead the foxtaur to a shuttle heading to the gateway.
Hours later finds everyone at home. Larsa never letting her granddaughter out of her sight. Red didn't need to tell Fish to help her. No left Larsa alone. News said the freighter had propulsion and navigation failures that led to the disaster. So far no survivors of the village have been found and the firefighters have replaced the rescuers to battle the fire. Officials were reviewing the incident to try to figure out how to prevent such a disaster again. When they went to bed all the chakat's slept with Larsa and for once, when they woke up Red wasn't the one in the middle.
It took a few days for Larsa to even speak again. Which gave they others hope for her. Dallie helped even more when shi entered the computer room. As usual her granddaughter was in one arm and with the other she search the web. "Whatca looking for?"
"A new place to live. It's doubtful that the village will be resettled anytime soon."
"You have a place, right here."
"NO buts your place is here with us, with me."
"I know this is not the best time but I love you Larsa and I thought you felt the same. Would you be my denmate? Would you let me help you raise your granddaughter? We have accepted you into our family, will you accept us into yours?"
"But Dallie I'm 45 years old."
"One who has aged well. Until recently your fur was bright and shiny. Your figure was still fit and you had a zest for life. I was attracted to those. I will treasure have you around however long it will be." Larsa then hugs Dallie and sobs in a combination of sorrow and joy while Dallie projected hir love back to her.
At dinner Dallie announced the mating and everyone hugged the foxtaur. When that finally broke up Red plays a bit with Larsa's granddaughter and said. "Now we just need a name for you little one."
"Her name is Jewel." Larsa said with determination. "She is all I have left of my family, thus she is precious to me." Dallie raises a glass.
"To Larsa and Jewel Redback, the newest members of our family." Everyone toasted to the newest additions.
A week to go before leaving saw things speed up. Dallie and Larsa legally were mated and Jewel officially recognized. It seemed Larsa was slowly getting back to her perky self but was was also very protective of Jewel. The kit rarely left her sight and if then only with people she trusts completely. Red hirself was helping the local police for a warp core going off nearby has been causing power and computer problems. Shi handed off hir charge and was on the way back when shi saw a sight shi didn't expect to see. Alexis in an office holding a cup of coffee. Deciding that some officers may not tell hir shi uses hir new talents to get into Alexis' mind. Just what shi feared happened but much worse. Not only did hir now ex-boyfriend rape hir he had a friend along as well. Red goes and opens the door. Alexis looks up and sees the chakat runs to hir.
"Red, you were right, you were right about him." Petting the wolfs back Red whispers.
"I'm sorry I was Alexis, I'm sorry I was. Do they still need you here for anything?"
"Just to sign a couple of things. Why, taking me home?"
"Only long enough to grab some stuff and you're staying with me. You need company right now and as useful as Double H is your position there negates it's effects." Alexis manages to smile.
"Still looking out for me eh Red?"
"Aren't you blessed." Red says with a grin causing Alexis to roll hir eyes. The police officer shows up and seeing Red's Star Corps security uniform nods and asks hir to leave the room. Red does so and waits for Alexis to finish. Getting into the PTV Red rented they head for Double H. Alexis grabs hir stuff and they went back out to head home. During the trip though Red did ask. "How much vacation time do you have?"
"Lot's, I love my work so much a rarely take a day off. I think my superiors were going to force me to take some soon."
"Well you're taking some. My family is doing a reunion thing on Chakona so it will give you time away from everything. And give you time to forget Al."
"Do I get any say in this?"
"Right now? Nope, you make sure the cub is good without you for a few months and I'll care care of you. Show that you are loved." Alexis was taken back by that last word as Red drove them to hir home.
When they got home Red told them what happened. All of the chakats went and hugged the wolf herm. Mentality Alexis admits, if your feeling down hang out with chakats. You won't be for long. Shi wasn't surprised when shi went to bed and was covered by Red, Coal, Flamy but was surprised to see Larsa and a foxtaur kit. Shi was told what happened there and shi had to smile. Red and company always there for there friends. |
Chapter 3 - Chapter 3 |
The next morning, Anzu went to have breakfast with Yugi and Atem in the private dining room. As she walked in they looked up to say good morning. When she sat down Yugi looked at her and said, “Whoa, Anzu, had a rough night?”
Anzu looked up from her scrambled eggs and took a closer look at herself in the mirror on the wall behind Yugi. Her face was really pale and she had raccoon eyes. Last night she threw up quite a bit and couldn’t sleep very well. Her back and chest still hurt even after the hot bath. She looked back at Yugi and simply replied, “I couldn’t sleep very well.”
Knowing better than to ask questions, Yugi changed the subject and they started talking about some weird issues that have popped up lately in the kingdom. Yugi said that a village not too far from here requested assistance with their forest creatures and that he was thinking about doing it himself.
“What sort of problems are they talking about?” Anzu asked.
“They said that more than half of the men in the village have gone missing during the past week in their forest. They think that it might be the work of the wood nymphs that live there. Normally they don’t have any problems but when one man went missing they formed several search parties and they never came back,” Yugi answered.
“Why don’t they send women to search the forest?”
“They have tried, but they say that the nymphs have put spells on a large section of the forest that prevent women from going through without being turned into a tree. Apparently this is where the men are hidden.” Atem replied.
“Why are the nymphs doing this now if they never had problems in the past?”
“Word has it that this year is the year for the nymphs’ sacred ritual. It only happens every 75 years and celebrates nature, beauty, harmony, bliss, and…other things that nymphs are known for…” Yugi said as his face started to turn red.
“What do they do during the ritual?”
“No one really knows, except for the fact that it involves many men. Some say that it involves a huge orgy, others say that they sacrifice them, and so on and so forth. Don’t bother asking the nymphs because they won’t tell you. I suppose the only other way to find out would be to watch, but obviously that kind of chance is really hard to come by,” Atem said matter-of-factly.
“I decided to go since I’m a monster tamer and shouldn’t have too much of a problem negotiating with the nymphs,” Yugi said.
“I’m going too, but as an undercover agent. I plan to get myself captured and catch a glimpse of what this whole ritual is really about and maybe put my foot down when things get out of hand,” said Atem.
“And Yugi’s okay with that?”
“I’m not worried, I trust him…” Yugi said confidently.
Speaking of nymphs, this would be a great chance to get some nymph tears…[/i]
“How about if I go with you guys as back up? It’d be just like the old days of the Awesome Threesome traveling the world and kicking some butt!”
“Sure, it’ll be fun. I’m dying to get out of this castle and go on an adventure!” interjected Atem enthusiastically.
It was only half a day’s journey to the village with the mystical forest. Right away you could tell something was wrong once you saw the village. It was so quiet that the only noise that could be heard was the cackling of fires and birds chirping nearby. Not one person was seen wandering the village, not even children playing tag or something; none of the shops seemed to open either.
Atem didn’t seem surprised as he made his way towards the center of the village to speak to the village leader. Yugi and Anzu followed him to a cottage that was a bit bigger than the rest. Atem knocked and let himself in. Inside there was a big table with a few people sitting around it. They seemed to be having a meeting, but as soon as they saw Atem they all hushed (as if they could be any quieter). A finely dressed woman who sat at the center of the table stood up and curtsied. As she did so, everybody else stood up and bowed.
“Good evening, your Highnesses. My name is Penelope and I’ll be in charge during my husband’s absence. May I offer you a seat?”
The three of them took a seat and everybody else sat back down.
“On behalf of our village,” she continued, “I want to thank you for coming. I hope your journey went well?”
“Yes, thank you,” Atem replied, “But if you don’t mind, I’d like to discuss the reason why we are here.”
“Yes, of course.”
“Have you any updates on the missing people?”
“None, I’m afraid.”
“Do you have any idea when this ritual is going to take place?”
“It’ll take place during the eclipse tomorrow night.”
“Tomorrow!? How are we supposed to get ready by tomorrow night?” Yugi exclaimed.
“Well what is that you’re planning to do, my prince?” asked Penelope.
“The plan is to get one of us captured so we’ll have someone working undercover to figure out exactly what they are doing. If things get out of hand, they’ll step in and stop the ritual. If needed, they can call us for back up, so one of us needs to get captured as soon as possible.”
They decided that Atem should be the one to get captured that way he’ll be able to communicate with Yugi using their mind link. Atem decided it was best not to bring any weapons or anything else of value so he wouldn’t lose it. If needed, he could use his magic to defend himself. As soon as it got dark, Atem wandered into the woods. Nymphs don’t have any interaction with anyone outside of the forest so it was unlikely that they would recognize him.
Atem’s POV
Atem wandered to the very center of the forest without any trouble at all. Darn it! It was well past mid-night and Atem was getting really tired from the long walk. He decided to sit down and take a break. As soon as he sat down, he realized that this part of the forest was certainly brighter than the rest. He looked up for the source of the light and discovered a big round opening in the forest ceiling that allowed moonlight to illuminate the round clearing. Then he smelled something…flowers? The fragrance started to get bigger and filled his nostrils with the smell of honeysuckle and roses. He started to get a headache from the overpowering scent and was starting to feel warm.
He tried to stand up but his legs felt like wet noodles. As he looked around for the source of the scent, he noticed a blue mist had developed in the circular clearing that he was in. He tried not to breathe, but it soon seeped its way into his mouth and filled his lungs with the strange smell that was starting to make him lose control of his body. The edge of the clearing seemed to get farther and farther away as he struggled towards it.
Atem tripped and hit the ground. He tried to get up but his legs wouldn’t respond. He rolled on his back and tried to sit up, but it was no use. The strange fragrance got stronger and stronger and was starting to have a strange effect on Atem. He was feeling warmer, in his pants, that is. His penis is hardening and is starting to get uncomfortable as it strained against his pants. Seconds seemed like hours as he got more and more aroused and his discomfort was turning into pain. Atem’s body was completely numb except for the tight bulge in his pants. Try as he might, there was nothing he could do to help himself. Despite his pain, his eye lids were getting heavy. How he longed for sleep, but he couldn’t let himself; he had a mission to do.
Then out of nowhere, a hand came through the mist and caressed Atem’s cheek. Atem tried to speak but found it impossible as the mist seemed to have clogged his throat to prevent him from talking. The face of the hand’s owner revealed itself as it hovered closer to Atem’s face. It was the small round face of a young girl with long blue hair that was braided to look like a crown and decorated with small white flowers. Her skin was a pale green and her eyes were the same blue as her hair. She had long pointy ears that were each decorated with small silver hoop earrings. She stared at Atem as if drinking him in and her eyes wandered down to the obvious bulge in his pants.
Without looking at him, she took her hand from his cheek and moved it down to his crotch and gently grasped it resulting in a sharp intake of breath from Atem. She still wouldn’t speak as she undid his pants and released his aching member from its clutches. Atem breathed a small sigh of relief, but it was short lived as the girl suddenly lifted his head up and onto her lap. She used her left hand to caress his hair and her right hand to fondle his penis. Atem’s breathing sped up as he moaned in pleasure from the torture that the woman was delivering.
Atem’s eyes snapped open as he realized that the woman was a Nymph. And this nymph must’ve used her magic to seduce him into the state he was in. The nymph wrapped her hand around his shaft and started moving it up and down, making Atem writhe in her grasp. He felt like he was going to release any minute but as he came to his peak, the nymph started chanting in a soft voice that sounded like the tinkling of bells. Just as Atem was about to release himself, he couldn’t. It was like time froze in the middle of his orgasm. He was still feeling the pleasure from his peak, but nothing was happening. It’s like he’s at the top of his peak and he can’t get back down. He was still feeling pleasure even though the nymph’s hand was no longer on his shaft. This was nice, but it was weird! His orgasm has already lasted two minutes, and he can’t stop himself from moaning. His breathing is still fast, that can’t be good; is it possible to die from pleasure?
The nymph finally spoke, but it was in a language he couldn’t understand. She shouted into the mist and two more nymphs appeared. Atem couldn’t get a good look at them; he was too distracted by what he was feeling at the moment. All he could tell was that he was lifted onto a stretcher and carried off deeper into the forest.
Chapter 2 - Chapter 2 |
Okay, I screwed up in the previous chapter, I said Yami instead of Atem. It’s a force of habit. I fixed it in here, enjoy!
Anzu found Atem alone on a plush couch in the library reading a book. She figured this was as good of a time as any to apologize for their argument yesterday. She slowly approached him, put on her award-winning smile and asked, “Whatcha’ reading?”
Atem looked up from his book and replied, “The Book of Ancient Egyptian Martial Arts, I figured it would come in handy. So, what have you been up to?”
“Not much. Look, I wanted to apologize for yesterday. I didn’t mean to sound jealous or anything. It’s just that I’m worried about you guys. I just don’t want you guys to get hurt once people find out about your relationship with Yugi. I promise to protect your secret, but I feel like the three of us are walking on eggshells.”
Atem looked at the phony look of concern on her face and took it to be genuine. He smiled his oh-so-charismatic smile at her and said, “I thank you for your concern. I’m glad you’re not angry with us. I realize the pressure of our secret relationship is probably racking your nerves. I’m sorry for laying this burden on you and I hope that we can make up to you some day. Your friendship really means a lot to Yugi and me.”
“Thank you, Atem. I just wonder if this whole thing is really as big of a deal as we make it out to be. I would kick myself for being so worried if everybody found out and they didn’t really care!”
Atem laughed, “I’m sure everything will be sorted out someday. But until then, Yugi and I have decided not to spend too much time together when we’re out in public.”
Anzu joined Atem on the couch, “Well, that’s a start. So is Yugi okay?”
“I think he’s gotten over his embarrassment. He’s not afraid to look at me anymore.”
“I’m really sorry for walking in on you guys. When I heard those weird noises, I thought one of the maids had a gotten cuddly with someone so I planning to just barge in and tell her to go find a room. I never would’ve thought it was you two. If I may ask, why didn’t you guys just go to one of your bedrooms?”
Atem chuckled. In response to her question he replied completely unabashed, “To tell you the truth, it was kind of a spur-of-the-moment thing. Neither of us wanted to walk all the way upstairs, so we used that secret passageway. Besides, there are always guards in front of our bedrooms; we couldn’t do what we wanted without them catching on to us.”
Atem went back to his book so Anzu scooted a bit closer to him and pretended to read over his shoulder. Atem didn’t seem to notice or even care, so Anzu got off the couch to look for a book that would be useful for her next Atem-Winning plan. She looked at the library and noticed that there were a lot more books than she realized. Casually she asked Atem, “Do you know any good potion books?”
“Depends on what kind of potions you’re looking for,” he replied not even looking up from his book.
“How about say um…Love Potions?” again trying to sound casual.
“It’s on the M-shelf in the “Manipulation” section, on the third shelf from the bottom, called Love in a Bottle,” he said with no concern whatsoever.
“How do you remember that?”
“It seems to be the most checked out book here. When I’m reading, I always hear the librarian give those directions at least once.”
Anzu went to the M-shelf and surely enough, there it was. It certainly did look heavily used with a lot of folded down corners and weird stains all over it. After checking it out, she said good-bye to Atem and went straight to her room to look at it.
On her bed she leafed through the book to find the potion that would suit her needs. She wanted a potion that would make Atem love her without any consequences or any chance of it going wrong. For instance, there was a potion that required him kissing her in order for it to work. That could easily go wrong! She needed a potion that would bind him to her, no questions asked. Then she found one! All she had to do was make the potion, chant a spell, and the task would be done. It would definitely save her the trouble and risks of putting something in Atem’s food or drink.
The ingredients she needed were:
-a hair sample from Atem
-a hair sample from her
-a mermaid scale
-holy water
-an angel’s feather
-silver dust
-fairy dust
-powdered Unicorn horn
-tears of a Nymph
It figures, the perfect potion needed difficult ingredients, well, maybe not too[/b] difficult. The chocolate and hair samples were easy. Yugi had given her a necklace with one of his scales on it. Holy water was also easy to get, she just had to walk to the chapel on the second floor. She could get one of Yugi’s feathers when his wings grow back, but that means she would have to wait. Maybe she could search his bedroom for one. Silver dust was already in her potion cabinet. She had plenty of fairy dust since she herself was part fairy. But powdered Unicorn horn and Nymph tears were not going to be easy to get. Those won’t come cheap in the black market.
Suddenly she heard strange noises coming from her bedside table. She opened up her drawer and discovered them coming from her crystal ball. Yugi and Atem were going at it again. This would be her perfect chance to go into Yugi’s bedroom and look for a feather.
There were no guards to Yugi’s bedroom so Anzu could just let herself in. She looked around Yugi’s room and decided to search his closet; a feather could be on his clothes. Eureka! She found three of them on a cape and took all of them just in case. As she pocketed them, she heard footsteps coming her way. Panicking, she took a mad dash towards the bed and hid under it. She peeked under the floor-length bed spread to find Atem walking in with Yugi closing the door behind them.
After making sure the door was locked Yugi said, “It was a good thing the maid knocked before she came in or we would’ve been caught for sure!”
“Yeah, that was a close one,” Atem replied as he closed the curtains and the room slightly darkened.
Anzu was starting to get nervous about the current situation that she was in. Something told her that she was going to be under that bed for quite a while. She watched as Atem pulled Yugi into an embrace and heard him whisper huskily “Now, where were we?” to Yugi.
The two of them started making out and wrapping their arms around each other. They were ripping off each other’s clothing and throwing it haphazardly on the floor. Anzu couldn’t help but drool a little at the sight of Atem’s luscious nude body. She watched as Atem moved his hands up and down Yugi’s back, tracing invisible patterns down his spine, and imagined herself in Atem’s embrace instead of Yugi.
Atem lead Yugi over to the bed and they laid on top of it. Now Anzu could hear everything that they were doing, wonderful. She could hear Atem kissing Yugi and Yugi moaning softly. Atem moved down a little bit, causing the bed to creak over Anzu. She listened as Yugi begged “Lower!” to Atem. Next she heard something that might’ve passed for suckling as the bed started to creak some more. She then heard Atem chuckle and say, “Tell me what you want, little one.”
Yugi’s breathing was laboring as he said, “Oh Atem! Just suck me please!”
Anzu’s eyes widened as the bed started creaking faster and faster. Yugi was moaning and going, “Ah, Ahh, Ahhh, Ohhhh, ugh, uhhhhh, Ahhhhhh!!! Oh gods!” as he cried out and the bed finally stopped creaking.
All was quiet for about a minute when the bed creaked and seemed to halt when Yugi said, “I’m sorry, Atem. But I’m too sore to do it again. But here, I’ll make it up to you.”
The bed creaked as they shifted and the bed sank a little more from the weight difference. Instead of cries coming from Yugi, Anzu heard Atem’s moans of pleasure. She heard gulping sounds coming from above her. Then Atem’s breath hitched and the bed started creaking again. Atem gave a small grunt and all was quiet except their heavy breathing.
Anzu tried to be patient as she waited for them to fall asleep but it soon proved difficult as she started to get fidgety. She laid on her stomach on the hard wood floor, her wings starting to ache from being pushed up underneath the bed frame. Eventually she heard quiet snoring above her and carefully moved out from underneath the bed. She peeked over the bed to be safe and found them both sound asleep. Then she tiptoed over to the door and carefully let herself out. After she was safely out of the room she ran to her room to throw up and take a hot bath.
Chapter 18 - Chapter 17 |
A year had past since we last saw Red and shi was getting near the end of another leave playing with Goldwolf and Silverstreak in the backyard when Dallie called out. “HEY RED STARFLEET'S ON THE LINE!”
“Coming.” Dallie took care of her nieces while Red answered the call. It was in the holotank Red installed some time ago and saw Commander Antilles in it. “Yes Commander?” Shi says as shi salutes.
“I got a great assignment for you. Is the room secure?” Using her tail Red shut the door and locked it and pressed a button on the holotank's console.
“It is now.”
“Okay the eggheads have perfected the world traveling device and the government is ready to send a team. I'm going to represent the Star Services and a Federation Senator will do the negotiations But I want you with me, you know that Earth so you can give us advice.”
“And be a good PR spinner.”
“Yup, you can have some of your mates or family along but keep it small. Call me back when you know who's going and we leave in two weeks.” he signed out and Red went to tell hir family.
They discussed for a awhile before deciding that it should be Red, Dallie, Coal, and Alexis with Goldwolf, Silverstreak, and Whirlwind. Flameria excused herself since she got to be with Red on the Pegasus. They waited on the next two weeks with anticipation, especially Red.
The day of leaving had arrive and Red packed. It was a good thing Tamira wasn't going. While on the other Earth Red said all will have to wear something. The chakats needed tops and Alexis and Goldwolf some clothing and Tamira being a avid nudist would never wear enough to cover her bits. With the saddle bags packed and Goldwolf and Silverstreak on leashes they head to the lab were the dimension traveling device was located. It bear a resemblence to the device the doc was testing those years ago but clearly modified with Fed tech. She saw Commander Antilles there and like hear with his uniform on. Next to him was a Caitian female and a Voxxan female with a pair of security guards. They were standing next to a metal rectangle as Red's family came in. “Good timing Lieutenant and well dressed.” He then nods to an engineer and they hear something power up. Red got some goose bumps as shi recognized the sound. The last time shi heard that shi ended up here. The bolts appeared again and an image appeared in the metal frame and it looked like the inside of another lab. Red recognized the doc.
“Portal stable sir. You can enter when ready.” And engineer reported. With a nod of his head Antilles encouraged Red to go first. Shi and hir family did. Shi felt a tingling sensation then shi was standing in the lab at Globaltech with many of the nearby scientists gasping at hir appearance. The Doc got in front of hir and smiled.
“Hey Red, welcome home.”
“Thanks Doc.” He then looked down to hir children.
“And who are these?”
“My daughters, Goldwolf and Silverstreak.” He petted both of them before leading them away to outside where a pair of helicopters waited. Whirlwind took a whiff and complained.
“Uncle it's smelly here.”
“That's because nearly all cars use fossil fuel to power them so the air is a bit dirtier than home.”
“Why don't they use electric ones like back home/” Whirlwind asked.
“Because this is 2045 and that tech isn't reliable yet. They have some here but all of them are not as effective or as cheap as the gas ones. Imagine only going 80 miles and have to spend half the day charging your battery.”
“That's not very good.” Whirlwind comments.
'Yes thus gas power is still the preferred choice for such vehicles.” They were escorted into the helicopters with Red Coal and the kids in one and Alexis, and Dallie in the other with Antilles and his group. They looked over the city as they flew to the airport. Red explained some of the city features to them. “Over there is Target Field and Target Center. The Both are mainly sponsored by Target thus the name. Target Center was made in the 1990's for the states basketball team the Minnesota Timberwolves and hosted the women version the Lynx. Target Field is much younger built in 2010 so the baseball team the Twins could finally have their own place and it's a good design, sadly though the team was crap in the era and have only recently gotten good again with a change in owner. They have two world series under their belt and several division championships. The city itself has an extensive skyway system which is useful during winter and over there is the Metrodome. The oldest of the three stadiums it was built to host both the Football team the Vikings and the Twins till Target Field was built and is the last of the original stadiums that hosted the first Monster Truck Jams.”
“Hey love what's that over there?” Coal asks and Red looks.
“Oh, that's St.Paul. It and Minneapolis are connected thus got the nick name Twin cities.”
“Thus why you have a team named the Twins.” Coal commented.
“Exactly, St Paul has the science museum, The Excel Energy Center for their hockey team the Wild and the Westwood Arena for their rival Hockey team the Cyclones as well as the state capital.”
“State Capital?” Whirlwind asked.
“Yes, this Earth is much more divided. Back home we have GNA, HCKNA, and Quebec. Here it's the United States of America, Canada, and Mexico. The USA consists of the middle part of the GNA and the HCKNA with Canada all of the north and Quebec and Mexico all of the south. We are in the USA, the last superpower in the world and came out of a deep recession just over 30 years ago. The left the cities behind and as they approached the airport Whirlwind squealed.
“Over there is the starport and there the Mall of America!”
“Yup though at this point it's an airport not a starport. Besides unman probes the farthest we gotten here is the Moon.” Red was silently glad the mall had survived the gene wars with only minor damage where the Twin Cities were devastated and rebuilt into New Minneapolis.
The copters land and there guide, a Globaltech administrator lead them inside the airport and to a private terminal for Globaltech and they walk down a walk way connecting to a Globaltech jet. It was small for a passenger jet but not the little business jets that only seat 10. this could seat 100. But when they got in Red was surprise to see a layout much like what shi would see in hir new home. Seat adjustable for bipeds or taurs. The Admin smiled at hir. “After what Xanatos described in your world we thought it be easier for you to have a comfortable flight to DC.” Red narrowed hir eyes and smirked.
“And if relations get better you have the means to make business.”
“We're nothing if not efficient.” Red laughed and look at seat and helped hir children and niece. The plane took off and soon in the air and when the seatbelt light came off Antilles the the two Fed reps came over.
“Red this is Senator Moonbrezze and her aid Luxana Tailzoid.” Red greeted them in a chakat hug and introduced hir family.
“Shir Redstreak we came to ask about the layout of the government here. We have a rough idea from record from our time but you have a fresher perceptive.”
“Okay. Well since we are going to DC, Short for Washington DC we are meeting the President and Congress. The President is likely a Republican for they have been in dominance ever since the Obama's disastrous term. Heck the Democrats had to rebuild their party after that and while they have had a president or two and occasional control of the House and Senate but have been careful not to repeat the mistakes of the 2008-09 term or Obama's 4 year term. Whi9le we meet the President it's the Senate you has to pass any treaty we make.”
“And the chances of that Shir Redstreak?” Moonbreeze asks.
“Pretty high, they will be cautious for terrorism is still a major concern here but despite the economic prosperity they still have a large debt to pay off and a new source of income would be welcome. Oh and Address the President as Mr. President.” The discussed the ins and outs for an hour then broke for Lunch and allowed Red a rest.
Two hours later they are over DC. Red's family looked in wonder at the city. On their Earth Washington DC was destroyed in the Gene Wars and never rebuilt. Red hirself smiled as shi looked on. The plane landed and rode in a hummer limo so they were comfortable to the hotel. There they were put in the biggest and finest suite. “Globaltech had us customize the suite to fit your needs.”
“Like the limo and plane right.”
“I believe so Ma'am.”
“For the future it's Shir.” Red handed him a tip. When they arrived Antilles gave hir some money to use.
“Understood..Shir.” Red patted his arm.
“It's okay, we're new to you and if things go as I hope your hotel will get more. It's friendly advice for you and your fellows.” That got the bellhop to smile.
“Thank you Shir. You have a good day.”
“Same to you.” After they designate rooms they unpack and relax. The whole family was seeing the President tomorrow and Red Addresses Congress the day after. After that it's all by ear as news of Red and the Earth shi now lives in gets spread.
Red was lounging on a couch when hir sister came up to hir. “Hey sis I have a question. How come all the buildings in this city are so short. Your Minneapolis had much taller ones so it's not a culture thing.”
“No it's a tradition thing.” Red looks around then spots what shi is looking for and jabs a thumb to the left. “You see that obelisk?” Dallie sees a white colored obelisk and nods. “That is the Washington Monument. It was made in honor of the man who led this country's first army to victory over it's former rulers and became the country's first President. No building in DC can be taller than it.”
“Interesting, thanks sis.”
that night after putting the kids to bed the parents went to bed but didn't sleep till hours later. Coal and Dallie paired up while Red Enjoyed Alexis' body. Thankfully Alexis wasn't in heat so it wouldn't get to bad for the hotel. Though at home Alexis hardly used hir pills for hir super pheromones as the entire family enjoys those nights. Alexis considered hirself blessed. Red was a protective, kind, loving, funny, and imaginative mate. Shi never thought shi would have a chakat mate or be able to love again after the rape. But Red proved hir wrong and by a miracle they had a beautiful daughter. All hir think after that went out the window as Red entered hir.
The next day Red was putting the finishing touches of hir dress uniform and glanced over to see Alexis win a sky blue dress and hir hair did up in a ponytail. Red purred at the site before asking. “So how do I look?”
“Military but nice. Though I prefer fur.”
“I can agree with that last statement.” Soon the family was off in the limo again. They all got a nice look at the White house as the Secret Service let them in. As the walked through the halls of the White House everyone looked in awe. But for Red it was more. As the human Luke Harter he never got close to being here, yet as the Chakat Redstreak shi got to be in one of the sacred places for an American. They were lead into the Oval Office and shi saw the current President. Joshua Lodge was a governor when Luke became Redstreak but it was easy to see him be a president. He had a reputation of keeping the government slim and out of peoples lives except where needed. And now he was the 3rd Black President in history. He shook hands with the Commander and the Senator before looking at hir.
“So I hear that you were originally from here?”
“Yes Mr. President, Luke Harter was my human name. Just an average joe till all of this.”
“Isn't that the way of things. Take ordinary people and put them in strange circumstances. Now who are these with you?” Red introduced hir family and all got comfortable in the legendary office. Each President makes their own changes to the the White House during their time. Some minor, some major and took stock of the Oval Office in it's current form. Most of it is like it was for nearly a century but Red did notice a change shi remembered seeing a few years before hir accident. For decades the seal of the country and President had an eagle clutching a olive branch and a set of arrows with the eagle facing the branch. But a few years ago a President decided with the changing times to move the eagle head back to facing the arrows. Shi heard that that was the way it was made when it was first introduced and after World War 2 it was changed to the branch. “Well what exactly does the Stellar Federation want with our Earth?” President lodge asked.
“Mr. president.” Moonbreeze began. “The Stellar Federation would like formal relations with your Earth and it's various countries and hopefully trade treaties.”
“But from what I hear your technology is far greater than ours so what value to we have?”
“History Mr.President.” Red answered. “As advance as their technology is they went through a Third World War called the Gene Wars and much of the history was lost. This building, this city was all destroyed in their Earth. The US and the rest of the countries have that history to trade plus the income from tourist visiting this city and other sites. There is a lot of economic plus for this Mr. President.” The President and the Senator spent another 2 hours in talks with Red adding a comment here an there but finally it was over and Red and company toured the land sights in the city and told hir family of hir birth country's history. They had police around them as they did this for protection and it was needed for they did see some run and scream but they also saw the curious. As the sun set the family head back to the hotel and after a fine diner rested.
Red certainly needed that rest as shi waited in a room off the house floor messing with hir dress uniform waiting to be called. Moonbreeze said that Red would be better to address the congress and the wider world since shi was from there. She was the PR person after all. A knock on the door and it open to reveal an aid.
“Show time LT Redstreak.” Shi nods and walks through the door taking a big breathe to calm hirself. Shi walks to the podium with camera's going off during the walk. When shi got to the podium shi ran into a problem. Most Chakats are not very tall and while Medallion had a bigger bust than the norm shi was of average height for a Chakat. Shi stood on hir hindlegs and put hir handpaws up to support hir and everyone can clearly see hir. Once shi figured shi was good and stable shi looked to the crowd. “You remember when someone asks for a hand? Well i've got a handpaw.” Shi moves one of hir forelegs out and waved with hir handpaw causing some to chuckle. With the ice broken shi began. “My fellow Americans, yes I'm an American. Born in Minnesota, raised their, and had a good career with Globatech till the accident that placed me out of place, out of time and even out of body. But I persevered and followed the ideals of this great country and got a family out of it. I know my appearance is strange and even frightening to some people, but underneath the fur muzzle and limbs is a human soul. I hope that the United States and the rest of the world can form a close relation with the Stellar Federation and bring better prosperity for all. I feel lucky to have a change to return to the country I love and hope with knowledge from the Federation we can avoid the costly mistakes they have dealt with. God Bless the USA.” She steps away from the podium to cheerful applause.
When shi gets to hir family they all hugged hir and shi hears Moonbreeze. “Great speech Lieutenant, ever consider a career in politics?”
“No, the Star Corps, family, and RS take enough of my time.”
“Our loss then.” The family heads to the hotel and watched the commentary on Red's speech. Some liked it, some didn't. The more off the rails were fearful of a take over by the Federation and animals.
The next day the family just relax at the hotel though Red got a call from Dave O'Lannitry, a opinion show host to took over for Sean Hannity when he retired and asked for an interview tomorrow night. After some discussion they agreed to it and enjoyed the day. But night of the show they head out to the studio, Red decided to wear hir RS shirt instead of hir uniform for this was more personal and my ease the fear of some afraid of invasion. They met the host Dave who was in his early forties and greet them kindly. They took the couches that had been provided and were given microphones to clip onto their shirts. With some small chatting to by time till the intro music started playing. “Welcome to O'Lannitry and tonight we take a whole hour to talk with the latest news item Lt. Redstreak from the Stellar Federation.” He turns to look at them. “Thank you for coming Lieutenant Redstreak, is that your last name now?”
“I actually have no last name. I'm addressed as Redstreak, child of Sunspot and Fireblaze.”
“And they are?”
“Medallion's parents, they offered to adopt me from day one and I eventually accepted.”
“So exactly what happened to you to end up there as you are.”
“Well I was a security chief for a Globaltech lab complex. They were experimenting with what I later found out a new power source. The thing went out of control and I ordered an evacuation. But the head doc, Doctor Xanatos was stubborn and tried to get under control. I finally got him to leave but was hit and I felt intense pain and the next thing I know I'm looking like hir.” Red points to Dallie.
“You don't look like hir now, dye job?”
“Nope. The detail is classified but in essence I was illegally experimented on and among the side effects was the fur pattern change.”
“So there is crime in your federation.”
“Yes, the federation isn't perfect. The biggest issue is a group of radical humans named Human First. They believe morphs have taken jobs away from humans and that should stop. They call us animals and should be submissive to their masters.”
“That does sound dark.”
“It is. From what I've learned morphs were created to take care of manpower shortages in all fields. Sadly that quickly degenerated into slavery, and sex slavery. But not all humans were okay with this and fought for morph rights. This tension lead to what they called the Gene Wars that lasted for four decades before peace happened and they started rebuilding. Since than there has been Human First around but it wasn't big but a few years ago they suddenly got bigger and more violent since.”
“It's amazing that you're in the future and still have that problem.”
“A future Dave, The Earth I live in is an alternate Earth. I didn't exist there when I was human. My parents never met. And What they know of their history is we should be having our own morphs now. I tell this story in the hopes it won't be repeated here. On their Earth the Southeastern US is it's own country and calls itself the Holy Christian Kingdom of North America and I feel a major issue equal to Iran of this time. They have a twisted version of the Roman Catholic Church. The Church runs the government and a growing belief many in the church have is that since morphs were created by man not God they have no soul.” Red looked at the camera now. “To the people in the HCKNA, I was born human and ended up in a morph body. I dare you to prove I have no soul. I have seen morphs act more human than humans themselves. The last time humanity went down that path was the Nazi's so think carefully about your actions.”
“Let's switch topics, tell me how you met your current family.” Red explained how shi met hir family and what shi did.
“So what is you're species now?”
“Chakat, named after the humans who created them Charles and Kathrine Turner. They were design to be good in colonization. I'm strong, the taur profile allows me better footing in uncleared areas, can eat things that are poisonous
to humans and other morphs, and can reproduce quickly thanks to our dual nature.”
“Dual nature?”
“All chakat have fully functioning male and female genitals so we can carry and sire children. Thus easily doubling the population.”
“Wow, I was going to ask how it was switching from male to female.”
“Trust me being a herm did take a LOT of adjustment. Lucky for me I had two stubborn chakats to get me through.” Said Chakats grinned impishly to which Red stuck out hir tongue.
“Why don't you introduce your family.”
“Well next to me is Silverstreak, my daughter with Coaldust, then Coaldust hirself, then their daughter Whirlwind, then Medallion, then that's Alexis Timber with our daughter Goldwolf.”
“So both Coaldust and Alexis are your wives?”
“Well, yes. Polygamy isn't a taboo on their Earth. And with Chakat's it's very common. Chakat's don't feel jealousy they way humans do. If a mate of theirs has sex with someone else they would be curious how it was and would like to try said person. Trust me it took a while for me to adjust to that but they have a point with it. Dave how many times do we see stories of adultery in the news. With Chakats that doesn't really happen. It works.”
“Well I can't judge on that but maybe with time we'll see. So Coaldust what do you do?”
“I am a cook at a local restaurant where we live. Met and Medallion first and was planning to move in with hir when Redstreak arrived.”
“And shi is the cook of the house, though any attempt to not make hir the cook would have been futile.” Dallie commented.
“I like cooking.” Coal said defensively.
“And what do you do Medallion?”
“I'm a shift manager for a store on Earth's Gateway Station. It's one of two major station that orbit Earth. The Gateway is mainly for civilian business acting as a trade port or rest area.”
“Now that is cool and must be quite a view.”
“It is.”
“And what about you Mrs. Timber?”
“It's Shir Timber Mr. O'Lannitry, and I am a branch manager at Hermaphrodite Haven. A place where herms can feel safe. For even in our Earth some have a hard time and herms are usually at the top. So we made a place where they can relax. To note the Federation does not discriminate but a lot of beings have a hard time dealing with herms. Even Family can have a hard time. Thus Double H, our nickname for Hermaphrodite Haven does its best to fill those needs by providing a place for them to live and work. I use to live there till I mated Redstreak. About half our members are herms you live outside the club and come to socialize with other herms.”
“Very fascinating. Now Shir Timber how do you deal with members who have single gender mates and how successful is Hermaphrodite Haven?”
“Well the main building that has the living quarters and such are hermaphrodite only. For again some of our members have had it rough. But the Haven itself is made of multiple buildings, usually a restaurant and club to which the single mates of our members are invited. And the Hermaphrodite Haven is very successful on Earth with many branches in different cities. We haven't gone much beyond Earth but there has been some talks of going to some colonies but nothing more.”
“Thank you Shir Timber for the info. Now Shir medallion what was it like to have a twin?”
“It was cool. I did feel sorry for what had happen and wanted to my best to help hir but with my kind identical twins are impossible so I got a rare chance to have one. And though it took Redstreak a while to accept it. I took hir as my sister and my parents as their daughter from the get go and my only regret is that we never got to grow up together. But even this way has helped others.”
“How has Redstreak incident helped others?” Red answered.
“The scientist who tried to get my original ody back discovered that the process used to make me a chakat can work for others. They couldn't help me for the data that held my DNA was gone but if they have the DNA they can do swap bodies. I already know one person who was born human like me but she had an incurable disease that would be a long painful death. But with the process they made she is alive and well as a foxtaur and happily mated with two kids.”
“So there are other taurs species?”
“Yes, us chakats, felinetaurs, foxtaurs, wolftaurs, and quange.”
“So who are these little ones you brought with you?”
“Little!?” Whirlwind snorted.
“Well that's my niece Whirlwind. Shi is Coaldust's and Medallion's daughter. Over there is Silverstreak, my and Coaldust's daughter and that little miracle is Goldwolf, my and Alexis' daughter.”
“So taurs and two legs can breed?”
“Commonly no, while someone can be altered to breed with a taur or biped. It is usually expensive and the result means not compatible with your species. However Goldwolf is a unique case dealing with me.”
“And man they are cute, but did you say Coaldust is a parent to both Whirlwind and Silverstreak? Biological parent not raising them.”
“Yes, Coaldust is mated to both Medallion and me.” Medallion then interjects.
“In chakat culture we would have multiple mates and co-mates. It does make a large family easily but then we would have a lot of support. With those of us here I'm mated to Coaldust and co mates with Redstreak and Goldwolf. Which means I am intimate with Coaldust but not with them but I could be but I respect Redstreak's views on that.”
“Yes incest is not only a taboo here it's against the law. But Coaldust how did you end up being mates with twins?”
“Well I knew Medallion before the accident and we were already about to declare ourselves denmates and for me to move into Medallion's house, I had an apartment at the time. Then Redstreak showed up and something just clicked. Both were physically beautiful to me but also there personalities drew me in. Medallion here is a pure bisexual and I'm female biased and Redstreak here is strongly male biased and that male biased drew me in and in the end help Redstreak get through a dark part of hir adjustment.”
“And how have you adjusted Redstreak?”
“Well I obviously changed my name, that I think was needed for me to let go and i'm very happy. Before my change I was 40 years oldwith no wife or kids. Now went I first got this body it was 20 years old and baring illness or injurey I can live another 100 years and I have many wives and kids to love and love me. And I wouldn't trade it for the world.”
“Nice to see a nice ending story but Redstreak I as we get near the end of our time I see you are not wearing your uniform.”
“That's because I'm mainly representing me and my family as well as the civilian side of the Federation.”
“Any significance for the symbol on it?”
“Yes it's the logo of my music persona RS.”
“Oh could we hear some of your music?”
“That's why I brought my keyboard. Note many of my tracks people of this Earth have heard before.” Red set up the keyboard and played a couple of tracks then the host ended the show and thanked them for coming.
The next day Red and company spent the day as a family, no interviews, no touring, just them as a family. But the next day was exciting. Antilles thought that Red did a great job with the TV interview he decided it was time to do the one thing Red really wanted to do. Go see hir birth family. Red was bery eager to have hir families meet, 'shi was giddy as a cub' hir mates and sister would recount. Soon their things were packed on the modified jet took them back to Minneapolis and a another hummer limo waited for them and took them to hir sister's house. Hir sister got it from their parents when they died and was on the edge of Minneapolis bordering the town of Robbinsdale. The limo door opens and Red gets out to the waiting guard, they had four Secret Service agents for guards. The house was just as shi remembered it. Tan and light green color siding, a small porch in the front, a light pole and a brick wall next to the side walk. Shi walked up to the steps and rang the door bell. The door open to reveal Red's sister Rayna. “Hey sis, sorry I lost my key so had to ring the door bell.” Rayna looked at hir with some shock. He her brother was, in the flesh with that new body. She manages to stammer out a come in And she sees the side of the family she had only seen in pictures. As the family walks in they see for the first time Red's birth family. Rayna had all the family gathered for this occasion. Red looked around hir, all of hir close living birth family were hear to see hir. Shi couldn't help the tears coming down hir muzzle. Both Coal and Dallie felt Red's emotin and stroked hir upper back for comfort. It was Whirlwind who broke the ice. Shi walked to Red's niece Jasmine who was in hir late teens. “You're Jasmine right?” Whirlwind asked.
“Yes?” Jasmine clearly question where this was going. Whirlwind then hugged her and said.
“Uncle Red told me all about you. Good to actually meet you.” Jasmine hugged the chakat and there was aaaaaawwwww coming around and Red's current family join his birth family and talks began. Red waited a bit so see how things went before joining in.
Shi spent a couple of hours talking with family. Hearing from their mouths how things have been for them and shi told them hir life in the Federation. Eventually a smell from the kitchen began and shi went over to check to see hir sister cooking. “I'm surprise Coaldust isn't in here.”
“Coaldust is the dark one right?” Red nods, “Well shi looked in here shook her head and walked away.” Red did look around the kitchen, it wasn't very big, it would barely fir two humans let alone a chakt.
“Well it would be crap for our taur forms, looks like you get a pass but if shi doesn't approve shi WILL be in here despite the size.” Red sniffed the air again. “AAAAhhhhhh! Mom's recipe's. I missed them. Coal's cooking is very good but I missed mom's recipes.”
“I'll make a copy.”
“Thanks.” Red left waving with hir tail. It didn't take long for Coal to show up.
“Were you dissing my cooking?”
“Not at all, but Coal isn't there times you miss your mom's cooking.”
“Actually no shi is a terrible cook, dad cooked for the family. But I get your meaning.” Coal rubbed against Red's upper torso. “But I better not hear anything against my cooking.”
“Like I would ever do that.”
Dinner was begun and everyone was chowing down. Rayna did tap Red's shoulder and as Red looked at her shi pointed to the agents outside. Red nodded and grabbed a plate and drink and head outside. Shi apporached the closest agent. “Ma'am, everything alright?”
“Oh yes but our family ha a tradition, everyone eats when dinner is served. Now I know not all of you can eat at the same time so take turns and who gets this first?” Agent Mallory thought for a bit. He and his detail were assign to protect these strange creatures from another Earth They seem friendly enough and he would normally refuse but they do represent another government and this Redstreak understood their duty. They haven't seen any danger right now.
“Yes sir.” His fellow agent responds. Red hands Mallory the plate and drink.
“When he's done send him in the next one with the plate and we'll give him a new one.”
“Thank you Ma'am.” Red nods and heads back in.
As supper was finishing up Red checked up stairs. The steps were steep for hir taur body. This used to be his room when his parent's lived here. And shi was shocked to see how much of his stuff was here. He had an apartment when he was human and it looked like hir sister too all the good stuff and put them here. Shi looked at a photo of hir, Rayna and their parents smiling during a vacation. “You're really are my brother aren't you?” Red looked over to see hir sister by the stairs.
“Yes, my body and a bit of personality changed but the core of me is still your brother.”
“It's just that you changed your name Luke.” Red's features drooped and shi looked out the pair of small windows looking out to the street as the sun set.
“I had to sis, I needed to rebuild myself. You see sis. I nearly ended my life over there.” Shi hear Rayna gasp. “Yes, even now I can't explain it except the sense of loneliness and need to escape it all. Sis our parents never met in their world. Mom died in Desert Storm and Dad's family died during their Gene Wars so their was no family to connect to.”
“What about Coaldust and Medallion?”
“At the time I felt I was taking their time, they were focusing on me rather than their love for eachother. I felt like a fruad in this body. But Coaldust is a stubborn chakat and Medallion is close behind. They wouldn't let me go. And I just needed to rebuild myself to heal from that.” Red felt arms wrap around hir.
“I'm so sorry bro that you had to go through that but I'm glad you stayed and glad you have a pair to knock some sense into you when I'm not there.” Reed laughing and felt better again. “So how does it feel to be part girl?”
“Had it's ups and downs but I've grown to love this body. And I know what it's like to carry a baby, Silverstreak was carried by me.”
“My brother, a mother.” She started laughing which Red joined in. A bond restored.
Red and company did spent the night there. The house simply wasn't design for taurs so they when to the hotel suite adapted for them during their stay. A couple days later They went to Red's favorite team, a hockey team called the St. Paul Cyclones. They enter the Westwood Arena through a private entrance and taken to a modified suite. Red had never been in one of these before but noticed half the chairs striped out for the chakats to sit down while watching the game. Whirl was curious of the room. The team the Cyclones were formed during the prosperity of Herman Cains presidency and that was their golden years with an unrivaled team. Sadly that team had retired by now but it seems the successor team is doing well, these were the playoffs right now. As the game came closer to starting Red had the family go to the seat area outside the suite room and noticed the carpet where the seats were removed to their taur bodies. They sat down and they here the announcer say. “Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to tonight's game. Our Cyclones take on the Calgary Flames, But that's not all folks we have with us tonight some special guests. Over in the section 113 suite we have our visitors from another Earth, LT REDSTREAK AND HIR FAMILY!” A spotlight flashed on them and after a brief surprise Red waved to the crowd with hir family following. “Thank you for joining us Redstreak. Now Please rise and remove your caps as we sing the National Anthem.” Medallion looked over to hir sister, shi hand hir hand over hir upper heart and sing with the crowd, hir eyes tearing up but Medallion sensed happiness of a type shi never saw in hir before. When the anthem ended they sat down again. And the lights beging to dim as Medallion here's the crowd make a noise. THUMP! THUMP! CLAP! THUMP! THUMP! CLAP! The whole crowd stomp their feet and clapped their hands in a rhythm. Spotlights twirled around as a siren went off and music began to play. (Queen's We Will Rock You) The screens began to show CYCLONE'S ROCK as the announcer introduced the players. Each Cyclone player after being introduced went to the center of the rink and skated in a circle, as more players got into the circle they tap their sticks on the rink before hitting the sticks together in rhythm with the fans. Medallion would give them this, they knew how to put on a show. And that show didn't end when the game play started. The Cyclones were an aggressive team, always keeping the Flames on the defensive and getting more opportunities on goal. The team also perfected the one timer play showing very good team work. But it did amuse Medallion that hir sister was as giddy as the kids during the game which ended 4 to 1 in favor of the Cyclones. Redstreak stayed giddy all the way back to the hotel and it took the combo of Alexis and Coal to sex it out of hir.
The next week Red spent most of the time with both families with the occasional interview from the locals and a meeting with Antilles and Moonbreeze. It seem they would be returning home in a few days. A treaty was written up to allow trade between the Federation and this Earth and an Embassy would be established on this Earth. Red was offered the position of Representative but shi refused. Shi had a family back in the Federation but shi did agree that if can be called on if needed. Despite the refusal hir actions in representing the Federation earn hir the promotion to Lieutenant Commander. Red decided to take the whole family out to celebrate and went to the local restaurant.
Vic Mantalli has own the restaurant Papa's Pizza since his dad retired a couple decades ago. His dad founded the place back in the turn of the century and has been a going concern since. As he worked in the kitchen still viewable from the main dinning room he notice it got quiet over there. <That's odd.> He thought, <There's always chatter in the dining room.> Then a voice called out. “HEY VIC! You still serve cardboard with your pizza?” Only one person made that joke to Vic but he was dead. Turning around he saw a feline head poking out from the edge of the counter top. Must be one of those Chakats he heard of on the news. But how did she know that joke? Leaning over the counter to get a good look at the feline he said.
“A Chakat eh, well welcome to my place but how did you know that old joke? The guy who made it is dead.”
“Not dead though I did get close a few times Vic. It's me Luke.” Vic looked beyond and did see Luke's sister who nodded at the unspoken question.
“Well welcome back my friend. Free meal on me.”
'Well two of you largest pizza's with a standard large then.” The Chakat ordered. Red got hir family to sit at tables they combined and got comfortable as possible with everyone looking at them. A five year old kid ran up to them before her mother could do anything.
“Kitty!” She yelled and hugged Medallion's lower torso. “So soft.” as she rubbed the fur. Dallie purred and picked up the girl.
“Yes I am but maybe it would be better to stay with your mom.” Shi carried the child over to her mother and handed her off and petted her head. And the chakats felt a calm fall over the people around them. They then answered some questions till their food arrived and chow down. Afterward they were walking back to Rayna's house when Red felt something menacing the other chakats felt it too and Red extended hir telepathy and shi felt hate, hate for hir and what represent. And how shi was going to go away. Shi heard a car screech and shi yelled out.
“DUCK!” Shi forced hir family down and pulled out a hand phaser as their guards pulled out their guns. The car drives by and a man sticks out a gun muzzle and unleashes a hail of bullets. One of the agents goes down as the others return fire. Red fired hir phaser aiming for the wheel. The rubber wheel melted from the beam and the car crashed into a lightpole. With a nod from hir the agents go to secure the car as Red looks over hir family. The kids were scared but okay and the adults were all looking around for more threats. Red then head over to the down agent. She was still alive and holding her side. Red push back her coat and ripped the shirt so shi could see the wound. Red took out a tricorder that shi had as part of hir equipment and scanned. “Okay the bullet is still in there, I'm going to get it out. Red extends hir claws and painfully extracts the bullet before taking off hir shirt and uses it to clot the bleeding.
In minutes the ambulance from nearby North Memorial Hospital got the agent, still clinging to Red's shirt is help up and sped away. Once done the police and the remaining agents quickly went to the house and had Red and company escorted back to the hotel. Their the entire family hanged out, though Rayna was a bit uncomfortable with Red. “Brother could you PLEASE put a shirt on?” Red looked down and saw hir bare breasts, shi didn't put on a replacement in all the commotion. Shi grinned at hir sister and commented.
“What, you don't like seeing your former brother have tits?” Shi caressed said tits and Rayna growled causing hir to laugh as shi head to hir room for a new shirt. When shi returned shi did comment. “When you visit our home you are going to have to get use to that, many walk around topless and Tamira is an avid nudist.” They were eventually questioned by police and then Red had a couple of interviews over the phone but the family barely left the hotel. They did hear that the agent had survived and was recovering.
The came to return home and Red and family reunited with the Commander and Moonbreeze and the portal was reopened. Red hugged hir sister and walked to the portal. Shi pauses to look around. Though shi was very happy with hir chakat family but now reunited with hir birth family shi felt truly whole.
* * * * *
While Red and hir chosen company were visiting hir birth Earth things went as normal in the house but even with some of the members gone it can still be a bit crowded in the house. Thus Fish and Vox decided to go into the woods for some alone time. Fish was at her happiest, Red gave her a family that loved her and she loved back but she connected with Vox and Vox loved her. She knew Red didn't mine taking a back seat to Vox just as long as Fish was happy. Though Fish admits Red is good in bed so they would stay mates and so far Vox and Red have been nothing more than co-mates.
Fish lead them to a small shack Dallie built when Red was first presumed dead and then was kidnapped. Coal wasn't the only one to take those events hard. She had seen Dallie's body language with hir sister and knew that shi loved Red dearly and if it wasn't for Red's beliefs she could easily have seen them intimate and bond the way many chakat sisters due. Fish had already brought out a inflatable mattress and a lamp when it gets dark. Once inside she artfully strips for her lover. Vox already nude couldn't do the same but he'll make it up. As soon as Fish was nude Vox laid her on the mattress and they kissed passionately and started fondling Fish's breasts and Fish stroked his upper torso. The two continued this for minutes before Vox shifted and entered Fish to the mutual groan of pleasure. Vox just stay there enjoying Fish wrapped around him before thrusting in and out with building pleasure. All too soon they both came but this was only the first round. Through the rest of the day and into the night the two went at it. Vox even switched to a biped form for a change of pace but both preferred his taur form. It was late night with Fish on top riding him caressing her breasts as his forelegs held her hips and his arms behind his head watching his love and mate riding him. Soon though he had to close his eyes to as he got closer and closer till he yipped in pleasure cumming inside his love again cause her to orgasm as well. Finally sated and tired fish laid on his lower torso and said. “I love you Vox.” And she closed her eyes but did hear him respond.
“And I love you my little Fish.” he had his forelegs hug his biped mate and turned off the lamp and joined her in sleep.
Larsa was in her room and glanced out the window to see Vox and Fish head into the woods and smirked knowing what the two young lovers were about to do. <Ah those were the days.> She thought. She remembered how she and her mate Zaberrek doing the same. As well as many in her village. Thoughts of her village brought back the pain of it's destruction. Even in the years since the disaster it hurts like crazy, the lost of her family and home but Dallie's family was a good salve for that pain. She walks out of her room and sees on the first floor the young Kitsune Foxtaur Flameria playing with her daughter Firestripe and Jewel. Ah precious Jewel, her last connection to her first family and village. Larsa was quite shocked how ready Dallie was to adopt Larsa's granddaughter as hir own but I the time since becoming Dallie's mate she had learn the love chakat's have. Blood doesn't matter as much as claiming. Dallie loves Jewel as a daughter and who care's if Jewel is not a blood relation. Larsa loved Jewel like a mother's love even though she was her grandmother not mother. But a fact Larsa sees everyday. She was on the high end of sixty and her age was starting to show. She had more gray hairs every year and trying to lift Jewel was becoming painful. Though she still has many decades left she felt the age. She walked back to her room and looked at the mirror. She saw a foxtaur still shapely and beautiful if you look past the gray hairs. But the eyes reveal the true. She was sad and depressed again. She has had these bouts since the disaster and mainly flare when she's in a job low. While technically still employed by Spacewave they gave less to work on. Heck right now her main job is managing RS's interviews and releases. Money was not an issue. Not including the fact that anyone of the family would loan her money without question the settlement from the disaster has her set for life though hardly equal to the lost of her village and family. She needed the work to keep the lost away when Dallie was not available, though she has taken Tamira for a ride or to. Being a foxtaur it was easy to be bisexual when females outnumber males and the unicorn defiantly was fun. In true it's only since she became Jewel's parent did she start worrying about her age. Jewel needed someone to be there as she becomes an adult and while Dallie and even Red would do it without question SHE wanted to be there now for her late daughter. She HAD to be. She goes to the small safe she had in her room and took out a vial she kept there. Red got it a couple years ago for Larsa knowing how she felt. It's supposed to reverse aging a bit. She has stare at it many times. She was raise to value nature's course which caused her to be hesitant but that village is gone and her granddaughter needed her as much as she needed Jewel. FAMILY came before tradition now. She open the top and gulped the vial's context down. She looked out the window and saw it dark. Had she really been thinking on that long? She better get Jewel for it was bedtime for the little kit. She went down the the first floor and ran into Goldstrike, the Chakat Skunktaur hybrid from another world. “You okay Larsa I felt some strong and sad emotions from you?”
“Why don't you just take it from my mind?” Larsa said harshly.
“You know I would never do that without permission. I just thought you may have needed an ear?” Larsa sighed.
“Sorry that was low of me. But I'm fine and I appreciate the offer.”
“Forgiven.” Then Larsa saw Jewel enter the room and her stomach growled a bit.
“Okay honey, dinner and then bed time.” Jewel yipped in response not being able to talk just yet. Larsa had a big meal before feeling full and cleaning up she fell asleep with her granddaughter next to her making her more comfortable.
The sunlight glaring through the doorway woke Vox up. He blinked is eyes a couple of times and stretched and notice the absence of Fish on his lower torso. <maybe she's getting breakfast?> he thought but was surprised to feel full even though he spent hours making love with Fish. He got up and noticed Fish's clothes still in the shack, while nudity was completely accepted in this household Fish didn't normally partake in it. Maybe she was having fun in the forest. He began sniffing around but could find her scent. The most recent was in the shack but nothing lead out to it. Weird. “Fish.” he called out but after a few minutes he heard nothing so called again. She better not be playing a game with him on this like she did with her sister when she was a kitten. That was fun. <Wait how would I know that? Heck how do I know she has a sister? She's been pretty quiet about her past.> Leaving that for another time he called again and looked around for any sign of her when he suddenly felt a stinging sensation on his chest and he looked down. He saw the upper part of his chest expand outward till it was obviously a part of breasts of impressive size. <Now why did that happen?> He thought and tried to make it revert back only to have a sudden rack of pain. He looked down and the breasts were still there. He then felt more tingling sting all over his body as he touched a breast, <man that felt good.> Then he noticed his arm, while it still had the black glove he had always had since he got the imprint to take a more solid form and was thinner more...feminine? He scratched his head and his hair felt longer. Grabbing a piece so he could see it he was shocked to discover it was....PINK!? <Did Fish dye my hair as a joke?> He swore he could hear her giggle. “This is Not FUNNY FISH!” he still heard no response and he was growing concerned. He decided to look at the rest of his body. It was still a teal color fur but it now had a elongated diamond shape stripes on the lower torso's back and on bot sets of hips. Like before his right arm and foreleg were gloved while the left was clear teal but he did notice a diamond patch on the left upper arm. His rear legs seemed fine till he noticed that his toes were white instead of black. His tail was the same teal with a black stripe near the end and a white tip but unlike before the diamond stripe pattern was there as well. His front legs however also seemed fine till he noticed that they were a bit thicker than before and the toes were longer. It reminded him of a chakat handpaw. “What the heck is happening to me?” He questioned aloud and suddenly felt his muzzle open and yawn. <Where did that come from?> Then to his surprise he heard Fish's voice out of his mouth.
“Hey Vox did you carry me outside?”
“Um, no. Where are you?”
“I think outside the shack but how did I get here?” Vox felt his arm go up and he heard Fish gasp.
“What happened to my arm, It's like yours?”
“That was my arm.” he replied. Wait, the pink hair, breasts and stripes. Plus the fact he couldn't see Fish anywhere yet could hear her voice he could draw only one conclusion. He and Fish were now one and the same and apparently Fish came to the same conclusion for in unison both said. “UH!OH!”
Chapter 1 - From Ashes Chapter 1 |
From Ashes
by Admiral Q and
inspired by 'More Terrible than Chains' by Bernard Doove.
Chris Rasmussen lean back on his chair and watch the starfield fly by at warp while he listened to his favorite music. Being owner and captain of the Freighter Isis was working well for him. Far from rich he was still had good money and with his ship the best thing of all.....FREEDOM. But that freedom did bring loneliness at times. Not the first time he thought of finding somebody to share it with. He was currently heading out to a remote area to deliver some supplies to the handful of colonies in the sector. These were nice bread and butter runs for Chris and....The ship jerks out of warp and the klaxons blare. He's trying to figure out what has happened. His ships shudders and he hears thuds. He was under attack and his console was saying his weapons and shields were gone. He starts muttering a curse as a transporter beams him away.
Chapter 1
The F.S.S. Ambassador cruised through subspace. She was a member of an older class of cruiser in the fleet. Her class was the precursor to the Pegasus class and the first ship to use phaser strip technology. While old she was still useful thus she was out in this remote sector. There had been reports of piracy in the area thus she was to hunt them down. On her bridge her current captain was a Rakshani male in his thirties with tan and green colored fur and his first officer was a voxxan female. Since he took command 3 years ago they have worked well together. He would hate it when she got her own ship but he bets his former CO said the same when he left to take the Ambassador. But while the Archangel was a Pegasus class ship she wasn't the Pegasus and Ambassador wasn't a bad ship. But he does hope he finds this pirate soon. They found what was left of their last victim. The freighter S.S. Isis had no bodies drifting in her but she was stripped heavily of everything, even her warp core. After getting every piece of evidence they could they left the derelict behind. She was only worth scrap now. But they did get the engine trail of her attacker and was in pursuit, but the pirate had a week head start. Isis was the typical victim of these guys. They attack, take the crew (most likely as slaves), and strip the ship of everything valuable.”Captain I have a ship on sensors, engine trail matches the pirate's pattern.”
“RED ALERT!”Commander Navir yelled and the ship readied for battle. Minutes later they drop out of warp and saw the ship for the first time. It was a HUGE ship, far bigger than the average pirate vessel. Heck she was bigger than the Ambassador.
Target weapons and engines, security teams prepare for boarding.
The ships sped up and from her emitters her phasers fired at the pirate ships nacelles and obvious weapon ports. The shields hold against the attack and the pirate ship returns fire with older ball turret phasers and a few torpedoes. They hits the upper part of Ambassador's saucer and the cruiser moves to show her belly and unleashes all available phasers and a few torpedoes of her own. Some of those got through the shields but the pirate still returned fire. Ambassador's advantage was she was smaller and more maneuverable but she was focusing her fire on the weapons and engines. Flying around close to the pirates hull Ambassador score several good hits and when the left nacelle came in view she launch a salvo of torpedoes. The nacelle was destroyed and the big ship listed and trailed plasma from the strut that used to support the severed nacelle and Ambassador's sensors read the complete failure of the pirate's shields. As planned the security teams beam to the pirate's bridge and engineering to control the ship. The crews in the area tried to fend of the attack but never had a chance against train security. Soon the key areas are secure and the teams move to secure the rest of the ship.
One caitian security officer had just opened a room near the middle of the ship. His and other teams have been rounding up what's left of the crew, He's been hearing over the comms they they were finding morphs that look like slaves and that many of the crew they are capturing have the look of scientists about them and all of the crew were human. He scans the room it was dark, the only illumination was the klaxon lights and some console on in the back but he could see a table and some more consoles. Feeling the walls he found the light panel and turned on the lights. This was definitely a lab of some kind and he walked further into the room to a pillar of some kind. He pasted but console after console that were currently off and a replicator before getting close to the pillar and the only console still on. It wasn't a pillar, it was a vat with a being inside, a morph from the looks of it. Taping his commbadge he says. 溺edical team to my position, we have a morph in a vat here.
“Roger, on our way.” The caitian then stands guard and watches the poor morph suspended in the vat.
Nurse Summerbreeze enter the room where the request came from and it looked like a high tech medical lab to hir trained eye. She joined the caitian but when she entered the room she felt great distress, fear and a need for freedom. Looking in the vat the being inside was a fox morph of some kind, apparently naked but giving what shi had already seen not a surprise. She bet this ship was either a part of or has close ties to Human First. The morph had no mask so the liquid inside must provide that for the morph but she did see wires attach to the head. The emotions from the morph were getting stronger and harder to resist. The need for freedom becoming to much. She eventually had had it and went to the console. It was ijn the process for downloading something. The user interface was standard and shi found the appropriate commands. Hir wolf morph partner asked.”Summer what are you doing?”
“Releasing the morph.”
“Wait shouldn't we wait for the captain to order that?”
“I CAN'T Brian the emotions are too strong.” Brian sighs and gets the medkit ready as Summer presses the button to eject the morph. The vat drains it's self of the fluid and the wires retract and the morph laid in the base of the vat unconscious. It was a fox morph but with black fur and apparently female. As soon as Summer touch her the emotions from the morph ease considerably. “Summerbreeze to Ambassador, 3 to beam to sick bay.”And the three of them disappeared in lights and the caitian officer continued his sweep.
Chris woke in a bright room, he looked around him. He was in a sickbay of some kind. Then he saw the starfleet uniform on a person checking some readings. Anger came out of him. “Hey starfleet why did you attack my ship. I follow the laws.” The person jumped a bit and saw him and walked over.
“Good your awake and we didn't attack you. Some pirates did and we got them. Now could you give me your name shir?”
“Chris Rasmussen, and why did you...” He was about to say shir when he noticed his voice. It was decidedly feminine and he notice something at the bottom of his eyesight. He lifted up his hand to it and felt fur. A muzzle? He takes his hand away and sees it. It had black fur over it and was feminine shaped.
“What hap...” he started to ask then a sudden pain entered his head. He held his head as thoughts rushed in, thoughts not his own. <Obey master. You are a slave. Obey master. You must do anything he says. You do not need or want clothes. You want sex. You want to please master. OBEY MASTER.> These and similar thoughts when through his head and caused great pain as he fought them off. But they kept coming till finally he screamed. “HELP ME!” And darkness engulfs him.
The captain met with the doctor and the skunktaur counselor with his XO beside him. “So what's going on?” He asks the doctor.
“Well physically shi's a fully functioning hermaphrodite fox morph. The black fur is natural. But shi does and interesting brain pattern but I think it could cause problems, possibly even death. I've asked counselor to see what hy can do.”
“Alright, but what about the claim that shi's this Chris Rasmussen?”
Commander Navir jumped in.” Sir the last freighter we found, the Isis was registered to a Chris Rasmussen and her flight path would lead to this area. Though the records say Rasmussen is a human male the preliminary study of the pirates records show that they have been experimenting and that fox lying there could very well be Mr. Rasmussen. Counselor Lecian will be able to confirm that.”
“Proceed Counselor.” The skunktaur nodded and headed over. Hy was unusual for a skunktaur. Though technically hermaphrodites they weren't both genders at the same time but could switch between them. All skunktaurs, no matter the mother are born in male phase and when they reach puberty and their first heat go female. After that they generally stay in male mode but Lecian nearly stayed in female mode all the time. Only hys rut did hy ever go to male. Captain Nar'shene knew hy had a male foxtaur mate on Chakona and a very likely reason but Nar'shene believe that wasn't the only reason. Lecian sat on hys haunches, touch hys forehead to the fox morphs and held the fox morphs head.
In the fox's mind all was black and Lecian said. “Hello?”
“Who's there?” Asked a male voice. I like appeared and a human male in his mid thirties stood there looking at hym.
“I'm Lecian of House Redpaw. Assigned to the ship that rescued you.” To the outside world Lecian says. “IT is Mr. Rasmussen doing further contact.” Back inside hy asks Mr. Rasmussen. “What do you last remember?”
“Waking up in a sickbay....and having fur. That was a dream right?” He looks around fearfully. “Where am I?”
“We're in your mind, I'm a telepath. Sadly that wasn't a dream. You were kidnapped and transformed.” Chris held his head and screamed as another figure appeared. It was the fox morph form but the eyes were lifeless, no soul. Lecian started hearing it say phrases like obey master, nude is good, do anything required, need sex. Chris yelled in pain. Lecian close hys eyes and in a minute Chris didn't hear the voices anymore. He looked over to the fox and shi was still there talking but he couldn't hear hir anymore. “I've got bad news Chris. What just happen confirmed something to me. The program to re do your mine was incomplete and is causing a dissonance in your mind. This WILL kill you in the end and I cannot remove the program.”
“So I'm gonna die.”
“Not quite. While I can't remove the program I can negate it's effects. The downside is that you as Chris Rasmussen will cease to exist and a new persona will appear.”
“Is there no other way?” Lecian shook hys head and Chris sighs.
“Well another life is better than no life. What about my ship?”
“Stripped beyond salvage.” He frowned at that.
“Well ensure that who ever replaces me has my savings. They're going to need it.” Then he looked seriously at Lecian. “Do me a favor Lecain. Remember me, the only thing worse then dying is not being remembered.” The skunktaur walked up to him and hugged him.
“I promise Chris. You will not be forgotten.”
“Alright let's get his over with.” In the outside world Lecian relayed what hy was doing and everyone left to allow hym to work. Hy did come out till two days later and crashed.
Shi woke up hungry. Shi was in the sickbay shi guessed and slowly got up. Shi saw hir plantigrade black furred feet and legs. “Oh you're awake, what do you remember?” Shi looked over to the voice and saw a morph in a medical uniform.
“Everything Chris Rasmussen knew. I'm hungry.”
“I bet, it's been a couple days since Lecian did whatever hy did.” The medic went over to the replicator and got a balance meal for the morph. It quickly disappeared and The fox morph looked around. “What are you looking for?”
“A mirror, I like to see myself.”
“Ah, follow me.” The medic lead the morph to an office and pointed to the full length mirror there. Shi went over and looked at hirself for the first time. Shi was a fox morph with Black fur over hir entire body. Hir human style hair was a slightly different shade of black and shi had golden eyes that almost glow in comparison to hir fur. She had a youthful and lean feminine body...with a sheath to hold hir male organ. No balls that shi could see. Hir tail was typical fox in form but also all black. Here shi was standing nude with someone nearby and shi felt no shame or embarrassment, must be from the programing that got held over.“IF you were wondering we did a scan of you and you have internal balls.”
“Well good, less vulnerable spots at least.” Shi looks in the mirror again at herself and smiles. “I have a name for myself.”
“Shadow Phoenix, I can easily blend into the shadows and since I was born from the remains of Chris Rasmussen I'm like a phoenix from the ashes.”
“I'll put it in the records then. Let's do your physical.” Shadow spent the next couple of hours testing hir bodies reactions. Though the medic offered a outfit Shadow refused it. After the workout shi took a shower then came out and the medic had a simple outfit for hir. “Please put this on. I 'm taking you to your quarters on the ship and you need to wear something.” Shadow put it on and shi had to ask.
“Were there others transformed like me and what's happening with them?”
“We did find some others but there transformation was complete. Right now they are bunked in Cargo Bay 2 for they are too dumb to make use of the most basic quarters. They are being well taken care of and will likely set up in brothels were they can be reasonaly happy and cared for.”
“I guess I was the lucky one.”
“Yes. They think you might have a stronger libido then you did bhefore and Doctor Hopper wants you in here daily for checks for a bit to make your your brain waves are stable and will have a once a week meeting with Lecian while you are on board unless hy says otherwise.
“Very well.” The two head out and after a ride on a turbolift The medic shows Shadow hir quarters.
“You know how to work everything?” Shadow gave her the LOOK.
“I have all of Chris' memories. He may not have served on a starfleet ship but he did run his own ship. I think I have the basics down.”
“Sorry, how do you think of Mr. Rasmussen?”
“As my father.”
“AH. Well I'll let you be.” The door shuts behind her and Shadow looks around. The living room was small but comfy with a pair of chairs and a couch and a table. A desk and the nearby replicator had dual use as workplace and dinner table. Shi also had two HUGE windows with a view of space. Smiling at the site Shadow strips and immediately feel better and continued to search hir room. She had a nice restroom with a shower. Then a nice size bedroom with a twin size bed and a dresser and closet. Shi heads back to the the living room and sits at the desk and fires up the terminal there and began searching.
Two days later Shadow was finishing up hir daily checkup when Commander Navir walked in. “How are you doing Shir Phoenix?” The doctor answered.
“Doing well. No strange brain patterns.”
“I am bored though. There's only so much reading you can do.”
“Well I don't have any openings in areas with you're known skills.” Shadow frowned when Summerbreeze walked in.
“I may have a solution.” They all look at hir. “My cubs can use someone to watch over them.” Navir frowned.
'What's wrong with the daycare on the ship nurse Summerbreeze?”
“Nothing but I prefer keeping my cubs in my quarters when I can. You think you're up for it?”
'You are going to trust me with your kids? I perfect stranger.”
“Well I'm done with my shift today so I'll be with you if you want to try today and we'll see how my cubs react to you.” Shadow shrugged.
“It's something to do.” Navir knowing the discussion was over dismissed them. They started to head to the turbolift.
“Hey Summerbreeze, thanks for this chance.”
“No problem.” Shadow then noticed Summerbreeze was anxious about something. Chris was pretty good at reading people and the programing forced on Shadow enhanced that.
”Okay I may not be an empath but I can read people and something is bothering you.” The chakat sighs before replying.
“It's my fault. My fault that you're like this. IF I had called in and waited..”
“It would have been worse. Summerbreeze I was being reprogrammed in that tube. By the time they would have gotten me out of it I would be no better than those down in the cargo bay.” Yesterday Shadow visited the cargo bay. Most of those in there were barely sentient and we're at his happiest when doing sex. And to think they were once like Chris, shi shuddered. Shadow grabbed Summerbreeze's muzzle so the chakat faced hir. “Summerbreeze I don't blame you for what happen. I thank you for acting on impulse so I can make my own choices. I blame what happen to me are those who kidnapped me and transformed me, no one else.” The two continued on to the chakat quarters.
Summerbreeze's quarters were much bigger than Shadow's but then again these were the quarters of a taur family so it has to be bigger. They both hear a door open and a pair of voices cry out.
“Mommy/Daddy!” And a pair of pint size chakat cubs ran up and tried to be lifted by their parent.
“Hey kids.” Both hir and Shadow smile. There's something about kids that can lift your spirits.
“Hello my children” Summerbreeze said as shi hugged both of them then like the felines they're based off of they start sniffing and looking at Shadow.
“Who's this dad?” One of them asks.
“This is Shadow, shi is going to play with you today.” The cubs let out a joyous cheer and dragged Shadow away for some play. Shadow played a bunch of board games, help them color and they taught hir how to braid hair. Didn't take long for the cubs to tire and Shadow laid them on their beds as they joined dream world. Walking back to the living room Summerbreeze had a smirk on hir muzzle. “So you still want the job?”
“They're not that bad, just energetic. Reminded me of a kitten Chris had when he was a kid.”
“You sure, have you've seen your hair?” Shadow sighs.
“Yes.” Shi started working on the parts shi could see. Then the door opened and Summerbreeze's mate Starwind showed up. Shi worked in the engineering department and shi and Shadow were introduced. Summerbreeze when to make dinner which Shadow was forced to joined shi and Starwind just chatted and they quickly when to starship engineering in they're talks. Minutes later dinner was announced and they went and talked while enjoying a well cooked meal. After the meal Shadow thanked them for it and was about to head out when Starwind offered hir to stay the night. Shadow politely refused and said maybe another time. As the door closed behind hir Starwind said to hir mate.
“Love that is one interesting morph.”
“I agree but why do you say so?”
“During our talk we got into serious tech talk. I know shi was a frieghter captain before hir change and some stuff shi didn't get, AT FIRST. They can easily understand a concept as it's explained to hir. We all assume and for good reason that shi was redesign to be a sex slave but what if shi was also designed for something more or a side effect of what the Lecian did to hir.” Both look back to the door in heavy thought.
A couple days later shi woke up in a pile of fur, THOSE CHAKATS ARE TENACIOUS! Shi got up and started cooking breakfast for everyone, then they all headed off to they're work spots and Shi entertained the cubs for most of the morning till they went and took a nap. Shadow was sitting on the couch having a drink when shi noticed a padd on the table. Shi grabbed it and studied it. It displayed a program of some kind. Shi looked at it for a few minutes then began to understand what the program was meant for and started fiddling with it, hir drink barely noticed. “Whatcya working on Shadow?” Shi jerks in surprise and sees Starwind looking at hir with curiosity.
“I saw this padd lying here and just fiddled with it.” Starwind frowned.
“You shouldn't do that. You could screw up a delicate program.”
“But I believe I've fix it though, have a look.” Shi hands Starwind the padd and shi looks it over. The chakat frowned again and sounded astonished when shi spoke again.
“I've been dealing with this program for weeks trying to make it work and you got it nearly working in a few hours?”
“It's been that long, I felt like I just put the cubs to bed?” Starwind chuckles and comments.
“I know that feeling, Summer usually has to pull me out of it. You know, I think I might have another job for you in a computer department.”
“But what about your cubs?”
“Well since we didn't find anymore pirates out there we're resuming our more standard patrol. We're rotating out some people on a potential colony. Me and Summer were picked to relieve some people there and command doesn't want you there.”
“And where do they want me?” Shadow said angryly.
“Well most of the sex slaves we took are being drop off at Starbase 9 and they will likely go to brothels where they can get what they want and be cared for. You they want to stay onboard for the rest of the tour admittedly for study then a research groups wants to look you over on Earth.” Starwind sense the growing anger from Shadow. “Look they hope that studying you might help restore the sentience of your fellow prisoners and maybe even other slaves rescued from the NLAW.” Starwind senses the anger dissipate. “personally I wish you could come with us. Me and Summer enjoy your company and the cubs adore you. But if this idea works out you'll have something to do and likely get some more income for yourself.” Shadow had to nod, with Isis gone hir main source of income is gone and what Chris had in his savings won't last forever. Shi and Starwind then entertained the awakened cubs.
They next day Starwind took hir to the main computer lab where they met Lt. Eva Winters. After handing the Lt. The padd Shadow worked on yesterday they watch the human female look over the padd. “This is good work, but protocol says I'll have to start you in the basics and you'll have to wear a uniform but I can pay you 10 credits an hour and the average shift is 6 hours. Is that okay?”
“Sure, if I advance it should be because I earned it.” Shadow replies.
“Okay I'll get get the contract made up. Report here tomorrow and 1000 hours.” Shadow nods and signed the contract and returned for hir last full day watching the kids. Starwind insisted that Shadow have dinner with them till they left. Shi9 agreed, they were the only friends shi has now. The next day shi reported in and given a station and today shi was to look over programs others have written up for some of the non critical systems. Shi did find some errors and found ways to streamline others till 1400 hours (3 pm) After saying goodbye to a few fellow programers shi met at lunch shi headed to Summer's quarters. Getting their shi strips, Summer and Star long ago discovered shi was uncomfortable with clothes and did encourage nudity, heck they did the same when they got home. Shi greets and plays with the cubs till Summer gets home. Shi decides to make dinner tonight to which everyone enjoyed. Two days later they were in orbit of a nearly terran class planet. The whole planet had a climate similar to Canada. Shadow got to tour the base camp before saying goodbye to Summer and the family, shi has some tears in hir eyes as shi was beamed back. After a couple of days the Ambassador leaves orbit and heads to Starbase 9 to drop off the other transformed sex slaves and some R&R. Shadow used the money shi gets from working to get a couple of outfits and explored the starbase. A few days later the Ambassador was surveying a nebula. Since Summer was gone shi had just stayed in hir quarters after work but shi was bored with that and found a lounge facing the nebula. Sipping on a drink as shi observes the nebula. Shi felt lonely. “May I sit next to you?” A feminine voice asked. Shadow jerked a bit and look to the source of the voice. It came from a foxtaur with gray and red fur in patches and redish brown hair pulled into a tail that went halfway down her upper torso. Shi wore the gray colored uniform that security uses. “Of course have a seat, my name is Shadow Phoenix.” The foxtaur shakes an offered hand.
“And my name Yoshiru Leannera. Shadow Phoenix, interesting name. I haven't seen you here before, you new?”
“You could say that, I was contracted to work on ship for the rest of the tour.” The captain told not to reveal hir true origins while on the ship. “I got tired of just being in my room and since were in a nebula I decided to check out a lounge.” Shi turned to the window and with hir unused hand wave toward the nebula. This is a great view.”
“It's the reason I left my home. I work as a scout when planetside and a survival trainer while on ship, you?”
“I check programs for errors or find ways to streamline them.” The two talked about various issues and topics and Shadow was sad to see it end but both had work tomorrow and they promised to meet again in the lounge.
For three weeks as the ship continued it's tour Yoshiru and Shadow met in the lounge and chatted. During which Shadow found out that Yoshiru was a festival kit. A child that comes from parents that met at a festival that foxtaur clans regularly have which explained her unusual coloring and name since her father was from japan. Now the bartender even had Shadow's drink ready for hir when shi walked in. Shi sat at hir spot and twenty minutes later Yoshiru appeared, they had an enjoyable chat that sadly went by to fast. They left the lounge and walked to their quarters. They discovered that they were on the same deck but Yoshiru's place was closer. While walking Shadow glanced at hir friend for she seemed tense or anxious. What shi didn't know. Everything seemed fine in the lounge and nothing in the hallway seemed odd enough for Yoshiru to have this posture. They get to Yoshiru's door. At this point Shadow had had it, shi had to know what was bothering hir friend. “Yoshiru, what's wrong? Something is bothering you I can tell.” The foxtaur took a deep breath and released it before replying. “You're right something is bothering me. Would you come inside please?”
“Of course.” Shi follows the foxtaur inside and glances around the room. It was bigger than hir's but just right for a single taur morph. Shadow looks back Yoshiru and the foxtaur seems likes she wants to pace but instead she looks at Shadow and asks.
“What we say doesn't go beyond this room but stays between us got it?” Shadow nods and Yoshiru continues. “Have you ever heard of the term vulpamour before?” Shadow frowns and looks through hir and Chris' memories.
“Sorry can't say that I have. Neither me or my father had much contact with foxtaurs before now.”
“Well for the most part it just means fox lover but with us foxtaurs it also stands for lesbians.”
“Ah I get it. Since you have so many more females then males it's not surprise some would find that kind of love with another female.”
“Exactly and Shadow, I'm a vulpamour and I've been attracted to you since I first saw you. I've been trying to get a read on you to see if you felt the same but I kept getting mixed signals. So now in honestly I ask if you wouldn't having a foxtaur girlfriend?” Shadow was shocked. True shi was attracted to the foxtaur but shi never thought beyond friendship with her. And shi didn't know how to handle this, Chris wasn't a ladies man and shi hirself was too new to have any experience. But Yoshiru deserved a response and Shadow decided she needed to learn a little truth.
“Yoshiru, before this goes any further you should know something about me. Something only a few people know and I like that to remain so.” Unfastening both hir tail fastener and the one in front shi says.”Yoshiru, I'm a hermaphrodite.”And shi revels the truth to hir friend. Shi only wears the uniform. It seems hir design took the diea the Turners did for chakat breasts and applied it to hir. Shi never needs a bra, it's built in like a chakats and as for panties, well shi wanted only to wear what is necessary for work nothing more. Yoshiru looked at the evidence in shock. Out of all the possibilities shi came up with, this wasn't one of them.
“So...you're like a chakat.”
“Except for being a fox and an anthro yes.”
“I never heard of an hermaphrodite fox except for the stellars. In fact you're almost a an anthro starwalker by looks.”
“As far as I know that's purely coincidence.” The two looked at eachother in silence as Shadow refastens hir pants then asks. “Yoshiru, you now know that truth of me. I need to know where we stand. You still wan me more than just a friend? Do you still want to be friends or am I a freak to be repulsed by you?”
“Oh no Shadow, you're not a freak to me but I have to reexamine things. I just didn't think of this possibility.”
“Still friends?”
“Still friends.”
“Okay then take all the time you need. This is an important decision and I'll leave you to make it.” It's a trouble foxtaur Shadow leaves behind nothing shi can do nothing about it shi heads for hir quarters.
Shadow tried to get some work done in hir quarters but shi couldn't get hir mind off recent events. Even a shower didn't help. Shi finally gave up on the evening and started heading for bed when the door chimed. Considering the lateness shi had a good guess who that was but mindful of who else might be out there shi put some shorts on and answered the door, shi didn't care who saw hir breasts but someone seeing hir sheath on the ship was another story. As expected it was Yoshiru who did blink went she was face to face with a bare breasted Shadow. The herm fox did notice a gleam in the foxtaur's eyes as she looked at them. “May I come in?” Shadow moved aside and gestured for her to enter. When the door closed Yoshiru sat on her rump and looked a tad embarrassed and looked down before starting. “I admittedly fantasized about you, about the life we could have together. I dream that you'd be delighted when I told how I felt and that you felt the same but I couldn't get a read on your feelings and now I know why. You project both male and female signals that comes natural to a herm but I in my dreams ignore the male signals and that confused my read.” Shadow nodded in understanding. Though hir body was currently a herm and thus both male and female at the same time shi as a personality leaned female. Shi guessed this was due to the fact Lecian is female biased and some of that biased got imprinted on hir during the merge. But despite that the unavoidable fact is that shi used to be a human male and as such may do male things without thinking for they came naturally for Chris. “Now that I know the truth I figured out I was idealizing you and truthfully I need you more as a friend than a lover but I'm not against trying a herm lover once. What I really need is someone to share a den with at night. Foxtaurs are not solitary creatures by natures and that loneliness has been hitting me hard lately. Would you mind share a bed with a friend? Just a friend needing someone to sleep next to even if it's nothing more than that?” Shadow thought for a minute, as shi figured before shi was attracted to Yoshiru physically but shi also just liked the foxtaur and shi actually enjoyed it when shi slepted with Summer and hir family and missed that. AND adding into the fact Chris spent so much time alone shi didn't want to repeat his mistakes.
“I wouldn't mind the company tonight.” Yoshiru yipped for joy before she could stop herself and looked embarrassed, Shadow could have almost swear shi saw a blush under that fur but shi giggled at hir friends reaction and stripped off hir shorts and looked behind hir. “Well aren't you gonna strip and join me in bed?” Yoshiru grinned and stripped off her uniform fast and joined the already lying fox herm. The bed wasn't made for two and certainly not one who was a taur to boot but she made do. “Comfy?”Shi asked.
“Yes thank you my friend.” The foxtaur lick kissed Shadow who returned it.
“Good, Hopefully we'll both have a good night's rest. LIGHTS OFF!” The computer responded and only the starlight through the windows illuminated the room where two friends quickly fell asleep.
Shadow awoke the next morning feeling odd, like something was different then shi felt and heard the breathing behind hir. Yoshiru, hir foxtaur friend with her arm and a foreleg draped over hir. As much as shi would have liked to stay there cuddled with hir friend a soft chiming said shi had to get up now though lucky Yoshiru could sleep longer with her much later shift. Slowly disentangling hirself from the foxtaur and looked at her. She was like a three layered cake, her underbelly was typical fox white but after that it wasn't typical. The second layer was a gray color with a dark red making the third with her reddish brown hair topping it all off. Not a bad site to look at in the morning. shi had breakfast and cleaned up Shi was about to put on hir uniform when shi felt shi was being watched. Shi looks behind hir and smiles and Yoshiru with her head supported by her hand looked on in a appreciative look and smile on her lips. “Good morning.”
“A very good morning, it's been a while since a woke to a lovely sight.” Shadow was sure shi blushed but doubt either could see it.
“How did you sleep?” The foxtaur stretch a bit.
“Well I do feel stiff in certain spots. Tonight my place.”
“Likely for now on your place.” Shadow gave her a lick kiss and headed for work.
A week of this had worked well for both of them for they were better rested for it. One morning Yoshiru woke up early having a call of nature but it didn't stop her from looking at her bed mate. Shadow was smiling a bit in hir sleep with hir arms resting above hir head and hir black hair underneath it all and hir midnight black fur. All of that attracted Yoshiru to the vixen. Her gaze went lower to the ample bosum the creator's gifted hir with and those nice wide hips and strong and slender legs. Yoshiru never care if her lovers had two or four legs as some might have. All together Shadow was the dream vixen she had always wanted but Shadow had that added feature that surprised her. In fact it displayed itself before her even now as Shadow had to deal with what ever male or herm had to deal with. The morning erection, it was standard pink and a good size to Yoshiru's eyes. In honesty it's presence didn't bother her anymore. She has come to realize now that she came see the male signals her friend gives off that it completed Shadow. Shadow was not a female, Yoshiru accepted that. However shi was feminine enough for her and shi was her friend, THAT counted above all. She also wondered some facts about her friend.<Where did you come from my little fox? I looked all over the federation databases on your species to get you a gift from your home, but I found nothing. The closest was Starwalker stellar foxtaurs but there's no mention of an biped version of them. Even data on you is hard to come buy. Other than your contract with the computer team here and a sealed medical report there is nothing on you. Will you ever tell me the truth about this. Will knowing that knowledge drive you away from me? I don't I want to know that badly.> Shadow's eyes fluttered then opened and as shi looked shi saw Yoshiru looking at hir. “My what a nice sight to wake to.”
“I can say the same.”
“I am surprised that you're up.”
“I have to pee.”
“Well don't do it on me!” Shadow smile and slaps Yoshiru's flank. Went Yoshiru returns from her business and Shadow rushes in and the vixen smiles at her friend and got another glance at hir naked body before returning to bed. When Shadow emerged from hir shower Ypshiru was asleep again. Shi kissed her forehead and shi murmured a bit causing Shadow to smile. Shi made breakfast then headed for Lecian's for hir needed visit.
The skunktaur smiled as shi came in. “I don't need to be a telepath to see that you're happy.”
“I am.”
“Would a certain foxtaur have to do with it?”
“Yup, our arrangement has been good for both of us.”
“That's good. I was a little worried after Summer's family left.” Lecian canted hys head. “I think you don't need to regularly visit me anymore. I sense your mind is stable, just discovering who you are now. So go on get to your job.”
“See ya around then.”
The rest of the day went well and shi and Yoshiru had a good time but that night was another story. Shi cuddled next to Yoshiru's larger form but shi couldn't relax, and shi was developing an erection. Shi didn't think shi was in rut but then shi wasn't sure. Then as shi breathed in shi noticed Yoshiru's scent was more potent then usual and shi felt hir erection get harder. <Crap Yoshiru's in heat. I can't sleep like this.> Shi started to slowly untangle hirself so shi wouldn't wake Yoshiru, but the foxtaur wasn't asleep. “Where are you going?” Shadow stop for a minute before shi made hir decision. Then shi turned around and showed hir erection and Yoshiru eyes widened.
“My friend, you're in heat and it is effecting me. Since you're not interested in male sex so I was going to my room to take care of it.” Shi started to move to hir clothes but shi left a hand on hir arm and shi looks back.
“Wait a minute Shadow, left me tell you something more about vulpamour. In essence there are to kinds of vulpamour, one kind is a hardcore lesbian who is not only interested in males she is actually repulsed by a cock and balls. It is very rare that they ever have kits. Then there is the second kind you just prefers females or males but if they want a kit they will gladly accept a tod like during obligation. Shadow I'm of the second kind. I just wasn't interested in males then you showed up. I look at you and I see everything I want in a biped vixen and the fact your a herm doesn't bother me at all. It means one of us never needs a dildo to pleasure the other. After this time together and with full knowledge of what you are and for as long as we're on this ship together will you be my girlfriend and lover?”
Shadow was speechless, ever since Ypshiru was told shi was a herm shi didn't think they would comeback to this. Shi was still figuring hirself out and the nature of being a herm. However shi has enjoyed looking at Yoshiru and admittedly lusted after her and they're sleeping arrangement has worked well. The pheromones didn't matter shi WANTED Yoshiru. Hir decision made shi voiced it.
“I will be honored to be your hermfriend if there is such a word, but we do this it will be the whole me.”
“Deal.” And both hug eachother before breaking it off a bit. “Now mutual need prevents me from a making love in aproper vulpamour way.” Both kiss passionately and play with eachother's breasts and nipples. But all to soon Shadow positioned hirself and slowly entered hir lover's pussy to the moan and groan of pleasure in both of them. When shi was fully hilted shadow stay there a bit before slowly pumped in and out. Shadow held on to her large body while Yoshiru played with hir breasts. The pleasure was building and building till they came yelling eachother's name. Shadow then collapsed onto Yoshiru's belly hir cock still pumping seed in. Yoshiru petted Shadow's hair and said. “Thank you my lover.”
“Glad to please, I can assure you that you had pleased me.”
“Hhmmmm, maybe I should have tried a chakat lover before this but I have something better now.”
“Nice to be appreciated. I haven't felt this good since Summer left.” Yoshiru recognized the name, she chatted with the chakat a couple times. She now had to know.
“Shadow may I ask you a very personal question?”
“We're pretty personal as is but asked away I can't guarantee I'll answer but you can always ask.”
“We're you a slave?”
“What makes you even remotely think that?” Shadow said fearfully.
“Little things. First is a lack of personal pictures of your family. The only thing I saw in your room was a picture of Summerbreeze and hir family. Then Your appearance, I can't find you species anywhere and species having herm members are rare and noticeable. Then the ship records don't have you showing up till after that pirate ship we dealt with and your medical records are sealed and only your contract is viewable. The only conclusion is that you are a N.L.A.W. created slave. It doesn't matter to me if you are I just want to know.” Shadow just sat on hir lover's belly looking down and not seeing the beautiful white fur. While shi could try to come up with excuses about those things Yoshiru noticed, shi didn't want to. This was a friend and lover and while both Captain Ra'Shenen and Commander Navir requested that shi didn't tell anyone of hir origin. That was a request and not and order and shi isn't technically part of the fleet. Shi looked back up to Yoshiru's face and smiled.
“It's nice to know I have an intelligent lover. Yes I was rescued from that ship and was ment to be a sex slave but...” Shadow went on to tell Yoshiru hir origins. When done Yoshiru hugged hir tightly.
“You poor thing, to go through all of that. It amazes me the evils humans can do.”
“Hey I was human you know.”
“I don't blame all humans heck I know those human first guys have hurt humans before. Just look at Goldendale and and Will Cochran.'
Shadow nods in understanding. They two finally fall into a most restful sleep, more for Shadow for a weight was off hir shouldlers.
The next day Shadow went into Commander Navir's office. ”Yoshiru knows about my origins.” The voxxan looked silently at hir before responding.
“Did you tell her or did she figure it out?”
“She figured it out for the most part and I just confirmed it.”
“Don't worry Shadow, they're are exceptions to nearly every rule and I'm sure Lt. Leannera will be keeping that part secret. I'm actually pleased she figured it out. Reasoning and deduction are good qualities in a team leader.”
“She did tell you her duties right?” Shadow nods and Navir continues. “Well she is very good at it so at the next planet she will be leading a survey team till we come and get her back during our next tour unless an emergency.”
“So she won't be onboard when we reach Earth?” Navir nodded and Shadow was devastated and angry. Shi found someone shi could be close and even intimate with and now she was going away.
“We arrive at the planet in eight days.” EIGHT DAYS, shi had only eight days left. Shi made some polite excuses and left the office. Sadly shi had to go to work but shi was going to have a word with Yoshiru.
“I was gonna tell you tonight!” Yoshiru defended, “And before you asked I just found out yesterday that I got the assignment. I was in the running with two others. With everything that happened last night I didn't want to spoil it. This is a big opportunity for me. I'm young to be a team leader. Something must have convinced them I could do it.”
<Something or someONE.> Shadow thought. Yoshiru did some makeup sex in apology, she even gave Shadow a blow job to show her sincerity.
However the next day shi approached the commander again. “May I speak to you in private commander?” The voxxan looked at the fox morph and saw the seriousness in hir eyes.
'of course, my quarters are closers follow me.” A couple minutes later they are in the commander's posh quarters and the commander sits behind a work desk. “So what do you want to talk about?”
“May I be blunt Commander?” The voxxan nodded again and Shadow began. “Are you responsible for assigning Yoshiru to the survey mission?”
“The captain has the final say but I can recommend people and Lt. Leannera was on the top list of canidates.”
“Was it do to me? Did I do something wrong? Or did the fact she made a freed slave happy you decided to reward her? Even she said she was young to get the job so why did she get it?” Navir decided to be lenient. Shadow was young and didn't join Starfleet so she had to be understanding but stern.
“Shir Phoenix, in the end this is a Starfleet and a military vessel and Yoshiru is a starfleet officer. While her relationship has been good for you both and not against the rules she still has duties to preform. She has proven in the previous mission and the tasks she preforms on ship that she can lead a team and while her relationship with you was a factor it wasn't the only one. This is her carrer and it would be selkfish of us to hold her back just so she can be your girlfriend. I hope you can understand that.”
“I understand enough.” Shadow said coldly as shi gets up. “I'm glad you have such confidence in her. Now if you excuse me commander I'm going to treasure what time I have left with her.” The door closes behind the fox morph and Navir sighs.
At lunch Navir decided to eat in the mess hall. She got her food and found a table but she just played with her food. The conversation with Phoenix still in her mind. “May I sit with you Commander?” Navir looks up to see Lecian standing their with hys own plate.
“Go ahead.”
“Thank you.” The skunktaur sits on hys haunches across from the commander and as hy takes a bit hy asks. “So what has you down?” The commander knew it would be useless to dissuade the skunktaur from her issue so she told hym about her conversation with Shadow Phoenix. When she was done the skunktaur shook hys head and commented.
“It's amazing that bridge officers can be so smart and so STUPID at the same time. If you were my kid I'd hit you in the back of the head.” Navir was shocked at that remark.
“Why do you say that?”
“Look at it from hir perspective. Shi has lost everything including who shi was before and is trying to rebuild. Shi makes a relationship with Summerbreeze and hir family but soon afterwards the family is sent away. Then shi gets into arelationship with Lt. Leannera, one that gets very intimate recently and now she is being sent away. What else can shi conclude that shi is doing something wrong. How can shi rebuild hirself when the foundations shi makes are torn away. I'd be ticked too.”
“But on the Pegasus Commander Rosepetal had a similar thing with Leanna Fennec and that turned out well.”
“Shadow Phoenix and Leanna Fennec do have similarities but are still vastly different. Leanna knew the core of who shi is, maybe not all of it at the time but the core and shi had already years of experience being Leanna. And trust me I chat with Lightouch and hy said Leanna wasn't all that happy with the situation either. But she coped and shi had the Admiral's family watching over hir. Last I heard shi is happily mated to a chakat and two fox morphs right now.”
“So I should not assign Lt. Leannera?”
“It's too late for that. You remove her from that and you prove everything Shadow suspected. Just remember that point of view the next time.”
Shadow and Yoshiru spent their time in passionate love together making the most use of their time. Sadly the time came to an end and Shadow saw Yoshiru step on the platform, The captain forbade Shadow from leaving the ship even for this. Shadow waved to hir lover and as the transporter beam activated the foxtaur blew hir a kiss then she was gone. After that parting Shadow just spent hir time at work or in hir quarters and when ever shi saw Navir shi gave the voxxan a cold look. Lecian visited Shadow regularly but didn't help much and Lecian gave a strongly worded criticism of the commander's choice in hys report. Finally though the get into Earth orbit and dock with the starbase. Shadow approaches the airlock in civilian dress and without a top and hands over hir discharge papers after a minute to confirm Shi was now formally discharge from hir service on the Ambassador. Shi walks through the airlock to the station and looks around. This is it. This the start of hir life. Thanks to Chris' sacrifice shi gets a chance to live. And from his ashes shi will rise. Shi promises the human to make it a good one.
Chapter 1 - Sexo313 |
“Whew, I’m beat!” Reyna happily sighed, reaching her arms over her head in a deep, catlike stretch. “Just another day at the office.”
The soul-harvester was planted squarely in front of the showers inside her squad’s locker room. It was a small, dingy area, but by proxy, or perhaps by design, it compelled her fellow members of the Valorant Protocol to discuss their missions afterwards. A necessary growing pain for any team to get better. Although, this wasn’t exactly their first rodeo together.
“Whatever you gotta tell yourself to sleep at night.” Jett answered back, half-naked and bundled up in a towel as she exited one of the many shower stalls, her white hair thoroughly slicked back with water.
Reyna had a mind to clapback at the insult, but Jett was already on her way out, and the brown-skinned woman was simply too tired to pursue it further. It had been a long day. Her muscles ached with soreness. A hot shower would perk her up, surely.
Before tearing away her undergarments, Reyna took one last glance around the room.
All clear, except for one.
Sure enough, that cold, disdainful bitch of a teammate, Viper, strode towards the showers. She’d already stripped herself down to the skin, and her shapely physique was on full display for Reyna’s prying eyes.
Tall and skinny. Smallish tits. A wide waist with a fat ass. A woman of the Vampire’s dreams… if only she didn’t have that horrible personality of hers to match. Such wasted potential.
Still, that didn’t stop Reyna from prodding her every chance she got.
“Looks like it’s just you and me in here, Viper.” she said, lacing her tone with a dark and sultry sardonicism. Her hand traveled down towards her crotch, gripping the length of her outlined, half-erect cock through her panties. “How about a quickie, hm? I know you want this, puta. Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone. It’ll be our little secret.”
The American paused just before the shower stall next to Reyna’s, turning to look back at the half-naked Latina. That same icy contempt showed in her eyes, just as it always seemed to. But teasing and toying with the team’s perpetually annoyed chemist had become a ritual of sorts for Reyna. One that she felt was totally justified. Viper was always so aloof with the team. Almost like she secretly despised the whole lot of them, and was only here because she had to be. It was, admittedly, a crude and childish form of retaliation, but someone had to stand up the maiden of despair, and no one other than Reyna had the balls to do it.
Still, she was really fucking hot, so if she ever showed interest in one of the Vampire’s unwanted advances…
“I’ll suck yours...” Viper suddenly said, not a lick of emotion evident in her voice. Her eyes flicked towards the outline of Reyna’s shaft as she let the first half of her statement breathe for a moment before finishing it. “...if you suck mine.”
Reyna was stupefied. For the first time in her life, she found herself at a complete loss for words. Dozens of missions together. Countless vulgar remarks and half-hearted advances. In all that time, never even so much as a smirk from the raven-haired beauty. She was always completely indifferent, if not annoyed, by the Mexican knockout’s less-than-genuine attempts at flirtation.
So why now, of all times, did she seem interested?
And what the hell did she mean by if you suck mine? The way she said it made it sound ominous. Like it was a challenge… or perhaps a warning. Reyna looked down at the American’s pelvis to make sure she wasn’t going insane.
…nope, she definitely wasn’t crazy. Just as she suspected, the only thing between Viper’s creamy thighs was a pair of pedal-like southern lips. No dicks were present in this locker room, aside from the one attached to her own body.
Perhaps the war-crime extraordinaire just meant eating her out? Hell, if that’s all she wanted, Reyna would have done it for free!
“Uhhh…” the Vampire stumbled over her words, all that swagger and bravado gone in an instant. She never actually expected the queen of ice to be responsive towards her flirtations. “You’re serious?”
Viper reached into the shower and turned the faucet on. Her face was impossible to read, other than the usual signs of irritation painting it. She turned her hard gaze up towards Reyna’s eyes, piercing through them as if she was staring directly at her bare soul.
“My room. An hour from now. Wear something… nice.”
Reyna shivered as she walked down the cold corridors that made up her squad’s operational headquarters.
Damn this place! Why the hell is the thermostat set to sixty-five degrees? What kind of psychopath actually likes that? One who doesn’t look at the electricity bill, that’s for sure!
It didn’t help that the vast majority of her skin was bare to the open air. She’d taken Viper’s words to heart; it wasn’t every day the stone-hearted mistress of the Valorant Protocol gave out a personal invite to her quarters, and she wasn’t about to fuck it up by wearing something tacky. She’d been told very explicitly to wear something nice, and since they clearly weren’t going out for dinner and movie, the subtext of the demand really meant to wear something slutty but not cheap.
Reyna’s wardrobe didn’t have many things that fit that particular bill, but she did have one dress that seemed appropriate for the occasion. A skin-tight burgundy thing, slanting upwards on her chest like an upside down V which showcased plenty of her cleavage, mostly from the side view. The real prize was down below, however, as the bottom half of the dress looked more akin to a lavish loincloth than a real piece of modern clothing. Her long, dark-skinned legs and wide hips were on full display as the fabric only covered her pelvis. It was the same story for the other side as well, with only the middle portion of her ass shielded from the chilly air of the corridor. Indeed, just about anyone could stumble out of their room right now and catch a nice glimpse of Reyna’s plump cheeks.
At least she wasn’t out in the field looking like this. The clap of her dummy thicc asscheeks would certainly alert the guards.
She never was one for exhibitionism, but after an insanely uncomfortable shower with a dick as hard as steel, the slow, methodical crawl towards Viper’s room was starting to turn her on. Could you really blame a gal? It took all of her willpower not to rub one out earlier. The only thing that kept her from going over the edge was the thought of Viper’s drooling mouth gliding up and down along her cock in desperate, aching, lusty hunger. She didn’t want to dampen that experience by blowing her load in some lame shower stall only an hour before.
Still, if she played this right, Reyna had a feeling this wouldn’t be the last time Viper gave her a blowie. No woman was immune to the hypnotic powers of her cock. Just one taste was all it would take… even for a disdainful bitch like Viper. The Latina had always carried a big ego, and her own view of her dick was no exception. The cold, calculating chemist—she would be another trophy upon her wall by the end of the day. Just one more cruel cunt brought to submission by the bitchbreaker between her legs.
Nevertheless, the hour had finally passed. She had cleaned herself up, somehow slid into that form-fitting, airflow-constricting dress, and even put on a bit of makeup. And as she strode the final few steps up to the door to Viper’s chambers, she felt an air of exciting anticipation creeping over her.
This was it. It was really happening. All her over-the-top, annoyingly lewd comments were finally paying dividends. A VIP ticket to medusa’s lair. Unlike the original, however, she was going to bring the snake lady to her knees the only way she knew how.
Facefucking her into oblivion, of course. Why didn’t Perseus think of that?
The Vampire took a deep breath, steadied her nerve, and rapped her fist against the door.
Knock. Knock. Knock.
Seconds passed. Nothing happened. Reyna couldn’t even hear stirring from within the room. Panic started to set in. Had she been bamboozled? Was this some sort of sick joke? Make her get all hot and bothered, all dolled up like this, only to leave her at the altar?
And then, without a hint of warning, Viper opened the door.
Reyna blinked as she took in the view. The American woman was standing right in front of her, but she was dressed in a very… un-Viper like way. She wore a latex harness, with black, shiny straps reaching out in every direction that hid only tiny increments of skin. Her breasts were completely naked, save for a pair of star-shaped pasties of a similar color to her harness that only barely managed to cover her nipples. A few of the latex straps traveled downwards, a trio of them converging to hide her womanhood.
If anything, perhaps Reyna had overdressed for the occasion.
“Not bad.” Viper said, giving the Vampire’s dress a once-over. “Now, are you going to come inside, or do you plan to keep staring at me in the hallway all day?”
“O-of course.” Reyna answered, slipping into the room and closing the door behind her.
She smiled like a hungry wolf as Viper led her to her bedroom. She played a difficult game, with one eye focused on taking in the never-before-seen sights of the pale woman’s living quarters, while the other eye focused on taking in the pale woman’s jiggling hindquarters. Hehe xd.
Still, her room was mostly normal. A little more sciencey than her other squadmates, with an entire chemistry bench and brewing station setup in the living room, but aside from that, one could almost mistake Viper for a regular human woman. It was only when she stepped into the raven-haired vixen’s bedroom that she realized that statement could not be further from the truth.
Whips and handcuffs draped onto the walls. Gags and chains littered across tables and nightstands. Bondage apparel hanging in the closet that seemed far more risqué than the simple harness the chemist wore.
“Huh…” Reyna mused, staring at the plethora of instruments for pleasure and pain strewn around her teammate’s room. “Never knew you were this into S&M. Although I guess it kinda makes sense… all things considered.”
Viper didn’t respond. She merely led the Latina to the foot of her lavish, large-sized bed and left her there to gaze around the bedroom like some sort of awe-struck idiot. Meanwhile, she cracked open a chest on the opposite side of the room, rummaging around in it for a moment. A small grin spread across her face as she found what she was looking for.
This soul-eating airhead had no idea what she signed up for.
“So uh…” Reyna started, fixing her eyes on the supple, round curves of Viper’s ass, admiring the way one of the harness straps rode up the crack of it. Must have been uncomfortable, but it looked sexy as hell. No great art can be forged without pain, she supposed. She continued, “Not trying to rush you or anything, but my dick is, like, stupidly hard and—w-what the fuck?!”
The Vampire’s surprise came from Viper turning around. Everything about her was the same, aside from one teeny tiny little detail. Something she must have scrounged up in the archaic looking chest.
Viper was wearing a massive green strapon.
“Wait wait wait wait!” Reyna stammered, subconsciously backing away from the chemist only to find the bed blocking her path. “T-this wasn’t what we agreed to!”
Viper grinned at her as she prowled closer, each step she took resembling that of a jungle cat encircling helpless prey. And her smile—it was terrifying. Menacing and full of lust. Crooked with bad intentions. All wrapped up into one expression that let the Latina know who was truly in charge.
“Oh?” Viper cooed in a deep tone, only inches away from the panicking woman. She ran her hands possessively down the Latina’s trembling sides, smiling as her fake cock bumped heads with Reyna’s stiff shaft. The difference in size was immediately apparent, and they both knew it.
Reyna was seven inches on a good day. An impressive dick, to be sure, but nothing crazy. Kind of makes you wonder where she got her ego from in the first place. But the American woman’s strapon, colored the same bright green hue one might associate with radioactive chemicals, was easily ten inches long… if not more.
“Don’t you remember our deal?” Viper placed her palm into Reyna’s chest and pushed her onto the bed, jumping atop her in a flash and pinning her down by her wrists. “I’ll suck yours, if you suck mine.”
“I-I thought you were just wording cunnilingus in a weird way! I had no idea that you wanted… this!”
Reyna gulped as she stared up at the raven-haired woman’s face. Viper was always so cold and distant, but now… now her eyes gleamed with excitement. Her face had twisted into an expression of intensity that rivaled a burning star. But there was something else there. Something primal and ancient. The look of an animal taking on big game. Prepared for a fight.
“But you agreed, didn’t you?” the pale woman almost groaned in her sultry tone. She drug her tongue slooooowly up her captive teammate’s neck, giggling as she lightly nibbled on her earlobe. “Don’t you want me? Well… I’m right here for the taking.”
“I’m not even into this sort of thing!”
This was not what she agreed to. The Mexican-born agent was a top through and through. She didn’t suck or fuck dicks. Fuck a girl with a dick in the ass? Sure, she’d done that a few times. But never anything like this.
“I’ll sweeten the deal, then.”
Viper reached over towards the nightstand and procured an analog timer. It was the same sort of device often seen in the kitchen while cooking, continuously ticking until it reached its conclusion and emitted a loud ringing noise.
“Five minutes of getting your dick sucked by yours truly...” Viper wound the timer up to the appropriate time. “...for five minutes of sucking my dick in return.”
“I already told you—”
“Ah, ah, ah. Let me finish with the rules. If you manage to blow your load while I’m sucking you, then you don’t have to take my strap.” A mischievous grin spread across Viper’s face. “And because I’m feeling extra charitable today, I’ll even let you fuck me if you win.”
Reyna blinked a few times. Now that was a much better offer. Getting sucked off by the American beauty was one thing, but fucking her was another level of fantasy fulfillment altogether. But there had to be strings attached. The chemist was far too cunning for it to be that simple.
“What’s the catch?”
“If you don’t cum after five minutes, you’re throating my dick. No backing out.” Viper narrowed her eyes and leaned in close to Reyna’s face. “And trust me, there are far worse fates for cowards than simply sucking a plastic cock.”
Reyna looked at all the torture devices on the walls and shivered at the implication.
“After five minutes of sucking my dick, the cycle will repeat until you cum. Like I said earlier, if you cum while I’m blowing you, you’ll get to fuck me. But if the opposite happens… I’ll be fucking you.”
Ah. There it was. Quite the steep catch, after all. A hefty forfeit to pay for losing their little makeshift contest. And even though Reyna should have been terrified by the dominating presence that loomed over her, that oversized ego of hers had taken the driver’s seat of her brain as soon as fucking the chemist silly was put on the table.
She had the best dick in this entire damn squadron. No matter how big a game Viper talked, she’d be brought to her knees by it, just like all the rest. And when she was fucking the pale woman, preferably immediately after dumping a massive load down her throat, she would relish in her victory. She could already visualize the dazed look on her glazed face. The shameless moans, the deep blush, the lolled out tongue. She’d try to resist the feelings of submission at first, but ultimately she’d give in.
Besides, Reyna cumming while sucking a plastic dick? The very thought of it was absurd to her. A blatant impossibility. The real test would be cumming fast enough so that she wouldn’t have to suck it in the first place, but even if she had to… the reward of adding Viper to her body count was far too great to pass up.
She’d never get a chance like this again, and even though it was obvious that Viper had all the confidence in the world, the chemist had no idea just how badly she’d stacked the deck against herself. Reyna was a stud down to her soul, and this cocky cunt would make a fine pelt on her wall of sluts.
The Vampire’s trembling lips curled upwards into a smile.
“You’ve got a deal, bitch.”
“Careful now.” Viper clicked the timer on and slowly slinked her way downwards between Reyna’s legs. “Pride goeth before the fall and all that…”
The enchanting chemist wasted no time getting down to business. She flipped the loincloth covering Reyna’s pelvis out of the way, and giggled as the soul-harvester’s seven inch cock bounced straight to attention, already hard as stone. She gripped the rod with one hand, giving it a few slow pumps to properly introduce herself. Reyna inhaled deeply from the contact; even if it was essentially just a lazy handjob, the way Viper worked her shaft made it obvious that she was quite skilled in the dark arts of pleasure. Her relaxed grip and methodical movements were so pleasant that it made Reyna feel almost sad that the handie had to come to an end. But the deal was for sucking her dick, not stroking it, and Viper intended to honor her side of the wager.
She wrapped her plump, full lips around the tip of Reyna’s bulging member, refusing to sink lower than the head of her dick as she slowly bobbed back and forth. Her counterpart gasped from the new sensation. Viper’s mouth was such a wet, welcoming hole. Warm and delectable, and concentrated entirely on the most sensitive part of her cock. She drug her tongue back and forth alongside the bottom of the Latina’s dickhead, earning the first proper moan from her uneasy participant.
Viper stifled her grin and kept sucking, maintaining eye-contact with the shivering Mexican dickgirl all the while. She made sure to use plenty of spit as she worked, ensuring the bulk of it would leak from her mouth and coat the entirety of Reyna’s throbbing shaft. A properly slick dick was essential for pleasure, after all, and there was hardly a better and more convenient lubricant than one’s own bodily fluids.
Only a minute or two in, and Reyna had come to the realization that this woman was the real deal. Most girls try to deepthroat a dick straight from the gun when they aim to impress, but Viper seemed to understand that there was a certain method to the madness when it came to these things. It was the slow, sensual, thorough blowjob that earned the most powerful orgasms, not the overly aggressive one that used way too much teeth.
And yet, this slow ride of a blowjob was equal parts heaven and hell. On one hand, it felt amazing… slow strokes from the pale woman’s mouth as her lips glided over the throbbing mass. On the other hand, she still refused to accept her full length. It wasn’t that this made it difficult to cum per se, because, frankly, Reyna felt that she could bust on command at this point with how hyper-focused and concentrated Viper’s blowjob was. The real concern was that she didn’t want to. Not only was this one of the best blowjob’s she’d ever gotten in her life and she wanted it to last as long as possible, but also, it would be embarrassing to cum from such a minor amount of stimulation.
Her ego was getting in the way of things again, and she didn’t have the wherewithal to even realize it. A smart girl would have tried to cum as quickly as humanly possible in this situation, which, considering Viper’s blowjob skills, would probably have taken anywhere from five to twenty seconds of sucking. But Reyna subconsciously denied herself that easy orgasm. She wanted to see the ice cold bitch of the Valorant Program take her cock properly. Not milk her dry with this half-hearted head game.
And Viper’s face… well that was another issue entirely—it didn’t exactly have the look of a cockdrunk, mind-broken slut like she imagined it would. On the contrary, the dark-haired woman was confident, eyes wide and lucid as they drank in the sight of Reyna’s face, watching her expression contort with pleasure. Snickering as she moaned and groaned in blissful discomfort. And her lips—they were curled at the sides, forming a small but unmistakably smug grin, almost like she knew the predicament she’d placed the Vampire in. Either she orgasmed from something as tame as this and suffered a bruised ego… or she held on and risked something far more humiliating.
Problem was, in her internal struggle, Reyna had stopped keeping track of the timer. Tricky little thing, that stipulation was. Five minutes was far shorter than most would imagine, especially in a situation such as this. And just as the Latina felt herself getting too close to the brink to resist anymore…
Viper pulled her mouth free from Reyna’s dick the instant the timer sounded, a strand of spittle still connected from her lips to the head of the thing. The Latina’s eyes went from half-lidded to wide open, immediately recognizing the conundrum she’d put herself into. She was so damn close, her orgasm having been only seconds away at most, but with Viper pulling her lips free, she couldn’t receive the tiny amount of stimulation needed to finish the race. Feeling desperate, Reyna tightened her core and flexed her dick, bouncing it up and down by command in a sorry attempt to finish herself off.
It didn’t work, but it did succeed in earning her some brutal teasing.
“Awww! That’s so cute!” Viper giggled, leaning down so that her face was only an inch away from the Latina’s throbbing shaft. “Your poor thing is trying to finish all on its own. It’s so pathetic it’s adorable!”
The blush on Reyna’s face told all. Shame and pleasure. A combination she was wholly unfamiliar with. This situation should have enraged her. Viper had tricked her into an unwinnable battle, and even then, she still could’ve clutched it if she hadn’t let her pride get in the way. Everything about this was humiliating.
So why the hell was she so turned on?
Reyna defeatedly slumped back into the sheets of the bed. A part of her wanted to run for it. It’s not like she’d signed some contract that forced her to comply with these stupid rules. But Viper had made it clear that the punishment for desertion was much worse than sucking a strapon. Besides, the Vampire was an honorable woman. Her word was her bond. She wouldn’t go back on it now, even under such dire circumstances.
“Let’s just get this over with.” she muttered under her breath.
Viper kneeled in a low set pose on the edge of the bed and wiggled her hips, making her fake dick wag back and forth like a dancing cobra.
“Don’t make a lady wait.” she jested, loving every inch of the mortifying look on the Latina’s face. “Get over here and get my dick wet, slut.”
Reyna turned over and crawled towards the intimidating strapon. Since Viper’s pelvis was so close to the bed, the only position she could assume to properly take it was on her hands and knees. Such insult to injury. A top like her… looking like this?
Still, all was not lost. She just had to muscle through this embarrassment for five minutes, then she’d get another chance to redeem herself… and hopefully permanently banish the perverted thoughts from her mind that were starting to actually enjoy the raven-haired woman’s dominance.
She made her way over until she was face to face with Viper’s bright green dick. Her eyes rolled upwards as she looked upon the massive member, and she unintentionally gulped at its sheer size. Overhead loomed the pale woman, a smirk on her face and the timer in her hand.
And Reyna finally realized, in that moment, that she may have bitten off more than she could chew with this whole situation.
Her lips parted far wider than she imagined they’d have to as she took in the tip of the fake cock. Just getting the head into her mouth was a struggle. It was longer and girthier than her own girldick, but with the tell-tale ticking of the timer above, she persevered to get this over with. Slowly but surely she accepted more of the false shaft, trying her best to not think about how this was the first cock, real or not, to ever enter her mouth.
“That’s it…” She heard Viper sing from above. “That’s a good girl.”
Good girl. That phrase, spoken in such a rich, husky tone, sparked something in her brain. Something locked away long ago in a dark, dusty corner. She suddenly found herself taking more of the fake dick, reaching four inches deep now, and having to consciously resist the growing urge to gag. Viper’s hands gripped gently into her dark purple hair, easing her down, guiding her forth to keep going.
She could’ve put an end to it anytime she liked. After all, Viper had only sucked the head of her dick for her five minutes. Who’s to say she couldn’t do the same? But something about this was getting her too hot and bothered to stop now. Whether that was the tabooness of sucking a fake dick, or the shame of a top like herself enjoying such a thing, she wasn’t sure. All she knew for certain was that her own dick was throbbing again, entirely untouched but dangling at full attention between her legs.
At around six inches down, Reyna finally started to cough and sputter, but her pride refused to allow her to quit now. She was more than halfway there; only four inches separated her from successfully throating the oversized thing. She changed her position to get a better angle at the shaft, and in doing so, put herself face down, ass up on the bed.
Viper said nothing, but noted the change. The way Reyna had seemingly presented her rear in the air like it was some piece of meat to be plundered and taken… perhaps this was working faster than even she imagined it would.
Tears welled in Reyna’s eyes as she neared the base of the strapon. Her gagging continued all the way down, but she was determined. She convinced herself she was doing this out of some sort of misplaced pride; as if throating this entire ten inch monster was an achievement unto itself. But her dick knew the truth. The bead of precum dripping from its tip all the way down to the bed sheets below was a testament to that.
She was loving every second of this.
Finally, after what felt like an entire minute of struggle, Reyna pressed her nose against Viper’s navel, coughing and choking on the mighty length shoved down her throat. She’d done it. Taken the entirety of the near footlong beast on her very first try. Much as she’d have liked to stay there, the need for oxygen was becoming too pressing to ignore.
The Latina gasped as she unsheathed herself from Viper’s cock, taking deep breaths in to combat the lightheadedness. The strapon was utterly coated in her spit, a sheen of her saliva covering all ten inches from head to base. She blinked the tears from her eyes and looked up at the pale woman. She wasn’t sure what she wanted to hear… only that she wanted to be told something after such a performance.
Viper chuckled at her. The poor girl’s mascara was already running down her face. Her cock was painfully hard. The mad chemist had a mind to push this further.
“All that big talk from you, and this is what happens the first time someone puts a dick in your mouth?” she rolled her hips up as she spoke, slapping the length of her fake dick down across the dark-skinned woman’s face.
“I-I… uhh…” Reyna stumbled. She couldn’t even find the words to respond. Her mind was flashbanged with uncharted pleasures.
“Maybe deep down, you secretly want this. Someone to finally put you in your place. Is that why you catcall only me? Because you knew I alone have the resolve to dominate you?”
“Nghh.” Reyna groaned as the fake cock rubbed up against her cheek. “N-no… that not… that c-can’t be…”
“Prove it, then.” Viper gripped Reyna by the chin and forced her lips right up against the head of her cock. “Timer’s only halfway done. Don’t suck my dick for the remaining time. Just sit there and stare at it. Prove it to me—and to yourself—that you aren’t just a subby little bitch that wants nothing more than to be punished.”
Seconds passed as Reyna stared at the object of her fixation pressed against her mouth. If someone had told her yesterday that she’d be in this situation, she’d have thought they were insane. But now… now everything seemed to hang in the balance. What happened to the confident, cock-slinging, slut-making Latina that had fucked half her squadron into submission more times than she could count? Where did that woman go? And who exactly was inhabiting her body in her absence?
She couldn’t even recognize herself. Throating dick like one of the common whores she’d broken in. More aroused than she’d ever been in her entire life. Feeling the throbbing desperation from her own shaft every time she thought about how much bigger Viper’s was.
The American woman stifled a laugh as she saw the cogs turning in Reyna’s head, but thankfully, it only took a few seconds for her to come to her decision. She pressed her lips tightly together, looked up at her raven-haired goddess with wide, doe-like eyes, and began gently kissing the head of her fake cock.
“I knew a slut like you would come around.” Viper grinned, gently rubbing her hair. “Now be a good girl and take it properly.”Reyna planted a few more kisses on the shaft of the green dick before accepting it back into her mouth. This time she sucked it with far more fervor, fully embracing the new and strange feelings of pleasure that tingled up her spine each time she stuffed it in her throat. Her mouth glided over it with far less struggle than before, managing to take six inches with relative ease. Back and forth she went, gagging occasionally, leaking saliva everywhere, all the while debasing herself and her very nature for her new master.
She reached her hands back. One went to her ass, grabbing and kneading it gently, while the other went to her balls, roughly squeezing and rubbing them. She wanted more stimulation, more pleasure, but the thought of touching her cock seemed improper. Dickgirls like her that got drunk on fake dicks didn’t deserve to touch their own.
“Don’t just rub yourself.” Viper cooed. “Give your ass a few spanks. You’ve earned it.”
With the timer still ticking away above, Reyna slapped harshly at her plump rear, relishing in the minor ache that came with every slap and the feeling of her ass meat jiggling from the impact. Tears welled in her eyes as she took Viper’s cock even further, but they weren’t tears of pain. They were born from lust. A peak of ecstasy she’d never experienced until now.
She felt something happening in her chest. A rising heat, building towards something potent and powerful. Her groans grew louder around the strap, and before she knew it she found herself forcefully pulled down to the base by its owner, throating all ten inches and with no means of escape.
Not like she wanted to, anyway.
“Look at me when you cum.” Viper narrowed her eyes. “I want to see the look on your face when you become addicted to this.”
Gagging and sputtering on the fake cock while in the midst of spine-tingling pleasure, Reyna stared up at the woman who’d seemingly collared her very soul and put it under her boot. She gave herself one final spank, this one harder than all the rest, and it finally pushed her over the edge. Her gagging turned to moaning as her cock pulsed from between her legs. She fired a massive load of girlcum onto the bed sheets below, each shot sending shockwaves of white hot pleasure straight into her brain. Her eyes nearly rolled to the back of her skull as she orgasmed, and just after she fired her 8th and final sizable rope of potent baby batter, she heard the unmistakable noise of irony banging at her door.
Viper unsheathed her dick from its rightful place in Reyna’s mouth, and the Latina subsequently collapsed against the bed in a heap of exhaustion. She gasped for air while her dick faintly twitched in a pool of its own cum. She couldn’t even think, much less speak. Fortunately, words weren’t really needed in this situation. There’d been a silent understanding between both women when the bet was made. Whosoever lost was to be conquered by the other. That’s what made it such an exciting challenge to accept. Reyna just never thought in a million years she’d be on this end of it.
“Well, well.” Viper sat on the edge of the bed and stroked Reyna’s purple hair. “Submission looks nice on you, my slutty little Vampire. But you aren’t finished just yet.”
Reyna cracked open an eye and stared questioningly at her Mistress.
“Remember the forfeit for losing. You win, you fuck me. I win…”
The Latina’s eyes widened.
“That’s right.” Viper grinned. “Now bend over. Same position as before. I want your ass as high as you can get it.”
If anything, Reyna’s immediate willingness to do such a thing, despite knowing full well that she’d never taken anything in her ass before, proved her newfound obedience to her newfound goddess. She assumed the position and spread her cheeks, showing off her tight, unused hole to Viper’s prying eyes.
A bottle of lube was the only mercy Viper offered her newly acquired hunk of fuckmeat. With her strapon already slathered in Reyna’s spit, she opted to pour it directly onto the Latina’s asshole, coating the rim of her pucker diligently before slipping a single finger inside, opening it just wide enough to accept whatever fluid remained in the bottle.
Reyna groaned from the sudden intrusion, but the cool liquid helped considerably in easing any tension. Soon enough she felt another finger enter until both digits were knuckle deep, stretching her virgin ass for the first time. There wasn’t even a stage of denial or pain for the Vampire; something in her brain chemistry had been altered when she sucked the American woman’s green dick. Now, all that remained was pleasure.
Viper pulled her fingers free and eased the head of her green cock inside, delighted at just how accepting Reyna’s asshole was of her oversized tool. Like Moses parting the red sea, Viper too parted those plump, brown cheeks, spreading them wide with her palms before thrusting her hips forward, burying all ten inches of her bitchbreaker inside the poor girl’s bum in one fell swoop.
“Oh my fucking god…” Reyna groaned, unable to contain the shamelessly submissive moan that rose suddenly from her chest. The feeling was unlike anything else she’d ever known. So full and stuffed. So demeaned and taken. Every nerve ending lining her ass was lighting up with embarrassing joy like a firework display on the 4th of July.
Viper was not one to hold back, especially with such an eager slut. Her hips pumped with the force of a piston above Reyna’s bent over derrière, pounding the entirety of her massive length into the Vampire’s forbidden hole over and over and over again. She spared no quarter and afforded no mercy to the dark-skinned woman, gifting her with the best bottom experience money could buy. Of course, she wasn’t always this brutal with women inexperienced in the art of buttstuff, but Reyna had earned this fate. Turnabout is fair play.
Though the Vampire didn’t seem to mind it one bit.
Tongue lolled out of her mouth, cheek pressed to the bed, eyes rolling upwards in pure ecstasy; the Latina was in heaven, her constant moans mimicking the sound of singing angels to Viper’s ear. Every stroke of the humongous dong running down her ass sent ripples of pleasure straight to her brain. It was an even more potent feeling than what she felt while sucking the green thing.
“You spent so much time trying to convince everyone you were this dominant alpha stud… when in reality you were just a closeted buttslut.” Viper mused, a sheen of sweat coating her form from the hard labor needed to pound a futa into submission. “It’s always bitches that talk a big game like you that enjoy being fucked the most, don’t you think?”
“Y-ues!” Reyna answered, a never-ending fountain of drool and spit leaking from her mouth as her mind was fucked halfway to the other side of paradise. “I love it! I need it! Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck me please!”
“I’m happy to oblige.” Viper grunted, slapping a hand across Reyna’s ample ass. Between her legs, the Vampire’s cock had stiffened once more, leaking precum and throbbing as if she hadn’t just had an explosive orgasm only minutes prior. Each time the strapon hilted inside her ass and tickled her prostate, a new line of pre was fucked out of her dick, dribbling slowly below to ruin Viper’s bed sheets even moreso than they already were.
“This’ll be a regular thing between us from now on.” Viper said. “You understand me, slut?”
Reyna could hardly string together two words, so she merely grunted out, “Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!” with every one of her moans.
“Good girl.” Viper slid her fingers beneath one of the straps covering her breasts and tweaked her nipple. “Then I’ll reward you with one more orgasm for today. Enjoy it.” Without warning, the raven-haired woman picked up her pace, throwing all of her body weight behind each and every thrust of her fake cock. The added force completed Reyna’s buttslut ritual, fully sending her mind to nirvana as she felt her prostate being abused with devilish pleasure. Her moans turned to unintelligible gibberish as Viper annunciated her domination over the Latina’s spirit with each hilt of her sword. “Cum! For! Me! You! Fucking! Slut!”
There was no holding back the geyser of spunk that erupted from Reyna’s untouched and unloved cock. Much like with her precum, each time Viper’s strap bottomed out inside her ass, another rope of virile girlcum was shot onto the bed sheets below, staining the light green fabric with sticky white goodness. It felt so good to be so bad. To be dominated. To give up her facade as a big-dicked bandito and instead embrace her submissive side. In that moment, she felt as if she wanted nothing more in this world than to be a set of holes for Viper to use at her own discretion, and based on the enormous volume of cum she spurted in a pathetic hands-free orgasm, it seemed her dick agreed.
Viper pulled her strapon out from Reyna’s ass after the girl finished depositing a load about ten times larger than your average visit to the sperm bank. The dark-skinned woman slumped against the bed, totally prone with a mind fried like a faulty circuit board.
But when Viper grabbed her by the throat and pulled her in close, whispering a promise worded as “We’re not done yet.” into her ear before sliding her strapon back inside her stretched asshole, she came to a revelation.
She was in for a long, fun night.
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Chapter 1 - Sex Mode Initiated |
A/N: All characters depicted are above the age of 18.
A quiet revulsion settled over Mai as she spat a mouthful of Azula’s cum into the sink. Of all the trials and tribulations that came from her country’s newest leader, she hated this part the most.
The Fire Nation had been in complete disarray after Ozai’s humiliating defeat at the hands of a boy Avatar, but Azula was quick to capitalize on the political turmoil. In just a few short days she crowned herself the new Fire Lord. Yet, of all the things she could have become after ascending to the throne of what was still the most fearsome kingdom across all the lands, a complete and total nymphomaniac was certainly not on Mai’s list of expectations.
It was only natural for her to speculate as to the reason behind her friend’s sudden change.
The likeliest explanation was that she was simply far too busy during her younger years chasing the title of Fire Lord to ever consider her sexual impulses as anything but distractions. Though Azula had many, many terrible qualities, it was impossible to not admire her drive. For as long as Mai had known her she’d had a one track mind, utterly hell-bent on winning her father’s favor and claiming the coveted and oh-so-revered throne that rested at the peak of the Fire Nation’s great capital city.
Now that the job was done and the reign of Fire Lord Azula had officially begun, she could focus on other things. Things she once ignored in favor of her quest. Things that titillated and tempted her throughout her youth… though she never seized the chance to act on them.
Those things being her two (and only) friends.
Azula had always been the alpha of their trio, but when they were younger, her orders were usually things like Mai, fetch me something to eat or Ty Lee, make me laugh.
Crass and Selfish? Sure, but still somewhat innocent.
Nowadays, her orders was almost always along the lines of Mai, suck me off or Ty Lee, make out with Mai.
A far cry from the way things used to be.
As disgusted as Mai was with the sexual acts Azula forced on her, she was in no position to decline. Azula basically owned her. Their power imbalance, both in firebending and in social status, was already the size of a canyon when they were just kids, and it had only grown exponentially as they aged. Telling Azula no wasn’t just refusing her, it was refusing the Fire Lord.
And no one refused the Fire Lord.
That’s why Mai had no choice but to perform an evening blowjob on a daily basis for her fearless leader. Of course, she seemed to take great pleasure in the disgust that perpetually painted her underling’s face as she did the deed. After reaching her climax, Azula would always command her to swallow, but Mai had gotten quite good at concealing the load of unwanted jism beneath her tongue and pretending to guzzle it down. All she had to do was wait a few minutes until Azula inevitably passed out from the afterglow of her orgasm before she could slink off to the bathroom and spit out her superior’s repulsive seed.
Azula's personality inside the bedroom could certainly be described as that of a demanding dominatrix, but that term didn’t do her proper justice. It was not that Azula particularly enjoyed dominating others, rather, it was simply the only way she knew how to act. She was not raised with tenderness, care, or trust, and thus all of those things were absent when she wanted to make love.
She knew only of force, and only gave force in return.
It didn’t help matters that Ty Lee only came around for their morning sessions, either. Sure, Mai wasn’t particularly enthralled when she and her best friend were forced to grope, kiss, suck, and fuck each other simply for Azula’s personal amusement, but at least the circus freak took some of the pressure away from her. Unfortunately, her duties as a spy trumped even Azula’s desires during the later part of the day, and thus Mai was always left alone with the degenerate and needy tyrant in the evenings.
And most nights, she merely accepted this as her reality, grimacing deeply as Azula cuddled her from behind, fast asleep while her semi-erect member pressed snugly between her spanked red ass cheeks, pulsing every so often as if to remind her that the Fire Lord was not her lover.
She was her master.
Everyone has their breaking point, though. And on this particular night, with the taste of Azula’s semen still coating her mouth despite rinsing it out with water a dozen times, Mai had finally had enough.
One way or another, this ended tomorrow.
“You’re late, Gloomsville.” Azula impatiently tapped her fingers against her sheets, her nearly-nude body splayed sideways across the exquisite bed below. Her breasts were in full view as they often were inside the privacy of her own quarters, while her nethers were covered only by a pair of red lace panties. Mai’s eyes were instantly drawn to them and she suppressed a frown as she saw how quickly the Fire Lord’s cock began to stiffen in her presence.
“Sorry.” Mai closed the door behind her, shifting her eyes to meet Azula’s before innocuously setting down a small bag at the foot of her bed. She took a few steps backwards and turned around, gazing at herself in the room’s large mirror as she lost sight of the Fire Lord entirely. “I was… distracted.”
Azula narrowed her eyes. “What the hell are you wearing?” She couldn’t hide the incredulity from her tone. Mai always wore a traditional Fire Nation kimono. It was boring, but then again, so was Mai. Calm, silent, and calculated to a fault, her subordinate’s parents had done a superb job of raising her to have the personality of a potato salad. Azula could count on one hand the amount of time she’d seen that poor girl wear anything interesting in her entire life.
Yet now she wore nothing more than a plain red bath robe. It was unsettling and very un-Mai like.
Mai looked at herself for a moment longer, a feeling of tension welling in her stomach as she knew precisely what hid beneath the garment. She shifted her eyes to the left, gazing back at Azula through the mirror before answering, “I had a mind to wear something new today.”
“Whatever.” Azula dismissed, her curiosity fading as her interest fell to her growing erection. “Take that off and come clean my cock.” she flashed a cruel grin, “If you do a good job, I’ll even let you lick my balls.”
Mai smirked at herself in the mirror.
“As you wish.”
She turned around and faced her so-called-friend, staring daggers into her so piercing that it wiped away Azula’s smug expression in an instant. An uncharacteristic shiver tingled down her spine. Mai’s eyes always seemed so dull and dead, but for the first time in a long time they shined brightly—with anger.
Standing at the foot of Azula’s bed, Mai unclasped the cloth belt that held her robe together and slipped it off her form, revealing a black latex harness beneath that clung close against her skin. It wound itself around her flesh as if it was mocking the very point of wearing clothes. Not a single shred of her bosom was hidden and Azula found herself enchanted by Mai’s stiff nipples as they glistened in the dim light of her room. The harness wrapped itself tightly around the outer curves of both of her breasts, making them appear even plumper than normal. Similarly, the lower half of the harness left her womanhood and derrière entirely uncovered, with the only semblance of coverage down below being the black garters that coiled around her upper thighs.
Azula's eyes widened from the sight.
“The fuck?”
Mai bent one leg up atop the bed and leaned over her knee, her steel gaze targeted straight at Azula like her head was within the sights of a reticle.
“I am done being your slave.” she hissed, long-held venom dripping from every syllable. “I am done following your orders. From now on, you’ll be following mine.”
Seeing her normally mild-mannered friend in such a wildly erotic outfit while also wielding such fiery emotion had left Azula momentarily stunned, but hearing her declare what was essentially mutiny brought back the Fire Lord’s senses… as well as her rage.
“You insolent little bitch!” Azula growled, thrusting herself an inch away from Mai’s face, her fingertips leaking rivulets of steam, flames threatening to burst forth at any moment. “I will not forgive this disrespect! If you thought sucking me off every night was bad, just wait and see what I have in store. You will regret ever—”
“Shut up.” Mai forcefully slammed her open palm into Azula’s sternum, cutting her threatening spiel off prematurely and sending her backwards to flop against the bed. She coughed and sputtered from the weight of the blow and reached her fingers up to gingerly massage the affected area. She looked up just in time to see Mai climb fully onto the bed, making her way over towards the vulnerable Fire Lord like a jungle cat stalking prey until she was atop her, seating herself directly on Azula’s stomach.
Azula should have thrown her off with ease. She should have bent her over and fucked the disobedience right out of her until she was nothing more than a mewling, moaning, pathetic creature that used to be a self-respecting human woman.
But instead, Azula remained perfectly still, eyes flared and angry yet glued to Mai’s form with just the smallest hint of curious excitement running through them… though she’d never admit it.
“You spend all your time controlling others.” Mai whispered, leaning forward so that her lips were nearly snug against the Fire Lord’s neck. Her left hand slunk forth to firmly clasp Azula’s chin in its grip and she possessively rubbed her thumb against her bottom lip. “I wonder if somewhere deep down, inside those pesky little places you don’t like to think about, you’ve ever wondered what it would be like to lose that control.”
Azula bit her lip and shivered as Mai’s hot breath tickled her skin. Her anger did not relent, but, unbeknownst to her, Mai’s actions had initiated a change within the very fabric of Azula’s soul. Though the cogs that constituted her inner psyche were old and rickety and covered in cobwebs from years of unwavering ideals, they finally began to spin once more.
Mai slowly drug her tongue up Azula’s neck until she met her ear. She gave the lobe a few gentle nibbles and giggled, planting one final possessive kiss on the Fire Lord’s cheek before she sat up straight and stared down at her.
“Nothing to say?” Mai’s lips curled into a condescending smile. “We both know you can put an end to this anytime you want. But maybe you don’t want to. Maybe you’re enjoying this.”
Azula’s rage finally roared back to life as she flashed her teeth like she was a cornered animal. Those fangs of hers were clenched tightly together, grinding against each other as if they were trying to gnaw through concrete. The weak streams of steam leaking from her fingertips ameliorated into something much more intimidating, as each individual digit sparked with a small pyre of blue flame. So much steam and smoke was produced by her display that the bedroom quickly became much more resemblant of a sauna than a living space.
But she wasn’t mad at Mai. Not really. Not even for her disobedience. In truth, a part of her was happy her friend had finally shown some backbone. It was about time that girl stuck up for herself. It only took twenty odd years.
Azula was mad because Mai was right. She was enjoying this. This feeling of being out of control. Of being at the mercy of another. Being put in her place. It was strangely arousing.
The Fire Lord had never truly been stood up to in her entire life. She was her father’s favorite child. The crowned princess of the Fire Nation. A spoiled brat that just so happened to be adept enough at firebending to kill or maim practically anyone who insulted or disobeyed her. And Mai? Mai had always been far too non-confrontational to call her out on any of her bullshit. She was a doormat, and Azula had been keen to walk all over her for as long as they’d been friends. It was precisely the same reason she enjoyed their alone time so much nowadays. It was fun to push her buttons. Make her squirm. Make her serve. But now that those roles had been reversed? Now that she was the one being made to squirm? It was setting her mind ablaze with thoughts and fantasies that she could only begin to describe as utterly depraved.
But she wouldn’t let Mai know that. She couldn’t. Not easily, at least. She was the Fire Lord, after all. She bowed to no one, not even hot women in sexy bondage harnesses.
If Mai was to gain her submission, she would have to earn it.
“Are those little flames supposed to scare me?” Mai teased, acrobatically hopping off of Azula’s stomach and onto the foot of the bed before reaching into the same small bag she’d dropped earlier. She was back in her position atop the Fire Lord in a moment’s time, grasping both of her wrists and pinning them together above her head all the while being careful enough to avoid any unwanted licks from Azula’s tiny finger fires.
Azula narrowed her eyes at the display. “What the hell are you doing?”
“Kill those pathetic little flames. Now.”
The assertiveness in Mai’s voice riddled Azula’s skin with goosebumps. Instantly, without even thinking about it, she extinguished her flames. She hadn’t been talked to like that since she was a child.
“Good girl.” Mai purred, brandishing a white cotton rope in her right hand that she’d fetched from her bag. She wrapped it multiple times around Azula’s wrist before tying it off with a knot.
Azula shot her a cocky smile. “I can break out of these wimpy bindings whenever I want, you know.”
“I know. But I don’t think you want to. Now stop talking and start eating.”
In an instant Mai pulled herself forward, dragging her exposed womanhood from Azula’s stomach all the way to her mouth. The Fire Lord grunted and recoiled from the sudden pussy on her face, but, to her credit, was fast to start licking Mai’s folds. Obviously, she preferred to be the receiver when it came to oral sex, but this wasn’t so bad either. For a stuck up weirdo that looked like the type with questionable showering habits, Mai’s womanhood had a strangely titillating taste.
Plus, it was kinda hot seeing her like this. She seemed more alive. More true to herself as a person. Like years of her repressive childhood were simply peeling away as this new and improved Mai blossomed in the sun.
A part of Azula expected, even hoped, to be praised for her willingness to eat her friend’s box, but of course, things were never going to be that easy.
“Is that really the best you can do?” Mai frowned at the Fire Lord trapped between her thighs. “All the blowjobs you’ve forced me to give, and you can’t be bothered to return the favor with even half-decent head?”
Her words were like a screaming bullet to Azula’s pride. Her female commanders always told her she was a star in bed. A sexual tyrannosaurus.
But then again, could they have ever told me anything else?
She made a mental note to reprimand them for their dishonesty later.
