1 value
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
I told their kid that it was okay to be upset. (He was anxious and I was validating his feelings.)
{ "labels": [ "nervousness", "fear", "caring" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
I compleatly get it. It makes me not trust people over the littlest things.
{ "labels": [ "realization", "annoyance" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
Why does everything have to be a debate?
{ "labels": [ "neutral", "curiosity" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
Lol! Believe me I get it! Hell, even 11:00 might be pushing it ;-)
{ "labels": [ "amusement", "optimism" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
Ah damn it.
{ "labels": [ "anger", "annoyance", "neutral" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
I dont think Im high enough to get this
{ "labels": [ "neutral" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
No [NAME], and [NAME] back on the left. Finally. Please take this chance [NAME]
{ "labels": [ "gratitude", "disapproval", "neutral" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
[NAME] getting so much screentime... she better not be nominated
{ "labels": [ "neutral" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
Beautiful song and great moment in the story
{ "labels": [ "admiration", "approval" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
They're mad
{ "labels": [ "neutral", "anger" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
Now if only America would do this
{ "labels": [ "neutral", "optimism" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
thank you! This is what I thought she said as well
{ "labels": [ "gratitude" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
Obviously. If we were able to make such logical risk/reward assessments it wouldn't be a problem.
{ "labels": [ "approval", "neutral" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
its funny because they dont even do anything at the look out tower but stargaze
{ "labels": [ "joy", "amusement" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
If you were the OP this would matter.
{ "labels": [ "optimism", "neutral" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
Yes she does! She is beautiful but has taken it much too far with the lip fillers and fake tan
{ "labels": [ "admiration", "caring", "neutral", "approval" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
Yeah the last one made me laugh
{ "labels": [ "amusement" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
[NAME] dumped me...
{ "labels": [ "neutral", "annoyance", "disapproval", "sadness" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
Me too, I'm shitting myself.
{ "labels": [ "nervousness", "disappointment", "disgust", "remorse", "embarrassment", "neutral", "annoyance" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
[NAME] is incredibly loyal.
{ "labels": [ "neutral", "admiration" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
Plus FIFA can get corrupt officials in 3 countries to compete to see who can line their pockets better!
{ "labels": [ "neutral" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
{ "labels": [ "neutral" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
holy shit that person is a fucking asshole, talk about a huge red flag for your stepbrother.
{ "labels": [ "anger", "annoyance", "disgust" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
Hooray!! Number 1! Number 1! Number 1! Number 1!
{ "labels": [ "excitement" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
Oh, I realized that moments after rolling down my window, when his hand came through the space.
{ "labels": [ "realization" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
{ "labels": [ "annoyance", "neutral" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
lol robot car
{ "labels": [ "amusement", "neutral", "joy" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
If somebody is fundamentally unsocialized chances are they behave socially inappropriate in more than one situation
{ "labels": [ "anger", "realization", "disapproval", "neutral" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
Its like the other 3 teams are moving the [NAME] cube until it matches and they can be affective against the Patriots. Still not quite there
{ "labels": [ "neutral", "excitement" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
Ground vehicles too it seems. Obviously wouldnt be a problem if the game shipped complete with proper vehicle customization.
{ "labels": [ "neutral", "anger", "relief" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
Awesome, great to see people coming together for peer to peer cash!
{ "labels": [ "admiration" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
The fact that people STILL believe this after 5 years is mind boggling to me..
{ "labels": [ "neutral", "optimism" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
Conversion to make gay people straight. It's horrifying
{ "labels": [ "fear", "nervousness", "neutral" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
He said i am being rude to her
{ "labels": [ "anger", "annoyance" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
After [NAME] comment the stock prices fell and the [NAME] was never heard from again. Crab juice went up 4 points
{ "labels": [ "neutral", "surprise", "approval" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
Beautiful yet sad that his relationship ended in 45 the same way most of mine do...with cheating
{ "labels": [ "sadness" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
Unemployed now re: those crummy health issues. So that probably helped.
