--- |
license: odc-by |
--- |
# DuckDB datasets for (dump, id) querying on FineWeb 2 |
This repo contains some DuckDB databases to check whether a given WARC UID exists in a FineWeb-2 dump. Usage example |
is given below, but note especially that if you are using URNs (likely, if you are working with CommonCrawl data), |
then you first have to extract the UID (the `id` column is of type `UUID` in the databases). |
## Download |
All files: |
```shell |
huggingface-cli download BramVanroy/fineweb-2-duckdbs --local-dir duckdbs/fineweb-2/ --include *.duckdb --repo-type dataset |
``` |
One file: |
```shell |
huggingface-cli download BramVanroy/fineweb-2-duckdbs fw2-deu_Latn.duckdb --local-dir duckdbs/fineweb-2/ --repo-type dataset |
``` |
## Usage |
Originally developed to be used with a library to look for Creative Commons licensing information: https://github.com/BramVanroy/CommonCrawl-CreativeCommons/ |
```python |
import re |
import duckdb |
uid_re = re.compile(r"<urn:uuid:([a-zA-Z0-9]{8}-?[a-zA-Z0-9]{4}-?[a-zA-Z0-9]{4}-?[a-zA-Z0-9]{4}-?[a-zA-Z0-9]{12})>") |
duckdb_path = "duckdbs/fineweb-2/fw2-deu_Latn.duckdb" |
con = duckdb.connect(duckdb_path, read_only=True) |
dump = "CC-MAIN-2013-20" |
uuid_urn = "<urn:uuid:4cd2db15-ae0c-482a-8688-d023d4b19f60>" |
# !! Important: extract the UUID from the URN |
uid = uid_re.sub("\\1", uuid_urn).replace("-", "") |
query = "SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM data WHERE dump = ? AND id = ?)" |
exists = bool(con.execute(query, (dump, uid)).fetchone()[0]) |
print(f"Does ID {uid} exist in {dump}? {exists}") |
# Does ID 4cd2db15ae0c482a8688d023d4b19f60 exist in CC-MAIN-2013-20? True |
``` |