Instead of moping or getting angry at Mai’s comments, Azula only redoubled her efforts, lapping at her friend’s cunt like a dog drinking from a bowl. She figured the best way to stick it to madam sighs-a-lot would be to make her cum. Then she’d have to eat her words about her technique. Her lips curled into a cocky smile as she ravenously tongued and sucked her friend’s pussy. There was no way she could resist this for much longer.
“No, no, no, no, no!” Mai shook her head. “What the fuck is this? Are you a woman, or a wild animal? You need to lay off the porn, Azula.”
Azula furrowed her eyebrows and pulled herself away from Mai’s cunt. “What?” she snipped. “What’s that supposed to mean?!”
“Pay attention you little slut,” Mai grabbed Azula by her scalp and brought her sealed lips back to her pussy, “because this advice is going to help you out a lot in life. Contrary to what you see on the internet, women don’t like it when you slurp at their cunts like you haven’t had a drink for three days. At least, not right from the start. Women want you to be intimate… slow… sensual. You can apply force with your tongue, but be deliberate. Don’t just throw it around wildly like you’re playing darts with a blindfold on. You want her to feel safe with you, not like you’re a serial killer.”
Azula’s tongue slithered out from her lips once again, though this time she followed her friend’s advice. She licked with gentle intention, first with long laps up the length of Mai’s labia before transitioning to soft circles against her clit. She cautiously applied more pressure with her tongue, pressing it slightly harder as she serviced Mai’s sex, earning a pleased groan from up above.
“That’s better. Remember, your aim shouldn’t be to make her cum. Your aim should be to make her pussy trust you enough to cum.”
The Fire Lord offered no response other than her tongue’s continuation of its diligent work. Mai’s moans overhead only spurred her on further, and she rewarded her with more quality pussing eating. Admittedly, this was a bit more difficult than she imagined eating box to be. Not because of the effort it required, but because of the precision. She always figured women liked to receive head the same way she did: in a sloppy, frantic, world-coming-to-an-end fashion. She preferred it when her lovers deepthroated her, when they sucked her at breakneck speeds, when they gagged and choked on her fuckstick like the needy little sluts they were.
There were a few bumps along the way, but ten minutes in and the ruler of the Fire Nation felt like she was really starting to get a grasp of what her friend liked. She focused most of her efforts on the clit, but didn’t linger there for long stretches. Her tongue’s movements were efficient and deliberate. She no longer slobbered all over her friend’s cunt like a wild beast, but instead pleased it like a scientist splitting the atom.
All precision, little power.
Every few seconds she heard verbal praise from Mai, and every single good girl sent shameful ripples of excitement to her brain. It was humiliating to even think about how horny she felt from those gentle affirmations alone.
The concept of approval was foreign to her. Her father never truly gave her his own, despite her constant efforts. Her mother was often distant and fawning over Zuko. Her friends were never in a position to be giving genuine praise in the first place. Mai’s sincere words cut through her hardened exterior like a knife through butter. She never stood a chance.
“That’s it…” Mai groaned, curling a hand around her own breast. “Right there…”
A hot blush tinted her cheeks while she basked in the wonderful view below her. The tyrannical ruler of her country, smothered between her folds and licking her just like the well-behaved mutt she was slowly turning into. Mai tweaked her nipples with both hands as Azula’s tongue started hitting the perfect spot, and a grin slowly spread across the gloomy woman’s face. This was an utterly intoxicating feeling. So much power. So much control.
No wonder Azula liked it so much.
The gap in time between Mai’s moans decreased until she was bucking her hips forward like an animal in heat, thrusting her twitching womanhood into Azula’s eager tongue over and over again until her climax finally arrived. She firmly held the Fire Lord’s head in place as she squirted a large helping of girlcum into her open mouth, releasing a high-pitched, nasally whine towards the ceiling, which only elevated the feeling coursing through her. Considering how much her legs were shaking from the orgasm, she couldn’t help but paint practically the entirety of Azula’s face in her nectar. Was the misfire a complete accident? Of course not. But Azula would be none the wiser, and she wasn’t going to miss the chance to give her tormentor a facial to remember.
When she finally leaned back away from Azula’s face, she took a moment to admire her handiwork. The Fire Lord might as well have been a water bender with the sheer amount of Mai’s juices rolled down her visage. She had that same stupid look on her face that she always wore when she was irritated, but considering the apparent blush that now painted her cheeks, Mai knew better.
“Ha!” Azula smirked at her, shaking her head briefly like a dog to throw off some of Mai’s girlcum. “I win. I made you cum. What do you think of my technique now?”
“It still needs a lot of work. I mean, I basically just used your face like a bedpost. Anyone can cum from grinding on something for long enough.”
“Hmph!” Azula turned her face to the side. “Still, a deal’s a deal. I made you cum. Now it’s my turn.”
“Oh?” Mai leaned in closer to her precious Fire Lord and narrowed her eyes. “Who said anything about deals?”
Azula’s cocky sneer returned. “I decided to allow you your five minutes of payback because it was mildly entertaining to see without that dead eyed look you always have. But I’m still your superior, and my orgasm is simply more important.” She paused in thought for a moment. “Besides, the whole dominatrix front you’re putting up is really not doing it for me.
“Is that right?”
Mai twisted her lips upward into a sly smile. One of her hands went backwards to very, very lightly run her fingers along the length of Azula’s shaft. The sensation alone elicited a gasp from the Fire Lord.
“If you aren’t enjoying this, then why is your dick so hard right now?”
Azula tilted her head slightly so that she could gaze between her own legs to confirm Mai’s words. Sure enough, her cock was as hard as stone, bulging and throbbing against her red panties as if it was trying to break free. There was also an incredibly obvious stain just over the tip from what could only be a sizable amount of precum. The Fire Lord had been a bit too… preoccupied… to properly gauge her own arousal the last few minutes, but her dick did not lie. This was getting her hot and bothered in ways she couldn’t even articulate.
Mai continued gently palming her pulsing girlmeat, putting as little pressure on it as possible to tease her hotheaded leader. The act worked wonders on Azula’s demeanor, tempering her frustration until she was little more than a church mouse, whining and mewling beneath her friend’s miserly ministrations. She arched her back against the bed, every fiber of her being aching for more pleasure. Just a tiny bit more stimulation on her pent up member would be enough. She would even settle for the laziest of handjobs at this point. Yet it was that very same desperation, that loss of control over the situation, that desire for pleasure that was guaranteed which flooded her mind with arousal—greater than any she’d known thus far.
Mai watched with a satisfied smirk as her once powerful leader’s expression twisted and turned in submissive bliss. Part of her wanted to end things here. Walk away and leave Azula a frustrated, cum-covered mess. Deny her the release she so obviously craved. But this whole role-reversal thing hadn’t just awakened something in the Fire Lord. It affected Mai, too. And she was far too turned on to quit now.
“Lay still.” Mai ordered, retracting her hand from Azula’s cock as she slunk backwards. With a gentle flick of the wrist she easily tore the Firebender’s panties to smithereens, freeing her modest but by no means small six inch member from its prison. She continued sliding backwards until her plump buns nuzzled Azula’s shaft between them, earning a shameful ooOOoh from the bound woman’s mouth.
“W-what are you planning to do?” Azula gulped, her eyes shamelessly leering at Mai’s beautiful set of tits while her shaft throbbed dully between her ass cheeks.
“I’m gonna ride this cock.” Mai took a firm hold of Azula’s chin and forced her to stare into her eyes. “And you are not going to cum. Understand?”
“Good girl.”
Mai lifted herself up and angled her entrance just over Azula’s pole. It wasn’t exactly difficult to line up, considering it was standing at full attention like a telephone tower. She gently lowered herself down, easing it inside herself slowly but surely. Just getting in the tip alone sent a ripple through the both of them, a pair of immodest groans coming from each of their mouths from the sensation alone.
Mai, finally in control, could actually enjoy the sex.
Azula, finally put in her place, had no idea what came next.
And both women felt more aroused than they had in their entire lives because of it.
Mai continued sinking on Azula’s pole, switching from a squatting stance to resting on her knees for support until she finally had the entirety of her Fire Lord’s length buried inside her. She’d taken this dick many times before, but never quite like this. That’s what made it so much sweeter.
She bit her lip as she began to ride Azula’s shaft. Her hands played with her tits and tweaked her nipples, trying anything to satisfy the yawning chasm of craving that was her lust. Just the look on Azula’s face drove her crazy —flushed red with lidded eyes, her features softened and relaxed for the first time in ages. Almost like she had finally surrendered herself to the situation. But with a discerning eye, she also noticed the stress in her form. Her still bound wrists straining above, knuckles clenched white as she held on for dear life. The soft groans that escaped her mouth, sounding almost like desperate pleas for Mai to slow down.
But her underling had a different idea.
Mai sped up her riding, slamming her weight down and impaling herself repeatedly on that thick member, the sound of their flesh meeting producing a wondrous plap plap plap sound that reverberated throughout the room. The excess of steam produced from Azula’s earlier outburst combined with their intimate activities had resulted in both women being caked in an oily sheen of sweat, but neither particularly minded. If anything, it only enhanced the experience.
“Hah…” Azula moaned, head rolling backwards slightly as she once again found her eyes drawn to Mai’s perfect jiggling tits. “Gonna… cum…”
A sudden sharp impact sent a jolt to Azula’s skull. She opened her eyes wide, noticing Mai’s hand and its proximity to her cheek.
Did she just slap me?
Did she just slap the Fire Lord?
“You only get to cum when I say so.” Mai half-groaned between her motions, staring down at her new plaything with piercing, fiery eyes.
Azula bit her lip. Her cheek stung, but it was her pride that had suffered the true injury. Any self-respecting leader would have stripped Mai naked for her insolence and paraded around the capital as some sort of free-use exhibit open to the general public. But instead, for reasons she still did not fully understand, what came next from her mouth was not the scalding scolding she pictured in her head.
She only mustered forth two words. Quieter than a moth’s whisper. Hardly more than a timid whimper.
“Yes… Ma’am…”
Mai cackled at the display, her laugh harmonizing with her moans to produce a tenderly cruel melody. Azula looked so utterly pathetic that it was genuinely hilarious. At first, Mai didn’t know what to make of this woman's willingness to be dominated, but now she was beginning to believe that this was a genuine fetish within the Fire Lord that had only now been fully realized. She wasn’t just going along with it out of curiosity. She full on wanted to submit.
Dangerous levels of dopamine flooded Mai’s brain from the revelation. She continued her half-moans, half-chuckles as she rode Azula’s cock even harder, slamming her fat ass into the poor woman’s pelvis as if she was trying to break her in two. Just watching the Fire Lord’s face contort in panic as she desperately tried to stave off her own orgasm was pure ecstacy. Mai’s climax arrived quickly thereafter, and she moaned to the high heavens to illustrate just how fucking amazing it felt. It was a vivid picture of something Azula would not be permitted… at least, not yet. She merely gasped and watched, feeling Mai’s womanhood quiver and tremble around her cock, her juices flowing freely towards the Fire Lord’s bloated balls.
When Mai finally unsheathed herself from Azula’s shaft, she left behind a dripping mess of girlcum. A splash zone of her own arousal coated the entirety of the Fire Lord’s nethers, as well as her lower stomach and inner thighs. It was everywhere. And that wasn’t even the best part.
She still had more left in the tank.
Mai quickly brought her twitching womanhood up to Azula’s exhausted face, positioning it only a few inches away. She rubbed her clit vigorously, a gleeful whine coming from her lips until she squirted even more ropes of nectar straight onto the Fire Lord’s features. A second coat of paint for the hothead’s grumpy visage. Azula merely closed her eyes and took it, although, curiously, she opened her mouth at the very last second. It was shameful, she knew that much, but Mai’s cum had quite the nice taste to it. Almost addictively so. Besides, all sense of logic and self-respect had already left her mind. She was simply operating on instinct. Like she was less than human. Like she was some pleasure-ridden thing.
“HooOh.” Mai groaned, a fistful of Azula’s hair bound firmly in her hand. She looked deep into her monarch’s tired brown eyes. She fully knew the woman had little left in her brain other than bouncing neurons of pleasure activation, but she wanted what she said next to resonate. She wanted the Fire Lord to truly hear it. Understand it. Digest it until it metabolized into her very soul.
“For someone so obsessed with power, you seem to really enjoy being powerless.”
Azula’s eyes shifted ever-so-slightly, meeting Mai’s gaze. They were still dreary. Still exhausted. But there was a flicker of light within them. Her lips moved slowly as she quietly responded with an admission of defeat.
“Irony’s a real bitch.”
The natural human process post-orgasm is to come down from the high, but Mai’s libido skyrocketed as her newly acquired toy continued to give her more and more rope in this mental tug of war. Just looking at the Fire Lord now, with her defeated expression, blushing cheeks, and cum-caked face made Mai want to crank out yet another orgasm in this cavalcade of pleasure. She cracked a grin as a particularly lewd thought came to mind.
“You know, Azula, there’s something I’ve always wanted to try.”
Mai turned around 180 degrees, flipping her hips until she pressed her bare ass straight into Azula’s chin. Her plump, oily cheeks engulfed the Fire Lord’s entire field of vision. It was painfully obvious what she wanted from this position, and Azula didn’t need to be told what to do anymore. Her mind had been fully shackled beneath the blissfully heavy weight that was Mai’s domineering presence.
How had things turned out like this? With Mai, of all people? Had she pushed her friend too far? Was there simply a limit to the amount of crap someone can take before the indomitable nature of the human spirit kicked in?
Yet the most confounding question of all, the one Azula repeated over and over again in her head as she went along with Mai’s degeneracy, was also the simplest.
Why am I enjoying this so much?
Mai jiggled her buns in her master’s face, relishing in the anticipatory sparks of excitement that ran up her spine. She had no idea if she was even going to enjoy having this particular thing done to her, but she’d always fantasized about it. Besides, a part of her wondered if it was all it was cracked up to be. If nothing else, it would serve as another fantastic way to put her sniveling cunt of an overlord in her rightful place.
“Open wide, Azula,” Mai cooed, slowly spreading her cheeks apart with both hands to expose her holes. “And eat my fucking ass—hOooOle♥!!!”
She didn’t even have to finish issuing the command. Azula dove in face first mid sentence, smothering herself between her friend’s velvety derrière and plunging her tongue as far into Mai’s tight ass as she could. She was utterly pious in her adoration, tonguing, slurping and slobbering at her friend’s backdoor like it was the altar of her sexual awakening. In a way, perhaps it was. What better act was there to prove her devotion to Mai than to eagerly and enthusiastically rim her asshole? She absolutely debased herself within the pleasant confines of her underling’s ample cheeks, lapping at the tight pucker like she was nothing more than a bitch in heat. Every shameless moan that came from overhead only spurred her worship on further. Every little twitch and wink of Mai’s asshole as she showed it proper love and affection only made her want to indulge in it more.
Azula’s cock throbbed between her legs without even a hint of attention, but that only turned her on more. These feelings of denial and submission and piety to her one true Goddess, they were simply…
All the while, Mai found herself in the midst of something she could only call a religious experience. So many of her friends had always sworn by getting their ass eaten. Just give it a chance, they’d say, it’s better than sex.
Mai never really got all the hype. She was never inherently opposed to it, but also wasn’t actively seeking out the first rimjob artist she could find to stuff their face between her buns. But now, with Azula bound both literally and figuratively, seemingly willing to do anything and everything she wanted? There was simply no better time to put her friends’ statements to the test.
And now that she’d gotten her first real taste of it she had to admit, even with all their glowing praises, they might have been underselling it. It felt like she was in the apex of heaven. It brought a strange, tingly, all-encompassing pleasure that tickled her brain in a way nothing prior ever had. All the millions of nerve-endings in her ass—each one firing off in a different direction from Azula’s spirited licking. And they all led to the same place. A placid beach of shameless ecstasy.
The sheer zealousness that the Fire Lord showed in her analingus was sending Mai past cloud nine. Her moans throughout the evening of debauchery had been loud, but these ones were something else entirely. They echoed off the walls in desperation. Cut through the air like they were made of glass. They held a weight, a gravity that demanded attention.
Each time she belted out in pure bliss, Azula’s efforts only grew more passionate, which in turn made Mai moan even more frantically. It was a feedback loop of pleasure that had only one possible destination. And the train had run off the tracks far faster than Mai imagined it would. Her eyes widened suddenly and she spoke in a tone of voice that was matter-of-fact.
“Oh. oh shit. I’m gonna—oh fuck. Already?!” Mai’s thighs shook of their own accord. Truthfully, she wanted this to last longer than just a few minutes, but her body could only withstand so much. She gripped Azula’s scalp with both hands and shoved her face even further within her pillowy cheeks, nearly suffocating the woman with the entirety of her buxom ass. All sense of calmness had left her mind, and so she spoke in the only way she could—a rapturous cry of sheer desperation. “Eat my fucking ass you dirty bitch! Yes! Fuckfuckfuckfuck! I’m—I’m cumming!”
Her back arched and she howled as she came, tongue lolled out while her untouched pussy squirted its fourth helping of girlcum on the day. Her asshole quivered and clenched tightly around Azula’s tongue, relishing in each and every sensation the disgraced Fire Lord brought it. Her essence leaked down her plaything’s chest, forming a shallow pool of delectable nectar between her breasts.
Even when Mai began to come down from her high, Azula refused to stop. Her tongue continued its deft work, servicing Mai’s overstimulated starfish like it was the last cone of ice cream on Earth. Eventually, though, after another minute of post-orgasm ass worship, Mai finally withdrew the woman’s face from her cheeks, and from behind she heard a deep and shaky gasp for air. She chuckled lightly at the sound.
She turned around to face her Fire Lord. Her cheeks were an even deeper shade of crimson. Her forehead beaded with sweat. Her mouth and chin were covered in her own slobber. Her eyes were a lust-filled labyrinth. She panted like an overworked dog.
Mai took her face in her hands and leaned in close.
“You’ve never looked prettier than you do now, Azula.”
She closed the distance and crashed their lips together and they embraced in a deep kiss. Their tongues danced in perfect harmony and Mai was able to taste that part of herself for the first time. And she understood why Azula ate her ass with such fervor. It really was quite delicious.
This was also their first proper kiss. In all of Azula’s time as her sexual tyrant, she’d never so much as mentioned the thought of doing such a thing with one of her underlings. Yet now she kissed Mai back with all the desperation and need of a lovesick girlfriend.
A string of spit connected them for a moment as Mai broke their kiss. She sent a coy smile at her new toy and looked backwards, staring at Azula’s still painfully hard erection.
“You know, I was planning on denying your orgasm today.” she said, reorienting herself so that she laid on Azula’s side, pressing her sweaty, naked breasts into the Fire Lord’s ribs. She ran her fingers daintily around her slave’s pelvis, purposefully dancing them just on the edge of her pent-up cock. “But since you ate my ass so damn well… I’m feeling particularly generous.”
She suddenly gripped tightly around Azula’s length and giggled at the subsequent gasp that escaped her lips. But she couldn't give her a normal handjob. No, that would be far too kind for someone as deplorable as her. Instead, she used merely a lone index finger, dragging it up and down ever-so-slowly upon the underside of Azula’s throbbing mass. It was a truly pathetic amount of stimulation, yet the Fire Lord mewled and whined loudly from it like it was head from the goddess of lust herself.
“How many times has this cock cum from my mouth and pussy? Hundreds? Thousands?” Mai asked, wrapping her leg over Azula’s thigh while her free hand reached under her submissive’s back and caressed her neck from the opposite side. “Yet you now moan more desperately than ever before from just one finger of pleasure. Such a naughty girl.”
“Nggh… Mai…” Azula’s voice was strained. She was close. Painfully close.
“We are never going back to the way we used to do things.” Mai whispered gently into her ear, licking at her neck to earn yet another groan. “You may lead the Fire Nation out there, but in here? In this bedroom? I own you.”
Azula grit her teeth as she felt pressure rising in her pelvis. “Y-yes. I—ah! I-I understand.”
“I want to hear you say it.”
Azula closed her eyes tightly. Whether it was from shame or pleasure, Mai did not know.
“You own me.”
“Good girl.” Mai smiled. She could feel just how close to the edge Azula was. Every muscle in her body was tense. Every breath she took was labored.
She drug her finger up to the top of the Fire Lord’s shaft and held it there. Kept her in suspense. Let her live in pained pleasure for a few moments. Waited until her eyes shifted to the side to meet her own. Then she spoke.
“Beg for it.”
Azula gulped down saliva and spread her lips. Her eyes were semi-bloodshot with an overwhelming need for release. She searched her mind for the words.
“Please, let me cum.”
Mai chuckled. “Not good enough.”
“Please, let me cum!”
“Maybe you don’t want to cum today? Perhaps I should take my leave.”
“Mai!” Azula cried, eyes welling on the verge of tears. “Please! Pleaaaaaase! I need to cum so badly!”
“I’m not sure I believe you.” Mai shrugged.
Azula’s eyes widened. She was so hot and bothered. Edged to the brink of sanity. To be left at the altar like this… it would be misery on an incalculable scale. She swallowed whatever miniscule shred of pride and decency she had left and offered herself up, soul and all, at the shrine of Mai’s dominance.
“I’ll be your slave!” she squealed, stifling her tears though her voice had the sound of a wailing woman anyway. “I’ll eat your ass every day! Kiss your feet! Worship your body! I’ll—I’ll be your furniture! Just an object for you to sit on at your own leisure! I’ll obey and follow every command like I’m your well-trained dog! I will be yours entirely to take, and expect nothing in return! So please! Please, let me cum, Mistress Mai!”
The corners of Mai’s lips curled upward in a sly, almost sinister grin, yet there was a glint of genuine delight shining in her eyes. It was a smirk that seemed to revel in her mischief of turning the feared Fire Lord into little more than a desperate, quivering fucktoy. Despite its slightly wicked edge, there was an undeniable sense of contentment within, as if she was thoroughly pleased with herself, her slave, and the situation at hand.
“That’s my good piggy.” Mai cooed into Azula’s ear as she brought her finger down one last time, running it from the tip of her cock all the way down to the base. Azula moaned and writhed from the sensation, but Mai’s firm grasp held her still. The tip of her cock throbbed and pulsed a half-dozen times as the seconds passed, and even though Mai refused to give her any further stimulation, that one downward stroke of her finger proved to be the straw that broke the camel’s back.
Azula’s orgasm arrived despite the complete and utter lack of stimulation. She whined like a broken-in whore as her cock finally found its release, dribbling out a few solid strands of spunk onto her stomach before the real salvo began. Her dick pulsed upwards without warning and shot rope after rope of virile semen demons into the air, smattering the majority of the sticky substance across her breasts and abdomen. A few rogue strands even made their way to her face, one smearing up her chin and lip while another splayed down her forehead and over her closed eye.
Ultimately, it was the ideal way for her evening to end. A panting, trembling mess of a woman with her own cum painted across her perfect features. Mai openly laughed at the display, going so far as to give her a light tap on the balls to show how pleased she was with Azula’s self-inflicted facial.
And that was it. Both women were quite exhausted. Azula after all the deserved torment, Mai after four amazing orgasms. They took a quick shower, with the Fire Lord’s demeanor being far more coy than usual, and made their way to the bed.
When they fell asleep that night, it was Mai who took the position of the big spoon, one hand possessively cupping Azula’s ass while the other palmed her exposed breast. She smiled as she felt the dredges of sleep starting to pull her in, a deep contentment settling in her chest while she listened to her Fire Lord’s fast asleep breaths.
Taming her master and turning her into a plaything wasn’t nearly as difficult as she figured it would be. As her eyes fully closed for the night, she wondered just how far she could push Azula tomorrow… and how exciting it would be to start training her properly.
A/N: In this dank timeline Zuko yeets himself out of the Fire Nation in like book three and spends his time fucking Katara in the ass on a daily basis. What an absolute G.
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Chapter 1 - Chapter 1 |
Size is(n’t) Everything
Tags: Futa only, Anal, Deepthroat, Facefucking, AtM, Futasub, Threesome, Spitroasting, Dick jokes galore
The sounds of flesh roughly meeting flesh, muffled sucking, and hushed moans filled the air of the youngest daughter of the Du Couteau estate’s room. For an outsider passing by, it would be easy to assume the feisty redhead was having some sort of carnal excursion with any number of the meatheaded hunks that populated Noxus and its surrounding territories. Hell, there were even rumors of her having a Romeo and Juliet-esque relationship with a particularly obnoxious Demacian brute. But the handmaids and housekeepers stationed outside her bedroom’s door knew the truth. The filthy, dirty truth. Their wet panties and blushed faces were a testament to that, if ever there was one.
Indeed, Katarina was not locked away in her room getting railed forty seven ways from Saturday. On the contrary, she did the railing. And there wasn’t a single muscle-bound oaf within 500 yards of the Du Couteau manor. Instead, her sexual companions were two relatively petite women, though all of the participants in her erotic misadventures packed a rather unorthodox set of equipment.
Cocks. They all had cocks.
You know, dicks. Penises. Richards. Meatsticks.
“b-b-but Aelinna, g-g-g-g-g-girls don’t have t-t-t-t-that…” You posit, quivering beneath your sheets like a petulant hobbledehoy.
Don’t kid yourself, I know what you’re into. I’m talking about chicks with fuckhoses. Ladies wielding tallywackers. Top of the line matrimonial peacemakers. A few Master John Goodfellows. Couple of baloney ponies. Some danger-close bacon bazookas.
What’s more, Katarina’s libidinous union featured a fairly rare grouping, consisting of a Noxian, a Demacian, and an Ionian. It sounded like the setup to a really, really bad joke. Or perhaps, a really, really bad fanfiction.
Lux was splayed across the middle of Katarina’s bed. She was undeniably the center of attention, though she seemed to receive more than she gave. On one side was Xayah, her cock shoved as deep as it could go down the blonde’s throat whilst she constantly thrust her hips back and forth, causing the slutty Demacian’s mascara to run as she facefucked her to her heart’s content. On the other side was Katarina, her cock plunged to the hilt up Lux’s ass while her pelvis rocked back and forth savagely, showing the light mage no mercy in her anal onslaught.
They were an odd ensemble, often at each other's throats during quieter moments, but their synergy in the sack made up for it ten times over. The three first met at a painfully dull peace council (naturally, Cassiopeia had forced Katarina to go in her stead). It turned out to be a blessing in disguise, however, as the redhead spent the entire meeting staring very obvious sexual daggers into the both of them. Later that night she ambushed them in the communal showers, and the rest, so they say, is history.
Katarina’s thighs slammed harshly against Lux’s, sending impact ripples up the blonde’s skin while producing a blissful plap plap plap sound. The redhead sported a wide grin as her eyes alternated between her own cock’s plundering of the Demacian’s backdoor, the Demacian’s throbbing, needy cock, bouncing gleefully despite receiving no stimulation, and her blushed, pleasure-ridden face. Her mouth would absolutely be moaning to the high heavens right now had it not been occupied with a Vastayan dick.
This was their bi-daily routine. Katarina took Lux’s ass, Xayah took her throat, and the submissive little blonde was more than content to have her holes filled while her cock took nothing. They’d never had a real sit down to discuss who took which roles during sex because they’d never needed one. They organically assumed their positions the very first time and never found a reason to change things up afterwards.
That didn’t stop Katarina from speculating about it, though. Why was Xayah always content to settle for Lux’s throat? Why didn’t Lux ever want to get her dick wet? The Noxian’s mind always came back to one thing. One physical feature that they all shared, albeit unequally, that subconsciously decided who got the cream of the crop, who got the scraps, and who got to be a breeding sow.
Dick size.
It’s no secret that society values those that are well hung. Genetic diff, they call it. Katarina certainly fit the bill, sporting a girthy ten inch bitchbreaker between her legs. Even if most women didn’t have dicks, the fact that hers was so impressive had always given her confidence. In a way, it helped mold her personality. Hard to not be a cocky fucker when she always had the ultimate trump card down her pants.
Xayah’s cock wasn’t particularly small, but by comparison it might as well have been. Around five and a half inches hard, she was pretty much the baseline. Perhaps a wink over average on a good day. But when matched up to Katarina’s gargantuan length, there was simply no contest. The redhead had taken great pleasure in watching her avian inclined lover’s eyes widen and jaw hang slack the very first time she laid eyes on her massive length. In that shocked expression she could see all her preconceived thoughts of what constituted a big dick and what didn’t come crumbling down. Xayah’s brash, often argumentative demeanor certainly fit her dick length. It was the median, better than some, worse than others, and on par with the vast majority. She had to over compensate to stand out, otherwise she’d be lost in a sea of normalcy.
And then there was Lux. Poor, poor Lux. She could maybe get to four inches, and that was only if she was incredibly turned on. Her member was downright pathetic next to Kat’s. A real David and Goliath situation, except there wasn’t any slingshot tech to save the day. Lux’s cock was a lot like her: petite, shy, pale, and wholly incapable of being dominative. Hell, there were buttplugs that penetrated deeper than her cock.
The Noxian theorized that their dick sizes had subconsciously determined their roles in sex. She was clearly packing the most heat with her devil pickle, so she always got to enjoy an asshole, which, as we all know, is the pinnacle of sexual intercourse. Xayah’s fuckpole, while unable to hold a candle to Kat’s, still easily trumped Lux’s, so she got a nice, wet throat to partake in. And Lux, with her puny peckerwood, was relegated to being a pair of holes for her friends. It was their cocks that defined their personalities, and it was their cocks which assigned who was the alpha of their sexcapades.
Was it true? Was it all just a bunch of half-baked, pseudo-scientific, Freudian bullshit? Probably. It wasn’t exactly thought up by the sanest mind on the planet.
But that didn’t stop Katarina from believing it. Partially because it made some semblance of sense to her, but primarily because it turned her on to think about. Her two friends… entirely subservient to her Long Dong Silver.
Sometimes she wondered why she even allowed Xayah to enjoy Lux’s throat at all. Realistically, all of their holes should belong to her. They both had lesser cocks, after all.
The redhead snapped from her daydreaming as she noticed Lux’s hand drawing near her cock, obviously eager to jerk herself off a little bit in the midst of getting fucked silly. And on most days, Katarina would have allowed her. After all, everyone needed to do the five knuckle shuffle from time to time, right? But today, those usually harmless fantasies of dick sizes and domination pervaded Katarina’s mind. Warped her focus. Changed her outlook.
In a flash she slapped Lux’s hand away and doubled her hips’ speed, absolutely drilling her up the ass and causing her to groan and sputter around Xayah’s length. The Vastayan cocked an eyebrow in Katarina’s direction, but said nothing. Lux’s throat was far too pleasant to be distracted from.
But Katarina wasn’t done. No, she needed more. She leaned over Lux’s body, forcing the blonde’s legs up into the air until she was hovering mere inches from her face. Her eyes were ripe with venom and scorn, and the piercing glare they gave off sent a shiver down the Demacian’s spine.
Possessed with delusions, Katarina began speaking without thinking.
“Yeah, you like my big fat cock, don’t you?” she whispered, gripping Lux by the chin and forcing her off the Vastayan’s shaft (which fell harmlessly across the blonde’s forehead). Xayah was quick to complain, but her words melted away, overtaken by Katarina’s ramblings. “You both like it… You probably think about my throbbing dick and heavy balls alllll dayyyy longggg. I bet you have wet dreams every night of me fucking your asses… it’s too bad you both have such tiny, pathetic cocks. If you didn’t, maybe you could be the ones fucking asses.” Still fucking Lux like there was no tomorrow, Katarina shot them both a haughty grin of superiority and continued, “Now, why don’t you both turn around and bend over the bed so I can really start fucking your holes.”
A long moment then passed, the room itself seeming to have all manner of sound sucked out of it, save for the constant plapping of Kat’s skin against Lux’s. Nay a word was spoken between the trio; a shared glance between Lux and Xayah was their only form of communication. It was a silent affirmation. A declaration of war.
Kat’s eyes widened as she felt Lux drive her feet directly into her stomach, forcing her to fall backwards and her cock to exit the Demacian’s ass. She coughed and sputtered against the ground, looking up with rage clouding her vision only to see a truly terrifying sight.
Above loomed Lux and Xayah, their normally gentle and apathetic gazes replaced with ones of pure contempt.
Katarina’s mind went into fight or flight then, realizing exactly what was happening. She tried to scramble away towards the bedroom door, as if she could find safety in the presence of her maids.
She never stood a chance of making it.
Xayah gripped one leg, Lux the other, and with their combined force they drug her back atop the bed. In an instant, Katarina found herself on her hands and knees with a Vastayan cock that looked a lot smaller than it felt shoved down her throat.
“Mfrelsae fme!” she groaned, completely ambushed by the notion of having to suck a dick. Truth be told, she’d never done it before. She was so used to being top dog that the concept was entirely lost on her.
“I don’t think so.” Xayah gave her a harsh slap to the cheek. “Not after what you just pulled. Think we’re lesser than you, huh? We’ll see about that.”
Katarina was powerless to the rebel’s advances, forced to throat her schlong over and over again, feeling dizzy from the schlicking sound of her friend’s dick sliding in and out of her mouth. Spit began to quickly pour down her chin, accumulating in a small puddle on her bed sheets below. She looked up, mascara already starting to run down her face, and shot the Vastayan a pleading look. She was practically begging her to stop. But Xayah was having none of it. No mercy would be shown today. She gripped the back of the redhead’s skull and forced her head forwards in perfect sync with her thrusts, giving her her first proper facefucking.
All the while, Lux watched with a small smile on her face. She’d never complained about being the bottom before because, truthfully, she didn’t mind. She quite liked the feeling of being filled airtight with a couple of tuna torpedoes. But it had nothing to do with her dick’s length. For Katarina to go there, for her to say that… it crossed a line. She needed to be taught a lesson, and who better to teach her than her two closest friends?
The Demacian grinned wide at the beautiful sight before her. She had positioned herself behind Katarina, staring down at her pale ass cheeks which parted ever -so-slightly to reveal her pretty, brown asshole.
“Hey Kat…” she whispered, drawing the attention of the redhead who’d honestly forgotten she was even there due to Xayah’s ruthless facefucking. “You have a really beautiful ass. It’s so tight…” she pressed a single digit against her backdoor, rubbing it gently, causing Katarina’s eyes to widen as she understood the implication. “I bet it’s never had anything inside it before! I think we should change that.”
“MPhNO!” The Noxian tried to scream, but her cries were quickly transformed into gags as Xayah forced her cock as deep as it could go and held it there. Katarina’s nose was pressed flush against her navel as she felt a slickened, phallic object begin to prod against her anus. Meanwhile, Lux found herself absolutely floored by just how tight Kat’s ass was, as even her smaller than average cock was unable to easily breach it. But that was more than alright with her. She preferred a little bit of a fight.
Katarina groaned and gasped around Xayah’s cock, shivering as her butthole was repeatedly poked with Lux’s dickhead. What the light mage had surmised was entirely true; she really had never had anything up there before. Not even a finger. She’d never felt the inclination. Her focus was on fucking asses, not getting fucked in the ass. She never thought she’d actually lose her anal virginity, much less to someone like pencil-dicked Lux.
Finally, with a little bit of spit and a lot of effort, her asshole parted just wide enough for Lux’s tip to fit through. She was only able to slide in a single inch, but that was more than enough to generate a reaction from both herself and her new bottom.
Lux groaned with absolute glee, a content, heavy smile on her face as her trouser snake felt the inside of an asshole for the first time ever. It was… glorious. So tight and warm, hugging her shaft like it was holding on for dear life. She could instantly see why Kat always preferred to be on this end of things. Then again…
The redhead’s reaction wasn’t exactly one of disapproval.
At the moment of entry, her muffled protests and muted gags fell silent, replaced with a tiny, almost imperceptible moan.
With excitement and curiosity coursing through her veins, Lux pushed forward, forcing her cock deeper a half inch every few seconds. She was gentle, of course; the goal wasn’t to break Katarina or torture her, but rather punish her by forcing her to play sub for the day. And yet, with every inch her cock buried itself deeper inside Katarina’s asshole, the redhead found herself unable to conceal her growing moans of pleasure. She was honestly more surprised than both Lux and Xayah combined.
Her? An anal slut? How? She was the one with the monster energy drink dick. She was the one who broke stuck up bitches into mewling sluts. She was the one who turned prudes into size queens. She was the one who changed vanilla Victorias into kinky Katherines. How could she possibly enjoy a cock as pathetic as Lux’s in her ass?
But all the questioning in the world could not conceal her body’s reaction. Her cock throbbed with depravity and desire, pulsing needily between her legs despite not receiving any physical touch. It was harder and more sensitive, more desperate, than it had ever been when she’d taken Lux’s ass. And when that little blonde minx started slowly pumping her four inch magic wand in and out of Katarina’s most sacred hole? The redhead melted with pleasure, fully submitting to a fetish she’d no idea she even had five minutes ago.
“Good lord, Luxie. She’s loving every second of this.” Xayah commented through grit teeth, suddenly finding it much more difficult to speak as Katarina began to accept and perhaps even welcome the Vastayan’s cock in her throat.
“You’re—mm—telling me. Just look at it.” True to the Demacian’s word, Katarina’s spicy sopressata oozed thin ropes of precum onto the bed below. “Who knew she was a closeted buttslut? You’ve gotta try this ass out.”
“Believe me, I will.” Xayah smirked. “But first…”
Katarina had been put into a sexual trance from Lux’s buggering and Xayah’s facefucking, but when the latter unsheathed her cock from her throat, the redhead reflexively shot her a needy gaze. It wasn’t as if she wanted to look at her bird feathered friend with an expression of “why the fuck did you take your dick out of my mouth?”, but rather, it just sort of happened naturally.
“Don’t worry, Kitty Kat. I’ve got something else for you to suck on.” Xayah grinned, gripping her shaft and bringing it flush against her stomach, forcing her bloated, smooth balls into the Noxian’s gaping maw. Katarina was quick to obey, suckling and licking her friend’s juicy jewels with a hunger so ravenous it surprised even herself. Like any self-respecting cockslut, she wasn’t only smitten with Xayah’s tan banana. Sure, that was undoubtedly the centerpiece of a three piece set, but those full balls below deserved just as much love and care as the meat scepter above.
While Katarina slobbered on Xayah’s spunk bunkers, Lux was busy giving her ass a proper reaming. She may not have had the largest dick to work with, but as the old saying goes: Tis not the size of the boat, but the motion in the ocean. An additional benefit to her size was that it was really easy to bottom out inside Katarina’s ass. And bottom out she did. Her hips bucked wildly as she fucked like a demon, ecstasy running through her veins like she was a teenager getting sloppy toppy for the first time. This sensation… it was divine. A blessing from the gods above channeled through her Womb Raider as it desecrated the depths of Katarina’s anal cavity. Every thrust sent rivers of unmitigated pleasure directly into her brain, yet they paled in comparison to what Katarina felt.
All thoughts of dick measuring and domination had exited her mind, replaced with a torrential tidal wave of orgiastic bliss. The nerve endings lining her asshole hummed in glee as Lux’s whore thermometer pillaged her butt relentlessly. She barely had enough wits about her to keep tonguing Xayah’s balls, and that was only because somewhere buried deeply in the recesses of her newly anal-obsessed mind was a fragment of cockdrunkedness that refused to die.
Xayah took note of the Noxian’s eagerness and decided to reward her with her pump action dongadoodle, forcing the redhead’s mouth off of her balls only to then fill it back up with her rigid length. Katrina gagged happily, drool flowing freely from her mouth while her eyes crossed with joy. Her senses were completely overloaded as she was taken brutally from both the front and the back. It was almost poetic justice: she always figured her friends’ small dicks to be inherently lesser than her massive whoremaker, yet she’d never felt such absurdly pleasurable highs as she did when they fucked her with those average to below average candlesticks.
She could stand it no more. With her friends continuously piping her down, Katarina’s eyes rolled heavenward and she released a loud, shameless moan around Xayah’s member. Her own cock throbbed with delight as it shot rope after rope of precious cum onto the bed beneath her. Cum that was normally emptied into Lux’s ass, now being wasted on expensive satin sheets.
She’d had a hands free orgasm. The most embarrassing, and yet strangely, the most exhilarating kind she’d ever experienced. She should have felt shame. Her pride should have been shot to ruin. But none of that mattered compared to the near religious experience of having a dick fucked up her ass (and down her throat).
Katarina’s asshole clenched tightly at the moment of her orgasm, causing a chain reaction to spread to Lux. The Demacian was already on edge for a few minutes, but feeling the warm, comforting walls of Kat’s tight ass constrict even further to embrace her centimeter-peter in the tightest grip she’d ever experienced was simply far too much for her to withstand. With a cute little moan, the light mage emptied her load straight into Katarina’s ass; her vision briefly dulled as a dizzy spell wore over her as she came, but her eyes remained laser focused on the redhead’s beautiful bouncing ass cheeks, and, of course, her own tickle stick planted firmly between them.
Naturally, Xayah had been close to striking white oil for quite some time, especially after getting her balls worshiped by her self-appointed dom. She didn’t want to cum for as long as possible so she could thoroughly enjoy the Katarina throat onahole experience, but watching the Noxian’s godzilla dick spasm happily as she had her first prostate orgasm was simply far too hot for to resist. With a tepid groan (always the emo, aren’t we, Xayah?), the Vastayan unleashed her pent up load straight down Katarina’s gullet, forcing her face flush against her pelvis so that not a single drop could be spilled anywhere but inside Katarina’s throat.
All three of them remained like that for at least half a minute, Xayah with her pleasure sausage shoved fully down Kat’s throat, Lux with her carrot cock plunged deeply into Kat’s ass, and Kat with her unloved mega-dick energetically twitching between her thighs. They rode their simultaneous orgasms all the way out, each feeling more pleasure from the new role reversal than they’d ever found doing things the normal way.
Eventually, Lux and Xayah pulled out, and without any cocks inside Katarina to support her position she slumped against the bed, landing directly into the small pool of cum she’d deposited below. She was completely spent. Completely satisfied.
But Lux wasn’t. Not yet.
She danced her way to the other side of the bed until she stood in front of Katarina’s barely conscious face. Her cock was still as solid as stone, and although she’d deposited the majority of her load inside the arrogant Noxian’s asshole, her shaft was still thoroughly covered in her own sticky cream. She gripped Katarina by the scalp and forced her head off the bed before she wiped her cock over her cheeks and lips, smearing her virile seed all over the redhead’s face. It was a shockingly dominant action for the generally mild-mannered light mage, but she wasn’t trying to humiliate Katarina. She was trying to mark her territory. She wanted the Noxian to understand that this was to be their new dynamic. She wouldn’t be fucking anyone’s ass for the foreseeable future. Instead, she would be the one that was nothing more than just a pair of holes up for free use, and she only had her own vanity and ego to blame. As if to seal this new arrangement, Lux slipped her cock inside Katarina’s welcoming mouth, and she happily sucked the remaining cum off her friend’s length. The same length that had been balls deep in her asshole only minutes before. An hour ago, the thought of doing something as submissive as this would have made her cringe. Now she slurped on Lux’s cock greedily, savoring every forbidden flavor that came along with it.
Lux and Xayah both grinned at the perverse sight before them. There was their Noxian alpha, their hung bull, her face covered in viscous white cum, a smile plastered on her broken visage as she guzzled Lux’s short dick as if her life depended on it.
And to think, all of this could have been avoided if Katarina had just kept her mouth shut.
Author’s Note: hey hey hey I am reopening commissions for the first time in a long time. Check my profile/Twitter for further info. |
Chapter 3 - Return to Sender (Interlude 01) |
A/N: we do a little first person POV at the end of this chapter just for fun ;)
Such were the pleasant sounds that flowed freely from Satya Vaswani’s mouth as she lay on Ashe’s bed. Her face was pressed deeply into the covers, a firm grip from a pale palm on her flowing mane of black hair to keep her still. Her clothing lay scattered in a chaotic array across the room, occupying every nook and corner aside from her own skin. From above her prone body pounded away the breeding stud that owned this home of dubious sexual activities. Her position was like that of a jockey atop a horse as they broke them in properly for the first time.
It was Symmetra’s first night in Ashe’s home. Their mating ritual had to be… special.
The Deadlock Rebel had introduced her to the other girls rather quickly. A five minute conversation which consisted of Widowmaker apologizing for nearly killing her, Sombra commenting on the enormous width of her ass, and an ensuing argument between the two rival sluts about something stupid and totally unrelated.
So, all in all, a pretty typical interaction in Ashe’s household.
Symmetra just smiled and nodded. Her mind was a bit preoccupied. Not only an hour earlier was she dutifully making out with her master’s pale backside, her hands twisting and pumping away at the python between her legs. She was beyond eager to take it inside her ass for the first time.
It didn’t take long for her wish to be granted.
Ashe led the Indian woman to the master bedroom and had her way with her, tearing her clothes off in a lust-induced frenzy before fucking her into oblivion atop the mattress. Widowmaker and Sombra listened intently from behind the closed door to the sounds of their union. Moans, mewls, spanks, and oh-so-delicious plapping noises aplenty filled the airwaves, and it resulted in a pair of fierce hard-ons between the two peeping toms’ legs.
They heard everything. Symmetra’s desperate cries for more. Ashe’s pleasure-ridden groans mixed with exertion. Even the unmistakable schlicking noise that came from a lubed up cock repeatedly hammering into a snug asshole. And when it was time to finish, they heard their master fully bury herself inside her newest submissive slut, bottoming out and blowing her load with Symmetra’s own orgasmic wails providing a wondrous backdrop to the devious ambiance.
Sombra and Widowmaker gave each other a knowing glance.
They’d had their doubts when they read this woman’s file. She was a true beauty, but it took more than just looks to survive in this household. But after listening in on that…
They were fairly certain she’d fit in just fine.
In the weeks that followed Ashe’s procurement of Symmetra, she proved herself to be the perfect glue girl. The missing puzzle piece that provided much needed order and structure within the confines of the Caledonia mansion. Her expressed desire to serve as the house’s maid, chef, and resident dick receptacle made things so much easier for all the tenants. Chores were no longer divided between a hotheaded Latina and a lazy French woman. Food didn’t have to be DoorDashed every night, and the meals Satya cooked for them were ridiculously good. But most importantly, when one of the house’s occupants was upset and in need of relief, she was always able to provide a warm, wet, welcoming mouth to take their frustrations out on.
Indeed, Satya Vaswani's most vital role in maintaining peace was through her position of fluffer of the house. Although she viewed Ashe as her one true master, her submissive side was far too potent to refuse advances from her fellow playthings. Even if she was in the middle of preparing dinner or dusting furniture, it took but one word, sometimes even just one look, to make her drop to her knees and offer a soothing hole to ease any mounting tension.
It was basically free-use, which wasn’t even her fetish to begin with. Being simply taken and used as a piece of fuckmeat was Widowmaker’s thing. That being said, the blue-skinned woman didn’t mind a little bit of encroachment from her Indian-born sister-from-a-different-mister if it meant she got to occasionally partake in her amenities.
Frankly, Symmetra’s arrival couldn’t have been timed any better for the assassin. Sombra was still butthurt about the whole surprise prone bone thing from a few weeks ago, and Widow feared that putting her through any further hijinks might result in her own mysterious and untimely demise. The Latina certainly wasn’t above poisoning an apple or having a piano accidently drop six floors down onto her head.
But Amélie still had needs, so she’d been using Satya’s free blowjob services as a means of release. And it was amazing. That woman’s tongue was handcrafted by the gods to lick and suck and slobber on things. She’d even caught Sombra indulging in the light-bender’s sloppy fuckhole a few times herself.
Of course, they had to be extra careful to not get caught. Even though the mansion was massive, Symmetra spent most of her time in regularly used rooms where the bulk of the housework had to be done. As such, Amélie imposed her own rule to keep herself out of trouble. The five minute rule. Whenever she was feeling particularly pent up, or was annoyed at Sombra, or perhaps just wanted to get her dick wet, she’d find Satya and enlist her tempting mouth for no more than five minutes. This had been successful in keeping her away from Ashe’s watchful gaze, even if she wanted nothing more than to indulge in her newest sister’s heavenly throat for a full hour… or two.
The cowgirl wasn’t so stupid as to not realize what was happening, but up to this point she’d failed to obtain any hard evidence of her slaves’ disobedience. Everything she had was circumstantial. A mysterious dollop of cum stuck in the Indian woman’s hair. The unmistakable taste of semen on her lips. Hints of tears in her eyes like she’d just been fiercely gagging on something phallic in nature.
Ashe had no desire to discipline Symmetra, though. You wouldn’t punish a dog for chasing its own tail, would you? That’s just what dogs do. Following orders and taking dick was simply what Satya Vaswani did. There was no getting around it. It was part of what made her such a perfect fit for the manor.
No, the only ones worthy of punishment for such acts were Sombra and Widow. It was not as if Satya walked around asking to suck their cocks. Well, not with words, at least. Her facial expressions and stupidly stacked proportions were another story.
Regardless, Ashe had grown tired of her first two sluts’ shenanigans. She expected them to break some rules sometimes, but this was getting out of hand. Satya was a strong woman, but after several weeks of constant facefuckings, even the cowgirl could tell she was beginning to feel worn down. She’d never say as much, of course. It was not in her DNA to turn someone down for her own sake. Still, something had to be done to alleviate her workload.
Luckily, Ashe woke up today with a particularly bright idea.
A bead of perspiration rolled down Widowmaker’s forehead as she crept carefully through the kitchen. Her eyes were locked with an unbreakable focus onto her prey. It was at times like this that all her years of training under Talon overrode her mind and she reverted, at least in part, back to the feared assassin she once was.
Target sighted—12 o'clock. Pulse: calm. Heart rate: even. Environment: clear. Breasts: massive. Ass: divine. Face: fuckable.
The unsuspecting woman was washing dishes with her back to Widow, a melodic tune humming from her lips as she went about her work. She was totally oblivious to the world around her. An easy prize.
Advancing—3 meters from target. Vigilance: heightened. Nerves: steel. Weapon: primed.
The assassin had already confirmed not two minutes prior the whereabouts of the mansion’s other residents. Ashe was taking a nap upstairs and Sombra was playing some weird gacha game in a bedroom on the far side of the house. Everything was in order. They had total privacy. She silently peeled off her skinsuit and checked the time on the microwave.
3:55 P.M.
Five minutes. No more. No less.
In position—target within grasp. Silence: maintained. Resolve: absolute. Dick: hard. Precision: critical.
Her hands slowly slid around Satya’s waist, possessively pulling her shapely rear back into her own crotch. She rubbed her hardened length between those velvety cheeks—even through the fabric of her dress, the feeling was simply parfaite.
“Ah!” Symmetra squeaked, turning her head to the side to look back at the rosy-cheeked blueberry behind her. Her expression quickly softened as she realized what was occurring. “You startled me, Amélie.” she spoke in that matronly tone of hers.
“You know why I must be so sneaky, mon chéri.” Widow cooed in her ear, a hand coming around the front to yank at the top of her dress until it was pulled to her waist, exposing her shapely tits and dark areolas for all to see from outside the kitchen window.
Symmetra cracked a half smile and pushed her ass further back into Widow’s shaft. “I take it you’ve found the mood again?”
“Oui, darling.” Widow’s hand yanked once more, pulling the Indian woman’s overwrought dress further down until it fell past her hips and landed in a heap around her ankles. She crooned at the woman’s lack of undergarments, eyes fixating on the quickly stiffening five and a half inches of girlmeat between her legs. “Then again, I’m always in the mood for you, mon petit lotus.”
Symmetra smiled, dropped to her knees, and turned to face her assailant’s throbbing mass. She’d done this song and dance with Widowmaker plenty of times, and by now she knew the routine. She started slowly, a trail of kisses on the underside of her blue sister’s blue cock, spacing seven smooches about an inch apart until she planted the final on the head of her member. Widowmaker groaned as she transitioned her last kiss into a blowjob, easily accepting the tip of her shaft inside her warm, cavernous mouth.
“Mon Dieu!” Amélie groaned in a hushed breath, looking down to gaze upon Satya’s dutiful work. As always, the woman was a wizard of pleasure, knowing precisely which buttons to press to draw out the best orgasms.
But just as Symmetra really got to work on Widowmaker’s lengthy member, something unusual began to stir behind them. The door to the walk-in freezer creaked open, revealing a sliver of darkness inside which a pair of crimson eyes shined through. Deep inside the depths of that chilling enclosure, a sinister delight began to take hold.
While Satya started throating her fellow slave’s dick, the door was angled open even further, slowly and methodically to maintain the surprise. Out stepped Ashe, naked as sin with a cock as stiff as ice between her legs, the beast pointed directly at the backside of the unsuspecting assassin. She crept forward as quietly as she could, and although her steps were nowhere near as calculated and silent as a well-trained Talon Agent’s, Widow’s moans provided her with the perfect cover.
She waited for the perfect moment, a smug expression gracing her features as she watched her pets go at it like animals. That is, until a particularly high-pitched moan escaped the blue whore’s mouth. Just as soon as Widow found herself in the throes of ecstasy did she too feel a pair of hands grip her shoulders from behind. Before she could comprehend what was happening, she heard a grunt of effort and immediately felt her sphincter stretch and spread to accommodate for an absurd length of meat. She wailed to the high heavens as the phallic object was shoved fully up her ass, and in the back of her mind she realized that there was only one key that could fit her lock so completely.
“M-mistress?” she moaned in half-surprise, turning her head only to come face-to-face with her master’s self-righteous grin.
“C-c-c-c-c-caught y-y-y-you.” Ashe stuttered, her body shivering like an anxiety-riddled mouse that just ripped four bumps of cocaine in the bathroom of a dingy Vegas casino.
Widowmaker felt her brain turning to mush in real time. The double-sided assault of pleasure from the outlaw pounding away at her tight derrière and Symmetra’s sloppy deepthroating was causing her to short-circuit like some sort of faulty sex automaton. To make matters even more overstimulating, Ashe’s dick was as cold as a popsicle, making it feel mighty strange as it plundered her backdoor.
Words were difficult to even think of, much less speak aloud. Every forceful clash into her rotund rear from behind was sending her the moon, and Symmatra’s dutiful tongue might as well have slingshotted her straight into the sun. Twenty-seven million degrees of scorching hot pleasure burning every fiber of her soul.
“B-but… nnngh… how?” she squeaked between shameful groans.
“I-I-It was a-a-a-all a c-c-c-c-clever ruse!” Ashe snickered between shivers. The intensity of her thrusts worked well in punishing Widow for her naughtiness, but also functioned as a means of warming up her own nearly frostbitten body. She’d spent almost twenty minutes naked in that freezer, but pain was an old lover, and if pain was all she had to endure, she could withstand the chill of its embrace for far, far longer.
Satya carried on her dick-sucking duties like nothing had happened, despite the jackhammering impacts she felt transferring into her through Widow’s form. She still slobbered away at her sister’s shaft, reaching one of her tender hands below to gently knead and caress her bloated pair of blue balls. Part of her carried on simply because neither the cowgirl nor the assassin had told her to stop. She followed orders, and she had been ordered to worship cock. So she would do so with gratitude and fervor. But another part of her, perhaps more in control than the naturally subservient side, carried on because she just really enjoyed sucking a nice dick.
Ashe pulled Widow’s back into her chest, a mutual groan escaping both women as she sheathed her cock fully inside the rulebreaker’s ass for a long moment. As she slowly but surely warmed up, the white-haired stallion of a woman turned her fucktoy’s head to the side. Her eyes were half-lidded and glazed with pleasure, but they soon refocused when she noticed a familiar figure standing just a few feet behind her master.
The annoying brat was entirely nude, watching the show with a smug expression and her tongue stuck outwards. One of her caramel-colored hands was wrapped tightly around her four inch cock, methodically stroking the meager tool to prevent herself from blowing a premature load. Her other hand snaked around her backside, likely plunging a few fingers at minimum inside her ass to elevate the feeling. Her purple eyes drank in the pathetic look on Amélie’s face like it was the most beautiful piece of art ever produced.
It was one thing for her to get off on watching Widow’s punishment, but to tease and mock her over it with all the creativity of a petulant prepubescent preteen? That just added insult to injury.
“Show her, Sombra.” Ashe cooed, finally feeling warm enough to begin pistoning her hips back and forth again. The smooth but brutal motion elicited yet another exhausted moan from Widow’s lips, and she would have likely stumbled to the floor had the cowgirl not held her with a vice grip.
Sombra did as she was asked, removing her palm from her dick while keeping her fingers planted firmly inside her stretched ass. With her free hand she picked up a life-sized body pillow from the floor that held a staggering resemblance to Ashe and turned it towards Widowmaker. It took the cogs in her brain a few seconds to turn, but once they did, she understood everything.
It had all been a trap from the start. Sombra positioned the body pillow at Ashe’s behest to make it seem as though she was fast asleep in her bed. The Latina then pretended to be distracted in her own room to make Amélie feel completely safe. All the while, the cowgirl had been shivering her nuts off in the freezer, waiting for her to make a move on Symmetra.
As she gazed upon the incredibly realistic body pillow Sombra held in her hand, Widow couldn’t help but feel a wave of amusement wash over her. She’d been truly hoodwinked. In the past, she was often the mastermind behind such conniving schemes. Yet now, in this house, with these strange, perpetually horny, potentially insane women, she was nothing more than a fly that flew cluelessly into the spider’s web.
Only minutes had passed since Ashe’s backdoor surprise party began and Widowmaker had already developed a lust-filled stupidity that infected and overrode her mental faculties like it was a logic virus. Except instead of turning her into a mindless killing machine, this disease had turned her into some sort of pleasure-obsessed creature that was such a shameless mess of degeneracy it did not deserve to even eat at the same table as the other residents of the house.
A thought came to Widowmaker’s mind as she was systematically fucked and sucked into the aether by the tag team of her master and her master’s newest slave. One that had eluded her up to this point only due to the infectious pleasure running rampant through her mind. Gazing with a slack-jawed mouth at Sombra as she fingerfucked her own backdoor, a hand still gripping the faux-Ashe tightly to her side, only one question came to the assassin’s mind.
And as she studied the uncanny object further, another inquiry of even greater significance arose.
These questions would have to be answered later, as her mouth was quite literally incapable of formulating actual words anymore. Her moans weren’t even the same spirited utterances of ecstasy they had been towards the beginning of her Lucky Pierre session, either. Instead, they’d descended into subvocal whines. Sniveling mewls of overwhelming sexual brainrot.
Satya’s mouth glided over her entire length with such grace and ease that it put size queens to shame. Ashe’s bitchbreaker bottomed out inside her ass with every passing second. She felt like she was being split in two. But like, in a good way? Like she was being pulled in opposite directions of endless enjoyment.
The cowgirl gripped her gently around the throat and brought her in close, whispering into her empty brain with her trademarked sultry southern drawl, “I thought this was supposed to be a punishment, but you seem to be loving every second of it, darlin’.”
And she was right. Widowmaker lived to be used freely. This scenario fit that criteria quite perfectly. Total loss of control. A living dildo for Satya’s pleasure. A sentient fleshlight for Ashe’s cock. Every savage thrust from the cowgirl sent her blue hips forward, plunging her pole further into Symmatra’s eager mouth. It was exponential pleasure. Every action created a new and entrancing reaction.
She never stood a chance.
With a high-pitched whine, Amélie suddenly emptied her balls down Satya’s throat, her dick shooting high-powered ballistic missiles of cum that jettisoned forth with all the god-fearing power of a supernova.
A chain reaction to her orgasm occurred as Ashe turned off her mental inhibitor and allowed her own climax to arrive, burying her thick shaft balls deep inside Widow’s ass as she dumped her thick load inside her guts.
Even Sombra, whose hand had long since returned to stroking her own dick, was unable to withstand the orgasmic display. She slipped a third finger into her butt and palmed her meat rapidly, moaning in utter delight as she spilled her seed harmlessly onto the kitchen floor.
Satya’s stiff cock throbbed needily from between her squatting legs, but she didn’t mind not finishing here. In fact, she quite enjoyed the hands-free edging session, fully knowing it would only enhance the climax she had waiting for her tonight when the cowgirl’s girthmaster fucked her to sleep.
Everyone eventually broke from their positions. All were left panting and red in the face with a variety of different looks splayed across them. Ashe was smugly satisfied with her well-laid plan. Sombra basked in the twisted delight of schadenfreude. Satya’s expression was plain if not slightly disappointed—a symptom of their group session coming to an end, no doubt. Although, her eyes still held a hunger that could only be satiated with, you guessed it, more cock. As for Widowmaker, she collapsed to the floor in a heap of post-orgasmic bliss the moment the cowgirl’s hand stopped supporting her body. Every inch of her skin burned with searing hot pleasure that caused her eyes to roll to the back of her skull from the sheer mental overload. She writhed and moaned in her afterglow like a flame flickering in the wind, clasping her arms around herself as if to guard the warmth from this encounter so that she could hold onto it for as long as possible.
And while she sighed and shivered on the ground, fully entrenched in the depths of her own desire, Ashe knelt down to tell her of the real punishment for her misconduct.
“Still with us, darlin’?” she asked, looming over the blue woman’s fidgeting form, watching her eyes flutter back to life until they met with her own.
The cowgirl produced something metallic in her hand and held it proudly in Amélie’s field of view. It took her a moment to blink the fuzziness from her vision, but once she did, her expression turned to one of sheer terror.
“I’m glad you had such a grand ol’ time cumming your brains out.” Ashe goaded, taking a moment to admire the chastity cage in her hand, “Because you’ll be locked up tight for the rest of the weekend.”
Widow’s eyes rolled upwards again, though this time with permanence as she slumped backwards into Satya’s soft, waiting lap. The fatigue from the group ‘therapy’ session combined with the genuine fear of having her cock locked away had taken their toll, and instead of facing reality her mind opted to retreat into the dark safety that was the void of sleep. In her dreams she couldn’t be put into chastity. In her dreams she could fuck Sombra’s ass for as long and hard as she so desired.
Ashe sighed at the sight. Typical, she thought. The assassin was showing her true colors. Fleeing at the first whiff of adversity. Fortunately, she would wake up eventually, whether she wanted to or not.
“Don’t die on us just yet, little spider.”
With Widowmaker soundly asleep in one of the many guest rooms, the other three occupants of the Caledonia manor sat in the living room and enjoyed a rare chance for peace and quiet. Satya had made dinner earlier—a homestyle spaghetti with a rich meat sauce that simply oozed flavor. Ashe was keen on devouring it like a starved wolf, slurping the noodles down from the center of the couch with her two still conscious sluts flanking her on either side. Her crimson eyes alternated between the spaghetti western on the television to her own crotch, which, admittedly, had a much more interesting show going on.
Satya licked her uncovered shaft with the flat part of her tongue, tracing over every blessed millimeter of the beast with many names. Occasionally, she’d concentrate on her mistress’ tip, swirling her fleshy appendage around it and lapping at the opening in the same spirit of a dog drinking water. The real treat was the delectable dollop of precum she’d collect from the sensitive area every so often, and she made sure to groan out a muffled thannk yew each time she received her master’s communion. Under normal circumstances, she’d be throating this monster dick until either her jaw gave out or she milked it to completion, but since Amélie wasn’t here and things were more relaxed than usual, Symmatra figured the slow and steady approach was apropos.
Meanwhile, Sombra happily attended to Ashe’s balls, slurping and sucking and dragging her tongue tenderly across both of the cowgirl’s large semen factories. Her eyes crossed in lusty haze from the pleasant, musky aroma that filled her nostrils. Ashe never smelled bad, even when she was sweaty from a hard day’s work. In this case, a hard day’s work roughly translated to fucking Widowmaker’s ass until she was in a coma, but the point still remained. Much like her Indian-born sister, though, Sombra was aware that her stud got bored rather quickly from too much of the same thing. In order to spice things up, she’d periodically drag her tongue further below, descending it across her swollen sack until it reached the true prize: her tight, divine, utterly scrumptious asshole.
Each time the Latina decided to make her way towards Ashe’s forbidden fruit, she showed it all the worship and adoration a sacred relic deserved. Her ministrations were sloppy but not unrefined, with her tongue licking long, slow strides across the sensitive hole. Occasionally, she plunge it barely inside, just past the tight outer ring that gave resistance to her advances in order to graze all the wonderful nerve endings which resided there. Although the cowgirl had kept a fairly calm demeanor throughout her slave’s oral servicing, even she wasn’t immune to the occasional gasp or moan that escaped her lips as she felt Sombra’s tongue tickle and prod her favorite spot. The irony of it all was that her slutty little Latina moaned much louder as she rimmed her. A shameless admission of just how fervently she loved to eat her master’s ass.
“What a wonderful pair of sluts I have.” Ashe thought, a particularly lecherous groan slipping through the cracks in her armor. “I truly am blessed.”
The cowgirl set down the happy plate that formerly housed a pile of spaghetti on the coffee table and picked up a sheet of paper in its stead, donning herself with a pair of old-woman style reading glasses so she could get down to business. A task more daunting than one might think with two hungry sluts slurping on your cock and balls and ass like there was no tomorrow.
Nevertheless, she’d been given a lead on her next target and needed to go over the report. It was surprising that Satya of all people had come to her with this information, especially considering her strict moral code and sense of justice. Then again, it was entirely possible that the Indian beauty thought every woman’s life could be improved through service to her master’s dick. Or perhaps she’d simply been fully broken-in after spending enough time in this mansion of degeneracy. Such constant acts of shameless depravity have a way of wearing down one’s moral compass.
Either way, Ashe knew this next target would be a far greater challenge than her last. She’d been lucky with Symmetra. A borderline pacifist in this day and age? The odds of something like that happening again were lower than a June bug doing a backflip in December. Plus, based on her light skimming of the document, her next victim was basically the antithesis to peace and love. She had to be ready for a fight.
“Satya, tell me about this woman.” Ashe said, eyes fixated at the report in hand. “And why does she look…like…that? You sure this is a good idea?”
The minxy brown-skinned sub retracted her tongue from its diligent work over Ashe’s dick and wiped her mouth to remove any excess spittle. Instead of speaking to the cowgirl like a normal person would, with direct eye contact and good posture, she chose to nestle her cheek right up against her master’s bulging shaft and stared longingly at it, almost like she was trying to telepathically communicate “Sorry honey, I’ll be right back!” towards the monstrous length.
Satya cleared her throat and thought for a moment before speaking, “My former organization kept a watchful eye on her. She was a project to them—someone they thought could be sculpted to do their bidding. I’ll admit, her qualities were quite alluring. Natural born leader, incredibly charismatic, extremely gifted fighter… she was a specimen. But they underestimated just how fiercely independent she was at heart, and they paid dearly for that oversight.”
“Hmm.” Ashe mused, eyes flicking up towards Satya only to realize she’d kept staring at her cock throughout her entire description. She chuckled at the sight before she continued, “Still, none of that explains why she looks so damn crazy. I mean, blue hair all spiked up? Armor ripped straight from a Mad Max movie? And that axe of hers… yeesh. If I’m to claim her, I need to understand her. What makes her tick. The secrets she hides. Tell me more.”
“She lives to fight. Earned her stripes in gladiatorial bouts. Climbed the ranks until she was their undefeated champion.” Symmetra said, her mouth starting to salivate. It had been a full thirty seconds since she last tasted her lord’s royal staff. To wave it her face like this while Sombra dutifully sucked and licked away just inches below her was borderline torture. She carried on with her briefing nonetheless. “Eventually she usurped her settlement’s leadership and named herself queen. She’s expanded her operation since then, and could easily stretch her borders further if she so desired.”
“So why hasn’t she?”
Satya shrugged. “From everything I learned at Vishkar, she doesn’t seem to care much for that sort of thing. All of the wealth and power she’s obtained in the past decade—she’s used it solely to improve her colosseum and expand her gladiatorial games. For all intents and purposes, the matriarch of Junkertown seems to only care about spectacle and conflict."
Ashe furrowed her brow. “So you’re suggesting I tame a woman who, in your own words, is fiercely independent, obsessed with fighting, and a skilled gladiator?” She stroked her chin in thought, casting a knowing look at her touch-starved slut. “The thought of trampling such a powerful individual beneath my boot is pretty hot—I’ll give you that. But I’m not exactly seeing much vulnerability here, Satya.”
Symmetra had been absentmindedly stroking her cheek against the cowgirl’s girth in boredom, but the doubt in Ashe’s voice seemed to perk her up. A sly little smile crept across her features.
“You must only look a little deeper, Mistress.” she cooed, flicking her tongue out for a quick lick of turgid girlcock, eyes brimming with renewed lust as she persisted, “She’s very strong. So strong, in fact, that she’s never lost a fight. In every arena of life, she knows only victory. That kind of streak can build quite the massive ego in a person. I wonder what would happen…”
A wave of realization washed over the cowgirl’s expression.
“...if she ever lost.” Ashe finished.
“Tremendous pride is a double-edged sword.” Symmetra purred, angling her head beneath the weight of her master’s dick so that it laid lengthways across her face. “Sometimes, it takes but one defeat to shatter it to bedrock.”
“You aren’t wrong there, Satya.”
“There’s one more thing you should know.” Symmatra paused to take a shamelessly loud inhale of her master’s scent, sighing gleefully as her nostrils were filled to the brim in her master’s delicious musk. “Despite how secretive she is about her operation, the most recent reports from Vishkar indicate that her gladiators no longer spill blood for sport. Instead, they spill… other… bodily fluids.”
“Combat of a sexual nature.” Satya gleamed, tingles of excitement running up her spine as she imagined Ashe involved in one of these bouts. “A battle to see who can rend an orgasm from their opponent first. Apparently, the queen is quite enamored with them. She often participates in the grand finale against the strongest challenger. Her record is unblemished, of course.”
Ashe closed her eyes. If it were a typical fight to the death, she didn’t love her chances against this barbaric woman. If she was allowed her guns, then maybe she could dance around for long enough to find an opening, but it was still far too risky to genuinely entertain. If the battle was sexual in nature, though… well, they didn’t call her the long dick of the law for nothing.
“Well done, Satya.” Ashe gave the woman a few gentle pats to the head before bestowing her with a reward for her efforts. She eased her slave’s head upwards until her mouth aligned with the tip of her cock, which was already leaking a sizeable trail of precum due to Sombra’s continued ministrations below. Symmetra’s panted like a bitch in heat at the sight, tongue lolled out and ready to receive her owner’s blessings. She was forced to take every last inch of the bitchbreaker inside her throat, gagging and sputtering in joyous struggle as her own shaft twitched happily between her thighs, a dollop of pre drizzling forth from the untouched member and onto the couch below.
Today’s hands-free edging was going to give her a case of blue balls if she wasn’t careful.
Ashe sighed contentedly as she enjoyed her slaves’ mouths. She wouldn’t last much longer under this much duress, but she didn’t mind. In fact, she was looking forward to climaxing down Satya's throat. It would function as a fantastic token of her appreciation towards the newest whore in her stable. She’d brought her an interesting target and had done the research to back it up. Such a good, loyal slut Satya Vaswani had become.
Still, this woman, the Junkerqueen… there was no doubt she would be her most difficult conquest to date. Even if she somehow managed to slip past the guards posted at her colosseum, there was still no guarantee the brutish harlot would accept a direct challenge from her. But even if she did, Ashe knew she’d have to summon all of her sexual prowess just to have an opportunity to win. She recognized a fellow alpha when she saw one. Breaking subs was one thing, but breaking studs?
That was a hard road.
I was greeted with an acute weariness running through every corner of my body when I first awoke. It felt like I’d been thrown in the washing machine and left there for an hour. But my poor asshole had it the worst. My girl was still stretched sore from Ashe’s punishment, and judging by the dead of night outside the window, that had to have been hours ago. Such a brutal buttfucking I’d been given. Easily the harshest one I’ve received since I moved to this den of sin.
Who am I kidding? I loved every second of it.
I know, I know. I’m such a slut. But what can I say? My mistress’ cock is simply fantastique. You’d feel the same way if you were in my position.
Perhaps that’s why I indulged in Satya’s mouth so often. Maybe a part of me wanted to get caught. While I do truly enjoy facefucking a warm, bottomless throat, there’s no better feeling than taking a thick, fat cock straight up my derrière. It’s a sensation that knows no comparison. A fullness that satisfies every dégénérer craving within my twisted heart.
Ah, mon amour, what I wouldn’t give to feel you pressed against me right now. Cradling my weary body in this suffocating darkness. Pressing your perfect length between my cheeks like you own them. Fucking me hard and raw, despite my exhaustion… or perhaps because of it.
If I knew the punishment for breaking house rules was a ruthless bout of anal sex, I would’ve gotten caught much, much sooner.
Punishment, huh…
Shit. Wait.
My eyes widened. I ripped the bedsheets off my body in panic.
The memory came flooding back. The assfucking wasn’t the punishment. It was merely the prelude. A deceptive feint to set the stage for the killshot.
I sat up and looked between my legs, and there I saw the actual punishment for my actions.
A metal cage upon my beautiful cock. Whispers of freedom in all the gaps of space, yet the bars were the shackles of hope.
How had it come to this? My poor concombre, confined to a state of forced flaccidness.
Metallic rods pinched the crest of my sack ever-so-slightly. A light but inescapable pressure. My balls were sure to be bluer than usual after my time was served. Three days without an orgasm? Misère! I cannot recall ever going through such an extended period of denial.
There was a time in Gibraltar where I found myself pinned down for a full day by enemy snipers. I could not move from my prone position, lest I alert them to my exact location. Even then, I managed to rub one out. My thighs made for excellent makeshift hands. Rubbing and squeezing them over my length like some sort of depraved lunatic until I made a mess in my suit.
Alas, I am not familiar with sexual denial. Even my master, as sensually sadistic as she can sometimes be, is not one to deny our orgasms. If anything, she takes pleasure in forcing them from us. Making us cum over and over and over again until there is nothing left… and then finding one more. An elusive and oh-so-pleasant dry climax to finish breaking our minds for the evening.
For her to cage me like this, like I was some sort of disobedient animal in need of disciplining, it was… it was…
It was kind of turning me on.
Sacrebleu! Does my degeneracy know no bounds? Is there anything Ashe could do that wouldn’t get me hot and bothered? If there is a limit to her spell, I have not found it yet. Perhaps this is the cost of pledging my soul to her.
Damn that white-haired succubus and her gorgeous cock!
How dare she corrupt me like this? I should break down her door and demand she let me suck her off right now. That would show her!
My musings were rudely interrupted by the sound of a doorknob’s turn as the heavy oak door opposite my bed swung open, revealing a silhouette against the dim light of the hallway beyond.
I squinted my eyes in the intruder’s direction, but the all-consuming shadow of the room made it impossible to discern any specific features. All I could see was a rough profile, and even that was difficult to properly distinguish.
But then the unidentified figure turned to the side, exposing an all too familiar outline of girthy girlmeat illuminated in the glint of the light. Facial features be damned, I’d recognize that cock anywhere.
“M-master?” I squeaked out a bit too eagerly. What can I say? It seemed my lewd daydream would be realized far sooner than I imagined. I felt a pulse of excitement down below and was reminded of the metal prison around my dick. No amount of exhilaration could fix that problem. Still, getting my holes filled with cowgirl cock was a pretty good consolation prize. Who knows, maybe my mistress would even allow me to cum from my ass. Perhaps it didn’t count as foregoing my punishment if it was an anal orgasm.
The darkened shape of my master strode forward, each step causing her length to swing between her knees like the pendulum of a grandfather clock. I felt my heartbeat quicken as she approached the bed. This had been a pretty rough day. A good fucking before bed was precisely what the doctor ordered. Anything to take my mind off the arousing humiliation I would be suffering from for the weekend.
But as Ashe neared my bedside for a presumed facefucking session, I noticed something off about her. Her cock was the right size, yes, but the rest of her body… the proportions were all wrong. She was about a foot shorter than normal and her hips were much too wide. I stared in confusion as she reached a hand out to my nightstand, and with a simple twist of her wrist turned on the lamp.
My heart sank to the floor as I saw the shadowy figure at last in the light. It wasn’t Ashe. It was Sombra.
Between her legs was a strapon. The very same one I’d seen earlier fixed to the lifelike body pillow made in our master’s image. From just a single glance, I could already tell it was made in the exact proportions of its progenitor. The ridiculous girth, the intimidating length—a carbon copy of my cowgirl’s cock. The false member rested just over her own semi-hard shaft. It utterly dwarfed her tiny pecker, and I had to strain my eyes to catch even a glimpse of it peeking out underneath.
But the fake dick wasn’t her only strange choice of apparel for whatever it was she was planning. She also wore a pair of black high heels and fishnet stockings that rose to her mid thigh, as well as a similarly colored choker wrapped around her neck. Her expression held a smarmy look of smug arrogance—the same she always wore when she was in a position of power over me. My rival was always delighted by my demise, and this evening seemed to be no exception.
I had questions. Tons of them, in fact. But my brain was too distracted by Sombra's quickly hardening member to ask them. Not because of her small package in particular, of course. That pathetic thing couldn’t make me cum even if it fucked me for hours on end. No, I was distracted because as Somba’s cock slowly rose upwards, so too did the fake dick resting atop it. Her erection caused it to stand at attention instead of swing freely between her legs, and that led to it being pointed directly at my mouth.
“W-wait a second.” I stuttered, fear settling into my stomach like a ten pound weight as I stared down the barrel of Sombra’s false member. “Let’s talk this out like reasonable peo—mmph!”
She saw her opportunity and took it, thrusting half of that beastly plastic shaft into my open mouth without a shred of hesitation. I gagged and sputtered on the five inches of fake dick, feeling traces of tears beginning to well in my eyes. Under normal circumstances, I wouldn’t mind being taken in such a brutal manner. I loved being used as a receptacle for pleasure. But this was Sombra. My nemesis. My rival. For it to be her forcing tears from my eyes—the shame was almost too much to bear.
If only I wasn’t so exhausted. If only my cock was still free. I would turn the tables on her in a heartbeat. Bend her over this bed and take her fat Latina ass until it had nothing left to give. Dump load after load inside of it until I was satisfied. Just like last time.
Unfortunately, I was in no condition to fend off her advances. And thus it appeared my bad day was about to get much worse.
Sombra continued working her strap deeper into my unwilling mouth, sliding in inch after inch of faux-shaft until, finally, after I’d produced such an excess of spit that it dripped down my chin like a babbling brook, she hilted it completely. My nose bumped against her navel and below I could feel the tip of her actual dick ram itself against my drool covered chin. But I was powerless to stop any of it. All I could do was gag and groan like a broken thing around the vast mass shoved ten inches down my throat.
“What’s the matter, hermana?” Sombra jested from above, and I raised my strained eyes to meet her venomous gaze. “Not in the mood for some sisterly bonding?”
Ugh. Such hostility and haughtiness in her tone. She was loving every second of my temporary impotence. And she’d thrown the same term back at me that I’d used last time I fucked her. Sisterly bonding. As if.
Her hands wrapped around the back of my head, one on the base of my neck, the other roughly gripping my ponytail. She held me there for a moment, staring down at what I could only imagine was the face of a pathetic, broken toy. I pleaded for mercy with my eyes.
She afforded me none.
That little Latina bitch feverishly rocked her hips back and forth while holding my head in place. The ensuing facefucking I received was utterly brutal, spit oozing and flying everywhere as it sprang freely from my stretched mouth. My throat expanded about as wide as it could to accommodate for the sheer size of the thing, but Somba’s movements were so intentionally barbaric that even it began to feel sore. My vocal chords emanated a string of shameful gllkkk glk gluk noises as I struggled, but no amount of begging seemed to deter my fellow slave’s wrath. Tears began to roll freely my eyes, but she only seemed further amused by them. A lone tanned finger stroked against my cheek and scooped one of them up. She brought it between her lips and licked it clean, swallowing the droplet of my own misery like it was nectar from the gods.
“Tastes good.” she growled, grinning fiendishly as she brought the same hand down and swung her palm directly into my face. The impact nearly loosed her fake cock from my mouth, but her other hand yanked my ponytail harshly enough to keep me connected to it. She forced me to look up at her once again, saying, “Don’t think that crying will make me go easier on you, bitch.”
My cheek stung from the force of the blow. She hadn’t held back whatsoever. This was far crueler treatment than I’d given to her. Every inch of my mind screamed at the injustice of it all.
So why the fuck was it turning me on so much?
Indeed, down below I felt my member pulsing with renewed vigor. It flexed and throbbed in vain against its metallic cage, and I wished so desperately for it to be free. Not to exact revenge upon Sombra, but instead so it could properly enjoy the ruthless treatment I was receiving.
Regardless, my fellow Talon Agent had become completely unhinged as the minutes of abuse stretched on. She laughed at me and my pitiful woes with a glint of Machiavellian evil in her eyes. This was her vengeance for what I had done to her a few weeks back, and by the looks of things, she intended to pay me back in full.
Even through the mind fog that came from getting facefucked like a dumpster slut, I was still experienced enough in the art of whoregasms to recognize when Sombra began nearing her climax. The devil’s in the details, you know? Tightening of the core, clenching of the knuckles, quick, strained breaths—all telltale signs that her peak was approaching. The fact that she’d gotten this close to orgasm from repeatedly thrusting her cock against my drool-covered chin was kind of hilarious, but I wasn’t exactly in a position to make fun of her for it. For tonight, and just tonight, I was her bitch.
She pulled her long plastic dick from my mouth in one fluid motion, a thick coat of shiny spit covering every last millimeter of the massive thing. I barely had time to catch my breath, though, because in an instant she stood up on her tiptoes and pushed her real cock into my mouth.
I was almost relieved. Embarrassing as it was to be sucking on such a tiny, useless tool, at least I didn’t have to throat the monster anymore. Instead, it laid flat over my face, leaking saliva down to ruin my perfect visage even further than it already was.
Sombra panted desperately from above, her hot, labored breaths cutting through the air as she began facefucking me once again. Admittedly, this was basically child’s play compared to my last task. Still, the feeling of having Sombra’s dick in my mouth brought with it an all-consuming shame. She was lesser than me in every way conceivable. Smaller cock, shallower throat, tinier tits… and that’s not even mentioning my bottomless ass. And yet, here I was, willingly sucking her off with the same passion I implored with my master.
She groaned and pulled herself free from my lips, giving her shaft a few quick tugs while she stared down at me with that cute blushing face of hers. I knew what came next and offered no resistance, closing my eyes and opening my mouth like a good slut as she rained cum down onto my face. I felt every shot of the sticky substance as it landed, one across my chin, another over my cheek, a third across the bridge of my nose, a fourth onto my forehead, a fifth into my hair, a sixth over the rim of my eye socket, a wayward seventh onto my tits, a powerful eighth across my other cheek, a ninth onto my lips, a tenth down my throat, an eleventh onto my nose again…
Jesus, just how much is she going to cum?!
I cracked open an eye out of morbid curiosity.
Instant regret.
I was immediately met with another rope of cum, this one aimed directly into my open iris. Fortunately, most of it landed on my upper eyelid, but there was no doubt I’d need to run my face in the sink after this was over.
Having learned my lesson, I kept my eyes sealed shut for the remainder of the Latina’s orgasm. I stopped counting the ropes of cum after fifteen, but suffice to say, it was quite an intense peak. I wouldn’t put it past the perverted bitch to have been gooning her little brain out to the thought of this very moment for weeks now. No wonder she was backed up.
Eventually, her moans and mewls died down and I heard her stumble backwards and land onto the bed beside me. Only then did I open my eyes again, immediately drawing my gaze to the mirror on the bedside table to observe her work.
The aftermath of her orgasm was… staggering, to say the least. My face was utterly plastered in her seed. A rich tapestry of sticky, hot, Latina-flavored cum, and I was the canvas. I’m not exaggerating when I say it was easily the biggest facial I’ve ever received. I had to search in the mirror for slivers of my own blue skin, and even those were few and far between. I could feel the glossy substance covering every single pore of my face. The smell was omnipresent as it constantly wafted into my nostrils. Her virulent essence—invading all my senses—infiltrating the very fabric of my mind. It made me dizzy. Made me lightheaded. Made me unbearably horny.
Who would’ve guessed that Sombra’s petite balls could harbor such a massive load? She must’ve really been looking forward to this. Can’t say I blame her. I was a pretty huge cunt when I last took her ass. At least this facial would settle the score.
Or so I thought, until she crawled over me, her face pressed right next to mine, her tongue lolling out to lick a heap of her own cum straight off my face. I caught a quick glimpse between her legs. All four inches of her girlcock were still hard as stone.
“You aren’t getting off that easy, puta.”
She licked another healthy dollop of her nectar off me before she leaned in for a deep kiss, dancing her tongue against my own while her seed swirled and snowballed between our mouths. It leaked freely from our lips, trailing down our cheeks in one of the most shameless portrayals of wanton arousal I’d ever partaken in.
But just as soon as it started, it came to an end. I felt myself being flipped over, my cum-covered face pressed deeply into one of my many pillows as her surprisingly strong hands put pressure on my back until it arched. In an instant I was face-down-ass-up, my sacred hole on full display for what I knew were a pair of prying purple eyes.
With how sore I still felt back there, I was genuinely frightened of her shoving that fake cock inside. But to my pleasant surprise, when I turned my head to see what she was up to, I saw her slipping the strapon off her legs. She tossed it to the floor in a heap and returned to her position behind my butt, spreading and kneading my ample cheeks possessively. She rained down spank after spank on the plump flesh of my derrière, each smack earning a louder eep! from my lips. Then her eyes flickered lower, drawn to the cruel contraption wrapped snug around my dick. A scornful laugh filled the room.
“Looks like your cock is even smaller than mine, perra.”
A burning blush crept over my cheeks. Humiliation, shame, arousal, desire—they’d all morphed into a singular feeling at this point. My brain told me one thing, but my body… it was far more transparent in its needs.
My nipples became stiff. My asshole winked an invitation. My shaft quivered for freedom.
…why am I like this?
The brat slapped the head of her dick against my backdoor a few times, smearing whatever dribble remained from her former load across its surface. She poked and prodded against my hole as if she wasn’t sure how to proceed. Makes sense, considering Sombra’s tool was so undersized that most women would laugh her out of the room before giving her their ass. A part of me wondered if this was her very first time being on the giving end rather than the receiving, but the train of thought ran askew when she suddenly plunged the entirety of her meager rod inside me.
I swear, I only moaned because my asshole was still worn out from Ashe.
What? Don’t believe me? Imbécile! As if I would ever get pleasure from a dick as undersized as Sombra’s. I’m a size queen. Better than a size queen, actually. I put other size queens to shame with how bottomless my holes are. I can take 12 inches of cock in my ass without complaint. Four inches was nothing to me.
…at least, that’s what I’d like to say, but the shameless groans escaping my lips said otherwise. I buried my face in the cumstained pillow beneath me to try and hide the sounds, but it did little to mask my feelings. Sombra rode me hard and fast, plunging her length to the brim repeatedly like an animal in heat, and I don’t mean that figuratively. It truly felt like she was rutting with me, the sheer desperation and intensity in her strokes resembling that of a stud in the midst of mating season. Her passion was utterly contagious and I was not immune to its charm. Before I knew it, I was pushing my ass backwards to meet her cock halfway, moaning loudly into the pillow below while my hands reached back to spread my pillowy cheeks.
She spat out one of her condescending laughs at the gesture.
“If only everyone else could see you right now. Reduced to a common whore by my cock.” she leant over my arched back, fully mounting me from behind so that she could whisper into my ear, “I bet you felt on top of the world when you were fucking my ass. How’s it feel now, bitch?"
Her new position angled her thrusts further downwards as she fucked me, and with gravity on her side, there was simply no escape from the sizzling pleasure.
“G-good! It feels good!” I mewled, feeling a strange pressure starting to rise on the tip of my flaccid dick.
“I’ll bet it does.” Sombra flicked her wrist and spanked the back of my exposed balls, a lone stream of precum forced from my shaft in response. She proceeded to cradle the entirety of my womanhood in the palm of her hand, gently squeezing down on the cage that encapsulated my cock as well as the heavy blue orbs that swung below. She yanked me closer to her face with my ponytail, whispering in a low and sultry tone, “Now who’s got the pathetic dick?”
“I do!” My response was so immediate it was disheartening, but what’s a gal to do? Something massive was stirring in my loins, and all I desired was for it to be released.
“Fucking slut.” Sombra groaned out, her voice laced with desperation. “Gonna… make me…”
Her movements suddenly became much more frenetic, each swing of her wide hips causing her to crash into my battered form like a wrecking ball. Her balls slapped against my own with every thrust, forcing out more strands of pent-up pre with each impact. I merely grit my teeth and held on for dear life, my mind turning blank as I felt some sort of seismic reaction occurring in the tip of my soft cock.
“Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck! Cumming!” she howled, plunging herself fully inside my ass. I felt her cock twitch and pulse for a moment around my tight sphincter, but instead of keeping herself fully sheathed, Sombra lifted her hips and began piledriving my abused hole, her cumshots timed in perfect synchronicity with her dick bottoming out inside. Each rope painted my prostate, tickling the sensitive area and further elevating the unusual ecstasy that riddled my brain until, without warning, I felt myself finally go over the edge.
I found my own orgasm in the middle of Sombra’s, my soft cock spewing out massive strands of spunk that fired off directly onto the mattress below me. It was as if she fucking the cum straight out of my dick, as every time she buried herself fully inside and fired off another rope deep into my asshole, so too did another cumshot escape my own flaccid member. It was mind-melting stuff, and all I could do to vocalize the white hot pleasure tingling up my spine was feebly whimper from my assgasm like a true sissy slut.
The Latina pulled her member free from my asshole after she was done depositing her seed, a wet pop reverberating throughout the room. She huffed in blissful weariness from behind, giving my quivering ass one last harsh spank as a parting gift.
I collapsed into a pile of my own cum as soon as we were no longer connected. Face down on the bed, a million thoughts ran through my mind—the shame of being fucked to orgasm by my rival, frustration with the cage around my still twitching cock, relief from finally getting to cum. But the most powerful thought, by far, was also the simplest. And most embarrassing.
Damn, that felt good.
I hoped that Sombra’s own orgasm was so powerful that she may not have noticed the mess I’d made between my legs, but then again, considering how poorly my day had gone up to this point, could I really expect anything to go my way?
“What a bad, bad girl you’ve been, Amélie Lacroix.” Sombra cooed, turning my limp body over so that I was laying on my back. She sat her fat ass down onto my chest, angling her still hard and still dripping cock just inches from my mouth. We made eye contact for a brief moment, and she grinned as she spoke down at me, “Cumming from your ass in spite of your punishment? Who knows how long Ashe will keep that cage on you… if she finds out, of course.”
I sighed deeply.
“Name your price, demon.”
She chuckled heartily at my plight, nudging her cock ever closer to my mouth as she spoke, “Starting now, you'll do whatever I say whenever I say it. No complaints, no arguments—just complete subservience, got it?”
“And If I refuse?” I said, despite the fact that I already knew the answer. My pride wanted to hear her say it though. Otherwise, I would be serving as Sombra’s plaything over nothing.
“Then I’ll let our master know about this little incident. I don’t imagine she’d be very merciful.”
“Fine.” I muttered, flicking my eyes to the side so I wouldn’t have to see the stupid, gloating look on her face.
“Atta girl.” she gently patted the top of my head. “Now, for your first official task, I want you to suck my pita clean. All the time it spent fucking your ass made quite the mess.”
I brought my eyes back to her shaft. She wasn’t lying—her nectar was smeared all over her member, even going so far as to drip down her tan balls. The tip of her small dick leaked a steady dribble of cum, too. I wasn’t even remotely repulsed by the idea of sucking a cock clean after it had freshly fucked my ass. I rather fancied performing such an act, actually. But the fact that it was Sombra’s cock made the whole notion a lot less enjoyable.
Still, I had little say in the matter. For now, Sombra basically owned me. So I did what any good object would. I brought my eyes in line with her own and opened my mouth to receive.
And receive I did, accepting all four inches of her meat down my throat with little trouble. The combined taste of her cum and my own asshole was surprisingly pleasant, and as she moaned away shamelessly above me, dead set on milking a third orgasm from her puny little cock, I felt another pulse of excitement tingle through my soft but still enthusiastic dick.
…I’ve got some fucking issues. I promise I’ll do some self-reflection… just as soon as I’m done sucking Sombra off.
A/N: My apolocheese for the delay on this, but fear not, I’m way too in love with the concept to abandon it. A lot of people in the comments seemed like they wanted Junkerqueen to be next up to be dicked down, and I am nothing if not the people’s scribe when it comes to smut. Your wish is my command. You can expect to read about her getting fucked six ways from Sunday whenever I update the next chapter (which will be hopefully soon, but tbh I have grand plans in mind for it so it might take a little while. Trust the process!)
Oh ya, also lemme know if you liked the first person POV. It feels a bit easier to write in that style, but I’m hardcoded to default to third person with most things. But if it’s well received, I can definitely do more of it in future updates.
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Chapter 2 - Howling at the Moon |
Tags: Yuri, BDSM, Rimming, Ass to Mouth, Anal Sex, Aftercare, Submira, Seradom
A/N: Kind of a decent build up in this one but I think it’s worth the read. Also follow my Twitter for a good time :-)
I find it fascinating that occasionally in life you meet someone who fundamentally changes who you are as a human being. They can alter your perspectives, evolve your tastes, and awaken things inside that you didn’t even know existed. It’s as if the old you died the moment you met this person, and in their stead a new version arises, similar in many ways to its predecessor yet incapable of ever returning to that original state.
For example: One day you’re a high level mercenary operating out of the most feared country in all of Runeterrra, and then you meet someone special and in the blink of an eye you’re taking a strapon up the ass, moaning for more so fervently into your gag that it’s causing your throat to burn.
…Ahem. Allow me to back up a bit.
My name is Samira. I’ve built up a pretty big reputation over the last five years as a gun-for-hire in Noxus. The more dangerous the mission, the more interested I was. I quickly became known as the one you went to when you had an impossible assignment, and I was paid handsomely for my services. I fulfilled my tasks with a particular kind of flair. A trait uncommon amongst mercenaries, to be sure. But thrill-seeking during battle had always been a guilty pleasure of mine. At least it was, until I retired from that life three months ago.
It wasn’t a decision I took lightly. I was making great money and doing what I loved. I could have retired years ago and lived in comfort, but the truth is I kept working for so long because I needed the thrill. It was like a drug to me. Carnage and bloodshed just always seemed the best way to get it. So why now, of all times, did I decide it time to hang up my pistol for good?
Well, because of her, of course.
Seraphine is what you might call my girlfriend, but our relationship is a bit more complicated than that. She’s also my master, my mistress, my idol, and my religion. To make a long story short, we met at one of her concerts, I asked her to sign my tits, and she fucked me in ways I’d never even thought of before. All those thrills I was desperate to find in combat? She gave them to me freely that night and into the early hours of the morning. And I didn’t even have to risk my life for them. Quite the deal, if I do say so myself.
I had expected it to end there, but for reasons that still escape my brain she’d taken a liking to me. We exchanged numbers, I sent her a picture of my ass the next day, and the rest, as they say, is history.
It’s been 90 days since then. I’d stayed with her on tour during the first two months, as per her request. We’d had an absurd amount of sex. At night, during the day, on holidays, before and after her concerts. One time even during one (don’t ask). She may have had an innocent and sweet demeanor on the outside, but deep down she was even more of sex-crazed lunatic than me. And she just couldn’t get enough of our dominant/submissive dynamic.
Honestly, neither could I.
But we hadn’t seen each other at all in the last month. There was some drama with her manager about bringing this “random” around on tour, and she couldn’t exactly come out and say I was her girlfriend for a myriad of reasons. She had a lot of insane fans, and they wouldn’t take kindly to such news. Stan culture is toxic as hell and I’ve been told it’s bad PR to kill stalkers, so it was smarter to keep our relationship under wraps.
So for the better part of a month I’ve been holed up at her penthouse in Piltover while she wraps up her tour, pining in quiet desperation for her to get back.
Which, according to her latest text, will be in about… 3 minutes, give or take.
Indeed, today is the day she returns home. The tour was over. She survived. Naturally, I want to make things special for her when she comes home. Her job is definitely not easy, and she deserves a loving girlfriend that makes her time away from work as relaxing and enjoyable as possible.
That’s why I’ve spent the last thirty minutes fiddling around with ropes to get my wrists and ankles bound together so I could position myself on the center of her bed face down, ass up like the eager little slut that I’ve become. I closed the door to her bedroom beforehand so that she’ll have to open it to find me, and when she does she’ll come face to face with the same ass she’s grown to love tormenting and teasing. I figure that’s as good a welcome home gift as any. And the best part of it all is that she doesn’t even know I’m here. I told her a few days ago that I had some business in Noxus to attend to so I wouldn’t be able to see her until about a week after she got home. Her responding text read, and I quote:
Awww babe. I was really looking forward to seeing you the day I got back </3 You have no idea how much I’ve missed you this last month :blushingemoji: Guess we’ll just have to make up for lost time when you come home :smilingdemonface: Be safe! xoxo
I know, I know, I’ve been a bad girl. But I think the surprise she has waiting for her will make up for it. At least, I hope so, otherwise I am in deep trouble.
Of course, I have my buttplug in. What kind of girlfriend would I be if I didn’t? It was her first gift to me after we became a couple. The pink gem on the base and the “S” inscribed upon it will be the very first thing she lays eyes on when she opens the door. But if that isn’t enough, I’ve also got a black blindfold on (I tied it over my eyepatch) and a red ball gag in my mouth that has straps reaching around the back of my head to ensure it stays secured. Any submissive worth their salt knows these items make up our ceremonial uniform, and I’ve always liked to dress up fancy for special occasions anyway.
If it isn’t already obvious, I’ve put a lot of thought into this. I want everything to be perfect.
And to be frank, I’m completely at her mercy whenever she gets home. I can’t move much anymore since I’m bound. I can’t see, obviously. And the only noises I can make are incoherent attempts of muffled words. It’s kind of hot, though. What I was saying earlier, about someone changing who you are as a person? Seraphine did that to me. I’ve learned to love the lack of power. The lack of autonomy. It might sound like an oxymoron, but there’s something freeing in giving yourself over entirely to someone else. It’s one of the most intimate things you can do. It also just happens to press all the right buttons for me.
At least, that’s what my pussy thinks. I’m dripping like crazy over here. It’s taking all the willpower I can muster to not rub my thighs together to generate just the slightest, most pathetic amount of stimulation that my womanhood is practically begging for. I’ve been waiting an entire month for this day, stowed away in her apartment in a city that looks at me like I’m some perverted foreigner. Well even if it's true, it doesn’t mean it's right!
And as if on cue, the sound of the front door to the apartment opening made my ears twitch. I shivered with anticipation as I heard her rummaging around in the foyer. My mind raced with thoughts of what she might be doing. Taking her shoes off? Grabbing a drink from the fridge? Opening the blinds to let in some sun? All the little habitual mundanities one does when they get home, except in this case as she went through her routine she had no idea what awaited her further inside.
Her footsteps began to get closer and closer until they eventually stopped just before the door to her bedroom. With an agonizingly slow twist of the doorknob she opened the door, and my heart nearly stopped as a certain stillness filled the room. For a few seconds there was simply nothing. No words, no movement, just… silence. I could only imagine what she was thinking seeing me like this. Was she happy to see me? Angry that I lied? Tired and just wanted to go to bed?I’d get my answer soon enough. I heard her shuffle closer until she was at the side of the bed, and then only a moment later I felt those plump, delicious lips of hers plant a tender kiss on the small of my back.
“Gods… I love you so much, Samira.”
I probably looked like an idiot smiling so wide around a ball gag, but what can I say? You’d do the same if you were me.
“I ruv yew too.” I managed to squeak out, my lone eye closing in delight as I felt her small hands tenderly caress my ass, gently rubbing my cheeks like she was giving me a massage.
I should have oiled myself up first, damnit. Next time.
I felt her weight hit the bed on the spot next to my head. Her hands moved from my butt up my back until eventually they began roaming my naked body in whichever directions they wished. Despite how many times she’d touched my skin, it seemed like she never grew tired of exploring it, and that’s something I think you need for a relationship to function. If you get tired of touching each other, you’ll get tired of each other in general. In my experience, at least.
“I was so sad I wasn’t going to get to see you today, and then you go and do this…” she spoke in a sultry, devilishly sexy tone as one of her hands lightly grazed my womanhood. “You really are the best.”
I moaned eagerly, both from her praise and from the tiny amount of stimulation on my already slick cunt. That moan only grew more needy as her lips returned to my skin, dazzling me with kisses all along my backside before trailing them upwards. Her gentle, loving smooches went up my lower back and onto my shoulders before they graced my neck and even my ears, and I couldn’t help but think that it should be me doing this to her, like I often did on tour. It was her perfect body that deserved worship and adoration, not mine. Then again, it was hard to complain in a situation such as this.
She tugged at my blindfold until it slipped upwards and rested on my forehead. I blinked the fuzziness from my eye and nearly passed out from the genuine look of happiness that was painted across her face. Her hair was a little unkempt and she wasn’t wearing her stage makeup, but I swear on my life that I’d never seen her look more beautiful than she did in this moment. The smile across her lips was so wide and radiant and authentic. It was nothing like the smile she wore when she performed. This smile was rare because it was real, and it made my heart melt into a puddle.
And then, without warning, she was kissing me. Her lips planted themselves firmly on my own, the ball gag now shared equally between our mouths as we both tasted my saliva. It was passionate, it was sloppy, it was everything I could have ever hoped for and more. The sheer desperation of it could only have been born from such us being apart for such a lengthy period of time. I guess absence really does make the heart grow fonder.
But, alas, all good things must end, and eventually she broke it to look me in my eye again. I couldn’t help but stare at the strands of my spittle that dribbled down her chin.
“You are perfect.” she said, my heart skipping a beat in response.
“Yewr poifect.” I answered back, earning a little giggle from her at my less than stellar attempt at reciprocation. She placed a final kiss on my forehead, her hand affectionately caressing my cheek all the while before she slid the blindfold back down.
“So… you lied to me then?” she scolded, getting off the bed and walking around to the front of it so that she was standing in front of my parted ass cheeks. I could only grin sheepishly in response as I instantly knew from the tone of her voice that we’d moved past the lovey-dovey, happy-to-see-you stage and were finally ready to get down to business.
“Iym sawwy.” I barely managed to say around my gag.
“What a naughty little thing you’ve done.” she spanked me hard on my left ass cheek. “You knew how pent up I was after an entire month without you, and you still chose to deceive me. You know I’ll have to punish you for that. Or perhaps that’s what you were after all along?”
I moaned a non-answer in response, but we both knew that’s precisely what I was aiming for. And my queen was keen to give me the spanking I so desperately craved.
SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! Her hands came down repeatedly on alternating cheeks, relentless in their motions as they administered one harsh spank after another. I moaned like a shameless bitch at the treatment because, well, I kind of am a shameless bitch at this point. And I have no shame in admitting that.
On sheer instinct alone I pressed my face deep into the bed, moaning and drooling onto the sheet as I felt her rain down blissful strikes of hellfire onto my ass, the potent cocktail of pain and pleasure dancing lockstep in my brain like a fancy couple doing the tango.
Unbeknownst to me, Seraphine must have been fiddling around with things in the room between the spanks. I was way too enraptured in my own enjoyment to hear her moving around, but I figured it out whenever she paused our joyous game of slap ass and felt something cold, metallic, and all too familiar pinch my nipples.
“Mmm?” I groaned out only to be reprimanded with another brutal slap on my ass.
“Remember these?” Seraphine asked, her words sweet and syrupy. “You didn’t think I’d leave them behind on the tour bus, did you?”
Admittedly, I had missed the nipple clamps quite a bit. I tried many times to stimulate my tits in their absence, but it just wasn’t the same. In fact, masturbation in general was a complete swing and a miss while Seraphine was gone. It just didn’t hit right. Doesn’t mean I didn’t try on a daily basis, though. Ultimately I just ended up unintentionally edging myself for a month like a moron.
Regardless, with the clamps tightly gripping my stiff nipples, my loving girlfriend went back to slapping my ass, and I was all the more thankful for it. I could feel the heat from my reddened skin tingle in delight and anticipation as she spanked me at random intervals. Sometimes the punishing strikes would come one after the other, just SLAP SLAP SLAP SLAP SLAP! until I was screaming and moaning simultaneously into the bed. Then she’d switch it up. Make me wait. Make me beg.
“Pwease!” I cried out, the ball gag starting to become a major hindrance as excessive amounts of saliva pooled in my mouth. “Mwore pwease!”
“As you wish, dear.”
My pussy was running like a leaky faucet from all the teasing and rough treatment. The constant spanks, the tight metal clamps gripping my nipples, the plug gently rattling around in my ass with every slap, the feeling of being in this moment with the woman of my dreams, dominating me in ways only she knew how, it was all just simply divine.
Before I realized it, I’d become incredibly aroused. Far more than I anticipated from a simple spanking. My toes were curling, my breathing became uneven, and my heart rate suddenly skyrocketed. It almost felt like…
“MmMMmmm!!!!!!!!” I moaned, realizing a moment too late that I’d gone past the point of no return. I was on a one way trip to O-town and this bus had no brakes.
My womanhood quivered with joy as I orgasmed, and although I could not see exactly how much I squirted it certainly felt like though the volume of girlcum that jettisoned from my deprived cunt was plenty enough to ruin the sheets below.
Fifteen seconds passed and I was still deeply captivated in the bliss of my own release, but I could faintly hear my girlfriend’s reaction above. It was decidedly not what I was expecting.
Seraphine was laughing. Actually, I take that back. That didn’t do it justice. It was more like wild cackling. Like she was a hyena in the Serengeti. I heard her knees hit the ground as they presumably buckled from just how amusing she found this, and all I could do was tremble shamefully while my pussy continued its delightful contractions. Suddenly I felt the blindfold ripped from my head and I laid my eye upon my girlfriend’s blushed, chuckling face. I don’t think I’d ever seen her have such an emotional reaction before, positive or negative. She generally was pretty even-keeled. Beyond her humiliating laughter I could see that she’d managed to shed all of her clothing while I was blindfolded. Either that or she walked to her apartment completely naked. I wanted to drink in the sight of her skin for longer, but she was quick to interrupt my lusty staring.
“Did you seriously just cum from being fucking spanked?” she could barely form the sentence between fits of laughter. She took a moment to collect herself before she continued, “Hold on, hold on. I need to hear your side of this. Explain yourself.”
Her hands gingerly undid the ballgag’s strap, allowing it to fall harmlessly out of my mouth. I took a deep breath and fell on my side, the final throes of my orgasm finally coming to an end. When I looked back at Seraphine, her face was rife with expectation. I was kind of hoping she wouldn’t force me to go into detail, but alas, such is life when you’re the eternal sub and your partner is the perennial domme. You don’t really get to say no to things like this.
“Well…” I started, pausing to find the right words. “It’s just been a while, y’know? And, uh… I just got a little too excited to see you, I guess.”
She could hardly keep a straight face during my less than stellar explanation, and honestly, I could hardly blame her. Imagine being her: You haven’t had sex in over a month, you come home thinking your kinky girlfriend is on a business trip only to find her tied up in your bed waiting for you, and within ten minutes she’s cumming her brains out from being fucking spanked. If that isn’t comedy, I don’t know what is.
I laid my head on her thighs and stared up at her, shooting her my best pouty look. “Can we just move on?” my voice was completely deadpan.
Her lips curled as if she wanted to laugh again, but to her credit she held it together. She closed her eyes briefly as if to get back into character and suddenly there wasn’t a trace of a smile on her face. She was a scary good performer when she wanted to be.
“I'm sorry, it was just so fucking cute to bear witness to… that. ” she said, leaning back against the headboard. “We’ll move on, but don’t think this conversation is over. I’d like to see if I can make you cum hands-free again… at some point.”
She gave me a quick peck on the lips before repositioning me. My wrists and ankles being bound meant she had to do pretty much all of the legwork, but she didn’t seem to mind. Eventually she got me where she wanted, laying flat on my back in the bed like a normal person would go to sleep.
Call me crazy, but I don’t think I was going to sleep. Call it a hunch.
“Tongue.” she ordered, her knees straddling my hips as her noticeably wet womanhood pressed against my navel.
I obeyed without question, sticking my tongue out as far as it could go while she hovered over me. Her lips came down and circled around it and before I fully grasped what was happening she was sucking on my tongue like it was a cock. That was a new one for us, but it actually felt kinda good. So much so that despite having an orgasm like a minute ago I already felt ready to go again. Her hands roamed my skin, grazing my thighs, my stomach, and my breasts, though she was careful not to touch the clamps. Wouldn’t want them falling off, would we?
Eventually she broke our ‘kiss’ and turned herself around. She was still resting on my stomach, but this time her ass was facing me.
Gods… I missed it dearly.
“Keep it out.” Seraphine whispered, her hips slowly gyrating so that her pussy grinded ever so softly against my skin.
“Yes, Mistress.” I answered, sticking my tongue back out to its fullest extent. In one fluid motion she slid backwards, her ass cheeks spreading open around my mouth as I felt my tongue immediately make contact with her tight pucker. I was a bit surprised to hear her moan instantly, but then again, it’s likely I wasn’t the only one pent up. In fact, her nights alone on the road were probably lonelier than my nights in her apartment.
She was sitting on my face like she was a queen and I was her throne. My tongue had barely had time to reintroduce itself to her asshole before it was already an inch deep inside. I could hear an all too familiar schlicking noise coming from her front and it became fairly obvious that she was jilling herself off fervently while she rode my face. Not that I was complaining.
On the contrary, I felt myself dripping again with excitement. Eating her ass always got me so turned on. I could hear her moaning loudly overhead as I tongue fucked her little hole. Her pale cheeks rested against my face, smothering me entirely beneath the weight of her perfect derrière. If I had to choose a way to die, this would be it. Suffocated to death under a beautiful woman’s ass.
Seraphine was bouncing up and down violently on my face, rocking her bed in the process, her back arching as she used both her hands to spread her cheeks apart to give me easier access. I continued tongue fucking her tight backdoor, the arousal from her womanhood dribbling down my chin as she moaned to the high heavens. It’s a good thing she had the penthouse apartment, because there surely would have been a noise complaint if she had neighbors.
She brought one of her hands behind my head and pulled me in even further, forcing me to give her as deep a rimming as I could. God, I loved it when she got controlling like this. It turned me on so much. Her other hand went back to her pussy to finish herself off. Normally Seraphine had great orgasm control and could practically choose when to cum, but after thirty days apart, much like my own orgasm a few minutes earlier, there was simply no stopping this train.
She stopped riding my face, instead opting to crash the full weight of her ass onto my tongue a final time. Her breathing suddenly became jagged and irregular until she released a long, singular, satisfied moan into the air, her head tilting backwards as she orgasmed happily on my face. I felt the excess of her girlcum leak out onto my chin, down my throat, and eventually pool between my breasts.
“Ha…ah…” she huffed, her petite form trembling all over as she came down from her high. I’d made her cum many times in the last few months, but I think that one topped them all. Distance is a real bitch, but it can be a weapon under the right circumstances. Getting to see my domme squirm, even if it was just a little, was a real treat. I’d savor the mental photograph of her losing herself in my rimjob for a long, long time.
Speaking of which, my tongue was still in her ass. She didn’t say stop, so why would I? I continued pleasing her slightly-less-tight hole, although now it was mainly through long laps at its center or gentle circles around the rim.
“That was… a good one.” Seraphine turned her head to face me, a cheeky smile on her lips as she watched me continue my diligent work while tiny post-orgasmic moans escaped her mouth
every now and again. I figured she’d put an end to this chicanery sooner rather than later, but then an entire minute passed and my ass licking had yet to cease. And then another minute passed. And then another. And before long I came to realize that this horny bitch wanted to go for another round without even taking a break.
Indeed, what started as simply me being courteous in keeping up the stimulation on her asshole until she’d fully completed her orgasm had developed into her moaning needily as she pined for another one. She leaned forward so that her breasts pressed into my thighs, giving my head a far greater range of movement this time around. Considering that I was licking her sweet spot from the outside as opposed to tongue fucking it on the inside, this made my job much easier. I was as ravenous as a starving wolf, sloppily making out with her butthole while she occasionally ran her tongue down the length of my womanhood, causing me to groan loudly into her tight pucker. It was hard to discern if she was doing it just to tease me or because she liked the feeling of me moaning while eating her ass, but either way, I wasn’t complaining.
To me, the first few minutes of my rimjob therapy didn’t really count because I wasn’t really trying to get her off, just trying to keep her stimulated. I’d only been taking it seriously for about two minutes now and she was already shaking again, her lips unable to contain heavy breaths with every flick of my tongue. I could only imagine how much pleasure she was feeling to make her this upfront with her arousal.
“Hn… D-don’t…” she moaned out weakly, her head burying itself between the supple flesh of my thighs like she was trying to hide from me.
“Mm?” I moaned questioningly, my tongue still running circles around her backdoor with elite efficiency. I don’t mean to brag, but at this point I’m pretty much a professional when it comes to eating ass.
“Don’t… stop… Please.”
I blinked my eyes a few times in disbelief. Did… did I just hear that right? Did she just say please… to me? Did she forget how our relationship works?
A domme controls when you cum and you think that of me? No, I am the one who begs.
I really can’t stress this enough: I have never seen her so consumed with pleasure that she acted like this. Seraphine was my master. She didn’t need to ask me for anything. She didn’t need to say please or tell me not to stop. It was already agreed upon before we engaged in any sexual activity that I would do virtually anything and everything she wanted. And if things got out of hand (which they never did), my safe word was Constantinople.
“Please… keep… going…” she squealed in a desperate whisper, her voice breathless as it was caught between desperate words and wanton moans.
Now, I could have taken advantage of this situation and teased her a bit. After all, if you show weakness as a domme, it’s somewhat expected that it will be exploited. At least if you’re dealing with a brat, that is. Fortunately, I am not a brat. I am a good girl. And I’m not about to mess around with her orgasm just because her brain is melting like butter in the microwave. I continued my tongue’s deft ministrations, dancing it across her slickened hole that had become sloppy with my spit. I tilted my head up slightly so that my upper cheeks were pressing against her lower cheeks, letting me really get in there to massage every nook and cranny of her pink starfish. Her head suddenly jolted backwards and she released an elongated half-moan, half cry while her asshole winked repeatedly around my tongue and her pussy squirted again onto my tits. Her entire body seemed to convulse as if she’d been possessed by the spirit of Jane Margolis, and she continued shaking for the next half minute or so as she rode her second orgasm to completion.
And then, without warning, she simply fell off me and onto the bed. She was laying on her side and facing away from me, completely still save for the occasional post-orgasm tremor that ran through her body. I wanted to reach out and cuddle her, but moving with bound hands and feet is kinda hard. Instead, I simply laid my head against her shoulder and closed my eye, breathing deeply as I relished the taste of her ass on my tongue.
I could literally eat her ass for hours on end if she let me. Maybe I’ll bring that idea up to her some time. How’s about a ten hour rimjob session with no breaks on my end? Sounds like a great plan to me.
We stayed like that for a while, silent and yet completely on the same wavelength as we merely enjoyed each other’s company. If there was ever any doubt that she’d long for me after I left, this surely erased it. In a way, maybe we both showed just how much we missed each other during this fine evening. It was poetic justice: I had a humiliating hands-free orgasm from having my ass slapped around, and she got so caught up in pleasure in the midst of her back-to-back rimming-induced climaxes that she went full out of character and begged me to cum.
Eventually, though, Sera snapped out of it and turned to lay on her back.
“Hah.” she sighed, staring blankly up into the ceiling. “That was uh… wow.”
“Enjoy yourself?” I asked, a little knowing grin spread across my face.
“Yeah. Yeah I did.” she answered, looking me in the eye briefly before she rolled on top of me.
“Sure you’re ready to go again?” I teased.
“Oh, come here already.”
Seraphine smashed her lips into mine and we engaged in a deep kiss. I closed my eye and relished the feeling; truthfully, I admired the way Seraphine was unafraid to make out with me after I ate her ass. Some people had hang ups on that sort of thing. We didn’t.
Unbeknownst to me, her right hand was fiddling around in the drawer next to the bed. I only came to realize this after it obtained the object it was after. Seraphine broke the kiss and stood up, dangling the intimidating strapon she’d just procured in front of my face.
“Did you really think I wasn’t going to use Double B during our reunion?”
Ah, Double B. That’s what Seraphine had come to call her strapon. Double B was bright pink, the same shade as Sera’s natural hair color. She was also ten inches long with a fairly wide girth. In the beginning of our relationship it was difficult for me to take even half of Double B in my ass, but after enough training I came to really appreciate her. I never knew just how different anal orgasms hit until I finally began taking the entirety of Double B back there. There was no pain, no discomfort, only unholy pleasure and the feeling of being filled. It helped that Seraphine knew how to work that strapon like a saxophone. She was born to wear it and wielded her fake cock better than anyone I’d ever met.
Now you may be asking yourself, what in the goddamn fuck does Double B stand for? Well, that would be the word inscribed upon the length of the fake phallus. From the base to the tip ran letters, colored white and in a bold font that spelled out: BITCHBREAKER. Hence, Double B.
And it was a bitchbreaker indeed. I shivered with anticipation as Seraphine flipped me over and oriented me in the same way I’d been when she first walked in: face down, ass up. She brought my bound hands behind my back so that my face and shoulders were pressing into the bed.
“You’ve been such a good girl wearing your plug while I’ve been gone.” she mused, idly tapping the metal piece inserted in my ass, sending tiny, pleasant vibrations throughout my skin.
I really had been mindful to wear the plug. Just because we weren’t living together and she was busy didn’t mean I couldn’t send her the occasional lewd photo. When I wasn’t sending her topless pictures, I was showing her that I’d been keeping my plug in as often as possible. I know it really aroused her when I wore it in public, so I always made sure those pictures were taken in public bathrooms or changing rooms for a little extra zest. I always fantasized about her opening those innocuous looking texts up around her manager or makeup artist or whatever and panicking for a moment that someone had seen.
Seraphine gripped the base of the buttplug and wiggled it out of my asshole with ease before she walked around to the side of the bed and knelt down next to me.
“Open.” she commanded, and I did so without hesitation. She slid the plug into my mouth and, much like the first time we met with my panties, forced me to taste myself. Truthfully, I’d grown to love this part of our ritual. Not only did my ass taste good, but it also was such a taboo thing to do and that only served to titillate me more. I also knew how much my Mistress enjoyed watching me taste myself like this, and if it turned her on, then it turned me on too. I loved being Seraphine’s dirty little slut, and if I had to wear my own buttplug as a gag to do so then I was more than happy to oblige.
“Good girl.” she praised, rubbing my head for a moment before stalking back to her original spot. She stood right in front of the footboard, her fake cock jutting over the back of the bed. I felt her grip my ankles and pull me backwards until my legs had left the bed completely and found the floor. Originally I figured she was going to fuck me on top of the bed doggy-style, but it was clear that instead she wanted to bend me over all the way over the bed so she could rail me properly. She gently circled the tip of her bitchbreaker around my asshole a few times and it unintentionally winked in response. What can I say? I was excited. I’d already lubed myself up back there before she got home in preparation for this evening, but she still spit on my backdoor a few times for good measure. With lubrication properly accounted for, she eased the tip in slowly, and I could do nothing but groan steadily around the plug in my mouth as she slid it centimeters at a time into my depths. Without warning, Seraphine slammed her hips forward and I swear I nearly blacked out as I felt her suddenly balls deep inside my ass. I grit my teeth and moaned against the bedsheets, a crooked smile painting my face as I felt her body pressing snugly against my own. Her hands gripped my ass and spread it apart, and she began rhythmically pistoning her fake phallus back and forth as deep as it could go, plundering my ass like it was buried treasure and she was a pirate in desperate need of booty.
Her body might have been elegant in its movements, but her thrusting was savage and rough. Yet she was never out of control, able to pierce me in just the right ways to drive me nuts. A lot of women don’t know how to use a strapon because the concept of having a dick is so utterly alien to them, but as I said earlier, Seraphine wielded the Bitchbreaker like it was an extension of her own body. It was all so natural to her. The fluidity of her hips, the precision of her thrusts, and the way she grabbed my hair and pushed me deeper into the bed to muffle my moans all served to get me on the brink of orgasm within a minute flat of getting ass fucked.
My backdoor passage was tingling with glee, every one of the millions of sensitive nerves back there firing off jolts of electric pleasure right up my spine and into my brain. This was the thrill. This was the drug. Who needs desperate fits of life-threatening combat when you can just get fucked in the ass by a huge fake cock?
She sped up even faster, the constant plapping noise of her thighs slapping against my own filling the room. Beyond it, though, were her slightly labored breaths, lingering in the background as she drilled me from behind. It was hard work fucking someone in the ass, or so she said. I wouldn’t know. My own moans were nothing short of pathetic at this point, but honestly, I had no dignity I wished to hide from her in the first place. I could be as pitiful as I wanted with no fear of judgment around her.
“I want you closer, you fucking slut.” she huffed in a low and guttural tone, yanking me harshly by my ponytail until I was fully off of the bed and we were both standing up straight, her cock impressively remaining hilted within me despite all of the movement. I turned my head slightly to get a better view of her face and a cold chill ran down my spine when I saw the look in her eyes. I'd only seen that smoldering, angry gaze a handful of times in the last few months, and it always meant Seraphine was on demon time. Like I said earlier, she was a pretty non-emotive person, so when she got like this it generally meant I’d made her really angry. Perhaps this was her way of taking that anger out on me? Plug in my mouth be damned, I needed to get to the bottom of what spurred this on.
“Serwa, I-” I started, but found myself cut off as her hand clamped over my mouth and around the base of the plug in order to shut me up.
“Sluts don’t get to talk. Sluts take their buttfuckings silently and with gratitude.” she whispered into my ear, her tongue dragging over my lobe as she finished. Fucking christ, what this woman does to me should be illegal. I think my knees would have given out from that display of dominance had they not been supported between Seraphine’s knees and the footboard of the bed. Her hips began picking up in tempo, going from a steady, somewhat normal pace to sports car mode in the span of just a few seconds. I moaned eagerly into her hand, the muffled sounds of my own submission only served to make me even wetter between my thighs. She was railing me into the netherworld and she knew it. If I still had both my eyes, I’m sure they’d be crossed at this point. Oh well, the lone one rolling up into my head would have to suffice.
Her free hand snaked around and began slapping my fat tits, spanking the ample flesh and making the nipple clamps jiggle alongside them. I’d been desperately wanting to cum for a few minutes at this point, but I was doing my best to stave off the urge. One orgasm without explicit permission from my Mistress was bad enough, but having two illegal orgasms in one night might get my submissive card revoked at the next meeting, and I couldn’t risk that.
As if sensing my plight, Seraphine brought her lips to my neck, licking and sucking on my skin as she continued her relentless pounding, her thrusts sending rippling shockwaves throughout the skin of my fat ass. She licked upwards until she was tonguing my ear again, pausing momentarily to say:
“I don’t care when you cum, but know that I’m not stopping when you do. I’ll only stop when you can’t take anymore, and I know you can take quite a lot.”
My eye widened momentarily as I processed those words. Thoughts of holding out lingered in my head for a few moments longer, but then I had a bit of a revelation. If Seraphine planned to fuck me to the brink of sanity, I might as well enjoy the long ride down.
With that mental inhibitor no longer blocking the road to pleasure town, I was able to enjoy Seraphine’s exploration of my ass to its fullest extent, my knees buckling from the tremendous amounts of endorphins being dumped into my brain. That all-too-familiar warm feeling began building up inside my pelvis again, and I was powerless to do anything but heave desperate, muffled moans against Seraphine’s hand. From the nipple clamps constantly tugging on my tits to the delectable taste of my ass from the plug in my mouth to the hardcore assfucking from my loving, potentially unhinged girlfriend, the different vectors of pleasure were just far too much for me to withstand anymore. I uttered a delirious moan as my mind ascended into nirvana before promptly squirting all over myself, drenching my thighs and the rug below with my own juices.
True to her word, Seraphine didn’t so much as even slow down her assault on my significantly less tight asshole while I orgasmed. In fact, she seemed to speed up even more, her pink bitchbreaker violently slamming into this broken bitch who was moaning shamelessly from her anal orgasm like a cheap whore. But somewhere in the back of my ever-fracturing, pleasure-consumed psyche I was able to make out words she was saying between the noisy slapping of our flesh coming together:
Amidst the infinite seas of pleasure slowly but surely washing away my IQ, that sentence really struck a chord with me. She wasn’t on demon time because she was angry at me, she was on demon time because she’d been so alone the past month and this was her only way of expressing it. I got to spend most of my free time here fantasizing about her or doing fun stuff in Piltover, but during that time she’d been working one of the most stressful jobs in the entirety of Runeterra with no outlet for her sexual frustration.
Fortunately, I was more than happy to help her work through those emotions. After all, my first orgasm was just starting to subside and I could already feel myself gearing up for another, although, frankly, I was curious just how far she wanted to push me tonight.
Guess there was only one way to find out, right?
Several hours and a dozen orgasms later, I found myself lying completely motionless on the bed. The room around me was a complete mess, with furniture knocked over, clothes from the closet spilling out, and an excessive amount of girlcum painting the floor, the bed, and even the walls. We’d tried out several different positions and bumped into a lot of stuff in our clumsy movements. At a certain point Seraphine had unequipped her strapon and shoved it down my throat in place of my plug, forcing me deepthroat the bitchbreaker that’d been ten inches deep in my ass for the past hour or so. In its stead she fucked my ass with her fingers, easily stretching my hole out even than it already had been as I constantly flip-flopped between begging her to stop and begging her for more. My nipples were rubbed nearly raw from the duration and tightness of the clamps, but fortunately they were off now. Eventually my body reached its limit and I collapsed onto the bed from pure exhaustion. When I came to I found Seraphine playing the part of the big spoon, cuddling me from behind and gently stroking my hair. She’d fixed me a tall glass of water and a microwave dinner, claiming I’d need to replace the fluids and nutrients I’d lost or I’d get a headache. I just smiled and nuzzled in closer to her, an overwhelming feeling of contentment washing over me. Our reunion had been everything I hoped for and more. I really had to marry this girl someday.
I wish moments like this could last forever.
Chapter 3? :D
Chapter 1 - Chapter 1 |
Tags: Futa on Futa, Anal Sex, Frotting, Handjob, Penis Envy, Competitive Sex
My Twitter, for those interested in more of my work.
The sound of steel meeting steel and black powder screaming through the atmosphere filled the air in the top lane. It wasn’t uncommon for top laners to be constantly trading blows back and forth during a match; after all, they were known to be world renowned duelists and highly skilled blademasters, so it was only natural for them to be in each others’ face throughout the majority of the laning phase. Fiora had grown rather used to this style of combat, and she took pride in her ability to withstand her opponent’s onslaught while delivering equal if not more punishment back. The problem, however, in this particular matchup was that she was not up against another duelist. She was up against a Markswoman, and that made her life a living hell.
Perhaps it was just bad luck that she got matched against Samira. It was odd for Noxian to stray away from her usual home in the bottom lane, after all. Fiora would have fancied her chances against any of the other Marksmen, too. All she had to do was get in close and they would be utterly defenseless. But Samira was proficient in both the pistol and the blade, and that unfortunate fact was making the Demacian quickly run out of options.
If she hunkered down and focused on killing the mindless minions, Samira would slowly but surely whittle her down from range. She could dodge most of her weapon’s slow moving bullets, but every now and then a well placed shot would graze her, and after enough time those chip shots would add up. The multitude of tears and burn marks along the form fitting dress of her Headmistress skin were a testament to that. If she went on the offensive and got in close she could at least trade some damage back and forth, but Samira’s skill with the sword was nothing to scoff at. Plus, Fiora knew her inevitable retreat would be followed by a barrage of gunfire, and it was difficult to dodge bullets with your back turned to the gun shooting them.
She felt like she was in a catch-22. With Samira donning her High Noon skin, perhaps that was the best way she could describe her situation. For the better part of the match she’d been bouncing back and forth between playing safe and playing aggressively, but neither produced any form of positive results. Sure, she’d managed to land a few decent strikes on Samira, but she’d taken her own fair share of punishment as well. It was obvious that time was running out, as her tower had been heavily damaged due to the Desert Rose’s constant attacks. Yet with the current state of the lane, she was in no position to force an all in. It was an impossible situation that had no correct answers. But the Fencer was a far cleverer creature than people gave her credit for, and she had one last trick up her sleeve.
Fiora ducked into the alcove, dodging through the thick brush surrounding the area which also conveniently obscured her. She knew that Samira could have easily ignored her antics and simply pushed her minions up to the tower to destroy it rather quickly, but she was willing to bet that the Desert Rose’s pride would prevent her from such a safe and cowardly choice.
And like a moth to flame, the Markswoman soon followed her inside the isolated area, her pistol and blade both ready to act at a moment’s notice. She crept as silently as she could through the underbrush, her eyes darting back and forth as she assessed the situation. It was possible that Fiora was hiding in the foliage, but rather unlikely. Her rapier would be almost useless due to the tall plant life that sprung up in this area. There were simply too many vines, stalks, and thick bundles of tall grass in the way to block and/or slow down her strikes. Therefore, by Samira's own deductions, the only possibility was that the Demacian had navigated past the vast amount of plant matter and positioned herself somewhere inside the alcove’s clearing.
That was the theory, at least.
“Hyah!” Fiora shouted as she sprung out from the thicket behind Samira. Unable to react quickly enough, the Noxian felt herself tackled from the back as the Grand Duelist’s surprisingly strong arms gripped her around her lower waist and drove the both of them out of the brush and against the hard, stone ground inside the center of the alcove. She grunted as they both wrestled momentarily, shifting positions a few times before Fiora finally got the upper hand by sitting on the smaller woman’s midriff, pinning her to the ground under her own body weight.
“Not so tough without your pistol, are you?” Fiora jested, leaning over the trapped Desert Rose so that their faces were nearly touching.
“Bitch!” Samira grunted, straining against the Demacian’s ironclad grip that kept her arms against the earth. She eyed the vast brush surrounding them, looking for whichever opening they fell through to end up here, but quickly realized that there was no way to determine which direction they came from. Her pistol and sword were lost somewhere in that deep blanket of vegetation and finding them again would be practically impossible. The only silver lining in this situation was that Fiora’s rapier was also missing, so at least they were both unarmed.
The Grand Duelist smiled as she watched panic and fear flood Samira's expression. The tan beauty probably figured that she’d be choked out or stabbed with a hidden dagger, but murder wasn’t exactly what Fiora had in mind.
Samira’s breath hitched in her throat as she felt the Demacian lean down so that their bodies pressed together. Thighs met thighs, tits met tits, shaft met shaft…
Wait, what?
The Noxian’s eye widened as she felt a noticeably rigid cock pressing down against her own. She had no idea that her adversary also came strapped with a sword between her legs.
“Like what you feel?” Fiora purred, her cocky grin stirring up rage inside of Samira’s stomach.
“Of course not, pervert. This is gross, get the fuck off of me.”
“You say that, but…” Fiora cooed, fearlessly dragging her tongue up her immobilized opponent’s neck before she continued, “you’re obviously excited down there. Are you sure you aren’t enjoying this more than you’re letting on?” Samira's expression morphed from anger to bewilderment as she realized that the Demacian was right. She had no idea why her body was responding this way, but it was undeniable that her joystick had quickly become as stiff as a board. Perhaps it was all the wrestling that caused it, or perhaps it was the sheer intensity of this situation, or perhaps it was the feeling of Fiora’s own erect member throbbing against her own. Either way, somewhere along the line her body’s physiology had shifted from fight or flight to something far more embarrassing and procreative in nature, and there was simply no hiding that arousal.
Fiora chuckled haughtily at the stupid look on her counterpart’s face. She gave the tan woman a few playful slaps to her cheek (well, maybe a tad harder than playful) before she got off of her entirely. She took a few steps back and gazed expectantly at Samira, who in turn only shot her another questioning gaze before she too stood up. She raised her fists to the Demacian, realizing that without her weapons this was the best she could do to defend herself. Hand to hand combat wasn’t exactly her forte, but if the shoe fit then she’d have to wear it.
“Seriously?” Fiora sighed, placing her hand on the hip of her skintight mini-dress. “We’ve been trying to kill each other for a half hour already, and now that we’re both disarmed you want to settle this with… fists? Are all Noxians so barbaric?”
“Yeah?” Samira questioned, refusing to lower her guard. “What else did you have in mind?”
“Look at us.” the pale brunette gestured to her own body. “Our clothes are ripped to shreds, we’re covered in sweat and grime, and we’ve both got throbbing erections. I think it’s fairly obvious what I have in mind.”
“You want to fuck then? Is that it?” Samira sneered.
“In a sense.” Fiora murmured, smiling as she peeled the top of her dress down and revealed her buxom tits to her adversary. “I propose that we settle this score the old fashioned way. A sexfight. First one to cum loses, and as a punishment they have to spend the rest of the match as the winner’s personal cum dumpster. Maybe even longer, depending on how it goes.”
Samira narrowed her eye, contemplating her options. On one hand, she was confident that she could take the Demacian in hand to hand combat. Fiora was a well trained fencer, but when it came to throwing fists she was confident she’d have the edge due to her upbringing and tenure as a mercenary. On the other hand, she’d become uncomfortably horny, especially after Fiora had shamelessly bared her impressive C cup breasts in all their glory to her. The Noxian’s cock pulsed desperately against her tight leather pants, begging its owner to find and ravage the nearest available hole, which just so happened to be the fair skinned beauty in front of her.
Samira suddenly closed her eye and flashed a grin, reaching into one of the various long cuts along her orange vest before ripping it and her blazer off in their entirety, leaving her just as exposed as her counterpart.
“Fine, have it your way. But don’t start whining after I claim your ass as mine.” she growled, finally lowering her fists.
“Please.” Fiora countered, her lips curling upwards into a wolfish smile as she hungrily eyed Samira’s freshly exposed breasts. “When this is over you’ll be on your knees begging me to take you home for—”
The Demacian was cut off as Samira pounced straight forward, placing her shoulder directly into her opponent’s stomach and tackling her to the ground. The Fencer gasped and wheezed for air as she felt the wind knocked from her lungs, but the more pressing matter was just how quickly her opponent had taken control of the situation. Samira had managed to position herself laying on the ground with Fiora laying on top of her, her tan breasts and pointy nipples poking like tiny daggers into the Demacian’s back. She hooked one arm around both of her opponent’s elbows and squeezed them between their bodies. She also managed to hook her legs through Fiora’s in one fell swoop. Before the Fencer had a chance to even catch her breath she was already effectively trapped, with the movement in her limbs restricted to almost nothing.
A cheeky grin spread across Samira’s face as her hand trailed down to her opponent’s last remaining vestige of decency. She gripped the halfway removed mini dress and ripped upwards with all of her might, resulting in the complete and utter annihilation of the garment. The Desert Rose watched Fiora’s cock break free from its confines, bouncing up and down enthusiastically a few times while a small bead of precum dripped from its bulbous head onto the ground below.
“My.” Samira whispered. “Someone’s excited to see me.”
Fiora growled as she struggled against the Noxian’s grip, but her efforts were ultimately in vain. She may have had a few inches height-wise over Samira, but the mercenary was remarkably strong, and for the moment the Demacian was completely and utterly at her mercy. Speaking of which, Samira wasted no time in taking advantage of her current position. With wide, almost fascinated eyes, she snaked her free hand towards the Demacian’s long, rigid cock. Admittedly, it was quite a bit larger than she’d been expecting. Much bigger than average with a thick girth to boot. It seemed to almost pulse with anticipation as her hand got closer. From this close up, Samira began to wonder if Fiora’s sword was potentially close in size to her own. Maybe even a smidgen bigger…
Regardless, size was not of particular import in a fight such as this. Nothing really mattered aside from which one of them orgasmed first. The Desert Rose began her first step towards victory by gripping the needy cock constantly bouncing around in front of her and stroking it with a gentle grip and slow tempo. She made sure to run her palm over the head of Fiora’s dick every few seconds to smear her hand with a dollop of her adversary’s precum, ensuring that she could use the Demacian’s own arousal against her. It was a devilishly clever feedback loop: Fiora’s precum would leak onto Samira’s hand, which in turn caused her handjob to feel much more pleasurable due to the increased lubrication, causing more of Fiora’s precum to runneth over and thus the cycle repeated all over again.
Fiora moaned from the stimulation, surprised at how well Samira’s hand fit around her thick shaft. The Noxian was clearly experienced in the art of handjobs, as all handjobs were not created equally. Fiora had wanted to take the initiative and get the Noxian in a compromising position to kick things off, but the rude bitch wouldn’t even let her finish talking before she tackled her to the ground. And now, because of her foolishness, she was trapped laying on top of the Noxian below her, whining like a bitch as her cock was slowly but surely milked closer and closer to the edge of climax. Every effortless flick of Samira’s wrist sent unfiltered pleasure straight into Fiora’s brain and it brought out the worst in her. Her body burned so hot with need and desire that she all but stopped fighting back, her eyes half-lidded and glazed as they watched the steady motions of her opponent’s skilled fingers, drinking in every ounce of the unwanted pleasure they wrought upon her vulnerable cock.
“Getting close already?” Samira cooed into her ear. “With how little you’re resisting, it almost seems like you wanted it to go this way~”
Fiora moaned in half-pleasure, half-frustration as her opponent’s hot breath and demeaning words tickled the inside of her ear. The truth was the Noxian was only half right: Fiora was getting close to cumming, but she certainly did not want things to go this way. Noxians and Demacians were innate rivals for a reason. They detested everything about the opposing side and took any opportunity they could to humiliate them. If things currently continued, Fiora would lose this fight in an embarrassingly quick fashion. Defeated in a single hold from a handjob of all things. Samira would never allow her to live down such shame. She would hold this over her head for as long as she lived. The temptation to simply give in and ride out her orgasm plagued her like a pack of buzzards circling in her mind. Every fiber in her being was screaming at her to cum. It was perhaps one of the most natural acts in all of the animal kingdom, and what was Fiora if not an animal?
The evolutionary directive. She was hearing it. Dark whispers from closed off sections in her mind imploring her to empty her seed and propagate her bloodline. There was just one issue: This was a hand she would be cumming against, not the warm, comfortable inside of a tight hole. Fiora grit her teeth as she resisted her biological impulses with all of her might. If she was going to cum, she was going to do so inside a wet hole. Not in the grip of some two-bit mercenary’s hand.
Her eyes opened, wide and alert for the first time in several minutes, and began darting around as she felt lucid once again. Samira figured it just meant she was on the brink of cumming, but in reality Fiora was taking stock of her situation. She may not have had much movement in her arms or legs, but she could move her hands quite freely, and considering that they were trapped between her back and the front of her opponent, she guesstimated that they might just be rather close to a particularly sensitive part of Samira’s body.
“Ah! H-hey..!” the Noxian stammered as she felt Fiora’s slim fingers grip the outline of her rigid cock through her leather pants. She quickly began stroking Samira’s dick, albeit through her clothing, her speed fast as if to make up for lost time. However, a frivolous, desperate handjob such as this would assuredly not affect Samira… or at least, that seemed like the obvious conclusion. Yet, strangely, the Noxian’s cheeks were quick to redden and her breathing became ragged. The quality of her own handjob began to degrade as it got sloppy and careless, giving Fiora’s cock a much needed reprieve. All that time she spent staring at and stroking the Demacian’s thick, smooth shaft had turned her on far more than she’d anticipated, and since her member hadn’t received a single iota of stimulation so far, the pent up arousal had no outlet and could only sit inside of her, building up in power and reactivity. Much like Chernobyl’s reactor four, Samira had unintentionally turned herself into a nuclear bomb. She was already primed and ready to explode before Fiora had touched her cock.
The pleasure from the Grand Duelistr’s deft ministrations ran deep, even through the leather layer protecting Samira’s womanhood. She could feel herself falling down a pit of pleasure that there was no hope of returning from. Thus, even though she had Fiora in a compromising position, and even though she was certain the Demacian had to be close to orgasm, she could not continue her current hold. Doing so would mean she risked cumming in her pants, and she would rather die than give Fiora the pleasure of witnessing that.
The Noxian broke the hold, pushing Fiora forward off of her and rolling away. The Demacian stumbled around for a few steps before she turned around and got her bearings. Both women took a few deep breaths to steady themselves before their eyes, three between the two of them, met.
“What’s the matter?” Fiora grinned, gesturing to Samira’s clothed nethers as she took a step closer. “Scared to show me what’s beneath that ridiculous outfit?”
Samira stood her ground as the Demacian slowly approached, stealing a quick glance at Fiora’s saber (which was still hard as stone and dripping with precum). It was truly an intimidating thing to behold, but the Noxian also had a sizable package down her pants. She figured it was time she began acting like it.
The Desert Rose’s face was confident as she hooked her thumbs into her belt loops and pulled her form fitting pants down, stepping out of them easily to allow her cock its moment in the sun. It bounced with glee, much like her opponent’s had, as it felt freedom from its prior constraints. It was also nothing to scoff at, vast and long and tan like the desert itself, a single bead of precum stuck dripping halfway to the ground leaking from its head, Samira’s lengthy dick was a perfect counterpart and contrast to the pale snake between Fiora’s legs. The Demacian smiled as she saw the Noxian’s member pop free from her pants, and she kept her eyes trained on it as got closer.
“Like what you see?” Samira words were laced with her refound bravado. “I’ll even let you suck it, if you ask nicely.”
“Can you blame me?” Fiora smiled lustfully back at her opponent. “It’s hard to not stare at a cock as cute as yours. I bet it’ll look even cuter when it's flapping up and down uselessly in the wind while I take you from behind.”
Samira’s eyebrow twitched at her adversary’s usage of the word “cute’ as an adjective to describe her dick. The beast between her thighs had tamed many like Fiora before, and the Desert Rose was sure it would tame many more like her in the future. The Noxian had never encountered a woman with a cock larger than her own, and she used that biological advantage to break other futas often throughout her travels. No matter how impressive her counterpart’s sword was, it was simply impossible for it to hold a candle to her own. Confidence was everything to women with big dicks like Fiora and Samira. If that confidence was ever shattered, the chances of either one of them coming back from it were virtually nil.
Fiora finally reached her destination, pressing her naked body against the Noxian’s once again. Both women released a small gasp as their cocks met, jousting momentarily until the Demacian found the right angle and managed to prop both of them upwards against each other. There was a mutual shiver shared between both women as they frotted, their shafts grinding pleasantly together whilst also mixing both of their precum into one homogeneous substance that quickly covered both of their members.
The friction from their rubbing and the tiny jolts of pleasure procured from this lecherous act were sending Samira to the deep end all over again, but she was (un)fortunately saved when Fiora finally got around to the point of her demonstration.
“Hmm… I wonder which one of us is bigger.” the Fencer mused, her thrusting coming to a screeching halt as she gripped both her own cock and Samira’s in her hand. “It’s pretty close, but…”
Samira’s eyebrow twitched again, somehow angrier this time, as she stared at Fiora’s forced comparison in quiet despair. There was no cheating or chicanery afoot, the Demacian had gripped both of them around their bases and held their shafts together fairly. They were both about as horny as one could be, so a disproportionate amount of arousal could not be used as an excuse either. For all of Samira’s deep rooted confidence, despite all of her experience as the big dick on campus, it all amounted to nothing as she stared at her noticeably smaller cock eclipsed in height by Fiora’s monster. By the Noxian's guess, their difference in size would be measured in entire inches. She herself topped out at eight inches on her best day, and she deduced that Fiora was probably easily hitting ten and a half. She unconsciously gulped as she felt her counterpart’s shaft, which suddenly seemed much larger and more intimidating than before. The worst of it all was that the Demacian’s words had rung true: Samira’s “beast” of a dick really did end up looking cute in comparison to the python between Fiora’s legs.
