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Faroese translation
Now she was in the process of renovating the apartment
Nú var hon í ferð við at umvæla íbúðina
From December 1, the plan was for foreign students and workers to be allowed to travel into the country again, but this plan is now temporarily postponed due to the Omicron variant
Frá 1. desember var ætlanin, at útlendsk lesandi og arbeiðsfólk aftur skuldu sleppa at ferðast inn í landið, men hendan ætlanin er nú fyribils útsett orsakað av Omikron-frábrigdinum
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November is a big sale month with events like Singles’ Day, Black Week, Black Friday, and Cyber Monday.
Novembur er stórur útsølumánaður við átøkum sum Singles’ Day, Black Week, Black Friday og Cyper Monday.
Currently, there are 460 infected, and two people with coronavirus are hospitalized.
Í løtuni eru 460 smittað, og tvey fólk við koronu eru innløgd.
In reality, I do not like mustard
Í veruleikanum dámar mær ikki sinnop
I remember, that I thought, that I did not hope, that she was too much like a poem, a type of text, which I otherwise like very much.
Eg minnist, at eg hugsaði, at eg hopaði ikki, at hon var alt ov nógv lík einari yrking, eitt tekstaslag, sum mær annars dámar sera væl.
Now the preparations to get this big competition this way are seriously underway.
Ferð verður nú av álvara sett á fyrireikingarnar at fáa hesa stóru kappingina hendan vegin.
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According to Tulio de Oliveira, an epidemiologist in South Africa, the new variant has a high number of mutations - so far ten have been found - and this could have implications for how the virus behaves.
Sambært Tulio de Oliveira, smittufrøðingur í Suðurafrika, hevur nýggja frábrigdið eitt høgt tal av mutatiónum – higartil eru tíggju funnar – og kann hetta hava týdning fyri, hvussu virusið uppførir seg.
But Kevin Schindler is determined ahead of both games against NSÍ.
Men Kevin Schindler er avgjørdur undan báðum dystinum móti NSÍ.
Bjørt Lind, a psychologist, will also participate in the cozy evening. Bjørt currently has two discussion groups for bisexuals.
Á hugnakvøldinum luttekur eisini Bjørt Lind sálarfrøðingur. Bjørt hevur í løtuni tveir samrøðubólkar fyri tvørkynd.
You learn the streets
Mann lærir gøturnar
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Andersson will most likely be the leader of a single-party government instead
Andersson verður helst leiðari fyri eini eittflokkastjórn ístaðin
We talked about this to know the Bible story
Vit tosaðu um hetta at kenna bíbliusøguna
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The match between Neistan and VÍF, which was supposed to be tonight, is postponed.
Dysturin millum Neistan og VÍF, sum skuldi vera í kvøld, er útsettur.
and this just has to be experienced
og hetta má bara upplivast
It will be Sjúrður Skaale, the parliamentary representative for the Social Democratic Party, who will be setting up Norðurting in the Nordic House on Wednesday, 1st December at 19:30.
Tað verður Sjúrður Skaale, fólkatingsumboð fyri Javnaðarflokkin, sum fer at seta Norðurting í Norðurlandahúsinum mikudagin 1. desember klokkan 19.30.
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63 corona events were confirmed yesterday
63 koronutilburðir vóru staðfestir í gjár
His skills become known
Hansara kynstur verða kend
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Sonni was the national team coach for the men from 2017-2021, and he led the team through two World Championship qualifiers and two European Championship qualifiers.
Sonni var landsliðsvenjari hjá A-landsliðnum hjá monnum frá 2017-2021, og leiddi hann liðið ígjøgnum tvær HM-undankappingar og tvær EM-undankappingar.
The Ministry of Culture is working on tests for this subject
Mentamálaráðið arbeiðir við próvtøkum til hesa lærugrein
Katrin Dagbjartsdóttir has been a teacher since 1995.
Katrin Dagbjartsdóttir hevur verið lærari síðan 1995.
They travel around the country and show these sheep, and they also take pictures and video footage of the sheep.
Teir ferðast um landið og sýna hesar seyðir, og somuleiðis taka teir myndir og videofilm av seyðunum.