{ "labels": [ "caring", "disgust", "disappointment", "relief", "sadness", "neutral" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
It must suck to be so boring that all you can talk about is an expensive watch
{ "labels": [ "anger", "sadness", "neutral", "disgust", "approval", "annoyance" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
Youll get hired, but you can never call out.
{ "labels": [ "optimism" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
{ "labels": [ "anger", "neutral" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
Imagine going back through post history to try and dunk on someone who routinely owns you because you're desperate to be liked.
{ "labels": [ "approval", "optimism", "neutral" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
Even though I didn't know you personally, but I just want to say that I am proud of you. This is an inspiration.
{ "labels": [ "admiration" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
Got damn you must have been doing zans for a min
{ "labels": [ "disappointment" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
Next time I'll quit for sure though, just don't want to yet. But next time...
{ "labels": [ "neutral", "anger" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
You didn't deserve to win after drafting [NAME] in the 2nd
{ "labels": [ "anger", "disapproval", "neutral" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
Thanks, I'm the LAOTOP and I found this response as informative as the comments in the original post.
{ "labels": [ "gratitude", "admiration", "approval" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
Yeah that dragon one with the same style ? Mesmerizing. I believe there's also one close to Civic center
{ "labels": [ "admiration", "approval", "neutral", "desire" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
I think that had to do more with not wanting to hurt the old man lol
{ "labels": [ "optimism", "amusement", "sadness" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
By taking it as a nonserious game you don't need in order to enjoy and have fun with it.
{ "labels": [ "annoyance", "disapproval", "neutral", "disappointment", "joy" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
errrrrrrrrr that's pointless, and your Doctor I'm afraid is pointless as well.
{ "labels": [ "annoyance", "fear", "nervousness", "disappointment" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
That's really sad to hear, I can't imagine. I'm wishing the best for you
{ "labels": [ "surprise", "caring", "sadness" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
That's what makes the best reply you could paste the comment at mumble rap and 10 day tho.
{ "labels": [ "neutral", "admiration", "approval", "optimism" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
Hes just behind [NAME] and [NAME]. Having 2 second rows on the bench wouldve been overkill when weve got [NAME] available.
{ "labels": [ "neutral" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
Thats horrible. You definitely didnt deserve it. Im glad to hear youre doing OK now.
{ "labels": [ "disgust", "relief", "fear", "joy" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
The current way Boba works doesn't warrant his removal enough. [NAME] isn't technically broken, the way the target system works is.
{ "labels": [ "neutral", "confusion" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
Lucrative. I like it.
{ "labels": [ "optimism", "pride", "relief", "admiration", "approval", "love", "joy" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
.......... no u!
{ "labels": [ "neutral" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
Uhh dont you mean [NAME] and [NAME]? They were so sweet together! /s
{ "labels": [ "confusion", "joy", "neutral", "admiration", "love" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
Really easy for the burglars tho
{ "labels": [ "neutral", "admiration", "realization", "surprise" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
Grandmas knees are burning up
{ "labels": [ "sadness", "neutral" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
I hope not, i was just sharing what happened to my bud. GL man, hope you get it figured out
{ "labels": [ "desire", "disapproval", "optimism", "neutral" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
this aint it chief
{ "labels": [ "disapproval" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
Since it's a very unlucky case i would tell you to just have a really big amount of pacience and maybe have a date once a time
{ "labels": [ "caring", "approval", "disappointment" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
I mean, its kind of her problem. She blithely makes so many mental errors.
{ "labels": [ "disappointment" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
Had to go way too far down the thread for this answer!
{ "labels": [ "neutral", "realization", "confusion" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
Art degrees are useless! Now excuse me while I go watch a Pixar movie. /s
{ "labels": [ "disapproval" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
Did nutmeg trip once when in high school. Unbelievable how trippy it was. Made time to super slow too. Key word: ONCE
{ "labels": [ "approval", "neutral" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
Was that an inglorious basterds quote in there ?