“I bet you don’t lose these sort of contests often.” Fiora’s words were laced with patronizing venom. “Oh well, no need to feel bad about it. There’s always a bigger fish out there, right?”
The satisfied smirk adorning the Grand Duelist’s face as she reveled in her small victory made Samira seethe with shame, but it also reignited her anger. She may have been on the back foot for once in terms of dick size, but having a larger cock meant nothing in a battle such as this. All that mattered was who lost control and busted first, and the Noxian decided then that Fiora’s big dick would make for a great handlebar while she pillaged her plump ass later. This fight would be hers, dick comparisons be damned.
The Demacian’s hand began gently rubbing up and down the length of both cocks in its grip, drawing the breath from both woman as they felt each other’s lengths consistently pulse with need against their own. Fiora’s dual handjob was slow at first, but she was quick to pick up the pace, her own spit acting as a serviceable lubricating agent to speed the process along. She was surprised that Samira simply allowed it to happen; then again, the Noxian had been wearing a blank stare ever since she forced them to compare their cocks up close. Perhaps that little demonstration had knocked a screw loose upstairs?
The Fencer was more than happy to keep things status quo, though. Jerking both dicks back and forth, over and over again in a blissfully perfect rhythm, the air completely dead save for the occasional moan or the wet schlicking noise emanating from the friction of Fiora’s handjob. It felt fair, in a sense. No holds, no sneaky tricks, just two cocks pressed together as if they were a pair of crossed swords in the final act of a grand duel. All the back and forth of their prolonged battle had led up to one last test of spirit; a fitting crescendo that would decide which woman’s will was stronger.
Samira tried with all her might to stifle her moans as Fiora’s hand sent shivers of pleasure up her spine. A part of her wanted to break free from the Demacian’s grasp so that she could try her luck on the ground again, but her prideful side wanted her to pick up the gauntlet Fiora had thrown down. Samira had never run from a fight before, why would she run now? She would withstand this onslaught with all of the willpower she could summon and laugh in the Demacian’s face as she made herself cum from her own handjob.
Fiora’s expression was that of sheer confidence, but the truth was she was already pretty close to the edge. The problem wasn’t her technique (although, admittedly, it was superb). Rather, the problem was her over imaginative brain. With victory seemingly already in her grasp, her mind began wandering, subconsciously fantasizing of her inevitable triumph over her opponent. Mentally conjuring up scenes of Samira’s cute cock cumming all over her large rod. But all those little devious ideas only made Fiora’s balls ache for release, every stroke of her hand sending unwanted waves of wanton pleasure throughout her body. It was her turn to stifle her moans, not wanting to give the Noxian any indication of weakness. But, much like her counterpart, she was not doing a very good job. Little whimpers continued to occasionally escape both women’s lips, each noise a testament to their fortitude, yet also to their quickly-approaching limit.
Samira moaned loudly as she felt Fiora’s hand suddenly slip away, the stimulation replaced with her counterpart’s cock as the two began frotting roughly against one another in perfect rhythm. Their long shafts rubbed desperately together, the process made easier by the large rivers of precum leaking down the both of them. Their balls, heavy and bloated and anxious to be emptied, met as well, kneading gently against each other as if they were trying to coax the other pair into busting first. Both of them were under significant duress, their moans much less bashful and much more bold as they were forcefully rendered from their lips.
Fiora’s mind could not stop picturing the Desert Rose bent over her bed, her asshole presented openly via a pair of spread cheeks as if it was the Demacian’s property. These thoughts of premature victory may have sent her on the path of premature ejaculation. To lose this contest, the contest which she suggested, would bring the ultimate shame to her house and country. The Noxian would want to take every possible pleasure in her complete humiliation, so it was likely she’d be made a slave, either through force or… other means. She could not afford to become a mere plaything for a Noxian whore. It would sully her family name for generations to come.
Samira’s motivations were much less… grandiose. She had little care for king or country. Such concepts of intense loyalty were all but foreign to her. Even so, she had decided that she had no choice but to win this duel. Because this fight was no longer just a battle of wills to the Desert Rose. This was a battle over her very soul.
The Noxian had modeled her entire personality off the bitchbreaker between her legs. She wasn’t always such a cocky, brash, confrontational individual, but after witnessing seemingly endless amounts of women with respectable cocks instantly drop to their knees in worship of the monster between her thighs, she began to develop a bit of an ego. She was proud of her cock. It was the bottomless well from which her confidence sprang forth. Seeing her most prized physical trait utterly dwarfed by Fiora’s jackhammer of a dick was not just humiliating, but a direct and precise blow to her inflated ego. The only way to salvage her bruised pride was to outlast the Demacian slut, thereby reasserting herself as the top dick on campus. In the deepest recesses of her mind she knew that if she came first, she could never return to her old ways. Her ego would be completely shattered at the hands of one she could finally call a superior. The submissive instincts freshly acquired from her sound defeat would kick into overdrive, flipping her personality around entirely as she found her life’s new object of worship in Fiora’s cock. But for now, Samira had no desire to be a cocksleeve for the uptight Demacian. For now, her only focus was on avoiding that fate by concentrating all of her effort into not cumming.
Both women knew what was at stake. What had started out as a slow, frustrating laning phase in the top lane had developed into a sexual clash of endurance with massive ramifications. A regular Tuesday in the top lane, it seemed.
Samira and Fiora’s bodies pressed together tightly in a heap of intense sexual frustration and orgasm denial. Sweat caked their forms, clear beads of the salty liquid dripping down their foreheads, tits, and even thighs. Their eyes suddenly locked as they forcefully humped their throbbing dicks together, and they took a moment to stare at each other’s panting, open mouths, As if operating on pure instinct and sexual tension, their lips suddenly clashed together, embracing in a deep, sloppy kiss as their grinding reached its climax. Their hips thrust upwards in unison, the heads of their cocks kissing as they felt their limit being reached.
Suddenly, just as they’d arrived at the apex of their lustful war, everything came to a grinding halt. Fiora gripped the Noxian by her hips to force her to be still, all the while she ceased her own thrusting. She broke their kiss, a thin line of intermixed saliva connecting their mouths through several inches of air as they each heaved out deep and desperate breaths. Their cocks were still pressed flush together, but the Demacian had put a stop to all of the blissful, overwhelming stimulation in the matter of a nanosecond. They stood there for a few seconds completely still, the only noise filling the room being their heavy breathing. Samira felt uneasy. Was this a tactic? A complex strategy? Or maybe some sort of trick? She’d get her answer soon enough.
Fiora’s heavy gasps for air came to an abrupt end as her breath suddenly hitched in her throat. The Noxian’s face lit up with glee as she quickly put two and two together. It was obvious that the Demacian had pushed herself over the edge, and in a desperate bid to prevent her orgasm she’d tried to stop their cock jousting.
That was the only word Samira could conjure to describe such shame. She looked right into Fiora’s eyes, wanting to watch them as they processed her own inadequacy as a woman. Wanting to watch as they realized that her big cock was made to submit to a lesser one. Yet, Samira couldn’t help but notice a certain peculiarity in Fiora’s eyes. The Grand Duelist didn’t look hazy or off in space or panicked like she’d expected her to look; instead, her eyes were actually directed downward and obviously focused on something. Samira quickly traced Fiora’s gaze, and within a second she’d realized the object of her fixation. She was staring directly at the Noxian’s cock.
Samira cast her eyes to her own dick as she felt her heart drop. All it took was a single look; a lone, impossibly fast gaze which told her all she needed to know. Fiora finally released the breath she’d been holding, a sadistic grin adorning her delighted face.
“You lose.”
Samira could do nothing but watch as her caramel-colored cock suddenly began dribbling with cum, the thick, viscous liquid rushing to the head of her cock in such a way that it began quickly leaking over the edge, coating her inferior shaft in long strings of drooling white seed. Her lips quivered as her dick began slowly leaking its payload, but she was at least able to stifle any moans from escaping. However, the look of unwanted pleasure and bottomless despair on her face as she knew she was powerless to prevent her soon-to-be ruined orgasm was more than enough to sate Fiora’s sadistic cravings. The Demacian gripped her firmly and leaned in close to the trembling woman that was once a proud warrior, her hot breath and plump lips tickling her ear as she whispered in a devilishly lusty tone:
“Don’t hold back. I wanna see your cute little cock cum for real.”
Samira’s leaking dick erupted shamefully the moment the word “cute” left Fiora’s lips, sending rope after rope of wasted cum into the air. Whatever meager amount of composure and dignity she held onto was broken completely as she moaned like a true bitch, her tongue flopping from her mouth as her eyes were unable to tear themselves away from her pulsing member. The height of her cumshots was relatively low so each line of her thick, virile baby batter was only briefly shot into the air before it came back down. The majority of it ended up landing on and ultimately coating Fiora’s painfully rigid shaft, which seemed to be waiting patiently as it remained pressed snugly against the Desert Rose’s climaxing cock. Samira had managed to turn her adversary’s pale member even paler as she covered it in the load that was intended to be shot deep within the Demacian’s freshly claimed ass.
The Noxian began to wonder if it could have gone any worse than this. At first she thought she’d actually won, only to have the rug pulled out from under her when she realized that Fiora had only paused because she sensed the Noxian’s impending orgasm and realized that there was no stopping it. Then she had to suffer through the embarrassment of having a hands free orgasm. She wasn’t even allowed the dignity of cuming while being stimulated. She’d been made to cum like a true bottom. And to top it all off, she had to watch as her physically inferior cock pumped its vital essence all over Fiora’s bulging length. She had to watch as it strained and twitched shamefully against a better dick, outshadowed in every sense of the word as it had finally met its match. She had to watch as her cock happily unloaded every ounce of sperm she had in her heavy balls only after Fiora called it cute. And as Samira stood there, her body paralyzed from the overwhelming sensation of her orgasm, her cock painting Fiora’s intimidating saber with every last drop of her cum, she realized that this entire thing really came down to that one word. Because as loath as she was to admit it, it was true. Her cock did look cute in comparison to Fiora’s. She may have been large, but the Grand Duelist was noticeably larger. Her cock looked cute when it took its first step over the cliff of release, caught between states of orgasm as the very first waves of her ejaculate leaked down her bulbous head and covered her own trembling shaft. And most of all, her cock looked cute as it spasmed desperately against Fiora’s unflinching monster, so overpowered and outmatched that it was coaxed into using the most valuable load it ever held as nothing more than lube for the inevitable assfucking Samira was soon to receive.
Her cock weakly shot out a few final strands of its precious seed until her balls were completely empty. Her knees buckled as her orgasm faded and she fell to the ground, her head level with the victor’s stiff cock.
Unfortunately for Samira, Fiora had no intention of letting her catch her breath.
“I’m tempted to make you suck my cock until it's clean… but I won’t. Not after seeing how eager you were to get me lubed up for your ass. It’s almost like you wanted things to go this way.”
Samira failed to respond, her mind in a daze from the afterglow of her orgasm. She offered no complaint as Fiora roughly bent her forward towards the ground until she was on her hands and knees. She felt the Demacian grind her stiff cock between her ass cheeks over and over again, her thick pole constantly grazing the tan woman’s unclaimed backdoor.
“Have you nothing to say, Noxian?” Fiora jeered, ensuring she lubricated Samira’s ass properly with the excessive amount of cum still covering her member. She prodded the tight hole with the tip of her cock repeatedly, teasing her shockingly submissive counterpart before she suddenly thrust her hips forward. Samira gasped as she felt her ass get penetrated for the first time, suddenly very aware of the five inches of stiff girlmeat Fiora had shoved inside her. She groaned and whimpered at the new feeling, her mind unable to process exactly how her body felt about the sudden intruder. But as Fiora began slowly sinking herself deeper inside Samira’s ass, the Noxian quickly realized exactly how her body was reacting to her anal virginity being taken. She’d been expecting pain, or discomfort, or perhaps even shock, but she only felt white hot pleasure like she’d never known. Her cock, which had been at half mast due to recently disburdening itself of its payload, roared back to intense life, becoming insanely stiff and pointing straight towards the ground. Every sensitive nerve that Fiora grazed as she sank her cock deeper inside her defeated adversary sent mind-bending sparks of pleasure into Samira’s head. She was unable to contain a lusty moan as this new sensation overtook her body, a sudden warmness extending outwards to bathe every inch of her skin in this unique but euphoric feeling. And yet, amidst the uncontained debauchery, in the deepest pit of Samira’s lust drunk mind, she found this whole thing rather funny. Of course she’d been a closeted butt slut all this time. An entire kink simply laying dormant inside of her for years and years, watching with unrealized jealousy as she so often took asses as opposed to taking it in the ass. After how horribly this entire ordeal had gone for her, it only seemed appropriate for this to be her ultimate forfeit. That at the end of it all, she was actually enjoying her defeat like a shameless slut.
Fiora let out a sigh of contentment as she felt herself bottom out inside Samira’s ass. Frankly, she was equal parts shocked and intrigued at just how easily her cock had been accepted by the Noxian’s untrained hole. She was able to take her full length in just ten seconds, a feat even the most seasoned anal queens would blush at.
“Oh.” Fiora stated blankly, her eyes narrowing as they focused on Samira’s rock hard shaft as it dribbled newly made beads of precum onto the stone ground below. “Oh. I see.”
The Demacian sported a smug grin as she began thrusting her cock back and forth, burying her pent up member time and time again inside Samira’s tight ass.
“You’re enjoying this, aren’t you?” Fiora teased, grunting from pleasure and exertion as she repeatedly rocked her hips into Samira’s ass cheeks, the meeting of plump flesh producing a loud CLAP! that reverberated throughout the alcove. The Demacian chuckled at her newly acquired playthings mixed emotions, watching as she buried her head underneath her arms in shame. Yet between her legs, her cock throbbed and pulsed needily as it flapped back and forth in the air in response to Fiora’s pounding. Every few thrusts she’d even manage to fuck a dollop of precum out of the Noxian’s tip, the feeling of the Duelist’s cock hilting in just the right spot sending a tingly feeling straight to her previously empty balls and coaxing out only the smallest offering of seed. She moaned especially loud at those ones.
“God, look how heavy your balls are.” Fiora cupped the Noxian’s swinging jewels in her hand. “You must really love it up the ass to be already backed up like this again.”It was true. Every second Samira spent getting buttfucked by the Demacian made her realize that. Her eye had long since rolled upwards from the intensity of the pleasure, and although she had just enough dignity left to at least shield her face from her oppressor, she could do nothing to silence the shameless, slutty moans that escaped her lips.
“You really saw a single dick bigger than your own and instantly became an obedient little slut to it.” Fiora moaned throughout the gaps between her cruel words, her bloated balls constantly slapping into Samira’s as if to accentuate her point. “Maybe deep down you’ve always been a subby bitch with a big cock. Just waiting for someone to come along and put you in your place.”
Samira’s moans escalated in both pitch and volume as Fiora’s pistoning cock sped up, roughly plunging into the Noxian’s more than eager asshole. She was able to easily take the Demacian’s monstrous length, and the feeling of it reaching as far as it could go inside her tight ass in such quick succession sent a concentrated bolt of euphoria right up the tip of Samira’s dick. She felt the head of her cock pulse from the odd but pleasant sensation; even though her cock had been completely ignored for however many minutes Fiora had been fucking her in the ass, it felt as though it was experiencing extreme pleasure. It was as if there was a pleasant warmth spread over every millimeter of her member. Every time the head of Fiora’s cock massaged Samira’s prostate, she felt the aftereffects in her own dick. It was an unbearable assault. Far more potent that any of the sexfighting had been. Samira was now certain that if Fiora had just fingered her ass at the start, she’d have been defeated in less than a minute. Even now, clinging to whatever tatters remained of her pride, she wished to hold out and withstand the ultimate shame of cumming from her ass. But there was simply no stopping it.
Samira’s eye widened and her back arched low as she released her loudest moan yet, her face frozen in sheer ecstasy as her cock blew its second load of the day, this one somehow even greater in size than the first. She shot ropes of thick cum into the ground between her knees, creating a sizable little puddle in just a matter of seconds.
Just the sight of Samira cumming her brains out from getting fucked in the ass was enough to send Fiora over the edge, laughing and moaning erratically as she hilted herself one last time inside the Noxian’s contracting ass. Her cock throbbed gleefully as it was finally allowed to shoot its load, burying untold shots of virile spunk deep inside Samira’s ass.
Both women’s orgasmic moans synced as they reached their peaks simultaneously, their bodies trembling as pleasurable shivers and mind-numbing tingles crawled over their skin. For Samira, this was a moment signaling her ultimate defeat. All the confidence she once had in her own sexual dominance had been thoroughly and completely torn asunder, highlighted perfectly by just how powerfully she’d orgasmed from being buttfucked by a cock far superior to her own. With her own cum used as lube to boot.
It was about as submissive as one could be, really. There were no depths greater. Or so she thought.
“Well.” Fiora huffed between long breaths, her cock still fully sheathed inside Samira’s ass as they both came down from their intense highs. “That was quite fun, don’t you think?”
“N-no.” Samira weakly grumbled, her head still buried in the ground.
“You jest!” Fiora grinned, giving Samira’s ass a hard spank, the impact causing another dollop of cum to leak from her spent cock. “Look at me and tell me you did not like it.”
Samira hesitantly turned to face the Demacian. She averted her eye from the domineering woman’s powerful gaze and reiterated herself.
“I didn’t like it.”
Fiora chuckled at the response. The deep blush painting her cheeks revealed her true feelings, as too did the twitching, inexplicably still hard cock between her legs.
“That’s alright.” Fiora gently slid herself free from the Noxian’s tight ass and crawled on top of her until she was able to rest her body on Samira’s back like she was a table. She leaned in close until her lips nearly touched the Noxian’s ear, tickling it with a small gust of breath before she whispered, “You’ll have plenty of time to admit just how much you love my cock after we get home.”
Samira’s eye widened at the implication and she finally decided to meet Fiora’s gaze. She could tell from just one look that the woman was serious about her offer. And that’s what it was: an offer. While Samira would have slapped a collar around the Grand Duelist’s neck and dragged her back to Noxus had she won their contest, Fiora was not allowed such… freedoms. Demacians were constricted by their laws and honor; she could never force the tan woman to be her plaything. She could only show her the benefits of such a lifestyle, and give her the choice to accept or reject it.
“So what’ll it be, Noxian?” Fiora extended a hand towards her defeated foe. “Wanna clean your ass off my cock back at my place? I think a nice, long, sloppy blowjob followed by a warm bath would be the perfect way to end the night.”
Much to her own surprise, Samira actually found herself weighing her options. Had this big breasted Demacian in her skintight dress walked up to her an hour ago and presented the same offer, she would have spit in her face. But much had changed in such a short time. Fiora’s rapier had proven superior in make to her own and she was made to submit. The ensuing ass fucking she received was for more pleasurable than anything she’d ever known before, and in the wake of this feeling was left a hollow void inside the Desert Rose, only capable of being sated by the one object that had started this entire ordeal.
Fiora’s dick. Samira found herself craving Fiora’s dick. Truthfully, she’d been craving it ever since she first laid eyes on it and saw its intimidating size. She was really craving it when the Demacian pressed their shafts together and forced her to confront her own inadequacy. And she only truly felt satisfied when it was ten inches deep in her ass, fucking the cum from her useless cock with every brutal thrust of Fiora’s hips. The Grand Duelist’s cock had revealed entirely new vistas of pleasure to Samira. She always looked down on the women who submitted entirely to her large shaft, but now that the roles were reversed and she was the one submitting, she felt more sympathetic towards their plight. The truth was, when faced with a dick as large and intimidating as Fiora’s, it was much easier than she imagined to become cock drunk.
Samira’s gaze fell from the Demacian’s eyes and shifted to her weapon one last time, watching as it throbbed dully with arousal, still stiff as a board and seemingly prepared to go another round. In that brief moment, Samira made her decision.
“I-I think I’d like that.”
She simply could not deny her true feelings any longer. Even if it was slutty, even if it was shameful, even if it was humiliating for a woman with a big dick to admit, she wanted nothing more than to worship the deity between Fiora’s legs. She wanted to suck it, she wanted it inside her, she wanted it to make her cum as it pressed up against her own cock as if to illustrate their difference in size. She wanted to be Fiora’s big-dicked submissive slut and embrace the irony of her large cock being bullied, teased, and denied at her Mistress’ whims. With her resolve finally in order, Samira reached up and accepted the Demacian’s outstretched hand, hints of a blush staining her cheeks as she stared intently at the ground.
“Which part would you like?” Fiora asked sheepishly, a knowing grin on her face as she cupped a possessive handful of her new submissive’s ass. “The blowjob or the bath?”
Samira furrowed her brow in concentration until she found the right answer.
Author’s Note:
Mad? |
Chapter 2 - Glazed to Perfection |
Tags: Futa on Futa, Anal, Oral, Cum Swapping, CNC, Hotdogging, Rimming, Ass Worship
It had only been two days since Ashe successfully domesticated Amélie Lacroix, and already, deep within the sprawling hallways of her Victorian-style home, a war raged on.
It was a wicked campaign between her two submissives-turned-adversaries, each viewing her package with such extreme possessiveness that sharing became an impossibility. Any and all hopes of collaborative bonding between the two sluts-in-arms had been driven into the dirt and impaled upon a stake. Their differences were simply irreconcilable.
Sombra was the progenitor. The original. By her account, the cowgirl’s majestic rod was her birthright. She had been the first to earn her keep in Ashe’s home. The first to fall in love with the one-eyed monster between her legs. Any two-bit whores that followed were only cheap imitations, and they deserved nothing more than whatever miserly scraps she allowed.
Widow was the interloper. A usurper. She coveted Sombra’s storied history with her newfound master, but while her rival had the advantage of time on her side, Amélie had the edge in terms of raw sexual prowess. She sucked a better dick. Could take more of a pounding. In her view, Ashe wouldn’t have sought her out had the feisty Latina been satisfying her completely. She clearly wanted more, and it was Widow’s prerogative to give it to her, even if it meant stealing the crown of sluttery Sombra had bestowed upon herself.
They’d spent the past 48 hours locked in a viscous power struggle over the cowgirl’s dick. Sombra attempted to assert dominance at every turn, and Widow staged countless coup d'états in retaliation. When all three were together, the only action anyone was getting were the insults being hurled between the two warring subs.
Ashe had long since given up on diffusing the situation. Playing the mediator was never her strong suit. She merely sat in irritable silence as venom was spewed back and forth, ranging from attacks on sexual skill to snide remarks on physiques to blatant accusations of golddiggery. That last one in particular was especially confounding, considering all three women had coffers deeper than most small countries.
And yet, the instant one of them left the room, even if it was for just a brief moment, the other would jump the cowgirl’s bones like an animal in heat. Sucking, fucking, slurping, rimming—no act was off the table if it meant currying their master’s favor. It was a whirlwind of sexual depravity, and frankly, the cowgirl wouldn’t have minded it whatsoever had she been able to get off just one fucking time in the last two days. Alas, her sluts were fast learners, and they soon realized that if they had to leave the room, it was best to make it quick. An argument would inevitably break out the moment one of them returned to find her solid shaft plunged deep in the other’s tight holes, and all notions would be brought to an immediate halt. Ashe was frustrated, edged, and, after two days of this, on the brink of insanity.
She felt like a fool for ever thinking they’d get along.
“You ready, cabróna?” Sombra sneered, her eyes narrowed and focused like those of a cobra’s as she stood face-to-face with her voluptuous foe.
“Of course, couillon.” Widowmaker smirked confidently right back at her. “And you’re going to lose this time for sure. Stupid bitch.”
The Latina laughed with over-the-top, forced sarcasm. “That’s rich coming from someone who looks like a blueberry pie!”
The tension in the room was thick enough to cut with a soldering iron. Both women were pressed tightly against each other—large blue titties meeting perky caramel ones, squishing together ever-so-slightly while their eyes shot daggers of reciprocated malice. Beneath their waists lay a pair of excited cocks, unequal in size but perfectly matching in competitive spirit. They pointed directly at one another as if they were about to joust like knights of old.
Night had fallen outside the manor as their conflict persisted into the evening of their third day, and Ashe found herself seated right in the middle of it once again. She watched it all unfold just a few feet in front of her as she lounged lazily atop a fancy leather couch in nothing more than a baggy pair of gray sweatpants.
At least they were both naked. Gave her something to look at. Small victories, right?
Both women brought their hands up, one balled in a fist, the other forming a flat platform. A silent signal was exchanged, and with it they belted their freshly realized battle cry out in unison.
“Rock, paper, scissors, shoot!”
“Are you fucking kidding me?” Sombra's left eye twitched with murderous ire. “How did we tie again?”
Widowmaker groaned and pinched the bridge of her nose. “That makes, what? Fourteen ties in a row? How’s that even possible?”
The cowgirl rolled her eyes, rocked her head back into the couch, and released perhaps the heaviest sigh she’d ever sighed in her entire life. This was hell. She was in actual, literal hell. What had she done to deserve this? Was the universe conspiring against her? Was this some form of divine punishment? Or perhaps fate itself had simply picked her name out of a hat and said, “You know what would be hilarious? Let’s take all of her well-laid plans and fuck them up beyond repair.” Her whores had finally decided on a way to settle their feud—a simple game of rock, paper, scissors. Winner gets her dick for the night, loser has to sit and watch without nary a word of complaint.
It sounded good in theory, but they kept. Fucking. Tying. Every. Single. Time. It wasn’t even a result of something dumb, like both of them playing rock every round. There was actual strategy behind their decisions, yet the results were always the same. This was beyond all logic. All reasoning.
What kind of fucked up chance even is there to tie fourteen times in a row playing rock, paper, scissors? Something like 1 in 4,782,969?
Ashe began to genuinely question if she’d recently pissed off some dark, vengeful god, because the only explanation for this level of fuckery was something anomalous.
“We go again.” Sombra huffed, waiting for Widow to ready her hands before they started their spiteful chant anew.
“Rock, paper, scissors—”
“Oh my god, SHUT UP!” Ashe seethed, lurching her head forward as dull rage coursed through her soul. “My balls have been aching for three days because you two can’t put your differences aside for five goddamn minutes. I’ve tried to be patient, but even I have limits, and the well has officially run dry.”
Both women froze with fear mid-cast at her biting remarks, but it wasn’t from a fear born of any real consequence. More like the type of fear one feels when they’ve upset a parental figure. Ashe spoke the truth—she’d really tried to be accommodating to her slaves’ new situation. Give them time to acclimate to each other. Time to figure out what their dynamic would be. But this had gotten out of control, and it was clear to the cowgirl that she would have to resolve this petty quarrel with a heavier hand than she’d hoped.
She exhaled loudly through her nose, taking a moment to compose her thoughts.
“A little bit of competition is good.” she said, wielding slightly less malice in her voice than before. “It pushes both of you to do your best, and frankly, I flat-out enjoy the thought of you two constantly trying to one-up each other. But at the end of the day, we’re all on the same team here. If you two are incapable of acting like it, then I’ll just have to force you to get along.”
Sombra bit her lip in frustration. She was self-aware enough to realize she was being a hypocrite. This whole ordeal was her brain child, after all, and she’d given the cowgirl her assurance that her own feelings of jealousy and insecurity would not create issues. But Widowmaker was just so… so… so stupidly good at taking dick. It wasn’t fair. It was like the blue-skinned vixen was designed in one of those character creation screens in video games, except instead of the scrollers relating to mundane physical attributes like eye color and height, they pertained to her proficiency in sucking and fucking cock, and they were all dialed to eleven. How could she not feel hurt when she watched someone else accept her master’s shaft better than she could? She was only human, and envy was a defining trait of the human experience.
“Olivia.” Ashe chided. “Amélie.”
Sombra was ripped from her musings at the mention of her real name. The cowgirl spoke with a gravity and seriousness that surpassed anything the Latina had heard since she first arrived at her estate. It was reminiscent of her behavior during their first encounter, when she’d been pressed up against a wall and confronted like a common thief (and later fucked like a common whore). She surmised that the leader of the Deadlock Rebels only felt the need to be intimidating when something precious to her had been threatened.
She felt the weight of her dominant lover’s ire like a ton of bricks on her shoulders. It didn’t take a brain surgeon to realize she was using her given name as a means of scolding. Princess was her preferred pet name, largely due to the delicious irony of such a royal title being ascribed to one of the biggest sluts in the known universe. But even without it, there was a laundry list of other aliases the cowgirl would use before resorting to Olivia. Admittedly, most of them were pejoratives. She quite enjoyed the feeling of being put in her rightful place. But hearing her real name only served to send shivers up her spine. She knew she’d fucked up. Fortunately, for all the hacker’s flaws, she was still as loyal a brat as they came. The last thing she wanted was for her stud to be truly angry with her… even if she found it kinda hot.
It was with a cold frown that Ashe gestured towards the ground in front of her spread legs, uttering a single word in that rarely used but frighteningly authoritative tone.
With a newly invigorated desire to make up for her former trespasses, Sombra sauntered forth to the spot between Ashe’s legs in wordless submission, with Widowmaker following suit shortly thereafter. They dropped to the floor in unison with their heads slightly bowed, as neither particularly felt like meeting the cowgirl’s piercing glare. Their faces were mere inches away from Ashe’s cock—the idolized artifact that had whisked them away to this luxurious mansion in the first place. It had an almost magnetic pull to it, with their eyes instinctively drawn to the tight outline it formed against the cowgirl’s sweats. Considering her state of unrest, it wasn’t exactly surprising that she was already hard down there, but even still, watching her dick occasionally throb against the fabric of her pants elicited a feeling of nervous excitement from the two sluts.
“Either you work together on this.” Ashe took a sip from a glass of murky liquid and leaned back against the couch, frowning as the cold leather licked the bare skin of her back. “Or I tie and cage you both and fuck your asses till you learn to love each other. Choice is yours.”
Sombra and Widowmaker shared a side-eyed glance. It was a knowing gaze—one that confirmed what the other was thinking. As humiliating as it would have been to admit out loud, it became obvious in that stare that they both felt that the second option sounded much more like a reward as opposed to a punishment.
Still, it was obvious that the cowgirl felt preferential towards the first option, and regardless of how fun the prospect of being locked up and fucked senseless atop the body of her sexual adversary seemed, Olivia Colomar was not about to defy her handler twice in one day.
She swallowed her bitter feelings towards the blue-skinned woman and stretched her hand out towards Ashe’s waistband, dragging it down slowly, watching as it revealed inch after inch of the imposing girlcock beneath. Widow’s hand soon joined her, gripping just to the left of her own, and together they pulled the cowgirl’s sweatpants down until they finally crossed the threshold that held her member at bay. It bounced free with authority, looming tall over their faces as it held firm and pulsed infrequently. Despite seeing the cowgirl’s dick hundreds, if not thousands, of times already, Sombra felt the same cockdrunkenness creeping in that always seemed to afflict her. Her mouth watered with a desperate need to be filled, her vision dulled around the edges as if to filter out anything other than the magnificent cock in front of her, and her nose longed for the pleasant aroma of cowgirl perfume it would receive after being pressed flush against Ashe’s navel.
Though Olivia did not look her way, Widowmaker’s face told a story similar to her own. Her expression was one of veneration as she stared at the meaty shaft, and her eyes reflected in the dim light of the bedroom with a mix of adoration and respect. Ever since that fateful night on the rooftop, Ashe’s dick had morphed into more than just something to fill her needy holes.It had become her new religion, and church was officially in session. She had a feeling this would be a particularly good sermon.
Logically, it made sense why the two women had fought over who staked claim to the massive unit. Greed rested in the hearts of all people, and the cowgirl’s god-given staff was difficult to willingly share. But something they both realized in this moment, staring together at the throbbing, enormous muscle of love only inches away from their drooling tongues, was that there was plenty of it to go around. Such a towering length deserved to be serviced by more than one mouth. It was selfish to hoard such an extraordinary beast to only one person, much like it was selfish to confine a breathtaking sunrise to a single set of eyes.
A small, sly smile crept across Ashe’s face as she watched her sluts make figurative heart-eyes at her dick. She’d hoped they would arrive at this place of their own volition, but this way was fine too. Perhaps they’d just needed a firm push in the right direction. She rested a hand against the backs of each of their heads and, with a husky voice, gave one final decree.
“Suck me. Slowly. Together.”
As tempting as it was to plunge her throat as far down on the cowgirl’s dick as she could, Sombra followed her master’s will. She brought her tongue to the base of her shaft, dragging it upwards as slowly as she could manage, savoring its rich, addictive flavor. She reversed direction as soon as her fleshy appendage crested the bottom of Ashe’s tip, dragging it down just as slowly as she went up.
Widowmaker looked at the sensual display with a certain uneasiness about how to exactly participate. She soon realized that the only way to indulge in her master’s cock tonight would be to assist in its worship alongside the frustratingly competitive Latina. She followed her counterpart’s lead, licking up and down the bulging rod from base to tip. Her ministrations were done directly next to the hacker’s, so close that their tongues nearly grazed each other as they went by, missing only by the faintest of margins as they passed in different directions like ships in the night. Widow’s tongue went especially low as she reached Ashe’s base, going over and eventually lapping at one of her sizable balls. It was only for a brief moment, but the guttural groan that came from the cowgirl’s lips spelled her approval. She gave a quick kiss goodbye to the bloated jewel, smearing a stain of purple lipstick onto the pale, fleshy surface before she brought her tongue back up alongside the shaft.
Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted Sombra gazing at her with an expression of genuine respect. The hacker proceeded to replicate her own motions, going down far enough to caress and massage the other untended testicle with her tongue before dragging it up again. A pang of pride filled her chest. It felt good to be recognized by her counterpart.
Ashe sighed in relief as she watched the show. Two conquered sluts of her own making, working in tandem to please her for the first time since they’d met. Gone from their faces were any signs of animosity or envy, and in their stead existed only an express desire to love and worship her. This was how things should be. This was what she’d envisioned from the start. And she knew just what to do to ensure things would remain this way going forward.
Ashe tightened her grip on both girls’ scalps as they worked her aching meat and heavy balls. She ushered them up both sides of her shaft in harmony, Sombra on her left, Widow on her right. Up their tongues went, eyes locked on each other as they got closer and closer to the head of their master’s shaft.
No one dared mention it out loud, but their faces were starting to get dangerously close…
Ashe smiled as she held them apart by only a breath of distance. Neither of them seemed particularly perturbed by it, either. In fact, the creeping blush tinting both of their cheeks spoke to another feeling entirely. And the cowgirl was intent on drawing it out of them—by any means necessary.
“Now, kiss.”
They didn’t even hesitate. Their lips met and their tongues clashed together, swirling over the cowgirl’s tip while she kept them in place. There was no competition in their meeting of flesh, only new heights of pleasure. Ashe slowly removed her hands, leaving them free to break away from tasting each other at any time they wished. But they didn’t. With a hazy fog of lust clouding their eyes, they skipped all formalities and began French kissing around Ashe’s dickhead.
The feeling was euphoric. She was surrounded on all sides by wet, tight caverns, while the most sensitive spot on her dick was tickled and titillated by two gentle muscles. But the cowgirl’s favorite part had nothing to do with her own enjoyment. It was the glowing looks of pleasure on both of her slut’s faces that brought her the most satisfaction. Connected together through a needy smooch around their master’s cock, Widow and Sombra moaned earnestly for the first time in days. Their eyes were closed and that same slight blush they’d been wearing had turned to a deep hue of embarrassed delight. Between their thighs hid both of their cocks, fully erect and occasionally bouncing with a strange new desire.
When they first met, it seemed as though peace would never be an option. They were too different. Or perhaps too much of the same. But now, as they locked lips in a manner more intimate than any standard kiss could ever hope to be, they felt nearly inseparable. Although their rivalry was surely not gone for good, they were willing to forget about it for now. Not just for Ashe’s sake, but also their own. Because, as it turns out, cooperatively tending to the cowgirl’s length was actually quite fun for all parties involved.
But the olive branch that truly mended their relationship came from Amélie. It was a simple gesture. An outstretched palm cupping one of Sombra’s breasts, fingers pinching together to gently tweak her nipple. The hacker almost gasped from the new sensation, and her eyes shot downwards to confirm its source. She shouldn’t have been so surprised; the assassin was quite literally already making out with her, after all. But even still, that hand caressing her breast felt heavenly and almost… symbolic? It indicated that the assassin was taking her pleasure into consideration. That she was able to swallow her pride and accept her as she was. That she wanted her to feel good.
How could Sombra not return the gesture?
Olivia snaked her hand between her fellow Talon Agent’s creamy blue thighs until she found her swollen member. It was Amélie’s turn to gasp as she felt the Latina’s tender digits wrap around her shaft and give her a few generous tugs before moving up to fondle her breasts. Spurred on further, both women deepened their kiss into something even sloppier and more perverse than before, moaning emphatically around the dick they shared as it throbbed happily between them.
Ashe’s knuckles clenched so tightly that they turned white as she watched the erotic spectacle unfold before her. And when she felt a single hand from both of her slaves slip below to massage her pent-up balls? Well, that just wasn’t fair. Sure, she could have staved off her orgasm for a while longer if she wanted to. Thought about baseball, or tax evasion, or any of the old tricks to take her mind away from the insanely arousing scene happening in her lap. But truthfully, what she really wanted was to give her girls a proper reward for finally working together. Admittedly, she hadn’t expected them to get this friendly during their first shared session, but she certainly wasn’t complaining. This was a complete and total success, and her sluts deserved to reap the benefits of their hard work.
With a soft groan, Ashe finally shot her load, the head of her cock bursting jets of creamy white seed all over the two tongues that twirled atop it. Despite the thick baby batter painting the interior of their mouths, Widowmaker and Sombra never broke their kiss. If anything, they kept their lips pressed together even tighter, wanting to savor every last drop of their master’s orgasm as they moaned fervently around her spasming dick. The thought of swallowing never crossed their minds, and soon enough, their mouths were nearly filled to the brim with pleasant-tasting girlcum. Ashe guided both women off the tip of her dick with a gentle touch once her climax had finally come to an end. They begrudgingly separated their lips after some mild resistance, trying to stay attached to her member like greedy kittens during nursing.
“Needy sluts that touch each other without permission should swap before they swallow.” The cowgirl grinned, shooting an expectant look towards the two women.
Widowmaker and Sombra made eye contact again, this time with a mutually perverse craving running through their brains. Their lips crashed back together, and their tongues swirled once more, this time with purpose, as they swapped the hefty loads in their mouths together and swirled the combined cum cocktail around, savoring its exquisite flavor. They grabbed each other around the waist as if to ensure they could not be separated, pressing their breasts into each other while the tips of their cocks kissed ever-so-slightly. When they finally broke their kiss, a thin line of Ashe’s cum kept them connected. With a satisfied smirk adorning both of their faces, they angled their heads up and obediently guzzled their master’s generous drink down their gullets. It was as filling and delectable as always. The finest nectar from the gods above.
A beat passed as they breathed heavily from the strenuous but rewarding work. A mixture of cum and saliva ran down their chins, only further illustrating their dedication to the craft. Sombra shot a toothy grin towards Widowmaker, who chuckled lightly in response. It was a tender moment. Two sluts coming together to celebrate a job well done. Ashe kneeled between them and wrapped her arms around both of their shoulders.
“Now, that wasn’t so bad, was it?” she cooed, squeezing them tightly.
“Non. I had a surprisingly good time. ” Amélie caught a string of dangling cum from her chin between her fingers and inspected it. Sombra was quick to take notice.
“Mmm. I missed your taste, Mi Vida. And…” The hacker gripped Widow’s wrist just as she was about to feed herself the dollop of semen she’d captured seconds before. She brought those purple digits close to her own open mouth, tongue outstretched to welcome the cum-covered fingers as she spoke in the sluttiest, most depraved voice she could conjure. “You’re actually pretty fucking sexy, Amélie. I hope we can have more… fun… together.”
Widowmaker sent a coy smile her way, her cock twitching excitedly as she fed Olivia their master’s cum. The latina cleaned her digits clean of cowgirl seed in record time, greedily slurping down every molecule of the divine liquid like it was finely aged wine.
“Why are y’all talking like we’re done here?” Ashe stood up, her balls one load lighter but looking just as full as ever. “You think one measly little orgasm is enough to satiate me after three days? I think it’s high time the both of you received a reward for getting along so well. Now, bend over and show me those asses. You’ve earned this.”
The last thing the cowgirl saw before she laid claim to their holes that night was a pair of bright, beaming smiles. The sluts had officially been broken in. All was well.
It was a good day to be the queen.
It was with a nervous disposition that Ashe paced up and down the eighth-floor hallway of the luxurious apartment complex, her eyes constantly drawn to room 805 every time she crossed it in front of it.
It wasn’t without good reason. Somewhere within that room was her next target, going about her day without zero knowledge of the bitchbreaker pacing outside her door. The cowgirl wondered what the woman on the inside was doing. Washing dishes? Playing tetris? Watching porn? Did she have any idea that her entire life was about to be flipped upside down, or would this come as a complete surprise?
Ashe was out hunting again. Four days had passed since she “fixed” Amélie and Olivia, and during that time they’d had plenty of raunchy sex. Those sluts were somehow even more depraved together than they were alone. Perhaps it was their innate competitiveness, always wanting to outdo each other in terms of sheer sexual degeneracy. She couldn’t remember a time she’d had her cock throated and ass licked and breasts sucked so much. The attention was constant, and she was happy to receive it, but what really got her off was when her two slaves played with each other. She loved watching them kiss sloppily, lick each other’s nipples, and desperately grind their small dicks together. All on her command, of course. Good whores didn’t touch themselves without their master’s permission.
Falling asleep every night with two thoroughly worn-out sluts at her side was like a dream come true. Things had been moving fast lately, but she’d taken it all in stride. It takes a particular kind of personality to wrangle sluts like cattle and keep them in line, and she certainly had it in spades.
Still, that same twisted hunger that seemed to plague her mind had returned in force today. The desire to face and conquer a new woman. Turn her into an obedient slut that lived only for cowgirl cock. This time, it was Widowmaker who supplied her with prey. The very same target she’d been ordered to kill only a week prior.
“This woman, she is simply gorgeous, Mon Cherie. Even I was hesitant to accept the contract on her life. Such a beautiful flower should not be culled.”
Ashe convinced herself that was doing the woman a favor; even though Amélie had failed to finish her, there was little doubt she was still in Talon’s crosshairs. Putting an end to whatever deeds she was doing that put her on their hitlist and coming back to live in a secluded, well-guarded mansion in the middle of nowhere would make her as safe as one could be.
Not to mention that Ashe already had a super-assassin and arguably the best hacker known to man just wandering around her home at all times. Even without any clothes on, they were a formidable pair for any would-be home invader. Plus, the cowgirl herself could hold her own just fine in a fight.
And that’s only if they made it past Bob and the twenty-odd Deadlock Rebels that patrolled the grounds of her estate like dogs of war, armed to the teeth with the latest and greatest weaponry money could buy.
Nevertheless, the file Widowmaker had given her on this woman was chock full of useful information, but the two details that stuck out the most were her distaste for taking human life and the lack of a security detail posted at her home. Both were great news for Ashe, because she’d been sweating bullets the last time she went hunting. Hard to not be afraid when all it took was one trigger-pull courtesy of Amélie Lacroix to end her days of gang-leading and brat-taming. Plus, the lack of guards in and around her newest prey’s apartment made her plan that much easier to execute.
It was a straightforward idea, really. Considering her life wouldn’t be in danger on this excursion, boldness would yield the quickest and most effective results. All she had to do was get inside the apartment, whip out her dick, and the rest would be cake.
But how to get inside? Breaking the door down was off the table since she was surrounded by civilians in the neighboring apartments. Sneaking through the window may have been a solid angle, except for the fact that her target’s room was on the eighth floor. No, for a situation such as this, the only thing that would suffice would be good old-fashioned subterfuge. It was a strategy the cowgirl was all too familiar with through her gang-related activities, though she’d never worn a disguise for a reason as depraved as this.
To mask her identity, Ashe donned a blue technician jumpsuit and masqueraded as an air conditioner repairwoman. The plan was moronically straightforward: knock on her door, blabber about some esoteric AC issue, and gain access inside. That’s it. It might sound overly simplistic, but all she needed was to cross the threshold of the woman’s door, and it’s all over but the moaning. She’d be getting her brains fucked out before she even had a chance to think twice.
The air was thick with anticipation as Ashe raised her hand and knocked three separate times, the sound echoing behind her off the corridors of the hallway.
Seconds later, the door creaked open by only a sliver, revealing a pair of curious eyes and light brown skin in the narrow gap. Ashe shot her best smile forward and gestured to her uniform.
“Symmetra?” she asked.
“Oh. It’s you.” the woman stated plainly. “Come in, and please, call me Satya.”
The door groaned as it swung open from the inside. Clad in only a white bathrobe, Satya turned on her heel and led the way without so much as a second thought.
Ashe licked her lips. A pulse of knowing arousal ran the length of her cock. This was going to be almost too easy.
The aroma of home-cooked food was the first thing she noticed as she stepped past the door frame. It was unmistakably savory, with vegetables and herbs reduced down and simmering through the air like you’d smell in a stew or broth. It was remarkably beguiling to the senses, utterly enchantingly to such a degree that it nearly made her forget her reason for being here altogether. A slow, smooth, jazzy song played in the background, and easels that housed impressive seemingly self-made paintings were strewn about the living room semi-haphazardly in a sort of controlled chaos. The whole place glowed with far more culture than she’d been expecting.
“I’m here about your AC, ma’am.” Ashe’s dawdled, her drawl plenty blue collar enough to pass her off as an authentic tradesman. “I got a call that it was on the fritz… or that a bird died in it… or somethin’...”
“Is that right?” She heard the woman’s voice call from the kitchen. “I hadn’t noticed anything wrong with it.”
Her accent stuck out to the cowgirl. It was some dialect of southern Indian, by her guess. Each word was curt and deliberate, underscored with a vague hint of prim properness in every syllable. She liked it quite a lot, finding it much easier on the ears than her own slow-as-molasses southern twang. Her mind drifted momentarily, wondering what such a pretty voice would sound like when it was moaning.
Ashe shook herself from the fantasy. Now was decidedly not the time.
“Yeah, I just, uhhhh, need to take a look at your unit. Mind pointing me in the right direction?”
Symmetra stuck her head out from around the corner of the kitchen. “What’s the rush? Sit down. Make yourself comfortable. I’m sure the AC can wait a few minutes.”
“That’s… quite nice of you, ma’am,” Ashe furrowed her brow. “but I’m on a bit of schedule here, so if you could just show me to your air conditioner—”
“Nonsense. I’ll have dinner ready in five minutes. Just relax. Your work can come later.”
“I… uh…” The cowgirl struggled to find a response. A large part of her wanted to waltz right into the kitchen, bend this woman over the sink, and fuck her until her mind was little more than a puddle of mewling goop. But there was another part of her, a softer side, that felt disarmed by her strange hospitality. Ultimately, she ended up siding with that softer part and conceded. “O-okay then. I’ll, uh, be on the couch.”
One minute in, and her plan had already been fucked up. That had to be a new record. In her defense, she hadn’t expected her prey to be so unnervingly nonchalant. Seriously, who the hell answers the door for a complete stranger in a bathrobe and then invites them in for dinner?
An instinctual alarm bell sounded off in her head. Something felt off, but she couldn’t quite place it. It was with a calming exhale that she steadied her nerves as she sat down. It was probably nothing. Probably.
Her edge was slowly but surely shaved away by the aromatic scents tickling her nostrils and the pleasant music spinning from a record player in the corner. Satya Vaswani was indeed an elegant, if not odd, woman. Nothing like the two she sluts already taken into her stable. Although she was a few years younger than Amélie, the crowned jewel of the Vishkar Corporation carried herself with a maturity and reverence that made her seem far more experienced in life. She was welcoming, but not naive. Refined, but not uptight. A little over-accommodating perhaps, but that could hardly be called a flaw.
Her mannerisms reminded Ashe of her Aunt Eliza. She was always going out of her way to make sure everyone else was having fun. She prepared all the food for family gatherings and washed the dishes by her lonesome afterwards while Ashe and the rest of her extended kind chewed the fat. They hardly ever saw much of Aunt Eliza, much less talked to her, since she was always running around and putting out fires to ensure everything went smoothly.
At one of their more recent get-togethers, she plainly asked her aunt why she felt the need to take care of everything all the time. Her answer was… confusing.
“I find my happiness in others’ happiness. As long as y’all are having a good time, then I am too.”
It sure sounded noble, but it still didn’t really make sense to the Deadlock Rebel. Selflessness was not a trait she possessed. Maybe that genetic predisposition had skipped a generation when she was born. Still, she always liked Aunt Eliza more than her other aunts and uncles. Her self-sacrificing nature was strange but endearing.
The cowgirl rested her head back against the couch. Satya had said dinner would be ready in five minutes, but that was ten minutes ago. She didn’t feel like pressing the issue, though. Something inside her told her to wait this one out. Her thoughts drifted to her last two hunting trips. How different things had been with Widowmaker compared to now. How different they’d been with Sombra.
She wondered what those two were up to back home…
Meanwhile, back at the Caledonia Estate…
“H-hey! Where do you think you're sticking that, puta!”
“Where do you think? Don’t be coy. You’re practically begging for it, laid out like this with no pants on.”
Sombra had been resting peacefully atop her cowgirl's king-sized mattress, splayed out on her stomach while mindlessly scrolling through TikTok. She was pretty bored with Ashe out of the house, but at the same time, the thought of her stud fucking that holier-than-thou hard-light architect into submission had given her quite the predicament between her thighs. Her pants had long since been tossed to the floor, allowing her meager shaft room to breathe between her outstretched legs. There was nothing else to do until her master returned home, so she planned to doomscroll the night away with a hard-on. Not the worst way to spend an evening in her book.
And she’d been enjoying her time alone, at least until a certain blue-skinned individual snuck up from behind and slid a raging hard-on between her ass cheeks. She whipped her head around and glared daggers into Widowmaker’s face, but the assassin merely shot a smug grin back her way before eagerly hotdogging her length between the Latina’s spread derrière.
“Cut it out!” Olivia demanded, though she made no real effort to buck the girl off of her. “Or else… or else I’ll—”
“You’ll what?” Amélie leaned over her fellow submissive’s prone body, pressing her buxom breasts against her bare back and bringing her lips to her ear. “Fuck me with that baby carrot you call a dick? Poor girl, even I am not enough of a dégénéré to cum from something as small as that.”
A hot blush crept onto the Latina’s cheeks. It was one thing for Ashe to humiliate her over her less than intimidating length. It was another thing entirely for Widow to do it.
“If you don’t get off of me right now,” she seethed. “I’ll… I’ll tell Ashe all about this!”
Sombra hated resorting to such an underhanded tactic. It was beneath her to rely on someone else’s power, but there was little else she could do in this situation. The assassin was stronger than she was. Bigger than she was (in more ways than one). If she wanted to pin her down and take her from behind, she easily could. Plus, loathe as Sombra was to admit it, she worried that if she didn’t put a stop to this nonsense soon, she might start to actually enjoy it. She was already horny, after all…
Ashe had given them strict instructions that they were not allowed to fool around without her express permission, especially when she was gone. She hadn’t specified what the punishment would be for breaking said rule, but she was sure to have more than a few sadistic ideas tucked up her sleeve.
Fortunately for Olivia, the threat of tattling to their big-dicked overlord was the ultimate anti-Amélie deterrent.
Unfortunately for Olivia, Amélie really didn’t care.
Sombra’s eyes flew wide open as she felt seven inches of blue girlcock shoved straight up her ass in one fluid motion. It wasn’t as much tonnage as Ashe provided, not by a long shot, but it was still a shock to the system, particularly because she thought she’d just laid down a trump card.
“W-what are you doing?!” she stammered. “Didn’t y-you hear me?!”
The assassin’s tongue lapped an explorative lick against her earlobe. “Oh, I heard you.” she growled, thrusting her hips back and forth to give the fiery brat a proper prone boning. “I just don’t believe you.”
Sombra couldn’t find her voice. Or rather, she refused to. Every stroke from Widowmaker’s cock sent unwanted tingles up her spine. She feared that if she opened her mouth to protest, a throaty moan might come out in its place, and she would rather be caught dead than let Amélie know she was enjoying this sort of treatment. It wasn’t the same mind-melting ecstasy she felt when Ashe fucked her senseless, but it was still a fairly sizeable cock, and she was still a subby bitch that loved it in the ass. With no real options, she merely gripped the bed sheets tightly and held on for dear life, a shameful, pleasure-ridden wince adorning her features.
“Chère sœur, you won’t tell the master about this because it would be admitting defeat.” Widow purred, her voice steady as a rock despite the rhythmic laborious rotations of her hips. “We both know that she’d never view us as equals again. I would be punished, yes, but only temporarily. While you’d be viewed as the biggest bottom between us permanently. I might even convince her to let me take you more often… right before she takes me, of course. So…”
Widow wrapped her arms around Sombra until she had her in a headlock, keeping her body as still as possible while she slammed her pelvis into the poor girl’s fat ass with brutal force.
“Let’s just keep this sisterly bonding between us.”
Like a dam finally crumbling after years of mounting stress, Sombra was unable to contain her moans any longer. She belted them out loudly, feeling her vocal cords vibrate against the assassin’s arm while it braced around her neck. She didn’t want to enjoy this. Everything in her mind told her not to. But her body told a different story. It thoroughly enjoyed being taken against her will. It absolutely loved the chokehold around her throat. Frustrating as it was, Widowmaker was pushing all the right buttons to get her off.
“F-fuck you…” she managed to squeak out between disgraceful mewls.
Amélie chuckled at her hollow words. “Only because you asked so nicely.”
In ninety-nine percent of scenarios, Widowmaker preferred to bottom. That feeling of having her holes filled… it was simply parfaite. The peak of any pleasure she’d ever known. But when the situation called for it, she didn’t mind dipping her wick in a whore’s ass, especially when that whore had been a greedy, vengeful cunt over a particularly intoxicating cock.
Payback’s a bitch. And it’s not like she planned to revive their old rivalry over the master’s dick. This was just horseplay. A little bit of fun to be had while Ashe was gone. Besides, what kind of sister would she be if she didn’t help Olivia relieve herself when she was painfully aroused? Right. That’s what she was doing. Unburdening the hacker of the stiffy she had tucked between her thighs. Really, Sombra should’ve been thanking her for this. It was an act of love.
Another moan escaped the blue woman’s lips as she feverishly rutted against that delicious caramel-colored backside. Their balls slapped together every time her cock hilted, and the plapping sound the impact produced was music to her ears. She understood now, as she routinely went balls deep inside Sombra, why the cowgirl viewed her as such an exceptional prize. Although her ass couldn’t take the same amount of punishment as her own, it was dangerously easy to get lost in its jiggly suppleness. It rippled and bounced with tiny shockwaves each time she pistoned her girlcock inside. She may not have had a bottomless asshole, but it was still astonishingly tight, coiling snugly around her cock with the same vice grip of a condom.
And when she started pushing that pillowy rump back on her dick? That was simply the crème de la crème. All things will eventually break under enough pressure and duress, and Sombra was no exception. The pleasure had finally spread to her brain and killed her will to resist, along with any hope of escaping this brutal buttfucking. She routinely met Widowmaker’s thrusts halfway by slamming her ass backwards, and the sight of the subby Latina fucking herself on her blue pole sent the assassin into an absolute frenzy. She crashed her hips down with reckless abandon, grinding her breasts against Sombra’s smooth back each time she bottomed out inside her ass. Her orgasm was close, but she was deadset on fucking the cum out of Olivia first. It would have been embarrassing to finish before her after starting this entire ordeal herself.
Unbeknownst to her, the pathetic brat’s orgasm was inevitable the moment she started willingly throwing it back on her dick.
It was with a whiny, shameful whimper that Sombra climaxed, a few uninspired shots of white spunk sputtering from her neglected dick and coating the soft fabric of Ashe’s bed between her thighs. Her eyes rolled halfway back as she bit into the sheets to try to stifle her pitiful mewls, but it was pointless. They still came forth all the same.
“Aww, so soon?” Amélie teased, gradually slowing her thrusts down so she could turn to watch the hacker’s small cock twitch with the last few throes of her orgasm. “I was just starting to have fun.”
The blue woman unsheathed her cock from Sombra’s winking asshole and flipped her over on her back. She proceeded to straddle the dazed woman’s waist, pointing her dick directly at the Latina’s face before jerking it feverishly.
“Open wide, Mademoiselle.”
Even in the afterglow of her climax, Sombra was not nearly drunk enough with pleasure to do something as demeaning as that for Widowmaker of all people. Still, she offered no resistance to what was coming. She merely laid there and waited, her eyes locked onto the well-endowed blue dick hovering just inches from her mouth. Perhaps it was a form of self-flagellation. A penance for being taken by her rival like some sort of cut-rate whore.
“Ah, here it comes!”
Amélie shot a nicely-sized load as a parting gift, each rope of cum finding a different spot on the hacker’s face to call home. Her eyes closed as the first bit of semen made contact, but even through her blindness she still felt every single shameful splash upon her visage like they were scarlet letters to mark her own pitifulness. She only reopened her eyes once the cumshots stopped raining down, and she found a blushing, satisfied Widowmaker staring down at her, proud of her own work.
“Mmm.” she moaned, leaning in close to lick a dollop of her own seed off the Latina’s cheek. “You’re perfectly glazed, Olivia. I think you look much prettier this way.”
Sombra offered no response to her needling, and Widowmaker soon grew bored with her lack of engagement. She chose to take her leave then, content as a gardener in a blooming orchid. With a pair of freshly drained balls and one annoying whore put in her rightful place, she decided to leave her disoriented “sister” with one last heartwarming message.
“Clean yourself up, slut. Wouldn’t want the master to see you like this.”
Sombra merely stared at the ceiling for a long while afterwards. No real thoughts ran through her mind; rather, there was an acutely new feeling that coursed through her body. Dull and red and abrasive, it wasn’t exactly anger per se, but definitely something adjacent.
Finally, after an unknown amount of time had passed, she forcibly drug herself to the bathroom and gazed at her cum-caked face in the mirror.
She looked like a cheap, ruined slut. All because of Amélie fucking Lacroix.
Her hands curled into fists. A dangerous look crept into her eyes. It wasn’t anger she was feeling. She knew that now. This was something worse. Something more twisted. Something more intimate.
This was wrath. Wretched, revulsive wrath. And it flowed through every last vein in her body.
Staring into that mirror, Olivia Colomar vowed to take revenge in a manner tenfold more brutal than what had taken place tonight.
And she knew just how to orchestrate it.
Back at Satya Vaswani’s Apartment…
Ashe chewed her lip in idle thought. What had started out as a simple recruiting visit had somehow turned into a twenty-minute waiting game in her target’s living room. A biting hunger afflicted her—a byproduct of the increasingly mouthwatering scents leaking forth from Symmetra’s kitchen. But there was another craving running through her body, largely due to her mind recounting how nice Satya had looked in that bathrobe, and it manifested itself through the tightness in her pants.
At least her two favorite sluts were finally getting along back home. She hoped they were playing board games right now. Or maybe watching television together. She took comfort in the thought of them spending quality time together. In the future, she hoped they became as close as real sisters.
“Apologies for the wait.” Symmetra said, rounding the corner with a steaming bowl of something ambiguous in her hands. “Rushing is the death of details.”
Still wearing a mere bathrobe, she set the lone dish down on the coffee table in front of Ashe and took a seat opposite the couch. The cowgirl shot a puzzled glance her way.
“None for you?”
Symmetra shook her head. “Please. You are my guest. Eat.”
Ashe inquisitively stabbed a fork into the bowl of food. It had the consistency of gravy with chunks of meat poking out on the surface. The sauce was creamy and orange, which seemed odd, but the green garnish overtop complimented it well. It sure didn’t look like anything she’d ever eaten, but to be fair, her diet pretty much only consisted of traditional southern food, DoorDash, and assholes.
But the smell. Gods, the smell. It was like a little piece of heaven. All the herbal ingredients mixed together perfectly and played a delightful symphony. It was as if her nose was having an orgasm. A nosegasm, if you will.
Still, the fact that the brown-skinned woman had only put out one bowl was mildly concerning.
“You aren’t trying to poison me or something, right?”
A mischievous smirk spread over Symmetra’s face. “Only one way to find out, I suppose.”
“What is this, anyway?” Ashe continued prodding the food with her utensil like a toddler. “Don’t get me wrong, it looks great. I’ve just never seen anything like it before.”
“Spicy chicken curry. It’s a very popular dish in India. And all over the world, really.”
“Alrighty then…” Ashe scooped up a forkful of food and blew some steam off the top of it. “Bon appétit, I guess.”
Satya watched the cogs in the cowgirl’s brain turn as she chewed that first bite. A range of emotions swept through her face, from hesitation to uncertainty, then intrigue, and finally, eye-widening realization.
“Well, butter my backside and call me a biscuit!” Ashe chirped. “That’s damn good!”
A hearty chuckle came from Symmetra’s lips. “You southerners have such colorful vocabularies. I’m glad you like it.”
They spent the rest of dinnertime in relative silence, with the Deadlock Rebel asking the occasional question about the curry or Symmetra’s interests between bites of delicious food to get a better gauge of her. Much like she’d been the whole time, the light-bender was reserved in her answers, never revealing too much or too little. It was suspiciously unsuspicious.
Ashe wasn’t really sure what to make of her. The pictures she was shown beforehand of the Indian beauty portrayed a truly gorgeous woman, but now that she was sitting right in front of her, she felt they didn’t do her justice. Smooth, clear skin, voluptuous, tantalizing curves—even through the tight-fitting bathrobe, her well-maintained body was on clear display. She had neither the cold menace of Widowmaker nor the combustible personality of Sombra. Instead, there was a soothing gracefulness about her—a balanced calmness that radiated throughout any room she walked into. If Olivia and Amélie were the embodiments of fire and ice, then Satya was a serene river of clear blue water.
But still rivers run deep. There was something else there, bubbling just beneath the skin. Hiding. Scheming. Scurrying from the light. Ashe could sense there was more to this woman than good manners and exceptional cooking. Whatever it was, veiled under several layers of excellent social etiquette, she was determined to draw it out before making her move.
“Thank you kindly for the meal.” she said with a courteous nod, placing the now empty bowl aside. Her posture relaxed as she leisurely reclined against the couch, shifting her discerning gaze squarely on Symmatra’s face.
She studied her. Appraised her. Looked for any sort of chink in her armor.
“You do this sorta thing for all air conditioner repair people, or am I just special?”
“I must admit, I am not always so welcoming.” A subtle, wry smile graced Satya's gorgeous lips. “But then again, very few are quite as special as you, Ashe.”
The cowgirl raised an eyebrow. Throughout their brief interactions, she’d never told Satya her name. A dangerous scowl soon befell her features. She knew something didn’t feel right about this, even from the jump. The food being halfway prepared, the strange greeting at the door, the curated ambiance of the living room—It was almost like the vexing woman had been expecting her arrival.
“I think we can drop the charade now.” Symmetra said, her sly smile persisting even as she stood from her seat and rolled her shoulders, causing that pearly white bathrobe she’d been flaunting around in to fall harmlessly to the floor.
Confused or not, Ashe wasn’t going to ignore the opportunity to drink in such a marvelous body. Nicely sized tits with dark brown puffy nipples. A smooth, flat stomach that lacked muscle or fat. Wide hips. Soft thighs. And, of course, a five and a half inch girldick between her legs that stood at full attention.
“I think you’ve got some explainin’ to do.” Ashe tapped her finger threateningly against the couch. Although her stiff dick pulsed at the sight of Satya’s nude body, there were still far too many questions left unanswered to just fuck her brains out on the spot. Even if that’s really all she wanted to do.
“Several months ago, the corporation I work for was the victim of multiple cyberattacks from a particularly pesky hacker.” Symmetra explained plainly. “I believe you and her are acquaintances.”
Ashe nodded her head. The timeline matched up. Olivia hadn’t given up on her sprees of rampant security breachings until recently.
“It was my mission to find and subdue this hacker, but after a month of searching, the attacks suddenly stopped.”
For a woman standing completely naked in front of another, the light-bender spoke with a surprising amount of self-confidence.
“Vishkar told me to drop it, but by that point I was too curious. So I did some research, and that led me to an individual named Olivia Colomar.”
“Alright, but that still doesn’t explain all of…” Ashe gestured to Satya’s bare skin. “this.”
“That night, with the assassin.” The brown-skinned woman bent over to shove the table between them to the side. “I knew the attempt on my life was coming. I heard about it from the same channels I used to investigate your… friend. What you saw in the window was a projection of light of my own making. A simple diversion. I had positioned myself atop the very same rooftop she intended to end me on. I was poised to stop her in the act, and then… I saw you.”
“Oh.” Ashe’s ire softened, if only slightly. “No wonder you cooked me dinner.”
“Even with the element of surprise, it would have been difficult to peacefully detain Widowmaker. She’s feared for good reason.” Symmetra dropped to both knees with an almost enchanting elegance in the space where the table once stood, arms clasped sheepishly behind her back as she maintained eye contact with Ashe. “But you… you didn’t just stop her from killing me. You stopped her from killing anyone ever again, armed with only that wonderful monster between your legs.”
Ashe’s wary frown had flipped to a slight smile as Symmetra’s winding story wore on. She’d been worried that this was some elaborate sting operation or an episode of Punk’d, but this explanation was far better. Feeling that same primal urge to fuck and conquer lurking in the edges of her soul, she stood from the couch wordlessly and took a single pace forward, allowing her stiff shaft to linger mere inches away from the prostrating light-bender.
“I would be lying if I told you I had not… pleasured myself… atop that roof as you conducted your business. Perhaps several times, even.” Symmetra still met Ashe’s gaze, even with the close proximity of the cowgirl’s raging erection pressed firmly against her jumpsuit. A blush tinted her cheeks, and her words had become less thoughtful in their construction. The first cracks in her elaborate facade. “First the hacker, then the assassin. I saw what you were doing, and I had guessed—and hoped—that I might be next.”
“I get it.” Ashe cupped the woman’s cheek, and she leaned into the embrace with a soft sigh. “But if you wanted it, erm, me, so badly, why bother with all the theatrics? Dinner and music? A bathrobe? You could’ve taken that thing off the moment I walked in and I’d have jumped your bones in a heartbeat. You would’ve been busier than a one armed whore on handjob night.”
“I like to make others happy. To be of service. I wanted to make you a proper meal before we became… intimate. It is embarrassing to admit, but…” Her blush grew one shade deeper, but to her credit, she still maintained eye contact in spite of her mounting shame. “I am aroused by the loss of my own autonomy. I delight in taking orders at another’s behest, whether they are to cook, to clean, or to please. Tonight, I’d like you to use me as an instrument for your own pleasure. Do with me whatever it is you wish, and know that no matter what you choose to do, I will enjoy it even more than you do.
“Whatever I want, huh?” Ashe mused, gripping the collar of her blue uniform and ripping downward, tearing the entirety of her workmen's uniform asunder.
In a flash, she was just as naked as Symmetra, her cock bouncing upwards at full tilt and finally causing the scheming minx below her to break eye contact. She leered at the cowgirl’s magnificent unit like one leers at Picasso’s Guernica or Da Vinci’s Mona Lisa. Eyes wide and luminous, beset not only with lust and desire but also with an undeniable tide of adoration. This was not just any standard dick. It was a piece of living art. Something to be studied and cherished. She greedily drank in the sight, her pupils dilating as they traced the rigid lines of the southerner’s stiff shaft. Every inch, a masterpiece. Every curve, a story unto itself. She now understood, face-to-face with the beautiful beast between the cowgirl’s legs, how such a device was able to tame the cold menace that was Widowmaker.
It was painfully obvious from the look on her face that she would gladly choke on Ashe’s dick with only the most meager of instructions, but the pale beauty had something else in mind. The standard blowjob into ass fucking routine she’d administered to both Amélie and Olivia was a great way to tame challenging sluts, but Satya was a different breed. She required a more… personal touch.
“You served me dinner tonight.” the cowgirl spoke with a gravelly timbre, a surge of excitement tingling up her spine as she slowly turned around to face the opposite direction, positioning her plump ass directly in front of Satya’s eager lips. “It’s only fair that I return the favor.”
Symmetra’s salivated at the sight. Her average-sized girldick twitched enthusiastically between her thighs. Of all the things Ashe could have chosen to do to her, this one tickled her fancy the most. Anyone who’d seen what the cowgirl was packing knew that her dick was the focal point of her sexuality. For the white-haired woman to deny her that tantalizing member only turned her on even more than she already was.
“Y-yes…I’d like that.” the brown-skinned woman huffed. “M-may I use my hands?”
Ashe pondered it for a moment. “Sure. But don’t overdo it. This is for me, not you.”
Just looking at that juicy, perfect derrière made Satya’s heart flutter. A concentrated warmth of anticipation made her entire body run hot. She’d been so calm the entire time Ashe had been over. So collected in her motions, despite the rampant arousal she felt at just the sight of the antithetical southern belle. But now all that composure had come tumbling down, and left in its wake was a needy slut desperate to taste the cowgirl’s asshole.
“One last thing. It’s been buggin’ me.'' Ashe glanced back at the kneeling, panting thing behind her that used to be a respectable woman. “Why didn’t you eat any curry? It was fucking delicious. Weren’t you hungry? Did you lace it with an aphrodisiac or something? I gotta know.”
“No aphrodisiacs. It was all natural.” Symmetra purred, running her hands slowly up Ashe’s thighs until they found their home on her curvy cheeks, spreading them apart ever-so-slightly, just enough to clear adequate space for her face to fit between them. She continued speaking in her deep, rich tone that was laced with wanton desire, “Truthfully, I’m famished, but my hunger is of a different variety. It will not be satisfied with food and drink. Besides… my meal tonight will be quite, as you say, fucking delicious.”
Unable to resist any longer, Satya buried her face deep within the comforting confines of Ashe’s asscheeks, moaning eagerly as she stretched her tongue out to lick and worship the tight, dark hole that lay between them. It was an utterly enveloping experience, from the wonderful taste of the cowgirl’s tight pucker to the way her buxom globes of ass meat tightly hugged her face. Symmetra felt as if every sensation, every tiny bit of stimulation, had been dialed up higher than ever before. The cool air from her perfectly functional air conditioner licking at her skin. The throbbing and pulsing of her excited girldick sandwiched between her thighs. The way Ashe’s asshole occasionally winked around her tongue from her tender ministrations. She felt it all.
And she wanted more.
“Fuck…” she moaned, though with her mouth preoccupied with servicing the cowgirl’s starfish, the word was muffled beyond recognition. She desperately dug her fingers deeper into the malleable, plush flesh of the pale rump that accosted her very soul, spreading it even further apart so that she could truly smother herself within. She didn’t need to breathe. Didn’t even want to. It simply wasn’t a priority in a situation such as this. All that mattered was Ashe’s pleasure, and if it was to be attained by sloppily making out with her tight asshole, then that’s exactly what she would do.
She lived to serve, after all.
“You love eating my ass, don’t you, slut?” the cowgirl groaned, her voice riddled with dominant lustiness. She turned her head to the side to better enjoy the pristine vista that was Satya Vaswani rimming her asshole, kneeling before it like she was genuflecting at the altar of her new god. “You might be a better ass licker than my other two whores, and that’s saying something. Maybe I’ll make you our resident rimjob bunny when we get home. Would you like that?”
“Yes!” the Indian woman cried out, shamelessly slurping and kissing and moaning into the blissfully thick moon that had captured seemingly every last one of her affections.
Symmetra had always rather liked butts; there was something about them that titillated her in a way breasts or even cocks could not. Perhaps it was in their elegant curvature. There was real artistry in the shape of a nice, rounded ass. Or maybe it was the loving embrace they offered. Nothing quite compared to the feeling of being completely engulfed by a pair of squishy, supple buns. It also could’ve just been science at work. It’s no secret that most humans were basically hardcoded to be attracted to fat asses. Whatever the reason, the light-bender had always found them marvelous to gaze upon and even more delightful to press her face between. The fact that Ashe was actually enjoying this, that she was getting off on it, only served to bring Symmetra’s arousal to even higher peaks. Higher than any she’d ever known.
That summit of excitement was demonstrated in the loud, throaty moans that exited her lips with every flick of her tongue, as well as the constant twitching of her own dripping girldick. Thin rivulets of precum trailed down her shaft as it pointed straight up towards the heavens. Despite the complete lack of attention it had received, she still felt as if she was already on the brink of blowing her load.
Unbeknownst to the brown-skinned woman, Ashe felt much the same. Even without a single touch having been laid upon her rigid cock, she could feel the pressure of a rising orgasm mounting in her lower abdomen. Getting her ass eaten was genuinely one of her favorite sexual activities, and this slut was doing it just the way she preferred. Like her life depended on giving the sloppiest rimjob in the history of human insanity. Her saliva was everywhere—in her crack, in her hole, along her taint, and down her balls, coating everything with a thin sheen of lubricating goodness. Her tongue danced chaotically with every stroke, circling the rim, lapping long licks across her pucker, or diving inside for a deeper inspection. She moaned with such bass in her voice that it almost seemed like she was enjoying her role even more than Ashe was. Perhaps there was even some truth to that.
Her rimjob was messy. It was impassioned. It was fanatical. But most of all, It was simply perfect.
Ashe gripped Satya’s hands and tore them away from kneading her cheeks. She brought them around the front of her body and placed them around her pulsating shaft. The dark-haired dame required no further instruction as she used both hands to pump that throbbing girlcock with long, methodical strokes. A groan of approval came from her master above. She hadn’t expected to receive a reach-around rimjob today, but she wasn’t complaining. The only thing that could’ve made this better was if she had another slut—or perhaps two—kneeling in front of her to properly take care of her dick.
Removing the light-bender’s hands from her asscheeks caused the two mountains of pillowy flesh to clap back together against her face, which both women found rather enjoyable. But now that her rear was no longer spread apart, Symmetra’s access to her scrumptious starfish was somewhat limited. Ashe was quick to remedy the situation, however, as she placed a hand on the back of her new favorite taint massager’s head and pressed her face in as deeply as she could, fully depriving her of oxygen (not like she minded).
Satya was seeing stars as she suddenly found her tongue hitting newfound depths inside the white woman’s ass. Every plunge forward created deeper sensations of tingley arousal in her dick. She jerked the cowgirl’s cock even faster in response to her own mounting lust, wanting to return just as much pleasure as she was receiving from her oral worship.
“Gods.” Ashe moaned. “I love that you’re such a dirty fucking whore.”
Satya responded with her own moan of emphatic agreement, which reverberated powerfully between her ass cheeks, and the cowgirl chuckled at the sheer ridiculousness of such a thing. Not many could speak with so much passion, much less while buried face deep in somebody’s ass.
It made her contemplate this interesting woman even more. Sure, Amélie and Olivia greatly enjoyed eating her ass and having the same done to them, but they couldn’t hold so much as a candle to this woman’s fervor. It looked like she was having a religious experience down there, utterly pious in her adoration of her master’s slick hole. It made Ashe want to push her even more. Bring her further down this path of debauchery she’d chosen to walk. Fill her body with degenerate ideas until she was drowning in them.
Still tightly gripping the ace of the Vishkar Corporation on the back of her head, Ashe finally allowed for a reprieve, pulling her free from the expanse of endless pleasure that were her rosy cheeks. She gasped and sputtered for air, but wasn’t given much time to rest as she was soon led across the room by the hand wrapped around her flowing mane of raven-colored hair.
There are few things in this world more degrading than being forced to walk on one’s hands and knees. It was an act befitting of an animal. An admission of being something less than human. Yet that’s exactly what Symmetra did. She happily followed her dominatrix’s strut while her eyes remained glued to her swaying posterior as it jiggled with tempting suppleness with every step.
It only took them a few long strides to arrive at their destination. A full-body mirror that stood at the edge of her living room, reaching from the floor all the way up to about shoulder height. A fitting place to finish their first union as master and servant.
Ashe squatted down and gripped Symmetra by the chin, smushing their faces together by their cheeks and forcing her submissive light-bender to peer at the reflective glass.
“Look at yourself.”
And look she did. Her once-polished makeup had been ruined beyond recognition. Mascara ran tiny rivers down her cheeks as if each one was a little reminder of her own humiliation. Spit covered every inch of her face, much like stains defile a formerly pristine surface. Her hair was a tousled, disheveled mess that seemed to mirror the very chaos she’d willingly embraced the moment she’d allowed Ashe into her home.
She looked like an unabated, comprehensive mess, yet she’d never felt more beautiful in her entire life. All the alterations in her appearance weren’t sins to be ashamed of. They were indelible marks of devotion, each signifying a testimony to her commitment and worship of a new master. A silent surrender to a power greater than herself.
“You’ll be a fantastic addition to my stable, Satya.” Ashe whispered, a wry smile gracing the edges of her lips. “There’s no ego within you. No sense of jealousy. No pension for rivalries. Just obedience and servitude. Honestly, I wish I had ten more just like you.”
A brand new emotion coursed through Symmetra. It was warm and fuzzy, like her very heart was being cuddled in a tender embrace. All her life, she’d been called things like wunderkind and prodigy, but those compliments only scratched the surface of her real self. For the first time, she was being affirmed for who she truly was, and it felt amazing. Like two sides of the same coin, perhaps praise and degradation went hand in hand?
“Now then,” Ashe said, rising gracefully from her kneeling position until she stood tall. She turned slightly, allowing her side-profile silhouette to lay bare in the mirror. With her ass positioned only inches away from the light-bender’s blushing face she spoke with a husky, heavy tone.
“I want you to tell me what you are. If you’re correct, I’ll give you the privilege of finishing me off.”
Symmetra turned her eyes upward, connecting with Ashe’s smoldering gaze through the mirror. Every fiber of her soul felt as if it had been eagerly shackled beneath the heel of the cowgirl's boot. A willingly pledged submission. Earned the moment she watched her on that rooftop a week prior. There was really only one answer that came to mind.
“I’m…” She took a deep, long, steadying inhale. “I’m your dirty little whore.”
“Mhmm.” The cowgirl reached her hand back to affectionately ruffle and grab at her hair. “And what do dirty little whores do for their masters?” Satya thought it over for a moment. “W-whatever it is they desire?”
Ashe shook her head.
“Be specific.” The cowgirl nudged her butt backwards, bumping it gently into the Indian vixen’s cheek to highlight what she was getting at. “Use your words.”
After several seconds of silence and one look of total uncertainty painting her newest slut’s face, the southerner figured she was simply too fatigued, or perhaps riddled with too much mind-melting lust, to properly understand what she was asking. No matter. The light-bender would get better at the art of kinky bedroom speech in time. She just needed a little practice.
For today, Ashe didn’t mind leading a horse to water. She seductively wiggled her derrière in Symmetra’s face, extending an obvious and open invitation for her to re-engage in the highest form of culinary arts. The dark-skinned woman immediately attempted to thrust her face forward, operating on sheer instinct like she’d heard a siren’s call coming from between those cushiony cheeks, but Ashe held her back with a firm grip. She wanted to hear her say it before she gave her what she wanted.
“Are you a dirty whore that loves to lick assholes?”
“Y-yes, I am.” Symmetra blushed a deep shade of crimson and turned her glance to the floor.
“Hm. Not sure I’m convinced.”
“I am!” she repeated, raising her pair of desperate eyes up to Ashe’s sultry ones. “I swear that I am!’
“Then say it.” The cowgirl turned the woman’s head until her entire body was also parallel to the mirror by its side, forcing her to stare with those striking yellow eyes directly at the icon of worship between her pale, shapely cheeks. “Tell me exactly what you are, Satya Vaswani.”
“I’m… a dirty whore that l-loves to lick assholes.”
Ashe clicked her tongue. Still too meek.
“Louder!” she shouted.
Satya closed her eyes tightly.
“I’m a dirty whore that loves to lick assholes!”
Her voice echoed off the plaster walls of her apartment like a nearby thunderclap, reverberating throughout the room with all the power and intensity of 300 million volts of electricity. There was little doubt that her neighbors heard her supplication, but at that point, she couldn’t even force herself to care. It was a demonstration of absolute submission. A penultimate bowing of her proverbial head. If worshiping Ashe’s ass earlier symbolized the metaphorical act of bending the knee, then this moment was the equivalent of her getting on her hands and knees and groveling at the cowgirl’s feet like a humble servant before a gracious queen.
Ashe grinned widely at the shameless display. This woman… she was simply the perfect slut. Much better behaved than the other two. Her obedience deserved a reward, but not just any kind. Only the very best for such a subservient whore.
“Good girl.” Ashe purred. “Now, dig in.”
Once more unto the breach, she shoved Symmetra’s face between her buxom cheeks, pressing her in as deeply as she could physically go. Muffled whines of debaucherous joy escaped the woman’s lips while her tongue flicked itself back into business, gratifying the white-haired woman’s asshole with every stroke of its slippery goodness. Although her technique was nothing out of the ordinary, her overflowing enthusiasm and unrelenting hunger for that tight, delicious starfish made it a truly memorable experience for the cowgirl. Never before had she seen someone lust after her ass with such dedication and spirit. Merely watching her newest toy happily smother herself between her sizable cheeks sent chills of pleasure across her entire body, highlighted in the throbs of excitement emanating her currently unstimulated dick.
It was an act of mutual benefit. Ashe got to have her ass licked, sucked, and kissed sloppily, and Satya got to serve her master in her favorite possible way. She raised her hands up to grasp at the pale woman’s cheeks, spreading them as far apart as she could. With her wet pucker properly opened, she began repeatedly dipping her tongue inside, earning an immodest moan of approval from up above.
“Don’t get lazy on me.” Ashe groaned, ripping one of the dark hands clasped around her ass cheek and bringing it around to her pulsing cock. Palming that fat rod from beneath, Symmetra followed her intuition and jerked it hard and fast, eager to earn the cowgirl’s release in any way she could.
Tongue-fucking the Deadlock Rebel’s backdoor had sent her into a spiral of heightened pleasure, and her own member bounced needily between her thighs as a result. She soon realized that she was far closer to orgasm than she had previously thought. Not wanting to climax without her master’s permission, Satya cried out a muffled plea between the velvety cheeks she found herself entombed in.
"Mstres, can I cuhm?"
Ashe glanced down in the mirror, spying the light-bender’s mediocre cock as it relentlessly twitched and bulged under the weight of her own pleasure. Under normal circumstances, she never allowed her submissives to cum before she did (unless she personally fucked it out of them, of course). However, in this case, she felt that denying Satya her climax would be an incorrect application of her rules. Good girls that ate ass this well deserved a proper orgasm or two, regardless of when they occurred. Such good behavior was to be reinforced, not punished.
“Use your hand. Finish yourself off.” Ashe sighed happily. “But don’t you dare stop what you’re doing.”
Symmetra brought the only hand left gripping the cowgirl’s ass down to her own shaft and feverishly rubbed it like she was a rabbit during mating season. There was no method to her madness, only a breakneck pace of desperate strokes until, with a euphoric, noisy moan directed straight into Ashe’s backside, she finally reached the peak she’d been so passionately chasing for the last week.
Her girlcock pulsated in the tight grip of her palm as it shot a hefty load onto the floor below, each rope larger than the last as she repainted her carpet with streaks of sticky white bliss. If heaven was real, Satya was sure this was it. Face deep in a beautiful ass while cumming her brains out. There was nothing on this earth that could top it. Somewhere along the line, she felt her mind slip completely, giving herself over entirely to the impossibly sweet, ever-constricting embrace of a pleasure greater than she’d ever known.
All the moaning and groaning and pathetic whimpering coming from between Ashe’s plump cheeks were enough to push the cowgirl over the finish line mere moments after Satya’s orgasm had come to an end. She turned slightly to face the mirror, her submissive turning with her so that she remained tongue-deep in her asshole. A heavy, pleasure-filled sigh escaped Ashe’s lips as she busted numerous cumshots of thick, gooey goodness right onto the clear glass. Satya’s hand remained persistent in its work as it pumped her throbbing shaft. Her ropes of raining seed continued for far longer than normal, a symptom, no doubt, of the cowgirl’s favorite form of sexual service being performed on her winking asshole with such devout intensity. It was a truly massive load, manifesting in the dozens of ribbons of cum that dotted the mirror’s surface, dripping deeper downward with every passing moment.
Once she came down from her high, Ashe dropped to a knee and gave her weary slut a deep, sloppy kiss, relishing in the taste of her own flavor on the dark-skinned woman’s tongue and lips. The light-bender seemed out of it for a while, but after a minute or two of desperate smooching, she was nursed slightly back to reality. It was only then that the cowgirl broke their kiss, a thin line of saliva still connecting them from their lips despite the distance.
“If I’m to take you home with me, I expect this kind of thing to happen often. Maybe daily. Maybe multiple times a day, honestly.” Ashe gently but possessively gripped Symmetra by the chin as she spoke. “You understand?”
“Yes, Mistress.” Satya looked up at her with big doe eyes and a tired but joyful smile. “I will always be available to eat your ass… as well as perform any other service you require of me.”
“That’s my girl.” Ashe bopped her lightly on the nose as if to affirm her for the answer. She then rose to her feet and turned her attention to the cum-covered mirror. “Oh, would you look at that? I made a mess on your mirror. Looks like it needs a deep cleaning. What do you think?”
“I… I think so, too, Mistress.”
“Good. Then get to it. And make sure you bend over nice and deep while you’re licking it off. I think it’s about time your ass and my dick got properly introduced.”
A shameless, slutty grin spread over Symmetra’s features.
This new adventure was going to be really fun, wasn’t it?
This chapter was getting too long. I’ll write about Sym getting buttfucked in the next one.
Lemme know who should be next on Ashe’s hitlist :)
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Chapter 1 - Laissez Les Bons Temps Rouler |
Tags: Futa on Futa, Anal, Oral, Rimming
Ashe’s lips curled into a scowl as she downed yet another swig of whiskey on the night—straight from the bottle, just the way she preferred. She’d stopped counting the shots of amber-colored death juice after eight or so, but only because she simply didn’t care enough to keep track anymore. The sour taste never got any more pleasant, though, regardless of how much of the vile liquid she pumped down her gullet. It tasted like shit. It always tasted like shit. And anyone who told you otherwise was a liar.
glk! glk! gluk! glk!
It had been a long day. Being the de facto queenpin for a brutal outlaw gang was hard work. Stressful, too. Just today she had to make the monumental decision of selecting the appetizers for the gang’s quarterly luncheon. Stuffed jalapeño poppers versus sweet rolls drizzled with butter. The enormous gravity that came with such a bedeviling choice was enough to crack most folks like an egg, but that’s why they paid her the big bucks. It certainly helped matters that gang activity was a lucrative business. Ashe liked money quite a lot.
gluk! glk! schlurp! gluk!
How else would she have been able to afford her own mansion? Or be the proud owner of a souped-up Dodge Stratus fitted with a plastic racing spoiler and nitrous? By staying in Overwatch? Pffft. One week with those limp-dicked do-gooders was more than enough time for the cowgirl to realize she’d stumbled into the wrong line of work. Her style was a bit more under the table. A little bit of criminal activity never killed anyone. Usually.
gluk gluk gluk gluk!
Course, with her sixteen bedroom mansion only having two living occupants, perhaps she had been living a bit too lavishly. But what was she supposed to do? Not spend her hard-earned fortune on nice things? She’d reached this level of wealth through blood, grit, and gunpowder, and she planned to wring every last penny of pleasure she could from this life until it had nothing left to give.
mfmgmmgmmh! mmMMFH! glock glock glock! schlurp! MMGMFMMH!
…speaking of pleasure, the other inhabitant of Ashe’s mansion was beginning to make it very difficult for her to semi-drunkenly muse with her own thoughts.
“Hey! Take it easy there, Princess.” she grumpily grumbled, looking down from her recliner to the sorry excuse for a Talon Agent between her knees. “It’s not like I’m going anywhere.”
“But I wanttttt itttttt!” Sombra whined, pausing her spirited worship of the cowgirl’s cock for a brief moment to complain, only to immediately spear the girthy, delectable treat between the white-haired woman’s legs down her throat again.
“Ahhh.” Ashe sighed almost stubbornly, forced to embrace the jolts of pleasure that ran up her spine every time Sombra took her dick down to its base like it was no big deal. She made deepthroating ten and a half hard inches of thick girlcock look easy, and it certainly was anything but easy.
It was funny how the world-renowned hacker had come to live in Ashe’s mansion. She hadn’t been in Overwatch long enough for Sombra to pop up on her radar, nor her on Sombra’s. Instead, it happened through an encounter of pure chance at a bar about three months ago. The cowgirl had been at her usual spot, cleaning house at the poker table, when this particularly cute Latina sauntered in to take the place of a player she’d just sent packing. Ashe remembered it like it was yesterday…
“I’ll raise.” the cowgirl chirped, throwing down a sizable sum of chips into the pot. She maintained a neutral persona externally, but internally, she was brimming with confidence. She had pocket aces, the undisputed king of poker hands. And the flop had been favorable for her. She let others bet up the pot before she took this chance after the turn card to force everyone’s hand. And sure enough, one by one, each player took a look at their cards and another look at the cards in the middle of the table before accepting defeat and tossing their hand to the dealer. No one dared to challenge the leader of the Deadlock Rebels. She was a viper at poker tables, and only an idiot would willingly wade into deep waters with her during a hand like this.
“All in.”
Ashe’s eyes whipped up to the source of the voice. It came from the same mysterious woman that had joined the game only minutes prior. She pushed all of her chips to the center with a crafty smile on her face and shot a smug look at the cowgirl. Big mistake.
“Your funeral.” Ashe answered in a heartbeat. “Call.”
With a massive sum sitting in the pot, both women turned over their cards. The entire table reacted as one might expect when they saw Ashe’s double aces, but the cowgirl was far too preoccupied to even notice the whoops and hollers from the players that had already bowed out. She had a look of incredulity plastered across her face, almost frozen in disbelief as she looked at her opponent’s cards.
Three of diamonds, eight of clubs. A horrible hand. One of the very worst in the entire game. And this bitch had just willingly gone all in with it.
She’d been lucky enough to get a three of hearts on the turn, so she at least had a pair. But Ashe’s aces reigned supreme against a meager pair of threes. So long as the river wasn’t a three or an eight, the caramel-skinned woman would be going home with substantially lighter pockets than when she entered.
And yet, she looked entirely unfazed. That same smug smirk was still on her face. Like she knew something. It made Ashe’s blood boil.
The dealer gave the room a moment to breathe before placing the river card down.
Three of clubs.
The entire table was stunned. Had this mysterious woman really just bet everything she had with a three-eight offsuit only to somehow get three of a kind? Against pocket aces? Against Ashe, of all people???
Sombra laughed as she raked in her chips. She wore a shit-eating grin pointed straight at the cowgirl. But that grin soon turned to a deep frown as Ashe made a simple hand gesture at two of the bouncers, who subsequently grabbed the hacker by her shoulders and not-so-politely escorted her to the back room.
“I know you did something.” Ashe growled, inches away from the handcuffed woman who’d beaten her for a huge pot only minutes beforehand. “This is my joint, and if you think you can steal from me in my own home and get away with it, I’ll have my hired muscle break both of your legs before we even start this interrogation.”
“Do you always threaten anyone who beats you?” Sombra quipped right back, her smug grin fully returned. “You lost. That’s all it was. It's not my fault I’m better than you.”
Ashe’s left eye twitched dangerously. Her blood ran hot like melted steel. It took every ounce of willpower in her not to kill this bitch on the spot. She took a long, calming breath and opted for a more personal and less murder-y approach.
“You better pray I don’t find anything on you.” was all the cowgirl offered before she not-so-gently patted down the dark-skinned woman. Her hands roamed Sombra’s skimpy green dress and exposed skin with extreme prejudice, thoroughly tracing the woman’s legs down to her ankles, her wrists to her shoulders, and her upper back all the way down to her shapely rear.
“If you wanted to feel me up, all you had to do was ask, chica.” Sombra jested.
Cheating bitch or not, Ashe could not deny that this woman’s body was fantastic. Child-bearing hips. Small but perky breasts. A cute face with a hint of mischief in it. Flawless skin. Killer legs. A divine ass. She had it all, and she knew it. It wouldn’t have ticked Ashe off so much if she hadn’t gotten a hard-on just from frisking the teaseful minx.
Still, the leader of the Deadlock Gang would not be deterred from her search by simple pleasures of the flesh, regardless of the increasingly uncomfortable feeling that came from her erect dick rubbing tightly against the confines of her denim jeans. And finally, after what felt like the most awkwardly intimate interrogation of Ashe’s life, she felt something out of place. A tiny, square-shaped object stuck on the inner part of Sombra’s thigh. She ripped it from its spot and held it out to observe. A computer chip. Far more advanced than anything she’d ever seen, with all sorts of fancy bells and whistles blinking in random sequences. She had no idea what its true purpose was, but it would have to suffice. She had her evidence.
“Don’t know how you managed to finagle a victory in poker with this thingamajig.” Ashe shot a wolfish grin right back at her cute captive, who suddenly seemed far less interested in playful banter. “But I’m confident that it helped you win somehow. And that’s plenty good enough for me.”
Ashe closed the distance between the two women in an instant, pushing Sombra roughly up against the wall behind them, her hand clasped tightly around the caramel-skinned woman’s throat, her face pressed nearly flush against her ear.
“You’ve been a bad, bad girl.” Ashe cooed, still deciding how exactly she wanted to play this. Of course, she had no intention of actually harming the girl. She wasn’t that much of a monster to kill her over a single hand of poker. But she also knew that if she didn’t scare the living daylights out of her, she might try something again later down the road. An ounce of prevention was worth a pound of cure, or whatever.
“I-I… uh…” Sombra stuttered, finally at a loss for words, unable to move or fight back or find an excuse that would get her out of this. And feeling the large, stiff mass between Ashe’s legs press snugly against her own pelvis was decidedly not helping things.
“You know what I do to bad girls?” Ashe gently grazed her teeth against the woman’s earlobe, eliciting a tiny gasp from her lips.
Sombra swallowed hard, sweat beading down her forehead as she found herself entirely at the cowgirl’s mercy. She waited on baited breath for Ashe to finish her statement. A strange heat was building up inside her. And she realized, in this moment, that she may have gotten slightly more than what she bargained for.
“I punish them.”
Seconds went by as the two women remained locked in their positions. But Ashe soon cocked her head slightly to the side in confusion. Sombra's entire demeanor seemed to have changed after her threat, but it didn’t feel like it was out of fear. There was a noticeable twinge of red adorning the dark-skinned woman’s cheeks. She took heavy, labored breaths, almost like she was panting. Her lips were slightly parted with an oddly erotic undertone about them. She’d leaned her head off to the side a little bit to expose more of her neck towards her captor, and she’d completely given herself over to the cowgirl’s close embrace. It was almost as if…
And then, Ashe felt it. The explanation behind everything. The watershed moment in this cursed shakedown.
Sombra’s dick was as hard as stone.
It happened so fast. Ashe hadn’t even realized the cheating woman was packing until her shaft suddenly reached its maximum potential. It pressed itself firmly against the cowgirl’s cock, pulsing with need every few seconds, and Ashe couldn’t help but notice that it was considerably smaller than her own. It was probably only about four inches, but it raged with impressive desperation. And finally, the last puzzle piece clicked into place in the cowgirl’s mind.
“Ha.” Ashe dryly chuckled, shaking her head. “You’re serious? You’re getting off on this?”
“I… n-need…” Sombra could barely string the words together. All of the confidence and bravado she’d been sporting had evaporated in only a moment’s time. Gone was the intentionally abrasive woman looking to ruffle the cowgirl’s feathers. All that remained was a trembling, horny mess in her stead. “P-please… I need to be… punished.”
“Well, well, well.” Ashe purred, possessively running her thumb under the shivering woman’s chin. She used her free hand to unbuckle her jeans, and they quickly fell around her ankles. Her stiff girlcock bounced free and pointed up towards the ceiling in all its glory. She lifted Sombra’s dress up so that her excited member was also allowed its time in the sun, and then she pressed herself against the card swindler once again, forcing her larger unit to throb with domineering lust against her counterpart’s lesser dick.
“Who am I to say no to a lady’s request?”
A sly smile spread across Ashe’s features as she recalled the rest of that night. Sombra’s need for the cowgirl’s cock was utterly unhinged, and she did anything and everything Ashe demanded of her, no matter how depraved. She happily surrendered both of her holes to the gunslinger with no regard for her own dick’s pleasure, and yet, she still managed to cum on six separate occasions by the time they were finished, most of which were induced by having ten hard inches of bulging girlmeat shoved straight up her tight derrière.
At the end of it all, after they were both completely and utterly spent, laying together in the spare bedroom above the bar, Sombra even offered to give back the money that she’d stolen. In her eyes, getting fucked that hard shouldn’t be free. But Ashe had a better idea.
“Keep the money. Come live with me. Be my slut. Let me take care of every need, desire, and shameful craving you have. I’ll make all your dreams come true, Princess.”
That was how Ashe came to have two people living in her sixteen bedroom mansion. That’s why the former Talon Agent, once feared by cybersecurity networks across the globe, had been reduced to an insatiable, cockdrunk slut that was currently between her legs, sucking her dick like tomorrow was not guaranteed while the cowgirl nonchalantly sipped whiskey and watched late-night TV. For a woman as intelligent and savvy as the Latina was, it might come as a surprise that she was so willing to be whisked away to Ashe’s luxurious home to essentially be her glorified cocksleeve. But once the cowgirl figured out exactly what Sombra was during that first encounter, the rest was fairly easy.
Sombra was a brat. A pureblooded, pedigreed, premiere brat.
Brats have an interesting dynamic at play when it comes to getting their rocks off. Ashe had run into their kind before, and make no mistake, they desperately wanted to be dominated. They lived to please their owner; to be used and abused at their leisure because that’s what dumpster sluts deserve. But here’s the rub: they didn’t want to give themselves up without a fight. They wanted to challenge any would-be domme. Make them work for it. Make them earn their submission. And if they failed to do so, they may find themselves on the receiving end of a stiff girlcock up their ass before the night’s over.
The best way Ashe could explain it was with a simple scenario. Brats want to be bent over your knee and given the spanking they so desperately deserve, but they will fight you every step of the way until your hand finally meets their ass for the first time. And after it does, after you prove to them that you are a capable master, they’ll be yours forever. Being a brat tamer was hard work, especially with how often the Latina liked to push Ashe’s buttons to get a reaction. Fortunately, whipping out her massive dick generally put an end to any minor acts of rebellion in a hurry.
Nevertheless, Sombra’s angle had become obvious in that interrogation room rather quickly. She talked a big game. Got under the cowgirl’s skin at every opportunity. Poked and prodded with her words like they were daggers, all in the hopes to elicit the specific reaction she was looking for. All she really wanted was for a scary woman with a dick bigger than her own to put her in her place, and Ashe was more than happy to oblige. Whether her rigging the poker game was part of that elaborate scheme or not was still up in the air, but by this point, Ashe couldn’t care less. Having a sexy, disgraced Talon Agent serving as her personal cum receptacle every night more than made up for any potential wrongdoings in the past.
Ashe downed another shot of whiskey as she watched Sombra slobber on her dick. The cowgirl’s eyes were half-lidded as the booze finally began to take its toll, but even through her inebriation she could appreciate the dedication her favorite cockmuncher had to her craft. Sombra was devoted in her adoration, slurping on Ashe’s meat like it was the finest ambrosia from the gods above. Her saliva ran over in excess, covering every inch of Ashe’s pulsing member and dripping down to coat her heavy balls. Speaking of which, Sombra was never one to forget her master’s jewels. Every minute or so she’d unsheath herself from the hard pole and bring her mouth to the pale, bloated balls below, alternating between licking, sucking, and garling on them. Her hand worked the shaft above, pumping away at a steady rhythm as she provided the full servicing Ashe deserved.
“Fucking slut.” Ashe groaned affectionately, admiring her pet’s diligent technique in the art of sucking cock. She peeked her head over slightly, just enough to get a view of Sombra’s squatting legs and the painfully hard four inches of girlcock between them. The dark-skinned woman’s petite dick throbbed and bounced with unfettered glee, flapping up and down as she bounced on the balls of her feet with excitement. A thin trail of precum leaked from her tip all the way down to the carpet below, leaving a shallow stain in the expensive material. The concept of a hands-free orgasm was something entirely lost on Ashe, but her girlfriend/lover/pet/slave had them all the time, albeit mostly from anal sex. But, on rare occasions, she could cum just from sucking the cowgirl off, and judging by how desperate her undersized tool looked as it strained and throbbed with perverse delight, tonight sure seemed like it might be one of those times.
As if to illustrate this further, Sombra’s moans, albeit muffled due to once again throating ten inches of cowgirl cock, suddenly spiked in both volume and pitch. Ashe watched her submissive with vested interest, her red eyes bouncing back and forth between the Latina’s blushing face and neglected member. The poor girl even began humping the air, swinging her wide hips forward time and time again as if to fool her dick into thinking she was fucking something. The whole scenario was so perversely pathetic and shameless that it sent Ashe’s libido to the moon.
“Don’t slow down.”
Sombra only doubled her effort in reaction to Ashe’s words, milking her dick with all she had and sending the cowgirl on a one-way trip to O-town. Her legs flexed tight and she released a muted sound somewhere between a sigh and a moan as she shot a hefty load down the Latina’s throat, painting the walls of her mouth with thick, virile baby batter that was simply unrivaled in its combination of volume, potency, and flavor. The feeling, the taste, and the texture of her master’s cum guzzling down her throat sent Sombra over the edge as well, and within only seconds of Ashe’s orgasm she found herself unable to hold back, her cock flopping happily as it spurted its own fairly sizeable load onto the carpet below. She moaned like a bitch in heat around the luscious fuckpole occupying her mouth, sucking and throating it through the entirety of her own orgasm and continuing for a while even after she was finished, only stopping when she felt a strong hand gently rubbing the top of her head.
“That’s enough. Let’s go to bed.”
“You know, I think we could have even more fun in the bedroom, mi vida.”
“Oh?” Ashe raised her eyes from her book and looked at her cock-addict for a roommate, who was mindlessly tapping away at her phone. “What’d you have in mind?”
“Well.” Sombra shifted to her side and met her master’s gaze. “What do you think about bringing in another girl? Y’know… one that’s built like us.”
“Hmmm.” She scratched her chin in thought. "Mean to say my dick isn’t doing it for you anymore? Because based on what I saw tonight, I’m not sure I believe you.”
“Of course I’m not saying that, puta. Your cock is the only one I’ll ever need again. But the idea of you finding other high-profile women like myself and making them submit to you kinda turns me on… Like a lot.”
“So you want me to go out and fuck other women into submission and then… what? Bring them back here so you can all suck me off every night?” Ashe snorted in disbelief.
“Exactly!” Sombra’s eyes seemed to almost sparkle with enthusiasm. Her hand began to slowly creep up Ashe’s thigh as she continued, “A woman like you deserves a stable of whores, mi amor. Your body should be worshiped in full, and even though I do my best, I only have one mouth, and there are many parts of you that need to be adored. When’s the last time I touched your boobs? It’s been ages, because I always get distracted with… other parts of you.”
Admittedly, the cowgirl didn’t hate the idea. She did have a big house with plenty of space, after all. And there was something insanely arousing about the idea of fucking other women with cocks of their own until they submitted to her. But she still had a feeling that the hacker had an ulterior motive at play. Despite how subservient the Latina had become over the past few months, she still operated with her own interests in mind on occasion. Such was the life of a brat.
“I get it.” Ashe closed her book and turned to face her brat. “You just want some new blood around here to compete with. Someone who’s even more submissive than you are. You’ll probably try to establish some sorta hierarchy that lands you squarely at the top of my, as you put it, stable of whores.”
“I mean…” Sombra’s hand lightly grazed the cowgirl’s quickly hardening shaft. “I would be lying if I said I wouldn’t like that. I could show them how inferior they are at sucking cock compared to me… we could even have contests between us… winner gets fucked by you… loser has to watch… Fuck, it would be so hot!”
“Much as I’d like to watch something like that, we already have a good thing going here, Princess.” Ashe stroked the Latina’s cheek in a genuine show of affection. “I wouldn’t want you to get jealous over who I give my six-shooter to.”
“Hermosa, I am not in a position that allows for jealousy.” Sombra maintained eye contact despite the burning blush that crept onto her cheeks. “You can do whatever you please. Give your cock to whoever you want. I am yours. I am your slut.”
The white-haired woman chuckled, leaning her head back against the bed. “Well, in this made up fantasy world of yours, you’d be my favorite slut over all the rest, Princess. You were my first, after all.”
Sombra smiled. “Sounds to me like you’re coming around to the idea.”
Ashe sighed deeply, closing her eyes tightly in concentration. “Alright, let’s say hypothetically I agreed to this insane idea. How would it even work? It’s not like I know other powerful women on a first-name basis or where they live. And who would I even be going after, anyway?”
“This may come as a surprise, but before I moved in with you I used to be a pretty half-decent hacker.” Sombra's voice dripped with bratty sarcasm. “I can get you anywhere with anyone in like ten minutes, tops. And once they experience what you have to offer the same way I did, they’ll be begging you to take them home as a permanent fixture. As for who you should go after… I think Talon and Overwatch are a pretty great place to start. I mean, where else are you gonna find powerful women that are also hot?”
Ashe chewed her lip as she mulled the idea over. On one hand, the thought of having an entire roster of hot women parading around her house as glorified sex slaves was pretty damn alluring. They could take care of the cooking (no more door-dash bills!) and the cleaning (no more dishes piling up in the sink!) and most importantly, ensure that her balls were constantly drained. Ashe’s libido was quite literally bottomless and although Sombra was always up to the task, even she had her limits. On the other hand, the women her partner had in mind for her to dominate were incredibly dangerous. Ashe was no small fish herself, but there was certain to be great risk involved should she pursue them. She gave the idea a few more seconds of deep thought, weighing both the pros and the cons, before she finally arrived at her decision.
“Fuck it, I’m in. Let’s tame some sluts.”
Sombra’s face lit up like a Christmas tree. “Oh you’re going to love this, mi amor! And I know just who our first victim should be.”
Ashe raised her eyebrow. “Go on.”
“She’s a Talon Agent. I knew her pretty well when I worked with them. Here, let me show you a picture.” Sombra fidgeted around the covers of the bed until she found her phone. She scrolled through it for a moment before flipping it around to show Ashe.
“Quite the looker, that one. She’s kinda scary, though. What else do you know about her?”
“Hmm…” Sombra tapped her chin. “She’s one of their best assassins.”
“Don’t love that.”
“Buuuuuut she also has the best ass I’ve ever seen, Maestra. And I’ll bet you still have enough time to claim it as your own tonight.”
The pitter-patter of raindrops colliding against metal and brick filled the air around Amélie Lacroix. It was late, around half past one in the morning, but she remained as alert as ever. She had a target to eliminate, and three shots of high-octane super-caffeine (AKA one gas station energy drink) were more than enough to keep her vigilant. Said target was supposed to be arriving home any minute now to her apartment, but due to the awkward angle required for her to secure the necessary killshot, the assassin, known to her foes as Widowmaker, was left with only one viable location to use as her crow’s nest.
The rooftop of a twelve-story building in the downtown district just across the street from her target’s apartment complex. It was the perfect spot, really. Up here, at this hour, nobody would bother her. Her rifle was silenced, so noise wasn’t a real issue either. And she always preferred hunting in the open air as opposed to being cooped up inside a room, leaning out of some dingy window like she was trying to headshot JFK.
So why, then, on tonight of all nights, did it have to rain so goddamn much?
She’d taken off her visor to prevent any water damage, but in doing so forced her shot to be with the naked eye. Not that it mattered, really. She was as accurate downrange as they come. All that forced Talon training and what not. The more pressing issue as it related to the rain was how it affected her skin tight suit. The purple latex, normally sleek and aerodynamic, was thoroughly drenched. It clung even closer to her form than usual, outlining her pert nipples and respectable bulge between her legs. It was rather uncomfortable to be so exposed on a public rooftop, even at such an odd hour of the night. Still, she had a job to do, and she always came through. A little rain and mild discomfort wouldn’t be enough to stop her.
She kept her eyes trained on the window of her target’s apartment. It was on the eighth floor, and from this vantage point she would have to angle her file at a near 45 degree angle off the roof. Course, she’d have to also factor in the Coriolis Effect and—
“Hyah!” sounded a voice with an unmistakably southern accent from behind. Widow barely had enough time to turn around before a flying kick from her unknown assailant connected with the barrel of her rifle, sending it spiraling out of her hands and tumbling off the side of the building.
“Merde!” the assassin cursed under her breath, dodging backwards on pure instinct as to put some distance between herself and the woman who’d disarmed her. Today just had to be the one day she decided not to bring her sidearm, so she was left with only her hands to defend herself. Only six feet of distance separated her from her attacker, but, for the moment, neither woman made a move.
Amélie’s confusion only grew deeper as she noticed her newly-acquired adversary’s appearance. She wore a black wide-brim cowboy hat, a buttoned-down white shirt with the sleeves rolled up past her elbows, and a black vest complimented with a red tie underneath. Her hair was as white as snow and fell just above her shoulders. But her most striking feature had to be her eyes. Those dark red irises pierced right through her, and she held a gaze that made Widow feel as if she was staring directly into her soul.
“You can put the hands down, lady.” Ashe placed a hand on her hip, feeling the sogginess of her trousers below as the rain had already seeped into everything she was wearing. “I don’t plan to fight.”
“You expect me to believe that after you kicked my weapon off the building, couillon!?” Amélie kept her fists raised and eyes sharp, which only made her French accent seem all the funnier in contrast.
“Didn’t want you to shoot me, s’all. You’ve got quite the big weapon there.” Ashe chuckled as she looked Sombra’s handpicked fucktoy candidate up and down. She had to admit, her favorite cockslut hadn’t been lying; this woman was a prime piece of ass.
Even though she wore a bodysuit, Widow may as well have been wearing nothing, as the rain made it cling to her skin so tightly that it outlined every one of her curves perfectly. She had thick, luscious thighs, nice long legs, and a great rack to boot. Her nipples were painfully hard, in large part because of the cold rain, and they poked against the fabric of her outfit like they were trying to break free. Her skin was almost light blue in color, which, admittedly, Ashe found a little strange, but it wasn’t a deal breaker. She didn’t care what color a woman was—all were welcome to be dicked down. The cowgirl’s eyes were eventually drawn to the outline of Widow’s cock, watching as it pushed up tightly against her right thigh. Even from this distance she could tell it was more respectable than Sombra’s undersized hardware. The strange thing about it, though, was that it was already hard.
“Amélie Lacroix.” the cowgirl drawled, peeling off her waterlogged vest and unfastening her tie as she spoke. “The name’s Ashe. We have a mutual—let’s call her friend—who told me some interesting things about you. I came here tonight to see which of them are true.”
“What sort of things?” Amélie asked, stalling for time as she thought of a way to get rid of this woman.
“Let’s see.” Ashe started counting on her fingers as she spoke, “You’re a deadly assassin, you were trained something fierce by Talon and now you work for them, and most importantly… you secretly have a thing for taking it up the ass.” the cowgirl wore a smug grin as she watched the blue-skinned woman’s eyes widen at the last statement. “How am I doing? Three for three?”
Amélie lowered her fists slightly, in large part due to an overwhelming sense of complete and utter bewilderment. This situation made absolutely no sense, and frankly, she was totally lost as to how they got here. Her night wasn’t supposed to go this way. She was supposed to get on this rooftop, shoot her target dead, and be on her merry way home. Easy, quick, clean—bob’s your uncle. But then it started raining, and her suit got wet, and the feeling of her nipples poking against the latex started turning her on. And then the feeling of her dick getting hard and pressing snugly up against that same latex also turned her on. And the more turned on she got, the more erect she became, causing her to get even more turned on. It was a contiguous, compounding sequence that continued building off itself until she got so pent up that she started absentmindedly rubbing her thighs together whilst watching her target’s window because she desperately needed some amount of stimulation to appease her increasingly needy cock. And then, out of fucking nowhere, this hot cowgirl looking bitch karate kicks her rifle off the building before revealing that she’s come here to fuck her in the ass.
Seriously, only a terrible porn writer could create a scenario that was this fucking retarded.
But, stupid or not, it was still happening, and Widow knew she had to choose her next words carefully because, as idiotic as the white-haired woman came across, it was obvious that she was a competent fighter. She had an intimidating aura about her—a bottomless well of confidence that bled through in every word she spoke. One wrong step and this whole thing could easily go sideways, and she was worried she may end up with a fate similar to that of her rifle—falling twelve stories down with a one-way ticket to the afterlife.
“You ruined my mission… and attacked me… because you want to have sex with me?” she asked, wielding the strangest boner she’d ever had as she watched the cowgirl remove her shirt entirely to expose an impressive pair of breasts beneath it. “You are either the boldest woman in existence, or an absolute imbécile.”
“Why not both?” Ashe nonchalantly kicked off her boots, finally free of all her clothing save for her trousers and her cowboy hat. “But you know what’s funny about this whole hard-to-get act you’ve got going on?”
“I care not, le con.”
“Your dick’s been twitching against that latex ever since I mentioned you liking it in the ass.” Ashe smiled. “If I were a betting woman, I’d say that means I might just be onto something.”
Widowmaker gritted her teeth in frustration because, loathe as she was to admit it, the gunslinging, cowboy hat wearing weirdo was spot on. For a woman who came across as such a blowhard, the cowgirl was surprisingly observant. Indeed, Amélie’s cock had been throbbing since they broached the topic of anal sex. It’s not like she wanted to get even more aroused than she already was, especially not in a situation as fucked up as this one, but she was subject to the same primal impulses just as much as everyone else. And, as it turns out, she rather fancied putting large objects in her bum. So when Ashe brought it up, with her obnoxious but kind of endearing southern bravado and ranch hand flair, and made the obvious implication that she would be putting something in the blue-skinned woman’s ass, her body reacted the only way it knew how.
Ashe smiled with a predatory glint in her eyes as she watched the gears slowly turn inside the French woman’s head. This had gone much better than she expected, but she still had one last card to play to convince the assassin to both metaphorically and literally get on her knees. Luckily, it just so happened to be her most compelling argument. Subservience was not something easily obtained, but even the strongest wills will break when placed under enough duress. Ashe hooked her fingers around the belt loops of her trousers and, while Widow looked at her with a mix of emotions plastered on her face, yanked her pants off in one fluid motion, revealing the pale, pent-up, monster between her legs.
Amélie’s eyes went wide at the sight of Ashe’s cock. It was equal parts stunning and intimidating. A beast with no name. Long and thick like a forearm yet perfectly sleek and glossy. Built for both function and form. This was no ordinary dick. This was a dick bestowed from the gods upon their rightful champion.
Widow always thought she was fairly well-equipped with seven inches of blue girlcock at her disposal, but the cowgirl’s shaft dwarfed hers in comparison. It swung between her legs like a pendulum as it pulsed with dull desire, and the assassin could not help but follow it with her eyes, drifting from right to left and back again as it shined with a bright sheen from the rain.
She’d felt this feeling once before. Back when Talon stole her from her bedside during the night and forced her to undergo intense neural reconditioning. The scientists they assigned to her during that time were some of the best in the entire world, and it still took them weeks to break her. It took Ashe’s dick all of five seconds. It invaded her psyche and reprogrammed her brain through sheer primal instinct. After all, how could a couple of eggheads in a laboratory hope to compete with thousands of years of human evolution and the innate need to be bred?
All thoughts of resisting the cowgirl’s advances and any remaining responsibility she felt towards her mission simply melted away. The only thing on Widow’s mind was the mouthwatering bitchbreaker between the white-haired woman’s legs and how desperately she needed it to fill her longing holes.
To her colleagues, associates, and enemies, Amélie Lacroix was a terrifying force of nature. She was cold-blooded, calculating, and utterly ruthless, much like the spider her namesake derived from. Neither joy nor sorrow nor anger existed within her, only a bottomless, yawning chasm that was vacant of all forms of passion. This apparent lack of humanity was her greatest asset in the field, but it was also the same trait that made others feel on edge around her. There were even rumors amongst lower level Talon members that the part of her brain responsible for regulating emotions had been lobotomized during her reconditioning. If only they could see her now, tongue lolled out of her mouth and eyes glazed over with unrestrained desire as her face showed nothing but sheer adoration and searing lust. She subconsciously dropped to her knees to get the cowgirl’s girldick level with her face and looked up, pleading with her eyes for permission to take such a fine shaft in her mouth.
The truth of the matter was that Widowmaker did have emotions—plenty of them, in fact. Apparently, all it took to draw them out was one charismatic cowgirl with an irresistible rod between her legs.
“Come to Mommy.” Ashe ordered, and Widowmaker obeyed, crawling forward on her hands and knees through puddles of water in an act of subservience so downright pathetic it would have made Sombra blush. She eventually found herself at Ashe’s feet and kept her eyes glued to her impressive member, now resting in a kneeling position with her ass touching the back of her heels. Her eyes followed the cowgirl’s shaft as it waved just a few inches above her face, hypnotized by both its beauty and immense size. Ashe had been standing on her tippy toes to give her newfound slut room to maneuver beneath her rod, but now that she’d assumed the proper dick sucking position, the cowgirl sat back on her heels, causing her cock to slap directly down onto Amélie’s face. Her shaft landed squarely in the middle of her face, resting from the bottom of her chin, across her lips, over the bridge of her nose, and finally stretching past her forehead, with her balls slapped accordingly against her chin.
A tiny moan escaped Widow’s mouth when Ashe’s cockmeat made first contact with her skin. It was as smooth as butter and so large that it was longer than her entire face. She crossed her eyes to stare at the beast between them and inhaled deeply through her nose, delightfully pleased as she got a strong whiff of the cowgirl’s musk up her nostrils. Perhaps it was just the white-haired woman’s perfume trailing down, but the scent Widowmaker detected was utterly intoxicating. Notes of sandalwood and leather permeated her nose and only drove her into a deeper spiral of wanton arousal.
Despite how humorous it was seeing her cock draped across the blue-skinned woman’s face, the cowgirl had had enough foreplay to last a lifetime. She wanted Widow’s mouth, and she wanted it now.
Amélie felt one of the cowgirl’s hands forcefully grab her by her ponytail and she stretched her jaw open as far as she could manage. She looked up at Ashe with beseeching eyes, begging to finally taste her unit of immense power.
“Good girl.” Ashe purred before promptly reaching her hips back and slamming them forward, forcing all ten inches of her pale pole down Widowmaker’s throat in one fluid motion. Truth be told, the cowgirl wasn’t expecting it to go in as easily as it did; she’d encountered many a slut in her time that talked big when it came to their throat game, only to be gagging and sputtering after five and a half inches of girthy girlmeat had been fed into their mouth. But this was clearly not the assassin’s first time accepting something large and phallic down her throat. What other explanation was there for how easily her throat expanded to fit Ashe’s cock and her apparent lack of a gag reflex? With her hand still gripping the blue-skinned woman by the hair, the cowgirl began gently facefucking her, forcing those plump, perfect lips to run the length of her cock time and time again at a relatively slow pace. Purple lipstick trails were left in the wake of Widow’s exaltation, smearing her counterpart’s shaft with lines of the sticky substance—stains that signified her newfound submission.
The cowgirl sighed in relief as her cock escaped the less than ideal outside elements by sheathing itself in a warm, tight, wet hole, every thrust sending white hot pleasure from her dick straight to her brain. Sombra had drained her balls only a few hours ago, but by the time she snuck atop this rooftop she was already raring to get her wick off again. Such was the curse of having an incredibly active sex drive. Then again, having a high enough libido to facefuck two Talon Agents in one night was hardly a bad thing, and the feelings of dominance and bliss that coursed through her body were a pretty nice upside.
Comparatively, Widowmaker was somewhere between the peak of nirvana and the second circle of hell. She moaned fervently around the massive dick in her mouth, her mascara already running and staining her cheeks as she accepted the cowgirl’s length time and time again, heavy balls slapping against her chin with every swing of Ashe’s hips. The feeling of taking such an oversized prick down her gullet was equal parts arousing and overwhelming. Deepthroating wasn’t exactly a part of her formal Talon training, but she often practiced on dildos in the comfort of her own home, and that practice was paying dividends now. It may seem odd to some, but despite Widow’s externally cold and frightening demeanor, she actually quite enjoyed playing the role of bottom during sex. Something about being taken and used like she was just a set of holes spoke to her feminine side in a way her dick could never understand. Unfortunately, the people she worked with saw her as basically unapproachable; she was often relegated to shoving dick shaped toys in her mouth and up her bum in the privacy of her own home as a means of release. She liked to fantasize that someday there’d be a woman strong enough to tame and claim her, but never in her wildest dreams did she foresee it going like this.
Still, it was hard for her to complain about the odd circumstances surrounding this encounter when every other second she was getting a mouthful of cowgirl cock rammed down her throat. Her dick twitched with dubious approval tightly against her suit each time she felt her nose press flush against Ashe’s navel, and it yearned with aching desire to be freed from its latex prison. But she knew it was not up to her whether she would be allowed such a frivolous pleasure. That would be something for Ashe to decide, and only after she got her fill of Amélie’s exquisite mouth.
The cowgirl thrusted her spear down Widow’s throat a few more times, each becoming rougher than the last for good measure, and carefully watched her plaything’s expression to see how she handled it. To her pleasant surprise, the assassin really was enjoying every single second of this brutal treatment. Her eyes had long since glazed over via sheer neural overload as she struggled with the excessive endorphins coursing through her brain. Ashe forced her down one last time, holding her captive at the base of her cock until she began to gag and sputter on it, eyes crossing in ecstasy as she was finally being given everything she wanted and then some. Despite having a doctorate in dick sucking, Sombra could only hold this pose for ten, fifteen seconds tops, but Amélie Lacroix, the surprisingly submissive little minx that she was, accepted Ashe’s full length down her throat for an entire minute. No breaks, no cries to stop, no frantic tapping at the cowgirl’s legs for mercy. She took it like a champ, and she deserved a reward.
“Fucking hell, girl.” Ashe cooed, nodding her head with genuine approval. “What is it with Talon Agents being deceptively good cocksuckers?”
Despite her girldick-induced stupor, Widowmaker was just cognizant enough to raise an eyebrow at the bizarre statement. Course, she could hardly register much of anything going on around her anymore, so she didn’t care enough to actually question it further.
“Don’t worry. You’ll meet her soon enough.” Ashe used Widow’s ponytail to force her off her cock, unsheathing it and admiring the shiny new coat of saliva that covered every square inch. The blue-skinned woman had but a moment to catch her breath before her mouth was filled again, this time with something different than the cowgirl’s dick albeit equally as delicious. A single large, bloated ball was eased into her waiting maw, and she immediately began sucking and licking it with tender care. She didn’t even have time to truly register what was going on in that moment, but fortunately her brain was operating on pure sluttery and didn’t need to be told what to do.
“That’s it, girl. Suck those balls.” Ashe groaned, her cock once again slapping down atop Amélie’s face as her lips and tongue tended to her crowned jewels. Without even needing instruction, Widowmaker brought her hand to the white-haired woman’s throbbing meat, stroking it at a steady pace as it lay across her left cheek. The sheen of her own saliva coating the monsterish length made her handjob all that much easier, and Ashe’s hat was wide enough to block the rain from ruining the makeshift lubricant.
“Good to see you know what you’re doing.” Ashe moaned, shifting her weight to slip her other ball into Widow’s eager mouth. “You’ll make a fine addition to my stable, slut.”
With both of her lips sandwiched around the cowgirl’s heavy, smooth testicles, hearing those words was like music to Amélie’s ears. All she ever wanted was this. To be dominated by an alpha bitch with a dick larger and more intimidating than her own. Someone who didn’t care about her past or how dangerous she was but instead saw her for the piece of fuckmeat she was always meant to be. A lone strand of pre-cum unexpectedly shot from her neglected dick and landed on her inner thigh as if to further illustrate just how much she was enjoying being the cowgirl’s pole cleaner. She ratcheted her worship up another level as she sucked and kissed and licked and gargled Ashe’s nuts like she was starved for them. Her hand pumped away even harder at the cowgirl’s shaft, intent on giving her the best milking she’d ever received so that Ashe would have no choice but to keep her as a pet going forward.
And that thought, as depraved as it was, made Amélie realize that somewhere between Ashe pulling her pants down to now, with her gulping on the cowgirl’s balls like her life depended on it, her entire perspective had been warped beyond repair. Sure, in the beginning she’d been enchanted by Ashe’s staggering schlong, but it hadn’t gone so far as to actually convince her to want this to be a permanent thing. But now, as she maintained eye contact with the confident, brazen woman looming overhead while she sucked emphatically on her balls, she realized that she really didn’t care anymore about her mission or Talon or Overwatch or any of it. It all seemed so utterly pointless when compared to the feeling of sheer ecstasy coursing through her veins right now. If this was what Ashe was offering, if this was something she could experience on a daily basis, then there was simply no reason to ever return to her life as a globetrotting assassin. Being a cumdumpster for the cowgirl’s massive prick was more appealing in every way imaginable. No more near brushes with death, no more needless killing, no more lonely nights with only plastic and glass toys to keep her company. Just servitude and pleasure and submission, all compounding and building upon each other in an infinite chain reaction that awoke a part of herself she’d kept under lock and key for years and years.
“That’s enough.” Ashe said dryly, wrenching her balls free from the blue-skinned woman’s mouth and taking a dominant grip of her chin, forcing her to look up and meet her burning gaze. “I’ve been told by semi-reliable sources that you’ve got quite the ass on you, and I’m just dyin’ to know how much of a pounding it can take. What do you say? Think you can handle me?”
Widow was breathing hard and coughing as Ashe spoke, still recovering from the last fifteen minutes of continuous oral servicing. But the implication of the cowgirl’s statement perked up her ears and her dick, a knowing twitch of enthusiastic approval coming from down below. She regained as much composure as she could muster and, returning Ashe’s dominant gaze with a look of shameless need, answered her newfound master’s question.
“I… please…I…” she fumbled over the words. “Putain! I need it!”
“Need what?”
“Your cock.”
“My ass.”
“Just for tonight?”
“Non. It will be yours to take always… as will I, mon chéri.”
“Good girl.” Ashe leaned in for a quick peck on the disheveled woman’s lips. “Now bend over and present yourself, salope stupide.”
Amélie’s eyes widened. “You speak French?”
“My pa was half Cajun. I dabble.”
“I’d like to know more… later.” Widow put any further inquiries about Ashe’s heritage on pause as thoughts of getting reamed by her gigantic member were far more pressing. She assumed the position, turning around on her knees until she faced away from the cowgirl before slowly bending over, pushing her plump ass out as she went down and arching her back until her face met the ground, turning at the last second so only her cheek got wet from the water on the surface of the rooftop.
“Face down, ass up in this weather?” Ashe whispered in a husky tone as she beheld the magnificent derrière before her. “You fucking slut.”
The cowgirl palmed each voluptuous cheek with her hands. Even through the latex suit, the way her fingers simply sank into Widowmaker’s malleable bottom was something beyond divine. This was no ordinary ass. This was an ass that put all other asses to shame. Had Ashe started with the blue-skinned woman’s butt at her fingertips, she would have taken more time to tease and appreciate it. Perhaps give it a slight massage through the suit or even a few gentle licks against her bare starfish before they got down to business. But she’d just spent the last fifteen minutes getting her cock and balls slobbered and sucked, and she was beyond ready to get to the main event. And so, with little reverence and even less respect, Ashe gripped that form-fitting latex surrounding Widow’s butt and ripped outwardly until her entire ass was freed from the suffocating piece of clothing.
Somehow, it looked even better than before.
To think that Widow’s suit was actually stifling the shape of her ass wasn’t something Ashe had considered. It already looked so buxom and stout in the latex, bouncing with dangerous temptation in every single one of her delicate movements. Its jiggly, supple roundness contrasted wonderfully with the rest of the assassin’s taut form. Unlike Sombra, who had a fat ass, smallish tits, and a wiry frame, Widowmaker was built in the shape of an hourglass. Dense, tight muscles stretched across her skin in every direction except for her breasts and butt, which were stacked with plump flesh and pillowy goodness. Big tits, massive ass, bottomless throat… Ashe was beginning to think that Amélie Lacroix was not so much a regular person but instead a specimen designed in a lab to be the perfect fuckdoll. Her ass quite literally popped out of the latex once the cowgirl had torn it asunder, fuller and rounder and all the more appetizing on the eyes than before, the edges of her ripped-up suit clinging tightly around the curves of her blue moon. Ashe had always thought she had a pretty nice ass herself, but seeing Widow’s bottom made her realize that she needed to do more squats. All along, the assassin’s true peach had been hiding underneath her fabric, and now that Ashe was staring at that idyllic derrière face to ass, cheeks slightly parted to barely reveal the edges of a light blue pucker hidden between, she had a sudden craving arise deep in her chest that could only be quenched with one thing.
The cowgirl dropped to one knee and planted her face directly between those heavenly globes of ass flesh, her tongue darting out to lick long, explorative strokes across Widowmaker’s freshly exposed asshole. The taste was immaculate, and the feeling of being entombed within the assassin’s tremendous, springy ass cheeks was dangerously arousing. She got lightheaded from the sensory stimulation, but each lap of her tongue made her increasingly ravenous. Soon enough she was swirling it around the rim of Amélie’s tight pucker, hearing guttural moans of perverse approval coming from the trembling woman before her.
Admittedly, Ashe was a fan of rimjobs, both giving and receiving. Something about shoving one’s face into another’s most sacred area sent her mind to the depths of the horny abyss. But she was generally cagey about when and how she would perform the act or allow the act to be performed on her. Sombra, for example, had learned to love both getting her ass eaten and eating ass, but a large part of that was because Ashe had trained her to have a pavlovian-esque response to it. It wasn’t something she allowed to happen every night. Hell, Sombra was lucky to get it one way or the other once a week. But it was always something the Latina would be rewarded with. And she loved getting her reward, whether she was the one doing the rimming or the one getting rimmed. It was simply a part of the games they played. It only spoke to the magnetic draw of Widow’s rotund backside for Ashe to unconsciously smother herself within it. It was as if she heard the call of the void between those beguiling cheeks and could not help but indulge in the hallowed passageway that lay betwixt them.
Compelled by primeval instinct, Ashe proceeded to fervently tongue-fuck Widow’s hole, coaxing it open ever so slightly to allow her fleshy appendage easy access inside. Her hands gripped and spread her subject’s ass cheeks apart only to release them so that they clapped back together against her face. Every few seconds she gave her submissive assassin a harsh spank, but the layers of densely packed ass meat surely lessened the pain. Ashe found herself swimming in a sea of satisfaction, enjoying every titillating sensation that came with licking the blue woman’s asshole. Amongst the peak of these sensations had to be how receptive Amélie was to her diligent work. Ashe could feel her body tense and flex with every flick of her tongue, her tight hole clenching and winking as if beckoning for more, her moans hoarse and shameless and sent directly into the night sky above, loud enough to pierce the veil of noise that came with the crashing rain. Every ministration, gentle or rough, drug Widow further into a rapturous haze, her mind nearly dissipating from the avalanche of pleasure assaulting her body. Her cock, still rigid as ever and twitching just inches below her tight asshole, was leaking precum into the crotch of her suit like a broken faucet. The admirable unit pined in neglected desperation for release, but the assassin cobbled together what remained of her willpower to stave off the temptation. Now was not the time to cum. That came later.
Finally, after several minutes of intense ass licking, Ashe’s tongue-work slowed until she planted one last long, sloppy kiss on Amélie’s starfish. She lifted her head and took a moment to admire her handiwork as she gazed lovingly at the spit-covered, winking hole she’d been French kissing like a long-lost lover.
“Sorry about that, darlin’.” She took a moment to wipe the excess saliva from her mouth and recompose herself. “Couldn’t help myself. Just had to sample the goods. Now then…”
The cowgirl laid her turgid length across the length of Widowmaker’s backside, letting it rest between her crack, savoring the pleasant feeling with a content sigh. What had started as a semi-insane proposal from Sombra had, by some act of God, led to this in just a few short hours. Ashe always knew she’d been blessed with the size and elegance of her member, but she hadn’t quite grasped, at least not until this very moment, just how powerful it was. Had she gotten into a straight-up shootout with the woman below her, she more than likely would have ended up dead. She could hold her own in a fight, but she wasn’t so egotistical as to think she actually stood a chance against one of Talon’s very best. And yet, that very same highly trained killer was about to willingly and emphatically take all ten inches of her weaponized girlcock straight up her ass. It was a revelation born of equal parts excitement and terror, knowing that she swung such might between her legs. The pen may be mightier than the sword, but a good dick trumps all. Luckily, Ashe had lived her entire life under the ideal that might makes right, so she had no moral reservations about using her cock as a force for good… or evil. It really just came down to what kind of day she was having.
“Guess we won’t be needing lube…” she mused, rubbing the head of her behemoth against Widow’s slick pucker, relishing in the sense of anticipation. The rain was still coming down in droves, perhaps even harder than when they’d first started their antics, but the heat and excitement coursing through their bodies were more than enough to keep them warm. The leader of the Deadlock Gang slowly began easing her cock inside that tight corridor between Widowmaker’s cheeks, impressed with the lack of resistance she was met with. Still, with a dick nearly the size of a forearm, it was impractical to expect her to take it all in one go. Not yet, anyway. In due time, however…
With every inch deeper she sank inside, a new and more perverse moan escaped Amélie’s lips. There wasn’t a hint of pain or discomfort in her voice, only shameless ecstasy as she was finally getting filled the way she’d always dreamed of. Toys and dildos may have staved her cravings before this, but after experiencing the feeling of a real, live cock flexing and throbbing inside her ass, tickling every sensitive nerve along the way, she knew there was no going back. Her life as an anal addict for cowgirl cock had officially begun.
Ashe groaned as she hilted herself fully inside Widow’s butt. She merely rested there for a few seconds, allowing the shivering mess of a woman to get properly acclimated to her size, before slowly pulling out. Only when she got to the point where the tip of her cock had nearly escaped the tight ring of the assassin’s pucker did she slide her hips forward, gently easing it in once again. This game of cat and mouse continued for several minutes more as Ashe remained methodical in her movements, never being so rough as to hurt or fully break the girl, yet all the while gradually increasing her speed until, after enough time had passed, she felt the assassin’s ass was be able to handle her at her preferred output.
“Oh fuck!” Widow practically screamed, her eyes rolling back as the southerner began slamming her from behind, suddenly fucking like she was an animal in heat. She bottomed out inside her ass with every single thrust, the union of their thighs slapping together creating a beautiful plap plap plap noise that played in perfect concert with her moans. She felt burning pleasure shoot straight up her spine that was so intense it felt nearly paralyzing. Her hard nipples and face were still pressed against wet concrete, but the sheer euphoria of being totally and completely dominated made any mild discomfort simply lost in time like tears in rain. The cowgirl’s heavy balls, churning with copious amounts of baby batter, routinely slapped against her own bloated sack, sending a light tingle of pain and pleasure straight to her brain. Her fingers tightened as if they were trying to hold on to something, anything, for dear life, and she vaguely even registered the moans and obscenities that flew from her mouth with every passing second. A pair of strong hands had gripped her hips somewhere along the way, forcing her to remain as still as possible lest she spasm off the pole currently impaling her.
And her cock… gods, her cock.
She’d never felt so hard before in her life. Every swing of Ashe’s hips forced more precum from her swollen member, sullying her suit with a dark, wet, sticky stain painting its nether region. She felt like she was on the verge of cumming each time the cowgirl’s massive member easily tickled her prostate, and her dick twitched with shameful excitement in response to the perverse humiliation. If only her employer could see her now, face down in a puddle of water with ten and a half inches of pale, thick girldick pounding her ass into complete submission.
Amidst the pleasure, her gaze was drawn to movement in the window across the street. Though it was difficult to see clearly on account of being fucked into the ether from behind, Amélie was able to make out the silhouette of her initial target, seemingly just arriving home. Eyes heavy and nearly crossing with delight, Widowmaker watched the faint outline of the woman as she washed her hands. Such a mundane task, but it would have been her last act on earth had Ashe decided to not pull her pants down. Another moan escaped the would-be assassin’s lips, this one particularly loud and high pitched and almost intentionally sent towards the woman in the window. She didn’t seem to notice, which was probably for the best, because had she looked outside she would have seen the blue-skinned woman being given the railing of a lifetime on the edge of the opposing rooftop. In the back of her mind, Widowmaker wondered if the woman would ever know that her life was spared by a debonair cowgirl and her megadick.
As for Ashe, she was having quite the time as she slammed away at her new friend’s backside. Sombra, after many, many training sessions and wearing a near-permanent buttplug for the last few months, had learned to take her cock fairly well in the ass, but never quite like this. Widowmaker’s asshole simply swallowed her unit whole, easily stretching enough to accommodate her large size. The inside of her backdoor was tight and warm and lovingly caressed every inch of her dick. Being able to rut like this, like a desperate animal, was a dream come true for the white-haired woman. In all her days, she’d never encountered a buttslut skilled enough to take her entire length so easily. And so, Ashe simply let go. Dropped every last inhibition she had and fucked like a woman possessed. Though she may have come across as a fool, the cowgirl was actually quite intuitive and sharp, and she’d come to understand that this slut’s particular fetish of choice was to be treated like a mere object. Unlike Sombra, who enjoyed “wrestling” with her until she was inevitably punished for her insubordination, Amélie Lacroix wanted nothing more than to be taken for all she had with no regard for her own pleasure or well-being. That was what turned her on most, and it was exactly what Ashe was doing to her.
From the corner of her eye, the cowgirl caught a glimpse of the assassin’s tight, bloated balls peeking out from her ripped suit, bouncing and recoiling every time her own balls collided against them. As a general rule of thumb, she didn’t give whores the pleasure of touching their second-rate shafts, but watching the taut outline of Amélie’s ignored girldick flex and spasm against a cage of latex gave her a sinister idea. One she wagered the Talon Agent would come to love, in time.
“You’ve got—huff—a pretty decent cock, you know?” Ashe said between heavy breaths. “Although I gotta ask, do you always have blue balls?”
Widowmaker wasn’t able to even hear that joke, much less interpret it. Her mind had been fully consumed in the throes of wild pleasure, and she merely groaned and sputtered from her position on the concrete. But Ashe still went forward with her plan, reaching down to ease the blue-skinned assassin’s cock and balls free from their prison until they finally escaped the latex suit. Her shaft pointed directly towards the ground below, throbbing with need as it yearned for release, while her balls constantly tightened and untightened as every wave of ecstasy wracked her body with mind-numbing pleasure.
Ashe stood from her knees mid-fuck so that she assumed a power stance, squatting behind her submissive’s clapping ass while leaning over her, pressing her medium-sized, pale breasts into her arched back. She gently nibbled on her earlobe and, for the icing atop the cake, reached a hand below and began tugging at her seven inches of unloved girlmeat. Amélie’s yellow eyes went from half-lidded and glazed to wide as a bat as she felt the touch of the pale woman on her dick.
“Hah… if you k-keep doing that… I-I’ll—” She stumbled over the words, head spinning with little touches of paradise as she realized her climax was only seconds away.
“Good.” Ashe whispered straight into her ear, her southern drawl cranked to ten for the big finale. “I want you to cum for me. Do it. Cum.”
Those simple instructions, given with such a dominant, sultry voice behind them, were enough to finally push Amélie over the edge she’d been standing on for quite a while.
“Ça y est!” she cried, her body convulsing as she felt her cock twitching with anticipatory glee. However, mere seconds before her orgasm came, Ashe ripped her hand away from the assassin’s throbbing blue member, leaving it entirely unstimulated once again. But it was too late. She’d gone past the point of no return. Moaning with ungodly pleasure coursing through her shaft, Widowmaker’s untouched cock began releasing spurts of thick, creamy girlcum onto the rooftop below her. Her balls tightened as they emptied a massive load—she must have unburdened those bloated blue orbs of at least nine or ten separate shots of white seed into the puddle she was pressed into. Her mind snapped—something that was a long time coming—as she came, all thought going totally blank while she had a near out-of-body experience. The electrifying pleasure became so intense that her brain merely turned off, leaving her as nothing more than a trembling set of holes that the cowgirl could use to achieve release.
In truth, that’s all she’d ever really wanted to be.
Ashe chuckled loudly at Widow’s ruined orgasm (though, judging from the full body tremors still ravaging her form, it wasn’t exactly a ruined ruined orgasm). Internally, however, she was having trouble staving off her own climax. The feeling of Widow’s ass squeezing tightly around her cock while she jizzed her brains out was so insanely hot that it took Ashe everything she had just to hold on for dear life. And hold she did, managing to last around fifty seconds longer until her toy’s orgasm finally subsided and she returned back to the land of the living with her spent cock softening slightly. It was important to Ashe, especially during her first time with a girl, that she made that girl cum before her. Maybe it was a way to assert dominance. Maybe it was just good old-fashioned southern hospitality. Either way, now that the Talon Agent had seemingly come down from her high, Ashe tore down the walls keeping her own orgasm at bay, and in just a few short seconds she felt herself reach the point of no return.
“Take it, bitch!” she growled in Widow’s ear. “Every last drop!
With one final thrust of her hips, Ashe bottomed out completely inside that luscious asshole she’d been calling home for the past twenty minutes. Both women moaned in unison as her cock shot rope after rope of thick, potent girlcum deep inside the blue-skinned woman’s blissful cavern, each shot painting her prostate with sticky white love. Judging based purely off of moans, Widow somehow seemed to be enjoying Ashe's orgasm even more than Ashe herself. So much so, in fact, that just as the cowgirl’s climax came to an end, Amélie found herself having a second one. She whined like a bitch as her soft cock dribbled out a few pathetic strands of cum, each shot less powerful than the last. Ashe, still in the afterglow of emptying her balls, was almost stunned when she looked down to see her submissive’s still-neglected cock firing off a second load for the evening. She waited for its twitching to stop completely before she and Widowmaker collapsed atop each other in a heap of limbs, her cock still planted deep within her ass as both women found themselves utterly and entirely exhausted.
Ten minutes later, Ashe and Widowmaker found themselves inside the stairwell of the very same building they’d fucked like rabbits on top of. Having a knack for foresight, Ashe had brought two changes of clothes that she’d stashed inside before commencing her sneak attack, thus allowing both women to change out of their sopping wet clothing. Now, they merely rested against the stairwell’s railing, a comfortable silence having filled the air for the last several minutes as they both processed what had just occurred.
“So.” Widow broke the silence, her eyes averted towards the floor, her body almost hidden in the oversized hoodie the cowgirl had given her.
“So.” Ashe answered in kind, that same smug grin she always wore plastered across her face.
“I… enjoyed that. Very much.”
“Ya’ think?” Ashe chuckled. “You came twice in less than a minute.”
“I’ve never done that before, but in that moment… I couldn’t stop myself. It was unlike anything I've ever felt.”
“My dick tends to have that effect on people.” Ashe proudly tapped the crotch of her leather pants.
“You have a wonderful cock, mon reine. It made me feel things I’d only ever dreamt of.” Amélie finally lifted her eyes to meet Ashe’s gaze. “I do not fully understand why you came to me tonight, but… I’m glad that you did. I should like to go home with you… and perhaps stay there for some time,” She spoke with surprising vulnerability. “...if you’ll have me.”
