1 value
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
IDK about this stuff but I think you need a psychologist.
{ "labels": [ "realization", "caring", "neutral", "desire" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
Thats exactly what I was thinking but doesnt it sound super cool?!?
{ "labels": [ "surprise", "disapproval" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
For me, the only thing that makes it cringe is [NAME] covering his mouth
{ "labels": [ "neutral", "disappointment" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
hell yeh dude
{ "labels": [ "neutral", "annoyance" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
Lol, Im surprised more people didnt catch that. Thanks for the med check!
{ "labels": [ "gratitude", "love", "surprise", "joy", "amusement" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
Couldnt agree more.
{ "labels": [ "disapproval", "neutral" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
> If this article was/is false then the poster should be banned for life Congratulations. You just fundamentally changed how internet works.
{ "labels": [ "gratitude", "remorse", "admiration" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
No way would I give up Albies even in a 1 for 1 scenario.
{ "labels": [ "disapproval", "neutral" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
Is he really your buddy if you have to ask us how to talk to him?
{ "labels": [ "confusion", "neutral" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text. so beautiful. The stuff of dreams for sure.
{ "labels": [ "admiration", "love" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
{ "labels": [ "excitement", "love", "amusement" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
I find that relatable: I too am terrified of myself.
{ "labels": [ "fear", "realization", "nervousness", "disappointment" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
Go buy groceries and don't spend another dime for an entire week. Please....
{ "labels": [ "disapproval", "neutral" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
Just read up on that guy, not sure he changed that much since his conversion unfortunately.
{ "labels": [ "confusion", "disappointment" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
I mean, [NAME] really is downplaying the guys friendship. Thats suspect to me.
{ "labels": [ "neutral", "realization" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
I've gone through phases like that, usually related to depression or something else going on in my life. See if it passes in a couple weeks.
{ "labels": [ "disappointment", "optimism", "sadness", "remorse" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
This guy - you win.
{ "labels": [ "approval", "neutral" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
Wow, really? I hope this kind of event doesnt happen that often.
{ "labels": [ "curiosity", "optimism", "surprise", "desire" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
Just change in the stall. I used to do it. No one will say anything to you about it it's normal
{ "labels": [ "caring", "approval" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
And yet when it comes to hard news several studies have shown that they are the most fair and balanced when it comes to coverage interesting isn't it.
{ "labels": [ "disappointment", "neutral" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
Welp. Guess I'm gonna get fat.
{ "labels": [ "optimism", "remorse", "confusion", "disappointment", "approval", "neutral" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
No I didnt think that, it was the way the information was presented
{ "labels": [ "disapproval", "realization" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
Need I remind you about [NAME] "Arm the poor for revolutionary war" [NAME]? He was on there the other week. [NAME] is a huge ally.
{ "labels": [ "realization", "neutral", "admiration", "approval", "optimism", "confusion" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
Ahh going to bother me I remember it. Let me do some research!!
{ "labels": [ "annoyance", "disapproval", "desire", "approval", "nervousness" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
This should be interesting...
{ "labels": [ "neutral", "excitement", "approval", "optimism" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
Wrecking Ball clips are the best
{ "labels": [ "approval", "admiration" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
They showed a pretty cool [NAME] cosplay from a guy
{ "labels": [ "neutral", "admiration" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
This is what it's like, when cry.
{ "labels": [ "disappointment", "realization", "sadness", "neutral" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
This is the guy to talk to! Draftbuffs amazing and getting better constantly.
{ "labels": [ "admiration", "approval" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
If it comes out that [NAME] or [NAME] were sexual predetors I am going to be pretty god damn upset.
{ "labels": [ "neutral", "disappointment", "realization", "admiration", "annoyance" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
Youre attacking me and need to stop
{ "labels": [ "neutral" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
Man I thought [NAME] was going to be the real deal. I wanted [NAME] gone so bad around that time.
{ "labels": [ "desire", "annoyance", "sadness", "neutral" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
Gamers know all too well how it feels to be oppressed by society.
