imagewidth (px) 111
| text
stringlengths 9
['clouds, fog, vapor, smoke'] |
['waves'] |
['terrestrial globes', 'terrestrial globes with a banderole, terrestrial globes with an inscription', 'terrestrial globes with other figurative elements', 'other representations of the earth, other representations of the terrestrial globe', 'full moon, several moons', 'lunar globe'] |
['sun rising or setting'] |
['terrestrial globes', 'terrestrial globes with representation solely of meridians and parallels', 'acrobats, athletes, dancers, jugglers, nude men, men practising sports', 'allegorical masculine personages, mythological masculine personages', 'men stylized'] |
['waves'] |
['vortices, rotary movements, tornadoes'] |
['clouds, fog, vapor, smoke'] |
['terrestrial globes'] |
['flames'] |
['more than three stars', 'heads, busts', 'men stylized', 'industrial workers, industrial masons, builders, blacksmiths, stonemasons'] |
['terrestrial globes with representation solely of meridians and parallels'] |
['bubbles, frothy masses, speech bubbles'] |
['sun rising or setting'] |
['sun rising or setting'] |
['one star', 'compass cards'] |
['stars grouped in circles, stars grouped in ovals, stars grouped in other geometrical figures'] |
['lightning'] |
['luminous sources, rays, shafts of light'] |
['waves'] |
['lightning', 'hearts, symbolic hearts, hearts on playing cards'] |