Space Weather rarely affects us here on Earth, but when it does, the results can be crippling. This presentation provides space weather safety tips, details the potential effects of hazardous space weather, and takes a look at the science behind the phenomena. Get informed and be prepared!
Yesterday, I received the book from Amazon.com and quickly scanned the first couple of chapters — enough to convince me she’s a much better writer than on-stage interviewer. On the page, she doesn’t interject herself into the narrative. Frankly, I’m typically not a fan of biographies of still active business executives — or in the case of her book, biographical vingettes strung together in a book-length “trend story.” Over the years, I’ve discovered that books about dead people are more instructive than books about the living. Call me old fashioned — or morbid. For example, I tried really hard to like the recent book about Steve Jobs by Leander Kahney, Inside Steve’s Brain. And while I found it nice that he eschewed the typical recounting of Jobs’ darker side, it is still a bit flat. I was especially disappointed by what must have been a publisher’s request that he put bullet-point “lessons from Steve” at the end of each chapter. Lesson from Inside Steve’s Brain: If you want to throw cold water on a biography, end each chapter in ready-for-Power Point bullet points. Bullet points in a biography are about as elegant as big buttons on an MP3 player. Sidenote: I really love the way that Amazon.com “Search Inside” logo juxtaposes with the book cover in that screen grab above.
Join Marianne Williamson for Sunday services at Agape!(Archives can also be viewed here.)9:00AM Service: 11:30AM Service: If you have enjoyed this service, please share the love by clicking one of the .
Learn about early spring wildflowers with expert naturalists. Event is rain or shine, wear comfortable clothing and footwear, bring a water bottle. The hike will cross some hilly and challenging terrain. Meet at the Rock Chapel Sanctuary Parking Lot on Rock Chapel Road, Dundas (note there is RBG pay parking). Space is limited and RSVPs are required, contact Jen Baker at [email protected] or 905-524-3339 to register. Want to learn about gardening for wildlife and help to build Hamilton's Pollinator Corridor by creating pollinator habitat in your yard? Gardeners from RBG and local ecologist Paul O'Hara will share tips, including native plants for sunny and shady yards. We will also tour HNC's established pollinator habitat at Victoria Park and neighbouring yards that are part of the Pollinator Corridor. Please contact Jen Baker at [email protected] or 905-524-3339 if you plan on attending.
Your Excellencies and distinguished delegates; thank you for the opportunity to speak at this roundtable and to deliver this statement on behalf of the Prime Minister. We thank the Secretary-General for his leadership in bringing together UN Member States at this historic event. Much has been said already about the overwhelming scale of forced displacement. Australia stands with the global community in recognising it is unacceptable, untenable, and well beyond the capacity of any one country to tackle. We need a sustained and multifaceted effort to address the complex drivers of mass migration. We need to be strong to counter the failures of governance that drive irregular migration. We need to be compassionate in offering support and opportunity to those displaced by conflict and persecution, and to their host communities. At a time of unprecedented challenge to the rules-based system of international migration, we must not forget the economic and cultural bounty brought by the movement of people between our countries. Australia is a nation of 24 million people, built in part on migration from Afghan cameleers who established a transportation system across the Australian continent in the nineteenth century, to the Europeans who came to work on the farms and in the mines that enriched Australia, and to the Vietnamese refugees who transformed our suburban streetscapes, to our commitment to resettle thousands of Syrians and Iraqis – we have a long and successful history of managed migration and the promotion of lawful mobility – whether to bring needed skills to our workforce, enable families to reunite or to offer protection for those facing persecution. Over the past seven decades, around seven million people have migrated to Australia. If immigration continues at this rate, it is projected to add another 13 million people to Australia's population by 2060. We have first-hand experience that only orderly, safe and well-managed migration policies allow a nation to realise its full positive economic, social and cultural rewards of immigration. Australia's recent history has seen extraordinary challenges to our sovereignty. The way in which we have responded to these challenges has been critical to maintaining the confidence of Australians in our migration policy and practices. These policies and practices were not developed from a basis of fear – how could they be, when more than one in four Australian residents born overseas, and close to half of the population with at least one parent born elsewhere. Immigrants and their descendants are foundational to Australia's human capital and social fabric. The horrific images of people drowning trying to make it to our shores are etched in our national consciousness. Perilous voyages arranged by people smugglers, criminal syndicates, motivated only by greed and trading in human misery. The fundamental reform of our border protection policies sent an unequivocal message that people smugglers do not offer a path to Australia. Life in Australia is not an illicit commodity to be sold to the desperate and vulnerable at a great profit. Public confidence in migration and refugee intakes is strongest when the Australian Government provides safe pathways for those most in need, rather than unsafe pathways offered by people smugglers to those who can pay. Australia is a world leader in investing in refugees by offering settlement services that are responsive to the needs of our culturally diverse communities and Australia's offshore humanitarian programme was the largest in 30 years last financial year and it is set to grow further. We fulfil our promise of offering a new start in life to the persecuted who arrive under our resettlement programme, in the form of housing, language training and cultural awareness, as well as education, health and welfare. Australia today shows the rich rewards that managed migration bestows not only on the migrant, but also on the economy and culture of the receiving community. In spite of the ordeals they have endured, refugees arriving in Australia display strong entrepreneurial qualities compared with other migrant groups – with a higher than average proportion engaging in small and medium business enterprises. The facts also show that many humanitarian arrivals will struggle to find work and learn English, which are critical to their long term integration and welfare - hence Australia has invested heavily in world standard settlement services. Your Excellencies, Australia's immigration policies have focused on finding a balance between population growth, nation building and economic needs, while sharing the responsibility for resettling the most vulnerable refugees. The Australian story demonstrates how societies can benefit from safe, orderly and well managed migration.
Robert Skidelsky talks about his new book with Rob Johnson of the Institute for New Economic Thinking. LONDON – The United Kingdom’s “Remainers,” who still hope to reverse Britain’s decision to leave the European Union, have placarded British cities with a simple question: “Brexit – Is It Worth It?” Well, is it? This essay, published in the New Statesman, is based on a lecture hosted on 19th September by the Progressive Economy Forum, of which Lord Skidelsky is a Council member. Labour has always been set a higher standard on the economy than the Conservatives: it had to be more orthodox, more competent, more successful to win equal praise or escape equal blame. The reason is not hard to find: created and financed by the trade unions, and committed to the abolition of capitalism, the Labour Party faced obvious difficulties in guaranteeing what John Maynard Keynes called a “political and social atmosphere congenial to the average business man”. Not that it necessarily wanted to: it was torn between wanting to “manage capitalism” better than the Conservatives and the desire to achieve socialism. LONDON – Bad economics breeds bad politics. The global financial crisis, and the botched recovery thereafter, put wind in the sails of political extremism. Between 2007 and 2016, support for extremist parties in Europe doubled. France’s National Rally (formerly the National Front), Germany’s Alternative für Deutschland (AfD), Italy’s League party, the Freedom Party of Austria (FPÖ), and the Sweden Democrats have all made electoral gains in the past two years. And I haven’t even mentioned Donald Trump or Brexit. praise or escape equal blame. Over the weekend, just ten years ago, the investment firm Lehman Bros collapsed, and the world economy collapsed after it. I feel a little reluctant to add to the torrent of words trying to read the runes of this catastrophe for the better management of affairs in the future. But, by chance or cunning, a book of mine, called Money and Government: A challenge to mainstream economics, has just been published. This tries to set the collapse of 2008 in a historical context. It has been inspired by John Maynard Keynes, who believed that the collapse of the 1930s needed the response of a new economic theory, and a new, or rather very old, conception of statecraft.
Dewey Blocksma is a Michigan artist who studied medicine at the Northwestern University Medical School. He worked as an emergency room physician for ten years before pursuing art. His work has been described as being, on the surface, witty and whimsical, while on a deeper level, his work evokes the concept of beauty in imperfection. His paintings typically represent moments from his life and, on his work, he states: "I use painting as a way to figure out what I'm trying to say, not as a way to explain what I'm thinking."
In just the past few years, David Garcia has emerged as a top songwriter and producer who’s had success in several music genres. Based in Nashville, he is best known for co-writing the massive pop & country hit “Meant to Be” (Bebe Rexha & Florida Georgia Line), which was number one on the Billboard Hot Country Songs for a record 50 consecutive weeks. “Meant to Be” also reached #2 on the Billboard Hot 100 pop chart. In addition, Garcia co-wrote the current country hit “Take Back Home Girl” by Chris Lane (featuring Tori Kelly). And last year (2017), he co-wrote the #1 hit “More Girls Like You” for Kip Moore. All three of these hits were co-written by Garcia’s friend and frequent collaborator, Josh Miller. On top of this, Garcia has produced country star Carrie Underwood’s upcoming album, which includes her new single, “Cry Pretty.” Garcia produced the entire album with Underwood and co-wrote several songs with her. Impressively, Garcia is already a four-time Grammy Award winner for his work in the Contemporary Christian Music genre, and he’s won nine Dove Awards. One of his Grammy Awards is for Best Contemporary Christian Song, for co-writing the #1 CCM hit “Overcomer” by Mandisa. Notably, in 2015 Garcia was named ASCAP’s Christian Music Songwriter of the Year. We are pleased to do this new Q&A interview with David Garcia. He tells how he co-wrote the big hit “Meant to Be” and his other hits, and he discusses his recent work with Carrie Underwood. DK: How did you get started as a musician and songwriter? I read that you were born in New York. David Garcia: I moved to Florida when I was around 8, to the Tampa Bay area. That’s where I kind of grew up. And honestly, I grew up in church…I played and sang in church. For whatever reason, I really got into wanting to make music. At the time, I was obsessed with looking at the back of CDs, and seeing [the music credits]. Then when I was 18, I drove across country to live in Los Angeles. [I wasn’t successful yet], but I was doing music full-time. After four years in L.A., I had an opportunity where I could work out of a studio at no cost, so I moved back to the Tampa area, and I did that for a while. One thing led to another, and I started making a couple trips to Nashville. Some people told me, “You should really live here, you could do really well.” So I just made the jump. I’ve now been in Nashville for about eight years, and it’s been really good. The songwriters of the #1 hit, “Meant to Be:” (pict. l-r): David Garcia, Tyler Hubbard, Bebe Rexha & Josh Miller. DK: I read that you play keyboards. Do you also play guitar and other instruments? Garcia: Yeah, I’m one of those guys who’s a jack of all trades; I play a little bit of everything…drums, guitar, bass and keys. Keys is probably my main instrument, but over the years, I’ve also played a lot of guitar. Of course, in Nashville it’s very guitar-based. Even on my pop records, I try to fill in a guitar there, just to be different. Nowadays, you have to do a little bit of everything, because so much now is done when you write a song. You’re going from A to B very quickly, and you’re trying to make a record from the minute you’re writing the first line of the verse. Over the years, it’s come in handy to be kind of a one-man band, because it just makes it so much quicker. If you have an idea in your head, you can just get it out, instead of having to rely on calling [musicians], although Nashville has some of the best musicians in world. But as far as the starting-off process, it’s great to be able to [play all the instruments]. DK: Earlier on, you had success working with Christian music. How did you get started in this genre? Garcia: A few years ago, I’ve was fortunate to have some pretty good success in that market. I worked with some of the best artists in that genre. I’m still doing some stuff in the Christian world. More recently, I’ve worked with MercyMe and Francesca Battistelli. But I’m definitely excited about all the pop and country stuff that’s been happening. DK: How did you get into country and pop? Garcia: I was ready to branch out and try some new stuff. I said to myself…let me get in the room with people who I think are really talented. Through that process, I met (songwriter) Josh Miller—a manager friend asked, “Can you listen to the Soundcloud of my friend who’s a songwriter? He’s really good.” He sent it to me, and it was Josh’s early Soundcloud. Then I said, “Man, I’ll definitely write with him…he sounds really talented.” That’s how I met Josh, and that’s how I met a lot of people and one thing led to another. Quite honestly, It’s been pretty amazing. I met my manager, Nate Lowery, through that exchange. He was Josh’s publisher, and we’ve gone on to really do some great things together. DK: Your first country hit was “More Girls Like You” by Kip Moore. How did this song come together? Garcia: Kip is a great artist. What you hear on that recording (of “Most Girls Like You”) is what we did that day. Kip and I produced it together and I ended up mixing and engineering it. Kip is a phenomenal talent in the studio. He can play, he can sing, and he’s got a great instinct when it comes to songwriting. After what we did that day, I said, if I can make it with Kip I could do it with anybody as far as country goes, because he’s really on top of his game. We went on to write several songs for the record, and I’m really proud of those songs. DK: Your next hit turned out to be “Meant to Be,” with Bebe Rexha and Florida Georgia Line. Georgia Line), which was co-written by David Garcia. Garcia: We wrote the song in L.A. We were at a studio called Nightbird Studio, and we were there writing and hanging out for a week. It was me, Josh Miller and Tyler Hubbard (of Florida Georgia Line). I think it was on a Thursday night that we met Bebe Rexha. We literally started with that piano part that you hear, and we had a demo at the end of the night that is very similar to what you hear on the radio. The A&R exec at the time, Jeff Fenster (formerly of Warner Bros. Records), had a discussion with us about how to make it a little more Bebe, and we went in and added a few more elements, and it came together really quickly. Garcia: Yes, that was written by me, Josh and the incredible (hit songwriter) Hillary Lindsey, who’s a favorite collaborator of mine. We do a lot of stuff together. DK: You’ve recently finished producing Carrie Underwood’s new album. Can you talk about this project? Garcia: Carrie and I produced the record together, and it comes out in September. The first single (“Cry Pretty”) is out and it’s been doing very well. I couldn’t be more excited about it, because I think it’s a different shade from the colors that she’s already done. I think it’s going to be really exciting, and I can’t wait for people to hear it. She’s probably one of the most iconic voices of our time…she’s in a league of her own. You’ll hear her being kind of raw and emotional on some of these songs. We also wrote a lot of songs together. DK: How did Carrie decide that she wanted you to produce her whole album? Garcia: How this came about, was Carrie and I got hooked up through our management and we did a songwriting session together. It went really well, and the first song we wrote made the record. And from there, we started writing more. Then after a while, she came to the conclusion, like “Man, there’s something here. This stuff is really good and it’s different. It’s nothing like what I’m getting pitched.” She came to me with the idea and said, “Hey, would you be interested in doing this record together?” And I said, “Absolutely. Sign me up” (laughs). It was really cool because it was an organic thing…I feel like we built a lot of trust together through this process. By the time it came to the studio, we were already on the same page, without even having to communicate a lot of stuff. This is something that I think is important when you’re working with an artist. You want to be able to understand where they’re coming from and what they’re trying to accomplish with their music. DK: I read that you’ve also collaborated with hip-hop artist, NF. What was it like working with NF? Garcia: Well, I’ve been working with NF since his first record (Mansion, in 2015), and he’s on his third now. He just had his first Top 40 pop song (“Let You Down”) which is amazing. When I first met him, I had wanted to do some different stuff. I’ll never forget it—he got on the mic and I just had goosebumps. When we did (the title cut) “Mansion,” it was one of his first, early songs. He is just an incredibly talented person. He signed with a Christian label, but I think that even from day one, the music was so much bigger than a subgenre. I’m really proud that the whole world is getting to hear his talent and appreciate it. DK: Currently, your hit “Meant to Be” has become one of the biggest country singles of all time, with 34 weeks so far at #1 on the Billboard chart. How does it feel to be a part of such a special song? Garcia: Of course, it’s been absolutely incredible. What’s crazy is, when you’ve done music for so long, it’s hard to appreciate the full capacity of it, because it’s your day job. We’re always onto the next record, to the next project. But I will say this. What’s been the most amazing thing about the song, is to know that the listeners really championed the song. It was never meant to be…no pun intended (laughs). At the onset, it wasn’t meant to be a single. I think what happened was, we all saw the consumption of it and how many people were listening to it, and it really grew into a wildfire. The amazing thing that we have now with music, is that the streaming thing has turned the business a little bit around and upside down…everybody’s starting to find their footing. Everybody now has access to [all music]; they can choose. It’s the most level playing field we have. And for composers, songwriters and music people, I think that this is awesome, because for all intents and purposes, that really blurred a lot of lines. Is this a country song? Is this a pop song? It wasn’t about (the traditional way of ) taking it to country radio and promoting it. It really didn’t matter, because people just heard the song and loved it.
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Are you look for a high-energy Keynote Speaker? Are you looking for a trainer who can customize Strategic Sales Workshop? You’ve come to the right place. Disruptions happen daily in sales. Your rejections outnumber your sales, your prospecting funnel runs dry, or your competitor snags your largest client. Whether it’s sales sabotage, industry downswing, or a personal crisis, life knocks you down. The difference between those who rise above disruptions and those defeated? How you “Bounce Up” from adversity. Eliminate the Sticky Ball, Hacky Sack and Superball Syndrome that loses sales. Develop powerful verbal and non-verbal tools to implement during turbulent times. Measure your current “Bounce Up” factor and determine the fundamental shifts to increase positivity, productivity, and profits. Define your “Bounce Up” blueprint to produce better results, close more sales, and hit higher quotas. Sales professionals, companies, and conference and trade show attendees who want a checklist of tools they can apply immediately to increase results, sales, and revenue. Setbacks hit everyone. Whether it’s infrastructure challenges, disruptive situations or a personal crisis, adversity happens. While you can’t control life’s face-plants, you can control how you “Bounce Up” from those knockdowns. In Mj Callaway’s interactive keynote, your team members or audience will learn how to “Bounce Up” from three major roadblocks Mj coined Sticky Ball, Hacky Sack, and Superball Syndrome to stay positive, productive, and profitable. Integrate three “bounce up” techniques so that your team becomes more effective with each other and clients. Measure your current “Bounce Up” factor to determine the fundamental shifts for personal and professional success. Don’t struggle any longer. Call Mj today!
Meitu is more than just a misspelling of “Meizu“. With its smartphones and applications all about you, yourself and your selfie, you might be wondering if there’s a feasible market to keep it running? Maybe. But it definitely wants a feasible market to head into. It has applied for an Initial Public Offering of shares on the Hong Kong stock exchange looking for a valuation from $500 million to $1 billion. The location’s notable in that tech stocks take up only 10 percent of the market, a relatively low number compared with locales in mainland China and, of course, New York. Tencent, Lenovo and Alcatel parent company TCL are all listed in the former British colony. Meitu wants in on a market with more blue-chips than computer chips to take up more of the investor limelight. Meitu is hoping to get its call numbers in the fourth quarter.
Message #1 Posted by Tze Siu on 10 June 2002, 6:20 p.m. I have a one year old 48GX. Even since it was new I've noticed that the response is quite slow. When I type in a number and then hit ENTER or one of the operating keys, sometimes it takes a few seconds to complete the operation. I've changed the batteries but I got the same result. Any suggestions? Thanks. please take a look at www.hpcalc.org and search for FAQ. In general, the HP-48 is not too slow, but due to some housekeeping mechanisms (Garbage Collection) there are little pauses here and there.
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The Board of Commissioners welcomes applications from all Township residents interested in applying for future vacancies on Township Boards/Commissions. Vacancies for some boards are currently available. Interested candidates may fill out the application form below. Need To Report Dead Wildlife On The Roads?
We all love the feel-good factor of a massage, but remedial massage is a unique specialisation that can help to heal and treat both body and mind.Remedial massage is one of the many wellness benefits included within most CUA Health Insurance Extras cover.To ensure our members have a good understanding of how and why they might benefit from remedial massage, we’ve spoken to a leading provider in Victoria to learn about the most common reasons why people use remedial massage and the many health benefits provided by this popular wellness therapy. Learn about the top three reasons why people use remedial massage, and find out how it can heal and treat both body and mind. Chairman’s message to CUA members and Frequently Asked Questions. CUA Health will continue to focus on ways to return more value back to its members, confirming that 2019 will see one of its lowest average premium increases over the past two decades. Australia’s largest credit union CUA has today been recognised for its commitment to workplace gender equality for the fifth consecutive year. CUA Health will continue to focus on ways to return more value back to its members, confirming that 2019 will see one of its lowest average premium increases over the past two decades. On 06/02/2019, CUA was notified by property valuation firm LandMark White of a potential breach of their data system. This was subsequently confirmed as a confirmed as an actual breach incident on 13/02/2019. Our thoughts are with all residents in Townsville who have been affected by flooding.
Pool Construction Services :: Hackl Pool Construction Co., Inc. Specializing in custom pools, spas, fountains and other water features, Hackl Pool Construction Co., Inc. is a leader in the industry. Our owners are at every job site, building your pool with their own hands. Customizing your pool is a fantastic way to transform your outdoor space. We can help you impress your friends with eye catching designs and special features that will bring entertainment at your home to the next level. Hackl Pool Construction Co., Inc. is a full service pool installation company. Our expert team can help you get the pool of your dreams whether you come to us with a fully planned out sketch or a completely blank slate. We can help you design the perfect pool to fit your space, budget and needs, and then construct it to perfection. Don’t settle for a boring backyard pool. When it comes to shape, size, lighting, tile design and more, you can customize all these features to perfectly complement your home and backyard. Custom pools can include everything from a water slide for the kids to a swim up bar for entertaining guests. A contemporary customized pool adds value to your home, while also giving your family and friends a great place to beat the Florida heat. Add an extra bit of luxury to your pools with a spa. Aesthetically, spas are a beautiful touch to a gorgeous pool, completing your backyard oasis. Beyond that, spas are a great stress reliever, perfect for relaxing after a long, hard day at work. Hackl Pool Construction Co., Inc. can help you design the perfect pool and spa combination, or we can seamlessly integrate a brand new spa into an existing pool for a beautiful upgrade. Hackl Pool Construction Co., Inc. offers a variety of options to customize your pool. The combination of lighting fixtures, tile selection, fountains and more can create a unique outdoor paradise right in your backyard. We’ll lend our expertise to help you get the pool of your dreams whether you want a traditional style or something more exotic such as an infinity edge, salt water pool, lap pool and more.
By Ariadne Dimoulas – This article series will look into inventions shaping today’s seascape. How has our mariner history resulted in today’s groundbreaking inventions? Which inventions direct our future? What is the catalyst for these inventions, meaning what is the intersection between a particular place and particular person that causes such a revolutionary spark? Finally, we will take a look at the story of a particular invention shaping the marine world today with far-reaching consequence for tomorrow. There is a saying “necessity is the mother of inventions”, yet defining the spark of an invention as a simple human or societal need doesn’t fully describe what an invention is, or its place in humanity. When we consider today’s boats, planes, trains, cars, phones etc. it seems obvious to consider our species modern existence is possible only because of inventions. Perhaps less obvious are how inventions in systems such as agriculture and aquaculture have shaped what we eat. Inventions in microscopes shaped our understanding of disease transmittal and therefore increased our longevity. Inventions in water transport from Greeco-Roman aquifers to modern sewer systems have influenced the development of communities into a world that now boasts 31 mega-cities, on a trajectory of 41 megacities by 2030, where a mega city has more than 10 million residents. Many times inventions can be conceived through the blending of necessity, expertise, and circumstances. Arctic ship developments and improved ballast water treatments could be considered examples of inventions created from cross-disciplinary thinking driven by new opportunities. Scrubbers and scrubber adaptations for shipping exhaust appear to be inventions driven by changing policy creating necessity. For this first article, let’s dive into an exciting advancement seen in our marine seascape utilizing cross-disciplinary collaboration and new thinking to overcome an old problem. “At Rafnar, our favorite season in Iceland is winter, as it provides the best opportunities to test our craft in the conditions they are ideally suited for. Yesterday was a good day at the office when the Rafnar team took a Leiftur 1100 out for sea trials in significant wave heights of 2.5 meters and 10-13m/s wind speeds. As winter has only just arrived, more fun days out at sea are certainly still to come in steadily “improving” conditions. –“ Photo Credit Instagram rafnar_shipyard November 15,2017. Cruising around and slamming against seas because of rough weather is not safe or enjoyable. Thankfully a solution is brought to life in the form of innovative boat hulls from an Icelandic company, Rafnar. Their disruptive technological breakthrough in boat hull design could change our entire seascape industry, with implications reaching from luxury boat markets to search and rescue vessels. One might not normally want to go sailing in rough seas, but a Rafnar Hull cleaves through the water even in the roughest conditions. The boat is always planed, as you increase speed you have an impression that the keel is being sucked into the water resulting in a feeling that is both controlled and nimbly gliding. Bear in mind, this is through huge swells that normally would slam you into the ceiling of your cabin. Rafnar’s groundbreaking technology Rafnar Hull was invented by a broad thinking individual who founded Rafnar, Össur Kristinsson. Össur Kristinsson was already renowned for his revolutionary developments in prosthetic technology. Kristinsson is both a prosthetist and a prosthetic user. His company named “Össur” became very successful and inspirational through innovations in silicone lining interface of prosthetic socket technology, which has improved millions of lives. As a serial inventor, Kristinsson brings the invention to a final mature stage, then hands the project over to his commercialization team in order for the invention to reach full market potential. Though the Rafnar Hull is not his first groundbreaking invention, Kristinsson had always been interested in sailing and when he studied in Sweden he became particularly interested in Fredrik Ljungstorm’s circular hull. From the success of his prosthetic company, being now an affluent mariner, Kristinsson decided to buy himself a yacht that has a tender. It was then Kristinsson realized how much he hated being bounced around in a small boat and wondered why people just accepted being bounced around in small boats in rough weather? Out of this necessity, for comfort and safety in all types of seas, Rafnar’s vision was born. In addition to the world needing a hull that mitigates wave slamming, Kristinsson also believed it was time a company was named after his wife. Her family name, Rafnar, was selected as the company’s name. With Iceland’s Viking naval history, the name also fit appropriately to the story of Raven-Flóki, the first Norseman to deliberately sail to Iceland, in 868 AD. He took with them three ravens to aid him in his search for the land up north, and the third raven guided him to Iceland. Rafnar resembles the Icelandic word for raven and the company’s logo is a silhouette of a raven gliding above the water, its body conveniently mirroring the unique curves of the Rafnar Hull. Kristinsson with his team of naval architects and engineers took 10 years of developing and improving prototypes through tank tests, field trials and computational fluid dynamics simulations to build the final product. During the last four years of development, from 2011 to 2015, the team collaborated with the Icelandic Coast Guard in order to improve and enhance the design with end-user feedback. Not only a local for Rafnar, but the Icelandic Coast Guard are arguably among the most demanding marine end users in the world due to the arctic sea states their boats need to navigate in around the coast of Iceland. To learn more about the stages of Rafnar’s revolution in hull design, and their plans for the future, I reached out to Kar Birgir Björnsson, Rafnar’s Director of Business Development. Karl officially joined the company in 2016, after having worked with them on their transition into commercialization. Karl starts by explaining how Rafnar is entering its next stage of commercial development. The plan from the beginning was to conduct early stages of prototypes designs and initial commercial boat building in Iceland. Rafnar now works with commercial and build partners in key locations around the world in order to have Rafnar Hull boats available and produced locally. Will the aluminum build be as robust as the fiberglass builds? Without sharing proprietary information, could you give me a synopsis of the stages of Rafnar Hull’s invention to the creation process? Were there many pitfalls, dead ends, or noteworthy breakthroughs? Was there ever a time when there was serious doubt that this new design would actually work? I have learned that Rafnar’s founder Össur Kristinsson was inspired by Fredrik Ljungstorm arc-of-circle radius, invented for its circular arc hull. Although I have heard that this design, referred to as a Ljungstorms Sailboat, was unstable for heavy weather as the circular arc hull similar to a shallow v hull, does not cleave the water well. Though your hull design cleaves the water exceptionally well. How does your innovation overcome the typical circular hull drawbacks? Are emissions regulation and efficiency important to your team? Do you know any emission statistics for Rafnar Hull designs? Where can people try Rafnar’s revolutionary technology? Are you and the boat crew touring, if so where? “There was a storm recently during Askur’s stay in Poole, England, and waves got up to some 5 or 6 meters (16 to 19.7 ft.). When all the other boats stayed in, we went out, as we did during Askur’s visit in Maine. Common sense would tell you not to go out in those conditions, and common sense would also tell you not to do a very sharp turn in huge weather. But this boat cuts through all that. Each time we go out it proves itself better and better. It is truly a product of the harshest conditions, and that’s where it performs best. This all is pretty amazing, and I am very thankful you were able to share some time to explain more about Rafnar’s vision. What ways could this article help achieve some of your goals?