{ "labels": [ "approval", "annoyance", "caring", "excitement" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
I have a sudden urge to delete my reddit account
{ "labels": [ "neutral", "annoyance", "disapproval", "desire" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
love how nobody decides to run over to him and help
{ "labels": [ "annoyance", "love" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
Pretty sure he was being facetious guy
{ "labels": [ "approval" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
[NAME] was a pleasant surprise. It might be something you'll enjoy.
{ "labels": [ "joy", "surprise", "optimism" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
Youre so perfect :)
{ "labels": [ "admiration", "approval", "joy", "caring", "desire", "gratitude", "optimism", "pride" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
>If you cant recognize bad acting like [NAME] emotional scenes, Oh please. Why are you even on this sub? Lol
{ "labels": [ "annoyance", "amusement", "surprise", "curiosity" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
not really. I worked hard to live there, and it was different then. Far cheaper.
{ "labels": [ "realization", "disapproval", "neutral", "desire", "optimism" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
Cleaning up my balls
{ "labels": [ "neutral" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
Thats it I am out. This sub stinks.
{ "labels": [ "neutral", "anger", "disgust", "realization" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
I didn't think it was that bad tbh
{ "labels": [ "neutral", "disapproval", "disgust", "approval", "surprise" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
I met my partner online. It was romantic interest right away. No friendship period for us.
{ "labels": [ "love", "realization", "pride" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
If that's the best you got for being against libertarians then you basically have no serous reason.
{ "labels": [ "neutral", "confusion", "approval", "disapproval" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
Unless theyre narcissistic. Then gray rock the hell out of them and good luck!
{ "labels": [ "optimism", "caring", "neutral" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
ah i was also confused but i think they mean friends around the same age
{ "labels": [ "confusion" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
The service made it 20 years ago (1999, yeah ikr 1999 was 20 YEARS AGO?)
{ "labels": [ "curiosity", "neutral" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
sorry im deaf i cant hear you
{ "labels": [ "remorse", "disapproval" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
You're making yourself look more stupid with every reply. Google what the heck model organisms are.
{ "labels": [ "annoyance", "anger", "disgust", "neutral" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
Yeah, you can. I know people who've done it. Maybe not in your city? Regions do vary.
{ "labels": [ "neutral", "confusion", "approval" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
Wow holy shit I didn't realize Reddit has become main stream media great analogy bud
{ "labels": [ "approval", "surprise" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
this is such a happy video
{ "labels": [ "joy" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
You aint far from going postage stamp on that thing!!!!
{ "labels": [ "approval", "neutral" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
Imperial is already messy and hard to understand
{ "labels": [ "confusion", "realization", "disappointment", "annoyance", "disapproval" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
the one who doesn't move except to back down any wannabe who's been talking that trash to him
{ "labels": [ "disapproval", "neutral", "admiration" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
If only we were in that conference room to hear the answer!
{ "labels": [ "neutral", "optimism" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
I'm so glad [NAME] finally got her visa, she's going to do awesome living in the USA!!!!
{ "labels": [ "joy", "neutral", "admiration", "excitement", "gratitude" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
"I'm a lady! I do ladies things!" He's a real life [NAME]!
{ "labels": [ "excitement", "neutral" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
[NAME] rolls with his kitties and is hard as fuck.
{ "labels": [ "surprise", "disgust", "annoyance", "disappointment", "admiration", "approval" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
of moms give birth BY 30. About 11-13% of women are childless. Please lol some more.
{ "labels": [ "amusement", "annoyance", "neutral" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
Its amazing.
{ "labels": [ "excitement", "admiration" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
{ "labels": [ "curiosity", "neutral" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
{ "labels": [ "anger", "neutral", "annoyance" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
Pedo dream, don't talk to any strange men with candy
{ "labels": [ "neutral", "embarrassment", "caring" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
some one get me a damn barf bag pease !
{ "labels": [ "annoyance", "disgust", "neutral" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
I love HBK, but he never pulled these crazy spots off.
{ "labels": [ "admiration", "love" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
[NAME] get him a glass of water and have him lie down...
{ "labels": [ "caring", "nervousness", "neutral" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
Lol, no one can say that because you dont know who the fucking shooter is. Whats going through your head?!
