Move the arm to white block
{"actions": [{"command": "move_to", "parameters": {"x": 266.05, "y": 8.32, "z": -53.46}}]}
Go to where the yellow block is positioned
{"actions": [{"command": "move_to", "parameters": {"x": 249.62, "y": 137.63, "z": -55}}]}
Shift the robot arm to go left
{"actions": [{"command": "move", "parameters": {"direction": "left"}}]}
Move towards forward direction
{"actions": [{"command": "move", "parameters": {"direction": "forward"}}]}
Arrange the yellow block to the right of the white block.
{"actions": [{"command": "move_to", "parameters": {"x": 249.62, "y": 137.63, "z": -55}}, {"command": "suction_cup", "parameters": {"action": "on"}}, {"command": "move_to", "parameters": {"x": 266.05, "y": 8.32, "z": -53.46}}, {"command": "move", "parameters": {"direction": "right"}}, {"command": "suction_cup", "parameters": {"action": "off"}}]}
Shift the robot backward 3 times
{"actions": [{"command": "move", "parameters": {"direction": "backward"}}, {"command": "move", "parameters": {"direction": "backward"}}, {"command": "move", "parameters": {"direction": "backward"}}]}
Go to (223.1, 175.5, -38.2), turn left, and then turn off suction cup
{"actions": [{"command": "move_to", "parameters": {"x": 223.1, "y": 175.5, "z": -38.2}}, {"command": "move", "parameters": {"direction": "left"}}, {"command": "suction_cup", "parameters": {"action": "off"}}]}
Set the suction cup on.
{"actions": [{"command": "suction_cup", "parameters": {"action": "on"}}]}
Shift to the left, ascend, then move down
{"actions": [{"command": "move", "parameters": {"direction": "left"}}, {"command": "move", "parameters": {"direction": "up"}}, {"command": "move", "parameters": {"direction": "down"}}]}
Use the suction cup to grab the violet block and move it forward.
{"actions": [{"command": "err_msg", "parameters": {"msg": "cannot generate plan using current condition"}}]}
Get the robot moving left twice
{"actions": [{"command": "move", "parameters": {"direction": "left"}}, {"command": "move", "parameters": {"direction": "left"}}]}
Shift the robot to go backward four times
{"actions": [{"command": "move", "parameters": {"direction": "backward"}}, {"command": "move", "parameters": {"direction": "backward"}}, {"command": "move", "parameters": {"direction": "backward"}}, {"command": "move", "parameters": {"direction": "backward"}}]}
Grabbing yellow block, move upwards, and deactivate suction cup
{"actions": [{"command": "suction_cup", "parameters": {"action": "on"}}, {"command": "move_to", "parameters": {"x": 249.62, "y": 137.63, "z": -55}}, {"command": "move", "parameters": {"direction": "up"}}, {"command": "suction_cup", "parameters": {"action": "off"}}]}
Make the robotic arm move to the left twice
{"actions": [{"command": "move", "parameters": {"direction": "left"}}, {"command": "move", "parameters": {"direction": "left"}}]}
Move left, reach white block, switch on suction, then go up
{"actions": [{"command": "move", "parameters": {"direction": "left"}}, {"command": "move_to", "parameters": {"x": 266.05, "y": 8.32, "z": -53.46}}, {"command": "suction_cup", "parameters": {"action": "on"}}, {"command": "move", "parameters": {"direction": "up"}}]}
Move to the left 3 times
{"actions": [{"command": "move", "parameters": {"direction": "left"}}, {"command": "move", "parameters": {"direction": "left"}}, {"command": "move", "parameters": {"direction": "left"}}]}
Get the robotic arm to go forward four times
{"actions": [{"command": "move", "parameters": {"direction": "forward"}}, {"command": "move", "parameters": {"direction": "forward"}}, {"command": "move", "parameters": {"direction": "forward"}}, {"command": "move", "parameters": {"direction": "forward"}}]}
Shift the yellow block to be in front of the white block.