A poppy red, orange shade, colour. fast solubility in water for coloration of wash-off home care products such as, Melt and Pour soap, fizzy bath bombs, shampoo and bubble bath bath-gels and bath butters. Please note this is not for use in leave-on cosmetic application and product is not certified for food applicaton!!
I started back at work in September 2015 since giving birth to Kaleb in April 2015. He was only 4.5 months old when I HAD to go back. FYI this article will NOT be a chipper one. In fact it will be me RANTING on and on about how the USA’s maternity leave is a JOKE and actually downright a disgrace. Along with the many other mothers that basically have their babies ripped from their nurturing arms, I went back to work as a necessity. I was not getting paid and my family’s health insurance was cut off because I was no longer on payroll. So I went to the Health Plus office and tried to apply for medicade (temporarily just for the health insurance at least for my kids). I was denied because although I was not currently working, I am married and my husband makes “TOO MUCH” and we did not qualify. Too much ????? are you serious???? They clearly do not consider that he now has to pay ALL bills on one income! Unfortunately we live in times where most mothers cannot stay home to do the most important job EVER and raise their children. Families need at least two incomes to make ends meet. I know in some cases I am preaching to the choir. Ok, so medicade was not an option, Obama care was next. Again, based on my husband’s income (because I was no longer on payroll) The plans we qualified for were ASTRONOMICAL. Here is one example of the more affordable choice….$600 monthly premium and $6, 000 deductible for a family of 4!. This means that I would have to pay $6, 000 out of pocket until the insurance picked up any of the cost. We could NOT afford this on ONE salary…but remember he makes “too much” ….sense my sarcasm here?!?! Next we checked to see what it would cost for my husband to put us all on his insurance through his job (private company). Again another ridiculous price. For all of us to have very basic insurance, they would take $600 from his check every time he got paid. So this was even more unaffordable. There would be months we would pay over $1200 just to make sure we keep ourselves healthy?!?! Really America??? So the only option we had after exploring all avenues was for me to go back to work (I have a NYC job) where the health benefits are very good and little to no expense. I was devastated. I had just had Prince #2 and was not ready to let someone else care for him knowing I was the best for this job. I wanted to bond more with him. I shared in a separate post that his delivery was very difficult and we had gone through so much to get him here. It was not fair that I had to leave him so young and for so long. I cried myself to sleep the week before I had to show up to work. I had so much anxiety (the physical kind) for at least a month until I got used to it. So much trauma I went through and It really should not have been this way. One good thing I had on my side was that my little guy stays with my dad who is retired. So I know that he is getting good care. It helps me get through the day knowing my son is with the man who raised me. I can trust him and know my son is loved and being well cared for. I also know that although the situation is totally messed up It is necessary for me to do. It ensures my family is covered and for them I will do anything. No matter the sacrifice and how it makes me feel, I will always make sure my kids have what they need. Rant over! Please comment and share your “back to work …already” story and how you coped.
"Error:Invalid service catalog service: image" and "Error: Unable to retrieve image list" I have configured up to block storage in CentOS by following the OpenStack official documentation(Mitaka) and re-checked the configurations three times. For the installation of neutron i have used Option 1 "Provider Networks". My problem is :- In the Horizon Dashboard i'am getting the following two errors when trying to create image. "Error: Invalid service catalog service: image" "Error: Unable to retrieve image** list" Also the "cirros-0.3.4-x86_64-disk" image that uploaded in the initial configuration through the CLI also not showing in the dashboard. So please give me a idea and information of fixing this error. Here is my related information. Thanks for the comment barry.davis. The problem is solved. Hi Oshan, I am facing similar problem in Ubuntu. Can you please let me know how you solved the problem? Recently I encountered the same problem, after removing duplicate glance entries from openstack service list the problem has resolved. my previous response: who asks a question, finds a solution themselves, and then doesn't post the answer? This is rude. ova glance deployment fails "operating system not found"
How do we get feedback on our performance, and how do we make that feedback actionable? Patting ourselves or someone else on the back and saying, “Good job!”, when we both know it wasn’t doesn’t do anyone any good. We need to be weighed in the balance. We need an honest evaluation of our performance, the bad with the good, in order to get better. For me, it helps to have a partner or coach, or even better, a community of practice. I need people who watch me perform, who are knowledgeable in my area of performance, and whom I trust and can be vulnerable with. It’s often hard to see ourselves in an objective light. It is helpful, if painful, to see our performance through the eyes of others. At the same time watching them perform, or listening to their ideas of how an expert ought to perform, can teach us what to practice, how to practice, and how to perform better. The pain of evaluation leads to the joy of success. I’m not a big tennis fan, but the pictures I’ve seen of Roger Federer often make me stand still and take notice. The expression on his face while in full swing looks more calm and relaxed than that on a Buddha. We admire those who have this kind of focus, but where does it come from? How do we get it? There’s a scene in Glory where Matthew Broderick’s character is unimpressed with one of his soldiers fine marksmanship, and orders him to fire and reload while Broderick bangs away with his pistol and urges the man to work faster, faster, and faster. I have heard of flight simulators that continually find new ways to put pressure on pilots, to confront them with difficult situations they’ve never seen before. Maybe the experts take control of these situations by creating practice scenarios that require them to perform under difficult and distracting situations, rather than what is ideal. I remember a story about a young man who wanted to learn how to be a samurai. So he sought out an old man reputed to be a master and the master agreed. But rather than teach him about fighting, the master bade the student do all sorts of chores for him, and then would sneak up unawares and give the student a whack with a cane. Finally one day the student saw the master bent over a pot cooking a meal, and decided he would give the old man a taste of his own medicine. So he snuck up on him and brought the cane down on the old man’s head from behind, but the old man caught the blow with the lid from the pot – satori. I have a really vivid imagination for things I dread, but not for things I want to happen, especially for the minutiae of life. I can’t imagine reviewing that astronaut’s matrix over and over in my mind the way he did. I’ve been practicing yoga since I was a senior in high school, i.e., for over thirty years. And yet I don’t really feel like I’m any “better” now than when I began. At the same time, I’ve never really “visualized” myself going through a perfect yoga routine. What would that experience feel like? What would it look like through my eyes as I move from posture to posture? I especially struggle with the balancing postures, even the most basic. But yesterday I tried to visualize in my mind’s eye what it would feel like to do the posture perfectly, and I did notice a difference. Could I have been wrong?
Fox has handed a 13-episode series order to animated family comedy Duncanville, from Amy Poehler and her Paper Kite Productions, The Simpsons‘ veteran Mike Scully and his wife, former Simpsons writer-producer Julie Scully, 20th Century Fox TV and Universal TV, where Poehler is under a development deal. Fox had ordered a script and pilot presentation for the previously untitled project last year. Written by Mike and Julie Scully, Duncanville features Poehler as the voice of two characters, along with Emmy nominee Rashida Jones (Parks and Recreation, Angie Tribeca) and Golden Globe nominee Wiz Khalifa (American Dad!, BoJack Horseman). It’s slated to premiere during the 2019-2020 season. The series centers on the life of Duncan, a spectacularly average 15-year-old boy, his family and friends. Poehler will provide the voice of Duncan and his high-strung mom, Annie, who is constantly trying to prevent her son from ruining his life. Produced by 20th Century Fox Television and Universal Television, Duncanville was co-created by Mike and Julie Scully and Amy Poehler, through her Paper Kite Productions, who executive-produce with Dave Becky of 3 Arts Entertainment. Joy will voice the role of Duncan’s younger sister. Joy voices the AI character Failsafe for the Destiny 2 videogame from Bungie.
While testing my app with valgrind, i found one leak that is reproduced with ffprobe. Read errors valgrind mentions are irrelevant on the subject. See ffmpeg version and configuration in the listing. It's today's git master HEAD. ==20267== Copyright (C) 2002-2010, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al. leak.ts​ (1.0 MB) - added by Krieger 7 years ago. ==19387== Copyright (C) 2002-2009, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al.
TWW766F was delivered as West Yorkshire's CRG6 during Jan 1968. It had 47 coach seats in it's Eastern Coachworks body, number 17064. Its chassis (number RELH-4-150) was powered by a Gardner engine.
The next time you want to get away, whether it's for just the night or for a month, think about what your vehicle is built for. Is it a stout German sedan built for eating up miles on the Autobahn? A wagon that can comfortably sleep two? Maybe it's an SUV that has for some reason never seen dirt. These vehicles all have qualities that make them uniquely capable of dictating where you might go.
Yes, yes, I’m still around. I’ve been busy (but who isn’t busy right?). At the moment I’m on a contract up in the highlands of Scotland in a little mountain village called Aviemore. I’ve been keeping notes in my paper notebook, so perhaps when I’m finished here I’ll spend sometime digesting my experiences and then post them.
34 floors office tower, two more of garage in the building adjacent, directly linked to its corresponding in the main tower. Building total area is 58,905 m² and a leasable area totaling 41,469 m², with 400 exclusive parking spaces. The views are excellent, especially on the higher floors. The Torre Almirante building is located in a privileged location in the business center of Rio de Janeiro. The strategic location at the corner of two of the most traditional business avenues of the city Almirante Barroso and Graca Aranha, offers unparalleled views and easy access.
When Mark Piccirillo started playing football in first grade, there was no telling just how good of an athlete he would become. Flash forward to Mark's senior year of college, and he is arguably one of the best quarterbacks to have come through the NESCAC. But despite his talents, Mark attributes much of his success to the support of his family and coaches, and to the skills of his fellow teammates. Being a quarterback is a unique and challenging position, because it takes technical precision and mental toughness. Quarterbacks typically garner most of the recognition for wins, as they are the face of the team and often in the limelight. Having this role on a team can be difficult, and many quarterbacks struggle to stay humble. Mark, however, is a very unique quarterback because he doesn't think that he makes the team, quite the contrary, he believes that it is his teammates that make him a better player and person. Before Mark arrived at Wesleyan, he had a seasoned career at Shelton High School (Conn.). As a senior in 2014, he racked up numerous accolades including New Haven Register All-Area MVP, Connecticut Post Super 33 MVP, National Football Foundation and College Hall of Fame Scholar Athlete, Walter Camp Player of the Year, Walter Camp First Team, First Team All-State, Southern Connecticut Division I Player of the Year, Shelton High School MVP, 960 WELI Player of the Year and the Connecticut Coach DeMaio Player of the Year. Wesleyan Athletic Director Mike Whalen had the privilege of getting to know Mark throughout his recruiting process and remembers recognizing immediately that Mark had the it factor. "Having been around college football for over 30 years, I have been fortunate to have been around some very talented quarterbacks. Just like Mark, they all had the it factor. It is tough to define, however, when you see someone who has it, you know right away." During Mark's time at Shelton, he helped guide his team to a State Championship (12-1 record), while setting career records for passing yards (5,976), passing touchdowns (64), total yards (8,835) and total touchdowns (110). Mark's high school campaign did not come without it's own challenges. During his early years, he had torn his hamstring, and despite playing through the pain, he was always worried about reinjuring it. However, Mark is the type of athlete that is focused on his goals and would not let anything stand in his way. This dedication and persistence is why as a first-year student at Wesleyan, he became a starter midway through the season. To be a starter as a freshman is not super common, but Mark believes that, "You have to make sure that you are ready when they call your name," and he made sure he was ready before he even stepped on campus. Head Coach Dan DiCenzo spoke about Mark's impact early on, stating, "He is a complete player and a student of the game. He has been a leader since he walked on campus and has continued to improve in every area of his game every day." Since then, Mark has been a force on the field as a Cardinal. During his first year, he was named Wesleyan Rookie of the Year, and he was named Second Team All-NESCAC Offense during his sophomore year campaign. Last season, Mark continued to build upon previous year's successes, where he broke 11 program records and become Wesleyan's all-time leading scorer with 252 career-points and 42 career-touchdowns. During the 2017 campaign, Mark totaled 2,657 passing yards, which ranked fourth all-time among NESCAC leaders in a single-season. Additionally, he led the team in rushing as a junior and ranked sixth in the NESCAC. It is easy to look at Mark's successful career and assume that he is someone who was born with talent. However, Mark has worked extremely hard to get to where he wants to be. DiCenzo explains, "Mark has had an outstanding career. He will graduate with a bunch of offensive records and it is well deserved. As coaches, we see the work he puts in, but from the outside they just see the results. Mark has earned his success through his hard work and dedication." With his dedication and passion for the game, it is no surprise that Mark has become such a talented athlete. But what others may find shocking is his desire to pass knowledge and motivation on to his teammates. He expressed, "It's easy to see in practice when guys are tired or getting down on themselves, I know because I am tired too. But, I have to be the one that sets the tone. So, even if I am feeling terrible, I just try to get everyone going again and making sure everyone has the energy to play at a high level every day." In addition to this, Mark's mantra he preaches to younger players is, "Every time you touch the ball, you have to make something happen. You cannot take any time off." This type of mindset has allowed Mark to excel on the field and has helped to make his teammates better. Whalen explained, "Mark thrives on competition and has a real passion for the game. He has that rare ability to make everyone who plays around him better." As Mark's playing time comes to an end at Wesleyan, he will be remembered for his contributions on and off the field. Whalen expressed, "When his college career comes to an end, Mark will own many Wesleyan records. However, what I will remember most about him is his unselfish attitude, strong commitment to his teammates and his willingness to always put the needs of the team ahead of his own."
"The Big Bang Theory: 5 Reasons Why It’s Actually Good For Nerds" "How 'Big Bang' became ruler of the TV universe" We discuss The Itchy Brain Stimulation - Was this a sweeps worthy episode? Was Penny out of line with Lucy? Should Lucy have been brought back at all at this point? And more! The title is Simulation not Stimulation!
Axis Global Logistics is dedicated to providing fully customized and seamlessly integrated single-source supply chain solutions for clients across a wide variety of business sectors. We are the single point of contact through which our clients gain access to the highest quality, most comprehensive, and cost-efficient logistics support in the industry. Axis Global Logistics is a third-party logistics (3PL) provider with 11 office locations and over 1,500 agents worldwide, including in North America, Europe, and Asia. Founded in 1997 by veteran logistics professionals with decades of experience with multiple disciplines, the company provides clients across a broad array of industries and business sectors with deep expertise in supply chain management and the highest level of quality assurance. Axis’ industry-specific supply chain solutions are built on the knowledge of a powerful leadership team as well as industry-leading web-based technology that provides clients with flexibility and real-time visibility and control throughout the process.
Excellent service! I would highly recommend. Outstanding! Very helpful and did an excellent job!!! They all did a great job during such a trying time! Would highly recommend! Thank you so much for helping us through this unfortunate time! Everyone who came to our home went far beyond my expectations with their kindness, answering all my questions and guiding me through this process.
The author discusses Scenariusze filmowe [Film Screenplays] by Jerzy Stefan Stawiński and I began to work in films by chance, being a record of an interview with him conducted by Barbara Giza. Both books are a kind of tribute to Stawiński, regarded first of all as a scenarist of Polish Film School. The first of them makes it possible to realize that his work was much more extensive. Both books have managed to present Stawiński in a way that he himself would like to be presented to the reader: as a man working for films, but being above all a writer. They show an image of a man who is satisfied (in readers’ and audience’s opinions), but at the same time dissatisfied (above all in his own view). A man who had an interesting life and who was able to talk about it in an exciting way, among others, through his works.
Sandra Bullock and Melissa McCarthy’s buddy cop comedy “The Heat” will be screened in advance for Boston police officers and FBI agents. The city was stunned Monday after twin bombings at the Boston Marathon killed three people and injured scores more. Bullock, who plays an uptight “Miss Congeniality”-esque FBI agent sent to work on a case in Boston in the film, thought the screening was a small token of appreciation. “It’s been an amazing tightknit community before this happened, and it just bonded a community even more. I don’t think a screening would ever be enough, feel like it’s enough to do for them. We need female role models….its been missing for a long time. Lovely women like you can help. I have been following film for a very long time. Young women, today, watch movies. Continue to be a role model!
NEW DELHI: With little over a month to go for the crucial IOC meeting that will decide the fate of wrestling in Olympics, the international wrestling body chief Nenad Lalovic on Saturday said his federation was prepared for a long battle even if the sport fails to re-enter the Games. "If we go to St Petersburg (Russia) to be in the short list to be elected as an additional sport for the 2020 Games, it may happen that we don't succeed. We will start our fight again on the 8th of September. We will give every second of our life to reintegrate the game in the Olympics. We will succeed, may be not this summer, but soon," Lalovic said. "But if we succeed, we again start our struggle on September 8 because we want to become core sport. We are the gods of arena and will never give up," the 54-year-old Serbian, who is here for the Senior Asian Wrestling Championships, said. In the May 29 IOC meeting, wrestling would be competing with seven other sports to get recommended for possible inclusion at the 2020 Olympics. The final decision will be taken in September in Buenos Aires where the full IOC will vote to select one sport out of recommended three. "I made a tour of the planet but what is important for us is to show to the decision makers of the IOC that we can change quickly in a good way in a way and according to their requirement," he said. Lalovic, interim FILA president, said the movement to re-instate wrestling in the Olympic programme would require India's help as well. "You are a big country, you have to help us with good organisation of competitions like this (Asian Championships). I think all the countries are together for the first time and we have to lead the simultaneous action. We have to understand that only partner is the IOC and our problems can be solved only by working together with them," he said. FILA, who will be celebrating the month of May as 'World Wrestling Month', is also planning to organise simultaneous events in many countries to document glorious past of the sport. "On May 15 there will be a match between United States and Iran at the iconic Times Square in New York. Same day, Russian wrestlers will be competing against USA which will be followed by Iran versus US in Los Angeles two days later. We will leave no stone unturned to showcase the popularity of the sport," said Lalovic who will be contesting for the president's post of the world body. Lalovic rejected the suggestion of returning the Olympic medals as the form of protest, saying the move will be counterproductive. "I can understand the emotions of the wrestlers but returning medals is a very bad sign. We did everything to stop this because that doesn't help anybody. It doesn't influence IOC nor does it help us. It is counter productive," he said. Lalovic said his body was working overtime to modernize the game and make it more viewer-friendly in order to convince IOC. "It is the sport that is in human gene. We are talking with the IOC on how to remodel the competition for Olympics. We have proposed six categories each for women, freestyle and Greco Roman. We have proposed many different formats of the competition during the games of six to nine days," he said. Asked if FILA would be interested in awarding India any international competitions, Lalovic said, "It's not about giving but it's about taking. We don't have preference for anybody but we have to respect those who win the most. This is the main criteria." "I'll be happy if India has an Olympic champion in Rio because you are one-fifth of the world population. For your country wrestling is the sport that can be developed fast and the cheapest," he said.
Jay Deshmukh, an Indian national who was deputy of the AFP bureau in Tehran, had apparently tried, together with his assistant, to cover a protest gathering Feb 15 despite an official ban. The 40-year-old Deshmukh had been working for the AFP in Tehran since 2009. Dozens of reporters and photographers from the foreign media are said to have lost their accreditation for having tried to cover last month's protest demonstrations. Restrictions on local and foreign media in Iran have drastically increased following protests against alleged fraud in the June 2009 presidential election, which saw Mahmoud Ahmadinejad re-elected. Since July 2009, the foreign media has officially been banned by the foreign press department of the culture ministry from directly covering the protests and contacting opposition figures. Any violation of the ban would lead to prohibition from work or even expulsion. The Iranian judiciary last month established a special prosecution office for offences related to media.
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Yeah, I’m not really happy with this current plotline. I just want Stormwatch to continue on their missions and for Apollo and Midnighter to be cute and flirty with each other. I can’t really buy that they haven’t at least known each other enough that they would immediately turn on Midnighter. Especially since they aren’t all very sure about those Shadow Lords and think that Adam was killed by them. It seems very abrupt. I do love that Jenny’s still doing interventions, even when she’s a small child. I thought it was a nice callback to the comics before the reboot. I’m glad that Emma’s actually going to get a storyline. Even if she did get herself kidnapped again. I thought Jack’s line was uncalled for, especially since he was abducted himself by aliens; it seemed a tad out-of-character for him. Can we get some better artists on this title? Not into it. Harry Tanner is boring. Yawn. Though I’m incredibly glad that everyone figured out it’s Harry, not some Shadow Lord. However, I’m not onboard with the Engineer being all about helping Harry. I hope that she betrays him and is the one that ultimately gets rid of him. But now Midnighter and Apollo are free to date. But first, they might have to do some making out. I mean, making up. So let’s take a moment to talk about how both Angie and Jenny, who are the only minority characters, are either dehumanized completely or knocked out. Yeah, thanks for that book. As much as I like Harry being played, this entire plot with Angie going evil/dehumanized seems out of leftfield. And it seems to really negate anything we’ve seen Harry do before this. I mean, he was doing a lot of evil. Plus, I just hate the “and now I’m going to destroy all life on Earth!” plots. They are so boring. Midnighter and Apollo should just make out. The End. Follow the adventures of Stormwatch for yourself, buy Stormwatch Vol. 3: Betrayal .
SCOTT — Sometimes it’s the little things that separate winning and losing. For Matt McCullough’s Acadiana Wreckin’ Rams, the little things cost them in a 31-30 loss to Comeaux last week, a game in which the Rams led 24-0 at one point. Two short punts and a blocked punt resulted in three Spartan scoring drives in the second half, allowing the upset-minded visitors to claim a 28-24 lead. Even when Acadiana regained the lead with less than two minutes remaining, the point-after attempt was blocked. Then Acadiana dropped two potential game-sealing interceptions on a drive that ended in a game-winning field goal, handing the Rams their first loss of the season. But just as minor details can be the difference in stunning defeats, it can be the catalyst behind rousing victories. In Friday’s 35-10 Homecoming win against previously-unbeaten Sam Houston, Acadiana learned from its mistakes, mastering small facets of the game. The Rams’ defense forced three turnovers and scored off of all three. Kicker Landon Guidry converted all five of his extra points. New punter Latrell Charles consistently flipped the field, punting four times for 139 yards — an average of 34.8 yards. Acadiana also protected the ball, recovering both of its fumbles. It was impressive bounce-back effort by a young team that returned only seven starters from last year’s semifinal team, under a first-year coach. With the win, Acadiana (6-1, 3-1) now repositions itself to win District 3-5A, needing to run the table and hope the Spartans (4-3, 3-1) stumble at least once more. “It was a big game because it was the first time this young team faced some adversity after a football game,” McCullough said. “Especially the way we lost against Comeaux, blowing a 24-point lead and them kicking a field goal on the last play of the game. So it was a big for us. When the Rams avoid the self-inflicted wounds, it allows them to do what they do best. Led by 150 yards and three touchdowns from Larryll Greene, including a 65-yard scoring jaunt on the third play of the third quarter, the Veer Machine racked up 324 rushing yards. Lucky Brooks produced 91 yards and touchdown, and Dillan Monette, somewhat limited by injury, added a 3-yard touchdown in the fourth quarter. Acadiana possessed the ball for 31 minutes and 59 seconds. But the offense owes plenty to an opportunistic Acadiana defense. The Rams needed to go only 51, 23 and 4 yards after each takeaway. Sam Houston running back Gerron Duhon, a Yale commitment, left the game with an injury on the second play from scrimmage and didn’t return. Aside from a 38-yard field goal by Davis Dow — a touchdown pass was wiped out by a holding penalty earlier in the drive — the Broncos (6-1, 3-1) failed to establish any offensive rhythm until late in the fourth quarter. Sam Houston, averaging 38 points per game entering the contest, finished with just 136 yards of offense and converted on only one of its nine third-down attempts. Then when you throw in Acadiana’s flawless night on special teams, the little things began to add up. For Greene, a silver lining can be found in the Comeaux loss.
1. David Shepard did not stand up for Tennesseans against the Obamacare mandate. Possibly the biggest exercise of power against the individual citizen by the federal government is the mandate in Obamacare for individuals to purchase health insurance or pay a "tax." (2) Every person within the state has the right to purchase health insurance or to refuse to purchase health insurance. Simple right? Free people should not be required to purchase something if they do not want to. Other than Barack Obama and the other radical leftist anti-liberty forces in Washington, who would be against this? David Shepard, that's who. When the vote came up, Shepard aligned himself with Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi by voting against the Tennessee Health Freedom Act. His vote shows that he does not value individual liberty but supports extreme government mandates. In times as dire as these, any public official who will not stand up against such measures does not need to be in office. The stakes are too high. 2. David Shepard sponsored legislation that would have reduced the power of each Tennesseans' vote for President. In a truly stunning and silly move, David Shepard sponsored legislation that would have essentially allowed citizens of other states to determine which Presidential candidate gets Tennessee's Electoral College electors. The dubious named "Agreement Among the States to Elect the President by National Popular Vote" set out to do an end-run around the Electoral College, but in the process did an end-run around Tennessee voters. Here is the way it would have played out. States would agree to give their state's electoral votes to the candidate that received the most popular votes. By adding the electoral votes of the participating states together (and awarding the votes to the national popular vote winner), they would be able to give one candidate enough votes to win the presidency. Here's the problem: this system allows other state's citizens to essentially determine how Tennessee awards its electoral votes. Remember, this still is not a national popular vote. States are still awarding electoral college votes. States who are not in this agreement, would now have the ability to determine not only who gets their state's electoral slate but also how the compact states' votes are awarded. These citizens' votes would count several times while we would have no say in how their electors go. A second problem is that this legislation would take what people do not like about the Electoral College (popular vote winner might not be the Electoral College winner) and put it at the state level. You could have the situation where Candidate A wins the popular vote in Tennessee but Candidate B wins the national popular vote. Candidate B would win Tennessee's electors even though this candidate lost the state's popular vote. If David Shepard is re-elected, would he make another attempt to undermine the votes made by Tennesseans' for President?
