yuraqchupa luwichu is a synonym of white tailed deer.
puquy is related to maturation.
q apiy is related to knead.
wawa hampikamayuq is a synonym of pediatrics.
warak a is a synonym of sling.
picga has context of cardinal.
kurku is related to trunk.
ispay is related to underneath.
ari is related to sharpness.
recent is a synonym of musuq.
rak i is related to forecast.
ch unku is related to crowd.
sapa is related to sapay.
ununkwadyu is a synonym of flerovium.
kuska is related to location.
paqar is related to paqariy.
achikyay is related to dawn.
t aklla is a synonym of plough.
sapra is a synonym of beard.
arinsay is related to arinsa.
father in law is a synonym of kiwachi.
ismu is related to ismuy.
thantay is related to become.
wiñay is related to century.
runa is related to être humain.
jap iy is related to remember.
chiri is related to chiriyachiy.
tinkiy is a form of t inkiy.
iñiy is derived from iñi.
kañay is related to set fire to.
qipi is a form of q ipi.