{"actions": [{"command": "move_to", "parameters": {"x": 249.62, "y": 137.63, "z": -55}}, {"command": "suction_cup", "parameters": {"action": "on"}}, {"command": "move_to", "parameters": {"x": 266.05, "y": 8.32, "z": -53.46}}, {"command": "move", "parameters": {"direction": "forward"}}, {"command": "suction_cup", "parameters": {"action": "off"}}]}
Move downwards and then reach (187.43, 167.82, -54.78)
{"actions": [{"command": "move", "parameters": {"direction": "down"}}, {"command": "move_to", "parameters": {"x": 187.43, "y": 167.82, "z": -54.78}}]}
Turn on the suction cup, move the white block to coordinates (300, 150, -50), then move the yellow block down.
{"actions": [{"command": "suction_cup", "parameters": {"action": "on"}}, {"command": "move_to", "parameters": {"x": 266.05, "y": 8.32, "z": -53.46}}, {"command": "move_to", "parameters": {"x": 300, "y": 150, "z": -50}}]}
Adjust the yellow block so it's positioned at the rear of the white block.
{"actions": [{"command": "move_to", "parameters": {"x": 249.62, "y": 137.63, "z": -55}}, {"command": "suction_cup", "parameters": {"action": "on"}}, {"command": "move_to", "parameters": {"x": 266.05, "y": 8.32, "z": -53.46}}, {"command": "move", "parameters": {"direction": "backward"}}, {"command": "suction_cup", "parameters": {"action": "off"}}]}
Capture the yellow block, rise, and then deactivate suction
{"actions": [{"command": "suction_cup", "parameters": {"action": "on"}}, {"command": "move_to", "parameters": {"x": 249.62, "y": 137.63, "z": -55}}, {"command": "move", "parameters": {"direction": "up"}}, {"command": "suction_cup", "parameters": {"action": "off"}}]}
Shift the the robotic arm to the down four times
{"actions": [{"command": "move", "parameters": {"direction": "down"}}, {"command": "move", "parameters": {"direction": "down"}}, {"command": "move", "parameters": {"direction": "down"}}, {"command": "move", "parameters": {"direction": "down"}}]}
Go to position towards the yellow block
{"actions": [{"command": "move_to", "parameters": {"x": 249.62, "y": 137.63, "z": -55}}]}
Get the robotic arm towards the left direction
{"actions": [{"command": "move", "parameters": {"direction": "left"}}]}
Position the yellow block to the right of the white block.
{"actions": [{"command": "move_to", "parameters": {"x": 249.62, "y": 137.63, "z": -55}}, {"command": "suction_cup", "parameters": {"action": "on"}}, {"command": "move_to", "parameters": {"x": 266.05, "y": 8.32, "z": -53.46}}, {"command": "move", "parameters": {"direction": "right"}}, {"command": "suction_cup", "parameters": {"action": "off"}}]}
Shift the the robotic arm to the down 3 times
{"actions": [{"command": "move", "parameters": {"direction": "down"}}, {"command": "move", "parameters": {"direction": "down"}}, {"command": "move", "parameters": {"direction": "down"}}]}
Turn on suction, shift left, rise, then shift right
{"actions": [{"command": "suction_cup", "parameters": {"action": "on"}}, {"command": "move", "parameters": {"direction": "left"}}, {"command": "move", "parameters": {"direction": "up"}}, {"command": "move", "parameters": {"direction": "right"}}]}
Turn on suction, go left, ascend, then go right
{"actions": [{"command": "suction_cup", "parameters": {"action": "on"}}, {"command": "move", "parameters": {"direction": "left"}}, {"command": "move", "parameters": {"direction": "up"}}, {"command": "move", "parameters": {"direction": "right"}}]}
Move the robotic arm to coordinates (320, 150, -60).
{"actions": [{"command": "move_to", "parameters": {"x": 320, "y": 150, "z": -60}}]}
Grab the pink block and bring it backward.
