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Parkland formula for burns is for: Maharashtra 09; UP 09; Bihar 12 | Ans. Ringer lactate | A.Ringer lactate | A.Ringer lactate | B.Glucose saline | C.Normal saline | D.25% dextrose |
Drug C/I in pregnancy is : | Primaquine | B.Primaquine | A.Chloroquine | B.Primaquine | C.Amodiaquine | D.Quinine |
Nail involvement is not a feature of | D i.e. DLE | D.DLE | A.Psoriasis | B.Lichenplanus | C.Dermatophytosis | D.DLE |
Among which hypoxia AV 0 difference is max ? | Ans. is 'b' i.e., Stagnant | B.Stagnant | A.Histotoxic | B.Stagnant | C.Hypoxic | D.Anemic |
Which of the following needs cholesterol and other lipids for growth? | . | D.Mycoplasma | A.Mycobacterium TB | B.Chlamydia | C.Hemophilus | D.Mycoplasma |
Reduction potential of potassium is | K+ + e- = K(s) -2.93 | A.-2.93 | A.-2.93 | B.-0.44 | C.-0.34 | D.0.54 |
Drinking can be induced by | (B) Osmotic stimulation of supraoptic nucleus | B.Osmotic stimulation of supraoptic nucleus | A.Electrical stimulation of the posterior hypothalamus | B.Osmotic stimulation of supraoptic nucleus | C.Lesions in the paraventricular nucleus | D.Neuronal lesion of the preoptic nucleus |
"Endemic" typhus is transmitted by: | Ricketssia mooseri | B.Ricketssia mooseri | A.Rickettsia prowazeki | B.Ricketssia mooseri | C.Ricketssia burnetti | D.Ehrilichia chafeensis |
In Familial hypercholesterolemia there is | A i.e. LDL receptor | A.LDL receptor | A.LDL receptor | B.Apo protein A | C.Apo protein C | D.Lipoprotein lipase |
Corynebacterum other than diphtheriae carrying toxin: | Ans. is. 'a' i. e. Corynebacterium ulcerans | A.Corynebacterium ulcerans | A.Corynebacterium ulcerans | B.Corynebacterium xerosis | C.Corynebacterium striatum | D.Corynebacterium urealyticum |
Which of the following insecticides is a natural Which of the product ? | Ans. is 'b' i.e., Pyrethrum | B.Pyrethrum | A.Dieldrin | B.Pyrethrum | C.Parathion | D.Carbaryl |
Swinging flash light test is used to examine: | Pupil | B.Pupil | A.Cornea | B.Pupil | C.Lens | D.Conjunctiva |
Radiofrequency ablation treatment is most useful in: | Ans. WPW syndrome | C.WPW syndrome | A.Ventricular fibrillation | B.Atrial fibrillation | C.WPW syndrome | D.Ventricular premature complex |
In Nulliparous, cervical opening is | . | B.Circular | A.Longitudinal | B.Circular | C.Transverse | D.Fimbriated |
Which of the following will cause Bull's eye retinopathy | B i.e. Chloroquine | B.Chloroquine | A.INH | B.Chloroquine | C.Ethambutol | D.Steroids |
In Transduction DNA transmitted by a vector to bacteria belongs to: | Bacteria | C.Bacteria | A.Virus | B.Phage | C.Bacteria | D.Diploid cell |
The stage of Ca Endometrium with Invasion of 10 mm of Myometrium is : | Ans. is b i.e. lb | B.b | | B.b | C.lib | D.lia |
Nocardia resemble actinomyces morphological but- | Ans. is 'c' i.e., Are aerobic | C.Are aerobic | A.Are anaerobic | B.Are faculative anaerobic | C.Are aerobic | D.Require CO, for growth |
Hormonal changes in Polycystic ovary disease is: | High LH, low FSH and low Estradiol | C.High LH, low FSH and low Estradiol | A.Low Progesterone | B.Normal LH. FSH and Estradiol | C.High LH, low FSH and low Estradiol | D.Low LH, FSH and Estradiol |
Most common benign tumor of esophagus is - | . Leiomyoma | B.Leiomyoma | A.Lipoma | B.Leiomyoma | C.Hamaoma | D.Hemengioma |
Which of the following is lined by transitional epithelium ? | C i.e Uretro-urethral junction; | C.Uretero-urethral junction | A.Stomach | B.Colon | C.Uretero-urethral junction | D.Prostrate |
Sulfur donor in phase II Detoxification is - | Ans-C | C.PAPS | A.FeS | B.SAM | C.PAPS | D.GSH |
Swine flu is known as | Ans: b) HIN1A simple one. Swine flu is also known as H1N1. | B.H1N1 | A.H5N1 | B.H1N1 | C.H1N5 | D.H1N2 |
The first costochoadral joint is a : | D. i.e. Synchondrosis/ Syncendrosis | D.Syncendrosis | A.Fibrous joint | B.Synol joint | C.Syndesmosis | D.Syncendrosis |
Shingles is the other name for – | Herpes zoster is also referred to as shingles. | C.Herpes Zoster | A.Herpex simplex | B.Varicella | C.Herpes Zoster | D.Herpes labialis |