You could makefood gift basket to match any type of rate factor also. If you truly intend to ruin an unique somebody you might invest hundreds on an expensive basket and also stack it high with all their favored deluxes, yet a straightforward tiny obstruct loaded with a few unique deals with is similarly as thoughtful. Obviously, you could load a food gift basket with anything and also whatever at the same time, however I directly like it when they have a motif. This not just makes it simpler to purchase, often having way too many alternatives as well as concepts makes it difficult, yet likewise allows the recipient recognize that you developed their best present basket with only them in mind. Regardless of whether you have this made up simply prepared to bring out on a homebound day, or you offer it to somebody to set them up ahead of time, this cold day food gift basket would shin a light on any desolate day. I think this breakfast in bed food gift basket would be an ideal gift to provide for couples, and a simple go-to on the off chance that you do not have any acquaintance with them too well. This school survival unit food gift basket is such a beautiful thought, particularly for somebody who may be apprehensive about leaving home out of the blue. Make a point to fill it with all their most loved things, and in addition helpful things they probably will not have thought to purchase for themselves. My youthful sister has dependably been fixated on having her nails done all extravagant, as far back as she was close to nothing and would dependably have hands canvassed in nail stickers from magazines. I simply know she would completely love to get this nail trim food gift basket. I can consider such a large number of individuals throughout my life who I wish would loosen up additional, and who merit quite a lot more time off than they give themselves. I am trusting that giving them this spa food gift basket may influence them to take the indication. This plant specialists food gift basket is not just charming, yet additionally extremely valuable for any individual who likes getting their hands filthy out in the garden. Numerous individuals in my family love cultivating, however something I have seen is that they never get themselves pretty or more costly planting apparatuses and frill. That is the reason I figure it would be so dazzling to do that for them.
Mark Taylor, Head of Tax Investigations at Buzzacott talks about how to survive a HMRC tax investigation advising clients to stay calm, get specialist advice and use voluntary disclosure campaigns such as Liechtenstein Disclosure Facility (LDF) or the HMRC let property campaign. Tax investigations have often been described as a rollercoaster of emotions. Having myself worked in tax investigations for the last 25 plus years I've seen this for myself. I would urge you to stay calm and collected and also to consider any potential settlement with HMRC on a commercial basis rather than taking HMRC's view as being a personal affront and a personal attack on you. HMRC welcomes specialists being appointed because they realise it expedites the process and it allows your case potentially to be fast tracked to a conclusion. We will make an approach to the HMRC case officer to discuss the specific reasons as to why they have opened that enquiry. In the majority of cases what we could do is we could take advantage of a disclosure campaign such as the more recent Liechtenstein disclosure facility for offshore affairs or onshore facilities such as the property let campaign.
​Among all M&A deals in the week, twelve of the deals were to acquire financial services firms, about half of which are commercial banks. Another eight deals were in the business-to-business services space. The mid-Atlantic states, including the states from New York to Virginia and D.C., were the busiest area of activity last week, producing eight deals. Ratings and research giant Nielsen (NYS: NLSN) is restarting the process to sell itself, as buyout firm Blackstone expresses interest in the 95-year-old firm. The company, which is best known for its TV-ratings reports, is looking for a sale price near $10 billion. The firm’s TV-ratings segment is beginning to struggle amid the eruption of cable cutting, but the firm also boasts a growing consumer-goods research segment that sells data to manufacturers and retailers. Ultimately, however, the growing presence of e-commerce players, such as Amazon, is putting competitive pressure on Nielsen.
The springs are the workhorse of your garage door. Over time, metal stress can cause them to break. With a broken spring the door is very difficult if not impossible to lift. For broken springs you will need to replace them, that means you want to contact a Garage Door Repair contractor in Wendell, ID. When the door is out of alignment it can bind and not work correctly. Premiere Garage Door Repair Garage Door Repair in Wendell, ID will adjust the garage door that may be an affordable solution to your problem. Call the repairman today; find out if an adjustment is all you need. Find out what we can to adjust the door without doing a complete overhaul. The garage door rollers permit the door to move up and down in the track. Premiere Garage Door Repair has seen how they can break or seize up in Wendell, ID. We can either lubricate them or replace them as needed. Replacing them can be quite hard, but they are fairly inexpensive and will not take the whole day. With a garage door opener, you have no lifting at all, just push a button. It does not eliminate the need for springs. It has moving parts and is also an electrical device. A garage door opener for our clients in Wendell, ID is one of those things that can have some simple problems that cause it not to work.
The Western Shoshone call themselves Newe, “The People,” and they refer to their ancestral lands as Newe Sogobia, “The People’s Land.” After living on these lands for thousands of years, the Newe have spent the last 400 defending them from invasion and environmental destruction. Today, the U.S. government occupies much of the Newe Sogobia, using it as a domestic nuclear war zone. The Nevada Test Site was illegally seized from the tribe in the 1940s to use for nuclear weapons testing and as a dump for highly radioactive nuclear waste. Releases of radiation from the detonation of over 1000 nuclear weapons above and below the ground have resulted in cancer clusters and contamination in the communities downwind of the site – and beyond. Newe homelands have been turned into a National Sacrifice Area, or permanently poisoned lands. The latest threat to the Newe is the planned nuclear waste dump at Yucca Mountain located within the Nevada Test Site. The repository will accept over 75,000 tons of fuel rods and other high-level waste across roads and rails from 39 states and place it in a giant hole in the earth found to be seismically unstable and in contact with ground water. Plutonium, the most deadly man-made substance on earth, has a radioactive half-life of 250,000 years, and its nearby storage portends an unparalleled toxic peril for the next 12,000 generations living in the region. Wherever Corbin Harney raises his voice, be it in song, in prayer, or in speech, be it at his homeland, at the UN, or in faraway Kazakhstan, his message is informed with the calm authority imbued him by the earth. In 1994, Corbin Harney founded the Shundahai Network (Shundahai is the Newe word for “peace and harmony with all creation”), a non-profit organization dedicated to breaking the nuclear chain by building alliances with indigenous communities and environmental, peace and human rights movements. They seek to abolish all nuclear weapons and end all nuclear testing, advocate phasing out nuclear energy and ending the transportation and dumping of nuclear waste, and promote the principles of Environmental Justice. Their campaigns and events incorporate the values of community building, education, spiritual ceremonies and nonviolent direct action. I ask for moisture to fall upon us so the grass will start to grow. what we humans tramp down. we tramp it down so it’s flat on the ground. together we have to ask for the rain to come down, so the grass will continue to grow. Corbin Harney’s spiritual strength has become a fountainhead of inspiration for environmental activists around the world. His solution to end the Nuclear Age: we must live in vital, spiritual connection with the earth!
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Did you know that there are as many scholarships for food science majors as there are ingredients in a good thick stew? As the ever-expanding field of food-related work grows to be the nation’s largest occupational sector, earning a degree in food science can be the best preparation for building a successful career in the public, corporate, or government sector of the food industry. In an engaging interdisciplinary curriculum, food science degrees allow students to delve into learning how foods are created, harvested, manufactured, preserved, and packaged to keep up with consumer demands for nutritious and safe foods. Read on to learn about 25 of the great scholarships available to make your dream career a reality and put you knee deep in the “meat and potatoes” of food science. Ranging in value from $1,000 to $2,000, the AACC International Undergraduate Scholarship Program distributes annual awards to outstanding undergraduate students who are receiving the academic preparation for a career in grain-based food science and technology. To qualify, applicants must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher, be entering their junior or senior year, be current AACCI student division members, and maintain full-time enrollment in an accredited institution conducting grain-based food science research. Administered through the Community Foundation of Louisville, the Clair L. Hicks Food Science Scholarship Fund provides $1,000 annually to defray the costs of college tuition to undergraduate students who are currently majoring in food science, chemistry, food business, food industry, engineering, or microbiology. Eligible candidates must be Kentucky residents attending Sullivan University, the University of Kentucky, or the University of Louisville in good academic standing for consideration. Within the Association of Food and Drug Officials (AFDO), the Denise C. Rooney Scholarship is awarded annually for $1,500 to undergraduate students preparing to enter their senior year in a food science program to pursue a career of research, quality control, teaching, or regulatory work related to food and drug safety. Applicants must have an average GPA of over 3.0, exhibit leadership abilities, and submit two letters of recommendation from faculty members. Sponsored by the Flavor and Extract Manufacturers Association (FEMA) in honor of his 50 years of dedicated service in the flavor industry, the Dr. Richard L. Hall Scholarship in Flavor Science is granted for $2,000 annually to master’s and doctoral students who are pursuing research related to the safety assessment of flavors. Qualified candidates must be enrolled full-time with a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher in a major for food science or flavor chemistry. In the amount of $3,000 annually, the E.H. Marth Food Protection and Food Sciences Scholarship is awarded by the Wisconsin Association for Food Protection (WAFP) to full-time students in Wisconsin who have completed at least one year in an accredited post-secondary program in dairy science, food science, food microbiology, or environmental sanitation. Applicants must submit an official transcript, a letter of recommendation, proof of financial need, and a list of relevant extra-curricular activities. Within the Minnesota Section of the Institute of Food Technologists (MN-IFT), the Elwood Caldwell Scholarship for Volunteer Service is given for $2,000 annually to an extraordinary graduate student pursuing a degree in food science at North Dakota State University, South Dakota State University, the University of Minnesota, or the University of Wisconsin. Recipients will be chosen based on academic excellence, leadership experience, commitment to the MN-IFT section, and involvement in volunteer service for the betterment of their community. In the Institute of Food Technologists (IFT), the Evan Turek Memorial Scholarship and Internship is granted for $1,000 each year to sophomore, junior, or senior-level undergraduate students enrolled full-time in an IFT-approved food science program. Applicants must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 or better, exhibit exceptional leadership capabilities, and be interested in obtaining internship experience at Kraft Foods Group in developing their career as a food science scientist. Annually, the Food Marketing Institute Scholarship Program is available for undergraduate and graduate students enrolled full-time in a food science or agriculture major at any accredited U.S. institution with at least junior-level status. In order to qualify for up to $3,000 in funding, candidates must exhibit a passion for the food industry, possess a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.2 or higher, and agree to attend and participate in the SQF International Conference. Administered through the Institute of Food Technologists (IFT), the General Mills Graduate Scholarship is designed to provide a $5,000 award and a 12-week paid internship to two graduate students annually who are enrolled full-time in a food science program leading to a M.S. or Ph.D. degree. Qualified applicants must have interests in quality or research and development, maintain a minimum GPA of 3.0 or higher, have the right to work in the U.S., and showcase exceptional leadership achievements. The Gerber Foundation Scholarship for Pediatric Nutrition is awarded annually for $1,000 to exemplary graduate students at Michigan State University who are pursuing a degree full-time in dietetics, food science, or nutritional sciences with an emphasis on pediatrics. Eligible candidates must demonstrate academic excellence with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.5 or higher, be pursuing a M.S. or Ph.D. degree, and be actively engaged in research relevant to improving pediatric nutrition. On a competitive basis, the GOYA Foods Culinary Arts and Food Sciences Scholarship is awarded for $5,000 to incoming freshmen who are entering an accredited U.S. four-year institution with a declared major in culinary arts or food sciences. To be eligible, candidates must be legal permanent residents of an approved state, be pursuing their first undergraduate degree, qualify for federal financial aid, and compile at least 10 hours of community service per month of funding. At the University of Missouri, the College of Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources has created the Harold P. Dugdale Scholarship to provide up to $1,000 annually to deserving full-time enrolled graduate students who are currently majoring in the area of meat science. For consideration, students must show high scholastic ability, be planning a career in the beef packing business, and be involved in relevant professional extra-curricular activities. Each year, the Institute of Food Technologists (IFT) presents the John and Irene Powers Scholarship Award for $1,000 to qualified undergraduate students who are pursuing a bachelor’s degree in an IFT-approved food science program. Eligible applicants must be student members of the IFT, have completed at least one year of undergraduate studies, have earned a minimum GPA of 3.0 or greater, and demonstrate devotion to the food science and technology profession with strong leadership experience. Within the sweet-snacking industry, the American Association of Candy Technologists (AACT) has created the John Kitt Memorial Scholarship to award $5,000 to college sophomore, junior, or senior-level undergraduate students who are pursuing a major in food science, chemistry, or biological science at an accredited four-year institution in North America. Candidates must have a minimum GPA of 3.0 or higher, have expressed an interest in confectionery technology, and be involved in an active AACT chapter. Named in honor of a food science professor who greatly contributed to the advancement of vegetable and fruit processing in his research, the Kenneth G. Weckel Scholarships are awarded through the Midwest Food Processors Association (MWFPA) to deserving undergraduate students majoring in agriculture or food science at the University of Wisconsin in Madison, Platteville, or River Falls. Three scholarships for $1,500 apiece will be available for a total of $4,500 in funding each application session. In honor of the long-time Executive Director of the National Dairy Shrine, the Maurice E. Core Scholarship Fund has been established to provide $1,000 to current freshman undergraduate students at four-year accredited institutions who are working toward a bachelor’s degree in dairy science, animal science, or food science. Applicants must be planning a career in a dairy-related industry, be involved in volunteer work, and have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0. Created by the oldest farm commodity organization in the United States, the National Dairy Leadership Scholarship Program is open to qualified graduate students who are majoring in agriculture communications, animal health, animal/human nutrition, bovine genetics, dairy products processing, dairy science, environmental science, food science, food safety, herd management, or marketing. All applicants must be currently enrolled in a master’s or doctoral program to conduct dairy-related research on the production of milk and dairy beef. With a value of $2,000 each, the National Poultry & Food Distributors Association (NPFDA) will award several scholarships annually to junior or senior-level undergraduate students who are pursuing a degree in agricultural business, food science, poultry science, food marketing, or animal science full-time at a U.S. institution. Candidates must submit a current official transcript, completed application, one-page letter describing career aspirations, and a signed letter of recommendation from a dean or department head. Sponsored by the Center for Dairy Excellence, the Pennsylvania Dairy Innovation Scholarship is presented each year for $1,500 to full-time undergraduate students who are currently enrolled as food science majors in the College of Agricultural Sciences at Pennsylvania State University. Preference will be given to students who have maintained a minimum GPA of 3.0 or better while demonstrating achievement in innovative research work related to the dairy industry. With the goal of supporting future professionals in the food industry, the Rocky Mountain IFT Educational Scholarships will be awarded for $2,000 each to four outstanding undergraduate or graduate students who are pursuing a degree full-time in food science, meat science, nutrition, or another food-related field. Along with the application, students should submit two letters of recommendation, an academic transcript, a current resume, and an outline of career objectives. At Louisiana State University, the Ruth M. Patrick Endowed Scholarship is granted through the College of Agriculture annually for $1,000 to full-time undergraduate students in their junior or senior year who are enrolled as food science and technology majors with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 or better. Selection will be based on academic performance, participation in the on-campus Food Science Club, internship/work experience, and involvement in volunteer service. Established by the School Nutrition Association (SNA) in memory of her positive impact on school food service and commitment to continued higher education, the Sandi Brooker Scholarship Program is designed to provide $1,000 annually to student members pursuing a degree in food science or nutrition at the undergraduate or graduate level. Applicants must have been an active member for at least one year, have a history of employment in school food service, and be dedicated to improving nutrition in school lunch programs. Within the Southeastern Food Processors Association (SFPA), the Food Science College Scholarships are granted annually for $2,000 to two outstanding junior or senior-level undergraduate students majoring in food science at the University of Tennessee, University of Georgia, University of Alabama, Clemson University, Virginia Tech, or North Carolina State University. Applicants must be planning a career in the food industry, have a minimum GPA of 2.5 or higher, and submit a 750-word essay offering solutions to current industry challenges. Annually, the Society of Flavor Chemists Graduate Scholarship is awarded for $2,000 to students currently enrolled or accepted into an accredited graduate degree program related to the flavor industry with a major in flavor business, chemistry, food science, nutrition, microbiology, biology, or engineering. Candidates are required to attach a transcript, submit a letter of recommendation, write a letter describing why they should be chosen, and compose a personal essay describing future career goals. As part of the Grand Rapids Community Foundation (GRCF), the Virginia Valk Fehsenfeld Scholarship is given to an outstanding full-time undergraduate student for up to $2,000 to defray the costs of pursuing a degree in dietetics, nutrition, food science, education, or human services at an accredited U.S. institution. To qualify, applicants must have financial need, be a legal resident of Kent County in Michigan, and have earned a minimum GPA of 3.4 or higher. Since more funding has been put towards studies in sustainability, nutrition, and health over the last decade to combat our nation’s growing obesity epidemic, there are abundant financial aid opportunities available for students seeking to explore improved methods of cultivation, processing, packaging, testing, and marketing. Therefore, make sure you check out these excellent scholarships for food science majors to enter the booming field without accumulating heaps of student loan debt before graduation.
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This sponsored charity walk ​takes us another step closer to fulfilling ​Srila Prabhupada’s vision ​for​ Bhaktivedanta Manor. ​The Haveli project is the culmination of decades of struggle and sacrifices made by the community to secure their right to worship Sri Sri Radha Gokulananda. Come walk Krishna’s talk; raise some funds to support this unique project. Register and start fundraising through virgin Money giving.
A local deaf club has been shortlisted for a high profile national award by UK charity and leading awarding body in deaf communications, Signature. Harrow United Deaf Club, which promotes equality, diversity and harmony between the local deaf and hearing communities, has been named as one of four contenders in the Community Spirit category at the 2014 Signature Annual Awards. The public will choose the winner of the Community Spirit category, and Signature is urging people to go online to cast their vote. Formed in 2009, Harrow United Deaf Club is open to deaf and hearing people of all ages and faiths. The club organises various social and educational events, and also lobbies to ensure that deaf people can access local and national services. Jim Edwards, Signature chief executive, said: “We are delighted to be recognising Harrow United Deaf Club in the Community Spirit category at this year’s awards. “Though the club is relatively young, what it has achieved so far is very impressive. The club is a terrific example of how deaf and hearing communities can pull together to make a real difference. HUDC will join shortlisted entrants in categories such as Organisational Achievement, Teacher of the Year, Learner of the Year, Young Learner of the Year, Centre of the Year and Communication Professional of the Year.
First of all,let me thank each one of my dear friends who visited my 200th post and left their warm wishes.Also I thank those who wished birthday wishes to my son as well.Thanx again for all the love and blessings !!! Kerala,God's own Country has its uniqueness in many ways.This uniqueness has not spared the flavors as well.There are many recipes associated and has left good tasty memories behind it.One such snack recipe is the Achappam /Rosette Cookies.These cookies are deep fried in oil and are usually made of rice flour.But I add all purpose flour as my mom does,it really enhances the taste.When mom used to prepare these for us ,it,we used to munch less and make rings out of the shapes and wore it in all fingers.Many of you might have also done this,and now when I see my kids doing the same ..I just recollected it!These cookies also require a mould to prepare (as seen in pic) and these are available in shops.So,friends enjoy the flavor of Kerala!! -Mix all the dry ingredients,add in the beaten egg and thick coconut milk.Make a batter like that of dosa or pancake.Keep it aside for 30-45 minutes covered. -The hot mould should be dipped in batter(don't immerse the mould fully just dip 3/4th of the mould). -Turn it over till all sides are cooked and browned.Remove and place on a paper towel.Keep the mould dipped in hot oil for the next cookie making and throughout till you finish making. -Serve achappam and store remaining achappam after it cools down completely,store in air tight containers !! * You can make it with rice flour alone,it tastes good that way too.Omit maida if needed,maida adds an extra crunch. * You can whole milk too instead of coconut milk,I have made and tasted both. * Don't shake the mould vigorously otherwise it will not hold the proper shape. * Adding black sesame seeds gives a nice flavor and color spots on cookies. * The main secret behind making the rosette cookies, is the mould should be dipped in hot oil otherwise the batter will not stick to the mould. Also ,I received an award from two of my blogger friends -Maha @ Mahas lovely Home & Reena @ Achu's Amma's Kitchen.Thanx a lot friends,feeling honoured and flying high :)They both have a lovely space,Do hop into their space too. - Thank the person that gave the award and link back to their blog. -Copy and paste the award to your blog. -Reveal the 5 blogs you have chosen to award and let them know by commenting on their blog. -Hope they pass it forward by accepting and awarding it to bloggers they would like to honour. Wishing all A Happy Weekend !! I love these Rosette cookies for their mild sweetness, but haven't tried making it, looks lovely, got to wait till I could get those moulds, and also Thank You dear for the lovely award.. really nice!i like these rose cookies..never knew how to make them..now i have to wait for someone to get the mould from kerala! classic recipe. I think this recipe would have yielded a load of these muruku's.no? These have never come out when I tried it! yours look perfect Julie! I love these cookies but do not have the mould and my mom could not find it anywhere in Mumbai also. Will keeps searching till I can find it. this is my fav, i love this a lot, but its been long time i had this :( yours look so tempting...nicely done!! Wow these are something I have not eaten for ages. Thanks for the recipe. Congrats obn the award. Used to buy the Amma's brand from the store and eat this one. Interesting how they make it. Looks like your son and I share the same birthday. He must be a good boy.Wish him a belated one foe me. Hey Julie what a lovely creation. Feast eyes and stomach. Thanks for linking up dear. Thanks Julie for sharing the Liebster Award.Your recipes are really AWESOME. this is new to me and loved it very much..looks so yummy and beautiful!! That looks awesome...I never saw a cutter like yours! you brought a lot of memories with this lovely achappam, even we used to do the same. All the fingers use to have finger rings or rather hollow finger caps. I used to love Achappan, still love them. Which store have this achappam mould yaa??? super delicious one !! looks perfect !! I know this one. Hv not eaten this for a long long time. I only eat but don't know the name and now I know. Wonderful snack! So delicious and congrats on your awards dear! Love achappams,they look so yummy. Sure..you will find them in kerala grocery shops out there or from Kerala. Thanx dear..glad to know its with your birthday!! The mould,I just got these from one of our friends from Kerala. This looks so good, nice one. thanks to link it @ Holi Hai. ach appams look fabulous! and Congrats on your Awards Julie - So well deserved - Wish you many more luv! Here we like to make this too, we call it kuih rose or kuih loyang or honeycomb cookie. Is your recipe tasted crunchy? I need to buy this mould soon! @Sonia (Nasi Lemak Lover) yes, these are crisp n crunchy cookies.Glad to know that they are known as honey comb cookies too .. This is one of my fav and it looks so perfect! one of my favourite cookies..thanks so much for the award dear..means a lot to me.
Almost twenty years ago Clayton Christensen popularized the term disruption in his book The Innovator's Dilemma, describing it as a set of risks that established firms face. Since then, few have closely examined his account. Joshua Gans does so in this book. He looks at companies that have proven resilient and those that have fallen, and explains why some companies have successfully managed disruption while others have not. Departing from the conventional wisdom, Gans identifies two kinds of disruption: demand-side, when successful firms focus on their main customers and underestimate market entrants with innovations that target niche demands; and supply-side, when firms focused on developing existing competencies become incapable of developing new ones. Gans describes the full range of actions business leaders can take to deal with each type of disruption, from 'self-disrupting' independent internal units to tightly integrated product development. But therein lies the disruption dilemma: A firm cannot practice both independence and integration at once. Gans shows business leaders how to choose their strategy so their firms can deal with disruption while continuing to innovate.
Performed by PEHS students. Sound run by J.C. Hagen. Pictures taken by me. PEHS Marching Panthers perform at halftime of the homecoming football game. Pictures taken by me.
The Federal Reserve’s latest policy move corresponds to market expectations. Things you can do before & for 2017. ​The year in brief. Investors will likely remember 2016 as a year of two momentous votes and one monetary policy decision. We would like to wish you and those you love a wonderful Thanksgiving. How Will the Market Respond After the Election? We may see some volatility, but equilibrium could quickly be restored. Do Our Biases Inhibit Our Retirement Savings Efforts? How can business owners save more, more regularly? Saving is a great start, but planning to reach your financial goals is even better.
if someone aids another person to just whatS-understand a worry that theyre having counseling is occuring. Professional counselors generally have a destination driving the questions put forward during a counseling session so as to root out the core issues. Qualified counselors differ from chatting with a boyfriend as the counsellor is trained in providing that help by discussing the issues. A counselling session enables you in several different ways such as helping you deal with distressing feelings and anxiety. a qualified counsellors session gives you the chance to express your inner self in a tranquil environment and discover obstacles that restrict you from resolving issues. underlying problems unearthed in Counselling could have roots in previous encounters that could have left a mark on the person concerned. Progression after A professional session may be certain medication. A session can aid you in several areas of your life including personal issues, relationship issues, and self-defeating behaviours. Deciding to begin counseling is a big step.
It’s true for all of us individually, familiarly, and professionally. It is true for medicine – allopathic and alternative - too. It’s true for the knowledge of the disc and the spine it holds. Knowledge of Severna Park back pain keeps evolving, and one of the major milestones was rather recent in the history of man. Back And Neck Care Center discloses past and current discoveries about the disc and the back pain it brings about as well as the Severna Park chiropractic care that reduces that back pain. The knowledge of disc herniation as a compressive force on spinal nerves resulting in back pain and leg pain is a relatively new phenomenon. Keep in mind that the spine changes as it ages. The shape of the disc and the composition of it tissue changes. The disc’s center, nucleus pulposus, changes and gets smaller. (1) We know differently today, but in 1909, the disc herniation was thought to be a tumor. In 1930, a neurologist (T Alajouanine) and surgeon (D Petit-Dutaillis) explained their surgical experiences with disc herniations that were initially studied by a pathologist named CG Schmorl. But it was not until 1934 when WJ Mixter and JS Barr circulated the first report of surgically taking out disc herniations in 19 patients. (2) (Unless it is published, it didn’t happen…and you don’t get credit for it!) So it was less than a century ago that the disc herniation was named a disc herniation and recognized as such! Allopathy and alternative medicine like chiropractic have grown to the challenge in that time. Allopathic medicine is usually focused on the disease and tends to focus on symptom-specific treatment (usually pharmacological or invasive) to get rid of the cause of pain. Alternative medicine traditionally centered on a whole-body approach and has a tendency to focus on treatments that stimulate the body’s ability to heal itself (herbal supplements, Reiki, chiropractic, Tai chi, acupuncture, etc.) to reduce pain. (3) Nowadays, integrative medicine is escalating in its appreciation and use of the best of both. Chiropractic care is all-encompassing care for spine pain conditions. For the disc herniation resulting in low back pain, neck pain, leg pain and/or arm pain, gentle flexion distraction spinal manipulation is relieving. A new study states that horizontal traction was very helpful in producing a significant increase in average lumbar spine disc height and decrease in lumbar lordosis. (4) Such is available with the Cox Technic System of Spinal Pain Management causing long-y axis distraction. Back And Neck Care Center specializes in this treatment. Cox Technic is described as a non-thrust low velocity variable amplitude spinal manipulation that manages low back pain non-pharmacologically. It’s shown to reduce pain in chronic low back pain patients. (5) It reduces intradiscal pressure in the disc to as low as -192mmHg, widens the spinal canal area by 28%, and increases disc height by 17%. (6) Back And Neck Care Center eases back pain due to disc herniation very effectively. Schedule a non-surgical Severna Park chiropractic care appointment with Back And Neck Care Center today. Together, we’ll determine where you have been on your back pain journey and make a course of correction and control for its future with the most appropriate treatment possible.