{"actions": [{"command": "err_msg", "parameters": {"msg": "cannot generate plan using current condition"}}]}
Go to yellow block, turn left, activate suction, then turn right
{"actions": [{"command": "move_to", "parameters": {"x": 249.62, "y": 137.63, "z": -55}}, {"command": "move", "parameters": {"direction": "left"}}, {"command": "suction_cup", "parameters": {"action": "on"}}, {"command": "move", "parameters": {"direction": "right"}}]}
Move to where the white block is and then activate suction cup
{"actions": [{"command": "move_to", "parameters": {"x": 266.05, "y": 8.32, "z": -53.46}}, {"command": "suction_cup", "parameters": {"action": "on"}}]}
Proceed to (271.9, 217.7, -20.3), turn left, and then turn off suction cup
{"actions": [{"command": "move_to", "parameters": {"x": 271.9, "y": 217.7, "z": -20.3}}, {"command": "move", "parameters": {"direction": "left"}}, {"command": "suction_cup", "parameters": {"action": "off"}}]}
Make the arm move to the yellow block
{"actions": [{"command": "move_to", "parameters": {"x": 249.62, "y": 137.63, "z": -55}}]}
Navigate to the position of the white block and then activate suction cup
{"actions": [{"command": "move_to", "parameters": {"x": 266.05, "y": 8.32, "z": -53.46}}, {"command": "suction_cup", "parameters": {"action": "on"}}]}
Get the robot sideways to the up
{"actions": [{"command": "move", "parameters": {"direction": "up"}}]}
Position the yellow block at the rear of the white block.
{"actions": [{"command": "move_to", "parameters": {"x": 249.62, "y": 137.63, "z": -55}}, {"command": "suction_cup", "parameters": {"action": "on"}}, {"command": "move_to", "parameters": {"x": 266.05, "y": 8.32, "z": -53.46}}, {"command": "move", "parameters": {"direction": "backward"}}, {"command": "suction_cup", "parameters": {"action": "off"}}]}
Go left, go to white block, switch on suction, and then go up
{"actions": [{"command": "move", "parameters": {"direction": "left"}}, {"command": "move_to", "parameters": {"x": 266.05, "y": 8.32, "z": -53.46}}, {"command": "suction_cup", "parameters": {"action": "on"}}, {"command": "move", "parameters": {"direction": "up"}}]}
Move to coordinate (387.67, 621.09, -98.76)
{"actions": [{"command": "move_to", "parameters": {"x": 387.67, "y": 621.09, "z": -98.76}}]}
Shift the robotic arm to go forward 3 times
{"actions": [{"command": "move", "parameters": {"direction": "forward"}}, {"command": "move", "parameters": {"direction": "forward"}}, {"command": "move", "parameters": {"direction": "forward"}}]}
Activate the suction cup and move to the white block position
{"actions": [{"command": "suction_cup", "parameters": {"action": "on"}}, {"command": "move_to", "parameters": {"x": 266.05, "y": 8.32, "z": -53.46}}]}
Stop suction cup.
{"actions": [{"command": "suction_cup", "parameters": {"action": "off"}}]}
Make the robotic arm to move to yellow block position
{"actions": [{"command": "move_to", "parameters": {"x": 249.62, "y": 137.63, "z": -55}}]}
Shift the robotic arm to go left
{"actions": [{"command": "move", "parameters": {"direction": "left"}}]}
Move towards the down direction twice
{"actions": [{"command": "move", "parameters": {"direction": "down"}}, {"command": "move", "parameters": {"direction": "down"}}]}
Move the violet block and advance its position forward.
