තැලික් අම්ලය is a synonym of phthalic acid.
ස්පාඤ්ඤය is a synonym of spain.
ලෝක කම්කරු සංවිධානය is a synonym of international labour organization.
හය has context of cardinal.
vinegar is a synonym of විනාකිරි.
වතුර is related to eau.
😝 is a symbol of ඇස.
පොත is related to book.
sing is a synonym of ගයනවා.
🐶 is a symbol of මුහුණ.
වෙළෙඳාම is a synonym of trade.
pyramid is a synonym of පිරමිඩ.
වේද is a synonym of vedas.
රසායනික මූලද්‍රව්‍ය is a synonym of chemical element.
shadow is a synonym of හෙවනැල්ල.
යව is a synonym of oat.
අධ්‍යාපනය is a synonym of education.
පරිණාමය is a synonym of evolution.
🌦 is a symbol of වැස්ස.
බදාදා is a synonym of wednesday.
තුලිත ලකුණු පත්‍රය is a synonym of balanced scorecard.
haiti is a synonym of හෙයිටි.
වෛද්‍ය විද්‍යාව is a synonym of medicine.
බටහිර is related to point cardinal.
දෙවියන්වහන්සේ is a synonym of god.
කුඩා පරිමාණ පරිගණක is a synonym of minicomputer.
ශාක ව්‍යාධි විද්‍යාව is a synonym of plant pathology.
කාල් රෝජර්ස් is a synonym of carl rogers.
ලෝකඩ යුගය is a synonym of bronze age.
සමස්ථිතිය is a synonym of homeostasis.
භාවනා is a synonym of meditation.
ඉන්ද්‍රජාල is a synonym of magic.
ක්‍ෂණික පණිවුඩකරණය is a synonym of instant messaging.
agriculture is a synonym of කෘෂිකර්මය.
blood is a synonym of ලේ.
විශ්වවිද්‍යාලය is a synonym of university.
මලයාසියාව is a synonym of malaysia.
යමහල් අළු is a synonym of volcanic ash.
🖱 is a symbol of පරිගණකය.
desert is a synonym of කාන්තාර.
🌉 is a symbol of කාලගුණය.
හෙබ්‍රෙව් දින දසුන is a synonym of hebrew calendar.
සල්ෆර් is a synonym of ගෙන්දගම්.
ටිබෙට් is a synonym of tibet.
දණහිස is related to knife.
ඔවුහු is a synonym of ඔවුන්.
පිළිස්සීම is a synonym of burn.
ඩිරැක් ඩෙල්ටා ශ්‍රිතය is a synonym of dirac delta function.
නිර්ආගමික is a synonym of irreligion.
🥪 is a symbol of පාන්.
ලා නිනා is a synonym of la niña.
ලී අච්චු කලාව is a synonym of woodcut.
අරාබි මුහුද is a synonym of arabian sea.
රුවන්ඩාව is a synonym of rwanda.
🌐 is a symbol of ලෝකය.
ඡන්ද විමසීම් is a synonym of election.
කිරිගරුඬ is a synonym of marble.
කඩදාසි is a synonym of paper.
හෑන්ඩ් ෆුට් ඇන්ඩ් මවුත් රෝගය is a synonym of hand foot and mouth disease.
හංගුල් is a synonym of hangul.
ජාන is a synonym of gene.
ජෝසප් ප්‍රිස්ට්ලි is a synonym of joseph priestley.
river is a synonym of ගඟ.
🚵 is a symbol of කන්ද.
සංවර්ධනාත්මක මනෝවිද්‍යාව is a synonym of developmental psychology.
දුව is etymologically related to ਧੀ.
singhalesisch is a synonym of සිංහල.
මාර්ටින් ලූතර් කිං is a synonym of martin luther king jr.
සෝඩියම් is a synonym of sodium.
mountain is a synonym of කන්ද.
table is a synonym of මේසය.
ඇමරිකානු එක්සත් ජනපදය is a synonym of united states.
ඕම් නියමය is a synonym of ohm's law.
ආක්ටික් is a synonym of arctic.
කවියා is a synonym of poet.
democracy is a synonym of ප්‍රජාතන්ත්‍රවාදය.
පෙනහළු පිළිකා is a synonym of lung cancer.
මාර්ග සංඥා is a synonym of traffic sign.
කඨින ජලය is a synonym of hard water.
කරත්තය is related to carriage.
thousand is a synonym of දහස.
home is a synonym of ගෙදර.
✒ is a symbol of පෑන.
ප්ලාස්මා සංදර්ශකය is a synonym of plasma display.
snow is a synonym of හිම.
ඔයා is a synonym of ඔබ.
අත්කම් නිර්මාණ is a synonym of handicraft.
හස්තරේඛා ශාස්ත්‍රය is a synonym of palmistry.
🤑 is a symbol of මුහුණ.
👴 is a symbol of මිනිසා.
leopard is a synonym of කොටියා.
ෂෝවු රාජවංශය is a synonym of zhou dynasty.
දලයි ලාමාතුමා is a synonym of dalai lama.
🏩 is a symbol of ආදරය.
භාරත ජනරජය is a synonym of india.
madagascar is a synonym of මැඩගස්කරය.
ධරණකය is a synonym of stapes.
👩‍ is a symbol of රෝද පුටුව.
අ is related to alphabet.
මම ඔයත අදරෙි is related to je t’ aime.