“I was hoping you’d say that.” A wide smile spread across the cowgirl’s features. “How’s about you meet the other Talon Agent I’ve got polishing my balls back home? I think you two will get along great.”
Admittedly, Ashe was more than a little giddy to see just how the two submissive women interacted. Would they get along? Would they get competitive over her? And how great was it going to feel to have a second pair of holes around to keep her entertained? However, the most powerful feeling coursing through the cowgirl’s mind was a sense of pride. She’d taken a risk coming here tonight—a gambit that could have easily ended very poorly for her with a single misstep. Instead, she’d added another whore to her stable. Things were looking up.
She planned to go back home with her prize in tow and enjoy the rest of this night with both of her playthings. Much like introducing a new cat into a home with an existing cat, it would probably take a few days for them to get properly acquainted, but after that, she had a sneaking suspicion she’d be out hunting again for a third slut to bend to her will.
She could hardly wait.
Who should Ashe fuck into submission in the next chapter :)?
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Chapter 1 - Chapter 1 |
Pride of Noxus
Soraka slumped back into a wooden chair with an exasperated sigh; sweat and exhaustion painted her form, most notable in the dark purple bags clinging beneath her eyes as if they were holding on for dear life. Before her laid a half-conscious man on a dingy, downtrodden operating table. He was bloody and beaten and bruised, but still breathing. In time, his wounds would seal and he would survive, but his life being spared due to the Starchild’s celestial abilities was but a drop in the waves of death that currently washed over Ionia’s shores.
Noxus had finally made its move. Eager to capture the strategically significant island, their forces easily carved out a beachhead on the western coastline, and the reinforcements that followed cut through farmers and families alike as they began their slow march to the heartland of Ionia. Those that were spared the wicked taste of Noxian steel were met with a fate arguably worse. The Noxians had raised a half-dozen labor camps in the wake of their destruction, and they were quickly filled out to maximum occupancy.
When they stumbled across the Starchild’s modest abode tucked away deep in a thick Ionian forest, they quickly learned that she was no mere mortal; their crude swords and poisoned arrows were all but useless against her, yet she refused to fight back in any capacity. Violent resistance was simply not in her nature. She was born to save lives, not take them. Thus, when they forcibly drug her back to their most forward operating labor camp, she put up no fight.
But this was where she felt she belonged, anyway. In the medical wing, she was able to treat her fellow countrymen for the many serious injuries they received under Noxian supervision. They were savages towards her people, and every time they brought in another one, completely broken either physically or psychologically, she felt another shard of her soul grind into dust.
Her being compelled to treat the Noxians for their wounds only added insult atop injury.
Indeed, this labor camp functioned in part as a base of operations for the warmongers, and as such, they were keen to utilize Soraka for her healing abilities. Most soldiers offered her no words as she treated them, but one individual, a commander by the Starchild’s guess, with dashing red hair and a scar over her left eye, always found a way to get under her skin.
Fast, instinctual, and aggressive, this Noxian, known as Katarina of house Du Couteau, was always prone to receive a few scrapes in any fight, and thus she saw the Starchild quite often. It took the celestial all the willpower she could muster just to ignore her constant verbal abuse.
“Mend me faster, healslut.”
“You did a good job for a breeding sow.”
“A cute Ionian piggy always knows her place.”
The redhead was clearly a sadist. That much was obvious through the fear shown across her subordinates' faces as she entered a room. But it was more than that. She didn’t just want to insult Soraka. She wanted to humiliate her. Belittle her. Poke and prod her until she got the reaction she was looking for. And on most days, the Starchild was content to merely take her insults on the chin, beating back the creeping anger that manifested inside her soul. Yet, as time went on, Soraka’s pacifism was steadily worn down from seeing the suffering of her countrymen alongside the constant verbal abuse from Katarina. As they say, the taxman had finally come to collect, and all it took was a particularly nasty onslaught from the feisty redhead.
“If only you could fight as well as you heal people. Perhaps then your people wouldn’t be getting slaughtered in droves out there.” she drawled, contempt dripping off every venomous syllable that rolled from her serpentine tongue as the Starchild bandaged a wound on her forearm. “Think about it. For every man you save in here, I cut down ten out there. And then I come back and you patch me up. Isn’t that hilarious? How many do you think you’ve killed from healing me? A hundred? A thousand? You aren’t some sort of savior. You’re just a fat-titted cow, only good for breeding and serving as my personal medicine cabinet.”
Soraka’s hands slowly clenched into white-knuckled fists. Dark whispers licked every corner of her fracturing psyche. For the first time since she descended to this accursed realm of mortals, her mind dissipated into a haze of red mist, fully consumed by the one emotion she swore she’d never let surface again.
With all rational thought having exited her mind, she quickly reached out her fingers, attempting to clasp them tightly around the redhead’s neck so she could wring the life out of her. Slowly. Intimately. She wanted to look her in the eye as she strangled her. But it was a mistake; Katarina was far too fast to fall victim to such an attack. She easily dodged backwards, but instead of anger painting her face, she wore something much more akin to intrigue.
“Oh?” she cooed, cocking an eyebrow at the celestial. “I didn’t think you had it in you.”Soraka’s brow furrowed in irritation. This would go nowhere. Realistically, she could never hurt Katarina like this. It was too easy for her to run away. There was too much space. Although Soraka was a celestial deity, she wasn’t known for her speed. She needed something else. Something where the redhead couldn’t run or hide…
“I’ve had enough.” the Starchild seethed through gritted teeth. “I demand to spar.”
The Noxian nearly doubled over in laughter from the mere suggestion. Soraka? In a fight? She would get destroyed. All the celestial power in the world couldn’t help her against Noxian brutality. No, sparring would be too easy.
“How about wrestling?” Katarina said, her smirk like that of a salivating wolf, eyeing its first proper meal in months. “First one to tap out loses.”
Soraka breathed in for a moment. “That is… acceptable. Tomorrow then.”
Just as Soraka turned to walk away, Katarina added one last stipulation, “And to spice things up, the winner gets to do anything they want with the loser. And I do mean anything.”
“Fine.” the celestial answered curtly. She knew what Katarina was doing. She didn’t anyone’s permission or a bet from a wrestling match to fuck her. She could do that at any time, and the Starchild would be powerless to protest. But Katarina wanted her to feel shame. To be humiliated. That’s what the redhead got off on. And what could be more humiliating than becoming someone’s sex toy due to losing a wrestling contest?
Loathe as Soraka was to admit it, Noxians were an incredibly efficient group once properly riled up. After their commander told them of the upcoming wrestling match between herself and what was essentially an Ionian deity, they constructed a fully detailed squared circle in less than twelve hours. They wanted (and expected) to see the best of their ranks, their fearless leader, utterly obliterate and humiliate the best that Ionia had to offer. Of course, that little extra stipulation of the winner getting to do whatever they wanted with the loser certainly helped with their motivation. Katarina’s lust was well known around the base, though rarely talked about. Rumor was that she required at least five Ionian prostitutes on a daily basis.
Armed with nothing but a skimpy yellow bikini top and bottom at the behest of the soldiers, Soraka should have felt insulted by the Noxians’ crudeness, but all of her anger was still hyper focused on the redheaded bitch she intended to break. She entered the ring unceremoniously, taking a second to quickly glance at the sizable crowd that had gathered. It consisted primarily of Noxian soldiers who hollered all manner of vulgarities her way, though, much to the celestial’s surprise, they’d actually carved out a decently large section for some Ionian inmates. Perhaps they wanted them to watch their god be conquered? That certainly made sense. Nothing would break morale so much as watching your own deity fucked silly by a mere mortal from the opposing side.
Nevertheless, Katarina finally made her entrance, donned in a similarly revealing red bikini, a cocky grin plastered all over her punchable face. She hopped into the ring and did a little dance, shimmying side to side to get the Noxians riled up into a frenzy. They were all so confident in their commander. She was fast, precise, and deadly; how could she possibly lose to a walking bandaid?
The bell sounded and they began. Both women circled each other, Soraka in a somewhat defensive and reactive stance, Katarina in a much more aggressive and relaxed stance. Naturally, it was the redhead who made the first move, pouncing towards the Starchild like a jungle cat, intending to sweep her legs out from under her to score an easy pin. Of course, she didn’t plan to make her submit there and then; that would be doing her soldiers a disservice. She wanted to play with her food first. Give everyone a good show. Break Soraka down bit by bit until she was just a sniveling mess—
Katarina stared blankly, if only for a split second, at Soraka. She was sure her sweeping leg would take the celestial off her feet, but upon making contact her shin it merely bounced off the Starchild’s sturdy legs. She’d never seen anyone able to simply take a blow like that.
Unfortunately for the Noxian, her failed takedown left her in quite the exposed position, and Soraka was quick to capitalize. She gripped Katarina by her waist and lunged forward, bringing them both to the ground, forcing the redhead to shoulder the brunt of the blow as she landed on top of her. She heard coughing and sputtering below her, causing the faintest ghost of a smile to creep over her lips as Katarina struggled to catch her breath. Sensing blood in the water, Soraka grappled around to the redhead’s back, wrapping her legs around her torso to keep her immobilized whilst also positioning her right arm around her neck until she had her elbow pressed tightly against her throat. Finally, Soraka brought her left arm up, locking her right hand against it to complete the triangle and achieve the side choke.
Katarina’s eyes widened from the forced asphyxiation. Yet even more painful than the pressure on her throat was the fresh bruise to her ego. How in the hell did Soraka have such strength to overpower her so easily? How was she so technically proficient?
And how was she going to break out of this hold? Coughing and sputtering even more, the redhead tried desperately to scratch, claw, and squirm her way out of the hold, but Soraka’s grip was ironclad. Her technique combined with her raw physical strength made this an inescapable pin, and Katarina soon enough realized that she was checkmated. But even still, she refused to tap. Her ego would not allow it. She would go out on her shield.
And out she went, her consciousness slowly but surely being wrought from her body as Soraka choked her to sleep. The crowd was a mix of horrified Noxians and elated Ionians, watching as the redheaded commander was put to bed in less than sixty seconds flat. But just as Katarina’s vision started to dull, just as she felt herself slipping away due to a lack of oxygen, the grip around her throat loosened and she was able to breathe once more.
It took her a few deep inhales before she could properly look around, but when she did, she saw Soraka looming over her with a tiny, sly smile.
She was playing with her food.
Katarina should have realized within that first minute that this was a hopeless endeavor. The Starchild was far too strong to physically overpower, and even though she had the advantage with her speed, there was no realm where she could actually get her opponent to submit. And yet, that itty-bitty, all knowing, cocky smile on Soraka’s face woke up all the rage inside Katarina and spurred her forward.
This time, the redhead stayed away from the Starchild’s legs. As she learned from her first takedown attempt, they were far too sturdy to be chopped down. Instead, she opted to incorporate Judo, using her opponent’s leverage against her. She dashed straight into Soraka once again, wrapping her arm around her inner thigh whilst placing her head beneath her armpit. She summoned all her might to lift the Starchild into the air, and she actually succeeded, allowing herself the briefest moment of hope before everything came crashing down. Somehow or another, her takedown had been incomplete. While she was able to get the Starchild into the air and falling towards the mat, she herself had gotten twisted up in the advance, and now they both were plummeting towards the hard rubber below.
Except Katarina had managed to get herself beneath Soraka, meaning she would act as a cushion for the Ionian’s landing. Again.
“OOF!” she belted, feeling all the wind knocked from her lungs in an instant as her back hit the mat hard. She gasped desperately for breath but was unable to draw any, and to make matters worse the Starchild seemed entirely unaffected by her takedown, probably because she had a nice human pillow to land on. Now physically laying on top of Katarina’s prone body, Soraka quickly capitalized on the situation, spinning around so she could wrap her strong, thick thighs around the redhead’s throat. Katarina offered minimal resistance as she was still preoccupied with trying to draw in any shred of precious oxygen. With her head by the Noxian’s feet, and the Noxian’s face planted between her legs, Soraka began squeezing her thighs together, constricting Katarina’s throat even further and causing her arms to flail wildly as she was unable to breath. Soraka grinned as she looked back at the helpless commander before her eyes fell to the melancholic Noxian crowd in front of her. She shot them a confident grin and flexed one arm, taunting them and earning herself a cacophony of boos and vulgarities.
She didn’t mind. What mattered now was breaking their spirits. And the best way to do that was to break their commander. Cut off a limb and it will grow back. Cut off the head and the body will follow.
Thrashing about like a petulant child, Katarina was unable to do anything to stop this humiliation. She was completely and utterly outmatched, and no amount of tantrums would change that fact. Still, her pride as a Noxian refused to let her tap out.
Losing was shameful, but quitting was unforgivable.
And it was that very pride, that arrogant, snarky, quintessentially Noxian pride, that Soraka was counting on. She’d refused to put the commander to sleep in the first hold, and this one would be no different. Just as Katarina’s vision started to dull, Soraka’s thighs’ eased their grip, allowing precious oxygen to flood her lungs once more. However, the multiple near choke-outs had officially begun taking their toll on both her body and mind. Even as Soraka stepped away and gave her total freedom to move, she was only able to sluggishly stand up, and even then she rocked back and forth woozily. In her dizzy eyes there were three Soraka’s standing before her, and she honestly wasn’t sure which one was the real one. Anyone with half a brain could tell this fight was over. Truthfully, it had been over as early as Katarina’s first failed leg sweep. Turns out a literal deity, even one that normally preferred to be a pacifist, was much more powerful than a mere mortal. Who would have guessed?
Soraka jolted forward and delivered a brutal open palm into the redhead’s abdomen, knocking the wind from her lungs once again and catapulting her onto her backside. From there, the Starchild maneuvered into a hold that could only be described as… unorthodox. She put Katarina’s head between her legs once more, squeezing it tightly between them as she stood over her body. She took each of her arms and lifted them upwards, holding them at such a high angle that it was quite painful.
Amidst the waves of pain and shame, a curiosity developed in one tiny piece of Katarina’s mind. Due to the celestial’s unusual hold, the nape of Katarina’s neck was essentially pressed snug against her opponent’s crotch, and although there should be nothing noteworthy there, she definitely felt something pressing against the back of her head. Something surprisingly large, and girthy, and phallic…
“Oh gods…”
The Noxian’s eyes went wide with panic and she scrambled to break free once again, desperation settling in her stomach like a thirty pound weight as her throat was constricted tighter and tighter with every passing moment. She managed to shift her neck to a slightly different angle, giving her just enough room to slide it down and escape, but she was too reckless. In such a huge, terrified rush, she bonked her forehead against Soraka’s knee on the way down, causing her head to whiplash before she collapsed against the mat. She faded in and out of consciousness, the whole world a little blurry as she heard Soraka’s all-too-knowing laughs from above. She felt the celestial rip her Noxian-themed bikini top and bottom free from her form, exposing herself to her soldiers in the most embarrassing way possible. But Soraka wasn’t done; she intended to turn Katarina’s fetishization for humiliation around on her and this was only the start. She hoisted the naked and dazed commander up with impressive strength, holding her entire weight with only her palms as she paraded her around the ring, relishing in the stunned looks upon the Noxian soldiers’ faces.
Katarina found her vision slowly returning whilst she was up in the air. Her head throbbed painfully, a result of the probable concussion she gave herself. She felt her body shifted to atop one of the Starchild’s shoulder. The celestial wrapped her arm around Katarina’s upper stomach and squeezed tightly, sauntering her around the ring like she was a mere plaything to be shown off.
Katarina wanted to fight back. Wanted to scratch and claw at the Starchild like a rabid animal. But she was powerless. Broken and utterly defeated. The game was already over, anything now was just Soraka’s way of humiliating her further. And she couldn’t even tap out because the Starchild had pinned her wrists together with her free hand. Pushed to the absolute brink, Katarina did something she never thought she would do.
She begged.
“Please…” she whispered weakly, her voice strained from all the physical abuse she’d taken thus far. “Let me tap… you win… Just let me lose in peace. I’m begging you.”
Soraka’s brow furrowed, her eyes sharply meeting the redheads. “No. You don’t get to take the easy way out.” she squeezed her slightly harder. “You started this, and it’s only going to end after you’ve been made an example of.”
Katarina groaned and strained against the celestial’s vice grip as her vision buckled once again, but this time there was no stop to its fading. She went all the way out, losing her consciousness in its entirety as her body went limp against Soraka’s arm. Sensing her defeat, the Starchild let the redhead down to the mat and waited.
In the fifteen seconds or so it took for Katarina to come back to the world of the living, Soraka took great delight in the way the Noxians had turned on their own. It was poetic justice, really. Katarina had trained them to be ruthless machines; to know no mercy, spare no pain. When their commander showed weakness, they responded the only way they knew how.
It seemed as if they almost wanted Soraka to break her. Like they wanted their commander to be taught a proper lesson about defeat and the consequences that come with it. Well, far be it from Soraka to deny a group of mortals a request as tempting as that.
Katarina’s eyes blinked open, her pupils dilated and distant for a second before they refocused and she realized what had happened. She felt a myriad of emotions coursing through her in that moment; shame, despair, anger, to name a few, but perhaps the most prominent was that of fear. Because just a few feet away was Soraka, her own top stripped off, eyeing her like some sort of predator in the wild.
“A commendable effort.” the Starchild said, sarcasm lacing her words as her buxom breasts finally bounced free from their nylon prison. She slowly began untwirling the knots that held up her bottoms. “But it was my victory. And I seem to recall you saying that the winner could do anything they wanted with the loser…”Katarina looked up at the celestial, her face of shame quickly fading into abject horror; a result of Soraka finally removing her bottoms, and in doing so, revealing the girthy, ten inch monster that hid beneath them.
The redhead was speechless. She knew she’d felt something there before, but figured it was just her mind playing tricks. There was just no way Soraka actually had a huge, intimidating horsecock hidden under there… Until she did.
“H-how..?” was all she could sputter out, feebly crawling backwards.
“I am a god. Even the slightest glimpse into my real power would drive any mortal insane. ” Soraka responded, her aura of superiority only growing in the face of Katarina’s fear. “But if you must know, whenever I’m doing something that requires full mobility, I can hide my dick in other dimensions. You wouldn’t believe where it’s been since our fight started. But it’s here now. And that’s all that really matters.”
The redhead tried to escape. She was frantic. Frenzied. Afraid. For the first time in her life, she felt fear. True fear. And it was enough to kick start her adrenaline for one last desperate move. She lunged out of the ring, every movement causing her muscles to scream in pain, and fell into the crowd. The crowd consisting of her own soldiers. Her own men. Her brothers in arms. And how did they react to their disgraced commander’s embrace?
They threw her back in.
Katarina slumped against the matted floor, all energy leaving her body as she could do nothing but accept her fate. Her body had given her one final chance to break free from this nightmare… and she’d been betrayed by her own kind.
Soraka hadn’t expected the Noxians to turn on their own, but she wasn’t upset about it. In fact, it was a pleasant surprise. She always figured Noxians were loyal towards their own, but then again, Katarina had turned her soldiers into bloodthirsty dogs throughout this campaign. Men are loyal. Hounds are not.
The Starchild took hold of the redhead’s shoulders and lifted her up to her knees; her intimidating purple cock looming just inches over her rival’s face, casting a thick shadow that began at the base of her forehead and traveled south all the way down her chin. But Soraka did not force her girldick into the Noxian’s mouth. On the contrary, she stood patiently, her calm eyes staring directly into Katarina’s panicked ones. All sense of the crowd simply faded away as the redhead began to understand the celestial’s intent.
“She wants me to take it willingly. That cruel bitch.”
It was between that or having the celestial forcefully shove it down her throat. Naturally, Katarina chose the lesser of two evils and gingerly opened her mouth, if only a half-inch, which was more than enough to give Soraka cause to continue.
She was not gentle. The redhead’s eyes widened as she roughly thrust her bulbous head, already dripping with precum, inside her mouth. It was far larger than the tip of any cock she’d taken before, but it was not an impossible fit, only an uncomfortable one. But as the well endowed Starchild slid inch after inch of her rod down Katarina’s gullet, she began to reconsider her position. Her throat was not meant for a dick such as this. Eyes welling with tears, she gazed heavensward, silently begging the celestial for mercy.
Unfortunately for her, Soraka’s mercy had left some time ago. The Starchild gripped the base of her skull and forced her head forward, causing her to cough, sputter, and choke on her dick until she finally felt the redhead’s nose press against her navel. She held the Noxian there for a moment, groaning with delight as all ten inches of her cock rested warmly inside the confines of Katarina’s mouth and throat. She continued her spree of coughing and gagging as excessive amounts of her own spit coated the engorged monster inside her, though it would do little to persuade Soraka to stop any sooner. No, she would have her fill until she was satisfied.
Just when Katarina felt as though she might pass out, the Starchild slowly began pulling her cock out of her mouth. She stopped just before her tip escaped the redhead’s lips and then started gently guiding Katarina’s head back and forth, forcing her to bob along her shaft like a common whore. Not that Ionia had many of those to partake in in the first place, despite Soraka’s extensive searches.
Going from an excruciating deepthroat to a blowjob was at least slightly less uncomfortable for Katarina. She still wasn’t enjoying herself, but at least the Starchild was only forcing her to take about six inches of her cock before pulling it out.
“Ah.” Soraka moaned, her eyes beaming with desire as she looked down on her Noxian conquest. The redhead had produced an almost excessive amount of saliva during her deepthroating, and now it seemed to paint everything. Her own face, Soraka’s pulsing cock and heavy balls, and some of it had even dripped down to her naked tits. It was a beautiful scene. At least to Soraka and the surrounding onlookers.
“You’re surprisingly good at blowjobs, you know. Perhaps you should’ve—Mm—pursued a different profession than the military.”
Katarina narrowed her eyes at the verbal jab. “Hi’mm nhot a whooer.” she spat back, her words muffled for obvious reasons.
Soraka raised an eyebrow and slowly eased her member out of Katarina’s mouth fully. “It’s impolite to talk with your mouth full, you know.” she jeered.
Katarina spat onto the floor of the mat, trying to rid herself of the taste of celestial dick. She turned back towards the towering Starchild, repeating, “I’m not a whore.”
Soraka gave a hearty chuckle before slapping her slab of meat down directly vertically across Katarina’s face, effectively silencing her in her tracks. “Well you definitely aren’t a soldier anymore. Just look around you. Your men are loving this. Do you really think you’ll ever be able to lead them again?”Katarina couldn’t take a look around on account of the heavy girldick still resting on her face, but her ears could hear just fine still… and they heard plenty. The hoots and hollers of her once loyal crew, egging Soraka on to take things further, to break their formerly beloved commander until she was nothing but a writhing, broken toy beneath Soraka’s hoof.
The Starchild was happy to indulge them. She unceremoniously pushed Katarina to the ground, her back flat against the mat. From there, she knelt down between the Noxian’s spread, supple thighs, her cock resting timidly across her foe’s stomach.
“W-w-wait…” the redhead pleaded with genuine fear in her eyes as she realized the celestial’s intention, “There’s no way it’ll fit.”
Soraka spat into her hand and rubbed it on Katarina’s delicate mound. “It’ll fit.” she plainly stated, sliding herself backwards so that her cock was positioned in front of the redhead’s wet slit. “You should have more faith in your abilities as a whore.”
Katarina groaned as Soraka’s dick slowly but surely entered her cunt. It felt massive, even if it was only a few inches longer than the biggest dildo she had at home, it had so much more girth. She felt like she was being stretched in ways she’d never felt before. It was debilitating.
Soraka, on the contrary, was in heaven. The redhead’s throat had proved to be enjoyable, but this? This was pure ecstacy. She could feel the tightness of Katarina’s cunt resisting her cock, making every inch a difficult yet pleasurable journey for the celestial. And that look on the Noxian’s face? That visage of pain, of humiliation, of being broken down before her own soldiers? It was perhaps the best part of the whole ordeal. It made her want to push things further.
Gripping Katarina’s thighs for support, the celestial forced the last two and a half inches of her dick inside with a single thrust, grunting in unison with the redhead as she finally hilted herself. Katarina’s teeth clenched and her eyes shot daggers towards Soraka, but the Starchild was far too enraptured in pleasure to notice or care. Her head tilted back slightly and she let loose a satisfied sigh, groaning in delight as her hips began gyrating on their own, pumping her cock in and out of the Noxian’s tight snatch with no tenderness or care in mind. This was not making love. This was fucking. And no one who witnessed would mistake it for anything other than that.
The plapping sound of skin colliding against skin filled the arena, every thrust of Soraka’s impressive horsecock sending bolts of pleasure down her spine, though the same couldn’t be said for Katarina, who at this point was just holding on for dear life. Soraka slid one hand down to grip the redhead’s waist for support while the other wandered to her breasts, roughly kneading and tweaking her cute, perky nipples for her own amusement.
There was no further communication between the two women, only a silent understanding that Soraka was going to take all that she wanted from Katarina’s body and there was nothing she could do to stop it. Her thrusts sped up in tempo as she well and truly got into the spirit of hatefucking, and watching Katarina squirm under her movements was somehow getting her ever hornier than she already was. The purple hand kneading Katarina’s tits started slapping them instead, administering harsh spanks across the sensitive flesh which earned high pitched squeals from the dominated redhead. Soraka’s mind dissipated into a lusty haze as she started slamming her hips back and forth with reckless abandon, her fingers clenching deeply against Katarina’s waist as she felt her orgasm begin. She hilted herself completely, pushing her ten inch bitchbreaker inside to its maximum length before spurting incalculable ropes of white seed within the Noxian. She moaned with delight as she came, eyes heavily lidded in heavenly delight as pleasure coursed through every vein in her body.
Katarina only grimaced as she felt the massive horsecock pulse and throb as it dumped its godly load inside her. She stared up at the celestial, watching as she slowly but surely came down from the high of her release. Her eyes refocused, and eventually she unsheathed her cock from Katarina’s folds, grinning as she saw how wet and lubricated it had become.
“Phew…” the Starchild panted, looking down at her cock as it started to slightly soften in the afterglow of her orgasm. “That was fun.”
“I don’t think I’ll be able to walk right for a week….” Katarina groaned, her voice almost drowned out entirely by the sound of the crowd. She could feel the celestial’s slimy nectar slowly dripping out from her pussy lips. It left her feeling disgusted, though not as disgusted as she was by the sheer volume of cum Soraka had deposited inside her.
The only silver lining was that it was all over now, though. The redhead had served her penance, at least the one Soraka was owed, and could leave now. She wasn’t sure where she would go, really. Perhaps back home to lick her psychological wounds. Maybe she’d travel around a bit until the rumors of this day died down. Regardless, she hoped for greener pastures wherever she went. She turned to her side and slowly started getting to her knees, crawling away from the center of the ring… that is, until she felt a firm hand clasp the nape of her neck, slamming her back down to the mat.
“And where do you think you’re going?” Soraka asked, staring down at the Noxian as she struggled to breathe from the sudden impact.
“I… se-erved my punishment.”
“Did you now?” Soraka shot her a wolfish grin. “Because I came once? You think that’s all I have in me? A single orgasm?”“B-but you sai—Mph!” Katarina was cut off as Soraka sat herself down directly on the redhead’s face. Her ass cheeks parted just naturally enough for Katarina’s face to fit perfectly between them, leaving her mouth only one possible destination: the Starchild puckered, purple asshole.
“My cock is a little soft after blowing such a huge load. You’re gonna eat my ass until it’s hard and then we can go again.”
“MPHHH!” came Noxian’s muffled screams, her face buried in the plump derrière of her newfound tormenter. She’d never done something like this before; either had her ass eaten or eaten an ass herself. It was just something that never came across her mind to do, though she had fancied a bit of buttplay in the past, that usually just involved inserting small objects.
“Less complaining, more licking. This is your punishment for losing, remember?” Soraka stared down at the rest of Katarina's body, admiring the way her cock fit snugly between the redhead’s slightly above average breasts. “The sooner you get me hard again, the sooner this is all over.”
Loathe as she was to admit it, Katarina could not argue with that logic. She supposed it was wishful thinking that she’d get out of here after the Starchild’s first orgasm. And so, against her better judgment, the redhead’s tongue escaped her lips and took a tentative, cautious lick of Soraka’s backdoor.
And… It was surprisingly pleasant. Still utterly degrading, of course, but at least that was the only bad part of the experience. Her licking grew to a steadier pace, accompanied in part by the pleased moans of the celestial atop her. Oxygen was a growing concern, though. It was getting very difficult to breathe when her face was sandwiched between the mountainous expanse that were Soraka’s ass cheeks.
The Starchild was loving every second of this. She fancied having her salad tossed from time to time, and being able to facesit a high ranking Noxian like this was a fantasy come true. The soldiers in attendance roared back to insane life as they saw Katarina submit beneath the weight of Soraka’s heavenly ass. Every flick of her tongue on the Starchild’s pucker sent pleasure straight to her cock, as it slowly but surely throbbed back to full mast in just a half minute or so.
She could have kept her word and fucked the redhead once more since her cock had grown fully erect by now, but truthfully, she was enjoying Katarina’s forced rimming far too much to stop now… and with the way the Noxian seemed to be gasping for breath beneath her pillowy cheeks, she had a wonderful idea of what to do with her ever-nearing orgasm.
She took hold of the back of Katarina’s head and shoved her in even deeper, fully enveloping the redhead’s face within her juicy ass, causing her to plunge her tongue as deep into her the Starchild’s winking asshole as it could possibly go. Soraka moaned like an animal in heat, a river of precum dripping down her rigid, throbbing shaft. She could feel Katarina’s hands pawing at her cheeks, a desperate yet ultimately feeble attempt to break free. Fortunately for her, the celestial was at her limit.
Soraka unmounted herself from Katarina’s face, causing the redhead to open her mouth wide in an attempt to suck in as much air as she possibly could. Meanwhile, the Starchild had managed to turn around and aim her throbbing cock directly at the Noxian’s face in one fluid motion. The results were… messy.
She didn’t even need to jerk herself to achieve release. No, Katarina’s surprisingly skilled rimjob had done all the work for her. Her untouched cock excitedly bounced up and down a few times before shooting a load equally as massive as her first towards Katarina. The first few ropes landed squarely in her mouth, painting the back of her throat as she inhaled deeply. The shock and impact of getting high powered, armor piercing cum shot down her throat sent the redhead tumbling backwards, causing the next two jets of seed to paint her face, though her left cheek and forehead took the brunt of the splatter. As she fell hard against the mat, Soraka aimed her throbbing dick at her naked form, taking sadistic delight as she finished depositing her load all over the redhead’s tits and stomach.
Gagging and heaving, Katarina twisted and turned on the mat violently, spitting up as much of the celestial’s cum as she could, though most of the ropes shot down her throat had already been swallowed. Her vision was painted partially white from the jism that lay coated across her face, and she could feel the rest of the viscous liquid that painted her breasts and stomach. She wanted to puke, but unfortunately for her, there was hardly any time to be disgusted. Soraka gripped her roughly by the shoulders and pulled her to her feet, embracing her from behind closely. Her large, dark purple breasts pressed into Katarina’s back while her still erect cock fit snugly between the redhead’s ass cheeks.
“Any idea what comes next, darling?” Soraka whispered, her mouth so close to Katarina’s ear that she could feel the hotness of her breath scraping against it.
“You l-let me go..?”
“Not quite.” the Starchild cooed, her cock’s hotdogging growing evermore intensified. “I’ve taken your mouth and your cunt, but I still count one hole of yours I’ve yet to enjoy.”
Katarina’s eyes widened. “No. No, no, no, no. You can’t. Not there. Please.”
“Come now.” Soraka wound her hand around the redhead’s throat, gently squeezing it to remind her that she could do whatever she wanted. “Every slut worth their salt can take it up the ass. You’re no different.”The celestial prodded the head of her cum-coated cock against the redhead’s backdoor, teasing and lubricating the tight entrance for only a moment before unceremoniously forcing her tip inside. Katarina momentarily released a high-pitched shriek, her hands white-knuckled into fists, her entire body tensed rigidly like it was carved of stone. Her asshole continued to resist Soraka’s advances, expanding only by force as the Starchild’s horsecock continued to slide inside. Every further inch brought Soraka heightened pleasure; the redhead’s ass was tight as could be. It was a far more enjoyable plunder than her throat or cunt, if not because of tightness and feel then because of how the Noxian reacted. Every further inch brought her more discomfort and humiliation. Every further inch sundered pride from that over-inflated ego of hers, whatever little still remained. Bit by bit it was taken from her until finally the celestial’s ten inch sword hilted, her thighs resting flush against Katarina’s, her pelvis pressed tightly against the curve of her ass. The two stayed like that for a moment, fully connected as one, the rancor and chaos from the crowd of Noxian soldiers fading away ever-so-slightly. Soraka took hold of the redhead’s throat with both hands, using it like a handlebar to keep her balanced. She leaned in close, her lips nearly tickling Katarina’s ear as she whispered:“So much for Noxian pride, huh?”
Not more than a nanosecond after she finished her sentence did she nearly fully unsheath her cock from the redhead’s ass, pulling nine and a half inches out nearly effortlessly before slamming them all back inside, only to repeat the process over and over and over again. Soraka’s ass fucking was entirely brutal. She had no intention of tenderness or gentle care. Every action she took was solely in an effort to maximize her own pleasure. She held onto Katarina’s throat like she was on a ride in an amusement park, her own form thrusting forth violently. The force of her thighs slapping against Katarina’s thighs sent ripples throughout the latter’s skin, each time an audible plap echoing throughout the ring. She surely would have lost her balance had it not been for the celestial’s hands effectively stabilizing her.
It was painful for Katarina, but not as painful as she’d expected it to be. Truth be told, her ass was gaped after the first few thrusts from the Starchild and had become about as accustomed to such a massive length as it possibly could. The far more painful part came from the total and complete annihilation that was her dignity. Her eyes lazily panned from left to right, looking over the soldiers she’d trained like wolves, cheering the Ionian on as she fucked her to a state of complete senselessness. They’d turned on her for showing weakness and shaming them, and she’d never be able to earn their respect back. There simply was no coming back from something like this. She’d be dishonorably discharged from the Noxian military and disowned by her house. Perhaps the Starchild wasn’t so far off when she suggested prostitution earlier.
But she deserved this fate. Her constant tormenting of the Starchild had pushed her to this animalistic state of rage, her thirst for vengeance only able to be sated by depositing her final load deep into the redhead’s ass. And she was well on her way to doing just that. One of her hands trailed from Katarina’s neck to her breasts, roughly twisting the nipple and playing with the sensitive skin. The other hand found her own breast, kneading it with much more care as her hips rocked back and forth rhythmically. She tilted her head back, basking in the waves of pleasure that rode from the tip of her cock to the bottom of her balls. That pleasure suddenly grew rapidly, and she knew what was coming soon. In a desperate bid for even higher feelings of nirvana, she almost doubled her speed, her hips flashing forth with extreme speed as she savagely fucked the Noxian into submission. Katarina could do little but groan as the woman behind her plundered her like she was somehow even less than a whore, until suddenly, Soraka slammed herself balls deep in Katarina’s backdoor and held completely still, her cock throbbing gleefully as it shot rope after rope up the redhead’s ass. Between the nearly mind-altering bliss of her orgasm, the celestial could still sense it was her largest load of the evening. She counted at least ten distinct jettisons of her seed.
Only after her cock stopped pulsing with release did she remove herself from Katarina. Upon doing so, the redhead slumped to the mat, seemingly passed out from the prolonged anal abuse. A trail of cum had dripped from her gaping asshole down her thigh. The soldiers still watching applauded the Starchild with thunderous reception, and although Soraka might have hated their cause and what they did to her countrymen, in this brief moment, she showed them respect, giving them a small bow before exiting the ring.
She looked back at Katarina one last time, relishing the view of her prone form laying against the very same mat on which she surely thought she would claim the Starchild. Instead, she ended up having all of her holes taken with a cock the size of her forearm and had her pride, dignity, and self-image completely obliterated in the process. All because she couldn’t stop herself from being contemptuous and wicked to the celestial and her fellow countrymen. At the very least, Soraka had received a nice set of holes to drain her balls with and a great memory which she’d relish dearly for years to come.
Perhaps Katarina would learn from this encounter that, as it turns out, karma is and always will be a raging bitch.
tl;dr: don't piss off banana lady
My Twitter for those curious :-)
Chapter 1 - Chapter 1 |
Dear Sister
Tags: Futa on Futa, Incest, Frotting, Facefucking, Oral Sex, Anal Sex
Winter in Noxus was a sight to behold. The birds retreated from their nests atop iron rooftops to join the common folk on the ground to escape the biting wind. Thin layers of snow covered the winding cobblestone roads, creating a vista of vast twisting networks that looked like pearl-colored carpets, the footsteps of passerby etching imperfect yet elegant patterns into their overlays. The air itself was crisper, easier to inhale and smoother to exhale. The landscape was skeletal and bare, stripped away of its superfluous layers of green and brown in favor of something much more honest and easier on the eyes. Wintertime was a time of beauty, and its mystical, enchanting aura seemed to lift the spirits of every citizen in the Noxian empire.
All except Morgana.
She should have been thrilled. Her bakery was always bustling with patrons during the colder months. Perhaps the frigid air made the beguiling scents of her large array of treats more potent. Pastries, petits fours, pies, and everything in between, the Fallen Angel was as skilled at making delectable desserts as anybody in the whole of Runeterra. And yet, amidst the sea of happy customers, she still felt like she had to wear a plastic smile. The dirty little truth of it all was that her heart had been besieged by a rather awful case of unrequited love for quite some time, and no amount of financial gain could fix it.
Morgana was a desirable woman. Equal parts gorgeous, voluptuous, and mysterious with just the right amount of danger hiding beneath it all. Between her legs she packed a piece of extra equipment, though if anything, it actually made her sexual conquests easier. How she loved to drink in the look on a slut’s face when they found out she was going to fuck them with an eight inch cock. She could have any woman she wanted at her beck and call with a mere snap of her fingers
Almost any woman.
There was one immune to her charms. One whose love was forbidden. One whose romance would always remain out of reach. And fate, the cruel, cold mistress that she was, had decided that that was the one for whom Morgana would pine for in quiet, painful desperation.
Alas, she'd grown tired of her heart’s aching. As the sun set low in the sky and the night quickly took hold, she decided there was at least one thing she could do to distract herself from her constant sorrow. She closed the shop, stowed the leftovers, exchanged her baker’s apron for something much sluttier, and made her way to the downtown district.
Getting drunk and fucking a random bar-hopping slut would clear her mind. Surely.
Everything was bright in this part of Noxus, especially at night. Flashing neon signs flanked both sides of the main street, advertising dance clubs, raves, bars, musical venues, and, of course, strip clubs. The sidewalks were lined with all manner of inebriated people, most of which were probably just drunk, though it was a safe bet that there were probably more than a few who’d partaken in far more adventurous substances. Not that she was judging.
Morgana slithered her way through the sea of people, her low cut, skin-tight black dress barely able to hold back the large breasts contained inside as she pushed onwards towards the more eccentric businesses. She could have gone to any strip club along the block, pointed at random to some woman in there, and had a playtoy for the night. But where was the fun in that? It was far too easy. Far too boring.
Instead, the Fallen Angel was curious about a recently opened dance club named Paradise Lost. Despite being open for only a few weeks, it had already grown a rather large reputation. It had a variety of interesting rules that no other club in all of Noxus operated under, such as requiring guests to deposit all manner of devices capable of recording before properly entering the building. As far as Morgana understood, you got them back at the end of the night, but however the club checked to make sure you weren’t sneaking any inside must have been thorough, because there still was no video that existed on the internet of the happenings inside Paradise Lost. Naturally, this made people go wild with speculation, and even though plenty of people had actually been in the club and knew what happened inside, their reports were lost in a sea of conspiracy theories and false claims. Everything from an illegal Vastayan trafficking ring to a Zaunite Methamphetamine den to a massive organ harvesting operation were all on the table. Or… it could have just been a dance club with a fun gimmick.
As Morgana approached, she found herself at the ass end of a long line. Most likely the result of another strictly enforced rule the club had: there could never be more than 200 patrons inside the building at one time. Every soul that left meant another soul could enter, but that number could never go above 200. What’s more, the club actually stopped letting people in after midnight. Meaning (in theory) the number of club-goers would slowly dwindle after that point until everyone had left.
Morgana checked her phone, frowning as it read 11:09 P.M. There was simply no way she was going to make it the normal route. And on most nights, the Fallen Angel would have simply accepted defeat and taken her horniness elsewhere. This was Noxus, after all, and there were a myriad of other establishments where she could go butter her biscuit.
But tonight, something inside her raged against that idea. A little voice in the back of her mind that urged her to stay. Call it simple instinct, or a gut feeling, or even divine intervention; Morgana had lived long enough to know it was wise to trust that little voice whenever it decided to speak. And so she stayed, eyes focused forward, peeking over the sea of people that stood between her and entry to the odd yet all-too-fascinating club.
It was only a few minutes later that she noticed some sort of commotion up towards the front of the line. Two women were arguing, their bodies pressed tightly against one another as if they were reenacting some sort of animalistic territorial display. She edged closer, nearly bumping the person in front of her just to get in better ear shot of the argument, and once she picked up on one of the women’s voices involved in the altercation, a sly smile broke out across her features.
Ah, there it was. Her ace in the hole. She quietly thanked whatever dark, lustful gods that must be watching out for her before pushing forward, skipping past the entirety of the line as she made her way up to the two women, the actual words of their heated exchange drowned out by the multiple conversations occurring around her. Not that it mattered, really. All she needed was to get to the front of the line, and these bimbos were her golden ticket. She gingerly reached a finger out and tapped on the shoulder of the one facing away from her.
“Eh?” she barked, whipping around to show off a set of furiously furrowed eyebrows and a gritty, grimacing frown. As soon as her eyes met the would be interloper, however, her features instantly softened. Gone was the frustrated expression, replaced with a genuine, wide smile.
“Funny seeing you here.” Morgana said coyly, her arms locked behind her back in a sort of shy and innocent manner.
“Morgie!” the woman exclaimed, throwing her arms around the Fallen Angel’s neck and squeezing her tightly.
“Good to see you too, Ashera.” Morgana sputtered, her desire for oxygen increasing rapidly as she felt her chest compressed in the vice-like grip of the hug. Still, she needed something from this woman, and so she managed to wrap her arms around her slender waist, pulling her in close as they embraced.
“Tsk.” Ashera pouted, her face just inches away from Morgana’s. “I’ve told you before to call me Ash. That’s not something I let just anyone call me, you know. You’re in rare company!”
“And I’m all the luckier for it.” Morgana reached a hand up towards the woman’s chin, caressing it gently as she observed her features. “But your given name is quite elegant. It matches your beauty far better than that dreaded nickname.”
Although the Fallen Angel was laying the compliments on pretty thick, her words held no lies. Ashera was as beautiful a specimen as one could find in all of Noxus. Her crimson red hair was offset wonderfully by unblemished porcelain skin. She was toned and yet curvaceous; athletic but with just the right amount of jiggle in just the right places. But what Morgana admired the most about her physique had to be her striking blue eyes. Instead of holding the color of the deep sea like so many others, Ashera’s were bright and vibrant. Almost as if a blue hued electrical storm constantly raged inside her irises. They were utterly piercing, and the first time Morgana saw them she knew she had to have the redhead in her bed before the night ended.
They’d met around a year ago by chance when the former had stumbled into the Fallen Angel’s bakery. Morgana could hardly make out the nature of her order because her eyes were constantly stealing glances at her cleavage, both breasts almost begging to break free from her tight green shirt. Ashera may have been a bit of an airhead at times, but she was fairly good at picking up on social cues, especially when they were of a lewd variety. Needless to say, both women were happy customers by the end of the night.
And after their first night, Ashera would drop by unannounced from time to time, getting a free pastry or two and striking up a conversation with the baker before she inevitably closed the shop early and the two fucked like animals all over the kitchen. Fuck health codes.
It was a mutually beneficial relationship. They weren’t exactly the closest friends, but Morgana really needed to cut the line, and this was her best shot. It all rested on whether Ashera was in a charitable mood or not.
“You know, Morgie.” she said, a single hand resting on her hip as she broke the hug between the two. “You only kiss my ass like this when you want something.”
“That’s not true. I’ve kissed your ass many times just because I wanted to. No strings attached.” Morgana joked, gently nudging her friend’s shoulder. Still, Ashera’s questioning gaze did not relent, and so the Fallen Angel crossed her arms, continuing, “You’re really gonna make me say it out loud?”
“Ugh.” she sighed, pulling the bottom of her dress down after it had been slightly up from Ashera’s hug. “Look, I really wanna go to this club. I’ve been to every other two-bit spot on the strip and I’m in desperate need of something new. Please let me cut the line.”
“Hmmm…” Ashera tapped a finger against her chin in an exaggerated fashion.
“Don’t make me start begging, because I will.”
“No need for begging. Not yet, anyway.” A mischievous grin spread across Ashera’s perfect features as a particularly naughty idea came to mind. “Here’s the deal. I let you cut in line with me, you let me fuck you next time I come to the bakery.”
“That’s all? You already fuck me every time you come to the bakery—”
“No.” Ashera cut her off. “You fuck me. And even though I very much enjoy taking your cock up my ass, I think it’s time you let me fuck yours. I’ll bring my favorite strapon. I think it’s about the same size as your dick. Maybe even a little larger.”
“Y-you can’t be serious…”
“Well, it’s either that or you go to the back of the line. Choice is yours, Morgie.”
Morgana silently cursed the big-titted, surprisingly sadistic woman. Ashera had her by the balls in this situation and she knew it. As a futanari, Morgana was always the one seeking out butts to stick things in; she rarely stuck things in her own. It was an expensive price to pay, but in truth, Ashera could have demanded much more sexual deviancy from her and she would have agreed. Both because she really wanted to get into the club, and because she had a small albeit potent submissive streak in her, even though she rarely acknowledged it.
“Fine.” the Fallen Angel muttered. “You can… sigh… fuck my ass next time. Just this once, though, okay? After that, it’s business as usual between us.”
“Sure, sure.” Ashera nuzzled up behind Morgana, pressing her bare pelvis possessively against the tight fabric containing her fat bottom, her lips trailing upwards till they met the sensitive skin of her ear. “Just this once. Unless… you like it, of course.”
A deep shiver ran down Morgana’s spine as the heat from the redhead’s breath tickled her senses. Gods, she couldn’t get into this club and far, far away from Ashera fast enough. This woman was clinically insane.
At least, that’s what she told herself. Her cock rising quickly to half mast told another story entirely. But that’s a tale for another day.
Finally inside Paradise Lost and having put a considerable amount of distance between herself and the frighteningly seductive Ashera, Morgana thanked her lucky stars that she’d made it here. Getting past the door and entering this place proper had been an interesting experience to say the least. The rumors about recording devices were true; the burly bouncer standing guard had confiscated both her and Ashera’s cell phones, telling them they’d get them back at the end of the night. One trip through a metal detector later and they’d been cleared to go in. Stepping inside, she tried to drink in the atmosphere as much as she could. After all, there had been much talk of this place amongst the Noxian populace, but discerning what was fact and what was fiction had been nearly impossible. But now that Morgana laid her own eyes upon the infamous Paradise Lost, she merely felt… confused. It was clearly not an underground prostitution ring. Clearly not a Zaunite meth lab. Clearly not an organ harvesting operation. Clearly not a… nightclub.
Gone were all the normalities one would expect to find in such a place, like neon lights bouncing in every which way or a drunken DJ spinning ear-splitting, bass heavy songs. No one was falling over drunk or dancing with half their clothing off. On the contrary, this place seemed incredibly regal. Spotless wood floors lined the ground, complemented by an array of spaced out fancy round tables. Towards the far end of the large room was an open dancing area, but as opposed to the expected mess of flailing limbs one might see at a normal club, the patrons of this establishment danced with partners in an elegant and slow manner. A grand piano nearby played soothing classical tunes of which they waltzed in perfect tempo with. To top it all off, every single guest and employee wore fancy clothing and, most curiously of all, masquerade masks, each seemingly unique in their style. Some only covered the eyes while others covered the entire face; Morgana even saw one that looked strikingly similar to a plague doctor mask. It was a surreal sight to behold. She hadn’t been sure what to expect this place to be like, but this was certainly not it. She wasn’t inherently opposed to the fanciful affair, though.
She’d barely taken a step inside before a sharp looking doorman handed her and Ashera their very own pair of masks. She took a moment to inspect the strange false face; it was half sized, capable of covering the upper half of her visage, save for the open sockets for her eyes to peer out of. Its color was a brilliant hue of gold, etched all over with lines running in mesmeric, circular patterns. A dark purple jewel shaped like a diamond adorned the centerpiece of its forehead, giving it some much needed diversity in color pattern. All in all, it was an expensive looking piece of hardware. Morgana was shocked they were just handing these things out, but she wasn’t about to go against club rules. Donning her new facial apparatus, the Fallen Angel squeezed the redhead’s hand tightly before going over to the bar and putting some much needed distance between the two friends with benefits.
“Whiskey. Double shot. Neat.” she ordered, leaning back against the wooden bar as the bartender fastened her poison of choice. He was done with it quickly, and before Morgana knew it she found herself sipping the foul-tasting, powerful alcohol whilst people-watching. She had to admit, she was beginning to feel a bit disappointed in all the hype this place had garnered. It was definitely a classy establishment, a rarity in the downtown district of Noxus, but aside from that, it was getting to be a bit boring. People continued to slow dance at the far side of the room while many other guests mingled at the round tables as waiters and waitresses brought them funny colored drinks, but if all this place was was simply a space for the rich and elegant to rub shoulders, perhaps she’d be better off taking her horniness elsewhere.
At least, that’s what she wanted to do, but after finishing off her double shot she felt strangely inebriated. That amount of whiskey shouldn’t have been enough to make her feel much of anything at all, yet her vision became dulled and the room began to spin. Her head felt suddenly very heavy and it took all her strength to gaze around and gauge her settings. Those funny colored drinks… What exactly did they put in those? What exactly did they put in hers?
Panic started to settle in Morgana’s stomach. She reached for her phone only to remember she’d surrendered it earlier. Her heavily-lidded eyes searched the crowd for Ashera, but she couldn’t remember what her mask had looked like. What she did see was a large clock hanging above the entrance to Paradise Lost she’d somehow failed to notice until now. It must have been six feet across in diameter, though for what reason anyone would want such a huge piece to tell the time escaped Morgana. She squinted her eyes at the object until, through blurred vision, she finally made out what time it was.
11:59 PM.
Her heart sank in her chest.
“That’s right. They stop letting people in at midnight. I didn’t think much of that when I heard it, but now that I’m here I can’t help but wonder… What the fuck happens at midnight?”
And, as if on cue, that large, intimidating clock’s hands shifted forward, the time changing to twelve o’clock. It was only a minute difference. Hardly anything in the grand scheme of things. And yet, 11:59 P.M. and 12:00 A.M. were without a doubt the two most antonymous times that existed on the clock. One represented the end of a day. It was a conclusion, a finalization of all that had occurred within the last 24 hours. The other was the beginning of a new day, filled with mystery and openness and unlimited possibilities. The two times were so close together and yet so completely opposite, and Morgana was about to see just how literally Paradise Lost took this idea.
As the clock struck twelve, the once bright lights inside the club dimmed substantially, making it difficult for Morgana to see more than ten feet in front of herself. The pianist switched his style from soft, almost whimsically classical music to something much more unhinged and intense, like going from Mozart’s Allegro in D major to Beethoven’s 3rd movement in Moonlight Sonata. The people dancing, all seemingly hopped up on whatever had been slipped into their drinks, shifted from slow, romantic dancing, to a more sensual and sexually explicit style. Bodies pressed tightly against bodies, lips touched lips, hands slipped down all manner of dresses and pants. And Morgana realized this was not just limited to the people dancing. Indeed, the round tables had also been overtaken by debauchery, as people were strewn across the fancy things with half their clothes torn asunder or missing altogether. Chairs were tipped over or thrown aside as the patrons inside Paradise Lost scrambled in a mad frenzy to grope each other like wild animals in heat, yet one thing remained constant between all the freshly exposed perverts.
The masks stayed on.
Morgana merely stared ahead blankly, her mouth slack-jawed in surprise as she witnessed what she swore was a classy club a minute ago descend into utterly lewd chaos. Even the people sitting beside her at the bar were bumping and grinding against each other viciously, cacophonies of needy moans filling both her ears as they came from seemingly every direction.
And funnily enough, the impairment that Morgana had been feeling from her drink had started to… evolve. Gone was the blurriness in her vision, or the heaviness of her head, replaced instead with a feeling warm and all too familiar to her. One that she’d felt many times before, and she would assuredly feel many times again in the future.
Morgana was unbelievably horny.
Whatever they’d put in her drink, and the drinks of all the patrons of this establishment, had finally achieved its desired purpose by thrusting her libido into overdrive. She was tempted to stay at the bar and find the nearest available mouth or ass to fuck, but the little voice in her head had returned, and it beckoned her to go forward to the dance floor.
She knew not why it wanted this, but just as before, she trusted the voice, pushing her way past all manner of sex and perversion to get to her new destination. The musk of lovemaking filled the air and only further increased the Fallen Angel’s desire, and the feeling of rubbing against so many naked, sweating bodies as she squeezed through crowds of shameless indecency made it difficult for her to not lose total control, rip her own dress off, and to dive headfirst into the madness. But she persisted, listening to that guiding light within her head, ducking beneath limbs and genitals and sweat covered bodies until finally… she saw her.
A tall, pale beauty of a woman, with breathtaking platinum hair worn down, standing alone in the center of the dance floor. She idly rubbed her breast with one hand whilst the other jostled gleefully down her pants. Her mask was just as ornate as the Fallen Angel’s, colored primarily pearl with green splotches etched into its sides. It covered the upper half of the woman’s face, but Morgana identified her anyway. It was only natural. She’d recognize her sister anywhere.
All questions of why she was even in Noxus, much less inside such an odd, deranged club fell by the wayside inside Morgana’s mind as something much more pressing took hold. The love of her life was right there for the taking… and that little voice inside her head screamed at her to march forward and claim her. She knew it was wrong. She’d always known. But these feelings of romantic love for her own flesh and blood had developed ever since they’d been cast down to this mortal plane, and try as she may, she could not deny them. She’d never told anyone, of course, least of all Kayle herself. How could she when her sister hated everything about her? Kayle could never reciprocate the love Morgana felt for her, and that had caused more heartache and suffering for the Fallen Angel than she cared to dwell on.
But here? Inside Paradise Lost? Here she wasn’t Morgana. She wasn’t the antithesis to her judgemental sister. She was just some big-titted slut in a mask, at least insofar as Kayle was aware. This was her only chance to be with her one true love. Her forbidden love. And she was going to take it.
Every step forward reminded her of just how wrong this was, and yet, there was not an ounce of hesitation in her gait. She approached her sister until they were mask to mask, only inches separating their overheated, lust-filled, needy bodies. Dark purple eyes met bright gold ones as Morgana cautiously roamed her sister’s skin with her hands, and she shivered when she felt her reciprocate the gesture. Each ministration was tentative and gentle, almost exploratory and curious in nature as opposed to purely sexual. Eventually, their hands clasped each other and their bodies pressed together snugly, and then… they danced.
Surrounded on all sides by a mob of debauchery and sex, they waltzed around the dance floor, dodging limbs and bodies alike until they finally found a small unoccupied circle. It was there they would stay, the elegance of their movements utterly captivating as the piano behind them built to a marvelous climax. Violins, cellos, and flutes chimed in too; somehow, they’d managed to formulate a miniature orchestra inside. The accompanying moans of pleasure and skin slapping against skin from the crowd of impassioned patrons encircling them only served to provide an extra layer of complexity to the music. It was a beautiful scene: Two sisters, driven apart long ago and plagued by feelings of resentment, abandonment, and unrequited love, dancing alone amidst a sea of zealous sexual fanatics engaged in all manners of depravity and degeneracy as extravagant orchestral music set the backdrop to their reunion.
This close together, Morgana could feel her sister’s heartbeat. She could feel the hardness of her shaft pressed snugly against her own. She could feel her medium sized breasts and the erect nipples poking through the fabric of her white top. She could feel her in ways she’d only ever dreamed of feeling her. And yet, as their graceful dance came to a conclusion alongside the band’s bold crescendo, Morgana knew there was still one last thing she’d yet to feel with her sister. And she damn well intended to before the night was over.
The two women separated as the song came to a close; their breathing was hard and sweat rolled from their foreheads, but they maintained eye contact nonetheless. Morgana had no idea why they’d danced, only that with the music, and the sex, and the drugs in her system, and the insanity of everything happening around them, it simply felt right. And when their bodies crashed back together, lips meeting lips for the first time in a thousand years?
Well, that felt right too.
Morgana’s tongue danced with Kayle’s much in the same way they’d danced on the floor together earlier. They might have both been incredibly horny, but there was a certain refined hunger in their motions. They weren’t uncaged beasts. Kayle’s sturdy hands slid down Morgana’s sides until they made their way to her plump rear, gripping a handful of each globe and spreading them apart. Morgana repaid her in kind, her hands gripping the collar of her sister’s shirt before gently ripping it down the middle until it fell harmlessly away from her skin. She planted one hand on sister’s freshly exposed bosom, tweaking and twisting the nipple possessively beneath her fingers while the rest of her hand massaged the flesh of her breast. Her other hand trickled downwards, passing her toned stomach until it found its destination at the button of her pants. She unclasped it and reached down, palming the erect girlcock that waited inside. Kayle nearly broke the kiss unintentionally as she let out the cutest little gasp Morgana had ever heard. She began stroking it slowly, enjoying the way it twitched gleefully in her hand.
Her own cock was growing jealous as it consistently throbbed against the tent she’d pitched in her dress. Morgana thrust it ever so slightly into her sister’s pelvis, and fortunately she was quick to get the memo. Kayle pulled her dress up to her midriff, exposing her soft, pale ass cheeks and, more importantly, her pulsing, dripping cock. She took it into her hand, eliciting a similarly shocked groan from the Fallen Angel. The siblings stayed like that for a while, exploring each other’s mouths with their tongues while they sensually rubbed each other’s cocks. The feeling of being so connected with her sister was utterly and completely intoxicating to Morgana. So much so that, truthfully, she could’ve cum at practically any time during her sister’s lazy handjob. She didn’t, of course, but only because she actively resisted it.
The angelic sister had seemingly had enough foreplay as she removed her hand from groping her sister’s ass, using it to pull her own pants down before stepping out of them. Morgana did the same with her dress, and soon enough both sisters were entirely naked save for their masks. They made their way to the ground, kissing all the way down as they found a spot relatively uninhabited by the myriad of other libidinous patrons. Morgana found herself on top of her sister, grinding their cocks together fervently, tiny moans escaping each of their lips as they continued their french kissing. The orchestra roared back to life behind them with another upbeat song, stringed instruments weaving and overlapping with one another, complimented by the original pianist leading the way. Morgana and Kayle humped one another, the feeling of their girlcocks jousting sending bolts of pleasure up their spines. The precum that leaked from their members mixed together until it fully homogenized into one uniform liquid which provided the lubrication needed for such rigorous grinding. Morgana had never seen her sister naked, much less felt her body in such a way, and she tried her best to catalog everything about it amidst the waves of euphoria washing over her. The way her breasts felt against hers, definitely a few sizes smaller than her own but with a pair of nipples so hard the Fallen Angel was sure they could cut glass. Or how her tummy flexed taut when she was excited. Or how her above average cock throbbed with need against her own. She wanted to memorize everything, because there was a good chance this would be the last time she’d ever get to experience her sister like this. After all, if Kayle knew whose dick she was grinding on, she may have burned this entire nightclub to the ground on the spot.Fortunately for Morgana (and the many innocent patrons [well, not that innocent]), Kayle still seemed none the wiser. From what she could tell, her sister was just as easily overtaken with pleasure as she was, if not more. So much so that when Morgana started speeding up her humping, the platinum blonde gripped her by the shoulders and gently lifted her away. Her cock throbbed and bounced up and down in ecstasy, but with Morgana’s own shaft not grinding against it it did not have the needed stimulation to reach climax, even if it had obviously been very close. Kayle sighed a breath of relief as her dick begged for a release it would not yet be given, and Morgana took pleasure in the fact that she wasn’t the only one on the edge anymore.
After a few seconds had passed, Kayle laid down flat on her back and beckoned her sister over towards her. Morgana crawled over and the two shared a brief kiss before Kayle reoriented her so that the Fallen Angel was once again on top, but this time she’d turned her around so that they were in a 69ing position. Morgana’s cock dangled just above Kayle’s face, and Kayle’s member stood at attention just below Morgana’s.
Morgana had never been on top during a 69, but she wasn’t about to complain. She felt her sister’s lips give a small, delicate smooch on the head of her dick and she repaid the favor, giving Kayle’s shaft a tentative lick. She gave it another one, and another, and another, until finally she wrapped her lips around her sister’s stiff rod, drinking in Kayle’s scent and taste as she sucked her off. Her cock tasted salty but not overly so, and the precum covering it actually had a surprisingly good flavor. The Fallen Angel had been told by many women that her cum was intoxicating… perhaps there was something to that rumor about angelic semen containing trace amounts of ambrosia.
Regardless, Kayle was not one to let her lover do all the work. She took Morgana’s cock into her own mouth, her hands reaching up to rest on the pale woman’s fat ass cheeks. She gently pushed down on the rotund spheres of flesh, causing Morgana’s hips to drop slightly so that she thrust her cock a bit deeper down Kayle’s throat. It wasn’t as if she was facefucking her, only gently lowering her cock down to slide it into her sister’s gullet before pulling it out.
And there the two sisters found themselves, moaning emphatically with delight during their tirade of mutually assured oral satisfaction. Kayle was the first to change the dynamic, however. The strong hands that gripped Morgana’s ass cheeks were dangerously close to the Fallen Angel’s most forbidden hole, and the platinum blonde couldn’t stop staring at it with curious perversion painting her face. She reached her right thumb out, her palm and other fingers still maintaining their position on Morgana’s butt, and used it to gently poke and prod and rub her sister’s exposed asshole.
The Fallen Angel’s reaction was immediate; her eyes crossed as she released a throaty moan around Kayle’s dick. As a rule of thumb, she didn’t generally take it up the ass, but that wasn’t because she didn’t enjoy a bit of stimulation in her backdoor. In fact, during one of her recent sexcapades with Ashera, she’d gotten so caught up in the throes of pleasure that she sat on her friend’s face. It wasn’t done with much intention really, but the redhead had been talking a bit too much for her liking and she figured the quickest way to shut her up would be to plop herself down atop her mouth. But when Ashera responded by sticking her tongue out to lick her asshole all the while tugging at her cock with both of her hands? Morgana had nearly painted the room with her load.
Her cock’s constant downward thrusting into Kayle’s mouth had caused her to produce an excess of spit. Not wanting it to go to waste, Kayle slathered as much of it as she could across her fingers and returned them to Morgana’s tight hole, massaging it with more effort this time whilst spreading the viscous fluid over its rim. The Fallen Angel’s groans became higher pitched and her thrusting subsequently became unintentionally more forceful, but Kayle had no one to blame for the ensuing facefucking but herself. If she didn’t want Morgana’s mind to get lost in a haze of pleasure, she shouldn’t have gone for her asshole in the first place. And yet, the platinum blonde didn’t mind the rough treatment; in fact, she was surprised with how much she actually enjoyed it, her own moans escalating in pitch as she gagged and sputtered around her sister’s pale length.
Morgana wasn’t entirely absent-minded from her sister’s ministrations. While she certainly appreciated the gentle fingering her sister administered to her bum, she also felt it was a bit underhanded considering she wasn’t in a position to reciprocate the gesture. She had another idea in mind, however, as she quickly unsheathed her throat from Kayle’s member to spit into her hand. She returned to blowing her sister while simultaneously rubbing her freshly lubricated palm and digits all over Kayle’s balls. She fondled them roughly, gripping and kneading and massaging them as fervently as she could, causing Kayle hips to start thrusting upwards as she similarly became overwhelmed with wanton desire. Both sisters were now facefucking each other, Kayle thrusting up into Morgana’s throat while Morgana thrust down into Kayle’s. The fingers toying and teasing Morgana’s asshole were making her feel as if she was going insane with pleasure, while the hand worshiping Kayle’s balls were driving her over the cliff far faster than she could prepare for. Both sisters were on the edge of climax, their passionate servicing producing a beautiful symphony of moaning and gagging and saliva and lots of precum.
It was the more righteous of the two sisters that broke first. Kayle could not contain her orgasm any longer; her sensitive balls swelled with cum until she released a final, penultimate moan around her sister’s thick shaft. Her cock pulsed with glee as it shot ropes of jism straight down Morgana’s throat, filling her with a delectable reward for her dutiful work. She continued pleasing the Fallen Angel throughout it all, even being so bold as to stick a lone index finger inside her sister’s winking asshole in a desperate attempt to get her off simultaneously. It very nearly worked as Morgana’s ass clenched tightly around the digit, tingly jolts of pleasure running directly from her prostate to the tip of her cock, begging for release, but she wouldn’t allow it. Not yet, at least. She wanted this to last as long as it could, and a finger up her ass wouldn’t be enough to overtake that desire.
Slowly but surely they slowed down, Kayle’s eyes long having rolled upwards as her entire body was wracked with overwhelming bliss. Her cock squeezed out its final few strands of cum before it had blown all it could, and the younger of the two sisters climbed down from atop her elder. She shot her a toothy smile before giving Kayle’s worn out cock a few loving kisses, smooching it all the way from the head down to the base and finally over her freshly drained balls.
Had Kayle been a selfish lover, things would have ended right there and then. After all, she’d put forth an admirable effort in getting her sister off. But she wasn’t selfish. She appreciated the lengths this masked woman had gone to to give her a truly marvelous climax, and she decided that she deserved a reward. Not just any reward, either. It would be one of the highest magnitude. One that she’d never given before. One that only someone truly special would get the privilege of partaking in.
Kayle grabbed Morgana by the hand and led her across the hall, being careful to dodge the puddles of lube and bodily fluids painting the floor. She found an unoccupied, surprisingly quiet corner where the thunderous orchestra and lusty moans of the other patrons became little more than background noise. She ushered Morgana into a comfortable leather chair, the Fallen Angel raising an eyebrow to this new turn of events but not opposed to it. She leaned back into the seat, relaxing against its velvety surface and looking down at her cock as it throbbed with painful neediness between her legs. When she looked back up, Kayle had turned around, her ass now facing Morgana. She became quite literally stupefied when her older sister began lowering herself downwards, her hands spreading her ass cheeks apart to reveal her perverse objective.
She was going to willingly take Morgana’s cock in her ass. A proper thank you for giving her such a fantastic orgasm.
The Fallen Angel could barely breathe as the tip of her cock pushed against her sister’s tight pucker. She could tell Kayle wasn’t particularly experienced in this area, so the fact that she would go this far to get her off meant a lot to the younger sister. The platinum blonde pushed down until Morgana’s cock finally slid inside, a gasp escaping both women as a rush of blood went to their heads from the sensation. Gingerly, Kayle began raising and lowering herself upon that stiff rod, her pace slow at first but picking up steam rather quickly as she got accustomed to her sister’s length. Soon enough she developed a steady tempo, the rise and fall of her ass cheeks sending Morgana further and further into nirvana. The Fallen Angel had gripped both arms of the chair and dug in as hard as she could to the point where her nails were piercing the fabric. It was all she could do to hold on, literally and metaphorically, while she watched, utterly and completely mesmerized, as her sister’s ass cheeks bounced on her cock.
She couldn’t even count the number of times she’d fantasized about this very scene inside her head. She’d pined after her sister in pained secrecy for hundreds and hundreds of years with nothing but her right hand to get her through lonely nights. And yet here, inside Paradise Lost, all those depraved and taboo dreams had become a reality.
Morgana had taken many women during her time in Runeterra, and she’d never experienced an ass more tight or welcoming than this one. IIf she could only fuck one ass for the rest of her life, this would surely be it. For Kayle, though she wasn’t particularly used to being on this end of things, she had to admit that the feeling of being so totally filled up was an enjoyable one. Morgana’s cock was just the right size, large enough to push her limits without being so absurdly big that it would break her. Both women were dancing in different but equally pleasurable forms of sexual satisfaction, so much so that Kayle’s cock had roared back to life. It was fully erect once again and bounced to and fro with her movement, flapping in the air as both of the platinum blonde’s hands gripped the chair for support.
Morgana wanted only the best for her sister. Even amidst the near oppressive amount of pleasure coursing throughout her body, she had the presence of mind to detract her fingernails from the chair and swing her hands around, one finding its mark upon the platinum blonde’s left breast while the other coiled around her cock. She timed her upwards strokes on Kayle’s shaft in concert with her ass bottoming out on her cock, resulting in her older sister reaching maximum pleasure on both ends at the same time. If the desperate, heavy moans escaping above her were any indication, Kayle very much approved this new course of action.
Morgana groaned into Kayle’s ear as her walls squeezed and flexed blissfully around her throbbing member. For a moment, and only a moment, she contemplated taking her mask off and revealing her identity to her elder sister. Surely she couldn’t decimate this entire club to the ground with her sister’s dick all the way up her ass… right?
Regardless, that moment passed far too quickly as Morgana felt the mental wall she’d put up since the start of their coitus come crashing down. There simply was no more holding out. She’d reached her limit. As Kayle’s ass came crashing down once again to meet her pelvis, Morgana took the hand fondling her sister’s breast and wrapped it around her stomach, forcing her to stay fully sheathed on her shaft as it finally began to erupt. Rope after rope of the Fallen Angel’s cum shot into Kayle’s stretched anal passage, and the feeling of the hot, viscous liquid painting her prostate over and over again in conjunction with Morgana’s vigorous handjob pushed her over the edge for a second time that night. Kayle’s cock began spurting another load, this time shooting it in random directions and onto the floor as Morgana continued pumping. Both sisters shared a loud moan of final ecstasy after having reached release together, and they stayed fully connected as one until both of their powerful orgasms came to an end, as, alas, all great things must.
Kayle cautiously unsheathed herself from Morgana, the latter’s cock falling against her own stomach as soon as it was free, pulsing weakly as if it had just been through the workout of its life. The Fallen Angel stood up and met her sister, their lips coming together one last time as they shared a kiss. It was not a sloppy or sexually charged kiss, but instead one born of romance and love and deep, emotional feelings. There was much behind it that was probably better left unsaid, and deep down, Morgana knew that. It was not her place to push this onto her sister. Kayle hated her, after all, and there was little the Fallen Angel could do to change that.
They eventually broke the kiss, and it was Kayle who, after giving one last nod of thanks and shooting her a half-smile, turned on her heel to collect her discarded clothing and presumably leave the club.
Morgana merely collapsed back into the chair, her mind racing with thoughts as she tried her best to fully process what had just happened. If only she’d given up when she saw how long the line to the club was, she wouldn’t have been able to make love to her one love. If she hadn’t listened to that little voice inside her head, none of this would have ever happened. Fate has a funny way of making itself manifest, she supposed.
Eventually, though, after being alone with her thoughts for an hour or two, and after the vast majority of patrons had achieved multiple releases and left, Morgana too collected her clothing and departed Paradise Lost. She wasn’t sure if she would return again, not because she disliked the club’s true nature of fanciness and sex and questionable drug use on their patrons, but because this place felt as though it contained a memory she wanted to keep sacred. Coming back here would only serve to stain that memory.
The Fallen Angel would go back to her bakery in the morning and her life would continue in much the same way it had been for quite some time before then. Customers came and went, sales rose and fell, and Ashera continued to torment her on occasion, but throughout it all, she couldn’t help but think back to that fateful night… and how desperately she wished she’d revealed her true face to her sister.
If only she knew that Kayle felt the same way.
Chapter 1 - Big Tits, Bigger Heart |
Tags: Yuri, Lezdom, Body Writing, Ass Worship, Breast Worship, Breast Envy, Spanking, Lapdance, Panty Gag, Mild Erotic Asphyxiation, Submira
Special thanks to Mingle in my discord server for the idea
Samira nervously stepped forward in line as the burly music manager ushered the person in front of her forth. The sheer anxiety she was feeling made her stomach do backflips, but there was no turning back now. She’d paid a small fortune for this backstage pass, and she was going to damn well use it. When else would she get a chance to meet her idol?
Being a Noxian mercenary by trade, you’d think nerves were no longer a part of Samira’s DNA. After all, she stares death in the face on a daily basis. But the truth was she had a secret hobby. One that she wouldn’t dare share aloud back home because they’d never let her live it down.
She was a huge fan of the pop artist Seraphine.
Samira often listened to her music while traveling, or training, or masturb— ahem, relaxing. The Songstress got her through her day seemingly every day. And she had a tune for every emotion under the sun. So when the Desert Rose got some much needed time off, she just knew she had to see her in concert.
And just like that, she was being brought forward into the star’s dressing room, her heart beating so quickly it felt like it might burst from her chest. She crossed the threshold and noticed the intimidating pair of security personnel flanking either side of the door, ready to pounce at a moment’s notice. The pink haired popstar herself was leaning back in a velvety chair, her eyes idly looking over her fingernails. She hardly even acknowledged Samira as she came into the room.
“H-hi!” Samira stammered, trying (and failing) to not sound like a complete wimp. It was funny, really. She could easily have killed both the security guards despite her unarmed state without even breaking a sweat, but with this stunning woman in front of her, she felt as though she’d been reduced to nothing more than a nervous schoolgirl.
“Hi.” Seraphine answered back coldly, her eyes lifting only slightly to look Samira up and down. “You aren’t from around here, are you?”
“I’m from Noxus.” she answered. The Noxian hadn't worn her usual outfit; after all, her mercenary gear would’ve probably gotten her arrested in a place as socially conscious as Piltover. She instead opted for a plain white tank top and a pair of skinny jeans that clung tightly to her butt. Still, she supposed the tattoos lining her arms and the eyepatch were a bit of a dead giveaway that she was a non-native.
Seraphine raised an eyebrow. “Noxus?” she mused, “My songs chart worse there than anywhere else. Huh.”
“I’m probably your biggest fan there. My… ehm, coworkers might not think much of you, but I’ve been dying to see one of your shows for a long time.”
“That’s cool, I guess. Always interesting to meet a fan from a place I’ve never been to. Anyways, do you want an autograph or something? I’ve got a lot of people to meet today.”
“Well…” Samira shuffled nervously, “This might be a little awkward to ask, but… w-would you sign my tits?”
Seraphine blinked a few times before releasing an audible sigh, frustratedly closing her eyes and pinching the bridge of her nose. This happened every single time she had a meet and greet. Some airheaded fan would make this exact same joke, expecting her to laugh like she hadn’t heard it a million times before.
“I don’t have time for shitty jokes, you— oh.” she opened her eyes and cut her nagging short because the woman in front of her had pulled the front of her top down, revealing a pair of juicy, large, dark skinned tits, complete with pierced nipples to boot. A wolfish grin spread across Seraphine’s features. “Oh my.”
“I-I promise I don’t do this sort of thing often… or ever, really.” Samira stammered, a deep crimson blush covering her face as she averted eye from the popstar’s intrigued gaze. “It’s just… I really like you and your music and you’re so attractive and I wanted you to sign me instead of some lame, crumpled piece of paper.”
“Come closer.” the pinkette instructed, equipping a black marker in her hand. Samira did as she was told, the brisk air and excitement of the situation causing her nipples to become as stiff as glass.
Seraphine inspected her fan’s breasts further after she’d closed the distance. They were certainly an impressive pair, bigger than average and yet still firm with perfectly sized dark areolas. And judging by the rest of the woman’s tight fitting clothing, her figure was excellent in all other areas as well. It made the popstar feel aroused, invigorated, and most of all… jealous.
“So you think I’m attractive, huh?” Seraphine asked, her tone an octave lower than before as she began tracing the marker’s black tip upon the Noxian’s right breast.
“Y—ah—yes…” Samira inadvertently moaned, the coolness of the marker’s tip sending a pleasant shiver down her spine. “I’ve always been into girls… and you’re just my type.”
“Am I now?” Seraphine grinned, having way too much fun teasing her fan as she purposefully drug the tip of the marker over her nipple to elicit another moan. She switched her writing apparatus from one breast to the other as she continued, “Luckily for you, shameless girls with big tits are just my type.”
“Mm?” Samira mewled, her sensitive nipples begging for more stimulation.
Seraphine stood up as she finished her autograph, pressing her small covered breasts into Samira’s bare tits as she handed her an exclusive VIP pass. “Come to my dressing room after the show and I’ll give you a lot more than just an autograph. Think you’re up for it, Noxian?”
The pinkette stepped out of the way of Samira, allowing the mercenary to see herself in the mirror. The popstar had indeed signed her tits, but not exactly in the way she was expecting. She’d written one word on either breast, the full phrase spelling out:
Seraphine’s Bitch.
She should have been insulted. This frail, innocent creature couldn’t possibly hold a candle to her in terms of badassery. She was the best gun for hire in all of Noxus, for christ’s sake. But for some reason, seeing the way her idol had defiled her and taken control of the situation made Samira feel overwhelmingly turned on. Her pussy quivered in anticipation of whatever antics the popstar planned for them tonight. It was beginning to get difficult to breathe with so much sexual tension clouding the air, and so she was only able to squeak out one sentence in response to Seraphine’s proposition.
“I’d… I’d love to.”
The concert itself had been amazing, just as Samira expected it to be. Her idol truly was unmatched in the greater pantheon of Runeterran artists. Her extreme command of the stage alongside her angelic voice created what many considered to be the pinnacle of spectacle that money could buy. Naturally, the exorbitantly expensive ticket package that Samira bought came with front row seats, so she was about as close to the action as one could get. Though, truth be told, she found it difficult to focus entirely on the actual musical aspect of Seraphine’s performance. She couldn’t help but let her mind wander to what the musician had told her earlier… exposing her breasts had seemingly flipped a switch in the pinkette; in that moment her public persona faded away, replaced by something much more natural and dominant, which only ruined Samira’s satin panties with excitement quicker as she watched her on the stage, fantasizing about all the things the Seraphine might do to her later… or make her do.
Samira had always been into women. She loved the supple, curved angles of their bodies. The moans and mewls they made as they were tickled and teased in just the right places. The deft and gentle nature of their skilled fingers from years of practicing on themselves. She wasn’t lying to Seraphine earlier when she’d told her she was her type. She simply checked every box the mercenary had for her perfect woman. Flawless smooth skin, silky long hair, a medium pair of breasts with a tight yet shapely ass. Her being incredibly talented and famous was just the cherry on top.
Truthfully, Samira didn’t really care much for submission or domination in the bedroom. She was generally happy just getting herself and her lover off in any way she could. But something about how dominant the popstar had been to her had awoken a lust buried deep within the Noxian. One that she hadn’t even known about until this very moment. Thinking about the possessive, lewd words written across her breasts got her so turned on, even more so when she thought about all the people around her in the crowd that had no idea that they were there. They were all here to see Seraphine, but she… she was going to fuck Seraphine.
After the concert had ended and the singer bid farewell to the masses, Samira made her way backstage once more, showing security her freshly acquired VIP pass to gain access. Her nipples felt painfully hard and her arousal had gotten so out of hand it began dripping down her thighs, but she had little time to worry about such inconveniences. Like a bitch in heat she stumbled through the winding corridors behind the stage, a telling blush painting her cheeks. Finally, she stood at the precipice of the very same dressing room this saga had started in just a few hours ago, and, with a deep, calming breath, she turned the knob and opened the door.
Samira’s eye took a moment to refocus as she peered inside, but when it did it was able to see Seraphine splayed out across the loveseat in the corner of the room; she was laying on her back with one knee up while her other leg dangled off the edge, one hand held her phone up above her head as she scrolled aimlessly on it while the other held a glass of clear liquid. Whether it was water or vodka was impossible to know. Nothing about her actions or pose was inherently sexy, but when you combine them with the fact that her usual attire was missing, replaced with purple lingerie and matching thigh garters that connected to a pair of black stockings? It nearly made Samira fall over dead. She seemed so casual. So relaxed and uncaring. Yet those undergarments told the Desert Rose all she needed to know. She stepped inside and carefully closed the door behind her.
“I was beginning to think you wouldn’t show.” Seraphine called, her head turning slightly so she could eye the obviously flustered tan woman.
“Sorry, I got a bit lost backstage… You were amazing, by the way. During your concert.”
“I know.” Seraphine hummed, “Come here. Sit.”
Those simple words sent shivers down Samira’s spine. The way such a delicate, innocent creature like Seraphine could boss her around as if she was just a harmless lapdog made her want to obey all the more. She obediently took her place on the very edge of the loveseat, careful to avoid the popstar’s bare feet.
“Not there, Noxian.” Serpahine sat up and gestured to her lap by patting it with her hand. “Here.”
The Desert Rose had been in her fair share of sticky situations, but this one might have taken the cake. She ignored her nerves as best she could and did as she was told, straddling the pinkette's lap cowgirl style. She never dreamed she’d get this close to her idol; she could feel the smoothness of her skin, smell the intoxicating aroma of her perfume, see all the little intricacies of her form that could only be admired from such a short distance.
But she wasn’t the only one observing.
Seraphine had reached up with one hand, gently caressing the Noxian’s cheek while she stared at her face. That eyepatch of hers had been the very first feature to catch her attention. Wasn’t everyday you saw someone with such an obvious battle scar in Piltover. Fighting wasn’t exactly their forte, after all. But the singer kind of liked it. It was an indicator of just how dangerous this particular individual was, which made the fact that she’d convinced her to sit in her lap like a puppy all the more arousing.
Naturally, the popstar wanted to push it further.
Her hands tugged at the bottom of Samira’s shirt until she pulled it over her head and discarded it, revealing those same large breasts she’d seen before, her handwritten “autograph” still there and easily readable. Although the pinkette was tempted to fondle and pinch and suck on them immediately, she had enough restraint to resist such ideas. Instead, she played a similar game with the woman’s pants, clawing at them until Samira unbuttoned and pulled them off in one fell swoop, leaving her in just a pair of black lace panties.
“Well?” Seraphine said, running her tongue over her lips briefly while she eyed the Noxian’s almost entirely undressed body. “You gonna kiss me or not?”
Samira was happy to oblige, leaning her head down until their mouths met. The kiss was simple at first; slow, sensual, and exploratory, both women wanted to get a good gauge of each other before things evolved. Seraphine’s hands roamed Samira’s body, running up the delicate nerves along her sides, sliding down her toned and muscular abdominal region, grazing over her thighs and hips all the while their kiss became more developed. Tongue met tongue and they danced in each other’s mouths, battling for dominance only for a moment before Samira relented and gave her idol full autonomy in the kiss. Her hips had started moving of their own accord, thrusting ever so slightly as her womanhood rubbed against Seraphine’s lower stomach, leaving a very obvious trail of arousal in her wake.
“My, someone’s excited.” Seraphine purred, breaking their kiss momentarily before reengaging it, smiling as Samira whimpered a slightly desperate moan into her mouth. The pinkette was having way too much fun teasing her fan, but if the wet spot on her stomach was any indication, she was clearly enjoying the playful treatment. And yet, her one critique of the Noxian’s performance thus far was her reluctance to use her hands. Perhaps it was just their power dynamic in play, but Seraphine wouldn’t have it.
The pinkette grasped Samira’s hands with her own and forced her to fondle her below-average sized breasts. The Noxian’s lone emerald eye widened from the sudden change, but she was more than eager to do as instructed. She massaged the popstar’s cute B cups from outside her purple bra for a few moments, relishing in their feel as they fit easily into her palms. In time, though, she grew bolder, and eventually she gingerly slid her hands beneath the lingerie, gasping as she felt Seraphine’s stiff nipples rub against her bare skin. She could have just about passed out from the sensory overload, but Seraphine’s tongue becoming much more aggressive indicated approval, and so Samira pressed on, fondling her pale breasts beneath her bra as the pinkette decided to do the same. But while the Desert Rose’s hands were gentle, Seraphine’s were much more… punishing.
She didn’t just fondle Samira’s tits; she squeezed and slapped them around, pinched and tweaked her nipples harshly, bounced her jiggly melons up and down and treated them like mere toys for her own amusement. Her nails cruelly dug into the Noxian’s breasts, sinking deep into the abundant flesh and leaving angry little red marks behind in their wake. One might expect Samira to not enjoy such rough treatment, but the truth was that it only made her grind her cunt harder against Seraphine, her panties absolutely ruined at this point from just how wet she’d become. She mewled and moaned like a needy bitch into the singer’s mouth and the constant little vocal cues caused an excess of spit to dribble down her chin.
She wasn’t the only one swimming in desire, though. Seraphine could feel her own folds tremble and quiver with arousal as she continued womanhandling Samira’s breasts. The popstar had always had a bit of a love/hate relationship for girls with big tits, and this Noxian broad certainly fit the bill. It was part of the reason she’d invited her to her dressing room in the first place. On one hand, she quite enjoyed large boobs. The bigger they were, the funner it was to play with them. On the other hand, she’d always felt jealous over them. She’d been cursed with a pair of incredibly mild melons. Little tennis balls adorning her chest, if even that big. It just wasn’t fair. Why should some random Noxian mercenary get blessed with huge oingo boingos when she’d been cursed to have a permanent chair on the itty bitty titty committee?
Naturally, when she got the chance to hook up with a busty gal like Samira, she was keen to take out all her envious frustrations, hence the aggressive breast handling. It was merely a matter of good fortune that the Noxian seemed to enjoy it.
Breasts weren’t the only thing Seraphine wanted to fondle today, however. She pushed Samira away a few inches, breaking the kiss again as they remained connected through a bridge of saliva between their lips.
“Panties off. Now.” she commanded, watching with a satisfied smirk as the muscular Noxian deferred to her once again. Samira stood up and dropped her final shred of decency to the floor, leaving the tarnished undergarment by the wayside as she awaited further instruction. Much to her surprise, Seraphine took the brief reprieve to strip herself down, removing her matching purple bra and panties whilst keeping the garters and stockings on.
Now that the popstar was, for all practical purposes, completely nude, Samira took the opportunity to admire her body. Even though she’d felt her bare breasts only moments prior, seeing them gave her an all new appreciation. They were just… adorable. Not in a patronizing way, either. Genuinely, Samira found them devilishly cute. They were small, sure, but incredibly firm and perky. Her areolas were slightly bigger than average, which almost made her boobs somehow look even tinier than they actually were, like some sort of optical illusion. The Noxian didn’t really have a preference for breast size; big, small, humongous, or non-existent, as long as a girl had a nice ass she really couldn’t care less what her bosom looked like. But she had to admit, Seraphine’s breasts were absolutely lovely. Admittedly, they would not be everyone’s cup of tea, but they certainly were plenty good enough for her.
Looking downwards, Samira’s eye grazed past the singer’s flat, sticky stomach (a result of her constant grinding, no doubt), and settled on her womanhood. It looked utterly delectable; two small folds encasing a clitoris dripping with arousal. She had a strong urge to get on her knees and tongue it until it reached a magnificent orgasm, but she knew she wasn’t the one calling the shots here. Above the popstar’s pussy was a neatly trimmed tuft of pink pubic hair. She always figured Seraphine’s flowing mane was just dyed that color, but seeing as the curtains matched the drapes, it must’ve been all natural.
Samira’s lusty gawking was cut short when the Songstress’ hands gripped her by the waist and turned her around. She pulled her into her lap once again, though this time she was facing away from the singer, feeling her butt press snugly against the pinkette’s pelvis like they were two puzzle pieces fitting together.
“I’ve been wanting to feel this ass since I watched it walk away earlier.” Seraphine huffed, her voice low and rich with lusty undertones. “Now give it to me properly you little Noxian slut.”
A satisfied little smirk appeared on the Desert Rose’s face. After all, it wasn’t every day you got such aggressively horny compliments from your idol. The controlling, confident way she’d enunciated “slut” released all the happy chemicals in Samira’s brain, and was more than happy to give the singer the lapdance she’d asked for.
“Wait.” Seraphine ordered, causing Samira to pause just before she got started. The singer reached down to the floor and picked up the Desert Rose’s previously abandoned panties, smiling as she felt them still utterly drenched in Samira’s juices. She stood in front of the Noxian, her lightning blue eyes shooting a piercing gaze through her, and uttered a single word. Unbeknownst to both of them, this single word would ensure the popstar dominion over Samira’s soul for the remainder of the evening.
Under normal circumstances, if Samira’s lover asked her to do something as degrading as putting her own soaked panties in her mouth, she’d just gun them down in the street like a dog and move on. But for Seraphine? For Seraphine, she was more than willing to obey.
The pinkette smiled as she saw her obedient plaything open her mouth wide like a good slut. She slid the balled up panties atop her tongue and gently tapped her chin to get her to close her lips around them.
“Mmph!” Samira groaned in a muffled manner, unable to speak coherently with the makeshift gag in her mouth. The powerful taste of her own excitement filled her mouth, and she had to admit… it was actually kinda good. Perhaps a large part of that was because it was Seraphine who told her to do it, but even still, it was humiliating and exciting that the taste of her own arousal made her even wetter between her thighs.
“Now you can give me that dance.” the pinkette smiled, cupping the Desert Rose’s cheek for a moment before she sat herself on the couch.
Samira did as she was told, pressing her bare ass against Seraphine’s naked skin, grinding it up and down over her stomach, pelvis, and thighs while the Songstress occasionally administered a harsh spank to her bouncing rear, the sound of her hand meeting flesh resonating in a loud CRACK that reverberated throughout the room.
This was another first for Samira. No lover of hers had ever tried to spank her ass before; most likely because they were too afraid of what she might do in response. But Seraphine was utterly fearless, and the Desert Rose couldn’t help but respect that. For such a petite, fragile thing, the Songstress had quite the demon inside.
Samira leaned backwards, pressing her back against Seraphine’s chest, feeling her stiff nipples poking into her skin. The two grinded against each other like that for some time, with Seraphine lightly nibbling and kissing the Noxian’s neck intermittently, sending pulses of white hot pleasure throughout her veins. The faint hum of some distant song playing outside the dressing room provided all the music needed for Samira to perform her lapdance to completion, twerking and dancing her alluring backside fervently for the singer’s own personal pleasure, who continued slapping and kneading the soft, pliable, supple cushion that was the Noxian’s tanned ass.
“Enough foreplay.” Seraphine said firmly, gently easing Samira to her knees and sliding her panty gag from her mouth before she gestured to her own perky tits. “Suck them.”
Samira didn’t need to be told twice. She slithered up between the pinkette’s legs, pressing her chest against her lover’s stomach, and flicked her tongue out to repeatedly lap at her right tit like it was the world’s tastiest lollipop. One of her hand’s founds its way to Seraphine other breast and began to gingerly grope it, but only a few seconds passed before it was swatted away.
“No hands. Only your tongue. Like a dog.” she ordered, the dark red flush tinting her cheeks betraying the even-keeled nature of her tone.
Samira took pleasure in knowing that Seraphine was obviously very turned on. Since the moment she met her backstage until now she’d had this aura of superiority. Like she was untouchable. Unfazeable. As if everything was simply beneath her. Even though she wore a convincing mask, her body exposed her true feelings. The deep, hushed breaths she took, the way her legs wrapped around Samira’s back to keep her locked in place, the sudden curling of her fingers and tightening of her knuckles, it all traced back to one immutable fact:
Seraphine was having a good old time.
Perhaps it was merely because she liked dominating strong, intimidating women, but the Desert Rose’s own inspired performance had to have played a factor as well. She deftly worshiped the Songstress’ smaller breasts, licking them enthusiastically as she alternated between the two before she began sucking on them. At first she only took the pinkette’s nipple into her mouth, but in time her lips expanded out until they encompassed the entire areola. Before she realized it, Samira had managed to pop the entirety of her idol’s boob into her mouth, much to the popstar’s delight if her quiet moans were any indicator.
Seraphine was keen to reward her efforts. One of her legs unwrapped itself from behind Samira’s back, traveling between the tan woman’s thighs until her foot hovered just below her pussy. She lightly rubbed her womanhood with her toes, eliciting a gasp from the Noxian as her breast sucking grew more frenzied in response. Samira had never much been into feet, but at this point she was unbearably horny and her cunt had been fairly touch starved throughout this entire ordeal. Any attention it received felt like heaven on earth, and soon enough every forward thrust of Seraphine’s foot evoked a telltale schlicking noise as her abundant arousal served as an endless lubricating agent.
The Songstress ran her hand through Samira’s silky hair, sensually petting her lover for a job well done. She was pleased at how subservient the Noxian ended up being. She barely had to lift a finger and she was wagging her tail and jumping through hoops for her. She wasn’t particularly surprised though. In her experience, it was always the tough, intimidating broads that were the biggest closeted subs. All it took was the right bitch to come along, bend them over their knee, and give them the spanking they always desperately wanted to bring out their subservient side.
And Seraphine was, without a doubt, that right bitch.
She began touching herself with her free hand as Samira continued her diligent sucking and licking. One thing she appreciated about the Noxian was her willingness to get sloppy for the sake of pleasure. Her constant switching between Seraphine’s left and right breasts in conjunction with her messy and voracious style of tongue play left the popstar’s meager bosom covered in a glossy sheen of the Desert Rose’s saliva. And as Samira repeatedly stuffed her face into said bosom, she too had become covered in that same glossy sheen. It only seemed to spur her on further, however, as her arousal dripped down Seraphine’s foot and her moans, muffled slightly from the current mouthful of titties, grew louder by the second.
“Oh come here, already.” Seraphine whispered, carefully easing away the Noxian from her breast, her lips making a pop as they begrudgingly left the singer’s stiff nipple. Samira felt her head pulled upwards rapidly until her lips came crashing against Seraphine’s, moaning as their tongues explored each other’s mouths once again. However, due to the large quantity of spit that Samira had collected on her lips and face, this kiss was much sloppier than their first.
To make matters worse (or better, according to one’s perspective), Samira womanhood now rested squarely across Seraphine’s right thigh, and she could not help but grind herself against it like a desperate art major, the smooth, heavenly feel of the popstar’s skin sending wave after wave of blissfully lewd endorphins to her brain. Her larger tits pressed snugly into Seraphine’s smaller ones, squishing them slightly as their nipples constantly bumped and rubbed together.
Her essence leaked out abundantly, making a thorough mess of her idol’s thighs… and the couch. Enraptured in the ecstasy of actually having sex with her favorite artist, Samira lost complete control and fully gave herself to the mind-controlling pleasure, grinding herself harder and faster against Seraphine. She rode the pinkett's thigh like it was a bucking bronco until, with one innocuous thrust of her hips, she achieved an accidental orgasm, her pussy quivering in delight while she moaned a low, almost primal sound into Seraphine’s mouth. She gripped the popstar’s shoulders tightly, hanging on for dear life as she squirted a heaping helping of girlcum across her thighs, assuring that the couch would undoubtedly need to be replaced. Or at the very least reupholstered.
Seraphine broke their kiss and nuzzled the taller woman into her petite bosom, sensually stroking Samira’s upper back as she trembled in the afterglow of her orgasm. The Songstress allowed her time to fully appreciate her climax, but as soon as Samira came down from her high, the show had to go on.
“Hmm… Did you just cum before me?” Seraphine smiled, her words sounding more like a statement than a question.
“I-I…” Samira looked into the pinkette's eyes, noticing how sharp and venomous they’d become once again. She gulped down her fear and answered, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to… it just sort of happened..”
"Tsk tsk tsk. Bad girl!” Seraphine reached forward and administered a cruel spank to Samira’s already red ass. “What are you going to do to make it right?”
The Desert Rose opened her mouth to speak but paused as she ruminated over the best way to answer that question. Her hesitation was a bad mistake.
“Ow!” she groaned, this time the slap coming to her other ass cheek, making her supple backside jiggle from the recoil. “I… uh…”
SPANK! “Ah! I’ll do anything!”
“Anything, huh?” Seraphine narrowed her eyes.
Serpahine pushed the tan skinned woman off of her and onto the ground without another word being spoken, forcing her into a kneeling position a few feet away from the couch. The popstar stood up and walked right up to her, her slickened cunt only inches away from her face, her arousal dripping down her leg. Samira’s mouth suddenly felt very dry as she stared ahead, almost hypnotized with her dominatrix’s beauty. She pined to stick her tongue inside Seraphine’s womanhood, quenching her dire thirst with the popstar’s delectable nectar.
But Seraphine had other plans. She turned around without warning, taking her pussy away from the Noxian slut and instead presenting her with her tight, toned ass. She took both her hands and gripped her ass cheeks, bouncing them up and down to show off her impeccable skin and impressive derrière. She may not have had the biggest tits in the entire world, but she was fairly proud of her butt. It took a lot of long nights in the gym to get it to the point it was at. She had no issues whatsoever showing it off… to the right person, of course.
Samira was enchanted by the mesmeric movement of the pinkette's buttocks. The way it danced and jiggled to and fro was drawing her in like a moth to flame. As much as she enjoyed a good pair of boobs, the Desert Rose had always been an ass girl. There were many reasons behind her preference for butts, but the primary one was being fucking based.
“Kiss it. Lick it. Worship it.” the popstar huffed through ragged breaths, spreading her cheeks for only a tantalizing moment to showcase her exposed holes before letting them clap back together.
Samira did not to be told twice, salivating with desire as she began by planting soft, probing kisses along the singer’s tender backside. Seraphine may not have had the biggest ass in the world, but it was certainly not small. Samira found it surprisingly soft as well, giving her a nice cushion as her face pressed up against it. She desperately wanted to knead and massage the pinkette’s ass with her hands, but she knew who was in control here, and it was definitely not her. So instead, she merely continued her worship with her hands clasped behind her back like a good girl, pious in her adoration as she trailed her kisses in all directions. She savored every single inch of Seraphine’s backside, taking as many mental pictures as she possibly could for later use. But even beyond sight, almost all of her other senses were swimming in nirvana. Her nose inhaled the pleasant fragrance of lavender soap, the same smell she’d found across the singer’s entire body. Her face felt the soft, plushy composition of Seraphine’s ass pressed against it, cradling her cheek like a pillow does before bed. The sound of her own kisses filled her ears; each ‘Mwah!’ she heard reverberate through the room reminded her that this was actually happening. It wasn’t a dream. It wasn’t aliens. It wasn’t the government. It wasn’t Satan. It wasn't a solar storm. It was real.
But her sense of taste was beginning to feel left out, and the taste buds covering the top of her tongue longed for some good fucking food. She slithered her Noxian tongue out like she was a serpent, dragging it along the tender skin of Seraphine’s ass. Much like with her kisses, she wanted to be thorough in her tongue’s devotion to her Mistress. She worked it alongside the entirety of the pinkette’s backside, coming to the crack of her ass last. She repeatedly licked up and down the seam between Seraphine’ ass cheeks, but never used enough force to actually part them and taste the forbidden fruit hidden within.
It was an advanced level of teasing because it affected both Seraphine and herself. She could tell the Songstress was on edge before they’d even gotten to the ass worshiping session. The pinkette had managed to hold it together pretty well, but Samira could still hear muted little moans escaping her lips as her tongue danced deftly in its ministrations. As for herself, her cunt was practically a leaking faucet at this point. Turns out repeatedly smashing her face into Seraphine’s ass for the better part of the last ten minutes or so had that effect on her. But the beauty in it was that they both desperately wanted things to go one step further. Seraphine wanted her ass rimmed so she could cum, and Samira wanted to rim Seraphine’s so she too could cum… again. A rare equal exchange in an unbalanced power dynamic.
It was the popstar who broke first, her patience worn thin from her submissive’s unending teasing. A punishment (or perhaps reward, depending on one’s perspective) for such behavior was in order, and so she clasped the back of Samira’s head and shoved it straight between her round, rosy cheeks to the prize beneath. Samira’s eye fluttered open wide like a barn owl as she suddenly felt her tongue pressed snugly against her idol’s tight asshole. All manner of cohesive and intelligent thought left her brain in that instant, replaced entirely with an almost desire to please and lick and kiss that tight pucker as much as she could.
Her mind barely registered Seraphine’s heightened moans overhead as the grip on the back of her skull tightened, entombing her between the Songstress’ pale cheeks to such a degree that even breathing was not possible, not that she minded all that much. In fact, she behaved much more like a starving dog than a human being running low on oxygen, ravenously licking circles around the rim of Seraphine’s pucker while one of her tan hands trailed downwards to furiously jill herself off.
The pinkette heard the telltale noises of masturbation emanating from Samira’s ménage à moi, but was either too enraptured in her own pleasure to care or simply decided to let the mercenary have her fun. Either way, both parties were left happy. The Desert Rose’s tongue gave her idol’s backdoor a few more hungry laps before she plunged it inside, properly tonguefucking the pinkette’s sensitive asshole. Seraphine's libido was promptly sent into overdrive, her free hand reaching forward to the wall for support as her body gently trembled from the overwhelming pleasure of having a skilled Noxian eat her ass like it was the last meal on Runeterra.
Alas, Samira’s mortality finally began catching up to her as she felt her need for air grow to concerning levels. Yet, as her fingers continued eagerly rubbing her clit like a madwoman, she decided that her desire to indulge in her idol’s ass outweighed her desire to breathe. She doubled down, wrapping her arm around the popstar's waist to pull her in as close as she could. The combination of Seraphine’s hand pushing Samira’s face into her ass and Samira pulling Seraphine’s body into her face led her tongue to hit its maximum depth inside the pinkette’s quivering asshole.
To Samira, such an object of perfection deserved proper care and love. Seraphine’s starfish was something to be venerated; to be piously worshiped and tended to. She would do whatever was needed to please her icon, for this communion was not one freely shared to all. For reasons she did not fully understand, the singer had chosen her on this night to be her instrument of pleasure, and she would repay such kindness one thousand times over… or die trying.
Seraphine’s eyes went wide and she gasped for air as she felt the Noxian’s tongue reach deep into her ass. She gripped the brunette’s scalp even tighter, moaning recklessly to the heavens above as she finally achieved an explosive climax, her thighs shaking in ecstasy as a trail of girlcum leaked down them. The sound of her idol obtaining that ever-elusive relief above sent Samira over the edge, and just as Seraphine’s orgasm passed its peak and she started to come down, the Desert Rose moaned emphatically into her ass, cumming her brains out while her eye rolled backwards in, unfettered, otherworldly pleasure. Her tongue continued its diligence throughout the mind-bending nirvana, lapping eagerly at the pale woman’s winking asshole.
It took Samira a good half minute to come down from the heroine-esque high, and when she did she was left so utterly breathless (figuratively and literally) that her body’s only response was to collapse backwards against the floor, her chest heaving violently as she sucked in deep breaths of much needed oxygen.
The Songstress kneeled beside her, running her dainty hand through the mercenary’s hair gingerly, subtly commending her for a job well done. They did not exchange words. None were needed in that moment, as a comfortable silence overtook the room. Samira rested her head gently against the pinkette’s thighs, relishing in the sudden tenderness she was willing to give her.
It was nice to see this softer side of her. She was confident that not many had. It was nothing like the fake stage persona she wore so often. With the entertainment industry being built atop a throne of lies, seeing such authenticity from someone so famous was less than a once in a lifetime opportunity.
Or so she thought.
“Phone?” Seraphine said plainly, breaking the silence. Samira blinked the fuzzy afterglow of her orgasm away and reached into her discarded jeans pocket before delivering said device to the pinkette’s waiting hand.
The Songstress typed away at, though Samira had no idea what her intention was. Instead of letting her brain wander, however, she merely closed her eye and relished in the smell of sex that permeated throughout the dressing room.
It was hard for her to comprehend this situation, really. A few days ago she’d nearly taken a bullet in Bilgewater during an op that went sideways, and yet today here she was, her head resting on her favorite singer’s thighs just moments after she’d eaten her ass to a mutual climax between the two of them. She just… needed a moment to take it all in.
As the immortal Ferris Bueller once said, “Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.”
“Hmmm… ‘Kay, all done.” Seraphine said, handing the Noxian’s phone back to her. Her eye widened as she saw a newly entered contact, named plainly as ‘S’, sitting in her contact list.
“Y-you gave me your number?” Samira could not hide her bewilderment.
“What can I say?” the pinkette shot her a cheeky smile. “I like you. We should hang out sometime.”
A deep blush ran over Samira’s face. “I-I’d like that.”
The pinkette suddenly shifted positions, mirroring her body over Samira’s prone form like a jungle cat, her face only inches away. “Yeah? You know what I’d like?”
“A-another round?” Samira squeaked.
Seraphine nipped gently at the Desert Rose’s lips with her own before fully sending it, sloppily kissing the same lips that had been worshiping her asshole mere minutes ago. They kissed for a few moments before the pinkette broke it.
“Yeah, another round sounds nice. Or ten.”
A/N: This was only supposed to be around 2,000 words but I really enjoyed writing this unusual pairing. I hardly ever see any Samira content with her in the position of the sub, so I figured I'd just make some of my own. If you want to see updates on further additions in Submirathon, feel free to follow my Twitter. |
Chapter 0 - Prologue |
PROSECUTOR: Ms. Anders, by the powers vested in the High Council and the Institute of War, do you guarantee this court the complete and total truth, as recalled to the best of your ability?
PROSECUTOR: Do you understand that a false testimony in the presence of the High Council is considered a capital offense and makes you liable to receive the death penalty?
MS. ANDERS: Oh, so scary. Yeah, yeah. I understand.
PROSECUTOR: Then we can begin. To start, Ms. Anders, would you care to explain to the court what exactly "Project Queenbreaker" was?
Ms. Anders: Queenbreaker? That's what this is about? Seriously?
PROSECUTOR: Ms. Anders, I—
(Ms. Anders turns to face the High Council, arms outstretched)
MS. ANDERS: That's why you drug me all the way out here? You should all be thanking me for Queenbreaker, not questioning me over it.
PROSECUTOR: Be that as it may, Ms. Anders, this court still—
MS. ANDERS: Still what? Needs a scapegoat? Honestly, I thought you had more backbone than that, [EXPUNGED]. A few organized protests in [EXPUNGED] and [EXPUNGED] and you're already looking for someone to pin everything on? If you had half the character you pretend to—
PROSECUTOR: Ms. Anders, let me remind you that you are addressing a member of the High Council. Perhaps it would be unwise to finish that statement.
MS. ANDERS: Don't lecture me on what is wise, boy. You're just their puppet. A tool for the High Council to squeeze me for information. You're too shortsighted to see this now, but you shouldn't want me to tell you any of the details from Queenbreaker. A low level court prosecutor like yourself? They'll make you disappear for knowing too much. But fine. I'll talk about it. That's what the High Council wants, anyway. And they always get what they want.
PROSECUTOR: Very well, Ms. Anders. Then, if you would, please explain the nature behind Project Queenbreaker.
MS. ANDERS: Queenbreaker was the first successful social experiment conducted by my research wing in a long line of failures that were grouped together under the name of "The Salvatoria Operation". This operation was a directive given to me by Councilor [EXPUNGED].
PROSECUTOR: Ms. Anders, there are no known records of Councilor [EXPUNGED] ordering such experimentation, nor is there any evidence of this Salvatoria Operation ever existing.
MS. ANDERS: Yeah, and if [EXPUNGED] hadn't been offed a few years ago maybe he could be here instead of me, answering these tiresome questions.
PROSECUTOR: Be that as it may, it is your word against a Councilor's, regardless of him being deceased. Why would Councilor [EXPUNGED] even order such experimentation? Wouldn't it be incredibly dangerous for him? Had it gotten out, it would have destroyed his reputation and almost assuredly resulted in him being removed from the High Council.
MS. ANDERS: It was incredibly dangerous for him. It was dangerous for all of us. We put our careers, our families, our very lives on the line to conduct the Salvatoria Operation. But we did it because we believed in it. Because we knew that there are things much more dangerous in this world than questionable social experiments coming to light.
PROSECUTOR: Like what?
MS. ANDERS: Pillaging. Genocide. Famine. The consequences of war.
PROSECUTOR: I fail to see how that relates to the topic at hand, Ms. Anders.
(Ms. Anders laughs.)
MS. ANDERS: The big—wigs behind you know this already, but the Institute of War was formed with the goal of ending war across all of Runeterra. There had been five Rune Wars before its formation, and we were on the verge of a sixth before the Salvatoria Operation. One that would have finished us. All of us. Back then, the Noxian/Demacian/Ionian conflict was on the precipice of escalating into a very real, very costly war. And once Zaun and Piltover got involved? It threatened to reduce everything in this world to poisonous chemtrails and hextech shrapnel. The fate of our world was balancing on a knife's edge. Peace was held together by duct tape and blind luck. The Institute thought it could quell war by settling political disputes via the battlegrounds we all know of. And for a while, it worked. Nations sent forth their best and brightest, dubbed "champions" by the public, and they settled any and all international turmoil on the Fields of Justice. But over time this method's effectiveness deteriorated. Nations started falling back to old habits. Before long, war was once again on the horizon. It was a flawed system. It peddled the issue down the road, delaying it, but it could never truly solve it. [EXPUNGED] knew this. He knew it better than most. That's why he tasked me with the Salvatoria Operation. He wanted me to find a solution, by any means, to prevent the rapidly approaching apocalypse.
PROSECUTOR: So you're saying that Councilor [EXPUNGED], a man perhaps best known for his transparency and uncompromising commitment to the truth, gave you these instructions in secret?
MS. ANDERS: [EXPUNGED] knew the other members of the High Council. He knew they wouldn't take kindly to the idea that their precious League of Legends was not working. He knew they would shut us down if they found out about our experiments. You're right. [EXPUNGED] was an honorable man. And he knew that it was more honorable to lie for a chance to save the world than tell the truth and condemn it to ruin.
PROSECUTOR: So, in your own words, Councilor [EXPUNGED] ordered you to carry out a series of social experiments with the goal of preventing an ensuing war. We know that Queenbreaker was a success. Can you tell the court about some of the failures?
(Ms. Anders crosses her arms and shrugs.)
MS. ANDERS: "Project Peacekeeper" was our first attempt at social experimentation. None of us knew what we were doing. Hell, before [EXPUNGED] came to me, I was just the head of a pharmaceutical research division in the west wing of the Institute. A nobody scientist in charge of a bunch of other nobody scientists. Under orders from [EXPUNGED], we developed a serum that, once injected into the temporal lobe, was supposed to neutralize the area of the brain responsible for aggression. This—
PROSECUTOR: Are you suggesting that Councilor [EXPUNGED] wanted to inject the populace at large with a chemical compound that would alter their brains?
MS. ANDERS: The general population? No. A few key individuals? Sure. A lot can change from just a few cooler heads. Regardless, Project Peacekeeper failed. We made it past mammalian trials with flying colors, but once we got to human trials... things did not go well.
PROSECUTOR: Can you elaborate, Ms. Anders?
MS. ANDERS: Instead of neutralizing aggression, the serum resulted in many of our test subjects falling into vegititative states. Others had their aggressive tendencies actually become heightened, slipping into crazed states of rage—filled delirium. It was a complete and utter failure.
PROSECUTOR: Any other failed projects that stand out, Ms. Anders?
(Ms. Anders takes a long pause.)
MS. ANDERS: Plenty. All horrible in their own way. But what good does it do to bring them up now? The High Council already knows my sins. I know my sins. I'll never be able to forget them.
PROSECUTOR: A fair point, Ms. Anders. Onto Project Queenbreaker, then. Your first and only success in the Salvatoria Operation. Could you explain the overarching idea and, subsequently, the methodology behind this experiment to the court?
(Ms. Anders sighs.)
MS ANDERS: We had tried many, many things before Queenbreaker. At a certain point, it became less about well—thought out hypotheses and more about throwing darts at the wall until one of them landed. Queenbreaker started with a simple concept: sex. It is the backbone of all life. It is the most undeniable instinct in our species, as well as every other species.
PROSECUTOR: Is that a scientific fact, Ms. Anders, or just conjecture?
(Ms. Anders laughs.)
MS. ANDERS: Did you know, prosecutor, that there is a species of frog native to the Kumungu Jungles that's lifespan is only mere minutes long? From the moment it breaks free from the confines of its eggshell until its soon—to—be demise, what do you think it does? Eat? Search for water? Shelter? No, it doesn't bother with any of that. It looks for a mate. It looks to carry on its genes. And it has succeeded in doing that for well over forty thousand years. At least, that's what the fossil records say. All life is sex. I can assure you of that much.
PROSECUTOR: Quite a compelling story, Ms. Anders. Please continue.
MS. ANDERS: We hypothesized that there must be a way to use this primal directive to our advantage. At first, we thought of crafting a pill that would greatly increase people's sex drives. Nobody can spend time fighting if they're too busy fucking. At least, that was the theory. But it brought more problems than it solved. By our projections, the global population would spiral out of control within one generation. Within two our planet would starve to death. The opposite, a pill that removed sex drive, made even less sense for obvious reasons. As a collective, we'd been stuck on how we could manipulate sex to prevent war for what felt like months. The project was going nowhere. [EXPUNGED] urged us to move on. And then I had an idea. It just came to me.
PROSECUTOR: Just came to you, Ms. Anders? Do you really expect the court to believe that?
MS. ANDERS: I wish I had a better answer for you. I wish there was something I saw or did that gave me the answer we'd been searching for. Some grand revelation that showed me the light. But, honest as truth can be, I really had the idea on an innocuous, dreary, uneventful evening. Dozing off in my flat with a fifth of vodka and a wandering mind.
(The prosecutor turns to his superiors. They nod at him.)
PROSECUTOR: Very well, Ms. Anders. Continue.
MS. ANDERS: It was clear to me that sex was the root of the experiment, but how? How did we use sex to end the brewing conflict? People fuck all the time, but it has no guarantee of making them more amicable long term. Maybe it will for an hour, or a day, or even a year, but there are just as many people out there that hate the ones they've slept with as much as the ones they haven't. It was missing something. And that night, my half—drunken self stumbled onto what it was. Fighting.
PROSECUTOR: Care to clarify that word, Ms. Anders?
(Ms. Anders scoffs.)
MS. ANDERS: You need someone to clarify what "fighting" means? I knew prosecutors were dull but that's just concerning.
(The prosecutor does not respond. There is a long silence. Ms. Anders sighs)
MS. ANDERS: Very well. Contrary to what your caveman brain is thinking, fighting does not inherently involve fists and swords and broken bones and bloody knuckles. A fight is merely a struggle between two opposed parties. The definition begins and ends at that.
PROSECUTOR: And so you wanted to combine sex and fighting?
MS. ANDERS: That's right.
PROSECUTOR: Could you explain to the court your reasoning?
MS. ANDERS: Prolonged combat between two individuals can only result in one of three outcomes. Either A: one individual proves to be sufficiently more powerful than the other, B: one individual proves to be slightly more powerful than the other, or C: both individuals are evenly matched.
PROSECUTOR: I fail to grasp where this is heading, Ms. Anders.
MS. ANDERS: Let me use an analogy. Say you, Mr. Prosecutor, were a boxer, and you challenged another boxer to a fight. In situation A, the other boxer beats you easily. It is a humbling, humiliating, crushing defeat. Under these conditions, our studies showed that you would be likely to accept your defeat and resign yourself to the fact that the other boxer is superior. In situation B, you lose, but only after making the other boxer work for it. In this scenario, both you and the other boxer are likely to have gained respect for one another. Combat, while often violent, has a knack for sowing respect from opposing parties, especially when it is a close fight. Situation C exacerbates this even further, ending in a draw, where both of you can now see each other as equals. Now, here's the rub. Fighting, while effective at instilling mutual respect, or, at the very least, a proper understanding of the difference in two individuals' power levels, will always have the unfortunate possibility of swinging this respect in the complete other direction. Some boxers, even when beaten handily, become obsessed with the idea of getting revenge. Some refuse to accept close fights. This concept extends out to physical combat at large. Yes, it is capable of fostering respect between individuals, but it is not a perfect system. It cannot be. Because the very core of it, the very essence of violence, is negative. It begets pain. But what if that core feeling attached to the combat is not negative? What if it could beget the opposite of pain? What if it was the most positive feeling one can achieve?
MS. ANDERS: Exactly. We took all of the feelings of respect, honor, struggle, and discipline that came from physical conflict, and we placed them around the budding nucleus of intimacy and desire that is sex. We kept the best parts of both actions while removing the bad. We created sexfighting.
PROSECUTOR: Why did you think this could prevent the war? Seems like a stretch, no?
MS. ANDERS: Clearly it wasn't, all things considered.
PROSECUTOR: Fair enough. Even still, what was your thought process back then?
MS. ANDERS: I didn't care how we solved the problem, so long as it was solved. Yes, it would have been nice for us to figure out a way to prevent the war without making people fuck like animals, but that was a luxury we could not afford. In essence, the idea boiled down to creating a culture much more accepting of defeat. One that did not cling to it as if it was such a terrible, humiliating thing. After all, with the way we combined sex and fighting, you still won, even if you lost.
MS. ANDERS: Well, the winner of the fight was determined by the first individual to force their opponent to orgasm. So losing was not a completely negative experience. You did get to climax, after all. Both parties, winner and loser, got to take something positive away.
PROSECUTOR: And how did you see this changing the political landscape?
MS. ANDERS: Machines of war are often created by those who are stung with defeat. Whether that defeat is from a war in the past, a political war, or a war with just another individual matters not. The way to prevent the upcoming war was to change how we go to war. Not with guns and bombs and spears, nor with champions that brutalize each other for our entertainment, but instead with orgasmic skirmishes.
PROSECUTOR: Was it easy to test the effectiveness of this experiment?
MS. ANDERS: At first, no. Our test subjects were reluctant. It was an odd thing to ask folks to do, after all. But over time our coercion tactics grew smarter. We offered monetary rewards for participating. We administered an aphrodisiac gas that increased opponents' sex drives. None were quite as effective as offering the winner their spoils of war, however. Allowing them to use the loser in whichever manner they saw fit to get themselves off was the most powerful motivator we found. Within time, the trials showed promise. The first few individuals we tested were hardly violent in any capacity, but over time, as we began testing on criminals, and eventually, those that hold the deadliest combination of aggression, power, and ego, Champions in the League of Legends, we saw incredible results.
MS. ANDERS: It was working. Somehow, someway, it was working. For our final trial, before we brought it to the Institute's attention, we purposefully picked several Champions that harbored negative emotions towards each other. In almost all cases, there were mutual feelings of loathing and hatred. We are talking deep rooted animus, often defining the very fiber of their personality. And yet, after being forced to sexfight, many, if not all, of these relationships were repaired to some degree. Did they all become lovers and ride off into the sunset? No, of course not, but there were significant improvements across the board. That was the final bit of evidence we needed. If even Champions could be swayed to be less destructive with this method, it needed to be shared. It was the key to stopping the war.
PROSECUTOR: It is the court's understanding that you misled the sixteen Champions undergoing the trial. Do you deny this?
MS. ANDERS: Not at all. Of course I lied. What was I supposed to say? That I was trying to find a way to get them all booted off the Institute's payroll? It was in our best interest to veil our experiment as nothing more than a "libidinous study". Though, admittedly, the Champions fulfilled their role better than I could have hoped. We had some of our most significant breakthroughs during their trial.
MS. ANDERS: We discovered that sexual incentives for the victorious party garnered by far the best results in terms of participation and enthusiasm between combatants. Though we offered large sums of gold for advancing throughout the trial, it became clear that Champions cared little for it. Most of them were already handsomely compensated by the Institute for their participation in the Fields of Justice. It was the idea of using their opponent for their own sexual pleasure after achieving victory that motivated them. They didn't want money; they wanted to prove themselves sexually superior.
PROSECUTOR: Do you think this breakthrough is what ultimately led to the Copulatory—Combat Accords being instituted globally?
MS. ANDERS: Indubitably. We brought our research to the Institute but they didn't want to take it. In fact, I'd bet that both of the Councilors behind you are still pissed at us for replacing their precious little game. But they had no choice. War grew closer with each passing day. Eventually the only option they had left was to disband the League of Legends and replace it with our method.
PROSECUTOR: Are you assuming—
(Ms. Anders turns to the High Councilors.)
MS. ANDERS: You know, you and your cronies should be thanking me. I know it wasn't easy to institute such a drastic societal change. I know that there was a ton of pushback. But that was three years ago. And now, save for a few annoyingly progressive nations, most of Runeterra has come around to the accords. The war was stopped and peace has flourished in its absence. Do the same old countries still hate each other? Of course. Some blood is too bad to ever be washed off. But, at the very least, instead of settling their differences with bombs and bullets, countries fight their political battles with shameless moans and intense orgasms. You can make me out to be the monster behind it all. Make me your patsy. Hell, I don't even care if the world believes you. I know, in my heart, that what I did made a difference. What we did made a difference.
PROSECUTOR: That is not—
(Ms. Anders turns to face COUNCILOR [EXPUNGED].)
MS. ANDERS: Glad you finally decided to speak up. I was worried you'd fallen asleep.
COUNCILOR [EXPUNGED]: You are free to stand here for the next several hours and continue to justify your unethical experimentation on misinformed, unwilling, or otherwise ignorant test subjects, or we can get down to brass tacks.
MS. ANDERS: Just cut to the chase.
COUNCILOR [EXPUNGED]: You claim that Project Queenbreaker's sole purpose was to find an alternative to the League of Legends. To find a way to prevent a supposedly impending, cataclysmic war. Am I correct?
MS. ANDERS: Uh—huh.
COUNCILOR [EXPUNGED]: And you stand by this? You had no ulterior motives at play? It was a purely scientific endeavor, through and through?
MS. ANDERS: That's what I've been trying to tell the lot of you.
COUNCILOR [EXPUNGED]: Very well. Bailiff, please bring in exhibit number [EXPUNGED] from the evidence storeroom.
(The Bailiff nods, exiting the courtroom momentarily before wheeling in a large television and plugging it in. He hands the remote to Councilor [EXPUNGED].)
MS. ANDERS: Hold on, you're the judge. Why are you presenting evidence against me? I realize this is a kangaroo court, but come on. This is low, even for you.
COUNCILOR [EXPUNGED]: Unfortunately for you, being a High Councilor provides me with certain privileges unavailable to other members of the judiciary council. Onto the evidence, I would first like to ask: are you aware of the state of the art recording equipment that exists in every room in every building on Institute owned property?
MS. ANDERS: Of course, it's hard to miss those ugly, bulky cameras sitting in the corners of rooms. What are you playing at?
COUNCILOR [EXPUNGED]: Are you also aware that these recording devices possess incredibly powerful anti—tampering software? That they are essentially impossible to disable? Even if one thinks they have figured out a bypass, the camera's system is usually intelligent enough to overcome this bypass and resume its regularly scheduled recording?
(Ms. Anders refuses to respond, her skin turning pale while her eyes widen.)
COUNCILOR [EXPUNGED]: This television is about to display a camera recording from your personal lab, dated [EXPUNGED] at [EXPUNGED]. This puts the timeline of this recording directly in the middle of your Project Queenbreaker. The camera in question's black box indicates that it had been tampered with mere minutes before this recording took place, yet it was able to bypass this tampering and capture the events that took place in your lab that day. Let us, then, view the evidence.
(Councilor [EXPUNGED] presses a button on the remote, turning the television's screen on. On the screen is Ms. Anders, sitting alone at her desk, eyes fixated on a computer in front of her. The computer is playing a recording of one of Project Queenbreaker's sexfighting trials, involving [EXPUNGED] and [EXPUNGED]. Ms. Anders' lab coat seems to be spread open, revealing her bare breasts, while her skirt is hiked up above her waist so that her lower half is completely naked. As she reclines back in her chair, one of Ms. Anders hands appears to pinch her exposed areola, while the other rubs vigorously between her legs. Loud moans from Ms. Anders can be heard over the television. Councilor [EXPUNGED] watches with a smirk on his face while Ms. Anders looks on, mortified. This continues for a minute longer, before the television shows Ms. Anders' moans increase in volume, escalating into a crescendo as she climaxes. She then quickly fastens her clothing back into place and stumbles out of her lab. Councilor [EXPUNGED] then turns the television off.)
COUNCILOR [EXPUNGED]: No ulterior motives, huh?
(Ms. Anders offers no response.)
COUNCILOR [EXPUNGED]: You weren't trying to save the world. You weren't pursuing a noble crusade. You forced all those people to have sexual relations against their will just so you could rub one out. Everything you did was for yourself!
MS. ANDERS: I know that recording looks bad. I get it. You have to understand. We were working around the clock for weeks on end. There was no "me time". I have needs, same as the rest of us. So what if I found some of our experiments a little... titillating? That doesn't make them any less valid.
COUNCILOR [EXPUNGED]: Even till the bitter end you're nothing more than an impudent child. We live in a world of checks and balances, Isabella! Rules that allow our society, fragile as it may be, to function. You've broken those rules for all of us. The entire system has been flipped upside down. I'll grant you that the League of Legends wasn't perfect, but now? All of this? Everyone has become sex addicts! Brainless corpses that know only desire! You and your perversions have infected Runeterra with a virus. I wouldn't call that much of an improvement.
MS. ANDERS: But it is! Don't you see? There is no war! No killing! No plundering and pillaging! I can admit that the Copulatory—Combat Accords have some minor flaws, but—
(Councilor [EXPUNGED] slams his fist on his podium.)
COUNCILOR [EXPUNGED]: Minor flaws?! That's how you describe that abomination?! That doctrine is an absolute atrocity! It dictates the lives of every man and woman on this planet! Strips us of any sense of freedom! In what world did you think it to be a good idea to have every dispute, be it as small as two individuals or as grand as two nations, settled with one of your so—called sexfights? It's incorrigible!
MS. ANDERS: Our studies showed—
COUNCILOR [EXPUNGED]: Your studies?! To hell with your studies! And what of the Accords' incentive addendums? Did your research lend itself to sexual slavery being something healthy?
MS. ANDERS: That is very rare! For someone's forfeit to be sexual slavery, they must lose the third round of a fight, and we know that the vast majority of fights end after just one.
COUNCILOR [EXPUNGED]: Yet it happens nonetheless. And war still looms, just as large as it did before, only painted a different color. Noxus runs rampant with gutter rats and brothel wenches trained in the art of sexual warfare. Demacia has instituted program after program of "pleasure priming" to get their soldiers up to snuff. Piltover utilizes technologically advanced edging chambers on their police and military forces, essentially torturing those poor souls with endless stimuli in an effort to make them unbeatable in one of your little contests. The world you've created is far more deranged than the one you were born into.
MS. ANDERS: Councilor, I don't know what you want me to say. You're right. Sexfights are not perfect. They are not the pinnacle of societal progress. But humans are imperfect creatures. An ideal system would be ill—suited to our impulses. Just look at the last one. Even the Institute of War, with all of its overwhelming might, was utterly powerless to stop mankind's proclivity for bloodshed. It is instinctual. Carved within our very psyches. So yes, my solution was not without its flaws. It is rudimentary and perverse and pushes the envelope on the extent of human rights. But it has given us a far better chance for peace than we've ever had before. That has to be worth something.
COUNCILOR [EXPUNGED]: Sentiments and good intentions will get you nowhere with me, Isabella. You know that.
MS. ANDERS: Why am I even here? Protests or not, the majority of your fellow Councilors still support the Accords. You and Councilor CRICK are just two dissidents in a sea of supporters. You cannot possibly hope to put an end to them.
COUNCILOR [EXPUNGED]: You are right. As it stands, the Accords have brainwashed most of our Councilors and even the public at large with their wanton spectacle. A few protests here and there won't change that. Councilor [EXPUNGED] and I are powerless to overthrow such a monolithic beast. For now, we shall simply wait and see how the winds blow. Perhaps down the road times will change. Luckily, the High Council couldn't care less about the creator behind the curtain. Although we are doomed to play by your rules, that does not mean we cannot discipline you for setting them in place. You have evaded punishment for far too long, Isabella, but rest assured. The devil always comes to collect.
Chapter 1 - Ashe vs Miss Fortune |
Ashe vs Miss Fortune
Witty Title: A Song of Ice and Fire
Tags: Sexfight, Yuri
The sprawling, dilapidated cityscape of Bilgewater was often riddled with deviant dealings woven with a healthy helping of immodest piracy and unrestrained violence. The streets were lined with an arsenal of cutthroats and thieves while the air tasted foul and corrosive. Every derelict shanty and rickety tavern were run down from decades of merciless sea squalls and free market gunpowder exchanges. Yet beneath this infamous town of decaying morals and unfettered degeneracy rested an enormous subterranean facility. It was buried deep in the earth, connected to the pirate cove above by a series of long-travelling pulley based elevators, their wooden shafts cutting through hundreds of yards of muddy dirt and blackened soot. This facility was not exactly state of the art; wooden planks and repurposed ship parts carved tunnels out into earth. It had rows of liquor stained hallways lined with rooms that had walls of one way glass. In front of this glass were various sitting areas for spectators, stretching down corridors in every direction as far as the eye could see. It was a reflection of its counterpart overhead in aesthetic, but different in that it had strict rules which had to be followed. Contrarily, it was utter chaos above. A land of lawlessness. A homefront for all manner of vagabonds and bastards. Yet down here, buried in the lowest depths of the island’s soil, the true savages worked their craft.
Inside one of the endless blank rooms were two women, both stripped down to a state of complete undress. Sweat covered their bare forms, lining their skin in a shiny sheen that was a testament to their continued physical exertion. They both inhaled deep, ragged breaths, circling each other cautiously as signs of fatigue began to show. Yet neither of them showed an ounce of weakness.
“You’ve got some spunk.” Said the taller, more voluptuous woman, her red hair slightly frazzled and unkempt. “I can’t wait to beat it out of you. You’ll be screaming my name soon enough.”
The smaller woman gave a light chuckle, squaring her shoulders towards her adversary. Her hair was in a similar state of dishevelment, her normally snow white tips turned slightly greyer from the accumulation of sweat that dripped down them. She was at a size disadvantage as well, but what she lacked in reach and well-rounded curves she made up for in muscle and athleticism. Indeed, her body was far tighter than the redhead’s smooth and busty form, with the ghosts of abdominals lining her stomach and slim thighs planted atop sturdy calves giving her all sorts of valuable dexterity.
She extended a lone hand forth, gesturing at the redhead to come forward.
“Prove it.”
The redhead ground her teeth, hands curling into white-knuckled fists as she weighed her options. Part of her saw the white haired woman’s challenge for what is obviously was: bait. Any person with a few functioning brain cells could see that. But another part of her, the less logical, more egotistical part, wanted to answer her opponent’s throwing down of the gauntlet. Wanted to put that smug Freljordian in her place, once and for all.
“Be careful what you wish for, Ashe.”
The redhead charged ahead, aiming to tackle her opponent straight to the ground in one fluid motion. Unfortunately for her, the woman apparently named Ashe had been expecting this. She quickly took one large step to the side with her left foot, her right staying behind and turning itself upwards slightly. The result was a perfectly executed trip, the redhead falling to the floor with a bewildered look spread across her face. Her chest hit the ground hard, F-cup breasts bouncing and wobbling almost comically from the impact. The rest of her body followed as she grunted in pain, lips curling into a sneer as she realized her mistake.
Ashe pounced atop the redhead’s prone body like a jaguar lunging for prey, immobilizing the more curvaceous woman by putting the entirety of her body weight on the small of her back.
“Tsk tsk tsk.” Ashe teased, grinding her womanhood against her opponent’s skin. “Always so bullheaded, Sarah. Never thinking strategically. I guess ‘Miss Fortune’ is a self-referential title.”
Sarah was unable to move with Ashe sitting atop her back. Although the Freljordian archer was somewhat petite, her muscles carried enough weight to keep the redheaded pinned. And from this compromised position… the real battle could begin.
Ashe slid one hand backwards and slipped it between Sarah’s folds, teasing her womanhood with a single finger. The redhead’s eyes widened from the sensation, groaning in equal parts pleasure and frustration, wanting desperately to turn the tide of this fight but utterly powerless to do so. Her only chance was to wait and hope Ashe made a mistake.
“Already wet back here, huh? How shameless.” The Freljordian taunted, speeding up her digit as she pleasured the redhead’s clit.
Sarah was ashamed at how much she enjoyed the feeling of the frost archer’s finger. Every little flick and rub and ministration it etched against her sensitive nub felt like a personalized gift from the gods above. The gentle gyrations of Ashe’s pelvis against the small of her back was enchanting in their own way, too. Feeling her heat, weight, and arousal was sending the bounty hunter’s mind even further into a tizzy. Plus, she always respected women who enjoyed themselves during a fight, and Ashe was certainly no stranger in that regard.
After the League of Legends was disbanded, most of her fellow champions simply went home and fell off the map. Sure, every now and again they would appear on Runeterran television during a high profile sexfight between two nations over some important political dispute, but for the most part, they were ghosts. But Sarah had heard rumors of her frosty friend. Whispers of the Freljordian archer’s fierceness in the cage. How easily she could make opponents cum with those deft fingers of hers… and how easily she herself came when the tables were flipped.
Ashe was a boom or bust fighter. She either got her opponent in a pin and blew her proverbial brains out with pleasure, or she lost the advantage along the way and turned into little more than a desperate slut that was easy to break. Sarah knew that if she could withstand this onslaught for just a little longer, Ashe might drive herself crazy and open the door for the redhead to come back in this fight.
It was a task easier said than done, though.
Sarah moaned like a submissive bitch from Ashe’s sensual fingers, doubly-so when she slipped two inside her flower’s entrance. The redhead had suspected from the start that all those years of archery practice paid dividends in the bedroom, and so far the Freljordian was proving that hypothesis correct. Her ring and middle finger pumped gently inside Sarah’s leaking womanhood while her index continued massaging her clit, sending bolts of pleasure straight from the bounty hunter’s pussy up to her mind. Her brain’s ensuing oxytocin dump was almost too much for her to handle, biting her lip as waves of orgiastic bliss washed over, begging for her to let go and cum all over her opponent’s fingers.
Fortunately for the bounty hunter, Ashe wasn’t the only one with a reputation.
Sarah had seen it and done it all in her time. Even before cutting her teeth at the Institute of War, she’d already been a decorated captain and deadly gunslinger. All the plundering and killing from her days in the pirate’s life made her quite interested in finding a manner of escapism. A way to decompress from the hard-nosed, soul grinding life that any Bilgerat worth their salt leads. Some found that escape in drugs. Others through gambling. A rare few don’t need to find that escape at all. But Sarah found herself most at peace while fucking someone into the dirt. Metaphorically, of course
She was a total nymphomaniac. With a body as curvy and alluring as hers, could you really blame her? After all, not everyone is gifted with a massive pair of supple breasts and an ass to die for.
Point being, the redhead was an absolute veteran in regards to her sexual prowess. She’d fucked and been fucked in just about every conceivable way by just about every conceivable living creature or otherwise inanimate object. And while Ashe’s fingers were certainly up to scratch, especially when compared to some of Sarah’s more lackadaisical sexcapades, resisting that little desperate voice in her head was much easier for her than she imagined it was for all the no-name Freljordian wenches that got into a quarrel with the legendary archer.
Still, Ashe’s fingers continued to work overtime, literally dripping with the bounty hunter’s arousal as they elegantly danced across her folds. She routinely changed her digits’ manner of movement every minute or so, going from slow circles to gentle flicks to forceful rubs, leaving Sarah as little more than a collection of moans, mewls, and soft, unintended whispers, pleading for the archer to keep going.
Sexual stamina be damned, the redhead was starting to feel it as Ashe’s icy fingers turned up the heat between her loins.
“Getting close, Sarah?” She teased, grinding her pelvis against her opponent’s back ever harder now. “Mm, just let go… I’ll take care of you.”
It was a truly tempting offer. Let her opponent’s enticing whispers and enchanting fingers wisp her way to a land of silky-smooth clouds where everything felt warm and peaceful. Such was the inherent nature of sexfights. Once your opponent gained the upper hand there would almost certainly come a time where you had to decide whether you really wanted to win whatever dispute caused the fight… or whether you were okay with losing that dispute if it meant being sent to a wild and spectacular orgasm.
Sarah struggled between these two choices. On one hand, Ashe’s fingers felt so unbelievably good it was as if they were penetrating her actual soul. On the other hand…
The bounty hunter clenched her fists. She simply could not live in a world where Ashe won this argument. She had to stay strong, now more than ever.
Ashe moaned as she continued riding Miss Fortune like a horse, even using her free hand to occasionally spank one of the redhead’s thick ass cheeks. She loved the way she could feel them shake and jiggle after every impact, the supple flesh practically begging to be struck again. Every time she did, she could feel the tension in Sarah’s body increase as if she was a rope suddenly going taut. All those flexing muscles and curling toes… they could only mean one thing.
The redhead was going to cum soon.
Her rigid body and high pitched moans were as good an indicator as any. And since the fight was essentially already over, the frost archer decided to have a little fun.
She brought the hand that she’d been using to spank Sarah’s ass up to her own breasts, tweaking and turning her already stiff nipples one after the other, enjoying the sensation as she continued to skid her pussy alongside the length of the bounty hunter’s lower back. But the pleasure was double-edged; every rivulet of dopamine flooding Ashe’s mind equated to less brain power being focused on actually winning this contest. She got lost in the proverbial sauce, her grinding becoming more frenzied and aggressive until she found herself straight up humping against the redhead, groaning with delight as she asserted dominance over the big-titted bimbo from Bilgewater. Unfortunately for the Freljordian, this invigorated display came with an unforeseen consequence: her hips, bucking wildly as they brought her cunt up and down, were actually lifting slightly off of the bounty hunter's back with every thrust. As a result, there were tiny, almost imperceptible passages of time in which her body weight did not rest on the redhead’s back.
Ever the opportunist, Sarah knew exactly what to do with this newfound development.
She placed both of her hands flat against the ground and put her weight on them, trying to think of anything other than how wet and hot her pussy felt as Ashe unleashed an ungodly barrage of pleasure down below, her dainty, pale fingers turning into little more than a blur as they pounded away at a breakneck pace.
She just had to be patient... just hold on… just a little bit longer…
The moment Ashe’s hips left her back the redhead acted, timing it flawlessly as she pushed herself upwards with all her might, resulting in her body finally getting free from the prone position Ashe had locked it in. Her lower back collided directly into the frost archer’s cunt, but this time Sarah had momentum on her side, and it resulted in Ashe toppling to the left and falling flat on her back against the ground.
Sarah was quick to seize the advantage, sitting her fat ass directly atop Ashe’s face, smothering her with her womanhood as she faced the Freljordian’s bare body.
“Shouldn’t have gotten cocky, Ashe. You need to be punished.”
And punish her she did, practically suffocating the poor girl between her curvaceous cheeks while she fingered and rubbed her exposed cunt. Ashe did not even put up a fight, apparently still consumed in the pleasure she brought upon herself earlier; she even slipped her tongue out and licked the redhead’s pussy, though it did not seem like she did so out of a desire to win, but rather out of a desire to continue engaging in her own depravity, just wanting to please and be pleased in every possible way.
Sarah was having almost too much fun watching it.
Still, she was not nearly dumb enough to mess around when she had such a clear path to victory. She refused to pull an Ashe.
She used one hand to finger and tease Ashe’s womanhood while the other tweaked her stiff nipples, the double-dealing of pleasure far too great for the already weakened Freljordian, especially when she was already so close to the edge.
Sarah grinned as she felt Ashe’s muffled moans grow louder from below, the smaller woman’s legs quivering violently as her pussy spasmed on the bounty hunter’s hand. A trail of creamy, viscous nectar leaked from the frost archer’s contracting pussy like a faucet, coating Sarah’s hand in thick, delicious cum that symbolized her victory.
Once Ashe’s moaning and convulsing came to an end, Sarah scooted herself so that she sat atop the Freljordian’s breasts instead of her face. She turned her head back and looked down at her opponent, cleaning the frost archer’s cum off her fingers with her tongue for a moment until Ashe finally made eye contact with her.
“Great taste.” She said, enjoying the perturbed look on Ashe’s face. “Could use a little less salt, though.”
“God, isn’t winning enough? Why do you have to eat my cum? It’s gross...”
Sarah made a popping noise with her lips as she finished sucking the girl’s essence off her fingers. “I like to savor every part of a fight. Call it a personal tradition. Now then, about my spoils of war...”
“You sure you don’t want a second round?” Ashe questioned, trying to not make it obvious that she was essentially begging for another crack at the bitch of Bilgewater. “You could probably take me a second time with those moves…”
“Tempting... but I wasn’t born yesterday.” Sarah winked. “You have quite the reputation, and I’m not dumb enough to chance my luck twice against a formidable opponent. Maybe another day we can take this a round further... but for now I think I’ll just take the dub.”
“Alright then, how do you wanna—Hmph!!!”
Ashe found herself cut off as Sarah slammed her ass backwards, once again smothering the smaller woman in her pale and pillowy cheeks. The frost archer regretted not being on the opposite end of this situation, wishing desperately she could be the smotherer instead of the smothered. Nevertheless, she followed the rules, and the rules were clear. The spoils of war from the winning first round included the loser having to make the winner cum by whichever means she wished, and it appeared that Sarah was in the mood for some good old fashioned facesitting. It might have been a bit too vanilla for Ashe’s blood, but she still couldn’t really criticize her opponent. It was a classic position for a reason.
“Gods.” Sarah moaned, her hands reaching back to take hold of her own ass cheeks, spreading them wide as she rode the Freljordian’s face to allow for easier access. Ashe’s tongue was magnificent, even more so than before now that she could properly concentrate on her task. Every single lap the fleshy appendage administered against the redhead’s dripping pussy sent white hot pleasure straight up Sarah’s spine.
This was always her favorite part of a fight. Sure, the tension that crept through her limbs before her opponent and she danced in the arena, the proverbial calm before the storm, was certainly exciting. And she’d be lying if she said she didn’t love the struggle during a fight. The constant shifts of momentum, the challenge of trying to outlast another, the conviction required to make another woman orgasm against her will… it was undoubtedly exhilarating, too. But this part, the part when she got to revel in her opponent’s defeat, the part where she could watch a demoralized, defeated woman be forced to please her, it was simply a divine experience.
After the League of Legends disbanded, Sarah figured herself to soon be a relic of the past. The days where bullets, cunning, and know-how meant anything were seemingly gone. The copulatory-combat accords saw to that. But with the new doctrine came a silver lining. Not only was she really, really adept at sexfighting… but she also happened to love doing it.
Ashe felt a hand roughly grip her scalp, shoving her face even further between the bounty hunter’s rosy cheeks. She sputtered and gasped for air but was only afforded the scents of Sarah’s nethers. Realizing that the only way out was to go deeper in, Ashe sent her tongue into overdrive, licking the redhead’s cunt like a wild animal in heat. The moans she faintly heard overhead provided the evidence she was looking for that it was working.
It didn’t take much longer for Sarah’s arousal to reach a breaking point. With an arching back and curling toes, the redhead moaned a soft, almost whimpering mewl into the air as she squirted directly into the frost archer’s waiting mouth.
“Ah…” She softly moaned, coming down from one hell of a high that she wished she could keep. She scooted off of Ashe’s body and fell on her side, observing the way her cum stained the white haired woman’s lips.
“Hah. Now look who's eating cum.”
“Shut up.”
“Don’t be mad. It was a good fight.” Sarah patted the Freljordian on the boob as a sort of ‘good job’ gesture. “It’s not everyday I get to go at it with a former champion…”
Ashe leaned her head back against the floor. “I’m with you there. Back home it's boring. Only angry lovers and ambitious upstarts challenge me. You should see how many of them I have enslaved.”
