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paw poured water
The poor dog's paw poured water from every pore.
Which as worthier - the worrier, the wanderer, or the warrior?
even knievel helped
Even Knievel helped himself to eleven lots of elevenses.
strikes strange struggle
Strikes strange struggle, squandering scheduled synthesis.
I see a sea down by the seashore. But which sea do you see down by the seashore?
two minutes difference
There are two minutes difference from four to two to two to two, from two to two to two, too.
red leather lump
A lump of red leather, a red leather lump
sim swallowed seawater
Sam swam while Sim swallowed seawater.
terribly difficult thing
What to do to die today at a minute or two to two. A terribly difficult thing to say and a harder thing to do. A dragon will come and beat his drum Ra-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-too at a minute or two to two today. At a minute or two to two.
juan runs
When Juan runs, Juan won't rest.
tutor two tutors
A tooter who tooted a flute tried to tutor two tutors to toot. Said the two to their tutor, "Is it harder to toot or to tutor two tutors to toot?".
truly frugal ruler
A truly frugal ruler's mural.
proud percival pestered
Proud Percival pestered the pilgrim for the promised prayer.
hearted hippo hugs
Heavy-hearted hippo hugs.
Why do you cry, Willy? Why do you cry? Why, Willy? Why, Willy? Why, Willy? Why?
pixie presently picked
A pixie presently picked a perfect present.
meter maid mary married manly matthew marcus mayo
Meter maid Mary married manly Matthew Marcus Mayo, a moody male mailman moving mostly metered mail.
six silly sisters sell silk
Six silly sisters sell silk to six sickly seniors.
red blood
Red blood, green blood
clams cram cans
Can clams cram cans of candy?
stick across
If you cross a cross across a cross, or cross a stick across a stick, or cross a stick across a cross, or cross a cross across a stick, or stick a stick across a stick, or stick a cross across a cross, or stick a cross across a stick, or stick a stick across a cross, what a waste of time!
sock shops sold stocks
If sock shops sold stocks, sock stocks could be hot stocks!
Such a shame to see such shortages!
head henpecker
Heed the head henpecker.
drops stop dropping
The storm starts when the drops start dropping, when the drops stop dropping and the storm starts stopping.
pretty kitty creighton
Pretty Kitty Creighton had a cotton batten cat. The cotton batten cat was bitten by a rat. The kitten that was bitten had a button for an eye, And biting off the button made the cotton batten fly.
cause copper cooking kettles cook corn quickly
The cook cooked the corn in copper cooking kettles 'cause copper cooking kettles cook corn quickly.
great glass globe glows green
Gale's great glass globe glows green.
sleekest sheet slitter
I'm a sheet slitter. I slit sheets. I'm the sleekest sheet slitter that ever slit sheets.
fly pie fans sell chilly shoe
Silly shoe-fly pie fans sell chilly shoe-fly pie pans.
snitch witch snitch
Which Witch snitched the Snitch Witch? Or did the Snitch Witch snitch the Witch? If the Snitch Witch snitched the Witch then which Witch did the Snitch Witch snitch?
need unique new york
You know New York. You need New York. You know you need unique New York.
grace greased reese
Grace greased Reese's green racer.
petulant flatulent platypus starts
A petulant flatulent platypus starts to tooting and flouring his flute to his farts. But at platypus outings his flatulent floutings flout his flute flat at the tootiest parts.
hot ham
He bade him eat his own hot ham, so his own hot ham he ate.
letter later
Larry sent the latter a letter later.
nine times
Pick up a stick up, a stick up now pick. Let me hear you say that nine times, quick!
showy shoe
She shouldn't stow such showy shoe, should she?
witch wishes
I wish to wish the wish you wish to wish, but if you wish the wish the witch wishes, I won't wish the wish you wish to wish.
magic ," muttered
"Mortals may not match my magic," muttered the magician menacingly.
city bit
A kitty in the city bit a kiddie - what a pity!
blazer blue
I brough the blazer braid I bought to bind the blazer blue. The braid I bought was not too bright to bind the blazer blue.
washy washerwoman wants
Which wish-washy washerwoman wants to watch?
grimy gooey green glockenspiel
Greg's grimy gooey green glockenspiel.
five fashionable females flying
Five fashionable females flying to France for fresh French fashions.
fried fish
Fritz's fired pizza and Percy's fried fish were fresh.
peter potter painted patty porter
Peter Potter painted portraits, put the portraits onto posters. Pinned the posters to his gatepost. Patty Porter saw the portraits, said to Peter Potter, "Please paint my portrait on a poster." So, Peter Potter painted Patty Porter's portrait and put it on a poster and Patty Porter pinned Peter Potter's poster on her gatepost.
