public void onInteract(PlayerInteractEvent event) { ItemStack item = event.getItem(); if (item != null && item.hasItemMeta() && event.getAction().name().contains("RIGHT")) { if (isSpecialItem(item, flashItemName)) { event.setCancelled(true); event.getPlayer().updateInventory(); if (item.getTypeId() == flashOffItemId) { event.getPlayer() .sendMessage( String.format(cooldownMessage, (-(HungergamesApi.getHungergames().currentTime - cooldown.get(item))))); } else if (item.getType() == Material.REDSTONE_TORCH_ON) { List<Block> b = event.getPlayer().getLastTwoTargetBlocks(ignoreBlockTypes, maxTeleportDistance); if (b.size() > 1 && b.get(1).getType() != Material.AIR) { double dist = event.getPlayer().getLocation().distance(b.get(0).getLocation()); if (dist > 2) { Location loc = b.get(0).getLocation().clone().add(0.5, 0.5, 0.5); item.setTypeId(flashOnItemId); int hisCooldown = normalCooldown; if (addMoreCooldownForLargeDistances && (dist / 2) > 30) hisCooldown = (int) (dist / 2); cooldown.put(item, hisCooldown + HungergamesApi.getHungergames().currentTime); Location pLoc = event.getPlayer().getLocation(); loc.setPitch(pLoc.getPitch()); loc.setYaw(pLoc.getYaw()); event.getPlayer().teleport(loc); pLoc.getWorld().playSound(pLoc, Sound.ENDERMAN_TELEPORT, 1, 1.2F); pLoc.getWorld().playSound(loc, Sound.ENDERMAN_TELEPORT, 1, 1.2F); ((CraftWorld) pLoc.getWorld()).getHandle().addParticle("portal", pLoc.getX(), pLoc.getY(), pLoc.getZ(), loc.getX(), loc.getY(), loc.getZ()); ((CraftWorld) pLoc.getWorld()).getHandle().addParticle("portal", loc.getX(), loc.getY(), loc.getZ(), pLoc.getX(), pLoc.getY(), pLoc.getZ()); if (giveWeakness) event.getPlayer().addPotionEffect( new PotionEffect(PotionEffectType.WEAKNESS, (int) ((dist / 2) * 20), 1), true); pLoc.getWorld().strikeLightningEffect(loc); } } } } } }
public void onInteract(PlayerInteractEvent event) { ItemStack item = event.getItem(); if (item != null && item.hasItemMeta() && event.getAction().name().contains("RIGHT")) { if (isSpecialItem(item, flashItemName)) { event.setCancelled(true); event.getPlayer().updateInventory(); if (item.getTypeId() == flashOffItemId) { event.getPlayer() .sendMessage( String.format(cooldownMessage, (-(HungergamesApi.getHungergames().currentTime - cooldown.get(item))))); } else if (item.getType() == Material.REDSTONE_TORCH_ON) { List<Block> b = event.getPlayer().getLastTwoTargetBlocks(ignoreBlockTypes, maxTeleportDistance); if (b.size() > 1 && b.get(1).getType() != Material.AIR) { double dist = event.getPlayer().getLocation().distance(b.get(0).getLocation()); if (dist > 2) { Location loc = b.get(0).getLocation().clone().add(0.5, 0.5, 0.5); item.setTypeId(flashOffItemId); int hisCooldown = normalCooldown; if (addMoreCooldownForLargeDistances && (dist / 2) > 30) hisCooldown = (int) (dist / 2); cooldown.put(item, hisCooldown + HungergamesApi.getHungergames().currentTime); Location pLoc = event.getPlayer().getLocation(); loc.setPitch(pLoc.getPitch()); loc.setYaw(pLoc.getYaw()); event.getPlayer().teleport(loc); pLoc.getWorld().playSound(pLoc, Sound.ENDERMAN_TELEPORT, 1, 1.2F); pLoc.getWorld().playSound(loc, Sound.ENDERMAN_TELEPORT, 1, 1.2F); ((CraftWorld) pLoc.getWorld()).getHandle().addParticle("portal", pLoc.getX(), pLoc.getY(), pLoc.getZ(), loc.getX(), loc.getY(), loc.getZ()); ((CraftWorld) pLoc.getWorld()).getHandle().addParticle("portal", loc.getX(), loc.getY(), loc.getZ(), pLoc.getX(), pLoc.getY(), pLoc.getZ()); if (giveWeakness) event.getPlayer().addPotionEffect( new PotionEffect(PotionEffectType.WEAKNESS, (int) ((dist / 2) * 20), 1), true); pLoc.getWorld().strikeLightningEffect(loc); } } } } } }
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); addPreferencesFromResource(R.layout.updater_fragment); PreferenceScreen root = this.getPreferenceScreen(); final Preference backup_kernel = root.findPreference("backup_kernel"); final Preference updater_kernel = root.findPreference("updater_kernel"); final ListPreference restore_kernel = (ListPreference) root.findPreference("restore_kernel"); updater_kernel.setEnabled(false); try { backup_kernel.setSummary(getText(R.string.last_backup_from)+ " " + shell.getDirInfo("/sdcard/", false)[0]); restore_kernel.setEnabled(true); } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { backup_kernel.setSummary(getText(R.string.last_backup_from)+ " " + getText(R.string.unavailable)); restore_kernel.setEnabled(false); } restore_kernel.setEntries(shell.getDirInfo("/sdcard/", false)); restore_kernel.setEntryValues(shell.getDirInfo("/sdcard/", false)); restore_kernel.setDialogIcon(R.drawable.restore_dark); restore_kernel.setOnPreferenceChangeListener(new Preference.OnPreferenceChangeListener() { @Override public boolean onPreferenceChange(Preference preference, Object o) { final String s = (String) o; AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(getActivity()); LayoutInflater inflater = getActivity().getLayoutInflater(); View layout = inflater.inflate(R.layout.about_screen, null); TextView aboutText = (TextView) layout.findViewById(; builder.setTitle(getText(R.string.backup_from) + " " + s); aboutText.setText(getText(R.string.restore_from_backup) + " " + s + " ?"); shell.remountSystem(); builder.setView(layout) .setPositiveButton(, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int id) { String[] commands = new String[] { "rm -f " + zImage, "cp " + "/sdcard/" + s + "/zImage" + " " + zImage, }; shell.setRootInfo(commands); Toast.makeText(getActivity(), R.string.need_reboot, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); } }) .setNegativeButton(R.string.cancel, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int id) { } });; return true; }; }); backup_kernel.setOnPreferenceClickListener(new Preference.OnPreferenceClickListener() { @Override public boolean onPreferenceClick(Preference preference) { AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(getActivity()); LayoutInflater inflater = getActivity().getLayoutInflater(); View layout = inflater.inflate(R.layout.about_screen, null); TextView aboutText = (TextView) layout.findViewById(; builder.setTitle("Backup"); builder.setIcon(R.drawable.backup_dark); aboutText.setText(R.string.proceed_backup); builder.setView(layout) .setPositiveButton(, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int id) { try { update.copyFile(IMAGE, BACKUP_PATH, false); Toast.makeText(getActivity(), "Backup was successful!", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); backup_kernel.setSummary(getText(R.string.last_backup_from) + " " + timeStamp); restore_kernel.setEnabled(true); } catch (IOException e) { Log.e("Aero", "A problem occured while saving a backup.", e); } } }) .setNegativeButton(R.string.cancel, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int id) { } });; return true; } ; }); }
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); addPreferencesFromResource(R.layout.updater_fragment); PreferenceScreen root = this.getPreferenceScreen(); final Preference backup_kernel = root.findPreference("backup_kernel"); final Preference updater_kernel = root.findPreference("updater_kernel"); final ListPreference restore_kernel = (ListPreference) root.findPreference("restore_kernel"); updater_kernel.setEnabled(false); if (shell.getInfo(zImage).equals("Unavailable")) backup_kernel.setEnabled(false); if (shell.getInfo(zImage).equals("Unavailable")) restore_kernel.setEnabled(false); try { backup_kernel.setSummary(getText(R.string.last_backup_from)+ " " + shell.getDirInfo("/sdcard/", false)[0]); restore_kernel.setEnabled(true); } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { backup_kernel.setSummary(getText(R.string.last_backup_from)+ " " + getText(R.string.unavailable)); restore_kernel.setEnabled(false); } restore_kernel.setEntries(shell.getDirInfo("/sdcard/", false)); restore_kernel.setEntryValues(shell.getDirInfo("/sdcard/", false)); restore_kernel.setDialogIcon(R.drawable.restore_dark); restore_kernel.setOnPreferenceChangeListener(new Preference.OnPreferenceChangeListener() { @Override public boolean onPreferenceChange(Preference preference, Object o) { final String s = (String) o; AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(getActivity()); LayoutInflater inflater = getActivity().getLayoutInflater(); View layout = inflater.inflate(R.layout.about_screen, null); TextView aboutText = (TextView) layout.findViewById(; builder.setTitle(getText(R.string.backup_from) + " " + s); aboutText.setText(getText(R.string.restore_from_backup) + " " + s + " ?"); shell.remountSystem(); builder.setView(layout) .setPositiveButton(, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int id) { String[] commands = new String[] { "rm -f " + zImage, "cp " + "/sdcard/" + s + "/zImage" + " " + zImage, }; shell.setRootInfo(commands); Toast.makeText(getActivity(), R.string.need_reboot, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); } }) .setNegativeButton(R.string.cancel, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int id) { } });; return true; }; }); backup_kernel.setOnPreferenceClickListener(new Preference.OnPreferenceClickListener() { @Override public boolean onPreferenceClick(Preference preference) { AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(getActivity()); LayoutInflater inflater = getActivity().getLayoutInflater(); View layout = inflater.inflate(R.layout.about_screen, null); TextView aboutText = (TextView) layout.findViewById(; builder.setTitle("Backup"); builder.setIcon(R.drawable.backup_dark); aboutText.setText(R.string.proceed_backup); builder.setView(layout) .setPositiveButton(, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int id) { try { update.copyFile(IMAGE, BACKUP_PATH, false); Toast.makeText(getActivity(), "Backup was successful!", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); backup_kernel.setSummary(getText(R.string.last_backup_from) + " " + timeStamp); restore_kernel.setEnabled(true); } catch (IOException e) { Log.e("Aero", "A problem occured while saving a backup.", e); } } }) .setNegativeButton(R.string.cancel, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int id) { } });; return true; } ; }); }
public void addType(TypeDefinition type) { index.put(type.getFeatureType().getName(), type); }
public void addType(TypeDefinition type) { FeatureType ft = type.getFeatureType(); if (ft != null) { index.put(ft.getName(), type); } }
public float getL1cInterpolatedBtDataFloat(int gridPointIndex, int btDataIndex, int polMode, float noDataValue) throws IOException { final SequenceData btDataList = getBtDataList(gridPointIndex); final int btDataListCount = btDataList.getElementCount(); int flags; int delta, deltaAbs; int deltaMin1 = Integer.MAX_VALUE; int deltaMin2 = Integer.MAX_VALUE; int incidenceAngle; float incidenceAngle1 = 0; float incidenceAngle2 = 0; float btValue; float btValue1 = 0; float btValue2 = 0; for (int i = 0; i < btDataListCount; i++) { CompoundData btData = btDataList.getCompound(i); flags = btData.getInt(flagsIndex); if ((flags & POL_MASK) == polMode) { incidenceAngle = btData.getInt(incidenceAngleIndex); delta = CENTER_INCIDENCE_ANGLE - incidenceAngle; deltaAbs = Math.abs(delta); if (deltaAbs < INCIDENCE_ANGLE_RANGE) { btValue = btData.getFloat(btDataIndex); if (delta < 0) { if (deltaAbs < deltaMin1) { deltaMin1 = deltaAbs; incidenceAngle1 = incidenceAngle; btValue1 = btValue; } } else if (delta > 0) { if (deltaAbs < deltaMin2) { deltaMin2 = deltaAbs; incidenceAngle2 = incidenceAngle; btValue2 = btValue; } } else { return btValue; } } } } final boolean hasValue1 = deltaMin1 < Integer.MAX_VALUE; final boolean hasValue2 = deltaMin2 < Integer.MAX_VALUE; if (hasValue1 && hasValue2) { return btValue1 + CENTER_INCIDENCE_ANGLE * (btValue2 - btValue1) / (incidenceAngle2 - incidenceAngle1); } else { return noDataValue; } }
public float getL1cInterpolatedBtDataFloat(int gridPointIndex, int btDataIndex, int polMode, float noDataValue) throws IOException { final SequenceData btDataList = getBtDataList(gridPointIndex); final int btDataListCount = btDataList.getElementCount(); int flags; int delta, deltaAbs; int deltaMin1 = Integer.MAX_VALUE; int deltaMin2 = Integer.MAX_VALUE; int incidenceAngle; float incidenceAngle1 = 0; float incidenceAngle2 = 0; float btValue; float btValue1 = 0; float btValue2 = 0; for (int i = 0; i < btDataListCount; i++) { CompoundData btData = btDataList.getCompound(i); flags = btData.getInt(flagsIndex); if ((flags & POL_MASK) == polMode) { incidenceAngle = btData.getInt(incidenceAngleIndex); delta = CENTER_INCIDENCE_ANGLE - incidenceAngle; deltaAbs = Math.abs(delta); if (deltaAbs < INCIDENCE_ANGLE_RANGE) { btValue = btData.getFloat(btDataIndex); if (delta < 0) { if (deltaAbs < deltaMin1) { deltaMin1 = deltaAbs; incidenceAngle1 = incidenceAngle; btValue1 = btValue; } } else if (delta > 0) { if (deltaAbs < deltaMin2) { deltaMin2 = deltaAbs; incidenceAngle2 = incidenceAngle; btValue2 = btValue; } } else { return btValue; } } } } final boolean hasValue1 = deltaMin1 < Integer.MAX_VALUE; final boolean hasValue2 = deltaMin2 < Integer.MAX_VALUE; if (hasValue1 && hasValue2) { return btValue1 + (CENTER_INCIDENCE_ANGLE - incidenceAngle1) * (btValue2 - btValue1) / (incidenceAngle2 - incidenceAngle1); } else { return noDataValue; } }
public void startElement( String ns, String localName, String name, Attributes atts) throws org.xml.sax.SAXException { Element elem; if ((null == ns) || (ns.length() == 0)) elem = m_doc.createElement(name); else elem = m_doc.createElementNS(ns, name); append(elem); try { int nAtts = atts.getLength(); if (0 != nAtts) { for (int i = 0; i < nAtts; i++) { if (atts.getType(i).equalsIgnoreCase("ID")) setIDAttribute(atts.getValue(i), elem); String attrNS = atts.getURI(i); if(attrNS == null) attrNS = ""; String attrQName = atts.getQName(i); if ((attrNS.length() == 0) || attrQName.startsWith("xmlns:") || attrQName.equals("xmlns")) elem.setAttribute(attrQName, atts.getValue(i)); else { elem.setAttributeNS(attrNS, attrQName, atts.getValue(i)); } } } m_elemStack.push(elem); m_currentNode = elem; } catch(java.lang.Exception de) { throw new org.xml.sax.SAXException(de); } }
public void startElement( String ns, String localName, String name, Attributes atts) throws org.xml.sax.SAXException { Element elem; if ((null == ns) || (ns.length() == 0)) elem = m_doc.createElement(name); else elem = m_doc.createElementNS(ns, name); append(elem); try { int nAtts = atts.getLength(); if (0 != nAtts) { for (int i = 0; i < nAtts; i++) { if (atts.getType(i).equalsIgnoreCase("ID")) setIDAttribute(atts.getValue(i), elem); String attrNS = atts.getURI(i); if(attrNS == null) attrNS = ""; String attrQName = atts.getQName(i); if ((attrNS.length() == 0) ) elem.setAttribute(attrQName, atts.getValue(i)); else { elem.setAttributeNS(attrNS, attrQName, atts.getValue(i)); } } } m_elemStack.push(elem); m_currentNode = elem; } catch(java.lang.Exception de) { throw new org.xml.sax.SAXException(de); } }
public void doGet(final HttpServletRequest request, final HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { response.setContentType("text/html"); response.setCharacterEncoding("UTF-8"); final PrintWriter p = response.getWriter(); final String accessToken = request.getParameter("access_token"); if (accessToken == null) { response.sendRedirect(Config.getValue("LOGIN_URL")); return; } else { HttpSession session = request.getSession(); session.setAttribute(Config.getValue("ACCESS_TOKEN_SESSION"), accessToken); } final DefaultFacebookClient client = new DefaultFacebookClient( accessToken); try { final URL url = new URL( "" + accessToken + "&query=" + URLEncoder .encode("SELECT name,uid,pic_square FROM user WHERE uid IN ( SELECT uid2 FROM friend WHERE uid1=me() )", "UTF-8")); final DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory .newInstance(); final DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder(); final Document doc = builder.parse(url.openStream()); final StreamSource source = new StreamSource(new File(this .getServletContext().getRealPath( Config.getValue("XSL_FILE")))); OutputGenerator.transformWithStyle(new DOMSource(doc), source, new StreamResult(p)); } catch (final Exception e) { System.out.println(e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } p.flush(); p.close(); }
public void doGet(final HttpServletRequest request, final HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { response.setContentType("text/html"); response.setCharacterEncoding("UTF-8"); final PrintWriter p = response.getWriter(); final String accessToken = request.getParameter("access_token"); if (accessToken == null) { response.sendRedirect(Config.getValue("LOGIN_URL")); return; } else { HttpSession session = request.getSession(); session.setAttribute(Config.getValue("ACCESS_TOKEN_SESSION"), accessToken); } final DefaultFacebookClient client = new DefaultFacebookClient( accessToken); try { final URL url = new URL( "" + accessToken + "&query=" + URLEncoder .encode("SELECT name,uid,pic_square FROM user WHERE uid IN ( SELECT uid2 FROM friend WHERE uid1=me() )", "UTF-8")); final DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory .newInstance(); final DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder(); final Document doc = builder.parse(url.openStream()); String xslFile = File.separator + "xsl" + File.separator + "facebook.xsl"; final StreamSource source = new StreamSource(new File(this .getServletContext().getRealPath( xslFile))); OutputGenerator.transformWithStyle(new DOMSource(doc), source, new StreamResult(p)); } catch (final Exception e) { System.out.println(e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } p.flush(); p.close(); }
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { print_header(); NumberFormat pf = NumberFormat.getPercentInstance(); NumberFormat df = NumberFormat.getInstance(); NumberFormat inf = NumberFormat.getIntegerInstance(); pf.setMaximumFractionDigits(2); df.setMaximumFractionDigits(4); df.setMinimumFractionDigits(4); final long ms = 1000000L; final long ns = 1000000000L; int threads = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors(); double percent_variation = 0.0001; long prime_time = 60 * ns; if ( args.length > 0 && args[0].equals("i") ) { Scanner scanner = new Scanner(; int temp; System.out.println( " --- Interactive Mode" ); System.out.print( " -- Enter number of threads\n (enter 0 for " + threads + " threads): " ); temp = scanner.nextInt(); if ( 0 != temp ) threads = temp; System.out.print( " -- Enter confidence threshold [10^-n]\n (enter 0 for " + Math.abs(Math.log10(percent_variation)) + "): " ); temp = scanner.nextInt(); if ( 0 != temp ) { percent_variation = (double)(Math.pow(10, -1 * temp)); if (temp > 4) pf.setMaximumFractionDigits( temp + 1 ); } System.out.print( " -- Enter priming time\n (enter 0 for " + inf.format(prime_time / ns) + " seconds): " ); temp = scanner.nextInt(); if ( 0 != temp ) prime_time = ns * (long)temp; } else if ( args.length > 0 && args[0].equals("s") ) { System.out.println( " --- Short Run Mode" ); percent_variation = (double)(Math.pow(10, -1 * 2)); prime_time = ns * (long)10; } else if ( args.length > 0 && (args[0].equals("h") || args[0].equals("help")) ) { print_help(); System.exit(1); } System.out.println(); System.out.println( " Using " + threads + " for number of threads." ); System.out.println( " Using " + Math.abs(Math.log10(percent_variation)) + " [" + pf.format(percent_variation) + "] for confidence threshold." ); System.out.println( " Using " + inf.format(prime_time / ns) + " seconds for prime time." ); System.out.println(); WarGameThread[] wgts = new WarGameThread[ threads ]; String display_tail = ""; long print_last = getTime(); int tests = 1; double completed = 0; double speed = 0; double rate = 0; double rate_low = 0, rate_high = 0, prime_speed = 0; double percent_speed = 0; boolean test_started = false; long elapsed_time = 0; long current_time = 0; long test_initial = 0; long test_duration = 0; long start = getTime(); for (int i = 0; i < threads; i++) { wgts[i] = new WarGameThread(); } while ( isAlive(wgts) ) { completed = getCompleted(wgts); current_time = getTime(); elapsed_time = current_time - start; rate = (elapsed_time / completed); speed = 1 / rate; if ( !test_started && elapsed_time >= prime_time ) { test_started = true; test_duration = (long)(1 + Math.ceil( (speed * ms) )); test_initial = elapsed_time + ( test_duration * ns ); percent_speed = rate * percent_variation; rate_low = rate - percent_speed; rate_high = rate + percent_speed; prime_speed = speed; System.out.println(); } else if ( test_started && elapsed_time >= test_initial ) { if ( rate_low < rate && rate < rate_high ) { terminateThreads(wgts); } else if ( tests >= 100 ) { terminateThreads(wgts); } else { test_duration = (long)(1 + Math.ceil( (speed * ms) )); test_initial = elapsed_time + ( test_duration * ns ); percent_speed = rate * percent_variation; rate_low = rate - percent_speed; rate_high = rate + percent_speed; tests++; } } if ( ( current_time - print_last) > (1000 * ms) ) { if ( test_started ) display_tail = "Test #" + tests + " at " + inf.format( (test_initial - elapsed_time) / ns ) + " seconds"; else display_tail = inf.format( (prime_time - elapsed_time) / ns ) + " seconds left..."; print_last = current_time; System.out.print("\r " + " Speed: " + df.format( (speed * ms) ) + " (g/ms) - " + display_tail ); } } long end = getTime(); System.out.print("\r " + " Speed: " + df.format( (speed * ms) ) + " (g/ms) - " + display_tail ); System.out.println(); System.out.println(); System.out.println( " Elasped time: " + inf.format((end - start) / ns) + " seconds or about " + df.format((end - start) / ms / 1000.0 / 60.0) + " minutes "); System.out.println( " Games completed: " + inf.format( getCompleted(wgts) ) + " " ); System.out.println( " Tests completed: " + inf.format( tests ) + " " ); System.out.println( " Threads used: " + threads + " "); System.out.println( " Confidence: " + pf.format( percent_variation ) + " " ); System.out.println(); System.out.println( " " + inf.format(tests) + " tests improved speed by " + pf.format( 1 - (prime_speed / speed) ) + ""); System.out.println( " from " + df.format(prime_speed * ms) + " (g/ms) to " + df.format(speed * ms) + " (g/ms)"); System.out.println( " Final confidence range:\n " + df.format(1/rate_high * ms) + " (g/ms) < " + df.format(speed * ms) + " (g/ms) < " + df.format(1/rate_low * ms) + " (g/ms)" ); System.out.println(); System.out.println( " Final speed: " + df.format( (speed * ms) ) + " (g/ms)" ); System.out.println(); }