“Oh?” Sarah said as she softly began to tweak Ashe’s nipple for no reason in particular. Not that Ashe seemed to mind. “You actually keep them around? I usually just ship them straight to the market. The amount of fuckbucks you can make is insane.”
“Eh.” Ashe muttered. “Different strokes, I guess.”
“Anywayyyy…” Sarah cooed, bringing herself closer to Ashe by pressing her humongous melons right up against her side. “You still need to admit I was right before we’re done here.”
“Fine.” Ashe groaned, eyeing up the redhead as her hand snaked around her waist to grab a handful of her fat ass. “I was… ugh... I can’t believe I have to say this. Whatever. I was wrong when I said that fish were not animals. You were right. Fish are animals.”
“I’m glad you see it that way.” Sarah chuckled. “Can’t believe we actually had to go this far just to make you understand basic animal classification…”
“Yeah, yeah. Whatever. Blame the Freljordian education system.”
Sarah gave a hearty laugh at that comment. “Hey, why are you in Bilgewater anyway?”
“Business.” Ashe answered curtly, smiling as her eyes focused on the redhead’s plump, red lips. “Though I could be persuaded to stay longer for a little pleasure…”
The bounty hunter leaned forward, her voice sultry and low as she felt that same fire from earlier reignite between her legs. “You read my mind, ice queen.”
The rest, so they say, is history.
Chapter 2 - Ending B |
Ace in the Hole - Ending B
A/N: Towards the end of day 30 is when the new text begins
Ashe and Sombra weren’t your average couple. After all, a southern belle turned ruthless leader of the Deadlock Gang and an anarcho-revolutionary with cryptography skills that put the hacker known as 4chan to shame weren’t exactly the perfect match on Tinder. Really, the two women couldn’t be more different; Sombra was a strategist that thought every scenario, no matter how challenging or complex, had a logical answer if one was willing to consider every option. Ashe believed that every problem could be solved with dynamite and bullets, and if those came up short then Bob would not. Their morals didn’t particularly align either, with Sombra’s ideals centering around a desire to help the disadvantaged and disenfranchised, while Ashe’s ethical code began and ended with her own hide. And to top it all off, what was perhaps the single biggest divide between them was simply cultural. Sombra spoke Spanish and Ashe spoke southern.
The hackneyed platitude of opposites attract was certainly true for a rare few, but it was certainly false for Ashe and Sombra. Their differences did not bring them any closer; on the contrary, they were often, or almost always, the cause of many headache-inducing arguments.
And yet, they were happily together nonetheless. Turns out Sombra’s fat latina ass and perky tits were far more seductive to Ashe than any matching personality traits could be, and Ashe’s elegantly thick cock was simply too hypnotizing for Sombra to resist.
Their temperaments may not have been a perfect fit, but their sex life more than compensated. Sombra was normally a top, but when Ashe pulled out her majestic cowgirl rod she couldn’t help but become a cockdrunk slut. Similarly, Ashe enjoyed being in control but was willing to occasionally take a backseat when her girlfriend was in the mood to tie her up. It usually just ended with Sombra talking a big game before inevitably succumbing to her own desires, getting on her knees, and sucking Ashe’s soul out of her dick whilst she remained immobilized. Not that she was complaining.
And yet, for all their many sexual misadventures, none had been quite so extreme as their attempt at the No Nut November challenge.
It all started with a relatively innocent conversation.
“Hey Sugar,” Ashe crowed, rubbing up against her girlfriend from behind as the two enjoyed a lazy Sunday at home, “have I ever told you how great you look in that dress?”
Sombra rolled her eyes as she immediately felt her girlfriend’s stiffening member between her ass cheeks. “Already, pervertida?” she said, pretending to be irritated as she scrolled through Twitter. Deep down, though, she liked when Ashe was assertive like this.
“A woman has needs, darlin’.” Ashe’s hands hungrily roamed Sombra’s skin, tracing themselves over her shoulders, down her sides, and around her hips. “I think it’s high time we had ourselves a roll in the hay.”
“I sucked your cock three hours ago, puta.” the purple-haired woman grinned as she played hard to get. “What more could you want from me?”
“A piece of that ass, for starters.” Ashe purred, her hands travelling south until they possessively took hold of Sombra’s tight cheeks. “C’mon baby, why don’t we make it to fifth base today?”
Sombra’s grin quickly turned to a frown. “You know my rule, mi amor. You can fuck my ass... so long as I get to fuck yours.”
“Yeah, yeah.” Ashe pulled back, falling into one of the kitchen’s chairs, sulking in defeat. “You always say that, but it doesn’t make a lick of sense to me. Way I see it, you don’t even have a cock to fuck me with.”
“I may not have a pito,” Sombra’s smile returned, “but I have a few dildos that would look great shoved six inches up your cula.”
Ashe shivered at the thought. “But you wouldn’t even be able to feel anything. What would you get out of it?”
“I’d get to watch you squirm, mi amor. That’s good enough for me.”
“Ugh.” Ashe groaned, her cock growing ever-harder as she eye fucked her girlfriend from behind. “One day, little missy, I’ll get you to give it up. Mark my words.”
“Keep dreaming, señorita.” Sombra coyly responded, diving back into her social media adventure as Ashe apparently tapped out from their debate. Sombra continued standing there for what felt like five minutes, fully aware that her girlfriend’s gaze hadn’t shifted from her ass the entire time (she also totally wasn’t trying to get her attention by intentionally sticking it out and arching her back ever-so-slightly. She would never do that.). A part of her felt bad for having to routinely deny Ashe’s requests for anal sex; it was clear that she really wanted to try it, but at the end of the day it was Sombra’s body, and she wasn’t particularly enthralled with the idea of having something as thick and large as Ashe’s dick shoved in the place where the sun doesn’t shine.
She meant what she said earlier, though. She’d let her do it, so long as Ashe was willing to let her do it back. She believed in rewarding people’s sacrifices. And as she scrolled through her Twitter feed and stumbled upon a post detailing someone’s plans for abstinence during the month that came after October, a devilishly brilliant plan began to come together in her mind. She turned around slowly, facing Ashe with a sly little grin plastered across her lips.
“Hey, mi amor… ever heard of No Nut November?”
And so it began.
Sombra gave Ashe an offer she simply could not refuse: make it through the entirety of November without cumming a single time, and the hacker’s ass would be all hers for an entire night.
The rules were simple. Sombra would be allowed to tease, suck, and fuck her girlfriend whenever and however she wanted, so long as it was within reason. It would obviously be unfair if she could just suck her cock for hours on end with no breaks, because nobody that walked this earth could last that long in the Talon agent’s skilled mouth. Therefore they decided to use the honor system; Sombra would try her best to make it a real challenge while not going overboard, and Ashe would be allowed to politely ask (beg) her to stop when things were getting too out of hand.
Of course, there was nothing stopping Ashe from rubbing one out in secret every now and then to make the challenge a fair bit more manageable, but Sombra had already figured out a countermeasure: a medical microchip, originally designed for measuring the body’s natural functions such as heart rate and blood pressure, repurposed with a little bit of savvy coding and elbow grease to essentially be a functional orgasm tracker. Now if Ashe busted a nut, Sombra would instantly get an alert on her phone telling her as much.
Granted, Ashe wasn’t thrilled when she found out that the hacker had secretly implanted the chip in her when she wasn’t paying attention, but there was little she could do about it now. If anything it was a good thing, as it assured total and complete honesty from her. Sombra would not be able to claim she cheated, and lord knows she would look for any sort of out should she emerge on the losing side of this contest.
The last rule in their little game was the one that added the highest stakes by far. If Ashe should lose this challenge, if she should have an orgasm by any means before the clock struck midnight on November 30th, then not only would Sombra’s ass remain undefiled by her thick, pale cock, she would also have to forfeit her own anal virginity up to the fiery Latina.
It was not an easy condition to accept. Ashe enjoyed her and her girlfriend’s constantly shifting power dynamic, but she really didn’t want Sombra to peg her with a strapon. That’s something she knew she could never come back from. The hacker would always have control in their relationship afterwards.
And yet, for some reason she could not properly explain, Ashe managed to swallow her fears. Perhaps it was because she truly believed in herself and her ability to stave off her orgasm. Perhaps it was because she decided it was finally time to put Sombra in her place once and for all. Perhaps it was because she’d been staring at her girlfriend’s delicious ass for about ten minutes straight before the question was posed and the only thought that ran through her mind was how desperately she wanted to fuck it.
It didn’t really matter why she felt such conviction. All that mattered was that it was there, and it was strong enough to make her stand up, look her girlfriend in the eye, and confidently say:
“You’re on, partner.”
And with that, as the last day of October slowly wound itself down, the die had officially been cast.
Day 1
Ashe wasn’t entirely sure what to expect on the first day. Naturally, she’d made sure to jerk off several times the night before. No sense in starting this month-long challenge a day early. Feeling decently sated, her morning started as routine as any other. Make some coffee, take some calls with her gang’s lieutenants, do a little bit of target practice out in the yard. Nothing out of the ordinary, save for the small, constant tingling that ran up her spine; a side effect of knowing that the gauntlet had been officially thrown down. Now was her time to either persevere, prevail, and plunder her girlfriend’s tight little hole until she claimed it as her own personal cum receptacle, or fail in spectacular fashion and become little more than Sombra’s bitch with a big dick.
Speaking of Sombra, she was strangely MIA the entire morning. Normally, Ashe woke up right next to her, pressing her morning wood between those jiggly caramel cheeks of hers until she finally got annoyed enough to suck her off. Yet today the white-haired woman found her bed empty when she rose. Perhaps the Latina planned to go easy on her?
As Ashe would soon find out, that couldn’t be further from the truth.
It was about midday when she first saw Sombra. Honestly, everything had been so mundane up until then that she’d almost forgotten what her girlfriend’s true objective was in all this. But she was reminded rather quickly as she ate spaghetti for lunch in the living room whilst watching a (quite topically appropriate) spaghetti western on TV. She heard the front door close on the opposite side of the room and gave a low energy, “Hey, Hun.” in response without even turning to look at her lover.
That’s okay. Sombra was planning to come to her, anyway.
Ashe’s eyes slowly widened as her girlfriend entered her view. She looked rather cheerful and wore a cheeky little smile… and absolutely nothing else. She was buck ass naked from head to toe. Her perky little tits bounced like a pair of small-sized water balloons. Her flawless light brown skin glistened from the sunlight seeping through the windows. Her womanhood was slightly obscured by a neatly shaven bush of prickly dark hair.
“I… uh…” Ashe had no earthly idea of how to even respond to this. She wasn’t so delusional that she thought Sombra wouldn’t try anything today, but this was certainly not her expectation. She continued watching her girlfriend with her mouth slacked open in surprise as she wordlessly sat down beside her on the couch as if nothing was out of the ordinary.
“I like this one.” Sombra mused, kicking her legs up on the ottoman. “Flint Westrock is in it, right?”’
“Y-yeah, I think so…” Ashe trailed off, her cock starting to harden as she ogled her girlfriend’s body a moment longer before she refocused. “You wanna explain your outfit to me, Sombra?”
“Oh, this?” the Latina gestured to her own breasts. “It’s nothing special. I just felt like being a little free today. Why? Is it bothering you?”
“Hell fucking yes it’s bothering me.” Ashe snapped, feeling her stiffy start to rub uncomfortably against her black jeans. “You know damn well how I get when I see you like this. For chrissakes, put some clothes on!”
“Why? Worried you might lose control? Well, go ahead.” Sombra teased, nudging herself right up to the white-haired woman’s ear, whispering into it with hot, aroused breaths, “Lose it, baby. Take me right here. Bend me over the couch and fuck me like a slut.”
Ashe gulped loudly, her cock pulsing with need as she attempted to shove down the onslaught of thoughts that screamed at her to do as Sombra said. Rationally, she knew it was all just a mind game. An attempt to get her so turned on that she’d forget all about their little challenge and just fuck the daylights out of Sombra until she blew her load.
And it actually almost worked.
There were a few seconds there that Ashe really considered turning her naked girlfriend around, shoving her face first into the couch, and fucking her harder than she ever had before. But fortunately, the white-haired woman’s restraint was strong enough to let those thoughts come and go.
“I’d love to, Hun.” she smirked, leaning away from Sombra towards the opposite side of the couch. “But I can’t be busting my nut that easily. There’s a big bounty at the end of this road, and you best believe I’ll be there to claim it.”
“Hm.” Sombra huffed. “We’ll see about that, perra.”
Ashe smiled, relishing in her minor victory, though it quickly faded as she realized that Sombra had no intention of leaving her side, nor did she plan to put on any clothes for the rest of the day. Her doctor would have been concerned because her erection certainly lasted longer than four hours.
Days 2-5
The following days consisted of much of the same. Sombra waltzed around the house entirely naked, flaunting her assets at every given chance in front of Ashe, trying to tease, titillate, and torment her until she simply couldn’t take it anymore. Her boldness seemed to ramp up, too, as she started purposefully dropping things just so she could bend over deeply in front of her girlfriend’s face to pick them up, or laying chest first on the couch, squeezing her tits together so they looked even more fuckable than normal, or doing incredibly erotic yoga stretches on the floor right in front of her suffering girlfriend.
During the first few days, Ashe convinced herself that Sombra’s choice to only visually stimulate her instead of physically stimulate her was a blessing. Her body might have been insanely hot, but given Ashe’s wealth of experience on the matter, it felt even better than it looked. In this instance, seeing was far easier to deal with than touching. Towards the end of days four and five, however, she saw her situation as more of a curse. Her cock was starved for attention, in large part because she’d been having multi-hour long erections simply because her girlfriend wouldn’t let her go a fucking minute without trying to make her sexually lose her mind.
It was honestly a brilliant play on Sombra’s part. Ashe had been expecting her girlfriend to start gobbling her cock pretty much from the first day forward, but she subverted those expectations completely, denying her any real pleasure unless she decided to take it for herself. Sombra’s tactics shouldn’t have come as a surprise, though. Between the two of them, she was the strategist, after all.
The result of her constant seduction was an incredibly frustrated Ashe with a terrible case of blue balls. Her cock practically oozed precum the entire fifth day without any stimulation whatsoever. It was hell.
Sombra’s strategy during these first few days, for all intents and purposes, was really just a test. A test to see if Ashe had enough willpower to have even a small chance to conquer this challenge. And, much to Sombra’s surprise, her girlfriend passed, if only just barely. She didn’t succumb to temptation. And what had that gotten her? What was her reward for resisting Sombra’s siren song?
An astonishingly sensitive and needy cock that hadn’t been shown proper love or care in five full days.
Things were about to get a lot worse for Ashe.
Day 6
It could be argued that the sixth day marked where Ashe’s NNN challenge truly began.
It started much the same as the other days before, with Sombra being an incessant tease while strutting around in her birthday suit. However, as the two watched yet another movie on the living room couch, Ashe felt her girlfriend gently place her index finger against the tip of her clothed dickhead.
"Boop." Sombra whispered.
“What uh…” Ashe paused, her cock starting to throb in her jeans as the rest of Sombra’s started coiling around it. “What do you think you’re doing, Shug?”
“Just relax, amiga.” she whispered, her tone dark and syrupy and rich. She traced a lone finger around the now pulsing outline of Ashe’s member, grinning as she heard her girlfriend’s breathing get steadily heavier until it became borderline desperate, her chest rising and falling so rapidly it gave off the appearance of a panic attack, though this was anything but. Sombra ran her palm over the length of the member, giving it its first real touch in days. Even though the stimulation was through a thick layer of leather, Ashe couldn’t contain the moan that escaped her lips, her eyes closing tightly as her expression showed a mixture of relief and further need. Sombra had her girlfriend exactly where she wanted her.
“Want me to really touch it, mi amor?”
“Please.” Ashe trembled, her hands fumbling around wildly to remove her belt buckle and then pants, ripping them off her feet to reveal her member. It bounced up and stood tall, all eight inches of it finally unrestrained from the suffocating confines of her jeans. It leaked precum like a faucet, the viscous substance dribbling from the bulbous head all the way down the thick shaft until finally reaching her bloated balls.
Sombra’s eyes went wide, if only for a moment, before her face returned to its usual expression of seductive arrogance. She’d never seen her girlfriend’s cock in such a state of absolute neediness before. It throbbed every few seconds as if it had a mind of its own, beckoning Sombra to give it its first bit of tender care after going unloved for the better half of a week.
“Just sit back and let me drive you crazy, Elizabeth.” Sombra purred.
Ashe felt a shiver run down her spine at the mention of her first name. Sombra was the only person that still called her that, and she only used it when she was being serious. She watched with a held breath as the Latina’s hand crept ever closer to her deprived shaft, until finally...
“Ah…” Ashe moaned, her head tilting back while pure electricity flooded her brain, watching as Sombra gently wrapped her hand around the base of her cock and gave her slow, twisting strokes that might as well have been pure heroin. She always was really good at handjobs, even though Ashe preferred it when she used her mouth. The hacker remained wordless in her work, choosing to let her hand do all the talking for her as she laid down chest first on the couch next to the cowgirl’s lap.
Meanwhile, Ashe was swimming in pools of pleasure, mewling and moaning shamelessly as her girlfriend tugged on her solid cock. She had somehow convinced herself that this was a good idea, that she couldn’t stand being untouched any longer and her constant state of blue balls was becoming so extraordinarily painful that something had to be done. Every second Sombra spent milking her made her cock produce more and more precum to such a degree that it was almost excessive, the sticky, clear fluid practically coating the entirety of her own shaft and her girlfriend’s hand. And yet, in Ashe’s mind, every drop of precum that oozed forth from her slickened member was one less to weigh down her balls.
What the cowgirl hadn’t accounted for was how easy it would be to go from swimming in pleasure to drowning in it. Sombra continued administering the sensual handjob for hours, only stopping after her girlfriend began to groan and plead with her for a break.
Days 7-12
These days consisted of Sombra acclimating her girlfriend’s cock to her hand. Much like before when she wore no clothes, she wanted to get Ashe used to a particular feeling. In this case, she gave her an hour-long handjob once in the morning, once after lunch, and once before bed (though that one often stretched closer to two hours).
Ashe wasn’t in a position to deny her advances. Their agreement insisted that Sombra was allowed to touch her in whatever manner she liked, otherwise it would not be a real challenge. And with the stakes as high as they were, it had to be a real challenge. The morning and lunch handjobs were difficult to get through but not impossible. A part of her greatly enjoyed the attention on her thick rod, after all. But that evening handjob… that one was a soul-crusher. She wanted to cum so badly every time, feeling backed up from the extended amount of pleasure throughout the day which only seemed to compound exponentially as the days began to add up, and it took every ounce of her willpower to resist that temptation. Sombra’s sexy little whispers didn’t help much either as she tried to seduce her into giving in to her desires.
The silver lining of her blue balls being cured was nullified, too. Sure, Sombra pumped an exorbitant amount of precum from her testicles every single day, but the constant physical stimulation without reaching release, the engagement in what could be considered a near two-week long edging process, caused her family jewels to work overtime, churning out more baby batter than she could ever hope to lose from simply leaking precum.
And yet, though her cock begged for release and balls were bloated beyond what she thought even possible, Ashe’s spirit remained unbowed. For now.
Day 13
This day proved to be nothing if not unlucky for Ashe.
Once again, Sombra switched up her strategy. Gone was the morning handjob, replaced by something a thousand times better and yet also so much worse.
Morning head.
Going nearly two weeks without a blowjob from Sombra was almost assuredly a record for their relationship. The perpetually horny Latina loved to give the white-haired woman sloppy toppy, especially when Ashe pulled out her thick cock and pressed her for it. Going so long without feeling the warm embrace of her girlfriend’s mouth made Ashe realize just how badly she needed Sombra’s perfect cocksuckers wrapped around her rod on a daily basis.
And when she awoke to the long-missed feeling of those plump purple lips smearing lipstick up and down her cock? It sent her into an absolute state of blissful panic.
Morning wood be damned, Ashe felt like she could cum right now. Sombra gagged and sputtered on her length, forcing herself down, going deeper, and deeper, and even deeper...
That’s right, slut. Choke on it. Show me how badly you wanna suck me.
The caramel-skinned woman drooled everywhere, her spittle running down Ashe’s shaft in thick rivulets, coating her balls, her pelvis, and her inner thighs. Even half of the purple-haired woman’s own face was covered with saliva.
Ashe merely laid back against the headboard of her bed and whined a cacophony of nasally moans, equally overjoyed and terrified from how amazing her girlfriend’s tight throat felt. Sombra knew the right buttons to push when it came to giving the cowgirl a blowjob, and she was pushing them all. As she gasped and choked on the cowgirl’s turgid length, her hand below stroked and massaged her ballsack, her fingers dancing ever-so-softly across the sensitive globes. She moaned heartily around her girlfriend’s cock, her eyes staring softly into Ashe’s own, maintaining a direct line of contact despite how often she sheathed herself down on those eight inches of prime meat, her nose pressing flush against Ashe’s pelvis as she groaned with delight.
Truthfully, Sombra almost got as much out of this as Ashe did. She loved sucking cock. It was the only submissive bone she had in her whole body. Every other part of her enjoyed dominating others; she liked to see her southern girlfriend beg for release, or tied up and denied, or get fucked in an amazon press. Anything and everything that allowed her to assert control. But when the cowgirl dangled her slab of girlmeat in front of Sombra’s face, she could do nothing but lick her lips and stare like a true slut, waiting for Ashe to give her permission to spear her massive rod down her throat.
Yet now, as Ashe battled through the NNN challenge, Sombra found herself in complete control of the blowjob, and she was living for it. She sucked Ashe like a master working their craft, guzzling down her precum like a hungry whore as she began rapidly bobbing herself up and down from the head of Ashe’s dick about five inches down. Meanwhile, her hand, which had kept itself occupied with the cowgirl’s balls, travelled upwards, tweaking and teasing Ashe’s secret spot: her sensitive nipples.
“Ah… oh fuck!” She moaned, her mouth gaped open in a seemingly endless state of ecstasy as her girlfriend tugged and pinched her sizable breasts. Ashe had already been on the verge of climax for the better part of ten minutes, but now? Now she truly felt like she could not control herself. Every second that passed was one more she spent in the danger zone; all it took was Sombra to hit the right spot in just the right way and she’d be finished. All of her hard work would be for naught and Sombra would lay claim to her ass. She had to do something and do it fast.
“H-hey, Shug…” she whispered between strained groans, “can we take a b-break?”
Sombra removed her lips from Ashe’s cock, her cheeks making a popping noise as she did so. “No can do, amiga. I’m enjoying my breakfast a little too much to stop.”
The cowgirl swallowed hard, her eyes focused on her own cock as it throbbed in her girlfriend’s tight grasp. She shifted her gaze up towards Sombra’s eyes, her own red irises meeting the stare of the Latina’s purple ones, and she instantly knew what her girlfriend wanted.
She wanted her to beg.
“P-please,” The cowgirl said, “ please can we just stop for a little bit. This is too much.”
“Hmm…” Sombra pondered aloud, her hand starting to slowly stroke Ashe’s shaft once again, “that doesn’t feel very sincere, muchacha.”
Ashe grimaced. If she wanted to take a break, she would have to throw away her dignity. But at this rate, what other option was there? Even Sombra’s slow, uninspired strokes sent shockwaves of pleasure up Ashe’s spine.
“Babe,” Ashe pleaded, bowing her head as some sort of submissive gesture. “I-I can’t go anymore right now. I feel like I’m about to explode. I need a break. Just for a few hours. After that, I’ll do anything you want.” she brought her head up, looking her girlfriend in the eyes once more.
“Please… Olivia.”
Days 14-15
Ashe’s desperate invocation of Sombra’s real name on the thirteenth day was a gambit. The purple-haired woman was a bit touchy on the subject of her old life, and that name served as an all too painful reminder of it. But Ashe was convinced that using it was her only card left, and as it turns out, her gamble paid off. Sombra had given her a stern look for a moment, but ultimately her expression quickly softened and she showed mercy, relinquishing her vice grip over the cowgirl’s aching shaft.
However, Ashe would spend the next few days finding out exactly what her promise to do ‘anything’ her girlfriend actually entailed.
First and foremost, Sombra was tired of everything being focused around Ashe’s pleasure. The risky challenge and the high stakes of putting their asses quite literally on the line was certainly exciting, but it wasn’t enough to please the hacker’s sexual needs. The double-edged sword of having to relentlessly tease her girlfriend was that, while it was obviously fun to watch Ashe shiver and squirm, it also drove Sombra crazy. All the touching and sucking, the stripteases and constant nakendess, the sight of her girlfriend’s seemingly permanently erect cock, literally dripping with desire…
Sombra had resorted to masturbating pretty much nonstop throughout the day when Ashe wasn’t looking. Hell, sometimes even when she was. She just didn’t want her girlfriend to know how truly pent up she felt from all of this. It was Ashe’s No Nut November challenge, after all. So why did it feel like she was participating, too?
Her own fingers were simply not enough. Not with how much precum she slurped down on a daily basis. It was better than nothing, but at the end of the day it was still just a cheap imitation of the real thing. She missed Ashe’s cum. She missed how aggressive she was when they fucked. Now the cowgirl was like a scared little kitten, mewling with unwanted pleasure as she tried to resist her urges.
Sombra missed the Ashe that gave in to her urges. That fucked the ever-loving shit out of her until she was seeing stars. That could easily cum once an hour for an entire day with no problems.
She missed her stud.
As a remedy for her growing needs, Sombra used days fourteen and fifteen as her own personal cunnilingus fiesta. She ordered Ashe to eat her pussy out until she achieved climax thrice a day, twice after breakfast and once after lunch. Of course, the cowgirl had little choice but to play along, not that she particularly minded indulging in her girlfriend’s delectable sex anyway.
Yet the real highlight of Sombra’s vacation days came late in the evening, because although she enjoyed every second of Ashe’s skilled pussy eating during the day, it couldn't hold a candle to how great it felt when she ate her ass at night.
“That’s it, puta.” Sombra mewled as she rode Ashe’s face, her hands spreading her plump caramel cheeks wide to give the cowgirl easier access to her asshole. “Right there. That’s the spot.”
Ashe groaned as she tonguefucked her girlfriend’s derrière. She was laying on her back on the bed, her girlfriend sitting that delicious ass of hers directly on her face. Her mind was spinning happily as indulged herself in the simply divine taste of her girlfriend’s posterior. Though she hadn’t let the cowgirl fuck it yet, the Latina loved getting her ass eaten and took every opportunity she could to make it happen. It always made Ashe feel a little bemused. Sombra was staunchly opposed to anal sex, yet she came harder from a tongue up her ass than almost any other sexual activity.
“Mmm…” she moaned overhead, her hands leaving her backside to take a hold of her own breasts, resulting in her ass cheeks clapping together on Ashe’s face.
Ashe’s cock throbbed extra hard as she tasted the very same hole she wanted so desperately to fuck. She was glad that Sombra was too distracted on herself to touch her, because she felt like if there was a weakness that Sombra had not yet exploited, it was stroking her while she ate her girlfriend’s delicious ass. Fortunately, the Latina always became far too enraptured in her own pleasure when this happened.
“I’m so close, mi amor.” she whined, popping a finger into her mouth to suck on. “Oh yeah… oh… ¡Dios mío!” she moaned loudly, her hand reaching back to pull Ashe’s face in deeper between her beautiful cheeks to the point where she was practically suffocating her (not that Ashe minded). Her whole body trembled and shivered as she orgasmed, her cunt leaking juices consisting of pure excitement and arousal onto Ashe’s upper chest and tits. Sombra’s eyes rolled upwards, her brain seemingly short circuiting from the sheer power of her climax as she breathlessly squealed, “¡Eso se siente bien, gringa! ¡No pares o te mataré!”
Ashe cocked an eyebrow upwards as she continued rimming her spasming girlfriend for a few more minutes until she finally came down from her high, collapsing off of the cowgirl’s prone form and crashing face first into the bed, utterly spent.
“It’s been awhile since you did that, Shug.” Ashe smiled, running her fingers through Sombra’s hair.
“Hmm?” rang the Latina’s short, tired response.
“You came so hard that you reverted back to your mother tongue.” Ashe observed. “Haven’t seen you do that in a while. What did ya’ say, anyway?”
Sombra turned her head slightly so that she faced Ashe, a cheeky smile on her lips. “Nothing important, estúpida.”
Ashe huffed and turned on her side, facing away from her girlfriend. Naturally, Sombra’s eyes were drawn to her pale, juicy ass. “Say muchacha, when are you going to let me return the favor? You know I’ve been asking for months.”
“We’ve already discussed it.” Ashe answered with a slightly annoyed tone. “Just because I like eating your ass doesn’t mean I want you anywhere near my own. Not with a dildo or a tongue. It’s off limits.”
“We’ll see about that, puta.”
Although days fourteen and fifteen were focused around Sombra’s pleasure, the Latina made sure to stroke or suck Ashe’s cock a few times throughout the day, though the duration only ever lasted a few minutes at most. Ashe figured that she only did it to keep her horny rather than as an actual attempt to make her cum, though she’d no idea why she felt the need to. She knew just as well as anyone that eating her girlfriend’s pussy and ass got the cowgirl just as aroused as any blowjob ever could... if not more.
Day 16
They laid in bed for the majority of this day while watching shitty movies on Netflix. Sombra gave Ashe a lazy blowjob for about eight collective hours or so, taking a break after every thirty minutes only to pick back up again just as soon. She really never grew tired of having her girlfriend’s cock in her mouth.
Ashe managed to make it through the day without any incidents, but she’d be lying if she said it didn’t get difficult, especially towards the end. Her balls yearned desperately for release, tightening on their own accord as her cock throbbed. Even when Sombra was only giving it 40% effort, Ashe was so absurdly backed up that it might as well have been 110%.
But at least the challenge was officially halfway over.
Day 17
Sombra gave Ashe a footjob. Normally, the white-haired woman didn’t care for feet at all, but in this deprived state, any stimulation felt fucking wonderful, even if it came from ten caramel colored toes. Her groans of delight were as shameful as any she’d ever uttered, much to her girlfriend’s sadistic satisfaction.
The way in which her soft soles rubbed up and down on the cowgirl’s length, both of her feet sandwiching her cock like some sort of heavenly blanket made Ashe want to go crazy. And when she used her toes to very gently massage the underside of her balls? That made her practically scream with delight.
Honestly, Ashe found herself more worried on this day about busting from a footjob of all things than the punishment of forfeiting her asshole to Sombra’s fake cock. Her fear of embarrassment kept her focused just enough to resist her girlfriend’s strangely enchanting feet.
Day 18
This day’s activities were centered around Sombra finally receiving the massage table she’d ordered off the internet a few weeks ago. She’d been wanting to try out a Japanese style of relaxation known as a Nuru massage, which essentially involved massaging someone with your own body instead of your hands.
She ordered Ashe to remove her clothes and promptly strapped her into the table with a couple of custom wrist restraints she’d had installed for a few extra bucks. She then gave the cowgirl a show to remember, performing a seductive striptease as she rid herself of her clothes one piece at a time until she was fully naked. She covered every inch of her bare skin with oil, creating a beautiful shiny sheen across her form. The view drove Ashe buck wild, her cock bouncing and throbbing as it stood straight up, a funny scene when one considered that Ashe was tied flat on her back.
Things only got exacerbated when Sombra climbed atop the cowgirl and rubbed their naked bodies together. She started with her own front, sliding and pressing her modest little tits into Ashe’s larger breasts, causing both of them to groan as they felt their stiffened nipples bumping and circling each other. Further down, Ashe felt her girlfriend’s slickened cunt grinding gently against her cock, covering her shaft in blissfully warm and slippery oil. Up above, Sombra licked and sucked the tender skin around Ashe’s neck, trailing her titillating tongue higher to explore her ear, rending moans of carnal excitement free from the cowgirl’s throat.
And suddenly, Sombra flipped over.
Her sizable, immaculate ass grinded and glided effortlessly atop Ashe’s needy cock, the excessive amount of oil being exchanged between the two women effectively getting in every nook and cranny to make the process that much smoother. Her plump cheeks absolutely devoured Ashe’s member, suffocating the abused rod in their loving embrace. Ashe’s mouth remained open and her head tilted back as she whined with unwanted, yet also desperately wanted, pleasure. The feel of her girlfriend’s weight on top of her, the way her back pressed deeply into the cowgirl’s buxom chest or her legs draped symmetricly atop her own; it was all just perfect. Every erogenous zone she had had been tickled, teased, and stimulated by her Sombra’s slippery body. Their union was a tempestuous vista of caramel and vanilla flesh, each physical point of connection between their bodies forming pleasurable currents of crackling electricity that jettisoned oceans of oxytocin throughout their already sweltering frames.
Eventually, after several hours of slippery grinding and near-orgasms, Sombra ran out of oil, and thus the Nuru massage came to a (thankfully) anticlimactic end.
Day 19
This day marked the point where Ashe finally crossed the threshold from an incredibly horny participant into a sexually deranged maniac.
Her mental state had been steadily declining since the start of the challenge, though this should come as no surprise. Ashe was a futanari, after all. She had an absurdly high sex drive. To her, cumming felt as natural and necessary as breathing.
Being denied for so many consecutive days had turned her somewhat cum crazy. It was all she thought about. Her cock was rock solid during all times of the day, even when Sombra wasn’t harassing her. She felt like she was going insane, her mind painted with increasingly powerful visions of herself cumming in a myriad of arousing positions. Cumming on Sombra’s face. Cumming in Sombra’s pussy. Cumming on Sombra’s tits. Cumming in Sombra’s ass.
That was the only thing that kept her from breaking down completely and rubbing one out in the shower. She needed to fuck that ass. Her life would never be complete until she did.
Days 20-24
Sombra waged psychological warfare during these days. Her ministrations were erratic and chaotic, going from sucking Ashe’s cock as sloppily and greedily as she could to suddenly shoving the cowgirl down and riding her face until she climaxed. She would jerk her off at a breakneck pace for ten minutes straight only to suddenly stop and completely ignore her just when she started to really get into it. She’d kiss all up and down Ashe’s body, suckling at her nipples like a good girlfriend should, and then randomly bend the cowgirl over her knee and administer a harsh spanking to her fat pale ass. She used her cloaking ability to sneak up on her unsuspecting girlfriend while she showered and gave her the strangest head she’d ever received (mostly because she didn’t realize at the time that Sombra was even there).
The worst of all Sombra’s warfare had to be the technological pranks. Being so good with computers, phones, or really anything that had a battery made altering or otherwise fucking with Ashe’s eletronics was really easy. The white-haired woman first took notice when she tried to lay down on the couch after a particularly annoying phone call with a rival gang leader. She planned to relax with some good old fashioned country blues, so she tossed in a pair of earphones and put her music app on shuffle, only to find that all of her tracks had been replaced with a variety of MP4 audio files that consisted entirely of Sombra moaning while she masturbated. Ashe’s eyes went from relaxed and closed to wide open, her cock growing unbearably stiff as she listened to her girlfriend’s desperate whimpers and mewls, the tell-tale sound of schlicking reverberating in the background as the Latina fingered herself. She should have just put the phone down and done something else, and eventually she did, but it took her about forty five minutes before she stopped listening.
Another prank Sombra orchestrated was to change all of the TVs and computers to have only one channel or search result: a continuous loop of a forty minute long sex tape between her and Ashe that she’d secretly recorded about two months ago. They went pretty wild during it, with the cowgirl cumming at least five separate times, possibly more. Ashe having to watch herself fuck Sombra to completion was an all new form of torture that she did not appreciate. Not in the slightest.
Dating a hacker was a pain in the ass.
Ashe had no fucking idea what her girlfriend was getting at… and that was the point. Sombra knew that they were getting close to the home stretch here. Ashe, to her credit, had lasted about eighteen days longer than she expected and showed no signs of breaking anytime soon. Was she desperate? Sure. On the edge most of the day? Of course. Had she had a few close calls? Naturally. But her will was still intact. Her heart and mind were still dead set on the task at hand. The purple-haired woman’s spree of lewd pranks and seemingly random sexual acts that ended a moment too soon was her way of tricking the cowgirl’s brain into craving that further step of pleasure. Sombra knew that she needed to make Ashe take that step too far just one time. Trick her into letting herself go just one time. If she could do that, then she could win.
And she really wanted to win.
Day 25
Sombra tried something new on day twenty-five. Over the last several weeks she’d really used her mouth and hands about as much as she possibly could, and although they were incredibly skilled that hadn’t gotten the job done. If they would not work then perhaps some of her toys would?
Her idea transformed itself into an elaborate, if not cruel, scheme. She sat Ashe in a chair and taped a bullet vibrator down on each of her nipples and set them to their highest setting, placing a set of nipple clamps between them to make it even more pleasurable and painful. Then, she placed a miniaturized egg vibrator beneath the cowgirl’s balls and set that to high as well. Finally, she pulled out her hitachi wand and rubbed it just under Ashe’s dickhead while it was set on, you guessed it, high.
The result was very... arousing.
Ashe moaned and whined at pitches higher than Sombra thought she could go, her entire body trying to convulse violently as if it was attempting to shake the over-stimulating vibrators off of her. Fortunately, Sombra had had the foresight to tie her in place before they began, so all she was capable of doing was thrashing around slightly in her bindings.
The vibrators felt very different from Sombra’s mouth or hands, but they were still pleasurable nonetheless. Her cock dribbled and drowned with precum, every bounce and throb it made spurting another dollop of her salty essence out. Her swollen balls churned as she felt them producing even more cum, the pain of having such heavy testicles making her life so much harder than she wished it was.
And yet, much to Sombra’s chagrin, it was not enough. Not yet, at least.
Days 26-27
Sombra used these days to test if unlocking Ashe’s submissive side could be the key to making her cum. She tied her up in a multitude of positions, from spread eagle on the bed, to hogtied on the floor, to more holistic crotch and breast bondage. While she was immobilized, the Latina really let her dominant side out, spanking and flogging Ashe’s sensitive areas (she really hated getting her balls slapped).
When impact play didn’t work, Sombra tried a few other BDSM classics, such as covering her with piping hot candle wax, smothering her under her pussy and ass, and verbal degradation.
She felt pretty bad about that last one. So bad, in fact, that she actually took about an hour-long pause on the whole NNN challenge just so she could administer a little aftercare to her somewhat fragile lady. Ashe understood her reasoning and held no hard feelings, and she actually laughed at her for feeling so guilty. But the purple-haired woman needed to be sure that she was okay before any further shenanigans could begin.
Day 28
Sombra just straight up sucked Ashe’s cock for the entire day. Out of the sixteen odd hours that they spent awake, she took only four breaks. Two of which were to eat, one was to rest, and the last was to run to the bathroom.
Everywhere Ashe went, Sombra followed, her head glued to her girlfriend’s pelvis as she walked. Ashe went to the kitchen to make some calls. Sombra accompanied and dropped to her knees in front of the fridge.
She was insatiable, greedily guzzling her girlfriend’s precum with a smile. Ashe was powerless, her begging and pleading falling on deaf ears; after about nine hours of continuous, torturous, blissful head, she passed into a state of semi-awareness. Perhaps it was her brain’s way of fighting the agony of denying herself to such a horrific degree.
Nevertheless, Ashe’s hair had become frazzled and her voice hoarse by the end of the day. The effects of No Nut November were really starting to wear her down physically; her cock was in a constant state of near-orgasm, so pent up with baby batter that it oozed precum no matter what time of the day it was. Even without Sombra in her general vicinity she felt like she had to battle the urge to cum. Like if she lost concentration, she might just explode, even without any stimulation whatsoever.
Day 29
Sombra finally decided to use her pussy on day 29. She’d been saving it thus far, knowing that it would be better to use it late in the game as oppose to early. And with all of her other techniques ending in failures, it was time to give old faithful a shot.
She grinded against and fucked Ashe’s cock for most of the day, reaching climax about a dozen times or so on her own. Ashe moaned and mewled like a total slut, holding onto Sombra’s curves as if she was hanging on for dear life, her eyes rolling back as pleasure and denial completely consumed whatever few rational thoughts she had left.
By the end of the day, Ashe had managed to survive but Sombra felt strangely confident. Her girlfriend looked utterly defeated, a shell of her former self that perhaps knew she could not possibly hope to last another twenty four hours.
They both fell asleep feeling a great weight on their minds. Tomorrow was the end of the line. The ultimate decider. Ashe knew that Sombra would pull out all the stops she could to coax that ever-elusive orgasm out from her cock, and Sombra knew that Ashe would fight tooth and nail to hold it back.
Tomorrow someone’s virgin ass was getting fucked. The only question was whose.
Day 30
Finally, the dawn of the last day came. Ashe was expecting her girlfriend to get down to business first thing in the morning, yet her bed was suspiciously empty when she woke up. She meandered her way to the kitchen, finding Sombra relaxing there with a large cup of coffee in one hand and her phone in the other.
“H-hey there, Sugar.” the cowgirl squeaked, apprehensive about Sombra’s oddly tranquil state. “What’re ya’ doin’ in here?”
“Enjoying some coffee, mi amor.” she took a big sip, her eyes peeking over the cup as they noticed Ashe’s erect length through her pajama bottoms. “What are you doing here?”
“I… uh… I guess I was looking for you.”
“Ah.” Sombra smiled. “You’re wondering why we haven’t started yet.”
“Y-yeah.” Ashe averted her eyes nervously.
“I could have started fucking you at the crack of dawn, but we’ve been doing that pretty much every day this month.” Sombra said, crossing one leg over the other as she spoke. “I think for the last day, we should do something different. I think we should end this thing with a bang.”
Ashe nodded along, though she had no idea what Sombra had in mind.
“I’m not going to even touch you until the clock strikes 11:00 P.M.” the purple-haired woman said. “You won’t have to worry about me until then. However, after 11 o’clock, for that one hour before midnight comes, I’ll be going all out. I’ll push you harder than you’ve been pushed the last 29 days. If you want a piece of my culo, mi amiga, you’re gonna have to earn it.”
And so they waited, Sombra keeping herself occupied with busy work around the house, Ashe sitting in her room trying to meditate, sleep, or do anything that took her mind off her pulsating cock. She was at her wit’s end. What was happening to her went beyond blue balls and edging and abstinence; this was actual, literal torture. Her dick was in a constant state of arousal. Her balls were so full it felt like they weighed her down. Her nipples were permanently stiff. Her mind was constantly invaded by perverse thoughts, the most prominent of which being her girlfriend’s tight little asshole parting around the head of her cock. It was the only thing that kept her going. Well, aside from the prospect of losing.
She was a futanari. Perhaps not as dominant in her relationship as other futas normally were, but that was simply because her girl didn’t roll over like a dead fish and give it all up at the snap of her fingers. Her girl put up a fight, and she loved that about her. Even still, it was Ashe’s responsibility to fully break her in. To show her why girlcock was best. To fuck her silly on a regular basis. And one day, hopefully one day very soon, to claim her tight Latina backdoor as the cowgirl’s personal property.
She could not afford to lose. Getting pegged, even by a woman as impressive as Sombra, would be the most humiliating experience of her life. A cock as big and as thick as hers, and she’s the one taking it up the ass? It sounds like the start to a bad joke. The last thing she wanted was to be the bottom of this relationship, but if she blew her load before November ended tonight, that would be her fate.
It was one of the reasons she purposefully avoided getting together with another futa. Two futas in a relationship always ended up in some sort of vicious power struggle until one finally broke and became the other’s personal cumdumpster.
This challenge sort of felt like that idea even though Sombra didn’t have a cock. The winner was going to hold dominion over the loser. And all of it, all thirty days of excruciating edging and teasing and sexual torture, came down to one final war of attrition. A sixty minute barnburner of paramount pleasure. Sombra would throw her best punch yet. It was up to Ashe to take it on the chin like a champ, because if she didn’t... then she’d be taking it in the ass like a bitch later.
Sombra sauntered into their bedroom with ten minutes to go before the clock striked 11, but she didn’t make a move or say anything; instead, she merely lit a few candles and turned off the lights to set the mood before sitting down in front of the bed and stared at Ashe. Her flawless caramel-skin was partially obscured by a beautiful set of black lace lingerie that clung tightly to her curves, while the cowgirl had already done her girlfriend the service of taking her own clothes off a while ago. No sense in wasting time later, right?
They both sat there silently, Ashe on the end of the bed, Sombra in a chair facing her only a few feet away. It was as if they were taking one last look at each other before their final duel began. They may not have been wielding revolvers and it may not have been precisely high noon, but it was going to be an absolute dogfight nonetheless. A cowgirl’s true grit and sheer willpower versus a hacker’s masterful stratagems and seductions. Mono y mono. One last time. One last dance.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity of waiting, the clock struck 11:00 P.M.
And it began.
Sombra climbed onto the bed to straddle her girlfriend’s lap, the horny Latina’s already wet but still clothed womanhood rubbing and grinding hard against Ashe’s throbbing member, causing the latter woman to groan needily into her neck. Sombra grinned as she felt Ashe’s hot breath on the front of her throat, and that grin turned into a full on smile when the cowgirl reflexively licked and suckled at her flesh.
“Slow down, puta.” she moaned, feeling a wetness already building between her thighs. “You’ll leave a mark.”
Ashe hesitantly obliged her, removing her face from her girlfriend’s neck only to find a pair of purple lips planted directly in front of her. Sombra embraced the cowgirl in a passionate kiss, both women’s tongues swirling in each other’s mouths, struggling for dominance. Ashe felt her hands forcibly placed on her girlfriend’s pillowy ass cheeks and she immediately began gripping and kneading them roughly, even giving the Latina a few hard spanks for good measure.
Sombra soon turned around, grinding her ass on Ashe’s huge length as if she was doing some sort of seductive, sexual dance. Meanwhile, she removed her top, allowing her stiff nipples to embrace the atmosphere. Ashe could do nothing but watch from this position; it felt wrong to take a handful of her girlfriend’s derrière when it already looked so beautiful as it slid up and down on her dick.
The sheer intimacy between them was what made not cumming from this so difficult for Ashe. Despite how badly she’d been wanting to blow her load these last few weeks, she’d managed to trudge through it all, not for lack of the Latina’s best efforts. But now, Sombra had no sense of competition in her eyes. No ulterior motives at bay. She seemed genuine… and so very close. Perhaps wholesomeness was her final weapon?
She continued her lapdance for a few more minutes, the clock on the nightstand reading 11:08. Both of them looked at it with a different perspective, Ashe wondering how the fuck she could possibly get through fifty more minutes of sex this sensual, and Sombra wondering how the hell her lapdance had taken almost ten entire minutes.
The caramel-skinned woman sank slowly between Ashe’s hips, lowering herself towards the immaculate girlcock that rested between them. She was slow and deliberate in her service, kissing the shaft from the base up about a dozen times before planting a final one on the tip. Feeling her girlfriend’s cock throb in hand only made her want to worship it more, and so she sunk her mouth down over the head, but instead of giving Ashe one of her usual sloppy, spit-covered, gagging blowjobs, she went for a more romantic approach. Her throat accepted around five or six inches of the cowgirl’s length and she sloooowly bobbed her head up and down, her tongue gently swirling itself on the underside of the shaft.
Although Ashe’s moans were soft, they were still intense. The candles, the intimacy, the blissfully slow speed at which Sombra sucked her, it was all utterly overpowering. She’d grown so used to her girlfriend’s sexually deviant side that she’d almost forgotten about this side. The gentle, vulnerable side. It was so adorable that Ashe almost wanted to cum and give her the victory.
After a few minutes of delightful cock worship, Sombra unsheathed herself from Ashe’s sword and moved down to her balls. Those swollen, bloated, cum-filled, beautiful balls. How she hoped to drain them soon. She kissed all over them, leaving purple lipstick stains in her wake. Her tongue lapped steadily against the wrinkly skin, intent on ensuring that no millimeter of her girlfriend’s jewels remained unattended. She took one of the cowgirl’s large testicles into her mouth, sucking deeply on it while her tongue continued tickling the skin. She soon popped it out of her wet cavern before repeating the process on the other one, all the while her hand gently stroked Ashe’s throbbing member.
She moaned again, this time a bit louder than before, as Sombra expertly worked her balls. She always was great with them. Some women got their panties in a twist when it came to gargling nuts, but any slut worth her salt knew it was the fastest way to claim someone’s soul. And Sombra was well aware of that.
She finally released her girlfriend’s genitals, stealing a quick glance at the clock to see that it was now 11:26. Not great, but not terrible, especially considering how close Ashe already looked. And they hadn’t even gotten to the good part yet.
Sombra rose to Ashe’s height and gently pushed her down onto the bed. She climbed above her, grinding her dripping womanhood against Ashe’s leaking dickhead, the union of their juices creating a potent cocktail of unkempt lust. Sombra slowly slid that monster inside herself, moaning all the way as she sank down, little slices of heaven injecting themselves inside her brain every time Ashe’s length hit one of her nerves.
The two groaned in unison as Sombra fucked Ashe sensually, riding the cowgirl in cowgirl, her small breasts bouncing to and fro before she leaned down and planted a deep kiss on her lover’s lips. She could feel the edge of Ashe’s balls colliding against her shapely ass every time she fully sheathed herself on her girlfriend’s massive girlmeat. A part of her wished that Ashe would cum from this, but another part of her really hoped she didn’t. She wanted her to make it to the last hurdle, if only to see if she could clear it.
Sombra’s moans inside Ashe’s mouth grew in intensity, and so too did her hips’ speed. Her hands pawed at the cowgirl’s tits, kneading them firmly as if they were just trying to hold on to something. The caramel-skinned woman’s moans quickly turned to whimpers as she arrived at an orgasm, her cunt quivering around Ashe’s cock as it leaked feminine juices onto the cowgirl’s pelvis.
Ashe’s mind was under such duress that it felt like it was fracturing into two distinct sides. One half of her brain screamed at her to let go and shoot a gallon of potent baby batter directly into Sombra’s womb. The other half of her brain screamed at her to remember just how close she was to ravaging her girlfriend’s most sacred hole. Just a little bit longer and that tight Latina ass would be all hers.
The war inside her head raged on, externally manifesting in moans of desperate need that were drowned out inside Sombra’s mouth as the two constantly kissed. As the minutes ticked by, Ashe found herself surprised that Sombra didn’t want to change positions. Then again, this position was about as intimate as it got. Why fix something if it ain’t broke?
The constant plopping noise from Sombra’s hips and ass colliding with Ashe’s skin only served to drive the cowgirl even further into a pleasure-filled delirium. She was absolutely hypnotized by her girlfriend’s body, running her hands over her hips, her back, her thighs, and her ass. Anything and everything she could touch, she wanted to. Her cock felt as though it was trembling inside Sombra’s cunt, practically on its knees begging Ashe to let it climax. And as much as she wanted to, she remained strong enough to just barely stave off the temptation.
Eventually, after Sombra had two more orgasms, her hips slowed until they came to a complete stop as she lifted herself off Ashe’s cock, admiring the way it was coated in fresh covering of her own arousal and the cowgirl’s precum. She took a look at her girlfriend, seeing the sheer exhaustion and neediness in Ashe’s face. She truly was beside herself, looking totally lost as if she forgot what exactly they were even doing here.
Still, Sombra had fostered a newfound respect for Ashe from this endeavor. With a sex drive as high as hers, making it to the very end of the race like this was nothing short of an impossible feat of the human soul. It showed the depths of how badly she wanted her ass, and a part of Sombra wondered if she should give it to her even if Ashe couldn’t cross the finish line.
She quickly banished that thought, though. The hacker had no value for sentiment or participation trophies. Either Ashe won and fucked her ass, or Ashe lost and got fucked in the ass. There would be no compromises.
Sombra looked at the clock for perhaps the final time, reading the time as 11:50. Only ten more minutes remained. It was the perfect amount of time for her grand finale.
“You’ve made me so proud getting this far, mi amor.” she whispered gently, guiding Ashe so that she rested flat on her stomach against the bed. “But I still want to win this thing, so I’ll give you one final exam. If you pass, you win. If you don’t, you lose.”
Ashe was still dazed from earlier, not paying much attention at all as her girlfriend began orienting her body in a strange way. She lifted her hips high so that her face was pressed down against the bed, but her ass was up high in the air.
“I know you said I wasn’t allowed to do this… but I’m going to, anyway. I hope you can forgive me, mi amiga… and I hope you love it as much as I think you will.”
Ashe’s eyes went from lidded and tired to wide as possible and awake as she felt Sombra stick her tongue into her asshole. Instantly, the cowgirl felt bolts of white hot pleasure race up her spine like she’d never felt before. Her cock throbbed and ached painfully, even spurting out a long line of precum that reached almost as far as Ashe’s face.
Sombra grinned slightly from the cowgirl’s reaction. She always knew she would enjoy this, but the white-haired woman was so damn stubborn and touchy about her ass. But now that she’d been introduced, Ashe appeared to be in nirvana, her moans loud as all fucking hell as she practically screamed with bliss into the bedsheets. Sombra was having almost just as much fun, getting drunk on the taste of her girlfriend’s ass, the same ass she’d been wanting to eat since they got together. Ashe had such a nice butt, and it had always been a fantasy for the hacker to shove her face between those pale cheeks and lick like there was no tomorrow.
Turns out, all it took was No Nut November to make her fantasy a reality.
Ashe had never felt such extreme pleasure before in her entire life, and when Sombra started tugging with one hand at her dangling cock? The duality of ecstasy was so overwhelming that she thought she might actually spontaneously combust. She was utterly paralyzed, glued to the bed as Sombra serviced her asshole like tomorrow was not guaranteed.
A small piece of Ashe’s brain, really the only piece that wasn’t just alarm bells and pandemonium, rationally considered a few things that this experience brought to light. First, she should trust her girlfriend more. Why she hadn’t allowed her to do this before made such little sense, especially now that she knew what she was missing out on. No wonder Sombra came her brains out when she did this to her. Second, she had to give her girlfriend credit. This was a masterful plan. She’d really pushed Ashe to the limit in every way possible; surely any other human being would have cum by now. It was only Ashe’s extreme obsession with Sombra’s ass that kept her will strong enough to keep playing. Nevertheless, the Latina had executed this final day perfectly. She didn’t overdo it. In fact, it was her subtlety that made their final session such a challenge. And ending it with a rimjob? That was a ballsy gamble, but she respected it.
Ashe’s mind eventually wandered to the obvious question which had been plaguing her since Sombra first started tongue fucking her asshole: was the fact that she seemed to love getting rimmed a precursor for something much worse? Was it possible that she was a closeted buttslut this entire time and just never knew it?
Perhaps that’s why she never let Sombra anywhere near her ass. She didn’t want herself to find out the truth.
Regardless, there was only one way to answer this pressing question. Survive the rimjob. Otherwise she’d have no choice than to be a buttslut to Sombra’s strapon.
Speaking of Sombra, she was getting absolutely sloppy between Ashe’s cheeks, her saliva drooling everywhere, even down to Ashe’s cock and balls, lubricating the hand that pumped Ashe’s shaft. She knew she didn’t have long left; Ashe might have been screaming with pleasure, but it didn’t matter how much she enjoyed it if she couldn’t make her cum. Closing her eyes, Sombra dove in deep, her tongue thrusting itself in and out of Ashe’s tight pucker as she prepared for what would be the final lap.
Conversely, Ashe found herself walking the thinnest of lines, tightroping across a thin line of restraint that rested above an orgasmic ocean. One false step and she was done for. Looking over, she saw that the clock read 11:59. This was possible, or at least she thought as much, until Sombra started punching her little hole with tongue.
It was as if her very soul was a punching bag routinely taking haymakers straight to the schnoz. The feeling of Sombra’s drool-covered hand jerking her cock while her tongue invaded her ass and stimulated the plethora of nerve endings that resided there was so pleasurable and painful that it should have been illegal. In fact, this whole challenge should be illegal and the creator of it should be charged with a crime against humanity.
Ashe grit her teeth, moaning through the pain as she felt herself truly approach the absolute edge of orgasm.
Her cock ached and throbbed with need, spurting out a continuous stream of viscous precum that was surely staining their bed. Behind her she could hear Sombra’s sloppy, slutty ministrations, which only served to turn her on further. At the end of it all, with only seconds left, she felt herself finally losing control...
“No, no, no, NOOOO!!!” Ashe cried, unable to withstand it anymore. Her cock spasmed and twitched happily in Sombra’s firm grasp, shooting endless ropes of salty seed onto the bed below them. Ashe moaned like a common whore, emptying her bloated balls of their now useless cum. She trembled and shook violently, partially because her orgasm was simply that powerful, and partially because she knew she’d lost. Tripped at the end of the race. And now she was going to be punished for it.
The Latina’s lips curled upwards into a wide grin as she watched her girlfriend blow her load all over the place, a tingling of pure adrenaline and excitement emanating from between her legs as she continued her sloppy makeout session with Ashe’s ass. She looked at the clock, chuckling heartily as she saw it turn to midnight.
O, how cruel fate can be.
Day 1
Only seconds after the clock passed midnight, as the earliest moments of December 1st rolled by, Sombra bounced off the bed and started rummaging around in her drawers. Ashe slumped face first into the sheets, her world collapsing around her as she realized just how horrific this situation had turned.
Thirty days. She suffered through thirty fucking days of absolute torture, and for what? To cum her brains out at the very end from a little bit of ass licking? What a complete and total failure of a futanari she was. She felt like she deserved to be the sub in her relationship from here on out. Like she deserved to be Sombra’s little buttslut.
Speaking of which, Sombra finally found what she was looking for: an eight inch purple strapon covered in stars. She quickly equipped around her waist and stepped towards the bed.
“You know,” she said, casually flipping Ashe over so that she laid on her back, “this cock is the same size as yours. You’re gonna get to experience first hand what you want to do so badly to me. And even though it might hurt a bit, I have a feeling that you’re gonna enjoy this, puta.”
She maneuvered her and Ashe until they were in the missionary position, with Ashe hips hanging on the edge of the bed and Somba standing just in front of them. The cowgirl gulped, her now flaccid, exhausted length settling calmly against her stomach, watching as her girlfriend stood above her intimidatingly. The only silver lining was that lubrication would not be a problem, since the purple-haired girl had spent the last ten minutes slobbering all over Ashe’s unused pucker.
Without further word or warning, Sombra started prodding and pressing against Ashe’s asshole. She frowned at the lack of give it had, but fortunately she knew that Ashe had a lot of pride regarding her rough and tough exterior. She could suffer through a little bit of pain now for a mountain of pleasure later. Thus, she gave her strapon one hard thrust of her hips, using just enough force to break past the tight circle of Ashe’s pucker.
“Ow!” Ashe cried, her face beat red with embarrassment as she stared at her naked girlfriend from the bed. “Be a little gentle!”
“Oh?” Sombra narrowed her eyes, roughly pushing her strapon another two inches deeper into Ashe’s bum, causing her to yelp once more. “You wanna ask me that again?”
Ashe stared up at her defiantly for a moment, but her expression soon softened as she felt Sombra threaten to plunge herself deeper once again.
“B-be a little gentle… please.”
“Good girl.”
Sombra was already such a good domme that stepping into the world of pegging came almost naturally to her. Because her girlfriend had asked nicely, she gently eased her cock further inside, reaching five, six, seven, and finally eight inches deep. Her pelvis pressed against the bottom of Ashe’s ass cheeks, her fake cock fully sheathed inside. The cowgirl looked mightily uncomfortable, but to her credit she’d stopped complaining or voicing her pain if she still had any.
Sombra slowly began pulling the length of that fake cock out of Ashe’s ass, waiting for it to almost be entirely out before slowly plunging it back in. The cowgirl’s face remained neutral during this process, but it was almost too neutral, as if she was intentionally trying to mask her emotions.
And Sombra quickly realized why when she looked down.
Ashe’s cock was beginning to stiffen. Five minutes ago it was completely flaccid; now, it was practically semi-erect. The Latina smiled and picked up her pace, her hips thrusting at a much steader rate, lightly slamming into Ashe’s backside every time she hilted.
“What’s wrong, mi amor?” She questioned sardonically. “Not having fun?”
“O-of course not.” Ashe said, her words sounding a little awkward as she tried to keep them emotionless. It wasn’t exactly the easiest task when she was getting fucked in the ass for the first time. “You think I like this?”
“Hmm…” Sombra purred. “You may not like it, but your cock does, puta.”
Ashe looked down, her cheeks turning a deeper shade of crimson as she was forced to confront what both her and Sombra already knew: as loathe as was to admit it, she was enjoying this.
She couldn’t really understand much of it. Her whole life, she’d never had one single inclination to have anyone touch her ass. It simply never crossed her mind, which was especially weird, considering how obsessed she was with anal sex. And yet, now, after losing the worst bet she’d ever made in her entire life, here she was, a big dicked, stud of a futanari, getting a hard on from her girlfriend fucking her ass with a strapon.
It was utterly shameless… but Ashe quickly found herself caring less and less about that sort of stuff.
“I want to see you cum from this. Just this.” Sombra practically groaned, picking both of Ashe’s legs up higher so that they rested in the air. Even without touching herself, her pussy was beginning to drool with arousal. She knew this was a good bet to make.
She started pounding Ashe’s asshole, holding nothing back as she bottomed out time after time inside her girlfriend’s freshly broken-in backdoor. Sure enough, every time she hilted herself with such strong force, Ashe’s cock got a little harder. Started to stand a little straighter. It was a slow progression, but still progress nonetheless.
The cowgirl still refused to wear on her face just how much she was enjoying this. Sure, the feeling of having her girlfriend peg her was arousing purely because it was supposed to be wrong to like it, but even more than that, the feeling of something so firm and thick filling up her hole… well, it was actually kind of comforting in a strange way. The role reversal of her girlfriend doing the fucking was hot, too. She felt so close… so intimate and trustworthy. Even with her dominant persona on, Ashe knew she would never intentionally cause her any lasting pain.
And so, as the minutes ticked by and her cock became fully erect, Ashe decided to give up on her fake neutrality towards the situation.
“I-if you aim a l-little higher...” she whispered shyly.
Sombra smiled, taking her advice and positioning the angle of her thrusts at a slightly higher elevation. Ashe instantly reacted with a loud moan, her cock flopping around wildly in rhythm with Sombra’s thrusting. She panted and grunted with every impact of her girlfriend’s plump thighs and plastic member, watching her own shaft as it excitedly dribbled precum from its head.
“Like it?” Sombra asked.
“Y-yes!” Ashe answered, almost taken aback by how quickly she submitted to the Latina.
“Good, then you’ll love this.” Sombra kicked her speed up one gear higher, surpassing what Ashe thought was her maximum output. She absolutely went ape shit on the cowgirl’s poor butt, practically throwing her entire body weight behind every thrust as she plunged the entirety of her fake cock into her ass.
Ashe’s soft, needy little mewls quickly turned to full on moans, a strange feeling welling up inside her butt at the place where the strapon kept hilting. She didn’t really know what was happening, only that it felt both powerful as all hell and as pleasurable as one could imagine. It was like all the pleasure of cumming from her cock, only her cock wasn’t even being touched.
Eventually, Sombra hit the perfect spot, pressing Ashe’s prostate button for the first time. The cowgirl released a desperate, surprised moan as her cock started spraying cum in every direction as she shook from her girlfriend’s brutally hard thrusts. Her mind went completely blank save for the overwhelming pleasure that enraptured it, causing her cock to just keep on going, shooting its load like a sprinkler system. Sombra laughed hard as she watched, enjoying just how much Ashe was falling in love with anal right before her eyes. At this rate, they could easily make this a nightly occurrence.
The cowgirl’s spunk landed in a multitude of places, with one rope settling across her own cheek, a few on her tits, more than a few on Sombra’s tits… jesus, she came a lot.
“You okay, mi amor?” Sombra asked, her thrusting slowing to a halt as Ashe’s cock had finally stopped jizzing everywhere. “That was... uh... pretty intense.”
“Y-yeah…” Ashe muttered, a little dazed. “I don’t know if I’ve ever cum that hard before. Not even earlier…”
“You'll get used to it.” Sombra smiled, leaning in close to her girlfriend's face. “Because you're gonna be my big dicked buttslut from here on out, aren’t you?”
If Sombra had asked Ashe that a day ago, she may have tried to punch her in the jaw. But now… now she saw the merits of taking it up the ass. She realized what she had been missing this whole time. She understood that not every futanari had to be some dominant alpha; that sometimes, for the right person, it was okay to submit.
So when Sombra posited that question of her being a buttslut, she did not do what old Ashe would have done. On the contrary, she just nodded her head yes like a good girl. Because that’s what new Ashe did.
“Next time, I’m gonna make you suck it before I fuck you… and after.” Sombra cooed, closing the last inch of distance between their lips for a possessive, sloppy, and unmistakably dominant kiss.
A/N: Fun fact, I actually prefer this ending because Futasub can never be wrong. |
Chapter 1 - Ending A |
Ace in the Hole - Ending A
Ashe and Sombra weren’t your average couple. After all, a southern belle turned ruthless leader of the Deadlock Gang and an anarcho-revolutionary with cryptography skills that put the hacker known as 4chan to shame weren’t exactly the perfect match on Tinder. Really, the two women couldn’t be more different; Sombra was a strategist that thought every scenario, no matter how challenging or complex, had a logical answer if one was willing to consider every option. Ashe believed that every problem could be solved with dynamite and bullets, and if those came up short then Bob would not. Their morals didn’t particularly align either, with Sombra’s ideals centering around a desire to help the disadvantaged and disenfranchised, while Ashe’s ethical code began and ended with her own hide. And to top it all off, what was perhaps the single biggest divide between them was simply cultural. Sombra spoke Spanish and Ashe spoke southern.
The hackneyed platitude of opposites attract was certainly true for a rare few, but it was certainly false for Ashe and Sombra. Their differences did not bring them any closer; on the contrary, they were often, or almost always, the cause of many headache-inducing arguments.
And yet, they were happily together nonetheless. Turns out Sombra’s fat latina ass and perky tits were far more seductive to Ashe than any matching personality traits could be, and Ashe’s elegantly thick cock was simply too hypnotizing for Sombra to resist.
Their temperaments may not have been a perfect fit, but their sex life more than compensated. Sombra was normally a top, but when Ashe pulled out her majestic cowgirl rod she couldn’t help but become a cockdrunk slut. Similarly, Ashe enjoyed being in control but was willing to occasionally take a backseat when her girlfriend was in the mood to tie her up. It usually just ended with Sombra talking a big game before inevitably succumbing to her own desires, getting on her knees, and sucking Ashe’s soul out of her dick whilst she remained immobilized. Not that she was complaining.
And yet, for all their many sexual misadventures, none had been quite so extreme as their attempt at the No Nut November challenge.
It all started with a relatively innocent conversation.
“Hey Sugar,” Ashe crowed, rubbing up against her girlfriend from behind as the two enjoyed a lazy Sunday at home, “have I ever told you how great you look in that dress?”
Sombra rolled her eyes as she immediately felt her girlfriend’s stiffening member between her ass cheeks. “Already, pervertida?” she said, pretending to be irritated as she scrolled through Twitter. Deep down, though, she liked when Ashe was assertive like this.
“A woman has needs, darlin’.” Ashe’s hands hungrily roamed Sombra’s skin, tracing themselves over her shoulders, down her sides, and around her hips. “I think it’s high time we had ourselves a roll in the hay.”
“I sucked your cock three hours ago, puta.” the purple-haired woman grinned as she played hard to get. “What more could you want from me?”
“A piece of that ass, for starters.” Ashe purred, her hands travelling south until they possessively took hold of Sombra’s tight cheeks. “C’mon baby, why don’t we make it to fifth base today?”
Sombra’s grin quickly turned to a frown. “You know my rule, mi amor. You can fuck my ass... so long as I get to fuck yours.”
“Yeah, yeah.” Ashe pulled back, falling into one of the kitchen’s chairs, sulking in defeat. “You always say that, but it doesn’t make a lick of sense to me. Way I see it, you don’t even have a cock to fuck me with.”
“I may not have a pito,” Sombra’s smile returned, “but I have a few dildos that would look great shoved six inches up your cula.”
Ashe shivered at the thought. “But you wouldn’t even be able to feel anything. What would you get out of it?”
“I’d get to watch you squirm, mi amor. That’s good enough for me.”
“Ugh.” Ashe groaned, her cock growing ever-harder as she eye fucked her girlfriend from behind. “One day, little missy, I’ll get you to give it up. Mark my words.”
“Keep dreaming, señorita.” Sombra coyly responded, diving back into her social media adventure as Ashe apparently tapped out from their debate. Sombra continued standing there for what felt like five minutes, fully aware that her girlfriend’s gaze hadn’t shifted from her ass the entire time (she also totally wasn’t trying to get her attention by intentionally sticking it out and arching her back ever-so-slightly. She would never do that.). A part of her felt bad for having to routinely deny Ashe’s requests for anal sex; it was clear that she really wanted to try it, but at the end of the day it was Sombra’s body, and she wasn’t particularly enthralled with the idea of having something as thick and large as Ashe’s dick shoved in the place where the sun doesn’t shine.
She meant what she said earlier, though. She’d let her do it, so long as Ashe was willing to let her do it back. She believed in rewarding people’s sacrifices. And as she scrolled through her Twitter feed and stumbled upon a post detailing someone’s plans for abstinence during the month that came after October, a devilishly brilliant plan began to come together in her mind. She turned around slowly, facing Ashe with a sly little grin plastered across her lips.
“Hey, mi amor… ever heard of No Nut November?”
And so it began.
Sombra gave Ashe an offer she simply could not refuse: make it through the entirety of November without cumming a single time, and the hacker’s ass would be all hers for an entire night.
The rules were simple. Sombra would be allowed to tease, suck, and fuck her girlfriend whenever and however she wanted, so long as it was within reason. It would obviously be unfair if she could just suck her cock for hours on end with no breaks, because nobody that walked this earth could last that long in the Talon agent’s skilled mouth. Therefore they decided to use the honor system; Sombra would try her best to make it a real challenge while not going overboard, and Ashe would be allowed to politely ask (beg) her to stop when things were getting too out of hand.
Of course, there was nothing stopping Ashe from rubbing one out in secret every now and then to make the challenge a fair bit more manageable, but Sombra had already figured out a countermeasure: a medical microchip, originally designed for measuring the body’s natural functions such as heart rate and blood pressure, repurposed with a little bit of savvy coding and elbow grease to essentially be a functional orgasm tracker. Now if Ashe busted a nut, Sombra would instantly get an alert on her phone telling her as much.
Granted, Ashe wasn’t thrilled when she found out that the hacker had secretly implanted the chip in her when she wasn’t paying attention, but there was little she could do about it now. If anything it was a good thing, as it assured total and complete honesty from her. Sombra would not be able to claim she cheated, and lord knows she would look for any sort of out should she emerge on the losing side of this contest.
The last rule in their little game was the one that added the highest stakes by far. If Ashe should lose this challenge, if she should have an orgasm by any means before the clock struck midnight on November 30th, then not only would Sombra’s ass remain undefiled by her thick, pale cock, she would also have to forfeit her own anal virginity up to the fiery Latina.
It was not an easy condition to accept. Ashe enjoyed her and her girlfriend’s constantly shifting power dynamic, but she really didn’t want Sombra to peg her with a strapon. That’s something she knew she could never come back from. The hacker would always have control in their relationship afterwards.
And yet, for some reason she could not properly explain, Ashe managed to swallow her fears. Perhaps it was because she truly believed in herself and her ability to stave off her orgasm. Perhaps it was because she decided it was finally time to put Sombra in her place once and for all. Perhaps it was because she’d been staring at her girlfriend’s delicious ass for about ten minutes straight before the question was posed and the only thought that ran through her mind was how desperately she wanted to fuck it.
It didn’t really matter why she felt such conviction. All that mattered was that it was there, and it was strong enough to make her stand up, look her girlfriend in the eye, and confidently say:
“You’re on, partner.”
And with that, as the last day of October slowly wound itself down, the die had officially been cast.
Day 1
Ashe wasn’t entirely sure what to expect on the first day. Naturally, she’d made sure to jerk off several times the night before. No sense in starting this month-long challenge a day early. Feeling decently sated, her morning started as routine as any other. Make some coffee, take some calls with her gang’s lieutenants, do a little bit of target practice out in the yard. Nothing out of the ordinary, save for the small, constant tingling that ran up her spine; a side effect of knowing that the gauntlet had been officially thrown down. Now was her time to either persevere, prevail, and plunder her girlfriend’s tight little hole until she claimed it as her own personal cum receptacle, or fail in spectacular fashion and become little more than Sombra’s bitch with a big dick.
Speaking of Sombra, she was strangely MIA the entire morning. Normally, Ashe woke up right next to her, pressing her morning wood between those jiggly caramel cheeks of hers until she finally got annoyed enough to suck her off. Yet today the white-haired woman found her bed empty when she rose. Perhaps the Latina planned to go easy on her?
As Ashe would soon find out, that couldn’t be further from the truth.
It was about midday when she first saw Sombra. Honestly, everything had been so mundane up until then that she’d almost forgotten what her girlfriend’s true objective was in all this. But she was reminded rather quickly as she ate spaghetti for lunch in the living room whilst watching a (quite topically appropriate) spaghetti western on TV. She heard the front door close on the opposite side of the room and gave a low energy, “Hey, Hun.” in response without even turning to look at her lover.
That’s okay. Sombra was planning to come to her, anyway.
Ashe’s eyes slowly widened as her girlfriend entered her view. She looked rather cheerful and wore a cheeky little smile… and absolutely nothing else. She was buck ass naked from head to toe. Her perky little tits bounced like a pair of small-sized water balloons. Her flawless light brown skin glistened from the sunlight seeping through the windows. Her womanhood was slightly obscured by a neatly shaven bush of prickly dark hair.
“I… uh…” Ashe had no earthly idea of how to even respond to this. She wasn’t so delusional that she thought Sombra wouldn’t try anything today, but this was certainly not her expectation. She continued watching her girlfriend with her mouth slacked open in surprise as she wordlessly sat down beside her on the couch as if nothing was out of the ordinary.
“I like this one.” Sombra mused, kicking her legs up on the ottoman. “Flint Westrock is in it, right?”’
“Y-yeah, I think so…” Ashe trailed off, her cock starting to harden as she ogled her girlfriend’s body a moment longer before she refocused. “You wanna explain your outfit to me, Sombra?”
“Oh, this?” the Latina gestured to her own breasts. “It’s nothing special. I just felt like being a little free today. Why? Is it bothering you?”
“Hell fucking yes it’s bothering me.” Ashe snapped, feeling her stiffy start to rub uncomfortably against her black jeans. “You know damn well how I get when I see you like this. For chrissakes, put some clothes on!”
“Why? Worried you might lose control? Well, go ahead.” Sombra teased, nudging herself right up to the white-haired woman’s ear, whispering into it with hot, aroused breaths, “Lose it, baby. Take me right here. Bend me over the couch and fuck me like a slut.”
Ashe gulped loudly, her cock pulsing with need as she attempted to shove down the onslaught of thoughts that screamed at her to do as Sombra said. Rationally, she knew it was all just a mind game. An attempt to get her so turned on that she’d forget all about their little challenge and just fuck the daylights out of Sombra until she blew her load.
And it actually almost worked.
There were a few seconds there that Ashe really considered turning her naked girlfriend around, shoving her face first into the couch, and fucking her harder than she ever had before. But fortunately, the white-haired woman’s restraint was strong enough to let those thoughts come and go.
“I’d love to, Hun.” she smirked, leaning away from Sombra towards the opposite side of the couch. “But I can’t be busting my nut that easily. There’s a big bounty at the end of this road, and you best believe I’ll be there to claim it.”
“Hm.” Sombra huffed. “We’ll see about that, perra.”
Ashe smiled, relishing in her minor victory, though it quickly faded as she realized that Sombra had no intention of leaving her side, nor did she plan to put on any clothes for the rest of the day. Her doctor would have been concerned because her erection certainly lasted longer than four hours.
Days 2-5
The following days consisted of much of the same. Sombra waltzed around the house entirely naked, flaunting her assets at every given chance in front of Ashe, trying to tease, titillate, and torment her until she simply couldn’t take it anymore. Her boldness seemed to ramp up, too, as she started purposefully dropping things just so she could bend over deeply in front of her girlfriend’s face to pick them up, or laying chest first on the couch, squeezing her tits together so they looked even more fuckable than normal, or doing incredibly erotic yoga stretches on the floor right in front of her suffering girlfriend.
During the first few days, Ashe convinced herself that Sombra’s choice to only visually stimulate her instead of physically stimulate her was a blessing. Her body might have been insanely hot, but given Ashe’s wealth of experience on the matter, it felt even better than it looked. In this instance, seeing was far easier to deal with than touching. Towards the end of days four and five, however, she saw her situation as more of a curse. Her cock was starved for attention, in large part because she’d been having multi-hour long erections simply because her girlfriend wouldn’t let her go a fucking minute without trying to make her sexually lose her mind.
It was honestly a brilliant play on Sombra’s part. Ashe had been expecting her girlfriend to start gobbling her cock pretty much from the first day forward, but she subverted those expectations completely, denying her any real pleasure unless she decided to take it for herself. Sombra’s tactics shouldn’t have come as a surprise, though. Between the two of them, she was the strategist, after all.
The result of her constant seduction was an incredibly frustrated Ashe with a terrible case of blue balls. Her cock practically oozed precum the entire fifth day without any stimulation whatsoever. It was hell.
Sombra’s strategy during these first few days, for all intents and purposes, was really just a test. A test to see if Ashe had enough willpower to have even a small chance to conquer this challenge. And, much to Sombra’s surprise, her girlfriend passed, if only just barely. She didn’t succumb to temptation. And what had that gotten her? What was her reward for resisting Sombra’s siren song?
An astonishingly sensitive and needy cock that hadn’t been shown proper love or care in five full days.
Things were about to get a lot worse for Ashe.
Day 6
It could be argued that the sixth day marked where Ashe’s NNN challenge truly began.
It started much the same as the other days before, with Sombra being an incessant tease while strutting around in her birthday suit. However, as the two watched yet another movie on the living room couch, Ashe felt her girlfriend gently place her index finger against the the tip of clothed dickhead.
"Boop." Sombra whispered.
“What uh…” Ashe paused, her cock starting to throb in her jeans as the rest of Sombra’s hand started coiling around it. “What do you think you’re doing, Shug?”
“Just relax, amiga.” she whispered, her tone dark and syrupy and rich. She traced a lone finger around the now pulsing outline of Ashe’s member, grinning as she heard her girlfriend’s breathing get steadily heavier until it became borderline desperate, her chest rising and falling so rapidly it gave off the appearance of a panic attack, though this was anything but. Sombra ran her palm over the length of the member, giving it its first real touch in days. Even though the stimulation was through a thick layer of leather, Ashe couldn’t contain the moan that escaped her lips, her eyes closing tightly as her expression showed a mixture of relief and further need. Sombra had her girlfriend exactly where she wanted her.
“Want me to really touch it, mi amor?”
“Please.” Ashe trembled, her hands fumbling around wildly to remove her belt buckle and then pants, ripping them off her feet to reveal her member. It bounced up and stood tall, all eight inches of it finally unrestrained from the suffocating confines of her jeans. It leaked precum like a faucet, the viscous substance dribbling from the bulbous head all the way down the thick shaft until finally reaching her bloated balls.
Sombra’s eyes went wide, if only for a moment, before her face returned to its usual expression of seductive arrogance. She’d never seen her girlfriend’s cock in such a state of absolute neediness before. It throbbed every few seconds as if it had a mind of its own, beckoning Sombra to give it its first bit of tender care after going unloved for the better half of a week.
“Just sit back and let me drive you crazy, Elizabeth.” Sombra purred.
Ashe felt a shiver run down her spine at the mention of her first name. Sombra was the only person that still called her that, and she only used it when she was being serious. She watched with a held breath as the Latina’s hand crept ever closer to her deprived shaft, until finally...
“Ah…” Ashe moaned, her head tilting back while pure electricity flooded her brain, watching as Sombra gently wrapped her hand around the base of her cock and gave her slow, twisting strokes that might as well have been pure heroin. She always was really good at handjobs, even though Ashe preferred it when she used her mouth. The hacker remained wordless in her work, choosing to let her hand do all the talking for her as she laid down chest first on the couch next to the cowgirl’s lap.
Meanwhile, Ashe was swimming in pools of pleasure, mewling and moaning shamelessly as her girlfriend tugged on her solid cock. She had somehow convinced herself that this was a good idea, that she couldn’t stand being untouched any longer and her constant state of blue balls was becoming so extraordinarily painful that something had to be done. Every second Sombra spent milking her made her cock produce more and more precum to such a degree that it was almost excessive, the sticky, clear fluid practically coating the entirety of her own shaft and her girlfriend’s hand. And yet, in Ashe’s mind, every drop of precum that oozed forth from her slickened member was one less to weigh down her balls.
What the cowgirl hadn’t accounted for was how easy it would be to go from swimming in pleasure to drowning in it. Sombra continued administering the sensual handjob for hours, only stopping after her girlfriend began to groan and plead with her for a break.
Days 7-12
These days consisted of Sombra acclimating her girlfriend’s cock to her hand. Much like before when she wore no clothes, she wanted to get Ashe used to a particular feeling. In this case, she gave her an hour-long handjob once in the morning, once after lunch, and once before bed (though that one often stretched closer to two hours).
Ashe wasn’t in a position to deny her advances. Their agreement insisted that Sombra was allowed to touch her in whatever manner she liked, otherwise it would not be a real challenge. And with the stakes as high as they were, it had to be a real challenge. The morning and lunch handjobs were difficult to get through but not impossible. A part of her greatly enjoyed the attention on her thick rod, after all. But that evening handjob… that one was a soul-crusher. She wanted to cum so badly every time, feeling backed up from the extended amount of pleasure throughout the day which only seemed to compound exponentially as the days began to add up, and it took every ounce of her willpower to resist that temptation. Sombra’s sexy little whispers didn’t help much either as she tried to seduce her into giving in to her desires.
The silver lining of her blue balls being cured was nullified, too. Sure, Sombra pumped an exorbitant amount of precum from her testicles every single day, but the constant physical stimulation without reaching release, the engagement in what could be considered a near two-week long edging process, caused her family jewels to work overtime, churning out more baby batter than she could ever hope to lose from simply leaking precum.
And yet, though her cock begged for release and balls were bloated beyond what she thought even possible, Ashe’s spirit remained unbowed. For now.
Day 13
This day proved to be nothing if not unlucky for Ashe.
Once again, Sombra switched up her strategy. Gone was the morning handjob, replaced by something a thousand times better and yet also so much worse.
Morning head.
Going nearly two weeks without a blowjob from Sombra was almost assuredly a record for their relationship. The perpetually horny Latina loved to give the white-haired woman sloppy toppy, especially when Ashe pulled out her thick cock and pressed her for it. Going so long without feeling the warm embrace of her girlfriend’s mouth made Ashe realize just how badly she needed Sombra’s perfect cocksuckers wrapped around her rod on a daily basis.
And when she awoke to the long-missed feeling of those plump purple lips smearing lipstick up and down her cock? It sent her into an absolute state of blissful panic.
Morning wood be damned, Ashe felt like she could cum right now. Sombra gagged and sputtered on her length, forcing herself down, going deeper, and deeper, and even deeper...
That’s right, slut. Choke on it. Show me how badly you wanna suck me.
The caramel-skinned woman drooled everywhere, her spittle running down Ashe’s shaft in thick rivulets, coating her balls, her pelvis, and her inner thighs. Even half of the purple-haired woman’s own face was covered with saliva.
Ashe merely laid back against the headboard of her bed and whined a cacophony of nasally moans, equally overjoyed and terrified from how amazing her girlfriend’s tight throat felt. Sombra knew the right buttons to push when it came to giving the cowgirl a blowjob, and she was pushing them all. As she gasped and choked on the cowgirl’s turgid length, her hand below stroked and massaged her ballsack, her fingers dancing ever-so-softly across the sensitive globes. She moaned heartily around her girlfriend’s cock, her eyes staring softly into Ashe’s own, maintaining a direct line of contact despite how often she sheathed herself down on those eight inches of prime meat, her nose pressing flush against Ashe’s pelvis as she groaned with delight.
Truthfully, Sombra almost got as much out of this as Ashe did. She loved sucking cock. It was the only submissive bone she had in her whole body. Every other part of her enjoyed dominating others; she liked to see her southern girlfriend beg for release, or tied up and denied, or get fucked in an amazon press. Anything and everything that allowed her to assert control. But when the cowgirl dangled her slab of girlmeat in front of Sombra’s face, she could do nothing but lick her lips and stare like a true slut, waiting for Ashe to give her permission to spear her massive rod down her throat.
Yet now, as Ashe battled through the NNN challenge, Sombra found herself in complete control of the blowjob, and she was living for it. She sucked Ashe like a master working their craft, guzzling down her precum like a hungry whore as she began rapidly bobbing herself up and down from the head of Ashe’s dick about five inches down. Meanwhile, her hand, which had kept itself occupied with the cowgirl’s balls, travelled upwards, tweaking and teasing Ashe’s secret spot: her sensitive nipples.
“Ah… oh fuck!” She moaned, her mouth gaped open in a seemingly endless state of ecstasy as her girlfriend tugged and pinched her sizable breasts. Ashe had already been on the verge of climax for the better part of ten minutes, but now? Now she truly felt like she could not control herself. Every second that passed was one more she spent in the danger zone; all it took was Sombra to hit the right spot in just the right way and she’d be finished. All of her hard work would be for naught and Sombra would lay claim to her ass. She had to do something and do it fast.
“H-hey, Shug…” she whispered between strained groans, “can we take a b-break?”
Sombra removed her lips from Ashe’s cock, her cheeks making a popping noise as she did so. “No can do, amiga. I’m enjoying my breakfast a little too much to stop.”
The cowgirl swallowed hard, her eyes focused on her own cock as it throbbed in her girlfriend’s tight grasp. She shifted her gaze up towards Sombra’s eyes, her own red irises meeting the stare of the Latina’s purple ones, and she instantly knew what her girlfriend wanted.
She wanted her to beg.
“P-please,” The cowgirl said, “ please can we just stop for a little bit. This is too much.”
“Hmm…” Sombra pondered aloud, her hand starting to slowly stroke Ashe’s shaft once again, “that doesn’t feel very sincere, muchacha.”
Ashe grimaced. If she wanted to take a break, she would have to throw away her dignity. But at this rate, what other option was there? Even Sombra’s slow, uninspired strokes sent shockwaves of pleasure up Ashe’s spine.
“Babe,” Ashe pleaded, bowing her head as some sort of submissive gesture. “I-I can’t go anymore right now. I feel like I’m about to explode. I need a break. Just for a few hours. After that, I’ll do anything you want.” she brought her head up, looking her girlfriend in the eyes once more.
“Please… Olivia.”
Days 14-15
Ashe’s desperate invocation of Sombra’s real name on the thirteenth day was a gambit. The purple-haired woman was a bit touchy on the subject of her old life, and that name served as an all too painful reminder of it. But Ashe was convinced that using it was her only card left, and as it turns out, her gamble paid off. Sombra had given her a stern look for a moment, but ultimately her expression quickly softened and she showed mercy, relinquishing her vice grip over the cowgirl’s aching shaft.
However, Ashe would spend the next few days finding out exactly what her promise to do ‘anything’ her girlfriend actually entailed.
First and foremost, Sombra was tired of everything being focused around Ashe’s pleasure. The risky challenge and the high stakes of putting their asses quite literally on the line was certainly exciting, but it wasn’t enough to please the hacker’s sexual needs. The double-edged sword of having to relentlessly tease her girlfriend was that, while it was obviously fun to watch Ashe shiver and squirm, it also drove Sombra crazy. All the touching and sucking, the stripteases and constant nakendess, the sight of her girlfriend’s seemingly permanently erect cock, literally dripping with desire…
Sombra had resorted to masturbating pretty much nonstop throughout the day when Ashe wasn’t looking. Hell, sometimes even when she was. She just didn’t want her girlfriend to know how truly pent up she felt from all of this. It was Ashe’s No Nut November challenge, after all. So why did it feel like she was participating, too?
Her own fingers were simply not enough. Not with how much precum she slurped down on a daily basis. It was better than nothing, but at the end of the day it was still just a cheap imitation of the real thing. She missed Ashe’s cum. She missed how aggressive she was when they fucked. Now the cowgirl was like a scared little kitten, mewling with unwanted pleasure as she tried to resist her urges.
Sombra missed the Ashe that gave in to her urges. That fucked the ever-loving shit out of her until she was seeing stars. That could easily cum once an hour for an entire day with no problems.
She missed her stud.
As a remedy for her growing needs, Sombra used days fourteen and fifteen as her own personal cunnilingus fiesta. She ordered Ashe to eat her pussy out until she achieved climax thrice a day, twice after breakfast and once after lunch. Of course, the cowgirl had little choice but to play along, not that she particularly minded indulging in her girlfriend’s delectable sex anyway.
Yet the real highlight of Sombra’s vacation days came late in the evening, because although she enjoyed every second of Ashe’s skilled pussy eating during the day, it couldn't hold a candle to how great it felt when she ate her ass at night.
“That’s it, puta.” Sombra mewled as she rode Ashe’s face, her hands spreading her plump caramel cheeks wide to give the cowgirl easier access to her asshole. “Right there. That’s the spot.”
Ashe groaned as she tonguefucked her girlfriend’s derrière. She was laying on her back on the bed, her girlfriend sitting that delicious ass of hers directly on her face. Her mind was spinning happily as indulged herself in the simply divine taste of her girlfriend’s posterior. Though she hadn’t let the cowgirl fuck it yet, the Latina loved getting her ass eaten and took every opportunity she could to make it happen. It always made Ashe feel a little bemused. Sombra was staunchly opposed to anal sex, yet she came harder from a tongue up her ass than almost any other sexual activity.
“Mmm…” she moaned overhead, her hands leaving her backside to take a hold of her own breasts, resulting in her ass cheeks clapping together on Ashe’s face.
Ashe’s cock throbbed extra hard as she tasted the very same hole she wanted so desperately to fuck. She was glad that Sombra was too distracted on herself to touch her, because she felt like if there was a weakness that Sombra had not yet exploited, it was stroking her while she ate her girlfriend’s delicious ass. Fortunately, the Latina always became far too enraptured in her own pleasure when this happened.
“I’m so close, mi amor.” she whined, popping a finger into her mouth to suck on. “Oh yeah… oh… ¡Dios mío!” she moaned loudly, her hand reaching back to pull Ashe’s face in deeper between her beautiful cheeks to the point where she was practically suffocating her (not that Ashe minded). Her whole body trembled and shivered as she orgasmed, her cunt leaking juices consisting of pure excitement and arousal onto Ashe’s upper chest and tits. Sombra’s eyes rolled upwards, her brain seemingly short circuiting from the sheer power of her climax as she breathlessly squealed, “¡Eso se siente bien, gringa! ¡No pares o te mataré!”
Ashe cocked an eyebrow upwards as she continued rimming her spasming girlfriend for a few more minutes until she finally came down from her high, collapsing off of the cowgirl’s prone form and crashing face first into the bed, utterly spent.
“It’s been awhile since you did that, Shug.” Ashe smiled, running her fingers through Sombra’s hair.
“Hmm?” rang the Latina’s short, tired response.
“You came so hard that you reverted back to your mother tongue.” Ashe observed. “Haven’t seen you do that in a while. What did ya’ say, anyway?”
Sombra turned her head slightly so that she faced Ashe, a cheeky smile on her lips. “Nothing important, estúpida.”
Ashe huffed and turned on her side, facing away from her girlfriend. Naturally, Sombra’s eyes were drawn to her pale, juicy ass. “Say muchacha, when are you going to let me return the favor? You know I’ve been asking for months.”
“We’ve already discussed it.” Ashe answered with a slightly annoyed tone. “Just because I like eating your ass doesn’t mean I want you anywhere near my own. Not with a dildo or a tongue. It’s off limits.”
“We’ll see about that, puta.”
Although days fourteen and fifteen were focused around Sombra’s pleasure, the Latina made sure to stroke or suck Ashe’s cock a few times throughout the day, though the duration only ever lasted a few minutes at most. Ashe figured that she only did it to keep her horny rather than as an actual attempt to make her cum, though she’d no idea why she felt the need to. She knew just as well as anyone that eating her girlfriend’s pussy and ass got the cowgirl just as aroused as any blowjob ever could... if not more.
Day 16
They laid in bed for the majority of this day while watching shitty movies on Netflix. Sombra gave Ashe a lazy blowjob for about eight collective hours or so, taking a break after every thirty minutes only to pick back up again just as soon. She really never grew tired of having her girlfriend’s cock in her mouth.
Ashe managed to make it through the day without any incidents, but she’d be lying if she said it didn’t get difficult, especially towards the end. Her balls yearned desperately for release, tightening on their own accord as her cock throbbed. Even when Sombra was only giving it 40% effort, Ashe was so absurdly backed up that it might as well have been 110%.
But at least the challenge was officially halfway over.
Day 17
Sombra gave Ashe a footjob. Normally, the white-haired woman didn’t care for feet at all, but in this deprived state, any stimulation felt fucking wonderful, even if it came from ten caramel colored toes. Her groans of delight were as shameful as any she’d ever uttered, much to her girlfriend’s sadistic satisfaction.
The way in which her soft soles rubbed up and down on the cowgirl’s length, both of her feet sandwiching her cock like some sort of heavenly blanket made Ashe want to go crazy. And when she used her toes to very gently massage the underside of her balls? That made her practically scream with delight.
Honestly, Ashe found herself more worried on this day about busting from a footjob of all things than the punishment of forfeiting her asshole to Sombra’s fake cock. Her fear of embarrassment kept her focused just enough to resist her girlfriend’s strangely enchanting feet.
Day 18
This day’s activities were centered around Sombra finally receiving the massage table she’d ordered off the internet a few weeks ago. She’d been wanting to try out a Japanese style of relaxation known as a Nuru massage, which essentially involved massaging someone with your own body instead of your hands.
She ordered Ashe to remove her clothes and promptly strapped her into the table with a couple of custom wrist restraints she’d had installed for a few extra bucks. She then gave the cowgirl a show to remember, performing a seductive striptease as she rid herself of her clothes one piece at a time until she was fully naked. She covered every inch of her bare skin with oil, creating a beautiful shiny sheen across her form. The view drove Ashe buck wild, her cock bouncing and throbbing as it stood straight up, a funny scene when one considered that Ashe was tied flat on her back.
Things only got exacerbated when Sombra climbed atop the cowgirl and rubbed their naked bodies together. She started with her own front, sliding and pressing her modest little tits into Ashe’s larger breasts, causing both of them to groan as they felt their stiffened nipples bumping and circling each other. Further down, Ashe felt her girlfriend’s slickened cunt grinding gently against her cock, covering her shaft in blissfully warm and slippery oil. Up above, Sombra licked and sucked the tender skin around Ashe’s neck, trailing her titillating tongue higher to explore her ear, rending moans of carnal excitement free from the cowgirl’s throat.
And suddenly, Sombra flipped over.
Her sizable, immaculate ass grinded and glided effortlessly atop Ashe’s needy cock, the excessive amount of oil being exchanged between the two women effectively getting in every nook and cranny to make the process that much smoother. Her plump cheeks absolutely devoured Ashe’s member, suffocating the abused rod in their loving embrace. Ashe’s mouth remained open and her head tilted back as she whined with unwanted, yet also desperately wanted, pleasure. The feel of her girlfriend’s weight on top of her, the way her back pressed deeply into the cowgirl’s buxom chest or her legs draped symmetricly atop her own; it was all just perfect. Every erogenous zone she had had been tickled, teased, and stimulated by her Sombra’s slippery body. Their union was a tempestuous vista of caramel and vanilla flesh, each physical point of connection between their bodies forming pleasurable currents of crackling electricity that jettisoned oceans of oxytocin throughout their already sweltering frames.
Eventually, after several hours of slippery grinding and near-orgasms, Sombra ran out of oil, and thus the Nuru massage came to a (thankfully) anticlimactic end.
Day 19
This day marked the point where Ashe finally crossed the threshold from an incredibly horny participant into a sexually deranged maniac.
Her mental state had been steadily declining since the start of the challenge, though this should come as no surprise. Ashe was a futanari, after all. She had an absurdly high sex drive. To her, cumming felt as natural and necessary as breathing.
Being denied for so many consecutive days had turned her somewhat cum crazy. It was all she thought about. Her cock was rock solid during all times of the day, even when Sombra wasn’t harassing her. She felt like she was going insane, her mind painted with increasingly powerful visions of herself cumming in a myriad of arousing positions. Cumming on Sombra’s face. Cumming in Sombra’s pussy. Cumming on Sombra’s tits. Cumming in Sombra’s ass.
That was the only thing that kept her from breaking down completely and rubbing one out in the shower. She needed to fuck that ass. Her life would never be complete until she did.
Days 20-24
Sombra waged psychological warfare during these days. Her ministrations were erratic and chaotic, going from sucking Ashe’s cock as sloppily and greedily as she could to suddenly shoving the cowgirl down and riding her face until she climaxed. She would jerk her off at a breakneck pace for ten minutes straight only to suddenly stop and completely ignore her just when she started to really get into it. She’d kiss all up and down Ashe’s body, suckling at her nipples like a good girlfriend should, and then randomly bend the cowgirl over her knee and administer a harsh spanking to her fat pale ass. She used her cloaking ability to sneak up on her unsuspecting girlfriend while she showered and gave her the strangest head she’d ever received (mostly because she didn’t realize at the time that Sombra was even there).
The worst of all Sombra’s warfare had to be the technological pranks. Being so good with computers, phones, or really anything that had a battery made altering or otherwise fucking with Ashe’s eletronics was really easy. The white-haired woman first took notice when she tried to lay down on the couch after a particularly annoying phone call with a rival gang leader. She planned to relax with some good old fashioned country blues, so she tossed in a pair of earphones and put her music app on shuffle, only to find that all of her tracks had been replaced with a variety of MP4 audio files that consisted entirely of Sombra moaning while she masturbated. Ashe’s eyes went from relaxed and closed to wide open, her cock growing unbearably stiff as she listened to her girlfriend’s desperate whimpers and mewls, the tell-tale sound of schlicking reverberating in the background as the Latina fingered herself. She should have just put the phone down and done something else, and eventually she did, but it took her about forty five minutes before she stopped listening.
Another prank Sombra orchestrated was to change all of the TVs and computers to have only one channel or search result: a continuous loop of a forty minute long sex tape between her and Ashe that she’d secretly recorded about two months ago. They went pretty wild during it, with the cowgirl cumming at least five separate times, possibly more. Ashe having to watch herself fuck Sombra to completion was an all new form of torture that she did not appreciate. Not in the slightest.
Dating a hacker was a pain in the ass.
Ashe had no fucking idea what her girlfriend was getting at… and that was the point. Sombra knew that they were getting close to the home stretch here. Ashe, to her credit, had lasted about eighteen days longer than she expected and showed no signs of breaking anytime soon. Was she desperate? Sure. On the edge most of the day? Of course. Had she had a few close calls? Naturally. But her will was still intact. Her heart and mind were still dead set on the task at hand. The purple-haired woman’s spree of lewd pranks and seemingly random sexual acts that ended a moment too soon was her way of tricking the cowgirl’s brain into craving that further step of pleasure. Sombra knew that she needed to make Ashe take that step too far just one time. Trick her into letting herself go just one time. If she could do that, then she could win.
And she really wanted to win.
Day 25
Sombra tried something new on day twenty-five. Over the last several weeks she’d really used her mouth and hands about as much as she possibly could, and although they were incredibly skilled that hadn’t gotten the job done. If they would not work then perhaps some of her toys would?
Her idea transformed itself into an elaborate, if not cruel, scheme. She sat Ashe in a chair and taped a bullet vibrator down on each of her nipples and set them to their highest setting, placing a set of nipple clamps between them to make it even more pleasurable and painful. Then, she placed a miniaturized egg vibrator beneath the cowgirl’s balls and set that to high as well. Finally, she pulled out her hitachi wand and rubbed it just under Ashe’s dickhead while it was set on, you guessed it, high.
The result was very... arousing.
Ashe moaned and whined at pitches higher than Sombra thought she could go, her entire body trying to convulse violently as if it was attempting to shake the over-stimulating vibrators off of her. Fortunately, Sombra had had the foresight to tie her in place before they began, so all she was capable of doing was thrashing around slightly in her bindings.
The vibrators felt very different from Sombra’s mouth or hands, but they were still pleasurable nonetheless. Her cock dribbled and drowned with precum, every bounce and throb it made spurting another dollop of her salty essence out. Her swollen balls churned as she felt them producing even more cum, the pain of having such heavy testicles making her life so much harder than she wished it was.
And yet, much to Sombra’s chagrin, it was not enough. Not yet, at least.
Days 26-27
Sombra used these days to test if unlocking Ashe’s submissive side could be the key to making her cum. She tied her up in a multitude of positions, from spread eagle on the bed, to hogtied on the floor, to more holistic crotch and breast bondage. While she was immobilized, the Latina really let her dominant side out, spanking and flogging Ashe’s sensitive areas (she really hated getting her balls slapped).
When impact play didn’t work, Sombra tried a few other BDSM classics, such as covering her with piping hot candle wax, smothering her under her pussy and ass, and verbal degradation.
She felt pretty bad about that last one. So bad, in fact, that she actually took about an hour-long pause on the whole NNN challenge just so she could administer a little aftercare to her somewhat fragile lady. Ashe understood her reasoning and held no hard feelings, and she actually laughed at her for feeling so guilty. But the purple-haired woman needed to be sure that she was okay before any further shenanigans could begin.
Day 28
Sombra just straight up sucked Ashe’s cock for the entire day. Out of the sixteen odd hours that they spent awake, she took only four breaks. Two of which were to eat, one was to rest, and the last was to run to the bathroom.
Everywhere Ashe went, Sombra followed, her head glued to her girlfriend’s pelvis as she walked. Ashe went to the kitchen to make some calls. Sombra accompanied and dropped to her knees in front of the fridge.
She was insatiable, greedily guzzling her girlfriend’s precum with a smile. Ashe was powerless, her begging and pleading falling on deaf ears; after about nine hours of continuous, torturous, blissful head, she passed into a state of semi-awareness. Perhaps it was her brain’s way of fighting the agony of denying herself to such a horrific degree.
Nevertheless, Ashe’s hair had become frazzled and her voice hoarse by the end of the day. The effects of No Nut November were really starting to wear her down physically; her cock was in a constant state of near-orgasm, so pent up with baby batter that it oozed precum no matter what time of the day it was. Even without Sombra in her general vicinity she felt like she had to battle the urge to cum. Like if she lost concentration, she might just explode, even without any stimulation whatsoever.
Day 29
Sombra finally decided to use her pussy on day 29. She’d been saving it thus far, knowing that it would be better to use it late in the game as opposed to early. And with all of her other techniques ending in failures, it was time to give old faithful a shot.
She grinded against and fucked Ashe’s cock for most of the day, reaching climax about a dozen times or so on her own. Ashe moaned and mewled like a total slut, holding onto Sombra’s curves as if she was hanging on for dear life, her eyes rolling back as pleasure and denial completely consumed whatever few rational thoughts she had left.
By the end of the day, Ashe had managed to survive but Sombra felt strangely confident. Her girlfriend looked utterly defeated, a shell of her former self that perhaps knew she could not possibly hope to last another twenty four hours.
They both fell asleep feeling a great weight on their minds. Tomorrow was the end of the line. The ultimate decider. Ashe knew that Sombra would pull out all the stops she could to coax that ever-elusive orgasm out from her cock, and Sombra knew that Ashe would fight tooth and nail to hold it back.
Tomorrow someone’s virgin ass was getting fucked. The only question was whose.
Day 30
Finally, the dawn of the last day came. Ashe was expecting her girlfriend to get down to business first thing in the morning, yet her bed was suspiciously empty when she woke up. She meandered her way to the kitchen, finding Sombra relaxing there with a large cup of coffee in one hand and her phone in the other.
“H-hey there, Sugar.” the cowgirl squeaked, apprehensive about Sombra’s oddly tranquil state. “What’re ya’ doin’ in here?”
“Enjoying some coffee, mi amor.” she took a big sip, her eyes peeking over the cup as they noticed Ashe’s erect length through her pajama bottoms. “What are you doing here?”
“I… uh… I guess I was looking for you.”
“Ah.” Sombra smiled. “You’re wondering why we haven’t started yet.”
“Y-yeah.” Ashe averted her eyes nervously.
“I could have started fucking you at the crack of dawn, but we’ve been doing that pretty much every day this month.” Sombra said, crossing one leg over the other as she spoke. “I think for the last day, we should do something different. I think we should end this thing with a bang.”
Ashe nodded along, though she had no idea what Sombra had in mind.
“I’m not going to even touch you until the clock strikes 11:00 P.M.” the purple-haired woman said. “You won’t have to worry about me until then. However, after 11 o’clock, for that one hour before midnight comes, I’ll be going all out. I’ll push you harder than you’ve been pushed the last 29 days. If you want a piece of my culo, mi amiga, you’re gonna have to earn it.”
And so they waited, Sombra keeping herself occupied with busy work around the house, Ashe sitting in her room trying to meditate, sleep, or do anything that took her mind off her pulsating cock. She was at her wit’s end. What was happening to her went beyond blue balls and edging and abstinence; this was actual, literal torture. Her dick was in a constant state of arousal. Her balls were so full it felt like they weighed her down. Her nipples were permanently stiff. Her mind was constantly invaded by perverse thoughts, the most prominent of which being her girlfriend’s tight little asshole parting around the head of her cock. It was the only thing that kept her going. Well, aside from the prospect of losing.
She was a futanari. Perhaps not as dominant in her relationship as other futas normally were, but that was simply because her girl didn’t roll over like a dead fish and give it all up at the snap of her fingers. Her girl put up a fight, and she loved that about her. Even still, it was Ashe’s responsibility to fully break her in. To show her why girlcock was best. To fuck her silly on a regular basis. And one day, hopefully one day very soon, to claim her tight Latina backdoor as the cowgirl’s personal property.
She could not afford to lose. Getting pegged, even by a woman as impressive as Sombra, would be the most humiliating experience of her life. A cock as big and as thick as hers, and she’s the one taking it up the ass? It sounds like the start to a bad joke. The last thing she wanted was to be the bottom of this relationship, but if she blew her load before November ended tonight, that would be her fate.
It was one of the reasons she purposefully avoided getting together with another futa. Two futas in a relationship always ended up in some sort of vicious power struggle until one finally broke and became the other’s personal cumdumpster.
This challenge sort of felt like that idea even though Sombra didn’t have a cock. The winner was going to hold dominion over the loser. And all of it, all thirty days of excruciating edging and teasing and sexual torture, came down to one final war of attrition. A sixty minute barnburner of paramount pleasure. Sombra would throw her best punch yet. It was up to Ashe to take it on the chin like a champ, because if she didn’t... then she’d be taking it in the ass like a bitch later.
Sombra sauntered into their bedroom with ten minutes to go before the clock striked 11, but she didn’t make a move or say anything; instead, she merely lit a few candles and turned off the lights to set the mood before sitting down in front of the bed and stared at Ashe. Her flawless caramel-skin was partially obscured by a beautiful set of black lace lingerie that clung tightly to her curves, while the cowgirl had already done her girlfriend the service of taking her own clothes off a while ago. No sense in wasting time later, right?
They both sat there silently, Ashe on the end of the bed, Sombra in a chair facing her only a few feet away. It was as if they were taking one last look at each other before their final duel began. They may not have been wielding revolvers and it may not have been precisely high noon, but it was going to be an absolute dogfight nonetheless. A cowgirl’s true grit and sheer willpower versus a hacker’s masterful stratagems and seductions. Mono y mono. One last time. One last dance.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity of waiting, the clock struck 11:00 P.M.
And it began.
Sombra climbed onto the bed to straddle her girlfriend’s lap, the horny Latina’s already wet but still clothed womanhood rubbing and grinding hard against Ashe’s throbbing member, causing the latter woman to groan needily into her neck. Sombra grinned as she felt Ashe’s hot breath on the front of her throat, and that grin turned into a full on smile when the cowgirl reflexively licked and suckled at her flesh.
“Slow down, puta.” she moaned, feeling a wetness already building between her thighs. “You’ll leave a mark.”
Ashe hesitantly obliged her, removing her face from her girlfriend’s neck only to find a pair of purple lips planted directly in front of her. Sombra embraced the cowgirl in a passionate kiss, both women’s tongues swirling in each other’s mouths, struggling for dominance. Ashe felt her hands forcibly placed on her girlfriend’s pillowy ass cheeks and she immediately began gripping and kneading them roughly, even giving the Latina a few hard spanks for good measure.
Sombra soon turned around, grinding her ass on Ashe’s huge length as if she was doing some sort of seductive, sexual dance. Meanwhile, she removed her top, allowing her stiff nipples to embrace the atmosphere. Ashe could do nothing but watch from this position; it felt wrong to take a handful of her girlfriend’s derrière when it already looked so beautiful as it slid up and down on her dick.
The sheer intimacy between them was what made not cumming from this so difficult for Ashe. Despite how badly she’d been wanting to blow her load these last few weeks, she’d managed to trudge through it all, not for lack of the Latina’s best efforts. But now, Sombra had no sense of competition in her eyes. No ulterior motives at bay. She seemed genuine… and so very close. Perhaps wholesomeness was her final weapon?
She continued her lapdance for a few more minutes, the clock on the nightstand reading 11:08. Both of them looked at it with a different perspective, Ashe wondering how the fuck she could possibly get through fifty more minutes of sex this sensual, and Sombra wondering how the hell her lapdance had taken almost ten entire minutes.
The caramel-skinned woman sank slowly between Ashe’s hips, lowering herself towards the immaculate girlcock that rested between them. She was slow and deliberate in her service, kissing the shaft from the base up about a dozen times before planting a final one on the tip. Feeling her girlfriend’s cock throb in hand only made her want to worship it more, and so she sunk her mouth down over the head, but instead of giving Ashe one of her usual sloppy, spit-covered, gagging blowjobs, she went for a more romantic approach. Her throat accepted around five or six inches of the cowgirl’s length and she sloooowly bobbed her head up and down, her tongue gently swirling itself on the underside of the shaft.
Although Ashe’s moans were soft, they were still intense. The candles, the intimacy, the blissfully slow speed at which Sombra sucked her, it was all utterly overpowering. She’d grown so used to her girlfriend’s sexually deviant side that she’d almost forgotten about this side. The gentle, vulnerable side. It was so adorable that Ashe almost wanted to cum and give her the victory.
After a few minutes of delightful cock worship, Sombra unsheathed herself from Ashe’s sword and moved down to her balls. Those swollen, bloated, cum-filled, beautiful balls. How she hoped to drain them soon. She kissed all over them, leaving purple lipstick stains in her wake. Her tongue lapped steadily against the wrinkly skin, intent on ensuring that no millimeter of her girlfriend’s jewels remained unattended. She took one of the cowgirl’s large testicles into her mouth, sucking deeply on it while her tongue continued tickling the skin. She soon popped it out of her wet cavern before repeating the process on the other one, all the while her hand gently stroked Ashe’s throbbing member.
She moaned again, this time a bit louder than before, as Sombra expertly worked her balls. She always was great with them. Some women got their panties in a twist when it came to gargling nuts, but any slut worth her salt knew it was the fastest way to claim someone’s soul. And Sombra was well aware of that.
She finally released her girlfriend’s genitals, stealing a quick glance at the clock to see that it was now 11:26. Not great, but not terrible, especially considering how close Ashe already looked. And they hadn’t even gotten to the good part yet.
Sombra rose to Ashe’s height and gently pushed her down onto the bed. She climbed above her, grinding her dripping womanhood against Ashe’s leaking dickhead, the union of their juices creating a potent cocktail of unkempt lust. Sombra slowly slid that monster inside herself, moaning all the way as she sank down, little slices of heaven injecting themselves inside her brain every time Ashe’s length hit one of her nerves.
The two groaned in unison as Sombra fucked Ashe sensually, riding the cowgirl in cowgirl, her small breasts bouncing to and fro before she leaned down and planted a deep kiss on her lover’s lips. She could feel the edge of Ashe’s balls colliding against her shapely ass every time she fully sheathed herself on her girlfriend’s massive girlmeat. A part of her wished that Ashe would cum from this, but another part of her really hoped she didn’t. She wanted her to make it to the last hurdle, if only to see if she could clear it.
Sombra’s moans inside Ashe’s mouth grew in intensity, and so too did her hips’ speed. Her hands pawed at the cowgirl’s tits, kneading them firmly as if they were just trying to hold on to something. The caramel-skinned woman’s moans quickly turned to whimpers as she arrived at an orgasm, her cunt quivering around Ashe’s cock as it leaked feminine juices onto the cowgirl’s pelvis.
Ashe’s mind was under such duress that it felt like it was fracturing into two distinct sides. One half of her brain screamed at her to let go and shoot a gallon of potent baby batter directly into Sombra’s womb. The other half of her brain screamed at her to remember just how close she was to ravaging her girlfriend’s most sacred hole. Just a little bit longer and that tight Latina ass would be all hers.
The war inside her head raged on, externally manifesting in moans of desperate need that were drowned out inside Sombra’s mouth as the two constantly kissed. As the minutes ticked by, Ashe found herself surprised that Sombra didn’t want to change positions. Then again, this position was about as intimate as it got. Why fix something if it ain’t broke?
The constant plopping noise from Sombra’s hips and ass colliding with Ashe’s skin only served to drive the cowgirl even further into a pleasure-filled delirium. She was absolutely hypnotized by her girlfriend’s body, running her hands over her hips, her back, her thighs, and her ass. Anything and everything she could touch, she wanted to. Her cock felt as though it was trembling inside Sombra’s cunt, practically on its knees begging Ashe to let it climax. And as much as she wanted to, she remained strong enough to just barely stave off the temptation.
Eventually, after Sombra had two more orgasms, her hips slowed until they came to a complete stop as she lifted herself off Ashe’s cock, admiring the way it was coated in fresh covering of her own arousal and the cowgirl’s precum. She took a look at her girlfriend, seeing the sheer exhaustion and neediness in Ashe’s face. She truly was beside herself, looking totally lost as if she forgot what exactly they were even doing here.
Still, Sombra had fostered a newfound respect for Ashe from this endeavor. With a sex drive as high as hers, making it to the very end of the race like this was nothing short of an impossible feat of the human soul. It showed the depths of how badly she wanted her ass, and a part of Sombra wondered if she should give it to her even if Ashe couldn’t cross the finish line.
She quickly banished that thought, though. The hacker had no value for sentiment or participation trophies. Either Ashe won and fucked her ass, or Ashe lost and got fucked in the ass. There would be no compromises.
Sombra looked at the clock for perhaps the final time, reading the time as 11:50. Only ten more minutes remained. It was the perfect amount of time for her grand finale.
“You’ve made me so proud getting this far, mi amor.” she whispered gently, guiding Ashe so that she rested flat on her stomach against the bed. “But I still want to win this thing, so I’ll give you one final exam. If you pass, you win. If you don’t, you lose.”
Ashe was still dazed from earlier, not paying much attention at all as her girlfriend began orienting her body in a strange way. She lifted her hips high so that her face was pressed down against the bed, but her ass was up high in the air.
“I know you said I wasn’t allowed to do this… but I’m going to, anyway. I hope you can forgive me, mi amiga… and I hope you love it as much as I think you will.”
Ashe’s eyes went from lidded and tired to wide as possible and awake as she felt Sombra stick her tongue into her asshole. Instantly, the cowgirl felt bolts of white hot pleasure race up her spine like she’d never felt before. Her cock throbbed and ached painfully, even spurting out a long line of precum that reached almost as far as Ashe’s face.
Sombra grinned slightly from the cowgirl’s reaction. She always knew she would enjoy this, but the white-haired woman was so damn stubborn and touchy about her ass. But now that she’d been introduced, Ashe appeared to be in nirvana, her moans loud as all fucking hell as she practically screamed with bliss into the bedsheets. Sombra was having almost just as much fun, getting drunk on the taste of her girlfriend’s ass, the same ass she’d been wanting to eat since they got together. Ashe had such a nice butt, and it had always been a fantasy for the hacker to shove her face between those pale cheeks and lick like there was no tomorrow.
Turns out, all it took was No Nut November to make her fantasy a reality.
Ashe had never felt such extreme pleasure before in her entire life, and when Sombra started tugging with one hand at her dangling cock? The duality of ecstasy was so overwhelming that she thought she might actually spontaneously combust. She was utterly paralyzed, glued to the bed as Sombra serviced her asshole like tomorrow was not guaranteed.
A small piece of Ashe’s brain, really the only piece that wasn’t just alarm bells and pandemonium, rationally considered a few things that this experience brought to light. First, she should trust her girlfriend more. Why she hadn’t allowed her to do this before made such little sense, especially now that she knew what she was missing out on. No wonder Sombra came her brains out when she did this to her. Second, she had to give her girlfriend credit. This was a masterful plan. She’d really pushed Ashe to the limit in every way possible; surely any other human being would have cum by now. It was only Ashe’s extreme obsession with Sombra’s ass that kept her will strong enough to keep playing. Nevertheless, the Latina had executed this final day perfectly. She didn’t overdo it. In fact, it was her subtlety that made their final session such a challenge. And ending it with a rimjob? That was a ballsy gamble, but she respected it.
Ashe’s mind eventually wandered to the obvious question which had been plaguing her since Sombra first started tongue fucking her asshole: was the fact that she seemed to love getting rimmed a precursor for something much worse? Was it possible that she was a closeted buttslut this entire time and just never knew it?
Perhaps that’s why she never let Sombra anywhere near her ass. She didn’t want herself to find out the truth.
Regardless, there was only one way to answer this pressing question. Survive the rimjob. Otherwise she’d have no choice than to be a buttslut to Sombra’s strapon.
Speaking of Sombra, she was getting absolutely sloppy between Ashe’s cheeks, her saliva drooling everywhere, even down to Ashe’s cock and balls, lubricating the hand that pumped Ashe’s shaft. She knew she didn’t have long left; Ashe might have been screaming with pleasure, but it didn’t matter how much she enjoyed it if she couldn’t make her cum. Closing her eyes, Sombra dove in deep, her tongue thrusting itself in and out of Ashe’s tight pucker as she prepared for what would be the final lap.
Conversely, Ashe found herself walking the thinnest of lines, tightroping across a thin line of restraint that rested above an orgasmic ocean. One false step and she was done for. Looking over, she saw that the clock read 11:59. This was possible, or at least she thought as much, until Sombra started punching her little hole with tongue.
It was as if her very soul was a punching bag routinely taking haymakers straight to the schnoz. The feeling of Sombra’s drool-covered hand jerking her cock while her tongue invaded her ass and stimulated the plethora of nerve endings that resided there was so pleasurable and painful that it should have been illegal. In fact, this whole challenge should be illegal and the creator of it should be charged with a crime against humanity.
Ashe grit her teeth, moaning through the pain as she felt herself truly approach the absolute edge of orgasm. Her cock ached and throbbed with need, spurting out a continuous stream of viscous precum that was surely staining their bed. Behind her she could hear Sombra’s sloppy, slutty ministrations, which only served to turn her on further. At the end of it all, with only seconds left, she felt herself finally losing control...
...only to regain it again. Her lips curled into a deep scowl and she groaned from the uncomfortable feeling of denying herself once again, but god dammit she was going to win this thing. She was not taking it up the ass. Not today. With clenched fists and curled toes, Ashe persevered for just a few more precious seconds until finally, fucking finally, the clock’s alarm buzzed as it reached midnight.
Sombra immediately fell backwards, landing flat against the bed and huffing out a sigh of exhaustion and frustration. Meanwhile, Ashe’s entire body went limp, nearly falling off the bed as all of her muscles went from taut and flexed to totally relaxed in an instant. Her breathing was deep and ragged and she was in a world of pain, but a defiant smile adorned her lips. Despite it all, somehow, someway, she had won.
Day 1
Only seconds after the clock passed midnight, as the earliest moments of December 1st rolled by, Ashe suddenly found a fresh surge of adrenaline coursing through her veins.
“Well, well, well,” she said, playing up her southern drawl so that it sounded particularly thick as she crawled over to her girlfriend, “looks like you lost, partner.”
“Quiet, perra.” Sombra snapped.
Ashe basked in the look of pure defeat on Sombra’s face. A part of her felt bad for doing so, but another part of her knew that Sombra would have acted just the same had the shoe been on the other foot.
“Ya’ know,” she started, her hands already traveling across her girlfriend’s naked body, “I know you’re demoralized and all, but I’m just a little bit backed up here and I do believe I’m owed my spoils of war.”
“...Puta.” was all that Sombra managed to say. But, despite her frustration, she knew she’d been beaten and fair was fair. She’d put her ass on the line for this and she’d lost. The least she could do for her big strong stud was make the reward fun.
The purple-haired woman turned herself over, emulating the very same position she’d put Ashe in earlier of face down, ass up. She gripped the railing of the footboard with both her hands, having a feeling that she’d need something to hold on to.
Ashe nearly drooled at the sight of her girlfriend presenting her ass. Even though she’d seen it like this many times before, she’d never been in the position she was in now, with an all access hall pass into her sexy little backdoor.
Wasting no time, Ashe started poking and prodding the Latina’s asshole with the head of her cock. No lubrication would be needed, considering her length was still covered in a gratuitous amount of Sombra’s saliva. Honestly, even just the light poking against her girlfriend’s tight butt was driving Ashe crazy. This was really happening.
She could feel the tension all over Sombra’s body. She was as rigid as a rock. That wouldn’t do.
“You gotta relax, Sugar.” she said, the hand not guiding her cock gently massaging the purple-haired woman’s ass cheek. “You’re gonna love it once we get past the hard part.”
Sombra took a few deep breaths, steadying herself as she tried to think happy thoughts. It more or less worked, causing her asshole to unclench slightly and giving Ashe enough of a foothold to slide just the first inch of her cock inside.
“Ah!” Sombra yelped, gritting her teeth as she felt her cowgirl's foreign object invading her ass.
Ashe cringed as she heard her girlfriend’s pain but pressed on nonetheless, slowly easing another inch inside, and another, and another… and wow was this feeling fucking amazing. It was so unbelievably tight. The walls of Sombra’s ass hugged her cock so snugly, it was as if her dick was a hand inside a perfectly fitting glove. The cowgirl licked her lips, feeling a strange hunger starting to come over her...
Sombra bit her lip as Ashe’s turgid length snaked deeper and deeper into her ass. Her girlfriend was showing her mercy in her tender and gentle easing into this. Considering she'd been getting edged for 30 days, Sombra wouldn't have blamed her for taking her anal virginity all in one go. One fell plunge of her cock, burying all eight inches inside with no regard for her pain or comfort. But Ashe was a good woman. She'd only worked half of her girldick inside so far. And the pain was honestly somewhat manageable to Sombra; it was the humiliation that cut the deepest. She really wanted to win. She'd been dreaming of fucking Ashe's tight hole throughout the challenge. And now that she'd lost, that's all that would ever be. A dream. But she also knew that she deserved this fate. She’d failed to do the one thing any good girlfriend does: make her lover cum.
Her eyes flashed open as she felt Ashe starting to force her way deeper inside a little faster than normal. “Slower, idiota! Slow—ow!”
Ashe had become possessed; finally consumed by her pent up lust. It seemed that putting her cock inside Sombra’s ass was the straw that broke the camel’s back. But at least she'd given her a minute or two to get somewhat accustomed to taking it in her backdoor before she began to roughly force her cock inside until it was fully sheathed, her pelvis bumping into Sombra’s ass cheeks.
As Ashe let loose a sigh of pleasure, Sombra hurled a chorus of insults at her, “¡Cabrona! ¡Que te folle un pez!”
And yet, as Ashe started pounding away at her fat Latina ass with her thick pale cock, those insults stopped coming, replaced by the hacker’s shameful little moans. As surprising as it was to say, she actually started to enjoy it after her ass had fully accepted Ashe’s length. The pain quickly dissipated as she grew used to it, replaced by a much better feeling of being filled up. The white-haired woman’s member was so warm and huge… it tickled her in all the right places. If she didn’t regain control soon...
Ashe was brutal, slamming her hips against Sombra’s, a plapping noise being made every time they made contact. She was completely lost in the sauce, utterly enchanted by the sight of Sombra’s gaped asshole managing to easily swallow her cock.
“I always knew you were just a buttslut that played hard to get.” she moaned, her hands gripping both of her girlfriend’s caramel cheeks and spreading them apart. Sombra offered no counter argument, her moans escalating in volume as she started to push back against Ashe’s cock, her ass cheeks coming to meet Ashe’s violent thrusts in the middle.
“Admit it.” the cowgirl smiled. “You love having a cock up your ass.”
“H-hah…” Sombra groaned, her cunt dripping with excitement, her vision starting to get blurry as a warm feeling built in her core. “I... Ha...”
Ashe clenched her teeth. “Say it!” she ordered, her balls desperate to release the inordinate amount of cum contained within them.
“I… hah- I love…” she stuttered.
Ashe took a handful of her hair and pulled her head back roughly. “Say it!”
“I… I love having your big cock up my slutty ass!” Sombra moaned, her body trembling as the throes of an extraordinarily powerful anal orgasm arrived at last. Her entire form tightened until it was completely taut, muscles flexing as she leaked a healthy stream of girl cum directly onto the bed below. Her mouth remained open, drool leaking forth as she cried with wanton pleasure to the heavens above, completely and utterly smitten with how amazing it felt to be fucked in the ass like a shameless little slut.
When she made the No Nut November bet, Sombra fully expected to win it. Obviously. But in the event that she did lose, she made sure to word her part of the bargain so that Ashe only had access to her asshole for one night. However, after going through what was essentially a full on buttslut conversion, she had a feeling that this was just the first night of many where she ended up with Ashe’s cock up her ass.
As soon as Sombra’s anal passage squeezed itself tightly around Ashe’s cock due to her orgasm, the cowgirl could no longer hold back. With a mighty roar she thrust herself balls deep inside Sombra’s ass, her cock pulsating wildly as it shot rope after blissful rope of warm, sticky cum inside. Ashe’s face had frozen itself in orgasm mode, her mouth agape as she felt herself finally achieve release after such an ungodly amount of torturous edging.
It felt like her cock didn’t stop cumming for a full thirty seconds, though it couldn’t have actually taken that long… right?
Regardless, she slumped forward as soon as it ended, her cock still fully buried inside her girlfriend’s ass. They merely stayed like that for a minute, both women panting and gasping for air, enjoying the afterglow of what was undoubtedly the best orgasms they'd both ever felt. Eventually Ashe regained some minute amount of composure and leaned in close to Sombra's face (which was still buried deeply into the bedsheets).
“Sorry about earlier, hun. I think I went a little overboard.” she whispered into her ear.
“Don’t apologize.” Sombra smiled weakly. “I had it coming after all the things I did to you. Plus... it was kinda hot…”
“Oh?” Ashe cocked an eyebrow. “Does that mean you’re ready for round 2? Cause’ I sure as hell ain’t finished yet.”
“Take me, cowgirl.” Sombra winked. “You’ve earned it.”
A/N: Unsatisfied with the way things ended? Perhaps ending B will tickle your fancy :)
Hopefully my first crack at Overwatch smut didn’t go too poorly. Also shoutouts to Baeconoire for helping so much with the editing process on this thing. |
Chapter 3 - Interlude / 01 |
Interlude / 01
Witty Title: Cum into the belly of the beast
Tags: Anal, Body writing, Double penetration, Gangbang, Mindbreak, Toys, Yuri
“Those who thirst for revenge are doomed to choke on the poison of their decisions”
-Unknown Ionian Proverb
Shyvana scowled deeply as she was escorted through the streets of Noxus, a pair of burly, armored guards on either side of her, their fists wound tightly around her arms. They moved quickly, using the early morning’s cover of darkness to navigate through the winding stone streets, dodging drunkards and beggars alike as they flanked their path. It was better this way. At least they’d keep her identity a secret until after she was strapped in for her sanctioned free use time. Perhaps then the lines wouldn’t grow so long, at least for a short while. She had to suppress a self-deprecating chuckle when she felt the rightmost guard’s grip suddenly stiffen.
As if escape was even a possibility for her at this point.
There was no running from this punishment. She knew that just as well as anyone. Hence the reason she left Demacia the day following her defeat to Elise and traveled to the expansionist empire that was her own nation’s mortal foe.
The Noxian authorities had been absolutely delighted when she turned herself in.
It would be a hard day. A very hard day. A twenty four hour stint inside Noxus’ very own free use station, subjected to all manner of sexual depravity the imaginative human mind could possibly conjure. The rumors about this place… they didn’t exactly inspire confidence in her. While the subject of which nation’s free use station held the crown of degeneracy was a hotly contested topic, you’d be hard pressed to find someone who didn’t put Noxus’ in their top three at least.
This ordeal was completely of her own making, and though she desperately wished there was someone else to cast blame on, she knew it rested entirely with herself. She’d had Elise beaten. Dead to rights. Totally defeated. She could have just taken the victory, reaped the rewards, and been on her merry way. But alas, dragons were greedy creatures.
Her breath hitched in her throat as the guards brought her around a corner. She had finally arrived at the heart of the Noxian homeland. The undisputed center of their ever-expanding empire. Their place of pilgrimage. Their place of worship.
The Great Chain.
The half-dragon’s neck flared with dull pain as she craned it backwards just to gaze upon the building’s massive height. It was architecturally reminiscent of a cathedral, constructed with endless seas of black stone bricks and a multitude of crimson banners that flapped elegantly in the wind. Windows of blood red stained glass ran down the face of its utterly colossal front tower, while the rest of the impressive structure beneath it seemed like that of a very large church.
And yet, the unquestionable jewel of the Noxian’s free use station had to be the monumental serpent made entirely of stone that wound itself up the foremost tower, coiling all the way to the top like a massive chain. Its gaping maw and unblinking eyes rested just above the spire of the steeple, staring down at any who should enter this most unfortunate place from below.
It was the viper; an animal often used in Noxian symbology. It represented cunning, power, and lethality, traits which they valued highly.
And while the sheer magnitude of the impressive edifice was intimidating in its own right, its name was perhaps even more so. The Noxians thought of The Great Chain as more than just a title. It was a belief. An omen. A promise.
Those who entered to serve out their sentence were guaranteed to be forever changed. Shackled tightly around the throat by the great chain of Noxus. Although they would eventually be allowed to leave and perhaps never have to return, that tight collar would always remain, serving as a lasting reminder of who their rightful master was.
The only thoughts on Shyvana’s mind as she was ushered forth into the grand entrance of Noxus’ gem was that of the chain... and whether it could truly bind her or not.
She expected to be immediately tied up upon entry and offered to the nearest available customer, but The Great Chain’s overseers had voiced many concerns over her ability to be a safe and consumable product for their patrons. Chiefly, her internal temperature was way too high to allow the average person to indulge in her. Their remedy? Strapping her down for an hour to a massive block of ice that god only knows why they had on hand. To their credit, it worked like a charm. She may have shivered and sniffled and felt generally miserable for the duration of her ice bath, but her core temperature had cooled enough to be only mildly uncomfortable towards foreign objects.
Now that she couldn’t burn anyone’s cock off, the overseers brought Shyvana to her new temporary home. She learned more about the internal layout of this place as they walked down endless corridors of brick and stone. It wasn’t a free-for-all inside like she had assumed; in fact, despite their brutal nature, the Noxians had organized this place surprisingly well. There were a multitude of sections. Large, open rooms that contained perhaps twenty to thirty pillories. Even their bondage devices were quintessentially Noxian. Medieval, brutal, and highly effective. Most sections near the entrance were completely occupied, but Shyvana couldn’t force herself to look inside. The sounds she heard, though… moans and screams and the constant plopping of flesh slamming into flesh… they filled the air like smoke in a house fire.
Her section was not yet open for business, evidenced by the massive sign of bright lights that read ‘Closed until 06:00’. Regardless, they ushered her inside and she finally had to come face to face with the Great Chain’s interior layout. On both sides of her, pressed close to the walls, were about a dozen pillories, their wooden structures either entirely empty, or occupied by a naked and nervous woman. Some of them were Demacian like Shyvana herself. Some were Ionian. Others were from Shurima. A few were even Ixtali. But all of them stared at the half-dragon in awe as she was guided to the one pillory on the wall opposite the entrance. It was not like the other pillories; instead of wood, hers was made with solid steel, and the holes where they put her hands and neck were triple-enforced to make them near unbreakable. As they forced her to bend over and strapped her in, Shyvana could only watch the clock, its hands growing ever-nearer to 6:00 A.M.
There was no escape. No place to hide. In just a few minutes, she’d be nothing more than a product for Noxian consumption.
The first Noxian to use her was certainly not what she was expecting. She always thought of them as nothing more than brutes; ruffians covered head to toe in scars and tattoos, their bodies all hard sinew and sharp angles. Man, woman, child, it made no difference; the way of Noxus was that of savage intent. Yet her first customer was an innocent looking young lady, no older than twenty five years of age by her estimation. Her face was plain, a few freckles dotting her cheeks with a red ponytail draped behind her neck. She wore a modest pale blouse and a green skirt that went below her knees. She was relatively slim and spry, but with a little muscle packed beneath her skin. Truth be told, she looked far more like a school teacher than someone coming to partake in The Great Chain’s goods and services at six in the morning. The only truly interesting aspect of her form was the red tattoo of a snake’s head she sported on the back of her right hand. It looked like it went further up her arm, but with her blouse’s sleeves going all the way down to her wrists, it was impossible to know for sure. Still, the only redheaded Noxian she knew of before this was Katarina, and this woman was perhaps the entire inverse of the infamous assassin, at least in terms of innocence.
“Wow…” the woman whispered, her palm gingerly cupping Shyvana’s cheek as if she was worried she might hurt her. “How did someone like you end up in a place like this?”
Shyvana neglected to respond. It was hard to be friendly and trusting when you were bound in an ancient torture device and stripped nude.
“You’re even prettier than I thought.” she said, her thumb gently running over the half-dragon’s bottom lip, parting her mouth slightly.
Shyvana couldn’t help but smile at that. Perhaps not all Noxians were so bad.
“Don’t worry,” she continued, her expression hardening, “you’ll look like a slut in no time.”
Shyvana’s eyes widened as she suddenly found her mouth planted directly against the mound of the dainty looking girl’s pussy. In the span of a second she’d hiked her skirt up over her waist and practically thrust her dripping cunt into Shyvana’s parted lips, scoring a direct hit as if this was a game of duck hunt.
“Mph!” the half-dragon protested, already tasting the woman’s surprisingly sweet arousal. She instinctively tried to pull away, but the pillory’s hole for her neck offered no slack. Without any place to run, she did the only thing she could to resist the woman’s advances: she closed her mouth. She may have been forced to be here, but that didn’t mean she had to give in and degrade herself willingly.
A long moment passed, Shyvana’s closed mouth unwillingly pressed flush against the customer’s dripping womanhood. And then...
The half-dragon’s face recoiled to the left, a stinging sensation spreading throughout her left cheek as she gazed upwards to locate the source of the pain.
Ah, there it was. The Noxus she knew. The Noxus she hated.
Welcome back, old friend.
“Listen you draconic cunt.” the redhead spat, her hand beginning to turn red. “I paid good money for you. You can either do this willingly, or I can do it myself while I slap you around. Choice is yours.”
Shyvana stifled a sigh and cast her glowing, slitted eyes upwards towards her tormentor.
And she stuck out her tongue.
“Good slut.” chirped the redhead, swinging her hips forth until her cunt once again rested on Shyvana’s open mouth, although this time the half-dragon actually did her job, licking the woman’s folds with as much enthusiasm as she could muster.
Truth be told, it wasn’t the worst experience of her life. At least her oppressor didn’t taste bad. Furthermore, she seemed to react quite positively to Shyvana’s heated tongue. Most of her lovers wouldn’t let it anywhere near them on account of the heat, but due to her temperature being so much lower now, she could seemingly stick it in any hole she liked and produce results.
And yet, despite the minor niceties, it was still a thoroughly humiliating process of which Shyvana hated every second. The redhead gripped both sides of her face and used her like a toy; forcibly guiding her head up and down against her womanhood, grinding on her face like she was a pillow in a lonely woman’s room. Her heavy moans didn’t help much either, not because they were particularly unattractive, but rather due to long gasps of air she inhaled in between. From her look, you would have never pegged her for a mouth breather. Can’t say the same about you, though.
At least the patron didn’t overstay her welcome.
“I n-need to get to work.” she huffed, her pale skin starting to bead with sweat. She offered no further information, thrusting her sex against Shyvana’s tongue even harder than before, squealing like a pig as it tickled in all the right spots. She didn’t take long to finish, arching her back as her pussy spasmed against the half-dragon’s tongue, squirting a healthy helping of girlcum into her mouth and around her lips.
Shyvana tried not to think about how pleasant it tasted.
“Good slut.” the redhead said once again, bending down to get an up close look at Shyvana. “I’m glad I was your first. Try to remember me, m’kay?”
The half-dragon shot her a bewildered look, about to respond sarcastically to her comment until she saw her hand swinging towards her.
“Welcome to Noxus, bitch.”
What had started with just one innocent looking woman had quickly turned into an absurdly long line of eager customers. Word travels fast inside and outside The Great Chain, and once people found out that the Demacian known as Shyvana was available to be used? The masses went crazy. Even those that didn’t often partake in free use stations made an appearance. They brought with them their husbands, their wives, their business partners and financial advisors, hell, they probably even brought their local dentists. It became a spectacle.
Most had given up on getting in line. It stretched so far back that it went out of the chamber entirely and spilled into the hallway. The unfortunate reality was that only a few hundred of them would be lucky enough to rent her; however, that didn’t mean the others couldn’t still enjoy her captivity. They flanked both sides of the room and watched as the half-dragon was degraded, either as pure spectators or while they appreciated some of the other women up for free use inside the room.
Shyvana was covered in cum. Male, female, demigod, vastaya, and pretty much every other being that lived in Noxus had spilled their essence inside or on her body. The thick, sticky substance was particularly focused in her facial region, though. A direct result of a few impatient patrons who broke protocol and stood in front of her as another man took her from behind. She was too busy moaning and whimpering and rolling her eyes to the heavens above as she got railed to even notice them jerking their cocks only inches from her face. By the time they came into view it was far too late, as they rained rope after rope of viscous Noxian seed upon her gasping mouth and shocked visage.
But the worst part wasn’t the disgusting amount of cum she had plastered on her face. It wasn’t even the degradation in general. It was the fact that she was beginning to enjoy herself. She’d never had a proper cock inside of her before this day. In the past she’d only ever used heat resistant dildos and her own fingers during a ‘self-care’ session. But they were nothing compared to the feeling of having a real dick shoved deep in her cunt. She didn’t even care that they were Noxian dicks; the pleasure they sent straight to her brain was utterly enrapturing.
But the men shouldn’t get all the credit. In fact, she was sure she’d had just as many female patrons as male, if not more. And they offered her far more… interesting… experiences.
While the Noxian men generally got off fast by either fucking her pussy or fucking her throat, the women were much more creative. Some wanted her to eat them out, while some didn’t accept any pleasure from her at all. Instead, they played with her purple-skinned form like she was some sort of object they were studying, pulling harshly at her stiff nipples, or tickling her armpits or feet, or spanking her already reddening bum, or slipping a lone, inquisitive finger up her ass… And yet, despite their various differences in approach to Shyvana, the Noxian women all had one thing in common.
They all hit her.
They slapped, punched, spanked, or even pinched her in seemingly random areas just before they left. Every single time. They were brutal. Even more brutal than the men. In fact, aside from the men’s general forcefulness, they were actually moderately polite and complimented her for being, in their words, “a good Demacian slut”. She quite enjoyed it when they called her that.
Fuck! No, I don't enjoy that! It’s disgusting!
Though her brain may lie, her cunt could not. She’d had at least five, maybe six orgasms in the hour she’d spent in the pillory. And every single time she did so she wanted to cry out with shame, but those cries were silenced in favor of lustful moaning, her pussy excitedly contracting around Noxian cocks as it betrayed her time and time again. To make it even more humiliating, the crowd always broke out into thunderous roars and whooping applause as she squirted her magma-esque cum onto some bloke’s shaft (fortunately for them, her cum’s magmatic properties were only visual, and it wasn’t all that much hotter than regular spunk due to the ice bath). When they weren’t cheering for her climax, they were calling her all sorts of terrible, awful, amazing, demeaning, arousing, derogatory names.
They’d really used her in just about every semi-normal way there was. They’d fucked her mouth, fucked her tits, fucked her pussy, hotdogged between her rear cheeks, made her lick their balls and cunts, rim their asses, worship their boobs, suck their toes… and that was really only about half of it. But to her surprise, they had yet to take her ass. It seemed like such an obvious place to indulge in when someone couldn’t tell you no, yet aside from the rare, curious woman who shoved a thumb or a finger up there, it had been left unsullied by the Noxian horde.
Which, for most women, would have been a great thing. That was the one spot they didn’t want to get fucked, especially without their consent. Unfortunately, Elise had opened up a few new doors in the small house of Shyvana’s sexual kinks, and one of them was her enjoyment of anal sex. She’d basically fucked her own ass the entire night after the fight, using carrots, cucumbers, and whatever other fruits and vegetables she could steal from the royal court’s pantry.
And yet, here and now, in this land filled with savages and mogrels, not a single man nor woman gave her the proper ass fucking she so desperately craved.
Quite rude, Noxus.
Two hours in and Shyvana was beginning to feel herself breaking down. Her hair was disheveled and sticky on account of the plethora of cum running through it. She’d lost count of how many loads they’d dumped inside her pussy and down her throat, but she was fairly certain she’d serviced well over a hundred patrons thus far, so the number was probably pretty high. She wasn’t sure if it was legal or not (were Noxian free use rules different from Demacian? Probably, but she wasn’t sure), but someone had brought in a black marker and written a bunch of vulgarities across her body, including but not limited to: “DRAGON-SLUT” across her forehead, “WH” on one side of her face and “RE” on the other so that it read “WHORE” when she opened her mouth, “SLAP ME <3” on her boobs, and “PROPERTY OF NOXUS” on her left ass cheek.
She hated it… but also kind of liked it. Especially that last one. The Noxians might have been barbaric, but at least they were honest. They didn’t mask their intentions or play politics when they wanted something like her own countrymen did. When Noxians want something, they simply take it. Much like they were taking her right now. It felt strangely arousing to Shyvana to be wanted so badly by so many. To be the center of attention. She was always someone in the background back home. Kneeling at the side of her king. Try as she may, she could never convince Demacia that she was anything other than a monster with manners.
But to Noxus, maybe…
Shyvana’s stupor was broken when she noticed a ruckus starting to occur in the line. She couldn’t see it very well, though, considering the scrawny man in front of her thrusting his 6 ½ inch cock down her throat like a wild beast. From what little she could gather, it appeared that there was some sort of skirmish going on. Finally, the chump fucking her throat blew his load, sighing as he shot his sperm down her gullet. Once he left, Shyvana was able to get a clear view of what exactly was going on in the line.
And it was quite the view, alright.
Her very first customer of the day, the plainly dressed redhead, had returned, although now she looked anything but plain. Gone was the boring blouse and victorian-era skirt, replaced with a thick leather harness across her chest and a pair of midnight black pants. She wore red and gold greaves across her forearms. And that school-girl ponytail she was rocking? It had been totally undone, her hair completely unfurled as it reached its full (and quite disheveled) potential.