nutty knott
Nutty Knot was not in.Nutty Knott was out Knotting knots in netting.Nutty Knott was out,But lots of knows Were in Nutty Knott's knotty netting.
kitty caught
Kitty caught the kitten in the kitchen.
midget minute
Midget minute, midget minute, midget minute, ...
b bean shooter
Bobby Bear's B-B bean shooter.
inn flows
The water in Flo's Inn flows in frozen.
never felt felt
Of all the felt I ever felt I never felt felt that felt like that felt felt.
small brown blank bank book back
Pass the big black blank bank book back. If you won't pass the big black blank bank book back, then pass the small brown blank bank book back.
see isis
I see Isis's icy eyes.
lazy laser raiser lies
On a lazy laser raiser lies a laser ray eraser.
really weary
Willie's really weary.
wheel rut
Watch the wheel rut in the road.
napoleon bonaparte
Napoleon Bonaparte's pony.
big black bug bit
A big black bug bit a big black dog on his big black nose!
wretched witch watched
The wretched witch watched a walrus washing. Did the wretched witch watch a walrus washing? If the wretched witch watched a walrus washing, where's the washing walrus the wretched witch watched?
Cuthbert's custard.
tardy attending trigonometry
Trudy was tardy attending trigonometry. Trigonometry truly was a trial for Trudy.
I would if I could, and if I couldn't, how could I? You couldn't, unless you could, could you?
massively maths based
The maths course was massively maths based.
big black bugs bleed blue black blood
Big black bugs bleed blue black blood but baby black bugs bleed blue blood.
wild wolf roams
The wild wolf roams the wintry wastes.
peter anteater met anteater rita
Peter anteater met anteater Rita and now there's anteater Anita.
bulging biceps burst
Brad's bulging biceps burst.
excited executioner exercising
Excited executioner exercising his excising powers excessively.
several shoppers stopped
Several shoppers stopped to shop for slippers.
strong stephen stringer snared slickly six sickly
String, strong Stephen Stringer snared slickly six sickly, silky snakes.
rubber rubble roads runner runs
Round and round the rubber rubble roads Runner runs.
stay calm
Come, come, Stay calm, stay calm, No need for alarm, It only hums, It doesn't harm.
noodles newt needs
Noel knows no news about the noodles Newt needs.
jenny generally generalised
In general, in January, Jenny generally generalised.
thistles sizzle
Scissors sizzle, thistles sizzle.
monsters must munch much mush
Mummies munch much mush;Monsters munch much mush;Many mummies and monsters must munch much mush.
Will you, William? Will you, William? Will you, William? Can't you, don't you, won't you, William?
sunshine city
Sunshine city, sunshine city, sunshine city, ...
brooke brought
Brooke brought both books.
ear hears
Ere her ear hears her err, her ears err here.
surly shirley surely swills sloppy slappy
Surly Shirley surely swills sloppy Slappy's sappy syrup.
cows chew cod
Chase chews cod. Cows chew cod. If cows chase Chase, is a Chase a cod-chewing cow?
naughty neanderthals neatly gnawed
Naughty Neanderthals neatly gnawed a nifty numbat.
pretty pink parlour
Polly's parents' party is in the pretty pink parlour.
The slimmer the dinner the thinner the winner.
sunshade sheltered sarah
The sunshade sheltered Sarah from the sunshine.
samuel saw snotty sarah stealing several strands
Suddenly, Samuel saw snotty Sarah stealing several strands of snot.
Mumbling, bumbling. Bumbling, mumbling.
sleepy slick slipped
Sleepy Slick slipped on a slimy, slippery sled.
hams hung
Hams hung up. Hung up hams.
dude dropped
The dude dropped in at the Dewdrop Inn.
furry fly flitted
The furry fly flitted from flower to flower.
simon sang several sweet
Simon sang several sweet-sounding songs.
fried fresh fish
Threadbare Fred feeds on fried fresh fish, fish fried fresh, fresh fried fish, fresh fish fried and fish fresh fried, does threadbare Fred.
three frozen toes
Thaw those three frozen toes.
slipping swiftly see
Down the slippery slide they slid, sitting slightly sideways, slipping swiftly see them skid, on holidays and Fridays.
prince preferred parchment paper
The prince preferred parchment paper for printing proclamations.
fat dogs frying fritters
Fat dogs frying fritters and fiddling ferociously.
End of preview. Expand in Data Studio


Metadata in Creative Language Toolkit (CLTK)

  • CL Type: Tongue Twister
  • Task Type: Generation
  • Size: 2k
  • Created time: 2023
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