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Donald Trumps Initial Response To Fidel Castros Death Says Almost Nothing Other world leaders offered more thoughtful reactions | POLITICS | 11
YOUR FitnessBucketList Tweets Last week we asked you to share the items on your Fitness Bucket List the weights you want to lift the finish lines | WELLNESS | 55
Even More Dirt On Harvey Weinstein Revealed In PBS Documentary One new accuser and two former executives for the disgraced producer spoke to Frontline about his abuse | ENTERTAINMENT | 00
To Understand The TrumpRussia Scandal Follow The Rubles The advice of Deep Throat or Глубокая глотка still applies and the special counsel knows it | POLITICS | 11
Holiday Travel Is It Crazy To Shop For Thanksgiving Tickets Now Believe it or not the holidays are coming but forget the turkey nows the time to get your ducks in a row Is it crazy | TRAVEL | 44
Carrie Underwoods Baby Boy Is Too Cute | ENTERTAINMENT | 00
Criminal Injustice Ways Courts Can Restore Faith in the Legal System After Ferguson As protests continue across the nation it is worth asking what if anything can be done to address the perception that citizens cannot expect help from the courts when police officers are accused of unjustifiably depriving them of their liberty property or even their lives | POLITICS | 11
Missy Elliott Gets Emotional While Accepting Innovator Award At Billboards Women In Music Event I stand here for all the women whove been told You dont fit the mold | ENTERTAINMENT | 00
Watch This Guy Read The Night Before Christmas As Every Celebrity OK not every celebrity but an impressive array | ENTERTAINMENT | 00
Charlotte Kemp Muhl and Eden Rice Of Kemp Eden Perform Songs They Wrote As Preteens Although these two ladies may seem like one they have two very distinct personalities Charlotte the wild child of the | STYLE & BEAUTY | 33
Lessons From Becoming a Marathoner How can words possibly describe how fantastic how beautiful and how majestic the marathon is I dont think they can However I would like to share a few lessons that I learned while becoming a marathoner They say that the marathon is a metaphor for life and I couldnt agree more | WELLNESS | 55
Wealth School Preparing for Your Economic Upturn I observe people running healthy businesses and enjoying financial success personal wellbeing and happiness as if there were no disasters happening What does it take be successful when the climate seems to go against it | WELLNESS | 55
A Show of Kindness Good Works Whatever Works I once wrestled for about four minutes with the question of whether I should approach Hugh Hefner through a close mutual friend for a major contribution to the humanitarian nonprofit I was serving as CEO of Would I and my organization be forever tarnished by smut money | WELLNESS | 55
The Most Contaminated Surfaces In Hotel Rooms According To Study The researchers tested multiple surfaces in hotel rooms in Texas Indiana and South Carolina looking for levels of total | TRAVEL | 44
Watch This Chilling Moment From A Donald Trump Rally Trump said it was so great that audience members tackled a protester | POLITICS | 11
Obama A Sex Symbol Michelle Thinks So VIDEO Diaz compares our sitting president to his predecessors Bill Clinton and JFK But as HuffPost senior political economy reporter | STYLE & BEAUTY | 33
Broken Hearts and Sensible Starts When you feel broken the heart is actually more alive than ever And in these moments in this moment as painful as it is we have the opportunity to lose our minds so that we can come to our senses | WELLNESS | 55
David Bowie Didnt Know Cancer Was Terminal Until Three Months Before Death A new documentary sheds light on Bowies final years | ENTERTAINMENT | 00
Olivia Delivers A Classic Shondaland Elevator Moment In Exclusive Scandal Clip She can take the stairs | ENTERTAINMENT | 00
The Fashion Advice From Our Moms That Will Never Go Out Of Style | STYLE & BEAUTY | 33
Best Hotels in San Francisco for Mixing Business with Pleasure PHOTOS Plenty of business people find themselves traveling to San Francisco for work And while the city has plenty to offer all | TRAVEL | 44
Nearly People In The Music Industry Call On Congress To Take Action On Gun Control They argue that the celebration of music is threatened because of gun violence in this country | POLITICS | 11
Poppy Delevingnes Gucci Pants Almost Arent Pants At All PHOTOS Am I wearing pants today To see your favorite celebs with no pants at all click below Want more Be sure to check | STYLE & BEAUTY | 33
Michael Moore Thinks Donald Trump Or One Of His Minions Wrote Anonymous NYT OpEd The Fahrenheit director also said Americans should expect the evil genius to be reelected in | POLITICS | 11