{"actions": [{"command": "err_msg", "parameters": {"msg": "cannot generate plan using current condition"}}]}
Move to the right
{"actions": [{"command": "move", "parameters": {"direction": "right"}}]}
Move to coordinate (397.77, 321.62, -87.48)
{"actions": [{"command": "move_to", "parameters": {"x": 397.77, "y": 321.62, "z": -87.48}}]}
Get the robot arm to go forward direction
{"actions": [{"command": "move", "parameters": {"direction": "forward"}}]}
Go lower down and then move up
{"actions": [{"command": "move", "parameters": {"direction": "down"}}, {"command": "move", "parameters": {"direction": "up"}}]}
Turn on suction and proceed to the coordinates of the white block
{"actions": [{"command": "suction_cup", "parameters": {"action": "on"}}, {"command": "move_to", "parameters": {"x": 266.05, "y": 8.32, "z": -53.46}}]}
Go to the location of the blue block and turn on suction.
{"actions": [{"command": "err_msg", "parameters": {"msg": "cannot generate plan using current condition"}}]}
Move arm to down
{"actions": [{"command": "move", "parameters": {"direction": "down"}}]}
Shift the robotic arm to the forward direction
{"actions": [{"command": "move", "parameters": {"direction": "forward"}}]}
Make the robotic arm move to the right 3 times
{"actions": [{"command": "move", "parameters": {"direction": "right"}}, {"command": "move", "parameters": {"direction": "right"}}, {"command": "move", "parameters": {"direction": "right"}}]}
Get the robot arm to go down
{"actions": [{"command": "move", "parameters": {"direction": "down"}}]}
Move to (449.43, 287.68, -183.10)
{"actions": [{"command": "move_to", "parameters": {"x": 449.43, "y": 287.68, "z": -183.1}}]}
Move the robotic arm to coordinates (700, 440, -100).
{"actions": [{"command": "move_to", "parameters": {"x": 700, "y": 440, "z": -100}}]}
Shift the robotic arm to the left 3 times
{"actions": [{"command": "move", "parameters": {"direction": "left"}}, {"command": "move", "parameters": {"direction": "left"}}, {"command": "move", "parameters": {"direction": "left"}}]}
Move the arm towards the right direction
{"actions": [{"command": "move", "parameters": {"direction": "right"}}]}
Position the white block behind the yellow block.
{"actions": [{"command": "move_to", "parameters": {"x": 266.05, "y": 8.32, "z": -53.46}}, {"command": "suction_cup", "parameters": {"action": "on"}}, {"command": "move_to", "parameters": {"x": 249.62, "y": 137.63, "z": -55}}, {"command": "move", "parameters": {"direction": "backward"}}, {"command": "suction_cup", "parameters": {"action": "off"}}]}
Activate the suction cup and move to the position of the white block
{"actions": [{"command": "suction_cup", "parameters": {"action": "on"}}, {"command": "move_to", "parameters": {"x": 266.05, "y": 8.32, "z": -53.46}}]}
Head towards the yellow block's position
{"actions": [{"command": "move_to", "parameters": {"x": 249.62, "y": 137.63, "z": -55}}]}
Get the robot moving forward twice
{"actions": [{"command": "move", "parameters": {"direction": "forward"}}, {"command": "move", "parameters": {"direction": "forward"}}]}
Move to (662.20, 81.70, -62.38)
{"actions": [{"command": "move_to", "parameters": {"x": 662.2, "y": 81.7, "z": -62.38}}]}
Head to (210.84, 172.09, -52.18), shift right, deactivate suction, then descend
{"actions": [{"command": "move_to", "parameters": {"x": 210.84, "y": 172.09, "z": -52.18}}, {"command": "move", "parameters": {"direction": "right"}}, {"command": "suction_cup", "parameters": {"action": "off"}}, {"command": "move", "parameters": {"direction": "down"}}]}
Move down and then go up
{"actions": [{"command": "move", "parameters": {"direction": "down"}}, {"command": "move", "parameters": {"direction": "up"}}]}