Behind the redhead was an entire posse of individuals, all wearing a variety of different outfits that were united in their seemingly random smattering of gold and red armor. Shyvana swore she recognized it from somewhere…
The group walked straight past the line, totally indifferent to the complaints of the commoners. One particularly muscle-bound man tried to block their path, but all it took was a piercing glance from the redhead and he backed off immediately.
“Heyo, dragon-slut!” she called, admiring Shyvana’s body from up close. “Been a minute, huh? I can see you’ve been busy since I left.”
“Who are you?” the half-dragon asked, almost sputtering on a dollop of leftover cum still wedged in her throat. “You said you had to leave for work earlier, and then… you come back looking like this.”
“Pfff.” the redhead chorted. “That ol’ innocent routine really fooled ya’? You Demacians sure are gullible.”
Shyvana looked to the side, neglecting to respond to her taunt.
“Well, I can’t say I blame you too much.” she slid a lone finger into Shyvana’s mouth, gently rubbing it against her serpentine tongue. “I like to dress boring in the morning. Crimson Elite are supposed to stay somewhat lowkey off duty.”
The half-dragon’s eyes widened.
Did she just say Crimson Elite..? As in the Crimson Elite!?
“Ha!” the redhead chuckled. “I can tell by that dumb look on your face you weren’t expecting that to be my profession. Name’s Émelisse by the way, but you can call me Emily.”
“W-What are you doing back here, Emily?” Shyvana said, finding it difficult to speak properly with the woman’s finger still in her mouth. Also, because the woman she was speaking to was in the fucking Crimson Elite. Pre-Accords, they were infamous for being one of the deadliest groups across Runeterra. They carried out impossible tasks, most of which involved assassination and political sabotage, with a near-perfect track record. Post-Accords, they’d been transformed into an elite sexfighting unit that could easily challenge former Champions. They were something to be feared, and any Demacian with a shred of smarts knew to avoid them at all costs.
“Honestly?” the redhead mused, removing her finger from Shyvana’s mouth only to trace it along her cheek bones. “I just had such a good time with you earlier that I couldn’t wait until lunch to come back for seconds. And this time I brought friends!”
Ah, so that’s why she has a group with her.
Behind Emily were five other Crimson Elite members, three of them men and two women. All of them looked intimidating, especially with the utterly ravenous glances they were sending Shyvana’s way.
“What are y-you planning to do with me?” Shyvana asked, trying to keep voice as steady as possible so they didn’t see how nervous she was.
“We both know the answer to that. Anyway, enough talk.” Emily snapped, unfastening the straps to her harness before stripping it to the floor, revealing her perky B-cup breasts. “I think it’s time for my friends and I to slay a dragon.”
Shyvana felt like she’d been fucked harder in the span of three minutes by the Crimson Elite than she had in the first two hours of being here. The biggest and strongest looking man in the group pounded away at her cunt from behind with a cock that was at least nine inches in length. The half-dragon would have moaned and screamed in equal parts pleasure and pain, but her mouth was currently occupied with one of the other men’s cocks. The third man had yet to join in on the fun, but out of the corner of her eye Shyvana could see him lazily stroking his member to keep himself hard.
The two women had other plans. The taller, more curvaceous blonde pawed and sucked on her breasts, biting down with substantial force on her poor nipples every so often. The more petite brunette attended to her ass, licking it fervently, her tongue coming dangerously close to her comrade’s cock as it penetrated the half-dragon’s pussy.
They were relentless, never tiring or needing to slow down. The overload of continuous pleasure was starting to wear on Shyvana’s mind, though she kept herself somewhat distracted by staring daggers at Emily during the downtime between orgasms (which wasn’t very long). The redhead wasn’t partaking in her at all, instead seemingly content with just watching from nearby as her fellow soldiers went to work, her hand lazily playing with her dripping womanhood.
From this angle, Shyvana could see the entirety of that odd tattoo she’d noticed earlier. If she’d studied more when she was younger, she would have been able to easily recognize it for what it was: the mark of the Crimson Elite. It wasn’t just a red snake head on Emily’s hand, it was a viper, and it continued on, coiling itself around her arm until its tail finally ended on the chest, wrapping itself around her breasts.
Part of her really disliked the Crimson Elite ringleader for playing the role of the wolf in sheep’s clothing, but another part of her found her really attractive. Maybe it was the danger she posed? To join the Crimson Elite, you had to be all types of messed up. Just having daddy issues wouldn’t cut it. Maybe it was because underneath all those plain clothes, she was hiding a smokin’ hot bod. She may not have had the otherworldly proportions of Elise, but there was a certain tonality to her form; a tautness that stemmed from being forged into a tool of war. Shyvana knew because she was the same. Then again, her sudden infatuation with Emily could have simply been because her underlings were hitting all the right spots and driving her fucking crazy. The sloppy rimming, the feeling of a cock shoved down her throat, the brutal pounding her pussy took, it was all just perfect. Regardless of the reason, Shyvana definitely considered hitting Emily up once her sentence was served. She’d let her do anything she wanted… Anything.
Stopstopstopstopstop! Stop you horny bitch!
At least, that’s what she tried to tell herself. And for some time, she did. Able to barely hold off the metaphorical chain that had been coiling around her throat ever since she arrived. But when Emily produced a sizable pink dildo and told Shyvana of her plans to bury it deep in her ass?
It felt like those two last pesky chain links, so close to each other for so long, finally became interlinked, forming the sigil of her submission to Noxian hospitality.
Emily wasted no time in shoving the eight inch fake cock inside Shyvana’s asshole, using the spit left behind on her pucker from her fellow Crimson Elite member as makeshift lube. She cocked an eyebrow at just how easily it accepted the dildo, but truthfully, she wasn’t all too surprised. Stuck up Demacian bitches who bark at store managers often like it up the ass, in her experience.
All the other Crimson Elite members remained in position, save for the woman previously eating Shyvana’s ass. Though the half-dragon couldn’t see her, she dropped to her knees and started licking Emily’s cunt, the redhead groaning in delight as she forced that pink cock in and out of Shyvana’s widening asshole. The man in front of the half-dragon finally blew his load, shooting ropes of sticky jism down her throat as she moaned and groaned around his cock. At first she thought he was done for the day, but his intensity only increased after he finished climaxing. He grabbed Shyvana by her pigtails and roughly fucked her mouth, thrusting his hips hard as his freshly pleased cock forced its way as deep as it could into her throat. While she moaned and gagged and sputtered on the front man’s girth, the man from behind continued his unyielding humping. The double penetration of his cock and Emily’s dildo in addition to the woman below her tugging on her tits sent Shyvana way over the edge, moaning like a ruined slut as she orgasmed violently, much to the enjoyment of the crowd of Noxians that had gathered to watch. They cheered loudly as her body spasmed and her eyes rolled upwards, her cum coating the man from behind’s cock while the sudden warmth from it pushed him over the edge as well, plunging into her as deep as he could go to empty his seed into her belly. As her orgasm began to fade, the man in front stopped throatfucking her and removed his cock from her mouth.
Shyvana’s head hung limp as she came down from the high. Her vision was clouded with stars like she’d been hit by the heavyweight champ, but unfortunately, things with Emily’s crew were not yet over. The redhead walked to the half-dragon’s front, gesturing at the man previously fucking her throat to leave. Meanwhile, she gripped Shyvana’s chin tightly in her hand, forcing her reptilian eyes to stare directly into her own emerald green orbs.
“We have some unfinished business.” she whispered, turning herself around and shoving her rosy ass directly into Shyvana’s waiting mouth.
The half-dragon groaned as that act seemingly kickstarted the rest of the band, with the same man from behind once again fucking her cunt at a brutal pace while the man who had been patiently jerking off this whole time slid his cock directly into her easily-accessible asshole. Noticeably absent, however, was the woman below that played with her breasts.
Shyvana moaned into Emily’s ass as she felt herself being DP’d by a pair of real cocks this time. The feeling of them both pulsing with need as they plundered the depths of her holes sent her over the edge immediately, her mewling little whines dampened by the tight ass cheeks cupped around her face. Her legs quivered as she had an embarrassingly quick orgasm, the crowd’s cheers and jeers returning in spectacular fashion as they enjoyed the show.
Emily didn’t chastise or make fun of her, though. Instead, she merely grabbed the back of Shyvana’s head and pushed her further into her ass until she finally got the memo; she stuck out her tongue and licked the Noxian’s tight backdoor, earning her a stifled but needy groan from above. The two female members of the Crimson Elite that had joined her on this excursion were now servicing her; the brunette continued eating her pussy as she did before, while the blonde placed loving kisses upon her tits.
Shyvana groaned as the Noxian cocks inside her continued pounding away, her serpentine tongue worshipping Emily’s lucious ass to the best of her (admittedly limited) abilities. Though her mental faculties were slowly breaking down as she was getting closer and closer to the point of being well and truly “fucked silly”, she didn’t want to disappoint the leader of the Crimson Elite crew. For reasons she still could not properly put into words, she felt a strong sense of submission under her gaze…
Emily moaned as the three women worked her body, the pinnacle of which had to be Shyvana’s long and winding tongue slithering its way up her asshole, teasing the various nerve endings that resided there. She forcibly stuck her tongue into the blonde’s mouth, initiating a sloppy and desperate makeout session while she roughly kneaded her own breast. Her moans escalated in pitch until they hit something akin to C8 on the piano, her clear girlcum squirting violently into the brunette’s mouth below. Shyvana relished in the way Emily’s asshole tightened around her tongue as she came, and the little spark of arousal it sent into the half-dragon’s core was enough to make her cum once again, especially after she felt both the men railing her empty their loads in her respective holes.
The redhead had only just stepped away from Shyvana when she saw her cumming, her purple face plastered with a shamelessly slutty smile as she orgasmed, crying out to the heavens above for one thing and one thing only.
Emily grinned as she observed the broken Demacian cry tears born of both pleasure and sin. She would take her leave now that she was properly satisfied, but she’d let the rest of her squad stay for as long as they wished; it wasn’t everyday they got a Champion in The Great Chain, after all. And judging by the way Shyvana groaned and moaned at the end of their less-than-gentle ministrations, the Noxian estimated that it had already taken its toll on her mind.
Many different people come to The Great Chain. Saints and sinners. Big-shots and beggars. Champions and commoners. But no matter how opposite they may be upon entering, everyone always left the same. Forever carrying the great chain.
Long after the Crimson Elite had left, as the hours in Shyvana’s sentence stretched towards double digits, two women rested against the wall in the corner of the room, watching with cryptic interest as the half-dragon was continuously fucked like she was nothing more than a mere object by men and women of all shapes and sizes.
“She lasted longer than I thought.” the woman on the left said. “They usually break within an hour.”
“Must be the dragon blood.” the woman on the right speculated, her lips curling into a scornful smirk as she watched two men force both of their cocks into Shyvana’s mouth at the same time, the half-dragon smiling as best she could as she choked on them.
“Do you plan to take a pass at her? After all, it's not everyday that you have a member of the Demacian royal court available for free use.”
“A tempting offer, but I think I’d rather have the big lizard all to myself. I’m not a fan of sloppy seconds. Maybe I can talk to Cnalbel after the plan is set in motion. I’m sure we can work something out.”
“I hope so, sister.” |
Chapter 1 - Day and Night |
All Fun and Games
Tags: Anal, AtM, BDSM, Corny Jokes, Edging, Erotic Competition, Futa on Futa, Futa on Female, Rimming, Self-facial, Trivia, and more
In hindsight, Leona was beginning to think this rivalry with Diana had officially gone a hair too far.
It was no mystery that the two disliked each other. And from the outside looking in, that may seem as if that’s all it was: an uncomplicated, bitter, longstanding disdain. But that description did not do their near life-long feud proper justice. Indeed, they harbored a great amount of hatred for one another within their hearts, but also, bubbling just beneath the surface of all those negative emotions, was a sharp, powerful sense of competitiveness. Put simply, being the Aspect of the Sun and the Aspect of the Moon forced them to be compared. It was only natural, considering they were essentially different sides of the same coin, so long as the coin was godlike astrological entities and the sides were ideologically opposed religious warrior castes. Ever since the fateful day they both inherited their respective Aspects, their rivalry turned into a fierce and violent competition, each woman desperately trying to prove, mostly through acts of brute force and sheer will, that they were a superior host. A superior woman.
They both mirrored each other in a variety of ways. Due to their shared upbringing in the Solari faith, they’d gone through similar training routines and disciplines, leading to nearly identical physical faculties. Though they’d had their fair share of brawls over the years, neither woman could ever seem to surmount a tangible enough advantage to kill the other. It was as if they were destined to compete against each other until the world itself embraced the frigid void of oblivion.
In line with strengthened physical attributes, there was one more anatomical quirk gifted from the Aspects that Diana and Leona shared, though it was fairly… unorthodox. You see, in past ages, centuries before the modern era of Runeterra, there were other individuals that inherited the Aspects of the Sun and Moon. Precursors, if you will. However, such ancient times were not nearly as egalitarian as the present, and because of such, the previous Aspects’ vessels were all male, as women were not yet allowed to become warriors. The Aspects themselves, in their ripe and eldritch age, had become accustomed to this old-fashioned way of doing things, and upon seeing that their new hosts were to both be female, they saw fit to equip them with the proper hardware to ensure them to be worthy carriers.
Essentially, the Aspects of the Sun and Moon gave Diana and Leona cocks because they don’t like women all that much. Also because they thought it would be funny. Also because they realized that it would make it far easier for some degenerate writer in an alternate universe to create this story.
Alternate dimensions and magically created cocks aside, the two rivals had grown rather bored of their usual tests of strength. As stated prior, both women were uncannily equal in terms of combat prowess, and so most of their duels ended in either draws or minor victories at best. It was a supremely unsatisfying cycle. Thus, after being driven to extreme boredom and having nothing better to do with their time, they began settling their rivalry in other ways. Much more creative ways.
First they played Monopoly: Runeterra Edition. It was close for a time, but Diana’s superior fiscal intellect and intricate 200 IQ strategy of purchasing every property she landed on prevailed. Leona promptly flipped the board after losing, as is tradition. Point: Diana.
The following day, Leona suggested a game of poker. It wasn’t the wisest decision as she routinely fantasized during the bout of them playing the strip version instead of the standard one, but she held her own nonetheless. Diana eventually blundered the game away by going all in with 7-2 offsuit. Never bet with 7-2 offsuit, moron. Point: Leona.
Their next challenge involved visiting the local Targonian PC bang in order to play a one versus one match of League of Legends, but the client froze during loading screen and promptly charged them 200 Moonbucks worth of RP. Point: corporate greed.
These score-settlers seemed to be a massive improvement over their older, more primitive methods. No longer did they have to beat the ever loving shit out of each other just to call the battle a draw by the end. These challenges always had a winner and a loser, which brought out the best parts of their rivalry: gloating and humiliation. Targon wasn’t that large a place, and it wasn’t odd for them to see each other multiple times a day. The winner of the most recent challenge always took that chance to demean, brag, or just flat out embarrass their counterpart with words of ridicule so foul it would make the saltiest seaman in Bilgewater blush.
On a particularly dreary, uneventful evening, Diana challenged Leona to a drinking contest at one of the local taverns. At the time, it seemed rather innocent. By their standards, a drinking contest was actually pretty tame. Yet it was that very same contest that had gotten them into their current… predicament.
The game began relatively slowly, with Diana ordering two shots every few minutes. “One for thee, one for me.” She said when the barmaid arrived at the table with them. Every. Single. Time. To their credit, both women had unsurprisingly high tolerances, and so their alcoholic warfare raged on well into the night. As the bar’s patrons dwindled until there were no more than a handful left, the rivals seemed to be at their wits’ end. Their hair was frazzled, faces blushed a deep crimson, and voices far too loud.
“Yous’ finished. I *hic* can tell.” Diana slurred, her head slowly swaying side to side.
Leona gulped and stared down her full shot glass. Her counterpart had already downed hers for this round. The ball was in her court now. She picked it up, seeing double before saying: “Shudduuuuup. I’m gunna drink it…” She inspected the glass further, trying her best to not gag at the smell, observing the amber colored liquid inside before turning her eyes back to her white-haired rival. “Whadda we doin’ this for ‘nyway? It doesn’t prove nothin’. I’m be-tter at, like… ten billion more things than you. So waht if ya’ got a stronger liver.”
“Oh?” Diana cooed, leaning over the table, unintentionally (or perhaps intentionally, who really knows at this point?) showing off her ample cleavage to her fellow drunkard. “Name juss’ one thing you’re better than me at.”
Leona swallowed, eyes falling to those… delectable… soft… bury your face in... She shook her head, tearing her gaze away from the hypnotic breasts before her, stammering for a retort. “I, uh…” Her mind scrambled for an answer. Any answer would do. What would not do is being incapable of naming a single thing she was superior at. And so, wracked for a response, she said the first thought that entered her brain. “I haf’ waaaaaay better endurance than you! And not only in combat neither.”
There was a noticeable pause from both parties. Leona had heard the words leave her own mouth, but her brain hadn’t properly thought through just exactly what they implied.
“Oho?” Diana’s normal scowl slowly turned upwards into a wolfish grin as she raised an eyebrow. “Yous’ reaaaally think ya’ could last longer thanme’ in the sack?”
“I know I could.” Leona smirked, steadying her resolve while fighting off the creeping nausea in her stomach. Embarrassment aside, Leona had staked a claim, and she was far too intoxicated to back down now. “Me n’ you may be equal in a lot of ways, but I’ve gots the better *hic* cock, no contest.”
“Well,” Diana chirped, leaning forward even more, her eyes twinkling with excitement. “I fancy we put that to the test.”
The two went at it for some time more, bickering back and forth about whose sexual prowess was superior, citing previous exploits that were almost certainly exaggerated. So caught up in their proverbial sexual power struggle, neither Diana nor Leona noticed the hooded figure sitting just a few tables behind them, positioned under a dim light so as to not attract much attention. This ominous stranger listened intently to the two Aspects’ petty argument, leaning forward with keen interest as their conversation got increasingly lewd. The smallest trace of a smile spread across the figure’s features as the two women went back and forth about who had the more potent sex drive.
The Aspects did not stay for much longer, as Leona was eventually bested by the liquor, signaling her defeat by uttering a phrase she once heard in a song: ‘Today I picked a fight with Jack Daniels and I lost’. She then immediately collapsed face first into the wooden table. Point: Diana.
The two exited the bar, stumbling and grumbling at each other as they tried to get a sense of their surroundings. Being so incredibly shit-faced tended to make it difficult to get home, after all.
“Wer’ walkin in circles, dummy.” Diana slurred, leaning against a wall as she followed a few steps behind her rival.
“I *hic* know where I’m goin’.” Leona countered, cutting through an alley with Diana in tow. She only made it halfway down the dank corridor when a hooded figure in a brown trenchcoat appeared on the other side, blocking their path. Had they been more attentive, they would have noticed it was the same shady figure from the bar.
“Hey!” Leona barked. “Get outta’ the way!”
There was no response from the stranger, only a flash of purple as the person sprang forth, far too fast for even them to counter. Before they could act, both Diana and Leona felt themselves knocked to the ground, their consciousnesses fading quickly as a slightly hypnotic laugh rang in the background…
These events are what brought Leona to her current predicament. Completely naked, in a place she’d never seen before, with her entire body restrained and her cock pointed down at her face. It was a bit much to take in, especially all at once, so she attempted to work through each problem individually. She knew she was naked as soon as she came to. The air in this room was frigid; biting at her skin, sending slight shivers down her spine every few seconds. As to exactly how she got naked was still a complete mystery. Moreover, she could not move an inch. Her body had been restrained in a most unorthodox way. It was as if she was in a chair, except her shoulders, upper back, and head rested against its seat while her lower back and buttocks rested against its back. Her legs were over her head, coming down on either side of her chest, while her arms were bent behind her calves. Her ankles, positioned about six inches beyond the top of her head, had been tied together, as well as her wrists, which rested against the back of her scalp. It was as if she was a pretzel, her arms and legs locked over one another while her back supported her entire weight, formulating in roughly a six inch gap between the tip of her flaccid cock and her own mouth.
“...what… the… fuck?” Rang an all too familiar voice from the Solari’s right. She turned her head towards the source, the sight of Diana coming into view. She was about three feet away and in what appeared to be the exact same ordeal as herself. From this angle, the Solari could properly see the metallic chair her counterpart was restrained against, confirming her initial suspicion. Much like herself, Diana had been bound in such a way that she was upside down and resting against the chair with her upper back while her ass was high up in the air. Her limbs had been folded against themselves, and, of course, her cock was a little too close to her face for comfort. Admittedly, this view was much more appealing to Leona than the one she was greeted with when she woke up. The Lunari’s body was a bit more slender than her own; offering more in the line of speed as opposed to her own raw strength. Her muscles were toned, legs sleek, skin pale and unblemished. The Lunari’s breasts were of a comparable size to her own, but seemed just the tiniest bit more supple and inviting. Of course, her counterpart’s shaft, all eight inches of it, was practically a mirror image of hers, at least in the size department. However, much like the rest of her skin, Diana’s member was pale and milky. A contrast to Leona’s more sun kissed cock.
Dick comparisons aside, Diana’s visible confusion at her current situation indicated that she too had just woken up. Her gaze turned leftwards, making contact with Leona’s amber orbs for a moment before turning upwards and viewing her counterpart’s similarly bound form. Leona felt an ounce of satisfaction when she saw the Lunari’s eyes linger just a moment too long on her cock, but decided against the low hanging dick joke that came to her mind. Now was definitely not the time.
“Where...are...we?” Diana groaned. “And—jeesh—why does my head hurt so badly?”
“I’m so glad you asked!” Called a sultry voice, deep and seductive, from directly in front of the two Targonians. “I suppose it's time I introduce myself.”
Diana and Leona broke eye contact to turn their heads towards the source of the noise. Before them stood the same figure from the alleway (and, of course, the bar), though due to the way their heads were resting against the back of the chairs’ seats, they saw the ominous person upside down. Regardless, they were only a few feet away from them, making it all the more odd that both of the women had failed to notice her up to this point. It was almost as if she’d appeared from thin air.
Leona’s lips curled into a sneer as she growled at the mysterious figure, “If you have any sense you’ll let us out of here, otherwise I’ll rip you to pieces myself.”
“Are you really in a position to be making threats?” The figure teased, taking a step closer and gesturing with her hand to Leona’s rather compromised state. “Besides, it’s not like you can break out of those bindings. Trust me, I enchanted them myself.”
Leona felt a blush tinge her cheeks, a mixture of embarrassment and anger flowing through her veins. She thrashed hard against her bindings, grunting curses born from a deep frustration at her ineffective efforts. The metal clasps around her wrists showed no signs of budging, and after a few more strained attempts she finally gave up on the idea of escaping via brute force.
“Just—huff—who are you?” Leona asked.
“It’s easier if I just show you.” The figure answered before snapping their fingers. In an instant the trenchcoat disappeared and in its wake stood a voluptuous woman with a certain set of odd qualities. Her hair was the color of pure snow save for a few brilliant dashes of pink. Her skin was a tint of purple and blue. A shadowy essence slowly and systematically crawled over her body, barely wide enough to cover up her most private bits. Her fingers had claws, sharp and long and almost certainly not just for show. Stemming from the nape of her neck was a pair of lashers that moved almost autonomously from the rest of her form. However, her most notable quality, even more so than all of the supernatural ones listed prior, was her attractiveness. It was almost unnerving how easy on the eyes she was. It was almost magical. Just seeing her sent waves of arousal up both Diana and Leona’s spines, and that arousal made itself manifest in the only way it could.
“Well, well.” The woman cooed, taking two long strides forward so that she was positioned between Diana and Leona. “I’m flattered. Name’s Evelynn, by the way. Pleasure to make your acquaintance.”
The two Aspects looked up, each experiencing their own unique feelings of embarrassment when confirming that they had suddenly become victims to a random boner attack. Though, unbeknownst to them, this was far from random.
“Who… What are you?” Diana asked, trying her best to sound firm despite how apparently powerless she was in this situation.
“Oh, me?” The woman twirled, showing off her body. “I’m just your run of the mill succubus. I’m surprised you’ve never run into one of us. I find someone, fuck them, and feed off their lust and life force until they’re nothing more than an empty husk. That generally leaves me satisfied for a few days. I was just passing through your pretty little town when I stumbled onto you two in that bar. I had been planning on finding some random towny to satisfy me tonight, but, when life gives you lemons, right? How could I possibly pass up the opportunity to feed on some Aspects? I’ll be satisfied for at least a month after this!”
Diana felt her fists tighten. “You are mistaken if you think you can kill us so easily.”
“Heed my words, demon.” Leona spat, venom particularly lacing that last word. “Even I cannot slay the Moonborn. You stand no chance.”
For a moment, and no longer than such, no further words were uttered. Silence hung in the air like a thick fog as they all digested the Solari’s statement.
Then... disaster. At least from Leona’s point of view.
“Leona... you actually said something about me that was… nice..? If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you’re warming up to me.”
“Wrong. Incorrect. False. You and your jokes still suck. End of discussion.”
“Whatever you say, Sunborn.”
“Anyway.” Evelynn interrupted. “I don’t plan on killing either of you. All I want is to partake in some of that unkempt lust of yours. The longer someone denies their carnal desires, the tastier their life force becomes. That’s why virgins are basically a delicacy in the demon world. You know, everyone always associates virginity with purity, but to tell you the truth, I’ve always found them to have the dirtiest thoughts of all. One of the perks of being a succubus is that I can physically see how lustful any particular individual is. And you two? You two blow virgins right out of the water. You are both so fucking pent up. I mean, seriously, all this sexual tension between you two for years and you still haven’t fucked yet? It’s like me running into you was fate!”
“If you aren’t going to kill us, what’s with the elaborate bindings?” The Lunari asked.
“Well, this wouldn’t really work if I just tried to make us have a threesome. You're a bit too powerful for a simple charm spell, and honestly you could probably kill me if you just worked together. Buuuuuuuuuut, you aren’t impervious to some lesser spells I can throw your way. Take nympholepsy for example. You’ve been under its effects since I revealed myself. It can’t force you to do anything. All it does is make you really, really horny. Anything and everything that happens afterwards is on you.”
Diana and Leona couldn’t contest that fact whatsoever. Ever since Evelynn had disrobed the two of them could feel their libido increasing. It was subtle at first, manifesting in lingering gazes on the demonette’s shapely form, but over time they could not deny the rising lust coursing through their veins. What would have happened had they not been strapped into the chairs? Surely debauchery of the highest degree. Surely.
“Now that you’re both sufficiently turned on, let’s get this game underway.” Evelynn said, a devilish grin spread across her features.
“Game? What game?” Diana asked.
“Well, during your little bar dive last night I overheard all about how you two have been settling your score as of late.” Evelynn answered. “And I must say, I simply love the idea. Who knew a rivalry as bitter as yours could be sustained through simple board and party games. Naturally, I thought it proper to keep with that theme. Sure, I could just keep you two tied up and jerk you off, but where’s the fun in that? I want competition! Theatrics! Drama and intrigue! Both of you lovely little birds are in for a game of high stakes Runeterran trivia, super-secret-succu-demon-hidden-technique-edgetacular-edition!”
“How would that even work?” Diana questioned, a hint of genuine interest veiled thinly behind her hostile tone.
“I’m going to test your knowledge of Runeterra by asking you questions about the world at large. They can be about general concepts, politics, past wars, living or deceased leaders, grand events… you get the gist. Some of them will be serious, some will not. The difficulty will vary.”
“Is this a ‘take turns’ sort of game?” Leona asked, actually intrigued by the contest. While a part of her knew this situation was fucked up by every standard imaginable, her newfound love for games was too powerful to simply not care about a potentially new and interesting one.
“Nope! As your humble host for this game, I’ll pose a question at the start of each round which both of you can answer at any time. The first person to answer correctly wins the round, but you can only answer once per round, so be careful! If you rush yourself to a haphazard answer and get it wrong, you’ll give your opponent all the time in the world to think it over. Obviously, if your opponent wins the round, you lose that round.”
“...What’s the catch?” Diana asked. “Do I have to win a certain amount of rounds to achieve victory, or is it merely who wins the most rounds after all the questions have been asked ? What does the winner get for winning?
“Weeeeell, this game’s mechanics are quite odd. You see, getting a question right doesn’t technically do anything. You get no rewards or points or bonuses for winning rounds, but you do get punishments for losing rounds.”
“What, like a slap to the face or something?” The Solari posited.
“No, these punishments are a lot... crueler. When you lose a round, I will take the liberty of teasing, pleasuring, fucking, or seducing you in any manner I decide for a single minute, give or take a few seconds. I’ll play nice at first and take it easy on you two, but during the later rounds I’ll be going all out. And don’t expect me to just limit myself to your cocks. You both have plenty of areas I can’t wait to explore.”
“Doesn’t sound like much of a punishment to me. The winner has to sit there untouched while the loser gets her cock massaged?” Leona deprecated. If this was how the game worked, then she’d made her mind up: she was going to lose every round on purpose. She might have been unable to break free from the shackles that confined to this metallic chair, but she would settle for some good old fashioned lip service from the demonette in exchange. It wasn’t the worst trade deal.
“You haven’t let me finish yet. Like I said earlier, you can’t win the game by getting a certain number of questions correct. That guarantees nothing. The actual way to win the game is to avoid being the first person to lose the game. Whoever cums first from all my teasing is declared the loser of the contest. Of course, I don’t expect either of you to lose after the first few rounds; you’re both hung like horses, and I’d be shocked if your stamina was that low. But, with every round you lose, I’ll edge your cock closer and closer to release… and it will get increasingly more difficult to resist the urge to cum, especially with my little spell coursing through your veins. I’m sure you’ve both figured this out already, but just in case you haven’t, you should really consider the position of your cocks. If you were to cum first, not only would you prove yourself to be the lesser woman in this rivalry, but you would do so by spurting rope after agonizing rope of cum onto your own face. I can’t imagine how you could ever claim to be superior to the other woman after undergoing something as embarrassing as that. I mean, seriously! Any argument henceforth could be instantly won by the other woman simply saying ‘I watched you humiliate and degrade yourself by blowing your own load on your fucking face you stupid idiot’.”
Neither woman had a particular inclination to speak up after Evelynn’s detailed explanation. This game was decidedly a bit higher stakes than they initially expected. How they had made the jump from video games and monopoly to this deranged, wanton, absolute sexescapade of a cum-roulette escaped both of their minds. Finally, Leona spoke up.
“So what does the winner get? I mean, they should get a prize, right?”
“How right you are! In addition to the whole cumming on her own face thing, the loser also has to pay a forfeit by offering her body to the winner to satisfy their unsated cock. After the loser has cum on her own face, I shall unshackle the winner and only the winner to allow her to claim her bounty. Now, being that the winner will be free to move and the loser will still be immobilized, how they choose to ravage the loser’s body is up to them. Admittedly, I have a feeling that the winner will be so pent up and horny that every one of the loser’s holes will be on the cards.”
“This is totally bat-shit insane, right? Surely I’m not the only one that sees how thoroughly deranged this all is.” Protested the Solari. She’d initially been… intrigued… by the demonette’s wager, but now that she knew the proper stakes, the prospect of this edging contest weighed on her mind like a bag of bricks.
“What’s the matter, Leo? Scared I’ll beat you?” Diana chided. “C’mon. I want this. You want this. Don’t you feel it? The excitement of it all? It’s coursing through my body like hot lightning. The surging arousal, the ultimate wager, putting our bodies, our pride and honor, on the line for one spectacular contest. What more could we ask for to finally put our rivalry to rest?”
Leona groaned a frustrated response. Yes, it was painfully obvious that the sexual tension between her and Diana had become so thick over the past few months that it was practically palpable. And yes, she’d be lying if the idea of winning, of having that sweet, delectable, tantalizing, mouth-watering, worthy-of-suffocating-your-face-in Lunari ass all to herself wasn’t one of the most tempting prospects she’d ever come across. What she wouldn’t give to fuck the moon woman silly… she allowed herself to fantasize, if only for a moment, what her victory would look like. Diana, bound helplessly to her chair, her defeat evident by her own seed staining her visage. She’d grab her by her thighs, spread her wide, thrust her cock in and out of her for hours on end until she was satisfied… perhaps even longer than that. She’d imprint upon her rival a brand of submission so potent it would represent a permanent marker of her inferiority. And henceforth, the Lunari would be nothing more than her beautiful cum dumpster. She would still care for her, of course, but ultimately, her counterpart’s fate would begin and end at her dick; a servant to her shaft, a domesticated cockslut whose cravings could only be sated by her heaven-sent Solari member.
Leona gulped. She really shouldn’t have played that out in her head. Because now, all sense of logic and reasoning had just thrown itself out of the proverbial window to avoid the surge of unstoppable lust that now influenced her mind. Her fantasy, as brief as she entertained it, provided the spark needed to light the engine between her loins. She grinned. A cocky, wolfish smile. She knew Diana wore a similar expression. However perverse and wanton her fantasy of victory had been, there was no doubt in her mind that the Lunari's own desired outcome was surely just as kinky, if not more. She always was a bit of a pervert, after all.
“Alright. Let’s do this. My cock versus yours. Winner takes all.”
“That’s the spirit, Sunborn. Hope you’re ready.”
Evelynn smiled wickedly as she circled the two bound women like a bird of prey circling its next meal. “Mmm…” She growled. “As a reward for your compliance, I’ll give you two something nice to look at before we start.” The demonette snapped her fingers and, in the blink of an eye, the shadows covering her most sacred areas dissipated into a cloud of black mist. She stood before the pair of warriors, entirely nude and without a single shred of modesty in sight. She wiggled her hips from side to side, bouncing her breasts before completing her little seductive shimmy with a twirl.
Diana bit her lip at Evelynn’s complete lack of clothing. She wasn’t entirely sure if it was even possible for her to be more horny than she already was, but she couldn’t deny the allure of the strange woman. Though, to be fair, she was a succubus. Her entire existence revolved around her ability to seduce.
“I think it’s time for us to get this game underway. Are you ready for the best, or possibly worst, night of your lives?” Evelynn said, a twisted amount of glee lacing her words, before stepping between the two women, alternating glances between both of their faces.
Both women nodded curtly, their faces determined but also masking throes of desire that bubbled underneath.
“Then without further ado… Question one: What is the name of the Spider God that resides in the Shadow Isles?”
“Vilemaw.” Diana said matter-of-factly. She had answered nearly instantly after Evelynn finished her question.
“Correct! Diana wins round one. Which means...” Evelynn purred, raising her left hand, the one nearest Leona, towards her bound form. The Solari tensed as the hand drew nearer, entirely unsure of what exactly the demonette had in mind. “...that Leona has earned her first punishment.”
Leona gulped as she felt the cold touch of Evelynn’s hand. Her palm and fingers (which appeared surprisingly human, even though she was sure they looked a lot more like talons a few minutes ago) gently caressed her skin. Starting at her collarbones, Evelynn slowly worked her hand downwards (or upwards, really), easing her fingers over each of Leona’s stiff nipples before giving them a small pinch. She did not linger for too long, however. Her hand trailed past her stomach, sending miniscule tremors of sensation up the Solari’s spine. As she inched ever closer to her cock, those feelings only grew more intense. She was torturously slow, moving her fingers with such purposeful leisure that it was driving Leona crazy. Finally, those cold yet gentle fingers found her member, slowly wrapping themselves around the shaft. Leona could not resist the pleasurable groan that came from her lips the instant those digits found her cock, and though the demonette only gave her a few slow, uninspired strokes, each and every one felt as if it grinded directly into her soul itself.
Evelynn released the Solari from her grasp only seconds after touching her cock. It was just the first round, after all. No need to go too hard. Not yet at least. For Leona, though, every second felt like a minute. She hadn’t truly grasped just how precarious this contest truly was until now. If such a lazy handjob sent such powerful feelings of pleasure up her spine, how could she ever hope to resist the urge to blow her load when things got more… intimate?
Regardless, now was not the time for her to worry. She needed to be strong. She turned her eyes to the left to get a view of her rival. Predictably, Diana wore a small, content, complacent smirk on her lips. She’d seen it many times over the years and she absolutely hated it. It hid such profound arrogance and cockiness behind its minimalism. Only Diana was capable of such professional grade smugness.
She looked forward to wiping it off her face later as she fucked her silly.
“The demon barely even touched your cock, but you looked like you were about to bust, Leo… I hope you’re not regretting your decision to participate in this game already.” Diana jeered.
“It’s only round one, pagan. Still plenty of time left.”
“We’ll see about that.”
“Now, now, ladies. I love the enthusiasm, but save a little bit of that vigor for the prize round. Onto question two: name one of the previous hosts of the Aspect of War.”
There was a noticeably longer silence after Evelynn aired her question, but within ten seconds the Solari answered confidently, “Areion.”
“Correct!” Evelynn cheered, much to Diana’s dismay.
“That’s so unfair…” The Lunari pouted. “The Solari spend months learning about the previous hosts.”
“Were you not once a Solari, Diana? Did you not read the same scriptures as I? Study the same tablets? You should know our history, despite your heresy.”
“...nerd…” The Lunari muttered under her breath.
“Leona, you’re safe this round. Why don’t you just sit back and enjoy the show, hun?” Evelynn cooed, inching her way towards the bound Lunari.
Diana steadied her nerves as she saw the demonette’s right hand hovering ever closer to her skin. With how horny she was, she knew that the succubus’ ministrations would probably feel amazing. But after seeing how easy Leona had it in round one, she was confident she could easily handle some minor nipple pinching and a short, uninspired handjob. Hell, she did stuff about a hundred times more extreme than that to herself on a nightly basis.
And yet, Evelynn’s hand showed no signs of replicating its performance in round one. She did not caress the Lunari’s collarbone or navel, nor did she pinch her nipples or tease her skin; on the contrary, her hand went straight for the pale woman’s cock. Instead of gripping it at the base, as per the normal technique, she wrapped her palm around the head of Diana’s member, snaking her fingers around the shaft before giving her a most unusual but undoubtedly pleasurable backwards handjob. Diana’s eyes shut tightly as Evelynn continued jerking her off like she was methodically cleaning a pipe. This felt good. Waaaaay too good. Like her cock hadn’t been touched in over a month, despite the fact that that was patently and scientifically untrue. The slight trembles and moans she released were entirely against her will. She didn’t want to show any weakness around Leona, but this was just way too hot to contain herself. After a good minute of administering the moderately-paced handy, Evelynn retracted her fingers. Diana breathed a sigh of relief as she stared up at her hard cock, watching as it seemed to twitch in disappointment from the lack of continued stimulation.
“W-what was that?” She questioned, rage coursing through her veins. “Leona barely got her cock touched after her first incorrect answer! Why did you jerk me off for a full minute?”
“I didn’t say I was gonna play fair.” Evelynn chuckled. “Plus, the punishments aren’t supposed to be the same for both contestants. I kinda just wing them and do whatever I feel like.”
“That makes no sense and ruins the spirit of the game!” Diana countered.
“I know. Fun, right?” She said sardonically, continuing without a hitch, “Anyway, question three: which region in Runeterra is the most hostile towards mortals?”
“Freljord!” Leona answered quickly.
“That’s incorrect you dumb bitch. Diana, the question falls to you. Take as much time as you wish.”
The Lunari thought it over, her eyes closed in thought for the better part of a half minute while the other two women in the room waited as patiently as could be expected in a situation like this. Eventually, she spoke:
“The Kumungu Jungle.”
“Correct! That was a tough one. Color me impressed.”
“That doesn’t even make sense. How is it in any way more dangerous than the Freljord?” Leona argued.
“Easy.” Diana smirked. “The climate is extremely hot and humid. Hyperthermia is an immediate risk. Most of the water sources are contaminated with pollution from Ixtal’s diamond mining operations. And almost every creature that lives there not only can kill you, but also wants to.”
“You lost again, Leona. You know what that means…” Evelynn cooed, spitting in her own palm and rubbing it over her fingers methodically. She used the makeshift lubricant to milk the Solari’s cock, earning a high pitched moan as she spread the spit onto sun worshipper’s member. Leona squirmed in her bindings from the sensation. The few non-lubed strokes she’d received earlier already felt way better than they had any business feeling, but this? This was making her go crazy, her mind already grappling against her body’s desire to cum. She had to restrain her hips from naturally wanting to thrust into the demonette’s hand. That’s how good it felt.
Wet schlicking noises echoed throughout the room as Evelynn’s hand worked diligently. Leona had to close her eyes, as the above visual of her cock being expertly stroked was only making matters worse. Meanwhile, Diana looked on with glee, enjoying every single second of the scene before her. It was blissful to watch her rival finally be truly tested. In fact, it looked like Leona was already having to focus hard to not cum. A bad omen for her, Diana thought. And yet, as much as she enjoyed the show, the Lunari could not deny how arousing it was to watch. Normally she would have no complaints whatsoever with watching Leona be put in a position such as this, but in this case it was making her cock really crave some care and attention. And that was the last thing she needed right now. Yet she was still unable to tear her eyes away.
Eventually Evelynn’s hand retreated, allowing Leona to release a long held breath. Her relief was short-lived, though.
“That was way longer than a minute!” She complained.
“Oh?” Evelynn narrowed her eyes, sucking her spit off the finger’s she’d just used to stroke the Solari’s cock before continuing, “You say that like you didn’t enjoy every second of it.”
Leona wanted to disagree with the succubus but… she wasn’t entirely incorrect.
“Alright, next round ladies. Do your best! Question four: with the infamous Noxian General Marcus Du Couteau missing, who is the heir apparent to the noble Du Couteau house?”
“His daughter!” Leona blurted out, “Katarina Du Couteau.”
“Ding ding! Another round to Leona. You two are really going back and forth, huh?”
“Fuck me.” Diana groaned, frustrated by not having a proper moment to even think of the answer before Leona stole it away from her.
“That’s the plan, hun.” Evelynn said, maneuvering around the back of Diana’s chair before bending over it so that her face was positioned inches above her spread ass cheeks and drooping balls, her crimson eyes staring down at the helpless Lunari below. “Enough foreplay. I want a real taste of you.”
Evelynn planted her mouth atop one of Diana’s large, bloated testicles, suckling and licking the tender globule fervently while her free hand jerked the Lunari’s dick at a medium pace. After a few seconds she let it pop out of her mouth before switching to the other untended jewel, alternating back and forth in a ravenous manner. Diana moaned like a slut from the sparks of pleasure that assaulted her brain, head rolling back as the demonette whorishly slobbered all over her nuts. Her technique was so aggressive and sloppy that it produced an excessive amount of drool which dripped downwards, lubricating her already aching cock, making it even harder to not cum.
“How... did you answer… so fast..?” She groaned weakly at Leona, heavy breaths and moans filling the gap between her words, the sound of Evelynn’s sloppy toppy echoing in the background.
“I’m highly educated on the political hierarchies of other nations.” The Solari stated, her eyes remaining fixated on Evelynn’s animated ball worship.
“Bullshit.” Diana moaned. “There’s… no way… you could have known that… that quickly.”
Leona found herself impressed by the Lunari’s ability to even formulate words amidst something that looked so unbearably pleasurable. It was as if she cared more about Leona’s quick answer than the woman currently inhaling her balls.
“Well…” Leona started, tuning out the throaty slabbering noises that emanated from the succubus’ throat so she could think with some shred of clarity. “I remember seeing her once a few years ago when I was on an excursion outside of Noxus. She only walked by me but… uh… she was very... memorable.”
Diana uttered the loudest moan she’d made thus far, her cock throbbing with delight as a dollop of precum slooooowly oozed from its head all the way onto her own cheek. She stared up at her member, pleading with her eyes as if she was begging it to not cum. Just as it seemed that she may be in danger of losing control, Evelynn unclamped her mouth from the Lunari’s balls and stood up. She wiped her mouth with her hand to rid it of spit whilst Diana sighed, equal parts disappointment and relief evident in her tone.
“Memorable, huh?” The Lunari mused after a few seconds had passed. “It was that tight ass of hers, wasn’t it?”
“Yep. It seared itself into my memory from just that one interaction. But how do you know of it?”
“Hah. I get around.” Diana chirped, finding enough spirit to remain positive and interactive despite how close she’d just come to losing. “What I wouldn’t give to take home some of that Noxian booty one day.”
“You and me both.” The Solari smiled.
“Alright, alright.” Evelynn called. “Enough chit-chat about Noxian broads. They aren’t as kinky in the sack as you’d think, anyway. Question five: what is the name of the large aquatic creatures that reside in the Guardian Sea who have valuable jewels hidden in their teeth?”
Neither Diana nor Leona answered quickly. They were contemplative, a heavy silence filling the air as both women ruminated on the question, each having a fairly decent idea of what it could be but not absolutely sure. Under normal circumstances, having a trivia question narrowed down to two or three possible answers was more than enough reason to give it a shot, but this game was far more punishing to those who were incorrect. The rate things were going, every lost round posed a serious threat. Evelynn seemed intent on ramping up the pleasure exponentially; a single wrong answer could easily spell doom depending on what buttons the succubus decided to push and if they were the right ones.
Eventually, it was Diana that broke the silence.
“Platewyrms.” She said timidly, a few beads of sweat coating her forehead.
“Nope! Is this a losing streak I smell?” Evelynn jeered. “Leona, take as much time as you need.”
“Don’t need to.” The Solari grinned. “I had it down to two creatures but couldn’t decide which one was correct, but since Diana guessed one of those two and got it wrong… well, I guess that only leaves the other one: Jaull-fish!”
“Another victory for Leona!” Evelynn cheered, stalking her way towards the Lunari. “Let’s have even more fun, Diana.”
Diana watched with dread as Evelynn strutted forward until she was standing directly over the Lunari’s face, her legs spread wide as if to give Diana a great view of her womanhood and ass. She promptly did a 180 degree turn, her back now facing the Lunari’s bound body. She backed up until her ass cheeks enveloped the Lunari’s upside-down cock, and then she started grinding on it. Up and down she went, hot dogging with Diana’s cock as it leaked precum all over her voluptuous cheeks. The Lunari grit her teeth, groaning in an almost painful manner as she tried to resist the urge to cum. The demonette’s hand had been one thing… her mouth a whole other… but this? This was plain torture. How could she be expected to hold back the floodgates when a succubus with an ass to die for was grinding against her cock, squeezing her member tightly between those delectable curves.
Leona stared at the duo in awe. It was a wonderful sight to behold. Diana’s position looked quite precarious (and quite enviable). The Solari couldn’t help but wonder how it would feel to have her cock positioned between Evelynn’s mouthwatering buns, grinding hard against her in what could only be described as furious outercourse. She decided that when she won (which could be at any moment now if Diana’s lewd moans were any indication) she would take Diana in this same manner, grinding her cock against the Lunari’s ass before plunging forth to claim it as her own. The very fantasy of it made her cock twitch a single time with excitement.
Diana’s eyes went wide as she felt herself pushed even close to the edge. Evelynn’s ass felt like heaven; two soft pillows encompassing and massaging every inch of her cock, milking it thoroughly as it begged for release. The only thing preventing her from cumming all over her own face was her will to win this competition. Not for pride or glory, but for the prize that lay at the end of this race. Leona would be hers. Totally and completely. If the Lunari wanted to achieve that dream, she could not afford to cum. Not now.
“Huh.” Evelynn mused, easing herself off Diana’s throbbing, leaking cock. “I am honestly surprised you made it through that. Well done. You survive another round.”
Diana’s head slumped back, her breaths deep and ragged as she took a moment of respite.
Yet it was short lived.
“Alright, no dilly-dallying. Let’s keep this pace up. Question six: what is the full title of the scribe responsible for inciting the fourth rune war?”
“Kselyk the Unwise.” Answered Leona after a few moments of thought. She was genuinely surprised that Diana had not responded instantly; between the two of them, she was undoubtedly the bookworm. There was no doubt in Leona’s mind that she knew the answer, but perhaps…
The Solari gazed at her counterpart, noting the lack of focus in her eyes and the unsteady swaying of her head.
...perhaps she was a bit out of it. She had lost two, now three, times in a row, after all. Even her will, indomitable as it was, had its limits.
“Correct!” Rang Evelynn, practically jumping with glee. “Let’s do a bonus question though! Just for you, Leona. If you get it right, I’ll please whichever part of Diana’s body you wish, but if you get it wrong, you’ll be taking her place.”
Leona gulped, a nervous tingling running through her limbs, but still nodded in agreement. She knew that Diana was currently weakened, but she wouldn’t be for long. Given enough time to recover, she’d be back in fighting order shortly. Now was the time to strike. To go for the kill. After all, she knew the chink in Diana’s armor; the Lunari had revealed it to her months ago in a passing comment after a night of drinking. Unfortunately, the place that drove Diana and Leona crazy with pleasure was one and the same. If she lost this bonus round, she’d lose her advantage in the game. Hell, she may even blow her load before she got to another round. But, in her mind, it was a gamble worth taking.
“Here’s the bonus question.” Sang out Evelynn, the succubus having far too much fun at the expense of the two Targonians. “Explain to me, in vivid detail, exactly what Kselyk the Unwise did that kicked off the fourth rune war. If I find your answer sufficient, we will move forward with Diana reaping the punishment. If not, it will be turned onto you.”
Leona chewed the question over in her head. She knew the answer. Everyone did. The tale was infamous across every region. The fourth rune war was the bloodiest and widest reaching of all. The carnage sewed by Kselyk the Unwise left a pulsing, bleeding scar across all the lands of Runeterra. That was the problem. The question was too easy. Evelynn must have wanted extensive detail. A quick summary would not suffice. Leona did her best to recount the story as best she could in her head before she spoke it aloud:
“Kselyk the Unwise was an understudy to Xavier the Disturbed, a man who was widely regarded as one of the greatest rune scribes to ever walk the earth. Xavier had a long record of translating historical documents and grand stories lost within the dead languages etched into said runes; he was a legend amongst men, a powerful individual who won wars and hearts alike, not through the sharpness of his sword or the girth of his chest, but with the skill of his pen. During his later years, he was commissioned by a collection of powerful kings to transcribe a mysterious tablet. Not much was definitively known about the tablet, but the kings suspected that within its complicated symbols and glyphs lay the secret to transmutation, an ancient eldritch magic that was only ever spoken of in stories. Most believed it to be just that; tall tales about old world wizards, mighty and wise in their craft, changing granite into gold through a complex incantation. It was the type of parable to put children to sleep. Yet, as Xavier began his transcribing, he realized that not only was transmutation magic real, it was far simpler to perform than even the stories imagined. With this newfound knowledge, he could have become a god. Changed every rock he saw into valuable metals and precious gems until he amassed such an inordinate amount of wealth that he could command the most potent army to ever grace Runeterra. But Xavier was honorable. He had been hired to do a job, and he would see it through until its end. After he finished transcribing the tablet, he gave the translated text to his understudy, Kselyk, with the task of delivering it to the court of kings who had hired him. But Kselyk, in her foolishness, had accidentally switched the transcription with one of her personal writings. A letter to a far away friend, the contents of which were… extremely graphic. As the kings read this incorrect document, gazing upon deviant sexual acts described in such painfully disgusting detail, they assumed they had been hoodwinked. In their minds, the only possible explanation was Xavier attempting to take power for himself. Using what he had learned to begin amassing his own forces. And the letter they had received? The disgraceful, shameless, lewd writings? They figured that was Xavier’s way of mocking them. At first the kings were united against him. But doubt soon crept into their hearts. They began trusting each other less. Scheming against each other more. They suspected their counterparts were in cahoots with Xavier. They mobilized their forces. Waged war upon each other and the world at large, all attempting to seize power whenever and wherever they could. Before long, they had forgotten about Xavier and transmutation entirely. Their only goal became world domination. And that is how Kselyk the Unwise started the fourth rune war. By mixing up the secret to the most powerful magic known to the universe with a smut letter written to a friend.”
“Hmm… quite the lengthy explanation.” Evelynn chewed her lip. “Alright, before I tell you whether that is correct or not, tell me which part of Diana… or yourself... I should focus on this next punishment round.”
“That’s easy.” Leona smirked. “Go for her ass. It’ll drive her crazy.”
Truth be told, the Solari was anything but cocky. In fact, she was practically sweating bullets. She was fairly certain that her explanation had been sound, but if Evelynn rejected it… she’d be in a world of trouble. Nothing got her juiced up more than some light (or heavy) assplay.
Judging by how wide Diana’s eyes went after the Solari’s suggestion, she had similar feelings. Both the Aspects turned their attention towards Evelynn, nervous shivers running through their fingertips as they awaited her judgement.
“Gooood choice.” The succubus crooned. “I’ve been wanting to get into your backdoors since you both graced my eyes in the bar. I’m sure I’m not alone in that sentiment. Regardless, here’s the answer you’ve both been waiting for: Leona, your explanation of Kselyk’s involvement in the fourth rune war is… correct!”
Leona breathed a heavy sigh of relief whilst Diana shuddered in horror.
“And also incorrect!”
Leona stared at the blue skinned woman incredulously.
“You got about 95 percent of that explanation perfectly right, but you were wrong in saying that Kselyk accidentally switched the documents. In reality, she knew exactly what she was doing. Her motivation was to see how much she could flip the scales of order and unleash chaos. She did follow the old gods, after all.”
“So correct and incorrect… what happens now?” Leona asked, scared to find out but needing to know.
“We enter sudden death. I’m going to please both of you simultaneously until one of you cums. The questioning is over. From now on we’re full gas, no breaks.”
“That’s hardly fair!” Leona exclaimed. “I’ve gotten question after question correct to gain an advantage over her, why should we both be put to the fire like this when there is still so much more game to play?”
“Oh? But isn’t this exactly what you wanted? To prove which woman was superior, once and for all?” Evelynn took position behind the chairs of the two women, her hands reaching out to grab hold of their shafts while her eyes hungrily leered at their exposed asses.
On one hand, Leona found it more than unjust that she’d been forced into this sudden death round. She’d had Diana on the ropes in the last few rounds, the silver haired Aspect being pushed so closely to her limit that she hadn’t even made a sarcastic quip or joke in recent memory. That was as good a sign as any that she was on the verge of losing. Having this situation become sudden death changed the entire dynamic. It took away the Solari’s advantage of having a sharper mind, which could be seen even now in how dizzy and disoriented Diana looked. Playing this final round essentially leveled the playing field.
…to a degree.
While it was certainly true that Leona had lost the advantage of having a (relatively) clear mind, she also hadn’t been touched in quite a few rounds. She felt strong. Durable. Revitalized. She’d been in trouble in those first few rounds, but now her member had had enough time to rest. Meanwhile, her counterpart was practically panting with need. Diana’s cock ached and throbbed and pulsed in desperate desire, a rogue strand of precum occasionally dripping down to kiss her cheek or lips. Leona figured that if Evelynn truly did go for both of their weak spots, which the succubus certainly seemed to be eyeing hungrily, that she would be able to hold off her urges far better than Diana could in such a perilous state. Her odds were good. Probably as good as they could be.
But, more importantly, Leona found herself agreeing with Evelynn’s words. This was exactly what she wanted. It’s what she’d been fantasizing about for years. A true sexual bout. A test of mental fortitude. Just the two of them. Mano y mano. As it was always meant to be.
For Diana, she had little say in the matter. Her head was still spinning from the overload of pleasure. And yet, somewhere deep down, in the most resilient, unbreakable part of her mind, she was grinning like a madman. Accepting the challenge. Throwing down the gauntlet. She may have been down, but she was never truly out. If it was a war Leona wanted, then it was a war she would get.
“Alright ladies,” Evelynn spoke as she stood behind the two women, a slight bend in her knees to give easy access to their holes. “Chips are down. Cards are on the table. One last round to decide who owns who. All or nothing... Here. We. Go.”
Evelynn’s grip on both women’s cocks tightened the moment she uttered her final syllable, her hands working overtime as they pumped sensual, long, medium-paced strokes along Diana and Leona’s equally impressive shafts. They both were quick to respond to the stimulation, moaning and groaning sounds of strained, reluctant pleasure, doubly-so when the demonette spat large globs of saliva atop the crest of their balls. Her spittle quickly raced down their members and weaved its way between her fingers, creating an oh-so-heavenly lubricating agent that greatly enhanced the fluidity and feel of the entire process.
Still, despite their almost painful cries of bliss, despite the fact that this was all she really needed to do to get one of them to cum, Evelynn did not limit herself to a simple handjob. She’d made a promise. A promise to eat ass. A promise to bring them beyond what they knew of pleasure itself.
She intended to uphold that promise, come hell or high water.
Her eyes flicked from Leona’s pucker to Diana’s, her mind racing as she tried to decide which one to sample first. They both looked equally inviting. Equally delectable. Much like the Targonian women themselves. But, ultimately, it was Leona who suggested this be Diana’s punishment. It was Leona who thought she could use the art of rimming to win this duel. It felt almost poetic, then, that she should suffer it first.
Evelynn sunk her mouth between the spread, upward facing cheeks of Leona’s derrière, her tongue uncoiling as if it was that of a viper’s. Down trailed that slippery appendage, finding its mark on the outer rim of Leona’s most sacred hole, licking soft, enchanting circles around it. The Solari’s body tensed in response, her moans shifting from a low and steady timbre to a high, almost whining pitch as the demonette gently tongued her asshole.
Prior to the rimjob, Leona’s mind had been focused, at least as focused as one could expect while a literal succubus tugged on your cock, her only goal being that of your orgasm. Still, she held on well, knowing that all she had to do was outlast an already weakened Diana. It was daunting but doable. However, the moment that serpent and her devilish tongue made contact with her ass, her brain turned into mashed potatoes. Gone was all sense of rational thought, replaced by a wantonly euphoric need that burned for release. The only thing that kept her from not cumming on the spot was the last vestige of her competitive spirit. Even with her mind turned to mush, her rivalry with the Lunari was buried so deep within her soul, so emotionally scarred into her psyche, that she was quite literally incapable of forgetting it. Even when her body wanted with every fiber of its being to simply let go and cum all over herself, her spirit remained intact. It was bloody and bruised but unbroken.
Evelynn might have been harsh, but she was not entirely without mercy. Her ass eating was succinct. She only spent around fifteen seconds on the Solari’s backdoor before she removed her tongue, licking her lips as she felt a boiling, ravenous desire mounting inside her chest. Even during her more extreme feeding sessions, she’d never been this turned on. The dripping wetness between her legs was a testament to that.
“Mmm…” She purred, leaning over the Solari to make eye contact as she continued pumping both women’s shafts. “Your asshole likes attention, doesn’t it?”
Leona could only mewl in response as a nodule of precum dribbled from her dickhead, landing squarely against her chin. She was already dangerously close to cumming, and had the succubus continued licking her ass for a few seconds longer, she was fairly certain she would have. But, fortunately, she was granted a miniscule reprieve as Evelynn’s gaze shifted over to her adversary.
Like a lion stalking prey, the demonette pounced from one ass to the other, her tongue slipping inside Diana’s warm, succulent hole, giving the succubus her second helping of ass for the night. As opposed to Leona, the Lunari’s reaction was far more physically muted. She’d been emitting small, soft groans ever since Evelynn had begun jerking her cock, but they did not seem to rise at all in intensity as she ate her ass.
Leona was equally shocked and demoralized to see the Moonborn’s lack of reaction. She began to question if Diana even had a thing for buttplay to begin with. She’d mentioned it before, but what if that had been a joke? Or a lie? What if this entire play she’d made, this gamble she’d taken, had been nothing but a cruelly misplaced self-sabotage? What if Diana actually hated having her ass teased and tended to?
And yet, unbeknownst to the Solari’s scrutinizing gaze, the inside of Diana’s mind was a vortex of sheer chaos and pleasure that sewed mental carnage on a biblical scale.
The Lunari was indeed into assplay. Quite a lot, actually. Like, a lot, a lot. There were many nights and many days where she got off from it alone, her cock not even needing the stimulation of a single one of her digits to achieve release.
On top of that, Diana was already far more enraptured in the near throes of orgasmic bliss due to her extended losing streak. When Evelynn drove her tongue straight down the Moonborn’s hole, it functionally short circuited her brain. All the pleasure, that all-consuming, electrifying pleasure, manifested inside her body instead of outside. So yes, physically, she appeared totally indifferent to the demonette’s servicing tongue. However, if one were astute in their observation, they may notice the violent aching and throbbing of her cock, needily bouncing up and down in glee as Evelynn continued her stroking.
Diana felt a pressure building in her testacles. Despite the pleasure-infused havoc that ran rampant across her mind, she was still sound enough, just barely, to not give in. But even she had her limitations. A few more seconds of this, and there would be no stopping the inevitable…
Just as she felt she was going to pop, the demonette retracted her tongue. A deep, desperate breath escaped Diana’s lips as she was shocked back to reality, her body finally catching up with her mind. Her moans got throatier, heavier, more needy, but without the succubus rimming her asshole, she felt confident that she could hold on. For a little while, at least.
She watched as Evelynn went back towards Leona, sloppily kissing and tonguing her peach rosebud, even more spit dripping down from the sensitive area towards her shaft. The succubus had been slowly upping the pace of her hands’ diligent work; what had started as a pair of mildly enthusiastic handjobs had evolved into a desperately shameless beat off session.
Back and forth Evelynn went, alternating her tongue between the two women’s assholes as their cocks strained under her tight grasp. Truth be told, both of them looked as if they could break at any given moment. The demonette was genuinely surprised they’d lasted this long to begin with. She’d rimmed them for what felt like five minutes at least. Considering the nympholespy spell that coursed through their veins, they should have been cumming buckets after thirty seconds of this. It was a testament to their willpower. Nothing else, be it stamina or endurance or strength, could have gotten them this far.
She knew the end was near, though. She could feel it. A crescendo of arousal emanating from both of them. Bubbling under the skin like a kettle of boiling water. It tasted glorious. Although feeding on people’s lust made her horny, she hardly ever actually finished. Most people just didn’t last long enough to get her there. At this rate, however…
If nothing else, they’d given her a far, far better meal than even she had been expecting.
Leona and Diana moaned and whined like brazen sluts, all of their toes and fingers curling tightly, their muscles taut and flexed, as they tried to stave off the ungodly temptation to let that intoxicating release manifest. They both knew that if they indulged in that desire, if even for a second, it would spell their own cum-covered doom.
No matter who won or lost, it could not be denied that they’d truly had a legendary fight. A vicious struggle to the very end, with each woman going above and beyond what could possibly be expected from even someone as powerful as an Aspect. All things being equal, they both should’ve been able to hold their heads high after this war reached its climactic conclusion.
But war has no place for sentiment or feel-good stories. War remembers only who is left standing. Who has won... and who has lost.
Diana shut her eyes tightly, mewling and shaking as Evelynn’s hand deftly stroked her cock, finally pushing her beyond the limit.
“No… I-I’m g-gonna..!”
The Lunari turned her head towards the source of the voice, watching as Leona momentarily bit her lip before her mouth went open in shock, her facial expression that of someone utterly and entirely dumbstruck. Her cock trembled as Evelynn ate her ass until it finally convulsed, raining rope after rope of thick, sticky cum down upon her own waiting face.
“Noooooo…” She cried, powerless to do anything but take it like a true loser.
Evelynn let go of Diana’s cock immediately, saving her from her own orgasm which was only a second or two away. But the demonette was not finished, of course. She doubled her efforts on Leona, slurping and rimming her winking asshole, stroking and pumping her throbbing shaft. She quickly brought her newly freed hand between her legs, furiously jilling her dripping womanhood in delight as she watched Leona cover herself in her own seed with pleased eyes.
Diana, her own member still aching desperately for release, smiled weakly at the sight of her rival’s defeat. It was beautiful and tragic. Haunting and bewitching. Like the burning of Rome. The Solari was helpless to the whims of her cock, whining in both pleasurable delight and painful defeat as it continued twitching, gushing a seemingly endless stream of cum onto her visage.
This was everything Diana had hoped for and more. There sat her lifelong rival, mewling like a common whore as she painted herself in her own milky white girl cream. A great deal of the virile substance landed into her moaning mouth, adding insult atop injury. She promptly sputtered and coughed, spitting out as much of her own essence as she could manage.
Meanwhile, Evelynn could not suppress her own moans any longer, crying out between the Solari’s plump cheeks as she achieved orgasm. A trail of clear, viscous liquid leaked forth from her quivering womanhood and onto the ground below her, forming a small pool which she soon fell into ass-first, collapsing from the fantastic feelings that plagued her mind.
“Swallow it. Swallow it all.” Diana commanded, her strength and vigor already beginning to return as she subconsciously realized just how close she was to receiving the ultimate prize that lay at the end of this race.
“Fuck you.” Rang Leona’s response between coughs and gags, her cock’s pulsating finally slowing asher orgasm concluded. It was a massive one, at that. Her face had practically been doused in the clear liquid, creating a shiny sheen of pure shame. Most of it was concentrated on her cheeks, lips, and chin, though there were a few smatterings here and there on her forehead and eyebrows. None in the eyes, fortunately.
“Fuck me? I don’t think so.” The Lunari taunted. “I’ll be fucking you, though. Evelynn, release me from these bonds so that I may claim my rightful conquest.”
Diana looked around incredulously for the MIA demonette. Just a moment ago she’d been above the Solari, working her cock and ass like a… well, like a succubus. It took a moment to spot the blue-skinned woman laying on the floor below them, apparently passed out in a pool of her own cum.
“Evelynn.” Diana barked, irritation in her tone. “Evelynn!”
“Huh?!” Yelped the demonette, her head rising slightly off the ground as the Lunari’s voice jolted her back to the realm of the living.
“Get your ass up and free me!”
“Oh… right. Sorry, I was… uh…” She trailed off, staggering towards Diana’s chair.
“Yeah, yeah, whatever. Just hurry.”
It did not take Evelynn long to release Diana from her bindings. As soon as she did, the succubus walked to the wall in front of the two chairs and sat against it, her hand trailing down between her thighs, lazily rubbing at her nethers. The contest itself was just foreplay. Now the real show began.
Finally unchained, Diana flipped herself off the chair and onto her feet in one fluid motion. She stalked towards the bound Solari, enjoying the primal look of fear that laced her auburn eyes.
“Well, well, well.” She began, circling around the Sunborn’s chair as if she was prey, her tone haughty and patronizing. “You showed some real spunk, Leona. Even made it close for a time. But I think we both knew exactly where we would end up at the end of it all.”
“Like hell.” Spat the Solari. “You won. I can admit that. But if you think that I wanted this outcome, you’re an idiot. I wanted to win more than anything.”
“And yet…” Diana leaned over the top of Leona’s chair, propping herself up via her elbows which rested atop the Solari’s ass cheeks. “Even after such a humiliating defeat, your cock is still as hard as it was when we first began.”
“T-That’s… well…”
“Even after all that cum you covered yourself with, you still have more to give.” Diana ran her fingers over Leona’s balls. “Deep down, I think you can’t wait for me to fuck the daylight right out of you.”
Diana climbed up the chair, positioning herself so that she balanced atop its back in a crouching position. Fortunately, the top was wide enough to support her feet. She used both hands to spread Leona’s cheeks, widening her asshole in preparation for what was to come. Between the Lunari’s legs stood her shaft, erect and at full attention, waiting to be launched as if it was a nuclear missile.
“What do you say, Leo?” She crooned, spitting on her hand and pumping it along her shaft. “Ready to taste the moon?”
The Solari only offered her adversary a glare of unfettered resentment in response.
“I’ll turn that frown upside down in no time.”
Diana wasted no time in taking it slow, opting instead to thrust herself inside Leona’s tight hole like a wild animal. Considering how many times she’d been teased to the verge of climax tonight, she practically was. The Solari took her member surprisingly well. Too well. No ass was capable of taking a dick as impressive as Diana’s, or any dick for that matter, without proper training. With how easy it was for her to just slide on in…
“Say, Leo.” Diana moaned, pausing with about half her cock inside the Solari’s asshole. “You wouldn’t happen to have any experience with this, would you?”
The Lunari grinned from counterpart’s lack of auditory response, her hardened stare confirming her initial suspicions. Armed with the knowledge that Leona was no amateur in the arts of anal sex, Diana cut away every last inhibition that remained inside her mind.
She slammed her hips up and down, thrusting her cock with mighty force as if it was a mechanical piston into Leona’s asshole. Bolts of pure heroine shot up her spine, in large part because she felt that fucking asses was simply the highest form of pleasure in the extensive catalogue of known human experiences, but also because of whose ass she was fucking. This was no ordinary barmaid or prostitute or brothel wench. This was the Radiant Dawn. The commander of the Solari. The Aspect of the Sun. And she was moaning like a shameless whore on the end of Diana’s divine rod.
Indeed, the Lunari was caught off guard by Leona’s almost immediately positive reaction. With all her previous glowers and glares, she’d expected her to hate having her ass defiled. But reality has a funny way of subverting one’s expectations. Leona was not groaning in pain, or staring up at her rival in defiance, or shouting curses upon her family to the heavens above. Instead, she was absolutely loving it, her stiff cock bouncing to and fro, twitching with excitement as Diana plundered her backdoor like a buccaneer plundered treasure.
“No lube, No—hng—prep, and yet you’re still taking this like a champ.” Diana chirped between moans, her desire to verbally berate and humiliate her rival not yet overshadowed by her unrestrained lust. “You’re just a brazen little buttslut, aren’t you?”
“N-No!” The Solari moaned, her body’s need to verbalize the euphoric pleasure coursing through her veins quite literally contradicting her words.
“Oh, I think you are. And I think I’ll get you to admit it by the end of this.”
Diana grinned as she continued pounding her rival. The feeling of her cock being so warmly and tightly embraced inside Leona’s anal cavity sent unrestrained packets of dopamine straight to her brain. She gazed down, meeting Leona’s eyes with her own and admiring the gorgeous sight of desperation and neediness that painted her face. The Lunari could have forced herself to last longer. To pound away for a few minutes more before finally reaching a spectacular finish. But what was the point? She’d been on the edge of orgasm for what felt like hours at this point and it wasn’t as if she planned to stop after one. Why not let herself cut loose?
Diana plunged her hips down hard, piledriving her cock to the furthest depth it could reach inside Leona’s gaping hole. Fully sheathed inside her prize, the Lunari threw her head back and moaned, her cock pulsing as she emptied a massive load of thick cum into Leona’s ass. The Solari gasped as she felt the hot, slimy liquid filling up her insides. The Lunari’s orgasm had set off a chain reaction inside Leona, her own cock bobbing and bouncing happily until it too reached climax, causing her to ejculate on herself for the second time that day.
Diana looked down with a grin, lavishing in the Solari’s pleasure and pain. She gripped the base of her counterpart’s sunkissed cock, changing the angle of it in an effort to direct the semen’s area of effect towards her breasts. It worked with resounding success, covering Leona’s tits in creamy white goodness. Of course, her face had not been entirely spared, as the few seconds Diana spent watching her counterpart cum had resulted in several elongated landing strips of cum that stretched from her chin over her lips and towards her forehead.
For a few moments the two women remained silent, save for their ragged gasps of air. Diana looked down at her rival with a grin, savoring every possible second of this heavenly experience. Watching Leona cum from Evelynn’s machinations was one thing; making Leona cum from fucking her up the ass was a whole other.
But the Moonborn was far from satisfied. One measly orgasm would not suffice in her conquest to own her rival in every sense of the word. She unsheathed her cock from Leona’s ass, enjoying the way the once tight hole now looked slightly gaped and open. She climbed down the chair wordlessly, shooting a wink towards Evelynn (whose hand was still busy between her own legs) before walking around the Solari until she stood above her face. Leona looked up, pupils craning at the top of her eyes as she saw Diana’s stiff, cum covered cock swaying above her head in an intimidating manner.
“Open.” She commanded.
“Fuck no. That thing was just up my ass. If you think I’m putting it in my mouth—”
“Oh spare me.” Diana snapped. “Do you really expect me to believe that you haven’t done this sort of thing before?”
Leona looked away bashfully..
“Exactly. Now open.”
The Solari reluctantly did as she was told, parting her lips slightly. That gave Diana all the incentive she needed as she quickly thrust her member inside Leona’s mouth, forcing her lips to part much further in order to receive its girth. She gagged and sputtered around it, both from the salty taste of cum that lined its shaft and because of its large size. However, she was given no time to adjust, as Diana began shoving it down her throat mercilessly, her cries for a slower experience falling on deaf ears.
Evelynn watched from the other side of the room, her cheeks a dark shade of crimson, her breaths deep and unsteady. She had the best seat in the house, getting a fabulous angle of the Lunari’s voluptuous backside as she throatfucked the Solari into submission, her loud gagging and Diana’s occasional grunts filling the air as if they were a beautiful song.
The Lunari found herself in a state of nirvana. Leona’s throat was a whole lot wetter and perhaps even tighter than her other hole, and though it was a bit harder to bottom out inside of, she had no intention of taking it easy. The Solari had earned this fate the moment she lost the contest. She had no right to complain about this. Not that she could, anyway. Hard to speak when you have an eight inch cock rammed down your gullet.
Leona found her eyes crossing from the pain. She wanted to pass out, wanted to escape this humiliation, but alas, she was an Aspect. It would take a lot more than this to send her mind to sleep. It didn’t help that Diana’s still bloated balls slapped against her forehead every time she plunged herself deep into her mouth. It was utterly embarrassing.
Diana groaned in glee, reaching up to take a handful of the Solari’s testicles into her grasp, massaging and teasing them gingerly, earning a moan from her counterpart below her. Diana decided that it felt much better to have Leona moan around her cock as opposed to gag and complain, so she continued her ministrations, moving down to stroke the Solari’s shaft, pumping it hard and fast to achieve the quickest results.
It worked like a charm. Leona’s muffled cries of pain quickly turned into muffled cries of pleasure, her deep, syrupy groans reverberating around the Lunari’s cock as if she was fucking a vibrating hole. Unfortunately, it worked a little too well, as Diana could already feel her second orgasm on the verge of release. She shifted her hand away from Leona’s cock, opting instead to tease the rim of her asshole with just two fingers. She swirled the digits along the sensitive area, eliciting even louder sounds of pleasure from the Solari, resulting in even more pleasure for herself.
Her thrusting increased in pace two fold as she felt herself go over an orgasmic edge that there was no coming back from. Her gentle fingering of Leona’s ass turned far more aggressive, rubbing the puckered star rapidly to make her human onahole moan as loud as she could. Said moans coaxed another orgasm from Diana’s cock, shooting the entirety of her load down the Solari’s throat, her contracting muscles practically massaging the Moonborn’s member as it spasmed and twitched.
Just as Leona felt herself also approaching orgasm, Diana ripped her hand away, leaving the Solari edged but unfinished. She practically screeched a ‘reeeee’ in response, but with several inches of superior Lunari cock down her throat, it came out muffled and muted. Leona’s cock bounced in need, so close to the brink but never being pushed over.
The irony of the situation was not lost on Diana, who spent her time moaning around a single one of the digits that had just been playing with Leona’s asshole, her own member’s excitement starting to come to an end as it pulsed weakly inside the Solari’s throat. Not an hour ago, Leona would have hated the idea of being made to cum on her own face. Hence the reason she’d fought so hard to avoid such a fate. But now, after having been defeated in the competition and worn down from Diana’s brutal fucking, she was practically whining that Diana had denied her orgasm, even though she knew that that orgasm would only result in more cum on her own face. More shame to her name. More power to the Lunari.
Diana pulled her wet, freshly cleaned member free from Leona’s mouth, the auburn haired woman gasping for air the moment it left her maw, sputtering and coughing on the fresh load that still coated her throat.
“At least finish me off!” She snarled, a mixture of rage and desperation evident in the glower she shot Diana’s way.
The Lunari chuckled. “Maybe I will. Maybe I won’t. Depends on how well you eat ass.”
“What are you—hmfhhh!”
Leona found her words cut short from the sudden force of Diana’s ass being pressed into her cheeks. The Lunari had been quick, turning around so that she now faced Evelynn before sitting down on the Solari’s face, planting her asshole directly against her rival’s lips. The succubus happily made eye contact with Diana, sucking her sticky, cum covered fingers before returning them to her womanhood. The Lunari shot an eyebrow up at the demonette’s show but was unable to revel for long; as soon as she felt that Solari tongue servicing her asshole, the only thing on her mind were a variety of complex stratagems that entailed ways to avoid cumming in thirty seconds flat. Or less.
Diana wantonly moaned, her cock throbbing as Leona tended to her backdoor. Truth be told, she hadn’t expected her to indulge in it so easily. Then again, she had no idea how often the Sunborn had dreamed of this very scenario. Well, not this very scenario, with her being tied up and covered in her own cum and humiliated beyond all possible repair, but instead the scenario of eating and worshipping Diana’s ass.
The Sunborn had always felt that adulthood had been especially kind to the Lunari. Her curves filled out so nicely… none more so than that smother-yourself-to-death-with ass of hers. The way it jiggled and flexed when they fought, or lightly bounced to the tune of her gait as they traveled to a location. It made Leona utterly ravenous. Accordingly, when presented with an opportunity to indulge in one of the more prominent fantasies that occupied her nightly thoughts, Leona neglected to recall how brutally the Lunari had treated her thus far. She neglected to recall how mortified she was from this contest turned enslavement. All those negative thoughts just slipped away, replaced by the desire to finally get a taste of the heavenly ass she’d only been able to secretly stare at for years now.
And it did not disappoint.
Her tongue glided across Diana’s smooth pucker, licking in circles before diving inside, only to repeat the process over and over again. Everything about it was perfect, from taste to smell to feel, all while having the Lunari rest her buxom ass cheeks gingerly on her face. It was like being smothered with a little piece of heaven.
Diana’s heart beat fast as she moaned restless desire to the sky above, sitting atop her sun worshipping (or perhaps moon worshipping) servant as if she was a throne. She brought her right hand down, jerking her cock rapidly while reconnecting her eyes to Evelynn’s. The succubus was sitting in a literal puddle of her own excitement, her hand a blur between her thighs as she jilled herself to another orgasm. Seeing the demonette cum, watching her body contort and twist and writhe under such stupefying sensations, sent Diana completely overboard, her cock spraying a freshly made batch of seed a distance so impressively far across the room it was as if it was trying to reach Evelynn herself.
Nevertheless, Diana rose from her newfound chair as soon as her third orgasm subsided, much to the chagrin of Leona. She almost seemed to pout as the Lunari walked away. But those feelings were quickly trumped by the painful aching in her cock, a need for release.
“Diana…” She trembled, her voice deep and laced with need. “Please…”
The Lunari strode her way behind the Sunborn’s chair, taking notice of a lever underneath it. Curious, she kicked the lever down, causing Leona’s chair to flip downwards about 90 degrees. The result? Leona was still bound, but now instead of being basically upside down, she was level, laying with her back completely horizontal to the ground.
“Mm… Now this is an interesting position.” Diana purred.
“Please…” Leona repeated. “Make me cum.”
The Lunari rubbed her hard cock against Leona’s, eliciting a few lusty moans from her rival.
“Hmm…” She thought aloud. “You do seem pretty desperate. But where’s the fun in giving you what you want?”
Leona groaned, doubly so when Diana ended their frotting session only to rub her cock against the Solari’s backdoor, teasing her.
“Please! Just fuck me!”
“I thought you’d never ask.”
Diana thrust her cock inside Leona’s asshole for the second time that evening, although it was even less resistant at this juncture. It swallowed her cock whole, greedily taking every inch she had as Leona moaned in complete and utter bliss. Their new position was basically missionary, and although it was fairly vanilla, it did give Diana a chance to use her hips much more. As a result, her thrusting was even more frenzied, more rabid, and more powerful. She slammed her cock in and out at a breakneck pace, enjoying how every insertion greeted her with warmth and tightness, while every extraction left Leona’s cavity hugging her member as if it was sad to see it leave.
Leona’s eyes rolled back, her mind totally enraptured in the throes of pleasure as her cock bounced from the sheer force of Diana's pounding. It had only been a minute or two, but the Lunari could already feel herself building towards a release. What’s more, considering the amount of precum dribbling from her rival’s cock, Leona wasn’t very far either.
“Still think you aren’t a buttslut?” She taunted.
“Say it! Say it or I’m pulling out and never fucking your ass again.”
With the Lunari holding her hostage, Leona had little choice. If she were stronger, maybe she could resist this temptation, but she was so painfully close to an ungodly orgasm. There was nothing she could do but accept defeat. She took a shallow breath and mentally apologized to her future self she was forsaking for her current self’s pleasure.
Diana grinned at the defeated, desperate woman. “Good girl.”
Her thrusts resumed in intensity, causing Leona’s member to spasm and twitch in joy, her voice moaning louder than she had the whole night as her pleasure reached a fever pitch and sent her into a powerful climax. Diana had managed to grab its base and redirect it towards her intended target just as it shot its first rope of hot spunk. Leona’s first torrent of cum landed directly in her open, moaning mouth, just as every subsequent shot did. The Lunari was a sneakily good sharpshooter, after all. The Solari chose not to spit out her own seed this time, instead letting it rest there as her mind was nearly flayed to pieces from the overload of pure ecstasy. Once her cock finally finished cumming, she looked to Diana, her eyes filled with nothing more than submission and obedience.
“Swallow.” Diana commanded again.
And she did.
She swallowed her own cum. A slave to her new master’s whims. That anal orgasm was so much more powerful than everything else she’d experienced thus far, even her first anal orgasm. Diana had used extreme pleasure to bend Leona’s soul over her knee and spank it into compliance.
The Lunari stood up, pleased with the dazed look on her new pet’s face. She turned around, eyeing the succubus who was still slumped against the wall, still masturbating as if she hadn’t a single care in the world.
And she truly didn’t. This had been a night for the ages. There was little that could change that.
That is until Diana started approaching her.
Something in the Moonborn’s eyes sent panic straight to the succubus’ brain. They were cold and hard, squinted slightly and guarded, but there was an unmistakable rage hidden under the calm current of those deep rivers.
“W-What are you doing, Diana?” Evelynn stammered, reflexively trying to retreat only to realize her back was already against the wall.
“You.” Diana spat, coming to a halt just in front of the sitting demonette, her intimidating shadow looming large above. “You drugged us. Kidnapped us. Fed on our lust.”
“Y-You know, there’s, uh, a few reasons for you to be upset... but let’s not get hasty and—”
Evelynn was silenced as a pale hand clasped tightly around her throat, constricting both her words and her ability to breathe.
“I should gut you here and now…” Diana’s grip eased up, if only slightly. “But I won’t. Your machinations, albeit unethical, allowed me to claim the Sunborn as a pet, and for that I am thankful. I will spare your life.”
Evelynn breathed a slight sigh of relief before whispering though clamped vocal chords, “Can I go, then?”
“I don’t think so.” Diana hand renewed its vice-like grip, dragging the demonette by the throat from a sitting position to a standing one. “You still need to be punished.”
The Lunari spun Evelynn around and pressed herself into her, forcing the succubus’ breasts and face to smush up against the wall. Meanwhile, Diana’s supple breasts and rigid cock caressed her back and hotdogged between her buns.
“Oh, god!” Evelynn moaned, her cunt dripping from the forced stimulation and closeness of Diana. “Don’t do it, please!”
Truth be told, the succubus wanted nothing more than for Diana to do it. To shove that thick rod all the way up her pussy until they were both seeing stars. It wasn’t often, or ever really, that one of her victims actually survived long enough to fuck her after she’d gotten hot and bothered from feasting on them. It appeared that Diana was simply constructed divergently, visibly unaffected by the demonette’s steady draining of her life force throughout the evening. Perhaps Targonian Aspects simply had a well of life so deep that it would take far more than just a night of wild, soul-sucking sex to phase them.
Regardless, Evelynn had been hoping that the Moonborn would turn her eyes towards her at some point. The fear and panic she showed as the Lunari threatened her? That was just roleplay. The reality was that she could easily kill Diana at any moment she wished. What was the fun in that, though? She found it much more exhilarating to pretend that she was powerless. To be taken and used like a piece of meat.
She was already dripping with excitement, and when Diana reached down to roughly stroke her womanhood a few times? Her cunt was practically a leaky faucet. The Lunari used the succubus’ precum as makeshift lubrication, rubbing it along the length of her member to prepare it for entry. She took a half-step back, using both her hands to spread the moaning demonette’s ass cheeks wide, gazing at those beautifully enticing holes of hers.
The anticipation was killing Evelynn. She needed something in her snatch now. She needed to be filled up like a common whore. She wanted to be fucked until she couldn’t stand. It would be the perfect finale to this fantastic night.
Imagine her surprise when she felt Diana’s bulbous dickhead poke and prod at her other hole.
“H-Hey!” She snapped, all sense of roleplay gone from her tone. “Knock it off!”
Her commands were ignored by the Lunari as she stared at the tight, blue starfish that was Evelynn’s asshole.
“Diana! Stop! Stop! Wrong hole! Wrong ho— AHHHH!!!”
The Moonborn forced her cock inside Evelynn’s impossibly tight ass as the blue-skinned woman in front of her screamed bloody murder. She was fully capable of stopping Diana of her own volition… up until now. The moment the Lunari’s cock entered her asshole her mind became splintered, clouded with raging typhoons of pain and pleasure. She couldn't even think, much less remember how to cast a spell; the only functions her brain continued to operate with were the ones that kept her standing and moaning and screaming.
“Holy shit!” Diana groaned, her cock met with such severe tightness and resilience that she was almost unable to push it forward. “You are so fucking tight back here.”
She could only push her cock forward a half inch or so every few seconds, and even that required great effort. Every time she plundered forth, Evelynn would release a new barrage of moans, composed of equal parts agony and ecstasy.
“Have you never taken it up the ass before, Evelynn?” The Lunari asked, groaning between words as the succubus’ warm entrance hugged her cock tightly.
The demonette offered no response, her mind seemingly absent as she continued to moan and yell and writhe against the wall. Even without verbal confirmation, Diana knew that this was a virgin ass. Her question had been purely rhetorical. She just had a difficult time believing that a succubus hadn’t ever decided to try it in the devil’s hole.
She didn’t mind, though. In fact, she found it considerably enjoyable. Sure, she couldn’t cut loose and go berserk like she could on Leona, but there was something to be said for being the first to lay claim to an undefiled ass. The incredible tightness of the demonette’s sphincter was intoxicating to Diana, every inch she pushed forward it only seemed to tighten more, trying to shove the foreign object out.
Plus, she saw it as the demonette’s proper comeuppance. Evelynn had kidnapped and taken advantage of her and the Solari. Taking her anal virginity seemed like justice.
Down Diana’s cock went, five inches, then six, then seven, Evelynn’s constant wails like music to her ears. It took some time and a little bit of elbow grease, but she was eventually able to bottom out inside the succubus’ backdoor, her pelvis pressed flush against her captive’s blue ass cheeks. She wrapped one of her hands around the demonette’s throat while bringing her lips near her ear, whispering in a sultry, heavy tone:
“Payback’s a bitch.”
Without further warning, Diana began thrusting her hips back and forth in slow and methodical manner, pulling her cock nearly all the way out of the succubus’ backdoor before pumping it back in up to the hilt. Evelynn’s eyes went wide and her screams increased in volume two-fold as she felt her asshole being stretched and taken, all semblance of foreplay seemingly gone as the Lunari broke her in.
Leona watched from afar, shocked and turned on by the savage display from her rival. Her heart held no sympathy for the demonette, though. She deserved every second of this. Plus, her screams weren’t filled entirely with pain. There was some fun going on up in that brain of hers, too.
Diana was in heaven as her cock met blissful resistance with every slam of her hips. She reached a hand down between Evelynn’s legs, fumbling to find the moist folds between them. Eventually she found her mark, rubbing gently at the succubus’ clit as she continued pounding her ass. The war on two fronts sent Evelynn crazy, her tongue hanging out of her mouth as she howled and whined, her body being used as if it was a toy.
Diana looked down, grinning from the perverse sight of her cock sliding in and out of the blue-skinned woman’s ass. Although it was still unbelievably tight, it did seem slightly less resistant to her advances. Whether that was because Evelynn had finally accepted her length or because she was too tired to fight it any longer mattered not to the Lunari. What mattered was that she could now thrust with much more haste.
Increasing her speed, Diana thrashed her body into the succubus’, her ass cheeks rippling from the sheer force of the impact. Evelynn’s wails had seemingly ended, transforming slowly but surely into unabashed moans comprised strictly of pleasure. She still seemed not all there mentally, but whatever part of her was still conscious was surely getting off to being buttfucked.
Diana removed her hand from around Evelynn’s throat, instead using it to spank her fat ass harshly, sending jolts of pain and pleasure up the demonette’s spine. That seemed to be the straw that broke the camel's back. She could withstand her natural urges no longer, crying out in shameless delight as she orgasmed hard. Her legs quivered and her asshole clenched as she squirted a grand amount of cum between her thighs and onto the floor below.
The feeling of Evelynn cumming, of her ass tightening in a vice-like grip around Diana’s cock, sent the Lunari over the edge, bottoming out one last time inside the succubus’ hole before emptying her seed, her cock’s constant throbbing sending pleasure to both women’s minds.
They both breathed heavily as they came down from the high. Evelynn slowly slipped herself off of Diana’s cock, and the moment she finally was free she promptly collapsed to the floor, passing out from the overload of pain or pleasure or both.
Diana turned around, eyes staring straight into Leona’s soul. She walked towards the bound Solari, her pale, cum covered member still hard despite all of the attention it had received. Four orgasms in and she seemed as bullish as ever.
It would be up to the Lunari to decide her rival’s fate after this. Evelynn was not wrong; losing this contest was not something one could come back from. The Solari would be obedient to her newfound superior’s orders. Diana planned to have her move in. Do the cooking, the cleaning, and of course the nightly pipe polishing. Still, deep down, she didn’t want her rival to be permanently beaten. Embarrassed? Humiliated? Defeated? Sure. It was only natural to want to best her. And, of course, she planned to rub her nose in that defeat for some time to come. But at the end of the day, what made their rivalry so fun was just that. It was a rivalry. A tight tug-of-war between equals.
Diana decided that after some amount of time had passed, she would free Leona from her penance as a pet. But in order for the Solari to feel as if they were equals once more… that would be more difficult. Her defeat this night would make her feel inferior. That is… unless they played again. Perhaps they’d use different rules, or a different game altogether, so long as the concept remained the same.
She could never truly enslave her. Never shatter her spirit completely. She would make her rise again, stronger than before, smarter than before. And then she would delight in defeating her again.
After all, what is the night without the day?
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Chapter 3 - Home |
The next day was mostly a blur to Neysa. When she tried to stand up she collapsed, curling into a trembling ball around her legs. Sharp, piercing pain shot through her like lightning and no amount of clenching her jaw could hold back the whimpers and tears. After that she was vaguely aware of Alerim fussing over her in a near panic and of the male slave carrying her to the pool. Floating in there her muscles slowly relaxed and Alerim or the man would come by every so often to knead her legs or prompt her to eat. Eventually they guided her out and she was able to weakly walk to another room where they put her into a bed and she quickly fell asleep.
She woke to the smells of supper and was following her rumbling stomach out of the room before she realized that her legs weren’t bothering her. She brushed off Alerim’s fussing with chagrin as she ate and washed up, grateful for the woman’s help but determined to not embarrass herself again that night. Telling herself that she could handle it.
Unfortunately her body wasn't listening. Despite the rest and her determination her legs started cramping almost immediately upon kneeling down at the foot of her mistress’s bed and her goal quickly shifted from lasting the night to lasting until her mistress went to sleep.
Her mistress entered the room mercifully soon and this time Neysa felt relief rather than eager excitement as she listened to the dark woman disrobe and climb into bed. Again there were sounds of shifting cloth and pillows as she settled in but the lights didn’t go all the way off, this time there was enough light left to see by.
“Come on up here,” her mistress beckoned, and Neysa jumped in surprise. Her heart was suddenly racing and the tingle of anticipation ran through her. Beside her the man calmly stood up and Neysa leapt up to match him, trying to match his calm outward demeanour as well. She turned and walked around the foot of the bed and the man followed her. Her mistress instructed her to get on all fours at the end of the bed and gestured her to face across it. The man climbed up behind her following further gestures.
“Put on a show for me,” their mistress purred, “I want to hear her scream when she cums.”
Neysa’s nervousness ratcheted up another notch but so did her excitement. She snuck a glance at the dark woman and flushed at the sight of her laying there watching them with unabashed lust on her face.
She felt the now familiar sensation of the man's cock pushing up against her pussy. He rocked it back and forth slightly, slipping the head into her. Looking over, Neysa saw the anticipation on her mistress’s face and all nervousness left her; she even felt her pussy start to squeeze and twitch in anticipation. Apparently that was the cue the man was waiting for because he grabbed onto her hips and thrust his cock all the way into her in one strong stroke.
Neysa gasped in shock and her head swam with the sensation, the mistress cried out with a lusty “oh yes” from where she was watching. She moaned slightly, her pussy clenching down on him then again more loudly as he pulled back out of her. He pushed back into her, harder this time, his manhood slapping into her clit adding a small squeak to the end of this gasp. Again and again he slammed into her, forceful but not rough, picking up his pace as the mistress cheered “harder!” and Neysa gasped out “yes” barely managing to form even that single syllable, pushing back into each thrust. Soon enough Neysa couldn’t focus enough to make out what her mistress was saying but her excited voice and cheering drover her towards orgasm as much as the rigid body rubbing along inside her. Quickly Neysa’s words turned to wordless moans, rising in pitch with each thrust as her body tightened up and the waves of pleasure washed over her. Her arms started to give out and she found herself struggling to support herself on her sweat slicked forearms. The man bent forward over her back, moving his hands to reach up and grab her breasts and Neysa pushed her chest into his hands. The change in position gave her a small respite from the sensations the man had been sending through her and she looked over at her mistress.
The dark woman was staring, enraptured at the scene in front of her, her hands balled full of the blankets and her jaw clenched, barely opening enough for her words to escape. Neysa made eye contact with her and felt her cunt gripping extra hard as the man pulled out of her, trying to get back the pleasure his change in position had removed. The man’s hands dug in tighter, pushing Neysa back against his chest. With a whirl of movement Neysa was pulled backwards and upright with her back still pressed against the man’s chest. Neysa’s “woah!” of surprise turned to a shout of pleasure as she slid down onto the man’s cock. Her weight driving her down harder and faster than any of his previous thrusts. He lifted her slightly and pulled out only to slam her down again, and again, pushing even harder against her most sensitive areas. Her throat and chest tightened as she neared her climax, her shouts turning higher pitched and reedy as she struggled to breath. As the pleasure reached its peak the man pulled back and paused. To Neysa it felt like an eternity that she hung there on the edge, her eyes scrunched shut, all her muscles clenched and quivering, her skin and teeth vibrating with reflected sensation, her lungs sucking in a thin stream of air.
With a thrust the man pulled her back down and the gathered energy in Neysa’s body exploded. Her eyes shot open, her back and neck arched tight, throwing her chest out and her head back to face the ceiling. The air in her lungs rushed out in a scream, high pitched and filled with passion. It seemed to go on forever, burning Neysa’s throat and reverberating around the room, the mistress’s exultation howling in unison. The scream slowly tapered off into a low, throaty moan and Neysa collapsed to the bed.
Neysa’s thoughts and vision cleared as her mistress crawled over and brushed her sweat damp hair away from her face. The slave woman lay there with sweat covering her, breathing raggedly but deeply and shuddering through the aftershocks of her orgasm, her mistress lounged next to her, slowly stroking her side and smiling. Neysa smiled back at her, a goofy grin unknowingly stretching across her face as they looked into each other’s eyes.
Suddenly her mistress blushed and looked away, as if embarrassed, and crawled back towards the head of the bed declaring it was time to get some sleep. Neysa found herself disappointed that the moment had ended; that realization triggered a jumble of emotions in her but when her mistress settled in under the covers and indicated for Neysa to lay next to her for the night she settled on contentment. She was with an owner who was good to her, she was well fed in a fancy house, even sex with the man was pleasant (and she was looking forward to her mistress watching the two of them again).
“How about one last fuck for the night,” her mistress suggested with a mischievous grin, “We don’t want to leave the poor guy hanging.”
Neysa grinned back hungrily and laid out beside her mistress, her head tucked into the dark woman’s shoulder, her legs parted with her knees slightly raised to guide the man in. He quickly moved to position himself between her legs, he didn’t seem to care either way if they continued but Neysa was only paying attention to her mistress.
The slave woman let out a long moan as the man entered into her, slowly but steadily pushing all the way into her. Her mistress reached around Neysa with her left arm, cupping Neysa’s breast and pulled her in close. Neysa found herself gripping her mistress’s thigh as the man just as slowly pulled almost all the way out of her and she turned her head to slip in a quick kiss on her breast before he started his slow push back into her.
This set the pattern for a long time with her mistress holding her tight as she fondled her breast and planted kisses on the slave woman’s neck, cheek, and jaw; the man making long slow strokes where he’s pull almost all the way out before pushing all the way in as deep as he could; and Neysa moaning through it all as her and the man’s breathing quickened.
As she started panting for breath Neysa could feel he mistress moaning along with her a quiet hum that vibrated her chest where they were pressed together and her lips where she kissed her. Neysa turned her head and caught her mistress’s mouth in a kiss of her own. Her mistress hesitated slightly then grabbed Neysa’s head with her right hand and pulled her deeper into the kiss. Tongues danced and lips were parted wide, both women now enthusiastically moaning into each other’s mouths. Neysa moved her hand under the blankets and slowly stroked it down her mistresses stomach, slid it behind her underwear, and started to stroke her in time with the man’s strokes inside her. Her mistress gave a higher pitched grunt of surprise, or maybe reluctance but Neysa kept going, sliding a finger into her mistress’s pussy. It was warm and already very wet and her mistress’s whimpering moan was all the encouragement she needed to keep going, sliding her finger in and out in time with the man’s slow strokes, the rest of her fingers stroking the lips around it. She soon added a second finger, reveling in the sounds it pulled from her mistress especially when she gripped her clit between them as she rocked in and out.
The man’s thrusts sped up and both women moaned in time with them, the pitch of them rising as well. Their kisses were no longer meeting up as the growing pleasure prevented them from concentrating enough to turn their heads, now they gave grazing passes to each other’s cheeks and mostly just pressed their faces together, eyes shut in pleasure and enjoying the sound of their pants and moans reverberating off each other.
The mistress was the first to clench her teeth as the sensations grew too much to bear but Neysa quickly followed and as her mistress squeezed her fingers it was the final straw and she arched her head back and let out a groan, long and low, as the orgasm took her; not an explosion this time but the cresting of a wave. The man’s thrusts slowed as she squeezed tight down on his cock but he still moved within her short hard thrusts. Behind her, her mistress let out a guttural growl and buried her mouth in Neysa’s shoulder, almost biting her, her hand dug in tight into Neysa’s breast, and her pussy gripped Neysa’s fingers pulling them in and crushing them together. All things which should have been painful but just drove Neysa over the crest of another wave of her orgasm her pussy clenching around the man’s cock in time with her mistress’s around her fingers. The man gave one more thrust pushing himself into her and swelled, exploding his seed into her and she gave one last gasping cry as her orgasm crested a final large wave started to subside into small tremors, her pussy throbbing in counterpoint to the man’s cock, milking him dry.
Both women lay there gasping for a while revelling in the afterglow and enjoying the rise and fall of each other’s chest. The man slipped out of Neysa and went to kneel at his place at the base of the bed without either of them noticing. Once her breathing came under control Neysa rolled onto her side to face her mistress enjoying the sight of her with beads of sweat coating her dark skin and a dreamy smile invitingly stretched across her face. The dark woman opened her eyes and shared a gaze with her slave before exhaustedly closing them again with a satisfied goan. Neysa leaned over and gave her a kiss, tender and deep, before laying down against her mistress’s shoulder to cuddle up against her; pulling herself tighter with her arm across her middle even as her mistress pulled her in with an arm around her shoulders, breasts interlocked and Neysa’s face nestled in the crook of her mistress’s neck.
Both women fell asleep with matching blissful smiles.
Chapter 1 - Peer Pressure |
Peer Pressure
Pool parties were most assuredly not Soraka’s thing. For starters, the socially acceptable attire for a woman such as herself was far too uncomfortable and skimpy to her liking. She didn’t mind showing a little skin, but bikinis took that concept to an entirely new level. Whoever fooled women into believing their underwear could double as appropriate swimwear had truly pulled off the greatest bamboozle known to man. The sun was a problem, too. Not in a general sense, as Soraka quite fancied some time in the shine. However, due to the prolonged nature of pool parties, being burnt and battered by the sun’s constant barrage of ultraviolet rays tended to leave her less than happy. While she enjoyed the chance to catch up with old friends and meet new ones, pool parties in particular were mildly inconvenient for this due to their disorderly, rambunctious, alcohol-infused nature. Indeed, the Starchild was not a fan of the typical ‘Splash and Bash’, and did her best to avoid them altogether.
And yet here she was, attending a pool party at Ahri’s behest. Truth be told, she’d planned to decline when she first received the invitation, but Sona’s constant badgering eventually made her give in.
Naturally, it was horrible in all the best ways. The only swimsuit Soraka had in her closet was a bikini she’d purchased many years ago. Under normal circumstances this wouldn’t be a problem, but her… assets hadn’t filled out completely back then, and thus it was far, far too tight. She planned to just purchase another before the party, but her days were bogged down with meetings and matches and free time became an unattainable commodity. She was left no choice but to don her ill-fitting swimwear on the day of the event. It hugged her curves uncomfortably, her breasts on the verge of bursting free from the fabric itself, her ass hanging halfway out. It looked less like a swimsuit and more like revealing lingerie. A travesty.
Still, Soraka was nothing if not a woman of her word, and she had already committed to attending this pool party, wardrobe be damned. As predicted, the sun was hell itself. From nearly the moment she arrived at the kitsune’s mansion it made its presence known, sending wave after wave of radioactive heat onto the Starchild’s skin. Just walking from the road to the door was a struggle.
She shuffled through the empty, upscale house with haste, eager to see if the fox managed to pull a big turn out. As expected of the most popular woman in the league, the backyard was filled with a multitude of female champions. The climate was already hectic with booze flowing freely, loud hip hop music blasting from a set of twin speakers, and an enormous punch bowl located in the middle of the patio.
Soraka audibly sighed, exiting the mansion and taking her own personal ‘walk of shame’. Her bikini was sure to draw attention, most of it negative. It certainly didn’t help that she had to reach behind and adjust the backside of it every fifteen seconds to prevent it from riding up the crack of her ass and becoming a makeshift thong. She wore a deep blush as she began to mingle, exchanging pleasantries with a few friends, fixing herself a glass of punch, and meandering her way over to an open lounge chair by the edge of the pool.
Beside her sat Leona, and to the Solari’s left, Diana. Her fellow support exchanged a nod of acknowledgement, which Soraka was quick to return, before she took her own seat and found a chance to finally breathe.
This party sucked, at least by her standards. Her fellow champions actually seemed to be having a great time, but it was just too hot, too uncomfortable, and too risqué for her taste, and the only thing she’d found enjoyable so far was the cherry red punch. She gulped more of it down, her eyes shifting to an interesting development in the pool.
Caitlyn and Vi were in the water, the former sitting atop the latter’s shoulders. They seemed to be engaged in some sort of barbaric game with Irelia and Akali, the shadow ninja sitting atop the blade dancer. Both of the girls on top clashed, fingers interlocking and muscles straining as they struggled to push the other ‘team’ over. Soraka had heard of this game before, a ‘chicken fight’, she believed it was called. She took another sip of punch. She couldn’t help but notice how much skin was showing on the Sheriff of Piltover. Her purple bikini wasn’t more revealing than any other swimsuit, but it was merely strange to see a woman in such a position of power and authority being covered by so little. She had legs for days, smooth and creamy and alluring to the eye. Her thighs were moderately sized but toned and filled with definition, a result of her police training, undoubtedly. Soraka took yet another sip of punch and flipped her view to the Sheriff’s breasts. Her cleavage was out for all to see, her bosom slightly bulging in her top. They were certainly above average but not overly so. More than a handful, though. The way they bounced as she struggled against Akali was mesmerizing. The glistening sheen of sweat covering them as a result of her exertion got the Starchild subconsciously revved up, her fingers clutching air, wishing they could be groping those particular mammaries. She downed the rest of her punch. Her eyes left Caitlyn altogether, the two chicken fighting teams having shifted positions slightly, giving Soraka an unparalleled view of Akali. And her shapely ass. It was slightly larger than she expected. Not huge, but at least regularly sized. The real reason the ninja’s derrière had caught Soraka’s eye was due to her bikini bottoms riding up between her cheeks. It seemed the constant shoving between her and Caitlyn had somehow caused the swimsuit to look much less like a bikini and much more like a thong. Her round, pale cheeks were on full display to the Starchild, a sight she appreciated greatly. Akali yelped in embarrassment, but try as she may, the ninja was unable to do anything about it. If she removed even one hand to fix it, the Sheriff would push her over and win, and Akali was nothing if not fiercely competitive. And so she fought on, face tinted beet red as she tried to overpower her adversary.
Soraka growled lowly under her breath, her eyes entirely fixated on the Ionian’s shapely rear. Again, her fingers clutched in desperation, wanting nothing more at that moment than to reach out and knead the doughy flesh. The unicorn felt thoroughly heated, and not just because of the bright sun overhead. The only plausible solution was to enter the pool; it was quite large and the chicken fight was located far enough away so that Soraka could maintain her lechery without running the risk of being caught. The water was cold. Refreshing, even. It provided her a place to relax, hidden from others as her eyes fixated once again on Akali’s exposed rump. For a moment she even considered slipping a hand underneath her bikini bottoms for some added fun, but even in her strange, inexplicably libidinous state she knew that would be far too risky.
Instead, she watched and ogled the fight for some time, the combatants lack of clothing and blatant disregard of shame slipping her further and further into a trance, their very movements captivating her full attention, their oily skin mesmerizing her entire being. The hypnotic powers of the female form grabbed her consciousness so firmly that she failed to notice a second person hop into the pool alongside her. It was only when she felt an unknown hand running along her lower back that she realized something was amiss.
She turned to her left, coming face to face with the smirking, cocky, obviously horny visage of Leona.
“What do you think you’re d-doing!?” She asked, her voice cracking in pitch at the last word as she felt Leona’s hand descend rather suddenly before taking a firm handful of her rear. The Solari had no words, at least not at first. She instead positioned herself in front of Soraka, her chest pressing against the Starchild’s, forcing her back to the wall of the pool. Her right hand continued groping the Celestial’s exposed backside, while her left palmed the wall by Soraka’s head, leaving the unicorn with nowhere to run.
“You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to grab this ass.” Leona growled, her hand slipping beneath Soraka’s bikini to paw at her naked flesh. Her face wore a smile born of equal parts lust and predation, her teeth baring in a manner more suited to a wolf than an actual human being. “Every fucking game I match up against you, all you do is run away, healing and cowering behind your carry. All I see is that butt of yours bouncing and jiggling away, always just out of reach… Nothing gets me more turned on than catching someone who’s been kiting me all game.”
Soraka whimpered under the gaze of her aggressor. This was certainly not how she expected the pool party to go. She’d already been inexplicably horny, and in truth, this excursion with Leona seemed to be something she’d fancy very much. However, they were in the middle of a pool… at a fucking pool party. The sheer thought of being caught doing something like this made her want to crawl in a hole and never come out. This was complete madness.
Nevertheless, Leona’s constant fondling and dirty talk kept her from pulling away entirely, though she did resist a very, very meager amount. It was entirely futile, of course. Leona spent her life training atop Mount Targon. She was as strong a woman as women came.
The Solari wasted no time in heating things up further. In one fell movement she pulled her top off completely, exposing her breasts to the elements with a blatant lack of regard for whoever could see. She quickly pulled Soraka’s top down, trapping the fabric underneath her plump breasts before unabashedly connecting the two in a kiss. Soraka squirmed and yelped, but the sounds were muted and muffled into Leona’s mouth, her tongue overpowering and dominating Soraka’s. Her breasts rubbed against Leona’s, further enchanting her state of mind as she simultaneously cared very little and very much about how exposed she was.
Leona broke the kiss. “I need this.” She whispered, almost as if she were talking to herself. She wasted no time in flipping the Starchild around and lifting her up to get to the main course. She bent the blushing, mortified, lust-filled unicorn over the edge of the pool, lifting her ass out of the water and pulling her bikini bottoms to the side so she could see Soraka’s womanhood. Wearing a predator’s smile, Leona slipped a single digit inside, slowly but not too slowly, her thumb gently teasing Soraka’s clitoris with circular motions. The unicorn moaned and mewled at the unexpected stimulation, but had just enough clarity of mind to at least close her eyes. By now they were for sure caught, and if that were the case, then Soraka figured she may as well get some enjoyment out of it. She would deal with the shame later. However, that didn’t mean she had to look everyone in the eye as Leona finger blasted her while she laid exposed over the pool’s edge, her breasts out and her face a mess of need and wanton desire.
Soon the Solari inserted another digit and used her thumb to a greater degree, causing Soraka to unintentionally buck her hips and throw her ass back, trying to fuck Leona’s fingers as much as they were trying to fuck her. Leona used her free hand to grip and pull at Soraka’s ponytail, instituting a trace amount of pain to accompany the Celestial’s pleasure. This effect worked to great success, as Soraka’s moans only grew louder after she began pulling her hair. The real prize for Leona, however, was the ass in front of her. The way she’d bent Soraka over the railing… it made the Celestial present her rear in such an erotic manner, the likes of which she’d never seen before. Coupling this with the fact that she’d pined over this ass in particular for years made her libido spike to a new level entirely, and she couldn’t help herself from kissing, licking, and sucking on the Starchild’s bodacious, plump ass cheeks.
Soraka’s meter was full and she went cross eyed as she released a final and resounding ‘Hnnnnnnng’. Her legs quivered and her ass jiggled slightly as Leona continued pumping her two fingers in and out like a piston, bringing the Celestial to a shaky, intense orgasm, lining the Solari’s fingers with a clear, viscous liquid.
The Starchild released a long held breath, her cheek resting against the tile lining the edge of the pool. It didn’t take long for the realization of what she’d just done to set in, and within a matter of seconds a deep tinted blush painted her visage. Not only had she let her lust get the better of her, she also shamelessly allowed the Solari to dominate her while fucking her brains out, in public no less.
Soraka wasn’t given time to dwell, as the sound of water splashing from yet another pool goer filled her ears. She turned her head to look, seeing Leona’s girlfriend pressed firmly behind her, her hands possessively running themselves through her auburn hair, down her back, and over her plump posterior.
“Diana!” The Solari hissed. “Why’d you wait so long to join us?”
The Lunari sunk deeper into the pool, a smile branding her features as she dipped all but her head below the water. “I got a little sidetracked with Katarina and Fiora.” She taunted. “Turns out being in the middle of a threesome with two women who absolutely loathe each other makes for an interesting time.”
“You could’ve invited me.” Leona pouted, albeit playfully.
“Why would I do that when I could just get you all to myself?” The silver haired Lunari wasted not another word, dropping her head fully beneath the water and shoving her face between Leona’s rosy ass, giving her girlfriend a taste of some aquatic cunnilingus. Soraka gently pulled herself fully out of the pool, thoroughly embarrassed by the lover’s duo and wanting to distance herself from them (plus they seemed to be having plenty of fun without her, if Leona’s moans were any evidence).
Besides, it was time for Soraka to face the music. She knew that she’d put on quite the disgraceful spectacle with the Solari, and would undoubtedly have to answer to her peers for such lewd behavior. She raised her head, expecting to see a hundred eyes filled with disgust and disappointment, and yet…
Not a single pair was looking in her direction.
What she did see was everyone else at the pool party getting it on, some already many stages past the rather vanilla fingering she and Leona had engaged in. Her eyes scanned from left to right, her jaw dropping through the floor as she witnessed what Ahri’s innocuous, innocent pool party had degraded into.
It was an all out fuck fest bonanza.
The first group she saw was the former chicken fighters. It seemed the Sheriff of Piltover had switched teams somewhere along the line, because she was partied up with Akali and Irelia in an effort to fully dominate Vi. The pinkette wore her superior officer’s trademarked fuzzy cuffs around her wrists and had all of her orifices occupied by the three women’s assault. She’d been placed on her back with her legs above her head, totally helpless and entirely enraptured by the trio’s fingers and tongues. Evelynn and Elise were directly to the right of the foursome, the two of them sans tops while their rears were heavily exposed due to their somewhat unsurprising choice of wearing thongs to a pool party. They knelt on the ground, their mouths lip-locked while their curious fingers explored naked flesh. Slightly behind them was the most surprising sight so far, as Lux, Janna, and Karma, three of perhaps the most innocent, chaste, incorruptible champions known to the Institute, were tongue tied deep into a steamy threesome. Lux was the centerpiece, each nipple of hers accompanied with one of her partner’s mouths. Her face was beet red, but not out of embarrassment or shame, as Soraka had initially thought. Instead, the Lady of Luminosity’s own hand was between her legs, jilling away at her womanhood as if tomorrow was not a guarantee. Everywhere Soraka looked, there was more and more sex. She’d no idea what spurred this on and why things had devolved into this state, but she wasn’t one to complain.
She’d seen enough. If even Lux was getting in on the debauchery, then this pool party was truly past salvaging. For a moment her mind pondered if someone had caused this on purpose, but those thoughts were briskly swept away, a more immediate, carnal desire taking their place. She stood on her feet, a half-cocked smile on her face as she surveyed the plethora of fuck sessions, wondering which one to pick.
Lamb observed the party from a distance, her feet planted firmly on the porch just before the pool area. Like Soraka, she was not one for pool parties, in large part because her fur and water did not mix well. Under normal circumstances, she would’ve politely declined the invitation and been on her way, but a little mute birdie with blue hair told her that Soraka would be in attendance, and that piqued her interest far more than any routine social gathering could. She’d arrived a couple hours after it began, a tribute to her penchant for being fashionably late. What she walked into was not a run of the mill, standard pool party, however, but instead an all out, unapologetic orgy, the women too consumed in their lust to feel even a morsel of shame. Their moans made it almost impossible for her to even think.
She watched and studied the depravity for a while, but tore her eyes away when Ahri, the hostess of this event, offered her a glass of punch. Unsurprisingly, it reeked of magic, the scent swirling upwards and into her nostrils, its stench as noticeable as sulphur. She eyed the kitsune, swirling the straw in the glass around before saying, “You spiked this punch with a charm spell, didn’t you?”
“Yup!” Ahri confirmed, shamelessly delighted in the degeneracy she’d caused.
“Figures.” Lamb huffed, eyeing the red liquid. Despite the sinister nature of this situation, it could be somewhat profitable for her. She searched the crowd until she found Soraka, the unicorn just exiting the pool; what she’d been doing inside of it, and with who, Lamb decided not to dwell on. She hailed the Celestial over to an empty hot tub, seeing no better opportunity than the present to… explore her current relationship with the Starchild. Turning back to the grinning fox, Lamb wordlessly took a doubleshot of the love potion, gulping down the sweet and sticky liquid without a second thought. Her eyes were once again drawn to Soraka, the purple-skinned belle performing a thoroughly seductive hair flip, water dripping from her form as she readjusted her barely fitting bikini top.
Whether it was the potion bubbling inside her or Soraka’s lusty antics, Lamb couldn’t stop herself from sauntering towards the hot tub to meet the Starchild. She wore a predatory grin, muttering a final admission to her carnality.
“Game time.”
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Chapter 1 - Exposing an Empress |
Dominion - Chapter 1
Tags: BDSM, Yuri, Sexfighting
Contrary to popular belief, Sona Buvelle was not a dainty, innocent, mild mannered woman. Sure, she acted the part of the ever-clueless damsel in public, but that’s all it was: an act. A facade to hide her more predatory impulses. The only time she revealed her true personality was behind closed doors, and as many women had come to know, it was anything but innocent.
The Maven had a pension for cruelty. A fascination with it. The very concept stirred something deep between her loins. Something intense and powerful and entirely unsated. She knew not where this wicked compulsion originated from nor did she care. All that mattered was that she got her fill.
Sona’s cruelty did not manifest in random acts of evil. She was not one to kick puppies, or push over the elderly, or set fire to orphanages. Instead, her specific breed of sadism was limited to the proverbial bedroom. She loved nothing more than being in control during sex, inflicting pain and humiliation upon her partners without a shred of hesitation or remorse. Of course, her subjects always consented to these types of torture, regardless of how resistant they may have been at first. Under her heel, everyone gives in eventually.
Sona liked submissive women. Easy to break women. Women that were willing to degrade themselves purely for her amusement. There was something intoxicating about bending an innocent, naive girl to her will, guiding her to do things she’d never imagined, and laying claim to her very soul as little more than a piece of sexual property.
One might think it hard to pull off such feats, but Sona’s batting average was near perfect. She merely chose her targets wisely. The female champions in the League of Legends were generally self-respecting and strong willed; careful planning was required in order to truly break them.
In time, she’d formed her own small harem of loyal partners. They’d come to love the Maven’s unbridled fetishism, embracing the role of the submissive in its entirety in an effort to please their mistress. Those with the privilege of being her playthings would find that she was most certainly not a cold-hearted bitch all the time. In fact, Sona had quite the gentle, tender, loving side, so long as one was willing to pledge their subservience in perpetuity.
None knew of the Maven’s sensual side better than Soraka, who was the first woman to come under her dominion. Sona fondly remembered the difficulty of courting her. The Celestial was a stubborn creature, seemingly immune to her charms and wholly uninterested in sex. It took time and patience to break down her walls, but sure enough they eventually crumbled, brick by brick. Sona’s best weapon was adoration; Soraka was largely ignored by her fellow champions, most likely due to her unaffiliated nationalism. She was often overlooked, forgotten, and treated like little more than dirt due to her nature as a healing support. She didn’t desire to be fucked sideways, she desired for someone to actually care about her, and Sona was more than willing to play the part. The bluenette began spending her evenings with the Starchild, using her knack for telepathic communication to douse the attention-starved woman with compliments ranging from her appearance to her personality to her upstanding moral character. Sona wasn’t crazy about all the asskissing she had to do just to get this woman in her bed, but she figured Soraka would repay the favor at a later date. After the Maven cracked the code to the Celestial’s issues, everything afterward became all too easy. With a bond between the two established, convincing the Starchild to fuck her was trivial.
It was sublime. Soraka was a natural sub. A perfect match. Sona began slowly on the Starchild, teasing and denying her, ramping her up. She was slow to introduce ropes and gags and whips, but once she did, Soraka was all for them. By the end of it Soraka was bruised and battered and more satisfied than ever. The Maven gladly played the role of big spoon that night, cradling Soraka tightly, the Celestial sound asleep in her arms.
Of course, Soraka was just her first taste of breaking her fellow champions. She needed more.
Morgana inadvertently became her next endeavor, though she was much easier to court than the Starchild. It happened by complete accident, really. Sona had been practicing her spells in one of the Institute’s various training rooms, slinging potent bursts of music that had materialized into powerful sound waves at training dummies. The room’s only other occupant was Morgana, who was occupied with throwing binding after binding at her own dummy, albeit a safe distance away from Sona. Just as she ramped up and fired a chord, the ground shook violently and the door to the room was blown from its hinges (Sona later found out that this earthquake was caused from a riot erupting the next building over due to Yasuo still being unnerfed). Regardless, the Maven lost her balance and since her spell was already mid cast there was no stopping it. She watched it veer from its intended target, rocketing through the air until it collided with Morgana’s shapely ass, stinging her directly on her right cheek. She expected the fallen angel to scream in pain, or curse her out, or make an attempt on her life in return, but instead something else happened, something very peculiar and very interesting. The Angel made no noise, save for the quietest, most muted moan Sona had ever heard. Right then and there, the fallen angel’s secret was obvious.
Morgana was a pain slut.
In hindsight, it should’ve been rather obvious. Morgana was the queen of pain. Agony’s mistress. While those monikers certainly pointed to her being the one inflicting pain, it was not out of the realm of possibility that the fallen angel quite fancied it being inflicted upon herself.
Sona tested her theory on a dreary evening, stalking into the female locker room late at night, fully knowing the fallen angel to be the sole inhabitant due to her recently finished training regiment. She found Morgana in quite the exposed state: her clothes shed, her skin naked and free, her back turned to the bluenette. All it took was a right proper yanking of her hair to get the closeted masochist to her knees, and the rest became history. By the end of their session, Morgana was little more than putty, writhing at Sona’s feet in post orgasmic ecstasy.
But Sona just couldn’t stop seeking submissive champions, even after having two under her thumb. She needed more. Craved them. The power imbalance was oh-so-arousing. There she was: harmless, innocent Sona, queening over the women who had overlooked her since she stepped foot into the League.
Akali and Nidalee were her other slaves, though they had far less interesting origins than the two prior. Regardless, these women acted completely in character around others; for most of the day they tended to their duties, participated in matches, and generally were normal champions in the League of Legends. At dusk, however, when the Institute’s champions clocked out and the day was over, they all made their way to Sona’s mansion on the outskirts of the grounds. And what transpired there at night could only be described as unusually perverse and incredibly impure.
Even with four women under her thumb Sona remained unsatisfied. She had set her sights on a potential fifth sub, Kai’Sa. The girl had only been in the League for a few months, but she was a prime candidate if ever there was one. Quiet, shy, prone to minding her own business, the girl was practically begging to be turned into an obedient slut. There was just a single issue. Sona wasn’t the only shark that smelled blood.
Sona had first heard of Qiyana a few months ago. Back then she’d just been inducted into the League and the Maven was curious as to whether she would make a good plaything or not. She couldn’t have been further from a prime candidate. Even from afar, Sona could plainly see that this woman was the same as her. A dominant, sadistic mistress, seeking out those beneath her to turn into pets. In just a few short months she’d accrued her own harem of subservient women, and that was most assuredly not okay. The Institute had been Sona’s turf far before she’d arrived, and if she thought she could simply steal from the Maven, she was in for a rude awakening.
Sona grew bored. She hadn’t found a new plaything in months. Although, It wasn’t as if she didn’t enjoy her current harem. In fact, she loved each and every one of them. But new blood was a necessity from time to time. It spiced things up, gave the girls someone fresh to compete with for their mistress’ affection. She’d set her plan with Kai’Sa into motion, sending the loner a soft smile here, rubbing her back sweetly there, but that all changed when she saw what Qiyana was up to. The Empress pursued Kai’Sa much, much more aggressively. She came to this realization a day prior when the three of them found themselves on the same team in a match. It was a hard fought battle through and through, but their team managed to secure the win. Sona was planning to butter up the Daughter of the Void afterwards, but before she had a chance to get to her, Qiyana jogged right behind her and slapped her on the ass. Kai’Sa yelped from the sudden swat and the sound nearly made Sona melt. It was so fucking innocent. So unbelievably naive. She would be a perfect addition to her harem. And yet, she could do nothing to recruit her, as Qiyana had clearly gained the upper hand. Her hand lingered against the Daughter of the Void’s ass for a moment longer, though the marksman paid it no mind, which only paddled the Maven’s rage further.
This. Would. Not. Stand.
Sona Buvelle had a reputation to maintain. She was the perennial dominatrix in this league and she was not about to let some newcomer bimbo take that spot away from her. The Empress was smart enough to realize she and the Maven were playing at the same thing, and if even one of the women they were both interested in went to Qiyana instead of her it might ruin her reputation. She stirred on these thoughts in the comfort of her own home, secluded from her partners as she debated what the best course of action was. It did not take long for her to come to a decision. She could not allow this to continue. It would end tonight, one way or the other.
The Maven stormed out of her house, a cold rage seething in her veins. It was late, probably well past midnight, and she really had no business making the small trek to the Institute’s training facility at such a time, but she didn’t care. She was going to track this bitch down and make her pay.
Sona searched high and low through the training facility, finding nearly every room to be entirely vacant and exponentially more frustrating. It was only until she entered the final room that she found what, or more accurately, who she was looking for.
“Oh? What do we have here?” Qiyana said, her voice exotic and pointed, laced with a heavy Ixaocan accent. Though she appeared to have just finished a light exercise against a practice dummy, her clothes were not of the training variety. She wore the same midnight purple corset skirt one would see in her Battle Boss variant outfit, complete with a similarly colored pair of sleeves, stockings, and heels.
Sona took a moment to observe the woman. She was young, perhaps in her early 20s. She had caramel colored skin, smooth and glistening with a slight sheen of sweat. It was plain as day why other women found her attractive, even through her clothing. Her hips were wide, her legs were thick. Her breasts were medium sized yet alluring in their own right. She had pointed, distinct facial features, complete with golden, piercing eyes. Though Sona could not see it very well, she was sure she had a great ass, too.
She was not here to marvel and lech, however. She was here to settle the score. Sona channeled her telepathy, reaching into Qiyana’s mind to speak. “I hear that you get around well, Empress. That’s cute. I didn’t know you had it in you.”
“A pretty face like yours shouldn’t spit so much venom. It’s unbecoming of a lady.” Qiyana patronized the Maven, an all-knowing grin plastered across her features as she continued, “I’ve heard about you, Sona. They say you’re queen around here, but I don’t see it myself. I mean, you seem like an innocent, vanilla woman. You just don’t seem like the dominatrix type.”
Sona had to bite back her anger to prevent it from showing on her face. “That’s funny, because from what I’ve heard you’re supposed to be this cruel, harsh mistress, yet you look like nothing more than a confused little girl. Tell me, have you ever dominated anyone?”
“Mhm!” Qiyana nodded enthusiastically. “I actually have three playthings right now! Kayle, Xayah, and Lux. Maybe you’ve heard of them? We have a ton of fun, although Lux spends most of her time as my own personal footstool.”
Sona growled under her breath. She’d had her eye on Lux for months. Yet, she never made a move because it seemed that the girl had no interest. And now, this Ixaocan whore walks into the Institute and courts her in a mere heartbeat. It was beyond enraging, and Sona had had enough of the banter. It was time for action. “The women in this league are mine. Even those I’ve yet to claim. You’d do well to back off before you get hurt in the process.”
Qiyana found the Maven’s threat amusing. “Oh? Afraid of a little competition?”
“Not at all. I welcome it. In fact, I think we should have a little competition right now.”
“Now you’ve got me interested.” Qiyana said, noting how odd it was to feel the clear aggression radiating from Sona’s person while her voice was anything but. Through all of the vitriol she spewed, the Maven’s timbre was still as soft and sweet as ever.
Sona reclined against the wall, crossing her arms beneath her breasts to accentuate them further. “I get it. You like dominating girls. I do, too. But it was already a challenge to find women capable of being submissive playthings around here before you showed up. Water will run scarce if we both drink from the same pond.”
“Get on with your point.”
“My point is that there isn’t enough room in the league for the two of us. Two doms can never coexist. One of them must always submit to the other. And tonight, I’d like to find out which one of us is the bottom bitch.”
Qiyana smiled. “So, how do we decide that you’re my bitch?”
Sona ignored the quip. “We sexfight. We fuck each other as hard as we can, holding nothing back. First one to cum loses.”
“Mmm.” Qiyana hummed. It was certainly a concept she was unfamiliar with, but strangely arousing nonetheless. Something about it sent a surge of primal lust down her spine. “I like this contest. You’ve done this sexfighting before, yes?”
“Only with my slaves. And I wouldn’t call it a battle. More like a slaughter.”
“What are the stakes?”
“The stakes are everything. You have everything to gain and everything to lose. Loser becomes the winner’s bitch. Not just for a day, or a week, or a month, but until this godforsaken League is shut down.”
“Oh?” Qiyana walked towards Sona, hands on her hips as she purposefully swayed her ass with every step. She strutted right up to the Maven, craning her neck upwards slightly to meet the slightly taller woman’s gaze, their faces mere inches apart. “You are bold, Sona, if nothing else. But that boldness will be the end of you. After I fuck you into submission, I plan on taking all your slaves for myself. They can watch me as I mentally break their former mistress. They can see exactly what a bottom bitch you truly are.”
Sona merely grinned at the fiery woman. “Just shut up and fuck me you Ixoacan slut.”
Qiyana closed the distance from their already close lips, locking the two dominatrixes into a hotly contested kiss. Each woman vied for control, their tongues clashing against one another, trying to find a way into the mouth behind it. Sona used her left hand to lightly rub Qiyana’s breast, ever-so-often tweaking the nipple between her index finger and her thumb. Her right hand gripped the girl’s neck, forcing her deeper into the kiss, denying her the chance to so much as breathe without her permission.
Qiyana had different priorities. Both of her hands shot down to Sona’s rear, gripping the Maven’s soft, succulent ass cheeks firmly. Even through the dress Qiyana could feel how tender and appetizing Sona’s butt was. She looked forward to owning it after this fight was over. For now, she settled on kneading the area roughly, occasionally spreading them apart only to let them clap back together. Despite how fun it was to grope the Maven’s ass, Qiyana was becoming increasingly frustrated from Sona’s gentle yet persistent ministrations against her breasts. She knew what she was doing, stimulating them at just the right pace to get her nipples hard and her loins craving for more. She tore open the Maven’s dress in response, creating a nice, wide hole to reveal her plump ass, the supple flesh finally free from its confines as it spilled forth. Qiyana couldn’t see it, not with her eyes locked with Sona’s own orbs, the two women still refusing to break the kiss, but she knew it looked absolutely amazing just from feeling it bare.
After what felt like minutes of continuous french kissing, Sona was the one to break the duo apart, in large part due to Qiyana administering a barrage of cruel spanks to her ass. The women panted for breath, heads slightly lowered but eyes still focused on one another. Sona made the first move, pouncing forwards and dragging Qiyana to the ground. The Ixaocan was helpless and exposed, her arms pinned by Sona’s, her back pressed painfully against the floor. She could do nothing but struggle and watch as Sona used her teeth to open her corset and remove her bra. It was an impressive display of skill, but Qiyana could not dwell on it for long as Sona clasped her lips around a single one of the Empress’ dark nipples. She quietly moaned on reflex before mentally kicking herself. It was amateurish and unbecoming of her dominative side to moan from such a simple act, but Sona’s tongue felt really, really good. It was skilled, darting in circles for a moment before switching it up to zig zags and just as quickly doing something entirely different, never letting her adjust to the pattern. Sona lightly bit the nub, earning a squeak from Qiyana, before continuing. She wanted to let her know who was in control. Her knee crept forward, snaking its way between the pinned girl’s legs, pressing against her cunt. Qiyana almost grinded against it. Almost.
Her pussy had been dripping the moment Sona described this fight and the stakes it had. If there were two things she loved it was fighting and fucking, and this sexfight was just a union of the two practices. Plus she had the chance to take the top dom in the league and make her her bitch. Needless to say, she was excited in more ways than one. But like this, pinned down with her nipples being sucked and her pussy being teased, she started to wonder if it had been such a good idea to accept this fight.
Truthfully, Qiyana could have thrown Sona off of her, pinned her to the ground, and finger fucked her until she orgasmed against her will at any moment she wished. She was far more athletic than her, after all. But she was also a competitor at heart, and knew it would be a cheap move to simply overpower the Maven with her superior physical strength. This was a war of the sexual variety and she was determined to win it through similar methods, and so she grit her teeth and struggled through Sona’s teasing, biding her time for an opportunity to retaliate.
Sona’s knee began gyrating against Qiyana’s nether faster and with more pressure. The only line of defense for the Empress’ womanhood was also her last remaining article of clothing: a dark purple and thoroughly wet thong. Oddly enough, it almost made the pleasure more intense. The way it rode up her ass with every thrust of Sona’s knee, the feeling of the soft, silky material against her dripping entrance, it only served to amplify her arousal.
Sona’s ironclad grip tightened around her arms as she switched her mouth from the Empress’ nipples to her neck. She began suckling the flesh lightly, grazing it with her teeth every so often, letting Qiyana feel her hot breath against her skin. The Empress had been consistently unresponsive to Sona’s advances thus far, refusing to give her the satisfaction of knowing how much pleasure this was giving her (though the accumulated wealth of wetness adorning her thong did give it away regardless). And yet, Sona’s gentle kisses, licks, and bites upon her neck was too sexually overpowering to be entirely unresponsive to. Her hips barely, just barely, began thrusting against the Maven’s knee, her body finally betraying her as it actively seeked pleasure rather than ran away from it.
And she was not the only one to notice.
Sona smirked against the Empress’ neck, knowing she had her rival right where she wanted her. She’d been waiting for Qiyana to give in to her ministrations, to allow herself to ride the pleasure. Sona’s right hand gingerly slipped away from Qiyana’s wrist, removing her pin on the girl. Just as the Maven expected, Qiyana either didn’t notice that it was gone or didn’t care, because she still assumed her position on the floor as if nothing had changed. Sona’s fingers crept along the girl’s skin, dancing down her arm and across her thigh before finding their mark just to the side of her pussy. Instead of immediately fingering the daylights out of the obviously desperate-for-release Ixaocan, Sona’s digits teasingly stroked her inner thighs, coming close to her sweet spot but never fully getting there. Qiyana whined in protest, gyrating against the Maven’s knee harder, thoughts of winning this battle buried in the deepest recesses of her mind.
Sona leaned in close to Qiyana’s ear. “Tell me how much you want it.” She whispered, her voice unusually dark and sultry.
“Unf… I…” Qiyana’s timbre was strained. She was immensely horny, and right now every fiber of her being screamed at her to just beg like some common whore for release. However, in the back of her mind she still knew what was at stake. If she orgasmed from Sona’s touch, she would be her sex slave for god knows how long.
“You’re almost there, aren’t you?” Sona’s fingers crept closer to Qiyana’s deprived womanhood, just barely out of reach. “Say the word and I’ll make you feel amazing.”
Again, Qiyana felt her mind wage war against itself. Just when she’d found the resolve to fight back, Sona’s whispers would drag her back down. It was a vicious cycle. Qiyana’s eyes were half-lidded and heavy, and she found it hard to focus on much of anything in view due to the throes of pleasure running through her veins. She moaned and mewled squeals of desire, but still had yet to fully bend to the Maven’s will.
“Admit that you’re my bitch and I’ll let you cum.”
Qiyana’s brow creased. ‘Me? Someone’s bitch? Not a chance in hell.’
The Empress snapped back to reality from Sona’s taunt, using her newly freed arm to grab the back of the Maven’s neck and flip her to the floor. She was quick to mount her from behind, laying her crotch against the small of Sona’s back while she leveraged her weight against the bluenette, pushing her breasts into the cold and unforgiving floor. In a flash she had effectively switched their positions, putting Sona face down against the grey tile. She had every advantage from this position, rendering the Maven entirely immobile while she had tons of room to… pry at her opponent's defenses.
“I will never be your bitch.” She snarled, digging her fingers into the fabric of Sona’s dress and literally ripping it to shreds, the lightly colored strips of cloth dancing through the air like esteemed danseuses performing pirouettes. The Empress’ eyes fell to her rival’s newly exposed form; her skin was soft and smooth and entirely unblemished. She had the body of a biblical virgin, though it was clear that she was far, far from one. There was a certain plumpness to her curves, a maturity if you will. Hers was not the body of an eighteen year old, green eared girl who's just mustered up confidence in herself, but rather that of a seductress, a woman who knows the product she’s putting out is stellar. Qiyana’s hands were instinctively drawn towards her posterior, those twin peaked mountains of supple flesh almost beckoning her to take a hand full. She gripped them cruelly, administering a hand to each cheek before kneading and pulling the Maven’s flesh in whichever direction she desired. Her ass felt even better than it looked, as Qiyana could not stop herself from her own rampant groping even if she wanted to. The tiny squeaks and mewls emanating from her prone adversary only spurred her on further; whether they were sounds of pain or sounds of desire was yet to be answered, but it mattered little to the Empress. The ball was in her court now and she had no intention of passing it back.
Knowing the Maven would be a bit mentally preoccupied by the rough handling of her ass, Qiyana took the opportunity to quickly switch her position 180 degrees. Her womanhood still rested against the small of Sona’s back, but now she faced the bluenette’s exposed posterior rather than the back of her head. She hunched forward, bringing her face a bit closer to those inviting, doughy cheeks, while sliding her left hand gently between them, teasing a single finger down her taint and between her southern lips. Sona’s reaction was immediate, a long building groan for more escaping her mouth, much to her own chagrin. It was all the motivation Qiyana required, though, as her teasing escalated. She rubbed her fingers against Sona’s entrance with more pressure behind them, nearly entering the Maven’s ever-slickening womanhood but never fully doing so. Her mouth, meanwhile, went to one of the bluenette’s unoccupied ass cheeks, placing a somewhat playful, somewhat painful bite against the soft flesh.
“Ah!..” Sona yelped, her teeth gritting from the sudden and sharp pain. In truth, she kind of liked it, but there were more pressing issues. For example: Qiyana had teased her pussy to such an extent that she’d gone a bit crazy for some real stimulation. Sexfighting in general was a massive turn on for Sona, and she’d be lying if she said she didn’t enjoy dominating the Empress beforehand. Now that the shoe was on the other foot, though, she hadn’t the time to build her mental walls high enough to stave off an orgasm should the Empress get serious.
It was obvious that Sona wanted the Empress’ fingers inside her; her moans only grew in volume with every passing moment, each one needier than the last. But Qiyana held off on purpose, wanting to make her as desperate as possible before giving her what she wanted. On a totally even playing field, she could probably make the Maven cum against her own will if she had an hour to fuck her, but that was a pipe dream at best. In this manner, all she needed was a single minute of penetration and Sona would be cumming her brains out. She was sure of it.
The Maven unconsciously tried to thrust her hips back, aching for the Empress’ fingers to gain access to her womanhood. Smelling blood in the water, Qiyana knew it was time. She slipped a single finger in one digit deep and held it at full stop for but a moment, then slowly moved it forward. Sona’s body had ceased its wild and erratic movements; perhaps she worried that if she thrashed about Qiyana would punish her further by removing that ever encroaching finger of hers. It slid deeper and deeper inside, every passing digit sending another wave of white hot pleasure up the Maven’s spine. She offered no resistance, her body entirely limp against the ground save for her ass, which wiggled happily from the light kisses Qiyana continued to place upon its buxom cheeks.
With her face pressed against Sona’s posterior, Qiyana had a front row seat to watch the Maven’s pussy quiver with delight from her fingering. She started conservatively, gently pumping her index finger in and out of Sona’s slit to the beat of a metronome.
In-and-out. In-and-out. In-and-out.
It wasn’t long before she added a second finger to the mix, stretching Sona’s pussy the slightest amount wider while speeding up her tempo. Her pinky and ring fingers reached towards the Maven’s clit, rubbing gentle, mind-numbing circles on the sensitive flesh, earning the Empress a squeal of delight from her combatant, who, at this point, seemed far more interested in cumming her brains out than winning this fight.
Sona’s howls of pleasure were music to Qiyana’s ears; for a woman who thought herself a dominator of the highest class in the bedroom, it was pure ecstasy to see her brought down to the level of sniveling, mewling bitch with nothing on her mind other than the need to orgasm. Qiyana continued to pepper the Maven’s ass with light kisses and playful bites, her purple lipstick leaving enunciated kiss marks all over the supple flesh. Her fingers were a blur, pistoning inside Sona’s dripping womanhood with no regard for sensuality of tenderness; indeed, they had one objective and one objective alone: to find the Maven’s ever elusive orgasm and bring it forth, thus rendering her nothing more than Qiyana’s sex slave for the foreseeable future.
As Qiyana continued hammering away at Sona’s cunt, it seemed as though that time had finally arrived. Her moans grew in stature, signaling what appeared to be the Maven’s death knell. Qiyana felt Sona’s walls constricting her fingers and so she sped up her fingering, nearly doubling her speed. She chose to ignore the sharp pain shooting up her arm from over-exertion. What little agony it caused now would be well worth the vast pleasure it would bring later. Sona’s moans grew and grew and grew in stature, the Maven belting throes of pleasure from her vocal chords as her orgasm was on the precipice of release.
But it never came. Qiyana continued fingerbanging her for what felt like minutes, the Maven’s moans on par with that of a woman losing her very sanity from pleasure alone, yet she never found release. In time, the Empress’ tempo slowed, the pain and soreness in her wrist finally catching up to her until it was but a snail’s pace of fingering.
“Wew!” The Maven exclaimed. “That. Was. Fun.”
Qiyana offered no response, instead choosing to glare at the woman behind her, eyes laced with both confusion and frustration.
“Oh? You actually thought I would cum from just that? A few minutes of fingering?” Sona laughed at her opponent’s plight. “Don’t get me wrong, it felt good. But I’m nowhere near satisfied.”
“You can’t be serious.” Qiyana muttered, her breaths strained. A slick sheen of sweat had developed over her skin, a testament to the high intensity of her fingering which drained her energy far more than she imagined it would. Coupled with the dull but constant pain screaming from her arm, she felt utterly and hopelessly exhausted. What she thought was her assured victory turned out to be nothing more than fucking foreplay for this Demacian nympomaniac.
“I guess it’s time we finish this, huh?” Sona teased before gently pushing Qiyana off of her. The Empress offered zero resistance, her spirit entirely deflated after being so close yet far from victory. Sona turned herself over so that she lay flat on her back before gently guiding Qiyana on top of her. She positioned the Empress in such a way that she was lying down atop her body, her ass meeting the top of Sona’s thighs, her back pressing against her sizeable breasts. Sona’s hands roamed her skin, one snaking over her midriff, inching towards her pussy while the other gently caressed her breast. Still, Qiyana offered no resistance; Sona’s embrace was warm (albeit mildly dubious), her touch was soft, and her body was hot. It felt as if she was melting beneath the Maven’s ministrations, her spirit drained of all the fight it had left.
Sona’s hand tenderly made its way towards Qiyana’s womanhood, gently rubbing circles against the sensitive area, feeling the Empress’ wet, sticky arousal as it coated her fingers and palm. “I bet you really thought you were going to win. Now look at you… you can hardly contain yourself.”
Qiyana whimpered at the blow to her ego. Her arms lay limp against the floor, utterly unresponsive, and even if they had been, she doubted she had the will to move them. She really, truly believed she was going to best the Maven. Victory seemed to be just within her grasp… and yet, it had never been close at all. It was but a mirage. And now, because of her own hubris, she was fated to become this woman’s sex slave. She knew that Sona would transform her into nothing more than a mongrel bitch, eager to please her mistress in whichever way she most desired. And yet, that was not the worst of it. The most disheartening, soul crushing, spirit breaking aspect of her current situation was that she was actually enjoying it. Her pussy ached for more, her mind was filled with degrading fantasies of her soon to be servitude. She was getting off on it. It was utterly humiliating.
Sona dared not enter the Empress’ slit; the young girl was clearly broken at this point, offering no fight towards her advances. She would bring her to orgasm from this mere stroking alone, imprinting upon her her own subservient nature. She continued whispering degrading statements into her ear which Qiyana neglected to contest because they were simply true. Soon the Empress’ mewls and whines turned to moans, her body tensing up as she felt the end nearing. Sona’s free hand tweaked her dark brown nipple, tugging at the nub just enough to cause pain. Her preoccupied hand continued rubbing wide circles against Qiyana’s pussy, and, sensing the girl’s oncoming orgasm, gave it a lone, harsh slap.