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { print_header(); NumberFormat pf = NumberFormat.getPercentInstance(); NumberFormat df = NumberFormat.getInstance(); NumberFormat inf = NumberFormat.getIntegerInstance(); pf.setMaximumFractionDigits(2); df.setMaximumFractionDigits(4); df.setMinimumFractionDigits(4); final long ms = 1000000L; final long ns = 1000000000L; int threads = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors(); double percent_variation = 0.0001; long prime_time = 60 * ns; if ( args.length > 0 && args[0].equals("i") ) { Scanner scanner = new Scanner(; int temp; System.out.println( " --- Interactive Mode" ); System.out.print( " -- Enter number of threads\n (enter 0 for " + threads + " threads): " ); temp = scanner.nextInt(); if ( 0 != temp ) threads = temp; System.out.print( " -- Enter confidence threshold [10^-n]\n (enter 0 for " + Math.abs(Math.log10(percent_variation)) + "): " ); temp = scanner.nextInt(); if ( 0 != temp ) { percent_variation = (double)(Math.pow(10, -1 * temp)); if (temp > 4) pf.setMaximumFractionDigits( temp + 1 ); } System.out.print( " -- Enter priming time\n (enter 0 for " + inf.format(prime_time / ns) + " seconds): " ); temp = scanner.nextInt(); if ( 0 != temp ) prime_time = ns * (long)temp; } else if ( args.length > 0 && args[0].equals("s") ) { System.out.println( " --- Short Run Mode" ); percent_variation = (double)(Math.pow(10, -1 * 2)); prime_time = ns * (long)10; } else if ( args.length > 0 && (args[0].equals("h") || args[0].equals("help")) ) { print_help(); System.exit(1); } System.out.println(); System.out.println( " Using " + threads + " for number of threads." ); System.out.println( " Using " + Math.abs(Math.log10(percent_variation)) + " [" + pf.format(percent_variation) + "] for confidence threshold." ); System.out.println( " Using " + inf.format(prime_time / ns) + " seconds for prime time." ); System.out.println(); WarGameThread[] wgts = new WarGameThread[ threads ]; String display_tail = ""; long print_last = getTime(); int tests = 1; double completed = 0; double speed = 0; double rate = 0; double rate_low = 0, rate_high = 0, prime_speed = 0; double percent_speed = 0; boolean test_started = false; long elapsed_time = 0; long current_time = 0; long test_initial = 0; long test_duration = 0; long start = getTime(); for (int i = 0; i < threads; i++) { wgts[i] = new WarGameThread(); } while ( isAlive(wgts) ) { completed = getCompleted(wgts); current_time = getTime(); elapsed_time = current_time - start; rate = (elapsed_time / completed); speed = 1 / rate; if ( !test_started && elapsed_time >= prime_time ) { test_started = true; test_duration = (long)(1 + Math.ceil( (speed * ms) )); test_initial = elapsed_time + ( test_duration * ns ); percent_speed = rate * percent_variation; rate_low = rate - percent_speed; rate_high = rate + percent_speed; prime_speed = speed; System.out.println(); } else if ( test_started && elapsed_time >= test_initial ) { if ( rate_low < rate && rate < rate_high ) { terminateThreads(wgts); } else if ( tests >= 100 ) { terminateThreads(wgts); } else { test_duration = (long)(1 + Math.ceil( (speed * ms) )); test_initial = elapsed_time + ( test_duration * ns ); percent_speed = rate * percent_variation; rate_low = rate - percent_speed; rate_high = rate + percent_speed; tests++; } } if ( ( current_time - print_last) > (1000 * ms) ) { if ( test_started ) display_tail = "Test #" + tests + " at " + inf.format( (test_initial - elapsed_time) / ns ) + " seconds"; else display_tail = inf.format( (prime_time - elapsed_time) / ns ) + " seconds left..."; print_last = current_time; System.out.print("\r " + " Speed: " + df.format( (speed * ms) ) + " (g/ms) - " + display_tail ); } } long end = getTime(); System.out.print("\r " + " Speed: " + df.format( (speed * ms) ) + " (g/ms) - " + display_tail ); System.out.println(); System.out.println(); System.out.println( " Elapsed time: " + inf.format((end - start) / ns) + " seconds or ~" + df.format((end - start) / ms / 1000.0 / 60.0) + " minutes."); System.out.println( " Games completed: " + inf.format( getCompleted(wgts) ) + "." ); System.out.println( " Tests completed: " + inf.format( tests ) + "." ); System.out.println( " Threads used: " + threads + "."); System.out.println( " Confidence: " + pf.format( percent_variation ) + "." ); System.out.println(); System.out.println( " " + inf.format(tests) + " tests improved speed by " + pf.format( 1 - (prime_speed / speed) ) + ""); System.out.println( " from " + df.format(prime_speed * ms) + " (g/ms) to " + df.format(speed * ms) + " (g/ms)"); System.out.println( " Final confidence range:\n " + df.format(1/rate_low * ms) + " (g/ms) > " + df.format(speed * ms) + " (g/ms) > " + df.format(1/rate_high * ms) + " (g/ms)" ); System.out.println(); System.out.println( " Final rate: \t" + df.format( (rate / ms) ) + " (ms/g)" ); System.out.println( " Final speed: \t" + df.format( (speed * ms) ) + " (g/ms)" ); System.out.println(); System.out.println( " Final speed: \t" + inf.format( Math.round((speed * ms) * 1000)) + " (g/s)" ); System.out.println(); }
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, PrologException, TermInstantiationException, ExecutionContextException { PrologProxy p = new PrologProxy(new File("")); p.getSolution(new Compound(p, "loadFile", "procedure.ced", "cedalion")); ExecutionContext exe = new ExecutionContext(p); exe.runProcedure(new Compound(p, "cpi#openFile", "grammer-example.ced", "grammar", "gram")); Variable model = new Variable("Model"); Variable x = new Variable("X"); Variable y = new Variable("Y"); Variable z = new Variable("Z"); Iterator<Map<Variable, Object>> results = p.getSolutions(p.createCompound("cedalion#loadedFile", "grammar", z, model)); while(results.hasNext()) { Map<Variable, Object> result =; System.out.println(result.get(model)); } Compound list = p.createCompound("[]"); list = p.createCompound(".", 1, list); list = p.createCompound(".", 2, list); list = p.createCompound(".", 2, list); Compound path = p.createCompound("cpi#path", "grammar", list); Map<Variable, Object> result = p.getSolution(p.createCompound("cpi#termAtPath", path, x, y)); System.out.println(result.get(x)); System.out.println(result.get(y)); exe.runProcedure(p.createCompound("cpi#saveFile", "grammar", "g1.ced")); exe.runProcedure(p.createCompound("cpi#edit", path, p.createCompound("::", p.createCompound("[]"), new Variable()), p.createCompound("[]"))); exe.runProcedure(p.createCompound("cpi#saveFile", "grammar", "g2.ced")); exe.runProcedure(p.createCompound("cpi#undo", "grammar")); exe.runProcedure(p.createCompound("cpi#saveFile", "grammar", "g3.ced")); String oldContent = (String)exe.evaluate(p.createCompound("cpi#termAsString", path, p.createCompound("cpi#constExpr", 3)), new Variable()); System.out.println(oldContent); exe.runProcedure(p.createCompound("cpi#redo", "grammar")); exe.runProcedure(p.createCompound("cpi#saveFile", "grammar", "g4.ced")); exe.runProcedure(p.createCompound("cpi#editFromString", path, p.createCompound("cpi#constExpr", "!(hello)"))); exe.runProcedure(p.createCompound("cpi#saveFile", "grammar", "g5.ced")); Variable vis = new Variable(); result = p.getSolution(p.createCompound("cpi#visualizePath", path, vis)); System.out.println(result.get(vis)); p.terminate(); }
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, PrologException, TermInstantiationException, ExecutionContextException { PrologProxy p = new PrologProxy(new File("")); p.getSolution(new Compound(p, "loadFile", "procedure.ced", "cedalion")); ExecutionContext exe = new ExecutionContext(p); exe.runProcedure(new Compound(p, "cpi#openFile", "grammer-example.ced", "grammar", "gram")); Variable model = new Variable("Model"); Variable x = new Variable("X"); Variable y = new Variable("Y"); Variable z = new Variable("Z"); Iterator<Map<Variable, Object>> results = p.getSolutions(p.createCompound("cedalion#loadedFile", "grammar", z, model)); while(results.hasNext()) { Map<Variable, Object> result =; System.out.println(result.get(model)); } Compound list = p.createCompound("[]"); list = p.createCompound(".", 1, list); list = p.createCompound(".", 2, list); list = p.createCompound(".", 2, list); Compound path = p.createCompound("cpi#path", "grammar", list); Map<Variable, Object> result = p.getSolution(p.createCompound("cpi#termAtPath", path, x, y)); System.out.println(result.get(x)); System.out.println(result.get(y)); exe.runProcedure(p.createCompound("cpi#saveFile", "grammar", "g1.ced")); exe.runProcedure(p.createCompound("cpi#edit", path, p.createCompound("::", p.createCompound("[]"), new Variable()), p.createCompound("[]"))); exe.runProcedure(p.createCompound("cpi#saveFile", "grammar", "g2.ced")); exe.runProcedure(p.createCompound("cpi#undo", "grammar")); exe.runProcedure(p.createCompound("cpi#saveFile", "grammar", "g3.ced")); String oldContent = (String)exe.evaluate(p.createCompound("cpi#termAsString", path, p.createCompound("cpi#constExpr", 3)), new Variable()); System.out.println(oldContent); exe.runProcedure(p.createCompound("cpi#redo", "grammar")); exe.runProcedure(p.createCompound("cpi#saveFile", "grammar", "g4.ced")); exe.runProcedure(p.createCompound("cpi#editFromString", path, p.createCompound("cpi#constExpr", "hello"))); exe.runProcedure(p.createCompound("cpi#saveFile", "grammar", "g5.ced")); Variable vis = new Variable(); result = p.getSolution(p.createCompound("cpi#visualizePath", path, vis)); System.out.println(result.get(vis)); p.terminate(); }
public RevCommit call() throws RuntimeException { final String committer = resolveCommitter(); final String committerEmail = resolveCommitterEmail(); final String author = resolveAuthor(); final String authorEmail = resolveAuthorEmail(); final Long authorTime = getAuthorTimeStamp(); final Long committerTime = getCommitterTimeStamp(); final Integer authorTimeZoneOffset = getAuthorTimeZoneOffset(); final Integer committerTimeZoneOffset = getCommitterTimeZoneOffset(); getProgressListener().started(); float writeTreeProgress = 99f; if (all) { writeTreeProgress = 50f; command(AddOp.class).setUpdateOnly(true).setProgressListener(subProgress(49f)).call(); } if (getProgressListener().isCanceled()) { return null; } List<Conflict> conflicts = command(ConflictsReadOp.class).call(); if (!conflicts.isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot run operation while merge conflicts exist."); } final Optional<Ref> currHead = command(RefParse.class).setName(Ref.HEAD).call(); checkState(currHead.isPresent(), "Repository has no HEAD, can't commit"); final Ref headRef = currHead.get(); checkState(headRef instanceof SymRef, "HEAD is in a dettached state, cannot commit. Create a branch from it before committing"); final String currentBranch = ((SymRef) headRef).getTarget(); final ObjectId currHeadCommitId = headRef.getObjectId(); if (!currHeadCommitId.isNull()) { parents.add(0, currHeadCommitId); } final Optional<Ref> mergeHead = command(RefParse.class).setName(Ref.MERGE_HEAD).call(); if (mergeHead.isPresent()) { ObjectId mergeCommitId = mergeHead.get().getObjectId(); if (!mergeCommitId.isNull()) { parents.add(mergeCommitId); } if (message == null) { message = command(ReadMergeCommitMessageOp.class).call(); } } for (String st : pathFilters) { command(AddOp.class).addPattern(st).call(); } ObjectId newTreeId; { WriteTree2 writeTree = command(WriteTree2.class); Supplier<RevTree> oldRoot = resolveOldRoot(); writeTree.setOldRoot(oldRoot).setProgressListener(subProgress(writeTreeProgress)); if (!pathFilters.isEmpty()) { writeTree.setPathFilter(pathFilters); } newTreeId =; } if (getProgressListener().isCanceled()) { return null; } final ObjectId currentRootTreeId = command(ResolveTreeish.class) .setTreeish(currHeadCommitId).call().or(ObjectId.NULL); if (currentRootTreeId.equals(newTreeId)) { if (!allowEmpty) { throw new NothingToCommitException("Nothing to commit after " + currHeadCommitId); } } final RevCommit commit; if (this.commit == null) { CommitBuilder cb = new CommitBuilder(); cb.setAuthor(author); cb.setAuthorEmail(authorEmail); cb.setCommitter(committer); cb.setCommitterEmail(committerEmail); cb.setMessage(message); cb.setParentIds(parents); cb.setTreeId(newTreeId); cb.setCommitterTimestamp(committerTime); cb.setAuthorTimestamp(authorTime); cb.setCommitterTimeZoneOffset(committerTimeZoneOffset); cb.setAuthorTimeZoneOffset(authorTimeZoneOffset); commit =; } else { CommitBuilder cb = new CommitBuilder(this.commit); cb.setParentIds(parents); cb.setTreeId(newTreeId); cb.setCommitterTimestamp(committerTime); cb.setCommitterTimeZoneOffset(committerTimeZoneOffset); if (message != null) { cb.setMessage(message); } commit =; } if (getProgressListener().isCanceled()) { return null; } objectDb.put(commit); final Optional<Ref> branchHead = command(UpdateRef.class).setName(currentBranch) .setNewValue(commit.getId()).call(); checkState(commit.getId().equals(branchHead.get().getObjectId())); final Optional<Ref> newHead = command(UpdateSymRef.class).setName(Ref.HEAD) .setNewValue(currentBranch).call(); checkState(currentBranch.equals(((SymRef) newHead.get()).getTarget())); Optional<ObjectId> treeId = command(ResolveTreeish.class).setTreeish( branchHead.get().getObjectId()).call(); checkState(treeId.isPresent()); checkState(newTreeId.equals(treeId.get())); getProgressListener().progress(100f); getProgressListener().complete(); if (mergeHead.isPresent()) { command(UpdateRef.class).setDelete(true).setName(Ref.MERGE_HEAD).call(); command(UpdateRef.class).setDelete(true).setName(Ref.ORIG_HEAD).call(); } final Optional<Ref> cherrypickHead = command(RefParse.class).setName(Ref.CHERRY_PICK_HEAD) .call(); if (cherrypickHead.isPresent()) { command(UpdateRef.class).setDelete(true).setName(Ref.CHERRY_PICK_HEAD).call(); command(UpdateRef.class).setDelete(true).setName(Ref.ORIG_HEAD).call(); } return commit; }
public RevCommit call() throws RuntimeException { final String committer = resolveCommitter(); final String committerEmail = resolveCommitterEmail(); final String author = resolveAuthor(); final String authorEmail = resolveAuthorEmail(); final Long authorTime = getAuthorTimeStamp(); final Long committerTime = getCommitterTimeStamp(); final Integer authorTimeZoneOffset = getAuthorTimeZoneOffset(); final Integer committerTimeZoneOffset = getCommitterTimeZoneOffset(); getProgressListener().started(); float writeTreeProgress = 99f; if (all) { writeTreeProgress = 50f; AddOp op = command(AddOp.class); for (String st : pathFilters) { op.addPattern(st); } op.setUpdateOnly(true).setProgressListener(subProgress(49f)).call(); } if (getProgressListener().isCanceled()) { return null; } List<Conflict> conflicts = command(ConflictsReadOp.class).call(); if (!conflicts.isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot run operation while merge conflicts exist."); } final Optional<Ref> currHead = command(RefParse.class).setName(Ref.HEAD).call(); checkState(currHead.isPresent(), "Repository has no HEAD, can't commit"); final Ref headRef = currHead.get(); checkState(headRef instanceof SymRef, "HEAD is in a dettached state, cannot commit. Create a branch from it before committing"); final String currentBranch = ((SymRef) headRef).getTarget(); final ObjectId currHeadCommitId = headRef.getObjectId(); if (!currHeadCommitId.isNull()) { parents.add(0, currHeadCommitId); } final Optional<Ref> mergeHead = command(RefParse.class).setName(Ref.MERGE_HEAD).call(); if (mergeHead.isPresent()) { ObjectId mergeCommitId = mergeHead.get().getObjectId(); if (!mergeCommitId.isNull()) { parents.add(mergeCommitId); } if (message == null) { message = command(ReadMergeCommitMessageOp.class).call(); } } ObjectId newTreeId; { WriteTree2 writeTree = command(WriteTree2.class); Supplier<RevTree> oldRoot = resolveOldRoot(); writeTree.setOldRoot(oldRoot).setProgressListener(subProgress(writeTreeProgress)); if (!pathFilters.isEmpty()) { writeTree.setPathFilter(pathFilters); } newTreeId =; } if (getProgressListener().isCanceled()) { return null; } final ObjectId currentRootTreeId = command(ResolveTreeish.class) .setTreeish(currHeadCommitId).call().or(ObjectId.NULL); if (currentRootTreeId.equals(newTreeId)) { if (!allowEmpty) { throw new NothingToCommitException("Nothing to commit after " + currHeadCommitId); } } final RevCommit commit; if (this.commit == null) { CommitBuilder cb = new CommitBuilder(); cb.setAuthor(author); cb.setAuthorEmail(authorEmail); cb.setCommitter(committer); cb.setCommitterEmail(committerEmail); cb.setMessage(message); cb.setParentIds(parents); cb.setTreeId(newTreeId); cb.setCommitterTimestamp(committerTime); cb.setAuthorTimestamp(authorTime); cb.setCommitterTimeZoneOffset(committerTimeZoneOffset); cb.setAuthorTimeZoneOffset(authorTimeZoneOffset); commit =; } else { CommitBuilder cb = new CommitBuilder(this.commit); cb.setParentIds(parents); cb.setTreeId(newTreeId); cb.setCommitterTimestamp(committerTime); cb.setCommitterTimeZoneOffset(committerTimeZoneOffset); if (message != null) { cb.setMessage(message); } commit =; } if (getProgressListener().isCanceled()) { return null; } objectDb.put(commit); final Optional<Ref> branchHead = command(UpdateRef.class).setName(currentBranch) .setNewValue(commit.getId()).call(); checkState(commit.getId().equals(branchHead.get().getObjectId())); final Optional<Ref> newHead = command(UpdateSymRef.class).setName(Ref.HEAD) .setNewValue(currentBranch).call(); checkState(currentBranch.equals(((SymRef) newHead.get()).getTarget())); Optional<ObjectId> treeId = command(ResolveTreeish.class).setTreeish( branchHead.get().getObjectId()).call(); checkState(treeId.isPresent()); checkState(newTreeId.equals(treeId.get())); getProgressListener().progress(100f); getProgressListener().complete(); if (mergeHead.isPresent()) { command(UpdateRef.class).setDelete(true).setName(Ref.MERGE_HEAD).call(); command(UpdateRef.class).setDelete(true).setName(Ref.ORIG_HEAD).call(); } final Optional<Ref> cherrypickHead = command(RefParse.class).setName(Ref.CHERRY_PICK_HEAD) .call(); if (cherrypickHead.isPresent()) { command(UpdateRef.class).setDelete(true).setName(Ref.CHERRY_PICK_HEAD).call(); command(UpdateRef.class).setDelete(true).setName(Ref.ORIG_HEAD).call(); } return commit; }
public void publish(A asset, Model rdf) throws Exception { System.out.println("publishing to " + configuration.publishURI()); rdf.write(System.out); StmtIterator stmts = rdf.listStatements(); String triples = ""; while (stmts.hasNext()) { Statement s =; triples = FmtUtils.stringForTriple(s.asTriple()) + "."; } UpdateExecutionFactory.createRemote(UpdateFactory.create("insert data {" + triples + "}"), configuration.publishURI().toString()).execute(); System.out.println(QueryExecutionFactory.sparqlService("", "ask {" + triples + "}").execAsk()); }
public void publish(A asset, Model rdf) throws Exception { System.out.println("publishing to " + configuration.publishURI()); rdf.write(System.out); StmtIterator stmts = rdf.listStatements(); String triples = ""; while (stmts.hasNext()) { Statement s =; triples+= FmtUtils.stringForTriple(s.asTriple()) + " . "; } UpdateExecutionFactory.createRemote(UpdateFactory.create("insert data {" + triples + "}"), configuration.publishURI().toString()).execute(); System.out.println(QueryExecutionFactory.sparqlService("", "ask {" + triples + "}").execAsk()); }
public boolean onCommand(CommandSender sender, Command command, String commandLabel, String args[]) { if (args.length < 2) return false; Player player = null; String playerName = plugin.banMessages.get("consoleName"); if (sender instanceof Player) { player = (Player) sender; playerName = player.getName(); if (!player.hasPermission("bm.warn")) { Util.sendMessage(player, plugin.banMessages.get("commandPermissionError")); return true; } } if (!Util.isValidPlayerName(args[0])) { Util.sendMessage(sender, plugin.banMessages.get("invalidPlayer")); return true; } List<Player> list = plugin.getServer().matchPlayer(args[0]); if (list.size() == 1) { Player target = list.get(0); if (target.getName().equals(playerName)) { Util.sendMessage(sender, plugin.banMessages.get("warnSelfError")); } else if (target.hasPermission("bm.exempt.warn")) { Util.sendMessage(sender, plugin.banMessages.get("warnExemptError")); } else { String reason = Util.getReason(args, 1); String viewReason = Util.viewReason(reason); plugin.dbLogger.logWarning(playerName, target.getName(), reason); String infoMessage = plugin.banMessages.get("playerWarned").replace("[name]", target.getName()).replace("[displayName]", target.getDisplayName());; if (!sender.hasPermission("bm.notify")) Util.sendMessage(sender, infoMessage); String message = plugin.banMessages.get("playerWarned").replace("[displayName]", target.getDisplayName()).replace("[name]", target.getName()).replace("[reason]", viewReason).replace("[by]", playerName); Util.sendMessageWithPerm(message, "bm.notify"); Util.sendMessage(target, plugin.banMessages.get("warned").replace("[displayName]", target.getDisplayName()).replace("[name]", target.getName()).replace("[reason]", viewReason).replace("[by]", playerName)); } } else if (list.size() > 1) { Util.sendMessage(sender, plugin.banMessages.get("multiplePlayersFoundError")); return false; } else { Util.sendMessage(sender, plugin.banMessages.get("playerNotOnline")); return false; } return true; }
public boolean onCommand(CommandSender sender, Command command, String commandLabel, String args[]) { if (args.length < 2) return false; Player player = null; String playerName = plugin.banMessages.get("consoleName"); if (sender instanceof Player) { player = (Player) sender; playerName = player.getName(); if (!player.hasPermission("bm.warn")) { Util.sendMessage(player, plugin.banMessages.get("commandPermissionError")); return true; } } if (!Util.isValidPlayerName(args[0])) { Util.sendMessage(sender, plugin.banMessages.get("invalidPlayer")); return true; } List<Player> list = plugin.getServer().matchPlayer(args[0]); if (list.size() == 1) { Player target = list.get(0); if (target.getName().equals(playerName)) { Util.sendMessage(sender, plugin.banMessages.get("warnSelfError")); } else if (target.hasPermission("bm.exempt.warn")) { Util.sendMessage(sender, plugin.banMessages.get("warnExemptError")); } else { String reason = Util.getReason(args, 1); String viewReason = Util.viewReason(reason); plugin.dbLogger.logWarning(target.getName(), playerName, reason); String infoMessage = plugin.banMessages.get("playerWarned").replace("[name]", target.getName()).replace("[displayName]", target.getDisplayName());; if (!sender.hasPermission("bm.notify")) Util.sendMessage(sender, infoMessage); String message = plugin.banMessages.get("playerWarned").replace("[displayName]", target.getDisplayName()).replace("[name]", target.getName()).replace("[reason]", viewReason).replace("[by]", playerName); Util.sendMessageWithPerm(message, "bm.notify"); Util.sendMessage(target, plugin.banMessages.get("warned").replace("[displayName]", target.getDisplayName()).replace("[name]", target.getName()).replace("[reason]", viewReason).replace("[by]", playerName)); } } else if (list.size() > 1) { Util.sendMessage(sender, plugin.banMessages.get("multiplePlayersFoundError")); return false; } else { Util.sendMessage(sender, plugin.banMessages.get("playerNotOnline")); return false; } return true; }
public void teleportTransformUpdatesPosition () { Player teleported = this.player.apply(new Player.TeleportTransform("another-room", 5, 1)); assertEquals("another-room", teleported.getRoomId()); assertEquals(5, teleported.getPosition().getX()); assertEquals(1, teleported.getPosition().getY()); }
public void teleportTransformUpdatesPosition () { Player teleported = this.player.apply(new Player.TeleportTransform("another-room", new Position(5, 1))); assertEquals("another-room", teleported.getRoomId()); assertEquals(5, teleported.getPosition().getX()); assertEquals(1, teleported.getPosition().getY()); }
protected BrowserScope getBrowserScopeForRequest(Context context, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException, SQLException, AuthorizeException { try { String type = request.getParameter("type"); String order = request.getParameter("order"); String value = request.getParameter("value"); String valueLang = request.getParameter("value_lang"); String month = request.getParameter("month"); String year = request.getParameter("year"); String startsWith = request.getParameter("starts_with"); String valueFocus = request.getParameter("vfocus"); String valueFocusLang = request.getParameter("vfocus_lang"); int focus = UIUtil.getIntParameter(request, "focus"); int resultsperpage = UIUtil.getIntParameter(request, "rpp"); int sortBy = UIUtil.getIntParameter(request, "sort_by"); int etAl = UIUtil.getIntParameter(request, "etal"); Collection collection = null; Community community = null; collection = UIUtil.getCollectionLocation(request); if (collection == null) { community = UIUtil.getCommunityLocation(request); } BrowseIndex bi = null; if (type != null && !"".equals(type)) { bi = BrowseIndex.getBrowseIndex(type); } if (bi == null) { if (sortBy > 0) bi = BrowseIndex.getBrowseIndex(SortOption.getSortOption(sortBy)); else bi = BrowseIndex.getBrowseIndex(SortOption.getDefaultSortOption()); } if (bi != null && sortBy == -1) { SortOption so = bi.getSortOption(); if (so != null) { sortBy = so.getNumber(); } } else if (bi != null && bi.isItemIndex() && !bi.isInternalIndex()) { SortOption bso = bi.getSortOption(); SortOption so = SortOption.getSortOption(sortBy); if ( bso != null && bso != so) { BrowseIndex newBi = BrowseIndex.getBrowseIndex(so); if (newBi != null) { bi = newBi; type = bi.getName(); } } } if (order == null && bi != null) { order = bi.getDefaultOrder(); } if (resultsperpage == -1) { resultsperpage = 20; } if (year != null && !"".equals(year) && !"-1".equals(year)) { startsWith = year; if ((month != null) && !"-1".equals(month) && !"".equals(month)) { if ("ASC".equals(order)) { month = Integer.toString((Integer.parseInt(month) - 1)); } if (month.length() == 1) { month = "0" + month; } startsWith = year + "-" + month; } } int level = 0; if (value != null) { level = 1; } if (sortBy == -1) { sortBy = 0; } if (etAl == -1) { int limitLine = ConfigurationManager.getIntProperty(""); if (limitLine != 0) { etAl = limitLine; } } else { if (etAl == 0) { etAl = -1; } } String comHandle = "n/a"; if (community != null) { comHandle = community.getIdentifier().getCanonicalForm(); } String colHandle = "n/a"; if (collection != null) { colHandle = collection.getIdentifier().getCanonicalForm(); } String arguments = "type=" + type + ",order=" + order + ",value=" + value + ",month=" + month + ",year=" + year + ",starts_with=" + startsWith + ",vfocus=" + valueFocus + ",focus=" + focus + ",rpp=" + resultsperpage + ",sort_by=" + sortBy + ",community=" + comHandle + ",collection=" + colHandle + ",level=" + level + ",etal=" + etAl;, "browse", arguments)); BrowserScope scope = new BrowserScope(context); scope.setBrowseIndex(bi); scope.setOrder(order); scope.setFilterValue(value); scope.setFilterValueLang(valueLang); scope.setJumpToItem(focus); scope.setJumpToValue(valueFocus); scope.setJumpToValueLang(valueFocusLang); scope.setStartsWith(startsWith); scope.setResultsPerPage(resultsperpage); scope.setSortBy(sortBy); scope.setBrowseLevel(level); scope.setEtAl(etAl); if (community != null) { scope.setBrowseContainer(community); } else if (collection != null) { scope.setBrowseContainer(collection); } if (bi.isMetadataIndex() && scope.isSecondLevel() && scope.getSortBy() <= 0) { scope.setSortBy(1); } return scope; } catch (SortException se) { log.error("caught exception: ", se); throw new ServletException(se); } catch (BrowseException e) { log.error("caught exception: ", e); throw new ServletException(e); } }