Move to (380.90, 360.80, -157.92)
{"actions": [{"command": "move_to", "parameters": {"x": 380.9, "y": 360.8, "z": -157.92}}]}
Shift the robot arm to go left direction four times
{"actions": [{"command": "move", "parameters": {"direction": "left"}}, {"command": "move", "parameters": {"direction": "left"}}, {"command": "move", "parameters": {"direction": "left"}}, {"command": "move", "parameters": {"direction": "left"}}]}
Move left, ascend, then descend
{"actions": [{"command": "move", "parameters": {"direction": "left"}}, {"command": "move", "parameters": {"direction": "up"}}, {"command": "move", "parameters": {"direction": "down"}}]}
Turn on suction cup and then go right
{"actions": [{"command": "suction_cup", "parameters": {"action": "on"}}, {"command": "move", "parameters": {"direction": "right"}}]}
Move to coordinate (335.62, 240.16, -73.51)
{"actions": [{"command": "move_to", "parameters": {"x": 335.62, "y": 240.16, "z": -73.51}}]}
Move rightward, go down, then proceed to the left
{"actions": [{"command": "move", "parameters": {"direction": "right"}}, {"command": "move", "parameters": {"direction": "down"}}, {"command": "move", "parameters": {"direction": "left"}}]}
Go left, go to white block, activate suction, then go up
{"actions": [{"command": "move", "parameters": {"direction": "left"}}, {"command": "move_to", "parameters": {"x": 266.05, "y": 8.32, "z": -53.46}}, {"command": "suction_cup", "parameters": {"action": "on"}}, {"command": "move", "parameters": {"direction": "up"}}]}
Activate suction, go to (235.17, 227.98, -62.09), ascend, then deactivate suction
{"actions": [{"command": "suction_cup", "parameters": {"action": "on"}}, {"command": "move_to", "parameters": {"x": 235.17, "y": 227.98, "z": -62.09}}, {"command": "move", "parameters": {"direction": "up"}}, {"command": "suction_cup", "parameters": {"action": "off"}}]}
Shift to the left, ascend, then move down
{"actions": [{"command": "move", "parameters": {"direction": "left"}}, {"command": "move", "parameters": {"direction": "up"}}, {"command": "move", "parameters": {"direction": "down"}}]}
Move upward, then downward, shift left, and finally shift right
{"actions": [{"command": "move", "parameters": {"direction": "up"}}, {"command": "move", "parameters": {"direction": "down"}}, {"command": "move", "parameters": {"direction": "left"}}, {"command": "move", "parameters": {"direction": "right"}}]}
Reach yellow block, move left, activate suction, then move right
{"actions": [{"command": "move_to", "parameters": {"x": 249.62, "y": 137.63, "z": -55}}, {"command": "move", "parameters": {"direction": "left"}}, {"command": "suction_cup", "parameters": {"action": "on"}}, {"command": "move", "parameters": {"direction": "right"}}]}
Move to (314.52, 125.73, -47.37) and then go down
{"actions": [{"command": "move_to", "parameters": {"x": 314.52, "y": 125.73, "z": -47.37}}, {"command": "move", "parameters": {"direction": "down"}}]}
Move to (314.52, 125.73, -47.37) and then ascend
{"actions": [{"command": "move_to", "parameters": {"x": 314.52, "y": 125.73, "z": -47.37}}, {"command": "move", "parameters": {"direction": "up"}}]}
Make the arm move to the left twice
{"actions": [{"command": "move", "parameters": {"direction": "left"}}, {"command": "move", "parameters": {"direction": "left"}}]}
Get the robot moving right twice
{"actions": [{"command": "move", "parameters": {"direction": "right"}}, {"command": "move", "parameters": {"direction": "right"}}]}
Navigate to (664.2, 548.5, 108.0), turn left, and then turn off suction cup
{"actions": [{"command": "move_to", "parameters": {"x": 664.2, "y": 548.5, "z": 108.0}}, {"command": "move", "parameters": {"direction": "left"}}, {"command": "suction_cup", "parameters": {"action": "off"}}]}