Qiyana couldn’t hold herself back anymore. What little resolve she had left crumbled with that single strike to her womanhood. She cried out a loud, pathetic, desire-filled moan as her orgasm finally came, shooting white-hot pleasure up her spine while her body fully stiffened in response. Sona’s hand returned to stroking gentle circles against Qiyana’s pussy. A thin, clear liquid coated her digits thoroughly, which was a testament to her opponent’s release and subsequent defeat. Qiyana’s limbs spasmed for a few seconds more, and when she finally came down from her orgasm not a single word was spoken between the two. Instead, Sona merely brought her cum-covered fingers to Qiyana’s lips, and without a moment of hesitation, the Empress accepted them into her own mouth, suckling and cleaning the Maven’s fingers of her own essence. Only after they had been thoroughly cleansed did Sona release Qiyana, the two women standing up to face each other.
“After we get home we’ll go over ground rules, but before then you’ll need to get changed. Your current attire is far too modest. Fortunately, I think Morgana has an extra collar and gag that should fit you just right.”
Should I make a chapter 2 :D?
Join my discord for more degeneracy.
Chapter 2 - Waiting |
Neysa was sore.
She had been gently woken up that morning, from her blissful sleep in a real bed, by the same servant woman who had greeted her at the gates the day before. The male slave was already climbing out the other side of the bed and their mistress was long gone. The maid lead them out of the room, past two other maids waiting to clean it up, down the hall and back to the bathing room. The small pool set into the floor was ready to go, the heat steaming up the room and the surface occluded with bubbly soap. The man walked into the large tub and, at the maid’s instructions, Neysa followed. She winced slightly at the heat but settled down on a bench on the other side of the bath from the man. The servant woman left the room and Neusa closed her eyes and settled against the seat, the heat hiding her blush as she thought of the night before.
The door to the room opened again and Neysa started upright, jerking her hand away from where it had drifted towards her crotch. Behind her the servant woman splashed down the steps into the bath, now wearing a coarse linen robe and carrying two baskets of cleaning supplies. She passed one over to the man before turning to get to work on Neysa.
The cleaning was just as thorough this time as it had been the previous day but it felt less intrusive this time, it helped that it was much less rushed. Neysa found herself relaxing under the servant woman’s ministrations, the soapy sponge running gently over her skin, the mind numbing massage as her hair was washed, and even when the woman cleaned inside of her it felt soothing. The bath was a long one, the servant woman took her time and often paused to let Neysa luxuriate in the warm water as she helped the slave man with spots he couldn’t reach.
The servant woman also talked to them.
“So, I didn’t get much chance to give you a welcome yesterday,” she said as she slowly ran the sponge over Neysa’s skin. “I’m Alerim, I’m the slavekeeper for the manor so I’ll be in charge of taking care of you and making sure you’re where you’re supposed to go.”
“I don’t supposed you have a name?” she asked, looking up from her work.
“N-Neysa,” Neysa quietly replied, quickly breaking eye contact. It was awkward and uncomfortable to talk but she figured she shouldn’t ignore a direct question.
“Oh you actually talk! That one treats talking as if it was pulling teeth,” she tipped her head towards the male slave, “but you can talk in here when it’s just us.”
“Uh, OK”
“Do you have any questions?”
Neysa thought for a moment, her reluctance to speak waring with not wanting to disobey the implicit request for conversation, “Um, what’s next?”
“After we get you two cleaned up, we’ll get breakfast for you and then this evening there’s meal, bath, then off to bed. Between those meals it’s up to you. You’ll probably want a nap or a chance to relax or -”
“Practice,” the male slave interrupted.
Alerim turned and goggled at him dramatically, exaggerating her shock at him speaking, but the man just nodded towards Neysa and kept the blank expression on his face.
“Oh! For her!” Alerim exclaimed, honestly shocked this time and blushing hard, “I’ll think about it.”
“Is… is that part of your job?” Neysa asked.
“No, strictly speaking I shouldn’t be having sex with you but when he started he needed practice and even later on, well the mistress apparently doesn’t like him inside of her so I helped him… ease his tensions, so to speak.” The maid blushed even brighter red as she explained. “It’s all very mutual,” she added defensively.
Alerim was mostly silent after that as she finished up washing the two slaves and getting them food, but after breakfast she said practice was a good idea and brought them back to the pool room for some privacy. They laid down some thick towels, removed their clothes, and spent a few hours alternating between Neysa licking Alerim and the man licking Neysa. Neysa listened to the feedback from Alerim as she licked her lips and sucked on her clit and tried her best to pay attention to the details as the man worked examples on her own genitals. By the time they stopped for supper Neysa had orgasmed at least a dozen times but the maid woman had only had one, despite her positive feedback to Neysa.
After they had eaten they returned again to the pool room, this time to bathe. Neysa eagerly slipped into the hot water but the man followed after Alerim as she went to change into her pool robe. He caught up to her before she left the room and they only shared a look before he smoothly disrobed her, leaving kisses as he exposed more and more skin. He kneeled in front of her as she stood in a pool of discarded cloth, and quickly closed his mouth over her. She writhed and pulled his head in closer with both hands.
Neysa couldn’t see what he was doing, either with his tongue or his hands, but found she couldn’t look away either as the servant woman threw back her head already reaching orgasm and trying hard not to make too much noise.
As the woman finished and started to go limp the man stood up and helped support her. With another shared look he swiftly shifted his hips and slid his cock into her, she arched her back, thrusting out her breasts and her face scrunched up with her mouth forming a silent ‘oh’. The man gave a quick suck on each of her nipples but she quickly wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled herself in close, he began to thrust inside of her, lifting her up to her tip-toes with each stroke. As his pace increased she lifted first one then both legs and wrapped them around his hips, suspending herself by his manhood as it thrust up into her.
Neysa watched intently from the bath, on hand stroking at her over-sensitive clit and lips the other gripped tightly on one of her breasts, fingers pinching the nipple hard, her own quickened breathing matching that of the woman’s rising moans and muttered expletives. As the woman’s moans got louder the man leaned in and stifled them with a kiss, this drove the woman over the edge, her whole body tightening around the man as the orgasm ran through her. The man didn’t stop though, his thrusts grew faster and faster and the woman quickly built towards another orgasm.
The man gave one last deep thrust and held it there as his hips twitched and his buttocks clenched, emptying into the woman and driving her over the edge of another orgasm. Neysa quickly joined them, her fingers rubbing rapidly on her clit, her hand clamping down on her breast and crotch as the lightning explosion washed through her.
She opened her eyes to see the man and the servant woman still standing there holding each other tight as their juices ran down. Neysa quickly dunked her face and shifted to face the other direction before coming back up. Behind her Alerim left and came back with her bath robe and supplies and the man again slid into the other side of the pool. The cleaning wasn’t rushed but it was business-like, this time Neysa helped to scrub herself a bit as Alerim gave her instructions from the other side of the pool where she helped the slave man clean up. They were dried, combed, and lightly perfumed before Alerim lead them to the mistress’s bedroom and left them there with a parting “have fun”.
So now Neysa was again kneeling on the pad at the foot of the bed, waiting, but this time she was sore. Her jaw ached and her clit and lips were so oversensitive from that afternoon that even the pressure of her thighs on them was slightly painful.Underneath that, though, was a current of eagerness. Her heart sped up and her mouth went dry as her mistress entered the room. She had to fight to sit still as the dark woman walked past them and she heard the sound of clothing being discarded and the creak as she climbed into the bed. Then the lights went out.
Neysa knelt there, eyes slowly adjusting to the dark, unsure what to do. Behind her there was some more ruffling and shifting but soon there was nothing but the sounds of slow breathing as her mistress slept.
As time passed Neysa felt her legs cramping up, her ankles and toes started to hurt from her weight pushing her feet flat. She shifted he weight slightly, flexed different muscles, and tried to keep her disappointment from coming to the surface. All she wanted to do was stand up, stretch until her bones broke, and bury herself in her mistress’s embrace.
Once she stole a quick glance sideways at the male slave but he was just kneeling there as if he had only been there for a few moments; he was breathing slowly and his eyes were closed.
Is he sleeping like that? Neysa marvelled. She tried to emulate him but as the night wore on the pain in her legs and feet grew and spread to her back, gut, and shoulders; odd beads of sweat tickled their way down her back from the effort of staying in place. Every so often she would drift off and nod forward, jerking back awake from the falling sensation. Once she had to catch herself actually falling and for a while she tried holding herself up with her arms by pushing down against her thighs. Her arms quickly tired but the pain in her wrists and thighs distracted her from her other aches for a while.
As the morning sun broke through the windows and scoured Neysa’s burning eyes she held out a short hope that her mistress may want them in the morning but that was dashes as the woman quickly rushed from the bedroom and didn’t return.
So Neysa stayed there, rigidly holding her pose and desperately holding back tears, until Alerim came to collect them hours later.
Chapter 1 - Plucking Feathers |
Plucking Feathers
Contains: Futa on Futa / Anal / Rimming / BDSM / Aftercare
Chapter inspired by this picture by tofuubear.
Xayah did not have many friends. Her abrasive personality and general lack of regard for the well being of others made sure of that. It wasn’t the she hated everyone; she just didn’t care about them. Many had tried to establish some form of a personal relationship with her over the years, and many had thoroughly failed. Rakan, the latest of said failures, was perhaps the single most annoying creature she’d ever had the displeasure of meeting. He was loud, obnoxious, and tried waaaay too hard. His boisterous, carefree, free spirit attitude made Xayah want to put feather daggers through his skull. Fortunately, shooting down his plea to accompany him on a date was more than sufficient. She still fondly remembered the sad puppy dog look on his face as he sulked away. It was glorious. She often wondered how he’d feel if he knew that she wasn’t even into guys in the first place.
The few select individuals that did earn her friendship were kept at arm’s distance. It was just her policy. Being around people for extended periods of time, even friends, eventually gave way to her standoffish side, and before long she’d end up arguing away whatever relationship had existed prior. Many thought it appropriate to label her a ‘bitch’ or a ‘smartass’, and while she was certainly not fond of those less than complimentary monikers, they were fairly spot on. Being cold, distant, and intractable was just her way of life. None could break through the walls she’d put up.
Except for one.
The first time Ahri and Xayah met was of complete chance. Or fate, she supposed. The younger Vastayan had been moseying through the woods near her home, her attention focused elsewhere when she quite literally ran headfirst into the kitsune. She had no clue how it was possible for two intelligent individuals to have so little regard for their surroundings that they collide with one another. Nevertheless, the shock and surprise from said collision sent them tumbling towards the ground, their limbs flailing until Xayah landed atop Ahri’s midriff. The slightly older, fox featured Vastaya with a set of nine tails adorning the small of her back was quick to respond however, her survival instincts kicking in as she had no idea if the person sitting on her was a friend or a foe. Her hands gripped Xayah’s shoulders and tossed her aside roughly, her body hitting the ground hard as she felt the wind get knocked from her lungs. She sputtered and gasped for air but was allowed no reprieve as Ahri pushed her flat on her back and mounted her. She kept her arms pinned against the ground with her elbows and used one hand to slightly squeeze her throat while the other clamped itself firmly over her mouth. Ahri’s head hovered just inches away from her own, her golden eyes staring straight into the rebellious Vastayan’s soul without a word of exchange being spoken between them.
Xayah had never been handled so aggressively before. Most tiptoed around her, afraid of any confrontation whatsoever, but this woman… she treated her like a common whore. Threw her around like she was a toy. Punished her like she was just a plaything.
She’d never felt more turned on in her life.
In that moment she was acutely aware of every sensation. The firm but not too firm grip on her throat, the forced silence from the fox’s hand over her mouth, the way her breasts were slightly squashed from the weight of Ahri’s larger mammaries, the nearly non-existent distance between their faces. It all accumulated into a feeling of white-hot arousal shooting through Xayah’s veins as she discovered a new, unholy fetish.
Maybe she just wanted someone to finally stand up to her. Maybe she had a thing for being dominated. Maybe she just didn’t feel like being in control for once. Regardless, in that moment, still pinned beneath Ahri’s weight and staring into her endless orbs of gold, Xayah’s libido surged like never before, and it made itself known in the only way it could.
The fox’s ears twitched, a look of confusion passing over her features for a brief moment until it gave way to a smile and then a full on laugh. She retained her position, her face shifting even closer to the younger Vastaya.
“Is your cock really getting hard from a situation like this?” The kitsune asked in a low and sultry tone, bemusement and amusement evident in her eyes. The timbre of her voice was overwhelmingly erotic, every syllable stressing an underlying desire, every word expressing libidinous need. The blood in Xayah’s veins ran cold, her aggressor's vocal melody rattling her to the very core.
“W-what..?! Of course not, pervert…” Xayah’s denial was automatic, her misanthropic side answering on reflex before her brain had time to properly process the situation. It only took a moment for her cognitive skills to kick in, and once they did, she became painfully aware of how correct Ahri’s assumption was. Her member had risen to its full six inch mast quite quickly and pressed uncomfortably against the fox’s lower stomach, the shaft sandwiched between the two women’s cores. A blush tinted her cheeks, much to Ahri’s delight and Xayah’s chagrin, as it all but confirmed what they both already knew to be true.
Xayah felt thoroughly embarrassed; her arms making a feeble attempt to break free from Ahri’s grasp. The fox doubled down on her hold, applying more pressure and sinking herself lower onto Xayah’s body, painfully squeezing the rebel’s cock between their bodies as an all knowing smirk graced her features.
“Trying to leave already?” She cooed. “But your cock feels like it's just getting fired up. Don’t you wanna stay and see where this goes?” Ahri finally bridged the gap between her lips and Xayah’s, licking the younger Vastayan’s lips gently before trailing slowly down her chin and sucking on her neck. Xayah failed to keep in a groan, her hips thrusting upwards on instinct from the stimulation. It all felt so wrong and yet so incredibly right. This wicked, beautiful, sadistic, smooth talking kitsune whore was utterly humiliating her and she found herself unable to do anything but welcome it. Her cock ached for more, its throbs equal parts pleasurable and painful as it swelled against Ahri’s weight.
“Fuck.” Ahri whispered, pulling her skirt up to reveal a package even larger than Xayah’s, the member flopping onto the younger Vastaya’s stomach, a bead of excitement already rolling down its head. “Now look what you’ve done, being all sexy and submissive for me.”
Xayah blinked several times, her emotions in utter pandemonium at the sight before her. Not only did Ahri have a cock of her own, it was absolutely elegant, far prettier than she ever imagined one could be. It was slightly sleeker than her own but at least an inch and a half longer. It was unbelievably smooth, shaved so cleanly that it looked fine tuned to perfection. Below were two sizable balls, dangling freely and in a similar state of cleanliness to her cock.
Xayah gulped audibly, feeling an entire new wave of emotions wash over her. She’d never met another girl with a cock in her life. In fact, she always presumed she was the only one to exist.
She’d already been unbearably horny from Ahri’s domination, and that was under the presumption that she was anatomically female. But now… it was a whole different level of desire. She’d found someone just like her. Someone who could understand. Someone who could keep her secret safe.
Xayah’s face relaxed. Her arms ceased their futile resistance. She finally allowed herself to be consumed in this wonderful, terrifying, amazing moment. She uttered two words, her voice no louder than a church mouse. Little did she know that those two words would change her life forever.
“Take me.”
It had been eleven months since they first met on that fateful day and much had changed. For starters, the fox and the rebel begun living together rather quickly after their first hook up. In other relationships it would’ve been unorthodox to rush into such a large commitment, but Ahri and Xayah felt a stronger bond than most. They shared Vastayan blood, had difficult personalities that turned most away, were heavily into BDSM, and, above all else, were both gifted with an incredibly rare trait among female Vastaya.
The kitsune also proved to be the only person capable of handling Xayah romantically. Ahri’s temperament dwarfed Xayah’s cold demeanor, and she used this to her advantage. When Xayah was being difficult, the fox did not merely withdraw from the argument and cede her point; to the contrary, she actively challenged her younger Vastayan, able to effortlessly dish vitriol back her way. Xayah always welcomed this; she liked to be contested. The problem was that no one had the balls to do so until Ahri.
The fox had revealed another thing to Xayah during their first encounter: she was most certainly a submissive in the bedroom. Sex had not been a common thing in the avian’s life before she met Ahri, but afterwards it became an everyday occurrence, and she learned her place very quickly. Ahri was dominant, through and through, and one of the reasons they worked so well as a couple was because Xayah loved to be her little slut. There was nothing that made her happier. Being treated like a whore, like a mere plaything, it turned her on beyond belief. Fortunately, Ahri was more than willing to accommodate the rebel’s needs, especially because they aligned so perfectly with her own.
The real beauty in their sex life was how starkly they acted in and out of the proverbial bedroom. When they weren’t in the ‘mood’, they were a normal, loving, everyday couple. When things got hot and heavy, however, their demeanors changed immensely and suddenly. All it took was one little ember to set them off on any given night.
Very much like it did tonight.
Xayah was busy tending to the kitchenwares. It was boring work, but it needed to be done. She wore a blank yellow apron and… not much else. Her ass was entirely exposed, her breasts peaked out from the sides. The only other article of clothing she sported was a pair of midnight blue stockings that reach up to her mid thighs. Indeed, her Mistress demanded such a strict dress code during all hours of the day. Just as she finished washing dishes, she heard her partner call out from the bedroom.
“Xayah, dear, would you mind coming in here?”
A tingle shot up her spine. She knew that tone. She’d heard it many times before. Dark, deep, rich with desire. A hint of need. Laced with control.
Xayah didn’t respond. Didn’t need to. Her ever encroaching footfalls were plenty enough. She walked briskly into the room, eager to see what Ahri had in store.
Even she was not prepared for the sight before her.
The kitsune sat on the bed, her back against the headboard and her legs spread wide. The first thing Xayah’s eyes focused on was her pelvic region and the lack of clothing covering it. Ahri’s cock was entirely bare for the rebel, standing at its full mast of seven inches, the head dully throbbing every few seconds. It was rare for the fox to be so forthcoming, and Xayah knew instantly that she had to have something particularly fun planned for tonight. The rest of her ensemble certainly fit the bill. On her feet were a pair of jet black stiletto high heels, the likes of which Xayah had never seen her wear before. Her creamy legs sported black, transparent thigh-high stockings. Garters connected the stockings to an equally black bondage harness decorating her midriff and chest. These devices hid nothing, the belts and straps adorning the outfit as shameless as the owner wearing them. If anything, they only accentuated her ample curves more, every inch of exposed skin looking absolutely delectable to Xayah’s eyes.
“I didn’t think we’d have time to play tonight… Mistress.”
Ahri scooted her butt forward until she sat on the edge of the bed, her body less than a foot away from Xayah’s. “You know I’ve had a long day, sweetie. Help your mistress unwind a bit.”
Ahri’s hands ran up Xayah’s exposed hips, gripping and kneading the flesh tenderly before gently pushing the rebel to her knees. Xayah offered zero resistance, allowing the fox to dictate her movements entirely. Once she was in the proper position, Ahri skittered a few inches closer, lurching her cock directly in front of Xayah’s face. The younger Vastaya stared at it, a mixture of admiration and intimidation laced in her gaze. It was such a perfect looking cock. So smooth and slick, so ideally sized. Xayah wanted nothing more in that moment than to wrap her lips around the shaft and gag on it like a thoroughbred slut, but she knew better. Mistress did not take kindly to her acting out of turn. Doing so would result in a punishment, and she certainly wanted to avoid that. At least for now.
Ahri could see the need in Xayah’s eyes. She looked famished. Feral. Desperate. That over-eagerness to serve her mistress was precisely the reason as to why Ahri refused to give her a proper face fucking. She needed to be patient, needed to be a good girl, needed to earn her master’s cock.
“Take off the apron, Slut.”
A tingle ran down Xayah’s spine. Ahri was in full dom mode. She only used that word when she was immensely horny.
Ever the mistress pleaser, Xayah clasped her hands behind her back and undid her apron in one motion, the cloth pooling on the floor beside her knees. The kitsune took the opportunity to ravish her submissive’s body with her eyes; her plump breasts, shapely hips, and moderately sized cock were all on full display.
Ahri squatted down and lowered her head towards Xayah’s pelvis, her eyes focused on the younger Vastaya’s member. It was already rock hard, the shaft slightly throbbing with need every few seconds, a dollop of precum oozing from the head and dripping towards the ground. Her balls were heavy, bloated, and filled with jism, a testament to how excited the Vastayan was.
“We don’t bone for a few days and you’re already this backed up?” Ahri whispered, her voice low and rich and sultry. She gently ran her thumb and index finger over Xayah’s cockhead a few times, giving her a few short strokes. “My little princess needs some release, huh?.”
Xayah sharply inhaled at the small yet potent stimulation. It was true, they hadn’t had a chance to get intimate for a few days. With how often they fooled around, a few days felt like a few months to the rebel, and she’d been unbearably horny because of it. There were numerous occasions where she seriously considered rubbing one out in the bathroom, but she knew that Ahri would find out, and she was not allowed to cum for anyone but her mistress. Not even for herself.
“You’ve been aching to get off all day, haven’t you?” Ahri whispered, flicking the head of Xayah’s cock, watching a trace amount of precum oozing from her tip bounce off as the member twitched with excitement.
“Y-yes, Mistress…”
“I’m happy to oblige you… after we have some fun.”
Ahri wasted no time in breaking out the rope. It was taut, strong, dark red, and quite inescapable. Built from tough fiber and prone to chafing, it generally caused pain to the wearer, though to Xayah, the loss of power and restriction of movement was what she so desperately craved. Ahri just happened to be a master at rope binding as well, making this a match truly made in heaven. Most nights, the rope was used almost exceedingly maliciously. The kitsune just loved to put in Xayah’s most uncomfortable areas. However, tonight she was feeling generous and decided that a standard breast wrap and behind the back wrist tie would suffice. Her hands moved of their own accord, having done this so many times it was second nature. She wrapped a double layer under, over, and in between Xayah’s breasts, applying pressure from every direction to further emphasize the plumpness of her mammaries. Her arms were bound just above the small of her back, her wrists locked together by the vice grip of the rope. Xayah, during all of this, had remained silent and still. Traits of a good girl. After nearly a year of this, absorbing a little pain was nothing for her. The pleasure it brought far outweighed the consequences.
Once Ahri had finished restraining her girlfriend, she raised her head, eyes staring directly through Xayah’s. She placed a tender, loving kiss on her lips while her hands held the rebel’s, fingers interlocking. For a moment, thoughts of control and compliance were lost. Need to submit and desire to dominate were forgone. It was just them. Only them.
“I love you, Ahri.” Xayah whispered.
“I love you more, Xayah.” The fox stood up, her facial features turning from lovey dovey back to dominatrix in the blink of an eye. She raised her cock to Xayah’s face, the head dangerously close to the rebel’s lips. “Now worship my cock, Slut.”
Xayah happily obliged, her lips parting widely to accept Ahri’s length. It was a challenge to get to the base of the bulging member with her hands restrained and unable to help, but Xayah had done this many times before. Her mouth enveloped more and more of Ahri’s cock with every passing second, her blowjob skills on full display while the kitsune watched patiently overhead with a smile, enjoying the view of her girlfriend’s cocksuckers wrapped around her length. In nearly no time Xayah was deepthroating her member, gagging on the full seven inches yet unwilling to relinquish even a centimeter, just as her Mistress preferred. For a moment Ahri allowed the two to be connected in such a manner, her cock fully hilted down Xayah’s throat but completely stationary, the pleasant warmth and wetness of her mouth being a catharsis sweeter than most could know.
“Look at me.”
Xayah’s eyes wandered upwards to meet the fox’s, glazed and wide and laced with lust over her mistress’ cock. Those damned golden pools of hers, smoldering and ablaze and never more alive than during copulation. It was the same gaze she always held when they fucked, going as far back as to their very first meeting in the forest. It was absolutely piercing, as if she could peer directly into Xayah’s soul. See exactly what she wanted. What she needed. Who she was.
“Good girl.”
The kitsune gently gripped Xayah’s chin and ushered her back and forth, bobbing the Vastaya’s mouth the length of her cock. Xayah left plenty of spit in her wake, a result of the prolonged deepthroating, and properly lubricated the fox’s member as she sloppily sucked on it. She breathed in Ahri’s scent, a musk of flowers and sweat and libido, the smell driving her completely cock drunk. She removed the member from her mouth, her lips diving southward to ensnare a single one of Ahri’s balls. She suckled desperately on the globe, moaning into it as she gazed to her Mistress for approval.
Ahri smiled, her face flush with enjoyment as she kneaded her own breast, a sign for Xayah to continue her work. It was true that she hadn’t told the rebellious Vastaya to stop sucking her dick, but she did always love it when her girlfriend took a little initiative, so it was a permissible offense. Her shaft felt severely neglected, however, so the kitsune gently stroked the underside of it while Xayah continued attending to her balls, her need to cum reaching dangerous peaks from the dual stimulation. Her eyes widened after a moment, her own hand proving to be far more lethal than she anticipated. She grabbed Xayah’s head and roughly pulled her upwards, tearing her away from her balls and shoving her shaft in her mouth just in time. The kitsune released a pent up groan, her orgasm tiding over her as she shot ropes of jism down Xayah’s welcoming throat.
“Ah… That was great, Princess.” Ahri whispered, her fingers caressing the backside of her lover’s head. Her cock, still erect and leaking a trace amount of cum, rested idly on Xayah’s cheek. Xayah smiled cheekily at her Mistress, enjoying the aftertaste of her potent semen. Her cock throbbed with need below, the act of sucking Ahri off only further heightening her desire to orgasm. She mewled pathetically, humping the air a few times in frustration. During some sessions, Ahri wouldn’t let her cum at all. In others, she was very… generous. It all depended on her mood.
“Mistress… I really, really need to cum.” She pleaded. “I’ll do anything… Give you anything…”
“Hmm.” Ahri tapped a finger against her chin. “Anything?”
“Deal.” Ahri lifted her girlfriend up by the shoulders and led her to the bed. “I’ll take your ass as payment.”
“Wha-!” Xayah was cut off by Ahri’s hand clamping over her mouth, her words muffling into a slurred line of vocal garbage.
“No take backs and no complaining, babe. You don’t let me fuck your ass often enough, anyway.” Ahri presented a red ball gag to Xayah, whose eyes widened with equal parts arousal and terror. She strapped it around her mouth in no time, effectively silencing her protests.
“Don’t worry. I’ll get you off first. And I’ll be extra nice.”
This calmed Xayah down, just the idea of being able to cum being enough to stave off the future discomfort of being pegged in the ass. She allowed Ahri to guide her onto the bed, the kitsune positioning her girlfriend face down and ass up on the mattress. Xayah’s cock dangled between her thighs while her bottom wagged high in the air; it was a truly delightful sight that renewed Ahri’s libido tenfold.
Xayah was nervous, beads of sweat beginning to appear on her forehead. Due to the nature of her position, she could not see what Ahri was up to behind her, and given how exposed her ass was, if the kitsune decided to just shove her cock in…
A second later, all notions of worry were expelled completely and were replaced by a particular bliss she’d only known a handful of times before.
Something was pressing against her asshole, but it was not the angry head of her girlfriend’s cock. It was instead the soft tissue of her tongue. Ahri licked gentle strokes around the rim of Xayah’s pucker, her face buried between her luscious ass cheeks. She had not intended to eat her girlfriend’s ass when the night had begun, but when presented with the opportunity it was far too advantageous to pass up. On one hand, Xayah absolutely loved it. She wasn’t crazy about anal sex, yet she never came more than when Ahri rimmed her. It was odd, but the fox never dwelled on it much. On the other hand, Ahri intended to fuck this particular orifice very soon, and proper lubrication was a key factor in both parties’ enjoyment during anal. Not only would a rimjob make it easier to fully slide into this ass later, it would hopefully give Xayah a better experience overall, which in turn might result in Ahri getting to fuck her ass more often.
Plus, if Ahri was being honest, she really enjoyed diving face first between her girlfriend’s plump, rosy ass cheeks.
Xayah moaned loudly into her gag, her ass slightly bouncing with excitement. Spit drooled from the corners of her mouth, a testament to her lust, while her eyes crossed slightly, her mind swimming in a sea of pleasure. Ahri’s hand gently massaged her balls and shaft, the spittle accumulated on her pucker dripping down her entire member to properly lube it up. She wrapped her thumb and index finger around Xayah’s cockhead and gently milked her member, coaxing strand after strand of precum onto the bed sheets. Her left hand kneaded Xayah’s ass cheek, giving it a harsh spank every few seconds which left it bright red.
Xayah groans were music to her ears; knowing that she was responsible for her girlfriend experiencing such intense exhilaration was certainly a boon to her pride. She began licking down Xayah’s asshole and taint and over her bloated balls and all the way back up in quick succession, the translation of pleasure over such a variety of nerve endings proving to put the rebel on the precipice of cumming. A few more strokes and another deep dive between Xayah’s cheeks was all it took for her to go over the edge, her body tensing as she whined pathetically into her gag. Ahri was fast to switch positions, her face lurching from between Xayah’s ass to beneath her dangling cock, the back of her head resting against the sheets as she stared directly up at her girlfriend’s throbbing member. Her right hand continued pumping without a hitch while her left thumb gently rubbed circles around the outer ring of Xayah’s asshole. This tandem of pleasure proved to be far too much to take, and Xayah could not stop herself from blowing her load all over Ahri’s waiting face. She reigned down several ropes of thick, viral, sticky cum upon the kitsune’s perfect hair, cheeks, nose, and mouth, covering them in her essence. It was a huge load, her cum practically painting Ahri’s visage white. When Xayah finished, Ahri took her cockhead between her lips and suckled gently on the sensitive area, milking out the last few droplets of semen. She kissed it gently when she felt it had been suitably tended to and released her hold on it.
“Princess… Look at me.”
It took Xayah a moment to turn around, her head still swimming with the afterglow of her intense orgasm. When she saw the face of her girlfriend, and the sticky fluid covering that face, her senses returned in full force.
“Sho schweet!” She slurred, using her legs to propel herself over Ahri’s head, which still laid on the edge of the bed. Her wrists had begun to ache from the rope binding and her mouth felt sore from the gag, but she enjoyed the pain. It served as a constant reminder of her surrender, a resignation of her control.
“I’m going to take this off, Princess.” Ahri’s hands fiddled with the strap holding Xayah’s gag in place until she finally removed it, tossing it harmlessly to the side without another thought. Her mouth free once again, Xayah promptly embraced her girlfriend with an upside down kiss, the passion and intensity of it catching her girlfriend off guard. Xayah didn’t mind tasting her own cum, and she proved that to Ahri by meticulously licking her face clean after they broke from their lip lock.
“You know, babe.” Xayah purred, standing up and wagging her butt seductively in her girlfriend’s face. “If you did that for me more often, I’d be a lot more willing to give you this.”
Ahri’s lips curled into a wolfish smile, her eyes narrowing with predation over the enticing piece of flesh before her. She leapt off the bed fervently and thrust her pelvis against Xayah’s ass, her cock hot-dogging between her buns. Ahri’s arousal had fully restored itself during Xayah’s rimjob, but after being presented a piece of ass as fine as this? All for the taking? Her libido had surged to high heaven. She couldn’t help but engage in a bit of outercourse, constantly thrusting her cock between Xayah’s creamy cheeks, her pre-cum leaking into her already well lubricated asshole. Xayah’s enthusiasm and reciprocation only turned her on more; she was often so hesitant to surrender her asshole to Ahri. It was the one part of her body she hadn’t fully claimed. Apparently, as the kitsune had learned tonight, all she had to do was face fuck her girlfriend’s backdoor to gain full entry.
Speaking of which, Ahri had had enough foreplay. She used her hands to spread Xayah’s cheeks as wide as they could go, exposing her winking hole in all its glory. She spit on it one final time, just to ensure it was properly lubed. She used a single hand to guide her cockhead to her girlfriend’s pucker, gently fighting with it to gain access. Xayah did her best to help despite her arms being bound; she tried to relax as much as possible and backed up onto Ahri’s cock, and with their combined efforts, the kitsune’s member finally passed the outer ring of flesh and slipped inside.
Ahri gasped from the feeling but pressed forward nonetheless, sliding her cock slowly and steadily deeper into her girlfriend’s ass. It was just so utterly, unbelievably, delightfully tight. It squeezed around her cock like a pocket of warmth. If she wanted to, she could cum right now, her cock only halfway inside Xayah’s rear. That would ruin the fun, however, and she planned to enjoy this to its fullest extent
The kitsune was relieved to hear Xayah having fun, though. In the past, her moods turned somewhat sour when she resigned her ass to Ahri, but now she was moaning and groaning and mewling through clenched teeth the deeper Ahri went. Her ass clenching and unclenching around her cock seemingly at command, as if her girlfriend was trying to get her to cum against her will. Trying to tease the ultimate teaser.
Ahri’s resolve doubled, her pride as the dominatrix in this relationship on the line. With Xayah’s ass having swallowed 3/4s of her shaft, she decided the rest could be done in one fell swoop. Without warning she buried the rest of herself inside, earning a squawk from her girlfriend and a groan from herself. For a moment they sat there still, her member fully hilted inside Xayah’s tight little asshole. Ahri’s hands crept forward, one finding its way to Xayah’s cheek before extending two fingers into her mouth which she promptly sucked on. The other traveled south, gripping Xayah’s rock hard shaft and slowly stroking it.
“Oh? You’re already leaking pre? If I didn’t know any better, Princess, I’d say you’re enjoying this assfucking.” Ahri teased, her own hips beginning to thrust back and forth as her cock constantly sheathed itself from Xayah’s bottom.
“Mm…” Xayah whimpered. “I-I am enjoying this, Mistress.”
Ahri’s tempo increased, her cock asspounding Xayah faster and faster as they both fought the urge to blow their loads. Xayah suckled and moaned desperately on Ahri’s finger, the sensation of being pegged in the ass and jerked off simultaneously proving to be far too orgasmic to resist. Her thighs quivered against Ahri’s as she felt the fox’s body tense up from behind.
“F-fuuuck.” Ahri moaned, her voice nothing more than a shaky whisper. She couldn’t hold it anymore; Xayah’s ass milked her cock thoroughly, a mind shattering orgasm coursing through her veins as she shot rope after sticky rope of virulent seed into Xayah’s tight backdoor. Her thrusting naturally slowed to nearly a dead stop as her orgasm faded, but Xayah’s shapely cheeks picked up steam, the younger Vastaya throwing her hips back with increasing force until it became she who was doing the fucking, not Ahri. The kitsune whined as her overly sensitive cock was forced to undergo such rough treatment, but Xayah cared little. This was payback for taking her ass. At least Ahri had the courtesy to continue stroking her cock, which looked mightily edged at this point, the head gushing excessive amounts of precum. The feeling of Ahri’s warm seed filling her ass alongside her stiff cock in conjunction with her handjob sent Xayah over the edge. She released an effusive, elongated moan that reverberated throughout the couple’s bedroom, her seed spilling in long, accurate shots along the bed as she came. Her tongue lolled out of her mouth and her eyes crossed as she experienced bliss like she’d never known, her cock cumming as if it thought it was filling the belly of a fertile goddess. It sputtered to a halt after a few more ropes had painted the bedsheets, relaxing to a semi-erect state while it dripped globules of sperm like a leaky faucet.
Ahri took it upon herself to unsheath her cock from Xayah’s anus seeing as she was still stuck in a state of post-orgasm delirium. She gently unbound the ropes from the redhead’s back, freeing her arms and wrists from their bondage as the elegantly bound fibers fell to the ground harmlessly.
Xayah stood shakily, her body slightly rocking back and forth, her eyes glossed over in a haze until a pair of firm yet gentle hands tenderly massaged the muscles in her upper back, the kitsune’s soothing touch breathing new life into her. Her senses returned from Ahri’s skilled ministrations and within a moment she’d spun around to embrace her lover, the two sharing in a all-knowing, all-loving kiss. Their breasts, coated in a shiny sheen of sweat from the fierce fuck session, pressed lightly against each other while their cocks, still covered in semen and spit, rubbed tightly against one another, smushed between their stomachs. Ahri backed her girlfriend into the bed, their lips never breaking until they were both firmly under the covers. Xayah turned to her side and pressed her rear deep into Ahri’s crotch, the feeling of her girlfriend’s flaccid cock sitting idly between her buns bringing her a sense of comfort and safety. Ahri looped an arm over Xayah’s stomach and nuzzled her face against her neck, breathing in her scent and basking in the afterglow of their lovemaking.
“You know you’re cleaning the sheets tomorrow, right babe?” Ahri crooned, her voice snide and filled with sarcasm.
“What? No fair.” Xayah grumbled. “It’s your fault I jizzed on them anyway.”
“Ohoho.” The kitsune teased. “I believe you’re the one that made that mess, sweetie. I suppose we could do it together, though. For a price.”
“Gee, I wonder what that could be.” Xayah giggled, fully knowing that her girlfriend wanted her to lay her ass on the line. Literally.
“Would that be something you might like?” Ahri gently rubbed her girlfriend’s stomach, a sheepish smile plastered across her features.
“I think I’d like it very much.”
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Chapter 2 - Elise vs Shyvana |
Elise vs Shyvana
Witty Title: Boomer dragon uses the web for the first time
Tags: Anal, Rimming, Sexfight, Strapon, Yuri
Elise was a proud woman. A confident woman. She possessed a deadly combination of beauty and power, able to seduce someone into doing her bidding just as easily as she could force them. She’d bested many supposedly indomitable conquests in her time; the noxian political hierarchy, an actual spider god, and the League of Legends, to name just a few. Such feats of legendary cunning instilled within the spider queen a hyper-inflated ego rivaled in size only by the near anatomically-defying curves of her form.
There was nothing in this world that she valued higher than herself—and for good reason. She’d been at it alone her entire life. There was no nation she could turn to for aid, no lover to quell her fears, no friends to watch her back.
Always alone, always proud.
As it often is in life, her pride was a double edged sword. Back before the Accords were installed into Runeterran society at large, no one would dare speak ill of her, lest they find themselves drowning in excruciating neurotoxins as their internal organs liquified. But now… now things were different. Murder was no longer an acceptable way of settling scores or dealing with disrespect. As such, one of her greatest weapons was effectively rendered worthless. People no longer feared her for the incredible physical pain she could inflict. And although her body was worthy of goddess status, it did little in terms of instilling terror in those she encountered.
She used to be able to walk through entire cities and watch as every commoner or noble alike bowed their heads in fear. Now those very same people freely ogled her bouncing chest and jiggling ass. It was all types of wrong.
And yet, lecherous gazes, albeit annoying, were not nearly enough to blow her fuse. Sure, she wished people still feared her as they used to, but she could not deny the satisfaction she got from watching them fawn and drool over her body as if she was a deity. It made her feel strong—a different sort of strong than she was used to, but strong nonetheless.
Unfortunately, the masses' newfound propensity for leering came with a certain amount of unearned bravery. Turns out when you make society use sex as its primary manner of function, people end up being really fucking horny all the time. Who would have thought? On rare occasions she’d encounter a particularly courageous individual that dared make a pass at her. Sometimes it was a barmaid giving her ass a quick spank as she passed by. Other times it was a high priestess commenting on the visually appealing curvature of her breasts.
These slights she would not tolerate. Not in the least. Staring was one thing. Disrespect was another. And there was nothing in this world she loved more than disciplining impudent women that needed to learn a valuable lesson in humility.
Her next student? Well, that just so happened to be a particularly foul-mouthed half-dragon that served in the Demacian royal court.
Elise had been on an excursion in the pearly city of justice, scouting for those naive enough to accompany her on one of her “pilgrimages” back to the Shadow Isles. After all, it didn’t count as murder if she wasn’t explicitly doing the killing, and Vilemaw didn’t really fall under the Institute’s jurisdiction in the first place. Things had been going according to plan until she came across that purple-skinned woman in one of Demacia’s many cobblestones streets, her ornate headdress and dragonguard armor shining so brightly it was bordering on being pretentious. The spider queen wasn’t particularly elated to see her as they weren’t known to be overly fond of each other—repeated battles on the Fields of Justice tended to sour most relationships. Go figure.
Regardless, Elise had no intention of even conversing with Jarvan the Fourth’s little pet... that is until she heard that reptile mutter something under her breath as she passed by.
“Might as well wear no clothes at all, spider whore.”
While certainly rude, that snide little insult was surely not the most offensive thing in the world. But to someone with such an absurdly high view of herself like Elise, the half-dragon might as well have just publicly executed her parents. Her words were like pure gasoline atop the embers in the spider queen’s soul. No emotions existed within her at that moment aside from pure, unbridled rage. With a scarily serious twitching left eye she turned towards the passing Demacian, grabbing her roughly by the arm with her clawed tipped fingers, pressing them just hard enough into her skin to draw the slightest amount of blood.
No further words needed to be shared. Their blazing glares said more than enough. The two women immediately dropped whatever tasks they’d been doing and walked in tandem towards Demacia’s designated sexfighting arena: The Carnal Coliseum.
Perhaps the half-dragon knew what she was doing the whole time. Perhaps she’d wanted to challenge Elise, demi-human to demi-human, to see which one of their bodies was truly the superior host of eldritch power. The spider queen didn’t really care what her reasons were. In fact, her mind could only focus on one thing at the moment.
Shyvana needed to be punished.
Inside the sterile white halls of the Coliseum, Elise and Shyvana searched for an available room to settle the bubbling fury that bounced between them like silent gunfire exchanges. Unsurprisingly, it took more than a few minutes to find one. Every unit they passed was occupied, the two women gazing through each room’s clear glass wall to observe the fights within. Most of it was just Demacian women fucking each other silly. Housewives, soldiers, politicians; all were welcome in this place. It took awhile, but the Accords eventually eradicated all sense of puritan ideologies and sexual taboos within society. Feeling comfortable whilst naked and being a sexual deviant were par for the course for just about everyone nowadays. Not that Elise minded. She’d always been in tune with her own sexuality, and with curves as delicious as hers, she never needed nor found a view better than herself to achieve climax. Of course, that didn’t stop her from gazing at the various contests she walked by. Watching those women go to town on each other, and knowing soon that she would be doing those things to the bitch that walked beside her… the thought of it got her more than a little excited.
She was going to break this stuck-up dragon until she was nothing more than a harmless salamander grovelling at her feet for mercies they both knew would never come.
Finally, after what felt like half hour of meandering through a sex filled maze, the demi-humans found an available room. Shyvana entered first and began wordlessly stripping off her armor, each individual piece making a heavy thunking sound as it clanged against the ground. She shifted her eyes towards her opponent, watching as the spider queen removed her clothing, though it was hard to classify it as actual apparel. It was more like a second layer of skin, formed of the same chitinous material that gave her claws such wicked tips and produced the miniaturized limbs that jutted forth from her back. Her brows furrowed in concentration for a moment and soon the chitin that covered her nipples and nethers resorbed into her flesh, revealing the succulent treats that lay within. Additionally, her tipped claws became much smoother and less lethal while the arachnoid limbs on her back merely fell away harmlessly to the ground.
Shyvana found it to be an amusing trick. She had no idea the spider queen was capable of transforming her body into a much more human version of itself. Of course, some of that black chitin that covered her skin remained, but it was much, much less prevalent than before. Still attempting to unfasten her breastplate, the half-dragon took the opportunity to let her eyes roam Elise’s freshly bared form.
The spider queen was indeed packing some special assets, that much was certain. With how suggestive her body armor was even at full strength, it was fairly obvious to anyone that Elise was built like a grade-A MILF, but seeing her like this… it brought Shyvana a new perspective and, loathe as she was to admit, appreciation of Elise’s body that she hadn’t previously held. Her nipples were almost purple in color and well above average in circumference, contrasting nicely with the rest of her incredibly pale skin. Her breasts were D cups at the bare minimum, but their real allure was in how amazingly round they were. Like two large melons, they were much more than the average human hand could easily grip and seemed perfectly sized for shoving your face into. If it was a different time in their lives, a time when she didn’t despise the spider queen so greatly, Shyvana would definitely have definitely taken her home for some passionate rutting.
Beneath her massive jugs, Elise’s navel and abdomen were silky smooth and flat. Shyvana sincerely doubted that a single percentage of body fat resided inside them. Her womanhood was slightly obscured from a trimmed bush of black hair that resided just above it, but what little amount of her folds the half-dragon could see seemed relatively normal in all aspects… save for the clear liquid that coated them. An obvious sign of arousal.
If Shyvana was being honest, she was fairly certain her pussy looked much the same right now.
Elise smiled as she saw her opponent’s eyes ravishing her bare form. It was nothing particularly new; she always had this effect on people. A devilish idea came to her mind. With no further prompting, the spider queen did a 180 degree spin, turning her back to the half-dragon before bending over as deep as she could, showcasing her ass in all its fleshy glory.
Shyvana felt her heart skip a beat. Elise’s ass was simply divine in every sense of the word. It was soft and full and supple and large… gods, was it large. Not to the point of absurdity, mind you, but rather to the point of well and truly encompassing the word thiccccccc. It was not at all tight or muscular; those kinds of buns were saved for workout warriors. Elise was a seductress. She needn’t sprint a marathon to bend someone to her will. Instead, she could just offer to sit on their face until they suffocated to death between those plump cheeks and they’d agree to whatever she wanted.
The half-dragon had thought the spider queen’s front side was intimidating, but after seeing her body’s inarguably greatest asset, it became clear that this would be no easy fight. Those massive globes were utterly stupidfying to look at, and if Elise ever pinned her in such a way that she was forced to stare at, or god forbid, eat the spider queen’s ass, it would be all over for her but the crying. That badonkadonk had some seriously powerful hypnotic powers.
Shyvana now understood why Elise was known to be a formidable temptress. With a body as stacked as hers, just about anything on this world with a pulse would crawl across miles of broken glass just to kiss her feet. Fortunately, the half-dragon was no mere chump or commoner that begged like a dog for hot chicks. She was a member of the Dragonguard, a dauntless, elite military outfit that hunted fucking dragons. Felling such great monstrosities was surely more difficult than outlasting some knock-off tarantula whore.
Finally unclasping the thick piece of leather behind her back, Shyvana’s heavy breastplate fell to the ground. She reveled in her breasts’ newly acquired freedom, enjoying the Colosseum’s frigid air much more than the musky confines of her armor. Though her bosom was not quite as large as Elise’s, it was still formidable in its own right. Her boobs were C cups, just the perfect size for a healthy handful, and her areolas, already stiff with excitement, were colored a dark purple hue. Her skin might have been scaly (she was part reptile, after all), but that didn’t mean her breasts were. On the contrary, they looked quite appetizing, soft and plush but slightly firmer than Elise’s. Traveling downwards, the half-dragon was sporting an absolutely shredded core, with thick layers of tight, sinewy muscle surrounding her abdomen, the undeniable centerpiece of which being her immaculate six pack.
Elise may have held feminine beauty over her in spades, but Shyvana was nothing if not the ideal tomboy. Her body was the perfect union between man and beast; all the strength and fury of a dragon combined with the restraint and critical thinking of a human being. Most of the time her dual nature worked in perfect harmony, but occasionally she’d had issues controlling her more wild side. Every now and again she got a little too excited and went feral, though that generally only occurred during dragon hunts. Fierce beasts that they were, sometimes the best way to fight them was to become like them. But in a setting like this, losing her mental could prove disastrous. Fortunately, she had little doubt she could keep a cool head against what was essentially just an oversized spider.
Elise’s face had grown increasingly smug as Shyvana removed more and more of her clothing. It was starting to piss her off. She may not have had the largest breasts in the world, but they were certainly nothing to scoff at. And yet, the spider queen appeared to be doing just that, her expression so arrogant and belittling it was as if she was saying, ‘That’s it?’.
Frustrated, Shyvana unfastened her tassets, baring her thighs alongside her entire nether region as the leg armor clunked against the floor. If Elise had not been impressed with her chest, then Shyvana was left with no option but to show her something else. Something bound to impress purely for how different it was.
Elise’s mouth hung slack-jawed as she stared at the half-dragon’s pussy. From the outside it appeared as standard as any other, save for the purple colored skin that tinted her southern lips, though that was par for the course with the rest of Shyvana’s body. Between those folds, however, was not the usual pink flesh that was inside every other woman’s cunt. Instead, her clitoris and inner labia were a bright orange hue, similar to the color of molten lava. Furthermore, it appeared to emit some sort of light source, casting a short, soft glow onto Shyvana’s inner thighs. It probably wasn’t high enough to prevent hostile mob spawning, though.
Elise took a step backwards, eyes widening to the size of saucers, “I’d heard rumors that dragon pussy was extremely hot, but I didn’t think it was actually true…”
Shyvana cocked a half grin. She’d finally caught her opponent off guard. Knocked her off her game, if only by just a little.
The dragon DNA inside of her required extreme heat to operate. In fact, Shyvana’s resting body temperature was twice greater than the average human’s, but the natural armor of her scaly skin was so thick that it was impossible to know this by just touching her flesh. However, if one was brave enough to journey inside of her… especially inside her tight pussy, they’d find whichever body part they inserted, be it cock or finger or tongue, in a world of burning agony.
Before the Accords, it was a curse. Finding lovers was extraordinarily difficult, but not because she was incapable of courting them. She was a complete stud, so submissive women tended to flock to her side like sheep to a shepherd. Rather, it was almost impossible to keep them around. No matter how attractive of a top you were, it was hard to convince a woman to eat you out when her tongue got first degree burns after only a few seconds.
But after the Accords? It became a blessing. Shyvana was unstoppable in a fight. Her overwhelming physical strength combined with her naturally superheated cunt created the perfect union of attack and defense. People outright refused to challenge her anymore on account of her undefeated record. Elise had no idea just how much trouble she’d stepped in.
With both women fully naked and done sizing each other up, there was only one thing left to do.
“Son of a bitch!” Elise howled, seething in equal parts pain and frustration as Shyvana tightened her hold around her arms. The half-dragon had flipped her on her stomach and pinned her to the ground. She stretched her own form across the spider queen’s back, letting her breasts and cunt press into her skin, the latter of which radiated with a constant heat against Elise’s lower back. Worst of all, she’d managed to pull both of Elise’s arms behind her, hooking one of her strong arms underneath and bracing them tightly between their two bodies.
She was utterly powerless. Completely immobilized. Easy prey.
Shyvana slithered her free hand backwards, slipping it through the tight space between her own pelvis and the curve at the top of Elise’s ass. It trailed downwards, fingering the spider queen’s cunt forcefully with no regard for her personal enjoyment.
“Ah! Hey! Could you be any less gentle?!” Elise protested, clenching her teeth as a tandem of pain and pleasure flowed from her pussy to her brain. Shyvana didn’t heed her pleas, though. She found that fast and rough was far more efficient in this setting than slow and sensual. And whatever method made her opponent cum fastest was good enough for her. She didn’t even bother to tease the clit or switch up her style; Elise didn’t deserve such niceties. Instead, she continued hammering away, plunging her index and middle fingers in and out of her snatch, her brutal pace like that of a mechanical piston pumping violently back and forth.
“Please! G-Go slower!” The spider queen cried, tears welling in the sides of her eyes as she realized this fight was hopelessly doomed. Shyvana may have had a less voluptuous body and far fewer sexual experiences than her, but the half-dragon’s raw strength was simply too oppressive to overcome. Even from the very start their fight had been less of a fight and more of a slaughter. Elise figured she could seduce her opponent; push herself up against Shyvana’s chest, her smaller tits being totally enveloped by her own huge knockers. Perhaps go in for a wet and needy kiss, shoving her tongue inside the half-dragon’s unprepared mouth. Grind her knee between those purple thighs and tease her entrance. Within a minute she would have had her on her knees, begging for more. Totally wrapped around her finger. In reality, she never even got to touch Shyvana’s body before she found her legs swept out from under her. It didn’t get better from there, as the half-dragon easily executed a myriad of advanced wrestling techniques to force her to the ground and keep her there as long as she wished to.
“You b-brute!” Elise yelped, “Unhand me!”
“Shut the fuck up already, slut.” Shyvana responded, her voice frighteningly firm, “You’re dripping wet down there. Stop pretending like you don’t love every second of this.”
A part of Elise despised Shyvana’s savage and brutal nature. She was the epitome of trying to solve every problem with blunt force, favoring her bullish strength over any sense of logic or reasoning. But another part of the spider queen, a part she didn’t wish to acknowledge, found itself absolutely smitten with the half-dragon’s dominance. The way she’d merely taken her as if she was a common slut. Throwing her to the ground, treating her like trash, abusing her cunt… the lack of respect she displayed tickled the very same part of her brain that demanded respect from all peoples. It was very odd. Then again, most sexual kinks were.
The spider queen was secretly content to lay in this position until her inevitable defeat. The furious pumping of Shyvana’s fingers inside her wet snatch, the feeling of her scaly skin and hefty weight draped across her back, it was pushing all her right buttons. Alas, Shyvana did not want to make this fun or easy for Elise. There would be no simple orgasms today.
The spider queen felt herself being lifted in the air and twirled around like a toy. Her objections fell on deaf ears until finally Shyvana had her in the desired position. The half-dragon stood up straight, her legs slightly parted, whilst she held Elise in her arms upside down, the spider queen’s thighs resting on each of Shyvana’s shoulders while her face was pressed dangerously close to her molten cunt. She’d put them into a standing 69; an impressive feat, considering that she had to keep Elise suspended in the air with only her upper body strength to help. The spider queen felt incredibly unsafe upside down, so she wrapped her arms around Shyvana’s lower back for support.
“W-w-why did we change positions?” Elise stammered, “I don’t like this one very much....”
“Didn’t ask.” Shyvana smirked, tightening her grip around Elise’s lower back, “Now eat me, bitch.” She trapped Elise’s head between her thighs, practically forcing her face straight into her pussy. She heard and felt the spider queen’s protests below, grinning as even just the vibrations and hot breath coming from her adversary’s mouth sent shivers up her spine.
“Come on,” The half-dragon said, taking a long, exploratory lick of Elise’s exposed womanhood, earning a groan from down under, “Make me feel good and I’ll make you feel good. That’s the deal. Unless you’d prefer…” Shyvana slid one of her digits up and circled the spider queen’s tight pucker with it, “something like this instead.”
Elise’s eyes flew wide open as she felt the half-dragon toying with her asshole. “You. Wouldn’t. Dare.” She hissed, her fingernails embedding themselves slightly into Shyvana’s back as a warning sign, although the half-dragon couldn’t even feel them with her armored skin.
“I’m definitely considering it,” Shyvana chuckled, “I’ve been thinking about your ass since you gave me that little show earlier. That one backfired on you didn’t it?” Despite how badly she wanted to lick and prod the spider queen’s backdoor, all of her threats were merely a bluff. It was simply too risky; Shyvana knew playing around with an ass like that could easily bring out her savage side, and at that point all bets were off. Fortunately for her, as far as Elise knew, her threats were as solid as steel.
“Okay, okay!” The spider queen surrendered, “I’ll do what you want. Just… leave my ass out of this.”
“I will if you do a good job. Now get to work.” Shyvana ordered.
Like a good little carpetmuncher, Elise drove her tongue straight into Shyvana’s cunt only to instantly recoil from the blazing heat inside; it felt like she’d just stuck her tongue into a pot of boiling water, except the water tasted and smelled like pussy. For any normal person this would surely be far too much to handle, but fortunately (or unfortunately, depending on your perspective) for Elise, her body was much more durable than a regular human being. She could tell that her tongue wasn’t actually being burned to a crisp or blistered with scars. Instead, it just tingled with pain, begging to be out of this strange woman’s nethers.
Shyvana rolled her head back, groaning with pleasure as she felt Elise’s tongue go to work. It wasn’t the best head she’d ever received (probably on account of Elise being way too overwhelmed with pain to put on her best pussy eating performance), but it was still fairly formidable. The best part? Elise had actually done her job for more than ten consecutive seconds. Most lovers Shyvana had taken in the past had passed out by now.
“Don’t forget the clit.” She commanded, her voice shifting to a moan when Elise’s tongue lapped at her sensitive button. She figured it was time to return the favor; this technically was still a fight after all, even if it didn’t really feel like one anymore. The half-dragon began licking long, thorough laps with her tongue across Elise’s cunt, savoring the abundance of tasty female juices that lined her folds from their earlier fingering session. The spider queen whimpered and moaned below much to Shyvana’s pleasure, as every little desperate syllable or needy plea that escaped her lips was uttered straight into the half-dragon’s burning hot cunt, adding tiny stimulations that made her mind swim in small pools of ecstacy.
“F-Fuck…” Shyvana groaned, “That’s… That’s good. Keep licking it like that, slut.” She didn’t actually fear losing, but it was clear that Elise’s tongue was becoming somewhat accustomed to the pain as its deftness and eagerness steadily improved. In other words, as much as she enjoyed this, she had to end it soon, lest she be consumed by the spider queen’s desperate ministrations.
Shyvana unclasped one of her arms from Elise’s back, once again showcasing her strength as she held up the curvy woman with only one arm’s support. She used her newly freed limb to pump two fingers inside the spider queen’s cunt, much in the same vein as before with rough, savage thrusts, though it was far easier now from the thickened sheen of lubricating juices that dripped down Elise’s womanhood. In addition to her fingers, Shyvana’s serpent-like tongue slithered forth once more, teasing and licking the spider queen’s clit, eliciting even more moans from her.
It didn’t take long for things to reach their inevitable conclusion. Elise put up an admirable effort, licking her foe’s pussy well enough to earn the occasional groan of approval from above. Still, she stood no match against Shyvana’s two-pronged attack, her moans growing steadily in intensity until finally her voice turned abnormally high-pitched and feminine, mewling like a total submissive as she orgasmed violently. Her pussy quivered in joy as her juices leaked forth onto the half-dragon’s diligent tongue and fingers, of which Shyvana made sure to enjoy every drop.
“Hnnn...” Shyvana growled, licking her lips as she savored Elise’s essence, “That was fun. I think we should do it again.”
Elise’s eyes widened as she realized the implication. “You don’t… you can’t mean..?”
The half-dragon chortled as she eased her opponent onto the floor, “Get ready for round two, bitch.
Round two.
Why did it have to go to round two?
Elise shivered as she sat in one corner of the room, her eyes fixated on a large overhead digital clock that had been counting down from five minutes. It was a little under two minutes now, but as soon as it hit zero round two would commence and they’d have to go at it once again.
The very thought of it made her sick.
The vast majority of sexfights ended after the first round. There was a beauty in their simplicity. One woman forces the other to cum, uses her to get herself off, and then the loser admits defeat and surrenders whatever caused the dispute in the first place. Easy. Short. Generally low stakes.
But for some accursed reason, the Accords that governed this world had a few addendums implemented after their first year of being in effect that added some new incentives at the end of fights.
Now, after one woman made the other cum and achieved victory, she had an option of how to proceed. She could either do things the standard way: get herself off, probably gloat a bit, and then reap whatever item or argument the loser put up. If she did this, the fight ended then and there and both women went their separate ways. Alternatively, she could elect to advance the fight to a second round. If the loser had to agree to this second round then perhaps this addendum wouldn’t have been so bad, but that’s the thing, the loser of the first round, being Elise in this instance, had absolutely no say over whether the second round happened or not. It was entirely up to the winner and the winner alone.
Shyvana won. She wanted a second round. Therefore they would fight a second time. A totally fair and balanced system.
Going to a second round changed the sexfight’s landscape. The loser no longer had to make the winner cum and forfeit the dispute that caused it; instead, the proverbial slate was wiped clean as both women took a five minute break to recover. It was as if that first round never happened, save for the tiny, innocent little detail that the stakes of the second round were raised massively.
Whoever won that second round would receive all of the same benefits from the first, including having the loser make her cum, winning the dispute, et cetera, et cetera. However, additionally, the loser of the second round would be sentenced to twenty-four consecutive hours of public free use in the winner’s capital city.
Naturally, the public was hesitant to try things this way at first. After all, sexually using someone who’s been tied up against their will felt morally questionable at best. As time passed, however, and society at large began to drink, and subsequently drown, in its own perverse nature, free use became more and more accepted as just an unavoidable part of life. Nearly every major city in Runeterra had constructed their own building or outside display specifically for the purpose of a hub for these round two losers. The masses flocked in droves to them, paying with whatever amount of cash they could scrape together to sexually torment those that had been defeated by their citizens.
Since free use centers were so popular and raked in such absurd amounts of commerce, most were located in the center of whatever city they resided in. As such, it was nearly impossible not to pass by one every now and again, regardless of where you went.
Elise had come across them many times. She’d seen women bound in pillories, strung across bondage racks, mounted on crosses, suspended in the air via ropes and pulleys... There were a multitude of disturbing and degenerate methods used to keep round two losers immobilized. They often had sex toys inserted into all of their availalbe orifices, or at least the ones that weren’t being used to pleasure one (or several) paying customers.
The Institute claimed they wanted to end war, but nationalism felt as if it was at an all time high, in large part due to these sexually charged public humiliations. The things the spider queen had seen Demacians do to Noxians like herself, or vice versa… it was dehumanizing. The thought of being put up there, a former League of Legends champion, made her want to crawl into the nearest available hole and die. It was incredibly rare for anyone as famous as a former Champion to be sentenced to free use duty. The lines of those waiting to ravish her would stretch as far as the eye could see.
Of course, winning a second round offered other benefits aside from sentencing your opponent to a truly terrible day. If that was the only reward, they’d hardly have people available to be used because almost nobody hated anyone else enough to wish that horrific fate upon them.
But of course, things were not that simple. You see, the Accords had instituted a new form of currency when they implemented these addendums named ‘Fuckbucks’. Fuckbucks operated differently than regular currency; you could not use them to buy food, or goods, or clothing. Instead, they were only used to purchase sex slaves off the market or to rent someone serving a out a free use sentence.
Fuckbucks were incredibly hard to come by. Everyone had been given 100 the first day the addendums were added, but aside from that they could only be gained in two ways: selling a slave to the market or winning a second round and sending someone to a free use station. Fifty percent of the proceeds made by the woman in the free use station was deposited directly to the winner’s coffers. And if Shyvana sent Elise there… well, she’d be receiving a king’s ransom.
Of course, running was always an option. Hard to lose a round two if you aren’t present for it. The Institute had prepared for this however, and had designed a specialized and elite task force to prevent this exact scenario. They were known formally as the Hegemonial Operatives Recovering Nefarious Yutzes, or H.O.R.N.Y police for short. Under their watchful eye, no one escaped their civic duties. Not for long, at least. Big brother was always watching, and he carried a big fucking stick. If you tried to evade your punishments, they would track you down, capture you, and sentence you to a rather long stay at one of their many correctional facilities. Elise had never seen one of those before, but the stories she’d heard… let’s just say it wasn't exactly the ideal place for a Christmas vacation.
The one and only silver lining for Elise was that if the winner chose to go to an additional round, it essentially made the fight a winner-take-all scenario. If she could somehow manage to not get run the fuck over in round two as she did in round one, then there was a chance she could survive this yet.
As Elise’s mental breakdown spiraled further and further out of control, Shyvana merely leaned back against the wall in the opposite corner of the room with her eyes closed, breathing steady, and mind at ease.
She honestly did not intend to be here today. In fact, her day had been loaded with political affairs that she was kind of looking forward to. It was fun watching humans from other lands sweat bullets as they gazed upon her imposing form during meetings. Sometimes Jarvan brought her alongside him for caucuses purely for the intimidation factor she possessed.
But all that changed when she bumped into Elise in the street. She’d had beef with her long before they met at the Institute of War. Back then, the spider queen was infamous for her taking innocent citizens from Demacia and Noxus and leading them to terrible deaths in the Shadow Isles. Shyvana had been younger at that time, an ambitious but admittedly green soldier with an unsecured position in the Demacian royal court. They’d assigned the half-dragon to apprehend this mysterious woman and bring her in for punishment, but Shyvana could never catch her. She’d come close many times, but Elise was always one step ahead. Her failures landed her in hot water with her superiors… something she very much blamed the spider queen for.
Seeing her today, as happenstance as it was, made her realize it was high time she finally got her revenge. And what better time was there than the present? Elise had been overdue for punishment for quite some time.
If she won this next round, she could sentence the spider queen to the terrible fate of one full day of free use. But she didn’t truly want that. Not as much as she wanted to advance this fight to a third round. You see, if someone won the third (and final) round in a sexfight, the loser became enslaved to them for thirty full days.
That’s the prize she was after. She didn’t just want to beat her once in a sexfight and humiliate her. She didn’t just want to ship her off to Demacia’s free use center. She wanted to literally own her for a month. Order her to do all manner of depraved and embarrassing tasks. Turn her into such a submissive, dragon-loving slut that wouldn’t want to leave after her sentence was served.
Speaking of time being up, the timer on the digital clock overhead finally hit zero. Shyvana grinned as she stood from her spot, her eyes leering hungrily at Elise’s sweat-laden body.
That same body that would soon be hers to do with as she pleased.
Round two started much the same way as round one. Elise found herself pinned to the ground, this time flat on her back with Shyvana pressed tightly against her chest, the half-dragon's body laying sideways across her own. She once again fingered her like a brute, relentlessly pounding her fingers inside Elise’s cunt which seemed to be getting excited rather quickly, her folds already beginning to drip with arousal even though she’d orgasmed only five minutes before.
“Ah…” The spider queen moaned, not even putting up a fight as Shyvana enveloped one of her nipples in her mouth, suckling and biting on it harshly, causing Elise to let out a rather perverse “eep!”. The spider queen wanted to do something to fight back, at least she thought she did, but her body was simply not strong enough to do anything. This was as bad a matchup as possible for her. Fucking tomboys. The bane of her existence.
“Gods, you aren’t even trying to stop me anymore.” Shyvana chided, her head raising slightly to meet Elise’s gaze, “You pretend that you’re some powerful woman, but in reality you’re nothing but a fucking slut. And soon enough, you’ll be my slut.”
The spider queen’s eyes widened as she realized the implication of that last sentence. Shyvana didn’t want to send her for free use. She wanted her all to herself. She wanted to go to round three.
The half-dragon pulled her fingers free from Elise’s slippery cunt and forced them inside the spider queen’s mouth, whispering sternly, “That’s right. You’re my bitch. Taste your own filth.”
Being completely honest, Elise wasn’t all too unfamiliar with her own taste. Nights in the Shadow Isles got pretty lonely… Regardless, she didn’t really want to follow Shyvana’s whims, especially when the half-dragon was trying way too hard by putting on this dominant persona, but playing along was actually in her best interest. In fact, as she willingly accepted Shyvana’s scaly fingers into her mouth, sucking her own arousal off of them like a good girl would, a plan began to hatch in her mind.
Elise moaned as her tongue swirled hungrily around Shyvana’s fingers. She thrust her hips upwards, practically begging for the half-dragon to fingerfuck her again. It was as if she finally surrendered herself to Shyvana, and Shyvana found that incredibly fucking hot.
“You like that?” The half-dragon whispered, her breath burning hot on Elise’s neck, “You want more, don’t you?” She watched the spider queen’s body writhe and twist in desperate neediness, her shameless air humping coming across as a pathetic attempt to please her own aching pussy.
Shyvana sported a wide grin. “Cut that out.” She said, her burning orange eyes looming large over Elise’s head, “You’ve had enough fun for now. I’ll let you cum after I have some fun.”
The half-dragon flipped Elise over onto her stomach. From this angle, Shyvana finally caught another view of the divine ass she’d seen earlier, but this time she wasn’t going to admire it from afar. No, this fight was already locked up. Why should she deny herself from the bountiful bottom any longer? She was going to taste it. Enjoy it. Ravish it. And once Elise was her slave? She was going to fuck it on a daily basis.
The half-dragon lunged face first into Elise’s ass, both of their bodies laying prone against the ground as she stuck her forked tongue deep in the spider queen’s pucker. Much like earlier, Shyvana seemed to not care much for foreplay, her tongue wiggingly an inch or two inside Elise’s asshole, tickling the plethora of sensitive nerves in the spider queen’s backdoor, causing her to wantonly moan like a true whore. A collection of spit quickly started to form on the ground in a puddle below Elise’s mouth as her own drool dripped freely down her chin. It was a testament to how much she enjoyed getting her ass eaten.
Shyvana was in heaven, too; this ass was everything she wanted it to be and more, from the immaculate taste and smell to the incredible feeling of having her face sandwiched between those two pale, bouncy, plump ass cheeks. She could honestly spend all day doing this. Perhaps when Elise was living in her home with a collar on that read ‘Spider Slut’, she would.
The half-dragon brought a hand back, teasing and fingering her own cunt as it quite literally burned and dripped with need. Her eyes started to grow brighter as lust consumed her mind, Elise’s ass having some peculiar type of hypnotizing effect on her psyche. Though, considering how lewdly the spider queen moaned, the half-dragon wouldn’t have been surprised if she came her brains out from the rimming alone while her pussy remained entirely untouched.
Completely overtaken by Elise’s marvelous dump truck ass, Shyvana finally slipped into her feral state, all sense of rational thought going out the window as she began grunting like a savage beast, ravenously licking Elise’s asshole as if it was the only thing keeping her alive.
The spider queen grinned as she heard her opponent finally turn to her wild side; that had been her plan from the start. If she could not physically overpower Shyvana, then perhaps she could use her body to send her into this untameable state.
Shyvana was a truly amazing fighter, but Elise was a better strategist. Brains over brawn, as they say.
Now the half-dragon cared for nothing other than the tight little entrance between her opponent’s rosy cheeks. So when Elise slowly, delicately changed positions until she was sitting on top of Shyvana’s face, she offered no form of protest. In fact, she seemed more enthusiastic than ever as Elise’s shapely peach smothered her.
Meanwhile, the spider queen slipped a hand down into Shyvana’s excited cunt; she cringed from how much it hurt to finger her, and she was sure she’d need to wrap her fingers in an ice pack when this was all over, but for now she soldiered on, pumping her index, middle, and ring finger in and out of Shyvana’s pussy as harshly as it had been done to herself before.
While it was getting increasingly difficult to ignore the pleasure emanating from her backside as Shyvana worshipped it, the spider queen knew that she would win this race. In her many years of testing, she had found it technically possible to make herself cum purely by anal stimluation, but it took a fairly long time.
As for Shyvana, it seemed her time had finally run out.
The half-dragon moaned like an animal in heat into Elise’s ass, her legs shaking as she squirted rivulets of blazing hot cum onto the ground. The spider queen was forced to remove her hand from Shyvana’s quivering cunt due to its scalding heat. She wasn’t entirely convinced it wasn’t just actual lava. It even looked the part, having the same molten-y color that appeared inside the rest of Shyvana’s holes. The result of her removing her fingers prematurely was a somewhat ruined orgasm for the half-dragon, her body convulsing and thrashing wildly as she suddenly felt all that stimulation that had gotten her over the edge just disappear. Desperate, she rubbed her own thighs together manically, forcing whatever pleasure she could onto her own spasming sex.
The spider queen smiled wide as she lifted herself off her orgasming adversary. Somehow, someway, she’d managed to win this impossible situation. It would be yet another feather in her cap. She seemed to conquer the unconquerable quite often.
Finally, Shyvana came down from her high, her logical side slowly returning as she slowly realized what happened. She noticed the pool of cum on the ground before her and knew instantly it was her own. The molten, steaming, orange texture of it was a dead giveaway.
“I… I can’t believe this.” She stuttered, “I lost control way harder than I thought I would…”
“Yes you did, dragon whore.” Elise jeered, a finger idly rubbing at her own dripping womanhood, “All those rude things you said about me... yet you turned into a wild animal from just one taste of my ass. Who's the real slut here?”
“You got me that round.” Shyvana chuckled nervously, “But now we’re even with one win a piece. I think it’s time we settle this once and for all in round three.”
“Yeah… I don’t think so.” Elise said, her grin turning into a full on sneer, “I had one card this fight. I played it. I won. It’s over.”
“B-But it can’t be!” Shyvana pleaded, her voice laced with desperation, “If we stop now, then I’m… I’m...”
“Taking a holiday in the Noxian free use center.” Elise finished, “You made your bed when you chose to take this to a second round. Now you have to lay in it.” The spider queen walked to the opposite side of the room, rummaging around in one of the designated victory cabinets for the particular item she sought.
“I’ve seen what they do to Demacians over there.” She said, finally finding a purple strapless strapon within the mountain of sex toys inside the winner’s cabinet, “It’s brutal. Can’t imagine how they’ll treat a Demacian Champion, though. Maybe you can send a letter my way to tell me all about it.”
Shyvana neglected to respond, her head feeling light and dizzy as she began to understand the gravity of her situation. It was only one day… but then again, that day might feel like an eternity. The myriad of things that could have gone differently that would have prevented this outcome started pouring through her mind. If only she hadn’t gotten cocky and lost herself inside the warm pleasantry of Elise’s ass. If only she’d stopped the fight after the first round instead of getting greedy and trying to take it the distance. If only fate hadn’t put her and Elise on the same street today.
“Now then, my little dragon-slut.” Elise sang, inserting the short side of the strapless strapon into her slickened snatch, “It’s time I claimed my prize. Well, my first prize, at least. You have to make me cum however I want, and I was thinking about how you’ve been obsessing over my butt since I first showed it to you today… but I haven’t even gotten to play with yours yet. That’s a bit unfair, don’t you think?”
Shyvana shivered as Elise gripped her firmly by the shoulders, guiding her to her knees before behind her over face down, ass up. She knew what was coming and could have easily resisted and overpowered the spider queen, but there was no point. This was her punishment and she had no choice but to accept it. Such were the laws of the land.
“Mmm…” Elise growled, kneeling behind Shyvana as she eyed her tight backdoor, “You know, with how hot the inside of your pussy is, I wonder…” The spider queen spread the Demacian’s ass cheeks and spit a glob of saliva into her tight hole, watching her little science experiment with great curiosity.
As soon as the spit slid inside Shyvana’s ass it turned to steam and billowed back outside, causing the spider queen to almost keel over with laughter. “Hahaha! No way! It’s even hotter in there than it is in your cunt!”
Though Elise could not see it, Shyvana’s face had turned a deep shade of crimson, embarrassed as the spider queen toyed around with her most sacred hole. A hole which she’d never really experimented with much before…
“Here I come, slut. Try not to complain too much. It’s bad for your skin.” Elise crooned, pressing the purple head of her fake cock against the half-dragon’s asshole. Her tight ring had almost no give, so she steadily applied more pressure until it finally stretched enough to accept the tip of her length.
“Ah!” Shyvana whined, her voice mixed with a fair bit of pain but also a vestige of unmistakable pleasure. An aspect that Elise picked up on quickly.
“Oh?” The spider queen trilled, pushing the strapon a little further into the half-dragon’s tight passageway, “Are you actually enjoying this?”
Shyvana offered no verbal response but continued to mewl in half moans and half whimpers. The furthest she’d ever gone back there was just a finger, and that was only one time after she’d gotten blackout drunk. But now, despite the pain, she couldn’t deny the electricity Elise’s fake cock was sending up her spine.
Bit by bit Elise pressed forward until finally the entirety of the strapon’s eight inches was fully sheathed inside Shyvana’s ass. Now that the spider queen knew she could accept and take the length of her cock, there was no further reason to hold back.
Her thrusts started out mercifully slow; an unexpected decision on the spider queen’s part, considering how rough Shyvana had treated her earlier. Nevertheless, she pumped her strapon in and out of Shyvana’s ass, admiring the way the ring of her hole clung to the fake cock as if it was holding on for life. The half-dragon herself seemed to be over the pain entirely, her moans now consisting of purely unconcealed pleasure.
That gave Elise all the encouragement she needed to go all out. Her hips swung back and forth rapidly, drilling Shyvana’s asshole like the slut she was. Every thrust inside returned pleasure to Elise as she felt the smaller part of the strapon wiggle and vibrate inside her cunt. The noise of her thighs slapping against Shyvana’s ass cheeks filled the air, going plop, plop, plop, plop, plop. Additionally, Shyvana’s moans had turned into desperate little pleas for more, shamelessly saying, “Nnngh! Please k-keep going! Fuck me!”
Elise groaned as she reamed her opponent’s (formerly) tight little hole, enjoying the myriad of pleasant sensations that tickled her brain, though she felt as if she was missing something… She reached a hand back and slid it down between her own fat ass cheeks, pushing a single digit up against her asshole and lightly prodding at its entrance.
Shyvana’s slopping rimming had gotten her in the mood for a little anal play of her own, it seemed. She slid her finger inside, only a couple inches at most, and pumped it in and out rapidly, sighing blissfully as her pleasure reached a level even higher than before. But she wasn’t finished just yet. She still had one objective left before she could cum freely.
Elise could tell that Shyvana was rapidly approaching her first ever anal orgasm, and, being the kind soul that the spider queen was, she wanted to make it a memorable one. She used her last unoccupied hand to grab a few tresses of the half-dragon’s hair, pulling her head up off the ground until she was in the doggystyle position.
“You love this, don’t you?” Elise purred, feeling herself on the verge of a truly spectacular orgasm.
“Yes!” Shyvana enthusiastically answered.
Elise gave her hair a small yank for good measure, “And you want to cum, don’t you?” She grinned as she heard the half-dragon groan a needy and wordless affirmation.
“Beg for it, then.”
On a different day, Shyvana would have had the conviction to say no. She was a proud Demacian, after all. A member of the royal court. A hunter of dragons. But today… today she’d been broken. Today she couldn’t resist.
She turned her head sideways, staring at Elise with desperate eyes as she moaned, “Hah… Ah… P-Please… Please fuck my slutty dragon ass, master!”
Grinning ear to ear, Elise went ballistic with the strapon, repeatedly slamming herself into Shyvana’s hips like she was possessed by a demon, causing those beautiful little slapping noises to escalate into a cacophony of PLAP, PLAP, PLAP, PLAP, PLAP, PLAP.
It was music to the spider queen’s ears.
Shyvana moaned like a true buttslut, her asshole quivering around Elise’s cock as she squirted another load of hot, lava-like cum onto the ground below her snatch. Seeing and feeling Shyvana’s orgasm sent Elise over the edge as she drove her own finger as far as it could into her ass. Her pussy trembled around the strapless strapon as she hilted herself fully into Shyvana’s gaping backdoor one last time, her cum leaking profusely out of her womanhood and onto her thighs.
The two women stayed in that exact position for what must have been fifteen seconds straight, both moaning to the heavens above as they achieved a mutually mind-blowing release. Finally, Elise stumbled backwards, unsheathing the fake cock from Shyvana’s asshole. She took deep, ragged breaths, watching as the half-dragon slumped forward onto the ground, completely and utterly exhausted.
The spider queen removed the strapon from her own sensitive cunt and tossed it aside. She crawled forward, nuzzling herself right up against the half-dragon’s prone form, cuddling behind her as she pressed her pelvis against her purple ass. She brought her mouth just beside Shyvana’s ear, leaving her with one last sentence to dwell on before they went their separate ways.
“Have fun in Noxus, dragon-slut.”
A/N: Sorry for the lengthy exposition dump in the middle, lmao. I have to explain the rules of the world somehow! Also shoutouts to Mingle in my discord for the witty title. |
Chapter 2 - Breaking the Brat |
Dominion - Chapter 2
Tags: BDSM, Rimming, Yuri, Dom/Sub, and intense Lesbian Ass-Worshipping Sessions
Author’s Note: I opted out of third person pov in this chapter in favor of Qiyana’s perspective in first person. I’m mean to her at first but not for too long. Also, if you don’t like anal (*gasp*), the first proper sex scene contains nothing but vanilla sex, so perhaps you can enjoy that one at least.
I don’t think I’d fully processed the predicament I’d gotten myself into until Sona and I were about halfway to her house.
It was a cold night. Bone chillingly cold. The kind of cold that physically hurts, like dozens of tiny punctures constantly prodding your skin. Just existing in this hellish tundra was miserable, but having to trek over a mile and a half on foot? I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy.
It probably didn’t help matters that I was entirely naked.
You see, Sona, as I would come to learn, truly encapsulated the moniker of a ‘cruel mistress’. It wasn’t enough that she had bested me in our strangely arousing sexual competition. It wasn’t enough that I was essentially nothing more than her glorified sex slave henceforth. It wasn’t enough that she’d humiliated me beyond repair. None of it was enough. She wanted to stick my nose in my own failure at every possible opportunity, wanted me to live with it at every passing moment, wanted me to have not even a single second of reprieve from the nightmare I found myself in.
What better way than to make me walk home from the very defeat that got me here without a single shard of clothing in freezing temperatures?
Of course, she was dressed. Despite the fact that I’d torn her garments asunder during our hate fucking, she’d found replacements rather easily. It wasn’t particularly difficult to stealthily navigate to her personal quarters within the Institute at the dead of night. I was told to wait outside in the hallway while she changed, and let me remind you once again, I was completely fucking nude. For such a pretty woman, she was a real bitch.
But, to her credit, she was quick. Out she came, a brown fur fitted dress lining her form, a strawberry red scarf wrapped snugly around her neck, an innocent smile spread across her features. Seeing her like this, you’d have no idea that she’d been sexually dominating me just ten minutes prior.
Speaking of sexual domination, the Maven had one last trick up her sleeve, at least until we got home. God knows what perverse depravity awaited me there. Nevertheless, as I stared daggers into her dress, achingly jealous over the apparent warmth and modesty it provided, both of which I was entirely devoid of, she deftly snapped something around my throat. It only took a quick glance down to figure out what it was.
Sona had clasped a black leather collar around my neck.
But, as per usual with the Maven, things were never that simple. You see, it wasn’t just a collar. No, that was not nearly humiliating enough. Instead, it came with additional attachments. A medium sized silver bell was located in the center of it, and it jingled away merrily just beneath my adams apple with every movement I made, making me feel much more like a dog than an actual living human. The word ‘SLUT’ had been embroidered with fake diamonds just above this bell, which served as an all too accurate reminder of my current status. The cherry on top, however, had to be the leash connected beneath the bell. It was relatively short, only affording me around three feet of leeway between my neck and the grip in Sona’s hand. Of all the collar’s aspects, this was the most mortifying. Sure, the bell and embroidery were degrading in their own right, but both of them filled me with mostly anger. Anger at Sona for treating me like this, anger at myself for losing to her, anger at the situation in general. The leash only brought me shame. Spirit crushing shame. It was a metaphor for the power dynamic between us; Sona was the master and I was the hound. She was my mistress and I was her bitch.
And, as if she’d sensed this dispassionate resignation within me, she pronounced it time to leave. With a gentle tug I was forced to walk behind her, and we made our way out of the Institute and into the cold. I was assaulted by the frigid air the moment we exited the building, my nipples stiffening painfully, my skin shivering like never before. Ixaocans hail from the jungle. Ours is the kind of humid air and smoldering sunshine. We are not suited for this type of torture. Snow littered the ground around us, threatening to make this journey even more hellish than it already was, and yet the sidewalk we took was entirely clear. I suppose Institute grade snow blowers were worth their weight in gold.
The silver lining to my slow march to subservience was the timing. It was well past midnight, and because of such a suffocating darkness seeped into every unlit corner of the walkway, shrouding me just enough to convince myself that I might be imperceivable if spotted from afar. Additionally, I saw not a single soul around; it was well after closing time for the Institute and only a skeleton crew for the graveyard shift remained. If I was lucky, which, judging by the events of the night so far, I was most certainly not, I would remain unseen. Being Sona’s sex slave was bad enough, but having the entire Institute know I was Sona’s sex slave? That would be my own personal hell.
We trekked forward, the gentle tug of my leash from Sona’s firm grip being the only thing that kept me moving. After what felt like a countless number of dragging footsteps I’d become numb to everything else. Even being naked in the biting cold bothered me little after a while. I just felt utterly empty. Void of rage and despair and sadness. A walking, breathing monolith to my own failure. Sona had been quiet the entire time, which I was thankful for, and though I could not see her face, I just knew she wore a smug grin, dripping with mirth and satisfaction at her all too easy victory. But I could not even muster up anger towards this. I just accepted it.
We arrived at her home shortly thereafter. It was as beautiful as she; a breathtaking, ornate mansion, the windows dressed with metallic linings, large pale columns and statues decorating the entrance. I shivered deeply, the embers of my spirit igniting once again. It looked so warm inside, so inviting. I felt the cold once more, the feeling returning as my own capacity for emotion did too, and I desperately trudged behind the Maven, eager to enter her domain despite knowing nothing of what terrors awaited me inside.
Sona briskly led me to the entrance, which was about as subtle as you’d expect for such a grand mansion. A massive pair of mahogany double doors opened as we approached. Intricate designs had been carved into seemingly every inch of the expensive wood. Nevertheless, I had little time to dwell on them, as Sona firmly yanked on the leash to drag me inside. Perhaps I wasn’t the only one unhappy with the cold.
The house radiated warmth. It took only seconds for feeling to return to my body. My fingers were finally able to sit still, my teeth were finally free from their incessant chattering. It was a welcome reprieve. We stood in the foyer, and while Sona was busy fighting off her tight fitting dress, I decided to glance around and observe the interior of the Maven’s household. Much like the doorway, the first room in Sona’s house did not disappoint. It was grand. Large. Decorated to a fault. Velvet carpet lined the walkways. The walls were adorned with various oil paintings and animal pelts, all of which looked mightily expensive. Short pillars of a white color housed baroque looking vases. On both the left and right sides of the room existed large entryways to other rooms on the ground floor, while in the center lay a massive staircase with red carpet lining every step. They went straight up for roughly fifteen steps before splitting to both the left and right, leading to two different sections of the second story. A fancy, steel made baluster lined the exterior of them, providing both a handrail and an extravagant flair.
After a hefty amount of gawking, my gaze turned back to the doors we came in. To my surprise, there were two women standing beside them. I can only attribute my failure to notice them when I walked in to my near frostbitten state, but at least they explained how the doors opened without Sona moving a muscle to do so.
On the left was Morgana. Her eyes leered at me in what I can only describe as the most unabashedly perverse stare I’d ever encountered. It was as if she was imagining all of the degenerate acts Sona planned for me to experience. To be fair, I had little right to complain about her staring. I mean, I was still completely naked, so there was a lot of skin to observe. However, the fallen angel wasn’t much better off. As my eyes dipped down to behold the rest of her form, I saw that while she wasn’t as naked as me, she was equally, if not more so, exposed.
She wore a skin tight turtleneck dress made entirely of black latex. It began at her neck and ended at her mid thigh, and if one were to only look at only the top and the bottom of this particular piece of clothing, it would be considerably ordinary. It was in the middle that the uniqueness of this specific dress took root, and, to be completely honest, made it quite hard to take my eyes off her. To begin, the latex material had two large holes in the chest area through which both of the fallen angel’s sizable breasts were visible. They were completely bare for me to gawk at, her purple nipples stiff and erect and obviously eager for stimulation while her supple flesh looked as if it would jiggle from even the most minute movement. I focused harder on her areolas, noticing a small and shiny object running through each of the nubs. Though Morgana was five yards away and the objects were hazy, I discerned them to be nipple piercings in the shape of musical notes.
I almost, almost chuckled. Sona might have been cruel, but at least she was original.
My eyes tracked downwards, seeing the latex dress reform below her breasts as it covered her midriff. It stayed complete for a decent distance, covering the entirety of the woman’s stomach and sides, until it finally parted once again just above her pelvis. I suppose it was somewhat predictable. If Sona wanted her to have her tits out, she probably wanted her cunt to be on display too.
I’d honestly been enjoying my lechful staring up to this point. Morgana was a voluptuous woman with ‘assets’ that did not lack in size nor quality, yet neither factor impeded the other. Plus, I’ve always had a thing for goths, and she most certainly qualified as one. She seemed to take notice of my gawking, sending a coy smile my way before twirling around, turning her back to me so I could see the opposite side of the dress. It came as no surprise that her ass was in a similar state as her breasts and pelvis. Indeed, her large, buxom rear was naked, the dress’ latex material splintering off around it so as to allow it to hang out freely. It seemed to be a slightly deeper shade of purple compared to the rest of her skin. I was puzzled for a moment until I realized it was most likely due to prior spankings. Typical of Sona.
Fucking the fallen angel with my eyes had honestly been the best expierence of the night thus far. Contrary to Sona, this woman looked the part of a BDSM fanatic. Her clothing was so revealing, pressed unbelievably tight against her skin. The piercings on her nipples and her butt’s evidence of prior kinky shenanigans made my spine tingle in delight. What I wouldn’t give to have a night with her alone. I couldn’t help myself but to imagine it. You’d do the same in my position, I’m sure of it. But my fantasizing abruptly came to an end when I noticed a small tattoo on her left ass cheek. There, etched in a black, unassuming ink, were four small words that made my blood run cold.
‘Property of Sona Buvelle’
Four words. Nine syllables. I never knew how much dread such a small sentence could hold.
Was I destined to gain this permanent mark as well? It seemed likely at this point. How quickly had this beautiful mansion turned into a house of horrors? It felt as if every new direction I looked revealed some further hoop of degeneracy Sona expected me to jump through. I could not help but wonder just how had these women become so utterly subservient to her? I mean, I get it to some degree. I had my own personal harem of sluts back when I was a free woman. But getting tattoos? Wearing this sort of extravagant, over the top bondage gear? Wasn’t it all just a bit… extreme?
“I see you’ve noticed my tattoo.”
I almost recoiled at the sound of Morgana’s voice. I’d been staring at her for so long I almost forgot she could see me too. I forced my eyes away from her ass (a task which proved surprisingly difficult) and met her side eyed gaze. She didn’t seem upset, despite my rather prolonged leering session.
“Tattoo?” I repeated.
“All of my Mistress’ concubines have one.”
“Uhh…” I stammered, finding myself incapable of forming coherent words. Did she just call herself a concubine? Just what were these women’s relationship to Sona? This went way beyond standard BDSM play. This surpassed all logical thought entirely! I mean, look, sometimes I would use Luxanna as my own personal footstool, or tie Xayah up to the teeth in binding rope, or put Kayle on the sybian for an hour, but those acts were in the spirit of fun! They got just as much from them as me, if not more. I never did it because I fundamentally thought them lesser than myself. I never did it for the sole purpose of demeaning them. There was always a reason. But this? This seemed utterly purposeless. This seemed like a complete charade of BDSM.
“I can see it in your eyes.” Morgana continued, taking a few strides in my direction, long legs laced in latex drawing my attention, stiletto high heels clack clack clacking with every pronounced step. “You think we’re insane. I’ve seen the look before. You do not understand us, but you will. Sona has a way with people.”
“You people are insane!” I snapped. “You have fucking tattoos on your skin because Sona likes to dom you. What is that if not insanity?”
She chuckled at me. “Do you think they are real? Are you that dense?”
I unintentionally took a step backwards, not only ceding ground in real life but also ceding control over the argument. “What?”
“Sona would never hurt us with something so frivolous. You seem to forget that I’m quite a powerful mage. Conjuring up an inscription like this is child’s play.”
I took a deep breath. That made the situation marginally better. At least she wasn’t forcing her subjects to get permanent tattoos to mark them as her own personal objects. Still, I could not come to grips with the idea of labeling yourself in a manner so akin to that of a cow being branded for ownership. It seemed so utterly… excessive. Did these women not feel as if they were demeaning themselves perhaps a bit too much? Was I the only one that saw it?
“Ahem.” A quiet voice came from my right. I turned my head towards the noise, seeing the former celestial, current sex slave known as Soraka approaching me. Now that I saw her, I realized that she too had been manning the doorway. However, I chalk my lack of noticing her up to her outfit. It was without a doubt sexualized, but incredibly pedestrian compared to Morgana’s, which had forcefully grabbed my attention from the jump. She wore a silky translucent dress, her medium sized breasts easily visible through the flimsy material. The garb was colored pure white, almost painfully so. It seemed as if it even slightly glowed, but I was fairly confident that was only my imagination. Regardless, the angelic style of it suited the Starchild well. However, the dress cutting off only centimeters after the curve of her ass ended seemed a bit atypical of her personality. Just Sona things, I guess.
“You must forgive Morgana.” She spoke, her voice soft and tender, filled with the type of care and affection one would expect from such a benevolent being. “She means well, but her personality is not exactly conducive to producing intelligent conversation.”
‘...When did Soraka become so savage?’ I thought.
Morgana glared daggers into the back of the Starchild’s skull, but the latter ignored her completely. “I believe I can explain all of this a bit better.” She gestured to herself and then the air around her while speaking. “We do not pledge our subservience to Sona because she dominates us sexually. That comes with the territory, of course, but it is not the reason as to why we do this. We pledge ourselves to Sona because she sees us for who we really are. Out there, at the Institute, we all have to put on a mask. Me, you, Morgana, everyone. Nobody really shows themselves as they truly are. But here, in this house, with Sona at the head, we can truly be ourselves. We can free ourselves from the bondage society holds us in.”
“What shackles are you even talking about?” I said, cutting her off. “All you guys do here is BDSM. It’s not some sort of grand revelation or spiritual ascension, no matter how much you want to call it that. It’s just sex.”
“You’re wrong.” She responded, voice still tender but now laced with the slightest hint of venom. “I’m not here for sex. I’m here for attention. I need it like no other. But I can’t very well act that way at the Institute. I’d be laughed out of the building. But Sona gives me that attention whenever it's needed. Often times through sex, yes, but in other ways as well. Morgana craves pain.” She gestured behind her towards the fallen angel, who was disinterestedly observing her own fingernails. “She wants someone to return to her that which she so often gives out. Sona does that for her. Don’t you see? It’s not about sex. It’s not about becoming a slave. It’s about willingly surrendering yourself to someone that sees the real you.”
No amount of talk could convince me that these women weren’t living in delusion. It was a fruitless endeavor on their part. Fortunately, Sona finally freed herself from her dress, giving me a way out of this severely uncomfortable conversation. To be fair, the way out wasn’t much better than the conversation itself.
“Morgana. Soraka.” She called out. “I’ll be retiring to my personal shower for the time being. I want you two to take your newest playmate here to the guest shower and clean her extensively. Her training will begin tonight and I want her to be in top shape.”
“Mistress, surely one of us could accompany you to help you shower?”
“There’s no need. Nidalee is already waiting to assist me.”
“...As you wish.” They said in unison.
I was escorted up the stairs to the second floor of the mansion, taking in the continued lavish decorum that adorned seemingly every inch of this place. I was left with little time to gawk, however, as Morgana’s grip around my arm constricted tightly, ushering me quickly down the winding halls of this house of debauchery. It took very little brain power to deduce as to why her mood had swung so quickly.
She was clearly unhappy that she had to shower with me rather than her master. For what it’s worth, I wasn’t very happy about it either.
As we walked down one particular hallway we passed a door that housed some very… peculiar noises. A woman's moans rang from out behind the door, echoing lightly down the hallway. Her moans were far from quiet and reserved. In fact, they were incredibly fucking loud. So loud that I shivered at the thought of what was happening in there to her. My curiosity got the better of me.
“What’s going on in there?” I asked.
“Oh, that?” Morgana answered. “That’s just Akali. Don’t mind her. She’s our newest playmate and is currently undergoing training.”
I almost asked a followup question about the nature of this training, but to be honest, I kind of already deduced what was happening in there, and it most likely involved vibrators, ropes, and forced orgasms. Call it a hunch.
We finally came upon the guest shower, though that term did it no justice. I stepped into a wide room, lined, floored, and roofed with white bath tiles. There was absolutely nothing in this room, unless you count the variety of drains on the floor or shower heads mounted on the walls. It was much more akin to a communal shower, like something you’d see in a locker room, rather than a guest shower.
Regardless, I actually felt moderately excited about the prospect of showering. Between my sexfight with Sona only mere hours before this and the mile long walk I was forced to endure afterwards, my body was covered in dried sweat and grime. I could already feel the soothing, restorative properties a nice shower would have on my spirits.
A noise behind me interrupted my thoughts, and as I turned around to investigate my mouth fell slightly ajar.
Both Soraka and Morgana were undressing, with the former tugging her silky white dress over her head while the latter stepped out of her latex BDSM garb. I had completely forgotten that Sona had not ordered them to bring me to the showers, but to shower me. What a difference a few words made. I instinctively started backing into the room, putting distance between their freshly stripped bodies and myself, but it was of no avail. They crept towards me, a hint of predation in their eyes. For Morgana that sort of vibe was par the course, but seeing Soraka in such a light was disconcerting. Perhaps the dark sexual energy radiating off of her was because she too got stuck cleaning the new girl while Nidalee got to clean her Mistress?
I put my hands up to form a sort of ‘slow down there, partner’ gesture, but it did nothing to dissuade the duo as they stalked closer and closer. My butt hit a wall as I backed into the far side of the room, and with nowhere left to run I merely closed my eyes, accepting whatever dark fate awaited me.
I expected to feel pain. Lashes whipping across my skin, or fingernails digging into my flesh, or digits squeezing around my throat. But instead I felt something far more delicate. A gentle hand upon my cheek, caressing it with a care I’d not felt before. I opened my eyes, finding the Starchild directly in front of me, her hands responsible for the tender touches I now felt. To her left was Morgana, fiddling around with the knob below the showerhead until it finally turned on. I was immediately greeted with a downpour of blissfully warm water. It took only seconds for it to wet my hair thoroughly, turning my normally curly and elaborate hairstyle into nothing more than a slickened mane of white strands. It felt amazing. It was as if I, like my hair, had finally found a moment to let loose all the inhibitions plaguing me thus far. And while I knew in the back of my head that this bliss was temporary, that it would slip away the moment I left this communal shower, I could not bring myself to care. I would enjoy this shower, regardless of whatever horrible fortune awaited me after it. And so, I allowed my fears concerning this place to melt away, and so too did I into the arms of both Soraka and Morgana.
They washed me like I was a queen. Every inch of my body was tended to by the duo. Soapy suds covered the three of us, transitioning back and forth between our bodies in a cyclic routine. They hardly used their hands, opting to utilize their more… feminine assets. It was a corporeal massage from the gods, a celestial event occurring in a communal shower, a nebula of pleasure spawning from our impassioned moans. I was experiencing the heat death of the universe in real time.
Steam covered us like a veil, making it nearly impossible to discern whose breasts were rubbing against my own, or whose hand was snaking its way towards my crotch, or whose lips were suckling at my neck. I didn’t care. I only reciprocated in kind. My hands grabbed for whatever flesh they could find, latching onto it as if holding for dear life. I’m sure I made marks, leaving deep rivers of red skin in my wake, but the girls didn’t seem to mind. In fact, my wanton desire seemed to spur them on further. A pair of hands found their way to my ass, spreading my cheeks apart gingerly. A face followed shortly thereafter, immersing itself between my posterior, a tongue rolling forth to lightly tease my womanhood, sending white hot bolts of pleasure up my spine. I tried to focus deeper on the sensation, riding the wave of bliss it brought me. It wasn’t everyday that a fallen angel got on her knees, stuffed her face between your ass, and ate you out, after all. But it was fleeting, as I quickly found myself distracted from a new sensation. I felt a pair of lips touch my own. It was a gentle kiss. A loving one. The kind you’d receive from a committed partner. I opened my eyes, squinting through the haze of steam, expecting to see Soraka’s face inches from my own, and yet, when I finally saw who was on the other side of this kiss, it was not her visage before me. It was Morgana’s.
The fallen angel had her eyes closed. Her mouth was attached to my own, our tongues gently rubbing against each other, lips slightly moving with every passing beat. She looked so… vulnerable. I could see it now. That hardened, cold, confrontational exterior I met at the door was simply a facade. This was the real her. Much more loving, more tender that I could’ve imagined. Her hair had been matted down in the same manner as my own, hot water dripping off of it as the shower overhead continued to rain down warm water from the heavens. But seeing her kissing me left me with a shocking realization. If Morgana was the one tending to my lips, then that meant the one currently face first in my pussy was...
I broke the kiss off and turned my head to the side, peering down my back as if I didn’t already know who was down there. To no one’s surprise it was the Starchild, her face sandwiched between my ass cheeks, tongue lapping greedily at my womanhood. Her eyes were open. Wide open. They slowly met my gaze, and I saw in them an unkempt primal lust that perhaps rivaled Sona’s. She seemed to be loving every second of this, speeding her tongue’s tempo up another octave, kneading my cheeks with her hands harder and faster. The balls of my feet left the ground as I unconsciously stood on my tiptoes due to a new surge of pleasure shooting into my core. Everything just felt so hot. The water running down my body, the steam partially obscuring the three of us, the tender caresses on my face from Morgana’s gentle touch, Soraka’s eager ministrations, it all compounded into a complete sensory overload that could inevitably only end one way. My hands, sensing the impending orgasm, looked for something, anything, to grab. They found Morgana’s back, and I dug my digits painfully into her flesh as I moaned into her kiss. I came hard, unable to formulate so much as thoughts as I felt wave after wave of wanton satisfaction. Both of the women tending to me took notice of my actions, and they slowly grinded their ministrations to a halt so as to not overstimulate me. I slumped back against the shower’s wall, breathing heavy and uneven as I let the hot water cleanse me of my filth once again.
We spent a few more minutes in the shower afterwards. Both Soraka and Morgana resumed their duty, cleaning me extensively until I was squeaky clean. They dried me off and, without warning, began walking me to what I could only assume were Sona’s personal chambers. Strangely, I felt less resistant to it than I thought I would. Of course, I still wasn’t entirely excited to see what sort of sexual depravity awaited me in there, but the fuck session I had with the fallen angel and the celestial only minutes before had me spurred up. It always took more than one orgasm to leave me satisfied.
We walked from the second floor to the third, which, based on the external appearance of the mansion, appeared to be as high as this home went. On the third floor was a single dimly lit hallway. It stretched far, the burgundy carpet leading to a lone red door at the end as if it were a conveyor belt to the entrance of hell. It felt as if it took minutes to traverse the space, though I’m fairly certain that was just my mind playing tricks on me. Admittedly, my prior bravado had all but disappeared once the walk down the hallway began. I found my fear again, manifesting in the form of a lump in my throat and a cold sweat on my forehead. What did she plan to do to me? Was I to be tied up and left alone for a week? Was I going to be brainwashed by her weird telepathy powers? Was this all just a long, horrible dream? Like in the Summoner of Oz?
I’d know the answer soon enough. They walked me a foot before the door and stopped. Morgana knocked three times, leaving a second of space between them. A moment of silence passed.
“Come in.” I heard the Maven say.
Morgana’s hand turned the knob and pushed open the door. Immediately I was blinded by the overflowing of light coming from inside. My eyes had adjusted to the dimly lit hallway and were not ready for such a well lit room. They calibrated slowly, but eventually I saw the inside of Sona’s most private sanctum. It was assuredly not what I was expecting.
What had I been expecting, you wonder? Well, for a woman like Sona, I figured it would be a reflection of her personality, with ropes and harnesses dangling from the ceiling. Dildos hung up on the walls. Whips and belts strewn across the floor. Perhaps a kneeling naked woman or two with a gag in their mouth. You know, the usual suspects for a dominatrix. Instead what I got was far more pedestrian. She had a simple room. The soft yellow walls had a few pictures hung upon them and a large mirror facing the bed, but were entirely devoid of sex toys. The ceiling did not have ropes and harnesses hanging down, but instead nested a single, slowly rotating fan. The floor lacked whips and naked women; alternatively it was lined with a soft beige carpet that housed the few other pieces of furniture in here, most notably, the Maven’s bed, which certainly lived up to the luxurious nature the rest of the mansion had. It was massive, far greater than any bed I’d ever seen. The sheets and pillows looked as if they cost more than my life, and though I was tempted to pose the question, the answer frightened me too much. My gawking grinded to a halt as I heard Sona speak once more.
“Thank you both. That’s all I need for now.”
Morgana and Soraka nodded and quickly shuffled away, closing the door behind them, effectively leaving me entirely alone with the mistress of the house. We stood in silence for a few moments, Sona’s eyes staring me up and down, my own orbs fixed anywhere but her face. I gulped quietly, unsure of how to proceed.
“Was this what you expected my bedroom to look like?” She asked.
“...Not really…” I mutely responded. The power dynamic between us was physically uncomfortable. Not only was she in complete control of the situation, she also wore her signature blue dress while I was still naked. It’s difficult to look someone in the face who is properly dressed while you are entirely nude.
“You can relax, you know. I’m not going to hurt you. Break you, yes, but not hurt you. Don’t worry, it’ll be fun for both of us.” She wore a soft, all-knowing smile, the kind that showed what we both already understood. There was no fight to be had anymore. She’d already won. I’d given up long ago. “Now, kneel.”
I’m not proud to admit that I followed her command immediately. A day ago I would not be caught dead kneeling whilst naked in front of another woman. My sin is pride, you see. But this house had melted it away. I was still high from my earlier orgasm, and the constant physical humiliation the Maven had forced on me shattered my inhibitions to their core. Whether my mind had long ago checked out, or my sexual desire was still unsated, or I was just morbidly curious of what came next mattered not. All that mattered was that I got to my knees like a good, obedient slut and awaited further commands.
Sona grinned at my acquiescence and gave my hair a soft pet. “Good girl.” She whispered, reaching into her pocket and digging out a black blindfold before promptly wrapping it around my head and covering my eyes, reducing my visibility to nothing but a dull darkness. I soon felt her hands drag mine behind my back, clasping the two together just above my ass in a pair of cold, metallic handcuffs.
“I know these probably aren’t necessary,” She said, fiddling with the cuffs a second longer, pulling on them to ensure they would stay on. “But I figure they’ll be fun if nothing else.”
I heard her take small steps to the other side of the room and open a dresser. She rummaged through it for a few moments before returning to what I presumed was the floor directly in front of me.
“Today we’ll be playing a little game. Have you ever done a blind taste test?” She asked.
“I.. uh… No, I don’t think I have.” I responded timidly. Her tone wasn’t overtly mischievous, but it seemed impossible that she had gone through all the effort of handcuffing and blindfolding me just for a taste test.
“Good, then this’ll be your first time playing. The rules are simple: I will place a particular kind of food in your mouth, and, without seeing it, you’ll have to tell me what it is by taste alone. Sounds easy enough?”
I nodded slowly.
“You’ll be tasting a potential three different things today. The first two items, I must admit, are quite pedestrian, but the third is a rare delicacy. Very few have had the pleasure of tasting it. Get the first two right, and I’ll give you the third as a reward. Get one of the first two wrong and you lose, forsaking your right to the third item and incurring a most unsatisfactory punishment. Now, open your mouth.”
I did as instructed, lowering my jaw and sticking my tongue out slightly. I was moderately afraid; having your mouth wide open while blindfolded in the presence of someone as sadistic as Sona could end in a myriad of bad ways. I’ll let your imagination do the work.
“Here it comes.” She said, and I shortly thereafter felt something small and round resting on my tongue. I cautiously took it into my mouth’s cavern, rolling it around suspiciously, still unsure as to what kind of food it was, or if it even was food. It had a particularly fresh aroma, one that I knew I’d smelled before but could not quite place yet. It was a bit rough on the outside, yet it leaked a small amount of tangy juice. Every passing second made it feel more and more familiar to me. I bit into it, feeling the softness of its inner cavity, and I knew exactly what it was.
“Wildberry.” I said, swallowing the pleasant tasting fruit with conviction. They were native to my home of Ixaocan; I ate them all the time growing up. I was surprised that Sona had obtained them, however. They were incredibly difficult to come by, as my fellow tribesmen were staunchly against trading with outsiders and the forest was incredibly hostile to those unfamiliar with it. They must have cost her a small fortune.
“Correct!” She cheered with a surprising amount of enthusiasm. “You’re off to a great start. Now for round two.”
I opened my mouth again, this time more comfortably now that I was fairly certain she wasn’t using this odd game as a method to poison me. This time, Sona placed something with an entirely different feel between my lips. It was spongy and easy to bite into. The inside was more of the same consistency, meaning the food’s overall texture was the same all the way through, ruling out berries or apples or anything of a similar ilk. It wasn’t tangy, or sour, or spicy. It was a little sweet, but I couldn’t place the flavor. I chewed it a few times, noticing how it basically melted into a wad of gooeniss with only minimal effort. The answer came to me then like a punch in the jaw.
“This is a banana..” I declared, yet again reslishing in my victory. This had turned out to be easier than I expected.
“Correct again!” Sona jubilantly said, praising my work. “You certainly made that look easy. I am a woman of my word, though, and as a reward, you’ll get to taste the third item. I’ll warn you though, this one will be the most difficult to guess. Ready?”
I felt confident and brazen, perhaps a bit too much. What can I say? I love winning, even if it comes in the form of a weird game played with me by a woman whose house is basically my makeshift prison for the foreseeable future.
“Hell yeah I’m ready.” I bragged, a slight grin on my face as I felt ready to ace this last tasting.
“Confident are we?” I heard Sona shift around, most likely in an attempt to present the final food properly. “I like that. But this last one has to be a proper challenge, so you can’t chew it. You can only taste it. I don’t trust you enough to just suckle on it, so stick your tongue out so I know you aren’t cheating.
I shrugged my shoulders. It seemed fair enough. Truthfully, I might be tempted to bite whatever it was if it was rolling around in my mouth. This way I could only use my tongue’s taste buds to gauge whatever it was. Seemed like a real test. I stuck out my tongue, eager to find out what the final item was.
It took a few moments more for me to feel the third item. Sona placed it against the very tip of my tongue and from the get-go I could tell that it was… significantly different than the first two items. It did not have a completely solid outer layer, like the previous wildberry and banana. Instead, there seemed to be an outer ring which had both a soft and smooth texture, while in the middle of this ring was a small opening that was slightly more firm. Immediately my mind jumped to a donut. Indeed, like a donut, this food item had a soft outer ring and a hole in the middle, but the hole in a donut was wide enough to nearly fit a tongue through. The hole in this mystery item was tight as hell. I pushed my tongue against it gently but it barely budged. I decided to take a more timid approach, licking up, down, and around the softer outer ring slowly, noticing the succulent taste it left in my mouth. Whatever it was, my tongue certainly liked it, but I still could not place its taste. It was too sweet to be a vegetable and too oddly textured to be a fruit. The closest comparison I could make to the mystery item was that of an extremely tender meat, but still that did not hold up due to its odd shape. There was no meat I knew of that came in the form of a miniaturized donut.
Sona had not lied about its delectability, though. I primarily tasted lavender, the flowery aroma flowing from my tongue to my nostrils, providing both of my senses a pleasant indulgence. There were other flavors as well, such as lemon and rosemary, though they were much less pronounced than the strong but not too strong lavender. Despite its true identity still escaping me, I could not deny its heavenly flavor. I was absolutely bewitched with all of its various aromas and tastes and I found myself licking it harder, faster, both curious to get to the bottom of what it was and also enjoying the journey to get there. It almost felt… intoxicating? Like a drug. It was not mind altering, as I was still in complete control of my actions and reality had remained normal, but there was an almost addictive quality to it. Once I started tasting it really didn’t want to stop. Like a child enjoying ice cream, or, really, anyone enjoying ice cream. I attempted to bring my hands up to feel whatever delicious morsel was rubbing against my tongue, only to be denied by the handcuffs, and I let loose a quiet growl to voice my irritation.
“A-any clue yet?” Sona stammered, drawing my attention away from my current immobility. It wasn’t often that I heard the Maven stutter. I shrugged it off and continued my careful prodding, using my tongue even more than before. The only place within this third item I had yet to explore was the tight inner hole. I’d already run my tongue over it a few times and jabbed it softly, but it was extraordinarily tight and had resisted my advances thus far. I knew that it was my last chance to figure out what this was, and I really, really wanted to figure it out. Who knew what ulterior stakes hinged on me winning this game? This hole could be the key to everything, and so, without warning, I plunged my tongue deep inside… and it clenched around me in response.
“Oh!” I heard Sona moan, and immediately I knew something fucked up was happening. Why did the third item tighten around my tongue? Why was Sona making strange noises? I was tempted to take my tongue out of the object, but before I could make a move I heard Sona’s voice again as she said, “I give you credit for trying this hard to figure out what the third object is. I know you’re dying to find out. I’ll take off the blindfold, but only if you promise to remain still after I do. Moan for me if you understand.”
I had practically run out of options at this point, so I let loose a pathetic little moan to voice my understanding. I felt one of her dainty hands dance around my forehead, fishing for the blindfold before finally finding it and pulling it off my head.
I was not prepared for the sight I saw.
Directly in front of me were Sona’s ass cheeks spread wide by her own hands. My face was sandwiched right up against them, only millimeters away from actually making contact with her large, bodacious mounds of flesh. I was so close that If she were to let go of them they would collide with both sides of my face instead of clapping together. The torment didn’t end there, though. My tongue, which I previously thought was tasting some fine delicacy she’d conjured up through her immense wealth, had instead been busy servicing her asshole for the last few minutes. A part of me felt idiotic for not discerning earlier that the mystery item I had been going to town on was indeed the Maven’s tight pucker, but then again, I had never given a rimjob before. I always imagined it would taste… bad, I guess? But Sona’s ass honestly tasted quite nice. Like regular skin with a hint of lavender. And I would know, because my tongue was currently buried a half-inch deep in her asshole. I wanted to recoil away so, so badly, but in the back of my mind I remembered that I’d promised the Maven not to move. Doing so would only make this worse. She turned her head to the side and shot me a mischievous look.
“Not what you expected?” She chuckled. “This is your reward for playing the game well! You get to eat my ass.”
It’s hard to read the Maven, especially in a position as compromising as this one, but I believe I saw genuine surprise paint her face when I did not immediately continue licking her asshole. I didn’t move my tongue away either, but for reasons I could not understand. I was in limbo, unable to commit one way or the other. My brain screamed at me to leave, to run as fast and as far away from here as I could with my tail between my legs. But some other part of me, a part I generally didn’t listen to, echoed other sentiments.
“Can’t decide what to do?” The Maven said. “Let me help you by posing a question. When you were blindfolded and didn’t know what you were licking, did you like it? Did you enjoy the taste, the feel, the overall experience?”
She had a point. Just minutes ago I was licking this woman’s asshole like it was the finest dinner on Runeterra. It was wholly immersive and entrancing.
Sona took a step forward, seperating my tongue from her asshole. She was still very close, her round, pale cheeks only a few inches away from my face. She stood up straight and turned her head back to look down on me. “You can fight it all you want, Qiyana, but you know you enjoyed it. You just don’t want to admit it.”
“I-I don’t know what I enjoy anymore.” I whispered, fumbling over my words. This entire day had been a fucking mess that turned my world upside down. Left was right, up was down, wrong felt right.
“You know, I thought I had you figured out after sexfighting you, but after bringing you here and seeing your reactions to the things around you, I’m sure of it.” She said. “You wear a mask. You pretend to be this dominant, cold, ruthless bitch that pushes other women around and gets what she wants, but that isn’t the real you. You’ve just had to always pretend to be that way since you grew up as royalty and no one ever had the guts to put your ass in place. Well, I do. You have had every opportunity to run away from this place, yet you continue to stay. Despite how awful you seem to think it is, you refuse to leave. I wonder why? Have you ever asked yourself? I think it’s because you want to stay here. You want to be my bitch. I will sate that desire. I will dominate you whenever you need me to, regardless of time or place. All you have to do is submit to me here. So I’ll give you the choice: You can leave right now. Walk out the door and be free from me forever. None of my girls will stop you. Or, you can submit to me and keep eating my ass until I cum all over your pretty little fucking face, and if you do a good enough job, I might make you cum after.”
I felt as if I was suspended in reality after hearing her tirade. Dangling in the air from words that cut too deep. Sona had said things that I could not even say to myself, but that didn’t make them any less true. She was right. I could have left this place at any moment I chose. There was nothing compelling me to honor my side of the bargain. Sure, my word was good in bets that had normal stakes, but the buck generally stopped at sexual servitude for me. It was my choice to follow her through that snow, it was my choice to fuck Morgana and Soraka in the showers, and it was my choice to either leave this place once and for all or continue to service the Maven’s ass. The bitter truth is that she had me figured out completely. I absolutely loathe having to be in control all the time. I hate that people are afraid of me inherently because I am of a royal lineage. I actively search for someone to stand up to me, but backbone is hard to find nowadays.
I finally understood why the women who stay here choose to do so. It was so obvious the entire time, I had simply refused to see it. They were not with Sona because of her pleasure. They were here for their own. This mansion is not just a house to live in. It is a barricade, a castle, a fortress. A place where they are safe to explore and divulge in their own desires, regardless of how perverse or taboo they may be. Morgana can enjoy the pleasures of pain. Soraka can be given the attention she so desperately needs. And I can finally, after all these years, be put in my place. Like I’ve always wanted to be.
I slammed my face back between Sona’s spread cheeks, where it belonged. I immediately buried my tongue in her pucker and licked it in long vertical motions with more enthusiasm than before. I was rewarded with a pleased chuckle from the Maven, her hand gently rubbing the back of my head before she whispered, “Good girl.” It felt amazing to finally accept the submissive part of myself, and pleasing Sona’s tight asshole was as proper a way as any to begin my newfound subservience. My hands struggled against their binds violently, as I very, very badly wanted to reach up and take hold of her big, beautiful ass. I settled for just tasting it, though. I moaned into her, feeling almost suffocated in her cheeks, but air was the last thing I had on my mind.
Sona moaned louder as I sped up my ministrations and altered the patterns in which I licked. I began by just going up and down, but in time I was licking in circles, side to side, and even plunging inside to properly tongue fuck her ass. It was heaven, and hearing her lewd cries only spurred me on further. During our sexfight she had barely felt much of anything, as I found out shortly afterwards it had mostly been a charade. But these moans from her, these were the moans of a woman on the verge of cumming. I guess I might have won our little battle if I knew she was this much of a buttslut.
“Go faster, bitch. And deeper.” She growled, pushing my face even further between her ass to deny me oxygen. I think she viewed it as a punishment of sorts, but, to be honest, it felt more like a reward. Her tone was not overly harsh, but it was not kind either. She had found that nice middle ground between complete psycho dominatrix and weak pushover. I felt my own excitement dripping down my legs like a leaky faucet. In years past it would be a mark of shame to be so turned on from something like this, but now it filled me with a sense of pride. I hadn’t even touched my pussy and yet I felt as if I could cum merely from rimming the Maven’s ass. I groaned again between her cheeks, savoring her lavender scent, enjoying the heat I felt on all sides of my face. Her pleasure had become mine. It felt good to serve her.
“Push your face in further. Suffocate yourself in my ass.” She ordered, her tone domineering and aggressive yet laced with apparent arousal. Try as she may, even the Maven could not keep it together when she was on the verge of cumming. I followed her command, enveloping my face between her pale cheeks as far as I could. Her aroma was utterly intoxicating and I could not resist inhaling that sweet scent once more. My tongue alternated between licking circles and broad strokes over her asshole while periodically plunging inside to give her most sacred hole the proper worship it was due. My hands continued to strain against their metal confines, desperately wanting to take hold of her jiggly, buxom flesh. To knead and massage and, dare I say, even spank her perfect posterior. Alas, another time, perhaps. As her moans grew in intensity I realized that I could literally do this for hours if it so pleased her. I never knew that I was this into eating ass, but I wasn’t about to question it. Every second that passed was a gift from the heavens, allowing me to partake in the forbidden fruit that was the Maven’s asshole. And yet, as they say, all good things must come to an end.
“Oh fuck” Sona moaned, her back arching as she bent forward and angled her chest parallel to the ground while her legs remained straight. “don’t stop don’t stop don’t stop don’t stop…” She came hard, her asshole tightly clenching around my tongue as her legs gently shook with the uncontrollable euphoria that came with an orgasm. Her nectar dribbled down my chin and onto my chest, covering my breasts with the clear, viscous liquid. A badge of honor for my good work. I slowed my tongue’s pace significantly but did not stop, instead I coaxed her down from her orgasm, progressively decreasing my tempo with every passing beat as she regained her soundness of mind. Once it was apparent that her climax had ended, I gently kissed her perfect asshole before kissing the interior of her ass cheeks and working myself out to the rest of her immaculate rear.
“Hmm.” She mused, taking a few steps forward so as to remove her ass from my reach (much to my disappointment) before turning around to face me. “I don’t believe I told you to kiss my ass, plaything. But I’ll let it slide this time. Your rimming was extraordinary and has put me in a good mood” She winked sheepishly.
I didn’t respond, I only gazed up into her eyes, searching for something, anything. I was fine with submitting myself to her, letting her use my body in whichever way she desired, allowing her to berate and belittle me as much as she wanted along the way, but I craved just a little more than that. I wanted someone that could love me just as easily as they could dominate me. Someone that could be mean when it was called for and nice when it was called for.
It was as if she recognized this vulnerable, needy, feeble look in my eyes. She knelt down before me, bringing our eyes mere inches apart, before placing a gentle kiss on my forehead. Her lips traveled south, meeting my own and embracing me in a deep and sensual kiss. I was surprised that she was willing to wrestle her tongue against my own so soon after it had worshipped her asshole, but if anything, she seemed more willing than normal, as if she was eager to taste herself and her own essence. We held strong for a half minute, her hands lightly teasing my bare breasts in the meantime, before she broke us apart and began to undo my handcuffs.
“You’ve been very good, Qiyana. I think it's high time you received some pleasure of your own.” She cooed, tossing my handcuffs aside. She walked behind me, using her foot to push me down to the floor so that my face was pressed sideways against it and my ass was high in the air while my knees rested on the carpet. In this position I was entirely exposed, my pussy and ass ripe for pillaging, though I knew not exactly how Sona planned to repay the favor.
“I’m a fair person. You do me a favor, I’ll do you one.” She knelt down behind me, gently caressing my ass cheeks while her face neared them. “You eat my ass... I’ll eat yours.” With only that sentence as a warning, the Maven licked a long, slow stride up my pussy and over my asshole. I shivered from the stimulation, feeling electricity shoot up my spine as my previously neglected holes were finally receiving proper care. She continued her ministrations, gently licking the rim around my pucker while her fingers caressed the folds of my womanhood. Before this day, I had never licked someone’s asshole nor had I ever had my own licked. I can now say with certainty that it is definitely something everyone should experience at least once. If eating Sona’s ass felt like heaven, then having my ass eaten by Sona felt like ascending to a new dimension of pleasure entirely. It was magnificent, in every sense of the word. White hot ecstacy coursed through my veins as she licked away, and I raised my ass higher in response, allowing her to bury her face ever further between my wagging cheeks. At this point I had lost all sense of decency and self-consciousness, as I let loose lewd moan after moan, affirming to Sona just how good this was making me feel. She ceased her circular motions and began lapping at my ass akin to a dog drinking water. Her tongue was greedy, exploring every millimeter of the sensitive flesh, poking and prodding to figure out which areas felt best. In time she began tongue fucking my ass in the same manner that I had hers, forcing me to undergo and expierence new pleasures I had yet to know. I had never, not once, put a single thing up my ass before. The idea was always a stretch too taboo for me to experiment with. Yet, in this moment I was practically begging the Maven to push her tongue further in. Her thumb gently stimulated my clit as I leaked precum over her hand, and I knew that I had little time left to properly enjoy this before I came against my own will. And so, I posed a simple question to the Maven in an attempt to fulfill the last dark fantasy we’d yet to explore on this day.
“M-mistress.” I mewled out between staggered moans, addressing her by her proper title. She paused her rimjob to hear what I had to say. “Would you… spank… me?”
“Of course, my little Empress.” She responded, her voice deep and sultry and filled with carnality. Her tongue found its place once more against my tight asshole, but this time I also felt the pain of her hand descending cruelly upon my ass cheek. The sound it produced was a loud CRACK! that echoed throughout the room. My rear felt a stinging heat that lingered and I savored in the warm feeling, but before a few seconds could pass my other cheek was punished just as harshly. I could not hold in my excitement, and in time I began moaning in response to every spank. Sometimes she would hit the same cheek multiple times in a row, sometimes she would alternate, and sometimes she would hit them both simultaneously. The pleasure from her hard spanking in conjunction with her tongue being halfway up my ass was far too much for me to handle, and I felt my mind blank as I experienced an orgasm far more intense than any I’d ever had before. I felt as if I was both laughing and crying from the overload of pleasure, and all I could do was produce a pitiful, elongated, whorish moan in response. I pressed my hands and face even harder against the carpet, trying to find some way to channel the intense bliss coursing throughout my entire body. In time it subsided, and as I came down from the immense high, Sona lightly kissed my ass cheeks, showing them the same care I had to hers. She maneuvered to my front, hoisting me up into a kneeling position before bringing our lips together once more. This time it was my turn to taste my own ass, and I must admit, I was pleasantly surprised with the sweet and earthy flavor I savored from the Maven’s lips. She eventually separated our mouths after some amount of time had passed.
“So, how was your first day here?” She asked, shooting me a sly grin before standing herself up and reaching her hand down to assist me. “As horrible as you imagined?”
“No.” I smiled, standing up with the help of her hand to meet her smoldering gaze. “It was… amazing.”
“I’m glad. I think you’ll fit in well with the other girls.” She opened her dresser and fumbled around inside one of the drawers before producing an intimidating eight-inch white strapon. “Which reminds me, I’m due to help Akali with training.”
I stared at her in equal parts wonder and horror as she equipped the fake cock around her waist. “I hope you don’t plan to use that on me at any point, Mistress…”
“Not today, Empress. You have to earn the privilege of getting your Mistress’ cock. Oh, and as a general warning, it won’t be going in your pussy. After all,” She began walking to the exit, pausing as she stood directly beside me before grabbing a handful of my caramel derriere and whispering in my ear, “it would be a sin not to fuck such a tight ass.”
Chapter 3 :D?
Chapter 1 - Into the lair |
The dim-light didn't help knowing how far and wide this cavern was, and only the heavy stomps of the Giganto Brutus echoing faintly gave a better idea. Creaking of wood could be heard, as well as faint water sounds further inside. The massive blue-skinned creature walked softly, constantly forward even with the various crossroads he passed by, feeling a bit fuzzy after copious hours of fun with the woman he encountered. Those wannabe fighters weren't much given his strength, and he was really happy to come back with such a beautiful prize. Speaking of which, Farah, the former ruler of Egypt, was laid over his shoulder, seemingly sleeping after their intense workout.
Her body was still the same incredible display of sensuality as one would expect, only enhanced by her tanned skin glowing faintly over the torches affixed to the walls. Nude from head to toes, spare for a few jewelries she managed to keep, she wasn't in her most dignified display. Not only her posture was rather rubbish, but one could clearly see a trail of white semen, dripping from her previously overtaxed cunt, making a trail behind them both. With the constant rolling of the monster, she finally woke up after some time, blinking before her eyes adjusted. She moved her head a bit, before noticing she wasn't on a boat, but held by a giant humanoid. Then everything clicked.
"W-where are we?" Her voice was low, a bit harsh.
"In home. My home. We meet tribe. You perfect for us. Perfect big titted breeding mate." The rough voice of the monster exploded near her ear. Oh, right, the monster... He said he wanted to mate with her. Not that she was completely against it, after all, a simple whiff of his musky scent made her body ready, and she wasn't sure when her shouts turned to moans, but it was rather quickly. She shivered, remembering the unnatural size of the beast, and how much she enjoyed it...
"Are you sure? I mean... The gods bestowed me some powers to mate with inhuman creatures, but... I don't know about your race." She tried to stay calm, knowing she couldn't do much for now.
"If no babies, we fuck harder. That all." The monster replied. "But we already mated humans. No problem at all. Only they break quickly. But you, you do not break." The Brutus said while looking at her with one of his head, grinning.
Gosh, she almost blushed. She reprimanded herself, knowing full well her companions were on the verge of death the gods knew were and she was currently in a rather dire situation. She tried to think of a way to go out, but for now she couldn't find anything to do. The grip of the monster was strong, too strong for her, and she was a bit weak. After a few minutes, she could see that the walls around them were spacing out, as they landed in a seemingly bigger place. There were a few fires here and there, and what looked like rudimentary houses. Other Giganto Brutus, too. They turned their heads around, looking at their friend coming back with a small human on his shoulder. As he walked toward the center, a little circle of monsters gathered around. He laughed and looked at them.
"Brothers. I bring human whore. She good, very good. She do not break." He shouted out, as the others looked at her with fiery eyes. They were all inhumanly big, ranging around eight feet tall, with wide, muscular bodies. Their skin mostly the same blue as the one holding her, and all of them sporting two brutish heads, large fangs sprouting from their lips upward. "She perfect mate. Huge tits, tight pussy." He said pulling her down and showing her off. The woman felt so petite surrounded by the excited giants, not even able to cover her nude body as her hands were held up effortlessly over her head. And indeed she was perfect, from her massive chest down to her large hips, her motherly allure only made them more excited. "Very good!" "Big tits!" "Smell nice!" "Good sex!" All of them shouted what came to their minds, as Farah could see various loincloths bulging out around her.
"Wait a minute! I can't deal with all of you at once." She said toward the group, even if she was softly biting her lower lip, the smell of the foul beasts surrounding her. Her captor looked down, his face puzzled for a bit.
"Right. You still human. We take turns." He looked around, before pointing to three of his brethren. "You three go first. No complaints." The other Brutus looked angry, clearly dissatisfied to be unchosen, but no one really complained to her captor. Was he some sort of chief? Thoughts Farah. She yelped as he tossed her toward the three monsters, bumping into the one in the center who caught her and already used his wide hands to grope her heavy chest. His hands were so large that he was able to hold the massive tits completely, without much flesh spilling out. "Very tender, very good..." He growled, as one of his friends went behind and grabbed her ass, one thick finger already pushing softly against her asshole. The third one went to her side, pushing his cloth away and letting out his huge cock near her face. He was as big as the first one, a prodigious length of, at least, two feet, and a tremendous thickness, as large as both her hand. Hand that almost instantly met with the bumpy, dirty cock.
"Are all of you so... big?" She asked in a faint voice, her cheeks turning red as her hand started to caress the hardening cock. "You're all so excited over my old body... I feel honored." She moved her right hand, pulling away the loincloth of the Brutus in front of her, looking at the equally sized dick. "Gosh..." She was surrounded by huge dicks, huge monsters, and all of them wanted only one thing. It hit her suddenly that, maybe, she may spend months, years, tending to those monstrous beasts. What frightened her the most was that she only licked her lips at that sudden thought, her knees rubbing together. The Brutus behind her moved down from her ass to caress her pussy from between her meaty thighs. "Bitch very wet, very ready." He said half surprised.
He didn't spend much time before inserting one of his fat fingers inside the royal cunt. "Hnnnn...nffff." Farah moaned softly as the monster's finger probed deep inside, slowly increasing her pleasure, her vagina moistening. The one on her side grabbed her whole head with one hand, before pulling it forward against the tip of his member. The matriarch's lips opened wide, but even then his thickness wasn't easy to manage, and she felt her jaws already taxed, strained, as he bounced her head up and down. "Hmmb! Hmmmn! Goohh! Appfff!" She was used as a simple masturbatory tool, while the fat cockhead cleaned itself using her wet mouth. Her curious tongue moving around the rugged skin, a mixture of smegma and precum invading her mouth and throat, intoxicating. On the front, the Brutus didn't waste any time, grabbing her round tits and putting his huge cock in between, stroking himself against her as his tip kept hitting her bulged cheeks. "So soft! So good!" The monster shouted, clearly enjoying her body. The other monsters, still around, were shouting at them, divided between how fun it was to watch them, and how much they wanted to get their hands on the sexy Egyptian milf.
The Brutus behind her twisted his finger inside a few times, before inserting two others. Farah opened her eyes wide, her body jerking given the size of those, stretching her tight pussy. "Hmmmm! Hmmmm! Obboo!" Her head still used, as the monster face-fucked her, increasing his pace. Trails of saliva and precum coating the few inches of cock who went in and out of her mouth, dripping down against her chest and increasing the friction of the one tit-fucking her. Her legs were shaking, her pussy spasming a bit around the three fingers, her juices suddenly flying down, splashing against the ground and covering her thighs. "Tight pussy. But stretch good. Bitch perfect for our cock." The monster growled in a more excited voice. The rough breath of the Brutus face-fucking her increased, as he put his second hand against her head, locking her completely. "Drink my cum, human whore!" He roared as his dick lodged itself inside her throat with his last powerful thrust. The poor woman gargled loudly, as the twitching cock started unloading his potent, musky cum. A few powerful jets stuffed her stomach, more than a pint of semen went inside her, while some of it couldn't find enough place - or she wasn't drinking as quickly as needed - and moved back, spraying from her nose. Her eyes rolled slowly inside her head.
She gasped loudly when he finally pulled out, her mouth overflowing from cum and saliva. "Ahhuu.... Ahhh.... Ooohh..." She felt so hot, her whole body on fire, and it seemed the monsters weren't finished either. "Mmmm... I need more..." She turned her head to the one in front of her, grabbing his cock and putting her lips over the tip, her tongue lapping at his slit inside her mouth. The Brutus stopped using her tits, surprised, looking down at her. "Already addicted, huh?" His voice sounded both amused and impressed, but Farah didn't answer, only using her mouth to service him. The monster kept still, putting himself on his knees while she followed down. The one behind nodded accordingly, sitting down too, and grabbing his cock, the wide tip brushing up and down over the woman's juicy pussy lips.
"Hmmm, tight hole. Won't be tight long." The monster behind her pushed strongly against the little pussy, his fat cockhead slowly spreading the pink lips. Even with all her juices and his pre helping out, he grunted a few times before finally squeezing it inside. Her lips stretched around it, taking the form of the huge tube entering her. "So tight! Pussy good!" The Giganto Brutus took hold of her fat ass-cheeks before bursting forward without any warning, half of his cock pushing deep inside her. Farah's head jerked upward, her cunt on fire as a wide bulge could be seen against the lower part of her body. "Aaaahhhhh! Aaahheee! Soooo biiig! Hhhuuuuu!" She kept her hands on the cock in front of her, holding herself up as her whole body started to rock forward and backward as the monster started thrusting in and out, her large tits slapping against each others. One time, two time, three time... His cockhead pummeling her cervix strongly, and, each time it hit inside, the woman moaned loudly. Four times, five times, six times... The monster roared and grabbed her ass strongly, before using all his might to push his cock deeper.
The little cervix couldn't hold against such a ferocious assault, and it gave out, the fat monster cock pushing deeper inside, his tip nudged in her womb and pushing forward. He hilt himself, the bulge over her stomach turning grotesquely monstrous as it went hitting her chest from inside. Farah's hand clenched over the fat prick, her head low, her mouth wide open as no sound escaped her, too much pleasure assaulting her and her pussy contracted over the prick, spraying juices over the Brutus' hips. "You take whole cock easily! Good woman, very good." He moved his hips backward before entering again and again, thrusting in and out of her at a good pace, his colossal strength sending ripples alongside the matriarch's ass each time he hit her. Her mind was turning to mush as the pleasure kept assaulting her, but before she could do anything, the other one grabbed her face, one hand under her chin, lifting her up, and putting his cock inside her open mouth. Her eyes went wide as he pushed inside deeper than the previous one, his tip bulging her throat outward.
Spitroasted between the two, she could only feel used as the two cocks thrust in sync. Gargled moans escaping her body as the rutting went on, the beasts grunting louder and louder as they kept using her holes. Her mind had a hard time registering everything as waves after waves of pleasure assaulted it, her body shivering and her pussy cumming again and again over the Brutus' dick. The rest of the tribe kept around started jerking themselves upon the sight on display, as Farah was roughly used and abused. Even so, she felt overjoyed, feeling the cock hitting so deep inside her, deeper than anything she ever felt, and the other glistening member pumping in and out of her throat.
Both monsters roared loudly after a while, taking hold at each side of the woman, as their cocks inflated, twitching and discharging their hot, pudgy cum deep inside her. Her stomach inflated as both came at the same time with incredible power, before she was too full and it started moving backward, jutting from her overstuffed pussy, around her mouth and through her nose. Her eyes rolled back inside her head as she came hard again. Both Brutus moved up, their shining cocks still linked to her body with strings of cum as she gasped for air, her body a total mess. They kept cumming a bit over her form, straining her back, her face, her ass. Her pussy, gaping a bit, kept oozing out cum, as she turned around slowly, without any strength. As she looked up, she saw the two monsters looking down at her and smiling, before walking backward as two other went on, still fresh and excited after such a scene.
"Oh gods..." She licked her lips sluttily.
Chapter 2 - Training Part two |
Vanessa sighs after the doors close behind Liena and she looks at Nik who is staring after Liena. She gently clears her throat to get his attention and he looks over to her. “I'm sorry that she lied to you, my love. She is very.....upset over everything that has happened. She knows that you are not the one at fault but she....”
“Vanessa.” Vanessa blinks as Nik looks her in the eye with his kind, blue eyes. “It's ok. I understand why she lied. She wanted to see if I would be worried about you and most likely wanted to know just how far I'd go to save you if you were in danger.” He hugs her close as he looks deeper into her eyes as they start to waver. “The answer is 'as far as it takes to ensure that you're safe.'”
Tears of joy stream down Vanessa's cheeks and she kisses him passionately as she holds him in her arms, her average sized breasts gently squishing against his chest. A light moan passes into his mouth as their tongues mingle and his dominates hers with great ease.
After a few minutes they break the kiss and look into each other's eyes... then a rumbling sound comes from Nik's stomach. Nik flushes a bright red as Vanessa giggles. “Perhaps we should eat before we continue your training.”
Nik nods and starts to eat the fruit in the bowl. It was a fruit salad made of chopped up oranges, apples, watermelon, grapes and strawberries. Vanessa eats some as well as she thinks about what to start with. As they eat, Nik notices that Vanessa is wearing a plain white robe that has white fur on the ends of her cuffs.
After they finish eating, Vanessa has an idea and smiles. She puts her hands together in front of her and focuses causing energy to build between her palms. As she separates her hands, Nik can see a small seed in the palm of her hand. He gasps as the energy surrounds the seed and causes it to grow into a small orange tree, completely with small, ripe oranges growing off the branches.
“H-how did you do that?” Nik stares wide eyed at the small fruit tree growing in the palm of her hand.
Vanessa smiles and creates a pot and puts the roots of the tree inside before covering it with dirt. “We Viandi use energy from our bodies to create whatever we wish. Whether it's food, water, or weapons. Whatever we need at the time.”
Nik looks her in the eye. “You can create weapons as well? You don't carry them around?” Now that he thought about it, Nik didn't see Liena sheathe her sword and yet it wasn't with her when she brought the bowl of fruit in.
Vanessa shakes her head and reaches her hand out as a cylinder of energy swirls in her hand as if she was holding something. The energy expands into the form of a Rapier that is of similar make as Liena's but instead of it being encrusted with diamonds it's instead encrusted with emeralds and has a green hue to the blade.
Nik takes a breath as he sees that the tip of the rapier has a green glow and radiates with power in her hand. He blinks and notices sweat starting to collect on Vanessa's face and her body start shaking. He gasps and catches her as she collapses, dropping her rapier and panting heavily. “VANESSA!”
She looks up into his eyes as she catches her breath. “Hah I-I'm ok, Nik. J-just pushed myself a little too hard.”
“It looks like you haven't recovered your strength yet, dear daughter.” Nik looks up and sees Liena standing in the doorway with her hands on her hips. She enters the room and walks over to them before crouching down next to Vanessa. She gently puts a hand to Vanessa's head and sighs. “Rest now, daughter. I will take over for you.”
Vanessa pants as she nods. “I'm s-sorry m-mother. I wasn't being careful.”
Liena shushes her. “It's alright dear. It's my fault for not making sure you were at full strength before asking you to take over.”
Vanessa closes her eyes and falls into a deep sleep. Liena sighs and creates a fluffy bed for her to sleep on and tucks her in before teleporting her away.
Nik gasps as he sees Vanessa disappear and starts to panic as he looks at Liena. “Where is she?! What did you-”
Nik quiets down as Liena looks him in the eye. “I've teleported her to her room to rest so that your training won't disturb her.”
She looks down at the potted fruit tree and the green rapier lying on the ground and picks it up, inspecting it. She gives it a few test swings and nods with a smile. “She did very well on the make of this blade. Absolutely no mistakes in the craftsmanship and quality. Definitely better than what she could do before I entered my long sleep inside the casket. I guess this proves me wrong that the girls didn't stop training after all.”
She looks over at the small tree and smiles. “She also did well on making a tree grow and keeping it alive long enough to be planted in a pot. The fruit produced are healthy and perfectly made. I am thoroughly impressed.”
She sets the rapier down next to the potted plant and turns to face Nik. “Now then, I want you to hold out your hand and imagine there is a coin in your hand.”
Nik raises an eyebrow incredulously as he looks at her. “A coin?”
Liena nods and smiles. “We will focus on the small things, for now.”
He nods and stands before he puts his left hand out in front of him and imagines a gold coin with a silver emblem of a planet.
Liena watches him carefully as she smiles. “Now close your eyes and imagine an energy coursing through your body all the way to your hand and taking the shape of the coin.”
He closes his eyes and, at first, feels nothing. But as an hour goes by he slowly starts feeling something strange moving around inside of him. It feels like a slithering snake that is making its way to his hand, and then it coils and shrinks in his palm as his hand starts getting hotter.
He opens his eyes when the sensation cools and gasps as there is a gold coin with a silver emblem of the planet mars in his hand. “W....wow.”
Liena claps excitedly and giggles. “Well done! You have a great talent for this!”
Nik is about to thank her when his legs start to feel wobbly and he collapses into her soft breasts and warm embrace. She telekinetically lifts the coin out of his hand and brings it up to where she can see it.
“Easy now. The first time is always difficult on the body. You did better than I expected on the quality of this coin. I was expecting a bronze coin with a duller grade of silver along with the emblem to be misshapen in some way.” She says with a smile as she examines the coin that she has hovering before her.
She kisses him lovingly, her soft lips pressing against his, as she gently sits down with him to which he gasps lightly and returns the kiss weakly. She breaks the kiss after a minute and smiles. “Your body will feel sluggish for a while but it will be back to normal soon enough. For today, your training is done.”
He gives a weak nod and a grunt as his eyes look into hers. She smiles down at him and then thinks of something. “Say, would you like to shower with me? I'll be sure to wash you properly.”
He blushes but smiles and gives a nod. She grins and picks him up with little effort. Nik wonders if she might be using some of her power to carry him but he can feel the muscles in her arms and can tell that she is very strong.
They leave the training room and take a left leading towards the medbay. The room next door to the training room is a room that contains a large garden that has the various fruit trees from the planet Viandi full of delicious fruit.
They pass by the fruit tree room and into the chamber opposite. It's a large open room form shower, complete with tiles, drains, and a number of shower nozzles. She carries him to the center of the room and creates a bench for him to sit on. After she sets him down, she starts to undress him and he takes a good look at what he had been wearing.
It was a sleek, form fitting, long sleeved black shirt that had three golden buttons going down the middle, keeping it closed. He had a pair of a grey pants made out of Teranor leather that held to his body and had a fur pelt for the groin area to make them comfy. His underwear was made of Henasar silk, dyed red, and felt extremely comfy.
She sets his clothes a good distance away so that they won't get wet and begins to get undressed herself. She undoes the buckles that are on top of her breasts and gasps as her sleeveless shirt bursts open and her breasts are bigger than they were before, practically overfull. “Oh my! That was surprising!”
She takes the shirt off and undoes her pants before letting them drop to the floor along with her Henasar silken panties and steps out of them. She turns and bends down to pick them up as Nik gets a good view of her perfectly plump ass and glistening pussy. She folds her clothes and sets them down next to his before turning around to face him and lets out a small gasp and a smile as she sees his hard cock. “Well now! Someone is still energetic!” She giggles.
She sashays, her hips swaying side to side as her breasts and ass jiggle nicely to the rhythm as she walks over to him. Nik blushes a bright red as his cock gets even harder. She giggles and turns the water on. Warm water falls on top of his head and starts washing all the dirt and dried blood off of him as she picks up a bar of soap and begins soaping up her hands. “My,My! You're really dirty! I'm sorry that I did such a bad job to clean more than just your wound and your face.”