Ahmedabad: Share pledging by Gujju promoters has shot up in the last year. Data shows that while value of pledged shares more than doubled in the last year, percentage of promoter holding pledged has also increased by almost 25%. Promoters typically pledge their shares to raise funds for the same company, or for financing other projects. High levels of pledged shares are not seen as a good sign by investors as a downturn in market price can lead to invocation and change in management. However, this does not seem to have desisted promoters of Gujarat-based companies from raising funds by pledging part of their holding, as there was a huge rise in shares pledged by many promoters in 2014-15. powered and developed by Prime Database, the value of shares pledged by promoters of Gujarat-based NSE listed companies has increased from Rs16,000 crore at the end of March 2014 to nearly Rs36,000 crore in March 2015. As of March 2015, promoters of 48 out of 129 companies had pledged their shares, the same as in the previous year. Of these, promoters of 24 companies pledged their shares during the year. The sharp rally in shares of many of the Gujarat-based companies is one of the reasons for the rise in value of pledged shares, but even otherwise the number of shares pledged by promoters has gone up. "The percentage of promoter holding pledged has gone up from 32.66% a year ago to 39.12% on March 31, 2015," Pranav Haldea, managing director of Prime Database, told dna. The analysis shows that 100% holding of promoters of SAL Steel was under pledge as on March 31, 2015. When the markets run up, as they did last year, promoters' pledged stakes are generally expected to come down as higher share prices, create enough comfort zones for lenders. However, this did not happen. Shares pledged by promoters increased in the case of 14 companies, which includes Sadbhav Engineering (0 to 30% during the year), Atul (0 to 8%) and Aarvee Denims (0 to 2%). On the other hand, pledged shareholding declined in 26 companies. These include Lyka Labs (82 to 39%), Nandan Denim (74 to 38%), 20Microns (39 to 14%), Sumeet Industries (44 to 26%), Kiri Industries (45 to 30%), Ganesh Housing (92 to 80%), Sintex (58 to 52%), among others. In two companies, pledged shares were brought down to zero during the year. These companies are Ashima and Ratnamani Metals. Interestingly, surge in value of shares pledged by promoters of Gujarat-based companies is much higher than the overal rise for promoters of all NSE-listed companies, which went up by 28% to Rs1.94 lakh crore during the year. In the case of ten Gujarat-based companies, 90% or more of promoter shareholding is pledged, as of March 2015. The list includes ABG Shipyard, Pipavav Defence, Essar Ports, Essar Shipping, Jaihind Projects, Pradip Overseas, Shah Alloys, SAL Steel, Suzlon Energy and Shri Aster Silicates. Essar Oil, Bodal Chemicals, Ganesh Housing, Golden Tobacco, Sterling Biotech, Rainbow Papers and Sintex Industries, Sanghvi Forging, are some of the companies in which more than 50% of the promoter shareholding was pledged. The data shows that shares worth Rs16,000 crore of three Adani Group entities were pledged as of March 2015, nearly half of the entire pledged promoter shareholding of Gujarat-based NSE-listed companies.
Tuesday, May 23, 2017 4:00 PM Middleboro High School AWAY 4 Randolph High School HOME 1 Meet Recap The Blue Devils were led by the Second Doubles Team with a three set victory. Earning their first Varsity victory were Seniors Brandon Wu and Sean Nguyen. Monday, May 22, 2017 4:00 PM Randolph High School AWAY 0 North Quincy High School HOME 5 Meet Recap Randolph travelled to North Quincy on Monday and lost 5-0 to the tournament bound Red Raiders. The Devils return to action tomorrow and play Middleboro High School. Friday, May 19, 2017 4:00 PM Randolph High School AWAY 2 Boston Latin Academy HOME 3 Meet Recap The Blue Devils came close to a major upset Friday against BLA at the Sportsmen’s Club. Brandon Archibald led the Blue Devils with a win at # 3 singles. Thursday, May 18, 2017 4:00 PM Carver High School AWAY 4 Randolph High School HOME 1 Meet Recap The Blue Devils lost at home against Carver 4-1. The Devils return to action Friday against Boston Latin Academy. Friday, May 12, 2017 4:00 PM Cohasset High School AWAY 5 Randolph High School HOME 0 Meet Recap Cohasset travelled to Randolph High School 5-0 in a South Shore League tilt. Thursday, May 11, 2017 4:00 PM Norwell High School AWAY 5 Randolph High School HOME 0 Meet Recap Norwell defeated Randolph in a South Shore League match 5-0. Thursday, May 11, 2017 3:00 PM Randolph High School AWAY 0 Norwell High School HOME 5 Meet Recap Randolph Girl’s Tennis traveled to Norwell to play a double-headed against league-front runner Norwell High School. It was a great learning experience for the girls and good practice going into a more competitive section of their schedule.
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Littlehampton Pier has been closed temporarily over safety concerns. A tweet from Arun District Council said the hot weather had caused the timber boardwalk to warp. The council said it is working towards a solution.
Marimekko's fall/winter 2016 collection – presented at the Paris fashion week last March – features a variety of playful prints by designer icons such as Vuokko Eskolin-Nurmesniemi, Oiva Toikka and Maija Isola. Click your favourite look and add the items straight to your shopping bag. More items will arrive soon!
The Artist Date is a dream-child of Julia Cameron, helping readers learn how to become a better writer. We’ve discussed her book, The Artist’s Way, and highly recommend both the book and the weekly date. An Artist Date can be life-changing. It can open your creativity like nothing else. Today, let’s look, listen, and smell what the garden center has laid out for us. Nobody sees a flower—really—it is so small it takes time—we haven’t time—and to see takes time, like to have a friend takes time. I really want to see flowers and nurture my inner creative child, so I visit the Elizabeth F. Gamble Garden Center in Palo Alto, California. Flowers, foliage and flowing fountains spread across two-and-a-half acres feed my senses and soul with beauty for one hour. Not long ago, voluptuous pink peony-flowering tulips graced one bed of the garden behind the Gamble House. Now only green undulating leaves hint at what once bloomed. I stroll along bricks laid in a herringbone pattern, which outline a green rectangle of lawn in the center while beds filled with flowers, shrubs and trees line the outside of the brick path. A gurgling fountain warbles nearby. Birds chirp and zing. Clusters of purple wisteria still hang from a tree, but the flowers have shrunk since my last visit. The flowers change from a light lavender to a darker purple as they age. I close my eyes and listen to the soothing sound of skipping water and singing birds. My breathing slows. Next I open my eyes to gaze at a Paperbark Maple tree (Acer griseum) and admire how its dark coffee-brown bark peels off in rippled strips revealing a slightly lighter, but still dark-brown, smooth skin. I long to touch it but I can’t without stepping on the green foliage growing underneath the tree, so I content myself with looking at its peeling strips. A few steps from a pergola-covered back porch, a faded wood bench beckons to me. I sink into the bench’s rough texture, close my eyes and listen to water flowing from the fountain and the different bird calls around me. Some birds sing a song, while others chitchat. I wonder what they’re saying. When I open my eyes, I see a white wisteria tree with its bounty of white globes hanging along the other side of the porch. Part of the tree wraps around a white column of the back porch. Glass French doors reveal a room in the house with a vase full of flowers, a table and a chair in a room with wood floors. The doors are locked. On my last visit, I walked through the house’s front door and explored the few rooms open to the public. I imagine living in the house and wandering the gardens in the morning or after dinner. Perhaps my friends and I amble and talk as we explore the different gardens around the house. A plane’s loud thrum interrupts my reverie. Several clay pots overflowing with white cyclamen, tiny pink flowers and taller green foliage sit on the back porch. I return to the brick pathway to survey the other beds. A short green tree or shrub labeled “Emerald Green” draws me like a child to cookies placed beyond reach. It looks like it should be in a Dr. Seuss book with its feathery green leaves and squat triangular shape, and I want to touch its feathery leaves, but it’s beyond the path and surrounded with delicate ground cover that I mustn’t crush. From there, I walk into another garden “room, ” where another fountain flows and reeds stand like sentries in the water. Another bench invites, so I sit and soak in the different sounds: cars zoom by, an airplane engine strums, water burbles, and birds chatter. When the wind blows, I catch a faint scent: jasmine. Photos by Tambako the Jaguar. Creative Commons license via Flickr. Post by Dolly Lee. I followed you over here for this post. Ahh, I could smell the garden rooms and feel my shoulders relaxing as I read. It whet in me a hunger for the Minnesota Conservatory we have here, which sounds similar. What a beautiful place – thank you for sharing it with us. I can hardly wait to get to Longwood Gardens this August, back to the Lily Ponds! Happy to share 🙂 Lily ponds, yeah! Thanks for coming with me. How I enjoy peaking over your shoulder as we take in the beauty of God’s creation. Time slows for me and I breathe easier as you do… Thanks for the trip, Dolly. It was wonderful. I love these posts. When I’m done with Making Manifest, I need to pick up Julia’s book again. Thanks for inviting us on your contemplative journey. You know how to slow down and take it all in. Thank you for slowing down and coming with me 🙂 Always sweeter with a friend. Hi Dolly! I could just feel the slower pace as you walked through the garden…and dreaming about walking with friends too. Great Artists date! I love that book, The Artists Way, and I’ve read it several times. You remind me to get going on those ‘dates’! It’s been a while. It is my first time reading through The Artist’s Way and I’m not done…Julia C. says to have a weekly artist date but I confess I haven’t been able to do it…when I do, I am always thankful..glad you’re inspired to go on an artist’s date 🙂 Thank you for walking with me through Gamble Garden. Isn’t it interesting how a rough bench invites rest, contemplation, and appreciation (rather than just being a splintery hard place to sit) when it’s placed in the midst of almost other-worldly botanical beauty? Undulating leaves <– I like that. I know my garden is more cottage and backyard-y, but I do so wish you could visit me 🙂 wouldn’t that be fun? The lilacs are scenting the air and the snowball bush and wedding veil spirea are clouds of white. Peonies are about to bloom and the clematis is covered in buds — So as you toured and listened to birdsong, I just pretended I was right there along with you.
Write because you love writing, share it everywhere and anywhere, ignore everyone who says something negative because no matter at what stage you are in your writing development, you're doing fantastically well because you are writing. This bees anthology? I asked a lot of people to take part. A lot of them said they couldn't. They were afraid. Write because you love it, listen to the people who tell you what you do well. The 'less than good' features of your writing? They'll go away on their own and they are likely not the things that someone criticized you for. People complain about your writing because they are afraid. They are afraid. If you write, you're already doing more than most of those people. Keep doing it. Then share it, share it, share it. Don't be afraid. Sometimes all of it doesn't seem like it'll take you somewhere but it will. I write so much fan fiction and in truth I didn't expect to publish my first book The Day They Met. But that first step, that book? It happened because I wrote thousands of words of fan fiction. It happened. I made it happen because I kept writing, even when my writing was rubbish I kept going until it wasn't. Share what you write. Here, AO3, anywhere. Ignore anyone who harshes on your gig. Smooch the people who praise your gifts. You'll get where you want to be. Thank you Trudy and Carman. Being kind and thanking someone may sometimes seem small potatoes but IT IS NOT. You’ve no idea when your words may come at a perfect time so that you both took the time to come here and say something lovely? Thank you for that. Just always. Hugs to you both as well. You, my darling, are a miracle of joyous inspiration. Your ability to work with your gifts while so energetically encouraging others to grow their own is wondrous. I aspire to be as positive as you are every day. I know you miss your beloved London, but we are SO lucky to have you back in the US of A. Hugs and winks, C.
Earlier we have a tendency toek|in the week|on} we saw a few of teasers indicating Oppo may launch its R9 smartphone at an incident on March 17. currently the smartphone, aboard with a 'Plus' variant, seem to own passed Tenaa, the Chinese telecommunications certification authority. The listing reveals some high-end specifications and pictures - whereas each the Oppo R9 and therefore the Oppo R9 and look identical in terms of style. The Oppo R9 and therefore the Oppo R9 and feature what feels like a physical home button below the show. A front-facing camera besides the speaker grille and sensors are visible at the highest. the rear panel sports the corporate brand at the centre together with a camera placed at top-left corner together with a crystal rectifier flash. each sport a metal build. The dual-SIM supporting Oppo R9 as per the listing runs mechanical man five.1 Lollipop out-of-the-box and options a five.5-inch ful-HD (1080x1920 pixels) resolution Amoled show. it's supercharged by associate octa-core processor clocked at one.95GHz, that clearly isn't the Qualcomm flower 820 processor that the smartphone was antecedently tipped to sport, because the flower 820 may be a quad-core giving. The smartphone additionally homes 4GB of RAM aboard 32GB inherent storage, which may be enlarged via a microSD card (up to 128GB). different options mentioned square measure 4G LTE support and 2850mAh battery. each the front-facing and rear camera square measure seen sporting 16-megapixel sensors, indicating it to be a camera-focussed smartphone like rumoured antecedently. It measures 151.8x74.3x6.5mm and weighs a hundred forty five grams. As for the dual-SIM Oppo R9 and, the smartphone is seen with a bigger 6-inch full-HD Amoled show, associate octa-core processor clocked at one.8GHz, 64GB of expandable storage, and a 4120mAh battery. The RAM and camera specifications keep constant as its smaller sib. The smartphone runs mechanical man five.0 Lollipop out-of-the-box, measures 163x80.8x7.4mm, and weighs 185 grams. The Chinese technical school firm has announce some new teaser pictures for its R9 OPPO smartphones, indicating them to feature Oppo mobile's native VOOC quick charging. this can let the smartphone deliver two hours of speak time in exactly five minutes of charging. The technical school isn't to be mistaken with the company's Super VOOC Flash Charge, that it introduced last month throughout MWC 2016. The technology will charge a 2500mAh battery from zero to one hundred pc in quarter-hour flat.
highschool was stupid and painful. or was it? Fog (pneumonia) tells it like it is. highschool was mad fun. Remember that time our band played Gym Jam? Or we put out an underground newspaper? Or when Marc threw a glass bottle at that baby?
Do you choose a 110V Led Landscape Lighting? We have picked up some of the many suggestions for you. Find the best prices for 110V Led Landscape Lighting from sellers from California, New York, Florida and others and buy hot items!
The Northwest Regional Extension Council will meet May 2, 2018 at the United Methodist Church, 104 W. Samuel at 7 PM. The EPA approved new herbicide labeling as of October of 2017 and has major changes. Please study the labels on the Missouri Department of Ag website for the Federal label and 24c label, which is Missouri specific. Growers and certified applicators who will be applying the product will be required to have a private pesticide applicator license. Each person applying the product will be required to have the license rather than working under a growers license. Also, private applicator licenses from other states than Missouri are not acceptable. The private pesticide applicator license must be a Missouri license. For more information, contact Wayne Flanary at 660-446-3724 or Andy Luke at 660-425-6434, Regional Agronomists, University of Missouri Extension. See how your calves perform in the feedlot and on the rail by participating in the Missouri Steer Feedout. You can enroll as few as five head, with no maximum. Refer to the brochure (PDF) for more details. Are you questioning if you have soybean damage from dicamba? Here is a Q & A's guide and pictures showing dicamba damage, Dicamba damage soybeans: What to know (PDF). The Missouri Cash Rental Rates for 2016 are available from University of Missouri Extension 2016 Custom Rates for Farm Services in Missouri or view the PDF guide. Is your family prepared for an emergency disaster? Now is the time of year to make sure your safe room at home is ready. Update your supply of food, water, personal care items like medicine & glasses, first aid kit, and flashlights with fresh batteries. Also, include a change of clothing for each family member and sturdy shoes. Keep your cell phones charged and use only one at a time in order to have extended texting abilities in case power is lost. Click the link for a complete list of items to include in your Disaster Supplies Kit. For other information concerning emergencies and disasters, go to MU Extension Emergency management website. You can read the latest agronomy news in the Northwest Region by going to Agronomy Newsletter. MU Extension publication G810, Missouri Fencing and Boundary Laws provides general information for landowners. Farmers have a new set of free tools to help them make crop decisions. Ray Massey, MU Extension agricultural economist, and Pat Guinan, climatologist for MU Extension Commercial Agriculture, are collaborating with participants across the nation to make information easily available. The websites are important because access to historical climate data helps farm operations that depend on favorable temperatures and precipitation patterns, Massey says. He and Guinan recently presented the information at MU’s Crop Management Conference in Columbia. Find addresses and explore details on more than a dozen climate-oriented websites. MU Extension in the Northwest Region is on Facebook. Look at what's going on and programs that are offered. Spring Pastures & Rebreeding Cattle 6:30 p.m.
The mobile landscape is changing rapidly, with users demanding an ever more robust and evolving experience on any mobile device, from anywhere. As a result, enterprises are faced with an increasing mobile backlog, which is directly affecting enterprise revenue and productivity. A recent survey by Opinion Matters, sponsored by OutSystems, found a broad-ranging, increasing shortage of skilled mobile developers. Analyst firm Gartner recently published a new market guide, Gartner Market Guide for Rapid Mobile App Development Tools, (Richard Marshall, Nick Jones and Jason Wong, November 19, 2014), which we believe is designed to help enterprises navigate the landscape of rapid development tools, which aim to simplify, through ‘low-code’ or ‘no-code’ offerings, mobile app development, to the point that anyone - developer or not - can use them. We encourage enterprises to experiment with many tools before selecting one. OutSystems provides a free version of its platform making it simple for individuals and organizations to experiment with our solution. Ask potential vendors about their lock-in requirements. Many vendors will attempt to lock companies in, so that no matter how poor the user experience, they cannot leave if they want to take their code with them. Unlike proprietary technologies and closed frameworks, OutSystems generates standard, optimized and fully documented source code which does not require runtime interpreters or vendor-specific engines. With this approach OutSystems ensures that you won’t get locked-in to any proprietary technology, thus protecting your investment. Evaluate what integrations are provided out of the box. Are you trying to integrate with existing SaaS and enterprise systems, like salesforce.com, SAP, Oracle and Microsoft? Databases like SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL or DB2? What about connectors and cloud services like Facebook, Zendesk, Twillio, LinkedIn or Twitter? Consider whether your provider has these pre-built, or if you will have to do heavy lifting to make them work. It’s also worth taking a look at other customers the providers have in your vertical, or who have built similar apps to what you’re trying to build, to determine if there’s anything within their knowledge base that can reduce your time to market for new applications. The full Gartner Market Guide for Rapid Mobile App Development Tools, (Richard Marshall, Nick Jones and Jason Wong, November 19, 2014), is worth a read, and can be accessed here by Gartner clients: http://www.gartner.com/document/2916717.
Add Oxford Freshmarket to your favourites! Oxford Freshmarket specislises in great tasting fresh produce, baked goods and groceries. For specials view the latest Oxford Freshmarket catalogue for special deals and save. Oxford Freshmarket is a family supermarket specialising in delicious foods both fresh and packaged goods. You can get something from the bakery whether it be sweet or savoury, and when it comes to fresh meat, poultry and fish you can find a variety to choose from at the state-of-the art butchery. Enjoy Oxford Tuesday specials Bluff or Oxford Hillcrest Tuesday specials whichever one you find closest to you, and take the liberty to save on selected products in store. Oxford Freshmarket stores stocks products from leading brands like Robertsons, All Gold, Kellogg's, Parmalat, Sea Harvest, Future Life, Beacon, Nescafe, Glade, and lots more. Have a browse through the latest Oxford Freshmarket catalogue to save on special deals on selected items. Oxford Freshmarket was established with the goal to be one of South Africa's preferred supermarkets offering a wide selection of affordable food products from their bakery, butchery and fruit and veg categories and in addition also a variety of groceries to shop from. There are two Oxford Freshmarket stores in South Africa located in Bluff and Hillcrest. Oxford Freshmarket is as its name implies as it brings shoppers a wide selection of great tasting food to suit every taste and occasion. That all too good braai (BBQ) coming up soon? Head on over to their butchery for fresh meat, chicken, sausage, and lots more. You can also take advantage of Oxford specials Tuesday where you get to save lots on selected items, contact your nearest store for more information. The Oxford supermarket catalogue can help give you an idea of items in-stores, as well as some of the stores having specials. The company is dedicated to looking after their staff offering good starting salaries and potential growth, this filters on leading to great customer service and efficiency throughout. If you're looking to build a career with Oxford Freshmarket, you can browse the company website for any job vacancies. Do you want to receive more Oxford Freshmarket deals by email?
He designs molded Lucite handles for toothbrushes -- embeds ribbons of lace, gingham, chintz, leopard skin, paisleys or smart rep tie stripes in transparent handles, or sandwiches sequins, confetti and glitter in their transparent handles. Stuart Alan Kalinsky, the 39-year-old president of Creations by Alan Stuart, has something for every taste. Business at his eight-year-old company has tripled in one year, he said. The rapid growth resulted from the introduction of his copyrighted personal-care accessories, including brushes of all kinds, razors and shoehorns. He ships about 8,000 toothbrushes alone, every month, to accounts around the world. He has just completed toothbrushes of laminated khaki and camouflage twill, to ship as gifts to American troops in Saudi Arabia. Many hotels and airlines have commissioned Mr. Kalinsky's designs for their first-class accommodations. "My father, a nonstop inventor, took me on excursions to the great plastics houses along Canal Street," he said. His fascination with plastics technology led him to patent a process for sealing the fabric within the thick acetate sheets and hand-turning the cut forms on a lathe and then a buffer. Earlier this year, a two-month exhibit, "The Plastics Age," at London's Victoria and Albert Museum, featured Mr. Kalinsky's work. The show "started with Bakelite and ended with my toothbrush," he said. He says his toothbrushes are meant to make people smile as they begin a day. Adult toothbrushes are $6 to $8, and children's styles, introduced this year, are $4. An adult travel pack with a razor and toothbrush in matching cotton pouch is $10. His Hoof and Mouth combination, a shoehorn and toothbrush, is $12. His line is sold in Manhattan at Dot Zero, Zitomer's, the Bath Shop, the gift shop of the Whitney Museum, E.A.T. and Serendipity.
“Losing the battle doesn’t mean losing the war,” I said to Nandini dasi. One of our festivals had been canceled despite her determined efforts, and she was sitting there fuming. I thought for a moment. “If we go straight to the top, it’s possible,” I said. “What do you mean?” Nandini said. Jayatam and Nandini were silent. “We have to try,” I said. “I don’t understand the English,” said Jayatam. “I think there’s a new mayor now,” Nandini said. “It sounds like a pretty tough option,” said Jayatam. In a matter of minutes Nandini was out the door, leaving Jayatam holding their sleeping five-week-old baby, Alexander, in his arms. Two hours later my cell phone rang. I knew it was Nandini. Before I could say anything, she spoke. “You’ve got your festival, Guru Maharaja,” she said. I knew it was her determination more than my feeble prayers that clinched the event. “So how did you do it this time?” I asked, reflecting on her uncanny ability to sway authorities. one displayed the title of mayor. None of them did. I decided to take a chance that there would be other offices upstairs, so I rushed to the stairway nearby. “I didn’t answer or look back, and I started running up the stairs. It was a long, winding staircase, and the next floor seemed far away. Suddenly I saw a man coming slowly down the stairs with a briefcase in his hand. I guess I was inspired by the Supersoul because I went directly in front of him and stopped him. When he saw me he got such a surprise. “We’ll take our chances,” I said. It took the bus and the vans almost two hours to get to our destination. When we arrived, the road into town was congested with vacationers. The bus driver looked for a parking place for an hour and finally pulled into a large parking lot just outside of town. I’d been napping in one of the vans on the way, and when I awoke I saw a number of devotees going into a building nearby to use the rest rooms. When I looked closer I got a shock. It was the sports hall where we did our festivals years ago, where the director was our enemy. I knew if he was forewarned of our event he would cause serious damage. “No! No!” I shouted to the devotees. “Don’t go in there!” But it was too late. No one heard me, and several devotees had already gone into the hall. I opened the door of the van, jumped out, and sprinted towards the building. Inside I saw the devotees waiting peacefully in line by the rest rooms. Suddenly an older woman came up to me and shook my hand. “Is that so?” I said, my eyes darting around expecting the director to appear at any moment. I felt a little embarrassed, and I forgot about the director. “Well that’s very kind of you, ma’am,” I said. “Well, you know you’re always welcome here,” she said. As we chanted along the street, the invitations seemed to fly out of the distributors’ hands. Not one was left on the ground. People waved and one group cheered “Bravo!” as we passed by. We went through the town quickly. Suddenly we were on the beach. It was packed with sun-bathers. I urged the devotees to push on, and immediately we were surrounded by people wanting to take pictures. Within minutes, groups of children were chanting with us, and an hour later we were lost in abandon as we chanted and danced deep into the crowds. As we rounded the first bend in the beach a man came up to me with his two young daughters. “Can I speak to you for a moment?” he said. Well, right there on the beach, surrounded by the holiday-makers, I got all choked up and couldn’t reply. I just nodded my head, tried to smile, and continued walking. As I caught up with the harinama party I felt a sense of deep happiness and reward. I knew that by serving Lord Caitanya we were experiencing the greatest joy and somehow that joy was overflowing into the hearts of many conditioned souls. It’s the joy my spiritual master, Srila Prabhupada, lived for, and it’s the joy I live for as well.
Put all in a blender and process till smooth. Pour into punch bowl. Add 51/2 cups chilled cranberry cocktail and 1/3 cup orange juice. Stir. Makes 10 cups of punch.
In his freshman year, Max Brown wanted more than anything to be class president. But his intense shyness and fear of public speaking prevented him from winning. When he got up in front of a group he would stutter, his face would flush, he would feel faint and dizzy and he felt overly self-conscious. Not a state conducive to winning an election. At the end of the NLP Comprehensive Practitioner Certification Training we have a Guest Day where people come in with real problems and our students work with them in a supervised context as part of the certification process. Max chose to participate in our Guest Day to work with his fear of public speaking. It changed his life. He was guided through three NLP processes: the Phobia process, the Circle of Excellence, and some timeline work. Max went through the summer feeling like nothing had changed. And then he thought, “Oh well.” And he went on to give a great speech without any anxiety and hasn’t had any anxiety since then. He was elected class president and credits NLP with helping him to gain the resources that helped him win. Max now routinely speaks in front of groups of people with confidence and ease. Max is now 17 years old and a Junior at Fountain Valley High School in Colorado Springs. He has applied what he learned during the Guest Day to other areas of his life such as managing his class work and taking tests. He has also started to do peer counseling and wants to develop his leadership skills and writing ability.