Vitreous humor of eye contains collagen type: | Collagen II | B.Collagen II | A.Colagen I | B.Collagen II | C.Collagen III | D.Collagen IV |
The' 1/2 life of CO60 is: | Ans. 5.2 years | B.5.2 years | A.2.6 years | B.5.2 years | C.8 years | D.3200 years |
Rate limiting enzyme in catecholamine synthesis? | Ans. is 'd' i.e., Tyrosine hydroxylase | D.Tyrosine hydroxylase | A.Dopa decarboxylase | B.N-methyltransferase | C.Dopamine hydroxylase | D.Tyrosine hydroxylase |
Missing cases are detected by: | Sentinel surveillance | C.Sentinel surveillance | A.Active surveillance | B.Passive surveillance | C.Sentinel surveillance | D.Monitoring |
In menopause, not seen is : | | FSH | A.| FSH | A.| FSH | B.| Cholestsrol | C.| Androgen | D.| Cholesterol |
Which of the following vaccines has maximum efficacy after a single dose - | Ans. is 'c' i.e., Measles | C.Measles | A.Tetanus toxoid | B.DPT | C.Measles | D.Typhoid |
Substrate-level phosphorylation seen in reaction catalysed in: | C i.e. Succinyl CoA thiokinase | C.Succinyl CoA thiokinase | A.Succinate dehydrogenase | B.Alfa-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase | C.Succinyl CoA thiokinase | D.Malate dehydrogenase |
Given type of skull is seen in : - | Cephalic Index ( CI ) of various race groups: | B.Pure Aryans | A.Mongolian | B.Pure Aryans | C.Chinese | D.Europeans |
Post ovulation, the cervical mucus : | ls thick | B.Is thick | A.Shows pattern on drying | B.Is thick | C.Is thin and cellular | D.Is thin and alkaline |
Which of the following is not a pa of Epithalamus: | Geniculate bodies | D.Geniculate bodies | A.Pineal body | B.Posterior commissure | C.Trigonum habaenulae | D.Geniculate bodies |
Poor prognostic factor in schizopaEUR' hrenia is: | Gradual onset | D.Gradual onset | A.Acute onset | B.Family history of affective disorder | C.Middle age | D.Gradual onset |
For hiatus hernia, investigation of choice is not related-surgery | . | C.Barium meal upper GI in Trendelenburg position | A.Barium meal follow through | B.Barium meal upper GI | C.Barium meal upper GI in Trendelenburg position | D.Barium meal double contrast |
What is the minimum fluid urine output for neutral solute balance? | Ans. is 'c' i.e., 500 ml | C.500 ml | A.300 ml | B.400 ml | C.500 ml | D.750 ml |
Full form of ASHA | ASHA: Accredited Social Health Activist | B.Accredited social health activist | A.Associate social health activist | B.Accredited social health activist | C.Advanced social health activist | D.Assistant social health activist |
Best diagnostic test for Best's disease is: | Ans. EOG | C.EOG | A.Dark adaptation | B.ERG | C.EOG | D.Gonioscopy |
Central tendency is not given by | Central tendency is given by mean, median, mode. | B.Range | A.Mean | B.Range | C.Median | D.Mode |
Cyclic trend is shown by ? | Ans. is 'c' i.e., Influenza pandemic | C.Influenza pandemic | A.Polio epidemic | B.Rabies | C.Influenza pandemic | D.Malaria |
Following is transmitted as autosomal dominant disorder ? | Ans. is 'c' i.e., Hereditary spherocytosis | C.Hereditary spherocytosis | A.Albinism | B.Sickle cell anemia | C.Hereditary spherocytosis | D.Glycogen storage disease |
Drug used in irritable bowel syndrome with constipation | Lubiprostone (CL- channel activator). | A.Lubiprostone | A.Lubiprostone | B.Fedotozine | C.Loperamide | D.Mebeverine |
Bromocriptine - | Ans. is 'a' i.e., Inhibits prolactin release | A.Inhibits prolactin release | A.Inhibits prolactin release | B.Inhibits adrenalin synthesis | C.Inhibits insulin synthesis | D.Inhibits thyroid synthesis |
What is the most common malignancy affecting spleen -- | Ans. is 'd' i.e., Lymphoma | D.Lymphoma | A.Angiosarcoma | B.Hamaoma | C.Secondaries | D.Lymphoma |
Agent which dissolves rubber – | Halothane and methoxyflurane are absorbed by rubber. | A.Halothane | A.Halothane | B.Enflurane | C.Desflurane | D.Isoflurane |
The HSG report shows? | Ans. (a) Hydrosalpinx | A.Hydro-salpinx | A.Hydro-salpinx | B.Uterus didelphys | C.Adenomyosis | D.Endometriosis |
Speed of conduction is fastest in: | D i.e. Purkinje System | D.Purkinje system | A.AV node | B.SA node | C.Bundle of His | D.Purkinje system |
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