- If powerful people can silence women's voices and dismiss allegations of sexual assault, then the foundation of the WTA - equality for women - takes a serious hit, wrote Steve Simon in a press release from the WTA.
- Um valdsmikil fólk kunnu køva røddirnar hjá kvinnum og kveistra burtur ákærur um kynslig brotsverk, so fær grundarlagið fyri WTA – javnstøða fyri kvinnur – eitt álvarsligt skot fyri bógvin, skrivaði Steve Simon í tíðindaskrivi frá WTA.
Denmark tests the most - Faroe Islands fourth mostLooking at the statistics office worldometer, it can be seen that the Faroe Islands is the country in the world that tests the fourth most, as seen in the table below.
Danmark kannar mest – Føroyar fjórðmestHyggja vit inn á hagtalsstovnin worldometer, so sæst, at Føroyar er tað landið í heiminum, ið kannar fjórðmest, sum sæst á talvuni niðanfyri.
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- For a while, it has been school students who have carried the infection in Nuuk. By testing them regularly, we get a clear opportunity to break the infection chains and return to a normal everyday life at the schools, says Kirsten L. Fencker to Nuuk Ugeavis.
- Tað hevur í eina tíð verið skúlanæmingar, ið hava borið smittuna í Nuuk. Við at testa tey regluliga, fáa vit berti møguleika fyri at bróta smittuketurnar og venda aftur til ein vanligan gerandisdag á skúlunum, sigur Kirsten L. Fencker við Nuuk Ugeavis.
It is also necessary to generally confirm that has never had the management of ships for the mentioned company.
Tað er eisini neyðugt alment at staðfesta, at ongantíð hevur havt leiðsluna á skipum fyri nevnda felag.
The latest news from experts about the consequences of a rat getting out on an island are frightening.
Seinastu tíðindini frá serfrøðingum um avleiðingarnar av, at rotta sleppur út á eina oyggj, eru skelkandi.
In recent days, the corona numbers in Norðurstreymoy have been growing. Currently, a total of 633 people are in quarantine, and many children in Sunda Municipality are among these, who stay at home these days, when it is otherwise fun to be a child.
Seinastu dagarnar hava koronutølini í Norðurstreymoy verið vaksandi. Í løtuni sita í alt 633 fólk í sóttarhaldi, og mong børn í Sunda kommunu eru millum hesi, ið sita heima í hesum døgum, tá tað annars plagar at vera stuttligt at vera barn.
The grandmother thinks back on this
Omman hugsar aftur um hetta
Staff development Niels Mortensen says that Atlantic Airways has always focused on developing the staff group, just as the company has given freelancers good job opportunities, where the company has focused on all staff groups having solid education and skills to solve their tasks - be it flight attendants, flight mechanics, pilots and staff who take care of administrative and practical tasks.
Starvsfólkamenning Niels Mortensen sigur, at Atlantic Airways hevur altíð lagt dent á at menna starvsfólkahópin, eins og felagið hevur givið fríyrkisfólkum góðar starvsmøguleikar, har felagið hevur lagt dent á, at allir starvsbólkar hava hollar útbúgvingar og førleikar til at loysa sínar uppgávur – tað veri seg flogternur, flogmekanikarar, flogskiparar og starvsfólk, sum røkja umsitingarligar og praktiskar uppgávur.
It is possible to apply for Christmas Aid via the website of Barnabata from Wednesday, November 24th to and including Wednesday, December 1st.
Til ber at søkja um Jólahjálp umvegis heimasíðuna hjá Barnabata frá mikudegnum 24. november til og við mikudagin 1. desember.
Eystara bryggja works well as a testing site when the weather is mild.
Eystara bryggja riggar væl sum kanningarstað, tá veðrið er til vildar.
Faroese households had a total debt of 12 billion DKK in 2019, where 9 billion DKK are loans in Faroese financial institutions and nearly 3 billion DKK are loans in Danish mortgage institutions.
Føroysk húskir hava skuld fyri tilsamans 12 mia. kr. í 2019, har 9 mia. kr. eru lán í føroyskum peningastovnum og nærum 3 mia. kr. eru lán í donskum realkredittstovnum.
Another writes about the children's everyday life
Annar skrivar um gerandisdagin hjá børnunum
They will go with me to Tórshavn tomorrow.