protected BrowserScope getBrowserScopeForRequest(Context context, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException, SQLException, AuthorizeException { try { String type = request.getParameter("type"); String order = request.getParameter("order"); String value = request.getParameter("value"); String valueLang = request.getParameter("value_lang"); String month = request.getParameter("month"); String year = request.getParameter("year"); String startsWith = request.getParameter("starts_with"); String valueFocus = request.getParameter("vfocus"); String valueFocusLang = request.getParameter("vfocus_lang"); int focus = UIUtil.getIntParameter(request, "focus"); int resultsperpage = UIUtil.getIntParameter(request, "rpp"); int sortBy = UIUtil.getIntParameter(request, "sort_by"); int etAl = UIUtil.getIntParameter(request, "etal"); Collection collection = null; Community community = null; collection = UIUtil.getCollectionLocation(request); if (collection == null) { community = UIUtil.getCommunityLocation(request); } BrowseIndex bi = null; if (type != null && !"".equals(type)) { bi = BrowseIndex.getBrowseIndex(type); } if (bi == null) { if (sortBy > 0) bi = BrowseIndex.getBrowseIndex(SortOption.getSortOption(sortBy)); else bi = BrowseIndex.getBrowseIndex(SortOption.getDefaultSortOption()); } if (bi != null && sortBy == -1) { SortOption so = bi.getSortOption(); if (so != null) { sortBy = so.getNumber(); } } else if (bi != null && bi.isItemIndex() && !bi.isInternalIndex()) { SortOption bso = bi.getSortOption(); SortOption so = SortOption.getSortOption(sortBy); if ( bso != null && bso != so) { BrowseIndex newBi = BrowseIndex.getBrowseIndex(so); if (newBi != null) { bi = newBi; type = bi.getName(); } } } if (order == null && bi != null) { order = bi.getDefaultOrder(); } if (resultsperpage == -1) { resultsperpage = 20; } if (year != null && !"".equals(year) && !"-1".equals(year)) { startsWith = year; if ((month != null) && !"-1".equals(month) && !"".equals(month)) { if ("ASC".equals(order)) { month = Integer.toString((Integer.parseInt(month) - 1)); } if (month.length() == 1) { month = "0" + month; } startsWith = year + "-" + month; } } int level = 0; if (value != null) { level = 1; } if (sortBy == -1) { sortBy = 0; } if (etAl == -1) { int limitLine = ConfigurationManager.getIntProperty(""); if (limitLine != 0) { etAl = limitLine; } } else { if (etAl == 0) { etAl = -1; } } String comHandle = "n/a"; if (community != null) { comHandle = community.getIdentifier().getCanonicalForm(); } String colHandle = "n/a"; if (collection != null) { colHandle = collection.getIdentifier().getCanonicalForm(); } String arguments = "type=" + type + ",order=" + order + ",value=" + value + ",month=" + month + ",year=" + year + ",starts_with=" + startsWith + ",vfocus=" + valueFocus + ",focus=" + focus + ",rpp=" + resultsperpage + ",sort_by=" + sortBy + ",community=" + comHandle + ",collection=" + colHandle + ",level=" + level + ",etal=" + etAl;, "browse", arguments)); BrowserScope scope = new BrowserScope(context); scope.setBrowseIndex(bi); scope.setOrder(order); scope.setFilterValue(value); scope.setFilterValueLang(valueLang); scope.setJumpToItem(focus); scope.setJumpToValue(valueFocus); scope.setJumpToValueLang(valueFocusLang); scope.setStartsWith(startsWith); scope.setResultsPerPage(resultsperpage); scope.setSortBy(sortBy); scope.setBrowseLevel(level); scope.setEtAl(etAl); if (community != null) { scope.setBrowseContainer(community); } else if (collection != null) { scope.setBrowseContainer(collection); } if (bi != null && bi.isMetadataIndex() && scope.isSecondLevel() && scope.getSortBy() <= 0) { scope.setSortBy(1); } return scope; } catch (SortException se) { log.error("caught exception: ", se); throw new ServletException(se); } catch (BrowseException e) { log.error("caught exception: ", e); throw new ServletException(e); } }
public Set<IProject> build(int kind, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws Exception { final IProject project = getMavenProjectFacade().getProject(); if(IncrementalProjectBuilder.AUTO_BUILD == kind || IncrementalProjectBuilder.CLEAN_BUILD == kind || IncrementalProjectBuilder.FULL_BUILD == kind) { try{ MavenPlugin plugin = MavenPlugin.getDefault(); MavenProjectManager projectManager = plugin.getMavenProjectManager(); IMaven maven = plugin.getMaven(); IFile pom = project.getFile(new Path(IMavenConstants.POM_FILE_NAME)); IMavenProjectFacade projectFacade = projectManager.create(pom, false, monitor); ResolverConfiguration resolverConfiguration = projectFacade.getResolverConfiguration(); MavenExecutionRequest request = projectManager.createExecutionRequest(pom, resolverConfiguration, monitor); List<String> goals = new ArrayList<String>(); goals.add("package"); request.setGoals(goals); Properties properties = request.getUserProperties(); properties.setProperty("maven.test.skip", "true"); request.setUserProperties(properties); MavenExecutionResult executionResult = maven.execute(request, monitor); if (executionResult.hasExceptions()){ List<Throwable> exceptions = executionResult.getExceptions(); for (Throwable throwable : exceptions) { throwable.printStackTrace(); } }else{ Artifact apkArtifact = executionResult.getProject().getArtifact(); if ("apk".equals(apkArtifact.getType())){ File apkFile = apkArtifact.getFile(); IJavaProject javaProject = JavaCore.create(project); IPath outputLocation = javaProject.getOutputLocation(); File realOutputFolder = project.getWorkspace().getRoot().getFolder(outputLocation).getLocation().toFile(); String newApkFilename = project.getName() + ".apk"; File newApkFile = new File(realOutputFolder, newApkFilename); FileUtils.copyFile(apkFile, newApkFile); ApkInstallManager.getInstance().resetInstallationFor(project); } } }catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); throw e; }finally{ project.refreshLocal(IProject.DEPTH_INFINITE, monitor); } }else{ ApkInstallManager.getInstance().resetInstallationFor(project); } return null; }
public Set<IProject> build(int kind, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws Exception { final IProject project = getMavenProjectFacade().getProject(); if(IncrementalProjectBuilder.AUTO_BUILD == kind || IncrementalProjectBuilder.CLEAN_BUILD == kind || IncrementalProjectBuilder.FULL_BUILD == kind) { try{ MavenPlugin plugin = MavenPlugin.getDefault(); MavenProjectManager projectManager = plugin.getMavenProjectManager(); IMaven maven = plugin.getMaven(); IFile pom = project.getFile(new Path(IMavenConstants.POM_FILE_NAME)); IMavenProjectFacade projectFacade = projectManager.create(pom, false, monitor); ResolverConfiguration resolverConfiguration = projectFacade.getResolverConfiguration(); resolverConfiguration.setResolveWorkspaceProjects(false); MavenExecutionRequest request = projectManager.createExecutionRequest(pom, resolverConfiguration, monitor); List<String> goals = new ArrayList<String>(); goals.add("install"); request.setGoals(goals); Properties properties = request.getUserProperties(); properties.setProperty("maven.test.skip", "true"); request.setUserProperties(properties); MavenExecutionResult executionResult = maven.execute(request, monitor); if (executionResult.hasExceptions()){ List<Throwable> exceptions = executionResult.getExceptions(); for (Throwable throwable : exceptions) { throwable.printStackTrace(); } }else{ Artifact apkArtifact = executionResult.getProject().getArtifact(); if ("apk".equals(apkArtifact.getType())){ File apkFile = apkArtifact.getFile(); IJavaProject javaProject = JavaCore.create(project); IPath outputLocation = javaProject.getOutputLocation(); File realOutputFolder = project.getWorkspace().getRoot().getFolder(outputLocation).getLocation().toFile(); String newApkFilename = project.getName() + ".apk"; File newApkFile = new File(realOutputFolder, newApkFilename); FileUtils.copyFile(apkFile, newApkFile); ApkInstallManager.getInstance().resetInstallationFor(project); } } }catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); throw e; }finally{ project.refreshLocal(IProject.DEPTH_INFINITE, monitor); } }else{ ApkInstallManager.getInstance().resetInstallationFor(project); } return null; }
public static void test() { User32.INSTANCE.EnumWindows(new WinUser.WNDENUMPROC() { @Override public boolean callback(HWND hWnd, Pointer pntr) { if (!User32.INSTANCE.IsWindowVisible(hWnd)) return true; char lpString[] = new char[32768]; User32.INSTANCE.GetWindowText(hWnd, lpString, lpString.length); String windowTitle = Native.toString(lpString); System.out.println("window: \"" + windowTitle + "\""); return true; } }, null); }
public static void test() { User32.INSTANCE.EnumWindows(new WinUser.WNDENUMPROC() { public boolean callback(HWND hWnd, Pointer pntr) { if (!User32.INSTANCE.IsWindowVisible(hWnd)) return true; char lpString[] = new char[32768]; User32.INSTANCE.GetWindowText(hWnd, lpString, lpString.length); String windowTitle = Native.toString(lpString); System.out.println("window: \"" + windowTitle + "\""); return true; } }, null); }
protected void startToolL(final IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException { fRjsId = RjsComConfig.registerClientComHandler(fRjs); fRjs.initClient(getTool(), this, fRjsProperties, fRjsId); try { final Map<String, Object> data = new HashMap<String, Object>(); final IToolEventHandler loginHandler = getEventHandler(IToolEventHandler.LOGIN_REQUEST_EVENT_ID); String msg = null; boolean connected = false; while (!connected) { final Map<String, Object> initData = getInitData(); final ServerLogin login = fRjsConnection.getServer().createLogin(Server.C_CONSOLE_CONNECT); try { final Callback[] callbacks = login.getCallbacks(); if (callbacks != null) { final List<Callback> checked = new ArrayList<Callback>(); FxCallback fx = null; for (final Callback callback : callbacks) { if (callback instanceof FxCallback) { fx = (FxCallback) callback; } else { checked.add(callback); } } if (initData != null) { data.putAll(initData); } data.put(LOGIN_ADDRESS_DATA_KEY, (fx != null) ? fAddress.getHost() : fAddress.getAddress()); data.put(LOGIN_MESSAGE_DATA_KEY, msg); data.put(LOGIN_CALLBACKS_DATA_KEY, checked.toArray(new Callback[checked.size()])); if (loginHandler == null) { throw new CoreException(new Status(IStatus.ERROR, RConsoleCorePlugin.PLUGIN_ID, ICommonStatusConstants.LAUNCHING, "Login requested but not supported by this configuration.", null )); } if (!loginHandler.handle(IToolEventHandler.LOGIN_REQUEST_EVENT_ID, this, data, monitor).isOK()) { throw new CoreException(Status.CANCEL_STATUS); } if (fx != null) { RjsUtil.handleFxCallback(RjsUtil.getSession(data, new SubProgressMonitor(monitor, 1)), fx, new SubProgressMonitor(monitor, 1)); } } msg = null; if (monitor.isCanceled()) { throw new CoreException(Status.CANCEL_STATUS); } final Map<String, Object> args = new HashMap<String, Object>(); args.putAll(fRjsProperties); ConsoleEngine rjServer; if (fStartup) { args.put("args", fRArgs); rjServer = (ConsoleEngine) fRjsConnection.getServer().execute(Server.C_CONSOLE_START, args, login.createAnswer()); } else { rjServer = (ConsoleEngine) fRjsConnection.getServer().execute(Server.C_CONSOLE_CONNECT, args, login.createAnswer()); } fRjs.setServer(rjServer, 0); connected = true; if (callbacks != null) { loginHandler.handle(IToolEventHandler.LOGIN_OK_EVENT_ID, this, data, monitor); if (initData != null) { initData.put(LOGIN_USERNAME_DATA_KEY, data.get(LOGIN_USERNAME_DATA_KEY)); } } } catch (final LoginException e) { msg = e.getLocalizedMessage(); } finally { if (login != null) { login.clearData(); } } } final ServerInfo info = fRjsConnection.getServer().getInfo(); if (fWorkspaceData.isRemote()) { try { final String wd = FileUtil.toString(fWorkspaceData.toFileStore(info.getDirectory())); if (wd != null) { setStartupWD(wd); } } catch (final CoreException e) {} } else { setStartupWD(info.getDirectory()); } final long timestamp = info.getTimestamp(); if (timestamp != 0) { setStartupTimestamp(timestamp); } final List<IStatus> warnings = new ArrayList<IStatus>(); initTracks(info.getDirectory(), monitor, warnings); if (fStartup && !fStartupsRunnables.isEmpty()) { fQueue.add(fStartupsRunnables.toArray(new IToolRunnable[fStartupsRunnables.size()])); fStartupsRunnables.clear(); } if (!fStartup) { handleStatus(new Status(IStatus.INFO, RConsoleCorePlugin.PLUGIN_ID, addTimestampToMessage(RNicoMessages.R_Info_Reconnected_message, fProcess.getConnectionTimestamp()) ), monitor); } fRjs.runMainLoop(null, null, monitor); fRjs.activateConsole(); scheduleControllerRunnable(new ControllerSystemRunnable( "r/rj/start2", "Finish Initialization / Read Output") { public void run(final IToolService s, final IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException { if (!fRjs.isConsoleReady()) { fRjs.runMainLoop(null, null, monitor); } for (final IStatus status : warnings) { handleStatus(status, monitor); } } }); } catch (final RemoteException e) { throw new CoreException(new Status(IStatus.ERROR, RConsoleCorePlugin.PLUGIN_ID, ICommonStatusConstants.LAUNCHING, "The R engine could not be started.", e )); } catch (final RjException e) { throw new CoreException(new Status(IStatus.ERROR, RConsoleCorePlugin.PLUGIN_ID, ICommonStatusConstants.LAUNCHING, "An error occured when creating login data.", e )); } }
protected void startToolL(final IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException { fRjsId = RjsComConfig.registerClientComHandler(fRjs); fRjs.initClient(getTool(), this, fRjsProperties, fRjsId); try { final Map<String, Object> data = new HashMap<String, Object>(); final IToolEventHandler loginHandler = getEventHandler(IToolEventHandler.LOGIN_REQUEST_EVENT_ID); String msg = null; boolean connected = false; while (!connected) { final Map<String, Object> initData = getInitData(); final ServerLogin login = fRjsConnection.getServer().createLogin(Server.C_CONSOLE_CONNECT); try { final Callback[] callbacks = login.getCallbacks(); if (callbacks != null) { final List<Callback> checked = new ArrayList<Callback>(); FxCallback fx = null; for (final Callback callback : callbacks) { if (callback instanceof FxCallback) { fx = (FxCallback) callback; } else { checked.add(callback); } } if (initData != null) { data.putAll(initData); } data.put(LOGIN_ADDRESS_DATA_KEY, (fx != null) ? fAddress.getHost() : fAddress.getAddress()); data.put(LOGIN_MESSAGE_DATA_KEY, msg); data.put(LOGIN_CALLBACKS_DATA_KEY, checked.toArray(new Callback[checked.size()])); if (loginHandler == null) { throw new CoreException(new Status(IStatus.ERROR, RConsoleCorePlugin.PLUGIN_ID, ICommonStatusConstants.LAUNCHING, "Login requested but not supported by this configuration.", null )); } if (!loginHandler.handle(IToolEventHandler.LOGIN_REQUEST_EVENT_ID, this, data, monitor).isOK()) { throw new CoreException(Status.CANCEL_STATUS); } if (fx != null) { RjsUtil.handleFxCallback(RjsUtil.getSession(data, new SubProgressMonitor(monitor, 1)), fx, new SubProgressMonitor(monitor, 1)); } } msg = null; if (monitor.isCanceled()) { throw new CoreException(Status.CANCEL_STATUS); } final Map<String, Object> args = new HashMap<String, Object>(); args.putAll(fRjsProperties); ConsoleEngine rjServer; if (fStartup) { args.put("args", fRArgs); rjServer = (ConsoleEngine) fRjsConnection.getServer().execute(Server.C_CONSOLE_START, args, login.createAnswer()); } else { rjServer = (ConsoleEngine) fRjsConnection.getServer().execute(Server.C_CONSOLE_CONNECT, args, login.createAnswer()); } fRjs.setServer(rjServer, 0); connected = true; if (callbacks != null) { loginHandler.handle(IToolEventHandler.LOGIN_OK_EVENT_ID, this, data, monitor); if (initData != null) { initData.put(LOGIN_USERNAME_DATA_KEY, data.get(LOGIN_USERNAME_DATA_KEY)); } } } catch (final LoginException e) { msg = e.getLocalizedMessage(); } finally { if (login != null) { login.clearData(); } } } final ServerInfo info = fRjsConnection.getServer().getInfo(); if (fWorkspaceData.isRemote()) { try { final String wd = FileUtil.toString(fWorkspaceData.toFileStore(info.getDirectory())); if (wd != null) { setStartupWD(wd); } } catch (final CoreException e) {} } else { setStartupWD(info.getDirectory()); } final long timestamp = info.getTimestamp(); if (timestamp != 0) { setStartupTimestamp(timestamp); } final List<IStatus> warnings = new ArrayList<IStatus>(); initTracks(info.getDirectory(), monitor, warnings); if (fStartup && !fStartupsRunnables.isEmpty()) { fQueue.add(fStartupsRunnables.toArray(new IToolRunnable[fStartupsRunnables.size()])); fStartupsRunnables.clear(); } if (!fStartup) { handleStatus(new Status(IStatus.INFO, RConsoleCorePlugin.PLUGIN_ID, addTimestampToMessage(RNicoMessages.R_Info_Reconnected_message, fProcess.getConnectionTimestamp()) ), monitor); } fRjs.activateConsole(); scheduleControllerRunnable(new ControllerSystemRunnable( "r/rj/start2", "Finish Initialization / Read Output") { public void run(final IToolService s, final IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException { if (!fRjs.isConsoleReady()) { fRjs.runMainLoop(null, null, monitor); } for (final IStatus status : warnings) { handleStatus(status, monitor); } } }); } catch (final RemoteException e) { throw new CoreException(new Status(IStatus.ERROR, RConsoleCorePlugin.PLUGIN_ID, ICommonStatusConstants.LAUNCHING, "The R engine could not be started.", e )); } catch (final RjException e) { throw new CoreException(new Status(IStatus.ERROR, RConsoleCorePlugin.PLUGIN_ID, ICommonStatusConstants.LAUNCHING, "An error occured when creating login data.", e )); } }
public void putUpdatedTaskData(final ITask itask, final TaskData taskData, final boolean user, Object token) throws CoreException { final AbstractTask task = (AbstractTask) itask; Assert.isNotNull(task); Assert.isNotNull(taskData); final AbstractRepositoryConnector connector = repositoryManager.getRepositoryConnector(task.getConnectorKind()); final TaskRepository repository = repositoryManager.getRepository(task.getConnectorKind(), task.getRepositoryUrl()); final boolean taskDataChanged = connector.hasTaskChanged(repository, task, taskData); final TaskDataManagerEvent event = new TaskDataManagerEvent(this, itask, taskData, null); event.setTaskDataChanged(taskDataChanged); final boolean[] synchronizationStateChanged = new boolean[1]; if (taskDataChanged || user) { ITaskListRunnable() { public void execute(IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException { boolean newTask = false; if (!taskData.isPartial()) { File file = getMigratedFile(task, task.getConnectorKind()); newTask = !file.exists(); taskDataStore.putTaskData(ensurePathExists(file), taskData, task.isMarkReadPending(), user); task.setMarkReadPending(false); event.setTaskDataUpdated(true); } boolean taskChanged = updateTaskFromTaskData(taskData, task, connector, repository); event.setTaskChanged(taskChanged); if (taskDataChanged) { switch (task.getSynchronizationState()) { case OUTGOING: task.setSynchronizationState(SynchronizationState.CONFLICT); break; case SYNCHRONIZED: if (newTask) { task.setSynchronizationState(SynchronizationState.INCOMING_NEW); task.setLastReadTimeStamp(null); } else { task.setSynchronizationState(SynchronizationState.INCOMING); } break; } } if (task.isSynchronizing()) { task.setSynchronizing(false); synchronizationStateChanged[0] = true; } } }); } else { ITaskListRunnable() { public void execute(IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException { if (task.isSynchronizing()) { task.setSynchronizing(false); synchronizationStateChanged[0] = true; } } }); } if (event.getTaskChanged() || event.getTaskDataChanged()) { taskList.notifyElementChanged(task); fireTaskDataUpdated(event); } else if (synchronizationStateChanged[0]) { taskList.notifySynchronizationStateChanged(task); } }
public void putUpdatedTaskData(final ITask itask, final TaskData taskData, final boolean user, Object token) throws CoreException { final AbstractTask task = (AbstractTask) itask; Assert.isNotNull(task); Assert.isNotNull(taskData); final AbstractRepositoryConnector connector = repositoryManager.getRepositoryConnector(task.getConnectorKind()); final TaskRepository repository = repositoryManager.getRepository(task.getConnectorKind(), task.getRepositoryUrl()); final boolean taskDataChanged = connector.hasTaskChanged(repository, task, taskData); final TaskDataManagerEvent event = new TaskDataManagerEvent(this, itask, taskData, null); event.setTaskDataChanged(taskDataChanged); final boolean[] synchronizationStateChanged = new boolean[1]; if (taskDataChanged || user) { ITaskListRunnable() { public void execute(IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException { boolean newTask = false; if (!taskData.isPartial()) { File file = getMigratedFile(task, task.getConnectorKind()); newTask = !file.exists(); taskDataStore.putTaskData(ensurePathExists(file), taskData, task.isMarkReadPending(), user); task.setMarkReadPending(false); event.setTaskDataUpdated(true); } boolean taskChanged = updateTaskFromTaskData(taskData, task, connector, repository); event.setTaskChanged(taskChanged); if (taskDataChanged) { switch (task.getSynchronizationState()) { case OUTGOING: task.setSynchronizationState(SynchronizationState.CONFLICT); break; case SYNCHRONIZED: if (newTask) { task.setSynchronizationState(SynchronizationState.INCOMING_NEW); task.setLastReadTimeStamp(null); } else { task.setSynchronizationState(SynchronizationState.INCOMING); } break; } } if (task.isSynchronizing()) { task.setSynchronizing(false); synchronizationStateChanged[0] = true; } } }); } else { ITaskListRunnable() { public void execute(IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException { if (task.isSynchronizing()) { task.setSynchronizing(false); synchronizationStateChanged[0] = true; } } }); } if (event.getTaskChanged() || event.getTaskDataChanged()) { taskList.notifyElementChanged(task); fireTaskDataUpdated(event); } else { if (synchronizationStateChanged[0]) { taskList.notifySynchronizationStateChanged(task); } if (event.getTaskDataUpdated()) { fireTaskDataUpdated(event); } } }
public void test() { List<String> names = asList("Tom Waits", "Johnny Cash", "Stefan Sundström"); List<String> surNames = s) -> s.substring(0, s.indexOf(' '))).collect(Collectors.<String>toList()); assertEquals(asList("Tom", "Johnny", "Stefan"), surNames); }