Memorial Day Sales Where To Shop And Save This Weekend Memorial Day weekend is the unofficial start of summer Whether you choose to enjoy the threeday weekend on the beach or | STYLE & BEAUTY | 33
How I Finally Fell in Love With My Workout Personal trainers were not quite right for me either their rabid personalities never really meshing with mine Specifically their sheer enthusiasm and their love of the outdoors only served to highlight two things I fundamentally dislike sheer enthusiasm and love of the outdoors | WELLNESS | 55
Sunny Hostin Has No Time For Meghan McCains Gone With The Wind Lament The View cohost put it bluntly I think this is much ado about nothing | ENTERTAINMENT | 00
Why You Just Cant Help But Selfie Despite its dictionary definition which describes the selfie as a photograph taken of oneself typically with a smartphone | WELLNESS | 55
Broad City CoCreator Developing League Of Their Own Comedy Series The project reportedly received the blessing of Geena Davis and Penny Marshall | ENTERTAINMENT | 00
Reclaiming My Time Gospel Song Is Now A Suicide Prevention Anthem New York Citys first lady Chirlane McCray is using the song to help spread a message of hope | WELLNESS | 55
Michael Eisner Apparently Cant Find Any Beautiful Funny Women But We Just Did Retta Follow Retta on Twitter if you like both television and lols Kristen Schaal Schaal has some thoughts on Dadbods | ENTERTAINMENT | 00
Watch Elizabeth Warren Destroy GOP Health Care Bill In Constituent Meeting Take note Democrats | POLITICS | 11
Dismal Doesnt Even Begin To Describe LAs Voter Turnout | POLITICS | 11
Donald Trump Convention Manager Accuses Ted Cruz Of Gestapo Tactics Theres the law and then theres ethics and then theres getting votes | POLITICS | 11
The GOP Mess The mess the Republicans have got themselves into leaves them facing a likely landslide defeat regardless of whom they nominate for president So while television the press and party leaders focus on whether Donald Trump Ted Cruz or a Sir Galahad to be named later emerges as their candidate there is a greater related question lurking | POLITICS | 11
John Boehner Wants Obama To Start Over On ISIS War Authorization | POLITICS | 11
These Famous Landmarks Look Absolutely Stunning Until You Zoom Out The postcard version Reality The postcard version Image credit gloria_euyoqueflickr Reality Reality The postcard | TRAVEL | 44
The World Is Waiting for You Every one of us can present a gift to the world We all possess inherent interests and passions and can choose our respective thresholds for risk exposure and adventure | WELLNESS | 55
Homer Simpson Busts Putin Voting For Trump At The Polls In New Clip Good businessman never sleeps Doesnt pay his taxes legally | ENTERTAINMENT | 00
Want To Understand Straight Incels Talk To This Gay One Eriks radicalization shows that the incel phenomenon has nothing to do with sex duh and everything with entitlement | POLITICS | 11
Oklahoma Teachers Continue Walkout Shutting Down Schools For Second Day They say they wont return to work until lawmakers meet their demands | POLITICS | 11
House GOP Faceplant On Ethics Coup Shows Public Shame Still Matters Public outrage blocked a secret midnight effort to nuke the congressional ethics watchdog | POLITICS | 11
Summer Health Myths Busted When it comes to health and natural remedies its enticing to grab onto juicy halftruths and hearsay The most persistent nutrition myths are those that contain at least some truth Here are five common summer health myths to watch out for as reported in EatingWell | WELLNESS | 55
Donald Trump His Comportment And Incompetence When Is Enough Enough Four months in yet its not unfair to ask Americans especially political leaders Republicans and Democrats when is enough | POLITICS | 11
A Brief Meeting With Prince Harry In The Bahamas I was blinded by camera pops as I followed the prince past the pink sand the he couldnt see and through the mass of swirling humanity The drunken bar patrons shouted and waved | TRAVEL | 44
Fresh Off The Boat Kid Stars Talk Lunar New Year Immigrant Roots Its a time for reflection for thanking those who came before or who may have helped us get to where we are today Forrest Wheeler said | ENTERTAINMENT | 00
Pro Choice When A Day Of Independence is not an option A Sufferer Should Have The Right To End Dependence | POLITICS | 11
VoteMissing Marco Rubio Says Officials Who Dont Do Their Jobs Should Be Fired Well this is awkward | POLITICS | 11