Tær skulu við mær til Havnar í morgin.
The next meeting in the Growth Forum will be in January.
Næsti fundur í Vakstrarforum verður í januar.
Our Faroese society has changed
Okkara føroyski samleiki er broyttur
The school announces this today.
Tað boðar skúlin frá í dag.
So far, most cases have been confirmed in South Africa, but there are indications that the virus has already reached Europe and Denmark.
Higartil hava flestu tilburðirnir verið staðfestir í Suðurafrika, men ábendingar eru um, at virusið longu er komið til Evropa og til Danmarkar.
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Also read: Now you can book time for the third jab
Les eisini: Nú ber til at bóka tíð til triðja prik
I also ask if they document the journey
Eg spyrji eisini um tey dokumentera ferðina
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Undoubtedly, there are many Faroese who wish to experience the American John Fogerty on stage.
Tað eru óivað nógvir føroyingar, sum hava sum ynski at uppliva amerikanska John Fogerty á palli.
The increase is mainly due to legally required expenses in the elderly area and child welfare service, which Vágur municipality cooperates about, together with the other municipalities in Suðuroy.
Økingin stavar í mestan mun frá lógarkravdum útreiðslum innan eldraøkið og barnavendartænastuni, sum Vágs kommuna samstarvar um, saman við hinum kommununum í Suðuroynni.
We wanted to feel at home with a new beginning
Vit vildu føla okkum heima við nýggjari byrjan
He became world champion for the first time in 2013, only 22 years old.
Hann gjørdist fyrstu ferð heimsmeistari í 2013, einans 22 ára gamal.
One could have had a tour with Tórður for immigrants
Mann kundi havt túr við Tórði fyri tilflytarar
The number of infected is slightly lower than yesterday, but what is worrying about the infection this time is how large a part of those tested are infected
Talið av smittðum er gamaní lægri enn í gjár, men tað sum er órógvandi við smittu hesaferð er hvussu stótur partur av teimum kannaðu eru smittað
He then pointed out that the Faroe Islands should have been involved from the beginning.
Hann vísti tá á, at Føroyar áttu at havt verið við heilt frá byrjan.
In addition to the Danish papers, there were so-called romantic series
So umframt donsku bløðini vóru tað sovorðnar romantiskar teknirøðir
What should I tell you
Hvat skal eg fortelja tykkum
who sees her standing and crying on the road and offers her coffee
sum sær hana standa og gráta úti á vegnum og bjóðar henni kaffi
Frank sees together with us great opportunities to develop Faroese weightlifting, because our tradition with strength sports is so strong and natural.
Frank sær saman við okkum stórar møguleikar fyri at menna føroyska vektlyfting, tí okkara siðvenja við styrkiítróttum er so sterk og náttúrlig.
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Now that most villages are done with Christmas decorations and lighting of Christmas trees, they at Vágur School are also starting to prepare a big Christmas event.
Nú flestu bygdirnar gera klárt við jólapynt og tendran av jólatrøum, eru tey í Vágs skúla eisini farin at fyrireika stórt jólatiltak.
However, nothing is decided yet, as all three potential coalition parties must vote internally on whether they are for or against this coalition agreement.
Tó er einki avgjørt enn, tí teir tríggir møguligu samgonguflokkarnir skulu allir atkvøða innanhýsis um flokkarnir eru fyri ella ímóti hesum samgonguskjalinum.
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Monaco has also won all its matches and has 13 board points just like the Faroe Islands.
Monako hevur eisini vunnið allar sínar dystir og hevur 13 borðstig eins og Føroyar.
Helen Lorraine Nkwocha, who made a contract as the main youth coach at TB at the beginning of the year, is now going to Iceland to be a coach
Helen Lorraine Nkwocha, sum gjørdi sáttmála sum høvuðsungdómsvenjari hjá TB í byrjanini av árinunum, fer nú til Íslands at vera venjari
This is, however, changing, fortunately.
Hetta er tó við at broytast, tíbetur.
My siblings and their children are away
Systkini hjá mær og teirra børn eru burtur
This is reported by the Icelandic media Vísir.
Tað skrivar íslendski miðilin Vísir.