DETROIT–The huge Hydra-Matic plant of General Motors in nearby Willow Run sprawls over a mile like a bustling town. More than 11,000 workers on three shifts labor there for the world’s largest automaker. Recently, a petition circulated throughout the factory that proved quite popular. About 6,000 workers signed it. The petition’s demands were quite modest though likely to irritate the plant’s managers. The employees were demanding an adequate emergency medical service system operated over a 24-hour period by qualified people. To hear the workers’ side, the present situation is terrible. Accidents and injuries occur. People have heart attacks or other sudden illnesses. Yet emergency treatment can take the form of security personnel trying to be medics transporting the victims on hi-lows, scooters or, if it is not too far away, in the single, ill-equipped ambulance. The ambulance not only is unable to gain access to major areas of the factory–thus losing valuable time–but then it has to connect with an outside ambulance service to take patients to the hospital. The main medical department is open only during the day shift, five days a week. There are two physicians and several nurses who are not viewed by the workers as advocates for better emergency care. The medical department’s motivation, assert the petitioners, is to return injured workers to work as soon as possible to avoid productivity losses. On the other shifts, there are no physicians but there are nurses. Hydra-Matic management is not pleased with the petitioners’ view of emergency medical care at the plant. GM claims that things are up to snuff and that the United Auto Workers’ local there is not sharing in the dissent. The dissident workers say that neither the union local nor the Detroit inspector of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration are responding to their grievances. This view is in marked contrast to the official GM view. In a few weeks, the United Auto Workers will convene a conference of members to discuss what health and safety issues should be part of the next contract bargaining sessions with management. Emergency medical care should be on the agenda. It is one of the most neglected areas of plant safety and one where many of the medical staff are torn between pressures to shield management from liability and their professional duty to worker health. In discussing the problem at Hydra-Matic with some of the workers, I remembered how many members of Congress were kneejerking to the industrialists and voicing anti-OSHA epithets. To them, OSHA was too tough. Cold-blooded Congressman George Hansen (Rep., Idaho) even wants to abolish OSHA and in the meantime keep OSHA inspectors out of the factories. Since the OSHA safety law was passed in 1970, tragedies and medical evidence have accumulated to show how more than 115,000 workers die of worker-related diseases and injuries every year, in addition to the greater number of disabilities. Still, many members of Congress look the other way or join the baying pack against OSHA. Perhaps, instead of some of their overseas junkets, these legislators should go into the mines, foundries and factories for a few days and see what is is like.
Researchers at Georgetown University Medical Center have found distinct molecular signatures in two brain disorders long thought to be psychological in origin—chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) and Gulf War Illness (GWI). The changes in brain chemistry—observed in levels of miRNAs that turn protein production on or off—were seen 24 hours after riding a stationary bike for 25 minutes. I think it is easy to label unknown symptoms as phychological until we manage to develop means to find distinctive physical evidence. Evidence that proves that there are certain chemical or physical measurable aspects to allow reproductable diagnoses. And when correctly diagnosed, we can begin searching for causes and remedies.
Probus South Pacific Limited is dedicated to promoting the development of friendship, fellowship and the advancement for active retirees through Probus clubs. Its basic purpose is to advance intellectual and cultural interests amongst adult persons; to provide regular opportunities to progress healthy minds and active bodies through social interaction and activities, expand interests and to enjoy the fellowship of new friends. Age is not a number but how you feel inside. Probus offers many member benefits to keep you young, including international and domestic travel, day trip excursions, luncheons and opportunities to meet new friends.
Coorecom Ltd was established in March 2003 by electronics engineer, Tim Bailey, whose background has always been electronics servicing from radio through to audio, HiFi, television, video and computers. Coorecom was created to provide the personal, one to one, attentive support that is often found lacking with larger support organisations. Coorecom is very proud to be still supporting today after 15 years many of the original customers from 2003. Business customers range from Accountants and Dentists to Farmers and Campsites. Home users from school to retirement all catered for. The business is built on customer satisfaction and Coorecom is always prepared to go that extra mile to ensure the best support and service is delivered. We have excellent workshop repair facilites for repairs plus we can offer "Remote Support service" where we can often repair your computer without us visiting your home or you bringing it in to us. Get in touch for more information. "We've used Coorecom for 15 years - excellent reliable practical service & friendly contact" "It’s good to have a computer person who speaks English, not computer jargon all the time when you need an interpreter! Excellent remote support service especially in a rural area like this, although it is rather odd to watch!"
Gas Separation by Adsorption Processes provides a thorough discussion of the advancement in gas adsorption process. The book is comprised of eight chapters that emphasize the fundamentals concept and principles. The text first covers the adsorbents and adsorption isotherms, and then proceeds to detailing the equilibrium adsorption of gas mixtures. Next, the book covers rate processes in adsorbers and adsorber dynamics. The next chapter discusses cyclic gas separation processes, and the remaining two chapters cover pressure-swing adsorption. The book will be of great use to students, researchers, and practitioners of disciplines that involve gas separation processes, such as chemical engineering.
Realtek High Definition Audio is a MEDIA device. The developer of this driver was Realtek. The hardware id of this driver is HDAUDIO/FUNC_01&VEN_10EC&DEV_0899&SUBSYS_1565822F. Download the setup file for Realtek Realtek High Definition Audio driver from the link below. This is the download link for the driver version released on 2014-07-08. This driver was rated with an average of 3.9 stars by 45675 users. The most important advantage of using DriverMax is that it will install the driver for you in just a few seconds and it will keep each driver up to date, not just this one. How easy can you install a driver with DriverMax? Let's take a look! Open DriverMax and push on the yellow button named ~SCAN FOR DRIVER UPDATES NOW~. Wait for DriverMax to scan and analyze each driver on your PC.
Searching for the Best Sites Like 123movies? If Yes Then Do Read This Full Post Where I’m Share The 11 Best 123Movies Alternatives that You can Use to watch your Favourite Movies TV Shows And Series Online. When it comes to streaming movies and shows online and also for free, the first name that comes to our mind is 123movies. It was one of the most popular streaming websites that offers a huge database of movies and TV shows across different genres. However, the 123Movies site has been closed from the internet due to complicated reasons. Therefore, it becomes necessary to find some other best sites like 123movies to watch movies and shows online free. For this here I’m sharing 11 best sites like 123movies 2019 on which you can watch your favourite movies and shows without any hassle. So, scroll down and let’s get started with the list. Yesmovies are a very popular streaming site which allows you to watch the latest movies and TV shows even without signing up. It comes with a user-friendly interface that makes navigation through the site lot more easier. Furthermore, it has great streaming speed and also displays fewer ads. This is one of the best sites like 123movies where you can choose your favourite movies or shows by using filters like country, genre, length of the content, IMDB ratings etc. You can also use the search bar to search for any particular movie or show. Yesmovies keeps an update every day with new contents of movies, TV shows, web series etc. Which means you will rarely miss an episode of your favourite shows and it is possible to get every latest episode on this website. As this website is completely free to use, so some ads will pop up during your watching time but you will spare those as you find the video quality is highly remarkable. FMovies is an amazing site for streaming movies and TV shows and one of the best sites like 123movies. Like Yesmovies, it also grants you to watch movies and TV shows without signing up. It has a great collection of Hollywood and Bollywood movies, TV shows, documentary etc. You can also use filters like genre, country, IMDB ratings, release year, video length etc. to find your liking one. FMovies has updated its sits with every new release movies. The movie will be available after a day in the site yet on “Cam” quality. Once HD is available then it will update that on its site. This site also allows you to download movies in HD quality to watch offline. Offline mode is also available on this site, so you can watch movies without buffering. A great plus point of this site is, it is absolutely free to use and offers to watch movies without any hindrance or disturbance of ads. The only ad you will appear while your movie is being played in the middle or beginning of videos just like YouTube. So that you can enjoy your movies more superiorly. You can’t omit Solar Movies when you are searching for best sites like 123movies, as it comes with a wide range of movies and TV shows which you can watch without paying any penny. It doesn’t seek your registration in order to watch its contents. But if you want to register yourself on this site, you can do so. Here, you can not only stream your favourite movies and shows but also able to download them on your device. It doesn’t play movies on its site directly, instead provides you with the links of that movie. By using those links you can watch the movie online and also download it for offline watching. Select as per your wish. On the homepage, Solar Movies give suggestions like most viewed, top rating and hot etc. So that, you can choose your desired movies and shows smartly. Cmovies is one of the best sites like 123movies. This site is completely free to use, so it is better to use an Ad-blocker because irritating ads might come in your way of watching movies. Here you can see most of the movies and TV shows are from countries like Canada, India, UK, USA and more. This site also allows you to sort list movies according to their IMDB rating, genre, and country. If you use Cmovies, you will notice that the interface is very much user-friendly and the streaming quality and speed are also appreciable. you can also Watch Anime online. In this site, you will get to know what is new and what is trending on because of the sliding of movies at the top. If in case one of the link or servers doesn’t work, don’t worry! As Cmovies offers several servers, so in case one server is not working, you can watch with another one. Gomovies is also Site like 123Movies which is a great place to watch HD movies and shows online free and even without registration. It also allows downloading your favourite movies for offline view. The site is very popular and the proof is there are a number of mirrors of this site currently present on the web and each of them generating a huge amount of traffic which is up to 1 million users per month. It comes with a simple interface, so finding and watching movies and shows become very easy on it. The newly added movies and shows are displayed on the homepage. You can also use a search bar or navigate to the category section to find the content you want to watch. Gomovies come with hover effect, where hovering over a movie’s thumbnail gives you all details of that movie. There is a Box Office category where you can find the list of movies released on monthly basis. The Tv-Today option let you know the list of most watched videos of that day. Movies25 Another best sites like 123movies as it lets you stream all most unlimited movies online without any cost. It first asks you to create an account in order to enjoy your favourite movies and shows. So, register yourself on this site first and then you will ready to rock. The website comes with a very clean and eye-catching layout, ensures that you won’t get confused to anything that it offers. More than 70,000 Hollywood, Bollywood movies, TV shows are waiting here for your tender touch. The number is still increasing as it keeps updating with new video contents. On the homepage, movies are categories by genres. An option like New releases, latest added, featured, top rated, Release year etc. and search bar is also available to find your desire one quickly. It doesn’t confuse you with unnecessary redirection or pop-ups of irritating ads which means you can enjoy your movie time more comfortably. If you have ever come across Netflix, then it doesn’t take too long for you to notice that Vumoo share quite similar interface with Netflix. But the difference between Netflix and Vumoo is, Netflix is a premium site where Vumoo look like the premium site but it is completely free. It is one of the best sites like 123movies which offers an impressive collection of movies and TV shows and the database updates frequently with new contents. Vumoo not only allows you to stream movies or shows but also make free to download your favourite stuff to watch offline. The home page split into sections like This Week, Currently Watching, New Releases, Recently Added, etc. You just need to click on the movie or show which you want to watch and it will start to play immediately. As the name suggests, Watch Free let you watch all its contents (movies and shows) for free. It doesn’t ask you to register yourself on this site in order to watch all its contents. Just go to the site and start watching whatever you like. Watch Free comes with an intuitive interface and you can easily navigate or search to find the movies or TV shows which you are searching for. Watch Free doesn’t own a database even it doesn’t host any video or file of their own. Instead, it provides best links to those files across the Internet to help you get all the resources from a single site. However, it has an impressive library of movies and TV shows, Which opens up a wide variety of options for you. Zmovies is one of the best sites like 123movies. It has an amazing collection of HD movies and TV shows which you can enjoy without paying anything. Here you not only play your favourite videos but also able to download them in HD quality for offline watching. Just create a free account first then you can watch any of its content just at one touch. The database keeps updating frequently, so you will get all the new release contents on movies, TV shows, series, documentary etc. as it offers all of them. It showcases all the new release and popular movies at the homepage. You can also navigate through genres to find your desired one. You can also follow its social media page like Facebook, Google+ etc. to get quick updates on the latest movies and shows as they publish it on the site. HDO has a huge base of HD movies and shows which you can watch for free. It comes with a clear and well-designed page layout, so you won’t be puzzled for anything to find that you want to watch. When you hover your cursor over a movie thumbnail, it shows you all the details related to that movie. You can also search for your favourite movies or shows on the basis of genre, IMDB ratings, country, alphabetically order etc. On the homepage, HDO features most viewed today, most favourite, most rating, and latest movies and TV shows. The loading time of this site is quite faster so that you will get a better viewing experience. As the site is entirely free to use, so you have to be prepared to face some disturbing ads in it. If you are a vintage fan and love to watch old classic movies then IceFilms is the right place to fulfil your wishes. This is one of the best sites like 123movies, it has an endless list of movies and TV shows. The best thing is that the list is updated on regular basis, which attracts a lot of users on this platform. As the IceFilms team keep the contents list updated, so you will find your favourite movies or shows as soon as they released. Under the ‘Trending now’ option you can see the latest and most popular movies. There is also another option named ‘Recently added episodes’ where you can find the most recently added movies and shows. so that you won’t miss out on anything which is your favourites in this Similar Site like 123Movies. After using IceFilms, you will forget about premium websites like Amazon Prime Video and Netflix because it covers almost all the web series, Tv series and movies to keep you entertained all through the weekend. IceFilms is completely free to use and don’t even ask you to sign up to watch its contents, which is really great. All the above-mentioned sites are free to use and are the best 123Movies Alternatives for streaming movies and TV shows with superb video quality. Each of the sites mentioned here has more than enough to satisfy your craving for streaming movies and TV shows. However, there are some sites that show you annoying ads which no one like at all but you should not forget that all of them are completely free to use. So, choose the one as per your preference and don’t forget to mention if you know any other best sites like 123movies. Want more such type of posts? Then Check it out our Android or Best Tips Category and Subscribe Our Blog GeekHax.
Mila, who used to be a freelance journalist, opened Wildernis with her friend Emma and together they turned their passion for plants into their own business catering to the growing plant-loving crowd of Amsterdam. And since plants create cosy and comfy interiors, Wildernis is not only a shop to shop but also a place to immerse yourself into a green lifestyle and get inspired. You can sit down, order coffee & cake, flip through various botanical books and chat with the shop owners: the experience is far more than mere shopping. Wildernis is even more than shopping & relaxing because Mila and Emma also invite all kinds of green specialists to host workshops at the shop. For example you can create your own macramé plant hanger (like the ones on the ceiling!), learn about soil & compost, create a autumnal flower bouquet or learn about the basics of plant care. For an up-to-date list of all workshops, click here. On October 18th, our friend Judith Baehner from Het Groenlab will teach you all about taking care of your plant(s). She will help you pick a plant according to your home and lifestyle and will prove your that taking care of your plants is just as relaxing as an hour of yoga! We wish we could join this workshop ourselves! Unfortunately we won’t be able to make it, but YOU can! Together with Wildernis Amsterdam we are giving away 2 places for the Plant Basics workshop on October 18th from 13:00 to 15:00 in Amsterdam. Value per ticket: 25€ including tea/coffee and treats. The giveaway has closed and we have picked randomly two lucky winners: Congrats to Ageeth Mooij and Deepa! • Follow Urban Jungle Bloggers via Bloglovin / Facebook / Twitter / Pinterest.
From the Co-Executive Producer of Hawaii Five-O, Paul Grellong, comes an exciting world premiere thriller. Harvard professor Charles Nichols is afraid that the younger generation of college professors is passing him by, so he takes a calculated risk in inviting an incredibly controversial White Nationalist speaker to campus. The student body immediately protests, but Charles will not be outdone as he takes the interview process into his own hands, with disastrous results. With storytelling in one of the most unique ways found on the stage, this powerful drama is one not to be missed. Featuring Rob Kahn (Rocky Horror 2018), Kerrie Seymour (Richard III, August: Osage County), Sean Michael (The Whipping Man, Sweat), Christopher Paul Smith (Much Ado About Nothing, Spring Awakening), Andy Croston (A Streetcar Named Desire, Macbeth) and Anna Abhau Elliott (Warehouse debut). Featuring designs by Shannon Robert (Scenic), Kendra Johnson (Costumes), Tony Penna (Lights), Marc Gwinn (Sound), and Cassidy Bowles (Properties). Featured Lobby Artist for this show is Brandon Seabrook Nelson.
This is a classic game which requires 2 players play together to support the other one in order to win. Do not mix the elements as fire and water do not go well together! Collect gems and avoid obstacles appear on the way to win each level.
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Premier Volunteers of Ghana (PREVOG) now known as Inside Africa Volunteer (IAFRIVO) is one of the leading non-profit organizations without any political or religious affiliations. We place special focus on community development projects, including wide range of humanitarian and community outreach programs. IAFRIVO has partnered with reputable organizations in Ghana looking for international volunteers and interns. The programs are carefully designed for all persons, students, recent graduates and individuals from all academic backgrounds and all levels of experience. The programs include tailor made short term and long term experimental study abroad programs for school credit or for career development. Programs offered by PREVOG are aimed at projecting Ghana, Africa to the outside world through educational activities, community development and student exchange program. Our programs are carefully designed for all persons, students, recent graduates and individuals from all academic backgrounds and all levels of experience. The programs include tailor made short term and long term experimental study abroad programs for academic credit and for career development. To continue to have strong partnership with individuals, groups, organizations as well as be the leading organization to bringing relieve to communities deprived economically, socially, emotionally through humanitarian service, volunteer work, outreach activities and inspire less privileged ones to reach their fullest potentials in education, health care, environmental protection, cultural elevation and youth creativity for a better well being. In other to let you get a deeper understanding and appreciation of the country, the people, the way of life and to get your bearings on everything is to guide you through an in-depth perspective of the cultural activities of the African way of life. Our always-available Directors will coordinate a city orientation and tour at the beginning of each program to familiarize you with your new surroundings and host family. During the orientation process, The Directors will take you through reviews about health and safety information, cultural customs and everything you need to know. After been welcome at the Accra International Airport and taken to your friendly host family. You will be given the necessary traditional welcome including drinks and food where appropriate. The next day we will take you through an ‘orientation’ of the Ghanaian social structure, lectures on political and economic history, survival language lessons, cultural do’s and don’ts health matters, socially accepted behaviors, work ethics in Ghana, expectations of the institution and the host project. In 2005 IAFRIVO started as a neighborhood group initiative to assist in communal labor, awareness creation and other community self help activities; such as clean up exercises and common issues concerning the community by the current programs director, Evans Kwashie Fiawoyipe and other well meaning members. We strongly believe in the saying “Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country”. Stated by the Former President of the United States of America - John F. Kennedy. By extension, he's asking every one what he/she can do to be a contributor to the world. The organizations started without an office, but through hard work from members and volunteers we had acquired an appreciable office with all the necessary ICT facilities. Open to interested volunteers and interns between 18 and 70. We proudly welcome diverse spectrum of volunteers from all walks of life worldwide. We proclaim the value of collaboration, of working together to achieve common goals. We commit to promoting unity, equality, voice, participation, cooperation, resource sharing, interdependence, growth and integration among all people and groups. We recognize as our primary partner those with whom we seek to serve. We strive to be peacemakers, actively exercising the ministry of reconciliation. We will work for genuine reconciliation between genders, races, and people groups and with the whole creation in the situations of strife, pain, brokenness and violence where ever we find ourselves. We act with integrity and accountability.
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Skip the long lines to the Vatican Museums, Sistine Chapel and St. Peter’s Basilica and spend more time gazing in awe at masterpieces of art and architecture from the papal collections. See one of Rome's most impressive art collections, housed in a lovely villa in the city center. Your ticket will provide guaranteed, exclusive entrance to the popular Villa Borghese without delay. Admire works by Caravaggio, Raphael, Canova, and others. Enjoy the Borghese Gallery with skip-the-line admission and a guided walking tour. Discover the secrets, the stories, and painting techniques concealed behind the masterpieces in the museum. Appreciate art like a collector with this fully-guided tour of the Borghese Gallery and Gardens. Carefully controlled entry means that unlike the nearby Vatican Museums, this collection of masterpieces is never crowded. Enjoy immediate entry and a hassle-free tour of Saint Peter's Basilica, one of Rome’s prime attractions! Delight in hidden wonders of the Renaissance in the most unique Vatican State experience. See Michelangelo's Pietà and the Bernini masterpieces. Take a guided tour of Vatican Museums, Sistine Chapel and St. Peter's Basilica. Enter through an exclusive privileged entry for Vatican Museums partners. Take a 45-minute bus with audio guide commentary and admire the Vatican Gardens fountains and sculptures. You can then visit the Vatican Museums and Sistine Chapel at your own pace. Travel back to the days of the Roman Empire and enter a former retreat of the Emperor Hadrian with an entrance ticket to the Villa Adriana in Tivoli. Marvel at the remains of Hadrian’s country estate and see monuments such as the Maritime Theater. See all the highlights of Vatican City with a licensed Vatican guide and enjoy priority entrance to the Vatican Museums and the Sistine Chapel. Marvel at the vast collections of art and your morning with an optional visit to St. Peter's Basilica. Explore one of the best-preserved public baths of Ancient Rome at your own pace on an audio guide tour of the Baths of Caracalla. See the remains of notable buildings, such as the natatio open-air swimming pool. Descend into the chill of Rome’s mysterious underworld on the city’s longest running crypts and catacombs tour. Travelling in an air-conditioned coach, you’ll skip the line into three of the city’s strangest discoveries. Travel back to the days of the Roman Empire and enter a former retreat of the Emperor Hadrian with a ticket to the Villa Adriana in Tivoli. Marvel at the remains of Hadrian’s country estate, and see monuments such as the Maritime Theater. Marvel at the opulence of Hadrian's Villa and the gardens of Villa D'Este in Tivoli on a 7-hour tour from Rome. Stroll the gardens of the Borgias, and see the imperial palaces of Emperor Hadrian to discover 2 of the finest Renaissance residences in Italy. Get exclusive after-hours access to the underground burial chambers of Rome. Discover Rome’s most important cities of the dead. Spend more time inside when you skip the line at the Vatican Museums & Sistine Chapel through an official, priority entrance. On this comprehensive guided tour, you’ll experience the best of the Vatican in just 3 hours. Go on a fun and informative 3.5-hour Segway tour through the 7 hills of Rome. Glide your way through a fascinating story about the creation of the city, and hear fascinating historical facts and quirks to keep you entertained. See a new side of Rome and discover the Eternal City at night, all aboard a Segway! Watch as Rome's streets come to life and its famous landmarks are transformed, as you glide through the city with stops at its most famous pizzerias and gelaterias. Visit the summer residence of the Pope, known as the Second Vatican, the Apostolic Palace of Castel Gandolfo and Barberini Gardens. You can choose to combine this unique experience with a visit to the Vatican Museums and Sistine Chapel by train. Explore the Baroque fountains and squares of Rome on a 2-hour walking tour, and marvel at architecture that dates from the Roman Empire, through the Renaissance and beyond. See the Pantheon, Trevi Fountain, tomb of Raphael, and more. Skip the lines at the Vatican Museums and see masterpieces of painting, sculpture and other works of art collected by the popes over the centuries. Visit the world's oldest museum with an entrance ticket to Rome's Capitoline Museums, and admire classical sculptures, mosaics and artifacts from Ancient Rome, Greece and Egypt. See the famous sculpture of Romulus and Remus under a she-wolf. Skip the long lines to 3 of the symbols of Ancient Rome on a guided tour of the Colosseum, Roman Forum & Palatine Hill. See the cages where the gladiators were kept, the altar where Julius Caesar was cremated and much more. Explore Rome independently on a shore excursion from Civitavecchia port. Benefit from round-trip transportation from the cruise terminal to access all the attractions of the "Eternal City." Marvel at the monuments of Ancient Rome, such as the Colosseum. Optimize your time with the Vatican at your Pace! Visit the Vatican Museums with this exclusive skip-the-line access! Explore the Renaissance paintings and classical sculptures of the papal art collection at leisure. Marvel at frescoes and much more! Visit the Borghese Gallery and discover masterpieces of art inside the former Villa Borghese Pinciana. Marvel at some of the most important paintings by Caravaggio and more. Skip the long lines and enjoy a 3-hour small group tour of the Vatican Museums, Sistine Chapel and St. Peter's Basilica. Discover highlights of the papal collection with a licensed guide. Discover Rome at your own pace with a 24-hour or 48-hour pass to the hop-on hop-off sightseeing bus. See all the main monuments of the Eternal City from the open-top upper deck, and jump off as often as you like to explore further. See more of the Eternal City and save money with a Roma Pass for 48 or 72 hours. This city card offers free skip-the-line admission to 1 or 2 attractions, free use of the city’s public transport system, and discounts on services and activities. Take a tour through the hidden passages of Rome's Catacombs and visit one of the most important cathedrals of Rome, the Holy Stairs and the Sancta Sanctorum, the private chapel of the Pope until the Renaissance period. Experience the highlights of Rome through the centuries and admire masterpieces of art and architecture on this full-day tour from Civitavecchia. Lean about the significant periods of the city’s history and culture from your professional licensed guide. Save precious time with an access pass to the main monuments of Rome and benefit from fast track reserved entry at popular landmarks such as the Vatican Museums and Colosseum. Head out with a professional guide on this 1-hour tour to Palatine Hill and the Roman Forum to learn about their important influence on Rome's archeological history. Explore one of the best-preserved public baths of Ancient Rome at your own pace. See the remains of notable buildings, such as the natatio open-air swimming pool. Take a 35-minute audio guide tour of the