Eminem Was Interviewed By Secret Service About Lyrics Threatening The Trumps Documents obtained by BuzzFeed show that the rapper was investigated at the behest of a TMZ employee | ENTERTAINMENT | 00
Want To Reward Your Brain Get Off The Couch Health trends come and go but one medical truism has proven remarkably durable if regular exercise were a drug nearly | WELLNESS | 55
Look At Whats Happening In America In The Charlottesville rally is just another example of the deeprooted bonechilling hatred in this country | POLITICS | 11
Be Your Own Emotional Vitamin I had to stop taking my vitamins and allow my emotional self to remember how to love myself and validate who I am inside I had to take the courageous steps to come up with my own antioxidant recipe that would fuel me to thrive | WELLNESS | 55
Missy Franklin Gets A Heartfelt Homecoming After A Tough Week In Rio And thats why you always leave a note | SPORTS | 22
Everything This Researcher Said About Baby Formula May Be Wrong Why did it take decades for this fraudulent study to be retracted | WELLNESS | 55
Of The Wildest And Wackiest Conspiracy Theories Pushed By Trump This Week Trump is no stranger to conspiracymongering but he outdid himself this week by pushing multiple unsubstantiated claims | POLITICS | 11
How Barack Obama Changed The Rules Of The Workplace And how Donald Trump can change them back | POLITICS | 11
Why This Mom Runs Running brings me clarity Balance An outlet Trusted confidantes A feeling of power A sense of achievement Strong legs Toned arms I run because being an adult is hard And being a runner makes it less hard | WELLNESS | 55
The Politics of Suicide and Depression These recent SAMHSA survey results provide a golden opportunity for a scientific and societal shift to reconsider what about American society and culture is resulting in emotional suffering and selfdestructive behaviors especially for certain groups | POLITICS | 11
Past Present or Future So if the past is what has made me the person I am and the future is what I am working for what does the present or the now mean to me How could I just believe and make today my friend I was lost | WELLNESS | 55
Justin Bieber Posts Photo Of Batman Vs Superman Script Alludes To Robin Role From the files of hahaha what On Friday night Justin Bieber posted a purported photo of the David S Goyer and Zack Snyder | ENTERTAINMENT | 00
Paul Ryan Balks Over Blocking Gun Sales To People On Terror Watch List We are just beginning this process of reassessing all of our security stances | POLITICS | 11
USA China Formally Join Paris Climate Pact Theres no conflict between a healthy economy and a healthy planet President Barack Obama said this week | POLITICS | 11
The Stars Who Landed On This Weeks WorstDressed List Need A Makeover PHOTOS Debby Ryan This dress is all kinds of wrong Not only is the print too much headtotoe but the matching purse is making | STYLE & BEAUTY | 33
The Lighter Way To Cook Lasagna This dish an extravaganza of flavors but also of calories that will delight you but leave you feeling full all day is one | TRAVEL | 44
The Women Of GLOW Are On A Group Text And Its Supportive As Hell Britney Young aka Carmen talks wrestling panic attacks and the lasting friendship of GLOW | ENTERTAINMENT | 00
Tension Builds Between GOP Rivals Rubio And Bush Though describing Obama its a slight to Rubio He delivers a compelling story about his parents flight from Cuba and his | POLITICS | 11
Senate Democrats To Force Debate On Gun Violence Research Funding Sen Ed Markey DMass vowed to get a provision on the chamber floor before the end of the year | POLITICS | 11
New Hampshire Is Waffling Between Donald Trump And Hillary Clinton But the recent proTrump trend doesnt seem to extend to other potential swing states | POLITICS | 11
James Franco Blasts Spring Breakers | ENTERTAINMENT | 00
Heidi Klums Daughters Wear Red Lipstick Just Like Mom PHOTO POLL PHOTO See Heidi Klums style evolution Doesnt the yearold mother seem ageless The Project Runway host took year | STYLE & BEAUTY | 33
White House Correspondents Head Tells Which Reporter Trump Wanted Him To Condemn The Trump administration reportedly took issue with a Politico reporters article | POLITICS | 11
Lynda Carter Pictures Show Wonder Woman Actress Is Still Hot In PHOTOS Although she was has had a successful music career and was Miss World USA in Lynda Carter is best known for playing | STYLE & BEAUTY | 33
Scott Brown Attacks Opponent On Border Security But Missed Senate Border Security Hearings | POLITICS | 11
Richard Lee Norris Injured In Gun Accident Gets Face Transplant It was the rd face transplant since doctors began doing the procedure seven years ago Rodriguez says this one is the most | WELLNESS | 55