She sits next to him and starts washing his chest and works down to his strong abs while giving an approving sound. “You're quite strong aren't you? You've got nice, hard abs and a strong chest.” She starts washing his arms and then legs. “You've got powerful muscles here as well.”
Liena smirks mischievously as his cock twitches before she reaches down with a soapy hand and starts washing that too as Nik lets out a gasp. “This looks to be in so much pain! Let me take care of it for you.”
She strokes his cock slowly as she rubs her breasts against his side as her nipples harden and milk starts to leak out. Nik notices the milk and looks up at Liena, wondering if she was pregnant.
Liena giggles as she continues to stroke his cock faster as she looks him in the eye. “No, lover. I'm not pregnant. The reason my breasts have become so big is because some of my excess power has turned itself into milk.”
Nik blushes and starts to think that they must hurt. He lifts one of her breasts up and puts her nipple into his mouth before he starts to suck and drink the milk inside, making her let out a low moan. It tastes like a very rich and creamy chocolate shake and has to be the most delicious thing he's ever had....also has a hint of oranges in it, “Oh! You're such a thoughtful young man! They are rather sore so please drink as much of my milk as you can!”
She strokes his cock faster as he drinks more and her moans start becoming louder as her pussy twitches between her legs. She gasps as his muscles become harder and his cock becomes thicker to the point where she can't wrap one hand around it as he finishes drinking from one breast. 'My power is changing his body! How can this be possible!?'
She gasps as he grabs her ass and pulls her onto his lap, causing her hand to move away from his cock, as he grinds the tip against her pussy's entrance. She looks into his eyes and sees a deep lust that awakens her own lust as her pussy lips sucks at the edge of his huge cock. “N-Nik? A-are you alright?”
He nods and slowly pushes the first few inches of his cock into her pussy causing her to gasp and moan as she grabs his shoulders and orgasms. She throws her head back and screams as he puts her other nipple into his mouth and starts to drink her delicious milk as he pulls out to the tip and slams another few inches deeper inside, stretching her pussy tight to his huge cock. “Fuuuuucckkkkkkk! You're so fucking huge!” She screams as she orgasms on his huge cock as her eyes start to roll up.
She gasps as he grips her ass and lets out a scream as he pulls her down all the way to the base, her abs deforming from his huge girth as her cervix kisses the tip of his cock. “Holy shit! My
p-power has greatly changed your b-body! Y-you need to stop drinking, N-nik! I d-don't know w-what will h-happen if you k-keep going!” She struggles to speak as he has her ride his fuckrod while drinking more milk and causing his balls to grow a few sizes.
He pulls her all the way down to the base and holds as he shoots a huge load that causes her stomach to expand and she throws her head back and screams as she orgasms, her eyes rolling all the way up in pleasure. She pants as her mind goes blank as he releases her breast and she leans forward, laying her head on his shoulder.
Nik blinks a few times and gives his head a shake. “W....what happened? I...I think I blacked out.”
He feels a tightness around his cock and looks down to see that he's all the way inside of Liena and her stomach looks like she's nine months pregnant with twins. He gasps and pulls out, her pussy squeezing his cock all the way. There is a pop and cum flows like a waterfall out of her pussy onto the tiled floor as she lets out a moan and her body shakes from another orgasm rocking her body.
He stares at the cum that flows out as her stomach returns to it's strong, toned abs and wonders what had happened when the doors to the shower room open and Vanessa walks in. She gasps at the sight of her mother in Nik's arms and rushes over to check on her in a panic. “Mother! Are you alright!? What happened!?”
After only getting some murmurs from her unconscious mother she looks at Nik and then blinks at him as she was about to shout at him. She sees his hard, toned muscles, his immensely powerful looking chest. She sees his huge cock that is the width of an arm still standing at attention and his baseball sized balls. Then she notices the large pool of cum beneath them that is going down the drain. She looks back at Nik's face and notices that the skin on his face has become fair and his features had taken a more mature, attractive look. “N-nik? W-what happened here and what happened to you?”
Nik looks down and sees everything that she had seen and then looks up at her. “I....I don't know. Last thing I remember is that your mother, Liena, was washing me and stroking my cock. Then I put her nipple in my mouth and started drinking her milk because they looked sore and then I blacked out.”
Vanessa's eyes widen as she stares at Nik, her mouth hanging slightly open. “Y-you drank her milk made up of her excess magic?”
He nods and she lets out a long sigh. “The magic inside a Viandi's breasts is quite nutritious and can be quite...addictive if even a little is tasted. It must've caused your body to change and gave you extra.....benefits.”
She swallows as she glances down at his cock and then back up to him before she continues. “It can also potentially cause black outs for the person drinking it and cause unknown effects.”
Nik notices that Vanessa has been fidgeting a little as she speaks and he can see the lust building in her eyes. He sees her sweat as she seems to be having an internal battle against herself and opens his mouth to speak but can only gasp as he feels a warm tongue licking along his cock. He looks down to see a half dazed Liena kissing and licking his cock as she gropes one of her breasts. “L-liena? What are you doing?”
Liena smiles as she continues to kiss his cock. “I'm kissing your cock, of course. Never before has any man filled me to such a point where my mind nearly broke.....not since my time with the great father. It's impressive that my excess power had this sort of effect on you and didn't cause you to explode.”
Nik's eyes widen as he stares at her. “E-explode?”
Liena nods as she continues to lick his cock. “Yes. Unlike the other Viandi, my excess magic and milk is quite potent. I had already taken measures to prevent you from exploding but it seems that those measures instead enabled your body to change like this. Although....perhaps there was something else buried deep inside you that caused that.”
Nik tries to take in all this information when he hears the sound of cloth moving and looks up to see that Vanessa has removed her robe and was in the process of removing her soaking wet panties. He sees her heavily tanned skin and her average bust and petite hips in comparison to Liena's pale complexion and large breasts and ass. He blushes as she walks over to him, lust filling her eyes, and get down on her knees next to her mother as Liena takes the head of his cock into her mouth.
Vanessa's long blue hair covers her eyes and hides all but her lips and nose as the water from the shower nozzle makes her hair wet. Vanessa starts panting as she takes in the smell of his shaft as she moves her face closer to it. Then she starts to lick from the base of his length to as far up as she can go as her mother's tongue twirls around the head of his fuckrod and her lips suck hungrily around his girth as her long, black hair sticks to her breasts and back and covers her face.
He watches as Liena starts taking more of his girth into her throat, stretching it to a tight pink as Vanessa sucks on one of his balls, rolling it around inside her mouth. He gasps and lets out a cry as he cums hard, his cock still sensitive from the first time. Liena drinks it greedily but some escapes her mouth and drips down his length to where Vanessa licks it up happily. There is a sound of gulping and water running as the shower continues to spray warm water onto the three.
Liena finally slides off his cock and takes a sharp breath of air as rivulets of cum still fall down his cock. Vanessa runs her tongue up his cock and catches it all the way to the tip and then she starts to suck the remaining cum out of his cock as she swallows. Liena smiles at her daughter as she comes up for air. “That's my girl! How was your first taste of cum from a human man?”
Vanessa smiles as she savors the last of his cum before swallowing it. “Delicious! Much better than the male Viandi's before they went extinct.”
Nik flinches. “E...extinct?”
Vanessa nods. “We used to have male Viandi, but a strange plague came and took them away. We females had to find another way to reproduce.”
She stands up and has her hands hover around her groin area. She concentrates and a glowing strap-on appears with a special gland inside. “We developed this technique to help us reproduce. There is a special gland that contains some of our power that acts as a male's sperm which makes it possible. Best of all, it doesn't cost anything at all to create and maintain it.”
Liena grins as she examines the glowing strap-on. “Very impressive, Vanessa. You managed to create something that even I couldn't when the great father left us. I'm so very proud of you and I know that he is too.”
Vanessa sheds tears of joy as she deactivates the glowing strap-on. “Thank you, mother.”
Nik sits there dumbstruck but snaps out of it as Liena lifts Vanessa onto his lap with a smile. “You said before that we should share him, Vanessa. So take your turn on his cock.”
Vanessa pants heavily as she rubs her pussy against his cock from the base to the tip. “Yes, thank you, mother!”
Before Nik can say anything to stop her Vanessa pushes herself down onto his cock and lets out a moan as the first few inches enters her. She moans as Liena rubs her clit to get her pussy to relax as Nik lets out a gasp at how tightly her pussy is squeezing his cock as it is forced to stretch around his cock.
Liena gives her daughter encouragement as she helps her ride his cock and slowly takes more into herself as she orgasms again and again. She helps her lifts herself up and then pushes her back down in a slow rhythm. Finally, Nik grabs Vanessa's formerly petite ass and realizes that her ass has grown a bit bigger along with her breasts. Vanessa looks into his eyes and screams as he pulls her all the way down to the base with one strong pull deforming her stomach and touching her cervix.
Her pussy convulses in orgasm around his huge shaft as she is slowly lifted up to the tip and then dragged back down in a constant rhythm as her ass slaps against his thighs and her breasts rise up and slap down against her stomach as it deforms and reforms around his cock. Her long blue hair flies through the air as she rides his cock and orgasms continuously as she screams and her eyes roll up.
Nik grunts and holds her to the base as he shoots his huge load deep inside her causing her stomach to bloat like her mother's did and she lets out a loud scream as Liena smiles watching her daughter get filled and has her body still rocking from the orgasm aftershocks. “Mm, I know you enjoyed that, daughter.”
Vanessa nods weakly and pants as she weakly holds onto Nik's chest. Nik slowly pulls out and there is a pop from her pussy followed by a waterfall of cum as her stomach deflates back to normal. Liena smiles and turns off the water before turning the bench into a large bed and lays down with Nik and Vanessa. “Let's rest now, my loves.”
Nik's eyes close and he enters the land of dreams as Vanessa and Liena do the same, both hugging him between them. |
Chapter 1 - Training Part One |
Nik opens his eyes to find himself in a dimly lit cell with bars that seem to glow, a powerful force is humming between them. Inside the cell there is a desk, a bed, and a toilet. On the desk there are stacks of papers that looks to be drawings of people and places. There are some that looks like comic book pages.
On the bed there is a man and a woman holding each other, covered in fresh wounds and writhing in pain. The man is young, looking to be no more than 28 years old, and seems about 6'2" with dirty blonde hair that is receding from his forehead to the top of his head. His clothes are dirty and ragged as if he has nothing to wear. His skin is dirty with dried blood and the remnants of some type of fluid.
The woman has long black hair that hangs down to her lower back. She appears to have an average bust and a petite butt. She seems to be about the same age as the man but is a couple inches shorter than him. Like the man her clothes are ragged and dirty and she is covered in dried blood and fluid remnants. The woman opens her eyes and looks at the man, and Nik gasps as he sees her face....
Nik wakes up in a cold sweat in Liena's bed breathing hard. 'What the hell was that dream?' He thinks to himself as he looks around at the empty room, it just being him alone in the bed. 'Where is Liena?' As he wonders this he can hear what appears to be a woman singing along with strange sounds coming from somewhere in the ship.
He takes in his surroundings now that he's actually looking and looks down at the bed as he stands up. The bed, which is in the center of the room, is round and has purple sheets made from the finest silk of the Henasar, a race of spider women. Nik had met a few when he was given a tour of the house of the Seven Ladies. The bedding, blankets, and pillows are made of various kinds of fur.
The room has a rug made out of the skin of a Teranor, a beast that is the size of an elephant with large claws and fangs that could do some serious damage. Nik had seen one from a great distance when he went hunting with one of the Seven Ladies, Vanessa, and was told to stay as far away as possible. The bigger they are the more dangerous they are and the rug this one is made from is pretty big. The claws are good for making weapons and the fangs are good for tools to dig with.
There is a fireplace on the left side of the room with a couch and a couple chairs that look comfortable to sit in. On the right side there are dressers made out of Yoshoyo wood, which is the Viandi equivalent of oak, with a mirror attached to it. There is a steel mount attached to the wall above the fireplace.
Nik hears the song again along with the strange sounds and makes his way to the source of the sounds. On his way he passes the other rooms and takes notice of them. The room opposite the bedroom is empty and just has a rectangle shaped object in the center of the room covered by a large cloth.
The next room looks like a kid's bedroom that is covered in drawings and various pieces of artwork that children have made. There are also seven beds in the room that have a thick layer of dust on top of them. 'This must've been where Vanessa and the others slept as they fled from their homeworld before it was destroyed by the war.' He thinks to himself as he continues down the hall.
The next room has a large swimming pool and a medium hot tub nearby it. 'Wow. Never thought I'd ever see something like that here.' The singing and what sounds like something moving through the air is getting louder as he keeps walking.
The next room he comes to is large and has various obstacles and some practice dummies. Inside he sees Liena wielding a sword as she is singing. Her movements are graceful and filled with beauty and yet there is a ferocity in them as well. He realizes that he's not breathing and takes a breath as he watches and listens to her song. Her song is beautiful and sad as if she is standing before a loved one's grave and yet at parts it has a tone of a fighter.
The clothes she's wearing are different from the kimono she wore the day before. She is wearing tight blue jeans that hug her curves and yet doesn't restrict her movements. A black, sleeveless shirt with three belts with buckles holding her breasts in place hugs her curves, with a V-shaped opening for her head that reveals the top of her cleavage.
He takes a closer look at her sword. The sword is a Crysteel saber. The blade is a mixture of silicon crystal and steel, forcibly bonded under compression to form a semi-transparent blade filled with numerous diamond-like occlusions within. The blade is a pale blue hue, but lightens towards the opaque edge of the blade, where a greater density of diamond occulsions forms an unbreakable edge.
She takes a stance that has her left arm go horizontal as it holds her sword, the tip pointed towards a dummy in the center of the room about 25 feet away. Her left leg is held back while her right leg is forward and she is slightly crouched down. Her right hand is hovering above the blade's side which is horizontal. She leaps forward as she has her sword thrust forward towards the dummy, which he notices is made from metal, and blows a hole right through it as she slides on the other side of it for several feet.
His jaw drops and his eyes bulge out in shock from the sheer force of her strike. 'HOLY SHIT! IF THAT'S THE MOVE SHE USED AGAINST THE TERANOR THEN THERE WOULDN'T HAVE BEEN ANYTHING LEFT!' He screams in his head.
She lets out a giggle as she stops and looks at him with a smile. “That's incorrect. That move is just a very powerful stab. It is not something that would cause something like the Teranor to explode. Don't worry. I won't use it on you. Come in, lover.”
Nik raises an eyebrow as he walks over to her. “....I see. You have telepathic abilities. That confirms what I thought yesterday.”
Liena giggles. “Yep! Took you long enough to figure it out!”
He thinks to himself. 'If she can read my mind then did she see my dream?'
Liena's body tenses up and she looks into his eyes. He can see a deep sadness and anger hidden deep inside even though her face is impossible to read. He finds it best to change the subject.
Nik looks Liena over and notices that she's not breathing hard and is barely sweating at all. “...You don't look like you've been working out for very long.”
Liena smirks and shrugs. “I guess not. I've only been doing this for about an hour now.”
“An hour? I doubt I could last that long without being drenched in sweat and my muscles aching like crazy.” He says with a smile.
Liena laughs a hearty laugh. “Oh don't worry. You'll get used to it quickly.” She smiles as he gives her an odd look. “Don't get it? I intend to train you so that you can defend yourself should the need arise. The whole reason you were nearly killed was because you didn't train yourself.”
Nik's eyes widen as he stares at her in disbelief and then shakes his head. “Even if I trained like crazy, I highly doubt I'd be able to dodge a bullet.”
Liena smirks. “Well, as a human, no. I suppose you couldn't. But being trained in the way of a Viandi you can do that and so much more.”
She takes in a deep breath and extends out a hand towards the decimated metal dummy on the floor. There is a flow of energy that surrounds it and the dummy creaks as it reforms and is put back into its place.
Nik stares in shock at the reconstructed dummy and jumps as Liena removes his bandages. “What are you...” He trails off as the same kind of glow surrounds her hand as she touches his wound....and it becomes no more than a mere scar.
Liena smiles as a blood red fruit appears in her hand and she takes a bite out of it. “I figured you'd want to have a scar to prove that you are who you say you are when we arrive. Everyone there will have believed that you are dead.”
He stares at the scar and then stares at the fruit. It looks like an apple but it has strange bumps on it and has a rather eerie feeling coming from it.
Liena notices the uneasy look he has on his face and finishes the 'apple'. “Relax, lover. The reason this fruit gives you such uneasiness is because your body knows it is something forbidden for you to eat.”
He looks her in the eyes as he listens to her words. “Forbidden? What exactly is that fruit?”
She smiles as she thinks. “I'll think about how to answer your question in a way that you can understand. Until then let's begin your training.”
Nik gets slightly annoyed at how she dodged his question but will let it slide this time as he nods.
Liena smiles. “Good. First, I will teach you the basics of sword fighting along with Viandi martial arts. We'll train for two hours and then we'll have breakfast. After that I will teach you how to harness and use the power I have shown you before. Ready?”
He nods and she creates a wooden sword in her hand. She inspects the sword and nods at her work before handing it to him.
“Let's begin.” She says as she creates another wooden sword in her hands.
They spend the next two hours going over types of attacks and defense that all Viandi use and practice them through sparring. By breakfast time Nik is exhausted and drenched in sweat as he lays on the ground trying to catch his breath and is completely sore.
Liena returns with a bowl of chopped up fruits of various kinds and sits down next to him. “You've done well for your first time training. Possibly better than my daughters when I first started training them.”
Nik looks up at her as he pants. “R...really?”
She nods and smiles sadly. “Yes. They were quite....reluctant to train after their first time. I guess I wasn't very good as a teacher. Admittedly, before then I had never taught someone how to fight. I only knew how to fight to survive. Every day there was a new battle to fight. Another....friend to lose.”
The dream returned to the front of Nik's mind as he sits up and hugs her close. He noticed Liena flinch as he started to realize that the dream wasn't a dream but a memory from her past. “I'm sorry that you had to suffer so much pain. I wish that I could do something to make things better.”
A tear rolls down her cheek as a smile comes to her lips as she returns the hug. “This is enough. Do not dwell on it. It will only make you miserable.”
His mind races as he tries to figure out why he was able to see a memory from her past when the door to the training room opens. He looks to see Vanessa standing in the doorway with a smile on her face and her hands on her hips.
“So this is where you two have been. I would've thought that you'd have been in the kitchen for breakfast.” She walks into the room as he stares at her.
“V...vanessa!? Y-you weren't captured or dead!?” Nik tries to stand but winces from his sore muscles and stays put in Liena's arms.
Vanessa smiles and shakes her head. “Nope! I am completely fine and the soldiers weren't able to stop me from waking mother up!”
Confusion flashes over Nik's face as he specifically remembered Liena say that they were the only two survivors on this ship.
Liena laughs as she lets go of him. “I'm sorry, lover. I told a little fib. You see, Vanessa here was the one that released me from the crystalline casket that you saw me in after getting it away from the soldiers that were trying to take the whole thing aboard their ship for study. However she was wounded in the process and had been healing inside that same casket.”
Nik is still trying to process all this when Vanessa sits next to him and hugs him into her breasts. “Oh, mother! You shouldn't have lied to him like that! That was really heartless of you!”
Liena frowns. “I'm sorry dear. In all honesty I had wanted to make sure that he was a good fit for you. Can you blame me after what his people did to ours?”
Vanessa glares at her mother. “I can! You could've told him that I was alive and was healing in the other room!”
Liena looks at her daughter as she thinks about her words and then lets out a heavy sigh. “You are right, daughter. I should have been honest with him and not fill him with unnecessary worry over your fate.”
Liena stands up and looks at the two. “I'm going to go and reflect on my actions. Vanessa, would you please teach him how to use the power he has deep inside of him in my stead?”
Vanessa's eyes still have anger in them but she nods. “I will, mother.”
Liena nods and walks out of the room before Nik can think of something to stop her. |
Chapter 1 - The Sun's Victory |
The Sun’s Victory
Disclaimer: Chapter contains Futa on Futa / self sucking / anal / edging / rimming / and probably more that I’m forgetting.
Author’s Note: Leona and Diana is a personal favorite ship of mine. Leona will henceforth be calling Diana “Dye” as a nickname, because reasons.
There is no greater victory than besting your rival. You may conquer a thousand cities, lay waste to hordes of foes, cleave through those that would usurp you, and still you will never know the unequivocal satisfaction of defeating the one you’ve respected above all else and hated like no other for a lifetime.
None know this better than Leona and Diana of Mount Targon.
They grew up as friends, laughing, learning, and fighting together. Always together. And when the time came, once their bodies had developed and adulthood loomed overhead and hormones ran rampant, they became lovers, fucking, adventuring, and still fighting together. But, in the end, fate itself seemed to pit them against one another, and so what once was a loving relationship of two equally skilled fighters became a harshly contested rivalry.
But just because they hated each other didn’t mean they’d lost that flame of love. After all, how does one simply forget about all of the good times they’ve had with a person? And so, although the duo fought against one another quite often, their aim was never to achieve victory through murder. The found other ways to win. Much more creative ways…
Diana stumbled and fell to the earth, landing squarely and painfully on her back. Leona was atop her in a moment’s notice, seizing full advantage of the dazed Lunari by kneeling above her crotch. She ripped her silver haired counterpart’s armor away piece by piece, using her weight and leverage to prevent Diana from stopping her. The metal clothing, normally used as protection, was utterly useless as it was tossed harmlessly to the ground beside the duo. In nearly no time Leona had fully dismantled Diana of her armor, leaving her upper body completely bare and her lower body clad in just tight fitting spandex shorts. Her breasts, medium sized with coral nipples, slightly jiggled as they were freed from their metal confines.
“Oh? Not even a bra, Dye?” The Solari cackled as she stared at her rival’s naked mammaries. “How unusually perverse for you. You must’ve really wanted to lose.” Leona flung off her golden gauntlets, exposing her creamy white hands to the elements. One of her hands began unfastening her own chestpiece while the other snaked its way between Diana’s crotch. The Lunari’s eyes widened at the sensation, her cock quickly becoming half erect under Leona’s soft touch. She rubbed up and down the thick staff with her palm, neglecting her fingers entirely in favor of maximum surface area. By the time Leona had removed her chest piece and begun working on her armored skirt, the Scorn of the Moon’s erection had reached full mast, her seven inches straining painfully against the tight fabric of her spandex.
Diana’s eyes wandered from her own cock to Leona’s breasts. The two globes were concealed underneath the Solari’s purple skinsuit but they almost beckoned for release, as they pressed against the flimsy material so firmly that the rigid outlines of her nipples were all but too apparent. To make matters worse, Leona had nearly unbuckled her skirt, which Diana knew all too well would reveal her thick thighs and sure to be erection. She gulped, realizing how much trouble she was truly in.
The Solari finally unbuckled her skirt and effortlessly tossed it into the heap of other various armor pieces, revealing her rock hard cock tenting through her skinsuit. Leona and Diana were equals in this area, as they were in most others. Both were on the larger size of seven inches, both had a decent girth but not overly so, and both had large, smooth testicles. In the past, when they were on better terms, there had been many an occasion where they compared lengths, trying to determine who the more endowed woman was. Each effort proved fruitless, however, as they always ended in a draw. Their cocks were almost mirrors of each other’s, the only notable difference being Diana’s slightly paler skin.
“Now, with all of my armor out of the way…” Leona began, her crotch sinking to meet Diana’s. “We can get to the real fun of your defeat!” The Solari ground her cock against the Lunari’s, their shafts aligning perfectly. Diana let out a gasp and grit her teeth; despite the both of them having a layer of clothing covering their cocks, it still felt so damn good. Leona’s rod dominated the cockfight, pushing Diana’s down and against her stomach in a display of superiority. The Solari rutted against her counterpart, enjoying both the stimulation of the grinding and the blush overtaking Diana’s face, a testament to her arousal and embarrassment.
Leona’s grinding continued while she unzipped her skinsuit, revealing her breasts as they bounced free from the tight confines the fabric provided. Diana’s eyes were drawn to them, entranced by the way her counterpart’s bust seemed to bounce rhythmically every time she rutted her cock against the Lunari’s. Diana’s own hips began to slightly thrust upwards on their own now, eagerly sandwiching her rod between the Solari’s and her own stomach. She hadn’t even noticed her own thrusting, but Leona had, and she smiled wickedly at the sight.
“Aww.” She said, removing herself from Diana’s crotch and standing up, towering over the supine woman. “Looks like someone’s cock really wants attention.” She gestured towards Diana’s hips, keying the Lunari in to her own thrusting, which was still continuing despite the Solari not even being on top of her anymore. Diana’s face turned a darker shade of red when she noticed what her hips had subconsciously been doing. She looked to the ground in shame, unable to face her counterpart as her head pounded from embarrassment. She went into this contest with the intention, nay, the desire to fuck Leona silly and make her swallow her own load. It was the ultimate way to prove her superiority over her. Leona always thought her best quality was her cock, and if Diana could beat her in a cockfight, then what more was their to discuss? She would’ve been the better woman henceforth. And yet, it was she, the Scorn of the Moon, that was being completely and utterly dominated. It was her cock that was begging for release.
Diana finally garnered enough resolve to meet her opponent again, so, with a deep breath and steely determination, she laid her eyes on the Solari towering over her.
And she immediately regretted her decision.
Leona had stripped the remainder of her skinsuit off while Diana had been wracked with embarrassment and staring at the ground. Now fully naked, the Solari stood proudly above the Lunari, her bare cock fully erect and pointing towards Diana like a drawn sword. It was almost unrealistically smooth. Not a single hair was detectable by the naked eye; not on the head, nor the shaft, nor the base, and not even on the testicles.
“So.” Leona said as she placed her foot atop Diana’s crotch, pressing her heel into her counterpart’s cock. “Should I fuck you now, or later? If you want me to edge your cock first, you know I’m more than willing.”
‘Curse this insolent woman!’ Diana thought. ‘Even when her victory is so close, she chooses to tease me like this!’
Leona ground her foot against the tight fabric lining Diana’s underwear just atop her cock’s shaft and observed the Lunari’s eyes. They briefly widened, but that was all. Leona sighed in frustration. That wasn’t the reaction she was hoping for. She had to mix it up. Leona went prone, lying with her stomach against the ground and head between Diana’s legs. She no longer had any leverage over the Lunari. In fact, she was free to stand up at any time. But her desire and lust had gotten the better of her, her eyes entranced with Leona’s drop dead body. She made no attempt to resist so Leona slowly slid her spandex shorts off, every inch they traveled revealing more and more of Diana’s stiff cock. She finally freed the beast in its entirety, causing it to bounce straight up, pointing to the sky like an arrow to the heavens. Diana let loose a whimper at this, the feeling of her cock being finally freed from its confines in conjunction with the cold air licking it and the mystery of what was to come from the Solari’s teasing turning her on even more so than before. Leona quickly slid the shorts off of Diana’s legs and tossed them aside, taking a moment to soak in her fully undressed counterpart. Her head hovered a mere two inches away from Diana’s stiffened cock, the Solari’s eyes observing it as if it were an object of affection; as if it were the cutest thing she’d ever seen. It pulsated with desire as Diana made no attempt to hide how needy her cock had become. It ached for release.
“Already leaking, are we? You really want me to play with it, don’t you Dye?” Leona said, taking note of the strand of precum drooling down Diana’s shaft. She ran a lone finger from the base of Diana’s rod all the way up to the head, collecting the precum on the way. The moment Leona made contact with Diana’s cock, the Lunari’s breath hitched in her throat and her eyes shut tightly. Leona only smiled wickedly at this, enjoying how well she’d wrapped her opponent around her finger. Deciding to up the ante, Leona wrapped her entire hand around the thick shaft and pumped it, albeit very slowly for maximum teasing. Diana grit her teeth, her legs nearly trembling from how good Leona’s foreplay was. She wanted more. She wanted this brazen sow to fuck her dick like there was no tomorrow. And yet, the Solari seemed ever content in her slow ministrations, teasing longing sighs and moans aplenty from the Lunari.
Internally, however, Leona grew annoyed. She expected Diana’s reactions to be even more lusty; even more laced with desire. She wanted her to beg. She needed to switch her tactics. She needed to find Diana’s weak spot. The Solari glanced downward and saw her next target. Diana’s balls were rhythmically raising and lowering with every pump Leona administered on the Lunari’s cock. Her asshole was also looking mighty needy. Leona had no memory of Diana being interested in having her balls and ass played with when they were younger, but many years had passed since then, and she’d be lying if she hadn’t discovered a few fetishes with her own body since they had split apart. It was a gamble; if Diana wasn’t in to it, she may lose her arousal and return to a normal head space, and that would give her a chance to fight back. But, if it paid off, Leona might seal her victory once and for all.
Deciding to risk it, Leona ceased her stroking and brought her hand to her mouth. She spit a large amount of saliva into it and rubbed it around, lubricating it effectively. All the while she maintained constant eye contact with Diana, who had an inquisitive look across her face. Leona trailed a lone finger all the way down Diana’s shaft, finally stopping when her fingers rested atop the Lunari’s testicles and her thumb hovered just above her anus. For a moment, the two were motionless, their only form of communication being eye contact. Then, Leona stimulated both sensitive areas. Her fingers rolled against the Lunari’s smooth balls, coating them in spit, while her thumb made small circular motions against Diana’s puckered ass, covering it with a sheen of her saliva. She continued watching Diana’s expression, and was immensely pleased to see her reaction. Instead of her eyes widening, they rolled back, showing the whites of her eyes before closing entirely. The Lunari’s bottom lip quivered and her breath hitched in her throat. Leona only grinned sheepishly in response. She’d been hoping for that type of reaction.
“Oh? So you do like getting your balls and ass played with? You’re such a naughty girl, Dye.” Leona brought her mouth to Diana’s asshole and gave it an excruciatingly long, lewd lick. Her tongue traveled upwards, sliding between her counterpart’s cum filled balls.
“Oh~!” Diana finally let loose a real, hearty moan. Her teeth were clenched and her eyes were laser focused on Leona’s face. They beckoned for more. Begged for it, even.
“Leona…” Diana huffed, finding it harder and harder to breathe normally. Her silver eyes burned into Leona’s amber ones; they were filled with unbridled passion. An absolute need for release. “Please.”
Leona grinned. “No fair, Dye. You know I can’t say no to you when you ask me like that.” The Solari finally ceased her teasing and went in for the real deal. She plopped one of Diana’s testicles in her mouth, sucking at the round and bulbous orb like it was a lollipop. Her fingers, meanwhile, rubbed circles around Diana’s small asshole, stimulating the sensitive bud like there was no tomorrow. The Lunari had wholeheartedly accepted her fate at this point, her mouth agape in pure ecstasy as her former lover turned rival serviced her most personal of areas. After thirty seconds of eagerly sucking Diana’s balls and fingering her asshole, Leona switched her ministrations, now using her tongue to rim Diana’s puckered ass while her hand ran large, sweeping motions over her bloated testicles, massaging them gently. Diana’s cock throbbed painfully, beckoning for release; what had started as a single string of precum had turned into an overflow. Copious amounts of the sticky, clear liquid covered the Lunari’s cock like a sheen, and to make matters worse (or better, depending on the point of view), her precum had traveled all the way down to her testicles, dripping down the meaty globes onto Leona’s eager fingers. The combination of slick spit and sticky precum had quite literally covered her cock, balls, and even asshole, thanks to Leona’s earlier fingering, creating an odd but effective conflicting cocktail of lubrication. Diana’s hips began thrusting on their own, her staff humping itself into the air. Despite the overload of pleasure she was feeling from Leona’s rimjob, it was quite difficult to cum without any stimulation on her penis. Her body acted on its own accord, trying to hump anything it could, even air, just to get off. She didn’t need much friction to get there at this point, anyway.
And, just as Diana was moments away from one of the most blissful and memorable orgasms of her life, Leona stopped and pulled away, leaving the Lunari’s cock to throb disappointedly in denial.
The Solari bent down and gripped her counterpart’s hips with both hands. “I’ll make you cum, I promise, but first… let’s get you into position!”
“W-what?- Hey!” Diana protested as Leona hefted her upwards, heaving her rear high into the air for the Solari to gawk and salivate over. She pushed Diana’s legs down, forcing both of them to the ground on either side of her head. In this position, only Diana’s neck and head still touched the ground, as her stiff cock dangled above her face. It was dangerously close to her mouth, hovering a mere inch away, and it almost entirely filled her vision. Diana internally sighed at her pliable body. If she wasn’t so flexible, Leona couldn’t have put her in such a compromising position. And for the first time in her life, the Lunari wished her cock wasn’t so long. Sure, being nearly eight inches wasn’t a monstrous size, but it was certainly well above average. And it was precisely because of her own length that she could easily lick her own cockhead right now if she wanted to, which she most certainly did not. Though she had a small, tiny part of her that enjoyed being submissive, her personality was overwhelmingly dominant, and she would give anything to flip the script of this battle and instead have Leona planted on the ground with her cock dangling right in her own face.
Leona rested her chin on Diana’s testicles. “Don’t you dare move from this position, Dye. Don’t even think about moving.” She said, gently pushing the Lunari’s balls forward so that they dropped downwards with her cock. This in turn exposed Diana’s asshole, and although it basically beckoned Leona for more attention, the Solari would not give it any. Not yet, at least.
“You’ve been getting all the attention so far, Dye. That just isn’t fair.” Leona wore a fake pout on her face, her bottom lip jutting out. She positioned herself over Diana face, her legs squatting down lowly to let her own cock dangle just in front of the Lunari’s lips. Her rod was practically touching Diana’s, and every so often due to her natural sway they lightly grazed. Though, Leona’s was just a tiny bit further down that Diana’s, as her cockhead gently rubbed on her closed lips, the Lunari refusing to actually suck it or give it any sort of service.
“Don’t be that way, Dye.” Leona’s stiff member lightly pushed at Diana’s lips, trying to ease them apart to find that warm, wet hole to fuck. “You got to have your fun, now let me have mine.”
Moments passed as the Lunari continued being uncooperative, her lips sealed shut and her eyes holding contempt in an act of defiance. Leona’s hand slipped between the two of them and found Diana’s rod. She gingerly stroked it at first, causing Diana’s eyes to roll with pleasure. “If you’re a good girl, I’ll reward you. But if you keep being such a bad sport…” Leona’s hand clenched around Diana’s shaft tightly, constricting the member painfully. Diana’s eyes widened in agony, her cock turning a light shade of purple from the sudden lack of blood flow. After a very short amount of deliberation, she gave in to Leona’s command.
The Lunari stuck her tongue out and gently teased Leona’s cockhead, licking at the slit before running circles around it in its entirety. Leona relaxed her hold on Diana’s cock and transitioned back into her gentle stroking, a smile adorning her face as she had gotten what she initially wanted. Though Diana’s light licking was rather soothing, the Solari had no intention of being gentle. Leona took advantage of Diana’s parted lips and slammed her cock down her lesser’s throat, forcing the Lunari take all seven inches in one go. Diana’s eyes watered and she gagged in response, being wholly unprepared for such a quick intrusion by Leona’s foreign member. The Solari rapidly dropped her hips up and down, throat fucking Diana into complete submission as she had no choice but to take it. Her spit had covered the entire shaft, providing easy access for the Solari.
“Mmm. We should do this more often, Dye.” Leona moaned, her face flush with pleasure. She had only been throat fucking the Lunari for less than a minute and already she felt like cumming. But she resisted as best as she could. She had to. This simply felt too good; getting her cocked sucked like this was pleasurable, but what made it so overly euphoric was the situation itself. She was proving her dominance over her long time rival, denying the Lunari of her own orgasm while playing with her body in any way that she wanted. It was heaven.
But it had to end eventually. Leona could not withstand her orgasm any longer. She plunged her rod deep into Diana’s throat one last time, leaving it completely sheathed in the Lunari’s esophagus as she began to cum buckets, firing line after line of unending jism into her rival’s gullet. Diana accepted it begrudgingly, not that she had any say in the matter to begin with. However, her own cock, still stiff with arousal, began to twitch gleefully when Leona came. Diana’s cursed herself for getting turned on by Leona’s forceful orgasm. What a sorry excuse for a warrior she had become over this battle.
Once finished, Leona sighed in bliss and pulled her cock out, allowing dribbles of cum to smear on Diana’s lips. “That was amazing, Dye. You really drained me. But I still have a little left in the tank.” Leona moved to Diana’s hips, placing herself over the awkwardly positioned woman. She faced away from Diana, giving the Lunari a picture perfect view of the Solari’s large and thick ass. “I’m gonna fuck your ass now, Dye. I know it may be difficult, but don’t you dare cum until I tell you to. Otherwise, there’ll be hell to pay.”
Diana grit her teeth in frustration. “C-curse you, you insolent swine! When I get free, you will be the one with hell to- Oh!” She was cut off by Leona jamming her cock into the Lunari’s still slickened asshole, plunging deep on her first go with little resistance. The sudden invasion was certainly unexpected for Diana, but after a few deep thrusts from the Solari, the warm sensation emanating from her core was not entirely unwelcome. In fact, she soon came to even enjoy it.
Leona was animalistic, her hips bucking wildly against Diana’s flesh, trying to squeeze out every possible sensation from the Lunari’s asshole that she could. Her eyes drank in Diana’s visage, memorizing every tiny moan, every fleeting gasp, every pathetic mewl that the Moonborn offered. It was of rare air to see Diana like this, sexually broken, on the edge of orgasm, giving her body up entirely for Leona to play with. She wanted to remember these expressions for the rest of her life. She wanted to remember the day of her great victory.
Diana’s girlcock bounced in rhythm with Leona’s thrusting; every few seconds it would get dangerously close to her lips, but had yet to actually make contact. It strained painfully with need for release, now showing a clear vein that run up the side. Her balls were heavy, heavier than when they first began. She had saved up so much cum for this day, edging herself for weeks in advance with the hope of spilling it onto Leona’s face. Now, she simply looked a fool, as it was overwhelmingly apparent her hard work would go to waste.
Despite her pessimistic nature, Diana’s thoughts were anything but. She had become an utter and complete mess, her tongue lolled out the side of her mouth like a dog. Every downward thrust Leona administered sent white hot electricity up her spine. She hadn’t been fucked like this in a long, long time. Her eyes oscillated from her own cock to Leona’s shapely ass, her orbs in a constant state of indecisiveness over which was more appealing to look at. On one hand, Leona’s bottom was a thing of near perfection. She had wide, child berthing hips, which led to her ass being plump, squishy, and inviting. What she wouldn’t give to bury her face between those succulent cheeks… On the other hand, the bounce of her own cock was almost hypnotic, the head leaking pre like a runny faucet as it begged for much needed release. She had never been so close to her own cock before, close enough to kiss it, or lick it, or even suck it. In fact, if she took her own turgid rod in her mouth now, she may provide herself with enough stimulation to even cum. Sure, Leona may punish her, but being trapped in this state of limbo where she was on the very edge of orgasm, teetering like it was a steep cliff, was worse than anything the Solari could hope to do.
The Lunari decided. She was going to do it. She was going to suck her own dick. It was wrong on so many levels; an act of pure wanton delinquency. And yet, she could not bring herself to care even in the slightest. She didn’t just want it, she needed it. She wanted to feel her own length deep in her throat, every sensation by her design alone. She wanted to taste her own seed, to engage in one of the most taboo acts she could possibly imagine. Diana craned her neck upwards, giving her the needed distance to be in range of her own cock. She opened her mouth, a hungry maw that could only be satisfied with girlcock. She brought her lips and her cockhead closer and closer together, every second that passed feeling like an eternity as she stared down the barrel of her own dick. And, just as she was about to make contact and take it into her mouth, she stopped.
‘What the fuck is wrong with me?’ She thought. She scolded herself a thousand times over for nearly sucking her own cock. What kind of sick, perverted person was she? She leaned her head back against the ground and away from her cock, her spirit deflating from how disgusted she was with herself. Her pride had already been cracked to its core from Leona’s dominance over her, but doing that? That would shatter it completely. She owed it to herself, not only as a proud warrior but as a woman of decency, to resist such deranged temptations.
Leona grunted excitedly as she neared climax. Sweat coated her form as her muscles rippled from exertion. Her cock had thoroughly enjoyed Diana’s puckered anus, but she was ready to finish up and get on to the main event. She had one last act of humiliation in store for the Lunari, and it was sure to be so degrading that it would break Diana’s spirit entirely. Leona entertained the possibility of Diana becoming her sex slave when this was over, as no sane person could recover from what she had in mind.
Leona increased her pace two fold, slamming her staff into Diana’s backdoor with gusto. Her hips became a blur, and somewhere behind her she heard the Lunari utter a mixture between a moan and a scream, her ass fully unprepared for the vicious pounding it was receiving. It turned Leona on even more. Her thoughts became a jumbled haze of lust, her mind completely blanking in sheer ecstasy as yet another orgasm rocked throughout her body, this one easily more powerful than the first. Her eyes rolled upwards and her mouth fell agape as streams of cum ejected from her cockhead straight into Diana’s ass. The Solari, hardly even conscience at this point, continued her pounding as if her body were on autopilot, her cock desperately trying to milk itself of all the cum it had left. In time, Leona’s thrusting slowed, until it came to very gradual halt. She unsheathed herself from the Lunari’s asshole, globules of cum dripping from her half erect member and onto Diana’s pasty butt cheeks. The Solari took a deep breath, her lungs graciously accepting the air as if she hadn’t breathed in over a minute. She took a step back and observed Diana’s form. Her hair was disheveled and sweat coated her body, a testament to the energy required to get fucked like a broodmare. Her eyes were half closed, but revealed enough of her irises for Leona to see the sheer desperation within them. Her balls were bloated and heavy, gravity forcing them to droop slightly lower than normal. Best of all, her cock leaked a continuous, thin line of precum that had pooled on her chin and collarbones. It looked unbelievably pent up, as if she’d been on the verge of an orgasm for hours. Every few moments it would throb, as if it was begging Leona to finish it off. The Solari smiled and dropped to her knees, her breasts pressed against Diana’s lower back while her head occupied the same position as before.
“Dye, I’ve seen you so horny that you threw me against the inner wall of an elevator and fucked me like there was no tomorrow. You finished before we even made it five floors up. But, I’ve never seen you quite like this…” The Solari ran a lone finger down Diana’s shaft, causing the Lunari to shutter. “So on edge, like you could bust at any moment. It’s almost too cute to look at. I’m tempted to not let you cum at all.” Diana’s eyes widened in terrior at that statement, but quickly returned to a state of normalcy when Leona followed it up with, “But don’t worry, I’m gonna make you explode like never before.”
Diana gasped as Leona’s full hand wrapped itself around the base of her cock and began slowly stroking her, each motion sending waves of pleasure into Diana’s mind. Her hands dug into the cracked earth beneath her, gripping the grass and soil as if she were holding onto them for dear life.
“I could get you off so easily…” Leona said, her voice deep, rich, and seductive, her eyes glued to Diana’s throbbing member. “Just a little bit more, huh?”
“Leona…” Diana moaned, her body overcome with passion. “Please.”
Leona smiled, seemingly obliging as her hand sped up its stroking. She spit a large glob of saliva onto Diana’s shaft and used her hand to spread it evenly, relubricating the desperate cock. Wet schlicking noises could be heard from the sheer amount of lubricant adorning the rod. Diana was in bliss, her cock finally being given the attention it so desperately needed. She felt her orgasm building, building, building, until it finally bubbled just beneath the surface, ready to break out. Her toes curled in anticipation, but just before the moment came Leona stopped her stroking and grasped the base of Diana’s cock incredibly tightly, constricting it to the point of denying her orgsam once again.
“Fuck me!” Diana screamed, her eyes open with murderous intent as she stared up at her tormentor.
“I bet you’d like that, huh Dye?” Leona said. “But you don’t get to cum until you’ve agreed to my conditions.”
Diana grunted in discomfort, her cock being edged so hard that she was in actual, tangible pain. “W-which are?”
“Suck yourself off like there’s no tomorrow.”
“I want you-” Leona leaned in, her face wearing an expression of absolute confidence. “-to put that big, needy cock of yours in your own mouth and suck it till you cum. Otherwise, you won’t be cumming at all.”
“F-fuck you.” Diana said, her demeanor resolute despite her wavering will to deny the Solari’s wishes.
“Fine by me, Dye. We’ll see how long you last. Just remember, you can get that sweet, sweet release at any time if you just throat your own cock.”
Diana was about to offer a retort, but the feeling of the Solari’s wet tongue dragging across her balls reduced her words to little more than mewls and whimpers. Leona stared down at her with those big auburn eyes. They held no animosity, no rage, no contempt. Just desire. A wanton need to see the Lunari humiliate herself to the utmost degree possible. And she was throwing everything she could at the Moonborn to persuade her into doing it.
Her mouth closed around one of Diana’s bloated testicles and she sucked on it eagerly, moaning into the fleshy mound as if it were the tastiest lollipop known to man. Her right hand gently caressed the Lunari’s asscheek before administering a few light spanks till the skin was slightly red. She popped the lone testicle out of her mouth and ran her tongue up and down the underside of Diana’s ballsack, eliciting gasps and moans aplenty from her prisoner. After orally servicing the Lunari’s babymakers for a few seconds longer she removed her mouth entirely and replaced it with her hand, figuring now would be as good a time as any to administer some dirty talk for maximum temptation.
“C’mon, Dye.” She whispered, her tone sultry and low, her right hand massaging the Lunari’s cum filled balls. “You know you want to. Just let it happen. You’ve thought about it before, haven’t you? I know I have. Women with cocks as big as ours and bodies as flexible can’t avoid thinking about it. It’ll feel good, I promise. I’ll even eat your ass again to help you finish.”
Diana’s expression had remained stubborn the whole way through Leona’s sweet talking, but it changed in the ever so slightest way at those last words. Her eyebrows unfurrowed slightly, a telltale sign of tension being eased. A sign of surrender. A sign of submission.
She had to come to grip with reality. Every pulsating throb of her cock sent rivulets of pain down her body. Her testicles felt uncomfortably bloated. Her head felt light and hollow. Her stomach twisted in pain. She needed to cum. She had dabbled in edging before, but never to this extreme of a degree. She knew Leona would not stop until she got what she wanted. She never did.
With her left hand still firmly gripping the base of the Lunari’s cock to prevent any unwanted ejaculations, Leona heard a small sound emanate from Diana’s lips. It was breathless. It was as quiet as a church mouse. It was a single word.
Leona did not jump for joy, or throw her hands up in celebration, or gloat in the Lunari’s face. No, she only revealed a wholesome smile, one filled with absolute contentment. She loved Diana, after all. She just loved to humiliate her even more.
“Open your mouth, Dye.” Leona instructed, her hand finally releasing its tight grip on the Moonborn’s shaft. Diana did as she commanded, her mouth parting just wide enough for the tip of her rod to fit through. She leaned forward while Leona pushed down gently on her rear, bringing both sides of her body just close enough together for the unholiest of unions.
Diana’s eyes were tightly shut as she took the head of her own cock into her mouth, but she quickly opened them after the situation rested for a moment. It didn’t taste nor feel bad like she had thought it would. In fact, the vast amount of her own pre dripping down her gullet tasted somewhat... luscious. She’d expected it to be salty and sour, but it was actually relatively sweet and had an addictive quality. As for how it felt, well, Diana was even more surprised by that. It felt good. Really good. It was warm and wet and gave her both the feeling of giving a blowjob and getting one, creating quite a positive sensory overload. Her cock hadn’t gotten proper stimulation from all of Leona’s teasing, but now it was entirely in her control.
She slowly opened her eyes, looking up her stiff shaft and drooping, dangling balls to Leona’s face. Her auburn eyes only held warmth within them, and Diana knew it was safe to continue. She mentally swore to make the Solari pay tenfold for the humiliation she experienced, but that could wait. Right now, only one thing truly mattered to the Lunari.
With a slight downwards thrusting motion, Diana began to pump her own cock deeper and deeper into her mouth. It was an awkward position, but it became easier over time, and she loved every blissful second of it. Her tongue swirled around her shaft, pleasing it to perfection as she managed to get about half of her length down her throat. Her girlcock felt thick but she was used to the size, having done this on Leona’s similarly proportioned member more times than she could count. Just as she began to build up a good rhythm, she felt a wet appendage drag itself across her exposed asshole, and she moaned hearilty into her cock.
Leona had spread her asscheeks, her tongue licking long strides up and down the Lunari’s sensitive backdoor. The Solari’s eyes remained laser focused on Diana’s face, happily taking in all of her cute, pleasure stricken expressions. She used her right hand to gently fondle the Moonborn’s balls, massaging the tender orbs with great care, hitting each and every erogenous zone she could find.
She was playing Diana like a fiddle.
Diana could not contain her lust any longer. Her muffled moans and the sounds of Leona’s tongue rimming her ass were the only noises that could be heard anymore. The Lunari’s hips sped up, spearing her own throat even faster as her libido reached heights she’d never known before. Her face looked desperate, caught between waves of pleasure and a need to finish. She wanted this to last; this experience was truly blissful. Her cock being sucked, her ass being serviced, her balls being fondled, what more could she want? Plus, due to the fact that she was giving herself a blowjob, she knew exactly what to do to maximize pleasure. Her tongue massaged the most sensitive areas, her hips thrusted at the perfect speed. It was heaven. Yet, her loins burned with a wanton desire to spill her seed. She’d been kept pent up for so long; she needed the unequivocal feeling of release that came with an orgasm. These two conflicting feelings battled each other in a war of attrition, until finally one side emerged victorious.
Diana’s hand snaked its way up to her own cock. She gripped the half of her shaft that wasn’t in her mouth and began jerking it furiously, intent on bringing this sexual excursion for the ages to an end. Her moans increased in intensity as she practically whined against her own length. Just as she was about to blow, she heard a voice call out from above.
“Dye, look at me. I want you to look at me when you finish.”
The Lunari opened her eyes, meeting the Solari’s gaze. In her eyes she saw a whole host of emotions, but the most prominent was satisfaction. A feeling she most certainly understood at this moment in time. The auburn haired beauty said one last thing, a phrase that would forever burn itself into Diana’s memory as one of the sexiest things she’d ever heard.
“Cum for me, baby.”
Diana’s balls tightened at the utterance of those words and began to spill her seed violently into her own mouth. She groaned in pure ecstasy as she fired jet after jet of cum down her own throat, relishing in the white hot feeling of her orgasm and the pleasant taste of her own cum. Her tongue swirled relentlessly against her cockhead, coaxing as much of her own essence out as possible. She drank it down greedily, the anal stimulation helping her orgasm be as powerful and elongated as possible.
All of sudden she felt Leona’s hand grip her cock, and with a swift pull she wretched it free from the Lunari’s mouth, pointing it directly at her face.
Her grievance was interrupted as a rope of cum landed on her nose. She looked at her cock, noticing its slow but steady pulsating, and realized she hadn’t finished orgasming yet.
Under the guidance of Leona’s hand, her cock continued to fire rope after rope of sticky white cum onto her face. Leona aimed at all the important places; her chin, her lips, her forehead, even her eyes. By the time her cock finally finished dumping its load, she had essentially given herself a complete and total facial.
But Diana wasn’t mad. She was content. Although Leona’s intentions were impure, she’d inadvertently helped Diana discovered a new fetish. She wagered this wouldn’t be the last time she’d suck herself off.
Her cock throbbed happily a few more times before finally becoming half-erect. Leona lowered her butt to the ground, finally allowing her to rest peacefully on her back. She leaned over the spent Lunari and gently kissed her, surprising Diana with her usage of tongue. They seperated after a decent amount of time had passed, a string of Diana’s cum connecting the lover rival’s lips.
“You know I’m going to make you pay for this, right?” Diana said, sporting a slight, sheepish grin on her cum covered face.
Leona chuckled, her own cock surging back to life at the threat. “I wouldn’t have it any other way, babe.”
Part 1 of 2 |
Chapter 1 - First Arival |
Neysa quietly followed the woman who held her leash, keeping her eyes down and walking carefully, placing each bare foot deliberately so she didn’t stumble and trying to keep the slack in the leash constant. She didn’t want to mess this up, if she messed up she would get sent back and a man might buy her. Probably would buy her.
It was pretty rare for women to be customers at the market, even more rare that they would look at the female slaves, so when this dark skinned woman came walking down her line Neysa was filled with curiosity and hope; feelings she thought long since gone for her. Her mind was racing now wondering what the woman would have her do.
Maybe I’ll be a body servant? In the bedroom or bath? She pondered, I could learn to wash her or maybe massage? Wipe her bum? Neysa had to work to suppress a smile at that thought. Maybe I’m a gift for an elderly relative…
I’m a gift, She realized, For a man.
The obvious conclusion hit her hard and she almost stopped walking, the rising leash as the slack lessened but she sped back up without thinking. Walking smoothly despite the disappointment crashing down.
I didn’t avoid it after all.
The woman looked back at her with a small frown but Neysa didn’t notice and after a small shrug of her eyebrows she kept walking.
Neysa numbly followed.
The trip passed in a blur and when they arrived at the manor Neysa was led away by a woman in servant dress. She was brusquely inspected, washed - very thoroughly - and left to kneel on a pad at the foot of a large bed, naked except for her collar, facing the door. As instructed, her legs were together, her hands were resting on her thighs above her knees, back straight, head down, eyes on the carpet and she waited quietly.
The door opened shortly and a man entered, Neysa caught herself before she looked up but she saw he was already naked, at least from the waist down.
He doesn’t waste time does he? Panic swelled up inside her and she had to work hard to keep calm. I’m past that, I’m not going to backslide now. Screaming and sobbing didn’t fix anything when I became a slave and it won’t help here either. She breathed a bit deeper and waited as the man walked towards her. He walked to her right and then kneeled down on the pad beside her.
Neysa risked a look at him without moving her head. He sat there motionless, legs together, hands and manhood resting on his thighs, back straight, head down, his eyes on the carpet, and naked except for a slave collar around his neck.
Two of us? Do they have his and her sex slaves? She allowed herself a small smile at her little joke but quickly squashed it, and the panicked giggle in its wake, as the door opened again. This time Neysa schooled herself enough to not look up as a pair of women’s feet in slippers and surrounded by a light robe stepped into view, turned as the door closed then turned back to face the two slaves kneeling on their pad at the foot of the bed.
“Oooh,” the woman cooed, “I just knew you two would make a good match. Now, my doe, stand up and take a step forward.”
Neysa complied and from her new vantage point she could see it was the dark woman who purchased her from the market. The woman removed her slippers and robe, leaving her dressed in a short nightgown of very thin cloth. Neysa’s new mistress reached out and ran a finger slowly down the slave’s jaw before catching Neysa’s chin between her finger and thumb and tipping her head up. Neysa kept her eyes from meeting her mistress’s gaze, focusing on the taller woman’s full mouth and the small, satisfied smile it held. The mistress walked around Neysa, trailing her hand down the other side of her jaw as she moved and rested it on her shoulder as she stopped behind her.
Neysa could feel her mistress close behind her, sure that if she moved back even a little they would touch.
The mistress’s other hand snaked over the slave woman’s thigh and slowly caressed upwards until it was cupping her right breast. Neysa sucked in a quick gasp as her mistress’s fingers rubbed over her nipple.
“Oh, that’s a fun sound,” the mistress whispered gleefully beside Neysa’s ear. Her left hand slid down from Neysa’s shoulder, cupping her breast from above and pinching that nipple between thumb and forefinger.
Neysa breathed in deeply, inadvertently pushing her breasts into her mistress’s hands and her back into her mistress’s breasts. Through the light fabric, Neysa could feel the dark woman’s nipples harden against her shoulder blades even as her own hardened under the ministrations of the fingers rubbing and twisting them.
“Feels good doesn’t it,” the mistress asked nibbling on her ear.
Neysa barely managed a nod, distracted by the hot flush growing in cheeks and spreading downward, swirling around where her mistress’s hands were on her breasts and finding a resting place in her loins. This is actually quite nice, Neysa thought, closing her eyes leaning back a bit more, relaxing slightly into her mistress’s arms.
Her mistress adjusted her arms, now holding Neysa under both breasts, helping her to stay upright, and started placing kisses along Neysa’s neck, fingers still massaging her nipples.
Despite herself, and her instructions to stay silent, Neysa let out a small moan of pleasure. Her mistress responded with a moan of her own mixed with a predatory growl.
“Mmmm, I seem to have run out of hands. I think it’s time for the buck to say hello, he’s already kneeling too.”
Neysa’s eyes shot open, I’d forgotten he was here! She jumped slightly as his hands rested on her hips, she looked down and saw his face approaching her lap, and quickly looked away, unable to watch as this man intruded on her womanhood. She felt his breath blow over her and braced herself for his touch but it never came, just another breath, then another.
She looked down just in time to see him lightly touch the tip of her womanhood with his tongue. It sent a jolt through her and she arched up on her toes, the heat in her cheeks growing even hotter. Behind her, the mistress gave out a small squeal of delight and below the man followed her upwards licking her again, more broadly this time, and following it up by taking her whole hood between his lips and giving it a slight suck. She closed her eyes and let out another moan, louder this time. Her mistress responded by pulling her in close and giving her nipples a harder pinch. She started to kiss Neysa’s neck harder and the man matched the increase in intensity.
He pressed his face in further, spreading Neysa’s legs with his jaw, giving him full access to her womanhood. He gave the full length a lick with a quick kiss on the tip before diving in deeper. His lips caressing her’s as his tongue pressed between them, stroking her inside and out.
Neysa lost the details of what he and her mistress were doing as the pleasure they were generating built higher and higher. She found herself sitting on her mistress’s lap on the edge of the bed, both of her hands pulling the man’s head in tighter to her as her mistress’s hands gripped tighter as well, pulling the two of them together. Waves of sensation swept over her, building higher and higher each time. Neysa panted and gasped and moaned, lightning coursing from her groin to her nipples and back again, swirling through the heat in belly increasing the pressure building inside her. The disparate sensations all merged to the pressure and it grew and grew until the slave woman thought she wouldn’t survive it. Her whole body arched taut, hands and thighs squeezing the man’s head, head thrown back on her mistress's shoulder, cheeks side by side. With a scream strangled into a squeaking wail by the tension of her body the pressure inside of her burst out. Waves of sensation seeming to wash over her as her whole body spasmed and clenched, then the energy
Neysa slumped into her mistress’s arms, her legs dangling limply over the man’s shoulders. She panted as the spasms in her stomach grew lighter and lighter, the man’s gentle licks easing her back from the precipice.
Her mistress leaned her head over Neysa’s and placed her soft lips over the slave’s gasping mouth, her tongue questing in passionately. Neysa found herself kissing back, the intensity of the kiss bringing her back from the langur she had been slipping into. The dark woman broke the kiss for a gasp of air and Neysa reached up and pulled her back down.
She kissed back hungrily, twisting around to face the taller woman, breasts pressed together, knees on either side of her mistress’s hips. She rode the kiss down as her mistress lay back on the bed, her mistress’s hand tangled in her hair pulling her in tighter, the two women moaning in pleasure.
All too soon her mistress pushed her back up, both hands on her shoulders, and Neysa swallowed hard at the fire in her mistress’s eyes, forgetting to not make eye contact.
“I think it’s your turn.”
Neysa looked back in confusion.
“Do for me what he did for you,” she explained, an amused smile on her face.
The request shocked Neysa out of her haze and she worked her way down between her mistress’s legs; uncertainty and nervousness replacing the warm feelings in her belly.
What do I do? I don’t remember what he did. I can’t do this. She worried as she continued downward, her mouth dry and her throat tight, her hands tracing down her mistress’s sides. The mistress pulled her light nightgown up and over her head, throwing it to the side and exposing herself to the slave woman.
Neysa faced her mistress’s womanhood. The smooth, dark skin around it beaded with sweat, the lips slightly parted and glistening with moisture, and the bud at the tip poking out from its hood.
Hesitantly, Neysa kissed that bud and marvelled for a moment at the slight shudder that passed through the woman’s body. She kissed it again and this time a matching shiver passed through her as well. Tilting her head down she lightly licked at the woman’s lips catching the slightly sweet liquid on her tongue. She licked again digging her tongue in deeper and dragged her lower lip along, gathering up the juices even as more ran down. Reaching the top Neysa took the hood into her mouth, cupped her tongue around the bud and sucked. The woman’s whole body quivered with pleasure and Neysa sucked until she had to break away gasping for a breath of air.
A motion caught Neysa’s eye and she looked up, the woman looking back at her, one hand on her breast the other at her side, and already breathing heavily with a large grin on her rich lips. Neysa licked her lips and found she was grinning back. Her enjoyment of the view was interrupted by two hands gripping her hips and a kiss on her thigh.
“Don’t distract her too much,” The mistress commanded to the male slave playfully.
Neysa took the cue and licked her mistress again first up one side of her womanhood then the other then stopping to suck on the tip. She licked again, deeper this time thrusting her tongue in as far as it would go, enclosing as much as she could with her lips and dragging them together as she pulled out her tongue, juices flowing along with it into her mouth. The woman above her moaned and Neysa licked her again and again, exploring every fold and crevice of her mistress’s womanhood, fighting the distraction of the man behind her as he licked her repeatedly until the pressure built and she moaned against the flesh in her mouth, vibrating her mistress and causing her to moan in return. Every time she moaned he would stop and start again licking somewhere else, this cycle repeated over and over until she got his hint and started to lick her mistress in the same spot over and over, faster and faster, shorter and shorter until she was licking just the bud as she half sucked at it. Her mistress arched her back, thrusting her hips harder against Neysa’s mouth, her hands gripped Neysa’s head, pulling her in tighter. Neysa’s tongue lashed harder and faster as the woman’s moans became continuous and rose in pitch, Neysa wrapped her arms around the woman’s thighs, pulling them tighter together, the man no longer distracting her from her task.
The woman screamed and gave a final buck of her hips, pushing against Neysa’s face until she couldn’t breath, her lips sealed around the woman’s hood, her nose buried in her soft, smooth skin, and the woman’s juices running down her mouth and chin.
As the woman lowered herself limply to the bed Neysa followed her down, lapping gently at the juices flowing from her and enjoying the shuddering aftershocks of her work. She rested her head on the woman’s thigh and watched her heaving breasts as she panted for air, eyes closed and mouth open.
Did I look that good after? She wondered, a smile on her face. No wonder she wanted to kiss me.
The woman weakly brought up a hand and ran it through her long, black hair before opening her eyes and looking down at Neysa. The slave woman caught herself this time and looked down but she was unable to suppress the grin tugging at her cheeks.
“Come up here,” her mistress commanded and Neysa quickly climbed up the bed. Her mistress ran both hands through Neysa’s short, brown hair and pulled her in for a kiss. It was softer this time, less passionate, but Neysa felt herself melt into it all the same.
The taller woman broke the kiss shortly, taking in a deep breath, and guided Neysa’s head away as she closed her eyes and laid her head back to recover. Neysa rested her head on the woman’s breast enjoying the rise and fall and she breathed deeply.
“You’ve been doing wonderfully for your first time,” the woman said as she rolled Neysa onto her back, her head between the woman’s breasts and her hips cradled by the woman’s thighs. “There’s one last thing for you tonight,” she continued beckoning the man up with a finger.
What? No! Not that! Neysa panicked, her eyes snapping wide open, her breath catching in her throat. The man crawled towards her, placing kisses slowly up her legs, she couldn’t keep her gaze away from his erect manhood dangling between his thighs.
Neysa put both hands on the mistress’s thighs but caught herself before pushing away. No, control yourself. You knew this was coming, you were ready to face it weeks ago and you still are now. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes. You can do this.
“Just relax and let him in, this is something to be enjoyed not endured,” the mistress whispered encouragingly, “Trust me.”
Neysa clung to the solid certainty in her mistress’s voice, her breathing evened out and she opened her eyes. Nervousness still churned high up in her belly as the man positioned himself over them but fascination slowly overshadowed it as her mistress reached down and took hold of his manhood. It seemed so large in her hand but she treated it so delicately, gently resting the tip against Neysa’s opening, her parted lips on either side of it. The man pushed and it slid inside of her.
Neysa’s tensed up, breath catching in her chest, eyes closing, her legs tried to close reflexively but her knees were stopped by the man’s flanks, her womanhood gripped the man’s manhood. It was oddly soft inside of her, slick with the juices from his previous ministrations and pressing gently but insistently, a sharper stretching feeling all around it. She closed her eyes, took a deep breath through her nose, and forced her body to relax as she exhaled.
“Very well done,” her mistress softly exclaimed encouragingly as the man slid through her fingers and into the slave woman. The growing pressure and friction from inside her mixing with the light rubbing of her womanhood’s lips to send a tingle up from her loins and through her, sending a shiver through her and cracking her jaw as she let out a slight moan. She tensed up again, tightening around the man but this time he didn’t stop moving just slowly entering her as she squeezed him. Neysa breathed again and relaxed, her mistress's fingers sliding up either side of her womanhood and smearing her juices around the tip, darting away just as the smaller woman let out another moan. Neysa felt a tickling and opened her eyes and looked down just as the man push up against her, his hair matted against her and rubbing her all around where he was inside her.
He stopped there, just holding himself inside of her, and she found the stretching feeling slowly receding. She clenched up around him, intentionally this time, revelling in the soft hardness insider of her. She shifted a bit as she relaxed and the stretching feeling faded further.
Neysa squeezed a few more times, each time the discomfort lessened and the pleasure grew. Her mistress’s hand rubbed over the slight rise in her belly the man caused. She started to squirm against him and he pulled back, sliding out of her and leaving her feeling strangely empty. He rested his tip against her again and pushed forward, this time sliding upward along her womanhood, coating himself in her juices and sending a thrill through her as he rubbed against her womanhood’s tip. He slid back down, sending another thrill, then positioned himself at her entrance again. This time she found her legs reflexively opening, and the tension in her chest had shifted from nervousness to anticipation.
He slid into her again, faster this time and she moaned for the whole length of his thrust.
Her mistress fondled her breast with her left hand and started to lay kisses down the right side of Neysa’s neck. Again the man slid out as she started to squirm against him but this time his tip stayed in and he immediately slid back in. She gasped, punctuated with an “oh” as he slapped into her, and he slid back out again even as she started to clench around him. The fingers on her mistress’s right hand slid down framing her womanhood as the man slid in and out of her, the dark woman’s palm grinding into the bud at the tip. The man thrust again and a frisson of pleasure shuddered through her as he rubbed against a sensitive spot. The next thrust found it again, and the next. Neysa arched her back, feet braced on the bed, hands gripping her mistress’s thighs, back pressing into her breasts, and head thrown back over her shoulder, mouth open with an emphatic moan. The man slipped out, rubbing along her womanhood again, and her mistress took the opportunity to slip her finger inside as the man repositioned. The contrast of sensation was jarring so Neysa’s full attention was on it as the dark woman removed her now slick finger and used it circle Neysa’s bud. The man entered her again and the sensitive spot seemed to be squeezed between his manhood and her mistress’s hand; the spike of pleasure set her teeth on edge and she let out a loud groan from the depths of her throat and the woman beneath her gave a gleeful moan in response.
The pressure was building inside of her again, building slightly with each stroke of the man inside her, with each circle and pinch of her mistress’s fingers on her bud and nipple, and even with each kiss her mistress placed on her ear, neck, and jaw. The pressure built slower this time and Neysa was more aware of the details; the tension in her body, the strain in her arms and legs as they held her up, her panting breaths, the sweat dripping down her face and legs, her womanhood squeezing in rhythm with the man’s thrusts as if trying to drag him back in; but she seemed stuck as an observer, unable to muster the will to take control of her body and do anything other that watch it react.
So instead, she surrendered to it, accepted her loss of control, and closed her eyes to focus on the sensations.
The man sliding in and out of her, stretching and filling, rubbing on her lips with each thrust and pulling them open with each withdrawal. Her mistress’s fingers on her, one resting on the tip of her womanhood, the rest framed around it the fingernails slightly digging in, giving a sharp counterpoint to the broad waves of pleasure. The thighs cradling her hips, slick with sweat, and the wet womanhood grinding into her backside, it’s tip engorged. The hand on her breast squeezing it tight and pulling her backward, the pressure on her chest waxing and waning as the two women breathed. The firm stomach and soft breasts pressed against her back, the two hard nipples digging in. The woman’s lips on her neck one instant her tongue running along her jaw the next, each sending shivers down her spine and eliciting a twist to the near constant groan vibrating out of her throat.
She brought one hand up and grasped the back of the woman’s head, tangling her fingers in her lustrous hair. She tried to twist her head sideways and kiss the woman back but all they managed was an awkward meeting of the side of their mouths. It was enough and Neysa’s face scrunched up as a wave of pleasure met the flush heating her face.
The symphony of moans, groans, and grunts coming from her rose higher in pitch, the woman beneath her ground herself harder into her back, moaning exaltations and encouragement, and the man increased his pace, still silent but determined concentration creasing his features.
Neysa lifted her feet and wrapped her legs around the man pulling him in tighter, letting out a yell as her dam burst and the pressure inside of her exploded, she crossed her legs behind the man and clenched them, holding him tight inside her and gripping him hard. With a soft grunt and a final thrust pushing him in deeper the man tensed up and she could feel his manhood swell and throb and shoot his seed deep into her. Behind her the woman let out a series of quick gasps punctuated by a loud exhalation and she pressed up as well.
The dark woman relaxed and Neysa followed suit, no longer able to hold herself up. The man followed them down, still inside of her, his manhood limply throbbing as her womanhood seemed to milk the hardness out of him.
The man finished and flopped over onto his back beside the two women. Neysa turned the other way, eager to finally manage a proper kiss on the woman’s lips but the woman’s head was resting back on the bed and her eyes were closed. Neysa instead placed a kiss at the hollow of the woman’s throat and nestled on her side, surrendering to her own drooping eyelids, a smile inexorably spreading across her face.
She lay there, the woman’s chest moving beneath her, the man’s warm seed settling inside of her, and her mistress’s hands holding her; one around her side, the other between her legs; and she fell asleep.
Chapter 3 - Along came a Henasar |
Nik opens his eyes and finds himself inside the cell where he first saw the man and woman. The pair are sitting across from one another on the bed. The man has more muscles and scars than he did the previous time. The woman looks like she's seven months into her pregnancy. She rubs her belly happily as she watches the man work on something.
The man has several metal pieces of scrap and a single orange gem floating above his palm. Sweat drips down his face as he concentrates on combining the pieces and gem into a single form. The pieces merge together and the orange gem is inserted into the center of the object and lines begin to form on the object. The lines take the form of a cat's head with angel wings with the gem floating above its head.
The newly made locket falls into the man's hand as he takes a harsh breath. Then he takes some metal cords and telekinetically merges them together and puts it through the loop in the locket, then has them form a loop and a hook on the ends. The woman's blue and orange eyes light up and she speaks with a soft voice that is full of warmth. “Oh Joth! It's beautiful!”
Joth smiles warmly and puts the locket around her neck and then sits back. “Only the best for you, Siena.”
Joth looks at the locket around her neck and then looks back up at her with a smile. “This locket will ensure that we remain together in spirit even when we're apart.”
Siena smiles happily as tears of joy stream down her face, and then she kisses him lovingly. She's about to say something when...
Nik wakes up to find himself in a very dark room. He tries to move but finds that he can't and feels something sticky covering most of his body. He feels something wet coiling around his dick and looks down to see six glowing red eyes looking up at him and the faint glimpse of plump lips wrapping around his shaft.
There is a quiet sucking sound and light moans coming from the strange creature that has him tied up. The eyes focus on him as he lets out a gasp and the lips pull off his cock and smiles up at him. “Ah, so you're finally awake, human? You have a very impressive cock. I've been watching you use this thing to ram both Vanessa and the Great Mother every chance you get for the past week. It looked like a lot of fun.”
She licks his cock as she finishes speaking. Nik finally decides to speak after a quiet few minutes of listening to her lick and suck on his shaft. “W....who are you?”
She pulls off his cock and smiles up at him. “My name is Ariadne. Princess of the Henasar and also the last of them.”
Nik's eyes widen as he stares at her. “...The last of the.....I'm sorry for your loss, your majesty. I wish there was something that I could do to make it up to you.”
Ariadne's eyes light up at being called by her title and smiles. “Hmmm....you have good manners, human. As for 'wishing there was something you can do,' you can give me your cum so that I can restore my people.”
Nik blushes slightly but nods firmly. “I believe I can do that. I owe your people that much for what my race has done to yours.”
Ariadne lets out a hum of approval. “You take responsibility well! I will hold you to it!”
With that she takes his arm thick shaft deep into her throat, all the way to the base. He grunts as she lets out a moan and starts sucking intensely as she pulls her head up his shaft and slams it back down into her throat, straining it tightly around his rod while thudding her forehead lightly against his abs. “GLLLLLK ULK!”
Nik grits his teeth as her long tongue wraps around his shaft and strokes it as she takes it deep into her throat and grunts as he cums hard. Ariadne lets out a joyous moan as she swallows his hot load eagerly as her six eyes roll up slightly. A little bit leaves her lips as she swallows gulp after gulp until there is none left. Then she pulls up and pants with a smile as she licks the cum off her lips. “Mm, not bad for an appetizer. Now for the main course!”
He hears strange clicking sounds as her eyes become level with his. He feels something warm and wet press against the tip of his rod. Ariadne pants and lets out a grunt as she lowers herself onto his cock, a tightness like he's never known squeezes around his shaft. A few of her eyes closing as if in pain and Nik gasps as he realizes what's wrong. “Y-you're a virgin?!”
Ariadne looks at him and smiles. “Correct. Be honored, human. Your kind have never known such greatness as...ugh...my royal pussy!”
She grunts as she starts to move on top of him, her breasts squishing against his chest, they feel larger than even Liena's breasts when filled with milk. She gets about six inches in when she takes a heaving breath. Nik looks at her in concern. “Don't push yourself. Just wait for the pain to go away. I won't go anywhere.”
Ariadne glares down at him and lets out a growl. “I'm fine! I just didn't expect it to be so huge! I mean, shut up!”
Nik sighs and uses the power he had gained to grab her hips and raises her as she lets out a squeak. “Fine then.”
Ariadne is about to say something in anger but only gets out a loud gasp as the invisible hands slam her down on top of him, his shaft going even deeper inside of her than before which takes her breath away as orgasm after orgasm rocks her body. She fully lays her head against him as her breasts squish fatly against his chest.
When she catches her breath, she glares into his eyes with murderous hate but gasps as he kisses her soft lips as the hands lift her and pound her down again and again at a steady pace causing her to moan in his mouth.
She lets out a scream of pleasure as the pace quickens and he plays with her tongue as he kisses her and his shaft gets hotter and hotter as her pussy slams to the base of his crotch and the head slams against her cervix over and over. Her eyes roll all the way up and lets out a scream as the invisible hands hold her to the base and he shoots his hot load deep into her womb.
Ariadne pants as Nik breaks the kiss and his cum fills her womb completely. Nik pants and uses his power to light the room and gasps as he sees that he is on top of a large spider web in a large, empty room that is the size of a warehouse.
He looks at Ariadne and sees the body of a spider attached to her hips, its legs crumpled underneath her. Her breasts are the size of beach balls, which are squished fatly against his chest. Her skin is perfectly smooth with some chitin bits on the arms and on her body. The color is a dark Grey and she has long Silvery hair that goes down to the top of the spider body. The body itself is smooth and has swirls and dots on it. Her eyes that are beneath the six red ones are a beautiful shade of pink and her lips are a lovely shade of blue.
Ariadne snaps out of her stupor and realizes that he can see her and growls. “HOW DARE YOU LOOK UPON M....”
“You're beautiful.” Nik says as he stares into her eyes.
Ariadne's voice catches in her throat and her cheeks turn a darker shade as she stares at him. “W-what did y-you s-say?”
“I said that you're beautiful. Why do you hide it in the dark?” He says as he smiles at her.
She blinks several times very fast as her heart and mind races. “I.....I.....I don't know what to say. This is the first time a human has called me beautiful. The rest of your race called me monster and hideous.”
Nik frowns. “Well they are wrong! You are extremely beautiful!”
Ariadne blushes more and tears of joy trickle down her cheeks and she lifts her hips, allowing his cock to be free. She lifts up one of her four arms and cuts him loose from her web and holds him close as she carries him to the ground which turned out to be sixty feet down. She sets him down on the floor and tries to think of something to say.
After a few failed attempts, strange creaking sounds can be heard, and as Nik bring the light down to see he sees that her spider body is shrinking and her legs are merging together into two powerful, chitin covered humanoid legs. Her ass is around the same size as Liena's, which she proceeds to squish against the cold metal floor as she lays down and spreads her legs.
She speaks in a quiet, shy voice.“F-fuck me again, p-please. I want more!”
Nik blushes at her new form and with a thought uses his power to make a bed underneath her which makes her gasp. He climbs onto the bed and gets on top of her. “The floor is very cold and bad for your back. This is much better.”
Ariadne looks at the bed and sees that the it has a fluffy bedding and warm covers made of furs and there is a web headboard at the back of it. She blushes at how comfortable it feels against her skin as Nik rubs the tip of his fuckrod against her pussy. Two of her arms hold onto her legs tightly and the other two take hold of the headboard as she takes deep breaths and then nods to him, letting out a light moan as he slides inside her.
Nik gasps as it is just as tight as before and is reluctant to let him go as he goes six inches deep and pulls out to the tip as she moans and her body shivers. He slams in all the way to the base and she throws her head back and screams as an orgasm rocks through her body again. Her moans seem to get louder and louder as he thrusts over and over and over again deep inside of her, the tip kissing her womb's entrance as the cum trapped inside sloshes around.
Nik leans down and kisses her hard to stifle her moans as he thrusts faster, his balls slapping against her ass cheeks. She lets go of her legs and wraps them around his waist, squeezing his cock inside her, as she wraps her arms around him and hold him close, moaning as his tongue dominates hers and orgasm rocks her body over and over and over again.
Finally, Nik thusts deep into her and holds as he lets out another hot load deep into her womb, causing her to break the kiss as her back arches and she slams her head against the bed screaming as she has the most intense orgasm yet and her eyes roll all the way up and hearts form in them.
She pants heavily as the orgasm continues to resonate through her body and she holds onto him as he lays against her. Eventually she looks up at him and he can see a deep sense of love in them and she kisses him passionately. He returns the kiss as she moans lightly and after a few minutes breaks the kiss and look into her eyes.
He looks as if he's about to say something but looks up when an intercom somewhere sounds out, Liena's voice coming through. “Nik and Ariadne, we have arrived at the edge of the Sol system. Please report to the bridge when you two are done.”
Ariadne giggles and Nik looks back at her. “Sounds like she's annoyed that I stole you away while she was busy flying the ship.”
Nik raises an eyebrow. “Stole me?”
Ariadne nods and smiles. “She had told me to not kill you and to stay away. I didn't like the idea of being ordered around and was planning on defying her by killing you after having my fun.”
She looks to the side shyly as he looks at her, shocked. “But....I don't want to kill you anymore....Sorry for before. I was being rather.....impolite. My mother would be furious with me for how I have behaved, if she were here.”
Nik shakes his head. “I'm not sure I fully understand but I'm glad that you're not gonna kill me. And....you have every right to be angry with me for what my father's men did to your people and the Viandi.”
Ariadne smiles as she looks up at him. “Thank you, Nik.”
She smiles wider as his eyes widen. “What? Did you think I didn't know your name? I could hear it being screamed every night by those two for the past week. I just chose to not use it.”
Nik lets out a sigh and smiles. “I see. Well then lets get going. I'd hate to keep Liena waiting and I'm sure Vanessa is worried too.”
Ariadne nods and they get dressed and leave the room.
The ship that the four are riding on is a massive ship that is a long, tall, flat ship, which widens out towards the back into a series of massive storage capsules. Has large cone shapes on both sides of the ship, near the back and has large pillars hanging down from the front and back of the ship. The window to the bridge is in the shape of a diamond.
The planet Mars is a bright green with lakes and rivers dotted everywhere and a ocean that splits the land mass a great distance. There is various cities dotted around the area but the biggest one is the one at the top of the planet. It is called Gohd's home, home to the king of mars and a large number of his citizens. There are large docks with crane like structures built to hold ships in place so that the passengers can disembark safely. There are flying cars going to and from place to place.
Liena is standing on the bridge with her arms crossed over her breasts and her foot tapping lightly as she looks forward through the windows. She's wearing the same kimono that she wore when Nik first met her in the medbay.
The Bridge is large with a metal tiled floor and computers salvaged from the destroyed ships that have code and other status reports streaming through them. There is a chair on a raised platform in the center of the room. Unlike the computers and chairs salvaged, this one looks ancient and has a pillow of fur as padding for the seat and backrest.
The doors to the bridge open and Vanessa walks through, worry in her eyes as Liena looks at her. “Ariadne took Nik?”
Liena sighs and nods. “Yes. She took him to the storage room near the back of the ship.”
Vanessa's face contorts with rage as she clenches her fists. “If she harms a hair on his head I'll...”
“He is fine, Vanessa. Ariadne bit off more than she could chew and became overwhelmed by him.”
Vanessa huffs as she unclenches her fists and crosses her arms over her breasts. “Serves her right. I can't believe she managed to get to him without my noticing.”
Liena chuckles. “You were still tired from the pounding he gave you last night.”
Vanessa flushes and is about to give a retort when the doors to the bridge open and she turns her head and glomps Nik. “NIK! ARE YOU OK!?”
Nik gasps as Vanessa collides with him, her breasts squishing nicely against his chest as he catches her. “I'm fine, I'm fine! No harm done.”
Vanessa looks him over and after making sure she glares at Ariadne who walks in next to him in her humanoid form. “You have a lot of nerv...!”
“I'm sorry.”
Vanessa's voice catches in her throat.
Ariadne looks her in the eyes with shame in her eyes. “I'm sorry for taking him without your permission. I was just.....frustrated.... and it didn't help with listening to you two screaming his name every night.”
Liena laughs lightly and looks Ariadne in the eye. “Yes, I suppose that would be frustrating and rather unfair to you. If I had known that you had an interest in him I would've allowed you to join us.”
Ariadne lowers her eyes and bows her head in shame. “Forgive me, Great Mother. I was angry and blind with grief over the loss of my people and my mother.”
Liena smiles as she walks over to her and embraces her, giving her a light kiss on the cheek which makes her gasp. “It is alright, Ariadne. I understand your pain and I am glad that you decided not to carry out what you were planning. If you did it would not have ended well for you.”
Ariadne's eyes widen and tears stream down her face as she hugs Liena. “I'm sorry! I promise I won't let any harm come to him and won't disobey again!”
Liena smiles as she quietly shushes her and holds her close. “I'm glad to hear that. Perhaps I was a little harsh but I was very worried.”
Ariadne nods as she cries in Liena's shoulder for a little bit and then stands straight.
Liena nods and smiles as she turns back to the screens. “Look, Nik. We've arrived to your system.”
Nik nods and looks out the window at all the stars and the eight planets circling the sun. “Yes, we finally made it.”
A little girl with the ears and tail of a monkey and a little human boy runs over to a woman dressed in a nun's outfit. “Mother Siena! Mother Siena!”
The woman is around 6'1” with breasts the size of melons and an ass the size of a pumpkin, her lips are full and a shade of purple. She has a light tan and her eyes are Blue and Orange. The outfit hugs her curves deliciously.
The woman giggles as she looks down at the little girl and boy with a warm smile. “Yes, Jack and Chen?”
The little monkey girl named Chen has brown hair wrapped in a ponytail and is wearing a worn down shirt and pants. She smiles as she looks up at Liena.. “Can we come with you to the place that you sing at?”
Jack is a boy with blond hair that is rather messy and wears button up pants and worn down shirt that chimes in excitedly. “Pretty please! We've been very good and haven't been fighting!”
Siena giggles and gives a wide smile. “Of course you can. But you must promise to be on your best behavior. The King, Queen and Princess are coming and they will not be happy if two children cause a commotion during the performance.”
They both chime in. “WE PROMISE WE'LL BEHAVE!”
Siena laughs. “Good. Now go get cleaned up and ready to go. We have to leave in an hour!”
They both nod excitedly and rush off as Siena smiles and looks up at the slowly setting sun as she takes a pendent out from under her habit. “I can sense you coming, Joth. It will be so good to see you again.” |
Chapter 0 - It Begins |
Let me take you to a time when Earth has been destroyed and the humans that remain now live on Mars. We find an old man sitting in a rocking chair, rocking back and forth as a group of about twelve human children sit around him. The old man smiles at the young faces and speaks in a rather quiet voice. “Well now, I suppose I should tell you the legends of how we humans came to live on this planet.”
"Legends tell of a man that was so terrifyingly powerful that he could seemingly never die no matter what he faced, whether by way of weapons, poison or the powerful forces of nature. No one really knows if he was really a man or a monster. It is said that he was able to level landscapes along with cities as he killed and devoured those that he had slain. One day, he supposedly became bored with all the killing and decided to destroy the Earth before disappearing. If we humans had not moved to Mars, the planet we live on now, we would've become extinct. Even today, it is well feared that this monstrous man, known as 'The Great Destroyer', will return to finish what he started. That's why we must be ready to face him when he does decide to return. When that time comes we will hopefully be able to fend him off or find a way to kill him." The old man says as he rocks back and forth in his rocking chair and looks at all the children surrounding him.
A little boy that is rather finely dressed like that of a small prince stands and asks in a somewhat timid voice, with fear in his eyes. "How can we possibly do that, mister? Won't the monster eat us like the people he killed?"
The group of children around him all look at each other with fear in their eyes. Some burst into tears, saying that they don't want to be eaten and some remain silent save for a small whimper. The old man chuckles as he looks from one child to the next and then focus on the small boy that had spoken. "There is most certainly a way to defeat such a horrible monster. It is said that the man wasn't alone in the beginning. There had once been many like him but they all died out. We don't know the cause of their deaths and probably never will. But the knowledge that they can actually be killed brings hope to everyone that we will be able to defeat him. It is a fact that only a man can kill a monster."
The dream slowly changes to a horrific battlefield. There are many corpses all over the ground with both human and some strange humanoid figures with animal appendages. In the center of the battlefield there is a man with a gun pointed at another man. A woman's scream and multiple gunshots sounds out before a man wakes up, sitting up and breathing hard.
The man has blue eyes, a muscular build, and dark brown hair with long bangs hanging down on his forehead. He looks down to see his hard six pack abs and the bandages that are wrapped around his chest.
The man continues to breathe heavily as he looks around to find himself in some kind of ship med-bay. There are three other beds besides the one he is sitting on. The walls of the room are white but segmented into intricate carvings that makes it unlike any other room seen before.
He focuses and notices that the shelves along the walls have bandages, ointments, herbs and some surgical tools that appear to be well taken care of. He looks at himself and sees that he has been bandaged up around the chest area, his toned muscles still able to show through. The man takes a calming breath as the doors to the med-bay slide open and a woman steps through.
The woman smiles warmly at him as she approaches the bed and speaks in a very gently voice that is as smooth as silk. "Oh, you're awake. You've been sleeping for about a week now. Did you have a nightmare?"
The man slowly nods as he takes a closer look at the woman. She is extremely beautiful, possibly the most beautiful person he has ever seen. She has a slender frame of an hourglass. Breasts the size of watermelons and an ass that is about the same size as a pumpkin. Long wavy black hair hangs down to her lower back, hazel eyes, beautiful slender lips that look soft. Her skin is rather pale like she hasn't been out in the sun for a very long time. She is wearing a dress that looks like a kimono that goes down to her feet with flowers and a variety of colors on it that makes one think of spring.
The man finds his heart racing as he can't help but stare at her. The woman smiles sweetly as she starts checking his bandages as she has her hands gently brush against his strong chest and hard abs. "Hmm...you seem to be healing up nicely,"
"Um, where am I?" The man asks as he can't help but stare at her as if he's seeing a goddess.
"You are aboard 'The Flying Dutchess'. A ship that had carried the remnants of the Viandi people after our homeworld was destroyed by war long ago."
'The Viandi came from another world?' the man thinks to himself as he can't help but stare at her with wide eyes. The man looks the woman over more closely and notices that she isn't like any of the other Viandi that he had seen before. They had animal ears and tails attached to their bodies while this woman doesn't seem to have any of those. He sees her lips turn into an amused smile and gasps as cat ears and a big fluffy cat tail appears out of nowhere behind her. He thinks to himself as he focuses on her newly formed ears and tail. 'Something seems off. She altered her appearance just as I had noticed that she appeared different from other Viandi.'
She lets out a giggle and looks him in the eye. "I am able to change far more than that, young man. What is your name?"
'Is she able to read my mind or something?' His eyes widen in shock and he starts to stammer a little in answer. "I...I am N...Nik Charles, crowned prince of the people of Mars. W...what is your name?"
The woman lets out an amused sound as she doesn't take her eyes away from his face. "My name is Liena, Great Mother of the Viandi."
Nik gasps as he remembers the woman that was laying inside a crystalline casket in a sort of shrine within the house of The Seven Honorable Ladies who ruled over the Viandi. His eyes widen in shock as he remembers the seven beautiful women that had treated him so kindly and tears begin to flow down his cheeks as he remembers the battle from his nightmare and realizes what had happened. "I am so....so sorry. I t....tried to protect them. I knew what he was planning and I tried to stop him. He betrayed my father and fed him lies to authorize the slaughter and enslavement of your children." He says before lowering his head in shame as tears continue to flow down his cheeks.
After a few minutes of this, he manages to calm down and look back up at her, only to flinch as he sees the expression on her face has darken and he can see an immense amount of rage and a lust for blood in her eyes. He feels a pressure of power rising out of her body as the very air stills. Then, after a few moments that feels like forever, the power dissipates and the rage in her eyes turns into sorrow. She gently pulls him into her arms and hugs his head to her breasts, surrounding his face in amazingly soft boobage before she speaks quietly. "I see. So that is what happened."
She gently rubs the back of his head as his face is squished between her breasts, the tears that had once dried starts flowing again and his body starts shaking in shame and sorrow. "Do not blame yourself, Nik. You could not have known what that man was plotting. If this man has indeed betrayed your father, the king, then there may be a chance that we can save those that survived.... if you're willing to help me."
Nik swallows before he pulls his face from between her amazingly soft breasts and gives a firm nod as he looks into her eyes with determination. "I will do whatever I can to ensure that your children will be returned to you safely."
Liena's eyes light up and she gives a small smile. "Thank you, Nik. I appreciate that." She leans in and kisses his cheek, the brief contact of her lips being quite soft and makes him blush. After a minute longer, she stands up straight and looks down at him before speaking."Now then, would you like to see some of the ship? It will be some time before we reach our destination afterall."
He nods and smiles. "I would like that very much."
He swings his legs over the edge of the bed and pushes himself off a bit too quickly and he nearly falls to the floor before Liena catches him and holds him up, proving to be quite strong. "Easy now. You've been unconscious for a week and your body hasn't yet fully recovered its strength. Take things slow."
He reaches out weakly, seeking some support, and she catches his shoulder to steady him. Gratefully, he looks up into her eyes as he feels something warm and soft beneath his hand. Almost on reflex he squeezes, and she gasps, her cheeks flushing. Startled, Nik looks down...only to realize the thing he caught hold of was one of her breasts. Hurriedly, he yanks his hand back, and stammers out a quick apology, blushing.
She lets out a light giggle and continues to have him lean on her for support. "You're so cute when you're embarrassed. It's quite alright to touch me. We're gonna be spending plenty of time alone together."
He blushes more and focuses on her face as he gives her a curious look. "Alone? Don't you have a crew to fly the ship for you?"
She shakes her head and smiles. "No. I am able to fly this ship by myself while being anywhere and doing anything inside the ship. "Well..." she thinks for a moment, "to be more accurate, you and I are the only ones living on this ship. My 'crew' are the guardian spirits who are busy rebuilding parts of the ship that has decayed and making use of the parts that we salvaged above our planet."
His eyes widen in shock and he starts to pull away from her as he starts to panic, remembering the anger and the lust for blood in her eyes before. "Guardian spirits? Parts salvaged? Did you destroy any ships that were still above the planet?"
He loses his footing and falls to the cold metal floor as Liena falls down with him in order to stop him from hurting himself, using her hand to stop his head from hitting the metal floor. Her kimono comes undone and her bare breasts squish against his chest as she lands on top of him and she frowns as she speaks sternly. "Calm down! The guardian spirits are those that have protected the planet from outside dangers for centuries and were the ones that led me to you! As for the parts, I wasn't the one that destroyed any ships. If I had to guess, there were some humans who knew what had happened to you and was trying to either stop the ships from leaving or trying to get a head start to inform your father."
He takes some calming breaths as he looks up at her and then blinks before his eyes travel down when he notices the feeling of bare skin against his bare and bandaged chest and his heart speeds up again as his face turns bright red. She giggles as she has him look into her eyes. "You are quite the amusing person to....hm?"
She notices something poking against her panties and realizes that he's gotten hard. "Oh my! What do we have here?"
She reaches down with one hand and gently grasps his cock through his pants and gives an approving sound as he gasps. "My, My! This feels like a good one. Perhaps you would prefer to explore something other than my ship~?" She smiles as she looks into his eyes as her lust starts to build.
Nik's face goes beet red and he gulps loudly as Liena gives a seductive smile. "Well, um, w...wouldn't the father of the Viandi get jealous and kill me if I did that?"
Liena gives a small frown as she looks into his eyes. "The father has been dead for centuries sadly, he didn't survive his wounds from the war. I have been without a real lover for the past 1000 years, just been stuck in that crystal casket unable to satisfy my urges." She reaches a hand into his pants and starts to gently stroke his hardening cock.
"Oh...I'm sorry to hear that. It must've been very lonely." He blushes as she strokes his cock more and bites her lower lip.
"Yes, it was very lonely." She pulls his pants down and slides down his body until her face is level with his massive cock as it stands at its full twelve inches. She licks her lips and gently runs her tongue up his shaft, taking in the taste as she looks into his eyes. Her eyes half lid as she reaches the tip and pre-cum drips onto her tongue and she takes in a lust-filled breath full of his scent.
"Haaaa, its been such a very long time." She says lustfully as she gently slaps his cock against her cheek a few times before she moves up to the tip and slowly takes the tip of his cock into her mouth and starts sucking at it as her tongue licks all around it. She lets out a light moan as she tastes his impressive member and her hand begins to cup and fondle his balls as she slowly takes him deeper and deeper into her throat. Her lips wrap around his shaft skin tightly and her tongue continues to explore his shaft as she takes him deeper and deeper until she finally reaches the base and lets out a gagging sound before coming back up before doing it all over again.
After a few repetitions, Nik gasps and takes her head into his hands and pull her to the base as he shoots his load down her throat, which she swallows readily as her eyes fill with pleasure. Once his cock finally stills and he lets go of her head and she pulls herself up to the tip, a pop sound coming out once it comes free of her lips, completely clean. Liena smiles as she gently strokes his cock and looks up at him. "Mm, that tasted amazing. I do hope that you're able to keep going? I haven't had a chance to cum afterall."
Nik slowly nods as thoughts of having his cock inside of her starts bubbling inside his head along with thoughts of doing the same with Vanessa. However, he still has enough of his senses to worry that this would count as cheating on Vanessa.
Liena giggles as she pulls herself up on top of him and gently rub his shaft against her soaking wet panties over where her pussy lips are. "You're a very good boy to worry about my daughter at a time like this. She probably hasn't told you that we Viandi share our mates. We're a very open species when it comes to sex."
Nik's eyes widen as her words register in his head and starts to blush more as his cock fills with heat and desire against her pussy making her gasp. She smiles and then bites her lip sexily as she slides up to the tip of his cock and then reaches a hand down to brush her panties aside, revealing her soaking wet bare pussy. She slowly pushes herself onto his cock and lets out a breathy moan as the first three inches of his cock enters her pussy. She licks her lips and then slides it up to the tip and then taking an additional three inches inside. Nik grunts as her pussy squeezes his cock skin tightly as she continues to take him deeper and deeper until the tip of his cock reaches her cervix with two inches to spare. He focuses hard on not cumming despite how AMAZING her pussy feels around his shaft.
He closes his eyes in concentration and when he opens them again, he realizes that the ceiling has changed and the floor has become warm and soft. He blinks and looks around to see that he's laying on a four poster king sized bed with very fine silk sheets that feels so much better than any he's felt on Mars. Liena smiles and helps him sit up so that he can see that he's in a rather large bedroom with a rug made out of the skin of a Teranor, a beast that is the size of an elephant with large claws and fangs that could do some serious damage. The claws are good for making weapons and the fangs are good for tools to dig with. There is a fireplace on the left side of the room with a couch and a couple chairs that look comfortable to sit in. On the right side, there are dressers made out of Yoshoyo wood, which is the Viandi equivalent of oak, with a mirror attached to it. The bed, which is in the center of the room, is round and has purple sheets made from the finest silk of the Henasar, a race of spider women. The bedding is made of furs of various kinds along with the blankets and pillows.
Nik looks back at Liena and is about to ask where they are when Liena kisses him as she raises her hips to resume what they were doing. She breaks the kiss after a few repetitions and pants as she speaks. "Mm, we're in my room now. The floor is made of metal and is extremely cold so I teleported us here while you were focusing on not cumming. Now enough talk and fuck me!"
Without a word, Nik takes two handfuls of Liena's pumpkin shaped ass and buries his fingers into their soft flesh as Liena kisses him and moans into his mouth as he starts to thrust back. Soon enough his cock manages to push past her cervix and enter her womb, making her eyes cross and her body shiver in pleasure as she continues to ride him hard. After just five minutes, Nik breaks the kiss and Liena lets out a gasp and moan as cums pumps from his cock and spurts directly into her womb.
Liena lays down on top of him when his cock stills and gently kisses him as she wraps her arms around his neck as he tries to catch his breath. She breaks the kiss and smiles as she looks down at him. "Mm, that was really good. Not enough to fully satisfy me, but it was still really good."
Nik tries to speak but can't get out more than a murmur due to how exhausted he feels. Liena smiles and puts a finger to his lips. "Shhh. You don't need to say anything, love. You still haven't recovered fully and need to rest. There's no need to push yourself right now. We still have a while to reach our destination." She moves her finger and gently kisses his lips again gently and fully lays down on top of him. "Just sleep now. You need it."
He nods and closes his eyes as he falls asleep while she watches him with a smile.
An hour after Nik has fallen asleep, Liena sneaks out of bed and quietly leaves the room. She walks over to the room next door to her room which is rather small in comparison and is rather empty and just has a rectangle shaped object in the center of the room covered by a large cloth.
She walks over to the object and removes the cover. Revealing it as the crystaline casket that she had rested in. Inside lays a woman with a similar face to her own and a slightly smaller bust. But instead of having cat ears and tail this woman has bunny ears and a cottonball tail. Her hair is long and a beautiful shade of blue that drapes across her sleeping form.
The woman's eyes snap open, revealing hazel irises just like Liena's.
Liena smiles sweetly at the woman. "Did I wake you, my daughter Vanessa?"
The woman known as Vanessa frowns as she looks at her mother. "Why didn't you tell him the truth, Mother?"
Liena frowns and looks at her daughter seriously. "It seemed too soon for me to tell him that his father was the one that ordered for him to be killed by the general."
Vanessa growls in annoyance but accepts this and sighs as she closes her eyes and opens them a minute later as she blushes lightly. "Did you really have to fuck him like that? You couldn't have waited for my body to be fully restored so that we could've shared him?"
Liena gives a slight giggle and shakes her head. "I'm sorry sweetie. I couldn't hold myself back after so many years of being trapped in that casket. Fortunately for you, I have repaired the damage that caused me to be trapped in there in the first place so you will be out in a few days maximum."
Vannessa sighs as she opens her eyes and looks at the crystal casket's lid. "I guess I can sort of understand how frustrating it was for you being cooped up in here for all of those years. I'm sorry that I wasn't able to fix it so that you could've gotten out much sooner."
Liena smiles sweetly. "It's quite alright, sweetheart. At least you were able to fix it before you bled out. Otherwise I would've still been trapped in there unable to do a thing as the humans carried me off."
She puts her hand on top of the casket and Vanessa does the same on the inside, making them touch, a slowly healing wound from a bullet can still be seen in the center of Vanessa's stomach.
"What will happen to him now?" Vanessa looks into her mother's eyes, worry filling them.
"I will train him in how to fight, starting tomorrow. It will help him have something to do and will help prepare him for if we have to fight once we arrive." Liena answers as she gives her daughter a warm, motherly smile.
Vanessa lets out a sigh of relief. "Good. He's not a horrible person, Mother."
Liena smiles and blushes slightly. "I know sweetie. He has a very big heart. Even when he was making love to me just now, he was thinking of you and was worried that you would hate him for sleeping with your mother. But I explained to him about how we Viandi mate and that seemed to have put him at ease. Though he still had thoughts of having sex with you during the whole thing."
Vanessa blushes a bright red. "Mother! How do you know that?"
Liena giggles. "The same way I knew how you girls were up to no good when you were little. I saw into his mind."
Vanessa's eyes widen in surprise. "Y...you could do that?"
Liena nods as she has one eye closed and smirks at her daughter. "How else would I show up just in time when you girls got in trouble and keep track of you all? It's not easy raising seven little girls. Especially when they try to get into mischief when they are supposed to have been sleeping."
Vanessa pouts and looks away as she crosses her arms.. "You're no fun!"
Liena giggles again before she puts the cover back onto the casket and then turns to leave the room and looks back at Vanessa when she reaches the door. "Rest well, daughter." |
Chapter 11 - A new life and trickery |
Nik appears in the palace's south courtyard and shakes off the disorientation. 'So that is what her teleporting is like for people when they are awake. I have a headache.'
He looks up as he hears a maid call out to him. “Prince Nikolas! Where did you come from? You weren't there a moment ago!”
He smiles as he walks over to the woman. “Just a little teleporting. Where is my mother? I have something to talk to her about.”
The woman bows politely. “She decided to go to her private quarters.” She looks at Nik nervously. “I, um, overheard his majesty and her arguing and things breaking. His majesty stormed out and left shortly after you departed, earlier.”
Anger fills Nik's eyes and he hurries off through the palace, going to the double doors that leads into his mother's private chambers.
Nik raises his clenched fist to knock on the doors, but stops, and instead shoves them open and enters. He sees a room that looks like it was in a hurricane. The dresser is wrecked and the mirror that was attached to it is shattered, and many paintings are on the floor, broken. The walls are a complete mess and the bed is in pieces. Lying on top of the bed's torn mattress is a badly beaten Queen Olivia. She's barely breathing, and her dress is in tatters.
Nik rushes over to his mother's side and begins using his power to heal her wounds. Olivia's eyes flutter open and she looks up at him, and gives him a smile. “Ah, you came back, my son.”
“Try not to talk, Mother! You'll be alright in a moment.” The cuts and bruises that are covering Olivia's body shrink and fade as Nik speaks, to the point where there aren't even any scars left.
As Nik finishes, Olivia sits up and then stands next to him before she kisses his cheek. “Thank you, my kind hearted baby boy.”
Nik blushes slightly and then shakes his head and looks his mother in the eyes. “What happened, Mother? One of the maids said that she heard you and father arguing.”
Olivia sighs as she looks away. “Yes. We were arguing about the Great Mother and then he started claiming that I was being unfaithful to him, sleeping with other men, as he beat me. As if that could be the cause of his anger, he hasn't loved me in years.”
Nik grabs her and hugs her close, putting his chin on her shoulder as she gasps. “He doesn't know what he's talking about. You're a perfectly loyal and beautiful woman, and he doesn't deserve you!”
Olivia gasps and blushes before she hugs him back with a soft smile. “You've become such a smooth talker since you left. Did you learn such things from Miss Liena?”
Nik blushes a bright red and he stutters. “I-I-I don't know what you mean, mother.”
Olivia giggles as she continues to hold him close. “Oh, I think you do. I could see the way you looked at her when we were in the throne room.” She smiles as he blushes more and tries to look away out of embarrassment.
She looks down and notices the raging hard-on in his pants and bites her lower lip slightly before she looks back up at him. “I must admit that I would give anything to have you look at me like you do her.”
Nik looks back at her with a confused look on his face. His eyes widen as he realizes what she's getting at and goes to step back, but Olivia catches him by the pants and kneels in front of him as she undoes his pants. Her eyes light up as she sees his rock hard arm-thick cock standing at full attention as he stands there, completely stunned. “You have grown so much since you've been away.”
She licks her lips and then takes the tip of his cock into her mouth and starts to suck as she looks up at him. She slowly takes more and more of his cock into her mouth as he sees a strong lust building in her eyes. He goes to shove her away but seeing the great need in her eyes, he stops himself and instead holds her head as his body shivers in pleasure. 'God, she's amazing at this. That bastard is crazy to harm her and not make love to her every night. If he won't, then I will!'
Nik begins to thrust into her mouth as she lets out a muffled moan and she takes hold of his thighs. Joy and pleasure fill her eyes as she looks up at him and sees the love and lust building in his eyes. His balls slaps against her chin as he goes all the way to the base, his shaft stretching her throat and her eyes starting to roll up as his cock gets hotter and hotter.
He shoves in one final time and holds as he shoots his hot cum down her throat and lets out a grunt. Olivia works her throat and swallows each globule greedily, her throat stretching around each load and her body trembling in pleasure as her stomach fills with his delicious seed. His cock stills and he pulls out slowly which causes the tip to pop from her lips as it exits her mouth. Her lips come together and she swallows the last of his cum down and licks her full lips as her eyes are glazed over and distant.
Nik focuses and creates a locket with a diadem etched in white and a white crystal engraved in it. He puts the locket around her neck as she continues to be in a bit of a daze as she catches her breath. “Mother, agree to become my bitch.”
Olivia smiles lewdly and nods her head. “Yes, I want to become your bitch, Nik.”
The locket glows and changes into a collar, and she lets out a moan as her average bust balloons into two pumpkin sized breasts and her ass blows up to the size of beach balls. The whites of her eyes turn black and her green eyes glow as millions of tiny strings connect to her shredded dress, turning them into shadow and having them reform into ribbons that wrap around her body like ropes, hugging her body tight and making her let out a light moan. Ribbons wrap around her arms and legs up to the joints and a slight bit of muscle forms on her stomach. The wrinkles that were on her face fade to nothing, leaving behind smooth, young and healthy skin making her look like she's in her twenties. The collar dims to reveal a white crystal set in the center of it with the etchings of a man on a throne with a woman half standing, half hanging on the right side of the back of the throne as the words, 'Nik's Royal Bitch' appears engraved in white.
“Moth-” Nik begins to call her 'Mother' but stops himself and shakes his head before he leans down and takes hold of her huge ass and lifts her up as she moans, his fingers sinking into her plump flesh. He looks her in the eyes as she pants and her pussy quivers hungrily, wanting to be fed. “No, you're not a mother nor a queen now. You're my bitch.”
Nik slams his shaft deep into her pussy in one push, making her pussy wrap skin tight around him. She throws her head back and lets out a scream as she cums all over his cock as he starts thrusting deep inside her. “YES! I'M YOUR BITCH! FUCK ME SO MUCH THAT MY PUSSY TAKES YOUR COCK'S SHAPE!”
Nik smiles and kisses her as he thrusts faster and dominates her tongue as she continues to scream into his mouth, her eyes rolling up as the tip of his shaft slams against the entrance of her womb again and again. She wraps her arms and legs around him as her body trembles in a continuous orgasm as he pounds her pussy harder and harder, his balls slapping against her ass and his thighs slapping against hers. Her breasts rubs up and down against his chest over and over. Her pussy squeezes him tight, making it difficult for him to pull it back out all the way.
Nik stops for a moment as he breaks the kiss and moves her so that one foot is firmly on the ground as he has her other leg over his shoulder, while remaining inside her, before he starts thrusting again. Olivia gasps and moans as she watches him thrust into her and makes her breasts swing in sync with his thrusts as her thighs and ass jiggle each time. Her breasts bounce up to her face as he thrusts harder and deeper, making her lean heavily against the wall.
Nik pauses again and has her stand with her back to him and ass to his crotch before he starts thrusting faster and harder as he gropes her new, huge tits. Olivia gasps and moans loudly as Nik leans down and gently kisses her neck as she cums on his cock again and again and again. She looks ahead at the shattered mirror on the dresser and can see multiple versions of herself getting fucked from behind by a hulking beast of a man and a big smile spreads across her face. 'This is the best fuck I've ever had! So much better than his father and I am young again!' She turns her head and kisses him lovingly as she reaches behind her and gently grabs at his hips as he makes her breasts swing up to her head and makes her ass jiggle as he dominates her tongue again.
Nik slams in one final time and holds as hot cum travels down his shaft and sprays into her womb, making it expand along with her stomach. Her body trembles as her eyes rolls up and her tongue hanging out as he breaks the kiss. She pants as he breathes heavily and creates a chair for him to sit on while remaining inside her, her ass squishing against his hard abs as she leans back against his chest.
Nik looks at the diamond ring around her finger and gently takes it off as she leans against him. He tosses the ring aside and then removes the diadem on her head and tosses that away. “Now you belong to me alone. I will love you like you've never been loved before and you will bear my children.”
Olivia looks into his eyes, love and happiness filling them. “Yes, Master. I belong to you alone and will be more than happy to have your children grow inside of me.”
Nik smiles and kisses her passionately, making her let out a light moan as he continues to grope her breasts, making her body tremble as another orgasm passes through it. After a few minutes, Olivia breaks the kiss and looks him in the eyes. “You should go and see your sister now.”
Nik blinks and tilts his head as he looks at her. “Why?”
Olivia smiles. “You probably haven't noticed but she's been in love with you and she's been jealous that you're surrounded by such beautiful women that you won't pay attention to her. Go and change her like you changed me.”
Nik blushes but slowly nods and gently lifts her up, making his cock slip out as she lets out a light moan as her pussy squeezes him as if it doesn't want him to leave. There is a quiet pop as he manages to pull out and his seed starts flowing like a waterfall out of her pussy as her body shivers. He stands and sits her down on the chair. He kisses her once more as she zips and buttons his pants for him and then he leaves her bedroom.
Ten minutes later, Nik is standing outside of his sister's bedroom door. He gently knocks on the door and hears a slight gasp and a flurry of motion as his sister calls out. “I was not to be disturbed! Who is it?”
“It's me, Penny. Your brother, Nik.”
He hears a gasp and footsteps coming towards the door. He takes a step back as the door swings open and a red-faced Penny looks at him. “B-brother! I thought you left with the Viandi! Why are you here?”
Nik raises an eyebrow as he looks at his clearly flustered younger sister, a strange scent in the air. “I realized that I forgot to spend some time with you. May I come in so that we can talk?”
Penny swallows as her eyes widen slightly. And then she nods as she steps aside. “O-of course you can! Come in!”
He walks in and she closes the door behind him and walks over to her bed. Her room is filled with stuffed animals of various kinds and sizes all over the floor. Her bed is on a slight pedestal and in the shape of a heart. The walls are covered in pink wallpaper and what floor that can be seen is a dark shade of pink.
“So!” Nik looks over at his sister as she sits on her bed, looking at him. “What did you want to talk about, big brother?”
Nik walks over and sits next to her on her bed and looks her in the eye. “Well, how about we start with why your room looks like it's a room of a little girl instead of a grown woman?”
Penny huffs as she glares at him and opens her mouth to say something out of anger but then she stops as 'grown woman' passes through her mind and she looks away. “Well, um, the toys sort of make it easier to hide some things.”
Nik raises an eyebrow as he looks at his sister fidget. He smirks as she tries to figure out what to say. “Penny, I have something that I want to give to you.”
She looks at him curiously as he creates a locket with a diadem in yellow etched into it with a yellow stone in the center. He hands it to her and she accepts it, looking at it curiously. “You made something like this last night for your Viandi.....lover. Why are you giving this to me?”
He smiles gently as she looks up at him. “Because it is something that I think you want to have. In Viandi culture, a locket is made when two people want to be together for the rest of their lives. And I want you to be with me from now on.”
Penny blushes a bright red and looks down at the locket again. 'Then...I can be with Nik for the rest of my life....as more than just his little sister?' Thinking this, she quickly puts it on and blushes as she looks at Nik. “I...I want to be with you forever, big brot-mmph!”
Penny's eyes widen as Nik pulls her close to him and kisses her full on her soft, slender lips. She gasps and moans as his tongue starts sliding up and down along her tongue as his hand reaches down and rubs her clit, finding her pussy is, oddly enough, already wet and soaking through her panties. She reaches down to his pants and undoes the button and zipper and then pulls out his shaft. Her eyes widen in shock as she feels the monstrous length he keeps in his pants, its girth is so thick that she can't wrap her petite fingers around it.
Nik breaks the kiss and Penny pants lightly as she looks down at his arm-thick shaft pulsing in her hands. “S-so big. Will it really fit?”
Nik smiles as he pushes her on her back on the bed and climbs on top of her. He pushes her pretty pink panties made out of lace aside and rubs his shaft against her pussy, making her gasp and her pussy twitches. “Of course it will fit. Just trust me.”
Penny takes in a few breaths and then nods as she looks up at him. Nik slowly pushes in the first few inches, and she arches her back and lets out a gasp. Her pussy squeezes tight around him as he slides a few more inches in and he grunts. 'Damn, she's tight! I should go gently.'
He slowly pulls out with great effort as her pussy refuses to let him go and then he pushes back in, going deeper inside her and taking her breath away. Her body trembles as orgasm rocks through her as she arches her back and lets out a weak moan as he slowly pulls out again. She wraps her arms around his neck and pulls him closer, he smiles and kisses her lovingly as he starts to thrust a little faster. 'This feels unbelievable! So much better than my toys and better than I ever imagined! I want more!'
He plays with her tongue as her eyes roll up and her body trembles with each thrust as the tip of his cock kisses the entrance to her womb as he goes balls deep inside of her, his balls slapping against her ass at a steady rhythm. Her toes curl and then uncurl with every thrust and she screams in his mouth as she cums again and again and again, each orgasm more intense than the last.
“YES!” She screams as she breaks the kiss and throws her head back as she cums again. He continues to thrust into her, making her bed creak back and forth as his cock gets hotter and hotter. He slams in one final time and holds as hot cum shoots down his shaft and up into her womb, making it expand along with her stomach until she appears nine months pregnant. She pants as she looks up at Nik and smiles. “I want to be yours forever, Nik.”
The locket around her neck glows and changes shape as her body changes. Her breasts become as big as beach balls, her ass grows to the same size as pumpkins. Her black hair breaks free from its ponytail and grows longer until it reaches the middle of her ass. Her lips become plump as her body becomes sensitive to his touch. Her green eyes brighten as the whites of her eyes turn black and thousands of strings connect to her dress and turns them into ribbons that wrap around her new body tightly as the collar around her neck dims and has a image of a man on a throne with a woman half standing, half hanging on the left side of the back of the throne. The words 'Nik's Royal Bitch' appears on the yellow crystal in the center of the collar.
He holds her close and kisses her passionately as he gropes her new ass, making her moan as he dominates her tongue. He breaks the kiss and looks into her green eyes and smiles at her. “Now we won't ever be apart, Penny. From now on, you're my bitch.”
Penny smiles happily as she pants and gives a slight nod of her head as she weakly holds onto him. After a minute, he pulls out and the cum starts to flow out of her pussy onto the floor as her stomach starts to shrink. Penny watches her stomach shrink and then furrows her brow. “I could be mistaken but, I'm pretty sure men don't have this much cum that shoots out of them.” She looks at his cock and gulps. “They also don't have such huge cocks. Did that really fit inside me?”
Nik opens his mouth to speak before he hears a light giggle coming from the doorway. They look over and see Olivia standing in the doorway with a smile. She walks in and closes the door behind her, then walks over to them. Penny stares in disbelief as she sees her mother completely different from earlier. “M-mother?! What happ-” She notices the collar around Olivia's neck and looks at Nik. “Did you...?”
Nik nods. “I made her my bitch as well. Father has been abusing her and nearly killed her in her room today.”
Penny's eyes widen in shock and she looks back at her mother, who frowns and nods. Penny stumbles over, her legs still weak from Nik's thrusts as his cum leaks out of her pussy and hugs her mother. “I'm sorry I didn't know, Mama.”
Olivia smiles as she hugs back. “It is quite alright sweetie. We don't have to worry about it anymore now that we have a new man in our life.” She smiles as she looks over at Nik, who is getting hard again as he watches their huge breasts squish together in their embrace, even as the jiggle of their butts revealing how big and squeezable their asses have become.
Both women look at his cock and then look at each other before smirking and they begin kissing lewdly in front of him, groping each other's plump asses and moaning lightly. Nik watches them make out and gets unbearably hard and slowly walks over to them. He gently pushes them onto the bed and has their pussies press together before he pushes his cock between the two and places his hands on the bed on either side of them as they gasp.
He starts thrusting, his shaft rubbing their clits, as they moan and kiss each other more passionately. As Nik looks at his mother and sister as they kiss each other, he can see the ribbons that are tied around their bodies through their clothing and, with a thought, makes them tighten and loosen to rub against their sensitive spots driving them to orgasm as his cock gets hotter and hotter. He thrusts in once more and holds as hot cum shoots between their stomachs and splash against the bottom of their breasts.
As Nik's cock stills he pulls Olivia up off of Penny and has her on her knees in front of him before he rubs his still hard cock against her soft, plump lips. Olivia smiles as she takes his throbbing arm-thick shaft in both hands and starts to stroke it as she looks up at him and kisses the tip. “You have such an amazing cock, Master. So much bigger than your father's.”
Nik frowns down at her as he reaches a hand behind her head and pulls her closer to his cock. “No more mention of him. He doesn't deserve to be in your memories.”
She moans happily as he thrusts into her mouth, his shaft going down her throat, stretching it pink as it wraps skin tight around him. She sucks happily as she looks up at him with love in her eyes and takes him all the way to the base and holds there, her soft lips squeezing around his shaft. She slips her tongue out beneath her lower lip and gently licks his balls as she gags around his cock before pulling back. “GLLLLLLLKKKKKK LLLKKKK HLLLLLLLLK!”
Penny blushes as she watches her mother suck Nik's hard cock as she takes it in deep. She kneels next to her mother to get a closer look as Nik thrusts into Olivia's throat again, and again and again until he holds and shoots his hot load down her throat. Nik pants as he slowly pulls out as Olivia swallows happily and pants when she finishes.
Nik smiles down at the two of them and feels an incredible urge to pin them both down and fuck them until they are pregnant with his children, but he resists, remembering Liena's task. “We should get going now. I want to get back to the ship before HE comes back.”
Both women look up at him and nod before standing, their clothes taking form on top of them again. Penny removes her diadem and sets it on the bed before following him out.
On the way from the palace, Nik had told them how he and Vanessa were going to help Liena with the creatures that she was tasked with killing. Both women were shocked and both told him that he can't do such a foolish thing, as the limo set down.
The limo carrying Nik, Olivia, and Penny arrives at the dock of D23 and they get out of the vehicle and head for the ship. All of the dock workers stop what they were doing and stare at Penny and Olivia with mouths open as they walk up the ramp and board the ship.
Vanessa meets them near the entrance and hugs Nik after giving Olivia and Penny a curious look “I'm glad you made it back. I was getting worried.”
Nik kisses her lovingly, which causes her to moan lightly as he holds her close. After a minute he breaks the kiss and looks her in the eyes with a smile. “Sorry for making you worry. I wanted to make sure everything was alright at home.”
Vanessa nods as she looks at Olivia and Penny, noticing the collars around their necks and nods. “I see. You will have to tell me how that happened later. Right now, come with me.”
She leads them to her bedroom and before Nik can look at her and ask her why are they there, she pushes him onto the bed and starts undoing his pants before she starts sucking his cock hungrily. She looks up at him as he gasps, the lust plain in her eyes, and he grips the back of her head on reflex as Olivia and Penny watch, Penny in shock and Olivia with a smirk.
“MMMM GLLLLKKK HLLLLLLLLK LLLLKKKK” Vanessa lets out a muffled moan as she takes his cock all the way down to the base, stretching her throat skin tight around his huge shaft as he commands the ribbons wrapped around her body to start pleasuring her. She goes up to the tip and slams back down to the base over and over as her eyes roll up as his shaft got hotter and hotter.
She slams down one final time and holds as he shoots his hot load down her throat and into her stomach as her body trembles from orgasm. She swallows his load happily as her full, soft lips squeeze tightly around his shaft's base. His cock stills and she pushes herself up and releases his cock with a pop of her lips as she takes in deep breaths. Her black kimono opens up to reveal the ribbons that are wrapped around her body as she crawls on top of him and rubs her pussy up and down his still hard cock.
“V-Vanessa! We don't have time for this! We need to go and help Liena fight those creatures!” Nik says as he reaches up to try and push her off, but two hands on both sides of him grab his wrists and pulls them onto the bed. When he looks to his left and right, he sees the six other honorable ladies and Ginny and Amelia standing naked.
Tiffany is a gold haired woman whose hair goes down to her shoulders, with skin the color of the sun, yellow eyes, and full golden lips. She has an athletic build with breasts the size of large oranges and a slightly big ass, roughly the size of small watermelons and has the ears and tail of a cheetah. This is the woman that is holding his left arm down to the bed while on the right, Samantha is holding down his right arm.
Samantha, a silver-eyed, silver and golden haired beauty whose hair reaches to the middle of her back has slender golden and silver lips, and a slim body with skin that is a combination of gold and silver. Her breasts are the size of apples and she has a petite ass along with the ears and tail of a wolf.
Nik looks at the two women and tries his hardest to wrench himself free as Vanessa slides to the tip, biting her lower lip as one of her hands gropes one of her breasts as the tip presses against her entrance. In a single motion, she slams her ass down into his lap, slapping against his thighs as his cock stretches her pussy skin-tight around her and she lets out a moan and he lets out a grunt. Samantha speaks up as she watches Vanessa start to move her hips side to side, making his cock stir up her pussy. “Mother has asked us to ensure that you remain on the ship while she fights those creatures, regardless of whether or not we have to tie you down or have sex with you to delay you.”
“What!? B-but she-! Ugh!” Nik objects, but loses his words.Vanessa lets out a moan as she starts to lift herself up, sliding off of his shaft to the tip before slamming herself back down, her ass slapping against his thighs again as she throws her head back and screams while orgasm rips through her.
Olivia smiles and comes up behind her and gently grabs Vanessa's hips and helps her ride Nik's cock as Vanessa looks at her and lets out a moan. Olivia kisses her hotly as she uses one hand to rub Vanessa's clit, making her gasp in the kiss as Olivia plays with her tongue, forcing Vanessa to cum all over Nik's cock again and again as she rides him. Nik's cock gets hotter and hotter and he lets out a grunt as he shoots his huge, hot load deep into Vanessa's womb, making her scream in Olivia's mouth as a great orgasm rocks through her body as his cum makes her stomach bloat until she appears to be pregnant with triplets, her rabbit ears standing straight up.
Vanessa slides off and falls to the side with a low moan as the cum starts flowing like a waterfall out of her pussy. Then Penny gets on top of his cock and slowly slides it in with a moan. “I don't want you fighting scary monsters, brother! I refuse to lose you again!”
This process of change goes on for hours and hours as Nik's mouth is silenced by kiss, breasts whose milk gives energy or having his face sat on as the women do everything they can to please him. At some point he passes out from all the sex and the women all pant around him in a daze.
Vanessa holds onto Nik's side weakly and she quietly speaks into his ear. “Please forgive us, Nik. We don't want to lose you again.....and mother would rather you stay here, with us.” She closes her eyes as the women around her cuddle up on the bed, having been made a lot bigger at some point. |
Chapter 6 - Questions and some sexy time! |
Nik smiles as he sits down in his seat and looks around the inside of the limo, and then blinks as he sees about one hundred Viandi sitting in seats, which shouldn't be there considering the limo is not that big. The limo has two rows of leather seats on both sides of the car. There is a thin rug that covers the entire bottom of the car so that there is an easy way to clean up.
He looks to Liena, who grins as she looks back at him. “I was wondering when you'd notice.”
Nik stares at her. “Did you extend the limo to fit so many Viandi?”
Liena smirks and shakes her head. “No. I extended the inside of it so that everyone could fit comfortably.”
Nik looks at her curiously. “Why didn't you teleport them to the ship? And how does the driver not notice this?”
Liena smiles. “He doesn't notice because all he saw was you, me and Vanessa. He didn't see the other Viandi. Or rather....he couldn't.”
Nik raises an eyebrow. “Meaning that you're using your power to affect his mind?”
Liena hums approvingly. “Very good. That is correct. I am affecting his perception, as far as the other Viandi goes. However I am not messing with his ability to do what he normally does. As for why I didn't just teleport the others to the ship, it's because I can't, currently. My body needs rest to recover the power spent flying the ship.”
Nik nods in acceptance and sits back.
As they ride in the flying limosine, Nik, who is sitting in one of the seats at the very back with Vanessa at his side, looks at Liena as he thinks about what she had said in the interview and noticed something. “Liena?”
Liena, who is sitting on one of the seats that line the left side of the limosine with the cow Viandi and the cat Viandi sitting on both sides of her, turns to him and looks at him curiously. “Yes, Nik?”
Nik takes in a breath. “You looked like you wanted to say something else about the Great Destroyer to that news reporter. Why didn't you say the things that you had said to me when we talked about earth?”
Liena considers his questions and then lets out a sigh. “I had wanted to tell her and see if I could open not only her mind but the rest of the world's minds with my words. But I knew that your father was one of the people that would be watching.”
Nik raises an eyebrow as he doesn't seem to understand. “Why does it matter if my father is one of the people watching?”
Liena sighs heavily. “He would've had her killed or thrown into the coliseum, which is certainly a death sentence. He who holds power to do something will use it to best benefit him.”
Nik is about to argue how that is untrue but he stops himself and thinks about it. “You may have a point. I do recall some people who talked poorly about father or his rules would disappear...”
Liena nods. “Also, that news reporter is just a small time one trying to make it big. Meaning that no one besides her family and coworkers would notice if she suddenly went missing. I wouldn't be surprised if some of our interviews wound up edited in a way that won't allow us to collect my children so easily.”
Liena looks directly into Nik's eyes as he considers her words, her hazel eyes meeting his blue eyes. “I know that it might not seem like it to you, Nik, but for me, I am in enemy territory. The war on Viandi hasn't ended. It still rages on.”
Nik and the other Viandi flinch and look at Liena. Nik speaks after a few moments as his eyes widen. “The war is still going on?”
Liena nods. “Yes. Wars are never truly won until one side has lost the will to fight. Since your father didn't succeed in capturing me while I was trapped in that casket, the war still goes on because I haven't lost the will to fight.”
Nik remembers Liena saying that she had fought many wars and his eyes widen. He slowly speaks. “Do you plan to kill all of humanity?”
Liena tilts her head as she looks at him. “....No. I don't plan to kill all of humanity if I can help it. I would prefer to end this war quickly. Although....”
She thinks and smiles. “I could suggest to your father that some humans, namely the rebels that have been getting in his way as of late, could come with us Viandi.”
Nik stares at her for a moment and then speaks. “Why would you suggest that?”
Liena grins as she looks at him. “Because the rebels love the Viandi. They are made up of both humans and Viandi who aren't happy with your father. By having the rebels come with us, your father will have one less thing to worry about.”
Nik thinks about her words and frowns. “But wouldn't having the rebels with us mean that, with their help, we could overthrow my father?”
Liena smirks. “Yes, that can happen if he makes the wrong move.”
Nik frowns further. “Then he probably won't let you have them. He will see that coming and release his elite guards to take you down.”
Vanessa looks at both Nik and then Liena. “....What if we word it in a way that he wouldn't do that? Like 'anyone that loves Viandi are welcome to come with us when we leave'?”
Both Nik and Liena stare at her. Liena blinks and then smiles. “Yes, that could work quite well. Well done, Vanessa.”
“Aren't you three being a little careless about this?”
Nik, Vanessa and Liena all look at the cat Viandi sitting next to Liena. Liena raises an eyebrow. “What are we being careless about, my dear Stephanie?”
Stephanie swallows at she looks at the three. “You've been talking as if things will go just as you expect them but what is stopping that man from launching a missile or something to attack us while we're in this vehicle? Aren't we being too carefree about this?”
The other Viandi all look at one another, fear plain in their eyes. Then they look at Liena as she clears her throat. “Yes, that is a very big concern for us to have. It is true that his highness could use various means to attack us right now. But he won't.”
Nik raises an eyebrow and looks at Liena. “Why won't he?”
Liena smirks. “Because his army is still weak from the war and he knows that I am at full strength. It isn't hard to predict where things would go. Also....I get the feeling that he wants me alive.”
Nik stares at Liena, curiosity in his eyes but Liena simply hums to herself and he sighs. They ride in silence for the rest of the way.
Siena arrives at an old building that was once a church, but now serves the purpose of a makeshift orphanage. The building is rather simple and made up of red bricks. It has an arched roof and double wooden doors. It has a symbol of a circle that is broken into several pieces above the door. Some of the stained glass windows have holes in them, ruining the pictures on them of men and women bowing before a glowing being and a destroyed planet behind it.
There are tall machines of various kinds parked around the church and a note on one of the doors. Siena tilts her head and then starts to read. It reads:
By order of his Royal Highness, King Theo Ragnburg, this building is to hereby be torn down and rebuilt to be a church dedicated to his highness. All residents have until tomorrow evening to leave or be arrested.
Signed: Sir Reginald, his Majesty's Royal Architect.
Siena sighs as the doors open mysteriously and she walks in while carrying the sleeping Chen and Jack. The inside still has the pews, that are used for chairs for the children to sit in and learn. They have makeshift tables made out of wood in front of each, for the children to write and draw on. In the center of the room stands an altar on a raised platform. At the back of the altar stands a statue of a man with clawed gauntlets, and armor that looks to be a sort of breastplate, with spikes on the shoulder pads. In his hands he holds two sabers. The man has a menacing smile with sharp teeth, and his eyes are slits like a dragon, filled with hate.
She walks past a glass case that holds the two swords that the statue is holding on a red pillow as the doors close behind her, it being too dark to see them well. She walks towards a door on the right side, which leads to a plain stone room with twenty make-shift beds that have been repaired over and over again.
She looks around at all the children, Viandi and human alike, sleep peacefully in their beds. She gently lays Jack and Chen in their beds and tuck them in, then quietly walks out the room and closes the door. She walks down a hallway that leads to her bedroom and thinks. 'The children will be sad that we will have to leave tomorrow. That bastard king has been trying to get rid of this orphanage for years. I had hoped that tonight's performance would help sway him from further attempts at shutting us down but I guess not. Where will we go now?'
As Siena walks to her room, she thinks about when Nik created a locket and put it around Vanessa's neck, and she focuses on Vanessa's face. She remembers the time when Joth made her locket of marriage, and how she was rubbing her stomach. 'That girl....could she be my daughter?'
The limo parks at the entrance of Dock D23 and Nik, Vanessa, Liena and the rest of the Viandi get out and begin walking towards the Flying Dutchess. Nik offers to pay the driver but the driver shakes his head politely and smiles. “Her majesty, Queen Olivia, paid for your ride, your majesty. Have a good evening.”
Nik smiles and gives the driver a nod before stepping back and watches as the limo flies off. He walks back over to Vanessa as Liena leads the other Viandi inside, some of them are overcome by happiness. He takes hold of Vanessa's hand and looks her in her hazel eyes. “Shall we go inside?”
Vanessa's eyes light up and without a word she pulls him up the boarding ramp, which is connected near the front of the ship, and makes a right turn going past Liena and the other Viandi quickly. The Viandi women shriek as Vanessa blazes past them and quickly moves to the side as Liena giggles. Liena looks down and sees that Vanessa's shoes have fallen off. She smiles and picks them up before continueing to show the others to the shower room.
Nik and Vanessa enter Liena's room and Vanessa closes the door and pushes him against it, as she presses her lips against his, and lets out a light moan as her breasts squish against his chest. Nik returns the kiss, his tongue rolling around with hers. 'She must've really been holding herself back.'
Nik reaches around and gropes her ass as he deepens the kiss, earning him a slightly louder moan as he rubs his groin against hers. He uses his power to undo his pants and lets his shaft gently slap against her panties as he also has her dress come up, revealing her silk pink panties.
Vanessa gasps as he picks her up and uses her power to move her panties to the side to reveal her soaking wet pussy. She takes in a sharp breath as he slowly slides the tip of his arm thick member inside of her and wraps her legs around his waist, taking him in deeper. Nik squeezes her ass and grunts as her pussy coils around his cock as he pushes all the way inside her, to which she kisses more forcefully as she moans and wraps her arms behind his neck.
Nik lifts her up to the tip of his shaft and then slams her back down, making her break the kiss and throw her head back, screaming as orgasm rocks her body as his rock hard shaft deforms her abs and pounds deep, all the way to her womb's entrance. He turns and pushes her back against the door and slams into her at a decent rhythm as her breasts sway with each thrust, threatening to come out of her dress.
Nik growls and pulls the front of her dress down and lets her tanned breasts bounce freely, along with her bunny encrested locket, to the rhythm of his thrusts. He catches a nipple in his mouth and sucks hard as he thrusts faster. Vanessa gasps and screams as another orgasm rocks her body and her eyes start to roll up. “Oh fuck! That feels s-so g-good! Fuck me harder, Nik! Make my mind go blank with your amazing cock!”
Nik slams into her harder and has the tip of his shaft slam against the entrance to her womb over and over and over again. Vanessa's eyes roll all the way up as she screams and orgasms again and again, her ass jiggles as his balls slap against them and he continues to suck on one of her nipples, drinking the excess magic milk that comes out of them.
His muscles become harder and his shaft becomes slightly thicker as it gets hotter and hotter. Then he slams in and holds as he shoots his hot load directly into her womb, causing her stomach to swell to the point she appears to be nine months pregnant, her eyes cross from his sheer size and her tongue hangs out as she has the most intense orgasm of her life.
As her orgasm subsides Vanessa holds onto Nik weakly as she pants and gently kisses him. He returns the kiss and holds her close as his cum dribbles out of her pussy while his cock remains inside of her. He breaks the kiss and looks into her beautiful hazel eyes. “Want to go again?”
Vanessa's eyes widen, she has the urge to say yes but swallows it back down and smiles at him. “As tempting as that is, Love, there are things to do tomorrow morning. You should save your energy.”
Nik smiles and nods. They share a kiss and then both fall asleep on Liena's bed, holding each other.
Amelia sighs tiredly as she arrives at her apartment building. It's a small, rundown building with an outdoor walkway with a roof and is made out of bricks and steel. She slowly climbs the stairs as she grumbles as she thinks. 'Damn that bastard! I worked my ass off for him and all I get is, “This isn't good enough! You're fired!” Pffft. Stupid old fart. I wasn't prepared for meeting Liena along with Prince Nikolas tonight. Maybe Liena is willing to hire me to do something. Anything is better than that job!'
Amelia unlocks her door, which is made of blue steel, and walks into her plain looking apartment. The apartment has barely any furniture and seems a little rundown. A woman stands in the middle of the living room and bows her head. “Welcome home, Mistress. Would you like a bath with a massage or something to eat?”
The woman is around 5 feet tall and has a slight build of muscle. She looks to be in her mid-twenties. She has long, red hair tied into a ponytail that goes down to her ass. Her frame is slender and has a slightly larger bust and ass than Amelia does. She is wearing remnants of a skirt and a blouse that have torn bits of frills along the top. The woman is dirty but Amelia can still make out her bronze skin. There is a crude collar around her neck and chains attached to her arms and legs. Her ears and tail are that of a tiger and she has emerald colored eyes.
Amelia sighs as she looks at the woman. “A bath and a massage would be nice, Ginny.”
Ginny nods and smiles sweetly before she goes into the bathroom and gets the water running. Amelia sets her purse down on the coffee table before she starts to get undressed. Ginny pokes her head out of the bathroom after a few minutes. “The bath is ready, Mistress.”
Amelia walks into the broken down bathroom and looks at the steaming water that has filled the tub. She slowly climbs in and lets out a sigh as she relaxes. Ginny begins massaging her shoulders. “Mistress was gone a lot longer than usual. Did you have a rough day?”
Amelia lets out a laugh filled with mirth. “You have no idea. I can't ever make any decent steps forward and my boss won't quit with the sexual harassment. Bastard wouldn't accept the big story I covered tonight and fired me because I wouldn't suck his disgusting wrinkly old cock.”
Ginny looks at her with sympathy in her eyes as she gets rid of the knots in Amelia's back. “I'm sorry to hear that your day wasn't good. What story did you cover tonight?”
Amelia lets out a breathy sigh and looks up at Ginny. “I interviewed Prince Nikolas and Liena, the Great Mother of the Viandi.”
Ginny's eyes widen in shock as her hands stop and she stares into Amelia's eyes. “T-the Great Mother is here? She's awake!?”
Amelia nods. “She sang at the Gohd's concert hall with the singer Siena tonight. She has come to take you and the others home with her. Her majesty, Queen Olivia, freed the Viandi that were at the concert hall and Liena has taken them to her ship, the Flying Dutchess and-”
Ginny stares down at Amelia's face, causing Amelia to stop talking as she stares into Ginny's green eyes. “The Great Mother is awake and has come to take us back? This isn't some kind of trick, right?”
Amelia shakes her head. “No, not a trick. She really is here. I have the recording of my interview with her in my purse-”
Before Amelia could say another word, Ginny rushes out of the bathroom and opens the purse to find a small, round disk. She places it into a square device on the table and lifts the top of it up as she turns the power on and hits play. She fast forwards past the interview with King Theo Ragnburg and Queen Oliva and stops at when Nik, Vanessa, Liena and the other Viandi are on camera.
Amelia comes out of the bathroom, wrapped in a towel and watches the tigress watch the interview as her tail moves side to side. After the interview is done, Ginny is quiet as her body trembles and Amelia can hear a quiet sob escape her lips. She walks over and sits next to the tigress and gently hugs her. “Are you happy, Ginny?”
Ginny nods her head and hugs Amelia and cries into her shoulder. “I never t-thought this day w-would ever c-come!”
Amelia gently rubs her back soothingly. She thinks for a moment as she looks at the shaking tigress' tail as it swishes side to side. “Lovos.”
Ginny gasps as the collar and chains fall to the ground and she looks up into Amelia's kind eyes. Amelia smiles at her. “You are free now, Ginny. Tomorrow morning I will take you to Dock D23 and....ask the Great Mother if I could come with you...”
Ginny's eyes widen as she stares into Amelia's purple eyes. “You want to come with the Viandi?”
Amelia nods. “Yes, you have been a very sweet girl and I am tired of living in this dump of an apartment. I don't care if I wind up becoming a slave myself. Anything is better than the life I've lived up until no- Mmph!”
Amelia's eyes widen in shock as Ginny pins her to the floor and kisses her hard, her tongue sliding around Amelia's, who lets out a light moan. Ginny's left hand slides up over Amelia's towel and gently gropes her barely covered left breast. She breaks the kiss and stares into Amelia's half lidded eyes and grins. “Not a slave. I'm gonna make you my personal bitch and take you with me!”
Amelia stares at Ginny as the tigress removes her torn clothes, revealing her full, bronzed form. She leans down and puts her face near Amelia's exposed pussy and starts to gently lick the outer lips before she gently spreads them and licks the pinkness, her tongue circling the walls. Amelia bites her lower lip and lets out a low moan as Ginny's tongue explores her depths and gasps as the tigress plays with her clit with her index finger and thumb.
Amelia's body twitches and she leans her head back as the tigress dominates her pussy with her tongue and lets out a moan as she gets close. She reaches down and pushes Ginny's face into her pussy and grinds as she moans. Ginny growls and licks faster and deeper as she slides a couple fingers in, which causes Amelia to gasp and moan as she orgasms, her body trembling.
After a few minutes of this, Ginny sits up and grins as she concentrates her power, a large dick appears just above her pussy. She gives it a gentle stroke with one hand and lets out a light moan as it pulses and twitches as Amelia stares at it. Ginny giggles as she looks at Amelia and gently slaps her cock against Amelia's soaking wet and twitching pussy. “Ready to become my bitch?”
Amelia stares at the large shaft gently slapping against her clit and lets out a light moan before she looks up at Ginny and nods. “Yes, make me your bitch! I want your cock!”
Ginny grins and rubs her shaft against Amelia's pussy until the tip is lined up, then she slowly enters. Amelia gasps and winces as her hymen breaks. Ginny gasps when she sees blood drip out and stops. “You're a virgin? Then we should take it slow.”
Amelia bites her lip and lets out a low moan as Ginny slowly slides in and gasps as Ginny pulls her into a kiss. She moans into Ginny's mouth as she feels more and more of her huge cock enter her, tears fall down her cheeks and then she gasps as she feels a warm feeling coming from below. Ginny breaks the kiss and looks Amelia in the eyes. “I don't have much healing ability but I'm using it to help you. I'm gonna pick up the pace now.”
Amelia moans as Ginny slides out to the tip and then slams back in, both women's breasts jiggle from the impact and Amelia loses her breath. Ginny smiles and removes Amelia's towel before she starts sucking on the woman's average sized breasts, which causes an orgasm to rock through the woman's body as she moans louder.
The tigress sucks harder as she starts pounding Amelia's pussy deeper and faster, causing more orgasms as the woman's pussy molds around Ginny's cock. Her pussy squeezes it tightly as Amelia wraps her legs around Ginny's waist and screams as her eyes roll up as orgasm rocks her body over and over and over again. Ginny slams in and holds as magical cum flows from her cock and pumps directly into Amelia's womb, making her stomach swell by the sheer volume.
Both women pant loudly as they hold each other on the lightly carpeted floor of the apartment. Ginny catches her breath and lifts Amelia up as she stands, while keeping her magical shaft inside her, and carries her to the bath. “We're gonna fuck every day from now on. But for now let's enjoy a hot bath together.”
Amelia moans lightly as Ginny's cock moves around inside of her as she is carried and nods. “Yes, mistress. Use me as much as you want.”
Ginny smiles as she gets in the tub with Amelia and has her magical shaft disappear. She hugs Amelia close, who lays her head on the tigress' shoulder as she lets out a moan as green cum leaves her body and flows into the tub. Ginny giggles as the tub fills with her magical seed. “Oh I will. We tigress' are hard to please.”
King Theo Ragnburg stands in the hallway that leads to his private quarters, staring out the window that overlooks the city and in the direction of the Flying Dutchess. The hallway has tiles made out of marble and the walls are painted white with gold outlines and windows at even intervals. He scowls and turns to Queen Olivia, who has some bruises and cuts but stares back at him. “What were you thinking releasing the Viandi and returning them to HIM? And you also left our son in his clutches!”
Queen Olivia briefly looks out the window towards the Flying Dutchess, and then looks back at him as she ignores the pain in her body. “I returned them to their mother. I do not agree that she is the Great Destroyer in disguise. Also, I am of the belief that our son is much safer with her than he is with YOU!”
With that last word, a force of power leaves her body and slams King Theo Ragnburg into the opposing wall. He grunts in pain as she storms off to her private quarters. “Stupid woman! It is obvious that this 'Great Mother' is the Great Destroyer! Changing forms and genders was one of his abilities and he clearly still has all of his power!”
He stands up as his body heals itself and glares out the window. “That power will be mine! It should have always been mine! The power of a God!” |
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