Activate suction and then navigate to (235.17, 149.78, -55.29)
{"actions": [{"command": "suction_cup", "parameters": {"action": "on"}}, {"command": "move_to", "parameters": {"x": 235.17, "y": 149.78, "z": -55.29}}]}
Activate suction, proceed to location (203.76, 234.76, -61.61), go upwards, then deactivate suction
{"actions": [{"command": "suction_cup", "parameters": {"action": "on"}}, {"command": "move_to", "parameters": {"x": 203.76, "y": 234.76, "z": -61.61}}, {"command": "move", "parameters": {"direction": "up"}}, {"command": "suction_cup", "parameters": {"action": "off"}}]}
Turn on suction, shift left, climb, then shift right
{"actions": [{"command": "suction_cup", "parameters": {"action": "on"}}, {"command": "move", "parameters": {"direction": "left"}}, {"command": "move", "parameters": {"direction": "up"}}, {"command": "move", "parameters": {"direction": "right"}}]}
Approach yellow block, turn left, turn on the suction, then turn right
{"actions": [{"command": "move_to", "parameters": {"x": 249.62, "y": 137.63, "z": -55}}, {"command": "move", "parameters": {"direction": "left"}}, {"command": "suction_cup", "parameters": {"action": "on"}}, {"command": "move", "parameters": {"direction": "right"}}]}
Take possession of yellow block, go up, and then turn off suction
{"actions": [{"command": "suction_cup", "parameters": {"action": "on"}}, {"command": "move_to", "parameters": {"x": 249.62, "y": 137.63, "z": -55}}, {"command": "move", "parameters": {"direction": "up"}}, {"command": "suction_cup", "parameters": {"action": "off"}}]}
Make the robotic arm move to the up
{"actions": [{"command": "move", "parameters": {"direction": "up"}}]}
Make the arm move to the up 3 times
{"actions": [{"command": "move", "parameters": {"direction": "up"}}, {"command": "move", "parameters": {"direction": "up"}}, {"command": "move", "parameters": {"direction": "up"}}]}
Move the arm towards the up direction
{"actions": [{"command": "move", "parameters": {"direction": "up"}}]}
Go to white block position and then activate suction cup
{"actions": [{"command": "move_to", "parameters": {"x": 266.05, "y": 8.32, "z": -53.46}}, {"command": "suction_cup", "parameters": {"action": "on"}}]}
Shift the robotic arm to the right
{"actions": [{"command": "move", "parameters": {"direction": "right"}}]}
Direct the robot arm to yellow block position
{"actions": [{"command": "move_to", "parameters": {"x": 249.62, "y": 137.63, "z": -55}}]}
Turn on suction cup and navigate up
{"actions": [{"command": "suction_cup", "parameters": {"action": "on"}}, {"command": "move", "parameters": {"direction": "up"}}]}
Turn on suction cup and proceed right
{"actions": [{"command": "suction_cup", "parameters": {"action": "on"}}, {"command": "move", "parameters": {"direction": "right"}}]}
Proceed left and then activate suction cup
{"actions": [{"command": "move", "parameters": {"direction": "left"}}, {"command": "suction_cup", "parameters": {"action": "on"}}]}
Get the robot moving backward four times
{"actions": [{"command": "move", "parameters": {"direction": "backward"}}, {"command": "move", "parameters": {"direction": "backward"}}, {"command": "move", "parameters": {"direction": "backward"}}, {"command": "move", "parameters": {"direction": "backward"}}]}
Move the white block to the right of the yellow block.
{"actions": [{"command": "move_to", "parameters": {"x": 266.05, "y": 8.32, "z": -53.46}}, {"command": "suction_cup", "parameters": {"action": "on"}}, {"command": "move_to", "parameters": {"x": 249.62, "y": 137.63, "z": -55}}, {"command": "move", "parameters": {"direction": "right"}}, {"command": "suction_cup", "parameters": {"action": "off"}}]}