{ "labels": [ "curiosity" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
Sorry for all the questions I just find ASPD to be a fascinating disorder. I have BPD SO to me not having emotions sounds like a dream.
{ "labels": [ "confusion", "remorse", "gratitude" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
You're being cucked by an MLM I hope you realize that
{ "labels": [ "realization", "disapproval", "curiosity", "annoyance", "caring" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
Sad thing is it would probably forcibly ground the plane.
{ "labels": [ "sadness" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
Thank you. I will look into the protein possibility.
{ "labels": [ "gratitude" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
*Hey just noticed..* it's your **2nd Cakeday** [NAME]! ^(hug)
{ "labels": [ "neutral" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
Im not sure bud. But they do have multiple options. So that might be one of them
{ "labels": [ "confusion", "disapproval", "realization", "neutral" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
he's playing you on not just this point and you eat it up.
{ "labels": [ "neutral" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
One time a lady got mad at me because her White Zinfandel
{ "labels": [ "amusement", "love" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
Running. Thats all. And then I hurt a major tendon.
{ "labels": [ "neutral", "approval", "sadness" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
Let the bourgeoisie draw first blood. Let there be no confusion about who shot first, and there will be no question about who shoots last.
{ "labels": [ "neutral", "approval", "realization" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
I want to learn this, but booze seems to make me even more silent.
{ "labels": [ "desire", "realization", "annoyance" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
Yup, it's pretty funny to know we technically use the metric system.
{ "labels": [ "amusement", "realization", "surprise" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
Yes! Im glad you see where he got that n-word take from
{ "labels": [ "approval", "joy" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
Can't you tell that [NAME] is a serious threat to apprehend. All that alleged lying makes him a serious threat to others.
{ "labels": [ "desire", "disapproval", "fear", "anger" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
Sick comeback. Not really a dirty combo other than the unblockable.
{ "labels": [ "anger", "disapproval", "realization", "annoyance", "admiration", "excitement", "relief" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
Yep, it would be super easy. Honestly makes me regret not doing that to the flames sub... /S kind of
{ "labels": [ "approval" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
Good luck! Let ~~me~~us know how it goes!
{ "labels": [ "optimism", "caring" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
"I have to deal with this, so now you have to also."
{ "labels": [ "neutral", "annoyance", "approval", "realization" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
a realization of the fact that you're not good enough and you have to work a lot harder and develop your taste?
{ "labels": [ "disappointment", "realization" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
*police proceed to slide down hill* *I quickly jump in police cruiser, as friend holds bumper*
{ "labels": [ "neutral", "caring", "approval", "fear" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
with a locker room like this is looking to be, I don't think Ohio State is done losing games that they shouldn't
{ "labels": [ "disapproval", "neutral", "annoyance", "disappointment" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
Yeah weird feelings too
{ "labels": [ "disappointment", "fear", "nervousness", "approval", "anger", "annoyance" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
Using sex as social status is beyond retarded lol
{ "labels": [ "disgust", "neutral", "annoyance" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
{ "labels": [ "sadness", "anger" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
OMG thank you. Just thank you all
{ "labels": [ "gratitude" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
And people say they'll gladly pay their taxes. As if it's voluntary.
{ "labels": [ "neutral", "approval" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
I saw the video. It was more awkward than anything.
{ "labels": [ "disgust", "embarrassment" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
{ "labels": [ "approval", "optimism", "neutral" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
On the bright side, anyone dumb enough to do this would quickly be buried in a hail of well-deserved poor reviews.
{ "labels": [ "annoyance", "neutral" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
What is up with the phone tho
{ "labels": [ "annoyance", "neutral" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
This is so wholesome! I cant wait for Animal Crossing Switch!
{ "labels": [ "admiration", "excitement", "approval" ] }
Identify the emotions expressed in the following text.
So what you are saying is that you are not a serious guitarist is you use finger guards?
{ "labels": [ "anger", "neutral", "surprise", "confusion" ] }