public void test() { List<String> names = asList("Tom Waits", "Johnny Cash", "Stefan Sundström"); List<String> foreNames = s) -> s.substring(0, s.indexOf(' '))).collect(Collectors.<String>toList()); assertEquals(asList("Tom", "Johnny", "Stefan"), foreNames); }
public static Query makeQuery(String text) throws ClientException { if (text.startsWith("<?xml")) return new QPQuery(text); else if (text.toUpperCase().indexOf("WHERE") != -1) return new XMLQLQuery(text); else { throw new ClientException("Invalid query: " + text); } }
public static Query makeQuery(String text) throws ClientException { if (text.startsWith("<?xml")) return new QPQuery(text); else throw new ClientException("Invalid Query: " + text); }
public boolean render(InternalContextAdapter internalContextAdapter, Writer writer, Node node) throws IOException, ResourceNotFoundException, ParseErrorException, MethodInvocationException { String trimAfter = "/"; if (node.jjtGetNumChildren() == 2) { final Object nodeTwo = node.jjtGetChild(1).value(internalContextAdapter); if(nodeTwo != null) { trimAfter = nodeTwo.toString(); } }else if (node.jjtGetNumChildren() != 1) { rsvc.error("#" + getName() + " - Wrong number of arguments"); return false; } final Object nodeValue = node.jjtGetChild(0).value(internalContextAdapter); if(nodeValue == null) { writer.write(""); return true; } final String originalString = nodeValue.toString(); final int index = originalString.lastIndexOf(trimAfter); if(index == -1) { writer.write(originalString); } else{ writer.write(originalString.substring(index+trimAfter.length(),originalString.length())); } return true; }
public boolean render(InternalContextAdapter internalContextAdapter, Writer writer, Node node) throws IOException, ResourceNotFoundException, ParseErrorException, MethodInvocationException { String trimAfter = "/"; if (node.jjtGetNumChildren() == 2) { final Object nodeTwo = node.jjtGetChild(1).value(internalContextAdapter); if(nodeTwo != null) { trimAfter = nodeTwo.toString(); } }else if (node.jjtGetNumChildren() != 1) { rsvc.error("#" + getName() + " - Wrong number of arguments"); return false; } final Object nodeValue = node.jjtGetChild(0).value(internalContextAdapter); if(nodeValue == null) { writer.write(""); return true; } String originalString = nodeValue.toString(); int index = originalString.lastIndexOf(trimAfter); if(index == originalString.length() -1) { originalString = originalString.substring(0,originalString.length() -1); index = originalString.lastIndexOf(trimAfter); } if(index == -1) { writer.write(originalString); } else{ writer.write(originalString.substring(index+trimAfter.length(),originalString.length())); } return true; }
public ActionForward execute(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { String limit = request.getParameter("limit"); String query = request.getParameter("query"); String start = request.getParameter("start"); String controlIdStr = request.getParameter(CONTROL_ID); Map<String, String> keyMap = extractRequestParameter(controlIdStr); String controlId = keyMap.get("controlId");; String containerId = keyMap.get("containerIdentifier"); String formContextId = ""; if(keyMap.get(WebUIManagerConstants.FORM_CONTEXT_IDENTIFIER)!= null && !"null".equals(keyMap.get(WebUIManagerConstants.FORM_CONTEXT_IDENTIFIER))) { formContextId = keyMap.get(WebUIManagerConstants.FORM_CONTEXT_IDENTIFIER); } String[] sourceValues = {}; String[] sourceHtmlComponentValues = null; if (sourceValues.length > 1) { sourceHtmlComponentValues = sourceValues[1].split("~"); } List<String> sourceControlValues = new ArrayList<String>(); if (sourceHtmlComponentValues != null) { for (String sourceValue : sourceHtmlComponentValues) { if (sourceValue != null && sourceValue.length() > 0) { sourceControlValues.add(sourceValue); } } } Integer limitFetch = Integer.parseInt(limit); Integer startFetch = Integer.parseInt(start); JSONArray jsonArray = new JSONArray(); JSONObject mainJsonObject = new JSONObject(); ContainerInterface container = getContainerFromUserSession(request, containerId, formContextId); if (container == null) { container = EntityCache.getInstance().getContainerById(Long.valueOf(containerId)); } List<NameValueBean> nameValueBeans = null; for (ControlInterface control : container.getControlCollection()) { if (Long.parseLong(controlId) == control.getId()) { if (control.getIsSkipLogicTargetControl()) { Map<BaseAbstractAttributeInterface, Object> valueMap = ((Stack<Map<BaseAbstractAttributeInterface, Object>>) CacheManager .getObjectFromCache(request, DEConstants.CONTAINER_STACK+formContextId)).peek(); skipLogicEvaluationForAddMore(container, control, valueMap, request .getParameter(DEConstants.COMBOBOX_IDENTIFER)); } nameValueBeans = ControlsUtility.populateListOfValues(control, sourceControlValues, ControlsUtility.getFormattedDate(keyMap.get(Constants.ENCOUNTER_DATE))); } } Integer total = limitFetch + startFetch; List<NameValueBean> querySpecificNVBeans = new ArrayList<NameValueBean>(); populateQuerySpecificNameValueBeansList(querySpecificNVBeans, nameValueBeans, query); mainJsonObject.put("totalCount", querySpecificNVBeans.size()); for (int i = startFetch; i < total && i < querySpecificNVBeans.size(); i++) { JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(); jsonObject.put("id", querySpecificNVBeans.get(i).getValue()); jsonObject.put("field", querySpecificNVBeans.get(i).getName()); jsonArray.put(jsonObject); } mainJsonObject.put("row", jsonArray); response.flushBuffer(); PrintWriter out = response.getWriter(); out.write(mainJsonObject.toString()); return null; }
public ActionForward execute(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { String limit = request.getParameter("limit"); String query = request.getParameter("query"); String start = request.getParameter("start"); String controlIdStr = request.getParameter(CONTROL_ID); Map<String, String> keyMap = extractRequestParameter(controlIdStr); String controlId = keyMap.get("controlId");; String containerId = keyMap.get("containerIdentifier"); String formContextId = ""; if(keyMap.get(WebUIManagerConstants.FORM_CONTEXT_IDENTIFIER)!= null && !"null".equals(keyMap.get(WebUIManagerConstants.FORM_CONTEXT_IDENTIFIER))) { formContextId = keyMap.get(WebUIManagerConstants.FORM_CONTEXT_IDENTIFIER); } String[] sourceValues = {}; String[] sourceHtmlComponentValues = null; if (sourceValues.length > 1) { sourceHtmlComponentValues = sourceValues[1].split("~"); } List<String> sourceControlValues = new ArrayList<String>(); if (sourceHtmlComponentValues != null) { for (String sourceValue : sourceHtmlComponentValues) { if (sourceValue != null && sourceValue.length() > 0) { sourceControlValues.add(sourceValue); } } } Integer limitFetch = Integer.parseInt(limit); Integer startFetch = Integer.parseInt(start); JSONArray jsonArray = new JSONArray(); JSONObject mainJsonObject = new JSONObject(); ContainerInterface container = getContainerFromUserSession(request, containerId, formContextId); if (container == null) { container = EntityCache.getInstance().getContainerById(Long.valueOf(containerId)); } List<NameValueBean> nameValueBeans = null; for (ControlInterface control : container.getAllControls()) { if (Long.parseLong(controlId) == control.getId()) { if (control.getIsSkipLogicTargetControl()) { Map<BaseAbstractAttributeInterface, Object> valueMap = ((Stack<Map<BaseAbstractAttributeInterface, Object>>) CacheManager .getObjectFromCache(request, DEConstants.CONTAINER_STACK+formContextId)).peek(); skipLogicEvaluationForAddMore(container, control, valueMap, request .getParameter(DEConstants.COMBOBOX_IDENTIFER)); } nameValueBeans = ControlsUtility.populateListOfValues(control, sourceControlValues, ControlsUtility.getFormattedDate(keyMap.get(Constants.ENCOUNTER_DATE))); } } Integer total = limitFetch + startFetch; List<NameValueBean> querySpecificNVBeans = new ArrayList<NameValueBean>(); populateQuerySpecificNameValueBeansList(querySpecificNVBeans, nameValueBeans, query); mainJsonObject.put("totalCount", querySpecificNVBeans.size()); for (int i = startFetch; i < total && i < querySpecificNVBeans.size(); i++) { JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(); jsonObject.put("id", querySpecificNVBeans.get(i).getValue()); jsonObject.put("field", querySpecificNVBeans.get(i).getName()); jsonArray.put(jsonObject); } mainJsonObject.put("row", jsonArray); response.flushBuffer(); PrintWriter out = response.getWriter(); out.write(mainJsonObject.toString()); return null; }
public String readLine() throws IOException { StringBuffer s = null; int startChar; synchronized(lock) { ensureOpen(); bufferLoop: for(; ; ) { if(nextChar >= nChars) fill(); if(nextChar >= nChars) { if(s != null && s.length() > 0) return s.toString(); return null; } boolean eol = false; char c = 0; int i; skipLF = false; charLoop: for(i = nextChar; i < nChars; i++) { c = cb[i]; if(c == '\n' || c == '\r') { eol = true; break charLoop; } } startChar = nextChar; nextChar = i; if(eol) { String str; if(s == null) { str = new String(cb, startChar, i - startChar); } else { s.append(cb, startChar, i - startChar); str = s.toString(); } nextChar++; if(c == '\r') { skipLF = true; } while(cb[nextChar] == '\n' || cb[nextChar] == '\r') { nextChar++; } return str; } if(s == null) s = new StringBuffer(defaultExpectedLineLength); s.append(cb, startChar, i - startChar); } } }
public String readLine() throws IOException { StringBuffer s = null; int startChar; synchronized(lock) { ensureOpen(); bufferLoop: for(; ; ) { if(nextChar >= nChars) fill(); if(nextChar >= nChars) { if(s != null && s.length() > 0) return s.toString(); return null; } boolean eol = false; char c = 0; int i; skipLF = false; charLoop: for(i = nextChar; i < nChars; i++) { c = cb[i]; if(c == '\n' || c == '\r') { eol = true; break charLoop; } } startChar = nextChar; nextChar = i; if(eol) { String str; if(s == null) { str = new String(cb, startChar, i - startChar); } else { s.append(cb, startChar, i - startChar); str = s.toString(); } nextChar++; if(c == '\r') { skipLF = true; } while(nextChar < cb.length && (cb[nextChar] == '\n' || cb[nextChar] == '\r')) { nextChar++; } return str; } if(s == null) s = new StringBuffer(defaultExpectedLineLength); s.append(cb, startChar, i - startChar); } } }
public void execute() throws BuildException { checkParameters(); AntClassLoader taskloader = setClassLoader(); registerResourceFactories(); try { log("loading syntax file..."); ICsTextResource csResource = CsResourceUtil.getResource(syntaxFile); EList<EObject> contents = csResource.getContents(); if (contents.size() < 1) { if (!csResource.getErrors().isEmpty()) { log("Resource has the following errors:"); for (Resource.Diagnostic diagnostic : csResource.getErrors()) { log(diagnostic.getMessage() + " (line " + diagnostic.getLine() + ", column " + diagnostic.getColumn() + ")"); } } throw new BuildException("Generation failed, because the syntax file could not be loaded. Probably it contains syntactical errors."); } ResourceSet resourceSet = csResource.getResourceSet(); EcoreUtil.resolveAll(resourceSet); Set<EObject> unresolvedProxies = CsResourceUtil.findUnresolvedProxies(resourceSet); for (EObject unresolvedProxy : unresolvedProxies) { log("Found unresolved proxy: " + unresolvedProxy); } if (unresolvedProxies.size() > 0) { throw new BuildException("Generation failed, because the syntax file contains unresolved proxy objects."); } ConcreteSyntax syntax = (ConcreteSyntax) contents.get(0); performPreprocessing(syntax); IFileSystemConnector folderConnector = new IFileSystemConnector() { public File getProjectFolder(IPluginDescriptor plugin) { return new File(rootFolder.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + plugin.getName()); } }; Result result = null; boolean useUIJob = false; if (Platform.isRunning()) { File wsFolder = new File(ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getLocationURI()); if(rootFolder.equals(wsFolder)) useUIJob = true; } AntProblemCollector problemCollector = new AntProblemCollector(this); if (useUIJob) { UIGenerationContext context = new UIGenerationContext(folderConnector, problemCollector, syntax); UICreateResourcePluginsJob job = new UICreateResourcePluginsJob(); result = context, new AntLogMarker(this), new AntDelegateProgressMonitor(this) ); } else { AntGenerationContext context = new AntGenerationContext(folderConnector, problemCollector, syntax, rootFolder, syntaxProjectName, generateANTLRPlugin, generateModelCode); AntResourcePluginGenerator generator = new AntResourcePluginGenerator(); result = context, new AntLogMarker(this), new AntDelegateProgressMonitor(this) ); } if (result != Result.SUCCESS) { if (result == Result.ERROR_FOUND_UNRESOLVED_PROXIES) { for (EObject unresolvedProxy : result.getUnresolvedProxies()) { log("Found unresolved proxy \"" + ((InternalEObject) unresolvedProxy).eProxyURI() + "\" in " + unresolvedProxy.eResource()); } resetClassLoader(taskloader); throw new BuildException("Generation failed " + result); } else { resetClassLoader(taskloader); throw new BuildException("Generation failed " + result); } } Collection<GenerationProblem> errors = problemCollector.getErrors(); if (!errors.isEmpty()) { for (GenerationProblem error : errors) { log("Found problem: " + error.getMessage(), Project.MSG_ERR); } throw new BuildException("Generation failed. Found " + errors.size() + " problem(s) while generating text resource plug-ins."); } } catch (Exception e) { resetClassLoader(taskloader); log("Exception while generation text resource: " + e.getMessage(), Project.MSG_ERR); e.printStackTrace(); throw new BuildException(e); } resetClassLoader(taskloader); }
public void execute() throws BuildException { checkParameters(); AntClassLoader taskloader = setClassLoader(); registerResourceFactories(); try { log("loading syntax file..."); ICsTextResource csResource = CsResourceUtil.getResource(syntaxFile); EList<EObject> contents = csResource.getContents(); if (contents.size() < 1) { if (!csResource.getErrors().isEmpty()) { log("Resource has the following errors:"); for (Resource.Diagnostic diagnostic : csResource.getErrors()) { log(diagnostic.getMessage() + " (line " + diagnostic.getLine() + ", column " + diagnostic.getColumn() + ")"); } } throw new BuildException("Generation failed, because the syntax file could not be loaded. Probably it contains syntactical errors."); } ResourceSet resourceSet = csResource.getResourceSet(); EcoreUtil.resolveAll(resourceSet); Set<EObject> unresolvedProxies = CsResourceUtil.findUnresolvedProxies(resourceSet); for (EObject unresolvedProxy : unresolvedProxies) { log("Found unresolved proxy: " + unresolvedProxy, Project.MSG_ERR); } if (unresolvedProxies.size() > 0) { throw new BuildException("Generation failed, because the syntax file contains unresolved proxy objects."); } ConcreteSyntax syntax = (ConcreteSyntax) contents.get(0); performPreprocessing(syntax); IFileSystemConnector folderConnector = new IFileSystemConnector() { public File getProjectFolder(IPluginDescriptor plugin) { return new File(rootFolder.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + plugin.getName()); } }; Result result = null; boolean useUIJob = false; if (Platform.isRunning()) { File wsFolder = new File(ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getLocationURI()); if(rootFolder.equals(wsFolder)) useUIJob = true; } AntProblemCollector problemCollector = new AntProblemCollector(this); if (useUIJob) { UIGenerationContext context = new UIGenerationContext(folderConnector, problemCollector, syntax); UICreateResourcePluginsJob job = new UICreateResourcePluginsJob(); result = context, new AntLogMarker(this), new AntDelegateProgressMonitor(this) ); } else { AntGenerationContext context = new AntGenerationContext(folderConnector, problemCollector, syntax, rootFolder, syntaxProjectName, generateANTLRPlugin, generateModelCode); AntResourcePluginGenerator generator = new AntResourcePluginGenerator(); result = context, new AntLogMarker(this), new AntDelegateProgressMonitor(this) ); } if (result != Result.SUCCESS) { if (result == Result.ERROR_FOUND_UNRESOLVED_PROXIES) { for (EObject unresolvedProxy : result.getUnresolvedProxies()) { log("Found unresolved proxy \"" + ((InternalEObject) unresolvedProxy).eProxyURI() + "\" in " + unresolvedProxy.eResource()); } resetClassLoader(taskloader); throw new BuildException("Generation failed " + result); } else { resetClassLoader(taskloader); throw new BuildException("Generation failed " + result); } } Collection<GenerationProblem> errors = problemCollector.getErrors(); if (!errors.isEmpty()) { for (GenerationProblem error : errors) { log("Found problem: " + error.getMessage(), Project.MSG_ERR); } throw new BuildException("Generation failed. Found " + errors.size() + " problem(s) while generating text resource plug-ins."); } } catch (Exception e) { resetClassLoader(taskloader); log("Exception while generation text resource: " + e.getMessage(), Project.MSG_ERR); e.printStackTrace(); throw new BuildException(e); } resetClassLoader(taskloader); }
public Player getPlayer(String target, Player searcher) throws BadPlayerMatchException { final List<Player> players = new ArrayList<Player>(); final boolean hidingVanished = (searcher != null) && VanishPerms.canSeeAll(searcher); for (final Player p : J2MC_Manager.getCore().getServer().getOnlinePlayers()) { try { if (!hidingVanished || !VanishNoPacket.isVanished(p.getName())) { if (p.getName().toLowerCase().contains(target.toLowerCase())) { players.add(p); } } } catch (final VanishNotLoadedException e) { J2MC_Manager.getCore().buggerAll("VanishNoPacket DIED"); } } if (players.size() > 1) { throw new TooManyPlayersException(players.size()); } if (players.size() == 0) { throw new NoPlayersException(); } return players.get(0); }
public Player getPlayer(String target, Player searcher) throws BadPlayerMatchException { final List<Player> players = new ArrayList<Player>(); final boolean hidingVanished = (searcher != null) && VanishPerms.canSeeAll(searcher); for (final Player player : J2MC_Manager.getCore().getServer().getOnlinePlayers()) { try { if (!hidingVanished || !VanishNoPacket.isVanished(player.getName())) { if (player.getName().toLowerCase().contains(target.toLowerCase())) { players.add(player); } if(player.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(target)){ return player; } } } catch (final VanishNotLoadedException e) { J2MC_Manager.getCore().buggerAll("VanishNoPacket DIED"); } } if (players.size() > 1) { throw new TooManyPlayersException(players.size()); } if (players.size() == 0) { throw new NoPlayersException(); } return players.get(0); }
public void addHeaderLine(String line) { if (line != null && !"".equals(line)) { int pos = line.indexOf(": "); int termPos = line.indexOf(' '); if (pos > 0 && (termPos == -1 || pos < termPos)) { line = line.trim(); String name = line.substring(0, pos); List<String> vals = new ArrayList<String>(); if (line.length() >= pos + 2) { line = line.substring(pos + 2); if (name.equals(lastHeaderName)) { SmtpHeader h = (SmtpHeader) headers.get(name); if (h != null) { h.getValues().add(line); return; } else vals.add(line); } else { lastHeaderName = name; if (lastHeaderName.startsWith("X-")) vals.add(line); else parseMultipleValues(line, vals); } } headers.put(name, new SmtpHeader(name, vals)); } else { SmtpHeader h = headers.get(lastHeaderName); if (lastHeaderName.startsWith("X-")) h.getValues().add(line); else if (SmtpHeadersInterface.SUBJECT.equals(lastHeaderName)) h.getValues().add(line); else parseMultipleValues(line, h.getValues()); } } }
public void addHeaderLine(String line) { if (line != null && !"".equals(line)) { int pos = line.indexOf(": "); int termPos = line.indexOf(' '); if (pos > 0 && (termPos == -1 || pos < termPos)) { line = line.trim(); String name = line.substring(0, pos); List<String> vals = new ArrayList<String>(); if (line.length() >= pos + 2) { line = line.substring(pos + 2); if (name.equals(lastHeaderName)) { SmtpHeader h = (SmtpHeader) headers.get(name); if (h != null) { h.getValues().add(line); return; } else vals.add(line); } else { lastHeaderName = name; if (lastHeaderName.startsWith("X-")) vals.add(line); else parseMultipleValues(line, vals); } } headers.put(name, new SmtpHeader(name, vals)); } else { SmtpHeader h = headers.get(lastHeaderName); if (lastHeaderName.startsWith("X-")) h.getValues().add(line); else if (SmtpHeadersInterface.SUBJECT.equals(lastHeaderName)) h.getValues().set(0, h.getValues().get(0)+'\n'+line); else parseMultipleValues(line, h.getValues()); } } }
public void startElement(String uri, String localName, String qName, Attributes attributes) throws SAXException { elementPath += "/"+qName; if (elementPath.equalsIgnoreCase("/database/databaseVersions/databaseVersion")) { databaseVersion = new DatabaseVersion(); } else if (elementPath.equalsIgnoreCase("/database/databaseVersions/databaseVersion/header/time")) { Date timeValue = new Date(Long.parseLong(attributes.getValue("value"))); databaseVersion.setTimestamp(timeValue); } else if (elementPath.equalsIgnoreCase("/database/databaseVersions/databaseVersion/header/client")) { String clientName = attributes.getValue("name"); databaseVersion.setClient(clientName); } else if (elementPath.equalsIgnoreCase("/database/databaseVersions/databaseVersion/header/vectorClock")) { vectorClock = new VectorClock(); } else if (elementPath.equalsIgnoreCase("/database/databaseVersions/databaseVersion/header/vectorClock/client")) { String clientName = attributes.getValue("name"); Long clientValue = Long.parseLong(attributes.getValue("value")); vectorClock.setClock(clientName, clientValue); } else if (elementPath.equalsIgnoreCase("/database/databaseVersions/databaseVersion/chunks/chunk")) { String chunkChecksumStr = attributes.getValue("checksum"); byte[] chunkChecksum = StringUtil.fromHex(chunkChecksumStr); int chunkSize = Integer.parseInt(attributes.getValue("size")); ChunkEntry chunkEntry = new ChunkEntry(chunkChecksum, chunkSize); databaseVersion.addChunk(chunkEntry); } else if (elementPath.equalsIgnoreCase("/database/databaseVersions/databaseVersion/fileContents/fileContent")) { String checksumStr = attributes.getValue("checksum"); byte[] checksum = StringUtil.fromHex(checksumStr); int size = Integer.parseInt(attributes.getValue("size")); fileContent = new FileContent(); fileContent.setChecksum(checksum); fileContent.setSize(size); } else if (elementPath.equalsIgnoreCase("/database/databaseVersions/databaseVersion/fileContents/fileContent/chunkRefs/chunkRef")) { String chunkChecksumStr = attributes.getValue("ref"); byte[] chunkChecksum = StringUtil.fromHex(chunkChecksumStr); fileContent.addChunk(new ChunkEntryId(chunkChecksum)); } else if (elementPath.equalsIgnoreCase("/database/databaseVersions/databaseVersion/multiChunks/multiChunk")) { String multChunkIdStr = attributes.getValue("id"); byte[] multiChunkId = StringUtil.fromHex(multChunkIdStr); if (multiChunkId == null) { throw new SAXException("Cannot read ID from multichunk " + multChunkIdStr); } multiChunk = new MultiChunkEntry(multiChunkId); } else if (elementPath.equalsIgnoreCase("/database/databaseVersions/databaseVersion/multiChunks/multiChunk/chunkRefs/chunkRef")) { String chunkChecksumStr = attributes.getValue("ref"); byte[] chunkChecksum = StringUtil.fromHex(chunkChecksumStr); multiChunk.addChunk(new ChunkEntryId(chunkChecksum)); } else if (elementPath.equalsIgnoreCase("/database/databaseVersions/databaseVersion/fileHistories/fileHistory")) { String fileHistoryIdStr = attributes.getValue("id"); Long fileHistoryId = Long.parseLong(fileHistoryIdStr); fileHistory = new PartialFileHistory(); fileHistory.setFileId(fileHistoryId); } else if (elementPath.equalsIgnoreCase("/database/databaseVersions/databaseVersion/fileHistories/fileHistory/fileVersions/fileVersion")) { String fileVersionStr = attributes.getValue("version"); String path = attributes.getValue("path"); String sizeStr = attributes.getValue("size"); String typeStr = attributes.getValue("type"); String statusStr = attributes.getValue("status"); String lastModifiedStr = attributes.getValue("lastModified"); String updatedStr = attributes.getValue("updated"); String createdBy = attributes.getValue("createdBy"); String checksumStr = attributes.getValue("checksum"); String linkTarget = attributes.getValue("linkTarget"); String dosAttributes = attributes.getValue("dosattrs"); String posixPermissions = attributes.getValue("posixperms"); if (fileVersionStr == null || path == null || typeStr == null || statusStr == null || sizeStr == null || lastModifiedStr == null) { throw new SAXException("FileVersion: Attributes missing: version, path, type, status, size and last modified are mandatory"); } FileVersion fileVersion = new FileVersion(); fileVersion.setVersion(Long.parseLong(fileVersionStr)); fileVersion.setPath(path); fileVersion.setType(FileType.valueOf(typeStr)); fileVersion.setStatus(FileStatus.valueOf(statusStr)); fileVersion.setSize(Long.parseLong(sizeStr)); fileVersion.setLastModified(new Date(Long.parseLong(lastModifiedStr))); if (updatedStr != null) { fileVersion.setUpdated(new Date(Long.parseLong(updatedStr))); } if (createdBy != null) { fileVersion.setCreatedBy(createdBy); } if (checksumStr != null) { fileVersion.setChecksum(StringUtil.fromHex(checksumStr)); } if (linkTarget != null) { fileVersion.setLinkTarget(linkTarget); } if (dosAttributes != null) { fileVersion.setDosAttributes(dosAttributes); } if (posixPermissions != null) { fileVersion.setPosixPermissions(posixPermissions); } fileHistory.addFileVersion(fileVersion); } else { } }