{ "labels": [ "annoyance", "amusement", "anger", "curiosity" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
I agree its disrespectful to so blatantly disregard her parents wishes but yes, otherwise too uptight.
{ "labels": [ "confusion", "approval", "disapproval", "neutral" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
Don't worry, with a lifestyle that requires them to have a new hip before the age of 20 they won't be making it much further.
{ "labels": [ "caring", "sadness", "neutral" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
Where do I sign up, then? Haha.
{ "labels": [ "amusement", "confusion" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
Omg I am so grateful for attending your TED Talk. (Not being sarcastic, btw. This is great)
{ "labels": [ "admiration", "gratitude", "joy", "amusement", "surprise" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
Being a complete idiot and blocking a road in front of a bar. Which is where most cops tend to hang out trolling for DUIs at 2 am.
{ "labels": [ "annoyance", "disappointment", "disapproval", "fear", "neutral", "disgust" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
They really need to bring [NAME] son back to do more flashback scenes of young [NAME]. That would be SO GOOD
{ "labels": [ "admiration", "approval" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
It was complimentary. Was it a fly? Quiet possibly.
{ "labels": [ "caring", "confusion", "curiosity", "approval", "surprise" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
Guys. She can do paarrn! She has her gym moans down. She wld kill it!!!
{ "labels": [ "neutral", "admiration" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
I think it was roughing and unsportsmanlike conduct for the chirp or something stupid like that. I couldn't believe [NAME] got away with that
{ "labels": [ "annoyance", "surprise", "disapproval" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
Not sure who they went to, but free in my state (Ohio).
{ "labels": [ "confusion", "neutral" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
I am just utterly disgusted by it all
{ "labels": [ "disgust" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
He has utterly squandered his time since leaving office. For those of us trying to champion his legacy it's a perpetual headache.
{ "labels": [ "neutral", "annoyance" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
She completely understands, that's why she does this.
{ "labels": [ "realization", "neutral", "approval", "admiration" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
Inheriting your dad's company when he dies doesn't count you spoilt piece of shit.
{ "labels": [ "grief", "sadness", "excitement", "annoyance", "disapproval", "optimism", "neutral" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
Your stupidity and your attempt to reframe the argument when the facts are laid out clearly is astounding LOL
{ "labels": [ "amusement" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
Why arent you using dark mode
{ "labels": [ "curiosity" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
Honestly tho. Please stop posting this. We've been seeing this shit since at least 2003 and I was born in 02 ffs
{ "labels": [ "disgust", "anger", "annoyance", "disapproval" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
Not [NAME]! He had 0.9% kick to selfs so he'll probably keep bunging them in from the goal square and not getting any stats.
{ "labels": [ "neutral", "disapproval" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
Dude, its turn of phrase.
{ "labels": [ "neutral" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
If you want [NAME] to become [NAME], yeah
{ "labels": [ "neutral", "approval" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
Your same-gender partner
{ "labels": [ "neutral" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
That cowboy was pretty deft
{ "labels": [ "approval", "admiration" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
Listen carefully and watch me wink as I speak. The guy I'm really looking for, *wink*, is Mr. [NAME], *wink wink*.
{ "labels": [ "neutral", "approval" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
And this is actually one of the nicer flats you can get in Boness too!
{ "labels": [ "admiration", "surprise" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
Thanks to me, my grandma now refers to to [NAME] as "the lizard".
{ "labels": [ "gratitude" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
Hey when your yard is made up entirely of gravel you can do what you want.
{ "labels": [ "neutral", "optimism" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
I am clueless lately. None of my students parents speak English. It breaks my heart because I want to have more open communication.
{ "labels": [ "confusion", "sadness", "disappointment" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
Over 38 games against City we aint got a hope, but over 90 minutes.. hmm. Hmmmmmmmm.
{ "labels": [ "neutral", "desire", "realization" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
That was painful to read.
{ "labels": [ "sadness", "grief", "nervousness" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
{ "labels": [ "neutral", "excitement" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
Bitch subscribed to 1st look at [NAME] shitposts.
{ "labels": [ "amusement", "annoyance", "disgust", "anger" ] }