Gabriel Byrne Says Kevin Spaceys Sexual Behavior Held Up Filming Of The Usual Suspects He was kind of a joke in that people would say Thats Kevin but nobody really understood the depth of his predations Byrne said | ENTERTAINMENT | 00
Why the Story of Muhammad Alis Rebellion Matters Today Part As we recognize that American sports and culture are not a postracial society after all its important to look back at the s the era where there was perhaps the greatest change in the relationship between AfricanAmericans and White America | SPORTS | 22
Emma Watson Cant Stop BingeWatching This One TV Show It blows my American friends minds | ENTERTAINMENT | 00
New Artist Reviews Kung Fu Jesus Paired with dreamy instrumentals Kung Fu Jesus is also a prolific and inspiring writer whose lyrics express matters such as spiritual ideology mythology social injustice love tongueincheek humor fun and so much more | ENTERTAINMENT | 00
The Expensive Reality of Russias Tourist Visas Unfortunately Russia still requires a visa for tourists Its expensive you have to answer a slew of probing | TRAVEL | 44
What Trump Should Say About Mueller Rightwing media are doing Donald Trump no favors with their campaign to discredit special prosecutor Robert Mueller The | POLITICS | 11
Kate Moss At The Ritz Is Our Childhood Fantasy Come To Life PHOTOS Among our many childhood obsessions was Eloise the slim pink picture book that told the story of a precocious and fabulously | STYLE & BEAUTY | 33
Matthew McConaughey Goes Full McConaughey While Talking Bourbon True Detective Season | ENTERTAINMENT | 00
Medical Attention Required Sequestration and the USA Health Disadvantage A growing body of research now shows that Americans rich or poor minority or not suffer from a widening health disadvantage when compared to citizens of other highincome countries | WELLNESS | 55
Jaisalmer The Most Magical Place in India India can be a scary place Especially when you book a flight without doing your research | TRAVEL | 44
Intention Attention and Manifestation Pull back your attention from the object of the senses to the senses and then to the source of mind This journey within will you give you the strength and endurance to go through all the ups and downs of life | WELLNESS | 55
Dylan And Cole Sprouse Graduate From NYU | ENTERTAINMENT | 00
Basket Bag Woven Purses Perfect For Warm Summer Nights PHOTOS Inspired by al fresco dining basket weave handbags have been on our minds as of late Whether you use them for your wallet | STYLE & BEAUTY | 33
Trump Planned Rapists Comments About Mexicans The GOP nominee often makes offthecuff remarks but not in this case | POLITICS | 11
Makeup Bag Organization Ways To DeStress Your Cosmetics Case PHOTOS Once youve decided which products are staying and cleaned everything sort your cosmetics into a clean makeup bag that fits | STYLE & BEAUTY | 33
Megan Fox Is Looking As Gorgeous As Ever | ENTERTAINMENT | 00
How A Proud Gun Owner Running For Congress Became The Enemy Number Of The NRA Oceguera a fourth generation Nevadan who grew up on the Walker River Indian Reservation is an unlikely enemy number one | POLITICS | 11
Kylie Jenners th Birthday Means More NSFW Photos Are Coming Even Kendall is scared | ENTERTAINMENT | 00
An Open Letter To CollegeEducated Liberal White Men Dear CollegeEducated Liberal White Men Fear does not become you so I understand That is why you tell me that everything | POLITICS | 11
Texas Education Board Votes To Create Classes On MexicanAmerican Studies The Republicandominated board embraced ethnic studies after a fiveyear campaign by educators and activists | POLITICS | 11
Yep Im Bigoted Against The Basket Of Deplorable Bigots Yes I am proudly obstinately and intolerantly devoted to my opinion | POLITICS | 11
Europeans On A Whole Are Getting Healthier But Major Disparities Still Exist WHO Says LONDON March Reuters Europeans can expect to live longer and their overall health has improved in recent years but | WELLNESS | 55
Quantum Of The Seas New Thrills At Sea Its clear Quantum of the Seas is certainly a game changer in an industry that desperately needs some good news lately | TRAVEL | 44
Kid Looks Heartbroken After Not Being Able To Congratulate Sister On Championship A video showing an official preventing the hug between siblings quickly went viral | SPORTS | 22
Guardians Of The Galaxy Director Masterfully Trolls Marvel Executive Impersonator Did you do that thing we talked about yet | ENTERTAINMENT | 00
Most Americans Dont Think The Media Is Honest That plays well into the Trump administrations strategy to discredit the press | POLITICS | 11