public void startElement(String uri, String localName, String qName, Attributes attributes) throws SAXException { elementPath += "/"+qName; if (elementPath.equalsIgnoreCase("/database/databaseVersions/databaseVersion")) { databaseVersion = new DatabaseVersion(); } else if (elementPath.equalsIgnoreCase("/database/databaseVersions/databaseVersion/header/time")) { Date timeValue = new Date(Long.parseLong(attributes.getValue("value"))); databaseVersion.setTimestamp(timeValue); } else if (elementPath.equalsIgnoreCase("/database/databaseVersions/databaseVersion/header/client")) { String clientName = attributes.getValue("name"); databaseVersion.setClient(clientName); } else if (elementPath.equalsIgnoreCase("/database/databaseVersions/databaseVersion/header/vectorClock")) { vectorClock = new VectorClock(); } else if (elementPath.equalsIgnoreCase("/database/databaseVersions/databaseVersion/header/vectorClock/client")) { String clientName = attributes.getValue("name"); Long clientValue = Long.parseLong(attributes.getValue("value")); vectorClock.setClock(clientName, clientValue); } else if (elementPath.equalsIgnoreCase("/database/databaseVersions/databaseVersion/chunks/chunk")) { String chunkChecksumStr = attributes.getValue("checksum"); byte[] chunkChecksum = StringUtil.fromHex(chunkChecksumStr); int chunkSize = Integer.parseInt(attributes.getValue("size")); ChunkEntry chunkEntry = new ChunkEntry(chunkChecksum, chunkSize); databaseVersion.addChunk(chunkEntry); } else if (elementPath.equalsIgnoreCase("/database/databaseVersions/databaseVersion/fileContents/fileContent")) { String checksumStr = attributes.getValue("checksum"); byte[] checksum = StringUtil.fromHex(checksumStr); long size = Long.parseLong(attributes.getValue("size")); fileContent = new FileContent(); fileContent.setChecksum(checksum); fileContent.setSize(size); } else if (elementPath.equalsIgnoreCase("/database/databaseVersions/databaseVersion/fileContents/fileContent/chunkRefs/chunkRef")) { String chunkChecksumStr = attributes.getValue("ref"); byte[] chunkChecksum = StringUtil.fromHex(chunkChecksumStr); fileContent.addChunk(new ChunkEntryId(chunkChecksum)); } else if (elementPath.equalsIgnoreCase("/database/databaseVersions/databaseVersion/multiChunks/multiChunk")) { String multChunkIdStr = attributes.getValue("id"); byte[] multiChunkId = StringUtil.fromHex(multChunkIdStr); if (multiChunkId == null) { throw new SAXException("Cannot read ID from multichunk " + multChunkIdStr); } multiChunk = new MultiChunkEntry(multiChunkId); } else if (elementPath.equalsIgnoreCase("/database/databaseVersions/databaseVersion/multiChunks/multiChunk/chunkRefs/chunkRef")) { String chunkChecksumStr = attributes.getValue("ref"); byte[] chunkChecksum = StringUtil.fromHex(chunkChecksumStr); multiChunk.addChunk(new ChunkEntryId(chunkChecksum)); } else if (elementPath.equalsIgnoreCase("/database/databaseVersions/databaseVersion/fileHistories/fileHistory")) { String fileHistoryIdStr = attributes.getValue("id"); Long fileHistoryId = Long.parseLong(fileHistoryIdStr); fileHistory = new PartialFileHistory(); fileHistory.setFileId(fileHistoryId); } else if (elementPath.equalsIgnoreCase("/database/databaseVersions/databaseVersion/fileHistories/fileHistory/fileVersions/fileVersion")) { String fileVersionStr = attributes.getValue("version"); String path = attributes.getValue("path"); String sizeStr = attributes.getValue("size"); String typeStr = attributes.getValue("type"); String statusStr = attributes.getValue("status"); String lastModifiedStr = attributes.getValue("lastModified"); String updatedStr = attributes.getValue("updated"); String createdBy = attributes.getValue("createdBy"); String checksumStr = attributes.getValue("checksum"); String linkTarget = attributes.getValue("linkTarget"); String dosAttributes = attributes.getValue("dosattrs"); String posixPermissions = attributes.getValue("posixperms"); if (fileVersionStr == null || path == null || typeStr == null || statusStr == null || sizeStr == null || lastModifiedStr == null) { throw new SAXException("FileVersion: Attributes missing: version, path, type, status, size and last modified are mandatory"); } FileVersion fileVersion = new FileVersion(); fileVersion.setVersion(Long.parseLong(fileVersionStr)); fileVersion.setPath(path); fileVersion.setType(FileType.valueOf(typeStr)); fileVersion.setStatus(FileStatus.valueOf(statusStr)); fileVersion.setSize(Long.parseLong(sizeStr)); fileVersion.setLastModified(new Date(Long.parseLong(lastModifiedStr))); if (updatedStr != null) { fileVersion.setUpdated(new Date(Long.parseLong(updatedStr))); } if (createdBy != null) { fileVersion.setCreatedBy(createdBy); } if (checksumStr != null) { fileVersion.setChecksum(StringUtil.fromHex(checksumStr)); } if (linkTarget != null) { fileVersion.setLinkTarget(linkTarget); } if (dosAttributes != null) { fileVersion.setDosAttributes(dosAttributes); } if (posixPermissions != null) { fileVersion.setPosixPermissions(posixPermissions); } fileHistory.addFileVersion(fileVersion); } else { } }
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); mViewPager = new ViewPager(this); mViewPager.setId(; setContentView(mViewPager); ActionBar ab = getActionBar(); ab.setNavigationMode(ActionBar.NAVIGATION_MODE_TABS); ab.setDisplayShowHomeEnabled(false); ab.setDisplayShowTitleEnabled(false); mTabsAdapter = new TabsAdapter(this, mViewPager); mTabsAdapter.addTab(ab.newTab().setText(R.string.tab_photos), PhotoSetFragment.class, null); mTabsAdapter.addTab(ab.newTab().setText(R.string.tab_albums), AlbumSetFragment.class, null); if (savedInstanceState != null) { ab.setSelectedNavigationItem(savedInstanceState.getInt("tab", 0)); } }
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); mViewPager = new ViewPager(this); mViewPager.setId(; setContentView(mViewPager); ActionBar ab = getActionBar(); ab.setNavigationMode(ActionBar.NAVIGATION_MODE_TABS); ab.setDisplayShowHomeEnabled(false); ab.setDisplayShowTitleEnabled(false); mTabsAdapter = new TabsAdapter(this, mViewPager); mTabsAdapter.addTab(ab.newTab().setText(R.string.tab_photos), PhotoSetFragment.class, null); mTabsAdapter.addTab(ab.newTab().setText(R.string.tab_albums), AlbumSetFragment.class, null); if (savedInstanceState != null) { ab.setSelectedNavigationItem(savedInstanceState.getInt("tab", 0)); } }
public static void soapNotifEndPoint(String topicId) { String eventTitle; String eventText; String notifyMessage; try { notifyMessage = new java.util.Scanner(request.body).useDelimiter("\\A").next(); } catch (java.util.NoSuchElementException e) { notifyMessage = ""; } if (ModelManager.get().getTopicById(topicId).getId().equals("s_FacebookCepResults")) {; } Model rdf; try { rdf = receiver.parseRdf(notifyMessage); Iterator<Statement> it = rdf.findStatements(Variable.ANY, RDF.type, Variable.ANY); if (it.hasNext()) { Statement stat =; eventTitle = stat.getObject().asURI().asJavaURI().getPath(); eventTitle = eventTitle.substring(eventTitle.lastIndexOf("/") + 1); } else { eventTitle = "RDF Event"; } eventText = HTML.htmlEscape(rdf.serialize(Syntax.Turtle)).replaceAll("\n", "<br />").replaceAll("\\s{4}", "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"); ModelManager .get() .getTopicById(topicId) .multicast(new models.eventstream.Event(eventTitle, eventText)); } catch (Exception e) { eventTitle = "Event"; eventText = HTML.htmlEscape(EventFormatHelpers.unwrapFromNativeMessageElement(notifyMessage)).replaceAll("\n", "<br />").replaceAll("\\s{4}", "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"); ModelManager .get() .getTopicById(topicId) .multicast( new models.eventstream.Event(eventTitle, eventText)); } }
public static void soapNotifEndPoint(String topicId) { String eventTitle; String eventText; String notifyMessage; try { notifyMessage = new java.util.Scanner(request.body).useDelimiter("\\A").next(); } catch (java.util.NoSuchElementException e) { notifyMessage = ""; } Model rdf; try { rdf = receiver.parseRdf(notifyMessage); Iterator<Statement> it = rdf.findStatements(Variable.ANY, RDF.type, Variable.ANY); if (it.hasNext()) { Statement stat =; eventTitle = stat.getObject().asURI().asJavaURI().getPath(); eventTitle = eventTitle.substring(eventTitle.lastIndexOf("/") + 1); } else { eventTitle = "RDF Event"; } eventText = HTML.htmlEscape(rdf.serialize(Syntax.Turtle)).replaceAll("\n", "<br />").replaceAll("\\s{4}", "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"); ModelManager .get() .getTopicById(topicId) .multicast(new models.eventstream.Event(eventTitle, eventText)); } catch (Exception e) { eventTitle = "Event"; eventText = HTML.htmlEscape(EventFormatHelpers.unwrapFromNativeMessageElement(notifyMessage)).replaceAll("\n", "<br />").replaceAll("\\s{4}", "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"); ModelManager .get() .getTopicById(topicId) .multicast( new models.eventstream.Event(eventTitle, eventText)); } }
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); mDisplayImageOptions = new DisplayImageOptions.Builder() .showStubImage(android.R.color.transparent) .showImageForEmptyUri(R.drawable.placeholder_photo) .showImageOnFail(R.drawable.placeholder_photo) .cacheInMemory() .cacheOnDisc() .displayer(new SimpleBitmapDisplayer()) .build(); mImageLoadingListener = new OnAnimateImageLoadingListener(); }
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); mDisplayImageOptions = new DisplayImageOptions.Builder() .showStubImage(android.R.color.transparent) .showImageForEmptyUri(R.drawable.placeholder_photo) .showImageOnFail(R.drawable.placeholder_photo) .cacheInMemory(true) .cacheOnDisc(true) .displayer(new SimpleBitmapDisplayer()) .build(); mImageLoadingListener = new OnAnimateImageLoadingListener(); }
public void launch(ILaunchConfiguration configuration, String mode, ILaunch launch, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException { System.out.println("launching"); IDbgpService dbgpService = null; try { int port = 2300; dbgpService = DLTKDebugPlugin.getDefault().createDbgpService(port, port + 1); IScriptDebugTarget target = new ScriptDebugTarget("org.eclipse.dltk.debug.javascriptModel", dbgpService, "hello", launch,null); IOConsole cs=new IOConsole("aa",null); ConsoleScriptDebugTargetStreamManager manager = new ConsoleScriptDebugTargetStreamManager( cs); target.setStreamManager(manager); launch.addDebugTarget(target); final ISourceLocator sourceLocator = launch.getSourceLocator(); final JavaScriptSourceLookupDirector l=new JavaScriptSourceLookupDirector(); launch.setSourceLocator(new ISourceLocator(){ public Object getSourceElement(IStackFrame stackFrame) { Object sourceElement = sourceLocator.getSourceElement(stackFrame); if (sourceElement!=null) return sourceElement; return l.getSourceElement(stackFrame); } }); } catch (Exception e) { } super.launch(configuration, mode, launch, monitor); }
public void launch(ILaunchConfiguration configuration, String mode, ILaunch launch, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException { System.out.println("launching"); IDbgpService dbgpService = null; try { dbgpService = DLTKDebugPlugin.getDefault().getDbgpService(); IScriptDebugTarget target = new ScriptDebugTarget("org.eclipse.dltk.debug.javascriptModel", dbgpService, "hello", launch,null); IOConsole cs=new IOConsole("aa",null); ConsoleScriptDebugTargetStreamManager manager = new ConsoleScriptDebugTargetStreamManager( cs); target.setStreamManager(manager); launch.addDebugTarget(target); final ISourceLocator sourceLocator = launch.getSourceLocator(); final JavaScriptSourceLookupDirector l=new JavaScriptSourceLookupDirector(); launch.setSourceLocator(new ISourceLocator(){ public Object getSourceElement(IStackFrame stackFrame) { Object sourceElement = sourceLocator.getSourceElement(stackFrame); if (sourceElement!=null) return sourceElement; return l.getSourceElement(stackFrame); } }); } catch (Exception e) { } super.launch(configuration, mode, launch, monitor); }
public void testApplication(@Drone WebDriver driver, @ArquillianResource URL contextPath) { driver.get(contextPath + "../tasklist"); Assert.assertTrue(driver.getCurrentUrl().endsWith("tasklist/signin.jsf")); driver.findElement("signin:username")).sendKeys("kermit"); driver.findElement("signin:password")).sendKeys("kermit"); driver.findElement("signin:submit_button")).submit(); Assert.assertTrue(driver.getCurrentUrl().endsWith("tasklist/app/taskList.jsf")); driver.findElement(By.linkText("Start Process...")).click(); driver.findElement(By.xpath("//*[@id=\"j_idt21:0:j_idt23\"]/a")).click(); Assert.assertTrue(driver.getCurrentUrl().contains("test-process-application/app/start.jsf")); driver.findElement("startForm:someVariable")).sendKeys("some text"); driver.findElement("startForm:submit_button")).submit(); Assert.assertTrue(driver.getCurrentUrl().endsWith("tasklist/app/taskList.jsf")); Assert.assertTrue(driver.findElement(By.xpath("//*[@id=\"taskListView\"]/table/tbody/tr/td[1]")).getText().equals("User Task")); driver.findElement(By.xpath("//*[@id=\"taskListView\"]/table/tbody/tr/td[4]/a")).click(); Assert.assertTrue(driver.getCurrentUrl().contains("test-process-application/app/userTask.jsf")); driver.findElement("userTaskForm:submit_button")).submit(); Assert.assertTrue(driver.getCurrentUrl().endsWith("tasklist/app/taskList.jsf")); Assert.assertTrue(driver.findElement(By.xpath("//*[@id=\"taskListView\"]/table/tbody/tr/td[1]")).getText().equals("-")); }
public void testApplication(@Drone WebDriver driver, @ArquillianResource URL contextPath) { driver.get(contextPath + "../tasklist"); Assert.assertTrue(driver.getCurrentUrl().contains("tasklist/signin.jsf")); driver.findElement("signin:username")).sendKeys("kermit"); driver.findElement("signin:password")).sendKeys("kermit"); driver.findElement("signin:submit_button")).submit(); Assert.assertTrue(driver.getCurrentUrl().endsWith("tasklist/app/taskList.jsf")); driver.findElement(By.linkText("Start Process...")).click(); driver.findElement(By.xpath("//*[@id=\"j_idt21:0:j_idt23\"]/a")).click(); Assert.assertTrue(driver.getCurrentUrl().contains("test-process-application/app/start.jsf")); driver.findElement("startForm:someVariable")).sendKeys("some text"); driver.findElement("startForm:submit_button")).submit(); Assert.assertTrue(driver.getCurrentUrl().endsWith("tasklist/app/taskList.jsf")); Assert.assertTrue(driver.findElement(By.xpath("//*[@id=\"taskListView\"]/table/tbody/tr/td[1]")).getText().equals("User Task")); driver.findElement(By.xpath("//*[@id=\"taskListView\"]/table/tbody/tr/td[4]/a")).click(); Assert.assertTrue(driver.getCurrentUrl().contains("test-process-application/app/userTask.jsf")); driver.findElement("userTaskForm:submit_button")).submit(); Assert.assertTrue(driver.getCurrentUrl().endsWith("tasklist/app/taskList.jsf")); Assert.assertTrue(driver.findElement(By.xpath("//*[@id=\"taskListView\"]/table/tbody/tr/td[1]")).getText().equals("-")); }
public PhiPlacement(Cfg graph) throws Exception { finder = new GlobalsAndDefsFinder(graph); domInfo = new DomFront(new DomMethod(graph)).run(); for (String name : finder.globals()) { Collection<BasicBlock> definingLocations = finder .definingLocations(name); if (definingLocations == null) continue; Queue<BasicBlock> worklist = new LinkedList<BasicBlock>( definingLocations); Set<BasicBlock> doneList = new HashSet<BasicBlock>(); while (!worklist.isEmpty()) { BasicBlock workItem = worklist.remove(); doneList.add(workItem); for (BasicBlock frontierBlock : domInfo.get(workItem).dominanceFrontiers) { Set<String> phiTargetsAtLocation = phis.get(frontierBlock); if (phiTargetsAtLocation == null) { phiTargetsAtLocation = new HashSet<String>(); phis.put(frontierBlock, phiTargetsAtLocation); } phiTargetsAtLocation.add(name); if (doneList.contains(frontierBlock)) worklist.add(frontierBlock); } } } }
public PhiPlacement(Cfg graph) throws Exception { finder = new GlobalsAndDefsFinder(graph); domInfo = new DomFront(new DomMethod(graph)).run(); for (String name : finder.globals()) { Collection<BasicBlock> definingLocations = finder .definingLocations(name); if (definingLocations == null) continue; Queue<BasicBlock> worklist = new LinkedList<BasicBlock>( definingLocations); Set<BasicBlock> doneList = new HashSet<BasicBlock>(); while (!worklist.isEmpty()) { BasicBlock workItem = worklist.remove(); doneList.add(workItem); for (BasicBlock frontierBlock : domInfo.get(workItem).dominanceFrontiers) { Set<String> phiTargetsAtLocation = phis.get(frontierBlock); if (phiTargetsAtLocation == null) { phiTargetsAtLocation = new HashSet<String>(); phis.put(frontierBlock, phiTargetsAtLocation); } phiTargetsAtLocation.add(name); if (!doneList.contains(frontierBlock)) worklist.add(frontierBlock); } } } }
public SynapseConfiguration getConfiguration(OMElement definitions) { if (!definitions.getQName().equals(XMLConfigConstants.DEFINITIONS_ELT)) { throw new SynapseException( "Wrong QName for this config factory " + definitions.getQName()); } SynapseConfiguration config = new SynapseConfiguration(); config.setDefaultQName(definitions.getQName()); SequenceMediator rootSequence = new SequenceMediator(); rootSequence.setName(org.apache.synapse.SynapseConstants.MAIN_SEQUENCE_KEY); Iterator iter = definitions.getChildren(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Object o =; if (o instanceof OMElement) { OMElement elt = (OMElement) o; if (XMLConfigConstants.SEQUENCE_ELT.equals(elt.getQName())) { String key = elt.getAttributeValue( new QName(XMLConfigConstants.NULL_NAMESPACE, "key")); if (key != null) { Mediator m = MediatorFactoryFinder.getInstance().getMediator(elt); rootSequence.addChild(m); } else { defineSequence(config, elt); } } else if (XMLConfigConstants.ENDPOINT_ELT.equals(elt.getQName())) { defineEndpoint(config, elt); } else if (XMLConfigConstants.ENTRY_ELT.equals(elt.getQName())) { defineEntry(config, elt); } else if (XMLConfigConstants.PROXY_ELT.equals(elt.getQName())) { defineProxy(config, elt); } else if (XMLConfigConstants.REGISTRY_ELT.equals(elt.getQName())) { defineRegistry(config, elt); } else if (XMLConfigConstants.STARTUP_ELT.equals(elt.getQName())) { defineStartup(config, elt); } else { Mediator m = MediatorFactoryFinder.getInstance().getMediator(elt); rootSequence.addChild(m); } } } if (config.getLocalRegistry().isEmpty() && config.getProxyServices().isEmpty() && rootSequence.getList().isEmpty() && config.getRegistry() != null) { OMNode remoteConfigNode = config.getRegistry().lookup("synapse.xml"); try { config = XMLConfigurationBuilder.getConfiguration(SynapseConfigUtils .getStreamSource(remoteConfigNode).getInputStream()); } catch (XMLStreamException xse) { throw new SynapseException("Problem loading remote synapse.xml ", xse); } } if (!config.getLocalRegistry().containsKey(SynapseConstants.MAIN_SEQUENCE_KEY)) { if (rootSequence.getList().isEmpty()) { setDefaultMainSequence(config); } else { config.addSequence(rootSequence.getName(), rootSequence); } } else if (!rootSequence.getList().isEmpty()) { handleException("Invalid Synapse Configuration : Conflict in resolving the \"main\" " + "mediator\n\tSynapse Configuration cannot have sequence named \"main\" and " + "toplevel mediators simultaniously"); } if (config.getFaultSequence() == null) { setDefaultFaultSequence(config); } return config; }
public SynapseConfiguration getConfiguration(OMElement definitions) { if (!definitions.getQName().equals(XMLConfigConstants.DEFINITIONS_ELT)) { throw new SynapseException( "Wrong QName for this config factory " + definitions.getQName()); } SynapseConfiguration config = new SynapseConfiguration(); config.setDefaultQName(definitions.getQName()); SequenceMediator rootSequence = new SequenceMediator(); rootSequence.setName(org.apache.synapse.SynapseConstants.MAIN_SEQUENCE_KEY); Iterator iter = definitions.getChildren(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Object o =; if (o instanceof OMElement) { OMElement elt = (OMElement) o; if (XMLConfigConstants.SEQUENCE_ELT.equals(elt.getQName())) { String key = elt.getAttributeValue( new QName(XMLConfigConstants.NULL_NAMESPACE, "key")); if (key != null) { Mediator m = MediatorFactoryFinder.getInstance().getMediator(elt); rootSequence.addChild(m); } else { defineSequence(config, elt); } } else if (XMLConfigConstants.ENDPOINT_ELT.equals(elt.getQName())) { defineEndpoint(config, elt); } else if (XMLConfigConstants.ENTRY_ELT.equals(elt.getQName())) { defineEntry(config, elt); } else if (XMLConfigConstants.PROXY_ELT.equals(elt.getQName())) { defineProxy(config, elt); } else if (XMLConfigConstants.REGISTRY_ELT.equals(elt.getQName())) { defineRegistry(config, elt); } else if (XMLConfigConstants.STARTUP_ELT.equals(elt.getQName())) { defineStartup(config, elt); } else { Mediator m = MediatorFactoryFinder.getInstance().getMediator(elt); rootSequence.addChild(m); } } } if (config.getLocalRegistry().isEmpty() && config.getProxyServices().isEmpty() && rootSequence.getList().isEmpty() && config.getRegistry() != null) { OMNode remoteConfigNode = config.getRegistry().lookup("synapse.xml"); try { config = XMLConfigurationBuilder.getConfiguration(SynapseConfigUtils .getStreamSource(remoteConfigNode).getInputStream()); } catch (XMLStreamException xse) { throw new SynapseException("Problem loading remote synapse.xml ", xse); } } if (!config.getLocalRegistry().containsKey(SynapseConstants.MAIN_SEQUENCE_KEY)) { if (rootSequence.getList().isEmpty() && config.getMainSequence() == null) { setDefaultMainSequence(config); } else { config.addSequence(rootSequence.getName(), rootSequence); } } else if (!rootSequence.getList().isEmpty()) { handleException("Invalid Synapse Configuration : Conflict in resolving the \"main\" " + "mediator\n\tSynapse Configuration cannot have sequence named \"main\" and " + "toplevel mediators simultaniously"); } if (config.getFaultSequence() == null) { setDefaultFaultSequence(config); } return config; }