But now life with books is put on pause
Men nú verður lívið við bókum sett á pausu
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Sweden has for the first time a woman with the highest political responsibility
Svøríki hevur fyri fyrstu ferð eina kvinnu við evstu politisku ábyrgdini
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The man who lit the fuse had to run away before it exploded
Maðurin sum tendraði fjúsið mátti spela burtur áðrenn tað brast
and we have read many books together
og vit hava lisið nógvar bøkur saman
In the spring of 2020, the board of Atlantic Airways dismissed 19 out of 30 pilots. dimma_article_102 Uppsagnirnar vóru allar grundaðar á COVID-19 eina, og raktu bæði flogskiparar og flogstýrimenn. The layoffs were all based solely on COVID-19, and affected both pilots and flight engineers. terminology(flogstýrimenn) minor dimma_article_102 Fleiri av teimum uppsøgdu flogskiparunum hava í nógv ár trúfast og trygt røkt síni størv sum flogskiparar á Føroya-leiðini. Many of the laid-off pilots have for many years faithfully and reliably performed their duties as pilots on the Faroe route. dimma_article_102 Alt dugnalig fólk við høgum starvsaldri í tjóðarflogfelagnum og við upp í 23 ára royndum í cockpittinum. All competent people with a high working age in the national airline and with up to 23 years of experience in the cockpit. terminology(starvsaldur/seniority) minor dimma_article_102 Nú er COVID-19 við at missa sínar fastatøkur, ferðahugurin økist aftur, og 24. september 2021 hevði Atlantic Airways tí eina starvslýsing í miðlum, har søkt varð eftir stýrimonnum (m/k) til føst størv. Now that COVID-19 is losing its grip, the desire to travel is increasing again, and on 24 September 2021, Atlantic Airways therefore had a job advertisement in the media, where they were looking for pilots (m/f) for permanent jobs. dimma_article_102 Okkum kunnugt søktu allir teir 19 arbeiðsleysu pilotarnir størvini. To our knowledge, all the 19 unemployed pilots applied for the jobs. dimma_article_102 Flogskiparafelag Føroya – FAPA – væntaði, at Atlantic Airways fór at virða áralangt trúfesti, høgan starvsaldur og drúgvar royndir, tá størvini skuldu setast – men so var ikki. The Faroese Pilots' Association – FAPA – expected that Atlantic Airways would respect years of loyalty, high working age and extensive experience when the jobs were to be filled – but that was not the case. terminology(starvsaldur/seniority) minor dimma_article_102 Ikki ein av flogskiparunum við nógvum royndum og høgum starvsaldri var so frægt sum kallaður inn til setanarsamrøðu tíansheldur fekk boðið starv. Not one of the pilots with a lot of experience and high working age was as much as called in for an interview but was offered a job. terminology(starvsaldur/seniority), accuracy (tíansheldur/but) minor, minor dimma_article_102 Harafturímóti setti Atlantic Airways fýra pilotar við nógv færri royndum og nærum ongum starvsaldri í starv. On the contrary, Atlantic Airways hired four pilots with much less experience and almost no working age. terminology(starvsaldur/seniority) minor dimma_article_102 Tað er ógjørligt hjá nevndini í FAPA at meta um, hvørt ein verulig og gjøgnumskygd setanartilgongd hevur verið. It is impossible for the board of FAPA to assess whether a real and transparent hiring process has taken place. dimma_article_102 Stutt fyri at størvini vóru sett, álegði leiðslan í Atlantic Airways okkara umboði í setanar- og metingarnevndini at undirskriva eina skerpaða tagnarskyldu. Shortly before the jobs were filled, the management of Atlantic Airways asked our representative in the hiring and evaluation committee to sign a tightened confidentiality obligation. terminology(tagnarskylda) minor dimma_article_102 Hetta er eitt ógvusligt og púra óvanligt stig at taka. This is a frightening and completely unusual step to take. dimma_article_102 Nevndin í Flogskiparafelag Føroya stendur undrandi. The board of the Faroese Pilots' Association stands wondering. dimma_article_102 Hví velur okkara tjóðarflogfelag flogskiparar við høgum starvsaldri og nógvum royndum frá fyri heldur at seta stýrimenn við lágum starvsaldri og færri royndum í starv? Why does our national airline choose to dismiss pilots with a high working age and a lot of experience rather than hiring pilots with a low working age and less experience? terminology(starvsaldur/seniority) minor dimma_article_102 Var hetta tað, COVID-19 skuldi brúkast til? Was this what COVID-19 was supposed to be used for? dimma_article_102 Vit høvdu í hvussu er væntað okkum meira av tjóðarflogfelag føroyinga”, skrivar Rúni Højgaard, formaður í Flogskiparafelag Føroya. We would have expected more from the national airline of the Faroese", writes Rúni Højgaard, chairman of the Faroese Pilots' Association.