Pantheon to learn about its fascinating history and how it converted from a pagan temple to a Christian church. See the Colosseum and Ancient Rome by night, when you can beat the crowds and experience the breathtaking views from the third tier with this exclusive access! Be amazed by the various piazzas, statues, museums, and more! Take the worry out of your transfer between Fiumicino Airport and hotels within the Aurelian Walls of Rome. Skip the lines for taxis and take the shared shuttle transfer for complete peace of mind. Numbers are limited to a maximum of 8 people. Escape the hustle and bustle of Rome and spend the day at the lovely town of Tivoli in the Sabine hills. Visit the historical Villa D'Este and the archaeological complex of Hadrian's Villa. Step back in time and get exclusive access to areas of the Colosseum not available on a regular ticket. Learn more about everyday life in Ancient Rome at the Roman Forum and Palatine Hill. Witness a unique spectacle combining the art of Michaelangelo with the most sophisticated live entertainment technology. Watch the art of the Sistine Chapel come to life in a spectacle of music and light. Access the Colosseum on a 2-hour skip-the-line guided tour. Head straight to the fast-track access point then enjoy a hassle-free experience with your access tickets to the Roman Forum and Palatine Hill included. Skip the line to access one of the world’s most-visited and ancient monuments. With this guided tour get into the must-see sites of Roman history: the Colosseum, Palatine Hill, and Roman Forum. Access all areas of St. Peter's Basilica and immerse yourself in the history and architecture of one of the most important religious monuments in the world. Climb up 231 steps to the top of the dome for panoramic views of Rome. See the vast collection of art on a guided tour with a choice of language options. Explore the Vatican Museums, visit the Sistine Chapel and discover St. Peter's Basilica. Have privileged entrance from the Porta Libitinaria and avoid the crowds. Enter the Colosseum directly into the arena where gladiators gave their performances, hear fascinating stories of combat, and visit the first and second ring. Skip the long lines to the Borghese Gallery in Rome, and see masterpieces by Bernini, Caravaggio and more from the museum’s collection of paintings and sculptures. Discover the villa and gardens of Cardinal Scipione Borghese on a 3-hour guided tour. Skip the long lines to the Colosseum and journey back to the days of Ancient Rome on a guided tour of the arena and underground areas. See the ruins of the Roman Forum and Palatine Hill. Enjoy an intimate small group tour of the Borghese Gallery with pre-reserved tickets and an art expert guide. You’ll skip the lines, marvel at works by Caravaggio, Raphael, and Bernini, and hear the story behind each of the works from an art historian. Walk through the Gladiator's entrance into the Colosseum, and directly onto the partially reconstructed Arena floor. Skip the line and marvel at ancient Rome's most iconic monument. Visit the Colosseum early, when the crowds are still away. Skip the line to get inside the Colosseum with your priority entrance ticket. Expert tour guides will reveal, with detailed stories, the secrets of the Colosseum and gladiators. Walk in the footsteps of the gladiators on this unique tour of the Colosseum and its arena floor. Explore the Roman Forum and Palatine Hill with an expert guide. Explore Ancient Rome on a walking tour of the Colosseum, Roman Forum, and Palatine Hill, and skip the lines to enter the popular attractions with an expert guide. Learn about the Roman Empire, and watch it come to life during a 3D movie presentation. Explore the crypts and catacombs of Ancient Rome on a half-day small group bus tour. See a chapel adorned with the human bones of early Christian, and go to the unusual church of San Nicola in Carcere, where Rome's story is revealed across unique layers. Enjoy fast track entrance into the Colosseum, avoiding the long lines. Once inside, you can learn from a professional guide and embrace ancient Roman history on this guided 1-hour tour. Create your own off-the-beaten-path tour of Rome with 24-hour access to the purple line hop-on-hop-off sightseeing bus. Take a guided tour through the hidden passages of Rome's Catacombs then enjoy a 1-hour bike rental in Caffarella Park. Take a guided tour of the best preserved Ancient Roman monument, admire the largest unsupported dome in the world and explore the famous Raphael's tomb. Visit one of the most important archeological masterpieces in the world. On this special 2.5-hour small-group walking tour, you'll discover the Colosseum from the inside, where gladiators fought to the death in front of senators and scavengers. Take the worry out of your transfer needs from your Rome city center hotel to Fiumicino Airport with a pre-booked, shared shuttle transfer by small minivan (maximum 8 passengers). Sit back and relax as your driver takes you direct to the airport. Walk in a gladiator's footsteps, discovering the Impressive Colosseum, the Palatine Hill, the Roman Forum, and the gladiators' school of the Ludus Magnus. Train to be a gladiator at a school in Rome. Suitable for adults and children alike, the fun 2-hour lesson will teach you how to fight like a warrior of Ancient Rome, while learning about life in the imperial city, Roman weapons, and more. Save money on expensive taxis with a direct coach transfer between Rome’s Fiumicino Airport and Naples city center. Sit back and relax in comfort on the 2.5-hour journey and arrive faster than the train. Benefit from a generous luggage allowance. Enjoy a walking tour of the Colosseum's underground chambers. Discover where the Romans caged wild animals, walk on the arena floor where the gladiators fought and visit the Roman Forum to see the center of ancient Roman life. Enjoy a full-day panoramic tour of Rome and learn about its history from ancient Rome to the Baroque period. Travel with a professional tour leader in a comfortable air-conditioned coach from Civitavecchia port. Choose optional tours of major attractions. Skip the Colosseum entrance line and take a 1.5-hour tour of this iconic Roman landmark. Access the usually off-limits arena floor, and see where the gladiators once stood. Book your transfer between Fiumicino Airport and Rome city center (Termini Station) online and save. Enjoy direct transfer service in the comfortable, air-conditioned coaches and bring your luggage on board free of charge. Skip the ticket lines and enjoy a tour of the Vatican Museums and the Sistine Chapel with an official guide, followed by a tour of St. Peter’s Basilica at your own pace. See the top sights of South Cappadocia on a full-day tour. Visit Turkey's largest excavated underground city, trek in the Ihlara valley and more. Play a city exploration game as the main character in the 'Angels & Demons' movie and novel. Solve clues to unlock stories and get directions to locations seen in the movie. All happening with the help of your smartphone, without a map, GPS or a guide. Skip the line and pass through the ‘stage door’ of the Colosseum, the Gladiator’s Gate, directly onto the partially reconstructed, exclusive Arena Floor, before ascending to the arena’s second tier, where fans once sat. Explore Rome at leisure with a 24-hour ticket to a river boat cruise along the Tiber. Soak up the sights from the boat deck, hopping on and off-on hop-off at stops close to sites such as Piazza Venezia, Piazza Di Spagna, the Castel S. Angelo and more. See the highlights of Rome by Segway on a 1-hour guided tour. Explore the heart of the “Eternal City” as you glide past the Colosseum, Forum, and Capitoline Hill. Discover the ruins of 4 Roman temples, go to a piazza designed by Michelangelo, and more. Appreciate all the best of the Pantheon in less than an hour, saving your time and your money with our digital self-guided tour. An exciting multimedia journey that will allow you to discover the history and development of the Eternal City throughout its 2700 years of history. An immersive and emotional way to discover the secrets of the city, its development, and its monuments. Gain priority access into one of the most famous and impressive monuments of ancient times. This special entrance allows you to skip the line and lets you experience the grandeur of walking directly on the Colosseum arena floor. Pre-book a convenient and comfortable, 1-way shared shuttle service between Ciampino Airport and hotels located within the Walls of Rome and avoid the stress of trying to find a taxi at the last minute. Be met by a professional driver. Save time and money with a comfortable round-trip transfer from Civitavecchia cruise terminal to Rome city center, and then climb aboard the hop-on hop-off sightseeing bus to discover the best of the "Eternal City" in a day. Take an amazing journey to discover the genius of Leonardo da Vinci, who was an artist, engineer, sculptor, architect and scientist. Admire a full-sized reproduction of The Last Supper, the controversial painting in Dan Brown's novel, The Da Vinci Code. Coming to a city as (wonderfully) chaotic as Rome can be daunting. Your guide will give you a warm, Italian welcome and get you set up for the rest of your visit. Depart Rome for a 3-hour bike tour from the city center to the rich landscape of the Appian Way. Follow in the footsteps of ancient armies, stopping at sites such as the Circus of Maxentius and the catacombs of San Callisto. Skip the long lines to the Colosseum and enter the arena of the monumental amphitheater through the same entrance that the gladiators used. Learn more about the Roman Empire and life in Ancient Rome from an expert guide. Embark on a small group tour with an expert guide of the most impressive ancient sites in Rome. Learn about the bloody history of the Colosseum before exploring the Roman Forum. Marvel at the views over the city from atop the Palatine Hill. Take the load off your shoulders and store your bags is a safe luggage storage unit in Rome city center. Located in the Campo de Fiori area, within walking distance of Piazza Navona, the unit features free Wi-Fi and printing facilities, and a restroom. Do not miss the opportunity to visit the Colosseum, the largest amphitheatre ever built, with an expert guide. Return to the time of Imperial Rome while walking throught the ruins of the Roman Forum and Palatine Hill. Experience the majestic St. Peter's Basilica and climb the Dome with an expert guide. Walk in the footsteps of Roman emperors and citizens on a skip-the-line tour of the Colosseum and Roman Forum. Then, marvel at the Baroque and Renaissance monuments of Rome city center, such as the Trevi Fountain and Piazza Navona. Skip the Line at the Vatican Museums and the Sistine Chapel. Then, get privileged access to St. Peter's Basilica. Take the stress out of your arrival in Rome and pre-book a superior transfer service from Ciampino or Fiumicino Airport to the city center. Travel by well maintained vehicle and arrive refreshed. The service is also available for airport departures. Take the worry out of your arrival at Rome’s Fiumicino Airport and pre-book a comfortable shared transfer to your hotel inside the Aurelian Wall by small minivan (no more than 8 people). Sit back and relax as your driver takes you direct to your hotel. Enjoy a glass of Prosecco with snacks before learning how to make fresh pasta with a professional Italian chef. Sit down with your small group after the class to enjoy the fruits of your labor, on a balcony overlooking Rome’s historic center. Explore Saint Peter's Basilica from top to bottom! Wander at the majestic interior of the Basilica, climb all the way to the top of its magnificent Dome designed by Michelangelo, and descend deep down into the Papal Tombs. This 3-hour guided tour of the Borghese Gallery combines the beauty of art with the beauty of nature! Admire the magnificent works of art in the Museum and the charming estate as well, taking a pleasant stroll to admire the stunning gardens. Get ready to have your assumptions about Rome turned upside down on this incredibly unique journey of discovery. The itinerary includes some of the most uncommon, mysterious, and outlandish sites the Eternal City has to offer. Escape Italy's busy capital for one day on this trip to Assisi and the Umbrian hill town Orvieto. You will see the famous Cathedral of Orvieto and discover the wines and local products of Tuscany. Skip the lines on a 2-hour small-group tour through the Colosseum and the brilliant days of ancient Rome. Visit the Roman Forum and Palatine Hill. Discover what lies beneath the historic streets of Rome on a guided tour of the Capuchin Crypt with an English-speaking guide. Discover a macabre art collection completely made of human bones! Enjoy a cooking class in the heart of Rome to learn how to make pasta from scratch, and the famous Tiramisù dessert from simple and fresh ingredients. Relax after your class as you enjoy the meal you have prepared. Head out on your bike to the Roman countryside for a look at ancient monuments, breathtaking natural beauty, and fascinating ruins. Your guide will tell you about the sights as you appreciate the area’s unspoiled beauty on a half-day tour. Arrive at Civitavecchia Port and save time with a pre-booked ticket for the shuttle bus service to or from Rome Termini railway station. Enjoy a guided tour of the unique museum founded by Pope Sixtus IV and admire the stunning bronze sculptures of the emperors of Rome. Explore the entire Capitoline Hill complex, designed by Michelangelo, as your guide brings the past back to life. Travel back to the days of the Roman Empire and feel like an emperor as you skip the long lines to some of Ancient Rome’s most important monuments. Take a 3-hour guided tour of the Colosseum, Roman Forum, and Palatine Hill for panoramic views. Explore the ancient Via Appia of Rome on a relaxed 4-hour electric bike tour, and discover the old ruins and pristine beauty of the Appian Way Regional Park. Marvel at the monuments of the Imperial City such as the Colosseum and Circus Maximus. Discover the highlights of the Vatican Museums, the Sistine Chapel, and St. Peter’s Basilica on this incredible 3-hour tour with a professional guide. Experience the magnificence of Rome’s Colosseum on a 80-minute night tour. Skip the long lines to the mighty arena, and enjoy access to levels above and beneath the ground. Learn the Colosseum’s glorious history, and hear stories about emperors. Travel back in time and experience a unique blend of art, history, folklore, and archaeology in Naples and Pompeii. Relax as you head to the Gulf of Naples, where Mount Vesuvius erupted almost 2,000 years ago, destroying the Roman settlement of Pompeii. Discover the secrets of traditional, Italian cuisine with the help of an expert chef. Prepare your own meal for the night and top it all off with local wine. Explore the historic Catacombs of St. Callixtus on a 2-hour excursion from Rome. See where dozens of martyrs and 16 Catholic popes were buried. Experience this fantastic combination pasta and pizza making cooking class starting from scratch with a chef. Enjoy a 4-hour kid-friendly lesson and learn more than ten different pasta shapes and Neapolitan pizza making in a real pizza oven. Take a break from the crowds in Rome and head to Tivoli on this full-day excursion. Visit the ruins of Hadrian's Villa with it temples, theaters, and statues. Admire the romantic Villa d'Este and its garden’s waterfalls, pools, and fountains. Book a stress-free transfer between Fiumicino Airport and anywhere in Rome. Get help with your luggage and have more free time to spend on your trip. Immerse yourself in Roman history with a walking guided tour into Ancient Rome with VIP entrance to the Colosseum, Roman Forum, and Palatine Hill. Watch the sunset across the romantic squares of Rome on a 3-hour small group tour of the city’s historic piazzas. Marvel at baroque fountains and statues, and learn the story of some of the city’s most important meeting points, such as Piazza Navona. Journey back in time and explore the Roman town of Pompeii, situated under the shadows of the Vesuvius volcano. Explore the dramatic site with a guide in your language, and then go to Naples for a 1.5-hour panoramic bus tour. Join a tour to see the most important sites of Ancient Rome brought to life. Visit the Colosseum, Forum, and Palatine Hill with an expert guide and learn all about a day in the life of Ancient Rome. Get VIP priority seating at the Hard Rock Cafe Rome and feel like a rock star! Dine on great American classics in a fun-filled environment, and pick up some unique, and authentic merchandise to commemorate your visit. Take a break from the hustle and bustle of Rome with a trip to picturesque Tuscany. With travel and sightseeing all arranged, you can enjoy the region’s famed wine, food, and scenery all in one day. Skip the long lines to the Colosseum and learn more about Ancient Rome with the help of a guide. Discover the heart of the city during the days of the Roman Empire at the Roman Forum and get panoramic views from Palatine Hill. Pick-up service is available from Fiumicino Airport or from your hotel in the interior of the Aurelian Walls. Your driver will collect you from your hotel 3 hours before the return flight and in sufficient time for you to check in. Save precious time on a 1-hour skip-the-line tour of the Colosseum and look inside one of the greatest monuments of the Roman Empire. Follow in the footsteps of emperors and gladiators, and then get some free time to explore on your own. Explore 2 historic sites of Rome on a 3-hour walking tour of the Castel Sant’ Angelo and St. Peter’s Square. Learn the history of an ancient fortress, commissioned by Emperor Hadrian as a mausoleum. Marvel at Bernini’s colonnades in the Vatican City. Enjoy the best of Trastevere, one of Rome's most picturesque districts. On this 3-hour tour, taste samples of traditional street food including fresh pizza, biscuits, cheese, salami and other delicacies, enriched by the history of the quarter. Skip the lines to the main monuments of Ancient Rome on a small group guided tour of the Colosseum, Roman Forum and Palatine Hill. Get exclusive access to restricted areas and investigate the workings of the Colosseum beneath the arena floor! Treat yourself to this practical transfer service from Leonardo da Vinci–Fiumicino Airport to Rome and enjoy a relaxing journey to your onward destination. Your friendly driver will help you carry your luggage and chauffeur you safely to your hotel. Visit Capri, the “Pearl of the Mediterranean,” on a day trip from Rome. You’ll see the renowned Blue Grotto, stop in scenic Anacapri, and enjoy lunch in a local restaurant. At the end of the tour you’ll have time to explore the island on your own. Rome: so much to see, so little time. With this Sistine Chapel express tour, you will focus on what everyone really comes to see: the Sistine Chapel. Get skip-the-line access plus a full background on Michelangelo's masterpiece. Enter the Colosseum without the wait by the Gladiator's Gate. Tour the amphitheater with your guide before visiting the Forum and Palatine Hill. Catch the train from Rome to the former harbor town of the imperial city on a 4-hour tour of Ostia Antica. Learn what life was like for ordinary Roman citizens as you see the main monuments of the commercial and military seaport of the Roman Republic. Walking the same streets as the Roman Emperors did, an expert guide will accompany you across the vast archeological site where, in 753 BC, Ancient Rome was born. The tour will finish on a terrace with breathtaking views of the city. Get a unique gladiator’s-eye view of the Colosseum during this Skip-the-Line tour. Your expert guide will take you backstage into areas that are normally off-limits. Plus, visit the Palatine Hill and Roman Forum. Travel between Vatican City and Civitavecchia Port with a hassle-free shuttle bus transfer. On this 3-hour VIP semiprivate tour with skip-the-line entrance, visit one of the largest and most famous museums in the world, avoiding queues and crowded groups. A cycling tour to the gardens that surround the world famous "Borghese Gallery". This historical place (turned into a public park) will let you discover the art and history of the famous Borghese family, all the while breathing in some fresh air! Skip the long lines to the iconic monuments of Ancient Rome on a 3-hour walking tour of the Colosseum, Palatine Hill and Roman Forum. Learn more about the imperial city from an expert English or Spanish-speaking guide. Visit the relics of Christ's Passion and Crucifixion that were brought to Rome from the Holy Land by St Helena and around which magnificent Basilicas were constructed. This is the perfect tour for Christians & pilgrims to Rome. Join a small-group Colosseum tour and skip the long lines. Hear about its bloody history and explore the first and second tiers for great views. Enjoy priority access to the Colosseum, Roman Forum, and Palatine Hill. Dive into the past and walk in the footsteps of Roman emperors and gladiators, which your passionate guide will bring back to life. Enjoy spectacular views from the Emperor's Palace. Visit the Vatican Museums early, before the crowds arrive. Marvel at the artistic masterpieces and Michelangelo's frescoes in the Sistine Chapel. Explore 2000 years of art through the lens of the greatest masterpieces. Hop on a cruiser for a bike ride around Rome, discovering the timeless beauty of the city on a 3-hour tour. The Italian capital is full of monuments, culture, and history, and on this tour you will see its many famous landmarks and historical locations. This 3.5-hour walking tour includes all the must-see works in the Vatican Museums, such as Raphael's Rooms, the Gallery of the Maps, the Gallery of the Tapestry, Pine Courtyard, Sistine Chapel and St. Peter's Basilica. Reviewed in the prestigious guide Gambero Rosso in 2017, learn how to make many types of homemade fresh pasta inside a real professional laboratory of Italian pasta. You will be able to do this home without any difficulty. See the armor, masks, helmets, and weapons used by the Colosseum entertainers. Hear about how these ancient crafts of battle were made and used with your audio guide. See the monuments and Baroque architecture of Rome on a 3-hour Segway tour that covers more of the city than is possible on a walking tour, and leaves a kinder footprint than motorized tours. Marvel at the ruins of the imperial city, and more. See the sights of Rome from a fresh perspective on a 3-hour private tour by Vespa with optional driver. Benefit from a fully interactive and customizable itinerary, and learn more about life in the city on this family-friendly activity. Explore Ancient Rome's most intriguing and best preserved monument in a 40-minute informative tour with a professional guide. Discover the history and building secrets of the largest dome in the ancient world and visit Raphael's tomb. Skip the lines at the Vatican Museums and Sistine Chapel with exclusive no-wait access. Experience the highlights of the Vatican City on this group tour, as you admire masterpieces by Michelangelo and Raffaello and visit the Sistine Chapel. Skip the lines at the Vatican Museums and Sistine Chapel! See all the highlights of Vatican City on this popular guided tour and benefit from special access to the Papal Tombs underneath St. Peter’s Basilica. Explore Rome like a Roman by 125cc Vespa scooter, and access more of the city than you can by car or bus. Nip around historic monuments such as the Forum and Spanish Steps. Rent a scooter from 12 hours to 1 week. See the famous sites in Vatican City on a small group, personalized 3-hour tour. Your expert guide will take you through the Vatican Museums, Sistine Chapel, and St. Peter's Basilica on an informative journey focusing on art, history and archaeology. Take a guided tour of the Vatican state and discover the Vatican Museums, walk inside the Sistine Chapel, see the glorious work of Michelangelo and take a trip to St Peter's Basilica. Discover a secret world beneath the streets of Rome on a 3-hour coach tour of the Catacombs of St. Sebastian. Travel along the Appian Way, one of the most historic roads of Ancient Rome, and see the stunning aqueducts of the Appian Park. Skip the long lines to the Vatican and Colosseum on a combined tour. See miraculous art from the papal collections in the Vatican Museums and St. Peter's Basilica. Follow in the footsteps of Roman emperors at the Roman Forum and Palatine Hill. Save precious time with skip-the-line access on your guided tour of the Coliseum, Roman Forum, and Palatine Hill. Let your guide take you back in time to ancient Rome and let the unforgettable architecture take your breath away on this 3-hour tour. Discover the Castle and its changes throughout the centuries, admiring paintings, ancient fortified walls, statues, the treasure room and even a breathtaking view over the city, in a one and a half hour tour with a local guide. Discover one of the most important private art collections in the world on this visit to the Borghese Gallery. Skip the lines and enjoy an extraordinary tour of masterpieces by Titian, Raphael, Bernini, and Caravaggio, and explore the gardens as well. Take the worry out of your arrival or departure from Rome Ciampino Airport and pre-book a private transfer with an English-speaking driver. Skip the long lines for taxis and travel in air-conditioned comfort. Visit the city of Naples and the stunning ruins of Pompeii on a full-day excursion from Rome by private motor coach. An onboard assistant and a personal guide will ensure that you see the top highlights of Naples and of the Pompeii excavations. Follow in the footsteps of Roman emperors and fearless gladiators on a small group skip-the-line tour of the Colosseum, Roman Forum and Palatine Hill. Learn about the main monuments of Ancient Rome and more. Marvel at masterpieces of arts, history, and culture present in the most incredible museum in the world. With priority access, skip the lines to the Vatican Museums, Sistine Chapel, and St. Peter's Basilica. Relax in air-conditioned comfort on a private 1-way transfer between Fiumicino Airport and your hotel in Rome. This sedan or mini-can service is available for 1 person or a small group of up to 8, with the vehicle depending on the number of passengers. See the sights of Rome at night in all their majesty. On this 3-hour guided walking tour you’ll have a chance to learn about the history and architecture of this magnificent city, without the hustle and bustle of the tourist crowds of the daytime hours. Ever dreamed of gazing up at the Sistine Chapel in peace & quiet? This exclusive Vatican Partner tour allows you to be one of the select few to enter the chapel first in the morning & includes no-wait entry to St. Peter’s Basilica. Experience a once-in-a-lifetime event at St. Peter's Square. Attend the weekly audience held by Pope Francis at the Vatican with this ticket. Discover the taste of authentic Roman and Jewish cuisine with a cozy 6-course meal in the old town of Rome. Visit the Jewish Quarter with its archaeological sites and a very special atmosphere. Enjoy the full Ancient Rome guided experience. Explore the beautiful Roman Forum and the scenic Palatine Hill. Finally, visit the mighty Colosseum avoiding the busiest hours. Skip the regular queue and enjoy a tour of the Vatican Museums and Sistine Chapel with an official guide, followed by a tour of St Peter’s Basilica at your own pace. See the sights of Rome on a 3-hour electric bike tour, and explore the historic neighborhoods of the “Eternal City” without breaking into a sweat! Make easy work of some of the city’s legendary hills, and marvel at monuments in baroque piazzas. Discover the real dark heart of Rome on this combination tour. Visit the ancient part of the city that’s buried beneath the busy streets and join in a nighttime adventure that leaves no stone unturned and unveils the Eternal City’s unseen history. Explore the marvelous Lazio region on a food and wine tour to a medieval cellar, to learn the secrets of wine making. Enjoy a meal where each course is paired with an elegant local wine. Beat the crowds and admire Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel masterpiece in peace. Enjoy a full buffet breakfast in the Pinecone Courtyard, visit the museums, and get special access to St. Peter's Basilica. Discover Rome with a local on an electric bike. Visit the Eternal City in environmentally friendly way and experience an easy, panoramic tour of Rome's highlights. Enjoy the best of Rome by taking this relaxing private service with a luxury vehicle accompanied by a knowledgeable local driver eager to make your experience in Rome enjoyable and memorable! Transform the way you travel and make it as much about the people you meet as the places you see. Get a welcome to Rome by a local guide on a fully customized private walking tour. See some of the lesser-known but culturally significant sites of the Vatican on an informative walking tour that gives you insight into the city's complex history and thrilling lore. Start your stay in Rome the stress free way and book your transfer into the city in advance. Enjoy a comfortable ride through Rome and arrive at your destination via a direct route. Discover a different side to Rome on the city’s only night-time walking tour in English. Explore the hidden side of the Eternal City on a mysterious 1.5-hour night tour, and learn about Rome's supernatural side as you check out Campo de Fiori and more. Travel back to the days of the Roman Empire and take a 3-hour guided tour of the main monuments of ancient Rome. Skip the long lines to the Colosseum, Roman Forum, and Palatine Hill as you follow in the footsteps of Roman emperors and gladiators. Join this exclusive small group (max 6 people) tour and plunge into the wonders of ancient Rome and let your guide narrate stories of gladiators and Roman Emperors letting the ruins of the amphitheater come to life again. Get skip the line access to the icons of the Roman Empire on this 3-hour tour. See the Colosseum, the Roman Forum, and the Palatine as you learn the history of Imperial Rome and its golden Emperors. Descend 100 feet underground in the Basilica of San Clemente and discover 2,000 years of history. Then, visit the Church of St. Peter in Chains. See the sights of Rome illuminated for the night on a 2-hour Segway tour, and experience “La Dolce Vita” of the “Eternal City” after dark. Glide down historic streets to iconic monuments, such as the Pantheon, Castel Sant’ Angelo, and more. Taste the foods of Rome on a private 3-hour tour, and indulge your taste buds at 10 different tastings. Sample fresh fruit from the market at Campo de’ Fiori, visit an amazing Sicilian delicatessen, try some of the best chocolate in town, and much more. Escape the hustle and bustle of Rome and spend the day at the amazing archaeological site of Pompeii. Take the shuttle bus direct to Pompeii, where you can wander the grounds independently or add on a tour with an expert guide. Learn the history of one of Ancient Rome's most magnificent buildings on an English-speaking tour of the Colosseum. Access exclusive areas and experience the monument like a Roman emperor! Walk with an expert guide to see far-flung sights scattered around Rome. Visit some incredible places rarely seen by visitors. Learn about the influence of the old Jewish Ghetto on Rome’s culture, stop at the Mouth of Truth, and walk along the Appian Way. 