private Object convertObject(Object toConvert, int maxDepth) throws Exception { if (toConvert == null) return JSONObject.NULL; if (toConvert instanceof Boolean || toConvert instanceof CharSequence || toConvert instanceof Number) { return toConvert; } if (toConvert.getClass().isEnum() || toConvert instanceof Enum) { return toConvert.toString(); } if (toConvert instanceof LoggingPreferences) { LoggingPreferences prefs = (LoggingPreferences) toConvert; JSONObject converted = new JSONObject(); for (String logType : prefs.getEnabledLogTypes()) { converted.put(logType, prefs.getLevel(logType)); } return converted; } if (toConvert instanceof LogEntries) { LogEntries entries = (LogEntries) toConvert; JSONArray converted = new JSONArray(); for (LogEntry entry : entries) { converted.put(mapObject(entry, 1, false)); } return converted; } if (toConvert instanceof Map) { JSONObject converted = new JSONObject(); for (Object objectEntry : ((Map) toConvert).entrySet()) { Map.Entry<String, Object> entry = (Map.Entry) objectEntry; converted.put(entry.getKey(), convertObject(entry.getValue(), maxDepth - 1)); } return converted; } if (toConvert instanceof JSONObject) { return toConvert; } if (toConvert instanceof Collection) { JSONArray array = new JSONArray(); for (Object o : (Collection) toConvert) { array.put(convertObject(o, maxDepth - 1)); } return array; } if (toConvert.getClass().isArray()) { JSONArray converted = new JSONArray(); int length = Array.getLength(toConvert); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { converted.put(convertObject(Array.get(toConvert, i), maxDepth - 1)); } return converted; } if (toConvert instanceof SessionId) { JSONObject converted = new JSONObject(); converted.put("value", toConvert.toString()); return converted; } if (toConvert instanceof Capabilities) { return convertObject(((Capabilities) toConvert).asMap(), maxDepth - 1); } if (toConvert instanceof DoNotUseProxyPac) { return convertObject(((DoNotUseProxyPac) toConvert).asMap(), maxDepth - 1); } if (toConvert instanceof Date) { return TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toSeconds(((Date) toConvert).getTime()); } Method toJson = getToJsonMethod(toConvert); if (toJson != null) { try { return toJson.invoke(toConvert); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new WebDriverException(e); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { throw new WebDriverException(e); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { throw new WebDriverException(e); } } try { return mapObject(toConvert, maxDepth - 1, toConvert instanceof Cookie); } catch (Exception e) { throw new WebDriverException(e); } }
private Object convertObject(Object toConvert, int maxDepth) throws Exception { if (toConvert == null || maxDepth == 0) return JSONObject.NULL; if (toConvert instanceof Boolean || toConvert instanceof CharSequence || toConvert instanceof Number) { return toConvert; } if (toConvert.getClass().isEnum() || toConvert instanceof Enum) { return toConvert.toString(); } if (toConvert instanceof LoggingPreferences) { LoggingPreferences prefs = (LoggingPreferences) toConvert; JSONObject converted = new JSONObject(); for (String logType : prefs.getEnabledLogTypes()) { converted.put(logType, prefs.getLevel(logType)); } return converted; } if (toConvert instanceof LogEntries) { LogEntries entries = (LogEntries) toConvert; JSONArray converted = new JSONArray(); for (LogEntry entry : entries) { converted.put(mapObject(entry, 1, false)); } return converted; } if (toConvert instanceof Map) { JSONObject converted = new JSONObject(); for (Object objectEntry : ((Map) toConvert).entrySet()) { Map.Entry<String, Object> entry = (Map.Entry) objectEntry; converted.put(entry.getKey(), convertObject(entry.getValue(), maxDepth - 1)); } return converted; } if (toConvert instanceof JSONObject) { return toConvert; } if (toConvert instanceof Collection) { JSONArray array = new JSONArray(); for (Object o : (Collection) toConvert) { array.put(convertObject(o, maxDepth - 1)); } return array; } if (toConvert.getClass().isArray()) { JSONArray converted = new JSONArray(); int length = Array.getLength(toConvert); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { converted.put(convertObject(Array.get(toConvert, i), maxDepth - 1)); } return converted; } if (toConvert instanceof SessionId) { JSONObject converted = new JSONObject(); converted.put("value", toConvert.toString()); return converted; } if (toConvert instanceof Capabilities) { return convertObject(((Capabilities) toConvert).asMap(), maxDepth - 1); } if (toConvert instanceof DoNotUseProxyPac) { return convertObject(((DoNotUseProxyPac) toConvert).asMap(), maxDepth - 1); } if (toConvert instanceof Date) { return TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toSeconds(((Date) toConvert).getTime()); } Method toJson = getToJsonMethod(toConvert); if (toJson != null) { try { return toJson.invoke(toConvert); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new WebDriverException(e); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { throw new WebDriverException(e); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { throw new WebDriverException(e); } } try { return mapObject(toConvert, maxDepth - 1, toConvert instanceof Cookie); } catch (Exception e) { throw new WebDriverException(e); } }
protected Widget createQueryPanel() { queryBox = new TextArea(); queryBox.setStylePrimaryName("my-QueryBox"); queryBox.setTitle("Goal category"); HorizontalPanel boxPanel = new HorizontalPanel(); boxPanel.setVerticalAlignment(HorizontalPanel.ALIGN_MIDDLE); boxPanel.setSpacing(5); final TextBox limitBox = new TextBox(); limitBox.setTitle("Upper limit of the number of examples generated"); limitBox.setWidth("5em"); limitBox.setText("10"); boxPanel.add(new Label("limit:")); boxPanel.add(limitBox); boxPanel.add(new HTML("")); final TextBox depthBox = new TextBox(); depthBox.setTitle("Maximal depth for every example"); depthBox.setWidth("5em"); depthBox.setText("4"); boxPanel.add(new Label("depth:")); boxPanel.add(depthBox); boxPanel.add(new HTML("")); final CheckBox randomBox = new CheckBox(); randomBox.setTitle("random/exhaustive generation"); randomBox.setText("random"); boxPanel.add(randomBox); outputPanel = new VerticalPanel(); outputPanel.addStyleName("my-translations"); outputPanel.addStyleDependentName("working"); Button execButton = new Button("Execute"); DecoratorPanel queryDecorator = new DecoratorPanel(); VerticalPanel vPanel = new VerticalPanel(); vPanel.add(new Label("Query")); HorizontalPanel hPanel = new HorizontalPanel(); hPanel.add(queryBox); hPanel.add(execButton); vPanel.add(hPanel); vPanel.add(boxPanel); queryDecorator.add(vPanel); VerticalPanel queryPanel = new VerticalPanel(); queryPanel.setHorizontalAlignment(VerticalPanel.ALIGN_CENTER); queryPanel.add(queryDecorator); queryPanel.add(outputPanel); execButton.addClickListener(new ClickListener() { public void onClick(Widget sender) { if (executeRequest != null) { executeRequest.cancel(); } PGF.GenerationCallback callback = new PGF.GenerationCallback() { public void onResult(IterableJsArray<PGF.Linearizations> result) { executeRequest = null; outputPanel.clear(); outputPanel.removeStyleDependentName("working"); for (PGF.Linearizations lins : result.iterable()) { LinearizationsPanel lin = new LinearizationsPanel(pgf, lins); lin.setWidth("100%"); outputPanel.add(lin); } } public void onError(Throwable e) { executeRequest = null; statusPopup.showError("The execution failed", e); } }; int depth, limit; try { depth = Integer.parseInt(depthBox.getText()); limit = Integer.parseInt(limitBox.getText()); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return; } if (randomBox.getValue()) executeRequest = pgf.generateRandom(queryBox.getText(), depth, limit, callback); else executeRequest = pgf.generateAll(queryBox.getText(), depth, limit, callback); } }); return queryPanel; }
protected Widget createQueryPanel() { queryBox = new TextArea(); queryBox.setStylePrimaryName("my-QueryBox"); queryBox.setTitle("Goal category"); HorizontalPanel boxPanel = new HorizontalPanel(); boxPanel.setVerticalAlignment(HorizontalPanel.ALIGN_MIDDLE); boxPanel.setSpacing(5); final TextBox limitBox = new TextBox(); limitBox.setTitle("Upper limit of the number of examples generated"); limitBox.setWidth("5em"); limitBox.setText("10"); boxPanel.add(new Label("limit:")); boxPanel.add(limitBox); boxPanel.add(new HTML("")); final TextBox depthBox = new TextBox(); depthBox.setTitle("Maximal depth for every example"); depthBox.setWidth("5em"); depthBox.setText("4"); boxPanel.add(new Label("depth:")); boxPanel.add(depthBox); boxPanel.add(new HTML("")); final CheckBox randomBox = new CheckBox(); randomBox.setTitle("random/exhaustive generation"); randomBox.setText("random"); boxPanel.add(randomBox); outputPanel = new VerticalPanel(); outputPanel.addStyleName("my-translations"); outputPanel.addStyleDependentName("working"); Button execButton = new Button("Execute"); DecoratorPanel queryDecorator = new DecoratorPanel(); VerticalPanel vPanel = new VerticalPanel(); vPanel.add(new Label("Query")); HorizontalPanel hPanel = new HorizontalPanel(); hPanel.add(queryBox); hPanel.add(execButton); vPanel.add(hPanel); vPanel.add(boxPanel); queryDecorator.add(vPanel); VerticalPanel queryPanel = new VerticalPanel(); queryPanel.setHorizontalAlignment(VerticalPanel.ALIGN_CENTER); queryPanel.add(queryDecorator); queryPanel.add(outputPanel); execButton.addClickListener(new ClickListener() { public void onClick(Widget sender) { if (executeRequest != null) { executeRequest.cancel(); } PGF.GenerationCallback callback = new PGF.GenerationCallback() { public void onResult(IterableJsArray<PGF.Linearizations> result) { executeRequest = null; outputPanel.clear(); outputPanel.removeStyleDependentName("working"); for (PGF.Linearizations lins : result.iterable()) { LinearizationsPanel lin = new LinearizationsPanel(pgf, lins); lin.setWidth("100%"); outputPanel.add(lin); } } public void onError(Throwable e) { executeRequest = null; statusPopup.showError("The execution failed", e); } }; int depth, limit; try { depth = Integer.parseInt(depthBox.getText()); limit = Integer.parseInt(limitBox.getText()); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { statusPopup.showError("Invalid depth/limit parameter", e); return; } if (randomBox.getValue()) executeRequest = pgf.generateRandom(queryBox.getText(), depth, limit, callback); else executeRequest = pgf.generateAll(queryBox.getText(), depth, limit, callback); } }); return queryPanel; }
public void testChannelAwareMessageListenerDontExpose() throws Exception { ConnectionFactory mockConnectionFactory = mock(ConnectionFactory.class); Connection mockConnection = mock(Connection.class); final Channel firstChannel = mock(Channel.class); when(firstChannel.isOpen()).thenReturn(true); final Channel secondChannel = mock(Channel.class); when(secondChannel.isOpen()).thenReturn(true); final SingleConnectionFactory singleConnectionFactory = new SingleConnectionFactory(mockConnectionFactory); when(mockConnectionFactory.newConnection((ExecutorService) null)).thenReturn(mockConnection); when(mockConnection.isOpen()).thenReturn(true); final AtomicReference<Exception> tooManyChannels = new AtomicReference<Exception>(); doAnswer(new Answer<Channel>(){ boolean done; @Override public Channel answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) throws Throwable { if (!done) { done = true; return firstChannel; } return secondChannel; } }).when(mockConnection).createChannel(); final AtomicReference<Consumer> consumer = new AtomicReference<Consumer>(); doAnswer(new Answer<String>() { @Override public String answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) throws Throwable { consumer.set((Consumer) invocation.getArguments()[2]); return null; } }).when(firstChannel) .basicConsume(Mockito.anyString(), Mockito.anyBoolean(), Mockito.any(Consumer.class)); final CountDownLatch commitLatch = new CountDownLatch(1); doAnswer(new Answer<String>() { @Override public String answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) throws Throwable { commitLatch.countDown(); return null; } }).when(firstChannel).txCommit(); final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1); final AtomicReference<Channel> exposed = new AtomicReference<Channel>(); SimpleMessageListenerContainer container = new SimpleMessageListenerContainer(singleConnectionFactory); container.setMessageListener(new ChannelAwareMessageListener() { public void onMessage(Message message, Channel channel) { exposed.set(channel); RabbitTemplate rabbitTemplate = new RabbitTemplate(singleConnectionFactory); rabbitTemplate.setChannelTransacted(true); rabbitTemplate.convertAndSend("foo", "bar", "baz"); latch.countDown(); } }); container.setQueueNames("queue"); container.setChannelTransacted(true); container.setExposeListenerChannel(false); container.setShutdownTimeout(100); container.afterPropertiesSet(); container.start(); consumer.get().handleDelivery("qux", new Envelope(1, false, "foo", "bar"), new BasicProperties(), new byte[] {0}); assertTrue(latch.await(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS)); Exception e = tooManyChannels.get(); if (e != null) { throw e; } verify(mockConnection, Mockito.times(2)).createChannel(); assertTrue(commitLatch.await(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS)); verify(firstChannel).txCommit(); verify(secondChannel).txCommit(); verify(secondChannel).basicPublish(Mockito.anyString(), Mockito.anyString(), Mockito.anyBoolean(), Mockito.anyBoolean(), Mockito.any(BasicProperties.class), Mockito.any(byte[].class)); container.stop(); assertSame(secondChannel, exposed.get()); verify(firstChannel, Mockito.never()).close(); verify(secondChannel, Mockito.times(1)).close(); }
public void testChannelAwareMessageListenerDontExpose() throws Exception { ConnectionFactory mockConnectionFactory = mock(ConnectionFactory.class); Connection mockConnection = mock(Connection.class); final Channel firstChannel = mock(Channel.class); when(firstChannel.isOpen()).thenReturn(true); final Channel secondChannel = mock(Channel.class); when(secondChannel.isOpen()).thenReturn(true); final SingleConnectionFactory singleConnectionFactory = new SingleConnectionFactory(mockConnectionFactory); when(mockConnectionFactory.newConnection((ExecutorService) null)).thenReturn(mockConnection); when(mockConnection.isOpen()).thenReturn(true); final AtomicReference<Exception> tooManyChannels = new AtomicReference<Exception>(); doAnswer(new Answer<Channel>(){ boolean done; @Override public Channel answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) throws Throwable { if (!done) { done = true; return firstChannel; } return secondChannel; } }).when(mockConnection).createChannel(); final AtomicReference<Consumer> consumer = new AtomicReference<Consumer>(); doAnswer(new Answer<String>() { @Override public String answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) throws Throwable { consumer.set((Consumer) invocation.getArguments()[2]); return null; } }).when(firstChannel) .basicConsume(Mockito.anyString(), Mockito.anyBoolean(), Mockito.any(Consumer.class)); final CountDownLatch commitLatch = new CountDownLatch(1); doAnswer(new Answer<String>() { @Override public String answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) throws Throwable { commitLatch.countDown(); return null; } }).when(firstChannel).txCommit(); final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1); final AtomicReference<Channel> exposed = new AtomicReference<Channel>(); SimpleMessageListenerContainer container = new SimpleMessageListenerContainer(singleConnectionFactory); container.setMessageListener(new ChannelAwareMessageListener() { public void onMessage(Message message, Channel channel) { exposed.set(channel); RabbitTemplate rabbitTemplate = new RabbitTemplate(singleConnectionFactory); rabbitTemplate.setChannelTransacted(true); rabbitTemplate.convertAndSend("foo", "bar", "baz"); latch.countDown(); } }); container.setQueueNames("queue"); container.setChannelTransacted(true); container.setExposeListenerChannel(false); container.setShutdownTimeout(100); container.afterPropertiesSet(); container.start(); consumer.get().handleDelivery("qux", new Envelope(1, false, "foo", "bar"), new BasicProperties(), new byte[] {0}); assertTrue(latch.await(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS)); Exception e = tooManyChannels.get(); if (e != null) { throw e; } verify(mockConnection, Mockito.times(2)).createChannel(); assertTrue(commitLatch.await(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS)); verify(firstChannel).txCommit(); verify(secondChannel).txCommit(); verify(secondChannel).basicPublish(Mockito.anyString(), Mockito.anyString(), Mockito.anyBoolean(), Mockito.anyBoolean(), Mockito.any(BasicProperties.class), Mockito.any(byte[].class)); assertSame(secondChannel, exposed.get()); verify(firstChannel, Mockito.never()).close(); verify(secondChannel, Mockito.times(1)).close(); container.stop(); }
protected void sortArray(DataSourceRecord<E>[] array, final String columnName, final boolean ascending, final boolean caseSensitive) { if (!definitions.getColumn(columnName).isSortable()) { throw new DataSourceExcpetion(messages.dataSourceErrorColumnNotComparable(columnName)); } final boolean isStringColumn = getValue(columnName, array[0]) instanceof String; Arrays.sort(array, new Comparator<DataSourceRecord<E>>(){ public int compare(DataSourceRecord<E> o1, DataSourceRecord<E> o2) { if (ascending) { if (o1==null) return (o2==null?0:-1); if (o2==null) return 1; } else { if (o1==null) return (o2==null?0:1); if (o2==null) return -1; } Object value1 = getValue(columnName, o1); Object value2 = getValue(columnName, o2); if (ascending) { if (value1==null) return (value2==null?0:-1); if (value2==null) return 1; } else { if (value1==null) return (value2==null?0:1); if (value2==null) return -1; } return compareNonNullValuesByType(value1,value2,ascending,caseSensitive, isStringColumn); } @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" }) private int compareNonNullValuesByType(Object value1, Object value2, boolean ascending, boolean caseSensitive, boolean isStringColumns) { if(isStringColumns) { if (ascending) { return StringUtils.localeCompare((String)value1, (String)value2, caseSensitive); } else { return StringUtils.localeCompare((String)value2, (String)value1, caseSensitive); } } if (ascending) { return ((Comparable)value1).compareTo(value2); } else { return ((Comparable)value2).compareTo(value1); } } }); firstRecord(); }
protected void sortArray(DataSourceRecord<E>[] array, final String columnName, final boolean ascending, final boolean caseSensitive) { if (!definitions.getColumn(columnName).isSortable()) { throw new DataSourceExcpetion(messages.dataSourceErrorColumnNotComparable(columnName)); } if(array == null || array[0] == null) { return; } final boolean isStringColumn = getValue(columnName, array[0]) instanceof String; Arrays.sort(array, new Comparator<DataSourceRecord<E>>(){ public int compare(DataSourceRecord<E> o1, DataSourceRecord<E> o2) { if (ascending) { if (o1==null) return (o2==null?0:-1); if (o2==null) return 1; } else { if (o1==null) return (o2==null?0:1); if (o2==null) return -1; } Object value1 = getValue(columnName, o1); Object value2 = getValue(columnName, o2); if (ascending) { if (value1==null) return (value2==null?0:-1); if (value2==null) return 1; } else { if (value1==null) return (value2==null?0:1); if (value2==null) return -1; } return compareNonNullValuesByType(value1,value2,ascending,caseSensitive, isStringColumn); } @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" }) private int compareNonNullValuesByType(Object value1, Object value2, boolean ascending, boolean caseSensitive, boolean isStringColumns) { if(isStringColumns) { if (ascending) { return StringUtils.localeCompare((String)value1, (String)value2, caseSensitive); } else { return StringUtils.localeCompare((String)value2, (String)value1, caseSensitive); } } if (ascending) { return ((Comparable)value1).compareTo(value2); } else { return ((Comparable)value2).compareTo(value1); } } }); firstRecord(); }
FSImageStorageInspector readAndInspectDirs() throws IOException { Integer layoutVersion = null; boolean multipleLV = false; StringBuilder layoutVersions = new StringBuilder(); for (Iterator<StorageDirectory> it = dirIterator(); it.hasNext();) { StorageDirectory sd =; if (!sd.getVersionFile().exists()) { FSImage.LOG.warn("Storage directory " + sd + " contains no VERSION file. Skipping..."); continue; } readProperties(sd); int lv = getLayoutVersion(); if (layoutVersion == null) { layoutVersion = Integer.valueOf(lv); } else if (!layoutVersion.equals(lv)) { multipleLV = true; } layoutVersions.append("(").append(sd.getRoot()).append(", ").append(lv).append(") "); } if (layoutVersion == null) { throw new IOException("No storage directories contained VERSION information"); } if (multipleLV) { throw new IOException( "Storage directories containe multiple layout versions: " + layoutVersions); } FSImageStorageInspector inspector; if (LayoutVersion.supports(Feature.TXID_BASED_LAYOUT, getLayoutVersion())) { inspector = new FSImageTransactionalStorageInspector(); } else { inspector = new FSImagePreTransactionalStorageInspector(); } inspectStorageDirs(inspector); return inspector; }
FSImageStorageInspector readAndInspectDirs() throws IOException { Integer layoutVersion = null; boolean multipleLV = false; StringBuilder layoutVersions = new StringBuilder(); for (Iterator<StorageDirectory> it = dirIterator(); it.hasNext();) { StorageDirectory sd =; if (!sd.getVersionFile().exists()) { FSImage.LOG.warn("Storage directory " + sd + " contains no VERSION file. Skipping..."); continue; } readProperties(sd); int lv = getLayoutVersion(); if (layoutVersion == null) { layoutVersion = Integer.valueOf(lv); } else if (!layoutVersion.equals(lv)) { multipleLV = true; } layoutVersions.append("(").append(sd.getRoot()).append(", ").append(lv).append(") "); } if (layoutVersion == null) { throw new IOException("No storage directories contained VERSION information"); } if (multipleLV) { throw new IOException( "Storage directories contain multiple layout versions: " + layoutVersions); } FSImageStorageInspector inspector; if (LayoutVersion.supports(Feature.TXID_BASED_LAYOUT, getLayoutVersion())) { inspector = new FSImageTransactionalStorageInspector(); } else { inspector = new FSImagePreTransactionalStorageInspector(); } inspectStorageDirs(inspector); return inspector; }
public void testWorkspaces() throws Exception { Collection workspaces = gwtRegistry.getWorkspaces(); assertEquals(1, workspaces.size()); Collection artifactTypes = gwtRegistry.getArtifactTypes(); assertEquals(5, artifactTypes.size()); }
public void testWorkspaces() throws Exception { Collection workspaces = gwtRegistry.getWorkspaces(); assertEquals(1, workspaces.size()); Collection artifactTypes = gwtRegistry.getArtifactTypes(); assertTrue(artifactTypes.size() > 0); }