“Á várið 2020 segði nevndin í Atlantic Airways 19 av 30 pilotum úr starvi.
They have visited here all their lives
Tey hava vitjað her alt teirra lív
Those who are not vaccinated will be quarantined for 10 days from the last contact in addition to testing themselves on the 4th, 6th, and 10th day.
Tey, ið ikki eru koppsett fara í sóttarhald í 10 dagar frá seinastu kontakt umframt at testa seg 4. 6. og 10. dag.
they move in with an abbess
so flyta tey inn til ein abbabeiggja
The information is the same in all three sentences, but you get very different information with the chosen words. Meanings and words can be bitter and sweet, hard and sharp as gravel, and soft as porridge.
Upplýsingin er tann sama í øllum trimum setningunum men tú fært sera ymiskar upplýsingar við teimum valdu orðunum Meiningar og orð kunna vera beisk og søt hørð og hvøss sum grót og mjúk sum vellingur
Robert Thomsen has been the director of Appnet for 19 years and has now chosen to take another job, writes Appnet in a press release.
Robert Thomsen hevur sitið sum stjóri á Appnet í 19 ár og hevur nú valt at fara í annað starv, skrivar Appnet í einum tíðindaskrivi.
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Luitjen is 15 years old and Jón is 16.
Luitjen er 15 ár og Jón 16.
The first 400 tickets will go on sale at 2 pm.
Fyrstu 400 atgongumerkini verða sett til sølu klokkan 14.
We saw ourselves from all sides through the amazing glass art
Vit sóu okkum sjálv frá øllum síðum gjøgnum frálíku glaslistina
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The production was more than expected, and the generator, which was at 150 kW, was sometimes up to 180 kW.
Framleiðslan var meira enn væntað, og generatorurin, sum var á 150 kW, var stundum uppi á 180 kW.
He grew up in Ólastova on Kongabrúnni, and his description of this neighborhood is captivating.
Hann vaks upp í Ólastovu á Kongabrúnni, og hansara lýsing av hesum grannalagi er hugtakandi.
According to the updated rules, the schools in the Tórshavn municipality now have basic intake areas.
Sambært dagførdu leiðreglunum hava skúlarnir í Tórshavnar kommunu nú grundupptøkuøki.
The band was dormant until 2009, when they again went on a concert tour together.
Bólkurin var kvirrur til 2009, tá teir aftur gjørdu eina konsertferð saman.
The housekeeper and her guests are involved in the resistance
Húshjálpin og gestir hennara eru við í mótstøðuni
Voxbotn announced this morning the third name for the upcoming event, and it is none other than Dizzy Mizz Lizzy.
Voxbotn hevur í morgun almannakunngjørt triðja navnið til komandi tiltak, og tað er eingin annar enn Dizzy Mizz Lizzy.
If there are many houses with large debts, it can become a risk for financial stability if the losses are large.
Um húskini við stórari skuld eru nógv í tali, kann tað gerast ein váði fyri fíggjarliga støðufestið, um tapini eru stór.
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Ambulances outside the hospital in the French port city of Calais (Image: EPA)
Sjúkrabilur uttan fyri sjúkrahúsið í franska havnabýnum Calais (Mynd: EPA)
Peter Kofod, who is running for vice-chairman with Morten Messerschmidt, has also been proposed as chairman of the DF.
Peter Kofod, ið stillar upp sum næstformaður hjá Morten Messerschmidt, hevur eisini verið í uppskoti sum formaður í DF.
We thank Robert Thomsen for his dedication and leadership at Appnet all these many years.
Vit takka Robert Thomsen fyri hansara íkast og leiðslu á Appnet øll hesu mongu árini.