'Best of the Colosseum: arena floor and Gladiator Gate' is the see all Colosseum tour in 90 minutes for busy tourists! Walk in the footsteps of emperors, slaves, gladiators and perhaps even the Gods which ruled Rome and the Roman Empire in antiquity. See the most famous sights of Rome in a half day! Discover brilliant attractions throughout the centuries and walk along picturesque squares and monuments. See the Trevi Fountain, the Pantheon, Colonna Square, church San Luigi dei Francesi and many more. Explore the ruins of ancient Pompeii on a daily group excursion from Rome. Discover many of the well-preserved buildings at the incredible archaeological site that was covered by volcanic ash when Vesuvius erupted in 79 AD. Tour Rome’s historical district by street legal golf cart and see more sights than you would see on a walking tour. Discover hidden gems, such as the Aventine and Celio hills, and pass famous sites such as the Trevi Fountain and Piazza Venezia. Go to historic Tivoli in Roman Campagna on a 4-hour coach tour from Rome, and explore Hadrian’s imperial villa. Continue to the Renaissance Villa d’Este, where you can stroll around the lovely grounds and marvel at the abundant fountains. Explore the villas of a summer retreat for the Romans and Renaissance on a 5-hour tour of Tivoli from Rome. Discover the breathtaking gardens of the Villa d'Este, and the Roman ruins of the Villa Adriana, and travel back to the days of the Roman Empire. Enjoy skip-the-line access to the treasures of the Vatican Museums, the Sistine Chapel, and St. Peter's Basilica. Avoid the crowds and spend more time admiring the masterpieces of art on this 2.5-hour tour with a professional art historian guide. Take this guided tour to explore the fascinating archaeological monuments of Rome and journey into the history of the Roman Empire. Marvel at the splendid Colosseum, walk the Via Sacra, visit the arch of Constantine, and stand on the sacred Palatine Hill. Visit the most important attractions in Rome on the same day with a half-day skip-the-line guided tour of the Vatican Museums and St. Peter's Basilica in the morning and a half-day guided tour of the Colosseum and Roman Forum in the afternoon. Skip the lines to the Vatican and enjoy a 4.5-hour tour of the Gardens, Museums, Sistine Chapel and St. Peter’s Basilica. The access-all-areas tour is a magical journey through centuries of art, with sneak peaks at areas normally closed to the public. See the sights of Rome on a relaxing evening panoramic tour by motor coach. Discover the magic charm of the city’s iconic monuments illuminated at night. Dine on traditional Roman cuisine at a restaurant in the lively and popular Trevi area. Follow the footsteps of Tom Hanks’ character Robert Langdon from the film “Angels & Demons” with visits to the original sites in Rome and the Vatican. This 3.5-hour tour is a must for all fans of the film or the novel. Skip the long lines to the main monuments of the Vatican City and see the most interesting highlights of the Vatican Museums, Sistine Chapel and St. Peter's Basilica. See the main monuments of Ancient Rome on a 3-hour, small group tour. Travel back to the days of the Roman Republic as you explore the Colosseum, Roman Forum, and the Pantheon. Walk in the footsteps of Roman emperors and fearless gladiators. Enjoy a private tour of the Colosseum and the ancient Roman Forum archeological area, skipping the long lines at the entrance with your fast-track tickets. An expert guide leads this informative tour as you visit the most important sites of ancient Rome. Go on a romantic night tour and enjoy access to the Colosseum Underground and Arena to experience the wonderful achievements of Roman civilization, under the golden moonlight. Experience the romance of Rome on a 2.5-hour cruise along the River Tiber. In a stylish atmosphere of flowers, fine china and linen-draped tables, enjoy superb views, tasty cuisine and Italian wines to the background of the city in its evening lights. Explore the Colosseum arena and underground area, where gladiators and beasts prepared for battle. Visit the Roman Forum and Palatine Hill as well. Explore ancient Rome with an immersive tour that will take you into the heart of gladiator combat and into the archaeological sights of the Roman Forum and Palatine Hill. Areas rich with roads, temples, basilicas, and villas brought to life. Taste the typical food and wines of Rome on a guided walking tour of the Campo de’Fiori and Trastevere. Experience the city like a local with a classic aperitivo of meat, cheese and wine, sample homemade dishes at secret locations and more. Go on a quest around the haunted parts of the city by solving clues that will unlock stories. Use a mobile app which works as your personal guide to discover the captive souls, spirits and mysterious skeletons of Rome during an interactive game. Take the convenient shuttle bus transfer from Rome to Pompeii and spend the day exploring the archaeological site on your own. Book a guide on arrival to upgrade your experience and learn more about life in the Roman Republic. This short introduction to the Colosseum and Roman Forum reveals a lost civilization to you via the stories of one of the local guides with a background in archeology. Use your precious time in Rome effectively with an express tour of the Colosseum. Benefit from skip-the-line tickets then receive the most important information about this important historical site during a 1-hour tour. Get an exclusive tour of the Colosseum that very few tourists have the chance to. With your friendly and informative guide, visit the Colosseum and its ominous underground labyrinth and get an in-depth look at one of Italy's most popular sites. Maximize your time in Rome with this convenient combo ticket. Explore the city on a panoramic hop-on-hop-off bus tour with 24 or 48-hour access. Discover the Colosseum during a guided group tour lead by an expert professional guide. Receive privileged entrance to the Colosseum directly onto the Arena floor, where gladiators gave their performances. You will hear fascinating stories of combat throughout the first and second ring, before then exploring the Roman Forum & Palatine Hill. Cycle past the main sights of Rome on a 3.5-hour bike tour. Marvel at monuments from the Roman Empire, such as the Colosseum and Pantheon, temple to all gods. Discover the baroque and renaissance buildings of legendary piazzas, and much more. Enter the Sistine Chapel before it opens to the general public and enjoy Michelangelo’s masterpieces in peace before embarking on a thorough guided tour of the Vatican Museums and St. Peter’s Basilica. Take the worry out of your travel and save money with a pre-booked, two-way shuttle transfer between Ciampino Airport and Vatican City. Enjoy exclusive access to the restricted areas of the Colosseum on this small-group tour for up to 24 people. Travel back in time and re-live centuries of Roman history on a small-group Segway tour. Glide effortlessly from the Pantheon to the Coliseum, and take in some of the top landmarks and monuments of the Eternal City along the way. Ride through the beautiful grounds of the Villa Borghese and discover its magnificent monuments on a 2-hour Segway tour. Discover the landmarks of the city center, such as the Pantheon and Spanish Steps. Skip the lines on a visit to Rome's most iconic monuments. Enjoy a small-group guided tour of the Colosseum, the Roman Forum and the Palatine Hill. Take a three-hour guided tour of the magnificent Borghese Gallery that houses works by famous Italian artists. Then visit the spectacular gardens with your specialist local guide. Take the high-speed train from Rome to Venice and spend the day touring the Byzantine architecture and canals of the famous “Serenissima”. Relax on board of the train during the 3.5-hour journey, use your free ferry pass to visit the best parts of Venice. Experience three of Rome's ancient highlights on this private tour. Together with your guide, you will encounter the Colosseum (including the Arena Floor), Palatine Hill, and the Roman Forum, each with skip-the-line access. Impress your friends with a set of amazing Italian cooking skills! On this unique small-group cooking experience, learn how to hand-make pasta, ravioli and tomato sauce from scratch in a professional kitchen. Take the worry out of your transportation arrangements at the end of your cruise to Rome and pre-book a private transfer from Civitavecchia Port to Rome Fiumicino Airport. Save time and money, and avoid the hassle of taxi touts or shared shuttle buses. Enjoy this Vatican Museums small group tour on Friday nights - access the museums outside of regular hours to admire these masterpieces, including the Sistine Chapel. Skip the line and enter the Colosseum through a special access gate directly onto the restricted area of the Gladiator's Arena. Enjoy spectacular views of the Colosseum's underground chambers and learn about the gruesome history of the Gladiator games. Take a guided tour of the first papal residency and marvel at the interior of the Basilica of St. John Lateran in Rome. Your guide will take you to see the Chiostro, the Holy Stairs, and the fantastic Baptistery of the Lateran complex as well. A morning tour with an expert guide at the Colosseum and Roman Forum. Later, enjoy a DIY tour of the magnificent Vatican Museums. This combo tour & skip-the-line Vatican Museums ticket delivers it all. See the highlights of the Vatican and Ancient Rome on this 6.5-hour guided walking tour. This combination of 2 popular offerings takes you on a morning visit to the Vatican followed by an afternoon spent admiring Rome’s architectural gems. Make your stay in Rome special by joining a tour of the Coliseum Arena, Palatine Hill and the Roman Forum. Explore with your guide for 3 hours the most important sites in the history of Rome without waiting in any lines. Take the worry out of your arrival or departure from Rome city and pre-book a private transfer from or to Leonardo da Vinci-Fiumicino Airport or Ciampino Airport. Skip the long line for taxis and relax in the comfort of executive class vehicles. This Early Morning Private Vatican Tour will take you on a lucrative journey through the artistically opulent Vatican Museums, Sistine Chapel and St. Peter’s Basilica. Combine two of the best spectacles in Rome with a unique package deal. Visit the Last Judgment theatre show and enjoy skip-the-line entrance to the Vatican Museums and the Sistine Chapel. Travel back to the days of the Roman Empire and take a 3-hour guided tour of the main monuments of Ancient Rome. Skip the long lines to the Colosseum, Roman Forum, and Palatine Hill. Follow in the footsteps of Roman emperors and gladiators. The tour is tailored to meet your specific needs and interests with maximum freedom to discover Ancient Rome's landmarks. You will have your own custom-made itinerary and a dedicated native speaking guide providing you with the best experience possible. Enjoy a romantic 90-minute evening cruise in Rome along the Tiber River. Sip a glass of wine and savor delightful appetizers as you take in the sunset. Admire some of the Eternal City’s top landmarks and monuments along the way. Explore Rome's Colosseum and Ancient Roman sights on this two-hour express Segway tour. Enjoy views over the Roman Forum from the city's oldest hills as you have fun with your expert tour leader. Skip the lines at the Colosseum on this 1-hour Gladiator Arena Tour. Explore the restricted-access area with a professional guide. Experience the magical lights of Rome in the evening on this small group golf cart tour. Enjoy drinks and an appetizer along the way as you explore the streets of the Eternal City with a dedicated local guide. Rent a quality bike and see the sights of Rome you want to see. Explore more than 2000 years of history at sites like the ruins of the Roman Forum and Pantheon, marvel at Romanesque squares, travel up the “7 Hills of Rome,” and more. Treat yourself to the Visit Rome Gold Pass and gain fast-track access to the Vatican Museums, Sistine Chapel, St Peter’s Basilica and Castel Sant’Angelo. All that with the benefit of an audio guide and an interactive CityPass map full of handy tips. Explore the “Eternal City” of Rome at your own pace with a combined 1-day ticket to the open top hop-on hop-off sightseeing bus, and a cruise along the River Tiber. Marvel at the monuments of Ancient Rome, and the Baroque fountains of the historic center. Discover the secret history of Rome buried beneath the streets of Trastevere. Go 7m below street level to see preserved underground churches, Roman houses, frescoes, and crypts. Explore hidden locations with an expert archaeologist guide. Experience the "Sounds and Visions of Caravaggio" in the heart of the Eternal City. Let yourself be inspired by an innovative blend of art and music, and watch as historical instruments help recreate Baroque and Renaissance music. Take home a unique souvenir of your time in Rome with a 1-hour photo shoot by professional camera. Your photographer guide will arrange a shoot at any location in the city that takes your fancy, and send the best results by email to download. Enjoy a spiritual experience in the Pope's Wednesday audience after learning about Rome's history from your Spanish-speaking guide. Explore Imperial Rome in all its glory on a unique mode of transport. Ride a Segway in the footsteps of ancient Roman rulers. Learn about their influence on the Eternal City, while visiting majestic monuments. Enjoy a relaxing private transfer service in a luxury Mercedes vehicle on your Rome arrival or departure. A knowledgeable local driver will ensure that your experience is an enjoyable one. Choose a 1-way transfer either from or to Rome Ciampino Airport. Travel back to the days of the Roman Empire on a 3-hour skip-the-line tour of the Colosseum, Imperial Forum and Palatine Hill. See the ruins of the temples and the mighty arena of the Flavian Amphitheatre and ascend one of the legendary 7 Hills of Rome. Enjoy a 3-hour golf cart tour that stops at Rome's top attractions, such as the Roman Forum, the Colosseum, Circus Maximus, the Pantheon, and more. This audio tour is a great way to visit St. Peter's Basilica and avoid the crowds. Enjoy the self-guided tour with a city pass and a visit to Vatican City. Leave your luggage in a safe place, available at various location around Rome, including the Termini Station, close to the airport bus terminal, the local public bus terminal and metro lines A/B. Save precious time with a skip-the-line entrance ticket to the Vatican Museums, and discover the papal collections with an English-speaking guide. Pause to reflect in the Sistine Chapel, and get fast-track entry to St. Peter's Basilica. Enjoy the spectacular attractions of Vatican City with an expert guide on a 3-hour small group tour. Skip the lines waiting to enter the Vatican Museums and the Sistine Chapel, and have more time to marvel at the treasures within. Skip the long lines to the main monuments of Ancient Rome on a guided tour of the Colosseum and Roman Forum. Get exclusive access to the newly opened Belvedere area and enjoy panoramic views from the 5th tier. Explore one of the most important monuments in the history of the Christian faith with a smartphone app audio guide to St. Peter's Basilica. Continue to the former mausoleum of the Roman Emperor Hadrian. Explore the most important sacred Christian sites in Rome on a 3-hour sightseeing tour by air-conditioned coach. The tour stops at the well-known Basilicas of Santa Maria Maggiore and Saint John in Lateran. Then, travel along the ancient Appian Way. Enjoy a comfortable, convenient, and affordable shared shuttle service from Civitavecchia cruise port to Rome city center accommodations, or Fiumicino Airport. With door-to ship services available every day, relax at the start or end of your vacation. Explore a secret, subterranean world beneath the streets of Rome on a 3-hour, small group walking tour. Experience the city from the days of the Roman Empire at sites such as the Pantheon, Vicus Caprarius and the Stadium of Domitian beneath Piazza Navona. Skip the lines on this private tour of the Colosseum, the Roman Forum and the Palatine Hill. Learn about life in ancient Rome from an expert guide. A unique early morning e-bike tour of Rome. Explore Rome at your own pace with a digital tour guide, and an audio guide of the Pantheon. Enjoy a huge high-quality gelato from GROM. See Rome’s top sights by Segway on this 2-hour panoramic tour. Visit the Aventine Hill and glide to the Eternal City’s landmarks, including the Colosseum, Circus Maximus, and Roman Forum. Discover Capitoline Hill and the ancient Jewish Quarter. Watch an amazing 1.5-hour gladiator show at the Museum of the Roman Legionary in Rome and recreate the days of the Roman Empire. Touch real weapons and armor. A 1.5 hour pizza making class on the banks of the Tiber River, in the heart of Rome, next to Castel Sant'Angelo and San Pietro Basilica. Head out from Rome on a day visit to Florence and Pisa, 2 of Tuscany’s most popular cities. Learn about the ancient traditions of Florence, the cradle of the Renaissance, and see the Leaning Tower of Pisa and other monuments in the Square of Miracles. Our street food tour is a delicious walk through the heart of the eternal city. Discover the street food delicacies loved by today’s Romans and visit historical boutiques and contemporary eateries. Welcome to the world’s first museum! At the Empire Roman Museum, you will discover a fascinating collection of art and artifacts, all telling the fascinating history of Rome. When in Rome do as the Romans do and ride around the ancient city streets on an iconic Vespa moped. Rent a Vespa 125 LX for 24 hours and see sights, such as the Colosseum and Piazza Venezia, from the saddle of a typical Italian mode of transport. Discover Rome at your own pace with a high-quality electric bicycle. You’ll be able to explore a lot more of the city and do so effortlessly. In addition to the electric bike you’ll receive a map along with some recommended routes for your excursion. Discover the early, underground Basilica of San Clemente in Rome on a 1.5-hour guided tour, and admire the 13th-century mosaics and Arabesque motifs in the Apse. Get access to hidden rooms, including the Altar of Mithras and Mithraic Schoolroom. Experience Rome like a local on a 2-hour private tour and get a personalized itinerary created just for you. Decide where you want to go and what you want to see and benefit from the insights of a local guide. Segway is the best way to visit the city. See Rome's top sights with ease and hear about the history from your local guide. Drive through small alleyways and get tips on the best places to eat and drink in the eternal city. Uncover the mysteries of the unknown Catacombs of San Callisto, also referred to as the Cemetery of Callixtus. This walking tour of Rome takes you around the intriguing grounds containing the tombs of several different popes from the 2nd to 4th centuries. Enjoy a fun and instructive guided tour with a Dutch-speaking guide through the Colosseum, the ruins of the Roman Forum with a view of the Palatine. Take a trip from Rome on a high speed train and discover the heart of Florence and the one and only Accademia Gallery. With all your travel taken of, enjoy a day exploring with a knowledgeable guide. Combine your love for coffee and gelato with your passion for Rome on this 2.5-hour walking tour of the Eternal City and see, smell, and taste delicious Italian coffees, cakes, and ice-creams under the shade of some of the city’s most historic monuments. Taste some of the finest traditional Italian foods on offer in Rome on a guided walking tour of the city’s historic center. Sample pizza and pasta, and Italian hams, wines, and cheeses, and finish off with some refreshing Sicilian gelato. Leave the crowds behind with a skip-the-line Colosseum ticket, and visit one of the ancient world’s most spectacular monuments. Discover the Roman Forum, heart of the roman Empire, with its copious amounts of temples, basilicas, and vibrant public spaces. Enjoy a 3-hour walking tour through the vast art collections inside one of the most beautiful museums in the world with an expert guide. Gain privileged access to the Sistine Chapel and St Peter's Basilica during an exclusive skip-the-line Vatican tour. Discover the main monuments of the Roman Empire in Rome on a 3-hour small group tour of the imperial city. Bring history to life at landmark sights, such as the Roman Forum and Colosseum. Enjoy panoramic views from one of the 7 hills of Rome. Discover masterpieces of art at one of Rome’s most impressive museums on a 3-hour tour of the Borghese Gallery. Admire sculptures, paintings, and floor mosaics by artists such as Canova, Bernini and Caravaggio. See one of the Rome’s most exquisite villas. Get outside the walls of Rome and into the ancient tunnels of its catacombs. Enjoy a 3-hour tour that gives you a unique perspective on ancient Rome that you won't experience in the city center. Travel with this comfortable and air-conditioned shuttle service from Rome to discover the buried city of Pompeii. Create your own itinerary and explore Pompeii at your own pace on this independent full-day tour with round-trip transportation. Take in the very essence of Roman history, culture, art, and architecture. Enjoy skip-the-line access to monuments including the Colosseum and Vatican Museums. Experience the enchanting city of Rome by night on a comfortable E-bike tour. Ride to the top of Aventino hill and soak up the colorful sunset panorama over the city. Make a wish by throwing a coin into the Trevi Fountain. You control your Vatican experience on this private tour. With only your small group, a dedicated guide, and No-Wait Access through a special Partner Entrance, there’s plenty of time to uncover the stories behind the Vatican’s hidden treasures. See the sights of Rome floodlit for the night on a 3-hour, private tour by golf cart. Marvel at Borromino’s beautiful church of San Carlo alle Quattro Fontane, go to Piazza Barberini, see Piazza di Spagna in all its glory, and much more. Begin your Vatican City experience with a rich breakfast buffet followed by a ride through the hidden parts of the Vatican that have just been opened to the public. Visit the Vatican Museums, Sistine Chapel, and St. Peter’s Basilica as well. Enjoy an exclusive small group tour of the Vatican Museums and Sistine Chapel at night when most of the tourists have left. You'll be guided by a professional English-speaking guide, who will share the history and most important stories of the museums. Choose your opera experience in Rome with an open ticket. Enjoy a wonderful evening listening to the masterpieces of Vivaldi, La Traviata, or Rigoletto whilst seated in fantastic and innovative locations such as cathedrals, museums, or Roman ruins. Partnered with a guide, you will receive an overview of the history and the art of Rome before entering the Vatican Museums. You can admire the many ancient treasures, before visiting the Sistine Chapel and its famous frescos. Discover the wonders of the Colosseum during a 1-hour guided tour with skip-the-line tickets. Learn about the history of the impressive amphitheater partnered with your knowledgable guide. Experience the sacred atmosphere of the Vatican City with a guaranteed entrance ticket to the Papal Audience on St. Peter's Square. Listen to Pope Francis address an adoring crowd during his weekly public prayer service. The Imperial Rome tour perfectly combines walking with relaxed sightseeing by coach and gives you a comprehensive overview of the remains of the impressive Roman Empire! Immerse yourself in the art and culture of Vatican City on this early morning tour that gives you VIP access to the Vatican Museums and skip-the-line entry to St. Peter’s Basilica. Marvel at the spectacular frescoes by Michelangelo in the Sistine Chapel. Learn how to prepare and cook homemade pasta like an Italian Mamma at an amazing cooking class in Rome. Visit a food market, learn the secrets of local chefs and enjoy a leisurely lunch of the fruits of your labor. Save precious time with a skip-the-line entrance ticket to the Vatican Museums and discover the vast papal collection on your own. Enjoy an Italian lunch of dishes prepared by the pope's chefs in one of the nicest courtyards in the museum. See a slice of Roman history that is hiding in plain sight, which reveals the persecution of Rome’s Jewish population as well as their eventual triumph over adversity. Start or end your cruise to Rome stress free with a pre-booked private transfer to or from Fiumicino Airport, from or to Civitavecchia Port. Enjoy a professional service by luxury Mercedes or similar as you travel to your destination. Enjoy a fascinating 3 hour tour of the massive museums of the Vatican and then stand beneath some of Michelangelo's masterpieces in the Sistine Chapel, all by night. No trip to Italy is complete without a visit to Pompeii. This luxury van tour from Rome will show you a city immortalised by a volcanic eruption, followed by lunch and a visit to the crater of Mt. Vesuvius! Experience the stunning Amalfi Coast from both land and sea as you spend a day exploring various towns along this storied stretch of coastline. Visit a little cozy Gelateria to explore the delicious world of Gelato. Take a 1-hour workshop led by an instructor the discover the secrets to producing the best ice-cream. Visit the Vatican Museums, avoiding the long wait with your skip-the-line ticket. Admire the ancient sculptures, stunning frescoes, medieval maps, and priceless paintings with your expert guide during this 3-hour after-hours tour. Discover Rome in a completely new way, tasting the best typical products and getting to know the incredible culture and heritage of Rome, for a multi-sensorial experience. Feel the real spirit of Rome. The Vatican is the smallest worldwide state and also the richest. Enjoy early entrance with a skip-the-line ticket for a guided tour of this magnificent site. Experience one of Europe's most exciting aviation museums in complete convenience with this ticket and transfer package. Travel from the Civitavecchia harbour to the Italian Airforce Museum with a professional, English speaking driver. Enjoy an exclusive experience of the Vatican Museums, Sistine Chapel and St. Peter's Basilica. Visit the Sistine Chapel with no crowds at 7:30 AM, a full hour and a half before the general public. Take an afternoon walking tour of Rome’s famous monuments and piazzas. Visit sites that date back to Roman times, such as the column of Piazza Colonna and the Pantheon, to Renaissance and Baroque squares, palaces and fountains. Discover masterpieces of art and classical antiquities on a 3.5-hour tour of the Vatican Museums and Sistine Chapel. Admire Michelangelo’s sacred frescoes inside a chapel of the most important Catholic church in the world and much more. Walk in the footsteps of Roman emperors on this tour of Ancient Rome with skip-the-line tickets to the Colosseum & Roman Forum. Complete your tour with a walk along the Sacred Way as you immerse yourself in the vivid Roman history that surrounds you. An amazing tailor-made private tour for kids and families through the heart of Ancient Rome. You will be captured by the magic of this special itinerary designed to catch the attention of your children. Enjoy a private guided tour of the Vatican City State with skip-the-line tickets. Discover the Vatican Museums, the Sistine Chapel, and St Peter's Basilica. A 3-hour tour for those who wish to visit the Vatican as part of group, away from the daily crowds. You will enter the museums before opening to the general public and visit highlights of the Vatican Museums, Sistine Chapel and St Peter's Basilica. Enjoy an exclusive open–air concert, with a terrace aperitif of Italian food and wine served on the best rooftop of Piazza Navona! Explore southern Italy in style on this day tour for those between 18 and 39 years old. Travel to Naples and Pompeii on the high-speed train from Rome. Join this invigorating tour of the Colosseum and Ancient Rome to get to the heart of Rome’s ancient empire. Learn about the trials and traumas of the gladiators who battled in the Colosseum and continue to the beautiful Roman Forum. See masterpieces of art from the papal collections on a 2.5-hour small group guided tour of the Vatican Museums, Sistine Chapel and St. Peter’s Basilica. Skip the long lines to the popular monuments to get a complete Vatican City experience. Explore the astonishing Roman Colosseum without having to wait in line. There’s so much to explore, and with this special ticket, you’ll have more time. Afterwards, see St. Peter's Basilica, the Sistine Chapel, and many other sights, all at your own pace. Enjoy the highlights of one of the world’s great museums and Rome's best art collection on this specially designed 2-hour Vatican Museums tour designed exclusively for families with children aged between 7 to 12-years-old. A local, multi-course food tour through the Roman district of Trastevere that offers an excellent introduction to one of the best local food districts in Rome. Start your unique tour in the Colosseum, Roman Forum and Palatine Hill. Have a short break and the descend into Nero’s buried “Golden House”. Visit the underground rooms and corridors of Rome’s Domus Aurea on a virtual reality tour using 3D glasses. Tour in the ancient city of Ostia with skip-the-line tickets included. Experience romance with love songs and music by Verdi, Puccini, Rossini, Bellini on the most exclusive terrace of Piazza Navona. There's a new way to feel at home in Rome. Combine public transportation and walking tours with high-quality audio narration, rich visuals, and offline navigable mapping to transform your smartphone into a smart assistant. Save precious time with a skip-the-line entrance ticket to the Vatican Museums before they open to the public, and discover the papal collections before the crowds. Look inside the Sistine Chapel, and get fast-track entry to St. Peter's Basilica. See the most visited archeological monument in the world on this special 1 hour tour. Explore the Colosseum from the floor where the Gladiators fought while listening to the incredible history of Ancient Rome life. Take part in a mystical cultural experience during a special visit to the Vatican Necropolis and St Peter's Basilica. Take advantage of reserved entrance to visit the Necropolis. On this 2-hour private guided tour, discover the main treasures of Castel Sant'Angelo staying away from the crowded group tours. Admire the impressive architecture of the castle and admire the incredible masterpieces hosted inside. Discover Rome at your own pace aboard of an innovative and eco-friendly electric car. Freely reach all of the most important monuments of the Eternal City and take pictures to save these moments forever. Take an easy and relaxing ride through a Roman night on an electric bike! With your guide, pass by all the most important monuments of the city and see the sun go down! Take an unusual and evocative tour that will get you in contact with nature and take you to discover the beauties of the Ancient Appian Way and its Roman aqueducts. Get your baggage transported from the airport to your accommodation with a convenient same-day luggage delivery service. Explore Rome with more freedom without having to worry about carrying your heavy luggage around. Enjoy some of the sights around central Rome made famous by classic movies on this short walking tour. Visit the Spanish Steps and the Trevi Fountain, as your guide explains both the ancient history and the Hollywood significance of each landmark. Enjoy an audience with Pope Francis for a once-in-a-lifetime encounter at the Vatican City. Share a religious and multi-cultural experience with the Pope, while listening to the papal audience together with people from all over the world. Experience the Trevi Fountain, the Spanish Steps, the Pantheon and more on this special Segway tour. Get a chance to admire the architectural and artistic wonders of this Renaissance city in a small group alongside an informative, local guide. Get behind the wheel of a vintage Fiat 500 and follow a tour leader's car along a 3-hour panoramic route of Rome. Feel like a celebrity as tourists take pictures of your candy-colored vehicles, and Romans gaze wistfully at their own Fiat 500 memories. This tour will bring you to the famous "Bones Church" of Rome, famous for the decorations made out of bones of deceased Capuchin monks. See the early Christian catacombs on the Appian Way. Admission to all sites & transportation between them are included. Discover the Vatican Museums on this 4-hour evening tour of the key sites, led by an expert guide. This is a rare opportunity to visit these world-famous at night and see the magical sight of them illuminated in the twilight. Skip the lines at the Vatican Museums and the Sistine Chapel on this 3-hour Vatican walking tour. You’ll be picked up at your hotel in Rome and enjoy a drive that takes in the city’s most important sights on the way to the Vatican. Why wait in line and then waste time wandering aimlessly through the world's greatest collection of classical and Renaissance art? Book a guided tour and your whole visit will be as unforgettable as the Sistine Chapel. This semi-private small-group Vatican tour provides early access to the Vatican Museums, before the general public arrives. With an expert guide at your side you’ll take in highlights of the Museums, Raphael Room, Sistine Chapel, and St. Peter's Basilica. Appreciate the real taste of Rome with this special walking food tour. Walk the city to discover local cuisine and popular culture. Live the city streets and appreciate Roman’s food like a