protected Result doRun(final BuildListener listener) throws Exception { PrintStream logger = listener.getLogger(); Result r = null; try { EnvVars envVars = getEnvironment(listener); MavenInstallation mvn = project.getMaven(); if(mvn==null) throw new AbortException("A Maven installation needs to be available for this project to be built.\n"+ "Either your server has no Maven installations defined, or the requested Maven version does not exist."); mvn = mvn.forEnvironment(envVars).forNode(Computer.currentComputer().getNode(), listener); if(!project.isAggregatorStyleBuild()) { parsePoms(listener, logger, envVars, mvn); logger.println("Triggering "+project.getRootModule().getModuleName()); project.getRootModule().scheduleBuild(new UpstreamCause((Run<?,?>)MavenModuleSetBuild.this)); } else { try { List<BuildWrapper> wrappers = new ArrayList<BuildWrapper>(); for (BuildWrapper w : project.getBuildWrappersList()) wrappers.add(w); ParametersAction parameters = getAction(ParametersAction.class); if (parameters != null) parameters.createBuildWrappers(MavenModuleSetBuild.this,wrappers); for( BuildWrapper w : wrappers) { Environment e = w.setUp(MavenModuleSetBuild.this, launcher, listener); if(e==null) return (r = Result.FAILURE); buildEnvironments.add(e); e.buildEnvVars(envVars); } if(!preBuild(listener, project.getPublishers())) return Result.FAILURE; parsePoms(listener, logger, envVars, mvn); SplittableBuildListener slistener = new SplittableBuildListener(listener); proxies = new HashMap<ModuleName, ProxyImpl2>(); List<String> changedModules = new ArrayList<String>(); for (MavenModule m : project.sortedActiveModules) { MavenBuild mb = m.newBuild(); if (!MavenModuleSetBuild.this.getChangeSet().isEmptySet() && project.isIncrementalBuild()) { if ((mb.getPreviousBuiltBuild() == null) || (!getChangeSetFor(m).isEmpty()) || (mb.getPreviousBuiltBuild().getResult().isWorseThan(Result.SUCCESS))) { changedModules.add(m.getModuleName().toString()); } } mb.setWorkspace(getModuleRoot().child(m.getRelativePath())); proxies.put(m.getModuleName(), ProxyImpl2(MavenModuleSetBuild.this,slistener)); } String rootPOM = project.getRootPOM(); FilePath pom = getModuleRoot().child(rootPOM); FilePath parentLoc = getWorkspace().child(rootPOM); if(!pom.exists() && parentLoc.exists()) pom = parentLoc; ProcessCache.MavenProcess process = MavenBuild.mavenProcessCache.get(launcher.getChannel(), slistener, new MavenProcessFactory(project,launcher,envVars,pom.getParent())); ArgumentListBuilder margs = new ArgumentListBuilder().add("-B").add("-f", pom.getRemote()); if(project.usesPrivateRepository()) margs.add("-Dmaven.repo.local="+getWorkspace().child(".repository")); if (project.isIncrementalBuild() && mvn.isMaven2_1(launcher) && !changedModules.isEmpty()) { margs.add("-amd"); margs.add("-pl", Util.join(changedModules, ",")); } if (project.getAlternateSettings() != null) { if (IOUtils.isAbsolute(project.getAlternateSettings())) { margs.add("-s").add(project.getAlternateSettings()); } else { FilePath mrSettings = getModuleRoot().child(project.getAlternateSettings()); FilePath wsSettings = getWorkspace().child(project.getAlternateSettings()); if (!wsSettings.exists() && mrSettings.exists()) wsSettings = mrSettings; margs.add("-s").add(wsSettings.getRemote()); } } margs.addTokenized(envVars.expand(project.getGoals())); Builder builder = new Builder(slistener, proxies, project.sortedActiveModules, margs.toList(), envVars); MavenProbeAction mpa=null; try { mpa = new MavenProbeAction(project,; addAction(mpa); r =; return r; } finally { builder.end(launcher); getActions().remove(mpa); process.discard(); } } finally { if (r != null) { setResult(r); } boolean failed=false; for( int i=buildEnvironments.size()-1; i>=0; i-- ) { if (!buildEnvironments.get(i).tearDown(MavenModuleSetBuild.this,listener)) { failed=true; } } if (failed) return Result.FAILURE; } } return r; } catch (AbortException e) { if(e.getMessage()!=null) listener.error(e.getMessage()); return Result.FAILURE; } catch (InterruptedIOException e) { e.printStackTrace(listener.error("Aborted Maven execution for InterruptedIOException")); return Result.ABORTED; } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(listener.error(Messages.MavenModuleSetBuild_FailedToParsePom())); return Result.FAILURE; } catch (RunnerAbortedException e) { return Result.FAILURE; } catch (RuntimeException e) { e.printStackTrace(listener.error("Processing failed due to a bug in the code. Please report this to [email protected]")); logger.println("project="+project); logger.println("project.getModules()="+project.getModules()); logger.println("project.getRootModule()="+project.getRootModule()); throw e; } }
protected Result doRun(final BuildListener listener) throws Exception { PrintStream logger = listener.getLogger(); Result r = null; try { EnvVars envVars = getEnvironment(listener); MavenInstallation mvn = project.getMaven(); if(mvn==null) throw new AbortException("A Maven installation needs to be available for this project to be built.\n"+ "Either your server has no Maven installations defined, or the requested Maven version does not exist."); mvn = mvn.forEnvironment(envVars).forNode(Computer.currentComputer().getNode(), listener); if(!project.isAggregatorStyleBuild()) { parsePoms(listener, logger, envVars, mvn); logger.println("Triggering "+project.getRootModule().getModuleName()); project.getRootModule().scheduleBuild(new UpstreamCause((Run<?,?>)MavenModuleSetBuild.this)); } else { try { List<BuildWrapper> wrappers = new ArrayList<BuildWrapper>(); for (BuildWrapper w : project.getBuildWrappersList()) wrappers.add(w); ParametersAction parameters = getAction(ParametersAction.class); if (parameters != null) parameters.createBuildWrappers(MavenModuleSetBuild.this,wrappers); for( BuildWrapper w : wrappers) { Environment e = w.setUp(MavenModuleSetBuild.this, launcher, listener); if(e==null) return (r = Result.FAILURE); buildEnvironments.add(e); e.buildEnvVars(envVars); } if(!preBuild(listener, project.getPublishers())) return Result.FAILURE; parsePoms(listener, logger, envVars, mvn); SplittableBuildListener slistener = new SplittableBuildListener(listener); proxies = new HashMap<ModuleName, ProxyImpl2>(); List<String> changedModules = new ArrayList<String>(); for (MavenModule m : project.sortedActiveModules) { MavenBuild mb = m.newBuild(); if (!MavenModuleSetBuild.this.getChangeSet().isEmptySet() && project.isIncrementalBuild()) { if ((mb.getPreviousBuiltBuild() == null) || (!getChangeSetFor(m).isEmpty()) || (mb.getPreviousBuiltBuild().getResult().isWorseThan(Result.SUCCESS))) { changedModules.add(m.getModuleName().toString()); } } mb.setWorkspace(getModuleRoot().child(m.getRelativePath())); proxies.put(m.getModuleName(), ProxyImpl2(MavenModuleSetBuild.this,slistener)); } String rootPOM = project.getRootPOM(); FilePath pom = getModuleRoot().child(rootPOM); FilePath parentLoc = getWorkspace().child(rootPOM); if(!pom.exists() && parentLoc.exists()) pom = parentLoc; ProcessCache.MavenProcess process = MavenBuild.mavenProcessCache.get(launcher.getChannel(), slistener, new MavenProcessFactory(project,launcher,envVars,pom.getParent())); ArgumentListBuilder margs = new ArgumentListBuilder().add("-B").add("-f", pom.getRemote()); if(project.usesPrivateRepository()) margs.add("-Dmaven.repo.local="+getWorkspace().child(".repository")); if (project.isIncrementalBuild() && mvn.isMaven2_1(launcher) && !changedModules.isEmpty()) { margs.add("-amd"); margs.add("-pl", Util.join(changedModules, ",")); } if (project.getAlternateSettings() != null) { if (IOUtils.isAbsolute(project.getAlternateSettings())) { margs.add("-s").add(project.getAlternateSettings()); } else { FilePath mrSettings = getModuleRoot().child(project.getAlternateSettings()); FilePath wsSettings = getWorkspace().child(project.getAlternateSettings()); if (!wsSettings.exists() && mrSettings.exists()) wsSettings = mrSettings; margs.add("-s").add(wsSettings.getRemote()); } } margs.addTokenized(envVars.expand(project.getGoals())); Builder builder = new Builder(slistener, proxies, project.sortedActiveModules, margs.toList(), envVars); MavenProbeAction mpa=null; try { mpa = new MavenProbeAction(project,; addAction(mpa); r =; return r; } finally { builder.end(launcher); getActions().remove(mpa); process.discard(); } } finally { if (r != null) { setResult(r); } boolean failed=false; for( int i=buildEnvironments.size()-1; i>=0; i-- ) { if (!buildEnvironments.get(i).tearDown(MavenModuleSetBuild.this,listener)) { failed=true; } } if (failed) return Result.FAILURE; } } return r; } catch (AbortException e) { if(e.getMessage()!=null) listener.error(e.getMessage()); return Result.FAILURE; } catch (InterruptedIOException e) { e.printStackTrace(listener.error("Aborted Maven execution for InterruptedIOException")); return Result.ABORTED; } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(listener.error(Messages.MavenModuleSetBuild_FailedToParsePom())); return Result.FAILURE; } catch (RunnerAbortedException e) { return Result.FAILURE; } catch (RuntimeException e) { e.printStackTrace(listener.error("Processing failed due to a bug in the code. Please report this to [email protected]")); logger.println("project="+project); logger.println("project.getModules()="+project.getModules()); logger.println("project.getRootModule()="+project.getRootModule()); throw e; } }
public void execute( JobExecutionContext context ) throws JobExecutionException { " --- Testing Scheduler Component\n --- " + context.getJobDetail().getDescription() + " executed.[" + new Date() + "]" ); }
public void execute( JobExecutionContext context ) throws JobExecutionException { " --- Testing Scheduler Component --- {} executed.[{}]", context.getJobDetail().getDescription(), new Date() ); }
public SpreadSheet(int sWidth, int sHeight, int cols, int rows, String server, String clone, String sTitle, FormulaManager fm, boolean chooseOptions) { super(true); bTitle = sTitle; NumVisX = cols; NumVisY = rows; = fm; Possible3D = BasicSSCell.possible3D(); CanDo3D = BasicSSCell.canDo3D(); MappingDialog.initDialog(); addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() { public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) { quitProgram(); } }); setBackground(Color.white); boolean slave = clone != null && clone.startsWith("slave:"); if (slave) clone = clone.substring(6); if (clone != null) { int slash = clone.lastIndexOf("/"); if (slash < 0) slash = clone.lastIndexOf(":"); server = clone.substring(slash + 1); clone = clone.substring(0, slash); } serverName = server; cloneAddress = clone; IsSlave = slave; CanDoHDF5 = false; if (!CanDoHDF5 && BasicSSCell.DEBUG) { System.err.println("Warning: HDF-5 library not found"); } CanDoJPEG = Util.canDoJPEG(); if (!CanDoJPEG && BasicSSCell.DEBUG) { System.err.println("Warning: JPEG codec not found"); } CanDoPython = Util.canDoPython(); if (!CanDoPython && BasicSSCell.DEBUG) { System.err.println("Warning: JPython not found"); } SSFileDialog = new JFileChooser(System.getProperty("user.dir")); SSFileDialog.addChoosableFileFilter( new ExtensionFileFilter("ss", "SpreadSheet files")); if (chooseOptions) { getOptions(NumVisX, NumVisY, serverName, cloneAddress, IsSlave); } clone = cloneAddress == null ? null : cloneAddress + "/" + serverName; server = cloneAddress == null ? serverName : null; RemoteServer rs = null; String[][] cellNames = null; if (clone != null) { boolean success = true; if (SHOW_CONNECT_MESSAGES) { System.out.print("Connecting to " + clone + " "); } while (cellNames == null && success) { snooze(1000); if (SHOW_CONNECT_MESSAGES) System.out.print("."); try { rs = (RemoteServer) Naming.lookup("//" + clone); RemoteCanDo3D = rs.getDataReference("CanDo3D"); Real bit = (Real) RemoteCanDo3D.getData(); if (bit.getValue() == 0) { CanDo3D = false; BasicSSCell.disable3D(); } RemoteColRow = rs.getDataReference("ColRow"); cellNames = getNewCellNames(); } catch (UnmarshalException exc) { if (BasicSSCell.DEBUG) exc.printStackTrace(); displayErrorMessage("Unable to clone the spreadsheet at " + clone + ". The server is using an incompatible version of Java", null, "Failed to clone spreadsheet"); success = false; } catch (MalformedURLException exc) { if (BasicSSCell.DEBUG) exc.printStackTrace(); displayErrorMessage("Unable to clone the spreadsheet at " + clone + ". The server name is not valid", null, "Failed to clone spreadsheet"); success = false; } catch (VisADException exc) { if (BasicSSCell.DEBUG) exc.printStackTrace(); displayErrorMessage("Unable to clone the spreadsheet at " + clone + ". An error occurred while downloading the necessary data", exc, "Failed to clone spreadsheet"); success = false; } catch (NotBoundException exc) { if (BasicSSCell.DEBUG) exc.printStackTrace(); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if (BasicSSCell.DEBUG) exc.printStackTrace(); } catch (RemoteException exc) { if (BasicSSCell.DEBUG) exc.printStackTrace(); } } if (success) { if (SHOW_CONNECT_MESSAGES) System.out.println(" done"); bTitle = bTitle + " [" + (IsSlave ? "slaved" : "collaborative") + " mode: " + clone + "]"; IsRemote = true; } else { if (SHOW_CONNECT_MESSAGES) System.out.println(" failed"); IsSlave = false; rs = null; } } JPanel pane = new JPanel(); pane.setBackground(Color.white); pane.setLayout(new BoxLayout(pane, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS)); setContentPane(pane); addMenuItem("File", "Import data...", "loadDataSet", 'i'); FileSave1 = addMenuItem("File", "Export data to netCDF...", "exportDataSetNetcdf", 'n', false); FileSave2 = addMenuItem("File", "Export serialized data...", "exportDataSetSerial", 's', false); FileSave3 = addMenuItem("File", "Export data to HDF-5...", "exportDataSetHDF5", 'h', false); addMenuSeparator("File"); FileSnap = addMenuItem("File", "Take JPEG snapshot...", "captureImageJPEG", 'j', false); addMenuSeparator("File"); addMenuItem("File", "Exit", "quitProgram", 'x'); addMenuItem("Edit", "Cut", "cutCell", 't', !IsRemote); addMenuItem("Edit", "Copy", "copyCell", 'c', !IsRemote); EditPaste = addMenuItem("Edit", "Paste", "pasteCell", 'p', false); EditClear = addMenuItem("Edit", "Clear", "clearCell", 'l', false); addMenuItem("Setup", "New spreadsheet file", "newFile", 'n'); addMenuItem("Setup", "Open spreadsheet file...", "openFile", 'o', !IsRemote); addMenuItem("Setup", "Save spreadsheet file", "saveFile", 's', !IsRemote); addMenuItem("Setup", "Save spreadsheet file as...", "saveAsFile", 'a', !IsRemote); CellDim3D3D = new JCheckBoxMenuItem("3-D (Java3D)", CanDo3D); addMenuItem("Cell", CellDim3D3D, "setDim3D", '3', CanDo3D); CellDim2D2D = new JCheckBoxMenuItem("2-D (Java2D)", !CanDo3D); addMenuItem("Cell", CellDim2D2D, "setDimJ2D", 'j', true); CellDim2D3D = new JCheckBoxMenuItem("2-D (Java3D)", false); addMenuItem("Cell", CellDim2D3D, "setDim2D", '2', CanDo3D); addMenuSeparator("Cell"); addMenuItem("Cell", "Add data object", "formulaAdd", 'a'); CellDel = addMenuItem("Cell", "Delete data object", "formulaDel", 'd', false); addMenuSeparator("Cell"); CellPrint = addMenuItem("Cell", "Print cell...", "printCurrentCell", 'p', false); addMenuSeparator("Cell"); CellEdit = addMenuItem("Cell", "Edit mappings...", "createMappings", 'e', false); CellReset = addMenuItem("Cell", "Reset orientation", "resetOrientation", 'r', false); CellShow = addMenuItem("Cell", "Show controls", "showControls", 's', false); LayAddCol = addMenuItem("Layout", "Add column", "addColumn", 'c'); addMenuItem("Layout", "Add row", "addRow", 'r'); LayDelCol = addMenuItem("Layout", "Delete column", "deleteColumn", 'l', NumVisX > 1); LayDelRow = addMenuItem("Layout", "Delete row", "deleteRow", 'w', NumVisY > 1); addMenuSeparator("Layout"); addMenuItem("Layout", "Tile cells", "tileCells", 't'); if (!CanDo3D) AutoSwitch = false; AutoSwitchBox = new JCheckBoxMenuItem("Auto-switch to 3-D", AutoSwitch && !IsRemote); addMenuItem("Options", AutoSwitchBox, "optionsSwitch", '3', CanDo3D && !IsRemote); AutoDetectBox = new JCheckBoxMenuItem("Auto-detect mappings", AutoDetect && !IsRemote); addMenuItem("Options", AutoDetectBox, "optionsDetect", 'm', !IsRemote); AutoShowBox = new JCheckBoxMenuItem("Auto-display controls", AutoShowControls && !IsSlave); addMenuItem("Options", AutoShowBox, "optionsDisplay", 'c', !IsSlave); if (!BugFix) { Toolbar = new JToolBar(); Toolbar.setBackground(Color.lightGray); Toolbar.setBorder(new EtchedBorder()); Toolbar.setFloatable(false); pane.add(Toolbar); addToolbarButton("open", "Import data", "loadDataSet", true, Toolbar); ToolSave = addToolbarButton("save", "Export data to netCDF", "exportDataSetNetcdf", false, Toolbar); Toolbar.addSeparator(); addToolbarButton("cut", "Cut", "cutCell", !IsRemote, Toolbar); addToolbarButton("copy", "Copy", "copyCell", !IsRemote, Toolbar); ToolPaste = addToolbarButton("paste", "Paste", "pasteCell", false, Toolbar); Toolbar.addSeparator(); Tool3D = addToolbarButton("3d", "3-D (Java3D)", "setDim3D", false, Toolbar); ToolJ2D = addToolbarButton("j2d", "2-D (Java2D)", "setDimJ2D", CanDo3D, Toolbar); Tool2D = addToolbarButton("2d", "2-D (Java3D)", "setDim2D", CanDo3D, Toolbar); Toolbar.addSeparator(); ToolMap = addToolbarButton("mappings", "Edit mappings", "createMappings", false, Toolbar); ToolReset = addToolbarButton("reset", "Reset orientation", "resetOrientation", false, Toolbar); ToolShow = addToolbarButton("show", "Show controls", "showControls", false, Toolbar); Toolbar.addSeparator(); addToolbarButton("tile", "Tile cells", "tileCells", true, Toolbar); Toolbar.add(Box.createHorizontalGlue()); } JPanel formulaPanel = new JPanel(); formulaPanel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(Integer.MAX_VALUE, 25)); formulaPanel.setBackground(Color.lightGray); formulaPanel.setLayout(new BoxLayout(formulaPanel, BoxLayout.X_AXIS)); formulaPanel.setBorder(new EtchedBorder()); pane.add(formulaPanel); pane.add(Box.createRigidArea(new Dimension(0, 6))); if (!BugFix) { FormulaAdd = addToolbarButton("add", "Add data", "formulaAdd", true, formulaPanel); FormulaDel = addToolbarButton("del", "Remove data", "formulaDel", true, formulaPanel); } FormulaBox = new JComboBox(); formulaPanel.add(FormulaBox); FormulaBox.setLightWeightPopupEnabled(false); FormulaBox.setEditable(true); FormulaEditor = FormulaBox.getEditor(); FormulaEditor.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { String newItem = (String) FormulaEditor.getItem(); try { int id = 0; int type = BasicSSCell.UNKNOWN_SOURCE; boolean notify = true; int index1 = newItem.indexOf("d"); int index2 = newItem.indexOf(":"); if (index1 > 0 && index2 > 0 && index1 < index2) { String cellName = newItem.substring(0, index1); BasicSSCell ssCell = BasicSSCell.getSSCellByName(cellName); int dataId = 0; try { dataId = Integer.parseInt(newItem.substring(index1 + 1, index2)); } catch (NumberFormatException exc) { if (BasicSSCell.DEBUG && BasicSSCell.DEBUG_LEVEL >= 3) { exc.printStackTrace(); } } if (ssCell == DisplayCells[CurX][CurY] && dataId > 0) { String varName = newItem.substring(0, index2); String source = ssCell.getDataSource(varName); if (source != null) { ssCell.removeData(varName); String oldItem = null; for (int i=0; i<FormulaBox.getItemCount(); i++) { String item = (String) FormulaBox.getItemAt(i); if (item.startsWith(varName + ":")) { oldItem = item; break; } } if (oldItem != null) { FormulaBox.removeItem(oldItem); } } id = dataId; newItem = newItem.substring(index2 + 1).trim(); } } String varName = DisplayCells[CurX][CurY].addDataSource( id, newItem, type, notify); String itemString = varName + ": " + newItem; FormulaBox.addItem(itemString); FormulaBox.setSelectedItem(itemString); if (!BugFix) FormulaAdd.requestFocus(); } catch (VisADException exc) { if (BasicSSCell.DEBUG) exc.printStackTrace(); } catch (RemoteException exc) { if (BasicSSCell.DEBUG) exc.printStackTrace(); } } }); JPanel horizShell = new JPanel(); horizShell.setBackground(Color.white); horizShell.setLayout(new BoxLayout(horizShell, BoxLayout.X_AXIS)); horizShell.add(Box.createRigidArea(new Dimension(LABEL_WIDTH+6, 0))); pane.add(horizShell); HorizPanel = new JPanel() { public Dimension getPreferredSize() { Dimension d = super.getPreferredSize(); return new Dimension(d.width, LABEL_HEIGHT); } }; HorizPanel.setBackground(Color.white); constructHorizontalLabels(); JViewport hl = new JViewport() { public Dimension getMinimumSize() { return new Dimension(0, LABEL_HEIGHT); } public Dimension getPreferredSize() { return new Dimension(0, LABEL_HEIGHT); } public Dimension getMaximumSize() { return new Dimension(Integer.MAX_VALUE, LABEL_HEIGHT); } }; HorizLabels = hl; HorizLabels.setView(HorizPanel); horizShell.add(HorizLabels); horizShell.add(new JComponent() { public Dimension getMinimumSize() { return new Dimension(6 + SCPane.getVScrollbarWidth(), 0); } public Dimension getPreferredSize() { return new Dimension(6 + SCPane.getVScrollbarWidth(), 0); } public Dimension getMaximumSize() { return new Dimension(6 + SCPane.getVScrollbarWidth(), 0); } }); JPanel mainPanel = new JPanel(); mainPanel.setBackground(Color.white); mainPanel.setLayout(new BoxLayout(mainPanel, BoxLayout.X_AXIS)); pane.add(mainPanel); pane.add(Box.createRigidArea(new Dimension(0, 6))); JPanel vertShell = new JPanel(); vertShell.setBackground(Color.white); vertShell.setLayout(new BoxLayout(vertShell, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS)); mainPanel.add(Box.createRigidArea(new Dimension(6, 0))); mainPanel.add(vertShell); VertPanel = new JPanel() { public Dimension getPreferredSize() { Dimension d = super.getPreferredSize(); return new Dimension(LABEL_WIDTH, d.height); } }; VertPanel.setBackground(Color.white); constructVerticalLabels(); JViewport vl = new JViewport() { public Dimension getMinimumSize() { return new Dimension(LABEL_WIDTH, 0); } public Dimension getPreferredSize() { return new Dimension(LABEL_WIDTH, 0); } public Dimension getMaximumSize() { return new Dimension(LABEL_WIDTH, Integer.MAX_VALUE); } }; VertLabels = vl; VertLabels.setView(VertPanel); vertShell.add(VertLabels); vertShell.add(new JComponent() { public Dimension getMinimumSize() { return new Dimension(0, SCPane.getHScrollbarHeight()); } public Dimension getPreferredSize() { return new Dimension(0, SCPane.getHScrollbarHeight()); } public Dimension getMaximumSize() { return new Dimension(0, SCPane.getHScrollbarHeight()); } }); ScrollPanel = new JPanel(); ScrollPanel.setBackground(Color.white); ScrollPanel.setLayout(new BoxLayout(ScrollPanel, BoxLayout.X_AXIS)); mainPanel.add(ScrollPanel); mainPanel.add(Box.createRigidArea(new Dimension(6, 0))); SCPane = new ScrollPane(ScrollPane.SCROLLBARS_ALWAYS) { public Dimension getPreferredSize() { return new Dimension(0, 0); } }; Adjustable hadj = SCPane.getHAdjustable(); Adjustable vadj = SCPane.getVAdjustable(); hadj.setBlockIncrement(MIN_VIS_WIDTH); hadj.setUnitIncrement(MIN_VIS_WIDTH/4); hadj.addAdjustmentListener(this); vadj.setBlockIncrement(MIN_VIS_HEIGHT); vadj.setUnitIncrement(MIN_VIS_HEIGHT/4); vadj.addAdjustmentListener(this); ScrollPanel.add(SCPane); DisplayPanel = new Panel(); DisplayPanel.setBackground(Color.darkGray); SCPane.add(DisplayPanel); addKeyListener(this); SCPane.addKeyListener(this); ScrollPanel.addKeyListener(this); DisplayPanel.addKeyListener(this); DataReferenceImpl lColRow = null; if (server != null) { boolean success = true; boolean registryStarted = false; while (true) { try { rsi = new RemoteServerImpl(); Naming.rebind("///" + server, rsi); break; } catch (java.rmi.ConnectException exc) { if (!registryStarted) { try { LocateRegistry.createRegistry(Registry.REGISTRY_PORT); registryStarted = true; } catch (RemoteException rexc) { if (BasicSSCell.DEBUG) exc.printStackTrace(); displayErrorMessage("Unable to autostart rmiregistry. " + "Please start rmiregistry before launching the " + "SpreadSheet in server mode", null, "Failed to initialize RemoteServer"); success = false; } } else { displayErrorMessage("Unable to export cells as RMI addresses. " + "Make sure you are running rmiregistry before launching the " + "SpreadSheet in server mode", null, "Failed to initialize RemoteServer"); success = false; } } catch (MalformedURLException exc) { if (BasicSSCell.DEBUG) exc.printStackTrace(); displayErrorMessage("Unable to export cells as RMI addresses. " + "The name \"" + server + "\" is not valid", null, "Failed to initialize RemoteServer"); success = false; } catch (RemoteException exc) { if (BasicSSCell.DEBUG) exc.printStackTrace(); displayErrorMessage("Unable to export cells as RMI addresses", exc, "Failed to initialize RemoteServer"); success = false; } if (!success) break; } try { DataReferenceImpl lCanDo3D = new DataReferenceImpl("CanDo3D"); RemoteCanDo3D = new RemoteDataReferenceImpl(lCanDo3D); RemoteCanDo3D.setData(new Real(CanDo3D ? 1 : 0)); rsi.addDataReference((RemoteDataReferenceImpl) RemoteCanDo3D); lColRow = new DataReferenceImpl("ColRow"); RemoteColRow = new RemoteDataReferenceImpl(lColRow); rsi.addDataReference((RemoteDataReferenceImpl) RemoteColRow); } catch (VisADException exc) { if (BasicSSCell.DEBUG) exc.printStackTrace(); displayErrorMessage("Unable to export cells as RMI addresses. " + "An error occurred setting up the necessary data", exc, "Failed to initialize RemoteServer"); success = false; } catch (RemoteException exc) { if (BasicSSCell.DEBUG) exc.printStackTrace(); displayErrorMessage("Unable to export cells as RMI addresses. " + "A remote error occurred setting up the necessary data", exc, "Failed to initialize RemoteServer"); success = false; } if (success) bTitle = bTitle + " (" + server + ")"; else rsi = null; } if (rs == null) constructSpreadsheetCells(null); else { NumVisX = cellNames.length; NumVisY = cellNames[0].length; reconstructLabels(cellNames, null, null); constructSpreadsheetCells(cellNames, rs); } if (rsi != null) synchColRow(); CollabID = DisplayCells[0][0].getRemoteId(); if (rsi != null || IsRemote) { final RemoteServer frs = rs; CellImpl lColRowCell = new CellImpl() { public void doAction() { if (getColRowID() != CollabID) { BasicSSCell.invoke(true, new Runnable() { public void run() { String[][] cellNamesx = getNewCellNames(); if (cellNamesx == null) { if (BasicSSCell.DEBUG) System.out.println("Warning: " + "could not obtain new spreadsheet dimensions!"); return; } int oldNVX = NumVisX; int oldNVY = NumVisY; NumVisX = cellNamesx.length; NumVisY = cellNamesx[0].length; if (NumVisX != oldNVX || NumVisY != oldNVY) { reconstructSpreadsheet(cellNamesx, null, null, frs); if (!IsRemote) synchColRow(); } } }); } } }; try { RemoteCellImpl rColRowCell = new RemoteCellImpl(lColRowCell); rColRowCell.addReference(RemoteColRow); } catch (VisADException exc) { if (BasicSSCell.DEBUG) exc.printStackTrace(); } catch (RemoteException exc) { try { lColRowCell.addReference(lColRow); } catch (VisADException exc2) { if (BasicSSCell.DEBUG) exc2.printStackTrace(); } catch (RemoteException exc2) { if (BasicSSCell.DEBUG) exc2.printStackTrace(); } } } setTitle(bTitle); Dimension screenSize = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize(); int appWidth = (int) (0.01 * sWidth * screenSize.width); int appHeight = (int) (0.01 * sHeight * screenSize.height); setSize(appWidth, appHeight); Util.centerWindow(this); setVisible(true); snooze(500); if (!BugFix) FormulaAdd.requestFocus(); tileCells(); }