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From 2035, it will not be allowed to sell cars that use diesel and petrol.
Frá 2035 verður ikki loyvt at selja bilar, sum brúka diesel og bensin.
Based on scientific research, the Public Health Council has worked on new screen guidelines, among other things, it is mentioned that children should not get a smartphone until they are 14 years old.
Við støði í vísindaligari gransking, hevur Fólkaheilsuráðið arbeitt við neyvum skíggjaráðum, har millum annað verður nevnt, at børn ikki skulu fáa snildfon, fyrr enn tey eru 14 ára gomul.
The event is public and free of charge.
Tiltakið er alment og ókeypis.
Carlsen has been number one on the international strength list for 11 years.
Carlsen hevur ligið nummar eitt á altjóða styrkislistanum í 11 ár.
The population in Nes municipality continues to grow. On November 25, 2021, 1451 people lived in Nes municipality. So far this year, the population growth has reached 52 people.
Fólkatalið í Nes kommunu heldur fram at vaksa. Tann 25. november 2021 búðu 1451 fólk í Nes kommunu. Sostatt er fólkavøskturin higartil í ár komin uppá 52 fólk.
He decreases the wind tonight and at night and the average wind will be between eight to 13 meters per second.
Hann minkar um vindin í kvøld og í nátt og miðalvindurin verður millum átta til 13 metrar um sekundið.
- It is a reminder of the importance of us helping, showing respect and love towards each other, said Jóna Rasmussen.
- Hon er ein áminning um týdningin av at vit hjálpa, vísa virðing og kærleika móti hvørjum øðrum, segði Jóna Rasmussen.
After 28 minutes of play, Watford took the lead, and by half-time the score was 2-0 to the home team.
Tá 28 minuttir vóru leiktir tók Watford leiðsluna, og tá farið var til hálvleiks var støðan 2-0 til heimaliðið.
Sebastian Pingel gave the home team a very good start, and the striker, who first came to the club in 2016, also put the final point.
Sebastian Pingel gav heimaliðnum eina sera góða byrjan, og áleyparin, sum í fyrstu syftu kom til felagið í 2016, setti eisini punktum.
I clearly remember how the teacher discussed the hours in Faroese
Eg minnist klárt hvussu lærarin umrøddi tímarnar á føroyskum
The change stems from an increase in housing wealth, private pension savings, and deposits in financial institutions in 2019 compared to the previous year.
Broytingin stavar frá eini øking í sethúsaognini, privatu pensjónsuppsparingini og innlánunum í peningastovnunum í 2019 í mun til árið fyri.
Barbados has taken this step as a final departure from colonial times and slavery.
Barbados hevur tikið hetta stig, sum eitt seinasta burtur frá hjálandatíðini og trælatíðini.
There are only four teams left in the cup competition and yesterday the first matches in the semi-finals for the Løgmanssteypið were played.
Tað eru einans fýra lið eftir í steypakappingini og í gjár vóru fyrru dystirnir í hálvfinalunum í kappingini um Løgmanssteypið leiktir.
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On Sunday afternoon, the release event will be at the Boat and Art Museum in Leirvík with the book “From Matterhorn to Leirvíkstún”, which Monika Stauss Joensen, violinist and author, has written!
Sunnudagin seinnapartin verður útgávutiltak í Báta- og Listasavninum í Leirvík við bókini “Av Matterhorn í Leirvíkstún”, sum Monika Stauss Joensen, violinleikari og rithøvundur, hevur skrivað!
The drop in equity stems from the paid out profit share in 2020 of a total of 93 million kr., which is the payout to the owner.
Fallið í eginpeninginum stavar frá útgoldnum viningsbýtið í 2020 á íalt 93 mió.kr., sum er útgolidið eigaranum.
In Norway, they have investigated whether people are upset by climate conditions, and it turns out that the number of people who are upset is decreasing year by year.
Í Noregi hava tey kannað, um fólk stúra fyri veðurlagsviðurskiftum, og tað vísir seg, at talið av fólki, sum stúrir, minkar ár undan ári.
Yesterday, Magdalena Andersson was approved for the second time as the new Prime Minister of Sweden.
Í gjár varð Magdalena Andersson á øðrum sinni góðkend sum nýggjur stjórnarleiðari í Svøríki.