local. Visit the Vatican Museum, Sistine Chapel and St Peter's Basilica with a Dutch-speaking guide. With your guide in Rome, you will enjoy a 3-hour tour without standing in line. Enjoy an English-speaking driver at your leisure in Rome for any activity: shopping, business meetings, sightseeing or a comfortable transportation within the city. Get special access to a restricted area of the Colosseum and see a partially reconstructed section of the arena floor. Enter the impressive amphitheater via the Gladiator’s Gate, explore the Roman Forum, and more. Maximize your time and explore Rome at your leisure with this hop-on-hop-off ticket valid for 24 or 48-hours. Enjoy skip-the-line access to the Vatican Museums and St. Peter's Basilica. Listen to audioguide commentary in 9 languages onboard the bus. If you want to experience the sights of Rome illuminated at night, and avoid the city’s crowded attractions by day, sit back and take in Rome's night-time magic from the comfort of an air-conditioned coach. Stop at the Trevi Fountain and Piazza Navona. Take the stress out of your arrival at Civitavecchia Port, and pre-book a private one-way transfer at the end of your cruise to Rome. Relax in comfortable executive class vehicles, and enjoy door-to-door service from your personal chauffeur. When the sun sets, an older and more mysterious Rome comes to life. You are invited to discover this mysterious side on this romantic evening walking tour. On this half-day tour, see the main features of the Eternal City. Enjoy a skip-the-line tour to the Colosseum, Roman Forum and Palatine Hill. Live an unforgettable tour in a comfortable short limousine for an amazing sightseeing experience. Plunge into the wonders of ancient Rome on this skip-the-line Colosseum and Roman Forum tour, and let your guide narrate stories of gladiators and Roman Emperors, letting the ruins of the amphitheater come to life again. A walking tour of the highlights of Civita di Bagnoregio, the "dying city", before heading onward to explore the "Monster Park" in Bomarzo. Taste the simplicity of ingredients and the surprising flavours of Roman cuisine. Roman people reflect authenticity of their culture and when it comes to food they are very proud of their food and wine tradition. Taste the city from locals' point of view. Get straight to business instead of spending hours digging on review sites looking for the authentic places. A passionate local guide will teach you all about Italy’s slow food movement as well as share traditions and anecdotes about every tasting. Enjoy a catch-all 2-day tour package with a professional guide in Rome. See all of the most important landmarks and still have both afternoons free to explore, eat, drink, and people watch on your own. Visit the Colosseum, the Vatican Museums, and more. Enjoy a special Tour of the Colosseum. Discover the third, fourth and fifth tiers of this ancient structure. Arrive at the rooftop terrace to witness spectacular views of the Colosseum and the surrounding areas. Enjoy an audience with the Pope and get a once-in-a-lifetime experience with guaranteed reservation. The half-day tour also includes sightseeing of Rome’s major attractions before heading to St. Peter’s Square. Indulge your taste buds and enjoy an evening of gourmet dining in Rome. Savor the foods and wines of Italy at a fine dining establishment, guided by an expert food and wine connoisseur. Try a typical Italian aperitif, local cheeses, and much more. Despite its being just a ruin, the Colosseum manages to impress its every visitor… If you crave to find out more about the stage of gladiator battles in a personalized manner, book this private Colosseum tour today. Discover the highlights of Florence on a self-guided day trip from Rome. Save precious time with a high-speed train transfer with on-board assistance. Enjoy an enchanting tour through the heart of the Eternal City, discovering Rome's most intriguing sights and highlights, with a stop for traditional gelato! This tour invites you to a tasting in a traditional Italian wine bar. Taste different wines with cheese in the 18th-century Palazzetto Giangiacomo. Enjoy the Italian way of life in the heart of Rome. Discover the magic and mystery of the Vatican Museums and Sistine Chapel at night on a 3-hour tour in Rome. Skip the lines and enjoy the galleries when the large crowds have departed. See masterpieces by Raphael, Michelangelo, and more. Take the stress out of your arrival at Civitavecchia Port and pre-book a private 1-way transfer at the end of your cruise to Rome. Relax in comfortable executive class vehicles, and enjoy a door-to-door service from your personal chauffeur. Travel back in time and skip the long lines to the most important monuments of imperial Rome, and learn about the great dynasties from Augustus to Commodus at the Colosseum, Roman Forum and Palatine Hill. Enjoy exclusive entrance to Navona Square Underground and see the Trevi Fountain, Pantheon, Colosseum and Roman Forum. Relax on a bus journey to Castel Gandolfo, just 25km from Rome, and visit the exclusive Papal Palace and Barberini Gardens with an audio-guided tour. Experience all levels of the world’s most famous amphitheater on this Colosseum tour. Go underground to learn about the lives of the gladiators, and ascend to the 5th floor for views over Rome. Later, see the Roman Forum for a different perspective. Get away from the hustle and bustle of the city on a Segway tour through Rome’s stunning Villa Borghese. Enjoy the park’s natural beauty and architectural delights on this convenient three hour tour. See the highlights of Rome under the magic of their evening illuminations on a 2.5-hour Segway tour. Marvel at the ruins of the former empire from Capitoline Hill, experience the evening buzz of Piazza Navona, throw a coin in the Trevi Fountain, and more. Discover an oasis of art on an 11-hour private tour of Assisi from Rome, and explore the birthplace of one of Italy's best-loved saints. Marvel at the historic buildings of the city center, such as Piazza del Comune and the Basilica of San Francesco. Enjoy a 3-hour guided walking tour to take in the highlights of the historical center of Rome. An expert guide will be your storyteller as you visit the spectacular fountains, monuments, and piazzas of the Eternal City. See the highlights of Rome and other great places off-the-beaten-track, including the breathtaking Colosseum and other must-sees, with a local private guide. Take a comprehensive guided walking tour of the most famous and breathtaking sites of ancient Rome -- the Colosseum, the Roman Forum and Palatine Hill. Experience Rome like a resident on a flexible walking tour with a local host. Choose what you want to see or do and avail of the expert insights of your new friend to create a bespoke itinerary exclusive to you. A special tour that lets you explore hidden parts of the Colosseum on a shared tour of up to 25 people. Go back in time with this 1-hour skip-the-line special tour of the Colosseum. Bypass the queue at the Colosseum to avoid long waits. Explore one of Rome’s most historic districts on this 3-hour tour of Trastevere, which includes a typical Italian aperitif. Good morning sunshine! Join this Early-Bird Rome City Tour to enjoy your Roman holiday in style. Beat the crowds and see the highlights of Rome’s historic center – like the Trevi Fountain and Spanish Steps – before the city wakes up! Discover the history and legends behind the most famous pieces of art in western civilization, on a small group tour of the Vatican Museums, Sistine Chapel, and St Peter's Basilica. Gain special access to a secret room called the Cabinet of the Masks. Travel to Fiumicino Airport (FCO) in comfort from your accommodation in Rome with a private, 1-way transfer. Pre-book this service and relax knowing that a professional driver will ensure your timely arrival. Transfers for 1-16 people are available. Relive the days of Ancient Rome on a small group 3-hour tour of the Colosseum and Roman Forum. Skip the long lines to enjoy fast track entry, and explore the main monuments of imperial Rome, such as the Temple of Jupiter, Arch of Titus and more. Discover the beauty of Rome by night on this unique guided Segway tour through the ancient city. Zip through Rome's illuminated ancient streets and visit some of its most famous sites, including the Trevi Fountain and the Spanish Steps. Learn about Rome’s cuisine and its history while tasting some of the best food in the city on a tour of trendy Trastevere. Discover open markets, family run pizzerias, famous restaurants, and more at many of the city’s most well-known food stops. Experience the magic of Rome at night and marvel at landmark monuments illuminated after dark on a guided Segway tour. Glide past icons such as the Colosseum and Piazza di Spagna at the foot of the Spanish Steps. This day out gives you complete freedom to enjoy the best that Rome has to offer. Rent a scooter for a day, and enjoy skip-the-line guided tours of some of the city's most iconic sights. This pre-cruise tour of Rome includes a meet and greet service upon arrival at the airport, luggage handling, city tour of Rome and the transfer to the Civitavecchia cruise dock. If you are already in Rome pick-up will be from your hotel. Explore the ancient Appian Way by bike. Visit the San Callisto Catacombs and see the ruins such as the Tomb of Cecilia Metella, Villa of the Quintilii through Caffarella Park and then skip-the-line with small group official Colosseum guided tour. See how ancient Roman traditions have influenced the lives of the local people. See Rome through the antiquated eyes of emperors, slaves, gladiators and even the Gods which ruled Rome and its Empire. Book this door-to-door transfer, a comfortable and hassle-free service that will allow you to enjoy your journey from the moment you arrive in Rome. Discover the enchanting Villa Farnesina with an art historian. See a magnificent example of a Roman Renaissance villa, enriched by unique frescoes by Raphael. Enjoy a unique guided tour through the Jewish quarter of Rome with a local guide who was born and bred in the heart of the Jewish-Roman community. Visit the Jewish Museum and The Great Synagogue. Get the day started early at the Vatican Museums, with an exclusive 4-hour banquet breakfast and tour of the Vatican City. Enter before opening time and enjoy no-wait access to explore the Vatican Museums and St. Peter's Basilica at leisure. See the sights of Rome on a full-day private shore excursion from Civtavecchia. With a personal driver at your disposal for the day, relax as you marvel at sites such as the Colosseum, Imperial Forum, Circus Maximus, Capitoline Hill, and more. Follow the final hours of Christ’s life through the relics preserved in several Roman churches. Discover the religious heart of Rome, on a 3-hour private tour that takes you to see relics from the Passion of Jesus brought to Rome from the Holy Land. Discover one of the world’s finest art collections on a 3-hour semi-private tour of the Vatican City in Rome. Skip the long lines to the Vatican Museums. Then, marvel at Michelangelo’s frescoes in the Sistine Chapel. End in St. Peter’s Basilica. Enjoy a small group Segway tour designed for those looking to take in some of Rome’s top attractions in a convenient and effortless way. Begin at the impressive Castel Sant’Angelo and ride through the oldest quarter of Rome en route to the Villa Borghese. Tour the Colosseum, Forum and Palatine Hill and see one of the world's greatest historical sites . Then leave the crowds behind in the Roman Forum and explore the Case Romane, a third century Roman villa composed of 20 rooms lined with opulent frescoes. See the best places to visit in Rome with this 6.5-hour special package. This walking tour includes the Vatican, Sistine Chapel, St. Peter's Basilica, the Roman Forum and Colosseum, Trevi Fountain, the Pantheon and Piazza Navona. Experience the top level seating areas of the 4th and 5th tiers of the Colosseum for the first time in 40 years. Climb to the final tier and receive breathtaking views of the Eternal City and learn about the social hierarchies of the ancient world. Join this amazing three hour journey through famous Roman squares and streets with an informative, friendly, and engaging guide. Join a small-group or private tour, no larger than 12, and enjoy exclusive access to The Vatican Museums an hour before they open to the public. Experience the perfectly peaceful Sistine Chapel and St. Peter’s Basilica, without any of the midday crowds. Explore some of the highlights of the historical center of Rome, while visiting five locally loved spots to taste some of the finest food and wine Italy has to offer. Try handmade pasta, gourmet cheeses, 25-year aged balsamic vinegar, tiramisu, and more. Become an Italian for the day as you learn how to cook a classic Italian meal. The tour takes you to a rustic farm one hour from Rome, where you will learn to prepare all 3 courses of a typical Italian meal. Explore the Vatican Museum and the Sistine Chapel, and get a unique understanding of the history and world-class art collection of the Vatican. Enjoy priority access to St. Peter's Basilica as well. Explore Rome like a true Roman from the seat of a 125cc Vespa scooter. Enjoy 24-hour rental to access more of the city, and scoot around the historic monuments and neighborhoods, such as the Colosseum, Vatican City and Trastevere. Enjoy a relaxing private to or from the airport in Rome. Enjoy a stress-free arrival or departure with exclusive service, a ride in a comfortable limousine and a professional chauffeur. Explore the most famous sites of Ancient Rome away from the crowds on this guided tour with skip-the-line access. With a group of no more than 20, discover the incredible amphitheater, learn about the ruins of the Roman Forum, and visit Palatine Hill. In this fantastic tour, enjoy the highlights of the museum and the remarkable Sistine Chapel in its entirety. You can experience the highlights of the Vatican City through the convenience of a private group tour. Decode the riddles of Rome in the heart of the Eternal City on a half-day tour of the locations from the “Angels and Demons” novel and movie. Discover a secret passage unused for many centuries, who the Illuminati were, and much more. Leave your luggage and enjoy Rome until your departure or until your room is ready. You will also have the opportunity to rent a bike and explore the city. Discover Rome's greatest highlights in the most unique setting, at night time with a professional guide. This evening tour will allow you to explore the Eternal City's secrets and learn about its history, while visiting its incredible attractions. Discover the most awe-inspiring and remarkable buildings in the world on a combo tour through Vatican City and the Colosseum. Enjoy Skip-the-Line entry at the Vatican Museum, Sistine Chapel, St Peter’s Basilica, and the Colosseum. Enjoy the Vatican Museums in a small group of 10 people. An expert guide will show you the apartment of Pope Julius II, Sistine Chapel, Last Judgement, Creation of the World, and Bernini’s Baldachin in the Basilica.
The MLT-42-F is designed and fabricated in North Carolina USA and fully supported by SuperDroid Robots, an industry leader in robotics. It is a smaller version of our LT2 and HD2 tanks, but built with the same high level of quality, strength, power, etc. This is not a plastic imported robot that will disappoint you. It performs exceptionally well for its size and is intended as a small maneuverable customizable tracked robot platform. The MLT-42-F comes with motorized flipper arms that allow the robot to climb obstacles and flip itself over if upside down. The robot is invertible meaning it can drive upside down. MLT-42 flipper arm pair with drive sprockets and all required bearings and hardware. SyRen 10A Regenerative Motor Driver for flipper motor. Dimensions: ~14" Wide x ~16" long (tip to tip) and ~4.7" tall (wheel/track height). Speed: Variable speed and direction differential drive/steering. The motors drive this robot up to 200 feet per minute (different motors can be selected below as options to get the speed up to 550fpm). Weight: The total weight of this configuration is ~10 lbs. Assembly: Robot comes fully assembled and tested. This item usually ships within 1-3 days depending on volume.
So… July saw me get back into my daily routine of writing after two very dismal months. I managed an impressive 14,308 words exceeding the monthly goal by almost 6,000 words and averaging 461 words a day and bringing me to within 5k of the three quarter mark of my 100k goal for the 365 Challenge. It’s progress, slow going, but progress all the same. I can see a tiny speck of light at the end of the long journey that has been this current series.
You are welcome to discover the latest developments and trend-setting technologies in the field of non-contact measuring and testing technology in Hall 6, Stand 6401 (Fraunhofer Vision Alliance). Hyperspectral imaging opens up a wide range of applications for surface and film inspection. Hyperspectral imaging can be used to detect material properties that are "invisible" to the human eye. This is possible thanks to an intelligent analysis of the spatially and spectrally resolved light reflected by the sample. At Control 2019, the Fraunhofer Institute for Material and Beam Technology IWS in Dresden is presenting an HSI system that can be used in particular for surface and film inspection in sectors such as automotive and aerospace suppliers or surface finishing.
Remy Ma has shared the first photo of her baby girl! Wale spoke about watching his daughter be born and how it was an experience he will never forget. What’s better than being great? Don’t mess with a mother and her child. Fathers and daughters sometimes share an amazing bond.
Image: Sangeeta Sandrasegar, Between me and the other world there is ever an unasked question, 2017, Watercolour and pencil on paper, 30 x 42 cm. Courtesy of the artist and Murray White Room, Melbourne. It’ Like That is a consideration on the flexibility and relationships between the Copy, Allegory Translation, Time, Space and Thought. Dispelling the notion that the copy is not an original, 'an artefact without archeology' this new project follows the way in which the lives and afterlives of the ‘original’ emerges, evolves and mutates through time and space. The project tracks the artistic process through a mediation on thought and memory, taking the extracted pages of a diary and year planner as the material basis upon which time itself is both planned, allocated and spent. Through their punctuation, these pages become both a testament of the passing of time and reflect the passing of light through them as objects, simultaneously recording and erasing transcripts of thought. To download the education resource for It's Like That, please CLICK HERE.
Set your alarms, mark your calendars, clear your schedules! Amazon’s Prime Day is just around the corner! Prime Day officially starts at 12:00 pm Pacific on Monday, July 16 and runs through the end of Tuesday, July 17. Prime Day is like Black Friday in July. It’s a 36 hour period when Amazon and independent Amazon sellers deeply discounts thousands of items. These deals are ONLY available to Prime members. You can get a (you can cancel at any time before the 30 days is up). — These will be available the entire time (not Lightning Deals) but they may sell out. Regular Discounts — These are items that have a deep discount that you can purchase at any time, though sellers may have limited quantities. — These are items that are on sale for a limited time with limited quantities. They will pop up at various times over the 36 hour sale period. . What types of deals can you expect? Honestly, everything under the sun. Deep discounts on Amazon’s devices (Fire tablets, Kindle e-readers, Echo, Echo dot, Fire Stick, etc.), kitchen, household, electronics (especially TVs), clothing, video games, laptops, groceries, household items. In addition to all the deals, last year Amazon offered deep discounts on their digital services and products (you can cancel these memberships at any point during your trial period with no penalties), like , , and Memberships. First off, I find shopping from my desktop or laptop computer to be far easier than my phone. I can move faster (which matters with Lightning Deals) and I can see suggested products easier (which is where I find so many discounts). Second, let us help you. Our team are EXPERTS at finding and sharing the very best Prime Day deals. Want to make sure you don’t miss a SINGLE DEAL? That’s the place where we will be posting deals we find in real time and the only place we’ll be posting Lightning Deals. Our team will post on the blog, but it will be a curated selection and not necessarily throughout the day. Plus, we’re doing a BIG gear-up to Prime Day and will be doing fun giveaways as well as sharing any pre-Prime Day deals we find over the next couple of weeks, so make sure you . Узнать как купить подушки в любом городе.
Energy and climate change are two of the most critical issues nowadays. These two topics are also correlated to each other. Fossil fuels are the main energy supplies that have been used in modern history since the industrial revolution. The impact of CO2 emission has been a major concern for its effect on global warming and other consequences. In addition, fossil fuels are not unlimited. Due to the increasing demands for energy supplies, alternative renewable, sustainable, environmentally friendly energy resources are desirable. Solar energy is an unlimited, clean, and renewable energy source, which can be considered to replace the energy supply of fossil fuel. The silicon solar cell is one of the dominant photovoltaic technologies currently, which converting sunlight directly into electric power with around 20% efficiency. This technique was been widely used in mainstream solar energy applications for decades, though the relatively energy-demanding production process remained with challenges to be resolved. Recently, emerging photovoltaic technologies such as organometal halide hybrid perovskite solar cell has attracted tremendous attention due to their promising power conversion efficiencies (over 22%) and ease of fabrication. Their progress roadmap is unprecedented in photovoltaic history from the material development and efficiency advancement perspective. Beyond the rapid progress achieved in the last few years, it is expected that this novel technology would make an impact on the future solar cell market providing long-term stability and Pb content issues are addressed. These challenges rely on a better understanding of materials and device function principles. The scope of this book is to provide a collection on the recent investigations from fundamental process, materials development to device optimization for perovskite solar cells.
Add style to your space and protect your investment with these Lambert Tie Dye Furniture Protectors. The lovely colors and lively pattern of these furniture protectors bring life to your love seat, sofa, recliner or armchair, creating the perfect finishing touch to any room. The unique design of these Lambert Tie Dye Furniture Protectors allows for non-slip comfort by firmly tucking in the bottom seat cushion flaps, making it one size fits most. Tying the ribbon underneath the furniture gives you extra control. The bottom material on these Lambert Tie Dye Furniture Protectors is stain and water resistant for protecting the cushion of liquid, food or even animal messes. It is safe to machine wash your Lambert Tie Dye Furniture Protectors, but please do not stick them in the dryer. Hang dry it to maintain the integrity of the backing and the straps. Part of Lambert Tie Dye Collection. Stain/water resistant material on bottom of protector.
Independent Mayoral candidate Chris Fox, lays out his vision for Annapolis to a crowd of nearly 100. On Saturday at 11:00am, local Annapolis resident and business owner Chris Fox officially threw his hat into the ring for Mayor of Annapolis. Running as an Independent, Chris has some very concrete ideas on how to reverse the trend the City has seen in the past eight years and bring Annapolis back to Annapolitans. Chris outlined his plans for the Market House and encouraged sitting council members to not act until a new administration is in place. Chris is a firm believer in competent city management and supports the referendum to allow for a City Manager. As a business owner and resident, he has a bidirectional view of city life. He has experienced the bureaucracy that the City has thrust upon business owners and understands why so many businesses are leaving Annapolis for the greener pastures of Parole. Chris is uniquely positioned to see our City from two perspectives. Running as an independent will be an uphill battle; but in this election it may just be the thing that wins the election. He is not beholden to either the Republican or Democratic Central Committees nor does he have a political constituency of cronies to appease. From this position of power, Chris has the ability to bring difficult subjects to light without running the risk of political suicide.
Denmark has flown one version or another of the mighty?Dannebrog since 1400. This majestic symbol of the culture, heritage, history, and people of Denmark is featured here in an easily applied, comfortable to wear, long-lasting temporary tattoo. These tattoos are perfect for party favors, prizes at festivals or carnivals, and to show your support for the phenomenal athletes who are working so hard to compete for this great country in the Olympic games. They are great for kids, and make a great option to face paint on little cheeks, foreheads, and hands. They are ideal for wearing on the arms, neck, shoulders, and even the back, stomach, or legs.?
Underfloor Heating Installation In Leicester should be calculated, just as you would for any other heating system, using preferably a proprietary software package or data taken from SAP rating our other reliable source. We have installed and commissioned underfloor heating for projects involving over 400 apartments within a large structure development and many self build dwelling projects. Your Leicester based property could be next. We have installed underfloor heating in appartment blocks, new build homes, historic chapels, company headquarters and other domestic and commercial properties. Our projects take us around the world and also to homes and businesses in Leicester. If you are based in the Leicester area and require information about renewable energy underfloor heating technology for your home or business, please contact us today by calling the following number.
Property or block management is the process of managing the communal areas of residential leasehold properties through the service charge. Block management involves communication with various parties in respect of maintenance and repairs, insurance of the building, Fire Risk Assessments, the provision of services such as central heating, lifts, porterage, estate staff, lighting and cleaning of common areas. It also requires a good understanding of legislation and leasehold matters, preparation of budgets and annual accounts, as well as routine inspections to check that the property is in good order. Leasehold flats can be in purpose-built blocks, in converted houses or above commercial or retail premises. When buying a property, a leaseholder effectively rents from the freeholder for a number of years, decades or centuries. When the freeholder grants a lease, they become a “landlord”. The structure and common parts of the building and the land it stands on are usually owned by the freeholder. The freeholder is, normally, responsible for the maintenance and repair of the building and the costs for doing so are recoverable through the service charges and billed to the leaseholders. Service charges are payments by the leaseholder to the landlord for all the services the landlord provides. Details of what can (and cannot) be charged by the landlord and the proportion of the charge to be paid by the individual leaseholder will all normally be set out in the lease. I am a property manager with over 15 years of experience working for large national corporate organisations in London and in Brighton. Most recently, I worked with a smaller company in Brighton as a partner in the firm. I decided to start SDL Property Management Tom Lean because I wanted to be part of a revolutionary approach to property management, putting clients at the heart of the business and improving the image of the industry. What makes SDL Property Management Tom Lean revolutionary is that I am able to combine the benefits of the local, more personal, one-to-one approach to property management with the backing of a larger corporate national company; the SDL Group. I deal with all management instructions directly, there is a consistent point of contact for all clients and I am the company owner and director meaning that there is no staff turnover. I have been a member of the Institute of Property Management (IRPM) since 2012, and an Associate of the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) since 2013, my company is an Associate of Association of Managing Agents (ARMA) and we are members of The Property Ombudsman service. What makes me different to other property management companies? I have found that the corporate approach to property management that larger firms tend to employ, can often lead to clients feeling that they do not receive the local personal service that they desire. Larger firms tend to have a higher turnover of staff with property managers regularly changing. This can result in an inconsistency of service and also makes it difficult for strong relationships to build larger companies can obtain greater economies of scale, offering additional services such as insurance, 24-hour emergency cover, maintenance contracts, among many others, at competitive prices. They also often have more funds available centrally for investment in IT infrastructure and staff training. They can have entire teams dedicated to compliance; dealing with regulations set out by government and professional trade bodies and organisations. It is harder for smaller companies to compete with the larger national firms in terms of investment in IT and achieving economies of scale for additional services. They can also struggle with the everchanging face of property management with new regulations and guidelines being set down and changing regularly and trying to ensure compliance with trade bodies such as ARMA and RICS. Typically however, they do provide a more personal and local approach, often providing a designated point of contact for the client and giving a personal one to one service. Working in partnership with SDL Property Management, I can ensure we are compliant with current legislation and regulations. SDL Property Management has contacts with market leading experts and professionals ensuring that we are up to date with changes across the industry. Service charge funds are held centrally by SDL Property Management giving peace of mind to my clients with the knowledge that their funds are held by a group that collectively holds around £66million of service charge funds in trust accounts compliant with the RICS code of practice. We offer state-of-the-art IT services including a resident portal allowing leaseholders to obtain updates and information about their property 24/7. We can provide a 24 hour out of hours emergency service ensuring that a professional is always on hand to deal with any emergencies and are able to offer this service at a very competitive rate due to being in partnership with SDL Property Management. Why change your current arrangements? Freeholders and Right to Manage Companies may feel that the service that they receive from their managing agents is not to the level that they expect, however the apparently daunting process of changing their agents can be a limiting factor in the willingness to try a different approach. We are regularly told to go to market for our energy supplies, our insurances, our telephone and broadband suppliers, in order to get better rates and a better service. When dealing with SDL Property Management Tom Lean; I will take care of all of the details to ensure a smooth hassle-free handover all that you would need to do is inform your agent of your intention to move your management contract. If you would like to discuss in more detail the services that we can provide to benefit you, your neighbours, your property and your home, please get in touch with me for an obligation free discussion.