public SpreadSheet(int sWidth, int sHeight, int cols, int rows, String server, String clone, String sTitle, FormulaManager fm, boolean chooseOptions) { super(true); bTitle = sTitle; NumVisX = cols; NumVisY = rows; = fm; Possible3D = BasicSSCell.possible3D(); CanDo3D = BasicSSCell.canDo3D(); MappingDialog.initDialog(); addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() { public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) { quitProgram(); } }); setBackground(Color.white); boolean slave = clone != null && clone.startsWith("slave:"); if (slave) clone = clone.substring(6); if (clone != null) { int slash = clone.lastIndexOf("/"); if (slash < 0) slash = clone.lastIndexOf(":"); server = clone.substring(slash + 1); clone = clone.substring(0, slash); } serverName = server; cloneAddress = clone; IsSlave = slave; CanDoHDF5 = false; if (!CanDoHDF5 && BasicSSCell.DEBUG) { System.err.println("Warning: HDF-5 library not found"); } CanDoJPEG = Util.canDoJPEG(); if (!CanDoJPEG && BasicSSCell.DEBUG) { System.err.println("Warning: JPEG codec not found"); } CanDoPython = Util.canDoPython(); if (!CanDoPython && BasicSSCell.DEBUG) { System.err.println("Warning: JPython not found"); } SSFileDialog = new JFileChooser(System.getProperty("user.dir")); SSFileDialog.addChoosableFileFilter( new ExtensionFileFilter("ss", "SpreadSheet files")); if (chooseOptions) { getOptions(NumVisX, NumVisY, serverName, cloneAddress, IsSlave); } clone = cloneAddress == null ? null : cloneAddress + "/" + serverName; server = cloneAddress == null ? serverName : null; RemoteServer rs = null; String[][] cellNames = null; if (clone != null) { boolean success = true; if (SHOW_CONNECT_MESSAGES) { System.out.print("Connecting to " + clone + " "); } while (cellNames == null && success) { snooze(1000); if (SHOW_CONNECT_MESSAGES) System.out.print("."); try { rs = (RemoteServer) Naming.lookup("//" + clone); RemoteCanDo3D = rs.getDataReference("CanDo3D"); Real bit = (Real) RemoteCanDo3D.getData(); if (bit.getValue() == 0) { CanDo3D = false; BasicSSCell.disable3D(); } RemoteColRow = rs.getDataReference("ColRow"); cellNames = getNewCellNames(); } catch (UnmarshalException exc) { if (BasicSSCell.DEBUG) exc.printStackTrace(); displayErrorMessage("Unable to clone the spreadsheet at " + clone + ". The server is using an incompatible version of Java", null, "Failed to clone spreadsheet"); success = false; } catch (MalformedURLException exc) { if (BasicSSCell.DEBUG) exc.printStackTrace(); displayErrorMessage("Unable to clone the spreadsheet at " + clone + ". The server name is not valid", null, "Failed to clone spreadsheet"); success = false; } catch (VisADException exc) { if (BasicSSCell.DEBUG) exc.printStackTrace(); displayErrorMessage("Unable to clone the spreadsheet at " + clone + ". An error occurred while downloading the necessary data", exc, "Failed to clone spreadsheet"); success = false; } catch (NotBoundException exc) { if (BasicSSCell.DEBUG) exc.printStackTrace(); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if (BasicSSCell.DEBUG) exc.printStackTrace(); } catch (RemoteException exc) { if (BasicSSCell.DEBUG) exc.printStackTrace(); } } if (success) { if (SHOW_CONNECT_MESSAGES) System.out.println(" done"); bTitle = bTitle + " [" + (IsSlave ? "slaved" : "collaborative") + " mode: " + clone + "]"; IsRemote = true; } else { if (SHOW_CONNECT_MESSAGES) System.out.println(" failed"); IsSlave = false; rs = null; } } JPanel pane = new JPanel(); pane.setBackground(Color.white); pane.setLayout(new BoxLayout(pane, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS)); setContentPane(pane); addMenuItem("File", "Import data...", "loadDataSet", 'i'); FileSave1 = addMenuItem("File", "Export data to netCDF...", "exportDataSetNetcdf", 'n', false); FileSave2 = addMenuItem("File", "Export serialized data...", "exportDataSetSerial", 's', false); FileSave3 = addMenuItem("File", "Export data to HDF-5...", "exportDataSetHDF5", 'h', false); addMenuSeparator("File"); FileSnap = addMenuItem("File", "Take JPEG snapshot...", "captureImageJPEG", 'j', false); addMenuSeparator("File"); addMenuItem("File", "Exit", "quitProgram", 'x'); addMenuItem("Edit", "Cut", "cutCell", 't', !IsRemote); addMenuItem("Edit", "Copy", "copyCell", 'c', !IsRemote); EditPaste = addMenuItem("Edit", "Paste", "pasteCell", 'p', false); EditClear = addMenuItem("Edit", "Clear", "clearCell", 'l', false); addMenuItem("Setup", "New spreadsheet file", "newFile", 'n'); addMenuItem("Setup", "Open spreadsheet file...", "openFile", 'o', !IsRemote); addMenuItem("Setup", "Save spreadsheet file", "saveFile", 's', !IsRemote); addMenuItem("Setup", "Save spreadsheet file as...", "saveAsFile", 'a', !IsRemote); CellDim3D3D = new JCheckBoxMenuItem("3-D (Java3D)", CanDo3D); addMenuItem("Cell", CellDim3D3D, "setDim3D", '3', CanDo3D); CellDim2D2D = new JCheckBoxMenuItem("2-D (Java2D)", !CanDo3D); addMenuItem("Cell", CellDim2D2D, "setDimJ2D", 'j', true); CellDim2D3D = new JCheckBoxMenuItem("2-D (Java3D)", false); addMenuItem("Cell", CellDim2D3D, "setDim2D", '2', CanDo3D); addMenuSeparator("Cell"); addMenuItem("Cell", "Add data object", "formulaAdd", 'a'); CellDel = addMenuItem("Cell", "Delete data object", "formulaDel", 'd', false); addMenuSeparator("Cell"); CellPrint = addMenuItem("Cell", "Print cell...", "printCurrentCell", 'p', false); addMenuSeparator("Cell"); CellEdit = addMenuItem("Cell", "Edit mappings...", "createMappings", 'e', false); CellReset = addMenuItem("Cell", "Reset orientation", "resetOrientation", 'r', false); CellShow = addMenuItem("Cell", "Show controls", "showControls", 's', false); LayAddCol = addMenuItem("Layout", "Add column", "addColumn", 'c'); addMenuItem("Layout", "Add row", "addRow", 'r'); LayDelCol = addMenuItem("Layout", "Delete column", "deleteColumn", 'l', NumVisX > 1); LayDelRow = addMenuItem("Layout", "Delete row", "deleteRow", 'w', NumVisY > 1); addMenuSeparator("Layout"); addMenuItem("Layout", "Tile cells", "tileCells", 't'); if (!CanDo3D) AutoSwitch = false; AutoSwitchBox = new JCheckBoxMenuItem("Auto-switch to 3-D", AutoSwitch && !IsRemote); addMenuItem("Options", AutoSwitchBox, "optionsSwitch", '3', CanDo3D && !IsRemote); AutoDetectBox = new JCheckBoxMenuItem("Auto-detect mappings", AutoDetect && !IsRemote); addMenuItem("Options", AutoDetectBox, "optionsDetect", 'm', !IsRemote); AutoShowBox = new JCheckBoxMenuItem("Auto-display controls", AutoShowControls && !IsSlave); addMenuItem("Options", AutoShowBox, "optionsDisplay", 'c', !IsSlave); if (!BugFix) { Toolbar = new JToolBar(); Toolbar.setBackground(Color.lightGray); Toolbar.setBorder(new EtchedBorder()); Toolbar.setFloatable(false); pane.add(Toolbar); addToolbarButton("open", "Import data", "loadDataSet", true, Toolbar); ToolSave = addToolbarButton("save", "Export data to netCDF", "exportDataSetNetcdf", false, Toolbar); Toolbar.addSeparator(); addToolbarButton("cut", "Cut", "cutCell", !IsRemote, Toolbar); addToolbarButton("copy", "Copy", "copyCell", !IsRemote, Toolbar); ToolPaste = addToolbarButton("paste", "Paste", "pasteCell", false, Toolbar); Toolbar.addSeparator(); Tool3D = addToolbarButton("3d", "3-D (Java3D)", "setDim3D", false, Toolbar); ToolJ2D = addToolbarButton("j2d", "2-D (Java2D)", "setDimJ2D", CanDo3D, Toolbar); Tool2D = addToolbarButton("2d", "2-D (Java3D)", "setDim2D", CanDo3D, Toolbar); Toolbar.addSeparator(); ToolMap = addToolbarButton("mappings", "Edit mappings", "createMappings", false, Toolbar); ToolReset = addToolbarButton("reset", "Reset orientation", "resetOrientation", false, Toolbar); ToolShow = addToolbarButton("show", "Show controls", "showControls", false, Toolbar); Toolbar.addSeparator(); addToolbarButton("tile", "Tile cells", "tileCells", true, Toolbar); Toolbar.add(Box.createHorizontalGlue()); } JPanel formulaPanel = new JPanel(); formulaPanel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(Integer.MAX_VALUE, 25)); formulaPanel.setBackground(Color.lightGray); formulaPanel.setLayout(new BoxLayout(formulaPanel, BoxLayout.X_AXIS)); formulaPanel.setBorder(new EtchedBorder()); pane.add(formulaPanel); pane.add(Box.createRigidArea(new Dimension(0, 6))); if (!BugFix) { FormulaAdd = addToolbarButton("add", "Add data", "formulaAdd", true, formulaPanel); FormulaDel = addToolbarButton("del", "Remove data", "formulaDel", true, formulaPanel); } FormulaBox = new JComboBox(); formulaPanel.add(FormulaBox); FormulaBox.setLightWeightPopupEnabled(false); FormulaBox.setEditable(true); FormulaEditor = FormulaBox.getEditor(); FormulaEditor.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { String newItem = ((String) FormulaEditor.getItem()).trim(); try { int id = 0; int type = BasicSSCell.UNKNOWN_SOURCE; boolean notify = true; int index1 = newItem.indexOf("d", 2); int index2 = newItem.indexOf(":"); if (index1 > 0 && index2 > 0 && index1 < index2) { String cellName = newItem.substring(0, index1); BasicSSCell ssCell = BasicSSCell.getSSCellByName(cellName); int dataId = 0; try { dataId = Integer.parseInt(newItem.substring(index1 + 1, index2)); } catch (NumberFormatException exc) { if (BasicSSCell.DEBUG && BasicSSCell.DEBUG_LEVEL >= 3) { exc.printStackTrace(); } } if (ssCell == DisplayCells[CurX][CurY] && dataId > 0) { String varName = newItem.substring(0, index2); String source = ssCell.getDataSource(varName); if (source != null) { ssCell.removeData(varName); String oldItem = null; for (int i=0; i<FormulaBox.getItemCount(); i++) { String item = (String) FormulaBox.getItemAt(i); if (item.startsWith(varName + ":")) { oldItem = item; break; } } if (oldItem != null) { FormulaBox.removeItem(oldItem); } } id = dataId; newItem = newItem.substring(index2 + 1).trim(); } } String varName = DisplayCells[CurX][CurY].addDataSource( id, newItem, type, notify); String itemString = varName + ": " + newItem; FormulaBox.addItem(itemString); FormulaBox.setSelectedItem(itemString); if (!BugFix) FormulaAdd.requestFocus(); } catch (VisADException exc) { if (BasicSSCell.DEBUG) exc.printStackTrace(); } catch (RemoteException exc) { if (BasicSSCell.DEBUG) exc.printStackTrace(); } } }); JPanel horizShell = new JPanel(); horizShell.setBackground(Color.white); horizShell.setLayout(new BoxLayout(horizShell, BoxLayout.X_AXIS)); horizShell.add(Box.createRigidArea(new Dimension(LABEL_WIDTH+6, 0))); pane.add(horizShell); HorizPanel = new JPanel() { public Dimension getPreferredSize() { Dimension d = super.getPreferredSize(); return new Dimension(d.width, LABEL_HEIGHT); } }; HorizPanel.setBackground(Color.white); constructHorizontalLabels(); JViewport hl = new JViewport() { public Dimension getMinimumSize() { return new Dimension(0, LABEL_HEIGHT); } public Dimension getPreferredSize() { return new Dimension(0, LABEL_HEIGHT); } public Dimension getMaximumSize() { return new Dimension(Integer.MAX_VALUE, LABEL_HEIGHT); } }; HorizLabels = hl; HorizLabels.setView(HorizPanel); horizShell.add(HorizLabels); horizShell.add(new JComponent() { public Dimension getMinimumSize() { return new Dimension(6 + SCPane.getVScrollbarWidth(), 0); } public Dimension getPreferredSize() { return new Dimension(6 + SCPane.getVScrollbarWidth(), 0); } public Dimension getMaximumSize() { return new Dimension(6 + SCPane.getVScrollbarWidth(), 0); } }); JPanel mainPanel = new JPanel(); mainPanel.setBackground(Color.white); mainPanel.setLayout(new BoxLayout(mainPanel, BoxLayout.X_AXIS)); pane.add(mainPanel); pane.add(Box.createRigidArea(new Dimension(0, 6))); JPanel vertShell = new JPanel(); vertShell.setBackground(Color.white); vertShell.setLayout(new BoxLayout(vertShell, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS)); mainPanel.add(Box.createRigidArea(new Dimension(6, 0))); mainPanel.add(vertShell); VertPanel = new JPanel() { public Dimension getPreferredSize() { Dimension d = super.getPreferredSize(); return new Dimension(LABEL_WIDTH, d.height); } }; VertPanel.setBackground(Color.white); constructVerticalLabels(); JViewport vl = new JViewport() { public Dimension getMinimumSize() { return new Dimension(LABEL_WIDTH, 0); } public Dimension getPreferredSize() { return new Dimension(LABEL_WIDTH, 0); } public Dimension getMaximumSize() { return new Dimension(LABEL_WIDTH, Integer.MAX_VALUE); } }; VertLabels = vl; VertLabels.setView(VertPanel); vertShell.add(VertLabels); vertShell.add(new JComponent() { public Dimension getMinimumSize() { return new Dimension(0, SCPane.getHScrollbarHeight()); } public Dimension getPreferredSize() { return new Dimension(0, SCPane.getHScrollbarHeight()); } public Dimension getMaximumSize() { return new Dimension(0, SCPane.getHScrollbarHeight()); } }); ScrollPanel = new JPanel(); ScrollPanel.setBackground(Color.white); ScrollPanel.setLayout(new BoxLayout(ScrollPanel, BoxLayout.X_AXIS)); mainPanel.add(ScrollPanel); mainPanel.add(Box.createRigidArea(new Dimension(6, 0))); SCPane = new ScrollPane(ScrollPane.SCROLLBARS_ALWAYS) { public Dimension getPreferredSize() { return new Dimension(0, 0); } }; Adjustable hadj = SCPane.getHAdjustable(); Adjustable vadj = SCPane.getVAdjustable(); hadj.setBlockIncrement(MIN_VIS_WIDTH); hadj.setUnitIncrement(MIN_VIS_WIDTH/4); hadj.addAdjustmentListener(this); vadj.setBlockIncrement(MIN_VIS_HEIGHT); vadj.setUnitIncrement(MIN_VIS_HEIGHT/4); vadj.addAdjustmentListener(this); ScrollPanel.add(SCPane); DisplayPanel = new Panel(); DisplayPanel.setBackground(Color.darkGray); SCPane.add(DisplayPanel); addKeyListener(this); SCPane.addKeyListener(this); ScrollPanel.addKeyListener(this); DisplayPanel.addKeyListener(this); DataReferenceImpl lColRow = null; if (server != null) { boolean success = true; boolean registryStarted = false; while (true) { try { rsi = new RemoteServerImpl(); Naming.rebind("///" + server, rsi); break; } catch (java.rmi.ConnectException exc) { if (!registryStarted) { try { LocateRegistry.createRegistry(Registry.REGISTRY_PORT); registryStarted = true; } catch (RemoteException rexc) { if (BasicSSCell.DEBUG) exc.printStackTrace(); displayErrorMessage("Unable to autostart rmiregistry. " + "Please start rmiregistry before launching the " + "SpreadSheet in server mode", null, "Failed to initialize RemoteServer"); success = false; } } else { displayErrorMessage("Unable to export cells as RMI addresses. " + "Make sure you are running rmiregistry before launching the " + "SpreadSheet in server mode", null, "Failed to initialize RemoteServer"); success = false; } } catch (MalformedURLException exc) { if (BasicSSCell.DEBUG) exc.printStackTrace(); displayErrorMessage("Unable to export cells as RMI addresses. " + "The name \"" + server + "\" is not valid", null, "Failed to initialize RemoteServer"); success = false; } catch (RemoteException exc) { if (BasicSSCell.DEBUG) exc.printStackTrace(); displayErrorMessage("Unable to export cells as RMI addresses", exc, "Failed to initialize RemoteServer"); success = false; } if (!success) break; } try { DataReferenceImpl lCanDo3D = new DataReferenceImpl("CanDo3D"); RemoteCanDo3D = new RemoteDataReferenceImpl(lCanDo3D); RemoteCanDo3D.setData(new Real(CanDo3D ? 1 : 0)); rsi.addDataReference((RemoteDataReferenceImpl) RemoteCanDo3D); lColRow = new DataReferenceImpl("ColRow"); RemoteColRow = new RemoteDataReferenceImpl(lColRow); rsi.addDataReference((RemoteDataReferenceImpl) RemoteColRow); } catch (VisADException exc) { if (BasicSSCell.DEBUG) exc.printStackTrace(); displayErrorMessage("Unable to export cells as RMI addresses. " + "An error occurred setting up the necessary data", exc, "Failed to initialize RemoteServer"); success = false; } catch (RemoteException exc) { if (BasicSSCell.DEBUG) exc.printStackTrace(); displayErrorMessage("Unable to export cells as RMI addresses. " + "A remote error occurred setting up the necessary data", exc, "Failed to initialize RemoteServer"); success = false; } if (success) bTitle = bTitle + " (" + server + ")"; else rsi = null; } if (rs == null) constructSpreadsheetCells(null); else { NumVisX = cellNames.length; NumVisY = cellNames[0].length; reconstructLabels(cellNames, null, null); constructSpreadsheetCells(cellNames, rs); } if (rsi != null) synchColRow(); CollabID = DisplayCells[0][0].getRemoteId(); if (rsi != null || IsRemote) { final RemoteServer frs = rs; CellImpl lColRowCell = new CellImpl() { public void doAction() { if (getColRowID() != CollabID) { BasicSSCell.invoke(true, new Runnable() { public void run() { String[][] cellNamesx = getNewCellNames(); if (cellNamesx == null) { if (BasicSSCell.DEBUG) System.out.println("Warning: " + "could not obtain new spreadsheet dimensions!"); return; } int oldNVX = NumVisX; int oldNVY = NumVisY; NumVisX = cellNamesx.length; NumVisY = cellNamesx[0].length; if (NumVisX != oldNVX || NumVisY != oldNVY) { reconstructSpreadsheet(cellNamesx, null, null, frs); if (!IsRemote) synchColRow(); } } }); } } }; try { RemoteCellImpl rColRowCell = new RemoteCellImpl(lColRowCell); rColRowCell.addReference(RemoteColRow); } catch (VisADException exc) { if (BasicSSCell.DEBUG) exc.printStackTrace(); } catch (RemoteException exc) { try { lColRowCell.addReference(lColRow); } catch (VisADException exc2) { if (BasicSSCell.DEBUG) exc2.printStackTrace(); } catch (RemoteException exc2) { if (BasicSSCell.DEBUG) exc2.printStackTrace(); } } } setTitle(bTitle); Dimension screenSize = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize(); int appWidth = (int) (0.01 * sWidth * screenSize.width); int appHeight = (int) (0.01 * sHeight * screenSize.height); setSize(appWidth, appHeight); Util.centerWindow(this); setVisible(true); snooze(500); if (!BugFix) FormulaAdd.requestFocus(); tileCells(); }
public void Bid(Player bidder, String[] inputArgs) { if (floAuction.allowBuyNow && inputArgs.length > 0) { if (inputArgs[0].equalsIgnoreCase("buy")) { if (buyNow == 0 || (currentBid != null && currentBid.getBidAmount() >= buyNow)) { floAuction.sendMessage("bid-fail-buynow-expired", bidder, this, false); } else { inputArgs[0] = Long.toString(buyNow); AuctionBid bid = new AuctionBid(this, bidder, inputArgs); if (bid.getError() != null) { failBid(bid, bid.getError()); return; } else { bid.raiseOwnBid(currentBid); setNewBid(bid, null); end(); } } return; } } AuctionBid bid = new AuctionBid(this, bidder, inputArgs); if (bid.getError() != null) { failBid(bid, bid.getError()); return; } if (currentBid == null) { if (bid.getBidAmount() < getStartingBid()) { failBid(bid, "bid-fail-under-starting-bid"); return; } setNewBid(bid, "bid-success-no-challenger"); return; } long previousBidAmount = currentBid.getBidAmount(); long previousMaxBidAmount = currentBid.getMaxBidAmount(); if (currentBid.getBidder().equals(bidder.getName())) { if (bid.raiseOwnBid(currentBid)) { setNewBid(bid, "bid-success-update-own-bid"); } else { if (previousMaxBidAmount < currentBid.getMaxBidAmount()) { failBid(bid, "bid-success-update-own-maxbid"); } else { failBid(bid, "bid-fail-already-current-bidder"); } } return; } AuctionBid winner = null; AuctionBid loser = null; if (floAuction.useOldBidLogic) { if (bid.getMaxBidAmount() > currentBid.getMaxBidAmount()) { winner = bid; loser = currentBid; } else { winner = currentBid; loser = bid; } winner.raiseBid(Math.max(winner.getBidAmount(), Math.min(winner.getMaxBidAmount(), loser.getBidAmount() + minBidIncrement))); } else { long baseBid = 0; if (bid.getBidAmount() >= currentBid.getBidAmount() + minBidIncrement) { baseBid = bid.getBidAmount(); } else { baseBid = currentBid.getBidAmount() + minBidIncrement; } Integer prevSteps = (int) Math.floor((double)(currentBid.getMaxBidAmount() - baseBid + minBidIncrement) / minBidIncrement / 2); Integer newSteps = (int) Math.floor((double)(bid.getMaxBidAmount() - baseBid) / minBidIncrement / 2); if (newSteps >= prevSteps) { winner = bid; winner.raiseBid(baseBid + (Math.max(0, prevSteps) * minBidIncrement * 2)); loser = currentBid; } else { winner = currentBid; winner.raiseBid(baseBid + (Math.max(0, newSteps + 1) * minBidIncrement * 2) - minBidIncrement); loser = bid; } } if (previousBidAmount <= winner.getBidAmount()) { if (winner.equals(bid)) { setNewBid(bid, "bid-success-outbid"); } else { if (previousBidAmount < winner.getBidAmount()) { if (!this.sealed && !floAuction.broadCastBidUpdates) floAuction.sendMessage("bid-auto-outbid", (CommandSender) null, this, true); failBid(bid, "bid-fail-auto-outbid"); } else { if (!this.sealed) floAuction.sendMessage("bid-fail-too-low", bid.getBidder(), this); failBid(bid, null); } } } else { floAuction.sendMessage("bid-fail-too-low", bid.getBidder(), this); } }
public void Bid(Player bidder, String[] inputArgs) { if (floAuction.allowBuyNow && inputArgs.length > 0) { if (inputArgs[0].equalsIgnoreCase("buy")) { if (buyNow == 0 || (currentBid != null && currentBid.getBidAmount() >= buyNow)) { floAuction.sendMessage("bid-fail-buynow-expired", bidder, this, false); } else { inputArgs[0] = Double.toString(functions.getUnsafeMoney(buyNow)); AuctionBid bid = new AuctionBid(this, bidder, inputArgs); if (bid.getError() != null) { failBid(bid, bid.getError()); return; } else { bid.raiseOwnBid(currentBid); setNewBid(bid, null); end(); } } return; } } AuctionBid bid = new AuctionBid(this, bidder, inputArgs); if (bid.getError() != null) { failBid(bid, bid.getError()); return; } if (currentBid == null) { if (bid.getBidAmount() < getStartingBid()) { failBid(bid, "bid-fail-under-starting-bid"); return; } setNewBid(bid, "bid-success-no-challenger"); return; } long previousBidAmount = currentBid.getBidAmount(); long previousMaxBidAmount = currentBid.getMaxBidAmount(); if (currentBid.getBidder().equals(bidder.getName())) { if (bid.raiseOwnBid(currentBid)) { setNewBid(bid, "bid-success-update-own-bid"); } else { if (previousMaxBidAmount < currentBid.getMaxBidAmount()) { failBid(bid, "bid-success-update-own-maxbid"); } else { failBid(bid, "bid-fail-already-current-bidder"); } } return; } AuctionBid winner = null; AuctionBid loser = null; if (floAuction.useOldBidLogic) { if (bid.getMaxBidAmount() > currentBid.getMaxBidAmount()) { winner = bid; loser = currentBid; } else { winner = currentBid; loser = bid; } winner.raiseBid(Math.max(winner.getBidAmount(), Math.min(winner.getMaxBidAmount(), loser.getBidAmount() + minBidIncrement))); } else { long baseBid = 0; if (bid.getBidAmount() >= currentBid.getBidAmount() + minBidIncrement) { baseBid = bid.getBidAmount(); } else { baseBid = currentBid.getBidAmount() + minBidIncrement; } Integer prevSteps = (int) Math.floor((double)(currentBid.getMaxBidAmount() - baseBid + minBidIncrement) / minBidIncrement / 2); Integer newSteps = (int) Math.floor((double)(bid.getMaxBidAmount() - baseBid) / minBidIncrement / 2); if (newSteps >= prevSteps) { winner = bid; winner.raiseBid(baseBid + (Math.max(0, prevSteps) * minBidIncrement * 2)); loser = currentBid; } else { winner = currentBid; winner.raiseBid(baseBid + (Math.max(0, newSteps + 1) * minBidIncrement * 2) - minBidIncrement); loser = bid; } } if (previousBidAmount <= winner.getBidAmount()) { if (winner.equals(bid)) { setNewBid(bid, "bid-success-outbid"); } else { if (previousBidAmount < winner.getBidAmount()) { if (!this.sealed && !floAuction.broadCastBidUpdates) floAuction.sendMessage("bid-auto-outbid", (CommandSender) null, this, true); failBid(bid, "bid-fail-auto-outbid"); } else { if (!this.sealed) floAuction.sendMessage("bid-fail-too-low", bid.getBidder(), this); failBid(bid, null); } } } else { floAuction.sendMessage("bid-fail-too-low", bid.getBidder(), this); } }